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MY OF NATURAL soipucgs. 

VOL. 1. 


Serr. 4th, 1854. 
Dr. A. Kettoce in the chair: 

Mr. W. J. Steene, by the Ed. of the Pacrfic, 
presented a curious specimen of cabbage, grown 
on the Sacramento bottoms, which, instead of 
a head formed of leaves in the usual manner, 
has a globular head formed by an enlargement of 
the top of the main stock, five inches in diame- 
ter, and weighing some two pounds or more. 
perfectly sound, with a thin rind, and of the 
consistency of the inner portion of a common 
cabbage stump. It has the shape and appear- 
ance of a round, field turnip, except that it has 
perfectly formed cabbage leaves on its sides and 
top, occurring at intervals, as on the ordinary 
cabbage stock. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and speci- 
mens of a plant from the sea shore and salt 
marshes of the Bay of San Francisco, the Fran- 
kenia grandifolia. This plant is often coated 
with crystals of salt, which has given it the 
common name of Salt-weed. It is a low herb 
very much branched, the limbs opposite, with 
dense clusters of somewhat wedged-shaped leaves 
folded back or rolled up ; within these, are un- 
bosomed small pink flowers—stamens usually 6, 
pistils 3. 

Dr. Ayres presented descriptions of the fol- 
lowing species of fish, believed to be new : 

Labrus pulcher, Ayres. This species, one of 
he finest of our'fishes, malces its appearance’ in 

enn mmnmaeas | 

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the market about the first. of August, and con. 
tinues in season till nearly the close of February, 
They are sold by the fishermen under the name 
of Blackfish, and are also not unfrequently call- 
ed Sheepshead.—Specimeus are often seen weizh- 
ing six to eight pounds. My description is 
taken from one sixteen and a half inches in 
length, weighing two pounds and a half. 

Form very similar to that of Tautoga Amert- 
cana. Greatest depth one-fourth the total length. 
Length of the head, five inches and one-fourth. 
Forehead protuberant, especially in large indivi- 
duals, from an aceumulation of fat immediately 
above the eyes. 

Lips thick, loose and fleshy. 

Teeth on the intermaxillaries and in the lower 
jaw alike—consisting externally of a single row, 
stout and conicle, of which the two anterior 
pairs are much larger than the others and pro- 
ject forward ; within this external row is a band 
of blunt, rounded teeth, not arranged in regular 
rows. scarcely projecting above the membranes. 
No teeth on the palatine bones or the vomer. 
Teeth on the pharyngeals, merely flat, teseelated 
tubercles; on the inferior pharyngeal, a few of 
the anterior ones are distinct, conicle. 

Edges of the operculum and preoperculum 
destitute of spines or serrations. Scales deeply 
imbedded, not conspicious, elongated subqua- 
drangular, covering the body, the operculum, 
and the sub-operculum; extending but slightly 
on the verticle fins. 

Fhe rays of all the fins are enveloped in a 
thickened, partially opaque membrane. 

The spinous portion of the dorsal fin is four 
inches and four-tenths in length ; the spines are 
stout and strong, and one is continued by a fleshy 
prolongation one to two-fifths of an inch in ex- 
tent; thus making the height of this portion 

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of the fin about an inch and one fourth. The 
membranous portion is two inches and one- 
fourth in length, rounded, two inches and one- 
fourth in height of the central rays. 

The anal fin, coterminal with the dorsal, is 
two and three-fourths inches in length, two and 
a half inches in height. 

The pectorals are nine-tenths of an inch in 
length, two inches and three fourths in height. 

The ventrals a little posterior to the pectorals 
are four-tenths of an inch in length, two inches 
and one-fourth in height. 

The caudal, slightly concave, is two inches 
and a-half in height of the external rays, four 
inches in breadth when expanded. 

D. 12-10; A. 3-12. P. 18 V.-1-5 C. 14. 

Tn color, this fish is of a dark blackish brown, 
lighter beneath, with the chin nearly white. In 
many specimens, a broad, vertical red band en- 
circles the body from the angle of the operculum 
half way to the candal fin; this character, how 
ever, is not constant. 

Labrus pucher is not taken in our immediate 
vicinity. ‘Those sold in our markets are brought 
chiefly from near San Diego, and I am not able 
to learn that the species is found north of Point 
Conception. Indeed there is reason to believe 
that that cape will be shown by future observa- 
tion, to indieate a sort of barrier in our mari- 
time fauna, separating the north from the south. 

This species is somewhat closely allied to 
Tautoga Americana (of whichit may perhaps be 
deemed the Pacific representative)’ though the 
arrangement of the teeth, and the scaly surface 
of the operculum and preoperculum will not al- 
jow it to be included in the same genus. It is 
distingnished from Lachnolaimus by the strac- 
tare of the pharyngeal teeth, and from Cossyphus 
by the scaling of the fins, and the smoothness of 
the preoperculum. 

Hematripterus marmoratus.—Ayres. This is 
altogether the largest and finest species of Sculpin 
found in our markets. They are not unfrequent- 
ly taken of six to eight pounds’ weight; the 
largest I have seen was twenty inches in length. 
My description is drawn from one of only six 
and one-fourth inches. 

Body rather strongly compressed; head some- 
what depressed, its greatest height being scarce- 
ly equal to its width. 

The spmes of the head are simply the nasal, 
and those of the preopereulum. Each nasal bone 
is prolonged into a tolerable acute spine, direct- 
ed upward and backward, about one-tenth of an 
inch in length. At the angle of the opereulum 
is a firm short spine, directed backward and 
slightly upward ; below it is another, not quite 
so large; and below that sometimes another still 
smaller. Except these, the head is smooth; the 
flat point of the operculum is not spinous. 

4 : 

The cirrhi of the head are a single pair ; one 
about one-fifth of an inch in height, fimbriated, 
at tne posterior superior border of each orbit. 
The whole head has much less of a spinous and 
grotesque appearance than that of its eastern 
congener, H. Acadianus ; 

Scales none. Skin smooth. Lateral line un- 
interrupted, concave upward. Teeth fine and 
crowdod in the lower jaw, on the intermaxilla- 
ries, the palatine bones, and the vomer. 

The first dorsal is one inch and a-half in length, 
seven-tenths of an inch in its greatest height. 
From the first ray there is a gradual shortening 
to the fourth ; the fifth is then nearly as high as 
the first, and thence the fin decreases to its ter- 
mination—thus showing a partial division, though 
this division is less thanin the Acadianus. 'The 
second dorsal may almost be deemed a continna- 
tion of the first. It is two inches in length, 
eight-tenths of an inch in height, becoming low- 
er posteriorly. The first dorsal arises half an 
inch anterior to the angle of operculum. 

The anal terminates half an inch from the cau- 
dal, its last ray being on the same plane with 
the last of the second dorsal. It is one inch and 
three-tenths in length ; six-tenths of an inch in 
greatest height, becoming lower at each end. 

The pectorals, of the cottoid form, are three- 
fourths of an inch in length ; seven-tenths in 

The ventrals, half an inch posterior to the 
pectorals, are nive-tevths of an inch in height. 

The caudal, nearly square, is an inch in height. 

In color, this fish commonly shows a mottling 
of light and dark greenish olive, with darker 
(often blackish) blotches. The fins partake of the 
hue of the part where they are situated ; all ex- 
hibit either bands or blotches. The rays of the 
first dorsal are feebly spinous ; those of the se- 
cond dorsal, anal, and ventrals are articulated, 
simpie; a few of the upper rays of the pectorals 
show a slight tendency to division: those of the 
caudal are branched. 

D, 11-17, A. 13; P.14, V..63C_10. 

This species appears to represent on this coast 
H. Acadianus of the rocky shores of our Atlantic 
States. It is, however. entirely distinct from it, 
the structure of the head alone being enough to 
separate it at once; it is in all respects a finer 
looking fish. 

Sepremser, 11. 1854. 

Dr. Kellogg in the chair. 

The Committee on Botanical Garden reported 
progress and was continued. 

Mr L. W. Sloat exhibited a proof-sheet of the 
proceedings of the last meeting, (taken from the 
columns of the Pacific) as a specimen of the man- 
ner in which the proceedings of the Academy 


may be published in a permanent form, and at 
a trifling expense. 

On motion of Dr. W. P. Gibbons, it was 

Resolved, That the Publishing Committee be 
directed to publish 250 copies of the Proceedings 
of the Academy, (in the form exhibited by Mr. 
S.) and that the subscription of the same be 
three dollars a year. 

Dr. Kellogg presented a drawing of a plant 
given him by Mr. Wallace of Los Angeles, called 
by the Mexicans, Chia. It belongs to the La- 
biated family, but the genus is unknown. 

The seeds, that are about the size of flax seeds, 
are said to be very mucilaginous, and are used 
medicinally in fevers and dysenteries, and other 
irratations of the bowels. Dr. K. thought it de- 
serving the attention of the Academy as a re- 
medial agent. 

Dr. H. Gibbons exhibited a head of bearded 
wheat, said to grow wild in the mountains. It 
measured about seven inches in length.—The 
grains are quite large and nearly half an 
inch long. Some doubt was expressed whether 
it belonged to the genus Triticum, or to a new 

Dr. Wm. O. Ayres presented the following 
communication : 

In our markets we find fishes constantly offer- 
ed for sale, in great numbers, under the name 
of Rock Fish and Rock Cod. They bear always 
a high price, and constitute one important item 
in the sum total of our fisheries, and of course 
in the resources of the State. They are taken 
iu rocky localities along the coast and in the 
Bay, and the title Rock Fish applies to them 
very well. One more inappropriate, on the con- 
trary, than that of Rock Cod, could scarcely 
have been selected—inasmuch as they are widely 
removed from the family in which the Codfishes 
are classed. Five distinct species of them we 
have already detected here, all belonging to the 
Sebastes, and four of them believed to be new. 
Of this genus we were not previously aware of 
the existence of more than one species, (8. Nor- 
a Cuy.) in the United States—it is the 

emdurgan of the Massachusetts Bay fisermen. 
Three of our species are very closely allied; a 
description is accordingly given of the one that 
appears most nearly typical (S. nebulosus) and 
of the other two (S. ruber and S. parvus) the 
points of specific distinction from nebulosus alone 
are needed. 

Sebastes nebulosus.—Ayres My description 
is drawn from a specimen thirteen inches in 
length, weighing two pounds and a half, which 
may be deemed about their average size. 


Form compressed ; head large, four inches in 
length ; greatest depth an inch anterior to the 
opercular angle, being there equal to the length 
of the head ; body tapering thence to the tail ; 
width of the head, two inches and three-fourths, 
width decreasing posteriorly ; crests of the orbits 

Scales covering the body, operculum, preoper- 
culum; suboperculum, suborbitals and top of 
the head to the anterior border of the orbit. 

Head spinous ; a row of five spines forming a 
crest on each side of the head, viz: a nasal spine, 
one at the anterior superior border of the orbit, 
one on the summit of the orbit half an inch in 
length, one posterior to the orbit three-tenths of 
an inch in length, one posterior to this, and 
nearer the median line eight tenths of an inch in 
length; the last three are horizontal, and are 
rather strong ridges with a free spinous apex ; 
the preoperculum is bordered with (commonly) 
five flat spines about two-tenths of an inch in 
height; the opercular bone ends in two flat, 
strong, free spines, the upper one being one- 
fourth of an inch in length; the membranous 
operculum projects about four-tenths of an inch 
beyond these ; the suboperculum terminates pos- 
teriorly in a concealed spine; even the anterior 
suborbital shows on its inferior border an indica- 
tion of spinous points; the bones of the humeral 
cincture exhibit three well marked spines. 

Eyes an inch in longitudinal diameter—Nos- 
trils immediately anterior to the eyes, the anteri- 
or orifice having a membranous elongation of its 
posterior border, two-tenths of an inch in height. 

Teeth fine and crowded in the lower jaw, on the 
intermaxillaries, the vomer, the palatine bones, 
and superior and inferior pharyngeals ; those on 
the superior pharyngeals, are in three patches on 
each side. 

Lateral line nearly straight. 

Dorsal fin arising a little anterior to the oper- 
cular angle; the spinous portion is four inches 
aud a half in length, the spines stout and strong, 
increasing in length from the first which is only 
six-tenths of an inch, to the fourth which is two 
inches high, the height diminishing thence pos- 
teriorly; the membranous portion of the fin is 
two and a half inches in length, rounded an inch, 
inch and a half in height. ‘The anterior portion 
ofthe spinous part of the fin presents a beautiful 
serrated appearance, from the fact that the mem- 
brane is attached to the anterior border of each 
spine at some distance from the summit. 

The anal fin, terminating two inches from the 
caudal, isan inch and three-fourths in length, 
which is not quite equal to the height of the soft 

Pectorals rounded, two inches and a half in 
height, three-fourths of an inch in length, the in- 
ferior rays are thickened, undivided, free at their 



Ventrals a little posterior to the pectorals 
rounded, two and one-fourth inches in height. 

Caudal slightly rounded, one inch and a half 
in height,three inches and a half when expanded. 

Small scales extend far up on all the fins. 

Branchial rays seven. 

D. 13-13. A.3-8 V. 1-5. P. 7-10. C. 11. 

In color this fish is finely mottled with dusky 
yellow and dark brown; on the fins the latter 
hue predominates, and the lighter mottlings 
have rather a bluish aspect. 

Sebastes paucispinis —Ayres. Length five and 
a half inches; depth one inch and one-tenth; length 
of head one inch and seven-tenths. being a trfle 
less than one-third the total length. Form elon- 
gated, much compressed. 

Scales very small, covering all parts of the fish 
except the fins, the throat, and the space an- 
terior to the eyes. 

Spines of the head, not largely developed. The 
preoperculum has about five, distinct, flat, sharp 
spines; the largest about a line in length The 
operculum has two, distinct but small; the mem- 
branous part projects slightly beyond them- The 
suborbital, on the anterior inferior border has 
three or four, quite small. ‘The other parts 
of the head have none, except that a slender, in- 
conspicuous ridge along the border of each par- 
ietal bone is free at its tip. A very small spine 
at the summit of the humeral cincture. 

The /ower jaw is longer than the upper and 
projects beyond it in such a manner that when 
the mouth is closed it prolongs the line of the 
dorsal aspect of the head. The line of closure of 
the mouth is very oblique upwards, the gape 
large, so that the point of the maxillary lies be- 
yond the middle of the eye. 

Teeth fine, crowded, and even, in tke lower jaw 
on the intermaxillaries, the vomer, the palatine 
bones, and the pharyngeals; those of each superior 
pharyngeal are in three patches. 

i sia line following nearly the curve of the 

The first dorsal fin arising above the opercular — 

angle is an inch and a half in length; the rays in- 
crease in height to the fourth, which measures 
eleven-twentieths of an inch, as do the two suc- 
ceeding, and thence the height decreases, the last 
ray seems to constitute rather a part of the 
second dorsal, it is higher than the one preced- 


Second dorsal fin an inch in length, half an 
inch in height; height diminishing posteriorly . 

Anal about coterminal with the second dorsal, 
rounded, sixth-tenths of an inch in length ; height 
equal to the length. 

Pectorals rounded one-fourth of an inch in 
length, nine-tenths of an inch in height, destitute 
of any thickened membrane, the four lower rays 

Ventrals even with the pectorals, three-fourths 
of an inch in height. 

Caudal somewhat concave, three-fourth of an 
inch in height of the external rays. 

D. 18-133) As 327) V. 16's Bi ies Old: 

Color plain reddish brown above, lighter be- 

On motion of Dr. Ayres, it was 

Resolved, That the Recording Secretary be 
directed to publish the proceedings of each meet- 
ing of the Academy in the Pacific, as soon after 
the meeting as practicable. 


Omitted in Proceedings of Sept. 4.— Col. 
Nevins presented to the Academy a receipt 
in full for the rent of his office and furniture, 
which have been used by the Academy from 
the 18th of April, 1853, to the last day of 
July, 1854, for its weekly meetings and for 
storing its Library and Specimens and for the 
stationery used for its minutes and other pur- 
poses, being a donation to the Academy 
worth at least three hundred dollars. Where- 
upon it was, on motion, 

Resolved, That the thanks of the Academy 

be tendered to Mr. Nevins, for his liberal 
donation, above specified. 

California Academy of Natural Sciences, } 
San Francisco, September 18th, 1854. 

Co]. L. Ransom in the Chair. 

Selim Woodworth. Esq., presented as do- 
nations to the Cabinet, specimens of ferrugin- 
ous earth, resembling what is commercially 
termed “Hartford Clay,” and used by the 
frame gilders here for the satne purpose.— 
Also a bottle of the earth ground in oil for 
painting purposes.for which it seems extreme- 
ly well adapted. It dries quickly with a good 
gloss, and in a short time becomes hard like 
enamel. It is found in Mulate Island or Red 
Rock in San Francisco Bay, in large quanti- 
ties, and can be delivered in the city ata 
very low price. 

The crude earth was referred to Dr. W. P. 
Gibbons for examination and analysis, and 
the preparation in oil to Mr. H. G. Bloomer. 

Mr. Walter Van Erven Dorens presented 
the skull of an Indian from the interior of the 
State, exhibiting the common form of such 
skulls as altered by compression. 

Major J. R. Snyder gave specimens of Lig- 
nite from Red Bluff, on the Sacramento river. 

Col. Ransom furnished specimens of asbes- 
tos in serpentine from Fort Point. 

Mr. Loomis presented specimens of crys- 
talline lime-stone from Point Quentin on San 
Francisco Bay. 

Mr. De Groodt gave a scorpion from the re- 
gion of the southern mines. 

Dr. Wm. O. Ayres presented the following 
communication : 


At the last meeting of the Academy it was 
stated thet we have in our market five spe- 
cies of the genus Sebastes ; two of them were 
cescribed, nebulosus and paucispinis ; two oth- 
ers were mentioned, ruber and parvus, as very 
closely resembling nebulosus. Subsequent 
examination has induced me to doubt the ne- 
cessity of separating parvus, from ruber and 
rather than introduce a name which would 
presently become only a synonym, I will in- 
dicate the type as a mere variety of ruber. 

Sebastes ruber—Ayres. This species is 
very closely allied to S. nebulosus (Proc. Cal. 
Acad. Nat. Sci page 5.) It may be thus dis- 
tinguished,—ruber has the crests of the orbits 
scarcely elevated above the surface of the 
head ; in nebulosus they are very prominent, 
forming quite a deep furrow between them— 
ruber has a pair of small, flat spines on the 
top of the head not found in nebulosus ; they 
are before and a little within the last pair 
mentioned (loc. cit.)—ruber has all the spines 
less strongly developed than nebulosus—in 
ruber the thickness and bulk of the head, as 
compared with the entire fish, are decidedly 
less than in nebulosus—ruber has the anterior 
inferior border of the operculum serrated ; in 
nebulosus it is plain—ruber is of a bright red 
color, nearly uniform, except that it grows 
lighter beneath ; nebulosus is clouded as de- 
scribed—ruber grows to a greater size, often 
weighing ten to twelve pounds; nebulosus 
seldom exceeds four pounds. 

Sebastes ruber, var. parvus—Ayres. This 
is distinguished from the typical form, by hay- 
ing the head more depressed, with the top 
more flattened, the spines of the head more 
slender, the lower jaw longer, the body more 
compressed, the color dark brown, and ly its 
small size—being seldom found to exceed 
half a pound in weight. I had examined 
multitudes of specimens, and found no evi- 
dence of any blending of the two forms, but 
one or two at length presented a partial union 
of the characters to such a degree that we 
will not separate them as yet. 

Sebastes variabilis, Cur. Under this name 
I place a species of Rock Fish, which is not. 
uncommon in the markets, of a plain blackish 
brown color, lighter beneath, with no spines 
on the top of the head, except occasionally a 
slight indication of a nasal spine, with the 
edge of the suborbitals nearly smooth, and 
having a weight of one to two pounds. Cuy- 
ier’s specimens were derived from the Aleu- 
tian Islands, and the only transcript of his 
description in my possession is so brief, as to 
render it a little uncertain whether our fish is 
identical with his; it may yet prove distinct. 
The fin-ray formula agrees closely. 


Of the Rock Fish which have been de- 
scribed in this communication and the one 
preceding, S. ruber is the most important 
commercially ; it is consumed in large quan- 
tities daily, and is like the others, an excel- 
lent fish. S, nebulosus is less numerous, 
though still quitecommon. 8. variabilis can- 
not be considered common,and of S. paucispt- 
nis I have seen but a few specimens. 

Centrarchus maculosus—Ayres. This spe- 
cies is very common in our markets, where 
itis sold under the name of Perch, as are 
also several of the viviparous fishes. It is 
brought from the waters of the Sacramento 
and San Joaquin, and is one of our most es- 
teemed fishes. The specimen from which 
my description is taken is of about the av- 
erage size; it iseight and three-quarters inch- 
es in length. 

Form oval, compressed ; greatest height 
two inches and nine-tenths, just behind the 
pectorals. Back arched ; forehead slightly 
concave; length of the head, equal to the 
height of the body. 

Scales large and firm, covering all parts ex- 
cept the fins, the top of the head, the throat, 
and the space anterior to the eyes. 

The posterior angle of the operculum is 
rounded and furrowed, presenting the appear- 
ance somewhat of a large scale; the edges 
of the peroperculum, interoperculum, subo- 

erculum, scapular bone, and anterior subor- 
Bital are also finely denticulated. 

Lateral line nearly concurrent with the back; 
number of scales in its course about forty- 

Teeth fine, even, and crowded, in the lower 
jaw, on the intermaxillaries, the vomer, pala- 
tine bones and pharyngeals. 

The dorsal fin arises a very little posterior 
to the opercularangle. The spinous portion 
is two inches and one-fourth in Jength,arched, 
highest at about the eighth ray (three-fourths 
of an incli,) the first rays very short ; the last 
spinous ray seems to constitute rather a part 
of the succeeding soft portion of the fin, and 
is higher than the rays preceding it. The 
soft part of the dorsal is rounded, one inch 
and one-eighth in both length and height. 

The anal is coterminal with the dorsal. 
The spinous portion is eight-tenths of an inch 
in length, the spines increasing in length to 
the last, which is nine-tenths of an inch high. 
The soft part of the fin is an inch in length, 
the height being a little greater. The spines 
of both anal and dorsal are stout and strong, 
those of the anal especially. 

Pectorals rounded, an inch anda half in 




Ventrals fan-shaped, an inch and one-tenth 
in height. ee 

Caudal slightly concave, an inch and three- 
fourths high. 

D. 13-11 5. A. 6-10, 33VeIe5seP..15-. C.. 16s 

Color, when dead, dark grayish brown on 
the upper parts, becoming lighter beneath ; 
with large, irregular, dark blotches on the 
sides, extending both above and below the 
lateral line. The fins resemble in color the 
part of the body on which they are situated ; 
the living fish I have not had an opportunity 
of seeing. 

The only Centrarchus with which this need 
be compared is the aeneus, L.S. The resem- 
blance here is indeed close, and maculosus 
may, without doubt, be considered the repre- 
sentative in our Pacific region of aeneus in the 
easter. The Californian fish may be distin- 
guished by the more arched dorsal outline 
(that of the forehead being on the contrary 
concave,) by the greater lieight of the spinous 
portion of the dorsal fin as compared with the 
soft rays of the same fin, by the difference in 
position of the origin of the anal fin, by the 
form of the opercularangle and by the colors. 

In one or two points this species fails to 
comply with the definitions of the gerus 
Centrarchus as hitherto given. And we may 
here remark that ourresearches have proceed- 
ed far enough to show that a complete inves- 
tigation of Californian Ichthyology will prob- 
ably result in numerous modifications of es- 
tablished genera, extending, perhaps, the 
limits of some, while those of others will be 

Committee on Botanical Garden, reported 
unfavorably to the acceptance of the offer of 
Messrs. Chipman & Augenbaugh of four acres 
of land in Alameda for Botanical Garden. 

After some remarks adverse to the project 
by Dr. W. P. Gibbons, Dr. Ayres, Mr. Sloat 
and others, it was unanimously 

Resolved, That on account of the onerous 

conditions exacted by Messrs. C. & A., their 
offer be respectfully declined. 

California Academy of Natural Sciences, 
San Francisco, September 25th, 1854. 

Dr. H. Gibbons in the Chair. 

Mr. H. G. Bloomer reported progress on 
the examination of the earth and paint pre- 
sented by Mr. S. Woodworth at the last meet- 
ing. He exhibited specimens of paints made 
by himself, laid on wood and glass. Also 


ae hk 
Ze 7 — 

specimens ‘of Bridgewater earth, giving pref- 
erence to the former. 

Dr. H. P. Sartwell, corresponding member, 
transmitted a series of meteorological obser- 
vations, made by him at Penn Yan, N. Y., 
during the months of March and June, 1854. 

Dr. H. Gibbons’ presented a series of ob- 
seryations on the temperature of the ocean 
between San Francisco and San Juan Cen- 
tral America. made by Dr. Fitch, Surgeon of 
the steamer Pacific, on her trip to and from 
San Juan in the month of July, 1854. 

Dr. G. accompanied them with some re- 
marks on the climate &c.,of the coast between 
the two places. 

Dr. W. P. Gibbons exhibited the skull of a 
rat caught in this city, showing a curions 
abnormal formation of the upper and lower 

David Chambers, Esq., presented as dona- 
tions to the cabinet specimens of silver and 
copper ore from the Andicollo mines,40 miles 
interior from Coquimbo, Chili. 

Califorma Academy of Natural Sciences, 
San Francisco, October 2d, 1854. 

Dr. H. Gibbons in the chair. 

Adelestan Jardin was elected Correspond- 
ing member. 

Dr. W. P. Gibbons exhibited a young rat, 
of very singular abnormal formation, having 
two pair of hindlegs. The surplus pair are 
perfectly formed, and placed on a fleshy sub- 
stance projecting from the posterior extremity 
of the body ; the feet are turned im a direc- 
tion opposite to that of the-normal feet. 

Mr. Joel Clayton presented as donations to 
the Cabinet, specimens of coal from Puget’s 
Sound,—also specimens of sand stone com- 
posing the roof of the coal formation. 

Dr. Kellogg presented a drawing of a Com- 
melyna, “pretty widow,” or “ widow’s tear,” 
supposed to be a new species, from Salada 
Creek, Texas. 

Dr. W. O. Ayres exhibited two new fishes, 
Morrhua Californica and Grystes lneatus, 
with the following descriptions. 

Morrhua Californica—Ayres. The Tomcod, 
as this species is called by our fishermen, is, 

without doubt, closely allied to Morrhua pru- 
inosa, Mitch. the Tomcod and Frostfish of 
our Atlantic coast, and may be deemed its 
representative here. It differs from it, how- 
ever, in form, in the relative proportions of 
the head, in the position and size of the fins, 
&c. A description tonching the points in 
which itis distinguished from pruinosa is 
therefore, all that is needed. 

The specimen employed is seven inches in 
length ; about their average size. 

The length of the head is one-fourth of the 
pe length ; in pruinosa it is only about one- 

The protrusion of the abdomen is much 
less, as compared with the bulk of the body 
posterior to it, the vertical diameter at the 
origin of the’ third dorsal being two-thirds of 
the greatest depth, while in pruinosa it is only 

The first dorsal is one inch in height,three- 
fourths of an inch in length, acutely triangu- 
lar, the first ray longest. 

The second dorsal, separated from the first 
by an interval of one-fourth of an inch, is 
one inch in length, seven-tenths of an inch in 

The third dorsal, distant half an inch from 
the second, is nine-tenths of an inch in 
length, three-fourths of an inch in height. 

The first anal, originating opposite the ter- 
mination of the first dorsal, is one inch and 
ahalf in length, whichis just double the 

The second anal, one-fourth of an inch from 
the first, equals the last dorsal in length, and 
is coterminal with it ; it is half an inch high. 

The pectorals are more pointed than in pru- 

The ventrals, corresponding in situation,are 
nine-tenths of an inch in height, first and 
second rays free at tip, second longest. 

Caudal nearly even. 

The lateral line, arching somewhat above 
the pectoral, does not assumea straight course 
till nearly opposite the end of the second 

Color commonly plain greenish brown above, 
lighter on the sides, silvery beneath ; irides 

D. 12-16-18; A.23-20; P.20; V.6; C. 
26, with about eleven short ones. 

M. Californica is taken abundantly in the 
Bay of San Francisco. 

Grystes lineatus — Ayres. Form elon- 
gated, compressed. Length twelve inches and 
one-fourth ; greatest depth a little more than 
one-fifth the total length ; length of the head 
equal to the greatest depth. Head somewhat 



pointed, with the dorsal surface ascending, 
so that the greatest depth of the body is 
about opposite the origin of the pectoral fins ; 
dorsal outline descending thence to the tail. 

Scales not large, but firm and distinct, cov- 
ering the body, head as far as the eyes, oper- 
culum and preoperculum. The scales also 
ascend some distance on the caudal fin and 
soft, dorsal, less on the pectorals, and very 
little on the anal, spinous dorsal or ventrals. 
Each scale is toothed on its free portion, 
elongated, with the sides nearly parallel and 
its attached extremity truncate, and in its 
entire form and structure resembles much 
more nearly the scale of a Platessa than is 
common among fishes of this family. The 
scales are so imbricated that avery small 
part of each is exposed. 

A remarkable character among the scales 
suggests the specific name employed. There 
are on each side five lines, each having the 
features of an ordinary lateral line ; i. e., each 
scale along the line is grooved or perforated 
for the passage of a duct. The /first,originat- 
ing with its fellow of the opposite side about 
half an inch anterior to the first dorsal, runs 
close by the base of the dorsal fins, terminat- 
ing abruptly at about the posterior third of 
the second dorsal. The second, about a third 
of an inch below the first, runs nearly paral- 
lel with it, the whole length of the body.— 
The third is in the common position of a 
lateral line, arising near the upper angle of 
the branchial aperture ; it follows the curve of 
the back. The fourth arises below the base 
of the pectoral, passes above the base of the 
ventral, and terminates abruptly a little in ad- 
vance ot the base of the anal. The fifth 
arises, by a single line with its opposite fel- 
low, near the thoat, passes back, undivided 
between the ventrals to a point about an inch 
posterior to those fins, divides and passes 
along the anal fin to the caudal. 

No spines or serrations on the gill-covers, or 
any part of the head. A flat, fimbriated, 
fleshy process, one-fourth of aninch in height, 
on the posterior superior border of the orbit. 

Nostrils a little anterior to the eye, tubular. 

Jaws quite protractile, the pedicel of the 
intermaxillary being nearly three-fourths of 
an inch in length; the maxillary, when the 
jaws are closed, is received almost wholly 
under the arch of the anterior suborbitals.— 
Lips thick and fleshy. 

Teeth small, but strong, even, rather blunt, 
crowded, in the lower jaw, and on the inter- 
maxillaries, the band of them decreasing to 
asingle row posteriorly. Similar teeth on 
the pharyngeals, the vomer, and a few on the 
anterior part of each palatine bone. 

_£ye half an inch in longitudinal diameter ; 
distant twice its own diameter from the snout. 

The first dorsal, arising a little anterior to 
the opercular angle, is two and one-fourth 
inches in length, one inch and a half in 
height, rising somewhat abruptly so that the 
fin is highest at about the third and fourth 
rays. A membrane is continued from its 
last ray to the first of the succeeding fin, so 
that the two fins might almost be counted as 
one. The rays are spinous but not rigid. 

The second dorsal, continued from the first, 
is three and three-fourths iuches in length, 
one inch and one-fourth in height, rounded ; 
the rays are very little branched. 

The pectorals are an inch in length, two 
inches and a half in height, rounded, all the 
rays free at their tips, the lower ones espec- 

The ventrals are posterior to the pectorals, 
rounded, two inches in height. 

The anal arises and terminates on the same 
plane with the second dorsal; it resembles 
that fin also in form, height, and division of 
tha rays, but has the rays free at their tips. 

The cavdal is nearly even, an inch anda 
half in height ; rays much branched. 

D. 21. 1.25 5. A. 256-P. 19 > V. 1.57 Gage 

In color this species has commonly a dark 
grayish brown ground, more or less mottled ; 
over this are scattered light blue specks and 
cloudings, which ate most abundant on the 
cheeks. Numerous small cireular spots, of a 
rich reddish brown, are found on the sides — 
Abdomen lighter than the back and sides.— 
The pectorals are very beautifully marked 
with narrow light and dark stripes ; the other 
fins correspond nearly in color with the parts 
on which they are situated, though all are in 
some degree clouded. 

This is certainly one of the most beautiful 
fish brought to our markets. By some of the 
fishermen it is called Sea Trout, probably be- 
cause of its elegant form and the spots on its 
sides; others do not distinguish it from the 
species of Sebastes, in company with which 
it is caught, and call it Rock Fish. It has, 
however, little resemblance to either. While 
its true position may be deemed somewhat 
doubtful, it is judged better for the present to 
arrange it with the genus Grystes, rather than 
to attempt a new generic division, as would 
otherwise be required. 

G. lineatus is taken in the Bay of San 
Francisco, but is apparently not abundant. I 
have seen no specimens much larger than the 
one described. 


OcrozeEr, 9th, 1854. 

Col. L. Ransom in the chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. Mr. Ross gave 
a bottle of Mineral water from a spring three 
miles east of Oakland. 

Mr. Loomis presented specimens of crys- 
tallized quartz from Mendocino. 

Dr. Trask furnished specimens of Salt, 
crystallized from sea-water, from the Island 
of Carmen, Gulf of California. 

Dr. Kellogg presented a drawing of a Mal- 
vaceous shrub, furnished him by Dr. Trask. 
It was originally discovered on the Island of 
Anacapa, and is now found growing luxuri- 
antly in gardens near Santa Barbara. It is 
from 12 to 15 feet high, branching, and near- 
ly 8 inches in diameter at the base. The 
flowers, which it bears in great profusion, are 
of abeautiful bright pink color, with the petals 
reflexed when the flower is fully developed. 
Dr. K. presented also a drawing of a very 
large species of Viola in fruit, from a speci- 
men furnished by Dr Andrews, the flower 
of which has not yet been seen. 

Lieut. Stone, U. S. N. gave a fresh specimen 
of a fish, Chimera Colliei, specimens of 
Balanus, of Granite, Lignite, Silicified wood, 
and 2 undetermined species of Insects from 
Puget’s Sound. 

Dr. W. O. Ayres exhibited a new species 
of fish, the Clypeocottus robustus, and gave 
the following description of it. 

Clypeocottus robustus—Ayres.—This  spe- 
cies often attains a weight of five or six 
pounds, though my description is drawn from 
one only seven and one fourth inches long. 

Head large, broad, depressed, body taper- 
ing posteriorly, becoming compressed near 
the caudal fin. Length of the head, to the 
opercular angle, a little more than one-third 
of the entire length; breadth two inches and 
one fourth. Eyes far forward, rendering the 
forehead very abrupt, almost vertical. Gape 
of the mouth small, not extending beyond the 
anterior line of the orbits. 

Head strongly spinous, mailed (asin Trig- 
la and Prionotus,) only afew small spaces 
being left naked by the bony plates which 
encase it. The plates are rough with granu- 
lations, which on some are arranged in rows. 
The preopercnlum has commonly four spines; 
the first is at the posterior, superior angle, 
straight, stout, three fourths of an inch in 

length, pOAéng directly backward; the sec- 
ond isa _. ie below this, about a fourth of an 
inch in ffgth; the third is shorter; the ante- 
rior inferior angle forms the fourth, strong and 
well marked, about equal to the second in 
length. The operculum, along its superior 
border, has a stout, angular, straight, sharp 
pointed ridge, seven tenths of an inch long, 
perfectly analagous to the first preopercular 
spe (though no part of it is free,) the two 
lying parallel, side by side, similar in appear- 
ance, voth granulated, nearly coterminal; the 
membranous operculum extends a little be- 
yond the ridge; the inferior angle presents al- 
so a spine, comparatively feeble, partly con- 
cealed. The gill-covers, when extended, give 
the head an aspect as formidable as that of 
any of the Acanthocotti. Each nasal bone 
forms a small spine. The crests of the or- 
bits are somewhat ridged, though not spinous, 
and from each a ridge passes backward the 
length of the head. 

The lateral line is marked by an imbrica- 
ted row of strong, granulated plates, similar 
to those covering the head. The largest, 
those nearest the head, are half an inch 
across vertically, which is about twice their 
longitudinal diameter. They are obscurely 
ridged not spinous. The other parts of the 
surface are destitute of plates or scales. 

Teeth even, fine, and crowded on the low- 
er jaw, intermaxillaries and vomer; none on 
the palatines. 

The first dorsal arises a little in advance 
of the opercular angle, and is an inch and 
one fourth in length, rounded. the greatest 
height (equal to half the length) being at the 
third and fourth rays. The rays are spinous, 
but not rigid. 

The second dorsal, separated from the first 
by an interval of one fourth of an inch, is an 
inch and a half long, an inch high, rounded; 
rays very slightly divided—this is true of the 
articulated rays of all the fins except the 

The anal, opposite the second dorsal, is en- 
tirely similar to that fin in height and in form 
but isa little shorter; the rays are free at 
their tips. 

The pectorals, on a base of an inch and one 
fourth extending forward almost to the ante- 
rior preopereular spine, are an inch and six 
tenths in height, rounded, of the cottoid form; 
there are no separate or detached rays. 

The ventrals, opposite about the middle of 
the insertion of the pectorals, are an inch in 
height; the last ray is so connected to the 
body by membrane as to restrain the motions 
of the fin to a certain degree. 

The caudal, nearly square, is an inch and a 
fourth in height, on a base of half an inch ; 
rays branched, 


D-8-11; A-9; P-17; V-1-3; C-11. 

Color greenish olive, lighter beneath, with 
dark blotches amounting sometimes to im- 
perfect bands. Fins corresponding in color 
with the part on which they are situated; 
pectorals transversely banded. 

This species presents a combination of char- 
acters so far distinct from any previously 
known in this family that a new generic di- 
vision, with the following definition becomes 
necessary. We will call it. 

Clypeocottus—Ayres—Head _ large, de- 
pressed; small, even teeth in both jaws, and 
on the vomer, none on the palatine bones; 
opercular apparatus with large spines; head 
mailed, as well as the lateral line; no scales; 
gill openings large; branchiostegous rays six; 
two dorsal fins. 

( Since this description was printed Mr. 
Charles Girard has kindly sent me a copy of 

a paper read by him before the Phil. Acad. 
Nat. Sciences in August, characterizing new 
fishes from California. 

he calls A. bison. 

suppressed. Wit;-O: 7Az..) 

A. bison is taken in the Bay of San Fran- 
cisco, and along the coast. 
Sculpins it is highly prized by the Chinamen, 
though scarcely eaten by others. 
appear to be abundant. 

{ may take occasion here to correct a mis- 
take made by Mr. Charles Girard in his pa- 
per “On the genus Cottus” read before the 
Boston Society of Natural History, Oct. 17, 
1849. He claims that “C. variabilis Ayres, is 
the young of the A. Grenlandicus,” and ar- 
gues from this “the importance of studying 
these fishes throughout their different stages 
of growth” (Proc. B.S. N. H. Vol. 3, page 
187.) Atasubsequent meeting of the same 
society, I presented a comparison of the two 
species, showing in what respects they dif- 
fer. Mr. Girard. who was present, “remark- 
ed that he thought two species had been con- 
founded under C. Grenlandicus,’ and he 
should be pleased to find that one of them 
was that described by meas C. variabilis— 
But this does not meet the point. Without 
at all raising the question whether C. Scorpi- 
us, Fabr. is identical with the Massachusetts 
fish which was so long referred to it, the C. 
Grenlandicus of Dr. Storer’s Report, I wish to 
state my full conviction that my variabilis is 
not the young of any species, certainly not 
that of the Greenland Sculpin which is com- 
mon near Boston; I have critically examined 
too many specimens of both species to leave 
me any doubt on the subject. The reasons 
for this conviction it is not necessary to give 

This genus is these 
defined with the name Aspicoitus; the species 
These names have the 
priority of date and of course C. robustas is 

Like the other 

It does not 

here as a synopsis of them may be found in 
the Proc. B. S. N. H. Vol. 3. page 312. 

We have therefore three Acanthocotti on 
the coast of New England, and if as seems 
probable the one hitherto called Grenlandi- 
cus is distinct from the true Greenland fish, it 
remains as yet without a specific name, vari- 
abilis having been incorrectly referred to it. 
Their synonymy will be as follows: 

Cottus Grenlandicus,—Rich, as well as of 
Storer and Dekay in their Reports and Sto- 
rer’s Synopsis, and Girard, Proc. B. 8. Nat. 
Hist. Vol. 3, page 185,—Acanthocottus varia- 
bilis, Girard, Bost. Jour. N. H. Vol. 6, page 
348, and Storer’s Hist. of the Fishes of Mass. 
page 26. 

(not Girard)—Cottus variabilis, Ayres, Proc. 
B. S. N. H. Vol. 1, page 68, and Bost. Jour. 
N. H. Vol. 4,1843, page 259. 

Cottus octodecmspinosus, Mitch. Cottus Virgin- 
ianus, Storer and Dekay. 

I have purposely avoided extending the 
comparison beyond the limits of New Eng- 
land, because at New York two additional 
species are reported, at least one of which 
seems of doubtful value. 

San Francisco, Oct. 16, 1848. 

Dr. H. Gibbons in the chair— 

Dr. C. F. Winslow was elected a resident 
member and Lieut. Stone, U. S. N. a corres- 
ponding member. L. W. Sloat Esq. presented 
a Centipede from the vicinity ot Calaveras 

‘Dr.H.Gibbons presented the fins of a Flying 
fish and bones of the wing of an Albatross. 

Dr. Kellogg presented for Mr. J. G. Swan 
of Shoal Water Bay, Washington Territory, 
three drawings made by Mr. Swan, of a spe- 
cies of Napea, an Epilobium, and of the 
shrub known as “Salal,”—with dried speci- 
mens. Also the skull of a Chinook female, 
and geological specimens from Copalés and 
Quenicult Rivers. 

Mr. H. G. Bloomer presented a white in- 
crustation from the mineral spring, some four 
miles from Oakland, and a bottle of the sul- 
phurretted water from the same locality.— 
Col. Nevins presented for Dr. Charles H, 
Raymond, the fifth annual Report of the 
Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Insti- 
tution, History and description of the skel- 
eton of a new sperm whale, with plates, and 
a Guide to Zoological Gardens, London. 

Mr. L. W. Sloat for W. B. Olds, Esq. pre- 
sented Cuviers “Animal Kingdom,” in 4 
vols. The thanks of the Academy were ten- 
dered to Mr. Olds for his valuable donation. 


On motion of Mr. Nevins— 
Resolved, That the Curators examine and 

* yeport at their earliest convenience whether 

there are in the Cabinet any surplus speci- 
mens which can be spared as donations to a 
Cabinet for the Public School at “North 
Beach” in this city. 

San Francisco, Oct. 23, 1854. 

Dr. H. Gibbons in the chair. 

Dr. William Jelly was elected a resident 

Rey. J. S. Diehl presented specimens of 
volcanic glass from Grass Valley, crystallized 
quartz from Murphy’s, astalactite from Sierra 
County, and pyrites from El Dorado county. 

Dr. H. Gibbons exhibited a series of spec- 
imens obtained in sinking a shaft in search 
of coal near Saucelito. Coal is found in 
small quantities on the surface near the 
Bay, and the exploration was made to the 
depth of 150 feet, without success, also 
several insects from Texas and a Gryllot- 
alpa, or mole cricket from California. 

Dr. A Kellogg, for Julius Froebel, Col. W. 
W. Warren and Dr. J. B. Trask, presented 
numerous varieties of California flower seeds. 

Dr. H. Behr presented a specimen of 
a parasitic shrub, Cuscuta to which he applies 
the provisional name of Ceanotha. 

Dr. Wm. O. Ayres, presented the following 
communication, illustrating it with specimens 
of the fishes described: 

Brosmius marginatus, Ayres.—Length four- 
teen inches and three fourths; greatest depth 
three inches and one fouth. Form elongated, 
nearly cylindrical at the head, body com- 
pressed, compression increasing toward the 
tail; length of the head equal to the depth of 
the body. Head rounded in front; muzzle 
blunt; upper jaw received under a loose fleshy 
fold of the skin; lower jaw the shorter, over- 
lapped by the nearly semicircular curve of 
the intermaxillaries which form the entire 
border of the upper jaw. 

The entire fish is covered with a very thick 
viscid mucous secretion, which is much 
tinged with red pigment, and stains the hands 
when the fish is handled. 

Scales very small, scarcely discernible un- 
til the skin is dry, covering the body, but not 
the head, orcheeks. Lateral line by no means 
conspicuous, nearly straight. 

The skin, abont the head particularly, is 
thick and loose, causing the lips to appear 

fleshy, and almost concealing the opercular 
pieces. The border of the preoperculum is 
smooth; the operculum ends in a sharp, deci- 
ded spine, which however is concealed by 
the integuments. 

Teeth fine, somewhat uneven, crowded, 
forming a narrow band in the lower jaw, on 
the intermaxillaries, the vomer, and the an- 
terior part of the’ palatines. Gape of the 
mouth easily extending an inch and a half. 

Eyes three fourths of an inch from the 
snout, four tenths of an inch in diameter, dis- 
tance between them seven tenths of an inch; 
the thick investing membrane causes them 
to have the peculiar aspect of the eyes of 

Nostrils with the anterior orifice slightly tu- 
bular, terminal; the posterior orifice one 
fourth of an inch distant. 

A singular, conical, anal papilla, about 
three fourths of an inch in height, half an 
inch in diameter at base; with the apex ob- 
liquely truncated, semicartilaginous, and lon- 
gitudinally divided, corresponding to a sep- 
tum, on each side of which a seminal duct 
passes, the specimen beinga male. The an- 
al orifice is on the anterior base of this tu- 

Some of the openings of the mucus or wa- 
ter ducts, on the head, are uncommonly large, 
one in particular on the border of the preo- 
perculum being a tenth of an inch in diame- 

A single elongated dorsal fin occupies near- 
ly the entire length of the back. It arises 
over about the middle of the pectorals, and 
extends to the base of the caudal, from which 
latter itis distinctly separated, though the 
interval is small. It is enveloped in a mem- 
brane so thick that an enumeration of the 
rays is almost impossible; this is true of all 
the fins. In consequence of the very gradu- 
al manner in which the fin arises from the 
body, its height cannot be accurately given; 
it is about three fourths of an inch. All the 
rays are soft, articulated, bra~ ched. 

The anal arising three inches posterior to 
the dorsal, and coterminal with it, is similar 
to that fin in structure, form, and height. 

The pectorals are rounded, an inch in length, 
two inches and one fourth in height; the car- 
pal bones, however, are flattened, forming a 
sort of a pedicel on which the fin is suppor- 
ted so that the height of the rays is only an 
inch and three fourths. 

The ventrals are anterior to the pectorals. 
Each consists of a single filamentous ray, an 
inch and nine tenths in length; the pelvic 
bones are suspended to those of the shoulder. 

The caudal is small, rounded, an inch in 


In color this fish is of a plain dark brown | 
on the head, back, and sides, nearly white on | 
the abdomen, with the throat reddish All 
the fins are tipped with a very vivid red, and 
the entire mucous secretion, as already men- 
tioned is tinged with red. , 

I have seen but a single specimen, which 
was procured in the market; it was taken 
near the entrance of the Bay of San Fran- 
cisco. ; 

The species is classed here under the 
genus Brosmius, though the absence of any 
barbule at the chin, and the structure of the 
ventral fins snggest a doubt as to the propri- 
ety of such a course. As has been the case, 
however, in other instances, it has been deem- 
ed advisable to avoid an attempt ata new 
generic division, unless such livision appears 
absolutely demanded, since there are in Cal- 
ifornia, as yet, no means of making accurate 
comparisons with any fishes of allied form. 

B. marginatus does not seem to be known 
to our fisherman, by any distinctive appella- 
tion. From its resemblance to B. vulgaris it 
may be very properly named Californian 

Syngnathus griseo-leatus, Ayres.—This 
curious little fish of which Ihave seen as 
yet but the single specimen here exhibited, 
is somewhat closely allied to two or three 
species already well known; a comparative 
description is therefore all that is needed. 

The length of the specimen is ten inches 
and one fourth; its greatest depth, one third 
of an inch, length of the head, one inch and 
seven tenths. 

The dorsal fin arises four inches and four 
tenths from the tip of the jaws, is one inch 
and one tenth in length, one fourth of an inch 
in height. The anal is only about one tenth 
of an inch posterior to the origin of the dor- 

There is a slight depression between the 
eyes, with a slender median ridge which is 
prolonged upon the beak; there is no ridge 
on the occiput. There are nineteen plates 
anterior to the anal fin, thirty nine posterior. 
There is no sudden depression before the 
eyes, the greatest depth of the beak being 
two thirds of that of the head. 

The forms and arrangement of the plates, 
the angulation of the body, the form and 
granulation of the opercula, the form of the 
mouth &c., present nothing demanding no- 
tice. The color is plain, dark grayish brown 
becoming a little lighter beneath, with very 
numerous narrow, irregular, longitudinal 
lines, of small extent, which are light gray. 
The fins are plain. 

D-36; P-12; A-3; C-10. 

From §. Peckianus, Storer, our only Atlan- 

tic species well determined (though several 
others have been attempted) S. griseo-lineatus 
is distinguished by the length of the head, 
the occipital surface, the depth of the beak, 
the position and form and number of rays of 
the dorsal fin, and the position of the anal. 
With S. Californiensis, Storer, it agrees in the 
length of the head; it differs from it in the 
depth of the beak, the position and form of 
the dorsal fin, and the number of plates poste- 
rior to the anal. 

From S. brevirostris, Girard, it ig at once 
separated by the length of the head, the anal 
finjand the position of the dorsal; from S. 
leptorhynchns, Girard, by the form of the 
beak, the developement of the anal fin, and 
the color. To S. typhle, L. it is closely allied; 
it is distinguished by the length of the head, 
the depth of the beak, the position of the 
dorsal and the size of the anal. 

Other species of Syngnathus will very 
probably yet be found in our waters. They 
may be sought in any of the shallow, shel- 
tered bays. Commercially they are, of 
course, from their size, of no value. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing of the 
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides or Penny wort, from 
the vicinity of San Francisco. A specimen 
of anew and undescribed species was also 
exhibited from the same locality. 

Dr. Kellogg also presented a drawing and 
specimen of the 

Lavatera assurgentiflora. K. Royal Mallows. 
Stem arborescent; leaves cordate seven-lobe- 
angled ; lobes acute, irregularly toothed, sur- 
face soft, close minute stellate pubesence be- 
neath: petioles 4 to5 inches long, slender; 
stipules minute, lance-linear, sessile, cadu- 
cous ; peduncles axillary, solitary assurgent, 
(about one-third the length of the petiole) 
short, articulated (one-half inch) below the 
flower ; the involucel 3-parted, persistent, 
segments broad lanceolate, sub-acute ; calyx 
5-parted nearly to the middle, divisions ovate- 
lanceo’ate, acute and acuminate, obscurely 3- 
nerved, stellate pubescent ; petals obcordate 
on long claws, lateral tufts of silky pubesence 
at the junction with the staminal tube, petals 
at length reflexed, styles 5, pubescent, stig- 
mas filiform or simple (not capitate nor stig- 
matose,) carpels 8 or 9. 

This deciduous shrub, from the island of 
Anacapa, off the coast of Santa Barbara, and 
now to some extent cultivated, is one of 
rare beauty and grace; the rising, falling‘ 
and finally ascending curves of the flower- 
stem, are quite characteristic ; the reflexed 
petals as the flowers fade, is also a rare fea- 
ture with the mallows tribe, which are usu- 


ally involved and twisted up before falling 

As an ornamental shrub or tree, for it attains 
to the height of fifteen feet, it will be highly 
esteemed when more generally known. The 
flowers are purple, about two and a-half inch- 
es broad, and in this climate continne long 
in bloom. 

It is remarkable that a Mediterranean ge- 
nus should make its appearance here; but 
there are several other similar vegetable pro- 
ductions, besides the evident analogies and 
types of Western Europe, which mark Cali- 
fornia truly the “ Italy of America.” 

San Francisco, Oct. 30, 854. 

Dr. Kellogg in the chair. 

Donations to the Library—H. G Bloomer 
presented the 3d Vol. of Loudon’s Arboretum 
et Fruticetum. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and spec- 
imen of a new species of Hydrocotyle—the 
provisional name given was H. prolifera. 

Description,—Glabrous; leaves peltate, or- 
bicular, slightly emarginate at the base, 
coarsely crenate, 1 to 2 inches in diameter; 
scape slender, as Jong or longer than the pe- 
tioles; umbels proliferous in 3 whorls below 
the fourth or proper terminal umbel; fruit 
slightly emarginate at base and summit, and 
ribbed on each side; petioles six inches to 
one foot in length; twelve to twenty flowered 
in each umbel, pedicels 1-4 to 1-2 an inch in 

This species of Pennywort is less robust 
than the H. ranunculoides, growing also with 
it in marshes. 

The Editor of the Pacific presented a spec- 
imen of fruit of the California Chestnut, Cas- 
tanea chrysophylla, from Sierra Co. Also 
specimen of Ceanothus prostratus. 

Dr. Winslow exhibited a Fossil bone, found 
forty-eight feet below the surface, at the foot of 
Telegraph Hill, corner of Kearny and Pacific 

San Francisco, Nov. 27, 1854. 

Dr. H: Gibbons in the chair. 

Dr. R. B. Cole was elected a resident mem- 
ber; Dr. A. Chase of Downieville a corres- 
ponding member. 

Dr. H. Gibbons exhibited some Pea nuts 

(Arachis hypogaea,) being part of a crop of 
[ pec. 25.| 

several hundred pounds, raised the present 
season at Alameda. The plants were cut off 
by the frost, in the beginning of November, 
which reduced the crop very materially. 

Dr. A. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and 
specimen of a plant from the vicinity of Los 
Angeles, having some resemblance to Loni- 

Dr. Wm. O. Ayres presented descriptions, 
illustrated by the, specimens described, of 
the Sturgeons found in our waters. 

Acipenser acutirostris, Ayres.— Length elev- 
en inches; greatest depth, at about the fifth 
dorsal plate, one seventh of the length. Head 
one fourth of the total length. Eyes midway 
in the length of the head. Distance from 
the nostrils to the snout, one inch; breadth 
of the head at the nostrils, six tenths of an 
inch. Anterior border of the mouth beneath 
the eyes. 

Top of the head sloping forward in its 
whole length, until the snout becomes thin 
and horizontal, but it does not “shelve off 
suddenly before the nostrils” as in A. trans- 

Plates of the body all carinate, each carina 
ending in a spine directed backward. The 
dorsal plates are the most strongly develop- 
ed; the lateral series the least so- Skin be- 
tween the rows of plates studded with mi- 
nute stellated tubercles. 

Two pairs of barbels, half an inch in 
length, midway between the snout and the 

Upper lobe of the caudal fin slender, very 
acute, equalling the headin length. Pecto- 
rals, ventrals, and anal rounded; pectorals one 
inch and one fourth in height; length of the 
anal half that of the dorsal with which fin it 
is coterminal. 

Plates of the dorsal series, in this speci- 
men, eleven; of the abdominal, eleven on one 
side, ten on the other; of the lateral, forty- 

D. 45; P. 49; A. 29; V. 28; C. 22-88. 

A. acutirostris is allied to both A. oxyrin- 
chus, M. the sharp nosed Sturgeon of New 
York, and A. transmontanus, R. the huge spe- 
cies found in Columbia River. It is howev- 
er sufficiently distinguished from each of 
them by its proportions, its bony shields &c. 

It is apparently quite rare in this vicinity, 
only two specimens having as yet been ob- 
served, the largest being about thirteen in- 
ches long. 

‘Acipenser medirostris, Aytres— Length twen- 
ty three inches; greatest depth, at the third 
dorsal plate, one ninth of the total length, be- 


ing equal to the breadth of the head; head 
forming one fifth of the total length. 

Eyes midway in the length of the head, 
half an inch in diameter. Mouth with its an- 
terior border just behind the plane of the 
middle of the pupils. Distance between the 
eyes one inch and three fourths. 

Dorsal outline sloping gradually from about 
the third plate to the tip of the snout. Top 
of the head with a longitudinal depression 
between the eyes. Head covered in all parts 
with very sharply granular plates. 

Plates of the body all carinate, spinous, 
like those of acutirostris. Skin between the 
rows of plates studded with numerous stella- 
ted tubercles. ’ 

Two pairs of barbels, each about an inch 
long, nearer to the mouth than to the snout. 

Upper lobe of the caudal fin not so slen- 
der as in “acutirostris,” scarcely equalling 
the head in length. Pectorals somewhat 
pointed, three inches in height. Anal situa- 
ted almost wholly behind the dorsal, its ori- 
gin only being beneath the posterior portion 
of that fin. 

Plates of the dorsal series eleven or twelve; 
of the abdominal ten or eleven; of the later- 
al twenty five totwenty seven. These plates 
are larger and more exter than in “bra- 
chyryinchus,” scarcely so large as in “acutir- 

D. 35; A. 24; V. 27; P. 42: C. 20-75. 

Color grayish brown, lighter beneath. 

A. wedirostris appears to be by no means 
common in our waters. It is taken in com- 
pany with “A. brachyrynchus, though in 
small numbers. 

Acipenser brachyrynchus, Ayres—This spe- 
cies attains a greater size than any other fish 
sold in the markets of San Francisco. They 
commonly weigh from twenty five to fifty 
pounds, though those of one hundred pounds 
to one hundred and sixty are by no means 
Sturgeon have been offered here for sale 
weighing more than three hundred pounds. 

The species is allied, very closely indeed, 
to Le Sueur’s “A. rubicundus” which inhab- 
its Lake Erie and the connected waters.— 
The relative dimensions therefore, and other 
points by which it may be distinguished from 
rubicundus are all that need here be given. 
My description is taken from a specimen on- 
ly thirty six inches in length. 

Head sloping gradually from the first dor- 
sal plate, flat transversely between the eyes; 
with the snout very short, blunt, rounded, 
extending but two inches in advance of the 
eyes; distance between the round vertical 
eyes, three inches; head a trifle less than one 
fifth of the total length. 

But even this is not their limit; | 

| Greatest depth of the body one eighth of 
| the length. 

The anterior border of the mouth lies fur- 
ther back than the pagterior margin of the 
orbits. Four barbels are placed about one 
third of the distance from the snout to the 

The length of the rounded anal fin is half 
that of the dorsal, with which it is cotermi- 
nal. The pectorals are rounded, their height 
not quite equalling the depth of the body.— 
The lower lobe of the caudal fin is relatively 
larger than in “acutirostris” or “medirostris;” 
the upper lobe isa little longer than tae head. 

The plates of the body are small, and by 
no means prominent. Those of the dorsal 
series are scarcely carinate, the others some- 
what more rigid, the posterior ones of the 
lateral series becoming even spinous. Dor- 
sal plates 12 or 13; abdominal 9 or, 10 lat- 
eral 42 to 47. 

D. 49 (highest at the tenth ray;) A. 31; V. 
36; P. 45; C. 20-86. 

Color greenish brown, lighter beneath; 
plates grayish white. 

A. brachyrynchus is very abundant in our 
waters, and is the one sold by all the fisher- 
men as the Sturgeon, the other species being 
seldom seen. Those offered in the markets 
of San Francisco are taken chiefly in the 
Bay of San Pablo, though they are com- 
mon also in the Bays of San Francisco 
and Suisun, and in the lower waters of the 
Sacramento and San Joaquin. They are ta- 
ken atall seasons of the year with hooks, 
small fish being used as bait. The amount 
sold annually, in this city alone is very great, 
and the fishery consequently one of much 
importance, though there are no means of 
arriving at any very precisc data in regard to 
it. The manufacture of caviare from the 
roe, and of isinglass from the swimming 
| bladders of these fish, may hereafter become 
in California, from the abundance of the ma- 
terial, a source of very profitable employment 
and much wealth. 

That other species of Sturgeon remain to 
be yet discovered within tha State is very 

Dr. C. F. Winslow read a note from E. G. 
Smith of Auburn, Placer Co., accompanying 
a fragment of a tusk recently exhumed on 
Cape Horn Bar. The portion was not of suf- 


ficient size to be accurately identified. 


Col. L. Ransom presented a variety of 
plants from the Tejon Pass, which were re- 
ferred to Dr. Kellogg; with them were fine 
specimens of Olives from the Mission of San 

San Francisco, Dec. 4, 1854. 

Dr. H. Gibbons in the chair. 

Mr. P. Edwards Connor was elected a cor- 
responding member. 

A fragment, about eight inches in length, 
of a tusk found at ‘the depth of twenty feet 
on Cape Horn Bar, was presented by Dr. 
Gibbons on behalf of Mr. T. Mitchell. The 
length of the tusk before being broken was 
five feet, ten inches; its circumference at the 
base twenty four and a half inches; it was 
hollow for three feet. The specimen was 
from the same source as that reported at the 
last meeting. 

Dr. Gibbons exhibited a number of Oak- 
galls of remarkably regular sphericity and 
uniform size, about one third of an inch in 
diameter. They occurred under a few of 
the trees in Oakland, nearly covering the 

Dr. H. Behr presented the following de- 
scription of a parasitic shrub, found in the 
vicinity of San Francisco. 

Cuscuta Ceanothi, mihi, Capitula quinque- 
flora, sesilia. Bracteae involucrum penta- 
phyllum constituentes. Calycis partitiones 
quingue late ovatae, obtusae, corolla dimidia 
breviores. Corollae urceolatae limbus quin- 
quefidus, patens, fundus squamis quinque 
ciliatis instructus. Stamina usque ad anthe- 
ras coronae adnata. Stylus bipartitus, stig- 
mata capitata. 

Planta tota, excepta, corolla, candida, co- 
lore violaceo suffusa, semel adhuc in Ceano- 
tho a me reperta. 

Dr. Wm. O. Ayres presented the following 
descriptions of fishes. 

Osmerus elongatus, Ayres—The species 
which is sold so abundantly in our markets 
under the name of “Smelt” is Girard’s A- 
therinopsis califormensis. It furnishes, how- 
ever, another instance of the misapplication 
of common and well known names to ani- 
mals on this coast, since it belongs to a fam- 
ily of fishes widely distinct from that in 
which the smelts are classed. But in com- 



pany with it, and sold under the same name, 
we find now and then a specimen of the 
present species. It is, of course, the one to 
which the name “Smelt” should be applied, 
as it is anear relative of the Smelt of our 
North Eastern States (Osmerus viridescens, 
Le 8.) and of the smelt of Europe (0. eper- 
lanus, Art.) while the Atherinopsis has no 
claim whatever to the name. The latter, 
however, being much the most abundant, has 
appropriated the title, and the Osmerus is 
scarcely distinguished by the fishermen or 
their patrons; nor is it perhaps important that 
it should be, as the one species is equally 
delicate and savory with the other. 

My description is taken from a specimen 
seven inches in length; a few are found a 
little larger. It isso closely allied to O. vi- 
ridescens that the points of distinction from 
that species only need be indicated. 

The form is more elongated and compress- 
ed. Thedepth of the specimen described 
is only nine tenths of an inch; this depth re- 
mains almost precisely the same, from the 
pectoral fins to some distance beyond the 
dorsal fin. The head is less than one fifth 
the total length. 

The lateral line is not above the silvery 
longitudinal stripe, but runs very nearly 
through the middle of it. 

The teeth generally are not so long and 
stout, while the outer palatine row is almost 
entirely deficient. 

The dorsal fin commences further back, and 
is not relatively so high. The adipose fin is 
nearer the caudal. 

In colors the two species agree, even to the 
dark band at the base of the caudal; the 
numbers of the fin rays also correspond. 

Mustelus felis, Ayres—This pretty little 
Shark appears to be not at all uncommon 
along the coast, and within the entrance of 
the Bay of San Francisco. It belongs to the 
division which includes those known as Dog- 
Jish, none of which ever attain any great size. 
My description is taken from a specimen for- 
ty nine inches in length. 

Form elongated, quite slender, the great- 
est depth, anterior to the first dorsal fin, being 
only six and a fourth inches. Head some- 
what depressed; muzzle rather blunt. 

Eyes an inch and a half in their longitudi- 
nal diameter, distant a little more than their 
own diameter from the snout. Behind each 
eye is asmall spiracle. The anterior border 


of the mouth is about on the plane of the 
front of the pupil. 

Teeth small, in many rows, flat, somewhat 
acute, each with a central point and one or 
more pairs of tubercles at its base. 

Branchial apertures five, the largest an 
inch in extent, the posterior one being above 
the base of the pectoral fin. 

The first dorsal fin is fifteen inches from 
the snout. It forms nearly an equilateral 
triangle, three and a half inches in height; the 
posterior portion of its base for two inches 
and a half is free. 

The origin of the second dorsal is fifteen 
inches from that of the first. The height of 
the two fins is about equal; the base of the 
second is a little less than that of the first. 

The origin of the anal is nearly on the 
same plane with that of the second dorsal, 
but as its base is longer it reaches nearer the 
caudal than that fin; it is twoinches in height. 

The ventrals are about midway between 
the two dorsals. 

The pectorals are narrow, pointed, their 
height equalling the depth of the body. 

The caudal exhibits beneath two triangular 
lobes, the anterior one being both higher and 
longer than the posterior. 

In color this fish is of a light bluish gray, 
with numerous irregular dark slate colored 
spots upon the back and sides; beneath near- 
ly white. The spots, which are of all sizes 
from those five inches across to mere points, 
give it ata little distance so much the ap- 
pearance of one of the spotted Cats, as to 
suggest the specific name which has been 

M. felis is allied in many respects to M. 
canis, Mitch., so common on our Atlantic 
coast; it may be deemed its Pacific represen- 

The November No. of The American Jour- 
nal of Arts and Sciences was received from 
the publishers. 

Dec. 11, 1854. 

Dr. A. Kellogg in the chair. 

Dr. C. W. Brink was elected a resident 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited specimens of a Poly- 
podium from Mr. Swan of Shoalwater 
Bay, also Gaultheria shallon, Ph. called 
by the Indians “Sallal,” from the same source; 
the Indians use the Polypodium in the pre- 
paration of their tobacco, calling it ‘Wild Li- 

Dr. W. P. Gibbons presented a drawing of 
a Mollusk, from Saucelito, promising a de- 

scription at a future meeting; also, on behalf 
of Mr. Burr, a specimen of Sylvicola Town- 
sendi, Nutt. 

Dr. Wm. O. Ayres read the following de- 
scriptions of fishes. 

Catostomus occidentalis, Ayres.—This fish 
is very closely allied to C. Bostoniensis, Le 8. 
so closely indeed that a full description is 
not here needed; the points only in which 
the two fail to agree reqnire to be noted. 

In C. occidentalis the head is relatively 
broader, the distance between the eyes being 
equal to the distance of the eyes from the 

The posterior aperture of the nostrils is 
nearly circular, much iarger than the ante- 

The dorsal fin arises, in advance of the 
middle of the body, not including the caudal 
fin; its length and height are equal being 
one sixth of the distance from the snout to 
the tip of the central caudal rays. The first 
four rays are simple, not articulated, the first 
three being very short; the fifth is simple, 
articulated, not quite equalling the sixth 
which is the highest. 

The pectorals arise from,a base so narrow 
that their length is contained in their height 
about four times anda half; their height is 
not quite equal to that of the dorsal. 

The origin of the ventrals is a little poste- 
rior to the middle of the dorsal. 

The anal is somewhat pointed, its length 
contained twice and a half in its height; its 
tip does not quite reach the base of the cau- 

The caudal fin is concave, the height of 
the central rays being contained once and a 
half in that of the external. 

D. 4-12; A. 2-7; V. 1-9; P. 18; C.17 with 
accessories. . 

In general form and proportions, structure 
of the mouth, lateral line, scales, gill covers, 
color &c., the two species can scarcely be 
distinguished. . 

C. occidentalis appears to be quite common 
in the Sacramento and San Joaquin. Those 
which we see in the markets here average 
about a pound in weight; they probably grow 
but little larger than that. They are not held 
in great esteem. 

Gila grandis, Ayres.—My description is ta- 
ken from a specimen sixteen and three fourth 

inches in length. 

‘orm elongated, subcompressed. Nape 
rising a little abruptly from the head; back 
thence but little arched in its entire length. 
Head small, nearly straight (in large speci- 


mens slightly concave) in its dorsal outline, 
its depth at the origin of the nape a little 
more than half its own length; length of the 
head not quite one-fourth of the total length. 
Greatest depth of the body equal to the dist- 
ance from the snout to the border of the pre- 
operculum, being one-sixth of the total length; 
thickness of the body anterior to the dorsal 
fiu, equal to the depth of the head. 

Mouth oblique, lower jaw the shorter, the 
tip of the intermaxillary reaching the plane 
of the middle of the pupil. Eye nearly cir- 
cular, distant two-and-a-half times its own 
diameter from the snout, which diameter is 
contained seven times in the length of the 

Lateral line curving gently downward, for 
aboat two inches, thence runring nearly 
straight to the caudal. 

