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THe ACADEMY desire it to be understood that they are not 
answerable for any opinion, representation of facts, or train of 
reasoning that may appear in any of the following Papers, The 
Authors of the several Essays are alone responsible for their 


Dupuy: Printep at THE University Purss py Ponsonpy AnD Grmns. 




Conway (Artuur W.), M.A., D.So., M.R.LA. :— 

On the Application of Quaternions to some Recent Developments of 
Hlectrical Theory, 

Hean (Rev. Micuart F.), M.A.: 

The Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves, 
McCuetianp (Joun A.), D.Sc., F.R.S., M.R.I.A., and J. J. Nouan, M.A., 
M.Sc. :— 
The Electric Charge on Rain, 
Noxan (J. J.), M.A., M.Sc. :-— 

See under McCuztuanp (Joun A.). 

Orr (Wittiam M‘Fappey), M.A., F.R.S., M.R.1.A. :— 

Extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier Theorems, . 

Rocers (Recrmatp A. P.), F.T.C.D., M.R.LA. :— 

Some Differential Properties of the Orthogonal Trajectories of a 
Congruence of Curves, with an Application to Curl and 
Divergence of Vectors, . 







p. 40, par. 13, 1. 12 from beginning of par. 
For (00) = (22) =0 
read (00) = (2%) = (02) = (20) = 
p. 46, par. 25, lines 9-12 from beginning of par. 
For Hence weeasily . . . . c being the curvature 
vead Hence we find A, = — Z-* (a3B3'y3"Z'"). 
Expanding this determinant with the aid of Fresnel’s formulae and the expressions for 7, Z’, etc., 

given in par. 52, we find A, = Z7-+c*0% 







By ARTHUR W. CONWAY, M.A. (Oxon. anp R.U.L), D.Sc., 
Professor of Mathematical Physics, University College, Dublin. 

Read Fresruanry 13. Published Marcu 22, 1911. 


Page Page 
I. Introduction, . c a ‘ eal III. On Fredholm Solutions, . 5 o 6G 
fl. Fundamental Formulae and examples, 2 IV. On the Relativity Principle, . out 


THE development of the mathematical theory of electrons has, in the hands 
of various continental mathematicians, been largely expressed in some notation 
of vector algebra.* Although (necessarily from the algebra employed) no 
use is made of quaternion products, still the results are distinguished by a 
conciseness and clearness, both of which often disappear on translation to the 
Cartesian form. It so happens, however, that two of the most recent 
developments are such that if one attempts to treat them by vector methods 
(without the use of quaternions), it leads to expressions more complicated 
than the ordinary scalar methods. I refer to Poincaré’st Fredholm solutions 
of the electrodynamic equations, and to the transformation connected with 

* Cf. Abraham and Féppl’s Theorie der Electricitét. For quaternion treatments reference 
might be made to the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. xxvii., Sect. A, No. 8, and 
vol. xxviii., Sect. A, No. 1. 

+ Poincaré: Comptes Rendus Nos. 8, 13, 15, 23 (1909), and Rendiconti del’ Cireolo Matematico 
di Palermo, tomo xxix., p. 169. 

R,I,A. PROC., VOL. XX(X., SECT, A, [1] 

2 Proccedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

the Relativity principle as developed by Lorentz, Larmor, and especially by 

Tt is the purpose of this Paper to show that a quaternion method can be 
employed which gives the required conciseness to the resulis, and which 
readily indicates new theorems. The notation of Hamilton is employed 
throughout, but for the purpose of clearness clarendon type is employed for 
quaternions. The Operator Aj corresponds to Y, but is supposed to act on 
every part of the term in which it occurs. The algebraic imaginary ,/ — 1 
is denoted by h.2 eo, 


Tf < denotes the electric force, and » the magnetic force, we have the 

fundamental equations in free aether, 

c= Vn, 

=9= VE 
the units being electrostatic. It follows that the constant ¢ is the speed of 
radiation. Ji we muliiply the upper equation by /c, and add it to the lower, 
both equations are included in the single equation 

iv — he efét) (e + hen) = 0. 

lf we denote the biquaternion (in Hamilion’s sense) operator V — he %@/ct 
by q, and the bivector «+ hen “by oc, we have the equations expressed in 

the form§ 
qe =0. 

li there is present a current « and a volume-density ¢, the fundamental 

equations are 

e*(e+4za) = VVn, 
—% = VVe, 
together with the equation of continuity 
é€ — SVE 

* Einstein : Annalem der Physik, 17 and 18 (1905), 20 and 21 (1906), 23 (1907). 

¢ M‘Aulay : The Utility of Quaternions in Physics, p. 13. 

= Hamilton’s Elements of Quaternions, vol. i., p. 290. 

§ The bivector is employed by Weber: Die partiellen differentialgleichungen der math. Physik ; 
and by Silbersteim: Annalen der Physik, 24 (1907). The further step of using the biquaternion 
was given by the author at the British Association Meeting at Dublin (1908). An equivalent 
formula, but expressed in the matrix notation, was given by the late H. Minkowski in a remarkable 
paper in the Nach. Gottingen (1908), p. 53. In E. B. Wilson’s edition of Gibbs’ Vector Analysis 
it is stated that Gibbs used the bivector in his lectures on Physical Optics. Many of the properties 
of the operator gq were given by the late Prof. C. J. Joly as questions in a Fellowship Examination 
in the Royal University (1900). 

Conway—A pplication of Quaternions to Electrical Theory. 3 

We have also SVy=0 from the second equation, and thus we get the 
quaternion equations 
c?(¢+4m) = Vn, 
—% —4e = Ve, 


so that as before we get 
(V — he*d/et) (e + hen) = — 42 (e - he); 
or, if we introduce the biquaternion e =e — he™., 
(io = — 4re. 

Several modifications of this may be noticed. Let the result of changing / 
into — / in a quantity like o be denoted by o. Then we have 

W0% = — Are). 
Also, KcokD = K (qo) =- 47rKe, 
or oD, SS A7e,. 
In like manner, o,D = — 4ze, 
where D = A—-he*o/ét. 

If we introduce a scalar potential p and a vector potential «, we have 


1 = VVa, 
where 2p = SVo: 
We thus get —e+ hen = —(V + he'd/dt) (p — hea) ; 
or, if we put p—-—hesa=p, wehave o=—Qqp. 

We may notice that in free aether 

ae =- ddoP = 9, 

and that if there is volume-density of electricity, 

de =- ddo-P = — 478, 
or (V? + c*0/at’) p = 4ze. 

If we denote* by [e’], the effect of replacing ¢ in the value of e’ at a point 

p by t-—e'T'(p-p’), we have 

p = fdv'[e]Te- ey, 
where dv’ is a volume-element, and 

w= c* {dv [v|T(p — p). 
Then p=p-—lca ={ dv’ [e’'| T(p - p’)*. 

* This convenient notation is employed by Lorentz; cf. The Theory of Electrons, p. 19. 


4 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

If the electricity appears as a surface-density, 
p =| Ldv’ [e’] T(o - p’)*, 
where dy’ is a directed surface-element at the place p’. In this case, we have 

o=— (oP =~ Qo§ Tdr'[e'| T(p - py. 
If we take the point p just outside the surface (which is supposed fixed), and 
if we let o; denote the value of o at a neighbouring point just outside the 
surface, then, in calculating o — o; from the formulae just written down, the 
only part which need be considered is that arising from the part of Vs 
estimated normal to the surface, so that 

o -o,=- vSvV { Tdv'[e] 7(o - p’)? 

+ vSvV; | Td’ [e] T(pi- Ors 
where, in the second integral, p is replaced by p;; and, by the usual theory of 
such integrals, suitable restrictions being placed on the function e, and the 
form of the surface near p, we find 
o—o;=47U ve. 

If the surface is a conductor, and if there is no electric or magnetic force 
inside, the boundary conditions are all summed upin o=47Uve, or 

e=4rU ve, n=4nce7Uv. 

In the more complicated case of a surface moving with a velocity r, we 
can take the origin moving with the surface, and the vector p is a function 
of the time, so that dp/ét = Srp, and the operator 0/cf = SV, when applied 
to functions of p. As before, it is only the part of V normal to the surface 
which gives any result, so that we can replace SrV by Stv*SvV. Hence the 
effective part of gj is (v+heSrv")SvV, and we get for a conductor, under 
the same conditions as before, 

Gs (Uy +h eSrav) €. 

(In the application of this formula, we must take care to include the convection 
current in the current relative to the surface.) 
If we consider the quaternion 
— (87) *o0, = q (say), 
we have the theorems that Sq is the electromagnetic energy per unit-volume, 
and Vq has the direction of the Poynting flue and of the electromagnetic 
momentum. Since in free space 
Jo% = oD, = 0, 
we have in such space 
— (87) { oD, o,dv = 0, 
or — (87)* [ cA, dv — he* { dg/at, dv = 0, 

Conway—<A pplication of Quaternions to Electrical Theory. 4) 

which becomes, on transforming by Green’s theorem, 
J dq/dt.dv = (87) 1¢ f sdvo,. 

The scalar part of this equation is Poynting’s theorem, and the vector part 
expresses the theorem that the rate of change of electromagnetic momentum 
is balanced by the Maxwellian stresses over the surface. If the space contains 
electricity, we will have an additional term 

— the { (e,6, + oe,) dv, 

of which the scalar part is the activity of the electric forces, and the vector 
part is the resultant of the mechanical forces. By the aid of the theorem, 
which is not difficult to verify, that the expression VpVoD,o, has the same 
value, whether D, acts on p or not, we can prove a similar theorem about 
angular momentum. 

The integral {{ o¢dvdt has some interesting properties. The first variation 
of itis ff 2Scdcdvdt or -2){ Seq, opdvdt, which is equal to 

~ 2 ff SoD, Spdvdt, 

since oD, =0 in free space. This latter integral can be replaced by a triple 
integral on separating D, into its parts A and he+d/ot, and applying Green's 
theorem to the former, and an integration with respect to ¢ to the latter. 
Hence the first variation vanishes with suitable boundary conditions. It will 
be found, on taking the real part of [{ «2dvdt, that we reproduce the Principle 
of Least Action as formulated by Larmor,* and, on taking the imaginary part, 
we find that 6{{Sendvdt=0, a theorem which is perhaps new. 

We give here a comparison of our results with the formulae of electro- 
statics. In the left-hand column we have the latter formulae, and in the right 
the general formulae or analogues. 

¢=~—Vp. (Definition of potential.) o=— QoP. 

Vo =- 47e. (Poisson’s equation.) qo = - 4re. 

p= 22'T(p-p’)”. p= =[e] Z(p- p’)’- 

—(87)*e. (Hnergy per unit-volume.) — (87) Go,. 

e=47U ve. (At surface of conductor.) o =47U ve. 

e=207Uve+ V J Tdv'¢T(p-p’). o=27Uve+ q, | Udy [e'| L(p- ON 

(Integral equation at surface 
of conductor.) 

* Larmor; Aether and Matter, p. $2. 

6 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


If a conductor is placed in a field of force o, a distribution e will be on 
the surface which will satisfy the condition that the field produced inside the 
conductor is annulled by o, which gives the quaternion integral equation 

o = 27 Uve + { Tdv'q, [e’] T(e-p')”- 
Our object is to obtain equations of the Fredholm type from this. If we take 
the real part, we find 
e=207Uve + V { Td’ [ce] T(p- 0’) 
+ ¢9d/ot [ Tdv’ [| T(p-p’y. 
If in place of e we had a force sexp (kt), where / may be complex, and where « 
is independent of ¢, then ¢ is replaced by ¢ exp (Kt), and [e’] by 
eexp [kt — ke"T(p - p’)]. 
Writing ffor exp [At-ke'T(p—-p’)].T(p-p’)", the equation thus becomes 
e=27Uve + V f Td'e'f + ke* | Tdv'Vf. 
We thus get a scalar integral equation 
— SeUv = 27e + [ e' Tdv’SUwVf = ke? | Td’ Sc Tf. 

The second integral requires to be transformed into a function of ¢, This is 
effected by the aid of Stokes’s theorem in the form f{ #(Vdv'A’)=0, where 
F'(Vdv'A’) denotes a linear function of Vdv'A’, and the surface-integral 
extends over any closed surface, with certain conditions as to the singularities 
of the function. We have the equation of continuity on the surface 

S( VdvV id Jv’) = —eTdy’. 

If we now take a function g, which has no infinities except at the point p, and 
which satisfies the equation f=(Uv'V Uy'V)’g, andif we take the function » 
such that A=VvVUv’V’.g, the integral 
{ Tav'vf = [ (Uv Vdv'V’.d, 

so that { Tdv'Sv Uv Ff = J SUUW Va’V" AT), 
which, by Stokes’s theorem, 

= { SUvA VdvV’. Ur’. 

=—feéTdv'SUvx + | SUvxAV (VdvV’. UV). 
Ii is such that V(Vdv’V’.Uv’) = 0, 

then the transformation is effected. 
This latter condition is 
USdv’V’ Uv’ - Uv'Sdv’V'’ = 0, 

or Sdv’V'’ = 0, which can be expressed in various ways such as that Sido’ 

Conway—Application of Quaternions to Electrical Theory. li 

is a perfect differential, or that /’ is “irrotational” on the surface. If this 
condition is fulfilled, we have 

— SeUv = 27e + fe Tdv’SUv (Vf - KPc*D) 5 
and this is of the required form, for we can easily see that g possesses only a 

logarithmic infinity, and that hence the integral is of the Fredholm type. 
Uf we take the coefficient of / in the original equation, we have 

Cn = 2miUv — | VV fl Tay’. 
Now |VVfiTdv' ={VIVfTdy' (since Vf = — V‘f) 
=- | Vi Vd’ Af - | Vi U'Sdv’V’. f, 
and = | WU Vd Vf =| V.Vao'V'f.VUv'e = — | Uv’Sidv'V'f. 
Hence Cn = 2miUv + | (Uv'Sdv'Vf - [| Uv'Si'dv'V'f, 
and CVn Uv = - 2ar + {| Vi Uv’ Uv Sdv'V'f — | VU W'S d’V. 7, 
which is a vector integral equation of Fredholm type. 
The solution of M. Poincaré is somewhat different, and can be obtained as 

follows :— 
By Stokes’s theorem, 
JVC Vd'V’)f = | fV Va Vi Oy’ 

= [fUvV’SVdv’V. Uv’ + | fUv'Sdv’V'V. 

Applying Stokes’s theorem* again to the last integral, we find 

[fUYSdYV' = — SUdv'V" f U0". 
Making use of this, we get 
OV Uv = — 2a + | WU Uv Sd'V’f — § fV Uv Svdv'V' Uv’ Up 
+ { S’dv'V.f V Uv Ov. 

Before coming to the principle of relativity let us solve this quaternion 

problem :—What is the most general form of the linear functions /f(_ ), 
J2( ), Js( ), so that for any two quaternions p and q 

Ar(p) fala) = Ax(Pq), 
and in which S/.(p) = 0 where p is a vector ? 
On putting successively p=1 and q=1 we get 
A@)S2(1) = fap) and fAi)fx(a) = Aa). 
* The actual equation given by Poincaré, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico, di Palermo, 

tomo xxix (1910), p. 186, equation (3), is (in our notation), 
J fUv'Sav'y'! = — f Sy’. f Ur, 

which appears to be erroneous. 

8 _ Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

If we introduce a function g(p) such that fAi)9(p)f:C) = fa(p), we have 
Ap) = fid)g(p), Ap) = 9(p) 7,0), and the equation becomes 
g(P)9 (4) = (Pa). 
This involves g(p) = 1, and taking scalars Spg‘g(q) = Spq so that 
gg = 1. , 
The general solution of this equation, subject to g(1) = 1, is* 
PDO) SOC jer 
Hence since /,(p) = apa'/.(1), we must have /,(1) = 1: and. we get 
Jp) = bpa, 
SAp) = apa’, 
JAP) = bpa”. 

Let q be the quaternion p — het; then the symbol of differentiation 

d = — Sdqq. 
If we suppose a linear transformation q’ = fq), we get 

d = — Sda/q’ = — Sdqf(q’) = - Sdqqg, sothat g =/(q). 
Tf the “force” o is transformed by co = F(o’), then the general expression 
qs becomes /(q’)F(o’); 
and if we require this to be a linear function of qg’o’, then, as above, we 
must have f( )=b( )a* and #( ) =a( )a? by the last section. 
Hence go =-— 47e becomes g’o = — 47e where e = bela? 

We can now deduce the usual equations of relativity from the following 
principles:—1°. A charge e moving with velocity X to transform into a charge 
eat rest. 2°. A charge ¢ at rest to transform into a charge moving with 
velocity -— 2». In 1° we have e = (1 — he "X)c. In 2° we have e = @. 
We thus get e(1 —he dr) = bare’, 

é = bd + he) ane 
and it easily follows that 

eff = 1p 1+ or 
b? = a = (1 —he“d)4(1 + A274, 

so that the relativity transformations are 

q = alga’, 
c = aoas 

e =a'ea, 

* Joly : Manual of Quaternions, p. 283. 

+ We can easily see that b-'! anda have the same axis, and the condition that Se must be real 
makes b}=a, 

Conway—Application of Quaternions to Electrical Theory. 9 

As a last example of quaternion treatment we consider an interesting 
extension of the relativity principle by Bateman and Cunningham.* 
Consider the transformation 

A q aa: ie 
which gives 

dq =—q'dqq' and q’ = qq(q) 
where we denote by a bracket a quantity which is not operated on by q. 
If we put o@=q"'o’qm, where m is some scalar function of ¢’, we have 

hat b=? 

de = Yq a)qo'gm = aq’o'g'm + 40'q’ 
= ma(g oa + a(q'mio’g’ + m4o’q”, 
since a (o')q’ = 0. 
Hence the “relativity” form is attained if q’g’m + 4m=0. Hence m is 
obviously a function of 7q’. 

ee “ Sdqq'm = 48dq'q’* = 4d7q/(Tq')', sothat m =(T¢q’')'. 

* Proceedings of the London Math. Society, series 11, vol. viii, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. 

R.I.A, PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. A. [2] 

if ho | 




Read Frpruanry 13. Published May 138, 1911. 


1. Minor Corrections. 

2. Defects of theformer Expansions, especially in regard to Differentiability 
and Uniqueness. 

3. The Expansion in Trigonometrical Series modified so as to refer to Two 
Arbitrary Functions. 

4, The Expansions still Not Unique: Terms which may be added. 

5-8. Application to Transverse Vibrations of Elastic String whose ends 
are attached to a System of Particles with Massless Elastic Connections. 
. Equations to be satisfied: the Actual Solution. 

. This Solution satisties the given Initial Conditions. 

Sy Cp Sh 

. This Solution satisfies the Terminal Equations. 
. This Solution satisfies the Equation of Motion of the String. 

oOo 6 

. Application to a Problem in Heat-Conduction. 

10. Reference to another Class of Physical Problems to which Similar 
Expansions apply. 

11. Reference to the corresponding Modification of the Trigonometrical 
Integral Expansion. 

12, The corresponding Modification of the Expansions in Bessel Functions, 
and application to a Physical Problem. 

13. Expansions Applicable to Vibrations of Elastic String, itself subject 
to Viscous Forces. 

14, A Circular or Annular Membrane, itself subject to Viscous Forces. 

15. The above Solutions agree with those found by the aid of the 
characteristic Property of Normal Functions. 

Orr—Ectensions of Fourter’s and the Bessel-Fourier Uheorems. 11 

Arr, 1. Minor Corrections. 

I wouLp first make certain minor corrections to my previous paper (R. I. A. 
Proe., xxvii, A, No. 11), as follows :— 

p. 215, 1. 6. Insert o(e) as a factor in the integrand. 

p- 219, 1.4. After “equation” add “unless arg. \ = 7, when it is finite or 

p. 219, 1.26. As a foot-note read :—“ When arg. A is very near 7, we must 
use an expansion different from that which is valid when arg. \ is small; 
this may be done by introducing additional terms which involve e¢? as a 
factor; these contribute nothing to the double integral.” 

p. 220, 1. 15. Insert 74 as a factor in the integrand. 

pp. 223, 225. In equations (63), (64), if we adhere to the contour at infinity, 
we may add to it an infinite quadrant at each end and then halve the result. 
The same is true of (69) with the second or the third form of the. left-hand 
member. We thus obtain a closed contour, though the initial and the final 
values of the integrand differ. Also conditions as to the zeros of the 
denominator are irrelevant so long as the contour is kept at infinity. 

If we take the first form of the left-hand member of (69), when F' (2a) is 
>7p(a) (d/dzy K,, (iz), F(-ix) should be >f,(x) (d/dx)?K,(- iz); and, in 
Pp 5D 

the same form, if #(iAa) is K,,(iAa), F(—tda) should be (-)"” Kp, (-2XA@), 
while the derivatives referred to should be of both of these with respect to Xa. 
(The point to be secured is that (66), as corrected below, should hold when K,, 
is replaced by F.) 

p. 224. The factor ¢ should be omitted from the last term of the left-hand 
member of equation (66). 

p. 225, 1. 3 from foot. The value which is given should have a minus sign 

p. 230, 1. 5. It is unnecessary that the initial disturbance should be limited 
externally. ; 

p- 231. In (76) for “A sindw —« cosAu” read “AcosrAu + KSID AW”. 

p. 242, 1.21. If F\(Aa@) is Jm(Aa) ora derivate, (Aa) is (—)"™"d_m(A@) or 
its corresponding derivate. 

p. 243. When n is negative, (52) cannot be obtained precisely as stated. 
For, when a becomes zero, F, (Aa) will always dominate /, (Aq) if these are of 
the type given in (45), (46). The equation may be regarded as a limiting case 
of a somewhat more general theorein than that expressed by (49).. Or it may 


Le. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 
be obtained by subtracting from the ordinary Bessel integral equation the 

proper multiple of the equation 

oF [ \Jn (7) BF (A) (Wb)? Ku (- 100) | Jn Qp)09 (p) dp 
nce |, SF, (A) ab? (0b) =O 

which it is not difficult to establish by the methods of the paper. 

And as, in the latter method just referred to, expansions (52), (538) of 
Part I. are required for + 7 only, a sufficient condition to be satisfied by ¢ 
in the neighbourhood of p = 0, for the validity of (52), p. 243, is that 

|p'¢(p) | dp and | |p" (0) | dp 

should both converge : it must not be forgotten that + 7 itself may be negative. 
(The condition stated on p. 243 was intended to require that the above and 

| le-*a(e) | a 

also should conyerge, but it does not fulfil the intention.) 
pp. 243 et seg. In Arts. 5, 6, it is supposed that @ is not zero. 
p. 244. From the coefficient of @ in (58) delete “1”. 

Art. 2. Defects of the former Expansions, especially in regard to Differentiability 
and Uniqueness. 

I proceed to consider more serious defects. 

In the case of the new expansions obtained (equations (12), (69), Part I., 
and (25), (49), Part I1.), I suggested (pp. 226, 258) that they are not unique. 

It was also seen (Part I., Arts. 15,17; Part II., Art. 5) that, as in the well- 
known cases of the simple Fourier expansions, those equations expressing the 
expansion of an arbitrary function of z cannot usually be differentiated, term 
by term (once or repeatedly), with respect to a. 

I did not at first give much attention to these pomts in the case of the 
most general results, and, in the previous paper, merely justified the applica- 
tions to problems in vibratory motion of the expansions appropriate to the 
boundary condition expressed by the equation 

(d/dz — h) = 0, 
where /: is a constant given arbitrarily, and having in general different values 
at the two boundaries, if there are two. Indeed, to some extent I regarded 
the expansions of a more general type than these as curiosities of Pure 

* For particular cases of this equation, compare Carslaw, ‘‘ Fourier Series and Integrals,”’ 
§§ 162-164. 

Orr—Extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier Theorems. 13 

Mathematics, especially as the type of problem which suggested them can, 
as indicated, be solved without them by the aid of Love’s general functional 
solutions of the differential equation.* 

Such expansions may, however, be used in problems of other types than 
those which suggested them. For example, Lord Rayleigh, to illustrate the 
effect of a yielding of the points of support of a vibrating string, has discussedt 
its motion on the supposition that each end is attached to a massive particle 
which is urged by a spring towards the position of equilibrium. He obtained, 
without formally establishing its validity, the expansion which is necessary in 
the resolution of the most general motion possible into the fundamental oscil- 
lations; this expansion is an example, slightly more difficult than that just 
alluded to, of the development in Trigonometrical Series which I established. 
So, too, if the single particle at each end be replaced by a number elastically 
connected, to one or more of which the string is attached, and if the motion 
be investigated in a similar manner, still more complicated examples present 

Moreover, in problems of this type, the boundary conditions might be such 
that, of the type-solutions of the differential equations, the two which contain 
respectively? et and eA“ involve different functions of z, and thus cannot be 
combined so as to contain the sine or the cosine function alone of the time: 
this would, for instance, be the case, if the particle or particles were subject to 
frictional forces proportional to the actual or to the relative velocities. Thus, 
in such a case, the expansions in my paper would appear not to be precisely 
those which are requisite. 

And in proceeding to remedy this defect I noticed, much to my regret, that 
the expansions which I gave are so far wanting in uniqueness and generality 
' that they make reference to only one arbitrary function, whereas they may be 
required to satisfy conditions which explicitly refer to two§ In this connexion 
it is to be borne in mind that, in many cases in which the characteristic 
values of X can be grouped in pairs, equal in magnitude and opposite in sign, 
the series of the former paper includes each term twice, whereas the usual 
statements of expansions of Fourier type include each term once only. 

* Love, Phil. Trans., excvii., 1901; see also Lord Kelvin, ‘‘ Baltimore Lectures,’’ p. 193. 
When it is desired to follow the history of a given disturbance in any medium, a solution which is 
derived from the general functional solution, wiienever obtainable, of the differential equation, what- 
ever it may be, seems usually preferable to one of Fourier type. Moreover, as will be seen below, 
it is a matter of considerable difficulty to justify formally the solution which the gwasi-Fourier 
treatment gives. 

Tt ‘Theory of Sound,’’ § 135. 

} ¢ denotes the velocity of propagation, and ¢ the time. 

§ In the solution of problems relative to Conduction of Heat, it does not seem that such an 
extension is likely to be wanted. 

14 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The conditions which most naturally present themselves in physical 
problems are that, when each element of the sum, or integral, is multiplied 
by the corresponding value of e, the initial values of the sum and of 
its differential coefficient with respect to time shall each be functions of « 
which are arbitrarily assigned.* 

Art. 3. The Expansion in Trigonometrical Series modified so as to refer to 
Two Arbitrary Functions. 

Seeking first, as being of most interest, the Trigonometrical Sum theorem 
which is now required, we have the following problem, modified from that of 
Jeane WOE, di, Fe 

It is required to have simultaneously,t when ¢ = 0, 

> (Aex™ + Beu*) ext = (a), (1) 

d/dt . > (Aex™ + Be) ent = y (a), (2) 

w, x being arbitrary functions, where the characteristic values of B/A and 
of are given by the equations 

Ae*F (u, a) + Be-u*F, (— p, a) = 0, (8) 

AewF, (u, b) + Be-#*F, (= p, 6) = 0, (4) 
the #’s denoting polynomials in » of which #,, F, are of the same order p and 
F, F, of the same order q. 

Unless the #’s have reference to some physical problem, the solution 
in so far as the satisfaction of (2) is concerned appears to be in general 
impossible. But an expansion which satisfies (1), (2), and which, whenever 
it contains no term arising from a residue at u = 0,7 is of the desired type, 
is given by the equation 

— (472)? 4 du [ENS p) — EH?) P(e) 


{eH R(—w) - eH) F(u)} fw) + (cue) 2y (de 

+ Terms of index (p—1) and (p- 2) in j2 (= n) tw(a) — w2'(a) + e 1 *y(a)} 
+ Bw) wa) + Va) + yx(a) | 

— feul™*) F(— nw) — e+) Fi(u)} Terms of index (g — 1) and (¢ — 2) in 

{PcG #) (eh) — werp'(B) + ew 2x (b)} + Fo(u) (eb () + wh’) + ew (0)} 

“ The conditions might, however, assume other forms; ivr example, one might refer to some 
oiler time. 

t We may, if we prefer it, replace (1), (2) by the simultaneous equations 3Ae#* = 6(x 
=Leur = o(2), 6, o being arbitrary. 

t This limitation does not affect the problem as stated in the preceding foot-note. 

Orr—EL extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier Theorems. 165 

Sfp) Blu) - mR WE 1)t | 
=t(-(@-«)+P(wte)), a<a<b; (5) 

oF =W@) ili G@=a3 
or sah), mi wo 

I shall find it convenient to refer to the left-hand member of (5) 
indifferently as an integral or as the equivalent sum of residues. 

The equation of type (2) derivable from this is valid at the boundaries 
a,b; it is valid also at discontinuities in w, provided y’ is continuous; but at 
internal discontinuities in y/ the value of the left-hand member of (2) is not 

simply x, but 
+5 W@+)-ve- |" 

The truth of (6) should be obvious.t In establishing the equation of 
type (2) the only point of difficulty lies in showing that the part of the 
left-hand member which involves wy is zero. Perhaps the simplest manner of 
‘surmounting this, except for the boundaries, is to note that, at any time ¢ for 
which x + ct both lie between a, 6, the value of the left-hand member of (5) is 

(Wb (wv + ct) + (w — ct)}. 
The single integrals in (5) which involve the boundary values affect the 
initial values neither of ¢ nor of dg/dt at points in the interior of the range ; 
if we omit them and make x = 0, we obtain the expansion of the former 
paper for ~; if we omit them and make y~ = 0 in the corresponding equation 
of type (2), we obtain the expansion of the former paper for y. 

Art. 4, The Expansions still Not Unique: Terms which may be added. 

These expansions are, however, not unique. We may, in fact, add to the 
left-hand member of (5) 
{IEE cu) eu) Fla) LE cao OR a) Fa, 
Je on) (=p) Fe (u)- eo) Fh (u) Fa (- ioe 
where (nu), f(u) are polynomials of orders not exceeding p - 3, q - 3 
respectively, without affecting the validity of (1), (2), or altering their type. 

* Tf an elastic string is released from rest with a transverse displacement y, any point x at which 
yw’ is discontinuous acquires immediately a velocity 

5 (Ve + )—V(e~ 0); 

and it seems impossible to give any analytical expression for the displacement at time ¢ which will 
not indicate this velocity as existing initially. 

+ In a great deal of what follows it seems undesirable to give the reasoning fully, as to do so 
would add considerably to the length of the Paper, unduly great as it is, 

16 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

These polynomials may then be chosen so as to make the expansions satisfy 
certain other conditions. 

Arts. 5-8. Application to Transverse Vibrations of Elastue String whose ends 
are attached to a System of Particles with Massless Elastic Connexions. 

Art. 5. Equations to be satisfied : the Actual Solution. 

As an example of the application of such expansions I proceed to consider 
a generalization of Lord Rayleigh’s example referred to above. Let there be 
a system, which is capable of vibrating, consisting of an elastic string and at 
each end a number of particles. We may add to the symmetry without 
increasing the difficulty by supposing that every particle of the system at 
either end is elastically connected to every other and also to a fixed point. 
Let the motions of any or all the particles be resisted by viscous forces of the 
usual types, Le. proportional to the actual or to the relative velocities; but let 
it be supposed that the string itself is not subject to viscosity. Let there be 
m particles at one end x = a, and » at the other «= 6. It is supposed that at 
each end the position of one particle coincides with that of the end of the 
The initial displacements and velocities are given, and the subsequent 
history of the system is required. 
Supposing b>a, at the end a we have a special case of a system of 
m equations of the form 
(MM, D* + kyyD + Ay, — Td/dx) VY, + (M.D? + ky2D + X12) Yo 
+ (M,D* + kisD + Xs) ¥3+...=0, (7) 
(My D* + IknD + Xo) Vi + (MD? + IeexD + X22) Y2 
+ (My,D* + hazD + X)V3+...=0, (8) 
(MyD* + Kis D + Agi) Vy + (MoD? + keg,D + Xx) V2 
BWRD BRIDE N\A oo.=0, ©) 
where D denotes d/dt and the Y’s denote the displacements of the particles. 
Actually the system of coefficients of the Y’s is symmetrical about its leading 
diagonal, and, when 7, s are different, each constant of the type M,, is zero 
and those of the types k;s, A,; are negative. We will consider the more 
general system above, however, as it presents no greater difficulty. It will 
be convenient to denote by A, and also by F,(d/dt, d/dx) the determinant 
composed of the coefficients of the Y’s, (and in it D may be replaced as far as 
we please by yc), so that the displacement @¢ of the string itself is subject to 
the terminal equations 
F, (d/dt, djdz) p=0, at w=a, (10) 
F, (d/dt, d/dz) p=0, at x=, (11) 

Orn— Extensions of Fourter’s und the Bessel-Fourier Theorems. 17 

And at points between a, b the string is subject to the equation 
pda? = c7d*/de? ; (12) 
while each displacement involves the time factor eo. 
Let the minors of the above-mentioned determinant, A,, be denoted by 
Ay, Ay, ete. 
Let the elements of another column, to be used in forming determinants, 
and derived* from Ag, be 
(Mme? + ke) yr + Myer, + (Mame? + hy2e) y2 + Mhreve 
+ (Misyc? + kysc) ys + Myscv3 +..., (13) 
(Maye? + K,¢) y+ M,,cv, + (Mopfcc” + ) Yo + Mrcv2 
+ (Mosuc? + hose) y3 + Mrgc03 +..., (14) 
(Moc? + Isic) yr + Marev, + (Meoec® + hs2¢) yx + Mozev2 
+ (Mesuc? + Kssc) ys + Misev, + ..., (15) 
in which the y’s denote initial displacements and the v’s initial velocities. 
And let the determinants obtained by replacing the first, second, etc., columns 
of A, by this column-be denoted by Mh, az, ete., respectively. 
Let a similar notation apply to the end 0, the suffix 6 being introduced 
when necessary. 
Also let the initial displacement and velocity at all points of the string be 
y, x, respectively. I suppose that y, W’, ~”, y, x’ are Dirichlet functions, and 
that ~, Y’, x are continuous. 
As ,Y, is identical with #,, it suffices to give the values of ¢, «Y., and , V2, 
the analogue of , ¥; at the end 6. These are 

= — (Any | ent | | fone aCe, ~ 1) — #9) Fut) 

|. [ory uc, — pw) — eM Fue, 1)| {C0 + (ou) xe} du — 211 | 

+ 2qKl, (en) Fi, (ue, - ) — ee Fy (ue, u)} | 
= {en Fe (uc, u) Fa (ue, — pe) — en) F, (ue, — u) Fa (ue, | ) (16) 
ale = (4a1)* | vet zz Aj, 

|| (oH) FY (4c, — px) — eH") F (ue, px)} {yo (we) + (cue) (e)} dee — 241, | 

+ 2qlle fer?) Fy (uc, — w) - oH) Fy (ue, et + Denominator of 16) | : 


* See Routh, ‘‘ Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies,’’ Part u., Art. 366. 
R.I.A. PROG., VOL. XXIX., SECT. A. [3] 

18 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

3¥.= (47177 


PF dy [eae Bis 
| | fen (ue,— gi) — €*0°)Fe (ue, n)} fC) + (ep) > (u) | de + 2—0,} 

+ 2211, fe) F, (uc, — x) — 8 © OF, (ue, p)} zal + Denominator oi ( 16) | = 
The symbolic term Td/dz does not occur in the minors* 4;2, Bj, &e., nor 
in the determinanis [,, and thus affects only the final terms of ,Y2, 5 Yo, a Ys, 
ete.; it is to be interpreted in the usual sense. 
Tt must never be overlooked that, in g, the form of the numerator of the 
integrand in the double integral may be altered by interchanging a and 6, 
F, and F,. 

Art. 6. This Solution satisfies the given Initial Conditions. 

Proceeding to the verification of this solution, I shall first show that it 
satisfies the initial conditions. The initial values of ¢, dg/dt are w, x respec- 
tively; for, having regard to the difference of notation, the expansion given 
for ¢ agrees with the left-hand member of (5) as far as is necessary; that is 
to say, the coefficient in (5) of 

Gs iy {c= 7-9 F,(— u) = eRe ir (u)} 

in the integral which explicitly refers to the boundary 4, agrees with 2,1, as 
far as terms of index (g— 2); and similarly for the boundary a. 

In considering the initial value of ,Y. the portion whose integrand con- 
tains 44, as a factor may be neglected, since this factor is one dimension 
lower than F,/uc,+u), which has to be set against it in the denominator, and 
since ;[], is of lower dimensions than F;. 

In the remaining portion, the integrand is asymptotically of the form 
— 2e“yw*y.du, so that the initial value of .Y2 is 7. 

In obtaining the initial value of d/dt(, Y2), the portion involving 24,250, 
may be neglected, since it vanishes until the time (4—a)/c. 

And the remaining portion may be differentiated with respect to ¢ under 
the sign of integration. For, if we do so and integrate by parts the integral 
involving w (w), the terms arising from the two integrals in w and irom the 
boundary terms at } are uniformly convergent} and have zero for their initial 

* Biz denotes the analogue to 412 at the end 4. 

t For then the polynomials in the numerator of the integrand are, for the double integrals one 
dimension, and, for the portions of the single integrals which do not cancel, two dimensions, leas 
than those in the denominator. 

Orr—Lxtensions of Fourier’s und the Bessel- Fourier Theorems. 19 

value; and the terms arising from the boundary terms at a due to this partial 
integration and from the terms involving ,II,, combine to give 

— (21) era “(weal —CTAys gy dldz)| oe? Fy (uc, — je) — eh OF (ue, )\ 0 = a 

= Denominator of (16) ° 

The expression 
pe all, — CT’ Ayo ay d/dz 

may be expressed as a determinant obtained from ,I], on multiplying by pe 
the expressions (13), (14), ete, which constitute the elements of its second 
column, and subtracting from the first the term ¢7' ,y,d/dx. The determinant 
thus obtained is unaltered, if from each element of the second column we 
subtract the sum of the corresponding elements of the first column multiplied 
by ey, the third by cy, &c. And the resulting determinant, which differs 
from A, only in the second column, may be replaced by the sum of A, and 
another determinant again differing from A, in the second column only. On 
doing so, the part of the integral arising from A, is zero; since, if we perform 
the operation A, on the coefficient of ,I], in the numerator of (17), we obtain 
minus the denominator of (17), so that the integrand is devoid of singularities. 
The part arising from the other determinant, from whose second column the 
symbolic term containing ¢/dx has disappeared, has an integrand asymptotically 
of the form = -—e%yv.du. 

If this were actually the integrand, the integral would be uniformly con- 
vergent, since the contour might be replaced by a finite one, and its initial 
value would be v,. And the integral whose integrand is the difference between 
this and the accurate expression, having the denominator asymptotically of 
two dimensions higher than the numerator, is also uniformly convergent, and 
its initial value is zero. Thus the integral actually gives d/dt(aY2), and its 
initial value is 2. 

Arr. 7. This Solution satisfies the Terminal Hquations. 

Before proceeding further it will be convenient to point out that, if in 
the left-hand members of (7) e seq. we substitute for Y,, Y., etc., the values 
Ay, Aj, ete., the result in the case of (7) is simply A, and in the case of each 
of the other equations zero; while if we substitute ,II,, ,ll. ete., the results 
are respectively Az x (15), Aq x (14), ete. 

I shall next show that the solution which has been written down satisfies 
the terminal equations (7) et seg. at a. 

This would be true if the left-hand members of these equations could be 
legitimately obtained from the values given for », V2, etc., by differentiation 


20 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

under the integral sign. For let us so differentiate, substitute in (7), and 
write z=a. Bearing in mind that 247'A;,(u) is the value of 
onl) B,(ue, — p) — er OF A(uc, 2) 
at a, we see that on doing so the coefficient of the integral in w in the 
numerator of the integrand may be written in the form 
QuTertdy Aa(p) {ee oO Fa(ue, — p) — EHP OF, (uc, p) 2-0, (19) 
which is identically zero. This, of course, apples to the coefficient of ;1], also. 
As for the coefficient of 
dy {ex(2-) Fi, (uc, = je) = eu?) Fi (ue, n)| (20) 
it is 24, x (13); but, when this operation is performed on (20), and z 
subsequeutly replaced by a, the result is 
— 2e'dy x (13) x the denominator of (16), (21) 
so that the contour integral is zero. 

Similarly for any of the other simultaneous equations. 

It has now to be shown that the left-hand members of (7) et seg. can be 
legitimately obtained by differentiation under the sign of integration. 

We could add to # terms of the type obtained from (6), allowing for the 
differences in notation, by multiplying each element of the integrand by e¢“, 
and such as would allow the sum to be differentiated term by term twice 
in succession at all points, including a, 6.* To discover such terms we do 
differentiate separately in this fashion, twice with respect to «, the two parts 
of @ which involve e* and ¢*, and then in each case shenrate by parts twice 
in succession that part of the integral in w which involves ~, but once only 
that which involves x: we thus obtain a double integral which, when ¢ = 0, 
would constitute a guasi-Fourier expansion of }W’(z) +4 ‘(a), and also single 
integrals involving values of yp, W’, y, at the boundaries. The additional terms 
required are then so chosen that, when they are differentiated twice, their 
integrands annul the integrands in the above single integrals except the terms 
which are requisite to make the Fourier expansions of 4¥/’’(z) +4 (2) valid 
at the boundaries. For the double integrals, being uniformly convergent at 
¢=0 (save near discontinuities in ~/(x) or y’(z)), remain uniformly conver- 
gent, save for isolated points, when each element is multiplied by e+“, and the 
Same must therefore be true when some or all of the differentiations are with 
respect to7. Thus the second derivates of the sum of ¢ and these added terms 
may be obtained by differentiation under the integral sign, except possibly at 
isolated instants when discontinuities in ~” or y’ reach a directly or after 
any number of reflexions. It will be assumed for the present that ~”, y’ are 
continuous; and it will be shown later that in the event of discontinuity the 
exceptions are only apparent. 

* Without any such addition tle operation in question would be admissible except at certain 
instants, one of which is t = 0. 

Orr— Extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourter Theorems. 21 

Now the additional terms cause, in the expression for ¢, II, to be replaced 
by an expression which differs from it by terms whose order is less by at least 
three than that of 7,(uc, +), (and only the term of the highest order is either 
unique or important). We may, indeed, and will, choose terms which cause 
2,0, to be replaced by 

Fy (ye, — 1) {pe p(b) — w*p’(b) + wow" (d) + ere *y (0) — ew? y'(b)} 

+ Bi (ue, x) (wet P(b) + wh’) + wep") + wey) + x’); 
and similarly, mutatis mutandis, for qIl,. The added terms are not precisely 
of the same type as (6), inasmuch as the numerator of their integrand includes 
powers of w with negative index. Denote by P;, P, the expressions which 
would thus replace ;I],, .[, respectively. 

We could add also to a¥., ete. terms which would permit of similar 
differentiations. It is easily verified directly that, m the case of ,V2, it 
would suffice to replace ,II, by ), and the numerator of the integrand of 
the portion which involves ,II, by 

OP Ay Baar =p) (we 4(a) = wY'(a) + woy"(a) + eX) - ey ()} 

+ eK Fy (ye, w) {uM (a) + pW’ (a) + pe?" (a) + wy (a) + wx (a) | Ik 
And we may and will replace this last expression by 
2Pq Ajo] An . (ent OF, (we, — a) — eX OP, (ue, )} 5 
for, bearing in mind that 
Py (uc,—p) — Fa(ue,p) = 2nP An, 

it is seen that the difference of the numerators of the integrands concerned 
contains the denominator of (16) as a factor, so that the difference of the 
integrals themselves reduces to an integral taken along a finite contour 
surrounding the zeros of A,, and the origin, and may therefore be differen- 
tiated under the sign of integration as often as is desired. These added 
terms, as far as the portion of ,Y, which involves ,II, is concerned, simply 
change II, into Pg Ay/An. 

It would therefore suttice to establish that, if, in equations (7) et seg., Yy is 
replaced by 

Jeri |e Ba(ue, =n) — e*°F, (ue, w) (Pall) 
+ fen?) Fi (uc, —) — #7) F, (ue, w)} (alla — Pa), + Denominator of (16) ( 
¥, by (22) 
Jet { 2p TA vo(P,—aL,) + (ale PaAre| Ais) ¢ 2? Foley) eH” Fre, 
+ Denominator of (16) | (23) 

and Y,, &., by similar expressions, z being eventually replaced by a, then 

22 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

the differentiations required in the left-hand members of these equations can 
be performed under the integral sign. And this can be shown to be true for 
the set of terms depending on values at the boundary b, and separately for 
the set depending on values at a. 

It is already known that, for all values of 2, ¢, each of the two parts of 
(22) can be differentiated once with respect to a or ¢ under the integral sign ; 
and it is to be proved that for «=a each can be so differentiated twice with 
respect to ¢ and for all values of ¢. And this will follow if it is shown that 
the integrals so obtained converge uniformly for all values of ¢ Now, when 
we do so differentiate, in the set of terms which involve PP; —;II,, on 

onc) Fi {uc, — x) — ee *) By (ue, 2) 
by 2u7'Ay,, the polynomial in the numerator is two dimensions lower than 
those in the denominator, irrespective of exponentials im the denominator, 
so that this part is uniformly convergent. And in the set of terms which 
involve ,II, — P, the integrand, after the double differentiation, is asympto- 
tically a multiple of ew *du, and therefore, as in the preceding, the integral 
is uniformly convergent. For (22) the desired result is therefore established. 

It has next to be proved that, for 2 = a, (23) can be differentiated twice 
with respect to ¢ under the integral sign; this follows if the integral so 
obtained converges uniformly for all values of ¢. This is true for the part 
which involves P,-,II, as wAy.(P; -2Il,) is four dimensions lower than 
the polynomials in the denominator. 

In the remaining part replace 

all, — Pa. dAv/An by (all2 = all. Ap/An) + Gl = Pa) Ap/An, 

and consider first the portion involving ,II, — alM,.Ay/An. The expression 
Ay, alle — Avqll, is the product of A, and another determinant; and the 
operation A, when performed on ¢#(?*) Fi(uc, — pw) - e*@) Fy (ue, w) makes 
it become identical, save for sign, with the denominator. For this portion, 
then, the contour may be replaced by a finite one which contains the zeros of 
A,,, and the integral is therefore uniformly convergent. As (,II,— Pz) Av/An 
is three dimensions lower than either polynomial in the denominator, the 
portion of the integrand which involves this expression is asymptotically a 
multiple of e°udu, and therefore, as before, this portion also of the integral 
is uniformly convergent. Thus the desired result has been established 
for (23). 

In the preceding it has been supposed that ~”’, ,’ have no internal 
discontinuities, and if there are such discontinuities it has not been made clear 
that the second derivates of @., Y2, etc., can be obtained by differentiation 
under the sign of integration at the instants when these discontinuities 
reach a directly or after reflexions. 

Orr— Extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier Theorems. 28 

If, however, we add to », in respect of each such discontinuity 2, the terms 
(477) [emt [ace — pw) — #4) Fr (ue, w)} 

[ Fa (ue, — ) eH) | — pp’ (an) + et y/(a1) | 
— Fy (uc, pw) #2) | w3'(ar) + rsy’(x:) |_| = {Denominator of (16) | (24) 

in which the vertical bars denote the increase which the expression between 
them receives as x increases through the discontinuity, and make corresponding 
additions to Y,, etc., the sum of @ and these terms can be differentiated twice 
everywhere with respect to ¢ under the integral sign; and the same is true of 
these terms themselves at 2 =a, since, when 
eu) (ue, = 7) = GA!) Ihr, (uC, 1) 

is replaced by 247'4,,, the polynomials in the numerator are four dimensions 
less than those in the numerator. Thus the instants referred to do not 
constitute real exceptions. 

Similarly for the equations which hold at the end 6. It must be borne in 
mind that the coefficient 7d/dx, which occurs in (7), appears with the opposite 
sign in the analogous equation at the end 0. 

ArT. 8. This Solution satisfies the Equation of Motion of the String. 

Finally ¢ satisfies the differential equation (12) at internal points. For the 
integral giving # can be differentiated twice under the integral sign, except 
at certain instants corresponding to those at which original discontinuities 
in ~” or x’ reach the point considered after any number of reflexions. 
(And if such discontinuities are to be considered, distinctions must be drawn 
between progressive and regressive derivates in the equation.) 

It should be noted that at the boundaries the differential equation (12) 
cannot be insisted on: it holds, however, except at certain instants. The 
integral obtained by differentiating @ under the integral sign twice with 
respect to ¢ is, of course, the same as that obtained by differentiating twice 
with respect to x, but, although when x =a, it is uniformly convergent for 
all values of ¢, yet, when ¢ is fixed, it is not uniformly convergent for all 
values of 2, and there are instants at which the failure occurs in the 
neighbourhood of a; one of these is ¢ = 0. 

If we regarded discontinuity as permissible in y’ or x at internal points, 
we could show by a similar artifice to that of the preceding sections that the 
differential equation (12), and also equations (7) e¢ seq., are satisfied, except at 
certain instants. In such a case, we add in respect of each such discontinuity 

24 Proceedings of the loyal Irish Academy. 

terms which permit differentiation twice under the integral sign. At excep- 
tional instants the differential equation has to be replaced by the condition 
which holds at a wave-front, i.e. that one of the two expressions 
cdp/dx + dp/dt 

is continuous; but, as the necessity for this condition can be established only 
by regarding discontinuity as a limiting case of rapid variation, too much 
importance might, in my judgment, be attached to its verification. 

If there is only one particle at each end, @ gives the complete solution. 
I have verified that, in the case considered by Lord Rayleigh, it agrees with 

Art. 9. Application to a Problem in Heat-Conduction. 

A problem which admits of a solution closely following that just obtained 
is that of the flow of heat in a system consisting of a conducting bar, and at 
each end a number of masses, each of one temperature throughout, and 
exchanging heat with one another according to the law that the rate of 
heat transference between any two is proportional to the difference in their 
temperatures, as well as radiating according to the usual law. 

The modifications which have to be made in the expressions (16), (17), (18), 
in order to obtain the temperatures of any point of the rod and of typical 
particles at each end, seem so obvious that, in view of the length of the 
expressions, it appears unnecessary to give them. 

There is, however, one point of difficulty to which I may allude. It may 
be held that there is here no physical reason for requiring the original 
temperature distribution, ~, to be continuous; and, if we permit internal 
discontinuity, there is some difficulty in showing that the differential 
equation, which now assumes the form 

doldt = &d*/da*, (25) 
and the boundary equations which now replace (7) ef seg., are satisfied 
initially.” If the time factor is now taken to be e°°*!, the characteristic 
values of »”, when large, have negative real parts which increase indefi- 
nitely ; and so, for all positive values of ¢, all integrals which enter into the 
solution are so highly convergent, that they may be differentiated under the 
integral sign as often as is desired; but this does not apply initially. 

One method of surmounting this difficulty is as follows:—We may add 
to p, as given by the equation which now replaces (16), terms in respect of 
each discontinuity in ~ which will permit the sum to be differentiated under 
the integral sign, twice with respect to z, or once with respect to ¢. 

* This point appears to be frequently overlooked. 

Orr—Exrtensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel- Fourier Theorems. 25 

Considering a single discontinuity 2, such a term is, save as to a constant 
factor, of the form* 

; enrerty diy [nore (ue, 22 1) — ee(ea) Fr (ue, u)} 
{eu (1-2) BY, (u2c?, - nm) + eH(ti-) ff, (We, m)} 
= {enOF, (ute, w) Ha (uie’, — wo) — eo Fy (n2c®, — w) Fa (uie’, 1)} I (26) 

This is suitable when the value of 2 to be considered is less than a, For 
x >, we would take the expression obtainable from this by interchanging 
a, bin the numerator. Now, it would evidently establish that the boundary 
equations at a, and the differential equation (25) are satisfied by ¢, Vo, &c., if 
we could show that initially, for ~ < a, (26), its first and second space- 
derivates, and its first time-derivate, are each zero. ‘This is, in fact, true of it 
and all its derivates. 

Initially (26) vanishes for all values for which « <,, and therefore so also 
do all its space-derivates. In order to show that the same is true of its time- 
derivates, I proceed to examine to some extent the values of (26), and of these 
derivates when ¢ is small but not zero. These derivates may, as we have seen 
when ¢ is positive, be obtained by differentiation under the integral sign; and 
thus, in the case of any one or of (26) itself, we have, on performing the 
multiplications indicated in the numerator, to deal with four integrals, each 
of the type 

| {em?e2t-uy F(4)du/Denominator of (26)}, (27) 

where F(x) is an algebraic function, and b-a>y>a-—b6. Evidently the 
parts of the contour for which the real ;-arts of ? are infinitely great and 
negative contribute nothing to (27), provided the path avoids the zeros of 
the denominator. Evidently, also, the remaining path may, when ¢ is less 
than some finite quantity depending on y, be replaced by two infinite straight 
lines parallel to the axis of imaginaries and passing through the points 
w= (6-a+y)/2cte, pp =- (b-a—y)/2ct 
respectively. The integral along the former may be expressed in the form 
— 1, (Ct) 4 e O-aty)?/sert [ onal (1) du 
tien P= OPO (n) 
where 6, ¢ are algebraic functions involving fractions, and 
w= ct? —i(b-a+y)/2. 
It is evident that, if we select any fixed quantity / less than unity, we can 
choose ¢ so small that, for it and all smaller values of ¢, the modulus of the 

* Corresponding additions, whose form should be obvious, must be made to V2, Ys, ete. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. A. [4] 

26 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acudemy. 

denominator of (28) exceeds k everywhere along the line of integration, and, 
having regard to the actual form of 6, that the modulus of @(u) is less than 
Cu", where C, h are constants. From this we can readily deduce that (28) is 
less than 
a constant x a power of ¢ x e@-atw)?/tc2t, (29) 

But this diminishes indefinitely compared with ¢; and similarly for the integral 
along the other line: hence, initially, all the time-derivates of (26) are zero. 

A few words of caution seem desirable here. If U denotes the expression 
(26), the argument that dU/dt, for example, is initially zero, is not that it 
diminishes indefinitely with ¢, but that (U;— U,)/t does so; and so on. 

Discontinuity in ~ causes a similar difficulty initially, and it may be 
surmounted in a similar fashion. 

Art. 10. Reference to another Class of Physical Problems to which Similar 
Expansions apply. 

I have considered also to some extent the application of the expansions 
to problems of the type which originally suggested them (see Art. 1, Part I. of 
the former paper), but for which the method is not well suited. In such cases, 
in the expansion which now corresponds to (5), we must continue the series of 
terms relating to a as far as those containing ~”?)(a), \-(a), and change 
“of index (p—1) and (p~ 2)” into “of index + 0”; similarly, mutatis mutandis, 
for b: usually, q =p. 

Art. 11, Reference to the corresponding Modification of the Trigonometrical 
Integral Expansion. 

The manner in which the integral theorems of Part L., Art. 1, of the 
former paper should be modified like the sum theorem so as to obtain an 
expansion satisfying equations analogous to (1), (2) will, I think, be obvious. 
The exponential notation is more convenient than the trigometrical in which 
the integral theorems were first stated. And it seems on the whole preferable 
to add the contour integral (3)* to the contour integral in (11)* and take half 
the sum. When the notation is then changed to the exponential, the integral 
theorem is exhibited as a limiting form of (5) of the present paper obtained 
by making 6 infinite and a zero, 

It should also be obvious that terms analogous to (6), but whose form it 
seems unnecessary to state explicitly, may be added. 

The application to physical problems analogous to those just discussed 
presents no further difficulty. 

* These numbers refer to the former paper. 

Orn— Extensions of Fouricr’s and the Bessel-Fourier Theorems. 27 

Art. 12. The corresponding Modification of the Expansions in Bessel Functions, 
and application to a Physical Problem. 

Proceeding next to similar modifications of the Bessel sum and integral 
theorems of the former paper, it will, I think, suffice to consider the problem 
in Physical Mathematics analogous to that discussed in Articles 5-8. 

Let, then, the differential equation (12) be replaced by 

@o/dr + ridoldr — nr" = c*d’p/dt?, (30) 
the other conditions to be satisfied being expressed as in Article 5, except 
that 7 now replaces x This would apply to the vibrations of a circular or 
annular elastic lamina whose boundaries are not fixed, but connected by 
elastic membranes devoid of mass to a series of concentric rings which offer 
no resistance to being bent out of their planes.* 

The solution is comprised in the typical equations 

j== ny | out E (ue, d/di) { Ky (ut) Kr (wren!) — K(waer’) Kn (ur) 

/, By(ue,d/db)| K, (ub) K,(upe™)— K,(ube™) Kn(up)} (pp (p) +6 X(p)} pdp+ inal 
— tn all, Fy (uc, d/db)| Ky (ub) Kn (ure) — K, (ube™) Kn (ur)} 

=) B,(ue, dida) K, (wa) Fs (ue, d]db) K;, (ube) 

— P, (ue, dfda) K, (uaer) F (ue, d/db) K, (ut)| I (31) 

oY. =m) | ettdy | Joa 
|. ia ed /db)| Kd) Kul uper?)— Ky (ube). (up) \neL(p) +e *x(p)\e7e— mals} 

+ Gqlls Fy (uc, a/b) | K, (ub) Ku (ure™) — Ky (ube) Ka (ur)} r= 

+ Denominator of G1) |. (32) 
Sie my |ady| TB. 
[, iF, (ue, d/da){ K, (ua) Ky, (upe™)-K,, (uae) E,.(up)} {ub(p) +e y(e)| pdp+malli 

+ 7,112 Py (ue, d/da) {K, (ua) K,, (ure 3) - K, (uae"') KK, (ur)} ral 

+ Denominator of (31). (33) 

 * 'The equation which now replaces (7) would present itself more naturally in a form in which 7' 
is replaced by a7. 


28 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

When z is not an integer, the integrands in these equations may be 
expressed in a form which, perhaps, is more familiar, by the aid of equations 
of the type 
K,,(2) K,.(ye") — K,, (xe) K,.(y) = iv? (2 sin ny? (Ln (@) Ln (y) -— Ln (#) In (y)} 

= in? (2 sin nz) 7 { J, (12) I-n(ty) — Jn (02) J, (ty) 1. 

The solution may be verified by arguments* following as closely as possible 
those used in connexion with the problem of Article 5. 

In connexion with those steps in the proof which require the integral 
in p to be integrated by parts it may be convenient to introduce a repeated 
integral involving Bessel functions, viz., that value of 

fif... (de)2K,(e) or 7(2sinnzy? fff... (dx)'z(Z,.@) — L.(@)) 
which, for arguments of « between - 37/2 and + 37/2 exclusive, is 
asymptotically of the form (—)*(7z/2)te~. 

Art. 13. Hxpansions applicable to Vibrations of Elastic String itself subject 
to Viscous Forces. 

The theorems which have been given in this paper and in the preceding 
may be extended to give expansions in terms of the functions which are 
appropriate to the vibrations of systems similar to those already discussed, 
in cases where the whole system is subject to viscous forces of the usual type, 
and probably other expansions of less physical interest. 

Suppose that the problem of Article 5 is altered by having equation (12) 
replaced by 

ad o/dt? = ed*¢/dx — fdp/dt + gd*o/dxdt, (34) 
wherein the second term in the right-hand member is due to a resisting force 
proportional to the absolute velocity, and the third to forces in each cross- 
section resisting shear and proportional to the rate of shearing; also by 
altering the last term of the coefficient of Y, in (7) to 

—o(¢ + gD)d/dz, 
where o denotes the linear density ; of course oc* equals 7’, the tension. 
The type-solution of (34) is e#*”4, where 

v= Op” — fu + gen, 

ay 2 2 2 2 2)2 o- 
v= Fou — f+ gu —f) + dee", (35) 

and the characteristic values of », »v are determined by 
ehh O RY, 1) Balu, — w) — & OOF (v, — w) Fa(v, 1) (36) 

in conjunction with (35). 

* I have not, however. examined the case in which a is zero. 

Orr—Ertensions of Fourter’s and the Bessel- Fourier Theorems. 29 

Corresponding to every value of u, whether characteristic or not, (35) gives 
two values of »; and it will usually be convenient to distinguish between them. 
I shall use the plus sign with the radical to denote that root whose argument 
is half that of (gu? - f)? + 4c*u?, and I shall denote the corresponding v by 1; 
the other value of » I shall denote by ».. We shall consider large values of 1, 
other than characteristic ones, and for all such we have the asymptotic equations 

n= pe—f+ ely, (37) 
v= — Clg, (38) 
in which the errors are of the order p°. 

The characteristic values of u may be divided into two sets associated 
respectively with characteristic values of » of the types 1, v2, and for each 
set we evidently have asymptotic equations of the form 

p= + mri/(b —- a), (39) 
where m is any large positive integer. The errors in these equations are of 
order not exceeding m=. 

The successive characteristic values of » of type 1 thus tend to have 
negative real parts which increase indefinitely, and those of type v2 tend to a 
real negative limit. 

There are four values of « which are branch-points for v, viz.: those for 
which (gu? — f)? + 4c’u? vanishes. 

Taking the determinant A,, let us form from it the elements of another 
column by an extension of the method by which the elements (13), etc., 
were obtained. Expressing A,(D) in the form 

AP) f(D) fis(D) . - - 
GAD) FD) PD). (40) 
Su(D) = MD? + kyD + Ay - « (2 + gD)d/dz, (41) 
let us write down 

(¢ + gv) fu(D) = € + gD) ful?) Tae (¢ + gv) f(D) — (¢ + gD) fra(v) 

in which 

D wet hy, D — wv Ya 
2 EOD) EO) (42) 
D sD: 
(¢ + gv) fu(D) — (2 + gD) falv) C+ gv) f(D) — (+ gD) fal) 1 
D= x ee D-y ee 
a (2 + gv) fal (¢ + gD) fos (v) ee (43) 

ete., and afterwards replace each Dy by the corresponding ». 

30 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

These expressions are respectively 
(Mev + ke’ = Ang) + Migy + 6) + (Mye?v + ke —A 29) y2+ Wh gvt+e)v+... 
(Maye?v + kaye? = Xorg) yr. + Magu + 6?) 0, + (Mare?v + heaoe? = Noxg) Yo + Maa (gv + 6?) 02+ ..., 
etc. They are the analogues not of (15), etc., but of those expressions each 
multiplied by c. They are to be used instead of (13) e¢ seg. in forming the 
determinants lh, gll., ete. 
The solution of the problem is contained in the typical equations 

= Chri’ | entay | {oH Bulan — n) — RCo.) 
| {eH\") Fi, (vy, = fy) — eit) Fr, (v1, )} {rraip (7) = x (wv) ‘du + Qu HT (vs) 

= 2p ally (0) {OX Far, = w) =e” F( uf 

= (ay = v2) fe#@) By (vw) Fa(ri, — a) — HO Fy (v1, — pw) Fa(rn, ) | 

+a term derived from this by interchanging 1, v2; (46) 
Ve=(dmiy [ergy Dra Gin te) Abel On) 
I. (Ful, <p) (0, who 0) — x6) du + Qa (| 
— Qu all. (1) {8% Fy(r4, — w) — €#2 Fi, (v1, 2)} 22a; + Denominator of (46) 
+a term derived from this by interchanging 1, v2; (47) 

pV. = — (4ert) Jovan, | 20 (gry st *) By (1) 

|| Lente Balan, — pw) — eH Fann 1} Lvab(ae) — x(w)} dt = 2a of (0) | 

— 2 pT (11) {eH Fa (vy, — pp) — CHF #11, w)} 2-5 | + Denominator of (46) | 
+a term derived from this by interchanging 1, v2. (48) 

The contour is again an infinite closed one surrounding the origin and 
which, of course, avoids the zeros of the denominator. 

In view of the length of this paper it seems unnecessary to give the 
verification. One point to be borne in mind in it is that gv, +c is a small 
quantity of order mw. 

If we prefer it, the two terms in (46), (47), or (48), may be combined into 
one integral taken along a continuous path. In the integrand in the first 
term substitute for »;, v, in terms of w; then let either value of the radical 

Orr —Exlensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier Uheorems. 31 

be taken initially. Integrate this integrand alone along a path consisting of, 
(i) a closed contour surrounding the origin and everywhere at infinity, 
(ii) a contour having the same beginning and end as (i), but enclosing one and 
only one of the branch-points, (iii) the contour (i) again, (iv) the contour (11) 
reversed. This will give the same result; for in (ii) the final value of the 
radical is equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to the initial, so that the 
contours (i) and (iii) give the previous results and the integrals along (ii) and 
(iv) cancel each other. 

In reducing the preceding integrals to sums of residues we may first 
draw small contours round each of the branch-points, and then join each of 
these contours to some common point in the plane by curves which do not 
pass through any zero of the denominator. The sum of the two terms in 
(46), for example, reduces to the sums of the residues arising from both 
terms due to all zeros of the denominators other than the branch-points, 
taken along with the integrals of both terms along the small contours 
surrounding the branch-points ; for along the curves joining these contours 
to the common point the integral from the first term and that from the 
second cancel each other. The integrals along the small contours are zero 
unless the branch-points themselves are roots of the characteristic equation. 

Art. 14. A Circular or Annular Membrane, itself subject to Viscous Forces. 

We may similarly modify the problem of §12 by introducing viscous 

forces in the lamina itself. In that case (34) is replaced by 
(C/dr* + rd/dr — n*r*) (ep + gdo/dt) = @¢/dt? + fdp/dt, (49) 
and type-solutions are 
p = eK, (+ mr), 

where the equation connecting p, v is identical with (35). 

The solution may be obtained by modifying that of §12 in a fashion 
sunilar to that in which the solution of §5 has been modified to give that of 
§ 13: it seems unnecessary to actually give it. 

Art. 15, The above Solutions agree with those found by aid of the characteristic 
Property of Normal Functions. 

Returning to the problem of Arts. 5-8, the form of equation (16) suggests 
the following theorem :—Ii ¢, Y, denote the displacements in any one funda- 
mental motion having the time-factor e#, and if the same letters with dashes 
denote the corresponding quantities in any other fundamental mode, then 

T(w+p')| op’de + all (u, Ya) Go/An(u) + oll (u, Ys) qo/Bu(u) =0, (50) 

32 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

where II,(u, Y’) denotes the value of TI,(u) when each y, v, is replaced by the 
corresponding Y’,dY’/dt. This equation is obtainable directly, and by its 
aid the normal coordinates which constitute the coefficients of the separate 
terms in the series of residues which is equivalent to the right-hand member 
of (16) may be obtained in the usual manner by integration. 

The analogous equation applicable to the problem of Art. 12 differs only 
in having in the first term dw in the integrand replaced by rd, and in having 
the second and third terms multiplied by a, } respectively. 

The forms of the analogous equations in the corresponding problems of 
Heat-Conduction should be obvious. 

Again, in the problem of Art. 13, the form of the right-hand member of (46) 
suggests the equation analogous to (50), which may be written in the form 

a(Cf+e(viv)+gvr’)| pp'dx + al (v, Y’a)ba/An(v) + othi(v, Y%) po/Bul(v) = 0, 
ie (51) 
in which » may be either 1, or v2, and v’ either v’; or v’. This equation, also, 
may be verified directly. 

And, to obtain the corresponding equation for the problem of Art. 14, we 
again simply in (51) replace in the first term dz by rdr, and multiply the 
second and third terms by a, 6 respectively. 

In the case of each of the six problems alluded to, I have verified that 
the solutions obtained by the two methods agree. It must be borne in mind 
that, in the Fourier solutions given above for the problems of Arts. 13, 14, 
each term occurs twice. 


By REV. M. F. EGAN, W.A., 

Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at University College, Dublin. 

Read Frrruary 13. Published Junu 24, 1911. 

1. Summary, 5 é F . 33 vir. Metrical Results, . , 7 61 
ir. Generalities, . : 35 a 
mi. Extension of a Tinecrern of vit. P-Quintics, : 0 C 64 
EN $ i 2 : ge 1x. Asymptotic Lines of Ruled Sur- 
tv. Rationa] P-Curves, . e 6 38 faces belonging to a Linear 
yv. Algebraic P-Curves, 0 43 Congruence, b : 0 65 
vi. Sufficient Conditions that an ; ] F 
Algebraic Curve should belong x. The P-Quintic with a Bitangent . 69 
toa Linear Complex, . i 47 


THE class of twisted curves with which this paper deals is characterized by 
the property that the class of each cycle of the curve is equal to its degree. 
These curves are called P-cwrves in the paper. 

In section 1 it is shown that every curve whose tangents belong to a 
linear complex is a P-curve. 

Sections Iv, V, VI, and vil are the result of an attempt to prove that all 
algebraic P-curves belong by their tangents to a linear complex. This I have 
found not to be the case. 

In section Iv rational P-curves are discussed, the homogeneous point- 
coordinates (a) and plane-coordinates (a) being represented by polynomials 
in a parameter ¢, It is shown that the class of a P-curve is equal to its 
degree, and that such a curve is characterized by one of a number of 
equivalent identical equations. If we write 

qd” dl” , 
= am Ui an ME = (mn), («= 1, 2, 3, 4), 
one of these identities is 

©) = 

In section v these resuits are extended to algebraic P-curves. It is 
R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. A. [5] 

34 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

shown that the class of the curve is equal to the degree, and that the coordi- 
nates can be represented by two sets of four “rational” functions of the 
analytic point ¢ on a Riemann surface, all the functions having the same 
poles, and neither set of four having a common zero: these functions satisfy 
the identities of the preceding section. 

Tn section VI it is shown that the necessary and sufficient condition that 
an algebraic P-curve should belong to a linear complex can be written in 
either of the equivalent forms 

(33) = 0, 
W, = Sa;(8)«;(4) + Sa;(t)z;(8) = 0 
(for all positions of the points ¢ and @ on the curve). 

Two corollaries follow. (1) An algebraic curve, which is such that the 
osculating plane at a point A will meet the curve again at B if the osculating 
plane at B passes through A, belongs to a linear complex. (2) Every P-curve 
of the fifth or lower degree belongs to a linear complex. 

Section vil is chiefly metrical. Considerable use is made of two theorems 
on curves of a linear complex communicated to the writer by Professor 
M‘Weeney of University College, Dublin. From one of these an expression 
is deduced for the curvature of a complex curve in terms of the torsion and 
its first two differential coefficients. -By means of this the equations are 
found of the most general cylindrical helix belonging to a linear complex. 
From the second the value of the torsion of an algebraic P-curve is deduced 
in terms of the parameter ¢ used in the preceding sections. By means of this 
expression the conditions (33)=0, W,=0 for a complex curve are inter- 
preted geometrically. It is found that a P-sextic will belong to a linear 
complex if it contains a point of one of three given species. 

In section yu the higher singularities of P-quintics are discussed. In 
section Ix some of Pittarelli’s results on the asymptotic lines of ruled 
surfaces of a linear complex are given, with some additions. These lead to 
the discussion in section x of the properties of the P-quintic with a bitangent. 

It may not be out of place to point out that the letter chosen to represent 
this special class of curves is the initial of M. Picard’s name. These curves 
are characterized by what we may call the generalized Picard theorem (see 
section 111); they owe M. Picard a debt, and can claim a relationship with 

Kean—Linear Complex, und a certain class of Twisted Curves. 35 

1. If the point («) and the plane (a) are specified by the coordinates 
x, ai, (i = 1, 2, 3, 4), the Pliicker coordinates of the line (zy) or (a/3) are the 
two sets of twelve numbers 

altey a; a; 
Lp = Cul ; 
Yi Ys BiB; 
Dig = — Djis By = — By. 
A linear complex is defined by 
Lay pi=0; or Sazax = 0; (1) 

the a; being constants such that aj + a; = 0. 

2, The properties of curves whose tangents belong to a linear complex 
have been studied by Appell (Annales de Ecole Normale, 1876, pp. 245 sq.); 
Picard (ibid., 1877); Koenigs (Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse, 
1887); Lie (v. “Geometrie der Berithrungstransformationen,” ch. 6, § 4, where 
other references are given). 

A short account of these curves is given by Jessop (“Treatise on the Line 
Complex,” pp. 47-50). Other references are given in the course of this paper. 

3. M, Appell has shown that the osculating plane at a point on such a 
curve is the polar plane of the poimt with respect to the complex. From this 
it follows that the plane-coordinates of an element are proportional to linear 
functions of the point-coordinates. In fact, taking (x) as the point on the 
curve and (y) a variable point, the polar plane of (~) with respect to the 
complex (1) is 

Day (yt; — Y;%i) = 0. 
Hence the coordinates of the osculating plane (a) at («) satisfy the 

Ag, Bz + Ag, L3 + Ay, Ly (by. + Ag2h3 + Ayn Ds 

= ee (2) 

a, a2 

where aj = — ji. 

It follows that the class of the curve is equal to its degree; and further, 
that if the curve has a singularity at a point, expressed in a given form in 
terms of the %;, it will have at the same point the singularity represented by 
similar expressions in terms of the a; 


4, There are in general on a curve in space a certain number of points at 
which the osculating plane has stationary (four-point) contact with the curve. 
The tangent line at such a point may meet the curve in two or in three conse- 
cutive points. M. Picard has shown (Joc. cit.) that if the curve belongs (by its 


36 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

tangents) to a linear complex, the tangent line at such a point has three-point 
contact with the curve, as in the case of an inflexion on a plane curve. Such 
a point we shall term an inflexion in the course of this paper. 

