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ISSN 0370-047X 

Founded 1874 
Incorporated 1884 

The Society exists to promote the cultivation and study 
of the science of natural history in all its branches. 
The Society awards research grants each year in the 
fields of Life Sciences (the Joyce Vickery fund) and 
Earth Sciences (the Betty Mayne fund), offers annually 
a Linnean Macleay Fellowship for research, contributes 
to the stipend of the Linnean Macleay Lecturer in 
Microbiology at the University of Sydney, and 
publishes the Proceedings. It holds field excursion and 
scientific meetings, including the biennial Sir William 
Macleay Memorial Lecture delivered by a person 
eminent in some branch of natural science. 

Membership enquiries should be addressed in the first instance to the Secretary. Candidates for elec- 
tion to the Society must be recommended by two members. The present annual subscription is 


The current subscription rate to the Proceedings is set at $480.00 per volume. In recent years a 

volume consists of a single annual issue. 

Back issues of all but a few volumes and parts of the Proceedings are available for purchase. Prices 
are listed on our home page and can also be obtained from the Secretary. 


President: M.L. Augee 

Vice-presidents: K.L. Wilson, A. Ritchie, J.P. Barkas, I.G. Percival 

Treasurer: 1.G. Percival 
Secretary: J-C. Herremans 

Council: A.E.J. Andrews, M.L. Augee, J.P. Barkas, M.R. Gray, J-C. Herremans, M.A. Humphrey, 
D. Keith, R.J. King, H.A. Martin, P.M. Martin, E. May, M.S. Moulds, D.R. Murray, 
P.J. Myerscough, I.G. Percival, A. Ritchie, S. Rose, and K.L. Wilson 

Editor: M.L. Augee 
Assistant Editor: Elizabeth May 

Linnean Macleay Lecturer in Microbiology: P.R. Reeves 

Auditors: Phil Williams Carbonara 

The postal address of the Society is: P.O. Box 82, Kingsford NSW 2032, Australia 
Telephone: (International) 61 2 9662 6196; (Aust) 02 9662 6196 

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© Linnean Society of New South Wales 

Cover motif: Vegetation profile of swamp and woodland association in a study site within 
Gibraltar Range National Park (Virgona et al. pages 39-47, this volume). 

of the 



For information about the Linnean Society of New South Wales, its publications and 
activities, see the Society's homepage 

February 2006 

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This volume contains a special section composed of papers dealing with the biology 
and ecology of the Gibraltar Range National Park. The Gibraltar Range is in the NE corner of the 
state of New South Wales (29°31’ 152°10’), between the towns of Glen Innes and Grafton, on the 
eastern edge of the Great Dividing Range. Details are given in the introductory paper, pages 1-4. 

The Gibraltar papers have been sub-edited by Peter J. Clarke and Peter J. Myerscough, 
and the Linnean Society of NSW appreciates the work they have put into preparing the section. 

2007 is the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of Carl von Linné (1707-1778). He is of course 
more commonly known these days by the Latinised version of his name under which he published — Carolus 
Linnaeus. There will no doubt be various events across the globe to mark this important anniversary in 
the history of natural science. The Linnean Society of NSW is planning a special symposium, and arising 
from that, a special issue of this journal. Both will be concerned not only with the history of Linnaeus 
and Linnean Taxonomy, but also with the recent advances in systematics that have built upon the ground- 
breaking work of Linnaeus. That issue of the journal will also be open to papers dealing either with Linnaeus 
himself or systematics at any level whether they have been part of the symposium or not, so start now! 

M.L. Augee 

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Introduction to the Biology and Ecology of Gibraltar Range 
National Park and Adjacent areas: Patterns, Processes and 


"Botany, School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources Management, University of New England, 
Armidale, 2351 ( 
School of Biological Science, The University of Sydney, Sydney, 

Clarke, P.J. and Myerscough, P.J. (2006). Introduction to the biology and ecology of Gibraltar Range National 
Park and adjacent areas: patterns, processes and prospects. Proceeding of the Linnean Society of New 

South Wales 127, 1-3. 

Papers on the biology and ecology of Gibraltar 
Range National Park were sought to reflect the 
increased research focus on the area over the past 
decade. The 12 papers, published here, come from a 
variety of natural history disciplines. This collection 
of papers reflects the start that has been made, and, 
hopefully, will stimulate further biological and 
ecological investigation of Gibraltar Range National 

Gibraltar Range National Park was first dedicated 
in the 1960s following the construction of the Gwydir 
Highway connecting Glen Innes and Grafton in 
northern NSW. Prior to this the area had been used 
for grazing, prospecting, forestry and had been 
surveyed for the potential use of hydroelectricity. 
However, it remained little explored in terms of its 
biology and ecology until the 1960s and 70s when 
John B. Williams began to collate species lists and 
describe the broad patterns of vegetation (Williams 
1970, 1976). On his first exploration in 1958 he 
noted the similarity of the vegetation to that of the 
Sydney Region but also noted that many of the plant 
genera have species that are endemic to the granite 
flora (pers. comm.). This observation is still being 
examined today and is exemplified in the paper by 
Jones and Bruhl describing a new species of Acacia. 
John Williams was also acutely aware of the influence 
of geology and soils on vegetation and the role of 
these differences in producing diverse habitats. 
These themes are explored by Williams and Clarke 
in their description of the vegetation, and by Vernes 
et al. and Mahony in their accounts of the mammals 
and amphibians respectively. Whilst we now have 
a good understanding of vascular plant distribution 
and abundance there are many gaps in knowledge of 

the more cryptic vertebrate fauna and invertebrates. 
Surprisingly, the more easily studied avifauna has not 
been well documented at Gibraltar Range despite the 
wealth of opportunities for behavioural and ecological 
studies in diverse habitats. 

The biological processes that influence the 
distribution and abundance of community dominants 
at Gibraltar Range National Park are being better 
understood through quantitative surveys, comparative 
biology and experimental manipulations. In particular, 
the influence of fire regimes on the sclerophyll and 
rainforest flora has been advanced by the papers in 
this volume by Campbell and Clarke, Croft et al., 
Knox and Clarke, and Williams and Clarke. At finer 
scales Virgona et al. have elucidated the proximal 
factors governing the distribution of Banksia species, 
which are a keystone resource in heaths and adjacent 
forests. Furthermore, Vaughton and Ramsey have 
experimentally examined the reproductive biology of 
one such Banksia species to explore the evolution of 
plant mating systems. Whilst all banksias set seed at 
Gibraltar Range National Park some other members 
of the Proteaceae family appear to be sterile as 
documented by Caddy and Gross in their population 
study of a rare species of Grevillea. 

Future prospects for the biota of Gibraltar Range 
National Park are seemingly assured through the 
management of the conservation reserve by NSW 
National Parks and Wildlife Service. However, 
the paper by Goldingay and Newell highlights that 
recreational use of protected areas may impact 
the quality of habitats for wildlife through the 
apparently innocuous disturbance of rocks. The 
complex task of fire management is also highlighted 
in the study of Knox and Clarke, who conclude that 


short fire frequencies can reduce the resprouting 
ability of common shrubs. In short, it is clear that 
enticing prospects for future research and adaptive 
management are many in Gibraltar Range National 


John B. Williams (12/2/1932 to 31/7/2005) 

This collection of papers is dedicated to John B. 
Williams who was instrumental in describing the flora 
of Gibraltar Range National Park and that of the New 
England Region more generally. John Williams will be 
remembered for his wealth of knowledge about plants 
and his intuitive guides and keys to various Australian 
plant groups. John lectured in Taxonomy and Ecology 
at the University of New England for nearly 40 years 
and after ‘retirement’ remained actively involved in 
teaching and research. His passion for botany, natural 
history and conservation was conveyed to a wide range 
of people through his lectures, public talks, activities 
in conservation, numerous checklists, ecological 
notes and published books. His interests in heaths, 
sclerophyll forests, and rainforests have inspired 
many to pursue the description and explanation of 
their ecological patterns and processes. This legacy is 
reflected in many of the papers published on research 
done in Gibraltar Range National Park. 


Williams, J.B. (1970). A preliminary list of the seed 
plants of the Gibraltar Range National Park. 
Unpublished Notes, University of New England, 
Department of Botany. 

Williams, J. B.(1976). Notes on the vegetation of 
Gibraltar Range National Park. Unpublished 
Notes, University of New England, Department 
of Botany (reproduced below) 

Reproduced from Williams (1976) 

Gibraltar Range National Park consists in its upper 
section of an undulating granite plateau, while the 
lower section is steeply dissected, and has a variety 
of underlying rock types. 

The plateau section is about 1000 to 1250 m in 
altitude and its natural features are dominated by the 
underlying pink granite (leuco-adamellite) - a very 

coarse-grained and siliceous rock. This weathers to 
form shallow, gritty soils with some extreme nutrient 
deficiencies (especially in phosphate), and the upper 
slopes and hilltops have extensive bare rock outcrops, 
and some spectacular tor-fields (groups of very large 
granite boulders on ridgetops). In the rock crevices and 
between the tors are patches of low heath and scrub 
vegetation with several unusual flowering shrubs. The 
slopes and gullies of the plateau landscape carry LOW 
OPEN-FOREST with stringybarks and peppermints, 
and a very large number of shrub species (see separate 

Several eucalypts are found in these low forests, 
in varying associations. Four of them are very common 
and widespread; these are Youman’s Stringybark (E. 
youmanii); Privet-leaved Stringybark (E. ligustrina), 
New England Blackbutt (E. andrewsii) and Coast 
Blackbutt (E. pilularis). Others with local occurrences 
are Needle-leaved Stringybark (E. planchoniana), 
Narrow-leaved Peppermint (E. radiata) and Round- 
leaved Gum (E. deanei). The remaining eucalypts of 
the granite areas favour special habitats where they 
are often locally dominant. So we may find smooth- 
barked Mountain Ash (E. oreades) as a fringe of 
white-trunked trees around the base of some of the 
high tor-fields. Among the rocky outcrops there are 
patches of Mallee (EZ. approximans) in some areas, 
and stunted trees of the Red Mahogany (E. notabilis). 
Along watercourses in shallow valleys narrow bands 
of Mountain Gum (E. dalrympleana) and Peppermint 
(E. acaciiformis) may occur. In a few deeper gully 
areas with better, sandy soils and some shelter from 
wind, patches of TALL OPEN-FOREST are found, 
with Gum-topped Peppermint (E. campanulata), 
Messmate (E. obliqua) and Diehard Stringybark (E. 
cameronii) as the dominants. Such patches are found 
on the Mulligan’s Hut Track. 

In several of the shallow valleys of the plateau the 
forest cuts out abruptly, giving way to extensive open 
peat swamps with a natural treeless SEDGELAND 
(moorland) of sedges and rushes, other herbs and 
low shrubs. This plant community again is dependent 
on the special way in which the pink granite has 
weathered, to form swampy valleys with an acid, 
peaty soil in this high-rainfall area. 

The main plants in these wetlands are coarse 
tough-leaved herbs, including restiads such as Restio 
and Lepyrodia, and large, tufted sedges such as Button- 
Grass (Gymnoschoenus), Spike-sedge (Schoenus) 
and Razor-sedge (Lepidosperma). [Beware of Razor- 
sedges, the flat, narrow, leaves and stems have sharp 
edges which can cause deep cuts.] Along the sluggish 
watercourses in the swamps are several small shrubs 
which flower well in late spring and summer. These 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


include myrtles such as Leptospermum, Baeckea 
and Callistemon and epacrids such as Epacris 
microphylla. Christmas-bells (Blandfordia) are a 
feature of the swamps in summer. Three small insect- 
trapping herbs with red, sticky leaves may be seen in 
parts of the swamps. These are the Sundews, Drosera 
spathulata, D. auriculata and the larger, showy D. 
binata with long, forked leaves. 

The lower section of the park and some areas 
near the edge of the plateau have steep slopes, high 
rainfall and different rock types giving richer, deep 
soils. Here are found some TALL OPEN-FORESTS 
with very fine, large specimens of Blue Gum (Euc. 
saligna), Tallow Wood (E. microcorys), Silver-topped 
Stringybark (E. /aevopinea), Gum-topped Peppermint 
(E. campanulata) and Brush Box (Tristania conferta). 
Some of these trees are over 160 ft high. The 
understorey in these forests contains wattles, treeferns, 
some “rainforest” shrubs and vines, and some tall 
flowering shrubs such as Nightshade (Solanum 
cinereum), Mint-Bush (Prostanthera), Correa and 
Tall Everlasting (Helichrysum rufescens). 

Near the bottom of the range, the rainfall is much 
lower, and OPEN-FPREST ofa drier sort occurs, with 
trees such as Ironbark, White Mahogany, Bloodwood 
and Broad-leaved Apple. 

In sheltered gullies and on some east-facing 
slopes, the open-forests give way to stands of 
rainforest, of which two forms are found in the 
strangling figs, Red Cedar, Yellow Carabeen, 
Rosewood, Stinging Tree and many large vines 
occurs on the scarp, and at mid and low altitudes 
generally. Fine stands may be seen in Cedar Valley, 
and on the steep descent along the highway below 
with Coachwood, Sassafras, Crabapple, Corkwood, 
Prickly Ash, Laurels, and many ferns, is found above 
1000 metres, sometimes right on the plateau surface 
(e.g. a little north of the Washpool Road turnoff). 
Large epiphytes such as Birds-nest Fern (Asplenium 
nidus), Elkhorns (Platycerium), Dictymia, and many 
orchids are common and conspicuous high up in the 
trees, especially in the Subtropical rainforests. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

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Acacia beadleana (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae), a New, Rare, 
Localised Species from Gibraltar Range National Park, New 
South Wales 

Ropney H. Jones’? AND JEREMY J. BRUHL! 

'Botany, Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, The University of New England, Armidale, NSW 
2351 (, * current address: Department of Primary Industries, Primary Industries Research 
Victoria, Knoxfield, Private Bag 15, Ferntree Gully Delivery Centre, Victoria 3156. 

Jones, R.H. and Bruhl, J. J. (2006). Acacia beadleana (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae), a new, rare, localised 
species from Gibraltar Range National Park, New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of 

New South Wales 127, 5-10. 

A new, rare species of phyllodinous Acacia from granitic areas of the Gibraltar Range in northern New 
South Wales is described on the basis of phenetic analysis. Comparison of A. beadleana with other 
morphologically similar species, and notes on its biology and ecology are presented. Conservation status 

for A. beadleana is proposed. 

Manuscript received 1 May 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEYWORDS: Acacia, rarity, resprouting shrub, taxonomy. 


During a separate study (Quinn et al. 1995), 
two specimens of an Acacia housed in the N.C.W. 
Beadle Herbarium (NE) that had been determined 
variously as Acacia ruppii Maiden & Betche, A. 
torringtonensis Tindale and A. brunioides A.Cunn. 
ex G.Don were recognised as not belonging to any 
of these species. Although clearly belonging to A. 
subgen. Phyllodineae sect. Phyllodineae, clarification 
of the identity of these specimens could not be 
achieved using currently published descriptions at the 
time (Pedley 1983; Morrison and Davies 1991), and 
it was therefore tentatively assigned the phrase name 
Acacia sp. nov. (Gibraltar Range). Information from 
morphology and published descriptions, supported 
by advice from Acacia specialists (B. Maslin pers. 
comm.; L. Pedley pers. comm.), suggested that these 
specimens and others collected from the original 
population within Gibraltar Range National Park had 
affinities with A. brunioides, A. conferta A.Cunn. ex 
Benth., A. gordonii (Tindale) Pedley, A. ruppii, A. 
tindaleae Pedley, and A. torringtonensis. 

Subsequent investigation of the taxonomy 
of these species revealed conflicting classifications. 
A multivariate analysis (Jones 1997; Jones and Bruhl 

in prep.) was undertaken to test and set species limits 
of Acacia sp. nov. (Gibraltar Range) and the others 
of the study group above. Our plan was to publish 
the description of this new species together with the 
supporting analysis (Jones and Bruhl in prep.), but 
given that this new species is endemic to Gibraltar 
Range National Park we accepted the invitation to 
formally describe it in this special issue that celebrates 
the biodiversity of the region. 


Herbarium specimens from BRI, CANB, NE 
and NSW were examined, but only NE was found to 
have specimens of Acacia sp. nov. (Gibraltar Range). 
Field trips were undertaken in Gibraltar Range National 
Park to expand the sample of morphological features, 
permit observation of the habit and habitat of the 
species, determine the extent of the known populations 
and search for new populations. Terminology for 
indumentum features follows Hewson (1988), and for 
other features Radford et al. (1974). Herbarium codes 
follow the current online version of Holmgren et al. 
(1990) []. 

The number of flowers per head is a useful 
character for distinguishing Acacia sp. nov. (Gibraltar 


Range) from morphologically similar species. Precise 
counts are necessary as estimates can easily lead 
to spurious counts. Flower number per head was, 
therefore, checked either by marking individual 
flowers with a pen to avoid counting flowers more 
than once, or by removal of all flowers from a head 
and counting the number in a Petri dish viewed under 
a dissecting microscope. 


Acacia beadleana R.H. Jones & J.J.Bruhl, sp. nov. 

Ad A. gordonii (Tindale) Pedley similaris, a qua 
phyllodiis in sectione transversali oblongis, trichomis 
ad marginem abaxialem phyllodii limitatis, petalis 
piliferis, et floribus per capitulo numerosioris, 


Typus: New South Wales: Northern Tablelands: 
Gibraltar Range National Park, Gwydir Highway 
[precise locality withheld for conservation purposes], 
J.J. Bruhl 1584, 28 Jan. 1996 (holo.: NSW; iso.: BRI, 

Description: Single to multi-stemmed, lignotuberous, 
erect to spreading evergreen shrub, 0.42.5 m high. 
Stems woody, terete, roughened by phyllode scars. 
Branchlets terete with persistent, densely pilose 
indumentum; trichomes simple, hyaline appearing 
silver to white, antrorse to retrorse. Stipules 
subpersistent, narrowly triangular to triangular, 
0.4-1 mm long, hairy. Pulvinus 0.5—1 mm long, 
sparsely hairy or sometimes glabrous. Phyllodes 
alternate and spiralled, crowded along the branchlets; 
narrowly elliptic, elliptic, linear to broadly linear, 
narrowly oblong, or narrowly oblanceolate 5—12.7 
mm long, 0.6—-1.4 mm wide, straight or recurved, 
often irregularly furrowed when dried; cross-section 
narrowly oblong to oblong; sparsely pilose; the 
hairs mostly restricted to abaxial margin, divergent, 
sometimes curved, antrorse to subappressed, hyaline 
and appearing silver to white; base cuneate; apex acute 
to short-acuminate and mucronate, mucro straight to 
oblique or hooked; two main veins (separating at 
proximal end of phyllode; one more or less central 
and the other closer to the abaxial edge) observed 
in cleared and stained phyllodes, nerves obscure in 
dried material; extrafloral nectary usually only one 
present, occasionally on the pulvinus or more often 
less than 2 mm distal to the pulvinus; stomata flush 
with phyllode surface, sometimes slightly raised. 

Inflorescence solitary, axillary; peduncles densely 
pilose, 5.8-15.5 mm long, proximally ebracteate; 
flower heads globular, bright golden-yellow, 32-46 
flowered, 7-10 mm diameter when dried; bracteoles 
hairy; sepals, more than two thirds united from the 
base, hairy; petals sparsely hairy. Pods oblong; 20— 
60 mm long, 7—-10.4 mm wide, glabrous, pruinose 
and purplish red when young, maturing to very 
dark brown outside and mid-tan inside, coriaceous, 
straight. Seeds of transverse orientation in pod; obloid 
or ovoid, 3.8-5 mm long, 2.5—3.5 mm wide; black 
to very dark brown; areole usually open, sometimes 
closed; aril extending to more than half the length of 

Selected specimens examined: New South Wales: 
Northern Tablelands: Gibraltar Range National 
Park: Anvil Rock Track [precise locality withheld 
for conservation purposes]: J.J. Bruhl 1759, J.B. 
Williams & R.H. Jones (BRI, CANB, DNA, L, NE, 
NSW, P, UPS, WAIK), T. Tame, 4992 (NE, NSW); 
Dandahra Crags Track [precise locality withheld for 
conservation purposes]: J.J. Bruhl 1757, J.B. Williams 
& R.H. Jones (AD, BRI, CANB, CHR, MEL, NE, 
NSW, NY), J.J. Bruhl 1758a, J.B. Williams & R.H. 
Jones (BOL, CANB, EIU, MO, NE, SI, TENN); 
Gwydir Highway [precise locality withheld for 
conservation purposes]: J.J. Bruhl 1508, F.C. Quinn 
& J.B. Williams (BRI, CANB, NE, NSW). 

Similar species: Acacia beadleana is most similar in 
habit, phyllode morphology, inflorescence structure 
and flower colour to A. gordonii, a species that 
grows on sandstone and is restricted to the lower 
Blue Mountains (Bilpin, Faulconbridge) and the 
Sydney Hills (Glenorie), more than 450 km south 
of the Gibraltar Range. Apart from its geographical 
separation, A. beadleana is most readily distinguished 
from A. gordonii by the distribution of phyllode and 
sepal indumentum and the number of flowers per head 
(Table 1). The most similar, proximal species to A. 
beadleana is A. brunioides A.Cunn. ex G.Don subsp. 
brunioides. The latter is also native to Gibraltar Range 
National Park, but populations are separated by c. 6 
km. These two species are readily morphologically 
distinguishable (Table 1) as are the broadly similar 
but more distantly located taxa A. brunioides subsp. 
granitica and A. conferta (Jones 1997; Maslin 2001). 

Figure 1 (right). Isotype of Acacia beadleana R.H. 

Jones & J.J.Bruhl, J.J. Bruhl 1548 (NE). Pre- 
cise locality withheld for conservation purposes. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


N.C.W. Beadic Herhariom (NE) 
University of New England 

Reacca Deadleana OH ones + 4. 1. B.uh| 

Dets J 3b ht 29 Jus 2005 

N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium (NE) 
The University of New England 
Armidale NSW 2351 Australia 
Notification of change of determination would be appreciated by NE 
NE 85360 
Fabaceae subfam. Mimosoideae 

Acacia sp. (Gibraltar Range) 

Australia. New South Wales: Northern Tablelands: 

Moderate rocky slope, mid-slope, N aspect. Grey, skeletal 
sandy loam on granite between boulders and in rock crevices. 
Patchy Eucalyptus willilamsiana layered open woodland with 
Leptospermum trinervium, Callitris monticola, Allecasuarina 
rigida, Acacia sp. nov., A. baeverlenii, Boronia anethifolia, 
Leucopogon neo-anglica, Mirbelia speciosa, Calyinx 

tetrag sopogen petiolaris, Lepidosperma gunnii, 

L. viseidum, Caustis flexuosa, Schoenus turbinatus, 
Cenospermum burgessiorum, Trachymene incisa. 

Cornmon at site, focalised (c. 120 plants seen). Shrubs 
to 2 x 2 m. Flowers golden yellow. 

Coll.: J.J. Bruhi 1548 28 Jan, 1996 

Rep(s) to: BRI, CANB, HO, K, MEL, MO, NSW, PERTH, PRE 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

100 mm 


Figure 2. Acacia beadleana. A = densely pilose branchlet; stipules pilose; phyllodes mucro- 
nate, pilose along the abaxial margin; B = globular inflorescence at anthesis; flower buds 
hairy; C = fruits showing transversely oriented cavities that indicate the in situ orientation 
of the seeds; D = black seeds with fleshy/oily funicle forming an elaiosome. Scale bars A—-B = 
1mm; D=1 mm; C=10 mm. A, B=L.M. Copeland 3892 (NE); C, D = J.J. Bruhl 1548 (NE). 

Etymology: The specific epithet honours Professor Ecology: Plants of Acacia beadleana grow in 
Noel C.W. Beadle (1914-1998), foundation Professor skeletal to deep sandy soils on granite in layered 
of Botany at The University of New England, noted eucalypt woodland and heath. The type locality is 
ecologist and taxonomist. heterogeneous in topography and aspect due to the 

8 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 1. Distinguishing morphological features of Acacia beadleana, A. brunioides and A. gordonii 
* Additional observations provided by P. Kodela (NSW) 


Branchlet hair density 

Phyllode base 
Phyllode indumentum 
Pulvinus indumentum 
Petal indumentum 

Sepal indumentum 

Flowers per head 

Flower colour 

A. beadleana 



Abaxial margin only 
Usually present 



Bright golden yellow 

A. brunioides subsp. 

Absent, isolated or 





Sparse or absent 

Pale creamy yellow 

A. gordonii 


Cuneate to obtuse 
Over whole phyllode 


Sparse or absent 
Bright golden yellow 

outcropping granite. Consequently the vegetation is 
also heterogeneous: patchy Eucalyptus williamsiana 
layered open woodland and heath with Leptospermum 
trinervium, Allocasuarina rigida, Callitris monticola, 
Acacia beadleana, A. baeuerlenii, Boronia anethifolia, 
Mirbelia speciosa, Leucopogon neo-anglica, Calytrix 
tetragona, Isopogon petiolaris, Lepidosperma gunnii, 
L. viscidum, Caustis flexuosa, Schoenus turbinatus, 
Conospermum burgessiorum and Trachymene incisa. 
Another population occurs on the lower slope of a 
broad, shallow valley on deeper soils in a eucalypt- 
layered woodland close to a swamp. 

Biology: Most plants appear to be single-stemmed, 
while some are clearly multistemmed. A lignotuber 
at about ground level is often apparent. We have 
observed plants resprouting after most main branches 
had died due either to senescence or drought. Plants 
on granite outcrops were also observed to resprout 
within months of the major fire of 2002 in GRNP 
(P.J. Clarke pers. comm.) and such fired, resprouting 
individuals were observed (by JJB) to be growing 
well in June 2005. 

Plants, especially those in the “Gwydir 
Highway’ population, appear generally to be 
parasitised by a scale or related hemipteran and 
consequently laden with sooty mould, especially 
along the stem. 

Flowering and fruiting phenology: Plants of Acacia 
beadleana have been observed to flower in all 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

seasons of the year. Examination of herbarium 
material indicates that the main flush of buds occurs 
around November, and these buds are well developed 
by December—January. Flowering peaks in January— 
February. Abundant, young, immature fruit is evident 
by July—August. While some mature fruit is probably 
held on the plants for months after seed drop, the 
collection with the most mature fruit containing seed 
in situ was the type collection of late January. 

Distribution and conservation status: — 

Evidence from our study (Jones 1997; Jones and 
Bruhl in prep.) indicates that Acacia beadleana is 
rare and geographically restricted. It is only known 
from three discrete populations within Gibraltar 
Range National Park. Each population is composed 
of c. 100 plants. One population is bisected by the 
Gwydir Highway, so roadside maintenance and any 
plan to widen or alter the road or extend the verge 
in that vicinity is likely to impact the population and 
should be actively discouraged. Three populations 
with a total of fewer than 1000 plants occur within the 
National Park, therefore a ROTAP code (Briggs and 
Leigh 1996) of 2VCit is suggested for A. beadleana. 
The population biology of A. beadleana merits close 
study. We predict that most likely range extensions 
are in the more inaccessible escarpment areas of 
Gibraltar Range National Park. 



Financial support to RHJ from the Noel C.W. 
Beadle Scholarship in Botany and the Keith and Dorothy 
Mackay Scholarship (Honours) is gratefully acknowledged. 
Thanks go to Carolne Gross, Frances Quinn, Warren 
and Gloria Sheather, and John Williams (all UNE) for 
field assistance, and staff and students of Botany, UNE, 
for support and advice to RHJ as an honours student. 
Thanks go to Bruce Maslin (CALM, WA) for personal 
communication and access to unpublished material; Terry 
Tame for discussions and specimens; Les Pedley (BRI) 
and Peter Clarke (UNE) and Philip Kodela (NSW) for 
personal communications; directors of herbaria BRI, 
CANB (including CBG) and NSW for loan material; and 
access to the N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium and facilities is 
acknowledged. We thank National Parks and Wildlife 
Service of NSW for permits to collect, and access to the 
park. Thanks also to Alex George (as Australian Botanical 
Liaison Officer) for Latin diagnosis and comments; Ian R.H. 
Telford (NE) for advice during the project and comments 
on the manuscript; and Lachlan Copeland (UNE) and the 
two referees for comments on the manuscript. 


Briggs, J.D. and Leigh, J. (1996). Rare or threatened 
Australian plants (Melbourne, CSIRO). 

Hewson, H.J. (1988). Plant Indumentum: A handbook of 
terminology, Volume 9 (Canberra, Australian 
Government Publishing Service). 

Holmgren, P.K., Holmgren, N.H. and Barnett, L.C. (1990). 
Index Herbariorum. Part I: The Herbaria of the 
World, 8th Edition (Bronx, New York Botanical 

Jones, R.H. (1997). Systematic studies in Acacia subgenus 
Phyllodineae (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). 
Honours thesis, The University of New England, 

Jones, R.H. and Bruhl, J.J. (in prep.). Species limits within 
Acacia subgenus Phyllodineae (Fabaceae: 
Mimosoideae): A case for analytical assessment. 

Maslin, B. ed. (2001). WATTLE: Acacias of Australia 
(Perth, ABRS and CALM). 

Morrison, D.A. and Davies, S.J. (1991). Acacia. In Flora 
of New South Wales, vol. 2, 1st edn (Ed. G.J. 
Harden) pp. 327-392. (Sydney, UNSW Press). 

Pedley, L. (1983). Mimosaceae. In Flora of South-eastern 
Queensland (Eds T.D. Stanley and E.M. Ross) 
pp. 332-386. (Brisbane, Queensland Department 
of Primary Industries). 

Quinn, F.C., Williams, J.B., Gross, C.L. and Bruhl, J.J. 
(1995). Report on rare and threatened plants of 
north-eastern New South Wales, p. 292. Report 
prepared for National Parks and Wildlife Service 
of New South Wales and Australian Nature 
Conservation Agency. 


Radford, A.E., Dickison, W.C., Massey, J.R. and Bell, 
C.R. (1974). Vascular Plant Systematics. (New 
York, Harper & Row). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Population Structure and Fecundity in the Putative Sterile 
Shrub, Grevillea rhizomatosa Olde & Marriott (Proteaceae) 

H.A.R. Cappy & C.L. Gross 

Ecosystem Management, School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources Mangement, The 

University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2351 ( 

Caddy, H.A.R. and Gross, C.L. (2006). Population structure and fecundity in the putative sterile shrub, 
Grevillea rhizomatosa Olde & Marriott (Proteaceae). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South 
Wales 127, 11-18. 

Grevillea rhizomatosa Olde & Marriott (Proteaceae) is a threatened species of shrub known only from 12 
populations within a 7 x 8 km area within Gibraltar Range and Washpool National Parks, northern New 
South Wales, Australia. Prior to this study it was believed that the species only reproduced from rhizomatous 
suckers as seed and fruit were never detected in the wild. A concern for the reproductive and evolutionary 
potential of the species in the event of a catastrophic disturbance was the basis for an investigation into the 
reproductive ecology of G. rhizomatosa. Such an event occurred in October 2002 with an intense wildfire 
affecting most of the populations. Five populations were studied in detail for demography and fecundity 
prior to this fire and two populations were resurveyed in August 2005. In 2000, 916 individual stems were 
recorded across these populations and only small to large shrubs were found; no seedlings were recorded. 
Post-fire response was documented in two populations where plants were found to be resprouting and 
suckering from underground stems. In the pre-fire surveys of 2000 and 2001 flowering occurred in all 
populations, but since the fire of October 2002 flowering has only occurred in unburnt habitats. Flowers on 
shrubs in two of the five populations failed to produce fruit, but low fruit-set (7-13% of flowers) occurred in 
three populations. Seeds collected from two populations (n = 14) were tested for viability using tetrazolium 
chloride and were 100% viable. Ramets were detected in all populations and resprouting from underground 
stems was observed after wildfire. This is the first record of viable seed in this species and fertile populations 
require specific management to prevent loss of fertile plants. Loss of fertile plants could occur if repeated 

burning selects for vegetative reproduction and sterile plants. 

Manuscript received 1 May 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEYWORDS: clonality, fire response, Grevillea rhizomatosa, population structure, rarity. 


Grevillea is one of the most successfully 
dispersed groups within the Proteaceae. An estimated 
357 species occur variously in temperate, arid and 
tropical ecosystems throughout Australia with 
species also found in New Caledonia (3 endemic 
species), New Guinea (3 species, 1 endemic) and 
Sulawesi (1 endemic species) (Makinson 2000). 
About 14% of species have the capacity to reproduce 
asexually through vegetative reproduction, although 
the majority of these species combine both asexual 
and sexual reproduction (Makinson 2000; Makinson, 
unpub. data). An exception to this may be Grevillea 
rhizomatosa, which is described, by Olde and Marriot 
(1994) as sterile and an obligate clonal species with 
ramets produced from stem suckering. Grevillea 
rhizomatosa is restricted to Washpool and Gibraltar 

Range National Parks and is listed as a vulnerable 
species at both a State and Federal level (Threatened 
Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW), Environment 
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 

The occurrence of clonality in rare and 
threatened plants can complicate the conservation of 
such species (e.g. Sydes and Peakall 1998) because 
ramet reproduction may cause population sizes 
to be overestimated (Ellstrand and Roose 1987). 
Moreover much of the genetic variation may exist 
among populations rather than within, thereby 
requiring all populations to be actively conserved. 
The clonal syndrome may be disadvantageous to 
species if low to nil genetic diversity is combined 
with sterility (e.g. Lomatia tasmanica, Lynch et al. 
1998). This can make such species highly susceptible 
to extirpation, as all individuals in the population are 


likely to respond in a uniform fashion to a stochastic 
event (e.g. disease, fire). In addition, the chances of 
extirpation are exacerbated if populations are small 
and fragmented but simultaneously impacted upon by 
major disturbance events such as wildfire. 

The absence or poor seed production in 
populations can have many causes that may include 
ecological deficiencies (e.g. pollinator and/or 
pollen limitation; fruit predation, e.g. Hampe 2005; 
Vesprini and Galetto 2000) nutrient shortages (e.g. 
Drenovsky and Richards 2005) and innate sterility 
mechanisms (Pandit and Babu 2003). As a first stage 
to understanding fecundity in Grevillea rhizomatosa, 
we investigated the distribution of populations 
with special reference to their fertility and post-fire 


Species distribution 

Specimen data for Grevillea rhizomatosa 
from the New England Herbarium and flora survey 
data from the NSW-NPWS were collated and mapped 
resulting in 22 potential populations. Seventeen of 
these locations were relocated in the field and visited 
during August and November 2000. This preliminary 
work showed that the species is found in at least 12 
populations in an area 8 km x 7 km in northern NSW 

(Fig. 1). 

Population and habitat description 

Five populations spanning the range of 
Grevillea rhizomatosa were chosen for further study 
(Fig. 1). Sites were selected based on the parameters 
of population size (at least 25 individuals) and range 
so that reproductive outputs could be compared 
across the extremes of the species’ distribution. One 
study site occurred in Washpool National Park and 
the remainder in Gibraltar Range National Park. 
The selected populations were Washpool National 
Park (Wash), Mulligan’s Hut (MHut), Dandahra 
Trail (Dand), M°Climonts Swamp (Swamp), and 
Murrumbooee Cascades (Cascade) (Fig. 1). Fieldwork 
was conducted between August and November 2000 
at Cascade, MHut and Dand, with the majority of 
work undertaken (in all populations) between March 
and September 2001 with follow up work in June to 
August 2005. 


Plants do not flower every year and ramets 
occur in all populations so plants were scored 


as seedlings (<< 10 cm height, with no obvious 
rhizomatous connections) or as a combined class 
called juvenile/adult. A plant was scored as an 
individual if growing as a single stem or as a multi- 
stem plant (on the proviso that the multi-stems 
were grouped within a 5 cm basal diameter). Plants 
with more than 5 cm between them were classed as 
separate individuals although it is possible that they 
exist as ramets. In each population a maximum of 100 
individuals was examined and in populations of less 
than 100 individuals, all were measured. 


Plant response to the October 2002 fire was 
scored in Wash and Dand in August 2005. In each 
population 25-50 individuals were measured for 
height and autonomy (seedling or resprouter/sucker). 


To quantify the extent of sexual reproduction 
in populations, flowers on each of 10 plants were 
tagged in Cas, Dand, MHut and Wash over two 
flowering seasons (1999-2000 and 2000-2001, Dand 
and Cascade; and 2000-2001 MHut, Wash). Flowers 
open to all pollinators were tagged and then monitored 
for fruit-set over the 2000 and 2001 flowering season 
(see Table 1 for sample sizes). Bags were placed 
over developing fruits to reduce fruit-loss. Data 
were pooled across seasons. The Swamp population 
was not used for fecundity experiments because of 
time restrictions, but plants in this population were 
extensively searched for fruit production over the two 
flowering seasons. 

Seed viability 

Seeds were encountered only infrequently 
during fieldwork (see below). Seven seeds were 
obtained from each of three individuals at Cas and 
Wash. We checked the viability of seeds using a 48- 
hour soaking solution of a 1.0% solution of 2,3,5- 
triphenyl-tetrazolrum chloride (Scott and Gross 
2004). Seven of these seeds were killed by boiling 
and used as a control. Seed were dissected and scored 
as viable if they stained bright pink. Non-viable seeds 
do not stain (Lakon 1949). 


Population and habitat description 

Grevillea rhizomatosa was only found 
growing on low-nutrient lithosols derived from 
Dandahra Granite complex within Gibraltar Range and 
Washpool National Parks. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


com Innes 

SEZ CG yi Highway 
——— unsealed road 

1 ~~ walking track 
—“—— _ creek 


4 study populations 
© other populations 


Figure 1. Distribution of Grevillea rhizomatosa plants in Gibraltar Range 

and Washpool National Parks. 

Washpool National Park (Wash) 

The northern most population of Grevillea 
rhizomatosa is located in the Washpool National Park 
(29° 28” 03”S, 152° 18’ 18”E) at 870 m ASL. The 
topography is mid slope with a north-eastern aspect. 
The soil substrate is a deep to shallow sandy loam 
derived from leucogranite granite. The vegetation is 
tall open forest dominated by Eucalyptus campanulata 
and FE. cameronii. Associated species include Banksia 
integrifolia subsp. monticola, Pultenaea sp. B, 
Acacia nova-anglica. Grevillea rhizomatosa grows 
in linear strips along the North and South sides of 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Moogem Road; at least 200 individuals grow south 
of the road and at least 25 scattered individuals occur 
to the north between the road and the Dandahra 
Gully. Fire records at 1 July 2002 show this area to 
the north of Moogem Road had not been burnt since 
1968, whereas south of Moogem Road was burnt in 
1988. The population on the southern side of the road 
was also extensively burnt in October 2002 and dense 
resprouting was observed in July 2005. 
Mulligan’s Hut Camping Area (MHut) 

MHut is located 200 m north east 
of Mulligan’s Hut along the world heritage 



Table 1. Population locations, demography and fertility for Grevillea rhizoma- 
tosa from Washpool and Gibraltar Range National Parks. 

Number of 
(% seedlings) 



29° 28’ 03”S 
152° 18’ 18"E 
870 m ASL 

Wash c. 225 (0) 

29° 31’ 00”S 
152° 21’ 39"E 
910 m ASL 

MHut c. 250 (0) 

29° 31’ 42”S 
152° 20’ 30”E 
980 m ASL 

Dand c. 250 (0) 

29° 317 58”S 
152° 20’ 27°E 
960 m ASL 

Swamp 165 (0) 

29° 32° 37°S 
Cas SP Ake Sy 
830 m ASL 

4] (0) 

walking track (Table 1). Two hundred and fifty 
individuals of Grevillea rhizomatosa were found in 
this area. The topography is mid-slope with a south- 
western aspect. Shallow to skeletal sandy granitic 
soils occur at the site, with most plants growing 
between granite boulders. The vegetation is an open 
woodland with a dense shrub layer; the dominant 
tree species associated with this community include 
Eucalyptus olida, E. pyrocarpa, and E. planchoniana. 
Dominant understorey species include Leptospermum 
trinervium, Pultenaea sp. B, Persoonia rufa, Banskia 
spinulosa. Ground cover species include Platysace 
ericoides, Caustis flexuosa, Bossiaea scortechinii, 
Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, and Lomandra longifolia. 
The NPWS database indicates the area was burnt in 
1964 and possibly in 1988. The population was not 
burnt in the October 2002 fires. 

Dandahra Trail (Dand) 

Grevillea rhizomatosa grows on both sides 
of the Dandahra Trail into Mulligan’s Hut (Table 1). 
Most plants (200 stems) grow south of the Dandahra 
trail, with only some 50 individuals growing to the 


% fruit production 
(number of flowers 
treated over 10 plants) 

10.19 (206) 

13.35 (337) 

% seed viability 
(n = number of 
seed treated) 

100% (7) 

0 (62) ‘ 

7.08 (367) 2 

not quantified but none 
observed from 2000-2005 

100% (7) 

north. Shallow sandy granitic soils occur at the site. 
Some plants grow between granite boulders. Dominant 
tree species include E. olida and E. cameronii. 
Common shrubs are Pultenaea sp. B, Persoonia rufa, 
and Acacia obtusifolia. Groundcover species include 
Platysace ericoides, Caustis flexuosa, and Bossiaea 
scortechinii. NPWS fire history for the area shows 
fire in 1964 and 1988. The area was intensively burnt 
in October 2002. 

MEClimonts Swamp (Swamp) 

The Swamp population is _ located 
approximately 500 m down-slope from Dand (Table 
1). A population of 165 individuals occurs in linear 
strips adjacent to the road. Soil substrate, vegetation, 
and fire history are similar to those described for 

Murrumbooee Cascades (Cascade) 

Cascade is the southernmost G. rhizomatosa 
population detected in this study (Table 1). A small 
population of 41 individuals occurs on north and 
south ridges dissected by a drainage line. Soils are 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


shallow to skeletal and of granitic derivation, as 
described previously. Eucalyptus radiata subsp. 
sejuncta is present along the creek, with E. olida and 
E. cameronii on the ridges. Dominant shrubs include 
Leptospermum trinervium, Dillwynia_ phylicoides, 
and Hakea laevipes subsp. graniticola. The area was 
burnt in 1964 and 1988. The October 2002 fires burnt 
the northern half of this population. 


No seedlings were detected during the study. 
All plants were greater than 10 cm in height and most 
(c. 80%) appeared to be connected to nearby plants, 
as evidenced by plants growing in lines from larger 
plants and as confirmed from occasional excavations 
(Figure 2a-c). At MHut plants are large (0.5-1.20 m 
tall x c. 0.5-1.40 m wide) and many are connected 
underground by their stems. Large granite boulders 
partition this population into well-defined clumps. 
Flowering occurred in all populations in all years 
although not all plants flowered every year. 


No seedlings were found in the fire- 
recovering communities of Wash and Dand. The 
mean plant height of Grevillea rhizomatosa in the 
burnt habitat at Wash was 48.05+ 3.81 cm (n = 43), 
which was considerably shorter than the few plants 
that escaped the fire on the northern side of the road 
(mean height = 108.89 + 23.99 cm, n=7). The unburnt 
plants flowered in 2004 and 2005, whereas the burnt 
plants did not. At Dand the recovering population had 
a mean height of 47.64 + 2.58 cm (n=51) in August 
2005. In 2004 and 2005 flowering was only detected 
on unburnt individuals at Wash and in the unburnt 
population of MHut. 


Fruits were only detected in Wash, Dand 
and Cas (Table 1, Figure 3a, 2b). Flowers have two 
ovules, but fruits mainly contained one seed. Fruit 
was recorded on each of the 10 survey plants in 
Wash and Cas and on eight of the 10 survey plants in 

Figure 2. (a) Subterranean reprouting from a plant in Wash August 2005, (b). rhizomatous connections 
between small plants at Wash August 2005, (c) rhizomatous growth in G. rhizomatosa (scale bar = 100 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



Figure 3. (a) & (b) fruits of G. rhizomatosa (scale bars = 10 mm), viable (c) and inviable (d) seed of 
Grevillea rhizomatosa from Wash and Cas populations. Scale bar = 10mm. 

Dand. Although not quantified, there were, however, 
many plants that did not produce fruit in the fertile 
populations. No seed was produced from tagged 
flowers at MHut and no fruit were ever found in any 
season at Swamp during cursory observations. 

Seed Viability 

Seed collected from Wash and Cas (n = 14) 
and treated chemically with tetrazolium were 100% 
viable (Figures 3c, 3d) and controls were unviable (n 


This is the first time that seed has been 
found on individuals of Grevillea rhizomatosa. 
Prior to our work the species was thought to be 
sterile and obligately clonal (Olde and Marriott 
1994; Makinson 2000). Within Gibraltar Range and 
Washpool National Parks all five study populations of 
Grevillea rhizomatosa contained clonal individuals 
with all plants in two populations failing to produce 
fruit on any flowering plant. Seedlings were never 


encountered, even after fire had burnt populations 
containing fruit-bearing plants. These three fertile 
populations (Wash, Dand and Cascades) are widely 
separated and thus valuable for the conservation of 
the species. Natural fruit-set was low (< 0.14 fruit 
to flower ratio) but higher than that found in other 
species of Grevillea (e.g. 0.015—0.096 fruit to flower 
ratio at maturation, Hermanutz et al. 1998). 

Not all individuals flowered every year and 
after the hot fires of October 2002 flowers have not 
been initiated on recovering individuals in Wash, 
Dand, Swamp or Cascade as of August 2005. Instead 
the species in these populations has recolonised areas 
by resprouting from stem bases (Fig. 2a) and from 
the advent of new suckers (Fig. 2b and 2c). It may 
be that the release from flowering allows resources 
to be redirected for vegetative reproductions and that 
clonality is selectively favoured in this irregular flower 
producer. This has major ramifications for the genetic 
stucture of populations such that near neighbours 
are likely to be genetically identical, which in turn 
may promote inbreeding when flowering occurs in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Where clonality coexists with sexual forms 
it may provide populations with a flexible response 
to variable habitat or resource abundance and allow 
the transfer of resources among ramets. In habitats 
where large resource-reserves are required to initiate 
new growth, clonality may provide a more secure 
investment than seed-set alone. Clonal plants with 
pronounced vegetative reproduction can have lower 
rates of local extinction in nutrient-poor ecosystems 
than plants without pronounced vegetative 
reproduction (Fischer and Stécklin 1997). Indeed 
the correlation that clonal plants are often found on 
nutrient-poor soils (see Fischer and van Kleunen 
2002) may, in part, explain why Australia, with 
nutrient-poor soils, seems to have so many threatened 
species that are clonal (Gross, unpub. data). 

The regenerative capacity of clonal growth 
also affords ramets increased longevity. Tyson et al. 
(1998) for example, found a clonal mallee eucalypt 
to be at least 900 years old, much older than the usual 
age of single stemmed eucalypts. Moreover, Smith 
et al. (2003) estimate from radial growth rates in 
Eucalyptus curtisii that some clones may be between 
4000 and 9000 years old. The population at MHut 
is comprised of at least 250 large, sterile shrubs 
that are nestled among granite boulders. Within this 
population the lateral spread of plants is restricted 
by boulders encircling clumps, suggesting that plant 
clumps may not be of recent origin. 

Management of Grevillea rhizomatosa 
should especially focus on the fertile populations of 
Wash, Dand and Cas. Of concern is the promotion 
of suckering in post-fire habitats, where plants can 
form thickets. If this is combined with sterility then 
seedling establishment of fertile individuals may 
be disadvantaged. Our work has shown that plants 
do not flower in the first three seasons post-fire and 
thus further observations are required to determine 
the optimal fire interval. In addition, the reasons 
for an absence of fruit-set in some individuals of 
Grevillea rhizomatosa and the genetic composition 
of populations are important components to unravel 
for the conservation of the species (e.g. Grevillea 
infecunda, Kimpton, James and Drinnan 2002). 
Work is underway in these areas and will be reported 


The 2000 and 2001 work was undertaken by HAR Caddy as 
part of an Honours dissertation. The project was supported 
by funds to C.L. Gross from NSW National Parks and 
Wildlife Service, Glen Innes District and by the University 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

of New England. Peter Croft is thanked for suggesting 
the project, arranging funding and for providing access 
to flora and fire records. Many thanks to Anna Coventry, 
Bruce Tailor and David Mackay for field assistance. The 
Director of the New England Herbarium is thanked for 
access to specimens and records. Bob Makinson (RBG- 
Sydney) is thanked for once again generously sharing 
his knowledge of Grevillea and for allowing us access 
to his database of rhizomatous species in Grevillea. 
This work was conducted under permit number NZ143. 


Drenovsky R.E. and Richards J.H. (2005). Nitrogen 
addition increases fecundity in the desert shrub 
Sarcobatus vermiculatus. Oecologia 143, 349-356. 

Ellstrand, N.C. and Roose, M.L. (1987). Patterns of 
genotypic diversity in clonal plant species. American 
Journal of Botany 74,123-131. 

Fischer, M. and Stécklin, J. (1997). Local extinctions of 
plants in remnants of extensively used calcareous 
grasslands 1950—85. Conservation Biology 11 (3), 
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Fischer, M. and van Kleunen, M. (2002). On the evolution 
of clonal plant life histories. Evolutionary Ecology 
15, 565-582. 

Hampe, A. (2005). Fecundity limits in Frangula alnus 
(Rhamnaceae) relict populations at the species’ 
southern range margin. Oecologia 143, 377-386. 

Hermanutz, L., Innes, D., Denham, A. and Whelan, R. 
(1998). Very low fruit:flower ratios in Grevillea 
(Proteaceae) are independent of breeding system. 
Australian Journal of Botany 46, 465-478. 

Kimpton, S.K., James, E.A. and Drinnan, A.N. (2002). 
Reproductive biology and genetic marker diversity 
in Grevillea infecunda (Proteaceae), a rare plant with 
no known seed production. Australian Systematic 
Botany 15, 485-492. 

Lakon, G. (1949). The topographical tetrazolium method 
determining the germination capacity of seeds. Plant 
Physiology 24, 389-394. 

Lynch, J.J., Barnes, R.W., Cambecedes, J. and 
Vaillancourt, R.E. (1998). Genetic evidence that 
Lomatia tasmanica (Proteaceae) is an ancient clone. 
Australian Journal of Botany 46, 25-33. 

Makinson, R.O. (2000). Grevillea. Flora of Australia 
17A, 1-460. 

Olde, P.M. and Mariott, N.R. (1994). A taxonomic revision 
of Grevillea arenaria and Grevillea cbtusifolia 
(Proteaceae: Grevilleoideae). Telopea 5, 711-733. 

Pandit, M.K. and Babu, C.R. (2003). The effects of loss of 
sex in clonal populations of an endangered perennial 
Coptis teeta (Ranunculaceae). Botanical Journal of 
the Linnean Society 143, 47-54. 

Scott, B. and Gross, C.L. (2000). Recovery directions 
for monoecious and endangered Bertya ingramii 
using autecology and comparisons with common B. 



rosmarinifolia (Euphorbiaceae). Biodiversity and 
Conservation. 13, 885-899. 

Smith, J.A. and Gross, C.L. (2002). The pollination 
ecology of Grevillea beadleana McGillivray 
(Proteaceae), an endangered shrub from Northern 
NSW. Annals of Botany 89, 97-108. 

Sydes, M.A. and Peakall, R. (1998). Extensive clonality 
in the endangered shrub Haloragodendron lucasii 
(Haloragaceae) revealed by allozymes and RAPDSs. 
Molecular Ecology 7, 87-93. 

Tyson, M., Vaillancourt, R.E. and Reid, J.B. (1998). 
Determination of clone size and age in a mallee 
eucalypt using RAPDs. Australian Journal of Botany 

Vesprini J.L. and Galetto L. (2000) The reproductive 
biology of Jaborosa integrifolia (Solanaceae): Why 
its fruits are so rare? Plant Systematics and Evolution 
225, 15-28. 

18 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Selfed Seed Set and Inbreeding Depression in Obligate Seeding 

Populations of Banksia marginata 


Botany, School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources Management, University of New England, 

Armidale NSW 2351 ( 

Vaughton, G. and Ramsey, M. (2006). Selfed seed set and inbreeding depression in obligate seeding 
populations of Banksia marginata. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 127, 19-25. 

Self-compatible species can often produce seeds when pollinators are scarce or unreliable, but any 
advantage may be lessened if selfed progeny are less fit than outcrossed progeny due to inbreeding 
depression. We use hand self-pollinations to determine whether Banksia marginata is self-compatible and 
examine the relative fitness of seeds derived from self- and open-pollination at several early life-cycle 
stages to gauge the likely impact of inbreeding depression. Substantial numbers of fruits and seeds were 
produced following selfing, indicating that plants are self-compatible. However, differences between self- 
and open-pollinated inflorescences indicated that relative self-fertility was less than one. Compared with 
open-pollinated seeds, selfed seeds were smaller and produced smaller seedlings that were less likely to 
survive. Percent germination of self- and open-pollinated seeds was similar. Cumulative fitness estimated 
over several life-cycle stages, including seed production, indicated that selfed progeny were on average 
only 62% as fit as open-pollinated progeny. These differences in relative fitness indicate that despite 
self-compatibility, populations have experienced a history of outcrossing. Banksia marginata plants at 
Gibraltar Range National Park are killed by fire, and self-compatibility may be associated with this trait. 

Manuscript received 1 May 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEYWORDS: plant breeding system, pollination, Proteaceae, self-compatibility, self-fertility. 


Reproductive assurance is thought to be a power- 
ful selective factor influencing the evolution of self- 
compatibility in plant populations. Self-compatible 
species do not require pollen from other plants in 
order to set seeds and can have an advantage when 
pollinators are scarce or unreliable (Lloyd 1979, 
1992; Barrett 2003). A disadvantage of self-com- 
patibility, however, is that selfed progeny may be 
less fit than outcrossed progeny due to inbreeding 
depression (Charlesworth and Charlesworth 1987). 
One common cause of inbreeding depression is the 
expression of deleterious recessive alleles made ho- 
mozygous following selfing. Genetic load and the 
severity of inbreeding depression are expected to 
evolve with the mating system. Species with a his- 
tory of selfing often have low inbreeding depression 
because deleterious alleles have been purged from 
the gene pool. By contrast, genetic load is main- 
tained in species that are primarily outcrossing, and 
inbreeding depression can be severe such that the 

benefits of self-compatibility are substantially re- 
duced or even negated (Lande et al. 1994;Husband 
and Schemske 1996; Byers and Waller 1999). 

In their review of the breeding and mating sys- 
tems of the Australian Proteaceae, Goldingay and 
Carthew (1998) concluded that most Banksia spe- 
cies showed only low levels of self-compatibility 
and were highly outcrossing. Two exceptions were 
B. brownii, which is self- compatible and maintains 
a mixed mating system with selfing and outcross- 
ing (Sampson et al. 1994, Day et al. 1997), and B. 
spinulosa var. neoanglica, which is self-compatible 
but highly outcrossing (Vaughton 1988; Vaughton 
and Carthew 1993). Since this review, self-compat- 
ibility has been reported in other species of Banksia 
including, B. ericifolia var. macrantha (Hackett and 
Goldingay 2001), B. baxteri, B. media and B. nutans 
(Wooller and Wooller 2001, 2002, 2003). Self-com- 
patibility has also been demonstrated in B. ilicifolia, 
although fruit and seed set following selfing were 
much lower than following outcrossing (Heliyanto et 
al. 2005). In two of these species the relative fitness 


of selfed progeny was also examined. In B. baxteri, 
more selfed seeds aborted, but seed germination and 
seedling survival did not differ following self-pol- 
lination compared with natural pollination (Wooller 
-and Wooller 2004). In B. ilicifolia, fewer selfed 
seeds germinated than crossed seeds, and survival 
of selfed seedlings was less when exposed to attack 
by a fungal pathogen (Heliyanto et al. 2005). Taken 
together, these results suggest that self-compatibility 
may be more common in Banksia than previously 
thought, and that in such species the relative fitness 
of selfed progeny warrants further investigation. 

Here we use hand self-pollinations to determine 
whether B. marginata plants occurring at Gibraltar 
Range National Park (GRNP) are self-compatible. 
We compare selfed seed set to that occurring naturally 
in populations and examine variation in the effect of 
pollination among years and sites. Finally, we assess 
the relative fitness of seeds derived from self- and 
open-pollination at several early life-cycle stages to 
gauge the likely impact of inbreeding depression. 


Study species and sites 

Banksia marginata Cav. is widely distributed 
in south-eastern Australia and exhibits considerable 
variation in both its morphology and life history 
throughout its range (George 1998). At GRNP, B. 
marginata is killed by fire and relies on seeds for 
subsequent regeneration (i.e. plants are obligate 
seeders, Vaughton and Ramsey 1998; Virgona et 
al. 2006). Plants occur in sedge-heath in areas of 
impeded drainage on flats and hillsides (Virgona et 
al. 2006). Flowering occurs in late autumn and winter 
and plants produce multiple inflorescences with an 
average of 784 flowers (SE = 52.4, n = 20). Flowers 
open acropetally on inflorescences over 3-4 weeks 
(G. Vaughton unpublished data). Inflorescences are 
pollinated by nectarivorous honeyeaters, insects, 
including introduced honeybees, and probably 
mammals (see methods). Follicles are strongly 
serotinous and have up to two seeds (Vaughton 
and Ramsey 1998). Field studies were conducted 
at two sites within GRNP: Surveyors Creek (SC: 

29°32° S, 152°18° E, 1044 m a.s.l) and Waratah 
Trig (WT: 29°29° S, 152°19° E, 1050 m a.s.l.). 


To assess self-compatibility, inflorescences on 
plants were either bagged and hand self-pollinated 
or left open to receive natural pollination by pollen 


vectors. Either one or two inflorescences at a similar 
stage of development on each plant were randomly 
assigned to the two treatments. Selfed inflorescences 
were covered with nylon mesh bags with apertures 
of < 1 mm in diameter just prior to flower opening. 
Every 4-6 days during flowering, bags were removed 
to self-pollinate flowers and then replaced. We 
removed pollen from newly opened flowers using 
pieces of soft cloth attached to small wooden sticks 
and self-pollinated flowers that had opened a few 
days previously. When flowering was complete, 
bags were removed from inflorescences. Open 
inflorescences were marked with flagging tape but 
were otherwise left untouched. Cross-pollinations 
were not performed because we were unable to 
visit study sites sufficiently often to remove self 
pollen and thereby avoid possible autonomous self- 
pollination of flowers. The number of inflorescences 
developing follicles was scored about 10 months after 
flowering when follicle development was discernible. 
Inflorescences with follicles (hereafter cones) were 
harvested and the numbers of follicles on each were 
counted. Follicles were opened using a blowtorch and 
the number of filled seeds per cone was determined. 

To assess variation in the natural levels of seed 
set and the effects of selfing among years and sites, 
experiments were conducted in three consecutive 
years at SC (1997, 1998 and 1999) and at SC and 
WT in 1999. Sample sizes ranged between 12 and 
30 plants per year per site but were reduced for final 
analyses because mammals broke into some bags 
and cockatoos destroyed some cones before they 
could be harvested. For the plants with two cones per 
treatment, the mean value was used in the analyses. 
Different plants were used in each of the three years 
at SC. All plants had surplus inflorescences that were 
not used in the experiment. Pollination treatments 
were conducted on the same plant to control 
for plant genotype when assessing seed fitness. 

To examine the effect of pollination on the number 
of inflorescences that produced follicles, we used a 
logit model with a binomial error term and a logit link 
function. The response variable was the number of 
inflorescences with follicles. Explanatory variables 
were pollination treatment and year or site. Numbers 
of follicles and seeds per cone were compared 
between treatments with two-way ANOVAs with 
pollination treatment as a fixed factor and year or site 
as random factors. The interaction between the main 
factors was examined in preliminary analyses and, if 
not significant (P > 0.20), was omitted from the final 
model to increase the degrees of freedom for testing 
the main effects. When the interaction was significant, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 1. The percentage of Banksia marginata inflorescences producing follicles (i.e. cones) and 
the mean (+ SE) numbers of follicles and seeds per cone following either experimental self- 
or natural open-pollination. The number of plants in each treatment is given in parentheses. 

Trait Year Site Self-pollinated Open-pollinated 
Inflorescences with follicles (%) 1997 SC 94 (16) 92 (25) 
1998 SC 94 (35) 94 (36) 
1999 SC 83 (57) 93 (45) 
1999 WT 85 (20) 89 (44) 
Number of follicles per cone 1997 SC 22.7 + 2.4 (15) 33.3 + 1.2 (15) 
1998 SC 23.0 + 1.9 (20) 24.0 + 1.4 (20) 
1999 SC 22.6 + 2.8 (12) 22.6 + 2.8 (12) 
1999 WT 19.6 + 2.4 (12) 21.0 + 1.9 (12) 
Number of seeds per cone 1997 SC 32.1 +3.4 (15) 55.9 + 1.9 (15) 
1998 SC 33.6+2.5 (20) 46.1 + 3.7 (20) 
1999 SC 26.4 + 5.0 (12) 33.3 + 4.8 (12) 
1999 WT 31.0+5.3 (12) 35.0 + 4.3 (12) 

differences between the pollination treatments 
were examined separately for each year or site. 

Progeny fitness 

Seeds produced by self-pollinated inflorescences 
were self-fertilised, whereas seeds produced by open 
inflorescences may have been either self- or cross- 
fertilised. Progeny fitness was examined using a 
subset of 16 plants at SC in 1998. Seed mass was 
examined by weighing 20 seeds individually from 
selfed and open inflorescences on each plant to the 
nearest 0.1 mg. Individual seeds were placed on the 
soil surface of tubes (282 cm*) containing a 1:1:1 
mixture of sand, loam and peat. Tubes were placed 
on a bench in a laboratory with natural light at about 
20° C and kept moist. Seeds were inspected every 
day and the number that germinated was scored. 
About four weeks after sowing when most seedlings 
had produced expanded cotyledons, tubes were 
relocated to the glasshouse and arranged randomly 
on benches. Plants were regularly watered and were 
fertilised once after 10 weeks with 30 ml of half- 
strength “Aquasol’. Plants were inspected weekly 
and mortality recorded. After 12 weeks seedlings 
were harvested and plant mass (roots + shoots) 
was determined after drying at 80° C for 3 days. 

The effects of pollination on seed germination 
and seedling survival were assessed with logit models 
with a binomial error term and a logit link function. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

The response variable was either the number of 
germinated seeds or the number of surviving 
seedlings. Pollination treatment and maternal plant 
were explanatory variables. Differences in seed and 
seedling mass between the treatments were assessed 
using two-way ANOVAs, with pollination treatment 
as a fixed factor and maternal plant as a random factor. 
To satisfy the assumptions of ANOVA, seedling 
mass was transformed using natural logarithms. 

For each trait, we used individual maternal 
plants to calculate relative fitness as: Rf = ws/Wo, 
where ws and Wo, are the mean performances of 
selfed and open progeny, respectively (Charlesworth 
and Charlesworth 1987). Cumulative relative 
fitness was calculated for each maternal plant as the 
product of relative fitness values for the number of 
seeds per cone, percent seed germination, percent 
seedling survival and seedling mass. These traits 
were chosen because they are related to overall 
fitness and are probably independent of each other. 



Over three years at SC at least 83% of 
inflorescences in both pollination treatments produced 
follicles (Table 1). The number of inflorescences 
producing follicles was not dependent on pollination 



Table 2. Effects of self- and open-pollination on progeny fitness in Banksia marginata. Sixteen 
maternal plants were examined at SC in 1998. Sample sizes are given parentheses. Cumula- 
tive relative fitness was calculated as the product of the relative fitness of individual traits ex- 
cept seed mass. Relative fitness estimates were calculated as the mean of the 16 maternal plants. 

Trait Self-pollinated Open-pollinated Relative fitness 
Number of seeds per cone 34.7 + 2.9 (16) 49.1+4.2 (16) 0.73 + 0.05 
Seed mass (mg) 6.24 + 0.10 (320) 7.32 + 0.07 (20) 0.85 + 0.03 
Seed germination (%) 97.2 (320) 97.8 (320) 0.99 + 0.01 
Seedling survival (%) 79.1 (311) 84.0 (313) 0.95 + 0.04 
Seedling mass (mg) 156.2 + 2.9 (246) 174.7 + 3.3 (263) 0.90 + 0.03 
Cumulative relative fitness 0.62 + 0.05 

treatment (G = 2.96, df= 2, P=0.227), year (G= 1.44, 
df= 1, P=0.231), or their interaction (G = 1.31, df= 
2, P=0.518). Differences in the numbers of follicles 
and seeds per cone between the treatments varied 
among years as indicated by significant treatment x 
year interactions and were compared for each year 
separately (Table 1; treatment x year: follicles, F, ..= 
4.28, P=0.017; seeds IB Hal) ley e—(0 074) Selfed 
cones produced significantly fewer follicles than 
open cones in 1997; differences in other years were 
not significant (1997, F, ,. = 15.58, P < 0.001; 1998, 
Bia O22 ee 0108 8591999 REFN 10 10 ve O58): 
In addition, selfed cones produced significantly 
fewer seeds than open cones in 1997 and 1998, but 
NOt 99 (OO TLE, = oe 2U O00, 1998, cE Ne. 
Sd! SH VW UsMy Tp SAU ig? a Uh8310)) 

In 1999 at SC and WT, 85-93% of selfed and 
open inflorescences produced follicles (Table 1). 
The number of inflorescences with follicles was not 

Table 3. Results of two-way ANOVAs (F) for 

dependent on pollination treatment (G = 0.004, df 
= 1, P= 0.944), site (G = 2.34, df = 1, P = 0.126), 
or their interaction (G = 0.53, df = 1, P = 0.468). 
For the numbers of follicles and seeds per cone, 
treatment x site interactions were not significant 
and were removed from the final models (both, 

F, 44 < 0.26, P > 0.614). Numbers of follicles and 

seeds per cone did not differ between treatments 
or sites (Table 1, all ae Sy Oe Pein) 27/2). 

Progeny fitness 

Seed and seedling mass were significantly less 
following self-pollination than open pollination 
(Tables 2, 3). For seed mass, the significant treatment 
x plant interaction indicated that selfing negatively 
affected seed mass to a greater extent in some plants 
than others. The treatment x plant interaction was 
marginally significant for seedling mass and was 
probably related to variation in seed mass. Variation 

seed and seedling mass, and analyses of de- 

viance (G) for seed germination and seedling survival. The effects of self- and open-pol- 

lination, maternal plant and their interaction 

on progeny fitness were examined in Bank- 

sia marginata. Data are presented in Table 2. +P < 0.08; ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001. 

Trait Treatment Plant Interaction 
df ForG df ForG df ForG 

Seed mass 1,15 23.31 15, 608 29.76 15, 608 5.98 

* KK + 
Seedling mass 1,15 13.00 15, 477 8.52 15, 477 1.58 
Seed germination 1 0.26 15 11.29 15 16.72 

? KEK 
Seedling survival 1 Si] 15 56.83 15 21.77 
22 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


occurring among maternal plants was significant 
in both analyses (Table 3). Seed germination was 
independent of pollination treatment, but there was a 
marginally significant trend for lower survival of selfed 
progeny compared with open progeny (Tables 2, 3). 
The treatment x plant interaction was not significant 
for either trait. Seedling survival, but not seed 
germination, differed among maternal plants (Table 3). 

Relative fitness of selfed versus open progeny for 
the 16 plants varied from 0.73 for the number of seeds 
per cone to 0.99 for seed germination (Table 2). Mean 
cumulative relative fitness estimated from the number 
of seeds per cone, seed germination, seedling survival 
and seedling mass was 0.62, indicating that on average 
selfed progeny were only 62% as fit as open progeny. 


Substantial numbers of fruits and seeds were 
produced following experimental self-pollination, 
indicating that Banksia marginata plants at GRNP 
are self-compatible. Studies of other banksias have 
shown that species fall into one of two groups with 
respect to self-compatibility; those that produce 
few or no seeds following selfing and those that 
produce moderate to large numbers of selfed seeds. 
The results of this study indicate that B. marginata 
should be included in the second group. Other species 
in this group include B. spinulosa var. neoanglica 
(Vaughton 1988), B. brownii (Sampson et al. 1994), 
B. ericifolia var. macrantha (Hackett and Goldingay 
2001) and B. baxteri (Wooller and Wooller 2001). 
Except for B. spinulosa var. neoanglica, which is 
able to resprout after fire, B. marginata and other 
Banksia species capable of producing high numbers 
of selfed seeds are killed by fire. The association 
between self-compatibility and obligate seeding has 
been noted in other studies of Banksia (Sampson et 
al. 1994; Wooller and Wooller 2001, 2002). Self- 
compatibility helps to buffer the effects of pollinator 
scarcity on seed set, and depending on pollinator 
availability, plants can produce a mixture of selfed 
and outcrossed seeds, resulting in mixed mating. 

Despite the substantial production of selfed seeds 
in B. marginata, differences between selfed and open 
inflorescences indicate that plants are not completely 
self-fertile and that some outcrossing occurs under 
natural conditions. As is common in banksias (Copland 
and Whelan 1989; Vaughton 1991), fruit and seed set 
of open inflorescences varied among years and sites, 
potentially reflecting the availability of pollinators 
and other factors. At SC in 1997, when follicle and 
seed production following open pollination were the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

highest, and hence the least likely to be limited by 
the availability of cross pollen, open inflorescences 
produced on average 56 seeds compared with only 
33 seeds by self-pollinated inflorescences. If all 56 
seeds on open inflorescences were outcrossed, then 
the maximum relative self-fertility can be estimated 
by dividing self seed set by open seed set, and would 
be 0.59. If, however, some of the seeds produced by 
the open inflorescences were selfed, then maximum 
crossed seed set is probably greater than 56 seeds. 
This would provide a lower estimate of self-fertility. 
Nevertheless, seed set in 1997 must have been close 
to the maximum because spatial constraints on cones 
would have limited the production of more follicles. 
Further, follicles can only produce two seeds, and on 
average 1.7 seeds per cone were produced on open 
inflorescences, indicating that our estimate of 0.59 
is probably close to the actual relative self-fertility. 

The minimum outcrossing rate at SC in 1997 can 
beestimatedifweassume that levels ofself-fertilisation 
on selfed and open inflorescences are similar. Thus, 
if 33 of the 56 seeds on open inflorescences were 
self-fertilised, then the remaining 23 seeds would be 
cross-fertilised, providing an estimated outcrossing 
rate of 0.41 (i.e. 23/56). The outcrossing rate may 
have been less in years and sites when selfed and 
open inflorescences produced similar numbers of 
seeds. Studies of outcrossing rates in Banksia species 
using genetic markers have generally indicated 
high outcrossing rates, even for species that exhibit 
substantial self-fertility. This has been attributed to 
inbreeding depression and selective abortion of selfed 
progeny (Vaughton and Carthew 1993; Carthew et 
al. 1996). An exception is B. brownii that appears to 
maintain lower outcrossing rates than other Banksia 
species (Sampson et al. 1994; Day et al. 1997). 

Selfed progeny were less fit than those resulting 
from open-pollination, indicating that inbreeding 
depression occurs in B. marginata. Compared with 
open-pollinated seeds, selfed seeds were smaller 
and produced smaller seedlings that were less 
likely to survive. Maternal effects could not have 
been responsible for these differences because we 
specifically controlled for maternal genotype in our 
experimental design. Seed mass has been found 
to be a predictor of seedling size and survival in 
other plant species (Paz and Martinez-Ramos 2003; 
Khan 2004). In B. marginata, the N and P content 
of seeds increases linearly with increasing seed 
mass, rendering seedlings less dependent on external 
supplies of these nutrients in their natural habitat 
(Vaughton and Ramsey 1998). In many banksias, 
seedling establishment occurs after fire and seedlings 
may utilise N and P reserves in seeds to complement 



the high levels of other nutrients that are present in the 
immediate post-fire environment (Stock et al. 1990). 

Cumulative fitness estimated over several life- 
cycle stages, including the number of seeds per cone, 
indicated that on average selfed progeny were only 
62% as fit as open-pollinated progeny. Assuming 
all open-pollinated progeny were outcrossed, this 
equates to moderate inbreeding depression of 
0.38. If open inflorescences produced a mixture 
of selfed and outcrossed progeny, then inbreeding 
depression would be higher. Fitness differences 
between the pollination treatments also may have 
been underestimated in this study because only early 
life-cycle stages were examined, and plants were 
grown under benign conditions in the glasshouse 
(Ramsey and Vaughton 1998). The observed 
cumulative fitness estimate indicates that despite 
self-compatibility, these B. marginata populations 
have likely experienced a history of outcrossing. 
High levels of early-acting inbreeding depression are 
common in species with substantial outcrossing, and 
reflect a lack of opportunities for purging deleterious 
recessive alleles (Husband and Schemske 1996). 

Further study of the breeding and mating systems 
of B. marginata is clearly warranted to determine the 
relative benefits of self-compatibility in providing 
reproductive assurance and the fitness costs associated 
with self-pollination. In particular, hand cross- 
pollinations in combination with self-pollinations 
would confirm our estimates of relative self-fertility 
and allow a more accurate estimate of inbreeding 
depression. Studies using genetic markers would also 
be valuable in determining realised outcrossing rates 
in populations and the effects of selfing on population 
genetic structure. The importance of pollinators for 
seed set also needs to be determined because banksias 
have an unusual pollen presentation mechanism, 
which in some species facilitates autonomous 
self-pollination and seed set in the absence of 
pollinators (Vaughton 1988). Finally, B. marginata 
exhibits considerable variation over its geographic 
range and both obligate seeding and resprouting 
populations occur (George 1998). Studies of the 
breeding capabilities of plants over the geographic 
range, and especially in resprouting populations, 
may provide insight into the factors favouring 
the evolution of self-compatibility in this species. 


We thank Peter Clarke and the referees for comments on 
the manuscript and Stuart Cairns for statistical advice. 
Financial support was provided by a UNE research grant. 



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Heliyanto, B., Veneklaas, E.J., Lambers, H. and Krauss, 
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ilicifolia (Proteaceae). Australian Journal of Botany 
52, 195-199. 

Husband, B.C. and Schemske, D.W. (1996). Evolution of 
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Khan, M.L. (2004). Effects of seed mass on seedling 
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Lande, R., Schemske, D.W. and Schultz, S.T. (1994). 
High inbreeding depression, selective interference 
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Lloyd, D.G. (1992). Self- and cross-fertilization in plants. 
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Paz, H. and Martinez-Ramos, M. (2003). Seed mass 
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(Blandfordia grandiflora, Liliaceae). International 
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nutrient limitation of fruit set in Banksia spinulosa 
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Wooller, S.J. and Wooller, R.D. (2001). Seed set in two 
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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



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Fire History and Soil Gradients Generate Floristic Patterns 
in Montane Sedgelands and Wet Heaths of Gibraltar Range 
National Park 






New South Wales 127, 27-38. 

High rainfall escarpment areas along the Great Dividing Range provide habitats for sedgeland and wet 
heath vegetation in areas with impeded drainage. There are few studies of the processes that influence the 
floristic composition of montane sedgelands and heaths in relation to fires that sweep these landscapes. 
Gibraltar Range National Park contains extensive areas of sedge-heaths that remain mostly free from 
anthropogenic disturbance. These areas have a well-known fire history which provides an opportunity to 
test whether: 1) plant resources are related to time-since-fire; 2) floristic composition is more strongly 
related to physiographic factors than time-since-fire, and 3) floristic composition of vegetation is related 
to fire frequency. Physiographic position strongly influenced the vegetation’s structure and floristic 
composition, with taller heaths confined to better-drained edges whereas sedgelands were more common 
in poorly drained slopes regardless of fire regime. In turn, these patterns were related to soil conductivity 
reflecting the fertility status of the soils. Upper slope heaths were more species rich than those lower in 
the landscape where soil conductivity was higher. Time-since-fire strongly influenced heath structure and 
species richness declined in the heaths with canopy closure at some sites. Floristic composition across the 
physiographic gradient was more divergent soon after fire and became more similar 15 years after fire. Fire 
frequency had no significant effect on shrub species richness, but frequent fires decreased the abundance of 
some woody species. Inter-fire intervals of less than seven years may reduce the abundance of some shrub 
species. Both the history of fire and ease of access make the sedgelands and wet heaths of Gibraltar Range 

an ideal location to assess the long-term effects of fire regimes in montane sedge-heaths. 

Manuscript received 1May 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEYWORDS: Fire ecology, heaths, resource gradients, species richness, time-since-fire. 


Montane plateaux along the Great Dividing Range 
have high rainfall and low evaporation creating ideal 
conditions for sedgelands and wet heath communities 
where drainage is impeded (Keith 2004). Beadle 
(1981) described the mosaic of sedgelands and wet 
heaths as “sedge-heaths”, but more recently Keith 
(2004) has circumscribed them as “Montane Bogs and 
Fens”, reserving the term “Montane Heaths” to those 
heathlands with well-drained soils on rocky sites. The 
more poorly drained sedgelands are dominated by 
species of the monocotyledon families Cyperaceae, 

Juncaceae and Restionaceae whilst adjacent wet 
heaths are dominated by shrubs, especially of the 
families Ericaceae, Fabaceae and Myrtaceae (Keith 

The earliest studies of sedge-heaths identified 
that sedgelands dominated the wettest areas, while 
shrubs were more common in better-drained positions 
(Pidgeon 1938). Early descriptions also considered 
sedge-heaths as a sere in succession leading to more 
complex vegetation (Pidgeon 1938; Davis 1941; 
Jackson 1968). With this focus, Millington (1954) was 
the first to describe the sedge-heaths of the Northern 
Tablelands of NSW describing the cyclic formation 
of Sphagnum hummocks and hollows following 


the European tradition. More recently, Whinam and 
Chilcott (2002) surveyed the floristic composition 
and environmental relationships of Sphagnum bogs 
in eastern Australia but did not sample those areas 
where Sphagnum was absent. 

Contemporary studies have considered geology, 
soil depth and soil moisture as interrelated factors 
controlling floristic patterns within sedge-heath 
communities (Burrough et al. 1977; Buchanan 1980; 
Brown and Podger 1982; Pickard and Jacobs 1983; 
Bowman et al. 1986; Myerscough and Carolin 1986). 
The importance of water level in determining the 
distribution of dominant montane sedge-heaths species 
was shown by Tremont (1991), who evaluated the 
effects of hydrological changes resulting from a dam 
built across a wet heath in Cathedral Rock National 
Park. Resource-driven processes were highlighted in 
the detailed studies of Keith and Myerscough (1993) 
who found species richness was inversely related to 
soil resources, consistent with resource competition 
models that predict greatest species diversity with 
lowest levels of resources (Tilman 1982). 

Fire is a regular event in sedge-heath 
communities, due to the dense graminoid biomass 
and the fine elevated fuels presented in the leaves of 
the sclerophyllous shrubs. Both obligate seeder (fire- 
killed) and resprouting species co-exist within wet 
heaths, although resprouting shrub species are more 
numerous than those killed by fire (Clarke and Knox 
2002). Plant species richness is usually highest in the 
initial post-fire community, due to the recruitment 
of short-lived species (e.g. Specht et al. 1958), with 
an inverse relationship between shrub canopy cover 
and understorey species richness (Specht and Specht 
1989; Keith and Bradstock 1994). Frequent fires in 
sedge-heath communities also have the potential to 
alter floristic composition if the life cycles of plants 
are not completed between fire intervals (Keith et al. 

There are few studies of the processes that 
mediate the floristic composition of the montane 
sedge-heaths in northern NSW, unlike their coastal 
and southern counterparts (see Keith 2004). Gibraltar 
Range National Park contains extensive areas of 
montane sedge-heaths that remain mostly free from 
anthropogenic disturbance. These bogs and heaths 
also have a well-known fire history which provides 
an opportunity to test whether: 1) plant resources 
(soil and light) are related to time-since-fire; 2) 
floristic composition is more strongly related to 
physiographic factors than time-since-fire, and 3) 
floristic composition is related to fire frequency. 



Study sites 

Study sites were located in Gibraltar Range 
National Park in February 1995 by choosing replicate 
sedge-heaths that were widely spaced with different 
fire histories. Fire histories of different sections of the 
park were determined through consultation with park 
staff and their fire history records. Fire frequency over 
the last 30 years was found to be similar for many 
sedge-heaths of the park, differing only in whether 
they had been burnt since 1980 (i.e. differing in the 
time since last fire). 

Sedge-heaths occur as distinct swampy low- 
lying islands surrounded by eucalypt forest. Six 
sedge-heaths were selected for this survey based 
on certainty and differences in known fire history 
and ease of access. All six sedge-heaths were burnt 
in wildfires of both 1964 and 1980. Two remained 
unburnt since 1980 and were considered in this study 
as long unburnt (i.e. 15 years since fire). Two sedge- 
heaths were burnt in a planned burn in 1994 and 
were considered regenerating communities, having 
been burnt only half a year prior to this study. The 
remaining two sedge-heaths had an intermediate age 
since last fire. One was burnt in a wildfire in 1989, the 
other in a planned burn in 1990. Therefore of the six 
sedge-heaths surveyed, two were last burnt 15 years, 
two 5-6 years, and two were burnt half a year prior 
to the survey (Williams 1995). Following the 1995 
survey all study sites were burnt by a landscape-scale 
wildfire seven years later in November 2002 and a 
subset of the original sites were re-sampled. 

Sampling design 

Preliminary inspections of the sites suggested 
that floristic patterns were likely to vary with the soil 
moisture gradient from the drier outer edge to the 
drainage channels flowing through the centre of each 
sedge-heath, as documented in similar communities 
in southern Australia (e.g. Buchanan 1980; Keith and 
Myerscough 1993). Therefore a stratified sampling 
design was used, where each sedge-heath was divided 
into three habitats: drier outer edge, mid-slope and 
drainage channel. To survey spatial variation, three 
plots were placed in each of the three habitats in each 
of the top, central and lower sections of sedge-heath. 
Therefore 27 plots (3 habitats x 3 plots x 3 sections) 
were surveyed in each of the six sedge-heaths (2 areas 
x 3 time-since-fire), providing a total of 162 plots. In 
addition 36 plots (2 habitats x 3 plots x 2 areas x 3 
fire frequencies) were re-sampled in 2003 for woody 
species. In this sampling, the drier outer edge and 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


drainage channel were surveyed in each of two sedge- 
heaths for each fire frequency. 

The quantitative nested quadrat method 
(Morrison et al. 1995) was used to document species 
abundance at each plot. This method uses concentric 
sub-quadrats of increasing size, which were 1, 4, 9, 
16 and 25m? in this study. An abundance score out 
of five was given to each of the species at each plot, 
derived from the number of sub-quadrats it was 
present within. Plant nomenclature follows Harden 
(1990-93) with later modifications adopted by the 
National Herbarium, Sydney, and voucher specimens 
of uncommon species were lodged in the NCW 
Beadle Herbarium (NE) Herbarium. Fire responses 
(obligate seeder or resprouter) were documented 
for species within the recently burnt sites. Electrical 
conductivity and soil pH measurements were taken 
using electronic meters and a 1:5 ratio of soil to 
distilled water. Electrical conductivity is positively 
correlated with soil ionic concentrations and hence 
is a crude index of soil fertility. A light reading was 
taken at the soil surface at each plot and calculated 
as a percentage of a reading taken above the canopy. 
Aspect, degree of slope and canopy height were also 
recorded at each plot. 


The species composition and abundance data 
for each plot were correlated with environmental 
variables using a canonical correspondence analysis 
(CCA) through the CANOCO program. The CCA 
is calculated in two stages. Firstly the similarity of 
the 162 plots, based on species composition and 
abundance, is calculated to display the relative 
ordering of sites (i.e. ordination). The ordination is 
undertaken using a correspondence analysis (CA), 
which is a modal response model, which assumes 
species reach a maximum abundance at a point 
along an environmental gradient. The second step 
in the CCA is a multiple regression technique that 
evaluates the link between environmental variables 
at each plot and the initial ordination of plots based 
on species abundance. In addition, the 36 plots (2 
habitats x 3 plots x 2 areas x 3 fire frequencies) that 
were re-sampled in 2003 for woody species only were 
analysed using CCA with fire frequency and habitat 
as environmental variables. 

The relationships between environmental 
variables of canopy height, light, pH and soil 
conductivity, and habitat and time-since-fire were 
examined using a general linear model (GLM) with 
habitat (3 levels) and time-since-fire (3 levels) as 
orthogonal factors. This orthogonal design was also 
applied in GLM analyses for the richness response 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

variables of total species, resprouters, obligate 
seeders, woody plants, graminoids, grasses, ferns 
and forbs. In addition analyses of covariance were 
performed with conductivity as a covariate. A fire- 
frequency orthogonal GLM analysis was also applied 
to species richness data collected in 2003 with fire 
frequency (3 levels) and habitat (2 levels). A Poisson 
error structure with a log link function was applied 
for species richness data, a binomial error structure 
with a logistic link function for species presence/ 
absence data and an identity link function was applied 
to normally distributed data. 


Effects of time-since-fire and habitat 

Eighty-nine taxa were recorded from the 162 
plots sampled in 1995 (see Appendix 1). Shrubs were 
the most common growth form (41 spp.) followed 
by graminoids (21 spp.), forbs (13 spp.), grasses 
and trees (5 spp. each) and ferns (4 spp.). Among all 
growth forms, 19 species were killed by fire and 70 
were recorded as resprouting. Of those species killed 
by fire, only Banksia marginata had canopy-held seed 

Ordination of sample sites in two dimensions 
showed distinct clustering of sites in relation to time- 
since-fire and physiography (Fig. 1). The strongest 
effects were time-since-fire with 15 years at the top 
of the ordination and the more recently burnt sites 
at the base, whilst the drier edge site to the wetter 
channel sites are distributed left to right (Fig. 1). This 
floristic gradient is initially wide in the short time- 
since fire sites but converges with longer time-since 
fire (Fig. 1). Both light and soil resources were related 
strongly to physiographic position and time-since-fire 
(Fig. 1) and when examined using univariate analyses 
they show the effect of canopy closure on light levels 
(Table 1, Fig. 2). Univariate analyses also show a 
strong resource gradient with soil conductivity being 
higher along the channels with corresponding lower 
pH (Fig. 2). Both conductivity and pH were, however, 
not consistently related to time-since-fire (Table 1, 
Fig. 2). 

There was significant negative correlation 
between conductivity and species richness (1 = 
- 0.53, P < 0.001) (Fig. 3). The relationship between 
species richness, fire response and growth form 
groups were further examined using GLM which 
showed inconsistent patterns of time-since-fire and 
habitats with a significant interaction term (Table 
2). The drier outer edge plots contained a greater 




Figure 1. Biplot from the canonical correspondence analy- 
sis. Symbols represent plots, arrows represent environmen- 
tal gradients. Top cluster = 15 year old plots, middle cluster 
5 year old, bottom cluster 0.5 year old plots. Circles = edge 
plots, squares = mid slopes, triangles = drainage channel plots. 

number of species compared with the other plots 
(Fig. 4a). Species richness declined with time-since- 
fire in these outer edge plots and reached a peak 
some five years later on the slopes (Fig. 4a). The 
four most abundant species in drier edge plots of 
recently burnt sedge-heaths were Ptilothrix deusta, 
Amphipogon strictus, Leptospermum arachnoides 
and Lepidosperma limicola. In areas unburnt for 15 
years, Ptilothrix deusta, Leptospermum arachnoides 

and Lepidosperma limicola remained 
the most abundant, but the grass 
Amphipogon strictus was replaced by 
the obligate seeding twiner, Cassytha 
glabella. The recently burnt edge plots 
contained a total of 62 species whilst 
48 species were documented in plots 
unburnt for 15 years. In these edge 
plots the mean number of obligate 
seeding species and _ resprouting 
species decreased over time, as did 
richness of herbaceous species (Fig. 

The mid slope and channel plots in 
recently burnt sedge-heaths contained 
atotal of 40 species. The most abundant 
Species in the wetter mid slope and 
channel plots of recently burnt sedge- 
heaths were Lepidosperma limicola, 

Baeckea omissa, Gymnoschoenus 
sphaerocephalus and Drosera 
binata. Lepidosperma __limicola, 

Baeckea omissa and Gymnoschoenus 
sphaerocephalus were also the most 
abundant species in the sedge-heaths 
unburnt for 15 years. By this stage 
the herb, Drosera binata, was much 
less abundant and was replaced by 
Epacris obtusifolia, an obligate 
seeder subshrub. In the channel plots 
resprouter richness decreased through 
time whilst obligate seeder richness increased (Fig. 
4b,c). On the bog slopes species richness appeared to 
peak six years after fire then decline mainly due to the 
decrease in grass and sedge species (Fig. 4a,e). 


Effects of fire frequency on shrub species 

No significant trend in species composition with 
fire frequency was detected forshrubspeciesinthe CCA 
analyses, which are shown. Similarly, no effect of fire 

Table 1. Summary results for two factor general linear models for time-since-fire and habitat for 
environmental variables. All models have a Poisson error structures with a log-link function and 

have scale estimated using Pearson Chi-squared. 

Factor df Canopy height % Light pH Conductivity 
F ratio P F ratio P F ratio P F ratio 12 
Time-Since-Fire 2 141.7 felts 244.9 wih! 2.9 = 2.6 ns 
Habitat 2 30.0 ae 27.0 ee 8.3 pa 65.9 aye 
TSF x Habitat 4 2.3 ns 2.5, ns 3.7 ay 3.3 : 
Residual 153 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


| 0.5 Years 
"| 5.0 Years 
L] 15.0 Years 

Canopy height (m) 

8 a 
6 2 
4 R 
0 C C 
Channel Mid slope Outer edge Channel Midslope Outer edge 
25 d) 
4 4 — 5 
Channel Midslope Outer edge Channel Midslope Outer edge 

Figure 2. Mean (+se) for a) canopy height, b) % full sunlight, c) pH, and d) 
conductivity for each of three physiographic positions in the sedge-heaths and 
among three time-since-fire locations. 

~ = Channel 

30 x Mid slope 
fe ® Outer edge 
oe 25 
= 20 



O 5 10 15 20 25 30 26 

Figure 3. Relationship between conductivity (dS/m), species richness and topograph- 
ic position across the sedge-heaths at Gibraltar Range. Lowness line fitted. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 




C97 KEK 8 €7~ *RK 78 *KK 0 CET EK 90 #EK 9 LTI *EK 6 vrI C 

2k 2k ok 


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su 6 su 91 see 67I ek 1'9 
onel 4 


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oer 4 


Omen dt Osea ge Om — af Ole ay oe a 



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: prourureIn 7 Japoas 91e311qO Joinoidsoy to a 


*poienbs-1yD wosiveg SUISN pazVUIIyso a[VIS ALY PUL UOTIUNY YUL-dO| & YI S9ANON.YS 10.119 UOSSIOg & 2ALY S[OpoUI 
IV ‘sdnois Jeuonouny 10 yeyIquy puL eAY-9dUIS-9UNL) 10J S[opoul AvaUT] [e19UAS 10}9¥y OM) 1OJ s}[NSo.1 AreUMUING °7Z a[qQE |, 

frequency on species richness was detected (Table 
3). However, six common resprouting species had 
significantly different abundances across sites with 
different fire frequencies (Table 3, Fig. 5). Of these, 
Leptospermum gregarium, Hibbertia rufa, Boronia 
polygalifolia and Grevillea acanthifolia had lower 
abundances in sites with the highest fire frequency 

(Fig. 5). 


Distinct floristic patterns occur in the sedge-heaths 
of Gibraltar Range representing both physiographic 
and fire-regime effects. Firstly, floristic composition 
varies along gradients in soil moisture, which are 
linked with increased electrical conductivity and 
nutrient accumulation along the drainage lines. 
These drainage-driven patterns are similar to those 
described by Keith and Myerscough (1993) at Darkes 
Forest on the southern Sydney plateau of NSW. 
Despite these structural similarities, major floristic 
differences separate central and southern NSW from 
northern regions (Keith 1995; Keith 2004), but more 
detailed surveys of the sedge-heaths in the Northern 
Tablelands and comparative analyses are required. 
Initial comparative analyses of life-history attributes 
suggest similar growth form composition and fire 
response syndromes to other east coast heaths (Keith 
et al. 2002). 

Species richness values were generally higher 
toward the outer edge of the heaths and lower on 
the slopes and drainage channel corresponding to 
patterns at Darkes Forest. This inverse relationship 
between species richness and electrical conductivity 
(positively correlated with soil fertility) was similar 
to that found in other heaths (Keith and Myerscough 
1993; Myerscough et al. 1996), suggesting a 
widespread resource-competition effect in heaths 
with resource gradients. However, the overall number 
of species encountered was much smaller than the 
high species richness found in coastal heaths (Keith 
and Myerscough 1993). 

Habitat segregation of serotinous shrub species 
along gradients of moisture and soil fertility has been 
explored in manipulative experiments by Williams 
and Clarke (1997) who suggest that a combination of 
seedling establishment and seedling survival inrelation 
to moisture gradients segregates species within these 
sedge-heaths. Patterns of seedling establishment are 
initiated by fire and the effect of time-since-fire was 
prominent in our analyses. Following the passage of 
fire, the sedge-heath canopy is opened up and ground 
level insolation peaks, but as plants grow taller, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


a) Total b) Resprouters 

28 28 
24 Ee] 0.5 Years 
5 5.0 Years 
< 20 [_] 15.0 Years Pa 
a IG 
in 16 2 
Fr a 
a12 : © 
o 8 3 
4 : 
3, 3 
(@) —————— a 
Channel Midslope Outer edge Channel Mid slope Outer edge 
14 c) Obligate seeders d) Woody species 
© 10 
e : 
i? a 
z 6 2 
i 2 
oe, = 
2 = 
2 = 
Channel Midslope Outer edge 
Channel Midslope Outer edge 
14 e) Grasses and sedges 1.4 f) Forbs and ferns 
12 12 
ci 10 210 
= In 
In ol 
= 8 ~~ 8 
bi a 
a 5 
zo 6 a6 
a Wi 
“i va 
‘4 ° 4 
xi o 
c= = 
= 2 2 
0 —————_———y 0 
Channel Mid slope Outer edge Channel Mid slope Outer edge 

Figure 4. Mean (+se) for species richness a) total, b) resprouters, c) obligate seeders, d) woody species, 
e) grasses and sedges, f) forbs and ferns for each of three physiographic positions and among three 
time-since-fire locations. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 33 


Table 3a. Summary results for linear models for fire frequency and habitat. All mod- 
els have a Binomial error structures with a logistic link function for species data. 

Factor df et Baeckea omissa ¥ a A Hibbertia rufa ee ai iin Ea ae 
F IP 2 P x2 P 9 Ge IP 2 P 1 Ga P 
Fire frequency 2 3.0 ns 2.0 ns 4.8 ns 6.1 x 30.3 pee OD 
Habitat 1 te 8.2 fe 49 * - = : = : 
Fire frequency x Habitat 2 5.2 % 2.0 ns 70.8 Fate: - - - © = = 
Residual 30 

Table 3b. Summary results for general linear models for fire frequency and habitat. All models 
have a Binomial error structures with a logistic link function for species data. Species listed in 
order of relative abundance. 


Leptospermum ‘ Hibbertia Grevillea Hakea Epacris 
Factor df i marginata NE: ees : en 
arachnoides : riparia acanthifolia microcarpa obtusifolia 
ere | Ne Se ee eS ES | a Sees eae 
7 P Ge P Me P 7 P 0 a P 7 P 
Fire frequency 2 8.5 as 1.1 ns 6.1 : 26.4 a 30.3 uae 24.6 oo 
Residual 30 
* P <0).05 
** P <().01 
**x* P <().001 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



4 fires 

|| 5 fires 


ate 2 
a on 
— = 
} Ss = fo) iS 
© = © = S 
> rs) re) S 
~ S © Q a 
& x c & < 
ro) 2) = = S) 
PS = = S o 
= > i Q 
g ® 9 Ww 
= jaa) 
3S © 

Hibbertia rufa 
Beackea omissa 

Leptospermum greganum 
Banksia marginata (seedlings) 
Leptospermum arachnoides 

Figure 5. Total abundance scores (frequency score) for the ten most common woody plants recorded in 
sedge-heaths in 2003, eight months after a fire among areas that been burnt 2, 3, and 5 times since 1964. 

ground layer insolation subsequently decreases. 
Neither soil pH nor conductivity showed consistent 
trends with time-since-fire although it is likely that 
post-fire soil nutrients peaked immediately after fire. 
Hence it is thought that competition for light is the 
main driver for differences in floristic composition 
with time-since-fire (Specht and Specht 1989; Keith 
and Bradstock 1994) or alternatively the differences 
simply reflect species’ life spans. Decreases in woody 
species richness with time-since fire are prominent in 
the better-drained, outer-edge heaths. Hence we think 
that competition rather than variation in the life span 
of plants is the causal factor. 

There were no major decreases in species 
richness in the channel or slope plots, which may 
reflect the slower growth dynamics of montane 
sedge-heaths compared with coastal systems. 
Overall, variation in floristic composition along the 
drainage gradient was greatest immediately after fire, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

and then became less variable at 15 years time-since- 
fire. This may reflect the lack of strong competitive 
exclusion in the drainage channel heaths, possibly 
due to their narrow and patchy distribution. We 
think the alternative explanation of the lack of short- 
lived species immediately after fire unlikely because 
short-lived species were common along creek banks. 
Unfortunately, studies of long-unburnt sedge-heaths 
were halted in 2003 when all long-unburnt sedge- 
heaths were burnt in wildfires. 

Fire frequency appears to have much less 
influence on composition than  time-since-fire, 
although only shrub data were sampled. When shrub 
species abundances were examined individually 
several dominant species had reduced abundances 
under frequent fire regimes. This is consistent with 
patterns in the adjacent dry sclerophyll forests 
(Knox and Clarke in this volume) where higher fire 
frequencies reduced plant performance. We would 



predict, however, that if the intervals between fires 
were less than eight years then the dominance and 
composition would change. 


The Director of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife 
Service is thanked for allowing us to do this work in Gibraltar 
Range National Park under permit No. 1601. The Service 
staff at Glen Innes are thanked for their encouragement and 
help in providing accommodation and access to the site. 
The students of The Ecology of Australian Vegetation in 
2003 helped collect the fire frequency data. Kirsten Knox is 
thanked for her thoughtful input and David Keith is thanked 
for comments that improved the manuscript. This study 
was aided from funding from a University of New England 
Beadle Scholarship to one of us (PRW). 


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Vol. 1-4. (New South Wales University Press, 

Jackson, W.D. (1968). Fire, air, water and earth - an 
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A moorland example from Tasmania and mainland 
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native vegetation of New South Wales and the ACT’. 
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Keith, D.A. and Bradstock, R.A. (1994). Fire and 
competition in Australian heath: a conceptual model 
and field investigations. Journal of Vegetation 
Science 5, 347-354. 

Keith, D. A. and Myerscough, P. J. (1993). Floristics 
and soil relations of upland swamp vegetation near 
Sydney. Australian Journal of Ecology 18, 325-344. 

Keith, D.A., McCaw, W.L. and Whelan, R.J. (2002). Fire 
regimes in Australian heathlands and their effects 
on plants and animals. Pp. 199-237. In: Flammable 
Australia: The fire Regimes and Biodiversity of a 
Continent. Edited by Bradstock, R.A. Williams, 

J.E. and Gill, M.A. Cambridge University Press, 

Millington, R.J. (1954). Sphagnum bogs of the New 
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Ecology 42, 328-324. 

Morrison, D.A., Le Brocque, A.F. and Clarke, P.J. (1995). 
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estimating the abundance (frequency) of sedentary 
organisms. Vegetatio 120, 121-135. 

Myerscough, P.J. and Carolin, R.C. (1986). The vegetation 
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Cunninghamia 1, 399-466. 

Myerscough, P.J., Clarke, P.J. and Skelton, N.J. (1996). 
Plant coexistence in coastal heaths: habitat 
segregation in the post-fire environment. Australian 
Journal of Ecology 21, 47-54. 

Pickard, J. and Jacobs, S.W.L. (1983). Vegetation patterns 
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Pidgeon, I M. (1938). Plant succession on the Hawkesbury 
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New South Wales 63, 1-26. 

Specht, R.L., Rayson, P. and Jackman, M.E. (1958). Dark 
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Pyric succession: changes to composition, coverage, 
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Specht, R.L. and Specht, A. (1989). Species richness of 
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communities in NSW and the ACT and their Department of Botany, University of New England, 

conservation management. Cunninghamia 7, 463- Armidale, New South Wales. 

500. Williams P.R. and Clarke, P.J. (1997). Habitat segregation 
Williams, P.R. (1995). Floristic Patterns Within and by serotinous shrubs in heaths: Post-fire emergence 

Between Sedge-Heath of Gibraltar Range National and seedling survival. Australian Journal of Botany 

Park, New South Wales. BSc Honours Thesis, 45, 31-39. 

Appendix 1. Species recorded in sample sites of the sedge-heaths in 
Gibraltar Range National Park, their growth form and fire response. 
R = resprouting, S = obligate seeding. * exotic 


Allocasuarina littoralis Tree R 
Amphipogon strictus Grass R 
Aotus subglauca var. subglauca Shrub R 
Aristida ramosa Grass R 
Austrostipa pubescens Grass R 
*Axonopus affinis Grass R 
Baeckea omissa Shrub R 
Baloskion fimbriatus Graminoid R 
Baloskion stenocoleus Graminoid R 
Banksia spinulosa Shrub R 
Banksia marginata Shrub S) 
Baumea rubiginosa Graminoid R 
Blandfordia grandiflora Graminoid R 
Boronia microphylla Shrub R 
Boronia polygalifolia Sub-shrub S) 
Bossiaea scortechinii Shrub R 
Brachyloma daphnoides ssp. glabrum Shrub R 
Caesia parviflora Graminoid R 
Callistemon pallidus Shrub R 
Callistemon pityoides Shrub R 
Cassytha glabella Forb S 
Caustis flexuosa Graminoid R 
Conospermum taxifolium Shrub R 
Cryptostylis subulata Graminoid R 
Dampiera stricta Forb R 
Dianella caerulea Graminoid R 
Dillwynia phylicoides Shrub R 
Drosera binata Forb R 
Drosera spatulata Forb R 
Empodisma minus Graminoid R 
Entolasia stricta Grass R 
Epacris microphylla vat. microphylla Shrub R 
Epacris obtusifolia Shrub S 
Eucalyptus acaciiformis Tree R 
Eucalyptus campanulata Tree R 
Eucalyptus ligustrina Tree R 
Eucalyptus williamsiana Tree R 
Euphrasia collina ssp. paludosa Forb R 
Gleichenia dicarpa Fern R 
Gompholobium sp. “B” Shrub R 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 af 


Gonocarpus micranthus Forb S) 
Gonocarpus teucrioides Forb R 
Goodenia bellidifolia Forb S 
Goodenia hederacea Forb S) 
Grevillea acanthifolia ssp. stenomera Shrub R 
Grevillea acerata Shrub R 
Gymnoschoenus sphaerocephalus Graminoid R 
Hakea laevipes ssp. graniticola Shrub R 
Hakea microcarpa Shrub R 
Hibbertia rufa Shrub R 
Hibbertia riparia Shrub R 
Hovea heterophylla Sub-shrub R 
Hybanthus monopetalus Forb S) 
Hypericum japonicum Forb S 
Isopogon petiolaris Shrub R 
Kunzea bracteolata Shrub S) 
Lepidosperma limicola Graminoid R 
Lepidosperma tortuosum Graminoid R 
Leptospermum arachnoides Shrub R 
Leptospermum brevipes Shrub R 
Leptospermum gregarium Shrub R 
Leptospermum novae-angliae Shrub R 
Lepyrodia anarthria Graminoid R 
Lepyrodia scariosa Graminoid R 
Lindsaea linearis Fern R 
Logania pusilla Sub-shrub R 
Lomandra elongata Graminoid R 
Lomandra longifolia Graminoid R 
Lycopodium sp. Fern Ss 
Melichrus procumbens Shrub R 
Mirbelia rubiifolia Shrub R 
Monotoca scoparia Shrub R 
Patersonia sericea Graminoid R 
Persoonia rufa Shrub S 
Petrophila canescens Shrub R 
Phyllota phylicoides Shrub R 
Pimelea linifolia ssp collina Shrub S) 
Platysace ericoides Shrub S 
Ptilothrix deusta Graminoid R 
Pultenaea polifolia Shrub S) 
Pultenaea pycnocephala Shrub S 
Rhytidosporum diosmoides Sub-shrub Ss) 
Schizaea bifida Fern R 
Schoenus sp. Graminoid R 
Sphaerolobium vimineum Shrub R 
Sprengelia incarnata Shrub S) 
Thysanotus tuberosus Graminoid R 
Trachymene incisa ssp. incisa Forb R 
Xanthorrhoea johnsonii Graminoid R 

Yuri I pet k 

38 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Habitat Segregation of Banksia Shrubs at Gibraltar Range 
National Park 


Botany, School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources Management, University of New England, 

Armidale NSW 2351 ( 

Virgona, S., Vaughton, G. and Ramsey, M. (2006). Habitat segregation of Banksia shrubs at Gibraltar 
Range National Park. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 127, 39-47. 

Events during seedling recruitment affect species’ distributions, causing habitat segregation of congeneric 
species within the same area. We documented the segregation of Banksia marginata and B. spinulosa 
var. neoanglica in adjacent swamp and woodland habitats at two sites by surveying adult and seedling 
distributions. We also examined seed banks and seed characters as factors contributing to segregation. 
Habitat segregation was pronounced, with 92% of B. marginata adults located in swamps and 98% of B. 
spinulosa adults located in woodlands. After fire, 84% of B. marginata seedlings were in swamps, but 10 
months later this increased to 93%, indicating that although seeds dispersed to and germinated in adjacent 
woodlands, most seedlings failed to establish. Seedlings of B. spinulosa were confined to woodlands, 
indicating that seeds did not disperse into swamps or that, if they did, seeds failed to germinate or seedlings 
suffered early mortality. Canopy seed banks of both species were large (> 280 seeds/plant) and seeds 
of both species possess membranous wings, allowing dispersal between habitats. Overall, neither limited 
numbers of seeds nor limited seed dispersal are likely to cause habitat segregation. Instead, processes 

occurring during early seedling growth are probably more influential. 

Manuscript received 1 May 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEYWORDS: Banksia marginata, Banksia spinulosa, fire, niche, Proteaceae, regeneration. 


Seedling recruitment is a critical stage in 
the demography of plant populations. Seeds and 
seedlings typically experience high mortality rates, 
and events during recruitment potentially affect 
the distribution of species in the landscape (Harper 
1977; Grime 1979; Silvertown and Charlesworth 
2001). When seeds are dispersed, they encounter a 
variety of abiotic and biotic conditions that affect the 
seed germination, seedling emergence, survival or 
growth stages of the life cycle. Interactions between 
these factors exert powerful effects on the spatial 
patterns of recruitment, allowing regeneration to 
occur in some microhabitats but not others (Lamont 
et al. 1989; Mustart and Cowling 1993; Schiitz et al. 
2002; Castro et al. 2004). Grubb (1977) coined the 
term “regeneration niche” to distinguish between the 
habitat conditions required for seedling recruitment 
as opposed to adult survival and reproduction. The 
regeneration niche is generally considered to be 
more complex than the niche experienced by adult 

plants, providing substantial opportunities to explain 
the distribution patterns of different species (Grubb 
1977). 3 

Habitat segregation of congeneric species in 
distinct habitats within the same general geographic 
area is a common feature of coastal plains and 
tableland areas of southern Australia (Siddiqi et al. 
1972; Bowman et al. 1986; Keith and Myerscough 
1993; Myerscough et al. 1995; Clarke 2002), and 
has been well documented in Banksia. On the Swan 
coastal sand plain near Perth, Banksia littoralis 1s 
restricted to swamp margins, whereas B. menziesii 
and B. attenuata occur more widely in drier woodland 
areas (Groom et al. 2001). Further north of Perth on 
the Eneabba sandplain, B. hookeriana, B. prionotes 
and B. attenuata are segregated along topographic 
gradients in the dune-swale system (Lamont et al. 
1989: Groeneveld et al. 2002). In NSW, on the coastal 
sand plains in the Myall Lakes area, B. oblongifolia 
and B. aemula are segregated into either wet heath 
or dry heath occurring on the slopes and ridges, 
respectively (Myerscough et al. 1996). Finally, on 
the north coast of NSW, B. ericifolia is most common 


in wet heath, while its congener B. aemula occurs in 
headland heath, dry heath and moist heath (Benwell 
1998). Although such patterns have been attributed 
to physiological intolerance and competition at later 
life-cycle stages, increasing evidence points to the 
importance of processes occurring during recruitment 
in mediating segregation (Myerscough et al. 1996; 
Clarke et al. 1996; Williams and Clarke 1997). Using 
field experiments Myerscough et al. (1996) and 
Clarke et al. (1996) demonstrated that segregation 
of B. aemula and B. oblongifolia at Myall Lakes was 
related to processes operating during seed dispersal 
when safe sites for seeds are required, and during 
establishment when resources are critical for early 
seedling growth. 

At Gibraltar Range National Park (GRNP), 
sedge-heath communities occur in areas of impeded 
drainage on hillsides and on flats that are surrounded 
by a matrix of sclerophyll woodland. Segregation of 
congeneric species into either sedge-heath or woodland 
habitats is common (Sheringham and Hunter 2002). 
Here we quantified the distribution of both adult and 
seedling populations of Banksia marginata and B. 
spinulosa var. neoanglica to determine whether the 
two species are segregated and whether processes 
operating during recruitment mediate this pattern. 
We found pronounced segregation that is established 
during recruitment, and to explain the observed 
distribution pattern we examined the seed production 
and seed dispersal stages of the life cycle. Specifically, 
we examined seed bank size and seed attributes to 
determine whether both species produce viable seeds 
and whether seeds have the potential to disperse 
between habitats. 


Study species 

Banksia marginata Cav. is widely distributed 
along the coast and ranges of south-eastern Australia. 
At GRNP, the species is at the northern limit of its 
range (Harden 2002). In this area, plants are killed by 
fire and populations rely solely on seeds for recovery 
(i.e. are obligate seeders, Vaughton and Ramsey 1998; 
Benson and McDougall 2000). Adult plants are single- 
stemmed and grow to 2 m in height. The inflorescences 
are 5-10 cm long and bear straight styles. Flowers are 
self-compatible and two seeds are usually formed 
per follicle (Vaughton and Ramsey 1998, 2006). At 
this site follicles are strongly serotinous and open 
only after exposure to high temperatures during 
fires. Seeds have a membranous wing, allowing wind 


dispersal. Most seedling recruitment occurs in the 
first 12 months after fire. 

Banksia spinulosa Sm. var. neoanglica A.S. 
George (B. cunninghamii Sieber ex Rchb. subsp. 
A; Harden 2002; hereafter B. spinulosa) is found 
in northern NSW and southern Queensland. Plants 
have an underground lignotuber and are able to 
resprout after fire (1.e. are resprouting). Adult plants 
are multistemmed and grow to 2 m in height. The 
inflorescences are 6-15 cm long and bear hooked 
styles. Flowers are self-compatible, but most seeds 
are outcrossed (Vaughton and Carthew 1993). The 
follicles are strongly serotinous and have a single 
winged seed (Vaughton and Ramsey 2001). Seedling 
recruitment occurs after fire. 

Study sites 
Two sites were chosen at GRNP that were 
burned by bushfires during November 2002: Waratah 

Trig (WT: 29929’ S, 152919’ E, 1050 m a.s.l.) and 

Surveyors Creek (SC: 29932’ S, 152918’ E, 1044 m 
a.s.l.). These sites occur on separate drainage channels 
and are approximately 5 km apart. Both sites are 
floristically and structurally similar, comprising two 
associated vegetation types, sclerophyll woodland 
and sedge-heath. The woodlands are dominated by 
Eucalyptus olida with a diverse shrub understorey. 
The sedge heaths are dominated by Lepidosperma 
limicola with emergent shrub species occurring along 
the swamp margins (Sheringham and Hunter 2002). 

Distribution of adults and seedlings 

For both species, the distributions of adult plants 
were surveyed 3 months after the fire. Burnt adults 
retained their cones, and were readily identified. 
Seedling distributions were surveyed twice, at 18 and 
28 months after the fire. Seedlings of the two species 
were identified by differences in cotyledon and leaf 

We used stratified belt-transects for the adult 
and seedling surveys. Different transects were used 
for each survey, ensuring samples were independent 
of each other. Transects spanned 40 m of the swamp 
habitat and 60 m of the woodland habitat, and were 
haphazardly placed. This stratification ensured that we 
surveyed the distributions of both B. marginata and 
B. spinulosa. Transects excluded the wetter regions of 
the swamp where banksias rarely occur (Sheringham 
and Hunter 2002). For adult and seedling surveys at 
each site, four, 5 m wide transects and six, 1 m wide 
transects were used, respectively. Within transects, all 
banksias were counted and recorded as being in either 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


ww) ae Any 

0-20 21-40 

Transect locations (m) 

<+— Swamp —><— Woodland ————> 


Figure 1. Vegetation profile of the swamp and woodland 

Similarly, the number of seeds per plant was 
estimated as the product of cones per plant and 
seeds per cone. Plant density was assessed using 
five haphazardly placed quadrats in each habi- 
tat at each site. In swamp and woodland habi- 
tats, 5 m x 5 m and 10 mx 10 m quadrats were 
used, respectively, to ensure both species were 
adequately represented. To assess the number 
of cones per plant, we counted cones with fol- 
licles on 50 plants of each species per site. For 
the number of viable seeds, we collected five 
cones from each of 20 plants of each species 
per site prior to the fire in August 2002. Seeds 
were extracted in April 2003 by heating cones 
for 30 min in an oven set at 110 °C. Seeds were 
deemed viable if they were intact and plump. 

association and the placement of stratified belt-transects 

used to examine the distribution of B. marginata and B. 
spinulosa at the SC and WT sites. The illustration is rep- 
resentative of the vegetation and is not drawn to scale. 

the swamp or woodland habitat (Fig. 1). 

To assess habitat segregation of B. marginata and 
B. spinulosa, we calculated an analysis of deviance 
using a logit model with a binomial error term and 
a logit link function. The three explanatory variables 
were site (SC, WT), plant age (adults, seedlings at 
18 and 24 months after the fire) and habitat (swamp, 
woodland). The response variable was the number of 
plants of one species expressed as a proportion of the 
sum of the number of plants of both Banksia species. 
With this approach, the explanatory variables and 
their interactions are interpreted as their effect on the 
response variable in a similar fashion to ANOVA. In 
preliminary analyses, the three-way interaction (site 
x habitat x age) and the site x age interaction were 
not significant and were omitted from the final model 
(P > 0.50). We also calculated the percentage of the 
total deviance explained by each term. Because the 
age x habitat interaction was significant in the final 
model, we also examined how the distributions of 
adults and seedlings differed with respect to habitat 
for each species at each site using 3 x 2 contingency 
tables (G-tests). A significant G-test indicates that the 
distribution of plants of the different ages depends on 
habitat. We used a sequential Bonferroni correction to 
account for multiple tests. 

Seed bank 3 

We estimated the seed bank (seeds/m ) of 
each species as: (plants/m ) x (mean number of 
cones/plant) x (mean number of viable seeds/cone). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Seed dispersal 

To assess the dispersal potential of seeds, 
seed mass:seed area ratios (i.e. wing loading) 
were calculated; larger wing loadings imply 
shorter potential dispersal distances. Seeds 
were weighed and measured with the seed and wing 
intact, using three seeds from each of 10 plants per 
species from each site. Seeds were weighed to the 
nearest 0.1 mg, and seed area was determined using a 
leaf area meter (A T Area Meter, Delta — T Devices). 

Seed bank and dispersal analyses 

Data were analysed with two-way ANOVAs, 
with species as a fixed factor and site as a random 
factor. When the site x species interaction was not 
significant (P > 0.2), it was pooled with the error term, 
resulting in a more powerful test of the differences 
between species (Quinn and Keough 2002). When 
the site x species interaction was significant, we 
calculated tests of simple main effects comparing 
the species at each site. To meet assumptions of 
ANOVA, plant density, the numbers of cones, seed 
mass and wing loadings were log{9 transformed. 
Other variables did not require transformation. 


Distribution of adults and seedlings 

Of the 3610 plants found on transects, 15.5% 
and 61.7% were B. marginata adults and seedlings, 
respectively, and 3.2% and 19.6% were B. spinulosa 
adults and seedlings, respectively. The final logit 
model included the three main effects, and the age 
x habitat and the site x habitat interactions (Table 
1). The significant age x habitat interaction indicates 



Table 1. Analysis of deviance (logit model) examining the dis- 
tribution of Banksia marginata and B. spinulosa adults and 
seedlings (18 and 28 months after the fire) in swamp and 
woodland habitats at the SC and WT sites (n = 3610 plants). 
Habitat explained 97.7% of the total deviance. The site x 
habitat x age and the site x age interactions were not signifi- 
cant (P > 0.50), and they were omitted from the final model. 

numerous than B. spinulosa plants 
(F, 17 = 173.67, P < 0.001; Table 3). 
For the number of cones per plant and 
viable seeds per cone, the site x species 
interaction was significant (cones: 
F196 = 16.85, P< 0.001; seeds: Fy 96> 
21.15, P<0.001), and we examined the 
simple main effects of species at each 

site. The number of cones produced 

Source df A Deviance ; ae 
by B. marginata was significantly 
Site 1 20a <0.0001 greater than B. spinulosa at both sites 
(WT: By 196 = 103.49, P < 0.001; SC: 
Habitat 1 2505 < 0.0001 F, 195 = 19.08, P < 0.001; Table 3). 
ee ) 11.33 0.003 For the number of seeds per cone, B. 
marginata produced more seeds than 
Age x habitat 2 12.34 0.002 B. spinulosa at WT (F, 76 = 24.25, P 
< 0.001), but at SC seed Pigduction 
Site x habitat 1 2.97 0.085 

of both species was similar (Fy 75 = 

that the relative frequencies of adults and seedlings 
varied between the two habitats (Table 1, Fig. 2). 
Although the main effects of site, age and habitat 
were significant, habitat singularly explained 97.7% 
of the deviance in the model (Table 1), indicating 
that the two species exhibited pronounced habitat 
segregation. Overall, most B. marginata plants of all 
ages were found in the swamps (= 84%) and most 
B. spinulosa plants were found in the woodland (= 

For B. marginata, adult and seedling distributions 
differed significantly at both sites (Table 2, Fig. 
2). Seedlings were distributed more widely than 
adults 18 months after the fire, but by 28 months, 
the distributions were similar. At 18 months, about 
84% and 16% of seedlings were found in the 
swamps and woodlands, respectively, but 10 
months later, about 93% and 7% of seedlings 
were in the two habitats, respectively. For B. 
spinulosa, adult and seedling distributions at 
WT did not differ significantly (Table 2, Fig. 
2). At SC, however, adults were distributed 
more widely than seedlings (Table 2, Fig. 
2). About 5% of adults were located in the 

2.49, P = 0.109; Table 3). Overall, B. 

marginata plants produced about 9- 
fold and 1.4-fold more seeds than did B. spinulosa 
plants at WT and SC, respectively. Similarly, the seed 
bank (seeds/m’) of B. marginata was 182-fold and 
18-fold greater than that of B. spinulosa at WT and 
SC, respectively, the large differences resulting from 
differences in plant density. 

Seed dispersal 

For seed mass and seed area, the site x species 
interactions were significant (seed mass: F, ,,,= 11.13, 
P<0.001; seed area: F; ;;,= 15.06, P< 0. 001), and 
we examined simple main effects of species at each 
site. Seeds of B. spinulosa weighed at least 22% more 
than B. marginata seeds at both sites (WT: F, 116 = 

Table 2. Results of 3 x 2 contingency analyses examining 
the effects of habitat on the distribution of plants of differ- 
ent ages. We compared the distributions of adults (A) ver- 
sus seedlings surveyed 18 and 28 months after the fire (S1 
and S2, respectively) between swamps and woodlands for 
Banksia marginata and B. spinulosa at the SC and WT sites. 
G- and P-values are presented. G-values are significant 
following Bonferroni correction at P = 0.0125. All df = 2. 

swamp, whereas > 99% seedlings were 

confined to the woodland. Population B. marginata B. spinulosa 

Seed bank : Avs Sj vs 82 Avs Sj vs 82 
For plant density (plants/m ), the site x sc G 17.54 10.07 

species interaction was not significant (F116 

= 0.48, P > 0.450), and it was pooled with P 0.0002 0.0065 

the error term for the final analysis. Sites 

did not differ (F, ,,= 0.07, P > 0.750), but WT G 23.27 0.15 

B. marginata plants were about 10-fold more P < 0.0001 0.926 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


SC adults 


SC seedlings 18 months WT seedlings 18 months 


WT seedlings 28 months 


a | 0 ical aie a 
S$ gg S o 8 8 2 © 
aaa eanretY naka YS er 
Intervals (m) Intervals (m) 

Figure 2. Distribution of Banksia marginata (open) and B. spinulosa (shaded) adults and seed- 
lings at the SC and WT sites. Adults were surveyed 3 months after the fire, and seedlings were sur- 
veyed 18 and 28 months after the fire. Data are mean proportions of plants ( SE) at 20 m in- 
tervals based on four transects for adults and six transects for seedlings. The 0-20 m and 21-40 
m intervals were in swamp habitats and the other three intervals were in woodland habitats. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 43 


Table 3. Seed bank characters for Banksia marginata and B. spinulosa at the SC and WT sites. Data 

are means + SE. 

Characters SC 

B. marginata B. spinulosa 
Planes me 0.9 + 0.2 0.1+0.1 
Cones/plant 722 ES, O) 2 3e Ne 
Seeds/cone 24.4 + 3.8 33.3 43.8 
Seeds/plant 420+ 72 306 + 45 
Total seedslc 386 + 53 AEE) 


B. marginata B. spinulosa 

1.0+0.3 0.1+0.1 
45.8+4.5 9.4+0.9 
STRIE=SES 30.0 + 4.7 
2642 + 220 282 + 47 
Pylejoe= 27M yee 2 

15.74, P< 0.001; SC: F, 116= 75.42, P< 0.001; Table 
4). By contrast, B. marginata seeds were at least 11% 
greater in area than B. spinulosa seeds at both sites 
(WT: Fy 146 51.47, P < 0.001; SC: F, 116= 2.84, P< 
0.01; Table 4). 

For wing loading, the site x species interaction 
was not significant (F, ,;¢= 1.51, P > 0.20), and it 
was pooled with the error term for the final analyses. 
No differences in wing loadings were found between 
sites (F; };7= 2.04, P = 0.156). Wing loadings of B. 
spinulosa seeds were significantly greater than the 
wing loadings of B. marginata seeds, indicating that 
B. spinulosa should disperse shorter distances than B. 
marginata (Fi = 201.06, P< 0.001; Table 4). 


Our results showed that B. marginata and B. 
spinulosa were segregated into different habitats, 
and that this pattern was established during seedling 
recruitment. Adult B. marginata plants were 

concentrated in the swamp margins, whereas B. 
spinulosa plants were located in the woodland. In 
B. marginata, seedlings were more widely dispersed 
than adults 18 months after fire, but by 28 months 
the distribution of seedlings had contracted so that 
it did not differ from that of adults. In B. spinulosa, 
virtually all seedlings were confined to the woodland 
habitats. Our results are consistent with other studies 
showing the importance of the regeneration niche in 
determining patterns of segregation of congeneric 
species (Lamont et al. 1989; Mustart and Cowling 
1993; Myerscough et al. 1996; Clarke et al. 1996; 
Williams and Clarke 1997; Schiitz et al. 2002). 

In B. marginata, processes operating during 
seedling establishment appear to mediate habitat 
segregation. The wider distribution of B. marginata 
seedlings than adults 18 months but not 28 months 
after fire, indicates that seeds dispersed into the 
woodland and germinated, but seedlings failed to 
establish. Other studies have shown that recruitment 
of Banksia seedlings is strongly influenced by abiotic 
conditions, especially drought (Lamont et al. 1989; 

Table 4. Seed characters relevant to dispersal for Banksia marginata and B. spinulosa at the 
SC and WT sites. Data are means + SE (n = 30 seeds). 

F ; Seed mass Seed area Wing loading 
Site Species 2 D 
ini (cm_) (mg/cm _) 
SC B. marginata 8.44 + 0.31 0.72 + 0.04 11.95 + 0.49 
B. spinulosa 12.85 + 0.44 0.65 + 0.07 19.56 + 1.04 
WT B. marginata 8.85 + 0.22 0.85 + 0.03 10.64 + 0.33 
B. spinulosa 10.81 + 0.32 0.57 + 0.04 18.51 + 1.07 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Myerscough et al. 1996; Lamont and Groom 1998). 
At GRNP, soils in both the swamp and woodland 
habitats are of granitic origin. However, the swamp 
soils are fine textured and poorly drained compared 
with the more well-drained soils of the woodland 
(Virgona 2004). Segregation therefore may be driven 
by adaptation to the particular abiotic conditions 
in the swamp and intolerance to conditions in the 
woodland. Specifically, compared with B. spinulosa, 
B. marginata seedlings may be less tolerant of 
fluctuating levels of soil moisture and thus the overall 
drier soils in the woodland. Manipulative field and 
glasshouse experiments are now needed to investigate 
this possibility. 

As expected of an obligate seeder that relies solely 
on seeds for recruitment (Lamont and Groom 1998; 
Lamont and Wiens 2003), B. marginata maintained a 
large canopy seed bank. Compared with B. spinulosa, 
adult B. marginata plants had 2-4 times more cones per 
plant, and at WT, more viable seeds per cone. Banksia 
marginata adults also occurred at higher densities 
than did B. spinulosa, resulting in seed densities that 
were 18-182 times greater in their preferred habitat. 
High seed densities provide maximum opportunities 
for seedling recruitment and also allow colonisation 
of new sites, as evidenced by the occurrence of B. 
marginata seedlings in woodland habitat 18 months 
after fire. Populations of obligate seeding plants, 
however, are susceptible to either short or very long 
fire intervals that can decrease the amount of stored 
seeds for recruitment and hence threaten population 
persistence (Morrison et al. 1995; Enright et al. 
1996). The effect of fire on demographic processes 
may therefore interact with other abiotic and biotic 
factors influencing segregation in fire-prone heaths 
and woodlands such as those occurring at GRNP. 

In B. spinulosa, > 99% of seedlings were located 
in the woodland 18 months after the fire. The lack 
of recruitment into swamps indicates that either seed 
availability was limited, seeds did not disperse into 
the swamps or seeds dispersed, but seedlings failed 
to establish. Although at present we are unable to 
distinguish between these possibilities, we suspect the 
latter. First, recruitment by B. spinulosa in swamps 
was unlikely to be limited by seed availability. 
Compared with other resprouting Banksia species, 
adult B. spinulosa plants maintained a large store of 
seeds in their canopy prior to the fire (~ 300 seeds for 
B. spinulosa vs < 16 seeds, n=7 species, Lamont and 
Groom 1998). Further, seedling recruitment occurred 
in woodland but not adjacent to swamp habitats, 
indicating that seed availability was adequate. Second, 
the inability of seeds to disperse from the woodland 
is unlikely to account for the absence of seedlings in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

the swamps. Although B. spinulosa seeds had larger 
wing loadings (greater mass but smaller area) than 
B. marginata seeds, this may not overly affect their 
dispersal potential. Using wind-tunnel and seed- 
release experiments, Hammill et al. (1998) reported 
that Banksia seeds weighing between 9 mg and 70 mg 
dispersed similar distances. They found that seeds of 
Banksia species with similar characteristics to those 
of B. spinulosa and B. marginata were most abundant 
within 2-3 m of parent plants, but were readily 
dispersed 9-12 m and occasionally up to 40 m from 
parents. Assuming that B. spinulosa seeds behave as 
in Hammill’s study, the absence of seedlings in the 
swamps is unlikely to be due to the inability of seeds 
to disperse the short distance from the woodland to 
the swamp margins. 

At SC, about 5% of B. spinulosa adults were 
located in the swamp, but no seedlings were found 
in this habitat. These adult plants had canopy seed 
banks and would have released their seeds directly 
into the swamps. The lack of seedling establishment 
in the swamps may be due to the inability of seeds 
to find safe sites. At Myall Lakes, B. aemula, a dry 
heath species, failed to establish in nearby wet heath, 
even though experiments showed that seedlings were 
able to grow in this habitat. The lack of establishment 
in wet heath under natural conditions was attributed 
to insufficient soil disturbance, which reduced safe 
sites for seeds (Myerscough et al. 1996; Clarke et al. 
1996). Little or no recruitment in the swamps would 
be expected if B. spinulosa seeds experience similar 
problems in finding safe sites. 

If seeds of B. spinulosa germinated in the 
swamps, but seedlings died shortly afterwards, then 
they would not have been present when we surveyed 
the swamps 18 months after fire. Early mortality 
could have been mediated by abiotic conditions in the 
swamps. Compared with B. marginata, seedlings of 
B. spinulosa may lack the physiological capacity to 
cope with the poorly draining and often waterlogged 
swamp soils. Further, early seedling mortality could 
result from competitive exclusion. Seedlings of B. 
spinulosa grow more slowly than seedlings of B. 
marginata (Virgona 2004), and they may be unable 
to compete with the rapidly resprouting sedges 
in the swamps. Despite these potential obstacles, 
establishment of B. spinulosa in the swamps must 
occur occasionally as evidenced at SC by the presence 
of the small number of adult plants in this habitat. 
Given the ability of B. spinulosa plants to persist by 
resprouting, seedlings only need to be recruited rarely 
to maintain current plant densities. 




We thank M. Campbell and P. Clarke for comments on the 
manuscript and thank S. Cairns for providing statistical 
advice. Financial support was provided by UNE and a 
Botany NCW Beadle Scholarship to S.V. 


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NG! & MM. i aroptell acat ? C' lars (ov corned an the 
te | wt few S, Care Prov ieny chitiatical 
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agreny P.M.) ican, A RC amd Cferwer, RK 
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mwoueh, Pl aad Shehon Nuk 1) 996) 
wateuence i mio) heaths: Retwoen~an¢ 
bital aflects of wpenticn, disturbance 
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one ehrubtaids fevraal al Prodew 90, 762.7 8 
1 Ry Matioké, &.M. snd Gumer, 
i U ! ag-toven chu Ow I WIR! and 
f ut 1 Aardksio and Atari over wry 
‘ i) swan Ucoaeial Pinin, Journal of te 
hisad Secdety of Mesiern Avetralig 84,63-49 
a » PaAlsi7.. Th tau lonance of specice retnaat 
t oe uittiiecs WMUFLAACE OF Une 
Risleoical Repiew $2, 107-145 
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Shares] HO FHC en re~al sty! pllerrevat on 
; is bee { olin owned! Of omen , 
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Fetes +h of S Dewan 6, ts ans, oe: 
Lennon, BED med Wier, 12, (200). Pepe an j 
qpebil antan sates always low among cpecieg that 
resprout @ftar fine, ‘ant why? Bvolnatomery | is 

17 aoe 907 
Morvan, TRA, Cir: OL, Pangetly, SM, oe 
Neato, BLS, Thana, 2282. ca Andre 
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ara rower: Inter~fine uniaregh aah 1s 
Aurercdtan Journal of Bcobogy 38, sha 
Mostar, PJ, and Cowling, RM. (1993) bbe te: 
reps stages in the discibonion. dap 
re riche Fynbte Proteagene, Eevloge 74,14 
Myorsconih, PJ. Clare, BS and Seen, MS, ee 
Pant coednence tn count elias Hunan 
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29, 482-493; = 
Myerscough: Ps, Gerke, WJ; and Shdten 8, 419 
Plant oeerishence if coaxtel haathe, Habinat the pom-fire_ environment. 
Jamal af Krolpoy 21, 41-54~ 
Quan, OR and Keough, MJ (2002), * Exper 
deviyn and dats enalysie far biologists’ iC 
University Press, € ainbridye), 
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Gerivination fequircienty and secdling Te 
oe witer avadebiiity and sell supe in lwurs 
spices, aioe Dwoologing 23, LanI, 
Rheringhem, Tw Huater, + T (anOas ‘i 
floristics.ot Gibralte Range, Nutipaoal 
» Natlonal Parks god Wikdbite Soren, Ceti: 
SOR, vt C. arotm, Tf and Anilerson, pS. 4(tS7 
Srecfies iw the Caney of omstel fucver hh | in New Su 
Wiles 1, Vegeta strectare, Procendepe atthe” ie 
lees Nader of Nee Siva ' Tater OT, aepcr " 
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jo wet pegualation Preah tly econ (ae 
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Venaghtie ©, and Wansory: va aren giheadbilag : — 

Betwngn Gat Holts, aewd nutrients, anal 

Response of Resprouting Shrubs to Repeated Fires in the Dry 

Sclerophyll Forest of Gibraltar Range National Park 

Kirsten J. E. KNox!? AND PETER J. CLARKE! 

‘Botany, School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources Management, University of New England, 

Armidale, 2351 (, 

“current address: Department for Environment and Heritage, PO Box 822, Clare, South Australia 5453. 

Knox, K.J.E. and Clarke, P.J. (2006). Response of resprouting shrubs to repeated fires in the dry 
sclerophyll forest of Gibraltar Range National Park. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South 
Wales 127, 49-56. 

Fire regimes affect survival and reproduction of shrub species in fire-prone vegetation such as occurs in 
Gibraltar Range National Park. The influence of fire regimes on resprouting shrubs is known for a range 
of species in coastal regions of Australia but is poorly known in montane sclerophyll communities. The 
fire responses of three Proteaceae shrubs (Banksia spinulosa, Hakea laevipes, Petrophile canescens) and 
a grasstree (Xanthorrhoea johnsonii) were measured after the wildfire of 2002 to determine whether: 1) 
storage organ size was related to post-fire growth and flowering response, 2) fire frequency influences post- 
fire mortality and if survival was related to the size of plant; 3) fire frequency influences the resprouting 
ability of plants, and 4) fire frequency affects pyrogenic flowering in the post-fire environment. We found 
the size of storage organs was positively related to post-fire sprouting in the three shrubs and to flowering 
in the grasstree. However, high fire frequency only affected the survival of Banksia spinulosa and decreased 
flowering in Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. Survival in all species ranged between 83 and 99% and it appears 
that the intervals between fires (7-22 years) had been sufficient for most adult plants to regain the ability to 
resprout. The ability of juvenile plants to develop the ability to resprout needs to be tested on seedlings that 

established after recent fires. 

Manuscript received 1May 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEYWORDS: Fire frequency, fire regime, persistence, pyrogenic flowering, resource allocation 


The fire response of species is often simplified 
into resprouters and obligate seeders, but in reality 
a continuum from 0-100% mortality of individuals 
within a population exists amongst species 
(Bellingham and Sparrow 2000; Vesk and Westoby 
2004; Clarke et al. 2005). Characteristics of a 
particular fire, distribution of size-classes and the 
physiological and anatomical features ofa species will 
affect the percentage mortality in a population after 
fire. Shrub species capable of resprouting generally 
resprout from subterranean buds (lignotubers and 
roots suckers), but also occasionally from epicormic 
buds on aerial stems. Grasstrees on the other hand 
resprout via apical buds. The ability of an individual 
to resprout following fire depends on having adequate 
dormant buds and carbohydrate storage to facilitate 
resprouting (Bell 2001; Knox and Clarke 2005). 
Variation in mortality has been observed for different 
size-classes within populations (Morrison 1995; 

Bond and Van Wilgen 1996). Some species have been 
found to have greater resprouting potential in larger 
size-classes (e.g. Morrison 1995); in contrast, some 
species have been found to have greater resprouting 
potential in smaller size-classes (e.g. Burrows 1985). 
Frequent fires with short inter-fire intervals may 
result in the exhaustion of buds or carbohydrates 
stored in the lignotuber, resulting in the mortality of 
resprouters (Zammit 1988; Bowen and Pate 1993). 
The intensity of a particular fire can influence what 
proportion of a population survives. Some obligate 
seeders may survive a low-intensity fire if 100% 
leaf scorch does not occur (Gill 1981; Bond and van 
Wilgen 1996). On the other hand a very high-intensity 
fire may result in the death of a large number of 
individuals within a population that usually resprouts 
following fire. The minimum fire-tolerant stem size 
of resprouters often increases with fire intensity for 
some species (Bradstock and Myerscough 1988; 
Morrison 1995; Morrison and Renwick 2000). 


Resprouters that recruit seedlings into populations 
following fire generally have seed stored in the soil or 
in the canopy in woody fruits. Hence, understanding 
the post-fire growth and reproductive response 
of resprouting shrubs is critical in determining 
appropriate fire regimes in landscapes dominated 
by resprouting species. Resprouting shrubs typically 
have greater growth and reproductive vigour in the 
year following a fire (e.g. Auld 1987; Bowen and Pate 
2004). In many resprouting shrubs flowering occurs 
predominantly, or exclusively, following fire, e.g. 
Telopea speciosissima (Pyke 1983), Lomatia silaifolia 
(Denham and Whelan 2000), Xanthorrhoea preissii 
(Lamont et al. 2000), and Stirlingia latifolia (Bowen 
and Pate 2004). Little is known about the factors that 
influence reproductive output of pyrogenic flowering 
plants, although season of fire is known to strongly 
influence flowering in some Western Australian 
species (Lamont et al. 2000; Bowen and Pate 2004). 
One important component of fire regime that is likely 
to influence post-fire flowering is the frequency of 
burns as this may influence the starch storage capacity 
of plants. 

Little quantitative work has been conducted to 
determine the effects of frequent fires on post-fire 
performance and mortality of shrubs that resprout 
following fire. The fire regime in Gibraltar Range 
National Park provided an opportunity to examine 
these questions because records date back to the 
1960s and the number and extent of subsequent 
fires have spatially explicit records. Gibraltar Range 
National Park also has widespread and abundant 
populations of resprouting shrubs occurring within 
physiographically similar landscapes. In late 2002 an 
intensive crown fire burnt most of the dry sclerophyll 
forest in the National Park. This event afforded an 
opportunity to study the post-fire response of species, 
which have experienced different fire frequencies. 

Evidence of an effect of fire frequency would 
show that more frequently burnt sites had more dead 
plants and surviving plants with reduced growth and 
reproduction. If, however, these sites had smaller 
plants, then these may appear to show reduced survival, 
growth and reproduction purely for allometric reasons. 
Hence we asked whether: 1) storage organ size was 
related to post-fire growth and flowering response, 
2) fire frequency influences the resprouting ability 
of plants 3) fire frequency and/or size of the storage 
organ influences post-fire mortality 4) fire frequency 
affects pyrogenic flowering (flower or inflorescence 
production) in the post-fire environment. 



Fire regime maps of Gibraltar Range National 
Park were examined and dry sclerophyll forest areas 
that had been burnt twice, four and five times since 
1964 were identified. All sites were burnt in November 
2002 by an intense wildfire that removed most of the 
tree leaf canopy but did not totally incinerate the 
fruits of the target species. The minimum interval 
between fires was approximately seven years and the 
maximum 22 years. Fire records showed that all fires 
burnt in spring/summer, suggesting that all fires were 
of high intensity. All observations were at the same 
time since the last fire (8 months). In areas of each of 
the fire frequency regimes two patches were chosen 
that were at least 1 km apart. In each patch three 500 m 
transects were established and the post-fire response 
of three species of Proteaceae shrubs with canopy- 
held seed banks (Banksia spinulosa, Hakea laevipes, 
and Petrophile canescens) were measured. These 
species were selected because they are ubiquitous, 
easy to identify when dead, and they only recruit after 
fire, hence their minimum age can be estimated. For 
each species the number of shoots resprouted from the 
lignotuber, the length of the longest shoot resprouted 
and the basal girth of the lignotuber were measured for 
the first 20 (approx.) individuals encountered in each 
transect. Dead plants were also recorded and their 
basal girth measured. Individuals were identified by 
their ‘skeletal’ remains and their canopy-held woody 
fruits. In addition, the post-fire flowering of the 
grasstree Xanthorrhoea johnsonii was also recorded 
along each transect. For Xanthorrhoea basal girth and 
height of the caudex were measured and the presence 
and length of the inflorescence were recorded for the 
first 20 individuals encountered along each transect. 

Data for this study were mainly collected by 
undergraduate students. All students collected the 
equivalent amount of data from each of the fire 
frequency areas. This was important so that the 
patterns in post-fire resprouting and flowering could 
be attributed to the different fire frequencies, and not to 
variation in sampling among different students. In each 
of the three species of shrubs, to test the relationship 
between storage organ size and post-fire response, 
basal girths were regressed against the number of 
shoots resprouted, height of shoots resprouted and 
size of inflorescence as independent variables. We 
then used analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to test 
if number of shoots or stem height were reduced by 
fire frequency, with lignotuber size as the covariate. 
We also used ANCOVA in Xanthorrhoea to test if the 
inflorescence length was reduced by fire frequency, 
with the caudex size as a covariate. Plots of residuals 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


established that no transformations of raw data were 
necessary. Homogeneity of slopes was determined 
by testing the interaction between the covariate and 
the main factors. We next tested the hypothesis that 
storage organ size and/or fire frequency affects post- 
fire survival by logistic regression using likelihood 
ratio tests. In these analyses the response variable is 
the number of plants alive or dead. In Xanthorrhoea, 
we also tested the hypothesis that caudex volume 
and/or fire frequency affects post-fire flowering by 
logistic regression using likelihood ratio tests. In this 

analysis the response variable was the number of 
plants flowering or not flowering. 


Of the four species sampled, only the grasstree 
Xanthorrhoea johnsonii was observed to flower in 
the immediate post-fire period (August 2003), whilst 
the other species began to flower in the following 
year (August 2004). All resprouting Proteaceae shrub 
species had a positive and significant (P < 0.05) 

120 a) Banksia 25 
100 A 
eg 30 
60 25 
40 15 
20 : 
@) ) 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Om 20) 3040) 50) G0) 70 480 90 
Girth (cm) Girth (cm) 
8 90 b) Hakea F 60 
” = A 
3 e 2 50 
2) 70 = ° 
= ° 
= oc + 30 
os 40 2 
is) 30 * 20 
- 5 
eo & 10 
10 2 
) 3 0 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 
Girth (cm) Girth (cm) 
60 Gs 35 
50 30 c 
30 A 
20 16 
10 5 
0 0 
OmeniOen 2ONTS0 wn40rauSOx s60 70 O pilOR 20m SO 40) 550K GO ni a70 


Girth (cm) 

Figure 1. Regression of shoot height and number with lignotuber basal girth with 18 months after fire 
for a) Banksia spinulosa, r” = 0.77, 0.59; b) Hakea laevipes, r? = 0.77, 0.70; and c) Petrophile canescens 
r? = 0.76, 0.77, across all fire frequencies of fire at Gibraltar Range National Park. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

>) Il 


Table 1. Summary results for analysis of covariance for height (Ht) and numbers 
of shoots (Shoot) resprouted for Banksia spinulosa, Hakea laevipes, Petrophile ca- 
nescens and length of inflorescence (Infl.) in Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. The size co- 
variate for the three shrubs was basal girth and for the grasstree it was the cau- 
dex volume. *** indicates P<0.05, ** indicates P<0.01, and * indicates P<0.001 

Factors B. spinulosa H. laevipes P. canescens X. johnsonii 
Ht Shoot Ht Shoot Ht Shoot Inf. 
Fire frequency NS NS oe NS NS NS NS 
Size (covariate) eR Per RK Ee ER oR NS 
Fire fg. x size NS NS NS NS NS s Ns 

b) Hakea 
24 [| 2 Fires 

a) Banksia 

20 4 Fires 

5 Fires 
= 7 16 
= £ 12 

— — 
fa) Oo 3 
Dead Alive Dead 
34 c) Petrophile 30000 d) Xanthorrhoea 
eSOOO fs 2 Fires 

ha : 

c 4 Fires 
c= oa 20000 5 Fires 
nea) E 
= = 15000 
fe $ 
= = 10000 




Oo 5000 

0 eee eee SS EE QE | 0) 

Dead Alive 
Not flowering Flowering 

Figure 2. Mean (+ se) basal girth of lignotubers in each of three fire frequencies in Gibraltar Range National 
Park fora) Banksiaspinulosa,b) Hakealaevipes,andc) Petrophilecanescens.Meanvolume ofthecaudex(+se) 
for Xanthorrhoeajohnsoniifor each fire frequency wheresmaller plants flowerin sites with less frequentfires. 

52 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 2. Number of plants recorded in each fire frequency category and the results of logistic 
regression for fire frequency and size of storage organ from likelihood ratio tests. *** indicates 
P<0.05, ** indicates P<0.01, and * indicates P<0.001 

Species ee Fire frequency Neneh areca 
frequency volume 
2 4 5 
B. spinulosa Dead 10 24 
Alive 96 108 NOE 16.6*** 
H. laevipes Dead 4 3 
Alive 116 115 116 0.5 NS Gi. 
P. canescens Dead 9 4 
Alive 120 121 117 0.8 NS Va 
X. johnsonii Not flowering 103 110 
Flowering 17 8 8.4* 67.3*** 

relationship between basal girth of the lignotuber and 
post-fire response of shoots (numbers and height) 8 
months after fire (Fig. labc). In addition, the volume 
of the caudex in Xanthorrhoea johnsonii was also 
positively related to the length of the inflorescence (r? 
= (il) 

Fire frequency did not reduce the height and 
number of shoots resprouting when basal girth was 
used as a covariate (Table 1). Fire frequency, however, 
appeared to increase the height of Hakea laevipes 
which is not consistent with the hypothesis that fire 
frequency would reduce height. In shrub species, size 
and number of shoots resprouting were significantly 
related to basal girth. Hence, the apparent reduction 
in size and number of resprouted shoots in Banksia 
simply reflects the decreased size of lignotubers 
with fire frequency (Fig. 2). Fire frequency did 
not affect the length of the inflorescence in the 
grasstree Xanthorrhoea johnsonii and the length of 
the inflorescence was not significantly related to the 
caudex volume (Table 1). 

Next we ask if fire frequency and/or size of 
storage organ affect the survival of species. Only 
two of 358 Xanthorrhoea johnsonii plants were 
killed by fire, hence it was not possible to examine 
the relationship between survival and caudex size. 
Mortality was sufficiently high in the shrub species 
to examine the effects of fire frequency and size 
on post-fire survival using logistic regression. All 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

species had an increased likelihood of mortality as 
lignotuber size decreased (Table 3, Fig. 2.). However, 
fire frequency only influenced mortality in Banksia 
spinulosa where increased fire frequency increased 
the likelihood of mortality (Table 2). 

Finally, we examined whether fire frequency 
and/or size of the caudex influenced flowering in 
Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. Both size of caudex and 
fire frequency influenced whether plants flowered or 
not with increased proportions of plants flowering 
when the caudex was large (Fig. 2) and increased 
proportions of plants flowering when fire frequency 
was low (Table 2). In addition only larger plants 
tended to flower in populations with a high fire 
frequency (Fig. 2). 


In this study we examined the influence of storage 
organ size and fire frequency on post-fire mortality, 
resprouting vigour and flowering. Generally, we 
found that larger storage organ size was related to: (1) 
greater post-fire survival, (11) more resprouting shoots 
(iii) faster growing resprouting shoots, and (iv) the 
presence, and size of inflorescences for Xanthorrhoea 
johnsonii. Fire frequency influenced the post-fire 
survival of Banksia spinulosa and also influenced the 
presence of inflorescences of Xanthorrhoea johnsonii 
following fire (Table 2). 



Table 3. Summary of the results on the effect of fire frequency and size of storage organ on post-fire 
survival and resprouting of four species with canopy-held seed banks. 

Are storage organ size 

Does increased fire 

Does increased 

; Does increased fire 
storage organ size 

Specie and post-fire growth frequency affect frequency affect 
Pao P er q y affect post-fire 4 Me 
response correlated? storage organ? : post-fire survival? 
Banksia spinulosa Yes +ive Yes -ive Yes tive Yes -ive 
_Hakea laevipes Yes +ive No evidence Yes tive No evidence 
Petrophile canescens Yes +ive No evidence Yes + ive No evidence 

Does increased 

Does storage organ Does fire frequency ‘ Does fire frequency 
: ; storage organ size 
size affect presence of affect size of affect presence of 
y : affect post-fire : 
inflorescence? inflorescence? : inflorescence? 
SOT NOEE Yes +ive No evidence No evidence Yes -ive 
Post-fire survival for the species studied resprouting shoots. Although this pattern was not 

ranged from 99% for Xanthorrhoea johnsonii to 
82% for Banksia spinulosa, although we may have 
underestimated mortality if small dead plants were 
overlooked. For Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, individuals 
were found to survive fire irrespective of storage 
organ size. However, for the three shrubs, individuals 
with small storage organs were more likely to be 
killed by fire than those that had larger storage organs. 
This pattern is consistent with the idea that many 
species develop greater fire-tolerance as the storage 
organ increases in size and age (Morrison 1995; 
Keith 1996). This increased tolerance is likely to be a 
result of a larger dormant bud bank and more stored 
carbohydrate in less frequently burnt plants (Knox 
and Clarke 2005). We do, however, acknowledge 
that the sampling technique used might have 
underestimated the mortality of some populations 
if the fire intensity was great enough to incinerate 
fruits. This could have resulted in an under-sampling 
of dead individuals, as retained woody fruits were 
used to help identify individuals. There could have 
also been an underestimation of the mortality of pre- 
reproductive individuals, as there would not have 
been fruits present to identify the species. Clearly 
if this occurred then the percentage mortality of the 
populations would have been underestimated. While 
this may have influenced the recorded percentage 
mortality of the population, we feel that it would have 
little influence on our general findings. 

When examining the relationship between the 
size of the storage organ and resprouting vigour 
we found that larger storage organ size was related 
to more resprouting shoots and faster growing 


unexpected, we had hoped to be able to determine 
whether carbohydrate storage or number of dormant 
buds was the limiting factor when it came to the 
ability of individuals to resprout, but we did not 
detect any trends. Rather, it would appear that 
larger storage organs have more dormant buds 
available for resprouting and greater carbohydrate 
stores. Whether this greater resprouting vigour for 
individuals with larger storage organs translates to 
a greater reproductive output remains to be tested at 
this site, but other studies have shown a relationship 
between storage organ size and reproductive output 
(Auld 1987; Bowen and Pate 2004). Furthermore, 
there was clear evidence supporting this idea in the 
grasstree (Xanthorrhoea johnsonii) where the length 
of the inflorescence was positively correlated with 
the volume of the caudex. We also found that plants 
that lacked or had a short caudex did not flower in 
the first year following fire. This result contrasts with 
the findings of Lamont et al. (2000) who found that 
for a Western Australian grasstree, plant size was 
not positively related to the proportion of plants 

Fire frequency did not affect the post-fire survival 
of Hakea laevipes or Petrophile canescens, but high 
fire frequency increased the mortality of Banksia 
spinulosa. Individuals of Banksia spinulosa in higher 
fire frequency sites were more likely to be killed by 
fire, were generally smaller in size when compared to 
less frequently burnt sites. Interestingly, we found no 
evidence that this increased mortality was a result of 
a depletion of the bud bank, as the number of shoots 
per plant did not differ among sites with different fire 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


frequencies. Similarly, we found no evidence that 
the mortality was directly related to a depletion of 
carbohydrate reserves, as the length of the longest 
resprout did not differ among sites with different fire 
frequencies. Rather, it appears that the cohort that 
recruited since the previous fire (1990) had not had 
an opportunity to reach fire tolerance and it was these 
individuals that contributed to the higher mortality 
in the more frequently burnt site. A synthesis of 
post-fire survival of juvenile resprouting species by 
Keith (1996) suggests that some Proteaceous shrubs 
(Banksia oblongifolia, Telopeaspeciosissima) develop 
the ability to resprout at around five years, but others 
(Banksia serrata, Isopogon anemonifolius) may take 
more than 10 years to develop a strong resprouting 
ability. Whether juvenile plants that recruit after fire 
are able to develop persistence in less than 10 years 
needs to be tested on seedlings that established after 
recent fires. 

Xanthorrhoea johnsonii individuals were less 
likely to flower in the higher fire frequency site, 
but the length of the inflorescence was not affected 
by fire frequency. This is surprising given the large 
investment of resources in post-fire flush flowering 
in Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. The reduced flowering 
in the high fire frequency sites may be a result of 
previous fires depleting carbohydrate reserves. Knox 
and Morrison (2005) found a similar pattern for some 
resprouting shrubs where individuals in high fire 
frequency sites had lower reproductive output than in 
less frequently burnt sites. Interestingly, Taylor et al. 
(1998) found individuals of Xanthorrhoea fulva were 
more likely to flower in areas with high fire frequency 
than areas with less frequent fires. While this appears 
to contradict our findings, the intervals in that study 
were much shorter than those in the current study, and 
hence it is difficult to draw comparisons. 

Previous studies that have examined the effects 
of fire frequency in dry sclerophyll vegetation have 
often found resprouters to decline in abundance under 
very short inter-fire intervals (e.g. Cary and Morrison 
1995). In the current study, the shortest interval 
between fires was seven years and at this fire frequency 
two of the four species examined were adversely 
affected in the higher fire frequency sites. This is an 
important finding because the current Guidelines for 
Ecologically Sustainable Fire Management in NSW 
(Kenny et al. 2003) indicate that a lower minimum 
threshold between fires for dry sclerophyll shrub 
forest is seven years, and the results from this current 
study indicate that such an interval may be too short 
for these particular forests. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


We thank the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 
(now Department of Environment and Conservation) for 
allowing us to measure the post-fire responses of plants in 
Gibraltar Range National Park and for logistic support for 
the research. The 2003 class of the Ecology of Australian 
Vegetation is thanked for their diligent collection of the data 
that have enabled this paper to be produced. Jan Simpson 
provided excellent field assistance for the staff and students, 
and the University of New England supported the research 
by extending the budget of the student excursion. 


Auld, T.D. (1987). Post-fire demography in the resprouting 
shrub Angophora hispida (Sm.) Blaxell: flowering, 
seed production, dispersal, seedling establishment 
and survival. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of 
New South Wales 109, 259-269. 

Bell, D.T (2001). Ecological response syndromes in 
the flora of southwestern Western Australia: fire 
resprouters vs reseeders. Botanical Review 67, 417- 

Bellingham, P.J. and Sparrow, A.D. (2000). Resprouting 
as a life history strategy in woody plant communities. 
Oikos 89, 409-416. 

Bond, W.J. and Van Wilgen, B.W. (1996). Fire and Plants. 
Chapman & Hall, London. 

Bowen, B.J. and Pate, J.S. (1993). The significance of root 
starch in post-fire shoot recovery of the resprouter 
Stirlingia latifolia R. Br. (Proteaceae). Annals of 
Botany 72, 7-16. 

Bowen, B.J. and Pate, J.S. (2004). Effect of season of 
burn on shoot recovery and post-fire flowering 
performance in the resprouter Stirlingia latifolia R. 
Br. (Proteaceae). Austral Ecology 29, 145-155. 

Bradstock, R.A. and Myerscough, P.J. (1988). The 
survival and population response to frequent fires of 
two woody resprouters Banksia serrata and Isopogon 
anemonifolius. Australian Journal of Botany 36, 415- 

Burrows, N.D. (1985). Reducing the abundance of 
Banksia grandis in the Jarrah forest by the use of 
controlled fire. Australian Forestry 48, 63-70. 

Cary, G. J. and Morrison, D.A. (1995). Effects of fire 
frequency on plant species composition of sandstone 
communities in the Sydney region: combinations of 
inter-fire intervals. Australian Journal of Ecology 20, 

Clarke, P.J. Knox, K.J.E., Wills, K.E. and Campbell, M.L. 
(2005). Landscape patterns of woody plant response 
to crown fire: disturbance and productivity influence 
sprouting ability. Journal of Ecology 93, 543-555. 

Denham, A.J. and Whelan, R.J. (2000). Reproductive 
ecology and breeding system of Lomatia silaifolia 
(Proteaceae) following fire. Australian Journal of 
Botany 48, 261-269. 



Gill, A.M. (1981). Adaptive responses of Australian 
vascular plant species to fire. In Fire in the Australian 
Biota. Gill, A. M., Groves, R. H. and Noble, I. R. 
(Eds). Australian Academy of Science, ACT, pp. 243- 

Keith, D.A (1996). Fire-driven extinction of plant 
populations: a synthesis of theory and review of 
evidence from Australian vegetation. Proceedings of 
the Linnean Society of New South Wales. 116, 37-78. 

Kenny, B., Sutherland, E., Tasker, E. and Bradstock, R. 
(2003). Guidelines for Ecologically Sustainable Fire 
Management, NSW Government, Sydney. 

Knox, K.J.E. and Clarke, P.J. (2005). Nutrient availability 
induces contrasting allocation and starch formation in 
resprouting and obligate seeding shrubs. Functional 
Ecology 19, 690-698 

Knox, K.J.E. and Morrison, D.A. (2005). Effects of 
inter-fire intervals on the reproductive output of 
resprouters and obligate seeders in the Proteaceae. 
Austral Ecology 30, 407-413 

Lamont, B.B., Swanborough P.W. and Ward, D. (2000). 
Plant size and season of burn affect flowering and 
fruiting of the grasstree Xanthorrhoea preissii. 
Austral Ecology 25, 268-272. 

Morrison, D.A. (1995). Some effects of low-intensity fires 
on populations of co-occurring small trees in the 
Sydney region. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of 
New South Wales 115, 109-119. 

Morrison, D.A. and Renwick, J.A. (2000). Effects of 
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Pyke, G.H. (1983). Relationships between time since last 
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56 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Fire Responses in Four Rare Plant Species at Gibraltar Range 

National Park, Northern Tablelands, NSW 


"Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW), Parks and Wildlife Division, Glen Innes Area, 68 

Church St, Glen Innes, NSW 2370 

* Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW), Parks and Wildlife Division, Richmond River Area, 

Colonial Arcade 75 Main St, Alstonville, NSW 2477 
*School of Human and Environmental Studies, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351 

Croft, P., Hofmeyer, D. and Hunter, J.T. (2006). Fire response of four rare plant species at Gibraltar Range 
National Park, Northern Tablelands, NSW. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 127, 

Fire responses are reported in four rare species at Gibraltar Range National Park following hazard- 
reduction burning. Acacia barringtonensis Vindale, Grevillea rhizomatosa P.M.Olde & N.R.Marriot, 
Persoonia rufa L.A.S.Johnson & P.H.Weston and Telopea aspera M.D. Crisp & P. H. Weston were the 
Species investigated. In each species, individuals were tagged prior to a hazard reduction fire and their 
fates followed for 34 months. In Acacia barringtonensis, individuals survived fire and resprouted from 
buds at the base of stems and from rhizomes but the resprouts were heavily browsed by insects and Swamp 
Wallabies (Wallabia bicolor Desmarest). In Grevillea rhizomatosa, individuals survived and resprouted 
from underground rhizomes and no seedlings were found after fires. After fire in Persoonia rufa, all 
scorched plants died but seedling recruitment occurred from a soil-stored seed. In Telopea aspera, most 
burnt individuals resprouted from basal shoots and survived despite heavy post-fire grazing pressure. 
Increasing fire frequencies by hazard-reduction burning may threaten the survival of all four species, and 
it is suggested that other methods of reducing fuel be used to manage fire in this area of Gibraltar Range 

National Park. 

Manuscript received 1 May 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEYWORDS: fire ecology, fire response, obligate seeding, rare species, resprouting. 


Hazard-reduction burning for wildfire suppression 
is thought to have recently increased in fire-prone 
vegetation around the world (Moritz et al. 2004; DEC 
2004). This is particularly so on reserved lands in 
NSW where the NSW Department of Environment 
and Conservation annual report (DEC 2004) noted 
that there were twice the number of hazard-reduction 
burns in NSW National Parks in 2003-04 than in 2002- 
03. Hazard-reduction burning may be initiated when 
fuel begins to accumulate beyond specified thresholds 
(Gill et al. 1987; Morrison et al. 1996; Morrison and 
Renwick 2000; Fernandes and Botelho 2003). On 
the Northern Tablelands and similar areas, fuel may 
be kept at or below these thresholds by burning as 
often as every three to five years (Raison et al. 1986; 
Smith et al. 1992). This is a higher frequency than 

recommended for perpetuation of many species and 
vegetation communities in the region (Clarke and 
Fulloon 1997). 

Fire can endanger the viability of species, 
especially if fire frequency is too high (Benson 
1985; Bradstock et al. 1995; Keith 1996; Morrison 
and Renwick 2000). Keith (1996) identified high fire 
frequency as a mechanism for plant population decline 
and extinction through depletion of buds or starch 
reserves in standing plants and also as a mechanism 
for depleting soil-stored seed banks before they can 
be replenished. Hence ‘High Frequency Fire’ has been 
listed as a Key Threatening Process in the Threatened 
Species Conservation Act (TSC) 1995. 

Some shrubs are killed by fire and, after fire, 
rely on seedling germination and a sufficient interfire 
period to survive and reproduce (obligate seeders), 
whilst others resprout after fire (Benson 1985; Gill 
& Bradstock 1992; Morrison & Renwick, 2000). 


Figure 1. Location of Mulligan’s Hut study area within Gi- 

braltar Range National Park. 

However, fire responses in many species of vascular 
plants in Gibraltar Range National Park are unknown 
(Clarke and Fulloon 1997; Williams and Clarke 1997; 
Hunter 1995; Hunter 1998; Hunter 2003; Clarke and 
Knox 2002; Knox and Clarke 2004). 

Within Gibraltar Range National Park several 
areas have been subjected to hazard-reduction burning. 
One of them, Mulligan’s Hut, contains populations 
of four rare shrub species, Acacia barringtonensis 
Tindale, Grevillea rhizomatosa P.M.Olde & 
N.R.Marriot, Persoonia rufa L.A.S.Johnson & 
P.H.Weston and Zelopea aspera Crisp & P.H.Weston. 
As fire responses of plants in each of these species 
were poorly known, fates of plants burned in a 
hazard-reduction fire in 1999 were recorded together 
with any recruitment of seedlings of these species 
after the fire. 


Study Area 

Gibraltar Range National Park is located 90 
km west of Grafton and 65 km east of Glen Innes in 
north-eastern New South Wales (29°329 S 152°189 E) 
(Fig. 1). The Gibraltar Range straddles the Northern 
Tablelands and North Coast Botanical Subdivisions. 


Study Area 

The mean annual rainfall at Mulligan’s 
Hut is 2100 mm. The study area has a 
mean annual temperature of 13°C on the 
plateau with a mean annual maximum 
of 28°C and mean annual minimum of 
0°C. The warmest months of the year are 
November to March. The rock types are 
primarily granitic and the topography 
is generally undulating with extensive 
areas of exposed rock sheeting and 
boulder fields. 

The study area comprised four 
hectares of open forest immediately 
north of the Mulligan’s Hut camping 
area in Gibraltar Range National Park 
where a small hazard-reduction burn 
was scheduled in 1999. Mulligan’s Hut 
camping area is towards the centre of the 
Gibraltar Plateau, at an altitude of 900 
m. This burn was planned to help protect 
visitors and facilities in the camping area 
from wildfire in the park. 

The open forest community at this 
locality is dominated by Eucalyptus olida 
L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill, Eucalyptus 
ligustrina DC. and Eucalyptus 
cameronii Blakely & McKie. The shrub 
layer is dominated by Leptospermum trinervium 
(Sm.) Joy Thomps., Dillwynia phylicoides A.Cunn., 
Hakea laevipes subsp. graniticola Haegi, Petrophile 
canescens A.Cunn. ex R.Br. and Daviesia umbellata 
Sm. The ground layer consists of: Caustis flexuosa 
R.Br., Platysace ericoides (Sieber ex Spreng.) 
C.Norman, Bossiaea neo-anglica F.Muell., Goodenia 
rotundifolia R.Br. and Entolasia stricta (R.Br.) 

Prior to the hazard-reduction burn in 1999, 
NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service fire records 
indicated two large wildfires had burnt the Mulligan’s 
Hut area in 1964 and 1988 with fire-history maps 
indicating the study site was burnt. Another fire 
occurred after the project was initiated in 2002 and 
the subject populations were burnt during back- 
burning operations. 

Target species 

Acacia barringtonensis is an erect shrub endemic 
to high altitude areas of northern New South Wales 
with a Rare or Threatened Australian Plant (RoTAP) 
code of 3RCa (Briggs and Leigh 1996). This shrub 
grows along swamp margins and creek edges in dry 
sclerophyll forests and woodlands reaching a height 
of 7 m. Flowering occurs primarily from September 
to early November (Tindale 1975). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 1. Percent survival of tagged plants in four species in relation to amount of leaf scorched during 
a planned hazard-reduction burn in the Mulligan’s Hut area of Gibraltar Range in 1999. 

q o Lea 1 3 5 7 34 
Species Number of 
P month months months months months plants 
i y 0-50 0% 100% 100% 100% 0% 2 
51-75 0% 100% 100% 100% 0% 1 
76-100 0% 50% 57% 54% 7% 28 
‘ 0-50 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2 
51-75 0% 33% 67% 67% 67% 3 
76-100 0% 20% 39% 57% 52% 49 
Persoonia rufa 0-50 0% 50% 50% 0% 0% 2 
56-75 0% 100% 100% 0% 0% 1 
76-100 0% 12% 6% 0% 0% 17 
Telopea aspera 100% 12% 94% 94% 94% 94% 17 

Grevillea rhizomatosa is known from scattered 
populations within Gibraltar Range and adjacent 
areas of Washpool National Park (Sheringham and 
Hunter 2002) and is listed on Schedule 2 (Vulnerable) 
on the TSC Act. It is a shrub 0.3-1 m tall and is known 
to sucker from roots and grows in sclerophyll forests 
on sandy soils near creeks. The species flowers 
sporadically throughout the year (see also Caddy and 
Gross this volume). 

Persoonia rufa is endemic to the Gibraltar Range. 
It is a spreading shrub with a RoTAP code of 2RC 
(Briggs and Leigh 1996). The plant commonly grows 
to 1-2.5 m tall and is found in dry open forests on 
granitic soils (Sheringham and Hunter 2002; Weston 
and Johnson 1991). Flowering is primarily between 
December and February. 

Telopea aspera is a multistemmed shrub that 
grows to 3 m tall and has a RoTAP code of 2RCa 
(Briggs and Leigh 1996). It is largely restricted to 
Gibraltar Range and is known from dry sclerophyll 
forests on granitic soils. Flowering occurs between 
October and November (Sheringham and Hunter 
2002; Crisp and Weston 1993). The flowering 
response after fire has not been studied in Jelopea 
aspera. The closely related Telopea speciosissima is 
a pyrogenic flowerer and recruits two years after fire 
(Pyke 1987; Bradstock 1995). 

Fire response traits 

Before the fire individuals of all four species 
were tagged with stainless steel straps with individual 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

identification codes. Each individual was marked on a 
map of the study area, to aid relocation after the fire. 
Plant attributes measured included: basal diameter, 
height, number of stems, location of regrowth, 
flowering stage, condition and number of seedlings 
nearby. All the individuals of Telopea aspera within 
the study area were tagged (17 plants), the populations 
of the other three species were sub-sampled: 
Grevillea rhizomatosa (160 individuals), Acacia 
barringtonensis (62 individuals) and Persoonia rufa 
(60 individuals). 

The intensity of the fire was gauged by using 
flame height markers, photographs and scorch height 
post burn. Measurements were taken of all tagged 
plants before the experimental burn and at one, three, 
five, seven and 34 months after it. 


The Grevillea rhizomatosa population was 
burned by a low-intensity fire (average flame height 
0.75 m) that affected 54 tagged plants; 26 were burnt 
and 28 were scorched by radiant heat. Grevillea 
rhizomatosa responded to fire by increasing the 
average number of stems per plant from 1.19 prior 
to burning to 1.78 after being burnt. Although all 
tagged plants unaffected by fire survived, only 55% 
of fire-affected individuals were alive at the end of 
the monitoring period (Table 1). Forty-five (83%) of 
all surviving fire-affected individuals recovered by 



multiple rhizomes at a distance of up to 30 cm (12 
cm average) from the parent plant, and the remaining 
nine plants recovered by coppicing. 

A low-intensity fire (average flame height 1.07 m) 
burned the Acacia barringtonensis population where 
20 plants were burned and a further 11 scorched. 
All tagged Acacia barringtonensis unaffected by 
fire survived until the end of the monitoring period. 
Although 17 fire-affected plants recovered from 
basal stem buds by the 5-month post fire, only two 
fire-affected individuals survived until the end of 
monitoring. Most of these recovering individuals were 
heavily browsed by both insects and Wallabia bicolor 
(Swamp Wallaby). No seedlings were recorded in 
the first seven months within the vicinity of affected 
A. barringtonensis. However, at 34 months, 22 
putative ‘seedlings’ between 15—50 cm in height were 

Twenty Persoonia rufa plants were burned with 
a low-intensity fire (average flame height 0.75 m). 
All unburnt tagged Persoonia rufa individuals (40) 
survived until the end of the monitoring period, but no 
individuals survived that were burnt (Table 1). Three 
scorched plants continued to survive for 5 months 
after the fire. Within the study area 30 seedlings were 
counted five months post-burn. All seedlings were of 
a uniform height (5 cm) and survived through until 
the last recording period. 

Flame heights exceeding five metres were 
recorded in the areas where Telopea aspera was 
tagged. This resulted in 100% of the tagged plants 
being burnt at moderate intensity. Ninety-four 
percent of tagged Telopea aspera plants survived the 
moderate intensity burn. The sole means of survival 
was by resprouting from the base/lignotuber. As a 
consequence of hazard-reduction burning, mean 
number of stems per 7elopea aspera plant increased 
from 4.5 to 9.1. At least two individuals were noted 
resprouting after the first month, with all remaining 
surviving plants resprouting by the second month 
and surviving to the final sample date (Table 1). 
Heavy browsing of resprouting parts by insects and 
Swamp Wallabies (Wallabia bicolor) was observed 
on recovering plants after the fire. No plants had 
flowered within the post-fire monitoring period. 


Species responses 

Whilst many individual plants died as a result 
of the hazard-reduction fire, all species persisted in 
the study area by different fire response syndromes. 


The immediate post-fire response of surviving 
Acacia barringtonensis was basal resprouting. These 
resprouting stems were heavily grazed, which may 
be a cause of the decline of this species towards the 
end of the monitoring period. Only at the last survey, 
at 34 months, were putative seedlings noted in the 
vicinity of dead individuals. Subsequently, these 
‘seedlings’ were revisited three years after the last 
monitoring (May 2005) and were found to be shoots 
from roots that extended back to ‘dead’ individuals 
that were tagged. Thus it would seem that, though 
delayed by nearly three years, this species’ response 
to the hazard-reduction burn was resprouting. The 
delay may have been in part due to increased grazing 
pressure that immediately followed this fire. Increased 
grazing pressure is not a necessary consequence of 
fire. Indeed, following an extensive wild fire, it may 
be less than before the fire. However, small burnt 
areas within large unburnt surrounding areas, such 
as may arise from some hazard-reduction fires, may 
be particularly attractive to browsing and grazing 
animals and experience much more pressure from 
them than surrounding unburnt areas. 

Noseedlings of Grevillearhizomatosawere found 
during the monitoring period and populations appear 
to be maintained by resprouting from underground 
rhizomes. Keith (1996) noted that resprouters might 
be killed if stored starch reserves are exhausted by 
repeated fires. Though numbers were too low for 
statistical comparisons, more of the smaller plants 
in terms of stem diameter and height survived, 
potentially indicating an age effect ability to recover 
post-fire (see paper by Knox and Clarke this volume). 
The smaller Grevillea rhizomatosa plants in this 
study may have depleted smaller quantities of starch 
reserves. Following the second burn three years later 
about 65% of the original survivors of the hazard- 
reduction burn did not recover from the second fire. 

Standing populations of Persoonia rufa 
individuals were the most susceptible to extirpation 
by the end of the monitoring period from low- 
intensity burns. Although some temporary recovery 
occurred (due to coppicing after minor scorching), 
the species persisted in the fire-affected area mainly 
by germination from a soil-stored seed bank; hence 
this species should be classed as an obligate seeder. 

Telopea aspera was the most resilient in terms of 
recovery of those individuals present before hazard- 
reduction burning. Almost all of the tagged plants 
survived to the end of the monitoring period, despite 
the imposition of increased (and heavy) herbivory on 
newly forming foliage. This species responded to fire 
by resprouting from basal/lignotuberous buds, with 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


fire increasing the number of stems per plant post- 
burn. Of the four species monitored, Telopea aspera 
was the first to show signs of recovery after fire but no 
seedling recruitment was observed. 


Landscape burning at short intervals can have 
major effects on plant populations (Bradstock 
1995; Bell 2001) and may drive the decline of plant 
populations (Keith, 1996). Consequently, frequent 
fire can have a significant effect on the composition 
of flora and fauna (Clark 1988; Andrew et al. 2000; 
York 2000; Moritz et al. 2004). The current study 
has identified varied fire responses of plants in four 
rare species within Gibraltar Range National Park. 
Although populations of all species persisted after a 
hazard-reduction burn, most were reduced in numbers 
and at least two were affected by an increase in post- 
fire herbivory. This herbivory may have delayed the 
regeneration of Acacia barringtonensis, and may 
have detrimental long-term effects on Telopea aspera 
in terms of depleting starch reserves. As no plant in 
any of the four species flowered 34 months after the 
fire, fire intervals of greater than three years will be 
needed to maintain their populations. 

Hazard-reduction burns may have minimal 
effects on the number of wildfire events particularly 
in fire-prone vegetation (Turner et al. 2003; Moritz et 
al. 2004) and this is likely to be the case here at the 
Mulligan’s Hut site (e.g. the 2002 fire that effected 
the Mulligan’s Hut area). Though hazard-reduction 
burns are planned, wildfire events are not, thus by 
increasing the amount of fire in the landscape without 
being able to predict wildfires there is an increased 
risk of population decline and extinction. Whilst 
hazard-reduction burning can reduce the intensity of 
a wildfire for several years (Raison et al. 1986) it may 
not prevent the area from re-burning during a wildfire, 
especially in severe fire weather (Turner et al. 2003; 
Moritz et al. 2004). Additionally, hazard reduced 
ground is often chosen as an area from which back 
burns are planned during wildfires control operations 
because of lower fuel levels. If hazard-reduction 
burning is undertaken at the maximum frequency 
without considering unplanned fires then critical 
thresholds of fire frequency for long-term survival 
of populations can be exceeded as has occurred at 
Mulligan’s Hut. To ensure the persistence of our focal 
species a fire interval that allows seedlings to mature 
and a seed bank to accumulate is required. Whilst 
these demographic factors are yet to be quantified it 
is suggested that the minimum interval between fires 
to ensure the persistence of the focal species will be 
more than ten years. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Dr Kathryn Taffs is thanked for reviewing preliminary 
drafts. The staff of Department of Environment and 
Conservation (NSW) is also thanked for providing assistance 
in carrying out the hazard-reduction burn in 1999. The input 
from the editors and referees was appreciated. 


Andrew, N., Rodgerson, L. and York, A. (2000). Frequent 
fuel-reduction burning: the role of logs and associated 
leaf litter in the conservation of ant biodiversity. 
Austral Ecology 25, 99-107. 

Bell, D.T. (2001). Ecological response syndromes in 
the flora of southwestern Western Australia: Fire 
resprouters versus reseeders. The Botanical Review 
67, 417-440. 

Benson, D.H. (1985). Maturation periods for fire sensitive 
shrub species in Hawkesbury sandstone vegetation. 
Cunninghamia 1, 339-349. 

Bradstock, R.A. (1995). Demography of Woody Plants in 
Relation to Fire: Telopea speciosissima. Proceedings 
of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 115, 25- 

Bradstock, R.A., Keith,D. and Auld, T.D. (1995). Fire 
and conservation: imperatives and constraints on 
managing for diversity. In ‘Conserving biodiversity: 
threats and solutions’ (Eds R.A. Bradstock, T.D. 
Auld, D.A. Keith, R.T. Kingsford, D. Lunney and 
D.P. Sivertsen) pp. 323-334 (Surrey Beatty and Sons, 
Chipping Norton). 

Briggs J.D. and Leigh J.H. (1996). “Rare or Threatened 
Australian Plants’. (CSIRO publishing, 
Collingwood). ‘i 

Clark, S.S. (1988). Effects of hazard-reduction burning 
on populations of understorey plant species on 
Hawkesbury sandstone. Australian Journal of 
Ecology 13, 473-484. 

Clarke, P.J. and Fulloon, L. (1997). ‘Fire and rare 
plants: Torrington State Recreation Area. Botany 
Department’. (University of New England, 

Clarke, P.J. and Knox, J.E. (2002). Post fire response 
of shrubs in the tablelands of Eastern Australia: 
do existing models explain habitat differences? 
Australian Journal of Botany 50, 53-62. 

Crisp, M.D. and Weston, P.H. (1993). Geographic and 
ontonogenic variation in morphology of Australian 
Waratahs (Ze/opea: Proteaceae). Systematic Biology 
42, 49-76. 

Department of Environment and Conservation (2004). 
Annual Report. Department of Environment and 
Conservation (NSW). Sydney. 

Fernandes, P.M. and Botelho, H.S. (2003). A review 
of prescribed burning effectiveness in fire hazard 



reduction. International Journal of Wildland Fire 12, 

Gill, A.M. and Bradstock, R.A. (1992). A national register 
for the fire responses of plant species. Cunninghamia 
2, 653-660. 

Gill, A.M., Christian, K.R., Moore, P.H.R. and Forrester, 
R.I. (1987). Bushfire incidence, fire hazard and fuel 
reduction burning. Australian Journal of Ecology 12, 

Hunter, J.T (1995). Some observations on the fire 
responses of two rare species in the Girraween and 
Bald Rock National Parks. Queensland Naturalist 35, 

Hunter, J.T. (1998). Notes on the occurrence of Monotaxis 
macrophylla Benth. (Euphorbiaceae), with particular 
reference to New South Wales. Queensland 
Naturalist 36, 21-24. 

Hunter, J.T. (2003). Persistence on inselbergs: the role 
of obligate seeders and resprouters. Journal of 
Biogeography 18, 497-510. 

Keith, D. (1996). Fire-driven extinction of plant 
populations: a synthesis of theory and review of 
evidence from Australian vegetation. Proceedings of 
the Linnean Society of New South Wales 116, 37-78. 

Knox, K.J.E. and Clarke, P.J. (2004) Fire response 
syndromes of shrubs in grassy woodlands in the New 
England Tableland Bioregion. Cunninghamia 8, 348- 

Moritz, M.A., Keeley, J.E., Johnson, E.A. and Schaffner, 
A.A. (2004). Testing the basic assumption of 
shrubland fire management: how important is fuel 
age? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2, 

Morrison, D.A., Buckney, R.T., Renwick, B.J. and Cary, 
G.J. (1996). Conservation conflicts over burning bush 
in south eastern Australia. Biological Conservation 
76, 167-175. 

Morrison, D.A. and Renwick J.A. (2000). Effects of 
variation in fire intensity on regeneration of co- 
occurring species of small trees in the Sydney region. 
Australian Journal of Botany 48, 71-79. 

Pyke, G.H. (1987). Pollination biology of Telopea 
speciosissima. \n ‘Waratahs — their Biology, 
Cultivation and Conservation’ (Ed. J.A. Armstrong) 
pp. xx-xx Australian National Botanic Gardens. 
Occasional Publication No. 9. 

Raison, R.J., Woods, P.V. and Khanna, P.K. (1986). 
Decomposition and accumulation of litter after fire 
in sub-alpine eucalypt forests. Australian Journal of 
Ecology 11, 9-19. 

Sheringham, P. and Hunter, J.T. (2002). Vegetation and 
floristics of Gibraltar Range National Park. (A report 
to the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service). 

Smith, A.P., Moore, D.M. and Andrews, S.P. (1992). 
Proposed Forestry Operations in the Glen Innes 
Management Area, Fauna Impact Statement. Prepared 
for the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. 

Tindale, M.D. (1975). Notes on Australian taxa of Acacia 
No. 4. Telopea 1, 68-83. 


Turner, M.G., Romme, W.H. and Tinker, D.B. (2003). 
Surprises and lessons from the 1988 Yellowstone 
fires. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1, 

Weston, P.H. and Johnson, L.A.S. (1991). Taxonomic 
changes in Persoonia (Proteaceae) in New South 
Wales. Telopea 4, 269-306. 

Williams, P.R and Clarke P.J (1997). Habitat segregation 
by serotinous shrubs in heaths: post fire emergence 
and seedling survival. Australian Journal of Botany 
45, 31-39. 

York, A. (2000). Long-term effects of frequent low- 
intensity burning on ant communities in coastal 
Blackbutt forests of south-eastern Australia. 
Austral Ecology 25, 83-98. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Response of Montane Wet Sclerophyll Forest Understorey 
Species to Fire: Evidence from High and Low Intensity Fires 


Botany, School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources Management, University of New England, 

Armidale NSW 2351 ( 

Campbell, M.L. and Clarke, P.J. (2006). Response of montane wet sclerophyll forest understorey species 
to fire: evidence from high and low intensity fires. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South 
Wales 127, 63-73. 

On the New England Tablelands wet sclerophyll forests typically form the ecotone between rainforest and 
dry sclerophyll forest. Currently there are few data on the response of wet sclerophyll plant species to fire. 
We compared the fire-response traits of woody understorey and sub-canopy species in wet sclerophyl! forest 
after high and low intensity fires. The majority of species (80%) resprouted after fire and the prevalence 
of resprouting did not differ with fire intensity. Obligate seeders were rare in these communities <<10% 
of species), and similar numbers of rainforest and sclerophyllous species were killed by fire. Resprouting 
from basal stems and root suckering were the most common mechanisms of vegetative regeneration; 
however, these traits may have arisen more in response to canopy disturbance than fire regime. We found 
that most rainforest taxa resprouted but lacked post-fire seedling recruitment, whereas most resprouting 
sclerophyllous taxa recruited from seed after fire. This dichotomy in seedling recruitment could reflect 
the productivity and disturbance gradients across the ecotone. We propose that gap-phase recruitment is 
favoured towards the rainforest margin and fire-related recruitment is more prevalent at the eucalypt forest 


Manuscript received 1 May 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEY WORDS: functional groups, obligate seeding, rainforest, resprouting, seedling recruitment, wildfire. 


Wet sclerophyll forests typically form an interface 
between two broad vegetation types, rainforest and 
dry sclerophyll forest. These tall eucalypt forests have 
been described as a stage in long-term succession as 
their structure and composition approaches that of 
rainforest in the prolonged absence of disturbance. 
Hence, changes in community properties have been 
closely linked to the passage of fire and length of 
fire-free periods (Ashton and Attiwill 1994). Wet 
sclerophyll forests are not highly flammable most of the 
time, and as time-since-fire increases the probability 
of a subsequent fire is reduced as mesophyllous taxa 
become more dominant in the standing vegetation 
(Unwin 1989; Adam 1992; Harrington and Sandersen 
1994). Generally, one intense crown fire every 100- 
200 years is thought to be sufficient to maintain 
the sclerophyllous component and restrict the more 
mesophyllous taxa of the wet sclerophyll ecotone 
(Gilbert 1959; Chesterfield et al. 1991). 

On the New England Tablelands many areas of 

wet sclerophyll forest have been used for hardwood 
timber production and cattle grazing. These forests 
have consequently been exposed to a regime of 
frequent, low-intensity fires that are often associated 
with grazing (stimulation of green pick). A high fire- 
frequency is thought to reduce diversity of woody 
species in the forest understorey by removing 
mesophyllous taxa and promoting growth of fire- 
tolerant grasses and forbs (Binns 1991; Henderson 
and Keith 2002). Currently there are few data on the 
demographic links between disturbance frequency 
and changes in understorey composition in the wet 
sclerophyll ecotone. 

The classification of plant species into functional 
groups based on fire-response traits can be useful in 
preliminary modelling of how vegetation will change 
with more frequent or less frequent fires (Whelan 
1995; Bond and van Wilgen 1996). Baseline data on 
the response of plant populations to crown fire are 
being sought to contrast the effects of seed-based 
recruitment (persistence of populations) with those of 
resprouting (persistence of individuals) (Clarke and 
Knox 2002; Pausas et al. 2004; Vesk and Westoby 


2004). However, generalisations about vegetation 
change with fire-frequency may be complicated 
by variable responses of species to fire of different 
intensities (e.g. Ashton and Martin 1996; Morrison 
and Renwick 2000). In addition, shade-tolerant 
rainforest species are not expected to have fire-driven 
recruitment, and their regeneration syndromes are 
more likely to be linked to small-scale disturbances 
such as tree fall that create light gaps. 

In spring 2002, areas of wet sclerophyll forest in 
Washpool National Park were burnt by fire following 
the severe drought that affected most of eastern 
Australia. We took advantage of this one in fifty 
year event to record the response of wet sclerophyll 
understorey species to crown fire. We focused on the 
shrub and sub-canopy taxa, as the dominant overstorey 
eucalypts all resprout after fire and their dynamics 
have been documented elsewhere (e.g. Ashton and 
Attiwill 1994; Florence 1996). To test the generality 
of responses to fire we compared data from the crown 
fire at Washpool National Park with a lower intensity 
burn at Mummel Gulf National Park the previous 
year. We addressed the following questions: 1) Do 
fire-response traits vary with fire intensity? 2) Do fire- 
response traits vary between sympatric rainforest and 
sclerophyllous species? and 3) Are there correlations 
between environmental variables, fire-response traits 
and other life-history traits? 


Study areas 

The New England wet sclerophyll forests 
are restricted to areas of high rainfall along the 
eastern edge of the escarpment. These forest are 
characterised by a eucalypt-dominated overstorey, 
typically exceeding 30 m in height, and a well- 
developed, layered understorey of mesomorphic and 
sclerophyllous growth forms (Specht 1970; Ashton 
and Attiwill 1994). The area selected for study at 
Washpool National Park (hereafter WPNP) was in 
the recent western additions that were acquired by 
the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife 
Service (NPWS) in 1998 and had not been burnt for 
at least 50 years. The fires that occurred in November 
2002 were high-intensity fires that burnt all vegetation 
strata in the sclerophyll forests and the understorey 
of the warm temperate rainforest. Mummel Gulf 
National Park (hereafter MGNP) lies approximately 
60 km east of Walcha and was also gazetted as 
National Park in the late 1990s. The fire at MGNP 
was a back-burn, initiated by the NPWS to contain a 


grass fire from a neighbouring property in October of 
2001. The fire was of low to moderate intensity and 
resulted in the complete burning of the understorey 
and ground layer, but with minimal canopy scorching. 
All study sites occurred at altitudes greater than 900 
m on metasediment-derived soils. Prior to the fires, 
areas of wet sclerophyll forests within each park 
were surveyed for full floristic composition using 20 
x 20 m quadrats (21 vegetation survey sites in total: 
WPNP, 12 sites; MGNP, 9 sites). Vegetation in each 
quadrat was described in terms of the growth form, 
height and cover of dominant species in the ground 
storey, understorey and canopy strata. All species 
were recorded in each quadrat and their abundance 
estimated using Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance 
scale. For each survey quadrat geographical 
position, altitude, slope, local soil characteristics, 
physiography, evidence of fire and other disturbances 
were recorded. 

Responses of adult plants to fire 

Responses of woody plant species to fire were 
recorded at four sites within burnt forest at WPNP 
and MGNP. At each of these sites two transects (20 
x 2 m) were placed along each of three topographical 
positions - ridge, slope and gully. Topographical 
position accounted for differences in vegetation 
composition prior to fire and differences in fire 
intensity. Post-fire responses of adult plants were 
recorded along each transect in four categories: 
1) killed by fire, 2) resprouting via root suckers, 3) 
resprouting via basal stem buds, and 4) resprouting via 
stem buds. The presence of post-fire seedling recruits 
was also recorded. In addition to these observations, 
post-fire responses of other woody species outside of 
transects (16 species) were recorded to gain a more 
comprehensive overview of fire-response traits of wet 
sclerophyll forest understorey species. 

Analyses of fire response traits 

Plant species were allocated to one of five fire- 
response syndromes based on categories defined by 
Gill and Bradstock (1992). Note that because of the 
low frequency of occurrence, species killed by fire 
were classified into one group regardless of seed 
bank type. An additional group was also formed with 
the combination of regeneration by root suckering 
(Category IV) and resprouting by basal stem buds 
(Category V). Fire-response traits of woody species 
were compared between sites of different fire 
intensities, 1.e. high-intensity fire (WPNP) and low- 
intensity fire (MGNP), and between topographic 
positions (ridge, slope and gully) within WPNP and 
MGNP. The relative frequency of fire-response traits 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 1. Summary table for 

Attribute WPNP 
Growth form 
Shrub (<3 m) 1G 
Small Tree (3-10 m) 13 
Tree (>10m) 12 
Leaf type 
Sclerophyllous 15 
Coriaceous 6 
Mesophyllous 21 
Dispersal syndrome 
Vertebrate Pal 
Seed bank type 
Soil 31 
Canopy 3 
Dispersed 8 
Species richness 42 

was compared with a G-test for independence (Sokal 
and Rolf 1981). Fire-response traits of adult plants 
after crown and understorey fires were reclassified 
into one of the four plant persistence syndromes based 
on the hierarchical persistence scheme of Pausas et 
al. (2004). The relative frequencies of persistence 
syndromes ‘after crown and understorey fire were 
compared with a G-test for independence (Sokal and 
Rolf 1981). 

Analyses of persistence syndromes and foliage 

To test for differences in persistence syndromes 
between rainforest and sclerophyll forest taxa growing 
in the same habitat, species were divided into three 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

life-history attributes 
of 61 woody taxa occurring in wet sclerophyll for- 
est in Washpool and Mummel Gulf National Parks on 
the New England Tablelands. Note eucalypts not in- 
cluded. Figures are the No. of species in each category. 


foliage types; sclerophyllous, coriaceous 
and mesophyllous. These categories were 
chosen as preliminary representatives 
of the different life-history syndromes 
of plant species in the wet sclerophyll 
ecotone. Rainforest taxa generally fell 
into the mesophyllous and coriaceous leaf 
types, while most sclerophyll forest taxa 
were classified as sclerophyllous. Note that 
19 because of low frequencies of occurrence, 
taxa with coriaceous leaves were grouped 
with the mesophyllous taxa for the analysis. 
The frequencies of persistence syndromes 
(as described above) were tested between 
foliage groups with a G-test for independence 

(Sokal and Rolf 1981). 


7 Life-history traits and environmental 

12 To examine the relationship between 
plant traits and environmental variables, 
constrained ordinations were derived from 
the full floristic data set. Patterns of life- 

21 history traits and environmental correlates 

4 were tested with Canonical Correspondence 

Analysis (CCA) using CANOCO™ 14.5 (ter 
Braak and Smilauer 1992). A life-history trait 
4 data set was constructed using observations 
in the field and from other sources. Growth 
form, leaf type, dispersal syndromes and 
seed bank classes are shown in Table 1. 
26 Plant persistence syndromes were also 
3 included in the analysis. An environmental 
matrix was constructed using the variables 

recorded in each vegetation survey 
quadrat and climatic parameters extracted 
34 from BIOCLIM™ (Busby 1991). For the 

purposes of analysis, Australian Map Grid 

Eastings and Australian Map Grid Northings 
were included as covariables. The significance of 
environmental variables was determined using 499 
Monte Carlo Permutations and the forward selection 
option in CANOCO™ 14.5 (ter Braak and Smilauer 


Fire-response traits, persistence syndromes and 
fire intensity 

Data on the fire-response of 49 woody taxa 
were collected from transects at WPNP and MGNP. 
Resprouting was the dominant response to fire (> 
80% of taxa, Table 2) and there was no difference in 



Table 2. Summary of contingency-table analysis for fire-response traits of woody understorey species 
following high intensity and low intensity fires in National Parks on the New England Tablelands. Fig- 

ures are the No. of species in each category. 

High intensity fire (WPNP) 

Low intensity Fire (MGNP) 

Ridge Slope Gully Total Ridge Slope Gully Total 

Fire Response (II-VI) 
II. Killed, soil-stored seed bank 5 5 

IV. Resprouts via root suckers 3 4 
V. Resprouts via basal stem 13 14 
VI. Resprouts via stem bud bank 1 

Both IV & V 5 4 

Fire Response 

Killed (> 70% killed) 5 5 
Resprout (< 30% killed) Dil 23 
Variable (30 - 70% killed) 1 0 

the frequency of fire-response traits between crown 
fire (WPNP) and understorey fire (MGNP) (G? = 
2.68, P > 0.05). The frequency of resprouting traits 
was also consistent across topographic gradients 
within parks (WPNP, G? = 0.87, P > 0.05; MGNP G? 
= 4.19, P> 0.05). Resprouting from basal stems was 
the most common fire-response, followed by species 
regenerating from both basal stems and root-suckers 
and then those regenerating from root-suckers alone 
(Table 2). Species killed by fire were less common in 

Table 3. Summary table of contingency analysis for persistence syn- 
dromes of woody understorey species after crown and understorey fires 
and between leaf-type classes. Persistence syndromes defined by Pau- 
sas et al. (2004), presence or absence of seedlings refers to post-fire re- 
cruitment only. Species killed by fire and lacking post-fire recruitment 
rely on the dispersal of propagules into a burnt area for recruitment. 

Low intensity High intensity Sclerophyllous Mesophyllous/ 



+ seedlings 9 10 12 

- seedlings 7d) 15 2 

+ seedlings 6 D 3 

- seedlings 1 2 1 

6 4 D 
Z 4 

12 16 10 14 133 18 
1 1 1 
5 8 3 4 4 3 
5 6 3 1 1 2 
20 BY 15 20 21 Ji) 
1 1 1 1 1 3 

the landscape, although a greater number of species 
killed by fire were recorded at the high-intensity fire 
sites (WPNP, 17%) than at the low-intensity fire sites 
(MGNP, 7%) (Table 2). 

Additional observations recorded outside 
transects were included in the persistence syndrome 
data set, with persistence traits of 54 woody species 
included in the analysis. Resprouting was the most 
common persistence syndrome, although resprouting 
without post-fire seedling recruitment was more 
frequent than resprouting with 
post-fire seedling recruitment 
(Table 3). Species killed by 
fire were low in frequency 
at both sites. There was no 
significant difference in the 
relative frequencies of any 
of the persistence syndromes 
between high-intensity fire 

Coriaceous sites and low-intensity fire 
sites (G?= 2.84, P > 0.05). 
1 Persistence syndromes and 
29 leaf types 

Sclerophyllous (dry forest 
taxa) species had a higher 

frequency of resprouting 
species with post-fire 
seedling recruitment than 

mesophyllous and coriaceous 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 




A Ground cover 





Figure 1. Biplot diagram of CCA ordination for environmental variables and 
life history traits of 61 woody taxa in wet sclerophyll forest. D= life history traits; 
solid arrows = significant environmental variables (499 Monte Carlo Permu- 
tations, P< 0.05). RS-, RS+, K-, K+ = persistence syndromes defined by Pau- 
sas et al. (2004); passive, wind, vertebrate, invertebrate = dispersal syndromes; 
Spp Rich = species richness; AMMI = annual mean moisture index; MICV = 
moisture index coefficient of variation. Plot axes are 1 by 1 units of ordination. 

taxa (G? = 22.66, P < 0.0001) (Table 3). Conversely, 
rainforest taxa (mesophyllous and coriaceous plants) 
had significantly greater frequency of species that 
resprouted and lacked post-fire seedling recruits 
(Table 3). There was no difference in the frequency 
of species killed by fire with or without post-fire 
seedling recruitment between leaf type groups (Table 

Plant traits and environmental variables 

Shrubs were the most common woody growth 
forms at both sites, but trees and small trees were 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

more common at WPNP (Table 1). There were 
more sclerophyllous and mesophyllous taxa than 
coriaceous at both sites and most species had 
vertebrate-dispersed propagules (Table 1). Soil-stored 
seed banks were the predominant type with less than 
20% of species having a canopy-held seed banks or 
relying on dispersal of seed for regeneration (Table 
1). More detailed information on the life-history traits 
of individual species is given in Appendix 1. 
Life-history traits of woody taxa in the wet 
sclerophyll understorey were significantly correlated 
with canopy cover, slope and understorey cover 



(Fig. 1). Mesophyllous and tree attributes correlated 
with increasing canopy cover, as did resprouting 
species that lack post-fire seedling recruitment (Fig. 
1). Species killed by fire and with post-fire seedling 
recruitment from in situ seed banks were negatively 
associated with increasing canopy cover, but positively 
correlated with increasing ground cover. Resprouting 
species with post-fire seedling recruitment were 
weakly associated with increasing understorey cover, 
but correlated closely with moisture predictability 
and temperature (Fig. 1). Species with canopy-stored 
seed banks and wind-dispersed seeds were positively 
correlated with landscape slope (Fig. 1). Species with 
passive dispersal, those lacking in situ seed banks, 
and those killed by fire with seeds dispersed into the 
post-fire environment, were all negatively correlated 
with increasing understorey cover (Fig. 1). 


Do fire response traits vary with fire intensity? 
We found that the majority (©80%) of woody 
understorey species in montane wet forests resprouted 
after fire irrespective of fire intensity. Whilst fire 
intensity was not replicated across sites our general 
observations in wet forests in the region support this 
finding. This contrasts with observations that high- 
intensity fires limited vegetative regeneration in 
Victorian wet sclerophyll forests, where rootstocks 
and bud banks did not survive high temperatures. 
Conversely, after lower-intensity fire, the predominant 
mechanism of regeneration was vegetative with a 
high density of root-suckers and resprouting adults in 
the post-fire environment (Ashton and Martin 1996). 
In our study, less than 10% of species demonstrated 
a variable response to fire, indicating that the 
dichotomous classification of species into obligate 
seeders (<< 30% resprout) and resprouters (> 70% 
resprout) is a useful generalisation for these systems. 
The proportion of resprouting species recorded 
here is high in comparison to wet sclerophyll 
forests in Victoria (30%) and southwest Western 
Australia (24%), but comparable to data for coastal 
wet sclerophyll forest in northern New South Wales 
(60%) (Ashton 1981). Similarly high proportions of 
resprouting species have been reported for other highly 
competitive systems such as wet heaths and grassy 
woodlands on the New England Tablelands (Clarke 
and Knox 2002; Clarke et al. 2005). Resprouting 
may be favoured in productive habitats as vegetative 
recruits and regeneration are competitively superior to 
seedlings (Clarke et al. 2005). This may also explain 


the low frequency of obligate seeding species and 
post-fire recruitment in these communities. We also 
recorded high levels of root-suckering, and roughly 
one quarter of the species were capable of resprouting 
from the basal stem and roots after fire. Resprouting 
from basal stem tissue suggests that moderate fire- 
frequencies have been a selective force (Bellingham 
and Sparrow 2000), but resprouting may also confer 
an advantage by enabling individuals to survive and 
regenerate after mechanical damage inflicted by tree- 
and limb-fall (Ashton 2000; Paciorek et al. 2000; 
Kanno et al. 2001). Similarly, root-suckering is an 
effective means of invading unoccupied space after 
disturbance events such as tree-fall (Stocker 1981; 
Kammesheidt 1999; Bellingham and Sparrow 2000). 

Do fire-response traits vary between rainforest 
and sclerophyllous species? 

There was a clear dichotomy between rainforest 
(mesophyllous and coriaceous) and sclerophyllous 
taxa in relation to post-fire seedling recruitment. The 
majority of sclerophyllous taxa that resprouted also 
had post-fire seedling recruitment, whereas most 
rainforest taxa resprouted but lacked post-fire seedling 
recruitment. This may be explained by resource 
gradients across the wet sclerophyll ecotone affecting 
species composition. At the rainforest interface the 
quantity and quality of light reaching the forest floor 
is much lower than at the eucalypt forest edge and 
these conditions are generally unfavourable for the 
recruitment of shade-intolerant taxa (Turton and Duff 
1992). The prevalence of mesophyllous species at the 
rainforest interface reduces the probability of fire and 
species with gap-phase regeneration dominate the 
community (Unwin 1989; Adam 1992; Harrington 
and Sandersen 1994). The general absence of post- 
fire seedling recruitment in rainforest taxa is likely 
to reflect that recruitment syndromes in rainforest are 
linked to canopy disturbance rather than fire per se. In 
contrast, post-fire seedling recruitment was common 
in sclerophyllous taxa: these species respond to 
broad-scale disturbance in order to regenerate and 
gap-phase recruitment is rare (Melick 1990). 

The dichotomy in_ seedling recruitment 
syndromes was reflected in the CCA, with species 
that lack post-fire recruitment closely associated 
with increasing canopy cover. In contrast, species 
with post-fire seedling recruitment, regardless of the 
adult plant response to fire, were positively associated 
with more open habitats as indicated by increasing 
ground and understorey cover. At the landscape scale, 
productivity gradients have been linked to ratios 
of obligate seeders to resprouters across habitats 
(e.g. Clarke et al. 2005). However, within the wet 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


sclerophyll ecotone, the productivity gradient appears 
to be driving the prevalence of post-fire seedling 
recruitment more than adult fire responses. 

Paradoxically, most rainforest species vigorously 
resprouted and similar numbers of rainforest and 
sclerophyll species were killed by fire. Other 
studies have reported rainforest species coppicing 
or resprouting after fire (Stocker 1981; Chesterfield 
et al. 1991; Williams 2000). Hence the notion of a 
split ‘fire-intolerant’ vs. ‘fire-tolerant’ flora does 
not appear to be explained simply by differences in 
resprouting ability. Recently, however, Fensham et 
al. (2003) demonstrated that recurrent fires caused 
increased mortality in tree species from monsoon 
rainforest compared to surrounding savannah, 
suggesting fundamental differences in sprouting 
ability. Remaining unresolved is the question of 
whether quintessential sclerophyllous species are 
more ‘fire-tolerant’ than their mesophytic cousins in 
the same genus or family, and what the mechanisms 
for this tolerance are. 


We thank Richard Willis and Shanti Virgona for 
assistance in the field. Financial support was provided to 
MLE by an Australian Post-graduate Award (Industry), 
New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, 
University of New England and NCW Beadle scholarship. 
Lachlan Copeland kindly assisted with the identification 
and nomenclature of plant taxa. 


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(NSW University Press, Kensington). 

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contraction of wet sclerophyll forest in the wet 
tropics of Queensland due to invasion by rainforest. 
Pacific Conservation Biology 1, 319-327. 

Henderson, M.K. and Keith, D.A. (2002). Correlation 
of burning and grazing indicators with composition 
of woody understorey flora of dells in a temperate 
eucalypt forest. Austral Ecology 27, 121-131. 

Kammesheidt, L. (1999). Forest recovery by root 
suckers and above-ground sprouts after slash-and- 
burn agriculture, fire and logging in Paraguay and 
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K. (2001). Population dynamics of four understorey 
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forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 12, 391-400. 

Melick, D.R. (1990). Ecology of rainforest and sclerophyll 
communities in the Mitchell River National Park, 
Gippsland, Victoria. Proceedings of the Royal Society 
of Victoria 102, 71-87. 



Morrison, D.A. and Renwick, J.A. (2000). Effects of 
variation in fire intensity on regeneration of co- 
occurring species of small trees in the Sydney region. 
Australian Journal of Botany 48, 71-79. 

Paciorek, C.J., Condit, R., Hubbell, S.P. and Foster, R.B. 
(2000). The demographics of resprouting in tree and 
shrub species of a moist tropical forest. Journal of 
Ecology 88, 765-777. 

Pausas, J.G., Bradstock, R.A., Keith, D.A. and Keeley, 
J.E. (2004). Plant functional traits in relation to fire in 
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Sokal, R.R and Rolf, F.J. (1981). ‘Biometry’. (Freeman 
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and Melbourne University Press, Melbourne). 

Stocker, G.C. (1981). Regeneration of a north Queensland 
rainforest following felling and burning. Biotropica 
13, 86-92. 

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Turton, S.M. and Duff, G.A. (1992). Light environments 
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boundary in northeastern Queensland. Australian 
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Unwin, G.L. (1989). Structure and composition of 
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Appendix 1. Life-history traits of 65 montane wet sclerophyll forest 
understorey species at Washpool and Mummel Gulf National Parks on 
the New England Tablelands. * indicates species not included in CCA; 
** fire response of species recorded at both sites. Nomenclature follows 
Harden (1990; 1991; 1992; 1993). 

70 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 




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A Preliminary Assessment of Disturbance to 
Rock Outcrops in Gibraltar Range National Park 


School of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, 2480 

Goldingay, R.L. and Newell, D.A. (2006). A preliminary assessment of disturbance to rock outcrops in 
Gibraltar Range National Park. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 127, 75-81. 

The significance of habitat disturbance within protected areas remains poorly understood. This study 
assessed habitat disturbance to granite rock outcrops within a protected area in north-east New South 
Wales. Survey sites were classed as near (<350 m) or far (>500 m) from roads and walking tracks. Habitat 
disturbance was dependent on site category, occurring at 8 of 10 near sites compared to | of 12 far sites. 
Disturbance mostly consisted of the construction of rock cairns that may deplete the availability of loose 
rocks at a site. Reptiles were frequently found sheltering under loose rocks, attesting to the valuable 
microhabitat that this type of substrate provides. Further research is required to understand the significance 
of this disturbance and the extent of dependence by the local reptile fauna on this substrate. Our data 
provide a baseline against which future surveys can be compared. 

Manuscript received 1 May 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEYWORDS: habitat disturbance, rock-dwelling reptiles, rock outcrops. 


A common assumption in developed countries 
is that species and their habitats contained within 
protected areas will be adequately conserved (e.g. 
Primack 1998; Brooks et al. 2004; Higgins et al. 2004; 
Molnar et al. 2004). Indeed, much effort and many 
resources have been put into expanding protected 
area networks to extend such protection, particularly 
in New South Wales (Davey et al. 2002; Pressey et al. 
2002; Newell and Goldingay 2004). Many protected 
areas are managed specifically for recreational use. 
Where this occurs management is often focused 
on minimizing the impacts of users in areas where 
recreational activities are concentrated (e.g. NPWS 
2000a,b). However, recognition is emerging that 
protected area users may diminish the quality of some 
wildlife habitats over broad areas (Goldingay 1998; 
Newell and Goldingay in press). 

One important case study that implicates 
protected area users in the widespread degradation 
of wildlife habitat is that of the broad-headed snake 
(Hoplocephalus_ bungaroides). This endangered 
species has a geographic range completely restricted 
to the Sydney basin (Swan 1990; Cogger 1992), 

where it shelters within sandstone rock outcrops 
during the cooler months of the year (Webb and Shine 
1998). It is known from a number of protected areas 
and its conservation appears dependent on how well 
these areas are managed (Cogger et al. 1993). Several 
studies have demonstrated that disturbance to rock 
outcrops is widespread and continuing to threaten this 
snake (Schlesinger and Shine 1994; Goldingay 1998; 
Shine et al. 1998; Goldingay and Newell 2000; Webb 
et al. 2002). Until recently, collection of sandstone 
bush-rock for landscaping from protected areas was 
viewed as the primary cause of the decline of this 
species (Hersey 1980; Shine and Fitzgerald 1989; 
Mahony 1997; Shine et al. 1998). It is now recognized 
that much of this disturbance can be attributed to 
protected area users, of which there appear to be three 
types involved: hikers, reptile poachers and vandals 
(Goldingay and Newell 2000; Newell and Goldingay 
in press). 

Whilst concern about rock habitat degradation 
in Australia has been driven by its impact on the 
broad-headed snake, this is not the only species that 
is affected (see Schlesinger and Shine 1994). For 
example, Newell and Goldingay (in press) detected 
a further 19 reptile species under loose rocks (eight 


Figure 1. (a). Granite outcrops near the Waratah Trig. 
(b). Anvil rock showing associated outcrop. 

snakes, three geckos, seven skinks and one dragon) 
during a regional survey for the broad-headed snake. 
Rock crevices are commonly used as retreat sites 
by many species of reptile and frog, some of which 
may be dependent on such habitat during periods of 
the year and are likely to be affected by rock habitat 
degradation. Furthermore, there is no reason to expect 
that this kind of habitat degradation will be limited 
to sandstone substrates. Therefore, there is a need 
to conduct studies at many locations to assess how 
ubiquitous rock habitat disturbance may be. Indeed, 
Goode et al. (2005) have identified that destruction of 
rock habitats is widespread in parts of the USA and 
was associated with a decreased abundance of rock- 
dwelling reptiles. 

The aim of this study was to provide a preliminary 


assessment of rock habitat disturbance 
in Gibraltar Range National Park. This 
protected area occurs in north-eastern New 
South Wales and is characterized by many 
areas of distinctive granite rock formation 
that have associated rock outcrops. 


Study Area 

Gibraltar Range National 
Park (Gibraltar Range NP) is located 
approximately 100 km west of Grafton. 
It has an area of approximately 25,000 ha 
and is bounded to the north by Washpool 
National Park, which is 67,000 ha (NPWS 
2003). These parks are included in the 
World Heritage area known as the Central 
Eastern Rainforest Reserves of Australia 
(DEC 2005). 

Gibraltar Range NP contains broad 
areas of rainforest, heathland, open forest 
and woodland. Rainforest is common along 
the eastern and northern sides of the Park 
while open forest occurs through much of 
the remainder of the Park. Heathland areas 
are restricted in area and are associated 
with drainage lines that traverse the Park. 
Granite rock outcrops are widespread 
through the Park (Fig. 1). A wildfire burnt 
through much of the Park in December 

Survey Sites 

Areas of rock habitat suitable for 
survey were identified from topographic 
maps and from ground truthing. Only areas 
with a north through west aspect were included in 
the survey because these aspects are more highly 
preferred by reptiles that rely on sheltering under 
loose rocks (Webb and Shine 1998; Pringle et al. 
2003). If outcrops with these aspects were affected by 
habitat disturbance then others would be also. Sites 
were purposefully selected to fall into one of two 
categories: either near (<350 m) or far (>500 m) from 
a road or walking track. Sites had to be at least 250 m 
apart to be considered as individual sites. Sites were 
selected in the vicinity of the Waratah Trig (located 
either side of the boundary between Gibraltar Range 
NP and Washpool NP) and the Anvil Rock (Gibraltar 
Range NP) walking tracks (see Table | for location 
We selected rock platforms that contained at 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 2. (a). A rock cairn, showing stencils left when rocks 
have been moved from their original position. (b). An older 
rock cairn. 

least 10 loose rocks along a 50 x 20 m transect. This 
provided a reasonable minimum number of rocks 
from which to determine whether any disturbance 
had occurred. Only rocks >10 cm in length were 
included in the assessment. Once a site was selected, 
all loose rocks along the transect were counted and 
inspected for evidence of disturbance (e.g. rock 
cairns, rock camp fires, rocks flipped over). Rocks 
were lifted to determine their suitability to provide 
habitat for reptiles. This was ascertained by scoring 
whether rocks sat neatly on the platform, whether 
they formed a narrow crevice with the platform and 
whether at least 50% of the underlying substrate 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

consisted of bare rock (Goldingay 1998; 
Newell and Goldingay in press). Such 
rocks were classed as “good” rocks for 
reptile use and counted. Any sheltering 
reptiles were identified. Most transects 
were surveyed by two people. If no 
evidence of disturbance was obtained on 
a transect, then a search for disturbance 
was also conducted of areas within a 50 
m radius of the transect. This was simply 
a recognition that disturbance may be 
patchy and that transects may be too 
short to adequately sample an area. Each 
site was surveyed on one occasion in 
March 2005. 


Of 22 sites chosen for survey, 10 
occurred near and 12 occurred far from 
roads and tracks. Eight of the near sites 
showed some evidence of disturbance 
compared to one of the far sites (Table 
1). For one near site, no disturbance 
was found on the transect but a rock 
caim was observed within 50 m of the 
transect. This distribution of disturbance 
across sites shows that disturbance was 
highly dependent on site category (G = 
12.88, P=0.001). Disturbance consisted 
of rock cairns (Fig. 2), fireplaces (Fig. 3) 
and less commonly a broken or flipped 
over rock. The one instance of rock 
disturbance at a far site was a single 
rock (ca 35 x 42 cm in size) that had 
been flipped over to reveal a stencil from 
where it rested originally (Fig. 4). There 
were no other rocks around this site that 
showed evidence of disturbance. 

There was a significant difference 
(t = 2.50, P = 0.021) in the total number of rocks 
counted along near (27.7 + 3.2) versus far (38.6 +2.9) 
transects. When only good rocks is considered, there 
was no significant difference (t = 1.16, P = 0.26) in 
the number of rocks counted along near (5.0 + 1.0) 
versus far (7.3 + 1.2) transects. 

Due to the time of year when surveys were 
conducted (autumn), only a small number of reptiles 
was observed sheltering under loose rocks. Eulamprus 
tenuis was the most common species, being detected at 
11 of the sites (4 near, 7 far). Mcphee’s skink (Egernia 
mcpheei) and White’s skink (Egernia whitii) were 
observed at two sites. Cunningham’s skink (Egernia 



Table 1. Survey site details and reptiles detected under rocks. AMG = Australian Map Grid references 
(Eastings, Northings). Near sites were located <350 m from a walking track or road, while far sites 
were located >500 m from these. Rocks are the number of rocks along a 50 x 20 m transect. Good is the 
number of rocks with traits most suitable for use by reptiles. Reptiles: Et = Eulamprus tenuis; Em = 
Egernia mcpheei; Ew = Egernia whitii; Ec = Egernia cunninghami; Bp = Bassiana platynota. 

Site AMG reference 

1 0433091 6736800 


0433091 6736839 
3 0432567 6736726 
4 0433539 6737182 
5 0433761 6737538 
6 0434263 6737888 
7 0433590 6730564 
8 0433556 6730491 
9 0430090 6732380 
10 0429603 6732331 
1] 0432309 6736252 
12 0432232 6736539 
13 0432268 6736821 
14 0432140 6737080 
15 0432161 6737590 
16 0432542 6737299 
17 0432776 6737429 
18 0433024 6737329 
19 0433834 6730303 
20 0433924 6730049 
21 0434210 6730149 
DD, 0434288 6730664 


Near (50) 

Near (20) 
Near (200) 
Near (150) 

Near (50) 

Near (20) 
Near (100) 
Near (300) 

Near (50) 
Near (200) 





cunninghami) was seen in a number of rock crevices 
at various sites but was recorded under loose rocks at 
only one site. There was no difference (t = 0.39, P = 
0.35) in the mean number of lizards per site (near: 1.6 
+ 0.6; far: 1.3 + 0.3) across site categories. 






Reptiles Types of Disturbance 
: Cairn (of 3 rocks), broken 
rock, displaced rock 
- Cairn (of 12 rocks) 
2 Bt Cairn outside transect only 
3 Em None 
1Et Broken rock 
- 3 cairns (13, 15,16 rocks) 
6 Et Fire place, rock seat, 2 cairns 
(3, 3 rocks) 
1Et,2Ew None 
- Fireplace, broken rock 
Ew Cairn 
1 Bp None 
3 Em None 
- None 
1 Et None 
- None 
1 Et 1 flipped rock 
- None 
1 Et, Ec None 
2 Et None 
1 Et None 
3 Et None 
2 Et None 
study has provided some important 

insights that will extend our understanding of habitat 
disturbance within protected areas. We detected 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 3. Granite rocks used to form a bush campfire. 

Figure 4. A rock that has been flipped over at the far site. Two 
coins (20 cent, one dollar) are present near the stencil for scale. 

evidence of rock habitat disturbance at many sites 
and this showed a highly significant association with 
whether sites were near or far from tracks or roads. 
This finding is consistent with what we have observed 
in rock habitats around Sydney (Goldingay 1998; 
Goldingay and Newell 2000; Newell and Goldingay 
in press). There is clearly an influence of distance from 
access points on the likelihood that disturbance will 
occur. This provides Park managers witha clear insight 
for managing rock habitats. That is, areas within 500 
m of existing tracks are likely to be associated with 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

disturbance, and development of 
new walking tracks will attract 
habitat disturbance. 

In the present study, most 
disturbance consisted of rock 
cairns and fireplaces that had been 
constructed by hikers. In contrast, 
most of the rock disturbance 
observed in Sydney was caused by 
vandals and reptile poachers, and 
led to severe habitat degradation 
(e.g. rocks were often smashed). 
We found almost no evidence of 
rock disturbance consistent with 
searching for reptiles. The one 
observation of a rock that was 
overturned was quite isolated, 
unlike that in protected areas 
near Sydney where several rocks 
in an area show evidence of 
such disturbance (Goldingay and 
Newell unpubl. data). Therefore, 
we conclude that the overturning 
of this one rock was likely caused 
by a hiker rather than by someone 
searching for reptiles. 

This study provides a 
useful baseline for a protected 
area in which reptile poaching is 
currently of low significance. It 
is unknown whether this is due to 
the Park’s relative isolation, away 
from a large city, or because it lacks 
an endangered species that might 
be targeted by reptile poachers. 
However, follow-up surveys 
in another 5-years time would 
be a worthwhile management 
consideration to ensure that rock 
habitat disturbance remains at 
a low level. Surveys of similar 
habitat in other Parks in north- 
east NSW should be conducted to 
establish a baseline of data for many further areas. It 
is likely that rock habitat disturbance is widespread, 
though possibly different in intensity to that seen in 
the Sydney basin (see Shine et al. 1998; Newell and 
Goldingay in press). 

Rock cairns were quite common, occurring at 
6 of 10 near sites. Indeed, the walking track to the 
Waratah Trig was marked by >30 small rock cairns 
for most of the distance (see Fig. 5). It is not clear 
whether any of these were recent but it highlights 
an issue that the impacts of this activity are not well 



Figure 5. Rock cairns marking the 
track on the way to the Waratah 

understood. The plan of management for Gibraltar 
Range and Washpool NPs notes that among several 
objectives, “National Parks are managed to provide 
for sustainable visitor use and enjoyment that is 
compatible with conservation of natural and cultural 
values” (DEC 2005). It is unlikely that the habitat 
disturbance identified in this study is compatible with 
the conservation of natural values based on studies of 
rock habitat disturbance in the Sydney basin (Shine 
et al. 1998; Goldingay and Newell 2000) and the 
thermal requirements of rock-dwelling reptiles (e.g. 
Webb and Shine 1998). Providing education to the 
general public may be needed to mitigate habitat 
impacts. The on-going need for this could be assessed 
by photographic monitoring of a number of near sites 
over several years to assess whether rock cairns and 
rock campfires are continuing to be constructed. Such 
an assessment was used successfully by Goldingay 
and Newell (2000) in Royal National Park in Sydney 
to monitor rock disturbance. This would be consistent 
with the identified need for research into visitor-use 
impacts in these Parks. 

We found significantly fewer rocks on near 
transects compared to far transects. This is consistent 
with the greater frequency of disturbance on the near 
transects. This may have little consequence for rock- 
dwelling reptiles because the number of rocks suitable 
for use by reptiles did not differ across site categories. 
The number of reptiles across sites was not different. 
However, the time of the survey was not optimal for 
assessing the number of reptiles that use loose rocks 
and it is likely that some species are more sensitive 
to disturbance than others. Surveys conducted during 


late winter would be more appropriate (see Newell 
and Goldingay in press). It would be worthwhile for a 
detailed study to be conducted so that species that are 
highly dependent on the loose rocks in rock outcrops 
can be identified and their management needs better 

This study highlights that disturbance to loose 
rock habitats is not confined to areas around Sydney. 
We could generalize from this study that such habitat 
disturbance is a widespread phenomenon regardless 
of where that rock habitat occurs. Goode et al. (2005) 
have revealed that it occurs in many rocky habitats in 
arid areas of the USA. Understanding the ecological 
significance of such habitat disturbance will depend 
on understanding the number of species that are 
dependent on rocky habitats. 


This paper was improved by the comments of two 


Brooks, T., da Fonseca, G.A.B. and Rodrigues, A.S.L. 
(2004). Species, data and conservation planning. 
Conservation Biology 18, 1682-8. 

Cogger, H.G. (1992). ‘Reptiles and Amphibians of 
Australia’. (Reed Books: Sydney). 

Cogger, H.G., Cameron, E.E., Sadlier, R.A. and Eggler, 
P. (1993). ‘The Action Plan for Australian Reptiles’. 
(Australian Nature Conservation Agency, Endangered 
Species Program Project Number 124). 

Davey, S. M., Hoare, J.R.L. and Rumba, K.E. (2002). 
Science and its role in Australian regional forest 
agreements. International Forestry Review 4, 39-55. 

DEC (2005). ‘Gibraltar Range Group of Parks 
(incorporating Barool, Capoompeta, Gibraltar 
Range, Nymboida and Washpool National Parks and 
Nymboida and Washpool State Conservation Areas), 
Plan of Management’. (Department of Environment 
and Conservation, NSW). 

Goldingay, R.L. (1998). Between a rock and a hard place: 
conserving the broad-headed snake in Australia’s 
oldest National Park. Proceedings of the Linnean 
Society of New South Wales 120, 1-10. 

Goldingay, R.L. and Newell, D.A. (2000). Experimental 
rock outcrops reveal continuing habitat disturbance 
for an endangered Australian snake. Conservation 
Biology 14, 1908-1912. 

Goode, M.J., Horrace, W.C., Sredl, M.J. and Howland, 
J.M. (2005). Habitat destruction by collectors 
associated with decreased abundance of rock- 
dwelling lizards. Biological Conservation 125, 47-54. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Hersey, F. (1980). Broad-headed snake Hoplocephalus 
bungaroides. In “Endangered Animals of New South 
Wales’. (Ed. C. Haigh) pp. 38-40 (National Parks and 
Wildlife Service, Sydney). 

Higgins, J.V., Ricketts, T.H., Parrish, J.D., Dinerstein, E., 
Powell, G., Palminteri, S., Hoekstra, J.M., Morrison, 
J., Tomasek, A. and Adams, J. (2004). Beyond Noah: 
saving species is not enough. Conservation Biology 
18, 1672-3. 

Mahony, S. (1997). Efficacy of the “threatening processes” 
provisions in the Threatened Species Conservation 
Act 1995 (NSW): bush-rock removal and the 
endangered broad-headed snake. Environmental and 
Planning Law Journal 14, 3-16. 

Molnar, J., Marvier, M. and Kareiva, P. (2004). The sum 
is greater than the parts. Conservation Biology 18, 

Newell, D.A. & Goldingay, R.L. (2004). Conserving 
reptiles and frogs in the forests of New South Wales. 
In “Conservation of Australia’s Forest Fauna’. 2" 
edition (Ed. by D. Lunney) pp. 270-96 (Royal 
Zoological Society of NSW, Sydney). 

Newell, D.A. and Goldingay, R.L. (in press). Distribution 
and habitat assessment of the broad-headed snake 
(Hoplocephalus bungaroides). Australian Zoologist. 

NPWS. (2000a). “Royal National Park, Heathcote National 
Park and Garawarra State Recreation Area, Plan of 
Management’. (NSW National Parks and Wildlife 
Service:, Hurstville). 

NPWS (2000b). “Kosciuszko National Park, Plan of 
Management’. (NSW National Parks and Wildlife 
Service, Hurstville). 

NPWS (2003). “Visitor Guide: Gibraltar Range and 
Washpool National Parks’. (NSW National Parks and 
Wildlife Service, Hurstville). 

Pressey, R.L., Whish, G.L., Barrett, T.W. and Watts, 

M.E. (2002). Effectiveness of protected areas in 
north-eastern New South Wales: recent trends in six 
measures. Biological Conservation 106, 57-69. 

Primack, R. B. 1998. ‘Essentials of Conservation 
Biology’. (Sinauer Associates:, Sunderland, 

Pringle, R.M., Webb, J.K. and Shine, R. (2003). Canopy 
structure, microclimate, and habitat selection by 
a nocturnal snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides. 
Ecology 84, 2668-79. 

Schlesinger, C.A. and Shine, R. (1994). Choosing a rock: 
perspectives of a bush-rock collector and a saxicolous 
lizard. Biological Conservation 67, 49-56. 

Shine, R. and Fitzgerald, M. (1989). Conservation 
and reproduction of an endangered species: the 
broad-headed snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides 
(Elapidae). Australian Zoologist 25, 65-67. 

Shine, R., J. Webb, M. Fitzgerald, and Sumner, J. (1998). 
The impact of bush-rock removal on an endangered 
snake species, Hoplocephalus bungaroides 
(Serpentes: Elapidae). Wildlife Research 25, 285-95. 

Swan, G. (1990). ‘A Field Guide to the Snakes and Lizards 
of New South Wales’. (Three Sisters Productions, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Webb, J. K. and Shine, R. (1998). Using thermal ecology 
to predict retreat-site selection by an endangered 
snake species (Hoplocephalus bungaroides: 
Serpentes, Elapidae). Biological Conservation 86, 

Webb, J. K., Brook, B.W. and Shine, R. (2002). Collectors 
endanger Australia’s most threatened snake, Broad- 
headed snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides. Biological 
Conservation 81, 21-33. 


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Amphibians of the Gibraltar Range 


School of Environmental and Life Sciences, Newcastle University, University Drive, Callaghan NSW 2308 

Mahony, M. (2006). Amphibians of Gibraltar Range. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South 
Wales. 127, 83-91. 

The Gibraltar Range supports a relatively high diversity of amphibians and thirty frog species, with equal 
numbers of tree frogs (Hylidae) and ground frogs (Myobatrachidae) having been recorded there. It is 
postulated that the geological history of the Great Dividing Range and the rugged landforms on its eastern 
edge, known as the Great Escarpment, provides the underlying explanation for the amphibian diversity 
present. Among the amphibians four major biogeography groups are recognized based on distribution 
and association with major vegetation communities. The largest group consists of 15 species that have 
wide distributions within and beyond the range and occur in several vegetation communities, and only one 
member is categorized as threatened. The second group consists of 12 species and is associated with wet 
forest habitats of the escarpment and coastal belt, with four threatened species. The third group is restricted 
to rainforest habitats and consists of three species of ground frog, two of which are threatened. The final 
group is associated with the drier open forests and grasslands of the tablelands and western slopes and 
consists of four species, three of which are threatened. No frog is endemic to the range, although one ground 
frog, Philoria pughi, is found only in the range and the nearby New England Range and Timbarra Plateau. 
This species and Assa darlingtoni, another ground frog, are closely associated with the warm temperate 
rainforest that 1s restricted to the higher altitudes on the Gibraltar Range, and their distribution is considered 
to be relictual. Their broader distribution is within isolated montane rainforest that occurs on the higher 
peaks of the Great Escarpment and coastal ranges. Among the frogs of the Gibraltar Range, 11 of the 30 
Species are categorized as threatened, eight of which are associated with stream habitats. This is despite 
the large areas of undisturbed natural habitat present on the range. In contrast species associated with pond 

habitats are less represented in this group. 

Manuscript received 4 May 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEY WORDS: amphibians, Gibraltar Range, Great Dividing Range, Great Escarpment, Hylidae, mesic 

forests, Myobatrachidae, rainforests. 


An investigation of the biogeography of the 
amphibian fauna of the Gibraltar Range in northeast 
New South Wales was undertaken to shed light on their 
origins, relationships and the implications of these for 
conservation management. The study of biogeography 
is fundamentally concerned with the documentation 
and interpretation of the distribution of flora and fauna 
and their interrelationship. Uncovering origins and 
dispersal routes of organisms largely depends upon 
the degree of resolution of distributional data and 
robust phylogenetic reconstructions of evolutionary 
relationships (Tyler et al. 1974). 

Anunderstanding of the composition and ancestry 
of the amphibian fauna of the Gibraltar Range is 
underpinned by interpretations of the geological 
history of the landforms of the range and its climate. 

The Gibraltar Range occurs on the eastern boundary 
of the Great Dividing Range. The Great Dividing 
Range is the dominant landform feature of the east 
coast of Australia, and running along its eastern edge 
is the Great Escarpment. Ollier (1982) postulated 
that the escarpment originated by scarp retreat from 
a new continental edge of eastern Australia about 80 
million years ago. From a biogeographic perspective 
this results in two principle axes; the first is in the 
north-south direction of the Great Divide and the 
associated Great Escarpment that extends in the order 
of hundreds of kilometres, the second is in the east- 
west direction from coast to tablelands that extends in 
the tens of kilometres. 

The geologic history of the Gibraltar Range and its 
landforms are significant factors in our understanding 
of the composition and ancestry of the amphibian 
fauna. The higher mountains on the Great Escarpment 


experience a climate of moderate temperatures and 
high rainfall and support mesic forest vegetation 
communities at mid to high altitudes. These forests 
contain ancestral elements of wet forest communities 
that were once more widespread, particularly along the 
Great Divide, and have contracted as the Australian 
climate has dried (Nix 1991). 

In the north-south axis the higher mountains 
along the Great Divide provide refuges for the flora 
and fauna adapted to these mesic habitats and provide 
a view of their evolutionary history. The frog species 
found in the mesic forest habitats are postulated to 
reflect a long evolutionary relationship between 
the flora and fauna. In the north-south axis the 
Gibraltar Range is one of many ranges that form the 
relatively continuous Great Divide. While it may be 
relatively continuous as a major landform feature it 
has considerable variation in altitude and ruggedness 
along its considerable length. The Gibraltar Range 
is one of the higher ranges along the length of the 
Great Divide with its highest peaks being above 1400 
metres in altitude, and along with a rugged topography 
and complex underlying geology (Barnes et al. 1995) 
result in a complex mosaic distribution of rainforests 
and wet sclerophyll forests. 

In the east-west axis the Gibraltar Range stands at 
the junction of two major geomorphic provinces, the 
tablelands to the west and the coastal belt to the east. 
In this axis the formation of the Great Escarpment and 
the mountain ranges, river valleys and coastal plains 
associated with it, provide a diverse topography from 
low to high altitude. On its western side the Gibraltar 
Range has upland areas of low relief with gently 
flowing streams and tableland swamps. On the east 
is a steep escarpment with rapidly flowing streams 
and deep gorges, and to the northeast is an area of 
moderate to high relief with rapid flowing streams. 
To the south and east the scarp is clearly defined by 
the Mann River and its smaller tributaries, while to 
the northeast the range is almost cut off by the Rocky 
(Timbarra) River to form an isolated plateau. This 
river runs in a northerly direction along the line of 
Demon Fault that separates the Gibraltar Range from 
the tablelands to the west. 

While the Gondwanan origin and relationship of 
Australia’s two major frog families, the Hylidae (tree 
frogs) and Myobatrachidae (ground frogs) is well 
accepted, the geographic context of the evolution 
and diversification of the Australian frog fauna 
remains a matter of considerable debate (Tyler 1979; 
Roberts 1998). Two major features of their evolution 
can be investigated by studies of the fauna of the 
Great Divide. The first is evidence of the ancestral 
composition of the amphibian fauna of the mesic 


forests that have been associated with the Great 
Divide for tens of millions of years, and the second 
is the extent of diversification that has occurred as the 
Great Divide has been eroded away and as climate 
has changed. 

The objective of this paper is to provide an 
overview of the diversity of frogs in the major 
vegetation communities of the Gibraltar Range along 
with an interpretation of the composition and ancestry 
of the amphibian fauna. Where appropriate, details of 
habitat use and conservation status will be discussed 
along with the implications for management. 


To compile a list of the amphibian species 
of the Gibraltar Range a number of sources were 
consulted. A primary species list was assembled by 
consulting the records of the Australian Museum, 
Queensland Museum, Victorian Museum and South 
Australian Museum. To these were added the records 
in the Wildlife Atlas of New South Wales (NSW 
DEC, NPWS, accessed April 2005). A selected 
literature search was conducted that included large 
and comprehensive surveys such as the North East 
Forest Biodiversity Survey (NSW NPWS 1994) and 
Fauna Surveys for Forestry Environmental Impact 
Statements (Smith et al. 1994; State Forest NSW, 
1995). Lastly, records from targeted surveys for 
taxonomic studies and from a long-term monitoring 
site in Washpool National Park were included 
(Knowles et al. 2004; Donnellan et al. 2002, 2004; 
Mahony unpubl. data). In addition, information on 
the vegetation communities and habitats occupied by 
each species was collated. 

Based on distribution records and association 
with major vegetation communities frog species were 
assigned to one of four categories, 1) widespread 
occurrence across the region in all major vegetation 
communities, 2) eucalypt-dominated forest 
communities of the escarpment and coast belt, 3) 
rainforest specialists, and 4) woodlands, dry forests 
and grasslands of the tablelands. Within these 
categories the frogs were subdivided on the basis of 
primary breeding habitat. 

Conservation status of species was based on 
listings in the New South Wales Threatened Species 
Conservation Act 1995 (NSW TSC Act 1995) 
supported by a recent assessment of Australian 
amphibians that applied the International Union 
for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) categories 
(Global Amphibian Assessment 2004). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



A total of 30 frog species has been recorded from 
the Gibraltar Range and a further four are considered 
likely to occur there (Table 1). Equal numbers of tree 
frogs (Hylidae) and ground frogs (Myobatrachidae) 
are found. All hylids present are members of the 
genus Litoria, while there are eight genera of 
myobatrachids. Despite the relatively high species 
diversity many species are represented by a small 
number of location records, and for several species 
by a single location record. As a result the regional 
distribution, abundance and habitat associations 
of many species are incomplete. Fauna surveys 
conducted for the North East Forest Biodiversity 
Study (NSW NPWS 1994) and Forestry EISs (SF 
NSW 1995) provide the most detailed picture of the 
distribution and abundance of species. Discoveries 
made during surveys in the last two decades indicate 
that significant distributional records, and even new 
species, may be found there (Donnellan et al. 2002; 
Knowles et al. 2004). 

Frogs with a widespread distribution 

Division of the frog fauna into major distribution 
patterns and broad vegetation community associations 
reveals that the largest group numerically is species 
that have a widespread distribution and that occur 
in several vegetation communities. Fifteen species 
are placed in this group, seven tree frogs and eight 
ground frogs (Table 1). Most of these frogs have 
extensive distributions in south-eastern Australia 
(see distribution maps in Cogger 2002 and Robinson 
2002). This is not to say that they are necessarily 
habitat generalists. Subdivision of these species by 
preferred breeding habitat shows that the majority, 
14 of the 15, make use of ponds or swamps, four 
use both ponds and streams and could be considered 
to be generalists in respect of breeding habitat, and 
only one is a stream specialist. Two species that use 
ponds show a preference for ephemeral ponds and a 
third (Crinia signifera) makes use of a wide range 
of water bodies from small ephemeral pools to large 
swamps, indeed the only habitat it is not found in is 
fast flowing streams. This species occurs in disturbed 
sites and therefore is common where human activity 
opens or modifies habitats. 