The dorsal fin, arising at a point midway 
between the snout and the tip of the central 
caudal rays, has its length equal to the depth 
of the head at the line of the pupils, and its 
anterior height equal to the greatest depth of 
the head, which is just double the height of 
the last ray. The first two rays, which are 
not articulated, are short, (the first being 
scarcely perceptible:) the third is the longest 
of all. 

The ventrals are rounded, situated a little 
in advance of the dorsal; their tips do not 
reach to the vent. 

The anal arising just posterior to the point 
to which the rays of the dorsal fin reach, is 
similar to that fin in form, but a little less in 
both length and height. 

The pectorals are somewhat pointed, their 
height a little greater than that of the dorsal, 

The caudal is concave, the height of the 
central rays being two thirds of that of the 
outer ones. 

D. 2-8; A. 2-8; V. 1-10; P. 17; C. 19 with 

Scales moderate in size; about seventy 
eight along the lateral line, and fourteen in 
an oblique line above it, counting from the 
origin of the dorsal fin. 

Color greenish brown above, becoming 
lighter on the sides; silvery beneath. 

G. grandis is by far the finest fish, of its 
family, known to inhabit the waters of this 
coutinent. The size to which they attain, 
their beauty of form, their vigor, and activi- 
ty give them a place among our Cyprinidae 
such as the Salmon has among the Trouts.— 
They bite with great sharpness, and might 

[JAn. 1.] 

afford much sport to those piscatorially in- 
clined. But in this land of intense activity 
few can as yet afford the leisure for such 
recreation, aud rod-fishing is here almost en- 
tirely unknown. This species, whic! is very 
abundant in the Sacramento and San Joaquin 
and their branches, is taken in nets, and 
brought in large quantities to this city. They 
are sold under the name of Salmon Trout, 
though a greater misnomer could scarcely 
have been devised. Those of twelve to six- 
teen pounds are very common, and I have 
been assured by intelligent fishermen that 
specimens have been offered here for sale 
weighing thirty pounds. The largest I have 
seen was thirty-six inches in length. 

As an article of food they are not held in 
high estimation. 

The interesting anatomical peculiarity 
which I demonstrated six years since in the 
structure of the genus Leuciscus (Proc. B. S. - 
N. H. vol. 3, page 46,) viz: the existence of 
two supplementary needle-like bones, sus- 
pended beneath the interbranchial series, to 
afford a point of origin for the delicate mus- 
cles which separate the inferior pharyngeal 
bones, is fully manifested in this species, as 
well as in the other California types, allied to 
this, to be presently described. 

Dec. 18th, 1854. 
Dr. A. Kellogg in the chair. 

A communicatlon was read from Mr. J. G. 
Swan of Shoalwater Bay, giving the results 
of a series of experiments concerning the 
application of Tar to cordage, made by him 
in 1845, at the Navy Yard in Charlestown, 
Massachusetts, by order of the Navy De- 

The object aimed at was, to prevent the 
rigidity in cold weather, and the loss of 
strength, consequent upon the common mode 
of tarring. To accomplish this, Mr. Swan 
made use of a mixture containing twenty 
five parts of oil of tar, three parts of sperm 


oil and two parts of olive oil; one part of this!) Dr. Wm. O. Ayres presented descriptions, 

to be added to twenty-five parts of common | 

tar. Rope prepared in this manner was sub- 
jected to abundant tests. 
equally pliable in cold and warm weather ; 
a twenty-six inch cable, made for the 
Ship of the Line Columbus, was handled as 
readily in January as in August. The strength 
of Russia hemp was found to be actually in- 
creased by this mode of tarring, about five 
per cent, whereas by the common mode it 
was diminished about twelve per cent.— 
With American hemp a like increase of 
strength was not gained. 

Mr. Swan deems that a portion of the ad- 
vantage is derived from the lower tempera- 
ture at which the tar can thus be applied. 

Mr. T. J. Nevins exhibited a number of 
specimens of Ostraea and Mytilus from Con* 
tra Costa. 

Dr. A. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and 
specimen of a Willow brought from the Te- 
jon Pass by Col. Ransom, allied to S. mcana, 

Dr. W. P. Gibbons exhibited a drawing of 
anaked Mollusk from Saucelito, promising 
a description at a future meeting. 

Dr. A. Kellogg presented the following de- 
scription of a Fern from Shoalwater Bay. 

Polypodium falcatum, Kellogg.—Sickle-leaf 
Polypod or Liquorice Fern. Frond deeply 
pinnatifid, segments alternate, long lance 
faleate, attenuate, acuminate, doubly serrate, 
upper and lower divisionssmaller by degrees, 
terminating above in a long slender acumin- 
ation. Sori numerous, 20 to 24 in two rows, 
one on each side of the mid-1ib, rachis glab- 
rous from 1 to 1 1-2 feet in height. Root 
compressed tuberculate 1-4 to 1-8 inch broad, 
greenish russet color, branching laterally, 
radicles numerous, rhizoma often covered 
with scales. Epiyhytic on old decayed trees, 
stumps, roots and clefts of rocks. 

This species was sent from Washington 
Tenitory by Mr. J.G. Swan. Itis highly 
esteemed as a medicine, both among the na- 
tives and others, thought to be antisyphilitic, 
also used in the preparation of tobacco, impar- 
ting to it a sweetish liquorice flavor— 
The Polypody upon oak trees was famous 
among the ancients for the cure of melan- 
choly and madness, &e. 

It was found to be |~ 

with the specimens, of two new Cyprinoid 

Lavinia gibbosa, Ayres—The length of the 
specimen employed in description is eleven 
and a half. inches; the species appearing sel- 
dom to exceed this size to any great degree. 

Form robust, the depth being contained 
only three times in the length not ineluding 
the caudal fin; the depth at the caudal fin 
equals half the greatest depth; the thickness 
anterior to the dorsal fin is about two thirds 
of the depth at the same point. Head rath- 
er small, though not distinguished from the 
body by any depression, and not at all con- 
cave in its dorsal outline; length of the head, 
contained five times in the total length— 
Eyes nearly cireular, with their diameter not 
quite equalling one fifth of the length of the 
head. Mouth small, with its line of closing 
oblique; the tip of the maxillary not reach- 
ing to the edge of the orbit; the lower jaw 
shorter than the upper. 

The posterior border of the opercular appa- 
ratus forms a regular curve. 

Anterior aperture of the nostrils smaller 
than the posterior. 

The lateral line curves gently downward, 
nearly as far as the insertion of the ventral 
fins, and thence runs straight to the caudal 

The origin of the dorsal fin is nearer to the 
caudal rays than to the tip of the snout. The 
first three rays are merely rudimentary; the 
fifth is the highest, equalling one sixth of the 
length of the body; the length of the fin is 
two thirds of its height. 

The anal arises posterior to the termination 
of the dorsal, but not so far back as the rays 
of that fin reach when depressed. Its height 
and length are both a little less than those of 
the dorsal. 

The ventrals arise a very little in advance 
of the dorsal; their height equals the depth 
of the body at the caudal fin. : 

The pectorals are rounded, equalling the 
ventrals in height. 

Caudal fin coneave, the height of the out- 
er rays very nearly equalling the length of the 

D. 4-8; A. 2-8; V. 1-9; P. 16; C. 19, with 
eight accessories. 

Scales rather large, about fifty seven along 
the lateral line, and ten in an oblique row 
above it at the origin of the dorsal fin. The 
scales are largest at about the middle of the 

Color greenish brown above, lighter on the 
sides, silvery beneath; opercular pieces ting- 
ed with purple; all parts of the fish clouded 



with numerous black points in the male, es- 
pecially during the spawning season. 

~L. gibbosa, like the other fishes of this fam- 
ily, is not held in great estimation as an arti- 
cle of food. It is taken in ‘some numbers in 
the lower waters of the Sacramento and San 
Joaquin in nets. It is sold by the fishermen 
here, under the name of Chub, and is also 
very absurdly called by some of them Pike. 
Indeed this family of Cyprinidae seems to 
be a favorite one-with them for excrcising 
their ingenuity in the misapplication of 
names. Gila grandis, as stated (Pr. Cal. Ac. 
Nat. Se. vol. 1. page 19,) they call Salmon 
Trout, and Lavinia compressa, following the 
same principles of nomenclature they name 


Lavinia compressa, Aytes.—This species is 
brought to our markets in company with the 
preceding, which it about equals in size— 
My description is taken from a specimen 
eleven and a half inches in length. 

Form elongated, compressed ; the greatest 
depth contained in the length not including 
the caudal fin, three and a half times ; depth 
at the caudal fin, a little more than one-third 
of the greatest depth; thickness in front of 
the dorsal fin a little more than one-half of 
the depth at the same point. 

Head rather small, with the upper and 
lower outlines taperiug to a somewhat acute 
snout, but without any depression separating 
the head from the body, and with the dorsal 
surface of the head not concave. Length of 
the head contained in the total length not in- 
eluding the caudal fin, four and a half times. 
Month small, the tip of the maxillary not by 
any means reaching the plane of the orbit. 
Lower jaw shorter than the upper. No bar- 
bels. Eye nearly circular, its diameter not 
contained quite five times in the lengtb of 
the head. : 

Posterior aperture of the nostrils the larger, 
with a slight valvular projection on its ante- 
rior border. 

The lateral line curves gently downward, 
neaily as far as the ventrals, then ascends, 
and does not assume a straight course till it 
has nearly passed the anal fin. 

The dorsal fin arises further back than in 
L. gibbosa, being nearly equidistant between 
the snout and the tip of the central caudal 
rays. The height of the fin, which exceeds 
itslength by not quite one fifth, is a little less 
than one sixth of the total length. 

The anal fin arises about on a plane with 


the termination of the dorsal; its height and 
length are both a little less than those of tha 

The ventrals arise a very little in advance 
of the dorsal; their height equals the length 
of that fin. 

The pectorals are rounded, equalling the 
ventrals. , 

Caudal fin concave; the height of the outer 
rays equalling the length of the head. 

_D. 4-10; A. 3-11; V. 1-9; P. 16; C. 19 with 
nine accessories. 

Scales not quite so large as in L, gibbosa, 
being abcut sixty two along the lateral line, 
and twelve in an oblique line above it at the 
origin of the dorsal. 

Color very light greenish brown on the 
back, silvery on the sides and beneath; sides 
of the head tinged with flesh color. 

L. compressa appears to be less common 
than L. gibbosa. Both species are somewha 
closely allied to L. crasstcauda B. and G. and 
to L. conformis B. and G. They differ how- 
ever from them both, in the size and form of 
the head, the proportions of the body, the 
size of the eyes, the fins and the scales. 

Dr. W. P. Gibbons presented a communi- 
cation from Dr. B. Dowler of New Orleans 
on viviparous fishes discovered in Louisiana. 

The following works were received from 
Dr. Gwin—Report on the Exploration of the 
Valley. of the Amazon by Lieut. Gibbon, 
Sighth Report of the Smithsonian I[nstitu- 
tion, Cruise of the Dolphin, and Report of 
the U. 8. Coast Survey for 1852. The thanks 
of the Academy were voted for the donation. 

Dec. 25, 1854. 

Dr. J. B. Trask in the chair. 

Dr. Wm. O. Ayres presented the following 
description of a new Cyprinoid fish. 

Gila microlepidota, Aytes.—This species 
which is brought, not unfrequently, to our 
markets, appears seldom to exceed twelve 
inches in length. It is sold by many of the 
fishermen under the name of Fan-tail, from 
the peculiar form of the caudal fin; like the 
others of the Cyprinidae, it is not,much es- 

Form elongated, subcompressed, rather 
slender, tapering most posteriorly. Greatest 
depth contained about five and a half times 
in the total length; length of the head, about 
four and a half times in the same; depth an- 
terior to the caudal not quite one third of the 
greatestdepth. Head tapering regularly from 


the back, with a straight dorsal outline, nape 
not elevated. : 

Mouth small, the tip of the maxillary by 
no means reaching the border of the orbit; 
lower jaw received beneath the upper. 

Border of the opercular apparatus forming 
a smooth and regular curve. 

Lateral line curving gently downward, pas- 
sing nearer the ventrals than the dorsal fin, 
thence rising, and at length running straight 
tothe caudal fin. 

Scales small, numbering about a hundred 
and ten along the lateral line, and twenty- 
four in an oblique line above it at the origin 
of the dorsal fin ; they are strongly impressed 
with radiating striae. 

The dorsal fin arises a little nearer to the 
caudal rays than to the snout. Its length 
equals the distance from the snout to the 
border of the preoperculum, being contained 
seven times in the Jength to the tip of the 
central caudal rays; the height of the fifth 
ray, which is the longest, is greater than the 
length of the fin. 

The anal arises posterior to the termination 
of the dorsal ; it resembles that fin in form 
but is smaller, its length equalling only the 
distance from the snout to the middle of the 

The origin of the ventrals is posterior to 
that of the dorsal, which fin they very nearly 
equal in height. 

The pectorals are rounded, and slightly 
exceed the ventrals in height 

The caudal is large, deeply concave, the 
height of the external rays exceeding the 
greatest depth of the body, the height of the 
central rays half that of the external. The 
great number and prominence of the acces- 
sory rays causes the fin to spring out sudden- 
ly from the caudal portion of the body, thus 
giving occasion for the name by which the 
fish is designated, as already mentioned. 

C. 4-10; A. 3-8;-V. 1-10; P. 17; C.19, 
with twelve accessories. 

Color dark grayish brown above, lighter on 
the sides and beneath, a darker band passing 
from the base of one pectoral across the nape 
to the base of the other. 

G. microlepidota is- taken in the lower 
waters of the Sacramento and San Joaquin, 
in company with the other species of this 
family described in the Proceedings of the 
Academy. The form of its head indicates 
the propriety of a different generic position, 
and it is also separated from Gila by the 
structure of its inferior pharyngeal bones. 
But from the same reason that has been given 
in previous instances (the absence of any 
means in California of comparison with es- 

tablished forms, and the lack even of works 
of reference containing the divisions of the 
Cyprinidae, as at present recognized) it has 
been deemed advisable not to propose at 
present a new generic name. 

Seven types of this family are brought to 
our markets, representing four genera, and 
liable probably to still further generie divi- 
sion, viz :—Gula grandis, Ayres; Gila micro- 
lepdota, Ayres ; Pogonichthys inequilobus, B. 
and G.; Lavina gibbosa, Ayres ; L. compressa, 
Ayres; L. exilicauda, B. and G; and Catosto- 
mus occidentalis, Ayres. It is extremely prob- 
able that others also occur, but’ apparently 
not in any great numbers. In particular we 
may look for Lavinia crassicauda, B. and G., 
which we have as yet not seen. Of other 
smaller Cyprinoids, five or six California spe 
cies have been already detected, but scarcely 
of sufficient size to be marketable, and be- 
yond question many yet remain concealed in 
our lagoons, lakes, and mountain streams. 

Dr. Trask presented, on behalf of Mr. 
Humphrey of Marysville, a cluster of Quartz 
Crystals of remarkable size and beauty, from 
Rich Gulch on Feather river. 

Also, a tooth of a Mastodon from Sonora, 
in the name or Mr. Gunn. 

Also, specimons of Sulphuret of Copper 
and Blende from Hope Valley, Utah Territory, 
in the name of Maj. G. C. Shipman, Jackson: 

Also, a copy of Stansbury’s Expedition, 
from Mr. B. F. Washington. The thanks of 
the Academy were voted to the donors. 

Dr. Trask also presented eighty specimens 
of land and marine shells, from China. 


January 1, 1855. 
Dr. A. Kellogg in the chair. 
On motion of Dr. J. B. Trask, — 

Resolved, That the Academy adjourn until 
Saturday evening, January 6th, at seven 
o'clock, for the reception of the Annual Re- 
ports of the Trustees, and other Officers—the 
election of officers for this year—and ‘the 
transaction of such other business as may 
come before the Annual Meeting—and that 
every member be earnestly requested to be 



Jan. 6th, 1855- 

Annual meeting by adjmrnment. Col. L, 
Ransom in the chair. 

Reports were received aid placed «1 file from 
the Trustees, the Treasurer, the Lil rarian, the 
Curat: rs, and the Corresponding Secretary. 

The following officers for te year eusuiig were 
elected : 

President—Dr. A. RanDaALu. 

First Vice President—Cot. L. Ransom. 

Second Vice President—Dr. H. Grpzons. 

Recording Secretary—Dr. C. F. Winstow. 

Corresponding Secretary-—Dr. W. P. Gis- 

Treasurer—Mr. T’. J. Nevins. 

Librarian—Mr. T'. J. Nevins. 

Curator of Zoology—Dr. W. O. Ayres. 

Curator of Botany—Dr. T. L. ANDREws. 

Curator of Geology and Mineralogy—Dr. 
W. P. Grezons. 

Committee of Publication—Mr. Wm. Herr- 
LEY, Dr. W. O. Ayres, Dr. H. GiBgons. 

L Jan. 8th, 1855. 
Col. L. Ransom, Vice President in the chair. 
The minutes of the last meeting were read and 
‘ approved. 

Mr. Davis of Mercantile Library Associa- 
tion presented two specimens of stalactite 
and stalagmite, taken from a limestone cave 
in Santa Cruz, Cal. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a specimen of Cupres- 
sus Thyoides or White Cedar from the head- 
waters of the Sacramento;—alsv the drawing 
of aa new variety of Quercus provisionally 
named Quercus Ransomi, from the vicinity 
of the summit of Tejon Pass. 

Mr. Sloat presented a specimen of Gryl- 
lotalpa from Mr. Mathews. 

Dr. Ayres read the following paper on two 
species of Liparis. 

Liparis pulchellus, Ayres—Of this singular 
little fish, but a single specimen has yet been 
observed. It was among a number of small 
fishes, ata fish-stall in one of the markets, 
and was probably taken in company with 

them, in some of the shallow waters of the 
Bay. It is six inches in length. 

ae elongated, much compressed posteri- 
orly, breadth and depth nearly equal anteri- 
orly. Head subquadrangular, the sides being 
nearly vertical, with the upper and lower sur- 
faces horizontal. Dorsal outline of the head 
sloping to the snout, which is very abrupt, 

(res. 1.] 

appearing as though truncate transversely. — 
Breadth of the head contained six times in 
the total Jength; length of the head a very 
little greater than its breadth or depth. 

Eyes placed midway in the length of the 
head; distance between the eyes equal to half 
the length of the head; diameter of the eye 
equal to half the distance between the eyes. 

Gill-opening above the base of the pecto- 
ral fin, small, only about equalling the diam- 
eter of the eye; the minute, slender opercu- 
lar bone-forming a small projection backward 
covered with the skin. 

Mouth equalling in transverse diameter the 
distance between the eyes, but extending 
very little posteriorly, by no means reaching 
the line of the orbits. Lips smooth and fleshy. 
Teeth numerous, even, fine in each jaw, ar- 
rauged in tesselated regularity, like those of 
some of the Rays; each tooth has a central 
prominence, causing its apex to appear par- 
tially tridentate. Similar teeth are found on 
the pharyngeals; none on the palatines or 
vomer. Lower jaw shorter than the upper. 
Mouth nearly terminal. 

“Anterior aperture of the nostrils tabular, 
about half way from the eye to the snout; 
posterior aperture smaller, seeming like a mu- 
cous orifice near the orbit. 

Mucous pores numerous and large, espe- 
cia'ly about the head. 

Skin smooth, scaleless, so loosely attached 
by cellular tissue to the muscles beneath as 
to be largely movable. 

Dorsal, anal. and caudal fins. united; so as 
not to be distingnished. 

Dorsal fin single, elongated, arising far for- 
ward (less than half an inch from the head,) 
its greatest height, which is in its’ posterior 
half, equalling half the length of the head. 

The anal arises about half an inch’ poste- 
rior to the origin of the dorsal, which fin it 
equals in height. 

The rays which occupy the place of the 
caudal fin are, like those of the’ true dorsal 
and anal all simple; a few of the central ones 
project beyond the general outline of the fins, 
and indicate a true caudal, giving a rounded 
lanceolate termination. 

The pectorals arise each from a base equal- 
ling in length the breadth of the head, and 
extending forward beneath the throat so as 
almost to meet its fellow of the opposite side, 
the two when closed covering and conceal- 
ing the ventral disc. The upper portion of 
the fin, equals in height the length of the 
base; it then diminishes to less than half that 
height, while further forward still the height 
increases and the rays are free at their tps, 
the extreme anterior rays being again very 


The ventrals are imbedded in the dise com- 
mon to this family; it is oval, about equal in 
Jength to the greatest height of the dorsal 


The rays inthe dorsal, caudal, and anal 
fins are about ninety eight, though it is not 
easy to enumerate them; of these about forty 
seven belong to the dorsal, eleven to the cau- 
dal, and forty to the anal. 

Color light olive brown, with numerous 
narrow, waving lines of darker brown run- 
ning longitudinally, and forming in some in- 
stances rings and irregular figures; abdomen 
and throat white; some small brown and 
white spots on the sides, one series faintly 
indicating a lateral line with a slight down- 
ward curve. 

Liparis mucosus, Ayres—This species is 
closely allied to the last, L. pulchellus; it dif- 
fers chiefly in the form of the head, the form 
and connection of the dorsal, anal, and cau- 
dal fins, and the colors. 

The head is longer, its length being con- 
tained in the total length (excluding the cau- 
dal) four times; in pulchellus the proportion is 
one to five. The snout is rounded anteriorly, 
not truncate. The eye is smaller; its longi- 
tudinal diameter contained nearly six times 
in the length of the head. 

The dorsal and anal fins both arise at about 
the same points as in pulchellus, and in their 
height and structure correspond well with 
those of that species; they are not, however, 
continuous with the caudal, but terminate at 
its base, leaving that fin separate and dis- 
tinct, with a rounded extremity. 

The dorsal is emarginated, a short distance 
from its origin, giving in a degree the ap- 
pearance of an anterior dorsal. In color, this 
species is of a plain greenish olive, lighter 

In the branchial aperture, the form of the 
operculum, the teeth, the nostrils, the pecto- 
ral fins, the ventral disc, the loose attachment 
of the skin, &c., this species agrees well with 

Only two specimens have yet been ob- 
served, each a little over five inches in length. 
Commercially, these smal! Sucking Fish are, 
of course, of no value. Their peculiar struc- 
ture and habits, however, may well attract at- 
tention to them. By means of their ventral 
disc they attach themselves to stones and 
other objects, so strongly as to require much 
force for their removal. They belong to the 
same group of fishes with the Lump Fish of 

oir Atlantic coast, the Cock Paddle of the 

Dr. Winslow exhibited a fragment of the 
lower jaw of an extinct elephant found in the 
drift of Texas Flat, in the neighborhood of 
Columbia, fifteen feet below the surface. It 
was 7 1-2 inches in length and the same in 
depth and contained the impression of a tooth, 

and the maxillary canal ina fine state of 
preservation. The fragment appeared some- 

what rounded by attrition among the drift of 
the mining region, but on the whole is beau- 
fully preserved. Though teeth of the Ele- 
phas primogenius correspond in shape to the 
impression on this fragment, probabilities fa- 
vor the conclusion that the extinct elephants 
of this slope of the Continent differ wholly 
from those which ranged over the eastern re- 
gions of North America and other parts of 
the globe. This fragment belongs to Doctor 
Graves of Columbia. 
The following resolution was adopted. 

That it be the duty of the Recording Sec- 
retary to notify in writing, all persons who 
may be elected as resident members of the 

Academy; and that the Corresponding Secre-- 

ry do the same to Corresponding and Honor- 
ary members as soon after their election as 
possible. Adjourned. 

San Francisco, Jan. 15, 1855. 

Col. L. Ransom in the chair. Mr. Charles 
Girard was elected honorary member of the 

Mr. Damran, of the Custom House, presented 
the following works: Capt. Marcy's Explora- 
tion of Red River; Cruise of the Dolphin; 
Lieut. Gibbons’ Report ; Report of Smithsonian 
Institution for 1853; Report of the Superin- 
tendent of the U.S. Coast Survey, for 1852, 
and Sitgreave’s Expedition. 

The thanks of the Academy were tendered 
for the donation. 

Mr. Columbus Cooper of Oak Ranch, Sierra 
County, Cal., through Editor of Pacific, pre- 


sented a Meteorological Table, taken by him at — 

his residence, at the supposed height of eight 
hundred feet above the bed of the Yuba River, 
at Downieville. The thanks of the Academy 
were tendered to Mr. Cooper, and his communi- 
cation was referred to Dr. H. Gibbons. 

Mr. H. G. Bloomer presented five volumes of 
the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, 

Sa aetna) 

The Lyceum of Natural History of New 
York presented Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of vol. VI of 
its Annals. 

Mr. Nevins presented thirty specimens of co- 
ral, and fifty-six specimens of marine shells, from 
the Society Islands and vicinity. 

Mr. Charles D. Gibbes, corresponding mem- 
ber, presented 59 specimens of minerals, fossil 
woods, bones and shells, also a specimen of 
Geococcyx affinis, Wag. found in the vicinity of 
Tulare Lake. The thanks of the Academy were 
voted for the donation. 

Dr. A. Kellogg presented 250 specimens of 
California plants, and drawings, with the speci- 
mens of the Quercus Ransomi, Kellogg, and of 
the Trichostema lanatum, and read the follow- 
ing descriptions : 

_ Quercus Ransomi—Kellogg.—Leaves oblong- 
obovate, sinuate, wedge form at the base, lobes 
sub-acute, mucronate, pubescent beneath, on very 
short petioles ; calyx bowl-form, margin thin,well 
defined, scales ovate, long, acute pointed, closely 
appressed, uppermost minute; whitish glaucous 
pubescent ; acorn elliptic-acute, base small; 
sessile, in pairs, and solitary. 

This oak was found by Col. L. Ransom, of 
the U.S. Survey, on the highest mountains near 
Tejon Pass. The bark and leaves resemble the 
white, and post oaks (Q. alba, and Q. obtuszloba.) 
It is also closely allied to Q. Gambelii; but dit- 
fers in the more acute and mucronate lobes of the 
leaf, sessile cup, longer and more pointed acorn, 


He also exhibited specimens, and a drawing of 
another species, supposed to be new. The name 
Quercus arcoglandis, Kellogg, was given, or Spur 
Acorn Oak. Leaves evergreen, coriaceous, 
ovate-oblong, sub-cordate, slightly repand-tooth- 

ed mucronate, margins recurved, sub-glabrous be-| jaw the shorter. 

neath ; fruits sessile or sub-sessile, in pairs, and 
solitary ; gland ovoid at base, point long, conic 
sub-acuminate, mucronate ; cup sub-hemispheri- 
cal, scales glabrous, ovate, obtuse, thin, closel 
appressed, light chestnut color. Found by Col. 

nsom, near ‘l'ejon Pass. This species resem- 
bles the Q. oryadenia, Q. Emory, Q. agrifolia, 
&c., but the leaves are less spinose than most of 
our evergreen holly leaf oaks ; the veins beneath 
are not prominent, the leaves are small, one inch 
to an inch and a half long, petioles about one- 
third the length, foliage dull green; cup flatter, 
and its general characteristics less robust. 

Trichostema lanatum, or the Bu, 


of bright, purplish lilac pubescence, and is withal 
very fragrant. The very long arching and curl- 
ing filaments like a lady’s curls, have given this 
order the appropriate common name of Blue 
Curls. In this species the curls extend out be- 
yond the flower two inches or more. The public 
=P indebted to Dr. Andrews for its introduction 

Dr. Willard, of this city, presented specimens 

of asphaltum found near Los Angeles. The 

-thanks of the Academy were tendered for the 


January 22, 1855. 
Col. L. Ransom in the chair. 

Prof. S. F. Baird was elected an Honorary 
Member of the Academy. 

Mr. Geo. M. Green presented a very beautiful 
specimen of the Great Egret Heron, Ardea egret- 
ta, Gmel. shot by him near the Lake House. 
The bird appears to be quite rare along this 
coast. The thanks of the Academy were ten- 
dered to Mr. Green for the donation. 

Mr. Dosh of Shasta City presented specimens 
of a Grass from the head waters of the Sacra- 
mento, known there as Native millet; it was re- 
ferred to Dr. Kellogg. 

Dr. Wm. O. Ayres presented the following de- 
scriptions of fishes, with the specimens from 
which they were drawn. 

Leiostomus lineatus, Ayres—Form elongated, 
compressed. Back gently arched, dorsal surface 
of the head sloping, snout rounded. Greatest 
depth contained a little less than four times in the 
total length. Length of the head a trifle less 
than the depth of the body. 

Mouth received beneath the rounded snout, 
the tip of the maxillary not quite reaching the 
plane of the posterior border of the pupil, lower 
Tecth fine, even and crowded in 
both jaws, with similar stronger ones on the -pos- 
terior portion of the pharyngeals; none on the 
palatines or vomer. Upper jaw almost entirely 
covered by the infra orbitals. 

Scales thin, pectinate, rounded on the exposed 
portion, truncate anteriorly, covering all parts of 
the body and head except the throat, branchial 
membrane and parts of the jaws. 

Eyes nearly circular ; their diameter contained 
a little more than five times in the length of the 
head. ° 

Operculum ending in two concealed, flattened 
points scarcely spinous. Posterior border of 

. exhibited a drawing and specimen of | preoperculum minutely denticulate. 
lue Curls. | 

Lateral luie arching very gentiy for nearly half 

This species, peculiar to California, is remarkable its lengti, running thence straight to the caudal 

for its beauty, and worthy of the attention of our 
florists. I1t is clothed with a velvet or buff coat, ' 

The first dorsal jin arising at a distance fr 



the snout, equal to one-third of the length of the 

fish not ineluding the caudal fin, has a height 

half as great as the distance of its origin from 
the snout. It is elevated in front, the rays be- 
coming shorter posteriorly. 

The second dorsal, continuous from the. first, 
has its greatest height about two-thirds of that 
of the first, the height diminishing. posteriorly. 
The-united length of the dorsals is a little less 
than half the entire length, of which the second 
occupies somewhat the greater portion. The 
rays of the first are feebly spinous, those of the 
second little branched. 

The anal arising a very little posterior to the 
plane of the middle of the second dorsal, has its 
~ Tength‘and height about equal, both being near- 
a i same as the greatest height of the second 

0 ~ 

The Pectorals are slender, pointed, their length 
contained more than four times in their height, 
which latter nearly equals the length of the first 

The ventrals are pointed, the third ray pro- 
jecting beyond the others in a filamentous tip, 
making the height equal to that of the pectorals; 
their insertion is posteridr to that of the pectorals. 

The caudal is concave, its greatest height a 
-» little more than that of the first dorsal. 

D. 14. 1-20; A. 1-11; P. 1-17; V. 2-5; C. 16, 
with accessories. , 

_ The ground color is a light grayish brown, be- 
“coming silvery beneath; this is crossed by nu- 

Brancliial aperture free, isthmus narrow, bran- 
chial rays six. : 

Lateral line curving a little downward for 
three fourt!is of an inch, thence running straight 
to the caudal fin, not conspicuous. 

Scales minute, soft, not ciliate, covering the 
whole body, and the cheeks anterior to the pre- 
operculum, not extending on the fins. 

. Teeth fine, even, and forming a single. row in 
| the lower jaw, and on the anterior part of the 
| palatines ; crowded on the intermaxillaries, those 
of the outer row being a little larger than the 
others; none on the vomer. Mouth of moderate 
size, almost horizontal, the tip of the maxillary 
{nearly reaching the plane of the ‘anterior border 
: the pupil. 

Opercular apparatus destitute of spines; oper- 
culum ending in a flat, feeble, somewhat acute 

The dorsal fin, arising a little anterior to the 
opercular angle, extends the entire length of the 
back. . Its greatest height, at about one third of 
the length of the fish, is not quite one half the 
depth of the body; this height is maintained pos- 
teriorily with very slight. decrease, anteriorly it 
diminishes until the first rays become very short. 
Rays all spinous, projecting with sharp points 
above the membrane; the first two scarcely con- 
nected by membrane with those succeeding; a mem- 
brane extending from the last ray to the very 
base of the candal fin. ‘ 

The anal fin, arising at a distance from the 

merous, narrow, obliquely longitudinal, somewhat snout a little greater than one third the totai 
waving lines of rich umber brown, giving a very length, does not quite reach the caudal. Height 
pleasing appearance to the fish; these lines are about equalling that of the dorsal; rays articula- 

but feebly traced on the head. The dorsal and 
caudal fins are somewhat clouded, the others 

L. lineatus is apparently not very common.— 
It is taken in the Bay of San Francisco, at near- 
ly all seasons of the year, but never in great 
numbers. It seldom exceeds eleven inches in 

length. It is called by the fisherman, Corvena, | 

Cognard, and Little Basse. 

It is not very closely allied to any of the pre-! 

viously described species of the genus. 
Leptogunnellus gracilis, Ayres—Form com- 
pressed, very indell ehieielbats the greatest depth 
fat one fourth of the distance from the snout to 
the tail) contained in the total length, twelve 
times, diminishing thence very gradually each 
way ; greatest thickness equal to half the depth; 
length of the specimen described, eleven inches. 
Head destitute of spines or fleshy ‘projectiohs, 
forming a little less than one seventh of the total 
length, flattened on the top, muzzle somewhat 
pointed, lower jaw the shorter. Eyes near the 
top of the head, approximated, elliptical, their 
longitudinal diameter contained not quite ‘six 
times in the length of the head, distant rather 
more than their own length from the snout. 

. ted, branched. 
‘The pectorals, rounded, have their height a 
‘little greater than the depth of the fish. 

The ventralis are half as high as the pectorals, 
a little anterior to which they are placed. 

The caudal, rounded, scarcely equals the pecto- 
rals in height. : 


In color this species is of a light greenish olive, 
‘with numerous dark blotches in the form of nar- 
row, irregular lines, extending over the batk, up- 
‘per part of the sides, dorsal fin and caudal, on 
which latter they constitute tolerably regular 
transverse bands; lower portion lighter; irides 
silvery. Entire fish translucent. 

The grouping of characters here described in- 
dicate a new generic division, closely allied to 
Gunnellus, to be thus limited— 

Lertocunnettus, Ayres—Body elongated, 
much compressed: Forehead not abrupt. Mouth 
.of moderate size. Small even teeth in the jaws 
‘and on the palatines; vomer smooth. Dorsal rays 
all spinous. Ventrals well developed. Branchial 
aperture free. 

L. gracilis is apparently rare. Buta single 

‘specimen has yet been’seen, which was obtained 

at a fish-stall; it had been taken in the Bay of 
San Francisco. 

San Francisco, Jan. 29, 1855. 

Col. L. Ransom in the chair. 

Rey. I. S. Diehl deposited the skin of a Wild 
Cat —Lyna rufus. 

Mr. Eugene A. Upton presented a series of 
fine specimens belonging to the Serpentine group, 
consisting of tremolite, asbestos and chlorite 
schist—also green stone trap and vitrious scoria. 

The thanks of the Academy were tendered to 
Mr. Upton for his valuable donations. 

Dr. J. B. Trask exhibited a portion of the jaw 
of a Mastodon, containing two molar teeth, found 
near Columbia. 

Dr. Kellogg presented sixty specimens of Cal- 
ifornian and other plants ——also a drawing of na- 
tive millet. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a specimen and drawing 
of a Linariad considered new—it was found by 
Dr. Andrews near Punta de los Reyes. 

Antirrhinum vezillo-calyculatum, Kellogg.—Stem 
erect, branching, extremities and branchlets long 
filiform, pubescent, glandularly pilose, and slightly 
viscous on all parts, (except stem and leaves be- 
low,) leaves and branches opposite below, alter- 
nate above; ovate acute at both ends, 3-nerved, 
smooth sub-pubescent on long petioles below, 
gradually diminishing above until sessile, subcor- 
date and very minute. Flowers axillary on short 
pennies; calyx 5-parted, upper division very 
ge, leafy, ovate, acute, mucronate 3-nerved, as 
long or longer than the flowers’ lower divisions, 
two on each side, linear-lanceolate mucronate 
(l-nerved) intermediate lateral divisions smaller 
or sub-equal, as long as the tube; corolla person: 
ate, palate very prominent, limb 5-parted, upper 
lip reflexed, 2-parted, divisions oblong emargin- 
ate, lower iP 3-parted, divisions obovate emar- 
ginate, middle lobe largest, lateral lobes reflexed, 
tube sub-cylindric, pubescent, gibbous at the base 
on the lower side, pseudo-spur cempressed. 

Stamens 4, inserted into the tube of the corol- 
la, didynamous, included, filaments twisted com- 
, kneed at the base, or ascending, glandu- 
y pubescent above, anthers 2-celled, cells 
aoe before expansion, afterwards reniform or 

ivided,sub-lateral; style filiform;glandular pubes- 
cent, stigma, 2-lobed, upper longer lobe beaked; 
capsule 2-celled many-seeded, oblique at. base; 
seeds oblong-ovate. 

This ee is one of the Linariads of Lindley, 
commonly known as Figworts, Snapdragons, or 
Tond-flax &c. This description is taken from a 
dried specimen, of which we have seen but one, 
further examinations are needed to determine its 
complete characters, our specimen has no mature 

fruit. The peculiar ieafy division of the calyx 
is about one third longer than the flower, 
the tube about half an inch long, it appears 
to be an annual plant, somewhat like flax. 

Dr. KX. also repoated on the native Millet refer- 
red to him, accompanied with a drawing and de- 

This specimen furnished by Mr. Dosh of Shas- 
ta is from the head valley of the Sacramento 
River. It is remarkable-for its size, beg ten to 
twelve feet high, bearing a head from ten inches 
to one foot in length, dense clustered, and very 
prolific. Horses and cattle eagerly devour it— 
When we consider the great changes caused by 
culture, there is no donbt but this will prove a 
valuable acquisition to the farmer. It furnishes 
the most wholesome food for birds; it also 
abounds in farina to such an extent as to be ca- 
pable of furnishing flour for domestic and_eco- 
nomical purposes. It is quite similar to the S. 
Ttalica and S. Germanica or Italian and German 
Millets, the stalk with its large swelled jomts em- 
wates the common Broom-Corn, the ripe grain 
is shining with a light golden tinge. 

Setaria californica, Kellogg.—Sheaths hirsute 
and ciliate at upper point where the laminae first 
embraces the stem; the compound paniculate 
spike, cylindric, very long, erect, in heaped clus- 
ters or spikelets; bristles in bundles, about four, 
bearded upwards, three or four times longer than 
the seed; valves three, two ovate concave sub- 
equal 14 to 14 shorter than the seed (outer very 
small,) 5nerved, rachis densely hirsute, seed chan- 
nelled and slightly flattened on one side. 

It is to be hoped flowering specimens will be 
sent by our friends in that vicinity to enable us 
to complete the description. 

Dr. K. also exhibited a drawing and specimens 
of the Dendromicon rigidum, or California Yel- 
low Rose ‘Tree. 

The comparatively recent discovery of this 
beautiful flowering shrub in California, has elicit- 
ed much interest among botanists, as forming a 
connecting link between the Poppyworts and 

Fees. 5, 1855. 

Col. L. Ransom in the chair. 

Dr. H. Gibbons presented a specimen of Mag- 
nesian Limestone from the border of the hills east 
of Oakland. 

Dr. Kellogg presented various native flower 

Mr. Geo. BE. Drew presented thirty six speci- 
mens of earth &e., from an Artesian well at 
Stockton four hundred feet in depth, illustrating 
the stratification at that place. The thanks of 
the Academy were voted for the donation. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and speci- 

[rep 19.] 


mens of the Olive,(Olea Ewropea,) with notes illus- 
strative of its emblematic use in all ages. 

This native Asiatic tree is well acclimated in 
California, from San José, south at all the old 
Missions ; these specimens were brought by Col. 
L. Ransom of the ¥. 8. Survey, from San Fer- 

Along our sea-coast declivities and sloping val- 
lies where the soil is sweet, or free from stagnant 
moisture, and mostly composed of caleareous and 
granitic, or schistous and micaceous debris, com- 
monly known as “flat gravel,” the olive is very 
thrifty and prolific. It grows to the height of 
twenty or twenty-five feet with a trunk of eight 
or ten inches in diameter, and forms a picturesque 
ornament to avenues, and out-grounds, as well as 
in plantations: an eminent instance, among the 
many that claim our notice, of the bountiful re- 
sourees with which Providence has blessed our 
State. No tree is more useful in every point of 
view, than the olive—its extreme longevity— 
graceful branches—evergreen foliage — close- 
grained useful wood—rapidity of growth and 
early maturity, yielding after the second year, 
and bearing for ages—ease of propagation, by 
simply planting a chip of the stump, or a cutting, 
in short for unnumbered reasons, it cannot fail to 
reccommend itself to the attention of the public. 
There are several species, with some varieties in 
the form of the fruit and foliage not necessary to 

Dr. Wm. O. Ayres presented the following: de- 
scription (with thespecimen) of a Lamprey trom 
this vicinity. 

Petromyzon plumbeus, Ayres.—Form elonga- 
ted, slender, sub-cylindrical anteriorly, compress- 
ed posteriorly; length of the only specimen yet 
observed, four inches and three fourths. 

Hyes large, distant twice their own diameter 
from the anterior border of the head; length of 
the head, to the posterior margin of the orbit, 
not quite one twelfth of the total length. 

Branchial orifices small, circular, disposed in 
nearly a straight line on each side, occupying a 
space about equal to the distance from the ante- 
rior one (which is near the eye) to the front of 
the head. 

Mouth provided with smooth fleshy lips, not 
quite united posteriorly. 

The appendages, commonly described as“teeth” 
are only two, near the lips, one superior, and one 
inferior, both elongated transversely. ‘The supe- 
rior is low in the middle, and elevated to a point 
at each end, causing it at first sight to appear 
double’ The inferior is serrated, having eight or 
nine smooth nearly even points. In the throat 
is a partial, smooth, horny ring, or rather ridge. 

The first dorsal fin arises a little nearer to the 
tip of the caudal than to the front of the head ; 
it is very low,arched,and has a length about equal- 
ling one eighth of the length of the fish. 

The second dorsal, separated from the first by 
an interval equalling about half the length of 
that fin, is at first low, rises toa height about 
twice that of the first dorsal, then decreases until 
at a point half an inch from the tip of the eau- 
dal its height is very small, and continues nearly 
evenly so through the remainder of the dorsal 
space. At the extremity of the body, and in 
all the region occupied in other species by the 
anal, scarcely even the semblance of a fin can be 

‘This species is of a plain, uniform lead eolor, 
inclined to green, above; bright silvery beneath. 

P. plunbeus is apparently quite distinct from 
any previously recognized type of this genus.— 
The only one from which it is not widely separa- 
ted in the arrangement of the “teeth” is the large 
species described as inhabiting the Columbia 
River, P. tridentatus, Gaird. With any of the 
HKuropean forms, or those found on the eastern 
slope of this continent it is scarcely necessary to 
compare it; the “teeth,” the fins, the colors, the 
size distinguish it from tridentatus. It is un- 
doubtedly always a small fish. ; 

The specimen described was taken in the Bay 
of San Francisco, in November 1854. 

T have not been able, as yet, to ascertain the 
occurrence of Lampreys in any of the rivers of 

A letter was received from the Royal Acade- 
my of Sciences at Berlin, acknowledging the re- 
ceipt of the first No, of the Proceedings of this 
Academy; also a letter from Prof. Henry of the 
Smithsonian Institution, promising to send to the 
Academy a suite of Meteorological and Magnuet- 
ic instruments. 

On motion of Mr, Sloat, it was 

Resolved, that the proposition of Dr. W. P. 
Gibbons to deliver a course of Chemical Lee- 
tures, in aid of the funds of the Academy, be ac- 

Mr. Heffly was elected Recording Secretary. 

Frs. 12, 1855. 
Cole L. Ransom Vice President, in the chair. 
Dr. J. B. Trask, presented three specimens of 
Naiades, with descriptions, from the Sacramento 
River, and Lagoons. 

Anodonta Randalli, Trask.—Shell, obtusel 
triangular, rather thick, posterior margin alated, 
attenuate, obtusely rounded, anterior margin 
roundly-pointed, posterior margin sub-accuminate 
near the line of the ventral margin, ventral mar- 
gin nearly straight, slightly compressed along the 
line of the edge laterally and internally, rather 
acutely rounded at the posterior end, an elevated 
ridge extends from the umbo to the posterior an- 

le of the ventral margin, umbones much corro- 
fied, rather indistinct, lateral ridge sub-acute and 
rounded, becoming somewhat obsolete as it ap- 
proximates the umbo, dorsal line arcuate inclu- 


ding the ligament, lateral ridge of the shell form- 
ing the chord of a circle equal to 105°, epidermis 
rough, finely wrinkled anteriorly, very dark brown, 
semi-opaque, surface of the shell often yery much 

Interior of the Valves. Muscular cicatrices 
two, anterior deep and at times granulated, pos- 
terior confluent, the cicatrices usually with raised 
tumid edges; pallial line rather deep in old speci- 
mens, rather indistinct posteriorly in young shells, 
nacre opaque reddish brown, pearly, annual lines 
imperceptible within, but distinct externally, in- 
ternal cavity deep, cavity of the umbo deep ; 
Length three and one tenth inches, Breadth one 
and four tenths, Diameter one and two tenths. 

The habitat of this Shell is the Sacramento 
and San Joaquin Rivers. I have not found it at 
any poine north of the confluence of the Feather 
with the former stream. The shell is not plenti- 
ful, as one only was obtained during three days 
dredging ; it is difficult to obtain good specimens, 
or even any considerable number, from the fact 
that the Indians place a high value on them, their 
use being the manufacture of ornaments for their 

I have some hesitancy in placing this shell with 
the genus Anodon, since there is in some 
specimens, the semblance of a rudimentary tooth. 
In the majority of shells which have come under 
my observation, this characteristic is wanting or 
at least so obscurely defined as to render it ex- 
tremely difficult to determine the point with any 
degree of certainty. I have never seen the ani- 
mal but once, and that was in sucha state of 
decomposition as to render any diagnosis from 
this source of no value. I have, from these cir- 
cumstances placed this shell in the genus Anodon 
until such time as there are more evidences for 
its removal than are now in our possession. A spe- 
cimen of this species is in the cabinet of Col. L. 
Ransom, from the upper San Joaquin, which 
measures three and eight tenths inches in length 
and one and seven tenths in height—it is the lar- 
gest that has yet been taken in our waters. 

Anodonta triangularis, Trask.— Shell, thin, con- 
tour nearly triangular, inequi-lateral, equi-valved, 
compressed ; anterior margin truncated; ventral 
margin nearly straight for the central half of its 

; valves slightly compressed near the ven- 
ral margin producing a flattened elevation on 
the inner disks; posterior extremity obtusely 
rounded ; dorsal margin elevated into a high con- 
nate wing; beaks nearly obsolete; epidermis 
com in young and dark brown or nearly 
in old specimens ; annual lines somewhat 
prominent externally, raised on the inner disks ; 
pallial line entire ; cavity of the valves shallow ; 
nacre white, slightly iridescent ; dorsal ligament 
strong ; valves closed. Length three and three 
tenths, Height two and two tenths, Diameter 
seven tenths. 

The habitat of this Shell is the Sacramento 
River, and it has not to my knowledge been found 
above the American Fork. It is seldom seen by 
the fishermen engaged on that stream, notwith- 
standing high prices have been offered for them ; 
within 18 months { have procured three speci- 
mens only. ‘The outline of this shelt alone would 
separate it from the lake specimens, which are 
found in great abundance. 

Anodonta rotundovata, Vrask.— Shell inequi-lat- 
eral, compressed; umbo rather flat; dorsal line 
straight; projection of the epidermis above the 
dorsal line arcuate, horny and brittle; anterior 
margin rounded ; ventral margin regularly arch- 
ed and smooth; dorsal margin elevated into a 
high connate wing; darkish brown colored line 
surrounding all the margins ; muscular impression 
rather indistinct; posterior  cicatrice confluent ; 
pallial line small but easily perceptible, conform- 
ing to the marginal border ; epidermis yellowish 
brown, polished, finely corrugated near the mar- 
gins and becoming darker ; substance of shell 
thin; annual lines transverse, elevated exteriorly 
and perceptible on the disk; cavity of the beak 
shoal ; nacre bluish white, pearly, at times mot- 
tled with yeilowish spots. Length three and six 
tenths inches, Height one and nine tenths, Diam- 
eter seven tenths. ‘ 

This shell is found in the lagoons of the Sacra- 
mento Valley; but has not to my knowledge 
been taken in the river. ‘lhe plates were drawn 
from an adult specimen; it differs from the pre- 
ceding species in its general contour,in being more 
expanded between the dorsal line and ventral 
margins,and in the much greater acuteness of that 
line, with the projection of the epidermis beyond, 
as delineated in the figure. ‘The arched form of 
the ventral margin in this specimen, and the 
roundness of the anterior, compared with those 
of the A. triangularis, will separate it from that 

Dr. Winslow, exhibited two embryonic speci- 
mens of aspecies of Shark-Ray, inclosed in the 

Dr. H. Gibbons exhibited specimens of the 
Redwood and the Mammoth Tree, with the cones 
of both, showing the analogy between them, and 
the propriety of placing them in the same Genus 
viz: Taxodium. 'The Genus Wellingtonia, which 
Lindley had framed for the gigantic tree of Cal- 
ifornia, was at best, named in bad taste. If the 
name of a hero, unknown to science, were at all 
appropriate for a genus of plants, an American 
hero, might easily have been found, to give a 
name to the giant of the American forest. But 
there is not likely to be any difficulty about the 
name, as Dr. Torrey and other botanists, both at 


home and abroad, now concur in abolishing the 
new genus, and placing the so called Welling- 
tonia gigantea in the old genus Taxodium, re- 
taining the specific name g7gantewn. 

Dr. H. G, also presented specimens of Trillium, 
Asarum, and other plants, from Alameda county. 

Col. R. D. Cutts presented the skin of a Fox. 

Messrs. Ellery & Doyle presented an antiqua- 
ted work on Natural History, published at Ed- 
inburgh, in the last century. 

Fes. 19, 1855. 

Col. L. Ransom, Vice Président, in the chair, 

Col. R. D. Cutts, of the U. 5S. Coast Survey 
was elected corresponding member. 

H. G, Bloomer, Wm. Heftly, Dr. A. Kellogg, 
were elected Library Committee. 

Donations. Report of the Smithsonian Insti- 
tute, for 1854, presented by the Institute. 

Dr. Behr, presented a species of Nepa. 

Dr. J. B. Trask, read the following paper on a 
new species of Alasmodon, from the Yuba Riy- 

er. He also presented three specimens of the 

Alasmodon. Yubaensis, 'Trask.—Shell, thick, 
transyersely elongate; umbones low, situated 
rather below the line of the hinge margin, and 
near the middle of the anterior third, very much 
eroded, hinge and ventral margin unequally cury- 
ed, shell broader before than behind, anterior 
margin nvuly and regularly rounded, slightly 
obtuse below, dorsal margin and ligament rather 
flatly arched, (in young shells the dorsal line from 
the end of the ligament posteriorly is often angu- 
late) posterior margin obtuscly rounded in ma- 
ture specimens, its superior portion comprising the 
posterior third truncated, or but very slightly 
arched ; of the valves thick anter.orly and 
rounded, thin fends and rather sharp, slight- 
ly everted, shell gaping at both ends, (in young 

imens the valves at the posterior end are 
closed) broader before than behind, considerably 
inflated from the umbones along its posterior slope, 
Fy ae nealy black, opaque, smooth toward 
the beaks, rather roughly corrugated from the 
middle of the disks to the margins, surface undu- 
lated with annual lines of growth. Wath, 
smooth ; color lilac-greenish and iridescent poste- 
riorly; rayed upon the surface beyond the pallial 
aig oe seen by direct or transmitted light ; car- 
inal teeth one in each valve, erect, that in the 
right valve sub-connate, bluntly rounded at the 
apex, grooved on the upper part, pitted at the 
posterior base, tooth in left valve erect, flat, 

sub-triangulate, three small oblique grooves u 
ita upper surface producing denticulations 


on the edge; five small transverse grooves on the 
under surface; tooth sub-acutely pointed; pallial 
line impressed anteriorly, obsolete posteriorly ; 
anterior cicatrices distinct, deep, posterior conflu- 
ent, shoal; nacre not extending to the margins, 
leaving a narrow border surrounding the latter ; 
a somewhat tumid elevation of the shell between 
the pallial line and margin anteriorly. Length, 
four and five twentieths inches; height, one and 
six tenths; breadth, one. 

The habitat of this shell is the Yuba River, 
and the specimens on which this description is 
based were taken from that stream about forty 
miles above its confluence with the Feather, by 
Hon. C. E. Lippincott, from whom they were 
procured. The shells are somewhat abundant, and 
have often been found at considerable depths in- 
bedded in the gravel drift of that stream. There 
are shells of this genus in many of the running 
streams of this country, but thus far there seems 
but little diversity in the species, with the excep- 
tion perhaps of the more northern rivers. 

This shell represents A. arcuata, of the 
Atlantic coast, but differs from that shell as de- 
scribed by Dr. Gould, and also from the descrip- 
tion of Dr. DeKay. The particulars which 
separate it from the Atlantic species are the fol- 
lowing: A. arcuata, has two cardinal teeth in 
the left valve; our species has but one, or even 
a denticulation on that valve that could be eon- 
sidered even rudimentary. The form in the one 
is pyramidal and has from three to five grooves, 
while the California shell is flat and sub-triangu- 
late, having scarcely three distinct grooves. upon 
its surface, which is a constant character— 
The tooth in the right valve is erect and has no 
twist as that described in the Atlantic species. 

The beaks in our species are situated near 
the middle of the anterior third, and their sum- 
mits are below the line of the hinge margin, and 
itis much broader beforethan behind; the color of 
the inner disks being so distinct from that of the 
Atlantic species, and the rays visible on the in- 
ner surface beyond the pallial line, are sufficient 
with the above to separate our shell from those 
east of the Rocky Mountains. 

The difference of climate and the space of a 
broad continent between, would have the effect 
to produce wide differences in specific character 
of allied genera. I therefore consider this spe 
cies as undescribed. and have selected th 
name of the stream from which it was taken, 
for its specification. 

The corresponding secretary, read a letter from 
Dr. D. W. Hatch of Sacramento, in which he 
promises a copy of his Meteorological Journai, 
and one from Prof. Nooney, dated at Washing- 
ton, recommending the Society to send copies of 

the Bulletin, to the Smithsonian Institute for ex- 
change with foreign scientific bodies. 


Fes, 26, 1855. | previded witha firm row of teeth, likethose on the 
~{vomer but smaller. In the lower juw four or five 
strong cunine.teeth in tront, similar to those above 
and interlocking with them as the mouth closes ; 
all the jaw posterior to these filled with strong 
molar teeth. ~Pharyngeals with. small, rounded 

Lips loose: aud fleshy. Nostrils nearer to the 
eye than to the snout. 

Opercular apparatus: without spines or proces- 
ses. of any kind ;. operculum yery thin, almost 
membranous. -Isthmus broad; branchial aper- 
ture equalling in- extent the distance from the 
snout to the nosterior border of the orbit. 
Skin smooth, with a:somewhat copious mucous 
-secretion. Seales minute, reunded oblong, im- 
‘bedded in the skin, not-imbricate, scarcely visible 
‘without close examination, becoming less abun- 
dant anteriorly, and:entirely disappearing before 
reaching the peetoral fins; all anterior to this be- 
ing scaleless. 

No trace of a lateral line. 

Dorsal, anal, and caudal finsentirely contiuous. 

The dorsal fin, arising almost at the back ot 
‘the head, continues to increage for nearly a fourth 
of its leneth,attaining thus a height equal to the 
depth of the head of the fish. ‘ “A little posterior 
to this the elevation becomes less, and the fin 
gradualiy decreases in height. until, near the cau- 
dal extremity, it has only one third of its. great- 
est elevation. 

The engl fin, arising. at asdistance from the 
hb, DAG ee ‘ snout, a little .greater than, one...fitth of the. total 
_ ; spect.of a Fritillaria, which, was Feferred to Dr. length, is epee to the..dorsal in, form, , aving, 

Kellogg and Dr. Andrews for examination. | in most parts, about two, thirds the height of that 
_ Dr. Wm. 0. Ayres presented. a specimen rep-| fin. The rays at the, extremity of the, body, 
» em@esenting a new..generic type, among:fishes;, with| which represent. of course the,.caudal. fin, are 
«2 the following: description. about equal to the longestways of the.anal.. ‘The 
. Anarrhichthys ocellatus, Ayres.—Form much tics = oon ae and Se eae ar pepe wes 
Gwe illiform, the greatest}branched.. {Fhose of the dorsal arc single, no 
“aa aotceelgis of the Horeal fa): contained | articulated, flexible ; the point at: which these sim. 
.)s nimeteen - times in: the--length3 the thine _ at| ple rays join the articulated rays of the caudal 
the same point, trifle greater than half the 
~ «depth; the depth-hecoming constantly less and 
“ieAeaay until the body~-terminates in a point-at t! 

_ caudal extremity. 

» toy Head-com d, with the dorsal outline even- 

. Dr. Kellogg in the chair. 
- Dr.. Andrews. presented., for the,Library; two. 
___.welumes of Congressional: Documentsyrelating to 
_ California, of the dates of 1849, and 1850. 
»- Dr..Kellogg exhibited a-drawing, and ,speci- 
mens, of a. yariety of Loncera Calzfornica, or 
- o California Yellow. Honeysuckle. 
“= The specimens - were found at the Mission-of 
'~ San Antonio, by Dr. Andrews. iy 
__. Wine twining,.all,,parts,glabrous,leaves ovate 
_«,waneronate, distinct,.upper ones not ;connate-per- 
_., »foliate; one inch, to an,inch and a.half long, pet- 
..» doles about an. eighth. of,.an inch, without,stipuli- 
form appendages; peduncle.and, rachis. neither 
hispid nor glandular, tube of the corolla aseend- 
. ing, conspicuously. gibbous at the base on. the 
__. Jower side, about the length of the deeply 2:lipped 
~. limb; ovaries not.glandular, in all other. respects 
~~ the same as L. Calzfornica. 
+The Yellow Woodbine or. Honeysuckle above 
, « deseribed, and the Red or Rose-colored, L:.hispz- 
dula, are both foupd in this State. ‘They. furnish 
very desirable rural ornaments at only the cost, 
or comfort,of a pleasant.walk.. Why not-associate 
_ with a happy home another delightful: object to 
. « thrill and refine the heart of humanity. 
Mr. Bloomer presented a plant, having: the as- 

the fin. The, junction, ef the «anal, dinda¢audal 
cannotso readily-be,determined, as theraysof both 
are articulated. 

batt? gyn 

»@ -of-three-or-four, smaller but of similar form; and egantly mottled swith light ‘ashy “grey and'dark 

aha nies-extending -back; all of these. are on| blotches,,which.cover thaoheed ad-andybody. They 

_ the intermaxillaries, The entire anteriox orton onan tee upon the dors iy et bay. 

. ic 
womer covered swith-w,mass-of large, close: | bears 1 remarkable row of large, i arp- 
set, roundedy-grinding teeth. Hach palatine bone} ly defined ooellations: these are of such Sze as 

is not. marked by-any-depréssion‘in'the outline of 


to occupy about half the height of the fin, each 
consisting of a light ring enclosing a much dark- 
er space. At about the middle of the length, 
these rings (in one specimen) become blended, 
forming thence a black band with a light line 
above and below it which extends to the caudal. 
The anal is dark brown, (black near the tail) with 
a border almost white in its whole lengh. 

These notes of the coloring are taken from a 
young specimen only twenty two inches long.— 
In another, fifty two inches in length, the colors 
though not essentially different were less brilliant. 

We find here grouped the arched head, the 
mouth, the remarkable dentition, the branchial 
aperture, the surface, the scales, the structure of 
the fins, belonging to Anarrhicas. But they are 
associated with an eel-like elongation of body and 
a corresponding complete union of the vertical 
fins, which must remove it from that genus. The 
fish has in fact, at the first glance (excepting the 
head) much the aspect of a Muraena. Its gener- 
ic features may be thus stated. 

Anarruicutays, Ayres.—Head smooth, arch- 
ed, obtuse. Body very much elongated. Scales 
small. Dorsal, anal, and caudal fins united— 
Canine teeth in the front of the jaws; blunt, rownd- 
ed teeth on the vomer and palatines and in the 
lower jaw ; none onthe superior maxillavies. No 
ventral fins. 

A. ocellatus is apparently rare. Only two spe- 
cimens have yet been seen, which by a singular 
coincidence were brought into the market within 
two days of the same time. None of the fisher- 
men had seen the species previously. The stom- 
ach of the larger specimen contained fragments 
of a Sea-Urchin, apparently a Cidaris, so that 
their habits appear to be like those of the species 
of Anarrhicas. -Both specimens were taken in 
the Bay of San Francisco. 

Marca 5, 1855. 

Dr. H. Gibbons in the chair. 

A valuable collection of fossil shells was pre- 
sented in the name of Dr Antisell from Santa 
Margarita. The thanks of the Academy were 
voted for the donation. 

of the head, contained in the total length not 
quite six times. -Dorsal outline gently arching 
from the dorsal fin to the snout. Head subquad- 
rangular in transverse section ; elongated in front 
of the eye, so that the distance from the eye to 
the border of the operculum on its own plane, is 
contained nearly twice in the distance from the 
eye to the tip of the snowt. Length of the eye 
about one fifth of the length of the head. 

Nostrils almost immediately anterior to the 
eyes; the posterior aperture much the larger, 
oval, covered by a large crescentic valve from its 
anterior border. 

Mouth large and very protractile, the pedicels 
of the intermaxillaries being long and the tissues 
lax. Lips quite large and thick, papillose, the 
papillae imperfectly arranged in rows; the pos- 
terior lip deeply lobed. 

Lateral line nearly straight, curving but slight- 
ly downward near its origin. From its anterior 
extremity two rows of tubes diverge ; one pas- 
ses directly across, on the line separating the head 
and body, till it meets the tube from the opposite 
side; the other passes forward, and quickly di- 
vides into two branches, one running along the 
supraorbital space and tgrminating at the nasal 
cavity, and the other curving down and passing 
along the suborbital bones in their whole length, 
These rows of tubes are quite prominent. ~ 

Scales largest on the posterior portion of the 
body, quadrangular, longer than high, with nu- 
merous radiating furrows. Sixty four scales 
along the course of the lateral line, and eleveu 
above it in an oblique Jine at the origin of the 
dorsal fin. 

Dorsal fin, trapezoidal in form, arising at a 
point eqitidistant from the snout and the base of 
the caudal fin. Its length, which is a little lesa 
than its height, is equal to the length of the head 
anterior to the preopercular border. ‘the fourth 
ray, unbrauched, is the highest, the first two be- 
ing very short ; the last ray has a little more than 
half the height of the fourth. ' 

The ventrals, rounded, arisin posterior to the 
middle of the dorsal, havea height not quite 
equalling the length of that fin. : 

The anal, somewhat acutely rounded, with a 

A letter from Mr. Philip B. Carpenter of | height equal to the length of the head, is separa- 

London, to the Rev. Mr. Cutler of this city, was 
read, asking for authentic information or ex: 
change of specimens in illustration of the Mol- 
lusea of California. 

Dr. Wm. O. Ayres presented specimens of the 
following fishes—Ophiodon elongatus, Gir., Lep- 
togunnellus gracilis, Ayres ; Scorpaenichthys mar- 
moratus, Girard; and Catostomus labiatus, Ayres, 
with a description of the last mentioned species. 

Catostomcs LABratus,—Ayres. 

Form elongated, fusiform, somewhat compress- 

ed. Greatest depth, which is equal to the length 

ted from the ventrals by a space nearly equal to 
its own height. The fifth and sixth rays are 

highest, the first very short. This fin overlaps 

the caudal for more than a third of its height. 

Pectorals rounded, their height equalling that 
of the anal. 

Caudal concave, the central rays only a little 
more than half as high as the external, which 
about equal to the anal. : 

D. 3-12; V. 2-10; P. 17; A. 2-7: O. 18, with 
six accessories. 

Color dark blackish brown above, becoming — 
lighter on the sides, and white beneath. j 

C2? J 

C. labiatus must be rather rare as but a single 
apecimen has yet been observed; it was taken at 
Stockton, was seventeen and a half inches in 
length. It was brought to market in company 
with a number of C. cccedentalis, from which it 
was not distinguished by the fisherman who call 
them both Sucker. 

We knew in California, previous to the discov- 
ery of this species, but one representative of the 
genus Catostomus, C. occidentalis, Ayres. By a 
somewhat singular coincidence this latter had 
been described by Prof. Aggassiz (Am. Jour. 
Se. and Arts, Vol. 19, p. 94,) and by myself 
(Proc. Cal. Ac. Nat. Se. Voy. 1, p. 18, under 
the same specitic name, at almost the same time, 
but the reading of my paper and the publication 
of our Proceedings have priority by a lew days. 
Prof. Agassiz’ account of course did not reach us 
till several weelis later. 

From C. occidentalis, the present species is 
distinguished by the following characters—the 
head, anterior to the eyes, is more elongated ; the 
centre of the eye is decidedly nearer to the !ower 
xngle of the subopercle than to the anterior edge 
of the upper lip; the mouth is larger, the lips 
thicker ; the opercle and subopercle are smaller ; 
the dorsal fin is situated further back, and is 
smaller, its length being less than one seventh ot 
the length to the tip of the central caudal rays ; 
the pectorals are larger; and the analis much 
more developed. 

From C. communis it differs in the greater 
length of the head. the larger mouth, the thicker 
Nips, the form of the dorsal, and the greater de- 
velopment of the anal; and from C. Bostoniensis 
in nearly the same points. 

-To Lesueur's C. aureolus it has much resem- 
blance, but from that it is now generically sepa- 
rated, as in the recent revision of the old genus 
Catostomus by Prof. Agassiz, awreolus is inclu- 
ded in the genus Ptychostomus. 

¢ Ina paper read by me before the Academy 
some months since, the remark was made that fur- 

_ ther investigations in our Californian fauna would 
» | probably show a necessity for many modifications 
» among existing genera. In the present species 
_ + we have a partial illustration of the truth of this. 
- Inthe revision of this group of fishes already 
+ mentioned, Prof. Agassiz after much study has 
_ set forth the characters which in his judgment 
_ should indicate generic divisions, attaching much 
{though not undue) importance to the inferior 

_ pharyngeal bones and the teeth upon them. In 
the arrangement thus proposed by him, the spe- 

. gies now under consideration belongs evidently to 
+» Catostomus proper. And yet we find the pharyn- 
+ geal teeth (but not the pharyngeal bones them- 
» » elves) much more nearly corresponding to those 
of Ptychostomus. ‘They increase in a very even 

* manner from above downward, so that those of 
the middle of the arch are not “already of the 

same cast as those of the lower part of the eomb,’’ 
in fact they do not assume that cast till quite 
near the lower part. We find “the inner edge of 
the lower ones square,” while in the middle and 
upper ones the inner margin rises into a rather 
sharp cusp. Still the body of the bone is that 
of Catostomus and we have thus a blending of 
the characters of the two genera. 

Without question other types of this group of 
fishes will yet be discovered on this side of the 
mountains. Quite a remarkable representative 
of the Chondrostomi was fouud by the U. S. Ex- 
ploring Expedition, under Capt. Wilkes in the 
Columbia River. It is Acrocherlus alutaceus, 
Agass. und Pick. 

Marcu, 12, 1855. 

Dr. Ayres in the chair. 

Dr. Antisell was elected a Corresponding 
Member, and Mr. Julius Froebel a Resident 

On motion it was ordered 

That copies of the proceedings of the Acade- 
my be furnished to the San Francisco Journal, 
to be published in the German language. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and speci- 
mens of Arabis Llepharophylla, or Cal Purple 

This beautiful purple flowered Rock-cress, as 
its common name implies, is only found in rocky 
localities. It has been supposed to be from the 
interior of this State, but it is found abundantly 
on the rocky peaks of mountains and high hills 
in this vicinity, and along the coast; this habit of 
growing on high hills has also obtained for it, the 
names of Purple Alpine Wall Flower, &c., 

It is a perennial cruciferous plant: 4 to 6 in- 
ches high, the flower stem rising from a cluster 
of radical leaves, obovate-spatulate; those of the 
stem oblong, sessile, all toothed and nsked, ex- 
cept the margins, which are ciliate with simple 
or forked white hairs; the hairs on the calyx ste} 
late, petals purple, ebovate, crenate on slender 
claws &e. 

For ornamental purposes this plant is superior 
to many of our cultivated species. 

Dr. Ayres presented the following description 
of a new iehthyic type, together with s specimen 
of the species described. 

MyYLopHaRopon -RopustUs, Ayres. 