5. M. Picard’s theorem may be extended to higher singularities as 
follows :— 

Tf at a point P on a curve belonging to a linear complex the curve has p, 4, T 
consecutive points in common with the oseulating plane, the tangent, and an 
arbitrary plane through P respectively, then shall 

p=qit. (3) 

To prove this, we take the osculating plane at P as z, = 0, the plane at 
infinity as z,=0, the plane through the tangent at P, and the pole Q of the 
plane at infinity with respect to the complex as z, = 0, and any other plane 
through PQ as z; = 0. 

The equation of the complex will be of the form 

Gis Pis + Gos Pos =O. « 
For a tangent to the curve we can write 
pg = 0; dx; — x; dz; . So8 = 
hence the coordinates (x) of a point on the curve satisfy the equation 
— Oh, 2, + Os (£2 dr, — £3 #2) = 0, 
when we have put m=1, dxy=0. 

Now in the neighbourhood of P, in virtue of what is given, we can express 
the coordinates of a point on the curve in series of ascending powers of a 
parameter 7 in the form 

rae oe ees 

Ty — OL ee 
mad +... @) 
a (abe +0, p>q>7)! 

Substituting these values in the differential equation satisfied by the curve, 
the terms of lowest degree on the left-hand side are 
— dy, apt — an be (g — 7) 4. 
We must therefore have, if the equation is to be satisfied identically, 
p= qe 7 

6. This form of the proof is probably the simplest that can be given; it is 
substantially the same as that given by M. Picard for the restricted form of 
the theorem (p= 4, g =3, r=1). 

The argument may, however, be put in another form, which has the advan- 
tage of showing that the theorem is only a particular case of the reciprocal 
property mentioned above (11). It also introduces considerations to which we 
shall have occasion to recur, 

Eoan—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 37 

The tetrahedron of reference being that already chosen, the osculating 
plane at the point (2) is 

Os (*” at 2) + Cs (Ye Xs — Y3 x2) = 0, 

the y; being running coordinates. 
Hence the equations (2) become 

a) Ae a3 a4 

Aig Ags Xs — Ag3 Lg — Ay Ly 

and hence, in the neighbourhood of P, by equations (4), 

axa, = 002 +... 

aja, = ct +... 



as/a, = at? + higher powers, | 

Now, the equation of the osculating plane can also be written in the form 

4H Y2 Ys Ys 

Gi “Ob BPs bh i 

x 5 es 3 Fr DAiy; = 0, (5a) 
Cy Gp ti Oh 

@ 2 @3 wy 

the dots denoting differentiation with respect to ¢. If we substitute for the 2; 
and their derivatives the values given by (4), we see at once that 4,, A2, As, Ay 
are of orders g+r—3, pt+r-3, pt+q-—3, p+qt+r-—38 respectively in ¢; 
and hence we can write 

A,/A, = at + higher powers, 

Ali Aly = WE? & 5 6 0 . (6) 

Mlfaly, = OPES 5 5 oy 

Now the A; are proportional to the aj, being the coordinates of the same 
plane; hence 4;/A;=a;/a,, and the equations (6) are therefore the same as 
the equations (5), which involves the result stated. 

This second form of the proof may be thus summarized:—The c/ass of a 
singularity P on a curve, ie. the number of osculating planes coincident with 
that at P, which can be drawn through an arbitrary point in the osculating 
plane at P,is p—g. The degree of the singularity, ie. the number of points 
coincident with P in which the curve is met by an arbitrary plane through P, 
is r. If the curve belongs to a complex, the degree and the class of the 
singularity are equal, and hence p—g=7. 

7. The equations (4) represent a cycle with 7 branches, of degree 7 and 
class p—g. The theorem of this section may be stated thus :—The degree of 
any cycle of the curve is equal to rts class. 

38 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


8. We shall use the term P-cwrve to denote a curve at every point of 
which p -q-v7 vanishes: in other words, a curve of which every cycle has 
its degree equal to its class. Every curve belonging to a linear complex is a 
P-curve; but the converse is only true, as we shall see, when the degree of 
the curve is less than six. 

9, A rational curve of the nth degree is specified by four polynomials in #, 
x; (t) (4 = 1, 2, 3, 4), which are proportional to the homogeneous coordinates 
of a point on the curve. The polynomials z; have no common factor. The 
coordinates of the osculating plane will be proportional to four polynomials 
a; (#), whose degree JV is equal to the class of the curve. 

We shall need the determinants 

Dez | xi xe wy 2; | 9 
A= | a; a; a; a; |. 
In the neighbourhood of any point 4, we can write, by changing the 
tetrahedron of reference and putting ¢ for ¢ -%, 

t= aP +a Pir... 

Y= b+... 

iG > (7) 
Of = GY FP 0.50 
ys =adt+dt+...(p>gq>r>O0, abedt0 

where the y; are linear functions of the z;. It is easily seen that the deter- 
minant D(y) has a zero of order p+q+7—-—6 atthe point. Again, D(y)/D 
= const.; hence D has a zero of order p+qg+7r-6 at every point where this 
number is greater than zero (its value at an ordinary point of the curve is 
zero, and it is never negative). 

Again, at the point 4, let 9; be the transformed plane coordinates corre- 
sponding to ¥;, the (3; being equal to linear functions of the a;. From equations (6) 
we see that /3,/(3:, 8;/(3;, 2//3. are of orders p, p-—7, p—q respectively in ¢. 
Again, 8; cannot have a zero at the point, otherwise the 9; would all vanish 
at the point, and the new tetrahedron of reference would vanish also. Hence 
we can write 

[Oi Si 0h, Ge oo | 

(Co = Qe oo: 

2 p P 
[Oy = OPP 6s se : ) 
[Gy SAP Be oo 05 hy Oy Cy, + 0 ) 

and the determinant A ((), and therefore A, will have a zero of order 

p+(p-7)+(p-qg -6 = 3p-q-7 -6 
at the point. 

Eoan—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 39 

For a P-curve the two numbers p+q+7-6 and 3p—q-7r—6 are equal 
at. every point to 2» — 6. It follows that D and A have the same roots, and 
therefore A/D=k, where kis a constant. 

Conversely, if D = kA, our reasoning shows that p=9+7 at every point; 
the property is therefore peculiar to P-curves. 

10. If we choose the parameter ¢ so that the point ¢= © is an ordinary 
point on the curve, the degrees of D and A are respectively 4n —12 and 
4N—-12. Hence the class of a rational P-curve 1s equal to its degree. 

Again, we have 4n -12 = 23(p - 3); (9) 
and hence, to generalise the theorem (due to M. Picard) that a rational curve 
belonging to a linear complex has 2n —6 inflexions, we must count a (p, q, 7) 
point as equivalent to p — 3 inflexions. 

11. For a P-curve, every root of D (or A) is of even multiplicity (2% — 6); 
hence D is the square of a polynomial of order 2n - 6. To find this polynomial, 
we write 

a” a; dx; 
> ais aia = (mn). 

Multiplying the determinants D and A by the ordinary rule, and 

remembering that, since (a) is the osculating plane at (a), 

(00) = (01) = (20) = (02) = (11) = (20) =0,... (10) 
kD? = DA = (03) (12) (21) (30). 
If we differentiate the last three of the equations (10), we find 
(03) = - (12) = (21) =- (80)... . (ih) 

we find 

bP = (03)... . (12) 
The required polynomial is therefore (03), aside from a constant factor. 
The identity (12) is obviously equivalent to kD =A, and is therefore peculiar 
to P-curves. 
12. Again, we have 

ay, a a2 = 2 Daz; f (03) 
aD/ea, OD/ea. ~~ D 
(04) _ (04) | 
ri | 0 hy @; 2 | D 
D_ (04) 
Hence = (03) 

In like manner ; = aay = 8) 0 

40 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Hence the condition : : 
A=kD, or A/A=D[D, 

is equivalent to the condition 
(04) + (40)=0.... 
If we differentiate the equations (11), we see that this is equivalent to 
(18) + (81) =0, (22) =0; 
and any one of these three equations involves the other two. Differentiating 
the three, we infer that 
(05) + (50) = (14) + (41) = (28) + (32) = 0. 

13. There is another form in which the condition for a P-curve may be 

put. Let 

PGF = Giles = oj Bi, Aj; =a; aj = a; ai 
be the point and plane coordinates of the tangent at (w), Then all the 
fractions Aj;/X;; are equal, if we suppose that 7,7, k,/ are 1, 2, 3,4, taken 
in order, so that 7>7, and />k or <k, according as & +7 is even or odd. 
Let these fractions be equal to pu, so that 
Ary = pX;i;, 
then é é 
Ay = pray a px iz. 
Now, if the curve is a P-curve, the equations 
(00) = (22) =0 
show that the line joining the two points (x) and (#) lies in the two planes 
(a) and (a). Hence the fractions 
ax ay — arate _ An 
Rt; — Bei Xie 
are all equal, say to A. Hence 
Alp = ais 
Hence { : . 
AXig = wij + BXiz, — Xij|Xiz = b/(u - A). < 
It follows either that all the fractions X;,/%:; are equal, and therefore 
that the ratios of the Y;; are constant, or else that 
w=, w=0. 
The first supposition is inadmissible, and therefore, for a P-curve, pu is 
constant. Conversely, if w is constant, we have 
An = wXi;, 
which shows that the line whose plane-coordinates are Aj; is identical with 

the line whose point-coordinates are Ke this shows that the plane (a) 
and the point (#) are incident, and hence (22) = 0, 

E@an—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 41 

14. To summarize the properties we have shown to belong to a rational 
P-curve :— 
(1) The class is equal to the degree. 
(2) S(p=3) = 2n - 6. 
(8) The curve is characterized by the following identities, any one of which 
involves the others :— 
@) p-q-r=0; 
(6) A=kD; 
(c) AD = (03); 
(d) (22) =0, from which follows 
(e) (mn) +(nm)=0, (ir +n < 6); 
(f) w= An/Xi; = const. 

Nors.—We shall see in the next section that, for an algebraic P-curve, we can represent the 
coordinates #; and ai by functions of order , rational on a Riemann surface, and having their poles 
in common ; and for these the equations (13) will hold. 

Note on the General Rational Curve. 

15. For any rational curve we can write 
w= Daj; An / Sa; Xi; = AX, 
where the a; are arbitrary constants. It is easily verified from equations (7) 
and (8) that, at a point with the characteristic numbers p, ¢, 7, 4d and XY have 
zeros of order 7-1 and p—q-—1 respectively. ‘The other zeros of Y are the 
points where the tangent belongs to the complex ai; pi;= 0, and these are 
also zeros of A. Removing these, we find 
w= hOe- aya @=t,)P = kW -t)2"2, . . . (a) 
ts s 

where the continued product applies to all points 7, at which either 7 or p—q 

is greater than unity. 

DIA = ke Tl (G = Do OE e) = ke Tl (é = ts) (a) = hes we. sees (8) 
Hence kyp2 = D?/DA = D*/(03)', w = ks D/(08)*. . . . (y) 

A and X are respectively of degrees 2V-2 and 2n-2 in?#, Nandn 
being the class and degree of the curve. The order of y for? —> co is therefore 
2(N-n). Hence 

B@tr—p)=2(N-7n).... (8) 
Again, (@3)t = DA = kT = ts)", 
hence (03) = BOG 2)... (c) 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. A. [6] 

42 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

It follows that D and A each contain (03) as a factor, since the exponents 
of (¢-¢,) in Dand A, namely p+q+7r-6 and 3p-q-7- 6, are each at 
least equal to p — 3. 

The degree of (03) is seen tobe N+n-6 by writing 0=7¢+(0-7) in 
Xa; (¢) a; (0) and expanding in powers of (0-7). We find that (@—7)° divides 
Sa; (t) 2; (0), and that 

Sa; (¢) %; (0)/(0 —¢)> = (03)/3! + (0-2) G, 
where Gis finite or zero for 0=¢. The left-hand side is of degrees V — 3, 
nm —3 in ¢ and @ respectively. Hence, putting #= 7%, we find that (03) is of 
degree V+n- 6. 

Hence S(p- 38) = N+n-6. 
If we write a=p-3, k=q-2, p=r-1, we have 
So =Nin-6, | 
S(k+p —a) = 2N - 2n; (Z) 
hence 3(k+p)=3N-n-6. | 

For a P-curve these results coincide with those already found.* 

The n- 3, n-3 Relation on a Curve of a Linear Complex. 

16. If the osculating plane at a pomt A on a curve of a linear complex 
passes through another point & on the curve, that at B will pass through A. 
AB will be a line of the complex. If the curve is a rational n - 1%, the para- 
meters of A and B are connected by a symmetric » — 3, n — 3 relation, say, 

VY@O) = O 
V(é,t) will vanish at the pomts where p> 3. It is of degree 2n — 6, and is 
easily seen to be equal to (03), apart from a numerical factor. In fact, 
V(t, 0) = Sa; (t) x; (8)/(0 - 7). 
Hence VG@,t) = Lt VE 0) =(03)/3! 

It follows that V(¢,¢) has a zero of order p — 3 at a point ¢, where p > 3. 
Again, it is easily seen that V(t, t,) has a zero of the same order at ¢,. 
For if we write ¢ = 7, + (¢—-¢,) and expand a;(¢) in powers of (¢-¢,), we find 
V(t.) = (03),/3!+ (£-¢,) (04), /41+... 
Now at the point ¢, we have 
(00) = (01) = (02) =... (Om) =0, (m=p-1), (Op) +0, 
which proves the proposition. 

* A number of questions connected with non-linear cycles on twisted curves are treated by 
W. A. Versluys in three papers:—Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Amsterdam, 
vol. viii. (1905), p. 498 ; and vol. ix. (1906), p. 364 (English series). Archives du Musée de Teyler, 
Haarlem, sér. 2, vol. x. (1907), pp. 253-365. (On curves ofthe type a=at™, y=bo'r, g=ctn'rm,) 

Eean—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 48 

17. It is natural to ask whether to every symmetric polynomial )V(/, 0), 
of degree n—3 in @ and in f, there corresponds a rational complex curve such 
that V = 0 is the condition that the line ¢@ should belong to the complex. 

From what we have just proved, this is not so unless V satisfies the 
following condition :—Let ¢ and @ denote the Cartesian coordinates of a point 
ina plane. Then at any point (t, 4%) where the curve V = 0 meets its axis 
of symmetry ¢ = 0, the three lines ¢=%,, ¢ = 0, 0 =¢, must have contact of 
the same order with the curve /. 

18. This condition is necessary but not sufficient. Consider, for instance, 
the 2, 2 relation 

V=P?+0+at80=0, (a+2+0), 

and suppose that there is a corresponding rational quintic @. The stationary 
points* on @ are given by the roots of the quartic, 

VG, t) = (@+ 2) 2 =0, 
which has 7 = 0 and ¢ = @ as double roots. Hence, at the points 0 and « on 
Q,p =5. Each of these points is therefore either an wndulation (p = 5, q =4, 
7 = 1) or a cusp (5, 3, 2). Since any plane through the tangent at an 
undulation meets the curve at only one other point, there cannot be a cusp 
and an undulation on the same quintic. Hence the coordinates of a point on 
() may be written either 7°, 4,4 1 (two undulations) or 75, 7%, #, 1 (two 
cusps). The 2, 2 relations are easily found to be respectively 

32 + 440+ 30=0, 2+ 310+ 67=0. 

Hence, unless a = 3 or 4/3, there is no curve @ corresponding to V. 
I have not been able to determine the other conditions which V must satisfy. 

In the case of a P-curve not belonging to a complex, there is an 
n — 3, n — 3 relation given by V =0, where 

(6 —t) Vit, 0) = Vit, 6) = Sa; (8) a(t) — Sai (¢) a; (8). 

This relation is discussed in section vil, 48, 49, along with the n—-6, n — 6 

relation W = 0, where 
(0 -t) Wi, 0) = W, = Sa; (0) %; (t) + Sai (4) 2; (0). 


19. Taking Cartesian coordinates, the equations of an algebraic curve of 
the nth degree can be written in the form 
BSG), 7=SIBGO), PSle@e) 
where ¢ and ¢’ are connected by the algebraic equation 9(¢,¢)=0, and 
F,, F., F, are rational functions of the point ¢ on the Riemann surface 

* We use this expression to denote cycles of the curve for which p > 3. 


44 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

defined by @ = 0. (The specification of the point 7 involves of course the 
choice of one of the values of ¢’ corresponding to the given value of ¢, ie. the 
choice of the sheet of the surface on which the point lies.) 

The functions «, y,s will each have zeros, and will therefore be functions 
of order x. If the points at infinity are distinct, and none of them is situated 
in any of the coordinate planes, the three functions have the same poles, all 
simple. We can suppose any plane to be the plane at infinity: in other 
words, we can suppose, if necessary, that », y,z, 1 are proportional to the 
homogeneous coordinates of a point on the curve with respect to a finite 
tetrahedron ; hence we can suppose the poles to be common to 2, y,z and 

The plane coordinates will be given by three functions ),p,v, rational on 
the Riemann surface, and satisfying Aw + py + v2 = 1. 

The order of X, w, and v will be WV, the class of the curve. Their poles 
will give the osculating planes which pass through the origin. These we can 
also suppose simple, and common to X, p, v. 

20. Consider the function U = 2/4 where x and d; are the deter- 
minants (@/z) and (Ajv) (corresponding to D and A of the last section). 
7 is a rational function on the Riemann surface ¢. 

(a) Near an ordinary point I (¢ = ¢,) on the surface, which is not a pole 
of (w) or of (A), we have, writing ¢ for ¢ - ¢,, 

2, Y,2,°,4v = a+0t+er+... 
Hence 2 and ); are finite or zero. The point will be a zero of % of 

order p+qg+7r-6 = 2n-6, provided that we can write by a change of 

ACS HPP EE So 5 oy SWE 50a, ASG? Pococy (p>q>7, p>3), 

AX, Y, Z being linear (integral) functions of 2, Yy, 2, 1. 
When this is so, the osculating plane of the curve will be 

where we may take A, B, C, D equal (and not merely proportional) to linear 
functions of A, 4, v, 1. Then, as shown in section 11, the orders in ¢ of D/A, . 
C/A, B/A are respectively p, g, r (since we are dealing with a P-curve). 
Again, A is not infinite at JZ, since the point is not one of the poles of 
», m v, 1; nor is it zero, since in that case A, B, 0, D would be simul- 
taneously zero, and the determinant of transformation from (Apvl) to 
(ABCD) would vanish. We can therefore write 

Al SG. F 56 0, DB = WU? AE 5 > op OG = BE. 56 D= diP+. 


Eean—Lincar Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 45 

of order 2p — 6. Now <A,/A; = const.; hence in the neighbourhood of such 
apomt U=x;,/d; is finite and regular. 

(6) At a pole of x, y, 2, has a pole of order 4; i; is finite, since the 
point is an ordinary point on the curve and 2p — 6 =0; hence UV has a pole 
of order 4. Ata pole of A, pw, v, U will have a zero of order 4. 

(c) Near a branch-point on the surface, we can write 
Gao, Pah, shAs KOM s.,. 
and hence by a change of coordinates, 
ACAD SS 6 WV WEE bg oe Lhe GLP 6 59 

It follows that as in (@), w./dg is finite, where the determinants wz, dg are 
formed by analogy with 2, A:. 

dt \° dt\§ 
Now ve = ve (=) 5 Ne = Mu (=) 9 

hence U is finite. 

(d@) We can deal with ¢ = ~ by writmg + =71. Hence (whether the 
surface has or has not a branch-point at infinity) we find that, for the points 
for which ¢ =o, the function 2@,/A, = 7;/A, = U is finite. We assume that 
none of these points is a pole of x, y,z or of X, u,v. This involves no loss 
of generality, since we can transform ¢ homographically. 

It follows from the preceding discussion that U is rational on the 
surface, has the m poles of a, y, 2 as poles of order 4, the WV poles of X, pu, v as 
zeros of order 4, and has no other poles or zeros. 

21. Since U must have the same number of poles as of zeros, n = JN. 
The degree of an algebracc P-curve is equal to its class. 

Again U is the fourth power of a rational function of the nth order. For 
let the four determinations of U? corresponding to a point JZ on the surface 
be w, ww, — w, — iw, = W, W,, We, ws. It is easily verified that if JZ describes 
any closed path on the surface, each of the four functions w, w, we, ws 
returns to its original value. Any one of them, say w, is therefore uniform, 
and has no singularities on the surface except n poles. Hence it is a rational 
function of order 2. 

22. Now if we write 

h=8, = Bee Gell 

a =AW, a=W, ag=VW, a=, 

the functions a; and a; will have the same poles (except 2, which is constant) 
and neither set will have a common zero, 

46 Proceedings of the Royul Irish Academy. 

Again, if D and A have the same meaning as in the last section, 
ye — Lt, A—— Ur: == On, and D/A = 2;/ On; = i (14) 

From this identity we can deduce as in the last section the rest of the 
identities (13). 

25. Hence an algebraic P-curve of the nth degree ts of the nth class, and can 
be represented by two sets of functions x, and a;, rational of order n on a Riemann 
surface, and such that (a) neither set has a common zero, (b) the poles of Sam; 
are the same as those of Xba; where the a; and 6b; are arbitrary constants. 

These functions satisfy all the identities (13) of the last section. 

In proving that D/A is constant, we imposed a more stringent condition 
on the functions (x) and (a) than the condition (6): but the extension is easy, 
and it is not necessary for our purpose to justify it. 

24. To show the necessity of the restriction (@), that neither set of 
functions must have a common zero, consider for example the rational quartic 
for which the z; are #, @, 7, 1, and the a; are 1, — 6¢?, 8, — 34. It is not a 
P-curve, as we can see by examining the point ¢=0, or the point t=oo. The 
same curve can be represented by the ; 7°, #, ,¢ and the a, 1, — 674, 8é, — 32. 
For the latter forms we find D/A constant, (22) = 0, &e.; but this tells us 
nothing about the curve, since D contains a factor ¢ (due to the common zero 
t = 0 of the z,) which has no geometric meaning. 

Metrical Significance of the Function wv. 

25. If x, y, z are Cartesian coordinates in par. 19, w will have the value 
kZ/o*, where Z is the perpendicular from the origin on the osculating plane 
at ¢, o is the torsion at ¢, and / is a constant. This can be inferred from the 
expression for the torsion of a P-curve given in section VH, par. 46, or it may 
be directly proved thus :— 

liz, y, are not rectangular, replace them by rectangular axes. This is 
equivalent to multiplying w*=z,/d; by a constant. We then have %/A;=2/As. 
Also z;=@o, where c is the curvature. Again, the direction-cosines as, Bs, ys 
of the binormal are equal to ZA, Zu, Zv. Hence we easily find A, = Z*(as),, 
where (as); is the determinant formed by replacing X, u, v by as, (is, ys in As. 

Evaluating this determinant with the help of Frenet’s formulae (VU, par. 36), 
we find Z*\;=¢o*, c being the curvature. 

Also z,=¢o; hence, remembering that w has been multiplied by a 

Hut = a,/A;=2,/As= Z/o*, kw = Z/o2. 

Eean—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 47 

Value of won a Curve of a Linear Complex. 

26. In this case, let €=0 be the polar plane of the origin with respect to 
the complex. & (¢) is a function of ¢ of order n, having the poles of #, y, z 
as poles, and having as zeros the poles of Awv: in effect, the points whose 
osculating planes pass through the origin lie in the plane = 0. Hence 

E = kw = k, Z/o%, 
where / and /, are constants. 

It will be noticed that, for a general P-curve, we have only been able to 
see that wis a function having the same poles as 2, y, z, and having given 
zeros: for a complex curve it is a linear function of x, y,z. The equation 

E = k, Zot 
is a particular case of a theorem due to Professor McWeeney, which holds for 
any curve of a linear complex, algebraic or not [Vv11, equation (19)]. 


27. Every curve belonging to a linear complex is a P-curve, as we have 
seen (section IIL), and is characterized by the identity (22) =0. In this 
section we investigate the further condition required, in order that an 
algebraic P-curve should belong to a linear complex. (A geometrical 
interpretation of this condition will be given in section VII.) 

The following lemma is required :— 

Let A, 5, C, D be four points in space forming a tetrahedron of non-zero 
volume, and let #=0 be the equation of a quadric. If & passes through 
A, B,and C, and if the tetrahedron ABCD is self-conjugate with respect to it, 
£ must reduce to the square of the plane ABC. 

This is easily proved, either analytically or geometrically. 

28, Consider an algebraic P-curve represented in homogeneous coordinates 
by two sets of functions v7; and a, We have, in the notation of section Iv, 

(mn) + (nm) =0, if min<6. 
We define sixteen functions a,; of ¢ by the sixteen equations 
Aa; = HA 4, + AA. + AygAdvs + ayd™ay | 
(d = d/dt, 4 =1, 2, 3, 4, m = 0, 1, 2, 3). 

If the functions (w) and (a) are rational either in the ¢-plane or on a 
Riemann surface, so likewise will be the aj. 


48 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

29. Let {y) and (z) be any points in space. Let 
SV + Taloxy, = Ry). 
i iy t j 

The equation (yy) =0 represents in general a quadric. The 
coefficients (@;, etc.) being functions of 4 there will be one quadric & 
attached to each point on the curve. 

It is clear that if #(yz) vanishes, the points (y) and (2) are conjugate 
with respect to #. Also if we write &(z#) =R(12), R(t) = R01), etc, 
equations (15) show that for m,n <4, ; 

R(mn) =(mn)+(nm)=0, (mtn) R(mm)=2(mm)=0 for m=0,1,2. 

Hence the tetrahedron (x) /%)(#)(z) is self-conjugate, and the first three 
vertices lie on #. Also if the point (#) is an ordinary point on the curve, 
this tetrahedron is of finite volume, since the determinant of the coordinates 
of its vertices, which is |2,%,%,7,)= D, does not vanish. Hence by the 
lemma, # reduces to the square of the plane (x)(<)(#), ie. of the osculating 

plane a. 
Hence Riyy) = \(8ayx;)*, and therefore 
(33) = &(33) = A(Sa;z,)? = (03). 
Therefore EF (yy) = (33) (3a,y,)°/(03). 
Hence # (yy) vanishes identically if, and only if, (33) =0. (16) 
30. If (33) vanishes identically, so does & (yy), and hence 
Oj, = Oj, + a; = 0. (17) 

Supposing this, one of the equations (15) becomes a; = Ghz + Diss + Tigh. 

Differentiating this, and taking account of the value of a given by 
another of the equations (15), we get = Gist2 + Gists + hts = O. 

Treating a;, a, in the same way, we get 

Oyeke + Oy3hy + Oy, =O, Oya + ashy + Gye. = 0. 
Now the determinant (z.é,#,) is not identically zero; hence 
Or = 3 = Ors = 0, 

and @,, M3, @s are constants. Similarly the other a, are constants. The 
equation (01)=0 can then be written 3a,;(z,4; — 2% =3a,;X;=0, and 
this is the equation of the complex to which the tangents belong. 

Conversely, if the curve belongs to a linear complex we must have 

a; az 

Dixte + Distz + Dyers Boyt + bests + Deut, 

(Gi; const., by te By: = 0). 

Ecean—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 49 
Let each of these fractions be equal to 1/A. Then 
Nay = Dre VU, + Dj3 03 —- big V4, hay ar Nar = Dye @e + Dis Ls + Dy, La 

with similar expressions for az, a. Hence 

o Dye 2 + Drs 3 + Dis v4 Dey er Dog 3 + Dag v4 
Xi Abn = . . b . * b 5, b + 
Djs Hz + Dig ay + Diy Do, by + Des ey + Do dy 

| 0 Be Os Oy @; U2 Wy Us 

bn 0 Des Dog Dy Ba Ls LA 

= bi. 20i; X;; - Xu (Ore Day + 31 Dog + bog bis) 
= — Xy (O12 Ds4 + Dg: Dog + bog Bi4). 

But A,,/Xy = =const.; hence A is a constant. We may clearly take 
this constant as unity. The functions a,; of equations (15) will then be equal 
to the 0;;: hence the equations (17) are satisfied, R(yy)=0; and hence 
(33) = 0. 

Hence the necessary and sufficient condition that an algebraic P-curve should 
belong to a linear complex is (33) =0, the functions (x) and (a) being chosen 
as in sections Iv and vy. We may note that when the functions are so chosen 
in the case of a complex curve, the a; will be equal and not merely proportional 
to linear functions of the 2, and conversely. 

31. Corollary 1.—JIn order that any algebraic P-curve should belong to a 
- linear complex, it 1s necessary and sufficient that the function 
1; (t, 0) = Sa: (8) a (t) + 3a, (*) 2; (0) (18) 
should vanish for all values of t and 0. 
First, it is sufficient; for if we differentiate 7, =0 three times with 
respect to @ and three times with respect to ¢, and then put 6 = ¢, we get 
(83) = 0. 
Secondly, it is necessary. For if the curve belongs to a linear complex, 
we have seen that 
a; = Loy}, a; = const., a; + a; = 0 a; = 0. 
ai(@) = £3, @;(0) = ¥; a; (¢) = a, @ (0) S Be 
Then if we substitute for a; and 6, in terms of the «; and y; in W,, we find 

a series of terms of the form 
(Gi + Aji) (UY; + VY) 

Now, put 

which all vanish. W, therefore vanishes identically for any curve of a linear 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. A. [7] 

50 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

32. Corollary 2—If an algebraic curve is such that whenever a point A of 
the curve lies on the osculating plane at a point B, B also lies on the osculating 
plane at A, the curve must belong to a linear complex. 

This is the partial converse (since we only assert it of algebraic curves) 
of a well-known property of curves of a linear complex. 

Consider an algebraic curve with this property. Its class is clearly equal 
to its degree; for the points at which the osculating plane at A meets the 
curve are those whose osculating planes pass through A. 

Again, it is a P-curve. For consider a singularity A with the character- 
istic numbers p, g, 7, and let B be a point where the osculating plane at A 
meets the curve again. If Bis not on the tangent at A, the number of points 
coincident with A in which the curve is met by the osculating plane at B is 7 
(the number of branches at A). Suppose a point 8 near B on the curve. 
The osculating plane at (3 meets the 7 branches of the curve in r points near 
A, and the osculating plane at each of these passes through 8, by the 
hypothesis. Let (§ move towards B: we see in the limiting case that the 
number of osculating planes coincident with that at A which can be drawn 
through Bis 7. But the number of these planes is precisely the class p — q 
of the singularity A. Hence p-gq=7. 

If B hes on the tangent at A, a similar argument shows that p — r= q. 

That being so, consider the function 

= Sa: (0) 2: (t)/Sa; (t) 2: (8). 

Considered as functions of 0, the numerator and the denominator have 
the same zeros, namely @ = ¢ (thrice) and the 7 — 3 other points which lie on 
the osculating plane at7,and whose osculating planes pass therefore through #. 
They have likewise the same poles; namely the poles of the «; (which are also 
those of the a,). 

Hence S is independent of @. A similar argument shows that it is 
independent of ¢. It is therefore a constant. To determine its value, let 0 
tend towards ¢. Then 

Sa; (0) 2;(¢) ——> (@ — t) (30)/3! 

Sai (¢) 7, (8) —> (0 — t)° (03)/3! 
Hence the value of S is (30)/(03) = — 1, and therefore W,=0. The rest 
follows by corollary 1. 

33. Corollary 3.—For an algebraic P-curve, putting §=¢+(@-7), and 
expanding z,; (0) and a;(@) in terms of @ —¢, we find that, if 6 is sufficiently 
near 7, 

W, = DA,(0— ty [r! + (8-196, 

where @ is finite or zero for 6 =, 

Eean—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 51 

In this expansion A, =(0r)+ (70), and hence, by section Iv, equation 
a3), @; 4b=0 (r = 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5). 

Hence W, has a zero of order six for 0=t. It follows that every 
algebraic P-curve whose degree is less than six belongs to a linear complex. 

For consider V7; as a function of @. Its order is the degree of the curve, 
and therefore less than six. Since it has a zero of order six for 9=¢, it 
must vanish identically. 

Independence of the Condition .(33) = 0. 

34. So far we have not proved that the identity (33) =0 is not 
involved in the identity (22) =0 which characterizes a P-curve; in other 
words, we have not shown that a P-curve may exist whose tangents do not 
belong to a linear complex. 

The locus of the point ¢° + 6aé°, ¢!+ 20¢?, ¢4+ 300, ¢+a is such 
a curve. In effect, the plane coordinates are easily found to be 

t+b, —5t—15at?, 5¢t4+10at*, — ¢° — 600°, 

and (22) =0, (83) = 360 (a - 5). 

The curve will not belong to a linear complex unless a=. [There are 
cusps at 0 and o, accounting for four of the six stationary poimts. There 
are two inflexions given by (03)/#? = # + 2¢(a@+6)+6ab=0, which will 
coalesce if (a+ 0)?=6ab. In the latter case the third stationary point 
will be a cusp and not an undulation, since a P-sextic with an undulation 
must belong to a linear complex (VI, par. 50).] 

It follows that the condition (22)=0 does not involve the condition 
(33) = 0. 


35. The signs to be attached to the curvature and the torsion at a point 
on a twisted curve are variously determined by different writers. The 
system we shall adopt is Darboux’s. 

We take a fixed system of rectangular axes, O(Y YZ). If a rigid body 
has the point O fixed and is rotated round OX, we consider the rotation 
positive if the directed line, initially coincident with the positive sense of 
OY, coincides with the positive sense of OZ after a rotation of amount 7/2, 
we denote this positive sense of rotation by (YZ). The positive rotations 
will therefore be (YZ), (ZX),(XV) round the three axes. 

Supposing the curve to be described by a moving point, the direction of 
motion determines the positive direction of the tangent. If MW be the point, 
and MT, MN, MB be the tangent, principal normal, and binormal, we choose 


o2 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

arbitrarily either sense of JZNV as the positive sense at the point of the curve 
which we take as initial point. We then determine the positive sense of 
MB by the condition that the trihedron (trirectangular system of axes) 
M(TNB) is superposable on OX YZ by a movement of M(7NA) regarded as 
a rigid body. 

As M moves along the curve, the trihedron M/(7NB) moves in space. 
The elementary movement is specified by a translation ds along M7, and 
by rotations round M7 and MB proportional respectively to the torsion and 
the curvature. We take the torsion and curvature to have the same sign 
as these rotations. The torsion, for instance, is positive if the trihedron 
rotates round 7’ in the sense (VB) as WM advances along the curve. 

Tf the curve is discontinuous, or if we have to deal with separate curves, 
we must make a new convention for each curve (or branch) as to the positive 
sense of ds and the initial position of JZ. 

36. We denote the direction cosines of the tangent, principal normal, 
and binormal at a point (ys) by aiy13 a2(d2y2; asSsy; The torsion we 
put equal to o or 1/r; the curvature to ¢ or 1/p. 

With these conventions, Frenet’s formule are 

da, daz das 

— = Caz —— = aaz3 — Ca, Sn SS = OH 
ds 7 GB ; : 

with similar equations in $B and ¥. 

Torsion of a Curve of a Linear Complex. Prof. McWeeney’s results. 

37. The two following theorems were communicated to the writer by 
Prof. H. C. McWeeney, of University College, Dublin :— 

(A) Lhe torsion is proportional to the square of the cosine of the angle 
between the binormal and the axis of the complex. 

(B) If m,, denotes the perpendicular from the point X of the curve on the 
osculating plane at the point pu, then for any two points X and mw on a curve 
of a linear complex, we shall have 

OnT Au = Tuan (19) 
where o, and o, are the torsions at X\ and p. 

Since all the curves belonging to the same complex which pass through 
a point, say A, have the same osculating plane and the same torsion at the 
point, we may suppose A and wp to lie on two different curves of the same 
complex, and theorem (B) will still hold. Theorem (8) is given, for the © 
particular case of a twisted cubic, by M. C. Servais (Mémoires cowronnés par 
l Académie Royale de Bruuelles, 1898). 

To prove these theorems, we take the axis of the complex as z-axis. The 

Eean—Linear Complex, und a certain class of Twisted Curves. 53 

differential equation of the complex is then xdy —ydx =xdz, and hence, 
for a curve of the complex, 
xi -—Ya,-Kyi=0.... (20) 

Differentiating with respect to the arc, using Frenet’s formulae and dividing 
use Ee Shaan = tap = (202) 

Differentiating again, we get 

dy da 
2 (oB3 — 631) — ¥ (cas - Car) — K (ays — Cy1) = rae Be eran Ve: 

Hence «Bs Yas — kys = — y3/0- (200) 

Equations (20) and (20a) give 

a = - = " =J/et+pre 

Hence ys = Kl f ety te. 
Also, ¥3/6 


— ws + Yas + Ky3 
J vrPprne (B's +a'3+ 4's) = fete +k. 
Hence =k/e+y? +’), Y's = OK. (21) 

The second of the equations (21) is Professor McWeeney’s theorem (A). 
The first is Lie’s expression for the torsion. 

Again, the osculating plane at (eyz) is Ay-VYa+x«(Z-z)=0; hence, if 
Lis (MA%), and mis (#2Y2%), we find 

Te nu| Teun = (wa + Ys + 02 y/ 2s + Ys + &2) (21a) 

= On| Tr» 

38. Corollary.—li X and » are two ordinary points on any twisted curve, 
the equation (19) is the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence 
of a linear complex containing three consecutive tangents at each of the two 

For, choose as z-axis the axis of the complex determined by three con- 
secutive tangents at X and two at w, and let 23,-ya,-xy, =f (s). Then at 
A and wwe have /(s)=/’(s)=0, andat A wealso have /”(s) =0. 

If 7” (s) vanishes also at y, then the proof just given establishes equation (19). 
The condition is therefore necessary. 

Suppose, on the other hand, that we are given equation (19). Equation (21a) 
follows from the fact that /(s)=/"(s)=0 atXAandp. Since /”(s)=0 at d, 
we have o, = «/(#*,+71+«"). From this, (19) and (21a), we find that 

Op = k/ (#2 + 72+): 
and it is easy to verify that this involves the vanishing of /(s) at «; the 
complex, therefore, contains a third consecutive tangent at jm. 

54 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Curvature of a Complex Curve. 

39. If we write o=6%, «t=a', equation (21) becomes 6 = ay. 

Now dy,/eds = y2 = — dy;/eds, 
c d ad» —_— 
hence oo dy as ee 

Again ay,=-—d68/ods=—d8/de, where de = ods = o'ds = the elementary 
angle of torsion. Hence 

adeoi. {Ge 
2-5 J2-() _ §, (22) 

where &=o6, de=cds. 
Hence the curvature is a given function of the torsion and of us first two 
differential coefficients with respect to the are. 

Applications. 1. Curves of Constant Torsion. 

40. The right-hand member of the equation (22) is a function of 
6, dé/ds, and d*8/ds. Hence if 8 is constant, so is c. The only curves of 
constant torsion which belong to a linear complex are circular helices. 

2. Helices on a Cylinder of any form. 

41. For these c/o =const.=6. Integrating (22), we get 

the ENO 
bd + nam Jono (PY, 
(=) =a? — 8 - (03+ 4, = (A, - 8) (8 - B), 
where 2?=1+6?=(c?+o°)/o*, and A, and B, are constants. 

Let us now take the z-axis parallel to the generators of the cylinder. If 
df is the angle of contingence of the section of the cylinder by z= const., 
we get 

dp = fe + & ds = hods = hde. 

The differential equation becomes therefore 
dd = / (A, — 8) (8 — Bi) dy. 
26 = 4,+ B,-(4,-B,)cos6; weget d@=dy; and we can 

Eean—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 55 

Hence 40=48'=(A-Beosy)’, ds =delo=dyp/ho = 4dp/h(A- B cos yp)’. 

Again z/s = const. = a//(¢ + o°) = I/h. 
4 dp 
Hence 2= Aa 

Again, if S is the are of the normal section of the cylinder, 
dS = cdz/a = bdz = 4bdip/h? (A — B cosy)’. 
Also x =fcosy~dS, y =fsin pds, 

hence the most general cylindrical helix whose tangents belong to a linear 
complex is given by the equations 

a= | cos pap ye | sin pap 

(A - Boos y)” (A = Boos p)” 
Be _ 
Z= oilte. Besar (M, N const.) 

Here M/N = c/o. 

Tt is easily verified that these curves are algebraic only when A = + B. 
If A=B, weput ~’=~+7, which gives A’=-B. 

Hence the algebraic curves of this type are given by 

cos yp dip sin w dp Deol sek CW eae 
oe 2 |r y= 2m ee zm nl cosy 

Putting ¢=tan4), we obtain 
3 3 
m|(L= eat m(a+t-5), 

m| Qt dt =m (2 + e), 

B= n [separ = (: +145): 

Hence the only algebraic helices whose tangents belong to a linear complex are 
certain twisted cubics.* 



3. Bertrand Curves. 

42. These curves are characterized by a linear relation between ¢ and oc. 
In this case equation (22) can be integrated by elliptic functions. In parti- 
cular, we note that the circular helix is not the only curve of constant 
curvature belonging to a linear complex. 

[ * Note ADDED IN THE Press.—Another form of the equations of the complex helices is given 
by Kerayal in Nouvelles Annales, 1909, pp. 42 sq.] 

56 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Curvature and Torsion at Singularities on a P-Curve. 

43, Taking a point W/ on the P-curve as origin, the equations of the curve 
in the neighbourhood of J/ can be written 

ETP REOM tee, Poets eg BSG og | (Muara): 
Ti the axes are not rectangular, we may make them so by a transformation 
e=re' +py, y=Ny +2, 2=2 
without altering the first terms in the series for z, y, z. Suppose this done: 

then the axes form the trihedron /7'NVB already described. 
Curvature.—At a point I, (xyz) on the curve we have 

dB, dy 
ae cea 
Let us estimate the order of the terms in this equation when ¢ —— 0. 
Clearly 82 —> 1 and s —> # =art1+... Also y/s is of order 
(¢ ~ 1) -(r - 1) = q -~7. The right-hand side is therefore of order 
q-7-1)-(r-1) =q- 27. This is the order of c. The value of p has 
not come into the discussion, except that of course it was implicitly supposed 
greater than g. Hence for any curve, at a point with the characteristic 
numbers 7, g, 7 the infinitesimal order of the curvature is g - 27 in terms of ¢, 
or g/r — 2 in terms of the arc. 
Torsion.—We have 

GY3s = = + Gy, and 3 IL, 

The term cy; on the right is of order (g - 27) +(p — 7) = 2(g- 7), since 
p-r=q. Again, y: = ¢'dy,/ds = c'd’z/ds*, and is therefore of order 
2r-q+p- or = p-q=7. Hence dy,/ds is of order 7 — 7, and is therefore 
finite, while cy, is zero(g-—7>0). Hence at every point of a P-curve in the 
Jinite portion of space the torsion has a finite non-zero value. 

This applies of course only to real points on a real portion of the curve. 
It is an extension of a well-known property of curves of a linear complex 
deducible from Lie’s expression for the torsion. 

The method by which we have deduced these results seems at first sight 
open to objection. We have assumed in fact that if a function /'(é) is of 
order v, #” (¢) will be of order y—1 in ¢. This is only true when »+0. 
Our investigation, however, only requires that this shall be so for the functions 
Z, Y, 2, for each of which v > 0; and therefore z, 7, % will each have a leading 
term of the proper order with 2 non-zero coefficient even in the most 
unfavourable case where p=3, g- 2 v=l1. 

Eean—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 57 

Metrical Properties of Algebraic P-Curves. 

44, Lemma 1.—If \ and are any two points, one on each of two twisted 

curves (or both on the same curve), then, with a proper convention of signs, 
a5, O5, log 7 = Op Oau|Taw» 

where s, and s, are the arcs of the curves, measured from fixed points to X 
and pw, oa. is the mutual moment of the tangents at A and p, o, is the torsion 
at yw, and 7, is the perpendicular from X on the osculating plane at p. 

Take the trihedron of tangent, principal normal, and binormal at A as 
axes, and let p be (xyz). 

Then — Tray = ast + Bsy + ys8, = = 6, (ax + Boy + y%) 

A ox 
(since 3a; — = Sasa; = 0). 
H ) l ~ rot AN iferap an »\ 
ence e. 0g (nS => Ge (at t Boy =F yx) / (av == Bay + Y3*)* 

Now transfer the axes to the trihedron at yu, and let A be (YYZ). Then 

at + By t+y2=-Y, att By t+ ys =-Z, Slog rau = -6,V/Z. 

Differentiating with respect to s,, and remembering that o, is constant 
for this differentiation, we get 

25,05; log Tan = On eee ste a = OnOrp/T rue 
Corollary.—Since 6, =5,y,, we have 

Fog TM Sse (= 2 =| 

05:05. > aya 

45. Lemma 2.—On an algebraic curve, where the homogeneous co- 
ordinates (z) and (a) are represented by functions of ¢, rational on the 
t-plane or on a Riemann surface, we have clearly 

me = Sai(O)rd)/L(t),] 90) 

where Z(¢) and ¢(¢) are the results of substituting the functions z;(f) and 
a,(£) respectively in the left-hand members of the point equation of the 
plane at infinity and of the plane equation of the circle at infinity. In the 
case of an algebraic P-curve where the functions (x) and (a) have been 
chosen as in sections IV. and V., Z and ¢ are rational, of orders 2 and 2n 
respectively, and have the same poles as (z;,a:). The order of these poles 
is doubled in the case of ¢. 
R.L.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. A. [8] 

58 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Torsion of Algebraic P-curves. 

46. We shall write a(@)= 3: v(@)=y, a(t)=ai, w(t)=%, so that 
(8), (y), s are functions of 6, and (a), («), s, functions of ¢. 
Since 3/37; is of the form m1 /%\(s:)F2(s:) (lemma 2), it follows that 
O° eds a : 
a5 05, log 2B; = ae, OB, log Te = Oto oo/ 7 t@. 

If we denote differentiations with respect to ¢ and @ by dots and accents 

respectively, we have 
Os i 1 Sia > OG = Sidi | Cts 

iv; = log 33,4; = — —— eee . 

051052 Ig te sts in °8 *Bi ve SiS'2 (Giz)? 

The numerator of this ane is equal to 
B. Be Bs Bs | 
cm [3 B's B's | 

where B;, for instance, is 3,87 - 

Now the fractions By/Y,; are all equal, and in the case of a P-curve 
their common yalue u is a constant (section IV., equations (15), and note). 

We have therefore dyo9/m°4 = p= Xi Yua/5i82(2Piai), or, substituting 
the value of 3;ai/r7 from lemma 2, 

610515'2 LT? (t) o(8) og = pS Xz Vin. 

Interchanging ¢ and 6 we get 

6518.21? (0) PO) o¢ = wl Xa Vy = pw Xy Vin 

(We suppose j>7%, and /—k positive or negative according as +7 
is odd or even.) 
ap(t) _ o0p(4) (23) 
TXt) ~~ L(0)’ 

= const., since ¢ and 8 are two arbitrary points on the curve. 

Hence the torsion at a point t on an algebraic P-curve is equal to 
AL*(t)/o(t), where L and are the rational functions described in lemma 2 
and A is a constant. 

J? and » have the same poles and with the same order of infinity 
(lemma 2): hence the torsion is zero at points on the plane at infinity, infinite 
at the points of contact of isotropic osculating planes, and finite at all other 
points, real or imaginary. 

47. Every curve belonging to a linear complex, whether algebraic or not, 
has this property. For, since a;: 33: ys=y:—%:« (par. 37), the equation 
a’; + 3°;+y%s=0, which gives the isotropic osculating planes, is equivalent to 
’+y+k=x/o=0; and c/o is infinite only at the points of the curve in the 
plane at infinity. I have not been able to ascertain whether non-algebraic 
P-curves have the property. 

hi MB 8B 

= 3ByXy, (J>%), 

Hn dy, ah 


Heaxn— Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 59 

48. Value of the functions 
Sa; (0) @;(¢) + 2a: (t) (0) = (0 -t) W, 
Sai (9) x: (t) — 2a; (t) 2: (0) = (0-197 
for an algebraic P-curve. 
We have seen that 3a,;(0)#(¢) or 2P:%; is equal to my L(t)./o(0). 
Now opis AL*(0)/p(0); hence 

3B:a: = aL (t) L(0)mo6%, where a = A? = const. 


aL (t) L(0) (rece? + me 0%"), 
a(t) L (0) (wz op? — Tet oa *) 0 

It follows, by the theorem of par. 38, that the necessary and sufficient con- 
dition that the same linear complex should contain three consecutive tangents at 
each of the two ordinary points t and @ on an algebraic P-cwrve is that the points 
should be connected by the relation VW = 0. 

49. The equations V=0, W=0 define symmetric correspondences on 
the curve, of orders (7-3, 7-3) and (n-6, »-6) respectively. A 
pair of conjugate points of either correspondence has the property just 
stated; but there is certainly some geometric difference between the two 
correspondences which I have been unable to discover. 

If the curve itself belongs to a linear complex, W vanishes identically, as 
we saw; while V only vanishes when the chord ¢6@ is a line of the complex. 


The Self-Conjugate Points of V=0 and of W=0. 

50. If we allow @ to approach ¢, we find 
Lt V = - (03)/3, 

it Wee Woy (CORE?) 
poson 6! 
Hence the self-conjugate points of V are given by (03) = 0; in other words, 
they are the singularities of the curve, each occurring with the order of 
multiplicity »-—3 (sections Iv and v). The self-conjugate points of W are 
given by (33) = 0. 
Hence every ordinary (8, 2,1) point at which six consecutive tangents belong 
to a linear complea satisfies the equation (33) = 0. 
This explains why we found that the dentity (35) = 0 characterizes 

curves of a complex among P-curves, 

60 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Besides the ordinary (3, 2,1) points which annul it, (33) may vanish at_ 
some of the singularities. In effect, if we use the equations (5a) and (6) of 
section m1 to determine the initial coefficients of the functions a; in the 
neighbourhood of such a point, we can write 

Gh = HP 4 0 0 op a, = bedgr(r -q)+..., 

He = OI +..., a, =cadrp(p-r)tU+..., 

i, SOF 6 6 op a, = abdpg (gy - p) iH +..., 

=O) o0 05 as = abe(p—q)(g-7)(r- p)t+..., 

abedg! r! [rp (p — 7) + pga - p)l/(q -— 2)! (7 = 2)!212! 

Since p-r=g and g-p=-v7, this vanishes. Hence a singularity 
for which p>5 isa root of (33) of order p-—5 (or in particular cases of 
higher order). 

In the case of an undulation (5, 4,1), it is easily verified from the 
expressions just given for the coordinates that (33) has a root at the 

51. From what precedes we can infer that 7f a seatic P-cwrve (rational or 
not) has a point for which p=6, or an undulation, or an ordinary (3, 2,1) 
point at which six consecutive tangents belong to a linear complex, all the tangents 
to the curve belong to a linear complex. 

In effect, if we write 

W(t, 0) = Sa; (0)a; (t) + Sar(t)u.(0) = (0 - 2)? Wz 8), 
and if ¢, be the special point just referred to, then the function W,(t,, 0) of 

6 has ¢, as a zero of order seven, since 
Lt W,(é,, 0)/(@ — t,)° = — 2 (83), /6! = 0. 

But W,(¢,, 6) is of the sixth order in 0, and therefore can only have a zero 
of order seven by vanishing identically. 

Now consider the function W,(¢,9) where t+¢,. It has the zero @=¢ 
of order six and also the zero @=¢,: hence it vanishes for all values of @ 

and ¢: and this requires that the curve should belong to a linear complex. 

In the case of a rational P-curve the function (33) is of order 2n - 12 
in ¢, since it gives the coincidences of an n-—6, 7-6 correspondence. 
On an algebraic P-curve its order is 2n-—12+ 2yd, where y is an integer 
and d is the deficiency. 

Eoan—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 61 

Note 1. 

52. Since W(t, 6) has a zero of order six for @=¢, it is to be expected, 
in virtue of equation (24), that the expression y/o9? + 76/05 should have 
a zero of order six in terms of the are for §=¢ at an ordinary point of any 
twisted curve. This is seen to be true if we take the trihedron at ¢ as the 
coordinate axes, and suppose @ to be (xyz). 

We have, then (writing & for og and o for oy), 

Ter = 2; = 1 = a3% + Psy + ¥325 

and we have to find the order of 

2) De (a3@ + Psy + 32), 

when the are diminishes indefinitely. 
We calculate z by the formulae 

dz ad dy. dy: 
ae =, “: = 62, = = oY3 — V1, = == O/p 

(Lt y:,y2=0, Lt ys = 1) 

Again, if Z = a,04+ Bs y + ys2, 
ve =-o0(a,0 + Bry + 22) =-oY, 
= oZ — (art Biy t+ y%) = 07 - eX, 
aX dx 
—= 2¢+ Sa, — = ; 
a CXa.t + “7, cY+1 

We shall write o1, 023 G4, ¢ ... to denote the values of 
do do de 

Fee 5 000 woo at the origin ¢. 

v = (S/o)? = 1 + 5+ v289/2!+7597/3!+..., 
where vy, = 04/26, 2 = 02/206 — 67/40", 
V3 = 63/26 — 30, 0./407 + 30,°/86°. 
We find that the first five powers of s disappear from the expansion of 
vz—-Z, The coefficient of s*/6! is 
3¢,0;7 Y9eo\o. 15¢0,3 
Ge mle 4o? 
The vanishing of C, is therefore equivalent to the equation (33)=0. We 
can see from the form of C;, that it vanishes if ¢ and ¢, are both zero; in other 
words, if g/r>3 (par.43). This shows that an undulation (p=5, g=4, r=1) 
on an algebraic P-curve annuls (33); an inflexion does not, unless the coefficient 
of ¢, vanishes, ie. unless 200, = 30,? -- 40°. 

C; = €o3 — 620; + 30°Co; — 20°C, + Co, + (25) 

62 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

Tf the curve belongs to a linear complex, C; vanishes identically. The 
differential equation so obtained can be written Ac,=Be+ Ce, where A, B,C 
are functions of o, o:,62,0;. This equation for ¢ is easily integrated, and gives 
the expression for ¢ in terms of o, 0, o: already given in equation (22). Tt was 
thas, in fact, that that equation was obtained in the first instance. 

Note 2. 

53. Mr. J. H. Grace (Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. X1., pp. 132 sq.) states 
that a rational curve of the mth degree with 21-6 stationary tangents 
(inflexions) belongs to a linear complex. He gives special proofs for 
nm =3,4,5. For the general case his argument is as follows -— 

The determinant of the sixth order 

|X; dX,/dé PX;|dP..... (PRGA (Cf? || = Jl. 
(Ay = 44; - Be, J>) 
is of degree 6(m-—5) in ¢, where m=2n-2 is the degree of the 
polynomials Yj. This is best seen if we make the X,; homogeneous by 
introducing a second variable ?’, which can subsequently be put equal to unity. 

The equation J=0 gives, clearly, the points at which six consecutive 
tangents belong to a linear complex. 

Now, according to the argument, a stationary tangent accounts for six of 
these points, and hence J has 6 (2 — 6) roots; but its degree is 6 (2x — 7); 
hence it must vanish identically; and it is easy to deduce that the curve 
must belong to a complex. 

This argument is at fault in one particular. If we consider, for example, 
the quartic a 
#,8,f + a, t+3, 
which has a stationary tangent at ¢=0, we find that J is m#(¢—-a) 
where m is a constant. Hence the inflexion only counts for five and not 
six roots of J. Accepting the argument that the number of roots of J 
represented by an inflexion is independent of the degree of the curve, since 
it depends only on the infinitesimal properties of fhe curve at the inflexion 
(tom. cit., p.28), the 2n-6 inflexions account for 102-30 roots. This 
leaves 2x — 12 ordinary points satisfying J, ii n>6. J vanishes identically 
only if n<6. ; 

There are no undulations and no points where p>®5 on the curve, by 
hypothesis; hence the 22-12 roots of (33)=0 are ordinary points: 
these are the roots of J not accounted for by the infiexions. , 

Tn this case the factors of J are (03)°(33), since the zeros of (03) are 
the stationary points each of order p—3, which in this case means unity 

Eean— Linear Complex, and u certuin class of Twisted Curves. 63 

Factors of J for the General Rational P-curve. 

54. Consider the determinant of the sixth order 

dX, BX; dV, dV 

GE de age | 7 7%) 


where Yj; as before is the ‘result of substituting @ for ¢ in XYy. The 
function 7 is of degree 3(m-2)=6n-12 in 9 and also iné. Again / 
contains the factors D(¢) and D(@) where D(t) = |a;#;%;@,|, 

To prove this point, we suppose that ¢, is a singularity with the 
characteristic numbers p,g,7. Then changing the tetrahedron of reference 
and writing ¢ for ¢-¢;, we find that the orders in ¢ of the initial terms 
of the Xj are 

ptq-1, p+r-1, p-1, q+r-1l=p-l1, q-1, r-l. 

Let us write 4%, 4,...X, for the X,, arranged according to their 
infinitesimal ‘order in ¢, XY, being of the highest order. If we substitute 
X’; =A, + wX, for Xs, A and w being constants properly chosen, X’; will 
be of order p (or higher). That being so, it is clear that the term of lowest 
degree in ¢ belonging to 7 will occur in the product of 

NA ae MIG 
eee ee) 

by its minor in /. 

Wow An SAP BAP S poe, 2G SEF $cc, AGS GF" 20. 
Hence the term of lowest degree in the determinant last written is 

ABC (p — 9) (q— 7) (7 ~ p) Pa. 

The coefficient, it is to be noticed, does not vanish, even when, for instance, 

r=1. It follows that 7 considered as a function of ¢ has a zero of order 
pt+q+r-—6 = 2(p—53), 

no more and no less, at a pomt ¢, at which p> 3. 

Hence j contains the factor II(¢ — ¢,)*, which, as we saw in section IV, is 

equal to D(¢), disregarding constant factors. In like manner, j contaims / (0). 
Again, j is easily seen to contain (@—7)°. Hence 
J(é, 0) = D(t) D(0) (0 -t) F(t, 9). 
The degree in ¢ of F is 
(6n — 12) — (4n-—12)-9 = 2n-9. 

64 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Hence F'(#,@) defines a 2n-9, 2n-9 correspondence between ¢ and 06. 
Now the equation /(¢,@) = 0 obviously means that a linear complex contains 
three consecutive tangents at ¢ and three at @. It follows (pars. 48, 49) that 
F=VW. Hence 

JE 9) = (0 -t Dt) D(DVW. (26) 

Again, J= Lt. j(t,0)/(0-t) = D(t)(VW)ozt- 

Now when @=7, V and W, as we saw in par. 50, become (03) and (33). Hence 
J = (03) (33) D* = (03)? (33), (27) 

omitting a numerical factor. 


55. Snyder has shown (American Journal of Mathematics, 1907,pp.279 sq.) 
that a quintic belonging to a linear complex is rational. As every P-quintic 
belongs to a complex, it likewise is rational. ; 

56. A rational P-quintic (which we shall denote by the symbol #;) cannot 
have a double point with two distinct tangents. For if it has, take the two 
parameters of the pointas ¢=0, f=0o0. Let 7,x,x, be the pomt: the equations 
of the curve can be written in the form 

2,|(at* + bf) = x2/(ct3 + dt?) = x,/(et? + ft) = a4/T, 

where 7’ is a quintic in ¢. The osculating planes of the two branches are 
therefore z,=0 and z;=0; these are distinct, and cannot both be the polar 
plane of the point with respect to a linear complex. Hence the curve does not 
belong to a linear complex, and therefore (since it is of the fifth degree) it 
cannot be a P-curve. 

57. The only possible singularities are therefore the cusp (5,3, 2), the 
undulation (5, 4,1), and the inflexion (4,3,1). Since 3(p—-—3)=2n-6=4 
(section Iv, par. 14), we may have 

(A) two cusps, 

(B) two undulations, 

(C) one cusp and two inflexions, 

(D) one undulation and two inflexions, 
(£) four inflexions.* 

No quintic can have an undulation and a cusp (see IV, par. 18). 

*When this paper was read to the Royal Irish Academy, I had not seen Professor Snyder’s 
paper above referred to, in which this classification is reached by a different method. 

Ee@an—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 6d 

58. The equations of the types (A) and (8) can be written 
BP Sip Siar Sine (CV) 

%,/F = 2/4 = at = £3 (B) 
(c) can be written 
2, /C = a/(t? + at’) = 2/0 = a/(1 + ct), 

z, being the osculating plane at the cusp ((=0, m=a#,=2,;=0), and x% 
that at an inflexion (=, m=%#,=%,=0). 

If we express the fact that the tangents belong to a linear complex, we 
find that the complex must be py= 5px, and that this requires that 
c= 5a. Hence we can write (putting ¢/a for 7), 

w/t? = x2/(t8 + 2t*) = xs/t? = as/(1 + 5£). (0) 
In the same way we find that the curves of type (D) can be written 
ay/t® = x,/t* = a5/(¢ + 67) = 4/1 + 5t). () 

It will be noticed that if we identify all the homographic transformations 
of a curye, each of the four types we have discussed reduces to a single 

The type (E) does not so reduce. We shall consider one curve of this 
type in detail in section x. 


59. Picard has shown (loc. cit., section 1) that on a ruled surface whose 
generators belong to a linear complex there les in general one curve of the 
complex, cutting each generator twice. The osculating plane at any point 
will be the tangent plane of the surface: the curve will therefore be an 
asymptotic line. 

60. If the surface has two linear directrices, the generators belong to a 
linear congruence, and each asymptotic line will belong to a complex of the 
congruence. These lines have been studied by Pittarelli (Rendiconti della 
k. Accademia dei Lincei, Sem. 2, 1894). I propose to supplement his work 
by examining the relation of these lines to the pinch-points and the cuspidal 
generators of the surface. 

61. Let the directrices be (6)%;=m%,=0, and (&)%,=2,=0. The 
congruence is Pi. = py =0. A generator of the surface will be 

t = tf (@)) (28) 
, = at, (0) iy 5 

R.1.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. A. [9] 

66 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Writing «x, = A, we obtain the equations of the surface 
/A = 2/Af = x3/h = ws (29) 
in terms of the parameters \ and 0. 
The equation of the tangent plane reduces to 
(Affe: — Xx) o + (v3 — prs) fH’ = 0, 
which is the polar plane of the point X, A/, ¢, 1, with respect to the complex 

PP + NF Pu = 0. 
Hence the curve given by 
ANF/g =e (30) 

Piz + Cp34 = 0, (31) 
and is an asymptotic line of the surface. In effect, the polar plane of a point 
on the curve is the tangent plane to the surface. This contains the tangent 
to the curve, which is therefore a line of the complex. 

The asymptotic line ¢ is changed into the line ¢’ by the transformation 
=, S232, P/O smi, CaM =tn/e 
in virtue of (29) and (30). The asymptotic lines are therefore all of the same 
degree and class, with the same singularities lying on the same generators, 
exceptions being made for the two directrices c=0, ¢ =~. 
The foregoing analysis is in substance Pittarelli’s. 

belongs to the complex 

Pinch- points. 

62. Ti 9¢(@)=0, 7(@)+0, two of the generators which can be drawn 
through the pot where the generator 6, meets coincide. This point is a 
pinch-point. For every finite value of c we find X = 0 for @ = @,, and there- 
fore 2,=#.=0. Hence all the asymptotic lines pass through the pinch-point. 

Supposing ¢ regular when @ is near @, we can write 

@ (8) = + (0 0.)°4, 
where G@ is finite for 9=6,, unless 9¢(9,)=0. Hence ¢’=(0-6,)Gi; and 
therefore, by (30), for the asymptotic line ¢, we have 
Writing 0-0,=, wehave AX=at+bi+..., p=g +dt+ht+... 
P= Jo nel Glen. 5) DENCE ay/2— ae OL eye 

(a —fp%:)/2s = A(f—f,) = FB +..., (a3 — @@s)/ts = $ — @) = dt +..... 
Hence all the asymptotic lines pass through every pinch-point on a directrix, and 
have there an inflexion. They have all the same osculating plane at the point, 
that, namely, through the pinch-point and the other directriaz ; and the same 
tangent line, namely, the generator corresponding to the pinch-point, 

Eean— Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 67 

Cuspidal Generators. 

63. If we have, when @ is near @,, 

f= fot (O-O) E(B), p= o + (0 — 9.) H (8), 
where Gand H are regular near 0, and do not vanish for 0=9,, the generator 

= 90, is a cuspidal line of the surface. In effect, if we put 0-0,=¢, then, 
for poimts on the surface near the line 0,, 

 — fot = 2, (AP+ BE+...), e-—gu=u(AP+...); 
and the section of the surface by the plane x, = ka, has a cusp where ¢ = 0, 

i.e. where the plane meets the generator 6). It is easy to see that the 

hyperboloid —A’a,(a2 — fx) = Ax, (x; - ga) touches the surface along the 
cuspidal line. 

Again, for the asymptotic line ¢, 

N= cp /f’ =c(M,+Mi+...) ¢=0-86,). 

A=4E(a+bt+c+...) d-GM=AL+BE+..., f-fp= A+ BEt.. 
Hence A = m/m = + d(a+bt+...), 
V = (@ - fot)/m%m = + (A? +...), 
Z = (#3 — bots) /%y = AV +... 
The tangent ineis Y=Z=0 (the cuspidal generator); there are two 
points of contact (X =+ac*), Hence each asymptotic line is bitangent to the 
cuspidal generator: the pairs of points of contact and the pairs of osculating 

planes form involutions whose foci are the points and the planes common to the 
cuspidal line and the directrices.* 

The results in the more general case where 
F = So + (0— 0:)"G, ~ = po + (0 - 0)" 

are easily worked out, but need not detain us here. 

Other Stationary Points. 

64. These will lie by twos on certain generators. Expressing that the 
tangent plane to the surface has four-point contact with the curve, and 
eliminating X, \’, A” by equation (30), we find 

TAU. = yf Fe = ¢ |" wah 397/96”, (32) 

which gives these generators. 

* Pittarelli (/oc. cit.) appears to confuse the case of pinch-points with that of cuspidal generators. 
He says (if I have understood him correctly) that the ‘singular generators’ are bitangent to the 
asymptotic lines, the points of contact lying on the directrices. 


68 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The Ruled Cubic with two Directrices. 

65. The equations of this surface can be written (cf. Salmon, ch. 15, 
§ 520) in the form 2,/A = a/XO = w,/0? = a. 

The asymptotic lines are therefore given by 2’ = 2c; or if we write 
0 = 2ct*, then A= 2ct, and the lines c are 

Gye = HP = AGE = ap (33) 

The inflexions are ¢=0, =o, These are pinch-points on the directrix 
2,=%=(. The other directrix is not a double line on the surface: there are 
therefore no pinch-points on it. 

A Certain Quartic Scroll. 

66. The scroll S determined by 
=X (u— 2), a =m% (w+ 2)? 
isa quartic. It is generated by a line meeting the lines 72, and we, and a 
conic (the section of the surface by any plane through 2%, except «,=0 or 
x,= 0). The line p joining the points where the directrices meet the plane of 
the conic is a double generator of the surface (Salmon, ch. 16, § 553). In the 
present case p (which is «,2,) touches the conic and is a cuspidal generator. 
Any point on Sis 2X, A(w—2)*, (w+ 2)*,1, in terms of A and p. 
The asymptotic lines are given (writing k° for c) by 
dN = Hu + 2)/(u = 2). 
Putting A=k(t+D/E-1), weget w=t+t". 
Hence the asymptotic lines are 
Ae X v3 v4 
EAC)  A@MiIiGs bt 7 GabeG=me AG=m)° ©) 

These are rational quintics whose tangents belong to the complex 

Pio +: K's = 0. 

The line p(#,=a,=0) isa bitangent at ¢=0 and t=. The points 
t=+1 are inflexions: ¢=1 is the pinch-point 2,732, on the directrix 
ats: t=-—1 is the pinch-point a,zz2r; on the other directrix. All the curves 
have three-point contact at these two points. The 2,2 relation expressing 
that the line #0 belongs to the complex is #6’ = 1, hence the four inflexions 
are the roots of ##-1=0, ie. +1,+7. Two of these (+ 1) are the pinch- 
points on the directrices. The other two lie on the generator p= 0, i.e. 
t, = 4x, 7, = 40; Each pair (+1 and +2) satisfies the 2, 2 relation. 

Eean—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 69 


67. Any one of the curves / (equation 34) has the following properties, 
none of which, as we shall see, belongs to any other A; :— 

(a) It has a bitangent. 

(6) The 2,2 relation breaks up into two symmetrical factors (¢0 = + 1); 
ie, the secants of the curve which are lines of the complex determine two 
involutions on the curve. 

(c) There are inscribed in the curve an infinity of quadrilaterals, such 
that the osculating plane at each vertex contains the two adjacent sides. 
(The points ¢,¢1, -¢, —#* are the vertices of such a quadrilateral.) 

68. We begin with the property (¢), and show that in no other rational 
quintic can one such quadrilateral be inscribed. Let 4, B, C, D be four 
non-coplanar points; consider a rational quintic passing through them and 
having DAB, ABC, BCD, CDA as osculating planes at 4, B,C, D. Take 
as ¢=0, t=, the foci of the involution on the curve in which A, Cand 
B, D are corresponding pairs. Then if a and 6 are the parameters of 
A and B, those of C and D will be -a and-d. Taking ABCD as tetra- 
hedron of reference, it is easy to see by considering the points where the 
coordinate planes meet the curve that the equations of the curve can be 

Ly Xo Hs toh 

(t+as(2-8) (409 (P-a@) (-as(—B) (¢-d)3(-a@) 

Forming pis and p., for the tangent, we find 0p:;= ap, hence the curve 
belongs to a linear complex. 

The 2, 2 relation works out 76? = a*t?, and if we take ab equal to unity, 
as we may by multiplying ¢ by 1/,/(ad), we get (0° =1. 

The line 0 & is a bitangent. For 0 and « are two ordinary points on the 
curve, the osculating plane at each of which touches the curve at the other, 
in virtue of the 2,2 relation. Property (0) follows from the 2, 2 relation. 
Hence (a) and (0) ave involved in (c). The inflexions are +1, +7. 

If we now take as coordinate planes the osculating planes at 1, 0, », -1, 
and consider as before the parameters of the points where these planes meet 
the curve, we see that the new equations of the curve can be written 

Ly Bp Xs vy 



In effect, 7, meets the curve in four points coincident with the inflexion 
t=1. Italso passes through ¢ =~—1, since (¢=1, 0 =-1) satisfies the 2, 2 
relation ; and so on. 

70 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Tt is easy to see that (35) represents the same curve as (34). Now the 
equations (35) were deduced from the relation ##°=1, which was deduced 
‘from the hypothesis that a quadrilateral of the kind in question could be 
inseribed in a rational quintic. It follows that (35) is the only rational 
quintic with this property. 

69. Again, if an R; has a bitangent, we take the points of contact as 
Qand co. The 2, 2 relation, 

V =f + bO(¢ + 6) + c(@ + #) + di + e(¢ + 0) + F=0, 

has double roots #=0, ~, corresponding to the values §= ~, 0. Hence 
e=e=b=0, and V can be written in the form V =(atf +6)(d6+ d). 
Hence property (2) involves (4), and it is easy to see that the converse holds. 
Supposing (#)—or (4)—to hold, then by putting / = At, we can write the 
2,2 relation (¢6 — 1) (¢@-a) =0. 
The equations of the corresponding curve, after the analogy of equations 
(35), are 


ts Ls 2 
@ (t+1)'(f+a) 


@-lf@-a) # 

The condition that the tangents should belong to a linear complex is easily 
found to be (a+1)'=0, so that the curve is identical with (35) or (34): 
hence no other #; possesses properties (2) or (4). 

70. The three pairs (+1), (4 7), (0, «) are harmonically conjugate with 
respect to one another, and the vertices of any one of the quadrilaterals 
(é, #7, -#, -¢) are harmonically conjugate by twos with respect to these 
three pairs. 

71. We may sum up these results as follows :-— 

Tf in « rational quintic curve one quadrilateral can be inscribed such that the 
plane of any two adjacent sides is the osculating plane at their vertex, then 
(1) an infinity of such quadrilaterals can be inscribed ; (2) the tangents to the 
curve belong to a linear complex which contains the sides of the quadrilaterals ; 
(3) the curve has a titangent ; (4) the secants of the curve which belong to the 
compler (1.e. the sides of the quadrilaterals) determine two involutions on the 
curve, Whose foci are the two pairs into which the four inflecions fall, and whose 
common pair of conjugate points are the points of contact of the bitangent 5 
(5) if the vertices of one of the quadrilaterals are determined by the quartiu 
F(t) = 0, the sextie covariant of f gives the four inflerions and the points of 
contact of the bitangent, and all the other quadrilaterals are determined by 
equations of the form f+h=0, where his the Hessian of f ; (6) the curve will 
be a. homographie transformation of that given by the equations (39); (7) no 
other Rs possesses either of the properties (3) or (4). 