Only one species in this group is categorized as 
threatened. The New England Tableland population of 
Adelotus brevis is listed as an “endangered population” 
under the NSW TSC Act. No recent records of this 
species were found at high altitudes in the Gibraltar 
Range, but several populations are known from lower 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

altitude in Washpool National Park (NP) and Ewingar 
State Forest (SF). 

Frogs of forest communities of the escarpment 
and coastal belt 

The second largest group is associated with 
eucalypt-dominated forest vegetation communities 
of the escarpment and coastal belt. Twelve species 
are placed in this group, eight tree frogs and four 
ground frogs (Table 1). As might be expected due 
to the rugged topography of the escarpment the 
majority of these species are associated with stream 
habitats. Six species, three tree frogs and three 
ground frogs, breed in streams and have tadpoles 
adapted to stream habitats. Among these, three 
species, Litoria subglandulosa, L. piperata and 
Mixophyes balbus(Fig. 1b), are restricted to higher 
altitudes on the escarpment. Vegetation community 
is not the major factor determining their distribution; 
they occur in streams within heath, dry forest, wet 
forest and rainforest communities. One stream frog, 
Mixophyes iteratus (Fig. 1c), is found only at low 
to moderate altitudes and is always associated with 
rainforest or wet forest habitats. The remaining two 
species (L. barringtonensis and M. fasciolatus) occur 
across the range of altitudes but always in wet forest 

Five species in this group breed in ponds and 
swamps, and two of these often breed in ephemeral 
situations (Table 1). For three of the species included 
in this group (L. brevipalmata, L. revelata and L. 
tyleri) there are no confirmed records in the Gibraltar 
Range. They are included here because they occur in 
wet forest habitats to the north, south and east of the 
Gibraltar Range and it is considered possible that they 
occur in the range. If these species do occur they are 
not abundant because they have not been detected in 
systematic surveys (NSW NPWS 1994; Smith et al. 
1994; State Forests NSW 1995) or targeted searches 
(Mahony unpubl.). Litoria brevipalmata is often 
difficult to detect in field surveys because adults are 
active at breeding sites on only one or two evenings 
of the year. Records of L. revelata may be absent for 
a different reason. This species was overlooked in 
the past and until recently it was not distinguished 
from Litoria verreauxi, a close relative. Field guides 
do not indicate that L. revelata is found south of the 
Border Ranges region, which are approximately 120 
kilometres to the north-east of the Gibraltar Ranges, 
yet recent field studies (Price 2004) indicate that it 
occurs in a series of apparently isolated populations 
along the escarpment and coastal ranges as far south 
as the Sydney Basin. Targeted searches for this species 
have been conducted in the Washpool National Park 



Typical breeding location 

Association with major vegetation community Pond 

Conser- Stream and/or Ephemeral Toes! 
eggs and 

Species scientific and common name vation breeding swamp pool ‘ 
status (lentic) | breeding | breeding BOSON 
(otic) stage. 
Widespread occurring 
in many vegetation 
communities from 
rainforest to grassland 
Litoria caerulea Green Tree Frog 
L. dentata Bleating Tree Frog 
L. fallax Dwarf Tree Frog 
L. latopalmata Broad-palmed Frog 
L. peronii Peron’s Tree Frog 
L. verreauxi Whistling Tree Frog 
L. wilcoxi Rocky River Frog 
Adelotus brevis Tusked Frog 
Crinia signifera Eastern Froglet 
Limnodynastes dumerillii Banjo Frog 
L. ornatus Omate Burrowing Frog 
L. peronii Striped Marsh Frog 
L. tasmaniensis Spotted Grass Frog 
Uperoleia fusca Dusky Toadlet 
U. laevigata Smooth Toadlet 


belt. Wet forests excluding 

rainforest specialists 

Litoria barringtonensis Barrington Tree Frog 
L. brevipalmata* Green-thighed Frog 
L. chloris Red-eyed Frog 

L. gracilenta Dainty Tree Frog 

L. piperata Peppered Frog 

L. revelata* Revealed Frog 

L. subglandulosa Glandular Tree Frog 
L. tyleri* Tyler’s Tree Frog 
Mixophyes balbus Stuttering Frog 

M. fasciolatus Great Barred Frog 
M. iteratus Giant Barred River Frog 
Pseudophryne coriacae Red-backed Toadlet 

Rainforest specialists 

Assa darlingtoni Hip-pocket Frog 
Lechriodus fletecheri Sandpaper Frog 
Philoria pughi Mountain Mist Frog 

ablelands and western 
species. Woodlands, dry 
forest and grasslands 
Litoria booroolongensis Booroolong Frog 
L. castanea* Yellow-spotted Bell Frog 
Crinia parinsignifera Beeping Froglet 
Pseudophryne bibroni Brown Toadlet 

86 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


without success. The final species, L. tyleri, is readily 
distinguished and the lack of records may indicate 
that it does not occur in the Gibraltar Range. 

Five species in this group are classed as 
threatened, and each of these breed in stream habitats. 
In contrast, no pond-breeding species in this grouping 
is threatened. One of the two stream-breeding species 
that is not threatened, Mixophyes fasciolatus, breeds 
in both ponds and streams. 

Frogs that are found only in rainforest habitats 

The group with the narrowest distribution is the 
rainforest specialists, with only three species, all of 
which are ground frogs. The absence of tree frogs 
from this group is not unexpected, given that there is 
no tree frog that is restricted to rainforest vegetation 
communities of the Great Escarpment in NSW and 
south-east Queensland. It is not until the rainforests 
of far north Queensland that we encounter tree frogs 
that are restricted to rainforest habitats. 

Two of the ground frogs, Assa darlingtoni (Fig. 
la) and Philoria pughi (Fig. 1d) reflect refugial 
distributions. They occur only at higher altitudes in 
warm temperate rainforest or deeper gullies with 
subtropical rainforest. In the Gibraltar Range the 
distribution of Assa is limited to a relatively small 
area of high altitude warm temperate rainforest 
(above 1000 m) and Philoria pughi has a slightly 
wider distribution in warm temperate and subtropical 
rainforest from mid to high altitudes (800 to 1000 m). 
These vegetation communities are relicts of former 
more widespread vegetation communities. They attest 
to a past when the climate was wetter and milder and 
when their distribution was more continuous along 
the great escarpment. The last member of this group, 
Lechriodus fletcheri, is found in rainforest from 
low to high altitude and thus its distribution is more 

Table 1. LEFT 

Major habitat association, breeding location and 
conservation status of the frogs of the Gibraltar 
Range. Conservation status is based on IUCN cat- 
egories (Stuart et al. 2004). For a small number 
of species there are no records for the Gibral- 
tar Range; they are included because popula- 
tions are known in forested habitats to the north, 
south and east and it is likely that they occur in 
the Gibraltar Range. They are identified by an 
asterisk. An ephemeral water body is defined as 
a non-perennial; it can be a pool that lasts for a 
matter of days or weeks or up to several months. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Frogs of the woodlands, dry forests and grasslands 
of the tablelands 

Another relatively small group are the frogs that 
are associated with the vegetation communities of 
the tablelands and western slopes. Four species, two 
tree frogs (Litoria booroolongensis and L. castanea) 
and two ground frogs (Crinia parinsignifera and 
Pseudophyrne bibroni) are placed in this group 
(Table 1). The group may be even smaller because 
there is no direct evidence that the two tree frogs 
(Litoria booroolongensis and L. castanea) occur in 
the Gibraltar Range. They are included here because 
of proximity of records on the tablelands and the 
presence of suitable habitat in the range. Both species 
have disappeared from the New England Tableland 
(Hines et. al. 1999; Mahony 1999) and it may be 
that we will never know whether they occurred on 
the Gibraltar Range. Litoria boorolongensis had an 
extensive distribution on the New England Tableland 
and on the western slopes south to the Australian Alps, 
and suitable habitat in the Gibraltar Range occurs 
along the upper reaches of the Mann River and Rocky 
(Timbarra) River. Litoria castanea had a far narrower 
distribution that was centred on tableland habitats. Its 
preferred habitat was tableland swamps and lagoons 
and the upper altitudes in the southern areas of the 
Gibraltar Range contain significant tableland swamps 
in undisturbed condition. 

Of the two ground frogs in this group, one, P 
bibroni, has also disappeared from the tablelands 
(Mahony unpubl. data). There are no records of this 
species from the Gibraltar Range, but once again 
its was formerly widespread across the tablelands 
(Heatwole et al. 1995). The remaining species in this 
group, C. parinsignifera, is common and widespread 
being found in ponds and swamps in open vegetation 
communities, and is often associated with disturbed 
areas. The limit of the distribution of the two tree 
frogs (L. booroolongensis and L. castanea) is at the 
upper or western edge of the escarpment on the other 
hand the two ground frogs are also distributed to the 
east on the coastal plain, but they are not found in the 
wet forest habitats of the escarpment. Pseudophyrne 
bibroni is replaced by a congener P. coriacae in the 
wet forests of the escarpment, and C. parinsignifera 
shows a preference for open habitats. 

Each member of this group has a distinct 
breeding biology and behaviour and there is no 
apparent link between these features and those that 
have disappeared. Litoria booroolongensis breeds in 
flowing streams, L. castanea in swamps and pools, 
sometimes in large still pools on streams, and P. 
bibroni lays its eggs in terrestrial sites near swamps 
and pools. 



Figure 1. a) Adult male Assa darlingtoni surrounded by hatching embryos prior to their entering into 
his lateral pouches where they will undergo the tadpole stage of their life cycle. This terrestrial frog 
is found only in warm temperate rainforests at high altitude in the Gibraltar Range. b) Adult male 
Mixophyes balbus, an endangered stream-breeding species that occurs in high altitude streams of the 
Gibraltar Range. c) A pair of Mixophyes iteratus in embrace prior to egg deposition. This vulnerable 
species is found in stream habitats at low altitude in the Gibraltar Range. d) A male Philoria pughi 
within its terrestrial nest chamber that has been exposed by lifting away a covering of leaves. A clutch 
of embryos in early stages of development and still within their egg capsules can be seen beneath 
the male. After the embryos hatch, the tadpoles remain in the nest and leave after metamorphosis. 

No frog species is endemic to the Gibraltar 
Range. Philoria pughi has the narrowest distribution, 
it is known only from the Gibraltar Range, and the 
New England Range and Timbarra Plateau to the 
north. Two others, Assa darlingtoni and Lechriodus 
fletcheri, occupy refugial mesic forest habitats, and 
their populations in the Gibraltar Range are isolated 
from other restricted populations along the Great 


The high diversity of amphibians found in the 
Gibraltar Range can be explained by a combination of 
factors; the antiquity of the Great Dividing Range, the 
abrupt change in altitude and the rugged landscape 
of the Great Escarpment, and the consequent climate 
differences. The range stands at the junction of two 


ancient geomorphic regions, the tablelands to the 
west and the coastal plain to the east, and provides 
habitats for species that have evolved in these 
regions. These differences are reflected in the aquatic 
habitats that are present, from tableland swamps with 
slow flowing streams to fast flowing streams on the 
escarpment. The rugged topography of the region, its 
altitudinal range and climate result in the presence of 
several major vegetation communities. 

All of the frogs found on the Gibraltar Range 
belong to two families that have a long evolutionary 
relationship with the Australian continent; the tree 
frogs of the family Hylidae and the ground frogs 
of the family Myobatrachidae. These families are 
recognized as being of Gondwana origin (Tyler 
1979); they are old endemics. Molecular genetic 
evidence indicates that the ancestral tree and ground 
frogs were already well differentiated at the time 
Australia separated from Antarctica some 52 million 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


years ago (Daugherty and Maxson 1982; Hutchinson 
and Maxson 1988). Apart from the introduced cane 
toad (family Bufonidae) Australia has members of 
two other families of frog, the Michrohylidae and 
Ranidae. Members of these families are considered 
to have arrived in Australia in more recent geological 
time, when the Australian continent came into closer 
contact with south-east Asia (Tyler 1979), and their 
members are found only in rainforest habitats in north 
Queensland and the Northern Territory. 

Several genera and species groups that have 
a long association with the mesic forest habitats of 
the Great Divide and escarpment can be identified 
in the Gibraltar Range. Two examples are briefly 
considered, one from each of the major families, to 
illustrate this point. The five species of Mixophyes 
are found only in wet forest habitats along the 
Great Divide and escarpment from east Gippsland 
in Victoria to the Atherton Tablelands in far north 
Queensland, with a further species found in montane 
rainforest in Papua New Guinea (Donnellan et al. 
1990). Phylogenetic studies (Heyer and Leim 1996; 
Kluge and Farris 1976) place this genus in a basal 
position among the myobatrachids and their current 
distribution and habitat preferences strongly suggest 
they have had a long association with the wet forests 
of the Great Divide and escarpment. Among the tree 
frogs members of the Litoria citropa species group 
(Tyler and Davies 1978) are closely associated with 
the wet forests of the Great Divide and escarpment 
from southern Victoria to mid east Queensland 
(Donnellan et al. 1999; Mahony et al. 2000). 

A detailed account of the frogs of the New 
England Tablelands region, an area about nine 
times larger in extent than the Gibraltar Range, was 
presented by Heatwole et al. (1995). The Gibraltar 
Range is adjacent to the north-east of this region 
and the western portion of the range was included in 
their investigation. They reported 46 species in the 
New England region and concluded that the largest 
numbers were associated with moist habitats that are 
distributed along the east coast and onto the Great 
Dividing Range. They did not have extensive data 
from the Gibraltar Range region and inspection of 
their data reveals that most of their records were 
from along the Gwydir Highway, which cuts east- 
west across the range, and a small number of sites in 
the Gibraltar Range National Park. Nonetheless, the 
current study provides strong support for their major 
conclusion. The 30 species present in the Gibraltar 
Range account for 65% of the total number they 
reported for the larger region. It is evident that the 
mesic habitats of the Great Escarpment and coastal 
belt provide a diversity of habitats and this is reflected 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

in the number of amphibians present. 

The significance of the geomorphic processes 
that have shaped the Great Escarpment in relation to 
the evolution of its terrestrial fauna is evident in the 
Gibraltar Range. With respect to the north-south axis 
the Gibraltar Range is an isolated area of uplands. 
Scarp retreat created firstly steep gorges and then 
wider valleys, as these valleys widened and their 
headwaters retreated further west the higher altitude 
ranges of the Great Divide and their fauna and flora 
were isolated (Ollier 1982). It is postulated that 
dispersal was limited where large valleys with drier 
vegetation communities dissected the ranges. For 
example, in the Gibraltar Range isolated populations 
of a small number of rainforest frogs are found at 
higher altitudes (Assa darlingtoni, Philoria pughi, and 
Lechriodus fletcheri) in mesic rainforest communities. 
In addition to the isolation resulting from landscape 
barriers are the barriers that were created as climate 
changed. In the past the climate was warmer and 
wetter and the mesic vegetation more widespread on 
the Great Divide (Nix 1991), providing an opportunity 
for species adapted to the mesic forest habitats to 
disperse. From the perspective of the amphibian 
fauna the period or extent of isolation of the Gibraltar 
Range has not been extensive because only one frog, 
Philoria pughi can be described as endemic to the 
Gibraltar and the nearby New England Ranges. 

From the perspective of the evolution of its 
amphibian fauna it is perhaps more appropriate to 
view the Gibraltar Range as part of a larger unit of the 
eastern escarpment of the New England Tableland, 
which extends from the Macleay River incursion 
in the south to the Clarence River incursion in the 
north. Two species associated with the fast-flowing 
streams of the upper escarpment, L. piperata 
and L. subglandulosa, are found only within this 
region. Litoria daviesae, a sibling species of L. 
subglandulosa, occurs to the south of the Macleay 
River catchment, and L. pearsoniana, a sibling of L. 
piperata, occurs in the mesic forests on the northern 
side of the Clarence catchment. Among the ground 
frogs, M. balbus reaches the extent of its distribution 
at the northern incursion of the Clarence River, and 
to the north a sibling species, M. fleayi, occurs in 
mesic forest habitats. A similar pattern occurs within 
Philoria, to the north of the incursion of the Clarence 
River P. pughi is replaced by P. kundagungan, and to 
the northeast by P. loveridgei and P. richmondensis 
(Knowles et al. 2004). This genus more than any other 
is indicative of the isolation of mesic forest habitats in 
north-eastern New South Wales in the past 15 million 
years (Knowles et al. 2004). 



Despite the protection of large portions of 
the Gibraltar Range in conservation reserves a 
considerable number of the frogs found there are 
classified as threatened. Nine of the 30 species are 
categorized as either endangered or vulnerable. In 
the case of those species found in isolated rainforest 
remnants the categorization is related to small 
population size and limited distribution, and the 
potential factors threatening their short-term survival 
are associated with habitat loss, changes in hydrology 
and pollution. In the long-term their evolutionary 
potential may be impacted by climate change. A 
similar explanation is not possible for those threatened 
species that are found in vegetation communities that 
are more widespread or those not limited to specific 
vegetation communities. 

Most threatened are frogs that breed in streams 
and are associated with stream habitats, they include 
L. piperata, L. subglandulosa, M. balbus and M. 
iteratus. There is extensive habitat for these species 
in the Gibraltar Range and in the wider region. It is 
difficult to argue that declines in abundance and the 
disappearance of their populations are due primarily 
to habitat loss or degradation. Undoubtedly, habitat 
modification, particularly on the tablelands where 
there is a long history of agricultural activity may 
have impacted on species such as L. booroolongensis, 
but this explanation is not tenable across the wider 
distributions of these species. It is most likely that 
the cause of declines is due to the impact of an 
invasive pathogenic fungus that causes the disease 
chytridiomycosis in frogs (Berger et al. 1998, 2004). 
High altitude stream frogs are known to be most 
susceptible to this disease (Berger et al. 2004) and the 
threat to their long-term persistence remains in the 

One species of conservation significance, the 
peppered frog (L. piperata), deserves more detailed 
consideration. This frog was described in 1985 from 
a small number of high altitude locations distributed 
on the edge of the Great Escarpment in the New 
England region, extending from the Oxley River 
Gorge (Gara River) in the south to several sites on the 
headwaters of the Clarence River in the north (Mann, 
Oban, Henry and Sara Rivers; Tyler and Davies 
1985). All specimens, with the exception of two 
collected at the Gara River in 1952, were collected 
in the early 1970s. Several specimens were obtained 
from Diehard Creek, which drains south-west from 
the Gibraltar Range to the Mann River. Conservation 
assessments of the peppered frog have been fraught 
with difficulty. No specimens of this or other members 
of its species group (Litoria citropa species group, 
Tyler and Davies 1978; Donnellan et al. 1999) were 


detected during intensive searches conducted in the 
1990s at any of the locations named in the species’ 
description (NSW NPWS 1994; SF NSW 1995). 
Searches were extended to likely habitats within the 
region and small “peppered” tree frogs were found at 
Rockadooie and Seven Mile Creeks in the catchment 
of the Rocky (Timbarra) River in the north-west 
region of the Gibraltar Range, and at Cooraldooral 
Creek, a catchment of the Mann River, in the south- 
west region in Gibraltar Range. Other populations 
were detected on the Timbarra Plateau (Nelsons 
Creek) to the north of the Gibraltar Range. 

Genetic comparisons of the “peppered” frogs 
from each of these sites with a larger collection 
of specimens of members of the Litoria citropa 
species group from across the Great Escarpment 
and coastal belt placed these specimens within the 
species recognized as the Barrington Tree Frog 
(Litoria barringtonesis; Donnellan et al. 1999). Such 
a result would normally lead to a questioning of the 
taxonomic status of the Peppered Frog. However, 
because no specimens could be collected from any of 
the historical sites listed in the species’ description, 
and suitable genetic material could not be extracted 
from the fixed museum specimens to be included in 
appropriate genetic comparisons, the question remains 
open. Furthermore, the type series of L. piperata, 
which consists of over 70 specimens, has been closely 
examined, and there is general agreement among 
herpetologists that L. piperata is distinctly different 
from L. barringtonensis. 

The Peppered Frog is listed as endangered and a 
Recovery Plan has been prepared (NSW NPWS 2001). 
If we accept the position that it is morphologically 
distinct, then there is no evidence of an extant 
population and the species should be considered 
as presumed extinct. Whatever the situation, the 
Gibraltar Range provides important high altitude 
plateau and escarpment streams considered to be the 
habitat of this frog. 


lam most grateful for the assistance of numerous colleagues 
during fieldwork, in particular Steve Donnellan, Ross 
Knowles, Andrew Stauber, Karen Thumm and Stephen 
Mahony. Long-term monitoring of stream frogs was 
supported by a grant from Earthwatch and many volunteers 
assisted with the fieldwork. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



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Species Richness and Habitat Associations of Non-flying 
Mammals in Gibraltar Range National Park 


School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources Management, Ecosystem Management, The 

University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351. 

Vernes, K., Green, S., Howes, A. and Dunn, L. (2006). Species richness and habitat associations on non- 
flying mammals in Gibraltar Range National Park. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South 
Wales 127, 93-105. 

We surveyed mammals in Gibraltar Range National Park using a range of census methods between May 
2003 and September 2005. Our primary survey techniques included 5780 trap nights and more than 40 
km of walked spotlighting transects, and our observations, coupled with previously collected datasets, 
revealed the occurrence of 28 native species and six introduced species of non-flying mammal. To examine 
the importance of habitat heterogeneity in influencing this high mammal species richness, we surveyed 
mammals across a steep vegetation gradient from swamp, through two eucalypt forest types, to rainforest. 
The mammal community responded strongly to this gradient, with different suites of species favouring 
different parts of the gradient. We also attempted to describe the entire mammal community in one of these 
forest types, wet eucalypt forest, because we suspected it to be one of the more species-rich habitats in the 
park. The mammal community in this forest type was assessed on two 2.6-ha grids using Elliot and cage 
trapping (plus incidental observations), and comprised at least 12 species of non-flying native mammal. 
Brown antechinus (Antechinus stuartii), bush rats (Rattus fuscipes), and fawn-footed melomys (Melomys 

cervinipes) were the most abundant ground-dwelling mammals in this community. 

Manuscript received 1 May 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEYWORDS: Bioregion, ecotone, habitat heterogeneity, mammal species richness, New England, non- 



Despite Gibraltar Range National Park being one 
of the oldest parks in New South Wales (reserved in 
1963; NSW NPWS 2005), relatively little published 
information exists on the mammals in the park. Surveys 
by Osbourne and Marsala (1982) and Pulsford (1982) 
are summarised by Clancy (1999) who provided a list 
of 25 native and six introduced species for the park, 
but few other details about habitat associations or 
relative abundances. More recently, records of flora 
and fauna gathered over many decades by a number 
of government agencies in New South Wales have 
become available on a single web-accessible database 
(BioNet Database, 2005). Although this database 
has great utility in the generation of species lists for 
any given region, it provides no quantitative data on 
faunal abundances, and because contributions to the 
database can be made by any interested individual 
(through submissions to the NSW Department of 
Environment and Conservation Atlas), the veracity of 

some records is difficult to confirm. 

One of us (Vernes) has begun a long-term study 
on the mammals of Gibraltar Range, particularly 
those species that consume and disperse the spores 
of hypogeous ectomycorrhizal fungi, otherwise 
known as ‘truffles’. As a first step in understanding 
the mammal community structure and dynamics in 
the region, we have surveyed mammals at a range of 
sites in Gibraltar Range, and present these data here. 
In addition to providing a simple species list for the 
park, we have also attempted to summarise the broad 
habitat preferences of mammals that are present, and 
to show how habitat heterogeneity in the park leads to 
the structuring of distinct mammal communities. 


Study area 
We undertook broad, observational surveys 
throughout Gibraltar Range National Park in 


northeast New South Wales, but focused our trapping 
and spotlighting in the north-eastern section of the 
park and an adjacent area in the southern part of 
Washpool National Park (Fig. 1). This region of 
these adjacent parks includes the wetter forest types 
to be found in the area (including rainforest) and we 
expected mammal species richness to be highest here. 
The north-eastern region of the park is on the extreme 
eastern edge of the New England Tableland bioregion, 
and straddles the interface between the Tableland and 
the Great Escarpment, a part of the Great Dividing 
Range characterised by rugged topography and 
dramatic changes in elevation. The study region is 
characterised by high ridges and plateaus, with a 
mean elevation of 1000 m, although altitude in the 
park ranges from 200 m to 1175 m (NSW NPWS 
2004). The regional topography and relatively high 
altitude contributes to a high local rainfall of around 
2000 mm annually at the highest elevation around 
the Great Escarpment (NSW NPWS 2004), although 
rainfall decreases rapidly westward away from the 
scarp to be around 1100 mm annually in the drier 
parts of the park (NSW NPWS 2004). Winters are 
usually dry and cold, with average winter daytime 
temperatures of 13°C (NSW NPWS 2004). Most 
rains occur in the months of November to April, with 
average daytime temperatures in summer of around 
25°C (NSW NPWS 2004). 

A diversity of vegetation types is present in the 
park, and they occur in a tortuous mosaic that reflects 
combinations of soil type, a complex underlying 
geology, local rainfall and fire history (NSW NPWS 
2004). Over distances of a few hundred metres 
vegetation can grade from open sedge swamps and 
wooded heaths to tall wet forest and rainforest, and the 
ecotones between these habitats are often sharp. The 
dominant vegetation type can broadly be described 
as eucalypt woodland with a heath-dominated 
understorey; although considerable tracts of open 
sedge swamp, tall open eucalypt forest and rainforest 
are present in the landscape. The importance of 
the more mesic habitats in Gibraltar Range and the 
adjoining Washpool National Park was recognised by 
their listing as part of the Central Eastern Rainforest 
Reserves of Australia (CERRA) World Heritage Area. 
Sheringham and Hunter (2002) provide a detailed 
description of vegetation in these parks. 

The study consisted of three elements. The 
first comprised a survey of mammal species present 
within Gibraltar Range National Park identified 
through observation during spotlighting and other 
visual searches, from their scats and diggings, and 
by examination of road kills. The second element 
of the study was concerned with understanding the 


changes to the small mammal community over a 
continuous ecological gradient spanning a range of 
locally common vegetation types found in the north- 
eastern part of the park. The third element focused 
on the small mammal community in one of these 
vegetation types, wet open eucalypt forest, in order 
to understand more fully the structure of the small 
mammal community present. This element of the 
study is ongoing, and here we present the first year of 

Mammal survey of Gibraltar Range 

We conducted spotlighting surveys along ten 
transects ranging in length from 500 m to 1500 m 
in various regions of the park (see Fig. 1a) between 
May 2003 and September 2005. These transects 
were traversed on foot with 1—3 operators using 30 
W spotlights, beginning at least one hour after dusk. 
Each transect was traversed between 1 and 3 times 
during the study, and all observations included exact 
locations of mammals and dates and times, recorded 
using a handheld GPS (Garmin GPS72). Whenever 
we encountered other signs of mammals in the park 
(scats, calls, diggings etc), or when mammals were 
seen at any time during the study, we also recorded 
the exact location of the observation, date, and time 
of day using a GPS. We also trapped ground-dwelling 
mammals in selected areas of the park (see following 
sections, and Fig. 1b). To augment our species list, 
we also drew upon data gathered by government 
agencies in Gibraltar Range National Park, and 
lodged with the BioNet Database (2005). This 
database is a compilation of all records from NSW 
State Forests, the NSW Department of Environment 
and Conservation, and the Australian Museum. 

The mammal community along the swamp-to- 
rainforest gradient 

We chose a site where vegetation associations 
graded from open sedge swamp, and graded into dry 
open eucalypt woodland with a heath understorey, then 
into wet open eucalypt forest with a fern understorey, 
and finally into rainforest (Fig. 1b). The ecotonal 
boundary between each habitat was sharp, being 
no greater than 25 m wide. We sampled mammals 
across the habitat gradient using four trapping and 
spotlighting transects (T1-T4; Fig. 1b) arranged 
so that each transect traversed each habitat and the 
intervening ecotones. A trapping cluster of nine Elliot 
traps arranged in a 3x3 grid with 20-m spacings 
was positioned along each transect in each habitat 
as well as on the ecotone between habitats (Fig. 1b) 
for a total of seven clusters (63 traps) per transect. 
The distance between each cluster was variable, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Range NP 

Minar mad 

Valk ngitec ks 4 
Part, boundary ; , Mulgan 's Hut 



151 11S 

1st 20or Sedge heath Canc mp) 
a De apen Socaptus woodkind wih 
hesth underslomey 
Welapen Socapotos fost 
wihfem understory 

4 Rokfars! i 
Tlapen Secalpotas fom wih 
| mokl undertony 

Rock auicmps. 

== T2 Goadbnt larsact 

—— Whore 

: ———- Wakhglacts era 


Figure 1. (a) Map of study area showing major roads and tracks, and location of spotlighting transects. 
(b) Detailed map of main study area (outlined by the box enclosed by a dotted line in Fig. 1a) showing 
major vegetation types, trapping grids, gradient transects. Inset shows the detail of transects that tra- 
versed the swamp-—dry open woodland—wet open forest—rainforest gradient, and the intervening ecotones. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 95 


and depended upon the width of the habitat type; 
however, all trapping clusters were at least 100 m 
apart. Each transect was trapped for 3 nights per field 
trip, with field trips undertaken in November 2003 
and February, March and April 2004. There were 756 
trap nights per field trip, totalling 3024 trap nights for 
this part of the study. Each time a small mammal was 
captured during the study, we identified it to species, 
and collected data on sex, reproductive condition 
and body weight. A numbering system using an ear 
punch was employed to identify individuals over the 
duration of the study. Scat samples from all captured 
mammals were also collected for analysis of diet (to 
be reported elsewhere). 

During November 2003, and February, March 
and April 2004, we also spotlighted each of the four 
transects that traversed the swamp-to-rainforest 
gradient (T1—T4; Fig. 1) twice, on different nights. 
Spotlighting began one hour after dusk, using two 
observers, each using a handheld 30 W spotlight. 
When an animal was sighted, we noted our own 
position with a GPS, estimated the distance and 
recorded the compass bearing to the sighted animal, 
thereby allowing us to later determine where the 
animal was in relation to habitat type. 

Mammal community of the wet open-forest 

Two 160x160 m (2.6-ha) trapping grids in wet 
open eucalypt forest were sampled for small mammals 
in April, June, August and September 2004. Each of 
these grids (G1 and G2; Fig. 1b) had a 9x9 grid of 
Type A Elliot traps spaced 20 m apart, with a 5x5 grid 
of larger cage traps spaced 40 m apart superimposed 
upon it. These grids were trapped for 2 — 4 nights 
per sampling period, yielding a total of 2106 Elliot 
trap nights and 650 cage trap nights. We selected this 
forest type based upon our previous survey work that 
identified this habitat as supporting a high diversity 
of mammals. We conservatively estimated relative 
density of trapped mammals on these grids as mean 
minimum numbers of animals known-to-be-alive 
(KTBA), although future work at this site aims to 
calculate more robust estimates of population size 
and density for all trappable mammals. 


Mammals detected in the study region 

We detected 11 mammal species across our ten 
spotlighting transects (Table 1). Amongst the seven 
arboreal species seen, the greater glider (Petauroides 
volans) was the most common, being detected at a rate 


of up to 9 animals per km of transect (Table 1). The 
common ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) 
was also regularly encountered (up to 9 animals per km; 
Table 1). The mountain brushtail possum (Trichosurus 
caninus) was often seen on transects that traversed 
rainforest, and we also recorded the presence of the 
common brushtail possum (Zrichosurus vulpecula) 
in eucalypt forest, but this species appears to be 
considerably less common than 7: caninus. We made 
three observations of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) 
in the wetter tall open forest along Washpool Way and 
Cedar Track (Fig. la). These records are all within 
Washpool National Park, but one of them was 200 
m west of the Gibraltar Range park boundary (near 
that end of Cedar Track), and we have included it 
in our species list because the Sydney blue gum (E. 
saligna) habitat it was seen in continues east into the 
park, and we suspect the koala population does too. 
We also recorded three macropods on these spotlight 
surveys, the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor), 
the red-necked pademelon (Thylogale thetis), and 
the parma wallaby (Macropus parma). The latter is 
listed as vulnerable in NSW, but appears to be locally 
common in the Mulligan’s Hut area, where most of our 
sightings were made. Additionally, parma wallabies 
have been sighted at the Coachwood Picnic Area 
and along the Anvil Rock track by park staff (Kate 
Harrison, pers. comm.), and we also saw one during 
a vehicle spotlighting transect along the Raspberry 
Lookout road, near the western boundary of the park. 
Additional species not detected by spotlight were 
encountered during our mammal trapping (see Table 
2), and these data will be discussed in the following 

We made incidental observations of other 
mammals in the region (see Table 2), some of 
which were not detected at any of our trapping 
and spotlighting sites. A macropod that we did not 
detect during spotlighting, the red-necked wallaby 
(Macropus rufogriseus), was regularly seen by 
us during daylight in the eucalypt woodlands and 
forests, and appears to be common and widespread. 
Furthermore, although we encountered swamp 
wallabies only once while spotlighting, evidence of 
them in the form of scats was ubiquitous throughout 
the study area, with the exception of rainforest. Dingo 
(Canis lupus dingo) scats are common along all roads 
and tracks in the park, and we recorded a road-kill 
dingo on the Gwydir Highway near the junction of 
the North West Fire Trail. We saw spotted-tail quoll 
(Dasyurus maculatus) scats in the wet forest areas 
too, but less commonly. Additionally, the northern 
brown bandicoot (Isoodon macrourus), rufous bettong 
(Aepyprymnus rufescens), brush-tailed rock wallaby 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 2. Species of mammal detected in the study area at Gibraltar Range and Washpool Na- 
tional Parks, and their habitat associations. In each case, the method we primarily used to de- 
tect the presence of these species is listed. Species that were not detected during this study, but 
that are recorded as being present according to the BioNet Database (2005) are also recorded. 

Common and Scientific Name 

PROTOTHERIA (Monotremes) 

Family Tachyglossidae 

Short-beaked Echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus 
Family Ornithorhynchidae 

Platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus 
METATHERIA (Marsupials) 

Family Dasyuridae 

Spotted-tailed Quoll, Dasyurus maculatus' 
Brown Antechinus, Antechinus stuartii 
Family Peramelidae 

Northern Brown Bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus 
Long-nosed Bandicoot, Perameles nasuta 
Family Burramyidae 

Eastern Pygmy-possum, Cercartetus nanus' 
Family Acrobatidae 

Feathertail Glider, Acrobates pygmaeus 
Family Petauridae 

Sugar Glider, Petaurus breviceps 
Yellow-bellied Glider, Petaurus australis 
Greater Glider, Petauroides volans 

Family Pseudocheiridae 

Common Ringtail Possum, Pseudocheirus peregrinus 

Family Phalangeridae 

Mountain Brushtail Possum, Trichosurus caninus 

Common Brushtail Possum, Trichosurus vulpecula 

Family Phascolarctidae 

Koala, Phascolarctos cinereus’ 

Family Potoroidae 

Rufous Bettong, Aepyprymnus rufescens' 
Long-nosed Potoroo, Potorous tridactylus' 
Family Macropodidae 

Parma Wallaby, Macropus parma’ 

Red-necked Wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus 

Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby, Petrogale penicillata* 

Red-legged Pademelon, Thylogale stigmatica' 
Red-necked Pademelon, Thylogale thetis 
Swamp Wallaby, Wallabia bicolor 



Diggings, seen 

Trap, spotlight, scat 

Spotlight, calls 


Trap, spotlight, scats 



Spotlight, stag-watch 
Scat, seen, road-kill 
BioNet, road-kill” 
Spotlight, heard, scats 
Scat, seen, spotlight 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



Common and Scientific name 
EUTHERIA (‘Placental’ Mammals) 
Family Muridae 

New Holland Mouse, Pseudomys novaehollandiae 
Fawn-footed Melomys, Melomys cervinipes 
House Mouse, Mus musculus? 

Bush Rat, Rattus fuscipes 

Swamp Rat, Rattus lutreolus 

Black rat, Rattus rattus* 

Family Canidae 

Dingo, Canis lupus dingo 

European fox, Vulpes vulpes? 

Family Felidae 

Feral Cat, Felis catus? 

Family Leporidae 

European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus? 
Family Suidae 

Feral Pig, Sus scrofa’ 

1Listed as ‘Vulnerable’ in NSW 

2Listed as ‘Endangered’ in NSW 

3Introduced species 

* K. Harrison (Park Ranger), personal communication 
“R. Goldingay (Southern Cross University), personal 

(Petrogale penicillata), red-legged pademelon (7: 
stigmatica), feathertail glider (Acrobates pygmaeus), 
and yellow-bellied glider (Petaurus australis) have 
been recorded within our study area by others (BioNet 
Database, 2005). 

Amongst introduced species, cats (Felis catus) 
and foxes (Vulpes vulpes) have been recorded in the 
park (BioNet Database 2005) and we have seen a 
rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in the Mulligan’s Hut 
area. Feral pigs (Sus scrofa) have not been previously 
reported from the park, but we have noted diggings 
characteristic of pigs on the edges of swamps along 
Mulligan’s Drive, but their presence needs to be 
verified with a sighting. 

In all, our work in Gibraltar Range National 
Park in 2003 and 2004, coupled with data gathered 
from the BioNet Database, indicates the presence of 
28 native and six introduced species of non-flying 
mammal (Table 2). 

The mammal community along the swamp-to- 

rainforest gradient 
Seven species of small mammal were detected 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Detection method 

Clancy (1999) 

Scat, road-kill 



in our traps across the habitat gradient (Sites T1— 
T4): four species of native rodent (bush rat Rattus 
fuscipes, swamp rat R. lutreolus, fawn-footed 
melomys Melomys cervinipes, and New Holland 
mouse Pseudomys novaehollandiae), the introduced 
house mouse (Mus musculus), the brown antechinus 
(Antechinus stuartii) and the eastern pygmy possum 
(Cercartetus nanus). Spotlighting yielded a further 
four species: the greater glider, common ringtail 
possum, sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps), and 
swamp wallaby. 

The small mammal community changed 
markedly across the habitat gradient spanning 
swamp to rainforest (Fig. 2), despite this representing 
a distance of only about 700 m. Amongst small 
trappable mammals, several patterns in distribution 
emerged. R. fuscipes and M. cervinipes changed 
significantly in abundance (KTBA) between habitats 
(P=0.004 and P= 0.001 respectively; Kruskal-Wallis 
Nonparametric ANOVA), with abundance increasing 
from the dry eucalypt woodland and the wet eucalypt 
forest, peaking on the open forest/rainforest ecotone, 
before declining inside the rainforest (Fig. 2a). P 
novaehollandiae and M. musculus abundances were 
greatest on the ecotone between swamp and open 
woodland, declining either side of this region (Fig. 
2b), significantly for P. novaehollandiae (P = 0.001; 
Kruskal-Wallis Nonparametric ANOVA with Dunn’s 
Multiple Comparison Test), but the few captures 
of M. musculus precluded statistical comparisons. 




----f----  R. fuscipes | 
a8 sha 
---@-- M.cervinipes hai 
na ‘ 

Mean KTBA per period 

Swamp Ecotone Woodland Ecotone Wetforest Ecotone Rainforest 

----M----  R. lutreolus 
Ain ---@-- P.novaehollandiae 
3.0 fi, 
i \, ---h--- | M. musculus 

Mean KTBA per period 

Swamp Ecotone Woodland Ecotone Wetforest Ecotone Rainforest 

40 ----f---- A. sfuartii 
an ---@-- C.nanus 

Mean KTBA per period 

Swamp Ecotone Woodland Ecotone Wetforest Ecotone Rainforest 

2.0 ----m---- P. volans 
15 ---®--  P. peregrinus 

Mean rate of detection 

Swamp Ecotone Woodland Ecotone Wetforest Ecotone Rainforest 

Habitat type 

Figure 2. Changes in the mammal community across the gradient from swamp to rainforest, for the 
species detected in traps (Figs a-c) and by spotlighting (Fig. 2d). 

100 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Likewise, our few captures of R. /utreolus suggest that 
this species may also be associated with the swamp/ 
open forest ecotone (Fig. 2b). C. nanus was captured 
in small numbers from rainforest to dry open eucalypt 
forest (Fig. 2c), but again, too sparsely to allow 
statistical analysis. A. stuartii was captured across the 
gradient from dry open woodland to rainforest, and 
no significant differences in abundance were detected 
(Fig. 2c; P > 0.3, Kruskal-Wallis Nonparametric 

The two arboreal species that we sighted regularly 
(P. volans and P. peregrinus) during spotlighting 
along gradient transects (T1 — T4) also showed 
distinct habitat association. P. volans was seen in 
all eucalypt-dominated habitats and ecotones, but 
was significantly more common in the wet eucalypt 
forest and the wet forest/dry woodland ecotone 
(Fig. 2d; P = 0.004, Kruskal-Wallis Nonparametric 
ANOVA), whereas P peregrinus was found from 
dry eucalypt woodland to rainforest. Although this 
Species appeared to reach its greatest abundance 
on the wet forest/rainforest ecotone (Fig. 2d), high 
variance in the rainforest ecotone may have masked 
any differences in detection rate across the gradient 
(P = 0.15, Kruskal-Wallis Nonparametric ANOVA; 
Fig. 2d). Three other arboreal mammals (P. breviceps, 
T. caninus and T. vulpecula) were each seen only once 
during this part of the study (all near the wet forest/ 
rainforest ecotone), so we were unable to determine 
their local habitat associations across the gradient. 

The small mammal community in wet open-forest 

Elliot trapping in the wet open eucalypt forest 
yielded a sub-set of the small mammals detected 
in sites T1-T4, although cage traps captured some 
species not detected at those sites. Our Elliot traps 
mostly captured Rattus fuscipes (148 captures; 43 
individuals), Antechinus stuartii (107 captures; 21 
individuals) and Melomys cervinipes (68 captures; 
24 individuals), with relatively fewer captures of 
R. lutreolus (7 captures; 2 individuals). For these 
four species combined, the capture success of small 
mammals on our two grids was about 16.7% (Table 
2). During any one field trip, the minimum numbers 
of individual animals known-to-be-alive (KTBA) on 
each 2.6-ha grid averaged about 10 R. fuscipes, 8 A. 
stuartii, 5 M. cervinipes and <1 R. lutreolus. Cage 
traps captured Trichosurus caninus (21 captures; 6 
individuals) on both grids, long-nosed bandicoots 
(Perameles nasuta; 4 captures; 3 individuals) on Gl 
and a single capture of a long-nosed potoroo (Potorous 
tridactylus) on G2. Incidental observations made of 
other mammals on these grids included sugar gliders, 
common ringtail possums, greater gliders, common 
brushtail possums, and swamp wallabies. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Mammal richness in Gibraltar Range National 

In a survey of mammals in a 2400-km” area in 
the upper Richmond and Clarence River catchment 
in north-eastern NSW, Calaby (1966) recorded the 
presence of 35 non-flying native mammals, noting 
that, at the time, it represented one of the richest 
Australian mammal faunas that had been reported 
for a comparable area. Barnett et al. (1976) surveyed 
the mammal fauna in a 118-km/? area at Clouds Creek 
on the eastern edge of the New England Bioregion, 
recording 27 non-flying native mammals, and 
again, this area was heralded for its high species 
richness. The Clouds Creek area was very similar in 
geographic context to our own, and serves as a useful 
benchmark for our study at Gibraltar Range National 
Park (area = 253 km’) where we recorded 28 native 
and six introduced species. Based upon information 
in the BioNet Database (2005), this species list would 
include at least 36 native mammals if the adjacent 
Washpool National Park had been included in our 
survey, making these parks, and those adjacent to 
them, of great importance in the protection of the 
regional mammal biodiversity of north-eastern New 
South Wales. Recently, Jarman and Vernes (in press) 
summarised the mammals of the New England 
Bioregion, concluding that there were 43 species of 
non-flying native mammal still present there. Based 
upon the data we have gathered, Gibraltar Range 
National Park accommodates 65% of the bioregional 
non-flying mammal fauna, and together with Washpool 
National Park, these reserves accommodate 83% of 
the bioregional non-flying mammal fauna. 

Macropods (kangaroos, wallabies and 
rat-kangaroos in the families Potoroidae and 
Macropodidae) are one of the most species rich 
groups of mammal that we recorded in Gibraltar 
Range National Park (eight species), and again, this 
richness is comparable to other studies in the region. 
Calaby (1966) recorded 11 species of macropod 
in the Upper Richmond and Clarence catchment, 
Barnett ef al. (1976) recorded nine species at Clouds 
Creek, and Jarman et al. (1987) recorded ten species 
at Wallaby Creek, which is located in the northern 
headwaters of the Clarence River within the region 
where Calaby (1966) worked. Jarman and Vernes (in 
press) noted that 12 species of macropod persist in the 
New England Bioregion. Interestingly, two of these 
species, the eastern grey kangaroo (M. giganteus) and 
common wallaroo (MM. robustus) appear to be absent 
from Gibraltar Range National Park, despite their 
being the most common macropods across the largely 
modified landscape of the New England Tableland. 



Density of vegetation at ground level is typically high 
in most habitats in the park, which would favour the 
smaller wallabies and restrict the movement of the 
larger species. 

As with previous studies in north-eastern New 
South Wales, the macropod diversity we recorded can 
be attributed to the great diversity of habitat types 
present at Gibraltar Range National Park, within 
a relatively small area. For example, we recorded 
pademelons (Thylogale spp.) in rainforest, and based 
on other research in north-eastern New South Wales 
(Calaby 1966; Barnett et a/. 1976; Jarman and Phillips 
1989) we suspect that 7: thetis is more likely to 
occur around the wet sclerophyll/rainforest ecotone, 
whereas 7: stigmatica is likely to occur deeper within 
the rainforest. P tridactylus was detected in wet 
forest with a dense understorey, and M. rufogriseus 
was detected primarily in the dry open forest. W. 
bicolor is probably the most widespread macropod 
in the park, and we detected its presence in all non- 
rainforest habitats. 

M. parma inhabits wet eucalypt forest and 
rainforest margins throughout its distribution, but 
at Gibraltar Range, it also occurs in drier eucalypt 
woodland with a heath understorey (Maynes 1977). 
The presence of MZ. parma in the dry forest habitat 
is unusual for this species; in a survey of M. parma 
throughout New South Wales, Maynes (1977) noted 
that the area along Mulligan’s Drive was the only 
dry sclerophyll forest site in their range where he 
recorded M. parma as being resident. He attributed 
this occurrence to the availability of dense shrubby 
cover in the forest understorey for shelter that was in 
close proximity to open grassy areas around swamps 
where the wallabies could feed. 

Although P. penicillata has apparently been 
sighted in the steep, rocky escarpment region at the 
eastern edge of the park (BioNet Database, 2005), 
this record appears to unsubstantiated (Clancy 1999) 
and needs to be verified, as do the few sightings in the 
BioNet Database (2005) for A. rufescens of which at 
least one may have been a misidentification (Clancy 
1999). Both species occur in the adjacent Washpool 
National Park (BioNet Database 2005). Another 
three species of macropod (eastern grey kangaroo 
M. giganteus, common wallaroo M. robustus, and 
whiptail wallaby M. parryi) also occur in the adjacent 
Washpool National Park. Thus, the only macropod 
species that occurs in New England (see Jarman 
and Vernes in press), but does not occur locally in 
the Gibraltar Range/Washpool region, is the black- 
striped wallaby (M. dorsalis). 

_ Another species-rich group in the park was 
the possums and gliders (see Table 2). Of the eight 


species reported to be present in the park, we recorded 
seven, with the most common and widespread of 
these being P. volans and P. peregrinus. Although we 
only recorded the small, cryptic feathertail glider (A. 
pygmaeus) once, it is almost certainly widespread and 
common in the park, despite only a single record of 
this species in the BioNet Database (2005). However, 
we could not verify the presence of the yellow-bellied 
glider (P. australis), of which one sighting has been 
recorded in the park near its northern boundary with 
Washpool National Park (BioNet Database 2005). 

Threatened species in the park 

Nine threatened species of mammal are listed as 
occurring in Gibraltar Range National Park (Table 
2). In particular, the park is reputed to have a large 
population of D. maculatus (NSW NPWS 2005), 
and together with Washpool and Barool National 
Parks, contains a significant percentage of the state 
population of 14 parma (NSW NPWS 2005). Other 
macropods of conservation interest in the park include 
T. stigmatica and P. tridactylus, and, if records are 
substantiated, A. rufescens and P. penicillata. 

Mammal community dynamics 

The diversity of habitats within a relatively 
small area is one of the factors that contribute to the 
high species richness that we recorded in Gibraltar 
Range National Park. We tested this by trapping 
and spotlighting mammals across a steep gradient 
in vegetation from swamp to rainforest, and found 
that despite the short distance (~700 m) there were 
significant and consistent changes in the structure 
of the mammal community. One suite of species (R. 
fuscipes, M. cervinipes and P. peregrinus) appeared 
to have wide habitat tolerances but reached their 
highest abundances at the ecotone between eucalypt 
forest and rainforest, whereas another suite of species 
(P. novaehollandiae, M. musculus and R. lutreolus) 
favoured the ecotone between swamp and the dry, 
heath-dominated eucalypt woodland. Although 
we had fewer captures of eastern pygmy possums 
(Cercartetus nanus), our data point towards this 
species favouring the intermediate vegetation types 
along the gradient (wet and dry eucalypt forest and 
woodland), particularly the ecotone between the two. 
These are the floristically more diverse habitats along 
our habitat gradient in terms of flowering heath plants 
such as banksias (Banksia spp.) and bottlebrushes 
(Callistemon spp.) (Howes 2004), and they are 
therefore likely to support the highest numbers of 
this primarily nectar-feeding marsupial (Ward 1990). 
A. stuartii occurred across much of the gradient and 
appeared to be the only habitat generalist that we 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


detected. P volans was widespread within the open 
forest habitat across the entire gradient, but reached 
highest densities in the wet eucalypt forest, an 
observation that is consistent with other studies (e.g. 
see Bennett ef al. 1991). Although too few sightings 
were made of brushtail possums (Trichosurus spp.) 
during this part of the study, previous work on T. 
caninus indicated that it is a rainforest/wet forest 
specialist (How 1972). We saw this species during our 
various spotlighting surveys throughout the park only 
in the rainforest and its wet eucalypt forest ecotone, 
whereas 7: vulpecula is a species of more open forest 
(How 1972) and we saw it in low numbers in the wet 
open eucalypt forest. 

Williams and Marsh (1998) studied ground- 
dwelling mammals across a rainforest/open-forest 
ecotone in north Queensland, and our observations 
from Gibraltar Range are consistent with their work, 
despite some differences in the way individual 
species responded. They noted significant changes 
to the mammal community across their vegetation 
gradient, with some species being more generalist in 
habitat preference (e.g. R. fuscipes and M. cervinipes), 
whereas others were strictly associated with rainforest 
(e.g. A. stuartii) or open forest (e.g. R. lutreolus). 

On our intensively sampled grids in wet open 
eucalypt forest, R. fuscipes and A. stuartii were the 
most dominant species in terms of animals known- 
to-be-alive (KTBA), followed by M. cervinipes. 
By comparison, R. /utreolus was considerably less 
common. Population sizes of other species were more 
difficult to discern, mainly because these animals 
are harder to trap using conventional techniques. 
As a continuation of this study, we will trial a range 
of methods for the capture of some of the larger 
mammals, including bandicoots, potoroos, possums 
and wallabies. 

Summary and conclusions 

The data we gathered on habitat associations 
of mammals from trapping grids and transects, and 
spotlighting transects throughout this study, as well 
as other direct and indirect observations of mammals 
within the park, yielded a total of 28 species of 
non-flying native mammals. The most species-rich 
habitats in the park appear to be the wet eucalypt 
forests and the dry open eucalypt woodland with 
a heath understorey (Fig. 3). Importantly though, 
rainforest, swamps and rocky outcrops accommodate 
species not found in these dominant habitat types, 
and the overall habitat complexity at Gibraltar Range 
serves to generate its high species richness. Although 
the richness of mammals in Gibraltar Range is high 
by regional standards, we feel that some records 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

of mammals in the park that were not gathered by 
us require further validation (e.g. P. penicillata, A. 
rufescens, P. australis), and we plan to target these 
species as part of our future work. Furthermore, there 
are species in the national parks adjacent to Gibraltar 
Range that have not been recorded in the park (such 
as the brush-tailed Phascogale Phascogale tapoatafa 
and the common dunnart Sminthopsis murina), despite 
suitable habitat probably being present. Thus, our 
continuing work will also aim to provide a definitive 
and comprehensive list of mammal species in time. 


We thank the Department of Environment and 
Conservation, particularly park ranger Kate Harrison, 
for allowing us to undertake this work in Gibraltar 
Range National Park, and for providing such hospitable 
accommodation for us while we were in the field. Thanks 
also to Tani Cooper for reading an earlier version of the 
manuscript and suggesting valuable improvements. We 
are grateful also to The University of New England for 
providing the funds through their URG scheme that made 
this research possible. 


Barnett, J.L., How, R.A. and Humphreys, W.F. (1976). 
Mammals of Clouds Creek, north-eastern New 
South Wales, and their distribution in pine and native 
forests. Australian Zoologist 19, 23-34. 

Bennett, A.F., Lumsden, L.F., Alexander, J.S.A., Duncan, 
PE., Johnson, P.G., Robertson, P. and Silveira, C.E. 
(1991). Habitat use by arboreal mammals along an 
environmental gradient in north-eastern Victoria. 
Wildlife Research 18, 125-146. 

BioNet Database (2005). URL: 
Data accessed on August 2, 2005. 

Calaby, J.H. (1966). Mammals of the upper Richmond and 
Clarence Rivers, New South Wales. CSIRO Wildlife 
Research Paper 10, 1-55. 

Clancy, G. (1999). Report on the fauna of national parks 
and nature reserves in the Glen Innes District. 
Unpublished report to the Glen Innes District of 

How, R.A. (1972). The ecology and management of 
Trichosurus species (Marsupialia) in NSW. PhD 
Thesis, Department of Zoology, The University of 
New England. 

Howes, A. (2005). Structure of the mammal community 
across a swamp-woodland-rainforest ecotone in 
northern NSW. BSc Honours Thesis, The University 
of New England, Armidale, NSW. 

Jarman, P.J., Johnson, C.N., Southwell, C.J. and Stuart- 
Dick, R., 1987, Macropod studies at Wallaby 
Creek. I. The area and animals. Australian Wildlife 
Research 14, 1-14. 



Possums, Gliders & Koala , P.volans 



\ Pp ‘ P.volans 4 | 

oe ee P. peregnnus f ! 

; : T. caninus P. breviceps : : / i 

T. caninus p i> Ses P. brevicaps J { 

P. Peregnnus SS ee A. pygneeus 

; : i | TF. vulpecula 

C. nanus : ; T. vufpecula 

C. nanus T. caninus @nctos H | 

1 P. cinereus ; ' i 

i f 

i i 

\ i 



P. breviceps PP. australis d 

ise pew. 


sia ee 
tiarky cree ey 
feeaedy teers 

Monotrames O. anatinus 

©. analinus 
T. aculeatus 

P. nasufa 
Das yurids 

D. maculatus D. maculatus 
A. stuart A. stuartis 

T. aculeatus T. aculeatus T. aculeatus T. aculeatus 

P. nasuta i mecrounss 

A. stuart 

Macropods . : , 
: : T. thetia ae aie WEebicolor se ee 
T. sfigmetica P. tndactylus : M. rufognseus : aa 
: A. parma : M. rufognseus Wi bicolor P. pentcillata? 
T. thetis : WW bicolor Af. panne 
P. indactyius s M. panne 
s M. rufognseus A. rufescens? 

Rodents \ P. novaehollanadiae 

: , R. fuscipes R. fuscipes ; 
R. fuscipes RA. fuscipes eens dennis M. musculus P. novaehollandias 
} MM. musculus 

i. cananipes iM. carnainipes 

A futrecive A fufrecius { 

Figure 3. Schematic representation of the broad mammal communities and their vegetation associations at Gibraltar Range National 
Park based upon the data we have gathered. The vegetation types depicted in this figure has been used and modified, with permission 
from NPWS, Glen Innes. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



Jarman, P.J. and Phillips, C.M., 1989, Diets in a 
community of macropod species In Grigg, G., 
Jarman, P. and Hume, I., (Eds) Kangaroos, wallabies 
and rat-kangaroos, Surrey Beatty and Sons Pty 
Limited, Australia. Pp. 143-149. 

Jarman, P. and Vernes, K. (in press). The Wildlife of New 
England In “High lean country full of old stories”: 
Environment, Peoples and Traditions in New 
England. (Eds J. Ryan, A. Atkinson, I. Davidson, and 
A. Piper) (Heritage Futures Research Centre, The 
University of New England). 

Maynes, G.M. (1977). Distribution and aspects of the 
biology of the parma wallaby, Macropus parma, in 
New South Wales. Australian Journal of Wildlife 
Research 4, 109-125. 

NSW NPWS (2004). Gibraltar Range National Park 
— Climate. URL: http://www.nationalparks.nsw. gov. 
au/ Data accessed on October 20, 2005. 

NSW NPWS (2005). Gibraltar Range Group of Parks 
(Incorporating Barool, Capoompeta, Gibraltar 
Range, Nymboida and Washpool National Parks and 
Nymboida and Washpool State Conservation Areas) 
Plan of Management. Department of Environment 
and Conservation (NSW). 

Osborne, W. S. and Masala, V. 1982. Vertebrate Faunal 
Studies in the Washpool - Gibraltar Range Region. 
Unpublished report prepared for the Washpool Faunal 
Study Management Committee, Total Environment 
Centre, Sydney. 

Pulsford, I. 1982. Mammals of the Gibraltar Range. 
Unpublished report to NPWS. 

Sheringham, P.S. and Hunter J.T (2002). Vegetation and 
floristics of Gibraltar Range National Park. NSW 
National Parks and Wildlife Service, Glen Innes. 

Ward, S.J. (1990). Life history of the eastern pygmy 
possum, Cercartetus nanus (Burramyidae: 
Marsupialia), in south-eastern Australia. Australian 
Journal of Zoology 28, 287-304. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



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The Discovery and Early Natural History of the Eastern Pygmy- 
Possum, Cercartetus nanus (Geoffroy and Desmarest, 1817) 


School of Environmental Science and Management, 
Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW 2480 (jharril 1 

HARRIS, J.M. (2006). The discovery and early natural history of the eastern pygmy-possum, Cercartetus 
nanus. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 127, 107-124. 

Early accounts of the eastern pygmy-possum, Cercartetus nanus (Marsupialia: Burramyidae), are 
reviewed and the history of its discovery is reported. Fran¢ois Péron discovered the species when on a short 
stay on Maria Island in 1802. Various names have been conferred upon it, but C. nanus is now accepted. 
The early natural history literature on C. nanus has some very interesting and highly relevant accounts of 
morphology, distribution, behaviour, habitat and diet. Some discrepancies and misinterpretations in the 
early literature are identified, and several interesting 19% Century illustrations of C. nanus are reproduced. 
This study documents the significance of the primary source material pertaining to this small elusive 


Manuscript received 4 May 2005, accepted for publication 21 September 2005. 

KEYWORDS: Burramyidae, Cercartetus nanus, discovery, natural history, nomenclature 


The eastern pygmy-possum, Cercartetus nanus, 
is broadly distributed in Tasmania and along the 
eastern seaboard of mainland Australia from south- 
eastern Queensland, through coastal New South 
Wales and Victoria, and into south-eastern South 
Australia (Strahan 1995). Currently there are two 
recognised subspecies: C. manus nanus in Tasmania; 
and C. n. unicolor on the mainland (Wakefield 
1963; McKay 1988). It is a small (~24g) and agile 
tree-dwelling marsupial that feeds chiefly on nectar, 
pollen and invertebrates within a range of habitats 
including heathland, woodland, sclerophyll forest and 
rainforest. Modern studies have documented some 
aspects of the population biology of this species and 
it is understood that it depends on the presence of a 
diverse range of flowering plants (particularly Banksia 
in certain areas), and that seasonal food availability 
influences both the timing and duration of breeding 
(Turner 1984, 1985; Ward 1990; Turner and Ward 
1995; Bladon et al. 2002). During winter, C. manus is 
able to store up fat in its body and tail, and can exhibit 
torpor (Geiser 1993; Turner and Ward 1995; Bladon 
et al. 2002). Pygmy-possums have a prehensile tail, 
which resembles that of a ringtail possum, and also 
syndactylous hind feet and an opposable clawless 
hallux (Turner and McKay 1989). 

Cercartetus nanus shares the family Burramyidae 
with four other extant species: the long-tailed pygmy- 
possum, C. caudatus, little pygmy-possum, C. 
lepidus, western pygmy-possum, C. concinnus and 
mountain pygmy-possum, Burramys parvus (Strahan 
1995). This paper investigates the discovery and early 
accounts of the natural history of C. nanus, which was 
the first of the burramyids to be formally described 
by Europeans (Desmarest, 1817). Subsequently, 
C. concinnus (Gould, 1845) was recognised, then 
C. caudatus (Milne-Edwards, 1877), C. lepidus 
(Thomas, 1888) and B. parvus Broom, 1896. 


The work of Thomas (1888) is instructive 
for early accounts of Cercartetus spp., and in this 
regard 36 references for C. nanus (and its synonyms) 
were provided from literature published from 1817 
to 1875. The Kinetica and Firstsearch databases 
were used to identify libraries within Australia and 
overseas that held the relevant early natural history 
titles from which copies of the relevant articles 
were obtained. I also supplemented these papers 
by searching for mention of the species in the early 
volumes (<1970) of the Australian Zoologist and the 
Victorian Naturalist (Harris 2005). The literature was 


examined and reviewed for information on discovery, 
taxonomy, morphology, distribution, abundance, diet, 
habitat and behaviour. 



The first specimen of C. nanus knownto Europeans 
was collected by Francois Péron, a naturalist aboard 
Nicolas Baudin’s voyage to the south seas on the ships 
Le Geographe and Le Naturaliste (1800-1804). His 
discoveries and observations whilst in Australia have 
long interested historians (Triebel 1948; Faivre 1953; 
Cornell 1965; Plomley 1983; Wallace 1984; Horner 
1987; Plomley et al. 1990; Hunt 1999; Anderson 
2001). He is credited with the collection of about 
100,000 zoological specimens, 2500 of which were 
new to science, including C. manus. Whilst on a short 
stay on Maria Island, off eastern Tasmania between 
19 and 27 February 1802, Péron traded with the 
Aboriginal inhabitants (the Tyreddeme people; Ryan 
1981) for a single small marsupial. Péron (1809:233) 
wrote (in translation) ‘In the class of mammiferous 
animals, I only saw one kind of Dasyurus, which was 
scarcely as large as a mouse. I obtained one that was 
alive, in exchange for a few trifles, from a savage who 
was just going to kill and eat it’. In an unpublished 
manuscript (now held in the Le Havre Museum in 
France) Péron also wrote that the animal ‘was given 
to me by the natives; it was still alive; I believe it to 
be a new species and have described it as Didelphis 
muroides because of its resemblance to the D. mus 
of Linnaeus’ (Observations zoologiques by Francois 
Péron, on Maria Island, unpublished manuscript 
# 18043:31). The specimen collected by Péron (a 
juvenile male) was transported back to France, and 
is now held in the Muséum National d’Historie 
Naturelle in Paris as the holotype (Julien-Laferriere 
1994). Cercartetus nanus still presumably inhabits 
Maria Island, as there is a relatively recent record 
from 1969, when two young animals were found in a 
dead tree being cut for firewood (Animals and Plants 
Protection Board 1969). 

Plomley et al. (1990) erroneously stated that the 
single small marsupial collected on Maria Island by 
Péron was the type specimen for Antechinus minimus. 
This was probably based on a similar mistake made 
by Waterhouse (1846) which was highlighted by 
Wakefield and Warneke (1963). Waterhouse (1846) 
interpreted Péron’s statement of finding a “Dasyurus’ 
as meaning that the dasyurid A. minimus was also 
collected from Maria Island, when evidently C. nanus 
was the only mammal species collected (Desmarest 


1817, 1820; Cuvier 1826; Lesson 1827, 1838, 
1842; Temminck 1827; Fischer 1829; Schinz 1844; 
Iredale and Troughton 1934; Tate 1945; Wakefield 
and Warneke 1963). The type specimens for both C. 
nanus and A. minimus were collected by Péron, but 
the latter is considered to have come from Waterhouse 
Island, which lies close to the north-eastern coast of 
Tasmania (Wakefield and Warneke 1963; Rounsevell 

Taxonomy and nomenclature 

Upon the return of the Baudin expedition to 
France in 1804, several of the great French zoologists 
of the period, including Anselme-Gaetan Desmarest 
and Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire worked rapidly 
describing and classifying the specimens collected 
by Péron. In the encyclopedic Nouveau Dictionairie 
d’Histoire Naturelle, Desmarest (1817) described 
the small marsupial collected from Maria Island as 
Phalangista nana Geoff. (=Geoffroy). However, 
subsequently. there has been uncertainty as to 
whom the specific name nana (‘dwarf’) should 
be attributed to, with some authors allocating it to 
Geoffroy (e.g. Cuvier 1827; Temminck 1827; Lesson 
1828, 1830 1838; Fischer 1829; Gray 1841; Schinz 
1844; Waterhouse 1846; Gunn 1852) and others 
to Desmarest (e.g. Giebel 1859; Lydekker 1896; 
Lucas 1897; Le Souef and Burrell 1926; Iredale and 
Troughton 1934; Wakefield 1963). McKay (1988) 
stated that it must be dated from Desmarest [and hence 
not Geoffroy] as ‘Geoffroy’s (1803) manuscript was 
never published’. However, Julien-Laferriere (1994) 
stated that the species is not mentioned in Geoffroy’s 
(1803) Catalogue des Mammiferes, contrary to what 
McKay (1988) allows to be assumed. Furthermore, 
the specimen did not arrive in France until 1804. 
Although Geoffroy did not write on the species, 
Beaufort (1966) believed that Desmarest’s allocation 
of the name to his colleague was intentional (also see 
Desmarest 1820), and accordingly he proposed that it 
should officially be attributed to both as Cercartetus 
nanus (Geoffroy and Desmarest, 1817). In this, I have 
followed Beaufort (1966). 

In a new edition of Nouveau Dictionairie 
d’Histoire Naturelle, published in 1818, a description 
of P nana equivalent to Desmarest (1817) was 
also published. This is significant because the 
1818 edition is sometimes incorrectly referred to 
as the first description for the subject species (e.g. 
by Iredale and Troughton 1934; Marlow 1962; 
Wakefield 1963; Green 1974; McKay 1988; Turner 
and McKay 1989; Flannery 1994; Menkhorst 1995; 
Turner and Ward 1995). Following Desmarest 
(1817), brief descriptions of the species appeared in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



Figure 1. This illustration above of two Phalangista gliriformis (=Cercartetus nanus) appeared in an article 
by Thomas Bell published in the Transactions of the Linnean Society of London in 1829. The animals appear 
to be quite large due to the disproportionally small tree trunk and branches upon which they are standing. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 109 


Figure 2. Pouch and extremities of Phalangista gliriformis (=Cercartetus nanus) by Bell (1829). 
a. Pouch and teats, shortly after the period of suckling; b. Pouch and teats of the unimpregnat- 
ed animal; c. Prehensile extremity of the tail; d. Fore-foot, upper part; e. Fore-foot, under part; 
f. Hind-foot, upper part; g. Hind-foot, under part; h. Curl of the tail, observed during sleep. 

110 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


subsequent zoological publications printed in French 
(Desmarest 1820; Cuvier 1826; Lesson 1827; 1828; 
1830; 1838; Temminck 1827; Fischer 1829), English 
(Cuvier 1827) and German (Schinz 1844) and were 
either taken from the original reference or from the 
specimen which formed the subject of it. 

On 4 November 1828, Thomas Bell read before 
the Linnean Society of London a description of a 
supposed new species of Phalangista, which he 
named P. gliriformis (Bell 1829). The species name 
was derived from the latin word ‘glires’ meaning 
‘dormouse’. His address was based on close 
examination of two live females which were ‘received 
from New Holland’ (Australia), but from what part 
was not stated. Bell (1829) detailed a great deal of 
careful observation, but he failed to persuasively 
distinguish P. gliriformis from P. nana. According to 
the description, the distinction was proposed because 
of slight differences in the colouring, and principally 
because fur was absent from the ears. Bell’s 
confidence in the distinction relied on the phrase ‘les 
oreilles sont arrondies et couvertes de poils’ from 
Temminck’s (1827) description of P. nana, which 
quoted Desmarest (1817), and translates as ‘the ears 
are round and covered with hair’. Later, Waterhouse 
(1841) stated that ‘Temminck should have said that the 
ears are covered with very minute hairs, for so small 
are they that to the naked eye they appear naked’ (see 
also Wagner 1843). The holotype of P. nana contained 
in the Paris Museum, and also the type specimen 
for P. gliriformis, were re-examined by Waterhouse 
(1841) and no specific differences were perceived 
by him (see also Waterhouse 1846; Wagner 1855). 
Despite this taxonomic oversight, Bell’s observations 
on living specimens resulted in some very interesting 
notations on the habits of the species and he also 
provided some remarkable illustrations (reproduced 
as Figs 1 and 2). However, one inaccuracy in Fig. 1 
(lower animal) is the inclusion of a claw on the hallux. 
It should be highlighted that a very similar illustration 
to Fig. 1 appeared in Cobbold (1868), but the hind 
feet were also drawn incorrectly (see reproduction of 
this image and comments in Strahan 1981). 

There is some confusion in the literature regarding 
a statement made by Burmeister (1837) which 
translates as ‘a specific genus (Cercaértus Glog.) 1s 
formed by the common brush tailed Ph. vulpina’. 
It has occasionally been presumed that Cercaértus 
was a mis-spelling or synonym of Cercartetus (e.g 
Simpson 1945; Marlow 1958; Hickman and Hickman 
1960; Sharman 1961; Bartholomew and Hudson 
1962; Grzimek 1975). In fact, the name Cercaértus 
was used in reference to Phalangista vulpina, which 
is an absolute synonym for Trichosurus vulpecula, the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

common brush-tail possum. According to Wakefield 
(1963), the reference was drawn from an unpublished 
manuscript written by Constantin Gloger, but when 
the work was published in May 1841, the name 
Cercaértus was not mentioned. Instead, Gloger (1841) 
proposed the quite different name Psilogrammurus 
for P. vulpina, and used Cercartetus for P. nana. 
Cercartetus makes some reference to the tail (from 
the Greek kerkos) but the significance is obscure 
(Strahan 1981). It is not known whether Burmesiter 
(1837) incorrectly cited Gloger (unpublished) or if 
substantial changes were made to the work prior to 
publication. Perhaps due to the confusion, the name 
Cercartetus was at that time basically disregarded for 
P. nana. However, it is clear that the name Cercaértus 
is a junior synonym of TJrichosurus and not of 
Cercartetus (Iredale and Troughton 1934; Wakefield 
1963; McKay 1988). 

In a report dated 10 July 1841, and published in 
November of that year, Dr J.E. Gray of the British 
Museum set out a review of locality data on Australian 
mammals wherein he proposed the genus Dromicia 
for P. nana because ‘the dentition and the peculiar 
form and character of the tail of this species, at once 
point out that it should constitute a distinct genus from 
the other Phalangers, from which it differs in many of 
its habits’ (Gray 1841). This was later accepted by Dr 
G.R. Waterhouse of the British Museum (Waterhouse 
1846), and subsequently the name D. nana was 
widely applied, although the synonym ‘Phalangista 
nana’ persisted in a small number of articles (e.g. 
Gunn 1852; Gulliver 1875). Cobbold (1868) reported 
that Professor Richard Owen, of the Royal College 
of Surgeons London, disagreed with Gray (1841) 
on the justification of Dromicia. Owen stated that 
‘modifications of the teeth are unaccompanied by any 
change of general structure or of habit, whilst those 
teeth which most influence the diet are constant’ 
and also that ‘these differences of dentition are 
unimportant, and afford no grounds for subgeneric 
distinctions’. However, in this case at least, Owen’s 
view did not gather support. 

The species was not found on the Australian 
mainland until Gerrard Krefft of the Australian 
Museum made a report of a Dromicia found near St. 
Leonards, North Shore, Sydney, New South Wales. 
Krefft (1863) believed it represented a new species 
and described it as D. unicolor, which was a reference 
to its uniform mouse-colour. However, M.R. 
Oldfield Thomas of the British Museum doubted the 
significance of the find, and believed that Krefft’s 
Dromicia was probably a D. nana from Tasmania 
which had escaped from captivity (Thomas 1888). 
He argued that apart from Krefft’s specimen, the 



species had never been recorded from the mainland, 
also adding the questionable statement that it is ‘to 
be found in the collection of almost every dealer in 
live animals’. Thomas (1888) also remarked that he 
had inspected drawings of the premolars of the D. 
nana held in the Paris Museum, and compared these 
with Bell’s D. gliriformis. He concluded they were 
synonymous, which supported Waterhouse’s (1841) 
earlier view, although Thomas did not mention 
Waterhouse in relation to this. 

In 1925, Frederic Wood Jones, Professor of 
Anatomy at the University of Adelaide, communicated 
some observations in the Transactions of the Royal 
Society of South Australia on what he believed was a 
new species of Dromicia (Wood Jones 1925). An adult 
male, collected at Millicent in south-eastern South 
Australia, was described as the type of Dromicia 
britta. Certain measurements were provided which 
suggested that his specimen was considerably smaller 
than Krefft’s D. unicolor and the average specimens 
of D. nana. For this reason, and also because his 
specimen had a greyer colouration, and shorter tail 
than D. nana, Wood Jones (1925) believed that it 
should be given species status. It is worth noting that 
measurements for two D. nana individuals were also 
presented by Wood-Jones (1925), but it is, apparent 
that these statistics are in error since they represent data 
from more than two animals (see Thomas 1888). This 
inaccuracy may or may not have influenced Iredale 
and Troughton (1934) to reject the proposed specific 
distinction, but britta was nevertheless recognised by 
them at the subspecific level (see below). 

The genus name Dromicia Gray had been applied 
for close to a century when Iredale and Troughton 
(1934) noted that Cercartetus Gloger antedated 
Dromicia by several months. They advanced the 
name Cercartetus nanus to supersede D. nana, which 
included a change in the ending of the specific name 
from nana to nanus to accord with the gender of the 
new genus (Strahan 1981). Iredale and Troughton 
(1934) then somewhat arbitrarily accepted three sub- 
species: (1) C. nanus nanus for Tasmania, with P. nana 
and P. gliriformis as synonyms; (2) C. nanus britta 
for south-eastern South Australia with D. britta as a 
synonym; and (3) C. nanus unicolor for New South 
Wales and Victoria with D. unicolor as a synonym. 

From the type of C. nanus held in the Paris 
Museum, G.H.H Tate of the American Museum of 
Natural History, had the skull extracted and cleaned 
for study in 1937 (Tate 1945). He examined the 
dentition of this and other specimens in London and 
sought to determine whether the type of gliriformis 
was from mainland Australia (as implied by several 
authors subsequent to Bell 1829, e.g. Gould 1863; 


Forbes-Leith and Lucas 1884) or from Tasmania 
(as accepted by Iredale and Troughton 1934). He 
compared the teeth of manus (Desmarest 1817), 
gliriformis (Bell 1829), unicolor (Krefft 1863) and 
britta (Wood Jones 1925), but could not resolve 
the matter with the specimens available to him. 
Nonetheless, he suggested that the subspecies should 
be C. nanus nanus for Tasmania; C. nanus gliriformis 
(=unicolor) for New South Wales and Victoria, and 
C. nanus britta for South Australia, which was at 
variance from Iredale and Troughton (1934). Tate’s 
(1945) proposal was not adopted because he failed 
to demonstrate unequivocally that gliriformis was 
from the mainland. However, Iredale and Troughton 
(1934) had not proved that Bell’s specimens were 

The next important contribution on the taxonomy 
of C. nanus was a review by Norman Wakefield of 
Monash University, who discussed the distribution, 
habitat and taxonomy of this species and the pygmy- 
possums more broadly (Wakefield 1963). He revised 
the taxonomy insofar as reducing the number of 
subspecies advanced by Iredale and Troughton 
(1934) from three to two, because he believed that 
on the mainland there was only one subspecies, 
which was reasonably uniform and continuous in 
distribution from South Australia through Victoria 
and into New South Wales (see also Le Souef and 
Burrell 1918). That is, Wakefield (1963) accepted C. 
n. unicolor as the mainland subspecies, and made C. 
n. britta an equivalent synonym, while also accepting 
C. n. nanus as the Tasmanian subspecies. However, 
in a subsequent note, Wakefield (1970) questioned 
his own sub-specific assignment, stating that the four 
cranial specimens available to him from Tasmania 
were ‘insufficient to demonstrate difference from or 
affinity with’ mainland populations. Despite this, the 
arrangement of Wakefield (1963) has been in place 
for more than 40 years (McKay 1988; Turner and 
Ward 1995; van Weenen 2002), and this is despite the 
absence of any review, testing or elaboration upon 
which to substantiate this hypothesis. 

Confusion is even greater in vernacular 
nomenclature. Names included dwarf phalanger 
(Desmarest 1817; Cuvier 1926; 1827), minute 
phalanger (Waterhouse 1838), dwarf cuscus (Gloger 
1841), pigmy phalanger (Waterhouse 1841), Bell’s 
Dromicia (Gray 1843; Gerrard 1862), opossum mouse 
(Gunn 1852; Bonwick 1858; Lord and Scott 1924; 
Tate 1945), dusky Dromicia, pygmy opossum (Krefft 
1864), thick-tailed Dromicia (Krefft 1868; 1871; 
Le Souef 1907), mouse-like phalanger (Cobbold 
1868), common dormouse-phalanger (Thomas 1888; 
Lydekker 1896), dormouse phalanger (Waterhouse 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


1846; Lucas 1890; Le Souef and Burrell 1926; 
Marlow 1958), common dormouse-opossum (Ogilby 
1892); dormouse possum (Brazenor 1950), pigmy 
opossum (Le Souef and Burrell 1918), pigmy possum 
(Iredale and Troughton 1934; Wakefield 1963) and 
eastern pigmy possum (Ride 1970). A standard name 
finally eventuated when a committee of the Australian 
Mammal Society recommended ‘eastern pygmy- 
possum’ in 1980 (Strahan 1980). 

Dentition and Morphology 

Desmarest (1817) stated that the teeth, as far as 
it was possible to observe them on this little animal, 
appeared to be arranged like those of phalangers. 
Similarly, Bell (1829) stated that the incisors did 
resemble other species of the genus Phalangista, 
but complained of the difficulty of examining the 
minuscule teeth on living subjects. Owen (1845) 
pointed out that the species ‘has only three true molars 
on each side of the jaw’, and also that ‘the last and 
penultimate premolars on the lower jaw are. shaped 
like canines’. Subsequently, Krefft (1863, 1864) was 
able to provide the following dental formula: 

13-3/1-1 C 1-1/1-1 
Total = 36 

P 3-3/3-3 M 3-3/3-3 

The basic phalangerid dentition is three 
premolars and four molars in each row (Tate 
1945), although Cercartetus is unusual in having 
only three molars in each row, and C. nanus has a 
diagnostic P, which is large and double-rooted (see 
also Smith 1971; Turnbull and Schram 1973; Green 
and Rainbird 1983; Menkhorst and Knight 2001). 

In terms of morphology, Desmarest (1817) made 
a description from a spirit specimen and briefly noted 
it as the size of a mouse, and with a brown circle 
around the eyes, and imprecisely described the ears 
as short, rounded and ‘covered with hair’. As already 
mentioned, it should have been stated that the ears 
appear nearly naked. A more articulate description 
was provided by Bell (1829) who stated that: 

‘the general form of this 
animal resembles that of the 
common dormouse; but it is larger, 
broader and more depressed. The 
head is broad across the ears, from 
whence it tapers to the nose, which 
is somewhat pointed. The nostrils 
are narrow, and of a semicircular 
form: the upper jaw, which is 
elongated, overhangs the under, 
and almost entirely conceals it. 
The lips are scantily covered with 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

soft short hair, of a whitish colour, 
and are furnished with four rows of 
long black vibrissae, the posterior 
ones tipped with light brown. The 
eyes are very large, remarkably 
prominent, and of a jet-black 
colour: the ears of considerable 
size, erect, totally destitute of hair, 
and of a uniform mouse-colour’. 

In terms of colouration, the fur was first described 
as grey lightly frosted with a reddish tinge and white 
underneath (Desmarest 1817) and more simply 
as upper parts grey, but white underneath (Cuvier 
1826; Lesson 1827; Schinz 1844; Krefft 1871). In 
characteristic detail, Bell (1829) stated that his living 
examples were: 

“covered with a very soft and 
thick fur; the hairs which compose 
it being of a gray colour tipped with 
reddish brown, give the general hue 
of rufous-gray. The under parts are 
more sparingly covered with fur of 
a pale yellowish-gray colour, the 
yellow predominating at the sides, 
and especially at the throat. The 
general colour of the face is also 
yellowish, the upper and back part 
of the head assuming the rufous- 
gray colour of the back’. 

Bell (1829) also noted a blackish ring around 
the eye, and remarked on ‘a darkish ring partially 
surrounding the ears at the anterior part, interrupted by 
a distinct white spot behind each (ear)’. Krefft (1863) 
described the fur as ‘a uniform mouse-colour lighter 
on the sides and beneath, with a blackish patch in front 
of the eye’. Gould (1863) stated that “considerable 
diversity of colour exists in different individuals; in 
some the upper surface is nearly uniform grey, while 
in others a fine tawny or rufous tint pervades the same 
parts; and examples are constantly met with exhibiting 
every variety of intermediate shade’. Wakefield 
(1963) pointed out that the Tasmanian members of the 
species (C. n. nanus) ‘have a warm brown infusion 
in the general body colour and are yellowish on the 
sides and underneath’, while the mainland form (C.n. 
unicolor) ‘is less brown and less yellow’ (see also Le 
Souef and Burrell 1918). 

Early naturalists noted that C. nanus have several 
features in common with other possums, such as the 
prehensile tail and feet specially adapted for climbing. 
They also noticed the incrassated base of the tail, 
and considered this to be a unique and characteristic 





Figure 3: This illustration of the Common Dormouse Phalanger (~Cercartetus nanus) appeared in 
Lydekker’s Handbook to the Marsupialia and Monotremata in 1896. 

attribute of this species (Bell 1829; Lesson 1830; 
Gray 1841; Waterhouse 1846; Le Souef and Burrell 
1926). Lydekker (1896) noted the tail as ‘rather long 
with the basal inch thickened’, but the incrassation 
was not evident in the illustration he provided which 
was originally published in Waterhouse (1841) (Fig. 
3). Le Souef and Burrell (1926) explained that ‘when 
captured in summer the tail is not usually incrassated, 
and the animal is slender and mouse-like; but as 
winter approaches it becomes bulkier, the base of 
the tail becomes very swollen, and the appearance 
of the animal is very much changed’ (see also Le 
Souef and Burrell 1918). An assessment of the 
female reproductive organs by Bell (1829) revealed 
four teats, and many subsequent naturalists concurred 
with this observation (Lesson 1830; Wagner 1843; 
Giebel 1859; Thomas 1888; Ogilby 1892; Le Souef 
and Burrell 1926; Troughton 1943; Wakefield 1963). 
However, in more recent times Wakefield (1970) 
reported an individual with five nipples, and Turner 
(1981) found that there are actually six teats, four 
developed and two rudimentary. 


Bell (1829) noted that two toes on each of 
the hind feet were “united together’ (Fig. 1). This 
morphological feature (syndactyly) is an adaptation 
for fur cleansing (Ride 1978) and for an arboreal 
lifestyle (Hall 1987). Krefft (1863) noticed that the 
tongue is ‘furnished with a slight brush at the tip’, 
and he interpreted this as an adaptation for nectar- 
feeding. Thomas (1888) noticed that there were five 
large pads on each of the palms and soles. There are 
various other minor descriptions of morphological 
features outlined in the early literature, but I have 
only covered those of most significance. 

Distribution and abundance 

In the early years of European settlement of 
Australia it was presumed that the species was 
peculiar to Maria Island and mainland Tasmania 
(Cuvier 1827; Waterhouse 1838; Gray 1841; 1842; 
Gunn 1852; Gould 1845; Waterhouse 1846; Gervais 
1955; Giebel 1859; Cobbold 1868). It is now clear 
that the species also has a broad distribution in the 
coastal regions of south-eastern mainland Australia 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


(Turner and Ward 1995). In the early years however, 
the specimens which reached the British Natural 
History Museum were mainly Tasmanian (Gray 
1843; Gerrard 1862; Thomas 1888; Wakefield 1963) 
which probably led Gould (1863) to postulate that 
the species was ‘abundant Van Dieman’s Land 
(=Tasmania), particularly the northern parts of the 
island’. Lord and Scott (1924) also suggested that it 
was more common in northern Tasmania. However, 
by the early 1960s it was considered that the species 
was rare in this State because of ‘marked changes 
in vegetation’ brought about by periodic forest fires 
(Wakefield 1963). Important early literature records 
for Tasmania include Hobart, Waratah, Launceston, 
Westbury district, and Fury Gorge near Cradle 
Mountain, Cloudy Bay, Mount Wellington (see 
Wakefield 1963), and also Maria, Bruny, Flinders, 
King and Cape Barren Islands (Le Souef 1929; 
Hickman and Hickman 1960; Wakefield 1963; Green 
1969; Green and McGarvie 1971; Whinray 1971; 
Hope 1973). More recent Tasmanian records and a 
comprehensive distribution map are provided by 
Munks et al. (2004). 

While C. nanus was apparently not found on the 
mainland prior to 1854 (Seebeck 1995), the main credit 
for its discovery on the continent should go to Krefft 
(1863), who collected a specimen at St. Leonards, a 
suburb of Sydney, NSW. However, it is acknowledged 
that Bonwick (1858) had earlier noted that ‘opossum 
mice’ occurred at Warrnambool, Victoria, but no 
specimen was collected. The first collected specimen 
from Victoria appears to have come from Western 
Port in 1880 (Wakefield 1963), and subsequently 
Forbes-Leith and Lucas (1884) accepted the species 
as a component of the Victorian mammalian fauna. 
Other very early Victorian records include specimens 
collected from Gembrook and Muckleford in 1886, 
and Mordialloc in 1887 (Wakefield 1963). Thomas 
(1888) was evidently unaware of these Victorian 
records when he dismissed Krefft’s (1863) observation 
of the mainland occurrence of the species. 

In 1896, Dr Robert Broom recorded that he 
found a large number of teeth and upper jaws of C. 
nanus in a sub-fossil bone breccia deposit near the 
Wombeyan Caves (Broom 1896). In the same year, 
Professor Baldwin Spencer of the University of 
Melbourne provided details of several specimens 
secured in southern Victoria (Spencer 1896). 
Surprisingly however, its natural occurrence on the 
mainland was still disputed. Waite (1904) provided 
details of a specimen collected at Jindabyne, NSW, 
but was reluctant nonetheless, to declare that the 
species definitely occurred naturally on the continent. 
Hall (1904) finally put the controversy to rest, and 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

responded to Waite (1904) with a convincing list 
of reliable mainland records. Further relatively 
early (<1970) locality records for Victoria include 
Heathcote, Blacks Spur, Sale, Avoca, Buanger, 
Portland, Erica, Wilson’s Promontory, Mount Lock, 
Tamboon Inlet, Mallacoota, Whitlands, Nowa Nowa, 
Snake Valley, Rushworth Forest, Cape Conran, 
Grenville, Yackandandah and Mount Drummond 
(Harris 2005). A comprehensive review of more recent 
Victorian records is given by Harris and Goldingay 

Early C. nanus records from NSW include those 
from St. Leonards in 1863 and Jindabyne in 1903, 
Fitzroy Falls in 1914, La Perouse prior to 1918, 
Royal National Park in 1925 and Bowral in 1939 
(Le Souef and Burrell 1918; Wakefield 1963). Krefft 
(1864) stated that “the range of this species probably 
does not extend beyond the east coast districts’ but 
qualified this by noting that because it is diminutive 
and nocturnal ‘it will be a difficult task to obtain 
many examples, and so define its geographical 
distribution with certainty’. As further information 
became available, Marlow (1958) was able to state 
that its range in NSW was ‘between the Hastings 
River and Sydney’ and extended west only to the 
Blue Mountains. Subsequently, Wakefield (1963) 
remarked that Newcastle was the northern limit of its 
range. However, a recent review of the distribution 
of C. nanus in NSW (Bowen and Goldingay 2000) 
indicates that its range in NSW extends to Grafton, 
Maclean and Tweed Heads and on the far north NSW 
coast, although most records are from the south coast 
and on the eastern side of the Great Dividing Range. 
A few scattered western records have been identified 
for Pilliga, Coonabarabran, Dubbo, Parkes and 
Molong. The scarcity of recent records in Bowen and 
Goldingay (2000) has led to its current recognition as 
a ‘Vulnerable’ species in NSW. 

South Australia (SA) and Queensland form 
the western and northern limit, respectively, of the 
distribution of C. manus. There are only a small 
number of records from each of these States. Wood 
Jones (1925) reported that the first SA specimen was 
discovered at Millicent, and this specimen is now 
held in the collection of the British Natural History 
Museum (Wakefield 1963). Only three specimens 
from this State were acquired by the South Australian 
Museum prior to 1997, and its status was considered 
rare. These records are confined to the far south- 
east of SA. An intensive survey of this region which 
targeted C. nanus in 1997 produced a further 27 
records, and subsequently the status of C. manus in 
SA was changed to ‘Vulnerable’ (under Schedule 8 
of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972) (van 



Weenen 2002; Carthew 2004). In Queensland, the 
species was first discovered by Molly O’Reilly in 
Lamington National Park in 1936 (O’Reilly 1941). 
Further examples were later found in the same general 
vicinity (Fleay 1966; Wakefield 1970), but as far as is 
known, the range of C. nanus extends only marginally 
into Queensland, where it is at present paradoxically 
rated as ‘Common’ (Eyre 2004; Harris et al. in prep). 

Diet and habitat 

Bell’s (1829) captive C. nanus (housed in 
London) fed ‘on nuts and other similar food’. 
Captive animals are known to accept a range of foods 
including bread, cake, seed, honey, milk, cream, 
biscuits, lollies, fruits and insects (Lord and Scott 
1924; Le Souef and Burrell 1926; Troughton 1931; 
Bocking 1939; Conway 1939; Hickman and Hickman 
1960). In the wild, the first feeding observation was 
made by Krefft (1863) who saw C. nanus ‘feeding 
on the blossoms of the Banksiae’. He later wrote 
that ‘they live principally on honey and soft insects’ 
(Krefft 1867). Gould (1863) stated that they feed upon 
the tender buds and spikes of flowers, which Ogilby 
(1892) and Lucas and LeSouef (1909) interpreted 
as meaning that C. nanus was phytophagous. This 
possum is now generally regarded as omnivorous 
(McKay 1988; Menkhorst 1995; Menkhorst and 
Knight 2001), but not herbivorous, and microscopic 
analysis of faeces supports the contention that a range 
of dietary items (particularly pollen and insects) are 
consumed (Huang ef al. 1986; Dickman and Happold 
1988; Tulloch 2004). 

As early as 1863 it was recognised that ‘of all 
trees it prefers banksias’ (Gould 1863), an observation 
which is supported by modern ecological studies 
(Turner 1985; Ward 1990). Bowen and Goldingay 
(2000) and Harris and Goldingay (2005) also note its 
penchant for Banksia habitat. Early naturalists reported 
that ‘they inhabited open wooded country’, usually 
among banksias as well as eucalypts, angophora, 
grevilleas, melaleucas and other small flowering 
shrubs (Le Souef and Burrell 1926; Chaffer 1930a,b). 
While it has been recorded from both wet and dry 
sclerophyll forests (Marlow 1958; Green 1973; Harris 
and Goldingay 2005), it has been suggested that dry 
forests are preferred over wet forests (Wakefield 
1963). However, there are both historic and more 
recent evidence that wet forests/rainforest is probably 
favoured habitat on the edges of its range in Tasmania 
(Green 1973; Munks et al. 2004) and in Queensland 
(O’Reilly 1941; Bowen and Goldingay 2000; Harris 
et al. in prep). 

A little information is available from the literature 
about the nesting requirements of C. nanus. Le Souef 


and Burrell (1918) found nests of this species in 
hollow limbs of Eucalyptus squamosa, E. piperata 
and E. haemastoma. Later, these zoologists remarked 
that ‘they live in any convenient nook or cranny in a 
tree, but usually in a hollow limb protected from the 
weather, making their nest at an angle. The nest is 
composed of scft bark, which the animals sometimes 
have to travel a considerable distance to procure’ 
(Le Souef and Burrell 1926). They also detailed an 
observation that in one case ‘it was a quarter of a mile 
(~400m) to the nearest tree on which bark similar to 
that in the nest [of C. manus] was found’. Nesting 
observations are scant, but those published include the 
discovery of C. nanus nesting in the decaying stumps 
of grass trees Xanthorrhoea spp. (Green 1969), and 
also in deserted bird and bat nests (Chaffer 1930a,b; 
Schulz 2000). Lord and Scott (1924) commented 
that ‘Searching for the retreats of these animals is 
a tedious task’, and that most sightings are “from 
bushmen who come across them when felling and 
cutting up trees in the bush’. They also added that 
their habits ‘naturally make them difficult to obtain, 
and it is more by accident than design that specimens 
are secured’. 

Bell (1829) was in possession of living examples, 
and this furnished him with the opportunity to closely 
observe the habits of the species while in confinement. 
He observed that: 
‘in their habits they are 
extremely like the dormouse, 
feeding on nuts and other similar 
food, which they hold in their fore 
paws, using them as hands [see 
also Fig. 1]. They are nocturnal, 
remaining asleep during the 
whole of the day, or, if disturbed, 
not easily roused to a state of 
activity; and coming forth late in 
the evening, and then assuming 
their natural rapid and vivacious 
habits. They run about a small tree 
which is placed in their cage, using 
their paws to hold by the branches, 
and assisting themselves by their 
prehensile tail, which is always 
held in readiness to support them, 
especially when in a descending 
attitude. Sometimes the tail is 
thrown in a reversed direction, 
turned over the back; and at other 
times, when the weather is cold, it is 
rolled closely up towards the under 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


part, and coiled almost between the 
thighs. When eating they sit up on 
their hind quarters, holding the food 
in their fore paws, which, with the 
face, are the only parts apparently 
standing out from the ball of fur, of 
which the body seems at that time 
to be composed. They are perfectly 
harmless and tame, permitting any 
one to hold and caress them without 
ever attempting to bite, but do not 
evince the least attachment either 
to persons about them or even to 
each other’. 

Bell’s observations were wrongly attributed to 
John Gould by Waterhouse (1846). However, when 
Gould published his meticulous work Mammals 
of Australia in 1863, he made some very original 
remarks, an extract of which follows: 

‘I am sufficiently acquainted 
with the habits and economy of 
the Dromicia gliriformis to state 
that it is a strictly nocturnal animal, 
and that of all trees it prefers 
the Banksias, whose numerous 
blossoms supply it with a never- 
ceasing store of food, both of 
insects and sweets; if I mistake not, 
it also feeds upon the tender buds 
and spikes of the flowers. During 
the day it generally slumbers 
coiled up in some hollow branch 
or fissure in the trees, whence if 
its retreat be discovered it is easily 
taken by the hand; this state of 
inactivity is totally changed at 
night, when it runs over the smaller 
branches and leaps from flower to 
flower with the utmost ease and 
agility. This disposition is just as 
strongly displayed by it when kept 
in confinement; being so drowsy 
during the daytime as to admit of 
its being handled without evincing 
the least anxiety to escape, while 
the contrary is the case as soon 
as night approaches. I have also 
observed that during the months of 
winter it is less active than in the 
summer; undergoing in fact a kind 
of hibernation, somewhat similar, 
but not to the same extent, as the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Gould provided an illustration of a pair of C. 
nanus (Fig. 4), which at that time were ‘alive in 
the possession of Her Most Gracious Majesty at 
Windsor Castle’, having been brought to England by 
the Very Reverend the Archdeacon Marriott, and set 
before Queen Victoria (1837-1901) as a gift. Archer 
(1982) later commented that ‘anyone who has seen 
one of these utterly charming creatures struggling to 
wake itself up after a deep sleep in torpor will fully 
understand why the Queen insisted that these little 
colonials had to stay with her inside Windsor Castle’. 
Many others have also made complimentary portrayals 
of this little animal, such that it has been described as 
‘interesting’, ‘elegant’, ‘graceful’, ‘beautiful’, ‘cute’, 
‘harmless’, ‘tame’, and an ‘endless source of interest 
and amusement’ (Bell 1829; Lesson 1830; Waterhouse 
1846; Bonwick 1858; Krefft 1863; Lydekker 1896; 
Lord and Scott 1924; Le Souef and Burrell 1926; 
Flannery 1994). They obviously fared well in Royal 
confinement, evidenced by their corpulence (Fig. 3), 
and Gould (1863) noted that these captive animals were 
‘inclined to obesity’. The tendency for individuals to 
over-eat and become fat has also been referred to by 
other authors (Waterhouse 1846; Thomas 1888; Le 
Souef and Burrell 1918; Conway 1939; Baines 1962; 
Bartholomew and Hudson 1962). 

Early naturalists were quick to liken the 
species to the English dormouse (Bell 1829; Schinz 
1844: Waterhouse 1846; Gervais 1855; Krefft 
1871; Thomas 1888). Bell (1829) explained that the 
superficial resemblance is: 

‘shown in their nocturnal 
activity, the nature of their food, their 
manner of taking it, their attitudes 
and motions, no less than in many 
circumstances connected with their 
external form and characters; as, the 
general form of the body, the nature 
of the fur, the character of the feet, 
the prominence and remarkable size 
of the eyes, &c. There is, however, 
one very important peculiarity of the 
dormouse, which has not as yet been 
observed to appertain to our animal, 
and that is its hybernation’. 

However, Bell (1829) was certainly mistaken 
in asserting that C. nanus does not undergo torpor, 
which is a significant aspect of its behaviour (see 
also Waterhouse 1846; Gould 1863; Le Souef 1907; 
Lord and Scott 1924; Hickman and Hickman 1960; 
Bartholomew and Hudson 1962; Geiser 1993). An 
amazing story was told by A.H.E Mattingley of a 



DROS IA Tee ee eC 

Figure 4. This charming illustration of a pair of Dromicia gliriformis (=Cercartetus nanus) ap- 
peared in Gould’s (1863) Mammals of Australia. These animals that were at that time in the 
possession of the Queen of England, at Windsor Castle, and subject to the excesses of roy- 
al life, became quite obese. The signature shows that it was drawn by Gould and H.C. Richter. 

118 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


dormant one found while felling a dead tree in the 
Goulburn valley, Victoria (in Le Souef and Burrell 
1926; Troughton 1943). To try to rouse it he ‘hung it 
to a twig by its prehensile tail, but it grasped the fur 
of its abdomen with its paws and remained hanging 
and dormant, its tail automatically suspending it’. It 
apparently stayed in this position ‘for several hours 
without attempting to seek a different pose’. Le Souef 
and Burrell (1926) further remarked that C. nanus: 
‘are the most harmless little 

creatures, quiet in disposition, 

rather slow in movement, and quite 

defenceless. They spend the day 

coiled up in their nests, coming out to 

feed at night. Then they become alert, 

running and jumping from limb to 

limb, making use of their prehensile 

tail, especially when descending from 

one branch to another’. 


The history of European knowledge of C. nanus 
starts with its collection from Maria Island more 
than 200 years ago. The subsequent accounts of its 
biology and of its classification were made by some 
of the best-known professional zoologists of the 19" 
Century such as Desmarest, Gould, Krefft, Thomas 
and Waterhouse. However, important contributions 
on this possum were also made by lesser known 
researchers, naturalists and bushmen, including 
Bonwick, Hall, Le Souef, Mattingley and Waite. 
The early records and narratives are of historical 
importance and add appreciably to our knowledge of 
this species. 


It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance of 
a number of people and organisations in preparing this 
historical note. The staff of the State Library of New 
South Wales helped with the decryption of abbreviated 
citations in Thomas (1888). Steven Smith contacted Mme 
Bonnemain of the Le Havre Museum in France and she 
forwarded a translation of the relevant parts from Péron’s 
unpublished manuscript. Henri Jeanjean helped me draft a 
letter to Professor Michel Tranier of the Museum National 
d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris who checked on the C. nanus 
holotype held in the Museum’s collection and sent a copy 
of the mammal catalogue. Several of the early natural 
history texts I required were not held or otherwise easily 
accessed within Australia, but the relevant pages were 
sent to me courtesy of the American Museum of Natural 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

History, British Library, Library of Congress, Smithsonian 
Institution, University of Glasgow, University of Southern 
California Library and Wellcome Institute for the History of 
Medicine. I am indebted to Robyn Williams for translating 
French articles and Benjamin Teeuwsen for translating 
German. I also acknowledge the CSIRO Black Mountain 
Library for permission to reproduce Fig. 1, the Australian 
Museum Research Library for Fig. 2, Museum Victoria 
for Fig. 3 and the Queensland Museum Library for Fig. 
4. Finally, I would like to thank Ronald Strahan, Ross 
Goldingay and Mike Augee for helpful advice on earlier 
drafts of this report. 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Additions to Knowledge of the Early Pleistocene Wallaby, 
Baringa nelsonensis Flannery and Hann 1984 (Marsupialia: 


'School of Geosciences, PO Box 28E, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia 
*Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Ostervoldgade 5-7, DK-1350, Copenhagen K, Denmark 

Piper, K.J. and Herrmann, N. (2006). Additions to Knowledge of the Early Pleistocene Wallaby, Baringa 
nelsonensis Flannery and Hann 1984 (Marsupialia: Macropodinae). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of 

New South Wales 127, 125-131. 

Following the recovery of more specimens of the extinct wallaby, Baringa nelsonensis, from early 
Pleistocene deposits at Nelson Bay, near Portland, Victoria, dental elements that were previously unknown, 
or only tentatively associated with Baringa at the time of its establishment, are described here. Specimens 
from the early Pliocene Curramulka Local Fauna, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, previously allied 
with Baringa, are re-examined, and it is concluded that they do not belong to this genus. Baringa is an 
intermediate browser-grazer, but the relatively enlarged I' and characteristic vertical wear facet on I, 

suggest an unusual feeding specialisation. 

Manuscript received 24 January 2005, accepted for publication 21 September 2005. 

KEYWORDS: Baringa, Curramulka, early Pleistocene, Macropodinae, Nelson Bay, Victoria, wallaby. 


Baringa nelsonensis is a small to medium-sized 
macropodine first described by Flannery and Hann 
(1984) from the early Pleistocene Nelson Bay Local 
Fauna (LF), Portland, Victoria (Hann 1983). It is 
the most abundant species in the fauna, accounting 
for approximately 30% of all specimens. Further 
collection and study of Baringa material from Nelson 
Bay was reported by Herrmann (2000), who described 
much of the new material, including teeth previously 
unknown at the time of the original description of 
Baringa. Collecting is still being carried out at Nelson 
Bay, and current research on the fauna by one of us 
(K. P.) has produced more dental specimens referable 
to B. nelsonensis. 

Upper incisors and premolars are often highly 
diagnostic of genera within the Macropodidae. 
This paper describes elements of the incisor and 
premolar dentition previously unknown for the 
genus. In addition, following the discovery of an 
upper deciduous premolar (dP?) in association with 
undoubted Baringa upper molars, the single dP? 
specimen (NMV P173573) referred to Baringa by 
Flannery and Hann (1984) is no longer considered 
correctly assigned. Other features of the dentition are 
also discussed based on the more complete material 

now available. 

In addition to the Nelson Bay specimens, 
specimens tentatively aligned with Baringa (cf. 
Baringa sp., cf. Baringa nelsonensis) have been 
reported from the Curramulka Local Fauna (Pledge 
1992). The affinities of these specimens have been 
re-examined in the light of the new, more complete 
topotypic material. 

All Baringa specimens described here are 
registered in the palaeontology collection of Museum 
Victoria (NMV P). A full list of specimens examined 
is given in the Appendix. The Curramulka Local 
Fauna specimens are registered in the palaeontology 
collection of the South Australian Museum (SAM P), 
a list of which is given in Pledge (1992). 

Classification within the Macropodidae follows 
Kear and Cooke (2001) and dental terminology 
follows Luckett (1993). All measurements are in 


Order: Diprotodontia Owen, 1866 
Family: Macropodidae Gray, 1821 
Subfamily: Macropodinae Gray, 1821 
Tribe Macropodini Flannery, 1989 
Baringa nelsonensis Flannery and Hann, 1984 


Deciduous Premolars: 

Eight dP,s are known, three of which are 
certainly associated with Baringa nelsonensis 
molars (Fig 1j). They consist of a simple blade with 
a prominent anterior cuspid, posterior cuspid, and a 
single intermediate cuspule and associated ridgelet, 
all of which are approximately sub-equal in height. 
The anterior cuspid is occasionally slightly lower 
and is separated from the intermediate cuspule by a 
deep groove. The main blade terminates anteriorly 
in a small, low, rounded cuspule. A small, lower 
posterolingual cuspid is also present, separated 
from the posterior cuspid by a shallow groove. A 
second smaller cuspule is present posterior to the 
posterolingual cuspid in NMV P200410 (Figs la-c; 

Table 1). 

Nine complete dP’s are known, five of which are 
certainly associated with B. nelsonensis molars (Fig 
1k). They are all morphologically similar, consisting of 
a main blade, a posterolingual cusp and a very poorly- 
developed, lingual cingulum. The blade consists of a 
well-defined anterior and posterior cusp with a single 
intermediate cuspule and ridgelet, which often appears 
to be merged with the posterior cusp. The posterior 
cusp is higher than the anterior cusp. The anterior 
cusp is separated from the intermediate cuspule by a 
groove. The weak lingual cingulum comprises a low, 
narrow bulge extending from the posterolingual cusp, 
and terminating at a small anterolingual tubercle. The 
posterolingual cusp is lower than the main crest and 
is separated from the lingual cingulum and posterior 

Figure 1. Baringa nelsonensis. (a) NMV P200449 right dP, labial view, (b) lingual view, (c) oc- 
clusal view, (d) NMV P200482 left dP? labial view, (e) occlusal view. Scale bar = 2 mm, (f) 
NMV P216028 right I! buccal view, (g) lingual view (h) NMV P200702 left I’ labial view, (i) lin- 
gual view, (j) NMV P200410 left dP,, dP,, M,, in dentary fragment with associated I, occlu- 

sal view, (k) NMV P201155 left associated dP*, dP*, M!? occlusal view. Scale bar = 


10 mm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 1. Dimensions (mm) of Baringa nelsonensis deciduous premolars. L = length, AW = anterior 

width, PW = posterior width. 

PT PeRUAsinieiCluc  Cusmite LoslTanrmeodaan 
ioe SE ep a te i AW ee PW yee le AWE PW) 

Specimen 2 
NMV P200410 5.4 es) 
NMV P200449 Sai] 2.4 
NMV P200450 5,8) 2 
NMV P200690 - - 
NMV P201155 5.5 2.0 
NMV P215777 Se) 2.6 
NMV P215789 Sal 25) 
NMV P215790 5.3 2.4 
NMV P200444 

NMV P200482 

NMV P201155 

NMV P215774 

NMV P215777 (R) 

NMV P215777 (L) 

NMV P215966 

NMV P216888 

cusp by a deep groove. A weakly developed medial 
posterior fossette is present (Figs 1d-e; Table 1). 

Upper incisors: 
Sixteen partial and complete I's are known. They 

are large relative to the size of I* and the molar teeth, 
a condition similar to that seen in Protemnodon. 
They are arc-shaped, possessing a convex labial 
surface, which is twisted slightly medially to bring 
the anterior-most tips into contact. They are widest 
near the root (7.2 mm), tapering slightly towards the 
tip (6.3 mm unworn). A moderately thick enamel 
covers the labial surface, extending over the sharply 
curved anterior edge onto the anterolingual surface to 
form a wide band. The lingual surface is only thinly 
enamelled close to the tip, which is removed by wear. 
The labial surface is occasionally ornamented by fine 
grooves and ridgelets, which follow the curvature of 
the tooth. They are similar morphologically to the I! 
of Protemnodon, but are readily distinguished, being 
smaller, less robust, and are narrower buccolingually, 
therefore producing a much smaller occlusal wear 
facet (2.7 mm average width) (Figs 1f-g; Table 2). 
Unfortunately none of the I's have been found in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 







5.6 3.0 3) 
5.8 all 4.1 
6.3 3.0 4.1 
Sef) Jae) 4.0 
6.1 Se) 4.4 
6.0 Syms) 4.4 
6.5 31.3) 4.0 
5.8 Sod) - 

association with B. nelsonensis cheek teeth. They are 
here assigned to B. nelsonensis as they are relatively 
abundant in the assemblage, are too small to be 
referable to either Protemnodon brehus, P. roechus or 
P. sp. nov. present in the fauna, and too large to be 
referred to any other genus of macropodid identified 
so far in the Nelson Bay Local Fauna. 

At the time ofits description, only one moderately 
worn I? (NMV P173591 originally identified as I°) 
was known for B. nelsonensis, and was not associated 
with any other specimens (Flannery and Hann 1984). 
Eight unworn complete and partial I’s are now 
known, but still none are associated with other B. 
nelsonensis material. However, they are relatively 
abundant in the assemblage, and are not referable to 
any other genus in the Nelson Bay Local Fauna, so 
their assignment to B. nelsonensis is still followed 
here. Many of the specimens lack a lingual surface 
due to damage, but they are all similar in morphology 
to NMV P173591, being narrow anteroposterorly, 
and in possessing a short labial groove very close to 
the posterior edge, which continues onto the occlusal 
surface. The occlusal edge is notched approximately 
halfway along its length. The prominent cuspule at 



Table 2. Occlusal length (mm) of Baringa nelsonensis upper incisors. OL = occlusal length, e = esti- 


Co Ql (cone i) IST Scol i 
CM Sow voy oul ouwhou gouMo 
(SS rt ts pr rt) eS) 
Se re I Seettny ern 
AY AY Ay On AY AK Ay Au 
Ziel (uw, te teen Coe 


OL G2 Onl ON 70) 6:9) eo Gol eA. 



the posterior end of the occlusal crest present in NVV 
P173591 is variably developed in the present sample 
(Figs lh-i; Table 2). 


The dP*s described above differ from NMV 
P173573, the isolated dP? originally referred to 
Baringa by Flannery and Hann (1984) in the following 
details: they are shorter and broader; possess only 
one intermediate cuspule instead of two; lack a sharp 
lingual ridge on the anterior cusp; the posterior cusp is 
the highest, and is separated from the posterolingual 
cusp by a groove. NMV P173573 is very similar in 
both size and form to the P? of Thylogale billardierii. 
This genus has since been recognised in the Nelson 
Bay Local Fauna, but was not known at the time of 
Flannery and Hann’s (1984) description. 

The identification of the posterior incisor 
as I? rather than I? is based on the following 
observations. In all grazer and intermediate grazer- 
browser macropodines, I? is relatively elongate 
anteroposteriorly and divided into two lobes by a 
labial groove, which is positioned approximately 

NMV P216035 


NMV P216145a 
NMV P173591 
NMV P200702 
NMV P215806 
NMV P215810 
NMV P215871 
NMV P215992b 
NMV P216202 
NMV P216224 


Sal aoe aS 5.4 

centrally or towards the posterior (Ride 1957). In 
contrast, I? is narrower and not divided into two 
lobes, with the short groove occurring very close to 
or on the posterior margin of the tooth. Flannery and 
Hann (1984) described NMV P173591 as an I? based 
on its superficial similarity to I? of Onychogalea 
unguifera. But even in the latter species, where the 
posterior incisors are very reduced and narrow, I? 
still possesses a labial groove, which is positioned 
approximately centrally. The unworn B. nelsonensis 
incisors described above are more consistent in 
morphology with that of I?. 

Examination of the much larger sample of B. 
nelsonensis material from Nelson Bay has shown 
there is little morphological variation within the 
species, and all other specimens are consistent with 
the holotype and referred specimens. 

Unfortunately none of the upper incisors have been 
found in association, either with each other or with 
other B. nelsonensis material. Due to the lack of more 
complete maxillae or premaxillae material, details of 
the palate and the shape of the incisor arcade are still 
unable to be described. 

Figure 2. Baringa nelsonensis. NMV P201156 right adult dentary, lateral view. Scale bar 
= 10 mm. 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



Two species from the early Pliocene Curramulka 
Local Fauna, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia were 
tentatively allied with Baringa by Pledge (1992). 

The first species, cf. Baringa sp., is about 30% 
smaller than B. nelsonensis from Nelson Bay. It was 
referred to Baringa on the basis of similarities in the 
dentary shape, depth of the buccinator groove and 
morphology of P, (Pledge 1992). Our re-examination 
of these specimens can confirm the possession of only 
the first of the features used by Flannery and Hann 
(1984) to diagnose Baringa (i.e. a well-developed 
crest on the dentary just ventral to the ventral rim 
of the masseteric foramen). In cf. Baringa sp. the 
anterior cingula on the lower molars are much shorter 
and broader than those of B. nelsonensis, and the I, is 
relatively narrower dorso-ventrally, and possesses a 
more horizontally-inclined wear facet. 

Compared to B. nelsonensis, which possesses 
only two intermediate cuspules, the P, of cf. Baringa 
sp differs in possessing three intermediate cuspules 
with more defined associated ridgelets. The lower 
deciduous premolar, dP, also differs in lacking the 
small anterior and posterolingual cuspules present 
in the dP, of B. nelsonensis described in this paper. 
An unusual feature of this Curramulka species is the 
presence of a small shelf-like posterior cingulum 
or bulge on at least the M, and M, of some of the 
specimens (e.g. SAM P31337, SAM P29863). Pledge 
(1992) noted that the dentary was even in depth 
below the teeth in cf. Baringa sp., a feature he used to 
ally it to B. nelsonensis. However, the dentary of B. 
nelsonensis is deeper below M, than M, (Flannery and 
Hann 1984). The P? of cf. Baringa sp. also possesses a 
lingual cingulum which is better developed, although 
only very slightly, than that seen in B. nelsonensis. 

Cf. Baringa sp. appears instead to be closer to 
Thylogale, which is phenetically similar to Baringa 
(Flannery and Hann 1984), particularly in the 
morphology of the premolars and lower molars, 
but is smaller. In particular, the Curramulka Local 
Fauna specimens are most similar to extant 7. 
stigmatica in the relative length of the premolars to 
the molar row, and to the extinct T. ignis from the 
Early Pliocene Hamilton Local Fauna (Flannery et 
al. 1992) in the form of the premolars (i.e. presence 
of three intermediate cuspules on the main blade, a 
small cingulum around the base of the teeth, a low 
posterolingual cusp and the lack of a distinct lingual 
cingulum on P?). The similarity of the specimens to 
Thylogale was noted by Pledge (1992), however he 
considered them closer to Baringa based on features 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

of the dentary. We believe these features differ 
significantly from those of B. nelsonensis and suggest 
the specimens of cf. Baringa sp. be referred to cf. 
Thylogale sp. pending a more thorough review of the 
Curramulka Local Fauna macropodids. 

The second species described by Pledge (1992), 
cf. Baringa nelsonensis, is similar in size to the 
Nelson Bay specimens. However, as in cf. Baringa 
sp., it resembles Baringa only in the possession of 
a well-developed crest on the rim of the masseteric 
foramen. Cf. B. nelsonensis also differs from the type 
series of B. nelsonensis in having: a dentary that is 
even in depth below the teeth; the ascending ramus 
inclined slightly less vertically; a smaller I, that is 
shallower dorsoventrally, and has a more horizontal 
wear facet; shorter and broader anterior cingula on 
the lower molars; a longer dP, that lacks the small 
anterior cuspule; a larger P, that is more rectangular 
in shape; a dP? with a very well-developed lingual 
cingulum forming a shallow basin, and a well-defined 
intermediate cuspule and posterior fossette; a P? with 
a better-developed lingual cingulum, a deeper groove 
separating the posterolingual cusp from the posterior 
cusp, a well-developed posterior fossette, and the 
three intermediate cuspules on the main blade sub- 
equal to, rather than lower than, the anterior and 
posterior cusps. In some respects the P? is similar to 
that of Petrogale spp. and the dP? is similar to that of 
Wallabia bicolor. Cf. B. nelsonensis may represent an 
as yet unknown genus or species, but it is unlikely, for 
those reasons listed above, to be referable to a species 
of Baringa. 


Flannery and Hann (1984) suggested that the 
lower incisors of Baringa nelsonensis might have 
been used to scrape off bark or lichens, or to sever 
hard plant stems. The enlarged crest on the rim of the 
masseteric foramen, and excavated jugal also noted 
by Flannery and Hann (1984), indicate the presence 
of an enlarged masseter muscle. This suggests that B. 
nelsonensis possessed an increased ability to move 
the dentaries anteriorly when compared to other 
macropodines (Sanson 1980; Flannery and Hann 
1984). Although the upper incisors have not been 
found in life position, their relative sizes and other 
general browsing features of the dentition suggest the 
I! probably extended below the occlusal line of °° 
(Sanson 1989). The anterior movement of the dentaries 
would bring the lower incisors into occlusion with the 
large, robust I's, giving a possible mechanism for the 
production of the vertical wear facet observed on the 
lower incisors. 



Observations on the stage of eruption and wear 
of molars associated with lower incisors supports 
Flannery and Hann’s (1984) hypothesis that the 
majority of incisor wear occurs after the eruption of 
P,, although some wear is seen to occur while dP, is 
still part of the functional dentition (Herrmann 2000), 
indicating that the specialised feeding style described 
above is initiated early in the animal’s life. 

Strong morphological similarities are observed 
between the I's of B. nelsonensis and Protemnodon, 
as well as in the wear patterns observed on the 
lower incisors. The vertical wear pattern, one of 
the diagnostic characters of Baringa, has also been 
seen in some species of Protemnodon (Flannery and 
Hann 1984), and in the recently described Silvaroo 
bila (Dawson 2004). No I's are known for Silvaroo, 
however it is likely that they would also be relatively 
robust and enlarged relative to the cheek teeth, and 
that the feeding habits of Silvaroo may have been 
similar to that of Baringa. 

The most complete B. nelsonensis dentary from 
Nelson Bay, NMV P201156 (Fig 2), was found 
with I, attached in an apparent life position. This 
specimen therefore appears to have a relatively 
elongate diastema (94% the length of the cheek tooth 
row in B. nelsonensis compared to 75% in Thylogale 
billardierii), a feature usually associated with grazers 
(Ride 1959; Dawson and Flannery 1985). Baringa 
nelsonensis otherwise possesses dental features more 
indicative of browsing macropodids, i.e. narrow 
anterior cingula and weak midlinks on molars, 
moderately low-crowned molars, relatively large 
premolars, no evidence of molar progression, and 
only a very slightly curved lower tooth row, resulting 
in the eventual occlusion of both the anterior and 
posterior cheek teeth at the same time (Sanson 1980, 
1982, 1989). However, the lack of a lingual valley 
on the P?, and transverse striations on the molars 
indicating lateral movement of the lower jaw during 
mastication suggest that abrasive vegetation may also 
have been a part of its diet (Sanson 1980), possibly on 
a seasonal basis. 

If, as argued here, the Curramulka Local Fauna 
specimens are not referable to Baringa, the extension 
of the range of Baringa to the Early Pliocene by some 
workers (e.g. Tedford 1994) is no longer supported, 
returning its only named occurrence to the early 
Pleistocene. Interestingly, an un-named macropod 
from the Plio-Pleistocene Nullarbor Caves possesses 
upper incisors that bear a strong resemblance to those 
of Baringa (J. Long pers. comm.). This material is 
very well preserved and includes complete skulls 
and associated postcranial material. If this material 
is referable to Baringa or a new closely-related 


genus, it will add considerably to our knowledge 
of this extremely unusual macropod and its unique 


We would like to thank the Museum Victoria 
Palaeontology and Mammalogy departments, Monash 
University School of Geosciences and the University of 
Copenhagen for the provision of the facilities and access 
to the collections whilst conducting this research. Dr Jim 
McNamara of the South Australian Museum organised the 
loan of the Curramulka ‘“Baringa’ specimens. Many thanks 
to Drs Tom Rich and Leah Schwartz, who read earlier drafts 
of the manuscript, and to the reviewers whose comments 
were very helpful. We are indebted to David Pickering of 
Museum Victoria, for his support, and untiring enthusiasm 
for collecting and preparing material from Nelson Bay. The 
renewed study of the Nelson Bay Local Fauna is funded by 
a Northcote Graduate Scholarship, Kings College London 
(awarded to K. Piper). 


Dawson, L. (2004). A new fossil genus of forest wallaby 
(Marsupialia, Macropodinae) and a review of 
Protemnodon from eastern Australia and New 
Guinea. Alcheringa 28, 275-290. 

Dawson, L. and Flannery, T. (1985). Taxonomic and 
phylogenetic status of living and fossil 
kangaroos and wallabies of the genus Macropus 
Shaw (Macropodidae: Marsupialia), with a new 
subgeneric name for larger wallabies. Australian 
Journal of Zoology 33, 473-498. 

Flannery, T.F. (1989). Phylogeny of the Macropodoidea; a 
study in convergence. In ‘Kangaroos, wallabies 
and rat-kangaroos’. (Eds G. Grigg, P. Jarman 
and I. Hume) pp. 1-46. (Surrey Beatty and Sons: 

Flannery, T., Rich, T.H., Turnbull, W.D. and Lundelius, 
E.L.Jr. (1992). The Macropodoidea 
(Marsupialia) of the Early Pliocene Hamilton 
Local Fauna, Victoria, Australia. Fieldiana: 
Geology 25, 1-37. 

Flannery, T.F. and Hann, L. (1984). A new macropodine 
genus and species (Marsupialia: Macropodidae) 
from the early Pleistocene of southwestern 
Victoria. Australian Mammalogy 7, 193-204. 

Gray, J.E. (1821). On the natural arrangement of 
vertebrose animals. London Medical Repository 
15, 296-310. 

Hann, L.M. (1983). The vertebrate palaeontology and age 
of the Nelson Bay Formation, Portland Victoria. 
BSc (Honours) thesis, Monash University, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Herrmann, N.D. (2000). Dental analysis and 
palaeoecological assessment of Baringa 
nelsonensis (Marsupialia: Macropodidae: 
Macropodinae), an intermediate browsing/ 
grazing kangaroo from the Early Pleistocene 
Nelson Bay Formation, Victoria, Australia. MSc 
thesis, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. 

Kear, B.P. and Cooke, B.N. (2001). A review of 
macropodoid (Marsupialia) systematics with 
the inclusion of a new family. Memoirs of the 
Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 25, 

Luckett, W.P. (1993). An ontogenetic assessment of dental 
homologies in Therian mammals. In ‘Mammal 
phylogeny’. (Eds F.S. Szalay, M.J. Novacek and 
M.C. McKenna.) pp. 182-204. (Springer-Verlag: 
New York). 

Owen, R. (1866). “On the anatomy of vertebrates; volume 
2’. (Longmans, Green and Co.: London). 

Pledge, N.S. (1992). The Curramulka Local Fauna: a late 
Tertiary fossil assemblage from Yorke Peninsula, 
South Australia. The Beagle, Records of the 
Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences 
9, 115-142. 

Ride, W.D.L. (1959). Mastication and taxonomy in the 
macropodine skull. In ‘Function and taxonomic 
importance’. (Ed. A.J. Cain.) pp. 33-59. 
(Systematics Association Publication No. 3: 

Ride, W.D.L. (1957). Protemnodon parma (Waterhouse) 
and the classification of related wallabies 
(Protemnodon, Thylogale and Setonix). 
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 
128, 327-347. 

Sanson, G.D. (1980). The morphology and occlusion 
of the molariform cheek teeth in some 
Macropodinae (Marsupialia: Macropodidae). 
Australian Journal of Zoology 28, 341-365. 

Sanson, G.D. (1982). Evolution and feeding in fossil and 
recent macropodoids. In ‘The fossil vertebrate 
record of Australasia’. (Eds P.V. Rich and E.M. 
Thompson.) pp. 489-506. (Monash University: 

Sanson, G.D. (1989). Morphological adaptations of teeth 
to diets and feeding in the Macropodoidea. In 
‘Kangaroos, wallabies and rat-kangaroos’. (Eds 
G. Grigg, P. Jarman and I. Hume.) pp. 151-168. 
(Surrey Beatty and Sons: Sydney). 

Tedford, R.H. (1994). Succession of Pliocene through 
medial Pleistocene mammal faunas of 
southeastern Australia. Records of the South 
Australian Museum 27, 79-93. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Specimens of Baringa nelsonensis from Nelson 
Bay examined and discussed in the text 

NMV P173648 right I'; NMV P200659, partial right 
I'; NMV P2006835, partial left I'; NMV P216022, left 
and right I'; NMV P 216023, tip of right I'; NMV 
P216024, left I; NMV P216026, right I'; NMV 
P216027, left and right I'; NMV P216028, right I’; 
NMV P216032, left and right I'; NV P216035, worn 
left I'; NMV P216036, right I'; NMV P216145a, right 
I'; NMV P216221; partial left I'; NMV P173591, 
right I?; NMV P200702, left I?; NMV P215806, left 
I; NMV P215810, left ?; NMV P215811, right I’; 
NMV P215992b left I?; NMV P216202, left I?; NUV 
P216224, left 2; NMV P200444, left dP? (associated 
with left dP?, M'?); NMV P200482, left dP?; NMV 
P200490, anterior cusp of left dP?; NMV P215774, 
left dP? (in maxilla fragment also containing left dP>); 
NMV P215794, right dP?; NMV P215966, right dP?; 
NMV P216888, right dP?; NMV P201155, isolated 
left dP? and right dP, (associated with isolated left and 
right dP?, M!~*, left and right I,, dP, M,_,, unerupted 
left and right M,, right P,); NMV P215777, isolated 
right and left dP, and left dP, (associated with 
isolated left and right I,, isolated right P,, left dP,, 
M,_, and unerupted P, and M, in partial dentary, night 
M,_, and unerupted M, in partial dentary, isolated left 
P? and left dP?, left M'? in maxilla fragment, right 
dP?-M! in maxilla fragment); NMV P200410, left 
dP, (in dentary fragment with dP,, M,_,, associated 
with I,); NMV P200449, right dP,; NMV P200450, 
partial left dP,; NMV P200690, partial left dP,; NVV 
P215789, right dP,; NMV P215790, right dP,; NVV 
P201156, partial dentary containing I,, P,, M, 4 


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Eastonian (Upper Ordovician) Graptolites from Michelago, 
near Canberra 


‘School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong, N.S.W. 2522, Australia 
(; and 
"Department of Earth Sciences, The University, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EQ, UK. 

Williamson, P.L. and Rickards, R.B. (2006). Eastonian (Upper Ordovician) Graptolites from Michelago, 
near Canberra. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 127, 133-156. 

A diverse Upper Ordovician (Eastonian) graptoloid fauna of some 20 taxa has been obtained from “black 
shales’ of the uppermost Foxlow Beds near Ryrie Hill south of Michelago. Eighteen of these are figured and 
described. The age indication is Eastonian 2 and 3, possibly about the caudatus/morrisi Biozone boundary 
in global graptolite terms. Some specimens exhibit a peculiar preservation, possibly of associated soft parts, 

though not necessarily graptolite soft parts. 

Manuscript received 23 June 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEY WORDS: Eastonian, graptolites, Michelago, Ordovician, unusual preservations. 


Ordovician graptolites have been known for a 
number of years from the black shales towards the 
top of the Foxlow Beds. Richardson (1979) gives a 
detailed account of past work, beginning with the 
recognition of the Foxlow Beds by Oldershaw (1965) 
and records Ordovician graptolites from two locations 
west of the Ryrie trigonometrical station (appendix 1, 
pp 182-183). Richardson and Sherwin (1975) discuss 
the Silurian outcrop slightly further west (Fig. 1). 
The present collections were made from the quarry 
east of the Ryrie trigonometrical station (Michelago 
1:100,000 map sheet 8726: 96953825, Fig. 1). The 
Ordovician forms recorded by Richardson (1979) 
are Orthograptus and Climacograptus species in 
open nomenclature, a possible amplexograptid, 
leptograptids and Dicellograptus forchammeri 
(sic) flexuosus. Richardson (1979, p.30) notes that 
the graptolites represent “various zones within the 
Eastonian. Some possible late Gisbornian and early 
Bolindian fossils are also present.” Our work entirely 
accords with this (Table 1), although we have recorded 
20 taxa with just one in open nomenclature: these are, 
for the most part, illustrated and described below. 

Our collections were made in 2002 by P.L.W. In 
addition to the interestingly diverse fauna, embracing 
seven genera, some of the specimens exhibit a peculiar 
structure associated with parts of the rhabdosome of 

some biserials. It is possible that this represents soft 
tissue of some kind and it is illustrated and discussed 
in more detail below. 


The graptolites are found in what was once black 
shale but which is mostly deeply weathered buff or 
whitish, soft mudstone: even traces of the original 
hemipelagic laminae are muted. The rock splits readily 
along the bedding planes and, except where stained 
with hematite, the graptolites are inconspicuous and 
in places very faint. A little of the original periderm 
is left in some instances but clay mineral replacement 
may also have occurred. In the few areas where 
the original black shale is preserved, in blobs and 
patches, the graptolites are dark silver-grey on a dark 
background, and are poorly preserved. The most 
serious drawback to this preservation is recognition of 
proximal end features, especially of proximal spines 
and early thecal growth. Even identification of early 
thecal apertures is often difficult. On the positive side 
there is no tectonic deformation: slabs with variously- 
orientated graptolites show no stretching, and there is 
no tectonic lineation on the bedding surfaces. Equally, 
there is no tectonic flattening parallel to the bedding, 
at least not to an extent that alters the dimensions of 
the graptolites. All the specimens are more or less 


694 695 696 697 698 699 



6037 fe 

6036 f= 



Cainozoic Ryrie Formation 

Livingstone Porphyry Foxlow Beds 

Black chert & slate 

Devonian Granites (fossiliferous) 

Colinton Volcanics Unconformity 

Cappanana Formation Railway 

Figure 1. Location of the quarry at Ryrie Hill, south of Michelago and Canberra. Topography 
based on 1:100,000 Topographic Sheet 8726 Michelago 1974 Edition 1, generalised geology after 
Richardson & Barron 1977. 

134 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


*Sp10991 194}0 WOAJ APYSI[S SAI JIP WsULA ULI[V.AYSNY UL 194A JJVOIPUT SopIA1D SAodvd sty} UL poqiiosep 10 poinsy JOU = SySl19}SsV 





Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 2a (left) Climacograptus caudatus Lapworth, AMF 114974, sketch of specimen showing 
possible soft tissue preservation, (full explanation in text); b (right) original of the same speci- 
men as in 2a for comparison with interpretation, scale bar 1 mm. 

diagenetically flattened and there is little pyritisation 
in the black shale, which is unusual. A number of 
specimens show what may be a thick layer of chloritic 
material entombing them, though this cannot be related 
to any tectonic strain shadow, at least in the outcrops 
we have dealt with. There is, however, a great deal of 
secondary hematite along veins, joints and as patches 
and circular blobs on the bedding planes: in places the 
whole rock is suffused with a pink colour as a result 
of hematite staining. Thus there are some difficulties 


attending the identification of these graptolites and 
this we have tried to reflect in the systematics section 


There is one interesting problem of a rather 
striking preservation (Fig. 2) concerning rings of 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


hematite surrounding the graptolites. Of the hundreds 
of graptolites collected only nine or ten display this 
feature, some very strikingly. This preservation may 
represent soft tissue, not necessarily graptolitic, or it 
is more likely hematite staining, part of the overall 
process of preservation of the fauna. The phenomenon 
is two dimensional, restricted to bedding planes. 

The hematite rings, or “bubbles” affected only 
the biserial graptolites, Orthograptus calcaratus s.1. 
and Climograptus caudatus. Several of the rings 
have an internal structure (Fig. 2) and occasionally 
the rings appear on the bedding plane unconnected 
with a graptolite. Other red stainings have a patchy, 
blob-like, or ring-like arrangement and these are 
unequivocally secondary hematitic staining of the 

The most striking specimen is of C. caudatus 
(Fig. 2) which has two ring-like structures from about 
the 15" to the 30" thecal pair. The uppermost, larger 
circular body has about 40 radiating lines, looking like 
septae, each connected by short bars. However, under 
high magnification this is a more patchy structure 
— vesicular almost — than rigidly radiating (see 
interpretation in Fig. 2a). The lower, smaller circular 
area shows the same structures less well. Surrounding 
both circular areas, but not separating them, is a thick, 
red, hematitic band followed on the outside by an 
apparently vesicular layer. A small circular structure 
to one side of the graptolite shows the same features, 
and may be associated with graptolitic fragments or a 
smaller specimen of biserial graptolite. The specimen 
of C. caudatus is itself preserved in hematite and is 
possibly a scalariform view. It extends beyond the 
uppermost circular structure for some further 13 mm, 
beyond which is a slightly expanded virgula for 4 
mm before the end of the slab. The preservation of 
the graptolites as a whole is poor with little except the 
virgella and its tube-like structure visible. 

Other specimens do not show the above detail, but 
do show circular structures “attached” to specimens 
of O. calcaratus s.1. that are also stained/preserved in 
hematite. In some the colour of the ring-like structures 
is a yellow-orange, suggesting alteration to goethite. 
It is difficult to decide whether such structures are 
organic or not. If they eventually prove to be organic 
then they could be algal or coelenterate in nature. The 
only previously-known graptolite soft parts are those 
recorded by Kozlowski (1949) (eggs and embryos), 
Bulman and Rickards (1966) (embryos), Rickards 
and Stait (1984) (zooids), Crowther et al. (1987) 
(cellular tissue), and the work of Bjerreskov (1987) 
on pyritisation features possibly representing soft 
parts. Loydell et al. (2004) also describes soft tissue 
within the thecal tubes. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 1 gives the global range of the identified 
graptolites. It is clear that the most probable horizon 
is Eastonian and perhaps Eastonian 2 and 3: that is, in 
global graptolite terms, the upper half of the clingani 
Biozone, (caudatus level), morrisi Biozone, and 
linearis Biozone. The most likely level, which we 
justify below, is the caudatus/morrisi boundary. Much 
of the ‘wooliness’ in this age attribution is due to the 
difficult preservation of the fauna and consequent 
difficulties of identification. We feel certain that 
some smaller species have been missed — there are, 
for example, small specimens we have provisionally 
labelled as Cryptograptus, and other climacograptids 
with proximal spines may occur. 

There are a few anomalies in our identifications 
but these do not affect the overall judgement on the 
age of the fauna. The most obvious anomaly is our 
identification of a few specimens of ?Climacograptus 
uncinatus, normally considered a Bolindian species. 
We may have accidentally collected these from a 
loose block that came from a different part of the 
section; certainly the rock type is slightly different 
in its preservation. But if the identifications are 
correct it does suggest the presence of Bolindian 
strata nearby. There is a great deal of poor exposure 
in the region, as well as the quarry itself, from which 
we have not successfully collected. Orthograptus 
quadrimucronatus quadrimucronatus has _ been 
recorded from the Bolindian in Australia (see 
VandenBerg and Cooper 1992) but is much more 
common, globally, as shown in Table 1. 

Climacograptus caudatus Lapworth has been 
identified with certainty and is recorded in Australia 
from Gisbornian 2 to Eastonian 2, but not higher. 
Elsewhere it occurs in the caudatus and morrisi 
biozones, roughly equivalent to the upper part of 
Eastonian 1 and Eastonian 2. The similar species C. 
tubuliferus occurs in Eastonian 3 and 4 and ranges 
into the Bolindian in Australia, but elsewhere occurs a 
little earlier, in the morrisi Biozone, thus overlapping 
slightly with C. caudatus (see Williams 1982, p. 246). 
The occurrence of these two forms together strongly 
suggests an age for the fauna of around the caudatus/ 
morrisi boundary, that is Eastonian 2. 

There seems little in the remaining fauna that 
conflicts with the age attribution to Eastonian 2, apart 
from the examples mentioned above. The occurrence 
of Orthograptus amplexicaulis intermedius does 
reach the level of the clingani Biozone on previous 
records, but not the upper parts of that biozone: given 
the difficulties of distinguishing subspecies of O. 
amplexicaulis pending the radical revision needed for 



that species group, we cannot at present place much 
weight on the known range of O. a. intermedius. 

Some small specimens preserved in bedding 
planes covered in graptolite debris may be referable to 
the genus Cryptograptus. Whilst generally considered 
as ranging into the low clingani Biozone, in Australia 
the genus reaches Eastonian 3 (VandenBerg and 
Cooper 1992) roughly the equivalent of the /inearis 
Biozone. There is also a considerable number of 
climacograptid specimens that we have been unable 
to identify with certainty. They may be either early 
growth stages of C. caudatus or ones in which the 
tubular growth along the virgella has not occurred; or 
they may be referable to another species such as C. 
styloideus, which they generally resemble except in 
the absence of the distal nemal vane. 

Finally there is a problem, it seems to us, in 
distinguishing Climacograptus wilsoni from C. 
tubuliferus; we have opted for the latter because 
the proximal thecae in our material show no signs 
of spines. Therefore we consider the most likely 
stratigraphic level represented by this assemblage is 
either the caudatus Biozone or the morrisi Biozone, 
or some horizon close to the boundary of the two, and 
to be unequivocally Eastonian. 



Class Graptolithina Bronn 1849 
Order Graptoloidea Lapworth 1875 
Family Nemograptidae Lapworth (ex Hopkinson 
ms) 1873 
Genus Leptograptus Lapworth 1873 

Type species (by original designation) Graptolithus 
flaccidus Hall 1865. 

Diagnosis Biramous, occasionally multiramous 
stipes, slender, flexed, often slightly reclined, with 
simple, long, low-angled thecae mostly without 

Leptograptus flaccidus (Hall, 1865) cf. macer Elles 
and Wood 1903 
Figures 3a-e 


1903 Leptograptus flaccidus vat. macer vat. Nov.; 
Elles and Wood, pp. 110-111, pl. 15, figs 2a-i. 

1934 Leptograptus flaccidus Hall var. macer Elles 
and Wood 1903; Ruedemann and Decker, p. 


306, pl. 40, figs 5-6. 

21963 Leptograptus cf. L. flaccidus var. macer Elles 
and Wood 1903; Ross and Berry, p. 101, pl. 6, 
fig. 1. 

1982 Leptograptus flaccidus macer Elles and Wood 
1903; Williams, pp. 233, 236, figs 4a-e. 

Lectotype Only relatively recently proposed by 
Williams (1982 p. 233) BU1377 figures by Elles and 
Wood (1903, plate 15, fig. 2e). 

Material About ten specimens and numerous 
fragments, probably referable to this species. 
Diagnosis Rhabdosome with a proximal dorsoventral 
width of 0.25-0.35 mm more distally 0.60 mm; 
variously gently flexed, but usually gently declined 
proximally and reclined or reflexed distally; thecal 
spacing 6-9 in 10 mm proximally and 8-9 in 10 mm 

Description The rhabdosome is variously flexed, in 
some specimens very gently declined or horizontal 
initially, becoming gently reclined or reflexed distally. 
A few specimens show greater curvature distally and 
the two stipes may have different curvature. It is 
uncertain how much of this variation is a result of 
diagenetic flattening. The sicula is often conspicuous 
but only a millimetre or so is preserved in the best 
specimens; it could be much longer because many of 
the siculae are clearly broken (e.g. Figs 3a, d, e). The 
apparent prothecal curvature seen in some specimens 
(e.g. Fig. 3b) does not seem to be real prothecal folding 
and may be a reflection of difficult preservation. 
The thecae are simple tubes with seemingly quite 
denticulate apertures in places perhaps reflecting a 
slight apertural expansion. The virgella is a short, 
conspicuous spine (see Figs 3b, c). 

Remarks These specimens closely resemble L. 
flaccidus macer as described by Elles and Wood 
(1903) and Williams (1982) but have even lower 
thecal spacing proximally. Elles and Wood (1903) 
do give a thecal spacing of 6 in 10 mm, but this 
is for distal thecae; Williams (1982) also gives a 
reduction in the distal figure (9 in 10 proximally and 
8 in 10 distally). The reverse is true in the Michelago 
specimens. Otherwise this material is very close to 
previous descriptions. L. flaccidus cf. macer differs 
from L. eastonensis in having slightly more robust 
stipes, in having a lower thecal spacing (10-11 in 10 
mm given by Keble and Harris 1925, p. 514): Keble 
and Harris (1925) comment that LZ. flaccidus macer 
is the closest species to L. eastonensis. L. flaccidus 
subjectus has strongly reclined stipes in the proximal 
region, which later become reflexed: it otherwise 
resembles L. flaccidus flaccidus and is more robust 
than L. flaccidus arcuatus and L. capillaris which 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


have greatly flexed stipes, unlike L. flaccidus cf. 
macer, whilst the former is more robust. L. flaccidus 
macilentus has more rigid stipes and is more robust 
also. The remaining leptograptids described by Elles 
and Wood (1903) namely L. validus, L. grandis, L. 
latus and L. ascendens are all either more robust, have 
different thecal spacing, or both. However, it must 
be said that leptograptids of the L. flaccidus group 
do seem to us to show such variation as to suggest 
that some of the subspecies may be unrecognisable: 
further work on the group is necessary. Neither L. 
flaccidus macer nor L. flaccidus spinifer (see below) 
have been previously recorded from Australia. 
VandenBerg and Cooper (1992) list LZ. capillaris, L. 
eastonensis, and L. flaccidus arcuatus, which we have 
commented upon. Some slender dicellograptids have 
not dissimilar rhabdosomal proportions, but thecae 
are more complicated and the stipes ususally reclined 
not declined or deflexed. 

Leptograptus ?flaccidus spinifer Elles and Wood 
Figures 3f-i 

21903 Leptograptus flaccidus vat. spinifer var. nov; 
Elles and Wood. 

Holotype BU1037, figured by Elles and Wood 
(1903) plate 14, fig. 2a. 

Material Three specimens, all figured herein. 
Description The sicula is well-preserved 1.50-2.00 
mm long and has a short nema and a conspicuous 
if short virgella (Fig. 3g). The virgella is deflected 
back across the sicular aperture. The origin and 
early growth of th1' and th1? is not clear but both are 
prominently spined: either a subapertural spine or 
strong denticulation, probably the latter. Subsequent 
thecae have no spines, are low angled (5°-10°) and 
have apparently simple apertures. Thecal overlap is 
low and thecal spacing 7-8 in 10 mm. Dorsoventral 
width proximally, excluding denticles, is about 0.30 
— 0.40 mm and distally may reach 0.60 mm with a 
thecal spacing there of 9 in 10 mm. 

Remarks There is a superficial resemblance to the 
proximal ends of some spinose dicellograptid species, 
but the thecae of this form are elongate, apparently 
simple, and low angled. Only the first two thecae are 
spinose/denticulate. This form has not previously been 
recorded from Australia: VandenBerg and Cooper 
(1992) record only the subspecies L. f arcuatus. The 
closest dicellograptid is probably D. forchhammeri 
but this does have slightly introverted thecae and a 
higher thecal spacing value (9-12 cf. 7-8 in 10 mm). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Family Dicranograptidae Lapworth 1873 
Genus Dicellograptus Hopkinson 1871 

Type Species Subsequently designated Gurley 
(1896), Didymograpsus elegans Carruthers 1868. 
Diagnosis Rhabdosome of two reclined uniserial 
stipes, straight or curved usually symmetrically: 
thecae almost simple to strongly introverted, mostly 
with prothecal folds proximally; variously spined, 
especially proximal thecae. 

Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson 1871 
Figures 4a-c 

21867 Didymograpsus flaccidus Hall; Nicholson, pp. 
110-111, pl. 7, figs 1-3. 

1868 Didymograpsus elegans Carruthers; Carruthers 
(pars) pl. 5, figs 8b, c (non figs 8a, d= D. 
elegans sensu stricto). 

1871 Dicellograpsus morrisi sp. nov.; Hopkinson, p. 
5, pl. 1, figs 2a-h. 

1876 Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson; Lapworth, 
pl. 4, fig. 85. 

1877 Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson; Lapworth, 
pl. 7, fig. 6. 

1904 Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson; Elles & 
Wood, pp. 155-157, pl. 21, figs 6a-d, text-figs 

1904 Dicellograptus pumilus Lapworth: Elles & 
Wood (pars), pl. 21, fig. 3c, (non p. 149, pl. 21, 
figs 3a, b, d-f = D. pumilus sensu stricto). 

1963 Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson; Skoglund, 
pp. 31-32, pl. 1, figs 1, 2. 

1970 Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson; Toghill, pp. 
17-18, pl. 7, figs 1-4, text-figs 4d-f. 

1976 Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson; Erdtmann, 
pp. 92-93, pl. 5, figs L/2b, M/6a, pl. 11, fig. 
K/2b, pl. 12, fig. K/4. 

1982 Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson; Williams, 
pp. 238-239, figs 7e, f, 8a-c. 

21983 Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson; Williams 
& Bruton, pp. 169-170, figs 10D, 14A-E. 

2002 Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson, 1871; 
Rickards, p. 4, figs 4A-D. 

Type specimens Not yet designated. 

Material About thirty specimens including some 
fragmentary uniserial stipes probably belonging to 
this species. 

Diagnosis Stipes more than 80 mm long widening 
rapidly from 0.50-0.60 mm proximally to 1.2 mm 
distally. Axial angle from 30°-55°, axil itself slightly 
rounded. Thecae number 11-13 in 10 mm proximally, 
with curved supragenicular walls and sub-apertural 



spines at least for the first nine thecae in each stipe. 
More distally the thecal spacing figure falls to 9-11 in 
10 mm. The proximal dorsoventral width is 0.50 mm 
and more distally reaches 1.20-1.30 mm. 
Description The complete rhabdosome is very large 
with stipes in excess of 70 mm. Some of the stipes are 
almost straight but mostly they have a gentle, ventral, 
distal curvature with suggestions of an equally gently 
spiral growth. There are a few distal fragments that 
reach 1.40-1.50 mm but it is uncertain whether these 
are referable to D. morrisi or not: they may be very 
distal fragments of very large specimens, or they may 
represent a second species for which we have no 
proximal region. 

Remarks Our material supports the description of 
Skoglund (1963) and Rickards (2002) which gave 
up to eleven and eight spinose thecae respectively. In 
all other respects they closely agree with much of the 
previously described material. Dicellograptus morrisi 
has not previously been recorded from Australia. 

Dicellograptus cf. caduceus Lapworth 1876 
Figures 4d, 5a, b 

1876 Dicellograptus caduceus Lapworth; Lapworth, 
pp. 141-2, pl. 7, fig. 3. 

1904 Dicellograptus caduceus Lapworth; Elles and 
Wood, pp. 161-3, pl. 23, figs 4a-c, text-figs 102 

Type specimens Not yet identified. 

Material About 60 specimens, some slabs with up to 
10 per slab. 

Diagnosis Spirally coiled stipes crossing at least 
twice, from a proximal region slightly rectangular 
and lacking, as a rule, a preserved sicula. Proximal 
dorsoventral width 0.40-0.50 mm, distally up to 0.70- 
0.80 mm; proximal thecal spacing 12-14 in 10 mm, 
distally about 10-11 in 10 mm. 

Description The only specimen with a sicula 
preserved (Fig. 5b) shows a length of 1.30 mm with 
no attached nema. The sicula is midway between the 
two stipes. Early thecal development has not been 
seen but thl' and thl? have short spines as a rule, 
occasionally well-developed (Fig. 5a). Some later 
thecae may also have short and inconspicuous spines. 
The coiled stipes are conspicuous, the first crossing 
of stipes being at about 15-18 mm from the sicula, 
the maximum distance between the stipes, in the 
first loop, being a little under 10 mm. Two loops are 
common in this material, and possible three loops in 
some cases. Loops are similar in dimension whether 
the first or the third. 

Remarks This form seems to differ from the original 


descriptions in that the stipes distally seem less than 
1 mm in our material. Some of the specimens figured 
by Elles and Wood (1903, pl. 23) are also less than 1 
mm and where they reach 1 mm may be tectonically 
widened. The loops seem more variable in the original 
material and the first loop smaller. 

What is surprising, in the descriptions of a 
similarly enrolled species, D. complexus, is that 
neither Davies (1929, pp 3-4) nor Williams (1983, pp. 
36-7) who revised the species, discuss D. caduceus at 
all. Yet the two forms are very similar in dimensions 
and appearance, although D. complexus is restricted 
to the anceps Biozone and D. caduceus to the morrisi 
Biozone (Eastonian 2) and, in Australia, Eastonian 3- 
4. The loops of D. complexus are smaller and tighter 
than in our specimens of D. cf. caduceus and Williams 
(1983, p. 36) implies, but does not state specifically, 
that D. complexus is distinguished from D. caduceus 
in that the former has left-handed torsion of the 
stipes. That feature is uncertain in our material, but 
may be right-handed. Dicellograptus complexus has 
not been recorded from Australia; D. caduceus has 
(see VandenBerg and Cooper, 1992) but the species, 
considered globally is rarely recorded. It may be that 
further research will recognise more variation and 
more species. 

Dicellograptus sp. 
Figures 5c, d 

Material A single specimen, AMF 114903. 

Description A conspicuously robust rhabdosome 
proximally with very large proximal spines positioned 
at 90° to each other; the longer spine is 8.25 mm long. 
Both spines may be incomplete as seen, and at their 
bases are about 0.50 mm wide. Approximately 0.75 
mm of sicula is faintly visible but whether this is the 
real length is unclear. A virgella has not been identified. 
If the apex of the sicula is positioned as indicated the 
total length of the sicula could be around | mm if the 
apertural region is obscured in this specimen. There 
is a web of material spanning the two stipes that helps 
obscure the proximal region. The stipes diverge at 50° 
and initially have a dorsoventral width of 0.50 mm ora 
little more but reach 1.0 mm after only eight thecae or 
so and have a thecal spacing of 13 in 10 mm. We have 
one distal dicellograptid fragment (Fig. 5d) possibly 
referable to this form, with a dorsoventral width of 2 
mm and a thecal spacing of 9-10 in 10 mm. 

Remarks Dicellograptus sp. is remarkably similar 
in overall appearance to D. ornatus Elles and Wood 
(1904) but is a much larger and more robust form 
with longer, broader spines. Whilst the proximal end 
template is very similar, as well as the thecal spacing, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


the sicula is smaller and the stipes rapidly become 
more robust. Early growth stages of Dicellograptus sp. 
would have to be at least twice the size as comparable 
stages of D. ornatus. 

Family Diplograptidae Lapworth 1873 
Genus Climacograptus Hall 1865 

Type species Graptolithus bicornis Hall (1847) by 
original designation. 

Remarks Because of the general nature of the 
preservation of this material we have adopted a rather 
conservative classification of Climacograptus which 
contrasts slightly with that of VandenBerg and Cooper 

Climacograptus caudatus Lapworth 1876 
Figures 6a-d 

1876 Climacograptus caudatus sp. nov.; Lapworth, 
pl. 2, fig. 48. 

1877 Climacograptus scalaris var. caudatus 
Lapworth; Lapworth, pl. 6, fig. 34. 

1906 Climacograptus caudatus Lapworth; Elles & 
Wood, pp. 202-203, pl. 27, figs 7a-e, text-figs 

1908 Climacograptus caudatus Lapworth; 
Ruedemann, pp. 438-439, pl. 28, figs 17-18, 
text-fig 405. 

21913 Climacograptus caudatus Lapworth; 
Hadding, pp. 49-50, pl. 3, figs 18-19, text-fig. 

21934 Climacograptus caudatus Lapworth; 
Ruedemann & Decker, p. 319, pl. 43, figs 1-1a. 

1947 Climacograptus caudatus Lapworth; 
Ruedemann (pars), p. 424, pl. 72, figs 57-65 
(non pl. 71, figs 51-52). 

21955 Climacograptus caudatus Lapworth; Harris & 
Thomas, pp. 38-39, pl. 1, figs 4-6. 

1971 Climacograptus caudatus Lapworth; Strachan, 
p. 32. 

1981 Climacograptus? caudatus Lapworth 
1876; Williams, pp. 135-6, pl. 33, figs 1-6, 3 
unnumbered text-figs. 

1989 Ensigraptus caudatus (Lapworth 1876); Riva 
and Kettner, p. 89. 

1990 Climacograptus caudatus VandenBerg, fig. 1. 

1992 Ensigraptus caudatus (Lapworth); VandenBerg 
and Cooper, pp. 46, 48, 81, fig. 9A. 

2002 Ensigraptus caudatus (Lapworth); 
VandenBerg, p. 45, fig. 5.1.4/11. 

Type specimen According to Strachan (1971) the 
type specimen has not been traced. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Material At least 50 specimens, possibly more (see 
under Remarks). 

Diagnosis Climacograptus lacking proximal thecal 
spines and with characteristic proximal growth of 
a virgellate or siculate structure (= parasicula of 
VandenBerg, 1990) and distal growth of a moderately 
robust, long virgula; rhabdosome with proximal 
dorsoventral width of 0.75-1.00 mm and a distal 
dorsoventral width of up to 2.5 mm; proximal thecal 
spacing 12-13 in 10 mm, distal thecal spacing 9- 
11 in 10 mm; distal thecae with outward-sloping 
supragenicular wall. 

Description Few certain early growth stages 
have been identified, almost certainly because of 
preservational difficulties, but Fig. 6c is of an early 
growth stage with virgula and virgella preserved, the 
latter with traces of the typical process that grows 
along the virgella. The nature of this process cannot 
be seen in this material. In this early growth stage th1! 
seems unusually prominent as it does in the specimen 
illustrated as Fig. 6c; this feature has not been seen 
on any other specimens, all of which seem to have 
typical climacograptid thecae numbering 12-13 in 10 
mm. In a few specimens (Fig. 6a) the supragenicular 
wall seems inclined outwards slightly as it often does 
more commonly in distal thecae. Whether this is real 
or a preservational feature is uncertain, but it has been 
commented upon by other workers (see Remarks). The 
virgella grows very long, possibly up to 10 mm and in 
mature specimens the characteristic virgellate growth 
may reach 5 mm. The virgula is always long, up to 
15 mm, and fairly robust without being dramatically 
expended (Fig. 6d; and see following description). 
Remarks VandenBerg (2002) gives a range of 
Eastonian | and 2 for this species in Victorian strata, 
although VandenBerg and Cooper (1992) give 
Gisbornian 2 to Eastonian 2 as the Australian range; 
this latter is in accord with the global range (Table 
1). Williams (1981) was the first to draw attention 
to the apparently orthograptid/glyptograptid distal 
thecae of C. caudatus and hence questioned the 
generic attribution, although he abandoned this later 
(Williams 1994). It seems to us that many Ordovician 
climacograptids have gently outward-sloping 
supragenicular walls and this effects a contrast 
with the largely Silurian genus Normalograptus. 
Subsequently VandenBerg (2002) along with other 
workers recognised C. caudatus as the type of 
Ensigraptus (Riva and Kettner 1989) on the grounds 
that the early development was slightly more primitive 
than otherwise similar climacograptids. We cannot 
comment on that from this material: it is possible that 
the slightly conspicuous appearance of thl’ in two 
specimens, referred to above, reflects the tendency 



of that thecae to grow downwards and outwards as 
described by Riva and Kettner 1989. 

In addition to this considerable number of 
specimens attributed without doubt to C. caudatus 
we have a large number of climacograptids of similar 
dimensions yet lacking the pronounced virgella, the 
parasicula, or the robust virgula (Figs 7a, b). These 
could be specimens of C. caudatus in which the robust 
virgella and virgula have not developed; or they could 
be referred to C. tubuliferus (see next description) 
in which the expanded virgular vane had not yet 
developed; or they could be part of a plexus marking 
a possible evolutionary transition from C. caudatus 
to C. tubuliferus (see Rickards et al. 2001). Similar 
forms to these, lacking a robust virgella or expanded 
virgules, may have been previously identified as C. 
pulchellus (Hadding 1915) (see Rickards et al. 2001 
p. 79, fig. 10B). It is a pity that the preservational 
state of the Michelago assemblage does not allow 
pursuance of these questions. 

Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth 1876 
Figures 6e-h 

1876 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; 
Lapworth, pl. 2, fig. 49. 

1877 Climacograptus scalaris vat. tubuliferus 
Lapworth; Lapworth, pl. 6, fig. 33. 

1902 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; Hall, p. 
55, pl. 13, fig. 5, pl. 14, fig. 4. 

1906 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; Elles 
& Wood, pp. 203-204, pl. 27, figs 8a-d, text-figs 

1947 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; 
Ruedemann, p. 440, pl. 75, figs 54-56. 

21948 Climacograptus styloideus Lapworth; 
Henningsmoen, p. 404. 

1955 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; Harris 
& Thomas, p. 40, pl. 1, figs 10-12. 

1960 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; Berry, 

1963 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; Ross & 
Berry, p. 132, pl. 10, figs 1,2. 

21963 Climacograptus styloideus Elles & Wood; 
Skoglund, pp. 38-40, pl. 2, figs 1-4. pl. 3, fig. 3. 

1969 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; Moors, 
pp. 268-270, figs 3a-c. 

1977 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; Carter 
& Churkin, pp. 23-24, pl. 7, fig. 5. 

1982 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; 
Williams, pp. 245-246, figs 1la-n. 

1983 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; Williams 
& Bruton, pp. 170-172, figs 12c-e, 15a-n. 

1983 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; Koren’ 


and Sobolveskaya (pars), pp. 139-141, pl. 41, 
figs 1-3, (non pl. 40, figs 6-117). 

1987 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth, 1876; 
Williams, p. 80, figs 4F, H, I, 6G, 70-Q. 

21988 Scalarigraptus tubuliferus (Lapworth); Riva, 
figs 2i, j (?=Normalograptus normalis). 

1989 Normalograptus tubuliferus (Lapworth); Riva 
(in Riva and Kettner), pp. 87-89, figs 10a-i, 11a- 

1991 Climacograptus tubuliferus (Lapworth, 1876); 
Williams, pp. 593-4, pl. 1, figs 2-4, ?5, figs 8A- 

1992 Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth; 
VandenBerg and Cooper, p. 81. 

1992 Normalograptus tubuliferus tubuliferus; 
VandenBerg and Cooper, p. 50, fig 10A. 

Type Specimens Lapworth’s original specimen has 
not yet been recognised (Strachan, 1971, p. 35). 
Material Around 40 specimens. 

Diagnosis Climacograptus lacking proximal thecal 
spines but with a characteristically expanded, 
?vane-like virgula, and a small virgella; thecae 
broadly climacograptid numbering 10-14 in 10 mm; 
rhabdosome proximally with dorsoventral width of 
0.70-0.75 mm rising distally to 2.50 mm. 
Description Some rhabdosomes have a length of 
13 cm but do not exceed 2.50 mm in dorsoventral 
width. The vane-like structure is up to 1 mm wide 
and extends distally, often as much as 20 mm, and 
even then may be incomplete. The proximal end 
usually has a small virgella but in some specimens 
it is more robust. It does not have a parasicula. The 
thecae are climacograptid throughout, except for a 
few specimens (Fig. 6f) where the supragenicular 
wall does appear to be outward leaning, though this 
could be a preservational feature. 

Remarks C. tubuliferus ranges from Eastonian 2 to 
Bolindian 1 in Australia (VandenBerg and Cooper 
1992) but elsewhere has been recorded from the 
latest clingani level (Table 1). The variation referred 
to above has already been commented upon under 
“Remarks” in the preceding description. 

?Climacograptus lanceolatus VandenBerg 1990 
Figure 7g 

21990 Climacograptus lanceolatus sp. nov.; 
VandenBerg, pp. 44-49, fig. 1, figs 7A-P, 8A-C. 

Remarks A_ single problematical specimen is 
undoubtedly a Climacograptus species with a 
maximum dorsoventral width of 2 mm and a thecal 
spacing of 8-10 in 10 mm, which agrees with the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


original dimensions given by VandenBerg (1990 
p.47). The proximal end has two spines and the shorter 
of the two directed ventrally may derive from thl'. 
The longer spine, in exactly the correct disposition 
for C. lanceolatus, is possibly the virgella, though 
this cannot be proved. We have no other specimens of 
spinose climacograptids in the collection displaying 
these features. C. /anceolatus is Eastonian 1 according 
to VandenBerg (1990). One of the referees suggested 
the possibility that this form was referable to 
Pseudoclimacograptus, but it should be noted that in 
some views and preservations climacograptid thecae 
can be slit-like without being pseudoclimacograptid. 

Climacograptus mohawkensis (Ruedemann 1912) 
Figures 7h, i 

1906 Climacograptus minimus (Carruthers); Elles 
and Wood, p. 191, pl. 27, figs la-g, text-figs 

non 1868 Diplograptus minimus sp. nov.; 
(Carruthers); p. 74, pl. 5, figs 12a, b. 

1912 Diplograptus (Mesograptus) mohawkensis sp. 
nov.; Ruedemann; pp. 80-2, pl. 2, figs 18, 19, 
text-figs 19, 20. 

1947 Diplograptus (Mesograptus) mohawkensis 
Ruedemann; Ruedemann, pp. 419-20, pl. 71, 
figs 24-6. 

1948 Climacograptus cf. minimus (Carruthers); 
Henningsmoen, pp. 404-5. 

1960 Climacograptus minimus (Carruthers); Berry, 
p. 80, pl. 19, fig. 2. 

21963 Climacograptus minimus (Carruthers); Ross 
and Berry, pp. 125-6, pl. 8, fig. 7. 

1964 Climacograptus minimus (Carruthers); Obut 
and Sobolevskaya, pp. 57-8, pl. 11, figs 8,9. 

1969 Climacograptus minimus (Carruthers); Riva, p. 
521, text-figs 3h-j. 

non 1969 Climacograptus minimus (Carruthers); 
Strachan, p. 191-2, pl. 4, fig. 3, text-figs 4a. 

1977 Climacograptus mohawkensis (Ruedemann); 
Walters, pp. 937-8, pl. 2, figs f, h, 1. 

1982 Climacograptus mohawkensis (Ruedemann); 
Williams, pp. 246-7, figs 10c-j. 

2002 Climacograptus mohawkensis (Ruedemann 
1912); Rickards, pp. 8-9, fig. 3N. 

Holotype The specimen figured by Ruedemann, 
1947, pl. 71, fig. 24. 

Material About 20 specimens, all indifferently 
preserved with thecal preservation faint. 

Diagnosis Small Climacograptus lacking proximal 
thecal spines but with a short, sharp virgella; proximal 
thecal spacing 12-16 in 10 mm, distally 11-12 in 10 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

mm; dorsoventral width proximally 0.65-0.90 mm 
and distally 1.75 mm. 

Description This is a small and inconspicuous 
species with details of thecae difficult to ascertain: the 
apertures appear to be slit-like and hence difficult not 
only to detect, but difficult to distinguish from “pressed 
through” apertures in flattened specimens like these. 
Consequently the above thecal spacing figures must 
be considered approximate. The virgula is relatively 
long and robust, though not expanded: it is preserved 
in most specimens. The most distinguishing features 
are the parallel-sided nature of a slim rhabdosome 
and the slit-like apertures. 

?Climacograptus uncinatus Keble and Harris 1934 
Figures 7c, d 

21934 Climacograptus uncinatus sp. nov.; Keble and 
Harris pp. 173-4, pl. 20, figs Sa-c. 

21972 Climacograptus uncinatus, Keble and Harris 
1934; Carter, pp. 48-9, pl. 1, figs 2-7, 10, text- 
figs 2J, L-O. 

Type specimen A type has never been designated. 
Material Only the two specimens figured. 

Remarks The thecal details of this form have never 
been ascertained and our material does not help 
much. Two of the specimens, if really referable to 
?C. uncinatus, appear to have almost orthograptid 
thecae, as does one of the Keble and Harris originals 
(1934, pl. 20, fig. 5a). The pair of proximal spines is 
clearest in scalariform views (Fig 7d. herein; Keble 
and Harris 1934, pl. 20, figs 5b, c). In our material the 
spines are 2.5 mm from the proximal end, but in the 
types they are only 1.5 mm from the proximal end. 
In this respect our specimens are closer to the Carter 
(1972) specimens from Idaho than the specimens 
from Victoria. The Idaho specimens are from the 
linearis Biozone (approximately Eastonian 3) and the 
Victorian specimens from Bolindian 1. There is also 
the problem of the relationship, if any, of C? uncinatus 
to O. quadrimucronatus spinigerus; whether the pair 
of spines in the latter species are thecal spines or 
divisions of the virgula is not known. The questions 
must be raised on to whether wncinatus group has a 
longer range than recorded previously in Australia 
(VandenBerg and Cooper 1992), and whether more 
species are involved than previously supposed. Such 
questions cannot be answered until better material is 

Genus Orthograptus Lapworth 1873 

Type species Graptolithus quadrimucronatus Hall, 



1865, by original designation. 

Diagnosis Thecae straight or with slight sigmoidal 
curvature, thecal spines in one (type) group, proximal 
thecal spines common, and large basal spines not 

Orthograptus quadrimucronatus (Hall 1865) 
Figures 7e, f 

1865 Graptolithus (Diplograptus) quadrimucronatus 
sp. nov.; Hall, J., p. 144, pl. 13, figs 1-10. 

1876 Diplograptus aculeatus Lapworth; Lapworth, 
pl. 2, fig. 44. 

1877 Diplograptus quadrimucronatus Hall; 
Lapworth, p. 133, pl. 6, fig. 20. 

1906 Diplograptus (Orthograptus) 
quadrimucronatus (Hall); Hall, T.S. p. 277, pl. 
34, figs 10, 11. 

1907 Diplograptus (Orthograptus) 
quadrimucronatus (Hall); Elles and Wood, pp. 
223-4, pl. 28, figs la-d, text-figs 145a-f. 

1908 Glossograptus (Orthograptus) 
quadrimucronatus (Hall); Ruedemann pp. 385- 
92, text-fig. 336. 

1915 Diplograptus quadrimucronatus Hall; Hadding 
pp. 12-3, text-figs 3a-f. 

1947 Glossograptus quadrimucronatus (Hall); 
Ruedemann pp. 452-4, pl. 78, figs 1-5. 

1948 Diplograptus (Orthograptus) quadrimucronatus 
(Hall); Henningsmoen, pp. 403-4. 

1955 Diplograptus (Orthograptus) 
quadrimucronatus (Hall); Harris and Thomas. p. 
37, pl. 2, figs 37. 

1970 Orthograptus quadrimucronatus (Hall); 
Toghill p. 23, pl. 13, figs 10, 11. 

1982 Orthograptus quadrimucronatus (Hall); 
Williams, pp. 247-248, figs 12a-12d. 

1983 Orthograptus quadrimucronatus (J. Hall); 
Koren’ and Sobolevskaya, pp. 152-154, pl. 45, 
figs 1, 2, 58. 

1987 Orthograptus quadrimucronatus (Hall); 
Mitchell, text-figs 9a-d, 9f-h. 

1991 Orthograptus quadrimucronatus (J. Hall 
1865); Williams, p. 594-5, pl. 2, figs 1-4, figs 

1992 Orthograptus quadr. quadrimucronatus (J. 
Hall); VandenBerg and Cooper, p. 82, fig. 9k. 

Type specimen Not designated. Bolton (1960 p. 104) 
listed Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, GSC 
1898a, GSC 1898b and GSC 1898d, from the Utica 
Shale east of Pointe Bleue, Lake St. John, Quebec as 



Material Only two specimens, both figured. 
Diagnosis Wide rhabdosome with dorsoventral width 
in excess of 3 mm within 5 mm of the proximal end 
from a proximal dorsoventral width of 1.50 mm; 
thecae denticulate and spinose with clear indications 
of more than one spine per theca; thecal spacing about 
14 in 10 mm. 

Remarks The thecal apertures appear to be not quite 
so inturned as in the O. calcaratus groups (see below); 
but the presence of spines along the rhabdosome is 
sufficient to distinguish O. quadrimucronatus from 
the O. amplexicaulis group (see below). Specimens 
of O. quadrimucronatus are easily missed because 
biprofile views do not show the spines too well and 
in badly-preserved collections such forms could 
easily be grouped in with O. calcaratus sensu lato. 
The similar species O. whitfieldi is a much narrower 

Orthograptus calcaratus calcaratus (Lapworth 
Figures 8a, b 

1876 Diplograptus foliaceus Murchison v. 
calcaratus Lapworth; Lapworth pl. 1, fig. 30. 

1907 Diplograptus (Orthograptus) calcaratus 
Lapworth; Elles and Wood, pp. 239-241, pl. 30, 
figs la-c, text-figs 159a-c. 

1960 Orthograptus calcaratus; Thomas; pp. 12, 19, 
pl. 10, fig. 132. 

1992 Orthograptus calcaratus calcaratus 
(Lapworth, 1876); VandenBerg and Cooper, p. 

2001 Orthograptus calcaratus calcaratus 
Lapworth); Rickards et al. p. 82, figs 11H-J. 

Holotype Specimen figured by Elles and Wood 1907, 
pl. 30, fig. 1b. 

Material Numerous specimens. 

Diagnosis Robust Orthograptus up to 35 mm long 
and a distal dorsoventral width of 3.20 mm; virgula 
robust; proximal end with three conspicuous spines: 
a virgella, a robust spine on thl' and a spine low on 
th1?; thecal apertures very slightly everted proximally 
and more or less horizontal distally; thecal spacing 11- 
14 in 10 mm proximally and 8-10 in 10 mm distally; 
development possibly pattern G of Mitchell (1987). 
Description The sicular aperture is usually visible 
(Fig. 8a) but it is difficult to ascertain which is th1! 
and which th1?. If that theca to the right is thl’ then 
the virgella is in a strange position, unless the two left 
hand spines are antivirgellar spines and the virgella 
itself is small or missing. The second alternative 
seems most likely, for a short virgella is visible on 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


the counterpart in the position marked on Fig. 8a by 
dashed lines. Most of the specimens show only three 
proximal spines, including the virgella, as do the other 
subspecies (see below). The thecal apertures are more 
nearly opposite than in many biserial graptolites, 
and in the proximal region they are normal to the 
thecal tube giving a very slightly everted appearance 
on flattening. More distally the apertures become 
horizontal or slightly introverted. 

Remarks Orthograptus calcaratus calcaratus is 
still a little-understood species both in terms of its 
development and in terms of its relationship to several 
described subspecies (see also Rickards et al., 2001). 
Because of consequential identification difficulties the 
known ranges of the subspecies must be considered 
provisional. Considered globally the type subspecies 
seems to range from the clingani Biozone to low in 
the /inearis Biozone, that is from Gisbornian 2 to 
Eastonian 3. 

Orthograptus calcaratus ?priscus (Elles and Wood 
Figure 8f 

21907 Diplograptus (Orthograptus) calcaratus vat. 
?priscus var. nov.; Elles and Wood, pp. 244-5, 
pl. 30, figs 6a-c, text-fig. 164. 

Type specimen Not designated according to Strachan 

Material A small number of specimens, including 
possible fragments, about 10. 

Diagnosis Strikingly robust form of O. calcaratus, 
proximally with a dorsoventral width at th1'/th1* of 
1.50 mm (excluding spines) reaching 3.50 mm by 
the 10" thecal pair and widening distally to 4 mm; 
rhabdosomes several cm long; proximal thecal spines 
present; thecal spacing 12-7 in 10 mm. 

Description The proximal end is very robust with a 
“square” appearance and prominent but short spines. 
On Fig. 8f the interrogative marks an area that may 
be a fragment of an adjacent graptolite: even so the 
thecal spine on that side of the rhabdosome may be on 
the third theca. The proximal ends of other specimens 
are less clear still. The virgula is robust and the thecal 
apertures horizontal to gently introverted from the 

Remarks The main distinguishing feature of this 
form from the almost equally robust O. c. acutus is 
that the proximal end of the latter is less “square” 
and less robust. Distally there is little difference 
between the two. Orthograptus calcaratus acutus 
has been recorded from Australia before, unlike O. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

c. priscus (see VandenBerg and Cooper 1992), and it 
occurs in Gisbornian 2 and Estonian 1. Orthograptus 
calcaratus priscus is thought to be earlier, around the 
gracilis Biozone (approximately Gisbornian 1). We 
do wonder whether there is much difference between 
these two subspecies, and whether our forms, despite 
their very robust proximal end, might not be better 
identified as O. c.?acutus. 

Orthograptus calcaratus cf. vulgatus (Lapworth 
Figures 8c-e 

cf. 1907 Diplograptus (Orthograptus) calcaratus 
var. vulgatus var. nov.; Elles and Wood, pp. 241- 
2, pl. 30, figs 5a-d, text-figs 160a-c. 

cf. 1992 Orthograptus calcaratus vulgatus 
Lapworth; VandenBerg and Cooper, p. 82, fig. 

Type specimen Not yet designated according to 
Strachan (1971). 

Material Five specimens, all figured, including two 
early growth stages. 

Diagnosis Orthograptus calcaratus with virgella and 
two small but conspicuous proximal spines on th1' 
and at the base of thl*; proximal end dorsoventral 
width is 1.40 mm (excluding spines), distally reaching 
in excess of 2.5 mm; thecal spacing proximally 12-16 
in 10 mm, distally 10 in 10 mm. 

Description The virgella is short and spike-like and 
thl' can be seen growing down it a short distance 
before turning upwards and outward, making it 
sometimes rather conspicuous (Fig. 8c). One early 
growth stage (Fig. 8e) shows a sicula with a length 
of 2 mm. The spine on th1! is subapertural and the 
spine associated with th1? is either at the base of th1? 
or is an antivirgella spine (?one of a pair). The thecae 
are typical of the species as a whole and are either 
slightly everted in appearance or slightly introverted. 
Remarks Orthograptus calcaratus vulgatus ranges 
from Gisbornian 2 to Eastonian 2 (Table 1). Our 
specimens do not have definite distal parts so we are 
unable to confirm the distal robustness given by Elles 
and Wood for the original material. 

Orthograptus calcaratus aff. tenuicornis (Elles and 
Wood 1907) 
Figures 9b, c 

cf. 1907 Diplograptus (Orthograptus) calcaratus 

var. tenuicornis, var. nov.; Elles and Wood, pl. 
30, figs 4a-c, text-figs 163a,b. 



Type specimen Not yet designated according to 
Strachan (1971). 

Material Five specimens, all figured; some possible 
distal fragments. 

Diagnosis Orthograptus calcaratus with a small 
virgella but with two robust spines, one on th1' and 
one associated with thl*; rhabdosomal dimensions as 
type subspecies; thecal spacing 8-10 in 10 mm. 
Description The rhabdosome proximally is possibly 
a little more slender than the type subspecies in the 
Michelago material, having a dorsoventral width at 
th1'/th1? of 0.75 -1.00 mm and a dorsoventral width 
of 2.10-2.20 mm after 10 mm. Thl! has a spine 
positioned mesially or sub-aperturally and this bends 
downwards after 1 mm to reach a length of up to 3.20 
mm. Th]? has a similar spine associated with it, but, as 
in the type subspecies, its base is either in the siculate 
anti-virgellar position or is low down on the free 
ventral wall of the theca. When anti-virgellar spines 
occur in biserial graptolites they are usually as a pair, 
and this is suggested by one specimen AMF 114913, 
which certainly has two spines in this position. 
Remarks These forms fit the original Elles and Wood 
(1907) material quite well, except that the spine or 
spines associated with thl* seem to be in a different 
position. The specimens figured by Elles and Wood 
(1907 text-fig. 163d, b) clearly have a sub-apertural 
or mesially-positioned spine on th1*. Our forms more 
closely resemble the type subspecies, at least in this 
respect. Thomas (1960) recorded O. c. tenuicornis 
from Australia, but VandenBerg and Cooper (1992 
p.82) considered it more likely to be referable to O. c. 
vulgatus and to O. quadrimucronatus; they regarded 
O. c. tenuicornis as very doubtful in Australian 
strata and specimens from Victoria they refer to O. 
thorsteinssoni. The Michelago specimens differ from 
O. thorsteinssoni in having a tiny virgella at similar 
growth stages and, indeed, does not grow a long and 
robust virgella. The general dimensions are similar 
but O. calcaratus aff. tenuicornis is more slender. 

Orthograptus amplexicaulis pauperatus (Elles and 
Wood 1907) 
Figures 9d, e 

1907 Diplograptus (Orthograptus) truncatus vat. 
pauperatus var. nov.; Elles & Wood, p. 237, pl. 
29, figs Sa-d. 

1915 Diplograptus truncatus Lapworth var. 
pauperatus Lapworth mscr.; Hadding, p. 15, pl. 
2, figs 8-11. 

1948 Diplograptus truncatus pauperatus Elles & 
Wood; Henningsmoen, p.403. 

1963 Orthograptus pauperatus Elles & Wood; 


Skoglund, pp. 45-46, pl. 1, fig. 11. 

1970 Orthograptus truncatus pauperatus Elles & 
Wood; Toghill, p. 24, pl. 16, figs 1,2. 

1976 Orthograptus amplexicaulis pauperatus Elles 
& Wood; Erdtmann, pp. 113-114, pl. 4, fig. 
M/4a, b. 

1982 Orthograptus? pauperatus Elles & Wood; 
Williams, p. 251, figs 14a, f, h. 

1983 Orthograptus pauperatus Elles & Wood, 1907; 
Williams and Bruton, p. 181-2, figs 21P, 22A-C, 

Type species Not designated according to Strachan 
(1971) and Williams (1983). 

Material At least 50 specimens. 

Diagnosis Orthograptus amplexicaulis with relatively 
short rhabdosome, up to 30 mm long and with a 
maximum dorsoventral width of 2 mm; thecae simple 
tubes, numbering 10-14 in 10 mm; th1' and th1? with 
short spines. 

Description The sicula is faintly visible in some 
specimens and may have a length of about 1.50 
mm. The thecal spacing is usually around 12 in 10 
mm proximally but can reach 14 in 10 mm in a few 
specimens. Distally the spacing is consistently 10 
in 10 mm. Th1' has a small mesial spine and thl? a 
submesial spine (but one seemingly well clear of the 
sicular aperture so no confusion with anti-virgellar 
spines arises). Thecal apertures are normal to thecal 
length and thecal overlap approximately one half. 
Remarks Orthograptus amplexicaulis is considered 
common in Australia (VandenBerg and Cooper 1992 
p. 82) but has usually been recorded as O. truncatus. 
The same authors cast doubt on previous records of 
the subspecies O. a. pauperatus, but the evidence 
from Michelago seems clear. The subspecies 
considered globally ranges from the middle of the 
clingani Biozone to the linearis Biozone, which is 
approximately Gisbornian 2 to Eastonian 3. 

Orthograptus amplexicaulis intermedius (Elles and 
Wood 1907) 
Figure 9f 

1907 Diplograptus (Orthograptus) truncatus vat. 
intermedius var. nov.; Elles and Wood, p. 236, 
pl. 29, figs 4a-c, text-figs 156a, b. 

Type species Not yet designated according to 
Strachan (1971). 

Material One good specimen, figured, and a few 
doubtful fragments. 

Description The rhabdosome reaches a dorsoventral 
width of 2.50 mm by the 11" thecal pair and 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


thereafter increases very slightly to 2.70 mm. There 
are very long fragments of rhabdosome which may be 
referable to this subspecies but without proximal ends 
attached: these fragments have a dorsoventral width 
of 2.50 —2.70 mm and a thecal spacing of 10-12 in 10 
mm. The specimen illustrated herein has a proximal 
thecal spacing of 14 in 10 mm and a more distal one 
of 11-12 in 10 mm. The most striking feature of the 
rhabdosome is the relatively high angle of thecal 
inclination (50°-60° distally). Th1' has a sub-apertural 
spine and thl? a spine low on the free ventral wall, 
close to the sicula. 

Remarks Orthograptus truncatus intermedius was 
recorded from Australia by Thomas (1960) but this 
was rejected by VandenBerg and Cooper (1992). So 
ours may be the first record of the form from NSW 
and Australia. 

Genus Glyptograptus Lapworth 1873 

Type species Diplograpsus tamariscus Nicholson 
(1868) by original designation. 

Diagnosis (emended Koren’ and Rickards 1996) 
Proximal development of famariscus (1) Pattern: 
thecae with sigmoidal curvature varying from gentle to 
sharp (‘climacograptid’); supragenicular wall vertical 
in some, to, more commonly, sloping outwards; 
apertures generally everted but may be horizontal; 
may be septate, aseptate or partially septate; thecal 
and sicular spinosity uncommon; nemal vanes not 
uncommon; sicula usually less than 2 mm long. 

Glyptograptus daviesi Williams 1982 
Figure 9a 

1982 Glyptograptus daviesi sp. nov.; Williams pp. 
251-2, figs 14b-d. 

Holotype From the clingani Biozone, North Cliff 
trench, Dob’s Linn, Southern Uplands, Scotland, 
figured Williams (1982) as 14c. 

Material A single definite specimen and a small 
number of other less well-preserved specimens. 
Description A diminutive Glyptograptus with sharp 
virgella and thread-like virgula and typically gently 
geniculate thecae numbering 15-16 in 10 mm. The 
free ventral wall of thl' is relatively short at 0.50 
mm compared with that of thl? at 0.75 mm. The 
down-growing part of thl' is not visible. Thecal 
apertures are more or less normal to the thecal length. 
Overlap cannot be seen. The proximal dorsoventral 
width is 0.90 mm and by the seventh thecal pair the 
dorsoventral width is 1.40 mm. 

Remarks The best specimen is identical to those 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

recorded by Williams (1982) from Southern 
Scotland and is a first record for Australia. 


PLW would like to thank Jennifer Zicker for help in the 
field and RBR thanks the Department of Earth Sciences 
at Cambridge and the Royal Society for support. 


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Figure 3 a-e Leptograptus flaccidus cf. macer Elles and Wood, respectively AMF114895, 114938, 114939, 
114934, 114892; f-i Leptograptus ?flaccidus spinifer Elles and Wood, respectively AMF 114942, 114886, 
114887, 114941; scale bars 1 mm. 

150 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 4 a-c Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson, respectively AMF 114925, 114947, 114910; d Dicello- 
graptus cf. caduceus Lapworth, AMF 114922-3, specimens adjacent on same slab; scale bars 1 mm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 151 


Figure 5 a, b Dicellograptus cf. caduceus Lapworth, respectively AMF 114958, 114924; c,d Dicellograp- 
tus sp., respectively AMF 114903, 114891; scale bars 1 mm. 

SZ Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 6 a-d Climacograptus caudatus Lapworth, respectively AMF 114904, 114906, 114949, 114905; 
e-h Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth, respectively AMF 114896, 114900, 114897, 114899; scale bars 
1 mm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 153 


Figure 7 a, b Climacograptus sp., respectively 114952, 114919; c,d Climacograptus? uncinatus Keble 
and Harris, respectively AMF 114950, 114889; e,f Orthograptus quadrimucronatus (J. Hall), respectively 
AMF 114916, 114917; g ?Climacograptus lanceolatus VandenBerg; AMF 114959; h,i Climacograptus 
mohawkensis (Ruedemann), respectively AMF 114911, 114915; scale bars 1 mm. 

154 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 8 a,b Orthograptus calcaratus calcaratus (Lapworth), AMF 114920 respectively proximal and 
distal parts of a long specimen; c-e Orthograptus calcaratus cf. vulgatus (Lapworth), respectively AMF 

114945, 114956, 114951; f Orthograptus calcaratus ?priscus (Elles and Wood), AMF 114937; scale bars 1 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 5S) 



Figure 9a Glyptograptus daviesi Williams, AMF 114946; b,c Orthograptus calcaratus aff. tenuicornis 
(Elles and Wood), respectively AMF 114933, 114888; d, e Orthograptus amplexicaulis pauperatus (Elles 
and Wood), respectively AMF 114901, 114898; f Orthograptus amplexicaulis intermedius (Elles and 
Wood), AMF 114893; scale bars 1 mm. 

156 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

The Geomorphology and Hydrology of Saline Lakes of the 
Middle Paroo, Arid-zone Australia. 

BriAN V. Timms 

School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Callahgan, NSW 2308, Australia. 


Timms, B.V. (2006). The geomorphology and hydrology of saline lakes of the middle Paroo, arid-zone 
Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 127: 157-174. 

Sixteen subsaline (0.5 — 3 gL") and saline lakes (> 3 gL) of the Paroo have been studied for periods of 
up to 18 years. Many were formed by drainage routes being blocked by dunes, some lie in dune swales, 
some lie at the edge of the Paroo floodplain where alluvial sediments are thinner, and Lake Wyara lies 
in a depression on a fault line. All developed further by deflation and owe their form to wind-induced 
currents and wave action shaping shorelines. Most saline lakes have lunette dunes on the eastern shore, and 
many larger ones have migrated westwards. Lakes of low salinity have sandy beaches and no, or poorly 
developed, lunettes. Lakes with N-S axes have the southeastern comer cut off by spits generated by currents 
induced by northwesterley winds. A few lakes are filling with sediment derived from the overgrazing of 
catchments associated with European settlement. 

Larger lakes with inflowing streams fill in El Nifio years, then dry over the next few years. Smaller lakes 
without surface inflows may fill a few times in wet years but dry quickly. Most lakes remain dry in La 
Nina years. Salinity regimes fluctuate widely and, while instantaneous faunal lists may be depauperate, 
cumulative species lists can be long. However, lakes which normally are fresh, but become saline in their 

final stage of drying, develop only a limited saline lake fauna. 

Manuscript received 27 July 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005 

KEY WORDS: biodiversity, El Nifio, lake compartmentilisation, lake migration, lake origins, lake 

sedimentation, lunette dunes, saline lakes, spits. 


In most hot arid lands, geomorphic processes and 
resultant landforms are dominated by wind action on 
unconsolidated surfaces (Thomas, 1989). Therefore 
depressions and their lakes are likely to owe their 
origin to aeolian processes, or at least have their 
basins and shorelines modified by wind. Furthermore, 
because drainage is often uncoordinated, most lakes 
are closed hydrologically (Cole, 1968, 1983), so that 
saline waters abound. Lakes fill and dry intermittently 
(Williams, 1984), either seasonally or episodically 
according to prevailing climate. The extent of 
filling is influenced by the interaction between 
rainfall, evaporation, lake basin geomorphology and 
hydrological character of the catchment. In total, the 
geomorphology and hydrology of arid-zone lakes, 
particularly if saline, are likely to be distinctive. 

In the Australian context, these issues have been 

partly explored at the large scale (lake areas > 100 km? 
) on Lake Eyre (Kotwicki, 1986) and its predecessor 
Lake Dieri (de Vogel et al, 2004), on Lake Victoria in 
southwestern New South Wales (Gill, 1973; Lees and 
Cook, 1991; Chen, 1992), and on lakes of Salinaland 
in Western Australia (Van de Graaf et al., 1977). The 
SLEADS program on large salina playas in Australia’s 
arid and semi-arid inland (Chivas and Bowler, 1986), 
besides its main aim of interpreting past climates from 
lake sediments and lunettes, has confirmed the role of 
wind in lake basin evolution. Besides these studies on 
large salinas, much can also be learnt from comparative 
studies on smaller lakes (A < 50 km’, often < 5 km? 
) of a confined area where the hydrological pattern 
is known. The middle Paroo of northwestern New 
South Wales and southwestern Queensland has many 
small saline lakes and a few freshwater lakes (Fig. 1) 
that salinise as they dry, and moreover hydrological 
data covering many years (up to 18) are available for 
most. It is the aim this contribution to explore role 



/ f{ Currawinya 


: Horseshoe Lake 
rasa o ,« Bloodwood 
wet Gidgee Lake 



Figure 1. Map of the Paroo catchment, southwestern Queensland and northwestern New South Wales. 
The location of most of the lakes mentioned in the text are shown. 

158 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


of hydrology and geomorphology in the limnology of 
the Paroo lakes, as well as the significance of wind 
action for determining lake basin process and form. 


Most of the middle Paroo study lakes are 
closed hydrologically, so that water levels fluctuate 
according to the balance between precipitation and 
evaporation, both on the lake basin and its catchment. 
Evenso, each lake generally has a distinct shoreline 
visible on an aerial photograph to which it has filled 
many times. This was designated the ‘full’ level and 
used as the lake outline on the accompanying maps. 
Occasionally, perhaps once in 20-100 years, a lake 
may fill to a greater depth, as Lake Wyara (Fig. 1) has 
done four times in the last 110 years (Timms, 1998a); 
such fillings are not accounted for geomorphogically 
in this study (i.e. shorelines, areas and depths refer to 
normal ‘full’ conditions, unless noted otherwise). 

Lakes (Fig. 1) were mapped when dry using a 
dumpy level, often fitted with laser technology. In 
small lakes a cart-wheel system of transects were 
used, with the dumpy in the deepest part of the lake 
and measurement lines radiating outwards at 25 
to 35° intervals and readings taken every 10-50 m, 
depending on lake size and change in elevations. If 
transect lines were longer than 250 m (e.g. Lower 
Bell Lake, Gidgee Lake, Lake Burkanoko), subsidiary 
lines were used commencing 100 - 250m from the 
central pivot point and radiating out at 15 to 25° 
angles, so that the shoreline was intercepted regularly 
at intervals of 25 -100 m, depending on lake size and 
lakebed irregularities. Some lines crossed each other 
and hence provided checks on elevations. In larger 
lakes (e.g. Lake Yumberarra, North Blue, Taylors 
Lake) cartwheels were used at each end and parallel 
transects in between with some lines crossing for 
checks on accuracy. This method enabled contours 
with an accuracy of +1 cm or better to be drawn. 
Contour intervals of 10 to 50 cm were adopted, 
though occasionally intervals as low as 2.5 cm were 
employed. In some lakes (Lower Bell, Gidgee, 
Burkanoko and Barakee) it was easy to detect new red 
clayey sediments on older white gypseous surfaces, 
So it was possible to collect data on recent sediment 
depths at the same time as surface elevations were 
being recorded. 

Three lakes (Lakes Wyara, Numalla and 
Horseshoe) were too big to be mapped efficiently by 
these methods, so analyses are restricted to shoreline 
features. There were also problems mapping Mid 
Blue Lake (namely, cross correlation of transects), so 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

a detailed map of this lake is not available. 

The lakes were visited at varying intervals 
between August 1987 and June 2005, more often 
in wet years (e.g. eight times in 1998) and rarely in 
lingering drought years (e.g. twice in 2004). On each 
visit, lake levels were noted and salinity (i.e. TDS) 
determined by gravimetry. Between visits, further 
information on water levels in most lakes was gained 
from local landowners. Rainfall data from Warroo 
Station (Fig. 1), in the northern part of the study area, 
was used as representative for the study area, though 
it varied monthly by up to 26% and yearly by 15% 
from figures for individual station properties with 
lakes included in this study. 

Although this paper is concerned mainly with 
geomorphology and hydrology, some biological 
data on salinising freshwater lakes were collected. 
Methods used were as described in Timms (1998a) 
and Timms and McDougall (2005). 



Yearly rainfall at Warroo Station fluctuated 
between 70.5 mm in 2002 to 685 mm in 2000 (Fig. 
2), both near records for Warroo (P.and M. Dunk. 
pers. com.), with 1998-2000 well above the 76- 
year average of 301 mm and 2001-2004 well below. 
Rainfall events > 100 mm in a few days, of the kind 
that fills lakes, occurred in December 1987 (108 mm), 
April 1988 (103 mm), May 1989 (122 mm), April 
1990 (265 mm), January 1995 (192 mm), January 
1998 (162 mm), June 1998 (163 mm), November 
1999 (119 mm), May 2000 (253 mm), and November 
2000 (217 mm). The exceptionally wet years had 
positive Southern Ossication Indexes (hereafter SOIs 
and based on monthly fluctuations in air pressure 
differences between Tahiti and Darwin — Bureau of 
Meteorology, website). Thus from May 1998 to April 
2001 all monthy SOIs were positive except two and 
for 2000 the average was 7.6), whereas during the dry 
years of 2001-2004 SOIs were almost continuously 
negative for 44 months and with a 2002 average of 
-6.1 (Bureau of Meteorology, website). Generally 
these rain events, and some outside the study area 
(the ‘dry floods’), caused moderate to major flooding 
in the Paroo which contributed to the filling of two 
of the study lakes, Numalla and Wombah. The most 
recent inflows into Numalla and Wombah were in 
November 2000 (major) and January 2004 (minor). 




Oo oO 

Annual Rainfall (mm) 


87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 

Figure 2. Variation in annual rainfall 1987 -2004 at Warroo Station, middle Paroo. Three year moving 

average shown by solid line. 

Werewilka Ck. 

Benanga Ck. 


Youlainge Ck. 5°" 


4 7 /beach 
4 4 

z- “ | ridges 
-_-— 7 

Kaponye Ck. 

Figure 3. Lake Wyara showing the main inflow- 
ing creeks, beach ridges and the depositional area 
(stippled) behind Pelican Island. After Timms 


Lake Wyara 

Lake Wyara is the largest of the lakes studied, 
with an area of 3400 ha. It is D-shaped with the 
longest axis N-S of 8.5 km and width 4.5 km (Fig 
3). The eastern shoreline is evenly curved, with well 
developed beaches and spits at each end largely 
occluding the mouths of the two major inflowing 
creeks. There is an ancient lunette, 400-700m east 
of the average shoreline, which is hardly visible on 
the ground but noticeable on satellite images. The 
western shore is irregular but smoothed somewhat 
with offshore islands which are inundated when water 
levels are high but connected to the mainland at low 
levels (the large island to the southwest is connected 
at average ‘lakefull’ stage while Pelican Island is 
isolated (Fig. 3). Details of beaches and islands are 
given in Timms (1998a). The catchments of Benanga 
and Youlainge Creeks to the middle west of the lake 
are severely eroded so that much clayey soft sediment 
has been deposited recently behind the islands (i.e. 
over the last few decades including during 1987-1996 
when the lake was visited regularly — Timms, 1998a). 
The deepest area is ca 750m north of the southern 
shore; depth fluctuates widely, often up to ca 2.6m, 
sometimes to ca 4m, and rarely to ca 6.9 m, at which 
level it overflows (see Timms, 1998a, for details). 

Lake Wyara fills from its own catchment (mainly 
from Werewilka Ck) and occasionally overflows via 
Kaponyee Creek to the Paroo River. It holds water 
most of the time (Fig. 4) but dries in moderate to 
major droughts and has overflowed just four times 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 O01 O02 03 04 

Wyara 3 

Numalla 2.5 

Karatta 8 <1 1 <4 

Shorelines are sandy everywhere 
and usually gently shelving, but 
there are parallel beach ridges on 
the southern and eastern shores 
(marked A in Fig. 5), the inner 

1 : f 
CO T= = > beach inundated at higher water 
North Blue 114 I, 2 <1 31 2 : : & 
? ——_ — = levels. Major spits occur at sudden 
Mid Blue 61 40 2 2 102 4 ; : 
ar ? Eas aCe a - changes in shore _ orientation 
a ? - (B on Fig. 5) and in two places 
Wombah 2 1 26 2 2 30 2 
Re 1S apes oe Sa a ae ee ee these almost occlude two large 
: — a ae Gee backwaters, the Northwest Arm 
Ow ; 
RDS te eee a ks and a lakelet north of the Public 
Oe conecuc a gee Beach (C on Fig. 5). Smaller 
Bells Bore x) 131 30 «6171 209 89 69 

Figure 4. Comparsions of wet (black line) and dry periods 
(blanks) of Paroo lakes. Some salinities (TDS in gL") are given. 

in the last 118 years. Details are provided in Timms 
(1998a). Periods of being full and dry are strongly 
correlated with pulses of rainfall-drought explained 
by the SOI (r = 0.622, p> 0.001, n =34). Salinities 
vary greatly from almost fresh to crystallising brine. 

Lake Numalla 

Lake Numalla is the second largest lake (A = 
2900 ha, Timms, 1999, 2001a) of the middle Paroo 
(Figs 1 & 5). It lies near the edge of the Paroo 
floodplain along Boorara Ck and is connected to the 
main river by a distributary channel of Carwarra Ck. 

Boorara Ck 
areas The Point 
Des p_t N 
Public a+ ] 
Beach | B 0 1km 
D Carwarra Ck 

Figure 5. Lake Numulla showing beaches (A), 
spits (B), major occluded bays (C), and minor oc- 
cluded bays (D). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

sandy spits partially cut off a few 
small bays and an incipient spit 
north of The Point is building out 
from the northeast, but has only 
partially occluded this corner of 
lake (D on Fig. 5). The lake is 6.5 
m deep when full; when levels are low, as in 2002-05, 
creek inlets are dry, the Northwest Arm drying first, 
followed by Carwarra Ck. There is no lunette dune 
associated with this lake. 

Lake Numalla held water throughout the study 
period (but dried in mid 2005) and besides receiving 
local runoff via the three northern arms, its main 
source of water comes from Paroo ‘freshes’, which 
reach the lake via Carwarra Ck. Water in the lake is 
generally subsaline (0.5 — 3 gL’), but at low water 
levels, salinity increases to hyposaline conditions 
(Fig 4) and finally becomes hypersaline (L. Fabbro 
in Hobson et al., 2005, recorded a conductivity of 
104,000 S/em in May 2005). Inflowing water is of 
very low salinity (<100 pS/cm) and mixes poorly 
with incumbent water because of the embayments in 
the lake, so salinity can vary spatially (see Timms, 

Lake Numalla supports abundant waterbird 
and turtle populations (Kingsford and Porter, 1994; 
Hobson et al., 2005), though the invertebrate fauna is 
neither rich nor abundant compared with other lakes 
in the area (Table 1 cf Hancock and Timms, 2002; 
Timms, 2001b; Timms and Boulton, 2001; Timms 
and McDougall, 2005). As the lake naturally salinised 
between 2002-2005, the invertebrate fauna became 
less diverse and dominated by salt-tolerant species 
together with some typical saline lake species (Table 


Lake Yumberarra 

This lake is a triangular-shaped, 170 ha in 
area and 3.4 m deep when full (Fig. 6). It lies in a 
depression in Quaternary alluvium at the edge of the 
Paroo floodplain. It is fed by Paroo floodwater via 



Table 1. Invertebrates in Lake Numalla. Code: xxx = often abundant; xx = common or present often; x 
= present occasionally; r = found sometimes in small numbers. 

Years 1995-2001 2002 Jul03 & Feb04 Nov03 &Nov04 
Conductivities (mS/cm) <3.5 3.6-4.2 6.4 - 9.6 ike} = 417 
Number of lake visits n=60 n=12 n=6 n=6 

Boeckella triarticulata Thomson XX XXX x x 
Calamoecia canberra Bayly x 

Calamoecia lucasi Brady XXX XX 

Apocyclops dengizus Lepeschkin X XX 

Metacyclops sp. x 

Mesocyclops cf woutersi Van de Velde XXX 
Cletocamptus deitersi Richard x Xx 

Diaphanosoma unguiculatum Gurney 

Moina australiensis Sars X XX 

Moina micrura Kurz XX XX 

Bosmina meridionalis Sars r 

Daphnia carinata s.|.King r 

Ceriodaphnia cornuta Sars r 

chydorids (mainly Alona spp.) r r 

Heterocypris sp. r x XX 
Mytilocypris splendida (Chapman) x 4 
Asplanchna sieboldi (Leydig) X X X X 
Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas X XXX x xX 
Brachionus ibericus Ciros-Perez et al. XX XX 
Filinia australiensis Koste Xx 

Filinia cf pejleri Hutchinson x 

Hexarthra sp. x 

Keratella sp. x 

Macrobrachium australiense Holthuis XX XX 

Cherax destructor Clark r 

Cloeon sp. x 

Tasmanocoenis tillyardi (Lestage) x 

Xanthoagrion erythroneurum Selys x 

Diplacoides spp. r 

Hemianax papuensis (Burmeister) r r 

Hemicordulia tau (Selys) r r 

Austrogomphus sp. X 

Agraptocorixa eurynome Kirklady XX XX XX XX 
Agraptocorixa parvipunctata Hale x x x 
Micronecta sp. XXX XXX XXX XXX 

162 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 1 Continued: Invertebrates in Lake Numalla. Code: xxx = often abundant; xx = common or 
present often; x = present occasionally; r = found sometimes in small numbers. 

Years 1995-2001 2002 Jul03 & Feb04 Nov03 &Nov04 
Conductivities (mS/cm) <3.5 3.6-4.2 6.4 - 9.6 A oll fh 
Number of lake visits n=60 n=12 n=6 n=6 

Anisops calcaratus Hale XX XX x X 
Anisops gratus Hale XX XX XX XX 
Anisops thienemanni Lundbald X x x 

Ranatra dispar Montandon r 

Naucoris congrex Stal r 

Limnogonus sp. r 

Oecetis sp. r 

Triplectides australicus Banks r 

Allodessus bistrigatus (Clark) r 

Antiporus gilberti Clark r r 

Berosus munitipennis Blackburn r 

Berosus australiae Mulsant r r r 

Enochrus eyrensis (Blackburn) r r 

Hydaticus christi Nilsson r r 

Rhantus suturalis (W. MacLeay) r 

Sternopriscus multimaculatus (Sharp) r 

unident. tanypodine chironomid x x x 
unident. chironomini chironomid sp. a r XX X 
unident. chironomini chironomid sp. b x X 

Chironomus sp. x x Xx 
unident. ceratopogonind larva X Xx 
unident. tabanid larva r 

Arrenurus sp. x r 

Elyais sp. x r 

Corbiculina sp. Xx r 

Alathyria sp. 


Carwarra Ck. and/or local runoff via Stinking Well 
Ck. When full, water exits via an outflow to Six Mile 
Creek to the Paroo and/or back along Carwarra Ck 
(see Timms, 1999 for details). A well developed 
spit of decreasing height southwards, cuts off the 
southeastern corner totally (at 0.5 m depth) to partially 
(at 2 m depth). No enhanced sedimentation in the 
main lake was detected. A lunette only 1.5m higher 
than the full shoreline flanks the eastern shore. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Lake Yumberarra had three filling-drying cycles 
during the 17 years of study. It usually fills from Paroo 
floods, but can fill from local runoff, as it did in July 
1998 (see Timms and McDougall, 2005). The lake 
is usually fresh, but it naturally salinises as it dries. 
During such periods it gains some saline species, 
but some salt-tolerant freshwater species persist (see 
Timms and McDougall, 2005). 




flood outflow 

—===€ to 
Six Mile Ck. 

Figure 6. Bathymetric map of Lake Yumberarra. Contour in- 
tervals 0.5m. Map based on Fig 1 in Timms & McDougall (2005). 
Key: beach ridges — long dashes; creek channels — short dashes. 

Lake Karatta 

Lake Karatta is hourglass-shaped, 
aligned N-S, 57 ha in area and near 1.2 
m deep when full (Fig. 7). The basin lies 
in Quaternary alluvium at the edge of 
the Paroo floodplain. At the constriction, 
marked by two long spits, it receives a 
deeply incised Stinking Well Ck., the 
channel turning to the south, shallowing 
and eventually dividing. A small channel 
connects the two parts of the lake near the 
eastern shore (Fig. 7). The lake overflows 
to the northeast when it is >1.25 m above 
the deepest point in the southern basin. The 
lake basin contains much recent sediment, 
largely clays in the centre of the southern 
basin and loams and sands nearer the creek 
mouth. This recent sediment is 42 cm thick 
in the southern basin and > | m thick near 
the creek mouth (corer could not penetrate 
coarser bottom sediments). There is a 
broad, low lunette up to | m high abutting 
much of the eastern and southeastern 


Stinking > 

Well Creek 

Lake Karatta generally fills from 
local runoff via Stinking Well Creek, but 
occasionally Paroo floodwater reaches it 
via Lake Yumberarra (details in Timms, 
1999). During the wet years of 1998- 
2000 it remained full, but soon dried in 
the 2002 drought (Fig. 3). At other times 
it may partially fill and soon dry, as in 
1997 and 2004 (Fig. 3). Water is generally 
fresh, but in 1993 it was hyposaline. 

North Blue Lake 

North Blue Lake on Rockwell 
Station is elongate oval shaped, 205 ha in 
area and up to 2.3 m deep when full, but 
usually depths are < 1m (Fig. 8). The long 
axis runs NNW-SSE. This lake is the first 
in a series (North Blue, Mid Blue, Bulla, 
and sometimes Lake Wombah) fed by 
Number 10 Creek, a major drainage line 
about 25 km long and partially blocked by 
dunes south of each lake. The indistinct 
shoreline varies from ~2 to 3 m above 
the deepest point. The western shore is 
partly cliffed and the eastern shore has a 
gypseous lunette highest in the southeast. 
The eastern shore has well-defined 
beaches, decreasing in height from north 

——— ToLake 

Figure 7. Bathymetric map of Lake Karatta with position 
of creek channels and spot heights in these above lowest 
point in the lake. Contour intervals 25 cms. Key: creek 
channels — short dashes. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Number 10 Ck. 


Figure 8. Bathymetric map of North Blue Lake with 
heights of the lunette dune on the eastern and southern 
shores and location of cliffs on the western shore. Contour 

Overflow to 
Mid Blue Lake 

least 300m from the western cliffs where they 
are buried by 30-50 cm of grey mud. 

Mid Blue Lake contained water continuously 
from 1994 to early 2002 and again in mid 2004. 
Its mean salinity (4.1 gL!) was similar to that 
in North Blue Lake, but the maximum salinity 
of 103 gL''was much higher. Further data are 
given in Timms (in press a). 

Lake Bulla 

Lake Bulla is a complex lake, with a western 
basin connected to extensive waterways 
backed up inflowing creeks and with many 
gypseous lunettes on its northern, eastern and 
southern shores. It is 420 ha in area and up to 
4.8 m deep when full. Generally it is the final 
lake of the series on Number 10 Ck., as there 
is a dune system totally blocking the creek 
southwestwards. It receives water in the same 
pattern as the two lakes upstream (Fig.4), but 
has a greater salinity range (2 - 262 gL"), higher 
median salinity (9.8 gL") and slightly shorter 
wet period. See Timms (in press a) for further 

intervals 25 cms. Key: beach ridges— dot and dashed lines. 

to south; one cuts off the southeast corner of the lake. 
Lake sediments are deep muds which, when dry, are 
readily moved in dust storms and partially redeposited 
in the lee of samphires (Arthrocnemum halocnemoides 
Nees) in the littoral zone, on the beaches and beyond. 
Other data are given in Timms (in press a). 

North Blue Lake held water for most of 1994- 
early 2002, but dried briefly three times. It also held 
some water in mid 2004 (Fig 4). Salinity varied from 
fresh to 31 gL", with a median salinity of 4.2 gL". 
Details are given in Timms (in press a). 

Mid Blue Lake 

The next lake downstream on Number 10 Creek 
is Mid Blue Lake which is also oval-shaped, but 
slightly bigger (at 210 ha) and considerably deeper 
when full (3.4 m). The bathymetric map (Fig. 9) is 
not as detailed as other maps, but together with the 
transect (Fig. 10), is sufficient to show relatively 
steeply shelving shores above the | m contour, a inner 
lunette system ending both north and south in a beach 
system and a massive outer lunette system. The lake 
has largely retreated from the occluded parts in the 
southeastern and northeastern corners. Much of the 
western shoreline is cliffed soft sandstones cemented 
by carbonates; on the transect (Fig. 10) these rocks 
are exposed in the shore zone and beyond this to at 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Lake Wombah 
Lake Wombah is the largest of the Rockwell- 
Wombah system at 740 ha and 2.3 m deep. It is 
connected to the Paroo River and, like Lake Numalla, 
receives Paroo floodwater, but unlike Numalla, has 
limited beach and spit development. The western 
and northern shoreline is cliffed (up to 7.5 m high), 

3.3m ~ _ from North 
% Blue Lak 
2.5m ON it pte 
1m \\. beach Q 
cliffs to 4m \.. ridge 
above high \ 

position of 
transect in 

ai \. To Lake Bulla 

Figure 9. Incompete bathymetric map of Mid Blue 
Lake together with position of lunettes on eastern 
shore and cliffs on the western shore. Contours 

at 0, 0.5, 1 and 2.5m. Key: beach ridges — dot and 
dashed lines. 



‘full’ water level 

Height (m) 
o2NnN |W Pf U1 

500 - 750 
Distance across lake (m) 

Figure 10. Transect across Mid Blue Lake west to east through the deep- 

est portion 

while the eastern shoreline abuts subdued inner and 
outer lunettes. Because Wombah fills mainly from 
the Paroo and not Number 10 Creek, it has different 
fluctuations in water levels than the Rockwell Lakes 
(Fig. 4), though salinity range (1 — 30 gL") and 
median salinity (4.9 gL‘) are similar. It dries more 
regularly than Lake Numalla, because it is less than a 
third its depth. Timms (in press a) presents more data 
on this lake. 

Gidgee Lake 

Gidgee Lake is an oval-shaped lake with a N-S 
major axis lying in a depression east of a dune system 
and connected by a channel to Bells Creek (Figs.11 
& 12). In normal fillings it is160 ha in area and ca 5 
cm deep, but in unusually large fillings (as in 1974 
and 1976, D. Leigo, pers. 
com.) it is larger in area and 
much deeper (to 1.5 m). The 
southeastern corner is cut off 
by a recurved spit; this spit 
and adjacent southern beach 
are each overlaid with a small 
lunette (Fig. 11A). There 
is another clayey lunette 
adjacent to the old shoreline 
and beyond this, a large (5- 
8 m high) gypseous lunette 
(Fig. 12). The lake floor is 
of red clay up to 24 cm thick 
over gypseous mud. The clay 
is laminated, mainly near its 
base with the thick upper 
part believed to have been 
deposited in either of the 
big 1974 or 1976 fillings (D. 
Leigo, pers. com.). Recent 
sedimentation has moved 


the lake’s deepest point to 
g the south and halved the 

outer normal filling depth (Fig. 
ae: lunette 11A & B). 
lunette S Generally, Gidgee Lake 

holds water for a few months 
then remains dry for many 
months, particularly during 
droughts (Fig. 4). The 
filling of 1998-2001 was 
much longer than usual and 
associated with the above 
average rainfall of 1998- 
2000. In that Bells Creek 
flows after most rain events 
>10mm, and these minor 
flows may reach Gidgee Lake, it is possible that there 
were even more minor inflows than indicated in Fig. 
4. Salinity ranges in Gidgee Lake from 3 — 182 gL” 
but typically the lake is hyposaline. A filling-drying 
cycle in 1995 is documented in Timms (1997b). 

Lower Bell Lake 

At Lower Bell Lake, the 23 km long Bells 
Creek is blocked by a large dune advancing from the 
northwest. The lake is wedge-shaped with the main 
axis SW-NE and the creek entering in a wide channel 
at the southeastern corner (Figs 12 & 13). When full, 
the lake is 185 ha in area and about 30 cm deep. There 
is a bar across the mouth of Bells Creek; this is part 
of a beach system extending across the southeast 

Figure 11. A, Bathymetric map of Gidgee Lake with main contour inter- 
vals at 5 cm. B, map showing extent of recent sedimentation in Gidgee 
Lake. Main contour interval 5 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Bell Lake 

Dungarvon — Bloodwood Rd 

routes \, ..-” 

6. transect 
beach ridges 


Horseshoe Lake 

Horseshoe Lake (A = 746 ha) has a 
flat floor with slightly deeper parts at 

the southern end of each arm (Fig.12), 
‘Freshwater : 
Bloodwood’ and a mound of sediment at the mouth 
of Bartons Creek partly occluding the 
southeastern portion. This mound is 
interpreted as an alluvial fan rather than 
a delta, as it has the profile and plan ofa 
fan and is believed to form subaerially 
as the lake fills. Water depth is rarely 
> 30 cm. Besides a typical gypseous 
lunette on the eastern side and cliffs 
on the western shore, parts of the 
shoreline are backed by beach ridges. 
The most significant of these are in an 
area of the lake now abandoned in the 
northeastern corner (Figs 12 and 14), 
where there are three ridges increasing 

f§ ‘Palaeolake’ 

‘Bells Bore Salt Lake 

& Ms C 

goa es in average height landwards. There is 

_— no marked vertical differentiation in 
the bottom sediments, but those of the 

Figure 12. Map showing streams and lakes in the vicinity of the alluvial fan of Bartons Creek are more 

terminus of Bells Creek. 

silty and give the appearance of recent 
deposition. Lake Horseshoe now never 

comer of the lake. The rudiments of another beach overflows, but two former pathways 
further into the lake and at lower elevation is marked are evident to Lower Bell Lake (Fig. 12). Better 
by two low gypseous mounds and slight elevations evidence for a drainage change in this area is seen 
in the lake floor as evidenced in the bathymetric nearby at Palaeolake and Freshwater Lake (Fig. 12) — 
map (Fig.13 A). The lake basin extends further east, once Palaeolake with its older gypseous lunettes was 

is marked by some minor beach/ 
dune systems near Bells Creek, and 
is bordered by a large gypseous 
lunette (Fig. 12). The lake is floored 
with gypseous muds, covered by 
laminated red clays up to 13 cm 
deep and alternating with layers of 
small gypsum crystals. The bar and 
associated beach is composed of at 
least 1m of gypsum. There is a large 
(5-8 m high) gypeous lunette lying 
to the east of the lake 

Lower Bell fills less often than 
Gidgee Lake and tends to dry sooner 
after filling. It is dry for many 
months to years. Salinity regime is 
similar to, but slightly more saline 
than, that of Lake Gidgee (Fig. 4). 
Like Gidgee Lake, it filled well 
beyond its normal shores in 1974 
and 1976, so that it was possible 
to water ski on, and between, both 
lakes (D. Leigo. pers. com.). Events 
during a filling-drying cycle in 1995 
are given in Timms (1997b). 

Bells Ck. 

Figure 13. A, Bathymetric map of Lower Bell Lake with main 
contour intervals of 5 cm. Mounds of gypsum shown dotted. B, 
map of Lower Bell Lake showing extent of recent sedimentation. 
Contour intervals at 5, 7.5 and 10 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 167 


beach ridges 

0 250 500 

Distance from lake shore (m) 

Fig 14. Transect through the northeastern corner of Horseshoe Lake from 
the lake shore to the gypseous lunette, showing three former beaches at in- 

creasing elevation above the present lake floor. 

the only ponding place in this catchment, whereas 
now, water ponds mainly in Freshwater Lake, with 
its younger inner clayey lunette. Sometimes water 
flows on to Palaeolake, creating an unusual situation 
of water abutting an older gypeous lunette. 

Horseshoe Lake fills from Bartons Creek and, 
like Lower Bell Lake, did not overflow during the 
study period. Filling is even more intermittent than 
for Lower Bell Lake, and prevailing salinities higher, 
so that meosaline — hypersaline conditions mostly 
prevail (Fig. 4). Salinities often increase along the 
axis of the lake from the inflow of freshwater to the 
southeastern corner to the blind southwestern corner, 
e.g. in July 2001, the gradient was 64 to 
182 gL". 

Bells Bore Salt Lake 

Bells Bore Salt Lake on Bloodwood Station 
is a small oval salina, orientated SW-NE (Fig 12 
& 15). When full, lake area is 24 ha and a potential 
depth of 50 cm, but during 1987-2004 maximum 
depths rarely exceeded 10 cm. There is a small 
island of gypseous sand and two lunette dunes on 
the east and southeastern shore. The inner lunette 
is of clayey silt and the higher outer lunette is 
of gypsum. With no inflowing creeks, lake water 
is mainly exposed groundwater together with 
overland flow from adjacent flats, so that filling 
events are limited (Fig. 4), and water does not 
persist for more than a few months, even during 
the wet years of 1998-2000. 

Lake Burkanoko 

Lake Burkanoko on Wangamanna Station is 
oval shaped with a N-S major axis and is 280 ha 
in area and ca 40 cm deep when full (Fig. 16A). 
It is the terminus for a creek flowing from the 


750 1000 

northeast for about 11 
km. The eastern shoreline 
is evenly curved and 
bordered by a lunette 
dune up to 330 cm 
above the lake floor and 
higher gypseous lunette 
further eastwards. The 
lake floor is of gypseous 
mud covered with a red 
clayey layer up to 10 cm 
deep, but thinning away 
from the inlet (Fig 16B). 
There are also short, 
discontinuous alluvial 
fans up to 50 cm deep 
in the northwestern and 
southwestern comers of the lake. 

Lake Burkanoko had water on five occasions out 
of 19 visits during 1988-1994, with a salinity range of 
6 — 37 gL" and median salinity of 22.6 gL"! (Timms, 
1993, 1998b). 

lunette dune 

on fF OD © 
Height above shoreline (m) 

Lake Barakee 

One of many small salinas on Barakee and 
adjacent Goonery Stations, Barakee Lake (Fig. 
17A) is a small oval salina (A = 90 ha) with a N- 
S axis, lying between western cliffs up to 5 m high 
in a transgressive dune and two lunettes to the east. 

Figure 15. Bathymetric map of Bells Bore Salt Lake 
with contours at 10 cm intervals and position and spot 
heights above the lake bottom of two lunette dunes. 
Island of gypeous sand stipped. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 16. A, Bathymetric map of Lake Burkanoko with contour in- 
tervals at 10 cm and location of a lunette dune on the eastern shore 
and cliffs on the western shore. B, map of Lake Burkanoko showing 

extent of recent sedimentation. 

The inner lunette of clay is much dissected and 
with a present day maximum height above the lake 
floor of ca 3 m, while the outer lunette of gypsum 
is much larger and higher, to ca 9 m. The lake has a 
‘shoreline’ 50 cm above the lowest point, but when it 
contains water, depth rarely exceeds 10 cm. There is a 
boomerang-shaped beach in southeast sector reaching 
23 cm above the lake floor. Superficial 
sediments are of recently deposited red 
silty clay up to 25 cm deep beneath the 
beach, and generally 15 cm deep in the 
centre of the lake and thinning to < 5 cm 
towards the margin (but deeper at the 
edges due to fans from the lake edge (Fig. 

Lake Barakee had water on eight 
occasions out of 20 visits during 1988- 
2004, with a salinity range of 23 —218 gL 
' and median salinity of 115 gL"! (Timms, 
1993, 1998b). 

Taylors Lake 

Taylors Lake on Ballycastle Station 
is a relatively deep (1.2 m) hypsosaline 
lake in a hollow among dunes (Fig 18), 
probably made smaller by an advancing 
transgressive dune from the northwest. 
The lake is orientated SW — NE and has an 
area of 62 ha. It receives a major stream 
(about 4 km long) which has built a multi- 
channelled delta on the southern shore of 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

: inner 
10 ~S 

the lake. Superficial examination 
this delta suggests it is composed of 
sands and gravels. There is a small 
lunette to the east (not shown on 
Fig. 18). 

During 1988-2004, Taylors Lake 
had water 18 times on 20 visits, with 
a salinity range of 0.7 — 9.1 gL! and 
median salinity of 2.1 gL"! (Timms, 
1993, 1998b). Despite usually 
having water, the lake dried in late 
2002 and has not held water since 
(T. Nielson, pers. com.). 



Aeolian deflation is a major force 
in lake geomorphology in arid 
lands (Shaw & Thomas, 1989; 
Timms, 1992), and the Paroo 
is no exception. Some playas 
such as Bells Bore Salt Lake and 
Barakee Lake are simply hollows 
in the Quaternary sandscape deepened by wind. 
Timms (1993) lists further examples in the Paroo 
and inspection of topographic maps suggests many 
other lakes were formed in this way. Blockage by 
dunes as they move transgressively across the land 
has formed many others, notably Lower Bell Lake 

Figure 17. A, bathymetric map of Lake Barrakee with con- 
tour intervals of 5 cm and location of lunette dunes on the 
eastern side and cliffs on the western shore. B, map of the 
extent of recent sedimentation in Lake Barakee. Note the 5 
cm depression contour, indicting recent deposition of sedi- 
ment is least within this contour. 



Figure 18. Bathymetric map of Taylors Lake. Contour inter- 

vals 20 cm. 

where a large transgressive dune from the northwest 
has blocked Bells Creek. Other examples include 
the lakes on Number 10 Creek on Rockwell Station 
— here the creek line has been totally occluded south 
of Lake Bulla and partial blockages south of Mid 
Blue Lake and North Blue Lake accounts for these 
lakes. Gidgee Lake, Lake Burkanoko and Taylors 
Lake are three further examples and Timms (1993) 
lists others. For some lakes, however, the initial 
formative process is not wind. Lake Wyara lies on a 
Tertiary fault (Timms, 1998a) and Lakes Yumberarra 
and Karatta are “embankment lakes’ (Timms, 1992) 
located at the edge of the greater Paroo floodplain, 
suggesting less deposition there well away from 
the main stream and associated ponding of riverine 
floodwater and also local runoff (Timms, 1999). In 
a slightly different version of this, water can also be 
ponded in a side valley by fluvial sediments; Lake 
Numalla and Wombah are examples of such blocked 
valley lakes (Timms, 1992). 

While there is no evidence of ancient megalakes 
in the Paroo (cf. the former Lake Dieri stage of Lake 
Eyre - DeVogel et al., 2004), some of the study 
lakes have shrunk since initial formation. Horseshoe 
Lake, Lower Bell Lake, Bells Bore Salt Lake, Lake 
Burkanoko and Barakee Lake now never reach their 
outer lunette dune (base 2-3 m above present lake 
floor), and Mid Blue Lake and Gidgee Lake do so only 
rarely. In both of these lakes the innermost lunette is 
truncated, which is believed to have happened in the 
exceptionally high water levels during 1974 and/or 
1976. Horseshoe Lake has abandoned beaches with 
intervening lake floors up to 2m above present lake 
floor and stepped downwards towards the present lake 


floor (Fig. 14). This, and the high base of 
lunettes, points to lowering of lake floors 
by deflation, so that while lake areas have 
decreased, the potential volume of water 
held may not have. On the other hand, 
Barakee Lake now rarely fills beyond 
10-20 cm deep and a third beach/lunette 
precursor is forming at 15-25 cm above 
the deepest point, well inside the inner and 
outer lunettes. . 

Lakes in arid lands tend to have 
regular outlines due to the smoothing 
influence of wind-induced currents 
(Hutchinson, 1957). The best examples are 
small playas in unconsolidated sediments, 
such as Lake Barakee and Bells Bore Salt 
Lake, which are almost perfectly oval- 
shaped. Both have an ellipiticity (E = (L- 
W)/L) of 0.5, within the range of playas in 
Western Australia, but a little more than the 
0.33 average (Killigrew and Gilkes, 1974). 
The eastern shores of most other lakes are smoothed, 
the most striking example being Lake Wyara (Fig. 
3) probably because it is the largest lake so wave 
action and currents are strongest. With winds largely 
bidirectional (southeasteries and northwesterlies are 
strongest winds) (Bureau of Meteorology, website) 
and sandy shorelines, lake segmentation would 
be expected (Zenkovitch, 1959; Lees, 1989) and 
indeed Lake Karatta is divided into two lakelets and 
Lake Numalla has two major cut-off lakelets, many 
separated bays and an incipient cut-off southeastern 
portion. In other lakes, such as Yumberarra, North 
Blue, Lower Bell, and Gidgee (Figs. 6, 8, 13, 11) 
(listed in decreasing stage of development), the 
partially occluded southeastern part is well developed, 
with the major spit development always from the 
north. Significantly, these partial occlusions are found 
in lakes with a N-S axis which facilitates action by 
northwesterly winds to generate southerly-flowing 
currents on the southeastern shore. These occlusions 
increase habitat diversity, for in Lake Numalla, the 
segmented lakelets maybe of different salinity and 
hence invertebrate composition (Timms, 1997a) 
and in Lake Yumberarra the increased shoreline and 
shallow waters of the occluded bay increase bird 
habitat (Timms and McDougall, 2005). 

Like most intermittent lakes in southeastern 
Australia, almost all of these Paroo lakes have 
lunette dunes on their eastern shores (Bowler, 1968, 
1983). Lake Numalla is the only lake without one; 
significantly it is mostly fresh and nearly permanent 
and hence lacks the proper environment for lunette 
development (Bowler, 1976). The same environmental 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


factors apply, to a lesser degree, in Lakes Yumberarra, 
Karatta and Wombah, and not surprisingly their 
lunettes are weakly developed. The biggest lunettes 
are associated with intermittent salinas, such as 
Lakes Barakee, Lower Bell, Gidgee, Mid Blue and 
North Blue. In most lakes there are two or even three 
lunette dunes: an outer large gypseous dune some 
distance from the lake, then one or sometimes two 
smaller inner clay lunettes close to the present shore. 
The gypseous dunes were probably formed 40,000 
to 14,000 yBP (Pearson et al., 2004) and hence are 
contemporaneous with the lunette formation in 
southern Australia (Bowler, 1976). The inner clay 
lunettes must therefore be of younger age and some 
give the appearance of present activity (e.g. at Lakes 
Barakee and North Blue). The lunette on Lake Wyara 
is of quite different character (hardly visible on the 
ground, and no gypsum) and is possibly much older, 
as Lake Wyara may date back to the Tertiary (Timms, 
1998a). Finally, Freshwater Lake on Bloodwood 
Station (Fig. 12) has only an inner clay lunette and 
therefore is likely to be of Holocene origin, probably 
because of drainage change to Palaeolake which has 
only a gypseous lunette (Pearson et al., 2004). 

Lakes with cliffs on the western and northern 
shores seem to have migrated a little (at least up to 
300 m) westwards. When full, waves generated by 
southeast and southerly winds attack the cliffs and 
afterwards fresh debris can be found at their bases. 
Further evidence of cliff retreat is provided by sloping 
platforms below cliffs in southern Lake Wombah 
and by buried rock in the littoral zone adjacent to 
western cliffs in Lakes Burkanoko and Mid Blue. In 
the Paroo, cliffs occur only in medium-sized lakes; 
smaller lakes lack cliffs probably because fetch for 
wave production is insufficient, but cliff absence in 
the large Lake Wyara and Numalla must be due to 
other factors. Perhaps in the latter there are sufficient 
shore sediments (sandy beaches in Lake Numalla and 
offshore bars and gravelly beaches in Wyara (Timms, 
1998a, 1999) to protect the shore. On the other hand, 
large playas in Salinaland in Western Australia (Jutson, 
1934) and playas in South Australia (Madigan, 1944) 
have cliffs on their western shores and some of them, 
at least, lack protective shore sediments (author, 
unpublished data). Perhaps the explanation for the 
difference lies in the difference in filling regimes, with 
the Salinaland lakes filling only occasionally (Van de 
Graaf et al. 1977). Interestingly, Jutson (1935) claims 
the Salinaland lakes have migrated westwards, just 
like some, especially Mid Blue Lake, in the Paroo. 

Most of the lakes of the middle Paroo are 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

episodic, with only Lake Numalla almost permanent. 
This contrasts with saline lakes in southern Australia, 
where some are permanent (Timms, 1976; Williams, 
1995), but most are seasonal (DeDeckker and Geddes, 
1980; Timms, in press b). In the Paroo, filling-drying 
regimes vary from highly intermittent in the shallow 
salinas with no inflowing streams, such as Bells Bore 
Salt Lake and Lake Barakee, to a pattern of holding 
water much of the time in closed lakes with major 
inflowing streams, like Lake Wyara. Lakes on lesser 
streams, such as those on Bartons and Bells Creeks 
(e.g. Gidgee Lake) and Number 10 Creek (e.g. Mid 
Blue Lake) have intermediate hydrological regimes. 
Those receiving water from the Paroo fill more reliably 
(e.g. Lake Yumberarra) or even almost permanently 
(Lake Numalla). Lakes connected to the Paroo tend 
to be fresh, largely because, when full, they are open 
hydrologically, but as they dry they become closed 
hydrologically and naturally salinise. The other lakes 
are closed permanently; the most intermittent ones 
tend to be the most saline (generally hypersaline) 
while those with inflowing creeks tend to spend much 
of their time when holding water in the hyposaline- 
mesosaline range, but overall, with a large salinity 
range as they progress from full to dry. 

Eastern and northern Australia, including the 
inland, is affected by the El Nifio/Southern Oscillation 
(ENSO) phenomenon (Bureau of Meteorology, 
website). This influences rainfall and river flow 
periodicity as shown for the fillings and drying of 
Lake Eyre (Kotwicki and Allan, 1998). In the Paroo, 
there is also a highly significant relationship between 
full and dry periods over 118 years in Lake Wyara 
and the SOI. For the shorter period covéred by this 
study, all lakes held water during the wet phase of 
1998-2000 when the SOI was positive and all dried, 
sooner or later during 2001 - 2004 when the index 
was negative. This relationship is not so intense 
during the previous wet period of 1988-1990 and 
drought of 1992 -1993, with most lakes filling at least 
intermittently in the wet years, and only the larger 
ones persisting during 1992 and into 1993 (Fig. 4). 

As a corollary to the wide fluctuations in 
salinity in most of these Paroo lakes, many salt lake 
invertebrates have wide salinity tolerances (Williams, 
1984; Timms, 1993). Furthermore, cumulative species 
lists for these lakes are unusually long (Timms, 
1998a, in press a) because the lakes pass through 
hyposaline, mesosaline and hypersaline stages and 
hence have components of all faunas (Timms and 
Boulton, 2001). On the other hand, freshwater lakes 
which rarely have saline phases, e.g. Lakes Numalla 
and Yumberarra, have a restricted salt lake faunal 
component, consisting mainly of readily dispersable/ 



tolerant rotifers and cyclopoid copepods. 


Recent sedimentation in natural lakes in arid 
Australia has gone undocumented (Australian State of 
the Environment Advisory Council, 1996; Australian 
State of the Environment Committee, 2001), unlike 
that in reservoirs (e.g. Wasson and Galloway, 1986; 
Jones, 2003) and streams (e.g. Pickard, 1994). Either, 
there is none readily apparent, as in Lake Yumberarra, 
or lakes are too remote to know, or the problem too 
fragmented to be of interest (Timms, 2001c). Yet 
many of these Paroo lakes have suffered extensive 
sedimentation since European settlement, certainly 
during the wet years of 1974, 1976 and since. Lake 
Karatta, the terminus of a severely eroded stream 
channel, has a minimum of 42 cm of recent sediments 
(Fig. 7); Gidgee Lake, a side basin on Bells Creek, 
has up to 24 cm of clayey sediments very different 
to the gypseous sediments below (Fig. 11B); and 
Lakes Lower Bell (Fig. 13B), Burkanoko (Fig. 16B) 
and Barakee (Fig. 17B) have lesser amounts of recent 
clayey sediments. Alluvial fans and deltas are filling 
significant parts of Lake Wyara (Fig. 3), Taylors Lake 
(Fig. 18) and Horseshoe Lake, and most lakes have 
small fans at the entrance of every channel to the 
lake. These red, sticky clayey sediments originate 
from small catchments with severe erosion. In the 
lakes on Number 10 Creek, the recent sediments 
are friable muds which deflate during dry periods, 
so that there is little, if any, accumulation of recent 
sediments. Friable muds also floor Lakes Wyara, 
Numalla, Yumberarrra and in addition the Bindegolly 
Lakes near Thargomindah (M. Handley, pers. com.). 
In all these cases the inflowing stream is from a large 
catchment, in which isolated severe erosion of red 
clayey soils is masked by the less sticky grey clays 
transported by western rivers. 

The consequences of rapid recent sedimentation 
are largely unknown, apart from geomorphological 
modification of the affected lakes (e.g. the location 
of the deepest point in Lake Gidgee has changed). 
Certainly the affected lakes hold water for a shorter 
period after a major fill (in Lake Gidgee’s case this can 
be as much as a 50% shorter period), but the influence 
of this on their ecology is unknown. One known 
affect in Lake Karatta is for (the associated) greatly 
increased turbidity to devalue the lake as a waterbird 
feeding site (McDougall and Timms, 2001). Another 
problem is the predicted imminent connection of bird 
breeding islands to the lake shoreline in Lake Wyara 
and the consequent invasion of the islands by the 
predatory foxes and cats (Timms, 2001c). Beyond the 
lake shores, lunette building could be affected — the 


red clayey sediments seem not to readily deflate when 
dry, so that any contemporary lunette building in these 
lakes (e.g Lakes Gidgee, Lower Bell, Burkanoko, 
Barakee) is inhibited. On the other hand, lunette 
building could be enchanced in the lakes on Number 
10 Creek by its delivery of friable sediments. 


The middle Paroo catchment of northwest New 
South Wales and southwest Queensland has numerous 
lakes, some of which are saline or become saline as 
they dry. Eleven lakes have been mapped and these 
plus five others have been studied for periods of up to 
18 years. Many lakes were formed by dunes or river 
sediments blocking drainage routes, some lie in dune 
swales, some lie at the edge of the Paroo floodplain 
where alluvial sediments are thinner, and Lake Wyara 
lies on a faultline. All developed further by deflation 
and owe their form to wind-induced currents and 
wave action shaping shorelines. Eastern shorelines 
are of often evenly curved and western shorelines 
may be indented, or smooth. Typically, lakes are 
flat-floored and shallow (<2 m deep), but two have 
maximum depths of ~ 6.5 m. Most saline lakes have 
shrunk, leaving double, sometimes three or more, 
lunette dunes on the eastern shore, and many larger 
ones have migrated westwards due to wave action on 
cliffs on the western shore. Lakes of low salinity have 
sandy beaches and no, or poorly developed lunettes, 
but may be compartmentalised by spit growth across 
bays. Lakes with N-S axes have the southeastern 
corner cut off by spits generated by currents induced 
by northwesterley winds. A few lakes are filling with 
sediment derived from the overgrazing of catchments 
associated with European settlement. In small eroded 
catchments, sediments are sticky red clays which 
accumulate and are filling the lakes, but if the added 
sediments come from large, less eroded, catchments, 
they are friable and present deflation can keep 
pace with sedimentation so that such lakes are not 

Larger lakes with inflowing streams fill in El 
Nifio years, then dry over the next few years, i.e. are 
episodic. Smaller lakes without surface inflows may 
fill a few times in wet years but dry quickly. Most lakes 
remain dry in La Nina years, but those with major 
inflowing streams get occasional small inflows which 
evaporate within months. Salinity regimes fluctuate 
between subsaline (0.5-3 gL!) and euhypersaline > 
200 gL! and, while instantaneous faunal lists may 
be depauperate, cumulative species lists can be long. 
However, lakes which normally are fresh, but become 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


saline in their final stage of drying, develop only a 
limited saline lake fauna. 