Form, elongated, fusiform, compressed; ven- 
tral outline more arched than the dorsal; dormad 
outline ascending without curvature from the 


snout to the nape, thence arching very slightly, 
the line of union of the head and body not mark- 
ed by any: depression or change of form. The 
greatest depth contained not quite-five times in 
the total length. Length of the head a. little 
- greater than the depth of the body., Depth of 
the head at the plane of the eyes equal to the 
distance of the same plane fromthe snout. 

Mouth oblique, gape tolerably free, the plane 
of the tip of the maxillary passing, about mid- 

+ way between the nestrils and the eye. Lower 
jaw the shorter. Lips smooth, a little loose and 
_ «fleshy, not corrugated. Hach jaw provided with 

a firm, thickened layer, placed along the inner bor- 

der of the lip; this layer is narrow, and becomes 

more passes back along the jaw 

_ until, before reaching the angle of the mouth, it 

‘terminates; it is whitish, with a slight tendency 

_ to plication transversely ; its connection with the 

~- mucous membrane both of the roof ofthe mouth, 

~ and of the lips is feeble, so that it-is quite easily 

detached ; it corresponds to the lips, of the Suck- 

ers, though the -structure of the mouth is not at 

all like. that of these fishes. No traces of, bar- 
~~ hbels are discernible. 

Eyes very nearly circular, their diameter con- 
tained a little move than seyen times in the length 
of the head. 

Posterior aperture, of the nostrils much the 

~ Jarger, nearly eireular,- covered by a crescentic 

flap from its anterior border. 

_ ‘Lhe posterior superior and;posterior, inferior 

borders of the operculum meet at nearly.a right 

angle, but as the suaboperculum continues the bor- 

- der of the opercular-apparatus from this point, 

us this: border_becomes nearly acregular curve, only 
/ stightly. angulated. 

_ Scales of-moderate; size, not:,varying;much in 
dimensions on different. parts of the body, about 
“eighty two along the course of lateral line, and 

seventeen in-an oblique line above it-atthe origin 

» © of the dorgal:finz»: Seales oval, net much angula- 
...ted;.concentric lines very, fines, radiating. lines 

_. of the posterior portion, numerous, encroaching 
~* ‘somewhat on the lateral portions. Those form- 

> ding the lateral line have the tube~commencing 
«qnear itheir anterior:horder. 

» Thexdorsal-fin, trapezoidal-in:-form,. arises ata 
«point, alittle nearer tothe snout .than to the tip 
of the central caudal rays. Its length is equal. 

to the depth of the head at the plane of the pu-; 

ils its:height is a little greater, the-fourth ray 

smooth igrinding:surface :they-anee: 

1of the dorsal- reach. The:fourth ray, .branched, 
is the highest, the first being very short. 

The pectorals;, rounded, have a height equal to 
the distance-from the -origin-of the.:ventrals to 
that of the anal. 

The caudal is beautifully waved on-its:posteri- 
or margin, each lobe being convex. The-height 
of the central: rays is half thatof they,external. 

D. 3-8; A. 2-8; V.1-9;. P17; ©. 19 with 
eight, or nine accessories. 

Color dark greenish brown above, becoming - 
‘lighter on the sides, abdomen white. 

Lateral line convex downward; passing _ nearer 
to the ventral fin-than to the -dorsal.. A similar 
row of tubes is continued forward from- u per 
angle of the branchial: aperture, descends, behind 
the eye, turns forward: beneath it, and oecupica 
the entire length of the chain of'suborbital bones. 
Another row, imperfectly manifest, crosses the 
top of the head; at its line of, junction with the 

M. robustus: appears to be by no means: com- 
mon. Itis-bypought to market: from the San 
Joaquin, in: company with Gila grandis: from 
which it is not wre Jato by the: fishermen, 
both being sold under the singularly inappropriate 
name of Salmon Trout. It has in fact much re- 
semb]ance in external characters to that species, 
though the body is stouter, and the head relative- 
ly larger not being concave on its dorsal surface 
and as it were separated from the body. Yn con- 
tour it is quite likethe Dace of the Connceticut 
River, (Leuciseus: pulchellus; Storer.) But it is. 
readily removed’ from these species, and: from 
every other Oyprinoid -hitherto:deseribed, by the — 
structure of the teeth on the inferior -pharyngeal 
bones. ‘The bones: themselves are short, strongly 
curved, and very stout; somewhat, resembling in 
form those of L. + pulchellus already’ mentioned, 
though much more:rebust than those of any oth- 
er Californian»type of this-family. ‘The~teeth 
arearranged in two rows... Thoseof the external 
row.are: four, (in-somecinstances: five) .dnunamber, 
‘remarkably~thick and strong, -xather:shontj each 
| prowided with a broad:enamelled erowawhich is 
truneateobliquely inward; thus-affordingvadlarge 

the erowns ncarly:touching»each: otherss ‘The in. 
ner: imperfect. one; consistingyet two 
teeth, ora the: most:three;:which.anesmalty with 
their: crowns: blunt, -but-not:truneatesasmin the 
outer row. 

We; find in:this: formation ansintenmediate 

Fwhich is simple; articnlated) being the: highest 
oi» and. just double the;height, of; the, last ray ; the| condition~ -betweenxthat: of: the-,epensmeuthed 
_ first two.rays are very. short. | Oyprinidae, andsthat~ofi: the tribe.of Gatestomi, 
~~"The ventrals, arising a little in advance of the} We have. they pharyngealsy¢besmallyamber of 
dorsal, which they equal in height, are rounded: cack a 
Their,tip does. not. quite reach the,vent. oq represent thesformerjavhilenwe have alserthe ab- 
- ‘The anal, the dorsal in»form, isa pruptly truncatedssummits which.occur iu the lat- 
evlittle tess in bothJength.,andheight. » Jt avisesa/ ter, | And-ngapethendllestrationofi Q 
ety little in, advance of, the,point:to, which, thes rays aa the Catostomi »we ditivecthe thiekened de- 
March 12,] 

— < 


posite along the lips. One feature not yet indi- 
cated allies this type to the first mentioned tribe 
—the presence of the pair of slender bones sus- 

ded beneath the interbranchial series for the 
attachment of the muscles which separate the in- 
ferior pharyngeals; these bones appear to be 
wanting in all the Catostomi. 

A new generic division therefore seems needed, 
for which the characters specified suggest the 

MytopHaropon, Ayres. 

Scales, fins, and lateral line very similar to 
those of Lavinia. Mouth rather large. Lips 
not corrugated. A thickened deposite, slightly 

- rugose along the inner surfuce of each lip. Pha- 

ryngeal teeth in two rows ; those of the outer row 
blunt, truncate abruptly. 

The position which this genus must occupy 
has been already shown. 

It may here be stated that for the fish with 
which this is associated in name by the fishermen, 
the one already described by me as Gila grandis, 
@ new genus must presently be constructed. 

M. robustus attains a weight of six to eight 
pounds, being thus the second in size of the Cal- 
ifornia Cyprinidae with which we are yet acquain- 


The following communication was received 
from Dr. Antisell : 

I take the liberty of submitting to the Acade- 
my of Natural Sciences of San Francisco, the 
accompanying fossils derived from San Luis Obis- 
po County: they are found occupying a very ex- 
tensive tract of country, not being confined to 
the above named county, but well marked there 
and having made a more close investigation of 
the extent of their distribution in the Valley of 
Santa Margarita, I am better enabled to local- 
ize them and I present a rough diagram, giving 
a section of that Valley. The trail through 
from the Salinas Valley to the town of San Luis 
Obispo passes along this valley whose western 
limit:is the range of the Coast Mountains, and 
its eastern, the Salinas river from which it is sep- 
arated by a low granite range—when this section 
is made, the distance between these two points is 
about.nine miles. The ‘Valley lies to the Kast- 
ward and is about 1000 feet above sea level: the 
strata are very much contorted and bent by au- 
giticand magnesian (Talcose) rocks which are 
protruded ina few places and since which the 
whole surface has been smoothed down and denu- 
ded by current-actions. The rocks on. the west 
sideof the Valley are sandstones, grits and con- 
glomerates ‘having a general dip to N. West, 

ing from 20° to 50°, intersected. by Fels- 
Sathic, Amygdaloid, and Augitic trap which are 

the elevating agents of the littoral range of hills 
On the East of the Valley as stated is a granitic 
axis upon which the sandstone conglomerate rests 
conformably, although the beds have, by no 
means the same thickness as upon the west side; 
upon those beds of sandstone just mentioned re- 
pose the fossiliferous layers, from which they 
are separated by a few feet of aluminous rocks, 
with lamellar, flinty layers, presenting in some 
parts a distinct onyx-lamina: this layer as it is a 
constant one, is that which indicates alike the 
position of the fossiliferous bed, and the intruding 
effects of the trap rocks ; the fossil beds always 
rest upon this layer, and in some places are not 
more than four feet apart fromit. Itis the 
western limit which this bed forms, for I have 
not found it appear in the eastern side. 

The fossiliferous beds dip generally eastward 
or south-east, and have no defined synclinal axis, 
but repose conformably on the subjoined flinty 
bed. These beds in a few cases occupy the low- 
er portion of the Valley, but at its southern ex- 
tremity, it is elevated and forms the low, rounded 
whitish hills which are so prominent a feature in 
the landscape. ‘They occupy a width in the Val- 
ley from 34 to nearly 3 miles and haying a direc- 
tion of N.10° W. (Magnetic.) ‘The total thick- 
ness of these beds, I do not think exceeds 450 
feet and may be conveniently divided into four 
beds, beginning at the bottom of the Series. 

1. Bed. Reposing on the flinty layers—about 
200 feet thick a fine whitish sandstone with lay- 
ers of Ostrea interstratified; theseshells are general 
ly in layers from 2 to 4 feet thick and connected 
together by a calcareous paste including fine grains 
of rounded quartz pebble. The sample of oyster 
which I forward isa fair specimen of the size 
and form, though not by any means the largest ; 
the largest I have seen measured 14 inches long, 
by seven inches wide, the great weight of these 
shells is an objecticn to their transport; the thick- 
ness the under shell attains is remarkable, 6 inches 
in some cases. I send a portion of an upper shell 
to show a characteristic which exists in many 
though not all the specimens, viz: the thickness 
of the process near the hinge. I have not a 
work by me to name this shell, and Iam not fa- 
miliar with it as fossil. I think I have two oth- 
er species well marked. 

The 2nd bed lies above the first from which it 
is separated by quartz grit—it contains a mass 
of broken shells forming’ a calcareous mass and 
layers of oyster and Pecten—the Pectens are 
large, rarely perfect, and when so, in such a soft 
condition that it isdifficult to preserve them,— 
Some specimens resemble closely the Pecten Ja- 
cobzeus ; this varies from 70 to 85 feet in thick- 

. The 3d bed varies from 60 to 90 feet thick, is 
made up-almost completely of the white calcare- 
ous cement and quartz pebble; the fossils in it 

36 - 

are Ostrea, and an Echinoderm, 2 Cidaris or Spa- 
tangus, I think the latter ; these last are the 
characteristic of this layer, for I have not found 
the Echinoderm in the lower beds—the speci- 
mens yary in size from 14 inch to 144 inches 
‘across, and are variously marked upon the sur- 
face. J have ascertained four distinct species of 
them, some of these specimens especially those 
from Rio Estrello, perhaps belong to the radiate 
family, in the upper layers of this, Pecten again 
occurs, with an occasional Cardium and 'Terebra- 
tula and a bivalve mollusc, either “Mya” or 
“Unio”—Astarte modiolus, and Belemnite. 
\The 4th bed is a soft brown sandstone which 
possesses some layers hardened and perforated by 

Such are the beds as they exist in San Luis 
Obispo Co., and Santa Margarita. The farthest 
point north (the 1st point) where I observed them 
was on-the San Antonio, near its head and the 

_ farthest point I have observed it, is the the south 
limit of the county, as Lhave not followed it 
into Santa Barbara. Its western limit is the 
littoral range of the Coast Mountains. I give 
this term to the most westerly of the many chains 
which receive the name of Coast Range : towards 
the east it is found passing into Tulare County, 
and extending to the foot of that chain which is 
known as the extension of the Sabilan or Mt. 
Diabolo range. In this course it is not continu- 
ous, but is broken and uplifted by the chains and 
separate hills which occur in passing east, and in 
some places fine sections are exposed, such 
occurs in the Panza hills alone the Estrella 
River from which the best specimens were obtain- 
ed. The hills from which the Santa Maria de- 
rives its supplies of water, expose these beds on 
their foot ranges. 

Independent of the character of the fossils, 
there are two points of interest connected with 
these beds. 

1st. They lie conformably upon the granite 
upheaved, which lies beside the Salinas river— 
they are older than the granite. 

2nd. They lie east of the littoral range; all the 
beds on the west side of this latter chain are more 
recent than these on the east. They were not 
uplifted at that period, and the depth probably 
greater than could sustain those animals. 

I am inclined to look upon these as Early Eo- 
cene shells. hey closely resemble cretaceous 
fossils and had I found Ino certmus among them, 
Ishould not have hesitated. It is not easy to 
compare American specimens with Huropean, as 
the species differ ; if they be Eocene fossils, the 
beds of sandstone below belong to the same peri- 
od, and those occupy a thickness of 2,200 feet; 
they are all of marine origin, and nowhere have 
I seen any trace of land plant or animal. This 
isa large thickness fora single Tertiary bed, 
larger than I am acquainted with elsewhere; 

but it is no insurmountable objection to its ad- — 
mission into that series. ; 

Marcu 19, 1855. 

Dr. H. Gibbons in the chair. 

Dr. Kellogg presented specimens of the fruit 
of Torreya Californica, the California Nutmeg 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and speci- 
mens with seeds of a species of Cyclobothra, a 

-| plant of the Tulip family. 

This species is known by the common name of 
Alabaster Tulip, on account of its pure white 
color; it is found several feet in height with 
branches at the axils of the leaves, and numerous 
nodding bell-shaped flowers scarcely expanded. 
Several months since, two other smaller species 
were figured; one with golden flowers, known as 
the Golden Star Tulip, and another with blue or 
striated flowers called Blue or Striated Star 
Tulip. ; 

We have no means of reference to the de- 
scriptions of such species as are known, and must 
therefore be content to lay before the Academy 
only our personal observations. It is to be hoped 
our friends of Placerville and elsewhere will fur- 

nish specimens for illustration and exchanges. 
Dr. W.P. Gibbons presented the following 
description of a new Trout. 

Salmo iridea, Gibbons—Body elongated, sub- 
compressed ; head about one fourth of total length. 
Hyes large, circular, horizontal diameter nearly 
one third the length of the head. Facial outline 
elliptically rounded. Vertical line from the poste- 
rior extremity of the upper maxillary, will graze 
the posterior edge of iris. Teeth minute, numer- 
ous, regular, incurved. A series of from 3 to 5 
incurved teeth in each margin of the tongue— 
Those on the edges of the palatines and on the 
yomer, numerous. ‘ o 

Length of body to its greatest depth, 9 to 2— 
First dorsal rises from a point midway between 
the extremity of the snout and the end of the 
lateral line. ‘The adipose and anal terminate op-- 
posite to each other. Ventrals under the first 
fourth or half of the first dorsal. Candal fork-— 
ed.. First dorsal with five irregular, interrupted — 
black horizontal bands. Other fins black pune- 
tate, ventrals tipped with orange, caudal and ad-— 
ipose with black margin. 

Scales small. Back cineritious, with light 
purple tint. Sides along the lateral line light — 
vermilion, interrupted by rounded dark pa’ 
which become nearly or quite obsolete in older 
specimens. Sides and belly below these, silver 
tinted, finely black punctate. 


Mee. Pts; A. 712; V. 115 C. 19, with 
accessories. Length 5 inches. 

The three specimens from which this descrip- 
tion was taken were obtained by Mr. Nevins 
from the San Leandro creek. They are evident- 
ly young fish. 

Donations to the Library—American Philo- 
sophical Transactions,, Vol. X; Notes on .the 
Classification of the Carabidae of the U. States, 
and Revisions of the Elateridae, by John Le 
Conte, M. D., from the Author ; A. Memoir of 
Samual George Morton, M. D., by Charles Meigs, 
M. D., from the Philadelphia Academy of Natu- 

‘ral Sciences; also a Nottce of the Origin, Pro- 
‘gress and Present Condition of the Academy, 
with its Proceedings from Jan. 3d 1854 to Au- 
gust 29th 1854. 

Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of the 
United States, by Friedrich Ernst Melsheimer, 
M. D., from the Author; also Journal of the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 
Vol. VIL, part Il.; Vol. VIII, part I. and IL, 
together with the first and second Volumes of 
the new Series. 

Dr. Wm. O. Ayres presented a specimen, a ca- 
nine foetus of full term, exhibiting a singular 
instance of abnormal formation resulting from 
the union of two ova, one developed of course in 
part at the expense of the other. 

Externally, the head, neck, left fore-leg, trunk, 
and posterior extremities showed nothing worthy 
of attention, except the entire occlusion of the 
auditory opening on both sides. From the ab- 
domen, however, anterior to the umbilicus, pro- 
truded on a broad pedicel the hind legs which 
belonged to the arrested ovum. They were placed 
with their anterior surface toward the same sur- 
face of the other pair, but were much smaller 
and weaker. In the place of the right foreleg 
was a member consisting of three legs, joined in 
one, the outer one evidently belonging to the 
trunk to which it was attached, the other two 
being the pair which corresponded to the super- 
numerary posterior extremities. They were of 

uniform size, the feet in a measure distinct from 
each other. 

_ On removing the integuments, an ovoid body 
half an inch in length was brought to view, lying 
on the outside of the abdominal muscles. This 
was a kidney, belonging to the protruding poste- 
rior extremities, and connected with them in a 
manner; but it was the only one with 

vhich they were provided. 

The developement of these extremities was 
found to be very imperfect. The pelvis consisted 
of two slender, nearly cylindrical cartilages, pla- 

ced longitudinally side by side, united at their 
anterior part, and ending there abruptly without 
trace of vertebrae.’ The position of the muscles 
was merely zndicated, the chief part of the 
bulk being made up of adipose tissue. The 
circulation for these members was drawn from 
the descending aorta, by a single branch of no 
considerable size, just above the great mesenteric. 
The only portion of alimentary canal which ap- 
pertained properly to them was a rectum, which 
branched from the main canal, and even for this 
no outlet existed. 

The liver connected with this ovum was a mere 
lobe projecting from the upper surface of the 
normal one. 

The organs belonging to the most developed 
of the two ova, (that which seemed to constitute 
the true animal, of which the other was only an 
appendage) were all of normal and healthy con- 
dition. ‘The arterial distribution from the heart 
presented nothing peculiar. The subclavian go- 
ing to supply the triple arm was not even chang- 
ed; after passing the axillary region it divided 
into three branches and was thus enabled to reach 
the whole space. (The three humeri were per- 
fectly joined, forming one flat bone, and articula- 
ted with a single scapula ; in the fore-arm all the 
bones were soldered, except the external radius.) 
The nerves were merely those of a single arm 
divided like the artery. 

The placenta of the one ovum was joined with 
that of the other ; the vessels remaining separate, 
though included in one cord, and each ramifying 
on its own organ. 

Marcu, 26, 1855. 

Col. L. Ransom in the chair. 

Dr. T. L. Andrews presented a copy of Dana’s 

Dr. Laub, U.S. A. presented a specimen of 
silicified wood, found at Benicia in sandstone. 

Mr. 8. V. Bowman presented two specimens 
of alarge and remarkable Crab, taken in the 
vicinity of the Farallones. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for 
the donations. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibiteda drawing and specimens 
of a plant from Alameda known as the Califor- 
nia Klecampane. 

The general appearance of this low, grey-leay- 
ed Sun-flower, shooting up from the earth large 
clusters of broad lance leaves from the branching 
head roots and suckers around the flower stem, 
very aptly suggests the common name. The 
root is of a dark colored texture with radiating 

lines similar to the Elecampane. The odor is 
strongly balsamic, or terebinthine. 



Its medical properties are tonic, gently stimu- 
lating and diuretic, useful in chronic diseases of 
the mucous membranes, and especially expecto- 
rant in chronic diseases of the lungs, &c; an 
ounce of the root toa pint of boiling water in 
doses of a wine-glass. Cut and mixed with grain 
it is also good for horses. These thick fusiform 
roots are eaten by the Indians; they are first 
beaten and fermented a day or two in a hole made 
in the ground, then heated rocks are thrown in; 
they are thus said to furnish a sweet agreeable 

Botanically this plant belongs to the natural 
family Heliopsidee, and occupies an intermediate 
position between Wyethia and Balsamorhiza; with 
some slight alterations this, and the former, might 
constitute one genus. 

The provisional name proposed is 


Heads many-flowered, ray-flowers numerous, 
fertil pistillate, with sterile filaments, scales of 
the involucre loosely imbricatedin 3 to 4 series- 
unequally foliaceous, longer than the disk, inner, 
most smaller, glabrous within, resembling the soft 
herbaceous chaff. Receptacle nearly flat; the 
chaff linear-lanceolate, 2 lateral teeth obsolete, 
carinate acute, somewhat foliaceous, half embra- 
cing the achenia, and in the unexpanded flowers 
about the same length. Corolla of the disk cyl- 
indrical, elongated, with a short proper tube, 
5-toothed, teeth bearded externally. Branches 
of the style in the ray-flowers sub-villous ; in the 
disk elongated filiform, revolute, villous through- 
out. Achenia of the ray stout, sub-compressed, 
arcuate, all elongated, 4 to 5-angled, prismatic, 
terminated with a membranaceous coroniform 
laciniate pappus, 5 to 10-toothed, one or more of 
the teeth often prolonged into a rigid persistent 
awn, largest at the two principal angles, anthers, 
disk and rays, yellow. Low perrennial plants with 
the labit of Inula Helenium, long black tap-roots 
branched at top, stems simple erect often decum- 
bent or ascending, head solitary, leaves chiefly 

M. inuloides.—Stem simple, erect or ascending, 
1-flowered, whole plant lax fleshy densely tomen- 
tose-canescent, radical and lower leaves very 
broad lanceolate 3 to 5 inches wide, 8 to 14 inch- 
es long, veiny, lamine somewhat waved, gradual- 
ly. tapering at base into the petiole, entire sub- 
acute; upper canline leaves broad rhombic-lance- 
olate, seldom ovate-lanceolate, alternate, chiefly 
radical, from forked head roots, or lateral sucker 
buds; leaf‘scales of the involucre in 3 or 5 series, 
loosely imbricated broad-lanceolate acute and ac- 
uminate, somewhat unequal, exterior longer than 
the disk, innermost saa 

er; florets, styles, pap- ser 

pus, achenia and chaff pubescent; rays 14g to 2 
inches long, 2 to 3-toothed 20 or more; anthers, 
disk flowers and rays yellow. 

There are also two other very distinct species 
of this genus not yet in bloom. 

Dr. Kellogg also presented the following de- 
scription with the specimens. 

Maran Moricatus.—California Balsam Ap- 
ple. This new plant was described about two years 
since before the California Academy of Natural 
Scienees accompanied by a drawing and illustra- 
tions afforded by abundant fresh specimens. 

This herbaceous vine climbs over shrubs in a 
similar manner to the Echznocystis or Balsam Ap- 
ple of the older States and is closely allied to that 
genus as well as to a similar plant found in this 
vicinity. Besides these there are several other 
plants in California of this natural family,—Cv- 
curbitace, or cucumber tribe,—which so far as 
we are informed, have not been described. 

One of the most remarkable features of this 
climber is the gigantic fleshy root which shoots 
its numerous branching angular stems ten to thir- 
bf feet in length, which climb over and festoon 
the shrubs within their reach with a dense, green’ 
broad, roundish foliage, somewhat heart-shaped- 
The claspers or tendrils by which it clings are 
many-parted or from one to five. From the in- 
tense bitterness of the root it must prove an excel- 
lent tonic. The seeds aboundin oil, which burn- 
with a clear, bright flame, with little or no smoks 
or odor. It is readily obtained by simply bruise 
ing and pressure. There is also a pungent acri- 
mony determined to the larynx and throat after 
chewing the pits, besides a bitter laxative Prop. 
erty. We have still much to learn of its medi- 
cal virtues. 

Generic Character—Flowers moncecious — 
Calyx flattish ; in the fertile flowers constricted 
aboye the ovary, tubular-campanalate, segments 
five, subulute, shorter than the corolla. Petals, 
five, lanceolate, united at the base into a rotate- 
campanulate corolla. Stamens three to five; fil- 
aments short, united; anthers sigmoid, connate. 
Fertile flowers, solitary ; abortive filaments, three 
to five, distinct. 

Style short; stigmas two, very large, broadly 
obcordate, connivent. Fruit, oblong, tapering 
at both ends, sparsely muricate, with weak prick- 
les, fleshy, bursting elastically near the summit, 
at length dry, membrano-coriaceous ; not 
separable, two-celled ; seeds six, enveloped in a 
dry, reticulated, membranaceous arillus, three in 
each cell, imbricately rosie large, flattened, 
broadly oval, margin obtuse ; dark brown. 

Root perennial, very large, tubero-fusiform.— 
Stem annual, a climbing, succulent vine. Leayes 
palmately five to seven-lobed; three to five-cleft 

Flowers small, white ; sterile in long simple or 
und racemes; the fertile ones from 

ch 26.) 



same axils, solitary, on long, enlarging, ebracteo- 
late peduncles. 

Specific character.—Stem smooth, angled, slight- 
ly ribbed, and furrowed, sparsely pubescent ; ten- 
drils many-parted, (three to five) lateral or oppo- 
site the leaves ; ten to thirty feet long, climbing 
over shrubs. Leaves slightly scabrous aboye, 
pubescent beneath along the veins ; four or six 
inches broad, roundish, sub-hastate, cordate pal- 
mate, with an obtuse sinus at the base; five to 
eight sinuate-lobed ; lobes‘ angled entire or re- 
pand-toothed, mucronate, alternate. Corolla 

_ white, glandularly pubescent within ; petals ob- 

_ long-lanceolate sub-acute ; sterile flowers in sim- 

_ ple or compound paniculate racemes eight inches 
to one foot in length, from the same axils of the 
leaves as the fertile. I*ertile flowers three-fourths 

to one inch broad on an elongated tapering point 

of the fruit and calyx tube. Calyx divisions sub- 
ulate, often lanceolate petaloid, one-fourth to one- 
half the length of the petals. 

Fruit four to five inches in length, two to three 
inches in breadth, oblique tapering to both ends, 
ereen, marked from base to apex by six or seven 
dark green stripes, slightly depressed and some- 
what irregular; fleshy, bursting elastically by ir- 
revular fissures on the swelled side near the sun- 
init, the lacerated edges of the orifice: becoming 
revolute; two-celled (rarely three-celled at the 
base.) Seeds three-fourths of an inch lone by 

upwards of an inch broad, flattish, undulated. 
rounded obtuse margin, sub-reniform or hilum 
apparently on the side, imbricately ascending, 
pliceital utiachment opposite the gibbosity, 
surface slightly pitted, dark brown verging to 

Vhis plant we have seen growing nowhere ex- 
cept on the declivitics of the hills back of the 

_ Mission Dolores, cn Mr. Hutchinson's Ranch, 
near San Francisco. 

The fruit is somewhat in six divisions, by the 

- green veins that mark the surface, and after dis- 
; charging the seed fades to a whitish ercamy 
~ brown, drying on the stem. The drawing in the 
archives of the Academy represents one instance 
of the ieaves being cpposite; this is sometimes 
_ observed, but more frequently this secondary ht- 
tle axillary leaf is only partially developed, and 
more generally still, entirely wanting. 
The seed of this fruit is remarkable for its size 
and shape, position, &c. It bears a resemblance 
some forms of Kidney or Butter Beans. 
_ The flower, also, sometimes anomalously has a 
ix-parted border, and corresponding divisions 
of the calyx, but such instances are rare. 
Phe significance of the name we have chosen 
vould be better understood by perusing Exodus 

; Appin 2, 1855. 
Col. Ransom in the chair. 

Mr. 5. R. Throckmorton was elected a Resi- 
dent Member. 

The Committee appointed, some months since, 
to make examination in regard to a method for 
preserving submerged timber from the attacks of 
the Ship Worm, offered the following report. 

“Shortly after our appointment we made to the 
Academy a partial report, stating that the meth- 
od proposed had every prospect of being highly 
successful. We had visited the ship-yard of 
Neelus & Tichenor, below Rincon Point, where 
a set of “ways” had been coated with the prepar- 
ation recommended by Mr. Swan. We were as- 
sured that the timber was then entirely sound, 
though timber equaily exposed near it for the 
saine period was almost destroyed by the Teredo. 
A recent visit however to the same “ways” re- 
veals the fact that the Ship Worms are now rap- 
idly destroying them, and that the coating of 
the supposed preservative has merety delayed 
their attack a few months. In the judgment of 
the parties interested, the success is not sufficient 
Lo induce a renewal of the attempt. 

We are therefore forced to the conclusion that 
ve are scarecly more advanced in knowledge con- 
cerning this important subject than we were he- 
fore the trial of these experiments of Mr. Swan. 
Such a result is much to be lamented. A very 
eveat number of buildings, in the lower part of 
the city, are supported upon piles which must 
sooner or jater yield. The fall of a block of 
dwellings on Sacramento St., a few days since, is 
merely a warning of much greater losses; the 
piles which were there found bored to a honey- 
comb, had been driven only about tweive months. 
Timber covered with the bark is nearly safe, so 
long as the bark remains, but so soon as that is 
removed, by a blow, or by the gradual wear of 
the water, the destruction commences. And it 
is therefore a source of great regret that no meth- 
od of protection from this evil, at once cheap 
and effectual, has yet been discovered. Many 
have been devised, but none have thus far result- 
ed in any degree more favorably than that which 

your Committee were appointed to investigate.” 
W. O. Ayres, M. D. 

J. B. Trask, M. D. 
Mr. Froebel presented specimens of Tertiary 

40 te 

Coal, and impressions of leaves, &c., from the 
head waters of San Francisquito Creek, San 
Francisco County. 

Dr. Behr exhibited a Willow of singular form- 
ation, each male ament being bifid or trifid; it 
is closely allied to Salzx caprea, perhaps a new 

Dr. Kelloge exhibited specimens with four 
drawings illustrating the different species of [rzs 

now in blossom near this city; [. sambucina, and 
two other forms not yet named. 

Dr. Trask presented a specimen of a new Am- 
monite from Arbuckle’s Diggings. Shasta Coun- 
ty, with the following desciption of that fossil. 

Ammonites Baresu—Trask. 

Shell thin: discoidal, and orbicular ; three and 
one-half couvolutions, each smaller one of which 
is unconcealed by the larger; convolutions nearly 
round; slightly undulating well defined costs on 
each whorl, which appear wniuterrupted. and on 
the last convolution are about one-tenth of an 
inch asunder ; the ribs become more approximate 

toward the ventral portion of the whorl; between | 

the larger ribs are seen smaller divergent radi-! 
mentary coste which appear to converge about! 

midway from the dorsum to the sides of the last 

borescent ; wnbilicus perforate; eteatest diame- 
ter four and three tenths inches 
and two tenths inches. 

This specimen is presented by Dr. Bates, mem- 
ber of the Assembly from Shasta City, and is 
peculiarly interesting as exhibiting the broad ex- 
tent over which the secondary rocks are spread 
in the northern part of the State. In the month 
of November | discovered the equivalents of this 

from which this specimen was taken, and of which, 
mention is made in my report for. 1855 to the 

Aperture one | 
lees! é " - 
| of the head; situated on the right side: a strong 

Dr. Wm. 0. Ayres presented specimens of 
Gasterosteus plebeius, Gir., brought from San 
Jose by the Rev. Mr. Douglas. They were ta- 
ken in a stream formed by the water flowing from 

Artesian Wells, and are believed by many per-— 

sons of that vicinity to have issued from the 
wells. But inasmuch as this little Stickleback is 
very abundant in all the salt and brackish marsh- 
es of the Bay of San Francisco, their presence 
in the locality where they were taken may be 
much more readily accounted for, ou the supposi- 

tion that they had ascended the streams by which — 

the waters of the wells are discharged into the 
Bay. ‘They have none of the features which he- 

| long to the fishes inhabiting subterranean regions. - 

Dr. Ayres also presented a specimen of a 
Flounder, representing a new form, with the fol- 
lowing description. 


Form oval, the dorsal and abdominal onttines 
heing nearly symmetrical ; dept a little less than 
1, the entire length. Lenzth of the head contained 
in the total length not quite four times. Snont 

| projecting somewhat, not bemg continuous in di- 
whorl ; siphon ventral; dorsum round ; septa ar-, 

Legislature,under the head of Carbonifeous Lime-| 

stone The developement of the coal beds in the 
latter locality since that time, and the occurrence 

of coals among the rocks, from which the speci-| 

men before you was taken leads to pleasant an- 

ticipations, that the time is not far distant when} 

this State will produce an ample supply of this 
desirable material for domestic consumption.— 
lhe specimens from east of the Sacramento with 

| the pupil of the lower eye. 
group about forty miles to the east of the locality | 

rection with the descending line of the nape. 
Eyes large, clliptical, their longitudinal diame- 
ter contained three and a half times in the length 

prominent ridge separating the two sockets and 
extending somewhat further posteriorly, as in 

Mouth of moderate dimensions, the tip ef the 
upper maxillary scarcely reaching the plane of 
Lower jaw the lon- 
eer. <A single, even row of strong, blunt, coni- 
cal teeth in each jaw, shorter and less developed 
on the colored side than on the colorless. Inferi- 
or pharyngeal teeth like those of the jaws, but 
stouter, placed in a single row; superior of sim- 
ilar size, arranged in several obliquely transverse 

Scales larger and more conspicuous than in any 
other fish of this tribe yet found on our coast.— 
Those of the anterior portion of the body are 
nearly smooth ; further back they become gradu- 
ally more and nore ciliate though none of them 

the fossil before you from the mountains west of] are so rough as in most Flatfishes. Those of the 
that stream, place the question of the existence of| head cover the entire opercular region and cheeks, 
the coal bearing vocks in this State beyond the} and in part also the inter-ocular ridge; those of 

shade of doubt. would state in connection with 
this subject that there are evidences of the same 
rocks being met with in the county of El Dorado, 
but [cannot yet speak with absolute certainty 
on that point, as the specimens thus far found are 
small and fragmentary. ‘These fossils are some- 
times called “spake stones” from their resemblance 
tu a coiled suake. 

© NN Ee 

‘hie \ tat 

the cheeks are strongly ciliate. 

The lateral line arches freely above the pecto~ 
rals, and runs thence straight to the caudal fin. 
Another, with a structure entirely similar to that 
of the ordinary lateral line, arises just above the 
eye, passes a short distance directly backward, 
then ascends and follows near the dorsal margin 
and cuds abruptly just anterior to the plane of 

the opercular angle; it communicates with the 
true lateral line by a branch. 

____‘The dorsal fin arising over about the anterior 
third of the orbit, terminates at a distance from 
_ the caudal equal to the breadth of the eye. 
__-‘The anal arising a little posterior to the base 
of the pectorals, is coterminal with the dorsal. 
i _A small abrupt depression exists at the termina- 
_ tion of each; the peduncle of the tail posterior 
to this is somewhat wedge-shaped. <A strong, 
_ concealed, pelvic spine, directed forward and 
downward precedes the anal. 

_ The pectorals are pointed, their height equal- 
ling half the length of the head. 

The ventrals, more than half their own height 
anterior to the pectorals, resemble these fins in 
form. j 
The caudal is large, somewhat rounded ; its 

height forming one-sixth of the entire length. 

ea 2 AS 59%) Pe 11s V2.6 5..C, 16: 

Color rather light grayish brown, with lighter 
elay-colored blotches, on the colored side ; left 
side colorless. 

This Flounder is quite distinct from any other 
species brought to our market. It is allied to P. 
dentata, Mitch., jut is readily distinguished by 
its form, scales and teeth. It is taken in the Bay 

of San Francisco, but is apparently not common. 
Ti seldom grows toa greater leneth than four- 
teen inches. 
_ We find constantly three species of flatfish of- 
fered for sale here: Platichthys rugosus, Gir., 
ealled by the fishermen “Turbot,’ weighing often 
- ten to twelve pounds; Parophrys vetulus, Gir., 
and Psettichthys melanostictus, Gir., both of small 
size, and both sold under the name of “Sole.” 
_ Girard’s Plewronichthys conosus, and Psettichthys 
-sordidus, though said by him to have been taken 
at San Francisco, we have not yet been able to 
detect. The great Iippoglossus vulgaris, uni- 
“faves known as the “Halibut,” the fishermen 

© . . 
have assured me is sometimes caught near the 

Farallon Islands. Most of those sold in our 

market, however, if not all, are brought from the 
* coast further north. 

From Mr. Richardson, U. 8. Deputy Surveyor 
were presented a suite of specimens of mineral 
waters, from near Clear Lake, Mendocino Co. 
hey contained Sulphur in large percentage, with 
i decidedly acid reaction. With them were spe- 
imens of the sulphur &c., deposited by them, 


Indians and Fur Traders of that region. The 
skin, though much mutilated and very imperfect 
was apparently that of the Mustela canaden- 

The Catalogue of the State Library was pre- 
sented from the office of the Secretary of State; 
and Nos. 52,53, 55, and 56 of the American 
Journal of Sciences and Arts, by Dr. J. B. 

Dr. H. Behr was elected Curator of Botany. 

Apri 9, 1855. 

Col. L. Ransom in the chair. 

Quiney A. Brooks, of Olympia, W. 'T’., was 
elected a Corresponding Member. 

Or. H. Gibbons reported the existence of 
Dirca palustris, ia great abundance, in the ra- 
vives of Alameda county. 

From Judge Eno was presented a Geode, con- 
taining a moveable nucleus, and bearing numer- 
ous particles of gold in fissures on its surface ; it 
was taken from a gold mine in Calaveras county. 
Also, a specimen of agatized wood,from the same 
region, found at the depth of 150 fect. This 
mineral appears to be extensively dispersed 
throughout the State. 

Dr. Behr exhibited a species of Smalacina, 

i which he deems quite equal in valuable proper- 

ties to the officinal Sarsaparilla. 

Dr.Trask presented the following descriptions, 
with the specimens, of fossil shells from the ter- 
iary deposites of the lower coast. 


Shell small; aeutely elongate; sublanceo- 
late ; substance of the shell rather thick ; eleven 
slightly oblique rounded whorls. separated by 
rather decp sutures, those separating the lower 
five whorls deeper than the upper; eleven dis- 
{inet rounded folds on each whorl ; four revolv- 
ine lines on each whorl, which, upon the last 
whorl, extend down the base of the. shell, in 
rather shallow but distinct furrows, easily seen 
in good specinens. ; 

Aperture roundly ovate; outer lip moder- 
ately thick ; columella arched ; and terminating 
somewhat acutely anteriorly. 

Length, five-tenths of an inch; breadth, one- 
eighth of an inch. From Santa Barbara. 

Dr. Gould has described two species of this 
genus, from the coast of Santa Barbara, Cal., 
viz: ©. torquata and C. tenuicula, neither of 
which appears to be our fossil species. The fos- 
sil differs from C. torquata, in the size of the 
two shells, in the number of folds, and in the ab- 


sence of revolving lines; from C. tenuicula, in 
the number of whorls, in the greater number of 
folds in his specimen, and in the shouldered char- 
acter of the last whorl. My description is found- 

ed on an examination of thirty shells, and I am; 

unable to identify this fossil with any described 
species. The well marked characteristics 
of the fossil, arising from the revolving lines 
crossing the folds, giving them the appearance of 
small papilla upon their convex surfaces, were 
considered sufficiently suggestive of the specitic 
name applied. 

Shell small; acutely elliptical; substance of 
shell rather firm; six subspiral shouldered whorls; 
twelve slightly oblique folds on the three last 
whorls, whieh terminate about half way down 
on the body whorl; the three middle whorls en- 
cireled by four cordate lines each: the last whorl 
has fourteen lines ; spire acute ; last whorl about 
three-fifths the length of the shell. 

Aperture elliptical; half the length of the 
shell outer lip subcrenate from the termination 
of the cordate lines on the last whorl : a minute 
reflection of the inner lip passes around the pos- 
terior edge of the aperture, and becomes obsolete 
on the edge of the aperture. 

Length, five-twentieths of an inch; breadth, 
one-tenth of an inch. From Santa Barbara. 

‘T'wo specimens only of this shell were found at 
this locality, and though an inhabitant of lower 
latitudes, yet we find it fossil with Murex 

among the mariue deposites of our hills, assuciat- | 

ed in the same beds which contain the northeri 
Murex FRAGILIS.—TRask. 

Shell thin; small; six deeply shouldered 
sub-oblique flattened whorls; last whorl tra- 
versed by eight rather small fringed varices ;_ the 
periphery of the body whorl is surmounted by 2 
small rounded spine on each varix, and stands 
obliquely outward upon the edge of the shoul- 
der ; the last whorl is traversed by thirteen un- 
equal tranverse ribs; the three middle whorls 
have respectively four and three of the trans- 
verse lines, the central one of which is usually 
the most prominent; indistinct folds on the 
middle whorls formed from the varices on the 
last whorl! ; anterior portion of the canal closed ; 
lip thin. The aperture of this specimen (it being 
the only one found that was near entire.) was so 
badly broken, it is impossible to make out its 
form with accuracy. It is very difficult to ob- 
tain a specimen entire, although fragments of the 
fossil are abundant. 

Length, four-tenths of an inch ; breadth, three- 
tenths. From Santa Barbara. 

Fuses Barsarensis—TRask. 

Shell fusiform; rather thin; about seven 
convex whorls; turreted ; the last whorls have 
about twelve rounded folds becoming obsolete 



near the middle of the last whorl; eight or nine — 
wavy transverse threads traverse the lower whorl, 
becoming less defined from the middle forward; _ 
folds interrupted at the sutures ; apex sub-acute. 

Aperture semicircular; canal, slightly ob-— 
lique ; external lip rather sharp, and thin; indis- — 
tinct stria within, columella smooth. : 

Length, nine-tenths of an inch ; breadth, four- — 
tenths. From Santa Barbara. 

Jn sculpture this fossil approaches F. Missisip- 
piensis of Conrad, but is very much smaller, and 
differs also in the number of folds and the many 
forms of the transverse threads. It is not plen- 
tifnl at the locality where it was found; three 
specimens only were met with, and the above 
description is from the largest shell. 

Fusus rospustus—TRask. 

Shell fusiform, turreted, thick; about seven 
convex whorls; eight varicosed, distant folds on 
the last whorls, which are interrupted at the 
|sutures ; about five revolving lines on the upper 
| whorls, and twelve on the last ; folds beeome ob- 
solete a little anterior to the middle of the body 
whorl ; greatest breadth across the posterior por- 
| tion of the aperture. 
| Aperture obovate; outer lip thick; canal 
|straight ; distance from the posterior edge of the 
aperture to the end of the canal, equal to hali 
,the length of the shell ; apex of the spire binntly 

' Length, one inch and two-tenths; breadth, 
ifive-tenths. From San Pedro. 

ound at heights varying from eighty to one 
hundyed feet above the sea. 

Iesus ruGosus.—TRrask. 

Shell fusiform, somewhat thin, turreted ; 
spire acute ; eight convex whorls ; two first with- 
jont folds; nine distant folds on the last whorl, 
| becoming obsolete on a line parallel with the pos- 
‘terior edge of the aperture; two Jast whorls 
traversed by small longitudinal wrinkles ; about 
fourteen elevated, somewhat squared, lines on the 
last whorl, with intermediate smaller lines be- 
‘tween, which are continuous to the base of the 

Aperture semicircular; canal oblique, and 
somewhat elongated ; fron the posterior edge of 
the aperture to the anterior end of the canal, is 
little more than half the length of the shell ; outer 
\lip thin ; columella smooth. 
| Length, one inch and four-tenths ; breadth, six- 
{tenths. From San Pedro. 
| Insculpture, this shell resembles somewhat F.. 
lambustus of Gould; the fossil differs from that 
shell in the more abrupt and rounder termina- 
tion of the upper part of the whorls at the su- 
tures, and in its presenting no furrows within the 
aperture. ‘lhe upper whorls of the latter also 
becoine somewhat flattened, while in the former 
they appear to preserve much uniformity in their 
form throughout. It has the appearance of be- 

[April 2.) 


ing closely allied to that shell, judging from the 
figure as given by Dr. Gould of his species. 

It is distinct from F. robustus, by the more 
acnte form of the spire; the thickness of the shell, 
the greater number and angular character of the 
elevated transverse threads and by the size of the 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing of the fruit 
and foliage of the gigantic tree of California, 
with analytical and microscopical figures of the 
male flowers, &c. 

Also a drawing and specimens of a new Cucur- 
bit, probably a Marah or Echinocystis, from Pla- 
cerville. As soon as the mature fruit can be ob- 
tained, a full description will be published. ‘The 
vine is commonly known as Giant Root, &c. 
Other specimens, similar to those here, were re- 
eeived. Dr. K.exhibited blooming specimens,and 
a drawing of a beautiful bulbous plant—a species 
of Cyclobothra, or Golden Star Tulip. 

The Academy are indebted to Mr. Garvitt for 
the two last named, together with flowering 
specimens of Dendromicon rigidum, Cerasus 
mollis, a species of cherry. These were received 
by Express, in wide-mouthed glass jars—a novel 
and successful mode of transportation. 

Dr.-K. exhibited specimens and a drawing of 
& new and singular personate leafless plant, for 
which further time is required for investigation. 

Also, a drawing and specimen of a new and 
beautiful Calochortus or Butterfly Tulip, from 
the vicinity of Canada de Las Uvas, furnished 
by Wm. A. Wallace, of Los Angeles; color 
bright vermilion, stem leafless, two inches high, 
the flowers as large as usual, pistil capitate, &. 

Dr. K. also exhibited a drawing and specimens 
of Wyethia angustifolid (Alerconia, of De Can- 
dolle,) from the hills of Mission Dolores, known 
as the creeping sunflower—a name probably 
suggested by the habit of the stem. Rising and 
bowing archwise, it hugs the soil, creeping be- 
neath the grass about a foot from the radiated 
cluster of root leaves, then ascending in a curve 
afew inches from the earth, crowned witha 
single flower ; or perhaps also from the creeping 
character of the root. 

It is worthy of remark, that the achenia is 
sometimes entirely destitute of pappus, but 
more commonly one long awn from the inner 
angle, and often a smaller or tooth-like one op- 

posite; leaves loug, narrow, strongly waved ; 
and black, with lighter radiating lines within. 
Apri 16, 1855. 

Col. L. Ransom in the chair. 

Mr. Heffly, Chairman of the Committee on 
Rooms and shelves, reported that Messrs. Palmer, 
Cook & Co., had donated to the Academy, for 
one year from April 1st 1855, the use of Room 
No. 4, Phoenix Block. On motion it was 

Resolved, That the thanks of the Academy be 
presented to Messrs. Palmer, Cook & Co. for 
their liberal gift. 

Mr. Joshua Child’ of 
a Corresponding Member. 

Encinal was elected 

Donations to the Cabinet—- : 

Dr. W. P. Gibbons ; Magnesian Conglomerate 
from the Serpentine Rocks near Mountain Lake. 

Dr. H. Gibbons; a worn mass of Serpentine, 
containing fossorial shells, from near Fort Point. 
Also a specimen of the Common Gopher, from 

Dr. Trask ; Cytherea crassatelloides, Lam.-from 
Santa Barbara. 

Dr. Ayres presented the following descriptions 
of fishes, with the specimens. 


Form elongated, compressed; dorsal and ab- 
dominal outlines very evenly arched; greatest 
depth, anterior to the dorsal fin, not quite equal- 
ling one fourth of the total length; thickness at 
the same point, half as great as the depth. 

Head of medium size, its length being a trifle 
less than the depth of the body; dorsal outline 
continuing the curve of the back; muzzle some- 
what blunt and rounded. Mouth free, a vertical 
line from the end of the superior maxillary just 
touching the posterior border of the orbit. 

Teeth onthe tongue in two rows, each row 
containing five or six teeth; those in the lower 
jaw, inasingle row, of about twelve on each 
side; those in the upper jaw, in a double row on 
both maxillaries and intermaxillaries, (the outer 
row alone being conspicuous) of which the outer 
row on each maxillary contains about twenty, 
and on each intermaxillary about five; those on 
each palatine bone, in a somewhat irregular row, 
fourteen to sixteen in number; those on the vo- 
mer, in two rows (of five or six each) placed so 
close together as to seem like a double row. All 
the teeth are small, conical, acute, curved. The 
largest are those on the tongue and lower jaw.-— 
A few minute, very sharp teeth are crowded on 
the pharyngeals. 

| 44 

Scales small, elliptical, with the concentric lines 

‘he ground colors are quite similar to those of 

numerous and crowded; about one hundred and | fontinalis, though without the mottlings, but the 

forty along the lateral line. Head naked. Lat- 
eral line nearly straight, curving very slightly 
downward. The first dorsa/ fin arises midway 
between the snout and the commencement of the 
accessory rays of the caudal fin. The first four 
rays are simple, the first two being very short ; 
the sixth and seventh are longest, their height 
equalling the length of the fin, being about one 
“tighth of the length of the fish. 

The adipose fin is separated from the termina- 
tion of the first dorsal by a space equal to the 
distance from the ventrals to the anal, being di- 
rectly above the termination of the latter fin. It 

’ is narrow; its height equal to the diameter of 

the eye. : 

The ventrals arise very nearly beneath the mid- 
dle of the first dorsal, being almost midway be- 
tween the snout and the tip of the central cau- 
dal rays. They are rounded, their height equal 
to half the length of the head. At the external 
base of each is a narrow membranous appendage 
half as high as the fin. 

The pectorals are somewhat pointed, their 
height equal to the length of the first dorsal. 

The anal is in form very similar to the first 
dorsal, but abont two thirds as large. ‘The first 
four rays are simple, the first two being very 
short ; the fifth and sixth longest. ~ 

The caudal fin is of medium size, concave, the 
height of the central rays being about two thirds 
that of the external. 

Branchial rays twelve. 

D. 411; P. 1-14; V.1-10; A. 3-10; C. 19, 
with six or seven accessories. 

This species recalls at once by its characters, 
the Brook Trout of the Northeastern States, the 
well known Salmo fontinalis, M. and is indeed 
very closely allied to it. It is one of those known 
to sportsmen here as yout and sometimes Moun- 
tain Trout. The specimens from which this de- 
scription is drawn were taken a few miles back 
of Martinez, toward the foot of Monte Diabolo. 
They therefore represent the form occurring in 
that portion of the State. But from the accounts 
which we have received it seems highly probable 
that under the name Mountain Trout several dis- 
tinct species are confounded in different parts of 
California, and the attention of observers, who 
may have opportunity to examine our mountain 

streams and lakes, is therefore requested in regard | tions. 
The species found on the west of|to the mouth between them, is another of similar 

to this point. 
the Contra Costa Mountains, in San Leandro 
Creek, has in fact been already described, (Salmo 

tridea, Gibbons, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sciences, | the middle. 

yellowish circles and. vermilion dots are absent. 
Instead of them we have on the head, and back, 
and upper portion of the sides numerous reddish 
brown, irregularly circular spots. The dorsal 
fin bears also several rows of spots forming im- 
perfect bars; a few of these are found on the 

The largest specimen was eight inches in length. 
They were reported smaller than the average, so 
that in size also this species comes near to fontz- 
nalis. Weare indebted for them to the kindness 
of Dr. Winslow. 


About two months since a small Lamprey was 
exhibited and described, before the Academy, 
under the name P. plumbeus (Proc. Cal. Ac. Nat. 
Sciences, Vol. 1, p. 28,) being the only Californian 
species at that time known. Within a few days 
the specimen herewith presented has been obtain- 
ed. It is of a type quite distinct from plumbeus, 
and js allied very closely indeed to P. American- 
us, Le 8. 

It is twenty fonr inches in length, four inches 
and a half in cireumference. 

Form elongated, subeylindrical anteriorly, com- 
pressed posteriorly, eularged over the branchial 
region, head smaller. 

Lyes distant six times their own diameter from 
the anterior border of the head, nearly circular, 
only one fourth of an inch in diameter. 

Branchial orifices elliptical, disposed in nearly 
astraight line on each side, occupying a space 
about equal to the distance from the anterior one 
to the front of the head. ‘To the middle of the 
posterior border of each orifice a short, filiform 
appendage is attached. 

Mouth circularly continuous. Lips provided 
in their whole extent with a beautiful ciliary 
fringe, nearly a tenth of an inch in height. 

“Teeth” numerous. In the throat are two large 
plates, placed laterally, which close the entrance 
almost in the manner of a glottis; they are finely 
serrate on their inner border. Immediately be- 
low these is another, not quite so large, pi 
transversely, supported on a concealed pedicel, 
serrate, with its central serrature slightly eleva- 
ted. Posterior to this and below it is another 
much stouter and larger, more than half an inch 
across, placed transversely, with five strong serra- 
Facing this, so as to leave the entrance 

solidity but not quite so broad with a large, con- 
ical prominence on each side and a smaller one in 
The bases of these two plates are 

Vol. 1, page 36) and is quite distinct from this.|so extended as to form a continuous ring. Ex- 
ternal to them is a circular row of “teeth” con- 
sisting of small, single points in its posterior and 
anterior portions, while laterally they are imbed- 
ded plates supporting two, and those opposite 

§. rivularis is separated from S. fontinalis by 
the teeth, the proportions of the head, the posi- 
tion of the dorsal fin, the form of the adipose, 
the scales, and the colors. 


the middle of the mouth three points arranged 
in radiating lines. External to this row is an- 
other of still smaller “teeth,” forming a ring im- 
mediately within the lips. 

The first dorsal fin arises a little anterior to 
the middle of the length; it increases gradually 
to its greatest height, which is only twice the di- 
ameter of the eye, its length being not quite one 
sixth of the length of tne fish. 

The second dorsal, which is separated from the 
first by an interval of about one third the length 
of this latter fin, rises more abruptly so as_to be 
obtusely angular in its outline as it commences 
decreasing toward to tail, until at about two in- 
ches from the termination of the body, its height 
having become very small indeed, it begins to 
rise again, forming a sort of third dorsal or up- 
per lobe of the caudal. This again, after attain- 
ing a height nearly equal to that of the first 
dorsal, decreases so that with the lobe which is 
continuous from it on the inferior border it makes 
nearly a right angle at the caudal extremity. 
The inferior lobe is about equal to the superior 
in both length and height. Ventral surface an- 
terior to this entirely smooth. 

Anal oriiice a little posterior to the origin of 
the second dorsal. 

Color plain uniform greenish olive, quite simi- 
lar to that of the Common Eel of our Eastern 
States, lighter on the throat, with some fuliginous 

This Lamprey is clearly the Pacifie represen- 
tative of the one known as the Lamprey or “Lam- 
per Eel” in the rivers of New England during 
the months of spring and summer (P. American- 
us, Le S.) Itis distinguished by the arrange- 
ment of the “teeth,” the relative position of the 
dorsal fins, the form of the fins at the caudal ex- 
tremity, and the colors. It has little need of 
comparison with either of the species previously 
known on this coast P. tridentatus, Gaird., or 
P. plumbeus, Ayres ; the “teeth” are sufficient at 
once to separate it from them. The specimen 
from which the description is drawn, was taken 
in the Bay of San Francisco. But if examina- 
tion could be made, at this season of the year, in 
the parts of the rivers accessible from the tide- 
waters of the Bay, the Lampreys would in all 
probability be found in them, perhaps in consid- 
erable numbers. Very possibly their presence 
might be indicated by conical heaps of stones in 
the river beds, such as the eastern species is in 
the habit of constructing. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing of a new 
species of Bahia ; the specimens were received 

today by Express from Wm. A. Wallace of Los 

Angeles. - 

Bahia Wallacii,—Gray. This species is very 
small, growing only a few inches high ; it is cloth- 
ed with a dense cottony pubescence, and its radi- 

ee ciehiskatiatinians ne acinninne 

ant yellow flowers, tinged With orange are” in 
pleasing harmony with its neat white dress. Dr. 
Gray named this plant after its discoverer, to 
whom we are indebted for the specimen, a very 
ardent lover of nature. 

The leafless plant figured and noticed at. the 
last meeting of the Academy is the Anoplanthus 
uniflorus, a small parasite allied to Orobanche or 
the Beech Drops &c., the stem a mere bristle, 
with a single blue flower, lower lip with a doub- 
ly prominent palate, thoat yellow, the colored 
stripe extending down the tube, in some respecta 
differing from the figure of Lindley, of which we 
have seen no specific description. 

Two numbers of the Proceedings of the Bos- 
son Society of Natural History were received, 
from the Society. 

ApnriL 23, 1855. 

Col. Ransom in the chair. 

Mr. G. M. Burnham, and Mr. M. G. Read 
were elected resident members. . 

Donations to the Cabinet— 2 

From Dr. Behr, specimens of Lactophrys and 
Acanthurus, from Tahiti ; 

From Mr. Freaebel, land and fresh water shells 
from Texas near Port Lavaca ; 

From Dr. Randall, Sienitic Granite from Mor- 
mon Island ; Copper ore from the Gadsden Pur- 
chase, 80 miles northeast of Fort Yuma; and 
Aluminous Sandstone, from the Cosumnes River 
22 miles from Sacramento ; 

From Dr. A. Kellogg, specimens and draw- 
ings of the following plant. 


Rhizoma foliorum lapsu cicatricatum. Folia 
serotina. Scapus totus hispido-glandulatus.— 
Flores cymosi, mediocres. Petala obovata, bre- 
vissime unguiculata, calycis sepalis reflexis multo 

In rivulorum marginibus inundatis prope Pla- 

A plant belonging to the saxifrages, growing 
in ravines, rivulets, and in the watery margins of 
our larger mountain streams. ‘The root is tuber- 
ous, elongated, 1 to 2 inches in diameter, in folds 
or broad shoulders, formed by the scars of the 
old decayed leaves; scape 18 inches to 2 feet 
high, naked, or only a vestige of abortive foli- 
age, woolly and glandularly pubescent, flowers 
numerous, large, corymbose, pale pink. The foli- 
age not developed, probably roundish and lobed. 
It is hoped these will be sent to complete the 
drawing. ‘The tender fleshy inver portion of the 

* 2 


stem is eagerly sought after, and caten by the In- 
dians ; it has somewhat the flavor of apples, and 
probably contains malic acid. The root is a 

strong astringent; and is said to be useful for 

medical purposes. 

.-Dr. Kellogg also exhibited drawings and spe- 
cimens of the following plants, the detailed de- 
scription of which is not deemed necessary, to-wit : 

Asarum Canadense or Wild Ginger. In some 
slight points unlike eastern and more northern 

specimens. V20la pedunculata or common large 
yellow. violet, with its two upper petals light 
madder brown on the back. Nemophila aurita 
or long-eared lilac cups, specimens from Goat 
Island, a beautiful species. 

A singular and beautiful species of Frildiwn 
or Wave-wing Wakerobin; petals very long, 
purple, waved. 

A drawing and specimens of the Black Moun- 
tain. Currant, probably the Ribes malvacewn ; 
flowers delicate pink, roundish, urceolate, fruit 
and foliage glandular pubescent, leaves 5-lobe- 
angled &c.; our specimen was injured in transpor- 
tation; we look for the mature fruit and foliage 
to perfect the figure. 

Drawings and specimens of two species of na- 
tive Pwonia, or Peony of the gardens. ‘The P. 
Browni, with 3 carpels and striated stem &c., 
also P. Californica with smooth stem, crowded 
and more numerous leaf-divisions, 5 carpels &c. 
The flowers in the wild uncultivated state are 
simple, and in both species, madder purple color. 

Specimens of the Taxus Canadensis or Canadi- 
an Yew Tree, in blossom, also Mountain Spruce 
—cone of Pinus Douglassii—Cornaus Nuttall 
or California Dogwood or Box tree in bloom, to- 
gether with specimens of wild plum, and a spe- 
cies of Frangula or Alder-Buckthorn. 

_.The Academy are greatly obliged to Mr. Gar- 
ritt of Placerville for most of the above speci- 

Dr. K. reported on the Lilial plants referred 

to him and Dr. Andrews, viz: one from this vi- 
cinity farnished by Mr. Bloomer, and the other 
from Monterey by Dr. A. Some doubt is still 
entertained as to their reference; drawings, an- 
alysis and specimens are Pee and the follow- 
ing description submitted. 

The first is presumed to be Fritidlaria alba.— 
Root composed of numerous smail bulblets around 
the parent bulb; stem succulent, very glabrous, 
round, 6 to 10 inches high, divided into two 


branches at the tip, diverging so gradually as to 
appear double, each branch terminated by a sin- 
gle nodding flower about 14 to 1 inch long and 
1g to 44 broad, swelled campanulate, peduncles 
about two inches long; leaves spatulate below, 
sub-linear and remote above, intermediate ones 
narrow lanceolate, all sessile, sub-amplexicaul, 
entire, smooth, delicate fleshy, often obscurely 
3-rerved, alternate, collected near the base of the 
stem, often opposite and sub-verticillate, about 
2 inches long ; the 3 inner petals obovate, some- 
what abruptly narrowed or rhomboid, slightly 
inflexed at the apex, 3 outer petals narrower, 
broad elliptic, slightly keeled below, all sessile, a 
nectariferous cavity at the base; white, often 
variegated within as in the Calochortus, or with 
| feeble shades of greenish yellow, veins within slight- 
ily ridged and granulated ; stamens six, inserted 
jinto the base of the petals, about half their 
‘leneth, anthers turued outwards, half the length 
lof the filaments, yellow, mucronate, erect, attach- 
ed to the centre, style deeply parted, stigmas 
villous on the inner surface, long revolute, cap- 
sule oblong, 3 divisions strongly marked by de- 
pressions, and 3 other jesser sub-divisions 3-celled, 
seeds many, flat, obovate, cuneate at base, double 
rows in each cell. 

‘The general appearance of this plant is like 
the Uvularias, but in the shape of the flower and 
especially the seeds, it must be at present a Frit- 

‘he specimen from Monterey has the lower 
leaves verticillate by 3s, and opposite, alternate 
above, one flowered, nodding, about twice the 
size of the above, leaves broad and somewhat 
oblique, probably only a variety. ‘There appears 
to be some variation in the color of the tiowers 
of these species; and also in the mature capsule, 
some being found winged, while others are 

More recently another new and_ beautiful spe- 
cies has been received by Express from Placer- 

| Fritillaria multiscapidea, Kell. or Blushing 
Bells. Leaves two, radical, lanceolate tapering 
at base into a thick concave petiole, entire, 7-nery- 
ed; scapes three, leafless, each terminated by a 
single nodding flower ; flowers campanulate, un- 
expanded, three outer petals sessile, broad lance- 
olate, acute, point inflexed, three inner petals 
somewhat longer, lanceolate, acute, waved, a 
double ridge within extends down the centre ter- 
minating in two teeth at the base of the v 
short claw, stamens six about 'y an inch in lengtt 
or 1% less than the petals, filaments flattened, en- 
larging below, anthers 3g of an inch’ long, quad- 
rangular; style one, longer than the stamens, 
stigmas three. villous on the inner surface, revo- 
lute ; capsule 3-celled. 

The root we have not seen ; the leaves are 4 to 
5 inches long, about an inch or so in width ; sub- 
terrapean stem swelled at the common origin of 


the leave and scapes. ‘The color of the flowers 
a delicate pink blush. Theseand some allied spe- 
cies will ultimately require a new genus. 

Mr. Geo. Black presented a volume of Man- 
tell’s Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Remains. The 
thanks of the Academy were voted for the dona- 

Aprit 30, 1855. 
Col. Ransom in the chair. 
| R. A. 8. Wood, Esq., presented a specimen of 
Wild Cotton from the Island of Maui. 

Dr. Ayres presented a specimen of Raia bin- 
_ eewlata, Gir. from the Bay of San Francisco. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and _speci- 
men of Fritilaria, from Placerville. A species 
remarkable for its very small purple flowers: 
some specimens are seen with thirty or more of 
these nodding fiowers in a leafy top—lower leaves 
Jong and narrow, verticillate by 5s, from 2 to 4 
feet high. Root a coilection of numerous bulb- 
lets, around the parent bulb. Also a drawing 
and specimen of Tri/lium found recently at 
Saucilito, a white flowered species. Further 

% investigations are required. 

Dr. K. exhibited a drawing and magnificent 
specimen of Tulip grown in the garden of A. H. 
Myers of Alameda, illustrating the prolific pow- 
er of our soil and climate in a horticultural point 
f view—the petals were 41, inches long, and 

about 3 inches in breadth. 

The largest ever 
Dr. Behr presented a drawing of a native Silk 
Worm of California, with a specimen of the co- 
oon, and the following description. 

Saturnia rubra, collare album, abdominis seg- 
inenta albo marginata. Alarum fascia radicalis 
-angulum versus discum porrigens ; secunda fas- 
cia stricta lunulaque alba, margo exterior luridus 
linea undulata nigra, et in ala superiori inter cos- 
_ tam secundam et tertiam ocello signatus. 

Alae subter violaceae, signaturis eisdem in- 
structae, ut supra, excepta fascia radicali, quae 

_ Dr. Behr remarked that it would be likely to 
ve highly valuable. It is found on the Cean- 
thus thyrsiflorus, and also on a Rhamnus and a 

r. Ayres presented the following desciption, 
a specimen, of a fish believed to be new. 


gth of the specimen described, two inches 
[Procrrpinas OC. A. N.S., 

and one fourth; greatest depth, at about the 
first dorsal spine, contained five and one fourth 
times in the length ; thickness, at the same point, 
equal to half the depth. 

Sides plated in their whole length; plates thir- 
ty oue or thirty two in number, each one marked 
with granulated striae which, to a certain degree 
radiate from the lateral line. he last: eight or 
nine plates are elevated in the middle, forming a 
sharp lateral crest on the peduncle of the tail— 
A narrow naked space, covered with smooth skin. 
is left below the plates, extending from the pee- 
toral to the caudal fin; a similar space, but with 
the skin granulated, from the first dorsal spine to 
the caudal fin. ‘The bones of the head, the dor- 
sal plates. the cubital bones, and the ossa innomi- 
hata are similar in surface to the plates of the 

Head forming a little more than one fourth of 
the entire length. Lower jaw the longer. Teeth 
fine, even, and close-set in both jaws ; those in 
the lower jaw a trifle larger than those in the up- 
per. Diameter of the eye contained three and a 
half times in the length of the head ; distance 
between the eye and the tip of the upper jaw. 
equal to the diameter of the eye. Nostrils near- 
er to the eye than to the tip of the jaw, in a de- 
pression above the first suborbital plate. This 
plate is prolonged into an acute angle anteriorly. 
The second suborbital is much smaller, sub-quad- 
rangwar. The third is about as large as the 
first, irregularly quadrangular, extending’ so far 
down as to rest upon the narrow horizontal limb 
of the preoperculum, while between its border 
and the vertical limb of the preoperculum a na- 
ked space is left. Operculum sub-triangular, 
with the border rounded, marked with striae ra- 
diating from the upper anterior angle. Intero- 
perculum very sinall, at the angle of the preoper- 
culum. Suboperculum long, narrow, falcate. 

Naked space before the pectoral fin sub-quad- 
rangular, equal in diameter to half the depth of 
the fish. Cubital bones narrow, pointed anteri- 
orly, and meeting in a point beneath the throat, 
diverging posteriorly so as to leave a naked space 
between them. Ossa innominata united by 
strong suture, prolonged into a lanceolate poiut 
posteriorly a little shorter than the ventral spines, 
sending off a flat vertical branch similar in 
structure to the lateral plates upon which it is 

First dorsal spine situated a little anterior to 
the base of the pectorals, its height equal to one 
eighth of the length of the fish, acute, broad at 
base, sharply serrate ou each side, its point just 
touching the base of the second spine, which is 
entirely similar to the first in form, height and 
serrations. A third, much smaller, is attached 
to the soft dorsal; the point of the second scarce- 
ly reaches to its base. he soft dorsal is highest 
in front, its height about equalling that of the 

Avrit 30.] 




first dorsal spine ; it is separated from the caudal 
fin by a space equal to it own height. 

The anal fin, eoterminal with the dorsal, re- 
sembles it in form, but is shorter, arising about 
opposite the fourth ray: it is preceded by a short 

Each ventral fin consists of u strong, flat spine 
and a soft ray. ‘The spine is 2 little more than 
one sixth of the length of the fish, serrated like 
the dorsal spines, though the serratures are less 
conspicuous on the inferior border than on the 
superior. The soft ray lies concealed in the hol- 
low of the spine which it bout half equals in 

The pectorals, narrow and rounded, have a 
height about equal to the depth of the body. 

Caudal fm concave. 

‘oe eon i Sa ie Ee 
with six or seven accessories. 