Eoan—Linear Complex, and a certain class of Twisted Curves. 71 

System of Curves and Surfaces derived from one of these Curves. 

72. We saw in section Ix, par. 66, that a curve # is an asymptotic line 
on a quartic scroll S whose parametric equations are 
Xe, = (w— 2)?ay, a = (u + 2)Pxs. 
The equation of S is therefore 
J (2/1) + »/ (#3/#) = 4, 
or, rationalizing and arranging according to descending powers of «, and a, 
256 m2 a7 — 16 x, a4 (143 + %24%) + (143 — 12%)? = 0, 

which shows that the two sheets of the surface which touch along the cuspidal 
line p touch the hyperboloid H=x,7,—x,2,=0 along the line p. It is easy 
to see that H contains, besides p, the two lines (+1), (47). These we shall 
call J and J respectively. 

73. Sis the locus of the secant (¢,¢') of a curve &; in other words, it is 
the locus of the join of two conjugate points in one of the two involutions 
into which the 2, 2 relation breaks up. The corresponding line (¢, -¢") 
connected with the other involution generates a surface S’, 

To investigate S’, we put ¢=7t on the curve /: we have then to find the 
locus of the line (t’, 1/t’). Now the 2, 2 relation is of the same form as before. 
Hence, by taking as coordinate planes the osculating planes at ¢’=1, 0, ~, -1, 
we find the equations of the curve in the form (35), with ¢@ for ¢, and of course 
with a different tetrahedron of reference. The equation of S’ will therefore be 
the same as would be the equation of S if derived from equations (35). 

74. Both S’ and S have the bitangent of the curve as a cuspidal line. 
Further, they touch along this line. In effect, the tangent plane to S is 
determined by the hyperboloid H, which is determined by its three generators 
of the same species p, J, J. Consider the corresponding lines p, 7’, J’. J’ passes 
through the points #=+7, ie. ¢=+£1; it therefore coincides with -/, and 
J’ in like manner is 7, Hence H and #’ are identical, and the two surfaces 
S, S’ touch along the common cuspidal line. 

Again, they touch along the curve /;, since it is an asymptotic line on each. 
Hence the intersection of S and S$’, which is of the sixteenth degree, is made 
up of the curve counted twice and the bitangent counted six times. 

75. Starting with a curve #, we obtain two surfaces, S and S’, having / as 
a common asymptotic line. These surfaces contain an infinity of curves & 
(their asymptotic lines); all of these have the same bitangent p, and their 
inflexions lie by twos on the lines Zand J. Taking any such curve (say on S), 
we obtain a new surface S’, and a new set of curves. Proceeding thus we 

72 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

obtain an infinity of surfaces and curves. All the surfaces have the same 
cuspidal line p, and touch the same hyperboloid 7 along p. All the directrices 
are generators of H of one system (a), since they meet the generators p, J, J 
of the other system (3). Hence all the linear congruences to which the gene- 
rators of the surfaces belong contain the regulus (/3). The surfaces S fall into 
two systems, 7 being a generator of those of one system, and J of those of the 

System of Quadrilaterals and Tetrahedra in Space connected with a Curve k. 

76. Take the equations of the curve in the form 
x,/(@ — 3t) = a,/F = x,/¢ = a,/(3t' — 1), (36) 

which is easily derived from (34) or (35). 

The complex is C= py3 + pu = 0. 

The congruence (f,¢7) is constituted by Cjand C0’ = pi. + py = 0. 

The congruence (¢,—¢7) is constituted by C, and C” = py - pu = 0. 

The lines (+7) belong to the congruence C’= C” = 0. 

The three complexes C, C’, C” are in involution, and therefore determine 
a system of tetrahedra in space such that any vertex is the pole of each of the 
adjacent faces with respect to one of the three complexes. Hach edge will of 
course belong to the congruence formed by two of the complexes. 

Tf (z), (), (7), (C) are the points ¢, 1, - ¢, —¢71 respectively on the curve, 
we have easily, from (36), 

My 2 i ts: %=— 8:8: &:-f=—-m:-minim=—l:ls:-G: G. 

It follows that, if five points 7;(¢@=1,2,...5) lie in a plane Il, the sets of 
five points 7;7, —¢;, —¢ will lie in planes Il, Tl, Ty. 

If (y) is the pole P, of II, with respect to C, the equation of IT, is 

AX, Y3— Xsii + Xo ys — Xs y2 = 0. 

Hence II: is — X,Y, — Xey, + X3yy + Xi pr = 0. 

Hence II. contains P,, and is its polar plane in 0”. 

Similarly 0, contains P,, and is its polar plane in 0”. 

If P; is the pole of II; in C, we see in this way that the tetrahedra (P) 
and (I1) coincide, and form a tetrahedron of the kind described above. 

Starting, therefore, from any point P, in space, we get a quadrilateral 
P, P, P, P, such that the pairs of opposite sides belong to the congruences 
(¢,¢7) and (¢,-f"), and the diagonals to the congruence (¢,-¢). Further, if 
the plane I],(P,P; P2) meets the curve in five points A, the plane Tl, will 
meet the curve in the five vertices 6; of the quadrilaterals A; 6; C; D; on the 
curve (par. 67) (c); and so with II, and I, 


By K. T. WANG. 
[Read May 8. Published Jury 13, 1911.] 

DIFFERENTIALS of quaternion functions of algebraical and transcendental forms 
containing no quaternion constants are precisely analogous to those of ordinary 
or scalar functions, if dq///g. But in the general case, without the coplanarity 
dq///q, the differentiation becomes far more complex. I have never yet seen 
any author deal with much of it. 

But recently I found that there is a general expression for the differentiation 
of such functions. 

In the general case dq can always be resolved into two components: the 
one is a quaternion ///g, and the other a vector 1 dAaq; the perpendicular 
vector component can be expressed in the form 

— Vq.V(Vdq: Vq), 
and the coplanar quaternion component, 
dq+Vq.V(Vdq: Vq). 

For every set of values of g and dg there is only one set of components which 
satisfies the above definition. 

Let #(q,dq) denote the differential of fg; hence it is a linear function of 
dq: it is distributive, or 

F(qg,dq) =F \g,dq+ Vq.V (Vdq: Vq)\ + Ffg,- Vq.V (Vdq: Vq)}. 

Because dq+Vq.V(Vdq:Vq)///¢ and its functions, containmeg no 

quaternion constants; so, similar to the special case dg///q, 
F{(g,dq+Vq.V(Vdq: Vq)} =f'q. {dq + Vq.V (Vdq: Vq)} 

(/’ signifies the ordinary form of derivative of /), and it is also ///g or fq. 

The other term J’ {g,- Vqg.V(Vdq:Vq)}, though it is not so simple 
as the first one, is always a sum of products of coplanar quaternions and 
the vector, that 1 their axis, - Vqg.V(Vdq:Vq). All such products are 
vectors | the axis of the quaternions; therefore the sum, Le. 

F \q,— Vg. V (Vig: Vay}, 
is also a vector 1 <Azg or Aafq. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT, A. {10} 

74 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

But, similar to dq, dfq can only be resolved into one set of components, a 
quaternion ///79, Le. 
dfq + Vig. V(Vafq : Vfq); 
— Vfq. V (Vdfq: V7q). 
Therefore we can equate the coplanar quaternion part 
Sy. {dq + Vg. V(Vdg: Vq)} = dfq + Vig. V (Vag : V9) 
= dfq + Vfq. V(Vdq: Vq) 
(. Aafg=+ Ang, dAafg = + dAxg, 
and V (Vadfq : Vfq) = dAafqa: Axfg = dAaxq: Avg = V(Vdq: Vq)). 
This gives df = f'y.dq + (f'7. Va - Via) V( Vag: V9). 

In addition to the foregoing proof, the differentials of some particular 

and a vector 1 Azfq, 

functions of g can be found in other ways. The results are the same as 
those deduced from the above equation; therefore they can be used as the 
verifications of it. 
(1.) Differentiate g”, where m and u are positive integral scalars. 

Let r= q”, then r”=q". Differentiate, 

PAO SE EE UP PAE cote CPs TE SOE) He OP ifs 6) ex 20 EG o GP 
Multiply each member of equation 

r 2 pom 

by the corresponding member of last equation, 

SOG FO OW oO ooot FO 5 OG 6G" 

Denote O+7 Ort r72Qr+...4 7°" Qr™ by FQ 
and Q+q Q¢+q° OQ +..." Og" by FQ, 

ee Pid 
then F, (" : ) regs 
Hence every term of /, and Ff, is a conical rotation of the operands 

SE, = F,S=mS, VF,=F,V, 

and Sh, =F,S=nS, VF,=F.V; 

thus mS\r" .dr) = nS dq, 

and F, ae “) = F,Vadg. 

Wane—The Differentiation of Quaternion Functions. (i) 

Divide by Vq, and hence all powers of 7 and q///¢ and Vq; therefore 
FQ: Vq = FQ: V9); 


thus Al VCE ei). | = F,(Vdq: Vq); 

and mS | V(r" .dr):Vq) = nS(Vdgq : Va), 

and F, A VE lp): | = F,V (Vdq: V9). 

The two operands of the last equation | Axr and Aaq, therefore 
ror? =Ur*.v and gg" = Ug. v, 

thus the equation becomes 

1 l 
(1+ Ur? + Urt+...4+ Ure’) V Vir" . dr): Vas 
=(14+ Uy? + Ugt+...+ Ug") V(Vdq : Va), 
Ise (es cae Le 
or 1=U0r? V\V(r” ~.dr): Val = 1-Ug VLG. ap)3 Vai 

- le Uq 3 
Seana V (Vag : V9), 
(eee ea 1m 
a a Vr? .dr): Vos = Toe V (Vdq :V 4). 

But 1 — Ug = Ug*( Ug? -— Ug") = 2Uy". V. Ug? = 297 V .g?; 
way Bag Vote 
therefore VALE .dpel) sq” Wa Wrelas a. 

m m 

V@ dr): Vg = (S+V)IV@" dr): ra 
17, 9” 

anit a aes : 
ls S(Vdq:Vq)+¢ Va V (Vdq : Vq), 

-m+t1 7, g™ 
= — Vdq:Vqt+ (- —+q i V (Vdq : Vq); 
ae n nm -=41 7, ” 
aC , an) Ei Vdq+ (- = + ol m a V(Vdq: Va). Va, 


= = Vig+(= 7 ml a) vCrg Va 

ans ta Y-4 2”) (Vay : Vg 

(. Va L V(Vdq:Vq), so V(Vdq: Va). Vy=- Vo. V(Vadq: Vq)); 

76 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

m m 

oa (Ga Fr dr) =™ Sig + ™ Va 
- pssst (° SO) = SO aie VOY 

in ear ue 
+ G Va-q™ an V (Vdq:Vq) 

1 n 
E Pi See 2oK 
_ & (a2 es m\ T7 ! : 
= 7, at\|,, 4-4 V9") V (Vag : Va); 
and finally 
a Sy eer aaa 
Gt pe ee NE ory SG ONES op 

nN n nN 
= —4q dy + (= q” : Vq-V. 7”) V (Vdq : VQ). 
m m 
(2.) Differentiate q 
Let r=q ™, then r= 9". 

Lp Oa ide Pana aos euro i ==] Sada = Uf 15 Cia @—o00= p .dg.g. 
Multiply each member of equation 

by the corresponding member of the last equation and treat in a similar way 
as in (1), the result is 

n n 

n n 
== =i f Sl ees 
d.q m= q m dq +(-“q m Va-V.0") V(Vdq : Vq). 
Wb Ned 
Therefore if a is any scalar either integer or fraction (or irrational, the 
limit of fraction), positive or negative, 

d.q* = aq" dq + (aq™1 Vq - V.q*)V(Vdq : Vq). 
(3.) Differentiate log, g. 
log.g = Lim — 



y d. n F Te / V. n 
d log. g = Lim “Lt = Lim [(e° dq + (ee Vq- —f) V(Vdq: r0) | 

= q'dq + (¢'Vq- V log. q)V(Vdq: Va). 
(4.) Differentiate e?. 

e?= Lim(1+ ng)" : 

Wane—The Differentiation of Quaternion Functions. 17 

1 1 1 
= =a ==! = 
eh ee, ng)" dg+\(l+nq)” Vq-V.(1+n9)") Vi Vag: a 
n=O n= 
=eldg + ( V(Vdq : Vq). 
(5.) Differentiate any function of g that can be expressed in a series of 
powers of g (including the limit form log, 7) with scalar indices and coefficients. 
SY = 20129", 
dfg = 3a,d.g° = Xa," dq + (Rarrgy? Vg - VSa2q") V (Vg: V9) 
: = fy.dq + (f'qg.Vq—-VJq)V (Vag : V9). 
(6.) Differentiate Fy =/if:g, where f, and /, are any functions which have 
previously been proved that satisfy the general expression 
Fg = afifeg =f f29-. ag + Fi fe Vig Vi faa V (Vafag: Vig) 
=A’ fag. Ug + (fifa Vig - Vii fg) V (Vag :Vq) 
=f fat fag. dg + (faq Va —Vhg)V (Vag :Vq)} 
sf Pif4 0 Vig —Vfi fq) V( Vadq g Vq) 
= F'qg.dq + (£'q¢.Vq -VFq) V (Vdq:Vq) 
Co Pi fg. fag = FQ). 

The successive operation by either 7 ¢ % Ty, J/g has also general expres- 
sions. However, for simplicity, we shall first solve some questions connecting 
to them. 

(1.) Find the values of gJS(Qdq), qi/V(@dq), diS(QVdq), ai V(QVdq), 
a\QVdq, and gj V(Vdq: Vq), where g{fdq denote —f1 + ifv+7ff + keh. 

Let q=wtietjyt+hke and Q=W+iX+jV+kZ. 

Hence, -SQ=-W, iS.Qi=-iX, jS.Q)=-jY, and kS.Qk=-kZ; 

thus, ajS.Qdq=- Q. [1] 
Again, -VQ=-tiX -jV-kZ, iV. Qi=-W+jV + kZ, 
IV.Q=-W+iX+kZ, and kV.Qk=-W+iX4+ 77; 

thus, a\V . Qdq = - 38Q+ VQ. [2] 

Also, ajS.QVdq=q{S.Qdq without the first term =- VQ. [3] 

Similarly a\V.QVdq = - 38Q + 2V9Q. [4] 
T)QVdq = T)S.QVdq +g) V.QVdqg=-380+VQ [5] 

And iV (0: Vq)=1V (0. Va): Vo? =- (jy + ke): Va’, 


JV(g: Vq) =— (athe): Vq, and kV (k: Vg) =-(x+jy): V9"; 
therefore a) V(Vdq: Vq)=-2Vq: Ve =-2Vq. [6] 

78 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

(2.) Find the expressions of 
a,(S0.Va"), dg(Via-V9"), Cy, (Sia. Va), and Cy,(Vig- Ve"), 
where m is an integer. 
d(Sfq. Va") 
= S(f'qdq). Vo" -— mSfq . Ve". Vdq — Sfa{mVq" + ViVe")| V(Vd¢q: Va); 
thus @,_(Sfq.Vq) 
=T/S(fqdq). Vo"-mq | Sfq. Vo". Vdq-{ Sfaim Vo"+ Vi Vae-")} Vi Vide: V9). 

But = Di S(f'¢.dg). Ve" = - f'¢.Vo 
— mg | Sf¢. Vo". Vdgq = 3mSfq.S(Vg") - mSf¢.V( Ve"), 
and — aS Sfq tm Vo" + V(Vo™)} Vi Vdg : Va) 

=— as V( Vdq 3 Va) Sfq sie {m Va" a V( Vor")} 
= 2Vq.Sfq.K |{mVq™ + V(Vq")} 
= 2Sfq. Vo. (mS (Ve) - (m+1)V(Va™)} 

= 2mSfq.V (Ver) - 2(m + 1)Sfq. SV"). 
D,(Sfq r Vo") : 

=-—f'¢.Vo" + (m-2)Sfq.S(Ve") + mSfq. VV") 
=-f'¢.Vq" + (m—-1)Sfq.Vqr? — Sfq.K.Vg™ 
=~ fq. Varn + (m-1- (UV gy") Sfq. Vom 
=-f'¢.Vq™ + {m-1+(-1)"}Sf¢.Vo™, 
if m is integer. 
d(Viq.Vq") = V(f'qdq).Vo™ + (f'9.Vq—Viq)V (Vag: Vq).Vo™ 
- mVfqg.Vq".Vdq — Viq {mVq" + Vi Vq™)\ V(Vad¢q: Va); 
thus @(Viq.Vq") 
= aS V(fqdq).Vo+ ai (fy.Vq- Viq)V (Vag : Va). Vo 
— mg { Vfq.Vq" .Vdg -— q J Vig {mVqa" + Vi Vq")} V (Vag : Vo). 
But asl V (faqdq). Va" =- 38fq.Vqo"+ Viq.Vq™, 
aS (f¢.Vq — Vig)V(Vdq: Vq).Vqg™ 
= 5 V(Vdq: Vq) K(f'q.Vq - Viq).Vq™ 
= - 2(Vf'q.Vq—-Sf¢.Vq+ Viq). Vo" 
=- 2Vf'q.Vqo™+ 28fq.Vq" —-2Viq.S(Vqon"") —2Vfq.V( Ve"), 
-— me | Viq.Vq"'.Vdq = 3mVifq.V(Vqo" >) - mVifq.S(Vqg"’), 
and -qJVfqg{mVq"+V(V¢"™)} V(Vdq: Vq) 
=-@JV(Vdq : Vq)K (mVfq.Vq™ + Vfg.ViVe"); 
=2Vq{(m+1)Vig.V (Va) - mViq.S(\Ve")} 
= 2(m+1)Vfq.S(Vqg™) - 2mVifq.V (Vg). 

Wane—The Differentiation of Quaternion Functions. 79 

Ta Viq. Vo") 
=- Sf'q¢. Va" —Vfq.Va™ +mVfq.S(Vqr") + (m2) Vig. Vive") 
=-—f'q¢.Vq"™ + {m-1+ (OV Gq)" Vig.Vo™ 
=— fq. Vg" +m -1-(-1)"| Vifq.Vo™, 
if m is integer. 

(L ry Sia- Vo) and ¢ aA Vfq.Vq-") are exactly the same as Oo (Sfq.Vq-) 
and q(Viq.Vq™) respectively, except replaced q by Vdq,i.e.{[S\(fqdq).Vg" 
and g JV (fqdq).V¢™ by g@\S(fqVadq) .Vo™ and g lV (fqVdq).Vq™, or 
—f'q.Vq~ and -3Sf'q.Vqr+Vifq.Vq™ by -VPq.Vq" and -3Sf¢.Vq™ 
+ 2Vfq.Vq™ respectively. The results are 

Ty Sa Ve") =- Vi'q.Vq™ + {m—-1 + (-1)"} Sig. Vom, 
and Tra Vig. Vo") =-Sfq.Vqm + {m-1-(€1)™} Vfo.Vo™, 
if m is integer. 

Now, we can successively operate by Oe and T vq fy without difficulty 
by using the foregoing four formulae. 

AS fy = Sfq + Vig; 

id =-f9-F9- 2Viq. Va =-2Sfq- 2Vfq- 2Viq.Vo', 
de fa= 2f'¢+ 2f q+ 4V iq .Vo'+2f9q.Ve- 2Viq.Vq" 

=45f'¢+ 280 ¢ Vo + 4Vi'q+ 6Viq.Ve-2Viq.Vq?, &e. 
In general, 

Canta = (& 2)" 2Si Og (Sign Vas 25g 

=(n+1)VfOVg .Va'+(n-1) VID) Vg} ; 

Cal- 2) 2SPG= (W=L) SF GV 2V FG 
= (m+1) VF" .Vo'+(n-1) VF"). Ver} 
= (— 2)" 1 2fm0 9 +(n-1) fg. Va + (n—-1) SFO 9. Vag? + 2fO%VG + 4V FM Ve 
+ (n+l) fg .Vqr= (n+ 1) VACVG Va? —(n-1) f"Yq Ver} 

= (= 2)" {=25f™ 9g_nSf™ 9g. Var - 2 VF" g —(r +2) VIM. Vot+nVF" Mg Vag? }. 

Cy fd=-Vi 9 -Sfq-2V fq. Vr =-Shq- Via - 2Vfq.Ve", 

Ty Sa= Vi q+ Sf’ ¢+2Vf¢.Va + 28f¢.Ve - 2Vifq.Ve 

= Sf’ + 28fq .Vo'+Vi'q + 2V iy .Vq7 -2V fq .Ve?, &e. 

In general, 

Gaya =(- DSF 4 (n a sre" Vo + VIM| 

i oe Ie ee (-1)"-1 Stee a 
3 ( i —) Vi TVG -(n4 =| Van 9 Ty"| 

80 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


Cry Is Olas ( n+ Aas SfOVg. Vg + VI%g 
+ (a + an ei Nip A (n peas os = -) Vfraq. rr 
= (- 1)" Bs Vig — (n ve (e = 

=) ri09. Vy -(n + Gui Cae) 

ff = 
4 Sf" Dg : Ve = Sig = 2VF™¢.Vq* = ( n pi 

x Sf Ve + n+ —- oe) ar (9 Vg? + —— ay 

x Sf! a | veh 

{ (= 1) nti _ 
= i))s* I spine g (Dass 5— js g .Vqit+VfeM| 
\ 2 

+(n+1+ ae —— rie. Ver —(nv14 oO") Vi" q. vr. 




J.J. NOLAN, M.A., M.Sc., University College, Dublin, 

Read 11th DrcemBer, 1911. Published FERRuARY 4, 1912. 

‘THE determination of the sign and magnitude of the electric charge brought 
down by rain to the Earth is obviously of great importance from its bearing 
on problems of atmospheric and terrestrial electricity. Measurements have 
been made by many observers; but their results have exhibited some discor- 
dance. The earlier observers, Elster and Geitel,! at Wolfenbiittel and 
Gerdien’ at Gottingen, obtained results which seemed to be readily capable of 
explanation, and to harmonize with what was already known about atmospheric 
electricity. In general they found that the rain brought down an excess of 
negative electrification. It was supposed that condensation took place around 
the negative ions of the atmosphere as in the experiments of C. T. R. Wilson ;° 
a negative charge was thus brought to Earth, and the positive ions remained 
in the atmosphere. The maintenance of the normal positive potential gradient 
above the surface of the Earth was thus accounted for. Measurements of the 
potential gradient during the fall of rain were also made by these observers. 
It was found that, in general, the sign of the potential is opposite to that of 
the charge on the rain. 

The results of Weiss,‘ however, were not in agreement with those of the 
foregoing observers. He is supported by Kahler,’ working at Potsdam in 1908, 
and by Simpson,° working at Simla in 1908-09. Kahler found (1) that the 
rain was more frequently charged positively than negatively; (2) that the 
sign of the charge had no relation to the sign of the potential gradient ; 
(3) that the intensity of the rain and the quantity of electrification brought 
down did not correspond. 

1 Elster and Geitel, Wien. Ber., vol. xcix, 1890, p. 421; Terr. Mag., vol. iv, 1899, p. 15. 
? Gerdien, Phys. Zeit., vol. iv, 1903, p. $37. 
’ Wilson, Phil. Trans., 1897, p. 265; 1899, p. 403; 1900, p. 289. 
+ Weiss. Wien. Ber., cxv, 1906, p. 1825. 
° Kahler, Publ. of Met. Instit. of Prussia, cexiii, 1909. 
§ Phil. Trans., ecix, 1909, p. 879; Proc. Roy. Soc. Ixxxiii, 1910, p. 394. 
R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. A, (11) 

82 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Simpson’s observations are the most complete that have yet been made 
upon this subject. His apparatus was self-recording, and measured the 
charge of the rain per c.c. as well as per unit time. The sign of the potential 
gradient was also automatically recorded. Simpson summarizes his results 
as follows :— 

(1) During 71 per cent. of the time that charged rain fell the charge was 

(2) 75 per cent. of the electricity brought down by the rain was positive. 

(3) Light rain was more highly charged than heavy rain. 

(4) All rainfall that occurred at a greater rate than one mm. in two 
minutes was positively charged. 

(5) The proportion of negative electricity brought down by the rain was 
slightly greater in the second than in the first half of the storms. 

(6) The potential gradient was more often negative than positive during 

(7) No relationship between the sign of the potential gradient and the 
sign of the electricity of the rain could be detected. 

Simpson also investigated the electricity brought down by snow. He 
found that the proportion of positive to negative was about 3:6 to 1; but the 
most striking result was that the average charge per gramme was much 
greater than in the case of rain. 

Observations have been made in 1910 by Baldit,? at Puy-en-Velay. He 
finds that positively charged rain falls more frequently than negatively 
charged rain, and that an excess of positive electricity is brought down. 

It seemed to us important to have further observations of the charge on 
rain, as the later and more complete work was not in agreement with earlier 
work and ideas on the subject, but especially because the standard work by 
Simpson was carried out during the thunderstorm season at Simla, so that his 
results could not be assumed to hold under normal weather conditions. To 
this end we have made observations of the electric charge on rain at University 
College, Dublin. This paper deals chiefly with work started in March, 1911, 
and carried on to the end of June, a period of exceptionally small rainfall. 
The work was aguin taken up in October, and is being carried on during the 
winter months. 

1 Proc, Roy. Soc,, Ixxxiii, 83, 1910, p. 394. 

* Communication & la Société météorologique, séance du Mars, 1911. Le Radium, Avril, 1911, 
p- 153. 

McCuettann anp Notan—Vhe Electric Charge on Rain. 83 


The general disposition of the apparatus may be gathered from the 
diagram. The rain is caught in a shallow, conical vessel, 4 £&, 81:5 ems. in 
diameter. This is mounted inside a cubical wooden box, measuring about 
108 cms. each way, and fitted with a zine top C D, sloped so as to throw off 

£ || 

Sor n my 

i 3 i 



| | | 

i | 

i | 

| HELL \ 
eo sc 

To Electrometer 

x SS a 
ae ai > 


To Earth 


To Bell 

the rain which falls upon it. In this zinc top is a circular opening # #79 ems. 
in diameter, through which the rain falls into the receiving vessel. The edge 
of the zinc is turned up so as to form a rim about ‘5 cm. high around the 
opening. The zinc top is surmounted by a strong zine cylinder G H, 91 cms. 


84 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

high, and 91 cms. in diameter. All this zinc, as well as the wooden box, is con- 
nected to Earth. The receiver is thus protected from the Earth’s electrostatic 
field, from which it is furthermore shielded owing to the fact that the apparatus 
is placed in a small quadrangle, where the potential gradient is small. The 
receiver is connected by an insulated wire passing through an earthed metallic 
tube to a Dolezalek electrometer in a building about 4 metres distant. ‘The 
receiver is supported on a tripod, from which it is insulated by paraftin wax I J. 
It was found that this insulation kept very good, even when the humidity of the 
air was high. Attached to the receiving vessel, and in electric connexion 
with it, is a tipping-bucket arrangement X, of the ordinary kind, into which 
the rain flows directly. This is adjusted to tip when 30 ces. of rain have 
flowed into it. ‘lhe water discharged at each tip of the bucket is caught in 
a pan underneath, and flowing out through a pipe falls upon a little vessel V, 
supported by a spring, and causes it to make contact with mercury, and thus 
complete a circuit. The closing of the circuit causes a bell to ring close to 
the observer, and thus the arrival of each 30 cc. of rain in the receiver is 
signalled. The little vessel is perforated, so that after the rush of water 
ceases, the strength of the spring restores it to its first position, and the 
contact is broken. 

The charge brought down by the rain is measured by observing the 
increase of potential of the receiving vessel by means of a Dolezalek 
electrometer. In these experiments the capacity of the vessel, electrometer, 
and connexions was 324 cms. The sensibility of the electrometer was 
464 mm. svale-divisions per volt, and was very approximately constant 
throughout the experiments. In general the charge on the rain was such 
that it was necessary to increase largely the capacity of the electrometer 
system by connecting a condenser. When a suitable capacity, depending 
upon the degree of electrification of the rain, is connected to the electrometer, 
the method of experiment resolves itself into noting the number of scale- 
divisions through which the electrometer needle is deflected in the interval 
between two discharges of the tipping-buckets. The electrometer is connected 
to Earth at each ving of the bell, and the deflection at the next ring noted. 
Thus the charge per cc. of rain can be directly determined. 

In the course of these experiments no attempt was made to use self- 
recording apparatus. It was considered that more information could be 
gained by careful observation of the type of rain on each occasion, and of 
other attendant circumstances. Further, by personal attention, we have been 
able to observe the charge during exceedingly slight rainfalls as well as in the 
case of heavier rain. While the method has the disadvantages of only dealing 
with a portion of the total rainfall in any given period, and requiring much 

McCievianp ann Nouan—The Electric Charge on Rain. 85 

of the observer's time, the results obtained have led us to continue the work 
in the same mariner. oe 

During the observations of the charge on rain, the sign and variations of 
potential at a point in the air at some distance from the apparatus for 
collecting the vain were also observed. An insulated wire was connected 
toa suitable electroscope near the observer, and a sheet of lead-foil possessing 
induced activity was wrapped around the wire at the point where the potential 
was required.. The electroscope consisted of a rather thick quartz fibre 
vendered conducting by being dipped in calcium chloride solution, and 
suspended between plates charged to equal and opposite potentials. The 
potentials of the plates could be readily altered and the sensitiveness of 
the electroscope varied at will. 

Possible Sources of Error. 

The method of protecting the receiving vessel from the Earth’s electro- 
static field has already been described. The best proof that the protection 
was efficient is that when the vessel was disconnected from Earth, and no 
rain was falling, the electrometer-needle suffered no appreciable deflection, 
even after a considerable interval of time. 

The most likely source of error in all such experiments on rain is the 
possibility of splashing of the rain, from surfaces exposed to the Earth’s field, 
into the receiving-vessel. These drops would carry away an induced charge 
opposite in sign to that of the gradient, and possibly of very considerable 
magnitude, and would consequently prove a very potent source of error. It is 
considered that in the apparatus used, the protection against this source of 
error has been efficient. Rain hitting the edge or inner sides of the zine 
cylinder is caught on the sloping zinc cover below and drains off. The rim 
which has been turned up around the edge of this cover tends to prevent 
splashing into the vessel below, which, even if it happens, is harmless so far 
as Introducing a spurious charge is concerned, inasmuch as the field at the 
point is nil, owing to the protection afforded by the zine cylinder. At 
most it means that a few uncharged drops get into the recetving-vessel. In 
veneral the apparatus may be said to have been protected from this effect 
owing to the proximity of the buildings around it, which, as has been already 
noted, to a great extent screened off the Earth’s field. These buildings were 
not, however, so near that any possible splashing could take place from any of 
them into the receiver. 

Another possible source of error has to be considered, namely, the Lenard 
effect. Lenard’ has shown that, when pure water splashes on a metal surface, 

1 Wied. Annal., vol. xlyi, 1892, p. 626. 

86 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

the water takes up a positive charge, while the air becomes negatively 
charged. If the negatively charged air can be removed by ventilation, the 
charge on the water can be measured. Lenard was able to obtain in this 
way ‘15 electrostatic units per c.c. of water. In our experiments, owing to the 
position of the receiver and the improbability of any considerable circulation of 
air, it is Impossible that more than a very small fraction of this amount of 
electrification could be developed by splashing, and most of the rain examined 
had charges per c.c. much greater than -15 electrostatic unit. Test experi- 
ments we tried by splashing uncharged water into the receiver convinced 
us that this source of error was sufficiently guarded against. 


We shall now deal with the results of the observations made during the 
period from 3rd March to 22nd June. Very little rain fell during this period ; 
and as most of the small rainfall took place during the night, the total amount 
examined was small. Accurate measurements were obtained of the charge 
on 5795 c.c. of rain; and as the measurements were made on thirty-two 
separate occasions, they deal with a variety of types of rain, as we shall 
see later. These 5795 c.c. correspond to a rainfall of only 1:2 em. Of this 
total 5115 c.c., or 88-2 per cent., were positively electrified, and the remaining 
682 e.c., or 11°8 per cent., had a negative charge. 

Considering the total charge brought down by the rain we find that the 
5113 cc. of positively charged rain had a charge of 4151-4 electrostatic 
units, and the 682 c.c of negatively charged rain had a charge of 289-7 electro- 
static units. Thus, of the total charge of electricity brought down by the 
rain we examined, 93°5 per cent. was positive in sign. 

At no time during these observations did thunderstorms actually occur in 
the immediate neighbourhood, although, on some occasions, thunderstorm 
conditions appeared to exist, and on one such occasion distant thunder could 
be heard. As the above figures show when compared with Simpson’s results, 
the great excess of positive over negative charge on rain is equally marked 
under normal conditions as during thunderstorms. 

Perhaps the most striking result of our observations is that rain consisting 
of exceedingly small drops appears to be always negatively charged. This 
class of rain is generally light; but its characteristic feature is the smallness 
of the drops rather than the rate of precipitation. Thus rain of this class was 
observed so light as almost to be imperceptible, and the same class of rain was 
dealt with falling at the rate of 002 cm. per minute. We examined this type 
of vain on fifteen separate occasions, and found it always negatively charged. 

McCueuiann and Nouan—The Electric Charge on Rain. — 87 

In the remainder of the paper we distinguish between three different 
types of rain :— 

(a) Rain consisting of very small drops, as described above, and which 
will be referred to as “ fine” rain. 

(b) Rain consisting of relatively larger drops. This rain is generally 
heavy; but for our purpose, it is a question of the size of the drops, 
and we have dealt with a rainfall as small as (0006 cm. per minute, 
which clearly consisted of these larger drops. 

This type of rain will be referred to as “large” rain. 

(c) Rain consisting of a mixture of types (a) and (0). Rain frequently falls 
which can be seen to consist of a mixture of large and very small 
drops. This type we shall refer to as “mixed” rain. 

“ Fine” Rain. 

As mentioned above, this type of rain consisting of exceedingly small drops 
was examined on fifteen separate occasions, and found to be always negatively 
charged. Although always negatively charged, the quantity of water falling 
in this form and the negative electricity brought down by it is small, so that 
its effect on the percentage of negative in the total charge brought down by 
rain is not of much importance. In all we collected about 450 cc. of rain of 
this type. 

A feature of this type of rain is the relative constancy of the charge 
per ¢c.c. compared with the much greater variations of charge in the case of 
larger positive drops. On many occasions this “fine” rain was heavy enough 
to fill and tip the collecting-buckets ; and in such cases its charge per c.c. was 
directly determined. On other occasions the rain was so slight that the 
surface of the collecting-vessel was able to retain and evaporate all that fell 
on it; but the charge could easily be detected by the electrometer. On some 
such occasions estimates of the charge per c.c. were made by exposing sheets of 
blotting-paper of known surface area for short times and finding their increase 
of weight. 

The maximum and minimum limits of the negative charge per c.c. 
on “fine” rain were ‘24 electrostatic unit and ‘06 electrostatic unit; and 
the mean value of all the determinations made was ‘12 electrostatic unit 
per c.c. 

As we shall see later, the charge per c.c. on the larger drops varied between 
much wider limits, and had a much greater mean value, 

88 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

“Large” Rain. 

In the case of rain in which large drops were present we took some care 
to note whether the large drops were accompanied by rain of the “ fine ” type. 
That this distinction is necessary: was clearly shown by what happened on 
some occasions. We noticed occasions when much fine rain was clearly 
accompanied by a relatively small number of large drops; and the electro- 
meter deflections changed quickly from positive to negative as the number of 
large drops increased or diminished. We had little doubt from our observa- 
tions of the rain and the electrometer-deflections that the “fine” rain was 
as usual negatively charged and the larger drops positively charged. Of 
course it is quite impossible to decide on every occasion whether the rain 
should be classed as “large” rain or “mixed” rain; but often it was clearly 
of the “mixed” type, and such cases are summarized in a separate class. 

The charge on the rain consisting entirely of large drops was almost 
always positive. Sometimes in the case of such rain a sudden change takes 
place, and for a few minutes or less a negative charge is collected, followed by 
a quick return to the positive again. 

The value of the positive charge on large rain is shown by the following 
Table (1), which gives the percentage of the total discharges of the tipping- 
buckets corresponding to charges between certain limits :— 


Charge per c.c. in Electrostatic Units. Percentage. 

on oS 

St He Oe 

ei Ss : 3 . : 5 

On almost half of the rain of this type examined the charge per ¢.c. was 
between 1 and 2 electrostatic units. The highest charge observed was 
9-2 units per c.c. 

As stated above, the charge per c.c. on the negatively electrified “fine” rain 
was between the limits ‘06 and ‘24 units per ¢.c. ae 

On the occasions when a negative charge was observed on rain which could 
not be classed as fine rain higher values were found, reaching 4:9 units per c.c. 
on one occasion, a 

McCrietuanpd And Notan—The Electiie Charge on Rain. 89 

We noted on the occasions when very high charges per c.c. were present, 
especially positive charges, that thunderstorm conditions appeared to prevail, 
although no thunder was actually heard. 

“ Mixed” Rain. 

With rain of this class there were cases as stated above when the electro- 
meter deflections changed frequently from positive to negative, and many cases 
when a charge always positive in sign, but small, was obtained. The follow- 
ing Table (II) shows the percentages of the rain of this type having charges 
between certain limits :— 

Charge per c.c. in Electrostatic Units. Percentage. 
al : : : : an eR 
1-5 62 
iO i 17 
1 =2 4 
<< 2} 0 

Comparing this Table with Table I we see how much smaller the average 
charge is in the case of the mixed rain. Quite possibly the very small drops 
present in this mixed rain are always negatively charged even when the total 
charge is positive; but as the negative charge per c.c. found on such small 
drops when occurring alone is always so very small, we cannot directly 
ascribe the relatively small positive charges we are now dealing with to the 
fact that both positive and negative electricities are being collected. The 
fact that the rain is of the mixed type points rather to the circumstances 
attending its production being different from those in the case of the rain 
consisting only of large drops. 

Potential Gradient Observations. 

It is well known that the normal positive potential gradient in fine 
weather is greatly disturbed when rain is falling. This fact was fully 
exemplified in our observations, the sign of the potential changing rapidly 
and frequently. It is not correct to state, as is sometimes done, that during 
rain the potential is negative. The noticeable feature is the frequent change 
of sign that occurs. On the whole, we noted a negative potential more 
frequently than a positive during rain. 

R.i.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. A. [12] 

90 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Electrie Charge on Snow and Hal. 

A few short showers of snow and hail occurred during the period covered 
by these observations. The apparatus is not specially suited for dealing 
with snow; but the charge could be accurately measured and the quantity of 
snow estimated at the end of the shower by collecting it and washing out the 
receiver with warm water. Five showers of snow occurred. In each case it was 
negatively charged. The average charge per gramme was 2'8 electrostatic units. 

The potentials accompanying snow-showers areabnormal. On three of the 
five occasions on which snow fell the showers were quite heavy, although 
lasting for only a short time. Before the snow began to fall the electroscope 
giving the potential showed the normal positive value, which for the point 
in question was about 100 volts. On the arrival of the snow the potential 
changed quite quickly to a very high negative value outside the range of the 
electroscope, but which was measured by a less sensitive electroscope when 
the other showers occurred, and negative values as high as 2500 volts were 
found. This high negative potential was maintained during the showers, but 
fell away suddenly when the snow ceased, and the electroscope recorded a 
normal positive value as before. 

We have stated that the snow observed was negatively charged ; but one 
exception should be noted. During one shower the charge changed to 
positive for a period of less than a minute. It may be noted that Simpson 
usually found snow to be positively charged. 

Only one shower of hail occurred, and it was positively charged, the 
average charge per gramme being approximately two electrostatic units. 
On two other occasions showers fell which consisted of mixtures of snow 
and hail. These showers gave further evidence that the snow was negatively 
charged and the hailstones positively charged. Thus when the hailstones 
visibly predominated, the charging of the receiver was positive, and vice versa. 
An excess of negative was recorded on both occasions; 7°6 units for 80 
grammes in one shower, and 84 units for 200 grammes in the other. 


The results in this paper may be summarized as follows :— 

1. Of the rain tested 88:2 per cent. was positively electrified and the 
remainder negatively ; of the electricity collected 93°5 per cent. was positive 
in sign. ' 

2. Rain consisting of very minute drops was always negatively charged. 

McCue.tanp anv Notan—The Electric Charge on Rain. 91 

3. Rain consisting of large drops was nearly always positively charged. 
The charge per c.c. on this rain varied between wide limits. 

4. The negative charge per c.c. on rain consisting of minute drops was 
smaller and more constant. 

5. Rain consisting of a mixture of minute and large drops was usually 
positively charged; but the charge was smaller than when large drops alone 
were present. 

6. Snow and hail were observed on only a few occasions. The snow was 
charged negatively and the hail positively. Abnormally large negative 
potentials accompanied the fall of snow. 

It is hoped to discuss these results more fully when the observations 
being made during the present winter months are ready for publication. 
The results are in good agreement with those of Simpson, so that the charges 
on rain are of the same type under ordinary atmospheric electrical conditions 
as during thunderstorms. The further results we are now obtaining are 
similar in character, but the average charge per c.c. is smaller than during 

-the summer months, and the division of the rain into different types is not so 
well marked, 

R,i.A. PROC,, VOL. XXIX., SECT, A, [13] 





Read Feprvuary 12. Published Aprit 30, 1912. 

A. Introductory. The family of curves (M1) defined by ldx + mdy + ndz = 0. Nominal 
definitions. The complex of normal curves. Generalized geodesics, 5 E 92 
B. Two general principles of which Dupin’s theorem and the allied theorems of Darboux 
and Joachimsthal are particular cases, > 5 2 - 6 95 

C. Inversion and general conformal representation of a M-family. Effect on torsion of 

normal curves at a point, : : 2 : : ; : 99 
D. Torsion and curvature of normal curyes. The indicatrix of curvature. The indicatrix 
of torsion. Relations between curvature and torsion. Expression, by torsion and 
curvature, of the quantities 
TE ae) OR 
dy dz dz dz dz dy dz dy ~ dz 
where 7 + m?4+n%=1, : : : é 101 
E. Yarious theorems. Different geometrical expressions for the condition of integrability, 107 
F. Second type of generalizations connected with Dupin’s theorem, etc., 111 
G. The indicatrix of form, , 4 é . 5 112 
H. Geometrical expression for divergence and curl of a vector by meaus of curvature and 

torsion, etc., 


Let ¢ (a,b,c...) be a true proposition involving certain entities or terms 
a, b, c, etc.; then it is natural to inquire whether there is not a more general 
true proposition ¢ (a, B, y .. .), & being a special case of a, b of [3, ete. 
Many other motives co-operate, but on the whole the desire to find more 
comprehensive principles has been the main source of advance in pure 

The following investigation combines three generalisations. First, the 
property of a line of curvature is replaced by the notion of geodesic torsion, 
which vanishes for a line of curvature. Secondly, in considering, for example, 
Dupin’s theorem, the variation and magnitude of the angle between two 

Rocrrs— Orthogonal Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves. 98 

surfaces are not confined. Thirdly, the conception of a one-parameter family of 
surfaces is replaced by the more general conception of a family of curves 
(integral curves) satisfying the Pfaffian equation 

Idx + mdy + ndz = 0,* 
where /,m, 2 are functionst of xyz, and the condition of integrability is not 
necessarily satisfied. 
This family of curves consists of the orthogonal trajectories of the 

congruence of curves defined by 

de dy NS dz 

1 sem n 

The latter are illustrated by lines of force, lines of flow, lines of displacement, 
etc.; in some cases they might be defined by means of surfaces 

ti (a, Y, 2, a, b) = 0, Sa (a, Y, 2, a, b) Ed 0 

where a, are variable constants, and the forms of fi and f, are determined. 

Nominal definitions. 
The family of integral curves of the equation of the form 
Idx + mdy + ndz = 0 

will be referred to as II or a [-family. When /,, m,, », are used, the family 
will be described as II,. 

In this paper it is assumed that 2? + m?+n*?=1, ie. 1, m, n are actual 

* A singly infinite system of curves of the family lies on any arbitrary surface (see Lie and 
Scheffers, Geometrie der Bertihrungstransformationen, 1896, Band i, p. 208, or Forsyth’s Differential 
Equations, Arts. 150 ff.). This property may be regarded as a geometrical representation of the family ; 
but a more inward geometrical representation—independent of arbitrary surfaces—is given by 
means of what are hereafter described as normal curves. 

The pure differential method of treating the Ptaffian equation appears to have been used first by 
Voss (Mathematische Annalen, xvi, 1880, p. 556, and xxiii, 1884, pp. 45, 359) and afterwards with 
considerable variations by Lilienthal (1b. xxxii, 1883, p. 545), who also investigates the shortest 
integral curve of a Pfaffian equation (id. lii, 1899). Both discuss in different ways the normal 
curvature of curves of the family (cf. D, below) as wellas many other matters not referred to in this 
paper, the leading idea of which is the use of normal torsion, and its relation:to normal curvature. 

Lie has recognized that the general Monge equation, f(x, y, z, dv, dy, dz) = 0, has a geometry 
of its own (Leipz. Berichte, 1, 1898, also Math. Amn., lix, 1904, p. 299); but he does not appear to 
have published much on the subject, except in reference to the special case of complexes of right 

t It will be assumed that, ifa+ 2’, y+ y', z+2' be substituted for 2, y, 2, the corresponding 
values of 7, m, x can be expressed by means of Taylor’s theorem to any required degree of accuracy in 
the neighbourhood of the points 2, y, 2. 


94 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The line whose direction-cosines are /,m,n, drawn through the point P 
(x, y,2) may be termed the normal, and the perpendicular plane through P 
the tangent-plane, to the II-family at P. 

The angle of intersection at P of two families I1,, 0, is defined as the angle 
between the normals, and is given by 

+ C08 Opg = [plg + MpMyg + NpNg 

A curve of intersection of two I-families signifies an integral curve common 
to both. These curves form a curve-congruence, one passing through each 
point of space, the direction-cosines (a,/3,y) of the tangent line being 
determined by 

Ia + Mp3 + Nyy =0, Ia + m3 + Ney = 9. 

A curve whose principal normal at any point is the normal to II at the 
same point will be termed a normal curve of the family TI. It is evidently a 
member of the family. 

The normal torsion on II of any integral curve of [1 will signify the 
torsion of the normal curve of II having the same tangent line at the point. 
The normal curvature is similarly defined. 

The normal torsion on I, at P of its curve of intersection (through P) 

with I, will be denoted by eae 

(dn dm - [dl dn dm dl 
Let Ta1(Ge- Gt) +m (= - Z)+a(Ge- Se) 

For a reason which will appear, }JZ will be termed the mean torsion ot Tl at 
the point P, or the mean torsion of the normal curves. In the language used 
in applied mathematics it is the magnitude of the component, along the 
direction of the unit-vector (/, m,n) of the curl of the vector. 

dl dm dn 
ee en 

ue daz dy + ie 
It will be seen that 4/7 is fitly described as the mean curvature of TI at the 
point P. It is the ‘ divergence’ of the unit-vector (/, m, m) at the point. 

Normal Curves. 

A family II is geometrically determined by the orthogonal curve-congruence 
dx dy dz E ana 
= - = But a more inward representation is by means of the curve- 
L WT i 
complex consisting of the normal curves. Any integral curve of II is the 
envelope of some assemblage of normal curves, and in this way the normal 

curves represent the whole family. 

Rogers—Orthogonal Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves. 95 

The normal curves are evidently generalized geodesics, since they become 
geodesics on surfaces of a one-parameter family of surfaces when the condition 
of integration J =0 is satisfied. In fact a normal curve is an integral curve 
whose osculating plane contains the normal to II at each point. If a string 
under constant tension is in equilibrium in a field of force XY, Y, Z, where 
X:V:Z=1:m:n, it must lie along a normal curve, and if a particle can 
move with constant velocity in such a field, its path is a normal curve. 

The normal curves are simply curves whose principal normals (/, m, 1) are 
given functions of a, y, z. They form a cwrve complex in the sense that those 
passing through a point form a singly infinite system (and therefore generate 
a surface associated with the point), just as the lines of a complex of right 
lines through a point generate a cone. To prove that these curves form a 
complex, it is only necessary to show that a normal curve through a point P 
is, in general, uniquely determined if its tangent line at P is known. 

This can be proved by means of the Frenet-Serret formulae.* a, B, y, 
1, m, n, being known at P, = is known since 

di dl dl dl 
FE rae am 4 aE etc., 
and J, m, n are given functions of 2, y, 2. Using the formulae it will be found 
da da 

qs’ de? and all subsequent differentials are known. Therefore, 


since a = = B= a y= = x, y,2 and all their differential coefficients 
are known. But we may assume that there cannot be two different con- 
tinuous functions of s, possessing the same differential coefficients and the 
same value, for the same value of s. Hence, z, y, z are definite functions of s, 
and therefore the curve is unique. 


The special theorems referred to are— 

Dupin’s theorem :—The curves of intersection of any two surfaces of 
different families of a triply orthogonal system are lines of curvature on 
these surfaces. 

Darboux’s reciprocal theorem+:—The necessary and sufficient condition 

© Salmon’s ‘‘ Geometry of Three Dimensions,”’ fifth edition, vol. i, p. 387. 
Tt Darboux, ‘*Lecons sur les Systémes Orthogonaux,”’ J 6. 

96 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

that a ‘doubly’ orthogonal system of surfaces should belong to the same 
triply orthogonal system, is that the curves of intersection of any two 
surfaces of the two different families should always be lines of curvature on 
either surface. 

Joachimsthal’s theorem :—If two surfaces cut at a constant angle, their 
curve of intersection is a line of curvature on both or on neither; and if the 
curve of intersection of two surfaces is a line of curvature on both, they ent 
at a constant angle. 

By the principles expressed in the following simple formulae, these 
theorems are summed up, and extended to all triads or pairs of one-parameter 
families of surfaces, and further, to all triads or pairs of W-families :— 

1 ‘ li P 8 y9 © (1) 
Tq Top Asyq 

~+— =I, @) 
Tp Op 

where sp, signifies the arc of the curve of intersection (through P) of [lp and 

1 1 : 
II,, — and — represent the normal torsions on I, for any two orthogonal 
Tp op 
curves of the family II,, intersecting at P, and the other letters have the 
meanings explained on p. 94. 
Before proving these formulae we may deduce the special theorems 

Joachimsthal’s theorem follows at once from (1); for if 0), is constant, 

1 il : : ; ‘ 
then — = —, and therefore both or neither of these normal torsions vanish 
Tpq Tap 

at every point on the curve. And if both of those normal torsions vanish 
(or are equal) along a curve of intersection, the [-families intersect at a 
constant angle along this curve. When J, and J, are both zero, I, and II, 
represent one-parameter families of surfaces, and normal torsion becomes 
geodesic torsion, which vanishes for a line of curvature. But it will be 
noticed that the disappearance of J, and J, is irrelevant to the proof, so that 
the correct statement of Joachimsthal’s theorem even in its limited form 
is—If two Il-families intersect at a constant angle along any curve, the 
normal torsions of this curve vanish on both or on neither, and if the normal 
torsions are equal, the curves intersect at a constant angle. 

Dupin’s theorem is equivalent to the statement that if J, = = J, = 0, 

7 AD ea ST ps 

é . 1 : 
and @,; = 0, = 6,.= =, then the six torsions —, —, —, —,-—, — vanish, 
2 723 «©T32CT31 0713 «CT 12 Ty 

Rogrrs— Orthogonal Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves. 97 

But this evidently follows from the equations 

1 1 

Se Se 2) ee ee -—=0, 
723 = T32 Ts. 713 utp UE 
1 1 1 

tty + : = 0, i +—=0, +—=0 
Tz «=T13 T21 = T23 T31 = T32 

The normal torsions reduce to geodesic torsions, and therefore the 
corresponding curves are directions of lines of curvature on each surface 
through the point. 

Darboux’ reciprocal theorem also follows very simply. If M,, I, represent 
two mutually orthogonal systems of surfaces, then J, = J, = 0, and 6,, isa right 
angle. Let I; represent the []-family of curves which are the orthogonal 
trajectories of the congruence of curves in which surfaces of II, cut surfaces 
of 1.* Then @.;, 63, are right angles ; hence the first five of the preceding 
six equations hold, and the sixth is replaced by 

Ee + ee I;, 
731 T32 
The theorem now amounts to the statement that if 
ie. if the curves of intersection of surfaces of the systems []1, and I], are 
lines of curvature on the surfaces of I, then J; = 0; that is to say 
II; represents a family of surfaces, and [, U2, II; a triply orthogonal system. 
The proof is algebraically obvious. 

Proof of Equation (1). 

If a, B, y are the direction-cosines of the tangent-line to a curve, 
1, m, n those of the normal and X, mu, v those of the bi-normal, then, by 
the Frenet-Serret formulaet or otherwise, 

1 ag dl dm dn 

Be aerosol ica 
@ [8 
uy 1 m n 
dl dm dn 
ds ds ds 

* TI3 is defined by (zine) dx + (ilz) dy + (ime) dz = 0. 
+ Salmon’s ‘‘ Geometry of Three Dimensions,”’ 5th ed., vol. i, p. 387. 

98 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Now the direction-cosines of the tangent-line to a curve common to 
the families IT, and II, are 
sn@?’ sin@’  sin@’ 
where (yz) = MyNz — Mem, and = A», s = 52, and the signs are fixed by — 

1, My Ny 1, my, ah 
sin 6 

= = dl, dm, dn, 
Tie ls Me Ne = Ts 
ds ds ds 

dl, dm, dn, 

= 1, — + mM — + m — 

ds ds ds 

In like manner, since a, 8, y have the same value as before, and J,, m,, 7 
are interchanged with /,, m., m2 in the rest of the expression for torsion, 

sin 0 dl, dine dite 
-——— = mM, —— + l, —— 
ds ds 

Therefore =+ - , the suffixes being restored. 

Ti2 T21 Sie 

This formula may be verified by spherical representation. Let 7, N,, B, 
and 7, V2, B: be the points on the unit-sphere representing the common- 
tangent line, the normals, and the bi-normals of the normal curves on 
the two [I-families. Let W,’, B,) and N,’, B,’ be ‘consecutive’ positions. 
The points V,NV,B,B, lie on the same great circle. The preceding equation 
is now equivalent to proving 

NN ~ N,N, = BB, ~ BBY. 
This will be found to follow from the fact that the angles B/B,B, and By B.B,, 
or their supplements, are small quantities of the first order. 

Proof of Equation (2). 
The torsion for any curve (() is given as before by 

Se ee ee dn 

T ds ds 3 "ds 
=X (Qa + 423 + asy) + we (ia + 0:3 + boy) + v (a + 6{3 + Czy) 
dl dl dm dn 
a= m=—, b 6, = —, ete. 


die’ dy 

Rocers— Orthogonal Trajectories of « Congruence of Curves. 99 

el ; 
The torsion — of a curve (C”) whose normal is /, m, n and whose tangent 

line at the point is perpendicular to the tangent line (a, (3, y) of C,is found by 
interchanging a, 3, y with X, pu, v, and changing the sign (since the orientation 
of the tangent line, normal and bi-normal is altered*). Thus, 

E = a(@A+ Gop + dgv) + (BA + bye + bev) + y (GAA + Cou + Cav.) 

Hence, putting / = ny — vB, m=va—- dy, n=AB - pa, we have 

ile ae (2-2 _(dl_dn (F _dl 
= 2 dy dz ONE alee dz  dy/ 

which is the formula in question. 

This gives a very definite geometrical meaning to the quantity J, whose 
yanishing expresses the condition that the IJ-family of curves may determine 
a one-parameter family of surfaces. The sum of the normal torsions along two 
perpendicular directions at a given point is constant and is equal to I. 3] may 
therefore be described as the mean torsion of the II-family at the point. 

More generally the magnitude of the component, along the direction of a vector | 
of the curl of the vector is equal to the magnitude of the vector, multiplied by the 
mean torsion of the II-family defined by 

Xda + Vdy + Zdz = 0 

where X, Y, Z are the magnitudes of the components of the vector at the 

point. For 
dZ dY¥ dn din\ 
| = = = |S ID || = = = | 
2 (= =) = (F dz f 
where X=1h, V=mk, Z=N7R. 


The conformal representation of space on itself is expressed by a trans- 
formation in which corresponding directions at corresponding points are 
unaltered. Only inversion need be considered, since this and a repetition of 
inversions are the only types in which the shapes of finite figures are altered, 
the other types—similarity, rotation, translation, retlexion—being quite 

It is known that lines of curvature on a surface invert into lines of 
curvature on the inverse surface,+ and this suggests the more general question. 
What effect has inversion on the normal torsions of a IJ-family ? 

* See Salmon, op. cit., p. 388. 
+ Ibid., p. 409. 
R.I.A. PROC., VOL, XXIX.. SECT. A. [14] 

100 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acudemy. 

The radius of inversion being unity, the point P (x, y,z) and its inverse P, 
(a, 91, %:) are connected by the equations 

P eiyse 

Ly == f= a 21 es 
where 7? = 22+ y?+ 2, the origin being the centre of inversion. 
If x, y, moves along a curve of the IT-family detined by 
Idx + mdy + ndz = 0 
where /? + m? + 7” = 1, it is easily seen that m, 7, » moves along the family 

Il, defined by 
Lda, + mdy, +n, dz = 0 

where 5 
2a Qi 22 
hh sih= == 12, iii, ST aE nm=n—-— P, 
j= 7? T* 

P=le + my + nz; also 1? +m? +22 =1. 

: - 1 
Using the equations before employed, the normal torsion (= on IT,, for 
> \T1/ 

the direction dx,, dy, 72, inverse to the direction dv, dy, dz, is given by 

dz, dy, dz 

Is 2 
ent ys I Wi Wy || S AN 
dl, dm, dn, 
Now, dl, = dl — 2Pda, — 2x,dP, ete. 

The terms 2Pd7,, 2Pdy,, 27’dz, disappear in A,, and 7, y,, 2 are expressed 
in terms of 2, y, 2. 

If we border the determinant 7°A, by an upper row lI,#,y,2, and by a 
left-hand column 1,0,0,0, and add obvious multiples of the upper row from 

each of the remaining three rows, we find 

] eg P 
ae da dy ds 
TA = We ‘ 
— l osm n 
aan dl dm dn 
Now P=lr+my+nz, and Idx+mdy+ndz=0, 
therefore dP = xdl + ydm + zdn. 


Multiplying the second, third, and fourth columns by —,, ah 
Tp ap a 

RogErs— Orthogonal Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves. 101 

respectively, and subtracting the sum from the first column, the second, 
third, and fourth members of the first column vanish, and 

dz dy dz 
rh = = I 

dl dm dn 

The last written determinant is equal to Thus 

1 il ‘ey 1 ne 
2 En ee 
5 PP 

ae = a and there- 

fore the normal torsion, on the inverse family, of the inverse curve at the 
inverse point is equal to the normal torsion, on the original family, of the 
original curve at the original point, divided by minus the linear magnifi- 
cation. (It should be remembered that normal curves do not invert into 
normal curves.) 


If &, instead of unity, is the radius of inversion, 

Taking into account the simpler cases of conformal representation, it is 
easy to see that for any conformal representation of U-families, the new 
normal torsion is equal to the old divided by the linear magnification, the plus 
or minus sign being taken according as the representation is ‘direct’ or 
‘inverse.’ * 

A corollary is that curves of zero normal torsion invert into curves of 
zero normal torsion on the inverse family, and in particular lines of 
curvature on a surface invert into lines of curvature on the inverse surface. 
It will be seen that there are two curves of zero normal torsion through each 
point in space, and these may be either real or imaginary. 


The investigation of the differential properties of the normal curves 
passing through a given point P in space, may be simplified (as for surfaces) 
by taking P for origin and the axis of z for the [I-normal. Then, near the 
origin, neglecting higher powers of 2, y, z, 

L=ae+ayt ds, m=ba + by + bss, n=1, 

the coefficients of x,y,z inn disappearing since the differentials of /? + m?+ 2°, 

* ‘Inverse’ representation occurs in an odd number of inversions or reflexions with regard to a 
point or plane, ‘direct’ in translation, rotation, and shrinkage or expansion. 


102 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

with regard to r,¥,2, vanish owing to the velnmain P+m+n?=1. Also 
at the origin 
dl dl dm 

a= = = — =—, ele. 
ida ee dy es ee 

The Indicatrix of Curvature. 

The [-indicatrix of curvature at a poimt P is simply the Dupin indi- 
catrix of the surface (iS), generated by the normal curves through P; but 
since this surface varies from point to point (even if we move from P along 
the surface S associated with it), the Il-indicatrix of curvature is a more 
general conception than the Dupin indicatrix of a one-parameter family of 

1 3 2 
Let — be the curvature of a []-curve whose tangent-line normal and bi- 


normal are a,§8,y:/,m,n; A,u,v; then, by the Frenet-Serret formulac,* 
dl / r\ 
a (=+ =P etc., 
ds Qo 

1 fa dm dn 
d therefor Ps Vas) 
and therefore z =| ds 8 ds es) 

Using the special axes a = cos 6, 3 = sin 8, y = 0, where @ is the angle 
between the tangent line and the axisof z. Therefore 

1 7] 1 
Ba con Oeil: 
Pp ds 7 
dl dl di dl F 
FE ai p i +4 5 = a, cos 6+ a, sin 6, 

CHI Bee : ; 5 
and a similarly = 6,cos@+6,sin@. Theretore 

as a, cos* § + (a, + b;) sin 8 cos @ + b, sin? 8. 

The conic a2* + (a, + b,) cy + b,y* = constant may be described as the 
indicatrix of curvature at the point. It may be supposed to lie in the 
tangent plane at the point; and its properties as regards curvature are similar 
to those of the Dupin indicatrix. Referred to its axes it may be written 

a YP 
— + F = const., 
Pi P2 

* Salmon, op. cit., Art. 368 (a). 

Rocers—Orthogonal Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves. 108 

ae Scare . 

where —, — are the limiting curvatures at the point. These may be 
Pi P2 

described as extreme curvatures. The curvature for any direction is 

proportional to the square of the corresponding radius vector of the 
indicatrix. If p, and p: have opposite signs, the indicatrix will be a 
hyperbola and its conjugate. 

There are two inflexional directions at each point, for which —- = 0, 

corresponding to the asymptotes of the indicatrix, and the normal curves 
in these directions are inflected at the point. The inflexional curves form 
a congruence of curves in space, two passing through each point. 

Points in space may evidently be classified, with reference to a given 
family, as elliptic or synclastic and hyperbolic or synclastic, according as 
pip2 18 positive or negative. 

1 : ; 
If we use general axes, - may be expressed as a quadric function 

of a, [3, y; 
1 \ 
— == Gy, Ar ds, $(b; + c2), $ (a. +43), $ (2+ 4) (a, B, yy, 
_ al Rie al _ dm fv 
a, = 7p 9 Up = dy , a GE. ete. 

We have thus a first generalization of lines of curvature, viz. the curves 
of extreme curvature, the tangent-line at any point being a direction of 
maximum or minimum curvature. These curves plainly form a congruence, 
since two can be drawn through each point in space. They cut at right angles, 
and they must be real; but they do not, except for surfaces, coincide with the 
directions of zero torsion, which, as we shall see, may be imaginary and may 
cut at any angle. 

The differential equation satisfied by the lines of extreme curvature for 
general rectangular axes is 

dx dy dz 
l m n = (0), 
ada + hdy + gdz hda + b,dy + fdz gda + fdy + edz 
where 2f=6;+, 29 =t+4d3, 2h =a2+,, and the directions are 
determined by solving for dx:dy:dz from this equation and 

ldx + mdy + ndz = 0. 

104 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The Indicatriz of Torsion. 

By the Frenet-Serret formulae 

di dm _ dn Late 7 

ds ds 

ds ds as 
Using the special axes, for which 

= COSO ss 3) — SIGs ry Oe — 7 = Omeree ats 
this gives 

= a, sin* @ — b, cos? # + (a, — bz) sin 6 cos 8. 

The conic zy? — bya? + (a; — bz) xy = const. (with its conjugate if a 
hyperbola) may be named the indicatrix of torsion, since the normal torsion 
in any direction is proportional to the square of the corresponding radius 
vector of the conic. 

Since, for the axes used, 
dm dl 

oe dz pe 

the condition that the curves of the family Tl may lie on a one-parameter family 
of surfaces is equivalent to the condition that the indieatrix of torsion may be an 
equilateral hyperbola. 

If the indicatrix of torsion be referred to its axes, it may be written 

Fd 1 2 
rays const. 
Ti 72 
1 1 gee : Pra : : 
where — and — are limiting torsions, or principal torsions at the point. 
71 Tz 
There are two directions of zero normal torsion at each point, corresponding 

to the asymptotes of the indicatrix of torsion. These directions may be real 
or imaginary according as the torsional indicatrix is an hyperbola or ellipse. 
The curves along which the normal torsion is zero form a congruence, two 
passing through each point. 

These curves are a second generalization of lines of curvature,* with which 
they coincide when J= 0. But in general they do not cut at right angles and 
they may be imaginary. 

* Voss (Math. Ann., xxiii, 1884, p. 70, ff.) calls the curves of extreme curvature ‘ Hauptkriim- 
mungslinien” and the curves of zero torsion ‘ Kriimmungslinien,’” but he does not use directly the 
conception of torsion. 

Rogrrs— Orthogonal Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves. 105 

The equation for determining the directions of zero torsion for general 

axes 1s of course 

Re dy dz 
1 7 W = 0) 
dl dm di 

combined with /dx + mdy + ndz = 0. 

Relation between Torsion and Curvature. 

Let ,’, p? be the radii of curvature, and 7/, 7 the radii of torsion of 
normal curves touching the axes of and y. Then, from the preceding, 

1 1 1 1 
7 = = Dy 7 i be, (oma bi, Pace Ce; 
Pi Pz 71 T2 
1 cos? 1 1 \ i sin? 0’ 
——— + ; - —;)sin 0’ cos 0’ + ———, 
p pi wy un) p2 
1 cos?’ il ee sin® 6’ 
—= tls , | sin 0’ cos @” + — 
Cc 7 Pi P2 } T2 

’ being the angle which the normal curve makes with the axis of «. 
Taking the directions of extreme curvatures for axes, and putting 0 for 0’, 
(ci, b2, etc., changing with the axes), 

1 cos?@ sin’ 0 

== = (3) 
po et p2 
1 EN 
: =iI+ = - =) sin @ cos 6, (4) 
T Pr P2 
Hah =p = oes 
TT) 7. 

and for general axes 

Tes eee ey 
\dy dz, 
Also for the special axes 
2 9 
Es oo aie eee 
we ull 71 T2 

The equation (4) is an extension of Bonnet’s well-known formula for 
geodesic torsion, to which it reduces when J= 0. We verify what was proved 
before that the sum of the normal torsions of two perpendicular directions is 
constant at a point, being equal to 37, which we named the mean torsion at 
the point. The mean torsion is equal to the normal torsion for either direction of 

106 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

extreme curvature, and is equal to half the magnitude of the component, along the 
direction of the unit vector 1, m, n, of the ‘curl’ of the vector. 

Let the axes of the torsional indicatrix, i.e. of the directions of extreme 
torsion, be taken for axes of x and y. Let 7, and 7, be the extreme or 

principal radii of torsion, For these axes we have 22 - a= Bee iS = 0; 
Pi Pz 
and if we put 
uo di Peal! 
Fee ae =+bh,=—[+— = Lo EB 
dx dy Ay ff fon fo 
we have, replacing 0’ by 4, 
i eos? sin* 
= ©) 
1 2 
A Tl 
= = 3J + (= - ~) Sin @ COS @. (6) 

Since for the axes used — = 0, the quantity J is equal to the ‘ divergence’ 


of the unit-vector (/, m, 7), i.e. for general axes, 

F dl s dm * dn 
dx dy dz 

The sum of the curvatures at any point for two perpendicular directions 
is constant and is equal to 4. Thus 3 may be named the mean curvature at 
the point; the mean curvature ts equal to the curvature for either direction of 
extreme torsion, and is equal to half the divergence of the unit vector l,m, n. 

The extreme torsions and the extreme curvatures are not independent, 
and the relation between them may be expressed by saying that the 
‘ deviation’ of torsion ts equal to the ‘ deviation’ of curvature, ‘deviation’ being 
taken to mean the difference between the mean and either extreme. For it 

: 4 50 cane il IL 
is easy to see, from (4) or (6), by finding the limiting values of — or —, 

i il ( | 
— + — . 
Ti Te Pi pe 
Also the directions of extreme curvature and of extreme torsion bisect 
each other. For 


Orthogonal Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves. 107 
ut) t ) A 

Let 7 be the extreme radius of torsion for @ = a Then, since 
f= We fy 
Ti T2 
this implies 
NO el eee ag 

It may be of interest to notice that the differential properties of the 
normal curves, torsion, and curvature are determined at a point by means 
of the [I-tangent plane, and the three quantities 37, $J, and 3D (ie. the 
mean torsion, mean curvature, and deviation), provided a particular direction 
be associated, say, with p, For then the principal radii are given by 
it de D 1 J-D 

poo pe 2 

G 5) , 
T\ 2 T2 2 

1 1 : : 
and thus — and — can be expressed in terms of 0,/,J, D by equations (3) 
Pp f 

and (4), which become 



—-= J+ D cos 20, = 1+ Dsin 20. 

a | bo 

The following results may easily be proved :— 

(a) The angles which the two inflexional directions make with a 
direction of principal curvature are given by 

ime @ = = @ = el 
Pi D = Af 
and the angles they make with a direction of principal torsion satisfy 
i il 
—+ — 
sin 26 = ao = D =-— cos 26. 
P1 Pz 
R.LA, PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT, A. [15] 

108 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

(6) The corresponding angles for the two directions of zero torsion are 

given by 
sin 26 == - -- 5 = 00s 24’, 
ti Qn? — ce | Dar i 
Tee De 

(c) The curvatures for the directions of zero torsion are 
1 pant Lees 
LS Sy ——— = ey DP). 
VY = T1T2 

(d@) The torsions for the directions of zero curvature are 

ese ees =$(t/ Dw), 
— pip» 
the last being a generalization of Enneper’s formula,* to which it reduces 
when J = 0. 

(¢) To find the radius of curvature of any curve of the UW-family whose 
normal is given, we use a theorem which is equivalent to Meunier’s for 
surfaces,t and is proved in the same way. The curvature of any [1-curve is 
equal to the curvature of the normal curve having the same tangent line, 
multiplied by sec @, where @ is the angle between the normal to the [-family 
and the principal normal of the curve. 

Using the general notation of p. 97 and p. 102, and denoting the corre- 
sponding elements of the non-normal curve by adding the suffix 1, we have 

d l 1 
ay ‘ dp: ; =| 

+ + 
ds, ds, ds, 

f oll adm dn 
mane \ ds, +p ds, ey =) 
since la, + mB,+ny,=0 at all points of the curve, and at the point 
considered a=m, B=[i1, y=y. Now J, m, are functions of 2, y, 2; 

therefore, if p is equal to /, m, or n, ~ 

cos @ = 11, + mm, + 1M, = pr (2 

dp dp dx dp dy dp dz dp dp dp dp 
ds, dx ds, 3 dy ds, dz dx dz ay” 

dz ds 

Hence the coefficient of p, is 

cl 3 dim aha I 
-(« ds ei ds aa a) Ron 

* Salmon, op. cit., p. 426. 
+ Lie extends Meunier’s theorem to any Monge equation f(x, y, z, dx, dy, dz). Lripz. Berichte, 
50, 1898, 

Roarrs— Orthogonal Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves. 109 


cos fl 

(f) To find the torsion of any V-cwrve we must be given the rate of 
variation of @; and we can use the formula (1) on p. 96, which gives 
1 1 do 

¢ f 8 
This corresponds to the known formula for surfaces, ¢ being the angle between 
the principal normal and the normal to the surface.* 
(g) The condition that the expression 
Idx + mdy + ndz 
may be an exact differential or a multiple of one, is equivalent to any one of 
these geometrical conditions : 
(1) The mean torsion is everywhere zero. 
(2) The curves of limiting curvature coincide with those of zero torsion. 
(3) The curves of zero torsion intersect at right angles. 
(4) The Indicatrix of Form is a conic (see G, below). 
(2) In conformal representation in space (see p. 99), the difference between 
the principal curvatures is divided by « where + « is the linear magnification, 
and the relation between the principal curvatures for corresponding directions 

is given by 
alae ee i fil : 
=5dh= = ( -3 ) 
pr K 
Hence also directions of principal curvature as well as directions of zero 
torsion (p. 101) transform into each other by inversion. These results follow 

from the theorem already proved that the torsion (=) for any direction is 

: re 6 Sere 
transformed into — for the corresponding direction. 

(1) We have noticed that the two. equivalent defining properties of a line 
of curvature on surfaces (zero geodesic torsion and limiting curvature) become 
separated when Z=0. Corresponding to this logical bifurcation, we have two 
generalizations of the surface of centres. On a [-family, the directions of zero 
torsion at P are those along which the normal (/, m, 7) intersects the 
‘consecutive’ normal, and they are given by their equation 

dl dim an 

* Salmon, op. cit., p. 426. 