For ready access to lakes, I wish to thank the landholders of 
the Paroo, and for hospitality I thank the Bremner family of 
Muella Station, the Davis family of Rockwell Station and 
the staff of Currawinya National Park. For field assistance I 
am grateful to numerous students and friends including Alec 
Gaszik, John Vosper, and Sarah Wythes who survived two 
or more trips. For provision of rainfall data, I am indebted 
to the Neilsons of Ballycastle, the Leigos of Dangarvon, 
the Dunns of Warroo, the Davis’ of Rockwell and the 
staff at CNP. For identifying rotifers and little copepods, 
I thank Rus Shiels. For drafting Figure 1 I thank Olivier 
Rey-Lescure, and for helpful comments on the manuscript 
I am grateful to Conjoint Professor Robert Loughran and 
Professor Wayne Erskine, all of Newcastle University. 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Pseudoplasmopora (Cnidaria, Tabulata) in the 
Siluro-Devonian of Eastern Australia with comments on its 
global biogeography 


School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, NSW 2006 

Féldvary, G.Z. (2006). Pseudoplasmopora (Cnidaria, Tabulata) in the Siluro-Devonian of eastern 
Australia with comments on its global biogeography. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South 

Wales 127, 175-189. 

The tabulate coral Pseudoplasmopora is widely distributed in Eastern Australia, China, central and 
southeastern Asia, the Rhenish-Alpine region of central Europe, Gotland and eastern U.S.A. Occurrences 
of the genus in Australia are reviewed: Pseudoplasmopora follis, P. heliolitoides and P. gippslandica are 
reassessed, and Pseudoplasmopora sp. A and B are discussed in open nomenclature. During Late Silurian 
times Pseudoplasmopora was confined to Eurasia (predominantly Kazakhstan), eastern Gondwana (Tasman 
Fold Belt of eastern Australia), South China, Gotland and eastern Laurentia. Though disappearing from the 
latter two regions before the end of the Silurian, elsewhere during the Early Devonian Pseudoplasmopora 
underwent considerable biogeographic expansion, particularly within China and central Europe, whilst 
persisting in eastern Gondwana. The youngest species are of Eifelian age. This widespread record suggests 
that it may have potential in palaeobiogeographic analysis of the mid-Palaeozoic continental distribution. 

Manuscript received 16 February 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEYWORDS: Biogeography, Devonian, Gondwana, heliolitine corals, Silurian, systematics. 


The Early Silurian to Middle Devonian heliolitine 
coral Pseudoplasmopora Bondarenko, 1963 is 
widely distributed within the Tasman Fold Belt from 
Queensland to Victoria. In this paper, all Australian 
Species attributed to this genus are reviewed. 
Species previously recognised in this region, 
though referred at the time of original description 
to other genera such as Plasmopora and Heliolites, 
include Pseudoplasmopora follis (Milne-Edwards 
and Haime, 1851), P heliolitoides (Lindstrém, 
1899) and P. gippslandica (Chapman, 1914). These 
species are here redescribed, and two other forms 
— Pseudoplasmopora sp. A and B — are discussed in 
open nomenclature. 

Pseudoplasmopora is also known from central 
Asia(Kazakhstan) from where it was first distinguished 
by Bondarenko (1963), who additionally included 
in this genus some species from Australia, Gotland 
and eastern U.S.A. that had previously been assigned 
to Plasmopora. Subsequently Pseudoplasmopora 
has been identified in China and central Europe 

(Rhenish — Alpine region). During Silurian times 
Pseudoplasmopora was confined to Eurasia, eastern 
Gondwana, South China, Baltica and eastern Laurentia 
(Figure 1). Although disappearing from the latter two 
areas by the close of the Silurian, during the Early 
Devonian it underwent considerable biogeographic 
expansion (Figure 2), prior to becoming extinct in the 
Middle Devonian (Eifelian). A review of all known 
occurrences suggests that Pseudoplasmopora may 
have potential in palaeobiogeographic analysis of 
mid-Palaeozoic continental distribution. The local 
species P. gippslandica in particular seems to be 
widespread, having been additionally recorded from 
Kazakhstan and central Europe. 


Bondarenko (1963) established 
Pseudoplasmopora on basis of two species, the 
type P conspecta and P. arguta from central 
Kazakhstan. Interestingly he also assigned some 
Australian forms to this new genus, recognizing P. 
gippslandica (Chapman) from the northern slopes 
of the Tarbagatai Mountains near the mining town 


of Karajal (Karadzhal) and the Nura Synclinortum 
in the Karaganda region (composed mainly of 
Silurian to Lower Devonian formations). Kovalevsky 
(1965) described further new Late Silurian species 
of Pseudoplasmopora: — P. bella, P. karaespensis, 
P. subambigua and P. subdecipiens — from the Lake 
Balkhash area of Kazakhstan. Bondarenko (1967) 
reported on the distribution of these species in 
Kazakhstan, and subsequently Bondarenko (1975) 
described further new species from central Asia, 
including P. dzhungaria, P. isenica, and P. septosa. 

Numerous species of Pseudoplasmopora 
have been described from China. Lin et al. (1988) 
showed that the genus was widespread there, with 
the recognition of P aseptata (Regnéll, 1941) and 
P. microsa Wang, 1981 from the eastern Tien-Shan 
Mountains in strata now known to be of Lochkovian 
(Early Devonian) age, and P. shigianensis Yang, 1978 
from probable Late Silurian rocks of South China. 
More recently, several Early Devonian species from 
the Jilin province of North China were described 
including P. turpanensis Deng, 1997, P. aseptata minor 
Deng, 1997 and P. yaokengensis Deng, 2000. Deng 
(in Deng and Zheng 2000) compared P. yaokengensis 
with P. regularis (Dun) [= P. gippslandica herein] 
noting that the latter has larger corallites that are 
usually separated by two rows of tubulli. 

Amongst the youngest species referable to 
the genus are those known from central Europe, in 
Early to Middle Devonian strata. A new undescribed 
species is present in the late Emsian to early Eifelian 
of the Rhenish Schiefergebirge, and Ghassan (1971) 
documented the occurrence of P. gippslandica from 
Eifelian-age rocks of the Carnic Alps in Austria. 

Species originally placed in Plasmopora, such 
as P. follis (Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851) and P. 
heliolitoides (Lindstrém, 1899) from the Late Silurian 
of eastern U.S.A. and Gotland, respectively, appear 
to have received little systematic attention since their 
initial descriptions, apart from their reassignment to 

Australian heliolitines now referred to 
Pseudoplasmopora were first described by Chapman 
(1914), Dun (1927) and Jones and Hill (1940). Hill 
et al. (1969) documented several informally assigned 
species with annotated illustration, in the same year 
that P. sp. cf. P. gippslandica was described by Jell and 
Hill (1969). Féldvary (2000) illustrated P. sp. from 
central New South Wales. Useful biostratigraphic data 
on Silurian species of Pseudoplasmopora in eastern 
Australia was presented by Munson et al. (2000), 
based on a then-unpublished compilation by Pickett 
(subsequently made available via Internet access 
in 2002). Published species of Pseudoplasmopora 


from Australia include P. follis (Milne-Edwards and 
Haime, 1851), P. heliolitoides (Lindstrém, 1899), P. 
gippslandica (Chapman, 1914), and two informally- 
designated species illustrated by Hill et al. (1969). 
Kaljo and Klaamann (1973) and Pickett 
(1975) briefly mentioned the distribution of 
Pseudoplasmopora in relation to Silurian coral 
biogeography (though surprisingly the genus was 
indicated to be endemic to central Asia, despite 
Bondarenko’s earlier identification of the Australian 
species P. gippslandica in Kazakhstan, and 
recognition of Queensland occurrences by Hill et al. 
1969). Since then much new information has come 
to light regarding mid-Palaeozoic palaeogeography, 
that when combined with increased knowledge of the 
world-wide distribution of Pseudoplasmopora — here 
plotted on two terrane maps for the Late Silurian 
and Early Devonian respectively (Figures 1 and 2) 
— allows a more complete picture of biogeographic 
relationships between regions where this genus 
occurs. The distribution of Pseudoplasmopora reveals 
its restriction predominantly to the terranes of central 
Asia, China, and the Tasman Fold Belt of eastern 
Australia, with an additional group of occurrences 
in Baltica (Gotland) and eastern Laurentia. It might 
be expected to also be found in terranes forming 
southeast Asia, providing a link between eastern 
Australia and China, but no records are currently 
known of Pseudoplasmopora from this region. 
During the Early Silurian to Early Devonian 
interval, Pseudoplasmopora was distributed between 
30° N and 30° S palaeolatitudes, encompassing (1) 
eastern Gondwana (eastern Australia: Hill, 1978, 
1981; Munson et al. 2000), (2) terranes and continental 
blocks in eastern and central Asia (Kazakhstan, North 
and South China: Bondarenko, 1963, 1975; Lin et 
al., 1988), (3) Baltica and (4) eastern Laurentia, 
confined to Silurian beds. As shown on the terrane 
reconstruction maps of Cocks and Torsvik (2002), by 
the Early Devonian Gondwana had shifted clockwise 
south-eastwards by 90° (Figure 2). Concurrently 
the blocks of North and South China and South- 
East Asian terranes became more separated from 
Gondwana, though remaining near the equator. Such 
dispersal brought about changes in the distribution of 
Pseudoplasmopora, partly retreating (from Laurentia 
and Baltica), and elsewhere expanding in space and 
time into Central Europe where it survived into the 
early mid-Devonian. The Australian part of Gondwana 
remained below 30° S, which explains the continued 
presence of Pseudoplasmopora in eastern Australian 
localities (Figure 2; Cocks and Fortey, 1990). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 1. Distribution of Late Silurian Pseudoplasmopora occurrences (indicated by ® and terrane 
numbers) throughout the world, based on the terrane reconstruction map of Cocks and Torsvik (2002); 
Lambert Azimuthal Projection centred 30° Long., -40° Lat. 

Symbols for the Australian species are: 

u =P follis, A = P. heliolitoides, + = P. gippslandica, O = P. sp. A, & = P. sp. B. 

Microcontinents and terranes shown thus: 

(1) Queensland, (2) New South Wales, and (3) Victoria of Australia, (4) Annamia, (5) Sibumasu, (6) North 
China, (7) South China, (8) Japan, (9) Taurides and (10) Pontides of Turkey, (11) Hellenic Terrane, (12) 
Perunica, (13) Armorica, (14) Iberia, (15) Baltica (Gotland and eastern Europe), (16) Siberia, (17) Taimyr 
and the Kara Block, (18) Tarim, (19) Sanand and (20) Alborz of Iran, (21) Afghan Terrane, (22) South Tibet, 
(23) Qintang (Qiangtang, Qantang), (24) Tien Shan Mtns., (25) Mongolia (inner part), (26) Altai Mtns. 
and the Tuva Terrane, (27) Kazakhstan, (28) Uzbekistan, (29) Eastern Laurentia (Michigan, Tennessee). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 177 


Figure 2. Distribution of Early Devonian Pseudoplasmopora occurrences (indicated by ® and terrane 
numbers) throughout the world, after the terrane reconstruction map of Cocks and Torsvik (2002); 
Lambert Azimuthal Projection centred 40° Long., -40° Lat. 

Symbols for the Australian species are: = = P. follis, A = P. heliolitoides, + = P. gippslandica. 
Microcontinents and terranes shown thus: 

(1) Queensland, (2) New South Wales, and (3) Victoria of Australia, (4) Annamia, (5) Sibumasu (Shan- 
Thai), (6) North China, (7) South China), (8) Taurides and (9) Pontides of Turkey, (10) Hellenic Ter- 
rane (including the Carpathian Basin and Dinarids), (11) Perunica (Bohemia), (12) Armorica, (13) 
Iberia, (14) Rhenish-Alpine area of Central Europe and Podolia (15) Siberia (Platform) and Kuzetsk 
Basin, (16) Taimyr, (17) Tarim, (18) Sanand and (19) Alborz Terranes of Iran, (20) Afghan Terrane, (21) 
South Tibet, (22) Qintang (Qiangtang, Qantang), (23) Tien Shan Mtns., (24) Mongolia, (25) Altai Mtn. 
Range, (26) Kazakhstan with Tarbagatai Mtn. further south-south east, (27) Uzbekistan, (28) Laurentia. 

178 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


("]_Girlambone Group metamorphics 4 Volcanics 


Ut 4 


> : 
! A ox 
7 ( = 



a = 


-Hervey Group 

Yarra Yarra Creek Group 
Jerula Limestone Member 
Inverleith Sandstone 

q7 Myamley Sandstone 

Trundle Group 

Troffs Formation 
Connemarra Formation 
Derriwong Group 
Yarrabandai Formation 
Cookeys Plains Formation 

Figure 3. Simplified locality and schematic geological map of the Trundle — Condobolin area of central 
New South Wales, showing the occurrence of the more important fossil localities. Based on the Narromine 
1:250,000 Geological Map (Sherwin, 1996) and the Forbes 1:250,000 Geological Map (Duggan et al. 1999). 
Fossil localities are indicated by Roman numerals I to XXX, less important ones by Arabic numerals. 


Table 1 provides a concise summary of the 

principal distinguishing features of those species 

NOTE: TABLE I AND FIGURES 4-8 ARE ATTHE __ described below. 


Suborder Heliolitina Frech, 1897 

All new specimens are housed in the Australian 
Museum, Sydney; catalogue numbers prefixed by the 
acronym AMF refer to specimens, those prefixed AM 
to thin sections. Listed and illustrated specimens or 

thin-sections from the New South Wales Geological Genus Pseudoplasmopora Bondarenko, 1963 

Survey are prefixed by MMF, those from the University 
of Queensland are designated UQF. Stratigraphical Type species 

Superfamily Heliolitoidea Lindstrém, 1876 
Family Pseudoplasmoporidae Bondarenko, 1963 

and locality details for the Central West area of Pseudoplasmopora conspecta Bondarenko, 1963. 
New South Wales are given in Féldvary (2000) and Late Silurian (Ludlow) age, from the top of the 

shown herein in Figure 3. The classification follows 
Hill (1981) with updated zoological nomenclature as 

Isen Suite, southern border of the Karaganda Basin, 
Akbastau, Central Kazakhstan [Note that Hill (1981) 

recommended by the ICZN (4" edn. 2000). assigns an Early Devonian age to the type horizon]. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 




Pseudoplasmoporidae with tabularium surrounded by 
an aureole of mostly 12 tubuli of varying diameter, 
with coenenchyme composed of tubuli of almost the 
same diameter. Tabularia and tubuli walls thin and 
smooth, diaphragms in the tubuli are horizontal and 
complete, rarely oblique or incomplete. Septa, when 
present, appear as septal spines, but they are often 
absent (after Hill, 1981, p. 609). 

Pseudoplasmopora follis (Milne-Edwards and 
Haime, 1851) 
(Figures 4, A—F; 8, E - F) 


Plasmopora follis Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, 
p. 223, pl. 16, figs. 3, 3a. 

Plasmopora follis Lindstrém, 1899, p. 82, pl. 7, figs. 

Pseudoplasmopora sp. nov. Hill et al. 1969, pl. I], 
fig. 6. 


Pseudoplasmopora with dense tabularial spacing; 
average tabularium diameter of 1.0 mm, surrounded 
by aureole formed by 12 regularly polygonal tubuli 
of smaller diameter; tabulae in the tabularia and 
diaphragms in the tubuli are closely spaced. 


Tabularia spaced between 0.7 and 2 mm apart 
(measured between centres) and number 25 — 30 per 
cm’ within the coenenchyme. Diameter of tabularia 
0.9—1.1 mm, each contain 10— 15 tabulae in 5 mm. 12 
polygonal tubuli form the aureole to each tabularium; 
tubuli in coenenchymal tissue are also polygonal, their 
diameter is 0.1 — 0.2 mm; diaphragms within tubuli 
number 15 — 16 in 5 mm. Septa form node-shaped 
swellings, sometimes with blunt rounded spines. 


In Lindstrém’s type material of P /follis the 
diameters of tabularia and coenenchymal tubuli are 
intermediate between those of Bondarenko’s (1963) 
two original species, P. conspecta and P. arguta. The 
type species P conspecta has tabularial diameters 
of 0.7 — 0.8 mm, those for P. arguta 1.0 — 1.1 mm. 
Pseudoplasmopora dzhungaria Bondarenko, 1975 
has tabularial diameters of 0.8 — 0.9 mm, and the 
diameter of the tubuli is 0.1 - 0.15 mm; tabularia are 
surrounded by 12 (occasionally 13) tubuli: values 
which are comparable with P. follis. Of Chinese 
species, Pseudoplasmopora aseptata (Regnéll, 1941) 


has tabularial diameters of 0.8 — 1.2 mm with 2 to 
4 tubuli (4 to 6-sided) interposed between tabularia, 
whereas P. shigianensis Yang, 1978 has tabularia 
0.75 — 0.85 mm in diameter, spaced 0.4 — 0.8 mm 
apart (measured between centres); P. microsa Wang, 
1981 has tabularial diameters of 0.5 — 0.7 mm (Lin 
et al. 1988). Tabularia of the latter two species are 
considerably smaller in diameter than those of P 
follis, while those of P aseptata are practically 
identical in size. 

In Australia Pseudoplasmopora follis occurs 
mainly in the Late Silurian Bowspring Limestone 
and Hume Limestone Members of the Silverdale 
Formation (Gorstian and Ludfordian) at Hattons 
Corner, south of Yass, New South Wales (Munson 
et al. 2000). Additional unconfirmed, undescribed 
occurrences recorded by Munson et al. (2000) 
include: (1) limestone lenses of the Mirrabooka 
Formation west of Orange, (2) Borenore Limestone, 
west of Orange, (3) Jenolan Caves Limestone 
at Jenolan Caves near Oberon, and (4) Quidong 
Limestone at Delegate, near the Victorian border of 
New South Wales. Further specimens, listed below, 
are known from Siluro-Devonian strata in the Trundle 
— Condobolin district of central western New South 
Wales. A species from Queensland, unnamed at the 
time of its illustration by Hill et al. (1969) but thought 
by them to represent a new species, is here assigned to 
P. follis on basis of characters including the presence 
of uniformly polygonal tubuli in both the aureole and 
coenenchyme (UQF60059, here shown on Figure 8). 


AMF105567 (cf. Figures 4 and 8), a complete colony, 
12x12x6 cm in size, and AMF105568 are from Loc. 
XXX; AMF116146, AMF116148, AMF116149 and 
AMEF116150 are from Loc. XX,5kmSW ofLoc. XXX. 
These localities are about 40 km NNE of Condobolin, 
New South Wales, near “Meloola” Homestead 
and “Moorefield” Station respectively (Figure 4, A 
— D). Both localities are in the Meloola Volcanics 
of Cookeys Plains Formation, Derriwong Group, of 
Pridolian age. MMF31447 is from a locality 3.5 km 
west of “Moorefield” Station, also in the Meloola 
Volcanics, of Pridoli age (Pickett and McClatchie, 
1991 — listed by them as Pseudoplasmopora sp. and 
not previously figured). 

Pseudoplasmopora heliolitoides (Lindstrém, 1899) 
(Figure 5, A—F; 6, A - F) 


Plasmopora heliolitoides Lindstrém, 1899, p. 86, pl. 
7, figs. 32-33. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Heliolites distans Dun, 1927, p.258, pl. XIX, figs. 

Heliolites distans var. humewoodensis Dun, 1927, p. 
261, pl. XX, figs. 3, 4. 

Heliolites distans var. intermedia Dun, 1927, p. 261, 
pl. XX, figs. 5, 6. 

Heliolites distans var. minuta Dun, 1927, p. 262, pl. 
XXI, figs. 1-4. 

Plasmopora heliolitoides Jones and Hill, 1940, pl. 
IX, figs. 4 and 5; pl. X, figs. 1-4. 

Pseudoplasmopora sp. Féldvary, 2000, p. 91, fig. 8, 


Pseudoplasmopora with aureole of tabularium 
composed of tubuli of irregular shape and varying size. 
Septa absent or appear in form of blunt swellings. 


Tabularia spaced 1.5 — 5 mm apart, characteristically 
5 —7 tabularia per cm’; each tabularia 1.0 — 1.75 mm 
in diameter, with 12 — 16 tabulae in 5 mm. Aureole 
formed by 12 polyhedral tubuli, each 0.25 — 0.30 mm 
in diameter. Tabularia walls 0.05 mm thick, more than 
twice the thickness of the tubuli walls (0.02 mm). 
Diaphragms in tubuli are spaced 15 in 5 mm. Septal 
spines, when present, dilated at the base. 


The main distinctions between Pseudoplasmopora 
heliolitoides and P. follis from the Trundle — 
Condobolin area are differences in tabularial spacing 
(measured from centre to centre of adjacent tabularia), 
and their density within the coenenchyme. The average 
tabularial spacing in P. heliolitoides is 0.8 mm, closer 
than in P follis. Pseudoplasmopora heliolitoides 
has only 5 to 7 tabularia per cm?, whereas P. follis is 
crowded with tabularia. Their diameter is distinctly 
larger (1.0 — 1.3 mm) in P. heliolitoides compared 
to P. follis (0.9 — 1.1 mm). Parameter ranges for P 
heliolitoides given by Jones and Hill (1940) are 1.0 
— 1.75 mm for tabularia diameters, 1.5 — 5.0 mm for 
tabularial spacing, and 12 — 16 tabulae in 5 mm. 

Additional Material 

Pseudoplasmopora heliolitoides occurs in limestone 
lenses of latest Silurian (Pridoli) age (eosteinhornensis 
Zone) in the Meloola Volcanics, Cookeys Plains 
Formation, Derriwong Group, about 40 km north- 
north-east of Condobolin (Munson et al, 2000; 
Foldvary, 2000). AMF69668 (Figure 5, A-D), from 
which a number of transverse and longitudinal thin 
sections have been prepared (AM 13547, AM13635- 
AM13637, AM13772-AM13774) is from Loc. XX, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

33 km north-north-east of Condobolin, situated east 
of the road, and 0.5-1 km east of ‘Moorefield’ Station 
(Féldvary, 2000). AMF78962 from the Yass area 
(Figure 5, E-F) comes from beds of slightly older 
(Ludlow) age. 

Pseudoplasmopora gippslandica (Chapman, 1914) 
(Figure 7, A—D) 


Heliolites interstincta Linné, var. gippslandica, vat. 
nov. Chapman, 1914, Pl. LX, figs. 35-36. 

Heliolites regularis Dun, 1927, p. 256, pl. XVIII, 
figs. 2, 3. 

Plasmopora gippslandica (Chapman, 1914), Jones 
and Hill, 1940, p. 206, pl. X, fig. 5, pl. XI, fig. 1. 

Pseudoplasmopora gippslandica (Chapman, 1914), 
Bondarenko, 1963, p. 1863. 

Pseudoplasmopora sp. cf. gippslandica Jell and Hill, 
1969, p. 23, p. 9, fig.10a, b. 

Pseudoplasmopora gippslandica (Chapman, 1914), 
Ghassan, 1971, p. 593, pls. 1-2. 


Characterized by elongated tubuli in the tabularium, 
continuous walls and the absence of septa. Aureole 
consists of 12 tubuli, usually with two rows of tubuli 
between tabularia. 


Diameter of tabularia 1.25 — 1.75 mm. Tabulae 
strongly concave, 20 — 25 in 5 mm. Within tubuli are 
20 — 35 diaphragms in 5 mm. Septa absent. 


Pseudoplasmopora gippslandica (Chapman, 1914) 
occurs in eastern Australia in a number of localities 
from Queensland to Victoria. Although documented 
from Hattons Comer, Yass area, in Late Silurian strata 
(Dun, 1927), other Silurian occurrences are mentioned 
only in unpublished works listed in Munson et al. 
(2000). Otherwise this species is mainly restricted 
to the Devonian. New South Wales occurrences are 
mostly from Lower Devonian beds, and in Victoria 
it is known from Lower Devonian limestones at 
Cave Hill, Lilydale and Waratah Bay. A comparable 
species, P. sp. cf. P. gippslandica was described by 
Jell and Hill (1969) from beds of Eifelian age from 
Ukalunda near Bowen in Queensland. Bondarenko 
(1963) noted that P. gippslandica differed from his 
type species P. conspecta only by the coenenchymal 
tubuli having thickened walls, considered to be a 
Devonian trait (Hill, 1967). 

Ghassan (1971) illustrated P gippslandica? from the 



Middle Devonian (Eifelian?) of the Carnic Alps in 
Austria. The 12 tubuli forming the aureole are slightly 
larger than the coenenchymal tubuli, and there are two 
to three tubuli between the tabularia. This description 
conforms to P. gippslandica. 


Specimens shown in Figure 7: AMF5512 (AM66) 
near Rockhampton, Queensland, and AMF6936 
(AM271), Nundle Road, near Tamworth, New South 

Pseudoplasmopora sp. A 
(Figure 8, A— B) 

Pseudoplasmopora sp. cf. P. heliolitoides; Hill et al. 
(1969), pl. II, fig. 7. 


Pseudoplasmopora with tabularia 1.0 — 1.2 mm in 
diameter, spaced 12 — 15 per cm’, and having 14 — 16 
tabulae in 5 mm; tabularial walls thin, maximum 0.05 
mm. The 12 irregularly polyhedral tubuli forming 
the aureole are clearly differentiated from tubuli 
of the coenenchymal tissue which are 0.3 — 0.6 
mm in diameter, with 8 — 10 diaphragms in 5 mm. 
In transverse section many tubuli, both tabularial 
and coenenchymal, appear to have small bud-like 
structures internally. Septa when present are blunt. 

With tabularial diameters of 1.0 — 1.2 mm 
Pseudoplasmopora sp. A is comparable with P. 
follis but is readily distinguished from that species 
in displaying tubuli in the aureole that differ from 
those in the coenenchyme in both size and shape. 
It differs from P. heliolitoides in having denser 
tabularial spacing. Pseudoplasmopora gippslandica 
is a distinctly different species with a greater range 
(0.7 — 2.0 mm) for tabularial diameter and wider 
spacing between tabularia. Presence of small bud-like 
structures inside the tubuli is unknown in other forms 
of Pseudoplasmopora from eastern Australia, and 
appears to be a distinguishing feature of P. sp. A. 
The only confirmed occurrence of P. sp. Ais in the 
basal horizon of the Upper Jack Limestone Member, 
Graveyard Creek Formation (Late Silurian) of the 
Broken River area, Queensland (Hill et al. 1969). 


UQF52829 from Loc. B76F of Jell and Hill, 1969; 
UQF58203 (Hill et al. 1969, pl. III, fig. 7) here re- 
illustrated on Figure 8, A— B; and F11587 (Geological 


Survey of Queensland collection). 

Pseudoplasmopora sp. B 
(Figure 8, C — D) 

Pseudoplasmopora sp. Hill et al. (1969), p. 6, pl. II, 
fig. 8. 


Pseudoplasmopora characterised by densely packed 
(50 — 60 per cm?) very small tabularia (diameter 0.4 
to 0.5 mm); generally 25 tabulae in 5 mm within 
tabularia. 12 tubuli (occasionally 13) forming aureoles 
around tabularia; coenenchymal tubuli are smaller 
and regularly polyhedral. 


The unusually small tabularial diameter sets 
Pseudoplasmopora sp. B apart from the other 
Australian forms of Pseudoplasmopora, though 
the tabularial spacing is the same as in P /follis. 
The density of tabularia (50 — 60 per cm?) is very 
much greater than that of P. heliolitoides (5 — 7) and 
considerably exceeds that in P. sp. A (16 — 18), or in 
P. follis (25 — 30). 

Pseudoplasmopora sp. B was first documented 
from Queensland in limestone lens horizons of the 
Jack Formation, Graveyard Creek Group, extending 
into the Upper Ludlow (Hill et. al. 1969). It has been 
reported (but not described) from various localities in 
the Silurian of N.S.W., such as the Narragal Limestone 
and the Catombal Park and Wylinga Formations near 
Wellington (Munson et al. 2000). 

UQF60060 (Hill et al. 1969, pl. Ill, fig. 8) here re- 
illustrated on Figure 8, C — D. 


For use of the facilities of the School of Geosciences, 
University of Sydney, I am much obliged to the Head of 
School, Dr. Geoff Clarke. The author thanks the Director 
of the Australian Museum, and the Manager of the Fossil 
Collections (Mr. Robert Jones), for their kindness in 
incorporating the author’s fossil material; Dr Yongyi Zhen, 
also from the Australian Museum, was of great assistance 
in translating Chinese literature. I am grateful to Dr Barry 
Webby for providing some of this literature from his 
extensive library. The author is much indebted to Dr. Ian 
Percival (Geological Survey of NSW) for his perceptive 
comments on early versions of the manuscript; also thanks 
to Dr. John Pickett from the same organization for his 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


generous help, particularly in provision of his OZCORALS 
database. I sincerely acknowledge the two referees for 
their very thorough reviews, which have greatly improved 
the final version. Dr. Alex Cook and Kristen Spring of 
the Queensland Museum kindly made available some 
of Dorothy Hills’ UQF thin-sections for re-examination 
and re-illustration. I thank Dr. Carmen Gaina (School of 
Geosciences, University of Sydney) for preparing two 
palaeogeographic base maps using Dr. Trond Torsvik’s 
computer poles (via pers. comm.), and Mr. Peter McNiece 
(University of Sydney Library) for his assistance in tracking 
down obscure publications. 


Bondarenko, O.B. (1963). Revision of the genus 
Plasmopora. International Geology Review 6 (10), 

Bondarenko, O.B. (1967). K istorii razvitya geliolitoidey 
v Kazakhstane. Moskovi Universitet Vestnik, Ser. 4, 
Geologii, 22 (3), 39-50. 

Bondarenko, O.B. (1975). Podklass Heliolitoidea. In 
‘Kharakteristika fauny silura i devona Tsentalnogo 
Kazakhstana’. Menner, V.V. (Ed.). Materiali 
Geologii. Tsentrala Kazakhstana, 12, 48-61, pls. 4- 

Chapman, F. (1914). Newer Silurian fossils of eastern 
Victoria Pt.3. Victoria Geological Survey, Records 
Vol. 3, Pt. 3, 301-316. 

Cocks, L.R.M. and Fortey, R.A. (1990). Biogeography 
of Ordovician and Silurian faunas. In ‘Palaeozoic 
Palaeogeography and Biogeography’ (Eds. W.S. 
McKerrow and C.R. Scotese), pp. 97-104. 

Cocks, L.R.M. and Torsvik, T.H. (2002). Earth geography 
from 500 to 400 million years ago: a faunal and 
palaeomagnetic review. Journal of the Geological 
Society, London, 159, 631-644. 

Deng, Z.-Q. (1997). Silurian and Devonian corals 
from the Tarim Basin and adjacent areas. Acta 
Palaeontologica Sinica 36 (Supplement), 116-135. 

Deng, Z.-Q. and Zheng, C.-Z. (2000). Tabulatomorphic 
corals from the Erkhtaopou Formation of Jilin 
Province. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 39 (2), 222- 

Duggan, M.B. et al. (1999). Forbes 1:250,000 geological 
Sheet SI 55-7. 2™ edition. Australian Geological 
Survey Organisation, Canberra and Geological 
Survey of New South Wales, Sydney. 

Dun, W.S. (1927). Descriptions of Heliolitidae from the 
Upper Silurian, Yass, New South Wales. Records of 
the Australian Museum 15, 255-268; Pls. XVIII-XXI. 

Féldvary, G.Z. (2000). Siluro-Devonian invertebrate 
faunas from the Bogan Gate — Trundle — Mineral 
Hill area of central New South Wales. Records of 
the Western Australian Museum Supplement No. 58, 

Fortey, R.A. and Cocks, L.R. (2003). Palaeontological 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

evidence bearing on global Ordovician-Silurian 
continental reconstructions. Earth-Science Reviews, 
61, 245-307. 

Frech, F. (1897). Refarat, J. Wentzel: Zur Kenntniss 
der Zoantharia tabulata. Neues Jahrbuch der 
Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, 1897, 
Part 2, 212-214. 

Ghassan, K.M. (1971). Korallen aus dem Unterdevon der 
Karnischen Alpen. Verhandlungen der Geologischen 
Bundesanstalt Wien, 576-607. 

Hill, D. (1967). The Sequence and Distribution of 
Ludlovian, Lower Devonian, and Couvinian Coral 
Faunas in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 
Palaeontology, 10 (4), 660-693. 

Hill, D. (1978). Bibliography and Index of Australian 
Palaeozoic corals. Papers, Department of Geology, 
University of Queensland 8 (4), 1-38. 

Hill, D. (1981). Part F, Coelenterata, Supplement 1, 
Rugosa and Tabulata “Treatise on Invertebrate 
Paleontology’ (Ed. R.C. Moore) Vols 1-2. The 
Geological Society of America, Inc. and the 
University of Kansas, Boulder, Colorado, and 
Lawrence, Kansas. 

Hill, D., Playford, G. and Woods, J.T. (1969). Ordovician 
and Silurian Fossils of Queensland. Queensland 
Palaeontological Society: 1-18. 

Jell, J.S. and Hill, D. (1969). Devonian corals from the 
Ukalunda district, north Queensland. Geological 
Survey of Queensland, Publication 340, 
Palaeontological Papers, 16, 1-27. 

Jones, O.A. and Hill, D. (1940). The Heliolitidae of 
Australia, with a discussion of the morphology and 
systematic position of the family. Proceedings of the 
Royal Society of Queensland, 51 (12), 183-215. 

Kaljo, D. and Klaamann, E. (1973). Ordovician 
and Silurian corals. In A. Hallam Ed. “Atlas of 
Palaeobiogeography’. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 

Kovalevsky, O.P. (1965). Tabulyaty i geliolitode1 
Karaesinskogo gornzonta. V. Kn.: Stratigrafiya 
nizhnepaleozoishikh i siluriyskikh otlozhenty 
tsentral’noro Kazakhstana. (Tabulates and heliolitids 
of the Karaespink horizon. In: Stratigraphy of Lower 
Palaeozoic and Silurian fossil remains of Central 
Kazakhstan). Moskow, Nedra. 

Lin, B., Tchi, Y., Jin, C., Li, Y. and Yan, Y. (1988). 
Tabulatomorphic Corals. Monograph of Palaeozoic 
Corals 1, 328-336; 2, 171-351. 

Lindstrom, G. (1876). On the affinities of the Anthozoa 
Tabulata. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 
series 4, 18, 1-17. 

Lindstrom, G. (1899). Remarks on the Heliolitidae. 
Handlingar Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps- 
Akademiens, XXXII, No.1, 1-140. 

Milne-Edwards, H. and Haime, J. (1849). Mémoire sur 
les polypiers appurtenant aux groupes naturels des 
Zoanthaires perforés et des Zoanthaires tabulés. 
Académie Science Paris, Comptes Rendus, 29, 257- 



Milne-Edwards, H. and Haime, J. (1851). Monographie 
des polypiers fossils des terrains paléozoiques. 
Museum Histoire Naturales, Paris, Archives 5, 1-502, 
pl. 1-20. 

Munson, T.J., Pickett, J.W. and Strusz, D.L. (2000). 
Biostratigraphic review of the Silurian tabulate corals 
and chaetetids of Australia. Historical Biology, 15, 

Pickett, J.W. (1975). Continental reconstructions and 
the distribution of coral faunas during the Silurian. 
Journal and Proceedings, Royal Society of New 
South Wales, 108, 147-156. 

Pickett, J.W. (2002). OzCorals database. Version 2. http:// 

Pickett, J.W. and McClatchie L. (1991). Age and relations 
of stratigraphic units in the Murda Syncline area. 

Geological Survey of New South Wales, Quarterly 
Notes 85, 9-32. 

Regnéll, G. (1941). On the Siluro-Devonian fauna of 
Choltagh, Eastern Tien-shan. Palaeontologia Sinica, 
17, Part I: Anthozoa, 1-63. Nanking, Geological 
Survey of China. 

Sherwin, L. (1996). Narromine 1:250,000 Geological 
Sheet SI/55-3: Explanatory Notes, 1-104. Geological 
Survey of New South Wales, Sydney. 

Wang, H.C. (1981). Tabulate and heliolitid corals. 
Palaeontological Atlas of Northwest China Sinkiang 
Autonomous Region, 39-72. Geological Publishing 
House, Being (in Chinese). 

Yang, S. et al (1978). Tabulata. In: Palaeontological 
Atlas of Southwest China, Guizhou volume, Part 
I, Cambrian to Devonian, 161-250. Geological 
Publishing House, Beijing (in Chinese). 

Table 1 

Comparison of parameters distinguishing species of Pseudoplasmopora 
discussed in text 

Diameter No. of tubuli Tabularial Spacing of Spacing of 

of surrounding 

tabularium the aureole 
P. follis Os0- 161 12 
P. heliolitoides 1.0-1.75 12 
P. gippslandica 1.2-1.5 12 
P. sp. A 1.0-1.1 12 
P. sp. B 0.4-0.5 12 


spacing tabulae diaphragms Septa 

percm? inSmm  inSmm 

25-30 =. 10-15 15-16 absent 
5-7 12-16 15 lump 
4-5 10-15 15-20 absent 
12-15 14-16 8-10 _ blunt 
50-60 20-25 16-18 spines 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 4. Pseudoplasmopora follis A, B. Longitudinal sections of AMF105567 (AM14105) from 
Loc. XXX, 1.55 km ENE of “Meloola” Homestead, about 40 km NNE of Condobolin, NSW. 
C. Transverse section of AMF116146 (AM14098) from Loc. XX, east of “Moorefield” Sta- 
tion, 40 km north of Condobolin, NSW. D. Transverse section of AMF116148 (AM13783) also 
from Loc. XX. E. Transverse section and F. Longitudinal section of MMF31447 (Geological Sur- 
vey of N.S.W.), 3.5 km W of ‘Moorefield’ Station, N of Condobolin, N.S.W. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 185 


Figure 5. Pseudoplasmopora heliolitoides. A, B. Transverse sections of AMF69668 (AM13547) from Loc. 
XX). Other transverse sections (unillustrated) are: AM13635, AM13772 and AM13773. C, D. Longitu- 
dinal sections of AMF69668. Other longitudinal sections (unillustrated) are: AM13636, AM13637 and 
AM13774. E. Transverse section and F. Longitudinal section of AMF78962 (AM257), probably from Hume 
Limestone scree at mouth of Booroo Ponds Creek, Hattons Corner, Yass River, N.S.W. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

186 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 6. Pseudoplasmopora heliolitoides. A. Longitudinal section and B. Transverse section of AMF5556 
(AM76), syntype of Heliolites distans var. intermedia Dun, 1927. C. Longitudinal section and D. Transverse 
section of AMF5173 (AM56), lectotype of H. distans chosen by Jones and Hill, 1940. E. Longitudinal section 
and F. Transverse section of AMF4082 [AM 140 (AM65)], paralectotype of H. distans. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 187 


? 4+ i 

a rqiaus 




Figure 7. Pseudoplasmopora gippslandica. A. 

Transverse section and B. Longitudinal sec- 
tion of AMF5512 (AM66), 

near Rockhampton, Queensland, figured by Jones and Hill 
(1940). C. Transverse section and D. Longitudinal section of AMF6936 (AM271), Nundle 
Road, near Tamworth, New South Wales, figured by Jones and Hill (1940). Scale bar 

= 1 cm. 

188 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 8. Pseudoplasmopora sp. A. A. Transverse section and B. Longitudinal section of UQF58203, 
from Graveyard Creek Formation, Silurian; figured also by Hill et al. (1969), pl. III, fig. 7. 
Pseudoplasmopora sp. B. C. Transverse section and D. Longitudinal section of UQF60060, from Grave- 
yard Creek Formation, Silurian; figured also by Hill et al. (1969), pl. III, fig. 8. 

Pseudoplasmopora follis. E. Transverse section and F. Oblique section of UQF60059, from Perry Creek 
Formation, Silurian; figured also by Hill et al. (1969), pl. III, fig. 6. 

Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 189 

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Vegetation Responses to Pinus radiata (D. Don) Invasion: A 
Multivariate Analysis Using Principal Response Curves 


Institute for Water and Environmental Resource Management, Department of Environmental Sciences, 

University of Technology Sydney, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia 
* Corresponding author Email: 

Baker, A.C., Hose, G.C. and Murray, B.R. (2006). Vegetation responses to Pinus radiata (D. Don) 
invasion: a multivariate analysis using principal response curves. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of 
New South Wales 127, 191-197. 

Radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) has been introduced to many new regions outside its native range as a 
plantation species. Plantations are frequently located adjacent to native vegetation. This proximity allows 
not only pine wildings, but also large amounts of non-native leaf litter, to enter the surrounding natural 
vegetation. Our aim in the present study was to assess the composition of plant communities in vegetation 
surrounding plantations in relation to proximity to pine plantations. Using multivariate Principal Response 
Curves (PRC) analysis, we show significant differences in the composition of native vegetation between 
transects adjacent to and not adjacent to pine plantations. Species-level analysis identified a suite of native 
species that were frequently found in transects adjacent to pine plantations, and a second suite of native 
species that were reduced in abundance in transects next to pine plantations. This second group of species 
should be the focus of future conservation work, since they appear to be sensitive to disturbance wrought by 
pine plantations. We show that the ability of PRC analysis to reveal both community-level and species-level 
responses to disturbance brought about by exotic species can lead to the generation of testable hypotheses 

bridging species and community ecology. 

Manuscript received 4 May 2005, accepted for publication 16 December 2005. 

KEYWORDS: Invasion, pines, Pinus radiata, PRC, principal response curves, remnant vegetation. 


The timber of Pinus radiata (D. Don) is 
valuable because of its numerous applications in 
manufacturing and construction industries (Sutton 
1999). Consequently, extensive areas now support 
plantations globally, making P radiata the most 
commonly grown conifer in the world (Lavery 
and Mead 1998). In Australia, pine plantations are 
commonly bordered by native vegetation (Williams 
and Wardle 2005), and are frequently established 
amongst native vegetation and/or contain areas of 
remnant vegetation within the plantation(Lindenmayer 
et al. 2002, Lemckert et al. 2005). Of particular 
concern is the occurrence of plantations in close 
proximity to areas set aside for conservation purposes. 
For example, to the west of Sydney, pine plantations 
border Blue Mountains National Park, Kanangra- 
Boyd N.P., and Jenolan Caves Karst Conservation 
Reserve. The close proximity of plantations to native 
vegetation is problematic because P. radiata is highly 

invasive and can readily escape and establish in native 
vegetation, beyond the boundaries of the plantation 
(Richardson and Higgins 1998). For instance, prior 
to removal of the Jounama Pine Plantation (southern 
NSW, Australia), an estimated 16 000 Pinus spp. 
individuals were growing in 24 000 ha of adjacent 
native vegetation in Kosciusko National Park (Leaver 

The establishment of P radiata within 
remnant native vegetation has been linked to the 
displacement of native plant species (Richardson et 
al. 1994, Richardson and Higgins 1998, Holmes et 
al. 2000, Morgan et al. 2000). When pines become 
well established, as in plantations, the richness of 
bryophytes, vertebrates and invertebrates is reduced 
relative to undisturbed native forest (Bonham et al. 
2002, Lindenmayer and Hobbs 2004, Parris and 
Lindenmayer 2004, Pharo et al. 2004). In this study, 
we compare patterns of plant distribution between 
patches of remnant vegetation that are adjacent to, and 
not adjacent to pine plantations. Those areas adjacent 


to pine plantations are not only subject to invasion 
from pine wildlings, but also receive a large amount 
of pine litter (needles, pollen cones) from the adjacent 
plantation (Baker 2004). This material may smother 
ground-covering plants, and may alter soil chemistry 
and further facilitate change in the composition of 
vegetation communities. Our hypotheses are; 1) that 
there will be a significant difference in plant species 
richness and abundance between areas adjacent to 
and not adjacent to P. radiata plantations, and 2) that 
these differences will decrease with distance from the 
plantation as the number of wildings and pine litter 
also decreases. 

To test these hypotheses, we use the multivariate 
method of Principal Response Curves (PRC). The 
PRC technique has been used widely in ecotoxicology 
(e.g. Cuppen et al. 2000, Hose et al. 2003, Belanger et 
al. 2004) and is gaining some recognition as a tool for 
biomonitoring studies in aquatic ecology (e.g. Leonard 
et al. 1999, Pardal et al. 2004). PRC analysis has only 
very recently been used in vegetation ecology (e.g. 
Pakeman et al. 2003, Heegaard and Vandvik 2004, 
Vandvik et al. 2005). The utility of PRC analysis is 
not yet widely recognised for ecological studies. Our 
investigation of the impact of pine plantations on the 
composition of remnant vegetation provided us with 
an ideal opportunity to demonstrate the applicability 
of the PRC technique for ecological studies. 


Study Location and Design 

This study was conducted in the Jenolan Karst 
Conservation Reserve (33° 49’S, 150° 02’E), in 
southeast Australia, from April to August 2004 
(Baker 2004). The native vegetation of the study 
area is Eucalyptus spp. dominated woodland, with 
an understorey dominated by herbs, grasses and the 
occasional larger shrub species (e.g. Acacia longifolia 
and Exocarpus strictus). 

A narrow trail (~5 m wide) separates the Jenolan 
Karst Conservation Reserve from adjoining areas of 
mature P. radiata plantation and remnant forest. This 
allowed us to place sampling transects in woodland 
areas adjacent to P radiata plantations (nominally 
‘disturbed’ areas) and in woodland areas adjacent to 
remnant vegetation (nominally ‘undisturbed’ areas). 
Nine replicate transects were randomly placed in 
disturbed and nine in undisturbed areas. The areas 
were all similar in altitude, aspect, slope, fire history, 
topography and soil type, but differed in being 
either adjacent to or not adjacent to pine plantations. 
Consequently, we have confidence in attributing 


any observed differences in vegetation composition 
between sites to the disturbance, having minimised 
confounding inter-site differences. Transects were 
laid parallel to each other and perpendicular to the 
trail, extending 50 m into the reserve. Sampling was 
conducted at 10 m intervals along the transect line (i.e. 
6 samples per transect), using a 2 m x 5 m quadrat. 
Our study focused on herbs and shrubs as these are 
most likely to be affected by pine invasions, hence 
we ignored the canopy species (Eucalyptus spp.) as 
we considered them to have been established prior to 
the pine plantation and thus minimally affected. All 
vascular plants within the quadrat were identified and 
the percent canopy cover of each species within the 
quadrat was recorded as a measure of abundance. 

Data Analysis 

The technique of Principal Response Curves is 
a novel multivariate statistical method. PRC analysis 
was developed for the analysis of multi-species 
data from experiments designed with replicated 
controls and treatments and, specifically, repeated 
temporal sampling (van den Brink and Ter Braak 
1999). The PRC method focuses on differences 
between treatment and controls at each sampling 
time. It provides simplified ordination plots in which 
temporal gradients are presented along a horizontal, 
unidirectional axis. Here, we show that PRC analysis 
is equally applicable to transect studies with repeated 
sampling over spatial, rather than temporal gradients. 
In the following description, a simplified overview 
of the PRC technique is provided, and readers are 
referred to van den Brink and Ter Braak (1999) for 
full details of the method. 

The PRC method is based on Redundancy 
Analysis (RDA) but is extended to adjust for changes 
in the controls over time (van den Brink and Ter 
Braak 1999). RDA can be considered a constrained 
form of Principal Components Analysis, meaning 
that patterns in the biological data are limited to that 
which can be explained by explanatory variables. 
Because in RDA the explanatory variables are fixed 
a priori, the total variance can be partitioned into 
explained and residual variances. 

A major problem with traditional ordination plots 
is that they may be congested, and differences among 
treatments and controls, and temporal trajectories 
can be confusing, particularly when ordination plots 
contain repeated sampling over time or space (van den 
Brink and Ter Braak 1999). To avoid these problems, 
PRC uses explanatory variables that distinguish the 
controls from the treatment, and individual sampling 
events (times or in our case distances). Explanatory 
variables identifying the controls are deleted from 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


the analysis to ensure that the treatment effects are 
expressed as a deviation from the control, at each 
distance (van den Brink and Ter Braak 1999). 

We used CANOCO version 4 (Ter Braak and 
Smilauer 1998) to carry out the PRC analysis. Like 
its precursor RDA, PRC requires a linear response 
model (van den Brink and Ter Braak 1999). To 
test the suitability of a linear model, Detrended 
Correspondence Analysis was used to determine the 
gradient length (the beta diversity, or extent of species 
turnover) of the first axis. The gradient length of the 
first axis was 3.08. Gradients >4 suggest a unimodal 
model is needed because data are heterogeneous 
and many species deviate from the assumed linear 
response model. Gradients < 3 are better suited to 
analyses with linear models such as PCA or RDA 
(Leps and Smilauer, 2003). 

PRC also requires the use of the Euclidean 
Distance for sample (dis)similarities (van den Brink 
and Ter Braak 1999). Euclidean distance weights 
shared absences and shared presences of species 
equally in its assessment of similarity among 
samples, thus distances among samples are driven 
by differences in the abundance of taxa irrespective 
of whether those species are present or absent in 
either sample. This is desirable for this study because 
differences among samples are not greatly influenced 
by chance recordings of uncommon species. 

Plant abundance data were log(10x+1) 
transformed prior to analysis and all other 
recommended settings were used (van den Brink and 
Ter Braak 1999). Because plants multiply or die, count 
data are naturally modelled by proportional changes, 
1.e. by a multiplicative model. We used a logarithmic 
transformation, so as to turn the multiplicative model 
for the counts into a linear model (van den Brink and 
Ter Braak 1999) and to down-weight the dominant 
species in the vegetation assemblages. Multiplication 
by the constant (10) avoided false discrepancy 
between zero and low abundance values (van den 
Brink et al. 1995). 

In a PRC diagram, the horizontal axis represents 
the distance along transects of the experiment and the 
vertical axis represents the treatment effect (Canonical 
Coefficient C,,) expressed as deviations from the 
control. The accompanying species weights allow 
an interpretation of effects at the species level. In the 
present study, taxa with negative species weights are 
expected to increase in abundance in the disturbed 
areas relative to the undisturbed areas, and taxa with 
positive species weights are expected to decrease 
in abundance in the disturbed areas relative to the 
undisturbed areas. Taxa with near zero weights either 
show no response or a response that is unrelated to 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

the PRC (van den Brink and Ter Braak 1999). 

The significance of the treatment regime was 
tested using Monte Carlo tests and permuting whole 
transects among disturbed and undisturbed areas. 
Further Monte Carlo tests were performed to test 
the significance of differences at each distance along 
transects. This was achieved by conducting Monte 
Carlo tests using only those data for the distance of 
interest (van den Brink et al. 1996). For the Monte 
Carlo tests, a binary coded explanatory variable 
was used to distinguish transects in disturbed and 
undisturbed areas in the analysis. The Monte Carlo 
permutation tests are based on an F-type statistic, and 
the significance level (a) was 0.05. 


Our PRC analysis detected significant differences 
(p = 0.005) in the composition of plant communities 
between disturbed and undisturbed areas. Differences 
among treatments accounted for 10.5% of all 
variance, while differences among sampling distances 
accounted for 6.1% of all variance. The remainder 
was attributed to variability among replicates. The 
response pattern in the first PRC axis was significant 
(p = 0.03), and this axis captured a much greater 
proportion of the total variance explained by the 
treatment regime than the second axis, which was not 
significant (p = 0.205). For this reason, only the first 
axis of the PRC analysis is presented. 

At the trail (distance = 0 m) and closest to the 
plantations, the disturbed and undisturbed areas 
differed greatly, but became more similar with 
increasing distance along transects into the remnant 
vegetation (Fig. 1). This pattern was consistent with 
the results of Monte Carlo tests, which detected 
significant (p<0.05) treatment effects at 0 and 10 m 
but not at greater distances into the remnant vegetation 
(p>0.05, Fig. 1). 

The difference among disturbed and undisturbed 
areas was most strongly driven by differences in 
the abundance of P. radiata, which had a strongly 
negative species weight (Fig. 1). Native species 
with large negative species weights were Lomandra 
longifolia, Leucopogon lanceolatus, Poranthera 
microphylla, and Cassinia aculeata, suggesting an 
affinity of these species to the disturbed areas. Native 
species with strongly positive species weights, such as 
Persoonia acuminata, Monotoca scoparia, Clematis 
aristata and Stellaria pungens were more abundant 
in the undisturbed sites, demonstrating the sensitivity 
of these species to the disturbance associated with the 
penetration of pine litter. 



@— 8 Undisturbed areas not adjacent ta plantations 

O— Disturbed areas adjacent to plantations 

Distance (m} 

0 10 20 30 

0.0 @——__—_____6______# se 9g- 

“2 we 

03 ¥ 
4 p=0.19 


Canonical coeficen (Cat 



a Persoonia acuminata 
Monatoce scoparia 

Clematis arstata 

Stellana pungens 

Mois barntchale 
sperala scoporea 

, Olehandra repens 

= Seneciospp. 

5 Leueopogen juniperinus 

rass 2 

Veronica calycine 
| - Pos sieberana 
A-— —— 1 - Plantego debiis 

Dianella sp. 2 
_ Gilarciera scandens 
 Lomandra filfformis 
Cassina aculeata 
Poranthera micraphyia 
Leucopogon lanceoiatus 
Lomanara longifolia 


Species Weight (b.) 

-{ *~ Pinus radiata 

Figure 1. Principal response curve with species weights for vegetation assemblage data from veg- 
etation transects in areas adjacent to and not adjacent to pine plantations. Species with weights 
between 0.5 and -0.5 have been omitted for clarity. Probability (p) values indicate the outcomes of 

Monte Carlo tests per sampling distance. 


The significant differences in the distribution of 
plant species located at disturbed and undisturbed 
areas in this study are highly consistent with 
previous research in the southern hemisphere that has 
documented the displacement of native plant species 
following invasion by P. radiata (Richardson et al. 
1994, Richardson and Higgins 1998, Holmes et al. 
2000, Morgan et al. 2000). We have also shown that 
differences in the composition of plant communities 
between disturbed and undisturbed areas decrease 
with distance from plantations, such that there is 
no significant difference in plant species richness 
and abundance at 20 m and beyond. The increasing 
similarity of plant communities with increased 
distance from plantations is consistent with work 
showing an exponential decline in the mass of pine 
litter with increasing distance from plantations (Baker 

Relative changes in the composition of native 
plant communities between disturbed and undisturbed 


areas are clearly evident and easily interpretable in the 
PRC, therein highlighting a significant advantage of 
this approach over traditional ordination techniques. 
The method also has the distinct advantage over 
other approaches in that the ordination allows a 
simplified interpretation of species-level patterns in 
the data. Thus, this method is likely to detect subtle 
changes that may occur in only a few species in the 
assemblage (Pardal et al. 2004). The PRC method is 
currently limited to using Euclidean distance as the 
(dis)similarity measure. The trade off is the ability 
for PRC to include a species-level analysis. Other 
analyses that permit a broader range of indices (e.g. 
similarity analysis, MDS, ANOSIM) have a limited 
ability to display effects on particular species (although 
species patterns can be shown through supplementary 
analyses such as SIMPER). An advantage of PRC 
analysis is that it integrates sample ordinations and 
Species patterns in a single analysis (van den Brink 
and Ter Braak 1999). 

Accompanying the increase in pine abundance, 
the vegetation of disturbed sites contained a greater 
abundance of Lomandra longifolia, Leucopogon 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


lanceolatus, Poranthera microphylla, and Cassinia 
aculeata than at undisturbed sites. Several of these 
species are able to colonise disturbed habitats (B.R. 
Murray pers. obs.), however, there are very few 
herbarium records that describe whether or not these 
species are characteristic of disturbed areas. The 
exception is Cassinia aculeata, which is known to be 
a fast growing pioneer species that regenerates from 
seed following a disturbance (CSU herbarium 2005) 
and frequently inhabits disturbed areas (Fairly and 
Moore 2002). In this study, the occurrence of these 
species in the sites adjacent to the pine plantations 
suggests an ecological disturbance in those areas, as 
a result of the close proximity of pine plantations to 
native vegetation. In contrast, the vegetation at the 
undisturbed areas contained a greater abundance of 
Persoonia acuminata, Monotoca scoparia, Clematis 
aristata and Stellaria pungens. The species in this 
group are all small native shrubs, herbs and climbers 
(Harden 1990-1993, Fairly and Moore 2002). 
Their relatively lower abundance in disturbed areas 
suggests they are sensitive to the disturbance caused 
by the close proximity of pine plantations to native 

All the species discussed above are common 
in woodland communities across the study region 
(Fairly and Moore 2002, PlantNET 2005), and cannot 
be distinguished into two groups based on regional 
abundance (i.e. none of these species are uncommon 
on a broader scale). The species are all perennial 
except for Poranthera microphylla (which is a 
small annual herb (Fairly and Moore 2002), are of 
similar growth form (herb or small shrub), but vary in 
maximum height (PlantNET 2005). Future research 
should include manipulative experiments to contrast 
the growth of these potentially sensitive species 
between areas with and without pines and pine litter. 

Clearly, our findings are correlative and further 
experimental work is required to link pine plantations 
with changes in plant species richness and abundance. 
However, our results do suggest that there is an edge 
effect associated with pine plantations. Such an edge 
effect may be caused by factors including altered 
microclimate surrounding pine plantations or the 
presence of pine litter that can penetrate remnant 
vegetation up to 50 m from adjoining plantations 
(Baker 2004). Pine litter may smother herbs or small 
shrubs, possibly explaining the reduced abundance of 
some such species in the disturbed sites. Plantations 
where pine litter dominates the forest floor have 
altered litter decomposition and nutrient cycling rates 
compared to native vegetation (Scholes and Nowicki 
1998). Similar patterns may occur in native forests 
and woodlands where pine material also dominates 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

the litter, which may also explain the patterns in 
vegetation composition we observed. Indeed, Burdon 
and Chilvers (1994) report that a discontinuous carpet 
of pine needles and shading from individual pines 
growing in native vegetation results in a changed 
environment, and ultimately changes to plant 

The close proximity of pine plantations to native 
vegetation appears to have a significant impact on 
composition of plant communities. It is our prediction 
that the patterns we observed in the vegetation 
assemblages are the result of the introduction 
of pine litter and altered ecosystem functioning. 
Consequently, we expect similar edge effects to occur 
wherever remnant vegetation abuts plantations and 
pine litter is exchanged. 

Our novel use of PRC analysis has identified 
significant effects at the community level, as well as 
particular species that may be tolerant or sensitive to 
disturbance brought about by the close proximity of 
native vegetation to pine plantations. It is the focus 
of our future research to better understand both the 
intrinsic factors (e.g. life-history traits) and extrinsic 
factors (e.g. seedling growth under soils exposed to 
pine litter leachate) that lead to this dichotomy. 


We thank the Department of Environmental Sciences 
(UTS), the Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust, and the 
Linnean Society of NSW for financial and logistical 
support. Pete Mitchell kindly commented on a draft 
of the manuscript. 


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Silurian Linguliformean Brachiopods and Conodonts from the 
Cobra Formation, Southeastern New South Wales, Australia 


Centre for Ecostratigraphy and Palaeobiology, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie 
University, NSW 2109, Australia 

Valentine, J.L., Cole, D.J. and Simpson, A.J. (2006). Silurian linguliformean brachiopods and conodonts 
from the Cobra Formation, southeastern New South Wales, Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean 

Society of New South Wales 127, 199-234. 

Silurian linguliformean brachiopods and conodonts are documented and described from the type section 
through the Cobra Formation (Taralga Group) in Murruin Creek, near Taralga. The linguliformean brachiopod 
fauna includes linguloids (six taxa), discinoids (three taxa), acrotretoids (four taxa) and a siphonotretoid. 
These are the first Late Silurian linguliformean brachiopods to be documented from eastern Australia. 
New taxa include Acrotretella dizeugosa sp. nov., upon which is based the first detailed description of the 
ontogeny of Acrotretella Ireland, 1961. Eleven multi-element conodont taxa are recognised, including the 
temporally significant taxon, Kockelella maenniki Serpagli and Corradini, 1998. Based on these conodont 
data, and other faunal elements, the Cobra Formation in Murruin Creek appears to range from mid-Wenlock? 

to mid-Ludlow (early to mid-siluricus Zone) in age. 

Manuscript received 23 June 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005. 

KEYWORDS: Brachiopods, Cobra Formation, Conodonts, Linguliformea, Ludlow, New South Wales, 



The Cobra Formation (Taralga Group) crops out 
in a thin, north-south trending belt east of Taralga 
in southeastern New South Wales (Fig. 1). Despite 
extensive studies of a number of sections through the 
Cobra Formation (eg. Jongsma 1968; Roots 1969; 
Scheibner 1973; Morritt 1979; Powell and Fergusson 
1979a; Pickett 1982; Matthews 1985), no detailed 
accounts or systematic descriptions of the numerous 
fossil groups from these sections have been published. 
The present investigation focuses on linguliformean 
brachiopods and conodonts recovered from the Cobra 
Formation in Murruin Creek, approximately 20 km 
north of Wombeyan Caves (Fig. 2). 

The only report of linguliformean brachiopods 
from the Taralga Group is restricted to a single 
occurrence of Schizotreta sp. from the base of the 
Cobra Formation in Murruin Creek (Sherwin 1970). 
Silurian linguliformean brachiopods from eastern 
Australia are generally poorly known, with the only 
well-documented fauna being from the Early Silurian 

(Llandovery-Wenlock) Boree Creek Formation of 
central-western New South Wales (Dean-Jones 1979; 
Valentine and Brock 2003; Valentine et al. 2003). 
These are the first Late Silurian linguliformean 
brachiopods to be documented and described from 
eastern Australia. 

Previous accounts of conodonts from the 
Taralga Group are restricted to the Wombeyan 
Limestone (Sherwin 1969; revised by Pickett 1982), a 
biohermal unit interpreted as Late Silurian in age, and 
stratigraphically equivalent to the base of the Cobra 
Formation in Murruin Creek (Naylor 1937; Jongsma 
1968; Scheibner 1973). Based on a single Pa element 
assigned to ‘Spathognathodus’ (= Pandorinella) 
exigua (Philip, 1966), Sherwin (1969) suggested that 
the Wombeyan Limestone was Early Devonian in age. 
However, in his biostratigraphic review of Australian 
Silurian conodonts, Simpson (1995a:339) stated that 
this element could be a morphotype of Ozarkodina 
confluens (Branson and Mehl, 1933), a late Silurian 
species. No conodonts have previously been reported 
from the Cobra Formation. 



The Early Silurian (mid-Wenlock?) to Early 
Devonian Taralga Group, cropping out east of Taralga, 
is an upward-shallowing, deepwater sequence 
deposited along the eastern limb of the Cookbundoon 
Synclinorium, on the western edge of the Capertee 
High in the Hill End Trough (Scheibner 1973; Powell 
and Fergusson 1979b; Matthews 1985) (Fig. 1). The 
Cobra Formation forms the basal unit of the Taralga 
Group and consists of ~670 m of interbedded fine- 
grained micrites, siltstones and limestones (Pickett 
1982; Matthews 1985). Based on the fine detrital 
nature of the Cobra Formation, the orientation of 
fossil corals, and the occurrence of the calcareous 
alga, Pseudochaetetes Haug, 1883 in association with 
the tabulate coral, Entelophyllum sp., from the base 
of the Cobra Formation in Little Wombeyan Creek 
(Fig. 1), Pickett (1985) concluded that the Cobra 
Formation was of turbiditic origin. Disarticulated 
rhynchonelliformean brachiopods from the same 
horizons are all deposited concave side down, 
suggesting post-mortem transportation via traction 
currents (Matthews 1985). 

The Cobra Formation overlies the low grade 
metamorphic shales and greywackes of the Late 
Ordovician to Early Silurian Burra Burra Creek 
Formation (uppermost unit of the Triangle Group) 
(Figs 1, 2). The contact between the two units is 
widely stated to faulted, or a high angle unconformity, 
and a significant time break has been implied to exist 
between them (Jongsma 1968; Roots 1969; Scheibner 
1973; Talent et al. 1975; Powell et al. 1976; Powell and 
Fergusson 1979a, b; Pickett 1982). In contrast, both 
Morritt (1979) and Matthews (1985) have argued that 
this contact is paraconformable (though sometimes 
faulted) as in Murruin, Kerrawary, Guineacor and 
Cowhorn creeks, or gradational over about 15 m as in 
Little Wombeyan Creek (Fig. 1). 

No evidence of a high angle unconformity 
between the Burra Burra Creek and Cobra formations 
was observed in Murruin Creek. The contact is 
marked by a prominent, 14 m thick conglomeritic 
horizon, whose upper boundary marks the start of 
the MU section (Figs 2, 3). Matthews (1985) argued 
that this conglomeritic horizon only occurs where 
faulting (parallel and/or subparallel to bedding) exists 
between the Burra Burra Creek and Cobra formations. 
The fault, and associated conglomerate, can occur 
within either formation, or as in Murruin Creek, at the 
contact between the two. Where faulting is absent, as 
in Little Wombeyan Creek, the conglomeritic horizon 
is also absent. Therefore, this horizon would appear 


to have originated through post-lithification tectonic 
activity (Matthews 1985). 

The first 468 m of the MU section through the 
Cobra Formation consists of well-bedded, grey- 
black shales (4-25 cm thick) interbedded with pale 
coloured, nodular limestone bands (1-6 cm thick) 
and dark-grey limestone beds (up to 1.8 m thick) 
(Fig. 3). However, continuously exposed horizons 
are restricted to 126-171 m and 431-468 m above 
the base of the MU section (Fig. 3). Between these 
intervals, only sporadic outcrops of grey-black shales 
and nodular limestones, identical to those occurring 
in the interval 126-171 m above the base of the MU 
section, were observed. 

The only linguliformean brachiopod recovered 
from this part of the MU section was a single 
dorsal valve of Orbiculoidea sp. from sample MU 
21 (174.6 m above the base of the section) (Table 
1). Conodonts from this part of the MU section are 
all predominantly long ranging forms and include 
Panderodus unicostatus (Branson and Mehl, 
1933), Panderodus recurvatus (Rhodes, 1953) and 
Dapsilodus_ obliquicostatus (Branson and Mehl, 
1933) (Table 2). This fauna is broadly suggestive of a 
Wenlock to Pridoli age. 

Jongsma (1968), Roots (1969) and Scheibner 
(1973) all recorded Batocara mitchelli (Foerste, 1888) 
within the first 175 m of their respective sections 
through the Cobra Formation in Murruin Creek. This 
species ranges from the mid-Wenlock to mid-Ludlow 
in Australia (Pickett et al. 2000). Corals identified by 
Sherwin (1969) and Pickett (1985) from the base of 
the Cobra Formation in Little Wombeyan Creek (Fig. 
1) belong to the Hatton’s Corner coral assemblage 
(Strusz and Munson 1997; Munson et al. 2000) and 
suggests a late Wenlock to Ludlow age. Therefore, 
the base of the Cobra Formation would appear to be, 
at most, mid-Wenlock in age. 

Continuously cropping out horizons occur for 
the last 64.2 m of the MU section, beginning 605 m 
above its base (Fig. 3). This part of the MU section 
consists of well-bedded, dark-grey limestone horizons 
(up to 20 cm thick) interbedded with thicker intervals 
of soft, light brown mudstones between 605-623.1 
m above the base of the MU section. Several faults 
also occur in this part of the Cobra Formation (Fig. 
2)—one at 623.1 m above the base of the MU section, 
where massive black limestones replace the mudstone 
horizons. These limestone horizons continue through 
to the top of the Cobra Formation (Fig. 3). This part 
of the MU section has undergone folding as part of 
the latest Devonian to early Carboniferous regional 
deformation event that affected the Hill End Trough 
(Powell et al. 1976). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


t+ et tteet+ 
+++ ete tet 
++ tttee¢ + 

34°00'S ‘Ati: 34°00'S 



Permian Sydney Basin 

/ Late Carboniferous Granite Plutons 

/ Late Devonian to 
34°30; Early Carboniferous 

Lambie Group 

Early to Middle 

? Early Silurian to 
Early Devonian 

? Late Ordovician 
to ? Early Silurian 

Bindook Porphyry 
Complex and equivalents 

Taralga Group 

Triangle Group 



Figure 1. Generalised regional geological map of the Taralga area showing where the Taralga Group 
crops out (modified after Powell and Fergusson 1979a). Study area in Murruin Creek is indicated by 

boxed area and enlarged in Fig. 2. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 






CAV : 

AVES oe 3 
‘ : LWA~ruts 

MU 24 


Tertiary cover 
Whipbird Creek Formation 

no outcrop and/or mined area 


Cobra Formation 


Group Burra Burra Creek Formation 

MU Section line 
Inferred geological boundaries 


Figure 2. Detailed geological map of study area in Murruin Creek, showing location of MU section. 

Note that the MU section runs from right to left. 

The change in lithology to massive black 
limestones coincides with a dramatic increase in the 
number of linguliformean brachiopods and conodont 
elements recovered. The linguliformean brachiopod 
fauna is dominated by acrotretoids, particularly 
Opsiconidion ephemerus (Mergl, 1982) (Table 1). 
This species ranges from the upper Ludlow of the 
Kopanina Formation to the Pridoli Pozary Formation 
of the Czech Republic and broadly agrees with the 
Ludlow age determination for the upper part of the 
MU section based on conodont data (see below). In 
fact, the Murruin Creek linguliformean brachiopod 
assemblage is similar to that described by Mergl 
(2001) from the deepwater Ludlow Kopanina 
Formation in the Barrandian of the Czech Republic. 
The Kopanina fauna, also dominated by acrotretoids, 


Figure 3. (OPPOSITE) Stratigraphic column of 
the MU section showing lithology and all sam- 
pled horizons. Numbers on the left of each col- 
umn represent metres above the base of the MU 
section and those on the right, sample numbers. 
Detail of lithology and sampling for the 47 m of 
section from sample MU 1 to MU 21 is enlarged 
to the left. Note that due to scale, only those nodu- 
lar limestone horizons sampled in this interval 
are included. Detail of lithology and sampling 
for the 2.51 m of section from sample MU 25 to 
MU 30, and for the 0.9 m of section from sam- 
ple MU 32 to MU 38, are enlarged to the right. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



a Flaggy sandstones and shales 

Massive black limestones 


Calcite bands 

No outcrop 

Dark - grey to black limestone beds 
Formation Light coloured nodular limestone 


Grey - black shales and mudstones 

Grey - black shales interbedded with 
light coloured nodular limestone bands 

Sporadically cropping out horizons of 
grey - black shales interbedded with 
light coloured nodular limestone bands 



Burra Burra Conglomerate 

Formation Black, thinly bedded shales 


Sample numbers 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 203 



Sale | se 
Metres above base of MU section Sailers = 
— Ke) ‘© 

Sample Numb 



osagittella? sp. 


Rowellella? sp. 

Paterula sp. 

inguloid gen. et sp. indet. 1 
inguloid gen. et sp. indet. 2 

chizotreta sp. 

— ),— SG 
S z 
S < 
5 o. 
S 1S) 
= = 
® e 
S =" 
n [on 
1) aq 

=? > =p =? 

we PN eae ea 

Opsiconidion sp. cf. O. ephemerus 79 

Table 1. Distribution and abundance of each linguliformean brachiopod species recovered 
from productive samples along the MU section through the Cobra Formation in Murruin 
Creek. Abbreviations: vv = ventral valve(s); dv = dorsal valve(s); frag = fragment(s); co = 
conjoined specimen(s). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


CC Spee 
ows] TLL Tei ETT Els ET efefelelel=| | I 
eee] Te ele | ielstelst | TT feleleletel | I 
ipa a abe P| =| [| ofells fells helidilisbslsde-l-le[>| | fol 
Recall | elotelod alfa elspdob Plata] | TT | 
pes] & | felstsfel-lea/-[la-| [ale] [iS Els{[-[-]-[>/2/2/-[=[-[--[5| 
Po 2S Gon aaa eee GOSSUoRE 

Sample Numbers 


Metres above base of MU section 

arkodina excavata excavata 

Oulodus sp. cf. Oulodus elegans 

Conodont Taxa 
Belodella anomalis 
Dapsilodus obliquicostatus 
Decoriconus fragilis 
Panderodus recurvatus 
Panderodus serratus 
Panderodus unicostatus 
Coryssognathus dubius 

Kockelella maenniki 
Unassigned elements 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



in Murrui 

10n In 

Table 2. Distribution and abundance of each conodont species recovered from productive samples along the MU section through the 
Cobra Format 



agreement with the Ludlow age 
determination for this part of the 
MU section. 

Conformably overlying 
the Cobra Formation in 
Cowhorn, Kerrawary, Guineacor 
and Little Wombeyan creeks 
(Fig. 1), are thinly bedded (<1 
m thick), deep-water, turbiditic 
arenites, lutites and siltstones of 
the Argyle Formation (Scheibner 
1973; Pickett 1982; Matthews 
1985). In Murruin Creek, the 
Cobra Formation is conformably 
overlain by the Whipbird Creek 
Formation (Fig. 2), a turbiditic 

Abbreviation Explanation 
IL, valve length 
W valve width 
H valve height 
WI width of pseudointerarea 
LI maximum length of pseudointerarea 
Fa length of pedicle foramen 
Fw width of pedicle foramen 
Fp point of origin of pedicle foramen 
LS length of dorsal valve median septum 
BS point of origin of dorsal valve median septum 
MHS maximum height of dorsal valve median septum 
OSP point of origin of surmounting plate 
LSP length of surmounting plate 
WSP width of surmounting plate 
LP length of larval shell 
WP width of larval shell 
HP height of larval shell 
N number of measurements 
MEAN average value 

SD standard deviation 
maximum value 
minimum value 

Table 3. Abbreviations used for measurements (in um) of linguli 
formean brachiopods. Abbreviations based on those of Popov and 
Holmer (1994:35, fig. 39). Where applicable, all measurements are 

made from the posterior margin. 

includes numerous small discinids and rarer 
occurrences of larger discinids, obolids, linguloids 
and a siphonotretoid (Mergl 2001). 

The majority of the conodonts recovered from 
this part of the MU section were the same long ranging 
forms occurring in the lower part of the MU section 
(Table 2). The lenticular and triangular elements of 
Belodella anomalis Cooper, 1974 recovered from 
Murruin Creek (Table 2) are all broad-based (Fig. 
4a-g). Simpson (1995b: 310) and Jeppsson (1989) 
noted a general morphological trend in this taxon 
of broad-based elements in the Ludlow (eg. Cooper 
1974:pl. 1, figs 1-10; Simpson et al. 1993:fig. 4G- 
I; Simpson 1995b:pl. 16, fig. 15) and narrower- 
based elements in the Pridoli (eg. Jeppsson 1989: 
pl. 1, fig. 15; Simpson 1995b:pl. 16, fig. 21). Farrell 
(2004), however, documented a relatively broad- 
based population of elements from the Camelford 
Limestone and interpreted this sequence as Pridoli in 
age. Sample MU 34 (642.6 m above the base of the 
section) also yielded a single Pa and M element of 
the temporally significant taxon, Kockelella maenniki 
Serpagli and Corradini, 1998 (Table 2). This species 
is restricted to the early to mid-si/uricus Zone (mid- 
Ludlow) of Europe and North America (Corradini 
and Serpagli 1999; Serpagli and Corradini 1999). In 
addition, a pygidium, possibly of B. mitchelli, was 
recovered from sample MU 28 (624.6 m above the 
base of the section) (Fig. 3). This is also in general 


sequence of interbedded 
sandstones and shales that may 
represent a distal facies of the 
Argyle Formation. Matthews 
(1985) reported rare boundary 
faulting between the Cobra 
and Argyle formations in Little 
Wombeyan Creek and _ similar 
faulting occurs in the upper 
part of the Cobra Formation in 
Murruin Creek (Fig. 2). The contact between the 
Cobra and Whipbird Creek formations lies ~670 m 
above the base of the MU section (Fig. 3), compared 
to only 550 m reported by Scheibner (1973), Pickett 
(1982) and Matthews (1985). Given the folding and 
faulting occurring in this part of the Cobra Formation, 
the possibility of repeated horizons in the MU section 
cannot be dismissed. 



All type, paratype and figured materials are 
lodged in the palaeontological collections of the 
Australian Museum, Sydney (AM F). 

Phylum Brachiopoda Dumeéril, 1806 


Measurements (in pm) of  linguliformean 
brachiopods are based on those of Popov and 
Holmer (1994:35, fig. 39). Abbreviations used for 
the measurement of all taxa are listed in Table 3. 
Note that the width of some incomplete specimens 
was determined by measuring half the width 
and multiplying by two, assuming a bilaterally 
symmetrical organism. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Order Lingulida Waagen, 1885 
Superfamily Linguloidea Menke, 1828 
Family Pseudolingulidae Holmer, 1991 

pseudolingulid gen. et sp. indet. 1 
Fig. 4a-f 

Figured material 

AM F328314 (Fig. 4a-c): ventral valve; AM 
F128315 (Fig. 4d): dorsal valve; AM F128316 (Fig. 
4e, f): dorsal valve, sample MU 36. All from sample 
MU 35 unless otherwise mentioned (Table 1). 


The ventral valve pseudointerarea has a well- 
developed pedicle notch and small, subtriangular 
propareas (Fig. 4b, c). The posterior margin of the 
dorsal valve is thickened and has an undivided, 
anacline pseudointerarea (Fig. 4d). The larval shell is 
smooth and the post larval shell ornament consists of 
fine concentric filae (five per 10 um) (Fig. 4a, e, f). 

‘Lingula’ lewisii Sowerby, 1839, from the 
lower Ludlow Aymestry Limestone of Wales, was 
questionably referred to the pseudolingulids by Holmer 
(1991) based on similarities in vascular impressions 
and muscle scars with Pseudolingula quadrata (von 
Eichwald, 1829). ‘Lingula’ lewisii differs by being 
more rectangular with sharper cardinal angles and 
is larger (average length 11.5 mm) (Cherns 1979; 
Bassett 1986). ?Wadiglossa perlonga (Barrande, 
1879) from the Ludlow Kopanina Formation of 
the Czech Republic, is distinguished by its acutely 
pointed beak and post-larval shell ornament of low, 
poorly developed concentric growth lines (Mergl 

Family Obolidae King, 1846 
Subfamily Obolinae King, 1846 
Kosagittella Mergl, 2001 

Type species 
Kosagittella clara Mergl, 2001. 

Kosagittella? sp. 
Fig. 4m-o 

Figured material 
AM F128321 (Fig. 4m-o): ventral valve, sample 
MU 32 (Table 1). 


The ventral valve has a thickened posterior wall 
and a weakly apsacline to orthocline pseudointerarea, 
medially divided by a parallel sided pedicle groove 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

that continues forward of the pseudointerarea a short 
distance as a shallow groove (Fig. 4n). The subcircular 
larval shell is smooth and located marginally. The 
post-larval shell ornament consists of widely spaced 
concentric lamellae that are best developed on the 
lateral slopes (Fig. 4m). These characteristics recall 
Kosagittella, and in particular, Kosagittella pinguis 
Mergl, 2001 from the Lochkovian Lochkov Formation 
of the Czech Republic. However, the ventral valve 
pseudointerarea of the Murruin Creek specimens 
differ from Kosagittella in lacking laterally inclined 
propareas (Fig. 40). 

Family Zhantellidae Koneva, 1986 
Rowellella Wright, 1963 

Type species 
Rowellella minuta Wright, 1963. 
Rowellella? sp. 
Fig. 4p-r 

Figured material 

AM F128322 (Fig. 4p): dorsal? valve; AM 
F128323 (Fig. 4q, r): ventral? valve. Both from 
sample MU 36 (Table 1). 


Although incomplete, these specimens appear 
to be elongately subrectangular to subtriangular 
in outline (Fig. 4p). The post-larval shell ornament 
consists of distinct concentric lamellae (six to seven 
per 100 um) separated by flat interspaces bearing filae 
that are initially discontinuos laterally, but become 
concentric during later growth stages (Fig. 4q, r). The 
post-larval shell microornament of Rowellella cf. R. 
lamellosa Popov, 1976 (in Nazarov and Popov 1976) 
from Middle Ordovician strata in Sweden (Holmer 
1989) consists of similar sets of discontinuous 
filae, but these are developed over the entire shell. 
Rowellella distincta Bednarezyk and Biernat, 1978 
from the lower Arenig of the Holy Cross Mountains 
in Poland (Bednarczyk and Biernat 1978) and the 
Arenig Klabava Formation of the Czech Republic 
(Mergl 1995, 2002), also has a similar post-larval 
shell microornament, but has more prominent and 
widely spaced concentric lamellae. The post-larval 
shell microornament of Rowellella sp. from the Early 
Ordovician Bjorkasholmen Limestone of Sweden 
and Norway (Popov and Holmer 1994) also consists 
of discontinuous sets of concentric filae, but these are 
only developed anteriorly. 

The dorsal? valve interior of the Murruin 
Creek specimens has an elongate muscle field that 



Figure 4. a-f. Pseudolingulid gen. et sp. indet. 1 all from sample MU 35 unless otherwise mentioned. a- 
c. Ventral valve AM F328314; a, exterior; b, interior; c, detail of pseudointerarea. d. Dorsal valve AM 
F 128315, interior. e, f. Dorsal valve AM F128316, sample MU 36; e, exterior; f, detail of larval shell. g, h. 
Paterula sp. both from sample MU 36 g. Ventral valve AM F 128317; interior. h. Dorsal valve AM F128318; 
exterior. i-k. Linguloid gen. et sp. indet. 2. Dorsal valve AM F128319, sample MU 35; i, exterior; j, interior; 
k, detail of pseudointerarea. |. Linguloid gen. et sp. indet. 1. Fragment of post-larval shell AM F128320, 
sample MU 36; exterior. m-o. Kosagittella? sp. Ventral valve AM F128321, sample MU 32; m, exterior; 
n, interior; 0, anterior view. p-r. Rowellella? sp. both from sample MU 36 p. Dorsal? valve AM F128322; 
interior (scale bar equals 1000 um). q, r. Ventral? valve AM F128323; q, exterior; r, detail of post-larval 
shell microornament (scale bar equals 10 um). Unless otherwise mentioned all scale bars equal 100 um. 

208 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


expands slightly in width anteriorly, and is divided 
by a low, broad median ridge (Fig. 4p). This is 
similar to the dorsal valve interior of Rowellella? 
parvicapera Valentine, Brock and Molloy, 2003 from 
the Llandovery-Wenlock Boree Creek Formation 
near Orange in central-western New South Wales. 
The Murruin Creek specimens, however, lack the 
microormment of irregularly arranged wrinkles 
possessed by R? parvicapera on the interspaces 
between the concentric ridges on the post-larval shell 
(Valentine et al. 2003). 

Family Paterulidae Cooper, 1956 
Paterula Barrande, 1879 

Type species 
Paterula bohemica Barrande, 1879. 
Paterula sp. 
Fig. 4g, h 

Figured material 

AM F128317 (Fig. 4g): ventral valve; AM 
F128318 (Fig. 4h): dorsal valve. Both from sample 
MU 36 (Table 1). 


The suboval outline, poorly impressed muscle 
scars, small pedicle notch (Fig. 4g) and dorsibiconvex 
profile of the Murruin Creek specimens are similar to 
P. argus from the Llandovery Zelkovice and Wenlock 
Motol formations of the Czech Republic (Mergl 
1999a). The Murruin Creek specimens differ in having 
a wider limbus that creates a distinctly flattened rim 
externally, particularly along the posterior margin 
of the dorsal valve (Fig. 4h). Internally, the ventral 
valve differs by possessing a prominent, raised, 
subperipheral rim along the posterior margin (Fig. 


linguloid gen. et sp. indet. 1 
Fig. 41 

Figured material 
AM F 128320 (Fig. 41): post-larval shell frag- 
ment, sample MU 36 (Table 1). 


Known only from only a few post-larval shell 
fragments, these specimens have an ornament of 
low, broadly rounded concentric ridges spaced 
at regular intervals of 250 wm. The ridges, and 
concave interspaces, bear closely spaced, rounded 
concentric filae (six per 100 um) (Fig. 41). This is 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

similar to the post-larval shell ornament of Lingulops 
austrinus Valentine, Brock and Molloy, 2003 from 
the Llandovery-Wenlock Boree Creek Formation 
near Orange in central-western New South Wales and 
Lingulops barrandei Mergl, 1999b from the Ludlow 
Kopanina Formation of the Czech Republic (Mergl 
1999b, 2001). In comparison, the concentric ridges 
of the Boree Creek material are spaced at intervals of 
30 um and the concentric filae of the Czech material 
are confined to the concentric ridges. No evidence of 
a muscle supporting platform or limbus, diagnostic 
features of Lingulops Hall, 1872 (Holmer and Popov 
2000), were observed. 

linguloid gen. et sp. indet. 2 
Fig. 41-k 

Figured material 
AM F128319 (Fig. 41-k): dorsal valve, sample 
MU 35 (Table 1). 


The well-developed limbus, ?elongate outline 
and lack of post-larval shell pitting (Fig. 41, j) 
suggest affinities with the Elliptoglossinae. Unlike 
both Elliptoglossa Cooper, 1956 and Lingulops, the 
Murruin Creek material has a well-developed, broadly 
depressed and anacline dorsal valve pseudointerarea 
(Fig. 4k) and can be further differentiated from 
Lingulops by lacking a muscle supporting platform 

(Fig. 4j). 

Superfamily Discinoidea Gray, 1840 
Family Discinidae Gray, 1840 
Orbiculoidea d’ Orbigny, 1847 

Type species 
Orbicula forbesii Davidson, 1848. 
Orbiculoidea sp. 
Fig. 5a-g 

Figured material 

AM F128324 (Fig. 5a): ventral valve fragment, 
sample MU 34; AM F128325 (Fig. 5b, c): dorsal 
valve, sample MU 35; AM F128326 (Fig. 5d, e): 
dorsal valve, sample MU 32; AM F128327 (Fig. 5f, 
g): dorsal valve, sample MU 31 (Table 1). 


Juvenile specimens are subrounded with a 
straight to weakly convex posterior margin and 
evenly convex lateral and anterior margins (Fig. 5b). 
In lateral profile they are weakly convex (Fig. 5c). 



Figure 5. a-g. Orbiculoidea sp. all from sample MU 35 unless otherwise mentioned. a. Fragment of ventral 
valve posterior slope AM F128324, sample MU 34; exterior; b, c. Dorsal valve AM F 128325; b, exterior; 
c, lateral view. d, e. Dorsal valve AM F 128326; d, exterior; e, lateral view; f, g. Dorsal valve AM F128327, 
sample MU 32; f, exterior; g, lateral view. h-n. Schizotreta sp. all from sample MU 36. h, i. Dorsal valve AM 
F 128328; h, exterior; i, detail of larval shell. j. Ventral valve AM F128329; interior. k-n Ventral valve AM 
F 128330; k, exterior; |, detail of larval shell; m, detail of pedicle track and foramen; n, interior. 0, p. Disci- 
nid gen. et sp. indet. 1. o. Dorsal valve AM F128331, sample MU 36; interior. p. Dorsal valve AM F 128332, 
sample MU 35; exterior. q-w. Artiotreta longisepta Valentine, Brock and Molloy, 2003. q-t. Dorsal valve AM 
F128333, sample MU 32; q, interior; r, exterior; ands, lateral views; t, interiorin lateral view. u-w. Conjoined 
valves AM F128334, sample MU 36; u, plan; v, anterior; and w, posterior views. All scale bars equal 100 um. 

210 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Mature dorsal valves are more elongate, with longer, 
more gently curved, lateral margins (Fig. 5d, f) and 
are weakly convex to low subconical in lateral profile 
(Fig. 5e, g). The ventral valves have a long, narrow, 
parallel-sided pedicle track covered for most of its 
length by a concave listrum (Fig. 5a). The post-larval 
shell ornament consists of well-developed concentric 
ridges arising through insertion on the lateral slopes 
(Fig. 5b, d, f). 

Numerous Silurian discinids have been assigned 
to Orbiculoidea (eg. Biernat 1984; Bassett 1986; Mergl 
1996, 2001). These are generally distinguishable from 
the Murruin Creek specimens by their more circular 
dorsal valves, greater convexity, and centrally located 
apices. Orbiculoidea sp. C from the Pridoli Pozary 
and Lochkovian Lochkov formations of the Czech 
Republic (Mergl, 2001) is similar to the Murruin 
Creek taxon. Both species have low, subconical 
dorsal valves with a subcentral apex and an ornament 
of well-developed concentric ridges arising through 
insertion on the lateral slopes. Orbiculoidea sp. C 
differs in having a subcircular dorsal valve outline 
and by being wider and less elongate (Merg] 2001). 

Schizotreta Kutorga, 1848 

Type species 
Orbicula elliptica Kutorga, 1846. 

Schizotreta sp. 
Fig. Sh-n 

Figured material 

AM F128328 (Fig. 5h, i): dorsal valve; AM 
F128329 (Fig. 5j): ventral valve; AM F128330 (Fig. 
5k-n): ventral valve. All from sample MU 36 (Table 



Both valves of this species from Murruin Creek 
are subcircular with a weakly flattened posterior 
margin and have a post-larval shell ornament of low, 
continuous, concentric lamellae (two to four per 100 
uum) that become more prominent toward the valve 
margins (Fig. 5h, k). The large larval shell, located 
submarginally in the ventral valve (averaging 438 
um long; 500 um wide) and marginally in the dorsal 
valve (averaging 354 um long; 399 um wide), bear 
fine growth filae on their anterior and anterolateral 
slopes (Fig. 5h, k, 1). The ventral valve has a short, 
elliptical pedicle track covered for most of its length 
by a concave listrum. The foramen, preserved in only 
one specimen, is quadrate and has a raised rim (Fig. 
5k, m). The pedicle track continues internally as a 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

posteriorly directed pedicle tube that is flattened along 
the valve floor and ends just prior to the posterior 
margin (Fig. 5n). 

Schizotreta elliptica from the Early Ordovician 
of the Leningrad district in Russia, differs from the 
Murruin Creek species by its elongately oval dorsal 
valve, submarginally located larval shell, shorter, 
more strongly elliptical pedicle track and elliptical 
foramen. Valentine et al. (2003) described two species 
of Schizotreta from the Llandovery-Wenlock Boree 
Creek Formation near Orange in central-western 
New South Wales. Schizotreta corrugaticis Valentine, 
Brock and Molloy, 2003 has a flatter dorsal valve with 
a submarginally located larval shell and an ornament 
of well-developed concentric ridges arising through 
insertion on the lateral slopes (Valentine et al. 2003). 
Schizotreta cristatus Valentine, Brock and Molloy, 
2003 is distinguished by its elongately subrectangular 
dorsal valve outline and more widely spaced continuous 
concentric lamellae. Internally, the ventral valve has 
a low, broad, crescentic-shaped ridge bounding the 
anterior margin of the muscle field (Valentine et al. 
2003). Schizotreta rarissima (Barrande, 1879) from 
the Wenlock Motol Formation of the Czech Republic, 
has a narrow, elongately oval dorsal valve (Mergl 
2001). Biernat (1984) assigned a single dorsal? valve 
fragment of a discinid, from the Wenlock Podlasie 
Depression of Poland, to Schizotreta which possesses 
well-developed concentric ridges arising through 
insertion on the lateral slopes. The ventral valve of 
Schizotreta sp. from the early Llandovery of Wales 
(Temple 1987), is flatter than the Murruin Creek 
taxon and has a shorter, posteriorly widening, pedicle 
track. The concentric lamellae of the Welsh taxon are 
also more widely spaced (six per mm) and separated 
by concave interspaces (Temple 1987). 

discinid gen. et sp. indet. 1 
Fig. 50, p 

Figured material 

AM F128331 (Fig. 50): dorsal valve, 
sample MU 36; AM F128332 (Fig. 5p): dorsal valve, 
sample MU 35 (Table 1). 


This taxon from Murruin Creek has a large 
(averaging 475 um long; 500 um wide), smooth, 
marginally located dorsal valve larval shell and a 
post-larval shell ornament of weakly developed, 
continuous concentric lamellae (Fig. 5p). However, 
unlike other discinids, the Murruin Creek taxon has a 
transversely elliptical dorsal valve outline (Fig. 5o, 




Order Acrotretida Kuhn, 1949 
Superfamily Acrotretoidea Schuchert, 1893 
Family Scaphelasmatidae Rowell, 1965 
Artiotreta \reland, 1961 

Type species 
Artiotreta parva Ireland, 1961. 

Artiotreta longisepta Valentine, Brock and Molloy, 
Figs 5q-w, 6a-d 

2003 Artiotreta longisepta sp. nov. Valentine, 
Brock and Molloy, p. 314; pl. 2, figs 9-18. 

See Valentine et al. (2003:314). 

Figured material 

AM F128333 (Fig. 5q-t): dorsal valve, sample 
MU 32; AM F128334 (Figs Su-w, 6a): conjoined 
valves; AM F128335 (Fig. 6b-d): dorsal valve. All 
from sample MU 36 unless otherwise mentioned 
(Table 1). 

The Murruin Creek material is conspecific with 
A. longisepta from the Llandovery-Wenlock Boree 

Creek Formation near Orange in central-western New 
South Wales (Valentine et al. 2003). Some specimens 
from Boree Creek have a median septum with a 
slightly thickened posterior margin (see Valentine et 
al. 2003:pl. 2, fig. 16) and concentric lamellae that 
tend to be weaker and more irregularly developed 
(compare Figs 5q, r, 6b with Valentine et al. 2003:pl. 
2, figs 11, 13). These minor differences are considered 
insufficient to exclude conspecificity. 

Artiotreta krizi Merg], 2001 from the Llandovery 
Zelkovice and Wenlock Motol formations of 
the Czech Republic, has a similar dorsal valve 
outline to A. /ongisepta, although its anterior margin 
tends to be more rounded. The median septum of A. 
krizi is also shorter, arising around valve midlength 
(Mergl 2001:33, pl. 28, fig. 3). Artiotreta krizi attains 
a larger maximum size than A. longisepta (up to 1100 
um wide), but most of the material illustrated by 
Mergl (2001:pl. 28: figs 1, 3, 9, 10) has comparable 
dimensions (Table 4). 

Artiotreta. parva from the Wenlock Chimney 
Hill Limestone (Ireland 1961), Bainbridge Formation 
(Satterfield and Thompson 1969) and Clarita 
Formation (Chatterton and Whitehead 1987) of the 
USA, is distinguished by its rounder dorsal valve 
outline, shorter median septum arising around valve 
midlength and finer growth lamellae. Artiotreta 
longisepta is also larger (averaging 538 um long; 708 
uum wide; Table 4) than A. parva (averaging 400 um 

Table 4. Artiotreta longisepta Valentine, Brock and Molloy, 2003, dorsal valve 

dimensions (in tm) and ratios. 

Artiotreta longisepta Valentine, Brock and Molloy, 2003, 

dorsal valve dimensions (um) and ratios 

N V7 43 17 15 
MEAN 533.8 694.8 40.1 255.8 
SD 106.32 140.85 10.14 46.74 
MIN 375 400 18.75 150 
MAX 675 975 SH) 23 
N 17 15 13 15 
MEAN 83.6% 15.5% 43.4% 88.4% 
SD 0.08 0.05 0.10 0.04 
MIN 65.8% 9.1% 26.9% 81.3% 
MAX 98.2% 28.6% 62.5% 93.8% 


18 42 16 17 18 
475.0) Wo405 245.35 150s 8 Wo: 
89.22 63.03 32.56 20.48 26.94 
325 PPS eae — PAR) MAS) 150 
600 287.5 325 175 Jie) 
12 17 12 14 
48.4% 85.8% 30.0% 29.9% 
0.09 012 0.07 0.08 
36.7% 70.0% 19.2% 18.9% 
66.7% 116.7% 38.1% 43.8% 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 6. a-d. Artiotreta longisepta Valentine, Brock and Molloy, 2003 both from sample MU 36. a. Con- 
joined valves AM F128334; lateral view. b-d. Dorsal valve AM F128335; b, exterior; c, detail of larval 
shell (scale bar equals 10 um); d, detail of larval shell microornament (scale bar equals 10 pum). e-y. 
Acrotretella dizeugosa sp. nov. all from sample MU 31 unless otherwise mentioned. e, f. Ventral valve 
paratype AM F128336, sample MU 35; e, exterior; f, detail of larval shell (scale bar equals 10 um). g. 
Ventral valve paratype AM F128337; interior. h-k. Ventral valve paratype AM F128338, sample MU 
35; h, exterior; i, plan; j, posterior; and k, lateral views. 1. Dorsal valve paratype AM F128339; inte- 
rior. m, n. Dorsal valve paratype AM F128340; m, interior; n, lateral view. 0, p. Dorsal valve para- 
type AM F128341; o, interior; p. lateral view. q, r. Dorsal valve paratype AM F 128342; q, interior; r, 
lateral view. s. Dorsal valve paratype AM F128343, sample MU 35; interior. t. Dorsal valve paratype 
AM F128344, sample MU 32; interior. u-w. Dorsal valve holotype AM F128345, sample MU 32; u, in- 
terior; v, lateral; and w, anterior views. x, y. Dorsal valve paratype AM F128346; x, exterior; y, de- 
tail of larval shell (scale bar equals 10 um). Unless otherwise mentioned all scale bars equal 100 pm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 213 


long; 500 um wide) (Ireland 1961:1138). 

von Bitter and Ludvigsen (1979) documented 
two sizes of larval shell pits in A. parva—a 
larger set (3-6 um in diameter) with no cross-cutting 
relationships and a smaller set (~0.3 um in diameter) 
located on flat areas between the larger pits. Artiotreta 
longisepta also possesses two sizes of larval shell 
pits—a larger set (4-5 uum in diameter) with none to 
one (occasionally two) orders of cross-cutting and a 
smaller set (0.2-1 um in diameter) (Fig. 6d). A smaller 
set of larval shell pits has not been documented in A. 

Family Torynelasmatidae Rowell, 1965 
Acrotretella Ireland, 1961 

Type species 
Acrotretella siluriana Ireland, 1961. 

Emended diagnosis 

Ventral valve conical to subpyramidal with 
distinct larval shell and broad, procline to catacline 
pseudointerarea. Pedicle tube and apical process 
absent. Dorsal valve flat to weakly convex with 
distinct, bulbous larval shell. Pseudointerarea broad, 
anacline, occasionally weakly depressed medially. 
Median septum low to high with dorsally concave 
surmounting plate on ventral margin. Anterior 
margin of median septum with variably developed 
number of spines and folds depending upon valve 
size and species. One to two pairs of lateral processes 
developed either side of dorsal valve median septum 
in some species. 


Previous authors (Biernat and Harper 1999, Mergl 
2001 and Valentine et al. 2003) have defined species 
of Acrotretella based upon the presence or absence of 
lateral processes (sensu Biernat and Harper 1999:88) 
in the dorsal valve (Table 5). Despite both forms 
having a similar stratigraphic range, no consideration 
has previously been given to the possibility that the 
development of lateral processes may be part of an 
ontogenetic growth continuum. It is only in the Cobra 
Formation and the Llandovery-Wenlock Boree Creek 
Formation near Orange in central-western New 
South Wales (Valentine et al. 2003), that Acrotretella 
with and without lateral processes occur in the same 
stratigraphic horizons (Tables 5, 6). Analysis of the 
ontogeny of Acrotretella has been prevented before 
because most occurrences are restricted to a handful 
of specimens (Table 5). A sufficient number of 
specimens assignable to Acrotretella dizeugosa sp. 
nov. (36 ventral valves and 39 dorsal valves; Table 


2) have been recovered from the Cobra Formation to 
allow the first detailed ontogenetic investigation of 

The dorsal valve ontogeny of A. dizeugosa can 
be divided into four overlapping developmental 
growth stages (Fig. 7): (1) development of a simple 
dorsal valve median septum with a dorsally concave 
surmounting plate; (2) growth of spines along the 
anterior margin of the dorsal valve median septum; 
(3) insertion of the first pair of lateral processes; and 
(4) insertion of a second pair of lateral processes 
posterior of, and parallel to, the first pair. Although 
considerable overlap exists in the size range of each 
growth stage, each growth stage generally corresponds 
with an increase in dorsal valve size (Fig. 7). 

During the first dorsal valve growth stage of A. 
dizeugosa (413-725 um long; 488-788 um wide) (Fig. 
7) a simple, low median septum with surmounting 
plate is developed (Fig. 6m, n). The surmounting 
plate originates slightly posterior of valve midlength 
as two ridges separated by a dorsally concave plate 
averaging 63 um wide. A single dorsal valve of A. 
dizeugosa from sample MU 31 (628.6 m above the 
base of the section) (275 um long; 288 um wide) has 
yet to develop a median septum with surmounting 
plate (Fig. 61). The surmounting plate coalesces into 
a single blade at 56%, and continues to 86%, valve 
length. The median septum reaches an average height 
of 75 um at 81% valve length. The anterior margin of 
the median septum is steep, straight to weakly curved 
and smooth (Fig. 6n). 

Up to three spines, termed ‘septal spines’ by 
Popov (in Nazarov and Popov 1980:75) are developed 
along the anterior margin of the median septum during 
the second dorsal valve growth stage (563-763 um 
long; 688-838 um wide) (Fig. 7). The median septum 
of this growth stage is higher than in the proceeding 
stage, averaging 144 um high at 75%, and extends 
to 87%, valve length. The anterior margin of the 
median septum is longer and more strongly curved 
than in the first growth stage (Fig. 6q, r). Septal spines 
also occur in numerous Ordovician acrotretoids (eg. 
Numericoma Popov, 1980 in Nazarov and Popov 
1980). Popov (in Nazarov and Popov 1980) and 
Holmer (1989) have linked the development of septal 
spines in such genera to the ontogenetic development 
of the median septum—from a simple, subtriangular 
blade in juveniles, to a complexly spinose structure in 
mature individuals. 

The first pair of lateral processes appear during 
the third dorsal valve growth stage (625-950 um long; 
750-1325 um wide) (Fig. 7). The lateral processes 
originate around valve midlength and are initially 
developed as low, short, anteriorly divergent rods 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 




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a SSS 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 5 continued 

Acrotretella without lateral processes 

Species Locality Age Available material Average dimensions (um)* Reference 
VV dv VV dv 
: 1= 439 
Acrotretella sp. Dalby Limestone, Sweden Caradoc 0 2 - w= 509 Holmer (1989) 
Acrotretella sp. Mayatas Formation, Kazakhstan Caradoc 0 2 - : a ie 0 Popov (2000) 
Acrotretella sp. a Bestrop Limestone, Sweden Ashgill 3 2 pei Lae Holmer (1986) 
4 w = 480 w = 520 
Quarry Creek Limestone, Bridge Creek is 1= 558 Bischoff 
Limestone and Cobbler's Creek Llandovery 1 6 fees 50D) (anpubeante) 
Limestone (E-E' section), Australia 6 wy ee Bit 
ease. Boree Creek Formation Llandovery - 1= 648 = SI Valentine 
Il drid; ‘ 
Achoiretelia” govdridgel (BM section), Australia Wenlock He: w= 859 w=914 et al. (2003) 
Walemtine Brock Boree Creek Formation - Borenore Llandovery - 1= 730 l=799 
and Molloy, 2003 Formation (B section), Australia Wenlock 26 oH w = 952 w = 937 PeansJones (122) 
Sel BOrENE Formation (OSC ARE ~ WEHISEK = LEST ee eae.” * RED, 
ee oc a w=1075 w=1113 unpub. data) 

BOR/1 sections), Australia 

Chimney Hill Limestone, Hunton 1= 660 1 = 626 

Acrotretella siluriana Formation, Oklahoma, USA Menlock 3 te w = 782 w = 689 declan eel) 
Ireland, 1961 2 d 1= 843 1= 828 

Motol Formation, Czech Republic Wenlock 5 10 w= 1030 eer Mergl (2001) 

Acrotretella sp. A Lynore Limestone, Australia Pridoli 0 2 - es Klyza (1997) 
Acrotretella spinosa ’ : eee = 435) 1= 808 

Za 1(@2 
Mergl, 2001 Pozary Formation, Czech Republic Pridoli 6 20 = fe IG w= 939 Mergl (2001) 
: : ee 1= 808 Farrell 
Acrotretella sp. Camelford Limestone, Australia Pridoli 0 6 - w= 937 (unphodcata) 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



mn @ 
1000— @ 
nly :1008 Sp al 
5 4 Ors 
Z, - 
600 Rolain 
‘ ce 
Tet Aa 
Za | | | | J ] 
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 
WIDTH (um) 

Figure 7. Length versus width for ventral valves and each dorsal valve growth stage of 
Acrotretella dizeugosa sp. nov. 

+ = ventral valves (n = 12); 

O = dorsal valve growth stage 1 (n = 4); 
4 = dorsal valve growth stage 2 (n = 4); 
V = unknown dorsal valve growth stage (n = 7)*; 

CJ = dorsal valve growth stage 3 (n = 5); 
@ = dorsal valve growth stage 4 (n = 2). 

*Note that the dorsal valve median septum of some specimens of A. dizeu- 
gosa without lateral processes is not preserved. Such specimens, equiva- 
lent to dorsal valve growth stages 1 or 2, are presented here as a separate, com- 
bined group. See text for discussion on dorsal valve growth stages of A. dizeugosa. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



with rounded anterior margins (Fig. 6s). The median 
septum of this growth stage is higher again than in 
the previous growth stages (averaging 188 pm high) 
and has a long, curved anterior margin with up to four 
septal spines. A positive relationship between dorsal 
valve size and the development of septal spines can 
also be demonstrated in Acrotretella spinosa Mergl, 
2001 from the Pridoli Formation of the Czech 
Republic (see Mergl 2001:pl. 26, figs 4-6). 

The final dorsal valve growth stage of A. dizeugosa 
(1000-1275 wm long; 1025-1500 um wide) (Fig. 
7) is characterised by the development of a second 
pair of lateral processes that are inserted posterior 
of, and parallel to, the first pair at approximately 
one-third valve length (Fig. 6t, u). Two specimens 
assignable to this growth stage were recovered from 
Murruin Creek. The lateral processes of the smaller 
of these specimens (1000 um long; 1025 um wide) 
are developed as low, slightly elongate rods, with 
the posterior pair being slightly shorter than the 
anterior pair. The anterior ends of the first pair are 
weakly twisted and flattened. The median septum 
of this specimen was not preserved (Fig. 8t). The 
posterior pair of lateral processes in the larger of these 
specimens (1275 um long; 1500 um wide) are higher 
and longer than the anterior pair, and both pairs end 
in variably developed, stubby projections (Fig. 6u- 
w). The median septum of this specimen, although 
damaged, bears the remains of five septal spines along 
its anterior margin (Fig. 6v, w). Concurrent with this 

Table 6. Stratigraphic distribution and abundance of ventral valves 
and each dorsal valve growth stage of Acrotretella dizeugosa sp. nov. 
recovered from productive samples along the MU section through the 
Cobra Formation in Murruin Creek. *Note that the dorsal valve medi- 
an septum of some specimens of A. dizeugosa without lateral processes 
is not preserved. Such specimens, equivalent to dorsal valve growth 
stages 1 or 2, are presented here as a separate, combined group. See 
text for discussion on dorsal valve growth stages of A. dizeugosa. 

Metres above base of MU section 

Sample Numbers 
Acrotretella dizeugosa 

entral valves 


final dorsal valve growth stage is the initiation of 
folding in the median septum, with up to two folds 
being developed. Biernat (1973:43) demonstrated 
a positive relationship between valve size and the 
degree of folding in the dorsal valve median septum 
of Myotreta Gorjansky, 1969. Although only one 
specimen of A. dizeugosa was recovered with a folded 
median septum, this feature does occur in the largest 
specimen suggesting it is also related to valve size. 

Apart from Acrotretella goldapiensis Biernat and 
Harper, 1999 from the Llanvirn Baltic syneclise of 
northwest Poland, no ventral valves have previously 
been assigned to any species of Acrotretella with 
lateral processes (Table 5) (Mergl 2001; Valentine et 
al. 2003). Ventral valves assignable to Acrotretella 
from the Cobra Formation co-occur with, and overlap 
the size range of, each dorsal valve growth stage of 
A. dizeugosa (Fig. 7; Table 6). A similar trend is also 
observable in A. goodridgei Valentine, Brock and 
Molloy, 2003 from the Llandovery-Wenlock Boree 
Creek Formation near Orange in central-western New 
South Wales (see species discussion for A. dizeugosa 
below) (Fig. 8). 

Therefore, a positive relationship can be 
demonstrated to exist between dorsal valve size 
and the development of lateral processes and septal 
spines along the anterior margin of the dorsal valve 
median septum in A. dizeugosa (Fig. 7). Additional 
material for most Acrotretella species is required to 
confirm if lateral processes, and/or septal spines, were 
developed in all species (Table 
5). Until such time, care must 
be exercised when relying upon 
the presence or absence of these 
features to define species. To 
this end, an ontogenetic growth 
continuum for each population 
of Acrotretella should be 
established prior to the erection 

of new species and the level of 
intraspecific variation present 

Acrotretella dizeugosa sp. nov. 
Figs 6e-y, 9a-b 


Gr., di, two, double; Gr., 
zeugos, team, pair; in reference 
to the development of two pairs 
of lateral septa in the dorsal 
valve of mature individuals. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

LENGTH (um) 


= fee ol 
10004 e 
800— O al @ fu 
" . ye 
one U 
| + 
Me Mie Seis ase eecoe ie eee 
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 
WIDTH (um) 

Figure 8. Length versus width for ventral valves and each dorsal valve growth stage 
of Acrotretella goodridgei Valentine, Brock and Molloy, 2003 from the BM section of 
Valentine et al. (2003) and the B section of Bischoff (1986) through the Llandovery- 
Wenlock Boree Creek Formation near Orange in central-western New South Wales. 

+ = ventral valves (n = 17); 

O = dorsal valve growth stage 1 (n = 10); 

4 = dorsal valve growth stage 2 (n = 12); 

V = unknown dorsal valve growth stage (n = 20)*; 
L) = dorsal valve growth stage 3 (n = 6); 

@ = dorsal valve growth stage 4 (n = 2). 

*Note that the dorsal valve median septum of some specimens of A. goodridgei 
without lateral processes is not preserved. Such specimens, equivalent to dor- 
sal valve growth stages 1, 2 or 3, are presented here as a separate, combined 
group. See text for discussion on dorsal valve growth stages of A. goodridgei. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



Figure 9. a-b Acrotretella dizeugosa sp. nov. Dorsal valve paratype AM F128347, sample MU 31; a, ex- 
terior Figure; b, detail of larval shell (scale bar equals 10 um). c-n. Opsiconidion ephemerus (Mergl, 
1982) all from sample MU 32 unless otherwise mentioned. c, d. Dorsal valve AM F 128348, sample MU 
35; c, exterior; d, detail of larval shell. e, f. Dorsal valve AM F128349; e, interior; f, lateral view. g, h. 
Dorsal valve AM F 128350; g, interior; h, lateral view. i, j. Dorsal valve AM F128351; i, interior; j, detail 
of pseudointerarea. k-n. Ventral valve AM F128352; k, exterior; 1, anterior; m, posterior; and n, lateral 
views. 0-q. Opsiconidion sp. 0. Dorsal valve AM F128353, sample MU 31; interior. p, q. Dorsal valve AM 
F128354, sample MU 36; p, exterior; q, detail of larval shell. r-t. Siphonotretid gen. et sp. indet. 1. r, s. 
Dorsal valve AM F 128355, sample MU 36; r, exterior; s, detail of spines (scale bar equals 10 xm). t. Dor- 
sal valve AM F128356, sample MU 34; interior. Unless otherwise mentioned all scale bars equal 100 um. 

220 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 7. Acrotretella dizeugosa sp. nov., ventral and dorsal valve dimensions (in p.m) and ratios. 

Acrotretella dizeugosa sp. nov., ventral valve dimensions (um) and ratios 

L W H IE Fa Fw M HP 1} WP 
N 12 15 15 12 17 18 15 17 19 20 
MEAN 505.2 655.0 3442 854 368 33.0 117.5 846 1643 190.6 
SD 182.35 240.99 171.45 61.67 853 9.05 62.11 2634 20.55 31.64 
MIN 350 375 125 Bia 25 25 50 50 125 150 
MAX 912.5 1150 675 DIS S025 50 275 150 22 O2 
N 12 9 12 18 12 13 13 14 
MEAN 85.0% 55.5% 22.8% 88.8% 36.0% 32.3% 31.2% 47.5% 
SD O09. O13 O10 007 O12, O12 O15 O11 
MIN 71.4% 35.7% 9.6% 75.0% 17.8% 15.2% 10.3% 28.6% 
MAX 100.0% 75.0% 44.0% 108.3% 50.0% 48.5% 43.8% 66.7% 
Acrotretella dizeugosa sp. nov., dorsal valve dimensions (um) and ratios 
N 22 31 Di, 19 29 19 28 24 13 29 31 
MEAN 678.4 763.3 50.7 388.2 234.5 375 81 592.2 1106 163.4 161.3 
SD 218.57 244.58 28.61 152.04 28.08 71.32 27.82 172.42 54.21 16.68 25.28 
MINGuae2 ome 287-500 12:5 100 187.5 250 50 350 50 125h24n 12:5 
MAX 1275 1500 125 725 275 575 150 1075 187.5 200 200 
N 22 19 17 19 14 20 16 18 24 29 
MEAN 84.1% 13.7% 47.7% 82.8% 55.6% 37.0% 69.7% 26.7% 22.6% 104.6% 
SD 0.09 0.06 007 +®.007 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.21 
MIN 69.8% 6.3% 34.6% 70.0% 42.3% 17.7% 53.5% 15.8% 11.3% 76.9% 
MAX 97.9% 30.8% 54.8% 90.2% 68.4% 52.6% 89.3% 68.2% 60.9% 133.3% 
Type material Diagnosis 

Holotype: AM F128345 (Fig. 6u-w): dorsal valve, 
sample MU 32. Figured paratypes: AM F 128336 (Fig. 
86, f): ventral valve, sample MU 35; AM F128337 
(Fig. 6g): ventral valve; AM F128338 (Fig. 6h-k): 
ventral valve, sample MU 35; AM F128339 (Fig. 
61): dorsal valve; AM F128340 (Fig. 6m, n): dorsal 
valve; AM F128341 (Fig. 60, p): dorsal valve; AM 
F128342 (Fig. 6q, r): dorsal valve; AM F128343 (Fig. 
6s): dorsal valve, sample MU 35; AM F128344 (Fig. 
6t): dorsal valve, sample MU 32; AM F128346 (Fig. 
6x, y): dorsal valve; AM F128347 (Fig. 9a, b): dorsal 
valve. All from sample MU 31 unless otherwise 
mentioned (Table 1). 

Type horizon and locality 

Sample MU 32 (Fig. 3), Ludlow (?siluricus 
Zone), upper part of the Cobra Formation cropping 
out in Murruin Creek (Fig. 2), Taralga Group, 
southeastern New South Wales, Australia (Fig. 1). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

A species of Acrotretella with numerous, closely 
spaced growth lamellae on the ventral valve (eight 
per 100 um), but more widely spaced on the dorsal 
valve (three to five per 100 um). Dorsal valve larval 
shell with rounded, variably developed, medially 
depressed ridge bounding anterior and anterolateral 
margins. Anterior margin of dorsal valve median 
septum bearing up to two folds and five septal spines. 
Two pairs of lateral processes inserted centrally, 
either side of dorsal valve median septum, in mature 


Ventral valve subpyramidal, subtending apical 
angle of 85° in anterior view. In lateral profile 
posterior slope straight to weakly convex; anterior 
slope long, flat to weakly convex. Valve height (Table 
7) averaging 56% valve length and 46% valve width. 



Beak directed ventrally. Pseudointerarea catacline 
to weakly apsacline, subtending apical angle of 
approximately 80°, separated from remainder of valve 
by gentle flexure. Intertrough vaguely defined in some 
specimens, subtending apical angle of approximately 
20°. Larval shell subcircular, averaging 164 um long, 
191 um wide, 85 um high. Foramen confined to larval 
shell, subcircular, averaging 37 um long and 33 um 
wide. Narrow, subparallel sulcus extending anteriorly 
from foramen, dividing larval shell into two lateral 
swellings, occasionally continuing into juvenile 
portion of post-larval shell. Larval shell bearing 
shallow, circular, flat-bottomed pits averaging 5 um in 
diameter. Post-larval shell ornament of well-defined, 
closely spaced, continuous concentric lamellae 
(eight per 100 um) with rounded crests. Concentric 
lamellae on juvenile portion of post-larval shell less 
well-defined. Lamellae becoming disordered and 
less distinct on pseudointerarea, especially across 

Ventral valve interior of some specimens with 
weakly impressed, elongate adductor scars on 
posterior slope. No other muscle scars or mantle canal 
patterns observed. Pedicle tube and apical process 

Dorsal valve outline subquadrate to transversely 
elongate, with straight posterior margin, weakly to 
strongly curved lateral margins, and straight to weakly 
curved anterior margin. Maximum width occurring 
slightly posterior of valve midlength. Anterior 
slope of juveniles long and flat in lateral profile, 
becoming depressed medially and raised anteriorly in 
mature specimens. In anterior view, lateral slopes of 
juveniles short and flat, developing raised margins in 
mature specimens. Larval shell bulbous, subcircular, 
averaging 163 um long and 161 um wide, with 
flattened lateral and posterior margins and separated 
from post-larval shell by raised rim. Larval shell with 
rounded, variably developed, medially depressed 
ridge bounding anterior and anterolateral margins. 
Pitted larval shell microornament similar to that of 
ventral valve. Post-larval shell ornament similar to 
that of ventral valve, but concentric lamellae more 
widely spaced (three to five per 100 um) separated by 
flat interspaces bearing finer growth filae. 

Dorsal valve interior with  anacline 
pseudointerarea extending approximately 50% valve 
width. Median plate broadly subtriangular, weakly 
depressed medially, merging almost imperceptibly 
with propareas laterally. Anterior margin of 
pseudointerarea raised slightly above valve floor 
medially. Cardinal muscles scars weakly impressed, 
suboval, located  posterolaterally, extending 
anteriorly approximately one-third valve length. 


Anterocentral muscle scars and mantle canal patterns 
not observed. Median septum subtriangular in lateral 
profile, extending 83% valve length, bearing dorsally 
concave surmounting plate on posterior margin 
for 70% of length. Surmounting plate originating 
slightly posterior of valve midlength as two ridges, 
separated by dorsally concave plate, merging into 
single blade at 56% valve length. Anterior margin 
of median septum bearing up to two folds and five 
hollow, septal spines. Two pairs of lateral processes 
developed centrally in mature individuals—first pair 
originating slightly posterior of valve midlength; 
second pair posterior of, and parallel to, first pair, 
originating at approximately one-third valve length. 
Both pairs of lateral processes initially developed as 
low, rounded, anteriorly divergent (at approximately 
90°) rods with rounded anterior margins. Lateral 
processes becoming longer and higher anteriorly with 
increasing valve size, extending to 60% valve length. 
Stubby projections variably developed along anterior 
margins of both pairs of lateral processes. Second pair 
of lateral septa in mature specimens longer and higher 
than first pair. 


Mature dorsal valves of Acrotretella dizeugosa 
are easily distinguished from other Acrotretella by 
the development of two pairs of centrally located 
lateral processes (Fig. 6t, u). In comparison, most 
other Acrotretella with lateral processes only 
possess a single pair. The closely spaced concentric 
lamellae (eight per 100 um) on the ventral valve of A. 
dizeugosa (Fig. 6e, h-k), and the variably developed 
low, rounded, medially depressed ridge bounding 
the anterior and anterolateral margins of the dorsal 
valve larval shell (Figs 6y, 9b), are also unique to the 

Wright and McClean (1991: fig.1 H-I) figured 
a single acrotretoid dorsal valve from the Ashgill 
Kildare Limestone of Ireland with two pairs of lateral 
processes and a complexly folded median septum 
bearing a dorsally concave surmounting plate along its 
ventral margin. Although Wright and McClean (1991) 
referred to this specimen as a new, but unnamed, 
acrotretid genus, these features suggest assignment 
to Acrotretella. However, unlike A. dizeugosa, the 
Irish taxon has a transversely oval dorsal valve 
outline and both pairs of lateral processes are located 
posteromedially (Wright and McClean 1991). 

Valentine et al. (2003) recognised two species 
of Acrotretella in the Llandovery-Wenlock Boree 
Creek Formation near Orange in central-western 
New South Wales—Acrotretella goodridgei (without 
lateral processes) and Acrotretella sp. A (with 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


lateral processes) (Table 5). Recovery of additional 
specimens of A. goodridgei from the Boree Creek 
Formation and study of Dean-Jones’ (1979) material, 
indicates that A. goodridgei passed through a similar 
ontogenetic growth continuum to A. dizeugosa 
(Fig. 8). Acrotretella sp. A is therefore considered 
synonymous with A. goodridgei herein. The first 
two ontogenetic dorsal valve growth stages of A. 
goodridgei are similar to those of A. dizeugosa. The 
third dorsal valve growth stage of A. goodridgei 
differs in developing a folded dorsal valve median 
septum, prior to the development of lateral processes. 
Valentine et al. (2003) believed that the folded dorsal 
valve median septum of Acrotretella was restricted to 
individuals with lateral processes, but the additional 
material from the Boree Creek Formation indicates 
this feature can also occur in specimens without 
lateral processes. Acrotretella goodridgei developed 
only a single pair of centrally located lateral processes 
during the fourth dorsal valve growth stage (Fig. 
10). However, one damaged, gerontic dorsal valve 
(1625 um wide) with a highly folded median septum 
and well-developed lateral processes, possesses 
a secondary pair of lateral processes inserted 
anteromedially, midway between the median septum 
and the first pair of lateral processes (see Valentine 
et al. 2003:pl. 2, fig. 26). Acrotretella goodridgei is 
also distinguished by having up to six septal spines 
and four folds along the anterior margin of the dorsal 
valve median septum in mature individuals. 

Family Biernatidae Holmer, 1989 
Opsiconidion Ludvigsen, 1974 

Type species 
Opsiconidion arcticon Ludvigsen, 1974. 

Opsiconidion ephemerus (Mergl, 1982) 
Fig. 9c-n 


See Mergl (2001:33) plus the following: 

1984 Opsiconidion podlasiensis n. sp. Biernat, 
p. 97; pl. 26, figs la-c, 2; pl. 27, fig. la-e; 
pl. 28, figs la-c, 2a, b, 3; pl. 29, figs 2a, b, 
3; pl. 30, figs 1, 2, 3a, b; pl. 31, figs la-c, 2. 

2003 Opsiconidion ephemerus (Merg}); 
Williams; pl. 2, fig. 2. 

See Mergl (1982:115). 

Figured material 
AM F128348 (Fig. 9c, d): dorsal valve, sample 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

MU 35; AM F128349 (Fig. 9e, f): dorsal valve; AM 
F128350 (Fig. 9g, h): dorsal valve; AM F128351 (Fig. 
91, j): dorsal valve; AM F128352 (Fig. 9k-n): ventral 
valve. All from sample MU 32 unless otherwise 
mentioned (Table 1). 


The Murruin Creek material is characterised by 
a subcircular dorsal valve outline with maximum 
width occurring around valve midlength. The dorsal 
valve pseudointerarea is anacline and broadly 
subtriangular with a shallowly depressed median 
plate bearing fine growth lines. The anterior margin 
of the pseudointerarea is weakly arcuate (occasionally 
straight) and raised above the valve floor (Fig. 9c, e, 
g, 1, J). These features are identical to O. ephemerus 
(Mergl 1982, 2001) and O. podlasiensis from the 
Wenlock Podlasie Depression of Poland (Biernat 
1984). Biernat (1984) noted variations in the dorsal 
valve outline, and in the height and width of the dorsal 
valve pseudointerarea of O. podlasiensis. Similar 
variations also occur in the dorsal valve outline and 
pseudointerarea of the Australian (Fig. 9c, e, g, 1, j) 
and Czech material (see Mergl 1982:pl. 1, figs 5, 6, 

The dorsal valve holotype of O. ephemerus is 
700 um long and 700 um wide, and Mergl (1982:116) 
noted dimensional uniformity within his population. 
Biernat (1984:97) listed the dimensions of the dorsal 
valve holotype of O. podlasiensis as 690 um long and 
840 um wide. On average, the Australian material is 
smaller, only 553 um long and 622 um wide, but its 
size range encompasses both the Czech and Polish 
material (Table 8). Ventral valves of the type material 
of O. ephemerus and O. podlasiensis are strongly 
conical and can reach over 1000 um in height. In 
comparison, the most complete ventral valve of the 
Australian material is only 475 um high and not as 
strongly conical (Fig. 9k-n). 

The larval shell microornament of O. ephemerus 
and O. podlasiensis consists of circular, flat-bottomed 
pits (3-6 um in diameter) with few, or no, cross- 
cutting relationships (Fig. 11d). This differs from the 
more commonly observed cross-cutting type of larval 
shell pitting observed in Opsiconidion. The Czech 
and Polish material also possess a smaller set of 
pits (0.3-0.5 um in diameter) located on the smooth, 
level areas between the larger pits. No evidence of 
a smaller set of pits were observed in the Murruin 
Creek specimens (Fig. 9d). 

Dorsal valves of Opsiconidion simplex Mergl, 
2001 from the Pridoli Pozary Formation of the Czech 
Republic, have a rounder outline than O. ephemerus 
and a median septum that is consistently shorter 



Table 8. Opsiconidion ephemerus (Mergl, 1982), ventral and dorsal valve dimensions 

(in pm) and ratios. 

Opsiconidion epmemerus (Mergl, 1982), 
ventral valve dimensions (um) and ratios 

Fa Fw HP LP 

N 17 17 20 20 
MEAN) 29.8 29.8 147.4 159.4 
SD 7.82 7.82 26.65 18.97 

MIN 18.75 18.75 110 125 
MAX 50 50 187.5 187.5 

18 17 19 
174.6 91.9% 92.4% 

20.4 0.13 0.15 
137.5 71.4% 62.9% 
225 115.4% 115.4% 

Opsiconidion ephemerus (Mergl, 1982), dorsal valve dimensions (um) and ratios 


N 54 58 53 54 
MEAN 553.2 622.0 30.7 214.1 
SD 94.86 112.64 9.90 46.39 
MIN} 9287-55 362:5.01 12 Sine LIS 

MAX — 750 850 50 325 

N 49 49 42 48 
MEAN 89.8% 14.8% 34.0% 86.2% 

SD 0.09 0.05 0.07 0.05 
MIN 71.9% 6.3% 24.0% 65.2% 
MAX 111.6% 28.6% 55.3% 95.2% 

(only 65-70% valve length) and lower compared 
to other members of the genus (see Mergl 2001:pl. 
30, figs 6, 7, 9-13). Opsiconidion aldridgei (Cocks, 
1979) from the Llandovery of the Welsh Borderlands 
(Cocks 1979), the Llandovery-Wenlock of Saaremaa 
Island, Estonia (Popov 1981) and the Llandovery- 
Wenlock of the Boree Creek Formation near Orange 
in central-western New South Wales (Valentine 
et al. 2003) has a similar subcircular dorsal valve 
outline to O. ephemerus, but has a shorter dorsal 
valve pseudointerarea with a straight anterior margin 
and a well-defined median plate. The dorsal valve 
pseudointerarea of O. angustus Valentine, Brock and 
Molloy, 2003 from the Llandovery-Wenlock Boree 
Creek Formation near Orange in central-western New 
South Wales, extends approximately 40% valve width 
and has an arcuate anterior margin and an indistinct 
median plate. Opsiconidion angustus also has a 
transversely suboval dorsal valve outline (Valentine 
et al. 2003). 

Opsiconidion sp. 
Fig. 90-q 

cf. 1999 Opsiconidion sp. Cockle; pl. 5, fig. 15. 


51 16 61 62 61 
473.3 204.7 85.7 180.4 195.1 
De PIT Peas we See bye SHES) | Baye)s) 
250 WS 50 100 150 
Sie) PASTY PS) 215 250 
47 59 48 47 
16.5% 92.9% 344% 32.8% 
0.04 0.12 0.08 0.07 
9.6% 57.1% 19.1% 17.4% 
30.4% 121.4% 65.2% 62.1% 

cf. 2003 Opsiconidion sp. A Valentine, Brock and 
Molloy, p. 317; pl. 3, figs 16, 17. 

Figured material 

AM F128353 (Fig. 90): dorsal valve, sample 
MU 31; AM F128354 (Fig. 9p, q): dorsal valve, 
sample MU 36 (Table 1). 


The Murruin Creek specimens differ from most 
Opsiconidion by their transversely elliptical dorsal 
valve outline (Fig. 90, p). The anacline dorsal valve 
pseudointerarea is broadly subtriangular with a 
weakly depressed median plate and a straight anterior 
margin that is raised above the valve floor (Fig. 
90). The median septum is low and subtriangular 
in lateral profile. Elliptical Opsiconidion also occur 
in the Wenlock Borenore Limestone near Orange 
in central-western New South Wales (Cockle 1999; 
Valentine et al. 2003). The Borenore specimens have 
a dorsal valve pseudointerarea with a more strongly 
depressed median plate and a gently arcuate anterior 
margin, but insufficient material is currently available 
from both localities to determine if these differences 
are significant. Mergl (2001) also documented an 
elliptical Opsiconidion, Opsiconidion sp. A, from 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


the Llandovery Zelkovice Formation of the Czech 
Republic. The Czech material is not as strongly 
elliptical as the Murruin Creek specimens (compare 
Fig. 90, p with Mergl 2001:pl. 29, figs 9, 12) and has 
a dorsal valve pseudointerarea with a more strongly 
depressed median plate. 

Order Siphonotretida Kuhn, 1949 
Superfamily Siphonotretidae Kutorga, 1848 
Family Siphonotretidae Kutorga, 1848 

siphonotretid gen. et sp. indet. 1 
Fig. 9r-t 

Figured material 

AM F128355 (Fig. 9r, s): dorsal valve, sample 
MU 36 (Fig. 3); AM F128356 (Fig. 9t): dorsal valve, 
sample MU 34 (Table 1). 


The Murruin Creek siphonotretid differs from 
Orbaspina in lacking a pitted post-larval shell and 
possesses erect spines that are scattered evenly across 
the valve surface (Fig. 9r). Schizambonine sp. B from 
the Pragian Praha Formation of the Czech Republic 
also lacks a pitted post-larval shell, but is distinguished 
by its well-developed dorsal valve sulcus and prostrate 
spines that tend to be restricted to the valve margins 
(Mergl 2001:pl. 36, figs 11-13). Acanthambonine sp. 
from the Pragian Dvorce-Prokop Limestone of the 
Czech Republic, whilst also lacking a pitted post- 
larval shell, has more widely spaced, suberect spines 
and a submarginal dorsal valve larval shell (Mergl 
2001:pl. 36, figs 1, 4, 5-7). Little is known concerning 
the internal morphology of any of these species. The 
apsacline dorsal valve pseudointerarea of the Murruin 
Creek siphonotretid is well-developed and shelf-like 
(Fig. 9t), similar to the dorsal valve pseudointerarea 
of Orbaspina. 

Phylum Conodonta Pander, 1856 

Genus Belodella Ethington, 1959 

Type species 
Belodus devonicus Stauffer, 1940. 

Belodella anomalis Cooper, 1974 
Fig. 10a-i 

See Farrell (2004:947) plus the following: 
1993 Belodella sp. aff. B. anomalis Cooper; 
Simpson et al., p. 153; fig. 4J. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Figured material 

AM F128283 (Fig 10a): Sb element; AM F128284 
(Fig. 10b): Sb element; AM F128285 (Fig. 10c): Sb 
element; AM F128286 (Fig. 10d): Sd element; AM 
F128287 (Fig. 10e): Sc element; AM F128288 (Fig. 
10f): t element; AM F128289 (Fig. 10g): fragment of 
?t element; AM F128290 (Fig. 10h): M element; AM 
F128291 (Fig. 101): M element. All from sample MU 
34 (Table 2). 

See Farrell (2004:948). 


This species from Murruin Creek is reconstructed 
recognising all five elements recorded by Farrell 
(2004), ie. Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd and ‘t’ or tortiform elements, 
plus an adenticulate M element. The presence of the 
adenticulate M element in reconstructions of the genus 
has been discussed by Barrick and Klapper (1992) 
and is often still recognisable in small collections (eg. 
Mawson et al. 1995). The M element of B. anomalis 
(Fig. 10h, i) is more strongly curved than the M 
element of Belodella resima (see Mawson et al. 1995: 
pl. 4, fig 1.) and Belodella cf. B. resima (see Barrick 
and Klapper 1992:pl. 1, fig. 7) and is more robust and 
broad-based than the M element of Belodella anfracta 
(see Barrick and Klapper 1992:pl. 1 fig. 9). 

Cooper (1974) established the diagnostic 
characteristic of B. anomalis as the denticulated 
anterior margin, but also noted the distinctive apical 
‘fan-like’ structure of denticles. Simpson et al. (1993: 
fig. 4J) illustrated a specimen from the Cowombat 
Formation at Cowombat Flat in eastern Victoria 
lacking the distinctive fan-like denticulation near the 
cusp and assigned it, with some doubt, to B. anomalis. 
It is now included within the species concept because 
the serrated nature of the anterior margin represents 
putative denticulation. 

Genus Coryssognathus Link and Druce, 1972 

Type Species 
Cordylodus? dubius Rhodes, 1953. 

Coryssognathus dubius (Rhodes, 1953) 
Fig. lle, f 

See Simpson and Talent (1995:163) and Farrell 
(2004:959), plus the following: 
2002 Coryssognathus dubius (Rhodes); 
Talent et al.; pl. 2, figs U-W; pl. 4, figs F, G. 



Figure 10. a-i. Belodella anomalis Cooper, 1974, all from sample MU 34. a. Sb element AM F128283; 
lateral view. b. Sb element AM F128284; lateral view. c. Sb element AM F128285; lateral view. d. Sd 
element AM F128286; lateral view. e. Sc element AM F128287; lateral view. f. t element AM F128288; 
lateral view. g. fragment of ?t element AM F128289; lateral view; h. M element AM F128290; later- 
al view. i. M element AM F128291; lateral view. j-l. Dapsilodus obliquicostatus (Branson and Mehl, 
1933) all from sample MU 37 unless otherwise mentioned. j. M element AM F128292; lateral view. 
k. M element AM F128293, sample MU 38; lateral view. 1. M element AM F128294; lateral view. 
m. Decoriconus fragilis (Branson and Mehl, 1933). Sc element AM F128295, sample MU 34; lat- 
eral view. n, 0. Panderodus recurvatus (Rhodes, 1953), both from sample MU 34. n. Sc element AM 
F128296; lateral view. 0. Sb element AM F128297; lateral view. p. Panderodus unicostatus (Branson 
and Mehl, 1933). M element AM F128302, sample MU 34; lateral view. All scale bars equal 100 um. 

F128304 (Fig. 11f): partly preserved Sb element. 

Both from sample MU 34 (Table 2). 

See Miller and Aldridge (1993:246). 

Figured material Discussion — 
AM F128303 (Fig. Ile): Pa element; AM The partially preserved Sb element from Murruin 
Creek has a prominent cusp and the remains of a lateral 

226 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 11. a, b. Panderodus unicostatus (Branson and Mehl, 1933), both from sample MU 34. a. Sa ele- 
ment AM F128300; lateral view. b. M element AM F128301; lateral view. c, d. Panderodus serratus 
Rexroad, 1967, both from sample MU 34. c. Sc element AM F128299; lateral view. d. Sb element AM 
F128298; lateral view. e, f. Coryssognathus dubius (Rhodes, 1953), both from sample MU 34 e. Pa ele- 
ment AM F128303; lateral view. f. Partly preserved Sb element AM F128304; lateral view. g, h. Oulodus 
sp. cf. Oulodus elegans (Walliser, 1964), both from sample MU 34. g. Sb element AM F128305; lat- 
eral view. h. Sa element AM F128306; lateral view. i-m. Ozarkodina excavata excavata (Branson and 
Mehl, 1933) all from sample MU 34 unless otherwise mentioned. i. M element AM F128307, sample 
MU 38; inner lateral view. j. Sa element AM F128308; lateral view. k. Sb element AM F128309; inner 
lateral view. 1. Sc element AM F128311; inner lateral view. m. Pa element AM F128310; lateral view. 
n, 0. Kockelella maenniki Serpagli and Corradini, 1998, both from sample MU 34. n. Sc element AM 
F128312; inner lateral view. 0. Pa element AM F128313; oblique upper view. All scale bars equal 100 um. 

process bearing a single denticle adjacent to the break 
in the lateral process. The cusp is evenly curved toward 
the posterior and tapers evenly toward the apex. The 
denticulate process projects downward from a broad 
‘dished’ area at the base of the cusp. The basal margin 
of the process curves toward the anterior from the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

‘dished’ area (Fig. 11f). The poorly preserved scaphate 
Pa element has an erect, triangular cusp only slightly 
larger than the other denticles. No denticles were 
observed on the lateral process and it may therefore 
represent a juvenile Pa element (Fig. 1le) (Miller and 
Aldridge 1993). 



Genus Dapsilodus Cooper, 1976 

Type species 
Distacodus obliquicostatus Branson and Mehl, 

Dapsilodus obliquicostatus (Branson and Mehl, 1933) 
Fig. 10)-1 


See Armstrong (1990:70), plus the following: 

1990 Dapsilodus obliquicostatus (Branson and 
Mehl) Uyeno, p. 98; pl. 2, figs 11-16. 

21992 Dapsilodus sp. Barrick and Klapper, p. 44; 
pl. 2, fig. 2. 

1994 Dapsilodus obliquicostatus (Branson and 
Mehl); Sarmiento et al.; pl. 1, figs 1, 6. 

1999 Dapsilodus obliquicostatus (Branson and 
Mehl); Cockle, p. 119; pl. 4, figs 13-19. 

See Cooper (1976:212). 

Figured material 

AM F128292 (Fig. 10j): M element; AM F128293 
(Fig. 10k): M element, sample MU 38; AM F128294 
(Fig. 101): M element. All from sample MU 37 unless 
otherwise mentioned (Table 2). 


It has not been possible to separate the Sb and Sc 
elements from Murruin Creek as morphologies appear 
gradational and they have therefore been tabulated 
together (Table 2). The M elements recovered (Fig. 4j- 
1) are recurved with a prominent costa almost centrally 
positioned in lateral view. Oblique striations are present 
along the anterior margin in some elements. Among the 
M elements, the point of maximum curvature shows 
some variability in relation to the generally shallow 
basal cavity. 

Genus Decoriconus Cooper, 1975 

Type species 
Paltodus costulatus Rexroad, 1967. 

Decoriconus fragilis (Branson and Mehl, 1933) 
Fig. 10m 
See McCracken (1991:79), Zhang and Barnes 
(2002:11) and Farrell (2004:958). 

See Barrick (1977:53). 


Figured material 
AM F128295 (Fig. 10m): Sc element, sample 
MU 34 (Table 2). 


The Sc elements of D. fragilis from Murruin 
Creek are of the typical ‘drepanodonti-form’ first 
identified by Cooper (1975). These distinctive 
elements are inclined, with an almost straight anterior 
margin and are generally compressed, but expanded 
around the small basal cavity (Fig. 10m). 

Genus Kockelella Walliser, 1957 

Type species 
Kockelella variabilis Walliser, 1957. 

Kockelella maenniki Serpagli and Corradini, 1998 
Fig. 11n, 0 

See Serpagli and Corridini (1999:284). 

See Serpagli and Corradini (1999:286). 

Figured material 

AM F128312 (Fig. 11n): Sc element; AM 
F128313 (Fig. 110): Pa element. Both from sample 
MU 34 (Table 2). 


The laterally compressed Pa element of this 
taxon from Murruin Creek is curved, slightly arched 
and narrow with a strongly asymmetrical platform. 
The anterior portion of the blade has ten closely 
packed, compressed denticles. The posterior portion 
of the blade arches downwards and bears six closely 
spaced, laterally compressed denticles. The outer 
lateral process has five aligned, but slightly proclined 
denticles. The shorter inner lateral process appears to 
bear a single small denticle fused to the cusp (Fig. 
11n). It should be noted that not all of Serpagli and 
Corradini’s (1999:pl. 3, fig. 10) specimens have 
denticulate lateral processes. The Sc element is 
slender and has well-spaced denticles with a slightly 
twisted and downwardly deflected, antero-lateral 
process (Fig. 11n). 

The stratigraphic range of K. maenniki is 
interpreted as restricted to the lower to middle part of 
the P. siluricus Zone (Corradini and Serpagli 1999; 
Serpagli and Corradini 1999). Corradini et al. (1998) 
reported that the genus Kockelella became extinct 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


before the close of the si/uricus Zone and that K. 
maenniki therefore represents the terminal taxon of the 
genus. Kockelella maenniki also occurs in the Ludlow 
Coral Gardens sequence of the Jack Formation in 
northern Queensland, where it occurs just below the 
youngest occurrence of P. siluricus. 

Genus Oulodus Branson and Mehl, 1933 

Type Species 
Oulodus serratus Stauffer, 1930. 

Oulodus sp. cf. Oulodus elegans (Walliser, 1964) 
Fig. 11g, h 

Figured material 

AM F128305 (Fig. 11g): Sb element; AM 
F128306 (Fig. 11h): Sa element. Both from sample 
MU 34 (Table 2). 


The ramiform elements possess discrete, peg-like 
denticles and a prominent cusp that curves toward the 
lateral view. The anterior process of the Sb elements 
bear six or seven denticles and the postero-lateral 
process six denticles (Fig. 11g). The Sa elements are 
bilaterally symmetrical about the lateral processes 
which possess four denticles (Fig. 11h). 

Genus Ozarkodina Branson and Mehl, 1933 

Type species 
Ozarkodina typica Branson and Mehl, 1933. 

Ozarkodina excavata excavata (Branson and Mehl, 
Fig. 11li-m 


Simpson and Talent (1995:147) and Farrell 
(2003:123) covered the majority of published 
accounts. However, at least an additional 20 illustrated 
records pre- and postdating the synonymies cited above 
exist, but due to space limitations it was not possible 
to include them. This will be undertaken in another 
publication where the primary focus is conodont 

See Simpson and Talent (1995:152). 

Figured material 

AM F 128307 (Fig. 111): M element, sample MU 
38; AM F128308 (Fig. 11j): Sa element; AM F128309 
(Fig. 11k): Sb element; AM F128311 (Fig. 111): Sc 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

element; AM F128310 (Fig. 11m): Pa element. All 
from sample MU 34 unless otherwise mentioned 
(Table 2). 


This species from Murruin Creek shows the long, 
discrete denticles and well-developed basal cavity 
typical of this ubiquitous Silurian to Early Devonian 
taxon (Fig. lli-m). The Sa elements show some 
variation in the angle between the processes (Fig. 111), 
but Farrell (2003, 2004) reported similar variations in 
his material from the Late Silurian to Early Devonian 
Camelford Limestone and the Early Devonian Garra 
Limestone at Wellington in central-western New 
South Wales. The Pa and Pb elements display the 
typical anterior and posterior process morphology with 
closely packed compressed denticles and a prominent 
cusp (Fig. 11m, 0). 

Genus Panderodus Ethington, 1959 

Type Species 
Paltodus unicostatus Branson and Mehl, 1933. 

Panderodus recurvatus (Rhodes, 1953) 
Fig. 10n, 0 


See Simpson and Talent (1995:117) and Farrell 
(2003:122), plus the following: 

1995 Panderodus recurvatus (Rhodes); 
Colquhoun, p. 354; pl. 3, fig. 4. 

1999 Panderodus recurvatus (Rhodes); Cockle, 
p. 120; pl. 5, figs 9-14. 

2002 Panderodus recurvatus (Rhodes); Aldridge; 
pl. 4, figs 4-7. 

2002 Panderodus recurvatus (Rhodes); Talent et 
al.; pl. 2, figs J, K. 

2002 Panderodus recurvatus (Rhodes); Zhang 
and Barnes, p. 31; figs 16.1-16.27. 

2004 Panderodus recurvatus (Rhodes); Farrell, p. 
958; pl. 3, figs 9, 12, 13. 

See Barrick (1977:54). 

Figured material 

AM F128296 (Fig. 10n): Sc element; AM 
F128297 (Fig. 100): Sb element. Both from sample 
MU 34 (Table 2). 


The available elements of P. recurvatus from 
Murruin Creek are all broken to a greater or lesser 
extent, but are distinctly recurved, lack ornament and 



possess a longitudinal groove developed along the 
middle to posterior portion of one lateral surface (Fig. 
10n, 0). 

Panderodus serratus Rexroad, 1967 
Fig. llc, d 
1997 Panderodus serratus Rexroad; Jeppsson, p. 
107; fig. 7.4. 

See Jeppsson (1997:107). 

Figured material 

AM F128299 (Fig. 1lc): Sc element; AM 
F128298 (Fig. 11d): Sb element. Both from sample 
MU 34 (Table 2). 


Jeppsson (1997:107) noted a close similarity 
between P. serratus and P. unicostatus, and indicated 
they could only be separated by the serrate posterior 
margin of the arcuatiform (Sc) element of P. serratus. 
He did not, however, indicate whether serrations 
were present on other elements. The Murruin Creek 
specimens are rare (Table 2), but there are clear 
examples of a serrate Sc element (Fig. 11c) and one 
interpreted as a Sb element (Fig. 11d). 

Panderodus unicostatus (Branson and Mehl, 1933) 
Figs 10p; lla, b 


See Simpson and Talent (1995:118) and Farrell 
(2004:959), plus the following: 

1997 Panderodus unicostatus (Branson and 
Mehl); Jeppsson, p. 107; fig. 7, 7.3. 

1999 Panderodus unicostatus (Branson and 
Mehl); Cockle, p. 120; pl. 5, figs 1-8. 

2002 Panderodus unicostatus (Branson and 
Mehl); Aldridge; pl. 4, figs 8-17. 

2002 Panderodus unicostatus (Branson and 
Mehl); Talent et al.; pl. 2, fig. I. 

2002 Panderodus unicostatus (Branson and 
Mehl); Zhang and Barnes, p. 32; figs 15.1- 

See Cooper (1976:213). 

Figured material 

AM F 128302 (Fig. 10p): M element; AM F128300 
(Fig. lla): Sa element; AM F128301 (Fig. 11b): M 
element. All from sample MU 34 (Table 2). 



Despite being a ubiquitous component of 
many Silurian conodont faunas, the taxonomy of P. 
unicostatus is poorly understood. Specimens typically 
vary morphologically in terms of shape, total height 
and in the degree and location of strongest curvature 
(Jeppsson 1975; Simpson and Talent 1995). This 
variation between elements is such that distinction 
between S series elements is often problematic and 
intergradational morphologies possibly exist (Dzik 
and Drygant 1986; Sweet 1988). Jeppsson (1997) 
considered that internal structures of Panderodus, 
such as the form of the basal cavity and white matter 
distribution, to be taxonomically significant. Although 
over a thousand elements of this taxon were recovered 
from Murruin Creek (Table 1), many are broken at, or 
near the basal cavity termination. 


The authors greatfully acknowledge the assistance 
provided in the field by John Talent, Ruth Mawson and 
Warrick Try. Peter Molloy assisted with acid processing of 
samples and shared his knowledge of Silurian conodonts. 
Heidi-Jane Caldon helped pick samples. John Paterson 
kindly identified trilobite remains recovered during this 
study. Peter Cockle and John Farrell generously donated 
specimens of Acrotretella from their conodont residues and 
Patrick Conaghan provided access to the linguliformean 
brachiopod fauna of the late Gunther Bischoff from the 
Boree Creek Formation. Dean Oliver skillfully drafted the 
geological maps and stratigraphic columns. This project 
would not have been possible without the generosity of 
Leo and Robin Chalker who kindly granted permission 
to collect samples on their property on several occasions. 
This manuscript benefited greatly from the constructive 
comments made by Glenn Brock (Macquarie University, 
Sydney) and two anonymous reviewers. 


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234 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Late Ordovician Faunas from the Quandialla-Marsden District, 
South-central New South Wales 


‘Geological Survey of New South Wales, Department of Primary Industries, Londonderry Geoscience Centre, 

947-953 Londonderry Road, Londonderry NSW 2753, Australia; 
* Palaeontology Section, Australian Museum, 6 College St, Sydney NSW 2010, Australia. 

Percival, I.G., Zhen, Y.Y. and Pickett, J.W. (2006). Late Ordovician faunas from the Quandialla-Marsden 
district, south-central New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 127, 

Two Late Ordovician faunas, one from shallow water limestones and the other from deep water spiculitic 
siltstones, are documented from the southern Macquarie Arc in south-central New South Wales. Limestone 
encountered in the subsurface during exploration drilling in the Barmedman Creek area (midway between 
Marsden and West Wyalong) yields Eastonian conodonts including Aphelognathus cf. webbyi, Belodina 
compressa, Phragmodus undatus, Tasmanognathus cf. borealis and Yaoxianognathus? tunguskaensis. 
Associated macrofauna includes the corals Tetradium tenue, Bajgolia? cf. grandis, Propora bowanensis, 
Paleofavosites?, Cystihalysites, Halysites and Palaeophyllum, stromatoporoids Labechiella variabilis, 
Stratodictyon ozakii, Clathrodictyon cf. microundulatum and Ecclimadictyon, and sponge Cliefdenella cf. 
perdentata. The Jingerangle Formation, exposed between Caragabal and Quandialla, may be as young as 
Bolindian 2 on the basis of some poorly preserved graptolites. Associated nektic nautiloids and sponges 
(Hindia) represent components of Benthic Assemblage 4-5, suggesting a deep water environment. The 
limestones at Barmedman Creek, and the spiculitic clastic rocks of the Jingerangle Formation, are associated 
(although exact relationships are unclear) with two separate volcanic complexes in the Macquarie Arc. Late 
Ordovician successions exposed further north in the area west of Parkes and Forbes, where early to late 
Eastonian limestones are overlain by early Bolindian deep water sediments, provide the closest regional 

analogues to the fossiliferous strata documented in the paper. 

Manuscript received 13 September 2005, accepted for publication 7 December 2005 

KEYWORDS: biostratigraphy, conodonts, corals, Macquarie Arc, nautiloids, Ordovician, palaeoecology, 

sponges, stromatoporoids 


Late Ordovician shelly fossils documented in 
this paper are the most southerly known from the 
Junee-Narromine Volcanic Belt of the Ordovician 
Macquarie Arc in central and southern New South 
Wales (Glen et al. 1998). The study area, between 
Marsden and Quandialla, is not far from the Cowal 
Mine, presently under development near Lake Cowal 
(Fig. 1). The impetus of mineralisation potential in 
the area led to a recent drilling program by Newcrest 
Exploration at the company’s Marsden prospect at 
Barmedman Creek, 25 km northeast of West Wyalong, 
disclosing the presence of a previously unsuspected 
limestone that has proven to be of Eastonian age. A 
moderately diverse Late Ordovician fauna has long 
been known from the Jingerangle Formation in the 

Quandialla district, approximately midway between 
West Wyalong and Grenfell (Fig. 1), but has remained 
undescribed until now. This fauna is somewhat 
younger than that obtained from the limestone at 
Barmedman Creek. Together, these Late Ordovician 
fossils provide important palaeontological constraints 
in an area of poor or hidden outcrop, and enable 
correlation with better-known and well-exposed 
successions further north along this belt in the region 
west of Parkes. 


Unnamed limestone, Marsden prospect at 
Barmedman Creek 


Newcrest Exploration encountered limestone in 
three cored drill holes at their Marsden prospect in 
the Barmedman Creek area, located in the vicinity 
of the Mid Western Highway 22 km west of Grenfell 
(Fig. 1). Cores from two of these holes, DDMN 042 
and ACDMN 043, were extensively sampled for 
conodonts and macrofossils. Logs of these cored 
intersections (kindly provided by Irvine Hay of 
Newcrest) are shown in Figure 2. The remaining 
hole, ACDMN 045, was spot-sampled for macro- 
and microfossils over the depth interval 273-276.5 
m. This interval yielded sparse conodonts (sample 
C2077) and one coral from 276 m. Total thickness 
of the limestone cannot be accurately determined 
due to the prevalence of faulting in the other two 
cores. In ACDMN 043, a 15 m-thick zone of fault 
gouge cuts through the middle of a limestone interval 
approximately 42 m in thickness. This faulted zone 
coincides with a series of intermixed and out-of- 
sequence biostratigraphic determinations (Fig. 2). The 
33 m of apparently continuous limestone intersected 
in DDMN 042 is faulted at its top. 

Composition and age significance of the conodont 

Limestone intersected in the Newcrest drilling 
program yielded 96 identifiable conodont specimens 
recovered from 12 samples. Sample weights varied 
from 900 g to 3.9 kg (average 1.7 kg), with the larger 
samples being obtained from intersections of several 
metres. Limestone samples were dissolved in dilute 
acetic acid and separated using sodium polytungstate. 
The conodonts, illustrated in Figs 3-4, are referrable 
to nine species (Table 1) which indicate a Late 
Ordovician (Eastonian) age. 

Species of biostratigraphic significance include 
Belodina compressa, Plectodina_ tenuis? and 
Phragmodus undatus. All three are zonal index species 
of the North American Mid-continent biostratigraphic 
scheme, though it has been recognised that 
differences in local ranges and relative abundances 
present difficulties in precisely correlating with the 
North American zonation (Zhen and Webby 1995, 
Zhen et al. 1999). Belodina compressa first appears 
in NSW in the late Gisbornian upper part of the 
Wahringa Limestone Member (Zhen et al. 2004) and 
was replaced by B. confluens in limestones of early 
Eastonian age throughout the Macquarie Arc. Though 
mostly confined to slightly younger (Ea2-3) horizons 
where previously recorded in these limestones, 
Phragmodus undatus also is rarely present within 
the lower Billabong Creek Limestone (Gisbornian 
age) in the vicinity of Gunningbland, northward 
along the Junee-Narromine Volcanic Belt (Pickett 


and Percival 2001, appendix 1). Plectodina tenuis?, 
only tentatively identified in the Marsden core from 
a couple of elements, is elsewhere in NSW restricted 
to early Eastonian (Eal-2) strata. Co-occurrence 
of P. undatus with B. compressa and P. tenuis? in 
sample C2077 (273-276 m in borehole ACDMN 045) 
therefore most likely implies a basal Eastonian age 
for this level. 

The presence of Yaoxianognathus? tunguskaensis, 
Aphelognathus cf. webbyi and Tasmanognathus cf. 
borealis in the assemblage also supports an Eastonian 
age assignment. Yaoxianognathus? tunguskaensis is 
widely distributed in limestones of this age throughout 
the Macquarie Arc. Aphelognathus webbyi is common 
in the early Eastonian Fossil Hill Limestone of the 
Cliefden Caves Limestone Group (Savage 1990, 
Zhen and Webby 1995). Tasmanognathus borealis 
was recorded from the Yiaoxian Formation (mid- 
early Eastonian age equivalent) of North China, 
where it is associated with Phragmodus undatus and 
Taoqupognathus blandus (An and Zheng 1990). 

Apparently absent from the fauna are any 
examples of Yaoqupognathus, species of which 
are biostratigraphically significant in Eastonian 
limestones in central NSW and China (Zhen et al. 
1999, Zhen 2001). Another characteristic feature of 
the Barmedman Creek limestone is the occurrence of 
Rhipidognathus, which has not previously been noted 
from NSW. 

Coral and stromatoporoid assemblages 
All three of the Newcrest boreholes at the 

Marsden prospect yielded corals, and one also 
included stromatoporoids. These are illustrated in 
Figs 5-9, and their occurrences are detailed in Table 

Three samples from borehole DDMN 042 
all yielded a single species of coral, TYetradium 
tenue, which is known only from the Hillophyllum- 
Tetradium-Rosenella Assemblage Zone (Pickett 
and Percival 2001) of Eal age. The material from 
borehole ACDMN 045 is poorly preserved, with 
only a provisional determination of Tetradium? sp., 
implying a generalised early Eastonian age, which is 
in accord with the conodont-based age from sample 
C2077 (273-276.5 m in ACDMN 045) previously 

The most abundant material is from borehole 
ACDMN 043, which, in addition to forms already 
known from NSW, also includes a number of unusual 
occurrences. Stratodictyon ozakii was previously 
recorded only from the Hillophyllum-Tetradium- 
Rosenella Assemblage Zone, but is here associated 
with forms characteristic of younger levels. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


X Va 
Gunningbland Va 

Parkes | 

=Parkes My 

West Wyalong> +Grenfell JsyDNEY 
~, a 



\ Lake 
| Cowal 

Cowal Mine & 


6280000mN — 




Prospect _Caragabal y Ler, ( 

Wyalong \ yh Highway 
= Sis Grenfell 

Gibber ‘ 
| j ~  6240000mN 


520000mE 580000mE 600000mE 620000mE 


Jingerangle Formation subcrop inferred SSS ROHS 

Jingerangle Formation outcrop 7 ~~. Waterways 
--4-- Thrust Fault inferred 

0 10 20 30 km 

Figure 1. Locality map of south-central New South Wales showing places mentioned in the text. 
Simplified geological data, including location of Marsden prospect drill sites, the regional thrust 
fault, and outcrop and subsurface extent of the Jingerangle Formation (incorporating the Cur- 
rumburrama volcanics) are derived from the Forbes 1:250 000 Geological Map (second edition). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 237 


DDMN 042 

ACDMN 043 
> GL GL 


50m som 


Cainozoic regolith cover 

Cainozoic regolith cover 


LY Lo: 

400m 100m 

sandstone & 


Volcaniclastic 150m 
sandstone & 

Ea3? FHP? C2074 
HTR or PEC Ea1-2 





HTR Eat 


UI 9 




HTR Eat C2094 

Ea1? C2096 
HTR Eat? C2072 : 

PEC/FHP C2076 
Ea2 PEC 


2a 2 

C2098 go 

C2099 35 

HTR = Hillophyllum-Tetradium-Rosenella Assemblage Zone Eai/2 C2100 = = 
PEC = Propora-Ecclimadictyon-Cliefdenella Assemblage Zone C2101 450m stag 

FHP = Favistina-Halysites-Plasmoporella Assemblage Zone 

Figure 2. Diagrammatic representation of major lithologies intersected in Newcrest boreholes DDMN 
042 and ACDMN 043 in the Marsden prospect, with enlargement of limestone-dominated intervals to 
show sampled horizons and faunas recovered. GL = ground level; F = fault; Ea = Eastonian Stage, with 
subdivisions Kal (oldest), Ea2, Ea3 (youngest). See text for discussion of age relationships of macrofos- 
sil Assemblage Zones (defined in Pickett and Percival 2001) and conodonts (C samples). 

238 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 3. SEM photographs of conodonts from Eastonian limestone in core, Marsden prospect 
at Barmedman Creek; scale bars 100 pm. A-D, Belodina compressa (Branson and Mehl, 1933). A, B, 
grandiform elements, from C2071, A, MMMC4122, outer lateral view; B, MMMC4123, inner lateral 
view; C, D compressiform elements, from C2072, inner lateral views, C, MMMC4124, D, MMMC4125. 
E-H, Panderodus gracilis (Branson and Mehl, 1933). E, F, tortiform element, MMMC4126, from C2071, 
E, outer lateral view, F, inner lateral view; G, falciform element, MMMC4127, from C2095, outer 
lateral view; H, falciform element, MMMC4128, from C2096, outer lateral view. I, J, Panderodus sp. I, 
“b” element, MMMC4129, from C2072, outer lateral view; J, “a” element, MMMC4130, from C2073, 
outer lateral view. K, L, Plectodina tenuis? (Branson and Mehl, 1933). K, S element, MMMC4133, from 
C2077, posterior view; L, Pb element, MMMC4132, from C2071, inner lateral view. M, Tasmanognathus 
sp. cf. Z borealis An, in An et al., 1985. Pa element, MMMC4131, from C2075, inner lateral view. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 239 


Figure 4. SEM photographs of conodonts from Eastonian limestone in core, Marsden prospect at 
Barmedman Creek; scale bars 100 pm. A-E, Phragmodus undatus Branson and Mehl, 1933. A, Pa 
element, MMMC4134, from C2100, anterior view; B, Sc element, MMMC4135, from C2077, in- 
ner lateral view; C, Sc element, MMMC4136, from C2077, outer lateral view; D, Sb element, 
MMMC4137, from C2094, outer lateral view; E, Sb element, MMMC4138, from C2094, inner later- 
al view. F-I, Rhipidognathus sp. F, Sb element, MMMC4139, from C2075, posterior view; G, Pa el- 
ement, MMMC4140, from C2094, inner lateral view; H, Pa element, MMMC4141, from C2072, in- 
ner lateral view; I, Pb element, MMMC4142, from C2073, inner lateral view. J, Aphelognathus sp. 
cf. A. webbyi Savage, 1990. Pa element, MMMC4143, from C2075, outer lateral view. K-N, Yaoxi- 
anognathus? tunguskaensis (Moskalenko, 1973). K, Sd? Element, MMMC4144, from C2074, in- 
ner lateral view; L, Sb element, MMMC4145, from C2075, inner lateral view; M, Sc element, 

MMM(C4146, from C2073, inner lateral view; N, M element, MMMC4147, from C2074, posterior view. 

240 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 1. Distribution of conodonts in Newcrest boreholes, Marsden prospect, Barmedman Creek; 
C2077 from ACDMN 045, 273-276.5 m depth; for details of other samples see Appendix. 

Aphelognathus cf. webbyi 
Belodina compressa 
Panderodus gracilis 
Panderodus sp. 

Phragmodus undatus 
Plectodina tenuis ? 
Rhipidognathus sp. 
Tasmanognathus cf. borealis 
Yaoxianognathus tunguskaensis 

Labechiella variabilis, Bajgolia? cf. grandis, the 
heliolitids and Ecclimadictyon are typical of the 

Propora-Ecclimadictyon-Cliefdenella Assemblage 
Zone, of Ea2 age, while Paleofavosites and halysitids 
are only known from the next-youngest (Ea3-4) 
Favistina-Halysites-Plasmoporella Assemblage Zone 
(Pickett and Percival 2001). Cystihalysites has so far 
not been reported from strata younger than Early 
Silurian, so its occurrence here, apart from being the 
first report of the genus in Australia, is outside its 
known range. 

Synthesis: age of the Barmedman Creek limestone 

Regional biostratigraphic zonation of Upper 
Ordovician limestones within the Macquarie Arc of 
central NSW is well-established, based on integrated 
macrofaunal and microfaunal assemblages. Diagnostic 
taxa from three of the coral-stromatoporoid faunas 
first recognised by Webby (1969), updated by Webby 
et al. (1997) and more recently formalised by Pickett 
and Percival (2001), are identified in limestone from 
two of the cored holes. Though the conodont faunas 
recovered lack Taogupognathus, a key component of 
the local zonation (Zhen 2001), sufficient associated 
species are present to confirm the ages of most 
individual samples. 

When plotted against the log of the Newcrest 
drill hole DDMN 042 (Fig. 2), occurrence of a coral 
species restricted to the Hillophyllum-Tetradium- 
Rosenella Assemblage Zone (Pickett and Percival 
2001) is consistent with presence of early Eastonian 
(Eal) age conodonts. Indeed, the identification of 
Belodina compressa in three samples from this core, 
which are closely associated with the levels that 
produced the coral Tetradium tenue, implies a basal 
Eastonian age. 

The sequence of macrofaunal assemblages and 
conodonts in ACDMN 043 is more problematic, and 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

: — N (92) —t ~ (se) st LQ ice} ~ > 
~ ~ ~ = ~ for) for) fer) fox) fer) = 
Meee EEE EE Se SB S| 
CONODONT TAXA He. Oe OO Ono OMe Ce eoy©) 
. 1 

= 00 ~/C2075 

ONANAAES ©| Total 

only makes sense when details from the lithology log 
are integrated with the palaeontological sampling 
(Fig. 2). Samples from the deepest limestone 
intersected (229 and 232 m) are consistent with 
an Ea2 age, based on presence of a diverse suite 
of corals and stromatoporoids of the Propora- 
Ecclimadictyon-Cliefdenella Assemblage Zone. 
Above a barren interval, samples from 189-193 m 
yield both conodonts and stromatoporoids indicative 
of an earlier, Eal, age. This succession 1s at variance 
with what would be expected, and may imply the 
presence either of a fault (unrecognised in the core) 
or an overturned sequence. Within the interval 174- 
182 m, ages are mixed in a zone identified on the 
log as extensively faulted. The lowermost sample 
from this faulted zone contains sponges (including 
stromatoporoids) consistent with an early Eastonian 
age (Eal-2), that is overlain by limestone with 
sponges and corals (including halysitids) suggesting 
a younger, Ea3, age. However, conodonts from a 
sample extending over the interval 179.5-183.9 m that 
includes the aforementioned macrofossil assemblages, 
are definitely of Eal-2 age — confirming structural 
interleaving of fault slices. Samples from shallower 
depths exhibit a similar intermixing of ages, with 
macrofossils from 173 and 174 m characteristic of the 
Favistina-Halysites-Plasmoporella Assemblage Zone 
(Ea3) associated with Eal-2 conodonts from sample 
C2073. The two highest samples unfortunately yield 
no biostratigraphically useful information. 

The Marsden prospect is located cn the western 
(hangingwall) block of a major regional thrust fault 
(Fig. 1). Although the faulting has disrupted the 
normal biostratigraphic succession in the drill core, it 
has had the fortunate effect of demonstrating — even 
in a relatively short intersection of limestone — that 
the limestone at Barmedman Creek commenced 
deposition in basal Eastonian time and continued 



Figure 5. Tabulate corals from Eastonian limestone in core, Marsden prospect at Barmedman 
Creek. Scale bar shown in photos (A), (C) and (F) represents 10 mm. Scale bar in (B), (D) and (E) 
represents 1 mm. A, B, Halysites sp. from 173 m in ACDMN 043; A, transverse section; B, enlarge- 
ment to show macro- and microcorallites. C, D, E, Cystihalysites sp. from 179-180 m in ACD- 
MN 043; C, oblique transverse and longitudinal section; D, enlargement of the lower left corner of 
B, showing cystose coenenchymal tubules; E, detail of upper right corner of D, clearly displaying 
cyst. F, Bajgolia? cf. grandis Webby, 1977, oblique longitudinal section from 229 m in ACDMN 043. 

242 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 6. Corals from Eastonian limestone in core, Marsden propect at Barmedman Creek. Scale bar shown 
in photo (B) represents 10 mm and applies also to photos (A) and (C-F). A, B, Tetradium tenue Webby and 
Semenuik, 1971, longitudinal and transverse sections, from 399 m in DDMN 042. C, D, Tetradium? sp., ob- 
lique transverse section from 406 min DDMN 0472, and longitudinal section from 276 min ACDMN 045. E, F, 
Bajgolia? cf. grandis Webby, 1977, transverse and oblique longitudinal sections from 232 minACDMN 043. 

into the late Eastonian (Ea3). This age determination 
is significant in correlating the succession with 
limestones of Late Ordovician age elsewhere in the 
Macquarie Arc. 

Jingerangle Formation 

In the southernmost area of the Forbes 1:250 
000 map sheet, south of the Mid Western Highway 
between Grenfell and West Wyalong, Ordovician 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

formations are mostly hidden beneath alluvial cover 
of Cainozoic age. Very few outcrops stand above the 
plain, and fossiliferous strata are almost absent. The 
sole exception is the Jingerangle Formation which is 
best exposed in two road aggregate quarries in the 
vicinity of Gibber Trig (GR 560200mE 6244600mN, 
Marsden (8430 II and III) 1:50 000 sheet). This low 
hill is located immediately south of the Jingerangle 
State Forest, which is itself situated south of the 



Figure 7. Tabulate and rugosan corals from Eastonian limestone in core, Marsden propect at 
Barmedman Creek. Scale bar represents 10 mm. A, B, Paleofavosites? sp., transverse and lon- 
gitudinal sections, from 174 m in ACDMN 043. C, D, E, Propora bowanensis Hill, 1957, lon- 
gitudinal, transverse and oblique sections from 229 m in ACDMN 043; note also trans- 
verse section through partial corallite of Palaeophyllum sp. in upper right corner of photo (E). 

Mid Western Highway between Grenfell and West 
Wyalong about 37 km east of the latter town (Fig. 1). 
Further locality details are given by Lyons and Wallace 
(1999). Warren et al. (1995) named the unit and 
provided its formal description [despite their assertion 
that Bowman (1976) first described the Jingerangle 
Formation, no such name or distinguishing description 
appears either on the Forbes 1:250 000 metallogenic 
map or in the accompanying explanatory notes]. An 
up-to-date description of the Jingerangle Formation 
appears in the Explanatory Notes to the Forbes 1:250 
000 Geological Sheet, 24 edition (Percival and Lyons 

The Jingerangle Formation is_ significant 
in containing the youngest, most diverse, Late 
Ordovician shelly macrofauna in central NSW, near 
the southernmost extent of outcrop of sediments 


associated with the Junee-Narromine Volcanic Belt. 
In this belt, only the lower section of the Cotton 
Formation (Sherwin 1973, Sherwin et al. 1987), on 
trend to the northeast just west of Forbes, appears to 
be of broadly comparable (Bolindian) age. 
Lithologies in the lower Jingerangle Formation, 
exposed in the working road base quarry, mostly 
consist of a succession of thinly bedded siltstones 
and mudstones, the latter generally weathered into 
multicoloured clays (pink and white) and orange- 
brown ochres. The siltstones are more resistant as 
they are largely composed of sponge spicules, which 
provide a tightly interlocking meshwork of silica. 
Fresh recently exposed material is relatively dense 
and mostly dark grey in colour, but natural outcrops 
are weathered to a lighter biscuit-like texture, of grey- 
white appearance. The other major sediment type in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Figure 8. Sponges, including stromatoporoids, from Eastonian limestone in core, Marsden prospect 
at Barmedman Creek. Scale bar represents 10 mm. A, B, Cliefdenella cf. perdentata Webby and Mor- 
ris, 1976, transverse and longitudinal sections, from 181 m in ACDMN 043. C, D, Labechiella vari- 
abilis (Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930), longitudinal and transverse sections from 192 m in ACDMN 043. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 245 


Figure 9. Stromatoporoids from Eastonian limestone, Marsden prospect at Barmedman Creek. Scale bar 
beneath (C) represents 10 mm and applies to (A), (C), (E) and (F); scale bars in photos (B) and (D) represent 
1mm. A-D, Stratodictyon ozakii Webby, 1969, from 182 min ACDMN 043; longitudinal (A) and transverse 
(C) sections, with respective enlargements (B) and (D); note columns spanning up to seven laminae in lower 
left corner of (B), and astrorhizal canal in upper centre of (D). E, Clathrodictyon cf. microundulatum Nestor, 
1964, from 229 min ACDMN 043. F, Ecclimadictyon sp., longitudinal section, from 229 min ACDMN 043. 

246 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Table 2. Distribution of coral and sponge species in Newcrest boreholes, Marsden prospect, Barmed- 

man Creek. 

Borehole | Depth (m) | 

DDMN 042 399 

ACDMN 043 173 

Halysites sp 


'| ACDMN 045 27 

the quarry occurs in stratigraphically higher beds, 
composed of coarser silts to fine sands that are partly 
silicified. These strata are distinguished by the high 
concentration of siliceous sponges (predominantly the 
spheroidal Hindia) which are clustered on the surface 
of beds. Thin maroon-coloured medium to coarse 
grained sandstone layers are rarely interspersed in the 
siltstone succession towards the basal beds exposed 
in the working quarry. Most beds at this locality dip 
towards the east at variable angles, from nearly zero 
to about 30 degrees. Only an estimated 20-30 metres 
of continuous section is exposed in the floor of the 
working quarry; the true thickness of the formation 
is considerably in excess of this, but is unmeasurable 
due to structural complexity. Siltstone beds on the 
western side of this quarry are erratic in trend, but 
generally dip towards the southwest at low angles. 
In the wall and floor of the disused quarry to the 
south, folding and associated faulting is particularly 

Fossils from the Gibber Trig outcrop, identified 
by K. Sherrard, were first referred to by Wynn (1961), 
with this information republished by Moye et al. (in 
Packham 1969, p. 98). Subsequent unpublished reports 
on the faunal assemblage from these outcrops were 
provided by Sherwin (1982, 1985), Pickett (1986) 
and Percival (1999). Faunal lists from the earlier 
of these reports were subsequently published in the 
palaeontological appendix to the Cootamundra 1:250 
000 Geological Sheet Explanatory Notes (Warren 
et al. 1995). Percival’s (1999) identifications were 
incorporated into the Forbes 1:250 000 Geological 
Sheet Explanatory Notes (Lyons et al. 2000). With 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

Tetradium tenue Webby & Semeniuk, 1971 
Tetradium tenue Webby & Semeniuk, 1971 
Tetradium tenue Webby & Semeniuk, 1971; Tetradium sp. 

174 | Paleofavosites? sp 

179-180 | Cystihalysites sp 
181 | Cliefdenella cf. perdentata Webby & Morris, 1976 

229 | Bajgolia cf. grandis Webby, 1977; Palaeophylium sp.; Propora 
bowanensis Hill, 1957; heliolitid indet.; Clathrodictyon cf. 

microundulatum Nestor, 1964; Ecclimadictyon sp. 

| ATL 

232 | Bajgolia? cf. grandis Webby, 

1969; Cliefdenella sp. 

182 | Stratodictyon ozakii Webby, 

tradium? sp. 


the exception of a nautiloid depicted by Percival and 
Lyons (2000) (here re-illustrated in Figure 10E), 
none of the fauna has previously been illustrated or 

The graptolite assemblage indicates species 
that range in age from middle Eastonian to middle 
Bolindian; they include Dicellograptus gravis Keble 
and Harris, Dicellograptus ornatus (Elles and Wood), 
Normalograptus angustus (Perner), Orthograptus ex. 
gr. amplexicaulis (J. Hall), together with Prilograptus 
sp., and an unidentified climacograptid. Overlap of 
the published ranges (VandenBerg and Gooper 1992) 
suggests an early Bolindian (Bo 2) age is most probable 
for the formation. Coiled tarphyceratid nautiloids, 
referred to Discoceras? sp. and a large indeterminate 
genus, are the most spectacular component of the 
shelly fauna (Fig. 10), but cannot be precisely 
identified due to their preservation mainly as external 
moulds. Other faunal elements include indeterminate 
cyrtoconic brevicone and orthoconic nautiloids, a 
small dalmanelloid? and large multicostate orthide? 
brachiopods, and the siliceous sponges previously 

Palaeoecological interpretation 
The association in the Jingerangle Formation of 

graptolites, nautiloids of nektic habit (particularly the 
proliferation of tarphyceratids, which are thought to 
have been strong swimmers), and lithistid sponges 
is interpreted to indicate deep water environments at 
depths typical of Benthic Assemblage 4-5 (perhaps 50- 
200 m). A somewhat comparable faunal association 
is present in the basal Malongulli Formation in the 



Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Cliefden Caves area between Orange and Cowra 
(Webby 1992, Percival and Webby 1996). Here, a 
diverse suite of sponges (including Hindia) populated 
the periplatformal zone, between the shelf edge and the 
deep basin (Rigby and Webby 1988). The Malongulli 
sponge assemblage was subsequently dislodged 
as debris flows or slumps into the lower slope and 
basinal sediments (equivalent to Benthic Assemblage 
6), which are largely comprised of spiculitic siltstones 
with a faunal association of graptolites, trilobites, 
and diminutive lingulate and plectambonitoid 
brachiopods. In the case of the Jingerangle Formation, 
the Hindia-dominated fauna is preserved in laminated 
sediments that are not slumped and are interpreted to 
have formed in situ. Fauna in the Bolindian section 
of the Cotton Formation consists only of graptolites, 
orthoconic nautiloids, ostracodes (Sherwin 1973) 
and the lingulate brachiopod Paterula (Percival 
1978); presumably these sediments were deposited 
at depths slightly greater than that interpreted for the 
Jingerangle Formation. 


Volcanic and intrusive host rocks of the Marsden 
copper-gold prospect belong to the Cowal volcanic 
complex, the geology of which is known only from 
exploratory drilling (Miles and Brooker 1998, 
Downes and Burton 1999). Beneath Lake Cowal 
this complex consists of calc-alkaline to shoshonitic 
volcanics and associated sedimentary rocks, including 
volcaniclastics, mass-flow deposits, and laminated 
mudstones and siltstones of deeper water origin. This 
succession is apparently older than early Darriwilian 
age, as it is intruded by diorites and granodiorites, 
including one dated (*°Ar/?’Ar) at 465.7 + 1 Ma (Miles 
and Brooker 1998). Rocks of the Cowal volcanic 
complex could therefore have formed the basement 
on which the Eastonian limestones (not recognised 
despite extensive exploratory drilling at Lake 
Cowal) accumulated in shallow water environments. 

Stratigraphic relationships in the cored holes from 
the Marsden prospect are not clear due to structural 
complications. Newcrest DDMN 042 intersected 
approximately 245 m of monzodiorite above the 
Eastonian limestone, with evidence from the core log 
that these units are fault-juxtaposed. Beneath 120 m of 
regolith (an average thickness for this area), ACDMN 
043 passed through 20 m of volcaniclastic sandstone 
and siltstone (undated) before intersecting limestone 
that continued to the bottom of the hole. 

In an adjacent tectonic block separated from the 
Lake Cowal-Marsden region by a major thrust fault 
(Fig. 1), the Jingerangle Formation is also associated 
with igneous rocks, known as the Currumburrama 
volcanics. Here, however, relationships are even 
more obscured by the fact that this buried igneous 
complex has thus far only been recognised on the 
basis of its distinctive geophysical response. Age 
and composition of the Currumburrama volcanics is 
unknown, and their stratigraphic position relative to 
the Jingerangle Formation is uncertain. 

Thus the only significant information to 
assist regional correlation with other areas of the 
Macquarie Arc derives from the fossiliferous rocks 
documented in this study. The Eastonian limestones 
from the Marsden prospect contain some macrofossils 
and conodonts that have not previously been 
recognised in the Junee-Narromine Volcanic Belt. 
For example, the coral Tetradium tenue, prominent 
in DDMN 042, is elsewhere known only from the 
Daylesford Limestone of the Bowan Park Group on 
the western flank of the Molong Volcanic Belt. Such 
differences are probably environmentally controlled. 
Overall, the Barmedman Creek limestones most 
closely correspond to the succession in the vicinity 
of Gunningbland (west of Parkes), through the upper 
part of the Billabong Creek Limestone (Eal-2) and 
into the overlying Gunningbland Formation which 
includes intermittent limestones of Ea3 age (Pickett 
and Percival 2001). The Gunningbland area lies 90 
km to the northeast of the Marsden prospect, along 
the trend of the Junee-Narromine Volcanic Belt (Fig. 

Figure 10 LEFT. Fossils from the Jingerangle Formation. Scale bars represent 10 mm. 
A-B, indeterminate dalmanelloid brachiopod. A, dorsal valve internal mould, and B, external mould of 
same individual MMF36611a-b, from roadbase quarry, immediately south of Jingerangle State Forest. C, 
natural cross section of Hindia sphaeroidalis Duncan, 1879, MMF36600, from roadbase quarry, immedi- 
ately south of Jingerangle State Forest. D-J, nautiloids from Jingerang!e Formation collected from scree 
on hill behind “Bland Farm” homestead; original specimens in possession of landholder. D, weathered 
profile of large indeterminate orthocone. E, Discoceras? sp., latex impression from external mould. F, la- 
tex impression from external mould of micromorphic or juvenile individual of indeterminate tarphycer- 
atid. G-I, large indeterminate tarphyceratid; G, latex replica of internal mould showing septa and living 
chamber. H, latex impression from partial external mould. I, latex impression from external mould. J, 
latex impression from external mould of indeterminate cyrtoconic brevicone, living chamber uppermost. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 249 


1). Also on this trend to the west of Forbes, about 75 
km northeast of the Marsden prospect, are outcrops 
of the lower (Bolindian age) Cotton Formation 
which — as previously observed — is the closest 
analogue to the Jingerangle Formation in terms of 
lithology, depositional environment and age. It would 
be reasonable, given the relatively well-documented 
Late Ordovician succession in the Forbes-Parkes 
region, to interpret the Jingerangle Formation as a 
similarly widespread deep water unit overlying the 
older limestone and volcanic rocks encountered in 
the Barmedman Creek area. However, as these units 
are presently separated by a major thrust fault, this 
relationship remains conjectural. 


Responsibility for palaeontological discussion 
is indicated for each phylum. Some taxa have been 
documented by illustration only where material 
is insufficient for comment or where species are 
well known. Specimens are catalogued in the 
Palaeontological Collection of the Geological Survey 
of NSW (prefix MMF for macrofossils, MMMC for 
conodonts), housed in the Londonderry Geoscience 
Centre in western Sydney. 

Conodonts [Zhen] 

Only grandiform and compressiform elements of 
B. compressa were recovered from the Barmedman 
Creek samples (Fig. 3A-D). Both illustrated 
specimens of compressiform elements show a straight 
section of anterior margin near the antero-basal 
comer, recognised as the most distinctive character to 
differentiate B. compressa from the stratigraphically 
slightly younger B. confluens (Zhen et al. 2004). 

Two specimens are doubtfully referred to 
Plectodina tenuis. One, identified as the Pb element 
(Fig. 3L), bears anterior and posterior processes more 
or less equal in length, but has a shorter posterior 
process in comparison with elements reported from the 
Cliefden Caves Limestone Group (Zhen and Webby 
1995). A Pb element of P. tenuis with a similarly short 
posterior process was also reported from the Late 
Ordovician Vauréal Formation of Anticosti Island, 
Quebec (Nowlan and Barnes 1981, pl. 4, fig. 20). 

Rhipidognathus sp. (Fig. 4F-I) with only Pa, 
Pb, and Sb elements recovered may represent a new 
species. Both Pa and Pb elements are angulate with 
denticulate anterior and posterior processes, but the 
Pb element bears a large robust cusp (Fig. 41), whereas 
the cusp in the Pa element is indistinguishable from 
adjacent denticles (Fig. 4G, H). The Sb element 


is palmate digyrate, slightly asymmetrical with a 
prominent basal tongue on the anterior face that 
extends below basal margin (Fig. 4F). 

Corals [Pickett] 

The halysitids represent the most unusual 
elements of the coral fauna from the Barmedman 
Creek limestone. The form determined as Halysites 
sp. (Fig. 5A, B) is definitely not the same as the only 
other true Halysites known from the Ordovician, H. 
praecedens Webby and Semeniuk 1969; that species 
has subrounded corallites 1.2 — 2.0 mm long, with 
tabulae at 6 — 7 in 5 mm, whereas in the present 
material the corallites are elongate and the palisades 
only slightly wider at their widest point, and the 
tabulae are much more frequent: up to 8 in 2 mm. 
The Cystihalysites has clearly developed cystose 
coenenchymal tubules (Fig. 5C-E), but the material is 
too scant for proper description. 

The poorly preserved specimen designated 
Tetradium? sp. (Fig. 6C), from 406 m depth in 
borehole DDMN 042 at Barmedman Creek, is cerioid 
or subcerioid in habit, with complete, distant tabulae, 
a double-layered wall, and apparently without either 
mural pores or septa. The absence of mural pores and 
presence of a double-layered wall suggest an early 
stauriid rugosan such as Favistina or Crenulites, but 
both of these have septa, and the tabulae of Crenulites 
are distinctively shaped. Foerstephyllum 1s also ruled 
out by the absence of septa. Tetradium? sp. may 
be related to a form referred to Tetradium sp. A by 
Webby and Semeniuk (1971, pl. 17, figs 4, 5), that 
has inconspicuous septa, angular corallites, and thin 
walls. Cerioid or sub-cerioid corals known from near 
this level in NSW include a variety of auloporoid 
forms described by Webby (1977). However, none of 
these appears to show the thin walls of the present 

The material of Propora bowanensis Hill, 1957 
(Fig. 7C-E) falls within the variation reported for this 
species by Webby and Kruse (1984), though rather 
more consistently with the Heliolites end of the 

Sponges [Pickett] 

The Geological Survey of NSW collections 
include a large number (MMF 29519-29538, 36592- 
36608) of well preserved individuals of Hindia 
sphaeroidalis Duncan, 1879 from the Jingerangle 
Formation (Pickett 1986). The largest of these is 
illustrated (Fig. 10C). This species was also reported 
by Rigby and Webby (1988) from three of their four 
horizons in the Malongulli Formation near Cliefden 
Caves, and additionally from Late Ordovician strata 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


at “Currajong Park”, Gunningbland, west of Parkes. 

The stromatoporoid identified as Labechiella 
variabilis (Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930) (Fig. 8C, 
D) has pillars up to 0.6 mm in diameter, somewhat 
stouter than those reported for this species by Webby 
(1969). Stratodictyon cf ozakii Webby, 1969 from 
182 min ACDMN 043 shows well-developed pillars, 
stouter than the laminae, which may cross up to seven 
laminae (Fig. 9B). The transverse section (Fig. 9C, D) 
shows a distinct astrorhizal canal. Stromatoporoids 
from the 229 m level in this drill hole include 
Ecclimadictyon sp. (Fig. 9F) and Clathrodictyon cf 
microundulatum Nestor, 1964. The latter, represented 
by a single longitudinal section (Fig. 9E), accords 
well with the specimen figured by Webby (1969, 
pl. 127, fig. 3). As noted by Webby, his specimens 
of C. cf. microundulatum are associated with, and in 
some cases resemble, Ecclimadictyon. Co-occurrence 
of these forms in the Marsden prospect core is 
reminiscent of this situation. 

Brachiopods [Percival] 

Brachiopods are uncommon in the Jingerangle 
Formation. Most specimens are poorly preserved 
external impressions of weakly biconvex multicostate 
valves with wide hingelines, probably referable to an 
indeterminate orthide? 

The only example presently known from the 
Jingerangle Formation of a small dalmanelloid?, 
represented by a dorsal valve, is illustrated (Fig. 10A- 
B) as it is better preserved than the other brachiopods. 
The valve is transversely quadrate in outline, of low 
convexity with a narrow median sulcus; the distinctive 
omament is interpreted from the exterior mould 
as comprising closely spaced coarse exopunctae 
regularly distributed between the fine multicostellae. 
Internally, the cardinalia consist of a simple blade- 
like cardinal process, with rod-shaped brachiophores 
apparently supported by delicate fulcral plates. 
A median septum is not developed, although the 
narrow median sulcus is ventrally directed to mimic a 
raised ridge. Without details of the ventral valve it is 
impossible to assign this specimen at family level, but 
general affinities with the paurorthids are suggested. 
No comparable shells have been noted elsewhere in 
the Late Ordovician brachiopod faunas from central- 
western N.S.W. 

Nautiloids [Percival] 

All nautiloids from the Jingerangle Formation, 
with the exception ofa section ofa large indeterminate 
orthocone (Fig. 10D), are preserved as external moulds 
or an internal mould impression. The position of the 
siphuncle, and shape of the septa crossing the dorsal 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 

whorl profile, are unable to be determined, making 
generic identification uncertain if not impossible. 
Nevertheless, two genera of coiled nautiloids can be 
readily distinguished. A tightly coiled form is referred 
to Discoceras? (Fig. 10E), although Trocholites? or 
Hardmanoceras? may be equally valid identifications. 
Several large slowly expanding conchs (Fig. 10G-I) 
with coarse ribbing appear to be broadly externally 
similar to an indeterminate tarphyceratid illustrated 
from the Gunningbland Shale Member (Ea 3 age) of 
the Goonumbla Volcanics at Gunningbland, west of 
Parkes (Stait et al. 1985). A small individual (Fig. 
10F) may represent a juvenile or micromorphic form 

of this tarphyceratid. 


We are grateful to the owners of “Bland Farm” who 
permitted us access to study the fossils in the Jingerangle 
Formation, and to Irvine Hay of Newcrest Exploration who 
alerted us to the presence of limestone in core from their 
Barmedman Creek prospect in the Marsden area. Gary 
Dargan (NSW Geological Survey) processed the conodont 
samples and prepared thin sections of fossils in the limestone. 
Photography of macrofossils was undertaken by David 
Barnes (NSW Department of Primary Industries) and the 
figures were drafted by Cheryl Hormann (NSW Geological 
Survey). Scanning electron microscope illustrations of the 
conodonts were prepared in the Electron Microscope Unit 
of the Australian Museum. Reviews by two anonymous 
referees assisted us in polishing the manuscript. This paper 
is a contribution to IGCP Project No. 503: Ordovician 
Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimate. Ian Percival and John 
Pickett publish with the permission of the Deputy Director- 
General, NSW Department of Primary Industries - Mineral 
Resources Division. 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 



locality data and faunal lists 

Grid Reference 560500mE 6244240mN, Marsden (8430 II and IIT) 1:50 000 sheet 
Jingerangle Formation in roadbase quarry, immediately south of Jingerangle State Forest. 
Brachiopod: dorsal valve of small dalmanelloid? 
Sponge: Hindia sphaeroidalis Duncan, 1879 

indeterminate small conical form 

gigantic monaxons (several cms in length) 

echinoderm: crinoid ossicle 
graptolite: indeterminate climacograptid? 
Ptilograptus sp 

Grid Reference 560500mE 6243280mN, Marsden (8430 II and III) 1:50 000 sheet 
Jingerangle Formation in disused quarry, just west of “Bland Farm” homestead. 
Graptolites: indeterminate small climacograptid 

Dicellograptus gravis Keble and Harris 

Dicellograptus ornatus (Elles and Wood) 

Normalograptus angustus (Permer) 

Orthograptus ex. gr. amplexicaulis (J. Hall) 

(centred on) Grid Reference 560500mE 6243100mN, Marsden 1:50 000 sheet 
Jingerangle Formation, scree on hillside behind “Bland Farm” homestead. 
Brachiopod: indeterminate large multicostate orthide? 
Nautiloids: Discoceras? sp 

indeterminate tarphyceratid 

indeterminate cyrtoconic brevicone 

indeterminate orthocone 

core from Newcrest drill hole DDMN 042, Marsden prospect (tenement EL5524) 
commenced 14/3/2002, completed 27/3/2002, TD 460.7 m 

GR 541658 mE 6256524 mN (GDA co-ordinates) 

for further details of micro- and macrofauna, refer to Tables 1 and 2 

Depth 387m _ microfossil sample C2090 barren 
389 m C2091 barren 
391.2m C2092 barren 
391.2-395.6 m C2071 conodonts 
397 m C2093 conodonts and ostracode 
399 m C2094 conodonts, macrofossil: coral (Tetradium) 
401 m C2095 conodonts 
403.9 m C2096 conodonts 
403.9-408 m C2072 conodonts, ostracodes, scolecodonts 
405 m macrofossil sample: coral (Tetradium) 
406 m macrofossil sample: coral (Tetradium) 
410m C2097 conodont 
412m C2098 ostracode and bryozoa 
414m C2099 _bryozoa and lingulate brachiopod fragment 
416m C2100 conodonts 
418.3 m C2101 barren 

core from Newcrest drill hole ACDMN 043, Marsden prospect (tenement EL5524) 
commenced 2/4/2002, completed 7/4/2002, TD 238.7 m 

GR 542347 mE 6255784 mN (GDA co-ordinates) 

for further details of micro- and macrofauna, refer to Tables 1 and 2 

254 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


Depth 141m _ microfossil sample C2102 benthic forams, ostracodes 
143 m C2103 barren 
170.7-175 m C2073 conodonts 
173m macrofossil sample: coral (Halysites) 
174m macrofossil sample: coral (Paleofavosites?) 
179.5-183.9 m C2074 conodonts, silicified corals 
179-180 m macrofossil sample: coral (Cystihalysites) 
181m macrofossil sample: sponge (Cliefdenella) 
182m sponge (Cliefdenella), stromatoporoid (Stratodictyon) 
189-192.8 m C2075 conodonts 
192 m macrofossil sample: stromatoporoid (Labechiella) 
212m C2104 barren 
214m C2105 barren 
216m C2106 barren 
227.8-232 m C2076 fragment of indet. conodont 
229 m diverse corals, stromatoporoids Ecclimadictyon, Clathrodictyon 
232 m macrofossil sample: coral (Bajgolia?) 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 255 

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Conservation of Australia’s Forest Fauna (Second Edition) 
Daniel Lunney (editor) 
Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 
PO Box 20, Mosman NSW 2088 

RRP $75.00 (plus $8.80 postage in Australia) 
Order form can be found at 

The first thing anyone will notice about 
this book is its size; 1070 pages weighing in at 3.36 
kilograms. I have been a bit tardy and more than a 
little hesitant to write a review of this book, since 
I have always made it a strict point to only write a 
review if I had read the entire publication. With this 
book, in some cases I did not get beyond the abstract. 
Like most people approaching a multi-author volume 
of wide scope, I first read those papers dealing with 
my own speciality (mammals), then looked for 
reviews of broader areas and finally at papers with 
catchy titles (of which there are an extraordinary 
number in this book). Some of those titles can be 
a bit misleading. I went straight to “Echidnas and 
archaeology: understanding the Aboriginal values of 
forests in NSW” only to find the echidna got only a 
brief mention. Most of the essay was concerned with 
exploring “... recent developments in the management 
of Aboriginal values in (forests of NSW)”. That 
doesn’t really make much sense, nor does a concluding 
observation that “Research and planning cannot be 
divorced from the reality of people’s strong feelings 
about social justice”. I think I prefer Lord Kelvin’s 
remark (as quoted by W. Braithwaite on p. 524) that 
“If you can’t measure it, it’s not science”. 

Many of the accounts are essays rather than 
‘papers’ in the research sense. I suspect the editor 
probably encouraged a less formal approach, which 
can lead, especially in reviews, to a much more 
readable work. 

The book is divided into five sections, and I 
will deal with them in sequence. 


M. Calver and G. Wardell-Johnson probably 
identify the underlying issue apparent throughout the 
book in one sentence — “ESFM cannot be achieved 

.. without a ... will to assert long-term sustainable 
practice in the face of short-term goals” ESFM 
is, by the way, Ecologically Sustainable Forest 
Management. This section of the book contains many 
acronyms, arising no doubt from the fact that many 
of the authors are working in governmental units of 
ever-changing acronyms (does DNR= DPNIR and 

what is NP& WS today?). I have always, as an editor, 
been very suspicious of any manuscript submitted 
that contained more than four acronyms. There is 
one essay here, which I shall kindly not name, that 
manages four in one sentence. 

H. Parnaby and E. Hamilton-Smith manage 
to encapsulate in one sentence, without a single 
acronym, the point of several entire essays that 
follow. They write: “ ... conservation of Australia’s 
forest bats has everything to do with cultural, political 
and corporate influences, and very little to do with 
biological ‘facts’”. They go on to describe the strange 
phenomenon of the “Adaptable bat”. 

Other highlights in the section include a 
discussion of “predictor sets” of invertebrates by R.L. 
Kitching. A very different type of research to that 
employed by most biologists is used by S.M. Legg, 
who examined 19,000 newspaper items in order to 
determine how wildlife was portrayed in Victoria 

Surprisingly, my personal award for the 
most interesting, and perhaps the most significant for 
conservation, essay in this section goes to a lawyer. 
I am sure J. Prest is a lawyer because the essay uses 
footnotes instead of the usual Harvard system of 
citation. And in true legal style they often take up 
half the page. However the topic is vital in regard to 
the 87% of NSW native vegetation that is on private 
land and to the lack of control of deforestation on 
private land as opposed to crown land. This is the best 
coverage of the legislation (and lack of legislation) 
relating to private native forestry I have seen. The vital 
point is made that environmental laws remain mere 
words on paper without sufficient implementation and 
enforcement. Certainly in western NSW, what little 
legislation that is applicable is rarely applied to rural 
landholders. Many rural landholders can of course 
make effective use of public and political avenues of 
resistance to anything that seems to endanger their 
short-term interest. A good example in NSW is the 
reaction to the Native Veg. Act. 

Harry Recher, for example, has long argued 
that wildlife management and conservation must 
be extended to private land, an important aspect of 


forest conservation that is examined in several places 
in this book. There is, by the way, a very interesting 
contribution by H. Recher at the start of this section 
(on eucalypt forest birds). 


The title of this section doesn’t really tell 
what it contains, which is probably reasonable as it is a 
very mixed bag. A lot of information about techniques 
can be found herein. For example, P.C. Catling and 
N.C. Coops give examples of the use of airborne 
videography in forest management. C.P. Catterall et 
al. deal with quantification, including design issues, of 
the biodiversity values of reforestation. D. Milledge 
suggests an innovative approach to conservation 
planning in forests based on large owl territories. 

This section also includes a really good 
review of the role of nutrition in conservation of 
marsupial folivores by B.D. Moore et al. 


The papers in this section are mostly reports 
of the kind of studies familiar to field biologists. 
Species covered are koalas (of course), tiger quolls, 
brush-tailed phascogales, western ringtail possums, 
squirrel gliders and swift parrots. 

Subsequent papers don’t really deal with 
single species but with larger groups. Individual 
papers deal with 26 species of feathered fruit-eaters, 
two frogs (southern barred and giant burrowing), 
a small mammal community of nine species, two 
gliders (yellow-bellied and mahogany) and the entire 
mammal fauna in SE forests. A paper on bats in state 
forests is probably out of place here since it deals with 
management and really belongs in the next section. 


Having found some of the essays related 
to management in the first two sections of the book 
heavy going, I approached this final section with 
considerable trepidation. However, many of the 
papers in this section contain an amazing amount of 
information and are oriented more towards the data 
on which management should be based rather than 
the management process itself. Two very interesting 
sets of data concern the effects of Phytophthora 
dieback on forest fauna (M.J. Gerkaldis et al.) and 
the effects of fire on fungus species which are an 
important component of the diet of many forest 
animals (A.W. Claridge and J.M. Trappe). The latter 
is very much a management issue in that an assumed 
beneficial effect of fuel-reduction burns on fungi has, 
in my Own experience, been used as a justification of 
the practice. 


Dan Lunney closes the book with a summary 
entitled “The future of Australia’s forest fauna 
revisited” in which he states the aim of this second 
edition is to enhance the opportunities to communicate. 
The book has achieved that aim admirably and the 
credit for that must go to the editor. 

I strongly recommend this book to 
conservationists, biologists and especially forest 
and fauna managers. After all, it is only $25 a kilo 
including postage; I’ve paid more than that for 

M.L. Augee 

20 December 2005 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 


(this is an abbreviated form — the full instructions can be obtained from our web site or from the Secretary) 

1. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales publishes original research papers dealing 
with any topic of natural science, particularly biological and earth sciences. 

2. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor (M.L. Augee, PO Box 82, Kingsford NSW 2032). All 
manuscripts are sent to at least two referees and in the first instance three hard copies, including all figures 
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3. References are cited in the text by the authors’ last name and year of publication (Smith 1987, Smith and 
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Smith, B.S. (1987). A tale of extinction. Journal of Paleontological Fiction 23, 35-78. 
Smith, B.S., Wesson, R.I. and Luger, W.K. (1988). Levels of oxygen in the blood of dead Ringtail 
Possums. Australian Journal of Sleep 230, 23-53. 
Chapters or papers within an edited work: 
Ralph, P.H. (2001). The use of ethanol in field studies. In ‘Field techniques’ (Eds. K. Thurstle and P.J. 
Green) pp. 34-41. (Northwood Press, Sydney). 
Young, V.H. (1998). ‘The story of the wombat’. (Wallaby Press, Brisbane). 

4. An abstract of no more than 200 words is required. Sections in the body of the paper usually include: 
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Do not use vertical lines in tables unless absolutely necessary to demark data columns. Keep 
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Tables and/or figures must be separate from the text file. Never embed figures or tables in the text. 

10. Details of punctuation, scientific nomenclature, etc. are to be found in the complete instructions available 
from the website or from the Secretary. 






Mahony, M. 
Amphibians of the Gibraltar Range. 
Vernes, K., Green, S., Howes, A. and Dunn, L. 
Species richness and habitat associations of non-flying mammals in Gibraltar Range National Park 

Section II: General papers. 










Harris, J.M. 
The discovery and early natural history of the Eastern Pygmy-possum, Cercartetus nanus (Geoffroy 
and Desmarest, 1817). 
Piper, K.J. and Herrmann, N. 
Additions to knowledge of the early Pleistocene wallaby Baringa nelsonensis Flannery and Hann 
1984 (Marsupialia, Macropodinae). 
Williamson, P.L. and Rickards, R.B. 
Eastonian (Upper Ordovician) graptolites from Michelago, near Canberra. 
Timms, B.V. 
The geomorphology and hydrology of saline lakes of the middle Paroo, arid-zone Australia. 
Foldvary, G. 
Pseudoplasmopora (Cnidaria, Tabulata) in the Siluro-Devonian of eastern Australia with comments 
on its global biogeography. 
Baker, A.C., Hose, G.C. and Murray, B.R. 
Vegetation responses to Pinus radiata (D. Don) invasion: a multivariate analysis using principal 
response curves. 
Valentine, J.L., Cole D.J. and Simpson, A.J. 
Silurian linguliformean brachiopods and conodonts from the Cobra Formation, southeastern New 
South Wales, Australia. 
Percival, I.G., Zhen, Y.Y. and Pickett, J. 
Late Ordovician faunas from the Quandialla-Marsden district, south-central New South Wales. 
Book review: Conservation of Australia’s forest fauna. 

A recent expansion of its Queensland range by Eupristina verticillata Waterston (Hymenopera, 
Agaonidae, Agaoninae), the pollinator of Ficus microcarpa 1.f. (Moracea). 




01210 2877 



Issued 23 February 2006 

Section I: The biology and ecology of Gibraltar National Park. 

1 Clarke, P.J. and Myerscough, P.J. 
Introduction to the biology and ecology of Gibraltar Range National Park and adjacent 
areas: patterns, processes and prospects. 

5 Jones, R.H. and Bruhl, J.J. 
Acacia beadleana (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae), a new, rare, localised species from Gibraltar 
Range National Park, New South Wales. 

11 Caddy, H.A.R. and Gross, C.L. 
Population structure and fecundity in the putative sterile shrub, Grevillea rhizomatosa Olde 
& Marriott (Proteaceae). 

19  Vaughton, G. and Ramsey, M. 
Selfed seed set and inbreeding depression in obligate seeding populations of Banksia 

27 ~=Williams, P.R. and Clarke, P.J. 
Fire history and soil gradients generate floristic patterns in montane sedgelands and wet 
heaths of Gibraltar Range National Park. 

39  ~=Virgona, S., Vaughton, G. and Ramsey, M. 
Habitat segregation of Banksia shrubs at Gibraltar Range National Park. 

49 Knox, K.J.E. and Clarke, P.J. 
Response of resprouting shrubs to repeated fires in the dry sclerophyll forest of Gibraltar 
Range National Park. ; 

57 Croft, P., Hofmeyer, D. and Hunter, J.T. 
Fire responses in four rare plant species at Gibraltar Range National Park, Northern 
Tablelands, NSW. 

63 Campbell, M.L. and Clarke, P.J. 
Response of montane wet sclerophyll forest understorey species to fire: evidence from high 
and low intensity fires. 

75 Goldingay, R.L. and Newell, D.A. 
A preliminary assessment of disturbance to rock outcrops in Gibraltar Range National Park 


Printed by Southwood Press Pty Ltd, 
76-82 Chapel Street, Marrickville 2204 






ISSN 0370-047X 

Founded 1874 
Incorporated 1884 

The Society exists to promote the cultivation and study 
of the science of natural history in all its branches. 
The Society awards research grants each year in the 
fields of Life Sciences (the Joyce Vickery fund) and 
Earth Sciences (the Betty Mayne fund), offers annually 
a Linnean Macleay Fellowship for research, contributes 
to the stipend of the Linnean Macleay Lecturer in 
Microbiology at the University of Sydney, and 
publishes the Proceedings. It holds field excursion and 
scientific meetings, including the biennial Sir Wiliam 
Macleay Memorial Lecture delivered by a person 
eminent in some branch of natural science. 

Membership enquiries should be addressed in the first instance to the Secretary. Candidates for elec- 
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The current subscription rate to the Proceedings is set at $A80.00 per volume. In recent years a 
volume consists of a single annual issue. 

Back issues of all but a few volumes and parts of the Proceedings are available for purchase. Prices 
are listed on our home page and can also be obtained from the Secretary. 


President: D.R. Murray 

Vice-presidents: M.L. Augee, I.G. Percival, J.P. Barkas 

Treasurer: 1.G. Percival 

Secretary: J-C. Herremans 

Council: A.E.J. Andrews, M.L. Augee, J.P. Barkas, M. Cotton, G. Edgecombe, M.R. Gray, 
J-Cl. Herremans, D. Keith, R.J. King, H.A. Martin, E. May, D.R. Murray, P.J. Myerscough, I.G. Percival, 
S. Rose and K.L. Wilson 

Editor: M.L. Augee 

Assistant Editor: Elizabeth May 

Linnean Macleay Lecturer in Microbiology: P.R. Reeves 

Auditors: Phil Williams Carbonara 

The postal address of the Society is: P.O. Box 82, Kingsford NSW 2032, Australia 
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© Linnean Society of New South Wales 

Cover motif: Myrtaceae pollen from Robbie and Martin, page 65, this volume 

of the 




MAR 15 2007 ‘ 


For information about the Linnean Society of New South Wales, its publications and 
activities, see the Society’s homepage 

February 2007 


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The Characteristics of Five Species of Hollow-Bearing Trees on 

the New South Wales Central Coast 


Centre for Sustainable Coasts and Catchments, The University of Newcastle, PO Box 127 Ourimbah, 
NSW 2258; 'Present address: Ku-ring-gai Council, Bushland Operations, 818 Pacific Highway 

Gordon, NSW 2072; *Corresponding author ( 

Todarello, P. and Chalmers, A. (2007). The characteristics of five species of hollow-bearing trees on the 
New South Wales central coast. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 128, 1-14. 

Five native eucalypt species were examined to investigate the abundance, entrance size diameter and type 
(e.g. trunk, branch) of hollows present. A total of 698 living trees were sampled within 22 one hectare plots. 
The trees were distributed across five open forest or woodland communities on the Central Coast of NSW; 
these communities were underlain by Narrabeen or Hawkesbury sandstone. The number of hollows per tree 
was positively correlated with the diameter of the tree and, with the exception of Corymbia gummifera, with 
the height of the tree. The smallest species examined, Eucalyptus haemastoma, contained a high proportion 
(60%) of small diameter (20-35 cm) hollow-bearing trees, confirming that hollow availability is more 
strongly related to species characteristics rather than to absolute diameter. Eucalyptus haemastoma had 
the highest proportion of hollow-bearing trees (78%) followed by Angophora costata (40%), Eucalyptus 
punctata (26%), C. gummifera (24%) and Eucalyptus pilularis (22%). The results obtained for E. pilularis 
may not be a true reflection of the propensity of this species to form hollows, as the sampled population 
may have been affected by timber removal. Most hollows had small (2-5 cm) diameter entrances (47%) and 
occurred in branches (84%) rather than in main stems (16%). 

Manuscript received 1 June 2005, accepted for publication 18 May 2006. 

KEYWORDS: Angophora costata, Corymbia gummifera, Eucalyptus haemastoma, Eucalyptus pilularis, 
Eucalyptus punctata, cavities, habitat trees, hollows 


Gibbons and Lindenmayer (2002) estimate that 
there are over 300 native vertebrate species that use 
tree hollows within Australia. On the Central Coast 
of NSW there are at least 54 fauna species that use 
tree hollows, 13 of which are listed as threatened 
under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 
1995. For example, Smith and Murray (2003) found 
that the abundance of all possums and gliders in the 
Wyong region of the NSW Central Coast increased 
with the number of hollow-bearing trees, particularly 
in areas where the average diameter at breast height 
was greater than 80 cm. They also found that the 
highest estimated density of squirrel gliders (Petaurus 
norfolcensis) occurred in associations of Scribbly 
Gum (Eucalyptus haemastoma), Smooth-barked 
Apple (Angophora costata) and Red Bloodwood 
(Corymbia gummifera). 

Many authors (Lindenmayer et al. 1991, 1993b, 
1994; Cockburn and Lazenby-Cohen 1992; Eyre and 
Smith 1997; Lindenmayer 1997; Wormington et al. 
2003) have shown that different species of arboreal 
marsupials exhibit preferences for hollow-bearing 
trees with different characteristics. Occupation of 
hollows by fauna is associated with hollow entrance 
diameter and hollow depth as these characteristics 
influence the degree of protection from predators, the 
micro-climate and the provision of sufficient space for 
sleeping and nesting (Gibbons etal. 2002; Gibbons and 
Lindenmayer 2002). While small animals generally 
prefer hollows with small entrances, they may also 
use hollows with large entrances. For example, 
Antechinus spp., feathertail gliders (Acrobates 
pygmaeus) and sugar gliders (Petaurus breviceps) 
prefer hollows with entrance widths of 2-5 cm, but will 
use hollows with entrance widths > 5 cm (Gibbons et 
al. 2002). Larger species such as the common ringtail 


possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), greater glider 
(Petauroides volans), yellow-bellied glider (Petaurus 
australis) and common brushtail possum (T7richosurus 
vulpecula) are restricted to hollows with a minimum 
entrance width of > 5 cm (Gibbons et al. 2002). Large 
forest owls and cockatoos require large hollows for 
breeding, which tend to only occur in large diameter 
trees (Gibbons and Lindenmayer 2002). For example, 
Gibbons et al. (2002) only recorded the Powerful Owl 
(Ninox strenua) in hollows with a minimum entrance 
diameter of > 10 cm. Fauna are more likely to occupy 
trees with many hollows because it is more likely 
that these trees will have a least one suitable hollow 
(Gibbons et al. 2002). 

The combined factors of clearing for agriculture, 
forestry and urbanisation have all contributed 
significantly to the reduction of the forest estate 
(Lindenmayer et al. 1993a; Cork and Catling 1996). 
Unfortunately many of these cleared forests supported 
optimal habitat for hollow-dependent fauna (Norton 
1987; Bennett et al. 1994). Further, of those species 
that inhabit wood production forests, arboreal fauna 
are considered the most vulnerable to the impacts 
of timber harvesting (Ball et al. 1999). Bennett et 
al. (1994) argue there is growing evidence that the 
availability of suitable hollows is a limiting factor for 
most hollow-dependent fauna. Hollow-bearing trees 
in managed stands may be reduced by about 50 —-90% 
of that found in ‘natural’ stands, a reduction predicted 
to reduce populations of hollow-using fauna as well as 
faunal diversity (Gibbons and Lindenmayer 2002). 

Hollow formation in eucalypts results from 
a series of abiotic and biotic events following the 
wounding of living stem tissue (Wilkes 1982). 
Wounding can occur in a number of ways including 
branch breakage due to high winds and exposure 
to high temperatures during fire (Gibbons and 
Lindenmayer 2002). After wounding, the process of 
wood decay follows a complex succession of micro- 
organisms including bacteria, fungi and insects such 
as termites (Wormington et al. 2003; Wilkes 1982; 
Perry et al. 1985; Gibbons and Lindenmayer 2002). 
A hollow eventually forms when decay undermines 
the strength of a branch, or when a branch has broken 
off during strong winds and/or fire; and the hollow is 
subsequently excavated by fungi, termites and other 
invertebrates and animals (Gibbons and Lindenmayer 
2002). Physiological stress and fire predispose trees 
to attack by fungi and termites, while fire is also 
directly involved in excavating hollows (Gibbons et 
al. 2002). It may take 120-220 years for hollows to 
form (Gibbons and Lindenmayer 2002). 

The number of hollows in individual trees 
and the size of hollows generally increase as tree 

diameter increases (Bennett et al. 1994; Williams 
and Faunt 1997; Gibbons et al. 2000; Lindenmayer 
et al. 2000; Whitford 2002). Larger trees tend to have 
a greater number of hollows because trees become 
physiologically weaker and shed more branches as 
they age and are more likely to have been exposed 
to stochastic events (e.g. fire) that facilitate hollow 
formation (Gibbons et al. 2002; Gibbons and 
Lindenmayer 2002). 
Despite the large number of fauna species that 
rely on tree hollows, there is a paucity of data on 
the distribution and abundance of hollows within 
Australia (Gibbons and Lindenmayer 2002). Little 
is known about the hollow characteristics of specific 
tree species occurring on the Central Coast of NSW. 
An understanding of the propensity of different tree 
species to form hollows in any given area or region 
is essential to manage and maintain the hollow tree 
resource for that area. Thus, the main aim of this study 
was to examine the number and type of hollows in five 
tree species (Angophora costata Britten, Corymbia 
gummifera (Gaertn.) K.D.Hill and L.A.S.Johnson, 
Eucalyptus haemastoma Sm., Eucalyptus pilularis 
Sm. and Eucalyptus punctata DC. subsp. punctata) 
common on the NSW Central Coast. With the 
exception of FE. pilularis, no previously published 
information on hollows could be found for these 
species. More specifically, the study asked: 
1. Does hollow abundance depend on tree size 
(diameter and height)? 

2. Are there differences in the propensity of the 
Species examined to form hollows? 

3. Are there differences between the species in 
the location (main stem versus branch) and 
entrance size of hollows? 


Study area 

The Central Coast region of NSW has a warm 
temperate climate and supports closed forests, tall 
open forests, open forests, woodlands and heath 
(Murphy 1993). Rainfall ranges from a high of 
1310 mm along the coast at Gosford to a low of 740 
mm at Bucketty in the northwest (Murphy 1993). 
In summer, the average monthly temperatures are 
highest (27.2°C) on the coast and lowest (15.2°C) on 
the plateau, while in winter, average temperatures are 
highest (19.7°C) on the coast and lowest (4.2°C) in 
the valleys (Murphy 1993). 

The five vegetation communities sampled in 
this study were open forests or woodland found on 
infertile soils underlain by Narrabeen or Hawkesbury 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2006 


Sandstone. They were: i) Coastal Foothills Spotted 
Gum- Ironbark Forest; 11) Dharug Roughbarked Apple 
Forest, which is found over a number of topographic 
positions on Narrabeen Sandstones and within the 
rain shadow of the Watagan Ranges; iii) Coastal 
Narrabeen Shrub Forest, which occurs on skeletal 
ridge-top soils often near or with outcroppings of 
Hawkesbury and Narrabeen Sandstone; iv) Exposed 
Hawkesbury Woodland, which generally occurs on 
crests, ridges and exposed slopes on sandy soils of 
the Hawkesbury Sandstone series; and v) Exposed 
Yellow Bloodwood Woodland, which is found on dry 
exposed, infertile ridges and slopes on Hawkesbury 
Sandstone (LHCCREMS 2000). 

Site selection 

Sites were selected based on the frequency of the 
target species within the 55 vegetation communities 
that occur within the Central Coast and Lower Hunter 
Region (LHCCREMS 1: 100 000 Vegetation Map 
Sheet 2003). To minimise sampling time and effort, 
preference was given to those vegetation communities 




that contained more than one of the target species at 
frequencies greater than 30% (Table 1). A total of 
five vegetation communities fulfilled this criterion. 
Sampling of the five target species was undertaken 
at 22 sites distributed within three National Parks 
and two State Forest reserves on the Central Coast 
(Fig. 1; Table 1). State Forest logging history records 
indicate that the four sites sampled in vegetation 
community 1 had been logged between 1966 and 
1980-82. The two State Forest sites in vegetation 
community 3 had been logged between 1966 and 
1999. For vegetation community 4, two of the State 
Forest sites had been logged between 1966 and 1984- 
85, whilst the other two sites were last logged in 1962 
and 1965-66. Sites sampled at Bouddi National Park 
(vegetation community 3) may have been subject to 
timber removal by subsistence farmers prior to the 
land being added to the Park between 1938 and 1967 
(Strom 1986). 

The location of each site was randomly 
selected within each vegetation community using the 
following procedure. The distance of the main access 




Figure 1. Location of the Central Coast of New South Wales (inset) and the three Na- 
tional Parks and two State Forests sampled in the current study. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2006 


Table 1. Vegetation communities sampled in the study, target species and their expected frequencies 
and number of sites by land tenure within each vegetation community. 1 — Coastal Foothills Spotted 
Gum-Ironbark Forest; 2 — Dharug Roughbarked Apple Forest; 3 — Coastal Narrabeen Shrub Forest; 
4 — Exposed Hawkesbury Woodland: 5 — Exposed Yellow Bloodwood Woodland. * based on LHC- 

CREMS (2000) 
Vegetation Target species in each Frequency* Land Tenure No. of Sites 
community* vegetation community 

1 Angophora costata 36% Ourimbah State Forest 2 
Eucalyptus punctata 31% Olney State Forest 2 

y Eucalyptus punctata 68% Dharug National Park 3 

3 Angophora costata 74% Ourimbah State Forest 2 
Eucalyptus pilularis 40% Bouddi National Park 4 
Corymbia gummifera 48% 

4 Angophora costata 45% Ourimbah State Forest 4 
Eucalyptus haemastoma 50% Popran National Park 4 
Corymbia gummifera 75% 

5 Eucalyptus punctata 52% Dharug National Park 1 
Corymbia gummifera 40% 

road running through the area to be sampled (portion 
of reserve containing one of the five vegetation 
communities) was measured from its entry to its exit 
point on a topographic map. Each 1 km section of the 
access road was allocated a number and numbers were 
randomly chosen to determine how many kilometres 
the site would be from the entry point of the reserve. 
A 100 m section of road was then randomly chosen 
from that 1 km section using the same procedure (with 
100 m sample lengths). At each survey point a | ha 
(100 m x 100 m) quadrat was established 50 m off the 
access road. The side of the access road to be sampled 
was determined by flipping a coin. Quadrats were 
placed 50 m away from any existing road or track to 
minimise the influence of edge effects and disturbance 
created by road construction and maintenance. All 
quadrats were established at least 1 km apart to 
ensure the samples were independent of each other 
and would be representative of any variation within 
the vegetation. The placement of quadrats 1 km apart 
and 50 m from the road is consistent with the methods 
used by Gibbons et al. (2000). 

Data collection 
All living trees of the target species with a 
diameter at breast height (dbh) > 20 cm were sampled 

in each 1 ha quadrat. The lower limit of 20 cm 
dbh was chosen because previous studies in other 
regions (Williams and Faunt 1997; Whitford 2003; 
Wormington et al. 2003) have shown that hollow- 
bearing trees of this size contain hollows that may be 
used by the smaller marsupials. The diameter of each 
tree was measured using a diameter tape at a height of 
1.3 m over bark and allocated to one of the following 
diameter classes: 20-35, 36-51, 52-67, 68-83 or >84 
cm. Tree height was determined using a clinometer 
and each tree sampled was allocated to one of the 
following height classes: 5-10, 11-16, 17-22, 23-28 
or >29 m. The number of hollows in each tree was 
determined from the ground using 10 mm x 25 mm 
binoculars. A hollow was defined as any cavity with 
an entrance > 2 cm in diameter and occurring > 3m 
above the ground. Entrances that were obviously 
‘blind’ were not counted. “Blind’ was defined as “a 
branch stub or area of damage that does not lead to a 
cavity” (Gibbons and Lindenmayer 2002). Hollows 
in stumps or large fire scars (fissures) were not 
included. Each hollow was assigned as either having 
a small (2-5 cm), medium (6-10 cm) or large (+10 
cm) entrance based on a visual estimate from the 
ground. The location of each hollow was recorded as 
either occurring in a branch or main stem. The lower 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2006 


size limit for sampling and the diameter, height 
and hollow classes were consistent with previous 
studies by Gibbons and Lindenmayer (1997), 
Williams and Faunt (1997), Gibbons et al. (2002) 
and Wormington et al. (2003). 

Statistical analyses 

The data were not normally distributed and 
transformation did little to improve normality. 
Therefore the Kruskall-Wallis test was used 
to determine whether there were significant 
differences between species in the ranked averages 
of the number of hollows per tree, tree density and 
density of hollow-bearing trees. Spearman rank 
correlations were used to test for an association 
between number of hollows and diameter, as well 
as between hollow number and tree height. All 
statistical analyses were conducted with SPSS 
version 11.5. 


A total of 698 living trees were sampled across 
the five species, with 254 of these trees (36%) being 
hollow-bearing and 781 hollows being observed. 
Tree density of those species examined (i.e. not 
total tree density of a site) ranged from | to 37 trees 
ha” (mean of 16.6 ha‘') and the number of hollow- 
bearing trees ranged from 0 to 27 ha! (mean of 
6.2 har'). Due to the composition of the vegetation 
communities sampled, there were considerably 
fewer data collected for Eucalyptus pilularis 
than for the other species (Table 2). Angophora 
costata and E. pilularis showed a similar range 
of tree diameters, but the mean diameter of E. 
pilularis was considerably larger than that of A. 
costata (Table 2). Eucalyptus haemastoma was the 
shortest species investigated, whilst Eucalyptus 
punctata was the tallest (Table 2). Of those species 
examined, Angophora costata showed the greatest 
range in height (Table 2). 

The mean number of hollows per tree differed 
significantly between the tree species (K = 107.5; 
4 df; p < 0.0001). Eucalyptus haemastoma had the 
highest mean number of hollows per tree, followed 
by A. costata and E. pilularis, while E. punctata 
and Corymbia gummifera had the fewest number 
of hollows (Table 2). Eucalyptus haemastoma had 
the highest proportion of hollow-bearing trees (78 
%) followed by A. costata (40 %) > E. punctata (26 
%) > C. gummifera (24 %) > E. pilularis (22 %). 
At the stand level (1.e. per ha), tree density did not 
differ significantly between the species (K = 1.5; 
4 df; p= 0.820), although the density of hollow- 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2006 

Table 2. The range of values for various attributes of tree stems and hollows for each of the five species examined in the current study. SE 

standard error of the mean. 










No. of | ha quadrats with target species 


175 157 82 103 
39.8 + 1.35 


35.7 + 1.28 

Total no. of trees sampled 

33.8 + 1.14 

51.8 + 3.61 

38.4 + 1.45 

Total no. of hollows observed 

Mean (+ SE) tree diameter (cm) 

20 - 86 

21 - 85 

20 - 124 20-151 

27.6 + 0.43 

20 - 147 
23.3 + 0.53 

Range of tree diameter (cm) 

18.1 £0.34 

Mean (+ SE) tree height (m) 

18 - 39 16 - 32 7-21 11 - 32 

10 - 39 

Range of tree height (m) 

0.6 + 0.10 

0.7 +£0.12 1.2+0.30 2.5 + 0.20 
16.2 + 3.89 

18.1 + 1.78 

17.0 + 3.40 

Mean (+ SE) no. of hollows per tree 

Mean (+ SE) no. of trees ha! 

16.5 +£1.77 
4.1 + 1.34 

14.7 = 1.44 

3.8 + 1.88 11.0 + 1.20 

5.9 + 1.16 

6.5 + 2.48 

Mean (¢ SE) no. of hollow-bearing trees ha"! 


Table 3. Spearman rank correlations between hollow number and tree 
diameter and hollow number and tree height for each individual species. 

* p<0.05; ** p< 0.01; ns = not significant (p>0.05). 

Spearman’s rho 

The mean number of 
hollows per tree increased 
with increasing trunk 
diameter and all of the five 
species had, on average, 

n five or more hollows per 

Tree diameter Tree height tree once their diameter 

was = 84 cm (Fig. 5). 

Angophora costata 175 0.61** OSes With the exception of E. 
= te haemastoma, trees with 

Eucalyptus punctata 157 0.44 0.32 Slanneionms basnosn 20 en 
; : # ae and 51 cm had, on average, 

Eucalyptus pilularis 82 0.67 0.40 foveuihadinwaibolloneinen 
Eucalyptus haemastoma 103 0.58** 0.23* treen(lige<d): Compated 
to the other species 

Corymbia gummifera 181 0.53** 0.06" examined, £. haemastoma 

bearing trees did (K = 10.7; 4 df; p< 0.05). The mean 
density of hollow-bearing trees was highest for E. 
haemastoma followed by A. costata, E. punctata, C. 
gummifera and E. pilularis (Table 2). 

Hollow number and tree size 

There was a significant positive association 
between tree diameter and number of hollows per tree 
for each of the five species examined (Table 3; Fig. 
2). Eucalyptus pilularis formed few hollows in trees 
< 80 cm dbh (Fig. 2c) but had the highest count of 
hollows occurring in any one tree. That tree contained 
15 hollows and occurred in the > 84 cm diameter class 
(Fig. 2c). With the exception of Corymbia gummifera, 
there was a significant positive association between 
tree height and number of hollows per tree for each 
of the species (Table 3). However, the relatively low 
Spearman’s rho values (Table 3) and the scatter plots 
(Fig. 3) illustrate that the relationship between tree 
height and number of hollows was weak. 

The proportion of trees that were hollow- 
bearing (i.e. at least one hollow) increased with 
increasing trunk diameter, and at least 80% of trees 
with diameters > 84 cm were hollow-bearing (Fig. 
4). The proportion of Eucalyptus haemastoma trees 
that were hollow-bearing was always greater than 
60%, irrespective of diameter size class (Fig. 4). For 
A. costata and E. haemastoma all trees = 68 cm in 
diameter were hollow-bearing (Fig. 4). Eucalyptus 
pilularis was the only species examined that had 
no hollow-bearing trees in the smallest (20-35 cm) 
diameter class (Fig. 4). Only a small number of E. 
pilularis individuals were sampled in the 52-67 cm 
and the 68-83 cm diameter classes (Fig. 4), thus any 
inferences about the lack of hollow-bearing trees in 
these size classes are tentative. 

had a relatively high mean 

number of hollows per 

tree in the three smallest 
diameter classes (Fig. 5). In contrast, EF. pilularis had 
a relatively low mean number of hollows in all but the 
largest size class. For Angophora costata, Eucalyptus 
punctata and Corymbia gummifera, the greatest 
increase in the mean number of hollows (more than 
double) occurred between the 68-83 cm and the = 84 
cm diameter classes (Fig. 5). The number of hollows 
per tree increased with tree height for A. costata, 
E. punctata and C. gummifera (Fig. 6). All of the 
Eucalyptus haemastoma trees that reached > 16 m in 
height had an average of five hollows per tree (Fig. 

Entrance size and location of hollows 

Overall (across all species) there was a much 
higher prevalence of hollows with small entrances 
(47%) compared to those with medium (26%) and 
large (26%) entrances. Angophora costata had the 
highest proportion of hollows with small entrances, 
but the lowest proportion of hollows with medium 
and large entrances (Fig. 7). Eucalyptus pilularis 
had the lowest proportion of hollows with small 
entrances, while it had the highest proportion of 
hollows with large entrances (Fig. 7). However, the 
number of hollow-bearing E£. pilularis trees sampled 
was relatively small. The other three species had 
similar hollow entrance size distributions, except that 
E. punctata had a higher proportion of hollows with 
large entrances compared to that of E. haemastoma 
and C. gummifera (Fig. 7). 

There was a much higher prevalence of hollows 
in branches (84%) than in main stems (16%). 
Angophora costata (26 %) and E. punctata (24 %) had 
the highest proportion of main stem hollows, followed 
by C. gummifera (19 %), E. haemastoma (10 %) and 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2006 


E E 
2 2 
x) So 
a D 
E E 
z z 
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 
Trunk diameter at breast height (cm) Trunk diameter at breast height (cm) 

0 2 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 

Trunk diameter at breast height (cm) Trunk diameter at breast height (cm) 

Number of hollows / tree 

0 20 40 605 80 100 120 140 160 

Trunk diameter at breast height (cm) 

Figure 2. Scatterplots of number of hollows per tree against trunk diameter at breast height for (a) An- 
gophora costata; (b) Eucalyptus punctata; (c) Eucalyptus pilularis; (d) Eucalyptus haemastoma; and (e) 
Corymbia gummifera. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2006 f 


16 (0) 
© @ 14 
= 12 5 12 
n j a a 
= 10 * a g 10 
Oo 0 
— 8 xe) 
= o o o To) 2 : i 
— 6 @) Gi e 6 o 
(o) o o o ° 
oO 4 oo o o oo - 
() 4 o o 
ne} o oo o oo oo oo o a o o oo 
£ 2 oooo o o ooogooooo o i= 2 oo oo o 
3 o o oo 8000 o ooo =) o Do o000 o oooo 
0 DB 8 S80009000000500005 oooo0 o Zz 0 poocooc0oocCoooooooooooo 

Tree height (m) Tree height (m) 

(c) (d) 


2 16 

® . @ 14 
eS =S 12 
o —~ 
= 10 o 2) 10 
= 8 o 3 iB e 
2 sf ron ; 
te 6 o = 6 o ooo o 
© a i) ie) o oo ooo oo o 
a + Ajay Br the: incrennedsazeth 
E 2 3) = E 2 o000 oo 
Zz o o o z opoooooo 

0 500 oooo0000 0 6 coOoo0000 

-2 2 

0 10 20 30 40 
Tree height (m) Tree height (m) 


@ 14 
ce 12 
¥ 10 ° 
oO 8 
At = o 
5 6 oo 
o 4 oo ] 
Oo o ooo oo oo 
E 2 oo oo o 
2 0 ooooo0ooooooooooooo o Oo 


Tree height (m) 

Figure 3. Scatterplots of number of hollows per tree against tree height for (a) Angophora costata; (b) 
Eucalyptus punctata; (c) Eucalyptus pilularis; (d) Eucalyptus haemastoma; and (e) Corymbia gummifera. 

8 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2006 


1.0 - d c 
0.9 - 
0.8 - 
0.7 + d 
0.6 - 
0.5 - 
0.4 - 
0.34 a 

0.24 []b = 
0.1 - c 
0.0 4 

T T 
n= 111 9937 41 124 43 28 16 42 28 2 16 715 21 59 536 4 5A?) he 

20-35 36-51 52-67 68-83 84+ 

one hollow 

C C 

Proportion of trees with at least 

Trunk diameter size class (cm) 

Figure 4. Proportion of hollow-bearing trees in each diameter size class for the five species examined 
on the Central Coast of NSW (n = number of trees sampled). a = Angophora costata; b = Eucalyptus 
punctata; ¢ = Eucalyptus pilularis; d = Eucalyptus haemastoma; e = Corymbia gummifera. 

Number of hollows / tree 

n= 111 99 37 41 124 43 28 16 42 28 12 6 7 15 21 59 5 3 6 457 2 2 

20-35 36-51 52-67 68-83 84+ 

Trunk diameter size class (cm) 

Figure 5. Mean number of hollows per tree in each diameter size class for the five species examined on 
the Central Coast of NSW (n = number of trees sampled). Vertical bars represent + one standard error. 
a = Angophora costata; b = Eucalyptus punctata; c = Eucalyptus pilularis; d = Eucalyptus haemastoma; e 
= Corymbia gummifera. 

E. pilularis (9 %). The distribution of hollow entrance | medium (6-10 cm) diameter entrance and 47% had a 
diameter sizes between branches and main stems was _ small (2-5 cm) diameter entrance; of those occurring 
similar. Of the hollows occurring in branches, 26% in the main stem, 24% had large, 21% had medium 
had a large (> 10 cm) diameter entrance, 27% had a and 55% had small entrances. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2006 9 


Number of hollows / tree 

abc] le be cde 

0 ty es ' 24 01 77 93 77 35 48 4 57 23 59 33 0 26 50 63 0 O 5 

5-10 11-16 17-22 23-28 29+ 

Figure 6. Mean number of hollows per tree in each height size class for the five species examined on the 
Central Coast of NSW (n = number of trees sampled). Vertical bars represent + one standard error. a = 
Angophora costata; b = Eucalyptus punctata; c = Eucalyptus pilularis; d = Eucalyptus haemastoma; e = 
Corymbia gummifera. 

Proportion of trees with hollows 

Figure 7. The proportion of hollow-bearing trees with hollows in each entrance size class for the five 
species examined on the Central Coast of NSW (n = number of trees sampled). a = small (2-5 cm); b = 
medium (6-10 cm); c = large (©10 cm). See text for full specific names. 

10 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2006 



Abundance of hollows 

Most studies of tree hollows use ground-based 
surveys because climbing trees to measure and record 
hollow dimensions is impractical (Lindenmayer et al. 
1990b; Gibbons et al. 2002) unless a double sampling 
method is employed (see Harper et al. 2004). Many 
entrances in trees observed from the ground are blind 
(i.e. not leading to a cavity suitable for occupation) 
and thus it is likely that the number of hollows, 
especially small hollows, is often overestimated 
(Lindenmayer et al. 1990b). On the other hand, Harper 
et al. (2004) demonstrated that, on average, ground- 
based observers correctly identify hollow-bearing 
trees (where hollows are at least 5 cm deep and have 
an entrance diameter > 1 cm) 82 % of the time and 
that hollow frequency is likely to be systematically 
underestimated. In the current study, it is likely that 
the number of hollows suitable for fauna have been 
overestimated because of the large proportion of small 
hollows encountered and the greater likelihood that 
small hollows are blind. Therefore, counts of hollows 
should only be regarded as an “index of hollow 
availability” (Gibbons and Lindenmayer 2002). 

Consistent with previous studies on eucalypts 
(Lindenmayer et al. 1993a, 2000; Bennett et al. 
1994; Gibbons 1994; Gibbons and Lindenmayer 
1996, 2002; Williams and Faunt 1997; Gibbons et 
al. 2000; Wormington et al. 2003), hollow number 
per tree increased with increasing tree diameter. 
Older, larger trees are more likely to contain hollows 
because they are more likely to be repeatedly exposed 
to events that encourage hollow development, while 
the decline in growth rate with age is associated with 
branch shedding, a reduced ability to occlude wounds 
and an increased chance of heartwood being exposed 
as sapwood thickness decreases (Gibbons et al. 2000; 
Gibbons and Lindenmayer 2002). 