Color grayish brown above, lighter on the sides 
and beneath; a blackish band at the base of the 

The existence of two tree, 
terior to the soft dorsal. instead of affording 
a specific character amons the Gasteroste: is NOW 
known to prevail in quite a large division oY the 
genus. We have at least eight -\merican spe- 
cies of this type. three on the Atiantic, and tive 
on the Pacitic side. : 

New York. 

2; x Dexaxt, Ayres. This is the 
one described by Dr. Dekay as G. biacnleatus, 
supposing it to be identical with Mitchill’s spe- 
cies: as this however is undoubtedly incorrect it 
is proposed to name it as above. 

3. GasrerosTeus CUVIER:, Girard ; supposed 
by Girard to be the one described by Cuvier as 
CG. biaculeatus. and yet distinct from both the 
preceding. As however Cuvier’s specimens were 
obtained in Newfoundiand. and Girard’s were 
those brought by H. R. Storer from Bras d'Or 
and Red Bay. Labrador, aud as Crvier’s deserip- 
tion is very imperfect it is quite possible that the 
two are distinct species, and that the Newfound- 
land form is yet wunamed. 

4. Gasrerostecs WILLIAMSONI. ( tir., Wiliiam- 
son’s Pass, Cal. 

Lake, Cal. 

San Francisco Bay, Cal. 

Lake near San Francisco, Cal. 

of San Francisco Bay, Cal. 

Of Unse No. 2 and No. 3 have the side plated 
in its whole length. No. 3. No. 5. No. 6. and 
No. 7. have the side piated as far as the second 
dorsal spine. No. 4. has the side entirely sinooth. 
As to No. 1. the character of the surface is un- 

14> P3105) G. 12 

detached spines an- 

Gir., Tiare 


Ayres, Marshes 

| bital teeth of the shell. 
pLeBeivs, Gir., Marshes of | apper 

Gserratus is very closely allied to G. Cuviert, 
though the one has the side entirely plated, the 
other has it partially naked ; it is in fact chiefly 
by this character that the two are separated.— 
The affinity to G. Dekay2 is less striking, though 
both are plated ; the surface of the lateral plates, 
the form of the caudal carina, the structure of 

the ventral spines &e., are quite sufficient to dis- 

tinguish them. 
G. serratus is found in the marshes of the Bay 
of San Francisco, but is apparently not common. 
Dr. W. P. Gibbons presented the following 
descripiion of a new species of crab, which had 
been read at the meeting of March 26. 
Shell globular, granulate tuberculous. antero- 
lateral margins toothed, retrousse, posterior mar- 
gin arched. Accessory plate of external anten- 

nae conical triangular, with its upper surface 
echinate. Ocular pedicles approximate, shorter 

than the rostrum, with the 


superior surface spi- 

CO. serimanus,—Gibbons. 

Shell convex, granulate taberenlate, antero- 
lateral margins toothed, retrousse, posterior mar- 
ein arched. About eight priucipal tecth on the 
antero- lateral margins, without including the 
orbitals. which are shorter and more pointed than 
the adjoining exterior ones. Rostrum four lobed ; 
the two lateral ones equal, superior one shorter ; 
the inferior large, stout, curving upwards and 
projecting beyond the others. Latero-posterior 

margin of the shel with from 8 to 12. principal 
tubercles. Surface of the shell along the median 

line with oue principal anterior tubercle, having 
a pointed apex, another at the posterior extremi- 
ty of the middle third; two more large ones on 
the transverse diameter drawn in front of this. 
and 4 or 5 of smaller size around the base of th 
large ones. 
rendered exceedingly uneven. 

Basilar plate ot the external antenna with a 
tooth on the outside, Second segment scalloped, 
inferior border terminating in a stout spine, hav- 
ing a tooth at the base, on the inner side. Supe- 
rior border with 3 or + crenulate spines, inher 
one longest, projecting beyond the external or- 

surface echinate, spines along the two up- 
per angles pectinate. From the internal fossa 
the second segment the antenna arises, having 4 
segments, the last point with about 30 articula 

tions. and extending beyond the spines of the 
pectinated plate. Internal antennae with three 
articulations, terminated with a mandibular a 

pendage. A bicipital groove is midway on the 
superior surface of the base! joint. 

Ocular peduncles approximate, shorter thaw 
the corner of the rostrum, echinate on the uppe 
surface. First joint of external foot jaws trian 

The surface of the carapace is thus” 

Next segment trigonal, 


- ‘ : 2 : Re 

The specimen from which this description was 
taken, was caught near the . Farailones, in about 
thirty fathoms water. It was presented to the 
Academy by 8. M. Bowman, Esq. 

Dr. Winslow read the following paper on the 
causes of Tides, Harthquakes, Rising of Con- 
tinents, and Variations of Magnetic foree. 

lar, inner edge black dentate, outer one hairy. 
‘A large tooth on the outer edge near the apex 
The other segments rounded, pilose. 

First segment of the tail broad, and articula- 
ted at right angles to the carapace. About 
eight principal tubercles on the superior edge, 
twelve on the inferior, and one large one near the 
middle of the plate, on each side of the me- 
‘dian line. Those on the superior edge in pairs. 
‘A cavity near each end of the segment, and 
two deep, well defined, depressions about half an 
inch in diameter, midway toward the middie 
of the plate. ‘The remaining segments of the 
tail are divided longitudinally by articulations, 
the outer one on each side being about half an 
inch from tho edge. ‘The inner articulations di- the frequency of earthquakes and the age of the 
vide the tail into three sub-equal conical sectious.| »:non” and also on the doctrines of centrifugal 
thus forming eleven quadrilateral plates. ‘the | force being the cause of earthquakes advanced in 
internal angles of the 3d, 4th and 5th are), paper by Mr, Stodder, on the “Cha ce of the 
truncated, and the spaces filled with gemilunar | s,/-/72c¢ of th e carth,? has led me to hae ORE 
plates. Between the 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th cen- munication to the Academy of Sciences of San 
tral segments, are interarticular plates. AML of) Pyancisco, on the same subiect; but as the ie 
i these plates ea largely mabereaiiue and eee OLY advanced in my Cosmography, published two 
ed with minute spies. The tail margins are| years since, covers a much larger ground, and 

« > 4a BY . Cl © are STC , ¢ 
represented by 12 or 15 serratures, each of which | Gnbraces a multitude of phenomenz to which the 
is on a separate plate. As the shell grows okder.} theories of Mr. Perry and Mr, Stodder will not 
these en with each ae and with the ply "Tr taste the "hole subject will receive a 
internal adjoining plate, so that but three longi-| yey | bere oh caret ee de ut ees 

tudinal bastions Feat: 'The segments comipris- eon Lae tah hah Ae a acti eG 
ing the tail are articulated by means of a fold of Bue a eee earthed a i si igs ty eae 
the epidermic qnembrane, and the entire arrange- Fak de Se Ereaiece O The pee ig 
ment is calculated to give pliability to its broad | a veeece its infancy sa is uae oa aie 
surface, so that it shall the more completely pre-| Ghcourity ee cortieolias: The shee cate 
Be crport. ova which the abdomine: shouid be observed in noting ail facts in relation 

© to the air. evan, the motions of the pendulum, 

Hand robust, covered with a tuft of hair; four che periodical fluctuation of springs in mouutains. 
- large rounded teeth on the outer edge of the pin- valleys, and mines, independent of rains, and mag- 
cers, three deutations on the inner side, anda netic phenomena in connexion with earthquakes, 
 pasal tubercle across the finger. Left hand piich | and yoleanie cruptions whether from knowu 
smaller than the right. Arm sub-quadrate. with ofaters or at the bottom of the sea, and indeed in 
a triangular crest projecting at right anvles tojevery department of pirysical research and sta- 
the inner side, having conical tubercles on the) tistics. No fact imperfectly observed should he 
edges. Internal condyle with a broad, bidentate, noted without explanatory comment, and at last 
excurved spine. All the legs are covered with | ® sufficient basis will be established on which to 
conical tubercles studded) with short aculei.—| build up a trnthifal structire that will embrace 
 frregular tuberosities on the lower side of the| the entire and perfect history of the globe, and, | 
{rochanter and on the haunches. All the legs| have faith to believe, even of the Universe itself. 
quadrangular. ‘The seeond, third and fourth legs Butthe connexion between this planet and all 
terminate by short claws, the tarsal joint of each the others—and between our own solar system 
being ginglymus, 80 that the fect can be directed and all the rest of the cosmos, is so intimate that 
forwards or backwards. Fifth pair of legs ru- the most extensive and uceurate observations 
dimentary, inclosed in the shell, rounded at the| must also he made in every direction through 
extremity and thickly set with bristles. 

By CO. F. Winslow, M. D. 

"he recent discussion in the Boston Society of 
Natura! History on the paper of M. Alexis Per- 
ry, Prof. in the Paculty of Sciences of Dijon, eu- 
titled “On the relations which may exist between 

space, to complete the materials for building up 
" 4 ; . = a | la truthful theory of the connexion between foree 

Ground color of the shell vermilion, granwes Vee ent Ye tony and inteliie 
and spines gener ily deep blue t 3 a ia ry and matter, and to establish a clear ii inteligi- 
“ath uh ESE coy y . erat cose priate he} },16 history of the Universe from the primeval 
; Ee Cay CEC Raat, | dawn of force to its present connexion with, and 
action on, material forms. But without consum- 

‘est transverse diameter 10% inches. Length of | ing time in prefatory remarks, [ will at once bold- 

first pair of legs 9 inches. Weight of the ani- ly open a field of inquiry which 1 trust may lead 
mal 634 Ibs. to results useful to science and mankind. 

Length of largest specimens 10 inches ; ereat- 



In reference to the views of Mr. Stodder, it is 
very questionable to my mind, whether any ab- 

solute centrifugal results do transpire upon the | 

finid-interior and solid and aqueous and atmos- 
pueric matters composing the earth and other 
planets, during their rotary motion and as a con- 
sequence of this rotary action. Physicists gen- 
erally, indeed altogether and without exception. 
deciare the flattening of the poles to depend on 
the centrifugal force imparted to the solid mate- 
rial of the globes by their rotation on their axes. 

The flattening rather seems to me to be the re- 
sult of the polarizing foree which acted more 
energetically from N. to S., (if f may allow my- 
self to use these words,) than in other directions 
during the condensation of matter into spheres. 

Agglomerating atoms, in the globe-forming 
epoch, flew from all directions toward & common 
centre of gravity in space, or rather toward 
countless centres, but the act of — polariza- 
tion long previously imparted to molecules and 
exerted now on a cosmical scale, condensed miat- 
ter more rapidly. continually and powerfully in 
the direction of the polar diameter of planets 
than in their equatorial diameter. This is more than 
probably the cause of the difference between the 
polar and equatorial diameters of the planets— 
for the gravitation of matter to the centre of the 
globe is much more predomineut than ap- 
pareut centrifugal phenomena; and indeed no 
centrifugal force can be iinagived to be exerted 
from the axis of the globe. when we view  plan- 
ets as independent spheres moving by their own 
internal vital forces—I mean their ageregate mo- 
lecular forces—through space, and independent of 
any rotary motion forced upon them at the date 
of their origin by external and projective impul- 
ses. This whole subject needs to be completely 
and candidly reviewed by physicists—and_uiti- 
mately, I doubt not, and I feel triumphant in the 
belief that, a cosmical power of repulsron will be 
discovered to act from the centre to the circum- 
ference of the globe antagonistic to the polariz- 
ing and condensing o attractive force. and aflec- 

there the force is required in its greatest degree, 
and being exerted from the centre of the globe, 
the mobile envelope rises to its fullest extent as a 
mere phenomenon or resultant of the play of 
molecular forces in arepulsive aggregate to main- 
tain the present relation of the satellite to the 
earth, and inasmuch as the polarizing, or rather 
the attractive and repulsive forces must be exert- 
ed in straight lines, it follows that the chain of 

molecules from the centre of the globe, to that — 

point under the moon, called the prime vertical 
must be connected with a corresponding chain 
from the same central point to the antipode of 

the prime vertical point, and I think the phe-— 
| nomena of the tides are all the result of repulsive 

influences exerted in this manner from the interi- 
or to the exterior of the globe, the primary ob- 

| ject of which is to prevent the moon from ap-- 

proaching nearer to the earth than the bounds 
fixed by the laws of density governing the two 
bodies—and also to prevent the earth from ap- 
proaching the sun nearer than the bounds fixed 
by the laws of density governing their rela- 
tions. And it is the varying density of all these 
bodies in proportion to their distances from each 
other as they move through the different points 
of their orbits, which governs the various period- 
ical phenomena manifested so unmistakably on 
the earth and so observable when the earth is in 
perihelion and aphelion—and the moon in apogee 
and perigee, and when the two bodies are pass- 
ing through poirts at varying distances from 
their central and controling body. If the sun 
governs the earth in the development or exhibi- 

' tion of terrestrial forces in such a manner that 

marked material changes are correspondingly 

observed in the solar centre, (as the agitations 


ting not only the motion and action of the fluid | 
interior of the globe soas to produce earthquakes | 

by pressure on, and rupture of,the crust; but also 

of the aqueous envelope, sous to produce the tides | 

and govern their action entirely, so that in fine. 
the tides of the ocean are not the result of lunar 
attraction of the water away from the solid sur- 
face of the planet, which is the present theory, 
but rather the resuit of a repulsion of the parti- 
cles of water by a power exerted from the centre 
of the globe by which the moon is kept, and for- 
ever to be kept, from falling to the earth. The 
tide on the globe opposite the lunar tide, and said 
to arise from the solid imass of the earth being 
attracted away from the aqueons mass, so that 
# licap of water is left behind, is oniy the result 

of its envelopes. creating openings called solar 
spots with periodical regularity of 5 years be- 
tween maximum and minimum,in direct conjune- 
tion with periodical magnetic phenomena in the 
earth,) should we not have strong reason to be- 
lieve that the agitations of the aqueous envelope 
of the globe, following so constantly the move- 
meuts and position of the moon in relation te 
the earth, arose rather froma repulsive force 
exerted from within the central and controlling 
sphere, than from attractions exerted by a body 
without and beyond it? 

The idea of centrifugal force being the cause of 
earthquakes, advanced by Mr. Stodder in his pa- 
per on “The changes of the earth’s surface” read 
before the Boston Society of Natural History 
some years since and introduced again at the 1st 
January meeting of this year, I think unsound, 
inasmuch as a multitude of other phenomena can- 
not be embraced within its application, which 
harmonize with the “ theory of repulsion,” set 
forth in my Cosmography. ‘The facts published 

_by M. Perry relative to the influence of the 
of a more feeble repulsion than that exerted on | moon on the fluid interior of the earth, are very 
the side of the carth beneath the moon, because | remarkable, and I have no doubt from my 


own study of the subject that correspondences of 
earthquake phenomena may take place in direct 
relation to the moon’s position in her orbit. But 
the method of accounting for the phenomena on 
the tidal theory, Ido not agree with. I think 
all yoleanic phenomena are produced by molecu- 
_ lar repulsive force exerted from the centre of the 
globe to its periphery to resist the nearer ap- 
proach of the moon to the earth—and nearer 
approximation of the earth to the sun. In my 
“Cosmography” I showed the greater frequen- 
ey of earthquake phenomena during the passage 
of the earth through the perihelic portion of 
its orbit—and on the well established astronomi- 
{ eal and physical fact that planets increase in den- 

_ sity in an inverse ratio to their distance from the 
solar centre. 

T advanced the opinion that the density of the 
individual planets and of. the numerous revolving 
spheres varied during their respective’ orbitual 
periods in an inverse proportion to their distance 
from their central body. This variation of den- 
sity could not take place without molecular 
expansion and contraction, or variation of dis- 
tance between the molecules, and as a necessary 
consequence the whole mass of the planetary 
sphere would contract and expand more or less 
(though on the whole very little, in solid globes, 
on account of the fixed law determining their 

density,) or rather the forces necessary to pro- 
_ duce expansion and contraction would be ex- 
_ erted, which end in the phenomena transpir- 
ing on the surface of our globe, such as the 
4 elevations and depressions of continental a- 
reas, earthquake shocks by rupturing of -the 
_ erystalline crust and injection of lava through 
_ solid igneous rock, and between sedimentary stra- 
ta, thereby producing the various motions, hereto- 
_ fore inexplicable, attending volcanic convulsions 
__ as the gyratory movements which result natural- 
Jy from the circular injection of prodigious whirl- 
_ pools of lava between strata, or into immense 
fissures at greater or less deptrs below the unbro- 
_ ken surface-crust,—the outpourings of lava from 
voleanic openings, and the remarkable simultane- 

~ ousness and universal occurrence of all sorts of 
earthquake phenomena throughout the globe; 
also the varying intensity of movements of the 
best compensating pendulums; also, such as the 
variation of the pressure of the ocean and its pe- 
riodical shrinkage and expansion, which will 
hereafter be proven to take place when more 
careful observations have been made on tides, and 
which phenomena will be found vot to depend on 

_ atmospherical pressure, as is supposed by Sir 
James Clark Ross, in his paper read to the Royal 
Society of London, in June 1854; such as also 
the periodical variation of atmospherical pres- 
ure, sufficient observations on which have alrea- 
ly been made to establish the fact, and, as I 
eve from my study of them, to show as con- 

clusive and regular variations of atmospheric 
pressure as are now known to exist in the annual 
variations of the magnetic needle. Even these 
annual, periodical and regular variations of 
declination of the magnetic needle, in other words 
the variations of atmospheric electricity or mag- 
netic intensity at the surface of the earth, well 
known now by observation, not to depend on 
barometrical circumstances, but which annu- 
ally increase and diminish according to the posi- 
tion of the earth in the perihelic and aphelic 
portions of its orbit, I believe to depend on the 
molecular motions—or the play of molecular 
forces, which transpire to produce the annual 
increasing and diminishing density of the globe 
and which molecular forces and motions take 
place throughout the sphere from the centre to 
the circumference of the entire surface of the 
earth. The variations of these electrical or mag- 
netic phenomena, occurring so regularly periodi- 
cal, have been supposed by physicists to only 
exist in the atmosphere, either in its lower or upper 
regions, and to have been derived from the sun 
by induction, whereas, I think froma profound 
study of this subject, that they are produced 
within the globe by the more or less intense mo- 
tion of, or action in the lines of molecules which 
in all directions extend from every point on the 
surface of the globe, through the terrestrial cen- 
tre to its antipode, and the motion in these is 
constantly taking place by virtue of the inherent 
forces of attraction and repulsion in each mole- 
cule, which forces are exerted not only to preserve 
the law of density fixed for this planet by its po- 
sition in space, but to maintain the form and po- 
sition of the planet in its permanent relation to 
the sun on the one hand as its source of power 
and excitement, and to the moon on the other, 
as a dependent on its radial forces of attraction 
and repulsion. In other words, cosmical magnet- 
ism is a planetary force produced by the constant- 
ly varying intensity of the forces of the molecules 
which in the aggregate constitute the planetary 
masses; and terrestrial magnetism, as a conse- 
quence, is a power radiating from every point of 
the globe, and generated within it in consequence 
of its orbitual relations to the solar centre, its 
orbit being an ellipse, and the sun fixed in one of 
the foci of that ellipse, whereby it being at dif- 
ferent distances from the sun at different periods 
of the year, the number and intensity of terrestri- 
al phenomena of all sorts transpiring in the air, 
ocean, solid crystalline crust, and moiten interior, 
and in the forces pervading its molecules, differ 
accordingly; and, as a consequence of my theory, 
if all these phenomena are studied by physicists 
froma different point of view than that from 
which they have been heretofore, I believe the 
most remarkable advances in every department 
of physical science will be rapidly made, and a 
new world of knowledge opened to future 

generations of a meteorological, geological 
and astronomical character, the value and 
extent of which it is not now possible for us to con- 
ceive. Once on the track of truth, all conflicting 
opinions and laborious processes of research will 
cease. Extreme simplicity will ensue in all de- 
partments of physical observation, and the dark- 
ness which has beclouded the awakening igno- 
rance of past ages will be dispelled before a pure 
and serene light, every ray of which will reveal 
the most beautiful, sublime and useful truth for 
the future improvement of the human mind. 

January 27, Of 232 earthquakes and volean- 

ic phenomena, recorded by 
Feb’y 18, myself, as they have occurred 
from time to time within three 

years in different parts of the 
globe, and which have been col- 

March 15, 


April 16, lected from different sources, of 
anterior dates taken at random 
May 13, the number for each month 
show remarkably strong evi- 
June  12,- dence in favor of this theory— 
and they are so extraordinary 
July 11, as to stimulate the most active 
enquiry into this department of 
August 17, the physics of the solar system. 
The statistics copied from my 
Sept. 21, memorandum are as appended : 

As the notes of the phenomena 
were made without any refer- 
ence to favoring or discouraging 
the hypothesis of molecular re- 
pulsion as an earthquake force, 

Decem. 25, the facts afford almost conclu- 
sive proof of the Theory. 

October 27, 

Novem. 30, 

a San Francisco, May 7th, 1855. 
Col. L. Ransom in the Chair. 

2 . H. Gibbons presented a vertebra of a whale, 
and near the Presidio, in ploughing. 

ir. Downer presented a specimen of Tridacna gi- 
from the Navigator Islands. 

». Fi. Gibbons presented a Journal of Meteorolo 
1 Observations, at San Francisco, from Dec. 1850 
farch, 1855, showing the Thermometricai and 
metrical depressions and elevations; also obser- 
ons on the winds, clouds, &e. 

. Kellogg exhibited drawings of the Tarodium 
ervirens of Don, or the common Redwood, with 
scopical and analytical figures of the flowers. 

e thanks of the Academy are due to Dr. Willard, 
furnished the blooming specimens. , 

s. Kellogg and Behr reported on the species of 
laxodium, improperly described by English authors 
|! Wellingtonia, commonly known as the ‘Great 
ee”? of California. 

—Kellogg and Behr. 

This world-renowned monarch of the American 
est is now in bloom, and from the data thus fur- 
, itis evidently a species of Taxodium of Don. 
early growth it has the foliage of the common 
od or Taxodium sempervirens, i. e. forming a 
ina asin the Tarus and Torreya; but as it 
s in age, the foliage is metamorphosed into 
scale-like leaves, attached by a broad base 
mbricated arrangement similar to many 
of the Cypress and Juniper. Hence the 
proposed for itin 1853—Washington Cy- 


DIUM GIGANTEUM.—Kellogg and Behr. 

‘um sterilium folia membranacea, alternan- 
a, folium pinnatum mentientia, fertilium 
carinata, imbricata, cupressoidea. 

Male flowers in small ovoid catkins at the extrem- 
y of the branchlets, solitary or in clusters of three 
more, composed of scale-like filaments, concave, 
Margins thin membranous frilled, and when 
wated infolded, bearing three or four oblong an- 
r-cells under the lower margin, outside as it were, 
small portion of the torn rachis adhering to it— 

8 Opening by a longitudinal fissure, valves slight- 
at the sides near the middle; pollen 
erice ,80me apparently with the remnant of a pe- 
el. Cones solitary, or two or three together, on 
pedicels, oblong-ovate about two and a-half 
long, and two inches broad at the thickest 
iter, axis ligneous. Scales numerous, closely 
ited, thick, angular, sub-peltate, cuneate, trun- 
pophysis transverse, sulcate, mucronate, seeds 
ight to each scale ; cuneate compressed, wings 
corky membranous, often oblique, emarginate 
general outline obovate-emarginate. Leaves 
bung stateexpanded, long linear, acuminate, 
by age becoming triangular, somewhat 
y acute, imbricate, sessile, appressed, persist- 



ent, adhering by a broad base and half or three-quar 
ters of the inner surface; dull pale green; sterile 
aments of acreamy or ochreous hue, branchletsround. 
somewhat drooping ; bark, cimmamonbrown, shreddy 
fibrous, like the Cypress, Arbor-Vite and Redwood ; 
one to one and a-half feet in thickness. Heartwood 
coppery-red and lustrous, grain straight, and easily 
splitting, lasting, but soft. 

This towering and colossal forest tree attains to 
the height of 322 feet, and upwards of 29 feet in di- 
ameter, perfectly symmetrical in all its proportions. 
From the features indicated, this gigantic tree is ev- 
idently of Cypress lineage ; a family we respectfully 
submit, already too much divided. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and fresh speci- 
mens of Madaria corymbosa, var. fragaria. 

Stem and involucre clothed with along soft pube- 
scence, glandless and glanduliferous hairs intcrmixed 
—leaves linear-lanceolate, sessile, remotely denticu- 
late, inconspicuously three-nerved, villous, clandless, 
chaffy scales in a single. series, all united ;—rays 
about thirteen, cuneate below, expanding, deeply 
three cleft apex, yellow. Achenia oblong-obovate 
cuneate, compressed, sub-angled, incurved, bright 
lilac colored ; anthers brown. 

This plant exhales the fragrant odor of ripe straw- 

Dr. K. exhibited drawings and specimens of Viola 
longipes, or Long Spurred Blue Violet, in some 
points varying from the received description ; e. g. 
the points of the leaves sub-acute, somewhat cucu- 
late, margin crenulate, teeth obtuse as if cut off, 
stipules large, semi-cordate-lanceolate ; peduncles 
quadrangular ; sepals lanceolate-acuminate ; upper 
petals much reflexed ; lateral petals strongly beard- 
ed near the upper margin; stigma papillose, gla- 
brous beneath ; spur long, produced, often recurved 
upwards ; appendages of the lower anthers long fili- 
form; stem slightly flattened or sulcate by two de- 
current lines opposite the leaves extending down to 
the axils and alternating. 

Dr. K. also exhibited a drawing and specimens 
from Placerville and this vicinity, of the common 
plant Sidalcea diploscypha, Gray. called inthe Flo- 
ra of North America by T. & G. Malva diploscypha, 
by others described asa Sida. It is worthy of re- 

mark that the leaves are not digitately five-parted, 
but seven-parted ; flowers in a long naked raceme at 
the summit of the branches; bracts not three, but 
one, two or three-parted, or toothed, &e. 

The Academy is greatly obliged to Mr. E. W. Gar- 
vitt, for the fine specimens sent them from Placer- 

May 14th, 1855 

Dr. Randall in the Chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 
From Dr. Trask, three specimens of Cottopsis par- 
vus, Gir. from the Sacramento river. 


From Dr. Winslow, a Tropidonotus, allied to T. 

tenia, found near the Mission Dolores. 

From Mr. James O'Meara, a suite of specimens of 
The thanks of the 

voleanic products, from Hawaii. 
Academy were voted for the donation. 

Dr. Behr exhibited a very beautiful specimen, pro- 

bably the larva of an Llater, showing strong phos- 

May 21, 1855. 
Dr. Kellogg in the Chair. 

From Ellery & Doyle a synoposis of the contents of 

the British Museum. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, a nest and young of the 
Humming Bird, so common in this vicinity, Polytmus 

Inna, from the Mission Dolores. 

Also from Dr. Lanszweert, specimens of the Mist- 
letoe (Viscum flavescens, Pursh), found on the Red- 

wood, ( Taxodium sempervirens ) at Nevada. 

From Mr. Neyins, the skin of a Pituophis, from 

From Dr. Hnscoe, a specimen of Pituephis cateni- 
fer, B. & G. known as the Gopher Snake, from Santa 
Clara. The thanks of the Academy were voted for 
the donation. 

From Mr. Bosqui, two specimens of the Mole 
which is found here. 

From Mr. Carlton, oue specimen of the same. 
From Mr. Nevins, two specimens of the same. 

In connection with these Dr. Ayres presented the 
following description : 

The Ground Mole, so common in this vicinity, and 
often so troublesome in gardens, furnishes another 
illustration of the fact already many times referred 
to, that species occurring in the Atlantic regions of 
this continent seldom extend their range to the Pa- 
cific slope, but are on the contrary in many instances 
represented here by their analogues. The animal in 
question is closely allied to a Mole found in New 
England, and as tar south as Virginia, Scalops Bre- 
wert, Bach. It is, however, quite distinctfrom that 
eastern type, and we propose to call the western 

Scatops Catirornicus—Ayres. 

Teeih forty-four. In the upper jaw are two inci- 
sors, large, rounded in front, flattened posteriorly— 
following these are six false molars, nearly cylindri- 
cal, obtusely pointed, the first three sub-equal, the 
fourth much the smallest, the fifth a little larger, the 
sixth scarcely as high as the first; behind these are 
four true molars, the first smallest with a single 
point, the second and third larger. In the lower jaw 
are four incisors, the anterior pair very small, cylin- 
drical, blunt; the pair behind them, larger, cylindri- 
cal, pointed ; following these are six false molars, 
the first five sub-equal, similar in form to those of 
the upper jaw; the sixth larger, pointed, sometimes 

lobed ; behind these are three true molars, each ec 

2 12 

Incisors — false molars — 
12 , 

Color of the fur, in the specimens seen, dark glos 
brown, almost black, above and beneath ; this, hoy 
ever, as in other species, is probably subject to vai 
ation. Feet sparsely covered with hairs, light fle 
eolor. ! 
Cartilaginous snout tapering, flattened beneath. 

Nostrils intermediate in position between those of § 
Breweri and Sc. aquaticus, not as directly termin 
as those of the former, and not as plainly on the upp 
surface as those of the latter. Palm broad, not ela 
gated. Tail not flattened, nearly circular in sectio 
somewhat constricted near the body, then enlargir 
and thence tapering; clothed, but not thickly, wii 
hairs about two lines in length. : 

Length of the head and body five inches and 
tenth ; of the caudal vertebrae one inch and ty 
tenths. Breadth of palm six and a-half tenths; 
length of palm, to end of middle claw, eight-tenth 
Length of skull, one inch and three-tenths. 

Sc. Californicus is, as mentioned, nearly allied 
S. Breweri with which it agrees in the number 
teeth, the form of the skull, and in general appea 
ance. It is, however, a smaller animal; the hand 
very differently proportioned, the tailis round an 
more naked, and longer; and the skull is relative 
larger. From S. aguaticus, the animal universal 
known in New England as the ‘‘Mole;” it is dist 
guished by its smaller size, and more widely by t 
number of teeth. From S. Yownsendi, the or 
species hitherto known on this side of the mountai1 
itis at once separated by its size and color, t 
it is similar to it in dentition. ‘ 

This Mole is quitecommon in this part of Calif 
nia, and appears to be entirely identical in its hab 
with the easternspecies. From information recent 
obtained, it seems probable that another type tak 
the place of this in the vicinity of Monterey, 
which, however, no specimen has yet been receive 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing of the Ta 
canadensis or Yew-tree, illustrating the appropris 
origin of the generic name Tawrodium, which inelué 
the Washington Cypress, Cypress of the South 
the common Redwood. 

true molars — =4 4 

Also a drawing of Chryseis cespitosus, Lindl 
Dwarf California Poppy. 

A drawing and specimen of Ribes subvestitum, 
Mountain Gooseberry, a splendid species. flows 
about an inch in length, the divisions of the cal 
bright purple on the inside. The stem is not “ ve 
bristly,’’ as usually described, but smooth and bri 
cinnamon color. The segments of the reflexed ca) 
are not “oblong,” but long, acute, with a subull 

Dr. K. exhibited drawings and specimens of four 
species of Ceanothus, or Tea-tree, to wit: 

_ C.cuneatus. This species we think deserves the 
attention of ornamental gardners and culturists. It 
is one ofour most promising native shrubs ; forming 
evergreen interwoven mats of the densest verdure, 
even in the dryest soils and seasons. As a beautiful 
border for walks we think it much preferable to the 
Box, Baccharis, and other shrubs. Its flowers are 
fragrant and of a delicate lilac color ; i.e. calyx, co- 
rolla and pedicels. The whole shrub exhales a bal- 
samic odor. 

The specific description seems to be at fault so far 
our own observation extends; the leaves are not 
‘«‘ entire,” but always with two or more conspicuous 
teeth with mucronate points at the obtuse extremity; 
Teticulately pitted and glaucous beneath, but never 
*tomentose-canescent;” glabrous. 

The specimens from the interior are dwarfish, 
growing only a few inches from the earth; branches 
dark cherry-red, not pubescent, but sometimes hoary. 
This species is quite distinct from the following with 
which it has been confounded. 3 

C. macrocarpus. The fruit of this species as its 
name imports, is unusually large. The flowers are 
white and calyx expanded, the points not inflexed or 
cowled as usual. The leaves of this species are very 
small, sometimes 2 or 3-toothed at the apex, and 
the branches also opposite and sub-alternate The 
short lateral condensed racemes, opposite, usually 
‘four together, decussated, leafy at the base, about 
six flowers in each, with a distinctly alternate inser- 
tion, but so closely approximated as to appear like 
_ €. azareus, Kellogg. This species is supposed to 
-benew. The provisional name indicates the exqui- 
site beauty ofits flowers, which are the most vivid 
azure or cobalt-lilac color. Stem dull red, minutely 
warty, with occasionai pubescence: branches terete. 
The young branches and racemes short canescent 
pubescent. Leaves ovate, sub-acute; lesser leaves 
obtuse, somewhat fasciculate, glandulously serrate, 
strongly 4-nerved from the base ; densely white vel- 
vety beneath and along the veins, glabrous and 
shining asif varnished above. Flowers on axillary, 
- elongated, compound racemose-peduncles leafy at the 
base, about three-inches in length; fascicles of flowers 
covered by a single ovate, acute, pubescent bract, at 
length descending. 
_ he fruit we have not seen. The largest leaves 
are scarcely one inch in length, five-eighths broad, 
on short petioles from one-eighth to one quarter of 
an inch in length; the smaller and more numerous 
- fascicles of axillary leaves about one-quarter to one- 
~half these dimensions. 

C. Californieus, Kellogg. This species is nearest 
allied to C. Oreganus, hence to contradistinguish it 
4 we give the above provisional name. 

_ Branches robust, bright green, glabrous, swelled at 
_ the axils ; those of the present season’s growth thick, 
nder and succulent; leaves in the young state lan- 
eolate, acute and long acuminate, becoming broadly 
_ ovate, cordate at base, acute, or sub-acuminate, three 
7 nerved, yeins very prominent, lamina thin, entire, 
_ glabrous above, glaucous beneath, sparsely pubes- 
cent, with appressed hairs along the veins. 

Stipules conspicuous, texture leafy lanceolate- 
acuminate, numerous short shoots of tender axillary 

branchlets- Flowers white, on long, stuut, lateral 

CAL. ACAD. NAT. SCI. MAY, 1855. 


branch-like compound paniculate peduncles, 6 inches 
in length, one or more leaves at the base. Appears 
to be a deciduous species. 

Dr. K. exhibited a drawing and specimens of As- 
clepias aeornutum—Kellogg. 

Herbaceous stem glabrous, purple, decumbent, 
leaves large, much spreading, cordate, amplexicaul, 
brond-acute, veins purplish; umbel terminal, pedun- 
cles dark lilac purple, sparsely pubescent, calyx 
strongly pubescent, sepals lanceolate, acute, brown 
madder purple ; petals oblong-ovate, acute, slightly 
pubescent on the margins and back, at the apex ob- 
scurely 5-veined, dark purple expanded or loosely 
reflexed, the involuted leaves of the staminal crown 
without any horn from the hollow centre as is usual 
in this genus, both the upper inner margins ascend- 
ing into points scarcely longer than the crown. 

The Academy are indebted to E. W. Garvitt, of 
Placerville, who furnished the above specimens. 

Col. R. D. Cutts presented for the Library Owen’s 
Report on the Survey of Wisconsin and Minnesota ; 
Lieut. Maury’s Astronomical Observations, at the 
National Observatory, Washington, D. C., 1845 ; An- 
nals of the Observatory of Georgetown College, D. 
C., No. 1.; Catalogue of N. A. Reptiles, Part 1., Ser- 
pents,—Baird and Girard; Five volumes of the Pro- 
ceedings of the American Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Science ; and the Report of the Smith- 
sonian Institution for 1852. 

Dr. Ayres presented two specimens of a new species 
of fish, with the accompanying description : 


Form elongated, much compressed, tapering both 
anteriorly and posteriorly, dorsal and abdominal 
outlines gently arched. Greatest depth not quite 
one seventh of the total length; head sloping, with 
the muzzle somewhat rounded: length of the head a 
little less than one-tenth of the total length. 

Mouth oblique; a line vertical to the tip of the 
superior maxillary intersecting the pupil. Teeth con- 
ical, blunt, not numerous, arranged in a single row 
along the side of each jaw, and somewhat irregularly 
placed anteriorly ; one or two on the yomer, none on 
the palatines. 

Eyes nearly circular—-their diameter contained 
scarcely six times in the length of the head ; distant 
nearly their own diameter from the border of the 
upper jaw. 

Branchial apertures tolerably free, continuous, the 
membranes forming a complete union beneath.— 
spelys small, imbedded. Lateral line not percepti. 


Dorsal, anal, and caudal fins united. 

The dorsal fin arising above the base of the pecto- 
rals, is of almost uniform height in its whole length, 
the height being about equal to the diameter of the 
eye. Rays all spinous, enveloped in a thick mem- 
brane. The point at which it joins the caudal is 
manifest from the difference in the character of the 
rays, though the union is complete. 

The anal fin, arising at a point nearer to the root 
of the caudal than to the tip of the snout by twice the 
length of the head, is of nearly uniform height, 
(about equal to that of the dorsal) rays all soft, ar- 
ticulated ; the point of its junction with the caudal 
is a little posterior to that of the dorsal with the 
same fin. It is preceded by a lanceolate bone, con- 
cave on its anterior surface, joined to the fin like a 
spinous ray; the membrane covering this is incom- 

plete at the tip, so that the anterior concavity is aj 
chamber communicating with the surrounding water, 
but no duct can be traced opening into this chamber 
from the internal organs. ; 

The pectorals are short, broad, and rounded, their 
height being less than half the length of the head. 

Ventral fins, none. 

Caudal fin rounded, its height just half the length 
of the head. It has twenty-six rays; the rays of the 
dorsal and anal can scarcely be counted, from the 
thickness of the membrane. 

Color almost uniform greenish olive, in some in- 
stances a bright pea-green. A narrow, vertical, 
black vitta runs from the lower border of the eye 
downward ; another of similar breadth, from the up- 
per border inward and backward to the occiput. 

A. virescens is taken in the bay of San Francisco, 
but is apparently not common. The largest speci- 
mens yet seen are about nine inches and a-half in 

From A. flavidus, G., a species said to be found 
here, but which we have not yet seen, the present is 
distinguished by the length of the head, the gape of 
the mouth, the size of the eye, and the coloring ;— 
from 4. violaceus, G., it is separated by the length 
of the head, the absence of a lateral line, the form of 
the dorsal, the extent of the anal, the union of the 
caudal with the two adjoining fins, and the coloring. 

San Francisco, May 28, 1855. 

Col. L. Ransom in the Chair. 

Mr. James Tallant and Mr. Henry C. Macy were 
elected resident members. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From B. W. Brooks, a specimen of Sandstone from 
the vicinity of Lake Merced. 

From 0. H. Thomas, a fossil tooth and part of a 
tusk from Matelot Gulch, near Columbia, Tuolumne 
Co. ’ 

From F, Johnson, a species of Eutainia, taken near 
the Presidio. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the 
above donations. | 

From H. G. Bloomer, specimens of the Rafinesquia 

From J.B. Trask, specimens of a Murex and ‘of 
Ranella Trigonalis. 

Donations to the Library. 

Characteristics of some Cartilaginous Fishes of the 
Pacific Coast of North America, by C. Girard, from 
the author. 

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural His- 
tory, vol. 5, pages 81 to 96, from the Society. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited drawings and specimens of 
two species of violet from the interior, neither of 
which are described, so far as we are able to learn. 

Viola montana, Kellogg. Acaulescent, branches 
procumbent, glabrous, angled; leaves thick, some- 
what succulent, pale green, and slightly glaucous, all 
pedately 7-lobed, lateral lobes largest, oblique, deep- 
ly 4 to 5 toothed or sub-lobed; middle lobe simple, 
or cuneate tridentate ; stipules broad, obliquely ovate, 
lanceolate incisely dentate, acuminate; peduncles 
rather longer than the leaves, sepals broadly lanco- 
late, acute, the lower broader, somewhat oblique; 
two upper petals, glabrous, lilac-blue on the back, 
delicate straw color in front, with blue lines; lateral 


petals yellow, with blue veins and a tuft of short vel- 
vety pubescence; lower petal beautifully striated 
with dark brown radiating lines on a shaded ground 
of orange, deeply emarginate, glabrous; spur short, 
appendages of anthers carinate, not spurred, as long 
as anthers; style attenuated towards the base. stig- 
ma capitate, hirsute especially on each side, glabrous — 
on the lower side, foramen large. About three inch-— 
es in length. f 
Viola purpurea, Kellogg. Stem strongly angled, 
parple, hirsute, as also all parts of the plant, except 
the upper surface-of the leaves, lower leaves round, 
decurrent into the thick grooved petiole, wpper leaves 
ovate, sub-acute, obtusely crenate, lamina thick — 
fleshy, granular and glabrous above, veins purple; 
pubescent and purple beneath ; stipules very broad-, 
ly fin-shaped, thin, about 6-nerved, setaceously den- — 
tate, long mucronate-acuminate ; peduncles nearly — 
twice the length of the leaves; two setaceous bracts — 
near the middle; pistil clavate, attenuated below, a 
tuft of dong hairs on each side only, foramen large, 
stigma purple; spur very short, obtuse ; sepals sub- 
emarginate behind, lanceolate, acute, mucronate. 
The flowers medium size, all the petals light brown 
madder purple outside, yellow within ; upper petals 
not striated ; the lateral, with three or four brown- 
ish purple lines, a minute tuft of hairs near the up- 
per margin, lower petal slightly emarginate, striated, — 
capsule canescently pubescent (in the specimen be- 
fore us) marked with three broad stripes of purple, 
alternating with three green. 
Dr. Kellogg also exhibited specimens and a draw- — 
ing of a species of Senecio, to which the provisional 
name of S. spatulifolia has been given. 

Stem fastigiate, striate, sparsely arachnoid tomen-} 
tose, upper leaves linear-lanceolate entire, margins 
revolute, sessile, sub-hastate at base, arachnoid to-— 
mentum beneath decidnous ; lower and radical leaves 
narrow-lanceolate, spatulate on very long and slender 
petioles, expanded insertion, thick fleshy, very glau- 
cous entire,mid-rib prominent, obscurely triplinerve 
corymb simple, flowers few (about six to eight), 
large, on long fastigiate peduncles, with three to five 
alternate bracteal scales; involucre large, cylindri-— 
cal, somewhat swelled at the base, calyculate by a 
few subulate bracteoles, scales glabrous, (light green 
tipped with orange) rays four or five, long reflexed or 

This species is found near Placerville, the inyolu- 
cral scales about 18, achenia 5-angled 40 to 50; rays 
2 inch long 3 toothed ; leaves 4 to 5 inchesin length, 
3 to 2 inch in width, stem 1 to 2 feet high. ‘a 

Also a drawing and specimen of Trientalis Ameri-— 
cana, or Chickweed Wintergreen. ’ 

The specimens we have examined have six instead of 

seven divisions to the calyx, and the same of theco- 
rolla, divisions ovate-acute, not ‘‘acuminate,’’ also 
six stamens; the whorl of delicate leaves at the top 
of the naked stem, are very broad and large, oblong- 
lanceolate or obovate-lanceolate, acuminate, entire, © 
not “serrulate;’’ upwards of 3 inches in length, about 
14 inches in width. a 
Dr. K. also exhibited specimens and drawing of a 
beautiful Pentstemon or Beard-tongue, supposed te — 
be new. 

P. TeneLLus—Kellogg. 

Stem perennial, somewhat ascending glabrous, 
lower leaves numerous, very narrow lanee-spatulate 
on long attenuated petioles, in opposite and decus- 
sate fasiculate clusters, acute, mucronate, entire; the 
upper leaves opposite, sessile, narrowly lance-pointed, 
cordate clasping at base, the lower portion of the 

lamina reflexed, entire, apex ending in a subulate 
-mucro. Flowers opposite, peduncles 1 to 2-flowered 
2-bracted, bracts linear-lanceolate, subulate, sessile 
closely underneath the calyx ; sepals ovate with long 
narrowed subulate recurve-spreading points, corolla 
inflated, glabrous, sterile filament naked, point com- 
pressed, slightly expanded, curved, anthers hirsute, 
pistil capitate. 

The flowers of this interesting plant are among 
the most showy and beautiful we have ever seen ; the 
color is an ultramarine lilac shading into the pink 

colored tube ; the panicle is loose and airy with long 
internodes above, shortening below to 4 or 4 the 
length of the leaves, about 1 to 2 feet in height— 
Leaves seldom two inches in length, about § or a lit- 
tle more in width. 
_ ‘Dr. K. exhibited a drawing, accompanied with 
blooming specimens from Placerville, of anew and 
interesting species of Eg/etes. 
t. E. Cattroryicus—Kelloge. 
_ Stem annual, striated, arachnoid-tomentose, branch- 
ing above, forming a large open compound corym- 
‘bose top; leaves alternate pinnatifid, obscurely 3- 
nerved, white tomentose beneath, dark green glabrous 
above, margins revolute ; upper leaves sessile, lance- 
olate acute, mostly dentate, rays three or four times 
the length of the inyoluecre, ligulate, 3-toothed, lax, 
apex recurved? tube very glandularly villous, co- 
-rolla of the disk villous and viscid with glandular 
hairs as in the rays, border 5-toothed, pistils exsert 
recurved, achenia quadrangular, hirsute, sulcate, 
pappus of five chaffy scales lancinately-cleft or cil- 
jlate at the extremity, receptacle convex pitted ; in- 
yolucre in two series ; peduncles fistulous above. 

_ Rays about 13, yellow like the disk florets, showy, 
an inch or more in length; flowers very fragrant, 
having the odor of a ripe Newtown pippin. 

Saw Francisco, June 4, 1854. 
Col. L, Ransom in the Chair. 

A letter was read, addressed to Dr. Randall, from 
Dr. S. G. George, of Visalia, Tulare Co , accompany- 
ing specimens of vegetable fibre, of great strength 
and beauty, taken from a plant common in the swam- 
py lands of Tulare Co. It is hoped that attention 
_ may be drawn to this plant, as its cultivation may at 
‘some future time become of much importance. Spec- 
imens of it were promised for investigation. 

_ Mr. H. P. Carlton presented specimens of Cornel- 

an, Agate, d&c., from Crescent City. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the 

above donations. 

_ Dr. Kellogg exhibited complete specimens and 

a drawing of an herbaceous vine from the vicinity of 

] lacerville. 

This plant legitimately belongs to Echinocystis;— 

many alterations in the received description of 

his genus appear to be required. The provisional 
ie offered is— 

E. Muricarus—Kellogg. 

Some of the generic differences are as follows :— 

rtile flowers; calyx not “flattish,’’ but tubular- 

1 este, segments 5, not ‘*6,” petals 5, united at 

ue base into a tubular-companulate corolla, no abor- 

ve filaments ; stigma barely marked by a very ob- 

ire transverse line across the top. Sterile flowers 

simple ? racemes 8 inches to 1 foot in length, calyx 

deeply tubular-campanulate (tube 4 inch or 


more in length) border rotate, sepals obsolete, flow- 
ers small, white, or greenish white ; stamens 3 to 5, 
anthers sigmoid. 

Stem about 5-angled, glabrous, very glaucous, 
swelled at the axils. Leaves palmate broadly sinu- 
ate-eordate at base, 5 to 7 lobed, separated by deep 
and spacious sinuses, lobes long, cuneately somewhat 
attenuated below; lobes 3 to 5 sub-lobed, with an- 
gular margins, points mucronate, slightly scabrous, 
pubescent above, sparsely soft pubescent and very 
glacous beneath, lamina thin and delicate, on long 
slender petioles; tendrils simple or 2 or 3 parted.— 
Fruit on long slender pedicels pendent from the same 
axils as the sterile racemes, &c., small, round, about 
1 inch in diameter, glabrous and shining, light green, 
muricate with a few obtuse short weak points mostly 
aggregated at the base, striped somewhat in sections 
with conspicuous dark green veins, 2-celled, 2-seeded, 
bursting irregularly at the summit, seeds roundish 
dark brown inclining to black, pitted. 

This plant, like several other species, is known as 
Giant Root; the root is of great size, creamy russet 
color, rough, yellowish fleshy within and intensely 
bitter. A vine climbing over small shrubs, about 6 
to 8 feet in length. The seeds abound in oil, and 
the root is said to be a valuable tonic. 

Dr. K. exhibited specimens and a drawing of a 
species of Fritillaria. In some of the specimens the 
leaves were long and narrow, or linear-lanceolate 
whorled below in 5s, 5 inches in length, alternate, lan- 
ceolate and at the racemose top, arcuate, linear.— 
There appears to be some variation in thisrespect; by 
further observation should it prove to be new, we 
suggest the specific namté F. multiflora. Stem about 
3 feet high, 30 to 40 flowered, flowers small, nodding, 
purple, spotted, about 5 an inch in length. 

Stamens 7 shorter than the petals, anthers longer 
than the filaments, inner petalsrounded at the apex, 
outer petals acute, point incurved, 3 stigmas revo- 
lute, glabrous. Root crowned by a great number of 
smaller bulbs. 

Dr. K. also exhibited a drawing and specimens of 
vicia, or vetch, from Placerville. 

V. truncata, var. villosa, K.—The specimens found 

_in this vicinity answer the description usually given. 

Further observations are required to determine 
how far the locality will account for the changes we 
find in this specimen from the interior. Leaves 6 to 
7 pairs, broadly obovate-truncate, teeth numerous, 
6 to 8 along the upper third and truncate end, mu- 
cronate, short villous pubescent above, very villous 
with long hairs beneath, vertical or reversed; stipules 
semilunate, semisagittate, incisely mucronate-den- 
tate, spur or barb long acuminate-mucronate, versa- 
tile, on a central pedicel, stigma very villous; ten- 

The stem pubescent, quadrangular, slightly winged 
at the angles, A very handsome species, 1 to 2 feet 
high, weak. Leaves from 4 to. an inch in length, 
and nearly the same in breadth. 

Dr. K. presented a drawing and specimens of the 
flowers of the Torreya Californica, or California 
Nutmeg. Anthers peltate, 9-celled. 

Also a drawing and specimen of the leaf of Leptar- 
rhena inundata—Behr ; thus completing the draw- 
ing and essential descriptions furnished a short time 
The leaf is highly interesting; the specimen re- 
ceived by the politeness of the Pacific Express Com- 
pany, is about one foot broad, funnel-shaped, round, 

peltate, border angularly-lobed, sinuses obtuse, 
doubly-serrate, petiole about 2 feet in length, clothed 


like the stem with glandular hairs, also glandular 
and pubescent along the veins beneath, which grad- 
ually diverge around the hollowed tubular centre of 
the lamina, glabrous above, somewhat membranous.” 

Dr. K. exhibited specimens and a drawing of a new 
species of Ceanotkus, from Placerville. 

C. diversifolius—Kellogg. Branches, both old and 
young, peduncles, petioles and leaves, densely villous; 
lateral branches divaricate, slightly nodding. Leaves 
oblong-ovate or elliptical-vvate, obtuse, or sub-acute, 
3-nerved, in most of the young leaves the lateral 
nerves are obscure, lamina thin membranous, dense- 
ly villous, bluish green and slightly glabrous beneath, 
shorter villous pubescent above, not shining, retuse- 
mucronate-dentate, teeth somewhat cuspidate, gland- 
ular, petioles about 3 the length of the leaf. Flowers 
in long axillary, simple racemes, somewhat pendant, 
flowers mostly crowded into a corymbose cluster at 
the extremity on pedicels of 4 to # of an inch long, 
colored racemes 2 to 3 inches long, scarcely leafy at 
the base, although a few scales are observed, and oc- 
casionally a very minute leaf; flower buds covered 
with small pubescent bracts, at length deciduous,— 
calyx more infolded, and less cowled than usual in 
this genus, giving the flower an angular or ribbed 
appearance, style exserted, united to the top, stig- 
ma barely divided, branches green, colored on the 
sunny side, and studded with small flat glandular 

Dr. K. also exhibited a drawing and specimen 
of an (Enothera, or Cupid’s ana supposed to be 

(& arcuata—Kellogg. 

The lobes of the stigma linear yellow, capsule elon- 
gated, attenuate at the base, slightly pubescent, seeds 
ascending in a single serves, flowers large. 

Stem annual, terete, glabrous and shining tender 
fleshy branchlets, somewhat woody at the base, flesh 
colored and red, branched above, recurve-nodding 
or tortuously curved, circinal ? leaves linear-lanceo- 
late, narrowed at the base, nearly sessile, condu- 
plicately closed, arched or ascending, twisted and 
curved in large and graceful bows or circles, acute 
or subulate, entire, minutely pubescent above and 
below, tender fleshy, obscurely 3-nerved; flowers 
axillary, flesh-colored turning to rose-color, anthers 

- lilac-colored, longer than the somewhat compressed 

filament, erect, fixed by the base, apex mucronate, 
point expanded or glandular, recurved, white ; 
stamens opposite the petals shortest ; alternate lon- 
ger stamens 24 the length of the fan-shaped- 
crenulate petals ; style red, shorter than the petals, 
stigmas stigmatose ; flowers with 8 cuneiform lines 
of red at the base within the funnel-form calyx, 
tube 14 the length of the sepals 4-nerved and 
grooved ; segments 24 the length of the capsule, 3. 
nerved, lance-pointed, carinate, ovary cylindric, 8- 
grooved, attenuate at each end, densely minute pu- 
bescent, as is also the calyx, sessile, 3-nerved, an 
inch or so in length, or 14 longer than the sepals. 

For the above specimens, furnished by Mr. E. 
W. Garvett, the Academy return their thanks. 
Dr. Wm. O. Ayres presented the following descrip- 
tion with the specimen: 
Cenbrpicutuys Crista-GALLL—Ayres. 

Form much elongated, rounded anteriorly, then 
compressed, becoming much flattened near the tail. 

Depth contained a little more than six times in the 
total length. > 

Head rounded, with the cheeks arched, and muzzle 
very blunt. Top of the head provided with a thick 
fleshy crest, which rises abruptly immediately behind 
the upper jaw, and terminates as abruptly at the oc- — 
ciput; it is highest postcriorly, its height there -be- 
ing nearly double the diameter of the eye. This 
crest consists mainly of adipose tissue, though it is 
partially supported by an osseous occipital ridge.— 
The breadth of its base is about equal to its height 
anteriorly, narrowing to a thin edge at its dorsal 
outline, which is nearly straight. From the occiput 
the back rises at once to about the height of the crest, — 
curving thence gently to the tail. 

Eyes nearly circular, prominent, on the upper sur- 
face of the head, so that as the profile slopes down- 
ward they look upward and forward, giving a most 
singular monkey like expression to the face. They 
are separated from each other by a space equal to 
their own diameter, and from the anterior border of 
the upper jaw, by twice that space; their diameter 
is a little less than one twelfth the length of the head. — 
The length of the head is not quite one seventh of 
the total length. 

Opercular bones entirely destitute of spinous pro- 
cesses, concealed in the thick, loose integuments, . 

Lips very thick and fleshy. 

Teeth fine, somewhat crowded, nearly even in both 
jaws ; those of the lower jaw a little the largest. A 
small patch on the vomer, and a band of very fine 
ones along each palatine. 

NVosirils small, near the base of the crest, less than © 
half the distance from the eye to the snout. 

A row of pores, commencing back of the angle of 
the mouth, follows the preopercular border, turns 
backward above the top of the operculum, and meet- 
ing there another row which has been formed by two 
—one from the occiput and oue from the angle of the 
eye—the two constitute the lateral line, which at_ 
first ascending till near the dorsal fin, follows then 
the curve of the back, and terminates abruptly a 
short distance before reaching the caudal fin. This 
lateral line consists, in almost its whole length, of - 
two irregular parallel rows of pores all communica- 
ting with one main tube. 

Scales small, oval, soft, imbedded, covering the 
body (but not the head), and ascending partially the’ 
fins. The whole fish is coated witha thick mucous 
secretion. : 

Dorsal, anal, and caudal fins united. 

The dorsal fin, arising a short distance from the 
occiput, extends to the caudal fin. The rays of the 
anterior portion are simple, feebly spinous ; those of 
the posterior, articulated, branched. The fin is at 
first low, becoming then higher, and again diminish- 
ing, till it rises somewhat abruptly at the commence- 
ment of the articulated portion, maintaining thence 
a pearly even height throughont ; this greatest height 
is a little more than one third of the length of the 
head. . The last ray is connected fully by membrane 
with the caudal, though leaying an emargination be- 
tween the two fins. ] 

The anai fin, arising a little nearer to the tip o 
the snout than to the base of the caudal, is of nearly 
uniform height throughout, being lower than the soft 
portion of the dorsal. The rays articulated and 
branched. Its union to the caudal is like that of the 

The cauda/ is rounded, its height a little greate 
than the greatest height of the dorsal. 

The pectorals are rounded, equalling the caudal 
height, the length of their base being scarcely half 
their height. 

—s == — 7] 


ORY fO AMe24, ~ 

4 MOA Op1e f DIJ 


Ventral fins, none. 
 Branchial rays six. 
D. 25-40; A. 42; P.11; 0.19. 
_ Color nearly uniform, dark grayish brown, a very 
little darker beneath. 
Length of the specimen described, twenty-five and 
a half inches 
This singular and grotesque-looking fish occupies 
position nearly intermediate betwein Zoarces and 
Anarrhicas. It agrees with the former in the aspect 
f the body, the union of the vertical fins, the fleshy 
ips, the form and size of the teeth; with the latter in 
he absence of ventral fins; and with both in the 
“scales, the abundant mucous secretion, the branchial 
ays, and the rounded muzzle. It differs from Zoar- 
in the character of the dorsal rays, the presence 
ventrals, and the position of the mouth; from 
4narrhicas in the form and size of the teeth; and 
from both in the crest. 
A new generic division becomes therefore necessa- 
ry, for which the peculiar monkey-like face of the 
h, viewed in front, suggests an appropriate name. 
e strange resemblance to several of the American 
monkeys is, in fact, quite striking, and we may call 
ie genus 
‘ Cesipicutuys,—Ayres. 
4, Head smooth, rounded, muzzle obtuse ; body elon- 
gated, with minute, imbedded scales ; dorsal, anal, 
and caudal fins united ; no ventral fins ; lips fleshy; 
mouth opening obliquely upward ; teeth small, in 
th jaws, and on the vomer and palatine bones ; 
anchial rays six ; a fleshy crest on the head. 
erista-galli is apparently rare. But a single 
men has yet been seen, and none of the fisher- 
un had met with anything like it previously. It 
as talxen in the Bay of San Francisco Its food had 
asisted of small fish in part, but chiefly of sea- 

San FRANCISCO, June 11, 1855. 
H. G. Bloomer in the Chair. 

copy of the Annals of San Francisco. 
The thanks of the Academy were voted for the do- 
. Kellogg presented specimens of a small and 
autiful Mimulus, accompanied by a drawing. It 
believed to be known, but having seen no descrip- 
on, we give the following: 
Stem short, branched mostly from the base, branch- 
opposite, decumbent, 2 to 3 inches long, square, 
landularly pubescent with white transparent frosty 
airs ; leaves opposite, spatulate-ovate, acute, entire, 
Sparingly serrate, with coarse teeth, petioles half- 
asping, 5 to 8-nerved, ciliate along the lower mar- 
f the petiole, sparsely hirsute above, purple be- 
,80me pubescent along the prominent veins ; 
opposite, axillary on short peduncles, 4 to 4 
th of the calyx, calyx obliquely saccate at 
ase on the upper side, upper tooth and calyx 
or arched ; tube of the corolla very long, club- 
ed, throat ventricose somewhat compressed and 
olded from beneath on each side of the palate, low- 
t lip very short recurved, two upper divisions much 
rger reflexed spreading, reddish purple, variegated 
throat and palate; capsule carinate-compressed 
que. From Placerville. 

specimens and drawing of a Cerasus, from 


~ ©. GtaNputosvs, or Mountain Cherry.—Kellogg. 
Shrubby, stem reddish, slender, young branches 

Ns CAL, ACAD, NAT. SCI. JULY, 1855. 


pubescent ; leaves obovate acute, somewhat cuneate 
at base, biglandular, mucronate, serrulate, sub-glab- 
rous above, pubescent beneath, particularly along 
the veins ; flowers in erect racemes terminating the 
leafy branches, appearing after the leaves ; flowers 
fasciculate-corymbose at the extremity of the long 
raceme, pedicles 3 aninch or more in length, villous, 
as is also the rachis, calyx segments short, acute, re- 
flexed, petals rounded, style, one, exserte infolded and 
tortuously bent, stigma capitate ; fruit ovoid. 

This species or variety has the glands much more 
conspicuous and uniformly constant than the C. 
emarginatus of the coast. 

Dr. K. presented specimens with a drawing of 
Amelanchier Canadensis var. alnifolia Nutt. cr Al- 
der-leaf June-berry. 

Branches smooth, robust, dark pu ple; leaves ob- 
tuse, cordate at the base,upper third and end toothed, 
entire below ; lamina flat or plane, thin, pinnately 
veined, stipules lanceolate dry membranous, fuscous- 
pubescent, caducous ; very delicately pubescent above 
and below ; flowers, in short dense racemes, about 6 
to 12, sessile and sub-sessile, calyx and rachis pu- 
bescent, styles 4, stamens short, calyx divisions short, 
triangular-lanceolate, strongly reflexed, racemes 
with one or two large leaves at the base. 

The specimens furnished us by the generosity of 
the Pacific Express Co , were past the flowering peri- 
od. The shrub abounds in prussie acid, and must be 
useful for medical purposes. Fruit black and sweet. 

Also a drawing and specimens of Maderia elegans? 
from Alameda and vicinity of San Francisco. 

Stem simple, about 2 to 3 feet high hispid with 
long glandless and shorter glandular hairs inter- 
mixed on the upper part of the stem, peduncles, and 
involucre; radical leaves linear-spatulate and linear 
oblong, elongated to 3 to 6 inches, { to 1 inch wide, 
remotely denticulate, waved, 3 to 2-nerved, upper 
cauline leaves gradually reduced in size, very vil- 
lous, with short glandless hairs, interspersed hirsute, 
sessile, sub-cordate clasping, alternate ; flowers in a 
loose compound-paniculate corymbose top: involucre 
naked, scales 18 to 20, or the same number as the 
rays, somewhat alternately long and shorter ; rays 
long, cuneate deeply 3-cleft at the apex, middle lobe 
sub-spatulate, points obtuse emarginate, twice as 
long as the involucre (or about 1 inch,) § inch wide, 
slightly attenuate to about 4of an irch below, 3 
greenish veins along the back; tube pubescent, 
ligales light yellow throughout; receptacle conic, 
villous with soft hairs ; chaffy scales in a single 
series ( between ray and disk florets) united, 
greenish points, villous, acute, incurved ; disk corol- 
la, 5-parted, segments very villous within, a tuft of 
long hairs on the back at the tips, glabrous, only the 
narrowed tube pubescent ; branches of the style in 
the disk flowers subulate, very acute, minutely hispid 
on the back, connately erect, anthers dark brown or 
black, all destitute of pappus. 

Achenia of the ray enclosed by the carinate-com- 
plicate involucre, oblong-obovate, somewhat com- 
pressed, slightly incurved, sessile areolar disk above, 
little clawlike process below, glabrous, neither angled 
nor striated, dark purple, nearly black. 

Annual hairy and glandular gummy herbs; flow- 
ers large, delicate straw-colored, or bright pale yel- 
low, about 14 to 2 inches in diameter. 

These herbs singularly vary in size in the same 
proximity ; whilst one has long leaves } of an inch 
wide, stem tall and slender, another side by side, may 
be of similar height, but very sturdy stemmed with 
broad leaves, &c., without any important specific 


Dr. K. exhibited a drawing of Echinosphace, Ben- | 

tham, or ‘‘Ch.a’’ of the Mexicans, by the Americans 
called also fower Castle, and Castle plant. 

The specimens presented were raised by T. J. Ne- 
vins, Esq., in his garden at Alameda, from seeds fur- 
nished by Col. L. Ransom, U. S. Survey. 

We have seen no specific description. Only one 
species, we believe, has been noticed ; there are, 
however, two distinct species, at least. It is a plant 
ot much beauty and use, closely allied to the Sage.— 
It has been long cultivated for the seeds, although 
growing abundantly wild; a cold infusion in water 
is held in high estimation by the Spanish population 
of California. It forms a very pleasant and delicate 
cooling mucilage for fevers, inflammations, etc., and 
is well worthy of further investigation from the med- 
ical profession. 

San Francisco, June 18, 1855. 

Col. L. Ransom in the Chair. 

Mr. Charles E. Rich, of Sacramento, was elected a 
Corresponding Member. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. Geo. H. Ensign, aspecimen of the sedi- 
mentary rocks at Clark’s Point, San Francisco, ex- 
hibiting many perforations by shell-fish. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the do- 

From Dr. J. B. Trask, two specimens of Cebedich- 
thys crista-galli, Ayres, and two of Porichthys no- 
tatus, Gir., from Tomales Bay. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, the nest and young of the 
Chestnut Crowned Titmouse (Parus minimus, Aud.) 
nest and eggs of Yarrell’s Goldfinch (Carduelis 
Yarrellii, Aud.),and of the Brown Song Sparrow 
(Passerella cinerea), from the vicinity of the Mission 

From Mr. T. J. Nevins, specimens of various plants, 
Abronia rosea, Oenothera viminea, &c., from Ala 

From Dr. J. B. Wells, a specimen of silicious de- 
posite, taken froma tunnel at Table Mountain, Tu- 
olumne Co., at a depth of about sixty feet. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the do- 

The May No. of Silliman’s Journal, one No. of the 
Monterey Sentinel, and two new sheets of the Pro- 
ceedings of the Academy were received. 

Col. Abert presented a volume of Tables and For- 
mul for the use of the U.S. Topographical Engi- 
neers, by Capt. T. J. Lee, U. S. A. 

A paper by Mr. W.P. Blake, Geologist to the 
Southern Pacific Railroad Survey, was read, deseri- 
bing the polishing of rocks and sand stones hy wind- 
driven sand. Mr. Blake’s observa fons were made in 
the Colorado Desert,and in the pass below Mount 

San Bernardino, and are very valuable, as illustra- 
ting the possible forves that may have produced the 
well-known drift scratches and furrows. The paper 
will be published in full. 

| segments, anthers white, filaments flat, widening be 

A letter was read from the Societé Imperiale des 
Sciences Naturelles, Cherbourg, France, proposing 
interchange of communications with the Academy. 

Dr. Kellogg presented specimens of an Azalea 
from the interior, accompanied by a drawing. 

A. NUDIFLORA Var. ciliata.—Kellogg. 

California White Honeysuckle. 

These little shrubs are among the most beautiful 
and fragrant ornaments of our moist and shady for- 
ests ; and are deeply enshrined with the earliest rec- 
ollections of every American heart. 

The plants of this genus vary so much, that it is 
confessedly difficult to establish uniform characters. 
For this reason we furnish such evidences as we find 
in the forms and figures before the Academy. It is 
with the hope of ascertaining the irregularities occa- 
sioned by different soils and situations that we desire 
to contribute our mite to the general stock uf knowl- 
edge by offering the following description : 

Flowers large, irregular, white, (a shade of pink on - 
the back) lower largest segment ochroleucons, vil- 
lous viscid without, also the calyx and peduncles ; 
one or two upper sepals 3 or 4 times longer than the 
others, obtuse, ciliate, sub-spatulate ; lower seg- 
ments short, rounded, stamens declined, longer than 
the corolla, filaments hirsute below, style exsert, 
capitate birsute at the base. 

Leaves obovate-lanceolate, sub-acute cuneate at 
base, lucid, colored alike on both sides, minutely pu- 
bescent above and below, mid rib sub-hirsute be- 
neath, entire, ciliate, a colored gland at the mucro- 
nate point. 

A shrub 3 to 6 feet high. young branches glabrous, 
many membranous rudiments of linear or linear- 
lance leaves at the base ; old bark light gray satiny, 
somewhat shreddy, in silky fibres. Flowers in dense 
clustered racemes at the extremity of the branches, 
appearing with the leaves, from large bracteacous 
caducous bud-scales, on peduncles 1 inch long, seg- 
ments of the flower not very deeply divided, sub- 
compressed funnel-shaped. 

Also a specimen and drawing of dnoplanthus unt- 
florus trom the interior, differing in color, size, &e.- 
with the specimens on the sea-coast ; about 10 inches 
high, their flowers 1 inch in length, &c. 

Also specimens and drawing of G2nothera amena 
or Red Spotted Primrose. A beautiful rose-colored 
species, from the hills in this vicinity ; petals red 
spotted at the base. 

Also a drawing of a purple flowered @nothera, 
from Alameda, the specimens furnished by T. J. Nev- 
ins, Esq. 

CE. vimineA, Doag. var. intermedia—Kellogg, 

or the Willow-leaf Primrose 

4th sub-division of T. and G., xx lobes of the stig- 
ma oval, short, dark purple, capsule sessile, oblong, 
tapering near ‘the summit, seeds ascending in a sin~ 
gle series. 

