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Full text of "Proceedings of a public meeting of the citizens of Providence, held in the Beneficent Congregational Church, March 7, 1854, to protest against slavery in Nebraska ;"

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O  F     A 


OP     THE 



MARCH    7,    1854, 





1  854. 



The  citizens  of  Providence  who  are  opposed  to  the  repeal  of  the  Missouri 
Compromise  and  the  admission  of  Slavery  into  the  free  territory  of  Nebras- 
ka, are  invited  to  meet  in  the  BENEFICENT  CONGREGATIONAL 
CKURCH,  on  the  evening  of  TUESDAY,  March  7th,  at  7  o'clock  pre- 
cisely, to  utter  their  solemn  and  stern  protest  against  the  measure  now  pend- 
ing in  Congress.  Let  the  united  voice  of  our  people  be  heard  by  their 
rulers,  in  favor  of  Liberty,  and  against  the  encroachments  of  the  slave  power. 

Agreeably  to  the  foregoing  call,  signed  by  1500  citizens,  and  published 
in  the  daily  papers,  the  people  of  Providence  met  in  the  Beneficent  Congre- 
gational Church,  on  the  evening  named.  The  house  was  filled  in  every  part 
— the  naileries  being  reserved  for  ladies. 

At  the  hour  announced,  the  meeting  was  called  to  order  by  Seth  Padel- 
ford,  Esq.,  who  as  Chairman  of  a  Committee  appointed  at  a  preliminary 
meeting  of  the  signers  of  the  call,  proposed  the  following  list  of  officers  for 
the  evening. 

Hon.  ALBERT  C.  GREENE,  President. 




John  Pitman, 
Henry  B.  Anthony, 
Josiah  Chapin,  Esq. 
Dr.  Crocker, 
Resolved  Waterman, Esq 
John  H.  Ormsbee,  Esq. 
Mathew  Watson,  Esq. 
Zachariah  Allen.  Esq. 
Thomas  M.  Burgess, 
Dr.  Caswell, 
William  W.  Hoppin, 
Amos  C.  Barstow, 
Samuel  G.  Arnold, 
Benjamin  E.  Thurston, 
Win.  S.  Patten, 
Atnasa  Manton,  Esq. 
Truman  Beekwith,  Esq. 


Dr.  Samuel  B.  Toby, 
Isaac  Brown,  Esq. 
Sylvanus  G.  Martin,  Esq. 
David  Cady,  Esq. 
Wm.  A.  Robinson,  Esq. 
Seth  Adams,  Esq. 
James  T.  Rhodes,  Esq. 
Shubael  llutehens,  Esq. 
Royal  Chapin,  Esq. 
William  J.  King,  Esq. 
Adnah  Sackett,  Esq, 
Earle  P.  Mason,  Esq. 
Elisha  Dyer,  Esq. 
Amos  I).  Smith,  Esq. 
John  Barstow,  Esq. 
Walter  S.  Buries,  Esq. 
Paris  Hill,  Esq. 

Orray  Toft,  Esq. 
Robert  Knight,  Esq. 
Aaron  B.  Curry,  Esq. 
Tully  D.  Bowen,  Esq. 
Joseph  Carpenter,  Esq. 
William  P.  Bullock,  Esq. 
Earle  Carpenter,  Esq. 
Pardon  M.  Stone,  Esq. 
Philip  Allen.  Jr.  Esq. 
William  Viall,  Esq. 
Henry  L.  Bowen,  Esq. 
David  Barton,  Esq. 
George  S.  Rathbone,  Esq. 
Billings  Brastow,  Esq. 
Smith  Owen,  Esq. 
Daniel  T.  Goodhue,  Esq. 


Clement  Webster,  Esq., 
Rev.  R.  H.  Conklin, 

John  Eddy,  Esq. 
Samuel  Austin,  Esq. 

The  report  was  unanimously    adopted,    and    the   officers  elected   entered 
upon  the  discharge  of  their  duties. 


Prayer  was  offered  by  the  Rev.  S.  C.  Brown,  Pastor  of  the  Chestnut 
Street  Methodist  Church.  An  address  was  made  by  General  Greene,  on 
taking  the  chair  ;  Resolutions  were  introduced  by  Professor  Caswell,  of 
Brown  University,  Chairman  of  a  Committee  appointed  for  the  purpose  at 
the  preliminary  meeting;  and  addresses  were  made  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Hall, 
Pastor  of  the  First  Congregational  Church,  A.  Payne,  Esq.,  Rev.  Dr.  Way- 
land,  President  of  Brown  University,  Hon.  J.  Whipple,  and  Rev.  S.  Wol- 
cott,  Pastor  of  the  High  Street  Congregational  Church. 

The  remarks  of  the  speakers  wjpre  received  with  frequent  demonstrations 
of  applause  by  the  large  and  intelligent  audience,  which  remained  seated 
from  half-past  six  until  half-past  ten  o'clock;  when  the  resolutions  were 
unanimously  adopted,  and  the  meeting  was  dissolved. 



Fellow  Citizens  : — The  subject  on  which  this  meeting  is  to  act  is  one 
of  the  most  interesting  and  important  that  has  ever  demanded  the  attention 
of  the  citizens  of  Providence. 

It  is  but  very  recently  that  I  have  known  I  might  be  called  upon  to  take 
part  in  the  proceedings  of  this  evening.  I  shall,  therefore,  ask  your  at- 
tention only  long  enough  to  remind  you  of  some  of  the  most  prominent  facts 
in  the  history  of  the  slave  question,  as  connected  with  the  bill  now  before 
Congress,  and  against  the  passage  of  which  we  are  here  to  protest,  and  1 
shall  then  leave  the  subject  in  the  hands  of  those  able  and  eloquent  gentle- 
men who  have  been  announced  as  the  speakers  who  are  to  address  you. 

The  revolution  found  the  institution  of  slavery  legalized  among  us.  The 
attention  of  the  Christian  world  had  not  then  been  fully  awakened  to  the 
evils  of  slavery  and  the  enormities  of  the  slave  trade. 

The  constitution  of  the  United  States  was  the  work  of  patriotic  men  who 
had  recently  been  most  actively  engaged  in  our  great  struggle  for  liberty, 
and  who  were  deeply  imbued  with  the  spirit  of  that  declaration  which  had 
proclaimed  as  self  evident  truths  "  that  all  men  are  created  equal,"  and  that 
among  their  inalienable  rights  are  life  and  "  liberty."  It  was  in  this  spirit 
that  the  use  of  the  words  "  slave"  and  "  slavery"  were  studiously  avoided 
in  the  framing  of  that  instrument.  It  was  that  same  spirit  that  gave  rise  to 
the  great  ordinance  of  17S7,  which  was  coeval  with  the  constitution,  and 
which  is  declared  "  unalterable  but  by  common  consent " 

By  that  ordinance  slavery  was  forever  prohibited  in  all  the  territory  over 
which  Congress  had  power  to  legislate  in  relation  to  that  subject.  This 
act  only  embodied  and  carried  out  the  general  sentiment  of  the  wise  and 
patriotic  men  of  that  day,  at  the  South  as  well  as  at  the  North,  by  whom 
slavery  was  regarded  as  a  great  moral,  social  and  political  evil.  On  this 
subject  some  of  the  greatest  and  best  men  of  the  South  spoke  freely,  open- 
ly, with  deep  feeling  and  in  strong  language,  deprecating  its  existence  and 
looking  with  hope  and  faith  to  its  eventual  extinction. 

An  addition  to  the  territorial  limits  of  our  Union  which  should  extend  the 
area  of  slavery  was  never  contemplated  by  the  framers  of  the  constitution. 
When,  in  1803,  the  purchase  of  Louisiana  was  made  by  Mr.  Jefferson, 
strong  doubts  were  entertained  by  him  of  the  constitutionality  of  that  pro- 
ceeding, and  he  justified,  or  rather  excused  it,  on  the  ground  of  necessity 
only.  His  doubts  and  those  of  other  eminent  statesmen  of  that  day  were, 
however,  practically  overruled  or  disregarded,  and  a  precedent  was  thus 
established  for  the  incorporation  of  foreign  territory  into  our  Union  by  the 
treaty  making  power.  This  precedent  was  afterwards  followed  by  the  pur- 
chase of  the  Floridas,  in  1819,  by  treaty  with  Spain. 

By  these  treaties  vast  territories,  in  which  slavery  was  recognized  by  law, 
were  brought  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  United  States  ;  and  out  of  these 
new  States  might  be  formed. 

The  future  admission  of  slaveholdin£  States  to  be  formed  from  these  ter- 
ritories  was  viewed  by  the  free  States  of  the  Union  as  a  clear  infraction  of 
the  spirit  of  the  constitution.  It  was  regarded  not  merely  as  a  moral,  but 
as  a  political  question.  One  of  the  subjects  most  difficult  of  adjustment  in 
forming  the  constitution  was  the  distribution  of  the  political  power.  The 
rule  finally  adopted  gave  to  the  slaveholding  States  a  proportion  in  the  rep- 
resentation based  upon  the  addition  of  three-fifths  of  their  slaves  to  their 
whole  free  population. 

When,  therefore,  it  was  asked  that  Missouri  should  come  into  the  Union 
as  a  slave  State,  it  was  strenuously  resisted  by  the  North,  as  unjust  and  as 
violating  the  great  principles  on  which  the  Constitution  was  based.  In  the 
memorable  debates  which  arose  out  of  this  controversy  your  own  Bijrrill, 
most  nobly  distinguished  himself.  It  was  when  about  to  address  the  Senate 
in  vindication  of  the  rights  and  the  principles  of  freedom,  in  one  of 'the 
ablest  speeches  delivered  on  that  question,  that  he  made  his  happy  reply  to 
one  of  the  Senators  from  Virginia.  As  he  rose,  his  foot  became  entangled 
in  his  cloak,  and  he  appeared  to  be  in  danger  of  falling.  "  That  is  ominous 
of  defeat,  Mr.  Burrill,"  said  Gov.  Barbour.  The  answer  was  a  quotation  not 
more  readily  made  than  appropriately  applied.  "  I  fear  no  omen  in  my 
country's  cause." 

The  result  of  this  controversy,  which  had  threatened  the  most  serious 
consequences  to  the  safety  and  stability  of  the  Union,  was  the  Missouri 
compromise  act  of  1820,  which  it  is  now  attempted  to  annul. 

This  was  a  Southern  measure  and  was  carried  through  mainly  by  South- 
ern votes.  The  great  influence  and  acknowledged  patriotism  of  Henry 
Clay,  and  the  unsurpassed  eloquence  of  Pinckney,  had  greatly  contributed 
to  its  success. 

It  was  received  by  the  North  not  as  conceding  all  we  had  a  right  to  ask, 
but  as  a' measure  of  peace  ;  and  one  forever  securing  to  freedom,  an  im- 
mense extent  of  country.  As  such  it  has  ever  since  been  fully  acquiesced 
in- and  sustained. 

By  this  act  a  partition  of  the  Louisiana  purchase  was  made.  In  all  that 
portion  of  it  lying  south  of  the  line  of  36  deg.  30  min.  slavery  was  permit- 
ted, Missouri  ;  lying  north  of  the  line  was  admitted  without  restriction;  but 
all  the  residue  of  that  territory  on  that  side  of  the  line  was  forever  con- 
secrated to  freedom. 

Under  this  agreement  Missouri  and  Arkansas  have  been  admitted  into  the 
Union.     Iowa  alone  has  been  added  to  the  number  of  free  States. 

I  have  said  that  the  acquisition  of  Louisiana  and  the  Floridas,  was  by 
treaty,  which  of  course  could  be  made  only  by  the  President,  with  the  ad- 
vice and  consent  of  two-thirds  of  the  Senate,  a  body'especially  representing 

the  States,  and  in  which  each  State  without  regard  to  its  extent  or  popula- 
tion has  equal  power.  This  had  been  considered  as  the  only  manner  in 
which  foreign  territory  could  be  acquired,  until  the  question  of  the  annexa- 
tion of  Texas  arose. 

When  the  acquisition  of  that  country,  where  slavery  had  been  re-establish- 
ed, became  a  favorite  measure  with  the  South,  as  one  that  would  add  to  her 
security,  and  increase  her  power,  it  was  found  that  the  project  could  not 
obtain  the  sanction  of  the  requisite  number  of  Senators.  The  necessity  of 
such  sanction  was  then  denied,  and  the  right  claimed  and  exereised  to  an- 
nex  to  our  Union  a  foreign  country  not  by  the  treaty  power,  but  by  joint 
resolutions  of  Congress,  requiring  only  a  bare  majority  of  each  House. 

Here  again  was  a  new  construction  of  the  Constitution,  by  which  a  for- 
eign, independent,  slave  holding  State  was  made  a  member  of  the  Union, 
and  by  which  the  foundation  was  laid  for  the  admission  of  other  States,  as 
they  might  afterwards  be  carved  out  of  that  country  with  her  assent. 

In  this  manner  the  spirit  of  the  Constitution  has  been  lost  sight  of  or  dis- 
regarded, and  the  barriers  in  the  way  of  the  extension  of  slavery,  and  the 
increase  of  the  slave  power,  have  been  removed  as  fast  as  the  necessities  or 
the  wishes  of  the  Southern  States  demanded. 

Another  measure  is  now  proposed  to  further  the  interests  of  the  slave- 
holding  power,  by  removing  another  barrier  in  the  way  of  the  extension  of 

The  Nebraska  bill  repeals  the  Missouri  compromise  act,  and  obliterates 
the  line  which  it  established.  This  project  is  supported  as  only  carrying 
out  the  spirit  of  the  compromise  measures  (so  called)  of  1850.  Those  mea- 
sures were  the  acts,  by  which  California  was  admitted  as  a  State — settling 
the  boundary  of  Texas — giving  territorial  governments  to  Utah  and  New 
Mexico — abolishing  slavery  in  the  District  of  Columbia — and  "  the  fugitive 
slave  law."  When  these  measures  were  adopted,  1  had  the  honor  of  a  seat 
in  the  Senate  as  one  of  your  representatives  in  that  body.  I  willingly  gave 
my  support  to  some  of  them.  The  fugitive  slave  law  was  among  those  which 
did  not  receive  my  vote.  I  voted  against  that  act,  because  it  contained  no 
provision  for  a  trial  by  jury,  as  I  should  vote  against  any  act  involving  the 
question  of  personal  liberty,  and  denying  or  impairing  this  great  safeguard 
of  freedom. 

How  these  measures,  which  all,  though  by  differing  votes  commanded  a 
majority  in  Congress,  can  be  considered  as  laying  the  foundation  for  this 
Nebraska  bill,  I  am  at  a  loss  to  conceive.  I  am  aware  of  nothing  that  was 
said  or  done  at  the  time  these  acts  were  passed  that  justifies  this  assump- 
tion ;  I  find  nothing  in  the  acts  themselves  to  warrant  it  ;  nor  do  I  believe 
that  with  such  a  construction  they  could  ever  have  been  enacted. 

The  bill  now  before  Congress  seeks  to  annul  a  sacred  compact,  'deemed 
obligatory  and  binding  by  those  who  entered  into  it,  considered  constitution- 
al by  the  highest  official  authority  at  the  time  when  it  was  made,  and  sanc- 
tioned and  confirmed  by  an  acquiescence  of  over  thirty  years,  and  a  fulfill- 
ment by  one  of  the  parties.  Tiiis  measure  is  uncalled  for  by  any  existing 
necessity  ;  it  will  revive  anew  the  violent  and  embittered  feelings  which 
have  always  attended  the  agitation  of  the  slavery  question ;  it  will  impair 
the  strength  of  our  Union  ;  it  will  destroy  our  mutual  confidence;  and  it 
will  open  the  way  for  the  introduction  and  extension  of  slavery  over  a  coun- 
try containing  nearly  a  half  a  million  of  square  miles. 

We  are  here  to  protest  against  this  bill.  We  should  do  so  in  the  spirit 
and  with  the  firmness  of  freemen  strongly  attached  to  the   Union,  revering 


the  constitution  made  by  our  fathers,  abiding  in  good  faith  by  its  compro- 
mises, but  determined  by  all  constitutional  means  to  resist  the  extension  of 
slavery  over  one  foot  of  our  soil  ichcre  it  has  now  no  legal  right  to  enter. 