110 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

combined with /Jdx+mdy+ndz=0. Let 7 represent either of the distances 
from P of the points Q, Q’ where the normal meets the consecutive normal. 
Then by expressing the condition that the normal at 2, y,z may intersect the 
normal at x+dzr, y+dy, z+dz, at the pomt &, 7, €, where €=2 +7, 
n=ytrm, C=z+rm wefind, since d& = dn =dZ=dr=0, 

dx+rdl=0, dy+7dm=0, ds+7rdn=0, 


dl, dm, dn being total variations. 

ts : i 
and therefore eliminate dz. dy, dz the quadratic for z is 
a, + — a as 
b, bp + ms b; = 0, 
Cy C2 C3 + — 
di] dl din 
T= dy = = ete. 

ax dy lc az 2 
the absolute term vanishing, since /? + m*? +7? =1. The points Q, Q’ 
corresponding to the point P are then determined from the equations 
—=2+7l1, ete. It is easy to see that as P moves along the II-family 
II-families (corresponding to the two sheets of a surface of centres); for &, n, Z 
satisfy differential equations of the form 

pdé+qdn+rdZ=0, pd& +q/dn+7'dZ=0. 

PG"; P>q 7, ave one-valued functions of z, y, s, but many-valued functions 
of €,, ¢. Thus the original [-family is associated with a finite number of 
other [l-families, the differential geometry of which might yield some 
interesting results. 
(j) Ii we use our special axes, it will be found that the quadratic for — may 

be written 


200 SO sn 
EXPY 3 P2 Pi p2 

In fact the values of 7, it is obvious, are the radii of curvature for the 

directions of zero torsion [See (c).] The sum of the reciprocals of the values 

of ris always equal to the sum of the principal curvature, and, if J=0, it 

RoGrrs— Orthogonal Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves. 111 

may be seen that their product is equal to the product of the principal 

(k) A second generalization of the surface of centres might be investigated 
sunilarly ; by considering the family of curves described by the centres of 
principal curvature as the point P moves along its I-family, the coordinates 
of the two centres of curvature being given by 

E=n2+pl, n=ytpm, C=2+ pn, 

where Z is a root of a Beas K = 0, 
p pp 
and a h g 1 
h bh f m 
K = , 2f = bs + er, ete. 
Gg f a 

I1mn 0 

As in (g), there are two groups of [-families described by &, n, Z. 


The following is a second generalization of Dupin’s theorem :—/f three 
Il-famalies are mutually orthogonal, the necessary and sufficient condition that 
their common curves should be curves of extreme curvature on the families to 
which they belong is I, = I, = Iz, i.e. the mean torsions are equal. This 
follows from the formulae (1) and (2) (p. 96), combined with the principle 
(p. 105) that the torsions for the directions of extreme curvature are equal 
to 41. 

In particular, af one family lies on a one-parameter system of surfaces, the 
same is true of the others; for if J, vanishes, 7, and J, also vanish. 

But a more general theorem is the following :—The necessary and sufficient 
condition that a curve of intersection of Tl, and Tl. should be a curve of extreme 
curvature on Tl, where the three systems are orthogonal, is Iz = I. 

For since the curve is a direction of extreme curvature on Il, we have 

—-=4h=-—, and using = Ss25s5 sl, aig, we have 
T12 Tis T1200 «72 ds. 

1 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 

=e == 5 jp& Ig S 2S Ih Ih t=, 

713 T31 Tis Tie T21 T23 T32 T31 

therefore Ig = ig = 

re Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Hence we have a theorem analogous to Darboux’s ‘reciprocal’ theorem 
(p. 95). Lf the curves common to two out of three mutually orthogonal T1- 
families be curves of extreme curvature on both, the three common curves (two- 
by-two) are curves of extreme curvature on the families on which they lie. 
The data for the conclusion are necessary and sufficient. 

All these theorems are special eases of the prineiples expressed in the following 
equivalent formulae, which are true of any three I-families -— 

I, — I; + Dz sin 292 — D; sin 2s = + 2 “; 
. F d 
I, ~ r+ Dy sin 24e — Di sin pn = 2 2, (7) 
f = bee sin 21 — Dz sin 2y2=+ 2 Be 

where + D,, + D., + D; are twice the deviations (p. 106), and ¢, is the 
angle between a chosen direction of extreme curvature on TI, and the curve 
IT, and y: is the angle between the same direction and the curve IU, 
while 2, ~2, ¢3,¥2 have corresponding meanings in cyclical order. Also we 
have ¢1~ y=, etc. The formulae (7) then follow directly from (1) on 
p. 96, and (4) on p. 105. 

G. THe Inpicatrirx or Form. 

The Dupin indicatrix has two functions which become separated for 
general [-families. It gives the curvature of geodesics through the point 
and also the limiting form of sections of the surface by planes parallel to the 
tangent plane, as the former planes approach the latter. For a IJ-family the 
indicatrix of curvature is one generalization of the Dupin indicatrix. But we 
may also consider the limiting forms of families of [l-curves lying in planes 
parallel to the I-tangent plane, as the former planes approach the latter, 
This family will be a generalization of the Dupin indicatrices for a one- 
parameter family of surfaces. 

Using the special axes and taking the principal directions of curvature for 
axes of x and y (b, + d2 = 0), we find the intersections of 

(aya + axy + a2) dx + (— ar + boy + b,2) dy + dz =0 

with z=’, where # is a constant ‘of the second order of small quantities,’ 
x, y, dx, dy being regarded as small quantities of the first order. It we 

Rogers— Orthogonal Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves. 113 

integrate on the assumption that a, a2, ds, bo, bs are constant,* the result will 
be the family of curves defined by 

axde + bydy + de (ydx — xdy) = 0, 
that is 

3 log (aa? + by?) — a RRL 

: : : i: 
These are two different types of curves according as ab: which =—— is 

positive or negative. 
First, let a:b, be positive and = ¢?. This may be named the e//iptic or spiral 

type. Since J= 6, ~ a2 =— 2a, it will be found that the curves form the 

a OF 

& +> = ke, 

Pi Pez 

p ath at ianct fee. 
V pips GN Pe 

These curves are evidently spirals round the origin; they reduce to 
equiangular spirals if p,=p2 When J=0, they are suddenly transformed 
into ellipses—the Dupin indicatrices. 

1 ; 2 F 
Secondly, let —— or mb, be negative and = - ¢@. This we call the 

hyperbolic or non-spiral type. The indicatrix will be the family of curves 
erp "P = constant, 

a yf? 
where & » are the (real) factors of — + ~ and p=, : 
S ( ) pr Ps » = Pip2 


speaking, they resemble hyperbolas, € = 0, » = 0 bemg the asymptotes, but 
they are unsymmetrical. 

Considering the indicatrix of either type as a family of curves lying in 
the tangent plane at P, it has the following properties :— 

(a) If we proceed from P along any [l-curve to a point @, the tangent- 
plane at @, in the limit when @ approaches P, cuts the tangent plane at P in 
a line whose direction is that of the tangent line to any curve of the indicatrix 

© This assumption is justitied by the fact that the integrated equations give rise to the differential 
equations, even if (|, @2, etc., are variable, the small quantities of the third order being neglected, 

1i4 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

at the point where it meets PQ. Thus to any direction PQ we have a pseudo- 
conjugate direction PQ’; but the pseudo-conjugate of PQ’ is not PQ, unless 
I=0, when we get the ordinary theorem of conjugate directions. If the 
coordinates of @ are x, y, 0,7 and y being small, and a’, 9’, 0 the direction- 
cosines of the pseudo-conjugate of PQ, the conditions give 

a’(a,v + doy) + (bx + boy) = 0. 

Comparing this with the differential equation for the indicatrix, the theorem 
is proved. 

(6) The directions of zero normal torsion are those which are perpendicular 
to their pseudo-conjugates. 

(c) The inflexional directions are those of the two right lines € = 0, » = 0, 
which are included in the indicatrix, and are asymptotes of all its curves. 

Curves on a Surface. 

The points of contact of a surface U = 0 with a II-family may be defined 
as the points where the surface touches the tangent plane of the family, and 
are the intersections of the surface with the curve 


L dz m dy mn dz 
From the preceding it would appear that all the curves of the singly 
infinite system in which the surface cuts the I-family collect spirally round 
the ‘spiral’ or ‘elliptic’ points of contact, and that one curve passes through 

each hyperbolic or non-spiral point, having a double point thereat. 


A vector is defined by a direction (/,m,n) and a magnitude R, ie. by 
the quantities Y, Y, Z, where Y=/k, Y=mR, Z=nk. It X, VY, Z are 
functions of three variables, we can associate a vector with each point in space. 
The Curl of the vector is the vector the magnitudes of whose components 
WG «Whi 
dy dz’ 
dx dy dz 

are etc., and the Divergence of the vector is the magnitude 

*Cf. Memorandum on Notation in Whittaker’s History of the Theories of Ether and Electricity. 

Rocers— Orthogonal Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves. 115 

The Unit-vector. 

When always 22+ m?+m?=1, we have a system of unit-vectors; and it 
is evident that the Divergence (cf. p. 106) and the Curl are geometrically 
definable by means of the Il-family 

Ide + mdy + ndz = 0. 

Let w, v,w be magnitude of the components of the Curl of the unit- 
vector (/,m, n). Then 
w= Che Ee ete 
, ay dey v 
using the special coordinates (p.101), w=-0, v=a, w=b,-me=T. 
Thus the magnitude of the normal component of the Curl is equal to twice 
the mean torsion, as we have already seen. To determine the geometrical 
meanings of a, and 6;, we must investigate the curvature of the orthogonal 
trajectory of the II-family, this trajectory belonging to the congruence 
dx _ dy 5 de 

EG ® 

Let J, m’, n’ be the direction-cosines of the principal normal of the 
orthogonal trajectory, s’ and p’ its are and radius of curvature. 
Since the direction-cosines of the tangent line are /, m,n, 

Lo el 
ao Gs as dy AE > C82 
and similarly fil : a ie. ay igre 
p ds 
m V 
Hence, Pes, O25, Wal 
p p 

and therefore Ju + mv+nw=0, ie. the direction of the Curl of the 
unit-vector is parallel to the principal tangent plane of the orthogonal tra- 
jectory of the W-family, it makes with the normal to the N-family an angle 

x where 
) p 
tan y = 5 
ay al 
— + _— 
Tl 72 
and its magnitude is 4 2 + ( a fe =| . 
p- \T) T2 



116 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Vectors of variable magnitude. 

When the magnitude R of the vector is variable, the Curl-vector and 
the Divergence cannot be expressed by means of curvature and torsion 
alone. We require in addition to know R and the vector-gradient of f, 

dR dR dk 
Bare | Way =a dz 

Le. the vector whose components are 

There is one vector associated with each point in space, and thus the 
whole system of vectors is represented by a II-family and a one-parameter 
system of surfaces, 2 = constant. The magnitudes of the components of the 
vector are JR, mR, wn, and therefore the magnitudes (uv, v, w) of the curl, 
using the special axes, are— 

d Oe ae ee dk m dk 
ait Vall le alk, Tenens 
eh dk 
-+ DUR) + ak) = ope Bag e 

tes d aie d 1 
US el Ue ag tee 

dk\? dk dk dk 
Tet Bs. Jee (F 7) + (ae) - sii 
where v is the are of the orthogonal trajectory of R= const. Theng isa 
linear quantity and represents the magnitude of the original vector divided 
by the magnitude of the gradient. In order to represent geometrically the 
direction of the Curl, take the normal of the orthogonal trajectory of the 
Il-family for axis of z, the binormal being axis of y; then /’=1, m' = =0. 
Ii 0, ¢, are the direction-cosines of the direction of the vector-gradient 
of &, 

__ g Gk — g Gh _ g Ah 
cos 6 = PR dn? Braap cosp=- pa 

Thus; the magnitudes of the components of the Curl along the normal, binormal 
and tangent line of the orthogonal trajectory of the U1-family are 

w= - ROE 0 B( 7+") w= R(— , 
g CRI) 

where 0, b are the angles made by the direction of the gradient of R with the 
normal and binormal of the orthogonal trajectory. 

RocEers— Orthogonal Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves. 117 

The Divergence of the vector is 

Cates d d ale al aR ak dk 
gt) + a (mB) + 7 (0B) = R(E +o) 41 + me, 
é . (+5- =). 
Pl Pez g 

Hence the Divergence of a vector is equal to twice the mean curvature of 
the Il-family multiplied by the magnitude of the vector, diminished by the 
magnitude of the component, along the normal to this family, of the vector-qradient 
of &. It will be noticed that the Curl is independent of the mean curvature, 
and the Divergence is independent of the mean torsion. 

Irrotational motion, Laplace’s equation, ete. 

The following results may be of interest :— 

(a) The conditions for pure strain, irrotational motion, ete., viz.. w= v=w =0, 
may now be expressed by saying that the mean torsion is zero; the direction 
of the gradient lies in the osculating plane of the line of flow or displacement 

¢ = 90°), and makes with this line an angle ~) whose sine is + ee Hence in 
this case g is never greater than p’. a 

(0) We can now give a geometrical meaning to Laplace's equation V°?V =0. 
Let X = Aa ,ete., and the equation reduces to 
1 ( lees al 
TTA ts ra fee 
(2 fee g) 
since @ = 90°, cos 0 = = and sin w = + cos 0. 

(c) In general 

ov-(bike VEaB), 
\P1 Pz Jp 

(@) A cirewital vector is geometrically defined by 
cos W=9(—+—]}; 
pag ba 5) 

hence for such a vector 2g must be greater than the mean curvature. 







THe AcapDEMy desire it to be understood that they are not 
answerable for tany opinion, representation of facts, or train of 
reasoning that may appear in any of the following Papers, The 
Authors of the several Essays are alone responsible for their 


Dusuin: Puintey at THE Universiry Press ny PonsonBy AND Gipks. 



Arwipsson (Ivan) :— 
On some Irish Maldanidae. (Plates XVII.-XIX.), . 6 
Beresrorp (Denis R. Pack), B.A., M.R.I.A., and Nevin H. Foster, 
M.R.LA. :— 
The Woodlice of Ireland: their Distribution and Classification. 
(Plate VIII.), . : Q 
Corr (Grenvitte A. J.), F.G.8., M.R.LA. :— 
Glacial Features of Spitsbergen in relation to Irish Geology. 
(Plates IX.-XVI.), 
Ditton (THomas) — 
See under Ryan (Hueu). 
Foster (Nevin H.), M.R.I.A. :— 
See wnder Beresrorp (Denis R. Pack). 
Hatissy (T.), B.A., M.R.I.A. :— 
See under Ryan (Rev. W. J.). 
Kew (Harry Wattis) :— 
A Synopsis of the False Scorpions of Britain and Ireland. (Plates 
IV.-VI1.), : o8 
McHenry (AuEexanper), M.R.I.A. :— 
Report on the ‘‘ Dingle Bed” Rocks in the Dingle Peninsula, Co. 
Kerry. (Plates XX., XX1.), 
Murpny (Paun A.) :— 
See wider Petuysripce (Grorce H.). 
Peraysrice (Gore H.), Pa.D., B.Sc., M.R.1.A., and Paun A. Murpay :— 
A Bacterial Disease of the Potato Plant in Ireland and the Organism 
causing it. (Plates I-III), ., : 
Ryan (Huex), D.Sc., M.R.I.A., and Taomas Ditnoy :— 
On Higher Tertiary Alcohols Derived from Palmitic and Stearic 
Hsters, We . : 5 : 
Ryan (Rev, W. J.), 8.J., and T. Hauurssy, B.A., M.R.L.A. :— 
@Preliminary Notice of some New Fossils from Bray Head, County 
Wicklow. (Plates XXII.-XXIV.), 
Sretrox (ArtHur Witson), M.R.I.A. :— 
A List of the Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. (Plate VII), 









. 86, 1.4. For ? Abth vead 11 Abth 

. 50, 1. 14. For tergites read sternites 

. 98, col, 2,1. 3 from bottom. For zonotoides read zonitoides 
. 125, col. 1, 1. 2 from bottom. or Lake vead Lakes 

. 134,11. For Hyrgomia read Hygromia 

- 162, 1.14. For West Cork read South Kerry 

- 162, 1.14 from bottom. For peregris read pereger 

. 231, 1. 26. For Silurian xead Lower Silurian 

late XII, explanation of fig. 1. For Capitoluim read Capitolium 







Economie Botanist to the Department of Agriculture and Technical 
Instruction for Ireland, 

AND PAUL A. MURPHY, Temporary Assistant. 

Puates J.-M. 

Read DECEMBER 12, 1910. 

Published Fesruary 6, 1911. 

I. {Introductory and Historical, . Shall VII 
Il. Characters of the Disease, : 9) 
III. Isolation of the Organism, . 5 Ale VIII 
IV. Inoculation Experiments, 0 20 Ix 
V. Description of the Organism, . . 23 x 

VI. Pathogenicity towards other Plants, 29 


. Comparison of the Organism with 
allied Organisms, 0 a . 380 
. Practical Considerations, : > 32 
. Summary, 
. Bibliography, : ° 
Explanation of Plates, . : o Bi 


THE study of the bacterial diseases of plants is a comparatively young branch 
of vegetable pathology. Seeing that bacteria play such an important part in 
the diseases of animals, it is rather remarkable that more attention has not 
hitherto been devoted to the study of their pathogenic behaviour towards 
plants. Up to about fifteen years ago, apart from some pioneer work which 
had been carried on in the United States of America, very little had been 
done in this direction. Indeed, in some quarters, the opinion was somewhat 



2 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

strongly held about that time that bacterial diseases of plants as such did not 
really exist. That this view was entirely erroneous was, however, soon clearly 
proved by the irrefutable evidence brought forward by E. F. Smith (26)'; and 
during the years that have followed our knowledge of the bacterial diseases of 
plants in general, and of the potato in particular, has rapidly increased. 

Under the name of gangrene of the stem, a disease of the potato plant 
which had hitherto not been noticed there was described as occurring in 
France, in the year 1890, by Prillieux and Delacroix (24). The disease was 
described as being characterized by a profound alteration of the tissues at the 
base of the stem, which progressed from below upwards. No insects or fungi 
could be found present to account for the trouble; but bacteria were very 
plentiful in the dead, brown cells. Infection experiments were carried out, 
using as inoculating material the raw, bacteria-containing dead tissues of an 
affected stem, and the disease was reproduced when such material was trans- 
ferred to healthy stems. The description given of the disease and its cause iS 
a very short one, and no details are given as to the isolation of the pathogenic 
organism in pure culture. Nevertheless, the authors believed that the disease 
was a bacterial one; and they gave the provisional name of Bacillus caulivorus 
to the organism which they supposed was the cause of it. In their “Maladies 
des Plantes Agricoles”’ the same authors state that this organism, when grown 
in broth or gelatine, produces a very well-marked uranium-green colouration 
of these media, which increases in intensity on shaking. Later on Delacroix, 
in dealing with B. caulivorus, speaks of it as most probably identical with 
Bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens Flugge, a common saprophytic form, which, he 
suggests, may perhaps under certain special conditions become parasitic. It 
should, however, be noted that, as far as we are aware, it has never really 
been proved that B. caulivorus actually is pathogenic to the potato. It is not 
sufficient merely to obtain an organism from a diseased tissue, and regard it as 
a cause of disease; successful inoculation experiments with pure cultures, 
and the re-isolation of the same organism in pure culture from the diseased 
tissues, can alone provide actual proof of pathogenicity. Griffon (15) has quite 
recently stated that various investigations have made it seem probable that 
both Bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens and B. fluorescens putridus may be the 
cause of diseases in cultivated plants, he having found them associated with 
diseased turnips and cauliflowers. No account, however, is given of infection 
experiments ; and, as Riehm? points out, the mere presence of these organisms 
in cases of disease in plants is no proof of their pathogenic character. 

A bacterial disease of the tomato, egg-plant, and Irish potato was described 

1 The numbers in brackets refer to the Bibliography at the end of the paper. 
* Zeitschrift fiir PHanzenkrankheiten xx, 1910, p. 426. 

PrruysripGk aNnD Murreny—Bueterial Disease of the Potato. 38 

in 1896 by Erwin F. Smith (25) as occurring in the United States of America. — 
Smith’s work leaves no room for doubt as to the real cause of the malady in 
this case, it being due to a hitherto undescribed organism to which he gave 
the name of Bacillus solanacearum. The disease is characterized by the sudden 
wilting of the foliage, and later on by a shrivelling and turning black of the 
stems, the organism proceeding from above downwards, and ultimately reaching 
the tubers underground through their rhizomes, and causing a brown or black 
rot in them. &. solanacearum Smith is an organism which does not liquefy 
gelatine, or “at most(?) does so very feebly, and not until after five or six 
weeks.” It produces a brown colouration when grown in nutrient agar, and 
has a tendency to produce a zoogloea and a pellicle in the upper layers of 
broth and peptone water. This organism does not appear with certainty to 
have been met with up to the present by any observers working in Europe. 
In Germany a potato disease known as “Schwarzbeinigkeit” or 
“Stengelfaiule” was first made the subject of investigation by Frank (14) in 
1899. This “Black-leg”’ or “Stem-rot ” is characterized as follows :—In the 
spring, soon after the potato plants have come up and the stalks are about a 
foot high, individual plants here and there are seen to become sickly and to 
die, whilst the portion of the stem beneath ground, and sometimes part of it 
just above the soil-level,is found to be black and rotten. The consequence is 
that growth is stopped, the foliage becomes gradually wilted and yellow, and 
the whole plant dries up and becomes dead. Fungus mycelium and bacteria 
are to be found in the decaying stalks, and they advance from below upwards, 
carrying the rot with them. An organism, which he named Jierococeus 
phytophthorus, and which he had found to be the cause of rotting in potato 
tubers, was found by Frank constantly associated with the rotten stalks of 
these potato plants. This organism was isolated and obtained in pure culture, 
and with it Frank succeeded in inoculating cut stalks of the living potato 
plant, and in producing the symptoms of rot in them. He does not appear to 
have attempted the inoculation of potato plants growing in the soil; never- 
theless there is little doubt but that Frank was dealing with an organism 
really pathogenic to the potato-plant, and responsible for the disease named. 
Iwanoff (19) deseribed in 1899 a bacterial disease of potato-stalks which 
he had observed on a somewhat large scale during the previous year in the 
neighbourhood of St. Petersburg. The trouble was confined to the portions 
of the plants above ground, and did not pass to the tubers. Bacteria were 
abundant in the diseased tissues ; and two kinds were isolated, neither of which, 
however, proved to be pathogenic. Infection experiments with the dead 
bacteria-containing cells from the diseased tissues introduced into healthy 
stems succeeded, Although he did not succeed in isolating a pathogenic 
[4 2] 

d Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

organism, Iwanoff considered that the disease was of the same type as that 
produced in America by Bacillus solanacearum. 

At the beginning of the present century Delacroix paid considerable 
attention to a bacterial disease of the potato in France, which was entirely 
different from the gangrene of the stem studied about ten years previously by 
Prillieux and himself. In his first communication on the subject (9), he states 
that in the early stages of the disease the foliage becomes yellow, and then by 
degrees dries up. The stems become thinner and die from below upwards, 
and the tubers are also found to be diseased. Microscopic examination of the 
tissues of the affected stems showed a development of yellowish gummy 
matter and of thyloses in the wood vessels. The bacteria found were, he then 
considered, not dissimilar to the Bacillus solanacearwm of EK. F. Smith in 
America, This first communication is further of interest because Delacroix 
states that, from the oral testimony of Dr. Johnson, of Dublin, and from the 
inspection of a small specimen sent three years before, the same disease 
appeared to be common in Ireland. It should, however, be noted that the 
evidence of the presence of this particular disease in Ireland does not rest on 
any experimental basis, as no cultures appear to have been made from the 
Trish material. 

In a second paper on the same subject, Delacroix(10) enters more into 
detail regarding the characteristics of the organism concerned in the disease. 
Whereas, as mentioned above, he at first thought it was perhaps identical with 
Smith’s B. solanacearwm, he now concludes that this is not the case, and 
describes his organism as a new one under the name of Bacillus solanincola. 
This organism grows well on the ordinary culture-media without colouring 
them. Broth is rendered viscous by it; and a pellicle is formed on the surface, 
He states here that gelatine is liquefied by this organism, but only slowly, and 
merely on the surface. In Delacroix and Maublanc’s “ Maladies parasitaires 
des plantes cultivées,” published in 1909, however, it is stated on p. 38 that 
it was by error that B. solanincola was described as liquefying gelatine ; hence 
it must now be regarded as a non-liquefier. Other details of the organism are 
given ; and the successful results of inoculation experiments with pure cultures 
are described; so that B. solanincola may be looked upon as having been 
proved with certainty to be pathogenic to the potato. 

In a further paper (11) Delacroix repeats and amplifies his earlier accounts 
of this disease and of the organism producing it; and here again he states 
that from the inspection of further specimens of diseased plants, and of 
microscopical preparations supplied by Dr. Johnson, he is convinced that the 
same disease exists in Ireland. It must, however, again be pointed out that 
the mere inspection of diseased plants and of microscopical preparations is not 

Preraysprivce AND Murpny— Buaeterial Disease of the Potato. 5 

by any means sufficient to judge of the identity of diseases in plants when 
bacteria are concerned ; and in the absence of cultural experiments, there is no 
proof that the Irish plants were really attacked by B. solanincola. Delacroix 
in this paper identifies much of what is known in France as “ brunissure” 
(browning) of the potato as being caused by the attacks of the above organism. 
The disease does not show itself as a rule earlier than the second fortnight in 
the month of July. The shoots of the plants cease to develop, the leaves 
yellow and become of a greyish fawn colour, and then dry up. The base of 
the stem often shows on its surface livid spots, and, in cross-section, transparent 
brown patches reaching more or less high up the stem. The underground 
parts often show wounds which may or may not be healed. It is through 
these, Delacroix considers, that the potato plant becomes attacked. For, 
while not denying that the disease may be spread by means of affected tubers 
which give rise to diseased plants, he believes that the chief source of attack 
is from the soil, B. solanincola being regarded as being essentially a soil- 
organism. The tubers may also be affected, becoming brown, starting from 
the “heel” end. As mentioned before, the production of gum and thyloses in 
the wood vessels of the stem is a well-marked character. The organism 
usually exists as single individuals, and is rarely found in pairs, and never as 
a zoogloea. It is scarcely motile, bears no flagella, and does. not produce 
spores. It is quite clear, therefore, that Delacroix had before him a well- 
marked disease of the potato caused by the definite organism B. solanincola. 
It seems certain that a somewhat similar disease existed at the time in 
Ireland. Johnson (21), in 1902, refers to his communications with Delacroix, 
and states that his first specimens were thought by the French observer to be 
attacked by Bacillus caulivorus. Specimens, however, seen a couple of years 
later, were put down as being attacked by Bacillus solanincola. Judging from 
cultures he had made, Johnson states that he concludes that B. caulivorus, 
B. solanincola, and B. solanacearum, are all present as disease-producers in the 
potato in Iveland. That all these organisms pathogenic to the potato should 
be found carrying on their destructive work in Ireland seems, judging from 
analogy with other countries, at least highly improbable; and up to the 
present at least no really clear evidence on the matter has been published. 

In the course of the study of the bacterial diseases of a variety of plants, 
van Hall (16), in the year 1902, described, under the name of “ Zwartbeenigkeid,” 
a bacterial disease of the potato in Holland, which he had observed for the 
first time during the previous summer. The disease shows much the same 
characteristics as the “Schwarzbeinigkeit”’ of German authors, and the Black 
Stalk-rot which we are about to describe. An organism was isolated which 
proved highly toxic to the potato-plant, and less so to other plants. It 

6 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

occurs usually as single rods of variable length, rarely in pairs, and 
occasionally in chains of four to ten. It is actively motile, and possesses long 
flagella—ithe number oi which is not stated. It liquefies gelatine media when 
alkaline, but, on the whole, does not appear to be a strong producer of 
liquefaction. Inoculations of living potato-plants and tubers were carried out 
with somewhat varying success; and although van Hall did not entirely 
succeed in reproducing the exact symptoms oi disease in potato-stalks as they 
occur in the field, there is little doubt but that he had before him a virulent 
organism highly toxie to the potato-plant, which, with practical certainty, was 
the cause of the stem-rot observed. 

During his experimental investigations as to the ways and means of how 
best to pit potatoes for their successiul preservation over the winter, Appel [1) 
became convinced, contrary to the then somewhat generally accepted views of 
Wehmer, that there undoubtedly did exist bacteria capable of attacking and 
destroying the periecily healthy tissues of sound potato-tubers. In a 
preliminary communication (2) published in 1902, Appel gives a brief account 
of his isolation of such an organism, and of its destructive action on the tuber. 
He exhibited cultures of the organism, and showed the results of its 
inoculation on living potato to the German Society of Botanists in January 
of that year. A month later(3) he was able to describe and show 
preparations of an organism to which he gave the name of Bacillus 
phytophthorus, and which he had been able to prove, by means of inoculation 
experiments, to be the cause of the well-known “Schwarzbeinigkeit” in 
potato-plants. This organism he obtained by isolations, both from rotting 
tubers as described in his previous note, and also from the stalks of potato- 
plants suffering from the disease in question. 

Two years later he published a very full and complete account of this 
disease (4) as it occurs in Germany, and of the organism which causes if. 
With regard to the latter, although B. phytophthorus is the organism dealt 
with in detail, Appel is of opinion that the same disease may be due, not to 
this particular organism only, but also possibly to others closely allied to it. 
It is possible, as Appel points out, that the organism he was dealing with was 
identical with the one described as Micrococcus phytophthorus, previously 
isolated by Frank and mentioned above. Frank’s description of his organism, 
however, was too meagre to admit of a complete prooi of their identity ; but it 
seems doubtful, at least, whether the toxic organism with which Frank worked 
was really a micrococcus. The symptoms oi disease are, in most respects, very 
similar to those of the disease which we are about to describe as occurring in 
Ireland, and there is therefore no necessity to enter into details concerning 
them at this point. With regard to the organism, it may be stated that it is 


PETHYBRIDGE AND MurpHy—Bacterial Disease of the Potato. 7 

of rod-lke shape, of very varying length, very frequently arranged in pairs, 
and possessing several flagella. It is very actively motile, and produces rapid 
liquefaction in neutral or slightly alkaline gelatine media, but none in those 
which are acid. Its most striking characteristic is its power.of destroying 
rapidly the living tissues of healthy potato-tubers, producing in them a brown 
discolouration. Appel maintains that the potato-plant may become attacked 
directly from the soil, but is also convinced that the spread of the disease is 
as much or more due to the planting of affected tubers. A more popular 
and succinct, but withal scientific, account of the disease was published (5) 
in leaflet form, with a coloured illustration, in August, 1904. 

Since the appearance of Appel’s account, several workers in different 
countries claim to have observed the same disease and the same organism ; but 
in most cases the absence of published details renders it somewhat difficult 
to judge whether the organisms in question really were identical with 
B. phytophthorus or not. Delacroix (12), writing in 1906, states that, although 
up to two years previously nothing was known of this disease or this organism 
in France, he has now had cases of it, although the disease is by no means 
widespread in that country. It differs from the “brunissure,” caused by Bb. 
solanincola in appearing much earlier in the season; and the organism differs 
from that one in that B. phytophthorus liquefies gelatine; whereas B. solanin- 
cola does not. Nevertheless Delacroix states that the similarity in the general 
characters of the two diseases is so marked that the only satisfactory way of 
distinguishing between them is that of isolating the causative organisms. 

Johnson (22), in 1906, states that he got clear evidence of the existence of 
&. phytophthorus as a general cause of “yellow-blight,” “black-leg,” and 
potato-tuber rot in Iveland. Unfortunately the evidence is not produced; and 
it is impossible, therefore, to be sure in the matter. If this organism exists in 
this country in addition to the three others (mentioned on p. 5), which 
this author states he has found here, then Ireland is indeed unfortunate in 
possessing more than her fair share of the world’s varieties of bacteria 
pathogenic to the potato! Some doubt may fairly be said to exist as to the 
correctness of Johnson’s diagnosis in the last case from a consideration of the 
single infection experiment described and figured. A potato-plant in a pot 
was inoculated (whether with a pure culture or with raw, diseased tissue is 
not stated) and complete wilting of the inoculated stalk occurred within 
twenty-four hours. Such rapidity of action would be extraordinary in the case 
of B. phytophthorus, which, as a rule, only exhibits its pathogenicity under 
such conditions after a considerable lapse of time, and not by a sudden 
wilting. Working with an organism which is certainly closely allied to the one 
named, we have found that under ordinary outdoor summer conditions a 

8 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

period of over three weeks elapses before the first signs of disease become 
apparent in inoculated stalks. It seems fairly certain, therefore, that—at least 
in the experiment named—some cause other than B. phytophthorus must have 
been at work. 

In 1906 Appel (7) described an entirely different bacterial disease of the 
potato, to which he gave the name “ Ringkrankheit.” The name is derived 
from the fact that attacked tubers when cut open frequently show the 
“vascular ring” as a brown line running parallel to the skin of the tuber- 
The rot which arises in the tuber is one which proceeds from within out- 
wards. Affected sets usually produce no plants at all, or but feeble ones 
which soon die after coming above ground. Bacteria of several nearly allied 
varieties are put down as the cause of the disease; but up to the present no 
extended description of them has been published, our knowledge of the disease 
being chiefiy confined to that published in popular leaflet form only. The 
disease would seem to belong, as far as external appearances go, to that group 
of maladies which had hitherto been aggregated together under the general 
name of “ Krauselkrankheit” (curl). A fuller study of this disease and of 
the bacteria causing it is at present a desideratum. So far as we are aware it 
does not exist in this country ; for, although a look-out has been kept for it for 
a considerable period, it has so far not come before our notice. In India, how- 
ever, Coleman (8) has published a more or less popular report on a disease of 
this character, known locally as “ Bangadi.” A more extensive and scientific 
paper on the subject is already promised by this author, from which, 
doubtless, our knowledge of this disease and its cause will be considerably 

The latest account of a serious bacterial disease of the potato hails from 
Canada. Harrison (18) described, in 1906, a disease which was particularly 
troublesome during the two previous years in the province of Ontario. The 
symptoms were, he states, in many respects similar to those of “ Schwarzbein- 
igkeit,” in Germany, but different from the bacterial diseases in France 
described by Prillieux and Delacroix. Plants here and there among the rows 
present a sickly appearance, with drooping, somewhat yellow or discoloured 
leaves. The stems gradually fall until they rest upon the ground, and 
ultimately the stems and leaves shrivel up. The stems are usually blackened 
near the ground, and sometimes also further up. The tubers also show the 
‘disease in a characteristic way. Harrison isolated from the affected plants 
a hitherto undescribed micro-organism, which he called Bacdlus solanisaprus, 
and proved most conclusively that this organism was the cause of the disease. 
Tt is a rod-shaped form of variable length, actively motile, and possessing 
fronr five to fifteen flagella. In beef-peptone-gelatine stab cultures liquefaction 

PrrHyBkIDGE AND Murpay—Bacterial Disease of the Potato. 9 

was not noticed until after a period of thirty-five days; but, in certain 
other gelatine cultures, liquefaction set in very much earlier; so that on the 
whole the organism must rather be looked upon as a liquefier than a non- 
liquefier. On raw potato the organism grows well, producing a softening and 
maceration of the tissues, accompanied by the development of a brown or 
black stain. Harrison presents an enormous mass of details concerning the 
growth of the organism on media, both living and dead, of the most varied 
kind, which need not concern us here. They will be dealt with when 
necessary further on in this paper. 

From this summary, therefore, it will be seen that during the course of 
the last twenty years bacterial diseases of the potato have been observed 
widely distributed in various countries, both of the New and Old World; and 
no less than six organisms pathogenic to the potato plant have been described, 
more or less in detail, for all of which, with the possible exception of 
B. caulivorus, valid proof of pathogenicity has been supplied. 

With regard to Ireland the presence of one or more bacterial diseases of 
the potato has been assumed for the past eight or nine years, the first intima- 
tion of it having been given, as stated, by Delacroix; but the matter has not 
been closely inquired into. It was in order to clear up any uncertainty on 
this point, and to obtain information as to the nature and cause of what 
appeared to be a fairly widespread disease of this character, that the following 
investigation was undertaken. The work was started by one of us in the 
summer of 1909, and was continued and extended conjointly during the 
summer of the present year in a small temporary laboratory (and on the plots 
adjoining it) erected in the west of Ireland by the Department of Agriculture 
and Technical Instruction for Ireland, for the purpose of studying the various 
diseases to which the potato is subject there. It must not be supposed, 
however, that this disease is by any means confined to the west of the country ; 
it is prevalent to a greater or less extent in every part of the country 
where potatoes are grown, and seems to be making itself more seriously 
felt during each succeeding season. A preliminary description of the disease 
was given by one of us early in the present year (23); and the following is a 
more complete and detailed account of our present knowledge concerning the 
disease and its cause. 


As mentioned previously, the disease in question has a good many 
characters in common with the German “Schwarzbeinigkeit” or “ black- 
leggedness.” Since, however, the term “Blackleg” is one which is already 


10 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

in common use in this country for a disease prevalent among cattle, it seems 
strongly advisable, in order to avoid confusion, not to use the term “black- 
leg’’ for the present disease; and we have, therefore, decided to distinguish it 
by the name of “ Black Stalk-rot.”” It may be stated that, amongst farmers in 
general in this country, this disease has not hitherto been known by any 
distinct name—probably because no particular attention has been paid to it. 
In the west, however, plants suffering from the disease are often said to be 
“haughed”; but the same term is perhaps more frequently applied to plants 
which are suffering from the “Stalk Disease” caused by the fungus 
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Massee. Formerly, before the disease was perhaps 
fully recognized as being one sw generis, it lay hidden along with some 
others under the somewhat indefinite description of “yellow blight.” As 
has, however, recently been pointed out by one of us (23), the “ yellow blight ” 
proper or the “yellowing ” of the potato is a condition of the plant involving 
a state of disharmony with its non-living environment, and is not a disease 
due to bacterial or fungoid parasites. 

Black Stalk-rot makes its appearance early in the season—indeed it is, 
perhaps, the earliest to appear of all the diseases to which the potato is subject 
in this country, coming considerably before the blight (Phytophthora) arrives, 
or has, at any rate, made any headway. It may be seen as early as the 
second week in June; but its appearance may be later than this. Affected 
plants catch the eye as they stand distributed in a more or less scattered 
and isolated fashion through the drills or ridges. They stand out most often 
perhaps owing to the lighter colour of their foliage as compared with that of 
the neighbouring healthy plants, and, asa rule, by their somewhat more stunted 
growth. The foliage is very frequently yellow or, in the earlier stages, of a 
lighter green than normal; and it is sometimes more or less spotted. The 
leaflets, particularly of the younger leaves, are frequently folded along their 
midribs, and exhibit symptoms resembling “leaf-roll,” although this is not 
always the case. The uppermost internodes of the stem frequently remain 
short and undeveloped; while the leaves often assume a rather stiff, semi- 
vertical position, instead of spreading out more or less horizontally. 

Frequently no signs of disease are to be seen on the portion of the stalk 
itself above ground, although sometimes that part ofit near the surface of the 
soil is somewhat discoloured or blackened. If the stalk be pulled, it will be 
found to come away easily, showing that the strength of its anchorage in the 
soil is but slight. The underground part of the stalk, or, at least, portion of 
it, will be found to have decayed away, very often leaving strands at its 
lower end, which consist of the more resistant vascular tissues of the stalk 
In some cases the entire cortical and other tissues of the stem outside the wood 

Pernysripek AND MurpHy—Baclerial Diseuse of the Potuto. 11 

will be found to be absent on the portion of the stalk below ground, having 
completely rotted away ; in others, these tissues will be found to be present, 
but in a state of decay, and consequently the stalk in this region looks 
black externally. The upper portion of the part of the stalk below ground 
may still be provided with roots and with rhizomes with small tubers on them, 
but these are absent from the lower portions. The parent “set,’’ from which 
the plant was derived, will be found to have decayed away, leaving nothing 
but its skin. When a set has given rise to more than one stalk, it sometimes 
happens that some of the stalks may be diseased, while, for a time at least, 
one or more of the others remains healthy. Ultimately, however, all the 
stalks succumb. 

If the diseased stalk be split longitudinally with a knife, it will be found 
that the soft tissues within the woody cylinder have become destroyed and 
blackened for a distance of some inches, usually extending up to and often a 
couple of inches beyond the level of the soil. Most frequently, at about this 
level, there is a sharp line of demarkation between the lower diseased and the 
upper apparently healthy tissues ; but in some cases this sharp line is absent, and 
occasionally one finds that the pith has become disorganized and quite pulpy 
for a considerable distance up the stem, without, however, losing its light 
green colour and hence without becoming black, although, in other cases, the 
blackening may extend for a considerable distance up the interior of the stalk. 

If diseased stalks be cut transversely, two things will be noticed: first, 
the stem is tough to cut, and quite different in this respect from a healthy stalk, 
which, at this stage, “cuts like a cucumber”; secondly, on the cut surface, the 
three principal vascular bundles, situated at the three angles of the stem, 
display a strong brown discolouration, especially in the region of the wood. 

The distance to which this discolouration of the vascular bundles may 
extend in the stalks varies according to the progress of the attack at a given 
time. In severe cases it can be traced to the very topmost extremity of the 
stem, and even into the petioles of the upper leaves. In other cases it can be 
traced up to the penultimate internode; and, in still others, where the attack 
at the moment is but slight, it may have reached but a short distance above 
soil-level. Examination of sections of the affected stalks with the microscope 
shows in the majority of cases an absence of fungal hyphae. On the other 
hand, actively motile bacteria are present in abundance. In the diseased 
parenchymatous tissues, such as the pith, the cells are found to be isolated or 
macerated, although they still retain their starch grains intact. Between 
them bacteria are present in great abundance. The brown discolouration of 
the wood is found to be due partly to the formation of a yellowish brown 
gummy material situated in the cavities of the vessels, but more particularly 

[B 2] 

12 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

to the development of a brown colour in the walls of the vessels themselves, 
especially in those nearest the pith. Bacteria are to be seen in the vessels, 
but not in very great numbers. When a stalk is cut across, a drop of 
blackish liquid occasionally exudes from the cut ends of the vascular bundles, 
which liquid may also contain bacteria, but, as a rule, not in great quantity. 
The cavities of the wood vessels are also nearly always choked with a 
development of thyloses. 

Summarized shortly, then, the chief characters by which the disease may 
be recognized are: (2) the stunted appearance of the plants, together with the 
yellowing of the foliage and the folding of the leaflets ; (>) the toughness of the 
stalk on cutting, and the three prominent vascular bundles seen on the cross- 
section; (c) the decay of the portion of the stalk below ground. Fig, 4, 
Plate II, shows the general appearance of a stalk affected as described. 

As time goes on the affected stalks die away and shrivel up, and the 
positions which such diseased plants occupied become obliterated owing to 
the growth of the neighbouring plants. This is rather an important point, 
because on looking casually over a field of potatoes—say, in August—the crop 
may appear to be an entirely healthy one; whereas, had it been examined 
during June or at the beginning of July, quite a considerable proportion of 
plants affected with Black Stalk-rot might well have been observed. 

Although by far the greater proportion of attacked plants are seen early 
in the season, yet in some cases the disease does not develop and show itself 
until considerably later, when the stalks have already made considerable 
growth; so that, as the season progresses, there is a more or less continuous 
appearance of plants showing the disease. The number of these, however, is 
generally small, and tends to grow less as the season becomes more advanced. 
The symptoms here are very similar to those already given. There is, however, 
perhaps somewhat more wilting and drooping of the foliage, and the stalks 
themselves often show black lines or marks on their surfaces. Where leaves 
break off or where branches break away, as frequently happens, the interior of 
the stalks is seen to be black and rotten. Fig. 1, Plate I, shows such a 
diseased plant in a drill amongst its healthy neighbours. Another somewhat 
important difference between the earlier and later attacks is that whereas in 
the former there has been but little chance for the formation of new tubers, 
in the latter a considerable number of new tubers may have been formed; and 
some of them at least are always found to be attacked with the disease, entry 
having occurred invariably at the heel end through the rhizome. The 
difference between the healthy and attacked portions of such tubers can 
usually be quite clearly discerned from an external examination of them, The 
diseased portion is usually covered with a more or less discoloured skin, which 

Preruysringr aNnp MurpaHy— Baeterial Disease of the Potato. 18 

is not infrequently marked off sharply from that covering the healthy portion 
by a sharp black line. The lenticels, too, on the diseased area are very 
frequently much emphasized as distinct black dots. These points are 
shown in Fig. 2, Plate I. Further, in badly diseased tubers there has 
usually been an exudation of liquid, which causes the surrounding soil 
to adhere to that part of the tuber which is diseased; and hence, even from 
a dry soil, such tubers do not come up clean. The diseased portion of the 
tuber is not nearly so firm to the touch as the healthy portion, and when 
squeezed a watery fluid is exuded. On cutting open an affected tuber the 
diseased portion, which may show one or more cavities, quickly takes on a 
pinkish tinge, owing to contact with the air. This tinge gradually deepens, 
until at the end of a space of a few hours it is of a deep violet-brown colour, 
almost black. The juice expressed from a healthy tuber is, as is well known, 
slightly acid to litmus paper; but the juice from the diseased tissue is even 
more distinctly acid at first. After standing in the air for some time, however, 
and after blackening has occurred, the diseased tissue produces an alkaline 
reaction with litmus. The diseased tissue in the interior of affected stalks we 
have always found to be distinctly alkaline to litmus. Fig. 3, Plate L, shows 
an affected tuber in longitudinal section. 

Somewhat similar symptoms to those described, especially for the later 
attacked plants, are to be found when pathogenic bacteria are not present. 
Thus the wilting and withering of the foliage, together with the presence of 
the three discoloured vascular bundles in a cross-section of the stem, are also 
characteristic of the later stages of “leaf-roll” In this case, however, pulling 
the stalk immediately gives the clue; for in Black Stallk-rot the portion of 
the stalk below ground has decayed away, while this is not the case with 
“leaf-roll.” Again, the caterpillar of the Frosted Orange Moth (Gortinya 
ochracea) has been found on several occasions burrowing in the bases of 
potato-stalks, and producing in the foliage symptoms strongly resembling 
those of Black Stalk-rot. But the real cause is not difficult to discern in 
such cases. 

Furthermore, it does not always happen that the decay of the stalk below 
ground occasioned by the Black Stalk-rot leads to the immediate destruction 
of the stalks and foliage. On the contrary, not infrequently there still 
remains on the upper portion of the stalk below ground a tolerably good 
development of healthy roots, sufficient to keep the foliage supplied, tem- 
porarily at least, with enough water and dissolved salts to enable it to carry 
on its proper functions. The consequence is that the manufactured food 
passed downwards from the leaves, having its natural places of deposit—the 
tubers—below ground cut off, accumulates in the buds formed in the axils of 

14 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

the leaves on the stalks; and hence it happens that small aerial tubers are 
formed in these positions. Such aerial tubers are also formed in other cases, 
where, owing to the agency of grubs or other means, sometimes mechanical, 
the base of the stalk becomes injured. Hence it is that although not infre- 
quently such aerial tubers are found on stalks affected with Black Stalk-rot, 
yet their presence there is by no means an infallible sign of the presence of 
this particular disease. 


During the summer of 1909, attempts were made by one of us, and with 
some success, to isolate the organism which was presumably responsible for 
the disease. That the decayed, pulpy, dead tissues from affected stalks 
contained some organism highly toxic to living potato-tissue, was easily and 
repeatedly demonstrated by placing some of it—usually a not inconsiderable 
amount, weighing perhaps a gramme—on the cut surface of living tubers kept 
for a day or two in a covered moist dish, when a characteristic rot was nearly 
always set up, control experiments conducted at the same time giving 
negative results. From such raw material an organism was isolated on two 
or three occasions by means of potato-gelatine plate-cultures, which, when 
placed on slices of living tubers, and inoculated into cut-pieces of stalks, 
produced a characteristic rot in them. Inoculation with a pure culture into 
the healthy living stalk of a growing plant was also carried out in one 
instance, taking the usual aseptic precautions. Unfortunately, owing to a severe 
attack of the ordinary blight (Phytophthora), the imoculated plant, as 
well as the remainder of the crop at the Investigation Station, became 
seriously damaged, and the experiment had to be brought to a premature 
conclusion at the end of sixteen days. During this time, however, a small 
cavity had developed in the region of the stab, the sides of which were lined 
with a blackish pulpy material swarming with motile bacteria. For a distance 
of two or three inches up the stem from the wound, the three principal 
vascular bundles had developed the brown stain characteristic of the disease, 
and thyloses had also developed in the cavities of the vessels. 

The organism isolated was one which liquefied gelatine rapidly, being rod- 
shaped and exceedingly motile. Certain difficulties were encountered in 
obtaining with certainty positive results right through a series of inoculations 
on potato slices, even when the same materials were used. It was found 
that, on the whole, more certain results were obtained when the inoculating 
material consisted of a fairly large quantity of the raw pulpy material from 
an affected stem than when merely a platinum loopful of a pure culture was 

Prrnysriper AND Murpay—Bacterial Disease of the Potato. 15 

placed on the surface of a cut slice of the tuber. Apparently the drying up 
of the potato-slices, and probably also the formation of a layer of protective 
eork cells on their surfaces, were of influence in preventing infection from 
taking place. For it was found that rotting was produced with more certainty 
when the surface of the slice was cut im concave fashion, so that a little pool 
of the inoculating fluid containing the pure culture could remain there for 
some little time, and success was also rendered more certain when the 
inoculating material was stabbed into the slice, instead of being merely laid 
on its surface. On the whole, it was found easier to cause rotting in cut 
portions of living stalks by stabbing into the pith than to produce it on slices 
of tubers. The age and degree of ripeness of the tubers used would also 
doubtless be of some influence, and this point will be referred to again later 

Owing to the fact that a large amount of time had to be devoted to 
diseases of the potato other than the Black Stalk-rot, it was impossible to 
make any very great headway in the study of the organism causing the 
disease during that summer; but the above-described investigations, although 
of a preliminary and very incomplete nature, served well as a basis for 
further work during the summer of 1910. During this latter period the 
disease and its cause have been studied without interruption, from the end of 
June up to the middle of October, the work being carried out as before at 
the Temporary Station for the Investigation of Plant Diseases, at Clifden, 
County Galway. 

Care having been taken to ensure in the plots an adequate supply of 
diseased plants, work was started on the re-isolation of the pathogenic 
organism. The medium used for this purpose was potato-juice gelatine, made 
at first strictly according to the directions laid down by Appel (5). It was 
found, however, that a satisfactory potato-juice gelatine medium fulfilling 
all our requirements could be prepared without having recourse to the 
twenty-four hours’ soaking of the tubers in strong soda solution, and also 
omitting the addition of citric acid before sterilization. It was not necessary 
to have a gelatine of particularly high melting-point, since all our cultures in 
this medium were kept merely at laboratory temperature which did not rise to 
20°C. The medium as prepared was always rendered very slightly alkaline, 
the indicator used being litmus. We may state, however, that our experience 
with the organism which we have isolated has shown that it has no very 
strongly-marked predilection in favour of a gelatine medium prepared from 
potato-juice ; and it grows almost equally well in a similar medium prepared 
from Liebig’s extract of meat with Witte’s peptone, although perhaps in this 
latter the rate of liquefaction is if anything very slightly less rapid, 

16 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Tn the first series of isolations a number of diseased plants, ten in all, 
were plated from during the course of as many days. The material for the 
platings was usually obtained at a point where the diseased and healthy tissues 
met in the pith of the stalks of affected plants which had been carefully 
opened by a longitudinal cut with a sterile knife. In some cases the tissues 
here were rather black and dry; in others they were soft, greenish, and 
somewhat pulpy. In one case the material was obtained irom a discoloured 
vascular bundle at a considerable distance up the stalk, where it was 
completely surrounded by apparently healthy tissue. In most of these cases 
a rough test of the toxicity of the pulp was made at the same time as the 
platings were carried out by placing a little of it direct on slices of living 
potatoes (with controls) in Petri dishes, when a characteristic rot was found 
to develop in them. 

Tn all cases the plates showed after a period of about forty-eight hours at 
laboratory temperature a varying number of colonies according to the dilution 
employed. After a further period of twenty-four hours it was clear that, in 
all cases except one, liquefying organisms were in great preponderance, bemg 
accompanied by only a few colonies of non-liquefiers. The colonies of 
liquefiers were, as far as could be seen with the naked eye, lens, and micro- 
scope, all of one type, and consisted of actively motile, rod-shaped organisms 
of varying length. Not a single colony displaying green fluorescence was 
observed during these platings; but in other platings made later, on one or two 
occasions an isolated colony having this characteristic did appear. Although 
repeated attempts were made to cause a rot in potato-tubers with this 
fluorescent organism, not the slightest success was met with ; and we are very 
doubtful whether the pathogenic characters ascribed to this type oi organism 
are really possessed by it. 

Before replating from the colonies which had developed from the first 
series of plates, preliminary tests were made as to the pathogenicity oi the 
organisms in them by imoculations made in a manner presently to be 
described into fresh, young, living potatoes. Im the case of the liquefiers rot 
was set up in all instances: but with the non-liquefiers this was so in some 
instances, and not in others. Particular attention was then paid to these non- 
liquefying colonies since the organisms isolated, both by Smith(B. solanacearum), 
and Delacroix (B. solanincola), are described as being non-liguefiers; and we 
considered that we might possibly have before us toxic forms of both liquefying 
and non-liquefying kinds. In every single instance, however, where inoculation 
from an apparently non-liquefying colony produced a rot in the potato tuber, 
it was found, on further culture, from the original colony that this was not 
pure, but consisted of a mixture of liquefiers and non-liquefiers. When, after 

PETHYBRIDGE AND) MurpHy—Bacterial Disease of the Potato. 17 

a few successive platings, the non-liquefiers were obtained in absolutely pure 
culture, it was found impossible to induce a rot in the tuber from them; and 
throughout our work we have never yet come across a non-liquefying organism 
which causes such a rot. From what has been said, the great importance of 
securing absolutely pure colonies by a succession of platings starting from the 
original material is clearly demonstrated. 

With regard to the colonies of liquefiers, after successive cultivations, 
these were inoculated into potato-tubers; and in all cases they produced the same 
kind of characteristic rot. From each of the series a pure sub-culture of the 
toxic organism was obtained, and from the comparative tests made of them 
we have no reason to suppose that they differed amongst themselves ; on the 
other hand, we have every reason for believing that they consisted of one and 
the same organism only. 

Seeing that during the previous year the method of inoculating by placing 
the material on the surface of cut slices of fresh potatoes did not always give 
satisfactorily concordant results, a slightly different method was adopted, 
although the method mentioned was frequently used im addition. The 
modified method employed was as follows :—Smallish or medium-sized tubers 
were freshly dug for the purpose of the experiment, a short portion of the 
rhizome being left on each. They were thoroughly washed and scrubbed with 
a soft brush in rain-water; and as the land in which the potatoes were grown 
was reclaimed bog, it was an easy matter to get the tubers quite clean. They 
were then dried in a clean towel, and the heel-ends of them were dipped into 
a solution of mercuric chloride, which was allowed to dry on them. 
Immediately before inoculation, the small projecting portion of the rhizome 
was cut off flush with the surface of the tuber with a pair of scissors with 
sterile blades ; and by means of a sterile, steel, lancet-pointed needle a stab 
of about half an inch to an inch in depth was made into the heel end of the 
tuber through the cut end of the rhizome. Into the stab thus made the 
inoculating material, usually from a three days’ old culture, was introduced 
by means of a sterile platinum wire. After inoculation the tubers were placed 
in covered glass dishes, and in every instance along with them control-tubers 
were placed, which had received exactly the same treatment, except that the 
inoculating material was not introduced into them. A convenient method of 
sterilizing the steel needle and scissors was found to be that of keeping them 
immersed in strong alcohol, and immediately before use lifting them out and 
igniting the liquid adhering to them and letting it burn off. Thus sterility 
was obtained and excessive heating of the needle and scissors avoided. As a 
general rule, the inoculated tubers and their controls were kept at laboratory 
temperature. Some of the experiments, however, performed later on in the 


18 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

season, were carried on in an incubator at 25°-27°C. in order to obtain the 
results more quickly. 

All of what we may call our early, critical inoculation experiments were 
carried out as thus described ; later on it was found that the mercuric chloride 
treatment could safely be dispensed with, and the imoculations were not in 
every case made exactly through the cut-surface of the rhizome. In all such 
cases, it is scarcely necessary to add, control-tubers stabbed, but not inoculated, 
were used as before; and throughout the whole of the work such control- 
tubers remained, without exception, sterile and unaffected, and up to about 
the end of September, as will be mentioned later on, we had not a single case 
of failure to rot when the organism, presently to be described in detail, was 
inoculated into a tuber in the manner indicated. 

The difference between the tubers inoculated with the organism and the 
controls was clearly evident, as a rule, after a period of twenty-four hours. By 
that time the open end of the stab in the case of the controls showed a very 
slight discolouration, if any, and had practically dried up. In the inoculated 
tubers, on the other hand, the wounds were moist-looking, and almost black 
in appearance. This difference increased as time went on, very frequently a 
small quantity of a dark-looking liquid being exuded from the stabs in the 
inoculated tubers, while the skin in the immediate neighbourhood of the stab 
became blackened. The differences were even more strongly marked when, 
after a total period of seventy-two hours, the tubers were cut through 
longitudinally. In the case of the controls there was an empty cavity where 
the stab had been made, the walls of which were quite firm and free from any 
marked discolouration. In the inoculated tubers this cavity was filled with a 
soft, discoloured, pulpy mass, and the adjacent tissues were becoming similarly 
soft and pulpy, and were in some cases blackened. Fig. 5, Plate III, shows 
an inoculated tuber cut longitudinally through the stab. 

Further details regarding the action of the organism on the tubers will be 
found when its cultural characteristics are being discussed. From some of the 
tubers, in which the characteristic rot had been thus artificially produced, 
platings were made of the decayed tissues, with the result that the organism 
used for inoculation purposes was re-isolated in pure culture. 

In addition to isolating it from diseased potato-stalks, we were successful 
in obtaining the same organism twice out of three times from affected 
tubers borne on deceased plants. The failure in the third instance was in all 
probability due to the fact that the rot im the tuber had, at the time of the 
experiment, reached an advanced stage, when not only the pathogenic organism 
but also an abundance of other forms were present. In this case the tuber pre- 
sented a large cavity when cut open, lined by a fairly thick layer of a blackish 

Peraysriper AND Mureay— Bacterial Disease of the Potato. 19 

semi-liquid pulp. Since no very special precautions were taken in this par- 
ticular instance to select the inoculating material from a position in close and 
direct proximity to the still healthy tissue, our non-success is easily understood, 
Unfortunately whilst the isolation experiments from this tuber were in 
progress, and before we had realized our failure to obtain the pathogenic 
organism from it, the tuber itself was discarded, so that a fresh attempt with 
the same tuber was rendered impossible. There is little doubt, however, that . 
the tuber had been primarily attacked by the organism in question, especially 
in view of the fact that one of the successful isolations mentioned above was 
made from a diseased tuber borne by the same plant. 

An attempt was also made to isolate the organism from the soil, but with- 
out success. Infection-experiments carried out with the organisms isolated in 
pure culture from the soil gave nothing but negative results. This disposes of 
the view recently brought forward by Hegyi, without sufficient experimental 
evidence, that any or all of the common soil organisms may cause the disease 
by effecting an entrance into the portions of the stalks below ground through 
wounds caused by insects or other animals. 

The soil of the particular plot in question—reclaimed bog—had not, it is 
true, given any indications during the previous season of being infested with 
any organism toxic to the potato plant; but in it had been planted a large 
number of tubers which were known to have been derived from plants which, 
during the previous season, had suffered badly from Black Stalk-rot. As a 
consequence, the plants arising from these tubers were, to the extent of 
ninety-four per cent., attacked with this disease during the summer; and as a 
matter of fact the sample taken for isolation purposes was selected from a 
spot rather near a rotting tuber borne by one of these plants. Nevertheless 
the organism was not obtained. This particular plot has now been enriched 
by the addition to it of anumber of tubers and stalks affected with the disease; 
and it will be interesting to observe next year whether plants derived from 
perfectly sound tubers of known origin, which it is intended to plant in it, will 
become diseased. A fresh opportunity will then be afforded of ascertaining 
whether the organism is present in that soil or not. 

Again, an endeavour was made to obtain the organism from the stalks of 
affected plants of the previous season, which had been allowed to become air- 
dry, and which had been hanging up in a bundle in the laboratory for a period 
of about ten months. In this case also we were not successful. It is true we 
haye never observed the formation of spores by this organism ; but we have at 
present no certain knowledge of its powers of resistance to dessication, and too 
much stress must not be laid on the negative results given by a single experiment. 

1 Zeitschrift fur PAanzenkrankheiten, xx. 1910, p. 79. 


20 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


In this connexion two distinet series of experiments were carried out. In 
the first, inoculations were made on single healthy potato stalks, which were 
removed from the soil and placed with their washed lower ends (on which the 
roots were allowed to remain)submerged in flasks partially filled with rain-water 
kept in the lobby of the laboratory, standing in a window facing west. Tufts 
of cotton wool placed in the necks of the flasks helped to support the stalks, 
and prevented too rapid loss of water by evaporation. What loss there was 
was made up occasionally by the addition of fresh water. In the second the 
inoculations were made on plants grown for the purpose from small tubers 
(variety “ Champion”), planted in ordinary pots on May 9th. These plants, 
although well grown, were small, and therefore were convenient for handling 
at the time the inoculations were made. ‘hey remained out of doors the 
whole season, and were very thoroughly sprayed twice, in order to ward off 
the attacks of Phytophthora—a very necessary precaution which successfully 
accomplished its purpose. 

(a) Inoculation of stalks standing in water.—For several reasons this method 
of experiment did not prove a very satisfactory one. The time taken for the 
organism to cause a very appreciable amount of damage to the stalks was a 
prolonged one; and although they remained on the whole fresh enough, they 
were evidently not very happily situated, with their roots merely in rain- 
water. During the period, in one or two of the flasks, a considerable growth 
of fungus mycelium developed about the roots of the stalks, which, however, 
did not seem to adversely affect them in any way, and which was from time 
to time washed off. No protection was afforded to the flasks against the action 
of light, and in all of them, towards the end of the experiment, a more or less 
considerable growth, of a bright red unicellular alga, had accumulated, chiefly 
on the bottoms and sides of the flasks. Nevertheless the results, as will be 
seen, cannot be said to have been altogether unsuccessful. 

Seven flasks in all were set up as described. The inoculations made on 
July 27th were carried out, as was previously the case with tubers, first by 
stabbing into the stem with a sterile steel needle, and then introducing the 
inoculating material on a sterile platinum wire. Two of the stalks were 
stabbed and the platinum wire introduced into the wound without being first 
dipped into the culture of the organism. These served as controls, and it may 
be stated at once that throughout the experiment neither of these controls 
showed any signs of the disease—the stabs, indeed, soon dried up, and were 
not easily discernible. Of the other five, three stalks were inoculated in a 
region which was within the flask, but above the water-level, so that the 
surface of the wound was kept continuously surrounded by a moist atmosphere; 

PETHYBRIDGE AND MurpaHy—Bacterial Disease of the Potato. 21 

the remaining two were stabbed in a region outside of the flask, and exposed 
to the surrounding air. One of the control stalks was stabbed within and the 
other outside of the flask. 

After two days the stabs on the stalks within the flasks were plainly visible 
as black marks, and there was an indication of the commencement of attack. 
This was the case also, but to a more limited extent, with the two stabs made 
outside the flasks, whereas in the case of the controls the wounds could only 
be found with difficulty. The signs of attack increased during the next three 
days, by which time it was quite clear that in the case of two atleast of the 
stabs within the flasks the inoculation had “caught on.” After twenty-one 
days, one of the stalks which was stabbed outside the flask was practically 
dead. It was split longitudinally, and a certain amount of blackening, accom- 
panied by rotting of the tissues, was found to have occurred both above and 
below the wound over a total distance of about one inch. After thirty-four 
days one of the stalks which had been stabbed within the flask was found to 
be wilted, and had fallen over at a point above the place of inoculation. On 
cutting it open, the pith was found to have rotted away for about a total 
distance of four inches above and below the wound, the rot having extended 
through two solid nodes, rendering them hollow. The cavity was blackened 
and dry, without pulp, and the indications were clearly those of an attack of 
Black Stalk-rot. An attempt was made to recover the organism from the 
decayed tissues, but it was not successful. 

After forty-seven days a second one of the stalks which had been inoculated 
within the flask was examined, the signs of decay being similar to, but less 
extensive than, in the case just described. Here also an attempt to recover 
the organism was attended with no success. 

After fifty-six days the third and last of the stalks inoculated within the 
flask was examined, and showed the same signs as in the previous cases. The 
attempt to recover the organism here, however, met with complete success. 
At the same time the remaining stalk of the two which were inoculated 
outside of the flask was examined. The signs of rot here were but meagre, and 
no attempt was made to recover the organism. 

It will thus be seen that in all five cases where the stalks were inoculated 
with the organism a certain degree of rotting was set up, greater in some 
cases than others, and that in one case the pathogenic organism was re-isolated 
from the decayed tissues with certainty. 

(6) Inoculation of plants grown in pots.—Much greater success was obtained 
in this series of inoculations. Seven plants were used in the experiment, two 
of them being used as controls—that is, being treated like the remainder as 
regards stabbing, but the culture of the organism being withheld. In three 

22 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

of the remaining five plants there was more than one stalk to each plant; but 
in each case only one stalk was stabbed and inoculated, the others serving as 
additional controls, being, however, not stabbed. The inoculations were made 
just below soil-level, and after they had been made the pots were filled to the 
brim with additional soil; so that the wounds were well below the soil, and 
hence were kept moist, the controls receiving exactly the same treatment in 
this respect. The inoculated stalks were marked by tying pieces of coloured 
wool around them. The experiment was started on July 30th. 

Not until a period of twenty-four days had elapsed were any signs of 
attack noticeable in the foliage of the inoculated stalks. At this time two of 
them began to show signs of wilting, which was very marked in one case. 
After a further period of six days these signs were considerably more pro- 
nounced, and in another two days a third stalk out of the five inoculated also 
displayed similar signs. The signs were in all respects similar to those which 
had been observed on plants growing in the open attacked with the disease. 
The photograph reproduced on Plate III, fig. 6, shows clearly the appear- 
ance presented by one of the plants at this date, the contrast between the 
healthy and the inoculated stalks being plainly evident. 

At this time one of the control plants, being less well staked than its 
fellows, was broken down during a storm of wind, but revealed no signs of 
Black Stalk-rot. The other control plant, as well as the non-stabbed stalks 
of the inoculated plants, remained perfectly healthy up to the end of the 
experiment. On the other hand, up to September 21st all five inoculated 
stalks had shown unmistakable signs of the disease. Doubtless had the 
experiment been started earlier in the year, and therefore had longer time for 
development been available, some or perhaps all of the non-stabbed and non- 
inoculated stalks belonging to the same plants as the inoculated stalks would 
have become diseased. 

The stalks which had become affected were examined, one on Sept. 6th, 
two on Sept. 19th, and the remaining two on Sept. 2Ist. It is scarcely 
necessary to describe in detail the exact appearance presented by the decayed 
portion of each stalk; suffice it to say that a rot characteristic of the disease 
was found in all cases proceeding from the inoculation wound, it being im some 
cases somewhat more strongly developed than in others. What is important 
1s that in four cases out of the five the original pathogenic organism was 
recovered in pure culture on plating out from the decaying tissues. In the 
fifth case the organism was also proved to be present with certainty, but 1t was 
not obtained in pure culture. 

These experiments prove in the clearest possible fashion that the organism, 
the characters of which are about to be described, is the cause of the disease. 

PeruysripGe AND Murpny—Bacterral Disease of the Potato. 28 

A. Morphological Characters. 

(1) Form and Arrangement.—The organism when examined in hanging 
drop prepared from a young agar-slant culture is rod-shaped, occurring very 
frequently in pairs, sometimes in threes, and not infrequently in long chains. 
In stained preparations, made direct from diseased tissues, these long chains 
were not observed. 

(2) Stze—In breadth it varies but little, being usually about 0:9 u broad. 
The length, however, is very variable. Single individuals range from 1:3 p to 
181; pairs are found up to 2°54; and the long chains measure from 20 pw to 
70, in length. The individuals composing the long chains are usually them- 
selves very long; the first three members of one such chain, for example, 
measured 8-2 p, 9°3 u, and 7:4 respectively. When taken direct from diseased 
tissues, the organism is found on the whole to be slightly smaller, being about 
0:7 broad, and from 0°91 to 1°74 long. All measurements were made on 
fixed and stained preparations. 

(3) Motihty and Flagella.—The organism, whether obtained direct from 
diseased tissues or from artificial cultures, exhibits very active movements of 
a rapid swimming or “darting” kind. Some little difficulty was at first 
experienced in satisfactorily demonstrating the presence, number, and mode of 
attachment of the flagella. Trials with Bunge’s and Peppler’s mordants, 
followed by staining with carbol-fuchsin, gave unsatisfactory results. By 
following closely, however, the details of the method given by Ellis (13), using 
Loffler’s “ Fuchsin-Tinte” (freshly prepared) as a mordant, followed by an 
alcoholic solution of fuchsin as a stain, good results were obtained. The 
number of flagella found varied from one to five; and the arrangement was 
found to be peritrichous. 

(4) Staining.—No time was expended in comparative trials with different 
stains, it bemg found that carbol-fuchsin gave satisfactory results. Gram’s 
method produced a negative result both in young and in old cultures. 

(5) Spores—Spores were not observed in any of the cultures, and, as pre- 
viously stated, an attempt to obtain the organism from affected stalks, which 
had been hanging since the previous summer in the laboratory, failed. 

B. Cultural Characters. 

(6) Gelatine Plates—The colonies appear to the naked eye when plated out 
in potato-gelatine on the second day at laboratory temperature as minute 
whitish dots with no appearance of liquefaction if submerged, but somewhat 
shiny and with slight indications of liquefaction if on the surface. After the 

24 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

second day liquefaction proceeds rather rapidly, cireular depressions being 
formed filled with liquefied gelatine of a greyish tinge if the bacteria are uni- 
formly distributed through it. Ii, as is frequently the case, the distribution 
is less uniform, a greyish white, irregularly shaped deposit is found in the 
depression. In ordinary beef-extract-peptone gelatine the appearances are 
similar; but the rate of liquefaction is slightly less rapid. In no ease is 
there the slightest trace of any green fluorescence. The liquefied gelatine is 
strongly alkaline to litmus, and when a moistened red litmus paper is attached 
to the inside of the lid of a Petri-dish containing colonies of the organism and 
the lid replaced, the litmus is quickly turned blue, indicating the presence of 
a volatile alkali. There is, however, no smell of ammonia. 

(7) Gelatine Stab.—Aiter twenty-four hours at room temperature a more or 
less continuous line of growth along the stab is visible, usually extending to 
the bottom of the tube. By the second day liquefaction has started at the 
surface, and proceeds downwards at a fairly rapid pace, the liquefied portion 
being somewhat elongated, broadly funnel-shaped, liquefaction being strongest 
in the uppermost layers near the air. The accumulated bacterial growth 
forms more or less flocculent masses which gradually settle downwards. 

(8) Gelatine Streak.—After twenty-four hours the streak is visible, by 
means of a lens, in the form of a fine discontinuous line of a whitish grey 
colour. Liquefaction sets in within forty-eight hours, the margin of the 
liquefied portion being of an irregular nature, and spreading rather rapidly. 

(9) Agar Plates—The colonies on beef-extract-peptone agar appear after 
forty-eight hours at 25° C. as small whitish dots when submerged, similar to 
those in gelatine. On the surface the colonies are larger, dull grey, with 
sometimes a white centre. Owing to the exudation of water from this medium, 
the surface colonies soon become merged into a general surface growth over the 
plate so that their individual characters become lost. 

(10) Agar Stab—At laboratory temperature after twenty-four hours a 
greyish white, faint line of growth is seen along the stab, which at this time 
does not usually reach the bottom of the tube. By the third day the surface 
of agar in the tube is covered by a greyish white growth. The line of growth 
meanwhile has reached the bottom of the tube, the margin of it being some- 
what crenated. 

(11) Agar Streak.—At 22° C. to 25° C. a slight greyish white growth 
develops within forty-eight hours, which quickly spreads over the surface, aided 
by exuded water. 

(12) Ordinary Broth—In beef-extract-peptone broth, growth is by no 
means vigorous. Within forty-eight hours at laboratory temperature the 
amount of turbidity in the liquid is but slight; and even after standing for a 

“a «<p aes 

PreruyBripce any Murpuy—Buaeterial Disease of the Potato. 25 

considerable time very little sediment is found in the bottom of the tube. At 
25° C. the growth is but little, if any, more pronounced. No characteristic 
odour is produced ; but broth, which is neutral to litmus at the start, remains 
neutral. No traces whatever of the formation of a pellicle were ever observed. 