Stem 2 to 3 feet high, erect, branching above 
twigs very long and slender, bark fibrous and 
shreddy, membranous, satiny, silvery hue below, 
flesh-colored and reddish above, somewhat pubescen 
Leaves narrow lanceolate, nearly entire, or rarel 
minutely and remotely dentate, very minutely satin 
puberulent on both sides. F lowers in long racemes, 
dark lilac-purple, petals ? of an inch long, or twice 
us long as the stamens, sepals about 7 the length of 
the petals, calyx tube from 4 to § the length of th 


low; style exsert beyond the stamens ; capsules ses- 
sile, slightly 4 sided, or sub-cylindric, oblong, with a 
conical apex, strait, or somewhat curved, very vil- 
lous canescent pubescent. 

June 25th, 1855. 

Col. L. Ransom in the Chair. 

M. Auguste Le Folis, of Cherbourg, France, was 
elected a Correspoading Member. 

Donations tothe Cabinet. 

From Capt. A. Hanson, a fossil specimen, being 
part of the lower jaw of an Elk, from Shoalwater 

From Geo. H. Hudson, Esq., a suite of eggs of the 
Murre, (Uria troile, L.) brought from the Farallon 


From H. R. Bloomer, Esq., three nests of the Gold 
Finch, (Chrysomitris tristis, L.) 

From 8. P. Whitmore, Esq., an Indian skull, from 
the vicinity of the Mission of San Jose. The thanks 
of the Academy were voted for these donations. 

From Dr. W. O. Ayres, the skull of a Sea Lion, 
(Otaria jubata ?) from the Farallon Islands. 

This specimen is of interest, as illustrating in one 
particular the habits of these animals. The left zy- 
gomatic arch had been perforated by a bullet, and 
the lower part of the left inferior maxillary bone 
shattered by another, both of these injuries having 
been received so long since that the action of the 
absorbents had almost perfectly smoothed the splin- 
tered edges of the bones. Inside of the wound of the 
zygoma was found the piece of lead which had caused 
it, which was at once recognised (from certain pecu- 
liarities of form) as one which had been fired, without 
fatal effect, at a Sea Lion on the same rocks in the 
summer of 1854. We have thus a demonstration 

that these huge seals return, in some instances at 
least, year after year to the same localities. They 
leave the Farallonesin November, and return in May, 
being absent about six months. How far they mi- 
grate during the interval we have at present no 

_ means of determining. 

The one from which the skull presented was taken 
was estimated to weigh about a ton. 
_ Dr. Behr presented the following description of a 
plant representing a new genus and species 
‘ CuxLoropynron, mihi. 

Calyx bifidus, antice fissus. Corolla hypogyna, 
exserta, ringens, tubo filiformi, labiis aequilongis, 
superiori plano triangnlari, inferiori latiori, inflato. 
Stamina quatuor, didynama, corolle tubo inserta, 

inclusa ; superiorum anther uniloculares, peltatz, 
inferiorum biloculares, loculis disjunctis, altero me- 

- difixo, terminali, altero filamento infra affixo. Ova- 
rium biloculare, loculis multiovulatis. Stylus sim- 
plex, ad apicem incrassatus. Stigma subbilabiatum. 
Capsula...... Semina...... ; adh 

Genus inter Adenostegiam et Triphysariam inter- 
medium. certe quidem ab utraque diversissimum.-~— 
Corolla conformatione maxime cum Triphysaria con- 
venit, a quo ceterum antherarum structura, Adenos- 
tegiz simili, omnino differt. 


Herba annua, ramosa, pubescens. Folia alterna, 
cuneata, apice tridentata. Spice terminales, foliose. 

Planta humilis, late viridis, flores albidi, labio in- 
feriore atropurpureo suffuso. 

Habitat locis humidis salsaginosis, prope locum 
Russ Garden dictum. 

Mr. Horace Davis presented a valuable series of ge- 
ological specimens, with the following statement : 

The accompanying specimens of wood and clay 
came from some mining shafts in Caldwell’s garden, 
which is a portion of Shaw’s Flat, about two miles 
north of Sonora. That immediate locality (the gar- 
den) has not been mined until quite recently, but 
was cultivated asa ranch, until last fall, when a very 
rich lead was accidentally discovered, in a portion 
of which these specimens were found. Shaw’s Flat 
is a broad stretch of rich mining country, quite high 
in itself, and yet surrounded by hills much more el- 
evated than itself. 

The gold is quite evenly diffused over all this flat 
ground, save in the south-west corner, where it is 
confined to a narrow strip—a single line of claims. 
Here, too, it is quite deep under-ground. There 
seems to be a small river bed buried here, and this 
forms the lead. At its upper end, when first found, 
it is, say 30 feet under ground. Thence it slopes 
gradually to the south-west, while the surface of the 
ground rises; so that the shafts grow constantly 
deeper, till the lead runs under Table Mountain.— 
The last shaft which has struck it is about 120 feet 
deep. As near as I could judge, the bed of this 
stream was not broken, as it seemed to preserve its 
regular grade, but was rather buried. 

The surface soil in the garden is the common red 
clay about Sonora. Atadepth of about 10 to 15 
feet, you strike a thick stratum of white clay, of 
which I enclose specimens. Below this (which varies 
in its thickness) is gravel mixed with boulders (most- 
ly of white limestone, I think) and below this, buried 
in with it, is the gold. I was told that the banks of 
the river were distinctly traceable, and that the dirt 
paid handsomly clear to the bank. 

These trees were found in this gravel. Some were 
standing upright ; some presented the appearance of 
the stumps of hurnt trees; some were fallen logs.— 
There were layers of leaves on the ground, very per- 
fect, when first brought up the shaft, but which I 
could not preserve I enclose one or two fragments 
where they have been preserved on the clay. 

There were much finer pieces of wood than I have, 
but I obtained the best I could. 

It may be interesting to state that these claims are 
paying as high as $600 to $800 per day. 

JULY 2, 1855, 

Dr. Randall in the Chair. 

Mr. Tennent exhibited a very beautiful series of 
specimens of Algew, Sertularix, &c., prepared by 
himself, from specimens collected in this vicinity. 

A letter was read from the Boston Society of Nat- 
ural History, acknowledging the receipt of the Pro- 
ceedings of this Academy. 

Proceedings of the Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, pp. 
176-192, were received from the Society. 

Two numbers of the Monterey Sentinel, from the 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the do- 

Dr. Kellogg presented specimens of a shrubby 
Polygala from Placerville, accompanied by a draw- 
ing. Thisis the only species we have seen on the 
Pacific, and is one of scientific interest. There were 
reasons, of anegative character, for suspecting the 


Spanish botanist, Mocino, had given a wrong locality 
to P. Nutkana, “‘as no species ofthe genus had been 
found by other observers on the Pacific coast of N. 
America.’’ More recently, however, Nuttall found 
a specimen of the P.N. in California, which he de- 
serbed under the name of P. Californica. 

P. cornuta.—Kelloge, or Horned Milkwort. 

Stem perennial, branching, bright green, glabrous, 
somewhat glaucous, warted, erect. 

Upper leaves oblong-lanceolate, mostly obtuse, ap- 
proximate, mucrenate, margins pellucid very entire, 
alike green and glabrous on both sides; lower leaves 
obovate emarginate ; on short petioles, alternate 
veins scarcely visible. 

Flowers in a loose spike, 6 to 8 or more, fertile on 
the topmost attenuated branchlets, pale yellow with 
greenisn tinge, often shaded with pale lilac ; rachis, 
pedicels, calyx and petals, puberulent ; bracts subu- 
late, g of an ineh long, or as long as the pedicels, the 
small posterior upper division of the calyx ovate, 
acute, sub-gibbous by the somewhat produced com- 
mor claw; glandless, the 2-lower 1-10 of an inch in 
advance of the upper, ovate, sub-acute; 2-lateral 
calycine wings, obovate-oblong obtuse, oblique ; § 
of an inch long, the proper petal wings linear obtuse 
about the same length. 

Keel 3 longer, abruptly bent downwards, large, 
rounded obtuse, crested with a little horn-like pro- 
cess, hooked, or curved upwards, filaments and claws 
united into a broad cleft tube ; upper edge of the 
filamentous ridge very pubescent (pale lilac?) free 
portion hirsute, 1-10 ofan inch long, anthers 8, white, 
finally opening at the side along an obscure septal 
line, pistil 4 or 5 times the length of the capsule, in- 
curved stigma enlarged, unequally 2-lobed. 

Capsule, glabrous, entire, flat, orbicular-2-celled, 
one seed in each cell. 

Seed oblong, glabrous, caruncle about } the length 
of the seed, glabrous ? 

Dr. Kellogg presented specimens ofa new and sin- 
gular Pentstemon, with a drawing. 

P carinatus, Kellogg. Keeled Bearded-tongue. 

Stem glabrous, erect, terete, one to one and a-half 
feet high. 

Leaves opposite linear-lanceolate 3-nerved at the 
base, and somewhat extra triplinerved above, re- 
motely dentate, teeth minute acute, glabrous, peti- 
oles very short, a clasping base; upper, narrow, ses- 
sile, entire, recurved. 

Flowers in a terminal panicle of opposite and de- 
cussate branchlets, each forming rather close panicu- 
late corymbs of 6 to 9 flowers. 

Calyx, 5 distinct imbricated sepals, lanceviate, 
long subulate acuminate points, glabrous, obscurely 
3-nerved, slightly ciliate. 

Tube of the corolla very short, not inflated, 2-lipped 
ringent, upper lip narrow, arched, 2-toothed, hispid 
on the back, slightly keeled, a strong reddish ridge 
along the back, arising from a horn-shaped process 
at the notch of the apex; lower lip 3-parted seg- 
ments equal, long linear, striated with 2 or 3 pink 
lines, three or four times as long as the tube, didyn- 
amous fertile filaments declined at base, ascending 
occupying the vaulted upper lip, anthers pubescent 
below ; abortive 5th stamen, naked, sub-equal, re- 
curved closely to the lower lip ; : style about as long 
as the stamens, stigma simple, capsule 2-celled, seeds 
numerous, wingless. 

Flowers creamy yellowish, streaked with red. 



Dr. K. also presented specimens of a Lonicera, 
from the interior, accompanied by a drawing. 
L. pirosa—Kellogg. 

Stem twining, perennial, very hirsute. 

Leaves pubescent above (dull green, not shining), 
soft villous and glaucous beneath, lower large stem 
leaves cordate-ovate obtuse, about two inches long 
by one and a-half wide, upper leaves of the slender 
branches, oblong, sub-acute, all on petioles § to 4a 
the length of the lamina, only the uppermost pai 
connate-perfoliate, lamina coriaceous margin ciliate, 
somewhat revolute, petioles, in short, all parts very 
pilose; stipules reniform clasping, connecting the 
bases of the opposite leaves. 

Flowers hirsute externally, tube slender not gib- 
bous, lower linear division about one-third larger 
than the tube, upper phlange with the four ve 
short teeth in whorls of 6, internodes of spike short, 
color of the fiowers pale pink blush ; calyx minute ; 
exsert filaments, and capitate pistil, hirsute at the 
base; tube very hirsute within throughout ; whorls 
with very minute, ovate, acute scales but no foliace 
ous bractlets. 

Fruit sub-glabrous. 

The specimens from which the description is taken 
is fifteen feet in length. 

Dr. K. also presented a specimen and drawing of 
Erythrea or Canchelagua, a beautiful plant belong- 
ing to the Gentianworts. It hasa pure and rather 
pleasant bitter, is tonic and stomachic, and in the 
fresh state an excellent remedy for agues ; its medi 
cal properties are said to be entirely lost by drying. 
The general appearance of this plant is very mu 
like our Atlantic Sabbatia angularis. 

Dr. W. O. Ayres presented a specimen of a ney 
Scomberoid fish, with the following description : 


Form elongated, compressed, (the thickness being 
rather more than half the depth,) dorsal and abdom- 
inal outlines evenly arched ; depth one-fifth the tota 
length ; length of head a little greater than the depth 
of the body. 

Mouth oblique ; lower jaw the longer ; a vertical 
line from the tip of the superior maxillary, passing 
just in advance of the eye. Zeeth extremely minute | 
in both jaws, on the palatine bones, the anterior por- | 
tion of the vomer, and along the middle line 
the same bone and on the tongue; those on the © 
tongue and anterior part of the vomer are crowded 3 
the remainder are in each instance arranged in near= 
ly a single row. 

Scales thin, elliptical, with very numerous concet- 
tric strie ; covering the entire body and head, excep! 
the throat, lower jaw, and space anterior to the eye 
Those on the lower parts of the body are the largest; 
those on the head very small. The /ateral line pass- 
es directly backward until about even with the or 
gin of the second dorsal fin, curves there quite sué 
denly downward, and follows thence the middle lin 
of the body to the caudal fi. The scales marking 
the line are elongated vertically, with a median pro- 
cess directed backward ; near the head this processi 
very slight ; it becomes more developed, until poste- 
rior to the curved portion of the line it is a horn 
ridge, with an acute tip, the whole constituting the 
sharp, angular carina along the caudal region of the! 
body found in the fishes of this genus; the number 0 
these carinated scales is forty-four to forty-six. 


es. Space immediately anterior to the eye, hyaline, 
with the nostrils situated above it, of which the ante- 
rior aperture is the larger. Lye large, its diameter 
contained about four and a half times in the length 

_ of the head. 
The first dorsal fin arising ata point slightly io 
_ adyance of the commencement of the second third ot 
_ the entire length, is triangular in form, its length 
and height equal, being half the length of the head. 
; The height of the last ray is but about one-sixth of 

Opercular apparatus destitute of points or process- | 

that of the third, which is the highest. 

The second dorsal arising a little behind the ter- 
mination of the first, extends nearly to the caudal, 
leaving there a free space equal to the diameter of 
the eye. Its height at about the third or fourth ray 
equals two-thirds of that of the first dorsal; it de- 
creases thence posteriorly, the last rays being not 
quite a third as high. Immediately at its termina- 
tion is a finlet, entirely distinct, and yet almost con- 
nected with the fin. Both the dorsal fius are receiv- 
edinto adeep groove, which completely conceals 
_ them when closed. 

The anal fin arises a little posterior to the origin 
of the second dorsal, with which fin it is coterminal, 
being also similar to it in form and height, and in the 
preseiice of a finlet posteriorly It is preceded by 
two strong spiues, about half eqnalling the greatest 
height of the fin. It is received into a groove, scarce- 
ly so deep as that on the back. 

Pectorals high and pointed; their height a little 
less than the length of the head, reaching to the plane 

of the origin of the second dorsal. 

_ Ventrals a little posterior to the pectorals, which 
they nearly half equal in length. 

: Caudal deeply concave, very strong, rays much 
branched, accessory rays much developed. 

p. 8—about 40? (mutilated); a. 2—1.28; p. 1.22; 

Wao, 6.1:9.8. 1.6. 
Color greenish brown above, lighter on the sides, 
Silvery beneath. Irides silvery. A brownish-black 
blotch at the superior angle of the operculum. Dor- 
_ sals somewhat clouded; other fins nearly colorless. 
_ We have in the present species the first represen- 
_ tative of the Mackerel tribe of fishes yet described 
as occurring on our coast. It is somewhat singular 
that of the extensive family of Scombridw, whose 
Species and genera abound in almost every sea, we 
ad hitherto found none along the shores of Califor- 
a. We have often heard, it is true, of the capture 
Albicores ahd Bonitos down the coast, and were 
assured last summer that the harbor of San Diezo 
yas “full of Mackerel.’? But names of fishes are 
sed in California with so little precision, that no 
penlence can be placed on such evidence. He 
who should infer that anything resembling Pike or 
erch was taken in the Sacramento River or the San 
Joaquin, would (so far as we now know) be much 
deceived; yet fishes bearing those names are constant- 
y brought from these rivers to our markets. and 
soldin abundance. The specimen herewith presen- 
bed possesses, therefore, more than its own share of 
in erest. 
C. symmetricus is quite distinet from all the pre- 
viously known species of the genus. It is more 
“Closely allied to C. punctatus, Cuv., than to any 
Other, but is quite readily separated from it by the 
curve of its lateral line, the number of che carinated 
cales, und the position of the dorsal and anal finlets, 
_ without reference to other characters, W th other 
sabe it need scarcely be ¢ mpared. 
©. symmetricus is apparently by no means com- 
--mon on our coast, but will probihly be found more 
abundant futher south. The specimen described, 




the only one yet seen, was taken in the Bay of San 
Francisco; it was seventeen inchesin length. None 
of the fishermen were acquainted with the species, 
San Franersco, Juiy 9th, 1855. 

Dr. L. Lanszweert in the Chair. 

Mr. James O’Meara, of Calaveras county, was 
elected a corresponding member. 

Dr. Lanszweert presented a foetus of the Spermo- 
philus Douglassii, R., commonly called here Ground 
Squirrel, from Santa Clara; also two young mice. 

Jury 16, 1855. 

Dr. L. Lanszweert in the Chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Augustin Ainsa, Spanish State Translator, 
specimens of Lead and Silver Ore, from Sonora, con- 
taining thirty per cent. of lead, and silver in the gro 
portion of $25 to a hundred pounds of ore; the 
thanks of the Academy were voted for the donation. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, a Humming Bird, from San- 
ta Clara, O. Rivoli, new to the Californian Fauna; 
also several nests of common species of birds. 

A letter was read containing an offer from Colonel 
Henley, Indian Agent for California, to procure col- 
lections for the Cabinet of the Academy in various 
parts of the State. On motion, the thanks of the 
Academy were tendered to Col. Henley, for his libe- 
ral offer, end the, Corresponding Secretary was re- 
quested to attend to the measures requisite. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing of a new and in- 
teresting variety of the Peach. This fruit is remar- 
kable forits fine size, and when we consider that it 
has been now about two weeks ripe, (the specimen is 
the second week in our possession, and we therefore 
speak from our own actual knowledge,) it bids 
fair, we think, to prove a very valuable acquisition. 
This new variety has been produced by the combined 
careful culture and genial climate of the Rev. A H. 
Myers’ nursery, Alameda. A gentleman from Los 
Angeles informs us they can boast of none so efrly. 
If this be so, it may prove immensely valuable. We 
are not authorized to designate it by any name, but 
think that Myers’ Rareripe would be sufficiently dis- 
tinctive and app: opriate. 

Dr. Kellogg also exhibited a complete drawiug of 
a species of wild Black Mountain Currant, together 
with specimens of the bush and ripe fruit. The fruit 
is very sweet and pulpy, and by a little culture 
would undoubtedly improve in every respect. The 
fruit is large, black, covered with a dense bloom, and 
the bush appears to yield bountifully. 

Rises Navapaunsis.—Kellogg. 

Stem and branches glabrous,. the membranous 
purple bark of the older branches flakes and warps 
off like the nine-bark bush, or Spirea opulifolia.— 
Leaves about as long as the racemes, cordate, 8 to 5 
lobed. doubly serrate, pubescent above and below ; 
(neither glandular nov viscid,) petioles pubernlent 
aid sparsely glandular, base somewhat expanded, 
ciliate; racemes from the same buds as the leaves, 
minutely puberulent and glaudular, bracts red, like 

the flowers, lanceolate acute, numerous, calyx glo- 
bose campanulate, border expanding, petals roundish 
shorter than segments of the calyx or sub-equal, pe- 
dicels very short. 

Fruit globose, glands few, black, with a dense 
bloom, pulpy and very sweet. 

The Academy and the public are indebted to the 
generosity of the Pacific Express Company for these 
valuable acquisitions. Will cur friends please re- 
member and send as above. 

Dr. W. O. Ayres presented a specimen of a new 

species of Whiting, with the following description : 


Form elongated, subcompressed; greatest depth 
just posterior to the head, tapering thence very 
gradually to the caudal fin. Depth contained about 
seven and a-half times in the total length. Head 
somewhat pointed anteriorly, its length about one 
fourth of the length of the fish, nearly flat on the 
dorsal surface. 

Mouth large, lower jaw the larger, a vertical line 
from the extremity of the superior maxillary inter- 
secting the middle of the pupil. 

Teeth slender, sharp, uneven (larger and smaller 
intermixed) in both jaws, and on the vomer ; ar- 
ranged in a crowded, irregular single row in each 
case; none on the palatines or the tongue. 

Lateral line very conspicuous, darker in color 
than the parts adjacent, curving a little downward 
until opposite about the middle of the second dorsal 
fin, and running thence straight to the caudal. 

Scales relatively rather large, irregularly oval, 
concentric striae numerous; about a hundred and 
forty scales along the lateral line. Scales covering 
the whole body, top of the head, operculum and top 
of preoperculum, and upper part of the cheeks, but 
not the interoperculum, lower part of preoperculum, 
sub-orbital and ante-orbital space, nor the lower jaw. 
Scales ascending on the caudal fin, and on the base 
of the pectorals, but very slightly on the dorsals or 

Eyes large, nearly circular, their diameter con- 
tained not quite five times in the length of the head; 
distant a little less than two diameters from the tip 
of the lower jaw; interval between the eyes a little 
greater than one diameter. 

The opercular angle, formed by both operculum 
and subuperculum, is somewhat acute, not spinous. 

Nostrilsimmediately anterior to the eyes ; posteri- 
or aperture the larger. 

The first dorsal fin arising a little posterior to the 
opercular angle is triangular in form, its length be- 
ing about twice the diameter of the eye; the first 
ray is about half the height of the second, third, and 
fourth, which are longest, their height being greater 
than the length of the ffn. 

The second dorsal, separated from the first by an 
interval equal to one third of the length of that fin, 
bas a length equal to the length of the head. Its 
greatest height, at the sixth or seventh ray, is half 
the height of the first dorsal. 

The third dorsal, continuous from the termination 
of the second, has a height anteriorly nearly equal to 
the height of the first, tapering thence quite rapidly 
to the last rays. It is separated from the caudal fin 
by an intervaia little greater than half the diameter 
of the eye. 

The caudal fin, dilated at base by the numerous 
accessory rays, slightly concave posteriorly, has a 
height equal to that of the first dorsal. 

The first anal, arising on nearly the same plane 
with the second dorsal, is very similar to that fin in 
form, being alittle greater in both height and length. 

The second anal, continuous from the termination b ; 
of the first, is similar to the third dorsal in form and 
height, extending a little nearer to the caudal. 

The pectora/s are high, somewhat rounded, their 

height being about three times that of the second dor- 
sal. When closed, they reach as far as the fourth or 
fifth ray of the second dorsal. 

The ventrals. anterior to the pectorals, have half 
their height ; rays not filiform at tip. D.,11. 22. 18. 
ALw21, U9; Py 2. 4-9 Vi, ial aCe, 9s OL Gaia 

Color grayish brown above, lighter on the sides, 
abdomen whitish ; margins of scales darker, giving 
the appearance of waving dark lines. Fins some- 
what clouded. 

M. productus is not very closely allied to any of 
the previously known species of the genus. It is 
very readily separated by the form and size and po- 
sition of the fins, the size of the scales, the form of 
the head, &e. It has, indced, in form and general 
aspect more resemblance to Merlucius albidus than 
to any other American species, but from that it is 
generically distinct. It may be very appropriately 
called Californian Whiting. 

The species appear to be by no means common 
along this coast. Only a few specimens, all taken at 
the same time, have been brought to the markets.— 
It is said to be found more abundantly further north, 
along the coast of Oregon and Washington. 

The specimens observed were from eighteen to 
twenty-four inches in length, 

It is somewhat remarkable that before the disco- 
very of this species, the little Californian. Tomcod 
(Gadus proximus, Gir.) was the only representative 
in our waters of the extensive family of the Gadidx, 
so abundant in other seas. All the larger types 
were wanting, and Merlangus productus is not with- 
out additional interest on that account. 

Sawn Francisco, July 23, 1855. 
Dr. Behr in the Chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 

From J. G. Swan, of Shoalwater Bay, W. T., spec- 

imens of Gunnellus ornatus, Gir; of Leptogunnel- — 
lus gracilis, Ayres; of a species of the Embiotocoidae, 
one of Squilla, and one of Anatifa, apparently unde- 

From Capt. Hanson, of Shoalwater Bay, a fine 
specimen of fossilized pine wood, and a fragment of 
a fossil bone, probably from the humerus of an elk. 

From Dr. A. B. Stout, a specimen of Jasper, from 
Angel Island. 

From Dr. J. N. Hume, a specimen of conglomerate 
containing marine shells, from the vicinity of Beal’s 
Bar, North Fork of the American River, 300 feet 
above the stream. 

Dr. Bebr presented a drawing of Chloropyron 
palustre, Behr. In many specimens the leaves were 
found to be entire ; bracts trifid; the minor stamens 
often with a rudiment of a second loculus, forming 
semi-sagittate anthera. 

Dr. Kellogg presented specimens of the Calycan- 
thus, or Sweet Shrub, also commonly known as Car- 
olina Allspice, accompanied by a drawing. 

C. occidentalis? In all the specimens we have 



examined the leaves are acute, not ‘‘ acuminate,” 
neither are the peduncles ‘ elongated.” Petals 

Flowers terminal. 

These shrubs, natives of N. America and Japan, 
exhale a spicy camphorated odor, and this species, 
like most of the genus, has pale purple flowers, with 

anexquisite fragrance of ripe fruit. We think it 
equally worthy of culture in our flower gardens, as 
the C. Floridus so common in the South Atlantic 

_ Avery interesting species with white flowers is 
found in theinterior. Will our friends please for- 
ward us specimens for examination, by the Pacific 
Express Co. . 

The Academy tender their thanks to Mr. A. Pea- 
body, who furnished the above from Russian River, 
in the vicinity of the Geysers. 

Dr. Kelloge presented a flowering specimen of a re- 
markable species of Malvastrum, accompanied by a 


M. sPLENDIDUM. Kellogg. 

This malvaceous tree is 15 to 20 feet high. body 
one foot in circumference, the top widely spreading, 
covered with splendid waving spikes of bright red or 
ame colored flowers, 2 or 3 feet in length, The 
icturesque beauty of this tree is unsurpassed by any 
native shrub of N. America known to us. For rural 
_Yetreats and ornamental planting, this shrub is en- 
titled to the attention of our enterprising nursery- 
men. Although the depressed state of business is 
felt in every field, yet when our gilded prospects 
from abroad fail, let us cherish our homes and add 
every new beauty to those already around us, cor- 
responding to a happy heart within, truly contented 
with its lot. The public are under obligations to Mr. 
Wm. A. Wallace, of Los Angeles, for this valuable 
contribution. It is to be regretted, however, that 
from some inadvertence Mr. W. forgot to leave us, 
as promised, a larger specimen, from which a more 
complete drawing, including the fruit, could have 
been made. 
_ Branches hoary, with a stellate pubescence, leaves 
ewhat cordate, 5-lobed, lobes acute, middle lobe 
ngest, equally serrate, teeth obtuse or rounded, 
mucronate ; petioles short, all parts stellate pubes- 
it, more hoary beneath ; peduncles axillary, ra- 
eme several flowered, short, pedicels very short, a 
ute acute bract at the base, and often on the 
ommon peduncle ; involucels 3,subulate; divisions 
of the calyx ovate, acute, mucronate, 3 to 5-nerved, 
more conspicuously stellate along the nerves on a 
ht creamy ground of short pubesence, petals obo- 
vate, border slightly open emarginate, villous at the 
junction of the claws with the column, stamens sep- 
rately branching from the top of the column ;— 
ymas capitate. Flowers an inch or more in diam- 
er, brilliant pink, arranged in long compound 
es at the extremity of the branches. 
_ Dr. K. also presented flowering specimens of the 
‘ cus chrysophyllus? or Golden Leafed Oak, 
which was figured in fruit about a year since. 

_ This timber tree is very highly esteemed for its 
pewtty It is also a tree of much symmetry and 




auty; but above all it deserves the highest enco- 

‘ums for its remarkable fragrance. It remains in 
bloom much longer than other oaks. The catkins 
are very numerous, white woolly and long like the 
chestnut. Those familiar with the fragrance of the 
River Grape (or V.riparia) of the Mississippi and oth- 
erstreams, or the wild Crab Apple, can properly ap- 


preciate the exquisite fragrance of these oak blos- 
soms ; the foliage also exhales the refreshing fra- 
grance of good tea. The acorn has a mossy cup, 
&e. It is not, however, our intention to describe it, 
but simply to invite attention to its desirableness 
for culture or transplanting. 

These specimens were brought by the Pacific Ex- 
press Co. from Marysville. It is also found at Boli- 
nas Bay in this vicinity. 

Dr. K. also exhibited a more complete figure of 
Ceanothus diversifolius, Kellogg. A specimen in 
fruit from Placerville, was shown. To the former 
description should be added, “margin of the leaves 
waved, interspersed stellate pubescent; capsule 3- 

Also a specimen and drawing of an Hypericum, or 
St. John’s Wort. 1 

Plants of this genus appear to be somewhat rare on 
the Pacific ; the plant before us is from Marysville, 
sent by Mr. E. W. Garvitt, and forwarded by the 
generous favor of the Pacific Express Co., to whom 
we owe many obligations for similar favors. 

H. practeatum. Kellogg. 

Herbaceous stem, erect, 8 to 10 inches high, sub- 
terete, glaucous, scarcely swelled at the joints, col- 
ored below (red). Leaves opposite, decussate, some- 
what fascicled by a few smaller leaves in the axils, 
approximate, sub-sessile, 3-nerved? narrowly ob- 
long, obtuse, mucronate sub-serrulate, glaucous 
above and below, punctate with black and translu- 
cent specks, 

Flowers in a dichotomous open corymb, bracts ses- 
sile, near the base of the calyx, ovate-lanceolate, 
acute sub-mucronate, margin dotted, or somewhat 
glandularly serrulate, strongly 5-nerved. Calyx 
leaves 5, broadly ovate, subulate-acute, strongly 
about 12-nerved, serrulate, black specks near the 
margin ; bractsand sepals greenish yellow. Corol- 
la persistent, petals convolute ovate ? nerved, ser- 
rulate, with minute black glands longer than the 
sepals, stamens in 3-parcels, styles 3, stigmas black, 

Dr. Kellege also exhibited a drawing and specimen 
of an Asclepias, from Marysville. [N. B.—The plant 
formerly described as Asclepias acornuta, should 
have been Acerates atropurpurea.] 

A, LonGicornis—Kellogg. 

Stem erect, woolly, 1 to 2 feet high; leaves ob- 
long ovate, sub-acute, mucronate cordate at base, on 
short petioles, (4 of an inch in length) velvety pu- 
bescent above, woolly beneath ; umbels lateral, soli- 
tary at each of the 3 or 4 upper joints, peduncles 
erect, + the length of the leaves, (1 to 14 inches long) 
12 to 14 flowered, pedicels very woolly, about an 
inch in length, a linear lanceolate persistent involu- 
cel at the base of each ; calyx segments, ovate, acute, 
glabrous within, woolly without, reflexed;? petals 
lanceolate, acute, pale purple and flesh-colored at the 
base, streaked with red lines, 8 times as long as the 
calyx ; crown purple above, white on the top, leaves 
of the crown with an elongated horn-like, sub-com- 
pressed incurved apex, also a long subulate acute 
horn from the base of the hollow centre, incurved ; 
pollen grains smooth and varnished. 

The white gummy concrete exudation found on the 
leaves of this species, has somewhat similar proper- 
ties to the common India rnbber. 

The thanks of the Academy are due to Dr. J. N. 


Hume, for this and several other plants from the in- 

Juy 30, 1855. 
Col. Ransom in the Chair. 
Dr. J. A. Veatch, of Red Bluffs, Dr. Henry Bates, 
of Shasta City, Dr. J. N. Hume, of Humboldt Bay, 
were elected Corresponding members. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, two specimens of Pituophis 
catenifer, from the Mission Dolores. 

From Dr. Behr, a species of Phelipma. 

From Dr. Kellogg, a species of Clematis, sent from 
Placerville by Mr. Garvitt. 

From Mr. Wm. A. Wallace, specimens of bark, &c. 
obtained from Los Angeles, at 38 feet below the sur- 
face, by artesian boring. 

From Col. Ransom, a collection of plants from 
Mariposa county. 

Dr. J.B. Pigne Dupuytren presented for the Libra- 
ry, 25 Nos. of ‘‘La Science,” for which the thanks of 
the Academy were voted. 

Very beautiful drawings of plants, from the interi- 
or of the State, embracing apparently several new 
species, were exhibited ; the drawings were made by 
Miss M. M. Kroh. 

Dr. Behr stated that his observations demonstrated 
that Eutainia ordinoides, B. & G., is truly a vivipa- 
rous species. The remark was confirmed by Dr. 

Avaustr 6, 1855. 

Dr. L. Lanszweert in the Chair. 

Dr. J. Eckel was elected aresident member of the 
Academy : Mr. D. E. Hough, of Alameda Co., and 
Mr. Broome Smith,{of Clear Lake, were elected Cor- 
responding Members. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, specimers of Bascanion fla- 
viventris, B. & G.and of Pituophis catenifer, B. & 
G., with descriptions, showing in what points these 
individuals differ from those first described. 

From Mr. T. J. Nevins, a specimen of the Barn 
Owl, from Alameda, 

From Dr. J. A. Veatch, of Red Bluffs, a box of 
specimens of mineral waters and deposites, which 
were referred for examination to Dr. Lauszweert. 

From Dr. Kellogg, a specimen of Pogogenia with 
a drawing, Dr. K.called the attention of the Acad- 
emy to Torrey’s Chamebatia foliosa, as being iden- 
tical with his drawing made last year. 

From Mr. Ainsa, specimens of silver and lead from 
Sonora, Mexico. 

The thanks of tne Academy were voted for the do- 

From Mr. C. H. Raymond, a specimen of gold 
from Australia. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the do- 

From Dr. John Torrey were received for the Li- 

brary, Plante Fremontianz, Observations on the 
Batis maritima, and a Report ou the Darlingtonia: 
The thanks of the Academy were voted for the do- — 
nation. » 
Dr. Ayres presented the following description ofa — 
fish representing a type, entirely new to our waters, ae 
Savkus Lucrocers —Ayres, ia 
Form elongated, nearly circular in outline antes 
riorly, hecoming somewhat compressed posteriorly. 
Greatest depth, which is at the commencement of — 
the first dorsal fin, contained about nine times in the — 
total length. Head flattened above, pointed anteri- 
orly ; its length equal to twice the depth of the 
‘Mouth very large, a line vertical to the extremi- 
ty of the superior intermaxillary passing behind the — 
orbit of the eye. Lower jaw the longer. Entire 
border of the upper jaw formed by the intermaxilla- 
ries, to which the very small maxillaries seem but ag 
appendages on their superior posterior border. oa 
Leeth numerous, sharp, very uneven (large and 
small intermixed), in both jaws, on the tongue, pal- 
atines, and inferior pharyngeals; those on the 
tongue and pharyngeals are less uneven than “— 
Eyes large, elliptical. their longitudinal diameta f 
equal to one fourth the length of thehead. Distance — 
between the eyes, equal to their own length. " 
Border of the operculum very evenly arched, Op- 
ercular apparatus entirely smooth. 
Nostrils on the upper surface of the head, nearer 
to theeye than to the snout; posterior aperture the 
Scales rather large, quite conspicuous, with their 
sides nearly parallel to each other, and the free bor- 
der of each obtusely angular. The border of inser-_ 
tion is deeply scolloped; the concentric lines very 
fine and numerous. The scales cover the entire 
body, gill-covers, and cheeks ; the top of the head, ‘ 
lower jaw, and throat are naked ; as are also the 
fins. About seventy-five scales oceupy the length — 
of the lateral! line, with eleven above it inan oblique — 
line at the origin of the first dorsal. The dateral 
line, curving at first very slightly downward, runs 
thence nearly straight to the caudal fin. 
The first dorsal fin arises at a point distant fro 
the tip of the snout, by twice the length of the head 
[ts length equals half the length of the head. It is 
trape zoidal in form, bighest ante riorly, the length 
the third ray being a little more than one eighth of | 
the length of the fish. i 
The adipose dorsal, whose beight only equals half 
the length of the eye, is separated from the caudal } 
fin by a little more than the length of the first dorsa . 
The anal fin is longer and lower than the first dor- 
sal ; its length being equal to the distance from th 
snout to the posteri ior border of the eye, and its 
sreatest height only one third the length of the ho 
It is a little higher anteriorly than ‘posteriorly 
terminates a little posterior to the plane of the adi- 
pose fin. 
The pectorals, rounded, have a height a little erea- 
ter than the length of the anal; their length is con- 
tuined in their height about three times and a half 
The ventra/s are situated rather nearer to t 
plane of origin of the first dorsal than to that of t 
pectorals. ‘hey are larger than the pectorals, th 
height being about one. alf greater. They have: 
form qnite characteristic of this group of fishes, 1] 
rays increasing in length. from without inward, s 
that the greatest height of the fin is at its inner bor- 



er. Their tips extend nearly to the termination of | 
the first dorsal. 

The caudal is concave, its height externally being 
about equal to that of the pectorals. 

Rebels) ALIS; P25; V..9;C..9.1. 8.7.1. 8: 
Color apparently a light greenish olive above and 
on the sides, with the borders of the scales darker ; 
lighter b.neath; fins unicolor; branchial membrane 
sreenish yellow. As the specimen, however, had 
been some time dried the colors may vary somewhat 
from these. 

S. lucioceps must be rare on this coast. Only a 
single specimen, six inchesin length, has yet been 
observed. It was brought to the market in company 
with the Tomcod (Gadus proximus, G ) and other 
small fishes, not having been distinguished from them 
by the fishermen. It was therefore probably taken 
in the Bay of San Francisco. 

The objectionable character of Cuvier’s name, 
Saurus, as applied to a genus of fishes, is apparent, 
and the name Lawrida, suggested by Swainson, 
would have much the preference, were it not exclu- 
ded by the rules ef priority; according to his system 
v species would be Laurida lucioceps. The specif- 
ic name is given to indicate the very close resem- 
lance which the head bears in form to that of a 
mall Pike. S.dwcioceps is more closely allied to Le 
meurs Salmo minutus than to any other knowa 

_ It may be here remarked, that a species of Saurus 
exists on our Atlantic coast, which is yet unde- 
eribed. A specimen which I obtained about ten 
years since in the Hudson River, near the residence 
of Mr. Audubon, was mislaid before a description 
could be prepared, and since that time no observer 
seems to have met with the species. It is closely al- 
lied to lucioceps. 

Avaust 13, 1855. 
Col. L. Ransom in the Chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. T.J. Nevins, specimens of the following 
eptiles, from Alameda, Pitwophis catenifer, B. & 
+; Ophibolus Boylii B. & G.: Wenona isabella, B. & 
3 and Sceloporus graciosus, B. & G. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, the skull and feet of a Gi- 
af Fulmar (Procedlaria gigantea, L.); a specimen 
fasingular variety of ELutainia ordinoides, B. & 
, and specimens of Gilia. 

om Col. Ransom, a very valuable series of geo- 
gical specimens from the Upper Mariposa and Bear 
reek Valleys. 

Mr. Geo. Thurber presented for the Library a copy 
Plantae Thurburiane. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for thedo- 

D . Kellogg presented the mature fruit of the Ri- 
es subvestitum, (Gooseberry). Thus completing 
e former figure, and adding the following to the 
ceived description : 

Fruit roundish, about 3 of an inch in length, j in 
sadth, light greenish ground, with an orange red- 
ish blush; glandular, interspersed with a few slen- 

r spines; fragrant and well flavored, but the skin 
ick and tough. 

D r. KK. presented specimens in fruit, with a draw- 
ing, of a Rubus, or Raspberry, probably new. 



R. GLauciroiius.—Kellogg. i 
Stem perennial, procumbent? armed, as well as pe- 
daucles, petioles and mid-ribs with a few short, 

eee o. rarely recurved prickles, softly pubes- 

_Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate, lateral leaflets rhom- 
bic-ovate acute, entire towards the base ; on the up- 
per stem narrower sub-acuminate, and somewhat 
cuneate; seldom lobed, coarsely, incisely and doubly 
serrate, teeth mucronate, sub-sessile ; the terminal 
one distant, ovate or obovate sub-cordate at base, 
glaucous beneath, pubescent on both surfaces, sti- 
pules setaceous, persistent. Peduncles, one to many 
flowered, commonly in axillary and terminal dense 
leafy racemes, somewhat corymbose at the summit. 
Calyx unarmed, glandularly pubescent without, short 
villous within, sepales 5 or 6, ovate, acute, mucro- 
nate, petals small, nearly the same length as the ca- 
lyx, oblong acute, claw 3 the length, white. Fruit 
small, round, red, ripens in Aug., composed of few 
grains, acine canescently villous, receptacle protu- 
berant, clavate, pleasant acid flavor. 

The Pacific Express Co. generously forwarded the 
above specimen from Placerville, from our corres- 
pondent, Mr. E, W. Garvitt. By sending as above, 
our friends will oblige us. 

Dr, K. also presented a drawing of a species of oak 
brought. by Col. L, Ransom, of U.&. Survey, from 

Quercus FULVESCENS.—Kelloge. 

Leaves evergreen, coriaceous, oblong-ovate, acute 
and sub-acuminate mucronate, entire, (or very rare- 
ly acute mucronate dentate) margin sub-revolute, 
obtuse at the base (seldom sub-cordate) fulvous be- 

Fruit sessile, clustered ; cup flat, saucer form, tur- 
binate, in general outline wheel-shaped, nearly over- 
cupping the broad wheel-shaped gland, very densely 
and thickly fulvous without, and silky villous within. 

Branchlets fuscous, the foliage dense ; a medium 
sized tree of symmetrical form; quality of timber not 


San Francrsco, Aug. 20 1855. 

Col. Ransom in the Chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, a species of Scolopendra, 
from the vicinity of the Presidio; and a singular 
tuberculated mass of recent sand conglomerate from 
the southwestern part of the city. 

From Dr. Henry Bates, a valuable series of geolo- 
gical specimens, mostly Ammonites, from the vicin- 
ity of Shasta City. 

From Col. Ransom, an interesting suite of speci- 
mens of fossils, &c., including some fine examples of 
the teeth and vertebrae of the Squalida, from the 
Colorado Desert, and from the vicinity of the Kern 

From Dr. Trask, specimens of Arbor Vite, from 
Scott Mountains, Siskiyou county, accompanying 
which were drawings of the same by Dr. Kellogg. 

Dr. Behr exhibited species of Chrysomela, brought 
from the vicinity of New Almaden, by Mr. Froebel. 
It is very destructive to Indian corn and many gar- 
den vegetables. 

From Dr. H. Sartwell was received a series of me- 

68 a 

teorological observations for 1854, made at Penn 
Vans Y 

Dr. Ayres presented the following communica- 
tion : 

The Echinodermata of the coast of California have 
hitherto received but a small share of study, and 
in asking the attention of the Academy this evening, 
to some remarks concerning them, we are soliciting 
notice to a field almost entirely untrodden. 

In numbers both of species and individuals, they 
appear scarcely to equal those of the corresponding 
latitudes of the Atlantic. Itis but just to observe 
that my own researches have already been sutlicient 
to furnish data that warrant this conclusion, though 
undoubtedly many species yet remain to be detected. 
We know that in the South Pacific, as well as on the 
Asiatic coasts of our own latitude, they are exceed- 
ingly abundant. 

The present indication, in relation to structure 
and specific characters, is that they very closely re- 
semble those of certain Atlantic types. That any 
species will be found identical with those of the Atlan- 
tic can perhaps scarcely be expected, but in some cases 
quite accurate examination will be needed to sepa- 
rate them. This is strikingly true in regard to the 
one this evening exhibited and described. It belongs 
to the genus Pentacta, (Cucumaria of Blainville, 
Forbes and others) and so nearly represents P. fron- 
dosa, Jaeg. in its general form and external charac- 
ters, that it is at once taken for that species. Dissec- 
tion and the microscope show, however, a structure 
which in certain points distinguishes it. That this 
close representation should exist, is in itself a mat- 
ter of no small interest, as bearing on the ques- 
tion of geographical distribution, since P. frondosa 
inhabits both sides of the Atlantic, being found not 
only in the seas of western and northern Europe, but 
also along the coasts of N. America, as far south at 
least as Cape Cod, being very abundant about the 
entrance of the Bay of Fundy. 

> I first obtained it several years since, my spcci- 
mens having been taken on Georges Bank. I had at 
that time no European specimens of Holothuridae 
with which to compare it, and was compelled to trust 
entirely to descriptious and figures, the most éom- 
plete and apparently reliable being those by Duben 
and Koren. Nothing could be found in these which 
indicated the type in question, either specifically or 
generically, and accordingly in a series of articles on 
the Holothuridae then in course of publication, I in- 
cluded a notice of it under the generic name Botryo- 
dactyla, calling the species B. grandis (Proc. Bost. 
S.N. H., April 16, 1851.) 

Subsequently specimens received from the distin- 
guished naturalist Sars, of Norway, with his own 
labels attached, furnished material for direct com- 
parison with true and authenticated European forms, 
and it became at once evident that Botryodactyla 
was entirely iden ical with that which bore M. Sars’ 
labelof Pentacta. But with these specimens before 
me, it seemed much less remarkable that I should 
have fallen into my previous error, than that such 
characters should have been attributed to the genus, 
especially those given by Duben and Koren. An ex- 
pression like this, ‘annulus caleareus oris gracilis 
(nec sursum nec deorsum in longiores processus pro- 
ductus),” could in no way be applied to the Norwe- 
gian types which were labelled Pentacta. Still, M. 
Sars’ judgment in regard to the verification is an 
authority which cannot be questioned, and as between 
the European and American forms no @ifference can 
be traced, even on microscopic points of structure, 

the name Botryodactyla inust be abandoned, az being | 

| yet seen only small specimens, none of them extend- 

merely an additional synonym of Pentacta ; an 
grandis is simply P. frondosa. 
Of the Pacific form, representing this, we have a 

ig much over an inch in length These, however 
are manifestly immature, and as externally they sim 
ulate in every respect specimens of the Atlantic 
frondosa, of the same size, it is reasonable to in 
that when full grown, they attain corresponding di. 
mensions with the Eastern type. They differ from 
the latter, in having the respiratory trees not 
largely developed, though entirely the same in form 
and structure, the alimentary canal much shorter 
(otherwise identical), and the perforated calearcous 
plates of the skin and of the suckers very much more 
numerous, but retaining the characteristic appear- 
ance. Itis thus manifest that the specimens found 
on this coast, vary from those of the Atlantic, notin 
any definite characters, but merely in the extent 
those which are common to both. The form and ar 
rangement of the suckers, the tentacula, the oral 
circle, and the entire organs of respiration, digestion 
and reproduction are absolutely the same in the two. 
It is deemed, therefore, for the present, more pru- 
dent to attempt no separation of the species. Adult 
specimens may at some future time show that the 
Californian type is distinct, but we will not now ineur 
the risk of adding to the already overburdened list 
of synonyms of P. frondosa. And we do this, no 
withstanding the very great improbability that any 
species of the Echinodermata possesses so wide a 
range as this claims for the Sea the 
Massachusetts fishermen call it. Ina subsequent 
paper, when speaking of the Star Fishes of this 
coast, we may have occasion to recur to this remark, 
The whole series of the Holothuride needs a thor. 
ough revision, especially in regard to generic divis- 
ions. Many ofthe names now in use are but syno-: 
nyms, and some which are perhaps good and true 
genera, are so imperfectly defined as to be of little 
practical value. Some of thése which have beer 
proposed by myself, lam now fully satisfied cannot 
be maintained. ScreropacryLa (Proc. Bost. Soe. 
Nat- Hist.. vol. 4, p. 6) is anticipated by Troschel’s 
imperfectly characterized genus ANaPerts, S. brie 
reus being only 4. carolinus. Borryopacryia has 
been already mentioned. Mr. Stimpson, in a paper | 
published in the Smithsonian Contributions, vol. 6 
considers the genus DuasMoDACTYLA proposed by me 
(loc. cit. vol. 4, p. 244), identical with Thyontdiwm 
Thisscarcely appears to me possible. ‘The d.spositio 
of the tentacula we may disregard without bringing 
the two in relation ; but the structure of the tentae: 
ula, the calcareous deposites in the tentacula and 
the other parts of the surface, the genital tubes divi-| 
ded in the one and undivided in the other, certainl 
seem like characters of generic value. Atallevents 
if any dependence can be placed on the descriptio 
by Duben & Koren, Duasmodactyla producta is ne 
“closely allied to 7". pellucidum.” Thegenus come 
much nearer to Troschel’s division Orcuda, but eat 
not be included in the latter without a modificatiol 
of the limits given by its describer. 
Species yet to be detected on this coast will, ¥ 
hope, assist in giving us a better understanding ¢ 
both specific and generic divisions. ; 

Dr. Lanszweert was elected to fill the office of e 
rator of Geology. 

San Franctsco, Aug. 27, 1854 
Col. Ransom in the Chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 
From Dr. Bebr, a specimen of the Cal. Silk” 

(Saturnia ceanothi. Behr.) 

From Dr. Lanszweert, a young specimen of Steur- 
nella ludoviciana. 

From Mr. Tallant, specimens of the formation at 
Point Bonita, some of them with the perforating 
shells inclosed. and sponges from the same locality. 

_ Dr. Behr exhibited specimens of insects from Hon- 
olulu, remarking that half of them seemed to be 
erican species, one quarter Hast Indian, and one 
quarter truly belonging to the Islands. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing of a species of 
J wniperus, brought by Col. L. Ransom, of U. 8..Sur- 
vey, from Mariposa. Thespecimens we have seen 
have neither fruit nor flowers, tut are probably the 
Virginiana or Red Cedar, known also as Savin. 

_ The leaves are merely minute scales in 4-rows ; all 
parts of the tree and wood exhale a strong aromatic 
r. The wood is one the most durable and valua- 
of any known in the U.S. It would be both 
fal and interesting if our friendsin the mines 
yould each furnish us with their observations of its 
localities, extent, &c. 

Dr. Behr presented the following description, with 
drawings, of a plant brought by Mr. Froebel from 
the lower coast. 

4 Oxysapuus Frorse.t, Behr. 

Herba tota scabra. Foliacordata, quinquenervia, 
lauco-pruinosy. Involucrum quinquefidum, quin- 
queflorum. Perigonii tubus pro genere longissimus, 
fauce vix constrictus, ex involucro exsertus. Stam- 
na quinque, inter se libera. 

- Herba, si exceperis inflorescentiam, Abroniam 
quandam simulat. Floribus pentandris, et stamini- 
bus basi in anguilum haud concretis, ab omnibus spe- 
ciebus Oxybaphi adhue cognitis satis differt, ita ut 
divisionem generis constituere possit. 

_ Flores majusculi, violacei, vespertini fugaces.— 
Planta elegans, in horto viri nobilis Belgi de Terloo 
tulta e seminibus a J. Froebel prope Warner’s 
Ranch lectis orta. Quapropter, quod speciem in ho- 
jorem et memoriam viri illustrissimi aeque de scien- 
ia ac de patria bene meriti nominaverim, et justum 
t acquum esse putavi. . 

Dr. Lanszweert presented the following report 

pon the mineral waters, &c., sent from Red Bluffs, 

hasta county, which had been referred to him at a 
mer meeting for examination : ; 

Without entering upon the subject of the medical 
lalities of these waters, I may state, as nearly every 
ne is acquainted with those of the far-famed Blue 
ek Springs of Kentucky, that these latter are sur- 
assed in every respect by those of the Shasta 
brings. Circumstances have not allowed me to 
ake an analysis comparative with that of the Blue 
ick waters, and the quantities sent by Dr. Veatch 
renot sufficient to afford a definite quantitative 
alysis, still [have ascertained that they surpass 
Sicrn Sulphurous waters in the large propor- 
ion of soluble salts they contain; and their denom- 
ation should rather be Mineral Saline Springs, 
onfirmed by the presence of Iodine, which, accord. 
- to the known analysis, is found in none of the 
ther sulphurous waters. The quantity of Iodine is 
ger or more sensible in those less impregnated 
‘ith Peeper nerons gas whose action decomposes 
trange to say, in none of the samples sent do we 
nd a sulphuretted alkaline, or a hydrosulphate in 


solution; the sulphuretted hydrogen is free, the wa- 
ter losing this gas by exposure to the atmosphere, or 
by simple boiling. 

Bottles labelled No. 1. and No. 4. contained gas’ 
from two springs; it wasin both a mixture of hy- 
drosulphuric acid and earburetted hydrogen. 

No. 2 —This water as received was clear and tran- 
sparent; smell and taste on opening the bottle ex- 
ceedingly unpleasant, the nauseous odor being simi- 
lar to that of putrefying eggs; chemical reactions 
denoting hydrosulphuric acid; after-taste very salt. 
The saline matturs, according to my analysis, were— 

Muriate, Carbonate, and Sulphate of Soda, 

Carbonate of Magnesia, 

Carbonate and Sulphate of Lime, 
the Muriate of Soda surpassing the others in quan- 
tity. Jodine also was present. 

It may not be out of place here to state the superi- 
or sensibility of pure Chloroform over that of a solu- 
tion of starch, in the search for Iodine. To two and 
a-half drachms of any liquid, containing one hun- 
dred thousandth part of its weight of Iodine of Po- 
tassium, add two drops of Nitric Acid, and fifteen to 
twenty drops of Sulphuric Acid, shake, and add 
twenty drops of Chloroform ; on agitation the Chlo- 
roform will have a very apparent violet color. We 
have thus a ready method of determining the quan- 
tity of Iodine in the different kinds of Cod Liver oil. 

By the following mode we may detect the adulte- 
ration of Chlorofurm by Ether. Pure Chloroform 
in dissolving a small quantity of Iodine, takes a” 
beautiful wo/et tint, entirely similar to that of the 
vapor of Iodine ; but if the Chloroform contains sul- 
phuric ether we find a red claret wine color, and 
sometimes a red caramel (burnt sugar) color. 

No. 3 —Water clear, yellow tinted, with the same 
smell and taste as No. 2., with which it is identical 
in chemical composition. Deposite of Sulphur on 
the bottom of the bottle, proceeding from the decom- 
position of the Hydrosulphuric gas. 

Dr. Veatch states that from this spring the largest 
quantity of gas issues. 

No. 5.—Thoa top of the water of this bottle was 
covered with a pellicle of sulphur. Smell and taste 
not so strong of hydrasulphuric gas as in Nos. 2 and 
83. Water clear and transparent. In its natural 
state, and when concentrated, it did not appear to 

“my taste more bitter than Nos. 2 and 3. Chemical 

composition the same as that of No. 2, excepting that 
it contains a remarkably large proportion of Sul- 
phuric acid. Iodine was present, as well as sulphur. 

It may be remarked that the Witro-prussiate of 

“Soda readily detects Sulphur, a drop of it communi- 

eating a beautiful purple color to the liquid which 
contains the sulphur. The presence of the latter 
may be thus demonstrated in the hair, horn, albu- 
men, &c. 

No. 6.—From aspring of salt water. Clear, tran- 
sparent ; odor slightly nauseous; hydrosulphuretted 
reaction; taste saltish ; chemical composition iden- 
tical with that of No. 2; appearance of a larger 
proportion of Iodine. 

No. 7.—Water from a well Clear, transparent, 
inodorous, taste pleasant, rather sweet, no deposite. 
Tt contains— 

Muriate, Carbonate, and Sulphate of Soda ; 

Carbonate, and Sulphate of Lime ; 

Carbonate of Magnesia ; 

Silicia ; 

No Iodine. 

No. 8.—From a very gaseousspring. Water tran- 
sparent; free from bitterness ; smell and taste less 
nauseous than in Nos. 2 and 3. Chemical composi- 

70 % My 

tion identical with that of No. 2, including the pres- 
ence of Iodine. , 
No. 9—From a salt spring. Clear, transparent, 
‘{nodorous ; predominant taste saltish, slightly bit- 
ter. Chemical composition as in No. 2, but with a 
ereater proportion of Lime and Magnesia. Iodine 
also present. 

No. 13.—“A deposite in the bottom of the little 
fountain, from which bottles Nos. 3 and 4 were taken 
—remarkable for its gelatinous consistence.” Odor 
acid, nauseous, from the presence of hydrosulphuric 
acid. The deposite has the appearance of a gelati- 
nous, grey mud. Mixed with distilled water, boiled, 
and filtered, the solution contains in very small 

Muriate, Carbonate, and Sulphate of Soda ; 

Carbonate of Magnesia ; 

Carbonate of Lime. 

The residuum is composed of— 

1—The gelatinous substance. This is nothing 
else thanan organic, azotized matter, found accord- 
ing to Longchamps, in nearly all thermal waters, 
and known under the names of Baregine, Glairine, 
Plombierine, Zoogene. It isinsoluble in water; not 
sensibly soluble in nitric, muriatic or acetic acids ; 
and very little in caustic potash. 

2.—Some vegetable detritus. 


No, 14.—Pebbles taken from the same place.— 
Their only peculiarity was a deposite of sulphur on 
some, the others appearing worn through the con- 
stant motion of the bubbling of the water. 

No. 15.—‘‘Efflorescent salts found in considerable 
abundance, on the damp mass of disintegrated rock 
in one of the ravines.’’? An amorphous mass present- 
ing the appearance of a white efflorescent salt, with 
small yellow stripes. No perceptible odor. Almost 
entirely soluble in cold water, giving by reaction— 

Muriate, Carbonate, and Sulphate of Soda ; 

Carbonate of Lime ; 

Carbonate, ard Sulphate of Magnesia, and 

Carbonate of Iron. 

No traces of Iodine, or of Potash. 

. This is the only sample in whieh the presence of 
Tron has been detected, as we have received none of 
the water from this ravine, in which Iron would cer- 
tainly be contained, and which would thus make a 
valuable addition to these springs. 

Ifa thorough analysis could be made of the wa- 
ters of the springs above described, it would perbaps 
not be impossible to find Iodine there in sufficient 
quantity to be of commerciai value. 

Still again—could conveniences for the accommo- 
dation of invalids be provided at the springs, many 
such persons would probably resort to them from 
this and other States, as the locality is easily reached 
in two days from San Francisco, by steamer and 
stage, or by the former alone. 

And lastly, if these waters could be carefully hot- 
tled at the springs, and thus forwarded, they would 
be of better and surer sale than that which is sent 
here in barrels as the Blue Lick water of Kentucky, 
which in a short time loses its gas, and the most val- 
uable of its properties. 

Serr. ,3 1855. 
Mr. L, W. Sloat in the Chair 
Mr. W. P. Blake was elected a Corresponding Mem- 

ber, and Mr. 8. W. Parker a Resident Member of tl € 
Academy. io! 

From W. B. Farwell, was received a fine specime 
of the California Vulture. ay 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the do- 
nation. 4 

Dr. Lanszweert exhibited the perfect insect and 
cocoons of the Cal. Silk Worm, together with a draw- 
ing of the Bombyx querci, now introduced into 
France, having been brought from China, It appears 
that this silk, now at the Exhibition of Industry, in 
Paris, is reported by M. Guerin Méneyille, of the So- 
cieté d’Acclimitation, to surpass that of the commor 
Silk Worm. The differences between the Chinese and 
the Californian species appear to be slight, and ours, 
if properly cultivated, may be of great value. 

—_ Supr. 10, 1855. 

Col. L. Ransom in the Chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. . 
From Dr. Lanszweert, the skull and foot of Dio 
medea fusea, from near Cape Horn. 5 
From Mr. C. D. Gibbes, of Stockton, a very inter. 
esting series of botanical specimens, from the Merced 
River. ; 
From Mr. J. E. Lawrence, samples of the water 
from the Aguas Calientes, on Warner’s Ranch, San 
Diego Co. 
The thanks of the Academy were voted for the do 
nation. . 
Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing of an Asclepias, 
believed to be 4. parviflova, from Alameda. The 
bark is fibrous and very tough, and itis one of the 
plants used by the Indians of California as a materi 
al for bowstrings, &c. It affords food for a butterfly 
common in this vicinity, D. glaweopus. " 
Dr. Ayres presented a drawing, with the followin 
description, of a new species of Cramp Fish, illus- 
trating the structure of the electrical organs by dis-_/ 
section of the specimen shown. 
Disk broad and rounded, forming more than half | 
the entire length ; tail thick, conically tapering. 
Length of the specimen described, forty-one inches: 
breadth, twenty-eight inches; length of the disk) | 
twenty-three inches; breadth, at the commencement | 
of the ventrals, ten and a half inches—at the term 
nation of the same fins, three and a half inches.— 
None of the fins or parts of the body present any- 
thing angular in their outline; all are very much 
rounded, especially the dorsals and pectorals. 
Eyes elliptical, small, their longitudinal diamete 
being about six-tenths of an inch. They are two and 
a half inches from the anterior border of the head 
and not quite twice that distance from each other 
Posterior to the eyes, and a little external to them 
are the spiracles, placed obliquely, elliptical, mo 
than an inch in length. 
Mouth tolerably large, being three inches in widt 
from one angle to the other. Teeth small, ver} 
sharp, arranged in decuésating rows, each tool 
placed ona dilated base. The patch of teeth in th 
upper jaw extends about an inch on each side of th 
median line, and is only about thrcee-tenths of a 
inch in breadth; that in the lower jaw is of ey 
less extent than this. 


’ pan irale being half the breadth across the pectoral 

The first dorsal, which is two and three-fourth 

inches in length, is very nearly coterminal with the 

ventrals. Its height is one-half greater than its 


The second dorsal is separated from the first by a 
space equal to the length of the iatter fin. It is one 
and three-fourth inches in length, its height being 
one-half greater than its length. 

_ The caudal is triangular, with its angles much 
rounded. Its height along the upper border is seven 
inches, which is twice that of the lower border. 

The skin is everywhere entirely smooth, provided 
with an abundant mucous secretion. 

_ Incolor, the fish is of a dark grayish brown above, 
thickly marked with small irregular black spots or 
blotches ; beneath white. 

_ The electrical organs occupy a space on each side, 
extending trom near the head about twelve inches 
ackward, with an average breadth of nearly four 
inches. They are narrow anteriorly, widening to- 
ward the middle of their length. They present noth- 
ing in their structure requiring special remark, as 
they agree so closely with the formation of these or- 
ans in the well-known Torpedo narke. The num- 
er of vertical cells or “‘piles’’ in the battery of each 
side is about six hundred; the length of these verti- 
cal columns is,in the thickest part, rather more 
han an inch and a half, though they become shorter 
oward the outer border; the number of transverse 
plates, where the columns are longest, is not less 
than one hundred and sixty in each, and they will 
probably average a hundred to a column throughout 
he organ ; and as eight of these plates afford at least 
an inch of surface, it is readily seen that the namber 
of square feet of snrface exposed for action in the 
double organ of the fish, is sufficient to constitute a 
galvanic battery of no inconsiderable power. ‘The 
origin and distribution of the nerves supplying these 
organs correspond with those points in 7. narke ; 
but the size of the nerves is even greater than in that 

_ 1. californica is morenearly allicd to T. veciden- 
alis, Storer, than to any other species of the genus. 
But asingle specimen of it bas yet been seen; this 
was taken in the Bay of San Francisco. It sflordsa 
very interesting addition to the fauna of California. 
Phe fishes possessing the remarkable property of giv- 
ing electric shocks, to persons and animals coming 
contact with them. have in all countries where 
y are found, very naturally attracted much atten- 
and by the ignorant have often heen regarded 
h superstitions terror. The present is the only 
es, on our Pacific coast, with which we are yet 
uainted, thus endowed. A single species, belong- 
ig to this same genus, is also found on the Atlantic 
past of the United States, of which this is a close 

Letters were read from C, C. Parry, of Davenport, 
va,and Prof. E. B. Andrews. of Marietta, Ohio, 
eknowledging their election as Corresponding Mem- 
rs; also from M. René Lenormand, of Vire, France, 
liciting exchanges in Botauy. 

Serr. 17, 1855. 
Col. Ransom, Vice President in the Chair. 

be! Donations to the C-binet. 

Prom Mr. A.C. Taylor, quills taken from a Cali- 

rnin Vulture (Cathartes californianus, Shaw) 

in the vicinity of the Red Woods of Contra 
The bird measured 135 feet scross the wings 

CAL. ACAD. NAT. 8Cl. NOV. 1666. 




The thanks of the Academy were voted for the do- 

From Dr. Trask, salts from an Artesian Well in 
Santa Clara Valley. 

From Mr. E, J. Loomis, of Contra Costa, a speci- 
men of crystallized Carbonate of Lime. found in the 
bills northeast of Alameda. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for these 

Dr. Kellogg presented a drawing of a species of 
Castanea, or California Evergreen Chestnut. 


This species of chestnut is found pr etty generally 
distributed throughout the State, mostly in elevated 
loealities. It has been found 6000 feet above the 
level of the sea. It is only a small shrub, similar to 
the Chinquapin Chestnut, or C. pumila, L., of the 
South Atlantic States. The fruit is small, with a 
tough testa, somewhat triangular shaped, usually, 
if not always, one in each burr. The flavor of the 
fruitis pleasant. It is chiefly interesting, however, 
as an evergreen, and as correcting a current error 
which has denied to California any species ot the 
Chestnut. The specimen was presented by Col. L. 
Ransom, of the U. S, Survey, from the vicinity of Ma- 

Dr. K. also exhibited a drawing of a species of Oak, 
so far as we can learn, undescribed. 


Leaves oblong-ovate, acute, mucronate, coarsely 
mucronate-serrate teeth spread, callous at the poirts, 
obtuse or entire at the base or lower half. 

Glancous and somewhat fuscoid along the veins 
bencath ; petioles fulvous. 

Gland large, oblong, somewhat swelled, cupsaucer- 
shaped, velvety fuscous, euclosing about one-fifth of 
the gland, acorn 1% inch long, about an inchin 
breadth, sessile. 

The general appearance of the tree suggests its 
close affinity with several species of the Chestnut 

Dr. K. also presented a drawing of a species of Ribes 
in fruit, from Mariposa, furnished by Col. L. Ransom. 

This species appears to be the common R. Menziesii. 
The fruit was unusually large; it would be interes- 
ting to obtain specimens also in the flowering state. 

Sepr. 24, 1855. 

Dr. Randall in the chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. E. ©. Gibbes, an animal from the vicini- 
ty of the “Great Trees,” Calaveras county. Itis a 
species of Marmot, perhaps undescribed, but the 
specimen is too imperfect for a close comparison.— 
Better specimens will probably soon reach us, as the 
species is quite common in that portion of the State. 
The miners call it Mammoth Mole. 

From Col. Ransom. a remarkable specimen of slate 
from Mariposa county. The strata from which this 
was taken arencarly vertical, about four miles in 
thickness. Also, a specimen of Selenite, from the 
Monte Diabolo range, about thirty miles south-east 
of Pacheco’s Pass. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, a Flying Fish, Bwocetus 

fasciatus, Le Sueur, from the Pacific Ocean, lat, 30° 

06’ N., long. 118° 02’ W.; and the pectoral fins of E. Nostriis almost terminal. They are situated in — 

volitaus, Bl., from the Atlantic. 
Dr. Eckel presented, for the library, a copy of 
Knapp’s Chemical Technology. 

Oct. 1, 1855. 

Col. Ransom in the chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet} 

From Mr. D. E. Hough, of Oakland, a specimen of 
the Barn Owl (S. pratineola), and one of the Gopher 
Snake (Pitwophis catenifer). 

From Col. L. Ransom, a series of specimens of Ja- 
panese manufacture. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, a specimen belonging to the 
genus Leucosticte. 

From Dr. H. Behr, insects of the genus Myrmeleon. 

San Francisco, Oct, 8th, 1855. 

Dr, Randall in the Chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. Hough, of Oakland, a specimen of Rat- 
tlesnake (Crotalus,) and one of Eutainia ordinoides; 
also, one of Nuttall’s Whippoorwill (C. WVuttallit 

From Dr. Gibelin Du Py, two skulls of Albatrosses, 
D. exulans, L. and D, chlororynchus, Gm., from 
the vicinity of Cape Horn; for which the thanks of 
the Academy were voted. 

From Dr. Ayres, two skulls of the Violet Green 
Cormorant (P. resplendens, Jud.) and one of the 
Western Gull (“. occidentalis, Aud.) from the Far- 
rallon Islands. 

From Dr. Lansweert, specimens of Diadophis 
amabilis, Ophibolus Boylii, and Pituophis cate- 
nifer, from this vicinity. 

Mr. J. B. Russell presented for the Library, Swain- 
son’s Natural History and Classification of Birds, 
two volumes. Mr. Russell also deposited a New 
Zealand Axe, made of an extremely hard serpentine 

Dr. Wm, O. Ayres exhibited a specimen of a Shark, 

of a new generic type, with the following description : 
NorokyNcuus MAcULATUS—Ayres. 