Mr.  Presioent, — The  committee  appointed  at  the  preliminary  meeting 
of  the  friends  of  this  movement,  to  prepare  resolutions  suitable  for  the  con- 
sideration of  this  general  meeting  of  citizens,  have  attended  to  the  duty 
assigned  them.  They  have  simply  to  say,  in  explanation  of  the  character 
of  the  resolutions,  that,  for  obvious  reasons,  they  deemed  it  proper  to  restrict 
themselves  to  the  single  object  specified  in  the  public  call  for  the  meeting — 
that  is,  to  protest  against  the  extensien  of  slavery  into  territory  now  free,  as 
contemplated  in  the  Nebraska  bill.  Other  issues  of  slavery,  of  the  gravest 
moment,  may  well  be  contemplated  elsewhere  and  on  other  occasions.  In- 
deed, from  the  present  gloomy  aspect  which  the  halls  of  Congress  turn  to 
the  North,  it  may  soon  become  an  imperative  duty,  throughout  the  whole 
extent  of  the  free  States,  to  entertain  them  as  questions  for  action,  as  well 
as  contemplation.  Without  suggesting  what  ground  may  be  taken  with 
regard  to  others  of  them,  it  is  hoped  and  believed  that  this  will  be  met  with 
an  unbroken  line  of  resistance. 

It  has  been  the  intention  of  the  committee  to  give  to  the  resolutions  a 
tone  of  remonstrance,  at  once  dignified  and  firm  and  unequivocal, — such  a 
tone  as  it  becomes  the  freemen  of  Rhode  Island  to  utter,  whenever  the  cause 
of  freedom  is  in  danger,  and  one  which  we  cannot  doubt  will  find  a  deep 
and  cordial  response  in  the  bosom  of  every  citizen  within  these  crowded 
walls  to-night. 

With  your  permission,  sir,  I  will  read  the 


Whereas,  by  the  ordinance  of  1787  for  the  organization  and  government 
of  the  northwest  territory,  then  the  only  territory  over  which  the  Congress 
of  the  United  States  had  jurisdiction  ; — an  ordinance  which  had  its  origin 
in  no  sectional  feeling,  but  which,  in  the  language  of  an  eminent  statesman, 
"  had  the  hand  and  seal  of  every  Southern  member  in  Congress" — it  was 
ordained  that  slavery  should  be  forever  excluded  from  said  domain  ;  thus 
clearly  evincing  the  intention  of  the  great  founders  of  the  Republic  to 
restrict  slavery  to  the  States  in  which  it  then  existed  ;    and 

Whereas,  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States,  contemporary  in  its  for- 
mation with  said  ordinance,  expressly  empowers  Congress  to  make  all  need- 
ful rules  and  regulations  respecting  the  territory  belonging  to  the  United 
States,  there  being  then  but  one ;  and 

Whereas,  by  the  act  preparatory  to  the  admission  of  Missouri  into 
the  Union,  approved  March  6,  1820,  known  as  the  Missouri  compromise,  it 
was  solemnly  agreed  and  enacted  that  "  in  all  that  territory  ceded  by  France 
to  the  United  States,  under  the  name  of  Louisiana,  which  lies  north  of  thirty- 
six  degrees  and  thirty  minutes  of  north  latitude" — (comprising  nearly  all  the 
territory  now  to  be  organized,) — "  slavery  and  involuntary  servitude,  other- 
wise than  in  punishment  for  crimes,  shall  be  and  is  hereby  forever  pro- 
hibited ; — and 

Whereas,  in  the  joint  resolution  for  the  admission  of  Texas  into  the  Union, 
passed  March  1st,  1845,  it  was  expressly  affirmed  that  "in  such  State  or 
States  as  shall  be  formed  out  of  said  territory  north  of  said  Missouri  compro- 

mise  line,   slavery    or   involuntary    servitude   (except    for   crime)   shall  be 
prohibited;  and 

Whereas,  the  bill  known  as  the  Nebraska  bill,  now  pending  before  Con- 
gress, has  for  its  object  the  removal  of  said  prohibition  of  slavery  in  all  the 
territory  north  of  said  parallel  of  thirty-six  degrees  and  thirty  minutes,  thus 
opening  to  the  encroachmeut  and  blight  of  slavery  an  immense  and  fertile 
public  domain,  which,  by  sacred  compacts  and  legislative  enactments,  dating 
from  the  very  origin  of  the  republic,  has  been  again  and  again  consecrated 
to  freedom  ;   therefore, 

Resolved,  That,  as  citizens  of  Rhode  Island,  without  distinction  of  party, 
we  solemnly  protest  against  the  passage  of  the  said  bill. 

We  protest  against  it  as  a  measure  uncalled  for  by  the  present  condition 
of  the  territory,  and  as  boding  renewed  injuries  to  the  Indian  tribes  within 
its  borders. 

We  protest  against  it  as  an  invasion  of  the  rights  of  the  free  States,  and 
as  fraught  with  imminent  peril  to  the  peace  and  harmony  of  this  Union, 
which  we  have  been  accustomed  to  cherish,  and  which  we  earnestly  desire, 
by  every  just  and  honorable  means,  still  to  perpetuate. 

We  protest  against  it  in  the  name  of  liberty,  which  it  scandalizes;  in  the 
name  of  humanity,  which  it  wrongs  ;  in  the  name  of  plighted  public  faith, 
which  it  violates  and  tramples  under  foot. 

Resolved,  That  our  Senators  and  Representatives  in  Congress  be  respect- 
fully requested  to  use  their  utmost  endeavors  to  prevent  the  passage  of  said 
bill,  and  every  other  bill  which  contemplates  or  permits  the  extension  of 
slavery  into  territory  now  free. 

Resolved,  That  copies  of  these  resolutions  and  preamble,  signed  by  the 
Chairman  and  Secretaries  of  this  meeting,  be  forwarded  to  our  Senators  and 
Representatives,  and  that  they  be  requested  to  present  the  same  to  both 
Houses  of  Congress. 


Mr.  President, — It  is  the  first,  and  I  hope  it  may  be  the  last  time,  when 
a  sense  of  duty  shall  impel  me  to  consent  to  speak  on  an  occasion  in  any 
degree  political.  I  see  only  its  moral  aspects  ;  and  approach  it,  not  eagerly, 
nor  in  any  temper  of  denunciation — but  sorrowfully — in  view  of  all  that  has 
led  to  it,  and  all  that  may  follow.  Let  me  go  back  for  a  moment,  to  its 
nominal  beginning. 

The  year  1620  is  destined  to  be  remembered.  It  opened  with  the  discus- 
sion and  passage,  in  the  American  Congress,  of  the  first,  I  believe,  of  those 
acts  known  by  the  significant,  and  as  it  may  prove,  ill-fated  name  of  Com- 
promise— the  act  which  the  same  power  now  proposes  to  annul.  The  year 
closed,  for  it  was  the  same  year,  with  a  great  speech  of  a  great  statesman, 
not  on  the  same  ground,  but  on  yet  more  "  hallowed  ground" — where,  on 
the  two  hundredth  birth-day  of  the  nation,  Daniel  Webster  planted  his  firm 
foot  on  the  Rock  of  Plymouth,  and  expanded  his  large  frame,  to  utter, 
among  other  eloquent  declarations,  the  most  scathing  rebuke  of  the  "slave- 
traffic,"  that  even  that  iniquity  ever  received.  He  appealed  to  merchants 
and  all  good  citizens,  to  sweep  it  from  the  high  way  of  nations.  He  called 
upon  those  who  filled  the  seats  of  justice,  to  be  faithful  and  firm  in  executing 
a  law  which  made  the  slavetrader  a  pirate  and  felon.  And  he  invoked,  in 
words  not  to  be  forgotten  now,  the  ministers  of"  religion" — declaring  with 

mighty  emphasis — "  if  the  pulpit  be  silent,  it  is  false  to  its  trust."  Sir,  if 
there  has  been  an  hour  since  that,  when  this  appeal  should  be  renewed  and 
regarded,  it  is  this  hour.  I  pass  by  subsequent  occasions,  like  that  in  the 
Senate  four  years  ago  this  day,  the  7th  of  March,  1850,' when  the  same 
strong  voice  advocated  a  measure,  of  which,  it  was  thought,  the  pulpit  ought 
not  to  speak.  The  pulpit  asks  not  leave  of  man  to  speak  ;  but  it  may 
accept  man's  reproof  be  he  high  or  low,  if  it  be  silent  when  not  liberty 
only,  but  justice,  truth,  honor,  the  law  of  the  land,  and  the  law  of  God,  are 

Am  I  told,  that  the  question  now  before  the  country  has  nothing  to  do 
with  the  slave-trade,  of  which  Mr.  Webster  spoke?  I  think  I  understand 
the  meaning  of  the  present  question,  and  I  have  no  desire  to  make  it  worse 
than  it  is.  Let  us  not  misrepresent  it.  It  is  not  a  decree  of  slavery.  The 
Nebraska  bill  wears  a  different  face,  and  I  would  not  charge  deceit  or  evil 
purpose  upon  its  author,  or  any  man  hastily.  The  new  Territories,  or  States, 
are  to  be  left  free  to  admit  slavery  or  exclude  it,  as  they  please.  And  this 
is  said  to  be  only  putting  them  on  a  level  with  other  States,  and  to  be  after 
all  a  very  small  matter  !  Sir,  is  fhere  a  man  in  this  crowded  assembly,  who 
would  think  it  a  small  matter  to  pass  through  the  security  of  freedom  to 
even  the  possibility  of  bondage — in  himself,  his  family,  his  chosen  State,  or 
growing  country  ?  Is  there  so  little  difference  between  full,  joyous  liberty, 
and  even  the  danger  of  slavery — and  American  slavery — as  much  worse 
than  the  Hebrew  servitude  of  which  we  hear,  as  Christianity  is  larger  and 
better  than  Judaism  ?  Beside,  Sir,  the  vice  here,  as  all  know,  is  the  break- 
ing of  faith — recreancy  on  the  one  hand,  and  sycophancy  on  the  other.  And, 
again,  it  is  the  encroachment  of  slavery  upon  our  own  rights  and  our  own 
freedom.  It  is  the  retrogression  and  degradation  of  the  country,  instead  of 
advancement  and  prosperity.  And  though  it  were  not  capable  of  proof,  as 
it  is,  that  the  traffic  both  domestic  and  foreign,  alike  atrocious,  will  be 
essentially  affected  by  the  measure  now  proposed — though  it  were  not  true, 
as  our  first  civilians,  North  and  South,  have  declared,  that  the  needless 
extension  of  slavery  is  as  repugnant  to  the  spirit  of  our  federal  compact,  as  to 
the  law  of  nature  and  God — it  could  still  be  shown,  that  the  deed  to  be 
perpetrated  now,  transcends,  in  its  inconsistency  and  moral  outrage,  all 
previous  acts,  and  deserves  the  epithets  with  which  the  orator  branded  the 
foreign  trade — as  "  inhuman  and  disgraceful."  There  are  three  grades  of 
slavery,  or  three  positions  which  it  assumes,  and  asks  us  to  sanction — first, 
its  continuance  where  it  already  exists,  protected  by  local  law;  next,  its 
permission  in  new  territories,  by  compact  and  compromise;  and  next  and 
worse,  its  protri^jon,  in  violation  of  compact  and  compromise,  into  a  pro- 
vince dedicated  and  forever  pledged  to  liberty  !  Sir,  if  this  be  not  a  climax 
in  the  foul  wrong,  it  can  be  found  only  in  the  future.  The  past  does  not 
record  it.  Our  own  history  contains  nothing  like  it.  Our  nation,  though 
it  were  as  guilty  as  the  most  indignant  think  it — which  God  forbid  !  has  not 
yet  steeped  itself  in  this  infamy.  I  repeat,  there  is  a  wide  distance,  an  enor- 
mous stride  of  the  gigantic  slave-power,  from  all  previous  steps  to  this;  and 
the  difference  creates  a  personal  and  fearful  responsibility.  For  the  intro- 
duction of  slavery  into  the  country,  we  are  not  accountable  ;  for  its  continu- 
ing where  we  have  no  right  or  power  to  reach  it,  unless  by  moral  means  and 
Christian  appeals,  we  are  not  accountable  ;  nor  for  the  different  constructions 
of  that  wonderful  instrument,  the  Constitution,  so  carefully  framed  and  bal- 
anced by  great  minds,  who  would  not  suffer  it  to  be  defaced  by  the  odious 
word  "  slave  ;'.'  virtually  declaring  it  "  wrong."  as  Madison  said,  "  to  admit 


in  the  Constitution  the  idea  that  there  could  be  property  in  men" — yet  in- 
serting an  article  which  is  interpreted  as  imposing  upon  us  a  duty,  against 
which  our  whole  souls  revolt.  Of  these  constructions,  it  is  not  my  province 
to  judge — and  for  the  inferences,  just  or  unjust,  I  hold  not  myself  accounta- 
ble. But  totally  differeut  is  my  relation,  the  relation  of  every  man  in  the 
republic,  to  the  pretence  and  attempt  here  made,  to  seize  a  vast  region,  equal 
in  extent  to  nearly  all  our  free  States  together,  a  region  in  which  the  sove- 
reign power  itself  has  pronounced,  that  "  slavery  shall  be,  and  hereby  is, 
forever  prohibited" — and  to  prohibit  this  prohibition,  opening  the  whole  to 
all  the  evils  of  that  cruel  system. 

Why,  Sir,  the  world  cries  out  against  this  outrage,  even  portions  of  the 
world  which  we  ourselves  have  looked  down  upon  as  almost  barbarous.  The 
Sultan,  years  ago,  abolished  the  slave-market  in  Constantinople.  The  Bey 
of  Algiers,  tiring  on  the  very  line  of  36  dea.  39  min.,  has  removed  the  curse 
from  his  dominions.  The  Barbary  States  of  Africa  have  become  abolition- 
ists, so  far  as  they  can  be.  And  lo  !  here,  in  proud  America,  in  the  most 
favored  republic  the  sun  ever  shone  upon,  in  a  Senate  which  we  have  been 
taught  from  childhood  to  honor,  there  stands  up  a  man,  calling  himself  a 
freeman,  with  all  the  privileges  and  responsibilities  of  a  free  State  and  an 
advanced  christian  age,  and  with  no  necessity,  no  provocation,  or  admitted 
lure,  asks  this  nation,  before  its  own  tribunals  and  high  heaven,  to  perjure 
itself  for  slavery  !  Have  the  nations  of  the  earth  seen  the  like  before  !  Will 
they  not,  and  may  they  not,  hiss  at  this  vaunted  free  America?  Heretofore, 
with  whatever  qualifications  and  regrets,  few  Americans,  if  any,  have  gone 
abroad,  especially  from  New  England,  without  finding  constant  reason  to 
thank  God  for  such  a  home  as  ours.  But  if  this  act  is  to  be  consummated, 
if  we  ourselves,  knowingly,  voluntarily,  shall  commit  this  huge  fraud  upon 
our  own  free  soil  and  through  a  government  of  which  we  are  all  constitu- 
ents, no  just  man,  no  christian,  can  look  a  foreigner  in  the  face,  and  hear 
his  taunt,  without  burning  shame. 