All of the five species in the current study, with 
the exception of Eucalyptus pilularis, had hollow- 
bearing trees in the smallest (20-35 cm) diameter size 
class. However, this does not mean that these hollows 
are suitable for occupation by fauna. For example, 
hollow-bearing trees with many hollows are more 
likely to be occupied by fauna (Gibbons et al. 2002). 
Thus, smaller diameter trees may be less likely to be 
occupied because they are more likely to have a lower 
mean number of hollows per tree (less than two in 
this study) compared to that of the larger diameter 
trees (five or more hollows per tree, when dbh = 84 
cm). Small diameter trees may also have a smaller 
number of hollows with large entrances (Wormington 
et al. 2003) and therefore will suit a narrower range 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2006 

of fauna. The relatively small eucalypt species, E. 
haemastoma, had as many as 60% of trees being 
hollow-bearing in the 20-35 cm diameter class. This 
result for E. haemastoma supports Gibbons and 
Lindenmayer (2002) who stated that in regard to 
hollow formation it is the relative diameter of trees 
within a species that is important rather than absolute 

The current study found a weak positive 
association between number of hollows per tree and 
tree height in four of the five species examined. In 
contrast, Lindenmayer et al. (2000) found that hollow 
number decreased with increasing tree height. Their 
findings may be due to trees in the later stages of 
senescence having a large number of hollows but 
were shorter because the tops of their main stem had 
broken off (Lindenmayer et al. 2000). In our study, 
only live trees were sampled and the shorter trees 
belonged to species typically found in nutrient-poor 

Differences in the propensity of species to form 

Similar to previous studies (Bennett et al. 
1994; Gibbons 1994; Lindenmayer et al. 1993a, 2000; 
Gibbons and Lindenmayer 1996; Gibbons et al. 2000; 
Wormington et al. 2003), our study found differences 
between tree species in abundance of hollows. 
Species differed in the proportion of trees that were 
hollow-bearing, the density of hollow-bearing trees at 
the stand level and in the mean number of hollows per 
hollow-bearing tree. The proportion of trees (stems > 
68 cm) that were hollow-bearing ranged from 63 % 
for C. gummifera to 100 % for E. haemastoma and A. 
costata. Similarly, Bennett et al. (1994) found that the 
proportion of hollow-bearing trees (stems > 70 cm) 
in the six eucalypts they examined on the northern 
plains of Victoria ranged from 55 % to 100 %. 

Gibbons and Lindenmayer (2002) suggest that 
trees that “do not reach large diameters, regardless of 
longevity, are only infrequently observed to contain 
hollows” and trees < 30 cm dbh rarely contain 
hollows. This was not the case for E. haemastoma in 
the current study. Eucalyptus haemastoma was the 
shortest of the five species examined, and its diameter 
did not exceed 85 cm. Being a smaller species, the 
diameter of a mature E. haemastoma tree would be 
less than that of the other species surveyed. Therefore, 
smaller diameter E. haemastoma trees are likely to 
have greater susceptibility to fungal decay. 

The proportion of A. costata trees that were 
hollow-bearing was relatively high. The heartwood 
of A. costata is “not durable” (Boland et al. 1984), 
which is consistent with the high number of hollow- 



bearing trees observed in this species. Gibbons and 
Lindenmayer (2002) argue that trees with a poor 
resistance to decay may not be good hollow producers, 
largely because “a rapid progression of decay may 
reduce the length of time that hollows persist before 
the supporting branches fail”. Low resistance to decay 
in A. costata and E. haemastoma may explain the low 
proportion of large hollows in these two species, as 
branches may fail before the small hollows have time 
to enlarge. 

Eucalyptus pilularis was the largest species in 
this study, but it was also the most variable in size 
due to few individuals being sampled in the 52-67 cm 
and 68-83 cm diameter classes. Eucalyptus pilularis 
had a relatively low density of hollow-bearing 
trees, a low proportion of hollow-bearing trees and 
a moderate number of hollows per tree. None of the 
sampled E. pilularis trees that were < 36 cm dbh were 
hollow-bearing, while most trees => 84 cm dbh were 
hollow-bearing and often contained many hollows. 
Similarly, Mackowski (1984) found that E. pilularis 
individuals with a diameter less that 100 cm have 
very few holes, while the number of hollows per 
tree increases above this size. Heartwood decay is 
one of the essential precursors for hollow formation 
(Gibbons and Lindenmayer 2002) and the durability 
of the heartwood of EF. pilularis is reported to be 
“moderate to good” (Boland et al. 1984). 

Similar to E. pilularis, E. punctata had a 
relatively low proportion of hollow-bearing trees 
and a relatively high proportion of hollows with 
large entrances. Boland et al. (1984) report that the 
heartwood of EF. punctata is “extremely durable”, 
which may explain its low proportion of hollow- 
bearing trees and paucity of trees with multiple 
hollows. High resistance to decay may also explain 
the higher proportion of hollows with large entrances, 
as branches may be less likely to fail before the 
hollows have time to enlarge. 

Corymbia gummifera is a medium-sized tree 
(11-22 m), which was similar to E. haemastoma in 
that its diameter did not exceed 86 cm. Corymbia 
gummifera had a relatively low proportion of hollow- 
bearing trees and a low number of hollows per 
tree. The heartwood of C. gummifera is “extremely 
durable” and the species also has flaky tessellated 
bark (Boland et al. 1984). These characteristics may 
protect C. gummifera from damage by fire and decay 
processes that lead to hollow formation and at least 
partially explain its lower propensity to form hollows. 
In a study in south-eastern Queensland, Wormington 
et al. (2003) suggested that the good occlusion 
ability of Corymbia citriodora may explain the low 
number of hollows observed in trees < 90 cm dbh. 


The occlusion ability of the species in our study is 
not known. 

Differences between species in the location and 
entrance size of hollows 

Consistent with Gibbons and Lindenmayer 
(2002), most hollows in this study occurred in 
branches rather than in main stems. Gibbons and 
Lindenmayer (2002) reported that main stem hollows 
accounted for 21-47% of hollows in open forest, 32% 
of hollows in tall, open forest and rarely occurred in 
woodlands. Hollows in branches accounted for 49- 
69% of hollows in open forest, 65% of hollows in 
tall, open forest and 91% of hollows in woodlands 
(Gibbons and Lindenmayer 2002). The distribution 
of hollow locations observed in this study (i.e. 16% 
of hollows in main stems and 84% in branches) is 
consistent with the mix of woodland and open 
forest habitats that were sampled. In agreement with 
Lindenmayer et al. (2000), branches and main stems 
in this study supported a fairly even distribution of 
hollows with small (2-5 cm), medium (6-10 cm) and 
large (> 10 cm) entrances. 

While both E. pilularis and E. punctata had a 
relatively low proportion of hollow-bearing trees 
they had a relatively high proportion of hollows with 
large entrances suitable for large owls, cockatoos 
and both large and small marsupials. Further, for E. 
pilularis those trees that were hollow-bearing tended 
to be of large diameter and have multiple hollows. 
Thus not choosing a species for retention or planting 
because of its lower propensity to form hollows may 
bias against certain groups of fauna; in this case 
the larger fauna species. Angophora costata had 
a relatively high proportion of hollows with small 
entrances that would suit smaller marsupials such as 
squirrel gliders, feathertail gliders and sugar gliders. 
Although the number of species that can use hollows 
with small entrance widths (2-5 cm) is limited, a 
study by Gibbons et al. (2002) in East Gippsland 
Victoria showed that they were an important hollow 
resource as they represented 25 % of all occupied 
hollows. Corymbia gummifera had a relatively even 
distribution of hollows with small, medium or large 
entrances and therefore had hollows with entrances 
suited to a wide range of fauna species. 

Hollow characteristics (1.e. number, density, size, 
spacing, location) are not the only factor to consider 
when choosing habitat trees for retention or planting. 
Although E. punctata was one of the species with 
a lower propensity to form hollows, it did contain 
hollows and is an important sap tree for the yellow- 
bellied glider (Goldingay 2000). Similarly, E. pilularis 
provides winter nectar and C. gummifera provides 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2006 


sap and summer nectar for squirrel gliders (Smith and 
Murray 2003). 

In conclusion, the number of hollows per tree 
was positively related to tree size and clearly hollow 
abundance will be low where few large trees are 
found. Timber removal prior to 1967 in Bouddi 
National Park and prior to 1999 in Ourimbah State 
Forest may have affected the E. pilularis population 
sampled in this study. Thus the data shown here for E. 
pilularis is not representative of hollow availability in 
‘undisturbed’ vegetation, particularly as this species is 
likely to have been preferentially removed. The five 
tree species examined did differ in their propensity to 
form hollows. The relative diameter at which hollows 
form was shown to be important, with the smallest 
eucalypt species (E. haemastoma) observed to have 
a substantial number of hollows at tree diameters 
less than those often considered in hollow resource 
assessments. Given the diversity of hollows required 
by hollow-dependent fauna, and the many variables 
affecting the development of hollows, the retention 
of a mix of tree species should be favoured to supply 
this critical resource. 


We would like to thank the NSW National Parks 
and Wildlife Service and Forests NSW for permission to 
sample within their areas of jurisdiction. Particular thanks go 
to Adam Fawcett of Forests NSW. The manuscript benefited 
from the comments of two anonymous reviewers. 


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M.T. (2000). Hollow formation in eucalypts from 
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Gibbons, P., Lindenmayer, D.B., Barry, S.C. and Tanton, 
M.T. (2002). Hollow selection by vertebrate fauna 
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Goldingay, R.L. (2000). Use of sap trees by the yellow- 
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South Wales. Wildlife Research 27, 217-222. 

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and Tanton, M.T. (1993a). The abundance and 
development of hollows in Eucalyptus trees: a 
case study in the montane forests of Victoria, south 
eastern Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 
60, 77-104. 

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(1993b). The conservation of arboreal marsupials in 
the montane ash forests of the central highlands of 



Victoria, south-eastern Australia. The presence and 
abundance of arboreal marsupials in retained linear 
habitats (wildlife corridors) within logged forests. 
Biological Conservation 66, 207-221. 

Lindenmayer, D.B., Cunningham, R.B. and Donnelly, C.F. 
(1994). The conservation of arboreal marsupials in 
the montane ash forests of the central highlands of 
Victoria, south-eastern Australia. The performance 
of statistical models of the nest tree and habitat 
requirements of arboreal marsupials applied to new 
survey data. Biological Conservation 70, 143-147. 

Lindenmayer, D.B., Cunningham, R.B., Pope, M.L., 
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and types in Australian eucalypts from wet and dry 
forest types — a simple rule of thumb for estimating 
size and number of hollows. Forest Ecology and 
Management 137, 139-150. 

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Smith, A.P. (1990a). The conservation of arboreal 
marsupials in the montane ash forests of the central 
highlands of Victoria, south-east Australia. The 
loss of trees with hollows and its implications 
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Petauridae). Biological Conservation 54, 133-145. 

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Smith, A.P. and Nix, H.A. (1990b). The conservation 
of arboreal marsupials in the montane ash forests 
of the central highlands of Victoria, south-east 
Australia. Factors influencing the occupancy of trees 
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of arboreal marsupials in the montane ash forests 
of the central highlands of Victoria, south-east 
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Biological Conservation 56, 295-315. 

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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2006 

The Vegetation History of the Holocene at Dry Lake, Thirlmere, 

New South Wales 


School of Biological, Environmental and Earth Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia 

2052 ( 

Rose, S. and Martin, H.A. (2007). The vegetation history of the Holocene at Dry Lake, Thirlmere, New 
South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 128, 15-55. 

At the beginning of the Holocene, Dry Lake was a lake, with a fringe of cyperaceous reeds. Eucalyptus 
and Allocasuarina were the dominant trees and Asteraceae Tubuliflorae were prominent in the understorey. 
Between 8 ka and 2 ka, the lake became shallower, and the reeds grew over the surface of the developing 
swamp, forming peat. An hiatus in peat deposition between 5 ka and 2ka was followed by the formation 
of a thin layer of diatomite. Eutrophic conditions would be required to allow large populations of diatoms 
and burning seems the most likely way of increasing the nutrient mobility on the poor sandstone soils of 
the catchment. 

By 2 ka, the lake had become a peat swamp. Angophora/Corymbia pollen had increased dramatically, 
most likely representing Angophora on these alluvial flats. The shrub layer had also become more diverse. 
Allocasuarina did not decrease through the Holocene, unlike the record of many other Holocene sites. 
The likely reasons for this difference are probably related to site-specific environmental conditions. With 
European settlement, all trees decreased dramatically and grasses increased. Today, Dry Lake only contains 

water in exceptionally wet periods. 

Manuseript received 23 January 2006, accepted for publication 18 May 2006. 

KEYWORDS: Casuarina/Allocasuarina decline, freshwater sponge, Holocene, palynology, Thirlmere 

Lakes, vegetation history. 


Dry Lake is one of a series of freshwater lakes 
associated with an incised former river valley at 
Thirlmere. The Thirlmere Lakes are rare examples of 
very old, small lakes that have aged very slowly as a 
result of the stable geological nature and small size 
of the catchment (Horsfall et al., 1988). The initial 
development of the lakes was related to tectonic 
activity associated with the formation of the Lapstone 
Monocline, Kurrajong and Nepean Faults which 
beheaded a river that probably originally flowed 
westwards, leaving the isolated, sinuous channel that 
now contains the lakes (Timms, 1992). At this time, 
or sometime later, the drainage direction changed and 
today Dry lake drains in a north-easterly direction 
along Cedar Creek and the Thirlmere Lakes drain 
westwards along Blue Gum Creek (Fig. 1). Presently, 
Dry Lake only contains water intermittently in wet 
years, when the water depth approximates 60 cm. 

The basal sediments of Dry Lake have been 
radiocarbon dated at about 10,000 years before 

present which approximates the beginning of the 
Holocene when the climate had mainly recovered 
from the peak of the glacial period but there was a lag 
in the recovery of the vegetation. The Holocene thus 
records the establishment of the present vegetation. 
Allocasuarina/Casuarina was usually more 
prominent following the last glacial period but during 
the Holocene, it declined and Eucalyptus/Corymbia 
rose to dominance (Clarke, 1983). 

This paper presents the Holocene history of the 
vegetation at Dry Lake and compares it with Lake 
Baraba, one of the Thirlmere Lakes (Black et al., in 
press), some 4 km to the south. 


The former river valley that includes Dry Lake is 
incised in Hawkesbury Sandstone, but the surrounding 
higher plateau surfaces retain cappings of Ashfield 
Shale, the lower member of the Wianamatta Group, 
which overlies the Hawkesbury Sandstone. Both 






m surface sample 
TS: Forest sample 
LS Lake sample 

& Vegetation quadrat 

erreerr Railway 
=-——=— Roads 
0 0.5 


Sandstone feat 

The Oaks 

Penrith SOE 

@ Campbelltown, 
The Oaks ( 

Thirlmere , 

Figure 1. Locality map. 

formations are of Triassic age (Herbert, 1980). 

Although Hawkesbury Sandstone dominates 
the landforms and soils occurring in the study area, 
there is a shale outcrop on the ridge to the east of Dry 
Lake (Fig. 1). This may be either the Ashfield Shale 
or a shale lens in the sandstone, as it is very close 
to the contact between the two formations. The soils 
developed on the sandstone are uniform sandy loams 
with some organic staining in the upper horizons. 
They are acid, of low nutrient status and low water 
retaining capacity, and vary in depth and drainage, 
depending on the topography. 

Thirlmere has warm to hot summers and cool to 
mild winters (Bureau of Meteorology website, BoM, 
2005). The average annual rainfall of the nearest 


station, Picton, is 820 mm and it is received in two 
relatively wet periods from January to March and in 
June. The median rainfall for each month is greater 
than 25 mm (BoM, 2005). There is considerable 
variation in rainfall and after long dry spells, the 
Thirlmere Lakes dry out. Known dry lake stages 
occurred about 1902, 1929 and 1940 (Rose, 1981). 
The Thirlmere Lakes were first sighted by 
Europeans in 1798. By 1833, many settlers had 
arrived at the Oaks, north of Thirlmere, and mixed 
farming flourished. Timber cutters logged mostly 
Eucalyptus deanei, especially along Blue Gum Creek 
(Woods, 1980). Most of these activities were more 
intense on the better soils of the shale areas and on the 
alluvial flats. Present land uses consists of residential 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 




(P = Pine) 
(ia Cleared 

rare We 2ece. 

a Pee 




\ e 

ee fey 


a ---* 4 
_*> a 

% Core for pollen analysis 


Vegetation quadrats 

Auger holes 

Reed beds 


Figure 2. Dry Lake and environs. 

housing and small farms. 

Four main vegetation units described by Pidgeon 
(1937; 1941) apply to this area and they are: 1), the 
Eucalyptus deaneiand Eucalyptus elatatall open forest 
in the gullies; 2), the Mixed Eucalyptus Association of 
the ridges and slopes; 3), the Angophora floribunda/ 
Melaleuca linariifolia forest of the alluvial fans and 
4), the aquatic vegetation of swamps and lakes. The 
mixed Eucalyptus Forest Association constitutes 
the major part of this study area. The National Park 
was completely burnt in 1955 and has suffered 
considerable damage from local fires since then (R. 
Kinntish, pers. comm.). Dry Lake has been cleared 
of native vegetation and is predominantly a grassland 
but it is assumed that the native vegetation would 
have been much the same as that in the surrounding 

Field work was carried out during 1981 when 

the vegetation survey was undertaken. (Appendix 1). 
Quantitative data on plant distributions were obtained 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

from quadrats along transects (Rose, 1981). The 
vegetation map was prepared using aerial photographs 
and the field survey (Figs 1, 2). 

The stratigraphy of Dry Lake sediments was 
investigated by auger holes and two pits (Fig. 2) 
which were limited to a depth of 1.5 m by heavy 
clay. A core, located near the centre of the lake but 
where there was minimal disturbance and away from 
local pollen sources, was chosen for pollen analysis. 
This core was taken using a Hiller corer. Samples 
for radiocarbon dating were taken from the pits and 
analysed by the then Radiocarbon Laboratory of the 
University of New South Wales. All of the samples 
were stored in a 4°C cold room to suppress microbial 
growth until work could proceed. 

Surface samples of soils, mosses and lake 
sediments were collected (Figs 1, 2) to study pollen 
deposition under the present vegetation and assist in 
the interpretation of pollen in the core. Lake surface 
sediments were sampled using a weighted cylinder on 
a line. 

Sediment samples 2 cm in length and 3 cm apart 
were taken from Pit 1 for organic matter analysis. 
Duplicated samples were oven-dried (105°C) and 



ignited in a muffle furnace to 500°C. During ignition, 
structurally bound water is lost, but in highly organic 
sediments, the major loss on ignition is from the 
organic matter (Bengtsson and Enell, 1990). 

Pollen preparations from the sediment core were 
spiked with A/nus of a known concentration, treated 
with hydrofluoric acid to remove siliceous material, 
boiled in 10% sodium hydroxide to remove of 
humic acids, disaggregated with ultrasonic vibration, 
followed by standard acetolysis (Moore et al., 1991). 
Surface samples were treated in the same way, with 
the addition of sieving to remove sand, leaves, twigs 
etc. and omitting the A/nus spike. Reference pollen 
used for identification was only treated with standard 
acetolysis. The residues were mounted in silicone oil 
(viscosity of 2,000 centistokes) or glycerine jelly, 
using grade 0 coverslips. 

Siliceous fossils were recovered from a 
known volume of sediment using an acid sequence 
(hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acids) and then 
dehydrating the residue in absolute alcohol. The 
residue was made up to a known volume, and with 
constant agitation, a known aliquot was extracted, 
the alcohol allowed to evaporate and mounted in 
Napthrax in toluene (Lacey, 1963). 

Pollen was identified by comparison with a 
reference collection using the x 1000 magnification 
objective. Where it was not possible to identify some 
grains, they are listed as unknowns. The pollen of 
members of the family Myrtaceae is similar and it 
requires a careful analysis of the finer morphological 
features to separate them (Chalson and Martin, 
1995). In this study, three groups were distinguished: 
Angophora/Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Melaleuca/ 
Leptospermum (Appendix 2). The name on the pollen 
diagram and probable source in the vegetation is 
listed in Appendix 3. 

Pollen was counted using the x 400 objective of 
a Zeiss microscope. Tests to assure an adequate count 
showed 160-200 grains was sufficient. Some samples 
had insufficient pollen for an adequate count, and this 
is indicated on the pollen diagram. 

Counts were made of sponge spiclues on a Zeiss 
microscope, using the x 250 and x 400 objectives. 
Only one species of sponge was present and the 
spicules consisted of megascleres, gemmoscleres 
and fragments of both. Three quarters of a sclere was 
counted as a whole sclere and more than one quarter as 
a fragment. Counts were made along transects spaced 
evenly across the slide to ensure a representative 
count. Knowing the ratio of the area counted to total 
area of the slide, and the volume of the aliquot to 
total volume of residue, the counts were converted to 
numbers of scleres per volume of sediment. 



The Lake Sediments. 
The sequence of sediments in the central part of 
Dry Lake is as follows, from top to bottom (Fig. 3): 

1)Alayer of little decomposed fibrous peat, composed 
of rhizomes, root and stems of cyperaceous reeds 
(probably Lepironia articulata). 

2) Well humified black clayey peat with abundant 
roots, rhizomes and seeds of cyperacous reeds. 

3) A fine sandy clay, yellowish in colour and with 
sharp upper and lower boundaries. When dry, this 
material was light and powdery. This description 
resembled that of diatomite (Birks and Birks, 
1980) and microscopic examination showed it 
consisted almost entirely of siliceous sponge 
spicules, diatoms and sand grains. Organic content 
was minimal. 

4) A sandy peaty clay may or may not be present, 
was usually less than 3 cm thick and had a diffuse 
lower boundary. 

5) A black clay layer with light to medium texture 
appeared highly organic. Boundaries between all 
clay layers were diffuse. 

6) This medium textured clay formed the bulk of the 
sediment sequence. It was a greyish brown colour, 
with frequent yellowish-red mottles. At certain 
depths, red (iron) streaks or small iron stained clay 
concretions (<< 3 mm diameter) appeared along 
old roots or root channels. At greater depths, the 
concretions formed continuous blocky structures 
or large single blocks (< 2 cm diameter). 

7) The clay layer below was distinguished by its 
heavy texture and pallid colour, although the 
transition was diffuse. The clay may be mottled, 
but no concretions were found here. 

Each layer was represented across the whole of 
the lake and only changed significantly at the lake 
margins where the sediments showed alternate layers 
of sand, clay and peat, although some sand was almost 
always present (Fig. 3). 

Loss on ignition was an approximate guide to the 
organic matter content of the sediment. The values for 
the peat were high, around 45-60%, but fell to about 
15% in the diatomaceous layer. Values peaked at 25% 
for the sandy peaty clay layer, then declinde to 10% 
in the clay layers and finally dropped to 5-7% in the 
pallid clay (Fig. 3). 

Radiocarbon dates are shown in Table 1 and on 
Fig. 3. The lowermost date is 8,780 +160 radiocarbon 
years, which corresponds to 9,791 calibrated years 
BP, the whole of the Holocene. Surface peat was 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Black clayey peat 
Sandy peat 
| Sandy peaty clay 
Medium organic clay 

a Iron /clay concretions 


(em) Auger 1 

Brown fibrous peat 

Peaty sand 
Dark sand 
Pallid sand 

Sandy clay 

Fine sandy clay ‘diatomite’ 


Medium grey/brown clay 

Mottied clay 

Heavy pallid clay VeD 


Auger 2 


Auger 4 

% loss on ignition 

32 40 50 

Pit 2b 

bpp rll) 

©! 1o | 10 

®& Radiocarbon years. 
. 920 + 80 

- 1120 + 80 

. 2170 +100 

. 5820 + 130 

. 8780 + 160 

Ak WNH = 

Figure 3. The stratigraphy of the sediments of Dry Lake. 

Table 1. Radiocarbon dates. Calibrated years has been calculated according to the Radiocarbon 
Calibrated Program Calib Rev5.0.2 (Stuiver and Reimer, 1986-2005) 

Sample Depth (cm) Material dated 
Pit 1 
Black clayey peat (humic 
Lae acid fraction) 
22-24 Humic acid in charcoal 
Peat (around charcoal) 
74-32 Diatomite (humic acid 
38-45 Organic clay (humic acid 
Pit 2 
10 cm length of wood 
73-83 Wood (humic acid 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Radiocarbon years BP 

920+80 (NSW 375) 

1,120+£80 (NSW 381) 
1,560+120 (NSW 380) 
1,660+90 (NSW 384) 

2,170+£100 (NSW 376) 

5,820+130 (NSW 377) 

8,780+160 (NSW 387) 
8,060+300 (NSW 388) 

Calibrated years BP 










ey a 

GZ Closed sedgeland 

open forest 
Melaleuca linariifolia 
low closed or open forest Eel Cleared land 
7 Angophora floribunda *-| Gully forest 
J woodland/open forest 
[TI] Mixed Eucalyptus/Corymbia mm pe 
woodland 11 111 Ridgetop contour 

Figure 4. The vegetation of the Thirlmere Lakes region. 

deposited most rapidly, i.e., 24-26 cm in 1,100 years 
and the diatomaceous earth (about 5 cm in depth) 
represents another 1,000 years. There appears to be 
an hiatus in the sediments, representing a period of 
zero or minimal deposition, or a period of erosion, 
between the diatomaceous earth (2,170+100 C"™ 
years, see Table 1 for calibrated years) and the organic 
clay (5,820+130 '* years) immediately below it. Wood 
and charcoal dates are regarded as the most reliable, 
whereas humic acids may move from their place of 
origin and contaminate material elsewhere. Table 1 
reveals that where charcoal and humic acids have 
been dated from the same stratigraphic layer, there is 
relatively little difference. 

Sedimentary history 

The alternation of fine clay, peat and coarse 
sediments on the lake margin reflects the advance and 
retreat of the littoral zone in response to fluctuating 
water levels. Increasing clay content away from the 


C] Mixed Eucalyptus/Corymbia 

littoral zone reflects deeper water where 
the dominant process is the settling of 
fine particle sizes. The peat indicates 
organic material accumulated more 
rapidly than it decomposed, reflecting a 
consistently high water table. 
From the beginning of the Holocene 
“ up to about 6-5,000 years ago, the site 
was a lake depositing clay. The pallid 
clay, the deepest layer, the mottling and 
the iron concretions in the layer above 
the pallid clay suggest a fluctuating 
water table and the lake may have dried 
out periodically. It is not clear what 
happened in the period 5-2,000 years 
BP, represented by the hiatus in the 

An explanation for the 5 cm. thick 
diatomite layermustremain speculative. 
An explosion in the diatom population 
would require a considerable quantity 
of nutrients, and it is unlikely that the 
sandstone substrate of the catchment 
could supply these nutrients. Burning 
appears the most likely way of 
increasing the nutrient mobility. 
Unfortunately, an hiatus provides no 
evidence at all. 

For the last 2-1,000 years, the 
lake has been shallow enough to allow 
the rooted swamp vegetation. The 
Holocene history is thus the evolution 
of a lake gradually filling up with 

The Vegetation 

Appendix | lists all the species in the study area 
and Fig. 4 shows the general distribution and extent 
of the vegetation units which are as follows: 

1. Low closed forest with emergent trees dominated 
by Eucalyptus deanei (Fig. 5), up to 35 m tall. This 
unit is restricted to the floors and steep-sided gullies. 
Below this tall open forest canopy is a low closed 
forest with a great diversity of small rainforest 
trees, including Pomaderris spp., Backhousia 
myrtifolia, Acmena smithii, Doryphora sassafras, 
Ceratopetalum gummiferum. C. apetalum and 
Stenocarpus salignus. Below this is a closed scrub 
with many sclerophyllous species, including 
Grevillea mucronata, Leptospermum trinervium, 
Persoonia levis and Lomatia silaifolia. Abundant 
twiners are also present, including Smilax 
australis, Cissus antarctica and Sarcopetalum 
harveyanum. The ground cover is a closed fern/ 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 5. Low closed forest with emergent Eucalyptus 
species is restricted to the floor of steep gullies. 

herbland with Gleichenia microphylla, Blechnum 
nudum, Sticherus flabellatus, Drosera auriculata 
and many orchids. 

The gully is protected from wind and fire, and 
is moist and well shaded. The soils are of variable 
thickness and are highly organic. Other more open 
gullies have some of these characteristics but are 
dominated by sclerophyllous shrubs and do not 
have such a complex structure. 

2. Mixed Eucalyptus/Corymbia forest is the most 
extensive unit occupying the well drained slopes 
and ridges. The structure of the tree canopy is 
variable, with open forest on the more sheltered 
sites and south-facing ridges, with Eucalyptus 
piperita, E. resinifera, E. punctata, Corymbia 
gummifera and C. eximia (Fig. 6A). Low open 
forest and woodland occupies the steep slopes, 
especially those with a northern or westerly 
aspect and along stony areas of the central ridge. 
Woodlands occur on the most extreme sites with 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

greatest exposure to westerly winds and 
excessive drainage and here C. eximia and E. 
racemosa are the main species, with minor 
occurrences of the species mentioned above. 
Small trees of Persoonia levis, P. linearis, 
Allocasuarina torulosa and Xylomelum 
pyreformis are occasionally found here. 

The understorey is typically an open 
heath, dominated by the families Proteaceae 
and Fabaceae (especially Acacia spp.). Other 
common species include Pimelea linifolia, 
Platysace linearifolia and Eriostemon spp. 
The shrub layer is diverse and highly variable, 
due to a complex of environmental factors. At 
sites impacted upon by recent fire, the shrub 
layer has reduced diversity and density. The 
main species are Acacia spp., Indigofora 
australis and Hibbertia aspera (Fig. 6B). The 
groundcover is a dense sward of Imperata 
cylindrica and Pteridium esculentum. 

The groundcover is generally open 
on ridgetops and steep rocky slopes and 
closed on the footslopes and nearer the lake 
margins. The herbs include Opercularia spp., 
Viola betonicifolia, Pratia purpurascens, 
Gonocarpus tetragynus and climbers Glycine 
clandestina and Kennedia rubicunda are 
more important on moister ground, including 
the alluvial areas adjacent to the lakes 
and southern facing slopes. In most other 
situations, grasses and Lomandra species 
predominate. Lomandra obliqua is common 
on well drained slopes and ridges and L. 
longifolia is abundant on the moister foot 

3. Angophora floribunda dominated woodland and 

open forest is found on alluvial fans adjacent to 
and between lakes. A. floribunda is not common on 
other sites. Other tree species which are common 
at these sites include Eucalyptus resinifera, E. 
piperita and Corymbia gummifera. Smaller trees 
include Allocasuarina littoralis, Banksia serrata 
and Persoonia levis. 

The shrub layer of this woodland is an open 
heath similar to that of the Mixed Eucalyptus/ 
Corymbia Forest but Banksia spinulosa and 
Pultenaea villosa are often important components. 
P. villosa is generally restricted to these alluvial 
areas and may be locally dominant. 

Groundcover is usually closed  grass/ 
herbland. On the most poorly drained sites, 
Lepidosperma longitudinale, Schoenus spp. and 
Baloskion gracilis are important. Alluvial fans are 
characterised by deep soils, gentle slopes and the 



site drainage is moderate to poor. 

4. Melaleuca linariifolia low closed or low 
open forest is mostly confined to a narrow 
area fringing the lake margins and along 
the swampy parts of Blue Gum Creek. It 
is most extensive on flat, low lying and 
periodically inundated sites adjacent to 
the lakes (Fig. 7). 

The canopy is dominated by 
linariifolia, open or closed and 6 to 7 
m high. A. floribunda is often present, 
usually as saplings on the drier landward 
margins of the unit. A few shrubs occur, 
e.g. Viminaria juncea, Acacia longifolia 
and Pultenaea villosa. At some sites, this 
unit and the A. floribunda woodland/open 
forest are difficult to distinguish and the 
M. linariifolia low open forest gives way 
to Angophora forest as the site becomes 
less subjected to periodic inundation. 

The groundcover is closed or 
open sedgeland with Schoenus spp., 
Lepidosperma longitudinale and Juncus 
spp. The lakes contain occasional dead 
M. linariifolia stamps in 2 m of water, 
indicating a period of low water level 
which must have existed long enough for 

Figure 6. Mixed Eucalptus/Corymbia forest. A, more sheltered site. B, a site with a reduced shrub layer 
and a ground cover of Imperata cylidrica and Pteridium esculentum, the result of fire in recent years. 

22 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 7. Melaleuca linariifolia low closed or open forest at the lake edge. 

M. linariifolia to become well established. 

5. A closed sedgeland occurs as a continuous fringe 
around and between each lake. Aquatic vegetation 
is usually distinctly zoned according to water 
depth, however, there is considerable overlap 
between species distribution as shown on Fig. 8 
and some species may change their distribution 
over time. For example, Vorst (1974) noted that 
Elaeocharis sphacelata grew on the landward side 
of Lepironia articulata, but it now has a patchy 
distribution on both the landward and lakeward 
sides of L. articulata. This may have been caused 
by the lowering of water levels since 1974. 

The distribution of aquatic plants, especially 
rhizomatous sedges is probably constantly 
changing with water level fluctuations and possibly 
competition. Lake 3 of Thirlmere Lakes (Lake 
Baraba) is almost dry and covered by an extensive 
sedgeland of Lepidosperma longitudinale onto 
which Melaleuca linariifolia is encroaching (Fig. 

6. Dry Lake. The land around Dry Lake is mostly 
cleared (see Fig. 2). The vegetation on the slopes 
adjacent to the lake is largely grassland/herbland 
with native species, e.g. Imperata cylindrica, 
Themeda_ australis, _Goodenia hederacea, 
Pratia purpurescens and Wahlenbergia spp., 
and introduced species, including Paspalum 
dilatatum, Echinopogon spp., Setaria geniculata, 
Hypochoeris radicata, Plantago lanceolata, 
Conyza spp. and Verbena bonariensis. Regrowth of 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

trees and shrubs is occurring over most of the land 
and is most advanced nearest the swamp where 
the soils are moister. 

Dry Lake itself is a swamp but it has 
surface water in wetter periods. It is surrounded 
by a discontinuous fringe of Leipidosperma 
longitudinale which appears to be advancing onto 
the swamp (Fig 10). A patchy cover of herbs on the 
lake includes Gonocarpus micranthus, Dichondria 
repens and some grasses. The wettest patches are 
almost bare apart from the occasional Polygonum 
decipiens and Hypochoeris radicata. In 1981, a 
dead reed, probably Lepironia articulata, covered 
most of the lake basin. Live rhizomes of the reed 
are abundant in the peat. A channel dug through 
the centre of the basin and containing about 60 
cm of water has some Eleocharis sphacelata, 
Potamogeton tricarinatus, Persicaria orientale 
and several other sedges. 

Towards the eastern margin of Dry Lake, 
inside the fringe of L. /ongitudinale, there are 
a number of old tree stumps, some of which 
are quite large (up to 40 cm in diameter). They 
are not Melaleuca linariifolia but are possibly 
Eucalyptus/Corymbia or Angophora spp. They 
probably represent a period of reduced moisture 
balance which was long enough and suitable for 
the growth of trees. 



_ Water level \| 
Ss Tee bie Ge 


2m 1 0 

Figure 8 Aquatic vegetation. 1, Brasenia schreberi. 2, Lepironia articulata. 3, Melaleuca linariifolia 
stump. 4, Eleocharis sphacelata. 5, Lepidosperma longitudinale. 6, Baloskion gracilis. 7, Schoenus brevi- 

folius and S. melanostachys. 

Modern Pollen Deposition 

Pollen is produced by the contemporaneous 
vegetation, but a multitude of factors affect the 
representation of pollen in the sediments (Birks and 


Birks, 1980; Dodson, 1983; Moore etal., 1991), hence 
it is not possible to relate fossil pollen assemblages 
directly to the vegetation which produced it. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 9. An extensive sedgeland on an almost dry Thirlemere lake. 

Samples taken from beneath the present vegetation 
give some information about modern pollen 
deposition which may be used for interpretation of 
the fossil assemblages. Table 2 describes the surface 
sample sites and the associated vegetation growing 
there, and Fig. 11 shows the surface sample pollen 

Comparison of the representation of the pollen 
with the taxon in the vegetation allows recognition 
of well-represented taxa, where pollen and vegetation 
representation are similar, over-representation, 
where pollen abundance exceeds abundance in the 
vegetation and under-representation, with pollen 
abundance less than abundance in the vegetation. This 

Figure 10. Dry Lake, showing the central drainage channel and marginal Leipidosperma longitudt- 

nale. The surrounding slopes are cleared. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



%. 3, & 
G6. Oe. Ie, Ey “4 os Co Ss, 9 Se, 
9B, Fa, °C My, POG, #2 fo) 36 25, & eo, We, A> %o, 885. “Soy, © CD 
28, "Uo, eo YI, us Oe ayy 8, Oy, es, bse “Oy, Bu, 929, ap by, “89 yy), "Len, Pip, Yaz, 
“Mo Oo. Se "9 Xe Sy He, Y, So, 2p, M4409. Ven, Poy, oy, og, Ota Bg Hes a Ye “oy ors Qo, "My 

ob Bae 

(G-8 21) 2 X27 Siow, Wed) S;JUEWIPES 

a : 
t+ | BSRRRce@ = file cid 


orn ow 

F Ss 
%0L § 0 ales (9-1 SL) SemlunWwos pue|poom pue }sel04 





(S-8 Z1) 2 ayeT Grau) WOY SJUaWIPeES 

= a FF 

(p-L 1q) sejdwes eyeq Aug 

2 2, F SOI}IUNWLWOD pue|poO, e 1Ssa10 V 
%OL S oO 2989S (9-1 SL) seniu Ppue|PooM pue } 4 

TN OM g on oOo Ww 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



T PLABL Ul OS 94} 38 WOeIIS9A JY) YIIM oAedUI0D “pound jou ynq juasoad ‘aaa ‘+ *¢ xIpusddy 
998 ‘UO}B}999A 9Y} UT UaT[Od ay} JO adAno0s afquqord oy) 104 “| aANSIy aas ‘sajts Supduies dIBJANS JO UOILIO] 94} 104 ‘UOHIsodap ualjod usspoyy [] aNsI1y 

8, Loy 
a S95 MO, S5 ey i “Ying, 7 Mop ‘ 3 
tip 9, Po, 8 Go a5, ng So "tp," Ban Bg 
Sy, Yo, $306, Uo, Yoo, M6,, "Soy Bs Sou, Vey, oy, 5, “Bq 
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(S-8 71) Z eye] G1EW}IY) Wos) SJUAWIPES 

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(v-L 1G) sejdwes aye q Aq 

Tr NO 

Es ae 

——— (9-1 SL) SejluNWCS pue|pooM pue }ses04 ] 
% OL S 0 8/E9S 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Table 2 Surface sample collecting sites and their vegetation. Compare with pollen representation in 

Fig. 11. 


TS 1 


TS 3 

TS 4 

TS 5 

TS 6 

DL 1 

DL 2 


DL 4 


Site details 


Forest and woodland sites 

Lake margin, on 


Colluvial footslope 

Seep rocky slope 

Ridgetop plateau 

Colluvial footslope, 

recenty burnt 


Dry Lake sites 
Colluvial slope 

Colluvial slope 

Margin of lake 

Centre of Dry Lake 

Low, open forest of Melaleuca linariifolia and Angophora floribunda 

Closed sedge and cyperaceous reeds. 

Open forest dominated by Corymbia spp. 
Open heath dominated by Lambertia formosa, Acacia linifolia and 

Platysace linearifolia. 

Open forest dominated by Eucalyptus spp., some Corymbia spp. Open 
heath dominated by Banksia spinulosa, Platysace linearifolia. Open 

grassland with Lomandra cylindrica. 

Low open forest dominated by Corymbia spp. 
Open heath dominated by Lambertia formosa, Grevillea mucronata, 

Eriostemon spp. Open grassland. 

Open forest dominated by Angophora floribunda. 
Low shrubland dominated by Acacia spp. 
Closed grassland dominated by Imperata cylindrica, Pteridium 


Tall open forest dominated by Eucalyptus deanei, 
Low closed forest dominated by Pomaderris spp., Ceratopetalum 
gummiferum, Tristaniopsis sp. aff laurina. 

Fernland ground cover. 

Closed grassland dominated by Conyza parva, Eragrostis brownii. 

Low shrubland with Leptospermum juniperinum 

Closed grassland as above. 

Low shrubland as above 
Grassland/sedgeland dominated by Eragrostis brownii, Lepidosperma 

longitudinale, Selaginella uliginosa. 

Herbfield with Gonocarpus micranthus, Persicaria decipiens, and 

Hypochoeris radicata. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Thirlmere Lake sites 

Closed sedgeland of Lepironia articulata, Eleocharis spacelata, 

ILS 50 m from lake margin, | Open water, no vegetation. 
open water 3 m deep 

L26 20 m from lake margin, | Open water, no vegetation. 
open water 3 m deep 

Ey 5 m from lake margin, 
water 2 m deep Brasenia schreberi. 

128 0.5 m from lake margin, Closed sedgeland as above. 

water 40 cm deep 

study did not reveal any well represented taxa. Over- 
represented taxa include Eucalyptus, Angophora/ 
Corymbia, Allocasuarina, Poaceae and Gonocarpus. 
Under-represented taxa were by far in the majority, 
since pollen of many species in the vegetation was 
never observed. Under-represented taxa include 
Proteaceae, Acacia, Leucopogon, Restionaceae, 
Platysace, Pimelea, Melaleuca, Leptospermum and 
pteridophytes. Some taxa are difficult to classify into 
any group, e.g. Monotoca, which was mainly under- 
represented, except in one sample, where it was over- 
represented. Given limited pollen dispersal (Birks 
and Birks, 1980; Dodson, 1983; Kodela, 1990), 
unusually high concentrations of under-represented 
taxa probably indicate that the plant was growing at 
the site. 

Pollen spectra from the Dry Lake samples were 
very different from other spectra in this study (Fig. 11). 
The differences are related to the clearance of native 
vegetation on and around Dry Lake, and reflects the 
more distant source of Eucalyptus. Dry Lake samples 
were dominated by Poaceae and Gonocarpus pollen 
and had slightly higher proportions of “weedy” taxa, 
e.g. Asterceae Liguliflorae (probably Hypochoeris 
radicata) and Plantaago lanceolata type which 
all grow at the site of deposition. Thus the advent 
of European clearing at Dry Lake should be easily 
recognized in the fossil pollen profile using these 

Most samples from forest or woodland sites 
produced similar pollen spectra but there were two 
noticeably distinct samples. Surface sample TS 5 was 
collected from a recently burnt site and is distinctive 
with a shrub layer of reduced diversity and density, 
dominated by Acacia spp. and a dense groundcover 
of Imperata cylindrica and Pteridium esculentum. 
Sites which had not been burnt so recently have a 
denser and more diverse shrub layer and a more 
diverse groundcover (see Table 2). The pollen spectra 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

reflect these differences: recently burnt sites have 
a lower percentage of tricolporate grains (which 
includes many shrub taxa), no proteaceous pollen and 
much higher percentages of Poaceae pollen (perhaps 
Imperata) and trilete spores (probably Pteridium) 
than unburnt sites. Acacia pollen was not recorded 
from the surface samples although Acacia spp. were 
dominant in the understorey: it is highly under- 

At sites where Angophora/Corymbia were the 
canopy dominants (samples TS 1, TS 2, and TS 5), 
their percentages in the spectra was 15% or greater 
and usually higher than Eucalyptus. Thus values of 
15% or more may infer a dominance of Angophora/ 
Corymbia at the site. Melaleuca/Leptospermum was a 
poorly represented group. Ina sample from Melaleuca 
low open forest (TS 1), this group reached 15%, the 
highest at any site, hence this value may be used to 
identify dominance in the vegetation. 

Surface sample TS 6 was collected in a gully 
with tall open forest dominated by E. deanei, a 
dense understorey of several rainforest species and 
a dense ground-cover of ferns. Eucalyptus pollen 
still dominated the spectrum at 30%, but a greater 
diversity of palynomorphs are present. Pteridophyte 
spores, especially the monoletes, characterise the 
gully sample with a value of 15%, compared with 0- 
4% in other samples. Apart from these differences, the 
tall open forest pollen spectrum is hardly any different 
to those of open forest. The small rainforest trees 
were very poorly represented in the surface pollen 
spectrum. These results are in accord with those of 
Ladd (1979) and Kodela (1990) who found that small 
pockets of rainforest amongst widespread eucalypt 
vegetation were hardly detected by the palynological 

The samples from Thirlmere Lake 2 show that 
pollen from taxa growing on the lake margin, e.g. 
Gonocarpus and poorly dispersed types, e.g. the 



tricolporate group are more important in the spectra 
near the lake margins (L2 7 and L2 8) where on site 
production is important. Well dispersed types, e.g. 
Eucalyptus, Allocasuarina, Poaceae and Cyperaceae 
are more important in pollen spectra from the lake 
centre (L2 5 and L2 6) which tends to accumulate 
wind dispersed pollen. 

These surface pollen spectra provide some 
basis for interpretation of the fossil pollen spectra. 
However, the sensitivity of the palynological approach 
usually only allows identification of vegetation units 
to the formation level. It is unlikely that different 
Eucalyptus associations can be distinguished by the 
palynological method. 

History of the Vegetation 

Fig. 12 a-c presents the fossil pollen diagram 
from the profile through the lake sediments. Pollen 
content is expressed as percentages of total count for 
all taxa identified and as pollen concentration for the 
most abundant taxa. Because percentages must add 
up to 100, a change in abundance of just one taxon 
will influence the percentages of all other taxa. On the 
other hand, the pollen concentration of each taxon is 
independent of all other taxa, hence a change in just 
one taxon will be apparent. On the whole, the curves 
for pollen concentrations reveal similar information 
to those of percentages, with some exceptions. 

The total pollen concentration (Fig. 12 c) is low 
in the lower part of the profile, below 40 cm, and 
generally higher in the upper part of the profile. 
The low pollen concentration section is found in the 
mottled clay which was subjected to a fluctuating 
water table that could have had a destructive effect 
on pollen. Thus the lower concentrations could be 
the result of destruction of some pollen or a lower 
pollen producing plant community. Cyperaceae is a 
thin-walled grained which may be easily destroyed 
in adverse environments, but it is found throughout 
this lower section of the profile. Indeed, the pollen 
spectra of the low pollen content section of the profile 
are generally comparable with the spectra in the high 
pollen content part of the profile, inferring that any 
pollen destruction has not appreciably distorted the 
spectra. An examination of the surface sample spectra 
together with the fossil spectra reveals the following: 

Eucalyptus and  Allocasuarina/Casuarina 
are the main trees in the lower part of the profile. 
Allocasuarina/Casuarina would have been 
more abundant in the vegetation than it is today. 
Angophora/Corymbia would have been a relatively 
minor part of the vegetation. Thus the vegetation 
would have been much the same from the beginning 
of the Holocene (10 ka ago) until the mid Holocene 


(5 ka). Unfortunately, there was an hiatus and hence 
no record from about 5 ka until 2 ka. By then, 
Angophora/Corymbia had increased and it suggests 
that Angophora (more common on alluvial soils) 
may have been a canopy dominant (values > 15%) 
for much of the time. Eucalyptus percentages were 
a little less and Allocasuarina was still abundant, 
although it fluctuated somewhat. Melaleuca/ 
Leptospermum would have been minimal in the early 
Holocene and more abundant in the late Holocene, 
but it was insufficient (<< 15% ) to indicate a fringing 
Melaleuca forest, similar to the Thirlmere Lakes 
today. As discussed previously, stumps on Dry Lake 
were unlikely to be Melaleuca, thus supporting this 
interpretation of the pollen content. 

In the European zone (above 10 cm depth), all 
of these trees decrease, doubtless the result of timber 
cutting and agriculture. 

Poaceae was moderate in the early Holocene, 
decreasing in the late Holocene when the tree cover 
increased, but increasing markedly in the European 
zone, no doubt due to forest clearing and agriculture. 
Asteraceae, which may have represented herb(s) or 
shrub(s) was noticeably more abundant in the early 
Holocene, decreasing after 5 ka and remaining low 
for the rest of the time. Gonocarpus is more abundant 
in the early Holocene, decreasing after 5 ka and 
remaining lower until the European zone where it 
was much reduced. Some Dry Lake samples show 
more abundant Gonocarpus which grows on the 
surface today. The abundance of Cyperaceae was 
moderate in the early Holocene, increasing after 2 
ka and remaining high, although values fluctuated. 
Cyperaceae would have grown on the peat surface 
during the late Holocene, just as it does today. 

The only shrubby and herbaceous taxa recorded 
in the early Holocene were Proteaceae, tricoporates, 
Chenopodiaceae and Brassicaceae. Since it was 
not possible to count sufficient grains required for 
adequate sampling from this low pollen concentration 
zone, and these other shrubs and herbs were under- 
represented taxa, their absence may be the result of 
inadequate sampling. Spores of ferns (monolete and 
trilete) and Selaginella were not recorded. From 
2 ka to the present, shrubs and herbs were better 
represented. Spores of ferns and Selaginella were 
also present in this zone and they indicate conditions 
were somewhat wetter after 2 ka. 

Some exotics are present in the European zone, 
viz. Pinus, Plantago cf. lanceolatus and Asteraceae 
Liguliflorae, assuming this pollen type represents 
Hypochoeris radicata and not a native species. As 
discussed previously, all the tree taxa are reduced and 
Poaceae increases markedly. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


*po}UNOd J0U yng UESoId ‘o1v1 
‘+ °¢ xipueddy des ‘wie1serp usfjod oy} Uo auIeU Yo¥a AO UaT[od dy} Jo ad.1NOs d[quqord 94} 10,7 ‘s}UdWIpEs oye] Aa ay) JO v.Q90dS uaTjod oy], 7] OANSIY 

OL X Woullpas jo wojsueiby Zz oO % OL suiei6 Ubu} ssayyunoD x 
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SUOHBNUSSUOS UBijod ‘ajEDS sebeyusoled uaijod ‘9] jUNOD Us}|Od |B}0} = wns Ua}jOg 

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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


*pojunod jou nq jUVSe.1d ‘a1v.1 ‘+ *¢ xIpusddy 
298 ‘WikASEIpP Ua][od ay} UO sUIeU YdLO 10J UaT[od ay) Jo 2d.1NOs a[quqoAd ay) 104 “syUaWIpas aye] Arq ey} Jo eQoeds uatjod ayy ((penuyUOd) ZT ans 

@ Ls ______j, __, 
UM les eat iid 

Sy. > 

7 4 
Yo ik 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



*pajunod jou ynq yUNSo1d ‘a1v.1 ‘+ *¢ xIpueddy 
998 “Wv.ASvIp Ua][od 94} UO sUIvU YOvS 105 Uat[od ay} Jo 9dAN0s a[quqoid ay) 104 *sjusUMIpes aye] A1q 94} JO v.ayd0ds UaT[od ay, “(panuNuOd) Z] 21n31q 

<OLX JUaWIpes jo ,wo/surei5 Jo Jequinn 
Ove of8) > F 2 HLE Te 0 

UO}B.jUBIUD Ueljod [B}0), 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


In summary, the early Holocene vegetation was 
a Eucalyptus/Allocasuarina/Casuarina woodland/ 
forest, with Asteraceae (Tubuliflorae) prominent in 
the understorey. Gonocarpus was probably common 
around the lake. In the late Holocene, Angophora 
woodland was present also and there was a diversity of 
shrubs in the understorey. The lake had become a peat 
swamp and Cyperaceae grew on and/or around the 
swamp. After Europeans arrived, the trees decreased 
and, grasses increased markedly. Today, Angophora 
woodland is found on the deeper, moister soils of 
the alluvial fans, hence its development around Dry 
Lake in the late Holocene probably indicates a wetter 
climate at that time. 

Siliceous microfossils 

Treatment for the recovery of siliceous 
microfossils yielded sponge scleres, diatoms, plant 
phytoliths and sand grains. Only sponge scleres 
were studied in detail, however some observations of 
diatoms or plant phytoliths are reported here. 

Freshwater sponges occur in most semi- 
permanent and permanent inland waters of Australia. 
Distribution of the species are not uniform and is 
largely governed by physiochemical properties 
of the environment. Only one species of sponge, 
Radiospongilla sceptroides Haswell is present in the 
Thirlmere Lakes system (NPWS, 1997). This species 
has a wide but scattered distribution east of the 
Dividing Range and has a preference for non-alkaline 
environments (Racek, 1969). R. sceptroides produces 
a vivid green pigment and lives mainly on fallen logs, 
branches and leaves in the littoral zone where water 
fluctuations are most frequently experienced (Racek, 
1969). It is thought that the relative abundance of 
sponge scleres could be used as an indicator of water 
depth and lake level fluctuations. 

Two surface samples were studied: SS 1 from the 
lake margin and SS 2 from the lake centre (Fig. 13). 
The lake margin had 20 times the megasclere (body 
scleres) numbers than found at the lake centre. The 
lake margin is the habitat of the sponge and few scleres 
are apparently transported to the lake centre in this 
low energy environment. There were also appreciable 
numbers of gemmoscleres (carried on the gemmules), 
showing that the sponges were gemmulating in the 
not too distant past. Today, R. sceptroides does not 
form gemmules which are produced in response to 
adverse environmental conditions (Racek, 1969; 
NPWS, 1997). 

Few scleres were found in the clays at the base 
of the sediments. The lake was probably much larger 
and deeper then and the sponge habitat would have 
been too far away for many of their scleres to be 


deposited at this site. There are two peaks in the values 
for megascleres: at 31 cm and a much larger one at 
5lcm, the latter at the base of the diatomite. These 
peaks suggest that the lake had become shallower and 
smaller, such that the sponge habitat was close to this 
site. The megasclere content was moderate through 
most of the profile, declining towards the surface. 

Gemmoscleres were also found throughout 
the profile, and in appreciable numbers. The ratio 
of gemmoscleres to megascleres is an indicator of 
the harshness of the conditions (Racek, 1969). The 
two surface samples from Thirlmere Lakes have 
extremely small ratios, which indicate that conditions 
today are not often harsh enough to induce the 
sponges to form gemmules. The highest ratio of 
gemmoscleres to megascleres were found at the base 
of the diatomite. The ratio of megasclere fragments to 
entire megascleres was quite high, especially in the 
lake margin sample. This ratio may indicate how well 
the sponge remains were preserved in the sediments, 
especially at depth. However, the large number of 
fragmented sponge remains in the shallowest depths 
probably indicate mechanical breakage and being 
silica, the scleres do not decompose. 

The high concentration of megascleres and 
gemmoscleres at the base of the diatomite were 
associated with a high concentrations and diversity of 
diatoms. Phytoliths were abundant also, and all these 
siliceous microfossils, being comparable to sand 
grains which are more common in the littoral zone, 
suggest that the lake was shallow and swamp plants 
were growing on or close to the site. The diatomite 
also contains a higher content of sand grains than any, 
which is indicative of shallow water of the littoral 
zone, the habitat of R. sceptroides. 

In general, high concentrations of phytoliths 
were found from 50 cm upwards, or in that part of the 
profile that is organic. This high concentration implies 
that swamp vegetation had colonized the lake surface 
from the 50 cm level upwards. Below this level, the 
abundance of phytoliths was low, suggesting that 
little swamp vegetation was nearby and the lake was 
too deep for its growth. 


The history of Dry Lake 

In the early Holocene (from 10 ka), Dry Lake was 
relatively deep, with a calm, low energy environment 
depositing clay. The margins probably supported 
some cyperaceous reeds and Gonocarpus, but a fringe 
of paperbarks (Melaleuca linariiforia), similar to the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Thirlmere Lakes today, was lacking. The freshwater 
sponge, Radiospongilla sceptroides, \ived round the 
margin of the lake, amongst fallen debris. Eucalyptus 
spp. and A//ocasuarina were the dominant trees in the 
surrounding vegetation and Asteraceae (Tubulifiorae) 
was prominent in the understorey, probably as a shrub. 
Some grasses (Poaceae), Proteaceae, tricolporates 
(most likely shrubs) and Chenopodiaceae were also 
present in the early Holocene. Although generally 
high, lake levels must have been very variable and 
the lake probably dried up for extended period(s), 
causing the formation of the pallid and mottled clays 
at the deepest parts of the lake. 

Between 8 ka and 5 ka, the lake became shallower 
and the fringing swamp vegetation grew over much 
of the lake surface. In the catchment, density of 
the Eucalyptus and Allocasuarina trees increased 
somewhat, Asteraceae was much reduced and shrubs 
and herbs increased in diversity, with Dodonaea, 
Monotoca, Pimelea, Brassicaceae and Portulacaceae 
being recorded. 

From 5 ka to 2 ka, there was an hiatus in the 
deposition of the sediment, or the sediments that were 
deposited were subsequently eroded. Unfortunately, 
this means there is no information for this period. 

About 2 ka, a shallow lake returned, probably 
covered with swamp vegetation and sufficiently 
nutrient rich to support large populations of diatoms 
and sponges. It is not clear how this nutrient rich status 
was achieved, given the nutrient-poor sandstone of 
the catchment. Decaying swamp vegetation would 
increase the nutrient status, but it would require a 
high nutrient status to produce a good plant cover in 
the first place. Burning may also mobilize nutrients. 
Unfortunately, there is no evidence about which is 
the more likely hypothesis in this case. This enriched 
nutrient status did not last long, and the diatom and 
sponge populations decreased to ‘normal’ levels. 
The lake remained shallow and probably supported 
swamp vegetation over most of its surface. 

After 2 ka, the Angophora/Corymbia group 
increased dramatically. Today, Angophora dominates 
the alluvial fans and soils adjacent to the lakes, and 
Corymbia is more common on well-drained slopes 
and ridges, hence this increase around Dry Lake 
was more likely to have been Angophora. This 
change suggests a somewhat moister environment. 
Eucalyptus and Allocasuarina probably decreased 
slightly, Melaleuca/Leptospermum increased, but not 
sufficiently to indicate a fringe of Me/aleua around 
the lake. The diversity of shrubs and herbs increased 
further, and there was a considerable increase in 
cyperaceous swamp cover. 

The introduced Pinus, Plantago cf lanceolata 


and Asteraceae (Liguliflorae: probably Hypochoeris 
radicata) denote the zone of European influence. All 
the trees, viz. Eucalyptus spp, Angophora/Corymbia 
and A/locasuarina decreased markedly, no doubt the 
result of timber cutting. Grasses and the tricolporates, 
which could include any number of crop plants and 
weeds, would have been the result of agriculture. The 
cyperaceous reeds around the swamp remained, much 
the same as previously. 

Comparisons with Other Studies 

The history of the vegetation from a core in Lake 
Baraba (Thirlmere Lake 3 of this study, see Fig. 1), 
has been reported by Black et al. (in press). Lake 
Baraba is some 4 km south of Dry Lake. Peat began 
forming in the early Holocene, ~8.5 ka, earlier than at 
Dry Lake. Thus in contrast to Dry Lake, Lake Baraba 
had become shallow enough for the growth of swamp 
vegetation. At Lake Baraba, the dominant trees were 
Casuarinaceae which declined in the early Holocene, 
with a concurrent increase in Myrtaceae, thought to 
be the development of the fringing Melaleuca forest 
(Black et al., in press) which is present around the 
lake today. In contrast, at Dry Lake, Allocasuarina 
did not decrease, a fringing Meleleuca forest did 
not develop, and Angophora became prominent by 
the mid Holocene. At Dry Lake, the lake became 
shallow enough to support swamp vegetation and 
peat formation about the mid Holocene, later than 
at Lake Baraba. Allocasuarina remained prominent 
at Dry Lake until the European zone, unlike Lake 
Baraba where it remained low through most of the 

These differences between the two sites may 
be attributed to the differences in local topography. 
Lake Baraba is confined within a relatively narrow 
valley which is likely to afford some protection and 
provide more favourable moisture relationships than 
the Dry Lake locality, which is more open, in a broad 
alluvial flat. This topographic difference may explain 
why Dry Lake did not develop a fringing Melaleuca 
forest. Although these two sites are only 4 km apart, 
the limited nature of pollen dispersal, where most 
pollen falls close to the source (Birks and Birks, 
1980; Dodson, 1983; Kodela, 1990) ensures that 
these local differences in the vegetation are recorded 
in the sediments. 

A decline of Casuarinaceae, when Eucalyptus 
replaced Casurarinaceae, may be found in a number 
of Holocene sites in southern Australia and is usually 
dated between 7.5 and 4.5 ka. Importantly, not 
all Holocene sites show this decline (Clark,1983; 
Dodson, 1994; 2001; Lloyd and Kershaw, 1997). It 
has been suggested that anthropogenic fire may have 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


been the cause of this change in dominant species, 
but the charcoal records generally do not support 
this hypothesis (Dodson, 2001; Kershaw et al.; 2002; 
Black et al., in press). Another likely cause, a rising 
water table or salinity, may be supported by an increase 
in Chenopodiaceae pollen (Crowley, 1994; Cupper 
et al., 2000), but studies in the vegetation show that 
some species of Casuarinaceae are more salt tolerant 
than certain species of Eucalyptus (Ladd, 1988). The 
anatomy of the branchlets of Casuarinaceae, with 
their restricted photosynthetic tissue, make it a poor 
competitor with broad leaved species. Anatomicaly, 
Casuarinaceae species are very xeromorphic and in 
comparative studies, Casuarinaceae is more drought 
tolerant than Eucalyptus (Ladd, 1988). 

As the climate ameliorated after the last glacial 
period, the grasslands/shrublands were invaded 
by Casuarinaceae which were in turn replaced by 
Eucalyptus in the Holocene (Clarke, 1983). The 
climate in the last glacial period was much drier, hence 
the change in vegetation parallels the climatic change, 
viz. the increase in moisture. Casuarinaceae remained 
on poor or harsh sites as it appears to tolerate these 
conditions better than Eucalyptus (Ladd, 1988). 

At Dry Lake, Eucalyptus and Angohpora/ 
Corymbia increase, but Casuarinaceae does 
not decrease until it was logged by Europeans. 
Casuarinaceae was prized by the early settlers as 
firewood and it was the fuel of choice for bakeries. Its 
timber was in demand for shingles, tool handles, beer 
barrels and many other used (Entwisle, 2005). Indeed, 
the Oaks, some 15 km to the north of Thirlmere 
(Fig. 1) was so named for the abundant sheoaks 
(Allocasuarina torulosa). When the botanist George 
Caley passed through the district in 1804, he saw ‘a 
large tract of grazing land abounding with sheoaks’ 
(Woods, 1982). 

The Casuarinaceae pollen has not been identified 
further; but it is assumed to be A//ocasuarina in this 
study because there are only two species in the area 
today: A. littoralis and A. torulosa. A. littoralis 1s 
an understorey tree in woodland or occasionally tall 
heath, on sandy or otherwise poor soils. A. torulosa, 
also an understorey tree, is found in open forests to 
tall open forests, generally on higher nutrient soils 
and moisture situations than A. Jittoralis (Plantnet, 
2005). The alluvial flat around Dry Lake would have 
been suitable for A. torulosa, but at Lake Baraba, in a 
sandstone valley, A. littoralis seems more likely. Thus 
the different history of Casuarinaceae at the two sites 
may have been the consequence of different species, 
as well as the different topography and soils. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


We would like to thank the National Parks and 
Wildlife Service for permission to undertake this study in 
the Thirlmere Lakes National Parks. Special thanks go to 
Mr. Ross Kinnish, National Parks Ranger at Thirlmere, 
who assisted with some field work. We are grateful to Mr. 
and Mrs. Lipping for allowing us onto their land to work 
at Dry Lake. Our special thanks go to family and friends 
who assisted with this study and provided moral support. 

We are indebted to Professer Carswell and Mr. V. 
Djohadze, of the then School of Nuclear and Radiation 
Chemistry, University of New South Wales, for the 
radiocarbon dates. We also thank Officers of the National 
Herbarium for assistance with plant identification and Mr. 
John Stanisic, of the Queensland Museum who kindly 
identified the sponge remains. 

Special thanks go to Dr. Scott Mooney, of the 
University of New South Wales, who read the manuscript 
and offered invaluable comments. 


Bengtsson, L., Enell, M, (1990) Chemical analysis. 

In ‘Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and 
Palaeohydrology’ (Ed. B.E. Berglund.) pp. 423-453. 
(Wiley and Sons: Chichester). 

Black, M.P., Mooney, S.D. and Martin, H.A. (in press). A 
> 43,000 year vegetation and fire history from Lake 
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Birks, H.J.B. and Birks, H.H. (1980) ‘Quaternary 
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BoM, (2005). Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology 
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Chalson, J.M. and Martin, H.A. (1995). The pollen 
morphology of some co-occurring species of 
the family Myrtaceae from the Sydney Region. 
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South 
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Clark, R.L. (1983). Pollen and charcoal evidence for 
the effects of Aboriginal burning on Australia. 
Archaeology in Oceania 18, 32-37. 

Crowley, G.M. (1994). Quaternary soil salinity events and 
Australian vegetation history. Quaternary Science 
Reviews 13, 15-22. 

Cupper, N.L., Drinnan, A.N. and Thomas, I. (2000). 
Holocene palaeoenvironments of salt lakes in the 
Darling Anabranch region, south-western New South 
Wales. Journal of Biogeography 27, 1079-1094. 

Dodson, J.R. (1983). Modern pollen rain in southeastern 
New South Wales, Australia. Review of Palaeobotany 
and Palynology 38, 249-268. 

Dodson, J.R. (1994) Quaternary Vegetation. In “Australian 
Vegetation’ (Ed. R.H. Groves) pp. 37-54. (University 
of Cambridge Press: Cambridge). 



Dodson, J.R. (2001) Holocene vegetation change in the 
mediterranean type climate regions of Australia. The 
Holocene 11, 673-680. 

Entwisle, T. (2005). She-oak up in smoke. Nature 
Australia Spring 2005 28(6), 72-73. 

Harden, G.J. (1992, 1993, 2000, 2002). “The Flora of 
New South Wales, Vol. 3, Vol. 4, Vol.1 (revised 
edition) and Vol. 2. (revised edition)’, respectively. 
(University of New South Wales: Sydney). 

Herbert, C. (1980). Wianamattta Group and the Mittagong 
Formation. In “A Guide to the Sydney Basin’ (Eds 
C. Herbert and R. Helby) pp. 254-272. Geological 
Survey of New South Wales Bulletin 26. (D. West, 
Government Printer, New South Wales: Sydney). 

Horsfall, L., Jelinek, A., Timms, B., (1988). The influence 
of recreation, mainly power boating on the ecology 
of Thirlmere Lakes, NSW, Australia. Vereinigung 
fiir Theretische und Angewandte Limnologie 23, 580 
— 587. 

Kershaw, A.P., Clark, J.S., Gill, A.M. and D’Costa, D. 
(2002). A history of fire in Australia. In ‘Flammable 
Australia: the fire regimes and biodiversity of a 
continent’ (Eds R. Bradstock, J. Williams and 
A.M. Gill) pp 3-25. (Cambridge University Press, 

Kodela, P.G. (1990). Modern pollen rain from forest 
communities on the Robertson Plateau, New South 
Wales. Australian Journal of Botany 38, 1-24. 

Lacey, W.S. (1963) Palaeobotanical techniques. In 
“Viewpoints in Biology 2’ (Eds J.D. Carthy and G.L. 
Duddington) pp. 202-243. (Butterworths: London). 

Ladd, P.G. (1979). A short pollen diagram from rainforest 
in highland eastern Victoria. Australian Journal of 
Ecology 4, 229-237. 

Ladd, P.G. (1988). The status of Casuarinaceae in 
Australian forests. In ‘Australia’s ever changing 
forests. Proceedings on the First National Conference 
on Australian Forest History’ (Eds K.J. Frawley 
and N. Semple) pp 63-85. (Special Publication No. 
1, Department of Geography and Oceanography, 
Australian Defence Force Academy, Campbell ACT) 

Lloyd , P.J. and Kershaw, A.P. (1997). Late Quaternary 
vegetation and early Holocene quantitative climate 
estimates from Morwell Swamp, Latrobe Valley, 
south-eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 
45, 549-563 

Moore, P.D., Webb, J.A., Collison, M.E. (1991). ‘Pollen 
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Publications: London). 

NPWS, 1997. Thirlmere Lakes National Park New Plan of 
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Pidgeon, I.M. (1937). The Ecology of the Central Coastal 
of New South Wales. I. Proceedings of the Linnean 
Society of New South Wales 62, 315-340. 

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Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater 
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Rose, S. (1981). Palynology and history of the Holocene 
at Dry Lake, Thirlmere, N.S.W. B.Sc. Hons. thesis, 
University of New South Wales, Sydney. 

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Timms, B., (1992). ‘Lake geomorphology’. (Gleneagles 
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Vorst, P. (1974). Thirlmere Lakes, NSW: Geomorphic 
environment and evolution. B.A Hons. thesis, 
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edition)’. (the Oaks Historical Society: Camden, New 
South Wales). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Species list of plants in the Thirlmere National Park, compiled from field work and augmented from 
a list prepared by the National Herbarium of New South Wales (*). +, introduced species. 

Life forms: T, tree with single stem, > 8 m tall. S, shrub, woody plant < 8 m tall. H, herbs, non- 
woody plants. epiH, epiphitic herbs. aqH, aquatic herbs, growing in wet or periodically wet areas. C, 
creeper, prostrate herb or shrub. TW, twiner, climbing plant. 

Pollination mechanisms (Poll’n Mech), from Faegri and van de Pijl (1971), Dodson (1979), Arm- 
strong (1979), Ford et al. (1979) and Pyke (1981): A, anemophilous, wind pollinated. E, entomophilous, 
insect pollinated. O, pollination by other animals, e.g. birds, mammals. S, self pollinated. H, hydrophilous, 
water pollinated. 

Nomenclature follows Harden (1992; 1993; 200; 2002) and Plantnet (2005). 

Species ie oll’'n ccurrence. 

Angophora floribunda (Sm.) Sweet T A,E,O Very abundant, lower slopes only 
CPR Meniaeunts (OCRETEE) Hou) EU ee ir A,E,O Very abundant, esp. ridgetop plateaux 
. Cac (Gaertn.) K.D. Hill & L.A. T ABO. Nenad 

Eucalyptus agglomerata Maiden alt A,E,O Occasional 

E. botryoides Sm. TT AN IB,©Q)  * 

E. oblonga Blakely. T A,E,O Occasional, mostly steeper slopes 

E. piperita Sm T A,E,O Very abundant 

E. punctata DC T A,E,O Occasional 

E. racemosa Cav. T A,E,O Occasional 

E. resinifera Sm. T A,E,O Rare 

E. sieberi L. Johnson T A,E,O Occasional, esp. near ridgetop plateaux 
Leptospermum trinervium J. Thompson S A. E. Common, mostly on slopes 

L. polygalifolium Salsb. S) A,E Rare, mostly on slopes 

L. juniperium Sm. S p18 Occasional, mostly lake margins 
Kunzea ambigua (Sm.) Druce S Aes, (O) * 

Melaleuca linariifolia Sm T A,E,O Abundant, mainly lake margins 

M. thymifolia Sm. S A,E,O Occasional, along lake margins 


Banksia integrifolia L. f. Mens) BE. © = 

B. serrata L.f. TorS E,O Abundant, mainly lake margins 
B. spinulosa Sm. S E,O Very abundant 

Grevillea arenaria R. Br. S E, O. zs 

G. mucronulata R. Br. Ss E,O Very abundant 

Hakea dactyloides Cav. S lag @ Occasional, moist sites 

H. salicifolia (Vent.) B.L. Burtt. S) E,O * 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 39 


H. sericea Schrad. & J.C. Wendl. S E, O Rare 

Isopogon anemonifolius Knight S E Occasional 

Lambertia formosa Sm. S) B@ abundant 

Persoonia lanceolata Andrews S E * 

P. laurina Pers. S E Occasional, esp. ridgetop plateaux 
P. levis (Cav.) Domin S E Occasional 

P. linearis Andrews S E Occasional 

Petrophile pedunculata R. Br. S) E Occasional 

P. pulchella R. Br. S E 

P. sessilis Sieber ex Schult. S E ~ 

Telopea speciosissima R. Br. Ss E Occasional 

Xylomelum pyriformis Sm. T B Occasional 



Acacia decurrens Willd. T E Occasional esp. moist gullies/slopes 
A. falcata Steud. S E z 

A. falciformis DC. T E * 

A. floribunda Willd. S E i 

A. implexa Benth. S E ~ 

A. linifolia Willd. S E Abundant 

A. longifolia (Andrews) Willd. S E Abundant esp. after fire 

A. myrtifolia Willd. S E Occasional, ridgetop plateaux 
A. parramattensis Tindale S) E Very abundant 

A. suaveolens (Sm.) Willd. N) E Occasional 

A. terminalis J.F. MacBr. S) E Occasional ridgetop plateaux 
A. ulicifolia Court S) E Abundant 


Bossiaea buxifolia A.Cunn. S E Rare 

B. heterophylla Vent. S) B Occasional 

B. lenticularis DC. S E sg 

B. neo-anglica F. Muell. S E = 

B. obcordata Druce S) E Occasional 

B. rhombifolia Sieber ex DC. S E Occasional 

Daviesia corymbosa Sm. S E Rare 

Desmodium rhytidophyllum F. Muell ex S or E - 

Benth. TW 

D. varians (Labill.) G. Don TW E * 

Dillwynia glaberrima Sm. S) E i 
40 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


D. parvifolia R.Br. 

D. phylicoides A. Cunn. sp. complex 
Glycine clandestina J.C. Wendl. 
Gompholobium grandiflorum Sm. 

G. latifolium Sm. 

G. minus Sm. 

Hardenbergia violacea (Schneev.) Stearn 
Hovea linearis (Sm.) R. Br. 

Indigofera australis Willd. 

Kennedia rubicunda Vent. 

Mirbelia rubiifolia (Andrews) G. Don 

Podolobium ilicifolium (Andrews) Crisp & 

P.H. Weston. 
Pultenaea flexilis Sm. 
P. linophylla Schrad. & J.C. Wendl. 
P. villosa Andrews. 
Viminaria juncea (Schrad,) Hoffsgg.. 
Boronia ledifolia (Vent.) J. Gray ex. DC. 
B. polygalifolia Sm. 
Eriostemon australasius Pers. 
E. hispidula. (Spreng.) Paul G. Wilson 
Astroloma humifusum R. Br. 
Epacris pulchella Cav. 

Leucopogon lanceolatus (Sm.) R. Br. var. 

Lissanthe sapida R. Br. 
L. strigosa R.Br. 
Monotoca elliptica R.Br. 
M. scoparia R.Br. 
Styphelia angustifolia DC. 
Hibbertia aspera DC. 

H. diffusa DC. 

H. obstusifolia DC. 

H. serpyllifolia DC 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

NnNanan gyn 



les} les} esl tes} [eel teal test Jes! lea! les! les! 


lel esl Jes} Jes! 

leol Tes! Jes! Jes| 





Very abundant 



Occasional esp. rocky slopes 

Very abundant 
Occasional esp. alluvial fans 

Occasional esp. damp sites 

Occasional, esp. rocky slopes 







Very abundant 
Occasional, moister slopes 

Occasional, moister slopes 



Coopernookia barbata (R. Br.) Carolin 
Dampiera purpurea R. Br. 

Goodenia hederacea Sm. 

Scaevola ramosissima K. Krause 


Allocasuarina littoralis (Salisb.) L. Johson 

A. torulosa (Aiton) L. Johnson 

Amperea xiphoclada (Spreng.) Druce 
Breynia oblongifolia Muell. Arg. 
Phyllanthus gasstroemii Muell. Arg. 
P. occidentalis J.T. Hunter & J.J. Bruhl 
Poranthera ericifolia Rudge 

P. microphylla Brongn. 

Galium binifolium N.A. Wakefield 
G. propinquum A. Cunn. 
Opercularia aspera Gaertn. 

O. diphylla Gaertn. 

O. varia Hook. f. 

Pomax umbellata Benth. 

Actinotus helianthi Labill. 

Centella asiatica Urb. 

Hydrocotyle acutiloba. N.A. Wakefield 
FH. laxiflora DC. 

H. peduncularis. A. Rich. 

Platysace linearifolia C. Norman 

Cassytha glabella R. Br. 

C. pubescens R. Br. 

Cinnamomum camphora *T. Nees & C.H. 



Clematis aristata R. Br. ex Ker Gawl. 

Hybanthus monopetalum (Schultes) Domin. 

Viola betonicifolia Sm. 


a, DQ A B® 



2rUe ft 

A fac} ja aE, (OY BE 




> mm ow 

les! [esl [esl lesl lesl fel 

Occasional, moister slopes 
Occasional, lake margins 


Very abundant, lake margins, 

Occasional, upper slopes, ridgetops 







Abundant on lake margin, moist areas 


Abundant on lake margin, moist areas 

Very abundant 





One specimen observed 


Occasional, moist areas 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


V. hederacea Labill. 

Crassula sieberiana (Schultes & Schultes. 

f.) Druce 


Drosera spathulata Labill. 
Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach. 
Acetosella vulgaris Four. 

Oxalis corniculata* L. 

Geranium homeanum Turcz. 
Gonocarpus micranthus Thunb. 
G. tetragynus Labill. 
Myriophyllum variifolium Hook. f.. 

Pimelea linifolia Sm. 
Billardiera scandens Sm. 
Bursaria spinosa Cav. 
Passiflora edulis * Sims 

Hypericum gramineum G. Forst. 
Elaeocarpus reticulatus Sm. 
Tetratheca thymifolia Sm. 

Sida rhombifolia * L. 
Ceratopetalum gummiferum Sm. 

Rubus parvifolius L. 

R. fruticosus * species complex 

Stackhousia monogyna Labill. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 




Occasional, moist areas 

Occasional, damp places 


Occasional, moist sites 

Occasional, esp. disturbed sites 

Occasional esp. near lake margins 

Occasional, moist places 


Very abundant 

Occasional, shady slopes 


One specimen observed 

Occasional, only moist gullies 


Occasional, only moist gullies 


Rare, disturbed sites 



S. viminea Sm. 


Exocarpos cupressiformis Labill. 
E. strictus R. Br. 

Leptomeria acida R. Bt.. 

Dodonaea triquetra Benth. 

Mitrasacme polymorpha R. Br. 

Parsonsia straminea F. Muell. 
Marsdenia flavescens A. Cunn. 
M. suaveolens R. Br. 

Tylophora barbata R. Br. 

Villarsia exaltata G. Don 

Lonicara japonica * Thunb. ex Murray 
Plantago lanceolata * L. 
Wahlenbergia graniticola Carolin 
W. stricta (R. Br.) Sweet 

W. communis Carolin 

Isotoma axillaris Lindl. 

Pratia purpurascens (R. Br.)F. Wimmer. 

Stylidium graminifolium Willd. 
S. laricifolium Rich. 

S. lineare Sw. ex Willd. 

Bidens pilosa* L. 

Brachycome aculeata R. Br. 

B. angustifolia Cunn. ex DC. 




les] [esl lest eal 

Rare, host Eucalyptus spp. 

Rare, moist gullies 


Occasional, moist slopes 



Rare, moist, shaded positions 

Occasional, esp. shaded slopes 


* near water 

Occasional esp. disturbed sites 





Occasional esp. moist sites 

Occasional esp. open sunny sites 





Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Cassinia aculeata R. Br. 

C. aureonitens N.A. Wakefield 

C. longifolia R. Br. 

C. quinquefaria R. Br. 

Conzya albida * Willd. ex Sprengel 

C. parva * Cronq. 

Coreopsis lanceolata * L. 

Facelis retusa * Sch. Bip. 
Gnaphalium gymnocephalum DC. 
Helichrysum elatum DC. 

H. scorpiodes Labill. 

Hypochaeris radicata * L. 
Lagenophora stipitata (Labill.) Druce 
Olearia microphylla Maiden & Betche 
O. viscidula Benth. 

Ozonthamnus adnatus DC.. 

O. diosmifolium (Vent.) DC 
Podolepis jaceoides Voss 

Pseudognaphalium. luteoalbum * (L.) 
Hillard & B.L. Burtt 

Senecio lautus * G. Forst. ex Willd. 

S. linearifolius A. Rich. 

S. quadridentatus Labill. 

S. velleioides A. Cunn. ex DC. 
Sigesbeckia orientalis L. 

Solanum pungetium R. Br. 

Dichondria repens J.R. Forst. & G Forst 
Polymeria calycina R. Br. 

Veronica plebeia R. Br. 
Utricularia australis R. Br. 

Brunoniella pumilio (R. Br.) Bremek. 

Verbenea bonariensis L. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


ey jE, SE] jae; acy ae, AN WA A AN ay, fay jac) WANjae) foe} jan} jae) fae} jae, WN ale 






Occasional, shady slopes 


Occasional, shady slopes 

Weed on disturbed sites 
Weed on disturbed sites 



Occasional esp. gullies, very moist 

Abundant esp. moist disturbed sites 
Shady slopes 

Occasional, mostly shady slopes 




Weed, on disturbed ground 


Weed, on disturbed ground 



Occasional, esp. moist areas 

Occasional esp. lake margins 


Rare, floating on open water > 2m deep 

Occasional, disturbed sites 





Ajuga australis R.Br. 

Scutellaria humilis R. Br. 
Potamogeton tricarinatus A. Benn. 

Xyris complanata R. Br. 
Arthropodium milleflorum (DC.) J.F. Macbr. 
Laxmannia gracilis R. Br 
Tricoryne simplex R. Br. 

Dianella caerulea Sims 

D. revoluta R. Br. 

Stypandra glauca R. Br. 

Thelionema caespitosum (R. Br.) R.J.F. 


Smilax glyciphylla Sm. 
Eustrephus latifolius Ker Gawl. 
Geitonoplesium cymosum R. Br. 

Patersonia glabrata R. Br. 

P. sericea R. Br. 

Lomandra confertifolia (F.M. Bailey) 
Fahn ssp. rubiginosa R.T. Lee 

L. cylindrica R.T. Lee 

L. filiformis (Thunb.) J. Britten 
L. glauca Ewart 

L. gracilis R.T. Lee 

L. longifolia Labill. 

L. multiflora (R. Br.) J. Britten 
L. obliqua J.R. Macbr. 
Xanthorrhoea sp. 



ae, SE} jae] SB] ae, a} ac} ja 

lesl esl lesl les! les! |esl es) 

Rare in damp places 



Occasional, only northern end of park 


Occasional, moist slopes 

Occasional, moist slopes 

Rare, moist slopes only 






Abundant esp. footslopes 


Occasional along ridgetop plateaux 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Haemodorum planifolium R. Br. 

Philydrum lanuginosum Banks & Sol. 
ex Gaertn. 


Acianthus caudatus R. Br. 

A. exsertus R. Br. 

A. fornicatus R. Br. 
Chiloglottis formicifera FitzG. 

C. reflexa Druce 

Corybas aconitiflorus K.D. Koenig & Sims 

Dendrobium speciosum Sm. 
Diuris maculata Sm. 

Liparis reflexa (R. Br) Lindl. 
Microtis unifloia (Forst. f.) Reichb. f 
Pterostylis sp. 


Juncus articulatus * L. 

Juncus continuus L.A.S. Johnson 
J. planifolius R. Br. 

J. prismatocarpus R. Br. 

Baloskion gracilis (R. Br.) B.G. Briggs 
& L.A.S. Johnson 

Empodisma minus (Hook.f.) L.A.S. 
Johnson & D.F. Cutler 

Lepyrodia mulleri Benth. 

L. scariosa R. Br. 


Baumea arthrophylla (Nees) Broeck. 
B. teretifolia Palla 

Baumea sp. nov. 

Bolboschoenu fluviatilis (Torrey) Sojak 
Caustis flexuosa R. Br. 

Cyperus laevis R. Br. 

Eleocharis atricha R. Br 

E. sphacelata R. Br 

Isolepis inundatus Hook. f. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

lesl Jes} Jes} les! {es} [esl les! les! esl esl esl 

> > > YS 

Occasional, moist slopes 
Occasional, moist slopes 

Occasional, only moist places 

Occasional, shady rock outcrops 


Occasional, lake margins 

Occasional, lake margins 





Occasional, rocky slopes, plateau tops 
Occasional, moist sites 

Abundant, in open water 




Lepidosperma laterale R. Br 
L. longitudinale Labill. 
Lepironia articulata Domin. 
Schoenus brevifolius R. Br 
S. melanonstachys R. Br 

S. villosus R. Br 
Brasenia schreberi Gmelin 

Anisopogon avenaceus R. Br 
Aristida ramosa R. Br 

A. vagans Cav 

Austrostipa rudis Spreng. ssp. nervosa 
(J. Vickery) J. Everett & S.W.L. Jacobs 

Briza maxima ~ L. 

Cymopogon refractus (R. Br) A. Camus 
Dichelachne rara (R. Br) J. Vickery 
Digitaria ramularis (Trin.) Henrad. 
Echinopogon caespitosus * C.E. Hubb. 
E. ovatus * (G. Forst,) P. Beauv. 
Entolasia marginata (R. Br) Hughs 

E. stricta (R. Br) Hughs 

Eragrostis leptostachya Steud. 

Imperata cylindrica P. Beauv. var. 
major (Nees) C.E. Hubb. 

Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R. Br 
Panicium simile Domin 
Paspalidium gracile (R. Br.) Hughes 
Paspalum dilatatum ~* Poi. 
Pseudoraphis paradoxa (R. Br.) Pilger 
Setaria gracilis * Kunth. 

S. pubescens R. Br. 

Themeda australis (R.Br.) Stapf. 

Selaginela uliginosa (Labill.) Spring 

Botrychium australe R.Br. 



ee) SE, acy SE, SE, SE, SE] BE, SE, SE) SE) AE, SEY SE] FEY SE, YE, SE, SE] SE) a 



rrr rrr re F&F Fe eee ere er 5e F&F ee PS 


Abundant, margins of lakes 

Very abundant, mostly open water 
Occasional, lake margins 

Occasional, lake martins 


Occasional, open water only 





Occasional esp. footslopes 


Occasional esp. open areas 



Abundant esp. after burning 



Occasional esp. disturbed footslopes 





Occasional, damp places 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Calochlaena dubia (R.Br.) M. Turner Ones sonal 
& R. White nly in very moist guilies 


Cyathea sp. Rare, moist gullies 

Hypolepis muelleri N.A. Wakef. Occasional, moist creek banks 

eniatieia sou lena (HONS 6) Abundant, esp. disturbed areas 



Lindsaea microphylla Sw. Rare, moist gullies 

Adiantum aethiopicum L. Occasional, moist gullies 

A. hispidulum Sw. < 


Cheilanthes distans (R.Br.) Mett. 

C. austrotenuifolia Quirk & Chambers Occasional, esp. rock outcrops 

Davallia pyxidata Cav. Rare, on rockfaces in moist areas 

Blecknum cartilagineum Sw. abundant, rocky, shaded slopes 
Doodia aspera R.Br. Occasional, moist slopes 


The species in the gully forest (site TS 6, Fig. 1). 
a ee ee gg Presence Oulsidg 

Species Family 

fa ae ee 40 | LO 

Trees, 10-30 m 
Eucalyptus deanei Maiden Myrtaceae - 

E. elata Dehnh. : = 
E. piperita Sm. es ats 

Small trees and shrubs < 10 m 
Doryphora sassafras Endl. Monimiaceae - 

Grevillea mucronata R. Br. Proteaceae Te 
Hakea salicifolia (Vent.) B.L. Burtt. 4 = 
Lomatia silaifolia (Sm.) R. Br ze 
Persoonia levis (Cav.) Domin. 

P linearis Andrews. ff 

+ + + 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


P. mollis R. Br. 

Stenocarpus salignus R. Br. 
Pittosporum revolutum Dryand. 
Elaeocarpus reticulatus Sm. 
Lasiopetalum ferrugineum Sm. vat, ferrugineum 
Bertya pomaderriodes F. Muell. 
Callicoma serratifolia Andrews 
Ceratopetalum apetalum D. Don 

C. gummiferum Sm. 

Acacia decurrens Willd. 

A. elata Benth. 

A. parramattensis Tindale 

Pultenaea flexilis Sm. 

Acmema smithii (Poir.) Merr. & Perry 

Backhousia myrtifolia Hook. f. & Harv. 
Tristaniopsis sp aff. laurina (smith) Peter G. Wilson 

& Waterhouse 
Leptospermum trinervium (Sm.) J. Thompson 

Allocasuarina torulosa (Aiton) L. Johnson 
Pomaderris intermedia Sieber 
Pomaderris sp. unidentified 

Exocarpos strictus R. Br. 

Correa reflexa Vent. var. reflexa 
Nematolepis squameum (Labill.) Eng. 
Dodonaea triquetra J.C. Wendl. 
Astrotricha latifolia Benth. 
Dracophpyllum secundum R. Br. 
Leucopogon lanceolatus (Sm.) R. Br.var. lanceolatus 
Logania albiflora Druce 

Notelea sp. unidentified 

Rapanea variabilis Mez. 

Dampiera purpurea R. Br. 

Cassinia aculeata R. Br. 

Ground cover, herbs and shrubs < 1 m 
Viola bentonicifolia Sm. 

Drosera auriculata Backh.ex Planch. 
Solanum sp. unidentified 
Corybas frimbriatus (R. Br.) Rchb. f. 
















Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

+ + + + 


Gahnia sp unidentified 
Hibbertia obtusifolia DC. 

Cassytha glabella R. Br. 

Sarcopetalum harveyanum F. Muell. 

Smilax australis R. Br. 
Cissus antarctica Vent. 
Eustrephus latifolius Ker Gawler 

Geitonoplesium cymosum R. Br. 

Cyathea australis (R. Br.) Domin. 

Ground ferns 
Todea barbara (L.) T. Moore 

Gleichenia microphylla R. Br. 

Sticherus sp. 

Hymenophyllum cupressiforme Labill. 
Calochlaena dubia (R. Br.) M. Turner 

Pteridium esculentum (Forst.f.) Cockayne 

Adiantum aethopicum L. 

Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia Quirk & Chambers 

Pyrrosia rupestris (R. Br.) Ching 
Aspenium flabellifolium Cav. 

Blechnum cartilagineum Sw. 

B. nudum (Labill.) Mett. ex Luerssen. 

Doodia aspera R. Br. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 














The identification of pollen of the family Myrtaceae. 

Fig. 14 illustrates the pollen characters used and Table 3 presents the distribution of these characters amongst 
the species. These morphological characters were insufficient to reliably identify species but they have been 
used to place the species in distinctive groups which are defined thus: 

Angophora/Corymbia group: Large-sized grains, 26 (30-40) 45 um (mean in brackets), with x (rarely w) 
type pore and a thick exine, 2-4 um. 

Eucalyptus group: Medium-sized grains, 18 (21-25) 28 um, with x (rarely w) type pore and medium-thick- 
ness exine, 1.5-3.0 um. 

Melaleuca/Leptospermum group: Small sized grains, 10 (13-19) 23 um, with only y and z type pore and thin 
exine, <1-1 ym. 

Rounded angle of amb 

Colpus Biunt angle of amb 






ae hee 

Figure 14. The morphological characters used to identify pollen grains of Myrtaceae 

52 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Table 3. Pollen morphological characters used to identify myrtaceous pollen groups. (_) infrequent 

‘ Equatorial diameter Type of Type of Amb Amb Exine . ae 
Species ; thickness 
Mean (um) Range pole pore angle sides pattern 
Angophora/Corymbia pollen group 
Angophora floribunda 3041.7 (26-33) f(e)a x(w) round straight faint 2-3 
Corymbia eximia 40.742.8 (35-45) a,c(f) x round straight - 2-4 
C. gummifera 40.043.0 (33-45) b,a(f) x round convex - 2.5 
Eucalyptus pollen group 
straight & 
Eucalyptus punctata 23.841.3 (18-27) a w (x) round - 1.5-2 
ioe straight & 
E. piperita 21.0£1.3 (18-24 a x round 
E. tereticornis 23.4+£1.3 a x round straight - 1.5-2 
: straight & 
E. globoidea 24.842.0 (20-28) a x (w) round - 1.5-3 
Melaleuca/Leptospermum pollen group 
Melaleuca thymoides 19.641.4 (18-23) f (a) Z round concave - to 1 
M.linariifolia 15.4+1.4 (13-18) f Z round concave - to 1 
eS Pe aie 13.0+1.8 (10-19) f Z round concave - to 1 
: coarse, 
L. trinervium 13.5+1.4 (12-16) f y blunt straight to 1 
Tristaniopsis sp. straight & 
ee a 14.441.1 (12-17) az blunt : 3 tol 
laurina concave 
straight & 
Acmena smithii 14 f - round - to 1 
Backhousia myrtifolia 18.0 (14-21) fi Z round concave faint <1 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 53 


Pollen type name on pollen diagrams and probable source in the vegetation. For full lists of species in each 
genus, see Appendix 1A 

Probable source in present day vegetation 
Pollen type 

Pollen types found on both surface sample and fossil pollen diagrams. 






Tricolporate 2 (15 um grains) 



Plantago cf lanceolata 
Plantago cf varia 
Asteraceae Tubuliflorae 
Asteraceae Liguliflorae 

Trilete spores 
Monolete spores 


Eucalyptus spp. 

A. floribunda, C. eximia, C. gummifera 
Melaleuca spp. and Leptospermum spp., Acmena smithii, 
Tristaniopsis sp., Backhousia myrtifolia. 

Any other species in the family 

A. torulosa, A. littoralis 

Pinus spp., most likely P. radiata 

Native Callitris or other intoduced species 

Dodonaea triquetra 

All species in the family, excluding Banksia spp. 

Banksia spp. 

Monotoca spp. 

Includes species from Fabaceae (excluding Acacia), Rutaceae, 
Dilleniaceae, Goodenia hederaceae, Ampera xyphoclada, 
Violaceae, Bursaria spinosa, Stylidiaceae 

Mainly Elaeocarpus reticulatus, Ceratopetalum spp. 
Pimelea linifolia 

Acacia spp. 

Poaceae species 

Plantago lanceolata (introduced) 

Plantago varia (native) 

Chenopodiaceae species (not in Appendix 1) probably herbs 
Caryophyllaceae, as above 

Brassicaceae, as above 

Asteraceae species, excluding Hypochoeris radicata 
Probably only Hypochoeris radicata 

Probably Tribulus terrestris, but the plant was not observed 
Persicaria decipiens, P. hydropiper, P. orientale 
Gonocarpus spp. 

Cyathea sp, Pteridium sp. Adiantum spp. Cheilanthes spp. 
Blechnum spp., Davallia sp., Doodia sp. 

Sellaginella uliginosa 

Hydrocotyle spp. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Unknown 1 (inaperturate) 


Restionaceae species 

Cyperaceae species 

Myriophyllum variifolium 

Potomogeton tricarinatus 

Inaperturate grain with coarse granular pattern, thin exine, 
20-25 um diameter. 

All other unidentified grains 

Other pollen types on surface sample pollen diagram 



Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Platysace linearifolia 
Leucopogon spp 

Liliaceae (sensu. lat.) 
Exocarpus spp. 

Scaveola ramossisima 
Parsonsia straminea 
Portulaca oleracea 
Mistletoe on Eucalyptus spp. 

Lomandra spp 


Pollen type nate oat pollon-Cimginuna wool OBS E PS 

cus, ce Appendix 1A 

PollSHBS nist oratieg mulunsig seo dtiw | 
Patien (ypes found an both surface sacophossmnbipwnik RGURD diagrams. 

Fam pelyyran 

d sry whoru' (or miia 

ipishea {Vw aervinyt 

Ba vig fh) 
rontnoratie 2 (15 um grate) 


1 bed 


Mantago cl loncesiata 

j Teint e: Varia 
Chen 4x) NWaceae 
ary OM vlinc cae 
Asteracese Tuduliflarse 


Gonovanpus nig? 
Trilete spores 
Monoicte spares 




— ee tlhe lS 

muriloyinns rulkelqorvad 

Vt! Mae Vhat yi Ou oats 
wat i tg CLR ‘. aN in preset 

if a Ss ui rrsqun 

2uisTy bo iptralainy mactien pA 
A forilunda, C. eximig, C gummifera 

Me ial STRD gallog slamaee, 228t tus, 89, 29600. 

Tristaniopd:s 8%, Backhouria mavertifial tea 
oily foot tstontent 
ny other species in the fantily 
Fiat Ai At A Mivoral 
Bimes my ny mee} likely P radiata 

Natt 74 C iris or (her imtoduced species 

Bs ep wend ond 

at cies in the family, excluding Banksia 6p. 


curnadeng giana 

akin sooo tee pasate t eochesing Acacia, 
Dilleniaceac, Goodenia hederaceae, Ampera 
Violoceac, Bursaria spinosa, Stylidiaceag 
Mainly B/aocarpus reviculatue, Ceratopetalion spp. 
Pimeleu lintfolia ) 
Acacia spp, 

Poaceag kpecies 

Mlantayo lancamiata (introduced): 

“yi - 


Plamtage varia (aative) 
Chenopediacese species (not in Appendix 1) mane 
Caryephyacead, as above re bs 
Brawsicacond, as above 

Astermocae species, excluding Hypochoeris radiata. 
Probatly only 2fypockoeris raddiciata 

Probmitty Tribulus ferrestris, but the plant was not obs 
Doge 4 on-time — P Aydropipan;: 7 orientale 

ner hh ia 
chitersy Parties, hence menial n 

Mortem app, Davellia sp,, Doodia sp. * ihe 
Svlhenginiiting altyinnnnd "ak Main «Werte we! 


The History of the Vegetation from the Last Glacial Maximum 

at Mountain Lagoon, Blue Mountains, New South Wales. 


'St. James College, 25 Mary St Cygnet, Tas. 7112 
* School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales Sydney 2052 

Robbie, A. and Martin, H.A. (2007). The history of the vegetation from the last glacial maximum at 
Mountain Lagoon, Blue Mountains, New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South 
Wales 128, 57-80. 

Mountain Lagoon in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney provides a sedimentary record of 23,000 years, 
thereby including the Last Glacial Maximum. Initially, the site was a lake where clay was being deposited 
and the vegetation was probably shrubland/herbfields. About 18-19 kyr, the lake became shallow enough 
for sedgelands and peat formation. At this time, pollen concentrations were high and both Casuarinaceae 
and Myrtaceae are prominent. In the early Holocene, about 10 kyr, the swamp became a lake again, perhaps 
because of some minor movement of the fault-line which could have caused a burst of accelerated erosion 
and clay deposition. The lake surface was re-colonized by the sedgelands again about 7-8 kyr, when the 
vegetation was woodland/forest. 

The vegetation surrounding the site was sclerophyllous throughout the last 23 kyr, as would be 
expected on these low nutrient soils. In contrast to the likely marked climatic changes during this period, 
the pollen spectra show remarkably little change in the major taxa. However, variations of some of the 
Myrtaceae pollen show that there were species changes, although some taxa were present the whole time. 

Casuarinaceae was prominent throughout and did not decline until European settlement. 

Manuscript received 3 July 2006, accepted for publication 18 October 2006. 

KEY WORDS: Blue Mountains, Holocene, last glacial maximum, Mountain Lagoon, 

palynology, vegetation history. 


Mountain Lagoon (Fig. 1), in a small enclosed 
basin, was formed following subsidence along the 
Kurrajong Fault line and the subsequent disruption 
to the established drainage patterns. The sediments 
extracted for this study record at least 23,000 years 
of deposition. which includes the Last Glacial 
Maximum (LGM) period at about 18,000 years ago. 
Estimates of the LGM from other records indicate that 
temperatures were some 4-8°C lower than today and 
the climate was also more arid (Dodson 1994) with 
up to 50 % less precipitation (Thom et al. 1994). The 
site stands at just over 500 m elevation today, but with 
lowered sea levels during the glacial period, it would 
have been about 100 m higher in elevation at that 
time. Hope (1989) estimates that this altitude would 
have been near or at the treeline during the last glacial 
period. Studies of the glacial period in southeastern 
Australia show that the vegetation of the time was 

more open, with few trees and more grasslands and 
shrublands (Dodson 1994; Hope 1994), but Pickett 
et al. (2004) think that xerophytic woods and scrubs 
were more extensive in south-western and south- 
eastern Australia. 

There are few histories of the vegetation 
extending back beyond the last glacial period in the 
Sydney Basin. Chalson (1991) found that the Penrith 
Lakes Swamp (Fig. 1) provided a 33,000 year record 
and Black et al. (2006) present a >43,000 year history 
at Thirlmere Lakes, but these are both lowland sites. 
At Readhead Lagoon, a coastal site (Fig. 1), Williams 
et al. (2006) record a history that goes back well 
before the LGM. Chalson also presents a number of 
other sites in the Blue Mountains which are all 11,000 
years or younger in age and Black and Mooney (2006) 
present a 14,000 year history of Gooches Crater on 
the Newnes Plateau. Mountain Lagoon thus provides 
a record of the changes in the vegetation through 
the glacial period to the present at a relatively high 
altitude in the Blue Mountains. 


Mt. WilsoneT 

Lake Baraba 





Vv Westerm_, 
Katoomba \-7 

fast, Bilpip La 

. 7 

~ —-7 5. Bey... 
OG ~=.s US Ling 



ZY Mt Tomah 


/'® Springwood 
oe > } 
Se tiaKe Wye € ; 
~wv Penrith Lakes 


—--— > 

Figure 1. Regional locality map showing study site and place names discussed in text. 



Mountain Lagoon is a shallow, swampy lake in 
a small basin-shaped valley (Ryan et al. 1996) 14 km 
north-east of Bilpin in the eastern Blue Mountains 
(St. Albans G.R. 663966), It was described by Grady 
and Hogbin (1926) as resembling an ‘over-turned 
saucer’, and therefore all sediment within the basin 
is derived from within its own catchment area which 
measures approximately 2 km*. The lagoon lies on 
top of a small, thin lens of Wainamatta Shale which 
is underlain by the Triassic Hawkesbury Sandstone 
(Grady and Hogbin 1926). It is a tectonic lake (Timms 
1992) abutting the Kurrajong Block, and was formed 
following the subsidence of the land to the west of the 
Kurrajong Fault (David 1902). The Kurrajong Block, 
which rises some 120 m above Mountain Lagoon on 
its eastern side and stretches south approximately 25 
km to Glenbrook (David 1902), is believed to have 
impeded the north-eastern progress of a small stream 
whose waters pooled at this barrier and formed the 
lagoon (Grady and Hogbin 1926), possibly in the late 
Tertiary (Branagan 1969). 



Wedged between the coastal ranges, and the 
Upper Blue Mountains and Great Dividing range, 
the St Albans region is mostly in a rainshadow and 
is a relatively dry part of the Hawksbury-Nepean 
catchment. Rainfall is generally over 900 mm, but 
Bilpin, some 7-8 km WSW of Mountain Lagoon, 
seated in front of Mount Wilson, experiences higher 
orographic rainfall, and receives 1300 mm p.a. (Ryan 
etal., 1996). Records kept by a landholder at Mountain 
Lagoon for the period 1952-1994 show an average 
annual rainfall of 1257 mm, with January-February 
the wettest months, with an average of 157-181 mm 
per month, and August-October the driest months, 
with an average of 51-70 mm per month (Hungerford 

Average maximum temperature for January is 
28° C and average minimum temperature for July is 
2-3°C (Ryan et al. 1996). 

The Vegetation 

Prior to historic land clearance for forestry 
and agriculture, the rich, moist soils of the shale 
lens supported a tall open forest dominated by 
Eucalyptus deanei, E. cypellocarpa and Syncarpia 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


glomulifera, specimens of which have survived 
in small patches of forest which remain in the area 
(Ryan et al. 1996). Two significant species with very 
restricted distribution are found in these forests, viz. 
Acacia pubescens and Alania endlicheri. The lagoon 
itself supports a freshwater reed swamp dominated 
by sedges, with a main canopy of Lepidosperma 
longitudinale and a fringing Melaleuca linariifolia 
forest. The sheltered western slope of the Kurrajong 
Block supports a Sydney Sandstone Gully Forest 
dominated by Angophora costata, Eucalyptus 
piperita, E. agglomerata and Syncarpia glomulifera. 
On the exposed ridges at the top of the Kurrajong 
Block, Corymbia eximia, Angophora bakeri, C. 
gummifera, A. costata and Eucalyptus punctata are 
dominant (Ryan et al. 1996). 

Three small patches of basaltic soils at Green 
Scrub to the south of the lagoon support a warm 
temperate rainforest (Floyd 1989). Prior to European 
arrival the forest was most likely dominated by 
Dorifera sassafras, Acmena smithii, Toona ciliata 
and Ceratopetalum spp., but repeated firing and 
logging have greatly altered the forest and continue 
to threaten the floral composition of this forest (Floyd 

Human history and land use 

Archaeological evidence tends to suggest that 
Aboriginal people first settled in the region from 
20,000 to14,000 years before the present (BP) and 
that many sites may have been abandoned at 12,000 
years BP, to be followed by ‘a more intensive phase of 
occupation’ beginning around 10,000-5,000 years BP 
(Conyers 1987). Accounts by early European settlers 
suggest the region was well known to the Dharruk 
and possibly Wiradjuri groups, who had traditional 
names for prominent landforms such as Mt. Tomah, 
and advised on the more accessible routes over the 
mountains The area is culturally significant to the 
Dharruk and the raised area to the immediate west 
of the lagoon was used as a bora ground as late as 
the 1890s (Hungerford 1995). The region 1s encircled 
by sites with rock engravings, cave paintings and axe 
grinding sites (Stockton 1993). 

Europeans such as Mathew Etheringham and 
the botanist George Caley began exploring the 
mountains from Kurrajong Heights around the turn 
of the 19" Century (Hungerford 1995). The existence 
of Mountain Lagoon was known to Europeans before 
1830 and the area was frequented by shooters. Later 
timber extraction and milling became important in 
the area with the removal of ‘wattle barks, blue-gum 
and other hardwoods’, and it is likely that the lagoon 
formed part of a stock route linking the Hunter region 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

with Bathurst. The land to the west of the lagoon was 
first squatted and was later purchased in 1868, and 
a mixed orchard of oranges, lemons, cherries, and 
apples was established, along with maize, oats and 
potatoes. Orchards spread in popularity across the 
region throughout the 20" century, and strawberries 
were introduced in the area in the early 1970s. 
Orchards have largely disappeared from the area 
since 1975, and the land surrounding the lagoon 
supports mostly cattle grazing with some citrus and 
apple growing (Hungerford 1995). 


Six sites, each within different environments 
in the vicinity of the lagoon (Fig. 2) were chosen to 
determine the major variations in vegetation, using 
aerial photographs and onsite inspections. A full list 
of species at Site 6 (Green Scrub rainforest) was 
obtained from P. Hind of the Royal Botanic Gardens, 

In the latter part of the 1980s the lagoon was 
greatly modified in the hope that it would become a 
permanent source of water for cattle. Sediment was 
excavated from the northeastern end of the lagoon 
and deposited towards the south-western end (Fig. 3). 
The results of the excavation were obvious in 1991 
when the original core was taken, (Mr. C. Myers, pers. 
comm. 1996) and an undisturbed site was chosen. 

The stratigraphy along two transects at right 
angles was evaluated using a Hiller corer and the 
sediments were described using the Troels-Smith 
method for sediment description (Moore et al. 1991). 
Two cores for further analysis were taken from a place 
as close as possible to the original site (cored by C. 
Myers), using a Livingstone type corer (Livingstone, 
1955) with modifications (Neale and Walker 1996). 

Two peat sediment samples taken at depths of 
33-38 cm and 59-68 cm from the original core were 
radiocarbon dated by the Beta Analytic Company in 
1991 (Table 1). The top 15 cm of the original core was 
discarded in the belief that this section was disturbed. 
Two samples from the clay extracted in later cores, at 
depths of 60-70 cm and 90-100 cm were dated by the 
Accelerated Mass Spectrometry method at ANTSO 
(Table 1). 

Organic matter was estimated on oven-dried 
(105°C) samples fired to 550°C, at 10 cm intervals. 
During ignition, structurally bound water is lost also, 
but in highly organic sediments, the major loss is 
from the ignition of organic matter (Bengtsson and 
Enell 1990). 

The saturated isothermal remnant magnetism 



[22] Lagoon [ {| Exposed escarpment 
[i] Melaleuca Forest [IT] Protected escarpment 
[L]] Tall Forest ia Warm temperate rainforest 

L] Cleared 

Figure 2. Vegetation survey sites (numbers) and 
map of the vegetation types. 

[- J] Hilltop vegetation 

(SIRM) was measured on sub-samples taken at half 
centimetre intervals from the original core. The 
sediment was dried at 50°C, ground and treated in 
a magnetic field of 1.0 Tesla (Thompson 1990) and 
measured with a Molspin Magnetometer. 

For pollen extraction, sediment samples 
of 1 cm? were taken at 10 cm intervals along the 
second core and were spiked with an exotic pollen 
suspension (Alnus rhombifolia was used) of known 


concentration (Birks and Birks 1980). Humic acids 
were removed with cold 10% potassium hydroxide 
and mineral matter was removed using hydrochloric 
and hydrofluoric acids. The residue was treated with 
acetolysis to clear remaining humic material (Moore 
et al. 1991). The residues were mounted in glycerine 
jelly, using No. 0 coverslips. 

Pollen was identified by comparison with modern 
reference pollen. A minimum of 180 pollen grains 
were counted along traverses on the slides of the 
fine sediment residues. Where there was insufficient 
pollen to count 180 grains, those pollen types present 
were scored as ‘present’. The number of the exotic 
Alnus grains encountered along the traverses were 
counted also, allowing calculation of the pollen 
concentration. The abundance of each pollen type was 
expressed as percentages and as pollen concentration. 
Confidence limits for percentages were calculated 
following Maher (1972). The amount of charcoal in 
each preparation was determined as the area of the 
slide it covered, following the point count method 
(Clark 1984). 


The vegetation 

Six vegetation units in the vicinity of the lagoon 
were defined and a list of species found in each is 
presented in Appendix 1. The vegetation units are 
shown in Fig. 2 and were defined as follows: 

1. The swamp vegetation of the lagoon itself is a 
fen which becomes dry periodically. The centre 
of the lagoon is dominated by Baumea articulata, 
with Nymphoides geminata and Myriophyllum 
variifolium at the margins. 

2. The lagoon fen is ringed by a Melaleuca swamp 
forest, c. 5 m tall, with a 50% cover of Melaleuca 
linariifolia and an understorey of Leptospermum 
polygalifolium and Acacia filicifolia. The ground 
cover consisted of Lepidosperma longitudinale, 
Sphagnum sp. and Viola hederacea. North-east 
of the lagoon, the vegetation has largely been 
cleared for grazing and in this area, small 4 
linariifolia emerge above an understorey of 
Acacia longifolia and L. polygalifolium. The 
ground cover in this area consists of Gleichenia 
dicarpa, Hypolepis muelleri and V. hederacea on 
Sphagnum peat. 

The fen and Melaleuca swamp forest together 
make up the Lepidosperma_longitudinale- 
Melaleuca linariifolia Sedgeland (Ryan et al., 
1996) which is related to other low nutrient 
wetlands, such as the Thirlemere Lakes. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Table 1. Radiocarbon dates. Calibrated years has been calculated according to the Radiocarbon 
Calibrated Program Calib Rev5.0.2 (Stuiver and Reimer, 1986-2005) 

Depth (cm) Sample number Technique io apeon ee ee Sea ee 
33-38 Beta 43680 Standard C™ 9,040 + 90 10,079 
59-68 Beta 43681 Standard C™ 18,660 + 150 22,230 
60-70 OZD666 AMS C"* 19,350 + 220 23,036 
90-100 OZD667 AMS C¥# 19,700 + 390 23,484 

3. The tall forest has a 60-70% 
canopy cover of Eucalyptus deanei 
and a sub-canopy of Syncarpia 
glomulifera and  Pittosporum 

SE e Depth (cm) 

undulatum. Leucopogon spp. and 3 
climbers such as Smilax form lal 
much of the understorey in this 60 
forest and a variety of ferns form a 

thick ground cover. In the cleared 2 
areas to the north-east of the 100 

onl Excavation 
(] Deposition 
@ Core site 

lagoon, a few E. deanei and some 
Eucalyptus piperita were found 
on the drier soils near the lagoon. 
There was no understorey in this 
area. The ground cover consisted 
largely of introduced grasses, with 
Pteridium esculentum growing 
close to the lagoon. 
4.Ontheexposed, rocky escarpment 
of the Kurrajong Block, the 
well drained soils support an 
open woodland dominated by 
a 40-50% cover of Eucalyptus 
piperita, Eucalyptus agglomerata 
and Syncarpia glomulifera. The 
understorey components are 
chiefly sclerophyllous species,e.g. Figure 3. Mountain Lagoon, depicting disturbed sites, strati- 
Banksia spinulosa and Telopea graphic transects and the site of the core for this study. 
speciosissima with Acacia elata 
quite common. 
5. The protected gully of Gospers 
Creek, the outlet of the lagoon, supports a closed 
Turpentine (Syncarpia glomulifera) forest with a 
canopy cover of greater than 70%. It has both 
mesic and xeric components and is dominated by 
S. glomulifera, Angophora costata and E. elata. 
The understorey is dominated by tall Banksia 

serrata and Pittosporum revolutum, with Lomatia 
silaifolia, Leucopogonjuniperinus, L. lanceolatus 
and Xanthorrhoea arborea. The ground cover 
consists of Viola hederacea, Dianella caerulea 
and Echinopogon ovatus. See Ryan et al. (1996) 
for further descriptions of gully forests in the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 61 


Sediment type 

Black moss peat 

Black herbaceous peat 

Dark brown herbaceous peat, 
minor lake mud 

Light brownish clay 

Black clay, minor lake mud 

Dark grey herbaceous peat, 
trace of clay 

Dark reddish brown herbaceous 



18,660 + 150-7 
Dark greyish brown herbaceous 
peat and lake mud 


Dark grey lake mud, trace of sand 


100 Greyish brown clay 

Greyish brown mottled clay 

Figure 4. The sedimentary column. Standard C14 
dates are on the left and AMS C14 dates are on the 
right. Dates are given in radiocarbon years. For cali- 
brated ages, see Table 1. 


6, Green Scrub, on a small lens of basalt soils in 
a protected gully south of the lagoon, supports 
warm temperate rainforest and is dominated 
by Doryphora sassafras, Acmena smithii and 
Syncarpia glomulifera. See Appendix 2 for a full 
list of species. 

in the north has been excavated and the spoil 
dumped in a patch on the western side. Only the 
north-western half of the SW-NE cross section of 
the lagoon is regarded as undisturbed. Sediment 
descriptions of the core are shown in Fig. 4. 

A layer of moss peat covers the lagoon to a 
depth of about 15 cm in most areas (Fig. 3). There 
are minor patches of herbaceous peat on top of 
the moss peat, but they are associated with the 
disturbed areas. Herbaceous peat underlies the 
moss peat in the study core (Fig. 4) but it is not 
evident in the cross sections. A layer of brownish 
clay is found across the whole of the lagoon, 
underlain by black clay and/or lake mud over 
part of the lagoon. A relatively thick layer of 
herbaceous peat underlies the clay, with a layer 
of lake mud (very fine organic matter), and at the 
base, clay. There is some mottling in the deepest 
layers of the basal clay layer. Traces of sand are 
found in some of the deeper clays and lake muds. 

Table 1 presents the radiocarbon dates. 
Assuming continuous sedimentation (Fig. 5), the 
Holocene extends down to about 40 cm in the 
study core, to the base of the upper clay layer 
(Fig. 4) and the overall rate of sedimentation 
approximates 4 cm per k cal. yr. The height of 
the last glacial period (18 k cal. yr) is recorded at 
about 60 cm depth, hence during the time from 
the last glacial maximum to the beginning of 
the Holocene, the rate of sediment accumulation 
was about 2.5 cm per k cal. yr. This latter rate 
continues till about 22 k cal. yr, after which rate 
of sediment accumulation, was rapid, about 10 
cm per k cal. yr. 

The SIRM, microscopic and macroscopic 
charcoal content and carbon content of the 
sediments is shown on Fig. 6. Peak values for all 
of these factors are found in the peat and values 

are lower in the clay. 

Sedimentary history 
Initially, Mountain Lagoon was a lake with 
water too deep for rooted vegetation. Clay is 

usually an indication of a low energy environment, 
but at this location, the Wainamatta Shale weathers 
to produce predominantly clay. Moreover, with 
the lagoon situated at the base of the escarpment 
of the Kurrajong Fault, any tectonic movement or 
vegetation disturbance, even if only slight, could cause 
instability, and the accelerated erosion may contribute 

to the deposition of clay in the lagoon. It is thought 

The stratigraphic transects and cross sections of 
the lagoon are shown in Fig. 3. Part of the lagoon 


that some instability of the fault escarpment probably 
contributed to the rapid rate of clay accumulation at 
the base of the profile. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 





Cc woodland/forest 




Age, ka 

| Radiocarbon date 

eM 1 eros 2 ial Clay @ Calibrated age 
WAS peat on f L A, 

Figure 5. Summary diagram of the history of Mountain Lagoon. This model assumes continuous depo- 
sition (see text). For sedimentary symbols, see Figure 4. 


9,040 |LS< | . + 
y ++ 
18,660 + 
19,350 + Uf + 
Les : i 
19,700 + 

— | 
20 % 

e-_—_—_—" e——— 
5 x" X10° 20 mm?/slide 

Figure 6. SIRM, microscopic and macroscopic charcoal content and carbon content. For the macro- 
scopic charcoal content, the more ‘+’s, the more the charcoal. ‘o’ equals zero macroscopic charcoal. For 
lithologic symbols, see Fig 4. Dates are given in radiocarbon years. For calibrated ages, see Table 1. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 63 


The mottled clay at the base of the profile indicates 
a fluctuating water table and occasional dry periods in 
the earlier part of the glacial period. Towards the end 
of the peak glacial period, the lake became shallow 
enough to allow rooted vegetation and the production 
and preservation of peat. 

At the beginning of the Holocene, there is a layer 
of light brown clay, which is unusual when compared 
to other sites. The colour is also unusual, for if clay 
is deposited slowly under the anaerobic conditions of 
a lake or swamp, it would become grey or black. It is 
possible that some instability of the escarpment may 
have triggered a short burst of intensified erosion and 
deposition of this material. With a return to stability, 
the vegetation recolonized the swamp surface and the 

Table 2. The identification of Myrtaceae pollen in Mountain 
Lagoon sediments. The unidentified Myrtaceae types are depicted 

in Fig. 7. 
Depth (cm) in profile 5 10 20 
Acmena smithii SW) ate 4.9 
Angophora costata 38) +f 
Corymbia gummifera + 
Eucalyptus creba DIAL i: 4.9 
E. punctata Sy) ae 
E. deanei Te 30.3 42.6 
E. piperata 16.4 
E. haemostoma Oli 
Syncarpia glomulifera =P 
Leptospermum spp 5.9 6.1 8.2 
Mytyaceae type I 3 
Mytyaceae type II 6.1 
Mytyaceae type III 13 Jana Gal 11.5 
Myrtaceae type IV + 
Mytyaceae type V + 
Unidentified Myrtaceae PIMA WS TS) 

deposition of peat continued through the rest of the 
It has been suggested that the model of 
continuous deposition adopted above may not apply 
and the basal clay may have been deposited in the 
glacial period, with an hiatus from about 17 kyr to 
the Holocene, when peat deposition commenced. It is 
difficult to rule out the discontinuous model with only 
four dates, but it is harder to accommodate the dating 
into a discontinuous model. The two dates of 18,660 
and 19,350 radiocarbon years (22,230 and 23, 036 
calibrated years, respectively, see Fig. 4) both come 
from within the base of the peat/lake muds, which the 
discontinuous model assumes is Holocene. Further 
implications of the two models are discussed below. 
Charcoal is found in all of the 
samples, suggesting that burning 
could have occurred at any time. 
Charcoal content, however, is higher 
in the peat, when the vegetation 
_ growing on site may have burned 

and deposited charcoal directly into 

the sediments. When the lagoon was 
= a lake and depositing clay, charcoal 
would have to be transported into 
the site, either by wind or water. The 
higher macroscopic charcoal content 
of the peat probably indicates woody 
shrubs were growing very close to 
the site of deposition. 

The SIRM values of the 
sediments closely parallel the 
charcoal input and both are higher 
in the peat. Commonly, high SIRM 
values correspond to a high mineral 
content in the sediment (Thompson 
and Oldfield 1986) but fire has been 
found to increase the soil magnetism 




3) Osc meme 


ar to some extent (Rummery 1983). In 

these sediments, fire seems to have 
had a greater influence on the SIRM 
values than the mineral content. 

7.4 16.0 

Pollen Analysis 

In an attempt to identify the 
myrtaceous pollen, a reference set 
of eleven species from the study 
area was examined in detail, using 
the method outlined by Chalson and 
Martin (1995). Ten of the species 
could be identified specifically 
in the profile (Table 2) but five 
common types (Fig. 7) found in 
the profile were not amongst the 

14.7 24.0 



Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


reference set. Specific identification of fossil grains 
was often limited by distortion, poor preservation 
or being obscured by extraneous matter, hence the 
high proportion of unidentifiable Myrtaceae pollen. 
Specific identification is time consuming hence only 
a few levels of the profile have been studied in this 
detail (Table 2). Appendix 3 presents the name of 
the pollen type on the pollen diagram and the likely 
source of the pollen in the vegetation. 

The pollen diagram (Fig. 8) shows the percentages 
of total pollen count, pollen concentrations for the 
most common specific pollen types and total pollen 
concentrations. The profile has been divided into four 
zones based on pollen content and concentrations: 

Zone A: 100-85 cm, c. > 23 k cal. yr (see Fig. 
5 for approximate dates). Pollen concentration 
is very low, with a moderate representation of 
Casuarinaceae and Myrtaceae. 7: pleistocenicus 
Martin 1973, a ‘spineless’ Asteraceae, cf. 
Cassinia arcuata, Calomeria and possibly others 
(Macphail and Martin 1991), has the highest 
percentage for the profile, which, however, 
is not much. Other shrubs are restricted to 
Monotoca and Hakea, and the herb group is well 
represented. The aquatic group of Cyperaceae 
and Myriophyllum have low representation. 

Zone B: 85-35 cm, c. 23-10 k cal. yr. Pollen 
concentration is the highest for the profile (except 
for the very top). Casuarinaceae and Myrtaceae 
have low percentages but the concentrations are 
high. Shrubs are well represented in the lower 
part of the zone and the herb content is slightly 
higher than the other zones. The aquatic group 
has high percentages and concentrations. There 
appears to be a negative correlation between 
Cyperaceae and Myriophyllum. 

Zone C: 35-10 cm, c. 10 k cal. yr - ? present. Total 
pollen concentration is low and percentages for 
Casuarinaceae and Myrtaceae are high. There 
iS a poor representation of shrubs and aquatic 
percentages and pollen concentrations are low. 

Zone D: 5. cm, ? present. Total pollen concentration 
is exceptionally high and Casuarinaceae and 
Myriophyllum have the highest concentrations. 
Shrubs are poorly represented, and herbs are 

From the glacial period to the present, trees would 
have been almost entirely species of Casuarinaceae and 
Myrtaceae. Both of these families, however, contain 
shrubby species and even the same tree species may 
assume a shrubby habit under harsh conditions, e.g. 
Eucalyptus stricta is a mallee and both Eucalyptus 
pulverulenta and Corymbia gummifera may be a 
tree or mallee in the Blue Mountains today (Plantnet 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Scale bar =5 um 

Figure 7. Common, unidentified Myrtaceae pollen 


2006). The habit of the species cannot be determined 
from the pollen, but since Mountain Lagoon is likely 
to have been at or above the treeline during the glacial 
period (Hope 1989), shrubby species are a possibility. 
By the time of the Holocene, when the climate was 
more like that of today, they were probably trees. 

Taxa within the family Casuarinaceae are generally 
not identifiable from their pollen. Casuarinaceae was 
not found in the survey of the vegetation (Appendix 
1), but the pollen is wind distributed and some of it 
may travel a long way. Today, Allocasuarina torulosa 
is most likely in this region (Ryan et al. 1996). 
Casuarinaceae pollen is present throughout the profile, 
with higher percentages in the Holocene. 

Percentages of Myrtaceae pollen in Zone B, 
the period between the glacial maximum and the 
Holocene, are moderate, increasing in the Holocene, 
and decreasing to the present. Concentrations in 
Zone B, however, are very high, and during this time, 
Eucalyptus deanei, E. piperita and Myrtaceae type III 
were prominent in the vegetation. In the Holocene, E. 
deanei was still the most prominent, but Eucalyptus 
creba is the most common in the top of the profile. 
Pollen of Melaleuca linariifolia was not identified 
in this study, but Rose and Martin (this volume) 
found that it was indistinguishable from pollen of 
Leptospermum spp. and >15 % in surface samples 
was recorded where M. linairifolia was dominant 
in the vegetation. In this study, M. linairifolia and 
Leptospermum spp. are included in the Myrtaceae 

Shrub taxa are most diverse in the lower part 
of zone B, and being low pollen producers, only 
their presence is recorded for most of them. 7 
pleistocenicus, (Cassinia arcuata, Calomeria and 
probably others) is found throughout the profile and it 
may be common in some glacial and older sediments 


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(Martin 1973; Edney et al. 1990; 
Macphail and Martin 1991). Today, 
Cassinia arcuata may be common 
on disturbed mineral soils (Macphai 
and Martin 1991) and Calomeria 
is found along streams and may be 
abundant after fire (Botanic Garden 
Trust 2005). 

The herbaceous taxa are 
present throughout the profile and 
concentrations are higher in B 
Zone. Asteraceae (Tubuliflorae), 
Gonocarpus, Chenopodiaceae and 
Poaceae are the main taxa, but 
individually, are only present in low 

The aquatics Cyperaceae and 
Myriophyllum indicate the extent of the 
sedgeland vegetation. They are low in 
Zone A (glacial period) and the lower 
levels of Zone C (early Holocene) in 
the clay sediments. At these times, the 
lagoon would have been more of a 
lake with a fringing sedgeland. Zone 
B (post-glacial, pre-Holocene) has 
high percentages of Cyperaceae and 
Myriophyllum, where the sediments 
are almost entirely organic, when 
the sedgeland would have covered 
most of the lake. The inverse 
relationship between Cyperaceae and 
Myriophyllum probably reflects subtle 
changes in the water depth and the 
vegetation mosaic. 

The high pollen concentrations in 
Zone B are found in the lake muds, 
very finely divided organic matter. 
In the lake muds, the plant fragments 
of the peat have been mostly broken 
down, probably compacting the 
original peat and at the same time, 
concentrating the pollen content. 
Percentages suggest that the pollen 
content of Casuarinaceae and 
Myrtaceae decrease in Zone B, but 
concentrations show that this was not 
so: in fact the pollen concentrations 
have increased considerably. The 
better representation of shrubs and the 
increase in the herbs and considerable 
increase in aquatic pollen would mean 
that proportionately, other groups 
are less well represented (in terms 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


of percentages). The low pollen concentration of 
aquatics in Zone C, the early Holocene, is probably 
the result of the change of habitat caused by the 
clay deposition, making it unsuitable for aquatics. 
Towards the present, the sedgeland vegetation was 

Freshwater algal spores of species of 
Zygnemataceae were found in the sediments and 
Debarya sp., cf. Mougetia viridis, cf. M. elegatula, 
Spyrogyra sp. and Zygnema sp. were identified. 
Botryococcus braunii and spores of Cyanobacteria 
(Churchill 1960) were also present. Characeae 
oospores were found at 5 cm in sieved material, before 
treatment with acids. An unidentified dinoflagellate 
was also common in the sediments. 

In the clay of Zone A, algal spores were 
moderately represented. Botryococcus, cf. Mougetia 
viridis and cf. M. elegantula were common in the 
shallower margins of the lake. In Zone B, all of the 
algal types increased at 70 cm depth, where Zygnema 
and Debarya were at their most abundant. Very few 
algal spores were found at 60 cm, and Debarya and 
Spirogyra were not found in this zone above 60 cm. 
The remaining Zygnemataceae and the unknown 
dinoflagellate increased in abundance at 40 cm. 
Botryococcus remained abundant throughout Zone 
B with high amounts at 50 cm. Cyanobacteria were 
abundant at 70 cm and 40 cm. 

In Zone C, Zygnemataceae spores were low at 30 
cm, in the clay, increasing to high levels at 20 cm, with 
the exception of Debarya. Zygnema was particularly 
high in abundance at 20 cm, and high amounts of this 
alga were maintained into Zone D. Botryococcus was 
present in very high amounts at 30 cm and amounts 
remained relatively high to the top of the core. The 
abundance of Cyanobacteria was moderate at 30 cm, 
increasing to a peak at 20 cm and remaining high to 
the top of the of the core. Oospores of Characeae were 
common in Zone D. 

History of the Vegetation 

During the late glacial period, the vegetation 
was probably a shrubland with a diversity of species. 
When clay was being deposited and the lagoon was 
a lake, the sedgeland would have been confined to a 
fringe around the lake. When the water depth became 
shallow enough, the sedgelands encroached on the 
surface of the lake. Peat was forming at 23-22 k cal. 
yt, prior to the height of the glacial period, hence the 
lake had become shallow enough for a sedgeland at 
this time (Fig. 5). 

During the period preceding the Holocene, the 
sedgeland flourished and it was probably comparable 
with the sedgeland there today. Myrtaceae was 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

also abundant, and it may have been similar to the 
Melaleuca and Leptospermum swamp forest seen 
there today. Herbs were well represented also. In the 
early Holocene, the lagoon reverted to a lake and the 
sedgelands were once again restricted in extent, but 
they returned later in the Holocene. Casuarinaceae 
and Myrtaceae were relatively the most abundant and 
they were probably trees. 

Algal spores are present through the profile and 
are abundant at some levels. Zygnemetaceae are found 
in oligotrophic waters, and shallow, stagnant pools 
of mesotrophic waters, less than half a metre deep, 
induce spore formation in spring (Van Geel 1978; van 
Geel and Grenfell 1996). Of the Characeae, Chara is 
typically found in hard waters, and secretes lime, but 
Nitella grows in soft water (Pentecost 1984). These 
water conditions could occur, even if for only a short 
time, given the right combination of fresh water input 
and evaporation. 

At this level of identification of the pollen, there 
appears relatively little change in the taxa present, but 
where a more precise identification is possible, e.g. 
with some Myrtaceae grains, changes at the species 
level were detected. Some species of Eucalyptus 
have been present the whole time. The major dryland 
vegetation type, viz. sclerophyllous shrublands/ 
woodlands/ forests, with both Casuarinaceae and 
Myrtaceae prominent, seem to have occupied the site 
for the whole of the time recorded here. On these poor 
nutrient soils, substantial grasslands are unlikely, even 
with climatic change. 

Climatic Implications 

A climatic interpretation for the changes at 
Mountain Lagoon is somewhat uncertain. A lake 
implies water too deep for rooted swamp plants. It 
is estimated that rainfall would have been up to half 
of the present values during the last glacial period 
(Thom et al. 1994; Allan and Lindsay 1998) and 
the warmest month was up to 9 °C less than today, 
(Galloway 1965; Allan and Lindsay 1998). With 
a lower rainfall and less evaporation, and if the 
dominants were shrubs, evapotranspiration would be 
less also, then free water may have been available for 
the lake. Mottling indicates a fluctuating water table 
and there were probably dry spells when the lake 
dried up, but probably not long enough for sedgelands 
to become established. Perhaps water balance was 
too variable for the development of sedgelands. 
However, sedgelands colonized the lagoon surface 
during the glacial period, inferring that the water 
balance had become favourable or stable enough for 
rooted vegetation, at a time that other sites record dry 
and cold conditions for southern Australia. Moreover, 



the sedgelands may have persisted from the height of 
the glacial period to the beginning of the Holocene, 
and the pollen concentration and amount of organic 
matter suggest a quite productive ecosystem. 

The climatic tolerances of most of the myrtaceous 
species identified are presented in Table 3 and it can 
be seen that the ranges of mean annual precipitation 
under which these species are found is quite large. If 
the rainfall of Mountain Lagoon is halved, as would 
have been likely during the glacial maximum, then the 
site would have been at or close to the lower limits for 
all of the Angophora/Corymbia/Eucalyptus species. 
Consequently, all of these species could have been 
present throughout the glacial period. Unfortunately, 
temperature data are not available for a similar 
analysis since the closest meteorological stations are 
at such different altitudes. 

In reviewing the studies of dune building in 
southeastern Australia, Thom et al. (1994) found that 
extensive aeolian deposits in the Shoalhaven River 
Catchment were dated to two periods of dune building 
between 19,000-6,000 yr BP, with a period of stability 
between 18,000 and 14,000 yr BP. This evidence 
implies an increase in vegetation cover during this 
period, and there may have been fluctuations in 
climate within the overall general trends. Mountain 
Lagoon data would support this view. 


There are three other sites in the Sydney Basin 
with a vegetation history going back to the last 
glacial period. Lake Baraba, one of the Thirlmere 
Lakes (Fig. 1), is an upland fluviatile system 
contained in an entrenched meander (Timms 1992). 
Here, Casuarinaceae was dominant from >34 kyr 
to the Holocene, when the sediments were clay. 
Myrtaceae became co-dominant about 8 kyr, when 
peat formation began (Black et al. 2006). In contrast, 
both Casuarinaceae and Myrtaceae are prominent 
through the glacial period and the whole of the time 
at Mountain Lagoon. Sclerophyll communities with 
minimal Poaceae were present at Lake Baraba the 
whole time, just as they are at Mountain Lagoon. 

The second site, Penrith Lakes (Fig.1), was an 
abandoned meander in the flood plain of the Nepean 
River (Chalson 1991). Clay was deposited from 
>33 kyr, changing to peat only about 3 kyr. During 
the glacial period, there were minimal Myrtaceae 
and Casuarinaceae, some Poaceae and relatively 
abundant T. pleistocenicus, the Cassinia arcuata type. 
The shrubby C. arcuata may become abundant on 
disturbed mineral soils, and this habitat was probably 
common on the floodplain, which would have been 
a shrubland at the time of the glacial period. Some 

Table 3. Climatic tolerances of Myrtaceous species identified in sediments from Mountain Lagoon 
(Boland et al. 2002) and climatic data for the closest meteorological stations. Richmond (average of Uni- 
versity of Western Sydney and RAAF base), Katoomba (BoM 2006) and Mountain Lagoon (Hungerford 
1995. The altitude for the meteorological stations is included. 

Species Mean max. hottest Mean min. coldest Max. frost Mean annual 
month (°C) month (°C) days/year ppt (mm) 
Acmena smithii 26-32 5-15 few 1000-2000 
Angophora costata 25-35 0-8 0-50 600-1200 
Corymbia gummifera 24-32 1-8 0-30 700-1800 
Eucalyptus creba 26-36 0-17 0-50 550-2000 
E. punctata 26-33 1-6 0-40 700-1200 
E. deanei 25-30 0-5 0-50 750-1500 
Richmond, alt.~ 20m 24 10-11 800-810 
Mt. Lagoon, alt ~ 500 m L257 
Katoomba, alt. ~ 1040 m 16.6 7.9 1400 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Myrtaceae and Casuarinaceae are found during the 
upper Holocene, and Poaceae became prominent, 
unlike Mountain Lagoon. 

The third site, Redhead Lagoon (Fig.1), a now 
near-coastal site south of Newcastle (Williams et al. 
2006) has a long record. During the height of the 
glacial period, there was a very high Casuarinaceae 
pollen content with lesser amounts of Angophora/ 
Corymbia, and Eucalyptus. The environment was not 
treeless, although it is possible that the Casuarinaceae 
may have been small trees or shrubs. It is thought 
that local conditions may have enhanced the moisture 
relationships (Williams et al. 2006). 

The rapid rate of clay deposition during the glacial 
period at Mountain Lagoon is an unusual feature, 
but it is recorded in at least one other site. Burraga 
Swamp on the Barrington Tops (Sweller and Martin 
2001) is situated at the base of Mount Lumeah hence 
has a topographically similar situation to Mountain 
Lagoon. There, from from 38-21,000 years BP., the 
rate of sedimentation was low. Then followed a much 
higher rate of sedimentation during the height of the 
glacial period, attributed to catchment instability 
caused by periglacial activity. Mountain Lagoon was 
probably at or above the treeline during the glacial 
period (Hope 1989) and if the vegetation cover was 
disrupted by the harsh climate of the glacial period, it 
may have caused some instability of the easily eroded 
Wainamatta Shale escarpment, with a consequent 
higher rate of sedimentation in the lake. Movement 
along the Kurrajong Fault line, even if slight, would 
be another cause of instability that could occur 
at any time and contribute to an increased rate of 

The deposition of peat during the glacial period 
is also unusual. As discussed previously, clay was 
being deposited at both Penrith Lakes (Chalson 
1991), and Thirlmere Lakes (Black et al. 2006), and 
silt at Redhead Lagoon (Williams et al. 2006), the 
only other sites in the Sydney Basin with records 
going back to the last glacial maximum. Further 
afield, at Lake George (Singh and Geissler 1985) 
and Burraga Swamp on the Barrington Tops (Sweller 
and Martin 2001), inorganic sediments were being 
deposited during the last glacial period. On the 
Barrington Tops, the change from inorganic to peat 
sedimentation occurred at least close to or during the 
Holocene (Dodson 1987). Mountain Lagoon must 
have been particularly favourable for plant growth 
during the glacial period. Perhaps its location on 
the western side of the Kurrajong block, which may 
have provided some protection, was advantageous. 
The lagoon would have received run-off from the 
surrounding slopes, and the warming of the Block by 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

the afternoon sun may have meant that temperatures 
were less extreme. In any case, a comparison of the 
range of precipitation where the dominant species are 
found today and the probable precipitation during the 
glacial period show that they could have been present 
at Mountain Lagoon through the height of the glacial 
period, albeit at the lower end of their range. The 
shrubs and herbaceous species found at Mountain 
Lagoon are mainly widespread taxa and the results of 
this study would suggest that they too existed at the 
site through the glacial maximum. 

A decline in Casuarinaceae and its replacement 
with Myrtaceae about mid Holocene time may be 
found in a number of sites, and likely causes for this 
feature have been suggested, as discussed in Rose 
and Martin (this volume). Mountain Lagoon does 
not show any decline in Casuarinaceae and both 
Casuarinaceae and Myrtaceae were well represented 
the whole time. Casuarinceae was not found in the 
survey of the vegetation for this study, hence its only 
decline would have been the result of logging by 
European settlers. The wood of Casuarinaceae was 
prized by Europeans for firewood, building and tool 
making (Entwisle 2005). 

The history of the vegetation at Mountain Lagoon 
suggests very little change in the vegetation from the 
glacial period to the present and even some to the 
Eucalyptus species are found throughout the profile. 
Unfortunately, the palynology cannot determine if 
a species assumed a different lifeform during the 
glacial period. The only change in the vegetation is 
associated with the change from lake to sedgelands 
(Fig. 5), controlled by hydrological changes. Even 
these changes do not fit the traditional view of a harsh 
glacial climate, slowly improving to a climate like 
the present about the time of the Holocene. Mountain 
Lagoon may either have been a refugium or there 
was more variation in the vegetation during the last 
glacial period than previously thought. As discussed 
previously, evidence from ‘coastal’ dunes during the 
last glacial period (Thom et al. 1994) suggested that 
there was a ‘...greater concentration of forests in more 
discrete, protected sites along the eastern escarpment 
than was previously considered by palaeoecologists’, 
and this view may be applicable to other regions such 
as the Blue Mountains. 

In a study of aeolian dunes on the Newnes 
Plateau in the Blue Mountains (altitude 1000 m), 
Hesse et al. (2003) came to the conclusion that 
unrealistically drier conditions were necessary to 
allow wind transport at this site. They have suggested 
that it would require additional impediments to 
plant growth, such as lower temperatures and lower 
atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations during 



the height of the glacial period to disrupt the sparse 
vegetation and allow the necessary conditions for 
dune formation. This interpretation is at odds with the 
story from Mountain Lagoon. Today, periodic drought 
will disrupt the vegetation and allow inactive dunes to 
become mobile, and this could have happened during 
the height of the glacial period also. The two sites 
are not comparable: palynology requires sites which 
remain permanently wet and are thus probably the 
most hydrologically favourable in the landscape, in 
contrast to sites that allow aeolian transport, such as 
an exposed plateau. There must have been a mosaic of 
environments during the glacial period, just as there 
is today and these two studies have sampled different 
environmental settings. 


The rapid accumulation of clay in the lake at 
22-23 k cal. yr is thought to have been caused by 
vegetation and soil instability, the result of the harsh 
climate at the height of the glacial maximum. 

Sedgelands colonized the lake surface about 22 k 
cal. yr and then followed peat deposition from what 
must have been a productive ecosystem, comparable 
to today, until the Holocene. 

The Lagoon reverted to a lake and clay deposition, 
c. 10-8 k cal. yr, probably because of slight instability 
of the fault-line and a burst of accelerated erosion. 

Sedgelands re-colonized the lake surface again 
and remained to the present day. 

The dryland vegetation appears remarkably 
similar through the whole time: it was sclerophyllous 

When Myrtaceae grains are identified to species, 
they show that there has been change in the species, 
but some species have been present the whole time. 

The species found in the locality today could 
have been present through the glacial period, albeit at 
the lower end of their range of precipitaiton. 

Both Casuarinaceae and Myrtaceae are prominent 
the whole time, and Casuarinaceae only declines with 
European settlement. 


We are indebted to an ANSTO grant, 98/069R, for 
carbon dating and a grant from the Joyce W. Vickery 
Research Fund to make this project possible. We would 
like to thank Prof. John Dodson who suggested we study 
Mountain Lagoon and who supplied a core. Mr. P. Hind 
generously assisted with the flora of the region. We 
appreciate the encouragement and assistance provided by 

friends and colleagues. 



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Mountain Lagoon species lists obtained from the vegetation survey. Sites: 1, Lagoon. 2, Melaleuca forest. 3, 
Tall forest. 4, Exposed escarpment (full species list not obtained and omitted here. For vegetation description, 
see text). 5, Protected escarpment. For site 6, the Green Scrub rainforest, see Appendix 2. For a full list of 
species in the region, see Ryan et al. (1996). Nomenclature follows Harden (1992; 1993; 2000:; 2002) and 
Plantnet (2005). *Indicates introduced species. 

Species Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 
Sphagnum sp. 5 



Adiantum aethiopicum L. ats 


Blechnum cartilagineum Sw. ° 


Hypolepis meulleri N.A. Wakef. 

Pteridium esculentum (Forst. f.) Cockayne =F a + 

Gleichenia dicarpa ats 


Pteris tremula R. Br oF + 

Schizaea dichotoma Sm. + 



Hydrocotyle peduncularis A. Rich. + 

Polyscias sambucifolia Harms + 

Tylophora barbata R. Br. an 

Cuscuta australia R. Br. 4. 

Ceratopetalum apetalum D. Don | =F + 

Hibbertia dentata DC. ar 

72 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


H.. hermanniifolia DC. 
Tetratheca ciliata Lindl. + 
Leucopogon ericoides R. Br. 
L. juniperinus R. Br. 
L. lanceolatus (Sm.) R. Br. + + 
Fabaceae - faboideae 
Dillwynia retorta Druce 
Gompholobium latifolium Sm. 
Pultenaea flexilis Sm. + 
P. linophylla Schrad. and J.C. Wendl. 
Fabaceae - mimosoideaea 
Acacia elata Benth. 
A. filicifolia M.B. Welch, Coombs & McGlynn 
A. longifolia (Andrews) Willd. 
Myriophyllum latifolium F. Muell. 
Myriophyllum cf M. variifolium Hook. f. 
Nymphoides geminata (R. Br.) Kuntze =F 
Angophora costata Britten 

Eucalyptus agglomerata Maiden 

E. deanei Maiden at 
E. elata Debnh. 
E. piperita Sm. a 

E. saligna Sm. 

Leptospermum polygalifolia Salib. =F + 
Melaleuca linariifolia Sm. ae 
Syncarpia glomulifera (Sm.) Nied. =e 

Billardiera scandens Sm. 

Pittosporum revolutum Dryand. 

P. undulatum Vent. ae 

Banksia serrata L. f. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


B. spinulosa Sm. 

Lomatia silaifolia (Sm.) R. Br. 
Persoonia laurina Pers. 
Telopea speciosissima R. Br. 

Exocarpus strictus R. Br. 

Dodonaea triquetra J.C. Wendl. 

Viola hederaceae Labill. 


Alisma plantago-aquatica L. 
Damasonium minus Buchenau 


Baumea articulata (Nees) Broeck. 

Lepidosperma laterale R. Br. 
L. longitudinale Labill. 
Schoenus melanostachys R. Br. 

Juncus usitatus L.A.S. Johnson 

Lomanara longifolia Labill. 

Eustrephus latifolius Ker Gawl. 

Dianella longifolia R. Br. 

D. caerulea Sims 


*Echinopogon caespitosus C.E. Hubb. 

*F. ovatus (G. Forst.) P. Beauv. 

Entolasia marginata (R. Br.) Hughs 
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R. Br. 

*Paspalum distichum L. 

Smilax austalis R. Br. 


+ + 
- + 
+ - 
4 + 
- + 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

S. glyciphylla Sm. 


Xanthorrhoea arborea R. Br. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 




Species found in Green Scrub Rainforest, Site 6 (P. Hind, pers. comm.). Nomenclature follows Harden (1992; 

1993; 2000:; 2002) and Plantnet (2005). * denotes an introduced species. 


Adiantum aethiopicum L. 

A. diaphanum Blume 

A. formosum R. Br. 

A. hispidulum Sw. 

A. silvaticum Tindale (R. Br.) F, e 
Pellaea falcata (R. Br.) Fée 

P. nana (Hook) Bostock 


Asplenium attenuatum R. Br. 

A. australasicum (J. Sm.) Hook. 
A. flabelllifolium Cav. 

Diplazium australe (R. Br.) N.A. Wakef. 


Blechnum ambiguum (C. Presl.) Kaulf. ex C. Chr. 
B. cartilagineum Sw. 

B. nudum (Labill.) Mett. ex Luerss. 

B. patersonii (R. Br.) Mett. 

B. wattsii Tindale 

Doodia aspera R. Br. 

Cyathea australis (R. Br.) Domin. 
C. leichhardtiana (F. Muell.) Copel. 

Arthropteris tenella (G. Forst.) J. Sm. ex Hook. f. 


Dennstaedtia davallioides (R. Br.) T. Moore 
Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J. sm. 
Pteridium esculentum (G. Forst.) Cockayne 

Calochlaena dubia (R. Br.) M.D. Turner& R.A. 


Lastreopsis acuminata (Houlston) C.V. Morton 
L. decomposita (R. Br.) Tindale 

L. microsora (Engl.) Tindale 

Polystichum australiense Tindale 


Sticherus flabellatus (R. Br.) H. St John 

Grammitis billardieri Willd. 

Hymenophyllum australe Willd. 
H. cupressiforme Labill. 

Lindsaea microphylla Sw. 

Leptopteris fraseri (Hook. & Grev.) C. Presl. 
Todea Barbata (L.) T. Moore 

Platycerium bifurcatum (Cav.) C. Chr. 
Pyrrosia rupestris (R. Br.) Ching 

Pteris tremula R. Br. 
P. umbrosa R. Br. 

Cheilanthes distans (R. Br.) Mett. 
C. sieberi Kunze 

Tmesipteris truncata (R. Br.) Desv. 

Deeringia amaranthoides (Lam.) Merr. 

Aphanopetalum resinosum Endl. 


Melodinus australis (F. Muell.) Pierre 
Marsdenia flavescens A. Cunn. ex Hook. 
Parsonsia straminea Pichon 

Tylophora barbata R. Br. 

Astrotricha latifolia Benth. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Polyscias murayi (F. Muell.) Harms. 


*Conza albida Willd. ex Spreng]. 
Olearia tomentosa (J.C. Wendl.) Benth. 
Senecio linearifolius A. Rich. 

Pandorea pandorana (Andrews) Steenis 

Ehretia acuminata R. Br. 

Austrocynoglossum latifolium (R. Br.) R. Mill. 

Sambucus australasicus (Lindl.) Fritsch 

Stellaria flaccida Hook. 

Einadia hastata (R. Br.) J. Scott 

Calystegia marginata R. Br. 
Dichondra repens J. Forst. & G. Forst. 


Callicoma serratifolia Andrews 
Ceratophyllum apetalum D. Don 
C gummiferum Sm. 

Schizomeria ovata D. Don 

Hibbertia dentata R. Br. ex D.C. 
Hibbertia sp. 

Diospyros australis (R. Br.) Hiern 

Elaeocarpus reticulatus Sm. 

Acrotriche divaricata R. Br. 
Trococarpa laurina R. Br. 


Breynia oblongifolia F. Muell. 
Claoxylon australis Baill. 
Omalanthus populifolius Graham 

Eupomatia laurina R. Br. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Desmodium varians (Labill.) C. Don 
Glycine clandestina J.C. Wendl. 
Indigofera australis Willd. 
Kennedia rubicunda Vent. 
Pultenaea flexilis Sm. 

Fieldia australis A. Cunn. 

Geranium homeanum Yurcz. 

Goodenia ovata Sm. 


Chloanthes stoechadis R. Br. 
Plectranthus parviflorus Willd. 
Prostranthera rhombea R. Br. 
Teucrium corymbosum R. Br. 


Abutilon oxycarpum (F. Muell.) F. Muell. ex Benth. 

Howittia trilocularis F. Muell. 

Toona ciliata (F. Muell.) Harms 

Sarcopetalum harveyanum F. Muell. 

Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers var. discolor 

(Blume) Forman 


Acacia elata Benth. 

A. implexa Benth. 

A. maidenii F. Muell. 

A. oxycedrus Dieber ex DC. 
A. parramattensis Tindale 
A. saliciformis Tindale 


Doryphora sassafras Endl. 
Hedycarya angustifolia A. Cunn. 
Palmeria scandens F. Muell. 
Wilkiea huegeliana (Tul.) A. DC. 

Ficus coronata Spin 
F. rubiginosa Desf. ex Vent. 



Myrsinaceae Galium binifolium N.A. Wakef. 
Rapanea howittiana Mez. G. propinquum A. Cunn. 
R. variabilis (R. Br.) Mez. Morinda jasminoides A. Cunn. 
Psychotria loniceroides Sieber ex DC. 
Acmena smithii (Poir.) Merr. & L.M. Perry Rutaceae 
Angophora costata Britten Melicope microccoca (F. Muell.) T.G. Hartley 
Backhousia myrtifolia Hook. & Harv. 
Eucalyptus agglomerata Maiden Sapindaceae 
E. piperata Sm. Guioa semiglauca R. Br. 
E. saligna Sm. 
Rhodamnia rubescens (Benth.) Migq. Scrophulariaceae 
Syncarpia glomulifera (Sm.) Nied. Veronica plebeia R. Br. 
Tristaniopsis laurina (Sm.) Peter G. Wilson & J.T. 
Waterh. Solanaceae 
Solunum aviculare G. Forst. 
Oleaceae S. americanum Miller 
Notolea ovata R. Br. S. stelligerum Sm. 
N. venosa F.Muell. Solanum sp. 
Passifloraceae Thymelaeaceae 
Passiflora cinnabarina Lindl. Pimelea latifolia R. Br. var. hirsuta (Meissner) 
P. herbertiana Ker. Gawl. Threlfall 
*P._ subpeltata Ortega 
Pittosporaceae Ulmaceae 
Bursaria spinosa Cav. Trema aspera (Brongn.) Blume 
Pittosporum multiflorum (A. Cunn. ex Loudon) L. 
Cayzer, Crisp & I. Telford Verbenaceae 
P. revolutum Dryand. Clerodendrum tomentosum R. Br. 
P. undulatum Vent. 
Plantaginaceae Hymenanthera dentata R. Br. ex DC. 
Plantago debilis R. Br. Viola hederacea Labill. 
Proteaceae Vitaceae 
Persoonia levis (Cav) Domin. Cayratia clematidea (F. Muell.) Domin 
P. linearis Andrews Cissus antarctica Vent. 
P. pinifolia R. Br C. hypoglauca A. Gray 
Stenocarpus salignus R. Br 
Tasmannia insipida R. Br. ex DC. 
Clematis aristida R. Br ex Ker. Gawl. MONOCOTYLEDONS 
Rhamnaceae Gymnostachys anceps R. Br. 
Alphitonia excelsa (Fenzl.) Benth. 
Rosaceae Livistonia australia (R. Br.) Mart. 
Rubus moluccanus L. var. trilobatus A.R. Bean 
R.rosifolius sm. Asteliaceae 
Rubus sp. aff. R. moorei F. Mull. Cordyline stricta (Sims) Endl. 

78 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Commelina cyanea R. Br. 


Carex appressa R. Br. 

Cyperus imbicillis R. Br. 

Gahnia aspera (R. Br.) Spreng. 

G. melanocarpa R. Br. 

G. sieberiana Kunth. 

Gymnoschoenus sphaerocephalus (R. Br.) Hook. f. 
Lepidosperma laterale R. Br. 

L. urophorum N.A. Wakef. 

Lomanadra longifolia Labill. 
L. montana (R. Br.) L.R. Frazer & Vickery 

Eustrephus latifolius Ker. Gawl. 
Geitonoplesium cymosum R. Br. 


Bulbophyllum shepherdii (F. Muell.) F. Muell 
B. exiguum F. Muell. 

Cymbidiium suave R. Br. 

Dendrobium aemulum R. Br. 

D. pugioniforme A. Cunn. 

D. speciosum Sm. 

D. striolatum Rchb. f. 

D. teretifolium R. Br. 

Liparis reflexa (R. Br.) Lindl. 
Plectorrhiza tridentata (Lindl.) Dockrill 
Pterostylis curta R. Br. 

P. grandiflora R. Br. 

P. longifolia R. Br. 

P. nutans R. Br. 

P. obtusa R. Br. 

P. pedunculata R. Br. 

Sarcochilus falcatus R. Br. 

S. hillii (F. Muell) F. Muell. 

S. olivaceus Lindl. 

Dianella caerulea Sims 

*Echinopogon ovatus (G. Forst. P. Beau. 
Entolasia stricta (R. Br.) Hughes 

Imperata cylindrica var major S.W.L. Jacobs & C.A. 


Oplismenus aemulus (R. Br.) Roem. & Schult. 
O. imbecillis (R. Br.) Roem. & Schult. 
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R. Br. 

Panicum pygmaeum R. Br. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Ripogonum album R. Br. 

Smilax australis R. Br. 



Appendix 3 

Pollen type name on pollen diagram (Fig. 8) and probable source in the vegetation, taken from the vegetation 
survey and Ryan et al. (1996). 

Pollen type on pollen diagram Probable source in the vegetation 


Casuarinaceae Casuarina and Allocasuarina. A. torulosa most likely 
All species in the family. For identifications and proportions, 

Myntaceae see Table 2 
Podocarpus Probably Podocarpus spinulosus 
Monotoca Probably Monotoca scoparia 

Other Ericaceae 

Other species in the family 

Banksia All species in the genus 
Hakea All species in the genus 
Acacia All species in the genus 

Asteraceae T. pleistocenicus 

A ‘spineless’ Asterceae, thought to be a Cassinia 


Asteraceae (Tubuliflorae) All species in the Tubuliflorae 
Gonocarpus Gonocarpus/Haloragis 
Chenopodiaceae All species in the family 
Poaceae All species in the family 
Brassicaceae All species in the family 
Caryophyllaceae All species in the family 

Cyperaceae All species in the family 
Myriophyllum All species in the genus 
Restionaceae All species in the family 
Potamogeton All species in the genus 
?Convolvulaceae ?Convolvulaceae 

Trilete/monolete spores 



All ferns and their allies 

Unidentified pollen types 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

A Revision of the Cryptandra propinqua Complex 
(Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae) 


‘National Herbarium of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, 
Birdwood Avenue, South Yarra, Victoria 3141 
School of Botany, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010. 

Kellermann, J. & Udovicic, F. (2007). A Revision of the Cryptandra propinqua complex (Rhamnaceae: 
Pomaderreae). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 128, 81-98. 

Four species are recognised in the Cryptandra propinqua complex: C. propinqua A. Cunn. ex Fenzl, 
C. ciliata A.R. Bean, C. speciosa A. Cunn. ex Kellermann & Udovicic, here as new described, and C. 
magniflora F.Muell., here re-instated. Two subspecies are recognised and described as new: C. propinqua 
subsp. maranoa Kellermann & Udovicic and C. speciosa subsp. strigosa Kellermann & Udovicic. The 
recently named taxon C. rigida A.R. Bean is reduced to synonymy under C. propinqua subsp. propinqua. 
Descriptions, illustrations of flowers and distribution maps are provided for each taxon. A lectotype is 

designated for C. magniflora. 

Manuscript received 11 July 2006, accepted for publication 13 December 2006. 

KEYWORDS: Australia, flora, Cryptandra, New South Wales, Pomaderreae, Queensland, Rhamnaceae, 

South Australia, taxonomy, Victoria. 


Cryptandra Sm. is the second largest genus of 
Australian Rhamnaceae. It occurs mainly in the 
heathlands and woodlands of temperate to semi-arid 
Australia and extends from south-western Western 
Australia to south-eastern Australia, some species 
occur in subtropical and tropical Queensland and there 
are scattered occurrences in the Kimberley, Pilbara 
and northerly part of the Northern Territory (Ladiges 
et al. 2005, Kellermann et al. 2005, Kellermann 2006). 
Key synapomorphies for the genus are one-flowered 
inflorescences, imbricate rows of bracts surrounding 
the base of the flower, a densely tomentose disk 
surrounding the base of the ovary, fruitlets that 
dehisce by a slit to release the seed, and stipules that 
are fused around the base of the petiole (Thiele and 
West 2004, Thiele 2007). 

The species of the Cryptandra propinqua 
complex are widely distributed from the mallee 
regions of South Australia and Victoria to inland and 
coastal New South Wales and Queensland. Taxa in 
the complex have relatively large flowers, with sepals 

usually longer than the free part of the hypanthium. 
The base of the flowers is surrounded by many (up to 
11) spirally arranged bracts, which often cover part 
of the floral tube as well. In Western Australia, the 
closest relatives on morphological grounds appear 
to be C. aridicola Rye and C. minutifolia Rye (Rye 

Previous research on species in the C. propinqua 
complex has so far been focussed on state floras, and 
no attempt had been made since Bentham (1863) 
to examine specimens over their whole range of 
distribution. In preparation for the “Flora of Australia’ 
treatment of Rhamnaceae, herbarium specimens 
were examined from all major Australian herbaria, 
allowing a comprehensive study of C. propinqua and 
related taxa. 


Allan Cunningham was the first botanist to collect 
specimens of the Cryptandra propinqua complex, 
during expeditions in New South Wales and southern 
Queensland in 1823, 1825 and 1827. Cunningham 


apparently realised that there were two different 
species present in New South Wales. He gave the 
taxon he collected as number 24 the manuscript name 
‘C. speciosa’ and described it as a ‘shrub of rigid 
habit frequent in the barren rocky situations in various 
parts of the Interior from the latitude of 29 to 33 S. 
& Long. 151-148 flowering actually in May & June’ 
(note on BM 50750). He distinguished this inland 
species from the tablelands from a closely related 
coastal taxon with collecting number 22, which was 
named by him ‘C. propinqua’. Fenzl published C. 
propinqua in a footnote in ‘Enumeratio plantarum ... 
Hiigel’ in 1837, taking up Cunningham’s manuscript 
name. However, he could not have received material 
of Cunningham’s collection of ‘C. speciosa’, and this 
taxon remained unnamed. Fenzl did not indicate a 
collecting number or precise locality in the protologue. 


This led to confusion about the circumscription of C. 
propinqua, since some authors assumed that both 
Cunningham collections represent the same species. 
An examination of the type at W (Fig. 1) revealed 
that the material Fenzl used to name the species was 
indeed the coastal form collected by Cunningham 
under number 22 (Judy G. West, pers. comm., July 

In 1862 Ferdinand von Mueller published C. 
magniflora, a species that occurs in the Victorian and 
South Australian mallee region and extends into New 
South Wales. This was later reduced by Bentham 
(1863) to a variety of C. propinqua under the name C. 
propinqua var. grandiflora. Bentham’s concept of var. 
grandiflora also included the unnamed *C. speciosa’ 
of Cunningham. He writes in his description of the 
variety that it ‘is also amongst Cunningham’s plants 
who had given it the name C. speciosa, 
and designated the smaller variety by 
that of propinqua, as being near the 
larger one. Unfortunately this latter 
name was the only one in the Vienna 
herbarium, and was thus, although 
inappropriate, adopted by Fenzl for the 
species’ (Bentham 1863: 442). 

Bentham’s separation of the species 
into two varieties was not followed by 
subsequent botanists, who adopted the 
name C. propinqua for all taxa involved, 
mainly due to a lack of ‘good characters’ 
(note on NSW 386701, dated 14 Sep. 
1962). For example, Burbidge (1970), 
Canning and Jessop (1986) and Harden 
(1990) stated that C. propinqua was 
distributed in South Australia, Victoria, 
New South Wales and Queensland (the 
addition of Western Australia to the area 
of distribution by Harden was due to a 
mis-identification of specimens). Other 
botanists had a different concept of the 
species, depending on the geographic 
area in which they worked. Black 
(1926, 1952) stated that the species 
occurred in South Australia, Victoria 
and western New South Wales only, 
therefore excluding the coastal taxon. 
Beadle et al. (1962) remarked that C. 
propinqua was found at the coast, but 
Beadle (1980) stated its distribution to 
be in the N.S.W. Tablelands. Walsh and 

Figure 1. Holotype of Cryptandra 

propinqua A. Cunn. ex Fenzl. A. 
Cunningham 22 (W). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Udovicic (1999) wrote that there were two forms of 
C. propinqua in Victoria, one in the northern mallee 
region, and a second form in eastern Victoria that 
continues into south-eastern N.S.W. 

The situation in Queensland is more complex. 
C.T. White collected specimens of the coastal taxon 
at the Glasshouse Mountains, mistakenly identifying 
it as C. spinescens Sieb. ex DC. (White 1917). He 
later coined the manuscript name ‘Cryptandra 
ramosissima’ for that taxon, but never published this 
species. His manuscript description is attached to 
sheet BRI AQ109442. Since then, specimens at BRI 
were housed under the phrase name ‘Cryptandra sp. 
Q4 (ramosissima C.T. White ms)’. Stanley and Ross 
(1986) used the name Cryptandra sp. | for that taxon 
and C. propinqua for the remainder. 

Bean (2004) accepted three species in the C. 
propinqua complex in Queensland. He named a 
very distinct species, which is allied to C. propinqua 
as C. ciliata. It was first collected in the 1960s and 
occurs in the area west of Theodore in south-eastern 
Queensland. Botanists at BRI referred to it tentatively 
as ‘Cryptandra sp. Q3 (aff. propinqua)’. Bean named 
White’s coastal species as C. rigida and used the 
name C. propinqua for an inland entity, which has its 
main area of distribution in the district of Maranoa 
and the western Darling Downs. 

However, Cryptandrarigida from the Queensland 
coast is indistinguishable from C. propinqua from 
coastal New South Wales; as such, C. rigida is a new 
synonym of C. propinqua. The taxon that Bean (2004) 
referred to as C. propinqua is an inland form of C. 
propinqua, and particular to southern Queensland. It 
is here described as C. propinqua subsp. maranoa. 
Cryptandra speciosa from the New South Wales 
Tablelands is described in this paper after being 
identified by Cunningham 180 years ago. A taxon 
close to C. speciosa from the districts of Leichhardt 
and South Kennedy in Queensland is described as C. 
speciosa subsp. strigosa. 

The species C. ciliata from south-eastern 
Queensland is accepted and C. magniflora from the 
mallee regions of South Australia, Victoria and New 
South Wales is re-instated. Key characters of the four 
species are listed in Table 1. 

Key to Cryptandra propinqua and allied species 

1 Stipule apices attenuate; hypanthium tube 0.7—1.2 
mm long, petals 0.7—0.8 mm long, stamens 0.5—0.7 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

mm long; floral bracts papery with margins reflexed 
and flexuous cilia 0.3—0.6 mm long; fruit torus in 
Upper Maltese eae eee sericea 4. C. ciliata 
1: Stipule apices acute; hypanthium tube 1.2—3.5 mm 
long, petals (0.7—) 0.9—1.6 mm long, stamens 
(0.6—) 0.8-1.5 mm long; floral bracts with flat 
margins and regular cilia (1.e., parallel and straight 
or slightly curved), cilia 0.1—-0.3 mm long; fruit 
torus equatorial or in lower half ..............ce 23 
2 Leavessubsessile; bracts acuminate; adaxial surface 
of bracts and stipules with coarse simple haits ...... 
Seeds: eee kata genie 8 3. C. magniflora 
2: Leaf petioles apparent, (0.1—) 0.2-0.8 mm long; 
bracts obtuse and glabrous adaxially; stipules 
PlADTOMS AG axa liveries eerste. es tee ts. eeeea cena Ae 3 
3 Stem indumentum of dense stellate hairs, with 
very few simple hairs; bracts light brown, obovate 
to elliptic; hypanthium tube 1.2—2.5 mm long ...... 
eee code nomennereler eh POE L403: 1. C. propinqua 
3: Stem indumentum of antrorse, moderate to dense, 
closely appressed simple hairs, sometimes also 
with sparse stellate hairs underlying; bracts dark 
brown to black, broadly ovate to broadly elliptic; 
hypanthium tube 2.2—-3.5 mm long ... 2. C. speciosa 

1. Cryptandra propinqua A. Cunn. ex Fenzl in S.F.L. 
Endlicher et al., Enum. Pl. 23 (1837). Type citation: 
‘New South Wales (Cunningham)’. Holotype: New 
South Wales, 1825, A. Cunningham 22 (W n.v., photo 

Shrub 0.2—1.5 m high, often intricately branched, 
not spinescent, with a dense grey indumentum of 
stellate hairs and sometimes also simple hairs on 
young stems; leaves clustered in fascicles. Stipules 
persistent, narrowly triangular, 0.9—1.5 (-2) mm long, 
apex acute, connate around the base of the petiole; 
abaxial side moderately pubescent or glabrous; 
adaxial side glabrous. Petioles 0.1—0.8 mm long. Leaf 
blades narrowly elliptic to linear, sometimes ovate to 
broadly ovate, 0.8—5 (—11) mm long, 0.4—-1.7 (2.2) 
mm wide, entire; margins revolute; base cuneate or 
obtuse; apex acute, obtuse or occasionally shortly 
mucronate; lower surface partly visible or not visible, 
densely grey-stellate-hairy, sometimes glabrescent, 
midrib with simple hairs; upper surface glabrous, 
smooth or often tuberculate. Conflorescences 
axillary, 1-2 cm long, consisting of 1—10 sessile to 
shortly pedicellate flowers arranged in few branched 
elongated pseudoracemes; axes densely stellate- 
pubescent. Bracts 5—11, persistent, obovate or elliptic, 
1.34.2 mm long, 0.9—2 mm wide, apex obtuse, light 
brown; abaxial surface with few hairs or glabrous; 
adaxial surface glabrous; cilia regular, 0.1—0.3 mm 



Table 1. Key characters distinguishing the species of the Cryptandra propinqua complex. 


Indumentum of 
young stems 

Leaf surface 

Stipule apex 


Bract shape 

Bract colour 
Bract apex 

Bracts and 
stipules, adaxial 

Bract cilia 

Bract abaxial 

Hypanthium tube 

Hypanthium tube 

Hypanthium tube 
hair types 
Sepal length 


Petal length 
Stamen length 


Style length 
Fruit length 

Torus position 


C. ciliata 

C. propinqua 

Qld (Districts 
Darling Downs and 

Small stellate hairs 
underlying coarse, 
antrorse simple or 
multiarmed hairs 
that spread about 30 
degrees to stem 

Smooth or tuberculate 


0.10.3 (—0.5) mm 

Broadly obovate or 

Light brown 


Long flexuose 


0.7-1.2 mm 

Upper 1/2 to 1/5 hairy 

Dense stellate 

1.5—2.2 mm 

Densely stellate hairy, 
very few simple hairs 
at apex 

0.7—0.8 mm 
0.5—0.7 mm 


0.7-1.1 mm 
2.7-3.0 mm 
Upper half 

Coastal regions of 
N.S.W. and south- 
eastern Qld (subsp. 
propinqua); inland 
regions of southern 
Queensland (subsp. 

Dense stellate hairs, 
some have very few 
simple hairs 

Smooth or often 

0.1—0.8 mm 

Obovate / elliptic 

Light brown 


Short regular 


1.22.5 mm 

Upper 1/2 to 1/3 hairy 

Sparse to dense 

2.0-3.4 mm. 

Dense simple at 
apex and dense to 
moderately simple 
hairy in middle, 
rest sparse to dense 
stellate hairy 

0.7-1.4 mm 
0.6—-1.1 mm 

Lower 1/4 to 1/3 hairy 

0.5—3.7 mm 
2.5-3.5 mm 

Lower half or 

C. speciosa 

N.S.W. Tablelands 
(subsp. speciosa); 
Districts Leichhardt 
and South Kennedy, 
Qld (subsp. strigosa) 

Antrorse, closely 
appressed, moderate 
to dense simple hairs, 
subsp. speciosa also 
with sparse stellate 


0.2—0.7 mm 

Broadly ovate / 
broadly elliptic 

Dark brown to black 


Short regular 

Often hairs on upper 
middle or glabrous 

2.2-3.5 mm 

All hairy, on some 
upper 1/2 hairy 

Simple (mostly at top) 
and sparse to rarely 
dense stellate 

2.24.0 mm 

Dense simple hairs 
overlying sparse 
stellate hairs 

1.0-1.6 mm 
0.9-1.5 mm 

Base to lower 1/3 

2.6—3.7 (—5) mm 
3.0-4.0 mm 

Equatorial or lower 

C. magniflora 

Mallee regions of 
S.A., Vic. and N.S.W. 

Intertwined, matted or 
loosely appressed fine 
stellate and simple 

Smooth or tuberculate 


0-0.2 mm 

Ovate / elliptic, rarely 

Dark brown to black 

Coarse simple hairs 

Short regular 

Usually on upper 

1.5—2.6 mm 

All hairy 

Simple at top, mostly 
dense stellate 
1.8-3.5 mm 

Dense simple hairs 
with dense stellate 

0.9-1.5 mm 
0.8-1.4 mm 

Glabrous or hairy at 

1.7—2.6 mm 
2.8-3.0 mm 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


long. Pedicels 0-1.1 mm long, densely pubescent. 
Flowers white or cream, sometimes pinkish with age. 
Hypanthium tubular, tube 1.2—2.5 mm long, 1.32.4 
mm wide; upper 1/2 to 1/3 of tube covered with sparse 
to dense stellate hairs. Sepals erect or spreading, 2— 
3.4 mm long, with an indumentum of sparse to dense 
simple and stellate hairs, simple hairs mainly at apex 
and midrib. Petals erect, 0.7—1.4 mm long; claw short 
or absent, 0—0.2 mm long. Stamens erect, 0.6—1.1 mm 
long; anthers 0.3—0.4 mm long. Disc a sinuate ring, 
densely stellate-pubescent. Ovary inferior to semi- 
inferior, 3-carpellate; summit densely stellate-hairy. 
Style 0.5—3.7 mm long, lower 1/4 to 1/3 hairy; stigma 
minutely 3-lobed. Schizocarp obovoid or ellipsoid, 
2.5-3.5 mm long, brown, splitting into 3 dehiscent 
fruitlets; apex acute or obtuse, torus position in lower 
half or equatorial. Seeds 0.8—-1.9 mm long, reddish- 
brown, somewhat darker in middle, base dark brown; 
aril pale yellow-translucent. 

Typification: The holotype (Fig. 1) consists of 
two flowering branches. This sheet is the only 
Cunningham collection of the species that could be 
traced at W, which is annotated by Fenzl. It also bears 
a label in Cunningham’s hand. The remaining original 
collections (listed below) bear more exact information 
about the collecting locality, e.g., the hills around the 
Hunters River near Sydney. These specimens were 
most likely collected during Cunningham’s expedition 
to the Liverpool Plains in 1825 (Curry et al. 2001). 

Notes and affinities: This species can be distinguished 
from C. speciosa by its light brown bracts, the shorter 
hypanthium tube, and a stem indumentum of dense 
stellate and occasional simple hairs. It is closely 
related to C. ciliata with which it shares the light 
brown bracts. 

Schlechtendal (1847) misapplied the name C. 
propinqua to a collection of C. tomentosa Lindl. by 
H. Behr from South Australia. Bentham (1862) and 
Index Kewensis attribute the species to that author 
and quote it as ‘C. propinqua Schltdl.’; however, this 
is incorrect. 

Original collections: NEW SOUTH WALES. ‘On 
barren rocky hills on the north western branches of 
the Hunters’ River’, Apr. 1825, A. Cunningham 22 
(BM 50748, left specimen); Hunters River, May 
1825, A. Cunningham 22 (K ex herb. Robert Heward, 
top specimen of sheet with loan stamp ‘H/1310/95 
54/76’). N.S.W., s. dat., A. Cunningham s.n. (MEL 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Key to subspecies of Cryptandra propinqua 

1 Stem hairs stellate with occasional simple hairs; 
stipules glabrous or sparsely hairy; leaves with 
revolute margin, but lower surface usually visible; 
bracts not covering sepals, entire; sepals with 
stellate and simple hairs, especially along midrib; 
style (1.5—) 1.7—3.7 mm long; coastal regions of 
INSWerandi@lde la. subsp. propinqua 

1: Stem hairs intertwined stellate and simple hairs; 
stipules hairy at least on midrib; leaves with 
margins closely revolute, lower surface not visible; 
bracts partly hiding sepals, very fragile and easily 
torn; sepals with small dense appressed stellate 
and long simple hairs; style 1.5—1.8 mm long; Qld, 
Maranoa district and adjacent regions .................... 
ORC oe Eee eee roeernc aecrnaceaarcocas lb. subsp. maranoa 

la. Cryptandra propinqua A. Cunn. ex Fenzl subsp. 

Cryptandra rigida A.R. Bean, Austrobaileya 6: 
927 (2004). Holotype: Qld, Burnett District, “Cooya”, 
W of junction of Barambah and Boonara Creeks, 
17 July 1996, P. Grimshaw 2486 & R. Price (BRI 
AQ641398). Jsotype: MEL 2263653. 

Cryptandra sp. 1 sensu T.D. Stanley & E.M. 
Ross, Fi. S.E. Queensl. 2: 46 (1986) 

Cryptandra propinqua A. Cunn. ex Fenzl sensu 
G.J. Harden, Fi. N.S.W. 1: 371 (1990), pro parte. 

Cryptandra sp. (Ngungun L.S. Smith 13973) 
sensu A.R. Bean in R.J.F. Henderson, Names distrib. 
Queens. pl. algae lich. (2002) 

“Cryptandra sp. Q4 (ramosissima C.T. White 
ms)’ (BRI herbarium phrase name). Y 

Cryptandra spinescens auct. non Sieber ex DC.: 
C.T. White, Queensland Naturalist 2: 65 (1917). 

Illustrations: S.G.A.P, Logan River Branch, 
Mangroves to mountains 103 (2002), photograph, as 
Cryptandra ‘sp. Ngungun’; A.R. Bean, Austrobaileya 
6: 927, Fig. 4 (2004), photograph, as C. rigida. 

Shrub 0.2-1.5 m high; young branches with 
a dense grey indumentum of short stellate hairs, 
sometimes with sparse simple hairs. Stipules 1—1.5 
mm long, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Petiole 0.2—0.8 
mm long. Leaf blades narrowly elliptic to ovate or 
broadly ovate, (1.0—) 1.5—5 (11) mm long, 0.4—1.7 
(—2.2) mm wide; margins revolute, but lower surface 
usually visible. Bracts 6-11, 1.3-3.6 mm long, 0.9—2 
mm wide, covering hypanthium tube, entire. Pedicels 
0.3—1.1 mm long. Hypanthium tube 1.2—2.5 mm long, 
1.32.4 mm wide. Sepals 2—3.3 mm long, with dense 



simple hairs at the apex, dense to moderately dense 
simple hairs along the midrib, and sparse to dense 
stellate hairs on the rest of the sepal. Petals 1—-1.4 mm 
long, claw c. 0.2 mm long. Stamens 0.8—1.1 mm long. 
Style (1.5—) 1.7—3.7 mm long. Schizocarp 2.5—3.2 mm 
long, torus position in lower half. Seeds 0.8-1.9 mm 
long. Figs 1, 2A. 

Distribution and Habitat: The subspecies occurs 
between Bundaberg (Qld) and the area around Jervis 
Bay (N.S.W.), and grows in heathlands on rocky 
outcrops, hillsides or gullies; it is recorded from sandy 
soils or sandy loam on sandstone, and from granite 
and rhyolite at 120-800 m altitude. Fig. 3A. 

Phenology: Flowers Apr.—Sep.; fruits May—Nov. 

Notes: The recently published Cryptandra rigida 
from Queensland is conspecific with C. propinqua 
subsp. propinqua. Specimens with and without ngid 
habit can be found in Queensland and New South 
Wales. Other characters mentioned by Bean (2004) to 
be unique for C. rigida can be found in material of C. 
propinqua subsp. propinqua from New South Wales, 
such as branchlets with an indumentum of stellate 
hairs only, a glabrous calyx tube and a mostly stellate 
indumentum on the calyx lobes. However, they 
distinguish the typical subspecies from C. propinqua 
subsp. maranoa (see below). Some specimens from 
northern N.S.W. have a tendency to glabrescent or 
glabrous lower surfaces of the leaves. 

Specimens examined: NEW SOUTH WALES: 
Central Coast. Parramatta River, Apr. 1903, JL. 
Boorman s.n. (NSW); Londonderry, 4 Feb. 1962, 
C. Burgess s.n. (CBG at CANB); Blakehurst, Apr 
1897, J.H. Camfield s.n. (NSW); Hurstville, Apr. 
1898, J.H. Camfield s.n. (NSW); Como, May 1898, 
J.H. Camfield s.n. (NSW); Maroota, 31 May 1961, E. 
Gordon s.n. (NSW); Peats Ferry, Hawkesbury River, 
14 May 1887, J.H. Maiden s.n. (NSW); Revesby to 
Georges River, 9 Apr. 1956, K. Mair s.n. (NSW). 
North Coast. 1 km NE of Nymboida, 25 Apr. 1994, 
A.R. Bean 7647 (BRI); Grafton-Glenreagh road, near 
Mt Kremnos, 5 Mar. 1997, A.R. Bean 11719 (BRI); 
Mt Mullengen 4 miles [6 km] E of Ramornie, July 
1922, WE: Blakely & D.W.C. Shiress s.n. (NSW); 
Orara River, 10 miles [16 km] S of Ramornie, July 
1922, WF. Blakely & D.W.C. Shiress s.n. (NSW); 
Shore of Port Macquarie, 1819, A. Cunningham 16 
(CBG at CANB); Rocky Creek, 30 km N of Grafton 
on road to Coaldale, 23 Aug. 1985, D.B. Foreman 
921 (MEL); Alum Mountain, Apr. 1924, H.R. Rupp 
s.n. (NSW); Bulahdelah, Apr. 1924, H.M.R. Rupp 


s.n. (NSW). South Coast. Jervis Bay, 1 Sep. 1977, 
G.W. Althofer 6247 (NSW); Swan Lake, Cudmirrah, 
20 miles [32 km] S of Nowra, 14 Apr. 1967, ELF 
Constable 7371 (NSW); Budawang Range, N of 
Currockbilly Mountain, 20 Sep. 1967, E.F. Constable 
7458 (NSW); Yalwal Road near Nowra, Aug. 1922, 
FA. Rodway 1394 (NSW); Sassafras, 11 May 1946, 
FA. Rodway 14168 (NSW); Cross Road, Tomerong 
to Turpentine, S of Nowra, 30 May 1934, J. Rodway 
1397 (NSW). QUEENSLAND: Burnett. ‘Melrose’, 
15 km W of Eidsvold, 15 Sep. 1990, A.R. Bean 2292 
(BRI); State Forest 132, 9 km ESE of Brovinia, 7 
June 1997, A.R. Bean 12037 (BRI); Mount Lorna, 
3 km W of ‘Toondahra’, 3 Aug. 1988, PI. Forster 
PIF4637 (BRI); 5.5 km W of ‘Toondahra’, 5 Apr. 
1988, PI. Forster PIF4672 (BRI, MEL); ‘Cooya’, 
E of Boonara Creek, 17 July 1996, P. Grimshaw 
PG2492 (BRI); Campbell Creek, W of Mt Brian, 5 
Nov. 1996, P Grimshaw PG2621 (BRI); Timber 
Reserve 766, Abercorn, June 1971, G. Leiper 
s.n. (BRI). Moreton. Top of Glass House, s. dat., 
EM. Bailey 6 (BRI, MEL); Mount Edwards, near 
Aratula, 19 June 1990, A.R. Bean 1636 (BRI); Mt 
Tunbubudla, W of Beerburrum, 17 May 1993, A.R. 
Bean 6047 (BRI); near Picnic Creek and Surprise 
Rock, Lamington, 26 Apr. 1958, S.7. Blake 20357 
(BRI); NW of Ngungun, Glasshouse Mountains, 21 
May 1985, A.M. Buchanan 6714 (HO); Turtle Rock, 
15 June 1966, H.S. Curtis 292 (BRI); Rupari Hill, 
1.8 km SW of Beerwah, 16 Apr. 1973, R. Dowling 
15 (BRI); Mountain behind Esk, 12 July 1985, PL. 
Forster PIF2055 & P.D. Bostock (BRI); Summit of 
Mt Bangalora, 6 May 1990, PI. Forster PIF6785, 
L.H. Bird & A.R. Bean (BRI); Mt Edwards Nat. 
Park, 14km W of Boonah, 16 Sep. 1992, PI. Forster 
PIF11467 & R. Reilly (BRI); Campbells Folly, 4km 
SW of Tylerville, 19 Sep. 1992, PI. Forster PIF 11508 
& G. Leiper (BRI, MEL); Mt Ernest, 24 Apr. 1993, 
PI. Forster PIF13256 & G. Leiper (BRI, CANB, 
NSW); Coochin Hills, Beerwah, stony section on top 
of the hill, 3 June 1967, J.D. Hockings s.n. (BRI); Mt 
Esk, approx 4 km NE of Esk on lower slopes, 20 May 
1973, F.D. Hockings s.n. (BRI); Mount Edwards, 
near Moogerah Dam, Sep. 1990, G. Leiper s.n. (BRD); 
Plunkett, Timber Reserve 766, 10 Nov. 1990, G. 
Leiper s.n. (BRI); Glen Rock, Esk, s. dat., G. Leiper 
s.n. (BRI); Glen Rock, 9 Aug. 1988, E.M. Ross & PI. 
Forster s.n. (BRI, NSW); Moonview Treviot Gorge, 
4 Apr. 1999, MJ. Russel s.n. (BRI); Mt Edwards, 1 
June 1938, E.J. Smith s.n. (BRI); Mt Gillies, 20 km 
SW of Rathdowney on Mt Lindsay Hwy, 13 Oct. 
1974, P. Sharpe 1105 (BRI); Mt Esk, s. dat., J. Shirley 
s.n. (BRI); Ngungun, half way up S track of fairly flat 
shoulder, 8 July 1968, L.S. Smith 13972 (BRI); NE 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 2. Flowers of taxa in the Cryptandra propinqua complex. A, C. propinqua subsp. propinqua (A.R. 
Bean 12037); B, C. propinqua subsp. maranoa (D.M. Gordon 35); C, C. speciosa subsp. speciosa (L.A.S. 
Johnson 7840); D, C. speciosa subsp. strigosa (E. McRobert s.n.); E, C. magniflora (N.G. Walsh 5090); F, C. 

ciliata (V. Hando 214). All scale bars 1 mm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 87 


Figure 3. Distribution map for taxa in the Cryptandra propinqua com- 


comer of Ngungun below summit basin, 8 July 1968, 
L.S. Smith 13973 (BRI, NSW, MEL); Coochin Hills 
near summit of W peak on N side, 24 Aug. 1968, 
L.S. Smith 14045 (BRI, CANB, NSW); Woodford, 
Glasshouse Mts, 6 June 2002, J. Thompson 57 (BRI); 
between Plunkett and Hopedale, 26 Aug. 1923, C.T. 
White s.n. (BRI); Glasshouse Mountains, May 1910, 
C.T. White s.n. (BRI); White Rock, S of Redbank 
Plains, 8 June 1984, K.A. Williams 5043 (BRI). Wide 
Bay. 1.5 km SSE of Biggenden Bluff, 1 Sep. 2002, 
A.R. Bean 19229 (BRI); Summit of Mt Walsh, near 
Biggenden, 17 Sep. 1983, 7. Bean s.n. (BRI); Head 
of Stoney Creek, NW Boundary of Mt Walsh NP, 31 
Oct. 1995, P. Grimshaw PG2224 & R.J. Price (BRI); 
The Gorge, Biggenden Bluff, s. dat., C.T: White 7687 

lb. Cryptandra_ propinqua subsp. 
Kellermann & Udovicic, subsp. nov. 


A subspecie typica indumento caulium pilis 
stellatis stmplicibusque dense-implicatis compositis, 
foliis linearibus margine arcte revoluto, bracteis 
marginibus fragilibus hypanthio sepalisque partim 
tegentibus, stylo breviore differt. 

Holotype: Qld, Maranoa District, St. George, 21 July 
1949, D.M. Gordon 35 (BRI AQ109430). 


plex. A, C. propinqua subsp. propinqua (circles), C. propinqua subsp. 
maranoa (squares); B, C. speciosa subsp. speciosa (squares), C. speciosa 

subsp. strigosa (triangles), C. ciliata (open circles), C. magniflora (cir- 

Cryptandra propinqua subsp. 
propinqua auct. non A. Cunn. 
ex Fenzl: T.D. Stanley & 
E.M. Ross, Fi. S.E. Queensl. 
2: 46 (1986); A.R. Bean, 
Austrobaileya 6: 926 (2004). 

Shrub 0.2-1 m high; young 
stems with dense intertwined 
or matted shorter and longer 
stellate hairs and occasional 
simple hairs. Stipules 0.9-1.5 
(—2) mm long, pubescent at 
least on midrib. Petiole 0.1—-0.4 
mm long. Leaf blades narrowly 
elliptic to linear, 0.8-4 mm 
long, 0.4—0.6 mm wide; margins 
revolute, lower surface not 
visible. Bracts 5-10, 2.24.2 
mm long, 1.5—2 mm wide, very 
fragile and easily torn, covering 
hypanthium tube and at least 
part of sepals. Pedicels 0-0.3 
mm long. Hypanthium tube 1.3— 
2.2 mm long, 1.5—2 mm wide. 
Sepals 2.23.4 mm long, with small dense appressed 
stellate and long simple hairs along midrib and apex. 
Petals 0.7—1 mm long, claw absent. Stamens 0.6-0.9 
mm long. Style 0.5—1.8 mm long. Schizocarp c. 3.5 
mm long (2.8-4 mm according to Bean 2004), torus 
position +equatorial. Seeds not seen. Figs 2B, 4. 

Distribution and Habitat: The subspecies grows in 
open woodlands with cypress pine (Callitris spp.) 
or Angophora floribunda on sand, sandy loam and 
sandstone in inland regions of southern Queensland. 
Fig. 3A. 

Phenology: Flowers recorded in May, July and Aug.; 
fruits recorded in July 

Etymology: The subspecific epithet refers to the 
Queensland district of Maranoa, since the new 
subspecies occurs in this district and adjacent regions. 
‘Maranoa’ was the aboriginal name for the Maranoa 
River, which was retained by Mitchell when he 
discovered it in 1846 (Mitchell 1848); the district is 
named after the river. (Although the epithet has the 
form of a feminine Latin adjective, it is derived from 
English and does not have any meaning in Latin.) 

Notes: The taxon differs from the typical subspecies 
in having long, intertwined stellate and simple hairs 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



ANNOY, J. Kellermann (MEE 


Austrailan National Herbarium (CANB) 
£ pai Comp 


Peptandi seogsimpsay commgbes. 
Lemporary sorting tabet 
Crplundre propingia Ma 
$ July 2095 


| 320841 | 


Figure 4. Holotype of Cryptandra propinqua subsp. maranoa Kellermann & 

Udovicic. D.M. Gordon 35 (BRI). 

on the stem, very closely revolute, linear leaves, floral 
bracts with fragile margins that cover the hypanthium 
tube and part of the sepals, long simple hairs overlying 
small dense appressed stellate hairs on the sepals, and 
a shorter style. 

Specimens examined: QUEENSLAND: Darling 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Downs. Barakula, 1959, D.M. Cameron OFD No. 
59/272 (BRI); Brigalow logging area, 25 June 1997, 
W. Drury 5 (BRI); near Nudley Tower, Barakula State 
Forest, 27 July 1981, Vv. Hando 213 (BRI); Cecil Plains, 
June 1962, FD. Hockings s.n. (BRI). Maranoa. Mt 
Moffatt Nat. Park, 1 May 1997, E. Addicott MM45 
(BRI, NSW); Bollon and St George, 21 July 1949, 



G.W. Althofer 31 (BRI); 87 km from Bollon on road 
to St George, 17 Aug. 1979, F’ McKenzie CT22 (BRI); 
15 miles [25 km] from St George, along Bollon Rd, 
25 Aug. 1961, ME. Phillips s.n. (CBG at CANB). 
Warrego. Near Boudens Dam, Chesterton Range, 14 
Aug. 2001, C. Dollery 280 (BRI). 

2. Cryptandra speciosa A. Cunn. ex Kellermann & 
Udovicic, sp. nov. 

A Cryptandra propinqua A. Cunn. ex Fenzl bracteis 
fuliginosis ovatis-ellipticis et saepe paginis abaxialis 
pubescentibus, pilis caultum simplicibus antrorsis, 
hypanthio longiore differt. 

Holotype: N.S.W., Northern Tablelands, Mt Kaputar 
Nat. Park, summit area of The Governor, 15 Sep. 
1998, B.J. Mole 56 & W.A. Gebert (MEL 2071544). 
Tsotypes: NSW 501107 n.v., NE 75406 n.v. 

Shrub 0.4—2 m high, not spinescent, with a moderate 
to dense grey indumentum of antrorse, closely 
appressed simple hairs overlying sparse small stellate 
hairs on young stems; leaves usually clustered in 
fascicles. Stipules persistent, triangular, 1.1—2 (—2.5) 
mm long, apex acute, connate around the base of the 
petiole; abaxial side moderately pubescent, especially 
at midrib; adaxial side glabrous. Petioles 0.2—0.7 mm 
long. Leaf blades linear to narrowly elliptic, (1.5—) 
2.6-5.1 (-8) mm long, 0.4-0.8 (-2.8) mm wide, 
entire; margins revolute; base cuneate or obtuse; apex 
acute or obtuse, sometimes shortly mucronate; lower 
surface usually not visible, densely grey-stellate-hairy, 
rarely becoming glabrous, midrib with simple hairs; 
upper surface glabrous, smooth. Conflorescences 
axillary, 1-2 cm long, consisting of 1-10 almost 
sessile flowers arranged in few branched elongated 
pseudoracemes; axes densely stellate-pubescent. 
Bracts 6-10, persistent, broadly ovate or broadly 
elliptic, 1.4-4.6 mm long, 1.5—2.5 mm wide, apex 
obtuse, dark brown to black; abaxial surface often 
with hairs in the upper middle or glabrous; adaxial 
surface glabrous; cilia regular, usually dense, (0.2—) 
0.3 (—0.5) mm long. Pedicels 0.2—1 mm long, densely 
pubescent. Flowers white. Hypanthium tubular, tube 
2.2-3.5 mm long, 1.8—3.1 mm wide; the whole tube 
or at least the upper half covered with simple hairs 
(mostly towards the sepals) overlying sparse to rarely 
dense stellate hairs. Sepals erect or spreading, 2.24 
mm long, with an indumentum of dense simple hairs 
overlying sparse stellate hairs. Petals erect, 1—1.6 
mm long; claw 0.1-0.4 mm long. Stamens erect, 
0.9-1.5 mm long; anthers 0.4—0.6 (-0.7) mm long. 


Disc a sinuate ring, densely stellate-pubescent. Ovary 
inferior to semi-inferior, 3-carpellate; summit densely 
stellate-hairy. Style 2.6-3.7 (—5) mm long, base to 
lower 1/3 hairy; stigma minutely 3-lobed. Schizocarp 
obovoid or ellipsoid, 3-4 mm long, brown, splitting 
into 3 dehiscent fruitlets; apex acute or obtuse, torus 
equatorial or in lower half. Seeds 2.1—-2.5 mm long, 
brown with a dark base; aril pale yellow-translucent. 

Etymology: The epithet is derived from the Latin 
speciosus (showy, splendid) and was applied to 
the species by Cunningham, presumably because 
of its conspicuous white and _ large-flowered 

Typification: There are several original collections 
of Cunningham available (see below), which were 
all collected in 1827 during the expedition that led 
to the discovery of the Darling Downs. Although we 
are using Cunningham’s manuscript name for the 
species, we do not typify the taxon with one of his 
collections, since there are better and more recent 
collections available. We choose a collection from Mt 
Kaputar National Park of which there are specimens 
at three Australian herbaria. Cunningham also passed 
Mt Kaputar while he was on the 1827 expedition 
(McMinn 1970). 

Notes and affinities: The species is closely related to 
C. magniflora and is readily recognised by its dark 
brown to black floral bracts and the usually densely 
hairy flowers. The two subspecies of C. speciosa are 
separated by c. 500 km. 

Original collections: NEW SOUTH WALES. 
‘New South Wales, frequent in the interior’, 1827, 
A. Cunningham 24 (BM 50748, right specimen); 
‘A shrub of rigid habit frequent in the barren rocky 
situations in various parts of the Interior from the 
latitudes of 29 to 33 S. & Long. 151-148, flowering 
usually in May or June’, [1827,] A. Cunningham 
24 (BM 50750); ‘New South Wales, Interior’, May 
1827, A. Cunningham 24 (BM 50753, bottom left 
specimen); “N.S. Wales, Interior, Lat 29 S Long. 151’, 
May 1827, A. Cunningham 24 (BRI AQ109433); “N 
Holld.’ , s. dat., A. Cunningham s.n. (MEL 2103518 
ex Herb. Hooker). 

Key to subspecies of Cryptandra speciosa 
1 Stem with stellate and appressed simple hairs; 
bracts 2.14.6 mm long, 1.8—2.5 mm wide; pedicels 

0.5—1 mm long; sepals 2.6—4 mm long, with long 
simple hairs overlying stellate hairs; petals 1.2—1.6 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


mm long; stamens 1—1.5 mm long; fruit 3.64 mm 
long, torus position equatorial; N.S.W. Tableland 
and Western Slopes ................ 2a. subsp. speciosa 
1: Stem with simple, antrorse, appressed hairs, rarely 
stellate hairs present; bracts 1.4—2.7 mm long, 1.5— 
1.6 mm wide; pedicels 0.2—-0.3 mm long; sepals 
2.2—2.8 mm long, with long simple hairs and very 
few stellate hairs; petals 1—-1.1 mm long; stamens 
0.9—1 mm long; fruit 33.5 mm long, torus position 
in lower half; Qld, Leichhardt and South Kennedy 
Cistricts:... semen tee ete. 2b. subsp. strigosa 

2a. Cryptandra speciosa A. Cunn. ex Kellermann & 
Udovicic subsp. speciosa 

Cryptandra propinqua vat. grandiflora Benth., 
FI. Austral. 1: 442 (1863), pro parte. 

Cryptandra propinqua auct. non A. Cunn. ex 
Fenzl: N.T. Burbidge & M. Gray, Fl. A.C.T. 252 
(1970); N.C.W. Beadle, Stud. fi. N.E. N.S.W. 4: 518 
(1980); G.J. Harden, F/. N.S.W. 1: 371 (1990), pro 

Illustration: N.C.W. Beadle, Students flora of north 
eastern New South Wales 4: 519, Fig. 226 F4 (1980); 
G.J Harden, Flora of New South Wales 1: 371 (1990); 
both as C. propinqua. 

Shrub 0.4—-1.5 m high, young stems with antrorse, 
appressed simple and small stellate hairs. Stipules 
1.1-2 mm long. Petioles 0.2-0.7 mm long. Leaf 
blades 2.5—5.1 mm long, 0.4-0.8 mm wide. Bracts 
6-10, 2.14.6 mm long, 1.8-2.5 mm wide, cilia 
(0.2—) 0.3 (0.5) mm long. Pedicels 0.5—1 mm long. 
Hypanthium 2.3-3.5 mm long, 1.8-3.1 mm wide. 
Sepals 2.6—4 mm long, with an indumentum of long 
simple hairs overlying stellate hairs. Petals 1.2—1.6 
mm long. Stamens 1—1.5 mm long; anthers (0.4-) 
0.5—0.6 (—0.7) mm long. Style 2.63.6 (-S) mm long. 
Schizocarp 3.6—4 mm long, torus position equatorial. 
Seeds c. 2.5 mm long. Figs 2C, 5. 

Distribution and habitat: The subspecies grows in 
Eucalyptus woodlands and cypress (Callitris spp.) 
forests, on rocky slopes and ridges or the rims of 
gorges in the Tablelands of New South Wales and the 
Victorian alps near the border to N.S.W., in sandy soil 
over sandstone or volcanic substrates. It is recorded 
between 500—1380 m altitude. Fig. 3B. 

Phenology: Flowers May, July—Oct.; fruits Sep.— 

Notes: Specimens collected around Canberra have 
slightly larger flowers, but in every other aspect they 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

are typical for C. speciosa subsp. speciosa. 

Specimens examined: AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL 
TERITORRY. Flints Crossing, Paddys River, 
8 Sep. 1963, EF. D’Arnay 278 (CANB, NSW); 
Uriarra Crossing, 23 Aug. 1964, J. Beeton s.n. 
(CBG at CANB); Paddys River, 18 Sep. 1981, E.M. 
Canning 5045 & M.C. Johnson (CBG at CANB); 
Murrumbidgee River, 16 Aug. 1950, E. Gauba s.n. 
(CBG at CANB); Molonglo River, 27 Sep. 1953, E. 
Gauba s.n. (AD, CBG at CANB); Kowen, 8 Sep. 
1962, H.S. McKee 9568 (NSW); above Paddys River, 
0.5 km E of Murrays Corner, 1 Sep. 1983, JE. Ward 
28 & A. Hughes (CBG at CANB). NEW SOUTH 
WALES: Central Tablelands. Bathurst Plains, s. 
dat., s. coll. (NSW). Northern Tablelands. Apsley 
Falls, 21 Oct. 1900, E. Cheel s.n. (NSW); Tia Falls, 
Oct. 1900, E. Cheel s.n. (NSW); between Jokers 
Spring and English Spring, Mt Kaputar Nat. Park, 19 
Nov. 1976, R. Coveny 8526 & S.K. Roy (NSW); Gara 
River, 9 miles [14 km] E of Armidale, 2 Oct. 1955, 
G.L. Davis s.n. (NSW); Dundee, June 1963, E.A. 
Farleigh s.n. (NSW); Apsley Falls, Oct. 1900, W. 
Forsyth s.n. (NSW); Yarrowyck-Bundarra, Sep. 1947, 
L.A.S. Johnson 947/28 (NSW); Plains of Heaven, 
3km SSW of Mt Kaputar, 1 Sep. 1974, L.A.S. Johnson 
7840 (NSW); Dangar Falls, Armidale, 10 Sep. 1971, 
E. McBarron 20300 (NSW); Mt Kaputar, Nandewar 
Range, E of Narrabri, 25 Aug. 1973, B. Muffet 
M3/132 (CBG at CANB). North Western Slopes. 
Warialda, June 1905, J.L. Boorman s.n. (CANB); 
walk track to the ‘Governor’, Mt Kaputar Nat. Park, 
27 Nov. 1987, J.M. Fox 87/154 (CANB); Warialda, 
s. dat., E.J. Hadlez s.n. (NSW); SSE of Bowling 
Alley Point Cemetery, Sep. 1999, J.R. Hosking 1745 
(CANB, MEL, NE, NSW); Plagyan State Forest, 5 
July 1985, D.F.) Mackay 278 (NSW); Woods Reef, 
Barraba, Oct. 1913, H.M.R. Rupp 7085/13 (NSW). 
Southern Tablelands. Turpentine Ridge, 24 June 
1962, C. Burgess s.n. (CBG at CANB); Queanbeyan, 
12 Nov. 1996, I. Crawford 4001 (CANB, MEL); 
Queanbeyan, Nov. 2000, 1. Crawford 4787 (CANB, 
MEL, NSW); Yass River, c. 1.5 km NE of Yass Post 
Office, 29 Aug. 1993, B.J. Lepschi 1058 (A, CANB, 
HO, L); Queanbeyan, 17 Sep. 1960, H.S. McKee 7258 
(NSW); 2.5 km NW of Mt Tianjara, 30 Apr. 1981, K. 
Paijmans 3971 (CANB); Murrumbidgee River, 2 km 
upstream from junction with Bredbo River, 27 July 
1975, M. Parris 7520 (CBG at CANB). VICTORIA: 
Snowfields. Snowy River above Willis, 29 June 
1962, K. Rogers s.n. (MEL); Snowy River, 1.5 km 
downstream from Sandy Creek, 15 Oct. 1989, J. 
Turner s.n. (MEL). 



: fete Oe 
Oe es 
S oe renin Onlec 
= ee “ ont 



Cyfonde spectesxn AC ap 
Hocorepe, eRe ane A Uolevicte 
Pet Jonge VED erenttnom: Date & Ae Sek 


MEL, 2071544 

Crygtondra proploqua Aon ea Fonsi 
Call: Mate, BS > | 1S Sep : 
al: Male, BA, $6. Dake: 15'Sep 1998 

Regioe/District: Nocthern Fablelands : 
Lowality: spate es le Sant eo 
risers S lee (orca 
hes te 
Adb: (4 30m . 
Rote Mewttacibeind 9 skeletal on a 
Eee re eo 
CSOs GOH TNS A cenal anes 
Det) Mole Bd. 1S hep ie 
Dupe NEAR 

Fig. 5. Holotype of Cryptandra speciosa A. Cunn. ex Kellermann & Udovicic. 

B.J. Mole 56 & W.A. Gebert (MEL). 

2b. Cryptandra speciosa subsp. strigosa Kellermann 
& Udovicic, subsp. nov. 

A subspecies typica caulibus maturis sine 
pilis stellatis sed tantum pilis simplicibus antrorsis 
adpressis, bracteis petalis et sepalis minoribus, 
fructibus minoribus toris in dimidio inferiore differt. 


Holotype: Qld, Leichhardt District, Salvator Rosa 
Nat. Park, 170 km SW of Springsure, Aug. 1983, 
M.B. Thomas 241 (BRI AQ367623). 

Cryptandra propinqua subsp. propinqua auct. 

non A. Cunn. ex Fenzl: A.R. Bean, Austrobaileya 6: 
926 (2004). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



2O8EP 1397 

annor. 2 Kellermann (MEL) 

MA4TS 147 IE an m 
Saivalor Rosa Nalional Park 170k SW of Springsure 

‘On top of the while sandstone formation wrich 

‘wretches away south from the Spygiese 


Ausiratian National Herbarium (CANB) 

“Femeparery sorting label 36762; 

Cryptandra propingua Le 

3 July 2005 

[ape a 

32/94- 24 | £09583 1 

Fig. 6. Holotype of Cryptandra speciosa subsp. strigosa Kellermann & Udo- 

vicic. M.B. Thomas 241 (BRI). 

Shrubs 0.6—2 m high, stems with strigose, antrorse, 
appressed simple hairs, rarely small stellate hairs 
present on young branches. Stipules 1.1—2 (—2.5) mm 
long. Petioles (0.2—) 0.3—-0.6 mm long. Leaf blades 
(1.5—) 2.54 (-8) mm long, (0.4—) 0.6-0.8 (—2.8) 
mm wide. Bracts 8-9, 1.4-2.7 mm long, 1.5—1.6 
mm wide, cilia c. 0.2 mm long. Pedicels 0.2-0.3 mm 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

long. Hypanthium 2.2-3.3 mm long, 2—2.3 mm wide. 
Sepals 2.2—2.8 mm long, with an indumentum of long 
simple hairs and very few stellate hairs. Petals 1—1.1 
mm long. Stamens 0.9—1 mm long; anthers c. 0.4 mm 
long. Style 2.6-3.7 mm long. Schizocarp 3—3.5 mm 
long, torus in lower half. Seeds 2.1-2.3 mm long. 
Figs 2D, 6. 



Distribution and habitat: The subspecies is recorded 
from forests and woodlands on poor soil on sandstone 
and rocky outcrops in the Leichhardt and South 
Kennedy districts of Qld, between the Narrien Range 
and the Buckland Tablelands, at 500—600 m altitude. 
Fig. 3B. 

Phenology: Flowers May, Aug.; fruits Sep. 

Etymology: The subspecific epithet 1s derived from 
the Latin striga (a straight, rigid, close-pressed hair) 
and refers to the characteristic indumentum on stems 
and sepals of the taxon. 

Notes: This subspecies differs from the typical 
subspecies in having simple, antrorse, appressed hairs 
on stems, only young branches bear occasionally a 
few small underlying stellate hairs. It has smaller 
bracts, sepals, petals and fruits, which also have the 
torus in the lower half of the fruits (compared to 
equatorial in subsp. speciosa). 

Specimens examined: QUEENSLAND: Leichhardt. 
Salvator Rosa Nat. Park, S of Mt Spyglass, 20 May 
1986, ME. Ballingall 2157 (BRI); Top of Little 
St Peter, 21 Aug. 1984, A.R. Bean 557 (BRI); 
Cungelella, 1890, Mrs Biddulph s.n. (MEL); Mount 
Zamia environmental park, overlooking Springsure, 
8 May 1990, B. Davis 40 (BRI); St Peter, NNW of 
Springsure, 27 Sep. 1984, B. O'Keefe 733 (BRI); 
On top of Little St Peter, Springsure, 10 Sep. 1985, 
B. O'Keefe 790 (BRI); Little St Peter, Sep. 1985, B. 
O’Keefe 838 (BRI); Spyglass Peak, 1 Sep. 1992, B. 
O’Keefe 985 (BRI); E of Tambo, adjoining Nat. Park, 
Dec. 1995, E. McRobert s.n. (BRI). South Kennedy. 
70km SW of Clermont in Narrien Range, 24 Aug. 
1992, E.J. Thompson GAL82 & P.R. Sharpe (BRI). 

3. Cryptandra magniflora F. Muell., Fragm. 3: 65 
(1862). Cryptandra propinqua var. grandiflora Benth. 
FI. Austral. 1: 442 (1863). Type citation: “Ad flumen 
Murray passim in plagis undulato-arenosis confluxui 
flumen Darling et Murray interjacentibus’. Lectototype 
(here designated): [N.S.W. or Vic.,] Murray desert, s. 
dat., s. coll. [possibly F. Mueller] (MEL 2103262). 
Residual syntypes: [N.S.W. or Vic.,] Murray desert, 
s. dat., s. coll. [possibly F. Mueller] (NSW 386703); 
S.A., Mt Roebuck Station sand ridges, 1858 [?], s. 
coll. (MEL 2103266). Possible syntype: s. loc., s. 
dat., s. coll. (bottom fragment-pocket glued onto a 
type sheet of C. propinqua; MEL 238175). 
Cryptandra propinqua auct. non A. Cunn. ex 
Fenzl in Endl.: JM. Black, F/. S. Austral. 3: 371 
(1926); A.J. Ewart, Fl. Victoria 744 (1931); E.M. 


Canning in J.P. Jessop & H.R. Toelken, F/. S. Austral. 
2: 810 (1986); J.H. Willis, Handbk. pl. Victoria 2: 372 
(1973); N.G. Walsh & F. Udovicic, F/. Victoria 4: 112 

Illustrations: G.R. Cochrane, B.A. Fuhrer, E.R. 
Rotherham, J.H. Willis, Flowers and plants of Victoria 
70, Fig. 186 (1968), photograph; E.M. Canning in J.P. 
Jessop & H.R. Toelken (eds), Flora of South Australia 
2: 809, Fig. 427F (1986); N.G. Walsh & F. Udovicic 
in N.G. Walsh & T.J. Entwisle (eds), Flora of Victoria 
4: 113, Fig. 19f (1999); all as C. propinqua. 

Shrub 0.3-1.5 m high, spreading, intricately 
branched, usually not spinescent, with a dense grey 
indumentum of intertwined or loosely appressed 
fine stellate and simple hairs on young stems; leaves 
clustered in fascicles. Stipules persistent, triangular 
or ovate, 1.2—-2 mm long, apex acute, connate around 
the base of the petiole; abaxial surface moderately 
pubescent, glabrescent, adaxial surface covered with 
dense coarse simple hairs. Petioles very short or 
absent, 0—0.2 mm long. Leaf blades narrowly elliptic, 
1.5—5 mm long, 0.5—1 mm wide, entire; margins 
revolute; base cuneate or obtuse; apex acute or obtuse 
sometimes shortly mucronate; lower surface usually 
not visible, densely grey-stellate-hairy, midrib with 
simple hairs; upper surface glabrous, smooth to 
tuberculate. Conflorescence axillary, 1-2 cm long, 
consisting of 1-10 mostly sessile flowers arranged in 
few-branched elongated pseudoracemes; axes densely 
stellate-pubescent. Bracts 6-10, persistent, ovate or 
elliptic, rarely obovate, 1.6—4 mm long, 1.3—2.5 mm 
wide, apex acuminate, very dark brown to black; 
abaxial surface sparsely to moderately pubescent with 
minute stellate hairs, at least towards apex; adaxial 
surface covered with dense coarse simple hairs; cilia 
regular, 0.05—0.3 mm long. Pedicels 0—0.4 mm long, 
densely pubescent. Flowers white or cream, becoming 
pinkish after anthesis. Hypanthium tubular, tube 1.5— 
2.6 mm long, 2—3.2 mm wide; covered with dense 
stellate hairs and additional simple hairs in upper half. 
Sepals erect or spreading, 1.8—3.5 mm long, with an 
indumentum of dense stellate and closely appressed 
simple hairs. Petals erect, 0.9-1.5 mm long, distinctly 
clawed; claw 0.2—0.3 mm long. Stamens erect, 0.8— 
1.4 mm long; anthers 0.3—0.5 mm long. Disc a sinuate 
ring, densely stellate-pubescent. Ovary inferior to 
semi-inferior, 3-carpellate; summit densely stellate- 
hairy. Style 1.7—2.6 mm long, glabrous or with a few 
stellate hairs on the base; stigma minutely 3-lobed. 
Schizocarp obovoid or ellipsoid, 2.8-3 mm long, 
brown, splitting into 3 dehiscent fruitlets; apex acute 
or obtuse, torus tequatorial. Seeds 1.7—1.8 mm long, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


MEL 2103262 

National Herbanum of Victoria (MEL} 

C tandem nayen A.Cann. &x 


alr = Mek 

\.Staiste 19 He[acot 

Fig. 7. Lectotype of Cryptandra magniflora. Collector unknown, possibly F. 
Mueller (MEL). 

reddish-brown, +uniformly coloured or with pale 
mottling, darker at base; aril pale yellow-translucent. 
Figs 2E, 7. 

Distribution and Habitat: This species occurs in 
dune mallee communities and scrubs on sandstone 
outcrops, on sand and sandy loamy soils in the far 
north-west of Victoria, north-eastern South Australia, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

extending into south-western New South Wales; 
recorded at 40—100 m altitude. Fig. 3B. 

Phenology: Flowers June-Sep.; fruits Sep.—Nov. 

Typification: There are few specimens labelled in 
Mueller’s hand at MEL. All of them have very 



limited label information. The lectotype consists 
of a flowering branch and is labelled by Mueller as 
‘Cryptandra propinqua A. Cunn. var. magniflora’. 
However, when Bentham reduced C. magniflora to a 
variety of C. propinqua, he did not take up Mueller’s 
epithet and named it C. propinqua var. grandiflora. 
The specimen was collected in the plains near the 
Murray River, a locality which corresponds well 
with Mueller’s protologue. The specimen from NSW 
bears the same label information, however, it was 
not written by Mueller himself. A second specimen 
at MEL, labelled in Mueller’s hand as ‘Cryptandra 
propinqua var. grandiflora’ was collected near Mt 
Roebuck in South Australia, possibly in 1858, but the 
date is not clearly legible. There is also a fragment 
pocket containing several flowers and leaves of C. 
magniflora, which is glued onto a possible isotype 
sheet of C. propinqua at MEL. This is labelled by 
Mueller ‘Cryptandra magnifiora’, and ‘Basionym 
for C. propinqua var. grandiflora’ in a later hand. 
The presence of this pocket on the MEL type of C. 
propinqua indicates that the specimen might have 
been used by Mueller to compare it to the Cunningham 
material. However, no collection information is 
available about the specimen in this fragment pocket. 
As such, it was not selected as a lectotype. 

Notes: This species is closely related to C. speciosa 
with which it shares the dark brown floral bracts. 
Cryptandra magniflora can be distinguished from 
all other species in the C. propinqua complex by the 
presence of coarse simple hairs on the inner surfaces 
of the bracts and stipules. The common name Silky 
Cryptandra was applied to this taxon by Canning 
and Jessop (1989) and Walsh and Udovicic (1999) 
(both as C. propinqua). 

Specimens examined: NEW SOUTH WALES: 
South Far Western Plains. Garston Station, W side 
of Darling River, 43km N Wentworth, 3 Oct. 1982, 
J.H. Browne 123 (NSW); 40 km S of Pooncarie, 
Nov. 1974, W.E. Mulham W799 (NSW); Tapalin mail 
road, off Sturt Hwy, between Euston and Buronga, 
14 Aug. 1977, WE. Mulham 1211 (NSW). SOUTH 
AUSTRALIA: Eastern. Pualco Range, June 1970, 
R. Bates 426 (AD). Eyre Peninsula. 20 km W of 
Secret Rocks, 14 July 1993, R. Bates 33580 (AD); 
c. 55 km N of Wirrulla, 1 Aug. 1969, B. Copley 2732 
(AD); Below Narlara rockhole on the dog-proof 
fence, 28 Nov. 1991, ML. Evans 40 (AD); Wudinna, 
5 Sep. 1938, E.H. Ising s.n. (AD); Yumburra 
Conservation Park, 4 Sep. 1984, D. Keane 33 (AD); 
Munyaroo Conservation Park, 9 Aug. 1992, 4.G. 
Spooner 13318 (AD); 15 km N of Koonibba, 11 Sep. 


1960, D.J.E. Whibley 574 (AD). Flinders Ranges. 
N slope Yankaninna Range, 25 Feb 1956, T-R.N. 
Lothian 2080 (AD). Gairdner-Torrens. Mt Finke, 7 
Oct. 1987, D.E. Symon 14730 (AD). Murray. River 
Murray, 7 miles [11 km] W of Berri, 25 Aug. 1962, 
J.B. Cleland s.n. (AD); Mantung District, 18 Aug. 
1924, J.B. Cleland s.n. (AD); 2.4 km S of claypan 
on Gluepot Calperum fence line, 21 Aug. 1997, S. 
Donaldson 1245 & G. Flowers (AD, CBG at CANB); 
Black Oak Plains, N of Murray River, 20 Aug. 1974, 
N. Gemmell 283 (AD); SW of campsite in Pooginook 
Conservation Park, 19 Aug. 2004, T. Hall 519 (AD, 
DAO n.¥.); Upper Murray Mallee, Canegrass Station, 
21 Sep. 1937, E.H. Ising s.n. (AD); c. 15 km W of 
Chowilla wool-shed, 30 Aug. 1974, J.B. Paton s.n. 
(AD); Calperum south-west, 26 Aug 1990, A.G. 
Spooner 1215] (AD); Pooginook Conservation Park, 
18 Aug. 1993, A.G. Spooner 14285 (AD); Calperum 
Station, 18 Aug. 1996, A.G. Spooner 15878 (AD, 
AK n.v.); 10 km NE of Taylorville, 29 Sep. 1976, 
L.D. Williams 8685 (AD). Nullarbor. 1.5 km E of 
Immarna, 29 Sep. 1975, R.J. Chinnock 2667 (AD). 
VICTORIA: Murray Mallee. Northern Sunset 
Country, 13 km NW of centre of Rocket Lake, 13 
Sep. 1989, D.E. Albrecht 3872 (MEL); c. 3.7 km E 
of Hattah, 13 Sep. 1989, D.E. Albrecht 3876 (MEL); 
Hattah Lakes Nat. Park, Oct. 1948, A.C. Beauglehole 
ACB 1116 (MEL); near junction of Murray Valley 
Hwy and entrance to Hattah-Kulkyne, 30 Aug. 1977, 
D.G. Cameron 8721 (MEL); Red Cliffs, Stewart, 5 
Sep. 1961, L.C. Chandler & A.C. Beauglehole 19745 
(MEL); Northern Sunset Country, 23 Aug. 1986, D.C. 
Cheal s.n. (MEL); Pink Lakes, c. 15 km N of Linga, 
28 Aug. 1979, MG. Corrick 6232 & B.A. Fuhrer (AD, 
MEL); Redcliffs, western extremity of irrigation area, 
1 Aug. 1981, MG. Corrick 7477 (MEL); 8 miles 
[13 km] W of road junction 14 miles [22 km] N of 
Birthday Tank, Sunset, 24 Sep. 1965, R. Filson 7418 
(AD, MEL); Underbool N track, 5.2 km S of Rocket 
Lake track, 23 Aug. 1986, G.R. Lucas 198 (CANB, 
HO); S end of Hattah Kulkyne Nat. Park, s. dat., K. 
Macfarlane 129 (AD, CANB, HO, MEL, NSW); 
Sunset country, several miles NW of Mt Crozier, 
10 July 1962, A. McEvey 35 (MEL); c. 17 miles [27 
km] N of Ouyen of the Calder Hwy, 17 Aug. 1960, 
TB. Muir 1195 (AD); Banneston, 13 Aug. 1960, E. 
Rowlands s.n. (MEL); Hattah-Kulkyne Nat. Park, 
0.2 km from Calder Hwy, 9 Sep. 1986, N.G. Walsh 
2568 (MEL); Sunset Country, Werrimull South track 
extension, 18 Sep. 1989, N.G. Walsh 2623 (MEL); 
Murray Sunset Nat. Park, 4 Sep. 1999, N.G. Walsh 
5090 (MEL); Ouyen, Sep. 1913, H.B. Williamson s.n. 
(AD, CANB, HO, MEL, NSW); Kooloonong, Sep. 
1924, A.B. Williamson s.n. (CANB); Kulkyne Nat. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Park, 1 Sep. 1941, J.H. Willis s.n. (MEL). 

4. Cryptandra ciliata A.R. Bean, Austrobaileya 6: 
927 (2004). Holotype: Qld, Leichhardt District, 28 km 
from Cracow on Nathan Gorge road, 15 July 1990, 
PI. Forster PIF7037 (BRI AQ627884). Isotypes: AD 
n.v., CANB n.v., K n.v., MEL 2263651, NSW n.v. 

Cryptandra sp. | sensu J.D. Briggs & J.H. Leigh, 
Rare Threat. Austr. PI. (1995). 

Cryptandra sp. (Gurulmundi G.W. Althofer 
8418) sensu A.R. Bean in R.J.F. Henderson, Names 
distrib. Queensl. pl. algae lich. (2002). 

‘“Cryptandra sp. Q3 (aff. propinqua)’ (BRI 
herbarium phrase name). 

Illustrations: A.R. Bean, Austrobaileya 6: 927, Fig. 4 
(2004), photograph. 

Shrubs 0.25—1 m high, not spinescent, young 
stems with a dense grey indumentum of small 
stellate hairs underlying coarse antrorse simple or 
multiarmed hairs that spread at c. 30° from the stem; 
leaves clustered in fascicles. Stipules persistent, 
narrowly triangular, 1-2 mm long, scarious, apex 
attenuate, connate around the base of the petiole; 
abaxial side sparsely to moderately pubescent on 
midrib and margin; adaxial side glabrous. Petioles 
very short, 0.10.3 (-0.5) mm long. Leaf blades 
narrowly ovate to narrowly elliptic, 1.2—2 (2.5) mm 
long, 0.3—0.5 mm wide, entire; margins revolute; base 
cuneate; apex acute or obtuse; lower surface largely 
obscured, densely grey-stellate-hairy, midrib with 
sparse to moderately dense, loosely appressed simple 
hairs; upper surface glabrous, smooth or sometimes 
shortly scabrous. /nflorescence of individual, axillary 
flowers, or these aggregated in hemispherical and 
terminal conflorescences, 3—6 cm long, 5—8 cm wide, 
consisting of 1-10 almost sessile flowers arranged 
in few-branched contracted pseudoracemes; axes 
densely stellate-pubescent. Bracts 7—10, persistent, 
broadly obovate or orbicular, 1.8—2.6 mm long, 
0.9-1.5 mm wide, obtuse, light brown with papery, 
corrugated upper margins; abaxial surface usually 
glabrous; adaxial surface glabrous; cilia long, flexuose, 
0.3—0.6 mm long. Pedicels 0.2—0.3 mm long, densely 
pubescent. Flowers white. Hypanthium tubular, tube 
0.7—1.2 mm long, 1.5—2.3 mm in diameter; upper 1/5 
to 1/2 covered with dense stellate hairs. Sepals erect 
or slightly spreading, 1.5—2.2 mm long, with a grey 
indumentum of dense stellate and very few simple 
hairs at the apex. Petals erect, 0.7—-0.8 mm long, 
indistinctly clawed (c. 0.1 mm long) or not clawed. 
Stamens erect, 0.5—0.7 mm long; anthers c. 0.3 mm 
long. Disc a sinuate ring, densely stellate-pubescent. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Ovary inferior to semi-inferior, 3-carpellate; summit 
densely stellate-hairy. Style 0.7—1.1 mm long, +entire, 
glabrous. Schizocarp obovoid or ellipsoid, 2.7—3 mm 
long, brown, splitting into 3 dehiscent fruitlets; apex 
acute or obtuse, torus in upper half. Seeds 1.5—1.8 
mm long, reddish-brown, +uniformly coloured, dark 
brown at base; aril pale yellow-translucent. Fig. 2F. 

Distribution and Habitat: Occurs in heathland, 
shrubland or woodland on steep, rocky sandstone 
slopes and ridges on sandy soil or sandy loam, from 
Barakula State Forest to the area west of Theodore. 
Fig. 3B. 

Phenology: Flowers May—Aug. Fruits Sep.—Oct. 

Notes: The species differs from C. propinqua in 
having very long, flexuose cilia on the bracts and 
attenuate stipules. One specimen, Brushe JB1518, 
has very long hairs on the abaxial side of the bracts, in 
addition to the long cilia. It might be an aberrant form 
of the species or may prove to be a distinct taxon. 
Further collections are warranted. 

Specimens examined: QUEENSLAND. Darling 
Downs. Gurulmundi, June 1978, G.W. Althofer 8418 
(BRI); NW comer of Barakula Forestry, 24 Aug. 
1980, V. Hando 151 (BRI); 15 miles [24 km] NW 
of Barakula Forestry, 24 Aug. 1980, V. Hando 214 
(BRI); Gurulmundi, May 1958, FD. Hockings s.n. 
(BRI); Gurulmundi, June 1962, FD. Hockings s.n. 
(BRI); Taroom-Cracow road, about 20 miles [32 km] 
from Cracow, 26 June 1950, R. W. Johnson 809 (BRI). 
Leichhardt. Cracow-Taroom road, S ‘of Fairyland, 
16 Sep. 1990, A.R. Bean 2302 (BRI); Planet Downs 
pastoral holding, 29 Mar. 1998, J. Brushe JBI518& 
(BRI); Gwambagwine, 24 Sep. 1996, PI. Forster 
PIF 19653 (BRI, CANB); Gwambagwine, 24 Sep. 
1996, PI. Forster PIF1966& (BRI, CANB, NSW); 
Gwambagwine, 11 Sep. 2000, PI. Forster PIF 26056, 
R. Booth & F- Carter (BRI, MEL); Panda Corner, 
Barakula State Forest, 24 Sep. 1978, FD. Hockings 
s.n. (BRI); Retreat Creek Rd, 16 miles [26 km] from 
Miles, 3 May 1960, R.W. Johnson 1628 (BRI); 16 
miles [26 km] SSW of Cracow township, 10 July 
1963, M. Lazarides 6948 (BRI, CANB, MEL, NSW); 
18 miles [29 km] S of Cracow, 18 Feb. 1964, N.H. 
Speck 1930 (BRI, CANB, NSW); Cracow-Taroom 
road, 18 Aug. 1976, K.A.W. Williams 76009 (BRI). 




We thank Judy West (CANB) for examining and 
photographing the type of Cryptandra propinqua at W. Uwe 
Braun (HAL) sent images from Schlechtendal’s herbarium. 
Bob Coveny and Ian Simpson provided information on 
specimens from NSW and NE, respectively. We are grateful 
to the directors of AD, BM, BRI, CANB, K and NSW for 
the loan of specimens. Jo Palmer (CANB) organised the 
transfer of several loans from Canberra to Melbourne. 
Neville Walsh (MEL) commented on an earlier draft of the 
paper. Two anonymous reviewers provided constructive 
feedback and criticism. This paper is written in preparation 
of the Flora of Australia treatment of Rhamnaceae, 
supported by the Australian Biological Resources Study 


Beadle, N.C.W. (1980). “Students flora of north eastern 
New South Wales’ 4. (University of New England, 
Botany Department: Armidale). 

Beadle, N.C.W., Evans, O.D. and Carolin, R.C. (1962). 
“Handbook of the vascular plants of the Sydney 
district and Blue Mountains’. (Published by the 
authors: Armidale). 

Bean, A.R. (2004). New species of Cryptandra Sm. and 
Stenanthemum Reissek (Rhamnaceae) from northern 
Australia. Austrobaileya 6, 917-940. 

Bentham, G. (1863). Rhamneae. In ‘Flora Australiensis, 
a description of plants of the Australian Territory’ 1, 
409-445. (L. Reeve & Co.: London). 

Black, J.M. (1926). Rhamnaceae. In ‘Flora of South 
Australia’ 3, 364-371. (R.E.E. Rogers: Adelaide). 

Black, J.M. (1952). Rhamnaceae. In ‘Flora of South 
Australia’ 3, 544-553. (K.M. Stevenson: Adelaide). 

Burbidge, N.T. (1970). ‘Flora of the Australian Capital 
Territory’. Australian National University Press: 

Canning, E.M. and Jessop, J.P. (1986). Rhamnaceae. In 
‘Flora of South Australia’ (Eds J.P. Jessop & H.R. 
Toelken) 2, 807-821. (The Flora and Fauna of South 
Australia Handbooks Committee: Adelaide). 

Curry, S., Maslin, B. and Maslin, J. (2001). “Allan 
Cunningham Australian collecting localities’. 
(Australian Biological Resources Study: Canberra). 

Harden, G.J. (1990). Rhamnaceae. In ‘Flora of New South 
Wales’ 1, 354-373. (New South Wales University 
Press: Kensington). 

Kellermann, J. (2006). Cryptandra triplex K.R. Thiele 
ex Kellermann, a new species of Rhamnaceae 
(Pomaderreae) from Armhem Land, Northern 
Territory, Austrobaileya 7, 299-303. 

Kellermann, J., Udovicic, F. and Ladiges, PY. (2005). 
Phylogenetic analysis and generic limits of the tribe 
Pomaderrae (Rhamnaceae) using internal transcribed 
spacer DNA sequences. Jaxon 54, 619-631. 


Ladiges, P.Y., Kellermann, J., Nelson, G., Humphries, C.J. 
and Udovicic, F. (2005). Historical biogeography of 
Australian Rhamnaceae, tribe Pomaderreae. Journal 
of Biogeography 32, 1909-1919. 

McMinn, W.G. (1970). Allan Cunningham: botanist and 
explorer. (Melbourne University Press: Carlton). 

Mitchell, T.L. (1848) ‘Journal of an expedition into the 
interior of tropical Australia in search of a route 
from Sydney to the Gulf of Carpentaria’. (Longman, 
Brown, Green & Longmans: London). 

Rye, B.L. (1995). New and priority taxa in the genera 
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Western Australia. Nuytsia 10, 255-305. 

Schlechtendal, D.F.L. von (1847). Bestimmung und 
Beschreibung der vom Dr. Behr in Siidaustralien 
gesammelten Pflanzen. Linnaea 20, 559-672. 

Stanley, T.D. and Ross, E.M. (1986). Rhamnaceae. 

In ‘Flora of south-eastern Queensland’ 2, 40-51. 
(Queensland Department of Primary Industries: 

Thiele, K.R. (2007). Two new species of Australian 
Stenanthemum (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae). Journal 
of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 21, 67-74. 

Thiele, K.R. and West, J.G. (2004). Spyridium 
burragorang (Rhamnaceae), a new species from New 
South Wales, with new combinations for Spyridium 
buxifolium and Spyridium scortechinii. Telopea 10, 

Walsh, N.G. and Udovicic, F. (1999). Rhamnaceae. In 
‘Flora of Victoria’ (Eds N.G. Walsh & T.J. Entwisle) 
4, 82-120. (Inkata Press: Port Melbourne). 

White, C.T. (1917). Botanic Notes, No. 4. Queensland 
Naturalist 2, 65-66. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Observations of Insect Damage to Leaves of Woodland 

Eucalypts on the Central Western Slopes of New South Wales: 

1990 to 2004 


' NSW Department of Natural Resources, PO Box 53, Orange, NSW 2800 ( 
* NSW Department of Natural Resources, PO Box 445, Cowra, NSW 2794 ( 

Semple, W.S. and Koen, T.B. (2007). Observations of insect damage to leaves of woodland eucalypts on 
the central western slopes of New South Wales: 1990-2004. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New 
South Wales 128, 99-110. 

Damage to leaves of ~680 eucalypt trees at 17 paired sites, distributed across three soil landscapes near 
Molong and Manildra (NSW), was monitored each autumn from 1990 to 2004. Insect damage was assessed 
by estimating the proportion of damaged leaves on each tree. Across all species and sites, and for most 
of the time, mean damage fluctuated between 10 and 25 % of leaves obviously damaged. Higher values 
(30 % of leaves damaged) were recorded in 1990 and 1994, which coincided with increased abundance 
of Scarabeidae. After c.1995 abundance of Scarabeidae declined and most leaf damage was due to feeding 
by other insects. Relative damage levels to dividual species changed over time and for Eucalyptus albens 
and E. melliodora was associated with the soil landscape in which the trees occurred. When Scarabeidae 
were active, £. albens and/or E. blakelyi-dealbata showed higher leaf damage than E. bridgesiana, E. 
microcarpa and E. melliodora although the last mentioned was damaged by insects other than Scarabeidae 
during this period. Leaf damage across all trees and times was negatively correlated with warm season 
rainfall 4 years previously. Contrary to expectations, most individual trees did not experience severe leaf 

damage in consecutive years. 

Manuscript received 17 October 2006, accepted for publicatio 15 January 2007. 

KEYWORDS: dieback, Eucalyptus albens, E. blakelyi, E. bridgesiana, E. dealbata, E. melliodora, Perey S 

rainfall index, Psyllidae, Scarabeidae. 


During the summer of 1989-90, eucalypts in the 
Central West of NSW experienced a severe attack by 
Christmas beetles (Anoploganthus spp., Scarabeidae). 
It was reported (Dick 1990a) to be the worst attack 
since the 1970s. They were also seen as a threat to on- 
farm tree plantings, which were increasing in that area 
at the time. A newspaper article (Anon. 1990, p. 25) 
cited a CSIRO entomologist as saying that Eucalyptus 
blakelyi was no longer a suitable tree for on-farm 
planting and as waterlogging was a major factor 
in eucalypt dieback, “...there may be a case for not 
planting native trees in heavily stressed waterlogged 
sites, where it may be better to plant exotics like 
willows.” In another article, Dick (1990b) reported 
that CSIRO researchers had found ‘insect-resistant 

trees’, which they intended to clone for potential use 
in on-farm tree plantings. 

[This project was terminated in the mid 
1990s but not before the proportion of cineole in 
leaf terpenoids was identified as a major factor in 
explaining differing resistances to beetle defoliation 
(Edwards et al. 1990, 1993). Cloning was apparently 
not achieved prior to cessation of funding though 
orchards produced from seed of resistant trees were 
established (Floyd and Farrow 1995)]. 

As defoliation by Scarabeidae was a major 
contributor to dieback (a symptom of a disorder 
with various causes, including insect attack) on the 
Northern Tablelands in the 1970s (Nadolny 1995), the 
beetle attack of 1989-90 appeared to be a portent of 
worse to come in the Central West. One of us [WS], a 
newly-appointed “investigations officer’, was asked: 


(a) was this event going to be repeated on a regular 
basis as occurred in the Northern Tablelands and (b) 
was it true that the same trees were attacked year after 
year? Though not providing specific answers to these 
questions, a considerable volume of work on insect 
defoliation and eucalypt dieback in general was 
being reported at the time. Landsberg et al. (1990), 
for example, proposed five possible explanations for 
chronic defoliation by insects: 

1. It is a naturally-recurring phenomenon. For 
example, Curtis’ (1989) review of dieback on 
the Northern Tablelands of NSW noted that it 
had occurred several times in the previous 100 
years and that wet summers were associated with 
greater insect abundance. After an extensive 
review of dieback events in Australia and 
overseas, White (1986) proposed that recurrent 
dieback events were due to changes in weather 
patterns. Where rainfall patterns resulted in 
moisture stress, subsequent changes in eucalypt 
physiology made them more attractive to insects 
and/or pathogens. 

2. ‘Stressed trees’ — trees stressed, e.g. by soil 
degradation or waterlogging, have reduced 
ability to recover from insect attack. 

3. ‘Ecosystem imbalance’— some insects have 
been favoured by tree clearing and pasture 
improvement resulting in increased abundance 
on the remaining trees. 

4. ‘Release from natural enemies’ — abundance 
of predators, including other insects and birds, 
has declined due to reduced habitat resources in 
degraded tree remnants. 

5. ‘Nutrient (nitrogen) enrichment’ — increased 
soil fertility due to pasture improvement has 
increased the nutrient quality of tree leaves and 
hence their attractiveness to insects. 