Form much elongated, depressed anteriorly, then 
rounded, compressed posteriorly. Head broad, flat- 
tened above; snout widely rounded, yet having a 
somewhat salient projection in the median line with 
a shallow emargination on each side, corresponding 
to the situation of the nostrils. Greatest depth about 
one eighth the total length ; depth of the head, at the 
eyes, a little more than half the greatest depth, which 
latter is equal to the breadth of the head at the line 
of the spiracles. 

Branchial apertures seven on each side, quite large, 
the posterior one situated just anterior to the base of 
the pectoral fin. They are of such size as to be very 
manifest when the fish is viewed from either the dor- 
sal or the ventral surface ; the anterior ones equal 
about one-third the depth of the head at the eyes. 

Spiracles small, nearly equi-distant from the eyes 
andl the branchial apertures, being a little nearer the 
median line than the eyes are. Their diameter is not 
more than one-sixth of that of the eye. 

the emargination of the anterior border of the snout, — 
but placed so much beneath as not to be visible, — 
viewing from above. Hach nostril is double, as in 
ordinary osseous fishes, the two apertures being sepa- _ 
rated by a strong transverse septum. Each aperture — 
is oval, somewhat larger than the spiracles; the an- 
terior aperture has a slight lobule on its axtero-pos- 
terior border. : 
Mouth very large, occupying the entire breadth of — 
the inferior surface of the head ; its anterior border — 
a little in advance of the anterior line of the eye, the — 
distance when the jaws are closed being equal from — 
this point to the tip of the snout and to the posterior — 
angle of the mouth. Teeth of the lower jaw large, — 
few. (about seven or eight on each side of the median 
line,) flat, arcuated and very coarsely serrated on — 
the cutting edge, the serrations pointing outward. 
This row of teeth, behind which as usual lie other 
rows concealed, forms a line almost like the continu- 
ous edge of a knife. The teeth of the upper jaw are — 
about equal in number to those of the lower, but of — 
different form. ‘Those of the centre are narrow, 
acute, without denticles at the base but with minute — 
teeth anterior to them ; those next exterior are a lit- 
tle broader at the base, with denticles, exterior to 
these they become broadly triangular, the inner bor- 
der entirely smooth but with its line continued so as 
to form a very sharp point directed outward, below 
which are one or two other serrations on the outer 
border ; the external teeth of all approach in form 
those of the lower jaw. 
A lateral line can be traced with entire distinct- 
ness, extending from the head nearly to the tip of the 
tail, at first along the upper portion of the side, then 
becoming lower, until along the tail it is below the 
The eyes ave on the side of the head, elliptical, dis- 
tant from the tip of the s. out, not quite three times 
their own longitudinal diameter. 
The dorsal jin is single. It arises a little nearer to 
the snout than to the tip of the tail. Itisrhomboidal, 
its height anteriorly (which is somewhat greater 
than its length) being about three fourths of the 
grentest depth of the fish, The posterior border is — 
not closely applied to the brick, asin many sharks, 
but rises obliquely as in most osseous fishes. The 
upper border is concave 
The pectoral fins are rhomboidal, broad, their 
height anteriorly equal to the depth of the fish, and — 
not quite equal to the distance of their origin from 
the tip of the snout, ‘ . 
The ventral fins terminate on the plane of the com- — 
mencement of the dorsal, which fin they equal in 
The anal fin, which is small, arises just anterior — 
to the termination of the dorsal. 
The tail is very long, more than one-third the 
length of the fish, slender, its separation from the 
back marked by a decided though not deep depres- — 
sion. ‘fhe fin is almost wholly beneath, a very small — 
continuation of it around the last vertebrm being 
discernible. Ttis highest in front, not quite equal-— 
ling the height of the dorsal, becomes gradually low-_ 
er,and a short distance anterior to its termination — 
rises again, forming a distinet triangular lobe. 
Color dark bluish gray above, with numerous, © 
gmall, irregular black blotches; lighter beneath... 

The Shark here described presents certainly a very 
singular grouping of characters. The only genus 
with which itean be compared is Cuvier’s Votidanus, — 
previously separated by Rafinesque under the me) 
Heptranchias, both founded on Lacepede’s Squalu 

cinereus. With this our type agrees in the remar 


q 13 

able features of a single dorsal fin, and séven bran- 
chial apertures. But in Votidanus the teeth of both 
jaws are represented as similar in form, and the muz- 
zle pointed, the existence of spiracles being asserted 
by the one author and denied by the other. We 
havealso in our fish the tail almost as much elonga- 
ted asin 4/epias. It seems therefore to represent a 
new generic division, for which we propose the name 
sg Nororyncuts.—Ayres. 
_ Dorsal fin single. Branchial apertures seven on 
ach side. Spiracles two. Nostrils double, subter- 

vinal. Snout broad, depressed. Tail much elon- 
gated, with the fin beneath. Teethin several rows ; 
se of the lower jaw flattened, arched, serrated ; 
se of the upper jaw of diverse forms, the middle 
s slender, the outer ones approximating those of 
2 lower jaw in form. 
NN. maculatus is apparently not uncommon 
the Bay of San Francisco, at certain seasons 
if the year; we have not yet the means of ascertain- 
ng its migrations. It is taken, during the summer, 
y the Chinese fishermen, at their station below 
incon Point, in no small quantities. But as sharks 
ank high with them in the scale of edible fishes, we 
have never been able to obtain from them a complete 
pecimen. We have repeatedly watched their nets 
they brought them on shore, but unfortunately at 
those times none of these fishes were taken, though 
le remains on the beach showed that numbers had 
ecently been caught. The specimen described is the 
nly complete one yet seen. It was obtained through 
he kindness of Dr. Lanszweert. It is twenty-three 
inches in length ; but the remains of those taken by 
the Chinamen indicate that the species attains a 
length of at least six or seven feet. The develope- 
‘ment of the tail,as well as of the mouth and teeth, 
render it probable that this shark is one of great ra- 
pacity and quickness of motion. 

N. B.--Since the above description was printed, 
the jaws of a specimen caught in Santa Barbara 
Shannel, were received from Mr. J. M. Alden, of the 

U.S. schooner Ewing. The fish was 5 ft. in length. 


San Francisco, Oct. 15, 1855, 
Col L. Ransom in the chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Dr. J. G. Cooper, specimens of recent lignite, 
and petrified wood, from the tertiary sandstone of 
he coast of Washington Territory; a cone of Abies 
Menziesii, ‘Black Spruce of Oregon ; and specimens 
the genera, Patella, Helix, Melania, Littorina. 
pura, Venus, Cytherea, Cardium, Tellina, My- 

. Cooper also exhibited a very interesting series 
f plants from W. T. 

From Mr. J. Palache, the nest of a Tarantula, and 
fo fossil teeth, from Murphy’s, Calaveras Co. 
From Lieut. W. P. Trowbridge, specimens of the 
enera Seiurus, Veotoma, Mus, & Sorex, and a 
es of Hawk, from Astoria, O. T.; he also exhibited 

a pecimen of Aplodontia leporina from Astoria, one 

From Dr. J. N. Hume, a valuable suite of Minera- 
logical and Geological specimens from Wisconsin 
Hill, Placer Co., and Bureka, Sierra Co. 

Dr. D. H. Storer, of Boston, presented a copy of 

his History of the Fishes of Massachusetts, so far as 
yet published. 

San Francisco, Oct. 22, 1855. 

Dr. A. Randall, President, in the chair. 

Mr James Palache, of Murphy’s, Calaveras Co., Cal. 
and Dr. James G, Cooper of New York, were elected 
Corresponding Members. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Col L. Ransom, a large number of Geologi- 
cal and Mineralogical specimens, found chiefly in the 
vicinity of Monte Diabolo. 

From Dr. J. G. Cooper, a species of Helix from 
Washington Territory. 

From Dr. Randall, a fine specimen of crystallized 
Sulphuret of Iron imbedded in Talcose Slate, from a 
ledge near Placerville, through which a quartz lead 

From Mr. J. F. Pinkham, specimens of crystallized 
hornblende, found near the highest summit of the 
Santa Cruz Mts; also Sulphuret of Lead from near 
Sanja Cruz. 

From Mr. McDonald, of the head of Napa Valley, 
specimens of Travertine and crystallized deposits 
from the ‘‘Geysers.’’ 

From Judge Bailey, a nest of Hiruwndo americana 
with eggs and young, found ona ledge upon the 
coast of San Francisco Bay. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, a specimen of Pyrocephalus 
rubineus, Boddaert; also, of Planorbis opercularis, 
Gould, from San Mateo Creek; also, of Pollicipes 
rubra, Leach, from San Francisco Bay. 

Dr. Lanszweert presented the following analysis 
of a deposit from an artesian well in Santa Clara 
valley, ‘resembling a white cfflorescent salt’’: 

No perceptible odor ; 

Taste saltish. 

Mixed with distilled water, boiled and filtered, 
chemical reactions show the presence of 

Carbonate of Magnesia......... 3.742 grains. 
Muriate of Soda.......... ieairis J a0 alee 

Carbonate of Soda............. 12.364 4G 
Sulphate of Lime.............. Nall Gilead 
Carbonate of Lime............. 4.125... 
DIUIC Sn Sata st conte eed ee tera 128.476 * 
Organic detritus....% «.nc.wdel « 58.026 * 
Quantity used............. .,..250.000 grains. 

Sawn Franorsco, Oct. 29, 1855. 
Col. L. Ransom in the chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Capt. Worth, geological specimens from 
Matsmai, (Japan,) also specimens of Wild Cotton, 
and the prepared fibres of a species of grass, admira- 
bly adapted to the manufacture of cordage, from the 
Ladrone Islands. The thanks of the Academy were 
yoted for the donation. 

From Mr. Swan, specimens of shells, and the skull 
of a Phocaena, from Japan. 

From Lieut. E. S. Stone, of the U.S. Coast Survey, 
specimens of shells from the Santa Barbara Channel. 

From Col. Ransom, a large specimen of Crystal- 
lized Salt, found forty miles N. E. of the Tejon Pass ; 
specimens of the rock formation of Point St. Quentin ; 
rattles from species of Crotalus, killed near Kern 

From Mr. D. E. Hough, of Oakland. a specimen of 
Cooper’s Hawk. 

From Mr. Isaac Lea, of Philadelphia, were received 
the following volumes of his works, for the Library : 
Contributions to Geology ; Description of a new 
Mollusk from the Red Sandstone; Rectification of 
Conrad’s Synopsis of the Naiades; Notice of the 
Death of R. C. Taylor ; Fossil Footmarks in the Red 
Sandstone o! Pottsville; Description of new species 
of Colimacea ; Notice of an Oolitic Formation in 
America, with descriptions of its organic remains ; 
On a Fossil Saurian of the New Red Sandstone of 
Pennsylvania, and an account of Fossil Mollusks in 
the Carboniferous Slates ; Synopsis of the Family of 
the Naiades ; Description of a new species of genus 
Unio ; Description of new Fossil Shells, from the 
Tertiary of Petersburg. Va.; Observations on the ge- 
nus Unio. 

Dr. Ayres offered the following remarks concern- 
ing a collection of fishes made by Lieut W. P. 
Trowbridge, at or near Cape Flattery, W. T. 

The species were gathered at random, and may 
therefore be considered as representing, in their de- 
gree, the entire series of species occurring at that lo- 
cality. They are thus valuable illustrations of the 
geographical distributions of types on this cuast.— 
The collection comprises the forms here mentioned : 
Leptocotius armatus, Gir. Sebastes rosaceus, Gir. 
var. parvus, Ayres. Sebastes variabilis? Cuv. Oph- 
iodon elongatus. Gir. Gasterosteus plebeius, Gir 
Salmo rivularis. Ayres. Clupea mirabilis, Gir. Ga- 
dus proximus. Gir. and Chimaera Colliaei, Gray. 
Every one of these species is identical with those oc 
curring in our own immediate vicinity. The only 
additional type in the collection is an .dmmodytes. 
Of this we have not as yet found any representative 
in California. The species is so closely allied to the 
European 4. tobianus, that it is difficult to detect 
any features which may separate it. The points, in 
consideration of which .2. dmericanus was removed 
from tobianus, are here, in the Pacific type, complete- 
ty restored to their European form ; and though their 
wide removal from each other in habitat is of course 
a strong argument against their specific identity. it 
is not of itself conclusive. 

It may be stated in this connection, that a species 
of Pelamys has recently been brought to our mar 
kets, which is without question the P. sarda. The 
closest examination fails to distinguish it from the 
Atlantic forin. Previous to this time we had no pos- 
itive knowledge of any fish in the low latitudes which 
inhabits our waters and those of the Atlantic. 

San Francisco, Nov 5, 1855 
Col. Ransom in the Chair. 
Mr. Wm. Stimpson of Boston, Mass., Mr. Norris 

W. Palmer ot Alameda, and M. René Lenormand ¢ 
Vire, France, were elected corresponding members: 
Mr. D. E. Hough of Oakland, presented a specimer 


of Cooper’s Hawk. 
Dr. Ruschenberger presented, for the Hiteieat Y 
catalogue of Medical and Surgical Works, publishe ed 
by Blanchard & Lea. _ 
Letters were read from Mr. Isaac Lea, Dr. Wm. 
Darlington, and Mr. Joseph Delafield; acknowle dg. 
ing their election as Honorary Members of the Acad: 

Nov. 12, 1855. — 
Dr. Randall in the Chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Dr. Randall, Geological specimens illustra- 
ting the infusorial beds near Monterey. 
From Maj. H. P. Heitzelmann, specimens of Chest. 
nuts from Cape Mendocino, the fruit of a tree sixty 
to eighty feet high, and one to two feet in diameter. 
Dr. Lanszweert presented the following communi- 
cation : 
An article which appeared in the Evening Bulle- 
tin of Nov. 10, on the means of preventing smut in 
wheat, seems to render appropriate the publication 
of the following recipes, which have been used for 
that purpose with entire success for nearly a centu- 
ry. Having been first employed by one of my ances- 
tors, they have since been introduced in various parts 
of France and Germany, and are now constantly used 
No: 1. 
Take of arsenic, and lime in powder, each two 
pounds; boil with sufficient water to make a thin 
paste; when cold, macerate in this the seed wheat 
about twelve hours, and then dry it as usual. The 
quantity given is sufficient for five bushels of wheat. 
No. 2 

Take one pound of the arsenic and lime, as sii xed 
in No. 1, add one pound of green vitriol or bine stone ; 
mix and boil; use as above. 

No. 3. 

Dissolve of nitrate of silver 72 grains, of common 
salt and cream of tartar each 154 grains; use as 
above for one bushel of wheat. 

No 4. 

Take of lime in powder, and sulphate of iron, each 

one pound ; mix and use as in No. 1. 

Nov. 19, 1855. 
Col. Ransom in the Chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 
From Mr. Joshua E. Clayton of Mariposa, a num- 
ber of specimens of seeds, gathered near the head 
waters of the Mariposa, Fresno and Merced Rivers, 
one species being known in that vicinity as the Fres- 
no Wheat. Also a suite of specimens of the granite 
rocks of the Yo Hamite Valley. 
From Mr. H. G. Bloomer, a cone of the Taxodé 
Mr. Bloomer was appointed a Committee to fur- 
nish to H. P. Partwell, of Penn Yan, N. Y., a suite o 
the seeds of grasses and other plants from our Ca binet. 

San Francisco, Nov. 26, 1855. 
Col. L. Ransom in the Chair. 
Mr. Joshua B. Clayton was elected a corresponding 
Member of the Academy. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. Clayton, two specimens of Volcanic 
Glass from Clear Lake, and leaves of the Long Leaf 

1 ee eee ; 

From,Mr. Bloomer, several hundred specimens of 
California plants. 

Lieut. M. F. Maury presented for the Library, 
_ Lynch’s Expedition to the Dead Sea, and one volume 
of Washington Astronomical Observations. 
Letters were read from M. F. Maury, of Washing- 
ton, D. C., and James Palache, of Calaveras Co., Cal- 
- ifornia. 
Dec. 3, 1855. 
Dr. Lanszweert in the Chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 

_ From Mr. N. W. Palmer, of Alameda, a specimen 
of Buteo borealis, and one of Strix pratincola. 
_ From Mr. W. D. Sleeper, of Columbia, Cal., a spec- 
imen of the substance mined at Table Mountain, Tu- 
_ olumne Co., known by the miners there as “soap.”’— 
_ It was referred to Dr. Lanszweert for examination. 
j _, From Mr. A. G. Branda, a specimen of Orthago- 

riscus, from the Santa Barbara channel. It is un- 
-doubtedly of a new species. 
: Donations to the Library. 

_ From Dr. J. C. Warren, of Boston, Mass., a copy of 
his work on the Mastodon. 
Vad From the Pottsville Scientific Association. a copy 
_ of their Bulletin for Jan. and Feb., 1855. 
_ he thanks of the Academy were voted for the do- 

nations recorded above. 

A letter was read from Mr. Charles Girard, of the 
Smithsonian Institution, acknowledging the notice of 
his election as an Honorary Member of the Academy. 
Mr. Bloomer and Dr. Lanszweert were appointed 
a Committee to furnish specimens to Dr. Sartwell, of 
Pénn Yaa, N. Y., and M. René Lenormand, of Vire, 

ae San Frawnorsco, Dec. 10,1855. 
Gol. Ransom in the Chair. 

« ‘Donations to the Cabinet. 

_ From Dr. Badarous, a beautiful specimen of Cot- 
ton, from Lower California ; also, a specimen of Hip- 
pocampus, from Rio Janeiro. 

_ From Mr. Rudolfson, of Sonora, specimens of pet- 
rified wood, shells, clay, &c., from Table Mountain- 
From Dr. J.T. Hyde, a specimen of Tetraodon 




po, 2000 feet above the sea. This shell is 12 inches 
long, 6 inches wide, and 4% inches in thickness, and 
said to be much smaller that many which have been 
found in the same range. 

From Dr. Newberry, two very important groups of 
fossil shells. They were obtained by him near Point 
Pinole, San Pablo Bay. They were taken from two 
separate strata in the sandstone, which is identical 
with that of this city, and are of especial value, since 
they determine beyond question the Tertiary charac- 
ter of the extensive group known as San Francisco 
Sandstone. The shells are species of Pecten and 
Ostraea. } 

The December number of the Pioneer was received 
for the Library. 

Dec. 17, 1855. 

Col. Ransom in the Chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Col, Ransom, two nests of the Tarantula ; 
also, alkaline incrustations from the plains near 
Kern Lake ; also, volcanic deposites from near Yre- 

From Dr. Eckel, a very curious capsule, with the 
seeds, from Nicaragua. 

From Mr. W. H. Brooks, a specimen of Lactophrys, 

from the Sandwich Islands. 

Dec. 24, 1855. 
Col. Ransom in the Chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 
From Mr. Wm. Burling, specimens from the vicin- 

ity of Sitka, comprising fossil shells, the skin of a 
seal, skeletons of Cygnus buccinator, Lutra cana- 
densis, Phalaropus, Sciurus, Putorius erm eus, 
with the skull of a Polar Bear, and a specimen of 
Diomedea exulans. The skeletons were prepared by 
the Indians, and are in most admirable condition. 

From Mr. C. Leonard, an abnormal specimen of 

the Lizard so common in this vicinity, Sceloporus 

From Dr. J. G. Cooper was received a copy of 

Gray’s Botany of the Northern United States. 

Letters were received from R. D. Cutts, Esq., 

Washington, D. C., and Dr. Charles Pickering, 
of Boston. 

A communication was read from W. P. Blake, of 

Washington, D.C., giving an abstract of his paper 
'yead before the Am. Association for the Advancement 
of Science, at its last meeting, on the age of the San 
Francisco Sandstone, also observations on the pine 
‘sugar or mannite of California. 

Dr. Ayres presented the following communication; 
In the early part of August, 1854, descriptions 

were rend by me before the Academy, of two species 
of fish, which were arranged with hesitation under 

the genus Hemilepidotus, but those descriptions were 
never published, as the Academy had not then com- 
‘menced issuing its proceedings. Shortly afterward, 
Mr. Girard presented to the Philadelphia Academy of 
‘Nattral Sciences, a paper in which was contained a 
description of one of these species; he called it Scor- 

‘Phe thanks of the “Academy were voted for the 
jove donations. agree: 
From Col. Ransom, a group of fossil shells from 
the /hills east of San Jose Mission; also, a fossil Os- 

#, trom the moantain range east of San Luis Obis- 



penichthys lateralis. But inasmuch as it appears 
of quite distinct generic form from the spevies which 
is the type of his genus Scorpenichthys (S.marmo- 
ratus, very common in our markets), and since the 
second of my species has not been published at all, 
it is judged best in this communication to attempt a 
correct exposition of the two. 

They are manifestly very closely allied to Hemil- 
epidotus, with which genus one of them migbt in 
fact be classed without any great violence, though 
to include both, the generic characters as given by 
Cuvier must be much modified. With Scorpenich- 
thys their affinity scems less intimate, and a generic 
identity not admissible. In Mr. Girard’s description 
of that genus, as published in the proceedings of the 
Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., (vol. 7, p 181,) the characteris 
given, ‘‘Skin smooth, without either scales or plates” 
though in a copy of his paper sent to the Cal. Acade- 
my a manuscript alteration has been made. so as to 
read ‘Skin either smooth, or provided with scales.” 
But even allowing this, we find the jaws not equal, 
the gill-openings continuous in one and not in the 
other, the dorsals distinct in the one and much less 
so in the other, and the spinous dorsal lower than 
the soft in both. 

The character, however, which appears of greatest 
value, is derived from the scales. These are very 
peculiar, having an hour-glass form, doubly concave, 
with a depth (corresponding to the thickness of or- 
dinary scales) nearly equal to their transverse di- 
ameter. The external concavity is free, looking up- 
ward and backward, its border being strongly cilia- 
ted. They are of the same structure in both species, 
and their remarkable formation argues strongly in 
favor of generic identity. We have no means of 
knowing the character of the “scales” in the Kam- 
schatkan species on which Cuvier founded his genus 
Hemilepidotus, but it is perhaps scarcely possible 
that an observer so accurate as the distinguished 
French naturalist should have overlooked a struc- 
ture so singular. Should it however be shown that 
in H. tilesii we have the same feature, it would then 
be necessary to modify the characters of Hemilepi- 
dotus so far as to include our Californian types. 

Until this can be done we may place them as the 
representatives of a new generic group, with the fol- 
lowing definition. 


Head with bony plates ; somewhat spinous, espe- 
cially on the gill-covers. Teeth fine and crowded, 
in the jaws and on the vomer, palatines, and pharyn- 
geals. Spinous and soft dorsal more or less com- 
pletely separated. Breadth of the head greater than 
its height. Sides of the body, and sometimes the 
head, with patches of doubly concave, ciliate scales, 
alternating with spaces of smooth skin. Loose mem- 
branous flaps on various parts of the head. 

Of this genus we know at present two species. 


Head large; body tapering, rounded anteriorly, 
becoming compressed posteriorly. Length of the 
head a little less than one-third of the entire length, 
being equal to twice the depth of the head. 

Eyes large, nearly circular, their diameter con- 
tained about four times in the length of the side of 
the head; the distance between them less than half 
their own diameter ; orbits elevated, leaving a deep 
depression in the interocular space. 

Nasal spines strong and prominent. Various ele- 
vations, scarcely to be called spines, on the top of 
the head back of the orbits. On the border of the 
preoperculum commonly three strong spines directed 
backward (the upper two being each about equal in 
length to the interocular breadth) and one at the in- 

ferior angle looking downward and forward. A. 
cealed spine at the superior and the inferior angl 
the operculum. A humeral and a scapular spine 
may also be traced, though not well marked. 
A membranous flap, with a height as great as that 
of the nasal spines, on the superior posterior border 
of the orbit ; another on the preoperculum ; anoth- 
er, not so large, at the tip of the superior maxillary ;_ 
a pair also at the symphysis of the lower jaw. In 
addition to these, many of the tubes forming the lat- 
eral line, as well as others on the head, are prolonged 
by a free membranous extremity. a 
Scales arranged in three longitudinal bands on 
each side. The first runs nearly parallel with the 
base of the dorsal fin, being separated from it by a 
stripe of smooth skin. It is connected with its fel- 
low of the opposite side by a broad band in front of 
the dorsal fin; and has a breadth of five or six rows 
of scales anteriorly, becoming narrower posteriorly. 
The second is very narrow, and indicates the course 
of the lateral line, which it follows in its entire 
length. It curves at first gently downward, and 
then runs nearly straight. Anteriorly it has but a — 
single row of scales, in the middle it has two or per- — 
haps three, and posteriorly again becomes narrower. — 
The space of smooth skin between it and the first — 
band is broadest at about the middle of the body, — 
where it equals in width the upper band. The third 
is separated from the second by a very narrowstripe ~ 
indeed. Its greatest breadth, near the middle of the - 
length, is about equal to that of the first band. All 
of the bands extend to the caudal fin; the head is — 
entirely destitute of scales. 
Lower jaws shorter than the upper ; gape of the 
mouth of such extent that a line vertical to the an- 
gle of the maxillary passes near the posterior border 
of the pupil. 
Gill openings not continuous. 
Dorsal fin single, a depression separating the spi- 
nous from the soft portion, but not so as to formtwo — 
fins. The spinous portion, arising a short distance © 
from the back ofthe head, isin length about equal — 
to the distance from the tip of the snout to the bor- — 
der of the preoperculum, being about two thirds of 
the length of the soft portion. It is highest at the 
fourth and fifth spines, the height thence diminishing 
so that the last ray only about half equals the high- ~ 
est. The softrays rise at once to a height rather 
than that of any of the spinous rays. The soft por- 
tion of the fin extends almost to the base of the cau- 
dal, increasing somewhat in height as it advances, 
and again decreasing; its height is thus about half 
greater than that of the spinous part, being a little 
less than one-seventh of the length of the fish. 
The anal, very similar to the soft dorsal in form 
and height, is shorter, arising opposite its fourth or 
fifth ray, and terminating as many rays in advance 
of the other. , 
The pectorals, of cottoid form, with the lower rays 
free at their tips, have a height nearly equalling 
one-fourth the length of the fish; their length is 
about half their height. 
The ventra/s are opposite the middle of the base 
of the pectorals, which they nearly equal in height. 
The caudal is slightly rounded, its height equalling 
that of the ventrals. f 
D. 11-19; A. 16; P.17; V.1-4; C. 
In color this species iscommonly of a dark red- 
dish brown, with darker irregular bands and blotch- 
es, the bands assuming something more of regularity 
on the soft dorsal, pectoral, and caudal fins. ae 
C. spinosus occurs in the Bay of San Francisco, 
but itis not common. Specimens are occasionally 
brought in by the fishermen with the other sculpins, 
They seldom exceed seven inches in length. aa 

(Syn. Scorpenichthys lateralis, Gir.) 

As this species has been already described by Mr. 
Girard (doc. cit.) a detailed account of it here is not 
needed. It has the scales in a single band on each 
side, corresponding in some degree with the first band 
of the spinosus, but less regular, and not connected 
in the same manner in front of the dorsal fin; small, 
scattered scales are found also on the head. The 
head is less spinous, though the upper spine of the 
preoperculum is stronger and branched. The divis- 
ion of the spinous and soft dorsal is so complete, that 
they may be called two fins, though contiguous.— 
The membranous flaps of the head are extremely 
small; one at the superior posterior border of the 
orbit, and one at the extremity of the maxillary, 
both very difficult to detect in alcoholic specimens ; 
none at the symphysis of the lower jaw. The eye is 
decidedly smaller than in spinosus. The gill-open- 
ings are continuous. 

C. lateralis is perhaps a little more common in the 
Bay of San Francisco than C. spinosus, which it 
about equals in size. Mr. Girard’s specimens were 
collected at Monterey and San Luis Obispo. 

San Francisco, Dee. 31, 1855. 
Col. Ransom ia the Chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 
From Mr. Burton Fales, of Springfield, Tuolumne 
Co., a fossil jaw of a young Mastodon, with frag- 


ments of other bones apparently from an an adult 
specimen of the same species. 

From M. Chevalier, two specimens of the Marsh 
Hawk, (Circus cyaneus) from the Mission Dolores. 

From Dr. Holden, of Stockton, a fine specimen of 
the Paysano (Geococcyx viaticus). Tbe thanks of 
the Academy were voted for the above donations. 

From Mr. C. D. Gibbs, two specimens of Dipodo- 
mys or Kangaroo Rat, and one of Spermophilus 
lineatus or Ground Squirrel, from Tulare Co. 

Two fossil Mastodon teeth were received on loan 
from Mr. Nathaniel Fales, of Springfield, Tuolumne 
Co., that casts of them might be made for the Cabi- 
net of the Academy. 

Donations to the Library. 

From Prof. A. D. Bache, the Coast Survey Report 
for 1853. 

From Mr. C. Girard, a copy of his descriptions of 
many new Fishes from the Pacific Coast. 

From Mr. William Schmolz, Optician, of this city, 
was received a set a of Meteorological Instruments, 
consisting of Bunten’s Syphon Barometer, Thermo- 
metrograph, Wet Bulb Hygrometer, and Rain Gauge. 
The thanks of the Academy were voted to Mr? S. 
for his vory valuable donation. 



| aka 


es a a ne 

eS le 

Gol. L. Ransom, 
‘Dr. J.N. Eckel, 2a 




VOL. 1.—Parr 2p. 


San Francisco, Jan. 7, 1856. 
Col. L. Ransom in the Chair. 
The reports of the Curators, Librarian and Treas- 
-urer were accepted, and placed on file. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 
From Capt. J. W. Russell, specimens of Mollusca 
and Echinodermata, from Neotka Sound. Articles 

of Indian manufacture, from the Makaar tribe, at 

Cape Flattery, were deposited. 

From Dr. Behr, two specimens of WV enona isabella, 
from Contra Costa. 

From Col. Ransom, a species of Cytheraea. 

The following officers were elected for the year 

Dr. A. Kellogg, ist, Vice President, ( Trustees. 

Edward Bosqui, Treasurer, 

Dr. W. O. Ayres, Cor. Secretary, 
M. George Read Rec. re 

TT. J. Nevins, Librarian, 

Dr. J. B. Trask, Curator of Geology and Mineralogy, 
H. G. Bloomer, Curator of Botany, 
L. W. Sloat, 
Dr. L. Lanszweert, Curator of Zoology. 

The following amendments to the Constitution 

were adopted : 

Section 4th of article 2d so as toread as follows— 
Sec. 4. The membership fee to be paid by an ap- 
licant for resident membership shall be ten dollars, 
and every such member shall also pay one dollar 
monthly in advance. The payment or donation of 
one hundred dollars shal! constitute the contributor, 
or the person on whose behalf such contribution 
shall be made, a member for life, on being duly elec- 
ted by the Academy ; and such member for life shall 
possess all the rights and immunities of a resident 
member, and shall be exempt from the payment of 

_ monthly duer. 

- OARS ee ee a ew nee ee 

res . ee 

a 4 \v. 2. ‘ 

Curator of Conchology, | 

To section 1st of article 2d, add the following : 

Provided, that no person thus elected shall be re 
garded er recognized as such member until he shall 
have signified his acceptance, and complied with the 
prescribed conditions. 

San Francisco, Jan. 14, 1856. 
President in the Chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 

From J.T. Fiall, sq., a group of Eocene fossils in 
sandstone, from near Negro Bar, American River. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the do- 

From Dr. J. B. Trask, two specimens of Goosander, 
from the plains of the Sacramento. 

From Dr. R. K. Reid, of Stockton, a very valuable 
collection of Californian birds, comprising fourteen 

Donations to the Library. 

From the Smithsonian Institution, seven volumes 
of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 

From the Societé Royale of Stockholm, Sweden, 
two volumes, 1853 and 1854, Kongl. Vetenskaps— 
Academiens Handlingar. 

From Dr. J. N. Hekel, six French and German 
works on Botany, Entomology, &c. 

From the Lyceum of Nat. History, Williams Col- 
lege, Mass., an address delivered before them, 1856, 
by Prof. W. Lb. Rogers. 

Elections were made, viz. : 

W. O, Ayres, M. D., 

1. J. Nevins, 

1). Ransom, 

"’. J, Nevins, 

J, N. Bckel, M. D., Library Committee. 

J. B. Trask, M. D. 

J. J. Nevins, 

A. Kellogg, M. D., 

W. Heflev. 

- Publication Committee. 

Finango Committee 

The following paper on earthquakes in California, 
‘afrom 1812to 1855, was presented by J. B. Trask : 

In preparing this paper I have endeavored to ob- 
jtain, as far as possible, the most correct information 
of the history of these phenomena in former years, 
» and to correct some of the misapprehensions and 
- statements which have appeared from time to time 
relating to the severity of earthquake shocks in this 

i country during the earlier periods of its history. 

From careful inquiry of the older residents, I can 
learn of but one shock that has proved in the slight- 
est degree serious, causing the destruction of either 
life or property to any extent. This was the earth- 
quake of September, 1812, which destroyed the Mis- 
sions San Jaun Capistrano, in Los Angeles coun- 
ty, and that of Viejo, in the valley of San Inez, in 
the county of Santa Barbara. 

The following is the history of that event as I 
have obtained it from the native inhabitants, and 
older foreign residents on this coast: 

The day was clear and uncommonly warm; it 
being Sunday the people had assembled at San Juan 
Sapistrano for evening service. About half an hour 
after the opening of serviee, an unusual loud, but 
distant rushing sound was heard in the atmosphere 
fo the east and over the water, which resembled the 
sound of strong wind, but as the sound approached 
no perceptible breeze accompanied it. he seawas 
smooth and the air calm. So distant and loud was 
this atmospheric sound that several left the building 
attracted by its noise. 

Immediately following the sound, the first and 
heaviest shock of the earthquake occurred, which 
was sufficiently severe to prostrate the Mission 
church almost ina body. burying in its ruins the 
most of those who remained behind, when the first 
indication of its approach was heard. 

The shock was very sudden and almost without 
warning, save from the rushing sound above noted, 
and to its occurrence at that moment is to be attri- 
buted the loss of hfe that followed. 

The number reported to have beer killed outright, 
is variously estimated from thirty to forty-five, (the 
largest number of persons agree on the smallest 
number of deaths given),butin the absence of records 
such statements should be received with many grains 
of allowance, where memory alone is the only means 
left, and the term of forty-three years has elapsed 
to the period at which this account was placed on pa- 
per. A considerable namber are reported to have 
been badly injured. 

There is a universal agreement on this point, viz: 
that the first shock threw down the entire building, 
and that a large number of persons were in it at 
that moment, and under the circumstances it would 
be most singular if no deaths were caused by such an 

The motion of the earth is described as having 
lifted vertically, attended by a vortical movement. 
No undulatory motion is described by any one. Diz- 
ziness and maseau seized almost every person in the 

A heavy, loud, deep rumbling, accompanied the 
successive shocks that followed, and which were five 
in number, all having the motion above described, 
though comparatively light in their effects to the 
first. The soundsattending the phenomenacame ap- 
parently from the South and Hast. 

In the valley of San Inez, to the south and west 
of Santa Barbara, the rains now known as the ‘“Mis- 
sion Viejo,” was also completely destroyed ; the dis- 
tance between Capistrano and San Inez being about 

{70 miles. The shock which destroyed this building 


occurred about one hour after the foriier, and the 
inhabitants had left the building but a few minutes 
before it fell, service having closed. The first shock 
felt here prostrated the building, as in the preceding 

A Spanish ship which lay at anchor off San Bue- 
naventura, 38 miles from Santa Barbara, was muck 
injured by the shock, and leaked to that extent, that 
it became necessary to beach her, and remove the 
most of her cargo. 

It is an interesting fact, and at the same time 
somewhat remarkable, that the time which elapsed 
between the advent of the shocks at Capistrano and 
San Inez is widely variant from what we should 
look for, when the distance apart and velocity of mo- 
tion in earthquakes are taken into consideration. 

The effect of this earthquake on the sea, in the 
bay of Santa Barbara, is described as follows: «* The 
sea was observed to recede from the shore during 
the continuance of the shocks, and left the latter 
dry for a considerable distance, when it returned in 
five or six heavy rollers, which overflowed the plain 
on which Santa Barbara is built. The inhabitants: 
saw the recession of the sea, and being aware of the 
danger on its return, Sed to the adjoining hills near 
the town to escape the probable deluge. 

The sea on its return flowed inland little more than 
half a mile, and reached the lower part of the town, 
doing bunt trifling damage, destroying three small 
adobe buildings. 

Very little damage was done to the housesin town 
from the effects of the shocks, while the Mission at 
the San Inez was prostrated almost instantly. There 
is no evidence that I can find, that this earthquake 
was felt in San Luis Obispo, though such has been 
the report. 

Prior to 1812 [have not been able to learn of the 
occurrence of this phenomena, that appear to have 
been particularly severe or destructive, and that 
they have not been so, is evidenced in the fact that 
from the foundation of the first Mission at San Diego 
in 1769, a period of eighty-six years has passed, du- 
ring which time, but one, and that theabove, finds a 
place either in their history or the memory of those 
now living, traditionary or otherwise. 

From the date of the above to the year 1850, we 
have no record of the occurrence of these phenome- 
na, other than the fact that light and repeated shocks 
were common in the country. 

During 1850 the following shocks were recorded, 
but it is probable that several were net noted, as we 
find their freqnency bears no relation to those which 
have occurred during subsequent years. 


March 12.—A light shock was felt in San Jose. 

May 13 —A light shock in San Francisco. Aw 
eruption of Manua Loa, 8S. I., and shock same day. 

June 28.—A light shock in San Francisco 

August 4—A smart shock was felt in Stocktor 
and Sacramento. 

Sept. 14.—Smart shock at San Franeisco and San 
Jose. Total number recorded in 1850, five. 

May 15 —Three severe shocks in San Francisco 
During this earthquake windows were broken and. 
buildings severely shaken. A large amount of mer- 
chandize was thrown down ina store on California 
street. The shipping in the harbor rolled heavily.— 
An eruption of Manta Loa and shock in theS. I- 
same day. i 
May 17.—A light shock in San Francisco. 
Miy 28.—A light shock on the Salinas. 


See ee ee ee 


June 13.—A smart shock in San Francisco, which 
was felt at San Louis Obispo and San Fernando. 

Dec. 2.—A shock at Downieville. 

Dec. 31.—-A smart shock at Downieville. 
number recorded in 1851 is six. 


From the beginning of this year, until past its 
third quarter, no disturbances were noted, until the 
month of November. 

Nov. 26.—The number of shocks noticed on this 
day at San Simeon was e/even, and at Los Angeles 
and San Gabriel the same number. The same num- 
ber, or nearly so, was observed by parties having in 
charge a government train in transit from Camp 
Yuma to San Diego. This earthquake was felt over 
the entire country east and south of San Luis Obis- 
po, to San Diego and the Colorado river, covering a 
line of about 300 miles square. Subsequent accounts 
prove that it affected the country south of the Colo- 
rado as far Guyamas in the province of Sonora. 

For the term of six days subsequent to the 26th, 
the entire south part of the State was convulsed, 
with slight intermissions. During their continuance 
a mud volcano broke out upon the Colorado Desert, 
and another south of the Colorado, one of which was 
visited by a portion of the U. S. command under 
Maj Heintzleman. 

Dee. 17.—Two smart shocks occurred in San Luis 
Obispo, which fractured the walls of two adobe 
buildings, and threw down part of the wall of the 
house belonging to, and occupied by Don Jesus Pico 
and family. 

During the month of December the southern and 
middle portions of California were much disturbed, 
and the effects were felt as far north as the 37th 

The shocks continued into the month of January, 
and were noticed until the 5th of this month on the 
San Joaquin. 

The period of time inclusive between the 16th 
November (the date of the sad earthquake of Banda 
Neira, in the Mollucas) and the 26th January, 1853, 
cannot but be regarded as one of the most remarka- 
ble periods cf modern date. During this period a 
greater propovtion of the earth’s surface was convul- 
sed by subteranean forces, than has been known for 
many years, in the same length of time. 

The area most severely affected by these phenom- 
ena is included in the parallels of 40° south 
and 37° north latitude inclusive, making 76 degrees 
of latitude, and extending from 120° east to 45° 
west longitude, making 210 degrees of longitude, or 
nearly equal to three fifths of the equatorial cireum- 
ference of the earth. 

At this time the coast of eastern Asia. the Islands 
of the South Indian Ocean, Singapore, the Molluc- 
cas, the east coast of China, the north, east, and south 
of Australia, the coast of California, Mexico, and 
South America, with portions of the Atlantic coast, 
south of the 34th parallel shared in the general dis- 
turbance that prevailed upon our own shores during 
the period above named. 

With the 26th of January ceased the vibrations 
on thiscoast at that time, (that were perceptible 
without the use of instruments), but it appears that 
they continued much later on the east coast of China 
and Australia, extending into the month of Febra- 



Jan, 2.—A smart shock felt in Mariposa. and at 
the same time in San Francisco, Shasta City, and 

Jan. 5.—A shock at Corte Maderiu. 

Feb. 14.—A light shock at San Luis Obispo. 

March 1.—A Smart shock at San Francisco, felé 
at San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara. 

April 24.—A light shock at Humboldt Bay. 

April 26.—Three shocks at Weaverville. 

June 2.—Two smart shocks on the plains of the 
San Joaquin. 

July 12.—A light shock in Yreka, Siskiyou Co. 

Sept. 3.—Four shocks on the San Joaquin and Sa- 
linas Plains. 

Oct. 23.—Three heavy shocks at Humboldt Bay. 

Oct. 25.—A light shock at Humboldt Bay. 

Vov. 16.—A light sheck at San Jose. 

Nov. 21.—A shock at San Francisco. 

Dec. 11.—A light shock at San Francisco and Mis- 
sion Dolores. 

Dec. 23.—A light shock at Shasta City. 

Total number recorded in 1853 is 15 


Jan. 3.—Two smart shocks in Mariposa, and felt 
at the same time in Shasta. 

March 2.—A light shock in San Francisco. 

March 20,—A shock in Stockton. 

April 29.—A light shock at Santa Barbara. 

May 23.—A shock at Crescent City. 

May 31.—An earthquake at Santa Barbara, at 10 
minutes before 5 o’clock in the morning. There 
were three vibrations, the first of which was accom- 
panied with a deep rumbling; the second was pre- 
ceded by aloud rushing sound, like the approach of 
astrong wind. About four or five seconds elapsed 
between each shock. The sea was much disturbed, 
and a heavy surf swell came in soon after the second 
shock was felt, which passed some thirty feet beyond 
the old wreck near the embarcadero. The inhabi- 
tants left their beds in their night attire, and sought 
the street. But little damage was done. 

June 26.—Two light shocks in Placer county. 

July 10.-—Gne shock at Georgetown. 

July 14.—One shock at Georgetown. 

Sept. 14.—A light shock at Nevada. 

Oct. 21.—A light shock at Monterey 

Oct. 26—A smart shock at San Francisco, felt 
also at Benicia. Vessels lying at the wharves worked 
heavily on their haivsers. 

Total number of earthquakes in 1854 is 12. 


The following is the record of the number of earth~ 
quakes that have occurred during 1855 in the State 
of California. with the date and hour of the day at 
which they were observed. 

Jan. 13. 64 P. M.—A smart shock oceurred at San 
Benito and San Miguel, and was felt also, though 
light, at San Luis Gbispo. 

Jan. 24,10 P. M—A heavy shock of an earth- 
quake was felt at Downieville, continuing seven or 
eight seconds. This shock was felt severely at Gib- 
sonville on the north, at Forest City, Minesota, Or- 
leans Flat, Eureka, Georgetown, and Nashville, on 
the Cosumnes, south, and at the Keystone Ranch 
(Yuba Co.) on the west. The entire distance in 
north and south direction affected, was ninety-four 
miles, and in a westerly line thirty miles. It was 
preceded by a profound rambling, accompanied by a 
rushing sound like the approach of a strong wind in 
the distance, This ride shook bnildings severely. 
A large pinnacle of rock. about 100 feet in height, 
was precipitated from the top of the Downieville 
Butte down to the soutl fork of the Yuba at its base. 

Feb. 5, 10 A. M.~A light shock was felt at Wolf 


Creek and the northeast part of Nevada county. 

April 7, 6 P. M.—A light shock was felt at Gibb’s 
Ferry, Trinity county, and was experienced as far 
north as Callahan’s Ranch, at the head of Scott’s 
Valley, Siskiyou county. 

June 25, 2 P. M.—A smart shock was felt at Santa 
Barbara, and extended northward as far as the val- 
ley of Santa Maria. This shock was cotemporaneous 
with one that occurred in Switzerland, 

July 10, 9 A, M.—A light shock was felt in 
Georgetown, El Dorado county, which lasted about 
four seconds. On the same day a very severe shock 
was felt in the city of Los Angeles, which done con- 
siderable damage. There were four distinct shocks 
daring the earthquake, with a period of about two 
or three seconds, elapsing between each vibration.— 
During their continuance, the ground opened in sev- 
eral places, in fissures of one or two inches, the marks 
of which remained for several days afterwards.— 
There were some twenty-six buildings in the city 
more or less injured, which I personally examined, 
and among them the church, the west wall of which 
was split from top to bottom in two places, the fis- 
sures being from one to'two and a half inches in| 
breadth, running entirely through. The east wall) 
split at a slight angle from the perpendicular, and | 
had but one fissure. The walls of the Star Hotel 
were split in several places, and on the west side 
there appears to have been a decided horizontal mo- 
tion, as the wall was displaced on that side horizon 
tally to the depth of about one inch, and some eight 
or nine feet in length. The amount of displacement 
decreased from the west end of the building towards 
the centre. It is a fact worthy of note, that none of 
the thin adobe walls of the buildings suffered injury, 
while most of the thick walled buildings were injured 
to a grtater or less extent. | 

During the earthquake, many articles were thrown 
down, those that were standing on shelves against 
the east end of the buildings were thrown westward 
on to the floor,and those on the opposite end of the 
huildings were thrown back in an inclined position 
against the walls. These features were noticed in 
the drug stores of Doctors Winston and Hope, situa- 
ted on the main street, and a short distance west of | 
the church. 

The meteorological condition of the atmosphere 
was rather unusual, and is described as follows :-— 
The day was unusually warm and sultry, attended 
with little thunder and some rain. (the latter very 
unusual) and a very sudden change of temperature 
to unpleasant coldness. At Point San Juan there 
was observed considerable commotion in the wacer, 
attended with a strong rushing sound, and two un- | 
usually heavy surf swells immediately following the 
last shock. 

This shock was felt distinctly at the saw-mill some 
eight miles east of San Bernardino, about seventy | 
miles east of Los Angeles, and at Santa Barbara, | 
about one hundred miles in a westerly direction. At 
Los Angeles the shock occurred at fifteen minutes | 
after eight in the evening. 

lug. 12.95 A. M.—A light shock of an earthquake | 

was felt at Georgetown, which lasted about three 
seconds. The vibration apparently came from the | 
north. Between this date and the 10th July there | 

were four other light shocks, the dates of which are | 

not recorded. 

Oct. 21, 73 
was felt in San Francisco. The buildings situated 
over the water were violently shaken. There was 
ranch commotion in the water of the harbor a few 
minutes preceding the shock, which caused several 


. P. M.—A smart shock of an earthquake 

vessels to heave heavily at their hawsers and cables. 

Oct. 27, 3 P. M—A light shock was felt in the 
valley of Clear Lake. On the same day a shock was 
felt in Downieville, which lasted about five seconds. 
At Goodyear’s Barit was more severe than at the 
preceding locality. 

Dee. 5, 11.20 A. M.—The shock of an earthquake 
was felt at Humboldt Bay, which lasted about three 
seconds. There were two vibrations, the last being 
the most severe. 

Dec. 11,4A.M—A shock was felt inSan Fran- 
cisco and at the Mission Dolores ; at the latter place 
it is represented as having been quite severe. 

Jan. 2d, 1856, 10 A. M.—A light shock in San Fran- 
cisco, which lasted about three seconds. The shock 
came from the north and was undulatory. 

The whole number of which I have a record for 
1855, amounts to twelve only; but there may be 
others which have escaped my notice on account of 
absence from the city. ‘ 

The following table will show the number of shocks 
for each year, and each month of the year. for six 
years from 1850 to 1855 inclusive : 

No. for each - 

18501851 1852 185318541855, month in six 
| years. 

January, tae) | 1 2) 5 
February, | 1 | ie 1a 2 
March, i ia j 1} 2 4 
April, | | {Bay a 4) ok: 4 
fay, | sacl 8h enduehrostenl GA 6 
June, 2 Le | athe, ea 5 
uly, | bn Nel aga ack 3 
August, Nt | ee 1 2 
September, 1 | | say petal 3 
October, | DFR ee 6 
November, pe 13 
December, Sfodilosy fae a 8 
Total each 

Feary yb G 12). 145 12,9969 

From the above it will be seen that of the total 
number of shocks in six yearsin this state, forty- 
eight have occurred during the spring, summer and 
autumn months, and eleven during the winter months. 

Of the total number noted, twenty-seven have oc- 

cured from San Luis Obispo south, and of the thirty-~ 

two remaining, nine have been felt in San Francisco 
at the same time they were observed at San Luis 
Obispo, while the remaining twenty-three were felt at 
San Francisco and north of that point. 
Notwithstanding we have had, what may, perhaps, 
be considered a frequency in the recurrence of these 
phenomena. still there are but a very few of the to- 
tal number that would merit a moment’s con- 
sideration south of the twenty fifth parallel ofs 

| north latitude, for there they would be regarded a 

minor affairs entirely. 

From all the facts in our possession relating to the 
phenomena on our coast, it appears that the greatest 
preponderance in action, and severity of effects, is 
exerted for the most part, south of Point Conception, 
for, from this place. east, south and north, to near 
the Colorado, the most conclusive evidences exist of 
very recent voleanic action having been exerted on 
rather an extensive scale, and is also still persist- 
ent in several localities within the area named, 
thoughin a minor degree. 

It would be interesting to examine the changes of 
level that have evidently taken place in this State 
within the last five years; but, as more extended 
observations would greatly assist us in forming 
conclusions on this subject, I will defer that portion 
until a future day. 




San Francrsoo, Jan. 21, 1856. 

President in the Chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From C. D. Gibbs, specimens, of Clay containing 
impressions of leaves, from Table Mountain ; also a 
specimen of Lignite, with Sulphuret of Iron. 

From Col. Ranson, silicified wood, from Kern Ri- 

From S. W. Higgins, a fossil multilocular shell, 
apparently of new generic form, from Coose Bay. 

From W B. Little, a calcareous concretion, from 
Thompson’s ranch, Santa Clara Co. 

From Dr. J. B. Trask, specimens of Arbor Vite, in 
blossom ; they were referred for investigation to Dr. 
Behr and Dr. Kellogg. 

From M. G. Read, Sulphuret of Iron, from Mexico ; 
also a Roman coin, from Herculaneum, 

From Capt. J. W. Russell, specimens of shells, &c., 
from the island of San Miguel, Cal. 

Deposited for the Cabinet. 

By Dr. A. B. Stout, an Indian Mummy, from Shoal- 
water Bay, showing the result of their method of prc- 
serving their dead. 

By Capt. J. W. Russell, a blanket made by the In- 
dians at Cape Flattery, from the hair of a peculiar 
race of dogs. 

Donations to the Library. 

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural His- 
tory, vol. 5, pp. 241—256, from the Society. 

‘Report of the Coast Survey for 1854, from R. D. 
Cutts, Esq., from Washington, D. C. 

Plants of Cincinnati and Vicinity, by Thomas G. 
Lea, from Jacob Resor, Esq. 

San Francisco, Jan. 26, 1856. 

President in the Chair. 

8. W. Higgins and F. Rohrer were elected Corres- 
ponding Members. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr, W. T. Rumble, of Columbia, a series of 
specimens collected chiefly in Utah Territory.— 
Among them was a pebble of Jasper cut so as to con- 

‘stitute a seal; this was found amid fragments of an- 

cient pottery. 

From Mr. C. K. Lambert, of Columbia, specimens 
from Table Mountain and vicinity. 

From Henry Hancock, U.S. Deputy Sorveyor, 
specimens of shrubs, and the wood and leaves of 
Palmetto, found N. E. of Los Angeles. 

From B. M. Henry, U. S. Deputy Surveyor, a 
specimen of Tertiary Coal, from the Coast Range, 
fifteen miles southwest of Stockton. 

From Dr. C.H. Raymond, a specimen of paper 
manufactured from wood shavings. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the 
above donations. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, a Capsule from Central 
America. Referred to Dr. Kellogg and Mr. Bloomer. 

From Mr. 8. W. Higgins, Tertiary fossils from 
Coose Bay, O. T. 

San Francisco, Feb. 4, 1856, 

Dr. A. Kellogg in the Chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mrs. Herrick, a specimen of Acrostichum 
alcicorne, or Elk Horn Fern. 

From Mrs. Miller, a specimen of Fucus from the 
Gulf Stream. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the 
above donations. 

From Dr. Eckel, a part of the jaw of a Mastodon, 
from Columbia, Tuolumne Co. ; the same species as 
the teeth previously received from Murphy’s, Cala- 
veras Co. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, Iron from Santa Clara, made 
from ore found in that county, containing forty per 

From Capt. Russell, shells and Indian relics from 
San Miguel, with others from Cape Flattery. 

From Dr. Randall, specimens of Tertiary Fossils 
from Chico Creek, Butte Co., containing a small Am- 
monite, anda Baculnite. Dr. Randall also present- 
ed s specimen of Planorbis from the same county, 
with Indian relics from Marin county. 

From Dr. R. Reid, of Stockton, plants collected 
near the Cosumnes and Mokelumne rivers. 

Donations to the Library. 

From Jacob Resor, of Cincinnati, a Catalogue of 
the Flowering Plants and Ferns observed in the vi- 
cinity of Cincinnati, by Joseph Clark. 

From Dr. Eckel, Liebig’s complete works on Chem- 

From subscription of the members, the Botany of 
Capt. Beechey’s Voyage, and Part 1 of the Botany 
of the Voyage of H. M. Ship Herald. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited drawings of ten species of 
Conifers, four species of the Silver Fir, and four spe- 
cies of Spruce Fir; two of the latter are rare, and 
may prove tobe new. Also twospecies of Pines, one 
of which is evidently new. The Society are under ob- 
ligations to Dr. J. C. Newberry, of Col. Richardson’s 
Survey, for the use of the specimens from which the 
sketches were made. A full description will appear 
in his report. As the Society have no specimens of 
many of these species, our friends would greatly 
oblige us by sending any specimens from their respec- 
tive vicinities, 

Feb. 11, 1856. 

President in the Chair. 

Mr, J. C. Palmer was elected a Life Member of the 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Capt. Kentzel, a living specimen of the 
Whistler, 4ryctomys pruinosus, Penn., from Cook’s 
Inlet, Russian Possessions. This donation is of more 
than ordinary interest, as the species is represented 


/ 84 

in but very, few collections. . Its Aptinp name is sta- 
ted to be Gighan. oir s 

From Mr. W. E. Cormack, a specimen of Planorbis 
from Australia; oe of Kauri (a resinous product, 
from which a varnish-6iAS substituted for Copal is 
made in England) ‘from New Zealand ; and one of 
Protoxide of Iron from Staffordshire, England. — 

From Mr. Boch, Lava from Mauna Loa, 

From Mr. E. ‘A. Rowe, of Weaverville; specimens 
of Iridium. 

From Mr. Camman, geological KE from 
near Randolph City, Coose Bay. 

The thanks of the Academy were vatka for the 
above donations. 

From Col. L. Ransom, a fragment of a fossil tree 
twelve inches in diameter, found about fifty miles 
north-east of Los Angeles. 

From Dr. J. B. Trask, specimens of fishes and rep- 
tiles from Sacramento. 

From Dr. A. Randall, specimens of Astacus, from 

Donations to the Library. 

From Mr. W. E. Cormack, the Botanical and the 
Ichthyological Appendix to Franklin’s Voyage, by 
John Richardson, for which the thanks of the Acad- 
emy were tendered. 

San Francisco, Feb. 18, 1856. 

President in the Chair. 

P. M. Randall, and S. Pinkham were elected Resi- 
dent Members of the Academy. Capt. Kentrel was 
elected a Corresponding Member. Charles H. Cook 
was elected a Life Member. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Col. L. Ransom, Lignite from Table Moun- 
tain, Butte Co.; Copper Ore, Hornblende Granite, 
and Iron Ore, from near Lake Elizabeth, and a spec- 
imen of Mygale. 

From Mr. McCormick, limestone and Spar from 
Bone Cave, Bristol England ; 4stacus Bartoni, from 
Miramichi River, Nova Scotia; a parasitic plant 
from the Stanislaus River; and a “ vegetable cater- 
pillar” from New Zealand. 

From Mr. G. W. Leihi, a speeimen of Dendritic 
Gold, from Wall’s Diggings, Sacramento Co. 

From Mr. W. H. Hill, Fossilized Wood from Monte 

From Mr. J. Brittan, a specimen of Solecurtus, 
from Monte Diabolo. 

Donations to the Library. 

From the Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., a Deserip- 
tive Catalogue, with a list of its officers and mem- 

‘the thanks of the Academy were voted for the 
above donations. 

From Dr, J. B. Trask, American Journal of Sci- 
ence, Nos, 58 to 61. 

aa San Francisco, Feb. 25th, 1856. 
President in the Chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 
From Mr. E. J. Loonis, ‘of Alameda, a, Sparrow 
Hawk (Tinnunculus. Sparverins). The ‘thanks of 
the Academy were voted for the donation. 
From Dr. R. K. Reid, of Stockton, a specimen of 
Plonorbis from Tulare Lake. pat 
From Col. L. Ranson, Granite, and Translucent 

hoger tf 

Quartz and Sand, from Folsom, Sacramento Co. 

From Dr. A. Randall, Red Coral, and a Chiton 
covered with Corallines, from Monterey ; two speci- 

mens of Helix, from Cypress Point ; specimens, also, 

of Cuphressus Macrocarpa from Cypress Point. 

From Dr. Veatch, of Red Bluffs, minerals and fos- 
sils from Lick Springs, Shasta Co.; also, a specimen 
of Tritillaria from the same locality. 

Donations to the Library, 

From the Boston Society of Natural History, one 
number of their proceedings, pp. 257 to 272, Decem- 
ber, 1855. 

From Mr. W. Heffley, Kane’s Chemistry, by Draper. 

Mr. T. J. Nevins presented an account of a very 
beautiful Lunar Rainbow, seen by him, at Alameda, 
Feb. 20, at 7 P. M. It was accompanied by a secon- 
dary bow, the arch being distinct and complete in 

March 3, 1856. 
President in the Chair. 

Dr. B. F. Shumard, State Geologist of Missouri, 
was elected a Corresponding member. 
Donations: to the Cabinet. 
From Mr. Lewis; a specimen of Octopus. The 
thanks of the Academy were voted for the donation. 
From Col. Ranson, specimens of Cannel Coal, 
from England ; also, an Indian pipe from San Ber- 
Donations to the Library. 

From W. P. Blake, Descriptions of Fossils and 
Shells, collected in California. 

From Dr. Eckel, Foot-Prints of the Grasion by 
Hugh Miller. : 

March 10, 1856, 
President in the Chair. 

J. M. Alden, of the U. S. Coast Survey, was elect- 
ed a Corresponding Member. 

A. H. Jones and C. D. Shuepel, were elected Resi- 
dent Members. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 
From N. A. Covarrubias, specimens of California 
From Mr. Peabody, seeds of Calacanthus, from the 
The thanks of the Academy were voted for the 
above donations. 




From Mr, Tallant, specimens of Ambystoma, in- 
sects, and the ovum of a Shark. 

From Col. Ransom, specimens of Sand-stone, Ser- 
pentine,and ChromicIron. 
. A unsnimons vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. 
Frank Baker} fora donation of carpets for the rooms 
of the Academy. 

Intn San Francisco, March 17, 1856. 

President in the chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mrs. T. J. Nevins, specimens of flowers from 

» From Mr. G. S. Morgan, Fossil Shells from Shoal- 
water Bay. The thanks of the Academy were or- 
dered for the above donations. 

From Mr. Tallant, specimens of JVassa, Asteor- 
eanthion, Grapsus, §c., from North Beach. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, specimens of JVotophithal- 
mus tarodus, Esch., from Mission Dolores. 

Donations to the Library. 

From Prof. J. D. Dana, “Science and the Bible—a 
Review of Prof. Lewis’ ‘ Six Days of the Creation.’ ” 

From the Boston Society Natural History, their 
Proceedings, pp. 283 to 278. 

A communication was received from Mr. T. J. 
Nevius, giving an account of a thunder shower ob- 
served at Alameda. 

Description of anew species of Ammonite and Bacu-' 

lite, from the Tertiary rocks of Chico Creek. By 
Dr. John B. Trask. 

It is not without some hesitency that the announce- 
ment, of these genera is made at this time, as occur- 
ing in a more recent group than that assigned them 
by paleontologists of the present day. This is done, 

knowing well that the period at which they became. 

extinct, is placed far below that of the lowest of the 
Tertiary groups. 

other than the period here given them, and as late at 

least as the superior portions of the upper Eocene.) 
The associated fossils are for the most part of the’ 
present existing genera and species upon the coast, 

and if the per centage of existing genera is admitted 
as a rule to fix the relative age of rocks of this char- 
acter, then it will be necessary to carry these beds 
into the Miocene periods. 

The rocks are composed of about twenty genera, 
not more than two of which, do not exist upon the 
coast at the present time, and it may be doubted 
that those will yet be found. Eleven of those most 
easily made out, and which belong to the cabinet 
specimens, are figured in outline on the plate, (see 

late 11,) together with accurate drawings of the 
jeots of this paper, numbered 1 and 1. A, 2 and 2, A. 
plate 11; and will serve to convey a correct idea of 
the fossils of the group. 

The figures in outline consist of cardium, tellina, 
mactra, natica,buccinnum, fusus, purpura, cerithium, 
turritella, &c. The bivalves not figured, consist of 
veneres, cytherea, lutraria, and several other genera. 
Had there been but a single specimen of the baculite 

‘and ammonite, their appearance in these rocks might 

Still, it appears to me impossible, 
to place the rocks containing these fossils, in any | 

have been considered purely an accidental circum- 
stance, and occuring as a transported fragment from 
the districts’ to the north, and one hundred miles 
distant, where those genera abound. But as they 
are not found in the rocks of the same character or 
age, they cannot be attributed to that cause. 

When we consider their number, and the relation 
they hold numerically to the associated fossils of the 
group, and promiscuous distribution, we cannot do 
otherwise than assign to them an age cotemporane- 
ous throughout, and that they lived and died in 
those beds in which theirremains are now found. 

My attention was called to these fossils by Dr. A- 
Randall, by whom they were found on Chico Creek 
during the past winter, and by him placed in the 
cabinet of the Academy. I have seen but one 
ammonite from this locality, but he has knowledge 
of three or more from the same place. 

After examining the Baculite presented by him, I 
became convinced that the small cylindrical fossils, 
so frequent in those rocks belonged to this genus, 
and on inspecting the specimens in the cabinet, not 
less than nine different specimens were counted. 
Prior to this time, I had regarded those shells as 
dentalia, for which they would easily be mistaken, 
from their small size and the character of the fossils 
with which they are associated. 

If an erroneons diagnosis has not been made in re- 
lation to the age of these rocks, (and of this fact I 
entertain no fear) they become a matter of much 
scientific interest, as they prove that the period at 
which these animals existed, descends to a later day 
than that now by general consent assigned them. 
and these rocks will demonstrate that fact most in- 

The only question that can arise in this case is, 
whether we shall conform to the strict scholastic 
rule laid down, for the clasification of geological 
periods, and carry so extensive a group of decidedly 
tertiary deposits down to the cretaceous, with their 
present existing genera with them; or carry two 
genera higher up in those periods, and give them 
what they most unmistakably tell us, viz., a later 

| animate existence than before known. 

If the former case be applied, then it will become 
necessary to modify our opinions relating to tertiary 
rocks, particularly in this State, for most certain it 
is that the fossiliferous heds of Chico Creek are more 
recent than those of Ocoya (Pose Creek) Creek of 
Tulare county, the fossils of which have recently 
been examined by Mr. Conrad of Philadelphia, and 
by him pronounced to be of miocene date. 

AmMoNITE (Lam) Curtcornsis. Trask. 
Plate Vl. Fig.l and 1. A. 

Shell small; with two and one-half whorls ; twen- 
ty-three tertuous angulate costae,.each second or 
third rib terminating at the ventral edge of the out- 
er whorl, the others pass beyond ; two rows of small 
tubercles on the last whorl. the outer row and lar- 
gest, situated on the dorsal edge, the inner row 
situated about one-fourth of the depth of the whorl 
from the dorsal edge, and becoming obsolete at the 
eighteenth rib; tubercles on the outer edge corres- 
pond to the number of costae on the whorl, siphuncle 
visible the entire length of the dorsum. Length, 
eleven-twentieths; depth, nine-twentieths; width, 
Sea be lic of an inch. Locality, Chico Creek, 

Bacunrre (Lam, Curcornsis. Trask. 
Plate ll. Fig. 2 and 2. A. 

Shells small; thin ; compressed ; smooth ; latero- 



dorsally sub compressed, latero-ventrally somewhat 
obtusely rounded. Section of the shell obovate. 
The above figures of natural size. Locality, Chico 
Creek, Cal. 

Description of three new species of the Genus Pla- 
giostoma, from the Cretaceous rocks of Los An- 
geles. By Dr. John B. Trask. 

Up to the present time, no mention has been made 
of the occurrence of the Cretaceous rocks in this 
State. The researches of F. Roemer, in Western 
Texas and New Mexico, demonstrated their existence 
to the middle and southern portions of this territory, 
at which point he left them. 

A late traveller, Julius Froebel, extended his ob- 
servations over the ground of Roemer in part, and 
continued the same into California. In a conversa- 
tion with the former gentleman, in 1854, upon the 
fossils of New Mexico and westward of that country, 
he intimated the probable existence of the Cretaceous 
rocks west of theColorado. The fossils collected by 
him west of that point, were not sufficiently well de- 
fined, however, to base a positive conclusion upon, 
and place the matter beyond a doubt. I feel satisfied 
at the present time that most of those fossils are re- 
ferable to that period, and that the opinion he then 
advanced was well grounded. 

Since that time I have been fortunate enough to 
discover fossils, of as much antiquity at least as those 
of Western Texas, and probably still lower in the se- 
ries, the rocks containing them forming the coast of 
the Pacific Ocean in this State. There can be no 
doubt therefore at present, that the Cretaceous rocks 
extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 

The rocks in which these fossils are found, occur 
at San Pedro, in the county of Los Angeles, imme- 
diately upon the coast, and underlying the superficial 
tertiary beds (lately denominated recent formations 
by Mr. T. Conrad) of this locality. Ihave some hes- 
itancy in placing these rocks so high up in the geolo- 
gical series, as the position here assigned them, but 
as the associated fossils are as yet somewhat obscure 
and ill defined, it is thought best to place them here 
for the present, or until farther examination of their 
fossils shall classify them otherwise. 

The tertiary deposits at this place are about thirty 
feet in depth, and have a low northerly dip; about 
twenty feet of this deposit is made up of beds of fos- 
sil diatomacea, the upper stratum of which is white. 
and similar in appearance to thatfound at Monterey. 
but much less dense, the forms differ but little from 
hat deposit. 

Beneath the tertiary beds, a dark, soft, marly de- 
posit crops out but a few feet above tide water, hav- 
ing a northerly dip of about fifty degrees, and ex- 
tending along the beach for three-fourths ofa mile.— 
They contain the fossils described and figured below, 
associated with small crustaceans and coralines, the 
latter too fragile to admit of demonstration. Con- 
formable to these beds, along the shore to the west 
and north, are beds of a yellowish and buff-colored 
limestone, resembling a coarse variety of lithograph- 
ic stone, containing fossil crustaceans of small size. 
none of which have yet teen found sufficiently per- 
fect to admit of a description. 

The fossils here described and figured, are all from 
very perfect cases; the fine striae and small fold 
upon the auricles, are as perfect as they possibly 
could have been upon the shell originalyy. 

The fossils I have refered to the genus Plagiostoma 
of Sowerby, but having the figures of but two spe- 
cies of that genus, and no description whatever, I am 
compelled to omit reference to those heretofore des- 

oer that may simulate these in form or other- 

Pxiaaiostoma (Sow) Peprona. Trask. 
Plate Ill. Fig. 1. 

Shell compressed ; sub-triangular, with eight or 
nine flatly rounded concentric annulations, which 
are nearly as distinctly marked on the interior of the 
valve for about half the height from the ventral 
margin ; (see fig. 1. A.) beaks acute at the apex, and 
as high as the line of the auricles; anterior auricle 
rounded in front, and has a small, thin fold extend- 
ing from the umbone to the centre of its anterior 
margin, and is covered with about thirteen small, 
rounded, radiating striae, which converge at the 
beak; beaks at the anterior third ; sub-acute ; ante- 
rior margin rounded, and somewhat produced; ven- 
tral margin smoothly arched; posterior margin 
rounded, becoming slightly arcuate toward the dor- 
sam of the shell; posterior auricle angulate, and ob- 
tusely truncate posteriorly. Length one and eight- 
twentieths of an inch ; height one and four-twentieths 
of aninch. Locality, San Pedro, Cal. 