Sir,  what  has  been  the  plea  of  the  North  and  the  South,  in  behalf  of  slave- 
ry ?  I  mean,  the  moderate,  peaceable  portion  of  the  North,  and  the  intelli- 
gent and  humane  of  the  South,  making,  we  will  still  hope,  the  majority  of 
both  sections.  They  have  said  to  us,  and  we  have  desired  to  believe  them, 
and  feel  for  them — "  Think  not  that  we  consider  slavery  no  evil ;  it  pains 
and  oppresses  us,  more  than  it  can  you.  Our  first  and  noblest  men,  Wash- 
ington, Jefferson,  Madison,  Mercer,  Lowndes,  Pinkney,  Clay,  and  many 
more,  have  virtually  condemned  it.  We  lament  it,  we  would  not  continue 
it  if  we  saw  any  safe  remedy  ;  we  rejoice  that  you  are  not  cursed  with  it,  and 
pray  that  no  others  may  be.  Only  leave  us  in  peace,  to  pestle  with  it  as 
we  can,  until  Providence  opens  a  way  of  relief."  Often  have  we  heard  this 
language,  and  though  sometimes  sadiy  contradicted  both  by  words  and  acts, 
I  have  never  allowed  myself,  for  one,  to  doubt  its  sincerity  in  the  many. 
Indeed  so  confidently  did  most  of  us  rest  upon  it,  that  when  we  first  heard 
of  the  Nebraska  bill,  we  at  once  said — "  There  is  no  danger  ;  it  cannot 
pass ;  not  the  North  only — alas,  sir,  that  that  trust  is  so  basely  betrayed  ! — 
but  the  South,  all  its  fair  representatives,  at  the  least,  will  rise  against  it ; 
they  are  too  high-minded,  beside  all  else,  thus  to  trifle  with  their  own  asser- 
tions and  pledges;  they  will  not  belie  themselves,  by  not  only  asking  to  be 
let  alone,  but  by  overstepping  their  own  line,  robbing  an  immense  domain 
of  the  freedom  secured  to  it,  and  planting  there  a  system  which  one  of  their 
own  writers  just  after  the  passage  of  the  Missouri  compromise,  called  the 
'*  supreme  curse  of  the  country."  So  we  felt,  and  what  have  we  heard'' 
What  do  we  see  ?     Not  one  remonstrance,  not  one  southern  man  against 


this  recreant  act !  And  are  we  to  regard  this  as  another  of  the  fruits  oi 
slavery  ?  Does  it  poison  the  very  fountains  of  justice  there,  and  exert  its 
baleful  influence  here  also,  leaving  us  nothing  on  which  to  rest ?  Verily,  all 
may  learn  one  truth,  if  no  more — that  a  "  compromise"  is  a  very  poor  reli- 
ance, and  a  "  finality"  an  utter  nullity. 

A  word  more,  and  I  give  place  to  others.  Sixty  years  ago,  William 
Pinkney,  of  Maryland,  a  true  man,  said  of  slavery,  whose  nature  he  well 
understood,  and  whose  perpetuity  or  spread  he  heartily  deprecated,  that,  "  if 
it  should  survive  fifty  years,  it  would  work  a  decay  of  liberty  in  the  fret 
States."  Was  he  a  prophet  ?  And  is  it  too  late  to  prevent  the  worst  ful- 
filment of  his  prediction?  Let  us  hope  not.  True  to  our  State  motto  of 
"  Hope  in  God,"  if  not  in  man,  let  us  cherish  the  faith,  that  this  very  blow, 
if  fall  it  must,  though' dealt  by  a  parricidal  hand,  will  strike,  not  death,  but 
life,  into  Freedom's  fainting  form,  and  cause  her  to  stand  erect,  as  in  our 
early  independence,  in  the  panoply  of  righteousness,  pleading  and  working, 
in  the  power  of  God  and  the  spirit  of  Christ,  for  the  Emancipation  of  Man. 


The  means  by  which  slaveholders  have  obtained  the  control  of  this  Go- 
vernment, may  indicate  the  rule  which  ought  to  guide  the  future  action  of 
the  people. 

Less  than  seventy  years  since  the  people  of  the  thirteen  Colonies  assem- 
bled in  convention  to  form  a  Constitution.  No  where  among  men  were  the 
duties  and  powers  of  government  so  well  understood,  the  rights  of  man  so 
entirely  respected  as  among  that  people. 

In  the  midst  of  them  existed  an  institution  essentially  despotic,  and  whose 
existence  implied  the  denial  of  all  rights  to  a  class  of  men.  The  difficulty 
was  to  provide  for  this  institution,  under  a  declaration  that  all  men  were 
created  equal,  and  in  a  constitution  ordained  among  other  things  to  "  esta- 
blish justice"  and  "  secure  the  blessings  of  liberty."  Justice  and  liberty 
required  that  this  institution  should  have  neither  recognition  nor  protection  ; 
but  a  necessity  supposed  to  be  controlling,  and  a  policy  presumed  to  be  wise 
carried  the  day,  and  we  are  convened  to-night  for  a  purpose  which  illustrates 
the  great  truth,  that  "justice  is  the  standing  policy  of  nations,  and  that  any 
eminent  departure  from  it  will  turn  out  in  the  end  to  be  no  policy  at  all." 

That  the  sentiment  of  the  people  was  at  this  time  favorable  to  freedom, 
appears  from  the  general  consent  with  which  the  great  ordinance  of  1787 
had  just  been  enacted  That  the  character  and  probable  influence  of  slavery 
as  a  political  power  had  not  then  been  thoroughly  considered,  is  evident 
from  the  alacrity  with  which  Congress  assumed  the  doubtful  power  to  legis- 
late for  the  capture  of  fugitive  slaves,  and  their  criminal  neglect  to  provide 
for  the  alleged  fugitive  a  jury  trial. 

After  thirty  years  we  find  Missouri  claiming  to  come  into  the  Union  with 
a  constitution  permitting  slavery.  The  increased  culture  of  cotton  had 
given  the  slaveholders  a  new  interest  in  their  slaves  ;  the  power  of  a  banded 
olicrarchv  to  control  the  action  of  the  government  was  felt,  and  it  made  de- 
mands  which,  at  the  time  when  the  constitution  was  formed,  would  have 
been  trampled  on  with  scorn  and  contempt.  Justice  and  liberty  demanded, 
and  the  constitution  permitted,  that  slavery  should  be  excluded  from  the 
national  territory,  and  that  none  but  free  States  should  be  admitted  into  the 


Union.  But  another  necessity  had  arisen,  another  stroke  of  policy  was  ac- 
complished, and  a  solemn  compact  was  m|de,  by  which  we  gave  to  the 
slaveholders  a  large  portion  of  the  vast  domain,  the  rest  of  which  they  are 
now  attempting  to  steal. 

A  few  years  after  the  anti-slavery  feeling  of  the  people  was  organized,  and 
(with  what  errors  I  am  not  now  to  consider,)  sought  to  enlighten  the  public 
conscience,  and  besieged  the  doors  of  Congress  with  petitions.  Again  the 
slaveholders  renewed  their  demands,  and  again  the  people  (this  time  reluc- 
tantly and  only  partially,)  submitted. 

Then  came  the  annexation  of  Texas  and  the  conquQst  of  Mexico  ;  mea- 
sures conceived  and  executed  by  slaveholders  for  the  always  obvious  and 
sometimes  avowed  purpose  of  strengthening,  extending  and  perpetuating 

Strenuous  efforts  were  now  made  to  arouse  the  people  to  a  sense  of  their 
danger.  Dr.  Channing  pleaded  with  them  with  all  the  fervor  of  his  rare 
eloquence  and  all  the  power  of  his  spotless  character.  Mr.  Webster  labored 
in  public  and  private  with  the  merchants  whom  he  served  and  the  farmers 
whom  he  loved,  but  they  went,  "  one  to  his  farm  and  another  to  his  mer- 
chandise;" and  his  desponding  confession  that  the  people  would  not  hear 
him,  is  still  fresh  in  our  memories,  and  should  not  be  forgotten  when  we 
remember  that  there  came  a  day,  (also  too  soon  !)  when  the  cause  of  free- 
dom called  on  Daniel  Webster,  and  called  in  vain. 

The  war  over,  a  large  territory,  obtained  by  conquest,  awaited  the  dispo- 
sal of  Conoress.     Then  came  another  strucro-le  and  another  surrender  of  the 

o  —  - 

people  to  the  slaveholders.  In  the  ashes  of  that  conflict  still  live  their  wonted 
fires,  and  God  grant  that  they  may  burn  so  long  as  their  lives  a  slave  to  feel 
his  chain.  Justice  and  liberty  were  disregarded  in  the  legislation  of  1850 — 
the  public  conscience  has  been  debauched  by  a  systematic  attempt  to  make 
the  people  acquiesce  in  this  legislation,  and  one  of  the  ripe  fruits  of  these 
proceedings  is  the  bold,  bad  measure  against  which  we  are  met  to  protest. 
This  protest  is  well  ;  and  if  it  is  followed  by  such  action  as  will  secure  the 
appropriate  and  constitutional  influence  of  this  government  in  favor  of  free- 
dom and  against  slavery,  that  will  be  better. 

The  general  government  of  this  country  to-day  is  under  the  control  of 
slaveholders,  and  is  used  by  them  for  their  own  purposes.  If  it  can  betaken 
out  of  their  hands  and  restored  to  the  people  to  whom  it  belongs,  justice 
may  yet  be  established,  the  blessings  of  liberty  may  yet  be  secured.  If  the 
people  cannot,  or  will  not,  take  the  government  into  their  own  hands  and 
use  it  for  the  purposes  for  which  it  was  instituted,  then  they  will  continue 
to  live  under  a  sway  already  sufficiently  degrading,  and  growing  more  profli- 
gate year  by  year.  I  thank  God  that  we  have  vitality  enough  left  amongst  us 
to  protest,  and  I  hope  for  the  day  when  we  shall  have  sufficient  energy  to 


Mr.  President:  I  am  not  surprised  to  see  so  large  a  number  of  the 
citizens  of  Rhode  Island  assembled  on  the  present  occasion.  On  this  spot, 
was  formed  the  first  government  on  earth  which  proclaimed  both  civil  and 
religious  liberty  to  be  the  birthright  of  man.  It  is  meet  that  on  this  soil  and 
in  this  city,  a  measure,  which  proposes  to  violate  the  most  sacred  righN 
of  humanity,  should  receive  its  merited  condemnation. 


Before  I  proceed  to  consider  this  bill,  I  think  it  proper  to  say,  that  while 
I  shall  speak  with  entire  plainness  on  the  merits  of  the  question,  I  shall 
avoid  all  denunciations  of  individuals.  It  is  my  good  fortune  to  know  and 
esteem  many  of  my  fellow-citizens  at  the  South,  whom  I  believe  incapable 
of  performing  an  action  which  they  see  to  be  dishonorable  or  mean.  I  will 
go  farther,  and  say  that  I  have  never  conversed  with  an  intelligent  and  right- 
minded  slaveholder  who  did  not  confess  slavery  to  be  wrong,  utterly  inde- 
fensible in  itself,  and  the  great  curse  that  rests  upon  the  Southern  States. 
They  have  looked  upon  the  subject  in  sad  despair,  hoping  that  a  kind  Provi- 
dence would  open  for  them  some  way  of  escape  from  an  evil  which  was  every 
year  becoming  more  and  more  threatening.  Such  men,  and  they  form  a 
large  portion  of  the  best  men  at  the  South,  will,  I  know,  honor  us  for  oppo- 
sing this  bill  ;   and  will  in  their  hearts  rejoice  if  our  opposition  be  successful. 

We  have  met  to  protest  against  the  bill  now  before  Congress  for  esta- 
blishing the  territorial  governments  of  Nebraska  and  Kansas.  The  feature 
in  this  bill  against  which  we  first  protest  is,  that  in  all  that  vast  territory, 
now  uninhabited  by  white  men,  either  free  or  slave  States  may  be  organized 
at  the  will  of  the  settlers.  On  the  face  of  it,  then,  it  places  slavery  and  free- 
dom on  equal  terms  ;  and  proclaims  that  freedom  and  oppression  are  looked 
upon  with  equal  favor  by  the  people  of  the  United  States.  It  is,  I  know, 
said  that  it  is  intended  to  have  no  practical  effect,  for  that  slavery  will  never 
be  introduced  there.  This,  I  presume,  however,  that  no  one  expects  us  to 
believe.  To  suppose  the  universal  agitation  of  this  subject  to  be  revived, 
an  agitation  so  much  to  be  deprecated  by  the  South,  and  the  reproach  of 
violated  faith  to  be  endured  without  an  assignable  object,  is  to  suppose  men 
to  act  without  motive,  that  is,  to  be  either  idiotic  or  insane.  We  will  not 
accuse  reasonable  men  of  this  absurdity.  I  therefore  consider  this  as  a  bill 
to  establish  slavery  throughout  all  this  vast  region. 

Now,  against  this  bill  I  protest,  in  the  first  place,  because  it  proposes  to 
violate  the  great  elementary  law  on  which  not  only  government,  but  society 
itself  is  founded. 

If  there  be  any  moral  or  social  principle  more  obvious  or  more  universal 
than  any  other,  it  is  this,  that  every  man  lias  a  right  to  himself.  He  pos- 
sesses this  right  as  a  man,  because  he  is  a  man,  in  virtue  simply  of  his 
humanity.  This  right  includes  his  right  to  his  body  and  his  mind,  to  his 
material  and  his  spiritual  nature.  It  is  the  foundation  of  all  responsibility, 
for  the  moment  I  cease  to  have  a  right  to  myself  that  moment  I  also  cease 
to  be  responsible  for  my  actions,  either  to  God  or  to  man.  It  is  this  right 
which  distinguishes  me  from  a  brute.  Brutes  are  endowed  with  no  such 
right,  and  we  may  lawfully  enslave  them,  slaughter  them,  and  feed  on  them. 
Governments  are  established  and  laws  are  enacted  not  to  confer  this  rio-ht, 
it  existed  before  them,  but  to  prevent  its  violation.  It  is  the  sole  foundation 
of  the  right  of  property  ;  for  if  I  have  a  right  to  myself,  I  have  a  right  to 
the  product  of  my  own  energies,  provided  those  energies  are  innocently 
directed,  that  is,  not  in  interference  with  this  right  in  another. 

But  assume  the  opposite,  and  what  is  the  result?  Suppose  a  man  not.  to 
have  a  right  to  himself,  and  what  is  the  consequence  ?  Government  is  im- 
possible. Every  man  becomes  the  prey  of  every  other  man.  Right  personal 
and  right  in  property  are  annihilated  by  a  single  blow.  Turks  may  oppress 
Greeks,  Russians  may  trample  on  Turks,  Austrians  may  deluge  Italy  or 
Hungary  in  blood,  and  no  right  is  violated.  Nay  more;  you,  Sir,  may  en- 
slave me,  or  I  may  enslave  you,  the  white  man  may  enslave  the  black  man, 
and  the  black  man  may  in  turn  enslave  and  murder  the  white  man,  and  all 
are  innocent  of  crime.      Nay,  I  go  further,  if  slavery  be  the  law  of  humanity.. 


or  even  of  the  United  States,  we  may  as  rightfully  enslave  Germans  or  Irish 
men  as  enslave  men  who  differ  from  ourselves  only  in  the  color  of  their 
skin.  The  rising  of  the  slaves  universally  would  thus  be  justtified,  and 
all  cause  for  our  aiding  to  subdue  insurrection  would  be  takenaway.  But 
it  is  needless  to  pursue  a  doctrine  so  monstrous,  Slavery  is  a  sin  against 
God,  and  an  outrage  on  humanity.  It  deprives  man  not  of  one  or  another 
right,  but  it  violates  that  fundamental  law  of  humanity  on  which  all  right 
rests.  I  would  protest  against  this  iniquity  anywhere,  in  the  name  of  hu- 
manity and  justice  and  universal  love,  I  protest  against  it  here  at  home 
specially,  when  this  outrage  is  to  be  perpetrated  on  soil  of  which  I  and  every 
other  American  citizen  are  the  sole  and  rightful  possessors. 

But  secondly,  as  an  American  citizen  I  protest  against  this  bill. 

Our  government  owes  its  existence  to  the  assertion  of  the  principle  to 
which  I  have  just  alluded  ;  that  every  man  has  a  right  to  himself.  The  de- 
claration of  independence,  that  bill  of  rights  which  made  us  a  nation,  affirms, 
first  of  all,  "  we  hold  these  truths  to  be  self-evident,  that  all  men  are  created 
equal,  that  they,  are  endowed  by  their  Creator  with  certain  inalienable  rights, 
that  among  these  are  life,  liberty  and  pursuit  of  happiness."  It  was  for 
this  principle  that  our  fathers  contended  in  that  prolonged  struggle,  the 
revolutionary  war.  It  was  for  this  that  blood  was  poured  out  like  water  at 
Concord  and  Bunker  Hill,  at  Bennington  and  Saratoga,  at  Red  Bank  and 
Trenton,  and  York  Town.  And  when  they  asserted  this  principle  they 
asserted  it  of  humanity,  without  excluding  from  it  any  portion  of  the  race. 
This  is  abundantly  shown  by  the  writers  of  that  time,  who  were  also  actors 
in  the  war  of  independence.  To  omit  the  mention  of  ail  the  men  at  the 
North,  it  is  sufficient  to  call  to  your  recollection  the  names  of  Washington, 
Jefferson,  Madison,  and  in  fact  all  the  fathers  of  the  republic,  whose  opinions 
were  of  sufficient  importance  to  reach  to  the  present  day. 