(13) Glucose Broth, 2 per cent—At 25° C. growth is considerably more 
profuse than in ordinary broth at the same temperature. The turbidity is 
well marked ; and a fair amount of deposit settles down in the tube. Ina 
fermentation-tube with one arm closed, gas is produced in small amount, but 
quite constantly. The reaction of the broth is changed from that of slight 
alkalinity to that of distinct acidity. 

(14) Cane-Sugar Broth, 2 per cent.—The growth here is very similar to that 
in glucose broth. Both gas and acid are produced. 

(15) Lactose Broth, 2 per cent.—Growth here is also similar to that produced 
in the presence of the other two sugars. A rough quantitative analysis of the 
gas produced was made here, and the proportions found to be = = = 

(16) Potassium Nitrate Broth, 2 per cent.—Growth is slightly better than 
in ordinary broth at 25°C. After forty-eight hours nitrites were present 
(KI and starch test, with control) ; and they were still present after a period 
of thirty-three days. When a plug of vaseline was left on the surface of the 
inoculated broth, gas was always produced (controls treated similarly gave no 
trace of gas); but the amount of it was always small and the pressure developed 
never sufficient to push the vaseline up the tube. The broth, which was 
neutral at the start, became alkaline. 

(17) Glycerine Broth, 2 per cent.—Growth at 25° C, is but poor, only a slight 
sediment being produced. No gas is formed in a fermentation-tube, and no 
acidity develops. 

(18) Steralized Potato-jurce (Appel’s).— Active growth occurs within twenty- 
four hours at 25° C. ; the liquid becomes turbid, and a brownish flocculent deposit 
settles down in the tube. The neutralized juice becomes distinctly acid. There 
is no trace of pellicle-formation. 

(19) Sterilized Potato-jwice + 2 per cent. Glucose—Growth very similar to 
that in the juice without glucose. Acid is produced, but no gas. Pellicles 

(20) Sterilized Potato-juice + 2 per cent. Cane Sugar.—Similar to (19). 

(21) Glucose-agar and Cane-Sugar-agar Shake-Cultures.—Gas-bubbles are 
produced in both cases. 

(22) Agar superimposed over Agar Stab—Growth along the stab and 
between the two masses of agar; hence the organism is not particularly strongly 


26 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

(23) Sterilized Skim-Milk.—At 25° C. curdling occurs within forty-eight 
hours; at laboratory temperature in five days. The curd does not form a very 
firm compact column. The milk, absolutely neutral before inoculation, becomes 
distinctly acid. After long standing the curd contracts somewhat, but little, 
if any, peptonization appears to occur. On shaking, gas-bubbles arise from the 
curd; and when the milk is provided with a vaseline plug after inoculation, 
gas accumulates after ten days, and the plug is slightly shifted up the tube. 

(24) Neutral Litmus-Milk.— Within forty-eight hours at 25° C. the litmus is 
completely turned red. After eight days it begins to be decolourized, 
beginning at the surface, and proceeding downwards, the process being 
practically complete in fourteen days. On shaking the tube and exposing the 
contents in a thin layer to the air, the litmus regains its red colour within a 
few minutes. 

(25) Production of Indol.No production of indol could be traced in 
cultures up to fourteen days old. 

(26) Action on Starch. Although the starch-grains in the macerated 
tissues of stalks and tubers attacked by this organism appear to be intact, it 
nevertheless exerts a diastatic action on potato-starch paste. To ordinary 
beef-extract-peptone agar sterilized, thin potato-starch paste was added 
sufficient to produce a strong blue colour with a solution of iodine in potassium 
iodide. Plates of this medium were poured and allowed to set, some of them 
being inoculated in the centre with the organism—one other, used as a control, 
being not inoculated. After ten days at 25° C. the organism had produced a 
circular patch of growth in the inoculated dishes, the margin of which reached 
to within one quarter of an inch of the edge of the plate. On flooding the 
plates with iodine in potassium iodide solution, and allowing to stand a short 
time, the portion of the agar covered by the growth (which was not so thick 
as to prevent the solution from quickly penetrating to the agar below it) 
remained brown, while the margin turned blue. The control-plate had 
remained sterile, and a blue colour developed all over its surface. 

(27) Thermal Death-point.—A preliminary test of this showed that when 
the organism was suspended in sterile rain-water, and exposed for ten minutes 
to a temperature of 50° C., it was entirely killed. Heating for the same period 
at 45° C. failed to kill. Hence the thermal death-point lies between 45° C. 
and 50°C. 

(28) Production of an Enzyme.—Doubtless the organism produces an 
enzyine capable of dissolving the middle lamella of cells. A single attempt 
was made to obtain it, which was not successful. Owing to the somewhat 
limited resources of our small temporary laboratory, further attempts were 

not proceeded with. 

PrtruysBripe: AND Mureay— Bacterial Disease of the Potato. 27 

(29) Sterile Slices of cooked Potato—At 25° C. a yellowish, slimy, shining 
erowth oceurs in two days, which gradually spreads over the surface without 
being raised above it to any extent. This is the only medium on which we 
have found the organism to exhibit any chromogenic character. After six days 
the portions of the potato-slices not covered by bacterial growth become 
brownish ; control, non-inoculated slices remain uncoloured. The potato-slices 
became alkaline, controls remaining acid. 

(30) Slices of living Potato aseptically prepared.—At room-temperature a 
slight brown discolouration and a slight sinking-in of the tissues occur within 
twenty-four hours. By the third day the depression is well marked, the 
bottom and sides of it being of a lightish brown colour, and the margin a deeper 
brown or almost black. On standing longer the depression frequently becomes 
somewhat deeper and more or less blackened all over. Fig. 7, Plate III., 
shows the results of four days’ growth of the organism on living potato-slices. 
The tissues become soft and pulpy to the bottom of the slice if about half an 
inch thick. Microscopic examination of the pulp shows that the middle 
lamellae of the cells have become dissolved, leaving the cells themselves free 
and with slightly browned protoplasmic contents, but with intact starch-grains 
in which the lines of stratification are often very well marked. The inception 
and progress of the attack on raw potato-slices in Petri dishes are largely 
dependent on the presence of moisture. Success is best attained when care is 
taken to keep the interior of the Petri dish well moistened. 

(31) Whole Potatoes inoculated through the “ heel.’—The method used has 
already been described on p. 17. At room-temperature, within forty-eight 
hours a slight, simy exudation can be observed, together with a blackening 
around the edge of the wound. This blackening frequently spreads centri- 
fugally over the skin, being marked off by a fairly sharp line from the normal 
skin, The rot extends beneath this discoloured skin; and if lenticels be 
present on this area, they often stand out sharply as black spots. When 
affected or artificially inoculated tubers are of a red variety—that is, when the 
cells of a few layers of the tissue immediately below the true cork cells of 
the skin contain anthocyan in solution in the cell-sap—the colouring-matter 
becomes destroyed in the attacked portions, and the surface of the tuber no 
longer shows the colour characteristic of the healthy tuber over these areas, 
When cut longitudinally through the inoculation-stab, the cavity is more or 
less filled with a soft, pulpy mass usually of a light brown colour. This pulp 
is frequently marked off from the still unattacked tissues by a distinct black 
line. In some cases the organisms pass into the “ vascular ring,” and cause it 
to become brown for a greater or less portion of its circumference. (See fig. 5, 

Plate II.) In some cases the pulpy materialis almost pure white ; and the dark 
[D 2] 

28 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

line mentioned above may be absent. In others, especially where the stab 
was a large one, its sides become blackened, probably owing to the access of 
air to its interior, for, on exposure to air, the pulp above mentioned gradually 
darkens, often becoming almost black. 

The reaction of this pulp to litmus was carefully studied. It may be 
recalled that, in tubers naturally infected from the parent plant, the diseased 
tissues give at first a distinctly acid reaction; later on, after blackening has 
occurred, the reaction becomes alkaline. Care bemg taken to avoid the 
naturally acid sap of the healthy tissue, it was found that, if a little of the 
pulp were placed on a blue litmus paper, it was immediately reddened. If, 
however, a little of the same pulp was placed at the same time on a piece of 
red litmus paper, a slight blue colouration was produced. Thus at this stage 
the pulp shows an amphoteric reaction, the acidity being, however, more 
strongly marked than the alkalinity. On exposure to air, however, the 
reaction gradually becomes alkaline. If a moistened red litmus paper be left 
on the inside of the lid of a dish in which potatoes are rotting, it gradually 
becomes blue, as is the case with cultures in artificial media. The odour 
produced by rotting tubers is but a faint one, somewhat resembling a mixture 
of stale fish and potatoes. There is no smell of butyric acid. 

It will be convenient to give at this point a brief account of the action of 
the organism on tubers of the same variety, of different ages, and on those of 
different varieties. Up to the end of September the inoculations had always 
been made on tubers freshly, or very recently, dug for the purpose. On 
starting experiments to ascertain the susceptibility of different varieties of 
potatoes to the attacks of the organism, tubers were at first used which, in 
some cases, had already been dug and stored in sprouting-boxes for a week or 
two. Whereas up to this time we had no case of failure to rot when the 
organism was inoculated into a tuber, we now found, somewhat to our 
surprise, that some varieties, which had previously taken infection easily, now 
did so only with difficulty or scarcely at all. The results of the following 
experiment seem to show it is more difficult to produce a vigorous rotting in 
ripe and lifted potatoes than in unripe ones still in the ground and attached 
to the plant. 

On October 3rd seven Champion tubers which were freshly dug, and seven 
others which had been dug and boxed four weeks earlier, were inoculated 
with what was ascertained to be a quite virulent culture of the organism. 
With the seven fresh tubers the rot proceeded vigorously in all cases. Rotting 
also occurred in six out of the seven old tubers ; but it was decidedly less 
vigorous than in the fresh tubers, and in three cases it apparently came to a 
standstill after a few days. 

PrrayBRIDGE AND MurpHy—Bacterial Disease of the Potato. 29 

At this time it was impossible to secure tubers of the different varieties 
grown in our plots of similar degrees of ripeness and storage, seeing that 
they had already been lifted at different dates during the month. In spite of 
this slight disturbing factor, however, the results of three series of inoculation 
tests of fourteen different varieties, summarized in the following table, are 
not without interest. A + sign indicates that a decided rot was set up in the 
tuber ; a — sign, on the other hand, indicates that no rot whatever occurred ; 
and a + sign shows that the signs of rot were but slight. 

VARIETY. | Test 1. Test. 2. | Test 3. 

| : Le és p Seedy ae 
Clifden Seedling, 56 a0 50 {Ewes Se t+ oF 4+ hos ft 
BitieSkerypoe ee | a Rh eon mae Me ie eM ate 
British Premier, | 9 oS i )dprales wert LU ike Cea a 
Shamrock, | ce ee 1s eee 2 os = | 
Trish Queen, | fs aT Tepe et bh ee ee | 
British Queen, | erat ge le ea b Bt Se ene ont 
Scottish Queen, | + + + ee ee Zhan itp 
Flour Ball, | ah Pani ee me ee tly rane ee | 
Duchess of Cornwall, | + + - = £ = a | 
Champion, | + + + - + = = = = | 
Beauty of Bute, | hos = = = = ee | 
Brian Boru, IE GRR pee = oth a Soe 
Red Cup, | - - - = =o £ eS es 
Wild Champion, | ee =- = = ne 


When pieces of turnip, swede, carrot, and parsnip, prepared with aseptic 
precautions, and kept im covered glass dishes, were inoculated with the 
organism in a similar manner to that described for potatoes, it was found that 
a rot was readily produced in all cases in a short time at laboratory 
temperature. Controls showed no signs of rotting. In the case of the turnip, 
the rot was as rapid and complete as in the potato, or even more so, the 
tissues bemg quickly reduced to an evil-smelling brownish pulp. On the 
other hand, all attempts to produce a similar rot in mangels failed. Bacterial 
rot of the turnip and swede is of course of fairly common occurrence in 
Ireland as in other countries; and we have occasionally met with cases 
of rotting in carrots, evidently of a bacterial nature. The question naturally 

30 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

arises as to whether the organism causing Black Stalk-rot of the potato may 
also produce rotting of the turnip under natural conditions im the field, A 
complete answer to this question must be left for future work to provide; but 
from a swede, which was attacked by a brown bacterial rot, we succeeded in 
isolating an organism which would rot swedes, but which could not be induced 
to cause a rot in potatoes. A quite different type of bacterial rot of a white 
kind was observed in turnips, one of the characteristics of which was that the 
foliage of the affected plants became strongly wilted. Preliminary trials with 
the pulp of such rotten turnips showed that it did produce a rot in potato 
tubers. This pulp was then plated out, and ultimately an organism was isolated 
from it which caused a rapid rot in the turnip and also in potato-tubers. In 
the latter, however, the rot was neither rapid nor profound, and it did not show 
quite the characters of the decay produced by the Black Stalk-rot organism. 
The organism was a peritrichously multi-flagellate rod, which in size was 
both distinctly broader and longer than the Black Stalk-rot organism. Hence 
it would appear that turnip-rot and Black Stalk-rot are probably not caused 
by identical organisms, although the Black Stalk-rot organism does not seem 
to be specifically pathogenic to the potato, as is stated by van Hall to be 
apparently the case with his Bacillus atrosepticus. Much further work is, 
however, required in this direction before it would be possible to decide with 
certainty whether one and the same organism may be responsible for rotting 
both in potatoes and turnips. 


It may be recalled that the following organisms have been described as 
being responsible for bacterial disease in potatoes, viz., Bacillus caulivorus 
Prill. et Del (France), Bacillus solanacearum Smith (U.S.A.), Bacillus 
solanincola Del. (France), Bacillus atrosepticus van Hall (Holland), Bacillus 
phytophthorus Appel (Germany), and Bacillus solanisaprus Harrison (Canada), 
When compared with these, it is quite clear that our organism is not identical 
with any of the first three named, for the first of them produces a green 
fluorescence in its culture media, and the two others are non-liquefiers of 
gelatine, whereas our organism produces no green colour, and is decidedly a 
liquefier. With regard to the three last named, a comparison of characters 
shows that our organism has some points in common with each of them. It 
differs, however, from Bacillus atrosepticus, since that organism is described as 
occurring chiefly as isolated individuals, whereas ours is more frequently 
found in pairs. The former is also decidedly smaller in size, in spite of 
variations in both cases, and its action on milk appears to be different from 

PreraysBrivGe AND Mureay— Bacterial Disease of the Potato. 31 

that found in our case. We were unfortunately unable to obtain a copy of 
the detailed characters of B. atroseptieus before our own work was concluded. 
Hence we were not able to make a comparative study of the behaviour of our 
organism and that of van Hall in many of the media which he used; but 
sufficient has been done to show that the organisms are not identical. There 
are even greater differences between our organism and B. solanisaprus. The 
latter possesses far more flagella, forms no gas in glucose and cane-sugar 
cultures, forms a distinct rig on the surface of potato-juice, and produces a 
raised, creamy-white growth on cooked potato, all of which characters serve to 
distinguish it from our organism. Between b. phytophthorus and the organism 
isolated by us, however, there exist marked resemblances, so much so that we 
are strongly tempted to regard the latter as probably only a variety of the 
former. Nevertheless there are certain differences which, if slight, are yet 
quite constant, as repeated tests have convinced us. Thus in Appel’s sterile 
potato-juice, we have never been able to obtain the slightest signs of a 
pellicle; whereas B. phytophthorus produces a strong one. Again, in nitrate 
broth we find that our organism produces a small amount of gas, while this is 
apparently not the case with B. phytophthorus. Further, the growth in milk 
is dissimilar in the two cases. Our organism causes the separation of the 
eurd as a not very compact mass, and produces a distinct acidity in a 
comparatively short time, whereas 5. phytophthorus causes milk to change 
only on long standing, forming then a compact cylinder of precipitated curd, 
and giving a reaction which is amphoteric to litmus. Evidently, however, 
the two organisms, if not identical, are at any rate closely allied; and it is 
perhaps with some reluctance that we regard it as a distinct species, and 
suggest the name of Bacillus melanogenes for it. 

A careful comparison has also been made, as far as circumstances permitted, 
between our organism and a group of organisms which have been recently 
submitted to along series of comparative studies by Harding and Morse (17), 
and which have been described by various authors as causing a soft rot in 
many fleshy vegetables of the North Temperate Zone, and of which Bacillus 
carotovorus Jones seryes as a type. ‘The pathogenicity of B. carotovorus and 
its allies towards potatoes is, as far as we are aware, not known; hence a 
comparison on this vital point cannot be made. JB. carotovorus produces 
indol, though in feeble amount. B. melanogenes does not do so at all. 
£. carotovorus produces a white growth on cooked potato, B. melanogenes a 
distinetly yellow one. B.cwrotovorus has up to ten flagella; in b. melanogenes 
we haye never seen more than five. These differences are quite sufficient to 
show that the organism obtained by us is not identical with £. carotovorus and 
its allies. 

32 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


We have no exact data on which to base any estimate as to the losses 
caused by this disease in this country, but they cannot be inconsiderable. It 
may be pointed out that these losses occur both in the growing crop and in 
the stored produce, and further, that of these the latter is in all probability 
the greater. As stated previously, the diseased plants are scattered here and 
there throughout the field or plot; and the loss of a small percentage of plants 
would not cause a particularly appreciable diminution in the total yield. In 
the pits, however, each diseased tuber may serve as a centre from which the 
rot may spread to the surrounding healthy ones; and it is quite possible, there- 
fore, for a whole pit to be rendered more or less completely useless. 

An instructive experiment was performed, which shows that there would 
be no difficulty in perfectly sound tubers becoming infected by contact with 
diseased ones. A sound tuber which had been placed in water for twelve 
hours, allowed to dry for a further twelve hours, and finally soaked for another 
twelve in order to make it thoroughly damp, and to induce a certain amount 
of proliferation of the tissues at the lenticels, was painted over with a pure 
culture of the organism, placed in a covered dish, and kept at laboratory 
temperature. The liquid culture drained to a certain extent down over the 
surface of the tuber, and a thin layer came to lie between the latter and the 
bottom of the dish. At this point infection took place through a lenticel, and 
the tuber rotted in characteristic fashion. A control tuber which was painted 
with sterile water remained sound. That the soaking in water did not affect 
the vitality of the tubers is clear from the fact that they have since produced 
normal sprouts. In a pit, especially if made at a time when the tubers were 
not thoroughly dry, or if faultily constructed, so that wet was not properly 
excluded, the conditions would be very similar to those in the above experi- 
ment; and it is easy to see how, by means of infection through the lenticels, 
very serious rotting could take place. In order to avoid this, it is necessary 
first to exclude attacked tubers from the pit ; and, secondly, to construct it as 
far as possible when the tubers are thoroughly dry, and in such a manner that 
it can remain dry, and also cool; for, of course, the rot is much accelerated by 
a vise of temperature. 

It would, therefore, seem a wise precaution to remove and destroy, as far 
as practicable, all plants attacked with this disease, as soon as possible, from 
fields or plots where it appears, in order that the tubers produced by them— 
which, though they may be few, are bound to be diseased to some extent— 
may not find their way to the pit with healthy ones. Leaving such attected 
plants and tubers on the land means that the soil will, at least at these spots, 

PrruyBRIDGE AND MurpHy—Jpucterial Disease of the Potato. 33 
become enriched with an organism pathogenic to the potato. On large farms, 
where a proper system of rotation can be carried out, this is, perhaps, not of 
so much practical consequence ; but on small farms, and in gardens where 
potatoes are, unfortunately, too often grown for several successive seasons on 
the same land, there is the not inconsiderable risk of the new season’s crop 
contracting the disease from the organisms left in the soil by the previous one. 
For although it has not as yet been definitely proved, in the case of this parti- 
cular organism, that plants may contract the disease from the soil, there can 
be little doubt, arguing from analogy with similar species, that such is likely 
to be the case; and experiments are arranged for next-season which, it is 
hoped, will settle the pomt. It is just on such small areas that removing the 
individual diseased plants would be most feasible. 

It is, however, doubtful whether infection of the plant from the soil is in 
the main responsible for the occurrence of this disease, or, at any rate, for its 
spread in this country. It seems certain that this is due rather to the planting 
of affected tubers. It has already been shown that, under certain cireum- 
stances, a tuber may be infected, and the rot may come at least to a temporary 
halt. Such a tuber might show little or no external signs of being diseased, 
and might easily be passed as suitable for “seed.” When, however, such a 
tuber is planted in the soil, the conditions of warmth and moisture are such 
as to facilitate the resumption of activity by the parasitic bacteria, with the 
result that sooner or later the stalks developmg from sucha tuber will 
succumb to the disease. 

The following experience bears out this view. In 1909 tubers of the 
variety British Premier were planted on land which did not grow potatoes in 
the previous season, and which was manured with farmyard manure and 
artificials. Early in July the plants were found to be suffering to the extent 
of 25 per cent. from Black Stalk-rot. The disease increased, and at the end 
of the third week in the month the whole crop was raised. It consisted of a 
considerable number of small potatoes, some of which it was easy to see were 
attacked ; and they were therefore destroyed. The remainder were}boxed for 
planting in 1910. The tubers kept well over the winter; and at planting 
time there was nothing to indicate from an external examination of them 
that they were otherwise than sound. Half a square perch of land, which 
had grown healthy potato plants in 1909, and which received artificial manure 
only, was planted with these tubers in 1910. No less than ninety-four per 
cent. of the plants succumbed to the disease during the summer, On a 
control plot of the same kind of land, similarly treated and planted with the 
same variety of potato, the “seed,” however, being the produce of a perfectly 
sound crop the previous year, not a single plant was attacked by the disease. 


BE Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

In spite of the fact that the origin of the seed was known, it must be con- 
fessed that such a large proportion of diseased plants was quite unexpected. 
lt is abundantly evident that the disease can be spread by means of affected 
“seed” which may appear to be sound. This being the case, the advisability 
of remoying diseased plants as far as practicable irom the field, in order to 
prevent the apparently sound tubers of diseased plants from being selected 
for “seed,” is clearly indicated. It is perhaps a counsel of perfection to 
recommend that only those tubers should be used for “seed ~ purposes which 
can be guaranteed to be the produce of a crop free from Black Stalk-rot; but 
the time is not far distant when it will be necessary to pay more attention to 
the sources of potatoes for “‘seed~ purposes from the point of view of their 
being carriers of disease not only in the case of Black Stalk-rot, but also in 
that of some others, such as Leaf-Roll and Curl: Experiments are now in 
progress to ascertain whether the organism present in slighily affected tubers 
can be killed by heat without injury to the tubers themselves. As regards 
immunity we have as yet little satisfactory evidence to go upon; but it will 
be noted on reference to the table on p. 29 that we did not succeed in a single 
instance in causing an infection in tubers of the Wild Champion variety. As 
a cropper, and for quality, however, this variety is not one which would 
recommend itself for wide culture. 


This paper deals with a bacterial disease of the potato plant (including the 
tubers) in Ireland, of which, as is shown in the historical introduction, no 
detailed study has up to the present been published. 

The characters of the disease are described in detail, the main features 
being discolouration and drying-up of the foliage, browning of the principal 
vascular bundles of the stem, decay of the underground portion of the stalk, 
and rotting of the tubers. 

An account is given of the isolation of a pathogenic organism from the 
diseased tissues and of inoculation and re-isolation experiments made with it 
on healthy plants, which prove conclusively that it is the cause of*the 

The organism is described in detail both as to its morphological and 
physiological characteristics. It is a multifiagellate, peritrichous bacillus, 
liquefying gelatine, practically non-chromogenic, and. evidently allied to, but 
not identical with, certain other organisms which have been described in other 
countries, both in the Old and New World, as causing a similar disease in 
potatoes. The name Bacillus melanogenes is suggested for it. 

PETAYBRIDGE AND MurpHy—Bacteriul Diseuse of the Potato. 35 

It is pointed out that, although the disease may probably be contracted 

from the soil, the evidence at hand shows clearly that the planting of affected 
“seed” is mainly responsible for the spread of the disease, which causes losses, 
not only in the growing crop, but considerably greater ones during storage- 
Preventive measures should therefore aim at the destruction of diseased 
plants, the exclusion of affected tubers from the pits, and the procuring of 
tubers for “seed” purposes from crops in which the disease has not appeared. 




APPEL: Untersuchungen iiber das Hinmieten der Kartoffeln. Arb. a. d. 
biol. Abt. a. Kais. Gesundheitsamt, Bd. i, 1902, p. 373. 

— Zur Kentniss der Bakterienfaule der Kartoffeln. Ber. d. deutsch. 
bot. Ges., Bd. xx., 1902, p. 32. 

—— Der Erreger der Schwarzbeinigkeit bei den Kartoffeln. 70., p. 128. 

—— Untersuchungen iiber die Schwarzbeimigkeit und die durch Bak- 
terien hevorgerufene Knollenfiule der Kartoffeln, Arb. a. d. biol. 
Abt. a. Kais. Gesundheitsamt, Bd. iii., 1904. 

—— Die Schwarzbeinigkeit und die mit ihr zusammenhangende Knollen- 
faule der Kartoffel. Kais. Gesundheitsamt, Biol. Abt. £. Land- u. 
Forst-wirtschaft, Flugblatt Nr. 28, 1904. 

—— Neuere Untersuchungen tiber Kartoffel- und Tomatenerkrankungen. 
Jahresber. d. Vert. d. angew. Botanik, ii. Jahrgang, 1904/05, 
p. 122. Berlin, 1906. 

—— Die Bakterien-Ringkrankheit der Kartoffel. Kais. Biol. Anstalt f. 
Land- u. Forstwirtschaft, Flugblatt Nr. 36, 1906. 

CoLEMAN: The Ring Disease of Potatoes. Bull. 1. Mycological Series, 
Dep. of Agric., Mysore State. Bangalore, 1909. 

DELACROIX: Sur une maladie bactérienne de la pomme de terre. Compt. 
rend., exxxiii, 1901, p. 417. 

Contributions 4 l’étude d’une maladie nouvelle de la pomme de 
terre, produit par le Bacillus solanincola n. sp. 7b., p. 1030. 

— Rapport sur une maladie bactérienne nouvelle de la pomme de terre. 
Bull. du Ministére de Vagric., No. 5, Paris, 1901, p. 1013. 

Sur une maladie de la pomme de terre produite par Bacillus phyto- 
phthorus (Frank) Appel. Compt. rend., exliii, 1906, p. 383. 

36 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

13 Eis: On the discovery of cilia in the genus Bacterium. Centralblatt fiir 
Bakt., 1. Abth., Bd. xi, 1903, p. 241. 

14 Frank: Die Bakterienkrankheiten der Kartoffeln. Centralblatt fur Bakt. 
? Abth. Bd. v., 1899, p. 98. 

15 GrirFoN: Sur le réle des bacilles fluorescents de Fliigge en Patologie 
végétale. Compt. rend., July 5, 1909, p. 51. 

16 vAN Hai: Bijdragen tot de Kennis der bakterieelle Plantenziekten. 
Dissertation. Amsterdam, 1902. 

17 Harpinc anp Morse: The Bacterial Soft Rots of certain Vegetables. 
Part I. The Mutual Relationships of the Causal Organisms. 
New York Agric. Exp. Station, Tech. Bull. No. 11, 1909. 

18 Harrison: A Bacterial Rot of the Potato, caused by Bacillus solanisaprus. 
Centralblatt fiir Bakt., 1. Abth., Bd. xvii, 1906, p. 34. 

19 Iwanorr: Ueber die Kartoffelbakteriosis in der Umgegend. St. Petersburgs 
im Jahre 1908. Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenkrankheiten, Bd. ix., 1899, 
p. 129. 

20 JENSEN: Versuche tiber Bakterienkrankheiten bei Kartoffeln. Central- 
blatt fir Bakt., i. Abth., Bd. vi, 1900, p. 641. 

21 JoHNSoN: Diseases of the Potato and other Plants in Iveland. Journ. 
Dep. Agric. & Tech. Inst. for Ireland, vol. i1., 1902, p. 8. 

22 —— Some Injurious Fungi found in Ireland. Econ. Proc. Royal Dublin 
Soe., vol. 1, 1899-1909, p. 346. 

23 PETHYBRIDGE: Potato Diseases in Ireland. Journ. Dep. Agric. & Tech. 
Inst. for Ireland, vol. x., 1910, p, 241. 

24 PRILLIEUX ET DELACROIX: La gangréne de la tige de la pomme de terre, 
maladie bacillaire. Comptes rend., exi., 1890, p. 208. 

25 SmirH: A Bacterial Disease of the Tomato, Egg Plant, and Irish Potato. 
US. Dep. of Agric., Div. of Veg, Phys. & Path. Bull. No, 12. 
Washington, 1896. 

26 —— Entgegnung auf Alfred Fischer's “ Antwort” in Betreff der Existenz 

von durch Bakterien verursachten Pflanzenkrankheiten, Central- 
blatt fur Bakt., 1. Abth., Bd. vii, 1901, p. 88. 

Proc. R. I, Acad., Vol. XXIX. Sect. B. Plate I. 

PernypripGE—Bacreriat Disease or Povaro. 

Proc. R. I. Acad., Vol. XXIX., Sect. B. Plate II, 


Proc. R. I. Acad., Vol. XXIX., Sect. B. Plate ILI. 

PurnyBrmce—BacrvenitaL Disrasn or Poraro, 



Prraysrmce AnD Mureny— Bacterial Disease of the Potato. 37 



Puate I, 

. A large plant with several stalks all attacked with Black Stalk-rot, 

with a background of healthy plants. Variety, “ British Queen.” 
Photographed in July. 

. The “heel” or proximal end of an affected tuber, showing the dis- 

coloured diseased area on the skin and prominent lenticels. Variety, 
“ British Premier.” 

. An attacked tuber cut longitudinally, showing the blackened diseased 

tissues with cavities in them situated at and spreading from the heel 
end. The terminal “eye” has produced a short sprout. Variety, 
“ Clifden Seedling.” 

Puate II. 

. A single affected stalk, showing the abnormal foliage and decay at its 

base. Variety, “ Champion.” 

. A tuber which was artificially inoculated with B, melanogenes split 

longitudinally, showing the progress of decay at the stab and in the 
. “vascular ring.” 

Puate III. 

. A potato plant inoculated with B. melanogenes. The left-hand 

diseased stalk was inoculated below the present surface of the soil ; 
the right-hand still healthy stalk was not inoculated. Variety, 
“ Champion.” 

. Four slices of living potato prepared under aseptic conditions, showing 

four days’ growth of B. melanogenes. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOLes XXIX., SECT, B. (F] 

[ 38] 



Prates IV.-VI 
Read Decewerr 12,1910. Published Frrruary 1, 1911. 

THE present account of our false-scorpions was taken in hand some years 
ago with the consent and co-operation of the Rev. O. Pickard Cambridge, 
Professor G. H. Carpenter, the Rev. Robert Godfrey, Dr. A. Randell Jackson, 
Mr. Frank P. Smith, and other leading British and Irish Arachnologists; and 
with the support of Mr. Edvard Ellingsen of Krageré (Norway), who was 
so good as to examine an almost complete collection of specimens from 
these islands. M. E. Simon also has kindly examined some specimens and 
has favoured me with others from his collection for comparison; while 
Mr. C. J. With of Copenhagen, who has greatly advanced our knowledge of 
these animals during recent years, has generously helped me in various ways. 
Acknowledgments are due also to Mr. Albert Tullgren of Stockholm; to 
the authorities of the British Museum and of the National Museum of 
Treland; to the Rev. C. R. N. Burrows, Mr. E. A. Butler, Mr. W. Ruskin 
Butterfield, Mr. Horace St. J. K. Donisthorpe, Mr. H. E. Freeman, 
Dr. Norman H. Joy, Mr. R. T. Lewis, Mr. C. Oldham, Mr. C. D. Soar, 
Mr. T. Stainforth, and Mr. G. Aird Whyte; and to many correspondents who 
have obligingly contributed specimens. To all I tender my sincere thanks. 


Pseudoscorpiones Latreille 1825 (14). Chernetes Simon 1879 (27). Chelonethi 
Thorell 1883 (31). Chernetidea Cambridge 1892 (42). 

ARACHNIDA with 2-jointed completely chelate chelicerae, provided with 
structures called serrula and lamina interior (often also with lamina exterior), 
and bearing openings of spinning-ducts often produced into a “galea.” 
Maxillae movable in small degree, with laminae forming part of mouth, pars 
palpigera very large with enormously developed completely chelate palp. 
Remaining 4 pairs of appendages all ambulatory, 2-clawed, Cephalothorax 

Kew—A Synopsis of the Fulse-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland. 39 

with sternal elements obliterated or almost obliterated,! maxillae and coxae 
meeting or almost meeting in median line. Abdomen joined to cephalothorax 
without constriction; somites 12, the first (prae-genital) with full-sized 
tergite; sterna of somites II. and III. comprising the genital-area; those of 
III. and IV. carrying the tracheal spiracles (2 pairs); somite XII. greatly 
reduced, forming when extended a minute prae-anal “ tail.” Coitus unobserved. 
1. Serrula fixed throughout . : : : : Panetenodactylt. 
2. Serrula free distally . : . : : . Hemictenodactylr. 

I. Panctenodactylr. 

Chelicerae small; serrula fixed throughout; lamina exterior and galea 
always present. Cephalothorax without anterior median process or marginal 
serration ; frequently with a groove marking off head from thorax, and often 
another limiting the two thoracic somites. Abdominal somite XI. usually with 
separate tergite and sternite. 

(Head marked off from thorax, and tergite-sternite XI. separate in 
all Britannic forms; in these the lamina interior is in most part plate-like ; 
maxillae and coxae with ventral face in same plane; cephalothorax always 
rounded or narrowed in front; most or all abdominal tergites with median 
division ; body more or less flattened, with dermo-skeleton somewhat solid, 
generally dull and heavily sculptured, rarely polished; bristles never all 

th well-separated 
with longer pars 

Page 50, line 14. For ‘‘tergites”’ read “ sternites”’. 

sphalothorax with 
or without grooves marking off head and thoracic somites. Abdominal somite 
XI. with tergite always visible from above; somite XII. terminal. Bristles a 
little curved or straight, clavate, toothed or nearly simple. Eyes 0 or 2, near 

1 Cf. Lankester (61), p. 244. 

* Panctenodactyli and Hemictenodactyli, Balzan 1891 (41), are well-marked divisions in a small 
fauna like ours; less so when Garypidae are considered; they are scarcely sub-orders. Cf. 
Hansen (48), p. 230; With (66), p. 54; Hirst (97), p. 106. 

5 The remaining families of Panctenodactyli, Garypidae and Feaellidae are 4-eyed; femur of 
legs I. generally with longer pars basalis and shorter pars tibialis ; in Garypidae all tarsi 2-jointed, 
in Feaellidae 1-jointed. 


4() Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

anterior margin of head. (Britannic species always with groove marking off 
head, and generally with another limiting the two thoracic somites.) 

Species numerous; formerly divided into Atemnus, Chernes, and Chelifer 
s.s., artificial genera now usually abandoned ; With (66, 82) has recently shown, 
however, that four natural divisions are distinguishable—(1) group of 
C. Birmanicus, (2) group of C. cimicoides, (3) group of C. cancroides, (4) group 
of C. subruber; and these groups which are at least sub-genera are here 
adopted as (1) Atemnus, (2) Chernes, (3) Chelifer s.s., redefined; and (4) 
Withius, sub-gen. nov. 

1. Fingers of palps with accessory teeth : : .  Chernes. 

Fingers of palps without accessory teeth : 5 
. Legs J. with articulation between trochantin and femur wide, 


oblique : 5 ; ° . Chelifer ss. 
3. Legs I. with articulation pstween aeaeiin and femur rather 
narrow, almost perpendicular . ‘ : .  Withius 

J. Chernes Menge 1855 (20).? 

Legs I. with articulation between trochantin and femur wide, oblique; 
fingers of palps with accessory teeth; g without coxal sac, genital-area 
with plate II. not longer, usually shorter than plate I., without ram’s-horn 
organs, Eyes 0 (in Britannic species). 

(Britannic species 9: abdomen with tergite I. incompletely or more often 
completely divided, the rest divided, except XI. which is incompletely 
divided or more often entire; main tergites generally with four bristles in 
front of the posterior marginal row; palps more or less robust, femur usually 
increasing abruptly from its stalk and attaining its full breadth near base, 
tibia usually with marked anterio-proximal convexity, hand sometimes both 
broad and obliquely high, posterior margin of fingers with a series of accessory 
teeth, anterior margin with a series or with an isolated tooth; # with genital- 
area and secondary characters moderately conspicuous, and with coxae IV. 
straight or nearly so posteriorly, moderately or but little modified.) 

1, Body polished; tibia IV. with tactile hair ; 5 ; : 2 
ee unpolished ; tibia IV. without tactile hair : ‘ 4, 
. Trochanter of palps with upper protuberance broad, showing on 
posterior margin : 6 0 0 0 -  Chyzerr. 
Trochanter of palps with upper protuberance narrower, not 
showing on posterior margin ; ; A ‘5 , ' 3 

1 Atemnus is unrepresented in our fauna. 
* Chelanops Gervais 1849 (18) has sometimes been used in place of Chernes; but its type is ‘not 
known to pertain to the present sub-genus. 

Kuw—aA Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland, 41 

5. Tarsus IV. with tactile hair + removed from base . —nodosus. 
Tarsus IV. with tactile hair near middle : . Godfreyi. 
4, Anterior margin of fingers with isolated accessory tooth ; ventral 

face of maxillae granulate : : : . : : 5 
Anterior margin of fingers with a series of accessory teeth ; ventral 
face of maxillae smooth or nearly so. : é , 6 7 
5. Tactile hairs of abdominal somite XI. present . é : : 6 
Tactile hairs of abdominal somite XI. absent . 6 Wideri. 
6. Tarsus IV. with tactile hair. : : 0 . scorpiordes. 
Tarsus LV. without tactile hair : : ‘ dubius. 
7. Cephalothorax and palps with honey- com sculpture; tarsus IV. 
without tactile hair. : ‘ : 6 . cimicoides, 
Cephalothorax granulate; tarsus 1V. with tactile hai : 8 
8. Palps dull or nearly so. : ; : ¢ 1 -Lanzent: 

9. Palps brilliantly glossy . 6 : : 5 . Cyrneus.' 

C. nodosus Schr.” 

Chelifer nodosus Schr. 1805 (7)? C. inaequalis Curtis 1849 (19)? Chernes 
Reussit (C. L. Koch) L. Koch 1873 (24). Chelifer nodosus (Schr.) Simon 
1879 (27). 

Palps and cephalothorax reddish-brown, abdominal tergites olive-horny ; 
glossy, with nearly simple bristles. Cephalothorax weakly granulate at 
sides, dorsum non-granulate, second groove scarcely perceptible or absent; 
abdominal tergites non-granulate reticulate, scar-spots indistinct, main 

1 Chelifer (Chernes) sp. ¢ (mature?), a single specimen from Bloxworth, has been recorded as 
C. meridianus L. Koch (42) ; name used by mistake; Mr. Ellingsen was inclined to refer the animal, 
in spite of some differences, to C. cinicoides (Fabr.). Chelifer (Chernes) insuetus Camb. (42), based on 
two examples found in 1880 at Dover in an oil-mill (since destroyed), belongs with @. nodosus, 
C. Godfreyi, and C. Chyzeri to a group with polished integuments, almost simple bristles, non- 
granulate tergites, and with a tactile hair near extremity of tibia [Y.; the animal is closely allied 
to C. nodosus, but is much larger and well-distinguished by its short, excessively robust, palps (a 
comparison of which with fig. 1 would at once disclose a want of identity); as suggested by 
Mr. Cambridge (33)—the writer is indebted to him for an opportunity of examining one of the 
specimens—it is likely to haye been imported with material used in the mill; it is certainly foreign 
to our fauna. 

* With regard to the characters given throughout for the species, it should be mentioned that the 
coloration indicated is that of the mature animal during life seen in a strong light against an opaque 
background; the colours, more especially of Hemictenodactyli, are soon altered in spirit. The 
length of the body, from the anterior margin of the head to the posterior extremity of the abdomen, is 
given in millimetres and tenths; but, from the extensible character of the abdomen, these measure- 
ments are valueless in themselyes ; they are intended to give an-idea of the relatiye size of the 
animals. This character of the abdomen must be borne in mind also when comparing the drawings 
which are intended primarily to illustrate the general shape of the palp; they are made from spirit- 
specimens, and while some of the tactile or pseudo-tacticle hairs are shown, all the bristles are 
omitted. As regards the indications of distribution, specimens have been seen by the writer from 
all the districts named, except in the few cases in which italic type is used. 

42 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

sclerites near inner margin with 1-3 bristles in front of row, tergite-sternite 
XI. each with two pairs of tactile hairs, tergite with inner pair considerably 
shorter than outer; galea (?) well-developed, branching from short base, 
branches simple rather long ; palps (fig. 1) trochanter with upper protuberance 
distinetly dorsal, lower protuberance alone projecting posteriorly, its proximo- 
posterior corner moderately prominent but distinctly rounded, tibia strongly 
convex in front, hand (?) moderately broad obliquely high, anterior margin 
of fingers with an isolated accessory tooth; the palp is granulate, at least in 
front, with small part of femur and great part of tibia and hand smooth ; lower 
face of maxillae smooth; coxae IV. ( ? ) short and broad, inner margin longer 
than posterior; legs IV. tibia with tactile hair near extremity (shorter than 
that of tarsus), tactile hair of tarsus about + removed from base. 3 with 
galea poorly developed, hand somewhat narrower with less oblique height, 
coxae LV, differing little from 9. L. 1°7. 

Among vegetable refuse; in cucumber-frames, manure-heaps, &c.; widely distributed and 
common in Britain; probably also in Ireland, but not yet recorded ; seizes flies and often comes to 
notice on their legs in autumn ; a mysterious apimal of which males are seldom seen. 

(26, 33, 42, 49, 84-5.) 

C. Godfreyi sp. nov. 

Palps and cephalothorax reddish-brown, abdominal tergites olive-horny ; 
glossy, with nearly simple bristles. Cephalothorax weakly granulate at 
sides and over part of dorsum of thorax, dorsum of head non-granulate, 
second groove scarcely perceptible or absent; abdominal tergites non-granulate 
reticulate, scar-spots indistinct, main sclerites near imner margin with 
1 bristle in front of row, tergite-sternite XI. each with two pairs of tactile 
hairs, tergite with inner pair not greatly shorter than outer; galea (¢ ) well- 
developed, branching from short base, branches simple rather long; palps 
(fig. 2) trochanter as in preceding species, tibia less strongly convex in front, 
hand ( ? ) with somewhat less oblique height, anterior margin of fingers with 
an isolated accessory tooth; the palp is granulate, at least in front, with small 
part of femur and great part of tibia and hand smooth; lower face of maxillae 
smooth; coxae IV. ( ) short and broad, inner margin longer than posterior ; 
legs LV. tibia with tactile hai near extremity (as long or almost as long as 
that of tarsus), tactile hair of tarsus further from base than in preceding 
species: taking only dorsal margin about in middle. g with galea poorly 
developed, hand somewhat narrower with less oblique height (?), coxae IV. 
differing little from ?. L. 16. 

In manure-heaps: Petersham; Newport, Isle of Wight (E. A. Butler); among moss: Oban 

(C. D. Soar); on flies’ legs: South Norwood! (H. Hill); Hatfield (F. G. Pitts) ; Rathmines, Co. 
Dublin (N. E. Stephens). 

1 Recorded as C. nodosus (78, 87). 

Krw—A Synopsis of the Palse-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland. 45 

C. Chyzeri (T6m.). 

Chernes Chyzert Tom. 1882 (29). Chelifer Chyzert (Tom.). Ell. 1907 (75). 

Palps and cephalothorax reddish-brown, abdominal tergites olive-horny ; 
glossy, with nearly simple bristles. Cephalothorax granulate at sides and 
weakly so over dorsum of thorax, dorsum of head scarcely granulate, second 
groove perceptibly indicated ; abdominal tergites non-granulate, rather strongly 
reticulate, scar-spots indistinct, tergite-sternite XI. each with 2 pairs of 
tactile hairs; galea (?)?; palps (fig. 3) trochanter with both upper and 
lower protuberances much developed, both projecting posteriorly, and both 
with marked proximo-posterior corner, which in lower protuberance is little 
if at all rounded; anterior margin of fingers with an isolated accessory tooth ; 
the palp is granulate, with small part of femur and part of tibia and hand 
smooth or nearly so; lower face of maxillae smooth ; coxae LV.( @ ) moderately 
short and broad; legs IV. tibia with tactile hair near extremity, tactile hair 
of tarsus about 3 removed from base. g with galea moderately developed, 
hand somewhat narrower and lower(?), coxae IV. differing little from @. L. 18, 

Under bark of an old stump of beech: Burnham Beeches, 1905. 

C. scorpioides Herm. 

Chelifer scorpioides Herm, 1804 (8)? Chernes phaleratus (Simon) Camb, 
1892 (42); by mistake. Chernes minutus Ell. 1896 (45). Chelifer scorpioides 
(Herm.-Tom.) Ell. 1907 (75). 

Palps and cephalothorax reddish-brown, abdominal tergites horny-brown ; 
dull or nearly so, with clavate and toothed bristles. Cephalothorax granulate, 
both grooves distinct; abdominal tergites granulate with moderately long 
distinctly clavate bristles, scar-spots indistinct, interstitial membrane of dorsum 
wrinkled, sternites with bristles simple or nearly so, tergite XI. with 1 pair 
sternite XI. with 2 pairs of tactile hairs; galea ( ? ) well-developed, stagshorn- 
like, branching from short broad base, branches re-dividing ; palps (fig. 4) rather 
stout, tibia strongly convex in front, anterior margin of fingers with an 
isolated accessory tooth; the palp is granulate all round, including hand, 
fingers granulate; bristles of front of femur moderately long, a little clavate ; 
lower face of maxillae weakly granulate; coxae IV.(¢) short and broad, 
inner margin as long as or longer than posterior; legs IV. tibia without tactile 
hair, tactile hair of tarsus near middle. g with galea poorly developed, 
hand a little narrower, coxae IV. differing little from 9. L. 1°7. 

Among vegetable refuse, in rubbish-heaps, etc.; sometimes abundant ; probably widely distri- 
buted: Essex, Kent, Surrey, Sussex; also about decaying trees: New Forest (W. F. Blandford and 
~ the writer); in nests of Formica rufa: Buddon Wood and Weybridge (H. Donisthorpe) ; in nest of 
Bombus muscorwn: one (W. H. Tuck, Bury St. Edmund’s). 
(42, 72, 75, 79, 95.) 

44 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

C. dubius (Camb.). 

‘Chernes dubius Camb. 1892 (42). Chelifer Tullgreni Strand 1900 (47). 
Chelifer dubius (Camb.) Ell. 1907 (75). 

Palps reddish-brown, cephalothorax and abdominal tergites rather pale 
horny, the former more or less reddish; dull or nearly so, with clavate and 
toothed bristles. Cephalothorax granulate, second groove indistinct ; abdominal 
tergites granulate with short distinctly clavate bristles, scar-spots indistinct, 
interstitial membrane of dorsum wrinkled, sternites with bristles simple or 
nearly so, tergite XI. with 1 pair sternite XI. with 2 pairs of tactile hairs; 
galea(?) branching from short base (branches sometimes re-dividing), less 
robust and smaller than in last species; palps (fig. 5) rather slender, femur 
rising but little and obliquely from its stalk, tibia moderately convex in front, 
anterior margin of fingers with an isolated accessory tooth ; the palp is granulate 
nearly all round, hand weakly so (fingers not granulate); bristles of front of 
femur rather short, moderately clavate ; lower face of maxillae weakly granu- 
late; coxae IV. (?) short and broad, immer margin as long as posterior ; 
legs IV. tibia and tarsus without tactile hairs. ¢ with galea poorly deve- 
loped, hand a little narrower, coxae IV. differing little from @. L. 1°6. 

Under embedded stones in unbroken country and near the sea; less commonly under loose stones 
and among débris ; widely distributed: Ross-shire, Fifeshire, East and West Lothian, Cumberland, 
Berkshire, Dorsetshire. Also in Sussex and in many places in Kent and Surrey, e.g. on wooded 
chalky hill-sides, under firmly-placed flints. Mr. Godfrey found it in numbers on the shores of the 
Forth almost within reach of the tides. Ireland: Co. Wicklow (?) (92). 

(42, 55, 57, 70, 74, 85.) 

C. Wideri C. L. Koch. 
Chelifer Wider C. L. Koch 1843 (17). Chernes Wideri (C.L. Koch) L. Koch 

1873 (24). Chelifer phaleratus Simon 1879 (27) 2 
Palps and cephalothorax red-brown, abdominal tergites yellowish-brown ; 
dull or nearly so, with clavate and toothed bristles. Cephalothorax strongly 
granulate, both grooves distinct; abdominal tergites granulate with short 
strongly clavate bristles, scar-spots moderately distinct, interstitial membrane 
of dorsum wrinkled almost granulate, bristles of sternites VII.—XI. clavate, 
tergite-sternite XI. without tactile hairs; galea ( ? ) moderately long, distally 
with small processes; palps (fig. 6) femur rather robust, tibia rising gently 
from stalk and only a little convex in front, hand rather narrow nearly 
parallel descending rapidly to fingers, anterior margin of fingers with an isolated 
accessory tooth ; the palp is strongly granulate (hand a trifle less so); bristles 
of palp short, for most part rather strongly clavate; lower face of maxillae 
granulate ; coxae IV. ( 2 ) broad, posterior margin longer than inner ; legs IV. 

‘Mr. Cambridge has permitted me to examine the type from Glanyille’s Wootton, 

Krw—A Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland. 45 

tibia and tarsus without tactile hairs. ¢ with galea poorly developed ; palps 
(particularly femur) more robust, hand slightly broader and higher and 
shghtly shorter, fingers closmg with wider gape; coxae IV. somewhat less 
broad at base, posterior margin longer in proportion to inner. L, 2:3. 

Under bark of old oak-trees: Sherwood Forest; West Wickham Common, Kent; Richmond 
Park, Surrey ; found also at Mwhurst, Surrey, under a stone in the floor of a cow-shed (Aird 

(75, 87.) 

C. Panzeri C. L. Koch. 

Chelifer Panzert C. L. Koch 1836 (15).  Chelifer cimicoides (Fabr.) Hansen 
1884-5 (34, 35). Chernes rwfeolus (Simon) Camb, 1905 (64). 

Palps and cephalothorax red-brown, abdominal tergites horny-brown ; 
dull or nearly so, with clavate and toothed bristles. Cephalothorax granulate, 
broadly rounded in front, a little broader in middle than behind, both 
grooves distinct ; abdominal tergites granulate, with rather strongly clavate 
bristles, scar-spots distinct, interstitial membrane of dorsum granulate, 
sternites with bristles mostly simple, in part weakly clavate, tergite XI. with 
1 pair sternite XI. with 2 pairs of tactile hairs; galea (@ ) rather long and 
stout, its distal $rds with small processes; palps (fig. 7) robust, femur rising 
almost perpendicularly from stalk with an abrupt corner, tibia with moderate 
anterio-proximal convexity, hand rising very abruptly from stalk, rather broad 
and obliquely high, but with rather gradual descent to fingers, anterior 
margin of fingers with a series of accessory teeth; granulation of palp not 
strong, evident in front and over part of upper surface, elsewhere including 
most of hand obscured, the surface with a roughened encrusted appearance ; 
bristles of palp of moderate length, in great part distinctly clavate ; lower face 
of maxille nearly smooth ; coxae IV. ( ? ) broad, posterior margin longer than 
inner ; legs IV. tibia without tactile hair, tactile hair of tarsus short about ? 
removed from base. ¢ with galea a little smaller; palps altogether more 
robust, hand broader with greater oblique height, fingers closing with wider 
gape; coxae IV. widening from narrower base, posterior margin somewhat 
more than twice as long as inner. L, 2°6. 

In old stables, cow-sheds, barns, etc., under bricks and stones in the floors, beneath accumulated 
refuse of old hay, etc.; also in old breweries,” granaries, ete.; widely distributed and common in 
Britain ; probably also in Ireland, but not yet recorded ; researches of Dr. Joy showed this species to 
live also in hollow trees about old nests of owls, starlings, etc. 

(64, 70, 75, 77-9, 85.) 

1 An examination of Hansen’s specimens, made by Mr. With, showed them to belong to the 

present species. 

2 This animal, which has only recently figured in our lists, was the subject of interesting observa- 
tions by 8. J. McIntire (21-3) published as long ago as 1868-1871; he obtained specimens from a 
brewery at Theale, and deposited one of them with the Quekett Microscopical Club. 


46 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

C. Cyrneus (L. Koch), 

Chernes Cyrneus L. Koch 1878 (24). Chelifer cyrneus (L. Koch) Simon 1879 

Palps deep rich red-brown, stalks and extremities distinctly reddish, 
otherwise very dark, hand often almost or quite black; cephalothorax and 
abdominal tergites dark reddish- or olive-brown approaching black ; interstitial 
membrane greyish-white; legs brownish-yellow; dull or nearly so, except 
greater part of palp which is brilliantly glossy; bristles somewhat clavate and 
toothed. Cephalothorax granulate, broadest in middle, posteriorly with 
membrane exposed on either side, both grooves distinct ; abdominal tergites 
granulate, bristles not strongly clavate, scar-spots distinct, interstitial membrane 
of dorsum granulate, sternites with bristles simple or nearly so, tergite XI. 
with 1 pair sternite XI. with 2 pairs of tactile hairs ; galea( ? ) with long stout 
shaft and small distally placed processes; palps (fig. 8) exceedingly robust, 
hand of great size, broad and obliquely high, with stout rather short fingers, 
anterior margin of fingers with a series of accessory teeth; trochanter, front 
and upper surface of femur, front of tibia and part of front of hand granulate, 
elsewhere with obsolete granulation or smooth; bristles of palp non-clavate, 
minutely toothed ; lower face of maxillae nearly smooth ; coxae IV. ( 2 ) broad, 
posterior margin longer than inner ; legs IV. tibia without tactile hair, tactile 
hair of tarsus about } removed from base. g with galea scarcely differing from 
@ ; hand somewhat higher; coxae ITV. somewhat narrower at base, posterior 
margin a little more than 3 as long again as inner. L. 3°6. 

Under rather close-fitting bark or dead or partly dead oak-trees: Sherwood Forest ; Richmond 
Park, Surrey ; Windsor Forest? (16). 
(64, 68, 76, 80). 

C. cimicoides (Fabr.) 

Scorpio cimicoides Fabr. 1793 (5)? Chelifer Olfersii Leach 1817 (13)? Chelifer 
Geoffroyt Leach 1817 (13). Chernes cimicoides (Fabr.) Camb. 1892 (42). Chelifer 
cimicoides (Fabr.) Ell. 1907 (75). 

Palps dark red-brown, cephalothorax reddish- or horny-brown, abdominal 
tergites horny-brown ; dull or nearly so, with conspicuous clavate and toothed 
bristles. Cephalothorax broadest behind, head and first thoracic tergite with 
honey-comb sculpture, second thoracic tergite granulate, both grooves distinct ; 
abdominal tergites granulate, with rather long very strongly clavate bristles, 
scar-spots distinct, interstitial membrane of dorsum ‘granulate, sternites with 
bristles simple or nearly so, tergite XI. with 1 pair sternite XI. with 2 pairs 

1 ©. cimicoides (Fabr.) Menge 1855 (20) and C. cimicoides (Fabr.) Simon 1879 (27) are doubtful ; 
that of Canestrini 1883 (32) = C. scorpioides?; that of Hansen 1884-8 (34, 35) = C. Panzeri, 

Kuw—A Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland. 47 

of tactile hairs; galea (?) rather stout, moderately long, its distal $ with 
small processes; palps (fig. 9) moderately robust, hand broad with moderate 
oblique height, anterior margin of fingers with a series of accessory teeth ; 
sculpture of palp honey-comb-like, bristles rather long, in great part very 
strongly clavate; lower face of maxillae nearly smooth; coxae IV. (  ) broad, 
posterior margin longer than inner ; legs IV. tibia and tarsus without tactile 
hairs. g with galea a little smaller; hand more robust, slightly shorter ; 
coxae IV. widening from narrower base, posterior margin about 23 as long as 
inner. IL, 2°5. 

Under rather close-fitting bark of dead or partly dead trees, oak, beech, hornbeam, ete. ; 
abundant in the south-east: Epping Forest, Windsor Forest, Burnham Beeches, Richmond Park, 
West Wickham Common (Kent), Ashtead Forest, Dallington Forest, New Forest, etc. ; under bark 
of old willows by river-sides: Thames, Lea, etc. ; also in Devonshire, Dorsetshire, Wilishire, 
Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Lincolnshire, and in Sherwood Forest; but not recorded from north of 

the Mersey and Humber. 
(42, 58, 80, 84, 87-8.) 

II. Chelifer s.s. 

Legs I+ with articulation between trochantin and femur wide, oblique ; 
fingers of palps without accessory teeth; ¢ with coxal sac, genital-area 
complex, with plate II. much longer than plate I. and with long ram’s-horn 
organs. Eyes 2. 

(Britannic species 2: abdomen with tergite XI. divided like those in front 
of it, main tergites generally with 6 bristles in front of the posterior marginal 
row ; palps only moderately robust or long and slender, femur increasing 
gradually from stalk and not attaining full breadth till near extremity, tibia 
without marked anterio-proximal convexity, hand more or less oval; g¢ with 
genital-area and secondary characters conspicuous,’ the ram’s-horn organs 
protrusible in forward lateral direction far beyond trochanters of palps, 
coxae IV. strongly concave posteriorly, much modified.) 

1. Claws simple . : - : : - . : Latrelin. 

2. Claws with a tooth . : . . : : : cancrovdes. 

C. Latreillii Leach. 

C. Latreillii Leach 1817 (13). C. DeGeert (C. L. Koch) Simon 1879 (27). 

@ Palps dark reddish-brown, stalks and extremities distinctly reddish, 
otherwise darkened with olive, hand nearly black with dark reddish 
fingers ; cephalothorax dark reddish-brown, anteriorly obscured with olive 
nearly black; abdominal tergites horny-brown, with large dark brown 
scar-spots; dull or nearly so, with short obtuse non-clavate bristles. 
Cephalothorax strongly granulate, not surcharged with bristle-tubercles, first 

1 Tophochernes Simon 1878 (25) = Chelifer s.s. ¢ with secondary characters much pronounced. 

[G 2] 

48 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

groove narrow with deep suture, second moderately impressed without distinct 
suture ; eyes convex, smooth, well-limited ; abdominal tergites rather strongly 
granulate, all divided, tergite-sternite XI. each with 1 pair of tactile hairs ; 
galea rather short, distal 3 with rather short processes; palps (fig. 10) only 
moderately slender, tibia distinctly convex in front, fingers rather strongly 
curved; the palp is granulate all round including hand; coxae IV. with 
posterior margin nearly straight, somewhat more than 3 as long again as 
inner ; legs IV. tarsus without tactile hair; claws simple. L. 2°9. 

g Abdominal sternites much more developed, that of somite 1V. strong; 
galea smaller, processes minute or absent; palps with hand somewhat smaller, 
fingers closing with wider gape; coxae IV. with posterior margin strongly 
concave, twice as long as inner; legs I. greatly strengthened, with hump- 
backed tarsus and greatly enlarged claws, posterior claw of peculiar shape 
with oddly turned extremity and with a process along its anterior margin. 

Always maritime in Britain, and as far as known at present confined to the east and south. 
Fifeshire and East Lothian: plentiful along the shores of the Forth in rock-erevices and under 
stones. Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Kent, and Sussex: plentiful on the coast saud-hills, 
making its home for the most part in old sheathing bases of marram-grass (Ammophila arenaria), 
sometimes under bark of old stumps of sea-buckthorn and elder, and often found sheltering 
under pieces of wood, etc., on the sand. Dorsetshire? (42). 

(28, 30, 37, 48-9, 58, 63, 75, 79, 85, 89.) 

C. cancroides (Linn.) 

Acarus cancroides Linn. 1758 (2)... C. Hermanni Leach 1817 (13). C. can- 
croides (Linn.) Simon 1879 (27). ©. granulatus (C. L. Koch) Hansen 1884-5 
(34, 35). 

? Palps somewhat reddish- or tawny-brown sometimes faintly tinged 
with olive, cephalothorax darker reddish- or olive-brown, abdominal tergites 
paler brownish- or olive-horny with moderately conspicuous scar-spots ; 
dull or nearly so, with short, clavate bristles. Cephalothorax strongly 
granulate surcharged with bristle-tubercles at least towards sides, second 
groove more impressed than first both with distinct suture; eyes convex, 
not quite free from granulation towards margin; abdominal tergites 
rather strongly granulate, all divided, tergite XI. without tactile hairs, 
sternite XI. with 1 pair; galea rather short, distally with short processes ; 
palps (fig. 11) long and slender, tibia almost straight im front, fingers long 
gently curved; the palp is granulate all round as far as extremity of tibia, 
hand with peculiar minute sculpture, dorso-posteriorly trochanter has a few 
bristle-tubercles and femur a few inconspicuous ones in similar position 

1 Acarus cuncroides Linn. 1758, Phalangium cancroides Linn. 1767, Scorpio cancroides (Linn.) 
Fabr. 1775, Chelifer cancroides (Linn.) Fourcroy 1785, Obisium cancroides (Linn.) Illiger 1798, 
Opisium cancroides (Linn.) Iliger 1807. 

Kuw—A Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland. 49 

along basal half; coxae LV. with posterior margin nearly straight, twice as 
long as inner; legs IV. tarsus with tactile hair near extremity; claws with a 
tooth. L. 32. 

$ Abdominal sternites more developed, that of somite IV. strong ; 
cephalothorax with bristle-tubercles a little more marked; anterior 
abdominal tergites strengthened, I-III. almost without median division, 
resembling those of thorax; posterior thoracic tergite and anterior abdominal 
tergites with strong lateral keels produced posteriorly into a stout spine- 
like tubercle, and below with margin deflected perpendicularly ; these features 
strongly marked as far as abdominal tergite V. or VI. thence decreasing 
towards LX. or X.; galea smaller; palps with hand slightly smaller, fingers 
closing with wider gape; coxae IV. with stout anterio-dorsal tubercle, 
posterior margin strongly concave, four times as long as inner; legs I. with 
tarsus a little strengthened, its claws slightly enlarged, posterior claw of 
peculiar shape with strong basal part and with slender distal part running off 
at an angle, at extremity of basal part a sharp tooth. 

In old buildings, corn-stores, bakeries, stables, lofts, ete.; long established, but doubtfully 
indigenous: London and Westminster, Mauchester, Glasgow, Edmonton, Grays, Polegate ; 

(42, 74-5, $3, 85, 92.) 

III. Withius sub-gen. nov. 

Legs I. with articulation between trochantin and femur rather narrow 
almost perpendicular; fingers of palps without accessory teeth; gs without 
coxal sac, genital-area simple, with plate II. generally a little longer than 
plate I, without ram’s-horn organs. Eyes 2 (in Britannic species). 

(Britannic species 1: abdomen with tergites all divided, I. and XI. some- 
times incompletely; main tergites generally with 6 bristles in front of the 
posterior marginal row; palps of distinctive shape, elongated in ¢ ; 3 with 
genital-area inconspicuous, with secondary characters including remarkable 
bristle-areas of sternites well-marked, and with coxae IV. nearly straight 
posteriorly, but little modified.)! 

C. subruber Sim. 
C. subruber Sim. 1879 (27). 
@ Palps clear reddish-brown, cephalothorax reddish horny-brown, ab- 
dominal tergites horny-brown with darker scar-spots and paler bristle- 

1 Sub-gen. Withius (of which our species is the type) is widely distributed and has many species, 
mostly distinguishable at a glance by their general appearance; sternal bristle-areas in ¢, though 
subject to modification, are probably common to all; elongation of the palp of the ¢ is also general, 
and may, e.g. in O. lonyichelifer Balz., be strikingly marked. Cf. With (66, 52). 

50 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

bases; mostly dull or nearly so, part of hand glossy ; bristles moderately 
long more or less clavate. Cephalothorax strongly granulate, both grooves 
distinct; eyes convex, well-limited, nearly smooth ; abdominal tergites rather 
strongly granulate, tergite XI. with 1 pair sternite XI. with 2 pairs of 
tactile hairs; galea of moderate length, distally with short processes; palps 
(fig. 12) trochanter with upper protuberance high inclining backwards, 
femur increasing obliquely but rather rapidly from stalk and soon attaining 
full breadth, tibia without marked anterio-proximal convexity, becoming 
broad towards middle and beyond, hand relatively only moderately broad, 
fingers shorter than hand; the palp is granulate all round, hand and lower 
surface less distinctly so, lower surface of hand nearly smooth ; coxae LV. with 
posterior margin almost straight, not twice as long as inner; legs LV. tarsus 
with tactile hair some way beyond middle. L. 2:5. 

g Abdominal tergites somewhat more developed; sternites (IV.) V.—IX. 
with well-defined inner-posterior areas furnished with a great number of 
closely placed minute bristles, occupying at median line posterior two-thirds 
and extending to about middle of posterior margin of each sclerite; galea 
much smaller; palps somewhat longer, trochanter with protuberance more 
developed, tibia noticeably elongated with more evident concavity beyond 
stalk behind, hand narrower and a little longer, fingers a little longer, with 
scarcely wider gape; coxae LV. somewhat narrower at base, posterior margin 
searcely if at all concave. 

Among refuse, in buildings and in the open, in the south of England ; almost certainly imported ; 
Mr. Cambridge received it in 1880 from an oil-mill at Dover and from near Plymouth, in 1886 
from an old building at Hyde, Dorsetshire,! and in 1905 from Sheppey, where Mr. Donisthorpe 
found it in a heap of refuse of sugar- and rice-gunnies, etc., and in this place the writer saw it two 
years later in great plenty; Hendon (1908), in a manure-heap (E. A. Butler).* 

(33, 42, 67.) 

Cheiridium Menge 1858 (20). 

Legs J. with femur entire or with indistinct trochantin, never with well- 
separated trochantin and femur; legs IV. with femur entire. Cephalothorax 
with head distinctly marked off; thorax without groove. Abdominal somite 
XI. with tergite visible or invisible from above, its sternite with semi-circular 
incision for somite XII. which is almost or quite ventral. Bristles sickle- 
shaped, one-toothed. Eyes 2, well removed from anterior margin of head. 

1 Recorded as @. peculiaris L. Koch; by mistake (38). 
2 Our specimens are identical, as Mr. With has ascertained, with those of Hansen found in 
Denmark in rice-warehouses and in ships with sugar and rice from the Vast (34, 35, 66). 

Kew—A Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland. 51 

C. museorum (Leach). 

Chelifer museorum Leach 1817 (13). Cheiridiwm nvuseorum (Leach) Menge 
1855 (20). 

Palps and cephalothorax rather richly reddish-brown, thorax a little 
less dark, abdominal tergites becoming rather richly amber-brown; dull 
or nearly so, with small whitish bristles. Head narrow in front, broadened 
out and raised towards base with two lateral and two dorso-lateral eleva- 
tions, closely granulate ; eyes convex, smooth, well-limited, far removed 
from anterior and some distance from lateral margin; thoracic tergite much 
broader behind than in front, with median circular depression; abdomen 
broad, tergites L—X. divided, XI. invisible from above, undivided; thoracic 
tergite, abdominal tergites, and interstitial membrane of dorsum strongly 
granulate. with large remote granules, in great part with low ridges 
running from one to another; galea (?) moderately long, distally with 
minute processes; palps (fig. 13) trochanter abruptly broadened from stall, 
its lower protuberance basal much produced posteriorly, femur imcreasing 
obliquely from stalk, not broader near base than near extremity; the palp is 
granulate, tibia and hand rather weakly so; coxae IV. (?) long, slightly 
concave behind and a little widened to a moderate corner towards extremity. 
$ with galea much smaller; coxae [V. more concave behind and widened to 
a prominent corner towards extremity; genital plates and sternites behind 
them strongly developed. LL, 1:11: 

In old stables, cow-sheds, barns, hay-lofts, meal- and flour-mills, etc., behind the boards, under 
stones on the floors, and among débris; in old houses in crevices of wood-work, behind wall-paper, 
in cases of stuffed birds, ete.; also in old nests of birds in walls and hollow trees; and sometimes 
under close-fitting bark of dead trees ; generally distributed and abundant in Britain. Iveland: Co. 

Dublin (R. F. Scharff). 
(1, 11, 13, 42, 69, 70, 75, 79, 81, 85, 87, 92.) 

Il. Hemictenodactyli. 

Chelicerae large; serrula free distally ; lamina exterior only exceptionally 
present ; often without galea. . Cephalothorax with anterior median process or 
marginal serration ; never with grooves limiting head and thoracic somites. 
Abdominal somite XI. with tergite and sternite fused. 

(Galea absent in all but one and lamina exterior absent in all Britannic 
forms; in these, and generally, lamina interior serrula-like ; maxillae with 
ventral face in higher plane than that of coxae; cephalothorax broadly 
truncate in front; abdominal tergites without median division ; body more 

1. ferum Sim. (found as near to us as northern Brittany) has the head only slightly broadened 
out and raised towards base, abdominal tergite XI. visible from above, femur of palps increasing 
abruptly from stalk and broader near base than elsewhere; % with remarkable triple galea, 

52 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

or less cylindrical, with dermo-skeleton less solid than in Panctenodactyli, 
polished, largely free from heavy sculpture ; bristles simple.) 

1. Legs J. with tarsi 2-jointed . . : : : Okistidae. 

2. Legs I. with tarsi l-jomted . : : : : Chthoniidae. 


All legs with tarsi 2-jointed; femur of legs I. with longer pars basalis 
and shorter pars tibialis; legs TV. with articulation between trochantin and 
femur alike on anterior and posterior faces. Cephalothorax with anterior 
median process ; not serrated. Eyes 4, 2 or 0. 

Obisium (Illiger) Leach 1815 (12). 

Cephalothorax broad in front, not broader in front than behind. Palps 
with fingers always more or less curved, hand without dorsal tactile hairs or 
with one or several, tibia never caliciform. Galea present or absent. Eyes 
4+, 2, or 0. 

Britannic species with eyes 4 or 2, never with dorsal tactile hairs on hand. 
All intensely glossy, with bristles long slender and unequal; granulation 
may occur on palps, but not on cephalothorax or abdomen; abdomen 
with lateral membrane sharply papillate; fused tergite-sternite of somite 
XI. with perforation for somite XII. terminal or sub-ventral, well-removed 
from anterior ventral margin; somite XII. with separate tergite and 
sternite each with 2 bristles; chelicerae moderately large; hand of palps 
with abruptly limited stalk; teeth of both fingers in close-set row, of movable 
finger for most part truncate or broadly rounded off, of fixed finger generally 
acute ; femora of legs III. and IV. deep or moderately deep; in legs III. 
posterior face of femur, at least in teyed species, with low papillation; 
coxae I. with outer anterior corner prolonged into a point and with a more 
or less obsolete point of different character at inner anterior corner; ¢ with 
genital-area inconspicuous; compared with 2? generally with hand less 
voluminous, fingers a little longer in proportion to hand, and sometimes with 
tibia a little longer-stalked and narrower.) 

1. Chelicerae with galea . : : : : Ideoroncus. 
Chelicerae without galea . : : : : : - ees 

2. Eyes 2 : : : : : : : , . Roneus. 

3. Eyes4 : - ; : : . . Obvisium ss? 

1 Obisium Mlliger (6) was a synonym of Chelifer; but was adopted by Leach (12) for the 
present genus; = Opisinm misprinted (10). 

2 Sub-gen. Zdeobisinm with galea and 4 eyes is unrepresented in our fauna; as also are the 
eyeless sub-gen. Blothrus and Idcoblothrus. 

Kew—A Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland, 58 

I. Ideoroncus Balzan 1890 (40), 
Chelicerae with galea ; eyes 2. 

0. Cambridgii (L. Koch). 

Roneus Cambridgii L. Koch 1873 (24). 0. Cambridgei (L. Koch) Simon 
1879 (27). Ideoroncus Cambridge (L. Koch) With 1907 (73). Ideobisiwm 
Cambridgit (L. Koch) Ell. 1907 (75). 

Palps reddish-brown, cephalothorax reddish-brown tinged with olive, 
abdominal tergites olive-horny. Cephalothorax with median process obtuse 
only a little produced, dorsum smooth or in part slightly reticulate ; abdominal 
tergites slightly reticulate; galea with stout stem divided distally into several 
short branches ; palps (fig. 14) with femur short and stout distinctly stalked 
and slightly broader near base than near extremity, tibia rather long-stalked 
afterwards convex anterio-ventrally and very moderately so dorsally, fingers 
about as long as hand; femur tibia and hand in part granulate more especially 
in front and to somewhat less extent above, the granules on femur and part of 
hand well-pronounced. L. 2:3. 

Under stones and among débris, in the open and in woods, on and near the coast and a little 
distance inland; western in distribution, but plentiful where it occurs: Ross-shire, Argyllshire, 
Arran, Ayrshire, Kirkeudbrightshire ; Cornwall, Devonshire, Dorsetshire ; Isle of Wight. 