Plate Ill. Fig. 2. 

Shell compressed ; obliquely rounded ; five to sev- 
en broad concentric annulations ; anterior margin 
obtusely rounded ; ventral margin rounded ; poste- 
rior margin somewhat produced ; ventrally, and be- 
coming slightly arched toward the dorsum; beak at 
the anterior half, and slightly raised above the line 
of the auricles; anterior auricle angular, with about 
twelve fine striae divergent from the umbones ; pos- 
terior auricle subangulate, and truncate posteriorly. 
Length, one and five-twentieths of an inch ; height, 
one and three-twentieths ofan inch. Locality, San 
Pedro, Cal. Found with the preceding, There were 
three specimens of this species found—the left valve 
was used for the figure from its being the most per- 

P. TRUNCATA. Trask. 

Plate lll. Fig 3. 

Shell compressed ; rotund-quadrate; about eight 
flattened, slightly rounded, concentric annulations ; 
anterior margin rounded, and somewhat obtuse be- 
low the middle ; ventral margin orbicular ; posteri- 
or margin bluntly rounded ; posterior dorsal margin 
subangulate ; beaks acute above the line of the auri- 
cles; anterior auricle rounded in front, striate, and 
has a small fold extending from the umbones to its 
anterior margin above its middle, posterior auricle 
angulate and obtuse posteriorly ; beaks anterior to 
the middle. Length, one and one-tenth inches ;— 
height, one inch. Locality, San Pedro, Cal. Found 
with the preceding species. 

San Franoisco, March 24, 1856. 

President in the chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Dr. J. A. Veatch, plants from the vicinity 
of Lick Springs, Shasta county. 

From Mr. J. P. Haven, a large collection of marine 
shells, from the Islands of the South Pacific ; the 
skull of a Barbaroussa ; specimens of Corals; a Fly- 
ing Fish, and articles manufactured by the natives of 
the Pacific Islands ; also, a large Mahogany Book- 


From Capt. Maltby, specimens of gold-bearing 
quartz from Kern River. 

From Mr. D. 8. Marvin, specimens of Scolopenda, 
from Forest City. 

From Mr. J. P. Buckley, a collection of Insects. 
The thanks of the Academy were voted for the above 
donations; also, to the Pacific Express Co. for the 
gratuitous carriage of specimens. 

Donations to the Library. 
From the Linnean Society, of London, the second 

volume of their Proceedings. 
San Francisco, March 31, 1856. 

President in the Chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From the Arizona Mining Company, Red Oxide of 
Copper, containing eighty per cent, of the metal ; 
Grey Sulphuret of Copper ; Malachite, and Black 
Oxide of Copper from Arizona. 

_ From Mr. George Black, specimens from the cre- 
taceous rocks of Vancouver’s Island, consisting of 
TInoceramus, Ammonites, Baculites, &c. The thanks 
of the Academy were voted for the above donations. 

From Dr. Eckel, a specimen, of Gordius, from 
Grass Valley. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, two larvae of Dyticus and 
three specimens of Collambites. Dr, L. mentioned 
that the Saturnia Californica, our native Silk 
Worm, had made its appearance at the same time as 
the blossoming of the Ceanothus. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing of the Balsamor- 
hiza deltoidea, or Balsam Root Sunflower. The 
roots are baked in the earth and eaten by the In- 
dians. This specimen was brought from Red Blufis, 
Shasta county, by Dr. J. A. Veatch; a specimen 
from Placerville, has no serratures at the base of 
the leaf (?) like the present one. : 

Donations to the Library. 

From Mr. W. P. Blake, a pamphlet containing 
papers read by him at the meeting of the Association 
for the Advancement of Science, at Providence, R. I. 

The American Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. 
21 No. 62, was received. 

San Francisco, April 7, 1856. 

Dr. Trask in the chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, a species of Planorbis, be- 
lieved to be new. 

From Dr. Trask, a specimen of Graphite from Mt. 
Washington Mine, Shasta Co., from a bed seventeen 
feet thick; also, two specimens of fine Limestone 
from near Vaca Valley, Solano Co.—it receives a 
high polish and would answer for ornamental pur- 
poses—it is abundant; also, three specimens of Lu- 
traria from Tomales Bay. 

San Francisco, April 14, 1856. 
Mr. F. Marriot and Mr. Thos. Rollandson were 
elected Resident Members. Dr. Henry Wheatland, 

of Salem, Mass., was elected a Corresponding Mem- 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. J. C. Brown, three specimens of Sul- 
phur, one of Alum, one of Selenite, four of Copper, 
one of Scoria, one of Efflorescent Sulphur, one of 
Limestone and one Cactus, from Tres Virgenes. 

From Mr. Bloomer was received a donation oi 
Plates of Numbers for Cases. 

San Francisco, April 21. 1856. 
Dr. Kellogg in the chair. 
From Dr.’ Lanszwert, were received specimens of 
Coleopterous and Dipterous insects. 
From the Boston Society of Natural History was 
received a copy of their Proceedings, Vol. 5, pp. 289, 

Dr. Kellogg’s Paper. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and specimen of 
an Ephedra or Joint Fir :— 

A low shrub, known among southern miners, as 
Tea Twigs, from its general use as tea. Many prefer 
it to the China tea, but we think nothing known is 
likely to equal, much less supercede, the latter ; 
although, from actual experience, we feel confident 
our species must prove one of the very best substi- 
tuges—it is scarcely to be compared with many herbs 
we hear so often extolled in this respect. The tea 
is a tonic astringent, with the odor of cinchona, and 
evidently a restorative stomachic. It leaves a rich, 
mellow, persistent, somewhat aromatic flavor upon 
the palate, similar to the best black tea; and we 
think must prove salutary in relaxations, chronic 
diarrheeas, etc.; in fact, one species of this family, 
found in Asia, was formerly kept in the shops and 
used by physicians. 

Capt. Maltby, of Kern River, has'the thanks of the 
Academy for these specimens. We are greatly in 
want of the jruit and flowers, and hope soon to re- 
ceive them. This is probably the £, Americana. It 
differs from the species found at Salt Lake. The 
green branches are clustered and opposite, without 
leaves, in place of which are two opposite, very 
minute membranous-like scales, of a brown madder 
color, without points, the twigs striated, somewhat 
seven sided, jointed like an Equisetum or Scouring 
Rush—they readily separate and fall apart at these 
joints, hence the origin of the common name Joint 

San Francisco, April 28, 1856, 

President in the Chair. 

M. A. Le Plongeon was elected a Resident Member. 

From Mr. Tallant were received numerous speci- 
mens of Algw, Sertularia, &c. 

The following paper, ‘‘On some Californian Crus- 
tacea,” was received from Mr. Wm. Stimpson, Zoolo- 
gist to the U. S. Expedition to the North Pacific. 

The Californian coast is apparently not as rich in 
marine invertebrata, especially of the lower orders, 
as the generality of coasts in the same latitude ; 
which may be owing to the want of variety in station, 
and the paucity of inlets, bays, and islands, which 
afford shelter to such animals, The Crustacea, how- 
ever, although they cannot be said to be numerous, 
can scarcely be included in this remark, as a respec- 


table number of all orders, and even a considerable 
one of Macroura, are now known to exist on these 
shores. Scarce any of these were described by the 
earlier authors, and I am not aware that any species 
is mentioned as inhabiting Upper California by 
Herbst, Latreille, Lamarck, or even by Milne Ed- 
wards. Most of those already known have been 
brought into notice since 1840, and have been de- 
scribed, or remarked upon, by Owen, (Zool, of 
Beechey’s Voy., Crust.,) Randall, (Jour. Acad, Vat. 
Sci., Philad., vol. viii.,) Gibbes, (Proc. dm. Assoc., 
Charleston, 1850, vol. iii.,) and Dana, (Crustacea of 
the U. S. Exploring Expedition). 

The following paper contains notes on such species 
as were collected during a short stay in California 
during the winter of 1855-6. 

CANCER MAGISTER, Dana, (Proc. Am. Acad. Nat. 
Sci., May, 1851, p. 73), the common large crab, is 
very abundant about the wharves of San Francisco. 
It is of a light reddish brown color, darkest anteri- 
orly; often light orange below ; the inner sides of 
the anterior feet crimson, 

CANCER ANTENNARIA, St, 2. s. Carapax convex, 
much undulated, minutely granulated, its width to 
its length as 38t025, Hxternal antenne very large, 
hairy, of a length equalling two-fifths that of the car- 
apax. Antero-lateral margins with nine sharp teeth ; 
the posterior are most prominent in young individ- 
uals, but drawn considerably inward, and belonging 
rather to the postero-lateral margin. In the angles 
between the teeth the edges are strongly denticula- 
ted. Third article of external maxillipeds with long 
hairs on the terminal edge. Carpus and hand in the 
adult smoothly rounded, and minutely granulated ; 
inthe young partially covered above with small 
spiniform tubercles, and the outer surface of the 
hand costate. The posterior four pairs of feet, and 
the margin of parts generally on the inferior sur- 
face very hairy. Tarsi with thick brushes. Color 
dark purplish-brown. Width of a large specimen 
four inches. Found on rocky bottoms in two or 
three fathoms, about the mouth of the bay of San 

Cancer GRACILIS, Dana. (l. c., May, 1851, p. 73.) 
This species is said to occur in San Francisco Bay 
by its original describer. It must, however, be ex- 
eeedingly rare here, as I have never met with if af- 
ter repeated search. It would seem to be more com- 
mon further down the coast, towards San Diego, from 
which locality I have received a specimen from Dr. 

Another large crab is common in the bay, which 
may prove, upon comparison, to be the Platycarci- 
nus productus of Randall, (Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 
Philad., viii., 115.) I would apply to it, provision- 
ally, the name of Cancer PERLATUS. Carapax of 
great width in proportion to its length, 7. e., as 5 to 
3; rather broadly concave near the margins, convex 
about the middle and posteriorly ; its surface but 
little undulated, smooth and ungranulated ; antero- 
lateral margins with nine teeth, blunt and not very 
prominent ; the anterior are least projecting, and of 
greatest width ; frontal margin between the exterior 
antenne trilobate, lobes not prominent; superior 
edge of postero-lateral margins granulated. Exter- 
nal maxillipeds smooth in the male, the third article 
slightly pubescent on the edges in the female; in 
both this article is deeply sinuated for the insertion 
of the fourth, its interior apex being considerably 
produced. Hand and carpus somewhat irregularly 
nodulose above, the nodules forming two irregular 
rows along the superior edge of the hand, which is 

obsoletely 4-costate on the outer surface. Posterior 
feet rather compressed, second articles hairy along 
the superior crest; penultimate article of second 
pair with a tuft near its extremity inferiorly ; tarsi 
with three longitudinal brushes of short thick hair 
along the angles, the superior and anterior one of 
which is obsolete in the fifth pair of feet, and the su- 
perior and posterior one almost wanting in the oth- 
ers. This species is of a dark red or madder-color 
above, feet mottled; below dirty white. Length of 
carapax three and three-fifthinches; width six inch- 
es. Found in company with C. magister, and com- 
monly seen with it in the markets. 

PsuuDOGRAPSUS OREGONENSIS, Dana, (7. ¢., 1851,p. 
248,) is found in the coves of San Francisco Bay, liv- 
ing generally among pebbles and boulders on mud- 
dy shores, from half-tide to low water mark. It is 
bluish-gray above, darkened anteriorly with clouds 
of dark-red dots; the feet, with the exception of the 
light-colored anterior pair, are sparsely dotted with 

PsEuDOGRAPsUS NuDUS, Dana, (J. c., 1851, p. 249,) 
is found among the rocks, in the clearer water, near 
the open sea. It is of a dark olive, sometimes of a 
dark mahogany color; and is easily distinguished 
from the preceding species by the glossy smoothness 
of its posterior feet. 

EcHIDNOCERUS SETIMANUS. Ctenorhinus setima- 
nus, Gibbons. (Proc. Cal. Nat. Sci., 1.48.) This 
fine species is perhaps identical with that of Oregon, 
(EZ. eibarius, White). It differs frnm the Sitka spe- 
eies only in the shorter and blunter spines of the an- 
tero-lateral margins and of the feet. The genus 
Echidnocerus will probably be found synonymous 
with some one of the subdivisions of the Lithodina 
recently established by Brandt (vid. Bulletin, Scient. 
de VAcad.imp. de St. Petersb., cl. phys. mathem., 
T. vii., p. 174, 175.) 

The “lobster” of the San Francisco market is pro- 
bably the Palinurus interruptus of Randall. It be- 
longs to the genus Panulirus of Gray. Itis brought 
from the coast to the southward, and Dr. Trask in- 
forms me that it is very common on a rocky ledge in 
ten or twelve fathoms off Santa Barbara. 

lar, closely approximated at their basts, but diver- 
ging and curving a little upward at their pointed 
tips. Length of the external antennz two-thirds 
that of the body. The larger of the anterior feet 
smooth and glossy on the sides; the second article 
denticulated along the inferior edge. Hand scarce- 
ly longer, and perceptibly of less height than the 
carpus ; slightly ciliate on the edges, and especially 
toward the extremities. A considerable hiatus in- 
tervenes between the fingersy when closed, and be- 
tween their bases arises a small but prominent tooth, 
which curves upward. Moveable finger nearly half 
as long as the hand, rather slender, with hooked ex- 
tremity; its tooth little projecting, formed by a 
swelling out of the inferior edge, which is minutely 
denticulated. Thumb regularly but very slightly 
curved, Color a delicate orange ; anterior feet rose- 
colored. Length four inches. This species lives in 
the holes which are seen in such numbers at low 
water on the smooth sandy beaches near the en- 
trance of San Francisco Bay. In C. gigas, as de- 
scribed by Dana, the carpus is proportionally very 
much shorter than in this species. 

Gest Cattrorntca, St Stomachal region of 
carapax hirsute only on the anterior two-thirds, 
and marked with three longitudinal furrows, the me- 
dian of which is much shorter than the two lateral 




or marginal ones. Anterior feet very hairy on the 
edges; carpus with two or three sharp spines at the 
inner angle; fingers both toothed near their inner 
bases ; the lower or immovable one rather slender 
and curved. Terminal segment of abdomen large, 
transverse, and projecting a little beyond the margin 
of the lateral plates. Length 1] inches. From the 
coast near Monterey. G. Pugettensis differs from 
this species in that its carapax is covered with pu- 
besence anteriorly as far as the transverse dorsal 
suture ; and in wanting teeth on the fingers. 

Crancon Franciscorum, St. More slender and 
less depressed than is usual in the genus. Rostrum 
small, subtriangular, rounded in front. Spines of 
thorax nearly as in C. vulgaris. Palm of hand very 
oblique, inclining to longitudinal, occupying nearly 
one-third of the length of its inner side ; the thumb- 
like process long and spiniform. Sternal spine long, 
and followed by two or three sharp tubercles on the 
succeeding segments. A small sharp spine on each 
side of the abdomen at the supero-lateral angle of 
the antepenultimate’ segment. Terminal segment 
very long, slender, and pointed, smoothly rounded 
above. Color light and dark yellowish-gray, mot- 
tled. Eyes salmon colored in life. Length three 
inches. This is the common market shrimp of San 
Francisco, and is found abundantly in the sandy 
coves around the bay. 

CRANGON NIGRICAUDA, St. This species resembles 
very closely the common shrimp of Europe and of 
the Northern United States, and is probably the spe- 
cies mentioned by Owen as occurring at Monterey, 
which he considers identical with C. vulgaris. (vid. 
Zool. of Beechey’s Voy., p. 87.) It may, however, 
be distingnished from that species by its smaller and 
comparatively shorter hand, and by the narrower 
and more pointed terminal abdominal segment which 
has also a shallow longitudinal furrow on the upper 
surface. The flagella of the internal antenne are 
unequal in length, the longest but little surpassing 
the extremities of the lamelle of the external anten- 
nz. Rostrum very small, nearly oblong, with its 
extremity rounded. Sternal spine single, directed 
obliquely forward. Color blackish above, darkest 
at the tail. Hands ofa lilac tint. Length 23 inch- 
es. found in deeper water than the preceding spe- 
cies, from which this is easily distinguished by its 
shorter, broader, and more depressed form, and by 
jts darker color. 

HiepoLyTe PALPATOR, Owen. (/. c., Pl. xxviii. f. 
3.) Color pale yellowish, with transverse streaks 
of crimson at the articulations of the segments and 
onthe legs. It is not uncommon on the sandy bot- 
tom of the bay in from five to ten fathoms. 

Hrepo.yté Brevirostris, Dana. (l.c., Tau., 1852, 
p. 24.) Of a uniform pale lake-color. A larger 
species than the preceding. Takenin the Bay of 
San Francisco. 

Ipor“, consotipata, St. Body convex, broadest 
at the fourth thoracic segment; first four segments 
of thorax larger in every dimension than the last 
three, convex, and with an umbo near the lateral 
margins, which are turned up a little. No distinct 
epimera. Abdomen convex, formed ofa single piece, 
with a slight transverse depressed line indicating the 
partial separation of an anterior segment ; narrowed 
toward the posterior extremity, which is terminated 
by a little concavity. Hyesstrongly convex. lExte- 
rior antenne half as long as the body ; flagella with 
nine elongated articles. Internal antenn superior, 
without flagella, and reaching to the fourth article of 
the external ones, Feet with long terminal articles 

or fingers. Color reddish or brownish, mottled.— 
Length, 0.4 inch; breadth, 0.18 in. Taken in ten 
fathoms sand, near the entrance of the Bay of San 

PHILOSCIA TUBERCULATA, St. Body somewhat loose- 
ly articulated anteriorly, covered above with gran- 
ulations, or more properly minute tubercles, which 
are somewhat variable in size, but generally as large 
anteriorly as posteriorly, and show a tendency to 
arrangement in transverse rows ; two or three to 
each segment. Antenne inserted in the cavities be- 
tween the middle and the side lobes of the head, 
which are very prominent; they are composed of 
seven articles, the last two forming the flagellum. 
Caudal segment small, narrow, with a rounded ob- 
tuse point. Terminal article of external ramus of 
caudal appendage styliform, tapering to an obtuse 
point, and reaching beyond the extremity of the ab- 
domen to a distance equalling half its length. Color 
dark gray, almost black ; below greenish white.— 
Length 0.33 inch. Found under dead leaves, sticks, 
etc., in damp places, and along the margins of brooks. 

CapRELLA CALIFORNICA, St. Antenne exceeding- 
ly variable in their proportions ; flagella of superior 
ones 10—15-articulate ; inferior ones sub-pediform. 
A more or less developed spine, which curves for- 
ward, and is sometimes of considerable length, is 
placed upon the back at the anterior extremity of 
the first thoracic segment. Hand of second pair of 
feet generally three-toothed, teeth (in full-grown 
specimens) about equal in size, and placed mostly to- 
ward the outer extremity of thehand. Two or three 
sharp tubercles along the sides of the branchiferous 
segment; and a short dorsal spine on each of the 
posterior segments. Hands of posterior feet slender. 
Color variable. Length one inch. Found on sea- 
weeds, etc., below low water mark in San Francisco 

CoROPHIUM SPINICORNE, St. Inferior antennz half 
as long asthe body, without flagella, and with a 
large, curved, sharp-pointed spine at the inferior ex- 
tremity of the very thick third article. Superior 
antennx nearly as long asthe inferior ones. Feet 
with plumose hairs ; those of the first pair with mi- 
nute subcheliform hands, palm transverse, third and 
fourth articles with long sete along the inferior ~ 
edge. Feet of the second pair simple, but with the 
third and fourth articles conjoined laterally, as if 
forming a hand; the fourth article being placed in- 
feriorly and fringed with long hairs. Caudal stylets 
as in C. longicorne, except that the external ramus 
in the second pair is not cultriform. Color brown- 
ish, darkest at the head. with transverse bands of 
light yellow corresponding to the articulations.— 
Antennz brownish. Length 0.4inch. Found among 
conferve, etc., in the salt marshes on the shores of 
San Francisco Bay. 

ERICHTHONIUS RAPAX, St. Small epimera on the 
first thoracic segment, larger ones on the second, 
both narrow, not touching each other. Antenne 
subequal, one-third as long as the body}; superior 
ones with 6-articulate flagella ; inferior ones strong- 
ly toothed at the inferior angle of their basal seg- 
ment, and with 10-articulate flagella. Mandibular 
palpi reaching beyond the middle of basal article of 
the superior antennw. Eyes on lobes which protrude 
forward between the bases of the antenna. Hands 
of the first paiy small, subcheliform ; those of the sec. 
ond pair of great size, with a bi-articulate finger, and 
a thumb one-third as long as the finger, with a strong 
tooth at the middle of its inner side. Color brown- 


ish. Length one-fourth of aninch. Dredged in two 
fathoms sand, in San Francisco Bay. 

OrcueEstia TRASKIANA, St. Male, with the flagel- 
la of the inferior antenne forming more than half 
their length, and consisting of fourteen articles ; su- 
perior antennz reaching to the extremity of the sec- 
ond article of the inferior ones; feet of the first pair 
with a small, somewhat trilobate hand and minute 
finger, as in O. littorea, pollicifera, etc. ; feet of the 
second pair with an ovate hand, with no teeth on the 
oblique, convex, spinous palm (which terminates pos- 
teriorly in a slight notch) nor on the finger, which is 
less than half as long as the hand. In the female 
the first pair of hands resembles those of the male, 
except in being smaller, having less produced lobes 
and a comparatively longer finger ; those of the sec- 
ond pair with a small elongated hand, with a roun- 
ded extremity and a rudimentary finger applied at 
about the middle of one edge, somewhat as in O. in- 
sculpta, Dana. In both the feet of the sixth and sev. 
enth pairs are of aboutequallength. Eyes rounded, 
black. Color light-grey, sometimes greenish or 
brownish, always very pale. Length three-fifths 
inch. Very common among the rejectimenta along 
high-water mark on the shores of San Francisco Bay. 

ALLORCHESTES SEMINUDA, St. Body compressed ; 
eye broad, suboval, the posterior side straight, the 
anterior slightly concave; superior antennze with 
13-articulate flagella, and three-fifths as long as the 
inferior ones, which are one-third as long as the bo- 
dy, and have 14-articulate flagella. Sete on both 
pairs of antenne few, very short and almost obso- 
lete. Hand of Ist pair of feet short, palm oblique, 
finger of moderate size; carpus with a rather long 
projection of its antero-inferior angle ; hand of the 
2nd pair short, ovate, deeply excavated below for 
the reception of the point of the finger, which article 
is more than half as long as the hand. Color pale 
green; antenne red. Length half aninch. Found 
on sea-weed, and among barnacles, on piles, stones, 
etc., at half tide in San Francisco harbor. 

Mara Conrervicoua, St. Fourth, fifth, and sixth 
articles of abdomen angular and setose on the dor- 
sal surface. Eye broad, subreniform. Superior 
antenne less than half as long as the body, with a 
. thickened basal article, a very slender 24-articulate 
flagellum twice as long as its peduncle, and a 5-artic- 
ulate appendiculum. Inferior antenne as long as 
the superior ones, with a 12-articulate flagellum of 
about equal length with its peduncle. Hands four, 
rather small, of similar size and shape, truncate, 
palm slightly concave, with blunt spinules; finger 
short, stout, curved, with an almost obsolete tooth 
at the middle ofits innerside. Feet of the fifth pair 
scarcely more than half as long as those of the sixth 
and seventh, which are about equal in length— 
Rami of the posterior pair of caudal stylets unequal; 
external ones long, considerably flattened, setose 
along their jagged edges; inner rami very small.— 
Color dark brownish, rarely blackish. Length 0.4 
inch. Found among conferve, etc., in salt marshes 
on the shores of San Francisco Bay. 

PuHoxvus GRANDIS, St. Large; body thick, robust, 
broad; rostrum lamelliform, expanded over the 
bases of the superior antenne, with broadly rounded 
extremity. Superior antenne bi-flagellate, the in- 
ner flagella very little smaller than the outer ones; 
both 12-articulate ; penultimate article of peduncle 
entirely concealed beneath the rostrum. Inferior 
autenne a little longer than the superior ones; ter- 
minal article of peduncle broad at its extremity, 
where its outer angle is rounded and a little pro- 

duced ;—its inner angle bearing the 15-articulate 
flagellum. Eye transversely oblong. Feetcovered 
with simple hairs. Those of the first and second 
pairs with small subcheliform hands; those of the 
third and fourth pairs with the third and fourth ar- 
ticles dilated, the fifth slender and the sixth minute. 
Feet of the posterior three pairs very much expand- 
ed, those of the sixth pair longest. Caudal stylets 
of the first and second pairs with short, styliform 
rami, the iuner ones being a little shorter than the 
outer ones; those of the third pair with long, flat- 
tened, equal rami, the outer ones spinulose along the 
outer edges, bothfringed with long hair on the inner 
edges. Terminal spines of considerable length.— 
Color yellowish-white. Length, 0.5 inch. Dredged 
in ten fathoms, on a sandy bottom, in the channel 
near the entrance of San Francisco Bay. 
San Franotsco, May 5, 1856, 

President in the chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. Thomas Marston, two specimens of Lig- 
nite, from Douglass Flat. 

From Rev. Mr. Blakeslee, specimens of Tufa, Tre- 
molite, Sulphuret of Iron and Iron Ochre, from Iowa 

From Mr. James L. Hawks, a root used by the in- 
habitants of Western Mexico as a cure for the bite 
of venomous reptiles; its native name is Huaco. 
The thanks of the Academy were voted for the above 

From Dr. Trask, a valuable series of specimens 
from the gold mines of California, together with 
specimens of volcanic rocks from Sonoma and Placer 

From Capt. C. J. W. Russell, a specimen of Octo- 
pus, from San Francisco Bay ; also, a Scorpion from 
Sinaloa, Mexico. 

From Mr. Sloat, a Tarantula from the Warm 
Springs, near San Jose. 

San Francisco, May 12, 1856. 

President in the chair. 

Sir Wm. J. Hooker, Director of the Royal Gardens 
at Kew, was elected an Honorary Member of the 

Mr. Andrew Garrett, of Hilo, Hawaii, was elected 
a Corresponding Member. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. G. B, Williams, a Mastodon Tooth from 
Kineaid’s Flat. 

From Mr. Smith, a specimen of Selenite from La 
Paz, Mexico. 

From Dr. Trask, two specimens of Callianassa 
occidentalis, Stimpson, from the Bay of San Fran- 
cisco ; also, numerous specimens of minerals, shells, 

From Col. Ransom, a specimen of Ostraea, from 
the mountains sixty miles east of San Louis Obispo ; 
itis 134 inches in length, and 74 inches in depth, and 
weighs 18 pounds, 


From Capt. Russell, four packages of seeds from 

From Dr. Eckel, specimens of Copper; also, of 
petrified wood, from Arizona. 

San Francrsco, May 19, 1856. 
President in the chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 
From Dr. Stillman, specimens of Bulimus, from 

Los Moras, Texas. 

From Mr. Sherman Day, specimens of Trachyte 
and Volcanic Tufa. from near Carson's Pass. 

Several specimens of Geodes, from near Volcano, 
Amador county, were deposited by Mr. H. Camp. 

A very large Patella, from La Paz, was deposited 
by Capt Russell. 

San Francisco, May 26, 1856. 
President in the chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 
‘From Mr. 8. W. Levy, specimens of Phrynosoma, 
from Knight’s Ferry. 
From Mr. E. Mangan, a specimen of Chromic Iron 
from the foot hills west of Tulare Lake. 

From Mr Joseph Briton, specimens of fossils from 
Monte Diabolo. The thanks of the Academy were 
voted for the above donations. 

San Francisco, June 2, 1856. 
President in the chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet, 

From Mr. A. Frieck, specimens of fruits, lava, etc., 
from the Sandwich Islands. 

From Mr. Joshua &. Clayton, specimens of ores, 
etc., from Mariposa county. 

From Mrs. T. J. Nevins, a collection of flowers 
from Alameda. The thanks of the Academy were 
voted for the above donations. 

From the Boston Society of Natural History, was 
received a copy of their proceedings, Vol. 5, pp. 305, 

San Francisco, June 16, 1856. 

President in the chair. 

Mr. Moss was elected a Resident Member cf the 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Capt. T. D. Johns, fossil cetaceau vertebral, 
from Coose Bay. 

From Mr. Jerome Brown, Shaw’s Flat, Tuolumne 
county, Mastodon teeth, from Stone Gulch. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the 

above donations. 

From Dr. Trask, 126 species of Achatiaella, from 
the Hawaiian Islands, 
Danations to the Library. 
From Mr. Nevins, Patent Office Report for 18538, 
and the Ninth Annual Report of the Smithsonian In- 

Sawn Francisco, July 7, 1856. 
President in the chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. F. Bonard, specimens of Lava from 
Mauna Loa 

From Mr. McMullen, specimens of birds, from the 
Cosumnes river. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the 
above donations. 

From Col. Ransom, a specimen of foliated Graphite, 
found fifty miles east of San Bernardino. 

Donations to the Library. 

From Dr. Eckel, Bibliotheca Historico-Geograph- 
ica, 2 vols., and Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis, 
2 vols. 

Proceedings of the Elliott Society of Natural His- 
tory, Charleston, S. C., from the Society. 

Reports of explorations for a Pacific Railroad. 

San Francisco, July 21, 1856. 

President in the chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Dr. Stillman, Crustacea and Echinodermata 
from Panama Bay. 

From Mr. T. J. Barnes, silicified wood from Ar- 
kansas Digzings, Amador county. 

From Miss K. Palmer, the nest of ahumming bird, 
from Alameda 

From Mr. Hough, of Oakland, the fruit of Rebes 
aureum and a specimen of Sarcodes sanguinea. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the 
above donations. 

From Dr. Trask, specimens of coal with fossil 
Eyuisetaceae, from Scotland; also, several speci- 
mens of ELutainia. 

From Mr. Isaac Lee, was received a pamphlet, con- 
taining several papers published by him. 

Letters were read from the Royal Society of Lon- 
don, Prof J. Henry and Lieut. M. F. Maury. 

San Francisco, July 28, 1856. 

President in the Chair. 

The following amendments to the By-Laws were 
unanimously adopted : 

« From and after this date, no matters for exhibi- 
tion presented by any resident member, shall be en- 
tered on the minutes of the association.” 

“The publication of any paper in the departments 
of Zoology and Botany, must be accompanied by the 
specimens described or drawings of the same, in fit 
condition for preservation, which shall become the 
property of the association.” 

Mr. A. F. Beardslee deposited for the Library, 
Michaux & Nuttall’s North American Sylva; also a 
pamphlet containing descriptions of new coniferous 
trees of Californin. 

B. B. Redding & Co. presented one volume of the 
Democratic State Journal. 


Avueust 25, 1856. 

Vice-President in the Chair. 
Mr. A. F. Beardslee was elected a Corresponding 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. D. E. Hough —a specimen of Salmo ri- 
vularis, Ayres, from Temascal Creek. 

From Mr. Bloomer—a specimen of Limestone from 
Suisun Valley. 

From Dr. Lanszwert—specimens of Eutainia dor- 
salis, Pituophis catenifer and Apodichthys flavidus. 

From Dr. Eckel—two specimens of Tenia solium. 

Donations to the Library. 

From Prof. J. D. Dana—*: Science and the Bible,” 
part 2d. 

From Mr. Schmolaz—* Atomyecwichts tablen zur 
berechnoung, von R. Weber.” 

Americano Journal of Science, vol. 22, No. 64, was 

OcrosBeER 20, 1856. 

President in the Chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. Charles Earl—specimens of insects and 
reptiles, from Chihuahua, Mexico. 

From Dr. Holman—specimens of Platichthys from 
the Rio Grande, near Panama 

From Dr. Veatch —specimens of Sulphur, Traver- 
tine, Gelatinous Silex, and Chalcedony, from the 
Geysers; also a specimen of Limonite from near 
McDonald's Ranch, Berryessa Valley. 

From Mr. J. M. Alden—a specimen of Scomber 
Diego, from the Santa Barbara Channel. 

From Col. Ransom—specimens of minerals from 
the Great Basin, consisting of Obsidian, Pumice, 
Travertine, and Copper ore ; also a package of bul® 
bous roots called by the Indians of the Basin, “ Ta- 
boos,”’? much used by them as food. 

From Dr. Stillman—specimens of Asteracanthion, 
Cidaris, Hemiramphus and Chaetedon, trom Pana- 

Dr. W O. Ayres presented the following descrip- 
tion of a new species of mackerel: 
ScomBer DiecGo, Ayres. 

Body elongated, compressed, the thickness being 

contained nearly twice in the length. (The speci- 
mens described were taken while the fish were notin 
fuil condition, still the Scomber Diego is at all times 
doubtless less rounded than Scomber scomber or 
Scomber vernalis.) Length of the head contained 
four times in the entire length ; depth of the body 
equalling three-fourths the length of the head. 
_ Eyes large, rounded, separated from each other by 
a space equal to their own diameter, which is con- 
tained four times in the length of the head. Muzzle 
pointed, jaws equal; gape of the mouth moderate, a 
line vertical to the tip of the maxillary crossing the 
anterior part of the eye. Maxillary entirely and in- 
termaxillary in large part received under a sheath 
formed by the anterior suborbital. 

Teeth numerous, very fine and even, in both jaws, 

and on the palatines, and a few on the vomer.— 
Puaryngeals densely crowded. Anterior nostril the 
smaller, circular. 

Scales uumerous, rather small, soft, covering the 
body, the bases of the second dorsal, and caudal, and 
the upper portion of the operculum and _ preopercu- 
lum ; remainder of the head naked. very smooth. 

Lateral line very nearly straight The first dor- 
Sil fin, which is thin and delicate, arising at about 
one third of the distauce from the tip of the snout to 
the extremity of the tail, is triangular in form, the 
second ray cqualling nearly the length of the fin or 
half-the length of the head. The fia when depressed 
is entirely received in a groove. 

The distance between the two dorsals is equal to 
the length of the first. The second is low, highest in 
front, tapering posteriorly, its greatest height being 
less than half the height of the first dorsal, and its 
length equal to twice its height. The space between 
the second dorsal and the caudal is occupied by five 
finlets at about equal distances, the last having near- 
ly twice the height of the others. 

The anal fin, arising a little further back than the 
second dorsal, is entirely similar to that fin in form 
and size. Between it and the caudal are five finlets, 
corresponding to those of the back. 

Pectoral fius somewhat pointed. their length con- 
tained a little more than twicein their height, which 
latter is not quire equal to that of the first dorsal. 

Ventrals a little posterior to the pectorals, which 
they scarcely equal in height. 

Caudal fin very deeply forked, the height of the 
central rays being only one fourth of that of the 
longest, which latter equal one-seventh of the length 
of the fish. Depth of the body at the origin of the 
caudal fin only one-half of the diameter of the eye 

D. 9.1253 A. 212)s Pil; Web eG rs aluG ta alege 

Color, dark bluish green, with darker waving 
lines above: head greenish brown above ; cbeeks, 
sides and abdomen bright silvery. Tongue and 
membrane of the mouth and throat clouded, some- 
times almost black. Fins agreeing in color with the 
part of the body to which they are attached. 

No specimens have yet been seen measuring more 
than eleven inches in length, though it is stated that 
they sometimes exceed that size by two or three 

This fish is the only Mackerel known to inhabit 
the coast of California. It occurs from Monterey to 
San Diego, and probably extends its range much 
further in both directions. We hear, in fact, of 
Mackerel along our northern shores, but have seen 
no specimens, and of course cannot decide upon the 
species. None were contained in the collections 
made in Washington and Oregon by Dr. Cooper and 
Lieut. Trowbridge. 

S. Diego is allied very closely indeed to S. verna- 
/is, the mackerel of our New England eoast. It dif- 
fers however in the form and proportions of the head, 
in the contour of the body, in the eyes. the lateral 
line and the fins. 

We are not sufficiently acquainted with its histo- 
ry to speak with confidence in regard to its migra- 
tions. Most of the specimens received have been 
taken in the Santa Barbara Channel, in the months 
of August and September. It is quite abundant, 
though never coming in such great numbers as the 
Atlantic species. No attempts have yet been made 
to render its capture a source of profit. 

San Farncisco, Jan. 12, 1857, 
President in the Chair. 

— | 

ee Se ee ee ee ee 

EM ONE 8 bt oN ogee ee oe 1 


Dr. Trask read the following paper : 

At the close of 1855. I presented to the Associa- 
tion a statement of the occurrence of earthquakes in 
this State for that year and a term of years preceding. 

Daring the year just passed, I have kept a careful 
record of these phenomena, that have been noticed 
in this city, and other parts of the State, and which 
will be found below, with their date, and the hour of 
the day on which they took place, and they comprise 
all that have occurred, with perhaps two exceptions, 
the date for which were so obscure as to render it 
impossible to determine with accuracy the precise 
period of their occurrence. So far as | aminformed, 
those shocks which have taken place in this Stare 
during the past year have not been marked with 
more severity than has been usual in years preceding, 
frequently amounting to a slight tremor, and at otb- 
er times to more distinct movements; three only 
have possessed sufficient intensity as to command 
general attention :uring the busy hours of day. 

Very few have been noticed by persons who were 
staudipg upon the earth at the period of their occur- 
rence. By far the greater proportion were observed 
in high situations from the ground, and in the more 
retired parts or the city, or on the alluvial covering 
of the country to the west and south, 

The total number for the pist year is sixteen, and 
of this number thirteen were observed between sun- 
set and sunsise, a fact suffivient in itself to show the 
lightuess of their character; tor, did they possess 
that severity so ofteu attributed to them, the at en- 
tion of the populace would much more often be di- 
rected to their observauce. Yet we find such is not 
the fact, their first knowledge of such an occurrence 
being usually its announcemeit by the daily press. 

By reference to the statistics below, it will bescen 
that even in the mountain districts, where during the 
day there is much less of turmoil and uvise arising 
from business than in tue populous city, that of all 
those noticed, noue have been of sufficient intensity 
to attract the attentiou of the inhabitants during the 
hours of daylight. These facts, though few in them= 
selves, are of importance, to disabuse the public 
mind in relation to the danger to be apprebended 
from the occurrence of these phenomena. The chur- 
acter which we sustain both at home and abroad, as 
being in constant danger of being swallowed up by 
these occurreuces, and that our country is but » bed 
of latent volcanoes. ready to burst forth at any mo- 
ment, spreading devastation over the land, is oue of 
the greatest fallicies that ever obtained possession of 
‘the buman brain. Our State is as primitive as Mas- 
sachusetts or New Hampshire, and the dangers that 
attend us from the sources above spoken of, are 
equally great as in the States just named. 

We should remember that when speaking of Cali- 
fornia as a State, that we include a line of territory 
ualling that of the seaboard lying between Cape 
atteras Oo the south avd the British Possessions on 
the north. and iucluding eleven of the seaboard 
States of tne Union; and when we place our com; ar 
ative estimates on this basis in matters of this char- 
acter, it will become at once evident that the danger 

f annihilation from the cau-es und-r consideration, 
ire not of that magnitude that at first sight would 

- Along the coast of Mexico and Central America, 
the suath of California from all the record; that 
are obtainable here, there appears to have been a 
much greater exemption from those phen: mena than 
has been usual in former years; this seems to have 
been the fact, also, throughout the Pacific, Oceanic 


and most of the Continental islands along the coast 
of China, while to the north and north-west, beyond 
the fifty-fifth parallel. both volcanic and earthquake 
phenomena appear to have been greater than usual, 
This has been observable, for the most part, in the 
neighborhood of the Aleutian Archipelago, along the 
north east coast of Japan, and in the British and 
Russian Possessions of North America on the Pacific, 
and islands of the Ochotsk Sea. 

It would be interesting to know more of the pre- 
dominance of these phenomena in those regions, and 
such information could be easily obtained from the 
commanders of the whaling fleet, if the proper mea- 
sures were adopted to secure it. 

Below will be found some interesting matter upon 
this subject, which took place during the past year 
near the Straits of Ourinach. The earthquakes which 
have occurred in this State during 1856, and the pe- 
riod of their occurrence, is as follows: 

Jan, 2d —At a quarter before ten this morning, a 
smart shock of an earthquake was felt in San Fran.” 
cisco. The motion of the earth was undulatory. and 
came apparently trom the northward. A pendulum 
indicated a motion of about five and a half inches. 

Jan. 28th.—At the town of Petaluma, Sonoma 
county, a shock of an earthquake occurred at a 
few minutes past three o’clock in the morning — 
It was sufficient!y heavy to awake persons from their 

Jan. 29th.— At a quarter before one o’clock this 
morning, a slight shock was felt in San Francisco — 
It was observed also at the Mission Dolores. There 
were three distinct tremors, with short intervals 
elapsing between. The motion was apparently from 
the westward. 

Jan. 21st.—Quite a smart shock occurred at four 
o'clock this evening ; it was quite sharp in the south- 
west part of the city. 

‘eb. 15th.—At five o’clock twenty-five minutes a 
severe shock of an earthquake was felt in San Fran- 
cisco, the duration of which was about eight seconds. 
Persous sleeping were aroused, aud many persons left 
their beds and sought the street. There were two 
distinct shocks, the second very light and scarcely 
perceptible. The motion was undulatory and vorti- 
cal, and at the end of the first shock a very strong, 
profound jar, with which it ceased. 

The upper part of a building on Battery street, for 
seventy feet in length, was thrown down. the whole 
of which was above the cornice. very thin, and the 
mortar with which it was constructed had not be- 
come hardened, being easily removed by the fingers 
—-it more resembled wet sand than a firm mortar.— 

There appears but little difference in the sensa- 
tions of persons situated either in upper or basement 

It was preceeded by a deep, heavy rumbling, and 
the motion apparently came from the northwest. A 
distinct shock was felt at eight minutes past two 
o'clock the same morning, by persGus who were 
awake and up at the time. 

The vortical movement was shown in the fact that 
emall square bottles and boxes tbat stood upon a 
line, were moved from their position horizontally, 
describing an are of thirty degrees and upwards, 
as shown by the dust upon the shelves on which they 

The first wave came with a force sufficient to pro 

ject small articles three or four feet on the floor, 

from shelves on which they were placed; they were 
apporently al! thrown in the same direction. Seve- 


ral clocks were stopped at precisely 5 hours 25 min- 

All the cracks in walls and ceilings bad a direc- 
tion nearly northwest and southeast, and most of 
them had the appearance of having been produced at 
the moment of elevation. 

The earthquake was felt heavily at Monterey, at 
5 hours 20 minutes ; it was also felt at Bodega, but 
no time is given, 

The vessels on the coast, and ranging from San 
Pedro on the south to Southern Oregon, and at dis- 
tances varying from eight to one hundred miles from 
Jand, did not experience any shock. They were 22 
in number. 

Up to the present date the most northern point of 
which we have any record of its having been felt, is 
at Santa Rosa. which is 53 miles north of San Fran- 
eisco, and at Monterey, 90 miles south of the latter 
place ; to the east of this city we bave vo record be- 
yond Stocktou. This would give for its length 143 
miles, and its breadth 66 miles. 

Inquiry was made through the State line Tele- 
graph at El Dorado, Nevada, Duwnieville, Placer- 
ville, Marysville, Sacramento Stockton, and San 
Jose ; it wis not felt in any of the localities named, 
excepting the two last, and at Stockton it was quite 

"if the time as given at Monterey was the same as 
at this city, (San Francisco) the velocity of the earth- 
wave must have been much slower than that of the 
great earthquake at Simoda. 

March 24.—A slight shock was felt at Canal 
Gulch, Siskiyou county, also at Yreka. at twenty 
minutes before 10 o'clock, P. M. The motion is de- 
scribed as being horizontal. 

March 31.--A light sbock was felt in San Fran- 
cisco at twenty-five minutes past 1 o’clock, A, M. 
It consisted of three light but distinct tremors. 

April 6.—113 P.M.  Asmart shock was felt at 
Los Angeles and the Monte. People were aroused 
from their beds. 

May 10.—A light shock was felt in San Francisco 
at 10 minates after 9 o’clock, P. M. The shock was 
accompanied by a loud report, like the discharge of 
a cannon; people mistook it for the signal gun of 
the mail steamer. This was felt at Monterey, Con- 
tra Costa county. 

May 2.—A severe shock was felt at Los Angeles 
a few minutes past 12 o'clock, P. M. It caused much 
trembling among the buildings, and considerable 
alarm among the people. many leaving their beds 
The shock was preceded by two loud reports like 
the blasting of rock ; it apparently came from the 
northwest ; no damage was done, 

August 2.—A light shock was felf in San Fran- 
cisco at 20 minutes after 5 o’clock, A.M. It was 
sufficiently strong to awaken persons in bed 5 it was 
evidently more severe in Stockton. 

August 27.—An earthquake was felt at Mission 

San Juan, Monterey county, at 15 minutes before 9 
o’clock, P. M. There were two distinct shocks with 
short intervals elapsing. the second being the heavi- 
est. The motion is described as undulatory and 
coming from the west. It was felt at Monterey and 
at Santa Cruz. 

Sept. 6.—A smart shock felt at Santa Cruz, at 3 
o'clock, A. M. It created considerable consternation 
and many persons left their beds. 

Sept. 20 —A very severe shock was felt in differ-! 
ent parts of San Diego county, and at that town at} 
114 o'clock, P.M. At Santa Isabel the ceilings of! 
the dwelliugs was shaken down; the cattle stampe- | 

ded and ran bellowing in all directions, and the In- 
dans seemed equally terrified. The walls of the 
a‘lobe buildings were many of them cracked. The 
motion is described as oscillatory. A light shock 
occurred on the following Monday evening. 

NVov, 12,— A smart shock occurred at Humboldt 
Bay at 4 o'clock, A.M. Another shock was repor- 
ted tut no date given. 

From the records before us it will be seen that 
fourteen being the total number of earthquakes re- 
corded during 1856, seven have been felt in San 
Francisco in common with other parts of the State ; 
seven bave occurred south of this locality that were 
not observed bere, and four north of it. Of the seven 
shocks noticed here. five only were not observed in 
any aljacent district, and may be considered as 
strictly local. The periods of the year at which the 
shocks have occurred, is as follows: During the win- 
ter mouths, five; during the autumn, three; during 
the springand summer, six. Nine have taken place 
between the vernal and autumnal eqninoxes. 

We have records of considerable and violent vol- 
canic phenomena throughout the northern seas, and 
islands both to the east and west of Alaska. The 
Russian frigate Dwina. while lying at Shaam Shu, 
brings intelligence of the outburst of a volcano in 
that vicinity about the 22nd of June,and on the 
25th of the sime month passed through fields of float- 
ing pumice; the latitude by observation being 50° 
53’ and longitude 158° 32’ east per chronometer. 

An interesting account of a submarine volcano 
was reported by the Ca; tain of the bark Alice Fra- 
zer, in latitnde 54° 36’— longitude 135° west, which 
is as follows: A portion of the whaling fleet, four in 
number, were running through the Straits of Ouri- 
nack, on the 26th of July last; while passing the 
straits a submarine volcano burst out, sending a 
column of water several hundred feet upward; im- 
mediately following this, immense masses of lava 
were projected into the air, and the sea for miles and 
for days afterward, was covered with floating frag- 
ments of pumice. The ships Scotland and Enter- 
prise were nearer the volcano than the ships Frazer 
and Wm. Thomson ; on the decks of the two former 
considerable pumice, lava, and ashes fell. There 
were seven vessels in the straits at the time of the 
occurrence, three of which the names I could not 

The outburst was accompanied with violent shocks 
of earthquake, It is the opinion of Captain Newell, 
of the Alice Frazer, that considerable shoaling has 
been the result of this submarine action. 

Aunual meeting by adjournment. 

The Reports of the Treasurer, Curators, and Cor- 
responding Secretary were received and placed on 

The following officers were elected for the ensuing 
year : 

President-—Leander Ransom. 

1st Vice-President—Theodore Moss. 

2d Vice-President—J A. Eckel, M. D 

Recording Secretary—M G. Read 

Corresponding Secretary--W. O. Ayres. M. D. 

Treasurer—F¥. Bosqui. 

Curator of Zoology--L. Lanszweert, MD. 

Curator of Geology and Mineralogy—-Dr. J. B. 


Librarian—W. Heflley. 

(Cal. Acad, Nat. Sci.) 

ae le) 

On motion, it was voted that the election of Stand- 
ing Committees be deftrred to a future meeting. 
From Dr. Stillman, of the steamer “John L 
Stephens,” were received specimens of marine shells, 
Radiata, &c., from the Bay of Panama. 
From the Curator of Geology, by exchange, tooth 
of a species of Elephas, from Oregon. 
From the Boston Society of Natural History was 
received a sheet of their Procecdings, Vol. 6. pp. 

(Omitted Proceedings ) 

SEPTEMBER 29, 1856. 
President in the Chair. 

Dr. Joseph Birnstitl was elected a Corresponding 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. J. Gallaway—specimens of Solar Salt 
and Sulphate of Lime, from Saw Quentin, Lower 

From Mr. Pollock—v specimen of 4steracanthion. 
from San Fransisco Biy. Tae thanks of the Acad 
emy were voted for the above don tions. 

From Capt. Rassell—a specimen of Pituophis and 
the skin of a fox, fron Sau Clemente [slind. 

From Mr. Beardslee —specim ns of cones and pines 
from Shasta and vicinity. 

Letters were real from Mr. Binney, of German- 
town, Pa, Dre B.F. Shumard, of Saint Louis, Bos- 
ton Society of Natural ifistory, and Western Acad 
emy of Natural Sciences, 

Donations to the Library. 

From Dr. B. F. Shumard—a paper on a new fossil 
genus, belonging to the family Blastoidea, 

Irom the Boston Society of Natural History— 
Proceedings of the Society. pp. 353—368. 

San Francisco, Nov. 17, 1856 
President in the chair. 
Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. Horace Divis—specimeus of Limestone 
and Lignite, from Siaw’s Flat. 
_ From Mr. J. T. Cunningbam—bones of Mastodon, 
from Shaw’s Flat. 

From Dr. Skinner, of Stockton—ph aryngeal bones 
: of Mylopharadon robutus. 
 -Frow Mr. J.B. Clayton—coues o' Sequoia gigan- 
tea, and-bulbs of the Mountain Lily, from the Upper 
San Joaquin. The thanks of the Academy were vo- 
_ ted for the dovatious above record: d 
From Col. Rinsom—seopula ofa Whale 

- Manganese, trom near Oakland, and cones of Silver 
Fir. (Abies nodilis) fiom Scott Moun‘ain. 

From Dr. J. A. Veaich—skull!s of Ursus firox and 
— Canis ochropus(?) ech. 

San Iuxanctsco, Dee. 16, 
Dr Kellogg. Vice President. in the Chair, 


From Mr. Beardsies—spvcimens of Peroxide of 


Dr. Haggin, of San Francisco, was elected a Resi- 
dent member. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. F. Rais—fossils of the marine Tertiary, 
from Monterey County, with minerals and recent 

From Dr. Badorous—specimens of silicified wood, 
from Mokelumne Hill. 

From Captain J. D. Brown— specimens of Coleop- 
tera, Coral and Sponges, from the Gulf of Califor- 

From Mr. Bridges—specimens of Sequoia gigan- 
tea, Sequoia semperoirens, Pinus Lambertiana and 
Pinus insignis. 

From Dr. J. A. Veatch—specimens of Travertine, 
Sulphur, Obsidian and silicified roots of the Tule, 
from near Clear Lake. 

Donations to the Tabedirap 

Proceedi: gs of the Boston Society of Natural His- 
tory, vol 5. pp. 375-416, from the Society. 

From Messrs. Vincent & Payot—Memories de la 
Societe des Sciences Naturelles, 1835, 1842, 1849.— 
The thanks of the Academy were voted for these do- 

San Franersco, Jan. 25, 1857. 

President in the chair. 

Mr. Thomas G. Cary was elected a resident mem- 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Dr. Stillman, specimens of Shells, &c., from 
the Bay of Panama. 

From Dr. Trask, a fossil Elephas tooth, from Ore- 

From Mr. Theodore Moss, a specimen of Diomedea 
ezulans, from veer Cape Horn ; also a specimen of 
Mineral Resin in Coal, from the Is!and of Borneo. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, specimens of Malachite from 
Australia, and of Sulpburet of Copper from Nevada. 

By purchase from the estate of Dr. A. Randall, an 
extensive collect-on of plaats of Califoruia, wood of 
forest trees, Moss of New Mex co and the Gila, 
Shells and Minerats. 

Donations to the Library 

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural His. 
tury, Vol. 6, No 1, from the Society. 

From Mr. Geo. Fraurnfeld, Verhandiungen der 
Zoologisch—Boranisehen, 1852, 1853, 1854 and 1855 ; 
also, Bericht uber die oster—Literatur der Zoologie, 
Botavick. Paleoutologie, aus den jirhen 1850— 51— 
52—53— 55. Also, Au'zshlung der Algen der 
Dalmatineschen Kasten; von Go. Frauenfeld ; also 
Metamorphism of Lose sts, by Geo. Fraucnfeld ; als» 
Jahrbuch der Kaiser'‘c') Koniglichen Geologischen 
Reichenstalt, 1850—1855. 

From the Smithsovian Lustitution, the eighth vol- 
of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 


The thanks of the Academy were voted for the 
above donations. 

From Mr. Wm. Stimpson, a copy of his work on 
the Testaceous Mollusks of New England. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, a Catalogue of the Shells of 
Connecticut ; also Conchology from the Eacyclope- 
dia Britannica, with plates of American Conchology. 

The Committee ou Publication were appointed a 
committee to draft a memorial to Congress in favor 
of the publication of the Scientific Reports of the U. 
S. Exploring Expedition under Commanders Ringold 
and Rogers. 

Mr. Moss presented a prospectus of the Literary 
and Scientific Association of Valparaiso. 

Mr. T. J. Nevius was elected a Life Member of the 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing of a new species 
of Oak, to which was given the provisional name of 

Quercus Vaccinifolla—KeLLoaa—or Huckleber- 
ry-teaf Oak —Leaves annual, coriaceous, small, ob- 
long-ovate, acute, eub- mucronate, somewhat obtuse 
at base; glabrous above, reticulate ; fuscous and 
stellate pubescent beneath ; margin entire, petiole 
short. Fruit ovate, sub acute, mucronate, sub-ses- 
sile; cup shallow, margin thin, scales minute ap- 
pressed, hoary-fuscous tipped with brown, stellate 
pubescent. Biennial ? 

This species of oak is abundant on the lofty moun- 
tains of California The Trinity, Scott and Siskiyou 
mountains are clothed with extensive thickets ot this 
shrub. It is rarely found over one inch in diameter, 
and 4 to 6 feet inheight The branctes are smooth, 
round and slender, and together with the buds and 
foliage resemble the Whortleberry. The leaves are 
about one inch in length, dilated at the base on slen- 
der petioles two to three lines in lenzth, lamina 
about twice that in width ; the lower surface some- 
what tan-colored. 

The Academy are indebted to M. I. Beardsley for 
the specimen and fruit. 

The following Standing Committees were elected 
for the ensuing year: 

Publication—Dr. W. O. Ayres, Dr. J. B. Trask, 
Col. L. Ransom, Dr. J. N. Eckel. 

Library—Mr. W. Hifiley, Dr. J. B. Trask, Dr. 

Finance—Mr. T. F. Moss, Mr. W. Ileffley, Dr. Kel- 

February 23, 1857. 

President in the chair. 

Mr. Jams Hepburn, Mr. Joseph Briton and Mr. 
A. A Branda were elected Resident Members. Mr. 
Geo. Frauenfeld, of Vienna, was elected a Vorres- 
ponding Member. 

Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Mr. Hearn, of Yreka, a Butterfly from Mt. 
Shasta, with plants and miuerals fiom the sume lo- 

From Dr. Stillman, specimers of Zoophy tes. Debi- 
noderms, Mollusca, Crustacea and Wishes; also an 
Arm#dijo, from Panama an] its vicinity. 

From Mr. S. G. George, specimens of cordage 
made from the fibres of a species of Asclepias by the 
Indians of the Tulare Valley. 

From Mr. Wm, R. Garrison, specimens of Coal with 
the accompanying rock, from Central America. 

From Dr. J. M. Brown, specimens of Fish from the 
Santa Barbara Channel, and of Solen and Helix from 

the Island of San Clemente. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the 
above donations. 

From Mr. T. G. Cary, specimens of Pumice, from 
the surface of the ocean, June 25, 1856, in lat. 50° 
53’ N., long. 158° 32’ W. 

From Capt. L. J W. Russel, specimens of Anneli- 
da, Crustacea and Mollusca, from the Gulf of Cali- 
fornia ; also, of Specular Iron, Seeds and Shells, from 

From Col. Ransom, various Fossil Bones, found 
100 N. E. of Los Angeles. 

From Dr. Eckel, specimens of Neritina, from Ja- 
pan. F 

From Mr. T. F. Moss, a valve of Ostraea, from the 
Amoor river. 

From Dr Lanszweert, Birds from New Caledonia. 

Donations to the Library. 

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural His- 
tory, vol. 6, pp. 338-45, from the Society. 

From Lieut. M. F. Maury, Washington Astronom- 
ical Observations, vol. 6, 1856. 

From Dr. Eckel, Owens’ Geological Survey. 

From the Essex Institute, a copy of their Proceed- 

American Journal of Science, No. 67, from the 

Report of the Commissioners of Common Schools, 

From Mr, Heffley, Ancient History of Astronomy, 
by Waltz. 

From Mr. T. F. Moss, six Nos. of La Science. 

Mr. T. J. Nevins deposited seventeen Volumes of 
the Natural History of New York. 

Mr. T. J. Cary deposited Embryology of the Sal- 
onidia, and Systeme Glaciaire, by Agassiz. 

The following paper, by W. P. Blake, was read : 


A specimen obtained from Georgetown, California, 
resembling a fragment of tarnished lead or silver- 
glance, is found, ou examination, to be chiefly com- 
posed of Silver and Tellurium. The mass is about 
one inch in length and breadth, and is entirely free 
from gangue, but incloses native gold, which appears 
vt several poiuts on its surface. An aggregation of 
|} cubical crystals, resembling galena, is implanted on 
one side, and the other is deeply indented with an- 


The missive part of the specimen is sectile and 
| malleable, and does not sbow any traces of erystali- 
z.tion; if miy be cut with a knife, like lead, and 


cular C.vilies—probably the prints of quartz crys- . 

Oe a ee | eee 


gives a brilliant metallic surface. Hardness about 
2 of Mohs scale. 

In the open tube, beore the blowpipe flame, the 
mineral fuses quietly, coloring the glass a bright 
yellow under tue assay ; a white or gray sublimute 
is deposited at a short distance from, or directly 
over it, which, on being heated, fuses into transpa- 
rent drops, resembling oil. On charcoal it fuses 
readily toa leaden-colored globule, which, on cool- 
ing, becomes covered with ittle points or dentrites 
This globule fiat-eas unier the bammer, but breaks 
on the edges. With the addiion of a little carbon- 
ate of soda, a globule of silver is readily obtained. 
A fragment heated to redness in a closed tube or ma 
trass, with dry carbonate of soda and charcoal dust 
gives, on the addition of a few drops of boiling wa- 
ter, the beautiful violet-red or purple solution des 
cribed by Berzelius as characteristic of tellurium.— 
This solution loses its color after standing for some 
time, and a dark colored powder is deposited. The 
mineral dissolves in hot n.tric acid. With the separa- 
tion of tellurous acid in crystals. 

It is probably the species Hessife, but the decision 
is reserved until further examinations are made. Its 
eolor is darker than the Hersite of Savodiusky, Si 
beria, and is not quite so hard 

Thuis very rare mineral has not hitherto been ob- 
served in America, and its occurrence is therefore of 
prculiar interest. Lam indebted to P. C. Currier, 
Esq., of Georgetown, for the specimen [t was ob- 
tained in that vicinity, and probably taken from the 
auriferous drift ; but it cannot bave been transported 
far from its original source 

The crystals give reactions for lead and sulpbur 
and atrace of selenium. They are probably galena, 
but may contain tellurium. 

A specimen seen in California in 1854, weighing 
about two ounces, greatly resembled the massive 
part of the specimen above described. The small 
fragment of it which was then obtained, also gives 
the reactions for tellurium avd silver. Its precise 
locality is not known. 

The telluric silver of Siberia, according to Gustof 
Rose, is composed, in 100 parts, of : 

155) POS Rec nS eS a SN Sa 86 96 
eT Mash Liat ceo aretala! 910 siai'aicgnyaiviolaintua (oles 62.42 
“Tt ae Matbeicar acres acdshies ance’ 0.24 

It is probable that tellurium combined with silver, 
‘lead or bisinuth. will be found in the auriferous 
quartz of Grass Valley and other localities. A few 
Specimens in my possession contain sinall briltiant 
> grains resembling tetrady mite, but their exact char- 
acter is not yet determined. 

January 1, 1857. 
Bibs A letter was read from M. Boisduval, siating that 
; Saturnia Californica hed been previously described 
by him as S. euryalus. 

_ The curators were authorized to send such dupli- 
cates of specimens as are available, to the Society of 


ontiagiaa History, at Stockton, Cal. 


hom San Francisco, March 30, 1857. 
_ President in the Chair. 

_ Prof. Asa Gray, of Cambridge, Mass., and Dr. Joha 
‘Torry, of New York, were elected Honorary Mem- 
bers. * 

rs Dr. John Browne, of the U.S. steamer Active, Mr. 
_ Geo. Gibbs, of Port Townsend, M. Moreenhaut, of 
_ Monterey, Capt. Fauntleroy, Capt. Wilson and Dr. 

George Sackley, were elected Corresponding Mem- 
Donations to the Cabinet. 

From Capt. J. D. Brown, of the schooner da, 
specimens of Reptiles, Fishes, Annelida and Crusta- 
cea, from the Gulf of California. 

From Dr. Pigné Dupuytren, a fine collection of 
Marine Shells and a skull of Belone, from New Cal- 
edonia; also, a fabric made from the hair of the bat, 
by the natives of those islands. 

From Dr. Welch, a skull of Diomedea chlororyn- 
chos,and a skull of a native of the Sandwich Islands, 

From Dr. Czapkay, a large species of Patella. 

From Mr. Parent, two specimens of Chiton and a 
Cudaris, from the Gallipagos Islands. 

From Mr. H. P. Wakelee, a suite of specimens from 
Nicaragua, consisting of the capsule of Cocoa Bean, 
Scorpion, skin of a Jarge serpent, (called by the na- 
tives Bo-bo,) and Coal; also, Copper smelted at the 
La Mina del Padre, (Colima,) and Copper Ore from 
La Mina Truxcanisco, (Colima); also, Solar Salt 
from near Los Angeles, Cal. ; also Auriferous Quartz 
from Kern river, and a shell of Echinus. 

From Mr. H. R. Bloomer, a specimen of Zutainia 
dorsalis, from San Francisco. 

From Barry & Patten, s specimen of Ornothoryn- 
chus, from Australia. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted for the do- 
nations above recorded. 

From Dr. Lanszweert, Liguite, from Sonoma. 

From Dr. Bennett, a specimen of Gypsum, and one 
of native Alum, from Guaymas. 

From Capt. Russell, a fine specimen of Yucca, in 
full bloom, from the Southern Coast; also, two 
young specimens of the same for cultivation; also, 
several specimens of Mesembryanthemum. 

From Dr. Kellogg, a specimen of Scolopendra, 
from Monte Diabolo; also, a box of seeds. 

From Dr. Ayres, a specimen of -dnarrhicthys 
ocellatus, and one of Cebidichthys crista-galli, from 
San Francisco Bay. 

From Mr. W. U. Pease, of Honolulu, a fine suite 
of specimens from the Sandwich Islands, consisting 
of Crustacea, Land and Marine Shells, Echinoderms 
and Corals. 

From Mr. Hepburn, Calcareous Travertine, from 
the Geysers. 

From Mr. Beardslee, a specimen of Trillium. 

From Dr. George Suckley, specimens of Mytilus, 
from the Straits of Fuca. ; 

From Dr. Trask, a specimen of Nereis, thirty-three 
inches in length, from San Francisco Bay; also, a 
fish allied to Gunnellus, of apparently a new generic 
type ; also, a quantity of the ripe fruit of the Coffee 
Tree, from the Sandwich [slands. The curators 
were requested to distribute these seeds throughout 
the State, for the purpose of inducing their cultiva- 



Capt. Russell deposited a Water Bottle and Beads, 
with a Mortar, which were made by the Indian wo- 
man Maria, ou the Island of San N.colas, during ber 
solitary res deuce there of e guteen years. 

Ox tue Drrecrron anp VeLocrry or Tae Earra- 
QUaKé IN CaLIForNIA, Jantanky 9, 1857—By Dr. 
JoHN Bb. Thask. 

The earthquake which occurred in various parts 
of this State, on the moruing of the 9th Javuary 
last, excited at the time Gousiderable attention,— 
This arose from two causes First. trom che varied 
reporis that appearcd Ou the foliowing Gay through 
the press of this city, detailing its occurreuce in re- 
Mote Mountain towus. and fur which there wap 10 
foundation, Secoudly, from the great extent over 
whic! the Commotion Was feil, as was suls: quently 

Juimed ately fullow ng h+ cccurrence of the phe- 
noweuon, letters were ad treesed to ail che pring pal 

towus between Mariposa aud Dowuteville, east of 

the vaileys, for the purpose of tearuing how far the 
shocks may bave extenued eastward of tins city.— 
‘Lhe-e letters were furwaided by the Pacitic Express 
Company to thew agents, and through them au- 

sWers were returuel in every Case but two through | 

toe sume source. Frou the tacts thus obtained, it 
was found that in no locality east of the fuothills, 
was any shock felt whativer on that day or night 

Auother report, equa ly uufvuoded, reached us ou 
the a:r.val ot the steamer from the Suuthern coas:, 
to the effect that several bouses had beeudemoii-fed 
iu Sin Diego from its violen:e, while the facts in the 
care are, that the steamer lft that port twenty-four 
hours before the shock oceurred there 

This earthquake, or more properly Speaking the 
series of shucks that began on the vigut of the S.b in 
this city, aud which continued in the south part of 
the State during tbe following day and night of the 
9th, was prubabiy the most eXleusive vf any un re- 
cord ou this portion of the Pacific coast, exc puny, 
perhaps, that of the Wave of the Simoda carti quake 
in December, 1854. The liuear distance Over Which 
we are able to trace its Cuurse, amvuuuts lo six Lun 
dred and two miles, aud its breadth, so iar as now 
ascertaincd, is two bundred aud pinety miles. lt 
has all the appearance of having beeu tbe ternal 
movemevt vl SoMe mure Vidleut GUMMOTION al a dis- 
tance from our Cuast. 

From tbe best evidence obtainable at presevt, it 
seems to have bad its oryiu (6 ihe West aud Wav- 
elled in an easteriy direc lun. Luis ts Conclusively 
proved from the fact thatit was felt earlier at Sau 
Francisco than at any ovber locality east of this city 
within the State. We have uv record as yet of its 
occurrence alovg the coast of Mexico or Ovegon. 

I bave been able to determine with considerable 
accuracy the period of time at which the shock be 
tween eight avd mine o civck un the moruing oi the 
9ih took place, at tour localities cast of the city of 
San Francisco, in this State, as the shock at that 
hour secms to have been more generaily noticed (han 
those which either preesded or followed ib bere, or 
elsewhere, Lbough at this city it wus much less 
marked than the stocks at lb. 23m, 40. lom., aud 
7b., these tbree latter occurring at those hours of the 
moruing wheu most persuus are sieeping. The shock 
at 7a. produc: d a circular motion iu the penduluu, 
the diameter of which was about five incurs The 
orcillations uf the pendulum in all the others were 
ln win easterly and westerly direction. 



place at San Francisco, between eight and nine 
o’clock, is determined by the stopping of a time- 
picce beloaging to J. W. Tucker, whose rate of error 
was three seconds fast. ‘The time at San Diego was 
furnished by Mr. Cassidy, of the army, and that of 
the Tejon Reserve is by persons at that post. To 
private gentlemen at Sacramento and Stockton we 
are indebted for the time at those places. The ac- 

/compauying table of latitudes aud longitudes, of lo- 

calities uamed gives the hourat which the shock took 
place at each; tbe difference or elapsed time, from 
which the velocity was deduced, are the mean times 
corrected for the places named, the time as given 
above being taken as the standard at San Francisco, 

It is proper here to state that three minutes four 
seconds, was the greatest error iu t me found, and 
the least was tweaty two seconds :— 

Lat., Lon. ;Time of Elapsed Velocity 

} } | shock. | time. | 
ah lh. m. Ss. ms. | miles 
San Francisev....'37 48122 25 8 138 80 000) vu 
Sacramento ...... 38 32121 238 20 00 7 30) 66 
Stockton... 6.2. 87 52121 84 8 23 OU 9 30) 6 5 
Pejon.... .......'35 OULIS 46 8 45 00 32 3u) 60 
san Diego. ..... [82 42117 13 8 50 00 386 30! 70 

The v. locity is given in miles per minute, and by 
dividing the sum of the same by their number, 1t 
will be found that the movement of the wave at that 
lime averages «a fraction over 6.2 miles per minute. 