The  sentiments  of  these  men  were  fully  exemplified  by  the  act  of  1787. 
Slavery  existed  in  several  of  the  States.  It  was  acknowledged  to  be  at 
variance  with  the  sentiments  of  the  whole  people,  and  in  violation  of  the 
principles  asserted  in  the  declaration  of  independence.  That  it  might  be 
forever  restricted  within  its  then  limits,  and  thus  be  the  more  easily  extin- 
guished, all  the  territory  then  possessed  by  the  confederation  was  declared 
to  be  forever  free. 

When  the  constitution  was  adopted,  the  object  for  which  it  was  formed 
was  explicitly  stated  ;  it  was,  "  to  establish  justice"  "  and  secure  the  bles- 
sings of  liberty."  It  is  the  recognition  of  this  principle  as  the  great  object 
of  our  Union  that  gave  this  nation  consideration  among  men.  This  we  have 
always,  it  has  been  said  even  obtrusively,  claimed  for  ourselves.  It  is  in 
this  respect  that  we  have  held  ourselves  up  in  contrast  with  governments  in 
which  the  rights  of  man  as  man  were  trampled  under  foot.  It  is  this  prin- 
ciple which  has  made  the  stars  and  stripes  the  dawning  star  of  liberty  to  the 
civilized  world.  Abolish  this  and  there  is  nothing  more  to  distinguish  us 
from  those  despotic  oligarchies,  in  which  a  few  declare  themselves  free, 
while  they  hold  millions  under  them  in  bondage. 

Now  I  affirm  that  this  proposed  measure  is  in  the  gravest  sense  revolu- 
tionary, far  more  so  than  if  it  enacted  that  the  office  of  the  President  should 
be  abolished  and  its  place  supplied  by  an  hereditary  monarchy.  This  latter 
might  be  done  and  yet  the  great  object  for  which  the  government  was  esta- 
blished be  maintained.  But  here  the  great  object  for  which  the  government 
was  formed  is  not  changed  but  reversed.  The  particular  manner  in  which 
the  agents  of  a  government  are  to  be  related  to  each  other,  and  to  the  people, 
is  of  far  less  consequence  than  the  principle  by  which    all  their  action  is  to 


be  directed.  An  insurance  company  is  formed  to  protect  buildings  from 
loss  by  fire.  It  establishes  its  laws  and  elects  its  officers.  But  if  its  objects 
be  reversed,  and  it  devotes  itself  to  setting  buildings  on  fire,  it  were  vain  to 
tell  me  that  they  elected  their  president  in  the  same  manner,  or  that  the 
clerks  and  the  president  were  not  permitted  to  interfere  with  the  duties  of 
each  other.  Nor,  were  I  an  original  member  of  such  a  company,  could  I, 
by  any  cry  of  union,  be  persuaded  to  be  a  partner  to  their  transactions.  I 
should  say  the  object  being  changed,  the  association  is  dissolved,  and  I  will 
be  a  partaker  in  none  of  your  villany.  Now  I  cannot  but  consider  this  mea- 
sure as  of  precisely  this  character.  We  united  to  form  a  government  on  the 
principle  of  the  declaration  of  independence  and  the  preamble  of  the  consti- 
tution, namely  :  to  establish  justice  and  secure  the  blessings  of  liberty,  to 
illustrate  to  the  world  the  truth  that  all  men  are  endowed  by  their  Creator 
with  an  inalienable  right  to  life,  liberty  and  the  pursuit  of  happiness.  This 
bill  reverses  this  principle,  and  makes  this  government  declare  that  men  are 
not  endowed  with  these  rights,  and  that  our  object  is  not  to  establish  justice 
or  secure  the  blessings  of  liberty,  but  to  extend  slavery  over  their  whole  do- 
main and  transmit  it  to  our  children  as  their  heritage  forever.  The  force  of 
such  a  revolution  is  to  dissolve  the  governmet  itself,  for  when  the  essential 
element  of  a  compact  is  reversed,  every  contracting  party  is  released  from  his 
obligations  in  respect  to  it.  I  therefore  protest  against  this  bill  as  revolu- 
tionary and  giving  just  cause  for  a  dissolution  of  the  Union. 

Third,  As  a  citizen  of  a  free  State  I  protest  against  the  passage  of  this 

This  seems  to  me  only  one  of  a  series  of  measures  of  which  the  obvious 
intention  is  to  render  the  whole  legislation  of  this  country  subservient  to  the 
interests  of  the  slaveholding  States,  by  securing,   at  all   hazards,  a  majority 

in  ths  Senate. 

These  measures  it  is  painful  to  specify.  I  pretend  not  to  enumerate 
them  all,  but  I  will  mention  only  a  few  of  the  most  important. 

The  purchase  of  Louisiana,  though  not  made  for  this  object,  gave  the  first 
bias  in  this  direction.  It  was  made  without  constitutional  authority,  and 
furnishes  an  illustration  of  the  mischief  resulting  from  the  violation  of  a 
principle  for  the  sake  of  an  immediate  advantage.  Then  came  the  Missouri 
compromise.  Here,  for  the  sake  of  peace  and  the  preservation  of  the  Union, 
as  it  was  said,  the  essential  principle  in  which  the  government  was  founded 
was  held  in  abeyance,  and  this  territory,  acquired  from  France,  was  divided, 
a  part  being  conceded  to  slavery,  and  the  rest  irrevocably  devoted  to  liberty. 
It  has  always  been  said  that  even  this  concession  was  procured  by  corrup- 
tion. "  We  wanted,"  said  John  Randolph,  "  sixteen  dough-faces  and  we 
got  them ;  we  could  have  got  sixteen  more  had  we  wanted  them."  Then 
came  the  admission  of  Texas.  This  was  done  not  only  without  constitu- 
tional authority,  but,  as  I  think,  in  opposition  to  constitutional  enactment." 
By  this  act  an  immense  tract  prepared  for  slavery  was  admitted  to  the  Un- 
ion. The  lamented  Dr.  Channing,  than  whom  a  truer  friend  of  the  Union 
never  lived,  declared  in  his  letters  on  "  The  duty  of  the  Free  States,"  that 
if  ever  this  was  done,  the  Northern  States  were  bound  at  once  to  seperate 
themselves  from  the  confederacy.  Next  came  the  compromise  of  1850.  In 
this  instance  the  free  States  were  grossly  insulted,  and  nothing  could  have 
carried  the  measure  but  the  influence  of  a  great  statesman,  who,  by  his  con- 
duct in  this  case,  has  left  a  stain  on  his  reputation  which  his  even  former 
brilliant  services  can  never  erase.  A  short  time  before  Florida  had  applied 
for  admission  to  the  Union,  with  a  constitution  riviting  slavery  upon  her  to 
the  latest  time.     When   a  question   was  made   about  receiving  a  State  with 


slavery  so  irrevocably  interwoven  into  its  constitution,  it  was  indignantly 
replied  that  with  this  matter  Congress  had  nothing  to  do  ;  and  that  the  Union 
would  be  dissolved  if  the  slave  character  of  the  constitution  of  a  State  was 
made  an  objection  to  its  reception.  The  next  State  which  presented  itself 
was  California,  with  a  free  constitution.  The  reception  of  this  State  gave 
rise  to  an  angry  debate  of  six  months,  and  she  was  admitted  at  last  by  a 
compromise.  The  remarkable  terms  of  the  compromise  were — 1st,  that 
California  should  be  admitted  into  the  Union,  and  on  the  other  hand,  that 
four  new  slave  States  should  be  formed  out  of  Texas  ;  that  a  more  stringent 
and  reckless  law  should  oblige  the  free  States  to  deliver  up  fugitive  slaves, 
and,  on  the  other  hand,  that  the  slave  trade,  which  on  the  high  seas  is  piracy, 
should  not  be  carried  on  in  the  district  of  Columbia. 

Then  came  the  measures  which  we  are  now  considering.  The  territory 
covered  by  this  bill  is,  in  part,  the  same  as  was  by  the  Missouri  compromise 
solemnly  consecrated  to  freedom.  It  was  so  considered  by  Southern  men. 
The  measure  was  carried  by  Southern  votes.  It  was  considered  that  in 
yielding  to  slavery  the  territory  South  of  36  30,  the  North  made  a  great  con- 
cession for  the  sake  of  union.  It  is  now  proposed  to  nullify  this  solemn 
compact,  and  devote  to  slavery  a  territory  out  of  which  some  fifteen  or 
twenty  new  States  may  eventually  be  formed.  When  these  States  are  or- 
ganized and  added  to  those  formed  out  of  Texas,  the  character  of  the  Senate, 
is  irrevocably  fixed.  The  legislation  of  the  nation  is  forever  Southern,  and 
Southern  legislation  is  always  subservient  to  the  peculiar  institution  of  the 

When  this  has  been  done,  this  country  at  home  will  present  a  singular 
spectacle.  The  slaveholders  in  the  Uuited  States  are  said  not  to  exceed 
300,000,  call  them  half  a  million.  We  have  then  half  a  million  of  men  go- 
verning, in  fact,  thirty  or  forty  millions.  An  institution  unknown  to  the 
constitution  will  be  seen  annulling  and  subverting  the  constitution  itself ; 
an  institution  by  which  labor  is  rendered  degrading  and  despicable,  legisla- 
ting for  men  who  respect  themselves  the  more  for  earning  their  own  bread. 
How  lonor  a  union  of  such  a  character  can  continue  may  be  easily  foreseen. 
The  question  ceases  to  be  whether  black  men  are  forever  to  be  slaves,  but 
whether  the  sons  of  the  Puritans  are  to  become  slaves  themselves. 

Nor  is  this  all.  This  change  in  the  principle  underlying  the  constitution 
changes  our  relation  to  the  whole  civilized  world.  The  great  question  which 
is  henceforth  to  agitate  the  nations  is  the  question  of  human  rights.  It  has 
been  the  glory  of  this  country  thus  far  to  stand  forth  everywhere  in  defence 
of  human  liberty.  It  is  the  position  which  we  have  taken  on  this  question 
that  has  given  us  our  influence  among  nations  and  taught  down-trodden 
humanity  everywhere  to  look  up  to  us  for  succor.  But  establish  slavery  not 
as  the  exception,  but  the  rule  ;  make  slavery  the  law  of  the  land,  the  pivot 
on  which  legislation  turns,  and  we  must  by  necessity  ally  ourselves  with 
despotism.  We  expose  ourselves  to  contempt  even  now,  by  swaggering 
about  human  liberty,  while  a  pious  and  benevolent  lady  is  at  this  moment 
immured  in  a  dungeon  in  Virginia  for  no  other  crime  than  that  of  teaching 
children  to  read.  What  will  it  be  when  such  an  act  of  oppression  is  sanc- 
tioned by  the  whole  country. 

I  value  the  Union  as  much  as  any  man.  I  would  cheerfully  sacrifice  to  it 
everything  but  truth  and  justice  and  liberty.  When  I  must  surrender  these  as- 
the  price  of  the  union,  the  union  becomes  at  once  a  thing  which  1  abhor. 
To  form  a  union  for  the  sake  of  perpetuating  oppression  is  to  make  myself 
an  oppressor.  This  I  cannot  be,  for  I  love  liberty  as  much  for  my  neighbor 
as  for  myself.     To  sacrifice  my  liberty  for  the   sake   of  union  is  impossible. 


God  made  me  free  and  1  cannot  be  in  bondage  to  any  man.  These  I  believe 
to  be  the  sentiments  of  the  free  States,  and  therefore  it  is,  as  a  friend  of  the 
union,  that  I  protest  against  this  bill. 

But  there  is  another  feature  in  this  bill  which  deserves  to  be  considered. 
The  consequence  of  its  passage  must  be  the  destruction  of  the  Indian  tribes 
within  the  territory  which  it  proposes  to  establish.  These  poor  red  men 
had  already  begun  to  cultivete  land  and  were  advancing  in  civilization  and 
Christianity,  when,  in  defiance  of  a  hundred  treaties,  they  were  savagely  torn 
up  by  the  roots  and  transplanted  to  their  present  location,  and  in  the  removal 
one-third  of  their  whole  number  perished.  Every  guarantee  that  could  bind 
a  moral  agent  was  given  them,  that  they  should  remain  unmolested -in  their 
present  residence  forever.  They  are  now  rapidly  improving  their  condition. 
They  have  schools  admirably  conducted,  churches  of  Christ  under  the  care 
of  almost  every  Protestant  denomination,  they  are  introducing  manufactures, 
and,  in  fact,  will  lose  nothing  by  comparison  with  the  whites  in  their  vicinity. 
Shall  these  Christian  men  and  women  be  again  driven  away  ?  Shall  the 
most  solemn  treaties  ever  ratified  by  the  Senate  of  the  United  States  be  again 
violated?  Shall  an  act  of  cruelty  unparalleled  in  the  history  of  civilized 
man  be  perpetrated  because  the  victims  are  weak,  and  their  skins  are  red? 
Has  no  man  any  rights  unless  his  skin  is  white,  or  has  a  just  God  given 
permission  to  white  men  to  defraud  and  enslave  and  murder  their  fellow 
men  with  impunity. 

Lastly,  I  protest  against  the  passage  of  this  bill  as  a  Christian. 

It  is  my  firm  belief,  Mr.  President,  the  belief  on  which  I  rest  my  hope  of 
salvation,  that  the  Son  of  God  assumed  our  nature,  and  died  for  our  sins, 
that  we  might  escape  the  condemnation  deserved  by  our  transgressions.  I 
believe  that  he  died  for  the  redemption  of  our  whole  race,  for  the  ignorant 
and  down  trodden  African,  as  much  as  for  his  haughty  Anglo-Saxon  oppres- 
sor. While  on  earth,  he  chose  the  lot  of  a  poor  man,  and  of  an  oppressed 
man,  thus  showing  us  that  it  was  this  class  which  shared  his  deepest  sympa- 
thies. He  came  "  to  preach  the  gospel  to  the  poor,  to  proclaim  liberty  to  the 
captive,  and  the  opening  of  the  prison  doors  to  them  that  are  bound."  He 
himself  died  by  the  hand  of  oppression,  and  he  has  taught  us  that  the  poor  and 
the  oppressed  are  his  representatives  always  remaining,  and  that  we  must  man- 
ifest our  love  to  him  by  charity  to  them.  "  Inasmuch  as  ye  have  done  it  to 
one  of  the  least  of  them,  ye  have  done  it  unto  me."  "  Take  heed,"  said  he^ 
that  ye  offend  not  one  of  these  little  ones."  Taking  Christ,  then,  for  my 
example,  and  striving  t'*imbibe  his  spirit,  can  I  do  otherwise  than  take  to 
my  bosom  every  oppressed  and  down-trodden  child  of  humanity  ?  Jesus 
Christ,  my  master,  is  not  ashamed  to  call  them  brethren,  and  can  I  have 
any  partnership  in  an  attempt  to  trample  them  under  foot  ?  The  Union 
itself  becomes  to  me  an  accursed  thing,  if  I  must  first  steep  it  in  the  tears 
and  blood  of  those  for  whom  Christ  died. 

But  more  than  this :  hundreds  of  thousands  of  these  black  and  red  men, 
whose  dearest  rights  are  sacrificed  by  this  bill,  are,  in  the  strictest  sense, 
our  Christian  brethren.  Some  are  Episcopalians,  some  Presbyterians,  but 
by  far  the  largest  part  are  Baptists  and  Methodists.  They  sit  down  with  us 
at  the  same  table  of  the  Lord  ;  they  are,  equally  with  us,  members  of  His 
body,  they  share  with  us,  the  same  gift  of  His  Holy  Spirit,  and  hope  with 
us  to  be  ever  with  the  Lord  And  can  Christian  men  join  hands  with  the 
oppressors  of  their  brethren?  Can  we  allow  it  to  be  declared  in  our  name, 
as  American  Christians,  that  throughout  this  vast  region  our  Christian  breth- 
ren shall  be  delivered  over  to  brute  violence,  and  that  it  shall  be  made  a 
crime  to  teach  them  to  read  the  word  of  their  Savior  and  ours  7  Can  we  do 
this  and  hope  to  be  forgiven  ? 