6. “Maladapted trees’ — Edwards et al. (1993) 
and Floyd and Farrow (1995) subsequently 
suggested that reduced opportunities for eucalypt 
reproduction in agricultural landscapes had not 
allowed types resistant to insect attack to fully 

From an investigation of soil factors, tree health, 
insect abundance and herbivory in paired stands of 
intact and degraded stands of Eucalyptus blakelyi 
— E. melliodora woodland, Landsberg et al. (1990) 
concluded that explanation #5 was the most likely 
reason for enhanced abundance of insects on trees and 
suggested that the accumulation of nitrogen in stock 
camps around tree stands was implicated. The other 
explanations were not entirely ruled out and, as noted 


by Wylie and Landsberg (1990), any one or more may 
have application in a particular situation. 

It was also clear that some eucalypt species 
were more likely to be defoliated than others. Curtis 
(1989) reported that E. nova-anglica, E. blakelyi 
and E. melliodora were more severely affected than 
E. pauciflora on the Northern Tablelands of NSW. 
However, relative damage between species appeared 
to vary regionally. Fox and Morrow (1983) reported 
that E. pauciflora and E. blakelyi were both heavily 
damaged in southern NSW and that E. pauciflora 
suffered greater levels of damage when trees where 
growing in mixed rather than monospecific stands. 
Wylie and Landsberg (1990) noted that dieback 
affected trees of all ages but was more severe in older- 
age classes than younger ones. It was also evident that 
insect damage levels varied between individuals of 
the same species in the same area and even between 
different parts of the one tree (e.g. Lowman and 
Heatwole 1992, Edwards et al. 1993). 

Thus despite a decade or so of research into 
eucalypt dieback and defoliation, the causative factors 
were far from clear in autumn 1990 when the eucalypt 
monitoring project described below commenced. 
It was designed to answer the two questions posed 
earlier and at the same time test some of the then 
current explanations for chronic defoliation. Its 
primary aim was to monitor damage by Scarabeidae, 
which was seen as the major threat at the time. The 
aims of the project were to: 

e document fluctuations in the extent of leaf 
damage to a large number of eucalypts over a 
period of time; 

e examine a subset of the above (tagged trees) 
for evidence of consistent differences in the level 
of leaf damage to individual trees over time; 

e investigate whether damage was associated 
with environmental factors such as _ those 
suggested by Landsberg et al. (1990) above. 


Site selection and description 

It was considered that about ten sites in each of 
three main agricultural landscapes (Kovac et al.’s 
(1990) “Manildra’, ‘Canowindra’ and ‘Black Rock’ 
soil landscapes; Table 1) in the Manildra—Molong 
area would be sufficient for the survey. In early 
1990, readily-locatable (e.g. road junctions, railway 
crossings) groups of trees extending from road 
reserves into adjacent paddocks were marked on aerial 
photographs of the Molong 1:50 000 topographic 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Table 1. Brief descriptions of the three Central Western NSW soil landscapes sampled (Kovac et al. 
1990, B.W. Murphy pers. comm.). 

er dscane Lithology Soils 
Black Rock _— Sandstone, Red podzolics on upper to 
(Br) conglomerate, midslopes. Yellow podzolics in 
shale drainage lines. 
Low to moderate fertility 
Canowindra _ Porphyry, Non-calcic brown soils with 
(Cd) shale, some red podzolics or red earths 
limestone on upper-midslopes. Yellow and 
brown solodics in some drainage 
Moderate to high fertility. 
Manildra Shale, Non-calcic brown soils on mid 
(Mn) porphyry, to upper slopes. Red and brown 
limestone podzolics with some red earths 


Rolling low 
hills. Relief 60- 
80 m. Slopes 

Undulating low 
hills. Relief 20- 
60 m. Slopes 

Undulating to 

rolling low hills. 

Relief 20-80 m. 

Main land use 

— often of native 

Broadacre crops 
and pastures in 

Broadacre crops 
and pastures in 

and euchrozems on higher slopes. 

Slopes 6-16%. 

Red brown earths on lower 
slopes. Yellow and red solodics in 

drainage lines. 

Moderate to high fertility but 
tending to be more ‘patchy’ than 


map. Each pre-selected site was then assessed in the 
field for satisfying the following criteria: (a) presence 
of at least 20 naturally-occurring eucalypts along the 
roadside and 20 in the adjacent paddock, (b) not near 
buildings where tree plantings may have occurred, 
and (c) where possible, not in drainage lines (which 
represented a different environment to most of the 
country being surveyed). If a site was unsuitable, and 
most were due to insufficient trees being present, the 
surveyor proceeded to the next site. 

Ultimately six pairs of sites in each landscape 
were selected but one in the Black Rock landscape 
was subsequently abandoned due to difficulty in 
distinguishing two closely-related species. The 
locations of the remaining paired sites, Black Rock 
(Br) 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Canowindra (Cd) 1-6 and 
Manildra (Mn) 1-6 are shown in Fig. 1. Apart from 
Br3 (Fig. 2) and Br4, none of the stands was near-intact 
and all had been thinned to varying extents. As roads 
were often located in transition areas between two 
vegetation communities, and often at lower elevations 
than upslope paddocks, species composition of the 
roadside community did not always match that of the 
adjacent paddock, e.g. Br6, Cd6, Mn1, 2 and 3 (Table 
2). Sizes of sites ranged from up to ~300 m of roadside 
to ~1 hectare of paddock. In addition to soil landscape 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

and location (roadside or paddock), the composition 
of the groundstorey (native v. exotic grass dominant) 
was also recorded at each site. 

Trees were identified using local tree 
identification guides but many specimens were 
submitted to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, 
for confirmation. Red gums presented particular 
difficulty in the Molong—Manildra environment. 
Both E. blakelyi and E. dealbata were present but 
intergrades, sometimes identified as ‘E. blakelyi ssp. 
irrorata’, were particularly common. For this reason, 
all the red gums encountered in the survey have been 
treated together as “E. blakelyi-dealbata’ . 

Assessment of insect damage 

Assessments of the ‘dieback condition’ of 
entire trees, e.g. as described by Landsberg (1989), 
are more likely to reflect past rather than current 
levels of defoliation and hence were of limited use 
for annual monitoring as proposed here. Many 
assessments of defoliation have been based on time- 
consuming measurements of the volume of foliage 
that has been removed from a tree. Visual estimates 
of the proportion of leaf loss are more rapid and, as 
reported by Landsberg (1989), can be estimated 





Figure 1. Location of the 17 paired eucalypt monitoring sites (A) in the Molong—Manildra area of 

Central Western NSW. 

(though often over-estimated) in a consistent manner 
by a single observer but may vary between observers. 
For the purposes of this survey, damage assessment 
needed to be rapid and consistent, especially from year 
to year, though not necessarily an absolute measure 
of damage. Instead, an assessment of the proportion 
of damaged leaves on each tree was undertaken. 
This involved examining a clump of leaves on a tree 
and estimating the proportion that showed obvious 
damage, i.e. could be easily seen with the unaided eye 
or with binoculars. This was repeated for a number of 
clumps and the results averaged. Hence, a rating of 10 
% meant that, on average, 10 % of the leaves on that 
tree had obvious damage. ‘Damage’ included removal 
of sections of leaf (either holes or along the margins), 


presence of galls, “skeletonisation’ and other forms 
of leaf stress. Removal of entire leaves could not be 
estimated. In the first season (summer of 1989-90), a 
three point scale was employed: “nil/minor’ damage 
(<10 % of leaves were damaged), ‘moderate’ (>10— 
50 %), ‘severe’ (>50 %). In subsequent years, the 
proportion of damaged leaves was estimated to the 
nearest 10%. 

The procedure did not, therefore, distinguish 
damage by Scarabeidae, which produce characteristic 
sawtooth-like edges on leaves, from other forms of 
insect damage; though whether damage was primarily 
due to beetles was noted on field sheets. Another 
consequence of this procedure was that removal of 
a large part of an individual leaf was considered the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 2. A relatively intact grassy E. albens woodland in a paddock at site Br3 during autumn 
2000. This site has since been further degraded by tree removal and the planting of exotic trees. 

same as removal of a small part. 

It was also assumed that leaves being assessed 
were different from those assessed the previous year, 
i.e. that leaves were <1 year old. Although reports of 
individual eucalypt leaves surviving for up to 3 years 
exist (e.g. Lowman and Heatwole 1992), Jacobs 
(1955) reported the average leaf-life of forest trees at 
about 1.5 years, dependent on factors such as position 
in the canopy, growth rate, wind changes and insect 
attack. Jacobs noted that bursts of growth such as 
occur after insect attack are associated with increased 
leaf-fall such that the average life of remaining leaves 
is <1 year. Bursts of growth that commonly occur on 
woodland eucalypts in autumn and spring may also 
be associated with increased leaf fall; and even if 
some leaves live for >1 year, these flushes ensure that 
many are <1 year old. 

Site monitoring 

Commencing in April 1990, the first 20 trees, 
regardless of size, encountered along the roadside at 
each site were assessed for insect damage. Species 
and the main leaf type (adult, juvenile) were also 
noted for each tree. This was repeated in the adjacent 
paddock. The sites were reassessed each year — ideally 
in March when Scarabeidae activity had ceased and 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

before new autumn leaves were obvious — until 2004. 
Trees were assessed by the same observer [WS] on 
all occasions. Between 1991 and 1993, trees at five 
of the sites (Table 2) were tagged so that damage to 
individual trees could be monitored. When tree deaths 
occurred or a tree could not be relocated, additional 
trees were tagged to maintain the number of trees 
monitored at 20. 

The same groups of untagged trees were assessed 
each year but this did not necessarily involve exactly 
the same trees in each group. In most cases this was due 
to tree deaths (natural and deliberate) and excessive 
browsing by stock but in one case by the incorporation 
of roadside trees into the adjacent paddock by new 
fencing. These changes necessitated the assessment 
of new trees, which were sometimes at a considerable 
distance from the original site. Sites Mn1 (roadside) 
and Mn2 (paddock) were abandoned in 2001 due to 
insufficient numbers of trees being present within 
reasonable walking distance. Monitoring of paddock 
trees was progressively scaled back from 2001 (when 
only tagged trees were monitored) to 2003 when only 
roadside trees were monitored. 



Table 2. Brief descriptions of eucalypt sites monitored from 1990 to 2004 


Siteno. § oud alb mell iror brid micr poly (juv) Ground alb mell iror brid micr poly (uv) 
Brl * exotic 30 0 70 0 0 0 25 exotic 11 0 89 0 0 0 0 
Br3 * native 66 0 34 0 0 0 OD) native 82 0 19 (0) 0 0 21 
Br4 exotic 100 0 0 0 0 0) 52 native 92 0 8 0 0 () 44 
Br5 exotic Del 44 30 0 () 0 29 exotic 7 79 14 0 0 0 2 
Br6 exotic 0 51 49 0 0 0 16 native 0 0 100 0 0 0 49 
Mean* 44 19 37 0 0 0 29 39 15 46 0 0 0 22 
Cdl native 100 0 0 0 0 0 58 exotic 100 0 0 0) 0 0 0 
Cd2 native 100 0 0 0 0 0 64 exotic 100 0 0 0 0 0 17 
Cd3 native 100 0 0 0 0 0 4 exotic 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 
Cd4 exotic 95 5 0 0 0 0 26 exotic 100 0 0 0 0 0 i 
Cd5 exotic 1 83 16 0 0 0 2), exotic 0 95 6 0 0 0 0 
Cd6 * exotic 0 50 0 50 (0) 0 20 native 25 5 70 0 0 0 0 
Mean 66 23 3 8 0 0 29 69 17 15 0 0 0 3 
Mnl exotic 51 45 0 0 4 0 VW exotic 63 1 0 0 37 0 9 
Mn2 * native 80 | 0 0) 7 13 17 exotic 5 0 95 0 0 0 28 
Mn3 exotic 0 Di 73 0 0 0 21 exotic 0 89 1 10 0 0 1 
Mn4 * exotic 0 719 16 5 0 0 16 exotic 0 80 5 15 0 0 0 
Mn5 native 65 35 0 0 0 0 25 native 56 44 0 0 0 0 5 
Mn6 native 0 0 0 0 100 0 () native 0 0 0 0 100 0 1 
Mean 32 31 15 1 19 2 24 20 38 15 5 23 0 7 

#Means based on actual tree numbers over all observations and rounded to nearest integer 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Data analysis 

Over the 15 years of observation, 680 individual 
trees were examined, yielding 8804 assessments of 
leaf damage. Statistical analysis of this large data 
set was complicated by the highly structured and 
confounded nature of the classifying factors of: soil 
landscape (Canowindra, Black Rock, Manildra), 
location (paddock, roadside), pasture type (exotic, 
native), species (E. albens, E. microcarpa, E. 
melliodora, E. bridgesiana, E. blakelyi-dealbata), 
leaf type (adult, juvenile) and time (1990, 1991 ... 
2004). For example, E. microcarpa was only found 
on the Manildra soil landscape and primarily on sites 
with a native pasture understorey. Confounding of 
this degree could result in the misinterpretation of the 
cause of an apparent statistically significant outcome. 
To minimise the chance of misinterpretation, a 
number of separate linear mixed model analyses were 
run. Initially all data were used to quantify the extent 
of leaf damage over the full period of observation, 
with focus only given to the main order effect of time. 
Three further analyses were performed on subsetted 
data formed by selecting the major species, viz. E. 
albens, E. melliodora and E. blakelyi-dealbata, with 
4033, 2106 and 1808 records respectively. Where 
estimable, only main-order (e.g. soil landscape, time) 
and interactions up to first order (e.g. soil landscape 
by time) were included in these models. 

The response variable for the analyses, viz. 
proportion of leaves damaged on each tree, covered 
the full range of 0 to 100%. Therefore to statistically 
model the proportion, p, of severely damaged leaves 
on a tree as a function of the above explanatory 
factors, a logistic transformation (Cunningham et al. 
2005) was applied within a generalised linear mixed 
model framework using GenStat (2005). Significance 
of interaction terms was tested by examining Wald 
statistics formed by dropping, in turn, these individual 
terms from the full fixed model. High degree splines 
were fitted to these estimated means to indicate 
general temporal trends. 

Correlation coefficients were derived between 
the estimated proportion of leaves damaged per tree 
from the analysis of all data and various measures 
of moisture status. One measure examined actual 
rainfall in the form of either total annual, warm season 
(September to February) or cool season (March to 
August) rainfall lagged from the time of observation 
by 1, 2, 3 or 4 years. Another measure re-expressed 
each of these measures of rainfall as a standardised 
index by creating a running mean of the three most 
recent rainfall records, subtracting three times the 
long term average and then dividing by the long term 
average. This standardisation is similar to that used 
by Foley (1957) and is referred to here as ‘three-year 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Foley’s index’. 

To investigate the incidence of severe leaf 
damage (defined as a tree having 240 % of leaves 
damaged) in consecutive years, a contingency table 
was formed from the annual damage levels of the 
206 individually tagged trees. For trees that were 
continuously monitored from 1991—93 to 2004, there 
were 13-11 opportunities of severe leaf damage in 
consecutive years. 


Rainfall (Fig. 3a) during the 14 years of 
monitoring varied considerably with occasional wet 
years (e.g. 1992) and droughts (e.g. 1994-1995, 1997, 
2002). The three-year Foley’s index (which provides 
some indication of cumulative soil moisture over the 
relevant period) for annual rainfall, peaked in 1992 
reflecting a run of average to above-average seasons 
but dipped in 1995 and 2003 reflecting runs of below- 
average rainfall. A similar pattern was evident for 
cool season rainfall (Fig. 3b) but not for warm season 
rainfall where indices for the periods 1986—90 and 
2002-03 were negative, and those for 1992—98 were 
positive (Fig. 3c). 

In Fig. 4b, it is evident that overall insect damage 
was moderate when assessed in most autumns with 
~20% of leaves on the ‘average tree’ damaged. 
Significantly higher average damage levels of 33 % 
and 37 % were evident in 1990 and 1994 respectively. 
When damage to the three most common species, E. 
albens, E. melliodora and E. blakelyi-dealbata, was 
examined (Figs. 4c, d, e), time (year of observation) 
was again the main significant explanatory variable 
except for E. albens and E. melliodora, where soil 
landscape interacted with time. 

Much of the damage up to about 1995 was due to 
Scarabeidae. Maximum leaf damage was recorded in 
1990, anacknowledged ‘bad beetle year’ (Dick 1990a), 
and again in 1994, though at this time damage by 
other insects was also evident. Differences in damage 
levels between tree species were suspected across the 
period of observation but the statistical significance 
was not determined due to the potential confounding 
of effects. Nevertheless, when Scarabeidae were the 
most obvious reason for damage, average damage to 
species appeared to decrease in the following order: 
E.albens or E. blakeleyi-dealbata, E. bridgesiana, E. 
microcarpa and E. melliodora. Eucalyptus melliodora 
was severely damaged in 1993-95 but leaf damage 
(‘withered and dehydrated’) was consistent with the 
occurrence of non-lerp-forming Psyllidae, rather than 
Scarabeidae. From 1995 onwards, species ranking 
with respect to damage changed, though E. albens 




Total Rainfall (mm) 


Cool Season 
Rainfall (mm) 


Warm Season 
Rainfall (mm) 

Figure 3. (a) Annual, (b) Cool season (March to August) and (c) Warm 
season (September to February) rainfall at Manildra P.O. in the years im- 
mediately prior to and during the insect damage survey. Long term (1960- 
90) averages shown by horizontal lines and three-year Foley’s indices by 

undulating lines. 

generally showed the most damage. 

Apart from time of observation, very few of 
the potential explanatory variables were statistically 
significant in explaining leaf damage. Past rainfall, 
however, correlated significantly with leaf damage. 
Across all years of observation, highest correlations 
were with Foley’s three-year moisture index of 4 
years previous. There was a negative correlation 
with the warm season index and a lower but positive 
correlation with the cool season index (Table 3). The 
relationship can be seen by comparing Fig. 4b (annual 
leaf damage) with Fig. 4a, where the indices have 
been staggered by 4 years. A deficit in warm season 
rainfall was associated with higher leaf damage (at 
least in 2 of the 15 years) and an increase by reduced 
levels of damage 4 years later. An opposite trend was 
evident for cool season rainfall. 

However, during the period 1996-2004 (when 
Scarabeidae were not particularly active), leaf damage 
correlated negatively with the calendar year rainfall (r 
= —0.86) and to a lesser extent, warm season rainfall (r 


= —0.66) immediately prior 
to the time of observation. 
Repeated observations 
of the same (206 tagged) 
trees indicated that 24 % 
(49) of the trees never 
experienced severe leaf 
damage by insects; a further 
37 % (76 trees) experienced 
severe leaf damage on up 
to three occasions but not 
in consecutive years. Most 
trees (61 %), therefore, 
were not subjected to severe 
leaf damage in consecutive 
years. One tree, however, 
experienced ten severe 
attacks over 14 _ years, 
eight of which were in 
consecutive years. Between 
these two extremes, there 
were low numbers of trees 
that experienced severe leaf 
damage in consecutive years 

(Fig. 5). 

Foley's 3 yr Foley's 3 yr 

Foley's 3 yr 


As it turned out, the 
severe defoliation caused 
by Scarabeidae in 1989- 
90 was not a precursor of 
widespread dieback in the Molong—Manildra area 
of Central Western NSW. Nevertheless the number 
of trees that died during the 15 years of survey was 
surprising. In some cases, the cause was obvious 
(e.g. deliberate removal associated with roadworks), 
suggestive (e.g. severe browsing of saplings by 
domestic stock or mature trees with a heavy mistletoe 
burden) or not evident (e.g. rapid death of mature E. 
melliodora) but, apart from the few cases of the latter, 
it could not be described as ‘dieback’ (rapid and 
widespread death; Nadolny 1995). However, further 
south in the Boorowa—Young—Harden area, dieback 
has been evident for many years and, for E. blakelyi 
at least, appears to be associated with severe damage 
by Psyllidae. 

Damage by Scarabeidae was evident every 
summer, particularly in 1989-90 and 1993-94, but 
their role in overall damage declined after about 
1994 and thereafter appeared to be confined mainly 
to E. albens and E. blakelyi-dealbata. Reference 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


. Sigler a) Moisture 
1.0 7 ars ( ) 

Moisture index 

1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 

Year of Observation 
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 

(b) all data 

—@— Canowindra 

—©— Black Rock 
see7--= Manildra 

% leaves per tree exhibiting obvious leaf damage 

(e) E. blakelyi - dealbata 

1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 

Year of Observation 

Figure 4. (a) Three-year Foley’s rainfall indices for cool season (C) and warm season (W) rainfall four 
years prior to the average damage levels recorded for (b) all eucalypt trees, (c) E. albens trees, (d) E mel- 
liodora trees and (e) E. blakelyi-dealbata trees when assessed each autumn from 1990 to 2004. Damage 
is expressed as the estimated percentage of leaves with obvious insect damage on each tree and graphed 
on the logit scale. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 107 


Table 3. Correlations between average leaf damage (“o) and previous (1 to 4 years) rainfall totals (cal- 
endar year, warm season (September to February), cool season (March to August) and corresponding 

three-year Foley’s indices. 

ene: Seok ee! Dee yer 
Total Foley’s Total Foley’s Total Foley’s 
rainfall Index rainfall Index rainfall Index 
4 years previously 0.26 0.28 0.52 0.51 —0.50 —0.76 
3 years previously 0.20 0.19 0.43 O57 0.15 039 
2 years previously 0.25 0.39 0.10 0.47 0.13 —0.15 
| year previously —0.24 0.09 —0.06 0.20 —0.20 0.05 

to Fig. 4 suggests that there was a low background 
level of damage (i.e. ~20 % of leaves with obvious 
damage), which was exceeded in occasional years 

when Scarabeidae (or possibly 

of E. melliodora around 1993—95) were active. These 
results are consistent with the long-term observations 
of Pook et al. (1998) in an E. maculata forest on the 
south coast of NSW. No surveys were carried out in 

2005 and 2006 but incidental 
observations suggested 
no major change in levels 
of either leaf damage or 
abundance of Scarabeidae. 
This was corroborated by 
a Molong landholder, who 
observed that localised 
explosions in the populations 
of Anoploganthus spp. were 
consistently associated with 
severe damage to E. scoparia, 
an introduced species in the 
homestead garden. 

The unbalanced nature 
of the data, e.g. that some 
species (E. bridgesiana and 
E. microcarpa) did not occur 

on all soil landscapes, and that species composition 
at each roadside v. paddock ‘pair’ was not always 
the same (Table 2) presented considerable difficulty 

for analysis and interpretation. 

made at the time the survey was designed in 1990 

were subsequently considered 

assumed that: (1) paddock sites were likely to be 
more fertile (e.g. due to stocking and applications of 
fertiliser) than those on roadsides, (2) that trees with 
juvenile leaves were juveniles, i.e. young, (3) that sites 
with an exotic-dominated groundstorey were more 


fertile than those where natives dominated. As broad 
generalisations they may be correct but observations 
indicated that they were not consistent at the sites 
surveyed. Although tests for significant associations 
between the degree of leaf damage and some of the 
site variables could not be carried out, it does not rule 
them out as potential explanatory variables. However, 
the survey results suggest that generalisations such as 

Psyllidae in the case 



Proportion of trees 


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 

Frequency of severe leaf damage in consecutive years 

Figure 5. Proportion of trees (n = 206) that experienced varying frequen- 
cies (potential maximum = 13) of severe leaf damage (>40 % of leaves 
damaged) by insects in consecutive years. 

“paddock trees are more likely to suffer severe insect 
attack than those on roadsides’ or that ‘trees in intact 
stands, e.g. those with native groundstorey, are less 
likely to suffer severe insect attack’, are invalid. 
Monitoring of tagged trees suggested that the 
generalisation arising from the “nutrient enrichment’ 
explanation for chronic defoliation, i.e. that “the same 
trees are attacked year after year’, is also invalid — at 
least for damage by the totality of insects that feed 
on eucalypts. Whether it is true when Scarabeidae 
are abundant year after year cannot be determined 

Further, assumptions 

invalid: e.g. it was 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


from the data available, though it too is unlikely. 
Scarabeidae were particularly active in the first 5 years 
of the observation period, yet very few trees suffered 
severe leaf damage in consecutive years on four or 
more occasions (Fig. 5). A relatively small number 
of trees suffered severe leaf damage in consecutive 
years suggesting that some trees were particularly 
susceptible to insect damage; though it was possible 
that some (unhealthy?) trees did not produce frequent 
flushes of new leaves and that the same leaves were 
observed in consecutive years. Even so, 61 % of the 
trees never experienced severe damage in consecutive 
years and of these, some were never severely damaged 
during the 15 years of observation. 

In the case of leaf damage to the two most 
common species, E. albens and E. melliodora, a 
significant interaction was detected between time 
and the soil landscape in which the trees occurred. 
Whether this can be attributed to differing habitat 
qualities (e.g. ‘fertility’) for build-up of insect 
populations in average seasons (but of less relevance 
when insects are more mobile in times of high 
abundance) is conjectural. Of the three landscapes, 
soils in Black Rock were the least fertile (Table 1) and 
average levels of leaf damage were generally lower 
on this soil landscape except during the high damage 
years of 1990 and 1994 (Figs. 4c, d). 

Considering the large number of insect species 
that feed on eucalypts (e.g. Landsberg and Cork 
1997) and the effects of seasonal conditions on their 
abundance and on the insects and parasitoids that 
feed on them (Heatwole and Lowman 1986), it was 
surprising that correlations between leaf damage and 
rainfall across the 15 years of survey, or even during 
1996-2004 (when Scarabeidae were uncommon), 
were evident at all. That the two correlations were 
negative (r = —0.76 for the three-year Foley’s index 
for warm season rainfall and leaf damage 4 years 
later; and r = —0.86 during 1996-2004 for calendar 
year rainfall and leaf damage the following autumn) 
is difficult to explain. A correlation between rainfall 
and insect abundance some years later would be 
expected for Scarabeidae, which have long life 
cycles, but not for those with short life cycles such 
as Psyllidae. Hence, unless one or other type of insect 
was responsible for the fluctuating levels of leaf 
damage over time, correlations between leaf damage 
and rainfall would not be expected. Since field 
studies cannot afford the benefits of a fully controlled 
laboratory study, these correlations may be indicative 
of indirect associations with other non-measured 
variables. Perhaps the correlations should be ignored 
and other aspects of the rainfall record examined. For 
example, it was assumed at the time that the decline 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

in the abundance of Scarabeidae after 1994 was due 
to drought, especially below-average cool season 
rainfall, in 1994 and 1995 (Fig. 3). 


Monitoring of insect damage to eucalypt leaves 
over 15 years indicated significant change over time 
with high damage levels evident in autumn 1990 and 
1994. Though similarly high levels of damage were 
recorded in particular situations at other times (e.g. E. 
albens trees in the Manildra soil landscape in 2004), 
overall background levels of proportions of leaves 
damaged fluctuated between 10 and 25 %. At the 
commencement of the monitoring period, Scarabeidae 
were expected to be an on-going cause of leaf damage 
but this did not eventuate and damage attributed to 
them declined from 1994 to relatively low levels. 
This was possibly in response to a prolonged deficit 
in warm season rainfall up to 4 years earlier, though 
the 1994-95 drought could not be ruled out. Damage 
by other leaf-feeding insects, including Psyllidae, 
was evident throughout and they were the main cause 
of damage, which was generally low but high in some 
species and/or situations, after about 1994. 

Clear relationships between leaf damage and 
site factors could not be determined but the results 
provided little support for generalisations such as 
‘trees in grazed paddocks suffer more insect damage 
than those on roadsides’ or that ‘trees in disturbed 
communities suffer more damage than those in 
‘intact’ communities’. Relative damage to individual 
species changed over time but during the period when 
Scarabeidae were abundant, damage tended to be 
higher on E. blakelyi-dealbata and E. albens than on 
the other species. Studies of tagged trees offered little 
support for the generalisation that once a tree suffers 
severe damage it is likely to do so in consecutive 
years. Though this occurred to a low number of 
trees, many were not severely damaged at all or only 


Thanks to the former Regional Director of the Soil 
Conservation Service in Orange, Tony McCarthy, who 
initiated and supported this project though we must apologise 
for taking 16 years to answer his questions of 1990 when they 
probably could have been answered prior to his retirement 
in 1999. Thanks to local landholders, Brian Evans and Bill 
Marriott, who showed ongoing interest in the project, to 
Penny Edwards, Suzanne Prober, Rod Fensham and Brian 



Murphy for providing useful information during the long 
period when data were being collected and analysed, to 
Jeff Bradley for preparing Figure 1, and to botanists at the 
Royal Botanic Gardens, who helped with tree identification 
at the start of the survey. Dr A. Raman kindly reviewed the 
manuscript and provided some insights into the insects that 
may have been responsible for eucalypt damage. 


Anon. (1990). CSIRO progress on insect-defiant gums. 
The Land 1 November 1990, p. 25. 

Cunningham, R.B., Lindenmayer, D.B., MacGregor, 

C., Barry, S. and Welsh, A. (2005). Effects of trap 
position, trap history, microhabitat and season on 
capture probabilities of small mammals in a wet 
eucalypt forest. Wildlife Research 32, 657-671. 

Curtis, D. (1989). Eucalypt re-establishment on the 
Northern Tablelands of New South Wales. MSc 
Thesis, University of New England, Armidale. 

Dick, A. (1990a). Beetles attack thousands of trees in 
Central West. The Land 15 March 1990, p. 20. 

Dick, A. (1990b). New threat faces billion trees plan. The 
Land 14 June 1990, p. 18. 

Edwards, P.B., Wanjura, W.J., Brown, W.V. and Dearn, 
J.M. (1990). Mosaic resistance in plants. Nature 347, 

Edwards, P.B., Wanjura, W.J. and Brown, W.V. (1993). 
Selective herbivory by Christmas beetles in response 
to intraspecific variation in Eucalyptus terpenoids. 
Oecologia 95, 551-557. 

Foley, J.C. (1957). ‘Droughts in Australia. Review 
of records from earliest years of settlement to 
1955’. Bulletin No. 47, Bureau of Meteorology, 
Commonwealth of Australia, Melbourne. 

Fox, L.R. and Morrow, P.A. (1983). Estimates of 
damage by herbivorous insects on Eucalyptus trees. 
Australian Journal of Ecology 8, 139-147. 

Floyd, R.B. and Farrow, R.A. (1995). The role of insects 
in tree decline. In: “Redressing rural tree decline. 
Proceedings of the ‘after dieback’ conference, May 
1995, Orange, NSW’ (Ed A. Kater) pp. 25-33. 
(Greening Australia, Sydney). 

GenStat (2005). ‘GenStat for Windows.’ 8" edn. VSN 
International Ltd., Hemel Hempstead, UK. 

Heatwole, H. and Lowman, M. (1986). “Dieback, death 
of an Australian landscape’. Reed Books, Frenchs 

Jacobs, M.R. (1955). “Growth habits of the eucalypts’. 
Forestry and Timber Bureau, Canberra. 

Kovac, M., Murphy, B.W. and Lawrie, J.W. (1990). ‘Soil 
landscapes of the Bathurst 1:250 000 sheet’. Soil 
Conservation Service, Sydney. 

Landsberg, J. (1989). A comparison of methods for 
assessing defoliation, tested on eucalypt trees. 
Australian Journal of Ecology 14, 423-440. 


Landsberg, J., Morse, J. and Khanna, P. (1990). Tree 
dieback and insect dynamics in remnants of native 
woodlands on farms. Proceedings of the Ecological 
Society of Australia 16, 149-165. 

Landsberg, J.J and Cork, S.J. (1997). Herbivory: 
interactions between eucalypts and the vertebrates 
and invertebrates that feed on them. In: “Eucalypt 
ecology: individuals to ecosystems’ (Ed. J.E. 
Williams and J.C.Z. Woinarsk1) pp. 342-372. 
Cambridge University Press, Melbourne. 

Lowman, M.D. and Heatwole, H. (1992). Spatial and 
temporal variability in defoliation of Australian 
eucalypts. Ecology 73, 129-142. 

Nadolny, C. (1995). Causes of tree decline/dieback in 
NSW. In: “Redressing rural tree decline. Proceedings 
of the ‘after dieback’ conference, May 1995, Orange, 
NSW’ (Ed A. Kater) pp. 11-18. (Greening Australia, 

Pook, E.W., Gill, A.M. and Moore, P.H.R. (1998). Insect 
herbivory in a Eucalyptus maculata forest on the 
south coast of New South Wales. Australian Journal 
of Botany 46, 735-742. 

White, T.C.R. (1986). Weather, Eucalyptus dieback in 

New England, and a general hypothesis on the cause 
of dieback. Pacific Science 40, 58-78. 

Wylie, F.R. and Landsberg, J. (1990). Rural dieback. In: 
“Trees for rural Australia’ (Ed K.W. Cremer) pp. 243- 
248. (CSIRO / Inkata Press, Melbourne). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

The Spatial Pattern of Invading Pinus radiata 


Institute of Wildlife Research, School of Biological Sciences, Heydon-Laurence Building, A08, The 
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006 ( 

Williams, M.C. and Wardle, G.M. (2007). The spatial pattern of invading Pinus radiata. Proceedings of 
the Linnean Society of New South Wales 128, 111-122. 

The spatial pattern of invading populations can provide insight into mechanisms of invasion and 
help establish the potential for further spread of a species. Pinus radiata has successfully invaded native 
vegetation across southeastern Australia. The small scale spatial pattern of invading Pinus radiata was 
investigated within two dry Eucalypt woodlands adjacent to commercial plantations in the upper Blue 
Mountains, NSW Australia. This study aimed to identify the presence of a second generation of pines in 
order to determine the sustainability of the invading population. We looked for evidence of 1) clustering of 
pine seedlings; 2) positive associations between pine seedlings and reproductive pines. Spatial analysis of 
20 m by 20 m plots using dispersion indices and Ripley’s K function revealed clustering of pine seedlings 
at distances of up to 450 m from the plantation. Bivariate analysis found significant positive association 
between seedlings and reproductive pines in two plots. Further evidence for self propagation was provided 
by the correlation between seedling abundance and cone abundance. These results suggest that the invading 

population is sustainable in the long term and is capable of spreading further into the native vegetation. 

Manuscript received 29 May 2006, accepted for publication 13 December 2006. 

Keywords: bivariate analysis, invasion, Ripley’s K, seedlings, 

spatial distribution. 


The tree Pinus radiata has successfully spread 
from commercial plantations into adjacent natural 
areas across the southern hemisphere where it is widely 
planted as a commercial timber crop (Richardson et al. 
1994). Pine invasions are of particular concern in New 
Zealand and South Africa where they are threatening 
ecological and aesthetic values (Richardson et al. 
1994, Ledgard 2001). Dense stands of self sown pines 
can suppress understorey vegetation (Richardson and 
Van Wilgen 1986, Richardson et al. 1989), and alter 
a range of ecosystem properties including hydrology 
(Van Wyk 1987), nutrient cycling and fire regimes 
(Versfeld and Van Wilgen 1986). 

The first phase of invasion by pines involves the 
dispersal of seed, typically by wind, from plantation 
trees and the subsequent establishment of wildlings 
in the recipient habitat. The cones of Pinus radiata 
are serotinous, opening and releasing seed during hot, 
dry weather conditions and after fire (Fielding 1947, 
McDonald and Laacke 2003). While the majority of 
seeds are dispersed less than 100m from parent trees 
(Van der Sommen 1978 cited in , Virtue and Melland 

2003), initial recruits can establish at long distances 
of up to 4km from the plantation (Williams and 
Wardle 2005) and have been referred to as satellite 
foci (Richardson et al. 1994). Yellow-tailed black 
cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus funereus) may also be 
responsible for long distance dispersal events as they 
feed on cones and carry away seed (Attiwill 1970, 
Buchanan 1989, Gill and Williams 1996). Rare long 
distance dispersal events leads to a broken invasion 
front and patchy progress across the landscape 
(Hengeveld 1989). 

The second phase of invasion occurs when first 
generation wildlings mature and begin to reproduce, 
creating a secondary seed source. Pines are known to 
self-fertilise and perpetuate by establishing a colony 
of seedlings (Bannister 1965). Self reproduction from 
new loci located beyond the main invasion front 
contributes greatly to the invading population (Moody 
and Mack 1988) and increases invasive spread rates 
(Clark et al. 1998). Seed dispersal processes are 
central components of invasion dynamics and are 
integral to models of pine spread which hope to gain 
a predictive understanding of invasions (Higgins 
and Richardson 1998). Determining the presence of 


a second generation of invaders and establishing the 
time to their successful establishment will assist the 
parametisation of models and the estimation of pine 
spread rates. 

Detecting the occurrence of pine wildling 
reproduction requires an ability to distinguish between 
seedlings sourced from the plantation and those 
recruited from first generation colonisers. The spatial 
relationship between adult and juvenile plants can 
provide insight into dispersal patterns and seedling 
origin. Limited seed dispersal can lead to small scale 
aggregation of individuals (Prentice and Werger 
1985). Positive associations between seedlings and 
parent plants have been attributed to seed dispersal 
mechanisms in a savanna palm tree population (Barot 
et al. 1999). Similarly, the dispersal of seed by pine 
wildlings would result in the aggregation of seedlings 
and a positive association between these seedlings 
and reproductive adults. Post-germination processes 
and conditions including environmental heterogeneity 
(Manabe and Yamamoto 1997), herbivore activity 
(Janzen 1970) and competition with the mother plant 
(Augspurger 1984) will influence seedling survival 
and may result in a seedling distribution which 
disguises the initial clustering of seeds around the 
parent plant. Therefore, the detection of a clustered 
spatial pattern after these processes have influenced 
seedling distribution provides evidence for the natural 
regeneration of pines. 

Continuous dispersal of seed from the plantation 
itself may also disguise natural regeneration patterns. 
Seed in areas near to the plantation will arrive from 
two sources; the plantation and first generation 
wildlings. Constant seed dispersal from plantation 
trees will result in a random pattern of seedlings in 
the native vegetation, whereas recruitment from 
already established wildlings will lead to a clustering 
of seeds around reproductive adults. In areas where 
first generation wildlings are the primary seed source, 
i.e at distances away from the plantation, you would 
expect to find a more detectable clustering pattern. 

Invasions of P radiata have been reported 
across southeastern Australia (Burdon and Chilvers 
1977, Minko and Aeberli 1986, Lindenmayer and 
McCarthy 2001, Williams and Wardle 2005), however 
quantitative studies detailing the spatial pattern of the 
invader are scarce. Evidence for self generation of 
pines has been recorded within an invaded eucalypt 
forest in the Australian Capital Territory (Chilvers 
and Burdon 1983) where young seedlings were found 
to be clustered around pines with mature cones. 
The Blue Mountains region of New South Wales 
is particularly at risk of invasion by P. radiata with 
many plantations bordering large tracts of continuous 


native vegetation. Two areas in particular, Newnes 
and Lidsdale State Forests have suffered high levels 
of invasion with pine densities exceeding 1,000 per 
hectare in areas adjacent to the plantation (Williams 
and Wardle 2005). Observations of high numbers of 
pine seedlings clustered around reproductive adults at 
both sites suggested the presence of self propagation 
by wildling trees. This study aims to confirm the 
occurrence of wildling reproduction by investigating 
the small scale spatial pattern of invading Pinus 
radiata within the two Eucalypt woodlands. It was 
expected that spatial analysis of the survey area would 
identify clustering of pine seedlings and a positive 
association between pine seedlings and reproductive 


Study Sites 

The study took place in two state forests 
situated in the upper Blue Mountains in the central 
tablelands of New South Wales. Newnes State Forest 
(150°12’E, 33°24’S; altitude 1000-1170m) is located 
approximately 7.5 km north east of Lithgow, NSW and 
encompasses a 51 year old, 2000 hectare P. radiata 
plantation. Lidsdale State Forest (150°3’E, 33°26’S; 
altitude 900-1000 m) is situated approximately 7 km 
north west of Lithgow and includes a 46 year old, 580 
hectare P. radiata plantation. Field work took place 
in February to August, 2003 within native vegetation 
adjacent to the pine plantations. 

Field Sampling 

At each site, pine occurrence was investigated 
within 20 m by 20 m plots located along six transects 
placed perpendicular to the plantation boundary. 
Transects were placed on multiple borders of the 
plantation and ended when pines were no longer 
present or terrain prevented further investigation. 
Transects ranged in length from 150 m to 2.2 km at 
Newnes and from 200 m to 750 m at Lidsdale. Plots 
were placed in the nearest vegetation to the plantation 
edge avoiding any forestry roads or fire breaks and 
were eStablished at regular intervals within each 
transect. The distance between plots varied from 100 
m to 200 m to reflect changes in pine density. In total 
28 plots at Newnes and 23 plots at Lidsdale were 

Six of the plots at each site in the area of Eucalypt 
forest closest to the plantation were mapped. Mapped 
plots were established in the first available vegetation 
next to the plantation and located 50 m apart. Within 
these plots the position of all dead and living P. radiata 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


individuals was recorded in Cartesian coordinates to 
the nearest 0.1 m. For every pine inside the plot the 
position of the center of the tree (x and y coordinates) 
was recorded, the diameter at breast height, 1.4m 
(Dbh) was measured with a tape, the height estimated 
to the nearest 0.5 m and the number of cones and 
branch whorls were counted. A whorl is the cluster of 
branches arising from a node on the stem (Bannister 
1962). Non mapped plots were divided into 16, five 
metre by five metre quadrats. Within each quadrat, 
the number of cones of P. radiata individuals with 
whorls was estimated and the Dbh recorded. Pinus 
radiata individuals without whorls were counted. 

Pinus radiata individuals within all plots were 
divided into five categories. 1) Seedlings; no whorls 
present, 2) Saplings; whorls present and less than 1m 
in height, 3) Juveniles; Greater than 1m in height and 
a Dbh of less than 10cm, 4) Adults; trees with Dbhs 
of 10cm or more; 5) Reproductive; trees of any size 
with cones present. 

Spatial Analysis 
Dispersion Indices 

Non mapped data were analysed using the index 
of dispersion (ID) which estimates how a pattern 
departs from spatial randomness. The index is 
calculated as the ratio of mean to sample variance: 

D = YWa, x) / 8 
(Ludwig and Reynolds 1988) 

A random arrangement of plants within the 
sixteen quadrats will have a frequency distribution 
similar to that of the Poisson distribution. Since the 
variance and mean are equal in Poisson distributions, 
a variance to mean ratio (ID) close to 1.0 is 
indicative of a random distribution (Dale 1999). 
Dispersion indices below 1.0 indicate a regular 
distribution while those greater than 1.0 suggest a 
clumped pattern. 

Dispersion indices for pine seedlings were 
calculated for all plots with more than 10 seedlings 
present using the PASSAGE computer program 
(Rosenberg 2001). Juveniles and saplings were 
excluded from the analyses due to low numbers. 
Results were compared to y? values to determine 
statistical significance at the p = 0.025 significance 

Ripley’s K function 
The use of dispersion indices to identify spatial 

pattern is limited as it produces a single index of non 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

randomness and fails to detect the scale at which this 
pattern occurs. Ripley’s K function (Ripley 1977) 
considers the variance in nearest-neighbour distances 
(Haase 1995) and is favoured for its ability to detect 
pattern across a range of spatial scales. A circle of 
radius t is centred on each point and the number of 
neighbours within the circle is counted. Density (A) is 
estimated by dividing the number of individual points 
present by the area sampled (A) (A= n/A). Ripley’s 
K function, K(t), is defined as the expected number 
of points within distance t of a point, as a proportion 
of this estimated value for density. Under the null 
hypothesis of Complete Spatial Randomness (CSR) 
K(t) = mt. That is, the area of a circle of radius t and 
a plot of VK(t) versus t should be linear. An estimator 
of K(t) is calculated separately for every t (Appendix 

The distribution of pine seedlings within the 
twelve mapped plots was investigated with Ripley’s 
K function using the SPPA computer program (Haase 
2002). The analysis began at a radius t of 0 m with 
small 0.1 m increments up to 10 m (one half of the 
plot length) to investigate small scale patterns. The 
sample statistic was plotted as the derived variable 

L(t)= J(K())/p \-1=0 

(Haase 2001) 

as it has zero expectation for any value of t when the 
pattern is random (Skarpe 1991). This analysis was 
only performed for plots with 10 individuals or more, 
as a lower number will not reveal consistent patterns 
in the spatial distribution (Arevalo and Fernandez- 
Palacios 2003). 

Monte Carlo simulations produced 99% 
confidence intervals. Positive values of L(t) above 
the upper limit of the confidence interval signified 
clumping at this scale. Significant negative deviation 
specifies a regular pattern (Diggle 1983), while L(t) 
values that remain within the confidence intervals 
support the null hypothesis of Complete Spatial 
Randomness (CSR). 

Bivariate analysis 

Bivariate analysis is an extension of Ripley’s K 
function and allows an investigation of the nature of 
a relationship between two different life stages of a 
species (Couteron and Kokou 1997). Alternatives to 
random bivariate patterns are clumped distributions 
suggesting positive association or regular patterns 
which suggest repulsion between two life stages. 

The spatial relationship of two life stages, which 



may have different densities, 1,=n,/A and A, = n/A 
is examined. The function 1,K,,(t) is defined as the 
expected number of individuals of species two within 
a radius t of an arbitrary individual of species one. The 
function AK. (t) gives the expectation for the opposite 
spatial relationship. The corresponding estimators are 
then combined to a weighted mean single estimator 
(Lotwick and Silverman 1982) (Appendix 2). The 

derived K-statistic: 

LiQ=j Imk,.O=7K1O) / (e™ =7,))- 

(Kenkel 1994, Haase 2001) 

is then plotted for values of t. If the two species are 
independent of one another the expected value of 
L,,(t) is 0. Negative values of L,,(t) indicate a 
negative association while values of L,,(t) greater 
than 0 suggest that the pattern is attractive (Mouer 
1993) at that distance. 

To determine the relationship between pine 
seedlings and reproductive adults, bivariate analysis 
was performed for all mapped plots using the SPPA 
computer program (Haase 2002). 

Analysis of non mapped data 
The ability to detect spatial association 

between reproductive adults and seedlings within non 
mapped plots is restricted by the low resolution of the 
quadrat data. This relationship was investigated on 
a slightly larger scale by considering the correlation 
between the number of cones on reproductive trees 
and the number of seedlings in a plot. A square root 
transformation of cone data was performed prior 
to calculation of correlation coefficients in order to 
account for the large variation in cone presence. Plots 
located adjacent to the plantation boundary were 
excluded from these calculations as it was assumed 
that seedlings in these plots are more likely to have 
been sourced from the plantation rather than the 
reproductive trees present. 


Distribution of seedlings 

Establishment of seedlings was not equal between 
plots with less than 10 seedlings counted in more 
than half of the plots surveyed indicating low levels 
of invasion in these areas. Eleven of the 28 plots at 

Table 1. Clustering in P. radiata seedlings. Sample size (n), Index of dispersion (ID) and signifi- 
cance level for seedlings at Newnes and Lidsdale. Asterices (*) indicate plots with significantly 

(p<0.025) clustered seedlings. 


Plot a eee an ID p-value 
1B 50 65 3.27 0.0000* 
1C 50 86 2.80 0.0000* 
2D 50 A O83) OTD) 
72183 50 50 6.08  0.0000* 
2F 50 LEIS 1OL0341 
3A 50 13. 1.68 0.0479 
4A 50 16 1.73 0.0380 
1D 150 30 6.18  0.0000* 
dale) 250 12. 12.00 0.0000* 
iB 350 60 4.53 0.0000* 
1G 450 16 2.67 0.0005* 



Plot sega ID p-value 
1B 50 13 1.84 0.0241* 
IC 50 14 1.41 0.1299 
ie 50 77 4.27  0.0000* 
5A 50 15 0.92 0.5407 
2A 150 13 0.86 0.6142 
4A 150 37 3.33 0.0380* 
5B 250 22 1.83 0.0252 
4B 350 20S Nessie On WAS 
DE 550 12 1.16 0.2993 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Newnes and 9 of the 23 plots surveyed at Lidsdale had 
more than 10 seedlings present and were analysed to 
determine the level of clustering. Dispersion indices 
for seedling distributions were greater than 1.0 in 
ten of the eleven plots at Newnes and in seven of the 
nine plots at Lidsdale, indicating tendencies towards 
clumping (Table 1). At Newnes, seven plots displayed 
significant results with IDs ranging from 2.67 to 12.0. 
Clustering was significant in three plots at Lidsdale. 
All plots at both sites with more than 25 seedlings 
were significantly clustered. There was some evidence 
for a greater degree of clustering in plots further from 
the plantation at Newnes with all four plots located 

Index of Clustering (L (6) 


more than 50m away returning significantly clustered 
results (Table 1). However, clumping was also present 
in plots close to the plantation and many plots were 
excluded from analysis due to low seedling numbers 
preventing a thorough examination on the effect of 

Analysis of the twelve mapped plots using 
Ripley’s K function revealed significant clustering of 
seedlings across scales from 1 m to 9 m. All plots 
at both sites with greater than 25 seedlings present 
contained significantly clustered distributions (Fig. 


Distance (m) 

Figure 1. Spatial analysis of the distribution of all P radiata seedlings for significantly clustered mapped 
plots at Newnes (NIB, N1C, N2E) and Lidsdale (L1E). L(t) values > 0 indicate clustering. The dotted 
lines give the 99% confidence intervals. Sample size (n) is in the top left corner and plot label is in the 

top right corner of each graph. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Index of Association (L 12(t))  — 

Distance (m) 

Figure 2 a) Mapped locations of P. radiata individuals within 20 m by 20 m plots. Large open circles rep- 
resent reproductive P. radiata. Small closed circles represent P. radiata seedlings. b) Positive association 
between P. radiata seedlings and reproductive trees in two mapped plots at Newnes. L12(t) values > 0 
indicate a positive association. The dotted lines give the 99 % confidence intervals. Plot label is in the top 
right corner and sample size (n) is in the top left corner of each graph: seedlings/reproductive trees. 

Association between seedlings and reproductive 

When seedling number was low, no significant 
association between life stages was found at either 
Newnes or Lidsdale. Of the twelve mapped plots, 
only four had more than 25 seedlings present, two 
of which revealed significant positive associations. 
Maps indicating the position of P. radiata individuals 
in the plots illustrate the clustering of seedlings 


around reproductive adults (Fig. 2a). Bivariate 
analysis revealed a significant positive association 
at scales of 0.5 m to 7.5 m in plot 1C at Newnes 
and at all distances in plot 2E at Newnes (Fig. 2b). 
Seedlings were scattered across the remaining two 
plots (Fig. 3a). Bivariate analysis confirmed spatial 
independence between seedlings and reproductive 
trees despite high seedling abundance (Fig. 3b). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Index of Association (L j2(t)) 

Distance (im) 

Figure 3. a) Mapped locations of P. radiata individuals within 20 m by 20 m plots. Large open circles 
represent reproductive P. radiata. Small closed circles represent P. radiata seedlings. b) Spatial relation- 
ship between P. radiata seedlings and reproductive trees in mapped plots at Lidsdale (LIE) and Newnes 
(N1B). L12(t) values > 0 indicate a positive association. The dotted lines give the 99 % confidence inter- 
vals. Sample size (n) is in the top left corner of each plot: seedlings/reproductive trees. 

Association between seedlings and reproductive 
adults in non mapped plots 

Cone abundance per 20 m by 20 m plot 
was extremely variable ranging from 0 to 131 at 
Lidsdale and from 0 to 700 at Newnes. Significant 
positive correlations were found between square 
root cone abundance and seedling abundance for 
far plots at both sites (Lidsdale: r = 0.77, p < 0.001. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Newnes: r = 0.76, p < 0.01). This relationship was 
most noticeable at Newnes where very large numbers 
of cones in transect one produced large numbers of 
highly clustered seedlings (Table 2). Plots within 
transect one had an average of 615 (+ 13.96) cones 
and 29.5 (+ 2.72) seedlings per plot. In comparison 
transect two contained only three cones in total and 
yielded no seedlings. 



Table 2. Relationship between cone production and seedling presence and dispersion within transects 
1 (Plots 1D, 1E, 1F, 1G) and 2 (Plots 2G, 2H, 21) at Newnes. Plots placed adjacent to the plantation are 

Plot Distance from the Number of Total number Number of 
plantation (m) reproductive trees of cones seedlings ID 
NID 150 35 685 30 6.2 
NIE 250 4 700 1) 12.0 
NIF 350 6 620 60 4.5 
NIG 450 4 456 16 21) 
N2G 150 0 0 0 NA 
N2H 250 1 3 0 NA 
N2I 350 0 0 0 NA 
DISCUSSION suggests that once seedling abundance is sufficiently 

Many processes will influence the spatial 
distribution of seedlings within a population. These 
include seed dispersal mechanisms (Prentice and 
Werger 1985, Hatton 1989, Barot et al. 1999), distance 
from the mother plant and other seedlings (Janzen 
1970, Augspurger 1984) and microsite conditions 
such as light availability (Arevalo and Fernandez- 
Palacios 2003) that will affect establishment. As 
many of these processes will produce similar patterns, 
care is needed in inferring causation. The process of 
prime interest in this study was that of seed dispersal. 
Generally, the result of initial seed dispersal is a 
clustered distribution of seeds around the mother 
plant (Bigwood and Inouye 1988). Recruitment from 
parent plants has resulted in aggregation patterns 
in a number of wind dispersed species (Westelaken 
and Maun 1985, Hatton 1989). While the seeds of P. 
radiata are adapted for long distance dispersal (Van 
Wilgen and Siegfried 1986), experimental data from 
the study sites indicates that the majority of seeds 
released from pine wildlings in the Eucalypt habitat 
will fall within 10 m of the parent tree with only rare 
long distance dispersal events witnessed. This pattern 
of seed dispersal leads to a clustering of seedlings 
around the parent plant detectable by the methods 
used in this study. Dispersion indices revealed 
tendencies towards clumping among seedlings within 
most plots. A general trend of greater clustering with 
increased sample size was found. This relationship 


high, a significant spatial pattern can be detected, and 
a Clustered pattern is usually observed. 

Significant positive associations between 
seedlings and reproductive trees were found in two 
plots at Newnes providing some evidence for natural 
regeneration within areas adjacent to the plantation. 
The spatial relationship between seedlings and adults 
may change with time. Higher survival and growth 
of seedlings close to the parent tree, 5-20 years after 
fire, can strengthen the aggregation pattern (Ne’eman 
et al. 1992). Spatial independence between seedlings 
and reproductive trees in two plots adjacent to the 
plantation with high seedling numbers also suggests 
that seedlings have originated from the plantation 
which therefore appears to provide an ongoing 
contribution to recruitment. 

Other process unrelated to regeneration may 
also produce a pattern of clustered seedlings. Yellow- 
tailed black Cockatoos, Calyptorhynchus funereus, 
have been known to feed on cones and carry them 
away (Buchanan 1989, Gill and Williams 1996) and 
were observed feeding on plantation trees at both 
study sites. The dropping of an entire pine cone by 
these birds may result in an aggregation of seedlings 
in the native vegetation, This event could occur at 
any distance from the plantation and separating this 
process from natural regeneration from wildlings is 
difficult. Genetic analysis of the wilding population 
is possible as microsatellite markers have already 
been developed for the species (Devey et al. 2002). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


However, while this may help confirm the patterns 
observed in this study it would fail to distinguish 
between wind and bird dispersed recruits. Determining 
the relative contribution of the two vectors to overall 
seed dispersal would be useful for modelling spread 
patterns as long distance dispersal events have been 
shown to be important for determining invasive 
spread rates (Buckley et al 2005). 

Stronger evidence for the production of a second 
cohort of wildlings was provided by the relationship 
between the number of cones within a plot and the 
number of seedlings present. Seedlings were numerous 
and highly clustered in plots containing highly 
reproductive trees, suggesting that self regeneration 
of pines is occurring at distances of at least 450 m 
from the plantation. This observed pattern concurs 
with another study which recorded the establishment 
of seedlings around initial colonizers in an invasion 
of Pinus radiata into South African fynbos vegetation 
(Richardson and Brown 1986). The authors recorded 
high pine densities of more than 2,700 individuals per 
ha at distances of greater than one kilometre from the 
plantation. Investigation of the invading population 
found that initial colonisation occurred 13 years after 
plantation establishment and that sufficient seed 
was being produced by these recruits to generate a 
second cohort of invaders within only 21 years of 
afforestation. While first plantings of 

P. radiata occurred 46 years ago at Lidsdale and 
51 years ago at Newnes, the majority of planting took 
place between the years of 1973 and 1981 at both 
sites. Pinus radiata cone production peaks between 
about 10 and 20 years of age (Lewis and Ferguson 
1993) which means that a considerable amount of seed 
has been available for over 20 years. The presence 
of a second generation of wildlings at Newnes and 
Lidsdale after this amount of time is not unexpected 
considering the timescale of invasion observed by 
Richardson and Brown (1986). We observed the 
establishment of new seed sources at distances of up 
to 450m from the plantation which may lead to further 
spread of the population into the native vegetation. 

Seed production within the plantation itself has 
been shown to be a large determining factor in the 
pattern of recruitment in areas surrounding plantations 
(Dawson et al 1979). Peaks in the recruitment of first 
generation wildlings may result in a wave of second 
generation recruitment once wildlings enter peak cone 
production. Current knowledge of cone production 
within wildling populations is scarce and may assist 
with the management of invasions by establishing a 
time frame for the establishment of second generation 
pine invaders. 

While results of this study suggest that first 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

generation wildlings are producing a second 
cohort of pines, the capacity of these individuals to 
contribute to the invading population and advance 
the invasion front will depend on their capacity to 
survive in their new environment. Environmental 
variation including suitable conditions for seedling 
establishment and survival will influence the rate of 
invasion (Richardson and Bond 1991). Preliminary 
investigations of seedling survival at Newnes suggest 
that establishment rates and short term survival are 
high following fire. However, this study also found 
that the majority of plots had very low numbers of 
seedlings indicating that while the pines have reached 
the second stage of invasion, the establishment 
process is slow. Further quantification of seedling 
survival rates is required to determine the long term 
sustainability of the invading pine population. 

When inferring processes from pattern, it is 
essential to look at temporal changes of spatial 
distributions. Continued processes of recruitment 
and seedling mortality will change the spatial 
pattern of the invading pines. Monitoring of the pine 
population within the study area over a longer time 
period is desirable and may provide further evidence 
for the generation of a second cohort of wildlings. 
More importantly, the quantification of germination 
success and survival rates of pines in the native 
eucalypt vegetation will help determine spread rates 
and evaluate the significance of pines as an invasive 


We acknowledge Joanne Ironside, Yvonne Davila, 
Anja Divljan, Praveen Gopalan and Gayle Adams for 
assistance with field work. Chris Banffy provided valuable 
input and expertise on pine invasions in the Blue Mountains. 
Permission to conduct this research was provided by 
Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW) and 
ForestsNSW and is gratefully acknowledged. 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Appendix 1 

Unbiased estimator of K(t): 

a = i 

KOsa Ay, vw, Ue) 

(Ripley 1976, 1981) 

A —area of the plot in m* 

I - counter variable 

OL distance between events 7 and j 
w,.— weighting factor to correct for edge effects 

Appendix 2 

Estimators for bivariate analysis: 

. * =| 
Ke@)=(mn,)' A> > w, 1,u,) 
(Lotwick and Silverman 1982) 

Ki()=(4n)' AY > w, 1u,) 

Combined estimator: 

(m, +n,)—1 [n,K, ¢)+7,K, (2) 

122 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Contemporary and Historical Descriptions of the Vegetation of 
Brundee and Saltwater Swamps on the Lower Shoalhaven River 
Floodplain, Southeastern Australia 


Biodiversity Conservation Science, NSW Department of Environment and Conservation, PO Box 1967 

Hurstville NSW 2220 

Keith, D. A., Simpson, C., Tozer, M. G. and Rodoreda, S. (2007). Contemporary and historical 
descriptions of the vegetation of Brundee and Saltwater Swamps on the lower Shoalhaven River 
floodplain, southeastern Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 128, 123- 

Coastal floodplains are functionally important and highly endangered ecosystems in southeastern Australia, 
which have a long history of exploitation and environmental modification. In this study, we undertook a 
systematic survey of contemporary vegetation in two recently established nature reserves on the south coast 
of New South Wales and investigated historical records of the vegetation and environment to infer likely 
changes since European settlement. An analysis of floristic samples showed that the present-day floodplain 
vegetation includes a mosaic of woodlands, forests and saltmarsh/reedland (five communities) that contrast 
markedly in species composition and structure to eucalypt forests that occupy the surrounding hills (two 
communities). One hundred and forty-nine plant species were recorded in 24 0.04 ha samples within the 
reserves, with Poacaeae and Cyperaceae represented by the most species on the floodplain. Some parts of 
the floodplain contain substantial weed infestations, while other parts of the floodplain are largely free of 
weeds. The vegetation underwent a series of changes since the first recorded observations in 1805. At that 
time the floodplain included a mosaic of woodland, grassland and reedland. Native grassland now appears 
to be extinct as a result of subsequent clearing, intensive cattle grazing, pasture improvement and changes 
to drainage. A network of drains, initially constructed around 1900 and further developed in the 1960s, 
resulted in soil oxidation. This may have made the floodplain soils more suitable for woody plant species, 
but recruitment has been largely prevented by intensive cattle grazing. A recent expansion of Casuarina 
and Melaleuca scrub and forest is evident within the nature reserves since their dedication and exclusion 
of livestock in 2001, but not on adjoining properties where intensive cattle grazing continues. We conclude 
that the reserves include important samples of remnant floodplain vegetation and that the vegetation is ina 

continuing state of flux regulated by changing flood and tidal regimes and grazing regimes. 

Manuscript received 1 November 2006, accepted for publication 15 January 2007. 

KEYWORDS: coastal wetlands, Endangered Ecological Communities, European impact, floodplain, 
Shoalhaven River, vegetation change, vegetation classification, vegetation history. 


Coastal wetlands are functionally important 
ecosystems. They are significant carbon sinks, 
resource-rich repositories of moisture and nutrients, 
habitats for highly specialised plant life and important 
breeding grounds for wetland-dependent fauna 
including birds, frogs, fish, crustacea, molluscs and 
other invertebrates. 

Coastal floodplains are perhaps the most 
endangered and heavily modified ecosystems in 
southeastern Australia (Keith 2004, Keith and Scott 
2005). The present status and parlous future of these 
remnants is recognised in the listing of six Endangered 
Ecological Communities under the Threatened 
Species Conservation Act (1995) in New South Wales. 
Complex interactions between multiple processes 
has transformed temperate coastal floodplains 
from natural systems to intensely managed human 

landscapes. These processes include clearing of native 
vegetation, intensive grazing by domestic cattle, 
pasture improvement and cultivation, changes to water 
regimes (water table depth, floods, tides), particularly 
through construction of drains and tidal gates, 
changes in soil chemistry and structure, and invasions 
of alien plant and animal species. Collectively, these 
processes have had a range of adverse impacts on 
the ecological functions of floodplains. For example, 
coastal floodplain soils often have high concentrations 
of sulfur, which accumulated during the deposition 
of marine sediments in the early stage of floodplain 
development. Drainage works or other earthworks in 
the swamps, expose their soils to oxidation, liberating 
sulphuric acid into the soil solution (Johnston et al. 
2003). As well as being toxic to plants and animals, 
sulphuric acid leaches minerals that would otherwise 
be fixed in the soil, including iron, aluminium and 
magnesium. Thus, rapid drainage of swamps after 


rainfall can cause high concentrations of acid and 
dissolved metal ions in drains and estuaries, killing 
fish and other animals dependent on the estuaries. 
The decline of aquatic life in acid-affected swamps 
also has impacts on the use of these areas by other 
water-dependent fauna, including waterbirds. 

Despite the intensity of past and present land 
uses, many of the coastal floodplains still support 
fragments of native vegetation, albeit in a highly 
modified form (Keith 2004). These are maintained 
in a state of flux in response to continuing changes 
in land use, particularly water management, grazing 
and cropping. Under the influences of global climate 
change, the remaining native vegetation is likely to 
become even less stable in the future. Vegetation 
changes have profound effects on the ecological 
functions of the floodplains. For example, projected 
increases in atmospheric CO, concentrations, rising 
temperatures and projected declines in precipitation 
and flood frequency are predicted to accelerate the 
release of carbon from wetland sediments (Gorham 
1991, Freeman et al. 2004) and drive structural change 
in habitats of specialised organisms (Hughes 2003). 

At present, the mechanisms that regulate the 
direction and rates of vegetation change on coastal 
floodplains are poorly understood. The experimental 
studies needed to elucidate these mechanisms 
require baseline data as context for interpreting 
future responses to environmental change. While 
comprehensive surveys have been carried out in 
wetlands on some subtropical latitudes (Pressey 
1989a, b, Pressey and Griffith 1992), floodplains of 
more temperate latitudes have been comparatively 
neglected. On the Shoalhaven River floodplain 
120 km south of Sydney, conservation reserves have 
been established on parts of two floodplain wetlands, 
which provide important reference areas for research 
on wetland dynamics in response to changes in both 
climate and land use. The aims of this study were 
to describe and map present-day vegetation of the 
reserves by gathering baseline data from the field, and 
to describe past states of the vegetation by reviewing 
historical information from the recent past and early 
European times. 


Study area 

Brundee Swamp and Saltwater Swamp are 
located about 7 km south-east of Nowra (latitude 
34°55'S, longitude 150°39'E) on the edge of the 
broad, lowland floodplain of the Crookhaven River. 
Brundee Swamp is on the upper floodplain of the 
Crookhaven River, which subsequently runs through 
Saltwater Swamp before entering the ocean close 
to the mouth of the Shoalhaven River. The northern 
parts of Brundee and Saltwater Swamps are freehold 
land and have been used for grazing and associated 
cropping for many years (Dalmazzo et al. 2000). 
Nature reserves were established in southern parts of 
the two swamps in January 2001 on former Crown 
land that was subject to permissive occupancies for 
cattle grazing by adjoining landholders. Brundee 


Swamp covers an area of approximately 600 ha, of 
which 230 ha are included within the nature reserve. 
Saltwater Swamp covers approximately 480 ha, of 
which 215 ha are included within the nature reserve. 
The two nature reserves are separated by a distance 
of about 1 km, comprising partially cleared freehold 
land, which occupies a low rise above the floodplain. 
To the south and west of the reserves, the floodplain 
rises gradually into low forested hills of siltstone and 
sandstone, which are partly freehold and partly within 
Currambene State Forest. 

Brundee and Saltwater Swamps are large, low- 
lying, shallow, fresh to brackish wetlands mostly 
at or below Mean Sea Level (+1.0m). Some small 
areas are inundated semi-permanently, while large 
areas of both swamps are inundated periodically 
and are without surface water for most of the time 
(Dalmazzo et al. 2000). Each swamp has a small 
catchment of less than 2 000 — 3 000 ha. The swamps 
apparently formed as a result of deposition of marine, 
estuarine and fluvial sediments, which infilled old 
coastal lagoons as sea levels rose at the end of the last 
glaciation (Dalmazzo et al. 2000). 

Field Sampling 

Floristic composition and vegetation 
structure were sampled at 21 sites within the Brundee 
and Saltwater Swamp nature reserves. In addition, 
four samples were obtained from a previous survey 
project (Tindall et al. 2004), including three within 
the reserves and one nearby. The sites were located 
to cover a range of landforms, structural forms and 
geographic locations within the study area including 
forest, scrub and sedgelands on the floodplain, forests 
on the margins of the floodplain, and forests on low 
hills and slopes above the floodplain. 

Fieldwork was carried out during 16-17 February 
2006. Vegetation sampling methods were identical to 
those used by Tindall et al. (2004) and Gellie (2005). 
A global positioning system was used to record 
the location and elevation of each survey site Tape 
measures were used to mark out survey quadrats of 
0.04 ha. These quadrats were square (20 x 20 m), 
except where different dimensions were required 
to ensure that landform and soils were reasonably 
homogeneous within the plot (for example an 8 x 50 
m quadrat was used along a drainage feature). 

All vascular plant species rooted within or 
overhanging the quadrat were recorded and assigned 
a cover/abundance score using a modified Braun 
- Blanquet scale (Poore 1955) as follows: 1- Rare, 
one or few individuals present and cover < 5%; 2- 
uncommon and cover < 5%; 3- common and cover < 
5%; 4- very abundant and cover < 5% or 5% < cover 
< 20%; 5- 20% < cover <50%; 6- 50% < cover <75%; 
7- 75% < cover < 100%. 

The height range and projected foliage cover 
were estimated for all vegetation strata recognisable 
at the site (e.g. tree, small tree, shrub, groundcover). 
At the centre of the quadrat, a compass and clinometer 
were used to measure the slope, aspect and horizon 
elevations at compass bearings of 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 
225, 270 and 315°. Soils were examined by hand- 
texturing and notes made on colour, texture, moisture 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


content and depth. Evidence of outcropping rock, 
erosion, weed invasion, logging, soil disturbance or 
recent fire was noted. 

All native and exotic vascular plant 
species were recorded. Plant species that could not 
be identified in the field were collected for later 
identification. Where necessary, collections were sent 
for identification to the National Herbarium of NSW. 
Nomenclature was standardised to follow Harden 
(1990 - 2002) and Flora Online (http://plantnet. 

To allow for ongoing monitoring of the plots, 
a steel star post marked with a fluorescent green 
top and a uniquely numbered stainless steel tag was 
located at the north eastern corner of each quadrat. A 
photopoint was established at each site framing the 
corner post from a bearing that was recorded on the 
field data sheet. An indicative assessment of fuel loads 
was made at each site based on the method for fine 
fuels and total fuel load described in the Department 
of Environment and Conservation’s Incident Field 
Handbook (pp 24 - 25). 

To assess spatial variation in growth stages 
within each woody vegetation type, the angle count 
(Bitterlich) method was used to estimate stand basal 
area at each quadrat. The Bitterlich method uses an 
angle gauge, a stick 1m in length with a 20mm 
cross piece at one end, to assess all the trees around 
a central sampling point (Mueller-Dombois and 
Ellenberg 1974; Carron 1968). The operator stands at 
the sampling point, sights along the stick to the cross 
piece at the far end, and counts the number of trees 
with diameter at breast height larger than, or equal to, 
the angle indicated by the cross-piece. Counts were 
tallied by assigning a full point to trees larger than 
the cross piece and a half point score to trees equal 
to the cross piece. With a 20 mm cross piece on a 
stick of 1 m (ie a ratio of 1:50), the Bitterlich count 
approximates the basal area of trees in the stand in 
square metres per hectare. 

Data analysis and description of Plant 

A multivariate analysis of native species 
composition data from the plots was carried out to 
develop a classification of plant communities in the 
two reserves. A data matrix was first assembled from 
all available data, including the 21 plots recorded in 
this survey and four plots recorded previously in and 
around the reserves during the PSMA survey (Tindall 
et al. 2004). All exotic species were excluded from 
the data matrix so that the classification was based 
on native species composition. Specimens that could 
not be identified to species level were also omitted 
from the analysis. Compositional dissimilarity among 
samples was computed on unstandardised data using a 
symmetric form of the Kulezynski coefficient (Belbin 
1994). Hierarchical agglomerative clustering was 
carried out using a flexible unweighted pair group 
arithmetic averaging strategy with no adjacency 
constraint and 8 = -0.1. 

To assist interpretation of site groupings defined 
in the cluster analysis, the 25 samples from Brundee 
and Saltwater Swamps were added to a larger set of 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

samples compiled by Tindall et al. (2004) from the 
lower Shoalhaven district. This larger data set was 
analysed using the same methods as those described 
above. The correspondence between the site groups 
for Brundee and Saltwater Swamps and existing 
communities defined by Tindall et al. (2004) was 
assessed by cross-referencing group membership for 
the sites between the two classifications. This allowed 
each new site from Brundee and Saltwater Swamps 
to be assigned to one of the PSMA communities. 
These interpretations were verified by assessing the 
species list for each site against the list of diagnostic 
species for the corresponding community described 
by Tindall et al. (2004). 

Map preparation 

Existing vegetation boundaries on the PSMA 
vegetation map (Tindall et al. 2004) were updated 
by stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation (API) of 
colour photography 1:15 000 scale flown in January 
1996. Boundaries were further adjusted on-screen 
using an orthorectified digital aerial photograph 
flown in 2001. The photography was interpreted to 
delineate all patches of native vegetation larger than 
one hectare in size. In some cases, it was possible to 
map additional patches that were smaller than one 
hectare. Woody vegetation was mapped where crown 
cover was = 5%. Interpretation of boundaries was 
informed by location of sample sites and additional 
field reconnaissance. 

Vegetation and management history 

We reviewed evidence of changes to the local 
floodplain environment and its vegetation from 
a number of different sources. These included 
surveyors’s maps and reports for the Shoalhaven 
floodplain from the Land Property Information 
Service; historical articles; reports and journal articles 
on local environmental studies; and aerial photographs 
of the Brundee and Saltwater Swamps flown at 
two recent dates (1996 and 2001). We interpreted 
information from these sources to reconstruct likely 
characteristics of historical water regimes, soils and 
vegetation of the local floodplain. 


Vegetation Classification 

The 25 vegetation samples were classified into 
seven groups on the basis of similarities in species 
composition (Fig. 1). Each of these plant assemblages 
was referrable to communities described previously 
by Tindall et al. (2004). Eucalypt-dominated 
communities were segregated in the dendrogram 
from the remainder of the samples. Eucalypts were 
generally confined to the margins of the floodplain 
and the surrounding hills, while the floodplain itself 
was characterised by a mosaic of forested wetlands 
dominated by non-eucalypt tree genera and treeless 

Description of Plant Communities 
A local synopsis of the seven communities for 



0.2610 0.4548 0.6486 
| | | 
pl0o7 Brun01 ( 1) 
p107 Brun05 ( 5) 
p07 NOWO11A ( 13) 
pl0o5 Brun02 ( 2) 
pl05 NOW004A ( 10) | 
pl05 Salt06 ( 19) Vl 
pl0os Salt01 ( 14) 
pl05 Salt03 ( 16) | 
pl0s5 Salt04 ( 17) 
p106 Brun0s ( 3) ee 
pl06é Salt08 ( Dik) || 
pl06 Brun09 ( 9) 
p106 Salt07 ( 20) [pea FS 
p509 Brun03 ( 3) 
p509 Salt02 ( U5) 
p509 Salt05 ( 18) | 
ps09 NOW010A ( 12) 
p85 Brun04 ( 4) 
ps5 Salt10 ( ZS) 
pss Salt15 ( 25) 
p99 Brun07 ( 7) 
p45 Brun06 ( 6) 
p45 NOWOO5A ( iil) 
p45 Salt11( 24) | 
p45 Salt09 ( 22) 
| | | 
0.2610 0.4548 0.6486 

0.8424 1.0362 1.2300 
| | | 

oneil l l 
0.8424 1.0362 1.2300 

Figure 1. Dendrogram showing the compositional relationships of 25 vegetation samples and the plant 
community to which each sample was allocated (left-hand column). Scales at the top and bottom of the 
dendrogram show Kulzcynski ultra-metric dissimilarity values. 

Brundee and Saltwater Swamp Nature Reserves is 
given below. Their mapped distributions are shown 
in Fig. 2. The most extensive communities within the 
reserves are Estuarine Fringe Forest and Floodplain 
Swamp Forest, with Estuarine Creekflat Scrub and 
Currambene Lowland Forest the next most abundant 
communities (Table 1). The other three communities 
are not common within the reserves. 

Tozer et al. (2006) provide more general 
descriptions for each of the seven mapped 
communities across a larger region between Sydney 
and the Victorian border. The codes for each map 
unit follow those of Tozer et al. (2006), in which 
capital letters represent abbreviations of structural 
formations described by Keith (2004). These include: 
FOW Forested Wetlands; SL Saline Wetlands, DSF 
Dry Sclerophyll Forests, and WSF Wet Sclerophyll 

As of 31 December 2005, three Endangered 
Ecological Communities (EECs) listed under the 
NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act (TSC 
Act 1995) occur in Brundee Swamp and Saltwater 
Swamp NRs. The inferred relationships between each 
of these EECs and the plant communities described 
and mapped below are given in Table 2. A fourth 
EEC, Freshwater Wetlands on Coastal Floodplains 
of the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and 
Southeast Corner bioregions, occurs nearby but is not 
currently mapped within the reserves. No ecological 
communities currently listed as Endangered under 
the Commonwealth’s Environment Protection and 


Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act 1999) 
occur in the reserves. 

Floodplain Swamp Forest (FOW p105) 

Floodplain Swamp Forest (Fig. 3) within the 
reserves is characterised by a typically dense to open 
canopy dominated by Casuarina glauca with trees 
or shrubs of Melaleuca ericifolia (or occasionally 
M. styphelioides) in comparatively lower abundance. 
The understorey generally lacks woody plants other 
than sparse juvenile individuals of the canopy species. 
Vines of Parsonsia straminea occur occasionally, 
either as scramblers at ground level or ascending stems 
of canopy trees. The groundcover comprises an open 
cover of sedges, grasses and forbs, including Entolasia 
marginata, Juncus kraussi subsp. australasicus, 
Carex appressa and Cyperus polystachyos, with 
Commelina cyanea, Lobelia anceps, Alternanthera 
denticulata and Senecio hispidulus var. hispidulus, 
which are dispersed within a dense cover of leaf litter 
from the canopy. Patches of Phragmites australis 
may occur in the understorey where the water table is 
more frequently close to the surface (Fig. 4). 

Floodplain Swamp Forest has been recorded 
and mapped primarily around the eastern and 
western margins of Brundee Swamp (from which 
one site was recorded — Brun02) and a large patch 
covering the central and eastern portions of Saltwater 
Swamp (from which the remaining five sites were 
recorded). These are raised areas of the floodplain 
that are likely to experience lower levels of salinity in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


nome ROA 
 _ DEC Estate 

+ Sites 
“77> DSF p85 Currambene Lowland Forest 
> FOW p105 Floodplain Swamp Forest 

FOW p106 Estuarine Fringe Forest 
. FOW p106a Estuarine Fringe Forest 

P24 FOW p107 Estuarine Creekflat Scrub 
==— FOW p45 Coastal Sand Swamp Forest 

E28 GW p3 South Coast Lowland Swamp 

YZ SL p109 Estuarine Mangrove Forest 

2 SL p09 Estuarine Saltmarsh 

WB WSF 199 Wawarra Gully Wet Forest 

AD 1 Kilometre 

Figure 2. Vegetation map of Brundee Swamp, Saltwater Swamp and surrounding areas. 

Table 1. Estimated areas of plant communities within Brundee Swamp NR and Saltwater Swamp NR. 

Estimated area in Estimated area in Total 

Community Brundee Swamp NR Saltwater Swamp NR (ha) 
(ha) (ha) 

Floodplain Swamp Forest (FOW p105) 16.4 98.4 114.8 
Estuarine Fringe Forest (FOW p106) 49.8 46.9 96.8 
Pagoda Forest regenerating 119.0 119.0 
Estuarine Creekflat Scrub (FOW p107) 329 il 41.9 
Estuarine Saltmarsh (SL p509) Del 9.2 11.3 
Coastal Sand Swamp Forest (FOW p45) 1.6 8.6 10.2 
Currambene Lowland Forest (DSF p85) ee 41.5 42.8 
Illawarra Gully Wet Forest (WSF p99) 4.4 4.4 
Water 0.5 0.5 

Total 227.3 214.2 441.5 

their groundwater than stands of Estuarine Fringe depressions with more saline influence may support 
Forest (FOW p106), which occur on lower parts (unmapped) patches of FOW p106. 

of the floodplain and in local depressions. Much of 

the eastern two-thirds of Saltwater Swamp NR has__ Estuarine Fringe Forest (FOW p106) 

been mapped as FOW p105. Within this area, small Estuarine Fringe Forest (Fig. 5) within the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 D7 


Table 2. Endangered Ecological Communities (Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995) found within 
Brundee Swamp and Saltwater Swamp Nature Reserves and their relationship to map units defined in 
this study. (The legal definitions of EECs are provided by the Final Determinations under the TSC Act. 
Diagnoses as to whether any particular area of vegetation constitutes an EEC should be based on field 

inspection and comparison with the relevant Final Determination.) 

Endangered Ecological Communities listed 
under the TSC Act 1995 

Coastal saltmarsh in the NSW North Coast, 
Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions 

Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest of the NSW 
North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East 
Corner bioregions 

Swamp Sclerophyll Forest on Coastal 
Floodplains of the NSW North Coast, Sydney 
Basin and South East Corner bioregions 
(incorporating the formerly listed Sydney 
Coastal Estuary Swamp Forest Complex in the 
Sydney Basin Bioregion) 

reserves is characterised by a typically dense canopy 
dominated by Casuarina glauca with occasional trees 
or shrubs of Melaleuca ericifolia. The understorey 
generally lacks woody plants other than sparse 
juvenile individuals of the canopy species, while 
vines are generally absent. The groundcover typically 
includes a prominent stratum of tussock sedges, 
particularly Juncus kraussi subsp. australasicus, with 
a groundcover of succulent forbs, Se/liera radicans 
and Sarcocornia quinquefaria, and other forbs, 
Commelina cyanea and Alternanthera denticulata, 
which are typically dispersed amongst a dense cover 
of leaf litter from the canopy. In the Brundee-Saltwater 
area, Estuarine Fringe Forest has a very similar 
tree canopy to Floodplain Swamp Forest, although 
Melaleuca styphelioides does not occur in the former. 
The principal differences are in the understorey, 
with Estuarine Fringe Forest (FOW p106) generally 
having lower overall diversity, no vines and a greater 
abundance and diversity of succulent forbs than 
Floodplain Swamp Forest (FOW p105). 

Estuarine Fringe Forest has been recorded and 
mapped primarily in low-lying areas in the northern 
and central portions of Brundee Swamp NR (Brun08, 
Brun09) and the western portion of Saltwater Swamp 
NR (Salt08), although a patch also occurs within a 
shallow depression in the east of this reserve (Salt07). 
The lower areas of the floodplain that support 
Estuarine Fringe Forest are likely to experience 
higher levels of salinity in their groundwater (due to 


Coastal Sand Swamp Forest 

Corresponding Map Unit Relationship 
Estuarine Saltmarsh SL p509 is included 
(SL p509) within this broader EEC 
Floodplain Swamp Forest FOW p105, FOW p106 
(FOW p105) and FOW p107 are 
+ included within the 
Estuarine Fringe Forest broader EEC 

(FOW p106) 

Estuarine Creekflat Scrub 

(FOW p107) 

FOW p45 is included 

(FOW p45) within the broader EEC 

greater exposure to tidal inundation) than stands of 
Floodplain Swamp Forest (FOW p105), which occur 
on slightly more elevated parts of the floodplain. 
Elsewhere in the Sydney-South Coast region, small 
patches of Estuarine Fringe Forest are scattered along 
the coast to both the north and south, “fringing the 
high tide mark on the margins of tidal lakes, lagoons, 
inlets and river estuaries” (Tindall et al. 2004). While 
the mapped distribution in the Brundee-Saltwater 
area appears atypical, it may reflect residual salinity 
from former tidal flooding patterns, which have since 
been modified by drainage works. It is also possible 
that similar habitats to those supporting Estuarine 
Fringe Forest in the Brundee-Saltwater area have 
been destroyed elsewhere. 

In Brundee Swamp NR, a large area of Estuarine 
Fringe Forest (FOW p106) is currently an open 
sedgeland with scattered individuals of Casuarina 
glauca, which are usually immature (Fig. 6). This 
area is mapped as p106a to distinguish the difference 
in growth stage from the more typical form of the 
community (mapped as p106), which has a much 
denser and taller canopy of mature Casuarina 
glauca. It appears that the woody component of the 
community is re-establishing in this area following 
the exclusion of livestock after the reserve was 
declared in 2001. The difference in tree abundance is 
reflected in the Stand Basal Area at Breast Height for 
site Brun09 (1 m?/ha) compared to Brun08 (33 m7?/ 
ha). Sites within the area mapped as p106a also have 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 3. A typical stand of Floodplain Swamp Forest showing Casuarina glauca (background) with 
Melaleuca ericifolia (foreground) and a sparse groundcover amongst a dense layer of compressed leaf 

a higher abundance and proportion of exotic species 
than sites within the area mapped as p106, reflecting 
the association between weed invasion and livestock 


Estuarine Creekflat Scrub (FOW p107) 

Estuarine Creekflat Scrub (Fig. 7) within the 
reserves is characterised by a typically dense canopy 
dominated by Melaleuca ericifolia with occasional 
trees of Casuarina glauca. The understorey generally 
lacks woody plants other than juvenile individuals 
of the canopy species. Vines of Parsonsia straminea 
occur occasionally, either as scramblers at ground 
level or ascending stems of canopy trees or shrubs. 
The groundcover is highly variable, with tall patches 
of Phragmites australis and Gahnia clarkei, patches 
of tussock sedges including Juncus spp., Carex 
appressa and Cyperus lucidus, and a scattered cover 
of forbs including Centella asiatica, Senecio minimus, 
and Selliera radicans, interspersed with large patches 
of bare ground covered by copious leaf litter from the 

Estuarine Creekflat Scrub has been recorded 
and mapped primarily in a drainage depression at the 
southern end of the Brundee Swamp floodplain (from 
which two of the three sites were recorded), although 
smaller stands are also mapped in the south-eastern 
and south-western margins of Saltwater Swamp. The 
third site (Brun05) was recorded in the mid-western 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

portion of Brundee Swamp NR. This area has been 
heavily affected by clearing, grazing and drainage 
changes, and is currently mapped as a degraded area 
of Estuarine Fringe Forest. However, the floristic 
composition of Brun05 suggests that-parts of this 
area could include some degraded stands of Estuarine 
Creekflat Scrub. 

Estuarine Saltmarsh (SL 509) 

Estuarine Saltmarsh (Fig. 8) within the reserves 
is essentially treeless, although it may have Casuarina 
glauca, or rarely Melaleuca ericifolia, present as 
scattered shrubs. Its most prominent feature is a 
relatively dense, but variable cover of the tussock rush, 
Juncus kraussi subsp. australasicus. In gaps between 
dense patches of this rush, there is a more-or-less 
continuous cover of succulent forbs, Se//iera radicans, 
Sarcocornia quinquefaria and Lobelia anceps, and 
the grass, Lachnagrostis filiformis. Patches of bare 
ground are limited. Estuarine Saltmarsh (SL p509) 
may be difficult to distinguish from regenerating 
stands of Estuarine Fringe Forest (mapped as FOW 
p106a), although saltmarsh typically occurs in local 
depressions where soil conditions are more saline. 
These two communities may be in a continuous 
state of flux related to changes in water and salinity 

Estuarine Saltmarsh has been recorded and 
mapped primarily in low-lying patches in the north- 



Figure 4. A variant of Floodplain Swamp Forest at Salt03 (Saltwa- 
ter Swamp NR) showing a patch of Phragmites australis beneath a 
canopy of Casuarina glauca. 

western section of Saltwater Swamp NR (Salt02, 
Salt05). In Brundee Swamp, a restricted area of 
saltmarsh has been recorded and mapped along a 
brackish drainage channel in the eastern part of 
the reserve (Brun03, NOWI10A). However, the 
small occurrences of saltmarsh in Brundee Swamp 
are uncertain, given the structural and floristic 
resemblance to regenerating Estuarine Fringe Forest 
(FOW p106a), which occurs adjacent to the putative 
stands of saltmarsh and across large areas of Brundee 

Elsewhere in the Sydney-South Coast region, 
Estuarine Saltmarsh is scattered along the coast on 
mudflats associated with estuaries in locations where 
there is occasional tidal inundation. Collectively, these 


saltmarshes encompass a diverse 
group of assemblages (Adam et al. 
1988). Some of these assemblages 
may form fine-scale mosaics 
within a single stand of saltmarsh, 
possibly in response to local 
variations in soil salinity and tidal 
inundation regimes. The Estuarine 
Saltmarsh in the Brundee-Saltwater 
area 1S comparatively uniform in 
composition and probably samples 
the lower part of the range of 
variation in soil salinity. 

Coastal Sand Swamp Forest 
(FOW p45) 

Coastal Sand Swamp Forest 
(Fig. 9) within the reserves is 
characterised by a relatively 
dense tree canopy dominated 
by Eucalyptus robusta, with 
occasional trees of E. botryoides 
or E. longifolia at the margins of 
stands. A diverse subcanopy is 
dominated by Melaleuca ericifolia, 
with M. styphelioides, M. decora, 
M. lineariifolia and Casuarina 
glauca occurring less frequently and 
occasionally equalling the eucalypt 
canopy in height. Cymbidium 
suave occurs sporadically on the 
tree branches. The understorey 
includes varying densities of 
juvenile individuals of the canopy 
species, occasional clumps of the 
large sedge, Gahnia clarkei, and 
scattered shrubs of various species. 
Occasional vines of Parsonsia 
straminea, Marsdenia rostrata and 
Kennedia rubicunda ascend tree 
trunks, festoon shrubs or scramble 
along the ground. Clumps of ferns, 
Hypolepis muelleri and Pteridium 
esculentum, punctuate a continuous 
groundcover of grasses, including 
Entolasia marginata, E. Stricta, 
Imperata cylindrica, Microlaena 
stipoides, Echinopogon ovatus 
and Oplismenus imbecillus, and 
forbs including Centella asiatica, Dichondra repens, 
Opercularia diphylla, Pratia purpurascens, Senecio 
hispidulus var. hispidulus and Veronica plebeia. 
Other frequent groundcover species include Adiantum 
aethiopicum and the twiners Cassytha pubescens and 
Glycine spp. Coastal Sand Swamp Forest is the most 
floristically rich and structurally complex vegetation 
type within the reserves, and is therefore likely to be 
important fauna habitat. 

Coastal Sand Swamp Forest has been recorded 
and mapped around the southern margins of both 
Brundee (Brun06) and Saltwater (Salt09, Salt11) 
Swamps. Small patches have also been mapped and 
recorded to the west of Brundee Swamp (NOW05A), 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 5. Estuarine Fringe Forest at Salt08 (Saltwater Swamp NR) showing a tree canopy of Casuarina 
glauca over scattered tussocks of Juncus kraussi subsp. australasicus, and patches of Selliera radicans 
amongst copious Casuarina leaf litter. 

outside the reserve. The stands in the reserves are 
restricted to narrow ecotones with poorly drained, 
humic sandy soils where the margins of the floodplain 
receive freshwater runoff from the toeslopes of the 
surrounding hills. These stands are only partly included 
within the reserve boundaries. The stands associated 
with Brundee Swamp are structurally simpler than 
those associated with Saltwater Swamp, and this 
probably reflects the influence of past management 
regimes (Fig. 10). The mapped areas of Coastal Sand 
Swamp Forest, outside the reserve, to the west of 
Brundee Swamp are associated with shallow drainage 
lines in slightly more elevated terrain. 

Elsewhere in the Sydney-South Coast region, 
Coastal Sand Swamp Forest occurs in small stands 
associated with poorly drained swales and drainage 
lines on coastal sandplains. The main areas of 
occurrence are around Botany and Jervis Bays, though 
little of the former remains (Tindall et al. 2004). Small 
stands of the community are also associated with the 
margins of Coomonderry Swamp. The stands in the 
Brundee-Saltwater area are unusual in the sense that 
they are associated with the margins of a floodplain 
rather than a sandplain. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Currambene Lowlands Forest (DSF p85) 
Currambene Lowlands Forest (Fig. 11) within 
the reserves is a relatively tall dry eucalypt forest 
dominated by Corymbia maculata with Eucalyptus 
globoidea and E. longifolia, occasionally with 
E. paniculata, E. pilularis, E. punctata, Angophora 
floribunda or Syncarpia glomulifera. Scattered trees 
of Acacia irrorata and Allocasuarina littoralis make 
up the subcanopy. An open shrub stratum comprises 
Daviesia _ulicifolia, _ Leucopogon  juniperinus, 
Persoonia linearis and Pittosporum undulatum, in 
addition to juveniles of the canopy species. Vines and 
twiners festoon shrubs or scramble on the ground, 
but rarely ascend trees. They include Billardiera 
scandens, Eustrephus latifolius, Glycine clandestina, 
Hardenbergia violacea, Parsonsia straminea and 
Hibbertia scandens. An open groundcover is scattered 
amongst a semi-continuous layer of eucalypt leaf litter 
and occasional patches of bare ground. It comprises 
graminoids, Entolasia — stricta, | Echinopogon 
caespitosus, E. ovata, Imperata cylindrica, Lomadra 
filiformis, L. longifolia, L. multiflora, Poa labillardieri 
and Themeda australis and a range of forbs including 
Brunoniella pumilio, Dianella caerulea, D. revoluta, 
Dichondra repens, Lagenifera stipitata, Opercularia 



aspera, Tricoryne elatior and Vernonia 

Currambene Lowlands Forest 
(DSF p85) occurs on hilly terrain with 
well-drained yellow loams derived 
from a mixture of siltstone, mudstone 
and sandstone. The main occurrence is 
in state forest to the south of Saltwater 
Swamp. It also occurs on a low rise 
that separates Saltwater Swamp from 
Brundee Swamp, where it has been 
fragmented by rural development, 
although a small patch occurs within 
the margin of Brundee Swamp NR. 
The community occurs extensively in 
the Nowra — Jervis Bay area (Tindall 
et al. 2004). 

Illawarra Gully Wet Forest (WSF 

A moderate east-facing slope 
on the western edge of the northern 
section of Brundee Swamp NR 
supports a eucalypt forest dominated 
by Corymbia maculata with Eucalyptus 
paniculata and E. globoidea (Fig. 12). 
The understorey includes a number of 
mesophyllous shrub species and a more 
prominent groundcover of grasses 
and forbs. The most abundant shrubs 
include Bursaria spinosa and Notelaea 
longifolia, with Clerodendrum 
tomentosum and Olearia viscidulum. 
Vines of  Eustrephus _ latifolius, 
Tylophora barabata and Pandorea 
pandorana are prominent amongst 
the shrubs, while the groundcover is 
dominated by Oplismenus imbecillus, 
Microlaena  stipoides, Commelina 
cyanea and Dichondra repens. 

This forest has a canopy 
composition similar to stands of 
Currambene Lowland Forest in the 
area. However, its understorey, with an 
abundance of mesophyllous shrubs and 
vines, anditsprominent groundcoverdominatedbysoft- 
leaved grasses, distinguishes it from that community, 
which typically has a sparse sclerophyllous shrub 
stratum and an open groundcover of wiry graminoids 
and forbs. The understorey features of the Brundee 
stand more closely resemble those of two other 
communities described for the south coast (Tindall 
et al. 2004). The mesophyllous shrubs and vines and 
soft-leaved grasses are characteristic of Illawarra 
Gully Wet Forest (WSF p99), while Bursaria spinosa 
and abundant grasses are characteristic of South 
Coast Grassy Woodland (GW p34). Although the 
forest on the western edge of Brundee Swamp NR has 
characteristics of all three of these communities, its 
species composition has closest overall resemblance 
to Illawarra Gully Wet Forest (WSF p99), which is 
mapped on several similar sheltered slopes in the 
vicinity by Tindall et al. (2004). 


Figure 6. Regenerating stand of Estuarine Fringe Forest at 
Brun09 (Brundee Swamp NR) showing young Casuarina glauca 
(background), tussocks of Juncus kraussi subsp. australasicus, 
amidst dense growth of Aster subulatus, which overtops scat- 
tered native forbs. 

Other vegetation 

Some small, permanently inundated areas 
adjacent to Crookhaven River on the northern edge 
of Saltwater Swamp NR support dense stands of 
Phragmites australis that could not be sampled in 
this survey and were too small to map. These small 
patches represent an example of reedlands that may 
previously have been more extensive on the lower 
Shoalhaven floodplain. Along the northern boundary 
of Saltwater Creek NR, there are also scattered 
individuals of Avicennia marina, which occurs in 
larger stands below the floodgates downstream on 
Crookhaven River. 

Vegetation structure and fuel characteristics 
Coastal Sand Swamp Forest was the most 
structurally complex vegetation in the study area, 
with four vertical strata, each with a relatively high 
cover of foliage (Table 3). Estuarine Saltmarsh had 
the simplest structure, generally with only one or 

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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Figure 7. Estuarine 
Creekflat Scrub at 
Brun01 (Brundee 
Swamp NR) showing 
Melaleuca ericifolia 
in the canopy and 
as smaller shrubs 
along a drainage line 
beneath a gap in the 

Figure 8. Estua- 
rine Saltmarsh at 
site Salt05 (in Salt- 
water Swamp NR) 
showing tussocks 
of Juncus kraussi 
subsp. australasi- 
cus with a mat of 
Selliera radicans 
and occasional 
Sarcocornia quin- 



Figure 9. Sand Swamp Sclerophyll Forest at site Saltl1 (Saltwater Swamp NR) showing a mixed tree 
layer of Eucalyptus robusta (background right), Melaleuca spp. and Casuarina glauca (centre) with a 
structurally complex groundcover of Hypolepis muelleri, numerous grasses and forbs. 

two strata, although it consistently had the greatest 
groundcover. Vegetation of the floodplain had shorter 
trees than the eucalypt forests of the surrounding 
hills. The basal area of trees on the floodplain and the 
hills was generally similar (Table 3); however, the 
floodplain tended to have greater densities of smaller 
trees (Casuarina and Melaleuca spp.), while the hills 
had fewer larger trees (Eucalyptus and Corymbia). 
There was a clear inverse relationship between 
the cover of tree canopies and groundcover where 
Casuarina glauca was one of the dominant tree species 
(Fig. 13). However, there was no clear relationship 
where Melaleuca or Eucalyptus trees were dominant. 

Litter fuels were generally greater than elevated 
scrub fuels throughout the reserves (Table 4). 
Floodplain Swamp Forest and Currambene Lowland 
Forest generally supported the highest levels of 
bushfire fuels, due to leaf litter contributions from 
Casuarina glauca and Eucalyptus or Corymbia spp., 
respectively. Currambene Lowland Forest accounts 
for a relatively small portion of the reserves (Table 
1). The majority of vegetation on the floodplain 
supports low to moderate fuel levels. For most of 
the Floodplain Swamp Forest and Estuarine Fringe 
Forest, litter fuels were composed primarily of 
densely stacked Casuarina branchlets, which were 


poorly aerated and therefore unlikely to support a 
rapid rate of fire spread. The flammability of these 
and other floodplain plant communities is also likely 
to be reduced by the concentration of mineral salts 
in foliage, which is likely to be higher than that in 
eucalypt-dominated vegetation of the surrounding 


One hundred and forty-nine native plant species 
were recorded in the 24 quadrats located within the two 
reserves (Appendix 1). The majority of native plant 
species occurred in the eucalypt forest communities 
around the margins of the floodplain, while the 
floodplain vegetation was comparatively species- 
poor (Table 5). Poaceae was the most prominent plant 
family on both the floodplain and the surrounding 
hills, with 25 species represented in total. Cyperaceae 
(12 species), Asteraceae (5 species), Myrtaceae (5 
species), Juncaceae (3 species) and Chenopodiaceae 
(3 species) were also represented by numerous species 
on the floodplain. The plant families, in addition to 
Poaceae, that were represented by numerous species 
on the hills included Fabaceae (12 species), Myrtaceae 
(9 species), Asteraceae (4 species) and Lomandraceae 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


ND hi 

plant diversity is retained in the ground layer. 

(3 species). 

Thirty-six exotic plant species were recorded 
within the reserves (Appendix 1). The most frequently 
recorded of these were Cirsium vulgare, Aster 
subulatus, Chenopodium album, Phytolacca octandra 
and Sonchus oleraceus. The majority of exotic species 
recorded were short-lived disturbance opportunists 
or introduced pasture grasses with agricultural 
origins, reflecting recent land use in the reserves and 
continuing land use in the surrounding area. Many of 
these species are unlikely to persist in high abundance 
in the absence of continuing disturbance, such as 
livestock grazing; however, a number of exotic 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Figure 10. Coastal Sand Swamp Forest at site Brun06 (Brundee Swamp NR) _ the 
showing Eucalyptus robusta with a sparse shrub stratum and continuous 
ground layer dominated by Jmperata cylindrica and diverse herb layer. It is 
likely that the structural complexity of this stand has been reduced (cf. site 
Salt11, Fig. 8) as a result of past grazing and burning, although a substantial of 

species are potentially 
aggressive weeds 
capable of further spread, 
excluding native species 
and reducing the diversity 
of native vegetation. The 
most problematic weed 
species recorded include 
Aster subulatus, Lantana 
camara, Pennisetum 
clandestinum, — Senecio 
madagascariensis and 
Xanthium occidentale. 
Aster, Senecio and 
Xanthium are relatively 
abundant throughout 
the treeless area in the 
northern two-thirds of 
Brundee Swamp NR, 
while Lantana and 
Pennisetum appear to be 
largely restricted to the 
area mapped as Illawarra 

Wet Gully Forest on 
the western edge of 
the reserve. With the 

exception of Aster, these 
species are either declared 
noxious weeds or listed as 
a Key Threatening Process 

under the Threatened 
Species Conservation 

Vegetation and 
landscape history 

The earliest 
description of vegetation 
on the Shoalhaven 
River _ floodplain 
is from the journal 
account of Lieutenant 

oS, B.Kent and James 
; Meehan, who explored 
area in February 

1805. Weatherburn 

(1960) reconstructed 

and mapped the route 

their exploration, 

annotating a map with 
their observations about a 
number of locations. Kent 
and Meehan apparently did not inspect Brundee and 
Saltwater Swamps directly, but made observations 
from very close-by. The following observation was 
made from the southern bank of the Shoalhaven 

“This place is an extensive plain with no 
trees on, is very low and apparently swampy, 
is very thick grass intermixed with reeds. 

The soil is a deep black mould.” 
Weatherburn (1960) interprets the location of 
this observation as close to Numbaa, opposite where 
Broughton Creek joins the Shoalhaven River, about 



* 4 é ce Gee 


Figure 11. Currambene Lowlands Forest at site Salt15 (in Saltwater Swamp NR) show- 
ing the dominant tree Corymbia maculata, with Eucalyptus globoidea, a sparse shrub 

stratum and an open understorey of grasses, graminoids and forbs amongst copious 
leaf litter. 


: jy) ; ; \ 
j i bee es sos : \ 

Figure 12. Illawarra Gully Wet Forest at Brun07 (Brundee Swamp NR) dominated by 
Corymbia maculata with an open shrub layer and prominent ground layer of forbs and 
soft-leaved grasses, including Microlaena and Oplismenus. A clump of Lantana camara 
dominates the middleground. 

136 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


3 km north of the northern edge of Brundee Swamp. 
Terrara Swamp is very close to this location and 
could have supported very similar vegetation to 
Brundee Swamp at that time. Kent and Meehan made 
similar observations about thick grass and reeds from 
Broughton Creek near Jaspers Brush. 

On the Crookhaven River, at a location interpreted 
by Weatherburn (1960) as about 1 km downstream 
from Saltwater Swamp, Kent and Meehan make the 
following observation, 

“This bank is low part of the brush, apparently 
good soil.” 
Looking further upstream, they remark, 
“T suppose there is a good quantity of good 
ground on the banks of this river.” 
Property boundaries were surveyed in the area during 
the period 1840-1885 and 1905 for the purpose of 
drawing portion plans of land assigned to settlers 
(Fig. 14). The surveyors frequently identified trees to 
mark the ends of their survey lines and occasionally 
recorded remarks about the land, vegetation and soils 
on the plan. A parcel of land that separates Brundee 
Swamp NR from Saltwater Creek NR (Parcel 1 on 
Fig. 14) was surveyed in 1842 and was described as 
“Swamp and poor forest land timbered with 
swamp oak and spotted gum.” 

One corer point of this parcel surveyed on 
the northern boundary of Saltwater Creek NR was 
marked on a tree identified as “Honeysuckle” [likely 
to be Banksia integrifolia] and another on the eastern 
boundary of Brundee Swamp on a tree identified 
as “Apple” [likely to be Angophora floribunda or 
A. subvelutina|. Immediately to the north of this 
block, a land parcel surveyed in 1885 (Parcel 2 on 
Fig. 14), notes the occurrence of “Oak” [Casuarina 
glauca] and “Mangrove” [Avicennia marina] on a 
tributary creek that emerges from the eastern edge 
of Brundee Swamp. The survey plan for this portion 
carries the annotation, 

“Some swamp was cleared.” 
Another block on the south-western boundary of 
Brundee Swamp NR (Parcel 3 on Fig. 14), surveyed 
in 1856 was described as, 

“Rich swamp, fresh and brackish.” 
None of the other portion plans in the vicinity are 
annotated with descriptions. However, a number of 
them identify “Oak” as a marker tree, particularly 
in locations on the margins of the floodplain or 
adjacent to streamlines. Many of the properties 
adjoining Brundee Swamp NR that were surveyed 
in 1908 identify their markers as “stakes” or “posts”, 
suggesting either a lack of suitable trees or a change 
in survey practice that preferred to install markers, 
rather than use existing trees. 

Two copies of the Numbaa Parish map obtained 
from the NSW Land and Property Information Centre 
(Fig. 15) show the general extent of “swamp” in the 
area, but carry no other description of the vegetation. 
The area immediately north of Brundee Swamp is 
annotated “subject to tidal inundation,” and the small 
tributary of the Crookhaven River emerging from 
the eastern boundary of the present nature reserve is 
marked “tidal”. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Table 3. Structural characteristics of the vegetation. Data are means with standard errors. 






Max. Max. 




Cover Cover Cover Cover 


Basal area 



(%) Height (%) Height (%) 



(m) (m) (m) 





3(1.8) 29(11) 0.4(0.1) 






Floodplain Swamp Forest (FOW p105) 
Estuarine Fringe Forest (FOW p106) 






AD) SACS =) O(-) —_ -(0.9) 


Estuarine Creekflat Scrub (FOW p107) 

Estuarine Saltmarsh (SL p509) 



23(15) 0.5(0.1) 


17(4) 48(14) 1.90.1) 2(1) 



Coastal Sand Swamp Forest (FOW p45) 
Currambene Lowland Forest (DSF p85) 

Illawarra Gully Wet Forest (WSF p99) 















3 80 

S 60 



e¢ 40 



O 20 

Canopy cover (%) 

Figure 13. Relationship between tree canopy cover and groundcover on 
the floodplain. Squares - sites with canopy dominated by Casuarina. 
Triangles - sites with canopy dominated by Melaleuca. 

i. "Stake ~ 2 
Pale Post r 

Stringybark 108k 'S55 Post pot 

(Post : 
Pag Posts Post 
. “Kon A < -Oak 



a Fr 

Oak sapling? \=2 Poe 


Oak, sapling" oe Teatree t 


©) Survey Marker 
|. 1 DEC Estate 
omens Roel 
—— Crookhaven Ck 
weer Cropkhaven R 

A 1 K@ometre 

Figure 14. Location of portion plan survey points showing identity of trees used as survey markers 
1842 - 1905. Surveyors’ descriptions of land parcels 1, 2 and 3 are given in the Results text. 

138 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Table 4. Estimated bushfire fuel loads. Means and standard errors in parentheses in tonnes per 


Community Ground fuel Elevated scrub fuel Total fine fuel 
Floodplain Swamp Forest (FOW p105) 25 (5) 4 (2) 29 (4) 
Estuarine Fringe Forest (FOW p106) 10 (3) 4 (2) 14 (4) 
Estuarine Creekflat Scrub (FOW p107) 12 (7) 5 (2) 17 (5) 
Estuarine Saltmarsh (SL p509) 0 (0) 5 (2) 5 (2) 
Coastal Sand Swamp Forest (FOW p45) 3 (2) 6 (2) 9 (1) 
Currambene Lowland Forest (DSF p85) 22 (6) 1 (0) 23 (6) 
Illawarra Gully Wet Forest (WSF p99) 2 (-) 2 (-) 4(-) 

Table 5. Mean (standard errors in parentheses) species richness and relative abundance of exotic spe- 
cies in six plant communities of Brundee Swamp NR and Saltwater Swamp NR. (C/A — Braun-Blan- 

quet Cover-Abundance). 

Native species 

Exotic species 

Exotic species as 
P Sum of C/A scores 

Srimuntby richness richness P en outhe for exotic species 
Floodplain Swamp Forest : 

(FOW p105) 325) 0.8 (0.7) 5.7 (3.0)% 1.3 (0.8) 
es Ee rE OW 7 A05) 2.0 (0.8) 21.3 (5.8)% 4.6 (2.2) 
Estuarine Creekflat Scrub ‘ 

(FOW p107) 13.3 (4.3) By (2) 21.6 (5.5)% 6.3 (1.6) 
Estuarine Saltmarsh (SL p509) 9.0 (0.7) 6.0 (0) 40.0 (1.8)% 12.3 (0.6) 
Coastal Sand Swamp Forest ‘ 

(FOW p45) 28.8 (1.7) 3.3 (0.5) 10.2 (1.1)% 3.3 (0.5) 
Currambene Lowland Forest ; 

(DSF p85) 41.7 (3.9) 0.7 (0.5) 1.6 (0.1)% 0.7 (0.5) 
Illawarra Gully Wet Forest A 

(WSF p99) 49 (-) 15 (-) 23.4 (-)% 27 (-) 

The Parish map shows the location of tracks 
and streamlines, but does not show the location of 
any artificial drains. One copy of the map carries 
later annotations than the other. The latest date on 
one copy of the map is 7" July 1903 (Fig. 15a), 
while the other copy carries the date 13" November 
1903. This second map (Fig. 15b) shows Brundee 
Swamp divided into two or more portions, each of 
which is annotated with an estimate of the area in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

acres “ex drains”. There are also annotations at the 
base of this map referring to monetary assistance for 
drainage work about Brundee Swamp, the formation 
of a Union under the Drainage Act, and a warning to 
settlers “re rate liabilities in Drainage Trust Districts”. 
Portion plans from the floodplain of Broughton Creek 
(a northern tributary of the lower Shoalhaven River), 
approximately 8 km north of Brundee Swamp, show 
drains in existence there during 1896. 



_ 60x 

Pea apfab he oe ae pO. 
rant! line aerey i 


roveRothers applica fron for moneta 
ance for drains age wark about Srunda> 
p formation of Unien‘andertirs’ "ge Act 
sted ise 26°3165 Dep vee i eee 

ML 88 

Settiors io t be SE te tae Sebilities in & 
ie Tricts Digirets vide Ma 114204. 

f - 

Figure 15. Two copies of the Numbaa Parish map showing (a - upper) Brundee Swamp, which carries no 
reference to drains and (b - lower) Saltwater Swamp and the southern part of Brundee Swamp, marked 
with later annotations referring to drains and drainage works. Obtained from NSW Department of 
Lands website ( 

140 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


A new phase of drain construction was initiated 
in the area after the New South Wales Grant (Flood 
Mitigation) Act (1964) was introduced (Dalmazzo 
et al. 2000). The new drains were generally deeper 
and more effective than the older drains. In addition, 
floodgates were built on the Crookhaven River to 
prevent tidal inundation of the swamps, and the 
river was dredged to increase drainage and diverted 
at Springbank Road via a new drain to Crookhaven 
Creek. This significantly reduced the volume of water 
flowing through Saltwater Swamp (Dalmazzo et al. 

Recent aerial photography shows the change in 
distribution of woody vegetation for an area of Brundee 
Swamp NR over the period 1996-2002 (Figure 16). 
Over that period, forest, woodland or scrub have 
replaced treeless vegetation on some areas of the 
floodplain. The most striking change has occurred 
on a slightly elevated area along the eastern edge 
of Brundee Swamp NR, where there has been a 
substantial increase in the density of small trees, 
mainly Casuarina glauca. Scattered shrubs, mainly 
Melaleuca ericifolia, also appear to have become 
more prominent on some lower lying parts of the 
floodplain in the central part of the reserve. 

Quadrat samples and field reconnaissance in 
the regenerating area of Estuarine Fringe Forest in 
Brundee Swamp (mapped as FOW p106a, Fig. 2) 
during February 2006 also suggested that substantial 
recruitment of Casuarina glauca and, to a lesser 
extent Melaleuca ericifolia, had occurred in recent 


Vegetation Patterns 

The vegetation of Brundee and Saltwater Swamps 
is a mosaic of herbfields, scrubs and woodlands. The 
distribution of these vegetation types is determined 
to a large extent by the frequency, depth and duration 
of inundation, the height of the water table and the 
level of salinity in the water. Both of the reserves 
include small areas of eucalypt forest on elevated 
lithic substrates that adjoin the floodplain. 

The influences of hydrology and salinity on 
native vegetation of the floodplain may be inferred 
from the distribution of plant communities within the 
reserves and the surrounding landscapes. Eucalypt 
forests (Currambene Lowland and Illawarra Gully 
Wet Forest) are essentially excluded from floodplain 
landscapes in this area. They are extensive on the 
freely-draining, hilly terrain on lithic substrates that 
surround the floodplains, but are restricted to small 
marginal portions of the two nature reserves. Coastal 
Sand Swamp Forest is restricted to a narrow zone 
where the toeslopes of hills adjoin the floodplain. 
Here, the soils have a somewhat sandy texture 
and periodic inundation is by predominantly fresh 
water, which accumulates in depressions around the 
margins of the floodplain after it descends from the 
surrounding hills. The mixed canopy composition 
of Eucalyptus, Melaleuca and Casuarina reflects the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

transitional character of this habitat. 

Estuarine Creekflat Scrub is associated with well- 
developed humic soils on broad flats of the floodplain. 
These habitats appear to receive greater quantities of 
flowing water, which may be slightly more saline 
than in habitats that support Coastal Sand Swamp 
Forest. Floodplain Swamp Forest, Estuarine Fringe 
Forest and Estuarine Saltmarsh form a replacement 
sequence of communities with decreasing elevation 
and increasing soil salinity on the open floodplain. 
Subtle variations in relief of the floodplain appear to 
influence the distributions of these three communities, 
although their ecological relationships are likely to 
have been obscured by disturbances to vegetation 
and soils, and by alteration to drainage patterns. 
Nevertheless, Floodplain Swamp Forest is apparently 
associated with raised levees along streams and subtle 
rises around the margins of the floodplain, whereas 
Estuarine Saltmarsh is confined to low-lying sites 
exposed to occasional (or past) tidal inundation. 

Vegetation Change 

There is little doubt that substantial changes have 
occurred to floodplain vegetation since settlement as 
a consequence of clearing, grazing and changes to 
drainage and tidal flows. However, the precise causes 
and mechanisms of change in the Brundee-Saltwater 
area are not well understood, nor is the distribution 
and make-up of native vegetation prior to agricultural 
development of the floodplain. It seems likely that 
these changes occurred in a series of episodes as 
particular events took place, including initial clearing, 
introduction of livestock, construction of drainage 
channels, construction of deeper drains, installation of 
tidal gates and successive changes to stocking rates. 

The pre-settlement vegetation of the floodplain 
apparently included extensive treeless areas with 
thick grass intermixed with reeds. This vegetation 
now appears to be locally extinct, as no native 
grasslands were observed in or around the study area. 
Based on remnants observed on other floodplains 
(Keith 2004), Paspalum distichum (water couch) 
was a likely dominant grass species. The community 
is also likely to have included a number of other 
grass genera, as well as sedges (notably Eleochaeris, 
Cyperus and Schoenus) and forbs from families such 
as Ranunculaceae, Apiaceae and Menyanthaceae. The 
most abundant reed species are likely to have been 
Phragmites australis, which persists in the vicinity 
today in small patches and drainage lines inundated 
by brackish water, or possibly Juncus kraussii. The 
latter species is abundant in contemporary treeless 
areas that are inundated with brackish water, but 
less frequently than sites supporting P. australis. 
Other possible ‘reeds’ include other species of 
Juncus, Baumea and other cyperaceous genera. Early 
accounts do not specifically mention saltmarsh, 
although it seems likely to have been part of the pre- 
European landscape, particularly as tides reached as 
far upstream as the northern part of Brundee Swamp. 

Woody vegetation was also part of the pre- 
settlement floodplain landscape, although its 
distribution was apparently patchy. The available 
historical records and current ecological relationships 



suggest that woodlands and forests were mainly 
confined to the banks of streams and drainage lines 
and to slightly elevated areas, including levees and 
gentle slopes around margins of the floodplain. 
Casuarina and Melaleuca are likely to have been the 
major genera of trees, although historical descriptions 
record honeysuckle (Banksia) and brush (rainforest 
genera such as Acmena) along the banks of floodplain 

After European settlers brought cattle onto the 
floodplain, exotic pastures replaced the grasslands, and 
most of the woodlands and forests. The surveys and 
land grants dating from 1842 marked an intensification 
of earlier grazing activities by squatters. The use of 
stakes or posts, rather than marker trees, in the 1905 
surveys may lend tacit support to the suggestion 
that little native woody vegetation remained on the 
floodplain at that time. However, this could also be 
explained by a change in survey practice, and the fact 
that some survey points were located in areas that 
were originally treeless. While some of these survey 
points are located in areas that now support forests 
of Eucalyptus or Casuarina, few of the contemporary 
trees are large enough to suggest pre-settlement 

Co-ordinated drainage work to make the area 
more suitable for agriculture probably began in the 
Brundee-Saltwater area in the early twentieth century 
(possibly 1903), although drains were in existence 
elsewhere on the Shoalhaven a decade earlier. 
Drains modified the hydrology of the floodplain by 
lowering the water table and reducing the duration of 
inundation. If appreciable areas of native grasslands 
and reedlands persisted into the twentieth century, the 
construction of drains would have accelerated their 
replacement by exotic pasture. 

Drainage works also had a profound effect on 
soil and water chemistry, particularly after deep 
drains and tidal gates were constructed in the second 
half of the twentieth century. Widespread oxidation of 
organic floodplain soils resulted in the release of acid 
sulphates and discharge of strongly acidic water into 
local streams, as was found behind the floodgates on 
the Crookhaven River at Culburra Road during 1991- 
92 (Lawrie 2005). The level of stored acidity appears 
to be moderate in well-vegetated parts of the natures 
reserves in comparison to other parts of the floodplain 
(Lawrie 2005). 

The reduced incursion of saline water after 
installation of tidal gates on the Crookhaven River is 
expected to have reduced the area of saltmarsh and 
mangrove vegetation in and around Brundee and 
Saltwater Swamps. Nevertheless, the persistence of 
salt-tolerant plant species, including native species, 
Juncus krausii, Casuarina glauca, Leptinella 
longipes, Lobelia anceps, Sarcocornia quinqueflora 
subsp. quinqueflora and Selliera radicans, as well as 
exotics, Aster subulatus and Chenopodium album, in 
both Brundee and Saltwater Swamps suggests that an 
appreciable saline influence still exists in the reserves. 
Recent analysis of a soil profile in Saltwater Swamp 
NR confirmed this inference (Lawrie 2005). The 
sample was taken from the floodplain, approximately 
150m north of site Saltl5 (Fig. 2). The soil profile 


was found to be moderately to strongly saline, 
with salinity increasing with depth from c. 900 mg 
chloride per kg dry soil near the soil surface to over 
3000! below 1 m depth. Surface soil was too 
saline for most pasture plants and no roots were found 
below 55cm, probably due to the increased salinity at 
this depth (Lawrie 2005). This salinity may be partly 
residual, although some tidal incursion may occur, for 
example, when large tides and floods breach the tidal 

The role of fire in vegetation dynamics on the 
floodplain is uncertain. There was evidence of 
charring on stems of some trees, suggesting that 
parts of the reserves had burnt some time in the past 
10-20 years. We observed no evidence of recent 
subterranean (peat) fires during field reconnaissance. 
Such fires may have a substantial impact on woody 
vegetation in the wetlands. Typically, peat fires spread 
slowly and are difficult to distinguish. Under most 
fire conditions, however, the majority of the reserve 
area is not expected to be highly flammable due to the 
poorly aerated and/or low volume ground fuels and 
high salts content of live and dead foliage. 

The most recent episode of vegetation change 
apparently involves the encroachment of woodland 
and forest into treeless areas of the floodplain, through 
the recruitment of Casuarina glauca and Melaleuca 
ericifolia. The most likely cause of these changes 
is the recent removal of livestock from parts of the 
floodplain within the reserves. Evidence supporting 
this interpretation includes the following: 

¢ The encroachment of trees and shrubs since 

1996 coincides with a synchronous reduction 

and removal of livestock associated with public 

acquisition of the grazing leases prior to dedication 

of the reserves in January 2001; 

¢ No significant drainage or tidal works have 

occurred since 1996; 

* The recent drought largely post-dates the 

beginning of woody thickening as shown on the 

aerial photographs flown in 2002 (Fig. 16); and 

¢ There has been little if any expansion of woody 

vegetation outside the reserves where stocking rates 

have remained at similar levels. 
The abundance of some weed species on the floodplain, 
notably Aster subulatus, may also be a recent response 
to the change in grazing regime. However, the inverse 
relationship between tree canopy cover and ground 
cover (Fig. 14) suggests that the abundance of both 
native and exotic groundcover plant species will 
decline as the densities of shrubs and small trees 
increase further and cast more shade at ground level. 

It is uncertain whether the expansion of forested 
wetland vegetation into abandoned pastures represents 
arecent return to pre-settlement vegetation. Anecdotal 
information suggests that some areas of the floodplain 
had been treeless prior to settlement (Weatherburn 
1960), although location-specific information for 
Brundee and Saltwater Swamps is extremely limited. 
The nature of longer term historical changes depends 
on the largely unknown effects that construction of 
drainage channels had on native vegetation. It seems 
likely that regrowth vegetation will differ from the 
original vegetation because of lowered water tables, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Figure 16. Aerial 
photographs of 
Brundee Swamp 
flown in 

(a - upper) 1996 

(b - lower) 2002. 


shorter periods of inundation and reduced salinity. For 
example, soil drying and oxidation could have made 
sites that previously supported open wetlands more 
suitable for colonisation by native woody species, 
which has been kept in check until recently released 
from grazing. However, inferences about the nature 
and causes of historical vegetation change remain 
speculative in the absence of appropriate data. 

Conservation of Floodplain Vegetation 

Irrespective of the changes that may have taken 
place in the past, Brundee and Saltwater Swamp 
Nature Reserves both contain important examples of 
Endangered Ecological Communities (EEC) that once 
covered extensive areas on coastal floodplains of New 
South Wales before these areas were developed for 
agriculture. The endangered floodplain communities 
make up the majority of the two reserves. 

Floodplain Swamp Forest, Estuarine Fringe 
Forest and Estuarine Creekflat Scrub represent three 
variants of the Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest EEC. 
None of these variants has appreciable representation 
in conservation reserves in New South Wales. The 
first two of these map units have less than 3% of their 
estimated pre-settlement distribution within reserves 
in southern NS W (Tozer et al. 2006), of which Brundee 
and Saltwater Swamp Nature Reserves make up the 
major portion. While estuaries and coastal lakes to 
the south of Shoalhaven River retain many small 
stands of Estuarine Creekflat Scrub, its occurrences 
further north are generally small degraded remnants 
of the original distribution. The reserves on the 
Shoalhaven floodplain are therefore important for the 
conservation of all three components of the Swamp 
Oak Floodplain Forest EEC. 

Coastal Sand Swamp Forest, part of the Swamp 
Sclerophyll Forest on Floodplains EEC, is a naturally 
restricted community on the south coast, of which 
almost half has been cleared in the past. Its main 
representation in conservation reserves is on the sandy 
soils in Jervis Bay National Park. Although small, 
the stands in Brundee and Saltwater Swamp Nature 
Reserves are important because they are associated 
with a major floodplain unlike those associated with 
the Jervis Bay sandplain to the south. Furthermore, 
they make important contributions to biodiversity, 
harbouring a distinctive combination of plant species 
and providing a structurally complex habitat that is 
not replicated by other vegetation types in the area. 
Larger areas of Coastal Sand Swamp Forest exist 
on private property adjacent to, and nearby the 
boundaries of both reserves. The condition of these 
is unknown, but warrants investigation with a view to 
fostering sympathetic management of the community 
in the area. 

Stands of Estuarine Saltmarsh within the reserves 
represent a small part of the floristic and distributional 
ranges of the highly variable Coastal Saltmarsh 
EEC, which extends in small patches throughout the 
coastline of New South Wales. In many parts of this 
range, there are signs of mangrove transgression, 
which potentially threatens the persistence and 
diversity of saltmarsh vegetation (Saintilan and 
Williams 1999). There is currently no evidence of 


such changes in Brundee and Saltwater Swamp 
Nature Reserves, perhaps because saltmarsh there 
represents the terrestrial extreme of the variation in 
the community and because minimal tidal influence is 
maintained by current tidal regulation. Nevertheless, 
the status of saltmarsh within the reserves is uncertain 
and the possibility of encroachment by Casuarina 
glauca or Melaleuca ericifolia warrants continued 

Past and ongoing changes in native vegetation 
demonstrate the sensitivity of floodplain vegetation to 
environmental change. Insuch disequilibrium systems, 
an important goal for contemporary management of 
the reserves is conservation of a dynamic mosaic of 
the endangered ecological communities that are under 
threat throughout the broader region. The sensitivity 
of the floodplain biota to environmental change also 
demands an adaptive approach to management, 
whereby actions are responsive to the direction 
and magnitude of changes in the system (Burgman 
and Lindenmeyer 1998). Adaptive strategies of this 
kind rely on monitoring to diagnose contemporary 
responses and inform decisions about future actions. 

The permanently marked floristic sample 
sites established in this study provide a crude 
contemporary baseline for assessing changes in 
composition and structure of the vegetation in the 
future. However, it is likely that the sampling design 
will require modification to provide answers to 
specific management questions. To understand the 
role of grazing in future vegetation changes on the 
floodplain, for example, it would be necessary to 
sample a number of sites where livestock continue 
to graze, perhaps under a range of regimes (stocking 
rates, frequency and duration of spelling, etc.). 
This would require co-operation with neighbouring 

The sampling design could also be adapted 
to examine the effects of any future changes in 
drainage and tidal management regimes, through 
the establishment of additional samples in suitable 
control subcatchments. For example, the installation 
of two-way floodgates has been suggested as a means 
of increasing water quality by regular tidal flushing 
(Lawrie 2005). A potential consequence of such 
a change is the replacement of swamp oak forest 
with saltmarsh in the low lying areas. Sustainable 
conservation of biodiversity on coastal floodplains 
depends on continuing evaluation of vegetation 
responses to such changes in water management, 
and on improved understanding of mechanisms that 
influence vegetation dynamics in these landscapes. 


We thank Les Mitchell and Phil Craven for initiating 
this work, for their discussions on the design of the survey, 
management and history of the reserve, and for their 
comments on a draft manuscript. Les, Phil and Alex Deura 
assisted with the field survey, which was funded by South 
Coast Region of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Adam P., Wilson N.C. and Huntley, B. (1988) The 
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Belbin, L. (1994). PATN. Pattern analysis package. CSIRO, 

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Carron, L.T. (1968). “An Outline of Forest Mensuration’. 
(Australian National University Press, Canberra). 
Dalmazzo, P., Laing, J. and The Shoalhaven Remnant 
Vegetation Committee (2000). Remnant Vegetation 
Management Plan, Brundee Swamp. the City of 

Shoalhaven, NSW. Unpublished report. 

Freeman, C., Fenner, N., Ostle, N.J., Kang, N., Dorwick, D. 
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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 





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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 




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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 










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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

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The Middle Triassic Megafossil Flora of the Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, New South Wales, 
Australia. Part 6. Ginkgophyta 


‘46 Kurrajong Street, Dorrigo, NSW, 2453, Australia (Hon. Research Fellow, University of New 

England, Armidale, NSW, 2351); 746 Kurrajong Street, Dorrigo, NSW. 2453, Australia (Hon. Palaeobotanist, 

South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria 0001 South Africa). 

Holmes, W.B.K. and Anderson, H.M. (2007). The Middle Triassic Megafossil Flora of the Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, New South Wales, Australia. Part 6. Ginkgophyta. Proceedings of 
the Linnean Society of New South Wales 128, 155-200. 

The Ginkgophyte Flora from two quarries in the Basin Creek Formation of the Middle Triassic 
Nymboida Coal Measures of north eastern NSW Australia is described and illustrated. This includes the first 
record from Australia of Hamshawvia, a female strobilus bearing a pair of megasporophylls. Hamshawvia 
and the male strobilus Stachyopitys are regarded as the fructifications of the plants bearing Sphenobaiera 
leaves. Two of the Hamshawvia specimens are placed in H. distichos sp. nov. and a third in H. sp. A. Several 
specimens of Stachyopitys strobili are compared with S. matatilongus and S. lacrisporangia from the 
Molteno Formation of South Africa. The Ginkgophyte leaves form c. 10% of the collected leaf fossils from 
the Nymboida localities and are placed in the genera Ginkgoites (four morpho-species) and Sphenobaiera 
(eight morpho-species). In the absence of preserved cuticle the morpho-species are differentiated on 
characters of gross morphology. In five cases where sufficient specimens of a particular form are available 
to indicate a natural range of variation they are placed in a ‘morpho-species complex’. New leaf taxa are 
the morpho-species Ginkgoites nymboidensis sp. nov., Sphenobaiera paucinerva sp. nov., S. densinerva sp. 

noy. and S. nymbolinea sp. nov. 

Manuscript received 9 February 2006, accepted for publication 13 December 2006. 

KEYWORDS: Ginkgoites, Ginkgophyta, Hamshawvia, Nymboida Coal Measures, Sphenobaiera 

fructifications, Stachyopitys, Triassic Flora. 


In this sixth part of the series describing the early 
Middle Triassic Nymboida Flora, leaves assigned to 
the Ginkgophyte genera Ginkgoites and Sphenobaiera 
and the affiliated fertile organs Stachyopitys and 
Hamshawvia are illustrated and described. This 
is the first description of the female Ginkgophyte 
megasporophyll Hamshawvia from Australia. 

Part 1 (Holmes 2000) of this series dealt with the 
Bryophyta and Sphenophyta; Part 2 (Holmes 2001) 
with the Filicophyta; Part 3 (Holmes 2003) with fern- 
like foliage; Part 4 (Holmes and Anderson 2005a) with 
the genus Dicroidium and its fertile organs Preruchus 
and Umkomasia; Part 5 (Holmes and Anderson 

2005b) with the genus Lepidopteris and its affiliated 
fructifications Peltaspermum and Antevsia, and the 
genera Kurtziana, Rochipteris and Walkomiopteris. 


The Ginkgophytes have a long evolutionary 
history ranging from the Carboniferous to the present 
(Taylor and Taylor 1993; Holmes 1996). However 
some early species are known only as isolated 
specimens and their affinities are questionable 
(Taylor and Taylor 1993; Rothwell and Holt 1997). 
From the Late Palaeozoic to the early Tertiary the 
Ginkgophyta had an almost global distribution with 


a peak of diversity in the late Mesozoic and early 
Tertiary (Zhou 1997; Rothwell and Holt 1997). The 
last recorded occurrences in Gondwana are from the 
Eocene of Argentina (Berry 1938) and the Palaeogene 
of Tasmania (Hill and Carpenter 1999). It has been 
suggested that the fleshy Ginkgo fruits were ingested 
by herbivore dinosaurs that acted as dispersal agents 
for the seeds. The extinction of the dinosaurs at the end 
of the Cretaceous may have resulted in the contraction 
in both range and diversity throughout the Tertiary 
that brought Ginkgo to the brink of extinction (Tralau 
1968). Today the last single extant representative is 
Ginkgo biloba which may no longer exist in the wild 
(Li 1956) but is now cultivated almost world-wide. 
Previous Gondwana Triassic records of 
Ginkgophyta include: from Australia — Tenison 
Woods (1883), Ratte (1887, 1888), Johnston (1888), 
Shirley (1887, 1898), Dun (1909), Walkom (1917, 
1924, 1928), Retallack (1977), Retallack et al. (1977), 
Holmes (1982, 1996); from South Africa — Seward 
(1903, 1908), DuToit (1927, 1932), Baldoni (1980), 
Anderson and Anderson (1983, 1985, 1989, 2003); 
from South America — Frenguelli (1946), Menendez 
(1951), Artabe (1985), Azcuy and Baldoni (1990), 
Gnaedinger and Herbst (1999); from Malagasy — 
Carpentier (1935) and from India — Pal (1984). 


The material described in this paper is based 
mainly on collections made by the senior author 
and his family from two Nymboida quarries over a 
period of forty years and on limited material held 
in the fossil collections of the Australian Museum, 
Sydney, and also those in the Geology Department of 
the University of New England, Armidale, as noted 
in Retallack (1977) and Retallack et al. (1977). The 
Nymboida material was collected mostly from blocks 
fallen from the working quarry faces so the exact 
horizon or source of most specimens is uncertain. 

Details of the Coal Mine Quarry and Reserve 
Quarry together with a summary of the geology of the 
Basin Creek Formation, the Nymboida Coal Measures 
and the Nymboida Sub-Basin were provided in 
Holmes (2000). An earlier study by McElroy (1962) 
of the Clarence-Moreton Basin included the older 
geological units now regarded as formations within 
the Nymboida Sub-Basin. 

In the Holmes Nymboida collection, leaves 
attributed to the Ginkgophyta comprise c. 10% of 
the c. 2600 catalogued specimens with Ginkgoites 
forming c. 2.5% and Sphenobaiera c. 7.5%. This 


contrasts with that of the Benolong Flora in the 
Napperby Formation near Dubbo, Australia, 
(Holmes 1982) where Sphenobaiera leaves are the 
most numerous of the preserved plant remains. In 
their collections of fossil plants from the Molteno 
Formation of South Africa, Anderson and Anderson 
(1989) noted that leaves of Sphenobaiera were the 
second most common taxon with a mean abundance 
of 30% in 32 assemblages. Fertile organs attributed 
to the Ginkgophyta are extremely rare in the fossil 

Leaves from a single plant of the extant Ginkgo 
biloba may exhibit a great amount of variation which 
points to the probability of a similar range of variation 
in fossil Ginkgophyte leaves (Walkom 1917). Thus the 
identification to species level of Ginkgophyte leaves 
from large assemblages with a wide range of variation 
and intergrading forms raises problems similar to those 
experienced with the Dicroidium genus (Holmes and 
Anderson 2005a) and the Lepidopteris and Kurtziana 
genera (Holmes and Anderson 2005b). Anderson and 
Anderson (1989) noted that at their Molteno localities 
Mat111 and Birl11 three morphotaxa of Sphenobaiera 
formed a complex and intergrading series. Harris 
et al. (1974) also recognised that leaves of the 
Ginkgoales in the Yorkshire Flora varied greatly in 
form and that specific distinction was difficult. They 
suggested that differences within a local assemblage 
and between assemblages could arise from a slight 
peculiarity of genetic balance between populations 
of trees or by the environment. Zhou (1997) also 
noted that almost all species that have been studied 
in some detail exhibit a rather wide spectrum of leaf 
variation. The fossil plants at Nymboida come from a 
range of facies that represent different environments 
so it is probable that some of the variation within the 
Nymboida leaf complexes may have been influenced 
by environmental conditions. 

Harris (1935) believed that cuticular details were 
essential for specific determination of Ginkgoites. 
Anderson and Anderson (1989) noted that their 
Sphenobaiera and Ginkgo (= Ginkgoites) cuticles 
appeared to share a more or less equal number of 
features in the epidermal structure and also with those 
of the genera Lepidopteris and Dejerseya. At the 
Nymboida localities all cuticle has been destroyed in 
a heating event during the Cretaceous (Russel 1994). 

Due to the absence of cuticle in any of our 
otherwise well-preserved plant material the 
identification of leaves is based on features of gross 
morphology; e.g. size and form of lamina; angle of 
divergence of the lamina from the base; form of the 
petiole; nature of the segmentation and vein density in 
distal portions of the lamina. In cases where numerous 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


specimens of a somewhat similar form are available 
this variation is encompassed in our identification of 
the group as a “‘morpho-species complex’. Leaves 
with a fan-shaped lamina (flabbelate) and a distinct 
petiole are placed in Ginkgoites. Wedge-shaped 
leaves (cuneate) contracting to a petiolate-like base 
are placed in Sphenobaiera. This differentiation is 
partly subjective and certain leaves could equally 
well be placed in Ginkgoites or Sphenobaiera. 

Based on the presence of associated or attached 
fertile material in their large Molteno Formation 
collections, Anderson and Anderson (2003) have 
placed Ginkgoites and Sphenobaiera leaves in 
separate Families and Classes. In the absence of any 
leaves attached to fertile organs at Nymboida we have 
not placed our morpho-taxa above generic rank. 

The Ginkgophytes were widespread in the 
Northern Hemisphere during the early Mesozoic 
and some northern morpho-taxa are closely similar 
in gross morphology to individuals in the Nymboida 
flora. However, due to problems relating to time and 
geographic separation we have made comparisons 
only with Gondwana material. 

The flabellate leaves of the Rochipteris genus 
(Gnaedinger and Herbst 1998, Baronne-Nugent 
et al. 2003, Holmes and Anderson 2005b) and the 
leaves associated with Kannaskoppia (Anderson 
and Anderson 2003) may be confused with the 
ginkgophytes. They are differentiated by the usually 
asymmetrical dissection of the lamina, the more 
delicate venation with anastomoses and by their 
distinct stomata. 

The types and all illustrated material in this paper 
have been allocated AMF numbers and are housed 
in the Palaeontology Department of the Australian 
Museum, Sydney. 

Order Ginkgophyta 
Genus Ginkgoites Seward 1919 
Ginkgoites nymboidensis Holmes and Anderson 
sp. nov. 
Figures 1 A,B; 2 A,B. 
Leaf lamina semicircular, elegantly dissected 
almost to base into six primary elongated narrow- 

elliptic to spathulate segments, each segment again 
deeply to shallowly incised, apices rounded. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


A medium-sized Ginkgoites leaf with elegant 
semicircular leaves, 75-100 mm long, 90-140 
mm wide; basal angle 180°-200°; petiole slender, 
3mm wide, length unknown; lamina symmetrically 
dissected almost to the base into six primary segments; 
each segment again incised from % to *%4 to the base; 
ultimate lobes parallel-sided or elongate-spathulate, 
6-12 mm in width, the inner segments longer than 
the outside segments; apices rounded-obtuse or rarely 
shallowly notched; veins forking in proximal portion 
of primary segments then running straight and parallel 
to the apical margin; vein density in the distal region 
of the segments 12—14/10 mm. 

AMF129928. Australian Museum, Sydney. 

Type locality 

Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, early Middle 

Other material 
AMF129926—7, AMF130170, Coal Mine Quarry; 
AMF 129929, Reserve Quarry. 


This uncommon morpho-taxon bears some 
features with the leaf illustrated by Tenison-Woods 
(1883, pl. 4, fig. 3) as Jeanpaulia bidens. While that 
specimen is somewhat similar in dissection pattern 
and shape of the lobes and general proportions it is 
smaller and too poorly preserved to make meaningful 
comparisons. The leaves identified by Shirley (1897, 
pl. 6, figs 1,2; 1898, pl.19, fig. 1, pl. 21) as Baiera 
(Jeanpaulia) bidens and by Walkom (1917, pl. 3, 
fig. 1) as Baiera bidens, differ from Tenison—Woods 
specimen by the lamina being incised to the base into 
linear segments, each of which is again incised almost 
to the base to form elongated narrow elliptic segments 
with acute apices. Walkom’s specimen was selected 
as the type for Ginkgo denmarkensis by Anderson 
and Anderson (1989). Ginkgoites waldeckensis 
(Anderson and Anderson 1989), Gnaedinger and 
Herbst (1999) and Ginkgoites koningensis Anderson 
and Anderson (1989, 2003) are closely similar in 
lamina shape to Ginkgoites nymboidensis but differ 
by their much denser venation. G. matatiensis 
Anderson and Anderson (1989) differs by the four 
secondary segments on either side of the median 
cleft. G. semirotunda Holmes (1982) is smaller and 
with a slightly different dissection of the lamina. 
Ginkgo palmata (Ratte) Anderson and Anderson 



1989, which includes G. simmondsii Shirley (1898) 
and Baiera simmondsii (Shirley) Walkom 1917, 
differs from Ginkgoites nymboidensis by the greater 
number of primary segments and denser venation. 
G. nymboidensis is similar to some forms of G. 
denmarkensis (Fig. 3B) but differs by its semi-circular 
lamina and elegant partially dissected segments. 

‘Ginkgoites denmarkensis Anderson and 
Anderson 2003 complex’ 
Figures 3A,B; 4A; 5A,B; 6A; 7A; 8A. 

University of Queensland F1411, Denmark Hill, 
Ipswich Coal Measures, Queensland. 

Selected references 

1917 Baiera bidens, Walkom, pl. 3, fig. (2). 

1965 Ginkgo digitata, Hill et al. pl. T9, fig. 6. 

1965 Ginkgoites simmondsii, Hill et al., pl. T 
XI, fig. 3. 

1965 Ginkgoites ginkgoides, Hill et al., pl. T XI, 

1989 Ginkgo denmarkensis, Anderson and 
Anderson p.227, t. fig. 2, pl. 322. 

1999 ?Ginkgoites sp., Gnaedinger and Herbst, 
p. 285, figs 4B, 5D-F. 

2003 Ginkgoites denmarkensis, Anderson and 
Anderson, p.197, t. fig. 3. 


Medium to large flabbelate leaves with a long 
slender to strong petiole to 40 mm long, 2-4 mm 
wide; lamina 100-170 mm long, 100-200 mm wide; 
basal angle 140°-270°; divided into six primary 
segments that range in form from those divided from 
4 from apex to almost to the base to form elongated 
almost linear or narrow spathulate segments that taper 
distally to acute or rounded apices (Figs 3A,B, 4A), 
to other forms where the primary segments become 
broad-elliptical with entire, notched or shallowly 
incised apices (Figs 5A,B, 6, 7, 8A). Veins fork near 
the base then run straight and parallel to the apex of 
the lobes; density in the distal portion 12—14/10 mm 
and in rare specimens to 16—18/10 mm. 

AMF129930-4, 129936-—7, Coal Mine Quarry; 
AMF 129935, Reserve Quarry. 
Leaves in the ‘G. denmarkensis complex’ are 
common and variable. Some leaves from Nymboida 
(Fig. 3A) are closely similar to the type specimen of 


G. denmarkensis selected by Anderson and Anderson 
(1989 p. 227) in which each of the six primary 
lobes is dissected halfway or more to the base to 
form elongated parallel-sided to slightly expanding 
secondary lobes contracting distally to an acute apex. 
Some forms e.g. Fig. 3B are close to G. nymboidensis 
but are less elegantly symmetrical and with deeper 
incisions of the secondary lobes. The very large leaf 
(Fig. 4A) is close in form to the Molteno leaf G. 
aviamnica that differs by the less dense venation (6/10 
mm). Forms with less deep incisions and broadening 
of the primary lobes (Figs 5A,B, 6A, 7A, 8A) that we 
have included in this complex are close to the Molteno 
G. matatiensis which differs by the dissection into 
eight primary segments. The fragmentary leaves 
figured by Gnaedinger and Herbst (1999, figs 4b, 
5D-F) as Ginkgoites sp. from the Tranquilo Group of 
Patagonia are closely similar in outline and venation 
to G. denmarkensis. 

Ginkgoites ginkgoides (Shirley 1898) Florin 1936. 
Figures 9A,B 

Type specimen 
F104c Queensland Geological Survey, Denmark 
Hill, Ipswich Coal Measures, Queensland. 

Selected references 
1898 Baiera ginkgoides Shirley, p. 13, pl. 3, 
fig. 1. 
1917 Baiera ginkgoides Walkom, p. 12, pl. 3, 
figs 3,4. 


Medium-sized incomplete Ginkgoites leaves 
divided into four to six widely separated primary 
segments attenuated basally, expanding distally; 
apices not known; petioles stout, to 6 mm wide, 
length not known; veins prominent, density c. 10— 
12/10 mm. 

AMF 1299412, Coal Mine Quarry. 


These rare specimens have close similarities 
with those illustrated by Shirley (1898) and Walkom 
(1917). At Nymboida they occur in allocthonous 
deposits of mostly macerated plant fragments. These 
specimens are probably decorticated or decaying 
leaves and could possibly have been derived from G. 
denmarkensis trees. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Ginkgoites sp. cf G. waldeckensis (Anderson 
and Anderson 1989) Gnaedinger and Herbst 1999 
Figures 8B—D. 


Small Ginkgoites leaves, lamina semicircular to 
flabbelate, 25—35 mm long, 35-45 mm wide; petiole 10 
mm long, 1—1.5 mm wide with an expanded leafbase: 
lamina diverging from base at an angle of 130°-180°, 
deeply incised to form six major segments, each 
segment again less deeply incised to form 12 terminal 
lobes with truncate or shallowly notched apices; each 
lobe has from four to six veins giving a vein density 
in apical portions of c. 16—24/10 mm. 

AMF 129938, 129940, Coal Mine Quarry; 
AMF 129939, Reserve Quarry. 


The rare semi-circular, deeply segmented leaves 
of this morpho-species differ from any previously 
figured species from Australia. The few Nymboida 
specimens are similar in lamina size and outline to 
some forms of the variable Ginkgoites waldeckensis 
from the Moltenon Formation of South Africa 
(Anderson and Anderson 1989) but the long slender 
petioles have not been observed. The leaves from 
the El Tranquilo Group of Patagonia placed by 
Gnaedinger and Herbst (1999) in G. waldeckensis 
are larger in size and divided four or five times into 
narrow linear segments with finer venation. 

Genus Sphenobaiera Florin 1936 

‘Sphenobaiera stormbergensis (Seward 1903) 
Frenguelli 1948 complex’ 
Figures 10A; 11A,B; 12A,B; 13A 

Baiera stormbergensis Seward 1903, F11670 
South African Museum 

Selected references 
1903 Baiera stormbergensis Seward fig.8(3). 
1924 Biera bidens Walkom p1.21, fig.2. 
1989 Sphenobaiera stormbergensis Anderson 
and Anderson p.146, pl.91, pl.100, figs 9, 18. 
1999 Sphenobaiera stormbergensis Gnaedinger 
and Herbst fig.11 D,E. 

A medium-sized Sphenobaiera with wedge- 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

shaped leaves contracted basally into a stout petiole to 
6 mm wide and 50—60 mm long; angle of divergence 
from 50°-80°; lamina from 110—150 mm long and to 
140 mm wide; deeply incised to form 4 to 6 major 
segments, each segment again shallowly incised to 
form up to 12 ultimate, parallel-sided segments with 
rounded apices; density of venation in distal portion 
of segments c. 10/10 mm. 


AMF 129943 and counterpart AMF 129947, 
AMF 129953, AMF121025—6, AMF130169, all Coal 
Mine Quarry; AMF130168, Reserve Quarry. 


The Nymboida material assigned to this complex 
is relatively common. The leaves are close to S. 
stormbergensis from the Molteno Formation of South 
Africa but sometimes differ by the presence of a 
stout variously elongated petiolate base. S. coronata 
Anderson and Anderson, also from the Molteno 
Formation, has a similar density of venation and may 
be stoutly petiolate but differs by a broader divergence 
and more irregular incisions of the lamina. S. 
stormbergensis differs from S. densinerva (below) by 
the less dense venation. The woody interveinal striae 
noted by Retallack et al. (1977) in a leaf fragment 
referred to S. stormbergensis from Cloughers Creek 
near Nymboida, have not been observed in material 
from the Coal Mine and Reserve Quarries. 

Sphenobaiera paucinerva Holmes and Anderson 
Sp. nov. 
Figures 10B, 14A—D 


A small Sphenobaiera leaf; lamina with deep 
central incision, lateral segments again less deeply 
incised to form four parallel-sided segments with 
distal margins acute, rounded or shallowly cleft; 
density of venation in distal portion of segments 6— 
10/10 mm. 


Small wedge-shaped leaves; lamina 60-85 mm 
long, 45-80 mm wide, contracting basally into a 
stout petiole 3 mm wide, to 20 mm long. Angle of 
divergence of lamina from base 60°—80°. Lamina with 
deep medial incision; lateral pair of segments each 
incised to a depth of c. 1/3 from distal margin to form 
four equal or irregular segments with sub-parallel 
margins and acute to rounded, notched or shallowly 
incised tips. Venation coarse, bifurcating proximally 



and then running parallel to distal margin, density in 
distal portion c. 6—10/10 mm. 

AMF129954, Australian Museum, Sydney. 

Type locality 

Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, early Middle 

Other material 
AMF129944, AMF129955—7, Coal Mine 


Name derivation 

paucinerva — referring to the less dense venation 
than in the somewhat similar-shaped smaller forms of 
leaves placed in S. densinerva below. 


S. paucinerva 1s an uncommon element in the 
Nymboida collection. The leaves of S. insecta and S. 
helvetica from the Molteno Formation of South Africa 
(Anderson and Anderson 1989) are divided into four 
segments with rounded apices. However both species 
are significently larger than S. paucinervia and have 
preserved and described cuticles. S. paucinervia 
may be a small form of the much larger leaved S. 
stormbergensis but there are no intermediate forms 
in our collection. 

‘Sphenobaiera densinerva Holmes and Anderson 
sp. nov. complex’ 
Figures 10C; 15A—D; 16A,B; 17A—C; 18A—D; 19A; 


A small to large petiolate cuneate leaf divided 
into four short primary truncate segments or with 
longer parallel-sided or slightly expanding segments 
sometimes again shallowly incised; apices truncate or 
broadly obtuse; venation density in distal portion of 
segments c. 16—24/10 mm. 


A very variable cuneate leaf ranging from small 
to large; lamina 60-130 mm long, 40-100 mm wide; 
diverging at 45°-80° from a well-defined slender 
to stout petiole 10-30 mm long, 1.5—4 mm wide. 
Lamina divided by deep incisions into four segments. 
Some larger leaves have longer segments that may be 
again incised to form further parallel-sided ultimate 


lobes (Figs 17A, 18C), others with broad less incised 
laminae (Fig. 20A,B). Apices of segments truncate 
or broadly obtuse. Veins bifurcating only in basal 
portion of the lamina and then running straight and 
parallel to the apical margin; density of veins in distal 
portion of the lobes from 16—24/10 mm. 

AMF 129945 and counterpart AMF 129949. 

Type locality 
Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 

Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, early Middle 

Name derivation 

densinerva — referring to the more dense 
venation when compared with most other Nymboida 
ginkgophyte material. 

Other material 
AMF129959-68, 129971—2, Coal Mine Quarry; 
AMF 129969, Reserve Quarry. 


Our illustrations represent what we consider 
to be the range of variation of the abundant leaves 
within this complex, from smallest to largest leaves. 
The smaller leaves of S. densinerva (Figs 15A—D) are 
distinguished from the less variable S. paucinerva 
(Figs 14A—D) essentially by the denser venation. The 
larger leaves of S. densinerva (Figs 18B—E) differ 
from S. stormbergensis by the more parallel strap- 
like segments and by the much denser venation. The 
distal portion of the very large leaf in Figure 17A is 
closely similar in form but very much larger than 
the incomplete specimen of Baiera ipsviciensis of 
Shirley (1898 pl.12, fig.2) and repeated in Walkom 
(1917 pl.4, figs1,2) 

‘Sphenobaiera schenckii (Feistmantel 1889) Florin 
1936 complex’ 
Figures 21 A-E; 22A—D; 23A—D. 

Baiera schencki Feistmantel 1889, pl. 3, fig. 2. 
(see Anderson and Anderson 1989) 

Selected references 
1889 Baiera Schencki Feistmantel, pl. 3, fig 2. 
1989 Sphenobaiera schenckii Anderson and 
Anderson, p. 142, pls 57, 58, 79. 
2003 Sphenobaiera schenckii Anderson and 
Anderson, pp 211, 223. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



A small Sphenobaiera leaf bisected almost to the 
base and each segment then symmetrically twice less 
deeply dissected to form eight elongate, subparallel- 
sided or slightly expanding ultimate segments. Leaf 
lamina 40—100 mm long and wide, contracting basally 
at a convergence angle of 45°-120° to a tapering 
petiole 1-3 mm wide and to 25 mm long. Venation 
forking in proximal portion of the lamina to form 4-8 
veins running parallel to apex of ultimate lobes at a 
density of 15—20/10 mm. 


AMF129958, 129973-4, 121027-30, 1210412, 
121044, Coal Mine Quarry; AMF129970, 129975, 
Reserve Quarry. 


The abundant Nymboida leaves that are placed 
in this complex often form ‘autumnal banks’ on some 
horizons at both Coal Mine and Reserve Quarries. 
They are variable in size and manner of dissection and 
are generally smaller than leaves of S. schenckii sensu 
stricta from the Molteno of South Africa (Anderson 
and Anderson 1989, 2003). The enlarged specimen 
illustrated in Fig. 21E shows portions of three leaves 
attached to a stem. The leaf assemblage on Fig. 22D 
displays leaves showing a wide range of dissection. 

Sphenobaiera leaves which form the most 
commonly occurring element in the Middle Triassic 
Benolong Flora of central western New South Wales 
were described by Holmes (1982) as a new species 
S. ugotheriensis. That taxon was synonymised with 
S. schenckii by Anderson and Anderson 1989. The 
Benolong leaves are generally longer than S. schenckii 
and, in many cases, with much broader terminal 
segments (Holmes 1982, Fig. 10C). We consider that 
S. ugotheriensis should stand as a valid species. 

Sphenobaiera sectina Anderson and Anderson 
Figures 24A; 25A,B 

Sphenobaiera sectina Anderson and Anderson 
1989, Specimen BP/2/824 

Selected reference 
1989 Sphenobaiera sectina Anderson and 
Anderson p.143, pl.64. 

Medium-sized Sphenobaiera leaves, 90-120 mm 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

long, c. 40 mm wide, diverging at c. 30° from a short 
stout petiolate base S—20 mm long, 0.3-4 mm wide. 
Lamina with shallow to deep median incision to form 
two long lanceolate segments with rounded apices; 
veins forking in proximal third of the lamina and then 
running straight and parallel to distal margin, venation 
indistinct to well-defined at 8—12/10 mm across distal 
portion of segments. 

AMF 126857, AMF125102, Coal Mine Quarry; 
AMF 125101, Reserve Quarry. 


The rare Nymboida specimens are similar in 
shape, size and venation to the once-divided leaves of 
S. sectina from South Africa illustrated by Anderson 
and Anderson 1989 P1.63 figs 1-7, P1.64 figs 3- 
6,11,12. Cuticle of some of the South African material 
has been preserved and described. 

Sphenobaiera nymbolinea Holmes and Anderson 
Sp. nov. 
Figures 26A—C; 27A, 28A. 


Large Sphenobaiera leaf, lamina narrowly 
diverging and bifurcating proximally into c. 16 long 
linear segments. 


Leaf as preserved 145 mm long and probably to 
200 mm when complete, 50 mm wide, bifurcating 
four times in proximal third of leaf to form 16 linear 
segments each 1—1.5 mm wide; angle of divergence 
of the lamina from the stout sessile base c. 25°; veins 
not visible but with possible midrib and longitudinal 

AMF 125104, Australian Museum, Sydney. 

Type Locality 

Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, Middle 

Other material 
AMF125105, Coal Mine Quarry; AMF125106 
and counterpart AMF125107, Reserve Quarry. 

Name derivation 

Contrived from type locality and the linear 
ultimate leaf segments. 




The only material of this taxon collected to date 
is two individual leaves and a slab and its counterpart 
bearing stems and leaves. S. nymbolinea is similar 
in form but twice the size of a specimen from the 
Ipswich Coal Measures referred to Czekanowskia 
tenuifolia by Jones and deJersey (1947 Text fig.55) 
and also illustrated by Hill et al. (1965 pl.T9 fig.2). In 
form S. nymbolinea lies between the much smaller S. 
pontifolia Anderson and Anderson (1989) with eight 
segments and S. africana (Baldoni 1980) Anderson 
and Anderson (1989) with 32 segments. The part 
and counterpart surfaces of the slab illustrated in 
Figures 26C, 27A and 28A show a mass of leaves 
probably attached to the lateral axis of the main stem. 
Unfortunately the crucial points of attachment are not 
clear on either surface. 

Sphenobaiera sp. cf. S. browniana Anderson and 
Anderson 1985 
Figures 29A, 30A,B 


Large incomplete acutely wedge-shaped 
Sphenobaiera leaves; estimated length from 200 mm 
to 350 mm; lamina deeply incised to form four or 
more long parallel-sided segments from 15—20 mm 
wide; apices not preserved; veins bifurcating near 
the base then running straight and parallel towards 
the apex, coarse, 5—8/10 mm across distal width of 

AMF125108, 125110, Coal 
AMF 125109, Reserve Quarry. 

Mine Quarry; 


By their large size and long strap-like segments 
these uncommon Nymboida leaves are compared 
with S. browniana, a species known only from three 
incomplete leaf fragments from the Burgersdorp 
Formation of South Africa (Anderson and Anderson 
1983 p.156, 157, pl. 184; 1989 p.147). The South 
African leaves are significantly larger being more 
than 400 mm long, with assymetrical dissection and 
unclear venation. 

The surface of the slab illustrated in Figure 29A 
shows an assemblage of several incomplete leaves. 
The largest leaves of the Nymboida ‘S. stormbergensis 
complex’ (Figure 12B, 13A) have long parallel-sided 
segments but they are less than 200 mm long and have 
denser venation than those of S. sp. cf. S. browniana. 


Sphenobaiera sp. A 
Figures 25C,D 


A very small incomplete leaf c. 20 mm long, 
25 mm wide, base missing; angle of divergence c. 
90°; lamina divided almost to the base into eight 
straight-sided segments expanding distally. Veins are 
conspicuous, bifurcating occasionally to run straight 
and parallel to the segment margins; vein density near 
segment apices c. 45/10 mm. 

AMF125103, Coal Mine Quarry. 


From its small size and very dense venation, this 
leaf differs from all previously described ginkgophyte 
leaves. However better preserved material is needed to 
adequately describe this leaf form as a new species. 

Fructifications associated with Ginkgophyte 

From their large collections of Late Triassic 
plants from the Molteno Formation of South Africa, 
Anderson and Anderson (2003) have evidence with 
varying degrees of certainty on the affiliation or 
attachment of fertile organs with Ginkgophyte-like 
leaves. The female strobilus Avatia and the male 
strobilus Eosteria are regarded as the fertile organs 
of plants bearing Ginkgoites leaves. Neither Avatia 
nor Eosteria organs have, so far, been collected 
at Nymboida. From the Molteno Formation both 
the female (Hamshawvia) and male (Stachyopitys) 
reproductive structures have been found in organic 
attachment with Sphenobaiera leaves. On the basis of 
their unique differences to other Gondwana Triassic 
ovulate genera Anderson and Anderson (2003) have 
placed the Ginkgoites and Sphenobaiera genera in 
separate families and orders. While specimens of 
both Hamshawvia and Stachyopitys are present in the 
Nymboida collections, neither are found in organic 
attachment but do occur in close association with 
Sphenobaiera leaves (Figs 10D,E, 31A—C). The slab 
from Nymboida bearing two Hamshawvia receptacles 
was illustrated but not described in Holmes (1996). 

Genus Hamshawvia Anderson and Anderson 

Type species 

Hamshawvia baccata Anderson and 
Anderson 2003 p.214 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Hamshawvia distichos Holmes and Anderson sp. 
Figures 10D,E; 31A—C 

1996 ‘paired ovulate organ’ Holmes P1.1.1 


A large Hamshawvia strobilus with paired broad- 
ovate fleshy megasporophylls bearing two rows of 
embedded ovules on either side of the midrib. 


Peduncle stout 17 mm long, base missing, 2.5 
mm wide, longitudinally striated, bifurcating into 
short tapering pedicels c. 5 mm and 8 mm long, each 
bearing a single terminal fleshy broad-ovate receptacle 
c. 18 mm long, 15 mm wide, margins entire, apices 
rounded; dorsal surface (Fig. 31A) showing a stout 
median vein with c. six lateral veins on either side 
departing at an acute angle, arching and dividing into 
three proximally and two distally; ventral surface 
(Fig. 31B,C) carbonaceous, revealing two rows of 
embedded ovules on either side of midrib, the outer 
row with c. eight ovules, the inner row with c. four; 
ovules rounded, c. 1 mm in diameter. 

AMF129946 and counterpart AMF129950, 
Australian Museum, Sydney. 

Type Locality 

Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, Middle 

Other material 
AMF130176 and counterpart AMF130177 on 
same slab as holotype and its counterpart. 

Name derivation 

distichos (Greek) two rows, referring to the 
two rows of ovules on either side of the receptacle 


Only the holotype (Fig. 31 A,C) and one other 
strobilis, both on the same slab (Fig. 10A and 10E) 
and their counterparts have been collected. They are 
very similar and were possibly derived from the same 
but unknown parent plant. 

Hamshawvia distichos differs from all Molteno 
Hamshawvia spp by its larger size, and by the greater 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

number of ovules which are arranged in two rows 
on either side of the midrib. Stiphorus, a genus of 
ovulate organs from the Late Permian of Eurasia 
(Gomankov and Meyen 1980; Meyen 1987) is similar 
in gross morphology to Hamshawvia but differs by 
the external attachment of the ovules. The strobili of 
Hamshawvia distichos cannot be affiliated with any 
specific leaf type as they are preserved on a bedding 
plane of coarse grey shale in close association with 
three distinct morpho-species of Sphenobaiera leaves 
(Fig. 10). 

Hamshawyia sp. A 
Figures 32A,B 


A small Hamshawvia with an elongated slender 
peduncle 18 mm long (as preserved), 1 mm wide, 
bifurcating to form two pedicels (one missing); the 
preserved pedicel arching and expanding into the 
base of a reniform to semi-circular megasporophyll 
6 mm long, 8 mm wide; margin entire; apex rounded; 
surface verrucose; no venation or ovules visible. 

AMF125111, Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. 


This single small incomplete specimen is 
obviously a Hamshavia but as the presence of ovules 
in the receptacle cannot be determined it has not 
been formally named. It is preserved in fine white 
sandstone together with fragments of ferns. The shape 
and surface texture of H. sp. A is somewhat similar 
to H. longipedunculata from the Molteno Formation 
(Anderson and Anderson 2003 p.215, pl.70, figs 1,4,5) 
but lacks evidence of the embedded ovules that are 
arranged radially about the midvein in that species. 

Genus Stachyopitys Schenck 1867 

Type species 
Stachyopitys preslii Schenck from Bavaria, 
Germany, Triassic. 

A specimen with a strobilis of Stachyopitys 
lacrisporanga and a leaf of Sphenobaiera africana 
attached to a common bulbous base (Anderson 
and Anderson 2003 pl.81(1-3)) from the Molteno 
Formation of South Africa has confirmed the 
affiliation of Stachyopitys as the male fructification of 
the plant bearing Sphenobaiera leaves. 



Stachyopitys sp. cf. S. matatilongus Anderson and 
Anderson 2003 
Figures 33A—D, 34A, E 


The male strobilus (Fig. 33A) is c. 24 mm long, 
base and apex missing, axis c. 1 mm wide, with 
spirally attached pedicels 2—2.5 mm long, branching 
and bearing terminal radial clusters of 5—8 elliptical 
microsporangia each c. 1.5 mm long, 0.5 mm wide. 

AMF125112—5, Coal Mine Quarry. 


The rare specimens of S. sp. cf. S. matatilongus 
from Nymboida are closely similar to the Molteno 
specimens of S. matatilongus by the elongated 
strobili bearing clusters of microsporangia borne on 
branching pedicels, but differ by the straight elliptic 
shape of the microsporangia. Shirley (1898) described 
two species of Stachyopitys from the Ipswich Coal 
Measures of Queensland as S. annularoides and S. 
simmondsii. Anderson and Anderson (2003) regarded 
S. annularoides of Shirley as a species of Pteruchus 
but agreed that the dispersed microsporangia 
described in Walkom (1917) as S. annularoides were 
indeed Stachyopitys. The microsporangial clusters 
of Walkom are similar to the Nymboida S. sp. ef. S. 
matatilongus. S. simmondsii differs from S. sp. cf. S. 
matatilongus by its much smaller size and from S. 
sp. cf. S. lacrisporangia (below) by the shape of the 

Stachyopitys sp. cf. S. lacrisporangia Anderson 
and Anderson 2003 
Figures 34B—D 


A fragment of a strobilus (Fig. 34B) bearing four 
microsporophylls and five detached microsporophylls 
(Fig.34 C,D), each a radial cluster of c. 10 tear-shaped 
microsporangia, c. 1 mm long. 

AMF126855-6, Coal Mine Quarry. 
This fragmentary Nymboida material has 

microsporophylls with tear-shaped microsporangia 
similar to, but larger than those of S. /acrisporangia 
from the Molteno Formation and the complete 
strobilus is not known. 



We have endeavoured to illustrate the full range 
of Nymboida Ginkgophyta to enable meaningfull 
comparisons with future collections. Leaves 
collected from the Basin Creek Formation of the 
Nymboida Coal Measures have been placed, on the 
basis of gross morphology, into the morpho-genera 
Ginkgoites (with 4 spp.) and Sphenobaiera (with 8 
spp). Where numerous specimens of a particular 
form were available to show the range of variation 
we have referred to that taxon as a ‘morpho-species 
complex’ eg. ‘Ginkgoites denmarkensis complex’. 
Seven of our species compare well with previously 
described species from the Gondwana Triassic flora. 
We have described one new species of Ginkgoites 
and three new species of Sphenobaiera. Comparisons 
have mainly been made with the recently reviewed 
Ginkophyte floras from the El Tranquilo Flora of 
Patagonia (Gnaedinger and Herbst 1999) and the 
comprehensively collected and described Molteno 
Formation of South Africa (Anderson and Anderson 
1989, 2003). The presence of Hamshawvia distichos 
and H. sp. A are the first descriptions of Ginkgophyte 
ovulate structures from Australia. Two species of 
Stachyopitys are compared with Molteno material. 


W.B.K.H. gratefully acknowledges the help of 
his family over many years in collecting material from 
Nymboida. A grant from the Betty Mayne Scientific 
Research Fund provided financial assistance towards the 
preparation of this paper. The Director and staff of the 
National Herbarium, SANBI, Pretoria, South Africa are 
thanked for the use of facilities and providing the Molteno 
Fossil Plant Collection for examination. 


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166 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 1. A,B. Ginkgoites nymboidensis Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. AMF 129926; B. AMF129927. 
Both Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 167 


Figure 2. A,B. Ginkgoites nymboidensis Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. Holotype, 
AMF 129928, Coal Mine Quarry; B. AMF129929, Reserve Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

168 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 3. A,B. ‘Ginkgoites denmarkensis complex’. A. AMF129930; B. AMF129931. Both Coal Mine 
Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 169 


Figure 4. A. ‘Ginkgoites denmarkensis complex’. AMF 129932. Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

170 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 5. A,B. ‘Ginkgoites denmarkensis complex’. A. AMF129933; B. AMF129934. Both 
from Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 171 


Figure 6. A. ‘Ginkgoites denmarkensis complex’. AMF129935. Reserve Quarry. 
Scale bar = 1 cm. 

72 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 7. A. ‘Ginkgoites denmarkensis complex’. AMF 129936. Coal Mine Quarry. 
Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 173 


Figure 8. A. ‘Ginkgoites denmarkensis complex’. AMF 129937. Coal Mine Quarry; B—D. Ginkgoites sp. 
cf. G. waldeckensis (Anderson and Anderson) Gnaedinger and Herbst. B. AMF129938. C. AMF129939. 
D. AMF129940. B, D, Coal Mine Quarry; C, Reserve Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

174 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 9. A,B. Ginkgoites ginkgoides (Shirley) Holmes and Anderson comb. nov. A. 
AMF129941; B. AMF129942. Both Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = | cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 5) 


Figure 10. Ginkophyte assemblage on one bedding plane from Coal Mine Quarry. 
A. “Sphenobaiera stormbergensis complex’ AMF129943; B. Sphenobaiera paucin- 
erva Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. AMF129944; C. ‘Sphenobaiera densinerva com- 
plex’ Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. Holotype AMF129945; D. Hamshawvia disti- 
chos Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. Holotype AMF129946. E. Hamshawvia distichos 
AMF 130176. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

176 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 11. A,B. ‘Sphenobaiera stormbergensis complex’. A. AMF 121025; B. AMF121026. Both Coal Mine 
Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 177 


Figure 12. A,B. “Sphenobaiera stormbergensis complex’. A. AMF130168. Reserve Quarry; B. 
AMF 130169. Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = | cm. 

178 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 13. A. ‘Sphenobaiera stormbergensis complex’. AMF 129953. Coal 
Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 Wg) 


Figure 14. A-D. Sphenobaiera paucinerva Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. Holotype. AMF129954; 
B. AMF129955; C. AMF129956; D. AMF129957. All Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

180 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 15. A-D. ‘Sphenobaiera densinerva Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. complex’ A. Holotype, 
AMF 129945; B. AMF129959; C. AMF129960; D. AMF129961. All Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 181 


Figure 16. A,B. ‘Sphenobaiera densinerva Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. complex’. AMF 129962. B. Ar- 
row showing insect damage. Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

182 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 17. A-C. ‘Sphenobaiera densinerva Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. complex’. A. AMF 129963; B. 
AMF 129964; C. AMF129965. All Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 183 


Figure 18. A—-D. ‘“Sphenobaiera densinerva Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. complex’.A. AMF 129966; B. 
AMF 129967; C. AMF129968. All Coal Mine Quarry. D. AMF129969. Reserve Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

184 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 19. A. ‘Sphenobaiera densinerva Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. complex’. AMF129968, venation 
pattern. Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 185 


Figure 20. A,B. “Sphenobaiera densinerva Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. complex’. A. AMF129971; B. 
AMF 129972. Both Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

186 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 21. A-E. ‘Sphenobaiera schenckii (Feistmantel) Florin complex’. A. AMF129973; B. 
AMF 129974; C. AMF129975; D. AMF129958; E. AMF129970. A,B,D Coal Mine Quarry; C, E Reserve 
Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 187 


Figure 22. A-D. Leaf assemblages of ‘Sphenobaiera schenckii (Feistmantel) Florin complex’. 
A. AMF 121027; B. AMF121028; C. AMF121029; D. AMF121030. All Coal Mine Quarry. 
Scale bar = 1 cm. 

188 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 23. A-D. ‘Sphenobaiera schenckii (Feistmantel) Florin complex’. A. AMF121041; B. AMF121042; 
C. AMF129975; D. AMF121044. A, B, D Coal Mine Quarry; C Reserve Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 189 


Figure 24. A. Sphenobaiera sectina Anderson and Anderson. AMF 126857, leaf 
assemblage. Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

190 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 25. A,B. Sphenobaiera sectina Anderson and Anderson. A. AMF125101, Reserve Quarry. 

B. AMF125102, Coal Mine Quarry. C, D. Sphenobaiera sp. A. AMF 125103, Coal Mine Quarry. 
Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 191 


Figure 26. A-C. Sphenobaiera nymbolinea Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. Holotype, AMF125104; 
B. AMF125105, both Coal Mine Quarry. C. AMF125106, Reserve Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

192 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 27. A. Sphenobaiera nymbolinea Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. Leaf assemblage. AMF125107. 
Reserve Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 193 


Figure 28. A. Sphenobaiera nymbolinea Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. Line drawing of stem 
and leaf assemblage based on AMF 125106 and counterpart AMF125107. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

194 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 29. A. Sphenobaiera sp. cf. S. browniana Anderson and Anderson. AMF 125108, Coal Mine 
Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 195 


Figure 30. A,B. Sphenobaiera sp. cf. S. browniana Anderson and Anderson. A. AMF125109, Reserve 
Quarry. B. AMF125110, Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

196 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 31. A-C. Hamshawvia distichos Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. Holotype, AMF 129946; 
B,C. AMF129950, counterpart of holotype, Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 197 


Figure 32.4,B. Hamshawvia sp. A. AMF125111, Coal Mine Quarry. 
Scale bar = 1 cm. 

198 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 33. A-E. Stachyopitys sp. cf. S. matatilongus Anderson and Anderson. 
A-C. AMF125112; D,E. AMF125113. Both Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 199 


Figure 34. A,E. Stachyopitys sp. cf. S. matatilongus Anderson and Anderson. A. AMF125114; 
E. AMF 125115; B—D. Stachyopitys sp. cf. Stachyopitys lacrisporangia Anderson and Anderson. 
B. AMF126855; C, D. AMF126856. All Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

200 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Revision of Microplasma parallelum Etheridge, 1899 (Cnidaria: 
Rugosa) from the Middle Devonian Moore Creek Limestone of 

New South Wales 


Palaeontology Section, The Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney NSW 2010, Australia 

Zhen, Y.Y. (2007). Revision of Microplasma parallelum Etheridge, 1899 (Cnidaria: Rugosa) from the 
Middle Devonian Moore Creek Limestone of New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of 
New South Wales 128, 201-208. 

The holotype and sole known specimen of the rugosan coral Microplasma parallelum Etheridge, 1899 is 
reassessed. This phaceloid species with only sporadic occurrence of isolated dissepiments or presepiments 
is here selected as type species of the new subgenus Loyolophyllum (Fasciloyolophyllum), which is erected 
to accommodate phaceloid species otherwise resembling Loyolophyllum (Loyolophyllum). Two other 
species previously referred to Fasciphyllum, from the Devonian of China, are also ascribed to this new 
subgenus. Review of the concept of Loyolophyllum sensu stricto leads to a reappraisal of those species 

assigned to it. 

Manuscript received 25 August 2006, accepted for publication 13 December 2006. 

KEYWORDS: Devonian, Loyolophyllum, Moore Creek Limestone, Rugose corals. 


Microplasma parallelum is a poorly understood 
tugose coral of Middle Devonian age, known 
only from the holotype collected from the Moore 
Creek Limestone (late Eifelian to early Givetian), 
near Tamworth in the New England Fold Belt of 
northeastern New South Wales (Fig. 1). The first (and 
only) description of this specimen was made more 
than one hundred years ago by Etheridge (1899). 
Fletcher (1971), Hill (1978), and Pickett (2002) all 
maintained Etheridge’s assignment of the species 
to Microplasma, although Pedder (1967) listed it as 
“Microplasma” parallelum”. Redescription of the 
type material, including the original partially silicified 
specimen and two thin sections illustrated by Etheridge 
(1899), is here supplemented by eleven additional 
sections which reveal new morphological details 
supporting relocation of Microplasma parallelum to a 
new subgenus Loyolophyllum (Fasciloyolophyllum). 
Two other species referable to this subgenus are 
recognised from the Early and Middle Devonian of 
China. Emendation of the concept of Loyolophyllum 
sensu stricto leads to a reappraisal of those species 
attributed to it globally; four (possibly six) species 

are included, but a further four previously assigned to 
Loyolophyllum can now be placed in other genera. 


Some 19 species of rugose and tabulate corals 
described by Etheridge (1899) from several limestone 
localities to the north of Tamworth (Fig. 1) were 
mostly collected by Prof. T.W. Edgeworth David and 
the New South Wales Government Geologist, Mr. E.F. 
Pittman. The holotype of Microplasma parallelum was 
collected by David from the Moore Creek Limestone 
exposed immediately south of Moore Creek (Fig. 1; 
see Etheridge 1899, p. 161). This area has been taken 
as the type locality of the Moore Creek Limestone 
Member of the Yarrimie Formation (Brown 1942, 
Crook 1961, Mawson et al. 1997, Briihl and Pohler 
1997). From this locality two other rugose coral 
species, Disphyllum robustum (Etheridge, 1899) 
and Australophyllum giganteum (Etheridge, 1899), 
four species of tabulate corals, including Favosites 
goldfussi d’Orbigny, 1850, Thamnopora crummeri 
(Etheridge, 1899), Syringopora  auloporoides 
Etheridge, 1899, and Remesia porteri (Etheridge, 


New South - 

Canberra . 


Reserve _ 


and soil cover 

Baldwin Fm. 
(Late Devonian) 

Yarrimie Formation 
(Mid Devonian) 

Moore Creek 

10 KM 

Limestone Member ee 


Figure 1. Locality map showing outcrops of Moore Creek Limestone in the vicinity of Tamworth (type 
Moore Creek occurrences are located about 18 km north of Tamworth city centre), northeast New 
South Wales, and likely type locality of Loyolophyllum (Fasciloyolophyllum) parallelum (Etheridge, 
1899) (modified after Benson 1915, Brith] and Pohler 1999). 

1899), and a chaetetid species, Litophyllum konincki 
Etheridge and Foord, 1884, were also recorded by 
Etheridge (1899), who inferred the coral fauna to be 
of Early Palaeozoic age. 

Hill (1942) reported a much more diverse 
rugose coral fauna from the Moore Creek Limestone 
exposed to the south of Moore Creek, and also 
included faunas from the “Woolomol Limestone” 
to the west and the “Spring Creek Limestone” 
further south (Fig. 1). Nine rugose coral species, 
including Australophyllum giganteum (Etheridge, 
1899), Carlinastraea halysitoides (Etheridge, 1918), 
Campophyllum? sp. cf. lindstromi (Frech, 1886), 
Disphyllum robustum (Etheridge, 1899), Mesophyllum 
cornubovis (Etheridge, 1899), Phacellophyllum 
porteri (Etheridge, 1890), Pseudomicroplasma 
australe (Etheridge, 1892), Sanidophyllum davidis 
Etheridge, 1899, and S. colligatum (Etheridge, 1920) 
were recorded from the Moore Creek area, mainly 


based on specimens collected by Ida Brown (Hill 
1942). Hill suggested a Givetian age for the Moore 
Creek fauna and correlated it with a fauna from the 
Burdekin Formation of north Queensland. 

In a recent revision of tabulate corals from 
the Moore Creek Limestone, Briihl and Pohler (1999) 
recorded seven species including Heliolites porosus 
(Goldfuss, 1826), Thamnopora crummeri (Etheridge, 
1899), Cladopora sp., Alveolites subordicularis 
Lamarck, 1801, A. sp. aff. hemisphericus (Chernyshev, 
1937), Syringopora auloporoides de Koninck, 1876 
and Remesia porteri (Etheridge, 1899). Briihl and 
Pohler (1999) indicated a Middle Devonian age for 
the succession and demonstrated connections with 
coeval faunas in Eurasia. 

Conodonts from the Moore Creek Limestone 
at Moore Creek suggested a late Eifelian (kockelianus- 
ensensis zones) age (Philip 1966, Mawson and Talent 
1994, Mawson et al. 1997). However, samples from 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


nearby localities indicated that the top of the Moore 
Creek Limestone might extend into hemiansatus 
Zone and possibly early varcus Subzone of the early 
Givetian (Mawson and Talent 1997). 


Phylum COELENTERATA Frey and Leuckart, 1847 
Subphylum CNIDARIA Hatschek, 1888 
Class ANTHOZA Ehrenberg, 1834 
Family STAURIIDAE Milne-Edwards and Haime, 
Genus Loyolophyllum Chapman, 1914 


Columnaria (Loyolophyllum) Chapman, 1914, p. 

Loyolophyllum Chapman; Hill, 1939, pp. 239-242. 

Loyolophyllum Chapman; Hill, 1981, p. F135. 

Type species 

Columnaria (Loyolophyllum) cresswelli Chapman, 
1914, pp. 306-8, pl. li, figs 15—16, pl. lu, figs 
17-18; Early Devonian (late Lochkovian- 
Pragian), Loyola Limestone, Griffith’s Quarry, 
Loyola, Victoria. 


Cerioid or phaceloid corallum; corallites small 
with narrow peripheral stereozone; septa few, thin, 
major septa unequal, some extending almost to axis; 
minor septa short; tabulae complete, commonly 
sagging, or horizontal; a few scattered dissepiments 
or presepiments adhering to wall by both upper and 
lower edges, or in some species an incomplete row of 
dissepiments may be developed (modified after Hill 
LOSE peels): 


The generic concept of Loyolophyllum is 
amended herein to restrict L. (Loyolophyllum) to 
cerioid forms and to establish a new subgenus, 
L. (Fasciloyolophyllum) for phaceloid forms. 
Loyolophyllum (Fasciloyolophyllum) differs from 
Fasciphyllum Schiiter, 1885 by having only isolated, 
rare occurrences of dissepiments or presepiments, 
which never form a continuous series of dissepiments 
as in Fasciphyllum. The type species of Battersbyia 
Milne-Edwards and Maime, 1851 ispoorly understood. 
So Battersbyia is better treated as a nomen dubium 
and tentatively synonymised with Fasciphyllum (see 
Hill 1981). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

The following four species are definitely assigned 
to L. (Loyolophyllum): 

Loyolophyllum cresswelli Chapman, 1914, p. 306; 
from the Loyola Limestone, Early Devonian, 
Victoria, Australia (cerioid form, corallites 
1—1.13 mm [up to 2mm] in diameter, scattered 

Loyolophyllum cerioides Soshkina, 1949, p. 109; 
from Middle Devonian, Urals, Russia (cerioid 
form, corallites 4-7 mm in diameter, short septa 
in two orders 18—28x2, one discontinuous row of 
dissepiments occurring in longitudinal section, 
tabulae 7—11/10 mm). 

Loyolophyllum urense Zhmaev in Khalfin, 1955, 
p. 217, pl. 36, fig. 6; from Devonian, W. 
Siberia, Russia (cerioid form, corallites 4.5 
mm in diameter, septa in two orders 14—16x2, 
dissepiments sporadic, tabulae 10—16/10 mm). 

Loyolophyllum isolatum Cao in Cao et al., 1983, p. 
136, pl. 45, fig. 4a—b; from Middle Devonian, 
Lurie Formation, Gansu, northwest China 
(cerioid form, corallites 2.5—-3 mm in diameter, 
septa two orders 10x2, dissepiments rare, large 
and isolated, tabulae complete 14—18/10 mm). 

The following two species are only tentatively 
included in L. (Loyolophyllum) pending further study 
of the type material: 

Loyolophyllum praesepimentosum Fligel and Saleh, 
1970, p. 285, pl. 4, figs 7-8; from Silurian, 
eastern Iran (cerioid form, corallite diameter 
4.3—5.2 mm, tabulae 7—8/10 mm); and 

Loyolophyllum savitskyi Wu, 1980, pp. 30-32, pl. 
5, fig. 3a—b, from Lower Devonian, Uzbekistan 
(cerioid form, corallites 2—2.5 mm in diameter). 

Excluded from Loyolophyllum are the following 
four species: 

Loyolophyllum  creviseptatum Bulvanker 1958, 
p. 159; from Devonian, Russia (longitudinal 
sections show mural pores on the wall; hence 
this is a tabulate coral likely belonging to the 

Loyolophyllum crassispinosum  Tchernchev in 
Bulvanker et al., 1960, p. 244, and 

Loyolophyllum originale Bulvanker in Bulvanker et 
al., 1960, p. 243, both from Givetian, Middle 
Devonian, Novaya Zemlya (both are cerioid 
species of Disphyllidae, close to Spongonaria or 



Loyolophyllum xizangense Yu and Liao, 1982, pp. 
100, 101, pl., 2, figs 1-2, text-fig. 3; from Lower 
Devonian, northern Xizang, China (cerioid 
form, corallites 2.3-3 mm in diameter, tabulae 
12-16/5 mm; 1-2 rows of steep dissepiments; 
by showing continuous series of dissepiments, 
it is here considered to represent a species 
of Spongophyllidae, likely belonging to 

Loyolophyllum (Fasciloyolopyllum) 
subgen. nov. 

Type species 

Microplasma parallelum Etheridge, 1899, Middle 
Devonian (late Eifelian to early Givetian), 
from Moore Creek Limestone, near Tamworth, 
northeastern New South Wales. 

Like Loyolophyllum (Loyolophyllum), but 


Apart from the type species M. parallelum, the 
following two species are assigned to Loyolophyllum 

Fasciphyllum guizhouense Li in Kong and Huang, 
1978, p. 124, pl. 40, fig. 6; Givetian, Middle 
Devonian, Dushan Formation, Guizhou, South 
China (phaceloid form, corallites 6-9 mm in 
diameter, septa in two orders 17—20x2, septal 
stereozone 0.7—1.2 mm in thickness, dissepiments 
elongated, in one discontinous row, tabulae 
complete and concave). 

Battersbyia qunlingensis Cao in Cao et al., 1983, p. 
137, pl. 46, fig. 7a—b; from Early Devonian, Gala 
Formation, Qinghai, northwest China (phaceloid 
form, corallites 2.5—3.7 mm in diameter, septa in 
two orders 12—14x2, septal stereozone 0.8—0.9 
mm in thickness, nearly half of the corallite 
radius, dissepiments rare and isolated, semi- 
globose, tabulae concave). 

Loyolophyllum (Fasciloyolopyllum) parallelum 
(Etheridge, 1899) 
(Figures 2, 3) 


Microplasma parallelum Etheridge, 1899, p. 161, pl. 
19, figs 1—2, pl. 30, figs 1-2; Fletcher, 1971, p. 


31; Hill, 1978, p. 28. 

Holotype (monotypy): AM FT.3791(TS), AM 
FT.4063 (LS), AM FT.14149-14159 (LSs and TSs), 
all from AM F.35524 (original number: MMF843, 
M568; transferred from Geological and Mining 
Museum, Sydney in 1938), from Moore Creek 
Limestone, Middle Devonian (late Eifelian to early 
Givetian), near Tamworth, northeastern New South 


Phaceloid corallum, dome-shaped with 
dimensions of 15 cm in diameter and 13 cm in height; 
corallites slender, regular in size (Fig. 2J), 2.2 mm in 
average diameter, closely spaced and paralleling each 
other (Fig. 2K), and lateral increasing with corallites 
in contact or up to 5 mm apart at the peripheral part 
of the corallum. 

Septa well developed, in two orders, 11—15x2 for 
adult corallites; peripherally dilated to form a narrow 
peripheral stereozone up to 0.45 mm in thickness, 
thin and weakly wavy in the tabularium, and with 
weakly developed carinae (Fig. 2C, F, I); trabecular 
structure obscured due to recrystallization; major 
septa long, reaching or nearly reaching axis, nearly 
radially extending (Fig. 2E); or unequal in length, in 
some weakly bisymmetrically arranged (Fig. 2A, C, 
F); minor septa variable in length, typically half to 
one-third of the corallite radius. 

In longitudinal sections, dissepiments (or 
presepiments) sporadically developed, large and 
elongated (0.5 mm wide and 1.5 mm high), and 
vertically arranged with both ends attached to the 
wall, occasionally two or three overlapping each 
other (Fig. 3B, D). Tabulae complete, varying from 
horizontal (Fig. 3F) to deeply concave (Fig. 3C), and 
widely spaced, 4 to 5 per 2 mm vertically. 


The holotype of JL. (Fasciloyolophyllum) 
parallelum, the sole known specimen, is partially 
silicified with internal structures obscured in most 
of the thin sections, and is heavily abraded without 
preservation of the proximal tip and the calices. For 
these reasons it has remained a poorly known species 
in the Devonian coral literature. Etheridge (1899) 
illustrated a longitudinal section showing concave, 
widely spaced tabulae and lateral budding, and a 
transverse section which lacks preservation of septal 
structure due to recrystallization. However, the well 
developed septa and complete tabulae as described 
and illustrated here from some better preserved 
corallites easily exclude this coral from the Order 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 2. Loyolophyllum (Fasciloyolophyllum) parallelum (Etheridge, 1899). A, TS, a corallite from AM 
FT.14149; B, TanS, a corallite from AM FT.14150; C, TS, a corallite from AM FT.14149; D, TS, a coral- 
lite from AM FT.14149; E, TS, a corallite form AM FT.14151; F, TS, a corallite from AM FT.14149; G, 
TS, a corallite from AM FT.14151; H, TS, a corallite from AM FT.14153; I, TanS, from AM FT.4063; 

J, external upper view, AM F.35524; K, lateral external view, AM F.35524. A-B and D-I, x15 (see scale 
bar in A); C, x20; J, x1.5; K, x1; Scale bars 1 mm, unless otherwise indicated. 

Cystiphyllida. Its slender corallites, well developed 
two orders of septa, complete tabulae, and in particular 
the sporadic, elongated dissepiments are comparable 
with those of L. (Loyolophyllum) cresswelli from the 
Early Devonian Loyola Limestone of Victoria, except 
that species is cerioid rather than phaceloid as in L. 
(Fasciloyolophyllum) parallelum. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

L.  (Fasciloyolophyllum)  parallelum can 
be distinguished from JL. (Fasciloyolophyllum) 
guizhouense (Li in Kong and Huang, 1978) in having 
smaller-sized corallites, fewer septa and a thinner 
septal stereozone, and from L. (Fasciloyolophyllum) 
qunlingensis (Cao in Cao et al., 1983) in having 
strongly elongated dissepiments or presepiments. 



Figure 3. Loyolophyllum (Fasciloyolophyllum) parallelum (Etheridge, 1899). A, LS, a corallite from AM 
FT.4063; B, LS, a corallite from AM FT.4063; C, LS, a corallite from AM FT.14153; D, LS, a corallite 
from AM FT.14150; E, LS, a corallite form AM FT.4063; F, LS, a corallite from AM FT.4063; all x20. 
Scale bar Imm. 


I thank Gary Dargan (Geological Survey of New 
South Wales) for preparation of additional thin sections 
of the holotype, Dr. Ian Graham (Mineralogy Section, 
Australian Museum) for assisting with digital photography, 
and Prof. Zhiyi Zhou for assistance in locating relevant 
Chinese and Russian literature at the Nanjing Institute of 
Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 
Drs Ian Percival, Tony Wright and John Pickett provided 


constructive comments on the manuscript. 


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Great Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Appendix 
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Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South 
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Brown, I. A. (1942). The Tamworth Series (Lower and 
Middle Devonian) near Attunga, NSW. Journal and 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 
76, 166-176. 

Briihl, D. and Pohler, M. L. (1999). Tabulate corals from 
the Moore Creek Limestone (Middle Devonian: late 
Eifelian-early Givetian) in the Tamworth Belt (New 
South Wales, Australia). Jn R. Feist, J.A. Talent and 
A. Daurer (eds), North Gondwana: Mid-Paleozoic 
Terranes, Stratigraphy and Biota. Abhandlungen der 
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Bulvanker, E. Z. (1958). Devonskie chetyrekhluchevye 
korally okrain Kuznetskogo basseyna: 2 vol., 212pp., 
93pls, Vses. Nauchno-issled. Geol. Inst. (Leningrad). 
(in Russian) 

Bulvanker, E. Z., Vasilyuk, N. P., Zheltonogova, V. A., 
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208 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Ordovician Conodonts from the Watonga Formation, Port 
Macquarie, Northeast New South Wales 

Davip J. Ocu!”, IAN G. PERCIVAL” AND Evan C. Lettcu! 

"Environmental Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney 2007, NSW; and ?Geological Survey of NSW, 
Department of Primary Industries, 947-953 Londonderry Road, Londonderry 2753, NSW. 

Och, D.J., Percival, I.G. and Leitch, E.C. (2007). Ordovician conodonts from the Watonga Formation, 
Port Macquarie, northeast New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 

128, 209-216. 

Conodonts of Middle to Late Ordovician age, obtained from cherts of the Watonga Formation exposed 
in the Port Macquarie Block of the Mid North Coast region of New South Wales, establish this unit as 
the oldest biostratigraphically-dated part of the southern New England Fold Belt subduction-accretion 
complex. Correlation of the Watonga Formation with the Woolomin Formation, faunas from which are no 
older than Pridoli, cannot be sustained. This revised age provides evidence of possible early Palaeozoic 
subduction-accretion in this region at the same time as arc magmatism, volcaniclastic sedimentation and 
exhumation of high-pressure metamorphic rocks were proceeding further west. 

Manuscript received 16 November 2006, accepted for publication 15 January 2007. 

KEYWORDS: Conodonts, New England Fold Belt, Ordovician, Silurian, Watonga Formation, Woolomin 



Port Macquarie is situated approximately 350 
km north of Sydney, geographically located in the 
Mid-North Coast region of New South Wales and 
geologically in the southern New England Fold 
Belt ( South of the township, the Watonga 
Formation (Leitch 1980), that has been invaded by 
minor intrusions and serpentinite bodies, makes up the 
eastern portion of the fault-bounded Port Macquarie 
Block of Leitch (1974). The Watonga Formation 
is well exposed along the coastline between Port 
Macquarie and Tacking Point ( where it 
comprises mostly broken formation inferred to result 
from disruption of a once-stratified sequence of 
basalt, chert, siliceous mudstone, siltstone, sandstone 
and conglomerate. Several chert-dominated units can 
be mapped west from the coast, and locally little- 
disrupted basalt forms sections at least several tens 
of metres thick. Previous descriptions of the rocks 
of the Watonga Formation include those of Barron et 
al. (1976), Leitch (1980) and Och et al. (2005), who 
all concluded that the formation comprises a part of 
the accretionary — subduction complex that is widely 
exposed in the New England Fold Belt east of the 
Peel-Manning Fault System (Fig. Ic). 

The Watonga Formation is unconformably 

overlain by early Triassic rocks of the Camden Haven 
Group but is faulted against all earlier stratified rocks 
(Leitch 1980). A Late Silurian to Late Devonian age 
has been assigned to the Watonga Formation, based on 
lithological correlation with the Woolomin Formation 
of the Tamworth region (Leitch 1980), undescribed 
palaeosceniid radiolarians from chert at Watonga 
Rocks (Ishiga et al. 1988a) and conodonts reported 
from chert at Tacking Point (Ishiga et al. 1988a, b). 
In this paper we present new conodont data that more 
accurately constrains the age of Watonga Formation 
chert, and reassess previous microfossil identifications 
from that formation and its possible correlatives in 
order to reinterpret its tectonic significance. 


Chert occurs widely in the Watonga Formation, in 
mappable chert-rich zones (Fig. 1b), in shear-bounded 
blocks associated with basalt and/or mudstone, 
and as discrete tectonically isolated blocks. Mass 
flow deposits, although uncommon, also contain 
chert clasts. Most exposures occur as ‘ribbon chert’ 
characterised by discontinuous stratification with 
individual beds 5 mm to 200 mm thick intercalated 


2H OU ties, i 93 ‘ ox f 195 fe 
“ Finkagt ee 
‘Clarence - Town Beach St mee 
Moreton e a A 
{ wi iy Basin Eee =. Green Mound | 
‘ Tablelands Oxleys Beach N 

a Rocky Beach 


| 22 
Basin pnt ere Macquarie ’ Be Flynns Point 

Nine Flynns Beach 

om _— Ptmk436 

B® Nobbys Beach 


“20% 2 beg 
Miners Beach 
* _Ptmk432 
“= Tacking Point 
remansy a Bt Ue ert (b) 
| Watonga Rocks 
17 17 
89 ‘SORs) 94 $95 Fine 
Quarry Middle to Late Ordovician 
——, ena A a Dominantly pillow and massive basalt ee 
iver, creek and ponds F atonga 
Cenozoic gy Dominantly chert Formation 
hel Laterite, and alluvial, swamp, and dune complexes. ee Undifferentiated rocks 
Permian to Triassic (2) Early Cambrian 
BB Matic intrusives IB serpentinite 

Figure 1. (a) Location of Port Macquarie in the southern part of the New England Fold Belt. (b) Geologi- 
cal map of the northeast corner of the Port Macquarie Block showing localities sampled for conodonts. 
Map grid is AMG-66. (Mapping by D. Och). (c) The Port Macquarie Block and adjacent tectonic ele- 
ments of the southern New England Fold Belt. Pale grey (Tableland Complex) is mostly accretionary 
— subduction complex terranes, grey (Manning Block and Nambucca Slate Belt) Early Permian overlap 
sequences, and dark grey (Tamworth Belt) Palaeozoic arc and forearc deposits. Widespread latest Car- 
boniferous-Triassic granite bodies omitted. 

with thinner recessive dark mudstone units (Some common thicker beds (up to 1 m) are more laterally 
mere films), and together forming irregular flat lenses continuous but change thickness along strike and 
rarely exceeding 0.5 m in length (Figs 2a, b). Less mostly lens out or are terminated by faults and shears 

210 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 2. (A) Ribbon chert showing discontinuous character of stratification, thickness variation in indi- 
vidual layers, and irregular folds, all suggestive of soft sediment deformation. Tacking Point (Grid refer- 
ence 493930 mE 6517660 mN, location of sample Ptmk 433). (B) Broken formation of prominent chert 
lenses and recessive sheared mudstone matrix offset by a late fault, Town Beach (Grid reference 492600 
mE 6522550 mN, location of sample Ptmk 434). 

within individual exposures. 

The chert is highly variable in colour, with 
white and grey predominating but including red, 
orange-brown, green and black varieties. Primary 
sedimentary structures other than relic bedding are 
absent. Widespread disharmonic mesoscopic folds, 
lacking any signs of axial surface structure, of 
variable orientation, and of a style ranging from box- 
shaped to fluidal, are interpreted as pre-consolidation 
slump structures. Ghosts of radiolarians are preserved 
in some specimens but others consist solely of fine 
anhedral quartz grains with a dusting of iron oxide 
minerals. Samples collected from Tacking Point 
(localities Ptmk 432 & 433) are strongly recrystallised 
due to local thermal metamorphism, whereas those 
from Flynns Beach and Town Beach (Ptmk 436 and 
Ptmk 434, respectively), although highly veined, show 
only the effects of the low grade regional alteration 
that has affected all of the Watonga Formation. 


Accurate dating of the rocks of the Port 
Macquarie Block is important in understanding the 
geological evolution of the region, better defining 
the timing of accretion, determining relationships 
of the block to other structural units of the southern 
New England Fold Belt and establishing tectonic 
relationships with other early Palaeozoic elements 
in eastern Australia. Leitch (1980) first defined 
Palaeozoic lithostratigraphic units in the area south 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

and west of Port Macquarie, and recognised the 
chert-rich Watonga Formation as having lithological 
similarities to the Woolomin Formation exposed south 
of Tamworth (Fig. 1c). On this basis he assigned a 
generalised early Palaeozoic age to the Watonga 
Formation although biostratigraphically useful fossils 
had not been obtained from these rocks. Prior to the 
present investigation, biostratigraphic data for the 
Watonga Formation in the Port Macquarie Block 
was limited to a record of the conodont Belodella 
spp. (indicative of a generalised Late Silurian-Early 
Devonian age) recovered from red cherts at Tacking 
Point, and late Frasnian (Late Devonian) palaeosceniid 
radiolaria including Palaeorubus hastingensis Ishiga, 
1987 (in Ishiga et al. 1987) from chert at Watonga 
Rocks (Ishiga et al. 1988a; b). Although this material 
was never illustrated, these ages have been widely 
accepted as dating the Watonga Formation. 


In the light of the inferred lithological correlation 
of the Watonga Formation with the Woolomin 
Formation of the Tablelands Complex to the west 
near Tamworth, it is important to reassess available 
data on ages from the latter unit. Major advances 
in dating the Woolomin Formation resulted from a 
collaborative project between geologists from the 
University of Sydney and a consortium of Japanese 
universities in the mid-1980s. Microfossils, including 
radiolaria and conodonts, were extracted from cherts 



by dissolution in hydrofluoric acid; the results were 
presented in a detailed report (Ishiga et al. 1988b) 
with significant findings summarised in Ishiga et al. 
(1988a). Conodonts identified by these authors as 
Ozarkodina eosteinhornensis, Belodella cf. resima 
and Walliserodus sp. were recovered from one locality 
(WA-50) in red bedded chert north of Woolomin. This 
assemblage, although limited, is clearly indicative 
of a Late Silurian (Pridoli) age due to the presence 
of the nominate species of the eosteinhornensis 
zone, now referred to as Ozarkodina remscheidensis 
eosteinhornensis. Additional specimens illustrated by 
Ishiga et al. (1988b) confirm the identity of this species. 
However, Belodella resima is a characteristic Early 
Devonian form, not known to occur in the Silurian 
and typically displaying strong marginal costae 
not observed in the specimens from the Woolomin 
Formation. The four specimens illustrated from 
locality WA-50 by Ishiga et al. (1988b, pl. 3 figs 9-12) 
are insufficiently well-preserved to show diagnostic 
features of the Late Silurian species B. anomalis, so 
they are probably best assigned to Belodella sp. The 
specimen figured by Ishiga et al. (1988b, pl. 3 fig. 
8) as Walliserodus sp. is more likely to be the non- 
denticulate M element of this Belodella as it appears 
to lack the pronounced costae on lateral faces that 
characterises Walliserodus. \shiga et al. (1988a, 
fig. 2p) illustrated a sharply-keeled element with 
triangular cross section, planar to slightly concave 
lateral and posterior faces and a deep basal cavity 
that they also assigned to Walliserodus sp. from the 
same locality; it is here identified as the long-ranging 
genus Coelcerodontus sp. Four additional fragments 
of S elements of ozarkodinids, depicted by Ishiga et 
al. (1988b, pl. 3 figs. 13-16), are too incomplete for 
identification but are consistent with Late Silurian 
species. The Pridoli age inferred for cherts at locality 
WA-50 contrasts with an early Carboniferous age 
determined for similar cherts south of Woolomin 
(locality 29 of Ishiga et al. 1988a; b) based on the 
occurrence of the radiolarian A/baillella sp. Given the 
highly imbricate structure of this area the possibility 
of infaulting of younger units as occurs north of 
Woolomin cannot be discounted (cf. Cawood 1982). 
While the Pridoli age determined for the Woolomin 
Formation is generally consistent with the previously 
accepted age of the Watonga Formation, new data 
reported here suggest that the Watonga Formation is 
considerably older. 


Figure 3 (RIGHT). Conodonts from Watonga For- 
mation chert, Port Macquarie Block 

A — G from locality Ptmk 432, Tacking Point; A. 
Panderodus recuryvatus?, MMMC 4348; B. eobe- 
lodiniform element of Belodina sp., MMMC 4349; 
C. Paroistodus sp.. MMMC 4350; D. drepanois- 
todid element in oblique view, showing strongly 
flared basal cavity (specimen intersected by V- 
shaped cryptocrystalline vein), MMMC 4351; E. 
indeterminate coniform element, MMMC 4352; 
F. drepanoistodid element with expanded base, 
MMMC 4353a; G. strongly reclined M element, 
possibly related to Ansella sp., MMMC 4353b. H 
— K from locality Ptmk 434, Town Beach; H. uni- 
dentified platform? element with two prominent 
peg-like denticles (remainder of specimen, in up- 
per part of figure, is out of plane of focus), MMMC 
4355; I. unidentified S element, possibly referrable 
to Periodon, showing fine denticles but apparently 
incomplete posteriorly, MMMC 4356; J. exten- 
sively fragmented element of Belodina, anterior to 
right, MMMC 4357; K. lateral view of unidentified 
platform? element with discrete peg-like denticles 
comparable with those shown in H, MMMC 4358; 
L — W from locality 436, Flynns Beach. L. Pan- 
derodus sp., MMMC 4359a; M. Panderodus recur- 
vatus? showing curvature of cusp comparable with 
specimen depicted in A (although expanded base 
is more reminiscent of drepanoistodid), MMMC 
4360a; N. Strachanognathus parvus, interpreted as 
split along cusp and dextrally separated, MMMC 
4361; O. unidentified element with two prominent 
denticles on lateral process, MMMC 4359b; P. 
Protopanderodus? sp. with posteriorly-extended 
base, MMMC 4359c¢; Q. indeterminate coniform 
element resembling Dapsilodus, MMMC 4362; 
R. Periodon aculeatus, S element (note that cusp 
is displaced into section below plane of focus), 
MMMC 4360b; S. Phragmodus? sp., P element, 
MMMC 4363a; T. unidentified Pb element (anteri- 
or process unclear, but note three or more discrete 
denticles on posterior process), MMMC 4364; U. 
Pseudobelodina sp., MMMC 4360c; V. Pseudobe- 
lodina sp.. MMMC 4363b; W. unidentified Sa? 
(symmetrical) element, MMMC 4365. All ele- 
ments illustrated in lateral view unless otherwise 
indicated. Scale bar for each specimen represents 
100 pm. Chert sections are housed in the microfos- 
sil reference collection (MMMC) of the Geological 
Survey of NSW, Londonderry Geoscience Centre, 
Londonderry 2753. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



More than 25 conodont elements were observed 
in cherts collected from outcrops of the Watonga 
Formation on the coast immediately south of Port 
Macquarie (see Fig. 1b for sample locations). Unlike 
previous investigations, these microfossils were not 
dissolved out of the cherts using HF. Instead, the 
technique used involved preparing four or five large 
(7.5 x 3.8 mm) thin sections from each sample, cut 
parallel to bedding planes of the cherts, and ground 
to a thickness of about 50-60 microns. Both sides 
of the finished thin section were carefully examined 
with a binocular microscope using transmitted light. 
This method (first developed by Ian Stewart of 
Monash University) has previously been employed 
to investigate conodont biostratigraphy in cherts 
exposed in the Narooma area on the NSW south coast 
(Glen et al. 2004), and from the Tamworth Belt south 
of Tamworth (Fig. lc) from where Stewart (1995) 
determined a Middle to early Late Cambrian age for 
conodonts in spiculitic chert of the Pipeclay Creek 
Formation. Although conodonts found in this way can 
only be observed in the plane of section in whatever 
random orientation is presented to the viewer, the 
thin section technique has the distinct advantage of 
preserving extensively fractured elements that would 
be destroyed by dissolution in HF. 

Samples Ptmk 432 and Ptmk 433 were obtained 
from grey-black chert outcrop at Tacking Point (Fig. 
1b). Although the two cherts closely resemble each 
other, sample Ptmk 433 was devoid of microfossils 
whereas Ptmk 432 yielded eight elements. One of 
these (Fig. 3B) is identified as the eobelodiniform 
element of the Late Ordovician genus Belodina. 
Associated Paroistodus (Fig. 3C) and unidentified 
drepanoistodids are consistent with this age. 

A further four conodont elements were found in 
sections cut from sample Ptmk 434, a grey-black chert 
at Town Beach. Although extensively fractured, the 
belodiniform element of Belodina (Fig. 3J) is readily 
identifiable, and provides support for recognition 
of another element from the Belodina apparatus in 
sample Ptmk 432. Elsewhere in New South Wales 
several species of Belodina have been identified from 
limestones of Gisbornian and Eastonian age (Late 
Ordovician) in the central part of the state. Belodina 
is also known from limestone olistoliths of Eastonian 
age in the Wisemans Arm and Drik Drik formations 
of the Tablelands Complex and Tamworth Belt, 
respectively, in the New England Fold Belt (Furey- 
Greig 1999; 2000). An unidentified element illustrated 
in Fig. 3I most closely resembles a specimen identified 


as Phragmodus sp. by Iwata et al. (1995: figure 2g) 
from the Ballast Formation east of Cobar in central 
NSW, though the Town Beach example is unlikely to 
be that genus (R.S. Nicoll, pers. comm.. 2006). The 
Ballast Formation fauna was tentatively assigned a 
Late Ordovician age by Iwata et al. (1995). 

Orange-brown chert from Flynns Beach (sample 
Ptmk 436) was the most prolific of the samples 
examined, yielding 14 conodont elements. Periodon 
aculeatus (Fig. 3R) has a range of late Darriwilian 
(late Middle Ordovician) to early Gisbornian (early 
Late Ordovician). Pseudobelodina (Fig. 3U,V) and 
Strachanognathus parvus (Fig. 3M) also occur over 
this interval, which is consistent with ages of other 
genera tentatively identified from this locality. Thus 
locality 436 may be slightly older than both localities 
432 and 434 which could be identical in age. 

In summary, the maximum age range indicated 
for cherts from the Watonga Formation appears to 
extend from late Darriwilian to somewhere within 
the Late Ordovician, possibly as young as the end 
of the Eastonian (middle Late Ordovician). There is 
no evidence for Silurian or Devonian ages in these 
samples, thus conflicting with the previously reported 
occurrence of Belodella spp. (Ishiga et al. 1988a; b). 
Several Ordovician conodont elements, such as those 
of Ansella and Belodina (the latter newly identified 
from Tacking Point) resemble Belodella, though 
without illustrations of specimens that were obtained 
from the Watonga Formation by Ishiga it is impossible 
to clarify whether or not this was misidentified. 
Palaeosceniid radiolaria obtained from the Watonga 
Formation at Watonga Rocks include Palaeorubus 
hastingensis, otherwise known only from late 
Frasnian rocks at Yarras in the western part of the 
Hastings Block, to the west of the Port Macquarie 
Block (Ishiga 1988). Until more information is 
available concerning the age range of this form, the 
Late Devonian age accorded the unit here cannot be 
regarded as well established. 


Although no coherent stratigraphic sequence 
has been demonstrated in the Watonga Formation, 
the association of chert and mudstone with basalt 
mainly of mid-ocean ridge magmatic affinity (Och 
et al. 2004), and interbedded graded volcaniclastic 
sandstone and siltstone, is readily interpreted as the 
product of sea-floor spreading, the accumulation of 
pelagic oceanic rocks, and trench deposition on a plate 
undergoing subduction. The early deformational style 
of the Watonga Formation, involving progressive 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


disruption of the rocks in a continuum from soft 
sediment deformation (Fig. 2a) to shearing and 
stretching producing broken formation (Fig. 2b), is 
consistent with accretionary — subduction tectonics. 
Furthermore the Watonga rocks are of similar 
structure to that of many units considered to be of 
subduction — accretion origin, including pre-Permian 
rocks from elsewhere east of the Peel-Manning Fault 
System in New England. 

The Middle—Late Ordovician chert samples Ptmk 
432, 434 and 436 are the oldest biostratigraphically 
dated rocks recorded from the New England 
accretionary — subduction complex, and rule out 
correlation of the Watonga Formation with the 
Woolomin Formation chert from which only Late 
Silurian and younger ages are known (see preceding 
discussion). The Ordovician chert ages provide a 
minimum age for the oceanic plate sediments that were 
subducted, and raise the possibility that the Watonga 
Formation was accreted in the early Palaeozoic, 
at which time arc magmatism and volcaniclastic 
sedimentation were proceeding further west in the 
New England Fold Belt (Cawood 1983; Furey-Greig 
et al. 2000; Offler and Shaw 2006) and in the eastern 
Lachlan Fold Belt (Glen et al. 1998), and high pressure 
metamorphic rocks now embedded within serpentinite 
bodies at Port Macquarie were being exhumed under 
blueschist facies conditions (Fukui et al. 1995; Och 
et al. (2003). Scheibner (1998) and Glen (2005) have 
suggested that the blueschists are accretionary rocks 
that formed outboard of the Macquarie Arc in the 
eastern Lachlan Fold Belt. Ordovician accretion of 
the Watonga Formation rocks would be consistent 
with them constituting a fragment of the Narooma 
accretionary complex postulated to extend into New 
England by these workers. The Ordovician age for the 
Watonga Formation also provides a potential source 
for chert blocks widespread in the (?) Early Devonian 
Wisemans Arm Formation (Leitch and Cawood 1980; 
Furey-Greig 1999). 

The Watonga Formation is isolated from the 
remainder of the New England accretionary complex 
by the allochthonous Hastings Block (Fig. 1b) that 
was moved north from along strike of the southern 
Tamworth Belt in the Late Palaeozoic (Schmidt et al. 
1994). It is likely that the Watonga Formation was 
similarly displaced from a position much closer to 
the Peel-Manning Fault System, in the vicinity of 
which the Early Palaeozoic rocks of the New England 
Fold Belt are concentrated. The central and eastern 
parts of the New England accretionary — subduction 
complex have yielded chert samples no older than 
latest Devonian (e.g. Aitchison and Flood 1990; see 
summary in Fergusson et al. 1993, fig. 12). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Conodont faunas identified in bedding-parallel 
thin sections from Watonga Formation cherts of 
the Port Macquarie district are of Middle-Late 
Ordovician age, thus making these cherts the oldest 
biostratigraphically dated rocks from the extensive 
accretionary — subduction complex of the New 
England Fold Belt. The dates provide a minimum 
age for the oceanic plate that was subducted, and 
raise the possibility that the Watonga Formation was 
accreted in the early Palaeozoic at the same time as 
arc magmatism and volcaniclastic sedimentation were 
preceding further west. A reassessment of the age of 
a conodont fauna from the Woolomin Formation in 
the southwestern part of the accretionary complex 
indicates it is of Late Silurian (Pridoli) age, and hence 
substantially younger than the Watonga Formation. 
Thus the previously conjectured correlation between 
the Woolomin and Watonga formations can no 
longer be sustained. The Watonga Formation was 
probably moved north in the late Palaeozoic during 
displacement of the Hastings Block along strike from 

the southern Tamworth Belt. 


We thank Anthony Och for his valuable assistance 
in the field. Gary Dargan (Geological Survey of NSW) 
prepared the chert thin sections. Conodont microfossils 
were photographed by David Barnes (NSW Department 
of Primary Industries). Bob Nicoll (Canberra) and John 
Pickett (Londonderry) provided useful second opinions 
on conodont identifications. Constructive reviews by Dick 
Glen, Peter Cawood and Yong-yi Zhen were instrumental 
in reorganising the manuscript for publication. David 
Och and Ian Percival publish with permission of the 
Deputy Director-General, NSW Department of Primary 
Industries — Mineral Resources. The work of David Och 
and Evan Leitch was supported in part by ARC Large Grant 
A39601646. David Och acknowledges support from a 
University of Technology, Sydney, Faculty of Science PhD 
Research Scholarship. This paper is a contribution to IGCP 
503: Ordovician Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimate. 


Aitchison, J.C. and Flood, P.G. (1990). Early 
Carboniferous radiolarian ages constrain the timing 
of sedimentation within the Anaiwan terrane, New 
England Orogen, eastern Australia. Neues Jahrbuch 
fiir Geologie und Paldontologie, Abhandlungen 180, 



Barron, B.J., Scheibner, E. and Slansky, E. (1976). A 
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South Wales. Records of the Geological Survey of 
New South Wales 18, 69-102. 

Cawood, P.A. (1982). Structural relations in the 
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Fold Belt, Eastern Australia. Journal of Geology, 90, 

Cawood, P.A. (1983). Modal composition and detrital 
clinopyroxene geochemistry of lithic sandstones 
from the New England Fold Belt (eastern Australia): 
a Paleozoic forearce terrane. Geological Society of 
America Bulletin, 94, 1199-1214. 

Fergusson, C.L., Henderson, R.A., Leitch, E.C. and 
Ishiga, H. (1993). Lithology and structure of the 
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Queensland, and an overview of the Palaeozoic 
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14, 1014-1020. 

Furey-Greig, T. (1999). Late Ordovician conodonts from 
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Early Palaeozoic arc-basin sequence in the Tamworth 
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Special Publication of the Geological Society, 
London 246, 23-96. 

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Journal of Earth Sciences 51, 859-884. 

Glen R.A., Walshe, J.L., Barron, L.M. and Watkins, J.J. 
(1998). Ordovician convergent-margin volcanism and 
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Geology, 26, 751-754. 

Ishiga, H. (1988). Paleontological study of radiolarians 
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Co-operative Research Group of Japan and Australia, 
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Ishiga, H., Leitch, E.C., Naka, T., Watanabe, T. and 
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from the Hastings Block, New England Fold Belt, 
Australia. Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku) 41, 297- 


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Scheibner, E. and Basden, H. ed. (1998). Geology of 
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Schmidt, P.W., Aubourg, C., Lennox, P.G. and Roberts, 

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Wales. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 182, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

First Record of Thecostegites (Cnidaria: Tabulata) from Central 
New South Wales 


Geological Survey of New South Wales, Department of Primary Industries, Londonderry Geoscience Centre, 
943-957 Londonderry Rd, Londonderry NSW 2753 

Dargan, G. (2007). First Record of Thecostegites (Cnidaria: Tabulata) from central New South Wales. 
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 128, 217-221. 

Thecostegites myolaensis, a new species of tabulate coral, is described from northwest of Parkes, New 
South Wales. This is the only record of Thecostegites from the Australian mainland. Associated conodonts 
establish a latest Ludlow (Late Silurian) age for this species, making this the oldest recorded occurrence 
of the genus. Comparison with Thecostegites species from the Pridoli of Tadzhikistan and the Polar Urals 
suggests that the genus originated in Australia and subsequently spread to these regions. 

Manuscript received 16 November 2006, accepted for publication 15 January 2007. 

KEYWORDS: Late Silurian, palaeobiogeography, tabulate coral, Thecostegites. 


The Australian record of the tabulate coral 
genus Thecostegites is scant, with the only described 
species being 7: ejuncidus Jell and Hill, 1969, from 
the Point Hibbs Limestone (Pragian, Early Devonian) 
of Tasmania. An older species, the earliest known 
representative of the genus, is here described as the 
new species 7: myolaensis. Its sole occurrence is in 
Late Silurian limestone on the property ‘Myola’, 
located 5 km southwest of the town of Trundle, 55 
km northwest of the city of Parkes in central New 
South Wales (Fig.1). The limestone contains abundant 
tabulate and rugose corals and stromatoporoids, and 
is the probable type locality for the stromatoporoid 
Clathrodictyon __(Plexodictyon) —_ conophoroides 
Etheridge, 1921 (Pickett and Ingpen 1990; Foldvary 
2000). Sherwin (1996) mapped this limestone as 
part of the Cookeys Plains Formation within the 
Derriwong Group, assigning to it a Pridoli (latest 
Silurian) to early Lochkovian (earliest Devonian) 
age. He mentioned the occurrence of the conodont 
Ozarkodina crispa, the nominate species of the crispa 
zone, at a locality southeast of Trundle reported by 
Pickett and Ingpen (1990, cover photos E and F) 
and agreed with them that the age may be slightly 
older than Pridoli. A latest Ludlow age is definitively 
established for the limestone at the ‘Myola’ locality by 

the presence of O. crispa (Pickett and Ingpen, cover 
photo A). Simpson and Talent (1995) concur with a 
latest Ludlow crispa zone age for these localities. 


Thecostegites is well known from the Middle 
Devonian of North America and the Middle and Late 
Devonian of Europe and Asia. Nudds and Sepkoski 
(1993) mentioned a Thecostegites from the Late 
Silurian or Early Devonian of the Polar Urals as 
the oldest known Thecostegites. This is most likely 
Thecostegites tchernychevi Barskaya, 1965, from 
the Greben Horizon in the Chernova Swell in the 
Polar Urals (fide Chudinova 1986, Dubatolov et al. 
1986). Both Chudinova and Dubatolov et al. gave 
an “Upper Ludlow” age for this locality, but the 
Greben Horizon is now known to be Pridoli (Talent 
et al. 2001). Of comparable age is Thecostegites 
isfaraensis Chekovich, 1960, from the Isfara Horizon 
in Southern Fergana, Uzbekistan. Although in the 
original description of this species the age is given 
as “Upper Ludlow”, the upper part of the Isfara 
Horizon is now also regarded as Pridoli (Talent et 
al. 2001). Note that, in the original publication of T. 
isfaraensis, Chekovich (1960) used the specific epithet 
‘isfardensis’ in the text but labelled the illustrations 




Major roads 
Tottenham Bogan Gate Railway 

* Thecostegites myolaensis locality 

Qutcrop of 
Cookeys Plains Formation 


Figure 1. A; Map of New South Wales showing general location of Trundle area, B; Map of Trundle 
area showing outcrop of Cookeys Plains Formation and location of Thecostegites myolaensis (indicated 

by star). 

as T. isfaraensis. Subsequently Chudinova (1986) 
used the name T. isfardensis when referring to this 
species. This appears to be a case of Japsus calami 
which I have corrected in accordance with ICZN 
32.5.1 by using the spelling “isfaraensis’ to reflect the 
stratigraphic occurrence of the type species. 

Thecostegites myolaensis is the only species 
known from mainland Australia and, with its age 
established as late Ludlow, is also considerably older 
than the only other Australian species T. ejuncidus, 
known from the Early Devonian of Tasmania. 

Although the geological record of Thecostegites 
is patchy and undoubtedly incomplete, the available 
data indicate that that the earliest known species is 7. 
myolaensis. Species known from Uzbekistan and the 
Polar Urals are of slightly younger, Pridoli age. This 
suggests that the genus originated in Australia and 
subsequently spread to these regions. As these two 
areas were remote from Eastern Australia according 
to Late Silurian reconstructions of global continental 
distribution (Cocks and Torsvik 2002) it is difficult 
to demonstrate a migration of Thecostegites without 
occurrences (as yet undetected) in intervening 



Order AULOPORIDA Sokolov, 1947 
Superfamily SYRINGOPORICAE de Fromentel, 
Family THECOSTEGITIDAE de Fromentel, 1861 
Genus Thecostegites Milne-Edwards & Haime, 
1849, p.261 

Type species 

Harmodites bouchardi Michelin, 1846, from the 
Upper Devonian (Frasnian) at Ferques near Boulogne, 
France, (by monotypy). 

Diagnosis (Hill, 1981, p. 660) 

Corallum massive and encrusting; corallites 
slender, cylindrical, thick-walled, united by successive 
irregular platform-like expansions of tabulate 
tissue, each expansion in communication with the 
tabularia through perforations arranged in verticils 
in the walls of the corallites; the expansions may be 
epithecate above and below; septal spines irregular 
in development; tabulae in lateral expansions as well 
as in the cylindrical corallites, irregular, horizontal, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 2. Thecostegites myolaensis sp. nov. holotype MMF 44854a-b. A, Transverse section showing 
chains of interconnected corallites. B, Longitudinal section showing connecting tubes and a new corallite 
branching off an adult with a deeply depressed tabula extending into the adult. C, Transverse section 
showing merging of corallites to produce a platform-like area. D, Longitudinal section showing vertical 
corallites arising from prostrate corallites in a part of the corallum where growth has been interrupted. 
Scale bar equals 5 mm. 

oblique, concave or with short axial tubes, which 
may extend into the lateral expansions where they lie 
horizontally, and may be crossed by small tabellae. 

Thecostegites myolaensis sp. nov. 
Fig. 2 A-D 


Thecostegites with long, closely spaced 
corallites 1.1 to 1.5 mm. diameter, connected by short 
verticillate tubular to platform-like lateral expansions; 
septal spines absent; tabulae numerous, thin and 
steeply inclined and incomplete or deeply depressed, 
occasionally horizontal with a median depression. 

Derivation of name 

After the property “Myola” where the specimen 
was found. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Type Locality 
Roadside paddock on ’’Myola” property (Trundle 

1:50,000 map, grid reference 644549). Locality ‘D’ of 
Pickett and Ingpen 1990 and locality ‘X’ of Foldvary 

Holotype (and sole specimen) 
Two pieces of a single corallum MMF 44854a-b 
with one transverse and one longitudinal section. 


Corallites are long and closely spaced. Their 
diameter ranges from 1.1 to 1.5 mm with an average 
of 1.4 mm. Wall thickness ranges from 0.13 to 0.2 
mm with an average thickness of 0.16 mm. Corallites 
connected by numerous short verticillate tubes 
spaced 5 to 7 per 5 mm. Tubes occur at the same 
level on several adjoining corallites, resulting in long 



chains of connected corallites visible in transverse 
section (Fig 2 A, C). Corallites increase in diameter 
at the connecting tubes and sometimes merge to form 
platform-like areas (Fig. 2 C). In the distal portion of 
the colony corallites reach a maximum length of 18 
Tabulae range from 11 to 17 per 5 mm. They are 
usually steeply inclined and incomplete or deeply 
depressed; rarely horizontal to slightly inclined with 
a median depression and rarely forming a syrinx. 
They pass through tubes into adjoining corallites and 
are usually thin but sometimes thicken near corallite 
walls. Horizontal tabulae are more common where 
connecting tubes occur. Septal spines are absent. 

In the proximal portion of the corallum some of 
the vertical corallites arise from prostrate corallites. 
This also occurs in portions of the corallum where 
growth has been interrupted (Fig. 2 D). Increase is 
lateral, non-parricidal and occurs via a connecting 
tube in the parent corallite. A deeply depressed tabula 
passes from the parent into the new corallite (Fig. 2 


The corallum is approximately 120 mm across 
and 45 mm high and has broken into two equal sized 
pieces. It has grown on a corallum of Heliolites 

The new species differs from 7’ ejuncidus in 
possessing larger corallites, having more abundant 
steeply inclined tabulae and lacking septal spines. 

Thecostegites myolaensis has a similar corallite 
diameter to T’'isfaraensis but horizontal tabulae are 
more abundant in the latter. This also distinguishes 
T-myolaensis from T. tchernychevi, which has a 
similar corallite diameter to 7’ ejuncidus (Fig. 3). 


Kathy Stait (University of Tasmania) kindly provided 
access to type material of T: ejuncidus for examination. Jan 
Percival (Geological Survey of NSW) and John Pickett 
and an anonymous reviewer provided valuable advice 
and criticism im preparing this manuscript. David Barnes 
assisted with the photography and David Och with drafting 
the map. Published with the permission of the Deputy 
Director General, NSW Department of Primary Industries 
— Mineral Resources Division. 


Chekovich, V.D. (1960). Novye vidi drevnikh rstenii 
i bespozvonochnikh CCCP. (New species of 
fossil plants and invertebrates of the USSR). 
209-210, pl. 41, fig.1. Vsesoyuznii Nauchno- 

mg 7.myolae 
@ T.ejuncidus 

A 7.isfaraensis 

@ 7.tchemychevi 

Horizontal Tabulae/TotalTabulae 

0 0.5 1 

1.5 7 

Corallite Diameter mm. 

Figure 3. Scatter plot of horizontal tabulae/total tabulae vs. corallite diameter for 7. 
myolaensis, T. ejuncidus, T. isfaraensis and T. tchernychevi. Data for T. myolaensis and 
T. ejuncidus were obtained from specimens. Data for T. isfaraensis and T. tchernychevi 
were obtained from published measurements and illustrations. 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


issledovatel’ski1 Geologicheskii Institut 
Ministerstva Geologii 1 Okhrai Nedr CCCP. [in 

Chudinova, I.I. (1986). Sostav Sistema i Filogeniya 
Iskopaemikh Koralloy Otryad Syringoporida. 
(Systematics and Phylogeny of Fossil 
Corals, Order Syringoporida). Trudy 
Palaeontologicheskogo Instituta, Akademiya 
Nauk SSSR, 216, 209 pp. [in Russian]. 

Cocks, L.R.M. and Torsvik, T.H. (2002). Earth 
geography from 500 to 400 million years ago: 
a faunal and palaeomagnetic review. Journal of 
the Geological Society London, 159, 631-644. 

Dubatolov, V.N., Chekovich, V.D. and Yanet, F.E. 
(1968). Tabulyaty pogranichnikh sloev silura i 
devona Altae-Sayanskoy gornoy oblasti i Urala. 
(Tabulata of the boundary beds of the Silurian 
and Devonian in the Altay-Sayan mountain 
region and Urals). In “Korally pogranichnykh 
sloev silura i devona Altae-Sayanskoy gornoy 
oblasti i Urala’ (Ed. A.B. Ivanoskiy), 5-109. 
(Nauka, Moscow). [in Russian]. 

Etheridge, R., Jr. (1921). Palaeontologia Novae 
Cambriae Meridionalis — Occasional 
descriptions of New South Wales fossils 
—No.8. Records of the Geological Survey of 
New South Wales 10(1), 1-11. 

Foldvary, G.Z. (2000). Siluro-Devonian invertebrate 
faunas from the Bogan Gate-Trundle-Mineral 
Hill area of central New South Wales. Records 
of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 
No. 58, 81-102. 

Fromentel, E. de (1861). ‘Introduction a |’étude des 
polypiers fossils.’ (F.Savy, Paris). 

Hill, D. (1981). “Treatise on Invertebrate 
Paleontology, Part F Coelenterata supplement 
1, Rugosa and Tabulata, 2’. (Geological Society 
of America, Boulder and The University of 
Kansas, Lawrence). 

Jell, J.S. and Hill, D. (1969). The Devonian coral 
fauna of the Point Hibbs Limestone, Tasmania. 
Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of 
Tasmania 104, 1-15. 

Michelin, J.L.H., (1846) ‘“Iconographie 
Zoophytologique, description par localités et 
terrains des polypiers fossils de France et pays 
environnants’, 185-248. (P. Bertrand, Paris). 

Milne-Edwards, H. and Haime, J. (1849). Mémoire 
sur les polypiers appurtenant aux groupes 
naturels des Zoanthaires perforés et des 
Zoanthaires tabules. Comptes Rendus 29, 257- 
263. Académie des Sciences, Paris. 

Nudds, J.R. and Sepkoski Jr, J.J. (1993). 
Coelenterata. In, ‘The Fossil Record 2’, 

(Ed. M.J. Benton) p. 115. (Chapman & Hall, 

Pickett J.W. and Ingpen, I.A. (1990). Ordovician and 
Silurian strata south of Trundle, New South 
Wales. Geological Survey of New South Wales, 
Quarterly Note 78, 1-14. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Sherwin, L. (1996). Narromine 1:250,000 
Geological Sheet SI/55-3: Explanatory Notes 
104 pp. Geological Survey of New South 
Wales, Sydney. 

Simpson, A.J. and Talent, J.A. (1995). Silurian 
conodonts from the headwaters of the Indi 
(upper Murray) and Buchan rivers, southeastern 
Australia, and their implications. In, 
Contributions to the First Australian Conodont 
Symposium (AUSCOS) held in Sydney 
Australia, 18-21 July 1995. (Eds. R. Mawson 
and J.A. Talent). Courier Forschungsinstitut 
Senckenberg 182, 79-216. 

Sokolov, B.S. (1947). Novye Tabulata ordovi 
Grenlandii. (New Ordovician Tabulata from 
Greenland). Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Doklady 
58(3), 467-472. 

Talent J.A., Gratsianova, R.T. and Yolkin, E.A. 
(2001). Latest Silurian (Pridoli) to middle 
Devonian (Givetian) of the Asio-Australia 
hemisphere: rationalization of brachiopod taxa 
and faunal lists: stratigraphic correlation chart. 
Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 236, 




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0 05 1 

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Be ly 

Early Ordovician Lingulate Brachiopods from New South 


‘Geological Survey of New South Wales, Department of Primary Industries, 947-953 Londonderry Road, 

Londonderry, NSW 2753, Australia (; and 

*Centre for Ecostratigraphy and Palaeobiology, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie 

University 2109. NSW. Australia. 

Percival, I.G. and Engelbretsen, M.J. 2007. Early Ordovician Lingulate Brachiopods from New South 
Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 128, 223-241. 

Lingulate brachiopods from the Lower Ordovician (lower Oepikodus evae conodont zone) Rowena 
Formation in the far west of New South Wales are revised, and determined as Hyperobolus mootwingeensis 
(Fletcher, 1964), Lingulobolus gnaltaensis (Fletcher, 1964), and the new genus Rowenaglossa, with 
type species R. brunnschweileri (Fletcher, 1964). Specimens possibly conspecific with Lingulobolus 
gnaltaensis are illustrated from Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, Northern Territory. In central western NSW, 
Early Ordovician (Lancefieldian-Bendigonian) brachiopods are represented in the Yarrimbah Formation 
of the Parkes region by the new species Palaeoglossa yarrimbahensis, a probable zhanatellid and an 
indeterminate acrotretide. Allochthonous limestones in the Hensleigh Siltstone, south of Wellington, 
of slightly younger (Bendigonian) age, yield Otariconulus sp. cf. O. intermedia and an unnamed new 
ephippelasmatid. Although broadly contemporaneous, the lingulide brachiopods documented in this paper 
lived in contrasting environmental settings. Those from the Koonenberry Belt in the far west inhabited 
nearshore predominantly sandy substrates, whereas faunas from central western NSW lived in deeper water 

outer shelf and slope to basinal environments flanking the Macquarie Arc. 

Manuscript received 16 November 2006, accepted for publication 15 January 2007. 

KEYWORDS: acrotretide, brachiopod, Koonenberry Belt, lmgulide, Macquarie Arc, Ordovician 


Taxonomic work on Early Ordovician lingulate 
brachiopods from New South Wales has previously 
been restricted to description of three lingulide 
species from siliciclastic Lower Ordovician strata of 
the Gnalta Shelf in the far west of the state (Fletcher 
1964). Advances in our understanding of Ordovician 
lingulides over the ensuing four decades, due chiefly 
to a proliferation of taxonomic research on the part 
of a small number of palaeontologists in Europe and 
Russia specializing in this group, allows revision 
of these species, which occur in the lower Rowena 
Formation within the Mutawintji National Park, 
northeast of Broken Hill (Fig. 1). Early Ordovician 
lingulates are rarely encountered elsewhere in the 
state, with the exception of the Yarrimbah Formation 
near Parkes that is dominated by Palaeoglossa 
yarrimbahensis sp. nov. Acrotretides are represented 
by just a handful of specimens from this unit and 
the slightly younger Hensleigh Siltstone, south of 

Wellington (Fig. 1). Here we describe and illustrate 
all known Early Ordovician lingulide and acrotretide 
brachiopods from New South Wales. As such 
brachiopods are becoming increasingly significant in 
global biogeographic analysis, their documentation 
is crucial even if based on limited material. This is 
especially true for Australia, where contemporaneous 
lingulate brachiopods remain very poorly known 
(Percival 2000), with the exception of a largely 
endemic fauna recently described from the Emanuel 
Formation of the Canning Basin, Western Australia 
(Brock and Holmer 2004). None of the latter species 
is represented in the faunas documented herein. 


Central Koonenberry Belt (Mootwingee - Mount 
Wright area), far western NSW 

The latest Cambrian to Early Ordovician 
Mutawintji Group [previously the Mootwingee 



fult Arrowsmith 


uth Wales! 



Main road 
Minor road 


Sample locality 

Property name 

Figure 1. Locality map showing sites (indicated by stars) in New South Wales yielding Early Ordovi- 

cian lingulate brachiopods described in this paper. 