(42, 50, 56, 59, 69, 71, 85-6.) 

II. Roneus L. Koch 1873 (24). 
Chelicerae without galea; eyes 2. 

0. lubricum (L. Koch). 

Roneus lubricus L. Koch 1873 (24). O. lubricum (L. Koch) Simon 1879 (27). 

Palps reddish-horny, cephalothorax olive-horny somewhat reddish, 
abdominal tergites olive-horny. Cephalothorax with median process acute 
well-produced, dorsuin smooth; abdominal tergites smooth or laterally 
slightly reticulate; chelicerae with tubercle of movable finger small; palps 
(fig. 15) with femur longer and less robust than in last species with only 
moderately differentiated stalk and only slightly or not broader near base than 
near extremity, tibia rather long-stalked afterwards convex anterio-ventrally 
and nearly flat dorsally, fingers longer than hand; femur granulate in front 
and to less extent above, hand granulate in part, tibia smooth. LL. 2°5. 

Under stones, bricks, etc.; at the roots of grass, among moss, etc. ; perhaps only in the south- 
east and south: Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Berkshire, Middlesex, Essex ; Cambridgeshire; Dorsetshire, 
Devonshire ; not recorded from north-west of the Severn and Wash. 

(42, 60, 79, 87.) 

1 Simon by accident gives under this name the description of O. Jubricwm and vice versa; the 
localities and other particulars, however, do not appear to be transposed. 


of Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

IIL. Obisium s.s. 

Chelicerae without galea ; eyes 4. 

(Britannic species 3: dorsum of cephalothorax, abdominal tergites, femur 
and tibia of palps smooth; hand in part smooth in part obsolete-granulate. 
Eyes well-developed, near together and somewhat tilted on common raised 
base ; between them and partly round the first a blackish patch ; chelicerae 
with tubercle of movable finger well-developed, differmg according to 
species, and generally larger in @ than in ¢ ; femur of palps with scarcely 
differentiated stalk.) 

1. Cephalothorax with median process obsolete .  nuuscorum. 
Cephalothorax with median process prominent 2 

2. Fingers longer than hand : : 0 : . Carpenteri. 

3, Fingers scarcely as long as hand. 5 : maritimum. 

0. muscorum Leach. 

O. muscorum Leach 1817 (18). 0. simile (L. Koch) Simon 1879 (27); in 

Palps clear reddish-horny, cephalothorax and abdominal tergites deep 
olive, the former with reddish tinge, legs horny. Cephalothorax with 
median process obsolete; chelicerae with tubercle of movable finger (¢ ) 
high almost semi-circular, teeth of fixed finger small; palps (fig. 16) with 
femur almost equally broad near base and near extremity, towards middle 
distinctly concave behind with corresponding convexity in front, tibia 
searcely or not broader than femur, membranous opening about 3 front 
margin (stalk excluded), hand variable more or less tumid and of only 
moderate length (im 2 more voluminous than in ¢ ), fingers much longer than 
hand, teeth of fixed finger shghtly tapermg and rounded at tip with broader 
higher sharply pointed ones at intervals, teeth of movable finger distinct ; legs 
TV. with tarsus* much longer than tarsus! (at least 1:3). L. 2°8. 

Under stones, among dead leayes, moss, etc., in the open and in woods, from sea-level to 3,500 

ft.; generally distributed and abundant in Britain and Ireland. 
(18, 42, 44, 51, 58, 65, 70-1, 75, 79, 85, 87, 91-2, 94.) 

10. sylwaticun C. L. Koch has by mistake been recorded as British (42); the specimen, dis- 
figured in preparation for the microscope, was in reality O. dubricum. Records of O. simile LL. Koch 
in Britain (30, 36) are also erroneous ; they relate to 0. muscorum. 

2 That the present species is 0. muscorwm Leach is sure from the type which is preserved in the 
British Museum, where it has been examined by Cambridge (42) and by the writer (94). Simon 
confused this animal with 0. simile L. Koch; and has unfortunately applied Leach’s name to another 
species, i.e. O. Carpenteri. In spite of this fact, however, the O. muscorwm Leach of most writers 
appears to be correctly named; and this is certainly the case with Hansen (34), ‘Tullgren (46), 
With (66), and Ellingsen (75). The writer is indebted to M. Simon for specimens from his collection 
of ‘* O. simile”’ (O. simile LL, Koch and O, muscorwm Leach) and ** O. muscorwn”’ (O. Carpenteri). 

Krw—A Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland. 55 

0. Carpenteri nom. nov. 

O. muscorum (Leach) Simon 1879 (27) ; by mistake. O. Carpenteri nom. nov. 
1910 (94). 

Palps reddish-horny, perhaps tinged with olive, cephalothorax and 
abdominal tergites deep olive, the former with reddish tinge, legs horny. 
Cephalothorax with median process prominent; chelicerae with tubercle of 
movable finger moderately high convex, teeth of fixed finger rather small ; 
palps (fig. 17) with femur increasing shghtly in breadth from near base to 
near extremity, towards middle slightly concave behind and with corresponding 
shght convexity in front, tibia distinctly but not greatly broader than distal 
part of femur, membranous opening about $ front margin (stalk excluded), 
hand rather long and broad Gn ¢ distinctly voluminous), fingers longer than 
hand, teeth of fixed finger abruptly pointed uniform (without larger ones at 
intervals), teeth of movable finger in most part almost obsolete ; legs 1V. with 
tarsus’ scarcely longer than tarsus’, L. 3:3. 

Ireland: Glengariff, Co, Cork, 1909-10 ; on a rocky wooded hill-side, under the flaking outer-bark 

of Arbutus-trees, in rock-crevices, and among dead leaves. Unknown in Britain. 

0. maritimum Leach. 
O. maritimum Leach 1817 (15). 0. littorale Moniez 1890 (39). 

Palps rich horny-brown (not reddish), cephalothorax and abdominal 
tergites deep olive-horny, legs greenish. Cephalothorax with median process 
prominent ; chelicerae with tubercle of movable finger long and rather low 
sub-angular, teeth of fixed finger large; palps (fig. 18) with femur gradually 
increasing from near base to near extremity, in front and behind nearly 
straight, tibia distinctly but not greatly broader than distal part of femur, 
membranous opening about 4 of front (stalk excluded), hand rather long and 
relatively narrow, fingers scarcely as long as hand, teeth of fixed finger like 
those of last species but smaller, teeth of movable finger distinct; legs IV. 
with tarsus! and tarsus? about equal, L. 5-2. 

On the sea-shore between tide-marks, in old deep-seated rock-crevices and under stones lying 
more or less embedded in permanent resting-places ; plentiful where it occurs; Britain, western and 
south-western shores: Ross-shire, Argyllshire, Cornwall, Devonshire; Isle of Man: Port Erin Bay ; 
Ireland: Clare Island (Clew Bay), Kenmare Bay, Bantry Bay. 

(11, 18, 22, 42, 62, 69, 71, 75, 85, 92-4.) 


Legs I. with tarsi 1-jointed ; legs IV. with tarsi 2-jointed ; femur of legs I. 
with longer pars basalis and shorter pars tibialis; legs [V. with articulation 
between trochantin and femur different in character on anterior and posterior 
faces, Cephalothorax with anterior marginal servation, sometimes also with 
pronounced median tooth. Eyes 4, 2, or 0. 

(H 2} 

56 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Chthonius C. L. Koch 1843 (17). 

Cephalothorax usually broader in front than behind. Palps with fingers 
long, im dorsal view straight or nearly so, hand with 2 dorsal tactile hairs, 
tibia caliciform. Galea present or absent. Eyes 4, 2, or 0. 

(Britannic species with eyes 4, cephalothorax always broader in front 
than behind, galea absent. All glossy, with large blackish bristles; without 
granulation, more or less distinctly reticulate; fused tergite-sternite of 
abdominal somite XI. with perforation for somite XII. sub-ventral rather 
near anterior ventral margin; somite XII. with tergite and sternite separate, 
sternite with 2, tergite without bristles; chelicerae very large; palps with 
femur with an anterior row of 3 and an anterio-dorsal row of 5-6 
bristles, tibia with large dorsal fissure; hand without stalk, imereasing 
from broad base with more or less abrupt anterior elbow; the two dorsal 
tactile hairs median!; teeth of fingers large, those of fixed finger -always 
widely separated ; femur of legs 1V. exceedingly deep ; coxae II. and III. each 
with a bristle-group.; ¢ with genital-area conspicuous, plate II. with large 
V-shaped opening with close-set marginal bristles and bounded anteriorly by 
concave posterior margin of plate I.; compared with ¢ , hand narrower, eye- 
interval a little less, tubercle of movable finger of chelicerae smaller.) 

1. Hand with dorsal depression . é 0 : tetrachelatus. 

Hand without dorsal depression : : 6 6 : 2 



. Posterior margin of cephalothorax with 2 large bristles . 
Posterior margin of cephalothorax with 4 large bristles . Rayi. 
3, Eye I. removed from front nearly or quite 1 diameter ; hand not 
darkened . : : 5 ; : .  orthodactylus. 
4, Eye I. removed from front scarcely more than 4 diameter; hand 
darkened , 5 : : 5 : : : tenuis. 

C. Rayi L. Koch. 
C. Rayi L. Koch 1873 (24) Obisiwm orthodactylwm Leach 1817 (13); in 
Palps reddish-horny ; chelicerae rich reddish-brown, cephalothorax deep 

1The position of these tactile hairs, whether median, sub-median, basal or apical, and of the 
large tibial fissure which tends to move in correlation, also the presence or absence of bristle-groups 
on coxae I.-I11., provide useful specific characters in Chthonius. 

* This common species was certainly not unknown when named C. Rayi by L. Koch in 1878. 
Chelifer ischnochelus Herm. 1804 (8) and Chelifer trombidioides Latr. 1804 (9) probably represent it, 
but these species cannet be certainly identified. Obisiwm orthodactylwm Leach 1817 (13), in part at 
least, represents it, three of Leach’s specimens in spite of their bad condition being clearly 
recognizable ; but as the one indicated as the type is perhaps doubtful, I have followed Cambridge 
(42), who has identified it with the next species; and as the present species is now universally known 
as C. Rayi L. Koch, that name is here retained. 

Kuw—Ad Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland. 57 

olive-horny, abdominal tergites brownish-horny. Bristles robust ; cephalo- 
thorax much broader in front than behind, with 20 full-sized bristles 4 on 
posterior margin, anterior margin towards middle irregularly serrated pro- 
duced into a depressed median point ; eyes moderately large, about 2 diameters 
apart, eye I. fully 1 diameter from front ; chelicerae exceedingly robust; palps 
(fig. 19) femur with 6 bristles in anterio-dorsal row, hand without dorsal 
depression, fingers much longer than hand (about 1°7), teeth of fixed finger 
well-separated large triangular slightly inclined backwards, those of movable 
finger less separated and lower. L. 2:0. 

Unier stones, bricks, etc.; among dead leayes and débris, in the open and in woods: often about 
margins of cultivated fields, by road-sides in villages, in old quarries and chalk-pits, under pieces of 
wood, ete., on the floors of farm-buildings, and even in the cellars of houses; widely distributed 
and abundant in Britain and Ireland. 

(13, 42, 54, 58, 79, 85, 90, 92-3.) 

C. orthodactylus (Leach). 

Obisium orthodactylum Leach 1817 (18); in part. C. orthodactylus (Leach) 
Cambridge 1892 (42).? 

Palps pale horny more or less reddish, chelicerae reddish-horny, cephalo- 
thorax and abdominal tergites yellowish-horny. Bristles somewhat longer and 
less stout than in last species; cephalothorax moderately broader in front than 
behind, with 18 full-sized bristles 2 on posterior margin, anterior margin 
towards middle sub-regularly serrated not produced into a point; eyes a little 
larger than in last species, considerably more than 1 diameter apart, in @ 
sometimes about 1°5, eye I. nearly or quite 1 diameter from front ; chelicerae 
moderately robust ; palps (fig. 20) femur with 5 bristles in anterio-dorsal row, 
hand without dorsal depression, fingers much longer than hand (about 
1-9), teeth of fixed finger well-separated large triangular slightly inclined 
backwards, those of movable finger less separated much lower. L. 15. 

Among dead leaves, under stones, etc., in woods, old parks, church-yards, etc. ; not uncommon 
in the Thames valley and elsewhere in the south-east: Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, 
Surrey, Kent; also in Hertfordshire, Sussex, Hampshire, Dorsetshire; Cambridgeshire? (60). 
Recorded for Scotland and Ireland by mistake (47a, 53, 85, 91). 

(42, 92, 96.) 

C. tenuis L. Koch. 
C. tenuis L. Koch 1873 (24). 
Hand deep olive, rest of palp and chelicerae reddish-horny, cephalothorax 
and abdominal tergites deep olive, legs pinkish. Cephalothorax moderately 
broader in front than behind, with 18 full-sized bristles 2 on posterior 
margin, anterior margin towards middle sub-regularly serrated not produced 

1 My. Cambridge has permitted me to examine one of his specimens from Bloxworth. 

58 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

into a point; eyes larger than in last 2 species, not greatly exceeding 
1 diameter apart, eye I. scarcely more than 3 diameter from front; chelicerae 
moderately robust (the two large teeth of fixed finger less uniform and not 
so close together as in last species); palps (fig. 21) femur with 5 bristles in 
anterio-dorsal row, hand without dorsal depression (somewhat narrower more 
parallel-sided and with anterior basal elbow less pronounced than in last 
species, the fingers in dorsal view perceptibly very slightly curved), fingers 
much longer than hand (about 1:9), teeth of fixed finger well-separated large 
triangular slightly inclined backwards, those of movable finger less separated 
much lower. L. 1°8. 

Among dead leaves, under stones, etc., in sandy, gravelly, and chalky districts in the south-east ; 
plentiful on the sands and sandstones of the Weald; New Forest and elsewhere in Hampshire; 
also in Surrey, Berkshire, Dorsetshire ; but not recorded from north of the Thames. 

(83, 42, 75, 79, 87, 90.) 

C. tetrachelatus (Preys.). 

Scorpio tetrachelatus Preys. 1790 (4). C. trombidioides (Latr.) L. Koch 1873 
(24). C. tetrachelatus (Preys.) Simon 1879 (27). 

Palps and chelicerae horny faintly or distinctly reddish, cephalothorax 
and abdominal tergites horny olive-horny or deep olive. Cephalothorax 
a little wider in front than behind, with 18 full-sized bristles 2 on 
posterior margin, anterior margin towards middle sub-regularly serrated 
not produced into a poimt; eyes large about 1 diameter apart; chelicerae 
moderately robust; palps (fig. 22) femur with 6 bristles in anterio-dorsal 
row, hand long with distal third dorsally depressed to plane of dorsum of 
fixed finger, fingers longer than hand (about 1:5), teeth of fixed finger 
widely separated large triangular erect, those of movable finger similar in 
character and as widely separated. LL. 1°5. 

Under stones, etc., from sea-level to 1600 ft.; widely distributed in Britain and Ireland ; 
abundant near the sea and some distance inland; elsewhere less common and generally confined to 
old gardens, etc. 

(21-2, 42, 52, 54, 71, 84-5, 87, 89, 92-3.) 



. Hooxe, R.—Micrographia : or some Physiological Descriptions of minute 
Bodies made by Magnifying Glasses. London, 1665. 
. LINNAEUS, C.—Systema Naturae, ed. 10,1. Holmiae, 1758. 

© bo 

. Grorrroy, E, L—Histoive abrégée des Insectes qui se trouvent aux 
environs de Paris, i. Paris, 1762. 

4, PreyssLer, J. D.—Verzeichniss bohmischer Insekten. Prag, 1790. 

5, Fapricius, J. C.—Entomologia Systematica emendata et aucta, 11. Hafniae, 


Kew—A Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland. 59 


WwW w 
CO ~T 

Ituicer, J. K. W.—/n Kugelann, Verzeichniss der Kafer Preussens. 
Halle, 1798. 

. SCHRANK, F. vy. P.—Fauna Boiea, iii. Landshut, 1803. 
. Hermann, J. F—Meémoire Aptérologique. Strasbourg, 1804. 
. LATREILLE, P. A.—Histoire naturelle générale et particulitre des 

Crustacés et des Insectes, vii. Paris, 1804. 

. Inuiger, J. K. W.—Zn Rossius, Fauna Etrusca, ii, Helmstadii, 1807. 
. Monracu, G.—Descriptions of several new or rare Animals principally 

marine discovered on the South Coast of Devonshire. Trans. Linnean 
Society, London, xi. (1815), 1-26. 

2. Leacu, W. E.—A tabular View of the external Characters of Four Classes 

of Animals which Linné arranged under Insecta. Id., 306-400. 

3. LeEacH, W. EH.—On the Characters of the Genera of the Family 

Scorpionidea with Descriptions of the British Species of Chelifer 
and Obisium. Zoological Miscellany, ui. (1817), 48-53. 
LATREILLE, P. AA—Familles Naturelles du Régne Animal. Paris, 1825. 

5. Kocu, C. L.—Deutschlands Crustaceen Myriapoden und Arachniden. 

Regensburg, 1835-44. 
Westwoop, J. O.—The Entomologist’s Text-Book. London, 1838. 

7. Kocu, C. L.—Die Arachniden, x. Niirnberg, 1843. 
. GERVAIS, P—Jn Gay, Historia fisica y politica de Chile, iv. Paris, 1849. 
. Curtis, J.—Observations on the Natural History and Economy of various 

Insects affecting the Potato-crops. Journ. Royal Agricultural Society 
of England, x. (1849), 70-118. 

. Mence, A.—Ueber die Scheerenspinnen, Chernetidae. Neueste Schriften 

d. Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Danzig, v. (1855), 1-43. 

. McIntire, 8. J—On Pseudo-Scorpiones. Journ, Quekett Microscopical 

Club, i. (1868), 8-15. 

. McIntire, 8. J.—Pseudoscorpions. Hardwicke’s Science Gossip, v. 

(1869), 243-247, 

3. McIntirz, 8. J.—An Incident in the Life of a Chelifer. Monthly 

Microscopical Journal, vi. (1871), 209-10. 

. Kocu, L—ebersichtliche Darstellung der europiischen Chernetiden 

(Pseudoscorpione). Nurnberg, 1873. 

. Smmon, E.—Description d’un genre nouveau de la famille des Cheliferidae. 

Bull. Société Zoologique de France, iii. (1878), 66-7. 

. Date, C. W.—History of Glanville’s Wootton. London, 1878. 
. Stmon, E.—Les Arachnides de France, vii. Paris, 1879. 

CrowTHER, H.—Chelifer De Geerii (C. Koch) a species new to Britain. 

Hardwicke’s Science Gossip, xviii. (1882), 277; Zoologist (3), vi, 
(1882), 465, 




Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acuderiy. 

. Tomosvary, O.—Pseudoscorpiones Faunae Hungaricae. Magyar Tudo- 

manyos Akad. Math. és Természettud. Kézlemények, xviii. {1882), 

BioomFieE.D, E. N.; BurLer, E. A.—Natural History of Hastings and 
St. Leonards and the vicinity: first supplement. Hastings, 1883. 

. THORELL, T.—Descrizione di alcuni Aracnidi inferiori dell’ Arcipelago 

Malese. Ann. Museo civico di Storia Naturale Genova, xviii. (1883), 

32. CANESTRINI, G.—Chernetides Italici. Jn Berlese, Acari Myriopoda et 

Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta. Padova, 1883-5. 

33. CAMBRIDGE, O. P.—Pseudoscorpions new to Britain. Naturalist, 1884, 

p- 105. 

34, Hansen, H. J.—Arthrogastra Danica. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift (3), 

xiv. (1884), 491-554. 

35. HANSEN, H. J.—Zoologica Danica, iv. Copenhagen, 1885. 
. CAMBRIDGE, O. P—A Contribution towards the knowledge of the Arachnida 

of Epping Forest. Trans. Essex Field Club, iv. (1886), 41-45. 

. Kew, H. W.—Chelifer De Geerii Koch near the Lincolnshire Coast. 

Naturalist, 1886, p. 339. 

38. CAMBRIDGE, O. P.—On New and Rare British Spiders. Proc. Dorset 

Natural History, etc., Field Club, x. (1889), 107-138. 

39, Montez, R.—Sur un Pseudo-Scorpion marin (Obisium littorale noy. sp.). 

Revue biologique du Nord de la France, ii. (1890), 102-9. 

. Bazan, L.—Reyisione dei Pseudoscorpioni del bacino dei fiumi Parana e 

Paraguay. Ann. Museo civico di Storia Naturale Genova (2), ix. 
(1890), 401-54. 

3ALZAN, L.—Voyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela: Chernetes (Pseudo- 
scorpiones). Ann. Société entomologique de France, lx. (1891-2), 


2. Campripce, O, P.—On the British Species of False-Scorpions. Proc. 

Dorset Natural History, etc., Field Club, xiii. (1892), 199-231. 

3. HANSEN, H. J.—Organs and Characters in different Orders of Arachnids. 

Entomologiske Meddelelser udg. Entomologisk Forening Kjében- 
hayn, iv. (1893-4), 137-251. 

. CARPENTER, G. H.; Evans, W.—A list of Phalangidea (Harvestmen) and 

Chernetidea (False-Scorpions) collected in the Neighbourhood of 
Edinburgh. Proc. Royal Physical Society Edinburgh, xiii. (1895), 

. Ettryesen, E.—Norske Pseudoscorpioner. Christiania Videnskabs-Selskabs 

Forhandlinger 1896, No. 5, pp. 1-21. 

Kew—A Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland. 61 

46. TuLLGrEN, A.—Bidrag till kiinnedomen om Sveriges Pseudoscorpioner. 
Entomologisk Tidskvift, xx. (1899), 161-182. 

47. Srranp, E.—Arachnologisches. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne, 
xxxvill. (1900), 95-102. 

474. CARPENTER, G. H.; Evans, W.—Additional Records of Spiders and 
other Arachnids from the Edinburgh District. Proc. Royal Physical 
Society Edinburgh, xiv. (1900), 168-181. 

48. Jonnson, H. E.—East Riding Pseudoscorpions. Trans. Hull Scientific 
and Field Naturalists’ Club, i. (1901), 228. 

49. Kew, H. W.—Lincolnshire Pseudoscorpions; with an account of the 
association of such animals with other Arthropods. Naturalist, 1901, 
pp. 193-215. 

50. Evans, W.—Roncus cambridgu L. K. and other Chernetids in Scotland. 
Annals of Scottish Natural History, x. (1901), 53. 

51, Goprrey, R.—Chernetidea or False-Scorpions of West Lothian. Id., 

52. Evans, W.—Chthonius tetrachelatus Preyss. and other Chernetids in 
Scotland. Id., 241-2. 

53, CARPENTER, G. H.—/n British Association Guide to Belfast and Counties 
of Down and Antrim. Belfast, 1902. 

54. Carr, J. W.—Nottinghamshire Crustacea and Arachnida. Trans. 
Nottingham Naturalists’ Society, 1903, pp. 1-7. 

55, Evans, W.—Chelifer (Chernes) tullgreni Strand in Scotland. Annals of 
Scottish Natural History, xu. (1905), 120-1. 

56. WATERSTON, J.—Roncus Cambridgii L. K. in Argyllshire. Id., 187. 

57. Evans, W.—Chernes dubius Cambr. (= C. tullgreni Strand) in Scotland. 
Id., 249-50. 

58. Kew, H. W.—North of England Pseudoscorpions. Naturalist, 1903, 
pp. 293-300. 

59. GopFREY, R.—Chernetidea in Ayrshire. Annals of Scottish Natural 
History, xi. (1904), 195. 

6. Warsurton, C.—J/n Marr and Shipley, Handbook to the Natural History 
of Cambridgeshire. Cambridge, 1904. 

61. LanKesTer, E. R.—The Structure and Classification of the Arachnida. 
Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (n. s.), xlvili. (1904), 

62. Iuns, A. D.—On a Marine Pseudoscorpion from the Isle of Man. Annals 
and Magazine of Natural History (7), xv. (1905), 231-2, 

63. Evans, W.—Chelifer latreillii Leach in Fife. Annals of Scottish Natural 
History, xiv. (1905), 247. 





Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

CamBripGE, O. P.—On New and Rare British Arachnida. Proc. Dorset 
Natural History, etc., Field Club, xxvi. (1905), 40-74. 

. Jackson, A. R.—The Spiders of the Tyne Valley. Trans. Natural History 

Society of Northumberland Durham and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 
(n. 8.), 1. (1906), 337-405. 
Wits, C. J.—The Danish Expedition to Siam, 1899-1900. Chelonethi : 
an account of the Indian false-scorpions together with studies 
on the anatomy and classification of the order. Kel. Danske 
Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter (7), ui. (1906), 1-214. 

. CAMBRIDGE, O. P.—On some New and Rare British Arachnida. Proce. 

Dorset Natural History, etc.; Field Club, xxvii. (1906), 72-92." 

. Kew, H. W.—Chernes cyrneus in Nottinghamshire; a recent addition 

to the known False-Scorpions of Britain. Trans. Nottingham 
Naturalists’ Society, 1906, pp. 41-6. 

9. Jackson, A, R.—Rare Arachnids captured during 1906. Proc. Chester 

Society of Natural History, ete., vi. (1907), 1-7. 

. Wayts, G, A.; Wuyte, R. B.—The False-Scorpions of Cumberland. 

Naturalist, 1907, pp. 203-4. 

. GopFREY, R.—The False-Scorpions of the West of Scotland. Annals of 

Scottish Natural History, xvi. (1907), 162-3. 

. DontstHorre, H. St.J.K.—Myrmecophilous notes for 1907. Entomologist’s 

Record, xix. (1907), 254-6. 

. WirH, C. J.—On some New Species of Cheliferidae in the British Museum. 

Journ. Linnean Society London: Zoology, xxx. (1907), 49-85. 

. WuytE, G. A.—Chelifer cancroides (Linn.) in Manchester. Zoologist 

. (4), xi. (1907), 388-9. 

. ELLINGSEN, E.—Notes on Pseudoscorpions, British and Foreign. Journ. 

Quekett Microscopical Club (2), x. (1907), 155-172. 

. CAMBRIDGE, O. P.—On New and Rare British Arachnida. Proc. Dorset 

Natural History, etc., Field Club, xxviii. (1907), 121-148. 

. Fatconer, W.—A Pseudo-scorpion new to Northumberland, Naturalist, 

1907, p. 388. 

. Fatconer, W.—A Pseudo-scorpion new to Yorkshire. Id., p. 432. 
79, Burrerrietp, W. R.—A Preliminary List of the F alse-Scorpions (Cherne- 

tidea) of the Hastings District. Hastings and East Sussex 
Naturalist, i. (1908), 111-4, 

. Bennett, W. H.—Occurrence of Chernes cyrneus L. Koch and C, cimicoides 

(Fabr.) in Richmond Park Surrey. Id., 114. 

. FALconer, W.—Chiridium museorum Leach at Huddersfield. Naturalist, 

1908, p. 110. 

Knw—A Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Irelund. 63 














Win, C. J.-An Account of the South American Cheliferinae in the 
Collections of the British and Copenhagen Museums. Trans. 
Zoological Society London, xviii. (1908), 217-840, 

CAMBRIDGE, O. P.—On New and Rare British Arachnida, Proc. Dorset 
Natural History, etc., Field Club, xxix. (1908), 161-94, 

Jackson, A. R.—On some Rare Arachnids captured during 1907. Trans. 
Natural History Society of Northumberland Durham and News 
castle-upon-Tyne (u.s.), 11. (1908), 49-78. 

Goprrey, R.—The False-Scorpions of Scotland. Annals of Scottish 
Natural History, xvii. (1908), 90-100, 155-61; xviii. (1909), 22-6, 
153-63 ; xix. (1910), 23-33. 

Smire, F. P.—Jn Morey, Guide to the Natural History of the Isle of 
Wight. Newport, 1909. 

Kew, H. W.—Arachnida-Pseudoscorpiones, . Ji Grinling, Survey and 
Record of Woolwich and West Kent. Woolwich, 1909. 

BUTTERFIELD, W. R.—Occurrence of the False-Scorpion Chernes cimi- 
coides (Fabr.) in Dallington Forest. Hastings and East Sussex 
Naturalist, i. (1909), 195-6. 

SramnrortH, T.—List of East Yorkshire Spiders Harvest-men and 
Pseudoscorpions added to the Hull Municipal Museum Collection 
in 1908. Trans. Hull Scientific and Field Naturalists’ Club, iv. 
(1909), 87-102. 

JACKSON, A. R.—On some Rare Arachnids observed during 1908. Trans. 
Natural History Society of Northumberland Durham and New- 
castle-upon-Tyne (n. s.), ii. (1909), 418-439. 

. Evans, W.—Our Present Knowledge of the Fauna of the Forth Area. 

Proc. Royal Physical Society Kdinburgh, xvii. (1909), 1-64. 

. Kew, H. W.—Notes on the Ivish False-Scorpions in the National Museum 

of Ireland. Ivish Naturalist, xviii. (1909), 249-50. 

3. Kew, H. W.—A Holiday in South-Western Iveland. Notes on some 

False-Scorpions and other Animals observed in the Counties of 
Kerry and Cork. Id., xix. (1910), 64-73. 

Kew, H. W.—On the Ivish Species of Obisium with special reference to 
one from Glengaviff new to the Britannic fauna. Id., 108-12. 
DonistHorPe, H. St. J. K.—On the Founding of Nests by Ants; and a 

few notes on Myrmecophiles. Entomologist’s Record, xxii, (1910). 
Jackson, A. R.—On some Arthropods observed in 1909, Lancashire 
Naturalist, 1910, pp. 17-22, 46-51. 
Hirst, A. 8.—/n Guide to the Crustacea Avachnida Onychophora and 
Myriopoda exhibited in the British Museum (Natural History). 
London, 1910. 

64 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 




Chelifer nodosus Schy., ? . 
Chelifer Godfrey sp. nov., 2. 

3. Chelifer Chyzeri (Tom.), 3. 

. Chelifer scorpioides Herm., °. 

. Chelifer dubius (Camb.), 2. 

. Chelifer Wideri C. L. Koch, ¢. 

. Chelifer Panzeri C. L. Koch, 3. 

. Chelifer Cyrneus (L. Koch), 2. 

. Chelifer cimicoides (Fabr.), 3. 

. Chelifer Latreillvi Leach, 3. 

. Chelifer cancroides (Linn.), 3. 

. Chelifer subruber Sim., 3. 

. Cheiridium museorum (Leach), 2 « 
. Obisium Cambridgui (L. Koch), ¢. 
. Obisium lubriewm (L. Koch), 3. 

. Obisium muscorum Leach, 3. 

. Obisiwm Carpenter nom. nov., 2. 
. Obisium maritimum Leach, 3. 

. Chthonius Rayi L. Koch, ¢. 

Chthonius orthodactylus (Leach), ¢ - 
Chthonius tenwis L. Koch, & . 
Chthonius tetrachelatus (Preys.), 3. 

PLratTe IV. 

Proc. k. I. Acan., VoL. XXIX., Sect. B. 


Proc. R. I. Acap., VoL. XXIX., SEcr. B. PLATE V. 

Kew. —Fatrsr-Scorpions oF BRITAIN AND IRELAND, 

Proc. R. I. Acap., Vor. XXIX., Sect. B. Prate VI. 


[ 65 | 



Puate VII. 

Read DrecemBer 12, 1910. Published Marcu 4, 1911. 

1. Introduction, . 6 3 4 65 4. Introduced Species, . : a - 131 
2. List of Species with Distribution, 71 5. Bibliography, . E é - 136 
3. Erroneous and doubtful Records, ~ 127 6. Index, 5 : 4 : : . 158 


THE first work of any importance published on the Land and Freshwater 
Mollusca of Ireland was that of Capt. Brown [31],! who, in his rish Testacea, 
recorded fifty-six species. Of these fifty-six,nine have now been omitted 
from the Irish list for various reasons. 

In William Thompson’s report [280], which is still our most valuable work 
on the subject, ninety-nine species are to be found; and if we add his Helix 
pulchella var. crenella, to which we now give specific rank, his list includes an 
even hundred. Unfortunately seven of these must be put down as erroneous 
records, not through any fault of Thompson’s, but owing to the carelessness 
of a few of his correspondents. 

From the death of Thompson in 1851 until the advent of Dr. Scharff no 
serious work was attempted in this branch of natural history in Ireland, 
except that for which the late Prof. Ralph Tate was responsible during his 
only too short residence in Belfast, and the commencement of a verified 
census by Messrs. Taylor and Roebuck on the lines of that of the Conchological 
Society [278]. 

In the year in which the Jrish Naturalist first made its appearance (1892) 
Dr. Scharff gave us a valuable annotated list [214], embodying not only the 

1 The numbers in brackets refer to the bibliography at the end of the paper. 
R.1.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. B. [K| 

66 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

previous work of men such as Brown, Templeton, Thompson, Hyndman, 
Warren, Waller, Harvey, Clarke, Andrews, Ball, Humphreys, Hogan, and 
Tate, but a great deal of his own work, the result of many excursions and much 
careiul research. His attention was directed chiefly to the south-west corner 
of Ireland, the haunt of Geomelacus maculosus and Iimnaea involuia. The 
result of his work in that quarter was the addition to our fauna of Pisidium 
hibernicum (which, like Limnaga involuta, is apparently an endemic species) 
and a series of interesting notes on some of the other and commoner species 
found there. In his paper Dr. Scharff recorded 120 species, of which four 
were given as doubtful and have since been withdrawn; three others — 
are not now included in the Irish list—viz., Sphaerium rivicola, Paludina 
vivipara, and Limnaea glabra: while Hyalinia contracta is now regarded as a 
variety of H. crysiallina. The shells recorded by Dr. Scharff as Helix sericea, 
Drap., and Vertigo moulinsiana, Dupuy, were in reality Hygromia granulata, 
Alder, and Vertigo lilijeborgi, Westerlund ; while the specimens from Lough 
Drin, near Mullingar, recorded as Pisidium globulare (= P. steenbuchi) are now 
considered by Mr. B. B. Woodward to be a form of Pisidium pusillum. 

The following table shows the number of species recorded for each 
division up till the close of the years 1900 and 1910 respectively -—~ 


In 1900 In 1910 In 1900 In 1910 
1. South Kerry, -. 60 85 21. Dublin, 4 , ot 96 
2. North Kerry, - oe 75 22. Meath, y 5 1 87 
3. West Cork, . a ds 80 23. Westmeath, . = oe 70 
4. Mid Cork, . 2d eG 80 24. Longford, . : 2 51 
5. East Cork, . - 2 83 25. Roscommon, : = 67 
6. Waterford, . 24 83 26. East Mayo, . aongli b 42 
7. South Tipperary,. 52 81 27. West Mayo, » & 88 
$. Limerick, 28 85 28. Sligo, . 5 BE 85 
9. Clare, . . 40 103 29 Leitrim, . - 25 71 
10. North Tipperary, 69 85 30. Cavan, ; eats) 68 
11. Kilkenny, 0 58 31. Louth, é zi 5 87 
12. Wexford, 6 80 32. Monaghan, . = | 5) ees 
13. Carlow, 1 87 33. Fermanagh, ae ao 73 
14. Queen’s Co., 28 84 34. East Donegal, . 33 83 
15. South-east Galway, 1 79 35. West Donegal, . 71 87 
16. West Galway, 52 82 36. Tyrone, 2 ee 62 
17. North-east Galway, 52 81 37. Armagh, . 3 75 
18, King’s Co., . 35 80 38. Down, : . 49 87 
19. Kildare, 31 81 39. Antrim, ey ih 96 

20. Wicklow, < . 42 73 | 40. Derry, : = le, 88 


Last of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 67 

Since the publication of his list in 1892 Dr. Scharff’s duties have most 
unfortunately left him little spare time. He has, however, induced a 
small band of Trish conchologists to continue the work which he had begun, 
and, at the present time, our knowledge of this branzh of our fauna compares 
very favourably with that in most other parts of Europe. ‘The home 
conchologists have also received great assistance from some of their English 
fellow-workers in exploring parts of the least frequented districts. The 
Triennial Field Club Conferences, and above all the several Island Surveys, 
organized by Mr. R. LI. Praeger, have each added materially to our knowledge 
of the distribution of the various species. There are few if any districts 
which have not now been at least roughly surveyed ; but still a great deal of 
fillmg-in work remains to be done, and particularly in the centre, east, and 
west are areas which it will take some years to explore fully. The divisions 
which most require further work are East Mayo, Longford, Tyrone, East 
Donegal, Roscommon, Cavan, Leitrim, and Fermanagh. ‘The absence of many 
species from these areas is therefore only apparent, as they are known to be 
generally distributed, 

Fie. 1. 

68 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

It will be seen by the above lists that Praeger’s sub-division of Ireland! 
has been used in the present paper. For exhibiting the distribution of each 
species in the country I have employed the device proposed by Praeger,? in 
which symbols representing the names of the forty divisions are printed in an 
order corresponding to their relative geographical positions, so that a glance 
shows whether the range of a species is northern, southern, &e. ‘The accom- 
panying map (fig. 1) shows the forty divisions into which Ireland is divided, 
and the letter—or number—symbols which may be employed to express them, 

The following species are additions to the list of Irish mollusca as 
recorded by Dr. Scharff in 1892; the dates of their discovery and the names 
of their recorders are added :— 

1894, Hyalinia helvetica Blum, Irish Nat., iii, 45, R. A. Phillips. Since 

withdrawn from the Irish list; see Irish Nat., xix, 210, 242 
and 254, 1910. 

1895. Pisidiwm hibernicum Westerlund, Irish Nat., iv, 335, R. F. Scharff. 

1897. Paludestrina jenkinsi Smith, Irish Nat., vi, 234, L. E. Adams. 

1907. Vitrina hibernica Taylor, Irish Nat., xiv, 225, J. W. Taylor. 

1908. Bithynia leachi Sheppard, Ivish Nat., xvii, 1, R. Welch. 

LTimnaea praetenvis Bowell, Irish Nat., xvii, 45, Rev. E. W. Bowell. 
Vertigo moulinsiana Dupuy, Irish Nat., xvii, 89, R. A. Phillips. 
Pisidium personatum Malm, Proceedings of the Malacological 
Society, viii, 124, B. B. Woodward. 
1909. Paludestrina confusa Frauenfeld, Irish Nat., xviii, 143, R. A. Phillips. 
1910. Pisidium steenbuchi Moller, Proceedings of the Malacological 
Society, ix, 5, B. B. Woodward. 
P. lilljeborgi Clessin, B. B. Woodward. bid. 

Another supposed species has been added to the Irish list—namely 
Vallonia excentrica Sterki; but for the present I am content to include this 
shell under the name of Vallonia pulchella, although Sterki’s species has been 
adopted by most conchologists in Great Britain. Mr. A. S. Kennard has also 
described two new species of Hyalinia from material sent him from Ireland 
H. hibernica [136] and H. scharffi [137]; but as some of us in Ireland regard 
all the shells so named by Mr. Kennard to be racial forms of Hyalinia 
cellaria Miiller, they are likewise omitted from the list of species. Of 
the above list, Paludestrina jenkinsi, P. confusa, Vertigo moulinsiana, and 
Bithynia leachi are well-known and easily recognizable species. The 
great majority of the others belong to critical groups. Vitrina habernica 
is, of course, readily distinguished from our only other Britannic member of 

1 Trish Topographical Botany, 1901, 2 Trish Nat., xy, pp. 88-94. 1906. 

Srrirox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 69 

the genus (V. pellucida); but it appears to have several close allies on the 
Continent, and after being first referred to the Vitrina elongata of 
Draparnaud by Mr. Taylor, it was afterwards referred to V. pyrendica 
Fér. by the Rev. E. W. Bowell. In describing his Hyalinia hibernica 
Mr, Kennard gave the following reason for making a new species: “that the 
Trish shell was certainly not H. cellaria of Miller.” That is the point, of 
course, on which I do not altogether agree with Mr. Kennard. He 
has, however, certainly drawn the attention of conchologists in general to 
the fact that, in this island, there exists a form of Hyalinia cellaria which 
differs materially from the type of Miller and the form which is usually 
met with in the south-east of England. Had Mr. Kennard described the shell 
as a mere variety of such a variable species as H. cellaria, none would have 
more than glanced at his words, as unfortunately the term “ variety” has 
been used to describe such trifling variation that there is now little meaning 
attached to it. 

Fourteen land and fifteen freshwater species which are known to live in 
Britain are still unrecorded for Ireland. Of these, twelve of the former and 
all the latter (except the two endemic species—Limnaea burnett and Palu- 
destrina taylor’) have mainly a central range in Europe, and therefore belong 
to that group in which Ireland is known to be poor. The two exceptions in 
the list of land-species are Limaz tenellus and Hygromia revelata. The latter 
belongs to the Cornish branch of the Lusitanian group. There seems there- 
fore, in my opinion, yet a chance that this species may occur somewhere along 
the east coast of Ireland, the head-quarters in this country of Helix pisana, 
Vitrina hibernica, and several terrestrial isopods which appear to belong to 
this same group. imax tenellus, if in Ireland, is more likely to occur in 
the north or north-west. 

In the preparation of this list I have received great help from Dr. Scharff, 
who has handed over to me all the notes which he had been collecting for 
many years for the purpose of a similar paper, which he had unfortunately 
to abandon to take up other work. The bibliography, which will be found 
to be very full, was also commenced by Dr. Scharff, but has been 
completed by Mr. Welch after much arduous work. Had it not been for 
the assistance of the latter, upon which I could always count, I should not 
have dared to undertake the completion of this paper; and, although I alone 
am to blame for any erroneous opinions which have been expressed in the text, 
Mr. Welch must be given a large share of the credit of the compilation of it. 
To Mr. R. A. Phillips I owe also my greatest thanks for notes and records, at 
least half of those from the southern counties being due to his careful work ; 
Mr. P. H, Grierson has contributed a great deal of information on the 

70 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

central districts; and Mr, J. N. Milne’s notes on the counties of Donegal, 
Derry, and Tyrone have proved most valuable. To the English conchologists 
who have often spent their holidays in this country, helping us to explore 
some unworked areas, we also owe a great deal, but particularly to the late 
Dr. GW. Chaster, Messrs. L. E. Adams, E. Collier, R. Standén, and 
C. E. Wright ; while great assistance has been given to the Ivish workers by the 
Rey. E. W. Bowell, Messrs. A. S. Kennard, C. Oldham, W. Denison Roebuck, 
J. W. Taylor, and B. B. Woodward, in identifying some of the more critical 
species. The following naturalists, while not confining themselves to con- 
chology, have also considerably added to our material :—Miss A. L. Massy, 
Miss Amy Warren, Rev. A. and Miss Delap, Messrs. Harry Fogerty, 
G. P. Farran, W. A. Green, J. Ray Hardy, W. F. de V. Kane, B. R. Lucas, 
H. Wallis Kew, J. G. Milne, H. L. Orr, S Ll. Praeger, J). R. le B. Tomlin, 
Major Trevelyan, the late A. G. More and §. A. Stewart, and many others. 

In addition to the collections of many conchologists, that in the National 
Museum—ineluding Dr. Scharft’s private collection—and those of Hipoungson 
and Hyndman in Belfast, have been looked through. 

The nomenclature in the paper is founded on that of the Conchological 
Society's List ; but I have followed Mr. J. W. Taylor in retaining the old 
name Hyalinia instead of Vitrea. In a few other cases I have departed from 
the Society’s nomenclature for reasons stated in the text. ; 

The synonyms given are those used in the principal Irish lists, viz., those 
of Brown, Thompson,’ and Scharff; but where more than one of these writers 
employ the same name, I have given only the earlier reference. 

Many records for such shells as Vertigo pusilla and V. angustior are based 
on specimens found in sand-dune deposits; but, as the. chief object of a 
census is as an aid to the study of geographical distribution, I eomisiaise it 
quite justifiable to include these records. 

The only records of Pisidia included in section 2 of the paper are those 
founded on specimens verified by Mr. B. B. Woodward, who has made a 
special study of this genus, except those of Pisedium amnicum, P. henslow- 
anum, and P. miliwm, in which cases there is little likelihood of mis- 
takes having been made. Therefore, although the common species, such as 
P. pusillum, P. personatum, P. casertanum, and P. subtruncatum, are known to 
be generally distributed, we have only a few verified records. All records, 
other than those verified by Mr. Woodward, are included among the doubtful 
records in the third section of the paper. 

1 T must here state that the paging given in the case of Thompson’s work is that of the reprint 
and not of the original. 

SreLrox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 71 


Testacella maugei Férussac. 


From their common habit of living 
in gardens, rather than in the open 
country, none of the three species of 
this genus is likely to be met with 
during an ordinary natural history 
ramble. It is perhaps for this reason, 
rather than scarcity, that we have so 
few records of these interesting slugs. 
But, although their presence in several 
of the southern divisions has in all 
probability been passed over, it seems 

unlikely that their range in Ireland will | 

be much widened by future work, for 
‘they appear to belong to a group of 
animals which has entered this country 
from the south or south-east; some of 
them neyer haying spread beyond the 
southern and eastern counties. The 
distribution of our three species of 
Testacella and that of Hyalinia lucida 
is very similar, and should a report of 
“4 slug with a shell on its tail,” 
received by Mr. Phillips from a gardener 

in Clare, prove trustworthy, their dis- 
tributions will in this country be almost 

Testacella haliotidea Draparnaud. 



Has a southern and eastern range, 
and its distribution is similar to that of 
the other two species of the genus. The 
record from Strabane in Tyrone,! I regard 
for the present as due to an introduction, 
though future investigation may prove 
the species to be a native there. 

Testacella scutulum Sowerby. 

Has a distribution similar to the two 
preceding species. All three inhabit 
gardens, and the neighbourhood of towns, 
and are seldom, if ever, found in the open 
country in Ireland. Although living 
under suspicious circumstances, and 
often appearing to have beennaturalized, 
their distribution, I think, proyes them 
to be native. Messrs. Taylor and 
Roebuck, when recording Z. mauge? vay. 

1 Scharff, Ivish Naturalist, p. 163, 1908. 

72 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

viridans,! add the following note :— 
‘“Tt is noteworthy that these—the only 
Irish specimens of 7. maugec that we 
have seen—should differ completely in 
colour from the English examples, and 
should resemble the common form, 
which, according to Morelet, occurs in 
Portugal.’’ This seems in favour of the 
view that at any rate they have not 
been introduced from England. 


Limax maximus Linné. 

sc KC KD DU 

Generally distributed, but only locally 
common. Usually occurs mostabundantly 
in the vicinity of human habitations, 

1 Proc. R.I.A. (2), iv. 673, 1888. 

but is also to be met with in the open 
country, and lives in most of our old 
native woods. Seems absent from, or very 
rare in, some districts in the western 
counties, and the only islands from 
which it has been reported are Achill, 
in West Mayo, and Inishbofin, in West 
Galway. On Clare Island, and on the 
adjoining mainland of West Mayo, there 
is a striped form of Zimax arborum, 
which is almost indistinguishable from 
a half grown specimen of the present 
slug, but all the shells taken from these 
striped specimens of Z. arborum have 
been quite typical of that species. The 
supposed Inishbofin examples of J. 
maximus are more likely to have been 
the above form of Z. arborum. 

Limax cinereo-niger Wolf. 

Limax maximus var.?, Thompson, Cat. 
L. and F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 47, 
1840; var. cenereo-niger, Scharff, Irish 
Nat., p. 88, 1892. 


cL NT gc cw WI 

Generally distributed, but must be 
considered a rare and local slug in Ire- 
land. The type is particularly scarce, 
and the forms usually met with are 
striped or spotted, resembling the vars. 

Sre.rox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Irelund. 73 

vera and maura. Unlike the last, this 
species never deserts the open country, 
and occurs most frequently in districts 
which contain old native woods or rough 
ground that has never been under 

It has recently been collected on Clare 
Island (West Mayo), by Mr. H. Wallis 
Kew, this being the first record outside 
the mainland. 

Limax flavus Linné. 


Generally distributed throughout the 
mainland, and found on Lambay, in 
Dublin, and on Rathlin, in Antrim. 
There are no records, however, for any 
of the western islands; and along the 
west coast it is exceedingly local. 
Usually inhabits gardens, hot-houses, 

churchyards, cellars, and even larders — 

and sculleries, where it hides in cre- 
vices during the day, and only makes 
its appearance after dark. It is, how- 
eyer, also known to occur in some of 
the old native woods. The cracks 
into which this slug can crawl are 
amazingly small. No variation of any 
real importance has been noted, but 
occasionally lighter or darker specimens 
are met with. 

R.A. PROC., VOL. XXIN., SEC. b, 

Limax avborum Bouchard- 

Limax marginatus, Scharff, Irish Nat., 
p. 89, 1892. 


Generally — distributed and usually 
common, but perhaps most abundant in 
the mountainous districts of the west 
coast and on the western islands, from 
nearly all of which it has been recorded, 
as well as from Lambay in Dublin, and 
Rathlin in Antrim. Asits name implies, 
it is regarded generally as a tree-slug, 
and in many cases this is undoubtedly 
correct; but the wholesale destruction 
of our woodland areas has in no way 
(diminished its distribution. Great varia- 
tion is shown in the colour and marking 
of this slug, and many beautifully 
striped and spotted forms are to be 
found; these are particularly common 
in the west. A unicolourous mountain 
form, almost black, has been recorded 
from high altitudes (over 2000 feet) 
in Kerry, Mayo, and Down. The alti- 
tudinal range of Limax arborum is very 
ereat; and from sea-level it occurs up 
to a height of 3000 feet in the Reeks, 
South Kerry, at which altitude uni- 

formly black specimens were first 


74 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

collected by Dr. Scharff and Professor 
Carpenter in 1898. 

Agriolimax agrestis (Linné). 

Limas agrestis, Thompson, Cat. L. F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 5, 1840. 


An ubiquitous species, being, I think, 
ulmost uniformly distributed throughout 
the mainland and islands, and common 
from sea-level to an altitude of 2500 
feet. Shows great variation in colour, 
particularly in the south and west; 
and specimens from milk-white to 
almost jet-black are generally to be 
found in these districts. In some places, 
usually in the maritime counties, the 
beautiful var. /idacina occurs commonly, 
and more often than not, in colonies; 
while the mountain form is almost 
invariably of a dusky brown colour. 
Specimens which I have collected on 
Tory Island, West Donegal, were all of 
this ‘‘mountain’’ form, with the addi- 
tion of two darker brown stripes, one 
on each side of the shield. 

' Trish Nat., vill. 214. Z. amarginatus, var. 
NOV. vtyer Schart. 

Agriolimax laevis (Miller). 


This was formerly regarded as a rare 
species in Ireland, and appears to have 
been unknown to Thompson or his cor- 
respondents. In reality it is quite 
common, and is generally distributed, 
being found in moist woods and wher- 
ever suitable marshy ground exists. 
From the comparative dryness of parts 
of the eastern and central areas, it is 
perhaps more abundant in the southern, 
western, and northern counties. It lives 
on most of the western islands, whose 
moist climate is eminently suitable for 
its existence. In the Botanic Gardens, 
Glasnevyin, and in some nurseries, a 
rather peculiar form, apparently of this 
species, has been introduced with foreign 
plants into the hot-houses. It differs 
from our native examples in being of a 
deep slate-purple colour instead of the 
usual brown. 

Milax sowerbyi (Férussac). 
Amalia carinata, Scharff, Slugs of Ire- 
land, Sci. Trans. R. D. 8. (2), iv., 
531, 1891. Amalia Sowerby, Scharff, 
Trish Nat., p. 89, 1892. 

Though widely distributed, this slug 

Srerox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Irelund. 75 

is much more common in the southern 

and eastern counties than in other parts 


of the country, especially in gardens 
and near the coast. It is absent from 
most of our islands, but has been noted 
on Inishmore, one of the Aran Islands, 
in Clare; Achill Island, in West Mayo ; 
and Rathlin Island, in Antrim. 

During the Irish Field Club Confer- 
ence at Cork in 1907, a spotted form of 
this slug was taken at Blarney, Mid 
Cork, and at Aghada, in East Cork, 
resembling, in the opinion of Mr. J. W. 
Taylor, the Continental Ilax marginatus 
of Draparnaud. 

Milax gagates (Draparnaud). 

Amalia gagates, Scharff, Irish Nat., 
; p. 90, 1892. 

It is very strange that neither this 
nor the last species was known to the 
late W. Thompson in the north, as in 
many gardens in Belfast, where these do 
great damage to bulbous plants, they are 
onlytoo common. Unlike IZ. sowerby? this 
slug is found on most of our western 
islands, and occurs with that species on 
Rathlin Island in Antrim. 

On the mainland it is widely distri- 

buted, but rare or absent from many 
parts of the central plain, and to a 


certain extent is replaced by J. 
sowerby? in parts of the southern and 
eastern counties. 

As Dr. Scharff has pointed out there 
are two well-marked colour-forms of 
this species, a tan-coloured and a dark 
lead-coloured one. On Achill Island 
in West Mayo I have taken an almost 
black specimen at an altitude of between 
800 and 1,000 feet on the slopes of 
Croaghaun; and during September, 
1910, I took a similar one on the 
summit of Brandon Mt.—3127 feet—- 
in South Kerry. In the last station it 
was associated with Arton ater and 
Hyalinia alliaria, while Saxifraga 
groenlandica grew in the crevices of the 
adjoining wall. 

Vitrina pellucida (Muller). 

Helix elliptica, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soe., vol. 11, p. 525, 1818. 

Generally distributed, but particularly 
common on the sandy warrens of the 
north coast, where it can he collected in 

[L 2] 

76 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acudemy. 

large numbers during the winter months 
round the mouths of rabbit burrows. 

S& K€ KD DU 

It is decidedly rare in some parts of the 
west, and very rare on the Dingle 
peninsula. Mr. Phillips tells me that 
‘inthe southern half of Ireland, though 
widespread, it is never abundant, and 
a day’s general shell-collecting seldom 
produces more than half a dozen 
specimens.” It is a shell that varies 
considerably in shape; and in colour 
it ranges from amber-yellow to bright 
green. I haye noticed the yellow- 
coloured shells more often in the late 
autumn months than in the spring ; and 
they usually seem smaller and more 
rounded than the green ones. This 
species lives, though apparently rare, 
on the majority of the western islands, 
and is also recorded from Lambay in 
Dublin, and Rathlin in Antrim. 

Vitrina hibernica Taylor. 

(2 = V. pyrendica Fér.) 

Vitrina elongata, Taylor, Irish Nat., xvi , 
p. 225, 1907. V. pyrenatca, Bowell, 
id., vol. xvii., p. 94, pl. 4, 1908. 

This interesting shell has now been 
taken in four localities on the Silurian 

area of Louth. As will be seen by the 
above synonymy it has, in the short 


space of time since its discovery by 
Mr. Grierson, given rise to much con- 
troyersy. Mr. Taylor in 1907, described 
it as Vitrina elongata Drap., after it had 
been recorded by Mr. Grierson as 
Vitrina pellucida, var. depressiuscula : 
the Rev. E. W. Bowell, having dissected 
the animal, pronounced it to be identical 
with Férussae’s Vitrina pyrendica, and 
finally in his Monograph’ Mr. Taylor 
has accorded it new specific rank. That 
it is closely allied to, if not identical 
with, the Pyrenean shell, there can be 
little doubt; but, until further con- 
firmatory evidence comes to hand, | 
prefer to use Mr. Taylor’s name rather 
than that of Férussac. 

If specifically distinct from V. pyre- 
ndica, this shell is unknown outside 
Ireland. Férussac’s species is recorded 
by Jordan from the Pyrenees, im both 
France and Spain, as being found in his 
Mountain, Sub-alpine, and Alpine 
regions, which lie between the alti- 
tudes of 500-1000, 1000-2000, and 
over 2000 métres respectively. 

1 Since Mr. Taylor has thrown doubt on tiie 
existence of any such species as V. pyrenaica 

SteLrox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 77 

Hyalinia crystallina (Miller). 

Helix crystallina, Thompson, Cat. L.& F. 
W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 20, 1840. 

CL NT QC eww 

Generally distributed and usually 
common in damp and shady places. The 
typical form, as known to most English 
authors, is, I think, found more often 
than elsewhere in the south and mid- 
lands. Specimens from Carrigrohane, 
Mid Cork, seem to be identical with the 
Hyalinia subterranea of Bourguignat. 
The smaller and more contracted form, 
Hyalinia contracta of Westerlund, is 
perhaps more widely distributed; but 
as it is difficult to separate these two 
forms, except in the case of well- 
marked specimens, their distribution 
cannot at present be clearly shown. 
Generally found on the western and 
other islands, but not common on any. 

Hyalinia lucida (Draparnaud). 
Hyalinia Draparnaudi, Scharff, Irish 
Nat., p. 65, 1892. 

From its distribution in Ireland, 
which is similar to that of the Testa- 

cellidae, this is a most interesting 
species. It is, moreover, the only one 
of its genus that is not generally dis- 
tributed in this country. In many places 
in Munster and in parts of Leinster it 
sometimes outnumbers all the other 
Hyaliniae, especially in towns and in the 
neighbourhood of habitations. Outside 
these areas we have no authentic records. 
Large specimens of our Irish Hyalinia 
cellaria ( Vitrea 
have frequently been mistaken for this 

hibernica Kennard) 

species; and we have therefore many 
false records to contend with. Thus, 
HT. lucida has been recorded from the 
Aran Islands in Clare, South Kerry, 
West Cork, West Galway, N.E. Galway, 
Leitrim, Cavan, West Donegal, East 
Donegal, Antrim, and Down; but the 
majority of these areas have been since 
visited by conchologists who found 
nothing but the large race of H. cellaria 
mentioned above. Therefore until re- 
found, it would be unwise to record it 
for any of the divisions mentioned. 
H. lucida has been introduced with 
plants into hot-houses in Cork, Dublin, 
Antrim, Down, and Fermanagh, «ce. 

(Mon. L. and F. W. Moll. of the Brit. Isles, 
Vol. III, appendix), it may be of interest to 
mention that there are specimens of this shell in 
the Dublin Museum, collected by Dr. Scharff 

some years ago at Eaux lionnes, Feérussac’s 
original habitat for the species. These appear 
to be almost identical with specimens of the 
Trish shell from Co. Louth, 

78 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Hyalinia cellaria (Miller). 
Plate VII, figs. 51, 52. 

Heliz cellaria, Thompson, Cat. L. & F.W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 18, 1840. 


Generally distributed and usually 
common in all parts of the country and 
on most of the western and other islands. 
Practically all the full-grown Trish spe- 
cimens I have seen could be referred to 
the Vitrea hibernica of Kennard; but in 
several localities in the eastern counties 
this shell does not appear to grow beyond 
the usual size of English specimens. A 
variety with more globular shell, smaller 
umbilicus, rounder aperture, more po- 
lished surface, and usually more delicate 
texture, is found locally in the south 
and west. It is this latter shell that 
has been described by Mr. Kennard as 
Vitrea scharfi; and it is also, I think, 
that which has been often mistaken for 
and recorded as Hyalinia helvetica Blum 
or H. glabra Studer, from which it is 
at once distinguished by its possessing 
the sutural striation of the H. cellaria 
group. All these conical, highly 
polished specimens are, in my opinion, 
young shells of a woodland form of 
Hyalinta cellaria; and until further 

+ Trish Nat., Oct., Noy., and Dec., 1910. 

evidence on the matter is forthcoming 
I must regard all these as variations 
of one species. The whitish form of 
Hyalinia cellaria is found im several 
districts, principally in the south and 
west; and in some areas, as, for instance, 
near Kilkenny and the districts around 
Abbeyleix and Durrow in Queen’s Co., 
it is the prevailing form. Personally 
I have neyer taken this white form 
except in churchyards in West Mayo: in 
all of these which I have visited in that 
division it has been the only form ob- 
served. Perhaps the most remarkable 
shells of this species I have seen are 
those taken by Mr. Welch in the old 
woods at Glencar, in Sligo,’ and similar 
ones collected by Mr. Phillips in woods 
at Woodford, S.E. Galway. (Plate VII, 
figs. 51-52.) These are large and very 
high-spired, and have less rapidly in- 
creasing whorls than most oi our Irish 
examples usually have; the last whorl 
is also greatly depressed towards the 

Hyalinia alliaria (Miller). 

Heliz alliaria, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 18, 1840. 

"1 These shells have been recorded by Mr. 

Taylor in his monograph (vol. iii, p. 55) as 
Hyalinia helvetica Blum. 

SreLrox—Lrst of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 79 

Generally distributed, but most abun- 
dant in the western and northern mari- 
time counties, and extremely common 
on the western islands, where the 
greenish form usually predominates. A 
white or cream-coloured form is also 
frequently met with in the west or on 
the islands, and resembles a gigantic 
H. pura. In some old woods, especially 
in the south-western districts, a smaller, 
more narrowly umbilicated and more 
conical shell is often found, which con- 
trasts greatly with the larger and flatter 
shells living in more exposed situations. 
The case of these two forms seems 
analogous to the scharfii and hibernica 
forms of Hyalinia cellaria. In the 
Dingle peninsula Hyalinia alliaria 
occurs from sea-level to the summit of 
Brandon Mt., 3127 feet; and its alti- 
tudinal distribution exceeds that of any 
of our other Hyaliniae. 

Hyalinia nitidula (Draparnaud).' 

Helia nitidula, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 18, 1840. 


Distributed throughout the four pro- 

‘ It has always been the custom in England 
and elsewhere to regard the species here in- 

vinces, but seldom met with in real 
abundance. The prevailing form seems 
to resemble the Hyalinia nitens of 
sionally met with in colonies, and on 
the great talus of Fair Head in Antrim, 

The var. helmi is occa- 

and in a similar position at the base of 
the north cliffs of Achill Island, West 
Mayo, it occurs without the type. 
This species is often found on the 
western islands; but it is usually rare, 
and appears to be losing ground both 
on the islands and on the mainland, 
perhaps owing to the increase of culti- 
vation and the consequent diminution 
of sheltered habitats. 

Hyalinia pura (Alder). 

Helix pura, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 18, 1840. 


Generally distributed, and may be 
found wherever suitable mossy and 

tended as the Hyalinia nitidula of Draparnaud ; 
but the figure given by this authority in his 
Hist. Nat. Moll. terr. et fluv. de la France, 
p. 117, pl. viii, more resembles H. pura Alder. 
The belief that Draparnaud intended to describe 
H. pura is strengthened by his distinctly in- 
cluding H. vadiatula Alder as a variety under 
his nitidula. This belief is still further 
strengthened by the fact that Wm. Thompson 

80 Proceedings of the Royal lrish Academy. 

shaded habitats occur. It lives on 
several of the western islands, and is 
also recorded from Rathlin Island in 
Antrim and Lambay in Dublin. In 
most parts of the country the type is 
commoner than the var. n2t/dosa, which, 
according to Mr. J. W. Taylor,' is most 
prevalent in the central districts. 

Hyalinia radiatula (Alder). 

Helix vadiatula, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 19, 1840. 


One of the most ubiquitous species 
of the genus in Ireland, having a wide 
distribution in all four provinces. The 
ereen form and the type occur probably 
in about equal numbers; but in parti- 
cular districts one of these may often 
predominate. Recorded from Lambay, 
in Dublin, and usually found on the 
western islands. 

[ Westerlund has recorded Hyalinia petronella 

mentions (Cat. L. & F. W. Moll. of Ireland, 
p. 18) that M. Michaud identified Irish 
specimens of H. pura and H. radiatuia as two 
forms of H. nitidula Drap. Michaud must 
surely at this time have been fully qualified to 
recognize Draparnaud’s species. 

1 Mon. L. & F. W. Moll. of the Brit. Isles, 
Vol. iii, p. 85. 

Charpentier as found in ‘“Ireland.’”’ This 
would appear to be an erroneous record, 
Westerlund, like the late Dr. Gwyn Jeffreys, 
probably mistaking Zonitoides excavatus for 
H, petronella. Mr. Taylor, in his monograph, 
classes the latter shell as an alpine race of 
H. radiatula. | 

Zonitoides nitidus (Miller). 

Helix lucida, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 19, 1840. Hya- 
linia nitida, Schartf, Irish Nat., p. 67, 


Generally distributed, but only locally 
common. Found on two of the 
western islands, namely, Clare Island, 
West Mayo, and Inishmore, Aran 
Islands, Clare. Around the stony edges 
of lakes in the limestone areas it is 
perhaps most abundant; but it can be 
obtained by careful search in almost all 
marshy places throughout the country. 
Its principal variation is in colour. 
The darkest specimens I have seen are 
from Clare Island, which are of a rich 
red-mahogany colour; and the palest 
are from Queen’s County. A rather 
strongly striated form, with narrower 
whorls, closely resembling some speci- 
mens of Zonitoides excavatus, I have 
seen in several localities in the west. 

SrEeLFox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 81 

Zonitoides excavatus (Bean). 

FHlelix excavata, Vhompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 20, 1840. 
Hyalinia excavata, Scharff, Irish Nat., 
p. 67, 1892. 

§@ KC KD DU 

This is the only terrestrial species 
which in Ireland we could term calci- 
fuge; all the localities from which 
it has been recorded lie outside the 
Carboniferous limestone areas, with the 
possible exception of the Limerick 
station. It has a wide range in the 
southern, western and north-western 
counties, but seems absent from the 
north-east and the central plain, and is 
rare or absent in all the eastern counties. 
Old records from Dublin and Down have 
not been verified in recent years. As 
this species, however, is found in parts of 
Kilkenny and Wexford, there seems no 
reason why it should not also occur 
in Carlow, Wicklow, and Dublin, the 
greater part of this area being formed 
of non-calcareous rocks. As a general 
rule the type and the var. vztrina are 
equally common; but in many cases, 
though found in the same district, each 
form lives in separate colonies, an:| 
in some districts only one of them may 
occur. Mr. Phillips tells me that this 


is his experience in the south-east, 
where he has never seen the type. The 
presence of this shell on our islands 
has only been noted in two cases, viz., 
Clare and Achill, both in West Meyo. 

Euconulus fulvus (Miller). 

Helix fulva, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 11, 1840. 
Fyalinia fulva, Scharff, Irish Nat., 
p. 67, 1892. 


A yery hardy little mollusk and found 
almost everywhere, though seldom met 
with in large numbers. Commonly 
found on the western-and other islands. 
It is one of the few land-shells which 
live in the neighbourhood of our peat- 

bogs. Shows little variation. 

Arion ater (Linne). 

Generally distributed over the main- 
land and islands. It shows much 
variation in colour and many examples, 
eyen when practically full-grown, are 
distinctly banded. In the mountainous 
districts, as well as on the west coast and 


82 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

the western islands, it is usual to tind 
only jet-black specimens. ‘The vars. 


castanea and plumbea, which are more 
prevalent in the eastern parts of the 
country, are nevertheless generally 
distributed on the mainland, and have 
also been noted as occurring on several 
of the islands. The vars. succvnea and 
albolateralis have been found in many 
districts, but show no particular geogra- 
phical distribution. The altitudinal 
distribution of Arion ater extends from 
sea-level to over 3000 feet, at which 
high altitudes the var. aterrima only 
has been noticed. 

Arion subfuscus (Draparnaud). 

sc KC KD DU 

Common throughout the entire main- 

land and usually met with on the 
islands. Like Arzon ater, this slug is 
found from sea-level to the summits of 
the highest mountains. In the western 
and south-western districts specimens 
are frequently more distinctly banded. 
Its colouring is fairly constant in other 
parts of the country. 

Arion intermedius Normand. 


Very generally distributed, but more 
loval than any of the other species, 
especially in the central, and in parts cf 
the eastern counties. In the west and 
on the western islands it is often the 
most abundant of all the Arionidae, 
usually liying in great profusion at the 
roots of plants on the damper parts of 
the cliffs and in similar situations. 
Western specimens are generally more 
distinctly banded than those found in 
the east, and are often of an almost 
uniform grey colour above, sometimes 
nearly black, the head and tentacles 
being generally darker than the rest of 
The yellowish and less 
viscid mucus will usually distinguish 
these western specimens from Arion 

the animal. 

hortensis, even if the serrated dorsal 
line is not visible. 

Srevrox—-List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 83 

A beautiful bright golden-yellow form 
with brilliant orange foot-sole was re- 
cently taken by Mr. Welch and myself 
on Brandon mountain in South Kerry, 
the most highly coloured specimen being 
taken at an altitude of about 2700 feet. 
On Croaghpatrick, West Mayo, a similar 
yellow form has occurred to me at an 
altitude of 1525 feet. 

Arion hortensis Feérussac. 


Generally distributed, but much more 
plentiful in the east; it is often rare 
and local in the west. On the Dingle 
peninsula it is exceptionally rare; and 
on the islands off the west coast it is not 
always to be found. The western form 
of Arion intermedius closely resembles 
pale specimens of this slug, and, during 
moist weather, when the serrated out- 
line of that species is not always visible, 
there is little externally to separate the 
species, except the mucus, which in this 
species is more tenacious.! 

‘Tt may be worth noting that in the 
districts where the grey form of A. intermedius 
oceurs, this slug is generally almost black, with 
dark orange footsole, thus making the separation 
of the two species a comparatively easy task. 

Arion circumscriptus Johnstou.: 

Arion bourguignati, Scharff, Slugs of 
Ireland, Sci. Trans. Royal Dublin 
Society (2), iv, 547, 1891. 


Widely distributed, but never as 
plentiful as the other species of the 
genus. More common in the west than 
Arion hortensis. It inhabits the majority 
of the western islands, where a greyish- 
brown form prevails. This ‘‘ western ” 
form, which also occurs in the Dublin 
and Wicklow hills, is similar to one I 
have collected in the Orkneys and 
in western Norway. 

Geomalacus maculosus Allman. 

The ‘‘Kerry Slug”’ may be collected 
in large numbers during damp weather 
on lichen-coyered rocks in some portions 
of West Cork and South Kerry, on 
which its protective markings render it 
scarcely visible. It has also been taken 
in woods by Dr. Scharff, who discovered 
it near Glengarriff in the mossy forks of 
trees, where it had retired during dry 

2The name 4. circumscriptus of Johnston is 
adopted here, because the older dA. fasciatus, 
which was thought to be this species, is pro- 
bably Arion intermedius Normand. 

[Mt 2) 

84 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. - 

weather. Near the tunnel above this 

village I once observed it very common 


on the grassy edges of the road at an 
altitude of about 1000 feet. There is a 
considerable amount of variation in its 
colouring and marking, some specimens 
being of greenish-yellow and others 
white, while the markings vary also 
in intensity and in their disposition on 
the animal, sometimes being placed so 
as to show distinct bands. In dry 
weather it is impossible to find it in its 
usual habitats.’ 

Punctum pygmaeum (Draparnaud). 

THelix pygmaea, Vhompson, Cat. L. & F. 
W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 17, 1840, 

This primitive species is generally dis- 
tributed throughout the mainland. It 
is also found on most of the western 
islands, and is a frequent ingredient of 
siftings from flood-debris and sand-dune- 


' Trish Nat., vii., 220, 1895S. 


Sphyradium edentulum 

Vertigo edentula, Thompson, Cat. L.& F. 
W. Moll. of Ireland, p 25, 1840. 


Very generally distributed and ex- 
ceedingly abundant in all the old native 
woods. Particularly common in the 
rough, uncultivated parts of the glens 
of Antrim, and in damp meadows and 
woods of parts of the west and south- 
west. The var. columella, which has 
often been regarded as a distinct species 
ou the Continent, also occurs frequently; 
but it is at present impossible to give 
its exact distribution. S. edentulum is 
generally found on the western islands. 

Srevrox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 85 

Pyramidula rupestris (Draparnaud). 

Helix umbilicata, Thompson, Cat. L. 
and F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 17, 
1840. HH. rupestris, Scharff, Irish 
Nat., p. 105, 1892. 


Widely distributed over the Car- 
boniferous limestone of the central 
plain, and also occurs in several isolated 
colonies on the Chalk in Antrim. 
Between the Antrim Chalk and the 
nearest habitat of this species on the 
Carboniferous formation lie many miles 
of country from which the shell has 
never been recorded. In the south 
P. rupestris is often found on old 
mortared walls and other buildings 
many miles from the nearest limestone 
area. On the Antrim coast in one 
spot it has certainly spread from the 
Chalk on to the adjoining basalt; its 
distribution is therefore not altogether 
governed by the presence or absence of 
a pure limestone. It, however, seems 
to prefer districts where limestone 
predominates, and the only island on 
which it has yet been found is com- 
posed of this rock: this is Inismore, 
in the Aran Islands, where the beauti- 
ful var. viridescenti-alba occurs sparingly 
with the type. On the bleak summits 

of the Leitrim mountains which pro- 
trude from the peat-covered areas this 
shell sometimes occurs in great profu- 
sion. On one of these hilltops not 
many feet in circumference, completely 
isolated by the surrounding peat, and 
at an altitude of over 1400 feet, I 
have taken this species, associated with 
Agriolimax agrestis, Hyalinia alliaria, 
EHuconulus fulvus, Arion subfuscus, Hy- 
gromia hispida, and Pupa cylindracea. 
Thompson’s old record for ‘‘Serabo, 
Co. Down,” has never been verified, 
though often searched for. As there are 
no specimens in the Thompson collection 
from this division, it is not included in 
the present list. 