And  here  let  me  appeal  to  Christians  at  the  South.  I  have  conversed 
with  many  of  them  on  this  subject  ;  they  have  confessed  slavery  to  be  wronor, 
and  they  have  mourned  over  its  blighting  influence  on  religion  and%iorals. 
They  have  told  me,  and  I  believe  them,  that  it  is  their  daily  prayer  that  this 
curse  may  be  removed,  that  they  would  cheerfully  make  any  sacrifice  for  its 
removal,  but  that,  at  piesent,  they  see  no  way  of  escape  from  it.  But  could 
my  voice  reach  them,  I  would  say,  brethren,  caij  you,  as  disciples  of  Christ, 
aid  in  extending  and  perpetuating  what  you  know  to  be  wrong  ?  Can  you 
pray  God  to  remove  slavery  from  our  country,  while  you  are  seeking  to  fasten 
•  it  upon  the  country  forever  1 

Could  I  speak  to  Southern  Statesmen,  I  would  address  to  them  a  similar 
appeal.  I  have  conversed  with  many  of  them,  men  of  whom  any.  country 
might  be  proud.  They  have  told  me  that  slavery  was  the  curse  of  the  South- 
ern States,  that  utterly  indefensible  in  principle,  in  practice  it  wrought 
unmixed  evil  in  every  relation  of  life,  civil,  social  and  domestic.  I  would 
say  to  them,  can  you  as  lovers  of  your  country,  extend  over  this  vast  ter- 
ritory an  institution  which  you  in  private  allow  to  be  unmeasured  evil,  an 
evil  already  so  gigantic  that  you  are  already  unable  to  cope  with  it.  Nay, 
more,  are  you  willing,  in  order  to  extend  and  perpetuate  this  wrong,  to  over- 
turn the  foundations  of  the  constitution  and  violate  your  solemnly  plighted 
faith.  Can  you  expect  that  after  this  we  can  look  upon  you  as  brethren.  If 
you  will  trample  on  the  essential  principles  of  the  constitution,  and  annul 
a  contract  which  you  declared  should  be  binding  forever,  in  order  to  attain 
uncontrolled  power  over  the  free  States,  how  may  we  expect  that  power  to 
be  exerted  after  it  has  been  attained.  If  such  things  are  done  in  the  green 
tree,  what  shall  be  done  in  the  dry. 

Once  more,  could  I  hope  that  my  words  could  reach  the  ear  of  the  Pre- 
sident of  the  United  States,  with  the  respect  due  to  the  Chief  Magistrate  of 
my  country,  I  would  address  him  somewhat  in  this  wise.  "  It  has  pleased 
Divine  Providence,  Sir,  to  place  you  in  the  most  responsible  situation  now 
held  by  any  man  on  earth.  It  rests  with  you  to  decide  whether  this  vast  ter- 
ritory, comprising  it  may  be  twenty  independent  States,  shall  become  the 
abode  of  happy  freemen  or  of  down-trodden  slaves;  whether  man  shall  be 
recognized  as  a  being  formed  in  the  image  of  God,  or  degraded  to  a  chattel, 
shall  be  sold  in  the  shambles  like  the  beasts  that  perish,  whether  in  the  con- 
flict between  freedom  and  despotism  for  which  the  civilized  world  is  prepar- 
ing, the  mighty  influence  of  this  great  republic  shall  be  thrown  in  favor  of  the 
oppressor  or  the  oppressed.  You  have  the  right  toiarrest  this  measure  as  a 
grave  departure  from  the  principles  of  the  constitution  and  a  violation  of 
solemnly  pledged  national  faith.  Let  me  than  entreat  you  to  look  beyond 
the  mists  of  passion  that  surround  you,  and  gaze  for  a  moment  on  that  eter- 
nal justice  which  is  the  habitation  of  the  throne  of  the  Most  High.  Decide 
this  question  in  such  a  manner  as  will  be  most  pleasing  to  that  Great  Being, 
the  elements  of  whose  character  are  spotless  holiness  and  infinite  love.  Can 
you  as  a  patriot  array  your  country  in  opposition  to  every  attribute  of  the 
eternal  God.  Remember  also  that  your  life  will  have  a  page  in  this  world's 
history.  An  impartial  posterity  will  judge  you  by  your  actions,  and  will  assign 
you  a  place  with  good  men  or  with  bad,  with  the  benefactors  or  the  enemies 
of  your  race.  And  more  than  all,  you  must  soon  appear  before  a  tribunal 
where  you  can  claim  no  precedence  whatever  over  the  meanest  slave  that 
the  sun  shines  upon.  The  millions  whose  moral  character  has  been  affected 
for  weal  or  for  woe  by  your  act,  will  meet  you  there  face  to  face  in  presence 
of  the  Universe  of  God.  It  is  my  earnest  prayer  that  you  may,  by  divine 
grace  be  enabled  to  decide  this  question  in  view  of  these  solemn  realities, 
so  that,  at  that  day  you  may  review  this  transaction   with  joy  and   not   with 


grief,  and  that  the  plaudit  may  await  you,  "  well  done  good  and  faithful 
servant,  enter   thou  into  the  joy  of  thy  Lord." 

Fellow  citizens,  I  rejoice  that  this  meeting  has  been  held.  Come  what 
will,  it  will  ever  be  to  us  an  unspeakable  satisfaction  that,  to  the  utmost  of 
our  power,  we  have  washed  our  hands  of  this  iniquity.  Let  us  cease  not  to 
beseech  the  God  of  our  fathers,  to  defeat  the  counsels  of  misguided  men, 
and,  if  the  worst  shall  come  that  he  will  grant  to  the  free  States  the  wisdom, 
temper,  patriotism  and  union,  which  may  be  needed  in  this  grave  emergency. 

Mr.  President  and  Fellow  Citizens  : — Slavery  in  its  mildest  forms  I 
have  ever  considered  an  oppressive  and  wicked  exercise  of  the  power  of  man 
over  his  fellow  man,  and  repugnant  to  all  the  humanities  of  his  nature.  I 
inherited  this  feeling  from  hardy  ancestors,  the  immediate  successors  of 
Roger  Williams.  They  came  from  the  free  mountain  air  of  Wales,  and  here 
in  Rhode-Island,  as  in  their  native  mountains,  not  a  mnn  of  them  for  eight 
generations,  ever  felt  an  impulse,  or  breathed  a  thought  in  the  slightest  de- 
gree countenancing  this  horrid  war  upon  the  best  feelings  of  our  natures.  I 
feel  to  the  full  as  they  felt,  the  lofty  and  ennobling  sentiment  of  one  of  the 
sweetest  and  most  commanding  of  our  English  poets  ; 

"  I  would  not  have  a  slave  to  till  my  ground, 
To  carry  me,  to  fan  me  while  I  sleep, 
And  tremble  when  I  wake,  for  all  the  wealth 
That  sinews  bought  and  sold  have  ever  earned. 
No,  dear  as  freedom  is,  and  in  my  heart's 
Just  estimation,  prized  above  all  price, 
I'd  sooner  be  the  slave  and  wear  the  chains 
Than  fasten  them  on  him." 

Before  the  Rhode-Island  people,  I  feel  as  the  greatest  of  men  felt  toward 
the  Rhode-Island  regiment  in  the  very  darkest  hour  of  our  revolutionary 
struggle  for  civil  and  political  freedom.  In  the  presence  of  an  immense  su- 
periority of  force,  when  it  seemed  impossible  to  avoid  a  battle,  our  great 
Captain  and  still  greater  Patriot,  in  the  front  of  the  gallant  defenders  of  Red 
Bank  and  Mud  Fort,  uttered  these  words  :  "  Your  commander  places  great 
reliance  upon  this  Rhode-Island  regiment." 

This  feeling  of  reliance  upon  the  true  and  early  asserters  of  religious»lib- 
erty,  and  the  most  unflinching  defenders  of  human  freedom,  I  experience 
upon  the  eve  of  a  great  battle  in  defence  of  that  holy  cause.  Stand  or  fall, 
sink  or  swim,  this  great  battle  must  again  be  fought.  All  the  free  States  of 
the  Union  must  take  the  stand  now  from  which  they  must  never  recede. 

"  Who  would  be  a  traitor  knave, 
Who  would  iill  a  coward's  grave, 
Let  him  turn  and  flee  !" 

The  Benedict  Arnold's  are  thick  and  numerous  all  over  the  free  States, 
and  they  are  increasing.  The  Missouri  compromise  in  1820,  was  the  first 
great  concession  to  the  slave  power.  It  was  carried  by  the  aid  of  sixteen 
votes  from  the  North.'  At  the  very  next  election  thirteen  of  them  were  thrown 
overboard.  One  of  the  dangers,  indeed  the  only  danger,  that  waylays  and 
besets  the  great  principle  of  human  freedom,  exists  in  the  fact,  that  although 
there  has  ever  been  a  majority  of  our  national' counsellors  from  the  North, 
the  South  has  always  by  means  which  you  can  imagine,  corrupted  or  influ- 


enced  a  sufficient  number  to  give  to  slavery  a  triumph  over  freedom.  At 
the  recent  meeting  in  Boston,  the  venerable  Josiah  Quincy,  eighty-three 
years  old,  was  urged  to  give  his  sentiments  upon  this  great  subject^  Speak- 
ing of  the  South,  he  said  :  "  They  were  always  true  and  faithful  to  their  own 
interests.  I  wish  I  could  say  the  same  thing  of  the  people  of  the  North. 
Sir,  it  is  not  their  strength  but  our  weakness ;  it  is  not  their  union  but  our 
disunion ;  and  sir,  they  govern  the  people  of  the  North  by  the  distribution 
from  the*  funds  of  the  treasury.  '  Why,  Mr.  Quincy,'  said  a  distinguished 
Southerner,  '  we  of  the  South  can  calculate  upon  your  leaders  as  we  calcu- 
late upon  our  own  negroes." 

Our  entire  history  from  the  adoption  of  the  constitution  to  the  present 
hour  confirms  the  statement  of  Mr.  Quincy.  The  constitution  was  adopted 
upon  the  understanding  and  belief  of  all  the  leading  men  of  all  political  par- 
ties, that  this  great  evil  must  be  gradually  abolished.  General  Washington 
was  at  the  head  of  this  extensive  band  of  philanthropists,  and  some  steps 
were  taken  toward  the  gradual  termination  of  slavery.  Much  of  this  feeling 
continued  until  1819 — 20,  before  the  question  whether  Missouri  should  be 
admitted  as  a  slave  State  arose.  The  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives 
were  on  opposite  sides  and  the  compromise  of  1820  was  the  consequence. 

This  compromise  was  a  Southern  measure.  It  gave  a  large  increase  of 
slave  territory  to  the  South.  It  is  acknowledged  to  have  been  a  Southern 
measure  to  this  day.  Mr.  Badger,  a  Southern  Senator,  stated  in  his  place 
not  many  days  since,  "  that  the  South  were  all  united  in  1848  and  1850. 
The  Southern  gentlemen  on  this  floor  desired  nothing  in  the  world  but  the 
Missouri  compromise  line."  Similar  statements  were  made  by  other  South- 
ern Senators.  They  desired  nothing  more  at  that  time,  because  the  House 
of  Representatives  was  opposed  to  any  further  extension  of  slavery.  They 
saw  that  a  separation  of  the  States  would  be  fatal  to  Southern  interests. 
Since  that  period  they  have  been  growing  stronger  and  stronger,  and  conse- 
quently bolder  and  bolder.  A  few  figures  will  show  whij  they  desire  more 
now  than  in  1819 — 20. 

There  are  now  17  free  States  and  14  slave  States.  In  the  Senate  there 
are  34  Senators  from  the  free  and  28  from  the  slave  States.  In  the  House 
135  Representatives  from  the  free  and  87  from  the  slave  States,  giving  6 
majority  in  the  Senate  and  48  in  the  House  to  the  free  States. 

Against  this  decided  majority  from  the  free  States,  slaves  as  well  as  slave 
territory  have  been  increasing  with  a  most  threatening  rapidity. 

The  whole  number  of  slaves  in  1790  was  -  -  697,897 

The  number  in  1850  was  ...  3,204,321 

An  increase  of  nearly  five  fold. 

The  increase  of  slave  territory,  including  what  is  now  claimed,  is  still 

The  free  States  in  1790,  upon  the  adoption  of  the  constitution,  occupied 
a  territory  of  -  -  160,000  square  miles. 

Since  that  period  there  have  been  added 
seven  free  States,  -  -  -       249,000  " 

In  all,     ....  409,000 

The  original  slave  States  had  -       218,000 

They  have  added  nine  new  States,  708,000 

Making  -  -  -  926,000 

They  now  claim  all  the  remaining  terri- 





New  Mexico,       -  -  -  140,000  square  miles. 

Nebraska,      -  485,000 

Utah,       -  150,000 

Minesota,  Washington  and  Oregon,  500,000 

Making  2,201,000  square  miles,  or  more  than  five  times  the 
territory  of  all  the  free  States. 

The  "population  of  the  free  States  in  1850  was  -  14,255,749 

The  population  of  the  slave  States  -  -  -         8,936,169 

The  slave  owners  of  the  whole  Union  are  estimated  at  400,000.  With  but 
little  more  than  half  the  population  of  the  free  States,  they  claim  all  the  re- 
maining territories,  which  would,  if  conceded,  give  to  slavery  five  times  the 
territory  that  is  reserved  to  freedom.  This  has  the  appearance  of  desiring 
something  more  than  was  injudiciously  conceded  by  the  compromise  of  1820. 
They  talk  of  Nebraska  because  they  already  have  slaves  there  ;  but  they  pass 
a  law  consigning  the  whole  of  the  territories  to  the  curse  of  slavery.  They 
seek  to  set  aside  the  compromise  of  1820,  upon  two  grounds  so  utterly  unte- 
nable, so  near  to  the  ridiculous  as  to  evince  that  their  whole  object  is  to 
spread  slavery  over  the  whole  remaining  territory  belonging  to  the  govern- 

1st.  They  now  contend  that  the  compromise  of  1820  was  void  because 
Conoress  had  no  power  to  pass  such  a  law. 

2d.  Because,  if  Congress  did  possess  this  power,  and  the  law  was  consti- 
tutional, it  was  repealed  by  the  compromise  of  1850. 

They  say  it  was  unconstitutional  because  the  Congress  of  the  United  States 
has  no  power  to  prohibit  slavery  in  any  of  the  territories,  but  that  every  citi- 
zen of  every  State  has  a  legal  and  constitutional  right  to  settle  in  any  of  the 
territories  and  to  carry  his  property  with  him."     They  do   not  condescend 
to  inform  us  what  clause,  line  or  letter  of  the  constitution   confers  the  right 
to  enter  upon  the  territories   belonging   to  the   government,  either  alone  or 
with  his  slaves.     If  there  is  any  act  of  Congress  conferring  upon  any  citizen 
of  any  State  the  right  to  settle   upon   the  vacant   territories   either   with   or 
without  his   slaves,  that   act  will   confer  a  sufficient  authority.     T   have  not 
examined  the  legislation  of  Congress   on  the  subject  but  I   am   not  aware  of 
any  such  act.     The  object  of  the  existing  proposition  is  to  confer  that  power. 
It  must  be  kept  in  mind  that  the  government  of  the  United  States  not  only 
possesses  unlimited  power  to  legislate  for   the   territories,    but   that  it  is  the 
owner  and  proprietor  of  the  territories.     As  owner  of  the  lands,  it  can  pro- 
hibit any  individual,  white  or  black,  free  or  slave,  from  entering  upon  a  foot 
of  its  territory.     It  possesses,  as  owner,   the  same  power  over  its  territories 
as  an  individual  possesses  over  his  dwelling  house.     Without  the  permission 
of  the  government,  express  or  implied,  therefore,  no  individual  has  any  rio-ht 
to  enter  upon  this  territory.     It  is  different  as  between  the  States.     By  the 
constitution  of  the  United  States  a  citizen  of  one  State  has  a  rio-ht  to  enter 
and  settle  in  any  other  State,  and  hold  any  property  in  that  State  which  its 
laws  acknowledge  as  property.     In  the  free  States  slaves   are  not   acknow- 
ledged as  property,  and  therefore,  though  a  slaveholder  can  himself  settle  in 
Rhode  Island,  and  carry  any  property  which  the  laws  of  Rhode  Island  per- 
mits, his  slaves  lecome  free  the  moment  he  passes  our  line.     If  Rhode  Island 
was  an  independent  instead  of  a  confederated   State,   no   inhabitant   of  any 
other  State  would  possess  the   legal   right  to   enter   its  territory  without  its 

It  is  denied  by  the  advocates  of  the  Nebraska  bill  that  Congress  possesses 


the  constitutional  power  to  prohibit  slavery  in  its  Territories,  and  that  there- 
fore the  law  of  1820  is  void.  The  extravagant  position  is  unsupported  by 
even  the  appearance  of  plausibility.  Congress  possesses  the  sole  power  of 
territorial  legislation.  No  limit  is  assigned  this  power  but  its  own  discretion. 
Its  power  is  as  extensive  as  the  power  of  the  people  and  the  Legislature  of  a 
State  over  its  own  legislation. 