Group; the change in spelling was requested by the 
indigenous Mutawintji people to reflect its correct 
pronunciation in the Parrkantyi language; T. Sharp, 
pers. comm. 2003] includes (in ascending order) the 
Nootumbulla Sandstone, Bynguano Quartzite and 
Rowena Formation (Fig. 2). All three units consist 
predominantly of coarse siliciclastic sediments 
deposited in marginal marine to shallow shelf 


conditions. The Rowena Formation also comprises 
thin calcareous siltstone beds in the lower part of the 
unit. From one such horizon, Zhen and Percival (2006) 
reported a small but diverse conodont fauna dominated 
by Erraticodon patu, a species characteristic of the 
Early Ordovician evae Zone in the Tabita Formation 
at Mount Arrowsmith in the northern Koonenberry 
Belt (Zhen et al. 2003). Fletcher (1964) described 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


; Hyperobolus 
Reutterodus Oepikodus mootwingeensis, 
andinus evae Lingulobolus 
= gnaltaensis, 
< < Rowenaglossa 
(=) Py brunnschweilen 
> = Hyperobolus ahs eig 
o = mootwingeensis Siltstone 
=] = Oepikodus | Prioniodus ¢ Olariconulus cf 
a iu | communis | elegans I Palacogiossa O. intermedia 
oO a yarrimbahensis 
Yarrimbah Mitchell 
audi Formation Formation 
% Acodus deltatus - @ indet. acrotretide 
= Oneotodus costatus ynguano 

Macerodus dianae 


Rossodus manitovensis 

Cordylodus angulatus - 
Chosonodina herfurthi 
Cordylodus findstromi 


Cordylodus prolindstromi 
- Hirsudodontus simplex 

Cordylodus proavus 






Figure 2. Stratigraphic levels at which Early Ordovician lingulate brachiopods occur in New South 


Obolus mootwingeensis, Lingulella (Leptembolon) 
gnaltaensis, and Ectenoglossa brunnschweileri from 
outcrops of the Rowena Formation (then known as 
the upper part of the Gnalta stage of the Mootwingee 
Series) in the vicinity of the disused Mootwingee- 
White Cliffs mail coach road. The exact localities 
from which the specimens described by Fletcher 
were obtained are not known (they are noted in the 
Australian Museum register as “8 miles along the 
coach road from Mootwingee”). The most recent 
geological map of Mutawintji National Park (Sharp 
2004) shows that the Rowena Formation intersects 
the old coach road along strike over a distance of 
approximately 10 km. Most likely the type localities 
are centred on GR 654505 mE 6270000 mN (Nuchea 
7335 1:100,000 mapsheet, GDA94 coordinates) as 
there are abundantly fossiliferous outcrops in the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

immediate vicinity. Since Fletcher’s pioneering 
work no further research has been conducted into 
these brachiopods. Revision of the type and topotype 
material reveals new information about the internal 
features of these brachiopods and allows reassessment 
of their taxonomic status. All three taxa are reassigned 
at genus level to Hyperobolus mootwingeensis, 
Lingulobolus gnaltaensis, and the new genus 
Rowenaglossa, with type species R. brunnschweileri. 
Specimens of H. mootwingeensis and L. gnaltaensis 
(collected in the mid-1960s, and curated in the 
Geological Survey of NSW  palaeontological 
collection) also occur sporadically in the Bynguano 
Quartzite at a locality three miles (approximately five 
km) west of “Bilpa” homestead, ten miles (16 km) 
south of Little Topar, in the southern extremity of the 
Koonenberry Belt (Fig. 1). 



Macquarie Arc, Lachlan Orogen, central NSW 

The Yarrimbah Formation, exposed on 
“Yarrimbah” property, 16 km west of Parkes (Fig. 
1), has most recently been defined by Sherwin 
(2000). Graptolites identified by Sherwin (1979, 
1990; pers. comm. 1999) from laminated siliceous 
mudstones forming the upper beds of this unit include 
Didymograptus (Cymatograptus) sp., Tetragraptus 
approximatus and Pendograptus fruticosus. These 
indicate an age, in terms of the Victorian graptolite 
zonation, of late Lancefieldian to early Bendigonian 
(equivalent to the approximatus to fruticosus zones of 
the Australasian and Chinese successions). Lingulide 
brachiopods including prolific Palaeoglossa 
yarrimbahensis sp. nov., and a possible zhanatellide 
(the latter exceptionally rare) are the only other 
fossils found in the upper Yarrimbah Formation. 
One specimen of an indeterminate acrotretide with 
a distinctive dorsal platform was recovered from 
allochthonous limestone clasts that occur sporadically 
in the lower part of the formation. 

From the Hensleigh Siltstone in the Bakers 
Swamp area, 26 km south of Wellington (Fig. 1B), 
acrotretide brachiopods are represented by only 
a couple of specimens. Two taxa, Otariconulus 
sp. cf. O. intermedia and ephippelasmatidae gen. 
et sp. nov. (insufficient material is available to 
permit formal naming), are described herein from 
allochthonous limestones in the lower part of this 
formation. The age of the Hensleigh Siltstone, based 
on graptolites, is middle to late Bendigonian (Be 2-3) 
(Percival et al. 2001). Conodonts obtained from the 
allochthonous limestones indicate an age equivalent 
to the upper Prioniodus elegans conodont Biozone, 
contemporaneous with the Oepikodus communis 
conodont Biozone (Zhen et al. 2004). 


Lower Ordovician rocks of the Mutwintji Group 
were deposited in a nearshore shallow marine setting 
on the Delamerian margin of Gondwana, as indicated 
by trace fossils attributed to trilobites (Webby 1983) 
and a diverse infauna (Droser et al. 1994) in the 
Bynguano Formation (immediately underlying the 
Rowena Formation). The lingulide brachiopods 
redescribed herein from the lower Rowena Formation 
present a further opportunity for palaeoecological 
analysis, based on comparisons with studies of 
similar faunas in contemporaneous clastic rocks of 
central Europe. 

In the Prague Basin (Czech Republic), the 
Hyperobolus Community is interpreted as having 
inhabited the most shallow water nearshore setting 
(Havlicek 1982a), where Hyperobolus feistmantelli 


(associated with other large and moderate to thick- 
walled lingulates) lived in a semi-endobenthic habit, 
i.e. being only partly or shallowly buried in an 
unconsolidated sandy sea floor (Mergl 2002). Not 
surprisingly, considering its close morphological 
similarity, the Gnalta Shelf species H. mootwingeensis 
seems to have occupied an identical ecological 

Likewise, the presence of Lingulobolus and 
Rowenaglossa in the Rowena Formation recalls the 
co-occurrence of Lingulobolus? and the externally 
homeomorphic Ectenoglossa in the Armorican 
Sandstone of Brittany and the Montagne Noire 
regions of France, in similar low diversity faunas 
entirely dominated by large lingulate brachiopods 
(Cocks and Lockley 1981). 

However, there are subtle differences in the 
distribution of these lingulates in the Rowena 
Formation, compared with European nearshore 
lingulate-dominated faunas. Firstly, the faunal 
diversity of the Rowena Formation is somewhat lower 
(three lingulate genera) than formations in the Prague 
Basin (five to six genera in the Trenice Formation). 
Secondly, the Rowena Formation lingulates are not 
associated in the one horizon; rather, they occur as 
monospecific shell beds, with Hyperobolus and 
Lingulobolus confined to separate sandy quartzose 
sediments, whereas Rowenaglossa generally occurs 
in slightly finer lithofacies (silts rather than coarse 
sands). Such variance in facies preference may 
present an opportunity to more precisely define depth- 
related communities in order to study transgressive- 
regressive relationships in the Mutawinjti Group. 

In contrast, Palaeoglossa in the Yarrimbah 
Formation inhabited deep-water substrates. Although 
no graptolites are found in direct association with 
the brachiopod-bearing laminated siltstones, unlike 
comparable occurrences in the Upper Ordovician 
Malongulli and Gunningbland Formations (Percival 
1978), graptolites are plentiful in directly underlying 
beds, implying that water depth throughout deposition 
of the Yarrimbah Formation was considerable. 
Sponges, indicated by abundant spicules preserved 
in the Malongulli Formation, may have provided a 
substrate above the sediment-water interface for 
some or all of the lingulate brachiopods found in that 
unit; the apparent absence of sponge remains in the 
Yarrimbah Formation suggests that P. yarrimbahensis 
lay sessile on the sea floor or else may have lived 
partly buried. Acrotretide brachiopods found in 
allochthonous limestone clasts in both the Yarrimbah 
and Hensleigh formations are interpreted as living 
on outer carbonate shelves flanking volcanic islands 
at relatively shallow depths, prior to displacement 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Type material, comprising specimens described 
and illustrated or listed herein, is curated in the 
palaeontological collections of the Geological 
Survey of New South Wales (designated MMMC for 
microfossil specimens, and MMF for macrofossils), 
or in the type fossil collection of the Australian 
Museum, Sydney (AM F). Responsibility for 
taxonomic description and authorship of new taxa is 
attributable to I.G. Percival for Lingulida, and M.J. 
Engelbretsen for Acrotretida. For brevity, authorship 
of taxonomic hierarchy above genus level is not 
cited in the References; these bibliographic sources 
are listed in the revised (2™ edition) Treatise of 
Invertebrate Paleontology, Part H: Brachiopoda 
(Williams et al. 2000). 

Phylum Brachiopoda Duméril, 1806 
Subphylum Linguliformea Williams, Carlson, 
Brunton, Holmer & Popov, 1997 
Class Lingulata Gorjansky & Popov, 1985 
Order Lingulida Waagen, 1885 
Superfamily Linguloidea Mencke, 1828 
Family Obolidae King, 1846 
Subfamily Obolinae King, 1846 

Palaeoglossa Cockerell, 1911 
Type species: Lingula attenuata J. de C. Sowerby, 

Palaeoglossa yarrimbahensis sp. nov. 
Fig. 3A—M, 4D—N 


Holotype MMF 27463c; paratypes MMF 
27621a, MMF 30329a, MMF 44823 — 44832 


A species of Palaeoglossa with a very short 
ventral pseudointerarea; internally with scattered 
pustules and fine pitting posteriorly; very fine radial 
striations crowded around interior periphery of valves; 
umbonal muscle scars confined to immediate vicinity 
of pedicle groove; dorsal valve lacking median ridge 


Ventral valve elongately ovoid in outline with 
broadly acute posterior end; dorsal valve tending 
toward subcircular outline with rounded posterior; 
lateral margins of both valves very gently curved 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

to subparallel; maximum width in both valves 
approximately coincident with midlength; shell 
profile lenticular, weakly biconvex. Length:width 
ratio ranges from 1.28-1.61 for ventral valves (average 
1.33) and ranges from 1.08-1.22 (average 1.15) 
for dorsal valves. Shell material moderately thin; 
ornament confined to closely spaced hemiperipheral 
growth lines (Fig. 4D), occasionally with accentuated 
growth discontinuities (Fig. 3L), but lacking any 
radial striations externally. 

Ventral pseudointerarea reduced to pair of small 
short triangular propareas flanking open pedicle 
groove (Fig. 4G); flexure lines absent. Muscles 
generally not deeply inserted, although paired 
umbonal muscle scars are occasionally prominent in 
the immediate vicinity of the pedicle groove (Figs. 
3C, D, K, J), and paired anterior adductor scars with 
relatively well-defined inner margins appear to be 
present medially in one specimen (Fig. 3M). Isolated 
small irregular pustules scattered on interior of valve 
(Fig. 3C). Pallial canals not impressed. 

Dorsal pseudointerarea extremely short but 
apparently complete and undivided (Fig. 3)). 
Although muscle scars are rarely impressed, an 
umbonal scar (possibly paired: Fig. 4N) and some ill- 
defined visceral markings may be visible posteriorly 
(e.g. Figs 3H, I). Scattered pustules occasionally 
present (Fig. 3L). One well-preserved internal mould 
(Fig. 4M) shows evidence of very fine scattered pits 
in visceral area. Pallial canals unknown. Margin of 
dorsal valve displays very fine radial striations in 
better-preserved specimens (Fig. 31). 

Dimensions ; 

Holotype MMF 27463c length 11.0 mm, width 
8.2 mm. Smallest specimen is a subcircular juvenile 
dorsal? valve (MMF 44832) 3.4 mm in length and 
3.1 mm in width; subsequent hemiperipheral growth 
accentuates elongation in adults, especially in ventral 
valves, whereas dorsal valves may retain a subcircular 
outline even in large adult specimens (e.g. Figs 4E, 
F). Ventral valve length ranges from 5.1-11.1 mm, 
dorsal valve length ranges from 7.9-12.7 mm; ventral 
valve width ranges from 4.1-8.7 mm and dorsal valve 
width ranges from 6.5-11.7 mm. 


The type species of Palaeoglossa, P. attenuata (J. 
de C. Sowerby, 1839), from the Middle Ordovician of 
the Shelve area, Shropshire, England (most recently 
redescribed by Sutton et al. 1999), lacks flexure 
lines in both pseudointerareas, and has internal 
features such as muscle scars and pallial canals very 
weakly impressed, with only sporadic pitting weakly 



Figure 3. Palaeoglossa yarrimbahensis sp. nov. from the upper Yarrimbah Formation, west of Parkes, 
central west NSW. A — D: Two valves presumed to represent the one individual, MMF 44830; A, B, part 
and counterpart and C, latex replica taken from A; A: internal mould of dorsal valve (on left) and ven- 
tral valve (on right); B: partly exfoliated ventral valve (on left) and exterior of dorsal valve (on right); C: 
latex replica clearly shows nearly circular juvenile shell on dorsal valve (right) and scattered pustules on 
interior of ventral valve (left); note also deeply inserted umbonal muscle scars in this valve; D: Enlarge- 
ment of posterior of ventral valve internal mould. E: ventral valve internal mould, MMF 44831. 

F. ventral valve internal mould, MMF 44823. G. ventral valve internal mould, MMF 30329a, slightly dis- 
torted. H — I: dorsal valve internal mould and latex replica, MMF 44827. J — K: Holotype, ventral valve 
internal mould, MMF 27463c, J is an enlargement of posterior to show pedicle groove. L — M: dorsal 
and ventral valves, possibly of the one individual, both are latex replicas taken from MME 44824; both 
valves incomplete, with ventral valve vertically oriented in both photographs. Scale bar above H applies 
to all specimens except D, F and J. 

228 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Figure 4. Lingulate brachiopods from the upper Yarrimbah Formation, west of Parkes, central west 
NSW. A — C: zhanatellide indet., internal mould (C) and latex replicas (B is enlargement of posterior 
region) of ventral valve MMF 44843. D — N: Palaeoglossa yarrimbahensis sp. nov. D: ventral? valve exte- 
rior view, displaying ornament of growth lines only, MMF 44828; E: dorsal valve internal mould, MMF 
44829. F: dorsal valve internal mould with adherent shell, MMF 27621a. G —H. ventral valve internal 
mould (H) and enlargement of posterior region (latex replica) to show pedicle groove, MMF 44825. I: 
juvenile dorsal? valve, partly exfoliated internal mould, MMF 44832. J —N: dorsal valve internal mould 
(L), and two latex replicas, (J) taken from that specimen and (K) from counterpart external mould, 
(M) and (N) are enlargements of posterior regions of (K) and (L) respectively, MMF 44826. Scale bar 
between F and J applies to all specimens except B, G, M and N. 

developed internally in both valves. In all these 
characteristics it resembles the Yarrimbah species. 
The main features distinguishing P attenuata and 
P. yarrimbahensis concern the complete absence in 
the latter of any median ridge in the dorsal valve 
(a weak median septum is occasionally developed 
in P. attenuata), and the greatly reduced length of 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

the ventral pseudointerarea in P yarrimbahensis, 
resulting in a much less acuminate outline of the 
ventral valve beak. 

Lingulella, which appears to be closely related 
to Palaeoglossa according to Sutton et al. (1999), 
was also considered as a possible generic assignment. 



Sutton et al. (2000) redescribed the type species of 
Lingulella, L. davisii McCoy, 1851 from the Upper 
Cambrian of North Wales, noting its diagnostic 
characters as ventral propareas with well-defined 
flexure lines, conspicuous deep pitting on interiors of 
both valves, anterior lateral and central muscle scars 
set close together, and vascula lateralia subperipheral 
to peripheral, not sharply divergent proximally. Fine 
sporadic pitting on the interior of P. yarrimbahensis 
is neither as strongly developed nor as dense as that 
which characterizes L. davisii. Furthermore, features 
exhibited by the Yarrimbah species including very 
reduced pseudointerareas lacking flexure lines, and 
absence of any anterior extension of the dorsal visceral 
field as a ridge or tongue, are atypical of Lingulella. 


Outcrop of upper Yarrimbah Formation adjacent 
to “Yarrimbah” and “Wilga East” property boundary, 
16 km west of Parkes (Fig. 1C); late Lancefieldian 
(La3) to early Bendigonian (Bel). 

Lingulobolus Matthew, 1895 
Type species: Lingulella? affinis Billings, 1872 

Lingulobolus gnaltaensis (Fletcher, 1964) 
Fig. 5A—M 

1964 Lingulella (Leptembolon) gnaltaensis 
Fletcher, p. 287, pl. 31, figs 7, 9. 

Figure 5. Lingulobolus gnaltaensis (Fletcher, 1964), from the lower Rowena Formation, Koonenberry 
Belt, far western NSW. A: exterior of ventral? valve, holotype AM F49383; B — C: dorsal valve, internal 
mould and latex replica, AM F50411; D — F: ventral valve, internal mould and latex replica, enlarged 
in F to more clearly show muscle field, AM F50415; G: exterior of dorsal valve (latex replica from 
external mould), AM F50401; H — I: interior (latex replica) and internal mould of dorsal valve, AM 
F47492; J: exterior of ventral? valve (latex replica from external mould), AM F49384; K — M: latex 
replica of dorsal internal mould shown in M, with enlargement of posterior half of valve shown in L, 
AM F132242. Scale bar beneath D and E applies to all specimens except F and L. 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Holotype AM F49383 and paratype AM F49384 
(not 49344, a typographical error in Fletcher 1964, 
p. 287), both internal moulds of ventral valves 
(designated by Fletcher 1964); additional paratypes 
selected herein are AM F47492, AM F50401, AM 
F50411, AM F50415 and AM F132242 (illustrated in 
Fig. 5). 


Shell broadly triangular in outline with 
subacuminate beak in ventral valve, and with 
maximum width attained about three-quarters length 
from beak; length almost always greater than width 
in ventral valves, but equal to or somewhat less than 
width in dorsal valves; moderately to strongly biconvex 
especially anteriorly; occasionally with fine growth 
lamellae and stronger concentric rugae developed 
anteriorly, most prominent in larger specimens (Fig. 
5 A, C); no radial ornament. Ventral pseudointerarea 
possibly undivided, very much reduced in length (Fig. 
5 L, M). Ventral valve muscle field [well-displayed 
on specimen AM F50415 (Fig. 5 F)] is confined to 
posterior half of valve where it consists of a median 
parallel track of anterior adductor scars(?) flanked by 
pair of shorter but wider impressions (oblique muscle 
scars?) that slightly diverge, and are bounded laterally 
by traces of narrow linear pallial canals; fine closely- 
spaced radial striae are impressed around anterior 
margin of this specimen. Dorsal valve interior (Fig. 5 
H) is essentially smooth and lacks impressed muscle 
scars and vascular markings; pseudointerarea possibly 
entire but very short and poorly preserved. 


Holotype AM F49383: length 16.5 mm, width 
14.1 mm. For other complete specimens, ventral 
valve length ranges from 13.3-17.3 mm, dorsal valve 
length ranges from 7.9-12.7 mm; ventral valve width 
ranges from 11.8-17.6 mm and dorsal valve width 
ranges from 11.3-12.5 mm. 


Although Fletcher (1964) stated in his description 
of Lingulella (Leptembolon) gnaltaensis that only 
brachial (i.e. dorsal) valves were figured, this was 
corrected to pedicle valves in the caption to his 
plate 31. Leptembolon Mickwitz, 1896, is close to 
Lingulobolus as regards shell outline and profile, but 
internally the two genera are readily distinguished 
by the greatly thickened ventral visceral area of the 
former and its slightly thickened dorsal visceral area 
that extends as a low ridge nearly to the anterior valve 
margin. As none of these features are apparent in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Fletcher’s species its reassignment to Lingulobolus is 
therefore justified. 

The diagnosis given for Lingulobolus by Holmer 
and Popov (2000) mentions a narrow subtriangular 
ventral pseudointerarea divided by a broadly triangular 
pedicle groove, with a vestigial undivided dorsal 
pseudointerarea, and a weakly defined dorsal visceral 
area extending beyond midlength with closely spaced 
anterior-lateral and central muscle scars. The genus 
is represented by L. affinis (Billings, 1872) and L. 
spissus (Billings. 1872), both from Lower Ordovician 
strata in Newfoundland, and possibly another two 
species of Early Ordovician age, L.? hawkei (Rouault, 
1850), found in southern Britain and France (Brittany) 
(Cocks and Lockley 1981), and L.? brimonti (Rouault, 
1850), co-occurring with L.? hawkei in these regions 
as well as in the Montagne Noire of France (Havli¢éek 
1980) and in Algeria, North Africa (Legrand 1971). 
Lingulobolus gnaltaensis shows clear affinities with 
the Newfoundland species L. spissus, most recently 
illustrated by Holmer and Popov (2000, p. 47), in 
shell outline, profile, rhomboidal shape of the ventral 
visceral area, and disposition of fine radial striae in a 
peripheral band at the anterior margin of the ventral 
valve. However, in having a much reduced ventral 
pseudointerarea without a distinct pedicle groove 
(although this may be due to adverse preservation in 
coarse clastic sediment) it differs from the Canadian 
species. The external coarse rugae developed on L. 
gnaltaensis, and lack of any exterior radial ornament, 
are another distinguishing feature (compare with 
detailed line drawings of both Newfoundland species 
given by Walcott 1912, pl. XVI). Generally poor 
preservation of L.? hawkei and L.? brimonti does not 
permit meaningful comparisons with L. gnaltaensis. 


Lower Rowena Formation, “about 8 miles (13 
km) from ‘Mootwingee’ homestead along old coach 
road” according to Australian Museum register, just 
east of Split Rock in Mutawintji National Park, far- 
western NSW (Fig. 1A). Also occurs sporadically in 
the Bynguano Quartzite in the southern Koonenberry 
Belt, 16 km south of Little Topar (Fig. 1A) (MMF 
15013, 15014, 15017, 15019, 15021). 

Lingulobolus cf. L. gnaltaensis (Fletcher, 1964) 
Fig.6 A—E 


Fletcher (1964) noted that his Lingulella 
(Leptembolon) gnaltaensis was possibly congeneric 
with specimens from the Pacoota Sandstone at a 





Figure 6. Lingulobolus cf. L. gnaltaensis (Fletcher, 
1964), from the Pacoota Sandstone, Pine Gap 
near Alice Springs, Northern Territory. All speci- 
mens are located on one slab bearing the Austral- 
ian Museum number AM F49586. A: latex replica 
of interior of dorsal valve, AM F49586g; B: latex 
replica of exterior of dorsal valve, AM F49586f; 
C: latex replica of exterior of ventral valve, AM 
F49586e; D: two ventral valve internal moulds, 
one partly exfoliated, AM F49586a, b; E: dorsal 
(left) and ventral (right) valve internal moulds, 
possibly from the one individual, AM F49586c, d. 

locality (Pine Gap), about 19 km southwest of Alice 
Springs, Northern Territory. He neither described nor 
illustrated these specimens, and to our knowledge they 
have not subsequently been documented. Material 
from the Pine Gap locality (now a restricted military 
site) that was available to Fletcher was located in the 
Australian Museum collection, and representative 
specimens are here illustrated in Figure 6. Little 
can be said about these shells other than their gross 
morphology, as the coarse sandstone matrix has 
prevented preservation of subtle internal features. 
They seem to be slightly larger than Lingulobolus 
gnaltaensis, but otherwise could well be conspecific. 
Shell outline and profile appears near identical for 
both the Rowena Formation and Pine Gap forms. 
In the absence of internal features we tentatively 
compare the latter with L. gnaltaensis. 


AM F49586a (ventral valve) length 20 mm, 
width 17.5 mm; AM F49586b (dorsal valve) length 
16.4 mm, width 16.6 mm; AM F49586c (ventral 
valve) length 18.8 mm, width 15.3 mm; AM F49586d 
(ventral valve) length 16.7 mm, width 16.2 mm; AM 
F49586e (dorsal valve) length 15.5 mm, width 15.3 

Family Pseudolingulidae Holmer, 1991 

Rowenaglossa gen. nov. 
Type species: Ectenoglossa brunnschweileri 
Fletcher, 1964 


Outline spatulate to elongate rectangular with 
subparallel lateral margins; ventral pseudointerarea 
extending about one-third valve length, divided by 
narrow but deep pedicle groove; median septum 
prominent in dorsal valve, much reduced or absent in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


ventral valve; muscle scars and pallial canals weakly 

Rowenaglossa brunnschweileri (Fletcher, 1964) 
Fig. 7 A—P 

1964 Ectenoglossa brunnschweileri Fletcher, p. 
288, pl. 31, figs 4-6; pl. 32, fig 15. 


Holotype AM F49027 ventral valve, and 
paratypes AM F48995 (ventral valve) and AM F49014 
(dorsal valve), designated by Fletcher (1964); an 
additional specimen AM F49044 was illustrated by 
Fletcher but not included in the original type series. 
It, together with specimens AM F48975, AM F49001, 
AM F49011, AM F49034, AM F49050 and AM 
F49843 are here designated as additional paratypes 
(illustrated in Fig. 7). 


Shell outline spatulate, elongately acutely 
triangular to subrectangular; ventral beak narrowly 
acute, dorsal beak slightly less so; maximum width 
reached between approximately two-fifths and half 
valve length, after which lateral margins remain 
subparallel or very slightly converge towards 
anterolateral extremities; length to width ratio 1.6- 
2.28 (ventral valves), 1.6-2.34 (dorsal valves); shell 
profile weakly biconvex with maximum curvature 
restricted to lateral periphery of valves. Ornament of 
growth lines only (Fig. 7 E). Shell material moderately 

Ventral pseudointerarea narrowly triangular, 
extending to nearly one-third valve length (Fig. 7 A, 
B), separated by narrow pedicle groove (Fig. 7 J, L) 
that extends for several mm anteriorly, flexure lines 
apparently lacking; in one specimen a short slightly 
raised median ridge (Fig. 7 F, G) extends from front of 
weakly impressed umbonal scar; median ridge absent 
to very weakly developed medially; the anterior part 
of this ridge may be flanked by pair of low furrows 
that further accentuate it (Fig. 7 A, B); very weakly 
impressed central muscle scars may be present 
medially on either side of median ridge (Fig. 7 A) but 
other muscle scars and pallial canals not observed. 

Dorsal pseudointerarea short, very narrow, 
entire but with very slight median depression to 
accommodate pedicle (Fig. 7 A, C, D, H); paired large 
median muscle scars (centrals) with subrectangular 
outline are weakly impressed between about 
midlength and two-thirds valve length (Fig. 7 H, J), 
bisected by a thin but prominent median septum that 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

commences in posterior third of some dorsal valves 
and extends almost to anterior margin (Fig. 7 C, D, H, 
I, M, N); other muscle scars not impressed; vascula 
lateralia rarely visible (Fig. 7 1), slightly divergent 
and mostly straight. 


Holotype AM F49027 (ventral valve): length 
27.2 mm, width 12.3 mm. For other complete 
specimens, ventral valve length ranges from 15.2- 
24.5 mm, dorsal valve length ranges from 14.5-28.1 
mm; ventral valve width ranges from 8.0-15.3 mm 
and dorsal valve width ranges from 9.0-13.3 mm. 


Fletcher (1964) referred this species to 
Ectenoglossa Sinclair, 1945, which has a distinctive 
spatulate to subrectangular outline near identical to 
that of the new genus. Ectenoglossa is, according 
to Holmer and Popov (2000), poorly known, 
particularly as regards details of the dorsal interior 
and the disposition of vascular markings in both 
valves. Within the concept of the genus these authors 
include only the type species E. /esueuri (Rouault, 
1850), which occurs in Lower Ordovician rocks in 
Brittany and the Montagne Noire in France (Havli¢ek 
1980), and in pebbles eroded from these units and 
redeposited in Devon, Britain (Cocks and Lockley 
1981). Other species attributed to Ectenoglossa by 
Goryansky (1969), including E. Jata and E. exunguis, 
more closely resemble Pseudolingula in outline and 
profile; E. /atain particular displays a prominent dorsal 
median septum, and Holmer (1991) suggested that 
it represented an undescribed new genus with close 
affinity to Pseudolingula. Cooper (1956) tentatively 
referred two species, E? rubra and E? sculpta, to 
Ectenoglossa based on external details only; their 
affinities remain unknown. A further species, E. 
nymphoidea Cooper, 1956, from Middle Ordovician 
strata of Tennessee and Virginia, is one of the largest 
known lingulate brachiopods, with lengths estimated 
up to 75 mm. Although other internal details are 
unclear, the presence of a dorsal median ridge in E. 
nymphoidea (Cooper 1956, pl. 2E, fig. 16) suggests 
this species may be better placed in Pseudolingula. 
A poorly preserved unnamed species provisionally 
attributed to Ectenoglossa from Meiklejohn Peak, 
Nevada (Krause and Rowell 1975) similarly displays 
a median ridge in a presumed dorsal valve, and is also 
more likely to be a pseudolingulide. Two additional 
species assigned to Ectenoglossa have been described 
from Upper Ordovician strata; EF. sorbulakensis Popov, 
1980, from the Chu-Ili Range region of Kazakhstan 
(see also Popov et al. 2002), and E. minor Zhan and 



Figure 7. Rowenaglossa brunnschweileri (Fletcher, 1964), from the lower Rowena Formation, Koonen- 
berry Belt, far western NSW. A — B: ventral valve, holotype AM F49027, A is latex replica and B is inter- 
nal mould (note that adjacent dorsal valve on right-hand side of A is presumed to be the opposing valve 
of this specimen); C — D: dorsal valve AM F49050, internal mould and latex replica; E: exterior of partly 
exfoliated juvenile ventral? valve AM F48975; F—G: ventral valve AM F49001, internal mould and latex 
replica; H — I: dorsal valve AM F48995, internal mould and latex replica; J: ventral valve AM F49843, 
latex replica from internal mould; K — L: ventral valve AM F49011, internal mould and latex replica; M 
—N: dorsal valve AM F49034, internal mould and latex replica; O: ventral valve internal mould, AM F 
49840; P: dorsal valve internal mould, AM F49014. 

234 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Cocks, 1998, from the Yushan area, Jiangxi Province 
of South China. However, at least the former species is 
apparently excluded from the concept of Ectenoglossa 
outlined by Holmer and Popov (2000), which specifies 
only an Early Ordovician range. Popov et al. (2002) 
reported the presence of a weak dorsal median ridge 
in E. sorbulakensis. No such feature is mentioned as 
occurring in E. minor by Zhan and Cocks (1998) who 
illustrated only ventral valves. 

The most distinctive feature of Rowenaglossa 
is the median septum prominently developed in the 
dorsal valve (though also present in a much reduced 
form in some ventral valves). This septum is not seen 
in the type species of Ectenoglossa, whereas it is 
characteristic of Pseudolingula and related genera, 
thereby supporting inclusion of Rowenaglossa in 
the Pseudolingulidae; absence of flexure lines is 
another similarity. The “teeth” in the ventral valve 
beak region, referred to by Fletcher (1964), seem to 
be an artifact of preservation due to a fracture in one 
specimen, and do not resemble the thin ridges flanking 
the pedicle groove seen in some specimens of E. 
lesueuri. Internal features such as the visceral field, 
muscle scars, and vascular markings are generally 
weakly impressed to absent in Rowenaglossa, and 
serve to readily distinguish it from Pseudolingula 
which displays massive thickening of the visceral 
area and prominent muscle scars. The dorsal valve 
of R. brunnschweileri illustrated in Fig. 7 H, I best 
shows details of the weakly impressed muscle field 
(central muscle scars) and pallial canals. 


Lower Rowena Formation, “about 8 miles (13 
km) from ‘Mootwingee’ homestead along old coach 
road” according to Australian Museum register, just 
east of Split Rock in Mutawintji National Park, far- 
western NSW (Fig. 1A). 

Family Zhanatellidae Koneva, 1986 

Hyperobolus Havliéek, 1982b 
Type species: Lingula feistmanteli Barrande, 1879 

Hyperobolus mootwingeensis (Fletcher, 1964) 
Fig. 8A—P 


1964 Obolus Mootwingeesis [nom. imperf. pro 
mootwingeensis| Fletcher, p. 286, pl. 31, figs 1-3, 8; 
pl. 32, figs 13-14. 

2004 Leptembolon? gnaltaensis Fletcher, 1964; 
Sharp, photograph 7. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Holotype AM F47427 (dorsal? valve), and 
paratypes AM F47422 and AM F49056, designated 
by Fletcher (1964), who also illustrated (but did 
not designate as types) AM F47428, 47439, 48963, 
and 48974. Of these, AM F47439 is a steinkern of 
the holotype specimen, and clearly therefore must 
be regarded as forming part of the holotype. Also 
mentioned, but neither illustrated nor designated as a 
type by Fletcher (1964), is AM F47424, which is the 
counterpart of paratype AM F47422. All specimens 
cited above are now included in the type series, 
and are supplemented by the following additional 
paratypes AM F47425, AM F48985 and AM F49056 
(illustrated in Fig. 8). 


Shell large, distinctly triangular with straight 
posterolateral margins diverging at approximately 
50-75 degrees from beak; maximum width attained 
at about four-fifths length of ventral valve and 
approximately three-quarters length of dorsal valve; 
anterolateral corners well rounded; anterior margin 
straight. Profile biconvex, ventral valve flattened 
medially, most convex in anterior quarter; dorsal 
valve more evenly convex. Shell moderately thick, 
multilayered, with concentric growth lamellae flaking 
anteriorly to reveal fine radial ornament and dendritic 
vascular markings peripherally (Fig. 8 L-N). 

Details of ventral pseudointerarea uncertain, 
but likely to be very narrow and elongate, extending 
about one-third length of lateral margin of valve 
(poorly preserved on specimen in Fig. 8 B). Muscle 
field not clearly defined; there is a suggestion of scars 
developed medially, flanked by pair of narrower 
slightly longer scars in posterior quarter of valve 
(Fig. 8 I) but any further comment on these would 
be conjecture. Pallial canals also not well impressed 
except in posterolateral third of valve where they 
separate into finely dendritic canals peripherally — this 
is seen in several specimens e.g. Fig. 8 L-N. 

Dorsal pseudointerarea entire, very short and 
narrow (Fig. 8 O, P). Muscle field is poorly defined, 
possibly with undivided umbonal scar and small 
subcircular posterolateral (oblique muscle?) scars 
(Fig. 8 O, P). Vascular markings unknown except for 
probable dendritic canals posterolaterally. 


Holotype AM F47427/47439 (dorsal? valve): 
length 27.5 mm (slightly incomplete), width 21.6 mm. 
For other complete specimens, ventral valve length 
ranges from 16.3-32.0 mm, dorsal valve length ranges 
from 13.5-17.0 mm (2 specimens only); ventral valve 



Figure 8. Hyperobolus mootwingeensis (Fletcher, 1964), from the Koonenberry Belt, far western NSW. 
All specimens except K (from Bynguano Quartzite on “Bilpa” in southern Koonenberry Belt) are from 
the lower Rowena Formation in Mutawintji National Park. A — D: ventral valve, AM F47422 and AM 
F 47423, (A) latex replica of partly exfoliated external mould, (B) latex replica of internal mould shown 
in (C), (D) counterpart external of ventral valve. E — G: dorsal? valve external mould, holotype AM 
F47427, and counterpart dorsal? valve internal mould AM F474339, (G) is a latex replica taken from 
external mould AM F47427. H: ventral valve exterior, AM F47428. I. ventral valve internal mould, AM 
F49056. J: ventral? valve exterior, AM F48985. K: ventral valve internal mould, MMF 15012. L — M: 
partial valve exterior with exfoliated shell, showing detail of shell structure and dendritic canals, AM 
F 48963. N: dorsal valve exterior, AM F48974. O — P: fragment of posterior of dorsal valve interior, show- 
ing pseudointerarea and weakly impressed muscle scars on internal mould (O) and latex replica (P), AM 
F 47425. Scale bar beneath I applies to specimens A — I and K; scale bar above L applies to specimens J, 
Land O—- P; M and N have individual scale bars. 

236 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


width ranges from 14.0-29.2 mm and dorsal valve 
width ranges from 13.1-13.8 mm (2 specimens). 


Fletcher (1964) compared this species to H. 
feistmanteli(Barrande), at the time attributed to Obolus 
(as was originally H. mootwingeensis). Apart from a 
general agreement in characters (including presence of 
a marginal rim), Fletcher commented on a similarity in 
the appearance of marginal sinuses crossing the inner 
surface of the valves near the anterior-lateral margins 
in both species. He distinguished “O”. mootwingeensis 
from “O”. feistmanteli by the generally larger size, 
and more acuminate subtriangular outline, of the 
NSW species. Fletcher also remarked on the presence 
of a “posterior median sinus” which was found only 
in “O”. mootwingeensis, referring in his description 
of this species to “a fine median ridge” extending 
from the beak in the pedicle valve. In the caption to 
the illustrated internal mould (Fletcher 1964, pl. 31, 
fig. 2) the same feature is termed a “median internal 
sinus”. Neither is correct; the apparent fine groove is 
an artefact of the lighting of the specimen, and in fact 
represents a longitudinal fracture in the shell. Despite 
this slight misinterpretation, Fletcher’s overall close 
comparison with H. feistmanteli (Barrande, 1879), 
type species of Hyperobolus Havliéek, 1982b remains 
valid, and supports the reassignment of the NSW 
species to that genus. Mergl (2002), who augmented 
the detailed description of Havliéek (1982b) with 
further illustrations of specimens from Bohemia, 
figured (Pl. 20, fig. 14) a dorsal internal mould of 
H. feistmanteli which is identical to Figure 8 M, N 

Of the three previously known species of 
Hyperobolus, the type H. feistmanteli comes from the 
Upper Tremadocian Trenice Formation of Bohemia. 
H. fragilis Holmer, Koneva and Popov, 1996 is known 
from the Middle Ordovician Zhyrykaus Formation 
of the Malyi Karatau Range, southern Kazakhstan, 
and H. andreevae Popov and Holmer, 1994 was 
described from the Akbulaksai Formation (late Early 
Ordovician), South Urals. 

It has proven difficult to differentiate dorsal from 
ventral valves in H. mootwingeensis as both valves 
appear to be relatively acuminate in outline, and few 
internal features are known. However, even in poorly 
preserved material, fully grown specimens of H. 
mootwingeensis are readily distinguished in the field 
by their considerably larger size, much flatter profile, 
and more acuminate ventral valve outline compared 
to Lingulobolus? gnaltaensis. These criteria allow 
recognition of probable H. mootwingeensis from 
fragmentary remains of external moulds in the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

Yandaminta Quartzite, on the western flank of 
Mount Arrowsmith in the northwestern part of 
the Koonenberry Belt, at a stratigraphic level 
comparable with the lower Rowena Formation 
(J.R. Paterson, Macquarie University, pers. comm. 


Lower Rowena Formation, “about 8 miles (13 
km) from ‘Mootwingee’ homestead along old coach 
road” according to Australian Museum register, 
just east of Split Rock in Mutawintji National Park, 
far-western NSW; probably also in Yandaminta 
Quartzite, western flank of Mount Arrowsmith (Fig. 
1A). Also sporadically occurs in the Bynguano 
Quartzite in the southern Koonenberry Belt, 16 km 
south of Little Topar (MMF 15012, 15015, 21080). 

Zhanatellide? indet 
Fig. 4 A—C 

One partial ventral valve represented by 
internal and external moulds, MMF 44843. 


Valve ovoid or elliptical with slightly pointed 
beak, maximum width at midlength or beyond; 
lateral margins subparallel; anterior margin 
probably broadly curved (based on extrapolation 
from prominent growth lines which disrupt entire 
shell thickness); profile very low in convexity. 
Pseudointerarea narrow, with prominent v-shaped 
emarginature for pedicle emergence; a short broad 
ridge extends anteriorly from emarginature; small 
umbonal muscle scars are separated by posterior 
end of prominent pedicle nerve impression which 
splays anteriorly as two deeply incised grooves. 
Valve interior smooth to extremely finely pustulose 
medially with sporadic small pits scattered 

Specimen length 9.1 mm, width 7.7 mm; both 
dimensions incomplete. 


This specimen is attributed to the Zhanatellidae 
on the basis of the prominent pedicle nerve 
impression and the v-shaped emaginature. There is 
insufficient material to compare with known taxa. 




Outcrop of upper Yarrimbah Formation adjacent 
to “Yarrimbah” and “Wilga East” property boundary, 
16 km west of Parkes; late Lancefieldian (La3) to 
early Bendigonian (Bel). 

Order Acrotretida Kuhn, 1949 
Superfamily Acrotretoidea Schuchert, 1893 
Family Acrotretidae Schuchert, 1893 

Acrotretide gen. et sp. indet. 
Fig.9 A, B 

One fragmentary dorsal valve, MMMC 4190. 


Valve thick-shelled, robust, with external 
ornament of faint widely-spaced fila; larval shell 
relatively small; posterolateral margins converging to 
medial point. Pseudointerarea well developed, narrow, 

triangular, with straight anterior margin; median 
plate slightly depressed, flanked by pair of triangular 
propareas. Valve interior bears high, blade-like 
median septum supported by robust median buttress 
sporting prominent node on each anterolateral corner; 
median septum bears thickened, concave ventral 
edge. Muscle scars ovate, raised, relatively small but 


Although poorly preserved and lacking a 
corresponding ventral valve, assignation of the 
specimen to the Acrotretidae is supported by the 
presence of a well-defined pseudointerarea, a high 
median septum supported by a robust median buttress 
and thickened, raised cardinal muscle scars. 


Allochthonous limestone clast in lower 
Yarrimbah Formation, “Wilga East” property, 16 km 
west of Parkes; Early Ordovician, late Lancefieldian 
(La3) to early Bendigonian (Bel) age. 

Figure 9. Acrotretide brachiopods from Early Ordovician limestones of central west NSW. A — B: Ac- 
rotretide gen. et sp. indet. from allochthonous limestone clast in lower Yarrimbah Formation, interior 
and oblique lateral views of dorsal valve MMMC 4190. C — D: Otariconulus sp. cf. O. intermedia (Popov 
and Holmer, 1994) from allochthonous limestone pod in lower Hensleigh Formation, exterior and inte- 
rior views of ventral valve MMMC 4203. E — H: Ephippelasmatidae gen. et sp. nov. from allochthonous 
limestone pod in lower Hensleigh Formation, interior and oblique lateral views of dorsal valve MMMC 
4193, and enlargements (G, H) of surmounting plate on median septum and spinose projections. Scale 
bar equals 100 pm. 

238 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


Family Eoconulidae Rowell, 1965 

Otariconulus Holmer and Popov, 2000 
Type species: Ofariella prisca Popov and Holmer, 
1994, by subsequent designation of Holmer and 
Popov (2000, p.134). 

Otariconulus sp. cf. O. intermedia (Popov and 
Holmer, 1994) 
Fig. 9 C, D 

One complete dorsal valve, MMMC 4203. 


Valve outline subcircular, 84% as long as wide 
(0.57 mm long, 0.68 mm wide), moderately convex; 
subcircular larval shell, 81% as long as wide (0.15 
mm long, 0.19 mm wide), with ornament comprising 
circular pits of one size; beak marginal, swollen with 
postlarval shell bearing rugellae superimposed on 
closely spaced growth lamellae; valve interior with 
pair of large, poorly defined cardinal muscle scars 
extending just short of midlength; median ridge 


This valve agrees in most respects with the 
description given by Popov and Holmer (1994, p. 
143) of Otariconulus intermedia from the Lower 
Ordovician (Tremadoc) Satpak Formation of north- 
central Kazakhstan. However, in the absence of 
the pedicle valve, only a tentative identification is 

Allochthonous limestone in lower Hensleigh 
Siltstone; mid-Bendigonian age (?Be2-Be3). 

Family Ephippelasmatidae Rowell, 1965 

Ephippelasmatidae gen. et sp. nov. 
Fig. 9 E-H 

One dorsal valve, MMMC 4193. 


Valve outline subcircular with narrow, straight 
posterior margin interrupted by gently protuberant 
beak; external ornament comprises fine, regular, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

closely spaced fila; valve broadly sulcate in anterior 
view and posteriorly with slightly inflated umbo. 
Pseudointerarea relatively narrow, poorly divided, 
propareas separated by median depression. Median 
septum high, arising abruptly from near midlength 
of valve at angle of approximately 45°, unsupported 
by median buttress, bearing concave surmounting 
platform; surmounting platform abruptly expands 
anteriorly to form ovate plate in plan view with deep, 
narrow concavity continuing medially to anterior edge 
of plate; lateral edges of plate folded dorsomedially 
beneath upper surface, appearing to continue 
posteriorly but diminishing in width; undersurface 
of plate bears single, prominent, robust, anteriorly 
directed spine, possibly with a second much shorter 
spine beneath it. 


Principal distinguishing characteristics of the 
single known dorsal valve include absence of a 
median buttress, median septum supporting ovate 
surmounting plate with dorsomedially folded lateral 
margins and a single prominent, anteriorly directed 
spine on its undersurface. Unfortunately, intractable 
matrix obscuring parts of the valve and lack of a 
corresponding ventral valve preclude naming of a 
new taxon at this time, although observable features 
appear to be generically distinctive and unique. 

This dorsal valve is comparable with that of 
Lurgiticoma Popov (in Nazarov and Popov, 1980) 
in configuration of the median septum and size 
and shape of the pseudointerarea. In plan view the 
median septum of both Lurgiticoma and the new 
genus abruptly expands anteriorly and bears spines 
on the undersurface; however, in the latter genus the 
septum is not supported by a median buttress and 
lacks the numerous spines of Lurgiticoma. Although 
the pseudointerarea of the new genus is also similar 
to that of Lurgiticoma in being relatively long with 
propareas separated by a relatively large median 
depression, it differs in bearing a median concave 
indentation along the anterior margin. 

Allochthonous limestone in lower Hensleigh 
Siltstone; mid-Bendigonian age (?Be2-Be3). 

David Barnes (NSW Department of Primary Industries) 
expertly prepared the photographic illustrations, and 

Dean Oliver drafted Figure 1. Reviews by Glenn Brock 
(MUCEP, Macquarie University) and Lawrence Sherwin 



(Geological Survey of NSW) greatly facilitated polishing 
of the manuscript for publication. Ian Percival publishes 
with permission of the Deputy Director-General, NSW 
Department of Primary Industries — Mineral Resources. 
This paper is a contribution to IGCP Project No. 503: 
Ordovician Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimate. 


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Morphometric Relationships and Catch Composition 
of Wobbegong Sharks (Chondrichthyes: Orectolobus) 
Commercially Fished in New South Wales, Australia 

CHARLIE HUVENEERS!, NICHOLAS M. Otway? AND Rosert G. Harcourt!. 

‘Marine Mammal Research Group, Graduate School of the Environment, Macquarie University, Sydney 
NSW 2109 (; and * NSW Department of Primary Industries, Port Stephens 
Fisheries Centre, Taylors Beach Road, Taylors Beach NSW 2316 

Huveneers, C., Otway, N.M. and Harcourt, R.G. (2007). Morphometric relationships and catch 
composition of wobbegong sharks (Chondrichthyes: Orectolobus) commercially fished in New South 
Wales, Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 128, 243-249. 

Wobbegongs (Orectolobiformes) are commercially targeted in New South Wales, Australia. Catches have 
declined approximately 60% in a decade, leading to concerns over the fishery’s sustainability. However, 
length and weight composition of the catch is unknown as carcasses are trunked (i.e. beheaded and 
eviscerated) before landing. We provide parameters for length—length, weight—-weight and weight—length 
relationships to convert carcass length and carcass weight measurements to total lengths and total weights 
used in fisheries assessments. Neonates and small juveniles were conspicuously absent in the length- 
frequency distributions of all three species, suggesting the potential existence of nursery areas not available 

to the commercial fishery. 

Manuscript received 5 January 2007, accepted for publication 24 January 2007. 

KEYWORDS: commercial fishery, morphometric relationship, Orectolobus, wobbegong. 


Three species of wobbegong shark: the spotted 
wobbegong, Orectolobus maculatus, the dwarf 
ornate wobbegong, O. ornatus, and the large ornate 
wobbegong, O. halei (Huveneers 2006) occur in 
coastal waters off New South Wales (NSW), Australia 
and are commercially targeted by the Ocean Trap and 
Line fishery. Wobbegongs have been sold as ‘boneless 
fillets’ or ‘flake’ and their catch has declined from 
~150 tonnes in 1990/91 to ~70 tonnes in 1999/00, 
a decrease of > 50% in less than a decade (Pease 
and Grinberg 1995; NSW Department of Primary 
Industries, unpublished data). This decline led to 
wobbegongs being listed as ‘Vulnerable’ (in NSW) 
and ‘Near Threatened’ (globally) under the World 
Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List assessment 
(Cavanagh et al. 2003) and to concerns over the 
sustainability of the fishery. 

Given that many shark species, including 
wobbegongs, are trunked prior to landing, partial 
length and carcass weight are usually the only 
measurements that can be recorded (FAO 2000). 
Relationships between partial length and carcass 

weight and their respective total length and total weight 
are a fundamental requirement for an assessment of 
the catch composition, and towards the ecologically 
sustainable management of the fishery. 

This study presents length—length, weight— 
weight, and weight—length relationships for each 
of the three species caught in the NSW commercial 
fishery. Catch composition and length-frequency 
distributions recorded during the study are also 


Wobbegongs were collected from commercial 
fishers at six locations in NSW (Nambucca Heads, 
Port Stephens, Newcastle, Terrigal, Sydney and 
Eden) (Fig. 1). Wobbegongs were caught on setlines 
with O’Shaughnessy style hooks size 10/O or 12/0, 
with a 50-100 cm long wire or nylon trace attached to 
the bottom line by a stainless sharkclip. Hooks were 
baited with black fish (Girella tricuspidata), mullet 
(Mugil cephalus) or Australian salmon (Arripis 
trutta). Lines were set before sunset and hauled at 


Foo ot Socal it me ole | =. SES ae) JURE RE ESS Sb om Piette tt Leeeters 
a 4 
: : 
2 : 
i ar 
rage Nambucca Heads | 
bm i 
Pe : 
é ' 4 
ri 2} 33" 
} : 
' 4 
Newcastle g Port Stephens 
errigal ' 
: Sydney, Lsase 
‘ 1 
; io 
40 km a 
st 4 
Sian en ae no an cs ce a oe GE Re I 1 40000 an an A OR eg TS em Ow A a oy a a ’ 
148 1st 132° 14 14s 

Figure 1. Sampling locations for collection of wobbegongs in New South Wales, Australia 

sunrise on the following day. 

The species, gender and a series of length 
measurements were recorded (to the nearest mm) 
for each shark caught. The length measurements 
included: total length (TL), snout to anal-fin insertion 
length (SAL), and partial length from the pectoral-fin 
origin to the caudal-fin origin (PL). SAL was taken 
instead of fork length as upper and lower caudal fin 
lobes of wobbegongs are not discernible. Total weight 
(TW) and carcass weight (CW) were recorded using 
spring balances (scale: 100 + 0.2 kg, 20 + 0.2 kg, 5 
+ 0.1 kg). 

Linear regressions of TL on SAL, TL on PL, 
and TW on CW were determined for each of the 
three species using data pooled across all sites. Log- 
transformed data were used for the regressions of TW 
on TL and CW on PL and corrected for biases caused 
by natural logarithmic transformation (Beauchamp 
and Olson 1973). Analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) 
were used to test for differences between sexes in 
all regressions. When the slopes and intercepts did 
not differ significantly between sexes the data were 
pooled and a common regression determined. 


A total of 904 wobbegongs (435 males and 469 
females) was collected comprising: 183 male and 202 
female O. ornatus (combined range 471-1,017 mm 
TL), 97 male and 88 female O. maculatus, (combined 
range 870-1,575 mm TL), and 155 male and 179 
female 334 O. halei (combined range 869-2,065 
mm TL). Most O. ornatus (86.5%) were collected 
off Nambucca Heads with none caught south of 


Port Stephens. Orectolobus maculatus catches were 
distributed among Nambucca Heads (26.5%), Port 
Stephens (30.8%) and Sydney (37.8%), with none 
caught in Eden. Orectolobus halei were caught at 
all locations, with the majority caught off Sydney 
(62.6%), and sporadic captures at the remaining 
locations (Table 1). Neonates (born at ~21 cm for O. 
ornatus and O. maculatus and ~30 cm for O. halei) 
and small juveniles were absent in the catches of all 
three species (Fig. 2). 

The conversion parameters estimated are 
applicable to the size range analysed (Table 1) which 
covers most of the population size range, with the 
exceptions of neonates and small juveniles (not 
caught by the commercial fishery). All regressions 
were significant with 19 correlation coefficients out 
of 22 over 0.84 (Table 2 and 3). 

The slopes of the regressions of TL on SAL (Table 
2) did not differ significantly between the sexes for O. 
ornatus and O. maculatus (ANCOVA: Baie. =2.17 and 
0.62 respectively, P> 0.05), but the intercepts differed 
significantly between males and females (ANCOVA: 

nuttt ag 5.29 and 11.06 respectively, both P < 0.05). 
The adjusted means showed that male O. ornatus 
and O. maculatus had a significantly greater TL for a 
given SAL compared to females. Similarly, the slopes 
of the regressions of TL on PL (Table 2) did not differ 
significantly between the males and females of O. 
ornatus and O. maculatus (ANCOVA: De ae 3.06 
and 0.17 respectively, P > 0.05). Again, the intercepts 
of the regressions of TL on PL (Table 2) differed 
significantly between the sexes (ANCOVA: 1 see 
9.24 and 2.44, P< 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively). 
The adjusted means showed that the male O. ornatus 
and O. maculatus had a significantly greater TL for 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Frequency (%) 
oso8 88& SES 

xs x 

Total length (rm) 

|, ee lame ll 

intercepts were significantly different 
between the sexes (ANCOVA: 

seeps ~ 20:20,and's:49) 2 0'001 
and P < 0.05, respectively). The 
adjusted means showed that females 
of O. maculatus and O. halei had a 
significantly greater TW for a given 
TL when compared to males. 

Neither the slopes nor intercepts 
of the regressions of CW on PL (Table 
3) differed significantly between the 
sexes for O. ornatus, O. maculatus 
and O. halei (ANCOVA: F = 


IES 2 alorandeletS sb: = 0.01 

intercepts i ? 

0.04 and 0.60; all P > 0.05 for O. 
ornatus, O. maculatus and O. halei , 

The spatial distribution of 

wobbegong catches provides an 
indication of their distribution within 
NSW waters. Port Stephens was the 
southern-most location where O. 
ornatus was caught. Although O. 
ornatus have been recorded as far 
south as Sydney (207 km south of Port 
Stephens), no O. ornatus was caught 
around Sydney. Museum registered 
specimens have been collected as far 
north as the Whitsunday Islands (20° 
20'S 148° 54’E, Australian Museum 
specimen IA 3831), restricting the 
distribution of O. ornatus from 

Figure 2. Length-frequency distribution of wobbegongs caught tropical to warm temperate waters 

during sampling period for (a) O. ornatus, (b) O. maculatus, and (c) Of eastern Australia. 
O. halei for males (solid bar) and females (open bar). 

a given PL when compared to females. Neither the 
slopes nor intercepts of the regressions of TL on SAL 
and TL on PL (Table 2) differed significantly between 
the sexes for O. halei (ANCOVA: TL on SAL: F 
= 2.18 and F. 


= 1.57, both P > 0.05; TL on PL: 
Bee 7 Oo and Fae. — 040, both P0105): 

The slopes of the regressions of TW on TL (Fig. 
3 and Table 3) differed significantly between male 
and female O. ornatus (ANCOVA: Bee Bie 6.62, P 
< 0.05) with weight increasing at a faster rate than in 
females. In contrast, slopes of the regressions of TW 
on TL (Table 3) for male and female O. maculatus and 
O. halei did not differ significantly (ANCOVA: eeu 
= 0.32 and 0.04 respectively, both P > 0.05), but the 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

maculatus is abundant in central NSW, 
around Port Stephens and Sydney. 
Orectolobus maculatus is caught in 

larger numbers in northern NSW than O. halei and 

has been recorded as far north as Gladstone (Kyne 
et al. 2005). In contrast to O. halei, O. maculatus 

was rarely caught around Merimbula and Eden (S. 

Fantham, pers comm.), restricting its distribution in 

eastern Australia from tropical to temperate waters. 

Orectolobus halei catches were low in northern NSW 

and higher around Sydney and Eden, where it was 

the only species caught during this study. In NSW, 

O. halei is more abundant in temperate waters with 

abundance decreasing in warm temperate waters. 

There is apparently a similar trend for O. halei 

collected in Western Australia (WA) (J. Chidlow, pers 




Table 1. Number (with TL size range in mm) of wobbegong caught during June 2003—May 2006 

Location O. ornatus O. maculatus O. halei Total 

Nambucca Heads 333 (471-994) 49 (1,160—1,485) 31 (1,175-1,972) 411 
Port Stephens 52 (577-1,017) 57 (870-1,440) 10 (1,280—1,875) 119 
Newcastle 7 (1,265-1,435) 3 (1,444-1,755) 10 
Terrigal 2 (unknown) 8 (1,860—1,930) 10 
Sydney 70 (1,055—1,575) 209 (869—2,065) 278 
Eden 73 (1,190-1,870) 64 
Total 385 (471-1,017) 185 (870—1,575) 334 (869-2,065) 904 

Table 2. Relationships between length—length and weight—weight. Estimated parameters (and standard 
error) from the linear regression analysis to derive the equation Y = a+bX; a and b are parameters; 

n is sample size; r’ is square of correlation coefficient; rmse is root mean square error; and P is prob- 
ability of statistical significance between sex with ns representing P > 0.05, * P< 0.05, ** P< 0.01, *** 
P< 0.001. TL is total length; SAL is snout to anal-fin insertion length; PL is partial length; TW is total 
weight; CW is carcass weight. 

Y-X Species Sex n a (S.e.) b (s.e.) i rmse slope intercept 
TL-SAL  O. ornatus Male 161 44.80 (15.52) 1.16(0.02) 0.94 19.66 ns rs 
Female 164 71.79 (15.51) 1.12(0.02) 0.94 21.54 
O. maculatus Male 93 26.98 (24.33) 1.22(0.02) 0.97 25.32 ns ai 
Female 77 ~—-41.52 (19.03) 1.200.002) 0.98 16.52 
O. halei Combined 236 10.34 (14.17) 1.23(0.01) 0.98 33.38 ns ns 
TL-PL O. ornatus Male 113 164.26 (26.42) 1.28(0.05) 0.86 34.73 ns Bos 
Female 124 96.00 (18.76) 1.38(0.03) 0.93 25.60 
O. maculatus Male 63 159.61 (51.08) 1.40(0.06) 0.90 43.4 ns z 
Female 60 184.39 (45.98) 1.34(0.05) 0.91 39.32 
O. halei Combined 174 103.97 (23.34) 1.49(0.02) 0.96 54.63 ns ns 
TW-CW OO. ornatus Combined 73 1.33 (00.14) 1.33(0.06) 0.87 0.31 ns ns 
O. maculatus _ Combined 93 3.95 (00.75) 1.01(0.08) 0.61 1.83 ns ns 
O. halei Combined 148 1.67 (00.77) 1.53(0.05) 0.87 3.90 ns ns 

Neonates and small juveniles were rarely caught 
by commercial wobbegong fishers at any location. 
Several reasons may account for their absence. 
Neonates and small juveniles might occupy crevices 
to avoid predation and forage on small prey living in 
the crevices. This may provide a physical partitioning 
of the habitat within a given location. Gear selectivity 
could also decrease neonate catch because hooks and 


baits used in the commercial wobbegong fishery are 
too large. However, gear selectivity is unlikely to 
explain the absence of larger juveniles because O. 
ornatus of 700-1000 mm TL are commonly caught 
using the same gear and in the same areas where only 
a few O. halei smaller than 1300 mm TL are caught. 
It seems more likely that small wobbegongs are not 
available to the fishery and occur within different 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Total mass (kg) & 
Oe MiWwRiUnm~) 0010 

600 800 1000 

(b) 30 

s (kg) 

Total mas 


400 800 81200 1600 

Total length (mm) 



OreMwWwLUnDd~ 0010 

200 400 600 

400 800 §=1200 81600 


700 1400 
Total length (mm) 


Figure 3. Relationships between total weight and total length of wobbegongs in NSW. Plots of mean total 
weight against TL (—), with 95% confidence limits (- — —) and 95% prediction intervals (---), for males 
(left), and females (right) for (a) O. ornatus, (b) O. maculatus, and (c) O. halei. Values for parameters and 
statistical quantities from regression analysis are given in Table 3. 

habitats. Furthermore, a similar study in WA yielded 
no O. maculatus smaller than 900 mm TL and only 
one O. halei (synonym O. ornatus) smaller than 1200 
mm TL (Chidlow 2003). Size segregation might 
therefore occur with neonates and small juveniles 
living in primary and/or secondary nursery areas. 
Size segregation in habitat use is commonly found 
in chondrichthyans (e.g. Simpfendorfer 1992), with 
neonates living in nursery areas for the first weeks, 
months or years (Heupel and Hueter 2002). Nursery 
areas are thought to provide neonates and small sharks 
with increased food availability and/or protection 
against predators (Heupel and Hueter 2002). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

The regression parameters in Tables 2 and 3 
are provided for scientists and fisheries managers 
as an aid to determining size when TL and TW are 
required but cannot be measured, but where SAL, PL 
or CW are available. The absence of sex differences 
in the CW-PL relationships although correlation 
coefficients are high suggested that somatic growth 
was similar between males and females (Braccini 
et al. 2006). However, the regressions of TW on TL 
differed significantly between males and females with 
greater body weight in females. Sex-based differences 
in body weight are often due to discrepancies in 
the weights of internal organs and are common in 



Table 3. Relationships between total weight (TW)-total length (TL) and carcass weight (CW)-partial 
length (PL). Estimated parameters (and standard error) for the relationships for males and females 
derived from the equation TW=acTL” and CW=acPL’; a and b are parameters; c is the Beauchamp and 
Olson (1973) correction factor; other parameters and statistical quantities as in Table 2. 

Shark category n a (s.e. range) x 10° b (s.e.) c ie rmse slope intercept 
O. ornatus ez ee 
Males 129 21.1 (10.1-44.1) 2.82(0.11) 1.008 0.84 3.28 
Females 159 1.81 (0.95-3.46) 3.20 (0.10) 1.010 0.88 4.62 
O. maculatus ns ee 
Males 86 57.4 (26.3-125) 2.69 (0.11) 1.008 0.88 2.88 
Females 73 31.7 (12.8-78.3) 2.78 (0.13) 1.007 0.87 2.64 
O. halei ns = 
Males 86 73.6 (39.2—138) 2.69(0.11) 1.008 0.88 2.88 
Females 106 6.52 (3.88-11.0) 3.01 (0.070 1.008 0.95 5.21 
O. ornatus 26 47 (3.12-709) 2.83 (0.43) 1.008 0.9 0.16 ns ns 
O. maculatus 94 1,090 (405-2,920) 2, SOxl)pmeOl, Ors, ‘Ox ns ns 
O. halei 149 69.9 (40.8-120) 2.80 (0.08) 1.013 0.64 0.13 ns ns 

chondrichthyans (e.g. Walker 2005). Differences 
occur due to the inclusion of pregnant females, and 
the heavier reproductive organs and liver in females 
(Stevens and Wiley 1986). In contrast, male O. 
ornatus and O. maculatus had significantly greater 
TL for a given SAL and PL compared to females. The 
reason for this sex difference is unknown. 

Most life history parameters used in fisheries 
assessments are determined as a function of total 
length or weight. Wobbegongs landed in the NSW 
Ocean Trap and Line Fishery are, however, beheaded 
and eviscerated preventing the measurement of total 
length and total weight. The regression relationships 
documented in this study allow estimates of total 
length and total weight to be obtained from landed 
carcasses enabling future assessments of the 
ecological sustainability of the fishery through a 
more accurate knowledge of the catch composition 
of this fishery. Although many studies provide 
relationships between total length and total weight 
(e.g. Stevens and McLoughlin 1991), we concur with 
recommendations of the International Plan of Action 
for the Conservation and Management of Sharks 
(IPOA-Sharks) (FAO 2000) that future studies should 


also incorporate the measurement of partial lengths 
and carcass weight. Only when this is done routinely, 
will it be possible to estimate, with accuracy, total 
length and total weight and provide much needed 
information on the length/weight composition of the 
catch of shark fisheries. 


The authors thank Reala Brislane, Jason Moyce, Ian 
Puckeridge, Mark Phelps and Shannon Fantham for 
assistance aboard their fishing vessels, several interns 
and volunteers for help with sampling, Simon Allen for 
comments on an earlier version of the manuscript, and 
Matias Braccini for giving the authors the idea of this 
manuscript. Terry Walker is also thanked for his help with 
data analysis. Charlie Huveneers was supported by an 
international Macquarie University Research Scholarship. 
Financial support was provided by the Graduate School of 
the Environment, NSW Department of Primary Industries 
and the Australian Geographic Society. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



Beauchamp, J.J., and Olson, J.S. (1973). Corrections 
for bias in regression estimates after logarithmic 
transformation. Ecology 54, 1403-1407. 

Braccini, J.M., Gillanders, B.M., and Walker, T.I. (2006). 
Total and partial length—length, mass—mass and 
mass—length relationships for the piked spurdog 
(Squalus megalops) in south-eastern Australia. 
Fisheries Research 78, 385-389. 

Cavanagh, R., Kyne, P., Fowler, S.L., Musick, J.A., and 
Bennett, M.B. (2003) ‘The conservation status of 
Australasian chondrichthyans. Report of the IUCN 
Shark Specialist Group Australia and Oceania 
regional red list workshop. Queensland, Australia, 
7-9 March 2003.’ (The University of Queensland: 

Chidlow, J. (2003) The biology of wobbegong sharks 
(family: Orectolobidae) from south-western 
Australian waters. Masters thesis, James Cook 
University, Townsville, Australia. 

FAO (2000) ‘Fisheries management. 1. Conservation and 
management of sharks.’ (FAO: Rome, Italy). 

Heupel, M.R., and Hueter, R.E. (2002). Importance of 
prey density in relation to the movements patterns 
of juvenile blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) 
within a coastal nursery area. Marine and Freshwater 
Research 53, 543-550. 

Huveneers, C. (2006). Redescription of two species of 
wobbegongs (Chondrichthyes: Orectolobidae) with 
elevation of Orectolobus halei Whitley 1940 to 
species level. Zootaxa 1284, 29-51. 

Kyne, P., Johnson, J.W., Courtney, A.J., and Bennett, 
M.B. (2005). New Biogeographical information 
on Queensland Chondrichthyans. Memoirs of the 
Queensland Museum 50, 321-327. 

Pease, B.C., and Grinberg, A. (1995) “New South Wales 
Commercial Fisheries Statistics 1940 to 1992.’ (NSW 
Fisheries: Sydney, NSW, Australia). 

Simpfendorfer, C.A. (1992). Reproductive strategy of the 
Australian sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon taylori 
(Elasmobranchii: Carcharhinidae), from Cleveland 
Bay, northern Queensland. Australian Journal of 
Marine and Freshwater Research 43, 67-76. 

Stevens, J.D., and McLoughlin, K.L. (1991). Distribution, 
Size and Sex Composition, Reproductive Biology and 
Diet of Sharks from Northern Australia. Australian 
Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 42, 

Stevens, J.D., and Wiley, P.D. (1986). Biology of two 
commercially important carcharhinid sharks from 
northern Australia. Australian Journal of Marine and 
Freshwater Research 37, 671-688. 

Walker, T.I. (2005) Reproduction in fisheries science. 

In ‘Reproductive biology and phylogeny of 
Chondrichthyes: sharks, rays and chimaeras’. (Ed. W. 
C. Hamlett) pp. 81-127. (Science Publishers Inc.: 
Enfield, USA). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 



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Linnaeus’ Philosophia Botanica 
translated by Stephen Freer 
Oxford University Press 
Paperback edition 2005 (ISBN 0 19 856934-3) 
(translation first published in hardback in 2003 — the paperback edition incorporates a few 
minor corrections) 

Carl Linnaeus was one of the towering figures of 
eighteenth century science, renowned as the father 
of binomial nomenclature and commemorated in the 
several Linnean Societies, including our own. 

Apart from acknowledging his historical significance 
why would anyone today read Linnaeus in translation? 
I would argue that there is much to learn from such an 
exercise, not least because it should inspire humility 
—in many respects Linnaeus was the very model of a 
modern academic — and when it comes to pedagogy 
there has really been little change over the last two 
hundred and fifty years. 

Although remembered today as a taxonomist, 
Linnaeus was a long standing teacher at the University 
of Uppsala where he attracted record audiences to 
his lectures. Students and former students remained 
important to Linnaeus’ work — in this he was in 
marked contrast to Darwin who remained outside 
academia and worked alone. Daniel Solander, who 
accompanied Joseph Banks to Botany Bay, and who 
is remembered in Cape Solander and a memorial 
garden in the Royal Botanic Gardens, was a student 
of Linnaeus, but unlike his teacher was a reluctant 
publisher and did not himself describe the many 
Australian plants he collected. 

Linnaeus had broad interests in what today we would 
call biodiversity, and was a pioneer in zoological 
systematics as well as in botany, but it is clear that his 
main fields of interest were botanical. 

In 1736 Linnaeus had written Fundamenta 
Botanica, consisting of 365 aphorisms on matters 
botanical. Philosophia Botanica was published, in 
Stockholm and Amsterdam, in 1751. It consists of 
the 365 aphorisms of the Fundamenta, arranged in 
12 chapters, but each aphorism is now followed by 
explanatory text. 

In this translation ‘Philosophia’ is rendered as 
‘Science’, as the ‘Science of Botany’ is the best 
explanation to a modern audience of the nature of 

the book. (The modern concepts of science, and 
scientist, had yet to be developed by William Whewell 
— ‘Scientia’ translates as ‘knowledge’ which would 
not completely encompass the content of Philosophia 

The explanatory text which the Philosophia adds 
to the Fundamenta are essentially lecture notes 
— material which today, along with the illustrations, 
would be made available to students via the web. As 
lecture notes, they are in brief, almost staccato, point 
form, and provide opportunity for scathing attacks on 
the errors Linnaeus perceived in the work of others. 
This is the sort of thing that can be done to spice up 
lectures but would normally be absent from “serious” 
scientific writing. Indeed such flamboyance is absent 
in the much more serious Species Plantarum, the 
commencement of modern botanical nomenclature, 
published only two years later in 1753. There are 
also numerous references to, and examples from, 
Linnaeus’s other publications. This frequent self- 
citation has been viewed as self-aggrandisement — not 
quite in good form — but if the Philosophia is seen 
as a set of lecture notes it is more understandable as 
being Linnaeus showing his students that he had runs 
on the board — his publication record showing that he 
was at what we would now call the cutting edge of 
research so that you could take what he said as being 
right. The self-citation was a means of attracting the 
interest of students rather than representing an ego 
trip by the author. 

The Philosophia also includes memoranda — notes 
of practical instruction on matters such as preparing 
herbarium specimens and making notes on collections. 
These also show that, long before his time, Linnaeus 
included as advice to his students the appropriate 
Occupational Health and Safety warnings. (“Botanical 
outings are arranged differently by different people: 
with us, the following [arrangements] are usual. 

Very light and very loose clothing, proper to 
botanists, (where circumstances permit) and the most 
appropriate for the business................. 


The clothing of the herborisant, beside linen, should 
be a short coat, very thin breeches extending from the 
hypochondria to the heels; smooth shoes, a hat with a 
very large brim, or else a sunshade, so that he turned 
by the way, the warmth, heat or sweat”. 

When one looks at photographs of late nineteenth 
century botanists in Australia, dressed in heavy 
tweeds, it is clear that Linnaeus’ eminently sensible 
advice took a long time to become acceptable!) 

Even today, the basic structure of the Philosophia 
would provide a very good framework for an 
introductory botany course, starting with a historical 
review and introduction to the literature, before 
exploring a number of topics in detail. 

Linnaeus accepted that species had been created, 
but he had a very good understanding of variation 
within species and was at great pains to stress that 
variants should not be elevated to the rank of species. 
A whole chapter (IX) is devoted to varieties, and 
the topic also arises elsewhere in the Philosophia. 
Linnaeus recognized (section 306) the practical need 
to recognize varieties. 

“The use of varieties in gardening, cookery, and 
medicine makes it necessary to recognize them in 
ordinary life; otherwise, varieties do not concern 
botanists, except in so far as the botanists bother 
about them, so that the several species shall not be 
multiplied or confused”’. 

However, he contrasts the different taxonomic 
treatments in zoology and botany (section 259) 

“In the animal kingdom, no sensible person would 
readily say that varieties are distinct species. 

White, black, red, grey, and variegated cows; small 
and large, thin and fat, smooth and hairy cows; no 
one has said that there are so many distinct species. 

Exresences, crowns of the head, and sutures of the 
skull have demonstrated that dogs, whether Melitean, 
spaniels, mastiffs, Greek, poodles, etc. are all of the 
one species” 

and suggests that one of the reasons for the proliferation 
of species names by botanists was “Contagious 

madness among lovers of flowers”. 

“Definitions that pass off varieties as species are 
erroneous” and as an “horrendous example” of this 


bad practice Linneaus conducts a demolition of 
Micheli’s treatment of Trifolium (the clovers). 

Linneaus had a surprisingly detailed understanding of 
the causes of variation within species, including light 
(sun versus shade), drainage (water logging versus 
dry), soil type and both disease and attack by insects. 
He advocated an experimental approach to studying 
variation (section 316. “Cultivation is the mother of 
very many varieties and is the best means of testing 
varieties”). It was a long time before such an approach 
became common place in what developed as a very 
observation based science. 

Section 334 provides a remarkably succinct 
introduction to ecology and biogeography. In the 
discussion of variations in flora and vegetation in 
relation to latitude there are indications of the ideas 
subsequently developed by von Humbolt. The 
lengthy discussion of the relationship between species 
and habitats concludes with the observation that “So, 
by mere inspection of the plants, the earth and soil 
beneath can be discerned”, a concept which still 
underlies a great deal of ecological survey. The next 
section (335) provides an overview of phenology and 
demonstrates an understanding of the role of factors 
such as temperature and day length in determining 
features such as germination and flowering, although 
it was to be many years before physiologists elucidated 
the mechanisms involved. 

Students today are always anxious that their courses 
contain material of practical value; it was obviously 
the same in the eighteenth century, and Linneaus 
obliged, witha final chapter (XII), entitled “Potencies’, 
dealing with economic botany. Much of this material 
is still relevant, and with the emphasis on natural 
medicines would have renewed appeal today even 
though some of the claims still need to be rigorously 
tested. Nevertheless if Linneaus was correct in his 
observation (section 341) that both tomatoes and 
eggplant were “Maddening and narcotic with our 
people” it could explain a great deal! 

What does Philosophia tell us about the development 
of Linnaeus’ taxonomic ideas? 

The binomial system of nomenclature is essentially 
complete and a great deal of the Philosophia involves 
laying down nomenclatural rules and guidance, 
although it has to be admitted that many of these 
rules were subsequently ignored or bent. (Section 
236. “Generic names should not be misused to gain 
the favour, or preserve the memory, of saints, or of 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 


men famous in some other art. It is the only prize 
available to botanists; therefore it should not be 
misused” — to which one could add that it is also a 
prize to zoologists and palaeontologists). 

The binomial system is one of Linnaeus’ greatest 
legacies. There are those who argue that it should 
be abandoned as the old hierarchical system 
of classification does not accord with modern 
understanding of the relationships between organisms 
derived from molecular studies, but for sheer 
practicality it is unlikely to be replaced (Defences of 
the binomial system are provided by, Wheeler (2004) 
and Knapp et al (2004)). 

The Philosophia clearly explains Linnaeus’ belief 
that the basis of taxonomy should a Natural System 
and illustrates his attempts to develop such a system, 
based on appropriate invariant characters (and 
rejecting classifications based on phenotypic variation) 
and in particular on floral characters (relevant to 
Linnaeus’ sexual system). The importance of natural 
systems of classification (which, it would now be 
understood as reflecting as far as possible phylogeny) 
was soon accepted by most biologists. Although 
Linnaeus’ approach to developing a natural system 
was subsequently overtaken by newer versions, it 
is remarkable how many of the taxa recognized by 
Linnaeus have stood the test of time. 

Linnaeus’ chapters on floral structures and breeding 
systems in plants were major contributions to 
biological science (and the lectures on sex, with their 
colourful use of analogies, no doubt went down well 
with his student audience — again, some things never 
change). The chapter on sex (V) contains, among 
numerous other details, probably the first published 
data on the annual seed production of individual 
plants, and this could be said to be the pioneering 
work in plant demography — a field which did not 
develop for another two hundred years. I was struck 
by Linnaeus pointing out the occurrence of arils in a 
number of species. This feature of seeds of so many 
tropical species is found in a few European plants, but 
is not mentioned at all in many subsequent northern 
hemisphere textbooks. 

Linnaeus explains clearly the definitions of many 
features — leaf shapes, floral structures etc — thus 
providing a consistent framework for all subsequent 
descriptive studies. The definitions, and illustrations, 
provide evidence of Linnaeus’ keen and careful eye 
for detail. This attention to detail is also seen in the 
distinction drawn between right and left handed 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 

climbers, long before Flanders and Swann drew 
attention to the same phenomenon. 

Although Linnaeus provides a broad overview of 
botany for his students it is clear that he expected 
that many of the examples he presents would have 
been familiar (for those more exotic species from 
foreign lands he provides a bit more detail). In 
this regard, Linnaeus, if put before a 21% century 
undergraduate audience, would find life a little harder. 
Although the modern student would be familiar with 
many topics unknown in the eighteenth century 
(biochemistry, genetics, computing) the broad natural 
history knowledge, and the ability to make detailed 
observations, is perhaps much less well developed 
(despite marvellous television documentaries, natural 
history has become more a spectator sport than a 
participatory one — as noted by Marren 2002). 

The Philosophia concludes with the statement 

“Tn natural science the elements of truth ought to be 
confirmed by observation”. 

This is as true today as it was two hundred and fifty 
years ago. 


Knapp, S. Lamas, G. Nic Lughadha, E. and Novarino, 
G. (2004). Stability or stasis in the names of 
organisms: the evolving codes of nomenclature. 
Philosophical Transactions of the. Royal Society 
of London B. 359, 611-622. 

Marren, P., (2002). ‘Nature Conservation: a review 
of the conservation of wildlife in Britain 1950- 
2001’. London, HarperCollins. 

Wheeler, Q.D. (2004). Taxonomic triage and the 
poverty of phylogeny Philosophical Transactions 
of the Royal Society of London B. 359, 571-583. 

Paul Adam 


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Lampreys: Life without jaws 
Martin W. Hardisty (2006) 
Forrest Text, Cardigan UK 

Although my research interests have always been 
with mammals, for many years I taught a course 
“Vertebrate Zoology”. My very favourite non- 
furry animals within this subject were not actually 
vertebrates but more correctly Chordates - the hagfish 
and lamprey. I devoted far more time to this small 
group than was proportionate, probably because they 
are so delightfully bizarre. The Agnathans (animal 
without jaws) would no doubt be ignored by a 
creationist or proponent of intelligent design, because 
one must either accept a creator with a bizarre sense 
of humour or a totally mad designer. Perhaps it was 
simply the challenge of designing a predator without 
jaws or limbs that preys on much larger fish, or an 
animal that changes from a fresh-water herbivore to a 
marine predator and back again. 

I wish this book had been available when I was 
teaching at university, but it might have extended my 
hagfish/lamprey lectures even longer. Martin Hardisty 
has gathered together in this one work everything that 
is known or suspected about lampreys. Dr Hardisty 
died, at the age of 94, before the book was finished 
and it seems some of his colleagues, and perhaps 
some of his many students, finished the work. In so 
doing, they appear to have made minimal changes, 
except for adding missing references, in order to 
remain true to Hardisty’s original text. Unfortunately 
they did not add an index, and the lack of an index in 
a reference crammed with facts is close to infuriating, 
especially these days when word processing makes 
the production of an index relatively simple. 

Lampreys do not occur in the tropics and their 
distribution is strongly biased towards the northern 
hemisphere, where there are 34 species as opposed to 
four in the southern hemisphere. Interestingly, there 
are none in Africa except along the Mediterranean. 
The Australian fauna is typical of the diversity within 
the group as a whole. Two species, Geotria australis 
(the pouched lamprey) and Mordacia mordax (the 

short-headed lamprey) are anadromous, with the 
ammocoete larva undergoing metamorphosis to a 
marine parasite, which returns to freshwater to breed. 
Geotria australis is also found as an ammocoete 
in New Zealand, Chile and Argentina. Mordacia 
mordax is found in SE Australia only and is a true 
parasite, feeding on the blood of the fish to which it 
has attached with its oral sucker and its horny teeth. 
Geotria australis is more of a true predator, feeding 
off muscle of the attacked fish. The third Australian 
species, Mordacia praecox (the precocious lamprey), 
remains in the drainages of SE Australia throughout 
its life cycle. 

Most information in this book of course relates to 
northern species, such as the one that finished off 
King Henry I after overindulgence in lamprey stew. 
The story of the invasion of lampreys into the Great 
Lakes of North America is well documented here and 
is a woeful tale of ecological disaster. There are many 
useful lessons in this book and I recommend it for 
general readers as well as specialists. And I will leave 
it to each reader to decide if lampreys are fish or not. 

M.L. Augee 
Sydney 2006 

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SF aed 


(this is an abbreviated form — the full instructions can be obtained from our web site or from the Secretary) 

1. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales publishes original research papers dealing with 
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2. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor (M.L. Augee, PO Box 82, Kingsford NSW 2032). All 
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Possums. Australian Journal of Sleep 230, 23-53. 
Chapters or papers within an edited work: 
Ralph, P.H. (2001). The use of ethanol in field studies. In ‘Field techniques’ (Eds. K. Thurstle and P.J. 
Green) pp. 34-41. (Northwood Press, Sydney). 
Young, V.H. (1998). ‘The story of the wombat’. (Wallaby Press, Brisbane). 

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3 9088 0132 

Issued 23 February 2007 

1 Todarello, P. and Chalmers, A. 
The characteristics of five species of hollow-bearing trees on the New South Wales 
central coast. 
15 Rose, S. and Martin, H. 
The vegetation history of the Holocene at Dry Lake, Thirlmere, New South Wales. 
57 Robbie, A. and Martin, H. 
The history of the vegetation from the last glacial maximum at Mountain Lagoon, Blue 
Mountains, New South Wales. 
81 Kellermann, J. and Udovicic, F. 
A revision of the Cryptandra propinqua complex (Rhamnacea: Pomaderreae). 
99 Semple, W.S. and Koen, T.B. 
Observations of insect damage to leaves of woodland eucalypts on the central 
western slopes of New South Wales: 1990-2004. 
111 Williams, M.C. and Wardle, G.M. 
The spatial patterns of invading Pinus radiata. 
3) 2583 Keith, D.A., Simpson, C., Tozer, M.G. and Rodoreda, S. 
Contemporary and historical descriptions of the vegetation of Brundee and Saltwater 
Swamps on the lower Shoalhaven River floodplain, southeastern Australia. 
155 Holmes, W.B.K. and Anderson, H.M. 
The middle Triassic megafossil flora of the Basin Creek Formation, Nymboida Coal 
Measures, New South Wales, Australia. Part 6. Ginkgophyta. 
201 Zhen, Y.Y. 
Revision of Microplasma parallelum Etheridge, 1899 (Cnidaria: Rugosa) from the Mid 
Devonian Moore Creek limestone of New South Wales. 
209 Och, D.J., Percival, |.G. and Leitch, E.C. 
Ordovician conodonts from the Watonga Formation, Port Macquarie, northeast New 
South Wales. 
217 Dargan, G. 
First record of Thecostegites (Cnidaria: Tabulata) from central New South 
223 Percival, I.G. and Engelbretsen, M.J. 
Early Ordovician lingulate brachiopods from New South Wales. 
243 Huveneers, C., Otway, N.M. and Harcourt, R.G. 
Morphometeric relationships and catch composition of wobbegong sharks 
(Chondrichthyes: Orectolobus) commercially fished in New South Wales, Australia. 
251 Book review: Linnaeus’ Philosophia Botanica translated by Stephen Freer. 
255 Book review: Lampreys — Life without jaws 
257 Instructions for authors. 

Printed by Southwood Press Pty Ltd, 
76-82 Chapel Street, Marrickville 2204 





ISSN 0370-047X 

Founded 1874 
Incorporated 1884 

The Society exists to promote the cultivation and study 
of the science of natural history in all its branches. 
The Society awards research grants each year in the 
fields of Life Sciences (the Joyce Vickery fund) and 
Earth Sciences (the Betty Mayne fund), offers annually 
a Linnean Macleay Fellowship for research, contributes 
to the stipend of the Linnean Macleay Lecturer in 
Microbiology at the University of Sydney, and 
publishes the Proceedings. It holds field excursion and 
scientific meetings, including the biennial Sir William 
Macleay Memorial Lecture delivered by a person 
eminent in some branch of natural science. 

Membership enquiries should be addressed in the first instance to the Secretary. Candidates for election 
to the Society must be recommended by two members. The present annual subscription is $456.00. 

The current subscription rate to the Proceedings is set at A$110.00 per volume. In recent years 
a volume consists of a single annual issue. 

Back issues of all but a few volumes and parts of the Proceedings are available for purchase. Prices are 
listed on our home page and can also be obtained from the Secretary. 


President: D.R. Murray 

Vice-presidents: M.L. Augee, I.G. Percival, J.P. Barkas 

Treasurer: 1.G. Percival 

Secretary: J-C. Herremans 

Council: A.E.J. Andrews, M.L. Augee, J.P. Barkas, M. Cotton, G. Edgecombe (to March 2007), 
M.R. Gray, J-Cl. Herremans, D. Keith, R.J. King, H.A. Martin, E. May, D.R. Murray, P.J. Myerscough, 
LG. Percival, J. Pickett (from April 2007), S. Rose, H.M. Smith (from April 2007) and K.L. Wilson 
Editor: M.L. Augee 

Assistant Editor: Elizabeth May 

Auditors: Phil Williams Carbonara 

The postal address of the Society is: P.O. Box 82, Kingsford NSW 2032, Australia 
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© Linnean Society of New South Wales 

Cover motif: a diagram of a portion of the abdomen of the ironic fly Ironomyia nigromaculata from the 
paper by David McAlpine, page 28 this volume. 

of the 



For information about the Linnean Society of New South Wales, its publications and 
activities, see the Society’s homepage 

March 2008 

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The Ecology of Episodic Saline Lakes of Inland Eastern 

Australia, as Exemplified by a Ten Year Study of the Rockwell- 

Wombah Lakes of the Paroo. 


School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, 2308, Australia. 


Timms, B.V. (2008). The ecology of episodic saline lakes of inland eastern Australia, as exemplified by a 
ten year study of the Rockwell-Wombah Lakes of the Paroo. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New 
South Wales 129, 1-16. 

Studies on salt lakes are mostly snapshots of their unique characteristics and relationships. Longer term 
studies provide different perspectives on variability in hydrology, salinity and biological communities. 
Such a study on five lakes near the Paroo River in the northwestern Murray-Darling Basin showed most 
hold water episodically for about 80% of the time, but each fluctuate over a characteristic salinity range 
: unnamed lake 0.6 — 19 gL1, Wombah 1.2 — 30 gL7, North Blue 0.3 — 31 gL", Mid Blue 0.7 — 103 gL", 
and Bulla 1.8 — 262 gL. Generally, instantaneous biodiversity is low and not necessarily correlated with 
salinity, but unlike southern seasonal salt lakes, species accumulation lists are long, approaching 80 species 
of invertebrates, 50 bird species and a few fish species per lake. Diversity is promoted by salinity fluctuation 
and habitat heterogeneity. Most species reach peak abundance in any season as long as conditions are within 
their physiological salinity tolerances. Invertebrate fauna is of inland affinities, but with some localized 
substractions and additions explained by hydrology and/or salinity; waterbird numbers are influenced by 
events elsewhere in Australia as well as by local conditions. Like most naturally salinised lakes, production 
can be high, especially at low to moderate salinities and algal blooms occur naturally from time to time. 

Manuscript received 18 April 2007, accepted for publication 19 September 2007. 

KEYWORDS: benthos, biodiversity, episodic lakes, fish, littoral, salinity variability, waterbirds, 



Over the last few decades much has been learnt 
about the numerous salt lakes in Australia. Limno- 
logical summaries are available for Victoria (Williams 
1981) and the eastern inland (i.e. Queensland, New 
South Wales, adjacent South Australia) (Timms 2007) 
and southwestern Western Australia (Pinder et al. 
2004a), Tasmania (De Deckker and Williams 1982), 
and southern South Australian lakes (De Deckker 
and Geddes 1982; Williams 1984. In essence, most 
Australian salt lakes are shallow, intermittent (either 
seasonal or episodic), chemically dominated by NaCl, 
markedly alkaline, and have a crustacean-dominated 
fauna that decreases in diversity with increasing 
salinity (see above references). Additionally, unlike 
salt lakes in the northern. hemisphere, there is 
considerable regionalisation of the fauna (Williams 
1984; Timms 2007). 

Australian saline lakes are changing due to 

various adverse environmental pressures, as reviewed 
by Williams (2002) and Timms (2005), In Australia 
the greatest problem is secondary salinisation and it 
is manifest mainly in southwestern Western Australia 
(Davis et al. 2003; Halse et al. 2003) and to a lesser 
degree in some areas of southern Victoria and South 
Australia (e.g. Lake Baird, Pellana Lagoon, Lake 
Wangary on Eyre Peninsula (author, unpublished 
data))(Fig 1 in Timms, 2005). However in the remote 
inland, saline systems have remained unaffected by 
anthropogenic secondary salinisation. 

One such inland area is the middle and lower 
Paroo River catchment in northwestern New South 
Wales and adjacent southwestern Queensland (Fig. 
1 in Timms, 2006). Here there are many freshwater 
wetlands but a few are naturally salinised. Although 
surrounding terrestrial environments are degraded 
after 120 years of grazing, aquatic habitats are almost 
pristine (Timms 2001a). Study of them provides a 
‘control’ for investigations into secondary salinised 


8 7 

Nites a 

North Blue Lake 

Lake Bulla 

| Z} Unnamed Lake 


Channel from Pay6o River 



Channel to Cuttaburra Creek 

Figure 1. Map showing the five lakes on Rockwell and Wombah stations, southwest Queensland. 

systems. However, they have accumulated their salt 
over millennia, so the rate of salinisation is different 
to that in anthropogenically affected systems. Also, 
the latter are affected by multiple degrading factors 
rather than just by salt increase (Davis et al. 2003). 
Much of the existing data on saline lakes were 
collected on single field trips, or perhaps at best, 
a few over a year, so that long-term fluctuations 
associated with variable weather patterns have gone 
unrecognised. Yet these fluctuations could be a major 
difference between primary and secondary salinised 
lakes (Hudson et al. 2003). So understanding of inland 
lakes over a longer time frame than provided by most 
studies will provide better understanding of some 
of the impacts in secondary salinised systems. The 
present study aims to do this in a context of other 
saline lakes in the Paroo and of Australia in general. 


The five lakes lie on a creek line (called Number 
10 creek upstream of North Blue Lake) that flows 
southwestward to join an anabranch of the Paroo 
River on the New South Wales — Queensland border 
40-50 km east of Hungerford (Fig. 1). The creek is 
channelled between the upper three lakes (North Blue, 
Mid Blue and Bulla) which coalesce when full, but 
is obliterated by dunes downstream of Lake Bulla. It 
reappears as a small stream near Lake Wombah (Fig. 
1). Paroo floodwater often enters Lake Wombah and 
leaves by the same route, but rarely reaches upstream 
to Lake Bulla. The last times this occurred were in 
1974 and 1990 (P. Tuite, pers com.). The upper three 
lakes fill from Number 10 Creek, together with local 
streams from the east. The unnamed lake fills entirely 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Table 1. Geomorphic and physicochemical features of the five lakes 


Wombah Lake 

0.2 (1.8) 


Mid Blue 

Nth Blue 

2.3 (3.6) 

Lake Bulla 

4.4 (4.9) 3.3 (3.9) 

Mean water 
Temperature (° C) 

Mean Turbidity + SE 

34+ 10.9 Bass 27) 14+3.5 W325i) 
Mean pH + SE 3) 22 (71 8.7+0.16 8.8 + 0.19 8.9 + 0.12 8.8 + 0.23 

* Figures in brackets are heights of highest water marks, but were not recorded during study. 

from local streams and Lake Wombah receives most 
of its water from the Paroo River. 


Areas of the lakes were established from aerial 
photographs and depths from gauges in the lakes 
and the height of stranded beaches/wave cut notches 
determined with a dumpy level (Table 1). The later 
relate to intense local rainfall and large Paroo floods 
such as occurred in 1974 and 1990 (P. Tuite, pers. 

The lakes were visited at approximately three- 
monthly intervals from July 1995 to June 2004 for 
the purposes of determining some physicochemical 
parameters and sampling zooplankton and littoral 
organisms On each visit a surface water sample from 
about 50m offshore was taken for the immediate 
measurement of temperature with a mercury 
thermometer, pH with a HANNA HI8924 meter and 
later measurement of total dissolved solids (TDS) by 
gravimetry, with turbid waters being allowed to settle 
for many months in a sealed container. Turbidity was 
measured spectrophotometrically in the laboratory at 
450 nm with the results recorded in Fittou’s Turbidity 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Units. Five times during 1997 and 1998 nitrate and 
phosphate was determined in the field on the water 
samples from Wombah, Bulla, Mid Blue and North 
Blue using a HACH DR/2000 spectrophotometer 
and method 8171 for dissolved nitrate and 8048 for 
dissolved phosphate. These measurements were made 
during a hyposaline and a meso/hypersaline stage. 
Nutrients were measured once only (July 1998) in the 
unnamed lake. 

Zooplankton and littoral organisms were 
collected with nets of mesh size 159 um and 1mm 
respectively, identified and counted as outlined in 
Timms and McDougall (2004). Benthos was sampled 
with a Birge-Ekman grab just once in the four larger 
lakes— Wombah in April 2004 and Bulla, Mid Blue 
and North Blue in December 2001. Five grabs were 
taken from each lake near the deepest part, sieved 
onshore through a 0.4 mm mesh and sorted while 
organisms were alive. Fish were caught sometimes in 
the littoral net and often in yabbie traps set for an hour 
or two to catch Cherax crayfish. These traps were not 
employed regularly or in any pattern. 

Waterbirds were counted from January 1998 
onwards. Shore based total counts were made with 
binoculars and/or a spotting scope on each visit. 
Counts were always made from the same vantage 


points each time, and covered the full surface area 
of all lakes except Lake Wombah. In this lake only 
the northern half was surveyed, for if the southern 
part was included it would take several hours to 
count the birds and impossible to account for bird 
movements because of the terrain. Small waders 
were underestimated in Lakes Wombah and Bulla 
when full as distances were too great for accurate 


Physicochemical Conditions 

Average annual rainfall for the 10-year period 
was 366 mm, but yearly totals varied widely and 
included unusually wet years of 1998 (618 mm) and 
2000 (622 mm) and the particularly dry year of 2002 
(92 mm)(Fig. 2). Major local inflows to the top three 
lakes from intense local rain occurred in April 1998 
and March-May 2000, and Paroo floods filled Lake 
Wombah in July 1998, March 2000 and February 
2004. Between major fillings lake levels fell slowly 
with evaporation or rose slightly with minor inputs, 
so that four of the lakes held water for ca 80% of the 
time (Table 1). High salinities were experienced only 
briefly during March to December 1997 (to April 
1998 in Bulla) and again variously during much of 
2001-2002 in Wombah, Bulla, Mid Blue and North 
Blue (Fig. 3). The small unnamed lake held water for 

a few months in 1998-99 and again in 2000, both as 
a consequence of unusually heavy rainfall in those 
years (see above). 

All five lakes varied widely in salinity, from 
fresh in all cases to hyposaline (i.e. to ca 20gL") in 
the unnamed lake, to mesosaline (i.e. 20-50 gL) in 
Wombah and North Blue, to hypersaline (i.e. >50 gL 
') in Mid Blue and very hypersaline (> 200 gL" in 
Bulla (Table 1). Mean salinities are deceptive due to 
the short time the lakes spend at higher salinities (Fig 
3) so that median salinities are more representative 
than mean salinities of typical conditions in the lakes 
(Table 1); in this respect all lakes are often hyposaline, 
with Bulla the most saline and the unnamed lake the 

Mean water temperature for the ten years was 
21.6 °C, with a minimum of 8 °C and maximum 
of 36 °C. Lake waters were generally clear, except 
following major inflows, or when shallow and wind- 
stirred, or in Lake Wombah’s river-derived water 
(Table 1). Variability was greatest in the two lakes 
(Wombah and North Blue) receiving mostly flood 
water and least in Bulla where abundant salt helped 
to settle colloidal clay (Table 1). All five lakes had 
well buffered, markedly alkaline water, except again 
for some variation in the two lakes receiving most 
floodwater (Table 1). 

Nutrients were high, around 1-2 mgL" nitrate 
and 0.2-0.4 mgL! phosphate, with highest values in 
Lake Bulla (Table 1). 

pn | Lal 102 gl-'*) 158 gL! 
' J ) 193 gL i 
jibe [ot 
== | Bulla} =| ‘i 
tial! " 
Poteet ‘ 
= Rvqabl 
a | | 
— 504 f 
= { | i' 
az / . | Mid Blue ne 
/ _ 1 
OMB ; North Blue a 
25 4 ’ layers 
unnamed ae 
=, a“ e : 
+ -”. ¥ 1 
a. . Sa 
0 T T T T = T pe ees en Sas LE oT; T Wo, Tt beg he boro crrerai aise 
95 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 04 
Figure 3. Fluctuations in TDS in the five lakes. 
4 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Monthly rainfall (mms) 








a a boll 

1998 1999 2001 

Figure 2. Monthly rainfall at Rockwell station homestead 1996-2004. 



| nt 
mh | iat 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Aquatic Plants 

Aquatic macrophytes were most common 
and persistent in the clear waters of Lake Bulla, 
where Myriophyllum verrucosum Lindl, Lepilaena 
bilocularis Kirk, and Chara spp. were common at 
lower salinities (<30 g/L). At higher salinities (30-60 
g/L) the dominants were Chara sp. and Ruppia sp. 
These species occurred in the other lakes, but were 
less abundant, except occasionally in North Blue. A 
new species of Chara occurs in Bulla and Mid Blue 
(A. Garcia, pers. comm..) In summer and autumn, 
filamentous algae often shrouded plants, and appeared 
to be associated with their demise for the season. 


At least 37 taxa occur in the five 
lakes, with 12-28 species per lake (Table 
2). The dominant freshwater species were 
Boeckella triarticulata, Daphnia angulata 
and D. lumholtzi, while the most common 
saline species were Apocyclops dengizicus, 
Daphniopsis queenslandensis, Cyprinotus 
sp. and Diacypris spp. (Table 2). There 
are broad similarities between average 
percentage composition between the lakes 
(Table 2), though the most intermittently filled 
unnamed lake had the highest percentage of 
clam shrimps (14.3%) and the most saline 
lake (Bulla) had the highest percentage of 
saline species (69.9%), followed in order by 
Mid Blue (56.0%), North Blue (44.4%) and Wombah 
(14.7%). Freshwater eulimnetic species with limited 
salinity tolerance (e.g. Calamoecia lucasi, Daphnia 
lumholtzi, Daphnia angulata, Ceriodaphnia spp., 
Diaphanosoma spp., Moina australiensis) comprised 
<22% in all lakes and were lowest in Bulla (10.2%) 
and the unnamed lake (1.1%). While salinity 
influenced a few species, momentary species richness 
was not related significantly to salinity in any of the 
lakes (Wombah r = -0.2148, n=27; unnamed lake r = 
0.0832, n=7; Bulla m-0.4885, n=31; Mid Blue r = - 
0.1425, n=35; North Blue r = -0.2505, n=29). 

Typically, composition and dominance varied 
markedly between sampling dates in each lake and 
there was little seasonal repeatability over the ten 
years. Exceptions to this were Daphnia lumholtzi 
which often peaked in autumn in the fresher lakes, 
and Daphniopsis queenslandensis which was 
most common in winter-spring and Moina baylyi 
in summer-autumn, when lakes were saline. The 
most predictable occurrences were of saline species 
when lake salinity was elevated (e.g. Daphnia n.sp, 
Cyprinotus sp. at lower salinities, and Apocyclops 
dengizicus and Diacypris spp. at higher salinities). 

Table 2 (RIGHT) . Zooplankton of the five lakes, 
showing mean percentage composition and maxi- 
mum salinity for each species. 

The amount of zooplankton in each sample 
varied greatly, with means ranging from 22.2 (Bulla) 
to 4.1 (North Blue) mls per minute of standardised 
collecting (Table 3). Variablility was greatest in the 
more saline lakes (Table 3). Dense populations were 
relatively uncommon but sometimes occurred in 
winter, soon after filling, or when the lakes increased 
in salinity as they dried rapidly (as a consequence of 
long periods of warm dry weather), but this was not 
significant statistically. 

Table 3. Measure of standing crops 

Zooplankton Benthos 


a oe gm-2 + SE 

15.5 £5.5 


* densities based on lakes being on average half full 

3)3)-5) ae 0).S, 

Littoral Invertebrates 

At least 78 species occur in the five lakes, with 
an accumulated species richness in each lake between 
36-58 species (Table 4). Mean momentary species 
richness in each lake ranged from 6.4 to 10.9 (Table 
4). The dominant species in all lakes was Micronecta 
sp., with the two ostracods Mytilocypris splendida 
and Trigonocypris globulosus and Anisops gratus 
and other backswimmers and boatmen common in 
most lakes, except in the unnamed lake. All common 
species had wide salinity tolerances (Table 4). Though 
Tanytarsus barbitarsus had by far the highest salinity 
tolerance, it was common only in mesosaline waters 
and above. 

Beetles, although diverse, were not common in the 
lakes, and larvae were uncommon too. Odonatans were 
most abundant in lakes with extensive macrophytes 
(Bulla, Mid Blue). Ephemeropterans were most 
abundant in the lower salinity lakes (unnamed, Mid 
Blue and North Blue). River dominants such as large 
crustaceans Macrobrachium australiense and Cherax 
destructor were hardly encountered and then only in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


SPECIES max. Lake unnamed} Bulla Mid Blue | Nth Blue 
salinity | Wombah} Lake Lake Lake Lake 

ae a 

Boeckella triarticulata Thomson 54.5 18.5 16.9 

Daphnia n. sp. : 5 : 
| Daphniopsis queenslandensis Sergeev | 59 | 19 [| | 95 | 95 | 88 
~aseipieinac Srl Cl 
Fev Nl 
Sorcerers 7 | NE ae 
Emme ae | es) ail oa | 
ee oe AD OE TA EE 
oe | | 3 |_ ot) fe) | aaron foooan | 
eee PN |NSSL OO. is | 02 | olen ok | 
ere el ee | oma noniannh 
| 02 
ha a 
eo 1 | 

N i) 
— i) 


I= || S) S) 
oo | 4 ies) 

Trigonocypris globulosa De Deckker 



Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 7 


Table 4. Littoral invertebrates in the five lakes. All numbers expressed as mean log abundance 
(Log 1 = 10) individuals per 15 minute collection). 

Nth Blue 

| Take 
| Wombah_ 
o> Fee 
fie Te 
| 0.04 


Branchinella australiensis (Richters) 
Branchinella buchananensis Geddes 3 
Caenestheria sp. 3 

ied At 
Caenestheriella packardi Spencer & Hall 0.04 0.03 
mse al 

Eocyzicus parooensis Richter & Timms 3 Cre ws. 
Eocyzicus 0 sp 1 res hall oe eed 
Limnadopsis birchii (Baird) 3 oo : 

Mytilocypris splendida (Chapman) men 

Trigonocypris globulosa De Deckker 68-05 dt |e OO | Sesigene- | memo ee 1.16 
Decaopda tH] 

Cherax destructor Clark ered 

Macrobranchium australiense Riek 

Cloeon sp. 

Tasmanocoenis tillyardi (Lestage) 


Austrolestes annulosus (Selys) 
Ischnura heterostricta (Burmeister) 

Xanthoagrion erythroneurum Selys 

Diplacoides bipunctata (Brauer) 
Hemicordulia tau (Selys) 
Hemianax papuensis (Burmeister) 

Trapezostigma loweii (Kaup) 

Anisops calcaratus Hale 

oe ee mr 


Anisops gratus Hale 
Anisops stahi Kirkaldy 
Anisops thienemanni Lundbald 

Micronecta sp. 


Agraptocorixa eurynome Kirkaldy 
Agraptocorixa hirtifrons Hale 
Agraptocorixa parvipunctata Hale 
Sigara sp. 

Notolina sp. 

Oecetis sp. a 5 

[5 7) 
[= 20] 
itis 246) 
Hemiptera [alas iad 
[me ol 
fame al 

Oéecetis sp. b 

8 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Triplectides australicus Banks 

Cybister tripuncatus Olivier 
Eretes australis (Erichson) 
Hydroglyphus leai (Guignot) 
Hyphydrus elegans (Montrouzier) 

Sternopriscus multimaculatus (Sharp) 
Haliplus sp. 

Hydraena sp. 

Hydrochus sp. 

Berosus approximans Fairmaire 


ey Sp aba Fe 
eee are 

a | 
sib fe 


0.0 0 

Berosus australiae Mulsant 

EAT 9 

Berosus macumbensis Blackburn 
[BerosusnumsMackesy | | id os | 
| BrocirusandersoniBuckoum | 7 | 006 | oa [ on | om | 
| iicchnus macutcers Wakes) | es 
aviebeiparimae | 7 |__| an [an [| an 
meio Gon | 8 | | an [om | oe 
imam | | an | [om [an [| 
ree aor po 
rr ee 
F Bectialarae Berosussp. | | oo |_| oo | 00+ | oor 
imma pat | oa |). | oo 
Re Chan tiv pal) pe | 
~ each, a a aa ATEN 
ee es | el oe 
isan | 30 | or | ome [om | 009 | 0 
ppm tf 026 || 025) oan | 035 

Tanytarsus barbitarsus Freeman 0.12 

Berosus debillipennis Blackburn 

unidentified ceratopogonid larvae 
Aedes sp. 
Anopheles sp. 

unidentified pyralidae larvae 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Table 4 continued 

ESOS salinity 

Arrenurus sp. 
Eylais sp. 
Hydrachna sp. 
Limnesia sp. 
Poina sp. 
unidentified water mite 



Coxiella gilesi (Angas) 
Glyptophysa sp. 
momentary species richness (MSR) 6 

number of species 

Lake Wombah. Coxiella gilesi was abundant only in 
Lake Bulla and Mid Blue Lake. Chironomids were 
present in most lakes and were no doubt more diverse 
than indicated in Table 4. The unnamed lake was 
the most distinctive of the five lakes, with a fauna 
dominated by large branchiopods. 

Momentary species richness correlated negatively 
with salinity in three of the five lakes: Wombah r = - 
0.3700, n=27, ns; unnamed lake r = -0.6135, n=7 ns; 
Bulla r = -0.6245, n=31 significant at P< 0.01; Mid 

max. Lake 




leinkoniers| Pe akg 
unnamed Bulla Mid Blue | Nth Blue 
lake Lake Lake 
[nae gy earress 







Blue r= -0.5072, n=35, significant at P < 0.01; North 
Blue r= -0.4853, n=29, significant at P< 0.01. 




Based on limited sampling, benthos of 
unvegetated offshore zone of the lakes was abundant 
but communities were simply structured (Table 5). 
Chironomids dominated, with ceratopogonids and 
large ostracods present, and an oligochaete in one 
lake. Biomass was by far the greatest in Lake Bulla. 

Table 5. Benthic invertebrates of four of the lakes (numbers per m7’). 

Lake Wombah Bulla Mid Blue Nth Blue 
TDS(gL") 15 17.1 6 30.9 
Depth (m) 5 2-—2.4 1—1.55 0.2 
Dero digitata (Muller) Mp) 38) 
Geen splendida 177 + 166 
ae ie globulosa De 1320 £219 
Chironomus sp. 6600 + 895 100 + 62 
Procladius sp. 310492 1364 + 182 BPS NEE 28 3720 + 267 
Tanytarsus sp. 25655 + 944 
Ceratopogonid larva 280 + 55 250 + 108 324 + 83 
Total numbers (m7) 6910 + 768 30796 + 712 3622 + 544 4044 + 248 
Biomass (gm?) Oise ile 33.5+0.9 4.5+0.7 4.9+0.4 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



A variety of fish occurred intermittently in 
the lakes. Bony Herring (Nematalosa erebi) and 
Spangled Perch (Leiopotherapon unicolor) were 
present in Lakes Bulla, Mid Blue and North Blue 
from at least mid 1998 to 2001 and Mosquito fish 
(Gambusia holbrooki) and Carp (Cyprinus carpio) 
were common in Lake Wombah over the same period. 
Other fish could have been present in these four lakes 
as the sampling technique was not designed to catch 
all species. No fish were seen in the unnamed lake. 

There was a major fish kill in Lake Bulla in 
March 2001 at the same time as there was a bluegreen 
algal bloom. Carp in Lake Wombah died en masse in 
December 2001 as the salinity reached 30 gL". Fish 
in the Blue lakes seemed to disappear slowly over 
2001, after which piscivorous birds were rarely seen 
on these lakes. 


Forty-eight species of waterbirds were seen on 
the lakes; Wombah had 34 species, the unnamed 
lake 15, Bulla 43, Mid Blue 41 and North Blue 38. 
The most common species were Grey Teal (Anas 
gracilis)(particularly in Wombah), Pink-eared Duck 
(Malacorhynchus membranaceus)(particularly in 
Bulla) and Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra)(mainly in Bulla 
and North Blue). Other species present in appreciable 
numbers included: Hardhead (Aythya australis), the 
Australasian (Zachybaptus novaehollandiae) and 
Hoary- headed (Poliocephalus poliocephalus) grebes, 
Black Swan (Cygnus atratus), Australasian Pelican 
(Pelecanus conspicillatus), Little Black Cormorant 
(Phalacrocorax sulcirostris), Little Pied Cormorant 
(Phalacrocorax melanoleucos), Silver Gull (Larus 
novaehollandiae), Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus 
himantopus) and Red necked Avocet (Recurvirostra 
novaehollandiae). Only Black Swans bred on the 
lakes during 1995-2004, mainly on the islands in 

Numbers fluctuated greatly between lakes and 
observations (Fig. 4 and Table 3). Mean numbers of 
birds on the lakes varied between 18.6 ha! (North 
Blue) and 7.3 ha! (Wombah) (assuming the lakes were 
on average three-quarters full)(Table 3). Variability 
was greatest in Bulla which had the greatest salinity 
range, and there was no correlation between species 
richness or bird numbers with salinity (r = 0.1364 and 
r = -0.0839 respectively). 


Naturally salinised lakes in the eastern inland of 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Australia have many distinctive features as itemised 
below, and with particular reference to the Rockwell- 
Wombah lakes. 

1. Hydrological regime and geomorphic factors 
determine the presence of salt lakes and their salinity 
fluctuations (Hammer 1986; Williams 1998a; Timms 
2006). When hydrologically closed, 1.e. without 
overflow, bodies of water tend to accumulate salt. 
This explains the different salinity regimes in the 
Rockwell-Wombah lakes. Lake Wombah is the 
only one to be flushed by river flood water and then 
evaporation concentrates the isolated waters. Turbidity 
is greatest in Lake Wombah, due to the colloidal clays 
of Paroo River water (Timms 1999). Lake Bulla is 
generally the evaporative terminus of a blocked 
stream system flowing onto the Paroo floodplain, so 
it has accumulated the most salt and, associated with 
this, its waters are the clearest. Every few decades 
it overflows and presumedly salt is lost so that it is 
only hypersaline as it nears dryness (similar to Lake 
Wyara on the other side of the Paroo floodplain — 
Timms 1998). Mid Blue and North Blue Lakes are 
intermediate settling basins; differences between 
them largely reflect the relative shallowness of North 
Blue Lake. The unnamed lake is the most intermittent 
of the five due to its relatively small catchment; salt 
accumulation consequently is quite modest. 

2. For episodic saline lakes even 10 years is 
not long enough to encounter all the variations in 
environmental conditions. Judged from comparative 
rainfall averages at Rockwell during 1995-04 (366mm) 
compared to long term averages for the area (325 mm 
over 105 years at Boorara nearby — A. McGarth, pers. 
com; 302 mm over 75 years at Warroo nearby — M. 
Dunk, pers. com.), the Rockwell-Wombah lakes were 
probably full for longer than a long-term average 
during 1995-2004. On the other hand, if the lakes had 
been studied during the much drier 1910s to 1930s 
they would have held only a little water occasionally 
and would have been more saline on average. An even 
longer time frame would encompass climate change 
and quite different hydrological conditions (Bowler 
1983; Pearson et al. 2003). 

3. While there is a classic negative relationship 
between diversity and salinity in salt lakes (Hammer 
1986; Timms 1993), other factors may mask it 
(Williams 1998b); in the case of these lakes only the 
littoral assemblage in Lake Bulla and the two Blue 
Lakes were significantly correlated with salinity. 
None of the other influencing factors considered by 
Williams (1998b) seems be important in these lakes. 


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Indeed, the wide salinity tolerance of many species 
is in accord with that in the remainder of Australia 
so that it is only where lakes exceed 50 gL" that 
salinity has a significant impact as a determinant of 
community structure (Williams et al. 1990; Williams 

4. Salt lake fauna is regionalised in Australia 
(Williams 1984; Timms 2007), though all areas share 
a dominance of crustaceans, particularly Parartemia 
spp., Apocyclops dengizicus, Daphniopsis spp., and a 
host of ostracods (Diacypris, Heterocypris, Reticypris, 
Platycypris) including a few mytilicyprinid genera 
(Australocypris, Mytilocypris, Trigonocypris) 
(Williams 1981; Pinder et al. 2002, 2004a, 2004b; 
Halse & McRae 2004; Timms 2007;). Lakes in more 
propititious climates have higher crustaceans such 
as amphipods (Austrochiltonia spp) and the isopod 
Haloniscus searlei which have no resistant stage 
and need at least dampness to survive dry periods, 
and calanoid copepods (Calamoecia spp.) and more 
ostracod genera (Williams 1984; Pinder et al. 2002). 
The eastern inland has a distinct regionalised fauna, 
though as more is being learnt about inland Western 
Australian fauna (Pinder et al. 2002, 2004a; Timms 
et al. 2006) many of the distinctive species of the 
east are being found in the west as well. Examples 
include recent discoveries of Eocyzicus parooensis., 
Daphniopsis queenslandensis, Moina _ baylyi, 
Celsinotum spp., and Trigonocypris globulosa in 
inland Western Australia (Halse et al. 2000; Pinder 
et al. 2002, 2004; Timms et al. 2006). The eastern 
inland is still characterised by the unique presence of 
Parartemia minuta, a new Daphnia sp. in hyposaline 
waters, many halotolerant insects, and many 
monotypic genera whereas there has been multiple 
Speciation in other areas, particularly in Western 
Australia (Geddes et al. 1981; Pinder et al. 2002, 
2004a), and a greater relative importance of a variety 
of insects (mainly odonatans, corixids, notonectids, 
and coleopterans). 

5. Not all lakes have a full complement of 
the regional fauna probably due to a mixture of 
local environmental factors, stochastic events and 
inadequate sampling. In the case of the Rockwell- 
Wombah lakes, species composition is typical for 
lakes in the middle Paroo with fluctuating salinity 
(Timms, 1993; 1999; Timms and Boulton, 2001). 
Notable absences include Calamoecia canberra 
(because waters are not turbid enough when fresh — 
Timms 2001b), and Parartemia minuta (because the 
lakes often have fish). Notable unusual occurrences 
include the snail Coxiella gilesi (absent in most other 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Paroo lakes investigated), Daphnia lumholtzi (more 
common in these lakes than elsewhere in Paroo), and 
Branchinella buchananensis (this is the only known 
site in southwest Queensland). Some differences 
between the lakes can be explained in terms of various 
environmental factors. The presence of shrimps and 
yabbies in Lake Wombah when it is fresh-subsaline 
is explained by its episodic river connection. The 
importance of large branchiopods in the unnamed lake 
can be associated with the permanent absence of fish 
in it. Finally the longer species list of coleopterans 
in Mid Blue Lake (23 species cf 13 -17 in the other 
lakes) could be a reflection of this lake’s greater 
littoral heterogeneity, among other factors. 

6. Lakes that fill predictably each season have 
a shorter list of species than those fill episodically 
(areas being of the same magnitude). The Rockwell- 
Wombah lakes, together with other Paroo lakes and 
Lake Gregory in northwest Western Australia with 
episodically fluctuating salinities, have relatively 
long species lists (ca 70-100 species) (Table 2 and 3; 
Timms 1998; Halse et al. 1998; Timms & Boulton, 
2001; Timms & McDougall 2004). By contrast, 
seasonally-filled salinas in southern Victoria (Geddes 
1976) and southeast South Australia (Geddes & Brock 
1978; De Deckker & Geddes 1980) have less than 
half this number (ca 25 -40 species). The explanation 
lies mainly in the significant periods of hypsosaline 
conditions (these lakes have lower median salinities 
than most southern seasonally filled lakes), and also 
in the unpredictable and fluctuating conditions in the 
episodic lakes suiting various species at different 
times, compared with predictable and generally 
muted environmental conditions of the seasonal 
lakes allowing just one suite of tolerant species 
to persist throughout much of the season. Lack of 
salinity variation to maintain diversity may well be 
a major factor contributing to low species richness in 
secondarily salinised lakes (Hudson et al. 2003). 

7. Habitat heterogeneity is another major factor 
influencing biodiversity in saline lakes (Timms 1998, 
2001c; Williams1998b), and needs to be considered in 
conjunction with salinity variation. Large salinas such 
as Lake Eyre are far more homogeneous than small 
salt lakes and have fewer species (Timms 1998). A 
Paroo example is a comparison of Lake Wyara (3400 
ha) and nearby Lake Bulla (420 ha), both studied for 
10 years, both exhibiting similar salinity fluctuations 
over this time and both studied by similar methods 
— with 34 species recorded in Lake Wyara, but 73 
in Bulla (Timms 1998). This role for environmental 
heterogeneity as a species richness driver is confirmed 



by the presence of 84 species in the Werewilka Inlet 
of Lake Wyara (Timms 2001c). 

8. Distinctions between descrete zooplankton, 
littoral and benthic communities are blurred in most 
saline lakes, because most are shallow and many 
have rich macrophyte growth throughout the lake. 
The situation is not helped by the giant ostracods 
(Australocypris, Mytilocypris, Trigonocypris species 
) and the large branchiopods (Parartemia spp.., 
Eocyzicus parooensis., Triops ‘australiensis’ and 
halobiont species of Branchinella) which live and 
fed variously in all three habitats (Marchant and 
Williams 1977 on Parartemia zietziana; Timms 
1981 on giant ostracods in L.Gnotuk; others from 
unpublished data, author). Many studies (e.g. Geddes 
1976; Geddes & De Deckker 1980) therefore make 
little distinction between habitats, while others try, 
but with overlapping species lists (e.g. present work). 
Most undersample the benthos either by failing to dig 
the littoral net sufficiently into the sediments, or no 
or few specialised studies with quanitative devices 
such as Birge-Ekman grabs, or both. Thus while 
many benthic species seem to be recorded in so called 
littoral samples, indications of abundance are far too 
low (cf chironomids in Tables 4 and 5). 

9. Hyposaline and mesosaline lakes attract 
waterbirds because of their rich resources (Kingsford 
et al. 1994; Kingsford & Porter 1994; Timms 1997). 
Even hypersaline lakes can support vast numbers 
of a limited diversity of birds, mainly large waders 
(Chapman & Lane 1997) and can be important 
breeding sites for some species (e.g. Banded Stilts— 
Burbridge & Fuller 1982). The Rockwell-Wombah 
lakes supported many thousands of birds belonging 
to 48 species. Numbers fluctuated widely (Fig. 4) 
due in part to varying food resources (Kingsford & 
Potter 1994; McDougall & Timms 2002), but these 
were not studied in these lakes. Mobile waterbirds are 
also influenced by events elsewhere in the inland. For 
example, the low numbers in the Rockwell-Wombah 
Lakes and also in nearby Lake Yumberarra during 
2000 (Timms & McDougall 2004) probably marks 
their movement to the Lake Eyre Basin in response to 
even better conditions there (Roshier et al. 2002). 

10. Saline lakes are usually productive, 
especially when hyposaline or mesosaline, but not 
when euhypersaline (Williams 1972; Hammer 198 1a, 
1981b; Timms 1983). In the Rockwell-Wombah lakes 
there are indications that Lake Bulla, the most saline 
lake is also the most productive (Table 3). However at 
any instant, some of the present lakes are unproductive 


due to either the aftermath of a bluegreen algal bloom 
(as at Lake Bulla) or by filamentous algae overgrowing 
and killing macrophytes as seen in many summers at 
the Blue lakes. 


This paper was first presented orally at a LIMPACS 
‘Salinity, Climate and Salinisation’ conference at Mildura, 
Victoria in October, 2004. I sincerely thank John and 
Heather Buster, Robin and Rhonda Davis and family, James 
and Cheryl Hatch and Paul and Geraldine Tuite, variously 
present and former owners and managers of Rockwell 
and Wombah, for permission to work on their properties, 
for extraordinary generous hospitality, for assistance on 
occasions when I got hopelessly bogged, and to James 
and John for bulldozing tracks to make my passage easier 
between lakes. I appreciate the assistance over the years 
of many volunteer field assistants, including John Vosper 
and Sarah Wythes who came many times. I thank Olivier 
Rey-Lescure for drawing Figure 1, and Jane McRae, 
Adrian Pinder and Rus Shiel for identifications. Finally 
I am grateful to Jenny Davis and Lien Sim of Murdoch 
University, Perth, contributed with their helpful comments 
on the manuscript. 


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16 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

New Extant Species of Ironic Flies (Diptera: Ironomyiidae) with 
Notes on Ironomyiid Morphology and Relationships 

Davip K. McALPINE 

Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney 2010 

McAlpine, D.K. (2008). New extant species of ironic flies (Diptera: Ironomyiidae) with notes on 
ironomyiid morphology and relationships. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 129, 


The Ironomyiidae or ironic flies (a family of lower Cyclorrhapha) are previously known from one 
Holocene Australian species and allegedly several Cretaceous or even Late Jurassic fossil species (Northern 
Hemisphere countries). Aspects of morphology are discussed, particularly that of the antenna and prelabrum 
(“clypeus” in error), and several alternatives as to possible phylogenetic relationships are mentioned. The 
Cretaceous genus Lebambromyia Grimaldi and Cumming is removed from the Ironomyiidae to incertae 
sedis (though possibly cyclorrhaphous), but the Jurassic-Cretaceous subfamily Sinolestinae is perhaps 
related to Ironomyiidae. A key to species of Jronomyia White is given. Ironomyia francisi sp. nov. and J. 
whitei sp. nov. are described from temperate eastern Australia. 

Manuscript received 17 April 2007, accepted for publication 19 September 2007. 

KEY WORDS:, antennal sacculi, Australian endemic family, comparative morphology, living fossil, 
lower Cyclorrhapha, pedicellar button, phylogenetic relationships. 


The family Ironomyiidae was established 
by J. McAlpine and Martin (1966) for the extant 
Australian genus Jronomyia, which had previously 
been placed in the Empididae-Hybotinae (now 
Hybotidae), and later in the Platypezidae. Some 
Jurassic-Cretaceous fossil genera of the northern 
hemisphere have since been placed in the family 
(as discussed below), but, on the basis of Holocene 
(Recent) fauna, the Ironomyiidae remain one of the 
few families of Diptera endemic to Australia. 

I class the Ironomyiidae as a living fossil 
taxon, because of their present limited diversity and 
distribution compared with those suggested by the 
fossil record, and because they show a degree of 
morphological stasis since their latest Cretaceous 
record (more than 70 m years ago), compared with 
the great majority of cyclorrhaphous families. 
Ironomyiids resemble monotremes (egg-laying 
mammals) in these respects, and also in that both 
groups are now restricted to the Australasian Region 
where each is represented by three living species. 
Whether the parallel between the two groups can be 
taken an additional step, and the Ironomyiidae can 
also be classed as the sister group to a taxon of major 
Holocene diversity, is a question for future research, 
as indicated below. 

I include in the Appendix all genera 
mentioned in the text with their authors’ names. I 
arrange these in a provisional classification which 
is based on a number of recent publications listed 
in References (including Stuckenberg 2001). This 
does not necessarily mean that I am convinced of the 
accuracy of every step in this classification. Wiegmann 
et al. (2003) presented an outline phylogeny of the 
lower (non-eremoneuran) Heterodactyla (which 
approximates to Muscomorpha of Woodley 1989, not 
of J. McAlpine 1989). These steps are omitted from my 
Appendix, as I have not referred to any included taxa 
in the present text. J. McAlpine (1989) hypothesised 
a monophyletic superfamily Platypezoidea including 
Ironomyiidae and the phoroid families, and Collins 
& Wiegmann (2002) found only limited support for 
such a clade. Further morphological considerations 
(some discussed below) suggest the possibility of 
alternative associations, and fossil studies (e.g. 
Grimaldi & Cumming 1999; Mostovski 1995) suggest 
very early origins for some lineages. Monophyly of 
the Aschiza (= Cyclorrhapha minus Schizophora), 
though supported by J. McAlpine (1989), is refuted 
by virtually all later studies. The taxon is therefore 
omitted from my classification, and I leave open 
several hypothesised associations among the lower 
cyclorrhaphans, avoiding use of formal names of new 
status. Classification above family level within the 


Schizophora is omitted as irrelevant to this present 
study, except that the acalyptrates are listed first. The 
spelling Homoeodactyla as used by Hennig (1973) 
and Sabrosky (1999) is considered most appropriate. 
I use the spellings Asiliformae and Empidiformae in 
accord with basic Latin grammar for taxa of above 
superfamily status but corresponding in content to 
the old superfamilies Asiloidea (some usages) and 
Empidoidea. These were originally termed Asiliformia 
and Empidiformia by Hennig (1948). 

I use the term ironic flies (preferred German 
version Ironiefliegen) as a family-level common 
name for ironomyiids. This is simply a translation 
of the name of the type genus. Such common names 
have proved useful in communicating with non- 

In my morphological study I have generally 
used a stereo light microscope (SLM), but for some 
work a compound light microscope (CLM) or 
scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used. 

Inlistingmaterial, the followingabbreviations 
refer to institutions housing specimens: 

AM Australian Museum, Sydney 

ANIC Australian National Insect Collection, 
CSIRO, Canberra 

BM The Natural History Museum, London 

CAS California Academy of Sciences, San 

CNC Canadian National Collection, Agriculture 

Canada, Ottawa 
UQ University of Queensland Insect 
Collection, Brisbane 
The following collectors’ names are abbreviated to the 
initials: D.R. Britton, C.J. Burwell, J.M. Cumming, 
A. Daniels, G. Daniels, B.J. Day, E.D. Edwards, D.K. 
McAlpine, I.D. Naumann, E.S. Nielsen, N. Power, 
J.H. Skevington, E. Tasker, A. White, D. White, S. 


The following observations supplement 
the detailed study by J. McAlpine (1967). Other 
brachyceran taxa are mentioned for comparative 

The Antenna 

The antenna of Jronomyia (Figs 1, 2, 4, 6, 7) 
has an unusual structure for the lower Cyclorrhapha. 
The broadly rounded segment 3 (postpedicel) is 
compressed in an oblique plane so as to have broad 
dorsomedial and ventroexternal surfaces (state a), and 
has a transverse basal slot at right-angles to this plane, 


dividing the basal part into two strongly gibbous 
projections. Each of these projections contains a 
complex sensory sacculus opening by a separate pore 
on its ventroexternal surface (state b). Segment 2 (or 
pedicel) has a stout, distally swollen conus (sensu 
Disney 1988b), fitted to the basal slot of segment 3, 
and also has an angular distal exposure or projection 
(“lobe”) on each of the two surfaces (dorsomedial 
and ventroexternal). The conus is bridged on each 
side to one of these distal projections, so that, when 
exposed by removal of segment 3 (as in Fig. 6), it is 
not free distally (in contrast to that of Lonchopteridae, 
Sciadoceridae, and probably most taxa of Phoridae) 
(state c). The dorsoexternal and ventromedial 
surfaces of segment 2 each have a separate distally 
facing concavity receiving the corresponding basal 
projection of segment 3 (state d). The almost terminal 
three-segmented arista has a covering of numerous 
microtrichia extending as minute pubescence to the 

This antennal structure includes four 
apomorphic character states (a, b, c, d above) or one 
very complex apomorphic state, not known in other 
extant cyclorrhaphous taxa of pre-syrphoid grade. 

The distal surface of the conus bears, on the 
outer side of the distal foramen, a pedicellar button 
(shown in Fig. 7). This is a new term for the smooth 
subcircular cuticular structure, having slightly sunken 
margins and surrounded by a smooth, convex cuticular 
ring, located on either the conus or the distal articular 
surface of segment 2. It is probably connected with a 
chordotonal organ, which is contained within segment 
2. I have found the button to be present in all taxa of 
Cyclorrhapha, Empidiformae, and Homoeodactyla 
which I have examined adequately with SEM ina very 
preliminary survey (e.g. the platypezid Lindneromyia, 
Figs 8, 9), but, like the conus, it is only visible after 
removal of segment 3 from the more basal segments. 
As studies of the button and conus in the Cyclorrhapha 
are continuing, further details are reserved for a future 

I here use the term sacculus, following 
Lowne (1895: 586-589, pl. 41), for a deep, sac-like 
invagination of the cuticle of antennal segment 3, 
containing a number of sensilla and opening to the 
exterior by a relatively small pore. This structure is 
distinct from the often numerous simple pits in the 
cuticle, each of which is probably associated with a 
single sensillum, or various saucer-like pits that may 
contain several sensilla. In Drosophila melanogaster 
Meigen the sensilla in the sacculus are of several 
structural kinds. Some are olfactory and some 
have a “thermo-/hygrosensitive” function (Stocker 
2001). Because one or more sacculi are present in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figures 1-3. 1, Jronomyia nigromaculata segment 3 and base of arista of left antenna, outer view. 2, the 
same, segments 1 and 2 dorsal view, setulae omitted. 3, Hormopeza sp., Yukon Territory, segment 3 and 
stylus of right antenna. s, sacculi. 

Figures 4, 5. 4, antennae of Ironomyia nigromaculata, male. 5, antennae of Lindneromyia sp., male. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 19 


many cyclorrhaphous taxa and have so rarely been antennal segment 3 of Jronomyia with such rhagionid 
mentioned in the taxonomic literature, I brieflyreview or athericid genera as Symphoromyia, Suragina, 
the examples that have come to my attention. and Atherix. My examination of the superficially 

J. McAlpine (1967) compared the ‘reniform’ cyclorrhaphan-like antenna of the  athericid 

Figures 6-9. 6, Ironomyia nigromaculata, left antennal segment 2 after removal of segment 3, anterior 
view. b, bridges between distal projections and conus. bu, pedicellar button. c, conus. 7, same, detail of 
part of conus showing pedicellar button. 8, Lindneromyia sp., distal articular surface of right antennal 
segment 2, after removal of segment 3, pedicellar button indicated. bu, pedicellar button. 9, detail of part 
of same showing pedicellar button. 

20 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Suraginella shows (with CLM) that it lacks a sacculus 
in the ventrally gibbous segment 3, and that the long 
dorsal tubular arista, though unsegmented, has a 
minute attenuated solid apical section. 

I have studied the antenna of the one 
available example of Hormopeza sp. (Empididae; 
Q, Canada: Yukon Territory, CAS, see Fig. 3). 
Segment 3 contains two large, structurally different 
sacculi with remarkably wide external pores. One 
of these opens on the dorsal surface and one on the 
outer lateral surface of the segment. This is the only 
example of possession of sacculi known to me in 
the Empidiformae (or Empidoidea), though I have 
studied the antennae of only a meagre cross-section 
of empidiform taxa. Sinclair (1995) interpreted the 
style of Hormopeza as two-segmented with an apical 
bristle. This interpretation of the apical part as a bristle 
or enlarged macrotrichium appears to be justified by 
its solid structure and lack of pubescence, in contrast 
to the two preceding sections. 

The antenna of Sciadocera lacks the sacculi 
in segment 3. Segment 2 is short in its externally 
visible surfaces, but has an elongate central knob, the 
conus, arising from the centre of its distal surface. 
The conus fits into a deep, rounded central basal 
cavity in segment 3 (Disney 2001: fig. 7) and bears 
the foramen of articulation on its terminal surface. 
In S. rufomaculata White segment 3 is so securely 
anchored to segment 2 by means of the conus that 
it cannot readily be disarticulated, even after the 
intersegmental connection is snapped by rotation. 

In typical taxa of the Phoridae sacculi are 
absent (as far as I can determine without a major 
study), and relations between segments 2 and 3 are 
very like those of Sciadocera, but segment 2 tends to 
become more reduced so as to be often represented 
by little more than the concealed conus (Disney 1994: 
fig. 1.2). The antenna of Lonchoptera furcata (Fallén) 
(Lonchopteridae) also has a large conus and no 
sacculi, whereas that of Melanderomyia kahli Kessel, 
Lindneromyia spp., and probably other platypezids 
(Platypezidae) has no sacculus in segment 3 and an 
almost planate distal articular surface of segment 2 
with only slight indication of a conus (Fig. 8). The 
antenna of the Lonchopteridae is thus much more 
like that of the sciadocerid-phorid alliance than 
that of any other lower cyclorrhaphous (aschizan) 
taxon. J. McAlpine (1989) is in error in stating that 
Lonchopteridae share with Platypezidae the absence 
of the conus (“apex of pedicel never deeply inserted 
into base of first flagellomere.”’) 

A single large sacculus is probably usually 
present on the outer surface of segment 3 in the 
Syrphidae, though minor sensory pits may also be 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

evident [examples studied with CLM: Microdon 
variegatus (Walker), Eristalis tenax (Linné), 
Melangyna sp.|; but Deineches sp. apparently has 
numerous sacculi. Eudorylas sp. (Pipunculidae) also 
has one sacculus. 

In the Schizophora one or more sacculi 
are usually present. The acalyptrate taxa generally 
have one sacculus [no exceptions yet confirmed; 
examples studied by me: Liriomyza chenopodii 
(Watt) (Agromyzidae), Asteia sp. (Astetidae), 
Aulacigaster sp. (Aulacigastridae), Zalea major 
(McAlpine) (Canacidae s.l.), Clisa australis 
(McAlpine) (Cypselosomatidae),  Scaptomyza 
australis Malloch (Drosophilidae), numerous taxa of 
Ephydridae, Gobrya cyanea (Enderlein) (Gobryidae), 
Tapeigaster spp., Borboroides spp., and Heleomicra 
sp. (Heteromyzidae s.l.), Huttonina furcata Tonnoir 
& Malloch (Huttoninidae), Poecilohetaerus aquilus 
Schneider, 7rigonometopsis sp. (Lauxantidae), Badisis 
ambulans McAl\pine, Compsobatafemoralis (Meigen), 
Cothornobata aczeli McAlpine, Metopochetus 
spp., and Mimegralla spp. (Micropezidae), Nemo 
centriseta McAlpine (Neminidae), Neurochaeta 
capilo McAlpine, Neurocytta prisca (McAlpine), 
Neurotexis freidbergi McAlpine, and Nothoasteia 
clausa McAlpine (Neurochaetidae), Nothybus 
decorus de Metjere (Nothybidae), Teloneria sp. 
(Nertidae), Maorina sp. (Pallopteridae), Cyamops 
sp. (Periscelididae), Euprosopia armipes McAlpine, 
Lenophila coerulea (Macquart), and Rhytidortalis 
averni McAlpine (Platystomatidae), Lasionemopoda 
hirsuta (de Meyere) (Sepsidae), Strongylophthalmyia 
sp. (Tanypezidae), Somatia aestiva (Fabricius) 
(Somatiidae), Teratomyza undulata McAlpine 
(Teratomyzidae)]. ° 

In the calyptrate Schizophora the number of 
sacculi in segment 3 is variable, but I have had time 
to examine very few taxa, especially as the usually 
darkly pigmented cuticle makes study more difficult. 
Fannia canicularis (Linné) (Muscidae or Fanniidae) 
has one major sacculus near the middle of the outer 
surface, but there are also numerous smaller, shallow 
pit-like structures, some of which contain several 
sensilla. Scathophaga sp. (Scathophagidae) has a 
sacculus on the outer surface and another on the 
medial surface nearer the base. Musca vetustissima 
Walker has one major subbasal sacculus only. 
Calliphora augur (Fabricius) (Calliphoridae) has 
apparently c. nine major sacculi. The statement 
by Lowne (1895: 586), that C. vicina Robineau- 
Desvoidy (as C. erythrocephala) has “about eighty 
large sacculi”, apparently includes the smaller pits on 
the medial surface. Chetogaster sp. (Tachinidae) has 
one large sacculus on the outer surface and several 



smaller pits on the inner (medial) surface. In the 
Axiniidae (Colless 1994) there is commonly one 
sacculus (“sensory pore”), but it is multiple or absent 
in various taxa. 

The presence of more or less separate 
dorsoexternal and ventromedial concavities (or, 
for comparative purposes, simply upper and lower 
concavities) on the distal articular surface of 
segment 2 of /ronomyia is interesting. Such separate 
concavities are absent in most cyclorrhaphous taxa 
of pre-syrphoid grade, including the platypezids 
Lindneromyia (Fig. 5) and Melanderomyia (the latter 
with a strongly bilaterally compressed segment 3), 
but are distinguishable in many syrphids, pipunculids, 
and schizophorans. 

The arista of Jronomyia is three-segmented, 
as is probably also the case in the Cretaceous 
ironomyiid genus Cretonomyia. This is the most 
frequent condition in the Cyclorrhapha and _ is 
probably the groundplan condition, in contrast to 
that of most Empidiformae. However, fewer than 
three aristal segments are present in the Opetiidae, 
apparently in some lonchopterid-like and platypezid- 
like fossil taxa, in numerous taxa of Syrphidae, 

and in a sprinkling of taxa in numerous families of 
Schizophora (D. McAlpine 2002). Most or all of 
these examples represent derived character states and 
are of multiple origin. 

The Prelabrum 

The prelabrum of the Cyclorrhapha is often, 
with inadequate justification, homologised with the 
clypeus (J. McAlpine 1981) or sometimes with the 
(usually fused) tormae (e.g. J. McAlpine 1967: figs 
1, 2). See D. McAlpine (2007) for discussion of this 
problem. In Jronomyia (Fig. 10) it is remarkably 
prominent and resembles that of many schizophorans 
in appearance. However, it differs from the latter in 
being very weakly sclerotised on its median section. I 
note that in Sciadocera and at least some platypezids 
(Fig. 11), the prelabrum is divided in two or almost 
so, a condition which suggests (but does not prove) 
its origin from paired sclerites, such as the tormae. In 
these taxa and in Lonchoptera the prelabrum is more 
or less flattened against the ventral surface of the head, 
in contrast to that of Ironomyia. In the Syrphidae and 
the Schizophora the prelabrum is generally undivided 
and broadly sclerotised across its median part. 

Figures 10, 11. 10, Ironomyia nigromaculata, subcranial region of male. 11, Lindneromyia sp., subcra- 
nial region of male. Medially desclerotised prelabrum indicated for both taxa. 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figures 12-15. Prosternal region of cyclorrhaphous flies. 12, Ironomyia nigromaculata, subcoxal scler- 
ite indicated. 13, Lindneromyia sp. 14, Sciadocera rufomaculata, precoxal bridge indicated. 15, Eristalis 
tenax (Linné), subcoxal sclerite indicated. 

The prelabrum of all species of Ironomyia is sexually 
dimorphic, being larger in females. This condition 
may be correlated with dimorphism of the head 
capsule in taxa having holoptic tendency in the males. 
However, in some cyclorrhaphous taxa without male 
tendency to holopticism, the prelabrum of the female 
is Significantly larger than that of the male — e.g. 
Borboroides spp. and Heleomicra spp. (Heleomyzidae 
s.1. or Heteromyzidae), Rivelliaspp.(Platystomatidae), 
Gluma_ spp. (Coelopidae). Strongylophthalmyia 
spp. (Tanypezidae), Acartophthalmus  nigrinus 
(Zetterstedt) (Acartophthalmidae), A/lometopon spp. 
and Tetrameringia ustulata McAlpine (Clusiidae), 
Traginops sp. (Odiniidae), Dasyrhicnoessa spp. 
(Tethinidae or Canacidae); Stenomicra sp. (sp. B in 
AM, Periscelididae). Cyamops spp. (Periscelididae) 
also have the prelabrum much smaller in the male, 
but in this genus the facial region of the head capsule, 
not the postfrons, is narrowed by encroachment of the 
eyes in the male. 

The Prosternum 
In Jronomyia the prosternum (Fig. 12) is a 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

very broad sclerite covering most of the ventral surface 
of the thorax in the space between the fore coxae. Its 
lateral margin forms a raised flange on each side, and 
next to the anterior part of the lateral.margin there is 
a separate, often rather weakly defined, subtriangular 
sclerite — the subcoxal sclerite. Anterolaterally the 
prosternum is separated from the propleuron on each 
side by a membranous zone, i.e. there is no precoxal 
bridge. In the platypezids Lindneromyia (Fig. 13) 
and Microsania the prosternum is slightly narrower, 
with neither raised lateral margin nor precoxal 
bridge, and the subcoxal sclerite is at most vestigial. 
However, in the platypezid Agathomyia, I find a large 
triangular subcoxal sclerite. In Sciadocera (Fig. 14) 
the prosternum is broadly triangular, with slightly 
raised lateral margin and distinct precoxal bridge; no 
subcoxal sclerite is distinguishable in the position it 
occupies in /ronomyia, but a minute sclerotised spot 
near the anterior angle of the coxal base perhaps 
represents the subcoxal sclerite. Typical phorids 
generally have the prosternum very like that of 
Sciadocera but more narrowed posteriorly and without 
raised lateral margin. Lonchoptera furcata also has a 



similar prosternum, without visible subcoxal sclerite 
or raised lateral margin. 

The Syrphidae show a range of shapes in 
the prosternum, but the following features are nearly 
always present (Fig. 15): the prosternum is broad with 
margin strongly raised and produced posterolaterally 
into a lobe on each side; the prosternum is isolated 
from the propleuron on each side, there being no 
precoxal bridge; the subcoxal:sclerite is large and 
approximated to the lateral margin of the prosternum. 
This suite of characters is remarkably similar to that 
of Jronomyia, differing mainly in that the raised 
lateral margin forms a prominent posterolateral lobe 
on each side. The prosternum of the Pipunculidae 
and Conopidae, so far as I have observed it, looks 
like a reduced version of that of the Syrphidae, being 
generally more narrowed anteriorly, with the subcoxal 
sclerite little developed. In the Schizophora prosternal 
structure is very diverse-(see Speight 1969), but, 
as the diversity is scarcely relevant to this study of 
Ironomytidae, it is not treated here. 

The Tarsus 

Sawlines are present on the mid and hind 
tarsi of Ironomyia spp., except on the terminal 
segment of each. I have described these structures 
for the schizophoran families Syringogastridae and 
Diopsidae and mentioned their presence in a few other 
cyclorrhaphous families including Sciadoceridae, 
Phoridae, Platypezidae, and several families of 
Schizophora (D. McAlpine 1997: 172). The modified 
setulae comprising ironomytid sawlines (Fig. 16) 
appear to lack the double structure seen in diopsoid 
flies (op. cit. figs 40-43). 

In all three Jronomyia spp. segment 4 of the 
hind tarsus is very asymmetrical, on account of an 
elongate, subconical distally directed process on the 

posterior side. This process bears a sawline and several : 
other setulae, of which a subapical one is enlarged. It 
does not appear to be sexually dimorphic. 

In I. nigromaculata the empodium consists 
of a pubescent, broadly tubercle-like basal plate, 
apically bearing a large, simple, upwardly curved 
setiform process with smooth surface, in contrast to 
the longitudinally sculptured setulae on segment 5 
(Figs 16, 17). °F 

In Sciadocera rufomaculata the empodium 
has the same basic structure as in Jronomyia, but 
is much smaller and the setiform*process is not 
curved upwards. The hind tarsus shows strong 
sexual dimorphism. In the female, segment 4 is 
approximately symmetrical. In the male segment 4 
is very asymmetrical, but of different form from that 
of Ironomyia, and it is the anterior, not the posterior, 
side that is strongly extended distally. Schmitz (1929) 
described the empodium of Sciadocera as ‘pad- 
shaped and not bristle-like.’ This is certainly not true 
for Sciadocera s.str., but he may have referred to 
the condition in Archiphora, which-was then treated 
as a subgenus of Sciadocera, and which I have not 
examined. However, Schmitz admitted that he had a 
pair of Sciadocera (Sciadocera) nigromaculata for 

The Wing 

The wing venation of /ronomyia is probably 
quite diagnostic within the whole field of extant 
brachyceran flies (Fig. 23). The subcosta is free 
basally, but becomes fused with vein 1 (R,) for 
more than one third of the wing-length, and diverges 
from it distally to terminate separately in the costa; 
vein 3 (R,,.) is unbranched; the discal cell is well 
developed and distally separately emits three veins, 
each of which extends to the wing margin; the anal 
cell (CuP) is enclosed, moderately short and emits 

Figures 16, 17. Ironomyia nigromaculata, parts of left hind leg. 16, distal part of tarsus ventral view, 
sawlines indicated. 17, terminal view of tarsus. 


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distally a long vein 6 (CuA, + A,) which is distinctly 
sclerotised approximately to the margin. Also, the 
costa has two or three almost longitudinally aligned 
anteroventral costagial bristles. Jronomyia agrees 
with Sciadoceridae and Phoridae in that the costa 
terminates at the end of vein 3, whereas in typical 
platypezids it extends to vein 4. Disney (1988a) 
pointed out a close resemblance in costal chaetotaxy 
between Ironomyiidae and Sciadoceridae. Though 
he initially regarded the relevant character state as 
a synapomorphy, he later (Disney 2001) described 
it as ‘probably a plesiomorphic feature’, in order to 
support an alternative cladistic hypothesis. 

In all specimens of Jronomyia that I have 
examined in detail, the anal region is broadened so 
that that part of its margin just beyond the alula is 
almost at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the 
wing (Fig. 23). However, in previously published 
illustrations of the wing of 1. nigromaculata the anal 
region is erroneously shown as less prominent and 
more evenly rounded, presumably because it was 
furled or partly concealed in the available specimens. 
The part of the anal margin nearest the alula naturally 
possesses a series of elongate setulae, which vary 
considerably in number. These setulae are so fragile 
that they are often lost in preserved specimens. 

The alula of Jronomyia, though not large, 
forms a better developed lobe than in Sciadoceridae 
and Phoridae. A distinct, pigmented ambient vein is 
present on its margin, and bears numerous setulae 
(socket-based macrotrichia), but has very limited 
extension on to the anal lobe. 

The hair-fringe on the posterior margin of 
the wing beyond the anal lobe consists of microtrichia 
only, which, like those of most lower cyclorrhaphans 
other than Lonchopteridae, lack basal sockets. 

The Preabdomen 

In Jronomyia abdominal tergites 1 and 2 
are separated by a narrow intersegmental membrane 
across the dorsal part of the abdomen but this 
membrane is discontinued for about one fifth of the 
total width of the tergite on each side, so that the 
two tergites become sclerotically continuous on this 
marginal region. A groove in the apparently uniformly 
sclerotised cuticle is all that defines the two tergites 
in this region, as there is no well defined marginal 
incision. By contrast, tergites 2 to 6 are all separated 
by complete intersegmental membranes. 

My studies, which are far from a complete 
coverage of taxa, indicate that partial to complete 
fusion of tergites 1 and 2 is a general rule in the 
Cyclorrhapha. The only included groups in which 
these tergites are completely separated by a strip of 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

intersegmental membrane are, to my knowledge, the 
Opetiidae (Chandler 1998), Sciadoceridae (author’s 
observation on Sciadocera), and Phoridae (author’s 
limited observations and examples figured by Disney 
1994). The Empidiformae usually have tergites 1 and 2 
separate, and thus, if Empidiformae and Cyclorrhapha 
are sister groups, the separate condition is likely to 
be the groundplan condition for the Eremoneura. The 
resemblance between Ironomytidae and the rest of the 
Cyclorrhapha (apparently including the Platypezidae) 
is interesting, but cannot at this stage be affirmed as a 

Chandler (2001) points out that the 
Platypezidae show so many plesiomorphic conditions 
that it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated how 
they differ from the groundplan of the Cyclorrhapha. 
At least partial fusion of tergites 1 and 2 occurs in the 
genera Agathomyia, Lindneromyia, Melanderomyia, 
and Microsania (my observations); so, if the condition 
proves to be uniformly present in the Platypezidae, this 
would be an apomorphic character state of the family 
relative to the groundplan of the Cyclorrhapha. 

The Male Postabdomen 

The male postabdomen of Jronomyia is 
essentially symmetrical; segment 6 has the tergite and 
sternite occupying their primitive, respectively dorsal 
and ventral positions; segment 7 is not represented 
by any sclerite, and sternite 8 is large, approximately 
symmetrical, dorsally located, and connate on its 
posterior margin with the epandrium. J. McAlpine 
(1967) terms sternite 8 “sternite 7+8”, but there is no 
evidence for inclusion of any part of segment 7 in this 
sclerite, either in the groundplan of the Cyclorrhapha 
or in Jronomyia. In the Schizophora many taxa possess 
an identifiable, usually asymmetrical sternite 7, and a 
few taxa possess a small sclerite associated with right 
spiracle 7 which could be a vestige of tergite 7. The 
absence in Jronomyia of any sclerite representing 
segment 7 agrees with Sciadocera but differs from 
the Platypezidae. According to Chandler (1998: fig. 
8), Opetia has the postabdominal segmentation even 
further reduced. J. McAlpine (1967) identifies the 
two median sclerites between the aedeagus and the 
cerci in Jronomyia as ‘sternum 10?’ and ‘sternum 11?’ 
While I am also doubtful of the homologies of these 
sclerites, I provisionally use those designations. 

The fossil record (entirely Mesozoic) 

of apparent or possible ironomyiid flies has been 
reviewed by Mostovsky (1995) who provided a key 



(in Russian); and Chandler (2001) made some general 
comments on the fossil taxa. Grimaldi and Cumming 
(1999) described an additional fossil taxon. 

The only one of these fossil taxa which 
I consider to be unambiguously ironomyiid is 
Cretonomyia pristina J. McAlpine 1973, in Upper 
Cretaceous Canadian amber. The wing venation 
(including partial fusion of subcosta and vein 1) and 
visible detail of antennal segments 2 and 3 confirm 
the impression of a fairly general agreement with 
Ironomyia in other characters, though numerous 
morphological features of the unique fossil are not 
visible. Ironomytidae s. str. (=subfamily Ironomyiinae 
of Mostovsky) includes only the genera Jronomyia 
and Cretonomyia. 

Lebambromyia acrai Grimaldi & Cumming, 
1999, was based on two specimens in lower Cretaceous 
Lebanese amber. The published details suggest 
cyclorrhaphous status for Lebambromyia, but in my 
view any synapomorphy with Ironomyiidae is at best 
doubtful. Ifthe prelabrum is absent, then perhaps some 
doubt would be thrown on the cyclorrhaphous affinities 
of Lebambromyia (but the condition of the prelabrum 
is apparently also unrecorded for Opetia, which I 
have not examined). Grimaldi and Cumming mention 
the similarity between Lebambromyia, Cretonomyia, 
and /ronomyia in the sclerotised pterostigma confined 
to the subcostal cell. Agathomyia spp. (England, AM; 
New York state, AM) have a lightly sclerotised zone 
in the apex of the subcostal cell, and this appears 
to be present also in some other platypezids figured 
by Kessel (1987). I do not consider the presence of 
a pterostigma restricted to the subcostal cell to be a 
reliable diagnostic indicator for the Ironomyiidae. 

Lebambromyia \acks what I consider to be 
diagnostic apomorphies for the Ironomyiidae, viz. 
the partial fusion of the subcosta with vein 1, and 
the highly specialised articulation between antennal 
segments 2 and 3. I find no acceptable evidence for 
inclusion of Lebambromyia in the Ironomytidae and 
formally remove it from the family. Those making 
future studies of the genus should decide whether a 
new family is required for it. 

The remaining fossil taxa previously 
referred to the Ironomyiidae are placed in the 
subfamily Sinolestinae by Mostovski (1995). These 
are impression fossils from the Upper Jurassic to 
Lower Cretaceous of northern Asia, and are thus 
among the very earliest putative cyclorrhaphans, 
if correctly identified as such. Included genera are: 
Eridomyia, Hermaeomyia, and Palaeopetia (syn. 
Sinolesta). Twenty-one nominal species are included. 
These flies have, except in the region of the subcosta, 
venation typical of the Platypezidae, with the fork 


of vein 4 (M,_,) located beyond the discal cell. The 
subcosta, beyond the base, becomes fused or connate 
for a considerable distance with vein 1, then becomes 
free distally so as to delimit basally, in at least some 
species, a short, apparently sclerotised or pigmented 
pterostigma. This condition of the subcosta in, for 
example, Palaeopetia gemina Mostovski (1995: 
fig. 1) is a precise replica of that in the Holocene 
Ironomyia (Fig. 23), but shows less resemblance to 
the Upper Cretaceous Cretonomyia, which has a much 
shorter extent of fusion between the subcosta and 
vein 1. It has been doubted if actual fusion between 
the subcosta and vein 1 can be demonstrated in the 
impression fossils, but the sinolestine specimens 
are fairly numerous, and the compression to which 
they have been subjected should emphasise any gap 
between veins in a percentage of specimens. 

It is improbable that details of antennal 
structure would be preserved in these impression 
fossils, but the drawings by Mostovski sometimes 
indicate amore rotund segment 3 than is generally seen 
in the less specialised empidoids and the Platypezidae 
(other than Melanderomyia). That of Eridomyia 
captiosa Mostovski shows antennae reminiscent of 
true ironomyiids, but I am unsure how much of the 
visible outline represents actual structure. 

Without seeing any of these sinolestine 
fossils, I remain impressed by their resemblance to 
later ironomyiids, and suggest that the Sinolestinae 
remain provisionally in or near the Ironomyiidae 
until further evidence tends to confirm or negate this 


The IJronomyiidae share three possible 
synapomorphies with the probably monophyletic 
group Sciadoceridae + Phoridae (treated as one family 
by Tonnoir 1926, Disney 2001): (1) the subcosta 
becomes fused with vein 1 a short distance beyond 
base; (2) the costa extends to and is discontinued 
near vein 3 (in contrast to less reduced forms of 
Platypezidae, and probably also to Lonchopteridae 
and Opetiidae where it is continued as an ambient 
vein); (3) segment 7 of the male postabdomen has no 
distinguishable sclerite. In the Cretaceous tronomyiid 
Cretonomyia fusion between the subcosta and vein 1| 
commences much further from the base and continues 
for a much shorter distance than in Jronomyia; i.e. the 
subcosta is somewhat less phoroid in appearance. 
The case for synapomorphy between Ironomytidae 
and the more typical phoroids is thus weakened, and 
homoplasy between, for example, Jronomyia and 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Sciadocera becomes less unlikely. Also characters (2) 
and (3) can show instability in many cyclorrhaphous 
lineages, and are subject to frequent convergence. 

Griffiths (1972) considered the Ironomytidae 
+ Sciadoceridae + Phoridae to constitute the clade 
Hypocera (Phoroidea is the name now preferred), and 
included two further autapomorphies for the group: 
“apex of second antennal article deeply inserted into 
base of third;” and “anal cell shortened.” I reject 
these from the apomorphic evidence for inclusion 
of the Ironomyiidae in this alliance, because (1) the 
articulation between antennal segments 2 and 3 in 
Ironomyia is fundamentally different from that of 
the other two families as indicated above, (2) a well 
developed conus inserted into segment 3 is present in 
many cyclorrhaphous taxa, and (3) the anal cell (cup) 
of Jronomyia and Cretonomyia is only marginally 
shorter than that of numerous platypezid taxa and 
probably not as short as that of Opetia. 

Tronomyia also differs from more typical taxa 
of the phoroid alliance in the absence of pubescence on 
the marginal setulae of the alula, in the partial fusion 
of abdominal tergites 1 and 2, and in the absence of 
prothoracic precoxal bridges. When on tree trunks or 
in glass containers, ironomyiids are inactive or walk 
slowly, in contrast to typical sciadocerids, phorids, 
and platypezids, which usually run actively. 

The nature of the articulation between 
antennal segments 2 and 3, and the presence of 
well developed sensory sacculi in segment 3, 
appear to separate the Ironomytidae from all other 
cyclorrhaphans of pre-syrphoid grade, so far as they 
have been investigated for these structures, but a few 
approaches to these ironomyiid-like conditions have 
been noted in certain taxa in the Empidiformae. 

As an alternative hypothesis, two shared 
apparent apomorphies (?synapomorphies) suggest that 
the Ironomyiidae are closely related (? the sister group) 
to the Eumuscomorpha (= Syrphidae + Pipunculidae 
+ Schizophora). These are: (1) antennal segment 3 
containing one or more sensory sacculi; (2) antennal 
segment 2 with more or less separate upper and lower 
concavities on distal articular surface, which receive 
the upper and lower basal gibbosities of segment 3. Of 
these conjectured synapomorphies, I have particular 
reservation concerning (2). In such taxa as the 
platypezid Lindneromyia (Fig. 5) antennal segments 
2 and 3 are only slightly bilaterally compressed, and 
this probably plesiomorphic approximation to radial 
symmetry round the central longitudinal axis results 
in the distal concavity of segment 2 being annular. 
In many syrphids, platypezids, and schizophorans 
these segments, particularly segment 3, have become 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

dilated and compressed and such annular concavity is 
consequently squeezed into upper and lower elements. 
But bilateral compression of segment 3 and the 
adjoining part of segment 2 has evolved several times 
in diverse non-cyclorrhaphous brachycerans (e.g. in 
Athericidae and Dolichopodidae). Such examples 
must throw a degree of doubt on any hypothesis of 
a single permissible origin of such compression in 
Cyclorrhapha. Nevertheless, I mention condition 
(2) because it is probably a groundplan condition 
of the three abovementioned main groups of 
Eumuscomorpha, as well as of Ironomyia; also because 
the platypezid Melanderomyia, with its strongly 
compressed segment 3, still lacks the distal concavities 
of segment 2. As explained above, the prominent, 
sexually dimorphic prelabrum of Jronomyia is, apart 
from its probably primitive bipartite structure, more 
like that of certain eumuscomorphous taxa than that of 
any other cyclorrhaphous taxon of presyrphoid grade. 
But much variation in the Eumuscomorpha creates 
difficulty in determining the groundplan condition of 
the prelabrum in this group. 

The partial fusion of abdominal tergites 1 
and 2 in Jronomyia is more in agreement with the 
Eumuscomorpha than with the Phoroidea, though it 
occurs also in some other lower cyclorrhaphans. 

According to the study by Wada (1991), the 
Eumuscomorpha differ from all other cyclorrhaphans 
investigated in the nature of the sensory epithelium of 
the compound eyes. Unfortunately he was not able to 
examine /ronomyia for this condition. 

If the fusion between the subcosta and vein 
1 is a homologous condition through the Sinolestinae 
and Ironomytidae s.str., then this apomorphy must 
have evolved in the lineage by the end of the Jurassic 
Period. The ancestral eumuscomorphan (on the 
assumption of monophyly for this group), having a 
more plesiomorphic subcosta, could not have been 
subsequently derived from such ironomytiid lineage. 

It is now desirable that Jronomyia be 
incorporated into DNA phylogenetic studies, such 
as that of Collins & Wiegmann (2002), to test 
support for one of three conceivable alternatives: 
(1) Ironomyiidae are closest to the typical phoroid 
families Sciadoceridae and Phoridae; (2) Ironomyiidae 
are close to the Syrphidae and Pipunculidae or to 
the possibly monophyletic Eumuscomorpha; (3) 
Ironomylidae are a very isolated group of lower 
cyclorrhaphans. If either alternative (2) or (3) is 
favoured, a separate superfamily would be necessary 
for the ironomyiids. 



Genus Ironomyia White 

Ironomyia White 1916: 216-217, fig. 39. Type species 
(monotypy) I. nigromaculata White. 

See J. McAlpine (1967). 


Queensland — as far north as Atherton 
Tableland. New South Wales — Coast districts to 
Western Slopes. Victoria — few records. Tasmania 
— probably widely distributed. In New South Wales 
and Queensland they extend from wet coastal 
districts to drier inland districts such as Mendooran 
and Millmerran. With further collecting, they will 
probably be found to have a wider distribution in 
Victoria, and it would not be surprising if they were 
discovered in South Australia and Western Australia. 


This, the only extant genus of Ironomytidae, 
shows very little structural diversity, and has been 
well described by J. McAlpine (1967). I give some 
further morphological data above. The wing venation 
(Fig. 23) is unique among Holocene Brachycera, and 
the structure of antennal segments 2 and 3 (Figs 1, 2) 
is also distinctive. 

The flies generally live in forested country, 
where they are sometimes found on tree trunks (e.g. 
Acacia s.1.). They are also taken by light-trapping and 
occasionally by sweeping vegetation. They are most 
often found in late spring or early summer, but are 
generally uncommon. 

Key to species of Ironomyia 

1 Scutellum with dorsal setulae or mollisetae (in 
addition to marginal bristles, Fig. 19), or, if 
these (rarely) absent, then numerous marginal 
setulae located among marginal bristles; apex of 
scutellum without pale spot; abdominal tergites 
2 to 6 each with black median zone; male: 
surstylus compressed, plate-like, with setulae 
little developed on anterior surface ...............00 
eS Ae ee nigromaculata White 

- Scutellum without either dorsal setulae or dorsal 
mollisetae, nor with setulae among marginal 
bristles, with yellowish apical spot (Fig. 21); 
median zone of tergites 2 to 6 pale grey to 
yellowish, flanked by black zone on each side 
(sometimes brown on tergite 6); male: surstylus 
not thus compressed, with very numerous long or 
rather short setulae on anterior surface ............ Z 

2 Wing with blackish apical spot covering end of 


submarginal cell and adjacent parts of marginal 
and first posterior cells (Fig. 24); median pale 
zones on tergites 2-5 relatively narrow (Figs 27, 
28); male: surstylus stoutly ovoid, with mixed 
large and small anterior setulae (Fig. 26)... ...... : 
LEELA whitei n.sp. 
- Wing without distinct apical spot (apices of veins 
2 and 3 often darkened); median pale zones on 
tergites 2-5 relatively broad (Fig. 22, broader 
in female); male: surstylus in profile curved, 
obliquely truncate, with numerous short setulae 
only on anterior surface (Fig. 25) ...francisi n.sp. 

Figure 18. Ironomyia nigromaculata. Abdominal 
tergites 1-6 of male, diagrammatic, spread flat to 
show pattern. 

Ironomyia nigromaculata White 
Figs 1, 2, 4, 10, 12, 16-20 

Ironomyia nigromaculata White 1916: 217-218, 
fig. 39; J. McAlpine 1967: 226-227, figs 1-15 

Material examined (localities only) 

Queensland: Hugh Nelson Range, S of 
Atherton (only known specimen from tropics, 
ANIC); Mount Moffatt vicinity, Carnarvon National 
Park (AM, UQ); Rainbow Beach, Tin Can Bay 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


district (AM); near Mount Glorious (UQ); Brisbane 
district — several localities (AM, UQ); 43 km WSW 
of Millmerran (AM); Tamborine Mountain (UQ); 
Amiens State Forest, W of Stanthorpe (AM). New 
South Wales: Dorrigo (ANIC); New England National 
Park (ANIC); Wollomombi Falls, Armidale district 
(AM); Warrumbungle National Park (AM, UQ); 
Carrai State Forest, W of Kempsey (AM); Goonoo 
State Forest, near Mendooran (AM); Kurrajong (AM); 
Mount Boyce, Blue Mountains (AM); Ku-ring-gai 
Chase National Park (AM); Royal National Park, S 
of Sydney (AM); Otford (AM); Macquarie Pass, near 
Albion Park (ANIC); Minnamurra Falls, W of Kiama 
(AM); Clyde Mountain, E of Braidwood (ANIC); 
Bawley Point, Ulladulla district (AM, ANIC); Depot 
Beach, near Bateman’s Bay (ANIC). Victoria: 26 mi 
(c. 42 km) NNE of Orbost (ANIC); Young’s Creek, 12 
km N of Orbost (ANIC). Tasmania: Mount Barrow, 
near Launceston (AM); Cradle Valley (ANIC); Lake 
Saint Clair (ANIC); Bronte Park (ANIC); Franklin- 
Gordon Wild River Park (UQ); Hobart (holotype 
BM; ANIC); Arve River, Geeveston district (ANIC). 

I have not examined the holotype, but J. 
Chainey has kindly checked its diagnostic characters 


and confirmed (in litt.) the identification made here 
and by J. McAlpine (1967). 


See J. McAlpine (1967). Inote some variation 
and some diagnostic characters in the relatively large 
series now available. 

Coloration. Antennal segment 3 generally 
dark grey or grey-brown in southern populations, but 
specimens from Queensland usually with segment 
3 yellow, as in J. francisi and I. whitei. Mesoscutal 
coloration sexually dimorphic as in J. francisi, but that 
of female more variable in width and extent of dark 
bands; scutellum always without pale apical zone. 
Dorsal abdominal pattern variable, but black zones 
generally more extensive in males than in females, 
(Fig. 18; J. McAlpine 1967: figs 4, 5) and often less 
extensive in southern Queensland specimens, but 
male from Hugh Nelson Range (northern known limit 
of range) as dark as any southern specimens; tergites 
2 to 6 always with black median zone (J. McAlpine’s 
fig 4 is in error regarding tergite 6, being based on a 
damaged specimens which I have checked). 

Thorax. Scutellum with few to numerous 


Figures 19, 20. Ironomyia nigromaculata. 19, scutellum, dorsal view. 20, epandrium and associated 

parts, left lateral view, scale = 0.1 mm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



dorsal setulae, often fewer in northern populations, 
specimen from Hugh Nelson Range with setulae 
interspersed with marginal bristles, but apparently no 
dorsal setulae. 

Male _postabdomen. Epandrium relatively 
stout; surstylus more compressed and plate-like than 
in other species, with very oblique base and broadly 
rounded apex, setulosity on anterior surface little 
developed; hypandrium broadly rounded anteriorly; 
cerci and sternite 11 located more terminally than 
dorsally on epandrium; sternite 11 broader than in 
other species. 

Dimensions. Total length, 4 3.7-6.0 mm, 
Q 2.9-6.2 mm; length of thorax, d 1.5-2.5 mm, 2 
1.3-2.5 mm; length of wing, 3 4.2-6.4 mm, ° 3.6-6.9 

all eps 

Brisbane Forest Park, near The Gap, 27°25’41”S 
152°50°18”E, 28.1x.-15.x.2002, JLHS. & J.M.C., 
Malaise trap (J.H.S. #13323, AM). Glued to small 
card point. 

Paratypes. Queensland: 2 3, 4 2, same data 
as holotype (AM,ANIC): 1 4, Scrub Road, Brisbane 
Forest Park, 3-10.x.1997, S.W., N.P., D.W. (UQ); 
1 4, 1 9, W of Highvale, near Samford, 27°23’S, 
152°47’°E, 19.ix.1986, G.D. (UQ); 2 3, 3.5 and 4 
km WSW of Point Lookout, North Stradbroke I., 3- 
5.iv.1992, G.D., C.J.B. (UQ); 1 4, North Stradbroke 
1., 4.v1.1987, C.J.B. (UQ). 

Other material. New South Wales: 1 6,24km 
W of South Grafton, 29°37’S, 152°44’E, 1.xii.1990, 
A.D., G.D. (AM); 4 2, Mooney Mooney Creek, 
near Gosford, 20-29.xi1.1975, 1.xii.1989, BJ.D., 

Figures 21, 22. Ironomyia francisi. 21, dorsal view of thorax of female to show pattern. 22, tergites 1-6 

of male, diagrammatic, showing pattern. 


Eastern Australia: Atherton Tableland 
(Queensland) to southern Tasmania. Records cover 
almost the whole known range of the genus. 

Tronomyia francisi sp. nov. 
Figs 21-23, 25 

Material examined 
Holotype. 3, Queensland: Scrub Creek, 


G.D., D.K.M. (AM, CNC); 1 9, Sydney, no other 
original data (ANIC); 1 3, 3 km E of Wedderburn, 
Campbelltown district, 34°08’S 150°49’E, 19.x.2003, 
D.R.B. (AM, in alcohol). 

Description (3, 2) 
With the general morphology of the genus. 
Coloration. Head grey, largely densely 
pruinescent; most setulae black; subgenal region 
largely shining brown. Antenna yellow, with brown 
arista. Sclerotised lateral part of prelaburm with 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


shining brown zone which is larger in female; median 
desclerotised part of prelabrum grey-pruinescent; 
palpus largely black, with variable yellow to 
brownish apical zone. Thorax largely grey to greyish- 
brown pruinescent; mesoscutum of male dark brown, 
becoming grey posteriorly, intensity and extent of 
colour-zones changing with angle of view, goldish 
zones on and near notopleural areas visible from 
some angles; mesoscutum of female (Fig. 21) grey 
with complex pattern consisting essentially of five 
longitudinal dark brown stripes and a dark blotch in 
front of each postalar callus; scutellum brown-black, 

with grey to yellowish anterolateral zone on each side 
and yellowish apical spot which is larger in female. 
Legs largely grey-brown; femora apically yellowish; 
tibiae yellowish, each with diffuse brown sub-basal 
ring; mid and hind tibiae with, in addition, brown 
subapical ring, that on hind tibia much larger and 
darker; tarsi yellowish, each usually with terminal 
segment variably browned. Wing clear; pterostigma 
buff to pale brown; part of costa adjoining end of 
veins 2 and 3 slightly darkened, with very little brown 
pigment often visible on membrane at ends of these 
veins. Halter yellowish, with capitellum dark brown. 

Figures 23-26. 23, Ironomyia francisi, wing. 24, I. whitei, wing tip. 25, I. francisi, epandrium and 
associated parts, left lateral view. 26, I. whitei, the same. Scale for Figs 25 and 26 = 0.1 mm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Abdominal tergites 1 to 6 variegated black and pale 
yellowish grey, approximately as in Fig. 22 in male, 
with median pale zones broader in female, but extent 
of zones changing with angle of view so that median 
pale zones appear much darker in anterodorsal view; 
tergite 6 lacking median black zone. 

Head structurally similar to that of J. 

Thorax. Scutellum quite without dorsal 
setulae, with three or four pairs of marginal bristles 
often irregular and asymmetrical. 

Male postabdomen. Epandrium more slender 
than in 1. nigromaculata, slightly narrowed basally, 
setulose, most strongly so laterally on posterior half, 
with well sclerotised anteroventral bridge in front of 
hypandrium, with posterodorsal bight for insertion of 
proctiger longer than in other species; surstylus stout 
but somewhat curved, distally obliquely truncate so 
that anterodistal angle is more acute than posterodistal 
angle, with relatively few large setulae posteriorly, 
and with numerous rather dense short setulae on 
anterior surface; hypandrium relatively slender, 
consisting of pair of narrow, anteriorly converging 
and shortly fused plates with mostly small setulae; 
aedeagus moderately elongate, sclerotised, curved, 
relatively slender beyond base, with slender basal 
apodeme; cerci well separated, setulose, markedly 
narrower than in J. nigromaculata and I. whitei; 
proctiger glabrous; apparent sternite 10 with pair of 
rounded finely setulose prominences between bases 
of surstyli; apparent sternite 11 narrower than in J. 
nigromaculata, with pair of large setulae and several 
small setulae. 

Dimensions. Total length, ¢ 2.9-3.8 mm, 
Q 2.7-3.4 mm; length of thorax, ¢ 1.2-1.7 mm, 9 
1.3-1.6 mm; length of wing, 3 3.3-4.1 mm, 9 3.4-4.1 


Queensland: Brisbane district and North 
Stradbroke Island. New South Wales: Grafton district 
to Sydney district. 


I. francisi is readily distinguished from 
I. nigromaculata by having a pale median zone on 
tergites 2 to 6 and no dorsal or seriate marginal setulae 
on the scutellum. It also differs in details of the male 
postabdomen as in above description and Fig. 25. For 
comparison with /. whitei see under that species. 

The specimens that I collected at Mooney 
Mooney Creek were found on trunks of Acacia sp. 
Most of the Queensland specimens were taken in 
Malaise traps or at mercury vapour light. 


The specific epithet refers to James Francis 
(Frank) McAlpine, who established the family 
Ironomyiidae (with J.E.H. Martin) and contributed 
much to knowledge of its morphology and 

Ironomyia whitei sp. nov. 
Figs 24, 26-28 

Material examined 

Holotype. 3, Tasmania: Pieman River, near 
Rosebery, 15.1.1960, D.K.M. (AM). 

Paratypes. Tasmania: 1 2, Pelion (Mount 
Pelion vicinity, Cradle Mountain-Lake Saint Clair 
National Park), 111.1990, LD.N. (ANIC); 1 &, 
Clayton’s, near Melaleuca, Bathurst Harbour district, 
43°23’S 146°08’E, 1.1991, E.S.N., E.D.E. (ANIC). 
New South Wales: | 9, Carrai State Forest, W of 
Kempsey, 30°54’33”S 152°16’28”E, 3-8.x11.1997, 
E.T. (AM). 


Resembling /. francisi in most characters 
and agreeing with description of that species, except 
as indicated below. 

Coloration. Head and antenna largely as 
given for J. francisi. Palpus almost entirely blackish in 
male, with tawny-brown apex in female. Mesoscutum 
and scutellum with sexually dimorphic pattern 
resembling that of I. francisi. Legs with markings 
possibly resembling those of J. francisi but all 
specimens somewhat faded. Wing with pterostigma 
brown (darker in less faded holotype); apical brown 
zone covering veins 2 and 3 and intervening area. 
Abdominal pattern of male (Fig. 28): tergite 1 broadly 
yellow-grey medially, with black paramedian zones, 
yellowish brown lateral parts, and posterior part of 
lateral margin black; posterior margin largely pale, 
with transverse silvery-pruinescent zone on each side; 
tergite 2 with moderately small, rounded pale median 
zone, which appears yellowish in anterodorsal view, 
silvery and slightly larger in posterodorsal view, with 
large black zone on each side of median zone, with 
lateral parts pale yellowish grey, and extreme lateral 
margin apparently black; central part of posterior 
margin black; sublateral part with transverse silvery 
pruinescent zone; tergites 3 and 5 resembling tergite 2, 
but median pale zone progressively narrower (lateral 
margins not visible); tergite 4 also generally similar 
to above, but narrow median pale zone consisting of 
silvery pruinescence on a largely brown to blackish 
ground-colour, so that this zone largely disappears in 
anterodorsal view; tergite 6 tawny-yellow with two 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figures 27, 28. Ironomyia whitei. 27, female tergites 1-6, diagrammatic. 28, male tergites 1-6. 

pairs of dark brown zones connected on each side 
by zone of brown suffusion, and with entire median 
zone and posterior margin tawny-yellow. Abdominal 
pattern of female: somewhat resembling that of male; 
tergites 2 to 5 with narrow median stripe of silvery 
pruinescence (most distinct in posterodorsal view) 
either located on broader zone of yellowish ground 
colour which grades into darker paramedian zone, 
or delimited laterally by such dark zone; tergite 6 
variable, with only the posterior pair of blackish 
brown zones (Carrai specimen, Fig. 27) or more 
extensively darkened (Tasmanian specimens). 

Thorax. Scutellum with two or three pairs of 
marginal bristles, without dorsal setulae. 

Male postabdomen., Epandrium as described 
for I. francisi, but much more elongate, slightly 
gibbous basally; surstylus very stout, with medially 
inclined subacute to narrowly obtuse (depending on 
angle of view) apex, with numerous small and large 
setulae on anterior surface and few large setulae 
on and near posterior surface; hypandrium much 
tapered anteriorly, not divided except at posterior 
end around base of aedeagus; aedeagus larger than 
in I. nigromaculata, stouter than in J. francisi and not 
tapered; cercus broader than in /. francisi; sternite 10 
relatively broad, with slight convexity on each side; 
sternite 11 as described for J. francisi. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Dimensions. Total length, 3 3.1 mm, @ 3.3- 
3.7 mm; length of thorax, J 1.6 mm, 9 1.3-1.6 mm; 
length of wing, ¢ c. 4.5 mm, @ c. 3.9-5.0 mm. 

Tasmania: western parts of state. New South 
Wales: eastern edge of Northern Tablelands district. 


I. whitei is readily distinguished from other 
species of Ironomyia by the obvious dark brown to 
blackish apical wing spot (represented at most by a 
trace in other species), also by the distinctive colour 
pattern of the abdominal tergites (Figs 27, 28) and 
details of the male genitalia (Fig. 26). 

In the holotype (the only known male) I 
have not been able to confirm the presence of a black 
lateral marginal zone on most abdominal tergites and 
have omitted them from Fig. 28, though they may be 
present. Females from Tasmania have the black zones 
on the tergites more extensive than that from Carrai 
Forest, New South Wales (Fig. 27), but observed 
variation is no greater than that in . nigromaculata. 

This species has been rarely collected. I 
obtained many flies by sweeping vegetation during 
an exceptionally hot day in a relatively cool rainforest 
gully leading to the Pieman River, near Rosebery, 



Tasmania, in Jan. 1960. These included heleomyzids 
(genera Austroleria McAlpine, Diplogeomyza 
Hendel, Trixoleria McAlpine), lauxaniids (genera 
Ceratolauxania Hendel, Jncurviseta Malloch, 
Sapromyza s.l), and other flies including the holotype 
of Ironomyia whitei. 

The specific epithet refers to Arthur White, 
pioneer student of Tasmanian Diptera, who named 
the genera Jronomyia and Sciadocera. 


J.M. Cumming, G. Daniels, W.N. Mathis, K. Ribardo, 
J.H. Skevington, F.C. Thompson, and D.K. Yeates provided 
significant study material. J. Chainey and E.D. Edwards 
gave information on material in their care. D.J. Bickel, S.F. 
McEvey, and G. Theischinger made useful comments on the 
manuscript. M.S. Moulds and D.J. Bickel also gave support 
to this study. S. Lindsay carried out electron microscopy. 

S. Cowan prepared electronic copy. 


Chandler, P.J. (1998). 3.2. Family Opetiidae. In 
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(Ed. L. Papp & B. Darvas) 3, 17-25. (Budapest, 
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Systematics and Evolution 33, 445-456. 

Disney, R.H.L. (1988a). Unusual costal chaetotaxy in 
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Disney, R.H.L. (1988b). The form of articulation between 
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Disney, R.H.L. (1994). ‘Scuttle flies: the Phoridae’, 467 
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Disney, R.H.L. (2001). Sciadoceridae (Diptera) 
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Ferrar, P. (1988). A guide to the breeding habits and 
immature stages of Diptera Cyclorrhapha, 907 pp. 
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Griffiths, G.C.D. (1972). The phylogenetic classification 
of the Diptera Schizophora with special reference to 
the structure of the male postabdomen, 340, pp. (W. 
Junk, The Hague). 


Grimaldi, D.A. and Cumming, J. (1999). Brachyceran 
Diptera in Cretaceous amber and Mesozoic 
diversification of the Eremoneura. Bulletin of the 
American Museum of Natural History 239, 124 pp. 

Hennig, W. (1948). Die Larvenformen der Dipteren 1, 185 
pp. (Akademie-Verlag, Berlin.) 

Hennig, W. (1973). 31. Diptera (Zweifltigler). Handbuch 
der Zoologie 4(2), 2, 337 + 4 unnumbered pp. 

Kessel, E.L. (1987). 50. Platypezidae. In J.F. McAlpine 
(editor): Manual of Nearctic Diptera 2, 681-688. 
(Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Hull, 

Lowne, B.T. (1895). ‘The anatomy, physiology, 
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McAlpine, D.K. (1997). Gobryidae, a new family of 
acalyptrate flies (Diptera: Diopsoidea), and a 
discussion of relationships of the diopsoid families. 
Records of the Australian Museum 49, 167-194. 

McAlpine, D.K. (2002). Some examples of reduced 
segmentation of the arista in Diptera-Cyclorrhapha, 
and some phylogenetic implications. Studia 
dipterologica 9, 3-19. 

McAlpine, D.K. (2007). The surge flies (Diptera, 
Canacidae, Zaleinae) of Australasia and notes on 
tethinid-canacid morphology and relationships. 
Records of the Australian Museum 59, 27-64. 

McAlpine, J.F. (1967). A detailed study of Ironomyiidae 

(Diptera: Phoroidea). Canadian Entomologist 99, 


McAlpine, J.F. (1973). A fossil ironomyiid fly from 

Canadian amber (Diptera: Ironomyiidae). Canadian 

Entomologist 105, 105-111. 

McAlpine, J.F. (1981). 2. Morphology and terminology — 
adults. In J.F. McAlpine (editor): Manual of Nearctic 
Diptera 1, 9-63. (Canadian Government Publishing 
Centre, Hull, Quebec). 

McAlpine, J.F. (1989). 116. Phylogeny and classification 
of the Muscomorpha. In J.F. McAlpine (editor): 
Manual of Nearctic Diptera 3, 1397-1518. (Canadian 
Government Publishing Centre, Hull, Quebec). 

McAlpine, J.F. and Martin, J.E.H. (1966). Systematics of 
Sciadoceridae and relatives with descriptions of two 
new genera and species from Canadian amber and 
erection of family Ironomyiidae (Diptera: Phoroidea). 
Canadian Entomologist 98, 527-544. 

Mostovski, M.B. (1995). New taxa of Ironomytidae 
(Diptera: Phoromorpha) from the Cretaceous of 
Siberia and Mongolia. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 
29, 318-331. In Russian. 

Peterson, B.V. (1987). 49. Lonchopteridae. In J.F. 
McAlpine (editor): Manual of Nearctic Diptera 2, 
675-680. (Canadian Government Publishing Centre, 
Hull, Quebec). 

Sabrosky, C.W. (1999). Family-group names in Diptera. 
Myia 10, 1-360. 

Schmitz, H. (1929). Fascicle 1. -Sciadoceridae and 
Phoridae. Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile 6, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Sinclair, B.J. (1995). New species of Hormopeza 
Zetterstedt from South Africa and Tasmania (Diptera: 
Empididae). Annals of the Natal Museum 36, 203- 

Speight, M.C.D. (1969). The prothoracic morphology 
of acalyptrates (Diptera) and its use in systematics. 
Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society 121, 

Stocker, R.F. (2001). Drosophila as a focus in olfactory 
research: mapping of olfactory sensilla by fine 
structure, odor specificity, odorant receptor 
expression, and central connectivity. Microscopy 
Research and Technique 55, 284-296. 

Stuckenberg, B.R. (2001). Pruning the tree: a critical 
review of classifications of the Homeodactyla 
(Diptera, Brachycera), with new perspectives and 
an alternative classification. Studia dipterologica 8, 

Tonnoir, A.L. (1926). A new and primitive sub-family 
of the Phoridae (Dipt.). Records of the Canterbury 
Museum [Christchurch] 3, 31-38, pl. 4. 

Wada, S. (1991). Morphologische Indizien fiir das 
unmittelbare Schwestergruppenverhaltnis der 
Schizophora mit den Syrphoidea (“Aschiza’) in der 
phylogenetischen Systematik der Cyclorrhapha 
(Diptera: Brachycera). Journal of Natural History 25, 

White, A. (1916). The Diptera-Brachycera of Tasmania. 
Part III. Families Asilidae, Bombylidae, Empidae, 
Dolichopodidae & Phoridae. Royal Society of 
Tasmania Papers and Proceedings 1916, 148-266. 

Wiegmann, B.M., Yeates, D.K., Thorne, J.L., and Kishino, 
H. (2003). Time flies, a new molecular time scale for 
brachyceran fly evolution without a clock. Systematic 
Biology 52, 745-756. 

Woodley, N.E. (1989). 115. Phylogeny and classification 
of the ‘Orthorrhaphous’ Brachycera. In J.F. McAlpine 
(editor): Manual of Nearctic Diptera 3, 1371-1396. 
(Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Hull, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Classification of genera mentioned in text. 
Suborder Brachycera 
Infraorder Homoeodactyla 
Atherix Meigen 
Suragina Walker 
Suraginella Stuckenberg 

Symphoromyia Frauenfeld 
Infraorder Heterodactyla s.1. 
Division Asiliformae 
Division Eremoneura 
Subdivision Empidiformae 
Hormopeza Zetterstedt 
Subdivision Cyclorrhapha 
Informal grade ‘lower Cyclorrhapha’ s.str 
Opetiid group 
Opetia Meigen 
Agathomyia Verrall 
Lindneromyia Kessel 
Melanderomyia Kessel 
Microsania Zetterstedt 
Lonchoptera Meigen 
Archiphora Schmitz 
Sciadocera White 
Sinolestine group 
Eridomyia Mostovski 
Hermaeomyia Mostovski 
Palaeopetia Zhang (= Sinolesta Hong & Wang) 
Ironomyiid group 
Cretonomyia J. McAlpine 
Ironomyia White 
Uncertain group 
Lebambromyia Grimaldi & Cumming 
Cohort Eumuscomorpha 
Syrphid group 
Deineches Walker 
Eristalis Latreille 
Melangyna Verrall 
Microdon Meigen 

36 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Pipunculid group 
Eudorylas Aczél 
Group Schizophora 
Acartophthalmus Czermny 
Liriomyza Mik 
Asteia Meigen 
Aulacigaster Macquart 
Canacidae (including Tethinidae) 
Dasyrhicnoessa Hendel 
Zalea D. McAlpine 
Allometopon Kertész 
Tetrameringia D. McAlpine 
Gluma D. McAlpine 
Clisa D. McAlpine 
Drosophila Fallén 
Scaptomyza Hardy 
Gobrya Walker 
Heteromyzidae (Heleomyzidae) s.l. 
Austroleria D. McAlpine 
Borboroides Malloch 
Diplogeomyza Hendel 
Heleomicra D. McAlpine 
Tapeigaster Macquart 
Trixoleria D. McAlpine 
Huttonina Tonnoir & Malloch 
Ceratolauxania Hendel 
Incurviseta Malloch 
Sapromyza Fallén 
Badisis D. McAlpine 
Compsobata Czerny 
Cothornobata Czerny 
Metopochetus Enderlein 
Mimegralla Rondani 
Nemo D. McAlpine 
Neurochaeta D. McAlpine 
Neurocytta D. McAlpine 
Neurotexis D. McAlpine 
Nothoasteia Malloch 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Nothybus Rondani 

Telonerius Aczél 

Traginops Coquillett 

Maorina Malloch 

Cyamops Melander 

Stenomicra Coquillett 

Euprosopia Macquart 

Lenophila Guérin-Méneville 

Rivellia Robineau-Desvoidy 

Rhytidortalis Hendel 

Lasionemopoda Duda 

Somatia Schiner 

Strongylophthalmyia Heller 

Teratomyza Malloch 

Calliphora Robineau-Desvoidy 
Muscidae s.1. 

Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy 

Musca Linné 

Scathophaga Meigen 

Chetogaster Macquart 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Early Natural History of the Greater Glider, Petauroides volans 

(Kerr, 1792) 

K. SHANE MALoney! AND JAMIE M. Harris? 

' School of Biological Sciences, University of Wollongong, NSW 2522 (; 

*School of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW 2480 

Gharril 1 

Maloney, K.S. and Harris, J.M. (2008). Early natural history of the greater glider, Petauroides volans (Kerr, 
1792). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 129, 39-55. 

Early accounts of the greater glider Petauroides volans (Marsupialia: Pseudocheiridae) are reviewed, 
starting with Arthur Phillips’ 1789 account in The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay and proceeding 
to the latest taxonomic works. This species has a quite complicated and confusing taxonomic history. It 
has been listed as a member of no fewer than 10 genera with about 23 different binomial names since its 
discovery. In this paper, we review some of this taxonomic complexity and early descriptions of the species’ 
morphology, dentition, behaviour, distribution and abundance. We found that taxonomic descriptions of P. 
volans have been frequently confused with those of a number of other gliding possums, particularly the 
yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis. Early descriptions of the morphology of P. volans were given only 
in broad general terms. More value can be placed on the early behavioural observations, and on the earliest 
records of its occurrence. This paper examines some of the oldest accounts of P. volans and assesses their 


Manuscript received 14 Februry 2007, accepted for publication 12 December 2007. 

KEYWORDS: natural history, nomenclature, Petauroides volans, Pseudocheiridae. 


The greater glider, Petauroides  volans 
(Marsupialia: Pseudocheiridae), is the largest gliding 
marsupial and is endemic to eastern mainland 
Australia (McKay 1995). Currently, there are two 
recognised sub-species: P. volans volans, which 
occurs in south eastern Australia (from Victoria in 
the south, through mainly coastal New South Wales 
(NSW) to the Rockhampton district in north-east 
Queensland (Qld)); and P. v. minor, which occurs in 
very far north-east Qld (from the Dawson River to the 
Barron River) (Flannery 1994). It is around the size of 
a domestic cat, with females being larger than males 
(Flannery 1994; Kavanagh and Wheeler 2004). Most 
individuals are jet black on the dorsum and creamy 
white on the ventrum, but pure white forms are not 
uncommon and intermediate colours are also found 
(Flannery 1994; McKay 1995; Lindenmayer 2002). 
This species is nocturnal, arboreal and folivorous 
and is dependent on tree hollows for its nesting 

Petauroides volans is relatively conspicuous and 
was quickly noticed by the early colonists (Phillip 
1789). Subsequently, descriptions of this species were 

included in many of the earliest zoological accounts 
of the Australian fauna. However, few modern 
zoologists are aware of the historical significance 
and value of this old literature as it relates to this and 
other species (see also Harris 2006). Whilst some 
of this literature on P. volans has been reviewed by 
McKay (1982), this was limited to aspects of the 
nomenclature of the genus name Petauroides (and 
also Petaurus). In this contribution, we have sought 
to provide a comprehensive survey of the early 
natural history literature pertaining to P volans, 
including information on discovery, taxonomy, 
dentition, morphology, distribution, abundance, diet 
and behaviour. 


Governor Arthur Phillip reported ‘black flying 
opossum’ from NSW (Phillip 1789). A male specimen 
owned by Henry Constantine Nowell was illustrated 
(Figure 1), although no details on the precise 
collection locality were published. Presumably it was 
found in the vicinity of Port Jackson. Phillip (1789, 
1790) recognised that it represented a new species 
and suggested taxonomic affinity with American 


Figure 1: Black flying opossum (=Petauroides volans) drawn by P. Mazell and published in Phillip (1789). 
Note the opposable clawless hallux and syndactylous digits on each of the hind feet. 

40 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Didelphis, although a specific name was not offered. 
A few years later, Kerr (1792) named Phillip’s 
specimen Didelphis volans, derived from the Latin 
word ‘volare’ meaning ‘to fly’ (Strahan 1981). A 
year later, Meyer (1793) named Phillip’s specimen 
D. voluccella, and a year later still, Shaw (1794) 

proposed the name D. macroura. In Shaw’s work, 
The Zoology of New Holland, a juvenile specimen 
drawn by James Sowerby was illustrated (Figure 2). 
Shaw (1800) explained that it was sent to him by 
John White, who was the first Surgeon-General for 
the colony of NSW. 

Figure 2: Long-tailed opossum Didelphis macroura (=Petauroides volans) from Zoology of New Holland 
(1794) by George Shaw. The figure was drawn by James Sowerby. This illustration was also reproduced 

in Shaw (1800) and Desmarest (1820). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Cuvier (1798) followed use of the name D. 
volans (Kerr 1792) but questioned the affiliation 
with the genus Didelphis. Nevertheless, Shaw (1800) 
continued the use of D. macroura. Bechstein (1800) 
elevated the name Voluccella, used by Meyer (1793), 
to generic level and proposed V. nigra for the subject 
species, but he evidently confused the greater glider 
and the yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis in 
synonymy. His proposed V. nigra incorporated D. 
voluccella Meyer, 1793 (=Petauroides volans) and 
“Hepoona Roo” White, 1790 (=Petaurus australis). 
It is understood that Hepoona Roo is P. australis 
and not Petauroides volans (McKay 1982, 1988). 
Bechstein (1800) also advanced V. macroura as a 
separate species that incorporated D. volans Kerr, 
1792 and D. macroura Shaw, 1794. Thus, V. nigra 
and V. macroura are both synonyms of P. volans. 
Voluccella Bechstein, 1800 was discontinued for the 
subject species because this genus name had already 
been advanced by Fabricius (1794) for a species of fly 
(Diptera: Bombyliidae) (Thomas 1888; McKay 1988; 
Evenhuis 1991). Hence, Voluccella Bechstein, 1800 
is a Junior generic synonym for Petauroides but not 
Voluccella Fabricius, 1794. 

Phalanger volans was used by Lacépéde (1801), 
whilst Desmarest (1803) and Tiedemann (1808) 
placed it under Phalangista (see also Schinz 1821; 
Thomas 1888). Turton (1806) mistakenly thought 
that the descriptions by Kerr (1792: D. volans) and 
Shaw (1794: D. macroura) represented two separate 
species. Oken (1816) made a similar mistake, but 
also erroneously included Petaurus australis in the 
synonymy for one of his proposed species. This was 
Petaurus niger, and the epithet was a gender change 
of Bechstein’s (1800) nigra (see also Iredale and 
Troughton 1934). Oken’s (1816) second species was 
Petaurus macroura. 

Desmarest (1817) listed three species (Petaurus 
macrourus, P. peronii and P. taguanoides). Petaurus 
macrourus included a slight change in the epithet to 
standardise the gender of the binomial. Desmarest’s 
explanation thatthe membrane of P. peronii “terminates 
at the elbow” is good evidence that this specimen 
was also P. volans. For P. taguanoides however, the 
synonymy was confused with the yellow-bellied 
Glider [i.e. Didelphis petaurus of Shaw (1791) and 
“Hepoona Roo” of White (1790)]| and the descriptions 
about the patagium ending at the wrist suggested to us 
that this specimen was not the greater glider. However, 
according to the publications of the Muséum National 
d’ Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) the type specimen of P. 
taguanoides as described by Desmarest is indeed P. 
volans (de Beaufort 1966; Julien-Laferriére 1994). To 
confirm this identification we contacted the MNHN 

directly, and obtained a photograph of the specimen 
(number CG1990-408) and although no patagium 
was evident in the photograph, it looks like a greater 
glider because of its substantially long tail and hairy 
ears. The arrangement of Desmarest’s (1817) was 
later followed by Cuvier (1826), Lesson (1827, 1828, 
1830, 1838), and Fischer (1829). Bennett (1837) also 
used Desmarest’s (1817) terminology, although he 
appears to have used P. peronii in reference to the 
sugar glider Petaurus breviceps. 

Desmarest (1820) applied Petaurista to supercede 
Petaurus, and maintained Petaurista taguanoides, P. 
macroura and P. peronii as separate species (later 
followed by Cuvier 1827, 1829). However, this was 
flawed as Petaurista had been advanced for the giant 
flying squirrels (Rodentia) by Link (1795) (see also 
Fischer 1814; Thomas 1888; Sherborn 1902; Palmer 
1904). Waterhouse (1838b), Gloger (1842), Gould 
(1863) and Thomas (1885), persisted with this invalid 
generic name for the greater glider. 

Frédéric Cuvier (1825) mentioned Petaurus 
didelphoides Geoffroy, an apparent new name for the 
subject species (Thomas 1888; Iredale and Troughton 
1934; de Beaufort 1966). However, later works by 
F. Cuvier and also his brother Georges, made no 
reference to P didelphoides (Cuvier 1826, 1827, 
1829). de Beaufort (1966) noted that Cuvier (1825) 
offered no specific descriptions, and stated that he 
was unable to find any reference to Geoffroy as the 
authority for the name. It is uncertain whether Cuvier 
intended this name for the greater glider. Iredale and 
Troughton (1934) considered it a vernacular name. 

Lesson (1828, 1830, 1838) listed the “Black 
Flying Opossum” of Phillip (1789) (=the greater 
glider) as a junior synonym of Petaurus taguanoides. 
This was subsequently repeated by Fischer (1829), 
Wagner (1843), Schinz (1844) and Giebel (1859). 
Waterhouse (1838a) then stated that two specimens of 
Petaurista taguanoides were held in the Museum of 
the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), one of which 
was a ‘white variety’. Waterhouse’s (1841) included 
an illustration of a greater glider (Figure 3) and stated 
that “Specimens which are totally white, and others 
which are white and irregularly variegated with grey, 
are not rare”. Waterhouse (1841) was wrong when 
he suggested that P. macrourus is P. flaviventer (=P. 
australis) (see also Wagner 1855; Giebel 1859; Gould 
1863). Descriptions of taguanoides specimens in many 
19" century publications subsequent to Waterhouse 
(1841) appear to represent the greater glider (e.g. 
Owen 1841, 1845; Gloger 1842; Waterhouse 1846; 
Gervais 1855: Gerrard 1862; Brehms 1880; Flower 
1884; Forbes-Leith and Lucas 1884; Krefft 1864; 
Haswell 1886; Jentink 1886; Lucas 1890). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 3: A print from Waterhouse (1841) that is clearly Petauroides 
volans because of the length of the tail and the hairy ears. This 
image was also reproduced in Waterhouse (1843) and Lydekker 

Major T.L. Mitchell collected a presumed new 
species of glider “from the banks of the Murray”, 
named it Petaurus leucogaster and “deposited [it] 
in the Australian Museum (AM)” (Bennett 1837; 
Mitchell 1838). Gray (1841) suggested that it 
“may only be a variety of [the] P taguanoides” of 
Waterhouse (=the greater glider) (see also mention 
of P. leucogaster in Gray 1842, 1843; Krefft 1864). 
Several authors considered J/eucogaster to be 
synonymous with P volans (Gould 1863; Thomas 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

1888; Iredale and Troughton 1934; 
McKay 1982). However, McKay 
(1988) stated that P Jeucogaster 
was ‘Incertae sedis’ (of uncertain 
position) because the specimen 
could no longer be found at the 
AM. He suggested that the locality 
for Mitchell’s specimen was outside 
the range of P. volans and may have 
been Petaurus norfolcensis. 

M.R. Oldfield Thomas, of the 
British Museum of Natural History 
(BMNH), revised the taxonomy of 
the subject species several times 
during the period 1879-1923. Thomas 
(1879) noted that the specific name 
volans Kerr antedated taguanoides 
Desmarest, and maintained that 
the correct binomial was Petaurus 
volans. A few years later, however, he 
listed it as Petaurista volans (Thomas 
1885). After finding that Petaurista 
was unavailable, Thomas (1888) 
advanced Petauroides to replace the 
previous generic names. He listed 
two subspecies: Petauroides volans 
typicus as the southern form; and P. v. 
minor as the northern form (following 
Collett 1887). Later, Thomas (1923) 
received further examples from Qld 
and considered that there were two 
additional subspecies: Pv. incanus 
and P. vy. armillatus. 

Thomas (1923) mentioned 
that Ogilby (1892) referred to “Dr 
Ramsay’s P. cinereus” and that it 
“seems never to have been described”. 
However, Ramsay (1890) did indeed 
publish a description of a supposed 
new species, which he named 
Petaurides cinereus. This was based 
on two specimens obtained from 
the Bellinden-Ker Range, north- 
east Qld. The name Petaurides is a 
definite misspelling of Petauroides Thomas 1888 (see 
Ramsay 1890). It is also noted that these specimens 
had earlier been exhibited at a meeting of The Linnean 
Society of NSW under the name of Belideus cinereus 
(Anon 1890). 

The next taxonomic contribution was by Iredale 
and Troughton (1934). They argued that the generic 
name Schoinobates Lesson 1842 had been published 
before Petauroides Thomas 1888, and advanced the 
name S. volans with four subspecies: S. v. volans; 



S. v. incanus; S. v. armillatus and S. v. minor. 
Subsequently, S. volans was in use for around 50 years 
(Fleay 1947, 1968; Tate 1945; Anon 1946; Troughton 
1935, 1941; Marlow 1958, 1962; de Beaufort 1966; 
Ride 1970; Strahan 1980, 1981). However, the 
nomenclatural change by Iredale and Troughton 
(1934) was groundless. McKay (1982) pointed out 
that Schoinobates was first used by Lesson (1842) 
to supersede Petaurista leucogenys Temminck, 1838 
(=Pteromys leucogenys; the Japanese flying squirrel). 
In fact, this was an error on Lesson’s part because 
there are no marsupials in Japan (Palmer 1904). 
Nevertheless, it was highly irregular for Iredale and 
Troughton to amend the type locality of P. Jeucogenys 
from “Japan” to “Sydney”. Probably, Iredale and 
Troughton (1934) did not view the original account 
and illustration of P. Jeucogenys in Fauna Japonica 
(Temminck 1838), which clearly depicts a sciurid. 
Schoinobates Lesson, 1842, is therefore properly 
placed as a junior synonym of Petaurista Link, 1795. 
Thus, McKay’s (1982) assessment that the name 
Schoinobates was unavailable and that Petauroides 
must stand was justified. 

Iredale and Troughton (1934) also nominated 
Petaurus maximus as a synonym for the subject 
species, listing Partington (1837) as the authority. This 
was accepted by McKay (1982) and Flannery (1994). 
However, McKay later attempted unsuccessfully 
to track down the original reference and stated that 
the relevant page in the book he examined “contains 
no reference to this or any other mammal” (McKay 
1988). We note that McKay (1988) misread Iredale 
and Troughton’s (1934) reference to Partington (1837: 
424) because P. maximus is indeed described in The 
British Cyclopedia of Natural History, but not in the 
The British Cyclopedia of Arts and Sciences, which 
was read by McKay (1988). After reading Partington 
(1837) with its reference to some “almost white” 
specimens, we accept P. maximus as synonymous with 
the greater glider (following Iredale and Troughton 
1934). The preceding literature review of taxonomy 
of the Greater Glider is presented in Table 1. 

Common names for the subject species 
have included ‘black flying opossum’ (Phillip 
1789), ‘flying opossum’ (Kerr 1792; Turton 1806; 
Waterhouse 1841), ‘long-tailed opossum’ (Shaw 
1794, 1800; Turton 1806; Waterhouse 1841), ‘large- 
tailed Petaurista’, ‘Peron’s Petaurista’ (Cuvier 1827), 
‘white-bellied flying squirrel’ (Bennett 1837), ‘grey 
flying squirrel’ (Bennett 1837; Waterhouse 1841) 
‘large-tailed flying squirrel’ (Bennett 1837), ‘taguan 
flying opossum’ (Waterhouse 1838b), ‘taguan flying 
phalanger’ (Waterhouse 1846; Thomas 1888, 1923; 
Fleay 1933), ‘greater flying phalanger’ (Gould 1863; 


LeSouef and Burrell 1926; Fleay 1933), ‘the brill’ (De 
Vis 1886), “flying phalanger’ (Haswell 1886), ‘great 
flying oposssum’, ‘flying squirrel’ (Lucas 1890), 
‘dusky glider’ (Fleay 1933; Ride 1970), ‘greater 
glider-possum’ (Iredale and Troughton 1934; Anon 
1946), and ‘greater glider’ (Marlow 1958). Stability 
in the vernacular name was achieved in 1980 when 
a committee of the Australian Mammal Society 
formalised it as the ‘greater glider’ (Strahan 1980). 


The morphology was first described by Phillip 
(1789). He stated that the “tip of the nose to root of tail 
[was] 20 inches [=508 mm], tail 22 inches [=559 mm], 
loins 16 inches [=406 mm].” The ears were described 
as “large and erect”, the fur “glossy black” on top, 
“mixed with grey”, and “the under parts...white”. It 
was noted that the fur “continued to the claws”, and 
that the membrane “expanded on each side of the 
body”. Phillip (1789) also described and illustrated 
the foot (Figure 1). He observed that the “fore legs 
have five toes on each foot, with a claw on each; the 
hinder ones four toes, with claws, (the three outside 
ones without any separation) and a thumb without a 
claw”. Following Phillip (1789), similar descriptions 
were also published by subsequent authors based on 
his original account and from the illustration provided 
(1.e. Kerr 1792; Meyer 1793; Bechstein 1800). Shaw 
(1794) provided morphological descriptions based on 
the illustration reproduced in Figure 2. 

One diagnostic feature of P. volans is the flying 
membrane that runs from the elbow to the knee, and 
this was noted by several early zoologists (Kerr 1792; 
Turton 1806; Desmarest 1817; Waterhouse 1841, 
1846). Thomas (1888) added that the membrane is 
“very narrow along the sides of the forearm and lower 
leg”. Ramsay (1890) stated that the “parachute” or 
“wing membrane” commences a little in front of the 
elbow-joint, and extends to about half-way below the 
knee-joint. Numerous early authors also noted the 
syndactylous hind feet (Kerr 1792; Shaw 1794, 1800; 
Bechstein 1800; Lacepede 1801; Tiedemann 1808; 
Desmarest 1820; Partington 1837). 

Some authors have compared the size of this 
Species to animals known from Europe. For example, 
it has been suggested to be about the size of a “black 
rat’ (Shaw 1800), “flying squirrel” (Desmarest 
1803; Tiedemann 1808), “surmulot” (Cuvier 1817; 
Desmarest 1820; Lesson 1827), “squirrel of Europe” 
(Desmarest 1820; Lesson 1827), and “brown 
rat’ (Partington 1837). More recently, it has been 
suggested to be about the size of a domestic cat 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Table 1: New synonymy based on the current review. 

Petauroides Thomas, 1888 
Petaurus Shaw, 1791 
Didelphis Kerr, 1792 
Voluccella Bechstein, 1800 
Phalanger Lacepede, 1801 
Phalangista Desmarest, 1803 
Petaurista Desmarest, 1820 
Petauroides Thomas, 1888 
Petaurides Ramsay, 1890 
Belideus Anon, 1890 
Schoinobates Iredale and Troughton, 1934 
Petauroides volans (Kerr, 1792) 

Petauroides volans volans (Kerr, 1792) 
Didelphis volans Kerr, 1792 
Didelphis voluccella Meyer, 1793 
Didelphis macroura Shaw, 1794 
Voluccella nigra Bechstein, 1800 
Voluccella macroura Bechstein, 1800 
Phalanger volans Lacepede, 1801 
Phalangista volans Desmarest, 1803 
Petaurus macroura Oken, 1816 
Petaurus niger Oken, 1816 

Petaurus taguanoides Desmarest, 1817 
Petaurus macrourus Desmarest, 1817 
Petaurus peronii Desmarest, 1817 
Petaurista taguanoides Desmarest, 1820 
Petaurista macroura Desmarest, 1820 
Petaurista peronii Desmarest, 1820 
Phalangista macroura Schinz, 1821 
Petaurus didelphoides Cuvier, 1825 
Petaurus maximus Partington, 1837 
Petaurus volans Thomas 1879 

Petaurista volans Thomas 1885 
Petauroides volans typicus Thomas, 1888 
Petauroides volans incanus Thomas, 1923 
Petauroides volans armillatus Thomas, 1923 

Schoinobates volans volans Iredale and Troughton 1934 

Schoinobates volans incanus Iredale and Troughton 1934 

Schoinobates volans armillatus \redale and Troughton 1934 
Petauroides volans minor (Collett, 1887) 

Petaurista volans minor Collett, 1887 

Belideus cinereus Anon, 1890 

Petaurides cinereus Ramsay, 1890 

Schoinobates volans minor Iredale and Troughton 1934 

(Flannery 1994). 

Colouration was also frequently commented on. 
For example, Cuvier (1817) reported that the fur exists 
in different tones of brown, with many varieties, and 
others are whitish. Fully white specimens were also 
noted (Lesson 1827; Waterhouse 1841; Krefft 1864; 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N-S:W., 129, 2008 

Le Souef and Burrell 1926). Gould (1863) stated that 
“it is subject to very great variety in the colouring of 
its fur, some specimens being entirely blackish brown 
[see Figure 4], grey to cream and others quite white”. 
Krefft (1871) reported that the species “varies much 
from creamy-white to spotted black and white and 



Figure 4: Petaurista taguanoides from Gould (1863) (= P. volans). Note: The front arms of the back- 
ground glider are shown in the wrong position as P. volans tucks them under the chin when gliding 
(Fleay 1933; Grzimek 1967; McKay 1989). 

46 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Table 2: Dental formulas provided in the early natural history literature for Petauroides volans. Abbre- 
viations: I = Incisors; C = Canines; M = Molars; P = Premolars. For Thomas (1885, 1888) an asterisk 
indicates that the tooth is sometimes or commonly absent. 

Source Dental formula 
Desmarest 1820 6 Tee ey 6 6 7 
= 3C = Op —— WI Op —— = Si) oye 
2 00 22 66 66 
Cuvier 1825, 1826 6 00 88 
J Meee Ws OS 
2 00 68 
Lesson 1827, 1830, 1838; 6 00 8 8 
Fischer 1829 lipoma mca OS 
2 00 V7 
Waterhouse 1838b 23 Pine 44 
= Cy ple a lp Sh 
11 Oey! 44 
Krefft 1871; Collett 1887 B13 einige 44 
mind Cone eam — = 40 
11 ly owdhe 
Thomas 1885 HOD 3 a. I 23 aged 
I———C— P———M -——— x2 = 34 or 40 
HOO 42435 1 2.3)4 
Thomas 1888 12 3 1 1 034 1234 
mn Oca i mm (Cl) ae ee eee et (at most) 3 (On lo-4)x 2— 40 
I 2BEOo Oso 03*4 1234 

perfect black, beneath the fur is always white.” Le 
Souef and Burrell (1926) stated that “as a rule [the] 
colour [is] darker in winter than in summer.” They 
also stated that “animals from Gippsland (Victoria) 
[were] dead black above and on tail; pure white on 
undersides”, whereas Qld and NSW specimens were 
“usually smoky grey” and “white specimens [were 
reportedly] common.” 

Other notable morphological features described 
in the early literature include the ears, tail and size 
differences between the sexes. Waterhouse (1838a, 
1841, 1846) stated that “the ears are entirely covered 
externally with long and dense fur, flesh-coloured and 
almost bare within” (see also Krefft 1864, Thomas 
1888, Ramsay 1890). The tail was reported as not 
being prehensile (Lacepede 1801; Tiedemann 1808; 
Partington 1837), and longer than the body (Shaw 
1800; Turton 1806; Cuvier 1817). Thomas (1888) 
described and illustrated the naked tip of the tail. 
Gould (1863) stated the “sexes offer no external 
difference, except that the female is somewhat 
smaller than the male” (see Flannery 1994, as this is 
erroneous). Various other aspects of the morphology 
of this species are discussed in the literature, but 
lack of space precludes a detailed discussion here. 
However, these aspects include skull structure 
(Waterhouse 1846; Collett 1887; Thomas 1888) and 
myology (Haswell 1886). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Phillip (1789) stated that in “the upper jaw 
forwards are four small cutting teeth, then two canine 
ones, and backwards five grinders: the under jaw 
has two long large cutting teeth, five grinders, with 
no intermediate canine ones, the space being quite 
vacant’. Similarly worded descriptions were provided 
by Kerr (1792) and Turton (1806). 

A dental formula for the species was first provided 
by Desmarest (1820) (see Table 2). He counted six 
upper and two lower incisors, but was uncertain about 
the number of canines and premolars. This uncertainty 
led him to indicate a total of 32 or 34 teeth. Cuvier 
(1825) and Lesson (1827) counted a total of 38 teeth. 
Cuvier (1825) reported that the space between the 
incisors and molars is occupied by two rudimentary 
teeth. Waterhouse (1838b, 1841) and Owen (1841, 
1845) mentioned they had never observed any of 
these diminutive teeth in the specimens they had 
examined. Waterhouse (1841) suggested that Cuvier 
(1825) may have inadvertently described the dentition 
of Phalangista cookii (=Pseudocheirus peregrinus; 
common ringtail possum). These two species do 
have great similarity in their dental characteristics, as 
noted by early zoologists (Owen 1841, 1845; Giebel 
1853, 1855; Thomas 1885; Collett 1887) and more 
modern authors (Tate 1945; Triggs 1996). Waterhouse 
(1838b) provided a dental formula indicating a total 
of 34 teeth. Subsequent authors concurred with this 



observation (Waterhouse 1841, 1846; Wagner 1843; 
Collett 1887; Ramsay 1890). Early illustrations of the 
dentition in Cuvier (1825, 1827), Waterhouse (1846) 
and Giebel (1853, 1855) support the dental formula 
of Waterhouse (1838b). 

Krefft’s (1871) dental formula (Table 2) was for 
a total of 40 teeth (see also Collett 1887). Thomas’ 
(1885) assessment was that the number of teeth 
varied from 34 to 40, dependent on the presence or 
absence of a small canine and two premolars in the 
lower jaw. Thomas (1888) attempted to improve his 
earlier dental formula by changing the position of 
the lower canine to the incisor position (Table 2), 
and remarked that the “presence or absence of the 
minute teeth is not of any systematic importance”. 
Thomas (1888) provided illustrations of the upper 
and lower jaw of P. v. volans and P. v. minor, although 
these are not consistent with his dental formula. Later 
reviewers have alluded to a socket in the lower jaw 
where a small incisor would be present (i.e. Archer 
1984; Triggs 1996). Twenty-one P. volans specimens 
in the AM were recently examined by us, and four 
(19%) were noted to have minute teeth between the 
incisors and pre-molars. 


Some information on the habitat and diet of 
P. volans is available in the early literature. Gould 
(1863) stated that the species seeks “blossoms of the 
Eucalypti...together with the tender buds and shoots 
of the same trees”. Similarly, Le Souef and Burrell 
(1926) stated that the “food consists of the leaves and 
buds of eucalyptus-trees”. They also added that: 

‘careful examination of the contents of 
several stomachs of animals taken from 
the forests has not revealed anything 
else, but in the Myall Lakes district 
[NSW]... we have observed this 
species on the casuarina-trees; in one 
such case the contents of the stomach, 
although much masticated, seemed to 
be the casuarina-leaves. Mr. Ralph C. 
Blackett, forest ranger at Queanbeyan 
[NSW]..., states that they chiefly 
feed on E. regnans, and to a lesser 
extent on E. viminalis, E. fastigata, E. 
australasiana, and other narrow-leaved 

In captivity, P- volans has been observed to eat 
E. sieberiana readily, “being especially fond of the 

flowers, and preferring the bark of the branches to the 
leaves” (Le Souef and Burrell 1926). Fleay (1933) 
stated “one of the chief difficulties in captivity is 
the maintenance of an abundant supply of the tender 
leaves of acceptable species of eucalypts” and reported 
on collecting trips to obtain sufficient amounts of 
leaf from E. elaeophora and E. australiana. He also 
reported that “captive specimens could be persuaded 
to acquire an additional taste for bread and milk spread 
with a sweet jam, but only as an adjunct to the diet 
of eucalypt leaves.” Grzimek (1967) stated “because 
[P. volans] are exclusive in their diet, like koalas, no 
specimen has ever reached a European zoo alive.” 
Menkhorst and Knight (2004) stated that it “eats 
only eucalypt leaves and buds.” However, Maloney 
and Harris (2006) report feeding observations from 
several non-eucalypts. 

In terms of habitat, Gould (1863) wrote that it “is 
strictly an inhabitant of the extensive brushes which 
stretch along the south-eastern and eastern portions of 
New South Wales”. It has also been reported to occur 
in Eucalyptus forests (Le Souef and Burrell 1926, 
Anon 1946). Fleay (1933) stated that the species was 
found “favouring the taller timber areas and generally 
inhabiting dead trees in the gullies of mountainous 
country”. Marlow (1958) reported that P volans was 
more abundant in dry than wet sclerophyll forests 
and less common in open woodland. Ride (1970) 
stated that “the habitat is sclerophyll forest and tall 


The earliest statements on the distribution of the 
subject species was that it inhabits NS W (Phillip 1789; 
Kerr 1792) or “New Holland” (=Australia) (Meyer 
1793; Shaw 1794; Cuvier 1798; Bechstein 1800). The 
earliest specific localities mentioned were for places 
in NSW, i.e. Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Sydney, Blue 
Mountains, Port Macquarie, Bathurst, Maitland, 
Clarence River and Goulburn Plains (Cuvier 1826, 
1827; Lesson 1830; Bennett 1837; Waterhouse 1841; 
Gray 1841; Krefft 1864). Other early distributional 
records for NSW include Sutherland (1908, AM 
M2003), Helensburgh (1909, AM M2051), Bowral 
(1918, AM M2724), Myall Lakes (1922, AM 
M33762), Gerringong and Milton (Troughton 1935, 
1941), Geehi Gorge (Mt Kosciuszko area) (Anon 
1946), Armidale and Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve 
(1974), (see Maloney and Harris 2006). 

Early literature records from Queensland are 
north of the Herbert River (de Vis 1886), Herbert 
Vale, Coomooboolaroo, Calliungal (Collett 1887), 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Bellenden-ker Range (Ramsay 1890), Eidsvold, Gin- 
Gin (Thomas 1923), Atherton Tablelands, Evelyn 
Station, Dimboola and Mount Spurgeon Stations 
(Tate 1945). 

In Victoria, they have been reported from 
Templestowe around 1865; east and north-east 
of Melbourne (Lucas 1890), and also from the 
south, south-west and questionably north-west 
areas of the State (Forbes-Leith and Lucas 1884; 
Lucas 1897). Other Victorian distributional records 
include Allambee East, Newham, Bullengarook 
(1905), Dandenong (1923), Mitta Mitta (1931), 
Upper Beaconsfield, Traralgon, Daylesford, Bendoc 
(1933); Buchan (1960), Matlock (1961), Healesville, 
Yellingbo, Powelltown (1963), Woori Yallock, 
Darlimurla (1966), Upper Thompson Valley (1968), 
Marysville (1969), Porepunkah, Mount Buffalo and 
Upper Lerderderg Valley (1970) (see Maloney and 
Harris 2006). 

Gould (1863) believed that its range was from 
“Port Phillip to Moreton Bay”. Krefft’s (1864) 
assessment was that it occurred in the “mountainous 
coast districts of the Australian continent”, from 
Victoria to Qld; also that it was “not found upon the 
plains of the interior”. Thomas (1888) and Lydekker 
(1896) reported that its range was from Qld to Victoria. 
Fleay (1933) stated that the range “extends down the 
highlands of eastern Australia from southern Qld. to 
Victoria’, and that he had “never observed the species 
further west than the Ballarat-Daylesford forest” in 
Victoria. Marlow (1958) found that the western limits 
of its distribution in NSW were Barraba, Orange 
and Tumut. Ride (1970) reported the distribution 
to be from the Dandenong Ranges (Victoria) to 
Rockhampton, Qld. 

In terms of abundance, the species has been 
described as the “most abundant of the arboreal 
marsupials in the forests to the east and north-east 
of Melbourne” (Lucas 1890), “very plentiful in the 
heavy eucalypt forests” of eastern Australia (Le Souef 
and Burrell 1926); and “among the most numerous 
of arboreal marsupials” in East Gippsland (Fleay 
1933). Marlow (1958) reported that P volans was 
“abundant” in NSW (see also Calaby 1966; Flannery 
1994; McKay 1995). Currently, P. volans is not listed 
as threatened in the three states that it occurs, and 
recent distribution maps are provided by Eyre (2004) 
and Winter et al (2004) for Qld, Kavanagh (2004) for 
NSW and van der Ree (2004) for Victoria. 


The gliding ability of P volans was first reported 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

by Phillip (1789) and then by Shaw (1794, 1800), 
Cuvier (1798) and Turton (1806). Later authors 
remarked that it moves with a gliding motion, but 
this was not true flying (Desmarest 1817; Lesson 
1827; Owen 1841, 1845; Lydekker 1896). Le Souef 
and Burrell (1926) record a “flight by one of these 
animals from the top of one tall eucalypt to the base 
of another was 80 yards [=73 m]; another flight, of 
55 feet [=17 m], occupied 1 % seconds.” Troughton 
(1935, 1941) stated that it is “the record glider of the 
possum world” and reported that one individual was 
observed at Milton NSW, covering a distance of 590 
yards [=540 m] in six successive glides. Two of these 
glides were 120 yards [=110 m], and one of 70 yards 
[=64 m] from a tree 100 feet [=30 m] high. Wakefield 
(1970) stated “that some long glides, attributed in 
the literature to P. volans, belong in fact to Petaurus 
australis”. He discussed the report by Troughton 
(1935, 1941) and stated: 

‘The 70 yard [=64 mJ] glide from a 
100-foot [=30 m] tree indicates an 
angle of descent of 26 degrees to the 
horizontal, and, even allowing for 
sloping ground and a margin of error 
in the measurements, this performance, 
though well within the capabilities 
of Petaurus, is quite outside that of 
Petauroides. Also, for the 120-yard 
[=110 m] glides P. volans would require 
for its 40 degree descent, a take-off 
point approximately 300 feet [=90 m] 
high, while Petaurus would need a 200- 
foot [=60 m] tree. Other features of the 
Milton resident’s report — that during 
the performance the animal “lost no 
time in ascending three more trees” and 
that “it uttered its peculiar squealing 
call” — leave no doubt that the “record 
glider” was, in fact, Petaurus australis 
and not Petauroides volans.’ 

The voice and gliding accomplishments of 
Petaurus australis have been credited erroneously to 
P. volans, which is, in fact, a sedentary, slow-moving, 
silent animal of minor gliding ability (Wakefield 
1970; McKay 1989). Many authors have mistakenly 
accredited P volans with the vocalisations of P. 
australis: for instance Lydekker (1896) was the first 
to erroneously report “when disturbed, or in flight, 
they utter a loud piercing scream, audible for a 
long distance” (see also Le Souef and Burrell 1926; 
Troughton 1935, 1941; Fleay 1933, 1947; Calaby 
1966 for similar reports). 



It was also recognised quite early that this species 
was nocturnally active and utilised tree hollows as den 
sites during the day (Oken 1816; Desmarest 1817; 
Lesson 1827; Partington 1837; Waterhouse 1846; 
Thomas 1885; Collett 1887; Aflalo 1896). Gould 
(1863) stated that “on the approach of evening [it] 
emerges from its retreat.”” Lydekker (1896) reported 
that they “spend the day in some hollow branch or the 
stem itself, whence they issue forth for their nocturnal 

Le Souef and Burrell (1926) suggested that the 
only predators of P. volans are the powerful owl 
Ninox strenua and the introduced fox Vulpes vulpes; 
‘the latter occasionally catches them on the ground’ 
(see also Fleay 1933, 1947, 1968). However, Maloney 
and Harris (2006) reported P. volans falling prey to a 
range of other predators such as the cat Felis catus, 
dog Canis familiaris, fox V. vulpes, wedge-tailed 
eagle Aquila audax, quoll Dasyurus maculatus and 
sooty owl Tyto tenebricosa. Other recorded predators 
of the greater glider include the dingo C. f dingo 
(Robertshaw and Harden 1985), lace monitor Varanus 
varius (Weavers 1989) and carpet python Morelia 
spilota (Lindenmayer 2002). 

Fleay (1933) reported: 

“Wandering under the trees on a still 
night, when the dusky gliders [P 
volans| are feeding overhead, rarely 
leads to their discovery without resort 
to intent listening. Perhaps the faint 
sound of a leaf being pulled from a 
stalk, or a sudden rustle as the animal 
plunges its weight from one slender 
limb to another, betrays its position 
to a searching torch beam held so that 
the observer’s eyes look straight along 
the path of light. Then the blazing 
orbs of the animal, certainly the most 
brilliant light reflectors that I know of 
among the marsupial family, regard the 
intruder with some curiosity’. 

In terms of its reproduction and breeding 
behaviour, Desmarest (1817) reported “females have 
a pouch under the belly, where the young spend the 
first part of their existence”. Fleay (1933) made the 
following observations on captive specimens: “only 
two mammae are found in the pouch” and “only 
one embryo is reared at a time.” He also reported as 

‘In Vic. this minute naked creature 
seems to appear usually in July or 


August, and it is difficult to realize 
that such a mite, no larger than the 
head of a drawing-pin, may indulge 
some day in graceful aerial “flights”. 
Gradually as the youngster increases 
in bulk, it is noted that the limbs and 
tail are extraordinarily long, the loose 
volplaning membrane from fore limb 
to hind limbs is plainly visible, and 
the colour of the furless embryo is 
pink with very dark ears. The little 
fellow becomes free of its inseparable 
attachment to the mamma when some 
six weeks of age. Later the eyes open 
and a covering of short fur indicates 
plainly the contrast between the black 
and white of the upper and lower 
surfaces respectively. It then spends the 
daylight hours out of the pouch, and by 
night is carried around as a large bulge 
in it. At four months it has become too 
bulky to. be contained in the pouch any 
longer. Between the growing of fur and 
the forsaking of the mother’s “pocket 
nursery” the young Taguan Phalanger 
[P. volans] is one of the most curious 
and pathetic babes that one can imagine 
with its lanky legs, very long tail and 
thin weedy body. Having outgrown the 
pouch, though still being nourished 
from it, the little phalanger clings to 
its mother’s back during her nocturnal 
wanderings, though perhaps the gliding 
leaps are out of the question unless the 
youngster remains in the home tree or 
sleeping hollow’. 


Petauroides volans has had a long and sometimes 
confusing taxonomic history. It has been listed as a 
member of 10 genera (Belideus, Didelphis, Petaurista, 
Petaurides, Petauroides, Petaurus, Phalanger, 
Phalangista, Schinobates, and Voluccella) and there 
have been at least 23 different binomial names 
used for it since its discovery. This geographically 
widespread species was sent to different museums 
throughout Europe by collectors, and given different 
designations by 19" Century zoologists. These early 
zoologists were often rivals, each of whom was more 
anxious to discover and name species, than to find out 
the habits of the species already known (Partington 
1937). Consequently errors were made, and some of 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


these have persisted into the modern literature. For 
example, Flannery (1994) mistakenly lists Hepoona 
Roo (© Petaurus australis) as synonymous with P 

Early descriptions of the morphology of P 
volans such as its colouration, size and the presence 
of a gliding membrane, are given in broad general 
terms but nevertheless they do have value from a 
historical viewpoint. Dental descriptions in the early 
literature vary, and some confusion with the similarly 
structured dentition of Pseudocheirus peregrinus 
is evident. Early behavioural observations include 
the ability to glide, and that it is nocturnally active 
using tree hollows as den sites. The earliest records 
of occurrence were centred about the Sydney district. 
As the colony expanded so did its recorded range. 
Gould (1863) reported that its distribution was from 
Port Phillip (Victoria) to Moreton Bay (Qld), and 
this is reasonably accurate when compared to our 
understanding of its current range. 


We wish to thank the library staff at the AM, Sydney; 
Natural History Museum, London; and the University of 
Wollongong. For translating French articles, we are grateful 
to Betty Hassen, and for translating German we acknowledge 
Peter Simmons. We also thank Sandy Ingleby for access to 
the mammal collection in the AM, and Cécile Callou for 
correspondence and a photograph regarding a specimen 
from the MNHN. Finally, we owe a debt of gratitude to 
Ross Goldingay and Rob Whelan for helpful discussion and 
comments on earlier versions of the manuscript, and also to 
two anonymous referees for their advice. 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



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Ordovician (Early Darriwilian) Conodonts and Sponges from 
West of Parkes, Central New South Wales 


1. Palaeontology Section, The Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia (yongyi.; 
2. Geological Survey of New South Wales, NSW Department of Primary Industries, State Geoscience Centre, 
947-953 Londonderry Road, Londonderry, NSW 2753; Research Associate, Australian Museum, Sydney. 

Zhen, Y.Y. and Pickett, J.W. (2008). Ordovician (Early Darriwilian) conodonts and sponges from west of Parkes, 
central New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 129, 57-82. 

A well preserved conodont fauna and an associated small sponge assemblage recovered from a limestone lens 
exposed on Kirkup Station, 15 km west of Parkes, New South Wales are described and illustrated. The conodont 
fauna is exceptionally rich by Australian standards, represented by nearly 4,000 specimens, but low in diversity 
including only six species: Erraticodon balticus Dzik, 1978, Kirkupodus tricostatus gen. et sp. nov., Protopanderodus 
cf. varicostatus (Sweet and Bergstr6m, 1962), Protopanderodus? nogamii (Lee, 1975), Juanognathus serpaglii 
Stouge, 1984, and Pseudooneotodus mitratus (Moskalenko, 1973). The species definition of E. balticus is revised 
based on the current collection of over 1,700 specimens. Co-occurrence of E. balticus, J. serpaglii and P. cf. 
varicostatus suggests an early Darriwilian (Da2) age for the fauna, which is correlated with that from the basal 
Weemalla Formation exposed further east near Orange. Two anthaspidellid sponges occur in the assemblage. The 
stromatoporoid Janilamina kirkupensis gen. et sp. nov. is the oldest stromatoporoid reported from Australia, and 
among the oldest known. A shallow-water, near-shore setting for the fauna is supported by the abundant occurrence 

of algal oncolites and certain sedimentary features in the limestone lens. 

Manuscript received 30 June 2007, accepted for publication 6 February 2008. 

KEYWORDS. a stromatoporoid, Conodonts, Darriwilian, Goonumbla Volcanics, Middle Ordovician, New South 

Wales, new taxa, sponges. 


The western flank of the Forbes Anticline, west of 
Parkes, New South Wales, is made up of a generally 
conformable succession of andesitic volcanics and 
diverse, mostly shallow-water sediments of Middle 
and Late Ordovician age (Fig. 1). An analysis of Late 
Ordovician coral and conodont faunas in this area 
was provided by Pickett and Percival (2001). Their 
assemblages were derived from a series of limestones, 
mostly not continuous along strike for any great 
distance, occurring in a series of formations called by 
them the Goonumbla Volcanics (oldest), the Billabong 
Creek Limestone and the Gunningbland Formation 
(youngest). In that paper, the oldest conodont 
assemblages reported were from a level about 270 
m below the top of the Goonumbla Volcanics. The 
small faunas were not finely age-diagnostic, the 
only identifiable species being Periodon aculeatus 
Hadding, Panderodus cf. gracilis (Branson and Mehl) 

and Drepanodus arcuatus Pander (sample C874, Fig. 
2). Some 100 m higher a cluster of samples yielded 
Pygodus anserinus Lamont and Lindstrém, Pygodus 
anitae Bergstr6m and Eoplacognathus spp. A sample 
from the base of the Billabong Creek Limestone 
(C828) yielded both Pygodus anserinus and P. serra 
(Hadding), indicating that the base of that formation 
lies within the kielcensis Subzone, placing the base 
of the Billabong Creek Limestone just below the 
top of the Darriwilian (Da4). Re-examination of the 
specimen from C828 referred to P. serra (Pickett 
and Percival 2001, fig. 4C) suggests that it is better 
placed in P. protoanserinus Zhang, 1998b, since the 
distance between the inner and central denticle rows 
is greater than that between the outer and inner rows. 
Zhang’s fig. 2 suggests that the ranges of P. anserinus 
and P. protoanserinus do not overlap, so their co- 
occurrence implies an age right on the boundary 
between the serra and anserinus Zones, and the 
age can be refined to Da4b. Her detailed analysis 


ena Z 

’ “New Durra 

7 f 





West of Parkes, Central New South Wales 

| | @  Alluvium and colluvium 
Mz Mesozoic sediments 

s-Dd Derriwong Group 

I. Omz Monzonite 

vv] Opw Wombin Volcanics 

[SSN Oph Goonumbla Volcanics 

[SS Opbe Goonumbla Voleanics - breccia 
ps Gunningbland Formation 

formation (PEC fauna) 

Opa! Undiff limestone in Gunningbland Formation 
FHP Limestone in Gunningbland Formation 
ALL Allochthonous limestone in Gunningbland 


PEC Billabong Creek Limestone 

HTR Billabong Creek Limestone 

FBS Billabong Creek Limestone 

Opi Pre- FBS Billabong Creek Limestone 

Opie Billabong Creek Limestone, volcaniclastcs 
Cy Yarrimbah Formation 

Onv Nelungaloo Volcanics 

q Quartz N 

Grid Projection AMG Zone 55 

“—— _ River 

— Fault 

—— Main Road 
—-— Secondary Road 
—-— Track 


“Kirkup” = Homestead 

A Measured Section 
~~ Kirkup unconformity 


Figure 1. Map of the study area west of Parkes, showing Kirkup locality (arrowed) and location of sec- 
tion A — A’. After Pickett and Percival (2001). 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


of Pygodus species (Zhang 1998b) also indicates 
no overlap between the ranges of P anitae and P 
anserinus. The specimen from sample C900 referred 
to P. cf. anserinus (Pickett and Percival 2001, fig. 4G) 
is a tertiopedate element, and, although more strongly 
denticulate than that figured by Zhang (1998b, pl. 
2, fig. 17), it is possible that 1t belongs to P. anitae, 
thus removing the anomalous co-occurrence of P 
anitae and P. anserinus. Nonetheless, the presence of 
P. anitae, possibly a later form of the species, since 
the morphology of the specimen figured by Pickett 
and Percival (2001, fig. 4D) lies between the two 
forms figured by Zhang (1998b, fig. 2), indicates the 
presence of strata at least as old as the top of the E. 
suecicus Zone or basal P. serra Zone (upper Da3). 