The resuits obtained from the above data approxi- 
mate ciosely the deductions of Prof. Bacue on the 
wave which reached our shores resutliug from the 
earthquake at 3imuda on the 23d December, 1854, 
aud which wil be jound in a paper read by that gep- 
tleman at the meeting of the Americau Association 
for the Advancement of Science, during the early 
part of last year. 

From the tac.s before ux, there can be but little 

{doubt of the direction of the commotion, and that 

it proce:ded from the west, or a little south of that 
poiut. The motion of the earth, as descr bed at the 
different localities at which it was felt, with the mo- 
tion of the pendulum—which was slightly south of 
4 west line—leads to tue latter cunciusion Time is 
au important elemeut 1 sidiug us to form correct 
conciusivns tegarding tbeir puenomena, and it is to 
be boped that our trieuds iu different parts of the 
State, 10 reporting the same, wili be precise in this 
particuiar, Uf tbe incidenis attending the shocks, 
many aud varied reporis bave reached us; and it 
seems to have acted with greater violence in the vi- 
cinity of the Tejon Reserve aud upper Tulare county 
than at any other places. It is most remarkable 
that so small an amount of intensity was manifested 
when the area over which it extended is taken into 

The effects were felt in San Francisco several 
bours before they are reported to have been observed 
at any other place norta or south. They began bere 
at twenty winutes past eleven, ou ‘he oight of the 
8cb, aud contiuu d tili thirteen miu ¢s past eight 
the fuliowiug mornivg—six shocks occ. ring in the 
tuterim ; while to the south, the first shoo’ that was 
noticed at the Vejou was at 6 bours 30 minutes, on 
the 9h. Lu Los Augeles they continued at long in- 
tervals tbrough the day uatil 23 hours 30 miuutes of 
the same date. I bave learned from persons who 
were present in Los Angeles at this time, and also 
at the shock of the 14th July, 1855. that the severity 
of the latter exceeded that of tbe 9th January last 

Tbe pree se period of time at whicu the shock took’ pas’. 

—e SS 



Donations to the Library. 
* From Lieut. Maury, a full series of his Wind 
and Weather Charts. 

From the Boston Society of Natural History, 
their Proceedings, vol. 6, pp. 49-64. 

From the Natural Histary Society of Montre- 
al, their Twenty-eighth Annual Report. 

A Circular, from the California Society of 
Natural History, Stockton. 

American Journal of Science, No. 68, from 
the Editors. 

From Mr. T. F. Moss, eleven Nos. of La Sci- 

Mr. Moss deposited Paleontologie et Geologie, 
three yolumes ; also, Precis d’ Analyse Chimique. 

Capt. Russell deposited a volume of Records 
of the Mission of San Diego, in Spanish, dating 
back to A. D. 1770. 

Letters were read from M. Rene Lenormand, 
Mr. W. H. Pease and Mr. W. P. Blake. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted to the 
Editors of the Pacific Sentinel, Santa Cruz, for a 
file of their paper furnished regularly for several 
months past. : 

The Recording Secretary was requested to 

» communicate to Mr. Joseph C. Palmer the thanks 

of the Academy, for his very liberal donation of 
the rent of the Academy rooms for the ensuing 

Dr. Trask read the following paper 


During the summer of 1855, while in the vi- 
cinity of Santa Barbara, engaged in the examin- 
ation of several species of marine algae to which 
many zoophytes were attached, I accidentally 
met with the forms which constitute the subject 
of this paper. Since that time, further observa- 
tions have been made, and examinations for 

_their presence with more success than was at 

first anticipated. 

The striated appearance of these minute or- 
ganisms led to the belief at first that the lorica 
belonging to them was silicious, but the appli- 
cation of chemical agents has shown this not to 
be the case, for it is entirely destroyed by di- 
gestion in strong nitric acid, continued for a 
considerable length of time. 

In the normal state the forms are brittle, and 
easily broken under a compressor, but after di- 

estion in nitric acid the lorica becomes soft and 

ible, losing none of its configuration except 

on the application of mechanical means. In 
this particular they comport themselves with the 
calcareous portions of animal structures. ‘The 
striated appearance which they present is (by 
the above means) found to consist of septa, placed 
transversely across a longitudinal canal entend- 
ing the entire length of the organism, and so 
far as present observations have extended, they 
present the peculiar features of being solid, for 
Eavopkression they have been extruded from 

the canal, and retain their forms when thus 

Proc. Cal, Acad. Nat. Sci. 

free, the canal collapsing where the extrusion of 
the septa has taken place. 

In view of the above facts it will be necessary 
to place these minute organisms among the fam- 
ily of crustaceas, their form and inorganic 
structure, with their configuration seeming to 
warrant this, more properly perhaps than among 
the zoophytes, or diatoms. 

The mandibular process on the anterior end 
simulates in some particulars the vibracular 
organs of the zoophytes, but what particular 
office it performs in their economy is yet unde- 
termined, having never had an opportunity of 
examining their movements when freshly col- 
lected, with instruments of sufficient power. The 
materials from which they have been obtained 
have laid for months, in most cases, before op- 
portunity offered for their investigation. 

The mandibular process is placed on a mova- 
ble joint, and has the appearance of being at- 
tached and capable of motion through the agency 
of muscular filaments passing within the outer 
covering of the animal; by digestion in acid it 
is often very soon detached from the head of the 
styliform body to which it belongs, but when in 
place it has considerable lattitude of motion. 
The figures are drawn with the camera-lucida 
and a microscope by Oberhauser. 

These forms are certainly most singular, parta- 
king as they do, the appearance both of animal 
and vegetable forms. Certain it is, they belong 
to no genus at present known, or with which we 
are at present acquainted, and under this view 
we shall place them in a new genus, with the 
following definition : 

Lerprostacon—Trask—WNov. Gen. 

Lorica membrano-calcareous, styliform; straight 
or curved, haying a central canal, which is di- 
vided by transverse septa its entire length; an- 
terior extremity furcate, more or less enlarged, 
and traversed by one or more bands or ribs raised 
above the surface, and armed with a movable 
mandibular process more or less denticulated ; 
posterior extremity either acute, rounded or ca- 
pitate ; body rounded, smooth, more or less com- 

Leptosiagon gracilis ng. ns.—TRrasxk—Plate 6, 
fig. 1—Lorica straight, smooth, compressed, an- 
terior extremity furcate, forming two somewhat 
unequal beaks, and armed with a long smoothly 
curved mandible, having about sixteen fine acute 
denticulations on one side, its anterior end 
acutely terminated, broadest part of mandible 
about one-fifth greater than the body below ; 
posterior extremity subcapitate and rounded, 
shows a terminal orifice to the central canal.— 
Transverse section ovate. Length of mandible 
contained about five and one-half times in the 
length of the body. Breadth of body about 
1-80th its length. Mag. 550 diameters. 

On algae attached to fish cars—Santa Barbara. 

This species is adopted as typical of the genus, 
for the reason that it appears most plentiful when. 
compared to the others, was the first met with 
and is beautifully marked, and symmetrical. 

L. occidentalis. ng. ns.—'TRasx — Plate 
6, fig. 2—Lorica straight, smooth, anterior ex- 
tremity equally furcate, and terminated on the 
ventral side by a somewhat bluntly rounded pro- 
cess, With asmaller one on the dorsal side, arm- 


ed with a short and broad mandible, having a 
curved, blunted point, with four or five close- 
set somewhat acute and curved denticles, situa- 
ted within its middle half; posterior extremity 
rounded, orrifice of the canal distinctly seen on 
its end. Length of mandible contained about 
seventeen-times in length of the body. Breadth 
of body about 1-77thits length. Mag. 460 di- 
ameters. Found with the preceding. 

L. magnas. ng. ns.—Trasx — Plate 6, 
fig. 3.—Lorica smooth, arcuate, gradually taper- 
ing from the anterior to the posterior extremity. 
Anterior end terminated by a wide, pointed heak 
on the ventral side, and a small rounded process 
on the dorsal, armed with a broad curved man- 
dible, having a hooklike end, and a large point- 
ed denticle near the middle; posterior extremi- 
ty narrow and rounded ; body tapering for near- 
ly its entire length, compressed, transverse sec- 
tion oval. 

Length of mandible contained about nineteen 
times in the length of the body. Breadth of 
body 1-22nd its length. Mag. 400 diameters. 

Santa Barbara. Matsmai, Japan. On lim- 
pets and among the roots of zoophytes. 

L. falcata. ng. ns. —Trasx. — Plate 6, 
fig. 4—-Lorica curved, anterior extremity very 
unequally furcate, the ventral side being pro- 
jected into an acute long rostrate process, and a 
very small angular beak on the dorsal; armed 
with a somewhat narrow sickle-shaped mandi- 
ble, which is finely dentlculated for little more 
than half its length ; posterior extremity termi- 
nating in a narrow sharp point; body tapers 
uniformly throughout its length, much com- 
pressed. Length of mandible contained about 
eight-times in the length of the body. Mag. 

540 diameters. On limpets. Japan, Island 
L.—var. (?] Plate 6, fig. 5.—This at most 

is probably but a variety of the proceeding. I 
think it will prove a younger individual of the 
last species ; it bears a strong resemblance to L. 
falaata. Mag. 540 diameters. Found with the 

L. glabrescus. ng. ns.—Trask — Plate 6, 
fig. 6.—Lorica arcuate, anterior extremity widen- 
ed, subacute beak, and two smaller processes op- 
posite, the one more prominent and acute than 
the other ; body tapers from anterior extremity 
to posterior, the latter terminating in a narrow 
rounded end, much compressed ; mandible very 
long, subulate thin, smooth upon both edges; 
length of mandible contained about four- 
times in the length of the body ; breadth of 
body nearly 1-28th of its length. 640 diame- 

On Ostrea, Gulf California and Manzanillo. 

L.  semirectas. ng. ns.—Trasx — Plate 6, 
fig. 7.—Lorica slightly carved for little more 
than one-third its length from the anterior end, 
becoming nearly rectilinear for the rest of its 
length ; anterior extremity formed of rather a 
bluntly rounded wide rostra on one side, and a 
sublanceolate process opposite ; a broad rib-like 
lobe extends from the apex of the beak obliquely 
across the anterior end, and raised above the sur- 
face on which it rests; body contracts from the 
anterior portions to the posterior, which termi- 
nates in a rounded end, canal central, mandible 

curved, and obliquely connate, very finely den- 
itculate, no aperture observed on the posterior 
end. Mandible contained about eight times 
in the length of the body. Manzanillo and Gulf 
of California. On Ostrea. 750 diamters. 

L. ineurva. ng. ns.—Trasx. — Plate 6, fig. 
8.—Lorica curved, smooth, anterior end project- 
ed into a short acute rostra, and a small, sharp 
process on the opposite side; posterior extremity 
rather obtusely rounded ; mandible slightly 
curved on one side, nearly straight on the oppo- 
site, without denticles. Canal central. Man- 
dible contained about five times in the length 
of the body. Manzanillo. On Ostrea. 1000 

L. attenuata. ng. ns. — Trasx. — Plate 6, 
fig. 9.—Lorica straight, narrow, gracefully con- 
tracting from the anterior extremity to the pos- 
terior, which latter is capitate. Anterior end 
unequally bifid, forming two bluntly rounded 
beaks, in which is inserted a narrow, subulate 
mandible. Canal central. No denticles were 
observed on this species. Manzanillo and the 
Gulf of California. On Ostrea. 1000 diameters. 
These new forms,now for the first time figured and 
described, constitute some of the most beautiful 
organisms to be met with. The fineness of the 
denticulations on the mandibular process well fit 
them for test objects for the microscope. 

From the localities above named it will be 
seen that they occupy an extended geographical 
range, being found from Mexico to the coast of 
Japan. They are not plentiful, so far as obser- 
vation at present extends, yet sufficiently so that 
I haye been enabled to obtain a dozen specimens 
from one or two ounces of material. I have met 
with the best success in specimens of alge and 
shells, from depths from four to six fathoms. A 
good locality for obtaining them frequently is 
from the large mytilus, found only at very low 
tides on this coast, more particularly on shells, 
to which sertularia and other zoophytes are found 
attached. Ihave met with them from Monterey, 
Bolinos and Tomales—from the two latter places 
attached to laminaria, and about the roots of 
plumularia on stones. <A locality in the Bay of 
San Francisco, that furnished specimens last 
year, has not produced any yet this season. 

Dr. Trask read the following paper on nine 
new species of Zoophytes from the Bay of San 
Francisco and adjacent localities : 

Genus Sertunaria. Linn. 

Sertularia anguina. Trask. Plate 5, fig. 1. 
Polypidom erect, one to three inches high, alter- 
nately branched and pinnated, color corneous ; 
rachis tortuous, jointed, with two cells on each 
internode, and four between each branchlet; 
pinna jointed, two cells on each, placed some- 
what sub-lateral and forward, nearly opposite, 
aperture free, with oval smooth margins; cells 
attached by a broad strong base, at the insertion 
of which a slightly raised rounded ring is appa- 
rent. Its affinity is with that of S. fallax, (John- 
ston,) more nearly than with any other species 
with which I am acquainted, and at first sight 
would easily be msstaken for that species. Its 
ovarian vesicles have not yet been seen. 
+ Plentiful on a large mytilus brought to our 

a ea eo 

ee ee oe ee er 



markets from Monterey, Tomales Point, Punta 
Reys, and old shells, Bay of San Francisco. 

S. furcata. Trask. Plate 4, fig. 2, a. d. c. 
d. e.—Polypidom long, four to nineinches, adnate 
to the various marine alge on which it grows, 
and often quite embeded in the fronds of marine 
plants, pinnated, color corneous; rachis cylin- 
drical, jointed ; the pinne are simple and for the 
most part free, arising from the lower portion of 
the joints of the rachis. Their attachment to the 
main stem is somewhat peculiar; for, like the 
rest of the members of this genus, they are not 
given off from the main stem by a fixed joint, 
but have their origin from the end of a sessile 
pedicel; this is attached to therachis by a strong 
base, is sub-pyriform and cylindrical, is free for 
about three-fourths its length, terminating in a 
rather bluntly-rounded rostrate process on the 
outer and superior aspect. 

From this pedicel the pinne arise by a flexible 
joint, allowing a latitude of motion indicated be- 
tween their attachment and the rostral end of 
this process. Figure (a) represents two joints of 
the rachis and its pedicels, with the pinne ari- 
sing therefrom as seen under a power of thirty 
linear diameters. ‘The cells are immersed in the 
pinne for about two-thirds their length, opposite, 
two upon each joint, compressed, the superior 
ends considerably divergent, acutely sinuated on 
the upper and outer edge, as seen in jig. 2, ¢. d, 
they are a little in front of the lateral line. A 
back view is shown at fig. 6. 

The ovarian vessicles are produced from the 
lateral and back part of the pinne at the base of 
the cell, are sessile, of a light corneous color, pol- 
ished, and have an elongated oval form, some- 
what swelling on the outer side, with a large 
oval mouth, the edges of which are somewhat de- 
pressed below the summit. 

It is not without some doubts that I have 
placed this zoophyte in this genus, believing that 
there are sufficient distinctions in the species to 
form anew generic type; but as no opportunity 
has offered to observe its habits, and nothing is 
at present known regarding the animal, it is 
thought best to place it provisionally in this ge- 
nus for the present, until farther opportunities 
shall offer for its investigation. 

Bay of San Francisco and Farrallone Islands. 

S. turgida. Trask. Plate 4, fig. 1.—Poly- 
pidom erect, from two to three inches high, pin- 
nated, color corneous, at times it is found aduate 
to substances on which it grows; pinne arise al- 
ternately from opposite sides, jointed, compressed; 
cells latero-frontal, alternate, one on each joint, 
and situated above the middle, are free for near- 
ly three-fourths their length, divergent, sub- 
cylindrical, round, full, with a broad aperture 
which is somewhat constricted below the edges ; 
the upper and outer edge is deeply sinuated, thus 
forming two rather large denticulations more or 
less rounded, but occasionally one or both are 
found sub-acute. ‘his peculiarity is often met 

' with in adjoining cells on the same pinnae. ‘The 

inner edge of the aperture is slightly everted, 
and rather more deeply constricted than the out- 
er or lateral portions, and formsa broadly round- 
ed margin with a slightly raised lip. 

‘Lhe ovarian vessicles arise from the back part 
of the pinne, sessile, large, sub-pyriform, the 


upper half armed wlth stout, rounded, blunt, 
spines, twenty to twenty-eight in number; 
mouth sub-cylindrical, the edges surrounded 
with ten to fifteen smaller spines. The whole 
polypidom presents a full, turgid appearance, 
and is more or less marked with tine wrinkles, 
Bay of San Francisco, Monterey, Tomales 
Point. On mollusca and alge. Rather rare. 

Genus Prumuraria (Lam.) 

Plumularia Franciseana. Trask. Plate 4, 
fig. 3.—Polypidom six to eight inches high, 
color corneous, alternately branched, the branch- 
es pinnated, one branch to each internode of the 
stem. ‘The pinnz rise one above the other, are 
pointed, and support three cells at each joint.— 
On two specimens four cells have been met with, 
but may be regarded an exception rather than 
otherwise. The pinne are dictotomously branched 
in adult specimens. Cells lagenculate, smooth, 
free, slightly decumbent; the attachment of the 
base is marked by a slightly elevated rounded 
rim, apertures round and smooth. 

Bay of San Francisco, among rejectamenta of 
the beach. 

Genus Crisip1a (M. Edw.) 
Crisidia gracilis. Trask. Plate 5, fig. 3.— 
Polypidom confervyoid, very slender, branched, 

-caleareous, growing in little tufts from one- 

fourth to a half inch in height; each cell is 
jointed, flexible, and dark brown or black. Cells 
cylindrical, free, the upper fourth divergent, in 
some specimens slightly curved, the upper cell 
given off from above the middle of the one be- 
low it, and which becomes somewhat incrassate 
at that point. Apertures round, smooth, facing 
more or less alternate, surface smooth and shi- 
ning. Sparingly found, attached to other zoo- 
phytes and marine plants. rs 

Bay of San Francisco, Monterey, Punta Reys. 

Genus Crisia (Lamx.) 

Crista occidentalis. Trask. Plate 5d. fig. 4. 
Polypidon erect, not exceeding one inch in 
height, calcareous, irregularly branched, joints 
dark and flexible. Cells tubular, slightly com- 
pressed and diminishing in size from above 
downward, lateral, from seven to nine on each 
internode of the joints, alternate, surface finely 
granulated, a high and sharply-rounded process 
extending laterally and upward from the edge 
of the aperture, and covered with a thin calca- 
reous operculum, which is apparently sessile, and 
somewhat excavated on its upper surface. Ap- 
ertures a little ovate, with smooth edges and 
slightly oblique. 

‘his species is closely allsed to C. eburnea, 
(Johnston,) and would easily be mistaken for 
that species on a mere casual examination.— 
May not Mr. Thomson’s speoimen from Califor- 
nia, which he thinks identical with C. eburnea, 
have been an imperfect form of C. occidentalis? 
(vide Johnston’s Zooph., 2d ed., page 284.)— 
‘There are sufficient differences in C. occidentalis 
to separate it from C. ebwrnea, as may be seen by 
an inspection of the figure, notwithstanding there 
is a close alliance in many particulars. My 
figure is drawn with camera lucidla undex a 
power of thirty linear diameters. 

Attached to marine alge from Santa Barbara 


to Cape Mendocino; often met with in Bay of 
San Francisco. 
Genus Menrpza. (Lamx.) 

Menipea occidentalis. Trask. Plate 4, fig. 4. 
—Polypidom tufted, alternately branched, cal- 
careous, from one to two inches high, color white 
and yellowish ; branchlets rise from the superior 
and lateral portions of the internodes. Cells 
much compressed, diminishing rapidly from 
above downward; three on each internode.— 
Apertures roundly oval, with a slightly raised, 
roundedrim, which is armed with two stout, 
rounded, curved and acute spines, pointing up- 
ward and inward, one always being more or less 
sub-central. Internodes sub-triangular, with a 
somewhat tortuous, rounded rib passing through 
the centre, the lateral and superior angles sur- 
mounted by two or three long, rounded, irregu- 
lar spines; points dark colored. The upper nodes 
are armed with four long and irregular spines, 
the two central being much the longest. All 
the spines more or less acute. 

From Cape Flattery (Oregon) to Santa Barba- 
ry. Frequent among rejectamenta, Bay San 

Genus ScrupoceLnariA. (VAN BENEDEN.) 

Scrupocellaria Californica. Trask. Plate 4, 
ffg. 2.—Polypidom conferyoid, jointed, growing 
in bushy tufts, calcareous; cells biserial, alter- 
nate, from seven to nine on each point, facing 
somewhat obliquely outward ; apertures roundly 
oval, margins incrassate, and sustaining a single 
spine, which rises from the rim of the aperture 
on its upper and outer edge from the base of the 
inner edge; a pedunculate, pear-shaped opercu- 
lum covers a portion of theaperture. The vi- 
bracular and avicularian organs are wanting.— 
The lateral cup-like cells sustain two round, ob- 
liquely set spines rising from the posterior edge. 
The affinities of this species are with that of S. 

Bay San Francisco. 

Genums Hierotnoa. (Larnx.) 

Hippothoa amabilis. Trask. Plate 4, fig. 5. 
—Polypidom creeping, branched irregularly, cal- 
careous, polished, branches anastomosing ; aper- 
tures large, oval, with a rounded, thickened rim ; 
within the upper part of the aperture a shining 
calcareous hemispherical operculum; the anas- 
tomosing branches are given off, for the most 
part, opposite the aperture, but this cannot be 
said to be a strict rule as regards this species. 

Found on stones within half tides in the Bay 
of San Francisco. 

Mr. Garratt’s paper on new species of marine 
shells of the Sandwich Islands. 

Murex-rexicua. Garrett. 

Shell, oblong-oval, solid, scabrous, and whi- 
tish; whorls about six, somewhat emgulated 
above, coarsely furrowed spirally, and crossed b 
numerous varices, which are crenulated by the 
spiral furrows ; base furnished with a short, sub- 
closed, slightly oblique canal ; aperture round- 
oval; outer lip crenulated. 

Length five lines. 

Habitat: Pure, shallow pools on the rocky 
coasts of Hawaii. 

PurRprvuRA-STRIATELLA. Garrett. 

Sheil, ovate, solid, smoothish, ventricose above, 
blackish, with sub-equidistant, spiral, pale lines ; 
spire short, conic, convex ; aperture large, 
elongated, notched above, and faintly lineated 
within; outer lip dilated, slightly, toothed 
within, and minutely crenulated on the edge, 
where it is margined with purple; columellar 
lip depressed, spreading, smooth and toothed 
above ; throat bluish. 

Length seven lines. 

Habitat : Hawaii. 

Observations.—This species is not common at 
the above locality ; they are generally found at- 
tached to the spines of the Echinus-atratus (Lin) 
in the circumlitteral zone. 


Shell, solid, sub-globose, sub-perforated ; spire 
consisting of about three volutions and slightly 
depressed ; the whole surface marked with nu- 
merous, spiral, coarse, equidistant, elevated, 
reddish lines; in a pale ground. 

Length less than a line. 

Habitat : Hilo Bay, Hawaii. 

In the circumlitteral zone. 




Shell, thin, depressed, somewhat pellucid, 
glossy ; surface marked with crowded, fine, reg- 
ular, revolving striee ; body whorl large; spire 
small, with four volutions, separated by an ob- 
solete sutural line; base somewhat flattened, 
and umbilicated; columella slightly reflected 
over the umbilicus; color, variously mottled 
and striped with pale fulvous, greenish and 
pink on a pearly ground. 

Length one line; diameter the same. 

Habitat : Laiminarian zone, Hawaii. 



Shell, solid, sub-fusiform, turreted, whitish, 
with a pale purplish spiral zone ; whorls six or 
seven, convex, and marked with numerous, reg- 
ular, series of equidistant spiral rows of squarish 
punctures which give the surface a beautiful 
reticulated appearance ; suture crenulated; base ~ 
somewhat wrinkled and provided with a short, 
slightly oblique canal; aperture elongate, nar- 
row and slightly contracted by the outer lip; 
labrum thickened outside and in, crenulated or 
toothed and deeply notched above; columella 

Length three lines. 

Habitat: Hilo Bay, Hawaii. 


Shell, solid, acute, turrito-conical, smooth, 
glabrous, white or a very pale fawn color; whorls 
eight, plano-convex; sutural line faintly im- 
pressed; aperture ovate; labrum somewhat di- 
lated, very mnch thickened and dentated in the 
inner margin; columellar lip broadly callosed. 

Length four lines. 

Habitat : Rocky coast of Hilo, under stones, 
in the circumlitteral zone. 

as.) eres | 

Sheil, solid, somewhat cylindrically elongated; 
whitish or pale-fulvous and marked with regu- 
lar, crowded, equidistant, longitudinal ribs; 
whorls about nine, convex; sutures well im- 
pressed; aperture sub-oyate, slightly effuse be- 
low ; labrum thick ; columellar lip callosed. 

Length, three lines. 

Habitat: Circumlittoral zone under stones, 
or attached to species of Holothuria; Hilo, 

ADEORBIS-CcosTaTA. Garrett. 

Shell, ovate-globose, thick and whitish-brown 
color ; spine consisting of three moderately ele- 
vated volutions; body whorl with three or four 
large spiral carina; the whole surface marked 
with coarse, crowded, slightly waved, spiral, 
impressed stria; base perforated; aperture 
round-oval; outer lip slightly fringed by the 
terminal ends of the external keels. 

Length, two lines. 

Habitat : Rocky coast of Hawaii. 

HiIpponrix-MINor. Garrett. 

Sheil, depressed, thick, convex above, spine 
lateral, mamillated ; surface with minute, con- 
centric stria; margin simple, sharp, rarely 
crenulated ; above grayish, with a suffusion of 
red towards the summit; inside rich-brown, 
which becomes greenish towards the margin. 

Height, half a line. 

Length, one line. 

Habitat: on turbinate shells, Hawaii. 

BuLua-scrieta. Garrett. 

Shell, oblong-oval, thin, fragile, semipellucid, 
shining, whitish, and marked with three distant, 
transverse black lines; these crossed by several 
longitudinal waved similar lineations; surface 
furnished with minute, crowded, regular, trans- 
verse, impressed, punctured strice ; spine retuse, 
and mamillated. 

Length, nearly three lines. 

Habitat : shallow pools on the rocky coasts of 
Hilo. Rare. 

Succrinta-NEWCOMBIANUM. Garrett. 

Shell, wide-ovate, very thin, fragile, somewhat 
inflated, pellucid, whitish-horn color; body- 
whorl very large and distinctly striated; spine 
very small, depressed, with one volution ; aper- 
_ ture sub-orbicular and nearly the whole length 
_ of the shell; outer lip much expanded. 

Length, three lines. 

Animal, pale flesh-color, mantle obsoletely 
taciated and slightly reflected over the shell.— 
Foot narrow, elongated and minutely speckled 
with brown, 

Habitat: District of Waimea, Hawaii. 

Observation.—This singular species is some- 
what rare, and occurs on bushes at an elevation 
of about four thousand feet above the level of the 
sea. This species is dedicated to Dr. W. New- 
comb, late of Honolulu, 8. I. 

San Francisco, Oct. 5th, 1857. 
President, Col. Ransom, in the chair. Dr. 


Kellogg read the following paper, with appended 
remarks by Dr. Beardsley. 

Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and speci- 
mens of a new species of Cypress. 

Cupressus Fragrans, (Kellogg,) or the Fra- 
grant Cypress. 

Branchlets four-sided, somewhat compressed, 
densely crowded, sub-divisions numerous, with 
a frond-like arrangement; larger branches 
roundish, slightly compressed laterally, flexu- 
ose, bark madder brown ; /eaves diamond-acute 
and aculeate, shining, bright, vivid green, cari- 
nate, an oblong resinous gland along the back, 
appressed, imbricated in four rows; older leaves 
on the intermediate branches long, decurrent ; 
point awl-shaped, incurved. 

Cones pedicilate on long, scaly footstalks, 
similar to the branchlets, somewhat elongated ; 
globose cinnamon color, size of a hazel-nut, com- 
posed of about nine peltate scales; centre de- 
pressed ; margin thickened and rounded; disk 
corrugated and rough ; asharp, transverse ridge 
divides it somewhat above the centre; the mu- 
cro broad, thin or flat, pointed, fragile, curved 
outwards and pointed towards the apex; scales 
irregularly five-sided. 

Seeds broadly winged all round, waved, ob- 
lique, scooped ; base of the smooth cylindrical 
kernel portion prominent; apex emarginate, 
mucronate, bright cinnamon color. 

This species bears the nearest resemblance to 
C. Lawsonianna, but differs from it most strik- 
ingly in the brighter green of its foliage and 
tis far denser branchlets ; also in the leaves be- 
ing narrower, much more angular, sharper point- 
ed; the cones are from one-third to twice the 
size, more rough, also in color, form, and more 
sparce distribution, &c.; it is also a tree of 
larger proportions in all respects. The specific 
name chosen is intended to express its quality, 
par excellence. We know of no species so agree- 
ably fragrant ; the wood abounds in an oil which 
exhales a peculiar spicy aroma, in which the 
ginger odor prodominates. This notable odor 
has sometimes given it the common name of 
“Ginger Pine’ among lumber-men. Some 
speak of it as “White Cedar ;” in the market 
it is also known by the more indefinite name of 
“Oregon Cedar.’’ The grain of the wood is 
commonly a fine, close texture, strong and elas- 
tic; the annual concentric circles are often as 
large and distinct as the Eastern white pine, 
(P. Strobus,) showing it to be a tree capable of 
rapid growth. It has gained a good reputation 
among carpenters, since it has been brought into 
market properly seasoned; it works easy, and 
burnishes smoother than the white pine. 

We understand suitable machinery is now on 
the way to this city (S. F.) for the purpose of 
working this lumber into tubs, pails, and other 
domestic wares, similar to our Eastern ‘*Cedar 
Coopers,” as that class of mechanics is styled, 
who work only this species of wood. 

The well-known collector, and enterprising 
discoverer of this, and several other new species 
of the Conifers—Mr. A. F. Beardsley—has fur- 
nished the following observations : 


Cupressus FRAGRANS. 

Among the timber trees of the Pacific coast 
the White Cedar, as it is commonly called, of 

tiguous to the coast and for several miles in- 
land, but most abundant in moist ground and 
low hills kept moist by the density of the forest. 
It nearly fills sections of the extensive forests 
in the maratime districts of Southern Oregon, 
latitude 52° to 44°. It is mingled with Adzes 

(May 25th,) resembling Pinus Grandis of Doug- 
lass. The trees stand so thick that the light can 

hardly penetrate the evergreen foliage, and in | 

their gloomy shades spring at every step Kho- 
dodendrons, Dwarf Bay, Vacciniums, bearing a 
delicious red berry, and other shrubs and plants. 
This tree growes straight, six feet in diameter, 
150 feet in height, and nearly destitute of 

branches for 50 to 70 feet; but when found sin- | : : pest 
gly, its long, slender, pendulous branches are re- | lay many feet below the level of the ocean. The 
tained down nearly to the ground, making the ; P**" © *hh\)y 0. fs : 
general outlines columnar, surmouuted by an | posits, inclosing, in myriads, the conchological 

elongated pyramid. The bark on the young 

stocks is thin, but as they grow old becomes | 
thick, furrowed, and of a soft, fibrous tex- | 
ture, not unlike that of Taxodium Sempivirens, | 

The color of the wood is! 2#med salses. 

of a chocolate color. 
white, rather heavier and firmer than white 
pine, (Pinus Strobus,) which it much resembles ; 
is strong and durable, fine grain and easily 
wrought. It has a strong, fragrant, spicy odor, 
which it retains fora long time. This charac- 
teristic has suggested the name of Fragrant Cy- 
press. The lumber made from it is of the best 
quality, being very clear from knots. 

work, and commands the highest price in the 
market. It is preferred for clothes-presses, 
chests, etc., haying the same properties in this 
respect as camphor wood (Laurus Camphora) 
in keeping away moths and other insects. It 
has been used in boat-building, and is highly 
recommended by those who haye used it for this 
ship-building, where extra durability is required. 
1ére is no more valuable timber found on the 
Pacific coast—the famous sugar pine (Pinus 
Lambertiuna) not excepted. From the latitude 
in which it is found, it is unquestionably hardy, 
and its cultivation would be a valuable acquisi- 
tion to Atlantic States and Northern Europe. 

San Francisco, Dec. 7, 1857 
A letter was read from Mr. Swallow, State 
Geologist of Mississouri, acknowledging his 
election to membership. 
Dr. J. A. Veatch read the following paper: 
Nores oF A VIsIr TO THE “‘Mup VoLcANOES”’ 

or Jury, A. D., 1857, sy Joun A. Veatcu, 
M. D. 

Among the numerous objects in California 

. A iW ky F 
Southern Oregon, is among the most interesting | Voleanoes’’ of the Colorado Desert. 

for the beauty of its foliage and utility of its 
wood. It is found in almost every situation con- | 

| habitable place. 

It is ex- | 

tensively used in San Francisco for joiners’ | : = 
y J | making a detour to the South, to find the only 

It would make excellent timbers in | 

inviting the investigation of the scientific and 
the attention of the curious observer, none are 
more conspicuous than the ‘ Salses’’ or ‘Mud 
midst the burning sands of a frightful waste, 
few persons have had the temerity to encounter 
the labor and risk of visiting them. Even the 
Indians, inhabiting the border of this Western 
Sahara, do not willingly venture so far into its 
midst, unless it be during the annual rains. At 
any other period, to miss one of the few springs 
of brackish water, or to find the place occupied 

Canadensis, Abies Donglassti, Abies Menzsiesii | °¥ drifting sands—a not unusual occurrence— 

and a Silver Fir that I could not designate, it | 
having neither fruit nor flower at the time, | 

would entail the certainty of the horrors of 
thrist, if not loss of life. From personal expe- 
rience I cannot blame the repugnance of the 
natives to visit a district, which, in addition to 
its physical repulsiveness, they suppose to be 
the abode of dark and malignant spirits. 

The striking peculiarities of this wild region 
are, however, too striking to remain long un- 
subjected to thorough exploration. ‘The entire 
desert is supposed to have been the bed of a 
great brackish or fresh-water lake, and is said to 

part I lately visited showed deep lacastrine de- 

records of the former sea. 

it was the month of July of the present year 
that I had occasion, in the progress of a minera- 
logical excursion, to visit one of the above 
It is situated about one hundred 
and fifty miles from San Diego, and sixty miles 
in a north-easterly direction from the Indian 
village of San Filipe—the nearest inhabited 
The exact locality, as reported 
by the U. 8. Suryeyors, is Township 11 South ; 
range 13 East, San Bernardino meridian. The 
distance from San Felipe as above given is in an 
air line, but by any practicable route is, at least, 
thirty miles further, owing to the necessity of 

water on the route. 

At the above named village, at the trading 
post of Messrs. Smith & Brill, we—myself and 
son—made preparation for our desert excursion, 
by procuring fresh horses and a guide, and pro- 
viding provisions, and goards and leathern bot- 
tles for carrying water. Our guide, Jose Serano, 
who was one of the Captains of his village, 
spoke Spanish, and was the only one of his peo- 
ple who had eyer been actually at the spot we 
wished to visit. he weather was intensely hot, 
and the guide advised starting late in the after- 
noon, so as to haye the advantage of a night’s 
journey, and thereby reach the watering-place 
early the next day,—before the heat became op- 
pressive. The following I extract from my 

‘* Left San Felipe at 4 o’clock, p. m., July 17. 
Crossed the sharp Porphyritie Mountain Ridge 
separating San Felipe Valley from the desert. 
San Felipe Creek cuts through the ridge here 
and runs off in a narrow canon towards the 
desert. Itis a bold, running stream, but never 
emerges from the canon in summer, being liter- 
ally drank up by the first breath of the thirsty 
desert wind. ‘The bed of the stream is not 
practicable for horses, so we climbed the moun- 


tain, along an Indian pathway, and from the|the horrid grove without further mishap. A 

erest—about 1000 feet above the valley—had an 
extensive view of the desert, shading away into 
gloomy indistinctness and blending with the 
dull clouds that skirted the horizon toward the 
East. To theright and left, as far as the eye 
could reach, the mountain chain presented a 
series of fantastic and rugged seratures weil in 
keeping with the sombre area of baron desola- 
tion it hedged in. A few stunted mesquit trees, 
a dwarf magey and a pretty fair representation 
of the cactacia, constituted the flora of the 
mountain. Descending the eastern slope at a 
rather sharp grade, we re-entered the San Felipe 
canon. We received now and again puffs of hot 
wind, giving us a foretaste of the furnace-tem- 
perature of the broad, herbless plain below. The 
canon sloped off rapidly, but with great regu- 
larity, expanding into a valley two or three 
miles wide and finally losing itself in the desert 
ten miles beyond. ‘The soil—if the term be ap- 
plicable—consisted of detrital matter and de- 
bris of the mountain rocks. A species of Ca- 
talpa, with slender, pendulous pods, grew in de- 
pressions marking the beds of winter torrents, 
and clusters of a tall shrub covered with strong 
secured prickles from the root to the extremi- 
ties of the branches, gave warning not to ap- 
proach them too closely. Succulent and arbo- 
rescent Opuntias occurred in clumps and 
patches; and the Echinocactus, with its rigid 
fish-hook spines, lay often half covered in sand, 
and our horses frequently started suddenly to 
one side to avoid them. The columnar torm of 
a huge cereus crowning some rocky eminences 
presented, often, a peculiar and picturesque ap- 
pearance. Night overtook us in the valley, and 
our progress was much impeded by the opuntias 
constantly pricking the horses, rendering them 
restive and fretful. The road grew worse and 
worse every mile, and about 11 o'clock a dense 
forest of bristling vegetation completely blocked 
the way. In attempting to force the barrier, 
my horse became furious and commenced plung- 
ing, and I had to choose between throwing my- 
self off into the spring moss or suffer the horse 
to do it for me. I chose the first, and in at- 
tempting to hold the infuriated animal, was 
dragged and shoved alternately amongst opun- 
tias higher than my head, until my clothes 
were literally pinned to the fiesh from head to 
foot by the barbed needle-like prickles. The 
horse tared no better, but I felt no great conso- 
lation on that score. Jose, with his riata came 
timely to the rescue, and the horse was secured 
just as the bridle reins broke in my hand and 
{ came near experiencing the additional un- 
pleasant mishap of being lett horseless. Farther 
progress for the night was out of the question. 
The horse had freed himself from the saddle 
and riding gear, and was so covered with spines 
rankling in his skin, that to replace them was 
impossible; and even could the horse have 
borne the saddle the rider could not have borne 
the seat. So tying up m the most favorable spot 
that offered, a light was struck and the residue 
of the night spent in extracting prickles from 
the flesh of man and horse. 

“ July 18.—Atearly dawn started again and 
had the good fortune to thread our way through 

smooth surface of baked clay, in which not even 
a cactus could root itself, gave place to the dis- 
integrated mountain deposite, and over which 
we passed at a sweeping trot. A beautiful speci- 
men of Selenite was picked up here, and water- 
worn pebbles occasionally occurred. Two hours’ 
ride brought us on to an enormous clay deposite, 
with fragments of thin bivalve shells—probably 
the margin of the ancient lake. The soil be- 
came gradually more sandy and the variety and 
number of shells greatly increased. Finally 
the entire deposite consisted of fine sand and 
clay, with minute univalve shells in astonishing 
quantities. Hillocks formed by drifting sand 
accumulating around clumps of mesquit bushes, 
leaving only the branches exposed, gave some 
variety to the surface of the plain. A few 
black Tabanis came buzzing about. the horses, 
and a large spotted winged Libellula flitted by 
us. ‘lhe presence of these insects was the more 
remarkable as the distance to water was not less 
than ten miles. ‘Their appearance, insigniti- 
cant as were the little creatures, was cheering 
and relieved the sullen sadness always produced 
by the total absence of animated beings. <At 
105 A. M. we reached water, after thirteen and 
a half hours’ riding. Horses much fatigued, 
hungry and half mad with thrist. Water brack- 
ish and warm, proceeding from a large fountain 
which rises up in the bed of a ravine, boiling 
and bubbling with the constant evolution of gas 
—proba ly carbonic acid. It runs off north- 
east in a stream yielding about 500 gallons per 
minute; but within half a mile it is lost in the 
porous soil, and there is no further trace of it. 
‘The ravine in which it rises. comes from the 
south-west, and is probably a continuation of 
Cariso Creek. It here forms a little valley some 
hundred yards broad, covered with bushes and 
coarse grass—among which the stream mean- 
ders from side to side of the valley. The de- 
pression below the common level of the desert 
is about forty feet. I will take occasion to men- 
tion here that appearances presented by the bot- 
toms of ravines, wherever I observed them, in- 
dicated that water might any where be found at 
a depth not exceeding forty feet. A small 
grove of mesquit trees, (Prosopus Glandulosa) 
with a heavy crop of dry legumes, stood on the 
brink of the ravine. The fruit formed a wel- 
come repast for the horses, and the slight shade 
ot the scattering boughs afforded us some pro- 
tection against the hot sun-rays; with blankets 
spread over them a tolerable shade was pro- 
duced, -but afforded no barrier to the parching 
blasts of wind that came like the breath of an 
oven. I was driven to the water, where, with 
the tall rushes beut into a kind of bower and 
sitting up to the neck in the stream, I voted my- 
self the presiding genius of the place, and half 
dosing, rested comfortably for an hour. 

“At 64 o'clock Pp. M., started again, hoping to 
reach the voleanoes by midnight. To lighten 
the burden of the animals, all our provisions, 
blankets and extra wearing apparel, were left be- 
hind, taking no weight save our arms and sup- 
ply of water. Two black buttes, betwixt which 
our course lay, in a north-easterly direction, 
served usas guides. Within two miles, came to 


a small stream of water, rising in a ravine but 
not sunk more than fifteen feet below the plain. 
It ran toward the North a very little wry, and 
was lost by evaporation and absorption. Beyond 
this, crossed a superficial clay ridge, strewn with 
pebbles and fragments of obsidian; near sun- 
down, entered a sandy district, the horses sink- 
ing fetlock deep each step ; after dark the buttes 
being no longer visible, kept our course by the 
stars. By-and-by the atmosphere became hazy, 
and only occasional glimpses could be had of the 
stars. Wandering from our course, we got into 
loose, drifting sands, thrown by the winds into 
ridges and hillocks, through which the animals 
plunged and struggled, and finally we had to 
dismount andleadthem. Jose declared himself 
lost, and refused to go any farther till morning. 
There being no means of securing the horses, in 
case of a halt, we continued to toil on, and for- 
tunately got off the sand banks in a little while. 
Soon, a few sage bushes were encountered, and 
selecting the stoutest, the animals were fastened 
to await the coming of to-morrow. In attempt- 
ing to make our beds, the burning temperature 
of the earth required the interposition of saddle- 
blankets and leathern covers of the saddles, and 
still it seemed like submitting our limbs to the 
process of baking. The restlessness of the horses 
kept us in constant fear lest they might break 
the insecure fastenings and leave usin a rather 
unenviable predicament. It is useless to say the 
night was not passed in refreshing slumbers, and 
the dawn was never more welcome. 

«July 19.—At daylight it was found that we 
had wandered last night too far to the North, and 
had to turn to the South and East. The white 
clouds of steam, shooting upward from the Salse, 
soon became apparent at the distance of ten 
miles. At sunrise the steam-jets presented an 
imposing and singular appearance; the cones 
from which they issued were distinctly visible, 
and the dull roar of the subterranean tumult 
could occasionally be heard. The black buttes 
that served as land marks yesterday lay on either 
hand—that to the leftless distant. It had the 
appearance of a mass of lava heaped into a rough 
and fantastically irregular hill, crowned with 
sharp pinnacles and rude arches, as if the whole 
had been hardened suddenly while in a state of 
most violent agitation from boiling. The more 
distant one to the right seemed a black, compact 
mass, with a glittering, smooth surface common 
to the granite and gnisease rocks bordering the 
desert. If volcanic, the character was not so ap- 
parent as in that to the left. 

‘A little after 6 a. m., reached a point as near 
the Salse as was deemed prudent, on horseback. 
The ground had become soft and muddy, and 
the sulphurous scents and strange sounds fright- 
ened the horses. Giving them in charge of Jose 
Serano, we proceeded on foot about a quarter of 
a mile to the scene of action. The scene pre- 
senting itself is difficult of description. The ac- 
companying engraving from a drawing made by 
my son, on the spot, gives some idea of the ap- 
pearance, but the effect can only be known by 
one who has heard the wild rush of steam, the 
rude hubbub of the mud explosions, and the 
dull murmur of the boiling cauldrons of slime. 
The space occupied by the Salse is a parallelo- 


gram, five hundred yards long and three hundred 
and fifty broad—a table of hardened bluish clay, 
a little elevated above the surrounding plain.— 
The adjacent ground is low and muddy, and 
during the rains entirely covered with water.— 
There is a gentle slope toward the North and 
East, the mud and water of the Salse running off 
slowly in that direction, where a lake of salt 
water exists in the rainy season, but presenting 
now a vast sheet of crystaline chloride of sodi- 
um. Into this lake the arm of the Colorado, 
known as New River, discharges itself. The 
lake, having no outlet, would probably soon re- 
gain its ancient area if the channel of New Riv- 
er afforded a regular and more generous supply 
of water. 

«© The steam-jets of the Salse issue from con- 
ical mounds of mud varying from three to fifteen 
feet in height, the sides presenting various an- 
gles, some being sharp and slender cones, others 
dome-shaped mounds that seemed to have spread 
and flattened out with their own weight, upon 
the discontinuance of the action that formed 
them. Out of some of the cones the steam 
rushes in a continuous stream, with a roaring 
or whizzing sound, as the orifices vary in diame- 
ter or jets differ in velocity. In others the ac- ~ 
tion is intermittent, and each recurring rush of 
steam is accompanied by a discharge of a shower 
of hot mud, masses of which are thrown some- 
times to the height of a hundred feet. These 
discharges take place every few few minutes 
from some of the mounds, while others seem to 
have been quiet for weeks or months. During 
our short stay we had specimens of the rapidity 
with which a sharp, conical mound could be 
built up andagain tumbled down. In oneplace 
a stream of hot water was thrown up from fifteen 
to thirty feet, falling in a copious shower on 
every side, forming a circle within which one 
might stand without danger from the scalding 
drops, unless the wind chanced to drive them 
from their regular course. It issued from a su- 
perficial mound out of an opening about six 
inchesin diameter; but the column of steam and 
water immediately upon issuing expanded to a 
much greater size. ‘The orifice was lined with 
an incrustation of carbonate of lime, and around 
it, and particularly on the south-east side, stood 
a miniature grove of slender stalagmitie arbo- 
rescent concretions of the same substance. They 
were from half an inch to one and a-half inches 
in diameter, and from four to eight inches in 
height. Many of them were branched and the 
tips colored red, contrasting beautifully with 
the marble-whiteness of the trunk, and resem- 
bling much a corral grove. Some were hollow, 
and delicate jets of steam issued from their sum- 
mits, and this seemed to explain the mode of 
their formation. Some were not hollow through- 
out, being closed at the summit, but when de- 
tached from their base, asmall orifice in the een- 
tre suffered Lot steam to pass, and some degree 
of caution was required to remove them without 
scalded fingers. To approach the spot was a 
feat of some difficulty, surrounded as it was by 
a magic circle of hot rain. I retreated, sealded, 
from the only attempt I dared to make ; but my 
son, more adventurous or more attracted by the 
beauty of the specimens, succeeded in bringing 


away several. The falling water ran off into a 
poola foot deep, but what became of it was not 
apparent, as it had no seeming outlet. I brought 
away a bottle of it for examination. It was 
transparent, but had an intensely bitter and sa- 
line taste. This spot is represented a little to the 
xight of the centre in the engraving. A little 
beyond and on either hand, are two huge caul- 
dron-like basins, sunk five or six feet below the 
general level, and near a hundred feet in diam- 
eter. Within these cauldrons a bluish argilla- 
ceus paste is continually boiling with a dull 
murmur, elmitting copious sulphurous vapors, 
and huge bubbles, bursting, throw masses of 
mud to the height of several feet. These kettles 
sometimes boil over, and the matter runs offin a 
slimy stream toward the salt lake. This seems 
to have been the case recently, as we encount- 
ered the track of one of these streams, not yet 
dry, 2 mile from the Salse. 

“ The yoleanic action was far more violent at 
some former period than at present, as is proved 
by the erupted butte, above named, as well as by 
fragments of pumice scattered over the plain. 

‘“ Our visit only lasted an hour and a quarter. 
The sun was already scorching hot, and our sup- 
ply of water could not last, with the most rigid 
economy, more than three hours longer. The 
watering place, left yesterday, was not less than 
20 miles distant. A spring was marked by the 
U.S. Surveyors, only 4 or 5 miles to the north, 
but as no land-marks were known by which it 
might be found, it would have been rash to waste 
time in seeking it. The tempting objects in the 
vicinity, which would require many days for ex- 
amination, could only be greeted with a farewell 
glance, and our horses’ heads were turned to- 
wards the water. Leaving the sand hills, that 
gave us so much trouble last night, to the right, 
our course lay south-west. 

‘«We soon had reason to congratulate ourselves 
upon being clear of the drifting sands. The 
winds increasing as the day advanced, whirled 
the dust into a black cloud through which Jose 
declared it would be impossible to travel. It 
would certainly have been exceedingly unplea- 
sant, to say the least. The season of the rains 
was due—the Sonora rains prevailing here—and 
showers were observed at a great distance, but 
none approached us. 

“For the first three or four miles, after leaving 
the Salse, the plain presented a smooth surface 
of sand and bluish clay—baked and fissured— 
Strewn sparingly with volcanic cinders and ob- 
sidian fragments. Round holes marked the es- 
cape of gas when the ground was softened by 
water. Soon the plain became cut up with ra- 
vines 3 or 4 feet in depth, which Jose said were 

_ the arms of ‘‘New River,’’ which branched out 

before entering the salt lake. The remains of 
4 most luxuriant vegetation, now dead and dry, 
proved the place to be only a desert for want of 

water. The suddenness and rankness of grass 
_and weed-growth where the New River broke 

away from the Colorado, some years since, and 

_ irrigated the desert, is remembered by many 

who witnessed the magic-like transition from 
barrenness to fertility. An intervening sandy 
district confused our course—loose and drifting, 
but not deep—and fortunately no sand-storm 


was gotten up for our benefit while passing 

“It was now near noon; the wind blew a gale, 
but seemed only to add, by its scorching dry- 
ness, to the raging solar heat. Our water bot- 
tles were exhausted, and the distance betwixt 
us and the watering place was yet ten or twelve 
miles. ‘lwo hours’ deprivation of water is cer- 
tainly no great inconvenience, under ordinary 
circumstances, but on the desert can only be ap- 
preciated by one who has felt it. About two 
o'clock, Pe. m., the green bushes and cheerful 
rippling of water greeted us, and men and hor- 
ses plunged in and blessed the fountain in the 

«The tired condition of the animals made it 
imprudent to leave our present position until 
they were somewhat recruited, so arrangements 
were made for a shelter from the sun. A black 
cloud that had been slowly heaving up for some 
hours from the west, at last met the sun’s track 
and brought its friendly shadow to our relief. 
After a refreshing nap of two hours, an attempt 
was made at getting up a breakfast—we had 
eaten nothing during the day—but all appetite 
was gone, and nothing craved but continued 
drafts of water. Jose, however, was a bright 
exception, and had certainly lost nothing of his 
gastronomic powers, but merrily devoured the 
meal prepared for the three. 

‘* As night closed in, two or three black bats 
came forth from their hiding places, and a soli- 
tary goat-sucker flitted around in silence. No 
other animals appeared, save a lizard, whose 
movements were too quick for us to capture 
him, and three coleopterous insects, less agile 
than their neighbor, fell a sacrifice to the inter- 
ests of science. 

‘* On the morrow—Monday, the 20th—it was 
still thought imprudent to leave until evening, 
so as to make the most of the journey to San 
Felipe during the night and early the following 
day. The forenoon was therefore spent in col- 
lecting a few shells irom the soil, one of which, 
the Physa humerosa, was still found inhabiting 
the water of the spring. Two species of fishes 
were observed, about an inch in length, one 
slender and of a whitish color, the other, broad 
in proportion to length, and dark colored, look- 
ing like asmall perch. Our guide states that 
this secluded spot was his early home. He was 
born here, and the tribe he now rules over here 
had their lodges, and lived in abundance on the 
maize, melons and frijoles that he describes as 
growing with a luxuriousness unknown to any 
place away from the so called desert. A succes- 
sion of rainless summers drove them away, and 
they have not since returned. They planted 
with the early rains, say in July or August. 

“At 4p. m., bid adieu to our camp and set out 
for San Felipe. About midnight we arrived on 
the margin of the cactus thicket—the scene of 
my former mishap. 

‘July 21.—At daylight again on the move, and 
startled a vagrant coyote, the only one ever seen 
in our route. A trail of a flock of mountain 
sheep was observed, and the head of one, prob- 
ably killed by Indian hunters, lay by the way- 
side. A104, a. ., the welcome sight of San 
Felipe cheered us from the heights aboye it, and 

“S| | UC ee 


a half hour more found us safe under the hospi- 
table roof of Messrs. Smith & Brill.” 

Thus ended a hurried trip to a most inter- 
esting spot in the midst of a no less interesting 
district. The shells obtained were submitted to 
Dr. Trask and were found to consist of two spe- 
cies of Amnicola (A. protea and A. longinqua 
—Gould) and the Physa(P. humerosa—Gould) 
before named. A large bivalve was observed, 
but so thin and fragile that the specimens broke 
to small pieces for the want of safe means of 
transporting them. 

The water from the volcano has the specific 
gravity of 1.075, and holds in solution free bo- 
racic acid, with borates and a large quantity of 
chloride of sodium, and other salts. “These mat- 
ters would indicate the true voleanic origin of 

the Salse, and but little doubt rests on my mind | 

of itsbeingso. The evidences of former volcanic 
action in the neighborhood and the testimony 
of the boracic acid, establish its true character. 
The acid and its compounds exist only in small 
quantities, but sufficient to be unequivocally 
determined. Similar Salses exist some thirty 
or forty miles further south. One made its ap- 
peurance during the earthquake of November 
29, 1852, a few miles helow the line of the State. 
Two others exist in the same district, as I was 
informed by a person who professed to have vis- 
ited them. One is represented as a single jet of 
steam and water from an opening a yard in di- 
ameter, situated in a plain of hardened clay. 
The other consists of several pools of warm water, 
through which hot gas is continually escaping. 
Another is again spoken of in the adjacent 
mountain, partaking of the true volcanic char- 
acter, emitting fire and smoke. I hope some 
one may soon have occasion to examine these 
and other interesting localities, at a season when 
it will be practicable to pass a few days on the 
desert without danger of perishing with thirst. 

The real character of this desert has not been 
generally understood. In its present condition 
it is truly a desert. But only a portion, how- 
ever, of its immense area is condemned to irre- 
trievable barrenness—viz: the partfcovered with 
drifting sands. The greater part, from the con- 
stituents of its soil, must be fertile in the ex- 
treme, and only wanting moisture to produce a 
wilderness of vegetation. This is proven in the 
case of New River, while it continued to run. 
This arm of the Colorado might be made per- 
manent, buta far more convenient supply could 
be furnished by artesian wells, or better still, by 
wind mills raising water from common wells, as 
is now so successfully practiced throughout the 
fertile valley of San Jose. As stated before, 
there is every reason to believe water can be had 
any where at a depth not exceeding thirty or 
forty feet.” 

As the great Southern Railway must pass 
through this district, it is interesting to know 
that the now dreaded desert can easily be 
changed into the happy homes of a thriving 
people. Repulsive as are the features of the 
country at present, the presence of a rail-way 
will convert it into the garden of the Pacific 
slope, and it is destined to become the cotton and 
sugar growing district for Arizona, Utah, Cali- 
fornia and Oregon. 

Since writing the above I have had the pleas- 
ure of seeing a letter from Dr. Newbury, Ge- 
ologist of the Colorado Exploring Expedition, 
being now fitted out by the U. S. Government, 
to Dr. W. O. Ayers, of San Francisco, from 
which I am kindly permitted to make an ex- 
tract. Speaking of the desert. he says: I find 
it not a bad country—having, most of it, a bet- 
ter soil than the mountain districts west of it. 
If water could be supplied regularly to the New 
River country it would be a perfect garden.” 

San Francisco, Jan. 11, 1858. 
Dr. Trask read the jollowing paper on the 
occurrence of earthquakes during 1857 : 

YEAR 1887. 

During the past year there has been rather a 
frequency in the occurrence of the phenomena 
of earthquakes, and, with the exception of two, 
there have been none that were particularly re- 
markable either for extent of surface affected or 
severity of action. In one, that of the 9th of 
January, the greatest extent of surface, and 
greatest intensity of action was manifest. Its 
principal force seems to have been expended in 
the more southerly portions of our State, and in 
the immediate vicinity of those volcanic vents 
found at different localities upon the Colorado 
Desert. It is manifest, however, that this shock 
and those which preceded it on the night of the 
8th, had their origin to the west of our coast, as 
the times of occurrence of the shock at differ- 
ent localities most fully prove. This matter 
was fully discussed in my previous paper, “ On 
the direction and velocity of the Earthquake of 
January 9th, 1857,’’ read before this Society 
March 30th, which will be found on page 98 of 
their proceedings. 

The other shock of greatest extent, on the 
2d of September, extended over an area of about 
200 miles, but was marked by no particular se- 
verity or injury except that of fright to those 
who experienced it. 

The whole number that can be authenticated 
as occurring during 1857, amounts to seventeen, 
being greater than the number recorded in 1853 
and 1856, andit would seem probable from our 
records that this number is the maximum 
to which we shall probably be subjected in this 

From the Sandwich Islands we have no news 
of earthquakes save one, which is here inserted : 
““A very severe shock of earthquake was felt at 
Kawaihae, Hawaii, on the 24th of February, 
the most severe that the residents there have 
had for many years.” 

The arrival of the whaling fleet from the 
Northern seas brings no intelligence of the oc- 
currence of these phenomena, as was the case of 
the preceeding year, hence, the presumption is, 
that subterranean action has not been violent 
in those distant regions during the year just 

On the coast of Mexico, and inclusive be- 
tween the 25th and 32d parallels, we have re- 
ceived intelligence of the occurrence of one 
earthquake, which appears to have been felt on 
both shores of the gulf of California for a dis- 

——— i 



tance of uearly 200 miles, both North and 
South. We have no records South of that 

The shocks which we can authenticate within 
the limits of our own State, are as follows: 

Jan. 9.—This shock was felt from Sacramento 
to the Southern boundary of the State. It was 
preceded by three smart shocks the night and 
morning previous. The time of its occurrence 
at this city was 8h. 13m. 30s. 

Jan. 18, 9 a. M.—A light shock at Martinez 
and Benicia. 

Jan. 20, 8:30 a. M.—A smart shock was felt 
at Santa Cruz and Mission San Juan. 

Jan. 21,11. m.—On the evening of this 
day a smart shock was felt in Mariposa. The 
wave and sound seemed to travel from N. W. 
toS. E. It was accompanied with a report like 
that of a distant gun. 

Feb. 5, 7 ®. M.—A smart shock was felt in 
San Francisco, which shook the buildings that 
are situated on made ground very severely, 
while those situated on firmer bottoms were af- 
fected. This shock was felt at Oakland and 
Stockton, but was not felt at San Jose or Sac- 
ramento, as reported at the time. 

March 14,3 ». M.—A severe shock was felt 
at Santa Barbara and Monticito. It was mo- 
mentary in duration, attended with a loud re- 

. March 23, 12:27 a. m.—A light shock in San 

May 3, 10 ep. M— A smart shock at Los An- 
geles and the Monte. 

May 23.—A light shock at Angeles ; a report 
also that a severe shock had been felt at Fort 

June 14.—A shock was felt at Humboldt Bay. 
On the same day several severe shocks were ex- 
perienced at the penal island, Carmen, Gulf of 
California, and which extended almost ninety 
miles north and south of the island. 

Aug. 8, 11 a. Mm—A smart shock was felt at 
Rabbit Creek, Sierra county. 

Aug. 29.—A severe shock at the Tejon Re- 
serve. No timeis given. 

Sept. 2, 7:45 pv. m.—A light shock at San 
Francisco. This shock was felt at Sacramento, 
Marysville, Nevada, San Juan, Downieville and 

Sept. 14, 2 p.m.—A light shock in San Fran- 

Oct. 19, 6:30 Pp. mM.—A severe shock of an 
earthquake in San Francisco. On the follow- 
ing morning, at 12:8 a.m., at 12:35 a. m., and 
1:15 a. M., three other shocks occurred ; the last 
was equally severe with that of Jan. 9th, at 8 
A. M. ‘People were much frightened, and left 
their beds. The shock was felt at San Jose, but 
not at Oakland. 

Nov. 8, 3:45 a. m.—Ashock at San Francisco, 
which was felt at Oakland and Bodega. 

_Des. 23, 7 A. m.—A light shock at San Fran- 

Ofthe whole number which have occurred 
during the year, two only have been felt at San 
Francisco that were not experienced at other 
localities, and four others have occurred which 
have been felt in common at other portions of 
the State; thus making about one-third of the 

whole number that were in common here and 

Eight of the aggregate have occurred between 
the summer and winter solstices. 

Seven have occurred during the spring and 
summer months, and ten during the winter and 

Eight have occurred between the vernal and 
autumnal equinoxes. 

San Francisco, June 29, 1857. 
President, Col. L. Ransom, in the chair. 

Donations to the Cabinet to Jan. 1, 1858. 

Tibia of mastodon, from Shaw's Flat, by Mr. 
Charles H. Stokes. 

Carolina limestone, from Alpha, Nevada Co., 
by Mr. Isaac Wisner. 

One hundred and fifty species of marine and 
land shells from the Sandwich Islands, by Mr- 
Garrett. ‘ 

Coleopterous insects, by Mr. T. F. Moss. 

Serpentine, perforated with Pholas, from Ore- 
gon, by Mr. Beardsley, with tertiary fossils from 
the same coast. 

Red and black oxide copper and sulphur from 
Lower Catifornia, by Dr. Norrline. 

Copper ore from Hope Valley, by Hon. John 

A jar containing preparations of the nutmeg in 
every stage of growth, from Singapore, by Mr. 
Thomas Dalton. 

Ores of copper from the Arizona mines ; also 
fossil Ostrea from the Desert, by Mr. J. Wilson. 

Dipterous insects of this State, by Mr. T. F. 

Fossil vertebra of mammalia from Mission 
San Antonio, by Dr. Eckel. 

Auriferous quartz and limestone from the 
crystal mine at Angels’ Camp, by Mr. Benja- 

Specimen of the new genus Loxorynchus, 
(Stimpson), by Nahl & Bro. 

Kaolin clay from foothills San Joaquin county, 
by Mr. Patrick, of Stockton. 

Marine fossils from Russian America, (tertia- 
ry), Mr. T. F. Moss. : 

Mastoid process temporal bone of whale from 
San Diego; recent and fossil shells of Physa hu- 
merosa, planorbis Ammon, and two species of 
Amnicola, Colorado Desert; also,three specimens 
of carabus, fruit of two species of mezquite and 
composite flowers, from same locality, by Dr. 
J. A. Veatch. Also specimens of botany from 
the vicinity of Santa Barbara. 

A collection of plants from the vicinity of Port 
Orford, by Mr. Beardsley. 

Specimens of Pinus tuberculata and other 
plants from Contra Costa, by Mr. Bloomer. 

_. Specimens of Sienite from Yosemite Falls, by |, 

“Me. Hepburn. Also carbonate copper from the| Pique Dupuytren. » W 

“North Carolina Mine, Rough and Ready, Neva- 
da county. 

Argentiferous grey copper, with analysis of the 
same, from Tubac, G. P. Plomosa, Tubac. G. P. 

‘Silver ore from La Mina Bolanos, Durango, by 
K. G. Killaly. 

Silver ore from La Fan! L. C., by J. K. Moller 
& Co. 

Picrolite (?) from Three Buttes, Mariposa coun- 
ty ; also two specimens granite, with large erys- 
tals, black tourmaline, from Texas Flat, by Mr. 
James Hepburn. 

Red oxide copper and Atacmite from La Mina 
Mozamique, Sinaloa, by Mr. G. F. Walker. 

A bark tunic of South Sea Islands, by Mr. E. 

A collection of the honey ants found in the 
Gadsden Purchase, by Mr. Poston. 

Sugar from the honey dew from Napacounty, 
by Mr. R. T. Montgomery. 

Deposited by Mr. Hutchings: two specimens 
indurated tufa from Mokelumne Hill; also a 
large specimen bark of Sequoia gigantea, in 
glass case. 

Specimens of silicified wood from Mokelumne 

Hill, by Mr. 8. A. Briggs. 

Colepterous insects from Sierra Nevada, by Mr. 

. Malleable sulphuret silver with ruby ore, La 
Mina Guadalupe y Calvo, ruby blende in calca- 
reous gangue, from Batopilas Chihuahua; Plu- 
mose Argent Galena, with grey copper, from Si- 
berijou, Sinaloa, by R. G. Killaly. 

Specimens of a new species of Sabella, and 
specimens of teredo from Bay of San Francisco, 
by Dr. Trask. 

» » Wood of the Cupressus fragrans, (Kellogg) by 
Mr. Beardsley. 

Auriferous limestone and quartz from Cala- 
veras Mine, Angels Camp, by Mr. L. P. Bouton. 

Ores from the Grain Gold Lode, Butte Co.; 
ores from Keystone Mine, Amador county, by 
Mr. Waitt. 

Limestone from Santa Cruz, by Mr. Dunham. 

Peroxide Manganeese from: Mount Diablo 
Range, by Mr, Lyman. 

Gum Acacia from Mazatlan. 

Marine shells from Acapulco, by Dr. Still- 
Specimens of heart of redwood, enclosing 

acorns, by Mr. Charles Simson. 
Arraganite from Suisun, by Dr. Veatch. 
Specimens of pinus contorta, (?) and cones of 
Abies menzezii, by Mr. Beardsley. 

Skull of cannibal from: New Caledonia, by 
Marine shells from Panama, iy Dr. Stillman. = 
Specimens of Clay from San Antonio, by Mr. 
Specimens of serpentine from Amador neem) 
by Mr. T. F. Moss. 

Donations to the Library to the Close of the Year. 
List of members of the Linnean Society. 
Address of Thomas Bell to the er en So- 


Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean So- 
ciety, parts 1-3 Botany and parts 1-3 Zoology; 
vol. 1, 1856. 

Kong! Vetenskaps Akad Handlinger; vol. 2, 

Oversigt Kongl Vetenskaps Akad Forband, 
Stockholm ; vol. 1, 1856. 

Schriften, Russich, Kaiserl, fur die glen 
Mineralogie; parts 1 and 2, 1842. St. Petersburg. 

Jahrbuck der Kaiser Konig] Geologischen 
Richenstalt; No. 1, Jan., Feb., March, 1853; 
No. 3, July, Aug., Sept., 1855 ; quarto. 

Descriptions of land and fresh-water shells, by 
Isaac Lea, from the author. 

Catalogue of human crania of the Museum of - 

Philadelphia Academy Natural Sciences, by Mr. 
J. L. Sargent, Phila. 

La Science for 1857, by T. F. Moss. 

American Journal Science and Art, from the 

Proceedings Boston Society Natural History, 
pp. 145-176, from society. 

Researches on the Cyprinoid Fishes west of the 
Mississippi Valley, by Mr. Charles Girard, from 
the author. 

Also contributions to Icthyology of the United 
States, anda notice of the genus Salmo of Ore- 
gon and California. 

teport of the Sanitary Commission of New 
Orleans on the yellow fever of 1853; Report of 
Special Committee of New Orleans Academy on 
Survey of Louisiana ; Annual Address before the 
New Orleans Academy ; Proceedings of the New 
Orleans Academy—from the society. - 
Prodromus Deseript Animaliam oairae 
rium, Part 2, from author. 

An account of the Smithsonian Institute) from — 

the Institute. 
Catalogue of North American Mammals, by 
8. F. Baird, from the author. 
Maury'’s Wind and Current Charts, quarto, 
from Lt. Maury. 

Zietschrift fur Wissen Zoologie, by Liebold & ~ 












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