The  4th  section  of  the  4th  article  of  the  constitution  is  in  these  words  : 

"  The  Congress  shall' have  power  to  dispose  of  and  make  all  needful  rules 
and  regulations  respecting  the  territory  and  other  property  belonging  to  the 
United  States ;  and  nothing  in  this  article  shall  be  so  construed  as  to  preju- 
dice any  claims  of  the  United  States  or  of  any  particular  State." 

Judge  Story,  in  the  3d  volume  of  his  Commentaries  upon  the  Constitution, 
says,  pages  193-4 :  "  As  the  general  government  possesses  the  right  to  ac- 
quire territory,  either  by  conquest  or  by  treaty,  it  would  seem  to  follow,  as 
an  inevitable  consequence,  that  it  possesses  the  power  to  govern  what  it  has 
so  acquired.  The  territory,  when  so  acquired,  does  not  possess  the  power 
of  self-government,  and  it  is  not  subject  to  the  jurisdiction  of  any  State.  It 
must  consequently  be  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  United  States,  or  it  would 
be  without  any  government  at  all." 

"  It  has  sole  and  complete  power  over  the  territory,  and  over  its  other 
property,  real  or  personal." — Page  196. 

In  page  191,  it  is  said,  speaking  of  the  Missouri  compromise  of  1820  : 
"  On  that  occasion  the  question  was  largely  discussed  whether  Congress 
possessed  the  constitutional  power  to  impose  such  a  restriction,  upon  the 
ground  that  the  prescribing  such  a  condition  is  inconsistent  with  the  sove- 
reignty of  the  State  to  be  admitted,  and  its  equality  with  other  States.  The 
final  result  of  the  vote  seems  to  establish  the  ..rightful  authority  of  Congress 
to  impose  such  a  restriction. 

An  objection  of  a  similar  character  was  taken  to  the  compact  between 
Virginia  and  Kentucky,  upon  the  ground  that  it  was  a  restriction  upon  State 
sovereignty.  But  the  Supreme  Court  had  no  hesitation  in  overruling  it,  con- 
sidering it  as  opposed  to  the  theory  of  all  free  governments,  and  especially 
of  those  which  constitute  the  American  republics." 

The  Supreme  Court  of  the  United  States,  by  the  constitution,  is  the  tri- 
bunal to  settle  without  appeal  the  constitutionality  of  the  laws  of  Congress. 
Its  decisions  are  conclusive  upon  Congress,  npon  the  States  and  all  individ- 
uals. Judn-e  Marshall  was  then  the  Chief  Justice,  and  two  of  the  Associate 
Justices  were  from  slave  States.  The  Judges  were  unanimous,  and  from 
that  day  to  this  there  has  been  no  doubt  expressed  on  the  very  question  now 
agitated,  except  the  pretence  now  set  up  by  Senator  Douglas  and  his  asso- 
ciates, for  political  effect.  You  will  observe  the  objection  now  urged  in 
Congress  is  the  precise  objection  overruled  by  the  Supreme  Court. 

This  question  of  the  constitutionality  of  the  Missouri  compromise  was  also 
discussed  by  the  Cabinet  ministers.  Mr.  Wirt  was  then  the  Attorney  Gene- 
ral, a  southern  man,  and  among  the  ablest  constitutional  lawyers  that  this 
country  ever  produced.  Neither  Mr.  Wirt,  nor  any  other  member  of  that 
cabinet,  to  my  knowlege,  ever  expressed  a  doubt  upon  the  subject. 

Another  objection,  equally  groundless,  is,  that  the  act  of  1820  was  repealed 
by  the  compromise  act  of  1850.  It  is  not  even  pretended  that  the  acts  of  1850 
contain  any  words  of  repeal.  All  that  is  pretended  is,  that  th  principle  of  the 
act  of  1850  differs  from  the  principle  of  the  act  of  1820.  Be  it  so,  for  the  sake 
of  the  argument.  The  act  of  1820  contained  certain  provisions  in  relation 
to  territory  purchased  of  France  in  1803.  The  acts  of  1850  contained  cer- 
tain provisions  in  relation  to  territory  purchased  of  Mexico  in  1845.     Apply 


this  to  individuals.  A  and  B  become  the  joint  owners  of  a  certain  farm, 
plantation  or  tract  of  land.  In  1820  they  divide  it  and  enter  into  certain 
stipulations  concerning  its  future  use.  Twenty-five  years  after,  in  1S45,  they 
purchase  jointly  another  tract,  and  in  1850  they  divide  it,  upon  terms  essen- 
tially different  and  much  less  beneficial  to  B  than  the  terms  in  the  division  of 
the  previous  tract.  After  this  second  contract  in  relation  to  this  second  pur- 
chase, A  goes  into  court  to  nullify  the  second  contract  relating  to  a  subse- 
quent and  different  purchase,  upon  the  ground  that  the  principle  of  the  first 
division  of  the  first  purchase  was  less  favorable  to  him  than  the  division  of 
the  second  purchase.  Would  not  A  be  laughed  at  by  every  lawyer,  every 
judge,  and  every  juror,  to  whom  such  a  case  was  stated? 

The  territory  purchased  of  France  in  1803  was  divided  between  the  free 
States  and  the  slave  States.  Neither  party  could  divide  territory  which  at 
that  time  belonged  to  Mexico.  Neither  party  could  enter  into  any  stipula- 
tions concerning  territory  that  belonged  to  Mexico.  If  neither  possessed 
the  power  to  contract  in  relation  to  foreign  territory,  can  it  be  implied  that 
they  intended  to  divide  all  future  acquisitions  upon  the  same  terms  ?  Can  it 
be  implied  that  the  parties  intended  to  do  what  they  possessed  no  power  to  do  ? 

It  is  for  the  South  to  show,  by  proof  of  some  kind,  that  in  1850  it  was  un- 
derstood that  the  compromise  of  1820  should  apply  to  our  territory  in  1820 
and  to  all  future  acquisitions.  Again  it  is  said  that  the  principle  of  the  acts 
of  1850,  in  relation  to  Mexico,  differs  from  the  principle  of  the  act  of  1820. 
Both  parties  intended  that  they  should  differ,  but  did  either  party  intend  that 
the  last  should  destroy  the  first?  Is  there  a  man  who  was  in  favor  of  the 
act  of  1850,  who  has  said  or  will  say  that  he  understood  that  he  was  voting 
for  an  act  which  repealed,  in  its  terms  or  in  its  principle,  the  acts  of  1820  ? 

But  there  is  conclusive  proof  to  my  mind  that  the  act  of  1850  was  not  in- 
tended to  apply  in  any  way  or  manner  to  the  act  of  1820.  Mr.  Senator 
Chase  stated  this  view  of  the  subject,  and  appealed  to  Senator  Cass,  who  voted 
for  the  compromise  of  1850,  to  state  whether  the  report  of  the  committee  of 
thirteen  of  the  acts  of  1850,  did  not  state  expressly  that  those  acts  applied 
only  to  "  newly  acquired  territory."  Neither  Mr.  Cass,  nor  other  Senators 
who  were  present  in  1850,  denied  this.  They  were  silent.  Mr.  Chase  then 
said,  "  I  am  right  then."  No  Senator  disputed  this.  There  is  still  stronger 
proof.  Not  only  did  all  the  Senators  who  participated  in  the  proceedings  of 
1850,  when  called  upon  in  1854  to  state  whether  they  understood  that  the 
acts  of  1850  were  intended  to  repeal  the  compromise  of  1820,  remain  silent, 
thereby  admitting  that  no  such  intention  existed,  but  the  very  compromise 
acts  of  1850  expressly  negative  any  such  intention. 

The  compromise  of  1850  consisted  of  five  distinct  acts,  relating  to  five  sepa- 
arate  and  distinct  subjects  : 

1st.  An  act  relating  to  the  boundaries  of  Texas,  and  establishing  the  Ter- 
ritory of  New  Mexico. 

2d.  An  act  establishing  a  new  Territorial  government  in  Utah. 

3d.  An  act  for  the  admission  of  California. 

4th.  An  act  relative  to  fugitive  slaves. 

5th.  An  act  to  suppress  the  slav;e  trade  in  the  District  of  Columbia. 

In  relation  to  the  Texas  boundary  act,  the  Southern  members  were 
apprehensive  that  some  of  its  provisions  might  seem  to  interfere  with  the 
compromise  of  1820,  which  allowed  slave  States  south  of  36  deg.  30  min. 
New  Mexico,  with  a  territory  four  times  as  large  as  all  New  England,  was  all, 
except  a  very  narrow  belt  on  its  north  line,  south  of  36  deg.  30  min.  The 
Southern  members  said  then,  as  they  say  in  the  recent  debate  in  the  Senate, 
"  that  the  Southern  gentlemen  desired  nothing  in  the  world  but  the  Missouri 


compromise  line."     This  being,  as  they  now  avow  their  ardent  desire,  they 
determined,  at  all  events,  to  secure  that   line,  by  the   compromises  of  1850. 

Mr.  Mason,  from  Virginia,  therefore  introduced  the  following  proviso, 
which  was  adopted  and  forms  a  part  of  the  compromise  acts  of  1850. 

"  Provided,  that  nothing  herein  contained  shall  be  construed  to  im- 
pair or  qualify  anything  contained  in  the  third  article  of  the  second  section 
of  the  joint  resolution  for  the  annexing  of  Texas  to  the  United  States  ap- 
proved March  1st,  1845,  either  as  regards  the  number  of  States  that  may  be 
formed  hereafter  out  of  the  State  of  Texas,  or  otherwise." 

The  third  article  of  the  second  section  is  in  these  words.  "  That  in  such 
State  or  States  as  shall  be  formed  out  of  said  territory  north  of  said  Missouri 
compromise  line,  slavery  or  involuntary  servitude,  except  for  crime,  shall  be 

The  second  act  of  1850  established  a  Territorial  Government  in  New 
Mexico.  The  South  again  instead  of  repealing,  clung  to  the  line  of  36  deg. 
30  min.,  and  they  say  "  that  nothing  in  this  New  Mexico  territorial  act  shall 
qualify  anything  in  said  third  article  of  the  second  section." 

In  the  third  act  establishing  a  Territorial  Government  in  Utah,  the  same 
third  article  of  the  second  section  is  preserved.  Here  then  is  the  whole 
legislation  of  1850  which  has  any  bearing  upon  the  line  of  36  deg.  30  min., 
and  in  all  of  it,  so  far  from  repealing  or  wishing  to  repeal  the  prohibition 
north  of  36  deg.  30  min.,  the  Southern  members  carefully  annex  to  the 
Texas,  the  New  Mexico  and  Utah  acts  the  prohibition  north  of  36  deg.  30 
min.,  because  they  u'cll  knew  that  if  they  repealed  that  compromise,  they 
would  lose  all  south  of  36  deg.  30  min.  for  slavery. 

Therefore,  I  say,  and  say  without  the  fear  of  contradiction  of  any  lawyer, 
Judo-e,  gentleman,  or  honest  man,  that  the  principle  of  the  legislation  of  1820 
is  the  same,  precisely  the  same,  as  the  principle  of  the  legislation  of  1850.  A 
man  who  examines  these  acts  must  turn  rogue  or  politician,  before  he  can  de- 
ny that  the  principle  of  the  two  acts  is  precisely  the  same.  They  both  allow 
of  slaverv  south  of  36  deg.  30  min.,  if  the  people  choose  to  adopt  it.  They 
both  absolutely  prohibit  it  north  of  36  deg.  30  min. 

But  why  trouble  ourselves  to  answer  arguments  thrown  out  to  withdraw 
the  attention  of  the  people  of  the  free  States  from  trfe  real  objects  and  purpo- 
ses of  this  act.  One  of  the  objects,  probably  the  main  one,  with  Southern 
politicians  is,  to  increase  slave  States  and  slave  territories  so  as  to  obtain  a 
majority  of  slave  Senators  and  Representatives  in  Congress.  This  would 
confer  upon  the  South  the  entire  control  of  the  destinies  of  this  countrv. 
A  bare  majority  in  both  Houses  would  secure  that  control.  The  North 
could  neither  weaken  nor  frighten,  nor  in  any  way  affect  a  Southern  majority 
in  Congress.  It  would  be  as  vain  and  ridiculous  as  an  attack  upon  Gibraltar 
by  a  fleet  of  gun  boats. 

Not  so  with  a  Northern  majority.  Our  Northern  politicians  are  most  of 
them  the  greatest  of  living  patriots.  They  all  love  the  people  with  a  hea- 
venly love,  a  love  too  sublime  to  be  exhibited  on  earth.  They  reserve  the 
manifestation  of  it  for  another  and  better  world.  In  this  world  they  act  upon 
the  principle  that  sweet  are  the  uses  of  adversity,  and  they  anoint  it,  and 
embalm  it  with  the  religious  sentiment  "  that  whom  the  Lord  loveth  he  chas- 
teneth,"  and  therefore  a  large  number  of  the  most  intense  lovers  of  the  people, 
have  proceeded  upon  this  Christian  basis  for  the  last  thirty  or  forty  years. 
They  sell,  trade  away,  barter  and  huckster  the  dearest  rights  of  the  North, 
sometimes  for  one  equivalent  and  sometimes  for  another.  More  recently  the 
trade  inclines  to  the  last  forms,  and  prices  vary  from  five  to  fifty  thousand 
dollars.     Besides   all   these  appliances  to  the  greedy  office   hunters   of  the 

North,  the  government  paper  at  Washington  intimates  very  broadly  that  the 
patronage  of  the  government  will  not  be  withholden  from  those  who  favor  the 
occupation  of  the  fairest  regions  of  the  North  with  the  slave  power  of  the 

The  territory  of  Nebraska  is  all  of  it  north  of  36  deg.  30  min.  It  is  de- 
scribed as  "  not  excelled  by  any  equal  quantity  of  land  in  the  known  world. 
Beautiful  lakes,  streams  of  water,  wood  land  and  prarie,  a  deep  and  rich 
soil,  are  spread  out  in  all  their  fascinating  virgin  character."  It  occupies 
east  and  west  the  very  centre  of  this  Continent,  having  access  to  the  future 
trade  of  two  great  oceans.  It  lies  due  west  from  Missouri  in  which  State 
slave  labor  is  increasing  with  an  astonishing  rapidity.  No  country  on  this 
continent  is  better  adapted  to  slave  labor  than  a  large  portion  of  Nebraska. 
I  am  informed  that  a  considerable  number  of  slaves  are  already  there.  The 
pretence  of  those  who  support  this  alarming  measure  is, — that  the  people  are  to 
decide  whether  slavery  shall  exist  in  that  future  State.  What  people  ?  Why 
those  who  first  possess  it,  the  slaveholders.  Is  any  one  so  ignorant  of  the 
intense  desire  of  the  South,  to  extend  the  area  of  slavery  as  to  believe,  that 
thev  vote  to  a  man,  and  violate  their  honor,  pledged  to  us  by  the  Missouri 
compromise,  in  order  to  occupy  this  immense  territory  with  free  labor? 
Would  thev  take  such  a  step  if  they  did  not  intend,  and  were  not  prepared 
to  occupy  it  with  slaves  ?  It  is  to  be  the  principal  slave  market  in  the  world. 
It  must  be  remembered  that  the  people  of  the  South  are  now,  not  as  formerly 
owners  merely,  but  traders  in  slaves.  A  slave  child  at  the  breast  now  sells 
to  slave  traders  for  8600.  A  full  grown  man  at  $1800.  Opening  this  new 
market  will  not  only  increase  the  price,  but  increase  the  cruelty  inflicted 
upon  these  poor  victims  of  the  slave  trade.  Formerly  slavery  in  the  South 
was  a  mere  domestic  relation,  and  the  kindness  of  the  owner  softened  and 
mitigated  the  suffering  of  the  slave.  Now  this  relation  is  entirely  changed. 
A  plantation  in  the  South  is  like  a  stock  farm  in  the  North.  At  present 
prices  they  can  make  more  by  raising  slaves  than  raising  cotton.  They  mean 
to  extend  the  market  for  the  slave  children,  and  to  add, that  to  the  cotton 
produced  by  the  labor  of  the  slave  parent. 