The type locality of the Nelungaloo Volcanics lies 
in an excavation not more than 100 m stratigraphically 
below the level of the oldest conodont assemblages 
in the Nelungaloo section (Fig.1, A-A’) . Glen et al. 
(2007, fig. 3) have indicated the probable presence of 
Yarrimbah Formation strata between the Goonumbla 
Volcanics and Nelungaloo Volcanics in this section, 
as Simpson et al. (2005) have done for the Kirkup 
area. However, it has not proved possible, at 
least at Nelungaloo, to date the oldest strata of the 
Goonumbla Volcanics, and, consequently, the onset 
of post-unconformity sedimentation, as other than 
Da3. The interest of the present locality is that it lies 
but a short interval (a few metres) above the Kirkup 
Unconformity, and gives the opportunity to constrain 
the age of the base of the Goonumbla Volcanics (= 
top of the Kirkup Unconformity, see below) more 

Recently, Simpson et al. (2005) have mapped a 
widespread unconformity (here named the Kirkup 
Unconformity) between the Yarrimbah Formation 
and Goonumbla Volcanics, with the Nelungaloo 
Volcanics occupying the core of the Forbes Anticline. 
Their figures 1 and 2 incorporate age determinations 
purportedly derived from information in Pickett and 
Percival (2001). There appear, however, to have been 
some errors in transcribing the data to their figures, 
since the localities bearing the ages Da2 and Da4, 
and lying north and slightly west of “Nelungaloo” 
homestead, are those referred to above as Da3 and 
Da4, respectively. Additionally, the locality with 
age Da4, just southwest of “Kirkup” homestead, is 
that of the locality forming the focus of the present 
report, and for which no age has been given either by 
Pickett and Percival (2001) or any other authors to 
date. No assemblages as old as Da2 were reported by 
Pickett and Percival. Consequently, the data shown 
by Simpson et al (2005) as indicating the age of the 
youngest post-unconformity strata are misleading. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

E-] Siltstone 
t- 50 
3 Limestone < 
rs fe) 
f ® | 100 2 
fv] Volcanics o © 
E = 
150 e 
200 o 
N = 
Orthograptus oO 
Ea3 Climacograptus 
827, C893, C894 
Ea2 aint 
ea ES : 
C839 = = _ C897 £ 
Ea 1 C836 agg CO 5 
cS Sa ~< 
C836 O 
833 : D 
Gi C832 C913 5 
C830 et 6902 ® 
C901 = 
Da 4 eae Pygodus anserinus 
Da3  csgs,c905 Pygodus anitae > 
C899,C907 Is} 
C910 Car 
Da 2 =e A 

Figure 2. Stratigraphic section A — A’ from Fig. 1, 
showing location of samples discussed in the text, 
the level of the sampled limestone lens at Kirkup 
correlated back to this section (arrowed), and ages 
in terms of the Australian Ordovician stages (Da = 
Darriwilian, Gi = Gisbornian, Ea = Eastonian). 




The association of Juanognathus serpaglii, 
although very rare, with abundant Erraticodon 
balticus and Protopanderodus cf. varicostatus in 
the Kirkup fauna indicates an early Darriwilian age 
(Da2, upper variabilis Zone) for the fauna. This age 
determination is also supported by the occurrence of 
E. balticus in the basal Weemalla Formation exposed 
in the Panuara district, southwest of Orange in central 
New South Wales. In the basal Weemalla Formation, 
E. balticus (referred to as E. sp.) was found co- 
occurring with Ansella jemtlandica?, Periodon 
macrodentatus, Drepanodus? bellburnensis, Par- 
oistodus originalis?, Protopanderodus cooperi, P. 
robustus, P. varicostatus, and Dzikodus hunanensis, 
which also suggested an early Darriwilian (Da2) age 
(Zhen and Percival 2004b). This age for the base of 
the Weemalla Formation is consistent with the Da3 
graptolite occurrence ata higher level inthe unit (Smith 
1966; Zhen and Percival 2004b). In the Table Head 
Formation of western Newfoundland, Juanognathus 
serpaglii and Erraticodon balticus occur together 
in the upper part of the Histiodella tableheadensis 
Assemblage Zone, which was correlated with the 
upper variabilis Zone (Stouge 1984). 

In his study of the conodont faunas from the 
Table Head Formation Stouge (1984) recognized a 
Parapanderodus-Scalpellodus biofaces, which was 
further subdivided into an inner shelf sub-facies 
dominated by the occurrence of Erraticodon balticus, 
and an outer shelf sub-facies characterized by the 

dominant occurrence of Ansella. The Kirkup fauna 
with its dominance of E. balticus and Kirkupodus 
tricostatus gen. et sp. nov. is most similar to the fauna 
of the inner shelf sub-facies of the Parapanderodus- 
Scalpellodus biofacies. 


The limestone yielding the assemblage reported 
here lies on Kirkup station, 15 km west of the town of 
Parkes in the central west of New South Wales (Fig. 
1). The outcrop extends for a few hundred metres, 
from approximately GR 594700 6237900 to GR 
595000 6238300 (m, AMG; Parkes 1:50,000 sheet, 
8531 I & IV). Its thickness is about 1.5 m, though 
the tumbled nature of the outcrop hinders accurate 

In addition to the extensive conodont assemblage 
which affords the basis of the age determination, 
there is a small fauna of anthaspidellid sponges, all 
of which are completely desilicified and broken, 
and the stromatolite-like stromatoporoid Janilamina 
which is quite common and reaches considerable 
size. A few, generally damaged brachiopods and 
rare gastropods are the only other macrofossils. The 
macrofossils occur in the more terrigenous parts of 
the unit. Algal oncolites with abundant Girvanella are 
not uncommon (Fig. 3A, B), oolites occur frequently 
although a true oolitic limestone is never developed, 
and there are patches of a coquina of small shells 
most of which lie in the concave-up position (Fig. 

Figure 3. Sedimentary features of the limestone lens at Kirkup. A, thin section of oncolites, MMF 44877, 
x 3.7. B, detail of the smaller oncolite, showing tubes of the alga Girvanella sp., x 40. C, vertical thin sec- 
tion of coquina of small shells, younging upward, MMF 44874, x 4.6. 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


©liplao|?e © 
Je}OL Nl] 0 | 2) eo © 
R/U s/s/° ("13 
(oe) (co) [<o) (=) 
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= S| 3] So 
S/S} 8/8) 8/8 
SSIs] LQ] 2) 3 
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S/S ]L] S$] s o 
Ss) 2) S| SESS hs3 
Ry} AL} AY Stale 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Table 1. Distribution of conodont species in samples from the limestone lens exposed near Kirkup Station, Gunningbland, New South Wales 

(samples C2340 - 2347 collected from calcarenite). 

3C). Sedimentary features are thus in accord with a 
shallow-water situation, well within the photic zone 
and above wave-base, and tally with its position 
immediately above the Kirkup Unconformity. 

There are two major lithologies in the limestones 
recognized in the outcrop, calcarenite and packstone. 
Conodonts were rare in the former, but very abundant 
in the greyish fine grained packstone (see Table 1). 


Illustrations in Figures 3-4 are optical microscopic 
photographs of thin sections in transmitted light. 
These specimens bear the prefix MMF, and are 
housed at the Londonderry Geoscience Centre of the 
Geological Survey of New South Wales. Many of the 
sections used in this study were made well prior to 
identification of the taxa, and some of the originally 
numbered specimens contain more than one species. 
Consequently, parts of and thin sections from a single 
block are differentiated by a lower case letter appended 
to the specimen number. All photographic illustrations 
shown in Figures 5 to 11 are SEM photomicrographs 
of conodonts captured digitally (numbers with the 
prefix IY are the file names of the digital images) and 
are held in the Palaeontology Section of the Australian 
Museum. Figured specimens bear the prefix AM 
F. and are deposited in the type collections of the 
Palaeontology Section at the Australian Museum in 
Sydney. Conodont samples with the prefix C form part 
of the collections of the New South Wales Geological 
Survey at Londonderry. 

Phylum PORIFERA Grant, 1836 
Class DEMOSPONGIAE Sollas, 1885 
Informal taxon LITHISTIDA Schmidt, 1870 
Family ANTHASPIDELLIDAE Ulrich, 1889 
Genus Patellispongia Bassler, 1927 

Type species 
Patellispongia oculata Bassler, 1927 

?Patellispongia sp. 
Figures 4A — 4E 


Several large fragmentary sponges (MMF29060, 
29069, 29978, 29979, 35561b, 44871-3), with five 
thin sections. 

In hand specimen the material presents the 



Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


appearance of a bladed or occasionally possibly 
patellate sponge. The thickness of the soma varies 
from 4.5 to 9.5 mm, with a lateral dimension which 
may exceed 12 cm. The fragments are all firmly 
embedded in matrix, so that the precise shape of 
the sponge cannot be determined, as is the case for 
its surface, though this appears to be undulose and 
somewhat uneven. 

The thin sections are more or less random, but 
those that have an orientation nearly parallel to the 
growth direction show an axis of divergence of the 
trabs which is much closer to one side of the soma 
than the other, interpreted as the inner, or, possibly, 
the excurrent surface. The trabs are 0.2 — 0.25 mm 
wide and separated by a distance of 0.3 —0.5 mm. The 
shafts of the dendroclones are c. 0.07 mm in diameter, 
and clearly show the typical ladder-like anthaspidellid 
arrangement. No details of coring or accessory 
spicules could be observed due to calcification. 


Although the specimens are all fragmentary, 
the manner in which the trabs diverge is similar to 
that of Patellispongia australis Rigby and Webby, as 
figured by them (1988, pl. 13, fig. 3). In that species 
the axis of divergence of the trabs lies much nearer to 
the upper, or concave surface, and this is the basis for 
the interpretation of the present material. P. australis 
has coring monaxons and, to judge by pl. 13, fig. 9 of 
Rigby and Webby (1988), also oxeas which lie free in 
the spicule network. Calcification precludes obtaining 
any further confirming evidence from our material. 

Anthaspidellid gen et sp. unident. 
Figure 4F 


A single specimen with one good transverse 
section, MMF44878, a probable second specimen, 
MMEF3556la, and a third specimen too small for 
sectioning, MMF29070. 

Body of sponge cylindrical or possibly obconical, 
reaching 2.5 cm in diameter, and probably exceeding 
this in length. The axial area is occupied by a bundle 
of rounded excurrent canals 1.3 —2.0 mm in diameter, 

the group itself about 1 cm across, and comprising 
roughly 20 canals, separated by a screen made of up 
of a single layer of spicules. Details of the exterior 
are unknown, but it is apparently fairly smooth. The 
offcut from the transverse section suggests that the 
excurrent canals end in an apical depression, but if 
so it was probably shallow. There is no indication 
of a dermal layer of differentiated spicules, but the 
sponges were probably somewhat eroded. 

The skeleton is typically anthaspidellid, the 
trabs made up of fused spicule rays and reaching 
a maximum diameter of 0.3 mm. The trabs are 
near vertical at the axis, but diverge and are nearly 
horizontal at the periphery. Between the trabs the 
spicule shafts are 0.25 — 0.3 mm apart. The material is 
entirely desilicified, and it is not possible to determine 
if the trabs include coring spicules. 


The scant material and its preservation make a 
generic assignment hazardous. Of the more or less 
cylindrical anthaspidellids described by Rigby and 
Webby (1988) only those ascribed to Aulocopium and 
Hudsonospongia can be compared with the present 
specimen, although it appears to lack the deep apical 
spongocoel of those forms. The former genus has 
since been transferred to the family Streptosolenidae 
(Finks et al. 2004), but in the present material 
the dendroclones lie parallel to the surface, as is 
characteristic of Anthaspidellidae. 

Class STROMATOPOROIDEA Nicholson and 
Murie, 1878 k 
Order 7?CLATHRODICTYIDA Bogoyavlenskaya, 
Family unassigned 
Tanilamina Pickett and Zhen gen. nov. 

Type species 
Tanilamina kirkupensis Pickett and Zhen sp. nov. 


The genus is named for our friend and colleague 
Dr Ian Percival, in recognition of his contribution to 
knowledge of the Ordovician System in New South 

Figure 4 (LEFT). Anthaspidellid sponges from Kirkup. A — E, ?Patellispongia sp. A, longitudinal (left) 
and near transverse (right) sections of two specimens, MMF 44872, x 2.8. B, detail of left specimen 
from A, showing locus of axis of divergence of trabs close to right side of skeleton, x 7.1. C, section of 
blade , MMF 35561b, x 4.2. D, section of curved blade, MMF 29060a, x 1.7. F, anthaspidellid gen. et sp. 

unident., MMF 44878, x 2.4. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 




A stromatoporoid whose skeleton consists of thin, 
extensive, densely porose laminae, with a thread-like 
tissue occupying some latilaminae. 

Tanilamina kirkupensis Pickett and Zhen sp. nov. 
Figure 5 


MMEF29887 (holotype), paratypes MMF35560, 
MMF44870, 44875, 44876, 44879; eight thin sec- 


The organism forms stromatolite-like bodies, 
initially broadly encrusting, but rapidly developing a 
domical shape, sometimes expanding upwards. The 
margins are smoothrather than ragged, the major bursts 
of growth in macroscopic appearance being more 
or less enveloping. These bodies reach dimensions 
greater than 12.5 cm wide and 9 cm high. The largest 
specimen (MMF44879) is an irregularly laminate 
body with undulose laminae and many inclusions 
of sediment, and spreading to a width of at least 20 
cm, while not more than 7 cm high; the holotype is 
domical, 20 cm x 14 cm and 11 cm high. The skeleton 
is comprised of latilaminae ( = incremental units of 
Stearn and Pickett, 1994) which range from 0.1 mm 
to 1.3 mm in thickness, are discontinuous laterally, 
and present varying appearance in longitudinal 
section, due in the main to diagenetic features. The 
upper surfaces of the latilaminae are defined by the 
thin laminae, which are remarkably smooth, appear as 
a very thin, discontinuous, dark line, which, in areas 
where there has been development of sparry calcite, 
usually simply vanish, though this can be seen to 
be a progressive degradation of the structure during 
diagenesis. The laminae frequently are turned down 
to terminate on the upper surface of the previous 
lamina (Fig. 5E). 

Some latilaminae present a brown and rather 
flocculent appearance between the laminae. Others 

are light in colour, demarcated by the dark line 
(lamina) on their upper surface, and show internally 
a vague network of thread-like calcified tissue, 
whose structure is not clearly delineated and is 
never as strongly calcified as the laminae (Fig. 5F). 
The appearance of these layers intergrades with that 
of the brownish, flocculent layers, so it is probable 
that the latter are layers which have undergone more 
diagenetic alteration. 

In tangential section the thin, dark laminae can 
be seen to be minutely, irregularly porous (Figs 5F, 
5J). The pores are subangular to subrounded, have an 
internal diameter of 0.05 — 0.1 mm, and are separated 
by a delicate meshwork of calcified tissue about 
0.025 mm wide between the pores. No structures 
approximating to astrorhizae have been identified. 

Associated features 

The vertical succession of latilaminae is 
occasionally interrupted. This is most commonly the 
result of accumulation of sediment on the surface, 
which is then covered by the next incremental 
unit (Fig. 5B). Interruptions may also be caused 
by algal mats in which tubes of Girvanella may 
clearly be seen, or by overgrowth by an unidentified 
anthaspidellid sponge (Fig. 5D). Finally, there are 
small encrustations of what are probably the early 
stages of bryozoan colonies (Fig. 5G) or possibly 
algae, but the small size of these (c. 1 mm, with tubes 
0.075 — 0.1 mm in diameter) suggests that they were 
rapidly overgrown by the stromatoporoid. 


The most similar form described so far is the 
marginally older Zondarella Keller and Fligel, 
1996, from the late Arenig (= earliest Darriwillian 
of Argentina. The type species, Z. communis, forms 
large, stromatolite-like masses which even construct 
reefs, quite different from the scale of the present 
occurrence. The poorly developed vertical elements 
of lanilamina resemble to some extent those of 
Zondarella, but the well developed pores in the 
laminae of the former have not been described from 

Figure 5 (RIGHT). lanilamina kirkupensis gen. et sp. nov., all from a limestone lens at the base of the 
Goonumbla Volcanics, Kirkup station, Gunningbland, NSW. A, appearance in hand specimen, MMF 
44870b, x 0.6. B — F, longitudinal sections. B, MMF 44876, encrusting on anthaspidellid sponge (lower 
centre), x 1.2. C, MMF 44875a, also encrusting an anthaspidellid, x 1.2. D, section MMF 35560a, speci- 
men with rather flat laminae, and enclosing a small anthaspidellid (top right), x 1.4. E, detail of B, show- 
ing terminations of laminae, x 6.8. F, somewhat oblique section through one incremental unit, showing 
porous laminae and thread-like internal structure, MMF 44875b, x 13.2. G, detail of C, showing small 
encrusting ?bryozoans, overgrown by later incremental units, x 10.5. H, tangential section of holotype 
MME 29887b, section has traversed a rather flat lamina (dark area, top centre), x 1.7. J, detail of central 
part of H, showing detail of the pores in the lamina, x 49. 

64 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 65 


Zondarella. On the other hand, breaks in the laminae of 
Zondarella are quite common (e.g. Keller and Fliigel 
1996, pl. 47, fig.6), and it may be that these equate 
to the pores of Janilamina. The epizoic ?bryozoans 
illustrated by Keller and Fligel (pl. 47, fig. 8) are 
almost identical with those observed on Janilamina. 
Photographs of thin sections of topotype specimens of 
Zondarella communis, kindly supplied by Dr Marcelo 
Carrera, do not show laminae with pores similar to 
those of Ianilamina. Zondarella was assigned to the 
family Pulchrilaminidae Webby 1993, which was 
included questionably as the last family in the order 
Labechiida by Webby, in Stearn et al. (1999). The soft 
tissue of members of that order appears to have been 
external to the skeleton, whereas the anatomy of most 
other stromatoporoid groups suggests, by analogy 
with Vaceletia, e.g. Stearn and Pickett (1994), that 
most of the soft tissue was internal. In spite of other 
similarities with Zondarella the absence of pores 
in that genus is particularly significant, pointing to 
labechiid affinities. The pores of Janilamina however 
imply relationship to non-labechiid stromatoporoids, 
and for this reason the genus is tentatively included 
amongst the clathrodictyids. 

A corollary of the virtual absence of pillars or 
other well calcified vertical structures between the 
laminae would have been a skeleton which was 
relatively weak structurally. In spite of this, there 
is very little evidence of internal damage, although 
a number of the specimens have clearly suffered 
external damage. 

There has been much discussion with colleagues 
over the affinities of this material. The preliminary 
field identifications cast it as stromatolitic, chiefly 
perhaps due to the rather straggly outline of the 
individual masses; and indeed, many layers within 
them are clearly sedimentary. It is possible that the 
structures here interpreted as porous laminae may 
be residual features of algal structures otherwise 
destroyed by diagenetic processes. However, the 
following features have swayed the interpretation 
as a stromatoporoid: 1) in addition to the layers of 
sediment, sponges and bryozoans mentioned above, 
there are occasional layers of undoubted algal mats, 
clearly differing in preservation and structure from the 
tissue immediately surrounding them; 2) the porous 
laminae are extremely thin, while the true algal layers 
have a substantial vertical dimension; 3) the laminae 
turn down rather abruptly to terminate cleanly on the 
surface of the lamina beneath, suggesting incremental 
growth rather than surficial accumulation of sediment. 
The problems faced in the interpretation of Janilamina 
are in effect the same as those experienced by Keller 
and Fliigel (1996) when describing Zondarella, and 


efficiently summarised by them (p. 186). Many 
of their comments also are relevant to the present 
material, noting particularly the association with a 
high-energy environment, provision of a hard surface 
for encrusting organisms, and layers of different 
composition or structure. 

Phylum CHORDATA Balfour, 1880 
Class CONODONTA Pander, 1856 
Order PRIONIODINIDA Sweet, 1988 
Family CHIROGNATHIDAE Branson and Mehl, 
Genus Erraticodon Dzik, 1978 

Type species 
Erraticodon balticus Dzik, 1978. 


Septimembrate or octomembrate apparatus with 
a ramiform-ramiform structure including makellate 
M, alate Sa, bipennate Sb and Sc, tertiopedate or 
tripennate Sd, digyrate Pa, trigyrate Pb, and often 
tripennate Pc, hyaline elements with a prominent 
cusp, discrete peg-like denticles on the processes, and 
a shallow basal cavity. 


Represented by at least 10 species with high 
morphological variation, Erraticodon consisting 
of large, hyaline ramiform elements is an easily 
recognizable common element in shallow-water, 
inner-shelf conodont faunas. A number of Erraticodon 
species with a septimembrate or octomembrate 
apparatus have been recently documented from late 
Early and Middle Ordovician strata in Australia 
(Zhen et al. 2003, Zhen and Percival 2004a, Zhen 
and Percival 2004b, Zhen and Percival 2006; Nicoll 
and Kelman 2004) and in South China (Zhen ef 
al. 2007). Known as the oldest genus in the family 
Chirognathidae (Sweet 1988), Erraticodon was 
geographically widely distributed with a stratigraphic 
range from the late Early Ordovician (evae Zone) 
to the late Mid Ordovician (Darriwilian) (Zhen 
et al. 2007). The following species are assigned to 

Erraticodon balticus Dzik, 1978; defined herein 
as having a septimembrate apparatus; type material 
from an erratic boulder of Middle Ordovician (possibly 
early Darriwilian) age, found near Kartuzy, Poland. It 
was also recorded from the lower Darriwilian (Da2) 
of Newfoundland (Stouge 1984), and central New 
South Wales (this study). 

Erraticodon bellevuensis Zhen and Percival 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


2004a; reported as having a septimembrate apparatus 
(Zhen and Percival 2004a, p. 94-96, figs. 12, 13), 
from allochthonous limestone (Middle Ordovician, 
Darriwilian, ?Da3) in the Oakdale Formation of 
central New South Wales. 

Erraticodon fenxiangensis Ni, in Ni and Li 
1987; not adequately documented, four morphotypes 
referrable to M, Sa, Sb and Sc elements recognised 
(see Ni, in Ni and Li 1987, p. 408-409, pl. 60, figs. 
6=Sc, 7=Sa, 14=Sb, 15=M), from the lower and 
middle parts of the Guniutan Formation (Middle 
Ordovician, Darriwilian) of Yichang, Hubei, South 

Erraticodon . gratus (Moskalenko, 1977) 
(see Moskalenko 1989); recorded as having a 
septimembrate apparatus, from the Ordovician of 

Erraticodon hexianensis An and Ding, 1985; 
revised as having an octomembrate apparatus (An and 
Ding 1985; Zhen ef al. 2007), from the late Dawanian 
to early Darriwilian of South China. 

Erraticodon patu Cooper, 1981; recorded as 
having a septimembrate or possibly octomembrate 
apparatus (see Zhen et al. 2003; Nicoll and Kelman 
2004) from the Horn Valley Siltstone (Early 
Ordovician, evae Zone) of the Amadeus Basin of 
central Australia, and also reported from the Tabita 
Formation (and various other units of the same age) 
in western New South Wales (Zhen ef al. 2003, Zhen 
and Percival 2006). 

Erraticodon tangshanensis Yang and Xu, in An et 
al. 1983; reported having a septimembrate apparatus 
(see An et al. 1983, p. 95-97), from the Majiagou 
Formation and Beianzhuang Formation of Middle 
Ordovician age in North China. 

Erraticodon tarimensis Zhao et al. 2005; reported 
as having a septimembrate apparatus (Zhao ef al. 
2005, p. 30, pl. 2, figs 1-13), from the middle part of 
the Upper Quulitag Formation (late Early Ordovician) 
in the Tarim Basin of Northwest China. 

Erraticodon sp. Lofgren, 1985 (p. 124, fig. 
4AT—AY); with M, Sc, Pa, and Pb? (or Sa?) elements 
illustrated from core samples of Middle Ordovician 
age (upper para to lower variabilis zones) at 
Finngrundet, south Bothnian Bay, Sweden. 

Erraticodon balticus Dzik, 1978 
Figures 6-8 


Erraticodon balticus Dzik, 1978, p. 66-67, text- 
fig. 6a-e, pl. 15, figs 1-3, 5-6 (text-fig. 6d and pl. 15, 
fig. 5 = M element; text-fig. 6e and pl. 15, fig. 6 = Sa 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

element; text-fig. 6c and pl. 15, fig. 3 = Sb element; 
text-fig. 6a and pl. 15, fig. 1 = Sc element; text-fig. 6b 
and pl. 15, fig. 2 = Sd element); Stouge 1984, p.84- 
85, pl. 17, figs 9-19 (fig. 11 = M element; figs 17-18 
= Sa element; figs 9-10 = Sb element; fig. 19 = Sc 
element; figs 13-15 = Sd element; figs 12, 16 = Pb 

Erraticodon sp. Zhen and Percival 2004b, p. 167- 
168, figs 8A-H, 9A-I (9A-B=M element; 9C-G=Sa 
element; 9H=Sb element; 9I=Sc element; 8A-B and 
8H=Pa element; 8C-G=Pb element). 


1726 specimens recovered from 16 samples (see 
Table 1) collected along the strike of the 1.5 m thick 
limestone lens. 


A species of Erraticodon with a septimembrate 
ramiform-ramiform apparatus, including makellate 
M, alate Sa, bipennate Sb and Sc, tripennate (modified 
bipennate) Sd, digyrate Pa, and trigyrate (modified 
digyrate) Pb elements; all elements hyaline with a 
prominent cusp, and discrete, peg-like denticles on 
the processes, and a shallow open basal cavity often 
with basal cone attached; Sa element with short lateral 
processes each bearing a single denticle and with a 
long posterior process; Sa, Sb and Sc elements with 
an excessively enlarged denticle (location varying 
from the first to fourth away from the cusp) developed 
on the posterior process. 


M element makellate (Fig. 6A-D) with a long 
outer lateral process bearing four to seven pointed 
denticles, and a sharp costa along the inner lateral face 
with neither denticles nor anti-cusp (Fig. 6A); cusp 
robust, antero-posteriorly compressed, and distally 
curved posteriorly, with broad anterior and posterior 
faces, and sharp costate lateral margins (Fig. 6A-C); 
basal buttress weakly developed on the posterior face 
(Fig. 6C); basal cavity shallow, tapering into narrow 
groove towards the outer lateral end of the base (Fig. 
6A-B) with gently arched basal margin in anterior 
(Fig. 6D) or posterior view (Fig. 6A). 

Sa element alate, symmetrical, bearing a long 
denticulate posterior process, and a short lateral 
process on each side with a single denticle (Fig. 
6E-K); cusp triangular in cross section with a broad 
anterior face, and a sharp costa along its posterior 
margin and on each antero-lateral side; three sharp 
costae extending basally and merging with the upper 
margin of the posterior and the lateral processes; 
posterior process long, in most specimens broken 



Figure 6. Erraticodon balticus Dzik, 1978 A-D, M element; A, AM F.133041, C2340, posterior view 
(1Y85004); B, AM F.133042, C2340, basal view ([Y85003); C, AM F.133043, C2340, upper view (LY85005); 
D, AM F.133044, C2340, anterior view (1Y85001). E-K, Sa element; E-G, AM F.133045, C2340, E-F, an- 
terior views ([TY85022); G, upper view (IY85023); H, AM F.133046, C2343, lateral view (LY85010); I-J, 
AM F.133047, C2340, I, posterior view ([Y85020), J, basal view (TY85021); K, AM F.133048, C2342, 
lateral view (1Y88017). L-P, Sb element; L, AM F.133049, C2340, inner lateral view (1Y85018); M-N, 
AM F.133050, C2342, M, basal view (1Y87033), N, inner lateral view ([Y87034); O, AM F.133051, C2340, 
upper view (1Y85019); P, AM F.133052, C2343, outer lateral view (1TY85010). Scale bars 100 pm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


before or after the excessively larger denticle, which 
is typically the first or second denticle away from the 
cusp, and typically over twice as wide as the cusp 
on lateral view (Fig. 6K); single denticle on lateral 
processes antero-posteriorly compressed with a broad 
anterior and posterior face and a sharp edged lateral 
side; basal cavity shallow and small with strongly 
arched basal margin in lateral view (Fig. 6H, K). 

Sb element bipennate, asymmetrical with a sub- 
erect cusp, a long posterior process, and a downward 
extending and strongly inner laterally curved anterior 
process (Fig. 6L-P); cusp moderately compressed 
laterally with a sharp anterior costa and a posterior 
costa that extends downward to form the upper 
margin of the anterior and posterior processes (Fig. 
60); posterior process long, bearing more than five 
denticles, with the third or fourth denticle away from 
the cusp excessively larger than other denticles, 
typically as large as the cusp (Fig. 6L) or even larger 
(Fig. 6N-O); denticles on posterior process moderately 
compressed laterally with a sharp costa along the 
anterior and posterior margins; long anterior process 
strongly curved inward forming an angle of about 
90° or less with posterior process (Fig. 6M, O), and 
bearing five to eight or even more denticles, which 
are more closely spaced than those on the posterior 
process, and laterally compressed with sharp edges; 
basal cavity shallow, often with basal cone attached, 
showing a sickle-like outline in basal view (Fig. 

Sc element bipennate (Fig. 7A-E) with a 
prominent cusp, a downwardly extended, slightly 
inner laterally curved anterior process bearing three or 
more denticles (Fig. 7C), and a long posterior process 
bearing four or more long denticles (Fig. 7C-D); cusp 
laterally strongly compressed with sharply costate 
anterior and posterior margins and smooth lateral 
faces; one denticle on posterior process (typically 
the third away from the cusp) excessively larger than 
other denticles; basal cavity shallow with an arched 
basal margin in lateral view (Fig. 7D). 

Sd element tripennate (modified bipennate) with 
a prominent cusp, a short anterior process bearing 
two or three denticles, a long posterior process 
bearing five or more denticles, and a long, outer 
lateral process bearing up to seven denticles (Fig. 7F- 
M); cusp tricostate bearing sharp anterior, posterior 
and outer lateral costae, which extend downward to 
merge with the upper margin of the three processes; 
cusp rounded in cross section (Fig. 7H) with outer 
lateral costa more towards posterior, and curved inner 
laterally and posteriorly with broad, convex inner 
lateral face and antero-outer lateral face, but with 
slightly concave postero-outer lateral face (Fig. 7H); 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

anterior process inner laterally curved and extending 
downward with a straight basal margin nearly normal 
to the basal margin of the posterior process, denticles 
closely spaced with smallest at the distal end and the 
largest, which is only slightly shorter than the cusp, 
next to the cusp; posterior process long, but broken 
in most of the specimens recovered; denticles on both 
anterior and posterior processes compressed laterally, 
oval in cross section with a sharp costa along their 
anterior and posterior margins; outer lateral process 
long, posteriorly curved varying from a 70° angle with 
the posterior process (Fig. 7G) to nearly parallel with 
the posterior process (Fig. 7J), denticles moderately 
compressed antero-posteriorly, oval in cross section 
with sharply costate lateral margins, and curved 

Pa element digyrate with a less prominent cusp, 
a long sinuously curved inner lateral process, and a 
long, anteriorly twisted outer lateral process (Fig. 8A- 
G); cusp rounded in cross section with a sharp lateral 
costa on each side, and broad anterior and posterior 
faces; denticles on both processes also rounded or 
weakly antero-posteriorly compressed; basal cavity 
shallow and inverted with a shallow pit underneath 
the cusp (Fig. 8D). 

Pb element trigyrate (modified digyrate) with a 
lateral process on each side, and an anterior process 
bearing three or more denticles (Fig. 8H-N); cusp 
less prominent than that of the M and S elements, 
with a broad posterior face and with a sharp costa 
along anterior margin, and on each side; outer lateral 
process long, bearing seven or more denticles; inner 
lateral process shorter bearing typically two or three 
denticles, anterior process outer laterally curved; 
denticles antero-laterally compressed on the lateral 
processes and laterally compressed on the anterior 
process; basal cavity shallow with a pit underneath 
the cusp (Fig. 8N). 


The type material of Erraticodon balticus was 
recovered from an erratic boulder found near Kartuzy, 
Pomerania, Poland, but believed to be transported 
from the Baltic region. Dzik (1978) originally 
defined the species as consisting of a seximembrate 
apparatus, but only five elements including makellate 
M, alate Sa, bipennate Sb and Sc, and tripennate 
(modified bipennate) Sd were represented in the 
type material. However he suggested an additional 
spathognathiform element (Dzik 1978, Fig. 2 = 
digyrate Pb element) represented by a specimen 
illustrated as “Chirognathus” sp. by Viira (1974, pl. 
11, fig. 22). Subsequently, Dzik (1991) indicated that 
the species had a septimembrate composition, but 



Figure 7. Erraticodon balticus Dzik, 1978. A-E, Sc element; A-B, AM F.133053, C2343, A, basal-posterior 
view (LY85012), B, basal view (1Y85013); C, AM F.133054, C2343, inner lateral view (1Y85017); D-E, 
AM F.133055, C2342, D, outer lateral view (1Y87031), E, basal view (LY87032). F-M, Sd element; F, AM 
F.133056, C2340, outer lateral view (LY85009); G-H, AM F.133057, C2343, G, upper view (1Y85015), 
H, close up of upper view showing cross section of tricostate cusp (1Y85016); I, AM F.133058, C2343, 
outer lateral view (LY92029); J-M, AM F.133059, C2343, J, outer lateral view ([Y92026), K, upper view 
(LY92025), L, posterior view ([Y92027), M, inner lateral view (LY92028). Scale bars 100 um. 

unfortunately provided neither description nor further 
details of the revised apparatus. Based on material 
from the Table Head Formation (Darriwilian, Da2) 
of western Newfoundland, Stouge (1984) suggested a 
septimembrate apparatus for E. balticus, its elements 
being comparable with the M, Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd and Pb 

elements defined herein from the Kirkup fauna. No 
Pa element was reported by Stouge, (1984) and his 
zygognathiform and sannemanulliform elements are 
interpreted herein as variants of the Sd element with 
the outer lateral process curved posteriorly in varying 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 8. Erraticodon balticus Dzik, 1978. A-G, Pa element; A-B, AM F.133060, C2340, A, upper view 
(TY85008); B, anterior view (1Y85006); C-E, AM F.133061, C2342, C, basal-posterior view (1Y88011), D, 
basal view (IY88014), E, anterior view (1Y88012); F-G, AM F.133062, C2342, F, upper view (LY88008), 
G, anterior view (1Y88009). H-N, Pb element; H-J, AM F.133063, C2342, H, outer lateral view (1Y88003); 
I, anterior view (IY88002), J, posterior view (IY88004); K-L, AM F.133064, C2300, K, upper view 
(TY86007), L, inner-anterior view ([Y86006); M-N, AM F.133065, C2347, M, basal view (IY88005), N, 
posterior view (1Y88006). Scale bars 100 nm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


E. balticus is characterized by having an 
accentuated denticle on the posterior process of the 
Sa, Sb and Sc elements. The holotype (Dzik 1978. 
pl. i5, fig. 6) exhibits this accentuated denticle as the 
third denticle away from the cusp on the posterior 
process, which is slightly wider (thicker) near the base 
than the cusp in lateral view. An accentuated denticle 
similar to that of the holotype was also developed on 
the posterior process of the Sb and Sc elements in the 
type material (Dzik 1978. text-fig. 6). In our abundant 
material from Kirkup, this accentuated denticle on 
the posterior process of the Sa, Sb and Sc elements 
is observed as a consistent character, but its position 
may vary from the first to fourth away from the cusp, 
and the size can also vary from equal to that of the 
cusp to over twice its size (Fig. 6K). 

Specimens have previously been referred to this 
species by various authors (e.g. Watson 1988; Lehnert 
1995; Albanesi, in Albanesi et al. 1998; Zhang 1998a), 
but their illustrated specimens apparently lack this 
character and should be excluded from £. balticus. 
For instance, none of the Sa, Sb and Sc elements 
described by Watson (1988) from the the Goldwyer 
Formation of the Canning Basin of Western Australia 
illustrated this diagnostic character of the species. 
None of the illustrated Sa, Sb and Sc elements referred 
to as E. balticus by either Zhang (1998a, pl. 9, figs 9- 
10, 13) from the Guniutan Formation in Hubei and 

Hunan provinces or by Ding ef al. (in Wang 1993) 
from the same stratigraphic unit near Nanjing in South 
China shows an accentuated denticle on the posterior 
process. Zhang’s (1998a, pl. 9, fig. 9) illustrated Sa 
element bears more than one denticle on the lateral 
processes. The material illustrated by Ding et al. (in 
Wang 1993, pl. 37, figs 18-28) as this species includes 
elements belonging to different genera, and the 
material illustrated by Zhang (1998a) may be more 
comparable to E. hexianensis (see Zhen et al. 2007). 
That species, recorded from the upper Dawanian to 
early Darriwilian in South China (Zhen et al. 2007), 
closely resembles EF. balticus, but its Sa, Sb, and Sc 
elements lack an excessively enlarged denticle on the 
posterior process, and its Sd element is tertiopedate 
rather than tripennate, as in E. balticus. 

Order PRIONIODONTIDA Dzik, 1976 
Family OISTODONTIDAE Lindstrém, 1970 
Genus Juanognathus Serpagli, 1974 

Type species 
Juanognathus variabilis Serpagli, 1974. 

Juanognathus serpaglii Stouge, 1984 
Figure 9C-F 

Figure 9. A-B, Pseudooneotodus mitratus (Moskalenko, 1973) AM ¥.133066, C2347, A, upper view 
(TY92012), B, outer lateral view ([Y92013). C-F, Juanognathus serpaglii Stouge, 1984. C-D, asymmetrical 
element, AM F.133067, C2343, C, posterior view (1Y92021), D, upper view (LY92022); E-F, symmetrical 
element, AM F.133068, C2343, E, posterior view (1Y92020), F, basal view ([Y92019). Scale bars 100 um. 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Juanognathus serpaglii Stouge, 1984, p. 58-59, 
pl. 5, figs 10-20 (cum syn.). 

Three specimens, two (both illustrated) from 
sample C2343, and one from C2342. 


Stouge (1984) originally recognised a bimembrate 
(symmetrical and asymmetrical) apparatus for the 
species. Both elements are represented by only one 
specimen each in our material from Kirkup station. 
They are identical with the type material from the 
Table Head Formation of western Newfoundland. 
Both elements have a cusp with a blade-like costa on 
each side, broadly convex anterior and posterior faces 
and a prominent basal surface defined by a ledge-like 
costa parallel to and slightly above the basal margin, 
which is similar to that described in Cooperignathus 
Zhen, in Zhen ef al. 2003 and Protoprioniodus 
Cooper, 1981 (see Zhen ef al. 2003). This ledge-like 
costa and basal surface are also well developed in the 
type material of J. serpaglii (Stouge 1984, pl. 5, figs 
10, 12, 16), but have not been recognised in the other 
species of Juanognathus including the type species. 

Genus Protopanderodus Lindstrém, 1971 

Type species 
Acontiodus rectus Lindstrém, 1955. 

Protopanderodus cf. varicostatus (Sweet and 
Bergstrém, 1962) 
Figure 10A-P 


Protopanderodus cf. varicostatus (Sweet and 
Bergstrém); Lofgren, 1978, p. 191-193, pl. 3, fig. 


295 specimens recovered from 12 samples (see 
Table 1) collected along the strike of the 1.5 m thick 
limestone lens. 


Five morphotypes of this species are recognized 
and assigned to Sa, Sb, Sc, Pa and Pb elements. Sa 
element symmetrical, bearing a proclined to suberect 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

cusp, with a broad anterior face, an antero-lateral 
costa and a lateral costa on each side, and a costa 
along its posterior margin (Fig. 10A-E); a broader, 
shallow groove developed between the two costae 
and a deep and narrow furrow positioned to the 
posterior side of the lateral costa. Sb element like 
Sa, but asymmetrical, with a concave inner face and 
a convex outer face, and weaker development of the 
antero-lateral costa on each side, and with a deep 
furrow developed between the two costae on each 
lateral face. Sc element strongly asymmetrical and 
laterally compressed, with a convex outer face bearing 
a median costa and a furrow to its posterior side, a 
concave inner face bearing two costae and separated 
by two furrows (Fig. 10J-K), and with a sharp costa 
along its anterior and posterior margins. Pa element 
with a proclined cusp and a shorter base, and with a 
sharp costa along its anterior and posterior margins; 
outer lateral face convex and smooth or often with 
a weak and short postero-lateral costa developed 
around the curvature of the cusp (Fig. 10M); inner 
lateral face with two costae and a furrow in between. 
Pb element like Pa element, but with a suberect cusp 
and a longer base. 


The current material resembles that described as 
Protopanderodus cf. varicostatus from the Middle 
Ordovician of northern Sweden (Léfgren 1978), 
particularly the S elements. The scandodiform 
Pb elements from the Kirkup fauna generally 
have a longer base, which was not recognized in 
P. varicostatus, and some of the symmetrical Sa 
elements show a broader anterior face (Fig. 10A) 
in comparison with the corresponding elements of 
Protopanderodus variabilis. Some scandodiform P 
elements of those referred to Protopanderodus cf. 
varicostatus by Léfgren (1978, pl. 3, fig. 30) exhibit 
intermediate features between the current material, 
which has a longer base (Pb), and typical P. variabilis 
with a very short base. 

Protopanderodus? nogamii (Lee, 1975) 
Figure 11A-S 


Scolopodus cf. bassleri \go and Koike 1967, p. 23, pl. 
3, figs. 7, 8, text-fig. 6B. 

Scolopodus sp. A Hill et al. 1969, p. 0.14, pl. OVI, 
fig. 13. 

Scolopodus sp. C Hill et al. 1969, p. 0.14, pl. OVII, 
fig. 15. 

“Panderodus” sp. Serpagli 1974, p. 59, pl. 24, figs. 



Figure 10. Protopanderodus cf. varicostatus (Sweet and Bergstrém, 1962). A-E, Sa element; A-B, AM 
F.133069, C2343, A, basal-posterior view (1Y87005), B, lateral view (LY87004); C-E, AM F.133070, 
C2342, C-D, lateral views (LY87025, [Y87023), E, basal view (IY87026). F-I, Sb element; F-H, AM 
F.133071, C2343, F, basal view ([Y87013), G, inner lateral view ([Y87011), H, outer lateral view 
(TY87014); I, AM F.133072, C2343, inner lateral view (LY87016). J-L, Sc element, AM F.133073, C2343, 
J, inner lateral view ([Y92038), K, upper view (IY92036), L, outer lateral view ([Y92037). M-N, Pa 
element; M, AM F.133074, C2343, outer lateral view (1Y87007); N, AM F.133075, C2340, inner lat- 
eral view (1Y¥91040). O-P, Pb element; O, AM F.133076, C2340, outer lateral view (LY91038); P, AM 
F.133077, C2340, inner lateral view ([Y91039). Scale bars 100 pm. 

12 e IB ple sOy ttesaeatS: 1983, p. 140, pl. 13, fig. 27, pl. 14, figs. 1-8 (cum 
Scolopodus nogamii Lee 1975, p. 179, pl. 2, fig. 13. syn.); An and Zheng 1990, p. 173, pl. 2, figs. 7- 
Protopanderodus primitus Druce (MS), in Cooper 11, 13, 14, 16. 

1981 (nomen nudum), p. 174, pl. 27, figs. 3, 4 Protopanderodus nogamii (Lee); Watson 1988: p. 

(cum syn.); Stait and Druce 1993, p. 307, figs. 124, pl. 3, figs. 1, 6; Zhen et al. 2003, p. 207-209, 

13A-C, 18D, E, G-K (cum syn.). fig. 23A-P, ?Q (cum syn.); Zhen and Percival 
Scolopodus euspinus Jiang and Zhang, in An ef al. 2004a, p. 104-105, fig. 18A-K. 

74 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 11. Protopanderodus? nogamii (Lee, 1975). A-F, Sa element; A, AM F.133078, C2343, lateral view 
(1Y88032); B-D, AM F.133079, C2343, B, basal view (LY88030), C-D, lateral views (LY88029, TY88031); 
E-F, AM F.133080, C2340, E, basal view (1Y88044), F, lateral view (1Y88045). G-H, Sb element, AM 
F.133081, C2343, G, basal view (1Y88035), H, inner lateral view (1Y88034). I-L, Sd element; I-J, AM 
F.133082, C2343, I, inner lateral view (1Y88041), J, basal view (1Y88039); K-L, AM F.133083, C2343, 
K, close up showing furrow does not cut through the basal margin and surface striation (1Y88038), L, 
outer lateral view (1Y88036). M-O, Pb element; M, AM F.133084, C2343, basal view(1Y88018); N-O, 
AM F.133085, C2343, N, inner lateral view (1Y88024), O, outer lateral view ([Y88023). P-S, Pa element; 
P-R, AM F.133086, C2343, P, inner lateral view (1Y88027), Q, close up showing furrow does not cut 
through the basal margin ([Y88028), R, basal view ([Y88026); S, AM F.1330087, C2343, outer lateral 

view (1Y88021). Scale bars 100 pm, unless otherwise indicated. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 75 


Protopanderodus? nogamii (Lee); Zhen and Percival 
2004b, p. 170-172, fig. 11P, Q. 

Parapanderodus paracornuformis Ethington and 
Clark; Albanesi, in Albanesi ef al. 1998, p. 116, 
partim pl. 12, fig. 13, 8?-10?, non 11, 12. 

?Panderodus nogamii (Lee); Cantrill and Burrett 
2004, p. 410, pl. 1, figs 1-16. 


458 specimens recovered from 11 samples (see 
Table 1) collected along the strike of the 1.5 m thick 
limestone lens. 


The concept of P.? nogamii and its constituent 
elements has been reviewed extensively in several 
recent publications (Zhen et al. 2003; Zhen and 
Percival 2004a, b; Cantrill and Burrett 2004). It 
consists of a seximembrate apparatus including 
short-based, bi-furrowed Pa and Pb, long-based, 
bi-furrowed Sa, Sb and Sd, and long-based, uni- 
furrowed Sc elements; with furrows and coarse striae 
disappearing just before reaching the basal margin. 
This species is excluded from Panderodus as it lacks 
a true panderodontid furrow, which cuts deep into 
basal margin. Typical species of Panderodus have 
only one furrow on the outer lateral face (except 
for a rare bi-furrowed symmetrical element). Most 
of the P? nogamii elements have a furrow on each 
lateral side, and the furrows disappear just before 
reaching the basal margin (Fig. 11K, Q). Stait and 
Druce (1993) recognized a uni-furrowed element in 
the P.? nogamii species apparatus. Zhen et al. (2003) 
found this element (referred as the Sc element) was 
extremely rare in the Early Ordovician material from 
Mt. Arrowsmith in far western New South Wales. In 
the Kirkup fauna, P ? nogamii is one of the dominant 
species, but no uni-furrowed element has been 

Family ACANTHODONTIDAE Lindstrém, 1970 
Genus Kirkupodus Zhen and Pickett gen. nov. 

Derivation of name 

After the property name, Kirkup Station, where 
the type species (and only species assigned to the 
genus) was recovered. 

Type species 
Kirkupodus tricostatus Zhen and Pickett gen. et 
Sp nov. 

A septimembrate coniform-coniform apparatus 

including nongeniculate bicostate M, bicostate Sb 
and Sc, tricostate Sa and Sd, and drepanodiform Pa 
and Pb elements; all elements hyaline, with sharp 
blade-like costae, and ommamented with fine striae; S 
elements forming a symmetry transitional series; M 
element with non-expanded base, S and P elements 
with posteriorly or laterally extended base. 


Kirkupodus is defined herein as having a 
septimembrate apparatus. The blade-like costae of 
the S elements and the general morphology of the 
P elements resemble the corresponding elements 
of Triangulodus van Wamel, 1974, but Kirkupodus 
lacks a geniculate M element. The P elements and 
asymmetrical, bicostate Sb and Sc elements of 
Kirkupodus tricostatus can be closely compared 
with the P and S elements of Scalpellodus Dzik, 
1976. However, tricostate Sa and Sd elements were 
not recognised in the species apparatus of the type 
species, S. Jatus, nor from the apparatuses of the 
other two species (S. gracilis and S. viruensis) of 
Scalpellodus, from the Baltic, although descriptions 
of all these species were based on a large number of 
specimens (Lofgren 1978). These differences support 
the establishment of a new genus, Kirkupodus, to 
accommodate the current species from central New 
South Wales. 

As Lofgren (1978, p. 98) pointed out, Dzik’s 
original definition (1976, p. 421) of Scalpellodus 
included elements belonging to both Scalpellodus 
and Cornuodus. Lofgren (1978) revised the genus 
as having a trimembrate apparatus including a 
scandodiform, a long-based drepanodiform and a 
short-based drepanodiform elements. She recognised 
three species from the upper Middle Ordovician 
(Darriwilian) of Jamtland, northern Sweden, and 
noted that in the younger species, S. viruensis Lofgren, 
1978, the long-based drepanodiform element was 
apparently missing. 

The type species, S. J/atus, was originally 
described as having a trimembrate apparatus including 
symmetrical short-based, symmetrical long-based, 
and asymmetrical scandodiform elements (van 
Wamel 1974), all with prominent surface striation. 
The holotype (van Wamel 1974, pl. 4, fig. 2a-b) 
was defined as a symmetrical short-based element, 
which Léfgren (1978) referred to as the short-based 
drepanodiform element (= Pb element of our current 
notation). The symmetrical long-based element (van 
Wamel 1974, pl. 4, fig. la-b) was called the long- 
based drepanodiform element by Lofgren (1978) (=Pa 
element of our notation). Only one type of S element 
was recognized for S. /atus by both van Wamel (1974) 
and Léfgren (1978) as the asymmetrical scandodiform 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


element (= ?Sc element herein). 

Sweet (1988) interpreted the genus as consisting 
of a bimembrate apparatus. More recently, Lofgren 
(2000, 2003) considered the scandodiform elements 
to represent the ?S element and the drepanodiform 
elements to be the ?P elements. Lofgren (2000) 
illustrated three specimens of S. /atus from the lower 
Middle Ordovician (7. quadrangulum Subzone) of 
northern Oland, Sweden, and assigned them to the S 
element (L6fgren 2000, fig. 4S), M? element (Lofgren 
2000, fig. 4T), and P? element (L6fgren 2000, fig. 4U). 
The doubtful M element of S. /atus is a nongeniculate 
element with a short base, and shows some similarity 
to the M element of Kirkupodus tricostatus from 
central New South Wales (Fig. 12A-C). Later Lofgren 
(2003) also illustrated three specimens of a slightly 
younger species, S. gracilis, from the upper Middle 
Ordovician (L. variabilis Zone, early Darriwilian) of 
southern Sweden, as the Sb? element (Léfgren 2003, 
fig. 7V), the Sd? element (Lofgren 2003, fig. 7X) and 
the P? element (Lé6fgren 2003, fig. 7W). Although 
L6éfgren’s revised notation for the species apparatus 
of Scalpellodus has not been formally published, it 
seems clear that Baltic species of Scalpellodus do not 
have tricostate Sa and Sd elements similar to those of 

Stouge (1984) endorsed the definition of 
Scalpellodus given by Lofgren (1978) as consisting 
of a trimembrate apparatus and recognised a tricostate 
element in both Scalpellodus pointensis Stouge, 1984 
and Scalpellodus biconvexus (Bradshaw, 1969). It 
exhibits sharp, edge-like posterior, anterior and outer- 
lateral costae, and is comparable with the Sd element 
of Kirkupodus tricostatus from central New South 
Wales. However, neither a symmetrical tricostate 
Sa element nor a nongeniculate M element was 
recorded in the apparatus of these two species from 
Newfoundland. They are considered here as doubtful 
species of Kirkupodus, pending further study. 

Kirkupodus tricostatus Zhen and Pickett gen. et 
sp. nov. 
Figure 12 

Derivation of name 

Tricostate, referring to the distinctive tricostate 
Sa (symmetrical) and Sd (asymmetrical) elements of 
the species. 


1480 specimens recovered from 14 samples 
(see Table 1) collected along the strike of the 1.5 
m thick limestone lens; including figured holotype 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

AM F.133090 (Fig. 12D-F), and 18 paratypes, AM 
F.133088-89, AM F.133091-133106 (Fig. 12A-C, G- 


A species of Kirkupodus consisting of a 
septimembrate apparatus including bicostate M, 
bicostate Sb and Sc, tricostate Sa and Sd, and 
drepanodiform Pa and Pb elements; M weakly 
asymmetrical with an antero-posteriorly compressed 
cusp, Sa symmetrical, Sb asymmetrical with a 
posteriorly flared base, Sc strongly asymmetrical 
with base flared more postero-inner laterally, Sd 
asymmetrical, Pa with a proclined cusp and a 
unexpanded and inner laterally flared base, and Pb 
with a sub-erect cusp and a posteriorly-expanded 
base; all elements ornamented with fine striae. 


M element weakly asymmetrical; cusp curved 
posteriorly and slightly outer laterally, antero- 
posteriorly compressed with a broadly convex anterior 
face, a less convex posterior face and a sharp blade- 
like costa on each side forming the lateral edges; base 
slightly extended posteriorly, clam-shaped in outline 
in basal view with a broadly arched antero-basal 
margin (Fig. 12A-C). 

Sa element symmetrical and tricostate (Fig. 
12G); cusp triangular in cross section (Fig. 12G), 
proclined with a broad anterior face, a sharp blade- 
like antero-lateral costa on each side, and a costa 
along the posterior margin; base posteriorly extended 
(Fig. 12D-G). 

Sb element asymmetrical with a broad anterior 
face, an antero-laterally located costa on the inner 
side (Fig. 12L), a postero-laterally located costa on 
the outer lateral side (Fig. 12J), and a posteriorly 
extended base, which is oval in outline in basal view 
(Fig. 12H-I, K). 

Sc element strongly asymmetrical with a laterally 
compressed cusp, and a base which is flared both 
posterolaterally and on the inner side (Fig. 12M- 
P), and widest at the posterior end (Fig. 12P); cusp 
suberect to weakly proclined with sharp costa along 
its anterior and posterior margins and with smooth 
lateral faces. 

Sd element asymmetrical with a broad anterior 
face, and with a sharp, blade-like costa on each 
lateral side and along the posterior margin (Fig. 12Q- 
T); cusp proclined, triangular in cross section (Fig. 
12S), with inner lateral costa more anteriorly located, 
and varying from weakly asymmetrical (Fig. 12T) to 
strongly asymmetrical with a twisted cusp (Fig. 12Q); 
base extended posteriorly, oval to triangular in basal 



Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129 


view (Fig. 12Q, T). 

Pa element with a proclined cusp and an inner 
laterally flared base (Fig. 12X-AA); cusp with sharp 
anterior and posterior margins, and broadly convex 
lateral faces, outer lateral face bearing a broad carina 
located antero-laterally; sharp anterior and posterior 
edges disappearing before reaching the basal margin; 
base flared inward, long and posteriorly without 
prominent expansion (Fig. 12X, AA), flared inward, 
widest at the mid point (Fig. 12Y-Z) and the outer 
side of the basal margin more or less straight in basal 
view (Fig. 12Z). 

Pb element similar to Pa, but weakly asymmetrical 
with a suberect cusp (Fig. 12U-W) and a shorter, 
less inner laterally flared, but posteriorly, strongly- 
expanded base (Fig. 12U-V). 


Kirkupodus tricostatus can be differentiated 
from the known species of Scalpellodus in having a 
symmetrical tricostate Sa element and an asymmetrical 
tricostate Sd element, and by lacking the long-based 
elements in the apparatus. In comparison with S. /atus 
and other two species from the Middle Ordovician of 
northern Sweden (Lofgren 1978), the current species 
has strongly developed blade-like costae in the M and 
S elements, and finer surface striae, although the P 
elements are comparable with the Baltic species of 

Order and Family Uncertain 
Genus Pseudooneotodus Drygant, 1974 

Type species 
Oneotodus? beckmanni Bischoff and 
Sannemann, 1958. 

Pseudooneotodus mitratus (Moskalenko, 1973) 
Figure 9A-B 


Ambalodus mitratus mitratus Moskalenko, 1973, p. 
86, pl. 17, figs 9-11. 

Pseudooneotodus mitratus (Moskalenko); Nowlan 
and McCracken in Nowlan ef al. 1988, p. 34, pl. 
16, figs 2-6 (cum syn.); Pohler and Orchard 1990, 
pl. 6, fig. 12; Trotter and Webby 1995, pl. 4, figs 
21-22 (cum syn.); Zhen and Webby 1995, p. 285, 
pl. 4, figs 16-17; Zhen et al. 1999, p.92-94, fig. 
9.14-9.15; Zhen et al. 2003, fig. 6Q. 

A single specimen from sample C2346. 


Occurrence of this species in the Kirkup fauna 
is very rare, only represented by one element among 
a huge collection. It is rather common in the Upper 
Ordovician in central New South Wales, previously 
reported from the Fossil Hill Limestone (Zhen and 
Webby 1995), the Ballingoole Limestone of the Bowan 
Park Group (Zhen et al. 1999) and from the Late 
Ordovician allochthonous limestones in the Barnby 
Hill Shale (Zhen et a/. 2003). Morphologically, the 
current specimen is identical with the morphotype 
showing a smooth surface without nodes on the flanks 

Figure 12 (LEFT). Kirkupodus tricostatus gen. et sp nov. A-C, M element; A-B, AM F.133088, paratype, 
C2343, A, posterior view (I1Y86017), B, basal view ([Y86018); C, AM F.133089, paratype, C2343, up- 
per view (1Y86019). D-G, Sa element; D-F, AM F.133090, holotype, C2340, D, lateral view ([Y91034), 
E, basal view (IY91035), F, posterior view ([Y91036); G, AM F.133091, paratype, C2347, upper view 
(1Y92001). H-L, Sb element; H, AM F.133092, paratype, C2344, upper view ([Y92007); I, AM F.133093, 
paratype, C2344, basal view ([Y91027); J, AM F.133094, paratype, C2343, basal view (TY86020); K, AM 
F.133095, paratype, C2343, outer lateral view (1Y86022); L, AM F.133096, paratype, C2343, inner lateral 
view (1Y86024). M-P, Sc element; M-N, AM F.133097, paratype, C2343, M, inner lateral view (TY86029), 
N, closing up showing surface striation ([TY86030); O-P, AM F.133098, paratype, C2343, O, outer lateral 
view (1Y86027), P, basal view (1Y86028). Q-T Sd element; Q, AM F.133099, paratype, C2344, postero- 
basal view (1Y91019); R, AM F.133100, paratype, C2343, inner lateral view (1Y86040); S, AM F.133101, 
paratype, C2343, upper view (1Y86033); T, AM F.133102, paratype, C2343, basal-outer lateral view 
(LY 86036). U-W, Pb element; U, AM F.133103, paratype, C2343, inner lateral view ([Y86009); V-W, AM 
F.133104, paratype, C2343, V, outer lateral view ([Y86011), W, basal view ([Y86014). X-AA, Pa element; 
X-Y, AM F.133105, paratype, C2343, X, inner lateral view ([Y86012), Y, basal view ([Y86013); Z-AA, 
AM F.133106, paratype, C2344, Z, basal view (1Y91028), AA, outer lateral view (LY91029). Scale bars 

100 pm, unless otherwise indicated. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 72) 


of the posterior and lateral ridges described from 
various stratigraphic units of the Late Ordovician 
in central New South Wales. The occurrence of P. 
mitratus in the Kirkup fauna of early Darriwilian age 
represents the earliest record of this species. 


Field work was supported by a grant (Betty Mayne 
Scientific Research Fund) to ZYY from the Linnean Society 
of New South Wales. Gary Dargan (Geological Survey of 
New South Wales) assisted with acid leaching and residue 
separation. Scanning electron microscope photographs 
were prepared in the Electron Microscope Unit of the 
Australian Museum. We are grateful to Dr Marcelo Carrera 
for supplying photographs of Zondarella communis. JWP 
is an Honorary Research Associate of both the Australian 
Museum and the Geological Survey of New South Wales, 
and is grateful to these organisations for the provision of 
facilities. The authors appreciate the careful commentary 
of two anonymous reviewers. This is a contribution to 
IGCP Project 503: Ordovician Palaeogeography and 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Emsian (Early Devonian) Tetracorals (Cnidaria) from Grattai 
Creek, New South Wales 


School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong, Wollongong N.S.W 2522 

Wright, A.J. (2007). Emsian (Early Devonian) tetracorals (Cnidaria) from Grattai Creek, New South 
Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 128, 83-96. 

The tetracoral species Phillipsastrea scotti sp. nov. and Trapezophyllum grattaiensis sp. nov. are described 
from strata assigned to the middle Emsian (nothoperbonus to inversus conodont zones: Early Devonian) 
part of the Cunningham Formation at Grattai Creek, west of Mudgee, N.S.W. For comparison with the 
former, Phillipsastrea oculoides, from the Early Devonian (late Pragian or early Emsian) Garra Formation 
in the Wellington area of N.S.W., is revised on the basis of the type material; new longitudinal thin sections 
show indisputable horseshoe dissepiments and trabecular fans in this species. 

Manuscript received 8 August 2007, accepted for publication 6 February 2008. 

KEYWORDS: Early Devonian, Emsian, Grattai Creek, Phillipsastrea, tetracorals, Trapezophyllum. 


The two new tetracoral species described here 
were collected by Martin Scott from the Cunningham 
Formation on Grattai Creek near Mudgee, N.S.W. 
during remapping of the Dubbo 1:250 000 
geological sheet (Meakin and Morgan 1999). The 
tetracorals and associated tabulate corals, bryozoans, 
stromatoporoids, pelmatozoans and comminuted 
shelly debris are scattered through a mass flow unit 
at about the middle of the Cunningham Formation; 
pebbles and cobbles of calcareous, volcanic and 
metasedimentary rock types occur at this locality in 
the formation, clearly transported from a shallow 
water zone into the deepwater environment of the 
Hill End Trough (HET). The original source of these 
fossils was probably on the Capertee High to the 
east, although the direction of transportation of this 
fossiliferous debris has not been established. 

The Grattai Creek fauna described here is 
important as age-diagnostic macrofossils are rare 
in strata of the Hill End Trough; biostratigraphic 
calibration of the HET sequence has been hampered 
by the lack of such fossils, so any new occurrences 

are noteworthy. To put this in perspective, Table 1 
shows the stratigraphic positions of important faunas 
from HET strata. This fauna was first discussed by 
Percival (1998); further details of the occurrence were 
given by Meakin and Morgan (1999) and Packham 
et al. (2001) who provided a full biostratigraphic 
discussion. Conodonts identified by Percival in 
Packham et al. (2001) from limestone clasts from 
the Grattai Creek locality indicated a maximum age 
within the nothoperbonus to inversus conodont zones 
(middle Emsian, late Early Devonian). 

As stated above, this fossiliferous horizon lies 
within the Cunningham Formation, the highest 
formation of the Hill End Trough sequence. The main 
locality is on the southern bank of Grattai Creek; 
material has been collected loose or as clasts in the 
outcrops. The fossiliferous bed extends for some 
hundreds of metres along strike, mainly north but also 
south of the creek, with the maximum development of 
carbonate clasts in exposures on the southern bank of 
the creek. The largest coral specimen measured about 
10 cm in maximum dimension. It is likely that much 
loose material was washed away by severe floods in 
2000, and little coral material is now available. 


Table 1. Early Devonian rock units of the eastern HET and the Limekilns area. Full details were given 
by Packham et al. (2001, table 1 and accompanying text). Numbers indicate occurrence of age-diagnostic 
fossils as follows: 1, this paper; 2, Packham et al. (2001); 3, Talent and Mawson (1999), Rickards and 
Wright (2001), Wright and Haas (1990); 4, Garratt and Wright (1988); 5, Wright (in prep.). 


latest Lochkovian?-late 

HET sequence 

Cunningham Fm!” Limekilns Fm? 

Limekilns sequence 

Merrions Tuff Merrions Tuff 

Crudine Group 


Crudine Group 
Waterbeach Fm 

Waterbeach Fm 
Turondale Fm*> 

latest Silurian Chesleigh Fm 


Palaeogeographic units for the Early Devonian 
of this part of central-western N.S.W. were defined by 
Packham (1960, 1968). Two shallow water structures, 
the Capertee High to the east and the Molong High 
to the west were separated by the deepwater Hill 
End Trough (HET). Biostratigraphic control of 
Devonian strata on the two highs is provided by 
the abundant fossils that have been collected from 
shallow water strata there, but Devonian fossils are 
rare in HET strata. This, combined with the difficulty 
of establishing lithostratigraphic correlation between 
strata of the highs and the trough, makes fossils in 
HET strata most important in establishing correlations 
and deciphering the evolution of the region. Therefore 
the Grattai Creek locality, in yielding conodonts and 
corals, is important as one of the rare fossil localities 
in the region. 

The fossiliferous sequence at Limekilns, N of 
Bathurst, has been crucial in providing biostratigraphic 
control for dating the upper part of the HET sequence 
(Table 1). The oldest fossils from the Limekilns 
area are the Pridoli (Late Silurian) graptolites from 
the Chesleigh Formation described in Packham et 
al. (2001). The oldest Devonian shelly fauna from 
the HET in the Limekilns area is the brachiopod 
fauna from the Turondale Formation at the Paling 
Yards locality just N of Limekilns (see discussion 
by Packham et al. 2001); study of this fauna is in 
progress, but Garratt and Wright (1988) asserted that 
this fauna is earliest Devonian (Lochkovian). In their 
paper describing the Limekilns Formation trilobite 
Paciphacops crawfordae (assigned to Echidnops by 



Turondale Fm? 
Cookman Fm 

Cookman Fm 
Chesleigh Fm? 

Sandford [2002]), Wright and Haas (1990) concluded 
the occurrence was Pragian, largely on the basis of 
the occurrence of the tentaculite Nowakia sulcata. 
However, graptolites from probably low in the 
Limekilns Formation were identified by Rickards 
and Wright (2001) as the Lochkovian Monograptus 
uniformis; they pointed out that this determination was 
anomalous in view of the inferred ages of the Paling 
Yards shelly fauna from the Turondale Formation 
(below) and the Limekilns Formation fauna (above). 
The Limekilns Formation, therefore of presumed 
Pragian age, is overlain (apparently abruptly) by 
limestone (‘the Jesse Limestone’) with a serotinus 
conodont fauna (late Emsian), as well as rich coral 
(Etheridge 1892; Pedder et al. 1970; Pickett 1972; 
Wright, unpublished data), stromatoporoid (Webby 
and Zhen 1993), brachiopod (Wright, unpublished 
data), trilobite (Chatterton and Wright 1988) and 
conodont (Talent and Mawson 1999) faunas. 


On the Capertee High, Emsian coral faunas 
are known from several localities, especially near 
Mudgee. Prolific, largely undescribed coral faunas 
occur near Mudgee at Mount Frome (Wright 1966, 
1981) and in the Sutchers Creek Formation in 
the Queens Pinch belt (Wright 1966, 1979); both 
formations have yielded serotinus age conodont 
faunas (Pickett 1978; Wright 1981; McCracken 
1990; Talent et al. 2000), although the upper beds 
of the Mount Frome Limestone are probably Middle 
Devonian (Pickett 1978). From the Early Devonian 
Garra Formation (Joplin and Culey 1938) on the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Molong High to the west of the Hill End Trough, 
Hill (1942b) described the new species Phillipsastrea 
oculoides, from probably Pragian or early Emsian 
strata (see below). Phillipsastrea also occurs in the 
Mount Frome Limestone, and Trapezophyllum occurs 
with Phillipsastrea in the Sutchers Creek Formation; 
neither genus is yet known from Limekilns. 

Elsewhere in the Lachlan’ Fold Belt, 
Trapezophyllum occurs with Phillipsastrea in 
serotinus age beds of the Taemas Formation (Pedder 
et al. 1970) at Wee Jasper, N.S.W, as Phillipsastrea 
currani iaspiculensis Pedder, 1970 and Sulcorphyllum 
pavimentum Pedder, 1970. The two genera have been 
documented from the New England Fold Belt by 
various authors including Hill (1942a) and Pedder 


In all cases, comments are based on examination 
of type material as well as original descriptions. 
Material studied is from the Australian Museum 
(AM F for rock specimens, AM FT for thin sections), 
the Mining Museum (MMF) and Museum Victoria. 
Terminology is that customarily used for fossil corals 
after Hill (1981); in corals with a well-defined pipe of 
horseshoes, the internal diameter of the pipe equals 
the diameter of the tabularium. 

Phylum CNIDARIA Hatschek, 1888 
Order TETRACORALLIA Haeckel, 1866 
Family PHILLIPSASTRAEIDAE Hill, 1954 (pro 
Phillipsastreidae C.F. Roemer, 1883) 

Phillipsastrea ad’ Orbigny, 1849 
Type species 
Astraea (Siderastrea) hennahi Lonsdale, 1840, p. 697; 
subsequently designated by Edwards and Haime 
1850, p. Ixxi (see Lang, Smith and Thomas 1940, 
p. 99). 


“Astreoid, thammnasteriod, pseudocerioid to 
partially aphroid coralla. Septa extend variably into 
tabularium, showing fusiform tabularial boundary, 
while in dissepimentarium they range from being fully 
continuous to breaking down into isolated spines. 
Horseshoe dissepiments vary from intermittent, as 
in the type species, to a continuous pipe completely 
surrounding the tabularium’ (after McLean 1994a; 
modified after McLean 1989, p. 239). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Asnotedbymany authors, therelationship between 
Phillipsastrea and genera such as Medusaephyllum 
F.A. Roemer, 1855 and Pachyphyllum Edwards and 
Haime, 1850 has been uncertain. Two syntypes of 
Medusaephyllum ibergense F.A. Roemer, 1855 (the 
type species of Medusaephyllum) were located and 
sectioned by Dr Alan Pedder (McLean 1986, p. 445; 
1994a, p. 53), but the species is not yet redescribed 
and evaluated. Pachyphyllum was discussed by 
McLean (1986, 1989) who recognised it as a separate 

The general consensus is that the type species 
of Phillipsastrea probably has good development 
of the horseshoe pipe but that the horseshoes are 
largely obscured by coarse trabeculae (McLean 1986; 
McLean 1994a; Sorauf 1998). McLean’s (1994a) 
generic diagnosis (see above) asserted that the genus 
could include species with a variable development of 
horseshoes from intermittent to a continuous pipe. 
Sorauf (1998) commented extensively on the matter 
of diagnostic characters of this genus, and specifically 
stated that the presence of trabecular fans is a more 
important generic character than horseshoes. 

McLean (1994a, pp. 55-6) also indicated that 
some N.S.W Early Devonian taxa described by Hill 
and others and originally referred to Phillipsastrea 
(currani currani Etheridge, 1892;  currani 
iaspiculensis Pedder, 1970; maculosa Hill, 1942a; 
linearis Hill, 1942a; oculoides Hill, 1942b; speciosa 
Chapman, 1914) appeared to be congeneric and could 
constitute a new genus. 

Phillipsastrea scotti sp. nov. 
(Figs la-d, 2a-d) 

Holotype MMF 44852a-b-c, paratypes MMF 
34136a-d, MMF 44853a-b. 


Grattai Creek, west of Mudgee, N.S.W. Grid 
reference 726100E 6382100N, Burrendong 1:50 000 
topographic sheet. 


The species is named for Martin Scott (formerly 
of the Geological Survey of N.S.W.), collector of the 
original material. 


An astraeoid species of Phillipsastrea with 14- 
16 major septa almost reaching to axis; corallites 



it wh 
% i 

Figure la-d. Phillipsastrea scotti sp. nov. a-b, transverse views of holotype MMF 44852a. c, longitudinal 
views, holotype MMF 44852b. d, transverse view, paratype MMF 34136c. Bar scales = 5 mm. 

86 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 2a-d. Phillipsastrea scotti sp. nov. a-c, longitudinal views, holotype MMF 44852b, holotype MMF 
44852c, holotype MMF 448852a, respectively; d, longitudinal view, paratype MMF 44853. Bar scales = 5 

separated by weakly depressed zone of flattish 
dissepiments outside the horseshoes, seen in transverse 
section flanking septa. Horseshoe dissepiments 
form a vertical array of small horseshoes flanked on 
both sides by small, inclined globose dissepiments; 
trabecular fans prominent; pipe diameter 4.5 - 5 mm. 
Tabular floors convex, consisting of weakly convex 
tabulae, with a gutter where upwardly convex tabellae 
and globose dissepiments flank the tabulae. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Original colony dimensions unknown, but 
available material suggests a bun-shaped colony 
about 75 mm in size. Growth form astraeoid, with 
little continuity of septa between corallites. Corallite 
axes from 7.5-13 mm apart, separated by weakly 
depressed dissepimental area. Pipe diameter about 
4.5-5 mm. 14-16 major septa in mature corallites, 
being equally but slightly withdrawn from axis; minor 



septa very short, just penetrating into tabularium. 
Both orders of septa dilated in typical spindle-form, 
but thinner inside and outside tabularium. Tabular 
floors elevated, with convex tabulae flanked by axially 
inclined tabellae. Pipe well defined in longitudinal 
and transverse sections; width of horseshoes about 0.5 
mim in longitudinal section; globose dissepiments rare 
to present inside horseshoes, but abundant flattened 
small sub-horizontal dissepiments occur between 
corallites forming a weakly depressed coenosteum, 
and are clear in longitudinal view flanking septa. 


Of the several N.S.W. Early Devonian species 
that have been assigned to Phillipsastrea, only P. 
oculoides and P. currani iaspiculensis (see below 
for comments) should be compared with the Grattai 
species. The late Emsian serotinus CZ P. currani 
(from the Jesse Limestone Member at Limekilns, 
N.S.W.) lacks a pipe of horseshoes, and has been 
discussed by Pedder in Pedder et al. (1970) and 
McLean (1986, 1989, 1994a, 2005). Two undescribed 
late Emsian new species of this genus occur in the 
Mount Frome Limestone near Mudgee, and a further 
late Emsian new species occurs in the Sutchers Creek 
Formation at Queens Pinch near Mudgee (Wright, 
unpublished data). The undescribed species from the 
Sutchers Creek Formation has a larger pipe and more 
major septa than oculoides, and the Mount Frome 
Limestone species are distinguished on the basis 
of the number and detailed nature of septa, and the 
diameter of the pipe. The Mount Frome, Sutchers 
Creek and Limekilns occurrences are all from the 
serotinus CZ. 

The late Emsian Phillipsastrea  currani 
iaspiculensis Pedder, 1970 from the Taemas Fotmation 
at Wee Jasper (N.S.W) resembles oculoides in 
having up to 16 short major septa and discrete septal 
fragments, but has better developed horseshoes (albeit 
irregular), flat tabulae, a smaller tabularium and 17- 
21 vepreculate septa of each order. 

Phillipsastrea oculoides Hill, 1942b (see Figure 
4 herein) from the Garra Formation near Wellington 
differs markedly from P. scofti in having: 16-19 septa 
of each order, of which the major septa are strongly 
dilated and extend only halfway to the axis; septal 
fragments in the tabularium, and between corallites 
where septa tend to break into longitudinal fragments; 
pipe diameter of 4.5-5 mm; corallite axes 9.5-12 
mm apart; quite irregular, depressed tabular floors 
consisting of incomplete globose tabulae flanked 
by some dissepiments just inside the pipe; strongly 
depressed dissepiments between tabularia. 

The probably Eifelian Bensonastreaea praetor 


Pedder, 1966 from the Timor Limestone in the New 
England Fold Belt is a close relative of Phillipsastrea, 
but can be distinguished from P. scoftti on the basis 
of several attributes, including its larger tabularium, 
complex dissepimentarium, and 17-21 vepreculate 
septa of both orders. 

Species of this genus from China listed by McLean 
(1994a) include: the Middle Devonian ganxiensis 
He, 1978 and yanbianiense He, 1978; and the Early 
Devonian primitiva Jin and He, 1981; and producta 
Jin and He, 1981. Of these, none closely resembles 
P. scotti: P. primitiva is aphroid; P. primitiva and P. 
yanbianense have 18-21 x 2 septa; and P. ganxiensis 
appears to have globose dissepiments inside the 

Phillipsastrea oculoides Hill, 1942b 
(Figs 3a-c) 


1942b Phillipsastrea oculoides Hill, p. 186, pl. VI, 
fig. 9. : 

1946 Phillipsastrea oculoides Hill; Basnett and 
Colditz, table 1, p. 42. 

1965b Phillipsastrea oculoides Hill1942; Strusz, p. 
565, pl. 73, fig. 7; text-fig. 22. 

1968 Phillipsastrea oculoides Hill; Philip and 
Pedder, p. 1033. 

1994a Phillipsastrea oculoides Hill 1942c; McLean, 
p. 56. 

Type material 

Only the holotype (Figs 3a-c herein) is known 
(formerly SUGD 5281, now AM F 98541); it consists 
of three rock pieces and 4 thin sections as follows: 
AM FT 7896 (oblique LS: Strusz 1965, fig. 22); AM 
FT 12085 (oblique LS not figured); AM FT12696 
(oblique TS not figured); 12791 (good TS, figured 
by Hill and Strusz: Fig. 3a herein); and three new 
longitudinal sections, AM FT 14511-14513 have been 
prepared (Figs 3b-c herein). Hill’s original transverse 
section was re-figured by Strusz (1965, pl. 73, fig. 7) 
so is not illustrated here at that scale, but magnified 
views of several corallites are given; these show the 
horseshoe dissepiments and trabecular fans (Figs 3b- 


Locality data 

The specimen is from the Garra Formation 
(Joplin and Culey 1938, Strusz 1965a); locality 
details given by Hill (1942b, p. 186) are: ‘portion 
247, parish of Mickety Mulga (sic.), about 6 miles 
N.W. of Wellington’. The collectors of this specimen, 
Basnett and Colditz (1946, table 1) showed this 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



transverse view 

holotype AM F98541. a, 







KOC Src ( 

Figure 3a-c. Phillipsastrea oculoides Hill, 1942b; 

longitudinal section of a corallite showing good horseshoes and trabecular 



12791. b-c, AM FT 14511 
fans and c, longitudinal v 

mm; bar scale for (c) 

ing) of two corallites and coenosteum. Bar scales for (a) and (b) 


5 mm. 



Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


locality (their locality IV) also as portion 247. Strusz 
(1965) gave further details as follows: ‘locality MM- 
10; (parish of Mickety Mulga, county Gordon [sic.]); 
boundary of portions 60 and 247, c. 500 yds. west 
of portion 208; grid ref. 1810.9863 (Dubbo); outcrop 
extends south from fence (portion 60), 200 yds. 
towards road.’ Note that the parish of Micketymulga 
lies in County Lincoln, not County Gordon. General 
maps of outcrops of limestones of the Devonian 
Garra Formation have been provided by Carne and 
Jones (1919), Basnett and Colditz (1946) and Strusz 
(1965a, 1965b). Furey-Greig (1995) gave 3 locality 
citations for P. oculoides (grid references 674781 
6408371, 675705 6408611, and 675350 6408 750) 
but clearly one locality yielded the unique specimen 
of P. oculoides. 

From whatis probably the locality near Wellington 
that produced the P. oculoides coral fauna, Philip 
and Pedder (1968, p. 1033) gave a faunal list which 
included the corals Embolophyllum, Tipheophyllum, 
Zelolasma gemmiforme and P. oculoides, and 
conodonts including Spathognathodus exiguus and 
Sp. linearis which, together with Z. gemmiforme, 
suggested to them a late Siegenian-early Emsian 
age. Philip and Pedder (1968, p. 1033) stated that 
this was the youngest Garra fauna known to them, 
but probably older than the Cavan Bluff Limestone 
at Taemas; by implication, it is younger than the 
dehiscens age conodont fauna from the Garra which 
they also listed. In current terminology this would 
make the Garra occurrence of oculoides late Pragian 
or early Emsian (Mawson et al. 1992). 


An astraeoid species of Phillipsastrea with 16-19 
short major septa which extend about halfway to axis, 
with minor septa just entering tabularium. Trabecular 
fans well developed. All septa dilated adjacent to 
pipe. Septa tend to break into longitudinal fragments 
both between and within tabularia, and generally 
do not extend far outside the pipe, but are rarely 
continuous between corallites. Pipe diameter of 4.5 
- 5 mm. Tabular floors depressed, as are dissepiments 
between corallites, which are separated by 9.5-12 
mm. Convex to slightly concave, incomplete tabulae 
are flanked by tabellae and dissepiments. Horseshoes 
continuous, width 0.5 — 1.2 mm in longitudinal 
section. Increase apparently non-parricidal, occurring 
within coenosteum. 


This species was described by Hill (1942b) who 
illustrated only a transverse section of the holotype and 
Strusz (1965b) who reillustrated the transverse section 


with a sketch of an oblique longitudinal section. In 
order to clarify the true nature of the horseshoes and 
the tabularium, three new longitudinal sections have 
been prepared. The species is not redescribed in full 

Breakdown of septa as seen in the tabularium 
of P. oculoides is variable in Phillipsastrea species 
described by McLean (1994) and Sorauf (1999) but 
is not known from other Australian Early Devonian 

Trapezophyllum Etheridge, 1899 


1899 Cyathophyllum (Trapezophyllum) Etheridge, p. 
31, pl. B, figs 2-4. 

1963 Sulcorphyllum Pedder, p. 366, text-figs 2a-b. 

1968 Stellatophyllum Spassky in Bulvanker et al., p. 

21977 Cystitrapezophyllum Jia in Jia et al., p. 148. 

21977 Parasulcorphyllum Jia in Jia et al., p. 149. 

Type species 
Cyathophyllum elegantulum Dun, 1897, pp. 83-87, 
plate III, figs 5-6. 

Type material 

The type material of this species was incorrectly 
stated by Fletcher (1971) to be hand specimen GSV 
41717 (Sweet collection specimen number 107, 
formerly held by the Geological Survey of Victoria, 
now housed in the National Museum, Melbourme, 
Victoria), from which thin sections AM.2 and 
AM.3805 (from Sweet collection number 101) were 
cut. Australian Museum material includes no hand 
specimens for these thin sections above, but only 3 thin 
sections: AM.3805 (Dun’s LS, the illustrated holotype), 
and 2 numbered AM.2 (Etheridge’s longitudinal and 
transverse sections). AM.2 (Etheridge’s transverse 
section) and longitudinal section (AM.FT14479: 
Etheridge’s re-numbered longitudinal section) appear 
to be cut from different rocks. It can be stated that 
the thin section AM.FT14479 was cut from the rock 
NMV 41717. Hill (1981, figs 183a-b-c) figured new 
material of elegantulum (UQF31114, UQF54725: 
neither could be located on July 2, 2007, pers comm. 
Dr AG. Cook) showing globose dissepiments outside 
the pipe. 


Dun’s type species of the genus was based 
on material from Loyola, Victoria (late Pragian: 
Cooper1973; Mawson et al. 1992), and was also 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


described from the Coopers Creek Limestone by 
Philip (1965); according to Talent et al. (2000) the 
Coopers Creek Limestone spans the sulcatus and 
dehiscens conodont zones, and is thus late Pragian to 
early Emsian. 


Hill (1942a) described two new species from 
the Sulcor Limestone in the New England Fold Belt 
of N.S.W. (late Emsian or younger: Mawson et al. 
1985), Trapezophyllum coulteri and Prismatophyllum 
brownae. The latter species was chosen as type 
species of Sulcorphyllum by Pedder (1963). Pedder 
(1968) noted that the former species is from the 
lowest and middle of the three faunas he recognised 
in the Sulcor Limestone, whereas brownae is from the 
middle fauna. 

Pedder in Pedder et al. (1970) described a 
further species, Sulcorphyllum pavimentum Pedder, 
1970, from Wee Jasper, where it occurs with P. 
currani iaspiculensis Pedder, 1970; S. pavimentum 
is also known from rather highly deformed Emsian 
limestone beds in the Capertee Valley, N.S.W (Wright, 
unpublished data). Undescribed N.S.W species occur 
in the Sutchers Creek Formation in the Mudgee 
district and in the Wellington district (Bunny 1962: 
probably from the Cunningham Formation). 

Sulcorphyllum pavimentum was selected as 
type species of Parasulcorphyllum by Jia (1977) 
but this genus has been regarded as a junior 
synonym of Trapezophyllum by most subsequent 
authors. Other new genera established by Chinese 
workers, including Neotrapezophyllum Jia & Wang 
in Jia, 1977; Cystotrapezophyllum Cai, 1983; and 
Heterotrapezophyllum Cai, 1983 are in need of further 
evaluation beyond the scope of this paper, but appear 
to be junior synonyms of Trapezophyllum. At least 16 
species, mostly Late Devonian, have been described 
from China, Germany, Russia and Belgium, but none 
closely resembles the new Grattai Creek species. 

Sulcorphyllum was erected by Pedder (1963) 
on the premise that it possessed abundant globose 
dissepiments that occurred outside the pipe of 
horseshoes; at that time he stated that these are 
not developed in Trapezophyllum. Study by the 
present author of type, topotype and other material 
of 7. elegantulum material has shown that such 
globose dissepiments do occur outside the pipe in 7. 
elegantulum (see also Hill 1981, p. 284, fig. 183-2c), 
so the use of the occurrence of globose dissepiments 
outside the pipe in Sulcorphyllum cannot be used 
to distinguish the two genera, which are regarded 
as synonyms. The same view was expressed by 
McLean (1989, p. 242) and Sorauf (1998). However, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Pedder (2006, p. 52) maintained that the type species 
of Trapezophyllum, T. elegantulum, lacks septal 
trabeculae and continued to recognise Sulcorphyllum 
as a separate genus. I have studied all available 
topotype material of this species which certainly 
does show mostly very fine trabecular structure but 
trabecular fans are definitely seen in material (Wright, 
unpublished data) where septal dilation is developed, 
so I conclude that Su/corphyllum is a subjective junior 
synonym of Trapezophyllum. 

I have examined the type material of 
Stellatophyllum lateratum Spasskiy, 1968 which 
is the type species of this Russian genus. Detailed 
remarks will be presented elsewhere, but I can assure 
the reader that this material should be referred to 

Trapezophyllum grattaiensis sp. nov. 
(Fig. 4a-b) 

MME 34138a-c, holotype. 


Grattai Creek, west of Mudgee, N.S.W. Grid 
reference 726100E 6382100N, Burrendong 1:50 000 
topographic sheet. 

The species is named after the locality on 
Grattai Creek. 


Trapezophyllum with 12-15 long major septa, 
reaching to or almost to corallite axis; minor septa 
just extend into tabulartum. Pipe of well-formed, 
continuous horseshoe dissepiments about 2.5-3 mm in 
internal diameter; maximum corallite diameter 6 mm; 
outer rank of dissepiments flat, accessory globose 
dissepiments outside these absent. Tabulae often 
complete and slightly convex upwards, supplemented 
by some globose peripheral tabellae. 


Corallum cerioid, originally about 100 mm in 
size; corallites with 5-7 sides. Wall poorly preserved 
and thin. Mode of increase unknown. Mature 
corallites up to 6 mm in diagonal dimension. 12- 
15 major septa, somewhat wavy and thorny in 
tabularium, long and thin, with variable dilation over 
horseshoes; extend almost to corallite axis where they 
may be in contact. Minor septa about half as long 
as majors, and just reach into tabulartum. Dilation 




RR paper 
* oe 

Figure 4a-b. Trapezophyllum grattaiensis sp. nov., holotype. a, MMF 34186b, transverse view ; b, MMF 

34186a, longitudinal view. Bar scales = 5 mm. 

of septa weakly spindle-form, lesser outside pipe. 
Pipe about 2.5-3 mm in diameter, well-defined in 
transverse section; horseshoes continuous and well- 
formed in longitudinal view, reaching about 0.4 mm 
in width in longitudinal view; flat dissepiments about 
0.5 mm in longitudinal view, about 16 in 5 mm of 
corallite length. Tabulae mostly complete, and gently 
convex upwards, supplemented by rare, gently axially 
inclined, globose tabellae; no dissepiments inside 
pipe. Only flat dissepiments outside the pipe, with no 
globose dissepiments. 


The very distinctive type species, 7. elegantulum, 
has been recorded only from Victoria, at the type 
locality at Loyola (Dun 1897; Etheridge 1899; Hill 
1939) and in Gippsland (Philip 1965). It has sporadic 
globose dissepiments outside the pipe; distant, often 
complete and sagging to horizontal tabulae; rarely 
visible minor septa; and short major septa barely 
entering the tabularium. Hill (1939) stated that there 
are 10-12 major septa alternating with minor septa; 
in material I have studied, the range is normally 12- 

13 in mature corallites. Minor septa are very slightly 
shorter than major septa, but are generally discernible, 
especially where there is skeletal dilation. Tertiary 
septa as were reported in the type species by Hill 
(1939, p. 235), but these appear to be limited to very 
occasional spikes projecting from the wall between 
minor septa. The type species differs profoundly from 
the Grattai and all other Zrapezophyllum species in 
septal length, the nature of the tabulae, possession of 
globose dissepiments outside the horseshoe pipe, and 
in size. Another diminutive and previously overlooked 
species is T. terecktense Spasskty, 1971; this species 
will be discussed in detail elsewhere, but it clearly 
differs markedly from our new species. 

Other Australian species of Trapezophyllum 
occur in the Tamworth district (7. coulteri Hill, 
1942a and 7. brownae (Hill, 1942a), both from the 
Sulcor Limestone (Emsian: Pedder 1968, p. 139), and 
T. pavimentum from the Taemas area (Pedder et al. 

Trapezophyllum  coulteri Hill, 1942a is 
characterised by having: a corallite diameter of 
about 4-6 mm and 13-15 septa of each order; pipe 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


diameter of 2.5-3.5 mm; and an axial space of about 
1 mm. The holotype has major septa that are clearly 
withdrawn from the axis, and are highly dilated over 
the horseshoes; the tabulae consist of a set of convex 
axial plates, flanked by convex tabellae; globose 
dissepiments are rare. Trapezophyllum grattaiensis 
differs in having longer major septa, lesser septal 
dilation and less regularly convex tabulae. 

The holotype of 7. brownae (SUP 8152, now AM 
F 133004) was figured by Hill (1981, figs 1823a-b-c) 
for the first time. It differs clearly from T. grattaiensis 
in having larger dimensions (maximum corallite 
diameter of 6-7 mm, pipe diameter 2.5-3.5) and 15- 
18 major septa. The species is further characterised 
by the wide zone of globose dissepiments outside 
the horseshoes, being markedly sloping downwards. 
Hill (1942a, pl. Ill, figs 4a-b) figured the paratype 
(formerly SUGD 7246, not 7236 as stated by Hill 
1942a, p. 152). 


I am grateful to: Dr Jan Percival and Gary Dargan 
(NSWGS) for making the original Gratta1 Creek material 
available for study; Martin Scott (formerly NSWGS) for 
guiding me to the locality; Professor Barrie Rickards and Dr 
Lucy Muir for assisting with field work; Dr Yong Yi Zhen 
who facilitated access to Australian Museum material and 
allowed preparation of further longitudinal sections of the 
holotype of P. oculoides; Dr Rolf Schmidt and Dr David 
Holloway who allowed me to borrow Trapezophyllum 
material in their keeping at Museum Victoria; and Dr Ross 
McLean and Dr Alan Pedder who assisted with literature. 
Dr Olga Kossovaya (VSEGEI, St Petersburg) very kindly 
assisted with copies of Spasskiy (1968), and Dr Valentina 
Stolbova (Geological Museum, Mining Academy, St 
Petersburg) facilitated my study of Nikolai Spasskiy’s 
type material of Stellatophyllum in the VSEGI Museum in 
St Petersburg. David Barnes, Penny Williamson, Dudley 
Simon and Yong Yi Zhen gave valuable technical advice 
for production of illustrations. Two anonymous reviewers 
provided comments that improved the paper. This study has 
been undertaken during my tenure of the Linnean Macleay 
Fellowship, which I gratefully acknowledge. 


Basnett, E.M. and Colditz, M.J. (1946). General geology 
of the Wellington district, N.S.W. Journal and 
Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 
79, 37-47. 

Besprozvannykh, N.I., Dubatolov, V.N., Kravtsov, 

A.G., Latypov, Yu. Ya. and Spassky, N. Ya. (1975). 
Devonskie rugozy Taymyro-Kolymskoy provintsii. 

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96 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

A 38,000 year History of the Vegetation at Penrith Lakes, New 
South Wales 


'46 Kilmarnoch St. Engadine, N.S.W. 2233 

? School of Biological, Environmental and Earth Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia 

2052 ( 

Chalson, J.M. and Martin, H.A. (2008). A 38,000 year history of the vegetation at Penrith Lakes, New 
South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 129, 97-111. 

Sediments in an abandoned river channel on the flood plain of the Nepean River at Penrith record about 
38,000 calibrated years (38 k cal. yr BP) of deposition. Sections of sediments of a 860 cm core proved 
barren of pollen, but sufficient pollen was recovered from three sections aged about (1) 38-36 k cal. yr BP, 
middle glacial period, (2) 27-16 k cal. yr BP, middle-late glacial period, including the last glacial maximum 
and (3) 6 k cal. yr BP to present, late Holocene. 

During the 38-36 k cal. yr BP period, the vegetation was an open sclerophyll forest with Eucalyptus 
viminalis and Leptospermum polygalifolium prominent. A ‘spineless Asteraceae’, thought to be Cassinia 
arcuata was prominent in the understorey. E. viminalis was the most common eucalypt and it is the most 
cold-tolerant of the suite of possible eucalypts. During the 27-16 k cal. yr BP period, a shrubland of Cassinia 
arcuata with some grasses was present. The lack of eucalypts during the height of the last glacial period 
suggests a cold, arid climate and agrees with estimates that the rainfall was about half that of today. In the 
period 6 k cal. yr BP to present, a Eucalyptus tereticornis and Leptospermum juniperinum woodland with a 
grassey understorey occupied the site. 

When compared with other records in the Sydney Basin, the vegetation through the last glacial maximum 

at Penrith Lakes is the only one with a shrubland/grassland community. 

Manuscript received 26 February 2007, accepted for publication 24 October 2007 

Key words: Climate change, History of the vegetation, Holocene, Last glacial maximum, Palynology, 



Penrith, situated on the Cumberland Plain, is 
just east of the Lapstone Monocline which defines the 
eastern edge of the Blue Mountains Plateau (Bembrick 
et al, 1980). At Penrith (Figs 1, 2), the Nepean River 
flows from a confining Triassic sandstone gorge onto 
shale lowlands where sediments have accumulated 
since Tertiary times. The Nepean and the Wollondilly 
Rivers together drain much of the southern part of the 
Sydney Basin. In the late Pleistocene, it transported 
abundant gravels over a braided plain. Nanson and 
Young (1988) use this evidence of exceptional fluvial 
activity to argue for a pluvial period which ended 
about 40-45,000 years ago. The river quickly became 
confined to two stable channels, but the easternmost 
channel was abandoned about 34-37,000 years ago, 
leaving only the western channel, the present course 
of the Nepean River (Nanson and Young 1988). 

The gravels have been extracted for building 
aggregate and the excavations converted into 
the Penrith Lakes for recreation (Penrith Lakes 
Development Corporation, 1983/84). A core through 
the sediments filling the abandoned channel has 
been used for this study, the base dating from 38 k 
cal. yr BP. This time span includes the last glacial 
maximum at about 20-18 k yr ago. There are three 
other histories of the vegetation extending back to the 
last glacial maximum in the Sydney Basin: (1) Lake 
Baraba, one of the Thirlmere Lakes in a confined 
sandstone gorge (Black et al., 2006), (2) Mountain 
Lagoon, at 500 m altitude in the Blue Mountains 
(Robbie and Martin, 2007) and (3) Redhead Lagoon, 
a now coastal location south of Newcastle (Williams 
et al., 2006). These studies come from very different 
environments to that of Penrith Lakes, hence this 
study will add significantly to our understanding of 
the history of the vegetation of the Sydney Basin. 


450° 30° 451° 151° 30° 

Redhead Lagoon}: 

+ Mountain Lagoon 

e. Richmond 
Fig. 2 

= Penrith 

e@ Camden 

+ Lake Baraba 


151° 30 

Figure 1. Locality map showing place names men- 
tioned in the text. 


The Penrith Lakes site is located on a river 
terrace of the Nepean River, approximately 4.5 km 
north of Penrith and 1 km west of Cranebrook Village 
(Fig. 2), at 33° 42’ S and 150° 41’ E, and an altitude 
of 17-19 m asl. The site was a swamp overlying the 
black clay of the channel fill. The channel cut into 
the Cranebrook Terrace sediments, which overlie 
the Ashfield Shale. To the east, is another older and 
higher terrace of Tertiary origin (Fig. 2). 

Evidence of alluvial deposition along the Nepean 
River extends well back into Tertiary time. Following 
the Tertiary deposition, the river excavated a broad 
trench running parallel to the Lapstone monocline, 
where the Quaternary alluvium of the Cranebrook 
Terrace is inset (Fig. 3). The thick basal gravels were 
deposited almost contemporaneously with a sandy 
clay overburden until the river became confined to 
two stable channels. Since the easternmost channel 
was abandoned, the Nepean River appears to have 
only occupied the western channel and the abandoned 
channel filled with fine sediments (Nanson et al. 
1987). A bedrock bar at the Castlereagh Neck (Fig. 
2) isolated the river from eustatic changes and the 


Nepean River has left no other significant alluvial 
deposits since the last glacial maximum. However, 
stripping and replacement of overburden appears to 
have occurred over the western part of the terrace 
about 14 k yr BP (Fig. 3). 

Before gravel extraction commenced, the swamp 
collected runoff from the west and southwest, draining 
the entire region between the levees of the Nepean 
River. Water gradually passed through the swamp and 
eventually entered a small tributary of Cranebrook 
Creek to the north of the swamp. The swamp acted as 
a sump during times of low runoff but as a drainage 
channel during periods of higher runoff (Chalson 



Reworked overburden: Late Pleistocene- 
Holocene. c10,000-13,000 yr BP 

Original overburden: Pleistocene. 
c40,000-45,000 yr. BP 

Channel infill: Pleistocene-Recent : 
€36,000 yr BP 

Fig. 2. The Cranebrook Terrace, showing the al- 
Juvial formations and the location of the core site. 
The cross section A-B is shown in Fig. 3. Modified 
from Nanson et al. (1987) 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Nepean River 

13,000 yr BP 
=L Yee yt BF 

Metres (AHD) 

EZ | Sandy clay: reworked overburden 

NI fe 33 
Sandy-clay: original overburden 

| aia Gravels 
== Channel infill 

Figure 3. Cross section of the Cranebrook Terrace, showing the alluvial units. For location of cross sec- 

tion, see Fig. 2. Modified from Nanson et al. (1987) 

The soils of the Cranebrook Terrace are weakly 
differentiated on the alluvium of the western side 
near the river, where the sediments were deposited 
9,000-12,000 years BP. On the eastern side, where the 
sediments are some 38,000 years old, deep weathering 
has produced strongly differentiated profiles. The soils 
are red and yellow podzolics with complex variability 
(Young et al. 1987). 

The closest currently operating meteorological 
station is at Richmond on the University of Western 
Sydney, Hawkesbury campus, some 20 km NNE 
of Penrith and at a similar altitude. Here, the mean 
annual rainfall is 800 mm pa, with January to 
February the wettest months with an average of 89- 
96 mm per month and July to September the driest 
months, with an average of 43-47 mm per month. The 
mean daily maximum annual temperature is 23.9°C, 
with a mean daily maximum of 28.9-29.4°C for the 
hottest months of January-February. The mean daily 
minimum annual temperature is 10.5°C, with a mean 
daily minimum of 3.2-4.4°C for the coldest months of 
July-August (BoM 2006). 

A meteorological station at Penrith, not operating 
now, recorded a long term mean annual rainfall of 685 
mm pa (Bureau of Meterology 1966) and a short term 
record at Penrith Lakes, 687 mm pa (Chalson 1991). 

A survey of the vegetation in the Penrith area 
(Benson, 1992) found that very little of the natural 
vegetation remains because of the suitability of the 
soils for agriculture. The vegetation patterns relate 
strongly to the underlying geology with major 
groups of communities being restricted to either 
the Wianamatta Shale, Tertiary alluvium, Holocene 
(and other Quaternary) alluvium or Hawkesbury 
Sandstone (Benson, 1992). The swamp surface had 
the most significant natural vegetation remaining in 
the area (Chalson 1991). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Melaleuca linariifolia tall shrubland with 
Eleocharis _sphacelata, Typha orientalis and 
Philydrum lanuginosum covered the swamp, with 
Triglochin procerum in shallow standing water. 
Juncus usitatus and Persicaria spp. were common in 
waterlogged areas (Benson 1992). The southern end 
of the swamp was almost completely covered with 
Carex appressa and occasional M. Jinariifolia, with 
Melaleuca styphelioides in deeper water. Midway 
along the swamp, ™. linariifolia was associated with 
Paspalum distichum, C appressa, T. orientalis and T. 
procerum. Toward the northern part of the swamp, 
P. distichum and E. sphacelata were dominant, with 
C. appressa and J. usitatus in the marginal areas. M. 
linariifolia is still found at the northern extreme of the 
swamp (Chalson 1991). 

Only small patches of dryland vegetation 
remained on the river flats, and from the flora of 
these patches, together with early botanists’ reports, 
some idea of the original vegetation may be achieved 
(Benson 1992). Casuarina cunninghamiana was 
found in these remnant sites, and would have 
fringed the river. Acacia spp., Bossaiea rhombifolia, 
Pultenea flexilis and Kennedia rubicunda may have 
been present in the understorey. The floodplain once 
supported a river flat open forest with Eucalyptus 
amplifolia and Angophora subvelutina dominant. 
A remnant of open forest east of the swamp had E. 
amplifolia, E. baueriana, E. eugenioides and E. 
moluccana (Chalson 1991). Eucalyptus tereticornis 
was predominant downstream around Richmond. The 
Tertiary alluvium supported remnants of E. fibrosa 
open forest and the Ashfield Shale supported E. crebra 
and Syncarpia glomulifera. Understorey species found 
in these remnants were Bursaria spinosa, Themeda 
australis, Aristida ramosa, Daviesia ulicifolia and 
Grevillea juniperina (Benson, 1992). 



For thousands of years, the Penrith Lakes area 
was extensively used by the original inhabitants, 
the Darug people (Penrith Lakes Development 
Corporation 2006). Most of the preserved sites are 
surface middens on the river terraces and are probably 
less than 3,000 years old. Stockton and Holland 
(1974) found stone implements in the gravels at 9 m 
depth and obtained radiocarbon dates of 27,000 BP, 
but Nanson et al. (1987) regard this as contamination 
since all of the gravels were deposited by 47,000- 
45,000 BP. However, stone artifacts have been found 
in the tumble at the foot of the quarry, and since all 
of the overburden was removed before quarrying the 
gravels, the possibility of contamination is remote. 
The wear on the artifacts suggest that they were 
dropped close to the site where they were found 
(Nanson et al. 1987). 

Excavation of the Shaws Creek KII rockshelter 
(Kohen et al. 1984) has revealed more than 13,000 
years of occupation. This site, close to both mountane, 
riverine and plain environments would have enabled 
access to an abundance and variety of plants and 
animals. The gravels and boulders in the bed of the 
river would have supplied a variety of rock types for 
stone implements. There is an older phase of relatively 
Sparse occupation and a younger phase of seemingly 
more intense occupation associated with a change in 
stone tool technology about 4,000 BP (Kohen et al. 

Europeans settled in the region shortly before 
1800 AD and settlement accelerated between 1801 
and 1806. Initially, settlement focused on timber 
getting and by 1810, the cedar and rose mahogany 
had been cleared. Subsequently, the settlers began 
to grow wheat from around 1801 until the 1820’s 
when this was replaced by grazing, probably due to 
falling fertility. In the late 1800’s, market gardens and 
dairying developed to cater for the Sydney market 
(Chalson 1991). The entire site has been extensively 
altered since 1991 by the extraction of building 
aggregate and subsequent construction of the Sydney 
Olympic Games rowing course. Very little evidence 
of the original clay channel remains today. 


The core site was located where it was thought 
that the sediments of the abandoned channel would 
be the deepest. The top 20 cm was a dense fibrous 
mat that had to be trenched. From 20 cm to 50 cm, 
the sediments were hand-cored, using a Russian D- 
corer (Birks and Birks 1980). From 75 cm to 860 cm, 
a continuous core of 50 mm diameter was obtained 


using a drill truck kindly provided by the Penrith 
Lakes Development Corporation. Samples for pollen 
analysis were taken at 10 cm intervals. The uppermost 
sample for radiocarbon dating was taken from the 
trench and the other samples were taken from the core 
at postulated zone boundaries and at the base of the 
core. A kilogram or more of the clay was required for 
each radiocarbon sample. 

Very little of the natural vegetation remains 
around Penrith (Benson 1992), hence it was not 
surveyed. An initial survey of surface samples from 
degraded remnant stands showed that the pollen was 
poorly preserved and contained over 50 % Poaceae, 
reflecting the disturbed nature of the vegetation. 
Hence the present day pollen deposition was unlikely 
to assist in interpretation of the core pollen spectra, 
however a study of pollen deposition in natural 
vegetation across the Blue Mountains (Chalson 1991) 
may give some insight for interpretation, although the 
environments of these sites are somewhat different to 
the Penrith site. 

Pollen preparations extracted from the core 
sediments were spiked with of a known concentration 
of Alnus, then treated with hydrochloric and 
hydrofluoric acids to remove siliceous material (Birks 
and Birks 1980), oxidised with Schultz solution (a 
saturated solution of potassium perchlorate in nitric 
acid), cleared in 10% potassium carbonate and the 
residue was mounted in glycerine jelly (Brown, 
1960). Reference pollen was treated with standard 
acetolysis (Moore et al. 1991). 

Pollen was identified by comparing grains from 
the core with reference pollen. Special attention was 
paid to pollen of the Myrtaceae which was identified 
following the method in Chalson and Martin 
(1995). Poaceae was extremely abundant in some 
of the samples and several different types could be 
recognised (Appendix 1), although they could not be 
identified with any taxon within the family. 

Grains were counted along transects across the 
slides and tests showed that a count of more than 140 
grains adequately sampled the residues. The counts 
were presented as percentages of the total count and 
pollen concentrations were calculated for the most 
important taxa. 

The abundance of charcoal retained after 
sieving was estimated subjectively on scale of | to 
8. Counts of microscopic charcoal for a swamp at 
Kings Tableland showed that the two methods gave 
similar results, although the latter was more variable 
(Chalson 1991). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Table 1 The sediments. The Troels-Smith method of description (Birks and Birks 1980) has been 

Olive grey, greyish brown, yellowish brown 

Dark grey, greyish brown, dark brown, pale brown 

Grey, dark grey, greyish brown, yellowish brown, with a few 

Mottled grey, light grey, brown, pale brown, yellowish brown 
Grey, light grey, brown, pale brown, yellowish brown, olive 

brown, with a few mottled bands 

Depth (cm) Sediment type Colour 
0-15 Rooty peat 
16-20 Peaty clay Brown/dark brown 
Hand core 
21-50 Clay 
51-74 No core recovery 
Drill core 
75-90 Clay As for 21-50 cm 
91-280 Clay 
mottled bands 
281-570 Clay 
571-660 Clay 
661-760 Clay 
761-860 Silt, silty clay 


The core revealed some 20 cm of rooty peat at 
the top, then clay down to 760 cm, and finally silt and 
silty clay down to the base of the core at 860 cm (Table 
1). The colour of the clay is predominantly grey and 
greyish brown, with some dark grey and yellowish 
brown colours. There are minor bands of mottling 
below 91 cm and consistent mottling between 281 
cm and 570 cm. The radiocarbon dates are presented 
in Table 2 and show that the record extends back 
approximately 38,000 calibrated years BP (38 k cal. 
yr BP). 

Clay usually has a lower pollen content than 
peat, having been deposited in a lake where pollen 

Brown, yellowish brown, olive grey. 

Greyish brown, dark grey, grey, dark yellowish brown 

must be transported to the site, whereas with peat, the 
plants growing on site contribute pollen directly into 
the sediments. Mottling indicates a fluctuating water 
table which is destructive to pollen. There are several 
sections in the core which failed to yield workable 
pollen spectra (Fig. 4). Nevertheless, sufficient 
pollen has been recovered to provide a history of the 
vegetation for certain periods and to illustrate changes 
in the vegetation over time. ‘ 

In sediments such as these, the possibility of 
differential pollen destruction must be addressed. 
Cyperaceae and Poaceae are thin-walled and fragile 
grains, and may be expected to be destroyed first. The 
pollen spectra from the clays have a proportion of 
these fragile grains and are thus are no different from 

Table 2. Radiocarbon dates (standard C14 technique) on bulk samples (see Methods). Calibrated years 
have been calculated according to the Radiocarbon Calibrated Program Calib Rev 5.0.2 (Stuiver and 

Reimer, 1985-2005). 

Laboratory Age (radiocarbon years) Calibrated years BP 
Depth (cm) 
number (yr BP) (cal. yr BP) 
40-45 SUA-2489 280 + 50 1,650 
410-440 SUA-2349 11,140 + 200 11,150 
795-830 SUA-2490 33,500 + 700 39,100 
830-857 SUA-2350 32,000 + 500 37,600 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Bg ns 
§ eh = S & # 
& —~ @ @ 
S & 9 © § 2 y % S 
Sy A 
as 2 §F gFE§ €e Se" Se 
So & GF ~€ SS ¥ e & y s IS 
SS & ££ Ses g PS G @ 8 es N 
x oO @ NES > 
So 4 & ESLL ESS eee se se 
0 TK 
20 \ A1 
280 +50 Fe 4 F A2 
80 - = 
a ks é [ : 
120 e 
140 |v vv | 
480 — 
200 - | | | | | | | 
410-440 cm 
41,1404200 BARREN OF POLLEN 

Total pollen sum = Total pollen and spores counted 

i-—t a} 
SCALE Pollen percentages 20% SCALE Pollen concentrations 10 * grains/ec 

Figure 4 (above and opposite). Pollen diagram. The upper solid line represents percentages and the lower 
broken line the pollen concentrations. For species included in the pollen type name, see Appendix 3. 
‘Subjective scale for macroscopic charcoal, the higher the number the more charcoal: see Methods. 

102 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


ee Vv % 6 
® v © 
e Y g © <4 @ 
CS ES Ses aS 
e e sa isa w & w Macroscopic Total pollen concentration x10* grains/cc 
s g S g ge < ge charcoal 
= Bo ge Le ao oe SE EON La ACRE Gree oer 6 ee 
i ee ee eee Eee Ee ee eee 
ees = ee a fe == 
OMe gigas on ey Sea Al 
4h) -== SSE aes 
i= F A2 




120 sSeecens Peat 



BARREN OF POLLEN nen Silt, silty clay 

Lie | Mottling 


Total pollen sum = Total pollen and spores counted 

3: t_J 
SCALE Pollen percentages 20% SCALE Pollen concentrations 10 * grains/cc 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 103 


the spectra from well preserved sediments. 

The pollen spectra are presented in Fig. 4. 
and the taxa represented by the name on the pollen 
diagram are found in Appendix 3. Percentages for 
all taxa identified and pollen concentrations for the 
most abundant taxa are shown. The total pollen 
concentration is high at the top, then low through 
the clay with some high concentrations in the basal 
silt and silty clay. When total pollen concentrations 
are high, concentrations of individual taxa generally 
parallel percentages, but when the total is low, 
individual concentrations remain low, even though 
percentages may be high, a reflection of the relative 
nature of the percentages. 

The pollen spectra have been zoned as follows 
(Fig. 4), and an age model has been deduced from Fig. 
5, assuming a uniform rate of sediment deposition. 
The sediments are relatively uniform throughout the 
core and accumulation has probably been similar to 
today, where the abandoned channel acts as a drainage 

Depth (cm) 

Zone A 

Zone B 

Zone D 

Open sclerophyil forest E. viminalis 

Zone D, 860-790 cm, c.38 to 36 cal. yr BP (see Fig. 

Total pollen concentration is low but increases 
towards the top of the zone. Eucalyptus viminalis 
and Leptospermum polygalifolium are prominent 
here and the Casuarina content is low. There are 
moderate amounts of Asteraceae/Tubuliflorae and 
the form species Tubuliflorites pleistocenicus, which 
probably represents the shrubby Cassinia arcuata 
(see Appendix 2). Other sclerophyllous shrubs, e.g. 
Acacia, Haloragaceae and Monotoca are present 
also. Poaceae types 3 and 6 are present, with minor 
amounts of Cyperaceae towards the top of the zone. 
There is also a large amount of charcoal. 

790-650 cm, c. 36.5 to 27 k cal. yr BP, barren of 

Zone C, 650-500 cm, c. 27 tol6 k cal. yr BP. 
Total pollen concentration is low throughout the 
zone. Myrtaceae pollen is too degraded for specific 

VEG ET, ATION Sediments 

Woodland/grassiand. E. teriticornis 

Woodland/grassland. E. teriticornis 


Figure 5. Summary diagram of the history at Penrith Lakes. This model assumes continuous deposition 
(see text). For legend of sedimentary symbols, see Fig. 4. Radiocarbon dates are shown here, and for 

calibrated dates, (crosses), see Table 2. 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


identification, and there is far less of it than in the 
zone below. The shrubby 7. pleistocenicus is the 
most prominent pollen type, there are some Poaceae, 
especially type 6, and Cyperaceae is more abundant 
than in the zone below. Podocarpus is usually 
present and has the most consistent representation 
for the profile. The vegetation of this zone, which 
includes the last glacial maximum, would have been 
predominantly shrublands with few Eucalyptus spp. 
Charcoal content is low, with the exception of one 
higher value. 

500-220 cm, c. 16 to 6 k cal. yr BP, barren of pollen. 
Zone B, 220-75 cm, c. 6 to 2.2 k cal. yr BP. 

Total pollen concentration is low in the lower part 
of the zone, but increases towards the top. Eucalyptus 
tereticornis and Leptospermum juniperinum are 
present here and there is an increase in Casuarina, 
although it is not large. The shrubby T. pleistocenicus 
is completely lacking, Poaceae types 2, 3 and 5 are 
more abundant, but type 6 is not present. Cyperaceae 
and trilete fern spores increase towards the top of the 
zone. The ‘other tricolporate grains’ group, probably 
representing herbs and shrubs, is consistently present 
in the upper part or the zone. Most of the charcoal 
values are low. 

75-55cm, ¢. 2.2 to 2 k cal. yr BP, no core recovery. 
Zone A, 55 cm to surface, c. 2 to 0 k cal. yr BP. 

Zone A has high pollen concentrations, especially 
in the peat, and is subdivided into two sub-zones, A2 
and Al. The major contributors to A2 sub-zone are 
Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae and the trilete spore 
group. Unfortunately, the poor preservation does not 
allow identification of the Eucalyptus species in the 
older Subzone A2. 

In Subzone Al, Eucalyptus tereticornis and 
Leptospermum juniperinum are prominant. The 
other tricolporate grains group (shrubs and herbs) 
and Asteraceae/Tubuliflorae type have increased. 
Asteraceae/Liguliflorae is consistently present through 
the sub-zone. Poaceae has increased, especially types 
1 and 2 and the Cyperaceae content is maintained. 
The introduced Pinus occurs here and the charcoal 
content is high. 


The abandoned river channel would have been 
a lake or pond for almost the entire time, becoming 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

a swamp supporting rooted vegetation for probably 
only a few hundred years (see Fig. 5) prior to the 
present. The lake was probably quite shallow, subject 
to drying out on occasions of long dry spells. The 
fluctuating water table would not have favoured 
pollen preservation, hence there are long sections of 
the profile with no pollen and thus no record of the 

he periods where there is arecord of the vegetation 
(Fig. 5) show that from about 38 to 37 k cal. yr BP (zone 
D), Eucalyptus viminalis was dominant, with minor 
Casuarina and some Leptospermum polygalifolium. 
If the total Myrtaceae pollen of this zone is compared 
with the top part of the profile, which is assumed to 
represent the modern vegetation, then Eucalyptus 
species, presumably the tree cover, would have been 
greater than in the modern vegetation. Sclerophyllous 
shrubs were present in the understorey, particularly 
Cassinia arcuata which colonised disturbed sites (see 
Appendix 2). There would have been some grasses 
and a few Cyperaceae, the latter probably fringing 
the lake. The vegetation was probably an open 
sclerophyllous forest. 

During the period 26 to 16 k cal. yr BP (zone 
C), which includes the last glacial maximum, the 
vegetation was predominantly a shrubland/grassland, 
with the shrub Cassinia arcuata dominant, and 
minimal trees. Some grasses were present and they 
are the same types as found in the older zone below. 
Cyperaceae was more abundant than in the preceding 

By the period 6 to 2.2 k cal. yr BP (zone B), some 
trees had returned, with Eucalyptus tereticornis and 
Casuarina suggesting an open woodland, particularly 
in the upper part of the zone. The shrub Cassinia 
arcuata had disappeared entirely. Grasses were more 
common, but the types found in the Holocene are 
mostly different to those on older zones, showing that 
the grass flora had changed. Trilete fern spores are far 
more abundant, suggesting a moister environment. 

After 2 k cal. yr BP, the increased Myrtaceae 
pollen content suggests that the tree cover may have 
increased, but preservation is too poor to identify 
the species in Zone A2. In the younger Zone Al 
Eucalyptus tereticornis has been identified, but it 
decrease towards the top of the profile, most likely 
due to European wood cutting. Grasses are more 
abundant and the uppermost levels would have 
included agricultural and introduced grasses and 
herbs. Trilete spores decrease, especially in the upper 
Zone Al. 

The charcoal content is consistently higher in the 
basal Zone D and the top Zone A. The higher content 
may indicate more fires, but alternatively, it may 
indicate more fuel to burn. Zone D has the greatest 



tree cover, hence more fuel is likely. The tree cover is 
less in Zone A, but this period encompasses European 
settlement which may have been the cause of greater 
burning. There are high charcoal values at a few 
other levels in the core, but overall the content is low 
between these two zones. 


The climatic parameters for the tree species in 
the region today and identified in the sediments (Table 
3) give some basis for deducing climatic changes at 
Penrith. Eucalyptus viminalis has the lowest of the 
mean minimum temperatures for the coldest month, 
hence is the most cold tolerant, and is predominant 
in the period 38-36 k cal. yr BP, suggesting that 
temperatures were lower than today. The tree cover 
was probably greater than the present-day, suggesting 
better effective soil moisture. Even if rainfall was the 
same, the cooler temperatures would ensure more 
effective moisture. This study concurs with previous 
studies (reviewed by Allan and Lindesay, 1998; Pickett 
et al., 2004) which indicate cool and moist climatic 
conditions about 32 k yr BP, with temperatures some 
2.5 °C lower than today. 

The period 26-16 k cal. yr includes the last 
glacial maximum. The vegetation was shrubland, 
suggesting that temperatures and rainfall was less 
than the minimum required by the tree species (Table 
3). Other episodic events, for example, extreme 
frosts or drought, may have contributed to keeping 
the river flats treeless (Hope, 1989). Previous studies 
indicate that the period 25 to 20 k yr BP was colder 

and drier, with temperatures some 3-5 °C lower than 
today. During the last glacial maximum (c. 18 k yr 
BP), rainfall was up to half of present day values 
and air temperatures were as low as 7-8 °C below 
present, and winds were some 20 % stronger (Allan 
and Lindesay, 1998). This study is thus in accord with 
previous studies. 

The transition period from glacial maximum 
to the Holocene, when temperatures and rainfall 
increased to more like the present, is missing from 
this record. In the early Holocene (c. 9-6 k yr BP), the 
climate was wetter than today and the late Holocene 
appears to have been drier than the early Holocene 
with less dramatic changes (Allan and Lindesay 1998, 
Pickett et al. 2004). 

Trees had returned to the river flats by 6 k cal. yr 

BP, but their density was not as great when compared 
with the period 38-36 k cal yr BP. The tree species 
in this younger period are different as well.. Grasses 
increased, but it was a different suite of species. There 
was a much increased fern component, suggesting 
wetter conditions, at least around the abandoned 
channel. Grasses increased further and trees decreased 
towards the present, probably due to the influence of 
European settlement. 
These climatic interpretations follow the overall 
trends expected from previous studies, but moisture 
relationships would have been the result of both 
rainfall and river activity which at times may have 
augmented or subtracted moisture from the site. It is 
unknown how much influence river activity would 
have had on the moisture relationships, but climatic 
change would have had an effect on river discharge 

Table 3. Climatic parameters of some of the tree species found in the Penrith area (Benson, 1992), from 
Boland et al (2002). P, found in the area today. F, found as a fossil in the core. Present day climatic 
averages are included for Richmond, the nearest operating meteorological station and the mean annual 

rainfall for Penrith (see text). 

Mean max. Mean min. NE non cee Mean annual 

Species temp, Hoes: temp., OU eE ders jaar ene rainfall, mm 
month, °C month, °C 

Penrith n/a n/a n/a 686 
Richmond 28.9-29.4 3.2-4.4 n/a 800 
Casuarina cunninghamii ' P, F 25-40 0-15 >50 500-1500 ! 
Eucalyptus eugenioides, P 25-33 0-6 >50 700-1100 
E. moluccana P 26-32 0-10 >50 700-1200 
E. tereticornis P, F 24-36 1-19 30 630-3000 
E. viminalis F 20-32 -4-8 0-100 500-2000 

‘A riverine species, hence rainfall alone is no indication of available moisture 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



The Penrith Lakes history may be compared with 
other records in the Sydney Basin. At Lake Baraba 
near Thirlmere (Fig. 1) (Black et al. 2006), lacustrine 
clays were being deposited from >43 k yr BP until the 
early Holocene, when peat deposition started about 
8 k yr BP. Bands of oxidised sediments suggest lake 
level fluctuations, hence the depositional environment 
was generally similar to Penrith Lakes, except for the 
different dates of the onset of peat deposition. Unlike 
Penrith Lakes, however, the vegetation at Lake Baraba 
was a Casuarinaceae woodland/shrubland which 
remained relatively stable from >43 k yr BP, through 
the glacial maximum until the early Holocene, when 
Myrtaceae expanded at the expense of Casuarinaceae 
(Black et al. 2006). Lake Baraba is set in a sandstone 
gorge and it may have been sufficiently protected to 
function as a refugium for woodland during the last 
glacial maximum. 

Mountain Lagoon, at about 500 m altitude in the 
Blue Mountains (Robbie and Martin 2007) has a 23 
k cal. yr BP record. The lagoon was a lake initially, 
but peat formation started about 20 k cal. yr BP. 
Both Casuarinaceae and Myrtaceae were prominent 
in the vegetation throughout the whole time. While 
the species of Eucalyptus changed with time, a few 
Species were present the whole time, so some tree 
species survived the glacial period. The vegetation was 
thus remarkably stable through the climatic changes 
of the glacial period. The reason for this stability may 
lie in the favourable moisture relationships. If, during 
the last glacial maximum, the rainfall of Mountain 
Lagoon was just 50% of the current rainfall, it would 
have been about the lower limits required by some of 
the Eucalyptus species, hence they could remain at the 
site. The location of Mountain Lagoon is sheltered, 
hence moisture relationships would have been further 
enhanced (Robbie and Martin 2007). Half the current 
rainfall at Penrith Lakes (Table 3), however, would 
have been less than the lower limits required by all 
of the Eucalyptus species identified. Also, moisture 
relationships of the open floodplain site of Penrith 
Lakes would not be so favourable. 

At Redhead Lagoon, south of Newcastle (Fig. 1), 
the sedimentary record goes back some 75 k cal. yr 
BP (Williams et al. 2006). At 40 k cal. yr BP, there 
was an increase in Poaceae and a decline in woody 
taxa, reflecting drier times. At the height of the last 
glacial period, Casuarinaceae was prominent and 
Angophora/Corymbia and Eucalyptus were present 
also, hence the glacial maximum was not treeless at 
this site. There was an increase in the shrubby taxa 
Monotoca, Proteaceae and Asteraceae, including 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

the spineless Asteraceae T. pleistocenicus (Williams 
2005) also found in this study. Overall, the vegetation 
communities were less complex during the last glacial 
maximum when compared with those of today, 
indicative of a harsh dry environment (Williams et al. 

Each of these four sites in the Sydney Basin 
represents a different environment and each has its 
own distinctive vegetation and pattern of change 
through the last glacial maximum. The Penrith Lakes 
site is the only one that would have been a treeless 


This study reveals periods of three different kinds 
of vegetation on the river flats at Penrith in successive 

1) During 40-36 k cal. yr BP, a Eucalyptus 
viminalis, Leptospermum  polygalifolium open 
sclerophyllous forest with a shrubby understorey of 
predominantley Cassinia arcuata and a few grasses. 

2) During 27-16 k cal. yr BP, a Cassinia arcuata 
shrubland, with Cyperaceae, probably fringing the 
abandoned channel, and few grasses. 

3) During 6 k cal. yr BP to present, a Eucalyptus 
tereticornus, Leptospermum juniperinum grassy 
woodland with Cyperaceae and ferns, the latter 
probably closer to the abandoned channel. The grass 
flora here would have been substantially different to 
that in the older periods recording the vegetation. 

The pollen frequencies suggest that the tree 
cover of the oldest E. viminalis vegetation unit was 
greater than the youngest E. tereticornis unit. The 
higher percentages of Poaceae in the younger unit 
would depress the percentages of E. tereticornis, but 
pollen concentrations of the E. tereticornis are low 
also, in accord with the percentage evidence and a 
lesser tree cover. 

The climatic interpretations follow the general 
trends of other studies: colder and drier during 40-36 
k cal. yr BP, colder and drier still during 27-16 k cal. 
yr BP, then warmer and wetter from 6 k cal. yr BP 
to the present. The peak in fern spores infer that 3-2 
k cal. yr BP was the wettest period hydrologically, 
which may have been climatic, but river activity and 
altered drainage may have affected the local moisture 

The vegetation through the last glacial maximum 
at other sites in the Sydney Basin was specific to each 
site. Penrith Lakes is the only one which would have 
been a treeless shrubland. 




We are indebted to the Joyce W. Vickery Research Fund 
of the Linnean Society of NSW, the River Group Fund of 
the Federation of University Women, and the Penrith Lakes 
Development Corporation for financial assistance with 
this project. Our thanks go to Dr. John Turner, Dr. Mike 
Barbetti, the National Parks and Wildlife Service of NSW 
and the Forestry Commission of NSW for assistance. To the 
many friends, relatives and colleagues who gave unstinting 
help and encouragement, our heartfelt gratitude. 


Allen, R. and Lindesay, J. (1998). Past climates of 
Australasia. In: “Climates of the Southern Continents’ 
(Eds J.E. Hobbs, J.A. Lindesay, H.A. Bridgman) pp. 
208-247. (Wiley & Sons, Chichester). 

Bembrick, C., Herbert, C., Scheibner, E., Stuntz, J. (1980). 
Structural subdivision of the Sydney Basin. In ‘A 
Guide to the Sydney Basin’ (Eds C. Herbert and R. 
Helby) pp 3-9. (Department of Mineral Resources, 
Geological Survey of New South Wales Bulletin 26, 

Benson, D.H. (1992). The natural vegetation of the Penrith 
1:100 000 map sheet. Cunninghamia 2, 503-662. 

Black, M.P., Mooney, S.D. and Martin, H.A. (2006). A> 
43,000-year vegetation and fire history from Lake 
Baraba, New South Wales, Australia. Quaternary 
Science Reviews 25, 3003-3016. 

Birks, H.J.B. and Birks, H.H. (1980) ‘Quaternary 
Palaeoecology’. (Edward Arnold, London). 

Boland, D.J., Brooker, M.I.H., Chippendale, G.M., Hall, 
N. H., Hyland, B.P.M., et al. (2002). “Forest Trees of 
Australia’ 4" Edition (Thomas Nelson: Australia). 

BoM, (2006). Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology 
Website ( Accessed August 

Brown, C.A. (1960). “Palynological Techniques’ (C.A. 
Brown, Baton Rouge) 188 pp 

Bureau of Meteorology (1966). Rainfall Statistics in 
Australia. (Commonwealth of Australia, Melbourne) 

Chalson, J.M. (1991). The late Quaternary vegetation 
and climatic history of the Blue Mountains, NSW, 
Australia. PhD Thesis, University of New South 
Wales (unpubl.) 

Chalson, J.M. and Martin, H.A. (1995). The pollen 
morphology of some co-occurring species of the 
family Myrtaceae in the Sydney region. Proceedings 
of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 115, 163- 

Harrison, S.P. (1993). Late Quaternary lake-level changes 
and climates of Australia. Quaternary Science 
Reviews 12, 211-231. 

Hope, G. (1989). Climatic implications of timberline 
changes in Australasia from 38 000 yr BP to 
present. In “CLIMANZ 3, Proceedings of the 
Third Symposium on the Late Quaternary Climatic 
History of Australasia’ (Melbourne University 28- 


29 November 1987) pp 91-99. (CSIRO, Institute of 
Natural Resources and Environment). 

Kohen, J.L., Stockton, E.D. and Williams, M.A.J. 

(1984). Shaws Creek KII Rockshelter: a prehistoric 
occupation site in the Blue Mountains Piedmont. 
Archaeology in Oceania 18 (2) 19 (1/2), 57-73. 

Macphail, M. and Martin, T. (1991). “Spineless” 
Asteraceae (episode 2). PPAA Newsletter 23, 1-2. 
(Palynological and Palaeobotanical Association of 
Australasia: Melbourne). 

Martin, H.A. (1973). The palynology of some Tertiary 
Pleistocene deposits, Lachlan River Valley, 

New South Wales. Australian Journal of Botany 
Supplement 6, 1-57. 

Moore, P.D., Webb, J.A. and Collison, M.E. (1991). 
“Pollen Analysis’. (Blackwell Scientific Publications, 

Nanson, G.C. and Young, R.W. (1988). Fluviatile evidence 
for a period of late Quaternary pluvial climate in 
coastal southeastern Australia. Palaeogeography, 
Palaeoclimate, Palaeoecology 66, 45-61. 

Nanson, G.C., Young, R.W. and Stockton, E.D. (1987). 
Chronology and palaeoenvironment of the Cranbrook 
Terrace (near Sydney) containing artefacts more than 
40 000 years old. Archaeology in Oceania 22, 72-78 

Penrith Lakes Development Corporation, (1983/84). 
Penrith Lakes Scheme Regional Environmental 
Study. Department of Environment and Planning, 

Penrith Lakes Development Corporation, (2006). http:// Accesed June 2006. 

Pickett, E.J., Harrison, S.P., Hope, G., Harle, K. et al. 
(2004). Pollen-based reconstructions of biome 
distributions from Australia, Southeast Asia and the 
Pacific (SEAPAC region) at 0, 6000 and 18,000 “C 
yt BP. Journal of Biogeography 31, 1381-1444. 

Robbie, A. and Martin, H.A. (2007). The history of 
the vegetation from the last glacial maximum at 
Mountain Lagoon, Blue Mountains, New South 
Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New 
South Wales 128, 57-80. 

Stockton, E.D. and Holland, W.N. (1974). Cultural 
sites and their environment in the Blue Mountains. 
Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania 
9 (1), 36-65. 

Stuiver, M and Reimer,P.J. (1986-2005). Radiocarbon 
calibration program Calib. Rev 5.0.2. http://calib.qub. (accessed November 2007) 

Williams, N.J. (2005). The environmental reconstruction 
of the last glacial cycle at Redhead Lagoon in coastal 
eastern Australia. PhD Thesis, University of Sydney 

Williams, N.J., Harle, K.J., Gale, S.J. and Heynis, H. 
(2006). The vegetation history of last glacial- 
interglacial cycle in eastern New South Wales, 
Australia. Journal of Quaternary Science 21, 735- 

Young, R.W., Nanson, G.C. and Jones, B.G. (1987). 
Weathering of late Pleistocene alluvium under a 
humid temperate climate: Cranebrook Terrace, 
southeastern Australia. Catena 14, 469-484. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Poaceae Diameter Exine thickness Gmercadeieeisties 
type pm pum 
Faintly granular surface pattern, grains often 
1 ~35 5 
2 ~30 ~1.5 Smooth surface, grains retain spherical shape 
3 25x35 Si Faintly granular surface, grains retain ovate shape, 
with the broad end with pore depressed 
Faintly granular surface, grains retain spherical 
4 ~35 ~1 
5 ~30 ~1.5 Surface smooth, grains retain spherical shape 
6 25-30 <0.5 Surface granular, grains usually crumpled 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 109 



The form species Tubuliflorites pleistocenicus Martin 1973 was described to accommodate pollen 
which was identifiable with the family Asteraceae but which lacked the spines usually seen on these grains. 
The ‘spineless’ Asteraceae may be found in considerable abundance in the last glacial period pollen spectra 
and is less common in younger sediments. This pollen type is found in Calomeria and several other genera 
(see Chalson 1991). Calomeria is a shrub of high rainfall areas of Gippsland and southern New South Wales, 
and is found in wet sclerophyll and the margins of rainforest (Chalson 1991). Descriptions by early botanists 
of the species in ‘scrubby brushwood’ along the Nepean River, some 50 km upstream from Penrith, include 
Calomeria amaranthoides and other wet sclerophyll species (Benson 1992). However, C. amaranthoides is 
thought unlikely during the last glacial period (Zone C) which is expected to be much drier than the present. 

This ‘spineless’ Asteraceae pollen is also found in Cassinia arcuata which also closely resembles 
T. pleistocenicus. C. arcuata is widespread across the drought and frost-prone western slopes of NSW and 
extends on the Central and Southern Tablelands. Moreover, it readily colonised bare and disturbed ground 
(Macphail and Martin 1991), a habitat which could be created by river activity on a regular basis. It is thought 
that C. arcuata was more likely during the glacial period, but Calomeria cannot be ruled out for Zone D (c. 
35-31 ka), where there was a good forest cover, although no other wet sclerophyll species have been recorded 
in the pollen spectra. 

110 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Name on the pollen diagram 



Eucalyptus tereticornis 
E. mannnifera 

E. viminalis 

Leptospermum polygalifolium 

L. juniperinum 
Unidentified Myrtaceae 

Other tricolporate grains 

T: pleistocenicus 

Trilete spores 
Monolete spores 
Poaceae type | 

Poaceae type 2 
Poaceae type 3 

Poaceae type 4 
Poaceae type 5 
Poaceae type 6 


Probable source in the vegetation 

Probably Podocarpus spinulosus, shrub to small tree 
Pinus sp(p)., Introduced 

Eucalyptus tereticornis 

E. mannnifera 

E. viminalis 

Leptospermum polygalifolium 

L. juniperinum 

All other pollen types in the family 

Probably Casuarina cunninghamii, possibly Allocasuarina sp(p) 
Unidentified tricolporate grains, probably herbs and shrubs 
All taxa in the family 

All species in the genus 


Faiesits taxa in the subfamily Liguliflorae 
Echinate taxa in the subfamily Tubuliflorae 

Most likely Cassinia arcuata, see Appendix 2 

All species in the genus 

Family Caryophyllaceae 

All species in the family 

all species in the genus 



Poaceae, see Appendix | 

Poaceae, see Appendix 1 

Poaceae, see Appendix 1 

Poaceae, see Appendix 1 

Poaceae, see Appendix | 

Poaceae, see Appendix | 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 iLUL 


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112 ) | 

The Middle Triassic Megafossil Flora of the Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, New South Wales, 
Australia. Part 7. Cycadophyta 

W.B. KeitH HoLMes! AND Herpi M. ANDERSON? 

146 Kurrajong Street, Dorrigo, NSW, 2453, Australia (Hon. Research Fellow, University of New England, 
Armidale, NSW, 2351); 746 Kurrajong Street, Dorrigo, NSW. 2453, Australia (Hon. Palaeobotanist, South 
African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria 0001 South Africa). 

Holmes, W.B.K. and Anderson, H.M. (2008). The Middle Triassic Megafossil Flora of the Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, New South Wales, Australia. Part 7. Cycadophyta. Proceedings 
of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 129, 113-149. 

Cycadophyte fronds comprise c. 4% of the catalogued specimens in the Holmes’ collections from two 
quarries in the middle Triassic Nymboida Coal Measures of the Nymboida sub-Basin in north-eastern New 
South Wales. The fronds are placed in fifteen taxa in the Cycadales and one in the Bennettitales. Eight new 
species are described; Pseudoctenis nymboidensis, P. rigbyi, P. prolongata, P. cursanervia, P. grandis, P. 
nettiana, Moltenia sparsispinosa and Ctenis marniana. Halleyoctenis megapinnata is nominated as a new 

genotype for Halleyoctenis. 

Manuscript received 24 June 2007, accepted for publication 6 February 2008. 

KEYWORDS: Cycadophyta, Middle Triassic flora, Nymboida Coal Measures, palaeobotany. 


This is the seventh part of a series describing 
the early-middle Triassic Nymboida flora Part 1 
(Holmes 2000) of this series described the Bryophyta 
and Sphenophyta, Part 2 (Holmes 2001) the 
Filicophyta, Part 3 (Holmes 2003) fern-like foliage, 
Part 4 (Holmes and Anderson 2005a) the genus 
Dicroidium and its fertile organs Umkomasia and 
Pteruchus, Part 5 (Holmes and Anderson 2005b) 
the genera Lepidopteris, Kurtziana, Rochipteris and 
Walkomiopteris and Part 6 (Holmes and Anderson 
2007) the Ginkgophyta. 

A description of the Coal Mine and Reserve 
Quarries, the source localities of our described 
material, together with a summary of the geology 
of the Basin Creek Formation, the Nymboida Coal 
Measures and the Nymboida Sub-Basin were provided 
in Holmes (2000). 

In this paper, leaves with cycadophyte affinities 
are described and illustrated. No fertile material has 
been found. The cycadophytes include both true 
cycads in the Order Cycadales, and the bennettitites 
in the extinct Order Bennettitales (~Cycadioidales). 
The origins of the cycadophytes date back to the 

Upper Carboniferous (Taylor and Taylor 1993). 
Cycad survivors of the End-Permian Extinction 
diversified and reached their maximum development 
and world-wide distribution during the Mesozoic 
Era. Reconstructions of the Mesozoic landscape 
often portray dinosaurs in close association with 
cycadophytes (White 1990). Cycadophytes have been 
in a decline over the last 100 ma. and today true cycads 
are a relatively small group of plants distributed 
through tropical and warm temperate regions of the 
northern and southern hemispheres. Extant cycads 
comprise c. 190 species in c. 11 genera (Jones 1993) 
and new species continue to be discovered and 
described (Singh and Radha P 2006). Two species of 
cycads, Lepidozamia peroffskyana and Macrozamia 
johnsonii, still survive in the Nymboida region of 
northern NSW (Hill and Osborne 2002). 


The material described in this paper is based 
mainly on collections made by the senior author and 
his family from two Nymboida quarries (Coal Mine 
Quarry and Reserve Quarry) over a period of forty 
years and on limited specimens in old collections of 
the Australian Museum, Sydney, and in the Geology 


Department of the University of New England, 
Armidale, as noted in Retallack (1977) and Retallack 
et al. (1977). 

The exact horizon or source of most specimens 
is uncertain as the plant fossil material was collected 
mostly from blocks fallen from the working quarry 
faces. The Coal Mine Quarry has not been exploited 
for many years but its weathering high-wall exposure 
provides an excellent cross-section of beds that 
demonstrate the palaeo-environmental conditions 
at the time of sedimentation (Retallack 1977). The 
Reserve Quarry with excellent exposures was active 
until recent times. During 2006 the whole quarry was 
bulldozed for “restoration” purposes into a featureless 
bowl — a great scientific loss! 

In the Holmes collections from Nymboida, 
leaves attributed to the Cycadophyta comprise c. 
4% of the 2600 selectively catalogued specimens of 
the preserved floodplain flora. However, in life, the 
Cycadophyta may have been more common in upland 
areas where their remains would have had very little 
chance of becoming fossilized. 

The Nymboida specimens are preserved in 
mudstones, siltstones and sandstones as carbonaceous 
compressions or impressions in which the gross 
morphology is usually well-preserved. However, 
spores and cuticles have been destroyed by a tectonic 
heating event during the Cretaceous Period (Russel 
1994). Therefore our identification of taxa is based 
only on characters of gross morphology. 

Cycadophyte leaves have been recorded in 
the Triassic of Gondwana from South America by 
Frenguelli (1950), Menendez (1951), Stipanicic and 
Bonetti (1965), Bonnetti (1968, 1972), Artabe (1985), 
Herbst and Troncoso (2000), Troncoso and Herbst 
(2000), Ottone (2006); from India by Lele (1956); 
from South Africa by Du Toit (1927), Anderson 
and Anderson (1983, 1989, 2003); from Australia 
by Johnston (1888), Shirley (1897, 1898), Walkom 
(1917, 1924, 1925, 1928), Jones and De Jersey (1948), 
De Jersey (1958), Hill et al. (1965), Flint and Gould 
(1975), Retallack (1977), Rigby (1977), Webb (1980), 
Holmes (1982) and from Antarctica, a cycad stem 
(Smoot et al. 1985), a cycad pollen cone (Klavens et 
al. 2003) and cycad cataphylls (Hermsen et al. 2006). 
Where possible, identification and comparisons of the 
Nymboida material have been made from descriptions 
and illustrations in the above publications. Due to 
time and geographical separation our material has not 
been compared with northern hemisphere taxa, i.e. 
non-Gondwana species. 

Type and illustrated material is housed in the 
Australian Museum, Sydney. Some additional 
specimens are in the collections of the Geology 


Department, University of New England, Armidale 
and the University of Queensland. 


During the Mesozoic Era the cycadophytes 
comprised two orders, the Cycadales (cycads) and 
the Bennettitales (cycadioids). They are distinguished 
essentially by their reproductive organs and frond 
cuticle structure (Anderson and Anderson 1989, pp 
276-279; Taylor and Taylor 1993). In the absence 
of cuticles and/or fertile structures, as is the case at 
Nymboida, the correct assignment of cycadophyte 
fronds is difficult. In this paper we follow Anderson 
and Anderson (1989, 2003) who, from their large 
Molteno collections, albeit with little preserved 
cuticle, classified all their cycadophyte foliage in 
the Cycadales except for the genus Halleyoctenis 
that was placed in the Bennettitales. The simple 
leaves belonging to the form genus 7aeniopteris have 
been placed in the Bennettitopsida by Anderson and 
Anderson (2003). Taeniopterid and other simple leaves 
from Nymboida will be described in a forthcoming 
paper of this series. 

Anderson and Anderson (1989) and Herbst and 
Troncoso (2000) noted the polymorphic character of 
their form species especially when large collections 
were available. They noted the presence of 
intergrading forms and Herbst and Troncoso (2000) 
also questioned the erection of some new form 
species. We acknowledge this as a constant problem 
in palaeobotanical taxonomy. Despite the sometimes 
limited material, we have described and separated 
our Nymboida cycadophyte fronds into form species 
based on all available characters of frond and pinna 
gross morphology and especially on venation 
architecture and density. 

Order Cycadales 
Family incertae sedis 

Genus Pseudoctenis Seward 1911 
Type species 
Pseudoctenis eathiensis (Richards) Seward 


Pseudoctenis fissa DuToit 1927 
Figures 1A, B; 2A; 3A—F 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Selected references 

1927 DuToit Pseudoctenis fissa, p. 386, fig. 22 (3). 

1968 Bonetti Pseudoctenis anomozamoides, P|. 2, 
figs 1, 2. 

1968 Bonetti Pseudoctenis cf. falconeriana, PI. 2, 
figs 3, 4; Pl. 3, figs 1, 4. 

1989 Anderson and Anderson Pseudoctenis fissa, p. 
286, t. figs 1-11; Pls 155—157, 162 (1-5), 167 
(7-18), 323 (1-2). 


A very variable small to medium-sized frond, 
narrow-elliptic to elongate-spathulate, 150-200 mm 
long, width at mid-lamina 25—90 mm; rachis to 3 mm 
wide at base tapering distally. Pinnae attached laterally 
at high angle in lower half, becoming slightly acute 
apically, opposite to subopposite, mostly separate to 
the base, or more widely separated and confluent, or 
with strongly decurrent acroscopic bases; pinna shape 
from narrow to broad oblong, adjacent pinnae often of 
irregular width, basal pinnae short and broad becoming 
more elongated to 2/3 to apex then reducing in length, 
apical pinnae sometimes conjoined, apices truncate 
to broadly obtuse or shallowly cleft. Veins departing 
from rachis at high angle, sometimes forking close to 
base or in mid-lamina, running parallel to each other 
to apex; vein density in mid-lamina 14—18/10 mm. 


AMEF126860, 133960, 133961, 133962, 133963, 
133964, 133965, 133968, Coal Mine Quarry; 
AMF133966, 133967, Reserve Quarry. 


The Nymboida fossils placed in P. fissa reflect the 
range in size and form of the material from the Upper 
Umkomaas and Hlatimbe Valley localities in the 
Molteno Formation of South Africa (Anderson and 
Anderson 1989) and from Argentina (Bonetti 1968) 
as listed in the selected references. However, some 
Nymboida specimens are larger than the Umkomaas 
material and exceed in size even those from the 
Hlatimbe Valley locality (Anderson and Anderson 
1989, Pl. 167, figs 12-15). 

One slab, AMF133963 (Fig.1B), shows two 
virtually complete leaves aligned probably from a 
common point of attachment. There is some woody 
tissue (? stem) close to the base of the fronds but no 
clear connection. 

Pseudoctenis nymboidensis Holmes and Anderson 

sp. nov. 
Figures 4A; 5A, B; 6A—E; 7A; 8A 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Medium to large variable Pseudoctenis frond; 
pinnae closely spaced, spathulate to broad-elliptic to 
broad-linear, base straight or slightly contracted, apex 
broadly rounded, vein density 12—16/10 mm, once- 
forked proximally or medially. 


Frond medium to large, probably ovate to broad- 
elliptic but as no complete specimens are available 
the total length and shape is unknown, to >300 mm 
long and >200 mm wide, the leafbase is not known; 
at mid-frond the rachis is up to 10 mm wide. Pinnae 
semi-dorsally attached, closely spaced with confluent 
bases; ranging in form from spathulate to elongate- 
elliptic to broad linear, adjacent pinnae often differing 
in width, from 8-20 mm wide and to 105 mm long; 
attached at high angle to rachis, 75°— 90° on lower and 
mid-portions of frond, becoming more acute apically, 
slightly contracted proximal to base, expanding to 
mid-pinna then contracting slightly to broad obtuse 
apex or broad-linear with parallel margins. Veins 
attached straight to rachis or basiscopically decurrent; 
some veins forking close to rachis and occasionally 
medially; vein density across mid lamina 12—16/10 

AMF 133969, Australian Museum, Sydney. 

Type locality 

Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, Middle 

Other material 

AMEF133970, 133971, 133972, 133973, 133974, 
133975, 133976, 133977, 133978, 133979, Coal 
Mine Quarry; AMF133980, 133981, Reserve 


Name derivation 
nymboidensis — from the type locality — 
Nymboida Coal Measures. 


Although complete fronds are not known, 
Pseudoctenis nymboidensis appears to be one of 
the larger of the Nymboida cycadophytes. The 
holotype (Fig. 4A) is of two incomplete fronds lying 
sub-parallel to each and suggesting autocthonous 
preservation of fronds abscissed from a nearby 
parent plant. Pseudoctenis nymboidensis is relatively 
common and the specimens include a continuum of 



intergrading pinna forms ranging in outline from 
spathulate (Fig. 5A) when they are somewhat similar 
to specimens of the Molteno P. spathulata Du Toit 
(Anderson and Anderson 1989, pls 175-178), to 
broad linear with unconstricted bases (Fig. 6C). The 
forms with unconstricted bases and longer pinnae 
(Fig. 8A))are similar in shape to P. longipinnata 
Anderson and Anderson and the much larger P. 
brownii from the Burgersdorp Formation of South 
Africa (Anderson and Anderson 1989) but differ 
by the less dense venation. Large fronds from the 
Ipswich Coal Measures, similar in size and outline 
to the largest of P. nymboidensis specimens, were 
compared with P. brownii (as Nilssonia cf browni Du 
Toit) by Jones and DeJersey (1947). These Ipswich 
leaves differ from P. nymboidensis by the denser 
venation. Pseudoctenis megaspatulata Herbst and 
Troncoso (2000 p. 286) from Chile is a very much 
larger spathulate frond also with denser venation. The 
largest specimens of P. nymboidensis approach in size 
P. grandis (described below) but differ by the finer 
denser venation. Pseudoctenis multilineata (Shirley) 
Herbst and Troncoso 2000 differs by the significantly 
denser venation (see comments under Halleyoctenis 

Pseudoctenis rigbyi Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. 
Figures 9A; 10A 

Selected references 

1917 Pseudoctenis eathiensis, Walkom, p. 19, Pl. 7, 
figs 1,2. 

1965 Pseudoctenis eathiensis, Hill et al., Pl. T7, 
fig 5. 

1975 Pseudoctenis eathiensis, Flint and Gould, P1. 
2, ihe, B 


Small to medium-sized Pseudoctenis frond; 
rachis stout; pinnae well-separated, decurrent, 
elongate elliptic to broad linear, apices acute, adjacent 
pinnae often of irregular width; venation once-forked 
proximally then straight and parallel to apex; vein 
density 16—20/10 mm. 


A small to medium-sized Pseudoctenis frond, 
length >300 mm long, to 160 mm wide, ovate to broad- 
elliptic, rachis stout, to 8 mm wide at base, tapering 
apically. Pinnae well-separated, semi-dorsally 
attached at 90° near base, more closely-spaced in 
mid-frond at c. 75° and more acute apically, slightly 
contracted proximally but base expanded at point 
of attachment, decurrent to occasionally confluent, 


broad-linear to elongate elliptic, in mid-frond c. 
60-80 mm long, adjacent pinnae often of irregular 
width, from 3—8 mm, apices acutely rounded but 
rarely preserved, length to breadth ratio c. 10 to 1 but 
variable due to irregular pinna widths. Veins forking 
once close to base then running straight and parallel 
to apex; vein density in mid-lamina 16—20/10 mm. 

AMF 133982, Australian Museum, Sydney. 

Type Locality 

Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, Middle 

Other material 
AMEF133983, 133984, 133985, 133986, 
UNEF13451, Coal Mine Quarry. 

Name derivation 
rigbyi, for Dr J.F. Rigby, a long-time researcher 
of Australian fossil plants. 


This is an uncommon cycadophyte at Nymboida. 
The fronds display a range of variation in pinna size 
and spacing along the frond rachis. The holotype 
specimen shows three fronds aligned parallel to 
each other (Fig. 9A), which suggests they may have 
abscissed from a nearby parent plant. Pseudoctenis 
rigbyi differs from P prolongata (below) by the 
shorter pinna length to width ratio and to all other 
Nymboida cycadophytes by the broad linear to elliptic 
pinnae with variously contracted bases. Pseudoctenis 
rigbyi is close in vein density and pinna shape to some 
Molteno specimens of P. gracipinnata (Anderson and 
Anderson 1989, pls 159, 160, 168) but is generally 
a very much larger frond. Pseudoctenis longipinnata 
and P. harringtonia from the Molteno Formation 
(Anderson and Anderson 1989) are similar in venation 
density to P rigbyi. Pseudoctenis longipinnata differs 
by the larger frond size and by the longer, closely- 
spaced confluent pinnae; P harringtonia differs by 
the basally uncontracted and shorter pinnae. In gross 
morphology the Nymboida specimens are closely 
similar to fronds referred to Pseudoctenis eathiensis 
(Richards) Seward by Walkom (1917), Hill et al. 
(1965) and Flint and Gould (1975). We believe the 
epithet eathiensis is inappropriate as it is based on 
Jurassic material from Scotland. Specimen UQF158 
from the Esk Beds of Queensland and listed by 
Walkom (1917) under P. eathiensis has preserved 
cuticle and was redescribed by Joshi et al. (2004) as 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


P. pantii. Under the International Code of Botanical 
Nomenclature (2001), P. pantii is a form taxon based 
only on leaves with cuticle preserved. 

Pseudoctenis sanipassiensis Anderson and 
Anderson 1989 
Figures 11A; 12A—C 

1989 Pseudoctenis sanipassiensis, Anderson 
and Anderson p. 289, figs 1, 2. 


At Nymboida, known only from incomplete 
specimens; original length and width not known. 
Rachis to 5 mm wide. Pinnae semi-dorsally attached 
from 60°—90° to the rachis; linear-lanceolate, variable 
in width, from 4-12 mm, length >90 mm, apices 
not known, slightly contracted near the base with 
attachment decurrent to confluent. Veins decurrent on 
rachis, forking once close to the base then running 
straight and parallel to the apex; vein density c. 16/10 

AMF133987, 133988, 133989, 133990, 133991, 
133992, 133993, 133994, 133995, Coal Mine 



Although incomplete, the above material, except 
for the semi-dorsal attachment of the pinnae, agrees 
well with fronds of P. sanipassiensis from the Molteno 
Formation as described and illustrated by Anderson 
and Anderson (1989 pls 185, 186). It differs from 
other Pseudoctenis spp. with similar venation density 
by its longer, narrower pinnae. 

Pseudoctenis prolongata Holmes and Anderson 
sp. nov. 
Figures 13A; 14A—C 


Small to medium Pseudoctenis frond; pinnae 
well-spaced, very narrow elongate elliptic, length to 
width ratio 16—23 to 1; vein density 16—20/10 mm. 


A small to medium-sized frond, broad elliptic to 
> 300 mm long and to 200 mm wide; rachis stout, to 5 
mm wide at base, tapering apically. Pinnae with semi- 
dorsal attachment, well-separated, bases expanded, 
decurrent to barely confluent, attached at high angle 
but becoming slightly acute towards frond apex, very 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

narrow elongate-elliptic, to 100 mm long in mid 
frond, 3—5 mm wide; length to breadth ratio of 16—23 
to 1, apex acutely rounded. Veins decurrent or straight 
from rachis, proximally forking once and then running 
straight and parallel to the acutely-rounded apex; vein 
density in mid-pinna 16—20/10 mm. 

AMF 133996, Australian Museum, Sydney. 

Type locality 

Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, Middle 

Other material 
AMF 133997, 133998, 133999, Coal Mine 
Quarry; AMF134000, 134001, Reserve Quarry. 

Name derivation 
prolongata — Latin, lengthened, referring to the 
extremely elongate-elliptic pinnae. 


Pseudoctenis prolongata differs from all 
described Gondwana cycadophytes by the long narrow 
elliptic pinnae. Pseudoctenis gracipinnata Anderson 
and Anderson (1989 p. 240) is somewhat similar but 
differs by its smaller overall size and shorter pinna 
length to breadth ratio. 

Pseudoctenis nettiana Holmes and Anderson sp. 
Figures 15A—G 


A very small Pseudoctenis frond; pinnae well- 
separated, slightly confluent, linear, width irregular, 
apices obtuse or rarely lobate to lacerate; vein density 
2430/10 mm. 


Frond variable from very small to small, 
lanceolate to broad elliptic, to 100 mm long, c. 40— 
50 mm wide; rachis c. 2 mm wide at base, tapering 
distally. Pinnae semi-dorsally attached at a high 
angle, becoming more acute apically, near frond 
base well-separated, in mid-frond and apically more 
closely spaced, slightly confluent, broad to narrow 
linear, opposite to alternate, adjacent pinnae often of 
irregular width, 1.5—2.5 mm wide, 15—25 mm long, 
apices obtuse but on specimen AMF134003 (Fig. 
15A) slightly lobed or lacerate. Venation fine, forking 
close to the base then running straight and parallel to 
apex; vein density 24—30/10 mm. 



AMEF134003, Australian Museum, Sydney. 

Type locality 

Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, Middle 

Other material 

AMF134002, 134004, 134005, 134006, 134007, 
134008, 134009, Coal Mine Quarry; AMF134010, 
134011, Reserve Quarry. 

Name derivation 

nettiania, for Netta Holmes-Lee, daughter of 
the senior author, who, for many years, assisted on 
family collecting trips. 


The fronds placed in P. nettiana are close to 
the fragmentary type specimen of P. harringtonia 
Bonetti 1968 (Pl. 3, fig 4) and refigured by Anderson 
and Anderson (1989, Pl. 323, fig. 3). The parameters 
of P. harringtonia were expanded by Anderson and 
Anderson (1989) to include leaves from the Molteno 
Formation of South Africa and by Herbst and 
Troncoso (2000) for leaves from Chile. Pseudoctenis 
harringtonia, as defined by those authors differs from 
P. nettiana by the larger size, coarser venation and 
the pinnae tapering to an acute apex. Pterophyllum 
parvum Shirley (1898, Pl. 17, fig. 4), an apical portion 
of a small frond from Queensland, differs from P. 
nettiana by the irregular length and arrangement of 
the pinnae and by the coarser venation. 

Pseudoctenis grandis Holmes and Anderson sp. 
Figures 16A, B 


A large Pseudoctenis frond, length not known, 
>260 mm wide, pinnae long, broad-linear; attached 
semi-dorsally, slightly contracted basally; vein 
density 22—24/10 mm. 


Known from only four incomplete fragments, 
frond length not known, width >260 mm. Pinnae 
closely spaced, broad linear, semi-dorsally attached, 
to >130 mm long but complete pinnae not preserved, 
14-17 mm wide, slightly contracted close to the 
base, apex not known. Veins sometimes forking once 
proximally then running straight and parallel distally; 
vein density 22—24/10 mm. 

AMF 134012, Australian Museum, Sydney. 

Type locality 

Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, Middle 

Other material 
AMEF134013, 134014, 134015, Coal Mine 
Quarry, Nymboida. 

Name derivation 
grandis — Latin, /arge, referring to the apparent 
large frond size. 


This is amongst the largest of known Gondwana 
cycadophyte fronds. Pseudoctenis grandis differs 
from the large leaf P cursanervia (below) by the 
veins being more than twice as fine and dense. 

Pseudoctenis cursanervia Holmes and Anderson 
sp. nov. 
Figures 17A, B 


A large Pseudoctenis frond with broad-linear 
pinnae, almost parallel-sided, closely spaced but 
separate to the base, to >175 mm long; veins very 
coarse, density 10/10 mm. 


Based on the rachis and pinna dimensions of 
the two incomplete specimens with basal and apical 
portions missing; the complete fronds were very 
large; rachis to 10 mm wide. Pinnae broad-linear to 
>175 mm long and 15-20 mm wide, aligned at 90° 
to the rachis with semi-dorsal attachment, separate to 
the base, slightly constricted proximally, basiscopic 
and acroscopic attachment slightly decurrent, apex 
obtuse. Veins attached straight to the rachis or around 
the basiscopic and acroscopic margin following the 
line of the expanded base; some veins forking once 
at or near the pinna base then running straight and 
parallel to the apex; veins coarse, to 0.3 mm in width, 
some veins with two or three longitudinal striations; 
vein density 10/10 mm. 

AMF134016, Australian Museum, Sydney. 

Type locality 
Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, Middle 

Other material 
AMF 134017 Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. 

Name derivation 
cursa — Latin, coarse; — nervia —Latin, vein, 
referring to the coarse venation. 


Pseudoctenis cursanervia and P. grandis 
(described above) differ by their large broad-linear 
pinnae from all described Gondwana cycadophyte 
fronds. Pseudoctenis cursanervia differs from P. 
grandis by the much coarser veins. Pseudoctenis 
megaspathulata Herbst and Troncoso (2000), a very 
large frond from Chile, differs by the spathulate 
pinnae. Pseudoctenis brownii (DuToit 1927) Anderson 
and Anderson is a poorly-known large leaf with veins 
apparently closely spaced and differs from P grandis 
by the moderately contracted pinna bases. 

Pseudoctenis azcaratei (Herbst and Troncoso) 
Holmes and Anderson comb. nov. 
Figures 18A—D; 19A 
2000 Pterophyllum azcaratei Herbst and Troncoso, 
p. 29, figs 2F, 5A, B. 
2000 Pterophyllum azcaratei Troncoso and Herbst, 


No complete fronds from Nymboida have been 
collected; mid-frond fragments are up to 100 mm 
long and to c. 140 mm wide but complete pinnae are 
rarely present. Rachis to 4 mm wide. Pinnae broad- 
linear, semi-dorsally attached at c. 90° but becoming 
inclined apically; adjoining pinnae often irregular in 
width, closely spaced, 2-6 mm wide, to c. 70 mm 
long, margins straight and parallel, lamina is not 
proximally contracted but at point of attachment 
is slightly decurrent or sometimes confluent with 
adjacent pinnae. Veins arise straight from the rachis, 
some forking close to the base or sometimes more 
distally, then running straight and parallel to the apex; 
vein density ranges from 26—28/10 mm. 

AMF 134018, 134019, 134020, 134021, 134022, 
Coal Mine Quarry. 

This Nymboida material is closely similar to 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

fronds described as Pterophyllum azcaratei from the 
La Ternera Formation of Chile (Herbst and Troncoso 
2000). It differs from all other Nymboida taxa by the 
broad linear pinnae with very dense venation. We 
are hesitant in following the Pterophyllum generic 
assignation by Herbst and Troncoso as Pterophyllum 
is essentially a Northern Hemisphere genus and 
based on cuticle morphology is bennettitalean. 
From the studies of Anderson and Anderson on the 
Cycadophyta of the Molteno Formation, it appears 
that most Gondwana cycad genera are probably 
cycadalean. As Pterophyllum azcaratei is closely 
comparable in gross morphology with many other 
Pseudoctenis species we believe it is better placed 
in the latter genus. Future study of specimens with 
well-preserved cuticle will determine the correct 
taxonomic assignment. 

Pseudoctenis sp. cf Pseudoctenis strahanii 
(Johnston) Anderson and Anderson 1989 
Figure 19B 


Frond probably medium-sized; fragment 
preserved 80 mm long, c. 110 mm wide base and apex 
missing; rachis 3 mm wide. Pinnae well-separated, 
dorsally attached at high angle to rachis, 5-7 mm 
wide, to 56 mm long, basiscopic base decurrent, 
margins parallel, apices irregularly cleft into 2—3 
irregular lobes. Basiscopic veins following decurrent 
base, acroscopically departing straight from rachis, 
forking once close to the rachis then running straight 
and parallel into apical lobes. Vein density in mid- 
lamina 18/10 mm. 

AMF134023, Coal Mine Quarry. 


The above description is based on a single 
specimen. It is compared with Pseudoctenis strahanii, 
the only previously described Pseudoctenis with 
deeply cleft and lobed pinna apices. The lectotype 
from Tasmania and illustrated in Anderson and 
Anderson (1989, pl. 323, fig. 4) differs from the 
Nymboida specimen by the pinnae with deeper 
apical clefts and by the less dense venation (12/10 
mm). A single specimen of the assemblage placed in 
P. nettiana (see above) has lobed or lacerated pinna 
apices but differs from P. sp. cf. P. strahanii by the 
much smaller size and more dense venation. 

Pseudoctenis sp. A 
Figures 19C, D 




This form is known from two apical fragments. 
Frond small, probably broad-elliptic, length not 
known, width to c. 60 mm; rachis slender, 1.5 mm 
wide. Pinnae well-separated to the rachis, bases 
slightly expanded, semi-dorsally attached at high 
angle in mid-frond, becoming more acute apically; 
narrow-oblong with truncate apices, pinnae to 40 mm 
long, adjacent pinnae irregular in width, 3—6 mm wide. 
Basiscopic veins decurrent on rachis, others attached 
straight, most forking once then running straight and 
parallel to apex. Venation density 20—26/10 mm. 

AMF134024, 134025, Coal Mine Quarry. 


By the elongate-oblong pinnae Pseudoctenis 
sp. A is similar to P. multilineata (= Pterophyllum 
multilineata of Shirley 1897, fig. 7a and see below) 
but differs by the much smaller size and less dense 

Pseudoctenis sp. B 
Figure 24A 


A Pseudoctenis probably of medium size but 
known from only a single apical fragment. Pinnae well- 
spaced, attached semi-dorsally to rachis, decurrent to 
confluent, at high angle then becoming more acute 
apically on frond; elongate-elliptic, expanding from 
a narrow base to mid-pinna then contracting slightly 
distally, > 60 mm long and to 6 mm wide, apices not 
known. Veins decurrent on rachis then decurving 
and running parallel to margin to apex, forking once 
proximally to medially. Vein density across mid-pinna 
12-14/10 mm. 

AMF 134026, Coal Mine Quarry. 


This is a rare frond form known only from an 
apical fragment. Pseudoctenis sp B differs from all 
other Nymboida cycadophytes by the pinna shape and 
the coarse venation pattern. In outline P. gracipinnata 
of Anderson and Anderson (1989 p. 290. figs 2—4) is 
similar to P. sp B but differs by its larger size and less 
dense venation. 

Genus Moltenia Du Toit 1927 

The genus Moltenia was erected to include 

cycadophyte foliage with pinnae exhibiting variously 
serrate margins and lacerated or lobed pinna apices. 

Type species 
Moltenia dentata Du Toit 1927 

Moltenia sparsispinosa Holmes and Anderson sp. 
Figures 20A; 21A—D 
Medium-sized Moltenia frond; pinnae elliptic 
with margins very sparsely spinulate; apices truncate 
or serrate; vein density c. 12-16 / 10 mm. 


Frond medium-sized although complete fronds 
not preserved; probably broad-elliptic in outline; 
incomplete specimens >185 mm long and to 120 mm 
wide. Rachis ribbed, slender, 3 mm wide basally and 
tapering apically. Pinnae broad-elliptic, to 60 mm long 
and 8-15 mm wide, attached semi-dorsally to rachis 
at a high angle but becoming more acute apically; 
variously contracted proximally, bases confluent, 
apices rarely preserved, cuneate, sometimes serrate; 
margins entire or with rare and widely-separated 
short conical spines. Vein attachment at basiscopic 
base strongly decurrent, midveins straight and 
acroscopic veins decurrent upwards; veins forking 
once in an irregular manner — one pinna may have 
all veins forking close to the rachis while an opposite 
pinna has veins forking away from the rachis, all then 
running sub-parallel to the apex; the outermost vein 
terminates in a spine when present; vein density in 
mid-lamina c. 12—16/10 mm. 

AMF 134028, Australiam Museum, Sydney. 

Type locality 

Coal Mine Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, Middle 

Other material 
AMF 134033 paratype; 134027, 134029, Coal 
Mine Quarry; 134030, Reserve Quarry. 

Name derivation 
sparsus — Latin, few, rare; spinosa — Latin, spiny 


The slab bearing the holotype specimen shows 
three incomplete sub-parallel fronds. Occasional 
pinnae bear rare small conical marginal spines and 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


one pinna (Fig. 21A) shows a lacerate apex. On the 
basis of similar shape and venation, a fragmentary 
specimen without observable preserved spines, 
AMF 134030 (Fig. 21B) is included in this taxon. 
Moltenia sparsispinosa is closest to M. paucidentata 
Anderson and Anderson (1989, p. 350) but differs 
by the relatively fewer spines and by the wider but 
shorter elliptical pinnae. Herbst and Troncoso (2000, 
fig. 4E) illustrated a frond from Chile as Pseudoctenis 
longipinnata that showed a few distinct serrations 
and should perhaps be placed in Moltenia dentata Du 

Genus Crenis Lindley and Hutton 1834 

Type species 
Ctenis falcata Lindley and Hutton 1834. 

The genus Cfenis includes cycadophyte leaves 
characterized by the laterally attached entire pinnae 
with veins more or less parallel, anastomosing and 
meeting the lamina margin (Anderson and Anderson 
1989). It is a rare element in Gondwana Triassic 
floras. Poorly preserved material has been referred to 
Ctenis from Queensland (Jones and DeJersey 1948) 
and from Argentina (Menendez 1951). Anderson 
and Anderson (1989) described two species from the 
Molteno Formation of South Africa. 

Two incomplete fronds and their counterparts, 
described below as Ctenis marniana and Ctenis sp. A, 
were collected at the Reserve Quarry from the same 
horizon of grey siltstone. The pinna shape of each 
specimen and the anastomosing pattern are somewhat 
different but due to their close proximity they may 
possibly be fronds from a single variable species. We 
place them in the genus Cfenis on the basis of their 
clearly preserved anastomosing venation but with 
reservations as the pinnae are semi-dorsally attached 
and the outer veins continue parallel to the lamina 
margin to terminate at the pinna apex. 

Ctenis marniana Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. 
Figures 22A—C; 23A 


A small pinnate elliptic frond; pinnae at midfrond 
broad-elliptic, distally conjoining to form entire apex; 
venation anastomosing; areoles irregular elongate 
rhomboidal, becoming narrower distally; vein density 
across mid-pinna c. 12/10 mm. 


A small pinnate frond, base missing; rachis at 
broken base 2mm wide. Pinnae semi-dorsally attached, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

basally at c. 100°, in mid-frond at 90° and becoming 
slightly acute apically; confluent; succeeding pinnae 
increasing in length from short ovate to elongate- 
oblong or broad-elliptic; pinnae at mid-frond 22 mm 
long, variable in width from 11—15 mm, tapering to 
broad obtuse apices; distally the pinnae conjoin to 
form an entire obtuse Gontriglossa-like apex to the 
frond. Veins attached straight to rachis, forking then 
anastomosing with adjacent veins to form irregular 
elongate rhomboidal areoles from 4-10 mm long 
and 0.6—1 mm wide, becoming shorter and narrower 
towards the pinna apex, outer veins running parallel 
to margin and terminating around the pinna apex; 
vein density across mid-lamina c. 12/10 mm. 

AMF 134031 and counterpart AMF134032, 
Australian Museum, Sydney. 

Type locality 

Reserve Quarry, Nymboida. Basin Creek 
Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, Middle 

Name derivation 

marniana — for Marnie Holmes-Kaner, daughter 
of the senior author, a keen-eyed helper on collecting 


The entire apex of AMF134031 (Fig. 22A) is 
reminiscent of the apices of Triassic Glossopteris- 
like leaves (Holmes 1992) now placed in the genera 
Gontriglossa and Cetiglossa by Anderson and 
Anderson (1989, 2003). Ctenis marniana differs 
from C. sp. A (below) by the shorter rounded pinnae 
and the less dense venation forming irregular and less 
elongate areoles. 

Two species of Ctenis have been recorded from 
the Molteno Formation of South Africa by Anderson 
and Anderson (1989, p. 343). Ctenis biloba differs 
from the Nymboida specimens by the lobed pinna 
apices and denser venation; C. sp. A (of Anderson and 
Anderson 1989) differs by the contracted acroscopic 
pinna bases and is possibly bipinnate. Detached pinna 
fragments occur in the Ipswich Coal Measures of 
Queensland. Crenis sp. / of Jones and DeJersey (1948, 
figs 27, 28) differs from the Nymboida material by the 
acute pinna apices; their C. sp. 2 (Fig. 29) differs by 
the irregular, fewer and more elongate anastomoses. 

Ctenis sp. A 
Figures 23B; 24B, C 




Part and counterpart of a mid-portion 90 mm long 
of a medium-sized frond, rachis 2 mm wide. Pinnae 
well-separated, decurrent, opposite to alternate, 
attached semi-dorsally at c. 80°, constricted slightly 
near the base, lanceolate to 50 mm long, adjacent 
pinnae irregular in width, from 6—12 mm wide, apices 
broad-obtuse. Some veins forking close to the rachis 
then irregularly throughout the lamina to anastomose 
with adjoining veins to form very elongated narrow 
areoles to 20 mm long, 0.5—1 mm in width, becoming 
shorter and narrower close to the pinna apex; outer 
veins running parallel to margin and all veins 
terminating around pinna apex. Vein density across 
mid-lamina c. 14—-16/10 mm. 

AMF134034a and counterpart 134034b, 
Reserve Quarry. 


Ctenis sp. A differs from C. marniana (above) 
by the more elongate pinnae and narrower elongate 
areoles. However both forms occur in a grey siltstone 
from the same horizon, which suggests that they 
may belong to a single species bearing pinnae with 
extremely variable form and venation pattern. 

Order Bennettitales 
Family incertae sedis 

Genus Halleyoctenis Anderson and Anderson 

Type species 
Halleyoctenis megapinnata (Anderson and 
Anderson 1989). 

The genus Halleyoctenis was erected by Anderson 
and Anderson (1989) for cycad leaves distinguished by 
very fine and closely-spaced veins that bifurcate and 
radiate to the lamina margin. The cuticle preserved 
on Molteno specimens of H. megapinnata has non- 
aligned probably haplocheilic stomata that indicate 
an affinity with the Bennettitales. Anderson and 
Anderson selected as the genotype the leaf originally 
described and illustrated by Shirley (1897, fig. 7a) 
from the Ipswich Coal Measures of Queensland as 
Pterophyllum multilineatum,|see also Shirley (1898) 
and Walkom(1917)]. We have examined this specimen 
(correct number QGS161) in the QGS collections in 
Brisbane. The venation, where clearly preserved, is 
not radiating but straight and parallel and terminates 
at the pinna apex. The cuticle is not preserved. We 


also examined the specimens UQF31692, 72854 
and 9922 that were described by Webb (1980) in his 
unpublished thesis and illustrated by Anderson and 
Anderson (1989, p. 328, t. figs 5-8) as Halleyoctenis 
multilineata. Two of these specimens show fine veins 
(38-40/10 mm) running parallel to the apex and 
compare well with Shirley’s original specimen. The 
drawing of UQF31692 in Anderson and Anderson 
(1989, p. 328, t. fig. 8) is not correct and should be 
disregarded. From this evidence we conclude that 
Shirley’s type specimen is not a Halleyoctenis and 
a new type is required for that genus. We therefore 
nominate a new genotype Halleyoctenis megapinnata 
specimen BP/2/1817 as illustrated by Anderson and 
Anderson (1989, p. 329, t. fig. 1 and Pl. 189, figs 1, 
9, 10). 

The material from Chile described in Herbst and 
Troncoso (2000, pp 285-6; fig. 4G) as Pseudoctenis 
multilineata would be best placed in Halleyoctenis 
megapinnata. We agree with Anderson and Anderson 
(1974, Table 3) and Herbst and Troncoso (2000) 
that Pterophyllum multilineatum — based only on 
Shirley’s type specimen — is better placed in the genus 

Halleyoctenis brachypinnata Anderson and 
Anderson 1989 
Figures 25A—C 


1989 Halleyoctenis brachypinnata, Anderson and 
Anderson p. 328, Figs 1-4, Pls 191-194. 

2003 Halleyoctenis brachypinnata, Anderson and 
Anderson pp 344, 345, figs 1-2. 


Part and counterpart of a 95 mm long portion 
of a frond with the base and apex missing. Rachis 3 
mm wide, striated. Pinnae attachment semi-dorsal, 
at c. 90° to rachis. Pinnae well-separated, opposite to 
sub-opposite, short to elongated-oblong, increasing 
in size distally along the rachis, from 12—25 mm 
long and from 6—8 mm wide, base slightly expanded, 
margin entire and apex obtuse. Veins emerging 
straight from rachis, most forking close to base of 
lamina and a few dividing again throughout the 
lamina, radiating slightly and terminating around the 
lamina margin and apex; vein density in mid-lamina 
c. 44/10 mm. 

AMF134035, 134036, Reserve Quarry. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



The material available is the part and counterpart 
of an incomplete specimen showing the lower and 
mid-portion of the frond (Fig. 25A, B). It is placed 
tentatively with H. brachypinnata from the Molteno 
flora, but differs slightly by the more widely-spaced 
pinnae that do not expand distally. It is distinct from 
H. megapinnata by the smaller size and lower length/ 
breadth ratio of the pinnae and from H. symmetrica 
by the oblong pinna shape and uncontracted pinna 
bases. Anderson and Anderson (2003) suggest that H. 
symmetrica may be generically distinct. 


While cycadophyte fronds are infrequent in the 
Nymboida flora they are diverse and are placed in 
fifteen taxa in the cycadalean genera Pseudoctenis, 
Moltenia and Ctenis and one in the bennettitalean 
genus Halleyoctenis. Some forms compare well with 
material from the Molteno Formation of South Africa 
(Pseudoctenis fissa, P. sanipassiensis, Halleyoctenis 
brachypinnata), La Ternera Formation of Chile and 
the Barreal Formation of Argentina (Pseudoctenis 
azcaratei) and the Brady Formation of Tasmania 
(Pseudoctenis sp. cf P. strahanii). Fronds considered 
distinct are described as the eight new species 
Pseudoctenis nymboidensis, P. rigbyi, P. prolongata, 
P. cursanervia, P. grandis, P. nettiana, Moltenia 
Sparsispinosa and Ctenis marniana. Insufficiently 
complete but clearly distinct material is described 
as Pseudoctenis sp. A and P. sp. B and Ctenis sp. A. 
Pterophyllum azcaratei is transferred to Pseudoctenis 
azcaratei and Halleyoctenis megapinnata is 
nominated as a new genotype for Halleyoctenis. It 
is believed that the pinnae on all fronds are semi- 
dorsally attached rather than laterally attached as in 
some earlier descriptions. 


W.B.K.H. was greatly assisted by his family over the 
many years of collecting at the Nymboida quarries. A grant 
from the Betty Mayne Research Fund has contributed to the 
progress of this project. 


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Retallack, G.J., Gould, R.E. and Runnegar, B. (1977). 
Isotopic dating of a middle Triassic megafossil flora 
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Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW 
101, 77-113. 

Rigby, J.F. (1977). New collections of plants from the Esk 
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Seward, A.C. (1903). Fossil floras of Cape Colony. Annals 
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Shirley, J. (1897). Two new species of Pterophyllum. 
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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure. 1. A, B. Pseudoctenis fissa Du Toit. A. AMF133968; B. AMF133963, Coal Mine Quarry. Scale 
bar =1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 1s 


Figure 2. A. Pseudoctenis fissa Du Toit. AMF133962, Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

126 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 3. A-F. Pseudoctenis fissa Du Toit. A. AMF (133966), Reserve Quarry; B. AMF 133960, Coal Mine 
Quarry; C. AMF133965, Coal Mine Quarry; D. AMF133961, Coal Mine Quarry; E. AMF 133967, Reserve 
Quarry; F. AMF133964, Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bars = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 27 


Figure 4. A. Pseudoctenis nymboidensis Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. Holotype AMF 133969, Coal Mine 
Quarry. Scale bar = 5 cm. 

128 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 5. A, B. Pseudoctenis nymboidensis Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. AMF 133972, Coal Mine 
Quarry; B. AMF133981, Reserve Quarry. Scale bars = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Figure 6. A-E. Pseudoctenis nymboidensis Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. AMF133976, Coal Mine 
Quarry; B. AMF126860, Coal Mine Quarry; C. AMF133977, Coal Mine Quarry; D. AMF133980, Reserve 
Quarry. Scale bars = 1 cm. 

30 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 7. A. Pseudoctenis nymboidensis Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. AMF 133973, Reserve 
Quarry. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 Bal 


Figure 8. A. Pseudoctenis nymboidensis Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. AMF 133970, Coal Mine Quarry. 
Scale bar = 5 cm. 

132 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 9. A. Pseudoctenis rigbyi Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. Holotype. AMF 133982, Coal Mine Quarry. 
Scale bar = | cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 133 


Figure 10. A. Pseudoctenis rigbyi Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. AMF 133983, Coal Mine Quarry. Scale 
loeie = Il Gan, 

134 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 11. A. Pseudoctenis sanipassiensis Anderson and Anderson. AMF 133987, Coal Mine 
Quarry. Scale bar = 5 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 135 


Figure 12. A—C. Pseudoctenis sanipassiensis Anderson and Anderson. A. AMF 133989; B. AMF133990; 
C. AMF133994. Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bars = 1 cm. 

136 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 13. A. Pseudoctenis prolongata Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. Holotype. AMF133996, Coal Mine 
Quarry. Scale bar = | cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 37 



Figure 14. A — C. Pseudoctenis prolongata Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. AMF133999, Coal Mine 
Quarry; B. AMF133998, Coal Mine Quarry; C. AMF133400, Reserve Quarry. Scale bars = 1 cm. 

138 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 15. A-G. Pseudoctenis nettiana Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. Holotype. AMF134003, Coal 
Mine Quarry; B. AMF134004, Coal Mine Quarry; C. AMF134005, Coal Mine Quarry; D. AMF134008, 
Coal Mine Quarry; E. AMF134011, Reserve Quarry; F. AMF134002, Coal Mine Quarry; G. AMF134007, 
Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bars = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 139 


Figure 16. A, B. Pseudoctenis grandis Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. Holotype. AMF134012; B. 
AMF 134013. Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bars = 1 cm. 

140 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 17. A, B. Pseudoctenis cursinervia Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. Holotype AMF 134016; B. 
AMF 134017, Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bars = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 141 


Figure 18 A—D. Pseudoctenis azcaratei (Herbst and Troncoso) Holmes and Anderson comb. nov. A. 
AMF 134020; B. AMF134018; C. AMF134022; D. AMF134019. Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bars = 1 cm. 

142 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 19. A. Pseudoctenis azcaratei (Herbst and Troncoso) Holmes and Anderson comb. nov. 
AMF 134021, scale bar = 5 cm.; B. Pseudoctenis sp. cf. Pseudoctenis strahanii (Johnston) Anderson and 
Anderson, AMF 134023, scale bar = 1 cm.; C, D. Pseudoctenis sp. A; C. AMF 134024, scale bar = 1 cm.; 
D. AMF 134025, scale bar = 5 cm. All Coal Mine Quarry. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 143 


Figure 20. A. Moltenia sparsispinosa Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. Holotype. AMF134028, 
Coal Mine Quarry. Scale bar = 5 cm. 

144 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 21. AD. Moltenia sparsispinosa Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A. AMF 134033, paratype, Reserve 
Quarry; B. AMF134030, Reserve Quarry; C. AMF134029, Coal Mine Quarry; D. AMF134027, Coal Mine 

Quarry. Scale bars = 1 cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 145 


Tats, . 
a i ate 

Figure 22. A—C. Ctenis marniana Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. A, B. Holotype AMF 134031; C. 
AMF 134032, counterpart of Holotype, Reserve Quarry. Scale bars = | cm. 

146 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 23. A. Ctenis marniana Holmes and Anderson sp. nov. AMF134032; B. Ctenis sp A. 
AMF 134034. Reserve Quarry. Scale bars = | cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 147 


Figure 24. A. Pseudoctenis sp. B. AMF 134026, Coal Mine Quarry; B, C. Ctenis sp. A. AMF134034, 
Reserve Quarry. Scale bars = | cm. 

148 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 25. A-C. Halleyoctenis brachypinnata Anderson and Anderson. A. AMF 134036; B, C. 
AMF 134035. Reserve Quarry. Scale bars = | cm. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 149 

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UE TD yromEd . 

150 j PONS Rid WAZ be 

Habitat Preferences of Port Jackson Sharks, Heterodontus 
portusjacksoni, in the Coastal Waters of Eastern Australia. 


School of Environmental and Life Sciences, Ourimbah Campus, University of Newcastle, Ourimbah NSW 

2258 ( 

Power, D.M. and Gladstone, W. (2008). Habitat Preferences of Port Jackson Sharks, Heterodontus 
portusjacksoni, in the coastal waters of eastern Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New 
South Wales 129, 151-165. 

The habitat preferences of juvenile and adult Heterodontus portusjacksoni and ovipositing females 
were determined from three locations on the central and southern coast of New South Wales. Adults use 
shallow coastal rocky reefs in July-November for mating and oviposition, whilst juveniles occupy a seagrass 
nursery in a large coastal embayment. The sand/reef interface on the lee side of reefs was preferred by both 
sexes, probably as a refuge against strong water movements. Adult females also preferred rocky gutters 
when available, possibly as a male avoidance strategy. Preferred oviposition sites were narrow, shallow 
crevices (single capsules) or deep, narrow crevices (multiple capsules) which afforded protection against 
mechanical dislocation and/or predation. Juveniles exhibited a strong preference for the seagrass bed edge 
within a shallow nursery area. The visual complexity of this habitat combined with the juvenile’s disruptive 
colouration may provide a refuge from predation, whilst proximity to the seagrass may provide ease of 
access for foraging. At a large scale, juveniles preferred areas of moderate slope within the nursery that 
provided protection from strong water movement. This study highlights the need for quantitative studies 
addressing habitat preferences and a consideration of use-specific factors to fully understand the selection 

of habitat by elasmobranchs. 

Manuscript received 20 October 2007, accepted for publication 6 February 2008. 

KEYWORDS: elasmobranchs, habitat use, habitat preferences, nursery area, oviposition. 


‘Habitat’ is the location or environment in which 
an organism lives and is determined by a complex 
interaction of physical and biotic factors (Sims 
2003). Consequently, the range of habitats utilised by 
elasmobranchs and the factors contributing to their 
selection are many and diverse (Last and Stevens 
1994; Goldman and Anderson 1999; Matern et al. 
2000; Peach 2002). For example, Heithaus et al. 
(2002) found that prey availability was important 
to tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, while bat rays, 
Myliobatis californica, made daily movements 
between areas of different water temperature to 
thermoregulate and influence their metabolic rates 
(Matern et al. 2000). Consequently an understanding 
of habitat requirements is important for management 
and conservation. However, a complete understanding 
of the importance of habitat to a species requires the 
separation of habitat use from habitat preference 
(Carraro and Gladstone 2006). Use relates to the 
habitats in which individuals occur, whilst habitat 

preference is the level of utilisation of the habitat as a 
function of its relative availability. 

Few detailed, quantitative studies ofelasmobranch 
habitat utilization and preferences have been made 
and most have only involved overlaying movement 
data over gross habitat characteristics (Simpfendorfer 
and Heupel 2004). Despite this there is a clearly 
recognized need for a detailed understanding of 
habitat requirements for effective conservation 
and management, such as the selection and design 
of marine protected areas and assessments of the 
potential impacts of habitat degradation. 

Many sharks show ontogenetic differences in 
habitat utilisation (Siindstrom et al. 2001). In most 
cases adult and juvenile populations are separated 
spatially, with juveniles and neonates occupying 
distinct nursery areas associated with decreased 
predation risks (Heupel and Hueter 2002) and 
possibly abundant food (Castro 1993). Juvenile and 
neonate blacktip sharks, Carcharhinus limbatus, in 
Terra Ceia Bay, Florida inhabited a core portion of 
their nursery area to avoid predation but made regular 


a Cabbage Tree Harbour 

Terrigal Haven 





Figure 1: Map of the central and south coast of NSW, Aus- 
tralia showing the location of the study sites. Inset map 

macro- and microhabitat features affecting 
habitat utilisation by H. portusjacksoni at 
adult reproductive grounds, the juvenile 
nursery area and oviposition sites and to 
elucidate any temporal, spatial or sex- 
based patterns. The second goal was to 
determine the habitat preferences of adult 
and juvenile H. portusjacksoni on the basis 
of utilised resting positions. 


Study sites 

Observations on adults occurred at 
Cabbage Tree Harbour, Terrigal Haven 
and Dent Rock on the central and south- 
eastern coast of New South Wales (NSW), 
Australia (Fig. 1). Oviposition sites 
were studied at the latter two locations. 
The juvenile nursery area was located at 
Murray’s Sandline, Jervis Bay, NSW (Fig. 

shows the section of the east Australian coast depicted inthe 1). 

main figure. 

excursions outside that area which were believed to 
be feeding forays (Heupel et al. 2004). 

Adult Heterodontus portusjacksoni are demersal 
sharks that use a range of habitats throughout their life 
cycle (Powter 2006). Adult males and females migrate 
annually in the austral winter-spring (July-November) 
from deep offshore waters to shallow coastal rocky 
reefs for mating, oviposition and feeding. McLaughlin 
and O’Gower (1971) and O’Gower (1995) described 
the physical characteristics of resting sites as highly 
variable, however their studies were not quantitative 
and diel variations were not investigated. Additionally, 
habitat was considered in terms of use alone and did 
not relate habitat utilisation to availability. Similarly 
H. portusjacksoni oviposition areas were only 
described qualitatively (McLaughlin 1969). Viable 
capsules were securely wedged between rocks or in 
rock crevices on shallow rocky reefs in sheltered bays 
in depths from 1 to 20 m and occasionally on sheltered 
areas of some inshore reefs (McLaughlin 1969; Rodda 
2000). However, no quantitative understanding 
exists of habitat preferences affecting the selection 
of oviposition areas by H. portusjacksoni or, in fact, 
for any oviparous elasmobranch. Finally, it remains 
unclear whether juvenile H. portusjacksoni utilise 
distinct nursery areas and, if so, what the specific 
features of these may be. 

The first goal of this study was to determine the 


The three adult sites consisted of 
rocky reefs adjoining barren sand flats, 
with the junction between the two termed 

the interface. All sites were divided into macrohabitat 
zones on the basis of topography, substrate type and 
biotic characteristics. 

Cabbage Tree Harbour (33°16’ S, 151°34’ E) isa 
shallow embayment, with water temperatures ranging 
from 15° C (mean + S.E.; 16.6° C + 0.37; n=7) in July 
to 18°C (16.6° C+ 0.40; n=5) in November during this 
study. The surveyed site extended for 270 m and was 
divided into three macrohabitat zones (west to east): 
(1) the wall zone (3.5—5.4 m deep) was characterised 
by a vertical rock wall with urchin-dominated barren 
boulders (Edgar 2001) and kelp (Ecklonia radiata 
and Phyllospora comosa) habitats at the far eastern 
end; (2) the boulder zone (5.4—6.0 m) was a gently 
sloping boulder field which is largely urchin barrens 
habitat with some E. radiata at the western edge; (3) 
the gutter zone (6.0—8.3 m) had a vertical rock wall 
above a steeply sloping boulder field with five narrow 
rock gutters ranging from 5—15 m long in 6-6.5 m 
depth at the eastern end. 

Terrigal Haven is a shallow rocky reef in a small 
coastal embayment, with water temperatures ranging 
from 15° C (mean + S.E.; 16.7° C + 0.14; n=25) in 
July to 20° C (18.5° C + 0.22; n=19) in November 
during this study. The surveyed reef extended for 
280 m and was divided into three macrohabitat zones 
(east to west): (1) the shallow zone (3.88.5 m) was 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


a steeply sloping boulder reef characterised by urchin 
barrens habitat with sparse E. radiata; (2) the kelp 
zone (8.5—-10.6 m) was similar, however the lower 
third of the reef (adjoining the interface) was covered 
in a dense bed of E. radiata; (3) the barrens zone 
(10.6—12.2 m) sloped gently and was dominated by 
urchin barrens habitat. 

Dent Rock (35°04’ S, 150°41’ E) is located on the 
south coast of NSW, with water temperatures ranging 
from 14° C (mean + S.E.; 14.3° C + 0.25; n=4) in 
July to 20° C (18.3° C + 1.03; n=4) in November 
during this study. It is an elliptically shaped, shallow 
boulder reef surrounded by sand approximately 160 
m offshore within the protected waters of Jervis Bay. 
Covering an area of 1935 m’, the reef was divided 
into four macrohabitat zones: (1) quadrant 1 (5.3-6 
m) sloped steeply and consisted of urchin barrens 
habitat replaced by E. radiata nearer the sand, with 
several low overhangs and sand-bottomed rock 
gutters; (2) quadrant 2 (5.2-5.3 m) sloped gently, with 
E. radiata near the sand and around several sand- 
bottomed gutters and barrens habitat in the upper 
reef; (3) quadrant 3 (5.2-5.5 m) was a gently sloping 
boulder reef with barrens habitat; (4) quadrant 4 (5.5- 
6 m) increased in slope from north to west and was 
mainly urchin barrens habitat with some E. radiata 
near the western edge. 

Murray’s Sandline (35°08’S, 150°46’ E) is located 
within Jervis Bay. The site is a shallow seagrass bed 
located approximately 400 m offshore and within 2 km 
of the bay’s mouth. The seagrass bed contained a mix 
of Zostera capricorni and Halophila ovalis with small 

patches of Posidonia australis. The eastern region of 
the bed extended for approximately 750 m and had 
a continuous cover of seagrass in a depth range of 
11.4-4.2 m (west to east). At the western end the bed 
sloped steeply. The western region was approximately 
750 m in length in depths of 11.4-6 m (east to west). 
Seagrass cover decreased and algae cover increased 
to the west. The sloping seagrass bed in both regions 
was divided into three macrohabitat zones. At the 
base of the bed was a gently sloping, barren sand area 
(hereafter called the sand zone) separated from the 
seagrass bed (the seagrass zone) by the interface zone. 
The interface zone was a | m wide transition between 
seagrass and sand zones comprised of a fragmented 
cover of seagrass. 


Surveys involved underwater visual census 
(UVC) surveys conducted at each location. To 
ensure maximum visual coverage, two experienced 
divers swam parallel to the reef/sand or seagrass/ 
sand interface and approximately 1-2 m above the 
substrate. Only sharks observed resting when first 
sighted were utilised in this study to avoid possible 
bias from sharks in transit between locations. 

Surveys commenced at Terrigal Haven in January 
2002, at Cabbage Tree Harbour in July 2002 and at 
Dent Rock and Murray’s Sandline in December 2002. 
Surveys concluded at all sites in December 2005. 
Terrigal Haven was surveyed twice weekly (one day 
and one night) during the adult onshore reproductive 
period (July to November; n=131 surveys) (hereafter 

Table 1: Microhabitat variables and measurement methods for adult and juvenile resting 
site locations. Variables and measurement methods are identical unless specified as.being for 

adult* or juvenile* resting sites. 

Habitat Variable 

Distance (from interface) 
Depth (m) 

Temperature (°C) 

Reef slope 

Rock Cover (%)° 
Algae/kelp cover (%) 

Sand cover (%) 

Seagrass cover (%)* 

Total vegetation cover (%)* 

Sediment grain size composition* 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Visual estimate (nearest 1 m‘; 1 cm*) 
Dive computer (nearest 10 cm) 

Dive computer (nearest 0.1°C) 
Depth/distance measures 

4m’ visual quadrat 

4m” visual quadrat’; 0.25m?’ photoquadrat* 
4m’ visual quadrat’; 0.25m?* photoquadrat* 
0.25m* photoquadrat 

0.25m? photoquadrat 

Sediment analysis 



called the ‘season’) and at least monthly outside the 
season (n=45). Cabbage Tree Harbour was surveyed 
four times per month (2 day and 2 night) during the 
season (n=57) and monthly at other times (n=15). 
Dent Rock (n=33) and the eastern region of Murray’s 
Sandline (n=29) were surveyed monthly during 
daylight hours. In addition, every three months from 
September 2003 to December 2005, surveys (n=10) 
were conducted over the 1.5 km length of the seagrass 
bed at Murray’s Sandline. 

Habitat Variables 

Habitat usage was assessed at two levels. 
Macrohabitat was the general landscape-scale features 
(macrohabitat zones referred to above) inhabited by 
H. portjacksoni, whilst microhabitat variables (Table 
1) were the finer-scale elements operating at the scale 
of individual sharks (Hall et al. 1997). 

The macrohabitat zone occupied by all resting 
sharks at the time of first sighting was recorded at all 
sites. The total number of resting sharks for which 
habitat data was recorded in each year at Terrigal 
Haven (2002-2005) was 32, 24, 17 and 9; Cabbage 
Tree Harbour (2003-2005) was 26, 21 and 9; Dent 
Rock (2003-2005) was 33, 27 and 26; and, Murray’s 
Sandline (2003-2005) was 169, 105 and 56. 

The microhabitat variables (Table 1) of the 
positions used by resting adult sharks were quantified 
in a 2 x 2 m area (delimited by a quadrat) centred 
on the resting sharks and in haphazardly selected, 
unutilized positions of the same area. Microhabitat 
features were quantified at Terrigal Haven (35 resting 
sharks, 106 unutilised positions), Cabbage Tree 
Harbour (38 resting sharks, 75 unutilised positions), 
and Dent Rock (27 resting sharks, 121 unutilised 
positions). Microhabitat features of the resting 
positions of juvenile sharks (Table 1) in the seagrass 
nursery were determined at haphazardly selected 
(n=90) and utilised resting (n=20) positions spread 
over both regions of the seagrass bed using a 0.25 m? 
digital photographic quadrat (digital camera mounted 
on a preset quadrat frame). The image was analysed 
for percent cover (Table 1) using a one hundred point 
grid method, in which a 10 x 10 square grid was 
superimposed over the photograph and the percentage 
contribution of each feature within each square was 
visually estimated and individually summed (Foster 
et al. 1991). Sediment samples were also taken by 
drawing a 50 mm long by 30 mm diameter plastic 
container across the sediment to a maximum depth 
of 15 mm. The samples were subsequently dried at 
60° C for 48 hr and sorted through a stacked series 
of graded sieves (1 mm, 500 um, 212 um, 63 um, 
<63 um) in a sediment shaker for 10 min. Sample 

fractions were weighed individually. 

Egg capsules were found throughout the sites at 
Terrigal Haven and Dent Rock, however habitat data 
at the oviposition sites was only collected in 2004 
and 2005. Primary oviposition areas were defined as 
concentrated areas (up to 15 m7’) with greater than 10 
egg capsules. The habitat and microhabitat features 
(depth; reef slope; rock size; crevice size; and, crevice 
depth) at the site of each individual egg capsule and 
haphazardly selected, unutilised positions in both 
Oviposition areas and other portions of the sites were 
recorded at Terrigal Haven (14 eggs; 30 unutilised 
positions) and Dent Rock (17 eggs; 40 unutilised 

Data Analysis 

The macrohabitat zone occupied by individual 
resting H. portusjacksoni was recorded during 
each survey. Survey data was pooled by factor (e.g. 
zone, year, sex, diel period) and Likelihood Ratio 
(LR) tests were used to test the null hypothesis for 
each site that there was no significant difference in 
the proportion of resting sharks that utilised each 
macrohabitat zone. Separate LR tests were conducted 
for each year, sex and diel period for adults and for 
each year for juveniles. G-tests were used for pair- 
wise comparisons of significant LR results (Sokal 
and Rohlf 2003). The heterogeneity of egg capsule 
distribution was tested with G-tests by comparing 
the number of viable capsules located in the primary 
Oviposition areas and other locations within each 
site. The viability of capsules was determined on 
the absence of predation or other physical damage 
(Rodda 2000; Powter 2006) or the visible presence of 
an embryo inside the capsule. 

Microhabitat characteristics of individual 
adult and juvenile resting positions and the site 
of oviposited egg capsules were examined using 
Principal Components Analysis (PCA) in PRIMER 5 
(PRIMER-E Ltd, UK). Prior to analyses, draftsman 
plots were utilised to ensure that variables were not 
highly inter-correlated (i.e. R > 0.95) (Clarke and 
Warwick 2001). Proportions were arcsine transformed 
and distances were log, transformed before analysis 
(Sokal and Rohlf 2003). 

The relative availability of each macrohabitat 
type was quantified from scaled underwater maps of 
each site’s terrain (Powter 2006). Habitat preferences 
were determined from resource selection ratios 
(Manly et al. 1993) using the formula w, = o, / p,, 
where w, is the preference score for habitat category 7, 
o, is the proportion of habitats used in category 7 and 
p, is the proportional availability of habitat category 
i, Preference scores were standardised (B,) to sum to 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


1, by dividing each preference score (w,) by the sum 
of the preference scores for all habitat categories. 
The critical value of B (B,,,,) related to the number 
of habitats as follows: B, < (1/number of habitats) 
indicated avoidance and B. > (1/number of habitats) 
indicated preference. 

The null hypothesis that H. portusjacksoni 
selected habitats at random at each study site was 
tested using the y test with (n-1) degrees of freedom 
(Manly et al. 1993): 

= 23) in( Ze ) 

and pair-wise tests of habitat selection ratios were 
conducted to determine any significant differences (H, 
awl) using the y’ test with 1 degree of freedom: 

Dyas (#, a w,F 

4 var, — W,) 


peer teil 2))) Pom wei =e;) 
RMR END py Op? 

where, uw, is the number of sharks in habitat 7; U is the 
total number of observations of sharks; o., 0, is the 
proportion of habitats used in category 7 or /; and, p., 
P, is the proportional availability of habitat category 
i or j. 


Adult Macrohabitat Utilisation 
The macrohabitat zone utilised by resting sharks 

Table 2: Likelihood Ratio test (LR) results of macrohabitat zone utilisation for 
resting adult H. portusjacksoni at Terrigal Haven, Cabbage Tree Harbour and 

Dent Rock by year and sex. 

differed significantly at Terrigal Haven from 2003 to 
2005 (Table 2). In 2002, the greatest proportion of 
sharks was located in the shallow zone, however this 
proportion declined from 2003 to 2005, with a shift to 
the barrens zone (Fig. 2a). There was no evidence of 
differential use of macrohabitat zones by males and 
females at Terrigal Haven (Table 2). 

At Cabbage Tree Harbour there was no significant 
difference in the use of macrohabitat zones across 
survey years or by sex (Table 2, Fig. 2b). There were 
significant differences in the use of macrohabitat 
zones at Dent Rock across the survey years, but not 
across sexes (Table 2, Fig. 2c). In 2003, there was a 
greater proportion of resting sharks in quadrant 2 and 
the lowest relative proportion of sharks in quadrant 3 
(Fig. 2c). The proportion of sharks in quadrant 1 in 
2003 was also less than in 2005. 

Diel utilisation of macrohabitat zones at Terrigal 
Haven differed only in 2004 (Table 3, Fig. 3a). In 
2004 there were significantly more resting sharks 
in the shallow zone at night than during the day (G- 
test, d.f=1, P=0.02). Diel utilisation of macrohabitat 
zones at Cabbage Tree Harbour differed only in 
2005 (Table 3, Fig. 3b). However, only one resting 
H. portusjacksoni was recorded at night at Cabbage 
Tree Harbour in that year. Nocturnal surveys were not 
conducted at Dent Rock. 

Adult Microhabitat Utilisation 

The PCI axis of the Principal Components 
Analysis (PCA) biplot for Terrigal Haven represents a 
gradient of decreasing cover of sand (left to right) and 
indicates selection of resting positions with moderate 
sand cover (55.6 + 3.29%; mean + SE) (Table 4, Fig. 
4a). The PC2 axis represents a gradient of increasing 
reef slope (bottom to top) and indicates selection of 
resting positions of low to moderate reef slope. The 
tight clustering of resting positions compared to 
the unutilised positions, suggests sharks were very 
selective in their choice of resting position. 

The PC1 axis of 
the PCA biplot for 
Cabbage Tree Harbour 
represents a gradient 
of decreasing cover of 
rock (left to right) and 

Terrigal Haven Cabbage Tree Dent Rock indicates selection of 

Harbour resting positions with 

Comparison wR P LR P LR P moderate to high rock 
cover (87.0 + 4.50%) 

Zone x Year Diets L002 yin 2 0.379 14.94 0.021 (Table 4, Fig. 4b). The 
PC2 axis represents a 

Zone x Sex 3.88 0.143 0.39 0.820 6.17 0.104 gradient of decreasing 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

kelp cover (bottom to 




2002 2003 2004 2005 


100 - 

ee 124 


oO 25 4 


100 5 

73 + 


2003 2004 2005 

Figure 2: Percentage of resting adult H. portusjacksoni by year and macrohabitat zone at (a) Terrigal 
Haven (black bars = shallow; grey bars = kelp; white bars = barrens), (b) Cabbage Tree Harbour (black 
bars = wall; grey bars = boulder; white bars = gutter) and (c) Dent Rock (black bars = quadrant one; 
grey bars = quadrant two; white bars = quadrant three; stippled bars = quadrant four). 

top) and indicates selected resting positions had low 
to moderate kelp cover (5.6 + 2.04%). The PCA biplot 
for Dent Rock (Fig. 4c) displays a similar pattern to 
Cabbage Tree Harbour, with resting positions having 
moderate to high rock cover (48.0 + 5.09%) and low 
to moderate kelp cover (16.5 + 3.02%). 

Adult Habitat Preferences 

Although the interface accounted for only 5% 
of the available habitat at Terrigal Haven, resting 
adult H. portusjacksoni exhibited a highly significant 
preference for this habitat (Table 5). This pattern 
was consistent across all years and both sexes. The 
sand and kelp habitats were avoided in all years (all 

Table 3: Likelihood Ratio test (LR) results for the number of resting adult H. portusjacksoni 
by diel period and macrohabitat zone at Terrigal Haven (TH) and Cabbage Tree Harbour 

(CTH) by year. *P>0.05; * P<0.05; ** P<0.01 

2002 2003 
Site Zone % Day LR % Day 
TH Shallow 35.0 339 
Kelp 20.0 2.84 66.7 
Barrens 66.7 46.7 
CTH Wall 50.0 
Boulder 0.0 
Gutter 86.4 

2004 2005 

LR %Day LR %Day LR 
0 0 

0.92" 100 DOs 0 0.87" 
66.7 37.5 
100.0 100.0 

1.33" 0.0 0.69" 0.0 6.28" 
70.0 100.0 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


100 = 
o o B 
o 75 o ft 
= a rs : 
o 1 ® cs 
oO j oO 2 
5 254 5 
a : cl i 
0 = =a * 
Day Day Night} Day Night | Day Night | 
| | 
Shallow Kelp Barren Gutters | Boulder Wall | 
Macrohabitat zone and diel period Macrohabitat zone and diel period 

Figure 3: Diel distribution of resting adult H. portusjacksoni by year and zone at (a) Terrigal Haven and 
(b) Cabbage Tree Harbour for 2002 (black bars), 2003 (grey bars), 2004 (white bars) and 2005 (stippled 


PC 2 

26 -20 -16 -10 05 0 O05 10 15 20 26 30 
PC 1 

PC 2 


Figure 4: PCA biplots of microhabitat variables utilised by resting H. portusjacksoni (closed circles) and 
random unutilised locations (open diamonds) for adults at (a) Terrigal Haven (PC1, sand cover; PC2, 
reef slope), (b) Cabbage Tree Harbour (PC1, rock cover; PC2, kelp cover) and (c) Dent Rock (PC1, rock 
cover; PC2, kelp cover) and juveniles at (d) Murray’s Sandline (PC1, 500 um sediment fraction; PC2, 

seagrass cover). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 ley) 


Table 4: PCA results for microhabitat variables utilised by resting adult H. portusjacksoni at 
Terrigal Haven, Cabbage Tree Harbour and Dent Rock and juveniles at Murray’s Sandline. 
The variables with the highest eigenvalues for each axis are shown. 

Site PC Variable 
1 Sand Cover 
Bacon 2D Reef Slope 
3 Kelp Cover 
Cabbage 1 Rock Cover 
ee 2 Kelp Cover 
sap roue 3 Reef Slope 

1 Rock Cover 
Dent Rock 2 
3 Reef Slope 

Kelp Cover 

1 500 um Sediment 

Sandline 2 Seagrass Cover 

3 Reef Slope 

At Cabbage Tree Harbour the gutter habitat was 
significantly preferred by resting adult female H. 
portusjacksoni in all years (Table 5). Resting males 
generally exhibited a preference for the interface 
habitat with the exception of 2003. However, the 
number of resting males at Cabbage Tree Harbour 
was very low, with only seven observed during the 
three study years. No resting individuals of either sex 
were ever observed in the sand or kelp habitats. 

At Dent Rock adult female H. portusjacksoni 
generally preferred resting in the gutter habitat, whilst 
males mainly preferred the interface habitat (Table 5). 
However, there were some variations to this pattern. 
Although there was a moderate preference for the 
gutter habitat (6=0.32) by resting males in 2005, 
there was a significantly greater preference for the 
interface habitat (B=0.68; y’-test, d.f.=3, P<0.001). 
In 2004 and 2005, the preferred resting habitat for 
adult female H. portusjacksoni was the gutter habitat. 
In both years this habitat was significantly preferred 
over the remaining four habitat types. However, in 
2003 female habitat preferences were approximately 
equally shared between the interface (B =0.51) and the 


Pigenvccion Variation Cumulative 
(%) Variation (%) 
-0.603 39.8 39.8 
0.630 32.2 72.0 
-0.776 20.5 QDS 
-0.613 45.0 45.0 
-0.713 28.8 73.8 
-0.762 16.3 90.1 
-0.623 46.6 46.6 
-0.860 24.6 TAD 
0.984 20.3 91.4 
-0.468 33.6 33.6 
0.211 27.6 61.2 
0.623 . 13.7 74.9 

gutter (B=0.49) habitats and were not significantly 
different (7’-test, d.f=3, P=0.60). A small preference 
for the interface habitat was also exhibited by females 
in 2005 (B=0.23), but the preference for the gutter 
habitat was significantly greater (B—0.77; ’-test, 
d.f=3, P<0.001). 

Juvenile Macrohabitat Utilisation 

Overall there was no significant difference in 
the proportion of resting juvenile H. portusjacksoni 
located in the east or west macrohabitat zones 
(ANOVA, d.f=1,52, P=0.23), however, this was 
due to a reversal in proportions observed in 2005 
when 65.2% of resting juveniles occurred in the 
western zone. In the years 2003 and 2004 there 
were significantly more juveniles observed resting 
in the east (85.6% and 85.4%, respectively) than the 
west macrohabitat zone (f-test, df=1, P<<0.01). 
During these years, there was approximately 6 
times the number of resting juveniles in the east 
macrohabitat zone than the west. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Table 5: Macrohabitat type and proportional availability (p,) with preferred habitat type (*) and 
standardised preference scores (B,) by year and sex at Terrigal Haven, Cabbage Tree Bay, Dent 

Rock and Murray’s Sandline. B, > * (site B 

Availability Preferences 
Habitat ——p. 2002 2003 2004 2005 
Sex Habitat* B. Habitat* 8B. Habitat? 2B.  MHabitat* B, 
Barren 0.34 Male Interface 0.95 Interface 0.94 Interface 0.87 Interface 1.00 
Interface 0.05 Female Interface 0.96 Interface 0.92 Interface 0.89 Interface 0.84 
Kelp 0.19 Combined Interface 0.96 Interface 0.93 Interface 0.89 Interface 0.93 
Sand 0.42 
Cabbage Tree Harbour (* 0.2) 
Barren 0.41 Male Gutter 0.64 Interface 1.00 Interface 1.00 
Gutter 0.01 Interface 0.34 
Interface 0.05 Female Gutter 0.98 Gutter 0.99 Gutter 0.93 
Kelp 0.08 Combined Gutter 0.95 Gutter 0.98 Gutter 0.87 
Sand 0.45 
Dent Rock (* 0.2) 

Barren 0.38 Male Interface 0.86 Gutter 0.57 Interface 0.68 
Gutter 0.06 Interface 0.35 Gutter 0.32 
Interface 0.05 Female Interface 0.51 Gutter 0.78 Gutter Ons, 
Kelp 0.12 Gutter 0.49 Interface 0.23 
Sand 0.39 Combined Interface 0.58 Gutter 0.57 Gutter 0.57 

Gutter 0.42 Interface 0.32 Interface 0.43 

Murray’s Sandline (* 0.33) 
Interface 0.10 Male Interface 0.95 Interface 0.91 Interface 0.93 
Sand 0.45 Female Interface 0.95 Interface 0.95 Interface 0.94 
Seagrass 0.45 Combined Interface 0.95 Interface 0.94 Interface 0.94 
DSIOILUG WIG AC ICE UMTS nts broadly spread unutilised locations, suggesting 

The PC1 axis of the PCA biplot represents 
a gradient of decreasing percentage of the 500 
um sediment fraction (left to right) and indicates 
that juveniles utilised resting positions with a low 
percentage of this sediment fraction (3.2 + 0.22%; 
mean + SE) (Table 4, Fig. 4d). The PC2 axis represents 
a gradient of increasing seagrass cover (bottom to 
top) and indicates selection of resting positions with 
moderate seagrass cover (38.0 + 4.92%). The shark 
resting locations are relatively tightly clustered in 
respect of the two PC axes in comparison to the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

juveniles were very selective in the choice of resting 

value) indicates a significant preference. 


Juvenile Habitat Preferences 

Resting juveniles exhibited a very strong preference 
for the interface habitat (Table 5). This preference 
was demonstrated by both sexes and in all years. 
Although the B, values for the seagrass habitat were 
small (female: 0.05 + 0.003; male: 0.07 + 0.013; mean 
+ SE), the preference scores were significantly 



Table 6: Principal Components Analysis results for key oviposition mi- 
crohabitat variables at Terrigal Haven and Dent Rock. Variables with 

The same primary oviposition 
area at each site was used in 

the highest eigenvalue shown for each axis. both years. 
The PC1 axis of the PCA 
am ; biplot for Terrigal Haven 
Site PC Vintalblls Eigen- Variation Cumulative represents a gradient of 
vector (%) Percentage decreasing reef slope (left to 
1 Reef Slope 0.557 47.4 Ajay Mehl) ail uncicaies diet A 
Terrigal portusjacksoni placed their 
Haven Rock Size 0.795 DBD 70.6 eggs in a steeply sloping 
3. Crevice Depth 0.624 14.2 84.7 portion of the reef (25-30°) 
@able vos Fics >) 5 thesee2 
axis represents a gradient of 
1 Crevice Depth -0.589 332) 33.9 increasing rock size (bottom 
Deut Crevice Width 0.713 25.5 Oy ae OLD unc ean Ueuisoleciee 
Rock Oviposition sites were in an 

3 Rock Size 0.850 ipa 76.5 

higher than the sand habitat for both sexes in all 

Oviposition Site Habitat Characteristics 

Viable egg capsules were not uniformly 
distributed across the reef. Significantly more 
viable egg capsules occurred in the single primary 
oviposition area at both Terrigal Haven and Dent 
Rock in 2004 (G-tests, df=1, P=0.02; df=1, P=0.02, 
respectively) and 2005 (G-tests, df=1, P<0.001; df1, 
P=0.03, respectively) than elsewhere on these reefs. 


area with small rocks (51.6 + 
5.23 cm; mean + SE). At Dent 
Rock, the PC1 axis represents a 
gradient of decreasing crevice 
depth (left to right) and indicates that oviposition 
sites with moderate crevice depth (42.2 + 7.40 cm) 
were utilised. The PC2 axis represents a gradient of 
increasing crevice width (bottom to top) showing 
that utilised oviposition sites had moderate to narrow 
crevices (13.2 + 1.11 cm). The utilised oviposition 
locations are relatively tightly clustered in respect 
of the two PC axes at both Terrigal Haven and Dent 
Rock in comparison to the broadly spread unutilised 
locations, suggesting high selectivity in the choice of 
oviposition locations. 

PC 2 

“30 -25 -20 -15 -10 05 0 

OS 10 15 20 25 

Figure 5: Principal Components Analysis plots of microhabitat variables at positions with egg capsules 
(closed circles) and random positions without egg capsules (open diamonds) at (a) Terrigal Haven (PC1, 
reef slope; PC2, rock size) and (b) Dent Rock (PC1, crevice depth; PC2, crevice width). 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Table 7: Macrohabitat type, proportional availability (p,) and 
standardised preference scores (B,) for oviposition sites at Terrigal 
Haven and Dent Rock for all years combined. * indicates preferred 

edges. Nelson and Johnson (1970) 
and Strong (1989) reported that 
adult Heterodontus francisci were 

habitat (Terrigal Haven B, > 0.33; Dent Rock B, > 0.25). 

mainly found sheltering in caves 
and overhangs during the day to 
avoid exposure to strong sunlight. 

Terrigal Haven Dent Rock It is unlikely that this is a factor 

Z for adult H. portusjacksoni at 
ai Pa Dies el ctor izle P; &, Terrigal Haven as the east-west 
Shallow* 0.357 0.522 Quadrant | 0.126 0.200 running interface is exposed to 
Kel 0.304 0.156 AED 0.385 0.010 unobstructed sunlight throughout 
ie ee the day. Additionally, there was 
Barrens 0.339 0.322 Quadrant 3 0.371 0 no diel variation in the use of, 
Quadrant 4* 0.118 0.791 or preference for, this habitat. A 

At Terrigal Haven, the shallow macrohabitat 
zone was significantly preferred as an oviposition site 
(Table 7). The barrens zone was marginally below the 
Beir level of habitat preference (0.33), but was still 
significantly selected over the kelp zone. Quadrant 4 
macrohabitat zone at Dent Rock was the significantly 
preferred oviposition habitat (Table 7). Quadrant 1 
was marginally below the B,,,, level of preference 
(0.25), but was significantly selected over quadrants 
2 and 3. 


To obtain a sufficiently detailed understanding 
of habitat requirements for use in conservation and 
management, habitat studies must address two key 
issues: a determination of how sharks distribute 
themselves among the available habitats and an 
understanding of the reasons for these choices and 
selections (Sims 2003). This study addressed the 
issue of distribution across habitats at geographically 
separate locations and explored the second issue in 
relation to the resting habitat of H. portusjacksoni. 
Despite differences in UVC frequency at adult sites, 
surveys were conducted over several years, across the 
entire breeding season, at different times of day and 
across a range of weather conditions to ensure that 
observations were representative. 

Adult Habitat Utilisation and Preferences 

The interface habitat was strongly preferred 
at Terrigal Haven by resting A. portusjacksoni. 
McLaughlin (1969) found that 88% of all adult H. 
portusjacksoni in captive studies rested within 1.2 m 
of the pool sides and suggested that this may have 
been to maximise the sunlight shading effects of the 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

more plausible explanation for the 

preference for the interface habitat 

is related to the avoidance of 
strong water movement. The Terrigal Haven site was 
located on the leeward side of the reef and is afforded 
significant protection from all but large seas (personal 
observations). Resting positions were concentrated 
into two small patches in the shallow zone, 
corresponding to the most steeply sloping portion of 
the reef, and barrens zone, which is the deepest area. 
It is likely that by resting close to the reef interface, 
H. portusjacksoni are minimising their exposure to 
water movement by using the reef as a form of flow 
refuge (Webb 1989). Similarly, resting adult sharks 
at Dent Rock were mainly encountered on the reef’s 
more sheltered southern side in quadrants | and 2. 

Heterodontus francisci are known to migrate 
to deeper water during the more storm-prone winter 
months around California and shark numbers were 
reduced during surveys following high seas (Strong 
1989). Similarly, Farina and Ojeda (1993) suggest that 
redspotted catsharks, Schroederichthyes chilensis, 
migrate into deeper water during winter to avoid 
strong water movement and turbulence. Epaulette 
sharks, Hemiscyllium ocellatum, on shallow reef flats 
were often observed underneath or directly behind 
coral heads, which may be used as ‘flow refuges’ 
from currents (Peach 2002). 

The presence of numerous rock and rock/ 
sand gutters at Dent Rock represents a significant 
difference between Dent Rock and Terrigal Haven, 
as does the sex-based variation in habitat use at the 
former site. Males at Dent Rock were significantly 
more likely to prefer resting positions at the interface 
than in the gutters, whilst females exhibited a strong 
preference for the gutters. Sims et al. (2001) reported 
that female dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula, were often 
found in female-only aggregations in refuge habitats 
to decrease their accessibility by males and reduce the 
energetically demanding activity of mating. This male 



avoidance strategy is likely to be a significant factor 
in the utilisation of gutters by females at Dent Rock. 
The gutters are narrow and provide limited access 
from the sides and are often occupied by groups of 
females in close contact with each other. Sims et al. 
(2001) found that male S. canicula frequented the 
entry/exit points of the female refuges at times when 
females were more likely to be coming or going. At 
Dent Rock, male H. portusjacksoni were more likely 
to occupy resting positions outside, but adjacent to, 
the gutters, presumably to be near females if mating 
opportunities arose. On a number of occasions a 
single male H. portusjacksoni was observed resting 
several metres from the interface where a group of 
females were resting in close proximity to each other. 
Although the females were in a mixed orientation to 
each other, the male was always perpendicular to, and 
facing, the females. 

Habitat preferences of resting H. portusjacksoni 
at Cabbage Tree Harbour conform to both the water 
movement and male avoidance strategies. The reef 
face is completely exposed to the prevailing seas 
and is often significantly affected by strong swell 
and surge (personal observations). As expected by 
the water movement avoidance strategy, the number 
of adult H. portusjacksoni resting at the interface at 
Cabbage Tree Harbour was low. Females exhibited 
a highly significant preference for the rock gutters in 
the deeper, eastern end of the reef and avoided the 
remaining habitats. The strong preference exhibited 
by females for the gutters at Cabbage Tree Harbour 
also supports the male avoidance strategy, with 
over 90% of resting females located in the gutters. 
On the contrary, only one male H. portusjacksoni 
was observed resting in the gutters during the three 
survey years, whilst 50% (n=14) of all males sighted 
at Cabbage Tree Harbour were actively swimming in 
the gutter zone. 

Juvenile Habitat Utilisation and Preferences 

The habitat utilised by juvenile H. portusjacksoni 
is totally distinct from that of the adults. Despite 
three to four years surveying adult habitats at Terrigal 
Haven, Cabbage Tree Harbour and Dent Rock, 
juvenile sharks were never observed at these sites. 
Instead juvenile sharks were located in a shallow 
seagrass bed at Murray’s Sandline geographically 
isolated from the rocky reefs typically utilised by the 
adults. Such spatial separation of adults and juveniles 
is common to many elasmobranchs (Merson and 
Pratt 2001; Pratt and Carrier 2001; Carlson 2002). 
Fulfilling the three criteria specified by Heupel et 
al. (2007), this site can be considered a nursery area 
for H. portusjacksoni. Juveniles were encountered 


here regularly, but not at other sites used by adults; 
they spend extended periods of time at the site; and, 
exhibit strong site fidelity for the site over several 
years (Powter 2006). 

Juvenile H. portusjacksoni made significantly 
greater use of the eastern portion of the seagrass 
bed. The eastern portion accounted for 50% of the 
total surveyed area, however, 81.7% of sharks were 
located within the eastern portion of the seagrass 
bed. Although this pattern was consistent in 2003 
and 2004, it was reversed in 2005. The exact reason 
for this shift is unclear, but may be related to an 
avoidance of strong water movement. During a survey 
of the entire seagrass bed in March 2004 a lower than 
expected number of juvenile H. portusjacksoni was 
located (Powter 2006). All of the juveniles located 
in the eastern portion of the bed during this survey 
were in the easternmost two-thirds of the bed and 
closer to Bowen Island than previous surveys. Whilst 
surveying the midwestern zone, a 100 m section of 
the seagrass bed was missing after being washed 
away in heavy seas several weeks previously. An 
identical observation was made in December 2005 
where an extensive area further east of the previous 
section had been washed away. Again the number of 
juvenile H. portusjacksoni was significantly lower 
than expected. 

Murray’s Sandline is afforded some protection 
from the prevailing seas by the southern headland of 
Jervis Bay (Bherwerre Peninsula) and Bowen Island. 
However, the western portion of the bed is less 
protected due to its alignment with the gap between 
Bowen Island and Bherwerre Peninsula. Hence 
the reduction in juvenile numbers after these storm 
events indicates that juveniles, like the adults, may 
adopt a strategy of avoiding strong water movements. 
Further support for this notion is the significant 
role sediment grain size and bed slope plays in the 
selection of resting sites. Bed slope, greatest in the lee 
of Bowen Island, is likely to impact on the intensity 
of water movement, with the juveniles occupying 
resting positions at the base of the steepest sloping 
portion of the eastern seagrass bed, which they may 
use as flow refuges to assist in station holding (Webb 
1989). The reduced proportion of the 500um grain 
size fraction at juvenile resting sites was also likely 
to be related to gross water movement, as seagrass 
is known to influence both the velocity and direction 
of moving water. Low stem densities can lead to 
substrate erosion, whilst higher densities can facilitate 
the settling out of suspended particles (Edgar 2001). 

Although many studies have defined nursery 
areas and their importance to elasmobranchs, few 
have addressed the issue of habitat preference 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


(Simpfendorfer and Heupel 2004). Both within and 
between years and seasons, there was no difference in 
the strong preference resting juveniles exhibited for 
the interface habitat, where they rested on the sand 
substratum in close proximity to the seagrass bed. This 
narrow strip connecting the sand flat to the seagrass 
bed comprised only 10% of the surveyed area, but 
accounted for 83.3% of all juvenile H. portusjacksoni. 
Strong (1989) observed a similar pattern in juvenile H. 
francisci which exhibited a strong preference for sand 
substratum and often sheltered near scattered algae, 
debris or other topographic features. Habitat edges 
and ecotones have been shown to be important to a 
diverse array of organisms for a wide range of reasons 
(Meffe and Carroll 1997). However, a possible benefit 
of the interface habitat to juvenile H. portusjacksoni 
relates to the visual complexity of this region and 
the juvenile’s disruptive colouration. Motionless 
juveniles at the interface were often difficult to detect 
and blended well with their surroundings (personal 
observations). The preference may also arise from 
a resolution of the conflict between a habitat being 
too complex for effective foraging and one not 
providing sufficient refuge (Adams et al. 2004). The 
diet of juvenile H. portusjacksoni is dominated by 
benthic invertebrates, such as decapod crustaceans 
and echiurans (Powter 2006) and the seagrass bed 
is likely to provide a suitable source of these prey 
items (Edgar 2001). During UVC surveys juveniles 
were observed on at least four occasions foraging in 
the substrate of the seagrass bed or on the epiphytic 
organisms on the seagrass blades. However, juveniles 
avoided swimming amongst the closely spaced 
seagrass blades and were infrequently found resting 
amongst them. Accordingly, the interface habitat 
may provide an appropriate balance of adequate 
refuge with reasonable proximity to prey and ease of 
access to foraging, but at a decreased likelihood of 
impediments to free movement. 

Oviposition Habitat Utilisation and Preferences 
As an oviparous species, H. portusjacksoni 
deposits its egg capsules in rock crevices in the same 
shallow rocky reefs where adults are found resting 
(McLaughlin and O’Gower 1971). The choice of 
suitable habitat for oviposition is critical as the 
developing embryo spends 9-12 months within the 
capsule prior to eclosion (Rodda 2000). Oviposition 
occurred selectively within primary oviposition areas 
at Terrigal Haven and Dent Rock over at least two 
consecutive seasons, but there was no evidence of 
this activity at Cabbage Tree Harbour. Significant 
differences existed between Dent Rock and Cabbage 
Tree Harbour in terms of crevice width and depth, but 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

no such differences existed between Terrigal Haven 
and Cabbage Tree Harbour (Powter 2006). However, 
the oviposition areas at Terrigal Haven (southern 
reef face) and Dent Rock (west-north-west reef face) 
were both located on the reef face less exposed to 
prevailing seas and on a downward sloping reef face 
behind a raised reef crest, whilst the reef at Cabbage 
Tree Harbour faced north and was significantly more 
exposed. Despite these similarities, the selected 
Oviposition sites at the two locations did vary. The 
mean crevice width and depth at Dent Rock were 
significantly greater than at Terrigal Haven (Powter 
2006) and the method of securing capsules was 
influenced by this. At Terrigal Haven capsules were 
predominantly located singly tightly wedged into 
crevices between rocks, with a maximum of two 
capsules observed in the same crevice. Hence, the 
narrower and shallower crevices at Terrigal Haven 
were suitable for securing individual egg capsules. 
Offering less opportunity to secure capsules in this 
way, the deeper, wider crevices at Dent Rock often 
contained multiple capsules laying relatively loose in 
the bottom of deep, narrow crevices, with a maximum 
of 18 capsules in the same crevice. Both of these 
methods served to hinder mechanical dislocation, but 
also offered protection from larger predators (Powter 
2006). Additionally, both crevice types appeared to 
be equally effective at protecting egg capsules as 
demonstrated by the similar levels of embryonic 
mortality occurring at Terrigal Haven and Dent Rock 
(Powter 2006). 

Hence, areas sheltered from the prevailing seas 
and with suitable crevices to prevent mechanical 
dislocation and predation appear to be a primary 
requirement for oviposition areas. However, suitable 
oviposition habitat could also be influenced by 
water temperature, which Rodda (2000) found had 
a significant effect on the early stages of embryonic 
development of H. portusjacksoni in laboratory 
experiments. The lower thermal limit fell between 
15° and 18°C, whilst the upper thermal limit was 
approximately 22° C. Consequently the location 
of oviposition areas in shallow water may assist in 
optimal temperature regulation. Additionally, water 
temperature was found to be negatively correlated 
with adult H. portusjacksoni numbers at Terrigal 
Haven and Dent Rock, but not at Cabbage Tree 
Harbour (Powter 2006). McLaughlin and O’Gower 
(1971) also reported an inverse relationship between 
water temperature and H. portusjacksoni numbers, 
but did not offer an explanation for this relationship. 
The most likely reason is the narrow temperature 
tolerance of developing H. portusjacksoni embryos. 
Congregating on shallow coastal reefs for reproductive 



purposes (Powter 2006) it is likely that adult numbers 
at oviposition reefs, such as Terrigal Haven and Dent 
Rock, are related to temperatures within the optimal 
range for their developing offspring. The lack of 
both reproductive activity at Cabbage Tree Harbour 
and a relationship between shark numbers and water 
temperature is also consistent with this finding. 

A significant preference for the two primary 
oviposition areas at Terrigal Haven and Dent Rock 
occurred over two consecutive seasons. Although 
repeated, or ‘traditional’, use over a number of 
breeding seasons by individual females could not 
be demonstrated, the high site fidelity exhibited by 
mature females at the reefs (Powter 2006) and the 
‘traditional reuse’ of the oviposition sites suggests 
that females have strong philopatric links to the 
oviposition areas. Female H. portusjacksoni have 
a long reproductive life and ‘experienced’ females 
could reuse the same primary oviposition areas in 
subsequent years or dominant females may utilise the 
primary oviposition areas and subordinate females use 
other locations within the reef. Nonetheless this is the 
first quantitative determination of the use of traditional 
oviposition sites by an oviparous elasmobranch. 


We wish to thank Australian Geographic and Project 
AWARE (PADI Asia Pacific) for their invaluable financial 
assistance. All work was conducted under University of 
Newcastle Ethics Approval 804 0602, NSW Fisheries 
Scientific Collection Permit P02/0042 and Environment 
Australia Research Activity Permit BDRO02/00015 and 


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58, 173-182. 

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Ecological Monographs 41, 271-289. 

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Meffe, G.K. and Carroll, C.R. (1997). Principles of 
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Delaware Bay. Environmental Biology of Fishes 61, 

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portusjacksoni) (Meyer) (Heterodontidae). Marine 
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habitat use and movement. In: Biology of sharks 
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Heithaus, M.R., eds.), pp. 553-572. Boca Raton: CRC 

Sims, D.W. (2003). Tractable models for testing theories 
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habitat selection of free-ranging sharks. Journal of 
Fish Biology (Supplement A) 63, 53-73. 

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Diel Activity of the Endangered Trout Cod (Maccullochella 

macquariensis) in the Murrumbidgee River 

J.D. Totem, '*" B.C. Epner, '? AND B.T. BROADHURST! 

‘Parks, Conservation and Lands, Department of Territory and Municipal Services, ACT Government, GPO 
Box 158, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia; "Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, University 
of Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. *( 

Thiem, J.D., Ebner, B.C. and Broadhurst, B.T. (2008). Diel activity of the endangered Trout Cod 
(Maccullochella macquariensis) in the Murrumbidgee River. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of 

New South Wales 129, 167-173. 

Diel movements and habitat use of most of Australia’s large freshwater fish fauna remain unknown, despite 
conservation efforts for many of the threatened species, including re-stocking and habitat protection and 
restoration. We used radio-telemetry to monitor diel movements of the endangered trout cod (Maccullochella 
macquariensis: Percichthyidae) in a re-stocked population in the Murrumbidgee River, New South Wales, 
Australia. Both manual tracking and continuous remote telemetry identified that trout cod activity peaked in 
periods of low light; with linear ranges for individuals varying from 6—272 m. Trout cod had strong fidelity 
to outer river bends throughout diel periods and this has implications for targeted habitat rehabilitation 


Manuscript received 1 September 2007, accepted for publication 6 February 2008. 

KEY WORDS: diel activity; home range; Percichthyidae; radio-telemetry 


Trout cod (Maccullochella macquariensis 
(Cuvier): Percichthyidae) is a large freshwater fish 
endemic to rivers in the southeast of the Murray— 
Darling Basin, Australia (Ingram and Douglas 1995). 
The species has undergone a large scale reduction 
in distribution from much of its former range 
(Cadwallader and Gooley 1984; Douglas et al. 1994) 
and is currently classified as endangered (IUCN 
2006). Self-sustaining populations of trout cod are 
now limited to a single remnant population and two 
translocated populations (Douglas et al. 1994; D. 
Gilligan, pers. comm.). Conservation efforts to re- 
establish the species have been strongly focussed 
on: 1) stocking hatchery-produced fingerlings 
(Lintermans and Phillips 2005) and, 2) understanding 
habitat requirements (Growns et al. 2004; Nicol et al. 

Trout cod in both remnant and stocked lowland 
populations exhibit strong preferences for in-stream 
wood habitat (Growns et al. 2004; Nicol et al. 2007) 
as this generally forms the dominant structural habitat 
type in lowland rivers (Koehn et al. 2004). Trout cod 

also prefer deep sections of river (Nicol et al. 2007); 
often away from the river bank (Growns et al. 2004). 
However, both Growns et al. (2004) and Nicol et al. 
(2007) only report on trout cod habitat use during 
diurnal periods. With river restoration practices 
underway in some rivers, including the addition of 
structural wood habitat (e.g. Nicol et al. 2004), the 
lack of information on trout cod use of space and 
habitat over diel periods represents a significant 
knowledge gap. 

In Australia, radio-tracking has successfully been 
used to study localised movement of large freshwater 
fishes, primarily percichthyids (Butler 2001; Crook et 
al. 2001; Simpson and Mapleston 2002; Crook 2004a, 
b; Ebner et al. 2005). Large percichthyids exhibit site 
fidelity, have relatively small home ranges (the area 
over which the animal normally travels in search of 
food (Burt 1943)) as adults over most or all of the year 
(Koehn 1997; Simpson and Mapleston 2002; Crook 
2004a, b) and are active during periods of low light 
(Butler 2001; Simpson and Mapleston 2002; Ebner 
et al. 2005). The aim of this study was to determine 
diel habitat use and activity of stocked trout cod in a 
lowland river. 


Gogeldrie Weir 

Yanco Weir 




Study reach 

20 Kilometres 


Berembed Weir 

Figure 1. Location of the study reach in southern New South Wales, Australia. 


Study site 

The study was conducted in a lowland reach 
of the Murrumbidgee River, 5 km upstream of the 
township of Narrandera (173 m ASL) in southern New 
South Wales (NSW), Australia (Fig. 1). Narrandera 
is one of twelve trout cod stocking sites in the 
Murrumbidgee catchment, with 85,000 fingerlings 
stocked at this location between 1996 and 2000 
(Gilligan 2005). Subsequent surveys have identified 
survival and growth of trout cod (Growns et al. 2004; 
Gilligan 2005). The river channel has widths of 60— 
70 m and maximum water depths of 3—5 m occur on 
outside bends of the river. River red-gum Eucalyptus 
camaldulensis is common along both banks and fallen 
trees or branches comprise the dominant in-stream 
structural habitat for trout cod (Growns et al. 2004). 