Pyramidula rotundata (Miiller). 

Helix radiata, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii., p. 525, 1818. 2. 
rotundata, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. 
W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 16, 1840. 

sc KC KD DU 

Common and usually 
throughout the entire mainland and 


islands. The principal variation is an 
almost unicolorous form which lives 

in the old native woods in all districts. 

86 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

As in the case of several other species, 
the shells found on the western islands 
are mostly of the woodland type, 
although no woods now remain there. 
In many districts round the coast the 
greenish-white form is sometimes 
found, but seldom met with in numbers. 
Variation in the spire is also consider- 
able; butno importance from a distri- 
butional point of view is attached to 
such variation. 

Helicella virgata (Da Costa). 

Helix virgata, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. 
W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 14, 1840. 




Of our four Irish Helicellae this is 
the only one with a restricted distribu- 
tion, though abundant in places where 
it does occur. It is common throughout 
the central and eastern, and many of 
the southern counties, decreasing in 
abundance towards the north-west and 
north. From Ulster it is almost absent, 
being found only in the south-east and 
in three localities in northern Antrim, 
one of which is on Rathlin Island. 
Like Pyramtdula rupestris, the only 

western island on which it has been so 

far observed is Inishmore, one of the 
Avan Islands. Throughout the greater 
part of its range in Ireland, this species 
shows the usual variation; but in the 
Antrim habitats the type is never seen, 
and all specimens are referable to the 
vars. alba or submaritima, the former 
being found on Rathlin only, while the 
latter occurs in all three localities.! 

Helicella itala (Linné). 

Heliz ericetorum, Thompson, Cat. L. and 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 16, 1840. 



Occurs on practically all the sand- 
dune areas round the coast, but is 
noticeably absent from those of Louth 
and Down, and some of those in Sligo. 
Over the limestone districts, with the 
exception of those of Sligo, Monaghan, 
Cavan, Fermanagh, and Tyrone, it is 
also generally distributed ; and on the 
western islands where suitable condi- 
tions prevail, it is not often absent. 
The form which lives in the eastern 
counties and on the central plain is, as 
a rule, larger and flatter than that met 

1A peculiarly highk-spired and apparently 
foreign form has been introduced with ballast 
on the railway embankment at Magheramorne, 
in the south of Antrim.—Irish Nat., xv, 76. 

Sretrox—TLvst of Land und Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 87 

with on the west coast; and I have little 
doubt that several other continental 
“species” are included in our Z. ztala. 
Specimens from the Aran Islands 
(Clare) have been described by Dr. 
Westerlund as Helix lampra. I do not, 
however, think their characters are 
sufficiently marked to deserve specific 

Helicella intersecta (Poiret). 

Helix caperata, Thompson, Cat. L. and 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 15, 1840. 
Hi. intersecta, Scharff, Irish Nat., p. 
107, 1892. 


The distribution of this xerophile is 
very similar to that of Helicella ctala ; 
yet if is a rarer and more local shell, 
and seldom occurs in the enormous 
quantities of the other members of the 
genus. It is absent from the greater 
part of Ulster, being found only very 
locally on the coasts of Antrim, Derry, 
and Donegal; but it reappears on the 
limestone area in the south of Armagh. 
Specimens from the west and north- 
west are generally extremely large, and 
are identical with specimens in the 
Westerlund collection, Dublin Museum, 
from the coast of Portugal. The pre- 

vailing form in the central aud eastern 
counties is more akin to that found on 
the Chalk downs of the south of 
England.t| In the Dingle Peninsula 
(South Kerry) I have recently taken 
both these forms, and what I had 
formerly regarded as the ‘‘ eastern” 
one occurred in four stations, while 
the large ‘“‘ western”’ form was only 
taken in one locality. 

Helicella barbara (Linné). 

Heliz bifasciata, Brown, Mem. Werner 
Soc., vol. ii., p. 529, 1818. Bulimus 
acutus, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 22, 1840. Hehx 
acuta, Scharft, Irish Nat., p. 108, 


Like Helicella ttala, this shell has an 
extremely wide distribution on coastal 
sand-dunes and over the central plain, 
though sometimes absent from large 
areas of both. It is a remarkable fact 
that this essentially maritime species is 
found right in the heart of Ireland, and 
can be collected in great quantities 
right across the central plain from 


1 This form would appear to be Montagu’s 
Helix caperata, 

88 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

Dublin to Galway ; and while it seems 
to be absent from the coast of North 
Kerry and Clare—sand-dunes included 
—it is found inland at Ennis, in the 
Though absent from 
Clare Island in West Mayo, it is as a 

latter division. 

general rule found on the western 
islands, and is also recorded from 
Lambay in Dublin, and Rathlin in 
Antrim. Its variation is considerable, 
both in size and markings; but nowhere 
is such great variation observed as on 
the east coast from Dublin to Down, 
where specimens can be found from 
almost white to black. 
districts and on the west coast the pre- 

In the central 

yailing forms are the type and var. 
strigata, while examples from many of 
the western islands are of a much more 
tumid shape than is usual on the 

Hygromia fusca (Montagu). 

Helix fusea, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 10, 1840. 


Fairly common throughout the native- 
wooded areas and in similar uncultivated 
parts of the country, but especially 
abundant in the damp northern and 

western glens; and its almost constant 
association with the Wood Rush (Lusula 
maxima) is remarkable. It is absent 
from many districts in the central 
counties, and is always rare outside 
the coastal or mountainous parts of 
the country, but shows no preference 
for any geological formation. Its pre- 
sence on the sea-cliffs of Achill and 
Clare Islands in West Mayo is parti- 
cularly interesting ; but since this shell 
is known to be a very ancient species, 
the fact is not so surprising. In the 
Dingle peninsula, in South Kerry, it 
occurs on Luzula to at least 1400 feet 
altitude near Connor Hill, closely asso- 
ciated with such local plants as Saxifraga 
unbrosa, S. Geum, S. stellaris, Oxyria 
digyna, and Pinguicula grandiflora. 

Hygromia granulata Alder. 

Helix granulata, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 12, 1840. 
HI. sericea, Scharff, Irish Nat., p. 106, 





CL NT ac 







Has mainly a south-western range, 
and, though local, is generally plentiful 
where found. Mr. Phillips sends me 
the following notes on its habits :— 
‘Tt is particularly abundant along the 

SreLFox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 89 

upper tidal reaches of the Shannon and 
its tributaries, and its empty shells are 
to be found in enormous quantities 
among the debris along their banks 
after high winter floods. In Limerick 
it occurs in woods with Acanthinula 
lamellata and Pupa anglica.” Though 
often inhabiting damp situations, this 
shell will also thrive in very dry places, 
as it has recently occurred to me at 
Ardfert, in North Kerry, living on the 
upper storeys of the old abbey, among 
nettles and brambles. As I hare 
noticed in Cornwall, Hygromia hispida 
is seldom found associated with the 
present species, though probably living 
in its neighbourhood. Miss Warren’s 
record from Killanley marsh, in Sligo, 
shows that its range may possibly be 
extended in the future, and there are 
old records for ‘‘ Helix sericea” from 
Dublin and Kildare. These latter may 
possibly, however, only refer to a variety 
of H. hispida, and I regard them as 

Hygromia hispida (Linneé). 
Helix hispida and H, concinna, Thomp- 
son, Cat. L. & F. W. Moll. of Ireland, 
p. 13, 1840. 


A most variable shell, and one which 

is found in all parts of the four pro- 
vinces, though somewhat scarce in some 
districts, and seldom common on peaty 
areas. Three fairly distinct forms of 
variation can be observed; but in cer 
tain districts connecting forms may be 
obtained :— 

(a.) The small, contracted form of 
the drier parts of the central and 
eastern counties. This shows a strongly 
calcicole distribution. In appearance 
it sometimes resembles superficially the 
Hygromia plebeia Drap. of the Conti- 
nent, but is at once distinguished from 
that shell by its less conoid shape, its 
more strongly marked suture, and 
thicker peristome. 

(4.) The large, flat, and very openly 
umbilicated form which prevails in 
parts of the north-eastern, eastern, and 
south-eastern counties. This is parti- 
cularly common around the edges of the 
basaltic plateau of Antrim and Derry 
and in the yalleys and tidal marshes of 
the Barrow, Nore, and Suir, in Wexford 
and Kilkenny. 

(e.) This, which appears referable to 
Clessin’s var. septentrionalis, is found in 
many parts of the north and west, and 
is the only form that I haye ever found 
on the western islands. In appearance 
it is usually hairy, thin, high-spired 
and therefore with a narrow umbilicus, 
and, though sometimes girdled with a 
white peripheral band, it is more often 
of a unicolorous walnut-brown. Out- 
side Ireland I have taken specimens 
of this form in the Orkneys and in 
western Norway. 

In the north-east one seldom finds 

fully grown shells, as this species breeds 

and often dies long before the lip of the 
shell is formed. 

90 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Hygromia rufescens (Pennant). 

Helix rufescens, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F, W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 14, 1840. 


Though found in all divisions and on 
the Aran Islands, this must be looked 
upon as distinctly an eastern and central 
species, and one which has all the 
appearance of being among the latest 
arrivals in this country. In the north 
and west it is seldom native, as far as 
one can judge, and usually appears 
naturalized. It is one of our few shells 
which is clearly extending the range of 
its distribution at the present day ; and 
it is constantly turning up in fresh 
localities, especially gardens, where it 
is easily introduced with plants, and 
seldom fails to establish itself.1 Being 
to a certain extent a ‘‘ hedgerow” 
species, the present cultivated condition 
of the country is admirably suited to its 
requirements; and it occurs in great 
quantities in such habitats in the 
central and eastern counties. It varies 
greatly, from white to a rich dark-brown 
in colour, and in shape from almost flat 
to a high-spired and conical shell. 

1 Tts liking for Arabis albida has often been 
noted by me, and few gardens where this plant 
grows do not also shelter H. rufescens, 

Sometimes it is keeled obtusely; but 
more often this is absent when the shell 
is full-grown. Probably at least three 
continental ‘‘species” are included in 
our Irish Hygromia rufescens. 

Acanthinula aculeata (Miller). 

Heliz aculeata, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 11, 1840. 




Generally distributed, but never met 
with in such quantities as the next 
species. From the number of dead shells 
found in our sand-dunes this would 
appear to have formerly been a more 
abundant species. White specimens 
frequently occur, and spineless ones have 
been recorded from several localities. 
This latter form, the var, sublaevis of 
Westerlund, is never common; and it 
has, so far as my experience goes, only 
been taken occasionally on the stony 
margins of lakes, and neyer in company 
with the type. 

Acanthinula aculeata is frequent but 
by no means common on the western 
islands. Juvenile specimens of the 
western form of Pupa cylindracea closely 
resemble A. aculeata var. sublaevis, but 
the latter can be distinguished by its 

deeper suture, 

SreLrox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 91 

Acanthinula lamellata (Jeffreys). 

Helix lamellata, Thompson, Cat. L. & 

F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 12, 1840. 


A typical old-woodland species ; and 
though very local, it is often extremely 
abundant. Mr. Phillips writes that in 
the south it seldom, if ever, occurs 
except in old Oak-woods or in glens 
containing Oak. This is not our expe- 
rience, however, in the north; and at least 
a third of the habitats known to me 
contain at the present time no Oaks; but 
its association with Hazel, Beech (where 
this has been planted), and especially 
with Holly, has often been remarked on 
by my friend Mr. Welch. Like Hygro- 
mia fusca, this shell is neither attracted 
by, nor shuns, the limestone areas, and 
in this respect differs from Zonitordes 
excavatus, with which species it is 
frequently associated in the non-calea- 
reous districts. Its distribution may be 
termed ‘‘ anti-central,” as it is only in 
the maritime and mountainous districts 
that it can be looked upon as anything 
but a rare shell. It is as yet unknown 
from any of the western islands, with 
the exception of Clare Island and Achill 
in West Mayo. 

Vallonia pulchella (Miller). 
(2 = V. eacentrica Sterki). 

Helix paludosa, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soe., vol. ii., p. 524, 1818. A. pul- 
chella, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 9, 1840. 


Generally distributed both in the 
maritime counties and those districts 
formed of Carboniferous limestone, but 
seldom met with inland in the non- 
calcareous areas, and absent from many 
inland districts in Ulster. 

It is common in most of the western 
counties and on the islands. 

I am unable to discriminate clearly 
between Vallonia excentrica and the 
typical V. pulchella, and have therefore 
united the two forms. 

Vallonia costata (Miller). 

Helix pulchella, var. crenella, Thompson, 
Cat. L. & F. W. Moll. of Ireland, 
p. 9,1840. 2. pulchella, var. costata, 
Scharff, Irish Nat., p. 105, 1892. 

This shell has amuch more central and 
eastern range than Vallonia pulchella 
and, although it occurs on the Dingle 

[N 2] 

92 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

and Belmullet peninsulas in South 
Kerry and West Mayo respectively, 

FE-TY AR 90 
it has never been reported as living 
on any of the western islands. It is 
also common on many of the dry 
coastal dunes of north Ulster. We 
may expect that in the future, if it 
has not already been done, this species 
will also be divided into two, as some 
specimens with a more excentric appear- 
ance are frequently met with. In many 
localities this and V. pulehella ave found 
associated ; but, as a general rule, they 
are found in separate colonies. 

Arianta arbustorum (Linné). 

Helix arbustorum, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 9, 1840. 


From its wide range throughout Great 
Britain, it is surprising how local this 
shell is in Ireland; and its distribution 
should prove of great interest to students 
of the geographical distribution of 
animals and plants. It would appear 
that this species is one of a group of 
migrants which entered Ireland from the 
north. In the glens of Antrim Arzanta 
arbustorum is closely associated with the 
other northern immigrants, which are 
mostly plants; but in no way does it 
depend on any of these for food, not 
actually living in contact with them, 
but in their neighbourhood. Its food- 
plants are apparently those which 
have a general distribution in this 
country, such as the Common Nettle 
( Urtiea dioica). From Kenbane in north 
Antrim to the Belfast hills im the 
same county Arzanta arbustorum is found 
locally in many of the glens; and 
in the mountain glens of Sligo and 
Leitrim it again appears in fair abun- 
dance. Between these two areas the 
shell is extremely local and rare, but 
the isolated habitats, such as that at 
Coagh in Derry, help us to trace its 
former range; and it is more than 
probable that many such habitats exist 
in the more mountainous districts of 
Derry, Tyrone, Fermanagh, and Cavan, 
which up to the present are quite a 
terra incognita to conchologists. The 
records for Armagh and Westmeath 
apparently mark the limits of its range 
in those directions; those from Dublin, 
Limerick, and North Kerry being seem- 
ingly erroneous. Thompson mentions 
that the species prevails throughout the 
county of Antrim, ‘‘ as it likewise does 
in Down, but more sparingly.” There 
are, however, no specimens of this shell 

SreLvox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 98 

from Down in the Thompson collection, 
nor has any other collector ever found 
the shell in that county; the record is 
therefore too doubtful to be admitted 
into the present list. This is one of the 
few records of Wm. Thompson’s that 
have not been verified. 

Most Irish specimens are of the rich 
brown form, but the var. flavescens also 
oceurs frequently in Antrim and Leitrim. 
In shape our shells are generally rather 
large and often conical. 

Helix aspersa Miiller. 


As the late Wm. Thompson has 
pointed out, and as might almost be 
expected from its distribution on the 
Continent, which is somewhat similar 
to that of our Irish Helicellae, this shell 
is much commoner round our coasts 
than in the inland areas. On the west 
coast it is especially abundant ; and 
in many cases it literally covers every 
foot of the walls and tombstones of 
the old churchyards. It seems a pity 
that the poorer peasants of these 
districts have not developed the liking 
for these dainty morsels that they have 
in some parts of the Continent. Mr. J. 
G. Milne has stated that this shell is 

apparently losing ground in certain 
localities, and that it was seemingly 
extinct on Achill Island. The first 
statement is perhaps correct; but the 
latter is not, as the walls in the western 
portion of Achill are tenanted by large 
quantities of this snail. It has also 
been found on all of the larger western 
islands that so far have been visited, 
and is recorded from Lambay, in Dub- 
lin, and Rathlin, in Antrim. Its varia- 
tion in most parts of the country is 
negligible; but on the west coast and on 
the Aran Islands it varies considerably 
in size, shape, colour, and texture; the 
prevailing form is rather high-spired, of 
medium size, and dark in colour. The 
var. evalbida occurs on Inishmore in 
the Aran Islands, and has also been 
recorded from Antrim and Carlow. 
One sinistral example has been taken at 
Raghly in Sligo. 

‘Helix nemoralis Miiller. 


The type and the unbanded forms 
of this ubiquitous species are generally 
distributed ; but nearly all the other 
forms are confined to certain areas. The 
distribution of some of these scarcer 
forms is sometimes yery similar to that 

O4 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

of other species, eg. the unbanded 
form castanea has a distinctly central 
range, which corresponds closely with 
that of many of the ‘‘ Central”’ group.’ 
On the coast of north-west Donegal the 
prevailing form is libellula albolabiata 
00345, while the common band formula 
00300 is seldom seer. On the coast of 
Kerry (Dingle area) the commonest 
form met with is (rbellula or rubella 
00500, with a strong white line beneath 
the third band, the Donegal formula 
being exceptionally scarce. A common 
French and Pyrenean form is 00345, 
with a broad white line adove the third 
band. In Ireland this form occurs in 
fair numbers on the island of Lambay, 
Dublin, and I have one example from 
West Donegal. The form alboladbiata 
is frequently found in all parts of the 
country; but in some areas of the west 
and north it quite outnumbers the 
ordinary black-lipped form. A dis- 
tinetly western form is citrinozonata, 
which lives in colonies on many of the 
sand-dunes from Clare to West Donegal, 
in several stations outnumbering all 
other forms in the centre of the colony. 
By far the most interesting form, how- 
ever, is that which has been referred by 
Mr. Clessin to Helix tonnensis Sand- 
berger, a German Pleistocene species. 
This is the large form from the deposits 
at Dog’s Bay, West Galway. Inter- 
esting asit is to find this shell, which 
appears to have lived in Germany during 
Pleistocene times, turning up in these 
deposits in the west of Ireland, the fact 
that this same form, or a somewhat 
similar one, still lives in this country is 

1 See Praeger, Types of Distribution in the 
Irish Flora, Proc. R.I.A., xxiv., sec. B., 3, 

of far greater importance. On the 
Aran Islands and in the neighbouring 
Burren of Clare, as well as on the 
island of Inishmurray in Sligo, and on 
the great cliffs of Glenade in Leitrim, 
this is the prevailing form. Mr. Kennard 
has sent me a specimen of Helix 
tonnensis from Germany, which is almost 
identical with some of the Inishmurray 
shells. On the upland limestone 
plateau to the east of Ben Bulben in 
Sligo, there lives at an altitude of 1700 
feet a large and rather heavy form of 
this species, which is perhaps nearer to 
the Dog’s Bay fossil shells than any 
other living at present. These shells 
are completely isolated by the sur- 
rounding peat-covered areas, and are 
nearly all rubella albolabiata 00000. 
Shells from the deposits at Dog’s Bay, 
var. hibernica West., sometimes weigh 
over 100 grains, 7.e. five or six times the 
weight of average adult examples. Near 
Bundoran in East Donegal, large num- 
bers of reversed and _ scalariform 
specimens have been discovered. A few 
of these have been taken alive, but the 
great majority have been brought to 
light by the women during the making 
of the shell necklaces which are sold in 
large numbers to summer visitors. 
Helix nemoralis is known to have 
lived in this country with the Arctic 
Lemming and other animals, which 
have long ago vanished from Ireland. 

Helix hortensis Miller. 

This species, which has a peculiar dis- 
tribution in Ireland, like that of Pyrami- 
dula rupestris, Helicella virgata, and Ena 
obscura, has a wide range over the 
eastern and central counties, penetrat- 

Sre_rox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 99 

ing as far west as Limerick, and 
Lisdoonvarna in Clare, and then re- 


appearing in Ulster, where it is found 
in six or seven isolated stations extend- 
ing from Downpatrick in Down to 
Dunfanaghy in West Donegal. In two 
of the northern stations—Downhill in 
Derry and Newtownstewart in Tyrone— 
the only form that has ever been 
observed is the var. lutea, and always 
bandless. In the remaining Ulster 
habitats this form and the type occur 
in about equal numbers; but no other 
variation is found, except the var. 
arenicola and specimens with a band 
formula of 10345. In most of the 
eastern and central localities where this 
shell is to be met with, we get all the 
variation usually associated with it in 
England; but in the Clare stations Mr. 
Phillips has observed only the type. 
Specimens of the small white-lipped 
sand-hill form of Helix nemoralis often 
met with on the west coast are quite 
indistinguishable from this species ex- 
ternally ; and it is necessary to examine 
the darts in order to separate them, 
unless one is acquainted with the 
district, when their habitats will be 

alone sufficient. That of our present 

1 For this reason I have placed the West 

species is generally a glen, church- 
yard, or damp hedgerow with luxuriant 
vegetation; while the habitat of the 
dwarf white-lipped Helix nemoralis is 
always the open wind-swept sand- 

Helix pisana Miller. 


Practically confined to the sand-dunes 
which fringe the coasts of Louth, 
Meath, and Dublin, where it has been 
known for aimost a century. The old 
records for Galway and South Kerry 
seem both erroneous; but there is a 
specimen in the Dublin Museum from 
“La Bergerie,” in Queen’s Co., and 
another from Drumcondra, a suburb of 
Dublin, so that possibly the species may 
occur locally further inland.? In the 
places where it is to be found it isa 
common species, and shows considerable 
variation, the type as well as the white 
and chestnut-brown forms beimg gene- 
rally met with. Our climate seldom 
gives this shell a long enough summer 
to complete the lip, and in some years 
the average size of specimens is smaller 
than in others. 

Mayo record in the list of ‘‘ doubtfuls.”” 
2 T have doubts as to the trustworthiness of 
the Queen’s Co. record. 

96 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Ena obscura (Miller). 

Helix obscura, Brown, Mem. Werner 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 529, 1818. Bulimus 
obscurus, Thompson, Cat. L.& F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 21, 1840. 
Buliminus obscurus, Scharit, Irish 
Nat., p. 109, 1892. 



Has a distribution very similar to that 
of Helix hortensis, occurring more or less 
continuously from Louth to Kilkenny 
in the south, and S. E. Galway and Clare 
in the west, with two—at present— 
isolated habitats in Sligo and Leitrim, 
and three on the Chalk of the Antrim 
coast. Capt. Brown reports having 
found a shell in flood debris near the 
coast in the south of Co. Down, which 
he named Helix Lackhamensis ( = Ena 
montana rap.) It is difficult to 
account for this find, as the present 
species, to which Thompson referred 
Brown’s record, has never been seen by 
subsequent collectors in Co. Down. 

The finding of Z. obscura by Mr. Welch 
in the deposits of the Strandhiil dunes 
in Sligo is noteworthy. This is the 
only fossil record so far of this species in 

Cochlicopa lubrica (Miiller). 

Helix lubrica, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 529, 1818. Bulimus 
lubricus, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 22, 1840. 


Generally distributed over the main- 
land and islands. It varies consider- 
ably in size and colour. Mr. Phillips 
informs me that a smaller and more 
slender form of this species is very 
frequent in uncultivated places, and 
apparently agrees with the var. 
maderensis of Lowe, which is said to 
be the prevailing form in similar areas 
in Madeira and Cape Verde Islands. 

Caecilioides acicula (Miiller). 

Achatina acicula, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 23, 1840. 
Coectlianella acicula, Scharff, Irish 
Nat., p. 109, 1892. 

One of our rarest land mollusks, but 
has a fairly continuous range from 
Monaghan to Mid Cork and from 
D#blin to West Galway, and is strictly 
calcicole in its distribution. We owe 
much to Mr. Grierson for our know- 


ledge of its range and habits, as until 
his discoveries it had been regarded as 







confined to a few isolated localities. 
From its underground habits it is just 
possible that it may yet be found in 
other divisions which lie on the central 
plain: but its range is not likely to be 
greatly enlarged. Bourguignat has 
described a variety from England as 
being ‘‘considerably more elongated 
than the type”; but Irish specimens 
sent by Dr. Scharff to Westerlund were 
pronounced by that authority to be 

Pupa anglica (Férussac). 


In all the old wooded areas, and 
often associated with <Acanthinula 
lamellata, but has a wider range than 


List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 97 

that species, and also occurs in many 
marshes and on the margins of lakes, 
in company with Zonitoides nitidus, 
Vertigo antivertigo and Suecinea pferfert. 
Specimens from the latter habitats are 
easily distinguished from those found in 
woods, by their more polished appear- 
ance, richer colouring, and larger size. 
The woodland specimens are mainly 
referable to the var. pallida Jeffreys, 
while occasionally pure white shells 

A large form, somewhat resembling 
Pupa loweana Woll. from Madeira, has 
been taken near Castletown-Berehaven 
in West Cork, by Dr. Scharff. 

Pupa cylindracea (Da Costa). 

Pupa umbilicata, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. 
W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 28, 1840. 

Abundant in all parts of the main- 
land and common on all the islands. 
The prevailing western and insular 
form is usually unadorned with the 
denticle; or, if present, this is never 
strongly marked. This western variety 
seems to be identical with Pupa ancono- 
stoma Lowe, and has also been referred 
to the Pupa sempront of Charpentier by 
Messrs. Waterston and Taylor (Ann. 
Scottish Nat. Hist., January, 1906) 
The latter is supposed to be an alpine 
race of P. eylindracea, while the former 
would appear to be confined to the 
west coast of Europe from the Atlantic 
Islands! to Scandinavia? In the drier 
parts of the limestone areas the normal 

1 Wollaston, Testacea Atlantica, pp. 43, 210, 
450, and 554. 

2 Westerlund, Fauna Moll. Terr. et Fluy. 
Sveciae, Norvegiae et Daniae, p. 242. 


98 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

form is the prevailing one ; but nowhere 
in Ireland does this shell reach the size 
of the largest continental specimens. 


Pupa muscorum (Linné). 

Pupa marginata, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 25, 1840. 

CL NT Qe cw WI 

Widely distributed ; but, except on 
the central limestone plain, it is purely 
a maritime species, and therefore absent 
from many inland districts of Ulster. 
Usually met with along the west coast, 
but very rare in West Galway, is seem- 
ingly absent from West Mayo, and has 
only been recorded for two of the 
western islands—Inishmore in the Aran 
Islands and Inishmacdara off the West 
Galway coast—in both of which it was 

taken by Mr. Standen in 1896, but has 
not been seen by recent collectors. The 
normal form with a denticle is that most 
commonly met with; but in Ulster this 
is very seldom seen, the great majority of 
shells being quite edentate. Dr. Scharff 
reports the var. bigranata Rossm. from 
the Aran Islands and Donegal. 

Vertigo minutissima (Hartmann). 


Mr. J. R. Hardy’s discovery of this 
shell at Killarney still remains our 
only record. He collected it under a 
log of wood in Muckross demesne. 
Conchologists who have visited this 
locality in recent years have failed to 
find specimens of this species. 

Vertigo antivertigo (Draparnaud). 

Vertigo palustris, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 26, 1840. 

Generally distributed and usually 
common in marshy places and around 
the stony edges of lakes. In the latter 
habitats it is commonly associated with 
Zonotoides nitidus, Agriolimax laevis, 
other Vertigoes, and Succinea pfeifferd. 
Particularly abundant in the west, and 

Srerox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 99 

recorded from most of the islands. It 
varies greatly in size, in the number of 


denticles, and in shape, some specimens 
being very short and stumpy. The 
most remarkable specimen I have seen 
is one which I took under stones on the 
edge of Glenade Lough in Leitrim; it is 
remarkably elongated, and wants the 
characteristic swollen body-whorl of 
this species; it is, moreover, of a rich 
claret colour, and in outline resembles 
slightly Vertigo lilljeborgt, with which 
shell it was associated. 

Vertigo substriata (Jeffreys). 


Generally distributed on most parts 
of the mainland, and frequently met 

with on the islands. It is common in 
all wooded areas, and generally found in 
marshy places, the edge of lakes or 
damp cliffs. Variation in size of the 
shell is often considerable, the marsh 

form being seemingly the largest. 

Vertigo pygmaea (Draparnaud). 


Shares with Vertigo antivertigo the 
distinction of being the commonest 
species of the genus, and is almost 
universally distributed over the main- 
land and on the islands. It is one of 
our most variable land-shells: three 
well-marked forms occur, viz. :— 

(a) A small stumpy form, resembling 
somewhat in contour Vertigo substriata ; 
has always five denticles, and is paler 
in colour than the other two forms 
described below. Common in woods. 

(6) The very large robust form met 
with in marshy places, of a dark horn- 
colour, and although often possessing a 
fifth denticle it is usual to find only 
four—one on the body-whorl, one on 
the columella, and two on the outer 
margin of the aperture. In shape it 
slightly resembles Vertigo alpestris, the 
last whorl being contracted, which gives 
the whole shell a slender appearance. 

[0 2] 

100 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

(¢) A smaller and still more slender 
form than (4), and one which I haye 
taken only in West Galway and West 
Mayo, on the Aran Islands, and on the 
Dingle promontory. Many of my speci- 
mens from the second locality have six 
denticles, viz., one on the body-whorl, 
two on the columella, and three on the 
outer margin of the lip. 

Vertigo moulinsiana (Dupuy). 

CL NT Qe cw WI 

This species, which has only recently 
been added to the Irish fauna by 
Mr. Phillips, is much the largest of the 
Britannic species of the genus, and is 
easily distinguished from the next, to 
which all previous records under the 
name of Vertigo moulinsiana in Ireland 
refer. The following notes on this 
shell have kindly been supplied by 
Mr. Phillips:—‘‘So far its range is 
confined to the valley of the River 
Barrow; and it has been taken in one 
locality each in Carlow and Queen’s 
County. It is a gregarious species, 
living in swampy marshes along the 
banks of the river, spending the spring 
and early summer months feeding low 
down among the marsh-vegetation ; and 
in the autumn may be seen in great 

numbers on the reeds and other tall 
plants, on which it breeds and finally 
hibernates. It does not appear to be 
particular as to the petrological nature 
of its habitats, that in Carlow being on 
granite, and the Queen’s County one 
being on limestone.” 

Vertigo lilljeborgi Westerlund. 

Vertigo moulinsiana, Scharfi, Irish Nat., 
p. 136, 1892. 


Although perhaps distributed spo- 
radically over the western counties, it 
is only recently that this shell has been 
taken in any habitat other than that at 
Ballynahinch, in West Galway, where 
it was first discovered by the late 
Dr. Gwyn Jeffreys. Since the late 
Dr. Chaster and Mr. Tomlin redis- 
covered its habitat at Ballynahinch, it 
has been found in several other locali- 
ties in the same district and also in 
West Cork, on the shore of Lough 
Allua, and in a similar spot at the 
southern end of Glenade Lough, in 
Leitrim. In the former place, 7. e. 
Lough Allua, I took only one shell; 
but, as I mistook it for Vertigo anti- 
vertigo, and recorded it as such, I 

SreLrox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 101 

did not look for more specimens. At 
Glenade, however, it appeared common 
under stones near the outlet of the 
lake, associated with Vertigo pygmaea, 
V. antivertigo, V. substriata, Hyalinia 
radiatula, Carychium minimum, Succinea 
pfeifert, Limnaea palustris, and L. trun- 
catula. The great majority of the 
specimens taken in this last habitat were 
small—smaller, in fact, than the accom- 
panying specimens of V. pygmaea; but 
. several were equal in size to those 
usually found in West Galway. Dr. 
Scharff’s record from the Aran Islands 
has not been verified; and, as his speci- 
men was unfortunately lost before the 
identity of the shell was definitely 
known, he considers it safer to omit the 
record from the present paper, though 
there can be little doubt that it was 
this shell that he found on Inishmore. 
Like Vertigo moulinsiana and the other 
members of the genus, this shows no 
preference for any particular geological 
formation; and its Irish habitats lie 
in Old Red Sandstone, Carboniferous 
limestone, and metamorphic areas. 

Vertigo alpestris (Alder). 



Since Mr. Adams discovered this rare 

species near Coleraine, in Derry, it 
has been taken in two other northern 
localities in the adjoining counties by 
Mr. Standen, namely, at Whitepark in 
Antrim, and Portsalon in West Donegal. 
Mr. Hogan’s supposed discovery of this 
shellin Co. Dublin is known to beanerror. 
Dr. Scharff is inclined to think that the 
shell collected at Ballintoy, Antrim, by 
Mr. Tomlin, and recorded as Vertigo 
heldi Clessin,1 should really be con- 
sidered a form of this species. It is just 
possible, however, that Mr. Tomlin’s 
specimen may be an abnormal example 
of Vertigo pygmaea, as in the exact 
spot where the supposed V. held? was 
taken I have since collected very large 
specimens of the former species. 

Vertigo pusilla Miller. 


A very rare and local species in the 
living state, but, judging from the 
number of dead shells found in many 
of our sand-dunes, it must formerly 
have been much more common. It is, 
nevertheless, widely but discontinuously 
distributed throughout the mainland, 
but has not been reported from any of 
our islands. The very beautiful pure- 

1 Trish Nat., xii. 110. 

102 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

white form occurs sparingly in several 
of the northern deposits, but is fairly 
common in those round the north-west 
coast of Donegal. The old records for 
this species from Limerick, South Kerry 
and ‘‘Co. Cork” require verification. 

Vertigo angustior Jefireys. 








Like the last species, this appears to 
have become extinct in many of its 
former habitats, probably owing to 
blown sand filling and drying up its 
dwelling-places, which are as a rule 
coastal marshes. It is widely distri- 
buted over the southern, western, and 
northern districts, but seems to avoid 
the central plain and the eastern 
counties... In the west it has recently 
turned up in great abundance in several 
isolated localities, similar to that in 
Sligo near Ballina, where Miss Warren 
has collected it for many years. 

Balea perversa (Linné). 

Like Limax arborum, this species 

1 Messrs. Taylor and Roebuck give a record 
for this species from Co. Cork, but it is impos- 
sible to say to which division this should be 

flourishesin the bare and open parts of 
the country, as well as in the old 


wooded areas, and shows no real pre- 
ference for any geological formation, 
being almost as common on non-cal- 
careous rocks as on the Chalk or 
Carboniferous limestone. The hardiness 
of this shell is remarkable, and perhaps 
none of our land mollusca is found 
under such variable conditions. It is 
a species which has constantly to with- 
stand the hottest summer sun in many 
of its habitats, and yet I have often 
seen it on the crawl during frosty 
weather. In the central counties it is 
frequently associated with Pupa cylin- 
dracea and Pyramidula rupestris on the 
limestone walls; on the cliffs of Clare 
Island in West Mayo it is found with 
Hygromia fusca, Pupa angliea, Acicula 
lineata, and Limnaea truncatula; while 
in the wooded districts it has often 
other companions. Yet in spite of the 
remarkable adaptability of this shell, it 
shows no variation of any importance ; 
and if the shells from several districts 
were thrown together, I doubt if anyone 
could separate them. Throughout the 
mainland it is generally distributed ; 
and it is also usually met with on the 

adjoining islands. 

SreLrox—TList of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Irelund. 108 

Clausilia laminata (Montagu). 

Clausilia bidens, Thompson, Cat. L. and 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 28, 1840. 


Has a remarkable distribution in this 
country, quite unlike that of any of our 
other mollusks, and is one of our rarest 
and most local land-shells, although 
its distribution in Europe is fairly 
extensive. Until December, 1910, when 
I took a single specimen at Enniskerry 
in Wicklow, it was known only from 
the districts lying around the great 
elevated mass of Cuileagh in Cavan. 
In some of the glens, and in the woods 
which lie around the base of this 
mountainous area, it can be collected in 
fair abundance. ‘The old record from 
Church Island in Lough Gill, Sligo, 
though seemingly authentic, has not 
been verified by conchologists who have 
recently visited that locality, and must 
therefore be regarded as doubtful for 
the present. The locality attached to the 
specimens in the Thompson Collection 
in Beliast—‘‘The Giant’s Causeway ” 
—-probably is due to the many hands 
through which the collection has passed, 
as all specimens in the collection were 
formerly kept in trays, and several 
other palpable mistakes occur in the 

localities which are attached to shells. 
Mr. Welch’s recent find of this shell 
at Carrickreagh on the southern shore 
of Lower Lough Erne in Fermanagh is 
a considerable extension of its range. 
The white form has occurred sparingly 
in the Glen of the Marble Arch, and at 
Florencecourt, both in Fermanagh. 

Clausilia bidentata (Strom). 

Clausilia nigricans, Thompson, Cat. L. 
& F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 28, 


A ubiquitous species and found 
throughout the mainland and islands. 
Besides the type, which according to the 
late Prof. Boettger is generally known 
in England as var. everetti, two well- 
marked forms are also known to occur. 
The first is the var. graczlior of Jeffreys, 
which is frequently met with in most 
parts of the country, but is particularly 
common in some of the wooded districts ; 
examples from Tore Woods at Killarney 
probably mark the extreme variation in 
this direction. 

The second form is the var. septen- 
trionalis A. Schmidt: this oceurs in parts 
of the west and on some of the western 

104 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

islands ; and it is also met with in other 
parts of the country. 

Nothing, however, has ever been 
found which could be looked on even 
as a sub-species of this mollusk, with 
the possible exception of some shells 
taken .by the late Dr. Chaster and 
Mr. J. R. Hardy on the shore of the 
Kenmare River, and mentioned by 
Mr. Standen in his report of the Field 
Club Conference (Irish Nat., September, 
1898). From the habitat in which these 
specimens were living—under stones 
and seaweed below high-water mark— 
one could scarcely, however, expect 
them to have been normal. In one of the 
little glens of the north coast of Antrim 
a colony of this species occurs, in which 
a fair number of the beautiful white 
form may sometimes be found, associated 
with the white form of Pupa cylindracea 
and white-lipped Helix nemoralis. Speci- 
mens from Dunluce old church in 
Antrim have been referred by Wester- 
lund to a new variety, var. variostriata 
West. (Irish Nat., ix, 131, 1900). 

Succinea putris (Linné). 
Plate VII, figs. 43, 44. 

Helix suecinea, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. 11, p. 530, 1818. 

A common shell in the central, 
southern, and eastern counties, and 
especially along the marshy banks of 
the larger rivers, such as the Shannon, 
Boyne, and Barrow. It becomes rare 
towards the west and north, and is 
quite absent from several districts, 
among which west Kerry, north-west 
Mayo, and north-west Donegal are the 
most important. A small obese form 

of Succinea pfeiffert (fig. 41) has often 
erroneously been recorded by visiting 


conchologists and English authorities 
as S. putris; but the opinion of some 
malacologists confirms that of the 
Irish workers, who regard this form 
of the next species as bearing no rela- 
tionship to S. putris. Indeed, the 
Rey. E. W. Bowell, to whom I sent 
specimens from Donegal in 1908, replied 
that the radula and genitalia were not 
identical with any species known to 
him, and at any rate could not possibly 
be mistaken for those of S. putris. The 
habitat of these small forms of S. 
pfeifert will, I think, at once separate 
them from the present species. They 
are invariably found on the ground or 
under stones around the edges of lakes 
or on the muddy sides of streams and 
drains, while S. putris, except during 
the winter months, which it often 
spends far away from .its summer 
feeding-habitat, lives on the tall 
vegetation which fringes swamps, 
canals, and slow-:unning streams. 
Succinea putris (fig. 44) varies con- 
siderably in size, colour—from dark 
mahogany to pale amber—and tex- 
ture; but the most striking variation 
I have seen from this country is in 

Sretrox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 105 

specimens collected by Mr. Phillips 
at Cloughjordan in North Tipperary 
(fig. 48). These examples are dark 
in colour and very much elongated, 
resembling to a certain extent some of 
the large continental forms of the next 

This species has never been found on 
any of the western or other islands, 
although S. pfezfferd is common on nearly 
all of them, and S. oblonga has been 
recently taken by Mr. Phillips on the 
Aran Islands, the only large islands on 
which S. pfeifer? has not so far been 

Succinea pfeifferi Rossmissler.' 
Plate VII, figs. 38, 39, 41, 42, 45-47. 

Suecinea elegans, Scharff, Irish Nat., 
p. 187, 1892. 


Suceinea pferferd is abundant through- 
out the entire mainland, and on most of 
the larger islands ; but what I take to be 
the type (figs. 38, 39) appears to be 
confined to the eastern counties. It 
varies greatly in all characters; and it 

1 Nothing approaching the Succinea elegans of 
Risso haying been ever found in Ireland, I 
follow Dr. Scharff (MS.) and the late William 
Thompson in employing Rossmiissler’s name. 


is more than possible that under this 
name we have in Ireland at least three or 
four of what by some Continental autho- 
rities would be termed ‘‘ good species.” 
Forms of this shell occur which, to 
all appearances, closely resemble the 
following European species :— 

Succinea virescens Morelet. Frequent 
in brackish marshes and estuaries 
in the southern counties (fig. 45). 

Succinea contortula Baudon or Succinea 
schumachert Andreae.? Found in 
marshes in many parts of the 
southern, central, and western 
counties. The only form I have 
ever found associated with S. putris 
(figs. 42, 46, 47). 

Succinea parvula Pascal. The form 
referred to under 8S. putris. 
Common in the western and north- 
western counties and on the western 
islands. Considered a variety of 
S.  putris by many English 
conchologists (fig. 41). 

As intermediate forms would appear 
to connect all the above-mentioned 
varieties, even in our small island, it is 
impossible to consider them otherwise 
than as extreme forms of a somewhat 
polymorphic species. Specimens col- 
lected by Dr. Scharff at Clondalkin, 
near Dublin, have been considered by 
Dr. Westerlund worthy of varietal rank, 
and described by him under the name of 
var. reticulata West. This shell is fre- 
quently found in places that are dry 
during the greater part of some years ; 
and Mr. Phillips has suggested that 
this fact may govern the variability of 
the species, as specimens taken in a 
marshy habitat are, as a general rule, 

2 This form has been referred to both species 
by different authorities. 


106 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

much less rugged than those which 
have lived in drier situations. On 
Cruit Island, in West Donegal, this 
shell lives on the short grass and under 
cow-dung on the western cliff-slopes, 
within easy reach of spray during 
westerly gales, and must depend entirely 
for its supply of water on dew and rain. 
Shells living in such a locality must 
vary greatly from year to year according 
to the amount of rain that falls during 
the season of their growth ; and it is to 
be regretted that up to the present we 
have no data to tell us the amount or 
the direction of this variation. 

Succinea oblonga Draparnaud. 
Plate VII, figs. 48-50. 






Habitats for this very local species 
are known in all four provinces; and in 
some of these it may be collected in 
large numbers. Its distribution, how- 
ever, as at present known, is exceed- 
ingly discontinuous; but the majority 
of its stations lie in the southern or 
western counties. It shows no prefer- 
ence for any particular kind of habitat, 
nor is it apparently affected by the 
prevailing petrological conditions, as 
scarcely any two of these are in any 
way similar. Specimens from several 

localities, but especially those from 
the Dooaghtry sand-dunes in West 
Mayo (fig. 49), are very similar to 
Moquin Tandon’s conception of Succinea 
arenarva Bouch-Chant., ¢.e. small, deep- 
red in colour, and with a deep suture, 
while the shells from the shore of 
Lough Neagh in Antrim are greenish 
in colour with large body whorl and 
less strongly marked suture (fig. 50). 
The larger and more elongated ex- 
amples found along the southern shore 
of Lough Erne, at Carrickreagh, in 
Fermanagh (fig. 48), have been re- 
ferred hy the late Prof. Boettger to 
the var. agonostoma Kuster. Mr. Phillips 
has taken this species on Inishmore, in 
the Aran Islands, this being the only 
record for the species other than from 
the mainland. 


Carychium minimum Miller. 


Is almost universally distributed 
throughout the mainland, and generally 
found on the western and other islands ; 
but on a recent visit to Tory Island I 
was unable to find it. Varies greatly 
in size and in the proportion of width 
to height, specimens from some districts 

Sretrox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 107 

being much more slender than those 
met with in others. The largest speci- 
mens I haye seen come from the 
Dublin and Wicklow Mountains, near 
the Scalp. 

Phytia myosotis (Draparnaud).! 

Alexia denticulata, Scharff, Irish Nat., 
p. 149, 1892. 



Recorded from many localities on the 
coasts of all four provinces, and almost 
always met with about high-water mark 
at the heads of estuaries where a certain 
amount of alluvial mud is deposited. 
The yar. denticulata Montagu is rarer 
than the type, but the two forms often 
grade into one another. 

Ovatella bidentata (Montagu). 

Melampus bidentatus, Scharff, Trish Nat., 
p- 149, 1892. 

Very discontinuously scattered round 

1 This shell, as well as the two following 
(O. bidentata and O. otis), cannot truly be con- 
sidered either land or freshwater species; but 
as Mr. Nichols does not include them in the 
“List of the Marine Mollusca of Ireland’’ 
(Proc. R. I. Academy (3), vy, No. 4, 1900), it 
Was necessary to include them in the present 

our coast-line; and though sometimes 
associated with Phytia myosotis, the 








present species is much rarer and more 
local, and as a general rule prefers a 
more marine habitat, occurring under 
seaweed-covered stones in muddy creeks 
and estuaries. 

Otina otis (Turton). 

Recorded from the coasts of Clare, 
West Galway, and West Donegal, and 
is probably generally distributed along 
the southern, western, and north-western 
coast-line. This species, like our other 
brackish and semi-marine shells, has not 
been specially searched for by concho- 

[P 2] 

108 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Ancylus fiuviatilis Muller. 

Patella lacustris, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 533, 1818. 


Abundant in all the mountainous 
parts of the country, but rare in many 
parts of the central plain, though very 
generally distributed. This shell shows 
great variation in size and shape, in 
texture, and other characters. As a 
general rule our Irish specimens are 
small; but in lakes with stony edges and 
bottoms fair-sized shells are often met 
with. In such a lake in Co. Down 
Mr. J. N. Milne has taken some parti- 
cularly fine white examples, quite equal 
in dimension to the largest specimens I 
have seen from other countries. 

Ancylus fluviatilis is common in 
streams on Clare Island and in the 
lakes of Achill in West Mayo, and 
has also been taken in a lake on Clear 
Island in West Cork. 

A strongly striated form, similar to 
the Ancylus striatus of the Atlantic 
Islands, which according to Wollaston 
may be regarded as a geographical 
phasis of the present species, occurs in 
several places along the west coast. 

A small form is exceptionally abun- 

dant in the highest of the small tarns 
on Brandon Mountain in South Kerry, 
which lies at an altitude of 2300 feet. 
This small form is that which is 

commonly met with in peaty waters. 

Acroloxus lacustris (Linné). 

Patella oblonga, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 533, 1818. <Ancylus 
lacustris, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 38, 1840. 


Like many of our rarer freshwater 
species, this is mainly confined to the 
central and north-eastern districts, and 
there are no records for the more moun- 
tainous and non-caleareous districts of 
the south, west, and north. Species 
which have a somewhat similar range 
in Ireland are Limnaea stagnalis, Plan- 
orbis carinatus, P. umbilicatus, and 
Anodonta cygnea. 

Limnaea auricularia (Linné). 
Plate VII, figs. 15-20. 

Helix auricuiaria, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 5381, 1818. Lemneus 
aurieulartus, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. 
W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 29, 1840. 
Though widely distributed through- 

out Ireland, this shell is always local 

and seldom really common, except in 

SreLrox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 109 

some of the maritime lakes of the west 
coast. The prevailing form in the west 



is the var. acuta of Jeffreys (figs. 15, 
16,17). Even that found in the eastern 
and southern counties inclines towards 
this same variety, though Cork examples 
are fairly typical (figs. 18, 19, 20). 

In the lakes of Mullaghderg and 
Carnboy in West Donegal the majority 
of the shells are pure white, while the 
animals are often of a rich yellowish- 
orange colour in the latter locality. 
Both these lakes are almost at sea-level, 
and no doubt receive a certain amount 
of spray during rough weather. With 
the exception of Achill Island in West 
Mayo, we have no records of this species 
being found on any of the western 
islands, owing probably in most cases to 
the want of a suitable habitat. 

Limnaea pereger (Miiller). 
Plate VII, figs. 1-6, 10-14. 
Helix putris and H. limosa, Brown, 
Mem. Werner. Soc., vol. ii, p. 530, 
1818. Limneus pereger, Thompson, 
Cat. L. & F. W. Moll. of Ireland, 
p. 80, 1840. Lomnaea peregra, Scharff, 

Irish Nat., p. 150, 1892. 

The typical Limnaea pereger of the 

Continent is not found in Ireland; but 
in the eastern counties specimens some- 


what approaching the type occur. 
Many different forms are to be met with 
in this country, of which the following 
are the most noteworthy :— 

(a) Var. ovata (=L. ovata Drap.). In 
canals, slow-flowing rivers, and large 
drains throughout the mainland, but 
more particularly in the central and 
eastern counties (fig 5). 

(b) Var. botssyz Dupuy. In maritime 
marshes and lakes and sometimes in 
peat-bogs, but not typical in the latter 
west coasts of Clare, Mayo, and Donegal, 

Especially common on the 

and is the form most commonly met with 
on the western islands (figs. 2, 4). 

(e) Var. lacustris Leach. In nearly 
all the larger sheets of water through- 
out the country, such as Lough Neagh, 
Lough Erne, Lakes of Killarney, 
Lough Gill, and many others. This form, 
according to the late Wm. Thompson, 
is a deep-water one ; and certainly it is 
seldom taken alive, and differs from the 
shells living in the marshes and drains 
connected with some of the lakes 
mentioned above (figs. 1, 13). 

In the peaty mountain and similar 
isolated tarns of the west coast, many 

110 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

forms of this shell occur, each tarn 
having a distinct form of its own. In 
some instances shells irom these 
localities even approach Limnaea involuta 
or L. practenuis in shape and in texture, 
and are almost as worthy of specific 
rank as the two shells just mentioned. 

Limnaea invyoluta Harvey. 
Plate VII, fig. 9. 

Limneus involutus, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 31, 1840. 



For over half a century Lough Crin- 
caum on Cromaglaun Mountain in North 
Kerry was considered the only habitat of 
this interesting Limnaea ; but, since the 
finding of the next species in a similar 
isolated longh, Mr. Phillips has taken 
this shell in Barley Lake above Glen- 
garriff in West Cork. It is more than 
probable that it also occurs in others of 
the hundreds of small tarns which are 
scattered over this corner of our island. 

Limnaea praetenuis, Bowell. 
Plate VII, fig. 7. 

Limnaea sp. ? Stelfox and Milne. Irish 
Naturalist, p. 288, 1907. 

Since its discovery in South Kerry in 

Lough Nagarriva, the habitat of 
Pisidium hibernicum, the range of this 


shell has been greatly enlarged owing 
to some dredging which has been carried 
out in the lakes of Fermanagh and the 
southern portion of East Donegal by 
Major Trevelyan. From Lough Derg 
in the former division and from Lough 
Vearty and other neighbouring lakes in 
Fermanach this collector has forwarded 
specimens to the Rey. E. W. Bowell, 
who, on examining their anatomy, has 
referred them to this species, of which 
he was the original describer. 

Tn the peaty lakes of Achill Island and 
on parts of the mainland of West Mayo 
yery similar shells are met with (fig. 8), 
but whether they are referable to this 
or to another new species, or are 
only aberrant forms of Limnaca pereger, 
I cannot at present say. Jt is well 
to observe that neither this shell nor 
Limnaea involuta has ever been taken 
associated with any recognized form 
of Z. pereger, and moreover that im 
the lakes in which they occur, the 
water has always been to a great 
extent peaty. These two important 
facts might be used as arguments 
against the specific distinction of these 
shells; but for the present I suppose 

Sre.rox— List of Lund and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 111 

we must abide by the decision of the 
anatomist, though personally I am 
not satisfied that they are not old 
forms of Zimnaea pereger, which through 
long isolation in lakes that have steadily 
becomemore peaty as time adyanced, have 
gradually altered and become dwarfed. 
In different lakes we find that the 
dwarfing process has not always reached 
the same stage; thus in three of the 
lakes on Achill Island we find three 
forms of Limnaea. (Figs. 8, 12.) 

I cannot but regret that new species 
are added to our list from specimens 
which experiment might prove to be 
only varieties caused by environment. 
Experiment has already proved that 
environment greatly affects the growth 
of the shell, but we have nothing to 
tell us the effect on the radula and 
genitalia of the animal, on which 
characters most of these modern species 
are being founded. There are shells in 
the National Museum, Dublin, which are 
apparently normal Z. pereger. These 
are stated to be the progeny of ZL. znvo- 
Juta, reared under artificial conditions. 

Limnaea stagnalis (Linné). 
Plate VII, figs. 33-37. 

Helix stagnalis, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 530, 1818. Limneus 
stagnalis, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Iveland, p. 31, 1840. 

Widely distributed but seldom 
abundant outside the limestone areas 
of the central and eastern counties, and 
absent from such peat-coyered districts 
as West Cork, Kerry, north-west Mayo, 

and north-west Donegal. In the north- 
east, though recorded from the divisions 


of Derry, Antrim, Down, Armagh, and 
Tyrone, it is really confined to the basins 
of the Bann and Lagan Rivers. 

It is worth remarking that the areas 
of Mayo and Donegal from which this 
species is absent, are those in which 
Limnaea auricularia var. acuta is most 
abundant. JZ. stagnalis reaches the 
west coast in the sand-dune lakes of 
West Mayo at Louisburgh, but does 
not live on any of the western islands. 
The most interesting variation in the 
present species is that which is to be 
found in Lough Neagh and _ several 
other large lakes, and is similar to the 
var. lacustris of Studer, being smaller, 
thicker, and more tumid than the type. 
(Tigs. 36, 37.) 

Limnaea palustris (Miiller). 
Plate VII, figs. 21-26. 

Helix palustris, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 530, 1818. Lrmneus 
palustris, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. 
W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 31, 1840. 

Recorded from all county divisions, A 

112 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

small fragile form (fig. 25) is often found 
in peaty areas associated with Prsedium 


casertanum and P. personatum, where 
other species of mollusca apparently 
cannot live; this form likewise occurs 
on several of the western islands. Var. 
corva is frequent in many parts of the 
country, but particularly in the central 
and eastern districts, where it is some- 
times the 
The ‘‘ Limneus glaber”’? of Thompson, 

only form encountered. 

Humphreys, and others is perhaps the 
young of a slender form of this shell 
which is sometimes found in marshes, 
and to my own knowledge occurs in 
the neighbourhood of Cork and Belfast, 
two of the localities in which that species 
was supposed tohave been found. This 
species, like others of the genus, has a 
well-marked lacustrine form. (Figs. 21, 

Limnaea truncatula (Miller). 
Plate VII, figs. 29-32. 
Helic fossaria, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ui, p. 530, 1818. Limneus 

truncatulus, Thompson, Cat. L.& F.W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 32, 1840. 

Even more generally distributed than 

the last species, and, as it is the most 
amphibious of the genus, it is often 


found in places where it would be im- 
possible for the other Limnaeae to exist. 
It is frequent in wayside pools which 
are quite dried up in summer; but the 
most remarkable habitat in which I 
have met with it is the great sea-cliff 
of Croaghmore, on Clare Island. On 
the rock-faces of this cliff it lives up 
to an altitude of close on 1000 feet, 
associated with Hygromia fusca, Pupa 
cylindracea, P. anglica, Balea perversa, 
and Clausilia bidentata, and must depend, 
lke the terrestrial species, for its supply 
of moisture on rain anddew. There are 
not even perennial runnels on this cliff. 
In the Dingle peninsula it lives in similar 
situations, and I have taken specimens 
on Brandon Mountain as high as 
1775 feet. The form met with in the 
eastern counties and on the limestone 
districts (fig. 30) is much larger and 
more rugged than that which prevails 
in many places in the west, which is 
more delicate in texture and smaller 
in size (fig. 29). 
the west yield specimens which, at a 

Some localities in 

cursory glance, might almost be mis- 
taken for Swccmea oblonga when dirty, 
the shouldered appearance of the suture, 

Srunrox—Lis/ of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 118 

so universal in the type, being scarcely 
apparent. (Fig. 31.) 

Amphipeplea glutinosa (Miller). 



CL NT Qc cw WI 


With the exception of the Lough 
Neagh basin in the north-east, this 
shell is strictly confined to the lime- 
stone plain, where it is sometimes 
common, and even abundant, in canals, 
lakes, and ‘large drains or sluggish 
streams. During the summer months 
it may be frequently overlooked, owing 
to its habit of remaining in the deeper 
parts of its habitats; and it is pro- 
bably more generally distributed over 
the central districts than our present 
knowledge would indicate. 

Planorbis corneus (Linné). 

Helix cornea, Brown, Mem. Werner. Soc., 
vol. ii, p. 524, 1818. 

Much the rarest species of the genus 
in Ireland, and—assuming that the 
Markree habitat in Sligo was stocked by 
specimens brought with water-plants— 
is confined toa small part of the country 
drained by the Rivers Barrow and Liffey, 
where it was first discovered about 1815 


by Capt. Brown. Herc it livesin shallow 
drains and swampy pools, associated 

CL NT Qe cw WI 

with Planorbis wumbilicatus, Limnaea 
palustris, and L. stagnalis. Its habitats 
appear to be intermediate between those 
which completely dry up and those, 
such as canals, in which the water-level 
seldom varies. Mr. Kennard refers 
Kildare specimens to the var. mabille?, 

An old record for Meath seems doubt- 
ful, and is omitted for the present. 

Planorbis albus Miiller. 

Helix alba, Brown, Mem. Werner. Soc., 
vol. 11, p. 524, 1818. 


Widely and generally distributed, but 


114 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Aeademy. 

rare in the south-west, west, and north, 
and absent from many districts, some of 
considerable area. In the western and 
north-western counties it is sometimes 
replaced by Planorbis glaber. Wt has 
been stated often that these two shells 
do not live together, but this is certainly 
not true in Ireland. 

Planorbis glaber Jeffreys. 
= P. laevis Alder. 

Planorbis laevis, Thompson, Cat. L. and 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 34, 1840. 



Somewhat similar to Limnaea auricu- 
laria in its distribution, and, although 
widely scattered in all four provinces, 
it is exceptionally local in all but the 
western and north-western counties ; 
and even in these, it is confined to the 
maritime lakes. 
several of the lakes on Achill Island, 
but otherwise has only been taken on 
the mainland. Specimens from West 
Donegal are narrower in the whorls 
than typical English examples, and 
appear to almost grade into the Plan- 
orbis arcticus of Westerlund. These 
Donegal examples closely resemble the 
form found in Lough Skaill in the 

It also occurs on 


Planorbis crista (Linné). 

Turbo Nautileus, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 522, 1818. Planorbis 
imbricatus, Thompson, Cat. L. & F.W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 35, 1840. 



Generally distributed throughout the 
country, but perhaps more abundant 
in the west, and found on many of 
the western islands. In some of the 
central counties, this shell appears 
rare, and has not so far been recorded 
for Carlow and King’s Co. The three 
forms—spinulosa, cristata, and nautileus 
—occur in about equal numbers. 

Planorbis carinatus Miiller. 
Plate VII, figs. 53-55. 

Heliz planata, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ui, p. 524, 1818. 

Generally distributed over the central 
and eastern counties, becoming rare to- 
wards and finally absent from the south- 
west, west, and north-west. Specimens 
from the central districts are generally 

1 Clessin, Deutsche Excursions-Mollusken- 
Fauna, p. 429. 

Sretvox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 115 

fairly typical (fig. 53); but the form 
which prevails in the north-east, and 


more particularly in the Lough Neagh 
basin (figs. 54, 55), seems referable to 
the Planorbis dubius of Hartmann (as 
illustrated by Bourguignat in his ‘‘ Mala- 
cologie du lac des Quatre-Cantons’’) 
(see fig. 2, below), and has often been, 
and stillis, mistaken for the next species. 
Hence several of our northern records 
for Planorbis umbilicatus perhaps belong 
to this species. The records for Mid 
and Kast Cork are omitted for the 
present, as Mr. Phillips considers all the 
shells he has so far taken in or seen 
from these divisions to belong to the 
next species. 

Fie. 2.—Planorbis dubius Hartmann (a, 4) and 
Planorbis carinatus Miller (ec, d) 
after Bourguignat. 

Planorbis umbilicatus Miiller. 
Plate VII, fig. 56. 

Felix Planorbis, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 528, 1818. Planordis 
marginatus, Scharff, Irish Nat., p. 152, 


The distribution of this shell is 
almost the same as that of Planorbis 
carinatus ; but in the southern counties 
it is much commoner, while in the 
north-east the reverse is the case, this 
being the more local species of the two. 
The habitats of these two shells are 
apparently different, Planorbis carinatus 
living in rivers, canals, and lakes, while 
the present species is almost invariably 
confined to large ditches and swampy 
places, and is frequently associated with 
Planorbis spirorbis var. leucostoma and 
Aplecta hypnorum. 

Planorbis vortex (Linne). 

Helix Vortex, Brown, Mem. Werner Soc., 
vol. ii., p. 524, 1818. 

A typical ‘‘Central”’ species, and 
one which is entirely absent from the 
north-eastern districts, where so many of 
this group, @.e. Central, occur. Some 

[@ 2] 

116 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

specimens of this shell run very close 
to the extreme forms of Planorbis spir- 


orbis var. leucostoma; but the latter is 
mainly a marsh shell; whereas the pre- 
sent one, like Planorbis carinatus, is 
seldom met with except in rivers, 
canals, or lakes. 

Planorbis spirorbis (Linné). 

Helix Spirorbis, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 524, 1818. 

Generally distributed, but rare in 
some of the central counties, where it 
is to a certain extent replaced by Plan- 
orbis vortec. Two well-marked forms, 
which are defined below, are to be found, 
the extreme examples of which might 

easily be given specific rank; but it is 
difficult to distinguish the intermediate 
forms which seemingly connect these 

(a) This is often regarded on the 
Continent as the type of the species. 
It has more quickly increasing whorls, 
and in some characters resembles the 
northern form of Planorbis glaber. 
Mainly confined to the southern counties; 
but specimens from Dog’s Bay, in West 
Galway, have been referred by the late 
Prof. Boettger to the “typical Conti- 
nental P. spirorbis.” 

(6) The Planorbis leucostoma of 
Michaud. Distinguished by the pos- 
session of an internal white rib round 
the aperture, flatter shell, and more 
slowly increasing whorls. This is the 
prevailing form, and is particularly 
common in the west, and occurs on 
most of the western islands. Large 
and specially flat specimens of this 
form are often confounded with Plan- 
orbis vortex. 

Some specimens of this last variety I 
cannot separate from Galician examples 
of Planorbis septemgyratus Rossm., from 
the Westerlund collection in the 
National Museum, Dublin. 

Planorbis contortus (Linné). 

Helix contorta, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soe., vol. ii, p. 524, 1818. 

Common and generally distributed 
over most parts of the mainland, but 
rave in many of the western districts ; 
and the only island on which it has 
been taken is Rathlin, in Antrim. It 
is a shell which varies greatly in size, 
probably according to the nature of the 

Srevrox— List of Lund and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 117 

water in which it lives; for it is fre- 
quently met with in peaty drains, with 
no other associates save Pisidia. 


Planorbis fontanus (Lightfoot). 

Helix fontana, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p.524,1818. Planorbis 
nitidus, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 37, 1840. 


Generally distributed, but becomes 
rare towards the south, west, and 
north, its headquarters being, like that of 
so many of our other freshwater shells, 
situated in the central counties. In 
habits it is similar to Planorbis crista, 
and is seldom found in deep water, pre- 
ferring the grassy margins of canals, 
ditches, or lakes, where it is occasionally 

abundant. It is rare to find specimens 
of more than medium size, but in Castle- 
bar Lake in West Mayo, during Sept., 
1909, I took several shells measuring 
6°25 mm. in diam. 

Physa fontinalis (Linné). 

Bulla fontinalis Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. 1, p. 516, 1818. 


Though recorded for all divisions, 
this shell is seldom met with in the 
peat-covered areas of the west or north, 
and has not been recorded from any of 
the western islands. Over the central, 
south-eastern, and north-eastern dis- 
tricts it is one of our commonest fresh- 
water species. 

Aplecta hypnorum (Linné). 

Bulla Hypnorum, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 517, 1818. Physa 
hypnorum Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 34, 1840. Aplexa 
hypnorum, Scharff, Trish Naturalist, 
p. 151, 1892. 

Much more local than Physa fon- 

118 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

tinalis, although it has a wider range 
and occurs in those western and northern 

FE TY AR 90 







areas in which that shell is not found. 
It has also been taken on Inishmeane in 
West Donegal. 

This shell is seldom found without 
Planorbis sptrorbis var. leucostoma, an 
association which has often been re- 
marked on; but it is scarcely so univer- 
sally distributed as this species, P. 
sprrorbis frequently occurring without 
A. hypnorum. 

Paludestrina confusa (Frauenfeld). 


Added to our fauna in 1908 by 
Mr. Phillips, P. confusa has now been 

taken by that conchologist in great 
quantities in the brackish waters and 
marshes of the Rivers Shannon, Suir, 
Barrow, and Nore. The Irish form, 
Mr. Phillips writes me, is uniformly 
smaller than the English, as the latter 
is smaller than that of the Continent. 

Paludestrina ventrosa (Montagu). 

Hydrobia ventrosa, Scharff, Irish Nat., 
p. 178, 1892. 


Common in several estuaries on the 
eastern, north-eastern, and western 
coasts. On the Aran Islands it lives in 
a brackish pool associated with Palu- 
destrina jenkinst. 

Paludestrina jenkinsi Smith. 

Hydrobia Jenkinsi, Adams, Irish Nat., 
p. 234, 1897. 

Since its first discovery in this country 
by Mr. Welch in 1896, this species has 
been taken in nearly all the maritime 
counties, and has become alarmingly 
abundant in many districts, greatly 
to the inconvenience of competing 
species. It is also abundant in the 

SreLrox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 119 

Lough Neagh basin, though first ob- 
served there in 1898. From its pre- 


sence in lakes on the Aran Islands, on 
the Dingle peninsula, and in other 
isolated stations along the west coast, 
it can scarcely have been introduced 
with timber, as was originally sug- 
gested; and it is, I think, certainly 
native. But that it has recently spread 
locally I also firmly believe ; for in its 
present abundance it could not have 
been long overlooked. 

The testimony of Mr. J. N. Milne 
would alone convince me of this fact, 
and there is also that of other con- 
chologists to confirm his statements. 
Mr. Milne’s experience is briefly as 
follows: he collected regularly for 
many years, in the marshes opposite 
Culmore and at Limavady in Derry, and 
in those of Inch in East Donegal, the 
dominating species always being Plan- 
orbis crista, P. spirorbis, and Aplecta 
hypnorum. After the lapse of but a few 
years, he again visited these localities 
during the closing years of the last 
century, and found that Paludestrina jen- 
kinst had appeared in enormous numbers, 
and. was undoubtedly the dominant 
species. At Inch he failed to find any 
specimens of Planorbis erista, though 

the other two shells were still there. 
During the month of June, 1909, I had 
an opportunity of working Mr. Milne’s 
station at Limavady Junction. No ex- 
amples of Planorbis crista were seen ; but 
one of P. sprorbis and several of A. 
hypnorum were taken, while every scoop 
brought up hundreds of P. jenkins?. 
After the first frosts of autumn, millions 
of dead shells of this species may be 
collected along the shores of Lough 
Foyle, and on those of Lough Neagh, 
thrown up by waves in large wreaths, 
which sometimes measure several feet 
long and may be inches in depth. Like 
all adaptable species, it shows great local 
variation, each station having some diffe- 
rent characteristics; but the prevailing 
form is smooth, the vars. carinata and 
coronata being more local, though in 
certain localities these may predomi- 

Paludestrina stagnalis (Baster). 

Turbo Ulvae, Brown, Mem. Werner. Soc., 
vol. ii, p. 521, 1818. Aydrobdia 
ulvae, Scharff, Irish Naturalist, 
p. 178, 1892. 



Common in most estuaries, and occurs 

120 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

on the coasts of all four provinces. 
Shows great variation in size and 
shape, in the depth of suture and other 

Bithynia tentaculata (Linné). 

Heliz tentaculata, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soe., vol. ii, p. 531, 1818. Paludina 
tentaculata, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Mollusca of Ireland, p. 3, 


Common over the greater part of the 
country, but becoming scarcer in all 
directions away from the central plain, 
and absent from districts such as West 
Donegal (metamorphic area), Antrim 
and Derry (basaltic plateau), West 

Mayo (metamorphic area), and the © 

mountainous parts of Cork and Kerry. 

Bithynia leachi (Sheppard). 

The distribution of this shell greatly 
resembles that of several of the 
“central’”’ species; but it has not so 
extensive a range as Planobis vortex, 
or as Weritina fluviatilis. The centre of 
its distribution is worth noting, being 
close to the only Irish stations for 

Planorbis corneus. The similarity of the 
geographical distribution of these two 


shells has already been pointed out by 
Mr. Welch (Irish Nat., p. 1, 1908). 

Valvata piscinalis (Miiller). 
Plate VII, figs. 27, 28. 

Turbo fontinalis, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 522, 1818. 


Generally distributed, and common 
in almost all parts of the mainland, and 
occurs on Clare Island in West Mayo. 
The prevailing form according to 
Mr. Kennard is that known on the 
Continent under the specific name of 

Valvata alpestris, Blauner. (Fig. 27.) 

Srr.rox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 121 

Yalvata cristata Miller. 

Turbo cristatus, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. 11, p. 522, 1818. 


Perhaps even more generally dis- 
tributed than the last species, but has 
not been found except on the mainland. 

Acicula lineata (Draparnaud). 

Acme fusca, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Ireland, p. 29, 1840. 
A. lineata, Scharff, Irish Naturalist, 
p. 177, 1892. 


Widely distributed, but so far un- 
recorded for twelve divisions, all of 
which are inland with the exception of 


Wexford. That this shell will eventually 
be found in all divisions is not im- 
probable ; but some of the districts lying 
in the central plain offer few habitats 
for such a shade-loving species; and it 
is therefore possible that it may not live 
in a few of these areas. Three colour 
forms are found, the dark-brown type, 
a paler brown, and the pure white form ; 
of these the last is perhaps the most 
common of the three, while the other 
two oceur in about equal quantity. On 
Clare Island—the only island from 
which the species has been reported— 
and on the adjoining mainland of West 
Mayo, I have seen none but the brown 
forms. Ina little sea-gully near Slea 
Head, the most westerly point of the 
Dingle promontory, this shell has been 
taken in great numbers by Mr. Welch 
and myself; a few handfuls of moss, 
liverworts, &e., yielding over 200 
specimens of the white and brown 

Neritina fluviatilis (Linn6). 

Nerita flwiatilis, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soe., vol. 11, p. 532, 1818. 

In Ireland this is strictly a caleicole 


122 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

species; and outside the central limestone 
districts, it is only found in isolated 
stations in West Galway, West Mayo, 
Sligo, and Leitrim; all these stations, 
however, lie on Carboniferous lime- 
stone. So far this shell has not been 
found in any division in Ulster, and its 
absence from the Fermanagh lakes, 
where so many ‘‘ Central ”’ species, such 
as Planorbis vortex and Anodonta cygnea, 
oecur, is worthy of special notice. Its 
chief habitats are canals and the larger 
rivers and lakes, the Shannon being 
perhaps its present headquarters. In 
colour and markings there isconsiderable 


Margaritana margaritifera Linne. 
Mya margaritifera, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. ii, p. 505, 1818. Alasmodon 
margaritiferus and A.  elongatus, 
Thompson, Cat. L. and F. W. Moll. 
of Ireland, pp. 41 and 44, 1840. 
Onio margaritifer, Scharff, Irish Nat. 

p. 180, 1892. 


Abundant in many of the larger 

rivers in the mountainous parts of 
the south, west, and north, and also 
frequent in some of those in the east. 
As might be expected, it is absent from 
most of the central parts of the country, 
where it is replaced in many of the 
rivers by Anodonta eygnea. Specimens 
from the Aughrim River in Wicklow 
have been identified by the late Prof. 
Boettger as Jargaritana pyrendica 
Locard. Seemingly scarcer than in 
former times in many rivers, perhaps 
owing to the depredations of the pearl- 
searchers and their wanton destruction. 

Anodonta cygnea (Linne). 

Mytilus eygneus, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soe., vol. ii, p. 515, 1818. Anodon 
cygneus, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Iveland, p. 40, 1840. 


This bivalve has a somewhat similar 
range to Planorbis vortex and Neritina 
Huviatilis, but is more widely distributed 
in the north and north-east, occurring 
in Lough Neagh and the neighbouring 
districts of Antrim, Down, and Armagh. 
It reaches the west coast at Westport, 
in West Mayo, where a small, tumid 
form is common in the Carrowbeg. 