In  this  connection  allow  me  to  ask  what  is  to  become  of  the  free  labor  of 
the  North  ?  Where  are  the  increasing  half  millions  which  annually  immi- 
grate here  from  all  parts  of  Europe  to  find  their  future  homes  ?  WThere  are 
the  industrious  and  pains  taking  German,  and  the  generous,  charitable  and 
hard  toilincr  sons  of  Erin  to  find  their  homes,  if  the  richest  and  most  beauti- 
ful part  of  this  great  central  portion  of  our  continent  is  to  be  occupied  by 
slaves  and  slave  holders  ?  They  cannot  and  will  not,  they  ought  not  to  labor 
side  by  side  with  the  slave.  Slave  labor  in  these  regions  will  be  cheaper, 
much  cheaper  than  the  labor  of  white  men.  It  is  not  the  man  of  wealth  in  the 
North,  nor  the  professional  man,  nor  the  trading  man,  it  is  the  laboring  man, 
the  poorer  class  of  men,  whose  interests  are  most  deeply  affected  by  this  nefari- 
ous scheme,  a  scheme  supported  as  we  are  told  by  the  whole  influence  of  an 
Administration  professing  to  be  the  warm  and  party  friends  of  the  poor. 

I  am  astonished,  amazed,  and  as  a  friend  of  free  government,  almost  dis- 
heartened at  the  magnitude,  the  boldness  and  the  perfidy  of  this  nefarious 
scheme.  Its  object  is  by  extending  the  sphere  of  slavery  to  make  slaves  of 
the  free  people  of  the  North,  by  giving  to  the  slave  States  a  majority  in  the 
National  Legislature.  Once  give  them  that  majority,  and  the  free  people  of 
the  North  will  be  at  once  in  the  power  of  the  slave  holders  of  the  South.  We 
shall  be  entirely  subject  to  the  slave  holders'  legislation.  In  a  political  sense, 
our  slavery  will  be  as  intolerable,  as  is  the  poor  African's  in  a  physical 
sense.     He  has  no  will  over  his  own  body;  we  snail  possess  no  power  over 

o  26 

ur  political  body.  The  slave  holders  will  be  able  again  to  open  the  African 
lave  trade  and  legalize  it  in  every  State  in  the  Union.  They  will  possess 
the  power  to  prevent  the  admission  of  another  free  State  into  the  Union.  In 
nne,  once  submit  to  this  act,  and  we  are  slaves  ourselves.  For  one  I  protest 
against  this  outrage  upon  the  most  solemn  contract,  that  this  or  any  other 
nation  ever  pledged  its  sacred  honor  to  abide  by. 

For  one,  and  I  speak  for  myself  alone,  I  had  rather  submit  to  a  peaceful 
separation  of  the  free  from  the  slave  States,  than  to  submit  for  an  hour,  to 
such  an  outrage  upon  our  dearest  rights.  Great  as  such  an  evil  would  be, 
it  would  be  no  stain  upon  our  honor.  Great  as  it  may  be,  what  evil,  what 
disgrace  can  equal  the  submission  of  14,000,000  of  free  men,  in  free  States 
to  the  dictation  of  400,000  slave  owners  in  the  slave  States  ! 

Verily,  this  is  the  age  of  wonders.  Neither  the  wildest  dreams  of  poets, 
nor  the  most  far  fetched  reasonings  of  philosophers,  ever  led  to  the  sad  real- 
ity, that  now  stares  us  in  the  face.  Kad  it  been  foretold  that  in  a  country 
which  had  produced  a  Washington  and  a  Franklin,  which  had  spread  over 
its  entire  surface,  colleges,  academies  and  free  schools,  which  had  first 
worked  out  the  miraculous  powers  of  steam,  and  the  before  hidden  agencies 
of  the  electric  fluid,  which  had  whitened  every  ocean  with  its  canvass,  and 
awed  the  whole  world  with  its  naval  prowess,  and  to  crown  all  this  combi- 
nation of  attainment  and  promise,  had  spread  far  and  wide  over  this  extended 
land,  the  pure,  elevated  and  practical  morality  of  the  christian  religion,  had 
it  been  foretold,  that  as  early  as  the  second  and  third  generations  from  the 
authors  of  that  great  charter  of  human  freedom,  the  declaration  of  American 
independence,  an  American  Senate  could  have  done  all  that  it  could  do,  to  re- 
verse our  onward  course,  and  to  turn  us  back  to  ignorance  and  barbarism,  to 
slavery  and  despotism,  the  narrator  of  such  prophetic  truths  would  have  been 
sent  to  an  insane  asylum,  or  indicted  for  a  libel  upon  the  American  people. 
But,  indeed,  "  the  age  of  chivalry  is  gone,  that  of  sophisters  of  calculators 
and  economists  has  succeeded,"  and  much  do  I  fear  that  the  glory  of  Ame- 
can  freedom  is  extinguished  forever. 

In  a  country  whose  declaration  of  independence  proclaims  that  all  men 
are  free,  an  American  Senate  proclaims  it  a  lie.  In  a  country  in  which  the 
whole  body  of  its  literature,  the  whole  preaching  of  its  pulpits,  and  the  whole 
boastings  of  its  press,  represent  us  as  not  merely  in  the  front  rank  in  the 
great  march  of  nations  toward  a  higher  civilization,  but  as  the  great  and 
peerless  leader  of  those  nations,  an  American  Senate  represents  us  as  low 
and  crrovelling  wretches,  the  tyrants  of  an  interior,  a  helpless  race,  the  drivers, 
with  lash  in  hand,  of  its  men,  and  the  beastly  ravishers  of  its  women. 

From  this  picture  of  American  morals  and  American  feeling,  I  beg  leave 

for  one  to  appeal  to  warmer  hearts,    and  to  more  faithful    artists,  than  the 

slave  owner  of  the  South,  or   the  profligate  office-hunter   of  the  North.     I 

appeal  to  the  free  people  of  the  free   States.     I  say  to  them,  trust  not  your 

perjured  office-hunters.     Their  faces  are  of  dough,  and  their  hearts   are  of 

marble.     They  betrayed  their  sacred   trust  in  1820.     They  betrayed  it  in 

1850,  and  they  will  betray  it  now.     Every  compromise  with   slavery  is   an 

encroachment  upon  the  hallowed  ground  of  freedom.     Leave  the  slave  States 

to  what  has  been  thoughtlessly,  if  not  treacherously,  conceded  to  them.    But 

sooner  than  grant  them  an  inch  more,  I  would  retire  peacefully  but  firmly 

from  ail  connection  with  a  power,  "  which  no  treaty  and  no  signature   can 

bind,  and  against  which  the  faith  which  holds  the  moral   elements  of  the 

world  together,  is  no  protection. 



I  am  compelled  to  rise,  fellow-citizens,  at  a  very  unseasonable  hour.  If 
I  can  have  your  indulgence  for  a  few  moments,  I  shall  regard  it  as  a  tribute 
not  to  the  speaker,  but  to  the  cause  of  freedom. 

It  is  now  twenty  years  since  I  passed  a  day  in  the  city  of  St.  Louis,  on  my 
way  to  a  home  which  had  been  transferred  to  the  great  West.  While  stand- 
ing in  a  public  room  in  one  of  the  hotels  in  that  city,  a  young  man  came  up 
and  introduced  himself  to  me,  remarking  that  he  had  observed  on  the  books 
of  the  hotel  my  name  and  destination  ;  that  he  also  was  from  the  East,  had 
come  to  seek  his  fortune  in  the  West,  and  was  wholly  undecided  where  to 
locate  himself.  He  added,  that  if  agreeable  to  me,  he  would  deem  it  a  favor 
if  he  might  accompany  me  to  my  friends  in  central  Illinois,  and  he  would 
seek  a  residence  in  that  quarter.  I  assured  him  that  I  should  be  happy  to 
have  his  company,  and  named  the  hour  when  I  was  to  leave  the  city.  He 
expressed  a  very  lively  satisfaction  with  the  arrangement ;  and  the  first 
days  and  nights  that  he' and  I  passed  in  the  State  of  Illinois,  we  were  fellow 
travellers  and  fellow  lodgers.  On  reaching  the  village  to  which  we  were 
destined,  he  did  not  at  once  succeed  in  finding  employment,  and  soon  went 
into  a  smali  adjoining  township,  where  he  gathered  some  children  into  a 
school  and  commenced  teaching  them.  I  left  that  region  soon  after,  and 
left  him  there  pursuing  the  humble  and  laborious,  but  useful  vocation  of  a 
village  pedagogue — more  honorable  far   than  that  of  a  national  demagogue. 

That  young  man,  then  an  obscure  adventurer  in  the  West,  is  now  filling 
the  land  with  the  bruit  of  his  name.  This  Nebraska  swindle  is  a  scheme  of 
his  devising;  and  if  trie  crime  against  freedom  and  humanity  which  it  medi- 
tates  shall  be  finally  consummated,  better  unspeakably  had  it  been  for  its 
author  if  he  had  adhered  to  his  worthy  calling — explaining  the  mysteries  of 
the  spelling  book  to  the  children  of  the  prairie,  and  lived  and  died  "  unknown 
to  fame.'' 

On  the  day  that  I  met  in  St.  Louis  the  future  Senator  Douglas  of  Illinois, 
I  beheld,  for  the  first  time,  the  most  revolting  feature  of  American  slavery. 
Some  traffickers  in  human  flesh — rather  let  me  say  in  human  beings,  body 
and  soul — had  just  completed  their  purchases  for  the  Southern  market;  and 
I  saw  a  coffle  of  slaves,  some  of  them  in  chains,  marched  like  a  gang  of  con- 
victs on  board  a  spacious  steamer  lying  at  the  wharf  and  ready  to  depart. 
They  lined  the  upper  deck,  and  stood  in  mute  and  sullen  gloom,  occasion- 
ally softened  to  an  aspect  of  piteous  and  forlorn  grief,  at  the  sight  of  a  com- 
pany of  their  friends  and  relatives — so  far  as  natural  relations  can  exist  under 
a  system  which  ignores  all  the  sanctities  of  domestic  life — their  wives  and 
husbands,  their  children  and  parents,  their  sisters  and  brothers,  assembled 
on  the  bank  to  snatch  a  parting  and  final  glance.  I  watched  that  group  on 
shore,  and  sure  I  am  that  the  tears  and  looks  of  dumb  agony  found  their 
way  to  Heaven,  with  which  they  saw  the  objects  of  their  love  borne  forever 
from  their  sight,  consigned  to  the  living  death  of  a  Louisiana  plantation. 
And  as  I  saw  the  stately  vessel  move  over  the  waters,  desecrated  to  such  a 
commerce,  freighted  with  such  woe,  she  embodied  to  my  mind  the  poet's 
image  of 

— "  thnt  fatal  and  perfidious  bark, 
Built  in  tli'  eclipse  and  rigg'd  with  curses  dark." 

As  I  reflected  that  in  the  sorrow  so  eloquently  depicted  on  those  countenan- 
ces, I  witnessed  the  yearnings  of  a  natural  altection  proverbially  strong;  as 
I  thought  of  the  delicate  and  endearing  ties  thus   ruthlessly   sundered  ;   as  I 


saw  the  sacred  attributes  which  I  had  been  taught  to  revere  and  love  trodden 
under  the  heel  of  insolent  despotism,  every  instinct  of  my  nature  array- 
ed itself  against  the  perpetrators  of  this  outrage  on  humanity.  I  had  come 
too  recently  from  the  free  hills  of  New  England  to  restrain  the  rising  of  in- 
tense and  virtuous  indignation  towards  the  system  which  had  conjured  up 
the  spectacle  before  me  ;  and  then,  with  humble  and  subdued  emotions,  I 
called  to  mind  the  image  of  my  country  ;  recollected  that  under  the  aegis  of 
her  protection,  this  anomaly  of  evil  had  flourished  in  sheltered  security; 
that  through  a  vast  region  overshadowed  by  her  wing,  scenes  of  as  tragic 
interest,  of  as  moving  pathos,  might  be  daily  witnessed — might  be,  and 
were,  because  in  many  places  the  life-blood  of  a  system  which  allowed  them 

When  now  it  is  proposed  to  repeal  the  compact  which  excludes  slavery 
from  Nebraska,  I  know  what  it  means.  It  means  that  this  execrable  traffic 
shall  find  its  way  along  all  of  the  navigable  streams  which  water  that  im- 
mense region,  and  that  its  broad  acres  shall  be  tilled  bv  the  sweat  of  unre- 
quited  labor — blighted  with  a  system  which  dishonors  the  law  of  industry 
and  degrades  its  dignity,  and  which,  in  its  moral  effects,  is  more  withering ; 
fostering  a  debasing  sensuality  ;  the  nurse  of  stormy  and  imperious  passions, 
which  spurn  control  ;  undermining  the  foundations  of  integrity  and  honor ; 
depriving  its  victims  of  their  all — of  personal  freedom,  the  wages  of  faithful 
labor,  the  sacred  endearments  of  home,  opportunities  of  mental  culture, 
and  access  to  the  Word  of  Life  ;  immortal  beings — selling  them  at  auction 
like  dumb  beasts  ;  innocent  of  crime — driving  them  with  the  lash  ; — and  all 
this,  that  it  may  the  more  effectually  control  the  legislation  of  Congress  and 
the  action  of  the  general  government,  linking  the  fortunes  of  the  free  States 
to  its  own  dark  destiny,  and  sacrificing  the  enduring  peace  and  prosperity  of 
the  country  at  home,  and  her  useful  influence  and  lofty  renown  abroad,  to 
the  exactions  of  a  sectional,  selfish  and  inhuman  policy.  This,  Sir,  is  just 
what  the  Nebraska  bill  means. 

Annul,  as  this  bill  does,  a  law  by  which,  in  express  terms,  slavery  is 
"  forever  prohibited  "  in  this  territory  ;  enact,  as  this  bill  does,  in  express 
terms,  that  slavery  shall  "not  be  excluded  "  from  the  same — a  territory 
contiguous  to  one  which  is  slaveholding,  and  adapted  to  the  same  cultivation  ; 
remember,  moreover,  that  slavery  has  grasped  every  rod  of  our  national 
domain,  from  which  it  has  not  been  excluded  by  statute  ;  give  it,  withal,  the 
cover  of  the  fugitive  slave  law — and  who  can  doubt  the  result  1  It  has  not 
been  left  to  contincencv.  How  manv  times  was  the  bill  altered  bv  its 
author,  even  after  its  introduction,  in  order  to  make  it  perfectly  acceptable 
to  the  slaveholders?  He  succeeded  at  length;  and  a  leading  journal  of 
the  South,  the  organ  of  slaveholding  politicians,  in  whose  hands  the  author 
of  this  Nebraska  bill  is  as  plastic  as  wax,  thus  speaks  of  it : 

"  If  the  compromise  of  1850,  and  the  present  bill  for  the  admission  of 
Nebraska,  really  mean  anything  of  fairness  and  justice  to  the  South,  if  the 
latter  be  not  intended  as  a  trap  to  catch  her  support  for  a  principle  seeming- 
ly of  value  to  her,  we  are  not  in  error  in  saying1  to  slaveholders,  lien  lies 
this  territory,  go  into  it  with  your  property,  if  you  will,  and  you  shall  be 
safe,  until,  as  a  sovereign  State,  the  people  decide  for  or  against  the  institu- 
tion. Otherwise  the  Nebraska  bill  is  a  worthless  and  deceptive  truce.  But 
we  mistake  Mr.  Dougla«,  if  such  an  inference  can  be  properlv  drawn  from 
his  argument  and  bill.'  — '  h<rr!.<t,<„  ( S.  t   J  Mercury. 

Sir,  thev  do  not  mistake  the  man  nor  the  mi  asure.  Pass  tin-  bill,  and  the 
territory  i?  theirs.     Slaveholders  will  go  there  wit!.  and  freem 

will  keep  avvav  from  it ;   for  free  emigrants,    however  poqr.    will    never  settle 


tdown  by  the  side  of  slaves;  and  when  the  time  comes  to  organize  a  State 
government,  the  slave  proprietors  can  have  their  own  way. 