Fish collection and surgery 

Movement data were collected from 10 radio 
tagged trout cod (370-575 mm Total Length (TL), 
599-2587 g, Table 1), probably comprising a mixture 
of mature and immature fish (Harris and Rowland 
1996). These 10 individuals comprised nine trout 
cod captured in the study reach by boat electro- 
fishing and one trout cod on-grown in a hatchery 
and subsequently released. These individuals were 
originally from samples containing 31 trout cod 
collected in the study reach by boat electro-fishing 
(formerly stocked as fingerlings and subsequently 
re-captured) and from 27 trout cod sourced from a 
state government hatchery (on-grown two year-old 
fish). Radio tags (Gnternal body implants with a 30 cm 
trailing whip antenna, models F1830, 35, 40 and 50, 
Advanced Telemetry Systems (ATS), Isanti, USA) 
were surgically implanted into the peritoneal cavity 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


under anaesthesia (0.5 ml Alfaxan (Jurox, Rutherford, 
Australia) per litre of water). The weight of radio tags 
in air were between 11 g and 25 g to suit a range of 
fish sizes and were kept to < 2% of fish mass. Pulse- 
coded, two-stage radio transmitters were used on a 
frequency of 150-152 MHz and programmed on a 
pulse rate of 5 s on and 7 s off to increase battery 
life (warranted for between 230 and 504 d). For 
external identification, individuals were also tagged 
with a dart tag between the second and third dorsal 
spines. Tagging procedures were identical to those 
described by Ebner et al. (2007), with the exception 
that surgical incisions were 2—3 cm in this study. 
Individuals were initially recovered in a darkened 
enclosure holding 200 | of aerated water at 5 parts 
per thousand NaCl. Upon regaining swimming ability 
individuals were transferred to large circular concrete 
enclosures that held between 500 and 1000 | at 5 parts 
per thousand NaCl. Individuals were held for 2-15 d 
in the hatchery following surgery and all individuals 
were released at the same location in late September 
2003. We assume that full recovery from tagging 
procedures and resumption of normal behaviour had 
occurred since this study was conducted from 14-19 
November 2004. 

A modified technique of David and Closs (2001) 
was used to remotely monitor the activity of a single 
trout cod (trout cod no. 5, Table 1) continuously from 
2000 h 14 November until 0900 h 19 November 2004 
(Australian Eastern Standard Time). A three-element 
Yagi antenna (Titley Electronics, Australia) was 
fixed to a tree within the home range of trout cod 
no. 5, perpendicular to the stream (the home range 
location of trout cod no. 5 had been determined in 
a previous study (Ebner et al., 2006)). The antenna 
was connected to a remote data logger (DCCII Model 
D5041, ATS) via a receiver (Model R4100, ATS) and 
recorded radio signal strength every 5 s. The standard 
deviation of signal strength was plotted in 10 min 
grouped intervals to examine signal variability as 
a measure of activity, with high signal variability 
indicating active periods (David and Closs 2001). 
Detection range of the data logger was approximately 
80 m in any direction, incorporating any movements 
to the opposite river bank. 
Ten individuals were manually tracked every 
four hours for two consecutive 24 h periods (1400 h 
15 November until 1400 h 17 November 2004) from 
a power-boat. Trout cod no. 5 was subsequently 
tracked hourly for an additional 24 h period (0600 h 
18 November until 0700 h 19 November 2004) from 
an electric powered boat. Radio-tracking fixes were 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

determined using a handheld three-element Yagi 
antenna (Titley Electronics) and a receiver (Australis 
26k, Titley Electronics). Locations were recorded 
using a handheld GPS unit, with three GPS points 
taken at each location. 

Data analysis 

GPS records were averaged to provide a single 
location datum for each individual per radio-tracking 
fix. Spatial data were plotted in ArcView 3.2™ (ESRI, 
USA) over a base-map, generated by walking both 
banks of the river with handheld GPS units. A polyline 
was generated based on the sequential locations 
of each individual using the Animal Movement 
Extension in ArcView (Hooge and Eichenlaub 1997) 
and the polyline was used to construct a time series of 
the distance moved by fish between consecutive radio- 
tracking periods (activity). Linear range (the distance 
between the most upstream and downstream points) 
and area used (Minimum Convex Polygons (MCP)) 
were also calculated with ArcView. To determine the 
proportion of river used (for comparison with MCP 
estimates), an ‘available area’ metric was calculated. 
This involved constructing a line perpendicular to the 
river channel at the most upstream and downstream 
fix of each individual and estimating the wetted area 
within these limits. Statistical analysis was conducted 
using Statistix for Windows (version 2.0) with data 
transformed, when necessary, to achieve normal 
distribution (Tabachnick and Fidell 1989). 


The linear range of trout cod over two consecutive 
diel periods ranged from 6—272 m, with a mean (+ SE) 
of 83.1 + 30.0 m (Table 1). There was a significant 
positive correlation between fish length (mm) and 
linear range (m) over the two diel periods (Pearson 
correlation co-efficient: 0.7219, P<0.05). The 
area of river used (MCP) over the two consecutive 
diel periods ranged between 18.5-4603.5 m? and 
averaged 1284.1 + 621.1 m*(Table 1). There was also 
a significant positive correlation between fish length 
(mm) and area used (m7) over the two diel periods 
(Pearson correlation co-efficient: 0.7337, P<0.05). 
For trout cod no. 5, increasing the temporal resolution 
of tracking from four—hourly to hourly increased both 
the linear range estimate (75 to 84 m) and the area 
used estimate (307 to 1010 m’), over a single diel 
period. Trout cod no. 5 used the same section of river 
for all diel periods, however, hourly tracking resulted 
in an increased lateral range, reflected by a larger area 



Table 1. Estimates of length and area of river used by 10 radio tagged trout cod in the Murrumbidgee 
River at Narrandera, NSW. Values are based on four—hourly radio-tracking, combined over two con- 
secutive diel periods. *Trout cod no. 6 had a weak radio signal and was.excluded from subsequent range 

and area calculations. +Denotes on-grown hatchery individual. 

Total j Linear Area Available river Proportion of 
Trout cod Weight ‘ 5 
a length (g) Sex range used area available river 
ec aes (m)—— (m’) (m’) used (%) 
1 a7 672 2 25 292 2293 13 
2 370 599 l@ 26 280 1926 15 
3 412 834 la 15 191 1128 V7 
4 405 827 2 6 19 585 3 
5 430 1066 ? 90 658 6160 11 
6* 466 1249 ? N/A N/A N/A N/A 
7 461 1292 M 109 925 8374 11 
8 481 1384 ? DD 4604 20516 22 
97 407 1247 2 31 128 2330, 5 
10 DiS 2587 M 174 4463 12672 35 
Mean 437.8 1175.7 83.1 1284.1 6220.8 14.7 
(SE) (19.4) (179.4) (30.0) (621.1) (2227.7) (3.2) 





Distance moved (m) 

1400- 1800- 2200- 0200- 0600- 1000- 
1800 2200 0200 0600 1000 1400 

Time interval 

Figure 2. The diel activity of nine trout cod in the Murrumbidgee Riv- 
er based on the minimum distance moved between four hourly radio- 
tracking locations (mean + SE). White and grey sections denote day 
and night, respectively. Data are from two consecutive diel periods. 

The mean (+ SE) area of river 
used by nine individuals over 
two consecutive diel periods, 
1284.1 + 621.1 m’, represented 
only a small proportion (14.7 
+ 3.2%) of the river that was 
available within the upstream 
and downstream limits of total 
range (Table 1), suggest-ing 
that individual trout cod select 
specific habitats in relatively 
small areas. All ten individuals 
(including trout cod no. 6 that 
had a weak radio signal enabling 
occasional detection) were 
always located in the thalweg 
during the day. For nine of ten 
individuals this corresponded 
to a location in close proximity 
(<20 m) to the outer river bend. 
An exception was the position of 
one individual on the inside of 
a bend at the upstream end of a 
braided channel section. Nine of 
10 individuals did not cross from 
one side of the river to the other 
during the study. One individual 

170 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 







20 | 

oo 0 © © 



Signal variability (SD) 

scan sampling 



Focal Logger 
sampling test 

‘i i 

| ae 
| i iil | 


Time (hours) 

Figure 3. Activity of trout cod no. 5, based on continuous logging of signal strength from its radio trans- 
mitter, 14-19 November 2004. Data are grouped at 10 min intervals and plotted as the variation in radio 
transmitter signal strength. Open circles at the top of the graph denote boat activity (predominantly 
investigator related) within the reach. Day and night periods are represented in white and grey respec- 


(trout cod no. 10, Table 1) was recorded crossing the 
channel. This occurred in a straight section of river 
that was without shallow water associated with either 
bank. Additionally, four individuals had overlapping 
ranges during this study. Two of these individuals 
were found to co-inhabit the same hollow log during 
the day for the duration of the study. 

Movements of trout cod were generally greater 
at night, dusk and dawn relative to daytime (Fig. 2). 
The period of greatest movement (mean + SE) 37.27 
+ 12.6 m was between 1800 h and 2200 h, with the 
period of least movement 8.98 + 4.34 m between 1000 
h and 1400 h (Fig. 2). Differences in distance moved 
between time periods were non-significant (Kruskal- 
Wallis One-way ANOVA, d.f.=107, HA=9.1671, 

Data from the remote logger revealed sporadic 
variations in signal strength for the first three daylight 
periods (Fig. 3). In comparison, variations in signal 
strength were consistently higher and sustained for 
longer periods of time during the night or during dusk 
or dawn periods, indicating periods of heightened 
activity. Additionally, radio transmitter signal 
strength varied repeatedly throughout the fourth 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

daylight period of remote telemetry logging (Fig. 
3). This period coincided with a decrease in water 
discharge (4376-3336 ML/day) and river height 
(0.21 m decrease) (NSW DNR 2004). The fourth 
daylight period also coincided with more intensive 
radio-tracking of trout cod no. 5, changing from four 
to one hourly (Fig. 3). 


Trout cod occupied small (<300 m) lengths of 
river over consecutive diel periods in this study and 
the size of movements (linear range and area used) 
were positively correlated with fish length. These 
individuals had previously demonstrated fidelity 
to the same diurnal locations throughout much of 
the previous year (Ebner et al. 2006). Similarly this 
species has been shown to be relatively sedentary in 
the Murray River (Koehn 1997; Koehn and Nicol 
1998). The small movements of trout cod are similar 
to that reported for other Australian percichthyids 
(Butler 2001; Simpson and Mapleston 2002; Crook 
2004a, b). 



Individual trout cod demonstrated a preference 
for movements along outer river bends within diel 
periods in this study. These outer bends are associated 
with deeper areas and contain more structural woody 
habitat in lowland rivers (Hughes and Thoms 2002; 
Koehn et al. 2004). Efforts to conserve trout cod and 
other threatened percichthyids should be aided by an 
improved understanding of their lateral movements 
in large lowland rivers. This information provides 
the basis for strategic placement of structural woody 
habitat in stream restoration programs (e.g. Nicol et 
al. 2004). 

Differences between estimates of available river 
area and the area used by each individual reflected 
the fidelity of trout cod to outer bends. Where linear 
movements of a species predominate, standard 
methods to calculate home range often produce 
considerable over-estimates (Blundell et al. 2001). 
Therefore equating home range size to the area of 
river within the upstream and downstream limit of 
a radio-tracked individual (e.g. Gust and Handasyde 
1995) is an overestimate when applied to trout cod in 
a large lowland river. The lateral distribution of trout 
cod within a large lowland river is likely to be a direct 
response to in-stream habitat differentiation (Hughes 
and Thoms 2002; Koehn et al. 2004). 

The logger method detected distinct nocturnal 
activity of an individual whereas coarse-scale manual 
radio-tracking did not. There was an indication of 
greater movement during crepuscular and nocturnal 
periods, based on manual radio-tracking of ten 
individuals. Simpson and Mapleston (2002) found that 
the activity of Mary River cod Maccullochella peelii 
mariensis Rowland was matinine, based on real-time 
manual radio-tracking within one-hour periods. Our 
findings indicate that application of the continuous 
remote telemetry method of David and Closs (2001) 
based on increased sample sizes (e.g. David and Closs 
2003) is likely to be an effective means of elucidating 
the diel activity patterns of trout cod. 

The cause of the shift from nocturnal to both 
nocturnal and diurnal activity of an individual in this 
study is unknown. The shift corresponded to both the 
use of one—hourly boat-based manual radio-tracking 
and a change in discharge and river height. This 
demonstrates the capacity to use variation in signal 
strength from remote loggers to monitor disturbance 
(e.g. by the researcher, releases from dams) in 
experiments. To date the application of variation 
in signal strength has only been used to record diel 
activity (see Baras et al. 1998; David and Closs 2001; 
Hiscock et al. 2002; David and Closs 2003). Possible 
observer effects could be investigated by remotely 
monitoring the activity of an entire sample, whilst 


conducting manual radio-tracking of a subset of 

To produce reasonable estimates of the extent 
of diel range, four—hourly radio-tracking (of about 
five to ten individuals) appears to represent the most 
pragmatic solution for a team of two researchers. 
Before results of this study are used in a management 
context, observations of home range size and shape 
should be replicated among seasons to strengthen 
the data set. This study indicates that trout cod 
inhabit small reaches of river on a scale of tens to 
hundreds of metres, within the deeper outer bank 
of the Murrumbidgee River, over short periods of 
observation. Consequently, the recovery of this 
species can probably be conducted within small 
reaches of river and specific in-stream habitats can be 
prioritised for rehabilitation. 


New South Wales Department of Primary Industries 
(NSW DPI) staff particularly Ian Wooden assisted with 
field collections. Hatchery fish were sourced from the 
Victorian Department of Primary Industries. S. Godschalx 
provided assistance with surgery. L. Johnston and M. 
Lintermans assisted with radio-tracking. J. Prince assisted 
with data analysis and M. Evans provided statistical advice. 
M. Dunford and L. Johnston provided invaluable GIS 
support. D. Crook, K. Frawley, D. Gilligan, L. Johnston, 
M. Lintermans and two anonymous reviewers improved 
the text. The research was principally funded by the 
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation and 
Parks, Conservation and Lands (ACT Government) and 
benefited from contributions by NSW DPI, DPI Victoria, 
the Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology 
and the Murray—Darling Basin Commission. This study 
was performed under NSW Fisheries Animal Care and 
Ethics Committee authorisation 03/07. 


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Douglas, J.W., Gooley, G.J. and Ingram, B.A. (1994). 
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(Pisces: Percichthyidae), resource handbook 
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Ebner, B., Johnston, L. and Lintermans, M. (2005). 
‘Re-introduction of trout cod into the Cotter River 
catchment’. (Environment ACT: Canberra). 

Ebner, B., Thiem, J., Lintermans, M. and Gilligan, D. Eds. 
(2006). ‘An ecological approach to re-establishing 
Australian freshwater cod populations: an application 
to trout cod in the Murrumbidgee catchment’. (Parks, 
Conservation and Lands: Canberra). 

Ebner, B.C., Thiem, J.D. and Lintermans, M. (2007). 

Fate of 2 year-old, hatchery-reared trout cod 
Maccullochella macquariensis (Percichthyidae) 
stocked into two upland rivers. Journal of Fish 
Biology 71, 182-199. 

Gilligan, D.M. (2005). “Fish communities of the 
Murrumbidgee catchment: Status and trends’. (NSW 
Department of Primary Industries: Cronulla). 

Growns, I., Wooden, I. and Schiller, C. (2004). Use of 
instream wood habitat by Trout Cod Maccullochella 
macquariensis (Cuvier) in the Murrumbidgee River. 
Pacific Conservation Biology 10, 261-265. 

Gust, N. and Handasyde, K. (1995). Seasonal 
variation in the ranging behaviour of the Platypus 
(Ornithorhynchus anatinus) on the Goulburn River, 
Victoria. Australian Journal of Zoology 43, 193-208. 

Harris, J.H. and Rowland, S.J. (1996). Family 
Percichthyidae: Australian freshwater cods and 
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(Reed Books: Australia). 

Hiscock, M.J., Scruton, D.A., Brown, J.A. and Pennell, 
C.J. (2002). Diel activity pattern of juvenile Atlantic 
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Hydrobiologia 483, 161—165. 

Hooge, P.N. and Eichenlaub, B. (1997). ‘Animal 
Movement extension to arcview, version 1.1’. (US 
Geological Survey: Anchorage). 

Hughes, V. and Thoms, M.C. (2002). Associations 
between channel morphology and large woody debris 
in a lowland river. In “The structure, function and 
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systems’ (Eds F.J. Dyer, M.C. Thoms and J.M. Olley) 
pp. 11-18. (International Association of Hydrological 
Sciences: Oxfordshire). 

Ingram, B.A. and Douglas, J.W. (1995). Threatened fishes 
of the world: Maccullochella macquariensis (Cuvier, 
1829) (Percichthyidae). Environmental Biology of 
Fishes 43, 38. 

IUCN (2006). 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 
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Koehn, J. (1997). Habitats and movements of freshwater 
fish in the Murray—Darling Basin. In “Proceedings 
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(Eds R.J. Banens and R. Lehane) pp. 27-32. 
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Koehn, J. and Nicol, S. (1998). Habitat and movement 
requirements of fish. In ‘Proceedings of the 1996 
Riverine Environment Forum’ (Eds R.J. Banens 
and R. Lehane) pp. 1—6. (Murray—Darling Basin 
Commission: Canberra). 

Koehn, J.D., Nicol, S.J. and Fairbrother, P.S. (2004). 
Spatial arrangement and physical characteristics of 
structural woody habitat in a lowland river in south- 
eastern Australia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and 
Freshwater Ecosystems 14, 457-464. 

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Nicol, S.J., Barker, R.J., Koehn, J.D. and Burgman, M.A. 
(2007). Structural habitat selection by the critically 
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Fragmented Distribution of a Rock Climbing Fish, the 
Mountain Galaxias Galaxias olidus, in the Snowy Mountains 


Snowy Mountains Region, National Parks and Wildlife Service, PO Box 2228, Jindabyne NSW 2627. 

Green, K. (2008). Fragmented Distribution of a rock climbing fish, the Mountain Galaxias Galaxias 
olidus, mm the Snowy Mountains. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 129, 175-182. 

Fish were surveyed visually from 1,500 m elevation to the highest known altitude for Mountain Galaxias 
Galaxias olidus of 2,137 m on the slopes of Mt. Kosciuszko (2,228 m). Above 1,500 m, where the species 
is the only galaxtid and is physically isolated from all lowland populations, there was further isolation with 
76 disjunct populations within the 1,400 km? area surveyed. Trout (Salmonidae) were the main cause of 
this isolation because they occupied 95.85 km of the major streams, generally in the main valleys at lower 
elevations but reaching up to 1,800 min places, and leaving only the headwaters unoccupied. The distribution 
of G. olidus above 1,500 m was, therefore, determined largely by topographic and anthropogenic barriers 
to the movements of trout. Despite beg recorded as absent from western drainages in the mountains, 
including two of the five glacial lakes, since as long ago as the 19th century, G. o/idus moved into Australia’s 
highest lake (Lake Cootapatamba) during the course of the survey with serious implications for biodiversity 

in this newly occupied lake. 

Manuscript received 15 November 2007, accepted for publication 6 February 2008. 

KEYWORDS: Lake Cootapatamba, Mountain Galaxias, Oncorhyychus mykiss, Salmo trutta, Trout. 


The Mountain Galaxias Galaxias olidus is 
found from sea level to above the treeline in the Snowy 
Mountains (McDowall and Frankenberg 1981; Green 
and Osborne 1994). Throughout its range it has a 
widespread, though fragmented, distribution, largely 
due to the effect of alien trout (Salmonidae), and is 
most commonly found in the smaller headwaters of 
streams or above some obstacle to upward movement 
by trout (Cadwallader and Backhouse 1983). The 
higher altitudes of the Snowy Mountains that support 
a winter snow cover for at least one month per year 
(1,500 m a.s.1.) drain into tributaries of the Murray 
and Snowy Rivers. Many of these tributaries have been 
stocked with trout and most have been impounded at 
one or more points along their length for generation of 
hydro-electricity and for irrigation. The high altitude 
populations of native fish are therefore isolated from 
lowland populations by a number of barriers. Within 
this high altitude area, there is further subdivision of 
the contiguous area above 1,500 m (Fig. 1). This area 
is bounded on the north and east by the Eucumbene 

River. This, together with the Thredbo River that 
drains much of the southern boundary then joins 
the Snowy River above Jindabyne Dam where the 
Mowamba River also arrives through an aqueduct. 
Below the dam, only the Jacobs River, draining areas 
above 1,500 m, continues to flow unimpounded into 
the Snowy River. On the western side, the main 
drainages in the north and west, the Tumut, Tooma, 
Geehi and Swampy Plains Rivers and Bogong Creek 
are dammed and, of the major catchments, only water 
bodies from Leatherbarrel Creek (Fig. 2) southward 
flow unimpounded into the lowlands (<400 m 
elevation) where they join the Murray River. 

In this mountain area above 1,500 m (the 
subalpine and alpine zones) there is only one native 
species of fish, G. o/idus (Green and Osborne 1994). 
Although currently treated as one species, there are 
several forms of G. olidus (Raadik 2001; Raadik and 
Kuiter 2002). Ogilby (1896) stated that above the 
winter snowline, a stout, sombre-coloured form was 
found in deep, still pools and smaller ponds while a 
slender, brilliant-coloured form occurred in rapidly 
moving waters with gravelly or sandy shallows. 


Figure 1. The study area showing the largest con- 
tiguous area of the Snowy Mountains above the 
1,500 m contour and the main rivers and dams es- 
sentially isolating Galaxias olidus within this area. 

Between the two extremes, ‘every conceivable 
variety, both of contour and colour may be found’ 
(Ogilby 1896). There is also a high level of genetic 
distinctiveness of populations of G. olidus across the 
landscape (Raadik and Kuiter 2002; T. Raadik pers. 
comm. 2006). 

The salmonids Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) and 
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhyychus mykiss), native to the 
northern hemisphere, were introduced into the Snowy 
Mountains in the nineteenth century, with the Brook 
Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and the Atlantic Salmon 
(Salmo salar) introduced later (Cullen and Greenham 
1980). However, only the first two are now common in 
the Snowy Mountains. The upstream invasion of the 
mountain streams from introduced stock has resulted 
in a fragmentation of higher elevation populations 
of G. olidus. Trout are a major threat to many native 
Australian fish species, particularly galaxiids and, 
‘completely replace galaxiid populations, leading 
to local extinctions’ (Raadik and Kuiter 2002). The 


consequences of the invasion between 1971 —1974 
by O. mykiss of a stream containing only G. olidus 
was documented by Tilzey (1976). Later, Lintermans 
(2000) documented the re-invasion of a montane 
stream by G. olidus once O. mykiss was removed. 

The aim of the present study was to survey 
the high altitude streams of the Snowy Mountains 
(> 1,500 m elevation) to determine the extent of the 
invasion by trout and to assess the degree of isolation 
of remaining populations of G. olidus. 


Climbing of wet rocks by G. olidus was recorded 
on video camera in a tributary of Dicky Cooper Creek 
at the location that climbing by the species was first 
described by Green (1979). The video was watched in 
slow motion in an attempt to observe the method of 
climbing. To examine the mechanism of climbing, the 
lateral surfaces of G. olidus collected from the outlet 
creek of Lake Cootapatamba were examined beneath 
a dissecting microscope and photographed. 

Mountain streams above 1,500 m were chosen 
for survey from maps at a scale of 1: 50,000 for 
the whole Snowy Mountains and at 1: 25,000 for 
the Kosciuszko Main Range. These streams and 
additional ones observed in the course of the survey 
were walked over a period of three years, December 
2004—May 2007. Stream waters were extremely clear, 
and streams were investigated visually only on calm 
days. Fishes clearly above the maximum length of G. 
olidus (135 mm -McDowall 2006) were recorded as 
trout. No attempt was made to differentiate the species 
of salmonid further because their fry are difficult to 
identify (Tilzey 1976). Fish in the size range of G. 
olidus were inspected with binoculars to determine 
species. Differing behaviour and colour pattern were 
good indicators of species, but identification of all 
fish was based on the location of the dorsal fin, high 
on the back in trout and located well back on the 
body in G. olidus. Reference specimens of G. olidus 
were collected only from the outlet creek of Lake 
Cootapatamba. Streams were investigated upwards 
from the 1,500 m contour with species of fish and any 
barrier to their upstream movement recorded. These 
streams were walked below and above these barriers 
(such as waterfalls sufficiently high to exclude trout) 
until no further trout were seen and the presence or 
absence of G olidus was recorded. Because absence 
cannot be confirmed, streams in which G olidus was 
not recorded were walked until they became a trickle 
or dried up completely. Streams checked from higher 
altitude downstream were checked only until trout 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Figure 2. One of the two largest stream complexes in the Snowy 
Mountains containing Galaxias olidus, together with the five glacial 
lakes and the factors isolating the populations. Rivers with dotted 
lines contained Galaxias olidus, dashed lines no fish seen, solid line 
trout. W = waterfall, i= water intake, D= dam. 

were the only fish observed in the stream or until the 
1,500 m contour was reached (although some streams 
were descended further). 

The species ‘trout’ and/or G. olidus, together 
with barriers above which one or both species were 
missing were recorded on a hand-held GPS. All 
locations were plotted onto maps at 1: 50,000 and the 
length of streams occupied by trout was measured 
using a map wheel. 

The presence of G. olidus at its highest elevation 
(in the headwaters of Rawsons Creek) was recorded 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

regularly throughout the snow- 
free seasons to determine date of 
arrival and departure of fish. This 
was at the upper limit of surface 
flowing water in the Snowy 
Mountains where the water pooled 
at a drain with a depth generally 
<30 mm on a rocky substrate 
in an area of < 1 m7’, before 
being diverted through a culvert 
beneath the Mt. Kosciuszko 
summit walking track. Presence 
or absence was therefore easy to 


Evidence from the video of 
climbing by G. olidus showed 
that while in contact with the 
rock G. olidus lay with pectoral 
and anal fins flattened against the 
rock. Propulsion was by using 
the fins as independent limbs and 
‘walking’ (or rather scuttling) up 
the rock. Examination beneath 
a dissecting microscope and 
subsequent photographs (Figs 3 
and 4) show that both the pectoral 
and anal fins have rugosities on 
the ventral surfaces that might be 
used in climbing. 

Within the. 1,400 km? of 
contiguous land above 1,500 m 
altitude, salmonids occupied 33 
water courses totalling 95.85 km, 
generally at the lower elevations 
but reaching up to 1,800 m in a 
number of tributaries of the upper 
Snowy River (Figs | and 2). Only 
one stream system, Valentines 
Creek, had trout and G. olidus 
coexisting in the same reaches. Galaxias olidus was 
recorded from 86 stream systems with 76 of these 
being isolated from other water bodies containing 
G. olidus by trout downstream. There were only two 
large complexes of streams containing G. olidus, 
both protected by waterfalls at the downstream ends 
of their range, these were the upper Geehi River 
system and the upper Snowy River system (Figs 1 
and 2). Elsewhere, G. o/idus occurred only in isolated 
streams. The fine scale disjunct distribution of G. 



of 2,137 m, just 91 m lower than 
the summit of Mt. Kosciuszko. 
Here two streams, tributaries of 
Rawsons Creek, narrowed to 
trickles 5-10 cm wide and less 
than 1 cm deep, and in places 
flowed over grass, below culverts 
under the Mt. Kosciuszko summit 
walking track. Above the culverts, 
drains fed by seepages off the side 
of Mt. Kosciuszko maintained 
semi permanent water bodies. 
Galaxias olidus was restricted 
in upward movement by waterfalls 
that exclude it from Wilkinsons 
Creek complex and from many of 
the steeper streams on the western 
faces of the Main Range (Fig. 2). 
Steep streams on the northern side 
Figure 3. The lateral surfaces of the pectoral fin of Galaxias olidus. of the Thredbo Valley generally 
also lacked fish. These streams 
lacked large waterfalls but were 
generally small and fast- flowing with few pools. 
Additionally many had long areas of continuous cover 

olidus is illustrated for the Main Range of the Snowy 
Mountains, which comprises 15% of the area above 
1,500 m with 28 isolated 
populations in about 
200 km? of the highest 
country in Australia 
(Fig. 2). 

The lower limits of 
distribution of G. olidus 
were set by features 
thought to be impassable 
to trout. Situations where 
G. olidus was isolated 
from trout included 
galaxiid occurrence in 
enclosed ponds (three 
complexes within areas 
otherwise dominated by 
trout), anthropogenic 
barriers (11) and 
waterfalls (33). Barriers 
such as waterfalls, 
chutes and artificial 
interception of flows (for 

aqueducts) that blocked 
trout movement, blocked Figure 4. The lateral surfaces of the anal fins of Galaxias olidus. 

upward movement of 
all species at different locations. Anthropogenic 
structures were either themselves a barrier, or caused 
a barrier to fish movement by eliminating water flow 
in some downstream reaches of streams. 

Galaxias olidus was recorded up to an altitude 

of shrubs, particularly tea tree (Leptospermum spp.) 
that shaded the streams. Where G. olidus did occur 
in a particular stream few were recorded in similarly 
shaded reaches. 

For the first time ever, G. ol/idus was recorded in 

178 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Australia’s highest lake, Lake Cootapatamba (2,050 
m). During the survey, G. olidus was noted in the 
stream draining Lake Cootapatamba in December 
2004 and again in mid November 2005 but not in 
the lake. It was first noted in the lake on 9 Jan 2006 
and by March 2007, a school covering approximately 
2 m°* in shallow water near the outlet contained an 
estimated 2,000 fish. 

Fish were commonly seen above the Kosciuszko 
summit walking track in two small ponds at the 
headwaters of Rawsons Creek and during this study 
were first noted on 9 and 18 November in 2006 and 
2005 respectively. In 2005 they were last observed on 
2 May. In 2006 they were last observed on 20 March 
and, by 11 April, the area was covered in snow and 
remained that way for the winter. On 30 Mar 2007, 
with an almost full cover of snow, G. olidus was still 
present, but had departed by 19 April when none 
could be found. Fishes remained in the ice-covered 
Blue Lake, Hedley Tarn and Club Lake throughout 
winter. One fish was observed swimming beneath the 
ice of Club Lake on 15 Jun 2007 and fish were seen 
in a part of the lake that thawed early in September 
2006, whilst the outlet was still blocked by snow 
and ice, indicating that they had wintered over in the 


Rock climbing 

To understand the distribution of G. olidus we 
need to understand its ability to ascend steep streams 
and survive in shallow water. McDowall (2006) 
considered that G. olidus, unlike G. brevipinnis, does 
not have a reputation as a good climber. In fact, G. 
olidus is very capable of climbing on vertical or even 
overhanging rock, as first reported from the Snowy 
Mountains by Green (1979), however, specimens 
that were collected at the time were originally 
misidentified as G. brevipinnis. The fishes observed 
by Green (1979) were 30 to 60 mm long, climbing 
being probably aided by their small size giving them 
high surface area to weight ratio (McDowall 2006). 

Climbing by G. olidus includes at least three 
important elements. The ability to jump out of water, 
to a height at least four times its length (Green 1979), 
allows it to gain contact with surfaces that do not 
extend to water level. The next important ability is 
to adhere to the rock, whether establishing contact 
immediately after a jump or maintaining contact 
whilst climbing. The third ability, while retaining 
adhesion, is to gain propulsion for climbing. Green 
(1979) wrote that G. olidus lacked any specialized 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

organs for adhesion and appeared to rely upon the 
surface tension of a thin film of water between its 
ventral surface and the rock, as also suggested for 
diadromous Galaxias by McDowall (2006). As with 
G. brevipinnis (McDowall 2006), downward facing 
pectoral and anal fins provide surface contact in G. 
olidus. In addition to adhesion, these fins were also 
observed to be important in propulsion. McDowall 
(2003, 2006) illustrated the rugosities on the ventral 
surface of pectoral fins of G. brevipinnis, and the 
present study has found similar rugosities on the 
ventral surfaces of both the pectoral and anal fins of 
G. olidus (Figs 3 and 4). 

Despite its climbing ability, G. olidus was 
absent from a number of streams at high altitude 
that apparently have never held trout or galaxiids. 
Green (1979) noted that the successful climbers 
were those that kept out of the main flow of falls 
but remained on rock adjacent to the main flow, that 
was only occasionally washed by water. In certain 
circumstances wet rock may not occur adjacent to the 
main flow (where the water flows over an overhang 
and drops sheer) or the moist zone may be unsuitable 
(such as where it becomes a haven for moss). 

Isolated populations 

McDowall (2006) has shown that throughout 
the cool temperate southern hemisphere, with few 
exceptions, galaxioid fishes are adversely affected 
by introduction of trout, with a major decline in the 
Galaxiidae in particular. The general pattern of fish 
distribution in the Snowy Mountains and Victorian 
Alps is one of trout occupying the main stream, while 
Galaxias spp. are usually only found in upstream 
water bodies inaccessible to trout (McDowall and 
Frankenberg 1981). Jackson (1981) stated that, ‘above 
the snowline, instances of trout being the only fish 
below a waterfall and Galaxias the only fish above 
the waterfall are common in our experience.’ 

Tilzey (1976) sampled a stream in the Lake 
Eucumbene catchment in the Snowy Mountains 
twice in the course of three years during which time 
the stream was invaded by Rainbow Trout. In 1971 
the stream contained only G. olidus below a waterfall 
but by 1974 trout had spread upstream as far as the 
waterfall and G. olidus had disappeared. This same 
pattern occurred in the present study. Throughout the 
Snowy Mountains in the 1,400 km? of land above 
1,500 m, there were 76 isolated populations of G. 
olidus. Infiltration of trout was the major cause of 
this isolation, and they occupied 33 water courses 
totalling 95.85 km downstream of populations of G. 
olidus and separated from them mainly by waterfalls. 
A secondary isolating mechanism was anthropogenic 



—dams for aqueduct intakes isolating upstream from 
downstream reaches of the same stream. The third 
cause was isolation within ponds (such as those near 
Mt. Clarke) that are currently well separated from 
other water bodies. Connecting water courses may 
have existed in the past possibly as erosion runnels, 
particularly as a result of cattle grazing activity that 
has since ceased, allowing the runnels to revegetate 
as recorded elsewhere (Green et al. 2005; Green pers. 

The failure to find G. olidus in the upper regions 
of some trout-accessible streams (where trout are, 
however, lacking) may be because the reaches are 
uninhabitable in some seasons (under ice) or some 
years (drought) or because, as downstream migration 
results in predation it cannot be balanced by upstream 
migration. Also we cannot now tell which headwaters 
have had introductions of, or have been invaded by, 
trout in the past resulting in the extirpation of G. 
olidus followed by the loss of the trout. Similarly, 
some streams had no trout during this survey although 
they appeared suitable, and instead had very low 
numbers of G. olidus. This may have been caused by 
a die-off of trout in warm waters in the drought that 
took place over most of the survey period, followed 
by a re-invasion by G. olidus of these waters as 
observed in Victoria by Closs and Lake (1996). If 
this re-invasion also implies continuous downstream 
movement by G. olidus when trout were present then 
this would result in a continuous loss of individuals to 
predation (McDowall 2006). However, where there 
were refuges such as shallow, warm anabranches as 
in Valentine Creek, both trout and G. olidus occurred. 
The trout were present in low numbers and the G. 
olidus were in considerably lower numbers than in 
nearby streams without trout. 

Macleay (1882) described galaxiids from the 
higher altitudes of the Snowy Mountains (‘captured 

. on Mt Kosciusko’) as G. findlayi, but the type 
specimens were subsequently lost (Raadik and Kuiter 
2002). Helms (1890) collected specimens possibly in 
Diggers or Pipers Creek (Raadik and Kuiter 2002), 
and the species was later reported from the headwaters 
of the Snowy and Thredbo Rivers (Ogilby 1896). It 
is possible that the exact sites where these original 
collections came from may still support G. olidus. 
One stronghold of the species is the higher altitudes 
in the headwaters of the Snowy River (Fig. 2) and G. 
olidus was recorded in the headwaters of both Diggers 
and Pipers Creek, and although it could not be found 
in Thredbo River it did occur in isolated headwaters 
of some tributaries. 

Some populations have possibly been isolated for 
periods of years if not decades and that isolation may 


be permanent. For example, ponds along Valentines 
Creek are as high as two metres above the water level 
of the creek. These ponds would presumably flood 
exceedingly rarely and with already reduced snowfall 
(Green and Pickering 2002) and with predictions of 
further reductions in total precipitation (Whetton 
1998) the flood conditions needed to inundate these 
ponds may not occur again. Ponds near Mt. Clarke 
have no nearby water course, and survival of G. 
olidus in them demonstrates the resilience of the 
species as also demonstrated when depleted oxygen 
extirpated Common Carp Cyprinus carpio but not G. 
olidus (Lake 2003). As a result of the drought the Mt. 
Clarke ponds dried up for an extended period between 
17 Feb and 20 Mar 2006, and no water was visible 
on the surface on 13 March. However, once rains 
came, fish reappeared in the ponds having survived 
the intervening weeks, presumably in burrows of 
Euastacus sp. Galaxias olidus is known to travel in 
underground sections of streams (Lintermans 2000) 
and probably does so in the many water bodies in the 
Snowy Mountains that have underground sections 
incised into a bog. However, the ability to remain 
underground during drought for this length of time is 
an interesting response to existence in the ephemeral 
headwaters of streams and ponds. In the same period, 
G. olidus at the highest altitude in the headwaters of 
Rawsons Creek was cut off from the main water body 
when the outlet from the drains it was 1n dried up, but it 
was able to remain in a small seepage until conditions 
improved. Its survival in Club Lake over winter is 
also of interest because the ice sits on the mud floor 
of this lake even in poor snow years constraining the 
possible over wintering locations for G. olidus. 

Limitations to upstream movement 

Because G. olidus can move in small trickles, 
it can ascend right to the headwaters of streams and 
this makes it impossible to put an upper limit on its 
distribution in any network of streams. Galaxias 
olidus penetrated to streams above the summit 
walking track of Mt. Kosciuszko by November of 
each year, and departed once the ice from the first 
heavy frosts appeared on the water, at times varying 
between April and May. Walford (1928) mentioned G. 
olidus seeking lower altitudes in winter “about Mount 
Kosciusko’ but gave no other details. However, fish 
remained under ice in Hedley Tarn, Blue Lake and 
Club Lake, indicating that cold itself was not a major 
factor, although in shallow waters, physical contact 
with the ice may have to be avoided to prevent 

The valley wall on the southern side of the 
Thredbo River, a major trout river, is very steep 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


and, between the confluence with the Little Thredbo 
River in the east and Dead Horse Gap in the west, 
five isolated populations of G. olidus were recorded, 
all above waterfalls. The northern side, with a similar 
gradient, however, lacked G. olidus except in one arm 
of Bogong Creek and the headwaters of a creek on 
Merritts Spur. The isolating factor here may just be 
the continuous steepness of the creeks and the general 
overgrowth of tea tree (Leptospermum spp.) in the 
lower reaches. Although G. o/idus is able to travel in 
underground sections of streams (Lintermans 2000), 
densely shaded reaches of stream were not normally 
inhabited, and open reaches of such streams above 
or between shaded areas also often lacked fish. This 
shading may have been sufficient to prevent the ascent 
of G. olidus into apparently suitable waters arising 
between North Ramshead and Ramshead. Galaxias 
olidus may also be intolerant of continuous steep 
gradients, as its favoured location appears to be in 
slow flowing stretches and pools beneath waterfalls 
and riffles (pers. obs.). However, not knowing the 
history of some of these waters, trout may once have 
been introduced. However, between Bogong Creek 
in the SW and the lower reaches of Lady Northcote 
Creek in the NW, G. olidus has historically been 
absent above 1,500 m including the two lakes in 
these catchments Lake Cootapatamba and Lake 
Albina (Fig. 2). Anthropogenic barriers constructed 
in streams above naturally occurring barriers to the 
movement of trout have isolated populations of G. 
olidus on the western faces. Waterfalls, however, 
have been the main limiting factor historically to the 
upstream spread of G. olidus on this side. The upward 
movement of G. olidus appears to have been barred at 
about the 1,500 m contour in a number of streams on 
the western side at large waterfalls, possibly due to a 
band of rock at that altitude more resistant to erosion. 
Such falls occur on Wilkinson’s Creek, which still 
has no G. olidus in its upper reaches (although 
it must occur lower because this is a tributary of 
Swampy Plains River from which the fish in Lake 
Cootapatamba ascended). Once above the falls on 
Swampy Plains River, G. olidus ascended into two 
main tributary arms including that flowing from Lake 

Lake Cootapatamba 

Helms (1890) wrote of Lake Cootapatamba 
and Wilkinsons Valley, ‘the absence of Galaxias at 
this elevation struck me as peculiar. It is, however, 
remarkable that on the Snowy River side these fishes 
are met with almost everywhere.’ Galaxias olidus 
was not recorded in Lake Cootapatamba at any time 
in the 20th century despite a number of investigations 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

of the lake (Green and Osborne 1994). Neither were 
fish recorded in Lake Cootapatamba by Timms 
(2002). However, in the present study they were 
found in Swampy Plains River, which flows out of 
Lake Cootapatamba, as early as December 2004. 
By mid November 2005 they were still found in the 
outlet creek but not in the lake, but in January 2006 
they had progressed upstream into the lake. Along 
the western fall of the Snowy Mountains from Crags 
Creek that empties into the Geehi River (Fig. 2), 24 
km south to Cascade Creek that flows into the Murray 
River (Fig. 1), no G. olidus were found except in 
two catchments. In both Leatherbarrel Creek and 
Swampy Plains River, G. olidus was found in 2004. 
There is no barrier to movement of these fish from 
a waterfall at about 1,500 m to Lake Cootapatamba, 
and certainly nothing that would seem likely to delay 
the arrival of G. olidus by over 110 years since the 
visit by Helms (1890). It would appear that G. olidus 
ascended this waterfall sometime between 2002 and 
2004. An obvious issue here is the role of a major fire 
in the area in 2003. Elsewhere during this survey it 
was observed that debris from the fire washed down 
creeks and formed dams that raised the water level 
below waterfalls. If such an occurrence took place 
below a waterfall that had previously prevented 
upstream movement it could have the effect of aiding 
the ascent by G. olidus. 

Translocation of galaxioids into new areas has 
caused adverse impacts (McDowall 2006). The 
spread of G. brevipinnis from eastern catchments into 
the drainage of the Murray River due to diversion of 
streams for hydro-electricity and irrigation has been 
of concern (McDowall 2006), although the impacts of 
this are not clear and the species appear to be cohabiting 
(T. Raadik pers. comm. 2007). An expansion of G. 
olidus into Lake Cootapatamba might have serious 
consequences, and because a lake ecosystem is not 
as open as a stream, the effects of changed predation 
patterns on biodiversity might be dramatic. Already 
the Kosciuszko endemic cladoceran Daphnia nivalis 
seems to be in decline and studies of the impact over 
the next few years will be crucial in understanding 
this impact (Yoshi Kobayashi pers. comm. 2007). 


If the mountain galaxias was just one species 
also found at different locations down to sea level, 
the disjunct distribution in the Snowy Mountains 
could perhaps be seen to be of only academic interest. 
However, because it is widespread, there is currently 
no explicit concern for its conservation (McDowall 
2006). Even so, isolation at the local scale can have 
serious consequences because small populations 



are more susceptible to declines from stochastic 
effects, be they ecological or genetic (McDowall 
2006). Although McDowall and Frankenberg (1981) 
brought together a group of poorly defined taxa 
under G. olidus (McDowall 2006), it appears that 
this is a species complex (Raadik 2001; Raadik and 
Kuiter 2002). There is a possibility, therefore, that 
some of the species in this complex may occur as 
isolated populations and may be at risk owing to the 
failure to recognise these new taxa, and so there is a 
danger that appropriate conservation measures might 
not be considered until it is too late (see McDowall 
2006). Pond-bound populations may also die out 
in droughts, and groups trapped above permanent 
barriers (such as hydro-electric infrastructure) are at 
long-term risk from inbreeding. Loss of any of these 
isolated populations would at least result in reduction 
of the species’ genetic diversity, but may result in 
loss of discrete taxa and could have series effects on 
ecosystem function (McDowall 2006). 


Thanks to Harvey Marchant for taking the 
photographs. Bob McDowall and Tarmo Raadik 
commented on the manuscript. Tarmo Raadik also 
confirmed the identification of the galaxiids from Lake 


Cadwallader, P.L., and Backhouse, G.N. (1983). °A guide 
to the freshwater fish of Victoria’. (Government 
Printer: Melbourne). 

Closs, G.P. and Lake, P.S. (1996). Drought, differential 
mortality and the coexistence of native and an 
introduced fish species in a south east Australian 
intermittent stream. Environmental Biology of Fishes 
47, 17 —26. 

Cullen, P. and Greenham, P. (1980). Aquatic ecosystems. 
In ‘The Conservation Status of Kosciusko National 
Park’. (Ed. A. Turner) pp. 29-34. (Government 
Printer: Sydney). 

Green, K. (1979). Observations on rock climbing by the 
fish Galaxias brevipinnis. The Victorian Naturalist 
96, 230-231. 

Green, K. Good, R.B. Johnston, S.W. and Simpson, L.A. 
(2005). Alpine grazing in the Snowy Mountains 
of Australia: degradation and stabilisation of the 
ecosystem. In “Land Use Changes and Mountain 
Biodiversity’. (Eds E.M. Spehn, M. Liberman, and 
C. K6émer) pp. 213-225 (CRC Press: Boca Raton FL, 

Green, K. and Osborne, W.S. 1994. ‘Wildlife of the 
Australian Snow-Country’. (Reed: Sydney). 

Green, K. and Pickering, C.M. (2002). A scenario 
for mammal and bird diversity in the Australian 
Snowy Mountains in relation to climate change. In 
‘Mountain Biodiversity: a Global Assessment’. (Eds 
C. Komer and E.M. Spehn) pp. 241-249. (Parthenon 
Publishing: London). 

Helms, R. (1890). Report on a collecting trip to Mount 
Kosciusko. Records of the Australian Museum 1, 11- 

Jackson, P.D. (1981). Trout introduced into south-eastern 
Australia: Their interaction with native fishes. The 
Victorian Naturalist 98, 18 -24. 

Lake, P.S. (2003). Ecological effects of perturbation by 
drought in flowing waters. Freshwater Biology 48, 

Lintermans, M. (2000). Recolonization by the mountain 
galaxias Galaxias olidus of a montane stream after 
the eradication of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus 
mykiss. Marine and Freshwater Research 51, 799- 

Macleay, W. (1882). On a species of Galaxias found in the 
Australian Alps. Proceedings of the Linnean Society 
of New South Wales 7, 106-109. 

McDowall, R.M. (2003). The key to climbing in the koaro. 
Water and Atmosphere 11, 16-17. 

McDowall, R.M. (2006). Crying wolf, crying foul, or 
crying shame: alien salmonids and a biodiversity 
crisis in the southern cool-temperate galaxioid fishes? 
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 16, 233-422. 

McDowall, R.M. and Frankenberg, R.S. (1981). The 
Galaxiid fishes of Australia (Pisces: Galaxiidae). 
Records of the Australian Museum 33, 443-605. 

Ogilby, J.D. (1896). On a Galaxias from Mount 
Kosciusko. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of 
New South Wales 21, 62-73. 

Raadik, T.A (2001). Kosciuszko When is a mountain 
galaxias not a mountain galaxias. Fishes of Sahul 15, 

Raadik, T.A and Kuiter, R.H. (2002). Kosciuszko 
Galaxias: a story of confusion and imminent peril. 
Fishes of Sahul 16, 829-835. 

Tilzey, R.D.J. (1976). Observations on interactions 
between indigenous Galaxiidae and introduced 
Salmonidae in the Lake Eucumbene catchment, 

New South Wales. Australian Journal of Marine and 
Freshwater Research 27, 551-564. 

Timms, B.V. (2002). Lake Cootapatamba. In “Biodiversity 
in the Snowy Mountains’. (Ed. K. Green) pp. 98-101. 
(Australian Institute of Alpine Studies: Jindabyne). 

Walford, F. (1928). The mountain minnow. Australian 
Museum Magazine 3, 274-277. 

Whetton, P.H. (1998). Climate change impacts on the 
spatial extent of snow-cover in the Australian Alps. 
In ‘Snow: A natural history; an uncertain future’. 
(Ed. K. Green) pp. 195-206. (Australian Alps Liaison 
Committee: Canberra). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Trilobite-constrained Ordovician Biogeography of China with 

Reference to Faunal Connections with Australia 


‘Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P.R. China 
(; *Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney NSW 2010, Australia (yongyi. 

Zhou, Z.Y. and Zhen, Y.Y. (2008). Trilobite-constrained Ordovician biogeography of China with reference 
to faunal connections with Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 129, 183- 

All the plates and most of the terranes in China exhibit close biogeographic links and may have formed 
part of eastern Peri-Gondwana during the Ordovician. Synthetic analysis based largely on the platform/ 
inner shelf trilobite faunas suggests that the Chinese eastern Peri-Gondwanan plates and terranes may have 
belonged to a single biogeographic province during the Tremadocian (Tremadoc) and late Katian-Himantian 
(Ashgill), but may be separated into two sub-provinces during the Floian-early Katian (Arenig-Caradoc): 
one consists of South China, Tarim and Annamia, and the other may include North China, Sibumasu, 
Southern Tibet, Tianshan-Beishan and possibly Hainan. However, the deep-water facies trilobites of the 
relevant Chinese geographic units had progressively become more unified from the mid Darriwilian to 
early Katian (Llanvirn to Caradoc) before the sub-provinces eventually broke down by the late Katian 
(Ashgill). Australian Ordovician trilobite faunas had close affinities with most of the Chinese eastern Peri- 
Gondwanan plates and terranes, but closest biogeographic links were in particular with North China and 

Middle Tianshan-Beishan. 

Manuscript received 6 August 2007, accepted for publication 6 February 2008. 

KEYWORDS: Australia, biogeography, China, Ordovician, trilobites. 


Eleven Chinese Ordovician geographic units, 
corresponding mainly to different allochthonous 
continental masses (plates and terranes), are divided 
largely on the basis of evidence from regional 
tectonics, palaeogeography and stratigraphy (Fig. 1). 
Units or regions now in close proximity were distantly 
separated from each other during the Early Palaeozoic, 
and the assembly of those landmasses likely 
underwent a long-sustained process that extended 
from the Late Carboniferous to Cenozoic (Zhou et al. 
2007). However, trilobite evidence indicates that all 
the plates and most of the terranes (with exceptions 
noted below) in China exhibit close biogeographic 
links to each other and may have formed part of 
eastern Peri-Gondwana during the Ordovician (e. g. 
Zhou and Dean 1989; Webby et al. 2000; Fortey and 
Cocks 2003). Terranes where trilobite faunas show 
a strong affinity with those of Siberia and Laurentia 
include the Altay Terrane of the Northern Xinjiang 
Region (part of the mobile zone between the Siberia 
and Tarim plates) (region | in Fig. 1) and the Ergen- 

Hinggan Terrane of the Hinggan Region (mobile zone 
between the Siberia and North China plates) (region 2 
in Fig. 1). The Late Ordovician record of Calyptaulax 
and Jsotelus in the Altay Terrane (respectively 
described by Zhang (1981) as Calliops taimyricus 
Balashova and Fuyunia junggarensis Hsiang and 
Zhang; see Zhou et al. 1996a) supports this affinity. 
Occurrences of Mid and Late Ordovician forms such 
as Parasphaerexochus, Pliomerellus, Quinquecosta 
(see Zhao et al. 1997), Cybelurus (see Xiang and 
Mao 1986), Eorobergia (see Xiang and Mao 1986, as 
?Kainella sp.), Cybeloides, Calyptaulax, Isotelus (see 
Nan 1985), and the monorakids Ceratoevenkaspis 
and Isalauxina (Zhou Zhiyi unpublished collection) 
in the Ergen-Hinggan Terrane also indicate strong 
links with Siberia and Laurentia. 

In this paper, biogeographic links among the 
Chinese plates and terranes of northeastern Peri- 
Gondwana are further reviewed on the basis of a 
complete dataset available for the Ordovician trilobite 
record in China (Zhou and Zhen, in press). As 
indicated by Fortey (1975), Fortey and Owens (1978), 
Zhou et al. (1989, 1990, 1992) and Fortey and Cocks 
(2003), trilobites usually show decreased endemicity 


soi a ime i 



South China Sea 




Figure 1. Map showing Ordovician geographic units of China (after Zhou et al. 2007). 1. Northern Xin- 
jiang Region (part of the mobile zone between the Siberia and Tarim plates). 2. Hinggan Region (mobile 
zone between the Siberia and North China plates). 3. Middle Tianshan-Beishan Region (part of the 
Kazakhstan Mid Plate). 4. Tarim Region: 4-1, Bachu-Kalpin Area (the Tarim Block proper, developed 
with platform facies (Tremadocian-Dapingian or Tremadoc-late Arenig) and shallow outer shelf facies 
(early Darriwilian-early Katian or latest Arenig-Caradoc); its northern boundary employed here is 
suitable for the Tremadocian-Dapingian only (see Zhou et al. 1990, 1992); and 4-2, Southern Tianshan 
Area (deep-outer-shelf basin or trough fringing the northern margin of the Tarim Block) (Zhou et al. 
1995a, 1996a; Ni et al. 2001). 5. North China Region: 5-1, Yellow River Area (North China Platform); 
5-2, Ordos Area (western marginal area of the platform during the early Darriwilian-late Katian or lat- 
est Arenig-early Ashgill, see Zhou et al. 1989); 5-3, Dunhuang-Alexa Area (a dislocated old land lacking 
Early Palaeozoic deposits, possibly derived from the northern margin of the North China Platform, see 
Zhou et al. 1996a); and 5-4, Qaidam-Qilian Area (consisting of the Qaidam and Middle Qilian terranes 
and the Altun faulted block, see Zhou et al. 1996a). 6. Kunlun-Qinling Region (polycyclic orogenic belt 
that crosses over the mainland of China). 7. Northern Qiangtang-Simao Region (a northern extension of 
the Indochina Terrane, see Zhou et al. 1998a, 2001a). 8. South China Region: 8-1, Yangtze Area (inner 
shelf/platform); 8-2, Jiangnan Area (outer-shelf slope; note its northern boundary varied in the differ- 
ent time intervals due to facies shifting, and that employed herein is suitable for the Tremadocian only, 
see MK Zhou et al. 1993, fig. 4-1); and 8-3, Cathaysia Area (off-shelf basin) (MK Zhou et al. 1993) (or 
Pearl River Area, see Lu et al. 1976). 9. Baoshan-northern Tibet Region (a northern extension of the 
Sibumasu Terrane, see Zhou et al. 1998a, 20014). 10. Southern Tibet Region (part of the India Plate, see 
Fan et al. 1994). 11. Hainan Region (area subdivision see Wang 1989): 11-1, Wuzhishan Area (deduced 
as a mobile zone that edged the shelf); and 11-2, Sanya Area (shelf). 

from the onshore towards offshore biofacies belts 
in a plate or terrane, and those elements which are 
endemic to a particular plate or plates are the most 
important indicators in defining biogeographic units. 

Therefore, in the following discussion the platform/ 
inner shelf faunas (especially endemic trilobites) 
are emphasized, although, as indicated by Zhou and 
Dean (1989), a few endemics restricted to the deep- 

184 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


water facies are also significant enough for defining 
faunal provinces. 


Ordovician trilobites are only sporadically 
documented in a number of Peri-Gondwanan 
terranes in China, where the framework of biofacies 
differentiation either in space or in time is usually 
poorly known. Therefore, their biogeographic 
relationships to the related geographic units or plates 
are only briefly discussed herein based on the rather 
incomplete faunal data, chiefly those recorded from 
shallow marine successions. 

Middle Tianshan-Beishan Region/Terrane (part 
of the Kazakhstan Mid Plate) (region 3 in Fig. 1): 
The only inner-shelf trilobite fauna of the Sandbian 
to early Katian (Caradoc) age was described from 
Ejin Banner, western Inner Mongolia (Zhou and 
Zhou 2006). The dominant forms in this fauna, such 
as Bulbaspis, Collis, Pliomerina, Sinocybele and 
Basilicus (Basiliella), are also extremely diverse in the 
coeval fauna of Kazakhstan, especially of the Chu-Ili 
Terrane (see Fortey and Cocks 2003), and they even 
share a number of taxa at species level. The region 
also has close biogeographic links to the North China 
Plate, where coetaneous shallow-water associations 
characterized by Pliomerina and Basilicus (s./.) were 
recorded from the Altun Mountains, eastern Xinjiang 
(5-4) (Zhou et al. 1995b) and southern Ningxia and 
central Shaanxi (5-1) (Zhou et al. 1982). However, 
a deeper-water trilobite fauna of Sandbian-early 
Katian age reported from northernmost Tarim (Zhang 
1981) includes Bulbaspis, Sinocybele and Basilicus 
(Basiliella), and also exhibits a faunal affinity with 
this Kazakhstan fauna. Genera in common with 
the inshore sites of eastern Australia (Webby 1971; 
Edgecombe etal. 1999a, 2004; Edgecombe and Webby 
2006), such as Pliomerina, Sinocybele and Basilicus 
(Basiliella), are indicative of a biogeographically 
significant faunal province (Webby 1987; Webby et 
al. 2000). 

Hainan Region/Terrane (region 11 in Fig. 1): 
Only a few outer-shelf-facies trilobites were reported 
from the Late Ordovician in the Sanya area (Zeng 
et al. 1992), of which the genera of a Sandbian to 
early Katian age including Ampyxinella, Birmanites, 
Dionide and Bulbaspis were mostly widespread 
forms. As deep-water faunas of the Tarim and South 
and North China plates had already become uniform in 
composition during the Sandbian to early Katian (Fig. 
2D), their biogeographic affinities with the regions in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

question are difficult to affirm, but Bu/baspis alone 
may suggest a faunal link with the Middle Tianshan- 
Beishan Terrane and even with the Tarim Plate. 

Southern Tibet Region (part of the India Plate) 
(region 10 in Fig. 1): Only a few trilobites of the Floian 
to early Darriwilian (Arenig) age are known, including 
Basilicus (Basilicus) (as Isoteloides bolingensis), 
Hystricurus and Pliomerina (as Negaricephalus) 
from Ngari, southwestern Tibet (Yang 1990) and 
Pseudocalymene (as Eucalymene tuberculata) from 
Nyalam of Mount Qomolangma (Chien 1976). All 
the trilobite taxa recorded in this region also occur in 
the coeval faunas of the North China Plate, where the 
genus Pseudocalymene is associated, as at Nyalam, 
with the nautiloid Pomphoceras, which is an element 
typical of the Yellow River Fauna (Chen et al. 1984). 

Baoshan-northern Tibet  Region/Terrane 
(a northern extension of the Sibumasu Terrane) 
(region 9 in Fig. 1): Late Ordovician trilobites have 
been described from the rocks of the Pagoda facies 
(Lindstrém et al. 1991) in southern Thailand (Fortey 
1997) and westernmost Yunnan (Sheng 1974), 
representing a relatively widespread fauna of the deep- 
water-biofacies, with some forms being identical even 
at species level with taxa from South China (Fortey 
and Cocks 1998). However, the mid-late Darriwilian 
(Llanvirn) fauna from the imner-shelf-facies (Reed 
1917; Sheng 1974) in the Baoshan area seems to 
be a mixture of trilobites exhibiting two different 
biogeographical affinities, with Basilicus (Basilicus) 
and Pliomerina typical of the contemporaneous fauna 
of North China, and with Hexacopyge, Neseuretus, 
Prionicheilus, Reedocalymene, and Sinocybele found 
in South China. Therefore, there remain ambiguities in 
the explanations for the alignment of this Cimmerian 
terrane. Fortey and Cocks (1998, 2003) favoured its 
close biogeographic and physical proximity to South 
China. However, Zhou et al. (1998a) preferred the 
reconstructions proposed by Scotese and McKerrow 
(1991) and Metcalfe (1992), in which the West 
Malaysia-Thailand Peninsula was located close to the 
North China Plate on the palaeo-equator, while Shan 
State and the Baoshan-northern Tibet Region may 
have been sited in a low latitudinal zone not far from 
the South China Plate. 

Northern Qiangtang-Simao Region (a northern 
extension of the Indochina or Annamia Terrane) 
(region 7 in Fig. 1): The Tremadocian-early 
Floian shallow-water trilobites from Karakorum, 
southwestern Xinjiang include Neopsilocephalina, 
Psilocephalina, Psilocephalops and Songtaoia (as 
Yinjiangia karakolumensis) described by Zhang 
(1991), and Asaphopsoides (as Asaphus elegantulus; 
see Jell and Stait 1985) by Gortani (1934). A 



less diverse Dapingian-early Darriwilian (late 
Arenig) inner-shelf fauna, comprising Hungiodes, 
Liomegalaspides, Neseuretus and Ogyginus, was 
recorded from Dali, western Yunnan (Zhou et al. 
1998a), and Neseuretus and Aristocalymene (as 
Neseuretus muliensis; see Turvey 2005b) were 
described from Muli, southwestern Sichuan (Lee 
1978). Most of the components are in common with the 
Yangtze platform, demonstrating a very close faunal 
link that existed between this Cimmerian terrane 
and the South China Plate. However, occurrences of 
Asaphopsoides, Neseuretus and especially Ogyginus 
indicate a western Gondwanan and Peri-Gondwanan 
faunal affinity, and suggest that the Annamia Terrane 
may have been located at higher latitudes or in a more 
westerly position as compared with the South China 
Plate (Zhou et al. 1998a; Fortey and Cocks 2003). 


Ordovician trilobites are well recorded in 
three cratonic plates: the South China Plate (region 
8 in Fig. 1) [including also the Wudang or South 
Qinling Terrane (see Yang 1988; Shang et al. 1994) 
of the Kunlun-Qinling Region (region 6 in Fig. 1) 
—a polycyclic orogenic belt that crosses over the 
mainland of China], North China Plate (region 5 
in Fig. 1) [including also West Kunlun, a displaced 
landmass of the North China Plate proper (Zhou et 
al. 1996a), now located on the western end of the 
Kunlun-Qinling Region; the Qaidam and Middle 
Qilian terranes and the Altun faulted block (area 5-4 
in Fig. 1) (see Zhou et al. 1996a)] and Tarim Plate 
(region 4 in Fig. 1). All of them were largely situated 
in low latitude zones during the Ordovician (Cocks 
and Torsvik 2002; Webby et al. 2000; Turvey 2005a). 
In each plate, trilobite faunas display a progressive 
onshore to offshore transition in composition and 
diversity. Ecological differentiation of the faunas 
and their response to biofacies has been documented 
along environmental gradients from west to east 
and from south to north (platform/inner shelf to off- 
shelf basin) of South China (Zhou et al. 1999, 2000, 
2001b, 2003, 2004; Z.Q. Zhou et al. 2000; Yuan et al. 
2000; Turvey and Zhou 2002, 2004a, 2004b; Yin et 
al. 2000; Turvey 2005a), from east to west (platform 
to shallow-outer-shelf basin) of North China (Zhou 
et al. 1989) and from south to north (platform to 
deep-outer-shelf basin/trough) of Tarim (Zhou et al. 
1990, 1992). Accordingly, Tremadocian-early Katian 
trilobites of the inner shelf/platform and outer shelf/ 
slope from each of the plates are separately listed in 
the Appendix, except for those of the Qaidam-Qilian 

terranes (area 5-4 in Fig. 1), as the biofacies patterns 
in these areas are not well established yet. They bear 
mainly deeper-water forms, but also include a few 
shallow-water genera. 

Early studies indicated that, as a whole, the 
respective trilobite faunas of the South China and 
North China plates were closely comparable in 
the Tremadocian, but became distinct from each 
other afterwards (Zhou and Fortey 1986), while 
those from the Tarim Plate mostly extended their 
distribution into the South China Plate throughout 
the Ordovician, suggesting that both were closely 
situated palaeogeographically (Zhou and Chen 1990, 
p. tv; 1992, p. 11; Zhou et al. 1996a, pp. 11, 20). This 
view is supported by a further comparison among 
the inner shelf/platform faunas of the three plates; 
those trilobites with significant biogeographical 
implications are further reviewed herein. 

Tremadocian trilobite faunas of North China 
are characterized by having distinctive endemics 
— Koraipsis and Penchiopsis, in addition to a few 
bathyurids, and those of South China by having 
Dactylocephalus, Tungtzuella and Psilocephalina. 
However, most of the other trilobites from both 
plates are in common, such as Chosenia, Songtaoia, 
Wanliangtingia and Yosimuraspis. \t is interesting 
to note that some trilobites typical of either of the 
two plates co-occur in the contemporaneous faunas 
of Australia and northern Iran (the Alborz Terrane). 
The Tremadocian trilobites described from the latter 
area by Bruton et al. (2004) and Ghobadi Pour (2006) 
include Asaphellus inflatus Lu, Psilocephalina lubrica 
Hsu, Dactylocephalus, Kayseraspis, Peltabellia, and 
Illaenus hinomotoensis Kobayashi. The occurrence 
of the first three suggests a close link to South 
China, and the others are common elements of the 
North China faunas. In Australia, Shergold (1991) 
reported Asaphellus cf. trinodosus Chang, Koraipsis, 
Kayseraspis and Psilocephalina cf. lubrica Hsu from 
the northern part of the Amadeus Basin, Jell and Stait 
(1985) described Asaphellus cf. trinodosus Chang, 
Asaphopsoides, Chosenia, Dikelokephalina asiatica 
Kobayashi, and Aystricurus penchiensis Lu from 
Tasmania, and Laurie and Shergold (1996) recorded 
Penchiopsis from the Canning Basin. These trilobite 
records show a remarkable similarity to those of 
North China, but a close link with South China also 
existed at either specific or generic rank, as indicated 
by the occurrence of Psilocephalina cf. lubrica Hsu, 
Asaphopsoides and Chosenia. 

From the Floianto early Katian(Arenig-Caradoc), 
trilobite faunas of North China with endemic forms 
like Hoisotelus, Lonchobasilicus and Pliomerina, 1m 
addition to variety of species of Basilicus (s./.), are 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


quite distinct from those of South China, which are 
characterized by having Birmanites, Calymenesun, 
Fenghuangchengia, Hexacopyge, Liomegalaspides, 
Meitanopsis, Mioptychopyge, Ningkianites, Omeipsis 
and Taihungshania. The faunal differences may imply 
a significant biogeographical separation between 
these two plates. Among the Floian-Darriwilian 
(Arenig-Llanvirn) trilobites, Prosopiscus was widely 
distributed im Australia, South and North China, 
Sibumasu, Himalayas and Argentine Precordillera, 
being of important biogeographic significance (Webby 
et al. 2000; Paterson 2004). As indicated by Paterson 
(2004), the genus originated in the early Floian of 
Australia, but its early species, P. /auriei Paterson 
from northwestern New South Wales, is closely 
related to P magicus Zhou from the North China Plate. 
Webby (1971, 1974, 1985, 1987, 1992) and Webby et 
al. (2000) suggested a biogeographically distinctive 
Eokosovopeltis-Pliomerina Province in the Caradoc 
(Sandbian to early Katian) to cover part of the eastern 
Peri-Gondwanan regions, including East Australia, 
East Asia and Kazakhstan, and probably the Argentine 
Precordillera (Edgecombe et al. 1999b). However, 
the eponymous forms Eokosovopeltis and Pliomerina 
recorded from New South Wales (Webby 1971, 
1974; Edgecombe and Webby 2007) and Tasmania 
(Corbett and Banks 1974; Edgecombe et al. 1999, 
2004) were lacking in all the geographic units of 
East Asia during the Sandbian to early Katian, except 
the North China Plate, where, as mentioned above, 
Pliomerina occurs though with no Eokosovopeltis 
associated. A few deeper water taxa with more 
restricted distribution including the distinctive three- 
segmented raphiophorid genus Nanshanaspis are also 
in common between the Qaidam-Qilian Area (5-4 in 
Fig. 1) (Chang and Fan 1960; Zhou et al. 1995b) and 
southern Tasmania (Burrett et al. 1983), suggestive 
again of strong biogeographic relationships between 
Australia and North China. Though as noted by Webby 
et al. (2000), faunal links based on the available biotic 
data from Australia were in general with the Chinese 
plates, it is more likely that Australian trilobite faunas 
had closest affinities with those of North China during 
the Floian-early Katian. 

In Tarim, only a bathyurid Aksuaspis is recorded 
in the Tremadocian dolomite at Kalpin (Zhou et 
al. 1998c), but the occurrence of a few trilobites, 
including Asaphopsoides, Paraszechuanella 
[=Pseudocalymene, see Bruton et al. 2004], and 
Psilocephalina described by Zhou (see Lin et al. 
1990) from a shallow outer shelf Nileid Biofacies at 
Uligezhitag (Zhou et al. 1990, 1992) suggests a close 
faunal link with South China. From the Floian onwards, 
the shallow-water trilobites were all associated with 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

carbonate buildups, and have been proved to be of 
worldwide distribution, except for Liomegalaspides, 
a Floian-early Darriwilian form typical of the coeval 
fauna in South China, which was described from 
the platform facies of Tarim (Zhou et al. 1998c, as 
Megalaspides angustus and M. sp.). However, there 
was also developed a unique provincial link with the 
South China Plate, as evidenced by the occurrence of 
a number of common shallow outer shelf elements, 
of which characteristic forms are Calymenesun, 
Mioptychopyge, Reedocalymene, _—_Xiushuilithus, 
Yanhaoia and Zhenganites (see Zhang 1981; Zhou et 
al. 1990, 1992, 1998b; Yuan and Zhou 1997). 

The late Katian (early-mid Ashgill) inner shelf/ 
platform trilobite faunas are almost lacking in China, 
with the exception of a few forms that were reported 
from the latest Katian (mid-Ashgill) carbonate 
buildups in the eastern margin of the Jiangnan Area 
(Zhou et al. 2004). Occurrence of the Nankinolithus 
fauna from the deeper sites (areas 4-2, 5-2, and 8- 
2, see Fig. 1) may, however, suggest that the faunal 
connection between the South China-Tarim and 
North China plates became closer again during this 
time interval. Comparatively uniform patterns of 
provincialism might continue to exist during the 
Hirnantian, when there were only a few trilobites 
(largely immigrants from high-latitude Gondwana) 
occurring in the Chinese plates, comprising 
Dalmanitina (Songxites) (in areas 4-1, 5-4 and region 
8, see Fig. 1), Eoleonaspis (in area 5-4 and region 8), 
Platycoryphe (in area 5-4 and region 8), Niuchangella 
(in area 4-1 and region 8) and So/ariproetus (in area 

In order to express the preliminary observations 
more clearly, cluster analysis of biogeographic links 
on the basis of trilobite genera (see Appendix) from 
four time intervals respectively (Tremadocian, Floian- 
early Darriwilian, mid-late Darriwilian and Sandbian- 
early Katian) was conducted using Simpson’s 
coefficient (Fig. 2). It reveals that the Chinese plates 
belonged to a single biogeographic unit during the 
Tremadocian, and that their platform/imner-shelf 
and outer-shelf/slope facies areas can be separated 
into two distinct clusters (Fig. 2A), each of which 
shares a closely similar trilobite fauna. The Floian- 
early Darriwilian clusters (Fig. 2B) suggest that the 
South China-Tarim and North China plates may 
well be referred to two independent biogeographic 
units, as evidenced by different faunas distributed 
either in shallow or in deep sites. A similar pattern 
is also depicted by the mid-late Darriwilian (Fig. 
2C) and Sandbian-early Katian (Fig. 2D) faunas, 
but deep-water facies trilobites of the North China 
Plate progressively become more analogous to those 







mid-late Darriwilian (Lanvirn) 



Floian-early Darriwilian (Arenig) 


Sandbian-early Katian (Caradoc) 

Figure 2. Clusters of Ordovician geographic units on the basis of trilobite faunas (dataset see Ap- 
pendix) using Simpson’s coefficient, indicating the biogeographic affinities of Ordovician trilobites 
occurring in the shallow-water (4-1, 5-1, 8-1) and deep-water facies (4-2, 5-2, 5-4, 8-2) belts of Tarim 
(4), North China (5) and South China (8) plates (Fig. 1). A. Tremadocian; B. Floian-early Darriwilian 
(Arenig); C. mid-late Darriwilian (Llanvirn); D. Sandbian-early Katian (Caradoc). Note that only few 
Tremadocian and Floian-early Darriwilian platform trilobites were recorded from 4-1, which are not 
coded, and, as mentioned in the text, the coded trilobites from 5-4 are mainly deeper-water forms, but 

also mixed up with a few from shallow sites. 

of South China-Tarim. This suggests that a faunal 
exchange between offshore sites of both geographic 
units may have started long before the late Katian 
when the Nankinolithus fauna testifies to a shared 
biogeographic link amongst the Chinese plates. 


Trilobite evidence indicates that all the plates 
and most of the terranes in China exhibit a close 
biogeographic link and may have formed part of 
eastern Peri-Gondwana during the Ordovician, except 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


for the Altay Terrane of the Northern Xinjiang Region 
and the Ergen-Hinggan Terrane of the Hinggan 
Region, where trilobite faunas show a strong affinity 
with those of Siberia and Laurentia. 

Well-defined biogeographic patterns are depicted 
mainly by the shallow-water components of the 
Ordovician trilobites, especially between the South 
China-Tarim and North China plates. Synthetic 
analysis suggests that all the Chinese eastern Peri- 
Gondwanan plates and terranes may be signified as 
belonging to a single biogeographic province during 
the Tremadocian and late Katian-Hirmantian, but 
exhibit significant faunal differences and therefore 
may be separated into two sub-provinces during the 
Floian-early Katian: one consists of South China, 
Tarim and Annamia, and the other may include North 
China, Sibumasu, Southern Tibet, Tianshan-Beishan 
and possibly Hainan. However, the deep-water facies 
trilobites of the relevant Chinese geographic units 
had progressively become more unified from the mid 
Darriwilian to early Katian before the sub-provinces 
eventually broke down by the late Katian. 

Australian Ordovician trilobite faunas had 
close affinities with most of the Chinese eastern 
Peri-Gondwanan plates and terranes, but closest 
biogeographic links were in particular with North 
China and Middle Tianshan-Beishan. 


This paper is a contribution to the IGCP project 
503 “Ordovician Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimate’. 
The research was supported by the Chinese Academy of 
Sciences (KZCX3-SW-149), the Ministry of Science and 
Technology of China (2006CB806402), and the National 
Natural Science Foundation of China (No 40532009). We 
are grateful to Zhou Zhigiang for helpful discussions, and to 
Ian Percival for his constructive review of the manuscript. 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Based on the dataset compiled by Zhou and Zhen (in press), following are listed, in descending stratigraphic 
order, Ordovician trilobite genera that have been recorded from the inner shelf/platform (areas 4-1, 5-1, 8-1 in 
Fig. 1) and outer shelf/slope (areas 4-2, 5-2 and 8-2 in Fig. 1) of the Tarim, North and South China plates. The 
late Katian-Hirnantian (Ashgill) trilobites are excluded from the list, as the early Ashgill inner shelf/platform 
trilobite faunas are almost absent in China, and so are the early Darriwilian-early Katian (latest Arenig-Caradoc) 
shallow-water taxa from Tarim, because they were associated with carbonate buildups, and are cosmopolitan 
in distribution. The biofacies patterns are not well established yet in the Qaidam and Middle Qilian terranes 
and the Altun faulted block (area 5-4 in Fig. 1), but, judging from the faunal sequences and palaeogeographic 
framework (Zhou et al. 1996b, c), in addition to a few genera that may belong to the shallow-water dwellers, 
most of the listed trilobites were associated with slope facies. Note that the slope facies trilobites from the 
western marginal area (5-2 in Fig. 1) of the North China Platform occur only from the early Darriwilian 
onwards. Also only a few Sandbian-early Katian (Caradoc) offshelf pelagic trilobites were recorded in the 
Cathaysia Area (8-3 in Fig. 1) of South China, and most of them extended their distribution to the adjacent shelf 
slope (the Jiangnan Area, 8-2 in Fig. 1). Therefore, in the following list they are incorporated into the fauna of 
Area 8-2 (Fig. 1). 

Sandbian-early Katian (Caradoc) 

4-2: Alceste, Amphilichas, Amphitryon, Ampyx, Ampyxinella, Basilicus (Basiliella), Birmanites, Bulbaspis, 
Calymenesun, Corrugatagnostus, Cyclopyge, Degamella, Dicranurus, Dionide, Dividuagnostus, 
Ellipsotaphrus, Endymionia, Illaenus, Kanlingia, Kongqiaoheia, Lisogolites, Lonchodomas, Microparia 
(Heterocyclopyge), Microparia (Microparia), Microparia (Quadratapyge), Nanshanaspis, Nileus, 
Ovalocephalus, Parisoceraurus, Penderia, Pricyclopyge, Pseudosphaerexochus, Reedocalymene, 
Remopleurides, Rhombampyx, Robergia, Sagavia, Scotoharpes, Shumardia, Sinocybele, Sphaerexochus, 
Stenopareia, Taklamakania, Telephina, Trinodus, Xiushuilithus 

5-1: Basilicus (Basilicus), Lamproscutellum, Lonchobasilicus, Metopolichas, Pliomerina, Pseudostygina, 

5-2: Birmanites, Chedaoia, Cyclopyge, Cyphoniscus, Geragnostus, Glaphurina, Kodymaspis, Lichas, 
Lisogolites, Lonchodomas, Microparia (Quadratapyge), Nileus, Ovalocephalus, Paraphillipsinella, 
Paratiresias, Phorocephala, Pliomerina, Pseudostygina, Rorringtonia, Shumardia, sss Stenopareia, 
Telephina, Trinodus, Xenocybe 

5-4: Ampyxinella, Basilicus (Basilicus), Corrugatagnostus, Cyclopyge, Elongatanileus, Endymionia, 
Hemiarges, Lonchobasilicus, Madygenia, Mendolaspis, Nanshanaspis, Nileus, Ovalocephalus, Pliomerina, 
Poronileus, Porterfieldia, Remopleurides, Rhombampyx, Shumardia, Taklamakania, Tarimella, Telephina, 
Toernquistia, Trinodus, Yumenaspis 

8-1: Agerina, Amphilichas, Ampyx, Annamitella, Birmanites, Bumastoides, Calymenesun, Diacanthaspis, 
Dicranurus, Dulanaspis, Hexacopyge, Illaenus, Lamproscutellum, Lonchodomas, Metopolichas, 
Ovalocephalus, Parillaenus, Phorocephala, Prionocheilus, Prosopiscus, Pseudosphaerexochus, 
Rhombampyx, Sinocybele, Telephina 

8-2: Agerina, Alceste, Amphitryon, Ampyx, Ampyxinella, Aspidaeglina, Birmanites, Calymenesun, Cekovia, 
Corrugatagnostus, Cyamella, Cyclopyge, Decoroproetus, Degamella, Diacanthaspis, Dionide, Dionidella 
(Huangnigangia), Dislobosaspis, Dubhglasina, Effnaspis, Ellipsotaphrus, Elongatanileus, Encrinurella, 
Gastropolus, Girvanopyge, Hanjiangaspis, Hexacopyge, Holdenia, Jianxilithus, Lamproscutellum, 
Leiagnostus, Lichas, Lisogolites, Lonchodomas, Madygenia, Megatemnoura, Miaopopsis, Microparia 
(Microparia), Microparia (Quadratapyge), Nanillaenus, Nileus, Niuchangella, Oedicybele, Ogmasaphus, 
Ovalocephalus, Panderia, Paraphillipsinella, Parillaenus, Parisoceraurus, Pentacopyge, Phillipsinella, 
Phorocephala, Placoparia, Platyptychopyge, Pricyclopyge, Pseudampyxina, Pseudopetigurus, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 193 


Pseudosphaerexochus, Psilacella, Quyuania, Reedocalymene, Remopleurides, Rhombampyx, Rorringtonia, 
Sagavia, Sarkia, Shumardia, Sinocybele, Sphaeragnostus, Sphaerexochus, Spinillaenus, Stenoblepharum, 
Stenopareia, Symphysops, Taklamakania, Telephina, Trinodus, Xenocyclopyge, Xiushuilithus 

Mid-late Darriwilian (Llanvirn) 

4-2: Amphitryon, Birmanites, Endymionia, Gog, Illaenus, Liomegalaspides, Mendolaspis, Mioptychopyge, 
Nanillaenus, Nanshanaspis, Nileus, Ogmasaphus, Ovalocephalus, Pseudocalymene, Rhombampyx, 
Shumardia, Taklamakania, Tarimella, Telephina, Yanhaoia, Zhenganites 

5-1: Ampyx, Basilicus (Basilicus), Basilicus (Basiliella), Basilicus (Parabasilicus), Glaphurina, 
Lamproscutellum, Lonchobasilicus, Pliomerina, Sphaerexochus 

5-2: Abulbaspis, Basilicus (Basiliella), Birmanites, Conophrys, Dulanaspis, Endymionia, Nileus, 
Ovalocephalus, Paraptychopyge, Poronileus 

5-4: Ampyxinella, Basilicus (Basilicus), Basilicus (Basiliella), Elongatanileus, Geragnostus, Hemiarges, 
Illaenus, Leiagnostus, Lonchobasilicus, Lonchodomas, Mendolaspis, Nanshanaspis, Nileus, Ovalocephalus, 
Paradionide, Plasiaspis, Pliomerina, Poronileus, Porterfieldia, Prosopiscus, Rhaombampyx, Shumardia, 
Symphysurus, Taklamakania, Tarimella, Telephina, Toernquistia 

8-1: Agerina, Amphilichas, Ampyx, Annamitella, Birmanites, Bumastoides, Calymenesun, Calymenia, 
Diacanthaspis, Dicranurus, Hexacopyge, Illaenus, Lonchodomas, Metopolichas, Neseuretus, Ovalocephalus, 
Parillaenus, Phorocephala, Prionocheilus, Prosopiscus, Pseudosphaerexochus, Rhombampyx, Sinocybele, 
Telephina, Vietnamia 

8-2: Agerina, Ampyx, Bathycheilus, Birmanites, Calymenesun, Carolinites, Cyamella, Cyclopyge, 

Dionide, Gog, Hemisphaerocoryphe, Hexacopyge, Illaenus, Leiagnostus, Liomegalaspides, Lonchodomas, 
Megatemnoura, Miaopopsis, Microparia (Microparia), Microparia (Quadratapyge), Mioptychopyge, 
Nanillaenus, Nileus, Ogmasaphus, Ovalocephalus, Panderia, Paraphillipsinella, Paratiresias, Parillaenus, 
Parisoceraurus, Platyptychopyge, Pricyclopyge, Prionocheilus, Pseudocalymene, Pseudopetigurus, 
Pseudosphaerexochus, Pytine, Reedocalymene, Rhombampyx, Rorringtonia, Sagavia, Sinocybele, 
Spinillaenus, Stenoblepharum, Stenopareia, Telephina, Trinodus, Yanhaoia, Zhenganites 

Floian-early Darriwilian (Arenig) 
4-1: Liomegalaspides 

4-2: Birmanites, Carolinites, Eccoptochile, Hemisphaerocoryphe, Illaenus, Liomegalaspides, Mioptychopyge, 
Nanillaenus, Nileus, Ogmasaphus, Ovalocephalus, Pseudocalymene, Yanhaoia, Zhenganites 

5-1: Basilicus (Basilicus), Basilicus (Basiliella), Basilicus (Parabasilicus), Eoisotelus, Illaenus, Pliomerina 

5-2: Abulbaspis, Annamitella, Basilicus (Basiliella), Geragnostus, Glaphurina, Gog, Lonchodomas, 
Mendolaspis, Phorocephala, Placoparina, Poronileus, Pytine, Tongxinaspis 

5-4: Annamitella, Basilicus (Basiliella), Cybelopsis, Geragnostus, Homalopyge, Illaenus, Omuliovia, 
Porterfieldia, Rhombampyx, Scotoharpes, Tsaidamaspis 

8-1: Agerina, Ampyx, Carolinites, Ceratolithus, Chengkouella, Fenghuangchengia, Geragnostus, 
Guizhouhystricurus, Guizhoupliomerops, Hagiorites, Hanchungolithus, Hungioides, Liomegalaspides, 
Madygenia, Meitanopsis, Metopolichas, Mioptychopyge, Neopsilocephalina, Neseuretus, Ningkianites, 
Ningkianolithus, Niobella, Omeipsis, Omuliovia, Ovalocephalus, Phorocephala, Pseudocalymene, 
Psilocephalina, Psilocephalops, Rhombampyx, Saltaspis, Scotoharpes, Taihungshania, Yinpanolithus 

194 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


8-2: Agerina, Ampyx, Alloillaenus, Annamitella, Aristocalymene, Aulacopleura (Paraaulacopleura), 
Birmanites, Caputrotundum, Carolinites, Celmus, Ceratocephalina, Cyclopyge, Degamella, Diacanthaspis, 
Dikelocephalina, Dionide, Eccoptochile, Euloma, Geragnostus, Gog, Han, Hanchungolithus, 
Hemisphaerocoryphe, Hexacopyge, Hungioides, Illaenus, Incaia, Liomegalaspides, Loganopeltis, 
Madygenia, Microparia (Microparia), Microparia (Quadratapyge), Mioptychopyge, Nanillaenus, Neseuretus, 
Nileus, Ningkianites, Ningkianolithus, Niobe, Niobella, Opipeuterella, Ovalocephalus, Paraphillipsinella, 
Paratiresias, Phorocephala, Pricyclopyge, Proscharyia, Prosopiscus, Pseudocalymene, Pseudopetigurus, 
Rhombampyx, Sagavia, Scotoharpes, Shumardia, Sinocybele, Symphysurus, Taihungshania, Toernquistia, 
Trinodus, Xystocrania, Yinpanolithus, Zhenganites 

4-1: Aksuaspis 

4-2: Acrocephalina, Asaphopsoides, Bienvillia, Borthaspidella, Diceratopyge, Dichelepyge, Dividuagnostus, 
Euloma, Harpides, Hysterolenus, Leiagnostus, Lotagnostus (Semagnostus), Macropyge, Niobella, Norinia, 
Platypeltoides (Troedssonia), Prospectatrix, Proteuloma, Pseudocalymene, Psilocephalina, Rhadinopleura, 
Scotoharpes, Shumardops, Trilobagnostus, Trinodus 

5-1: Annamitella, Apatokephalops (Lulongia), Apatokephalus, Asaphellus, Asaphopsoides, Chosenia, 
Dikelocephalina, Hystricurus, Ilaenus, Jiia, Jiliaoaspis, Jujuyaspis, Kainella, Kayseraspis, Koraipsis, 
Leiostegium (Euleiostegium), Leiostegium (Jinanaspis), Leiostegium (Leiostegium), Omuliovia, Parapilekia, 
Peltabellia, Penchiopsis, Platypeltoides (Troedssonia), Protopliomerops, Pseudorhaptagnostus, 
Remopleuridiella, Scotoharpes, Sinobathyurus, Songtaoia, Strigigenalis, Trilobagnostus, Wanliangtingia, 

5-4: Bienvillia, Ceratopyge, Conophrys, Geragnostus, Harpides, Hystricurus, Kainella, Leiostegium 
(Leiostegium), Nileus, Omuliovia, Onychopyge, Parabolinella, Platypeltoides (Troedssonia), Pseudokainella 
(Pseudokainella), Symphysurus, Szechuanella, Yinaspis 

8-1: Annamitella, Apatokephalops (Apatokephalops), Asaphellus, Asaphopsoides, Aulacopleura 
(Paraaulacopleura), Chashania, Chengkouella, Chosenia, Chungkingaspis, Conophrys, Dactylocephalus, 
Dikelocephalina, Geragnostus, Goniophrys, Guizhouhystricurus, Harpides, Hungioides, Hystricurus, Iduia, 
Illaenus, Jiia, Jinshaella, Lohanpopsis, Parapilekia, Pseudocalymene, Psilocephalina, Remopleuridiella, 
Scotoharpes, Songtaoia, Trinodus, Tungtzuella, Wanliangtingia, Yosimuraspis 

8-2: Acrocephalina, Akoldinioidia, Amzasskiella, Anglagnostus, Apatokephalus, Asaphopsoides, Bienvillia, 
Birmanites, Brachyhipposiderus, Ceratopyge, Chosenia, Ciliocephalus, Clavatellus, Conophrys, Degamella, 
Diceratopyge, Dichelepyge, Dividuagnostus, Euloma, Geragnostus, Gymnagnostus, Harpides, Hospes, 
Hunanopyge, Hypermecaspis, Hysterolenus, Illaenopsis, Leiagnostus, Leiostegium (Leiostegium), Levisaspis, 
Liexiaspis, Lotagnostus (Semagnostus), Macropyge, Metayuepingia, Micragnostus, Niobe, Niobella, 
Onchonotellus, Onychopyge, Orometopus, Palaeoharpes, Parabolinella, Parapilekia, Pharostomina, 
Platypeltoides (Troedssonia), Proscharyia, Prospectatrix, Protarchaeogonus, Proteuloma, Protopliomerops, 
Pseudocalymene, Pseudokainella (Pseudokainella), Pseudokoldinioidia, Pseudorhaptagnostus, 
Rhadinopleura, Scotoharpes, Sinoparapilekia, Songtaoia, Strictagnostus, Symphysops, Szechuanella, 

Symphysurus, Taoyuania, Trilobagnostus 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 195 

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196 hues PE MOL. 

The Upper Ordovician Kenyu Formation in the Boorowa 
District, Southeastern New South Wales 

I.G. Percivau!, Y.Y. ZHEN”, D.J. PoGson? AND O.D. THomas* 

‘Geological Survey of New South Wales, Department of Primary Industries, 947-953 Londonderry Road, 
Londonderry, N.S.W. 2753 (; 
Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney, N.S.W. 2010 (; 
388 Tallean Road, Nelson Bay, N.S.W. 2315 (; 
4Geological Survey of New South Wales, Department of Primary Industries, 161 Kite Street, Orange, N.S.W. 
2800 ( 

Percival, I.G., Zhen, Y.Y., Pogson, D.J. and Thomas, O.D. (2008). The Upper Ordovician Kenyu 
Formation in the Boorowa District, Southeastern New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society 

of New South Wales 129, 197-206. 

Conodonts obtained during mapping of the Boorowa 1:100000 geological sheet indicate a late Gisbornian 
to earliest Eastonian age (Late Ordovician: late Sandbian to earliest Katian) for allochthonous limestone 
in the Kenyu Formation. This age is based on co-occurrence of Belodina compressa, Phragmodus undatus 
and Yaoxianognathus wrighti, associated with Drepanoistodus suberectus, Panderodus gracilis, Periodon 
aculeatus, Protopanderodus liripipus, Scabbardella sp. cf. altipes and Yaoxianognathus sp. The faunal 
association, including acrotretide, discinide and lingulide brachiopods in addition to the conodonts, 
indicates that the limestone was probably originally deposited on the shelf edge, prior to being dislodged 
down the flanks of a volcanic island in a mass flow. The late Gisbornian to earliest Eastonian age recognised 
for the Kenyu Formation provides an important constraint on the age and cessation of contemporaneous 
volcanism in the central Macquarie Arc, represented more extensively further north by the Walli Volcanics 
and Fairbridge Volcanics. No significant break intervened between the end of this volcanism and ensuing 
deposition of widespread limestones of Eastonian age on the Molong Volcanic Belt. 

Manuscript received 9 November 2007, accepted for publication 6 February 2008. 

KEYWORDS: Conodonts, Fairbridge Volcanics, Kenyu Formation, Late Ordovician, Macquarie Arc, 

Walli Volcanics 


The Kenyu Formation was described by Stevens 
(1955) as a sequence of sediments and volcaniclastics 
together with andesite, located in a narrow belt 
extending roughly north-south adjacent to the 
western edge of the Wyangala Batholith between 
Boorowa and Cowra. The southern limit of outcrop 
is near the Boorowa to Gunnary road (Fig. 1). Best 
exposures (though these are far from complete) occur 
in the Boorowa River valley, 10-15 km northeast of 
Boorowa on the Boorowa 1:100 000 map sheet, and 
further north between the Lachlan Valley Way and the 
Wyangala Batholith in the vicinity of Godfreys Creek. 
Due to the problematic outcrop, lack of internal age 
control, and faulted boundaries with adjoining rock 
units, relationships of the Kenyu Formation were not 
previously satisfactorily understood. Stevens (1955) 

inferred an Ordovician age, whereas Offenberg (1974) 
assigned to the Kenyu Formation an age between Late 
Ordovician and Middle Silurian. Inferences about 
possible time equivalence of this unit to the Walli 
Volcanics (itself lacking age constraints) further north 
on the Cowra 1:100 000 geological sheet (Krynen 
and Pogson 1998) were made without the benefit of 
palaeontological evidence. 

During remapping of the Goulburn 1:250 000 
map sheet by the Geological Survey of NSW, the 
Kenyu Formation has been examined in detail, the 
concept of the unit refined to exclude derived rocks 
of Early Silurian age, and a representative section 
defined in the northern part of the Boorowa 1:100 000 
geological sheet (Pogson et al. in press). Fossils found 
in the formation for the first time establish its age and 
depositional environment, and enable placement in 
its correct temporal and tectonic setting. Preliminary 
observations of a very small conodont fauna obtained 
from an allochthonous limestone block during the 













33°50'S 32°30'S 


rs Bakers 



[2 Fairbridge Volcanics 
ee Cargo Volcanics 
Walli Volcanies 

HB Kenyu Formation 





7] 34°10’'S 

Broken Hill raater 



Upper Silurian 

Wyangala Batholith 
Lower Silurian 

Douro Group 

E+} Lower Silurian sediments 
Upper Ordovician 


Kenyu Formation 
& Bendoc Group 

Lower Middle Ordovician 
fr Adaminaby Group 

: * Fossil location 

0 10km 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


early phase of the remapping project enabled Percival 
(2001) to deduce a Gisbornian age. Subsequent 
resampling of this limestone yielded a significantly 
larger and more diverse fauna, documented in this 
paper, that has allowed precise correlations with 
other volcanic and volcaniclastic-dominated units 
in the Macquarie Arc, thus providing important age 
constraints on the cessation of Phase 2 volcanism 
(Crawford et al. 2007) in the Molong Volcanic Belt. 


For much of its exposure the Kenyu Formation 
occupies a narrow fault-bounded belt, in contact with 
Early Silurian volcanic rocks of the Douro Group to 
the west and faulted against the Wyangala Batholith 
to the east (Johnston et al. 2001). On the Cowra 1:100 
000 geological sheet south of the Lachlan River 
outcrop is very poor, being restricted to a handful of 
exposures that are surrounded by alluvium. In this 
area, the extent of the formation is largely defined by 
its strong aeromagnetic response (Krynen and Pogson 
1998). Further south in areas of better exposure, the 
Kenyu Formation is intruded by the Licking Gully 
Granite (of the Wyangala Batholith). In the Frogmore 
area (Fig. 1) several fault-bounded blocks of Kenyu 
Formation abut the Early to Middle Ordovician 
Adaminaby Group, Late Ordovician Bendoc Group 
and the Early Silurian Douro Group. Other Early 
Silurian sedimentary rocks, previously included 
within the Kenyu Formation, but now recognised 
as a new formation (to be defined by Pogson et al. 
in press), occupy three fault-bounded blocks near 
Frogmore, Gunnary, and immediately west of the 
southern belt of Kenyu Formation (Fig. 1). 

Faulting and the lack of continuous outcrop 
limits the potential for a type section. The area 
where the allochthonous limestone blocks occur is 
to the southeast of Godfreys Creek (Fig. 1). Here, 
representative lithologies of the Kenyu Formation (as 
briefly described below — more detail is presented in 
Pogson et al. in press) are exposed along Right Hand 
Creek and tributary gullies (GR 661065 6218310 
to GR 657960 6219380) and along Narrallen Creek 
in the vicinity of GR 661073 6215719. Isolated dip 
directions and depositional younging trends in this 


area imply that the limestone blocks lie in the upper 
part of the formation. Total thickness of the Kenyu 
Formation is unknown, as both the top and bottom of 
the unit are faulted out. 

The bulk of exposures of the Kenyu Formation 
consist of dark green to grey, very thinly bedded 
to medium bedded cherty mudstone (commonly 
silicified) and siltstone often interbedded with 
fine-grained mafic volcaniclastic sandstone. Large 
pavements along Narrallen Creek display parallel 
bedding laminations, grading and erosional bases, 
consistent with deposition by turbidity currents. 
Examples of soft-sediment deformation in this 
area include flame structures and slump folds. The 
stratigraphic relationship between these sedimentary 
rocks, and nearby sequences dominated by primary 
volcanics and volcaniclastic conglomerates is 

A variety of plagioclase-phyric and pyroxene- 
phyric andesites and pillow basalts is present in the 
Kenyu Formation. Black, aphanitic to porphyritic, 
flow-banded basalt occasionally displaying pillow 
structures occurs in several locations. One of these 
pillows (at GR 660628 6218239) is partially enveloped 
by chert which unfortunately lacks microfossils. 

In the Right Hand Creek area, the Kenyu 
Formation is dominated by volcaniclastic deposits 
including polymictic conglomerate with subrounded 
to angular clasts up to cobble and small boulder size 
of volcanic sandstone and siltstone, and occasionally 
enclosing masses of porphyritic (feldspar-phyric) 
andesite/basalt, indicating primary volcanism. 
Rare allochthonous limestone blocks of various 
dimensions (the largest up to 250 x 50 m) occur 
within volcaniclastic sediments in the Right Hand 
Creek and Narrallen Creek areas. They are all strongly 
recrystallised, with a definite tectonic foliation. 
Conodont CAI values of 5+ attest to the effects of 
considerable post-depositional heat and pressure on 
these limestones. 


Insoluble residue of an allochthonous strongly 
recrystallised limestone sampled at GR 660085 
6217818 (conodont sample C1961 — locality shown 

Figure 1 (LEFT). Main map depicts geological units simplified from the Boorowa 8629 1:100 000 geo- 
logical sheet south of 34°S, together with data interpreted from the Cowra 8630 1:100 000 geological 
sheet above this latitude, showing inferred extent of Kenyu Formation and localities mentioned in the 
text. Note that all boundaries between the Kenyu Formation and adjacent units are faulted. Fossil local- 
ity C1961 is identical in position to C2362. Inset map shows spatial relationship of Kenyu Formation to 
Walli Volcanics, Fairbridge Volcanics, and Cargo Volcanics on Molong Volcanic Belt. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



[ees ae 
Lu O. robustus 
ZI S& i j 
ZB Nok <z| ° O. velicuspis 
Ze | eile 
Olecs | SAIS 
S Q iw B. confluens 
S a 
M@ inean SS Sl 
| O uw P. tenuis = 
lle P. undatus 2 
Lu Zz Zz a B. compressa 
fr < ES © | E quadridactylus 
= QO 6s P. aculeata 
x | 
| + eee. 
t © ges 
< es: 
O = 7 || 2 SY ees 
S eT < ja) ses Oo 
=|e= £ 8a 
Oy= | = SESS 
= = fs} Ke) 
a na nN o> GO 
m~ eS ~ s ao & G a 
ing < ja) ££ Oo 
Oy] =| a Snaes 
. = oO O 
Q g “North Anerican a zs 
= Midcontinent” 

(Shallow Sea 
condont zones) 

Taogupognathus philipi 
Taoqupognathus blandus 

Borowa - Walli Bakers Swamp - 
Cowra area area Molong area 




Vw wy VY VW WY W 
v KENYU vVivvvvvvvy 





% | (base unknown)| (base unknown) Jy. wv ap, VJ 




x (base unknown) 


Figure 2. Stratigraphic correlations along the Molong Volcanic Belt (right-hand columns) and ranges of 
key species (central column), plotted against segment of the Middle to Upper Ordovician timescale and 
conodont zonation (after Webby et al. 2004 and Goldman et al. 2007). Note that the Yuranigh Limestone 
Member of the Fairbridge Volcanics is not shown; it equates to the uppermost part (late Gisbornian) of 

the Wahringa Limestone Member. 

on Fig. 1), obtained after acid dissolution in 10% 
acetic acid and separation in sodium polytungstate, 
yielded 14 elements referrable to Protopanderodus 
liripipus and Panderodus gracilis. Resampling of this 
limestone block (conodont sample C2362) produced 
99 identifiable elements, distributed amongst nine 
species including Belodina compressa, Drepanoist- 
odus suberectus, Panderodus gracilis, Periodon 
aculeatus, Phragmodus undatus, Protopanderodus 
liripipus,, Yaoxianognathus 
wrighti and Y. sp., indicating a late Gisbornian to 
earliest Eastonian age (Fig. 2). This age corresponds 
to the late Sandbian to earliest Katian stages of the 
Late Ordovician, approximately 457-455 Ma on 
the age scale of the International Commission on 
Stratigraphy (Cooper and Sadler 2004). 

The most significant species supporting 
this age determination are Belodina compressa 


and Phragmodus undatus. Belodina compressa 1s 
mainly differentiated from the succeeding species, 
B. confluens, in having a distinctly flattened section 
of the anterior margin at the antero-basal corner in 
inner lateral view (Fig. 3A). Absence of B. confluens 
from the assemblage in the Kenyu Formation 
allochthonous limestone implies that the latter was 
not contemporaneous with the widespread Eastonian 
limestones of the Macquarie Arc in which B. 
confluens is prolific. Grandiform and compressiform 
elements of B. compressa, represented by eight 
specimens recovered from sample C2362 (Fig. 3A, 
B), are identical with those obtained from the upper 
part of the Wahringa Limestone Member (in the 
Bakers Swamp area further north on the Molong 
Volcanic Belt) and from allochthonous limestone 
blocks in the immediately overlying Fairbridge 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Volcanics (Zhen et al. 2004). In the North American 
Midcontinent succession typical of warm shallow 
seas, B. compressa is recognized as an index zonal 
species with a stratigraphic range from the compressa 
Zone of late Gisbornian age-equivalence to the tenuis 
Zone of the early Eastonian (Sweet 1988). 

Co-occurrence of Phragmodus  undatus, 
represented by four S and three M elements in 
sample C2362, further restricts this age range from 
latest Gisbornian to earliest Eastonian (wndatus to 
tenuis zones). In the North American Midcontinent 
succession, P. undatus defines the eponymous Zone 
immediately above the compressa Zone with a range 
extending from the wndatus Zone to the end of the 
Ordovician (Sweet 1988). The species has been widely 
recorded in Eastonian-age carbonates of central NSW 
(Zhen and Webby, 1995; Trotter and Webby 1995; 
Zhen et al. 1999, 2003). 

Broad support for a late Gisbornian to earliest 
Eastonian age assignment for the Kenyu Formation 
limestone is provided by the co-occurrence of 
Protopanderodus liripipus, Periodon aculeatus and 
Yaoxianognathus wrighti in the fauna. P. liripipus 
has an age range from the late Gisbornian to near the 
end of the Ordovician (Sweet 1988). It was recorded 
in the upper Wahringa Limestone Member also in 
association with B. compressa, Periodon aculeatus 
and Panderodus gracilis (Zhen et al. 2004), and from 
the Bowan Park Limestone Subgroup (Zhen et al. 
1999) in central New South Wales. Yaoxianognathus 
wrighti, widely distributed in the Fossil Hill Limestone, 
Bowan Park Limestone Subgroup, and other time 
equivalent limestones in central New South Wales, 
is represented only by the Pa element (Fig. 3U) with 
seven specimens recovered from sample C2362. Its 
presence in the Kenyu limestone most likely indicates 
an extension of its age range into slightly older rocks 
than was previously known. 

Two fragmentary specimens from the same 
sample are referred to Pb elements (Fig. 3V) of 
Yaoxianognathus sp. and an additional specimen 
from sample C2366 is a bipennate ramiform element 
assignable to the S (most likely Sc) position (Fig. 
3W). These specimens show marked differences 
from corresponding elements of Y. wrighti, but due 
to the limited material it is uncertain whether they 
represent elements of a single additional species of 


Age connotations 
Although the age range deduced for the conodont 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

fauna from the Kenyu Formation is relatively 
restricted, the fact remains that these fossils were 
extracted from allochthonous limestone which is 
poorly constrained stratigraphically within this 
unit. The late Gisbornian to earliest Eastonian age 
merely indicates the maximum age (for the originally 
deposited limestone) and the allochthonous blocks 
may either have been penecontemporaneously 
redeposited, or else could be significantly younger. 
As discussed below, regional correlations strongly 
support the former view. The widespread volcanic 
hiatus (Packham et al. 2003, Percival and Glen 
2007) that extended throughout the western Molong 
Volcanic Belt in Eastonian time precludes Kenyu 
Formation volcanicity during that interval. Large 
feldspar phenocrysts, observed in Kenyu Formation 
andesites located in the vicinity of the allochthonous 
limestone blocks, are also characteristic of other pre- 
Eastonian lavas in the Molong Volcanic Belt, such 
as the Walli, Fairbridge and Cargo Volcanics, and do 
not suggest similarities with post-Eastonian Phase 4 

Previously proposed correlations (Krynen and 
Pogson 1998, Percival and Glen 2007) equated the 
Kenyu Formation with the upper part of the Walli 
Volcanics, exposed in the Walli-Cliefden Caves 
area between Mandurama and Canowindra, 90 
km north of Boorowa (Fig. 1). The late Gisbornian 
to earliest Eastonian age now established for part 
of the Kenyu Formation supports this correlation. 
The Walli Volcanics contain no internal evidence 
of age; however, this unit is overlain (with minor 
disconformity) by shallow water sedimentary rocks of 
the Fossil Hill Limestone (Cliefden Caves Limestone 
Subgroup) at Fossil Hill, near Cliefden Caves 
(Webby and Packham 1982). As these strata contain 
early Eastonian (middle Late Ordovician: early 
Katian Stage) conodonts (Zhen and Webby 1995), 
any time break between deposition of volcaniclastic 
conglomerates at the top of the Walli Volcanics 
(eroded from immediately underlying andesitic 
lavas), and the intertidal mudstones and impure 
limestones which infilled the irregular topography 
of the underlying volcanic island, must have been 
minimal. Correlation between part of the Kenyu 
Formation of late Gisbornian to earliest Eastonian 
age and the upper Walli Volcanics does not preclude 
both formations from having a depositional history 
extending back into the Darriwilian, in common with 
other volcanics in the Macquarie Arc (Percival and 
Glen 2007). 

Elsewhere in the northern Molong Volcanic 
Belt of the Macquarie Arc, strata contemporaneous 
with limestone in the Kenyu Formation include 



the Yuranigh Limestone Member of the Fairbridge 
Volcanics in the vicinity of Molong (Percival et al. 
1999). Of the depauperate conodont fauna obtained 
from this very shallow water limestone, only Belodina 
compressa (initially identified as B. confluens by 
Percival et al. 1999, but reassigned by Zhen et al. 
2004) is in common with the deeper water Kenyu 
assemblage. Approximately 1300 m of volcaniclastic 
sandstones and conglomerates, intruded by felsic 
igneous rocks and hornblende-bearing dykes, 
intervenes between the Yuranigh Limestone Member 
and the Reedy Creek Limestone of early Eastonian 
age. A comparable situation occurs in the Bakers 
Swamp area, 35 km north of Molong, where the 
upper beds of the Wahringa Limestone Member of 
the Fairbridge Volcanics (Zhen et al. 2004) contains, 
inter alia, the conodonts B. compressa, Panderodus 
gracilis and Periodon aculeatus, again from a 
relatively shallow water setting. The Wahringa 
Limestone Member is overlain by a substantial but 
unknown thickness of volcaniclastics, rare lavas 
and allochthonous limestone pods, which equate to 
the section of Fairbridge Volcanics overlying the 

Yuranigh Limestone Member. 

In the Bowan Park area between Orange and 
Cudal, on the western side of the Molong Volcanic 
Belt, the Cargo Volcanics is overlain by the Bowan 
Park Limestone Subgroup which is of early to late 
Eastonian age (Zhen et al. 1999). Pickett (1974) 
recorded a solitary specimen of Belodina from a 
limestone lens within the Cargo Volcanics south of 
Cargo, though unfortunately Simpson et al. (2007) 
were unable to relocate this lens to determine whether 
its relationship to the enclosing volcanics was 
conformable or allochthonous. Simpson et al. (2007) 
recognised a significant discordance between bedding 
orientations intheuppermostvolcaniclastic-dominated 
successions of the Cargo Volcanics and those in the 
overlying Bowan Park Limestone Subgroup. This 
observation, combined with correlations (based on 
time planes recording the cessation of terrigenous 
erosional input) between the Bowan Park and 
Cliefden Caves carbonate successions which suggest 
that clastic deposition commenced as much as half 
a zone earlier in the Fossil Hill Limestone (Webby 
and Packham 1982; Packham et al. 2003; Simpson et 

Figure 3 (RIGHT). Scanning electron microscope photomicrographs of conodonts from allochthonous 
limestone in the Kenyu Formation. MMMC and C refer to registered specimen numbers and sample 
numbers, respectively, in the Microfossil Collection of the Geological Survey of NSW, Londonderry; 
numbers commencing with IY indicate digital photofiles from the Electron Microscope Unit, Austral- 
ian Museum, Sydney. 

A, B. Belodina compressa (Branson and Mehl, 1933); A, compressiform element, MMMC4367, 
C2362, inner lateral view ([Y102001); B, grandiform element, MMMC4368, C2362, outer lateral view 
(TY102005). ; 

C, D. Scabbardella sp. cf. altipes (Henningsmoen, 1948); c element, MMMC4369, C2362, C, fur- 
rowed side (1Y102010), D, unfurrowed side (1Y 102009). 

E-G. Drepanoistodus suberectus (Branson and Mehl, 1933); E, Sb element, MMMC4370, C2362, 
inner lateral view (TY 102023); F, M element, MMMC4371, C2362, posterior view (LY 102022); G, Sd 
element, MMMC4372, C2362, inner lateral view (1Y 102024). 

H-J. Panderodus gracilis (Branson and Mehl, 1933); H, falciform element, MMMC4373, C1961, 
furrowed side (LY037006); I, graciliform? element with distally recurved cusp, MMMC4374, C2362, 
furrowed side (LY102028); J, graciliform element, MMMC4375, C1961, furrowed side (1Y037007). 

K-N. Periodon aculeatus Hadding, 1913; K, M element, MMMC4376, C2362, anterior view 
(1Y102017); L, M element, MMMC4377, C2362, posterior view (LY102016); M, Sc element, 
MMM.0C4378, C2362, inner lateral view (LY102018); N, Sc element, MMC4379, C2362, outer lateral 
view (1Y102019). 

O, P. Phragmodus undatus Branson and Mehl, 1933; O, M element, MMMC4380, C2362, posterior 
view (1Y¥ 102021); P, Sc element, MMMC4381, C2362, inner lateral view (LY102020). 

Q-T. Protopanderodus liripipus Kennedy, Barnes and Uyeno, 1979; Q, R, Sa element, MMMC4382, 
C2362, lateral views ([Y102025, 1Y102026); S, Sb? element, MMMC4383, C1961, inner lateral view 
(TY037004); T, P element, MMMC4384, C2362, inner lateral view (1Y 102027). 

U. Yaoxianognathus wrighti Savage, 1990; Pa element, MMMC4385, C2362, outer lateral view 

V, W. Yaoxianognathus sp.; V, Pb? element, MMMC4386, C2362, outer lateral view (LY102015); W, 
Sc? element, MMMC4387, C2366, inner lateral view ([Y102036). Scale bars are 100 um. 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 203 


al. 2007), imply that the Cargo block had a different 
geological history from that of the contiguous central 
Molong Volcanic Belt to the east. 

Depositional environment 

The association of large  allochthonous 
limestone blocks with poorly sorted volcaniclastic 
conglomerates in the upper Kenyu Formation suggests 
that the limestones were redeposited downslope via 
mass slumping. Evidence for an original depositional 
environment on an unstable shelf edge comes from 
the microfauna extracted from the residues (samples 
C1961 and C2362) of the limestone. The conodont 
fauna includes some forms (eg Belodina compressa 
and Phragmodus undatus) that typically characterise 
shallow waters, associated with Periodon aculeatus 
and Protopanderodus liripipus that tend to inhabit 
interpreted deeper water environments. The fauna 
also includes acrotretide (Scaphelasma?) and 
discinide (Orbiculoidea) brachiopods together 
with large indeterminate thick-shelled lmgulides, 
flat-spired gastropods, hyolithids and associated 
opercula. Unfortunately these specimens are all 
either fragmented or tectonically strained, preventing 
precise identifications (and detracting from their 
documentation by illustration in this paper). This 
ecological association is somewhat reminiscent 
of the fauna from allochthonous limestones in the 
Malongulli Formation (overlying the Cliefden Caves 
Limestone Subgroup), which are believed to represent 
periplatform deposits originally deposited on the shelf 
edge or upper slope and subsequently dislodged into 
deeper water (Webby 1992). 

The association in the Kenyu Formation of 
allochthonous limestones with volcanics is typical of 
successions accumulating around oceanic islands and 
seamounts, where the steep flank gradients ensure 
proximity of a variety of rock types and allow for 
intermixing of otherwise disparate facies. Much of the 
Kenyu Formation can be interpreted as volcaniclastic 
and sedimentary deposits forming an apron proximal 
to a source of primary volcanism, represented in the 
Kenyu Formation by pillow basalts and minor flows 
issuing from localised vents. Submarine eruption of 
the correlative Walli Volcanics to the north, indicated 
by the presence of pillow basalts (Smith 1967, 1968), 
built the southern region of the Molong Volcanic Belt 
up to depths where limestones were deposited on the 
submarine flanks of this major volcanic centre. 



Limestone within the Kenyu Formation is 
determined as having a late Gisbornian to earliest 
Eastonian depositional age, primarily on the basis of 
co-occurrence of the conodonts Belodina compressa 
and Phragmodus undatus. This age constraint 
supports previously conjectured correlation of part 
of the Kenyu Formation with the upper part of the 
undated Walli Volcanics. Furthermore, a consistent 
age relationship is recognisable along the entire length 
of the central Molong Volcanic Belt, where limestones 
of late Gisbornian age (Yuranigh and upper Wahringa 
Limestone Members of the Fairbridge Volcanics) are 
overlain by subsequent volcanic and volcaniclastic 
deposits that are directly succeeded in the Molong 
area by early Eastonian limestones. The Walli 
Volcanics, that formed the volcanic island around 
which the volcaniclastic-dominated apron of the 
Kenyu Formation accumulated, are in turn overlain 
by the early Eastonian age Fossil Hill Limestone. 
The time interval between cessation of volcanism and 
subsequent erosion, leading eventually to extensive 
carbonate deposition, must have been very brief 
in geological terms. Any suggestion of an angular 
unconformity between the Walli Volcanics and the 
Cliefden Caves Limestone Subgroup (cf Smith 1968) 
is almost certainly not due to contemporaneous 
tectonic activity, but rather results either from 
differences in original depositional gradient, or else is 
due to subsequent faulting. The situation in the Cargo 
block on the western flank of the Molong Volcanic 
Belt appears to differ, with both tectonic activity and 
a significant depositional hiatus intervening between 
the Cargo Volcanics and the overlying Bowan Park 
Limestone Subgroup. 


Initial remapping of the Kenyu Formation and sample 
collection was undertaken by Anthony Johnston 
(formerly with the Geological Survey of NSW). We 
thank Gary Dargan for conodont sample preparation 
and Cheryl Hormann for cartography. SEM 
photographs were prepared in the Electron Microscope 
Unit of the Australian Museum. Constructive reviews 
of the manuscript were provided by Gordon Packham 
and John Pickett. Ian Percival and Owen Thomas 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


publish with permission of the Deputy Director- 
General, NSW Department of Primary Industries — 
Minerals. This is a contribution to IGCP Project 503: 
“Ordovician Palaeogeography and Paleoclimate” 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Age Determination and Growth in the Male South African Fur 
Seal Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus (Pinnipedia: Otariidae) 
Based upon Skull Material 

C. L. Stewarpson!, T. Prvan?, M. A. MeYer? AND R. J. Rivcuie** 

‘Botany and Zoology, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia 
(Present Address, Fisheries and Marine Sciences Program Bureau of Rural Sciences, The Department of 
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, CANBERRA ACT 2601 Australia) 
; Department of Statistics, Macquarie University, NSW 2109; 
3Marine and Coastal management (MCM), Rogge Bay, Cape Town, South Africa; ‘School of Biological 
Sciences, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 

*Corresponding Author (rrit3 143 

Stewardson, C.L., Prvan, T., Meyer, M.A. and Ritchie, R.J. (2008). Age determination and growth in the 
male South African Fur Seal Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus (Pinnipedia: Otartidae) based upon skull 
material. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 129, 207-252. 

Skull remains are the most commonly found material of marine mammals and the most likely to be 
kept in natural history collections. Morphology, relative size and growth of the skull in 83 South African fur 
seals, Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus, from the coast of southern Africa are described. The South African 
or Cape fur seal is very closely related to the Australian fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus). Age 
structure of populations is important in understanding the conservation status of an animal population 
and the impacts of human activity upon the survival of viable wild populations of animal species. Skull 
measurements (7 = 32 variables) were examined in relation to standard body length (SBL - defined as the 
length from the nose to the tail in a straight line with the animal on its back), condylobasal length (CBL) and 
chronological age (y) using linear regression. Animals ranged from 10 months to > 12 y (12* y). Twenty four 
animals were of known-age, while 39 were aged from counts of incremental lines observed in the dentine 
of tooth sections. Morphological observations were generally consistent with earlier studies. Condylobasal 
length was highly, positively correlated with SBL and age. Overall, skull variables grew at a slower rate 
than SBL, apart from height of mandible at meatus and angularis to coronoideus, which expressed isometry 
relative to SBL. Condylobasal length continued to increase until at least 12 y, with no obvious growth spurt 
between 8-10 y, when social maturity (full reproductive capacity) is attained. Mean CBL was 19.4% of 
SBL in yearlings; 15.5% in subadults, and 13.7% in adults. Apart from the dentition, all variables of the 
facial skeleton followed a somatic growth trajectory. Most variables expressed positive allometry relative 
to CBL, with greatest growth occurring in the vertical part of the mandible. Mastoid breadth, and gnathion 
to middle of occipital crest, expressed a strong secondary growth spurt at 10 y. Breadth of brain case, and 
basion to bend of pterygoid, followed a neural growth trajectory, scaling with negative slope relative to 
CBL. Sutures of the brain case (1.e., basioccipito-basisphenoid, occipito-parietal, interparietal and coronal) 
closed before those of the facial skeleton. Condylobasal length was found to be a ‘rough indicator’ of SBL 
and age group (adult, subadult), but not of absolute age. Suture age was not a good indicator of absolute 
age or age group. A comparison is finally made between skull data on the South African fur seal (4. pusil/us 
pusillus) with available data on the Australian fur seal (A. pusillus doriferus). 

Manuscript received 12 November 2007, accepted for publication 6 February 2008. 

KEY WORDS: allometry,Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus, Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus, Australian fur 
seal, Otartidae, skull growth, skull morphology, South African fur seal. 



Skull remains are the most commonly found 
material of marine mammals and the most likely 
to be kept in natural history collections. It would 
be useful to be able to gain as much information 
as possible about sex, age, probable size, breeding 
status and even in many cases positive identification 
of such material in terms of modern taxonomy and 
nomenclature (Brunner 2003). The South African 
or Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) 
occurs on the Namibian and South African coasts and 
nearby offshore islands (Schaffer, 1958; King, 1983; 
Warneke and Shaughnessy, 1985) but does not occur 
on Subantarctic Islands between Africa and Australia. 
The South African fur seal and the Australian fur seal 
(Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) are now regarded 
as closely related varieties of the same species 
(Arctocephalus pusillus) (King 1972; King 1983; 
Wynen et al., 2001; Brunner et al., 2002; Brunner 
2003). Historically, the Australian fur seal was found 
on the southern Australian coast from Kangaroo 
Island (South Australia) to Seal Rocks (mid coast 
NSW) with its distribution centred on Bass Strait 
and Tasmania (King 1969). The identity of the fur 
seals that originally inhabited Macquarie Island until 
wiped out in the early 19" century is uncertain. Today 
breeding colonies are more or less restricted to islands 
of the Bass Strait region and Tasmania (Kirkwood et 
al., 1992; Arnould, and Warneke, 2002; Shaughnessy 
et al., 2002; Arnould et al., 2003). 

It is useful to as fully as possible investigate 
morphometric measurements of seal skulls to 
correlate with age and maturity and breeding status. 
Earlier cranial growth studies in pinnipeds were 
based on unreliable age determination techniques, 
including: (1) the extent of closure of cranial sutures; 
(11) body length, colour of vibrissae, pelage and 
general appearance; (ii1) ovarian structure; and (iv) 
baculum development (e.g. Doutt, 1942; Rand, 
1949a, b, 1950, 1956; King 1969; King 1983; 
Brunner 1998ab; Brunner et al., 2002; Brunner et 
al., 2004; Daneri et al., 2005). A common feature 
of most of these studies is the limited number of 
specimens available and the unknown age of most 
of the material. Therefore, observed growth patterns 
could not be quantified with any real meaning (King, 
1972); generally a division into mature and immature 
animals was all that was possible (King 1969; King 
1983). Fortunately a reasonably precise method of 
age determination of untagged South African fur 
seals has been established from incremental growth 
lines in the pulp of teeth (Scheffer, 1950; Laws, 1953; 
McCann, 1993; Oosthuizen, 1997) but this involves 
destructive sampling of material which might not be 
negotiable on museum material. Dentition was also 
used for aging 69 male and 163 female Australian fur 
seals collected from an island in Bass Strait in 1970- 
1972, but unfortunately the skulls were not measured 
as part of the study (Armould and Warneke 2002). 

Within the Otariidae, information on cranial 

and mandibular growth based on animals aged from 
tooth structure, or on animals of known-age (i.e., 
animals tagged or branded as pups), is only available 
for a small number of species including Callorhinus 
ursinus, northern fur seal (Scheffer and Wilke, 1953); 
Zalophus californianus, California sea lion (Orr et 
al., 1970); and Ewmetopias jubatus, northern (Steller) 
sea lion (Fiscus, 1961; Winship, Trites and Calkins 
2001). Sometimes very few skull variables have 
been recorded. Currently, there is limited information 
on cranial growth according to age (y) in southern 
hemisphere fur seals: the main problem being small 
sample sizes (King 1969; King 1983; Brunner 1998ab; 
Brunner et al., 2002; Brunner et al., 2004; Daneri et 
al., 2005), particularly the small numbers of tagged 
individuals of known age that are available. 

In the mammalian skull, there are two growth 
models, neural and somatic, each with two types of 
growth, monophasic and biphasic (Toddand Schweiter, 
1933; Scott, 1951; Moore, 1981; Sirianni and 
Swindler, 1985). In neural growth, skull components 
associated with the nervous system (i1.e., braincase, 
orbital and otic capsules) grow rapidly during 
prenatal and early postnatal life, completing most of 
their growth well before the rest of the body (Moore, 
1981). In somatic growth, all other skull components 
(1.e., facial skeleton) follow a more protracted growth 
course (Moore, 1981). After the initial growth spurt 
experienced during early development, growth may 
be reasonably constant (monophasic growth), or there 
may be a secondary growth spurt in older animals 
(biphasic growth) when they reach sexual maturity. 
Brunner (1998a) and Brunner et al. (2004) drew the 
overall conclusion that growth patterns in fur seal 
skulls were similar to that found in other carnivores 
such as canids (dogs) (Wayne, 1986; Morey, 1990; 
Evans, 1993) and other marine mammals (Bryden, 

Current populations of South African fur seals 
number more than 2 million individuals although they 
reached a low level of about 100,000 early in the 20 th 
century. Their larger populations, occasional culling, 
drowning in fishing nets and shooting of “problem” 
animals, have made more specimens available for 
study than their Australian relatives (4. pusillus 
doriferus). Furthermore, another consequence of 
the much smaller populations of Australian fur seals 
(about 35,000 — 60,000: Kirkwood et al., 1992; 67,000 
— 200,000, Shaughnessy et al., 2002; Arnould and 
Warneke 2002; Arnould et al., 2003) and more limited 
accessibility is that very little cranial morphometric 
data are available on Australian fur seals (King 1969; 
Brunner 1998ab), particularly of definitively known 
ages based on tagged individuals (Brunner 1998ab, 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Arnould and Warneke 2002). 

Here we examine the skulls of 83 male South 
African fur seals, Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus, 
from southern Africa. Specific objectives were to: 
(1) describe the general morphology of the skull; 
(11) quantify growth of skull measurements (” = 32 
variables) relative to standard body length (n = 74 
animals), condylobasal length (n = 83 animals) and 
chronological age (7 = 63 animals); and (11) determine 
if condylobasal length and suture closure are useful 
indicators of age and/or standard body length. This 
is a very large data set compared to recent studies on 
the Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) and 
Southern fur seal (A. australis) (Daneri et al., 2005), 
the Australian fur seal (A. pusillus doriferus) (King 
1969; Brunner 1998ab) and the New Zealand fur seal 
(A. australis forsteri: King 1969; Brunner 1998ab) 
and the recent review of cranial ontogeny of otariid 
seals by Brunner et al. (2004). 

A limited comparison is also made between the 
available data on the South African fur seal from the 
present study with published material from King 
(1969) and from Brunner (1998ab, 2000) on Australian 
fur seals. Modern multivariate morphometric analyses 
of skull parameters complete data sets rather than 
just means and variances of variables need to be 


Collection of specimens 

South African fur seals were collected along 
the Eastern Cape coast of South Africa between 
Plettenberg Bay (34° 03’S, 23° 24’E) and East 
London (33° 03’S, 27° 54’E), from August 1978 
to December 1995, and accessioned at the Port 
Elizabeth Museum (PEM). The circumstances under 
which most specimens were obtained are listed in 
Appendix 1. Apart from specimens collected before 
May 1992 (n = 16), all specimens were collected by 
the first author. One animal (PEM2238) was collected 
NE of the study area, at Durban. From this collection, 
skulls from 59 males were selected for examination 
(Appendix 1). 

Thesamplewas supplemented withmeasurements 
from 24 skulls collected by staff from Marine and 
Coastal Management (MCM), Cape Town, South 
Africa. These skulls were from males that had been 
tagged as pups, and were therefore of known-age (1— 
12 y). They were collected from the west coast, south 
west coast, south coast and the Eastern Cape Province 
of South Africa, between February 1984 and July 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

1997. The date of collection, method of collection 
and approximate location of specimens are listed in 
Appendix 1. MCM seal specimens are accessioned as 
AP followed by a number in Appendix 1. 

East Coast and West Coast Animals 

Additional skulls from Sinclair Island (West 
coast of southern Africa, 27° 40’S, 15° 31’E) were 
measured (condylobasal length only) to determine if 
Eastern Cape seals (n = 28 males) were of similar size 
to those inhabiting west coast waters (7 = 12 males). 
PEM animals were adults 7— = 12 y. West coast 
animals were adults of undocumented-age. West 
coast animals were collected by Dr R. W. Rand in 
the 1940s and housed in the South African Museum, 
Cape Town. These skulls were divided into sub-adult 
or adult classes based upon size and suture criteria 
(see below). 

Preparation and measurement of skulls 

Skulls were defleshed and macerated in water 
for 2-3 months. Water was changed regularly. Skulls 
were then gently washed in mild detergent (or brushed 
with water), and air dried at room temperature. A 
small number of skulls were defleshed and gently 
boiled. Dry specimens were measured ( = 32 linear 
measurements) to the nearest 0.5 mm using a vernier 
calliper (Table 1, Figure 1). 

Variables used largely correspond to those 
reported in earlier otariid studies (Sivertsen, 1954; 
Orr et al., 1970; Repenning et al., 1971; Kerley 
and Robinson, 1987; Daneri et al., 2005; Brunner 
et al., 2004; Brunner et al., 2004) and in particular 
the studies of Brunner (1998ab) focusing on the 
Australian fur seal (A. pusillus doriferus). Care was 
taken to measure standard parameters, measured 
in the same way as described in previous studies. 
Variables were grouped by region in an attempt to 
reflect a functional cranial analysis and to assess 
overall skull size (Hartwig, 1993) (Table 1). All PEM 
measurements (and measurements taken form Sinclair 
Island skulls) were recorded by the first author. The 
majority of MCM measurements were recorded by 
the third author (M.A. Meyer). 

Suture index 

Eleven cranial sutures (Figure 2) from 48 skulls 
were examined and assigned a value 1-4, according to 
the degree of closure (1 = suture fully open; 2 = open; 
3 = suture half closed; 4 = suture closed), according 
suture index (SI), ranging from 11 (all fully open) to 
44 (all sutures closed). These values were added to 
give a total suture index (SI), ranging from 11 (all 
fully open) to 44 (all sutures closed). The suture 



Table 1: Linear skull measurements (n = 32) taken from male South African fur seals in this study. Meas- 
urements illustrated in Figure 1. Note that L26 and L27 were difficult to measure accurately. Param- 
eters are broadly associated with the following functions; A- articulation, BC — braincase, F — feeding, 
R/V — respiration/vocalisation. 

Code Variable Region of Skull Function 

Condylobasal length (posterior point on the occipital 
condyles to the most anterior point on the premaxilla) 

Gnathion to middle of occipital crest 

Gnathion to posterior end of nasals splanchnocranium 
Greatest width of anterior nares (distance between the 
. L nasal R/V 
anterior margins of the nares) 
Greatest length of nasals (distance between the anterior 
g : nasal R/V 
and posterior margins of nasals) 

Breadth at preorbital processes 



Least interorbital constriction frontal 

Greatest breadth at supraorbital processes frontal F 

Breadth of brain case (at the coronal suture, anterior to ; 
; neurocranium BC 
the zygomatic arches) 

Palatal notch to incisors (posterior margin of first 
Bag incisor alveolus to palatal notch, excluding cleft) RE 


Length of upper postcanine row (anterior margin of 

Pll postcanine one alveolus to the most posterior margin of | palate (dentition) F 
postcanine six alveolus) 

P12 Greatest bicanine breadth R/V, F 

P13 Gnathion to posterior end of maxilla (palatal) R/V, F 

P14 Breadth of zygomatic root of maxilla zygomatic arch F 

PIS Breadth of palate at postcanine | (excluding the cele F 

P16 Breadth of palate at postcanine 3 (excluding the aril F 

P17 Breadth of palate at postcanine 5 (excluding the saline F 

P18 Gnathion to posterior border of postglenoid process R/V, F 

P19 Bizygomatic breadth (maximum distance between the 1 Dee 
lateral surfaces of the zygomatic arches) Ye 

P20 Basion to zygomatic root (anterior) 

P2| Calvarial breadth (greatest transverse width across of pat ee i 
; the skull base, anterior to the mastoid) 
Mastoid breadth (width across the processes) A,F 

P23 Basion to bend of pterygoid (anterior of basion to een BC, A, F 
anterior of pterygoid) 

210 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Table 1 (continued) 

face length) 

Height of sagittal crest 


postcanine five alveolus) 

of post- canine five alveolus) 

M32 process to the top of the angularis) 

numbering system and the method of judging degree 
of closure and calculation of the suture index follows 
Moore (1981). The suture index has been frequently 
and successfully used as a criterion for separating 
immature and mature skulls of mammals (Moore 
1981), including seals (eg. Rand 1949; King 1969; 
Orr et al., 1970; Bryden, 1972; King 1972; Brunner 
1998ab; Brunner et al., 2004; Daneri et al., 2005). 

Age determination 

The age of animals was estimated from counts 
of growth layer groups (GLGs) observed in the 
dentine of thin tooth sections (Scheffer, 1950). Upper 
canines were sectioned longitudinally using a circular 
diamond saw. Sections were ground down to 280-320 
um, dehydrated, embedded in resin and viewed using 
a stereomicroscope in polarised light (Oosthuizen, 
1997). Each section was read by one individual 
five times, without knowledge of which animal was 
being examined (repeated blind counts). Ages were 
rounded off to the nearest birth date. The median date 
of birth was assumed to be 1 December (Arnould 
and Warneke 2002; Shaughnessy et al., 2002). The 
median of the five readings was used too estimate 
age. Outliers were discarded as reading errors. 

The total number of aged animals (tagged known- 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Variable Region of skull 
oo | a ee 

Gnathion to anterior of foramen infraorbital (= lateral 

Gnathion to posterior border of preorbital process i 
Height of skull at base of mastoid (excluding crest) Ao. SS ae 

Length of mandible (posterior margin of condyle to 
anterior margin of the first incisor alveolus) 

Length of mandibular tooth row (anterior margin of the 
first incisor alveolus to the most posterior margin of 

Length of lower postcanine row (anterior margin of 
post- canine one alveolus to the most posterior margin 

Height of mandible at meatus (dorsal margin of 
coronoid process to the base of the angularis) 

Angularis to coronoideus (dorsal margin of coronoid 





BC, F 


mandible (dentition) 

mandible (dentition) 



age animals and canine aged animals) was 63. All 
MCM skulls (7 = 24) were of known-age based on 
tagging. Of the 59 PEM animals in the study: (i) 28 
were aged from counts of incremental lines observed 
in the dentine of upper canines as described in Schaffer 
(1950), i.e., range 1-10 y; (ii) 11 were identified as 
adults > 12 y(1.e., pulp cavity of the upper canine 
closed); and (111) 20 could not be aged because of 
missing or decayed teeth. In South African fur seals, 
animals > 13 y can not be aged from counts of growth 
layer groups in the dentine of upper canines because 
the pulp cavity closes at that age which terminates 
tooth growth, hence the age group “=12 y or 12° y)’. 
Dentition has also been used to age Australian fur 
seals (Armmould and Warneke 2002) who claim that it 
is possible to age some male Australian fur seals to 17 
years old based on upper canine dentition. 

For this study, the following age groups were 
used: yearling (10 mo to 1 y 6 mo); subadult (1 y 7 
months to 7 y 6 months); and adult (= 7 y 7 months) 
(Table 2). Unfortunately, no South African fur seals 
skulls were available from wild-tagged individuals 
with definitive ages greater than 12 y. The estimated 
longevity of South African fur seal males based upon 
zoo animals is c. 20 y so it appears that they have 
a similar potential lifespan to the Australian variety 



ee Sr r—“— 



Figure 1: Diagram of a South African fur seal skull (PEM554) indicating individual measurements 

taken. Measurements are defined in Table 1. 

(Armould and Warneke, 2002). 

Currently, examination of canine tooth structure 
is the most precise method of age determination in 
untagged pinnipeds; however, pulp cavity ring counts 
are not without error. In principle, other seal teeth 


such as postcanines, can be aged using growth ring 
counts in the pulp cavity up to the point where the 
pulp cavity closes up. For recent assessments of the 
reliability of this method see Arnbom et al., (1992), 
McCann (1993) and Oosthuizen (1997). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Figure 2: Diagram of a South African fur seal skull (PEM554) showing the position of sutures examined 
in this study. 1. Occipito-parietal; 2. interparietal; 3. coronal; 4. interfrontal; 5. internasal; 6. premaxil- 
lary-maxillary; 7. basioccipito-basisphenoid; 8. basisphenoid-presphenoid; 9. squamosal-parietal; 10. 

squamosal-jugal; 11. maxillary. 

Classification of growth patterns 

In the present study, neural and somatic growth 
patterns were distinguished as follows: [(mean 
skull measurement for adults > 12 y — mean skull 
measurement for subadults at 7 y) x 100%]/(mean 

Table 2: The age distribution of Cape Fur Seals 

a group “ (y) 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

skull measurement for subadults at 7 y). Where the 
percent increase in variable size was < 6%, growth 
was classified as neural, i.e., most growth was 
completed as subadults. Where percent increase was 
> 6%, growth was classified as somatic, i.e., growth 
continued to increase in adults. Percentage increase 
for each variable is given in Table 3. 

Pages 214-218 comprise Table 3 

Summary statistics for dorsal (D1-9), 
palatal (P10—23), lateral (L24—27) and 
mandibular (M28-—32) skull variables 
according to age (y) and age group. 
Data presented as mean skull variable 
in mm + S.E., followed by coefficient of 
variation in round brackets, and skull 
variable expressed as a percentage of 
skull length. Maximum value of each 
variable (males of unknown-age), and 
classification of growth pattern, are 
also presented. 



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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

09 19 6S 9¢ c9 


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€€F 16S 

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(€1) 71 +0971 

(F'0) LOF6SE 

%TZ 6 
(8°72) 01 = 60S 

(Sb) SL#8 94 

(TID 16 F811 

(10) 10 +686 




Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Statistical analyses 
Skull measurement error 

For most PEM skulls, duplicate measurements 
were taken of 7 randomly selected variables to assess 
measurement error. The l-sample sign test was used 
to test the null hypothesis that the true median was 
equal to the hypothesised median. The Wilcoxon 
sign-rank test requires the assumption that the parent 
population is symmetric (Gibbons and Chakraborti, 
1992, p. 155). However, the distribution of data was 
not symmetric for all variables, thus the slightly less 
powerful sign test was used. Inter-observer error was 
not assessed but care was taken to follow standard 
measurement protocols as described by previous 
authors (Sivertsen, 1954; Orr et al., 1970; Repenning 
et al., 1971; Kerley and Robinson, 1987; Brunner 

Condylobasal length expressed in relation to SBL 
Growth in condylobasal length (CBL), relative 

to standard body length (SBL), was calculated as 
follows, using paired samples only: 

[CBL (mm)/SBL (mm)] x 100% 

The SBL is defined as the length from the nose to 
the tail in a straight line with the animal on its back. 
As the approximate variance of the ratio estimate is 
difficult to estimate, percentages must be interpreted 
with caution (Cochran, 1977, p. 153). 

Condylobasal length as an indicator of SBL and age 
The degree of linear relationship between log 

CBL, log SBL and age (y) was calculated using the 
Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient. Linear 
discriminant function analysis (Mahalanobis squared 
distance) was used to predict the likelihood that an 
individual seal will belong to a particular age group 
(subadult, adult) using one independent variable, 
skull length (see Stewardson, 2001 for further 
details). Yearlings were not included in the analysis 
because of the small number of yearling skulls 
available, i.e., n = 2 yearlings. 

Suture index as an indicator of age 

The degree of linear relationship between suture 
age and canine age (y) was calculated using the 
Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient (Draper 
and Smith, 1981). Linear discriminant function 
analysis was used to differentiate between subadult 
and adult skulls using one independent variable, 
suture age. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Bivariate allometric regression 
The relationship between value of skull 

measurement and: (1) SBL, (ii) CBL, (ii) age (y), 
was investigated using the logarithmic (base e) 
transformation of the allometric equation, y = ax’ 
which may equivalently be written as log y = log a 
+ b log x. ‘Robust’ regression (Huber M-Regression) 
was used to fit straight lines to the transformed data 
(Draper and Smith, 1981). The degree of linear 
relationship between the transformed variables was 
calculated using the Spearman rank-order correlation 
coefficient, + (Gibbons and Chakraborti, 1992). 
Testing of model assumptions, and hypotheses about 
the slope of the line, followed methods described 
by Cochran (1977), Draper and Smith (1981) and 
Gibbons and Chakraborti (1992). 

Comparisons between South African and Australian 

The South African fur seal data from 
Stewardson (2001) were compared to published 
material from King (1969) and from Brunner 
(1998ab) and Brunner (2000) on Australian fur seals. 
In the case of King (1969) the condylobasal length, 
postorbital width and zygomatic width of male 
skulls were read off graphs in her paper (accuracy 
about + 1 mm). The data from King’s study was then 
compared to similar data for South African fur seals 
from the present study. Brunner published mean, 
variance and number of measurements data for most 
of the standard seal skull parameters set out in the 
legend for Figure 1 but did not provide sets of the 
raw data on individual South African or Australian 
fur seal skulls in her papers (Brunner 1998ab) or her 
PhD thesis (Brunner 2000). Multiple comparison t- 
tests (Cochran 1977) could be used to compare the 
means of South African and Australian material but 
more sophisticated multivariate analyses were not 
possible. Multivariate principal component analyses 
such as those performed by Brunner et al. (2002) and 
Daneri et al. (2005) would have required access to the 
full data sets to determine the interdependence of the 
standard skull parameters between individual skulls. 
The large numbers of Australian fur seals collected 
by Arnould and Warneke (2002) provides a large data 
set on SBL vs. dentition-based-age for both males 
and females. Unfortunately, the animals were killed 
by shooting in the head and skull measurements were 
not taken. 

Statistical Analysis Software 
Statistical analysis and graphics were 
implemented in Minitab (Minitab Inc., State College, 



1999, 12.23), Microsoft Excel 97 (Microsoft Corp., 
Seattle, 1997) and S-PLUS (MathSoft, Inc., Seattle, 
1999, 5.1). 


Skull measurement error 

Of the 7 variables that were measured twice, 
measurements were reproducible at the 5% 
significance level (range for p-values: 1.0—0.08). 
Heights of sagittal crest (L27), and heights of the 
skull at base of mastoid (L26), were both difficult 
to measure reproducibly. Hence the sagittal crest 
(L27) and base of mastoid (L26) data needs to be 
interpreted with caution. All errors are quoted as 
standard deviations (SD) or standard errors (SE) as 

Skull morphology 

The youngest animals in the sample were 10 
months of age (Figure 3a; Table 3). Inthese individuals, 
the skull was c. 160+2.6 (SE, n=2) mm in length (D1) 
and 87 + 0.5 (SE, n = 2) mm wide (P19). The brain 
case was relatively long, measuring approximately 
120 mm (75% of CBL) from the most posterior end of 
nasals to the most posteriorly projecting point on the 
occipital bone, in the mid-sagittal plane. There were 
no signs of bony ridges or prominences. Relative to 
CBL, the face and mandible were short (Figure 3a). 
Milk dentition had not been completely replaced by 
permanent teeth in animal AP4999. It was clear that 
the deciduous canines persist in at least some animals 
until their tenth month. 

In adults 10 y of age, the skull was rugose, with 
heavy bony deposits (Figure 3b; Table 3). Mean 
length (D1) and breadth (P19) was 248 + 4.7 (SE, 
n=5) mm and 142 + 2.9 (SE, n= 5) mm, respectively. 
The braincase was approximately 157 mm in length 
(or 63% of CBL), and a sagittal crest was always 
present but varied greatly in height (range 4.4-12.0 
mm) or 9.2 + 1.3 mm in height (SE, m = 5). The 
forehead was convex at the supraorbital region. 
Relative to CBL, the face was long, with long nasals 
that flared anteriorly. The ratio of nasal breadth to 
length was 1: 1.5. The palate was long, moderately 
broad and arched. The ratio of palatal breadth (P15— 
17) to palatal length (P10) was 1: 3-4. The maxillary 
shelf at the root of the zygomatic process (P14) was 
very short in an anterior-posterior direction (16 mm; 
6% of CBL). The mandible was long with a broad 
coronoid process. The tooth rows were parallel, with 
enlarged third incisor; large canines; robust, tricuspid 


postcanines (PC); anda slight diastema between upper 
PC 5 and 6 (Repenning et al., 1971; present study). 
Dental formula was (I 3/2 C 1/1 PC 6/5). In seals, the 
premolars and molars are similar in appearance and 
are collectively termed postcanines. 

East Coast and West Coast animals 

Available data suggested that skulls from adult 
males, 7-12’ y, from Eastern Cape fur seals (mean 
246.6 + 2.5 mm (SD); range 213.7—266.8 mm; n = 
28) were significantly smaller than skulls from adult 
animals inhabiting west coast waters (mean 259.4 + 
4.5 mm (SD); range 225.6—282.1 mm; n = 12) (at the 
5% significance level two sample t-test: t= -2.48; P= 
0.024; df= 17). 

However, skulls from adult males, > 12 y, from 
the Eastern Cape (mean 255.7 + 2.6 mm (SD); range 
239.9-266.6 mm; 7 = 11) were not significantly 
smaller than skulls classed as from adult animals from 
west coast waters (mean 259.4 + 4.5 mm (SD); range 
225.6—282.1 mm; n= 12) (at the 5% significance level 
for a two sample t-test: t= -0.71; P= 0.49; df= 17). 

Condylobasal length (CBL) expressed in relation 
to standard body length (SBL) 

In the cases where a seal carcass was the source 
of the skull material it was possible to measure 
skull size (CBL) and relate it to the standard body 
length (SBL) and both to age. Animals seem to cease 
growth in length at 10 y. It was found that the relative 
condylobasal length decreased with increasing SBL, 
i.e., 19.4% (yearlings), 15.5% (subadults), 13.8% 
(adults, 8-10 y) and 13.6% (adults > 12 y) (Table 4). 

Condylobasal length as an indicator of age 
Condylobasal length continued to increase 
until at least 12 y, with no obvious growth spurt at 
social maturity (8-10 y). In animals 1-10 y, growth 
in skull length was highly positively correlated with 
age (y) (r = 0.89, n = 51) (Figure 4b). However, 
after fitting the straight-line model, the plot of the 
residuals versus fitted values was examined, and the 
straight-line model was found to be inadequate (the 
residuals were not scattered randomly about zero, see 
Weisberg, 1985, p. 23). Thus, CBL could not be used 
as a reliable indicator of absolute age, particularly in 
young and old animals (Figure 4b). The coefficient 
of variation in skull length for young males 1—5 y 
(12.3%) was considerably higher than in older males 
(8-10 y, 4.3%; => 12 y, 5.7%) (Table 3) suggesting that 
young males may grow at different rates but survivors 
to old age fall into a narrower range of sizes. This 
may reflect higher mortality of smaller juveniles. 
Although CBL was not an accurate indicator of 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Figure 3a: Size and shape of the South African fur seal skull: juvenile 10 months (AP4999). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 221 


Figure 3b: Size and shape of the South African fur seal skull: male adult 10 y (AP4992). 

220) Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Table 4: Growth in mean condylobasal length relative to mean standard body length (SBL) 

Age group 


WSO. 7/ 2s 2 
174.5 +7.2 
WS D 22 Its 
205.2 + 4.7 

220.6 + 3.4 

n Mean CBL (mm) 

219.3+5.1 [3] 

232.0 +2.5 [9] 

CBL rel. to 


Mean SBL (cm) 


121.0+3.0 16.2% 
126.0+5.2 16.3% 
141.0 + 3.8 [3] 15.6% [3] 
149.0+1.7 14.8% 
159.0 + 3.4 [9] 14.6% [9] 


214.7 + 3.6 [28] 

238.8 + 6.0 [5] 

138.9+4.1 [28] 15.5% [28] 
170.4 + 7.6 [5] 14.0% [5] 

[eerie 5 242.7 + 2.0 [4] 170.8 + 2.3 [4] 14.2% [4] 
ene 0] 00 5 248.2 44.7 187.4465 13.2% 
Paes) © (8210 7 243.3 £2.8 [14] 176.6 + 4.0 [14] 13.8% [14] 
a boo yual 12 12 250.4+4.5 [11] 183.7+£5.8 [11] 3.6% a1] 
Total 63 55 

absolute age, it was a ‘rough estimator’ of age group. 
When skull length (CBL) is known, the following 
linear discriminant functions can be used to categorise 
each observation into one of two age groups—adult or 

Log(y,) = -98.43 + 0.91 x Log(CBL) 
Log(y,) = -129.06 + 1.05 x Log(CBL) 

where CBL is the skull length (mm); subscript 1 
= subadult; and subscript 2 = adult. The seal is 
classified into the age group associated with the linear 
discriminant function which results in the minimum 
value. Of the 61 observations in this study 85% could 
be correctly classified using this method (Table 5). 

Condylobasal length as an indicator of SBL 

Skull length (CBL) was highly, positively 
correlated with SBL (r = 0.93, n = 74; Figure 4a). 
When CBL is known, the following equation (linear 
least squares fit; log-transformed data) can be used as 
an ‘estimator’ of SBL: 

Log(y) = -4.11 + 1.69 x Log(CBL) 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

which may equivalently be written as SBL = Cui 

x CBL’” or 0.01641 x CBL'®, where the standard 
error (SE) of the intercept is 0.28 and the SE of the 
slope is 0.05 (n = 74). 

Suture index as an indicator of age - 

The sequence of suture closure according to 
age (y) and age group is shown in Table 6. Sutures 
i-xi showed signs of partial closure at different 
times, and the time taken to reach full closure 
was different for each suture. The cranial sutures 
(basioccipito-basisphenoid, coronal, occipito-parietal 
and interparietal) were the first to partially close. 
The squamosal-jugal, squamosal-parietal, maxillary, 
premaxillary-maxillary, and interfrontal were the 
last to show signs of partial closure (order of partial 
closure unknown), with the basisphenoid-presphenoid 
and internasal remaining fully open in all specimens 

The exact sequence of full closure forall 11 sutures 
could not be established because animals of known- 
age, => 12 y, were not available (The definitive ages 
of such old individuals can only be determined from 
tagging). However, the basioccipito-basisphenoid 
and occipito-parietal were the first sutures to fully 



close in animals 3 and 4 y, respectively; followed by 
the interparietal in some animals > 7 y; and then the 
coronal or squamosal-jugal in animals > 12 y. 

In animals 1-10 y, suture age was highly 
positively correlated with age (r= 0.81, p< 0.001, n= 
38) (Figure 5c). However, after fitting the straight line 
model, the plot of the residuals versus fitted values 
was examined, and the straight line model was found 
to be inadequate. 

Furthermore, linear discriminant function 
analysis could not be used satisfactorily to categorise 
each observation into age groups, i.e., of the 46 
animals examined, all subadults (7 = 26) were 
correctly classified; however, seven (35%) of the 20 
adults were incorrectly classified as subadults. 

Suture age was highly positively correlated with 
SBL (r = 0.89, p < 0.001, n = 63) (Figure Sa). 
Further information on suture age as an indicator 
of physiological maturity is presented elsewhere 
(Stewardson 2001). 

Bivariate allometric regression 

Regression statistics for skull measurements 
for sub-adults (yl) and adults (y2) are given in 
Appendices 2, 3 & 4. The log-transformations 
of the parameters (DI—M32) are regressed on 
Log(SBL), Log(CBL) and Log(age) respectively. 
Overall, correlation coefficients were moderately 
to strongly positive, 1.e., most points on the scatter 
plot approximate a straight line with positive slope, 
r 20.70. Exceptions included breadth of brain case 
(D9) on SBL, CBL and age (y) (r = 0.3-0.4); length 
of upper PC row on age (y) (r = 0.59), and breadth of 
zygomatic root of maxilla on age (y) (r= 0.57). SBL 
was strongly positively correlated with age (y) (r = 
0.87). Although correlation coefficients indicate that 
linearity was reasonably well approximated for most 
variables after log-log transformations of the data, a 
linear relation (Log y vs. Log x) did not necessarily 
best describe the relationship. A larger data set would 
be needed to find an optimum relationship using more 

complex models such as the Logistic growth curve, 
which has an asymptotic maximum. 

Growth of skull variables according to region 

Most variables within a given region of a skull 
were significantly positively correlated with each 
other, r = 0.70 (Appendix 4.5). Exceptions were: (1) 
breadth of palate at PC 5 (P17) with length of upper 
PC row (P11) (7 <0.7; significant at p < 0.01); and (1) 
breadth of brain case (D9) with height of sagittal crest 
(L27) (r = 0.25; not significant). 

Neurocranium region (D9, L27) 

Breadth of brain case (D9) followed a neural 
growth pattern, with most growth completed by 6 
y (84 mm) (Figure 6). Overall growth scaled with 
negative slope (b= 0.17) relative to CBL. In yearlings, 
the brain case was proportionally long, 1.e., 75% of 
CBL in yearlings, and 63% of CBL at 10 y. Growth 
in length of the brain case (31% at 10 y relative to 
yearlings abbreviated to RTY) was much greater than 
growth in breadth (8% at 10 y, RTY). The ratio of 
breadth to length increased from 1: 1.5 (yearlings) to 
Is Oy CIO sp). 

Height of sagittal crest (L27) appeared to follow 
a somatic growth pattern; however, there was great 
variation among individuals of similar age. The 
crest was absent in juveniles and young subadults. 
Evidence of crest formation was apparent in one 4 
y old (n = 7), two 6 y olds (n = 4), eight 7 y olds (n 
= 8), and all males = 8 y. Maximum crest height was 
11-12 mm (nv = 4). There was some evidence of a 
very slight secondary growth spurt in some males at 
c. 10 y, but sample size was too small to confirm this 

Basicranium region (P21, P22, P23) 
Calvarial breadth (P21) followed a somatic, 

monophasic growth pattern. Overall growth in 
variable size increased in proportion (6 = 1) to skull 
size, increasing by 49% at 10 y (RTY). Mastoid 

Facing page: Figures 4-6 

Figure 4a, b: Bivariate plot of log condylobasal length (mm) on: (a) log body length (cm) and (b) age (y). 
Solid triangles, known-age animals (MCM) based on tagging. Squares, canine aged animals (PEM). 

Figure 5a, b, c: Bivariate plots of: (a) log body length (cm) on suture age; (b) log condylobasal length 
(mm) on suture age; (c) suture age on age (y). Solid triangles, known-age animals (MCM) based on tag- 

ging. Squares, canine aged animals (PEM). 

Figure 6: Example of neural growth. Log breadth of brain case (mm) on age (y). Solid triangles, known- 
age animals (MCM) based on tagging. Squares, canine aged animals (PEM). 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


S) ni: ee 
IB. AE. 1 
S S 
© © a] < po o 
xt <x 
+ a <a — 
qa < 
Ge 02 Gl os 8'Y ov vv ov Or 
abe aunins (ww) esed uleig JO yypeeig UT 
2 2 
@ 5) 
= 5 
—J _ 
a ag 
Zs os ey oF vY S's es plies 
(w9) y}6ua} Apog u7 (ww) uiGHus| j|eseqo|Apuod uz 
OO < re 
2 2) e]ae) jo) - 
= OM) i 
=) Ss 
& Oo «a< © o 
> Zz 
3 Oo <@ 
= 4<0 «a << b + 
= < < rN 
GS es ie 9S oe) VS es os LS 
(ww) uj6u9] jeseqo|Apuoo u7 (ww) u}6Hu9] feseqo|Apuod u7 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 225 


Table 5: Discriminant analysis for seal age group (sub-adult, adult) inferred from skull length 

Known Age Classification 
Group into age group Subadult (y,) Adult (y,) 
(1 y 7 months to 7 y 6 months) (2 7 y 7 months) 

26 (81%) 

26 (90%) 




vill | basisphenoid 
brain case 


Coronal (brain 

i | maxillary (face- 

Maxillary (face- 

parietal (brain 

vill | presphenoid 
brain case 

Internasal (face- 


Suture index 


Total no. skulls 
= 48 

226 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


breadth (P22) followed a somatic growth pattern. 
Overall growth scaled with positive slope (6 = 1.29) 
relative to CBL, increasing by 80% at 10 y (RTY). 
A prominent secondary growth spurt was apparent at 
10 y (Figure 7). Basion to bend of pterygoid (P23) 
followed a neural growth pattern, with most growth 
competed by 7 y (76 mm). Overall growth in variable 
size was negatively allometric relative to CBL. 

Frontal region (D7, D8) 

Least interorbital constriction (D7) followed 
a somatic, monophasic growth pattern. Overall 
growth expressed positive allometry relative to CBL, 
increasing by 79% at 10 y (RTY). Most growth was 
completed by 9 y. Greatest breadth at supraorbital 
processes (D8) followed a somatic growth pattern. 
Overall growth scaled with a very slight positive 
slope (6 = 1.03) relative to CBL, increasing by 50% 
at 10 y (RTY). A weak secondary growth spurt was 
apparent at 7 y. 

Zygomatic arch (P14, P19) 

Breadth of zygomatic root at maxilla (P14) 
followed a somatic, monophasic growth pattern. 
Overall growth was isometric relative to CBL, 
increasing by 24% at 10 y (RTY). Zygomatic 
breadth (P19) followed a somatic, monophasic 
growth pattern. Overall growth scaled with positive 
slope (6 = 1.12) relative to CBL, increasing by 64% 
at 10 y (RTY). The ratio of zygomatic breadth to CBL 
was 1:1.8 in yearlings and adults. Zygomatic breadth 
was generally the widest part of the skull; however, 
mastoid breadth exceeded zygomatic breadth in 10 
animals (7 subadults; 3 adults). 

Splanchnocranium region (D3, L24, L25) 

Gnathion to posterior end of nasals (D3) followed 
a somatic growth pattern. Overall growth expressed 
positive allometry relative to CBL, increasing by 
66% at 10 y (RTY). A weak secondary growth spurt 
was apparent at 10 y. Gnathion to foramen infraorbital 
(L24) and gnathion to posterior border of preorbital 
process (L25) followed a somatic, monophasic 
growth pattern. Overall growth scaled with positive 
slope (6 = 1.26, 1.25) relative to CBL, increasing by 
62% and 70% at 10 y (RTY), respectively. 

Nasal region (D4, D5) 

Width of anterior nares (D4) followed a somatic, 
monophasic growth pattern. Overall growth was 
isometric relative to CBL (Figure 8), increasing by 
43% at 10 y (RTY). Greatest length of nasals (D5) 
followed a somatic growth pattern. Overall growth 
expressed positive allometry relative to CBL, 
increasing by 76% at 10 y (RTY). There was some 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

evidence of a very slight secondary growth spurt at 10 
y, but this may have been an effect of sampling. The 
ratio of nasal breadth to length increased from 1:1.2 
(yearlings) to 1:1.5 y (10 y). 

Palatal region (P10, P11, P12, P13, P15, P16, P17) 
Palatal notch to incisor (P10) and gnathion to 

posterior end of maxilla (P13), followed a somatic 
growth pattern. Overall growth scaled with a very 
weak positive slope (b = 1.07, 1.06) relative to 
CBL, increasing by 70% and 61% at 10 y (RTY), 

Length of upper PC tooth row (P11) followed a 
somatic, monophasic growth pattern. Overall growth 
scaled with negative slope (b = 0.84) relative to CBL, 
increasing by 46% at 10 y (RTY). Greatest bicanine 
breadth (P12) followed a somatic growth pattern. 
Overall growth expressed positive allometry relative 
to CBL, increasing by 51% at 10 y (RTY). There was 
some evidence ofa very slight secondary growth spurt 
at 10 y, but this may have been an effect of sampling 

Breadth of palate at PC 1 (P15), 3 (P16) and 5 
(P17) followed a somatic growth pattern, increasing 
by 89%, 47% and 72% at 10 y (RTY), respectively. 
Overall growth expressed strong positive allometry 
for breadth at PC1; positive allometry for PC5; and 
isometry for breadth at PC3, relative to CBL. There 
was some evidence of a very slight secondary growth 
spurt in breadth at PCS at 10 y, but this may have been 
an effect of sampling. The ratio of palatal breadth at 
PCS (P17) to palatal length (P10) was 1:3 in both 
yearlings and adults (10 y). 

Mandible (M28, M29, M30, M31, M32) 

Length of mandible (M28) followed a somatic, 
monophasic growth pattern. Overall growth scaled 
with positive slope (b = 1.22) relative to CBL, 
increasing by 79% at 10 y(RTY). Length of mandibular 
tooth row (M29) and length of lower post-canine row 
(M30) followed a neural growth pattern, with most 
growth completed by 7 y (table 3; 68 + 0.6 (SE, n 
= 12) mm; 45 + 0.4 (SE, n = 12) mm). Growth was 
negatively allometric relative to CBL (Figure 9). The 
ratio of the length of the lower PC row (M30) to upper 
PC row (P11) was 1:1.1 (yearlings) and 1:1.3 (10 y). 
Height of mandible at meatus (M31), and angularis 
to coronoideus (M32), followed a somatic growth 
pattern, with a weak secondary growth spurt at 10 y. 
Overall growth expressed strong positive allometry 
relative to CBL (Figure 10), with variables increasing 
by 130% and 105% at 10 y (RTY), respectively. 
Growth in vertical height of the mandible was 
considerably greater than that of length. 



Ln mastoid breadth (mm) 
Ln length of lower postcanine row (mm) 

5.1 5.3 5.5 
Ln condylobasal length (mm) 

Ln greatest width of anterior nares (mm) 
Ln height of mandible at meatus (mm) 

5.1 5.3 5.5 5.1 5.3 5.5 
Ln condylobasal length (mm) Ln condylobasal length (mm) 

Figure 7: Example of somatic, biphasic growth. Log mastoid breadth (mm) on age (y). Solid triangles, 
known-age animals (MCM) based on tagging. Squares, canine aged animals (PEM). 

Figure 8: Example of isometric growth. Log greatest width of anterior nares on log condylobasal length 
(mm). Solid triangles, known-age animals (MCM) based on tagging. Squares, canine aged animals 

Figure 9: Example of negative allometry. Log length of lower postcanine row (mm) on log condylobasal 
length (mm). Solid triangles, known-age animals (MCM) based on tagging. Squares, canine aged ani- 
mals (PEM). 

Figure 10: Example of strong positive allometry. Log height of mandible at meatus (mm) on log condylo- 

basal length (mm). Solid triangles, known-age animals (MiCM) based on tagged animals. Squares, canine 
aged animals (PEM). 

228 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



Of the 60 PEM skulls examined, 14 (23%) had a 
cleft palate varying in severity from slight clefts to 
moderate deformity (PEM: 951, 958, 1453, 1560, 
SS eZ05 05220515 20525.2053, 2132, 2137, 2141, 
2197, 2253), and abnormal bony deposits were 
observed on the occipital bone, at the base of the 
parietal in PEM2049. In addition, it was clear that the 
deciduous canines persist in some animals until their 
tenth month (i.e., AP4999). Hence the generalisations 
of Rand (1950) that (i) deciduous canines of pups are 
lost by the end of March (about 3 to 4 months old); 
(11) permanent canines do not erupt from the gums 
before 4 months of age and are well developed by 8 
months old (end of July) are not universal. 

Comparison of South African and Australian Fur 
Seal Skulls 
Comparisons were made between data on male 
South African fur seal skulls from the present study 
with published information on male Australian fur 
seals. King (1969) published data on condylobasal 
length (CBL), zygomatic width and supraorbital 
width (postorbital width) of male Australian fur seal 
skulls judged to be adult male based on their suture 
indices. Figures 11 and 12 are plots of King’s data 
compared to data on South African material with a 
Condylobasal length greater than 180 mm. Linear 
egression analysis showed that both Zygomatic Width 
vs. CBL and Supraorbital width vs. CBL are linearly 
related and the Australian and South African material 
fall on the same regression lines: 
Zygomatic Width vs. CBL (n = 78, South 
African n = 36, Australian n = 42) 
Slope 0.678 + 0.037 (Standard Error, SE) 
Intercept = -25.8 + 9.99 mm (SE) (marginally 
different to zero based on t-test) 
INK —A 207] SX CIE 25.8, f= 0.92525 p< 
Supraorbital Width vs. CBL (n = 73, South 
African n = 32, Australian n = 41) 
Slope 0.212 + 0.026 (SE) 
Intercept = 3.98 + 7.09 mm (SE) (not 
significantly different to zero) 
SOB 0212 CB + 3.98.1 = 0.6898, p < 
However, although the regression analyses show that 
the South African and Australian skulls share the same 
geometry it is obvious that the South African skulls 
are significantly smaller than the Australian material 
from King (1969) although there is considerable 
overlap: South African; CBL = 248 + 10.7 mm (SD, 
n= 36), Zygomatic width = 141 + 10.1 mm (SD, n= 
36), Supraorbital width = 57 + 5.4 mm (SD, n = 32); 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Australian; CBL = 283 + 10.7 (SD, n= 42, Zygomatic 
width = 166 + 10.3 (SD, n = 42), Supraorbital width 
= 64+5.8 (SD, n= 41). These values agree well with 
those published by Brunner (1998ab, Brunner 2000). 

Table 7 compares the mean values fora wide range 
of skull parameters of South African and Australian 
fur seals. The Australian fur seal measurements are 
consistently larger than the South African skulls. 
However, there is one significant exception. In the 
present study, adult South African fur seals were 
found to have a braincase width (D9) of about 84 
+ 2 mm (SD, n = 46) (see Table 3); this does agree 
with values published for South African fur seals by 
Brunner (1998b) (84 + 4.6 mm, SD, n = 17) but not 
with the value found in her thesis (Brunner 2001) (77 
+ 2, SD, n = 38). Brunner (1998b) reports the brain 
case width of Australian fur seals to be 78 + 2.25 (SD, 
n = 45). If the braincase data of the present study 
shown in Table 3 was correct, then braincase size 
was larger in South African fur seals than that of the 
Australian variety. This seems exceptional and is not 
consistent with the differences found in the other skull 
parameters (Table 7). Furthermore, if the braincase 
was smaller in Australian fur seals, this would affect 
the zygomatic width measurements (Figure 1, P19) 
and hence the geometry of the skull. In the present 
study, braincase width (D9) was measured across 
the same section of the skull as the zygomatic width 
(P19) (see Figure 1). However, the graph shown in 
Figure 11 shows that South African and Australian fur 
seals have similar skull geometry. We conclude that 
the braincase width has been measured in a different 
way in the present study compared to the method used 
by Brunner (2001). The braincase width measure 
shown on the skull diagrams in the present study (D9 
in Figure 1) and parameter 9 in Figure 2 in Brunner 
(1998a) appear to be the same but cannot have been 
measured in the same way. If we take the braincase 
width data from Brunner (2001) for both the South 
African and Australian fur seals we find there is no 
significant difference in braincase width in the two 
populations (Table 7). 


Skull size 

Arctocephalus pusillus is the largest of the fur 
seals, therefore the skull is correspondingly large. 
In the present study of the South African fur seal 
(A. pusillus pusillus), the maximum CBL was 275.4 
mm (PEM898); however, skulls up to 307 mm 
have been reported in the Australian fur seal (A. 




+ Australian Fur Seals 

o South African Fur Seals “ 




zygomatic Width (mm) 



200 220 8240 

260 280 300 320 

Condylobasal Length (mm) 

Figure 11: Comparisons of the skulls of male South African and Australian fur seals: Zygomatic arch 
width vs. Condylobasal length (CBL). When fitting two linear regression models to the Australian and 
South African fur seal data it was found that the intercepts and the slopes were not significantly different 
using a F-test (p = 0.08) (Draper and Smith, 1981). A single straight line could be fitted to all of the data 

(r = 0.9252, n = 78, p < 0.0001). 

pusillus doriferus: Cruwys and Friday, 1995). As 
with all southern hemisphere fur seals, the skull is 
considerably larger in males than in females, reflecting 
pronounced sexual dimorphism (Bryden, 1972; King, 
1972, 1983; Cruwys and Friday, 1995; Arnould and 
Warneke, 2002; Brunner et al., 2004). Table 7 and 
Figures 11 and 12 clearly indicate that male South 
African fur seal skulls are on average smaller than 
Australian fur seal skulls but Figures 11 and 12 show 
that they share the same geometry. 


South African Fur Seals from the East Coast and 
West Coasts of South Africa 

It has been suggested that marine mammal 
species inhabiting warmer waters may be smaller in 
body size than marine mammal species inhabiting 
cooler waters (Ross and Cockcroft, 1990) reflecting 
generally higher productivity and hence food supply 
in cooler waters. Long-term climatic data in Algoa 
Bay (South Africa), based on daily measurements, 
indicate that the mean water temperature is 16—17° 
C in winter and 21—22° C in summer. For Luderitz 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 





supraorbital Width (mm) 


¢ Australian Fur Seals 

o South African Fur Seals 


220 240 

2760 280 300 320 

Condylobasal Length (mm) 

Figure 12: Comparisons of the skulls of male South African and Australian fur seals: Supraorbital width 
vs. Condylobasal length (CBL). Fitting two linear regression models to the Australian and South Afri- 
can fur seal data showed that the intercepts and the slopes were not significantly different based upon a 
F-test (p = 0.35) (Cochran, 1977). A single straight line could be fitted to all of the data (r = 0.6848, n = 

73, p < 0.0001). 

(near Sinclair Island, South Africa), mean water 
temperature is 12—13° C in winter and 14-15° C in 
summer, considerably cooler than Eastern Cape waters 
(Dr M. Grundlingh, pers. comm.). When comparing 
CBL from adult South African fur seals from these 
two geographic locations, we did not find sufficient 
reason to reject the hypothesis that the population 
means for skull length were equal using PEM 
animals = 12 y. However, it is not clear if this result 
was influenced by a larger number of older adults in 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

the PEM sample. When younger PEM animals were 
included in the adult sample (7-12’ y), Eastern Cape 
seals were found to be significantly smaller than west 
coast seals. Further testing using a larger sample of 
aged animals is required. 

The larger size of the Australian fur seal (A. 
pusillus doriferus) which mainly lives in Bass Strait in 
Australia (Arnould and Warneke, 2002), is an argument 
against a straightforward relationship between 
body size and water temperatures (Warneke and 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

















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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 



SD Range 


df p-value 

Difference (t) 

Mandible and Teeth 




3.876 59.8-75.7 






Length of mandibular tooth row 




51.61 2.56  43.86-57.53 
2.836 40.8-52.5 


56 <0.0005 


Length of lower postcanine row 






48 <0.0005 


Height of mandible at meatus 






46 <0.0005 


Angularis - coronoideus 


198.1 2  181.7-214.6 4] 
11.50  141.6-192.0 2 


43 <0.0005 


Length of mandible 

Table 7 continued 

Shaughnessy, 1985; Brunner 1998ab; Brunner et al., 
2002) because Bass Strait waters are considerably 
warmer than the South African waters where the South 
African variety occurs (Stewardson 2001). Arnould 
and Warner (2002) also point out that Bass Strait 
waters are also far less productive than the waters 
inhabited by the South African fur seal. Other closely 
related fur seals found in Australian, New Zealand, 
Subantarctic and Antarctic waters (A. australis 
forsteri, A. tropicalis, A. gazella and A. australis) are 
all smaller than A. pusillus (Kerley and Robinson, 
1987; Brunner 1998ab; Brunner et al., 2002; Daneri 
et al., 2005; McKenzie et al., 2007). 

Skull shape 

Morphological observations of the skull were 
generally consistent with earlier studies by Rand 
(19496, 1950, 1956) and Repenning et al. (1971). As 
for all otariids, the frontal bones project anteriorly 
between the nasal bones; supraorbital processes 
are present; the tympanic bulla are small and fiat, 
comprised primarily of the ectotympanic; the 
alisphenoid canal is present; the mastoid processes are 
massive; the jugal-squamosal joint of the zygomatic 
arch overlap; and deep transverse grooves occur on 
the occlusal surface of the upper incisors (Burns and 
Fay, 1970; King, 1983; present study). 

Within the species, the forehead is convex at the 
supraorbital region; the snout is long; the nasals are 
long and flared anteriorly; the palate is moderately 
broad and arched; the maxillary shelf at the root of 
the zygomatic process is very short in an anterio- 
posterior direction; the tooth rows are parallel, with 
robust, tricuspid PC, and a slight diastema between 
upper PC 5 and 6 (Repenning et al., 1971; present 

As with other species of this genus, the interorbital 
region (D7) was less than 20% of CBL in adults (..e., 
15%); palatal notch to the incisors (P10) was more 
than 37% of CBL (i.e., 43%); and nasal length (D5) 
fell within 14% (smallest fur seal, A. galapagoensis) 
and 18% (largest fur seal, A. pusillus pusillus and 
A. pusillus doriferus) of CBL (i.e., 18%) (Scheffer, 
1958; Cruwys and Friday, 1995; present study). 

Growth Curves 

Mammals typically exhibit a determinant growth 
pattern — as juveniles and subadults they grow in size 
at a fast rate when very young then growth gradually 
slows until it finally more or less stops as adults. Such 
growth patterns can usually be described by various 
variations of exponential or logistic growth curves of 
the form: exponential saturation or von Bertalanffy 
curve, y = y_. *(1-e“') or logistic growth curve, y 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


= y,,,,/(1-be™). Both these curves can be difficult to 
fit to experimental data and obtain useful estimates 
of y,,, and k. Fitting usually requires values for 
accurately aged fully grown animals over a range 
of adult ages otherwise the asymptotic y,,, may not 
be estimated reliably. More complex models with 
another unknown, for example to allow for length as 
infants, are even more difficult to fit. 

The present study has shown that South African 
male fur seals continue to grow to about 10 y, only 
just short of the age of the oldest definitively aged 
individuals (tagged animals) and also just short of the 
maximum age that can be determined from dentition 
(12 y). Arnould and Warneke (2002) working on 
Australian fur seals had enough fully grown and 
aged seals to be able to fit asymptotic growth curves 
to their data for both males and females. Similarly, 
Winship et al. (2001) working on the Steller sea lion 
(Eumetopias jubatus) had access to data on hundreds 
of individuals aged on the basis of dentition and were 
able to fit SBL vs. age to both types of asymptotic 
growth curve. 

In the present study SBL and skull parameters 
such as CBL when plotted against age did not show 
obvious asymptotes (Table 4, Figure 4b) and little 
curvature so maximum SBL and CBL could not be 
accurately determined from such curves. There were 
not many aged adult animals and the oldest known 
age was 13 years so the range of ages of fully-grown 
adults was small. When we did fit these exponential 
saturating curves to the data the residuals versus 
fitted values plot were not random scatters about zero 
indicating that the curves were not adequate models 
for the data. The data was better described by simple 
linear or Log/Log relationships. 

Condylobasal length as an indicator of SBL and 

In male South African fur seals, CBL continued 
to increase until at least 12 y, with no obvious growth 
spurt at social maturity (8-10 y). The absence of very 
old skulls of known-age (18-20 y), made it difficult 
to determine overall growth in CBL. In contrast 
CBL continues to increase until at least 13 y in 
male C. ursinus (Scheffer and Wilke, 1953, but see 
Scheffer and Kraus, 1964) and slows at 10 y in male 
Eumetopias jubatus (Fiscus, 1961). 

Condylobasal length was found to be a 
reasonable indicator of SBL and age group, but not 
of absolute age. The classification criteria for SBL 
developed in this study will be particularly useful 
when a seal is decomposed/scavenged (total SBL 
can not be measured), and/or the skull is incomplete/ 
absent (total SBL can not be extrapolated from skull 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

length). The classification criteria for age group will 
be particularly useful when teeth are not available 
for age determination; or museum records have been 
misplaced or destroyed. As more specimens become 
available, particularly very old tagged individuals of 
known age, the classification criteria could be made 
more precise. 

Suture index as an indicator of age 

Although cranial sutures close progressively 
with age, suture age was not considered to be a 
good indicator of chronological age (y) or age group 
(sub-adult/adult). Similar observations have been 
made in other male otariids, e.g., in C. ursinus, the 
rate of suture closure is highly variable, and like 
SBL and CBL, is a poor indicator of chronological 
age (Scheffer and Wilke, 1953) compared to teeth 
(Scheffer, 1950; McCann, 1993; Oosthuizen, 1997). 
Brunner et al. (2004) in their study of suture closure 
sequences in several fur seal species was also 
hesitant to use suture closure indices to indicate 
chronological age although they were perhaps more 
confident in using it to assign skulls to age groups 
than is warranted from the conclusions drawn from 
the present study. A particular problem is that canine- 
tooth sections are only useful for aging individuals 
up to 12 years old and yet some individuals at that 
age still have some incomplete closure of sutures. 
Some individuals probably live considerably longer 
than 12 years but skulls from very old animals are not 
currently available. 

Function and growth 
Neurocranium region 

In mammals, growth of the protective brain case 
corresponds closely to that of the enclosed brain 
(Moore, 1981). The brain/brain case grows rapidly 
during prenatal and postnatal life; attains full size 
early in development before that of the basicranium 
or face; and scales with negative slope relative to 
skull size (Moore, 1966, 1981; Bryden, 1972; King, 
1972; Gould, 1975; Moore and Lavelle, 1975; Enlow, 
1982; Shea, 1985; Wayne, 1986; Hartwig, 1993; 
Morey, 1990; present study). Early maturation of the 
brain/brain case is essential for nervous control of the 

The sagittal crest strengthens the skull, and 
provides an increased surface area for muscle 
attachment. In adults, large crest size is advantageous 
in combat behaviour between breeding bulls, and in 
feeding (increases bite force). Sagittal crest height 
begins to increase in size at 4—7 y (highly variable), 
reaching at least 12 mm in some adult males. In male 
Zalophus californianus, the sagittal crest begins to 



develop at 5 y, with height ranging from 11—36.5 
mim in adults (Orr et al., 1970). In male Ewmetopias 
jubatus, sagittal crest height ranged from 7-37 mm 
in adults (Fiscus, 1961). The wide variance in crest 
height in older South African fur seal males is possibly 
an artefact of the unknown actual age of bulls classed 
as >12y based on dentition. It is also possible that it 
might reflect differences between breeding and non- 
breeding bulls in the collection of skulls used in the 
present study. 

Basicranium region 
The basicrantum accommodates the hearing 

apparatus (Enlow, 1982). As with other mammals, 
growth of the otic capsule (and associated structures) 
appears to follow a neural growth pattern (Bast and 
Anson, 1949; Hoyte, 1961; Moore, 1981). Early 
development of the otic capsule enables juveniles to 
recognise the ‘pup-attraction call’ of their mothers. 
Mother-pup recognition is critical for pinnipeds 
living within a colony where separation is frequent, 
and mother-pup pairs are numerous (see Rand, 
1967; Trillminch, 1981; Oftedal et al., 1987; Bowen, 

Unlike the otic capsule, calvarial breadth and 
mastoid breadth mature much later in life (present 
study). In adults, enlarged mastoids are advantageous 
in combat behaviour between breeding bulls, and 
in feeding (large head size/increases bite force); 
and facilitate directional hearing (provides a greater 
surface area of specific orientation for selective 
reflection of sound) (Repenning, 1972). 

Frontal region 
The interorbital region provides the structural 

base for the snout (Enlow, 1982). The dimensions 
of this region increase with age to accommodate the 
development of the proportionally large snout. 

The supraorbital processes strengthen the skull 
(very thick in adults), protects the orbital region, 
and increases bite force. In adult seals, this enlarged 
structure is advantageous in feeding, and in combat 
behaviour between breeding bulls. 

Zygomatic arch 

The zygomatic arch protects the eye, provides a 
base for the masseter and part of the temporal muscle, 
accommodates conductive hearing (squamous root) 
and is the poimt of articulation for the mandible 
(Evans, 1993; Repenning, 1972). As with other 
mammals, the zygomatic arch enlarges laterally and 
inferiorly to accommodate enlargement of the head, 
and a correspondingly greater temporal muscle mass 
(Moore, 1981; present study). 


The orbital border of the zygomatic bone forms 
the ventral margin of the eye socket. As with other 
pinnipeds, the orbits were large to accommodate 
large eyes (King, 1972). In South African fur seals, 
the horizontal diameter of the eye is c. 40 mm 
(e.g., animals AP5215, 2 y 4 months; AP5210, 3 y). 
Although large eyes are potentially advantageous in 
the detection of benthic and/or fast moving pelagic 
prey (David, 1987), vision is not necessary to locate/ 
capture prey in seals (see King, 1983). 

Splanchnocranium region 
In South African fur seals, lateral face length and 

width of snout at the canines, scaled with positive 
slope relative to CBL, similar to that of wild canids 
(Lumer, 1940; Wayne 1986; Morey, 1990; Evans, 
1993). As the face and snout increased in length, the 
brain case and orbits became proportionally smaller. 

In mammals, the size and shape of the brain 
establishes boundaries that determine the amount of 
facial growth; and special sense organs housed within 
the face influence the direction of growth (Enlow, 
1982). In adult South African fur seals, the brain is 
relatively large and more spherical than in terrestrial 
carnivores (Lumer, 1938; Harrison and Kooyman, 
1968; King, 1983; Evans 1993), yet long and narrow 
compared to humans and other primates (i.e., small 
cerebrum) (Scott 1951; Gould 1975; Moore and 
Lavelle 1975; Shea 1985; Sirianni and Swindler, 
1985). Therefore, the snout is correspondingly long 
and narrow. The wide nasal openings were aligned 
in a horizontal plane with the nerves of the olfactory 
bulb; and the orbital axis is pointed straight forward 
in the direction of body movement (Enlow, 1982; 
present study). 

Nasal and palatal region 
The naso-maxillary complex is the facial part 

of the respiratory (nasal cavity) and alimentary (oral 
cavity) tracts, which also facilitates sound production 
and the sense of smell. The floor of the nasal cavity 
forms the roof of the oral cavity, thus growth of the 
two cavities was highly coordinated. Growth was 
predominantly somatic, with similar allometric trends 
to those of wild canids (Lumer, 1940; Wayne, 1986; 
Morey, 1990). Progressive growth of this region is 
needed to accommodate the large dental battery. 
Growth of dentition has been described by Rand 
(1950, 1956). At 6 to 12 months, South African 
fur seals gradually transfer from milk to solids 
(fish, crustacean and cephalopod) (Warneke and 
Shaughnessy, 1985). Although the small, deciduous 
teeth are usually lost by the end of the first 5 months 
(Rand, 1956), deciduous canines may persist for 10 
months (present study). The permanent teeth are used 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


to hold slippery prey (gripping), and to reduce prey 
size (biting and shearing) and of course in fighting 
between rival males. Growth of the permanent teeth 
is a gradual process, with diet becoming more varied 
with age and experience (Rand, 1959). In the upper 
jaw, the canines protrude beyond the tip of the 3rd 
upper incisor only in the 2nd y (Rand, 1956). 

In male South African fur seals, the ability to 
produce sound is evident at birth, with vocal skills 
broadening with increased age (Rand, 1967). In 
otariids, the production of sound is important in 
mother-pup recognition; communicating within a 
colony; and affirmation of territorial boundaries and 
social status (e.g., Stirling and Warneke, 1971). 

Although the olfactory area is reduced when 
compared to terrestrial carnivores, the sense of smell 
appears to be well developed, and plays an important 
role in the detection of sexually receptive females, 
and land predators (Harrison and Kooyman, 1968; 
Peterson, 1968; King, 1983; Renouf, 1991; Wartzok, 


Using human anatomy as a model, the horizontal 
part of the mandible (corpus) provides the structural 
basis for tooth formation, and the vertical part 
(ramus = condyle, angular process, coronoid process, 
masseteric fossa) provides areas for articulation and 
muscle attachment (Scott, 1951). 

As with other carnivores, the ramus increased 
substantially in height to accommodate implantation 
of the teeth, and expansion of the nasal region 
(Evans, 1993; Enlow, 1982; present study). The 
coronoid process grew upwards and backwards 
increasing in thickness on the anterior borders; the 
condyles grew backwards, beyond the level of the 
coronoid process; and the masseteric fossa formed a 
large, deep depression for jaw muscle (masseter and 
temporalis) attachment. Large jaws and jaw muscles 
are advantageous in feeding and in combat behaviour 
between breeding bulls (increases bite force/increases 

In mammals, the mandible of newborns is 
proportionally smaller than the upper jaw, and 
therefore must grow at a slightly faster rate to provide 
anatomical balance (Scott, 1951; Enlow, 1982). 
In order to achieve correct occlusal relationships 
between upper and lower dentition, the rate of growth 
between the mandible and maxilla needs to be highly 
coordinated (Scott, 1951; Bryden, 1972; Moore, 1981; 
Enlow, 1982; Hartwig, 1993; Brunner et al., 2004). 
In South African fur seals, the PC teeth are robust, 
therefore the tooth row is long compared to other fur 
seals and other carnivores such as dogs (Rand, 1950; 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Scott, 1951; Scheffer and Kraus, 1964; Bryden, 1972; 
Burns and Fay, 1970; Enlow, 1982; Wayne, 1986; 
Hartwig, 1993; McCann, 1993; Cruwys and Friday, 
1995; Oosthuizen, 1997; Brunner, 1998ab; Brunner et 
al., 2002; Brunner et al., 2004; Daneri et al., 2005). 

Growth rate of the lower PC row (6 = 0.7) was 
similar to that of the upper PC row (b = 0.8), relative 
to CBL. Overall percent increase in growth was 
greater in the upper jaw because there are 6 PC in the 
upper jaw and only 5 in the lower jaw. The ratio of 
length of the lower PC row to upper PC row was 1:1.1 
in yearlings, and increased to 1:1.3 in adults (at 10 
y). Growth of the anterior dentition was considerably 
greater than that of the PC, due to development of the 
large canines. 

Information presented in this study confirms 
earlier descriptions of the South African fur seal skull 
(Rand, 19495, 1950, 1956; Repenning etal., 1971), and 
provides new information on skull growth according 
to age (y), not available for most seal species. In male 
South African fur seals, CBL continued to increase 
until at least 12 y, with no obvious growth spurt at 
social maturity (8-10 y). Growth of the skull was a 
differential process and not simply an enlargement of 
overall size. Components within each region matured 
at different rates and grew in different directions. 
Apart from the dentition, all variables of the facial 
skeleton followed a somatic growth trajectory, and 
most variables were positively allometric with CBL. 
Breadth of braincase and basion to bend of pterygoid 
followed a neural growth trajectory and scaled with 
negative slope relative to CBL. Condylobasal length 
and suture age were found to be poor indicators 
of absolute age. However, CBL was a reasonable 
indicator of SBL and age group. 

Further information is needed on cranial capacity; 
orbital size; tooth eruption; and the development of 
the sagittal crest in relation to chronological age and 
social status. Meaningful biological, evolutionary 
and functional inferences on skull growth can only 
be made when similar quality data is available for 
other pinniped species of known-age in particular the 
Australian fur seals (A. pusillus doriferus) and New 
Zealand (A. australis forsteri). Multivariate statistical 
procedures can then be employed to summarise 
morphometric relationships within and among 

Table 7 and Figures 11 and 12 clearly indicate that 
the male South African fur seal skulls in the present 
study are smaller than available material from their 
Australian relatives. Some caution is necessary in 
drawing the conclusion that the male South African fur 
seal is indeed always smaller than the male Australian 

D3 i] 


fur seal. There is considerable overlap in skull sizes, 
particularly the ranges of the measurements (Table 
7). In the present study, the South African skull 
material represented material collected from breeding 
colonies, stranded animals, animals killed by fishing 
boat crews and animals that had been tagged as pups. 
Most of the material used by King (1969), Crowys 
and Friday (1995), Brunner (1998ab), Brunner (2000) 
and Brunner et al. (2002) were museum specimens; 
mainly “beachmaster’” breeding males shot at breeding 
colonies. The Australian skull material is therefore 
biased towards large breeding males and probably 
also by the so-called “trophy effect” where collectors 
tend to choose the largest specimens. The trophy effect 
is compounded in the case of seals by their social 
behaviour: breeding male fur seals “beachmasters” 
exclude smaller non-breeding “bachelor” males 
from colonies. Arnould and Warneke (2002) made a 
deliberate effort to collect a range of sizes of seals to 
avoid this problem. 

There are also good biological reasons for 
supposing that Australian fur seals are better fed 
than their South African relatives. The modern South 
African fur seal population has grown to near the 
estimated population before commercial exploitation 
but the Australian fur seal is still rapidly recovering 
from near-extinction and so it is unlikely that 
individuals are limited in size by resource limitations 
(Armould et al., 2003). Today mass starvation of 
South African fur seals occurs at irregular intervals 
as a knock-on effect of failures of upwelling currents 
(Anselmo etal., 1995). Itis also possible that Australian 
fur seals are longer lived (see Arnould and Warneke 
2002), which might again reflect a population not 
yet fully recovered to their original numbers. From 
these considerations it is reasonable to conclude that 
the South African material is more representative of a 
stable population of male South African fur seals than 
the corresponding male Australian fur seal material. 

Historically the separation of the South African 
and Australian fur seals into subspecies was mainly 
based on them having non-overlapping geographical 
distributions and only minor differences such as a 
slight difference in size (Australian fur seals seem to 
grow slightly larger (& longer lived?), Cruwys and 
Friday, 1995; Brunner 1998ab; Arnould and Warneke, 
2002; Brunner et al., 2002; Brunner 2003; Brunner et 
al., 2004). Recent molecular evidence supports their 
varietal status as two very closely related but distinct 
populations (Wynen et al., 2001). This implies that 
the Australian population is of geologically recent 
origin from South African immigrants. 

Do stragglers from South Africa reach Australian 
waters today? Identification of fur seals until recently 


was largely based onprovenance because it was difficult 
to separate some species based on classical taxonomy 
(Brunner 2003). Thus, where distributions overlap, 
for example the Australian (A. pusillus doriferus) and 
New Zealand fur seal (A. australis forsteri), there can 
be difficulties in positive identification, particularly 
of immature individuals (King 1969; Brunner 2003). 
Understandably, stragglers outside their normal range 
can be difficult to identify. Recently some molecular 
biological information on the interrelationships of 
otariid seals has become available (Wynen et al., 
2001; Lancaster et al., 2006). Both the South African 
and Australian fur seals are thought to be less wide- 
ranging than their Subantarctic and Antarctic cousins 
(A. tropicalis and A. gazella) and largely remain in 
coastal waters. On the other hand, Warneke and 
Shaughnessy (1985) state that South African fur 
seals are known to forage at least 220 kilometres 
offshore. Molecular evidence (Wynen ef al., 2001) 
does not refute the possibility that contempory South 
African fur seals do occasionally reach Australia and 
breed with the local population. Lack of evidence of 
stragglers from South Africa turning up in Australian 
waters should not be construed as proof that this does 
not occur today. Given an A. pusillus skull of unknown 
provenance it would not be possible to confidently 
assign it to A. pusillus pusillus or A. pusillus doriferus 
on the basis of current morphometric or molecular 
taxonomy (Wynen et al., 2001; Brunner et al., 2002; 
Brunner 2003). The two varieties of A. pusillus are 
so similar that only finding a tagged individual from 
South Africa in Australia would settle the issue. 

The biogeography of ocean roaming fur seals is 
not static. For example, Macquarie Island, after its 
original fur seal population (specie(s) undetermined?) 
was wiped out in the 19" century, has been repopulated 
by three species of fur seals (A. australis forsteri, A. 
tropicalis and A. gazella). These three species are 
known to be hybridising although the breeding success 
of the hybrids is not high (Lancaster et al., 2006). 
The closest sources of the Antarctic and Subantarctic 
fur seal colonists are several thousand kilometres 
away. Similarly, straggler Subantarctic fur seals (A. 
tropicalis) periodically appear on the South African 
coast (Shaughnessy and Ross, 1980) and in Southern 
Australia (King, 1983; Kirkwood et al., 1992). 


We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the 
following persons and organisations for assistance with 
this study: Dr V. Cockcroft (Port Elizabeth Museum), Dr 
J. Hanks (WWEF-South Africa) and Prof. A. Cockburn 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


(Australian National University) for financial and logistic 
support; Mr B. Rose (Oosterlig Visserye, Port Elizabeth) 
who enabled us to collect seals from his commercial fishing 
vessels; Dr G. Ross (formerly Port Elizabeth Museum) and 
Dr V. Cockcroft for the use of PEM skulls collected before 
April 1992 (7 = 16 skulls); Dr J.H.M David (MCM) for the 
use of MCM skulls of known-age; Mr H. Oosthuizen for 
assistance with aging techniques; Mr S. Swanson (MCM) 
for assistance with data extraction and measurement of 
MCM specimens; Mr N. Minch (Australian National 
University) for photographic editing; Dr C. Groves and Dr 
A. Thorne (Australian National University), and Dr J.H.M. 
David (MCM) for their constructive comments on an earlier 
draft of this manuscript. This paper is based upon a PhD 
study by C.L Stewardson compiled on behalf of the World 
Wild Fund For Nature — South Africa (project ZA-348, part 
1b) and submitted to the Australian National University in 


Anselmo, S., Hart, P., Vos, H., Groen, J. & Osterhaus, 
A.D.M.E. (1995). Mass mortality of Cape Fur Seals. 
Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus in Namibia, 1994. 
(Seal Rehabilitation and Research Centre Publication. 
Pieterburen, Netherlands). 

Arnbom, T.A., Lunn, N.J., Boyd, I.L. and Barton, T. 
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Arnould, J.P.Y. and Warneke, R.M. (2002) Growth and 
condition in Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus 
pusillus doriferus) (Carnivora:Pinnipedia). Australian 
Journal of Zoology 50, 53-66 

Arnould, J.P.Y., Boyd, I.L. and Warneke, R.M. (2003). 
Historical dynamics of the Australian fur seal 
population: evidence of regulation by man? Canadian 
Journal of Zoology 81, 1428-1436. 

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the ear. (Charles C. Thomas Publ., Springfield). 

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neonates. In “Behaviour of pinnipeds’, (Ed. Renouf, 
D.), pp. 66-127. (Chapman and Hall Publ., London). 

Brunner, S. (1998a). Skull development and growth in 
the southern fur seals Arctocephalus forsteri and A. 
pusillus doriferus (Carnivora: otariidae). Australian 
Journal of Zoology 46, 43 — 66. 

Brunner, S. (1998b). Cranial morphometrics of the 
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pusillus (Carnivora: Otariidae). Australian Journal of 
Zoology 46, 67-108. 

Brunner, S. (2000). Cranial morphometrics of fur seals 
and sea lions (family: otariidae) : systematics, 
geographic variation and growth. Ph. D. Thesis, Dept. 
of Veterinary Anatomy and Pathology, Faculty of 
Veterinary Sciences, University of Sydney. 

Brunner, S. (2003). Fur seals and sea lions (family 
Otariidae) — identification of species and a taxonomic 
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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 





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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Records of the Inland Carpet Python, Morelia spilota metcalfei 
(Serpentes: Pythonidae), from the South-western Slopes of New 
South Wales 


Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, ACT, 0200 
‘Corresponding author: 11 Briwood Court, Albury, NSW, 2640 ( 

Michael, D.R. and Lindenmayer, D.B. (2008). Records of the Inland Carpet Python, Morelia spilota 
metcalfei (Serpentes: Pythonidae), from the south-western slopes of New South Wales. Proceedings of 
the Linnean Society of New South Wales 129, 253-261. 

Location records of the Inland Carpet Python Morelia spilota metcalfei were collated from the south- 
western slopes of New South Wales from scientific literature, published reports, landholder questionnaires, 
public information sessions, informal conversations and field observations. Fifty-three records, encompassing 
a minimum of 95 observations were obtained. Twenty-nine records (58%) and 57 observations (69%) 
originated from granite outcrops. High priority conservation areas for this species in the SWS include; 
inselbergs such as Goombargana Hill, Gerogery Range and Nest Hill, the granite belt between Kyeamba 
and Wagga Wagga, large vegetated ranges such as Yambla Range and the Rock Nature Reserve and the 
riverine environment along the Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers. Future conservation of M. s. metcalfei 
habitat in the SWS will require appropriate management of granite land forms with particular focus on 
strategic grazing, pest animal programs and fire control. 

Manuscript received 20 October 2007, accepted for publication 6 February 2008. 

Keywords: conservation, Inland Carpet Python, Inselbergs, granite outcrops, Morelia spilota metcalfei, 

south-western slopes of New South Wales. 

The Inland Carpet Python Morelia spilota 
metcalfei is one of three sub-species of Morelia 
spilota that occur in New South Wales. The Diamond 
Python M. s. spilota is confined to the east coast of 
Australia, ranging from south of the Victorian border 
to the northern rivers region of NSW and extending 
inland to the Great Dividing Range (Swan et al. 2004). 
In the northern part of its range it intergrades with the 
Coastal Carpet Python M. s. mcdowelli (formerly part 
of M. s. variegata) near Coffs Harbour (Shine 1994, 
Swan et al. 2004), extending north to Cape York and 
west to the Great Dividing Range (Wilson 2005). 
The Inland Carpet Python M. s. metcalfei (formerly 
part of M. s. variegata) occurs inland of the Great 
Dividing Range, extending from central Queensland 
in the north to the Warby Ranges region in Victoria 
(Coventry and Swan 1991, Heard et al. 2005) and 
west into South Australia to the Eyre Peninsula 
(Schwaner et al. 1988). It is geographically isolated 
from the other two sub-species, although a potential 
contact zone with M. s. spilota may have once existed 
in the Hunter Valley region (Shine 1994). 

General habitataccounts of M. s. metcalfei indicate 
that it occurs in most vegetation types throughout its 
range including swamps but excluding treeless plains. 
It commonly frequents large trees in River Red Gum 
Eucalyptus camuldulensis forest, eucalypt woodland 
and mallee vegetation types (Robertson and Hurley 
2001), often in association with watercourses (Shine 
1994) or granite outcrops (Heard et al. 2005). It utilises 
a range of micro-environments including hollows in 
trees and logs, rock crevices, disused rabbit burrows 
(Heard et al. 2005) and occasionally roof cavities in 
rural buildings (Shine 1994). 

Morelia spilota metcalfei is the largest snake 
species in New South Wales, growing to over 2.5 m in 
length and occasionally attaining 3.5 m (Kortlang and 
Green 2001). However, basic information regarding 
geographical distribution, population density and 
habitat preferences remain poorly documented 
in NSW (see Heard et al. 2005 for Victorian 
populations). Evidence suggests that populations of 
M. s. metcalfei have declined considerably over the 
last 100 years (Shine 1994, DSE 2003), even though 
sightings from new regions are still being reported 
(Morris 1993). In Victoria, it is listed as Endangered 



e) Towns 

eB Python Locations 

Wagga Wagga © 


2 Holbrook 


oe ee 
© Gundagai 

© Tarcutta 

10 0 10 20 Kilometers 

Figure 1. Location records ( n = 53) of the Inland Carpet Python Morelia spilota metcalfei in the south- 
western slopes biogeographical region of New South Wales (including three records from near the Vic- 
torian border) based on field observations, published reports, landholder and public questionnaires and 

personal communications. 

(DSE 2003) and in the western division of NSW it 
is considered regionally endangered (Sadlier and 
Pressey 1994, Sadlier 1994). In the Victorian wildlife 
atlas database, 160 formal location records of the 
species exist (DSE 2003) and although anecdotal 
reports suggest pythons may be relatively common 
along vegetated river systems, there are far fewer 
records for the NSW Murray catchment area in the 
NSW wildlife atlas database (DECC 2007). However, 
during a survey of 105 landholders in the Coleambally 
region, 29% of farmers claimed to have seen M. s. 
metcalfei on their property (Doody et al. 2004). In 
this paper we document historic and current records 
of M. s. metcalfei in the upper Murray catchment 
area, specifically the south-western slopes (SWS) 
biogeographical region of New South Wales (sensu 
Benson 1999). 



We collated records of M. s. metcalfei within the 
SWS of New South Wales, an area encompassing 
major towns such as Albury and Wagga Wagga 
and smaller townships such as Walbundrie, Walwa, 
Gerogery, Howlong, Tarcutta and Gundagai (Fig. 
1). Five distinct methods were used to obtain M. s. 
metcalfei records. These were: 

(1) Literature review: Records were obtained from 
the scientific literature, published reports, the New 
South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service 
wildlife atlas database, Victorian Department of 
Sustainability and Environment wildlife atlas and 
Bionet databases. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


(2) Landholder_ questionnaire. A total of eighty- 
four landholders involved in two long-term wildlife 

monitoring programs (Lindenmayer et al. 2001, 
Cunningham et al. 2007) and an intensive study 
of granite outcrops in the SWS (Michael in prep) 
were shown photographs of M s. metcalfei from 
field guides and local specimens and asked if they 
had ever encountered this or other sub-species on 
their property. In addition, an article on python 
habitat requirements and a request for information 
on sightings in the region was printed in the Murray 
Catchment Management Authority (CMA) newsletter 
and distributed to members of the West Hume, 
Culcairn, Holbrook, Upper Murray and Kyeamba 
Creek landcare groups. 

(3) Public presentations. As part of an extensive 
education program aimed at informing landholders 
and the wider community on the habitat requirements 
of local wildlife, participants were shown photographs 
of M. s. metcalfei and asked if they had encountered 
this or other sub-species in the region. Between 2004 
and 2007, we held 14 information sessions, mostly 
involving local landcare groups, field naturalists and 
interested members of the public. Over 500 people 
took part in the presentations. 

(4) Informal conversations. Between 2000 and 2007, 
python sightings were mentioned in conversation 
to friends, colleagues and additional landholders 
encountered in the region during field work, as a 
way of generally collating historical information on 

(5) Personal field observations. Intensive searches of 
50 granite outcrops within the SWS were conducted 
to investigate their role in conserving reptile diversity 
in modified landscapes. Active searches for pythons 
were conducted between 0800 and 1100 hours on clear 
sunny days during spring/summer months of 2006 
and 2007. Habitats such as hollow logs, trees and rock 
crevices were inspected using a hand held torch and 
scats and slough skins were recorded. Approximately 
1,950 ha of suitable habitat, encompassing 660 ha 
of outcropping was surveyed. Spotlighting was 
conducted on sites that contained significant amounts 
of remnant vegetation (n = 22). 

A total of 53 location records, representing a 

minimum of 95 observations, were obtained from 
the bioregion (Fig. 1), including three records from 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

the Victorian border (all from near the Murray River 
near Bellbridge, Mount Granya and Pine Mountain). 
In some areas of the SWS, M. s. metcalfei has not 
been sighted since the 1960’s or 1970’s, however 
pythons from 28 locations have been sighted since 
1990 (Table 1). 

Approximately half of all location records were 
obtained from informal conversations. Twenty-three 
locality records (43%) and 35 observations (37%) 
were collated in this way, although landholder 
questionnaires proved successful with 17 location 
records (32%) and 35 observations (37%). Nine 
location records (17%) and 19 observations (20%) 
were obtained from the scientific literature, three 
location records (6%) and five observations (5%) 
were a result of personal field observations. 

Literature review 

Most published accounts of M s. metcalfei 
came from the Wagga Wagga district. Annable 
(1995) recorded 11 pythons between 1976 and 1989, 
although specific locations were not documented. 
The largest specimen recorded measured almost 4 
meters in total length (Annable 1995). Sass (2003) 
recorded three pythons between 2001 and 2002 
from three locations near Wagga Wagga and a 2.5 
m individual was observed basking on the lower 
slopes of the Rock Nature Reserve during January 
1999 (Murphy and Murphy 2006). Records of two 
specimens lodged with the Australian Museum were 
obtained from Shine (1994): one from Wagga Wagga 
in 1983 and an undated record from near Tumut. A 
number of additional surveys for herpetofauna have 
been conducted within the SWS, but all lack records 
of pythons (Caughley and Gall 1985, Lemckert 1998, 
Lindenmayer et al. 2001, Daly 2004). The New 
South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service and 
Bionet wildlife atlas databases produced two results; 
one from Wagga Wagga (reported in Shine 1994) and 
one from the Murray River near Talmalmo (DECC 
2007). The Victorian wildlife atlas database contained 
a record from Pine Mountain near the state border in 
the Upper Murray region (DSE 2003). 

Landholder questionnaires 

Ofthe sixty-four landholders involved in the long- 
term monitoring studies in the SWS, 14 (21.8%) were 
aware of pythons being on their properties, although 
only two landholders had seen them in recent years 
(post 2000). A further 20 landholders involved in the 
granite outcrop study revealed two more location 
records. In addition, the article published in the 
Murray Catchment Management Authority (CMA) 
newsletter revealed an additional record near Walla 



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UOHCUIOJUL SUNYSIS 2 cOURpUNnqYy eq  spmisuo7T / opnyey UO}eI07T 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

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Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


Public presentations 

Many landholders involved in the ‘questionnaire’ 
also attended presentations; therefore their records 
were already incorporated in the list of sightings. The 
information sessions revealed an additional python 
location near Wymah. Unfortunately, the landholder 
identified it as being a python after accidentally driving 
over it. He had lived on the property all his life and 
had never encountered a python before. Interestingly, 
another participant claimed to have seen a large 
python descending a tree near Mudgegonga during 
the late 1980’s, which, 1f authentic would prove to 
be a significant record and range extension for this 
species in Victoria. 

Personal field observations 

On the western side of Gerogery Range 
(Stringybark Hill), a 2 m python was observed in a 
grain shed during 2001, whilst in May 2006, on the 
opposite side of the range, a 1.8 m female was found 
coiled in the canopy branches of a Blakely’s Red 
Gum Eucalyptus blakelyi. Landholders from both 
sides of the range were aware of pythons inhabiting 
the hill, although only the farmer on the western side 
of the range had regularly sighted pythons. Two were 
accidentally killed during routine farming activities 
during the summer of 2005. 

During the summer of 2006 we were informed 
of a python residing within a farm shed near Nangus. 
This specimen measured 1.4 m in length and was 
identified as a sub-adult male. In addition, during the 
granite outcrop study python scats were identified near 
Morvan (an area known to harbour the species based 
on the landholder questionnaire) and on a property in 
the Kyeamba Valley with no previous known records 
of the species. 

Informal conversations 

Feedback from colleagues and other sources 
produced 22 extra location records for the region as 
well as securing additional sightings from some of the 
more familiar python locations such as Wagga Wagga, 
Yambla Range, Gerogery Range and Goombargana 
Hill near Walbundrie. Six of these records were of 
road killed specimens, of which two were handed in 
to local wildlife authorities for formal identification. 

Location of pythons based on landform type 
Landform type had a significant effect on the 
location and abundance of M. s. metcalfei records 
within the SWS (Fig. 2). Forty two percent of 
location records and 50% of observations were from 
well vegetated ‘inselbergs’ and other granite land 
formations. Lowland remnant vegetation accounted 


CO Location 


4 Observation 








Water course Vegetated 



Cleared granite 

Low land Undefined 



Figure 2. Distribution of Inland Carpet Python Morelia spilota metcalfei location records (n = 53) and 
observations (n = 95) from the south-western slopes of New South Wales, classified by topographic 

position or vegetation condition. 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


for 18% of records and 13.4% of observations, while 
granite hills, devoid of native overstorey vegetation, 
accounted for 16% of records and 19.5% of 
observations. Watercourses and sedimentary ranges 
accounted for 18% and 8% of records, 9.7% and 7.3% 
of observations, respectively (Fig. 2). 


Understanding what factors affect a species’ 
distribution and abundance provides an important 
foundation in mitigating human impacts on 
biodiversity (Lindenmayer and Burgman 2005). 
However, with limited information on past population 
densities for many reptile species, reference to 
present day patterns of diversity must be made with 
caution (Sadlier and Pressey 1994). Nevertheless, 
M. s. metcalfei was once considered widespread 
in woodlands along major watercourses and rock 
outcrops in Victoria (LCC 1987, DSE 2003) and 
presumably was similarly abundant in southern New 
South Wales. Anecdotal reports however, suggest 
population densities of M s. metcalfei have been 
significantly reduced in many parts of south-eastern 
Australia (Robertson et al. 1989, Sadlier and Pressey 
1994, Sadlier 1994, Shine 1994). 

Habitat loss has undoubtedly had a significant 
effect on the distribution and abundance of M. s. 
metcalfei. However, a number of other causal factors 
have contributed to population declines, including 
illegal collection for the pet trade (Hoser 1993, Shine 
1994), changes in prey availability and composition 
(Heard et al. 2004, Shine 1994), predation by feral 
animals, particularly the European Fox Vulpes vulpes 
(Heard et al. 2006) and deliberate or accidental killing 
by humans (Shine 1994). All of these factors are 
likely to have influenced the present day distribution 
and abundance M. s. metcalfei in the SWS. 

Box-Gum Woodland (Eucalyptus albens, E. 
melliodora and E. blakelyi) once occurred extensively 
throughout the fertile lowland parts of the SWS 
but has been reduced to 4% of its original extent 
(NSW NPWS 2002). In contrast, the less fertile hills 
and granitic woodlands are much less cleared and 
appear to have played an extremely important role 
in buffering pythons from the effects of broad scale 
vegetation loss. Over 40% of all records collated in 
this study came from vegetated granite inselbergs 
(Fig. 2). The remaining records originate from lowland 
remnant vegetation, vegetated watercourses such as 
the Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers, Billabong 
and Little Billabong Creek or ranges such as the 
Rock Nature Reserve and Yambla Range (including 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Tabletop Mountain). Although few observations stem 
from these sedimentary ranges, given the large area 
of remnant vegetation and rugged terrain, their role in 
conserving viable populations of M. s. metcalfei may 
be important. 

A study in the Coleambally region of the 
Murray and Murrumbidgee irrigation area found M. 
s. metcalfei to be significantly associated with large 
patches of remnant vegetation, independent of the 
presence of creeks or river systems (Doody et al. 
2004). In this study, 16 observations came from areas 
devoid of native overstorey vegetation (Fig. 2). In 
summer, pythons are often attracted to rural buildings 
in search of commensal prey items (Shine 1994, Fearn 
et al. 2001) but also native birds which nest in garden 
vegetation (e.g. one landholder watched a python 
raiding a Superb Fairy Wren Malurus cyaneus nest 
from a garden shrub). Pythons exhibit seasonal shifts 
in habitat use depending on thermoregulatory needs 
and prey availability (Shine and Fitzgerald 1996, 
Slip and Shine 1988, Heard et al. 2004). Therefore, 
it is likely that pythons in the SWS are persisting in 
modified landscapes by supplementing their diet with 
commensal prey species and using the cover of rocks, 
native grass and road side vegetation when returning 
to elevated outcrops during the cooler months. 

The practice of lodging specimens with the 
Australian Museum or observations with the National 
Parks and Wildlife Service is not strong in the region, 
as evidenced by the number of sightings provided 
by landholders and subsequent lack of records in 
the wildlife atlas databases (Fig. 2). Similarly, the 
transportation of pythons from the local environment 
into grain and hay sheds appears to have ceased in 
the region, probably as an artefact of extirpation 
and population declines, but also as a response to 
improved rodent control, better shed designs and 
tighter laws governing the handling and movement 
of reptiles. Similarly, one landholder near Gerogery 
reported Queensland pythons being historically 
stocked on his property, however recent observations 
from pythons on this property and adjacent granite 
outcrops resemble M. s metcalfei. How commonly 
M. s. mcdowelli was translocated to the SWS is now 
difficult to determine as properties are increasingly 
changing ownership meaning this information may 
no longer exist in the region. 

This study highlights significant populations of 
M. s. metcalfei may still occur in the SWS. Priority 
conservation areas for this species in the region 
include inselbergs and other granite land forms, such 
as Goombargana Hill, Gerogery Range, Nest Hill, the 
granite belt between Kyeamba and Wagga Wagga, 
vegetated ranges such as Yambla Range and the Rock 



Nature Reserve and the riverine environment along 
the Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers. Sadly, due to 
extensive habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation, 
it appears many potentially suitable granite outcrops 
in the production parts of the landscape no longer 
support populations of M. s. metcalfei in the SWS. 


We gratefully acknowledge the landholders involved 
in the study for freely providing information on python 
sightings in the region and for giving us permission to 
survey granite outcrops on their properties. We would also 
like to thank colleagues: Mason Crane, Rebecca Montague- 
Drake, Lachie McBurney, Chris MacGregor and volunteers: 
Greg Slade, Hugh MacGregor and Nigel Jones for assisting 
with python surveys. Steve Sass and Kylie Durrant helped 
provide additional records. 


Annable, T.J. (1995) Annotated checklist of reptiles of 
Wagga Wagga and district, NSW. Herpetofauna 25 
(1), 22-27. 

Benson, J. (1999) ‘Setting the scene - the native vegetation 
of New South Wales’. (Native Vegetation Advisory 
Council, Royal Botanic Gardens: Sydney). 

Caughley, J. and Gall, B. (1985) Relevance of 
zoogeographical transition to conservation of fauna: 
amphibians and reptiles in the south-western slopes of 
New South Wales. Australia Zoologist 21, 513-529. 

Coventry, A.J. and Robertson, P. (1991) ‘The snakes of 
Victoria: a guide to their identification’. (Department 
of Conservation and Environment: East Melbourne). 

Cunningham, R.B., Lindenmayer, D.B., Crane, M., 
Michael, D. and MacGregor, C. (2007) Reptile and 
arboreal marsupial response to replanted vegetation 
in agricultural landscapes. Ecological Applications 
17, 609-619. 

Daly, G. (2004) Surveys of reptiles and amphibians 
on the south-western slopes of New South Wales. 
Herpetofauna 34, 2-16. 

DECC (2007) New South Wales National Parks and 
Wildlife Service wildlife atlas database. http:// 

Doody, S., Osbourne, W., Bourne, D., Rennie, B. 
and Simms, R.A. (2004) Vertebrate diversity on 
Australian rice farms: an inventory of species, 
variation among farms and proximate factors 
explaining that variation. (Rural Industries Research 
and Development Corporation: ACT). 

DSE (2003) Department of Sustainability and 
Environment Action statement: flora and fauna 


guarantee Act 1988, No. 175 - Inland Carpet 
Python Morelia spilota metcalfei. (Department of 
Sustainability and Environment: Victoria). 

Fearn, S., Robinson, B., Sambono, J. and Shine, R. (2001) 
Pythons in the pergola: the ecology of ‘nuisance’ 
carpet pythons (Morelia spilota) from suburban 
habitats in south-eastern Queensland. Wildlife 
Research 28, 573-579. 

Heard, G.W., Black, D. and Robertson, P. (2004) Habitat 
use by the inland carpet python (Morelia spilota 
metcalfei: Pythonidae): seasonal relationships with 
habitat structure and prey distribution in a rural 
landscape. Austral Ecology 29, 446-460. 

Heard, G.W., Robertson, P., Black, D., Barrow, G., 
Johnson, P., Hurley, V. and Allen, G. (2006) Canid 
predation: a potentially significant threat to relic 
populations of the Inland Carpet Python Morelia 
spilota metcalfei (Pythonidae) in Victoria. The 
Victorian Naturalist 123, 68-74. 

Hoser, R. (1993) ‘Smuggled: the underground trade in 
Australia’s wildlife’. (Apollo Books: NSW). 

Kortlang, S. and Green, D. (2001) ‘Keeping Carpet 
Pythons’. (Australian reptile keepers publications: 

LCC (1983) Report on the Murray valley area. (Land 
Conservation Council: Melbourne). 

Lemkert, F. (1998) A survey for threatened herpetofauna 
of the south-west slopes of New South Wales. 
Australian Zoologist 30, 492-499. 

Lindenmayer, D.B., Cunningham, R.B. Tribolet, C.R., 
Donnelly, C.F. and MacGregor, C. (2001) A 
prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix 
effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental 
design and baseline data. Biological Conservation 
101, 157-169. 

Lindenmayer, D. and Burgman, M. (2005) ‘Practical 
conservation biology’. (CSIRO Publishing: Victoria). 

Morris, P. (1993) The occurrence of the Carpet Snake 
Morelia spilota variegata in northwestern New 
South Wales. In “Herpetology in Australia: a diverse 
discipline’ (Eds D. Lunney and D. Ayers) pp. 67-68. 
(Surrey Beatty and Sons: Sydney). 

Murphy, M. J. and Murphy, S. (2006) Additions to the 
herpetofauna of the Rock Nature Reserve near Wagga 
Wagga, New South Wales. Herpetofauna 36, 99-101. 

NSW NPWS (2002) ‘White Box — Yellow Box- Blakley’s 
Red Gum (Box Gum) Woodland: fact sheet for 
NSW’. (National Parks and Wildlife Service: NSW). 

Robertson, P., Bennet, A.F., Lumsdun, L.F., Silveira, C.E., 
Johnson, P.G., Yen, A.L., Milledge, G.A., Lillywhite, 
P.K. and Pribble, H.J. (1989) Fauna of the Mallee 
study area north-western Victoria. (Arthur Rylah 
Institute for Environmental Research: Victoria). 

Robertson, P. and Hurley, V.G. (2001) Report on Habitat 
of the Inland Carpet Python (Morelia spilota 
metcalfei) in the Mildura Forest Management Area. 
(Department of Natural Resources and Environment: 

Sadlier, R.A. (1994) Conservation status of the reptiles 
and amphibians in the Western Division of New 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


South Wales — an overview. In ‘Future of the fauna of 
Western New South Wales’ (Eds D. Lunney, S. Hand, 
P. Reed and D. Baker) pp. 161-167. (Surrey Beatty 
and Sons: Sydney). 

Sadlier, R.A. and Pressey, R.L. (1994) Reptiles and 
amphibians of particular conservation concern in the 
Western Division of New South Wales: a preliminary 
analysis. Biological Conservation 69, 42-54. 

Schwaner, T., Francis, M. and Harvey, C. (1988) 
Identification and conservation of carpet pythons 
(Morelia spilota imbricata) on St. Francis Island, 
South Australia. Herpetofauna 18 (2), 13-20. 

Shine, R. (1994) The biology and management of the 
Diamond Python (Morelia spilota spilota) and Carpet 
Python (M. s. variegata) in NSW. (NSW National 
Parks and Wildlife Service: NSW). 

Shine, R. and Fitzgerald, M. (1996) Large snakes in 
a mosaic rural landscape: the ecology of Carpet 
Pythons Morelia spilota (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in 
coastal eastern Australia. Biological Conservation 76, 

Slip, D.J. and Shine, R. (1998) Habitat use, movements 
and activity patterns of free-ranging Diamond 
Pythons, Morelia spilota spilota (Serpentes: Boidae): 
a radiotelemetric study. Australian Wildlife Research 
15, 515-31. 

Swan, G., Shea, G. and Sadlier, R. (2004) ‘A field guide to 
reptiles of New South Wales’. (Reed New Holland: 

Wilson, S. (2005) ‘A field guide to reptiles of 
Queensland’. (Reed New Holland: Sydney). 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


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Proceedings of CAVEPS 2005 
Alcheringa Special Issue 1, 2006 
L. Reed, S. Bourne, D. Megirian, G. Prideaux, G. Young and A. Wright (eds) 

I have always considered ‘Proceedings’ 
volumes to be a particularly valuable form of 
publication. For starters, they cover a relatively 
narrow field and almost all papers will be of interest 
to people in that field. They usually include reviews 
as well as examples of current trends in research, 
which allow anyone looking for an overview to find 
such information in one place. Indeed I have often 
found “Proceedings’ volumes to be a good resource 
for university students. 

The volume under consideration, the 
Proceedings of CAVEPS 2005 (a Conference on 
Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics 
held in Naracoorte in 2005)) is an excellent example of 
a ‘Proceedings’ volume with content of both specialist 
and general interest. This is particularly the case with 
papers dealing with the Pleistocene extinction of the 
Australian megafauna, since this topic has even made 
it into daily newspapers recently. 

Not surprising, given the venue for the 
conference, there are three papers dealing with 
Naracoorte Caves (stable isotope record, guano- 
derived deposits and fossil deposits). A fourth 
paper indirectly concerns Naracoorte Caves. Elery 
Hamilton-Smith reviews the life of Tenison Woods. 
The paper is fascinating, mainly because Tenison 
Woods was a very complex and extraordinarily active 
man (in several fields, including geology). Most 
people would know of him because of his relationship 
to Mary McKillop. Or is it Saint Mary McKillop? 
Last time I visited the Mary McKillop Museum in 
North Sydney, she was still one miracle short of the 
full deck. 

Ernie Lundelius gives an interesting summary 
of the contributions to vertebrate palaeontology made 
by studies of cave sites throughout the world. 

CAVEPS meetings are usually dominated 
by mammal and fish papers, but in this case there 
is only one fish paper, dealing with Devonian 
placoderms from New South Wales. However a paper 
by Gavin Young straddles the fish/tetrapod boundary. 
He discusses the status of two trackways and one 
jaw that have previously been accepted as the only 
Australian evidence of Devonian tetrapods. The 
paper also includes a good review of tetrapod origins 
and tetrapod interchanges between Gondwana and 

Birds get a look-in, with one paper dealing 
with a Cenozoic songbird from Riversleigh and 
another dealing with a New Zealand late-Pleistocene 
cave avifauna. Peter Murray and Dirk Megirian 
describe one dromornithid, along with reptiles and 
mammals, from a presumed Oligocene fauna at 
Pwerte Marnte Marnte in the Northern Territory. 

Except for a paper by Sue Turner on the 
UNESCO Geoparks program (well worth reading 
by anyone involved with paleontological as well as 
strictly geological aspects of tourism), and a paper 
by Roslyn Stemmler highlighting the use of fossils 
in educating and inspiring school children, the rest of 
the volume belongs exclusively to mammals. 

Oliver Brown presents a thoughtful analysis 
of Tasmanian Devil extinction on the mainland, 
proposing a role for ENSO intensification. Most 
importantly, he suggests the mainland extinction 
occurred between 3,000 and 4,000 years ago and 
convincingly rejects the dates of 430 and 620 for 
mainland devils suggested by Archer and Baynes 
in 1972. Those dates were always very suspect, but 
they managed to get into the general literature as 

Along the same lines, Peter Murray and Dirk 
Megirian provide, in a second paper, a great deal of 
data and a strong, thorough analysis concerning the 
origin of the thylacinids, based mainly on a Miocene 
thylacinid they describe herein. Steve Wroe and others 
have proposed that dasyurids were derived from a 
thylacinid relatively late in geological time. I was 
never comfortable with that unlikely scenario, and 
I think Murray and Megirian correctly highlight the 
difficulty of determining polarities. Their argument 
that thylacinids are a sister group to the plesiomorphic 
dasyurids is very convincing. 

A new species of palorchestid is described 
by Katarzyna Piper, and Neville Pledge presents the 
first fossil record of sirenians in southern Australia. 

A data-filled paper by Kenny Travouillon 
and the usual Riversleigh crowd is harder to place. 
It deals with mammal faunas from Riversleigh, but 
is mainly concerned with a detailed analysis of the 
many individual sites at Riversleigh. This is important 
material to have on record, bot not recommended 
for light bedtime reading. The same is true of a 
companion paper by Mike Archer and 19 co-authors 


which presents species-level lists of the fauna from 
80 Cenozoic sites at Riversleigh. This is done in a 
huge table which tabulates an immense amount of 
work, by many people over a long time. 

The remaining papers deal with the 
fascinating and popular topic of Australian megafaunal 
extinctions, but first Richard Tedford, Rod Wells and 
Gavin Prideaux set the scene by discussing marsupial 
evolution and the turnover in species preceding the 
last glacial cycle (120-20 ka). 

Rod Wells and nine co-authors report on 
the excavations at Black Creek Swamp on Kangaroo 
Island. An excellent table that summarises most of 
the species involved and their habitat is a good place 
to start for anyone not familiar with the megafauna. 
But this is also a paper that should be read by all 
graduate students because it is an excellent example 
of a complete study of an excavation,. Not only the 
fauna, but also the stratigraphy, taphonomy and dating 
techniques are thoroughly and clearly set out. This 
paper may not represent good career management, as 
the authors could have spun at least four minor papers 
out of it, but it is terrific science. 

In relation to the debate about megafaunal 
extinction, the opening sentence of a paper by 
historian Kirsty Douglas sums it up: “Debate about 
Pleistocene extinction was and is inflected by history, 
convention, politics and rhetoric”. Despite the sloppy 
use of the word ‘inflected’, presumably the author 
meant ‘modulated’ not ‘bent’, the idea is good and well 
developed in this paper. The science is occasionally 
suspect (I don’t think anyone believes human 
influences lead to dwarfing of megafaunal species for 
example), but there are some very interesting stories 
and insights in this paper. 

Lyndall Dawson brings a physiological 
perspective to the extinction of large marsupial 
herbivores in middle and late Pleistocene Australia. 
This excellent review is not “inflected” or even 
“bent” by anything other than good, ecophysiological 
data provided by the work of, amongst others, Terry 
Dawson. Two short, but extremely useful, appendices 
summarise the position of marsupial herbivores in 
time and space (fossil site). 

I have saved the best for last. There are 
three papers that make significant contributions to 
the megafaunal extinction debate. Firstly, Donald 
Pate and others present new carbon dates and review 
previous carbon dates from Naracoorte Wet Cave 
and conclude that “. . results support other published 
data sets in relation to a continent-wide extinction of 
megafauna at ca. 46,000 years ago, and reject a late 
survival of megafauna at the site”. 


I have always thought that those who 
insist that prehistoric Aboriginal people were not 
responsible for the megafaunal extinctions put 
up a ‘straw man’ when arguing that blitzkrieg by 
overhunting was unlikely and a data-free concept. 
Tim Flannery of course draws the ire of this group 
by pointing out that environmental changes resulting 
from the use of fire could have been the mechanism, 
rather than “big game hunting”. In this volume, Barry 
Brook and Christopher Johnson provide a model 
for the extinction of large species, Diprotodon in 
particular, as a result of low levels of exploitation of 
juveniles. Zoologists have long recognized that for 
most mammalian species the pressure by predators 
is against the young and juveniles more than adults. 
Brook and Johnson conclude that evidence for a 
sophisticated hunting toolkit and massive kill sites 
are not a necessary adjunct to overkill. 

Finally, Richard Gillespie, Barry Brook 
and Alex Baynes use the GIGO (garbage in, 
garbage out) principle to cull the radiocarbon data 
set. Considerable reliable results stand the test to 
establish a human/megafauna overlap of about 3,900 
years centred around 44,000 BP. They conclude that, 
“Our results rule out climate and environmental 
changes associated with the Last Glacial Maximum 
as contributing factors in Australian late Pleistocene 
megafauna extinctions”. Sir Richard Owen, who 
clearly saw the essential nature of this debate 140 
years ago, would have loved this paper. 

M.L. Augee 
April 2007 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 

Platypus - 4th Edition (2007) 
Tom Grant 
Illustrated by Dominic Fanning 
CSIRO Publishing 
RRP $39.95 

I remember when the first edition of this 
book appeared in 1984. I wish I still had my copy, 
and if the person to whom I loaned it some years ago 
is reading this, it is now time to return it. 

The first edition had a hard cover and 
looked at first glance like a children’s book. It was 
not really in the ‘children’s book’ genre, although it 
was a terrific book for young naturalists interested in 
native animals. However, like the current edition, it 
was aimed primarily at field naturalists and tertiary 

The second edition was one of the first 
issues in the UNSW Press Natural History Series. 
The continuing success of the book is clearly shown 
by the fact that the current edition is the fourth, with 
a number of reprints along the way. The Natural 
History Series also lives on, although now published 
by CSIRO Publishing. 

One of the memorable features of the earlier 
editions was that they were organized not by topic, but 
by the seasons of the year. I thought this was a very 
good idea and even attempted to follow it in writing 
the first edition of Echidnas. However I found it too 
difficult to write within the seasonal framework and 
reverted to the usual division into topical chapters. The 
problem is that many basic features, such as anatomy 
and physiology, don’t really fit into a seasonal pattern. 
I see that Tom has given up this format in the 4th 
edition and has gone for the usual division of chapters 
(ecology, energetics, etc.). There is, I suspect, a good 
reason for this, since almost all new material to be 
included in the new edition comes from studies in 
structure and function rather than natural history. And 
Tom has done a very good job in incorporating new 
material into this edition. I particularly recommend 
“Electroreception: the ‘sixth sense’ revisited”. 

The best innovation in this edition is one 
which I will most certainly follow if there are future 
editions of Echidnas: a “Questions and Answers” 
section. This is a very good way of incorporating 
those questions that almost everyone wants to ask 
about platypuses but are very hard bits of information 
to fit into the text. For example “What do you call a 

baby platypus?”. In answering this Tom dismisses the 
obnoxious term ‘puggle’, although I think he is much 
too gentle in doing so. I also like the answer to the 
“What is the plural of platypus?” question (“platyp1’ 
is indeed the only logical answer). 

There are good illustrations, good pictures 
and good science. This is a book well worth buying, 
even if you have a previous edition. Congratulations to 
CSIRO Publishing for keeping this valuable Natural 
History Series alive. 

M.L. Augee 
Co-author of “Echidna - extraordinary egg-laying 

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Animals of Arid Australia: out on their own? (2007) 
Chris Dickman, Daniel Lunney and Shelley Burgin (eds) 
Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 
RRP $30.00 

The Royal Zoological Society of NSW 
is gaining a strong reputation for publishing useful 
volumes arising from their symposia. In recent years 
these volumes include a great deal more material 
than was actually part of the relative symposium. 
This is the case with the present volume, including 
an excellent foreword by Gordon Grigg, covering his 
years of research in arid and semi-arid zones. 

I will start by pointing out a major gap in 
coverage. Reptiles are missing, which is odd given 
that reptiles are a major component of arid vertebrate 
faunas. There is the occasional mention, and a gekko 
makes the front cover, but basically this is a reptile- 
free zone. 

As with most symposium volumes, there is 
a mix of papers; some are primarily research reports 
and others are essentially reviews. Actually there are 
only three that I would classify as research papers, 
two of which are based on state museum records: W. 
Ponder and C. Slater deal with freshwater molluscs; 
and C. Slatyer, W. Ponder, D. Rosauer and L. Davis 
deal with land snails. H. Jones deals with mussels, 
at the same time presenting some interesting data on 

The rest of the papers are reviews, and that 
is not a bad thing. As I have often said, reviews are of 
great value for students and for researchers working 
in different but related fields. That is not to say the so- 
called ‘experts’ do not read such volumes carefully. 
We do, mainly to be sure our own research has been 

Reviews cover: 

the Aboriginal Dreaming track system in relation to 
the arid conditions of Australia (D. Witter); 

the need to understand the arid landscape in order to 
maintain biodiversity and management (J. Kerle, 
M. Fleming and J. Foulkes); 

the impact of European settlement, especially the 
direct effect of livestock grazing, on native species 
in arid zones (M. Letnic); 

the landscape approach, particularly dealing with 
spatial and temporal variability and fragmentation 
(C. McAlpine, S. Phinn, T. Pople, N. Menke and 
B. Price); 

competition between kangaroos and stock, particularly 
when conditions in the arid zone are poor and 
survival of kangaroos depend on juveniles (T. 
Dawson and A. Munn); 

assessing impacts of vegetation management on fauna 
in south western NSW, a paper which includes a 
massive table with good data relating various 
tetrapod species with habitat (vegetation) and an 
estimate of habitat quality and permeability (M. 
Ellis, M. Drielsma, L. Mazzer and E. Baigent); 

the interesting question of whether man-made 
watering points should be removed or preserved 
in national parks (D. Croft, R. Montague-Drake 
and M. Dowle). 

The final section, entitled “Current 
perceptions”, contains four papers, a summary of 
the plenary session and a summary of the entire 
symposium by the editors. 

The first paper in this section, by R.T. 
Kingsford, examines four case studies that deal 
with the relationship between policy functions of 
conservation bureaucracies and scientific information. 
The case studies give hope that policy shifts towards 
conservation can occur and can be influenced by 
science and the media. The important role of the 
media and the way in which scientific research can 
reach a wide audience are examined by P. Willis in 
“Taking the arid zone to TV”. 

Contributions from authors working in other 
fields can provide refreshing new insights or can be 
simply perplexing. The paper by L. Robin and M. 
Smith certainly provides a different perspective. I 
found it very interesting that they opted for using the 
term ‘desert’. I have never understood the Australian 
hesitancy to use the term except for specific places 
(the Simpson Desert, the Little Desert, etc.), and this 
paper gives a brief discussion of the relation of ‘desert’ 
to ‘arid zone’ and ‘rangeland’. Some clashes occur 
between the mindset of biologists and archaeologists. 
A biologist with a paleontological bent would hardly 
consider 100,000 years ago as “deep time”. That 
was yesterday. A biologist might also be bemused 
by the statement that “Its focus on the humans in the 


landscape creates a space whether other knowledge 
systems can converse with it”. Sounds good, but 
could mean anything. 

Finally, J. Pickard reinforces the point that 
Australian citizens, especially politicians, rapidly 
forget the lessons of the past. He does this in regard 
to predator-proof fences, which is important in regard 
to the great expense of maintaining these structures. 

My summary: a mixed volume; mixed in subject 
and quality, but well worth consultation by anyone 
interested in the arid and semi-arid zones (deserts 
even) of Australia. 

M.L. Augee 
December 2007 


Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 


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1. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales publishes original research papers dealing with 
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2. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor (M.L. Augee, PO Box 82, Kingsford NSW 2032). All 
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Possums. Australian Journal of Sleep 230, 23-53. 

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Ralph, P.H. (2001). The use of ethanol in field studies. In ‘Field techniques’ (Eds. K. Thurstle and P.J. 
Green) pp. 34-41. (Northwood Press, Sydney). 

Young, V.H. (1998). ‘The story of the wombat’. (Wallaby Press, Brisbane). 

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270 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 128, 2007 






3 9088 01433 8 

Issued 19 March 2008 









Timms, B.V. 
The ecology of episodic saline lakes of inland eastern Australia, as exemplified by a ten year study of the 
Rockwell-Wombah Lakes of the Paroo. 
McAlpine, D.K. 
New extant species of ironic flies (Diptera: lronomyiidae) with notes on ironomyiid morphology and relationships. 
Mahoney, K.S. and Harris, J.M. Early natural history of the greater glider Petauroides volans (Kerr, 1792). 
Zhen, Y.Y. and Pickett, J. 
Ordovician (Early Darriwilian) conodonts and sponges from west of Parkes, central New South Wales. 
Wright, A.J. 
Emsian (Early Devonian) tetracorals (Cnidaria) from Grattai Creek, New South Wales. 
Chalson, J.M. and Martin, H.A. 
A 38,000 year history of the vegetation at Penrith Lakes, New South Wales. 
Holmes, W.B.K. and Anderson, H.M. 
The middle Triassic megafossil flora of the Basin Creek Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, New South Wales, 
Australia. Part 7. Cycadophyta. 
Powter, D.M.and Gladstone, W. 
Habitat preferences of Port Jackson sharks, Heterodontus portjacksoni in the coastal waters of eastern Australia. 
Thiem, J.D., Ebner, B.C. and Broadhurst, B.T. 
Diel activity of the endangered trout cod (Maccullochella macquariensis) in the Murrumbidgee River. 
Green, K. 
Fragmented distribution of a rock climbing fish, the Mountain Galaxias, Galaxias olidus, in the Snowy Mountains. 
Zhou, Z.Y. and Zhen, Y.Y. 
Trilobite-constrained Ordovician biogeography of China with reference to faunal connections with Australia. 
Percival, |.D., Zhen, Y.Y., Pogson, D.J. and Thomas, O.D. 
The Upper Ordovician Kenya Formation in the Boorowa district, southeast New South Wales. 
Stewardson, C.L., Prvan, T., Meyer, M.A. and Ritchie, R.J. 
Age determination and growth in the male South African Fur Seal Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus (Pinnipedia: 
Otaridae) based upon skull material. 
Michael, D.R. and Lindenmayer, D.B. 
Records of the inland carpet python Morelia spilota metcalfei (Serpentes: Pythonidae) from the south-western 
slopes of New South Wales. 
Book review: Proceedings of CAVEPS 2005. 
Book review: Platypus - 4"" Edition, M.L. Augee December 2007. 
Book review: Animals of arid Australia. 
Instructions for authors. 

Printed by Ligare Pty Ltd, 
138 Bonds Rd. Riverwood 2210 



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