It  has  been  already  stipulated  that  three  or  four  more  slaveholding  States 
may  be  framed  out  of  Texas — and  that  compact,  1  suppose,  must  stand, 
because  it  is  in  favor  of  slavery.  Nebraska,  it  is  said,  will  furnish  eight 
States  as  large  as  the  Empire  State.  A  treaty  now  pending  in  the  Senate 
will,  if  ratified,  give  us  another  portion  of  Mexico,  on  our  southwestern 
border,  sufficient  to  form  two  States  of  the  largest  class;  and  these,  like  their 
neighbors,  will  of  course  be  slaveholding — that  is  already  boldly  avowed. 
Such  are  our  present  position  and  prospects  with  reference  to  this  evil,  which 
our  fathers  barely  tolerated,  in  the  full  but  mistaken  confidence  that  it  was 
destined  to  an  early  extinction,  through  the  combined  force  of  moral  senti- 
ments and  natural  laws;  but  which,  through  its  aggressive  nature  and  its 
potency  as  a  political  element,  and  through  the  servility  and  corruption  of 
Northern  politicians,  and  I  must  add,  through  the  apathy  of  Northern  free- 
men, has  become  thus  rampant  and  defiant. 

If  roused  by  this  last  aggression,  the  North  will  but  take  a  proper  stand, 
she  can  yet  recover  herself,  and  save  the  ark  of  our  freedom.  But  acquiesce 
in  the  present  measure,  tamely  submit  to  this  encroachment,  and  there  is 
no  redemption  for  us.  Not  that  I  believe  that  slavery  is  to  be  permanent  in 
anv  part  of  our  land ;  for  I  have  faith  in  the  progress  of  humanity,  and  faith 
in  the  promises  of  God.  But  let  this  conspiracy  succeed,  and  instead  of  the 
early  and  peaceful  extinction  of  the  evil,  which  has  hitherto  been  the  hope 
of  Christian  patriots,  I  foresee  no  other  issue,  than  at  some  distant  day, 
through  some  tempest  of  convulsion  and  revolution,  more  terrific  if  possible, 
than  that  which  now  seems  ready  to  burst  upon  Europe  in  a  storm  of  fire 
and  blood. 

The  consummation  of  this  atrocity,  if  tolerated  by  the  free  States,  will 
strike  dumb  among  us  the  cheering  voices  of  freedom?  hushing  the  patriotic 
lavs,  the  national  Ivrics,  which,  more  than  any  other  influences,  fan  in  the 
popular  breast  the  flame  of  Liberty. 

"My  country,  'tis  of  thee, 
Sweet  land  of  liberty. 
Of  thee  I  sing-." 

Ah  !  how  can  we  sing  this  strain,  when  borne  down  with  the  conscious- 
ness, that  this  land  of  boasted  liberty  is  the  great  mart  of  slavery,  and  that 
the  youthful  energies  of  this  Republic  are  devoted  to  the  nefarious  work  of 
slavery  extension  ?  No,  fellow  citizens,  our  condition  will  be  as  mournful 
as  that  of  the  desponding  exiles  of  Judah,  when  the  cheerful  songs  of  Zion 
were  changed  on  their  lips  into  plaintive  cries,  and  by  the  sullen  streams  of 
Babylon  they  hung  their  harps  on  the  willows  of  a  sorrowful  captivity,  and 
refused  to  strike  the  chords,  which,  in  happier  days,  had  been  swept  to 
Jerusalem's  glory. 

What,  now,  can  be  done  to  avert  this  calamity  ?  Let  me  say,  in  the  fewest 
possible  words,  that  in  my  opinion,  (for  which,  of  course,  no  one  else  is 
responsible,)  there  are  two  supports  on  which  American  slavery  rests  ;  and 
these  are,  its  political  alliance  with  liberty,  and  its  ecclesiastical  alliance 
with  Christianity.  Let  the  Senators  and  Representatives  of  the  free  States  in 
Congress  clear  themselves  and  their  constituents  from  all  participancy  in  it — 
purifying  our  national  capital  of  its  noxious  atmosphere  ;  sweeping  it  from  our 
teritories;  interdicting  between  the  States  the  very  traffic  which  on  the 
coast   of    Africa    is    branded    and    scourged    as  piracy ;  sternly   refusing    !•> 

■    ive  into  th<   embi   r     of  the  confeder;  w  another  Stati    with  this 
spot  on  her  bosom  :  driving  it  to  such  municipal  shelter  as  it  can  find  within 


State  lines,  which  it  is  never  to  cross — there  to  be  assailed  by  moraL 
weapons  ;  doing,  in  a  word,  what  Franklin  prayed  the  first  Congress  to  do, 
viz  :  "  step  to  the  very  verge  of  the  power  vested  in  it  for  discouraging 
every  species  of  traffic  in  the  persons  of  our  fellow  men  ;  " — let  them  do  this, 
and  at  the  same  time  let  the  churches  of  the  free  States  cast  it  out  of  the 
pale  of  their  communion  and  fellowship,  as  an  unclean  and  accursed  thino- 
— and  the  evil  days  of  the  institution  are  numbered. 

This,  fellow  citizens,  is  what  is  demanded  of  us  as  Christian  freemen;  and 
how  have  we  met  our  responsibilities?     The  slave  power  has  been    making 
constant  encroachments  on  the  heritage  of  liberty,  not  by  stealth  but  openly 
and  insolently;  and  what  have  we,  freemen  of  the  North,  been  doing?  Alas  ! 
it  is  not  the  least  of  the  dreadful  effects  of  slavery,  which  has  been  impressively 
referred   to    by    both   of  the   reverend  gentlemen   who  preceded   me,   that 
familiar  association  with  it  has  demoralized  the  free  born — its  contact,  like 
the  electric  shock  of  the  torpedo,  benumbing  their  sensibilities.     So  that  we 
ourselves,  rocked  in  the  cradle  of  liberty,  breathing  her  pure  air,  and  fanned 
by  her  mountain  breezes,  do  yet  need   a  stirring  voice,  as   "of  one  crying 
in  the  wilderness,"  to  rehearse  in  our  ears  the  neglected   truths  of  freedom: 
to  recall  us  to  the  vindication  of  immortal  principles,  which  have  been  com- 
promised and  abandoned;  to  rally  us   to  the  defense  and  rescue   of  cardinal 
interests  which  have  been  jeoparded  and  sacrificed.      While  the  enemies  of 
freedom  have  been  active  and  aggressive,  we  have   solaced   ourselves  with 
chanting    pagans  to   our   glorious  Union.     Now   the    object   for   which  our 
fathers  united  in  a  Federal  Government,    as  defined   in  the   preamble  of  our 
national  Constitution,  was,  as  you  know,  to  "  establish  justice,  promote  the 
general    welfare,    and    secure  the    blessings   of  liberty."      Union  for   such 
purposes  we   love   as  they   did,  and  would   sacredly  cherish ;   but  we  abhor, 
and  will  rpudiate  an  Union   to  establish  injustice,  and  promote   and  perpet- 
uate the  evils  of  slavery.     Since  the  world  has  stood,  perhaps  no  government, 
enlightened  or  pagan,    republican  or  despotic,  ever  proposed  a  more  audac- 
ious crime,  than  the  deliberate  repeal  of  a  law  of  freedom,    and  the  admis- 
sion, by  enactment,  of  chattel  slavery  into  a  territory  larger  than  our  original 
confederacy.     If  the  people  are  betrayed  by  their  rulers,  in  this  transaction, 
the  remedy  is  in  their  own   hands  ;  the   wrong,   if  inflicted,  can  be  righted, 
and  the  evil  prevented.     But  if  they  consent  to  the  act,  either  before  or  after 
its  commission,  I   could  pray  that  I  and  mine  might  be  separated  from  their 
destiny.     Over  such  a  confederacy  I  seem  to  hear  another  voice  from  heaven, 
saying,  "  Come  out  of  her,  my  people,  that  ye  be   not  partakers  of  her   sins, 
and  that  ye   receive   not  of  her   plagues."     I   do   but   give   utterance,   in  a 
conditional  form,  to  a  sentiment  which  has  been   almost  voiceless  as  yet,  but 
which  has  found  emphatic  recognition  here,   this  evening,  and  if  this  work 
goes  on,  will   soon  swell  on  the  gale  as  the  sound  of  many  waters — a  senti- 
ment which  is  struggling  painfully  in   the    breasts   of  calm*  cautious,    and 
conscientious  men,  who  have  borne  much  and  long,  perhaps  too  much  and 
too  long,  but  who  are  now  ready  to  say,  and  cannot  refrain  from  saying,  liIf 
this  Union  is  to  be  thus  perverted  and  degraded ;  if  instead  of  being  the 
allium  and  tome  of  liberty,  it  is  to  be  the  refuge  and  bulwark  of  oppression; 
if  instead  <>f  Icing  a  terror  to  despots,  it  is  to  be  the  accomplice   and  tool  of 
1 1/ rami //,  the  base    instrument  of  slavery  propagandism — then,  in   heaven's 
name,  let  th'i  i.nkbi  be  dissolved!  '' 

Ivir.  President,  1  fear  iUat  I  owe  an  apoiogy  to  this  crowded  and  patient 
assembly,  not  for  any  sentiment  that  I  have  uttered  here — Heaven  forbid  ! 
but  for  rite  lime  which  I  have  occupied,  at  so  late  an  hour.  But  I  could  not 
*nv  io«.  if[    <aul  anything:   for.    with    mv    venerable  friend*  who  have  pre- 


ceded  me,  I  do  love  freedom,  in  my  heart  of  hearts  1  love  it — not  as  a  theory, 
not  as  a  mockery,  but  as  a  substantive  reality  ;  not  freedom  for  the  whites 
and  slavery  for  the  blacks,  but  freedom  for  man.  And  cheerfully,  most 
cheerfully,  would  I  bear  the  opprobrium  of  any  name,  sooner  than  be  con- 
scious in  my  breast  of  having  surrendered  or  disowned  an  ingenuous  attach- 
ment to  the  principles  in  which  my  childhood  was  nurtured,  and  which,  in 
my  years  of  reflection,  commend  themselves  to  my  calmest  thoughts  and  my 
purest  feelings. 

There  is  one  consolation,  Sir,  which  in  any  event  we  may  appropriate, 
and  that  is,  that  the  citizens  of  Providence  have  endeavored  to  do  their  duty 
in  this  crisis.  We  have  remonstrated  by  memorial,  and  we  may  congratulate 
ourselves  on  this  imposing  and  impressive  moral  demonstration;  that  citi- 
zens who  have  retired  from  the  honors  and  burdens  of  more  active  life,  are 
drawn  forth  from  their  quiet  retreats  to  bear  their  testimony  for  national 
truth,  honor,  justice  and  humanity;  that  the  whole  influence  of  the  profes- 
sional classes  among  us  is  committed  to  this  movement;  and  not  the  least, 
that  our  merchants,  manufacturers  and  mechanics  connected  by  the  ties  of 
commerce  and  trade  with  all  parts  of  the  land,  furnish  this  evidence  that 
considerations  of  patriotism  and  philanthrophy  have  more  weight  with  them 
than  mere  material  interests.  The  moral  influence  of  this  exhibition  of 
sentiment  cannot  fail  to  be  elevating  in  our  own  community.  Had  we 
hesitated  in  this  emergency,  recreant  indeed  should  we  have  been  to  the 
principles  of  perfect  civil  and  religous  liberty,  which  the  Founder  of  this 
Commonwealth  bore  in  his  solitary  bark  across  the  Narragansett  waters  and 
planted  on  this  virgin  soil. 

In  the  loss  of  a  public  hall  ample  enough  for  such  a  gathering  as  this,  it 
is  a  cause  for  gratitude  that  this  venerable  sanctuary  has  been  cheerfully 
thrown  open  to  us.  There  can  be  no  more  suitable  place  for  protesting 
against  the  wickedness  of  this  Nebraska  bill,  than  by  the  altars  of  our  holy 
religion.  And  when  the  electric  wires  shall  convey  to  an  expectant  nation 
a  simultaneous  announcement  of  the  result,  if  a  righteous  Heaven  shall  per- 
mit our  infatuated  rulers  to  perpetrate  the  deed  which  we  deprecate,  nothing 
could  be  more  suitable  than  that  the  bells  of  all  the  sanctuaries  in  the  free 
States  should  send  forth  a  simultaneous  summons,  assembling  a  Christian 
people  to  offer  their  united  prayers  to  the  Supreme  Ruler.  At  this  climax 
of  peril  to  our  free  principles  and  free  institutions,  we  must  look  not  to  the 
noisy  and  stormy  arena  of  Congress,  but  to  the  Hearer  of  prayer,  to  the  Go- 
vernor among  the  nations. 

It  was  at  a  conjuncture  morally  less  critical,  that  Robert  Hall — that  orna- 
ment of  the  British  pulpit — reminded  his  countrymen  of  this,  their  last  resort ; 
and  after  declaring  that,  under  God,  it  was  for  them  "to  decide  whether 
freedom  shall  yet  survive,  or  be  covered  with  a  funeral  pall,"  and  appealing 
to  their  highest  patriotism,  he  invoked  the  Most  High  "  to  pour  into  their 
hearts  the  spirit  of  departed  heroes,  and  inspire  them  with  his  own  ;"  and 
then  sent  them  forth  to  the  world's  last  great  battle  with  this  assurance 
"  While  you  are  engaged  in  the  field,  many  will  repair  to  the  closet,  many 
to  the  sanctuary;  the  faithful  of  every  name  will  employ  that  prayer  which 
has  power  with  God  ;  the  feeble  hands,  which  are  unequal  to  any  other 
weapon,  will  grasp  the  sword  of  the  Spirit ;  and  from  myriads  of  humble, 
contrite  hearts,  the  voice  of  intercession,  supplication,  and  weeping,  will 
mingle  in  its  ascent  to  heaven  with  the  shouts  of  battle  and  the  shock  of 

It  was  on  a  day,  in  some  aspects  less  portentous  and  gloomy,  that  John 
Milton — that  immortal  name  in  British  history — after  exhausting  the  rich 

ness  of  an  eloquence,  of  which  he  alone  was  master,  exclaimed,  "Which 
way  to  end  I  know  not,  unless  I  turn  mine  eyes,  and  with  your  help  lift  up 
my  hands  to  that  eternal  and  propitious  throne,  where  nothing  is  readier  than 
grace  and  refuge  to  the  distresses  of  mortal  suppliants;"  and  in  language 
descriptive  of  our  own  specific  evil,  he  implored  deliverance  from  "  that 
viper,  which  for  four  score  years  hath  been  breeding  to  eat  through  the  vitals 
of  our  peace,"  and  prayed  for  confusion  to  the  schemes  of  the  enemies  of  his 
country's  liberties.  "  Let  them  all  take  counsel  together,  and  let  it  come  to 
nought;  let  them  decree,  and  do  Thou  cancel  it;"  let  them  embattle,  and 
be  broken,  for  Thou  art  with  us."  And,  as  if  in  full  assurance  of  a  favora- 
ble answer  to  his  petition,  he  concluded  it  in  an  ecstacy  of  sublime  and 
exultant  praise,  which,  against  all  sinister  omens,  I  would  gladly  accept  as 
auspicious  of  a  similar  happy  conclusion  to  our  present  distresses.  "  Then, 
amidst  the  hymns  and  hallelujahs  of  saints,  some  one  may  perhaps  be  heard 
offering  at  high  strains  in  new  and  lofty  measures,  to  sing  and  celebrate  Thy 
divine  mercies  and  marvellous  judgments  in  this  land  throughout  all  ages, 
whereby  this  great  nation,  instructed  and  inured  to  the  fervent  and  continual 
practice  of  truth  and  righteousness,  and  casting  far  from  her  the  rags  of  her 
vices,  may  press  on  hard  to  that  high  and  happy  emulation  to  be  found  the 
soberest,  wisest,  and  most  Christian  people  at  that  day,  when  Thou  the  eter- 
nal King,  shalt  put  an  end  to  all  earthly  tyrannies;  proclaiming  thy  univer- 
sal and  mild  monarchy  through  heaven  and  earth;  where  they  undoubtedly, 
that  by  their  labors,  counsels,  and  prayers,  have.been  earnest  for  the  com- 
mon good  of  religion  and  their  country,  in  supereminence  of  beatific  vision, 
shall  clasp  inseparable  hands  with  joy  and  bliss,  in  over  measure  forever."