Srrirv0ox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 128 

From the extreme south and south- 
east we have as yet no records; but it 
should certainly occur in the latter 
district. The prevailing form is small, 
7 inches being about the maximum 
length. This size is attained only in 
specimens from canals and the smaller 
lakes. Shells found in the larger lakes 
seldom exceed 4 inches. M. Henri 
Drouet has identified the large form 
found in the Royal Canal as 4. eygnea, 
but considered the smaller to belong to 
A. cellensis Schriter. 

Sphaerium corneum (Linné). 

Tellina cornea, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soc., vol. 1, p. 508, 1818.  Cyelas 
cornea, Thompson, Cat. L. & F. W. 
Moll. of Iveland, p. 38, 1840. 

Generally distributed, but absent 
from, or extremely rare in, the south- 
west and north-west, rare in most of 
the western counties, and not recorded 
for any of the western islands. In 
reality it is a “central” species, with 
a somewhat extended range. Many 
forms occur; but the most important 
variation is that met with in some of 

the lakes of the limestone area, which 

is very globose and with large, 

prominent umbones. 

Norr apprp iv Press.—I have re- 
cently taken some exceedingly small 
examples ofa Sphaerium in West Mayo. 
These, although apparently well grown, 
are smaller than the fry of S. corneum ; 
but until I have obtained more specimens 
and further investigated the matter I 
cannot say whether they belong to this 

species or not. 

Sphaerium lacustre (Miller). 

Cyclas lacustris, Thompson, Cat. L. & 
F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 38, 1840. 


Has a distinctly eastern range, and 
is found in all the eastern maritime 
divisions. It also occurs in the southern 
divisions of the central plain and as far 
west as Clare and North-east Galway. 
It is always a local shell, but generally 
common where it is to be found, and in 
Lough Neagh, at the inlets of some of 
the larger rivers, it occurs in erormous 
numbers. Here during certain seasons 
it may be dredged in bucketfuls. 

[R 2] 

124 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Pisidium amnicum (Miller). 

Tellina amnica, Brown, Mem. Werner. 
Soe., vol. 1, p. 508, 1818. 



Resembles the last shell in its distri- 
bution, but has a wider range. Often 
associated with it in the north-eastern 
districts ; but Mr. Phillips tells me that 
in the south he rarely finds these two 
species together, though sometimes 
occurring in the same district, the pre- 
sent one seeming to favour large rivers 
and canals, while Sphaeriwm lacustre 
occurs most frequently in ditches and 
sluggish streams. 

Pisidium henslowanum (Sheppard). 


An exceedingly local shell, and is 

only known from a: few central and 
north-western localities. There is, how- 
ever, a doubtful record for Dublin, 
which points to the possibility that it has 
been overlooked in other parts of the 

Pisidium subtruncatum Malm. 

Pisidium fontinale, Scharff, Irish Nat., 
p. 180, 1892. 


Generally distributed throughout the 
mainland, and occurs on some of the 
western islands. 

Pisidium pulchellum Jenyns. 

CL NT C cw WI 

Distinctly more local than Pisidium 

subtruncatum, but is nevertheless 

Sretrox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 125 

widely distributed throughout the main- 
land. Has also been taken on Clare 
Island and Achill Islandin West Mayo. 

Pisidium casertanum Poli. 

2 Pisidium cinereum, Thompson, Cat. L. 
& F. W. Moll. of Ireland, p. 40, 1840. 




Very generally distributed. The 
P. pusillum var. grandis of most 
English authorities. In  peat-bogs, 
ditches, and pools of peaty water this 
species and P. personatum are particu- 
larly abundant, and are often to be 
found where no other shell can appa- 
In the lakes of West 
Mayo a peculiar form of this species 
occurs; and specimens sent to Mr. B. B. 
Woodward were at once recognized by 
him asa lacustrine form. 

rently live. 

Pisidium obtusale Pfeiffer. 

Widely distributed, but is a somewhat 
local shell. Occurs on some of the 
western islands. On the Dingle pro- 
montory, in South Kerry, this species is 
very abundant in some of the mountain 
tarns, and occurs in the Coomb-a-knock 
Lake on Brandon Mountain, up to an 
altitude of 2300 feet. 


Pisidium nitidum Jenyns. 

CL NT Qc cw WI 

Generally distributed, but, like P. 
pulchellum and P. obtusale, is local and 
often absent from large areas. Like the 
other members of the genus, this shell 
is frequently met with on the western 
islands. It is also frequently common 
in mountain tarns, which have stony 
bottoms, with little vegetation. 

Pisidium pusillum (Gmelin). 

Generally distributed on the main- 
land, and is also found on some of the 
The old records for this shell 
probably include both the next species 
and P. obtusale. 


126 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 




Pisidium personatum Malm. 


Widely distributed on the mainland 
and islands, and particularly common in 
boggy areas. Only recently recognized 

in this country by Mr. Woodward. 

Pisidium milium Held. 


Generally distributed on the mainland 
and islands. 

Pisidium hibernicum Westerlund. 



This species, which, like Zzmnaea in- 
voluta and L. praetenuis, is unknown 
outside Ireland, is now known to inhabit 
several lakes in South Kerry and one in 
West Cork. All of these le at an 
altitude of over 1,000 feet, and the 
greater number of them are intensely 
peaty. Its only associates so far ob- 
served have been Limnaea praetenuis, 
Ancylus fluviatilis, and other Pisidia. 

Some English conchologists have con- 
sidered this species to be a form of 
Pisidium obtusale; but I learn from 
Mr. Woodward that, judging by the 
hinge, it is a good species, and that its 
nearest ally in the Britannic area is 

Pisidium milium. 

Pisidium steenbuchi Moller. 

? Pisidium globulare, Scharff, Tv. Nat., 
p. 179, 1892. 

Though recorded as a fossil from Clare 
and Kildare, this species was until 1910 
unknown in the living state in Ireland. 
It, however, inhabits Keel Lough on 

SrrLrox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 127 

Achill Island, where it is associated with 
P. lilljeborgi and the lacustrine form of 

period, and to which Vertigo lilljeborgi 
also belongs. 

CL NI Qc cw WI 

Pisidium lilljeborgi Clessin. 




P. casertanum, while Major Trevelyan wc 
has dredged it in several lakes in Fer- 
managh and Kast Donegal. The shells 

which Dr. Scharff has recorded as 

Though not discovered in this country 
until recently, this shell has now been 

Pisidium globulare—a synonym of the 
present shell—are now regarded by 
Mr. B. B. Woodward as a form of P. 
pusillum. Both P. steenbuchi and P. 
liljeborgi would appear from their dis- 
tribution to belong to that group of 
migrants which invaded this country 
from the north at some very remote 

taken in several of the western diyisious, 
from West Donegal to Achill Island in 
West Mayo. Its known habitats are 
all lakes with rather scanty vegetation 
and stony bottoms, lying in barren and 
uncultivated districts, but it is probably 
widely distributed in the western and 
northern counties. 

3. List or ERRONEOUS AND DoubrruL Recorps. 

Though many of the doubtful records in the following list will in all 
probability be eventually verified, it has been considered prudent not to 
include them in Section 2 at present, as they are mainly founded on old records, 
and are not backed up by existing specimens. Where a record is listed as 
erroneous, it does not mean that the particular shell in question is necessarily 
absent from that division, but simply that the examples on which the record 
was founded are now considered to belong to another species. Though 
probably not complete, I hope the list includes the majority of the erroneous 
and doubtful records. Many of the former are due to the earlier conchologists, 
who evidently believed that Ireland possessed all the species found in England. 
They were therefore careless when making inquiries as to the origin of the 
so-called Irish examples. 

128 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Hyalinia lucida Drap.—Reported from South Kerry, West Cork, North- 
east Galway, West Galway, Leitrim, Cavan, West Donegal, East Donegal, 
Down, and Antrim ; but all records so far for these divisions undoubtedly refer 
to the large Ivish form of H. cellaria (= Vitrea hibernica Kennard). Fermanagh, 
doubtful: the specimens in the Thompson collection are undoubted specimens 
of this species; but the collection has been so tampered with that I do not 
like to trust the label, which bears the title, “ Florencecourt, Co. Fermanagh,” 
as Thompson nowhere refers to these specimens. 

H. helvetica Blum.—Recorded by Taylor from West and East Cork, Water- 
ford, South Kerry, South Tipperary, Sligo, and Monaghan: but no authentic 
specimens seem to be in existence. Probably all records refer to H. cellaria. 
(See correspondence in Irish Nat., vol. xix., pp. 210, 242, 254). 

H. petronella Charp.—Recorded by Westerlund from “ Ireland ” (see p. 80, 
supra). Probably an error. 

Zonitoides excavatus Bean.—Monaghan, recorded by error in the Concho- 
logical Society's Census, 1902. Down, doubtful: no specimens extant. 
Dublin, doubtful until verified. 

Pyramidula rupestris Drap.—Down, doubtful: recorded from “Scrabo” 
by Thompson. Never seen there since, and there are no specimens in the 
Thompson collection from that locality. 

Helicigona lapicida L.—Reported from Belfast by Jeffreys, but specimens 
afterwards proved to have come from England. 

Hygromia granulata Alder.—“ 7. sericea” has been reported from Kildare, 
Dublin, Down, and East Donegal. All doubtful until verified. 

Hygromia sericea Drap—Unknown in Ireland. All records refer to forms 
of H. hispida or to H. granulata. 

Arianta arbustorum L.—Dublin, erroneous (#. aspersa, juv.). Reported 
from North Kerry, Limerick, and Down; but no specimens in existence. 

Helix pisana Mill—South Kerry, West Galway, and Kildare: all doubt- 
ful; no specimens in existence. Queen’s County, doubtful: there is a 
specimen in the Dublin Museum from the Warren collection, labelled, “La 
Bergerie”; but this must be considered a doubtful record for the present. 

H. hortensis Miill— Recorded by J. G. Milne from Achill Island, in West 
Mayo; but I feel sure that Mr. Milne must have mistaken examples of 
H. nemoralis var. albolabiata for this species, as this variety is found in the 
locality mentioned by him, though not recorded in his list. 

Azeca tridens Pult.—Recorded for Clare in the Conchological Society’s 
Census for 1902. Undoubtedly a printer’s error. 

Caecilioides acicula Mull— Reported from Limerick by Thompson. 

Pupa secale Drap.—There was a specimen of this shell in the Natural 

SreLrox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland, 129 

History Museum at South Kensington labelled “Ireland” ; but no specimens 
have ever been known to have been found in this country. See also Thompson, 
Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., vi, 113, 1840-41. 

Ena obscura Miill— Down, doubtful: shells reported by Captain Brown 
under the name of Helix Lackhamensis probably refer to large examples of 
this species. It has never been found since in Down, and as there are 
no specimens in any collection, it must be considered a very doubtful record. 

E. montana Drap.—Brown reports Helix Lackhamensis from Queen’s 
County and Down; both records must be referred to LZ. obscwra. Reported 
from Dublin in appendix to Walsh and Whitelaw’s History of Dublin. 

Vertigo alpestris Alder.—Dublin, erroneous. West Mayo, doubtful. 

V. lilljeborgi West.—Clare, doubtful. A shell resembling this species was 
taken on the Aran Islands by Dr. Scharff, but lost before finally identified. 

V. moulinsiana Dupuy.—West Galway, erroneous. Specimens are all 
V, lilljeborgi West. 

V. angustior Jeff—Mid or West Cork, doubtful. It is not certain under 
which division the old record should be placed. 

V. pusilla Mull.—Reported by Thompson from Kenmare in South Kerry, 
and from “ Limerick, Cork, and Kerry” by R. Welch. Journ. of Conchology, 
xi, 16. 1904. 

Clausilia laminata Mont.—Reported from Church Island, Lough Gill, in 
Sligo. There are specimens in the Thompson collection of this species labelled 
“Giant's Causeway”; but it is difficult to know whether to trust the record 
or not. 

Succinea putris L.—South Kerry and West Galway, doubtful. All records 
so far refer to the small obese form of S. pfeafferc. 

§. oblonga Drap.—tThere are specimens under this name from Limerick in 
the Hyndman collection in Belfast; but they are only S. pfecfferi var. contortula. 
Also reported from Armagh, doubtful. 

Limnaea glabra Miill—There are several old records for this shell—Cork, 
Dublin, and Belfast—but no specimens are forthcoming. 

Planorbis corneus L.—South Kerry, Dublin, and Meath, doubtful, no 

P. vortex [L.—Derry, Down, Antrim, Mid Cork, and West Galway, 
erroneous: only P. spirorbis var. lewcostoma. Queen’s Co, and Kildare, 

P. carinatus Mill—Mid and East Cork, doubtful. Myr. Phillips considers 
all the specimens he has collected in these divisions to be referable to 
P. winbilicatus, although some of them have been identified as the present shell 
by English authorities. 


130 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

P. glaber Jeff—North Kerry and Mid Cork, doubtful: no specimens im 

Segmentina nitida Miill_—-Reported from Co. Tipperary by Jeffreys and 
others. Probably owing to misinterpretation of Planorbis nitidus, Thompson, 
which is of course P. fontanus Lightfoot. 

Acicula lineata Drap.—Queen’s County, doubtful: recorded in the diary 
of the late Rev. B. J. Clarke from Spire Hill. 

Paludestrina ventrosa Mont.—A single dead example of this shell was 
taken some years ago by Mr. J. N. Milne at Trawbreaga Bay in East Donegal. 
This must be taken as a doubtful record until living specimens are found. 

Paludina vivipara L—The record of Captain Brown seems so emphatic 
that it is impossible to consider it erroneous, and there is a possibility that 
the species may have at that time lived in one of the several mill-dams at 
Newtownards. Although Brown states that he found it “in a stream,” this 
is not likely, as the only one near Newtownards is swift, stony, and shallow, 
and very different from the usual habitats of this shell. The finding of a dead 
specimen near Limerick by Mr. Fogerty [86] has awakened fresh interest in 
this species ; and I have often wondered lately if it were possible that Captain 
Brown had collected his specimens while stationed somewhere in the centre 
of Ireland, and afterwards forgotten and mistaken the locality. There are 
many unworked areas in the central plain; and there seems no reason, from 
its distribution in Britain, why P. vivipara should be absent from Ireland. 

Neritina fluviatilis L.— East Cork, doubtful. 

Dreissensia polymorpha Pallas.—Reported from Dublin by Lowe [146] in 
1885. Undoubtedly an error. 

Sphaerium rivicola Leach.—Reported from the Liffey at Lucan, Dublin, 
undoubtedly a mistake. Some collector in all probability mistook some of the 
very large shells of Pisidiwm amnicwm, which are to be found in this river, for 
the present species. (See Forbes and Hanley, ii, 135.) 

Pisidium henslowanum Shepp.—Recorded from the River Dodder, in Dublin, 
by Clarke in his diary. Doubtful. 

P. subtruncatum Malm.—North and South Kerry, West and East Cork, 
Waterford, Limerick, Kilkenny, Wexford, Queen’s County, West Galway, 
Wicklow, Dublin, Longford, Leitrim, Louth, Tyrone, Armagh, and Derry. 

P. pulchellum Jenyns.—Mid and East Cork, Kilkenny, North-east Galway, 
Dublin, and Louth. Doubtful. 

P. casertanum Polii—North Kerry, East Cork, West Galway, Dublin, 
Cavan, Monaghan, and Armagh. Doubtful. 

P. obtusale Pfeiffer—West, Mid, and East Cork, Waterford, Kilkenny, 

Sretrox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 131 

West Galway, Meath, Sligo, Cavan, Louth, West Donegal, Tyrone, Armagh, 
and Derry. Doubtful. 

P. nitidum Jenyns.—East Cork, North Tipperary, Carlow, Queen’s County, 
Wicklow, Meath, Sligo, Cavan, and Louth. Doubtful. 

P. pusillum Gmelin.—North Kerry, Mid and East Cork, Waterford, 
Kilkenny, West Galway, Kildare, Wicklow, Westmeath, Longford, East 
Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim, Cavan, Louth, Tyrone, and Armagh. Doubtful. 

P. personatum Maln.—Cayan, Armagh, and Down. Doubtful. 

P. steenbuchi Moller.— Westmeath, doubtful. 


We have two kinds of introductions to deal with—‘“natural” and 
“artificial.” The former includes those shells which from time to time may 
be washed up on our coasts by the sea, or those brought by the many casual 
methods which have been appealed to by naturalists and others to account for 
the present geographical distribution of plants and animals. 

Unsuccessful Natwral Introductions. 

The only species of which I can find any record of natural introduction are 
Pomatias (Cyclostoma) elegans and P. ferrugineus. Neither of these shells, 
however, has been able to establish itself im Ireland, although they are both 
better adapted to withstand immersion in the sea than the great majority of the 
species found in this country. Even if able to reach our shores alive, it seems 
probable that, under present conditions, “alien” species, unless specially 
protected, would be speedily wiped out of existence by the competition of 
the truly native fauna. 

Pomatias elegans Miill.—Sea-borne specimens of this operculate have been 
recorded from various places on our coast. Forbes and Hanley [94] mention 
that as many as 100 specimens were washed up near Bundoran (Kast Donegal) 
in one day. 

General Distribution—Widely distributed over Europe, and occurs in 
‘Britain as far north as Lancashire and Yorkshire. 

P. ferrugineus Lam.—This is the Cyclostoma productwm Turton, recorded 
by Thompson as found by Dr. Turton near the sea in the west of Ireland. 

General Distribution. According to Forbes and Hanley this shell is found 
in Algeria, Balearic Isles, and sonthern Spain. 

Between the two groups—natural and artificial—I must place two species 

whose origin is unknown. In the case of these, undoubted introductions, there 
[S 2] 

152 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

is no shadow of evidence to show that their importation was due to man, nor 
is there any real evidence of introduction by natural means -— 

Species whose means of Introduction are Unknown. 

Helicodonta personata Lam.—A dead example of this shell was picked up 
in the sandhills at Newcastle, in Down, by the late 8. A. Stewart, m 1870. 
Possibly sea-borne. 

General Distribution. Central Europe, especially the mountainous districts 
oi eastern France, Germany, and Switzerland. 

Helicella zaccarensis Kobelti—A hali-grown living specimen of this rare 
Algerian xerophile was taken by the writer near Rostrevor, in Down, in 
February, 1898. Origin unknown. 

General Distribuiion—So iar as is known at present, this shell is confined 
to Mount Zacear, in Algeria. 

Tn the second group we have all those shells which are broughi into this 
country with merchandise. Most of these make their appearance in nursery 
gardens and hot-houses, where foreign plants are constantly arriving. Fruit 
has also been proved to be a means of importation, thanks to the investigations 
of Mr. W. A. Green. When introduced into hot-houses many of these shells 
succeed in establishing themselves; but so far we have no instance of any 
foreign species becoming naturalized in the open air, except those which have 
been introduced at Magheramorne with railway ballast. As most of thealiens 
come from a warmer climate than ours, this is not to be wondered at. In the 
ease oi fruit, it is not usually unpacked until it has arrived in a shop; and 
therefore there is not so much likelihood of shells thus imported being able to 
establish themselves. The list of species introduced by artificial means is, up 
to the present, as follows :-— 

Artyicial Introductions. 

Testacella haliotidea Drap.—This species has recently been taken in a 
garden at Strabane (Tyrone) by the Rev. A. H. Delap. Though future investi- 
gation may prove it to be native, and Dr. Scharff is inclined to regard it as 
such, I think, judging by its distribution and that of the other members of 
the genus, that it is more likely to have been imported with plants. 

Agriolimax laevis Mull (?).—This slug, which has been found in many 
greenhouses, differs from our native examples of 4. /aevis in its colour, which 
is of a peculiar slaty-purple tinge. Occurs in Dublin, Belfast, and at Castle- 
wellan in Down. 

Hyalinia lucida Drap.—Common in the greenhouses at Glasnevin and 
Castlewellan, and also in several private gardens near Belfast. The Glasnevin 
examples appear to resemble southern French rather than our native forms, 

SreLvox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 138 

H. nitidula Drap.—A large form referable to the var. nitens has been 
introduced with other species on to the railway near Magheramorne, in 

Zonitoides minusculus Binney.—Common in the hot-houses at the Botanic 
*Park in Belfast. 

General Distribution —North America. 

Zonitoides sp.—Mr. Phillips has recently found at Glasnevin a single 
example of a shell resembling a small Z nitidus. On comparing this with 
a shell taken by myself or Mr. Welch at Crawford’s Nursery, in Belfast, in 
1907, I find that they are identical. Myr. Welch and I had, at the time it was 
found, passed the Belfast specimen over as a peculiar form of Z. nitidus; but 
after seeing that collected by Mr. Phillips I have no doubt that both must be 
referred to some foreign species. This shell resembles Hyalinia arborea Say, 
and also H. petronella Charp. ; but is distinguished from the latter by its closer 
striae, and from the former by its narrower whorls. From Z excavatus it is 
at once distinguished by its narrower umbilicus, though, when viewed from 
above, it closely resembles that species. 

Patulastra flavida Ziegler.—Fairly common in some of the houses at Glas- 
neyin. This shell is easily kept in captivity; and I have now (December, 1910) 
quite a number of half-grown examples, the progeny of two specimens brought 
from Glasnevin in February of the present year. 

General Distribution.—Southern Europe, including some of the Mediter- 
ranean Isles. 

Helicodiscus lineatus Say.—First taken by Mr. Phillips in the hot-houses 
at University College, Cork, and since found at Glasnevin and Castlewellan. 

General Distribution.—North America. 

Helicella virgata Da Costa.—A large and very high-spired form of this 
shell has been introduced (with ballast?) on the Midland Railway near 
Magheramorne, in Antrim, together with other species. 

H. intersecta Poiret.—With H. virgata. 

H. cantiana Mont.—There are specimens of this shell in the Dublin 
Museum from Stillorgan Park, Co. Dublin; but whether it has established 
itself there or not I cannot say. It has also been introduced at Tivoli, near 
Cork, and seems to have become quite naturalized. (Irish Nat., Jan. 1911). 

General Distribution—Central Europe and southern Britain. 

H. cartusiana Mull. Imported into Belfast with currants from Turkey. 

General Distribution—Widely distributed in the southern half of Europe, 
and also found in the south-east corner of England. 

H. pyramidalis (?= 4. pyramidata Drap.).—Recorded by Mr. Green as 
imported with raisins into Belfast. 

General Distribution, —Mediterranean littoral, 

154 Proccedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

Hyrgomia rufescens Pennant.—Introduced with Helicellu virgata at 
Magheramorne, in Antrim. 

This species has made its appearance in many gardens in the north, 
and is now recorded for all the Ulster counties, though in the time of William 
Thompson it was apparently quite unknown north of Banbridge, in Down. 
How much of this extension of its range is due to legitimate migration, and 
how much to importation with plants, &c., it is impossible to say; and I have 
therefore recorded it in the list for all the Ulster divisions, though it 
appears to have been only recently naturalized in most of them. 

Helix pisana Mill—Imported into Belfast with bananas. 

H. limbata Drap.—A single living specimen was taken by the writer 
some years ago in Dickson’s Nursery at Belfast. No example seen since. 

General Distribution. Widely distributed in France and occurs in Spain. 

Hemicycla (Helix) guanartemes Grass.—Also obtained in Belfast, in im- 
ported bananas, by Mr. Green. Wollaston gives many interesting notes on 
this species in his Testacea Atlantica, p. 364. 

General Distribution.—Confined to Grand Canary, with allied species in 
the island of Teneriffe. 

Carychium minimum Miill—A form differing from our native specimens is 
common on the outside of damp pots in some of the houses at Glasnevin and 
Castlewellan. Associated in the former place with the species of Limnaea 
mentioned below. 

Subulina octona Chemnitz.—Abundant im several greenhouses in Belfast, 
Glasnevin, and Castlewellan. Usually associated with the next species. 

General Distribution —Tropical America and reported from tropical Africa 
and Madagascar. 

Opeas goodalli Miller—Has been found in all greenhouses from which the 
last species has been obtained, except those at Castlewellan. 

General Distribution —W est Indies. 

Limnaea sp.—A small species is very abundant at Glasnevin, on the 
outside of damp pots in the Fern-house. In many ways this shell resembles 
the small western Inish form of ZL. truncatula ; but no authority to which I 
have sent specimens has cared to say definitely that it is that species. Its 
colour, which is a clear, transparent yellow, is quite unlike that of any 
examples of LZ. truncatula I have seen. 

Physa sp. Common in the lily-tank at Glasnevin, and recorded by 
Mr. Green as Physa acuta Drap. In a group like that of the Physae it is 
practically impossible to give an imported species a name, unless one has 
some idea as to the origin of the specimens. Mr. Standen has kindly compared 
this shell with those in the Manchester Museum, and has written to me that it 
is practically identical with examples of Physa gabbi Tryon, from Oregon, U.S.A, 

Sre.rox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 135 

Physa sp.—aA few specimens in one of the small tanks at Glasnevin. These 
are, according to Mr. Standen, similar to specimens of Physa gyrinw Say, also 
an American species. 

Physa sp.—Common in the lily-tank at Castlewellan. Quite a small 

Physa sp.—Common in the lily-tank at the Botanic Park at Belfast, where 
Mr. Phillips first took it in 1909. It is still common there, although this 
tank is dried and carefully cleaned every spring, the cleaning process taking 
about a fortnight’s time. 

Planorbis corneus L.—Believed to have been introduced with water-plants 
into an artificial pond at Markree Castle, Sligo, but future research may 
possibly prove it to be native. 

Pomatias elegans Miill—Recorded by Rev. B. W. Adams in the British 
Association Guide to the Dublin District in 1878, as bemg found at Glasnevin. 
Perhaps a temporary introduction. 

An instance of the means by which shells are imported into this country 
may be interesting. When visitng Mr. R. LI. Praeger recently in Dublin, 
I obtained the “shakings” of moss used by German horticulturists when 
sending him plants. In this material I obtained the following species :— 

From Erfurt in Germany :— 

Vitrina pellucida Mill. Punctum pygmaeum Drap. 
Hyalinia alliaria Miller. Acanthinula aculeata Mull. 
¥ radiatula Alder. Cochlicopa lubrica Mull. 

5 pura Alder. Caecilioides acicula Mill. 
Huconulus fulvus Mill. Vertigo pusilla Mull. 

From Lindau in Bavaria :— 

Vitrina sp. (broken). Hygromia sp. (too young to name). 
Hyalinia alliaria Miller. Cochlicopa lubrica Mull. 
- radiatula Alder. Succvnen sp. (broken). 

f pura Alder. 

The majority of these shells were undoubtedly living when they reached 
this country, andif the moss containing them had been placed in some damp 
situation, I have little doubt that some of them would have become naturalized. 
Mr. Praeger informs me that after arrival in Ireland this moss is often used 
for re-packing, and sent to various parts of the country: so that mollusks thus 
imported may acquire quite a wide dissemination. 

136 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


Compiled by R. J. WELCH, M.R.I.A. 

Apams, Rev. Benjamin William : 
1 [List of Mollusea, Dublin and Wicklow] in Guide to the County 
of Dublin, part 2,p.54. 1878. 

Apams, Lionel Ernest, B.A. : 

The Collector’s Manual of Land and Freshwater Shells. 8vo. London, 

3 Idem. 2nd edition. S8vo. Leeds, 1896. 

4 Paludestrina Jenkinsit Smith, in Ireland. Journ. of Conch. ix, 15. 

Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the Ballycastle District. Irish 

Nat., vi, 179-183. 1897. 

6 Paludestrina Jenkinsi Smith. A New Ivish Shell. Inrish Nat., vi, 

234-236. 1897. 



7 Hyalinia Draparnaudi Beck, in North Iveland?. Irish Nat., vii, 
82-83. 1898. 
8 Paludestrina Jenkinsi Smith, in two new Irish Localities. Journ. of 
Conch., ix, 114. 1898. 
9 Paludestrina Jenkinsi Smith, var. minor, nov., in South Ireland. 
Trish Nat., vii, 199. 1898. 
10 Observations on some British Land and Freshwater Shells. [Zimnaca 

involuta, &e.| Journ. of Conch., ix, 297-302. 1900. 
11 The Census of British Land and Freshwater Mollusca. Journ. of 
Conch., x, 217-237. 1902. 

See also Stusss, A. G., and Lionel E. ADAMS, 266. 

ALCOCK, Thomas, M.D. : 
12 Notes on Natural History Specimens lately received from Connemara. 
[Includes lists of non-marine mollusca.] Proc. Lit. and Phil. Soc. 
Manchester, iv, 192. 1864-65. 

ALDER, Joshua: 
13 Notes on the Land and Freshwater Mollusea of Great Britain, with a 
revised list of Species. Mag. Zool. & Bot., 11, 101. 1838. 
14 A Catalogue of the Mollusca of Northumberland and Durham [on 
p. 137 mentions Gulnaria lacustris, Leach, in Lough Neagh]. Trans. 
Tyneside Nat. F. Club, i, 97-209. 1846-50. [Reprint also, London, 

Sretrox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 137 

ALLMAN, Prof. George James, M.D., F.R.S., M.R.LA. : 
15. Description of a new Genus of Pulmonary Gasteropod [Geomalacus]. 
Ann. Mag. N. H., xvii, 297. 1846. 
ANON. : 
16 Some New Varieties of Irish Land Mollusca [A _ refer. to 
Dr. Westerlund’s description (quoted in full in Latin) (see 352) 
of a new var. of Succinea pferfferi from Dublin, and of Clausilia 
bidentata from Antrim]. Irish Nat., ix, 1381-182. 1900. 

ASHFORD, Charles : 

17 Note on Limnaea glutinosa, Miller [with Limnaea auricularia, &c.]. 
Journ. of Conch., ii, 6. 1879. 

BARKER, John, M.D., M.R.LA. : 
18 Notes on some dissections of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Unio 
Margaritifer) [from Kerry and Donegal, also Bann pearl fishery at 
Portglenone]. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Dublin, iv, 111. 1862-65. 


19 [Many records in the Excursion Reports in the Proceedings and in 
The Ivish Naturalist. | 

20 Guide to Belfast and the adjacent counties. By members of the 
Belfast Naturalists’ Field Club. [Land and Freshwater Shells, 
pp. 115-116.] 8vo. Belfast, 1874. 

21 A Guide to Belfast and the counties of Down and Antrim. Prepared 
for the meeting of the British Association by the Belfast Naturalists’ 
Field Club. [L. & F. W. Moll. pp. 189-94.] 8vo. Belfast, 1902. 

22 [Local species from Co. Louth exhibited by R. Welch.] Irish Nat., 
xv, 272. 1906. 

See PRAEGER, R. Ll, 194, 196, 197. 

BELLARS, Henry J.: 

23 Illustrated Catalogue of British Land and Freshwater Shells 
[ Bulimus acutus, Co. Dublin.] Chester, 1858. 

BENDALL, Wilfred: 
24 The Locality for Limnaea involuta Thompson, Journ. of Conch., iv, 349. 
1885. Also quoted in Zoologist (3), x, 78. 1886. 


25 Synopsis of the Natural History of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL, XXIX., SECT. B, [Tv] 

138 Proceedings vf the Royal Trish Academy. 

Boats, see REDDING, Sir Robert, F.R.S., 198. 

BoweELL, Rev. Ernest William, M.A. : 
26 Vitrina pyrenaica in Ireland. Irish Nat., xvu, 44. 1908. 
27 On Limnaea praetenwis, N. Sp., and L. glabra, Mill. Irish Nat., xvii, 
45-49, Plate 2. 1908. 
28 On the Anatomy of Vitrina pyrenaica. Trish Nat., xvu, 94-98, 
Plate 4. 1908. 
29 On the Anatomy of Vitrea Scharf. Journ. of Malacol. Soc. Lond., 
vill, 52-56. 1908. 
See Kennarp, A. S., 136. 
See Tomy, J. R., and Rey. K. W. Bowett, 290. 
Bripeman, W. K.: 
30 Amphipeplea involuta. Zoologist, xii, 4478. 1854. 

Brown, Capt. Thomas, F.Ls. : 

31 Account of the Ivish ‘l'estacea [1815]. Mem. Wern. N. H. Soc., ii, 
501-536, Pl. 24. 1818. Also Reprint with Plate, 8vo. Edinburgh, 

32 Illustrations to Recent Conchology. 1827. 

53 Illustrations of the Recent Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland. 
2nd ed., 4to. London, 1844. 

34 Illustrations of the Land and Freshwater Conchology of Great Britain 
and Ireland. S8vo. 27 Plates. London, 1845. 

BUCKLAND, Francis Trevelyan, M.A. [Frank Buckland]: 

39 A Run through Connemara and Galway. Chapter X. Field, xxiv, 
400, Dec. 10, 1864. [Unio margaritifera at Oughterard. The 
account of the pearls and pearl fishing is reprinted in Buckland’s 
“Curiosities of Natural History,” 4th Series, 334-338. 1878. } 

CuaAsTER, George W., L.k.c.P., and J. R. le Brockton ToMLIN, B.A. : 

36 The Re-discovery of Vertiyo Lilljeborgi in Ireland. Ivish Nat., xii., 

13-14. 1903. 
Cirristy, Robert Miller: 

37 Admission of Land-shells to the British List. [Helix personata in Co. 

Down.] Sci. Gossip, xix, 112 and 179. 1883. 
CLARKE, Rey. Benjamin James, M.A. : 

38 On the Species of the Genus Zima occurring in Ireland. Ann. Mag. 
N. H., xii, 332-342, Plate 10-12, 1848. 

Sretvox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Treland. 139 

39 A Naturalist’s Diary of La Bergerie and its Vicinity. 1837. [ms. in 
National Musewn, Dublin.] 
See ScHARFF, R. F., 237. 
CocKERELL, Theodore Dru Alison : 
40 Helix nemoralis. [Dublin vars.] Naturalists’ World, ii, 235. 1885. 
41 Helix Pisana var. alba, at Rush, Co. Dublin. Journ. of Conch., iv, 368. 

42 Helix nemoralis var. ponderosa [at White Strand, Billicarberhy (Bally- 
carbery). Hyalinia nitida var. viridescens from Valentia also 
mentioned.| Naturalists’ World, ii, 176,177. 1885. 

43 Notes on some varieties of British Shells. Journ. of Conch., v, 79, 80. 

44 Mollusca of the Skelligs and Valentia. Zool. (5), x, 418-20. 1886. 

45 Limax arborum and the influence of altitude on Colour. Zool., xliv, 
341. 1886. 

46 The Mollusca of Clonmel, Ireland. Sei. Gossip, xxii, 187. 1886. 

47 Notes on some species of Inland Mollusca [Succinea vitrea Jeff., var. 
aurea Cockl.]. Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), xix, 174-76. 1887. 

48 Practical Naturalists’ Society—Conchological Recorder’s Report for 
1886. Naturalists’ World, iv, 48. 1887. 

49 Land and Freshwater Shells Peculiar to the British Isles. Nature, 
xlvi, 76, 77. 1892. 

Coxe, Professor Grenville Arthur James, F.G.S., M.R.LA. : 
50 The Shell of Helix nemoralis, Irish Nat., v, 47. 1896. 
CoLuier, Edward : 

51 Notes on a Conchological Excursion to the West of Ireland. Journ. 
of Conch., vii, 42-46. 1895. 

52 Pupa anglica Fér., var. alba. nov. Journ. of Conch., ix, 152. 1899. 

53 [Suecinea oblonga, Co. Cork, Kerry S., Co. Fermanagh.] Journ. of 
Conch., x, 53, 1902. 

54 Helix nemoralis L., in N.W. Donegal. Journ. of Conch., xu, 290-292. 

CouuigR, Edward, and Robert STANDEN : 

55 Further Conchological Notes from the West of Ireland. Journ. of 

Conch., viii, 177-190. 1896. 
Coxirr, E., A. W. STELFOX, and R. J. WELCH : 

56 [Exhibited many species and vars. from localities in W. Donegal, 
E. Donegal, Sligo, Galway, Kerry, at Annual Meeting Conch. Soc., 
1905.] Journ. of Conch,, xi, 268, 269. 1905, 

[1 2) 

140 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

CoLLInce, Walter Edward, M.SC., F.L.S, F.E.S: 

57 [Notes on Irish Mollusca]. Conchologist, ii, 26-27. 1892. 

58 Catalogue of the Slugs of the British Isles. Brit. Nat., pp. 176-179. 

59 Notes on the Variation of the Genus Arion Fér. Ann. Mag. N. H., 
(6) ix, 807. 1892. 

60 Description of the Anatomy, &c., of a New Species and var. of Arion. 
Ann. Mag. N. H., (6) xii, 252. 1893. 

61 Some Notes on the Irish Slugs. Irish Nat., ii, 148. 1893. 

62 The Anatomical Characters of Arion flagellus Cllge. Irish Nat., vi, 
316. 1893. 

63 Note on a Species of Limax from Ireland. Journ. cf Malacol., ii, 
51-52. 1894, 

64 Some Slugs from North-West Iveland. Ivish Nat., v, 144. 1896. 

65 On Some European Slugs of the Genus Arion. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 439-50. 1897. 

66 Arion empiricorum Fér., var. Bocagei Simr. Irish Nat., ix, 106-107. 

[COLLINGE, Walter Edward. | 
67 A new Irish Vertigo. Journ. Malacol., x, 67. 1903. 

CooKE, Rey. Alfred Hands, M.A., FZ. : 
68 Molluscs. The Cambridge Natural History, ii. 8vo. London, 1895. 

Costa, Emanuel Mendes da: 
69 Historia Naturalis Testaceorum Britanniae ; or, the British Conchology 
... In English and French. 4to. London, 1778. 

CROWTHER, Henry : 
70 [Bulimus acutus trom Dublin exhibited, Leeds Conchological Club. ] 
Naturalist, (N.S.) i, 2. 1877. 

DARBISHIRE, Robert Dukenfield, F.8.A., F.G.S, : 
71 Land Shells at Dog’s Bay, Connemara. Journ, of Conch., iv, 317. 
Dewar, Rey. Alexander Henry, M.A. : 
72 The Mollusca of Clonmel, Ireland. Sci. Gossip, xxii, 234. 1886, 
73 Additional localities for Irish Land and Freshwater Mollusca. Irish 
Nat., ii, 84. 1893. 
Detar, Miss Mand Jane: 
74 New localities for Geomalacus maculosus. Irish Nat., xv, 190. 1906. 

SreLrox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 141 

Dixon, George, and John William Watson : 
75 A Descriptive Manual of British Land and Freshwater Shells. 
[Pupa venetzii Charp. = Vertigo angustior, in Cork and Kerry.| 
Darlington, 1858. 

Donovan, Edward: 
76 Natural History of British Shells. 8vo. London [1779 & 1802]. 

77 Excursion to the Shannon [Clausilia laminata on Hare Isd.|. Lrish 
Nat., ix, 20. 1900. 
Dyson, David: 
78 The Land and Freshwater Shells of the district around Manchester : 
with their particular localities. [Some Irish References.]| Man- 
chester, 1850. 
Evans, William Hill, m.p.: 
79 The Locality for Zimnaea involuta, Thompson. Journ of Conch., 
iv, 355. 1885. 
FARRAN, Charles, M.D. : 
80 Helix Pisana and its localities. Nat. Hist. Review, i, 149. 1854, 

FarRAN, George Philip: 
81 Land and Freshwater Mollusca from Co. Westmeath. Irish Nat., 
vi, 200. 1897. 
82 Land Mollusca of Narin. Irish Nat., viii, 184. 1899. 

83 List of Shells found in the neighbourhood of Waterford. The 
Naturalist, vii, 190-192. 1858. 
FoceErty, John Henry Archbold [Harry Fogerty]: 
84 Some Land and Freshwater Shells of the Limerick District. 
{Limerick and Clare.] Journ. Limerick Field Club, ii, 64-67. 1906. 
85 Anodonta cygnea in Co. Clare. Irish Nat., xv, 189, 255. 1906. 
86 Viviparus [dead shell] in Co. Limerick. Irish Nat., xvii, 159. 1909. 
87 Carychiwm minimum near Limerick. Irish Nat., xix, 49. 1910. 
88 New Station for Heléx hortensis in Ireland. Irish Nat., xix, 243. 
89 Shell Drift at Ballinacurra, Limerick. Journ, of Conch., xii, 98. 
90 Carychium minimum near Limerick. Journ, of Conch, xii, 71. 


142 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Foor, Frederick James, Geological Survey, Ireland : 

91 Notes on the Freshwater Mollusca in the neighbourhood of Ennis, 
and the relation between those living there in the Lakes, and those 
fossilized in the Marl, with observations on the accidental presence 
of a marine species. Proc. Dublin Nat. Hist. Soc., i, 195-96. (1849- 
1855). 1860. See also Nat. Hist. Review, 1, 195. 1859. 

Forbes, Prof. Edward, F.R.S., F.LS., F.G.S. : 
92 Report on the distribution of Pulmoniferous Molluscs in the British 
Isles. [Irish species, 137, 138; and table, 144-147.] Report of the 
Ninth Meeting of the Brit. Assoc., held at Birmingham in 1838. 1839. 
95 On the Connection between the Distribution of the existing Fauna 
and Flora of the British Isles, and the Geological Changes which 
have affected their area, especially during the epoch of the Northern 
Drift. Mem. Geol. Survey Gt. Brit., i, 536-432. 1846. 
Forpes, Prof. Edward, and Sylvanus HANLEY : 
94 A History of British Mollusca and their Shells. 4 vols. 8vo. 
London, 1853. _ 
GLOVER, Miss Maria: 
’ 95 Notes on the British Land and Freshwater Shells collected by the 
late Mr. Thomas Glover [Helix ericetorum and H, virgata, Dublin 
and Connemara]. Journ. of Conch., ii, 369, 370. 1906. 
GLoyng, C. P.: 
96 Discovery of Suceinea oblonga (Draparnaud) near Cork. Quart. Journ. 
of Conch.,i, 97. 1879. 
Gopwin—AusteEn, Lt.-Col. Henry Haversham, F.R.S., F.R.G.S. : 
97 Land and Freshwater Mollusca of India [figs. and description of 
Geomalacus maculosus, anatomy, radula and jaw], i, 60-63, plate 12. 
Goopsik, John : 
98 An account of the anatomy of Limnaea involuta, Harvey. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., v, 22-25. 1840. 
GRAINGER, Rey. Canon John, D.D., M.R.LA. : 
99 On the shells found im the Post-tertiary deposits of Belfast. Proc. 
Dublin Univ. Zool. & Bot. Assoc., 1, 202-222. 1859. 

Gray, J. E., see Turton, W., 292. 

GREEN, William Alfred : 
100 Scalariform Helix nemoralis living at Bundoran, Irish Nat., ix, 271. 

Sre.rox—TList of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 145 

101 Amphipeplea (Limnaeca) glutinosa in the River Bann. Irish Nat., 
3%, US, KOI 

102 New Inland Station tor Hydrobia (Paludestrina) Jenkinsi. Trish 
Nat., x, 145. 1901. 

103 A few notes on imported Mollusca. Journ. of Conch., x, 185. 1902. 

GrRIERSON, Philip Henry : 

104 Notes on the Mollusea of Co. Leitrim. Irish Nat., x, 110. 1901. 

105 Coecilianella acicula in Co. Kilkenny. Irish Nat., xi, 250. 1902. 

106 Some Land and Freshwater Shells from Co. Clare. Irish Nat., xi, 
3 Oo Os 

107 Suceinea oblonga near Mallow. Irish Nat., xu, 54. 1905. 

108 Coecihianella acicula in Co. Waterford. Irish Nat., xii, 54. 1903. 

109 Notes on the Mollusca of Co. Kilkenny. Irish Nat., xii, 507-311, 

110 Coecilianella acicula in Ulster. Irish Nat., xi, 30. 1904. 

111 [Amalia gagates in Co. Louth] Journ. of Conch., xii, 60. 1904. 

112 Notes on the Mollusca of North Cork and Waterford. Irish Nat., 
xii, 164-169. 1904. 

113 Vertigo angustior in Co. Carlow. Irish Nat., xi, 294. 1904. 

114 Notes on the Mollusea of the north-east of Co. Wicklow. Irish 
Nat., xiv, 8-11. 11905. 

115 Notes on the Mollusca of Co. Louth. Irish Nat., xiv, 213. 1905. 
116 [Succinia oblonga, Amphipeplea glutinosa, &c., from Co. Meath, 
exhibited at Conch. Soc.] Journ. of Conch., xi, 218. 19085. 

117 Note on Vitrina elongata Drap. Journ. of Conch., xu, 190. 1906. 

HANLEY, Sylvanus, B.A., F.LS. : 
118 Freshwater Shells collected in Wexford. Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., vi, 
395. 1841. 
See also Forses, Prof. Edward, and Sylvanus HAntgy, 94. 

HartinG, James Edmund, F.Ls. : 
119 Rambles in search of Shells. [Mentions Irish local catalogues at end 
of book.] Svo. London, 1875. 
120 Zur Kenntniss von Geomalacus. Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen 
malakozoologischen Gesellschaft. 1869. 
121 Ueber Geomalacus. Malakozoologische Blatter, xxi, 25-36. 1875. 
122 On the French species of the Genus Geomalacus. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., (4) xi, 271-275. 1873, 

144 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

Hincxs, William : 
125 On Mr. Gray’s Edition of Turton’s Manual fa criticism with notes 
anent several species from Cork]. Ann. Nat. Hist., v, 366-367. 

Hoean, Rey. Arthur Rikey, a. : 
124 Notes on the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the Co. Dublin. 
Nat. Hist. Review. i, 93-94. 1854. 

Houmpnreys, John D: 
125 Contributions towards a Fauna and Flora of the County of Cork 
[Land and Fresh Water Mollusca by John D. Humphreys]. 
London and Cork. 1845. 


[Excursion to Cavan] see PRAEGER, Robert Lloyd, 194. 

Excursion to Ballycastle [Co. Antrim] see PrazcER, R. LL, 197. 

Galway Conference, 1895: see STANDEN, Robert, 249. 

Kenmare Conference, 1898 : see STANDEN, Robert, 251. 

Sligo Conference, 1904: see WELCH, R., and A. W. STELFOX, 348. 

Cork Conference, 1907: see WetcH, R., A. W. STELFOX, and 
J. N. Minne, 260, 349. 

Rosapenna Conference, 1910: see STELFOX, A. W., and R. WELCH, 263. 

JEFFREYS, John Gwyn, LLD., F.RS., F.G.S.: 

126 A Synopsis of the Testaceous Pneumonobranchous Mollusca of - 
Great Britain. (Read Nov.—Dec., 1828.) Trans. Linn. Soc., xvi, 
323-392. 1833. 

127 A Supplement to the Synopsis of Testaceous Pneumonobranchous 
Mollusca of Great Britain. Trans. Linn. Soc, xvii, 505-523. 

128 Gleanings in British Conchology [ Vertigo alpestris, Co. Dublin, an 
error in Nat. Hist. Review, i, 94]. Ann. Mag. Nat Hist., (3) ii, 132. 

129 Further Gleanings in British Conchology. [ Testacella maugei at 
Cork and Pisidium Reclusianum, at Beliast, errors in Baudon’s 
Monog.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) iii, 30-43 and 106-120, 2 Plates. 
1859 [and Reprint, London. 1859]. 

130 Additional Gleanings in British Conchology, with additions and 
corrections. [Reprint from Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Sept. 1859.] 
London, 1859. 

131 British Conchology,iandiv. S8vo. Plates. London, 1862. 

Ste.rox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 145 

132 Helix persunata Lamarck. [at Newcastle, Co. Down.] Ann. Mag, 
Nat. Hist., (4) vi, 425. 1870. 

133 Notes on some British Land and Freshwater Shells. Ann, Mag, 
Nat. Hist., (5) i, 377-382. 1878. 

JORDAN, Hermann: 

; 154 Die Binnenmollusken der nordlich gemiissigten Linder von Europa 
und Asien und der arktischen Linder. [Map and many tables of 
distribution.] Halle, 1883. 

Kemp, Stanley W. : 

35 Geomalacus maculosus on Deenish Island, Co. Kerry. Irish Nat., 
xiv, 262. 1905. 

KeEnNARD, Alfred Santer, F.G.S. : 

136 On Vitrea (Hyalinia) hibernica, N. Sp. With notes on the anatomy 
by Rey. Ernest William Bowell, m.a. Trish Nat., xvi, 525, Plate 
42, 1907. 

137 On Vitrea Scharfi n.sp. Proc. Malacol. Soc. Lond., vii, 50-51. 

138 Supposed Occurrence of Vitrea (Hyalinia) helvetica in Ireland. 
Trish Nat., xix, 254. 1910. 

Kenyon, G.: 

139 Remarks on the British Land and Freshwater Shells. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1,424. 1828. 

Kew, Harry Wallis, fz. : 

140 A holiday in South-western Ireland. [References to Irish L. & F. W. 
Mollusca.] Irish Nat., xix., 64-73. 1910. 

Kyicut, Rev. George Alexander Frank, M.A., F.R.S.E. : 

141 On the Phenomenon of Sinistrorsity in the Mollusca. [Irish records, 
pp. 113-115.] Trans. Perthshire Soc. Nat. Sei, iv, 100-119. 
3 Plates. 1905. 

142 Notes on the Marine Mollusca of Port-Stewart, North Ireland. Trans. 
Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, N.S. vi, 1-17. 1899-1900. [Separate 
copies issued April, 1901.] 

Layarp, Edgar Leopold, ¢.M.G., F.Z.8. : 

143 The Fauna and Flora of Ireland. Sci. Gossip., N.S. u1, 10-11. 1896. 

Leacu, William Elford : 

144 Synopsis of the Mollusca of Great Britain [1820]. London, 1852. 

LovELL, M. 8.: 

145 The Edible Molluscs of Great Britain and Ireland with Recipes 
for cooking them. London, 1867. 
R.1.A, PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. B, [U] 

146 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

- Lowe, Edward Joseph, F.G.S., F.R.A.S. : 
146 The Conchology of Nottingham. [Many Ivish references.] London, 
Lucas, Bernard Richard, F.G.s. : 
147 The result of six hours’ Collecting in Sligo, Easter, 1906. Journ. 
of Conch., xii, 219. 1908. 
148 Testacella haliotidea and other Mollusca in Co. Kerry. Irish Nat., 
xvii, 22. 1908. 
149 New Localities for Vitrea hibernica. Irish Nat., xvii, 22. 1908. 
Massy, Miss Anne Letitia: 
150 Land Shells from Co. Limerick. Irish Nat., viii, 143. 1899. 
151 New Locality for Paludestrina Jenkinsi. Irish Nat., 1, 19. 1902. 
152 Coecilianella acicula in Co. Dublin. Irish Nat., xi, 324. 1902. 
153 [ Otina otis at Narin, Donegal.] Irish Nat., xu, 22. 1903. 
154 Opercula of Bithynia tentaculata. Journ. of Conch., 11,178. 1906. 
Maton, M. George, and Rev. Thomas RAcKET: 
155 A Descriptive Catalogue of the British Zestacea (1804). Trans. 
Linn. Soe. Lond., viii, 17-250. 1807. 
Mine, J. G.: 
156 Contributions towards a list of Irish Mollusca. Journ. of Conch., 
vi, 167-175. 1890. 
157 Notes on the Land and Freshwater Molluscs of Achill Island. 
Journ. of Conch., vi, 412-421. 1891. 
MILNE, James Napier: 
158 Helix arbustorum near Armagh. Irish Nat., iv, 348. 1895. 
159 Helix virgata in Co. Down. Irish Nat., xv, 111. 1906. 
160 Succinea oblonga in Antrim. Irish Nat., xv, 190. 1906. 
MILNE, James Napier, and Arthur Wilson STELFOX : 
161 Some new Molluscan Records for Co. Tyrone. Ivish Nat., xv, 75. 
162 A new station for Helix virgata. Irish Nat., xv, 76. 1906. 
See STELFOx, A. W., and J. N. MILNE, 260. 
Morrat, Charles Bethune, B.A. : 
163 The Hedgehog and its food. Irish Nat., ix, 50. 1900. 
Montacu, George: 
164 Testacea Britannica. London, 1803. 
165 Supplement to Testacea Britannica. London, 1808. 

Srevrox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 147 

Mors, Alexander Goodman, F.R.S.E., F.L.S., M.R.LA.: 
166 Notes on the Animal of Zimnaea involuta (Harvey). Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., (4) iv, 46. 1869. 
167 Limnaea involuta probably a Variety of L. peregra. Zool., xlvii. 
154-155. 1889. 
[Mostey, Seth Lister, as Editor | : 
168 Shells from Kilmore, Ireland. [Helix virgata, H. eriectorum, H. 
hortensis.| Naturalists’ Journ., viii, 6. 1899. 
Moss, William : 
169 The Genitalia and Radulae of the British Hyaliniae. [Irish records 
of Hyalinia draparnaudi.| Trans. and Ann. Rep. Manchester Micro. 
Soe., 24-28. 1898. 
NExson, William : 
170 [Exhibited Sweeinea oblonga from Ballincollig, Cork, at Meeting of 
Leeds Nat. Field Club and Sci. Assoc.] Naturalist, N.S., 1,62. 1875. 
Norman, Rey. Canon Alfred Merle, M.A., F.R.S., D.C.L. : 
171 Occurrence of Limaz Gagates, near Torquay and at Killarney. 
[Garden of Lake Hotel.] Zool., xii, 4284. 1854. 
O’Connor, Miss Frances Sarah : 
172 Spider carrying Snail-shell. Ivish Nat., v, 299. 1896. 
O'CONNELL, John H.: 
173 The Hedgehog and itsfood. Ivish Nat., ix, 50. 1900. 
OLDHAM, Charles : 
174 Vallonia excentriea Sterki, in Iveland. Journ. of Conch., xi, 173. 
Orr, Hugh Lamont : 
175 The Hedgehog and its food [Helix nemoralis used]. Irish Nat., 
vill, 268. 1899. 
176 The Hedgehog and its food. Irish Nat., ix, 110. 1900. 
177 The Dispersal of Molluscs [Helix rupestris carried in limestone]. 
Trish Nat., vii, 250. 1899. 
178 Vertigo edentula on Furze bushes. Irish Nat., x1, 173. 1902. 
Puiuures, Robert Albert : 
179 Valvata cristata in Co. Cork. Ivrish Nat., ii, 112. 1893. 
180 Additions to the Sheli-fauna of Cork. Irish Nat., u, 200. 1895. 
181 Land and Freshwater Mollusca [of Co. Cork]. In 1894 Reprint of 
Charles Smith’s Antient and Present State of the County and City 
of Cork, ui, 264-266. Cork, 1894. 
182 Hyalinia helvetica Blum. An addition to the Irish Fauna. Irish 

Nat,, iii, 45. 1894, 

148 Proceedings of the Royul Irish Academy. 

183 Hydrobia Jenkinsi, Smith, in South-east Ireland. Irish Nat., ix, 
ils, X00), 

184 Vertigo moulinsiana, Dupuy. An addition to the Irish Fauna. Irish 
Nat., xvii, 89, Plate 3. 1908. 

185 Paludestrina confusa, Frauenfeld, an addition to the Ivish Fauna. 
Trish Nat.. xvii, 148. 1909. 

186 Vertigo moulinsiana in Queen’s County. Irish Nat., xviii, 205. 1909. 

187 Limnaea involuta in Co. Cork. Trish Nat., xviii, 205. 1909. 

188 Paludestrina confusa in Kilkenny and Clare. Ivish Nat., XVIil, 
242. 1909. 

189 The Non-Marine Mollusca of Inishmore [Aran Isds.]. Irish Nat., 
sab, WIG, ILO, : 

190 Is Hyalinia helvetica, Blum, found in Ireland? Irish Nat., xix, 242. 

Porrmz, V. L. V., and A. L. G. Micwaup: 
191 Galerie des Mollusques du Muséwm de Douai. [Figures some Irish 
shells sent by Wm. Thompson from Belfast.] 8vo. Paris, 1838. 

PRAEGER, Robert Lloyd, B.a., B.E., M.R.IA. : 
192 Land Shells from Co. Donegal. [* Pocket” of Vertigos, &c.] Ivish 
Nat.,i, 171. 1892. 
193 Helix arbustorum L. in Leitrim. Irish Nat., 11, 302. 1893. 
194 The Field Clubs in Cavan. [Clausilia laminata in Farnham 
woods.] Irish Nat., v, 193-199. 1896. 
195 Among the Fermanagh Hills. [Helix arbustorum at Poulaphuca, 
p. 232.] Irish Nat., xiii, 232-241. 1904. 
_ 196 Belfast and Dublin Naturalists’ Field Clubs. [Excursion to the 
Mouth of the Boyne, &, June 16th.] [Helix pisana abundant.] 
Irish Nat., ui, 180-181. 1894. 
197 The Ivish Field Club Union. Excursion to Ballycastle [Co. Antrim], 
2-5 July, 1897. [Helix arbustorum, H. fusca, &e.] Irish Nat., vi, 
216-218. 1897. 
Kacker, Rey. Thomas, see Maron, M. George, and Rey. Thomas Racker, 155. 
REDDING, Sir Robert, F.R.S. : 
198 A letter concerning Pearl Fishing in the North of Ireland [ Unio? 
Tyrone, Donegal; also Louth, Waterford, Kerry.] Phil. Trans., xvii, 
659. 1693. Abridged ed., 512-513. 1809. 
See also “Natural History of Iveland,” by Dr. Gerard Boars, 
Thos. Montneux, and others. 1726 and 1755, 

Srevrox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 149 

REDDING, John Roland: 
199 Helix nemoralis [Co. Dublin varieties]. Sci. Gossip. xxii, 19. 1886. 
200 [Helix hortensis from Dublin localities exhibited at the Conch. Soc.] 
Journ. of Conch., xi, 188. 1904. 

Rexve, Lovell Augustus : 
201 The Land and Freshwater Mollusks indigenous to, or naturalized in, 
the British Isles. 8vo. London, 1863. ; 

Rimmer, Richard, F.1S. : 
202 The Land and Freshwater Shells of the British Isles. Svo. Plates 
1-10. London, 1880. 

Rorsuck, William Denison, F.L.S. : 
203 British Slug List. [Some Irish Records.] Journ. of Conch., iv, 39- 
43. 1883. 
204 Limax cinereo-niger, an addition to the list of British Slugs. Zool., 
(3) vii, 304. 1883. 
205 Slugs in Co. Waterford. Zool., (3) vii, 507-508. 1883. 
206 Limax maximus v. Ferussaci in Co. Antrim. Journ of Conch., iv, 
222, 1884. 
207 New varieties of Limax arborum and Arion ater. [Mayo, Cork. | 
Journ. of Conch., iv, 375. 1885. 
See Tayior, J. W., and W. D. Rorsuck, 277, 278. 
See WILLIAMS, J. W., 353. 

Rogers, Thomas : 
208 On the viviparous nature of Balea [Balea perversa at Killarney]. 
Journ. of Conch., vii, 40. 1892. 
209 The eggs of the Kerry Slug. Irish Nat., ix, 168, Plate 5. 1900. 
Rurry, John, M.D, : 
210 Essay towards a Natural History of the County Dublin, vol. i-ii. 
8vo. Dublin, 1772. 

ScuarFr, Robert Francis, PH.D., B.SC., M.RILA., F.LS., F.Z8.: 

211 An excursion to Donegal. Journ. of Conch., vi. 165. 1890. 

212 Arion mumimus (Simroth), a British Slug. Journ. of Conch., vi 
267-269. 1890. 

213 The Slugs of Ireland. Sci. Trans. Roy. Dublin Soe. (2) iv, 513-558, 
2 plates. 1891. [See also abstract in Sci, Proc. R.D.S., (N.S.) vii, 
192-195, 1891-1892,] 

214 The Irish Land and Freshwater Mollusca. Irish Nat., i, 45-47, 
65-67, 87-90, 105-109, 185-138, 149-153, 177-181. 1892, 



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Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Perforations in Carboniferous Limestone. [Helix aspersa.] Irish 
Nat., 1, 118. 1892. 

Some Remarks on the distribution of the British Land and Fresh- 
water Mollusca. The Conchologist, ii, 1. 1892. 

Mollusca from Woodenbridge [and Arklow], Co. Wicklow. Irish 
Nat., i, 149. 1893. 

Testacella scutulum Sow. Irish Nat., ii, 200. 1893. 

Testacella scutulum Sow. Irish Nat., 1, 253. 1898. 

Note on the Geographical Distribution of Geomalacus maculosus 
Allm. in Ireland. Proc. Malacol. Soc. London, i. 17. 1893. 

Helix rufescens in Belfast. Irish Nat., ii, 277. 1893. 

Rare Shells from Co. Sligo. Irish Nat., i, 801. 1898. 

Felix fuscain Co. Dublin. Irish Nat., ii, 302. 1893. 

A New Irish Species of Arion. Irish Nat., ii, 302. 1893. 

A supposed new Species of Zimax from Ireland. Ivish Nat., ii, 261. 

Testacella haliotidea, ¥. Big., in Co. Dublin. Ivish Nat., iv, 80. 1895. 

An addition to the Irish Molluscan Fauna. [Pisidiwm hibernicwm 
Westr.] Irish Nat., iv, 835. 1895. 

3 Land and Freshwater Mollusca [of Clonbrock, N.E. Galway]. Ivish 

Nat., v, 223-224. 1896, 

Mollusca of Ballycastle District. [Helix costata.| Irish Nat., vi, 87. 

Hyalinia exeavata in County Fermanagh. Irish Nat., vi, 281. 1897. 

The Land Mollusea of the Great Skellig. Irish Nat., vii, 9-11. 1898. 

The Mollusca of the Great Skellig. Irish Nat., vu, 49. 1898. 

Some Animals from the Macgillicuddy’s Reeks. [imax marginatus 
var. nov. niger, Scharff.] Irish Nat., viii, 213-218. 1899. 

The History of the European Fauna. 8vo. London, 1899. 

Arion ater, var. Bocagei, in Ireland. Irish Nat., ix, 47. 1900. 

Arion empiricorum, Fér., var. Bocagei Simr. Irish Nat., ix, 107-108. 

The Diary of an Irish Naturalist. [Some Queen’s Co. Mollusca 
collected by the late Rev. B. J. Clarke., M.a.] Irish Nat., xiii, 163. 

See CLARKE, Rev. B. J., 39. 

The Origin of the Land & Freshwater Mollusca at present living in 
the British Isles. Journ. of Conch., xi, 138-144. 1905. 

Helix tormensis in Ireland [tonnensis, Sandberger]. Irish Nat. xv, 

109. 1906. 

Sre.rox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 151 

240 Testacella haliotidea in the North of Ireland. Irish Nat., xvu, 163. 

241 Land and Freshwater Mollusca [of Dublin district]. Handbook to 
the City of Dublin and the Surrounding District. Prepared for 
the Meeting of the British Association, pp. 147-151. September, 

S[cHarFF], Robert] F[rancis], PH.D., M.R.LA. : 

242 [Note on the re-discovery in Ireland of Vertigo Lilljeborgi by 
Messrs. Chaster and Tomlin in West Galway]. Ivish Nat., xu, 14. 

[ScHarrr, Robert Francis, PH.D., M.R.I.A.]. 

243 Pisidium personatum Malen [Malm], an addition to the Irish Fauna. 
[A reference to B. B. Woodward’s article, Proc. Malacol. Soe. Lond., 
viii, 124. 1908.) Irish Nat., xvii, 56. 1909. 

See Woopwarb, B. B., 358. 
ScuLLY, REGINALD William, 1.R.C.P.1L, F.LS. : 
244 A new locality for Geomalacus maculosus. Zool., (5) Xv, 55. 1891. 
Situ, Edgar A., 18.0., F.Z.S.: 
245 Note on Paludestrina Jenkinsi. Proc. Malacol. Soc. London, vil, 
203. 1907. 
SOWERBY, George Brettingham (3), F.LS. : 
246 Illustrated Index of British Shells. 4to. London, 1859. 
STANDEN, Robert, (Hon. Curator Conch. Soc., G.B. & L.): 
247 Land and Freshwater Mollusca collected around Portsalon, Co. 
Donegal, Ireland. Journ. of Conch., vii, 195. 1893. 

248 Shells from Co. Donegal. Irish Nat., ii, 261. 1894. 

249 Land and Freshwater Mollusca [of West Galway mainly; coll. on 
Trish Field Club Union Exeursion, July, 1895]. Irish Nat., iy, 
266-270. 1894. 

250 The Land Mollusca of Ballycastle and District, Co. Antrim. Irish 
Nat., vi, 1-9. 1897. 

251 Mollusca [Land and Freshwater]. Report of the Second Triennial Con- 
ference and Excursion [Irish Field Club Union], held at Kenmare, 
July 7 till 13, 1898 [Suecinea oblonga, Limnaea involuta, &e.|. Trish 
Nat., vii, 218-226. 1898. 

252 Reversed Shells in the Manchester Museum [Helix nemoralis 
from Bundoran]. Journ. of Conch., xi, 228-236. 1905. 

Stetrox, Arthur Wilson, A.R.LB.A. : 
253 Helrcella zakarensisin Co. Down. Irish Nat., xv, 110, 1906, 

152 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

254 Some notes on the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Galway and 
District. Irish Nat., xvi, 353-364. 1907. 
255 Additional notes on the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of north- 
west Donegal. Irish Nat., xvii, 86-92. 1909. 
256 Additional localities for the new Irish Vitrina. Ivish Nat., xviii, 
204. 1909. 
257 Is Hyalinia helvetica, Blum found in Iveland? Irish Nat., xix, 210- 
211, plate 15. 1910. 
258 The Distribution of Bythinia Leachi in Ireland. Irish Nat., xix, 
240. 1910. 
259 Some records of Land and Freshwater Mollusca from the Counties 
Roscommon and Longford. Irish Nat., xix, 241-242. 1910. 
Sretrox, Arthur Wilson, and James Napier MILNE: 
260 Further notes on the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Cork West 
and Kerry. Irish Nat., xvi, 286-288, plates 35, 36, 37. 1907. 
STeLFOx, Arthur Wilson, and Robert John WELCH : 
261 The Land and Freshwater Mollusca of North-west Donegal. 
1, Bunbeg, Gweedore, Horn Head, and Glenveagh Areas, by 
A. W. Stelfox. 2, Rosguill Peninsula and Sheephaven Dunes, by 
R. Welch, m.R.1.4. Irish Nat., xv, 62-70, plate 2. 1906. 
262 Land and Freshwater Mollusea [of Lambay, Co. Dublin, in report 
of the special survey of the island]. Irish Nat., xvi, 41-42. 1907. 
263 Land and Freshwater Mollusca [of N.W. Donegal and Tory Island, 
in Report of I.F.C.U. Conference, Rosapenna, July, 1910]. Irish 
Nat., xix, 172-178, plates 5 & 10. 1910. 
See Coir, H., A. W. STELFOX, and R. WELcH, 56. 
See MILne&, J. N., and A. W. STELrox, 161, 162, 
See Wetcu, R. J., and A. W. STELFox, 347 to 350. 
STEWART, Samuel Alexander, A.L.S., F.B.S. EDINB. : 
264 Helia personata in Ireland [Neweastle, Co. Down—a dead shell]. 
Sci. Gossip, xix, 159. 1883. 
265 The Portrush Raised Beach. Irish Nat., vi, 287-290. 1897. 
Strusss, Arthur Goodwin, and Lionel Ernest ADAMS, B.A.: 
266 Supplementary notes on the Mollusca of South-West Ireland. Irish 
Nat., vii, 261-263. 1898. 
Swanton, Ernest William : 
267 Zoned shell (Helix virgata). Naturalists’ Journ., vili,1E. 1899. 
TATE, Ralph, A.LS., F.G.S. : 
268 A Plain and Easy Account of the Land and Freshwater Mollusks 
of Great Britain. Fep. 8vo. London, 1866, 

Srrirox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Irelund. 158 

Tayior, John William, F.1.S. : 

269 Life-Histories of British Helices [Helix arbustorum]. Journ. of 
Conch., iii, 241-259. 1881. 

270 [Helix aspersa in Co. Mayo.] Journ. of Conch., iv, 100, 1883. 

271 On the specific distinctness and the Geographical Distribution of 
Testacella scutulum G. B. Sowerby. Journ. of Conch., v, 337. 1888. 

272 Vertigo pusilla var. albina. Journ. of Conch., vii, 194. 1893. 

273 Arion empiricorum, Fé. var. Bocaget Simr. Irish Nat., ix, 106. 

274 Monograph of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the British 
Islands. 8vo. i, 1894-1900; ii, 1907. [Still appearing periodically 
in parts, many plates and maps of distribution, British and foreign. | 

275 Vitrina elongata in Ireland: an addition to the Fauna of the British 
Isles. Irish Nat., xvi, 225-251, plate 26. 1907. 

T[AYLor], J[ohn] W[illiam], F.1.s. : 

276 Distribution of Acme lineata v. alba Jetfr. [Galway, Kerry]. Sci. 
Gossip, xix, 185. 1883. 

Taytor, John William, F.L.s., and William Denison ROEBUCK, F.LS. : 

277 Census of the Authenticated Distribution of British Land and 
Freshwater Mollusca. Journ. of Conch., iv, 319-336. 1885. 

278 Authenticated materials towards a Land and Freshwater Molluscan 
Fauna of Ireland. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. (2), iv, 672-692, 

See WILLIAMS, J. W., 353. 
Tompson, William : 

279 Description of Limneus involutus, Harvey MS., with an account of the 
Anatomy of the Animal. By John Goodsir. Ann. Nat. Hist., v, 
22-25, plate i. 1840. 

280 Catalogue of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Ireland. Ann 
Mag. Nat. Hist., vi, 16-34, 109-126, 194-206. 1841. 

281 Cyelostoma elegans, Lam., an Irish shell. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., viii, 
228. 1842. 

282 Report on the Fauna of Ireland, Div. Invertebrata. Report Brit. 
Assoc., 245-291. 1843, [Reprinted separately, London, 1844. ] 

283 Additions to the Fauna of Ireland [ Zestacella maugei Fér.] Ann, 
Mag. Nat. Hist., xx, 174. 1847. 

284 Natural History of Ireland, iv. 8vo. London, 1856. 

Tomuin, John Read Le Brockton, M.A., F.E.S. : 
285 Land-shells at the Giant’s Causeway. Irish Nat., mi, 67. 1894. 
R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. B. [Xx] 

154 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

286 Helix ericetorwm, Miill., reversed. Irish Nat., vi, 324. 1897. 
287 A new Irish Vertigo. Irish Nat., xu, 110. 1903. 
288 Vertigo heldi in Ireland. Journ. of Conch., x, 307-308. 1903. 
289 Land and Freshwater Mollusca at Cloghane, Co, Kerry. Journ. of 
Conch., xii, 77. 1910. 
Tomiin, J. R. Le B., and Rey. Ernest William BOWELL, M.A. : 
290 Vertigo moulinsiana Dupuy. Journ. of Conch., xii, 212-215, 1908 ; 
and 297-298, 1909. 
See CHaster, G. W., and J. R. Le B. Tomnin, 36. 
Turton, William, ™.D. : 
291 A Conchological Dictionary of the British Islands. 8vo. London, 
292 A Manual of the Land and Freshwater Shells of the British 
Islands. Small 8vo, 10 plates. London, 1831. 2nd Edition. 8vo. 
London, 1840. New Edition with additions by John Edward 
Gray, PH.D., F.R.S., 8vo, 12 plates. London, 1857. 
Tyg, G. Sherriff : 
293 Helix cantiana (Montagu). [False record near Dublin given in 
Gray’s Turton, p. 36, questioned.| Midland Nat., 1, 324. 1878, 
294 “ Admission of Land-shells to the British List.” Sci. Gossip, xix, 
146. 1883. 
WALLER, Edward : 
295 On the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Finnoe, Co. Tipperary 
[North]. Nat. Hist. Review, i, 84-87. 1854. 
296 On the Discovery in Ireland of new Shells. Journ. Roy. Dublin 
Soe., ii, 39. 1855-1859. 
297 On the Discovery in Ireland of a new British Shell. Journ. Roy. 
Dublin Soe., i, 386. 1858. 
WatpoLe, William White : 
298 Catalogue of the Land and Freshwater Shells inhabiting the 
Neighbourhood of Dublin. Zool., xi, 4022-4024, 1853. 
Warren, Miss Amy : 
299 The Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Mayo and Sligo. Zool. 
(3), iii, 25-29. 1879. 
300 Limaa flavus in the West of Ireland. Irish Nat., 1, 126. 1892. 
301 Rare Molluses from Co, Sligo. [Vertigo angustior living in marsh.] 
Trish Nat., 1, 170-171. 1892. 
302 Helix rufescens in the North of Ireland. Ivish Nat., ii, 301. 1893. 

Srutrox— List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 165 




Thomas William : 

List of Shells with localities [Ms. in National Museum, Dublin]. 
[1836 2] 

J. W., see Dixon, G., and J. W. Watson, 75. 

Wetcu, Robert John, M.B.1.A. : 






Helix arbustorum [Co. Antrim]. Irish Nat., v, 213. 1896. 

Mollusca of Cavan Excursion [I. F.C. U., July, 1896]. Irish Nat., 
v, 274. 1896. 

Helix arbustorwm im Co. Derry. Ivish Nat., v, 318. 1896. 

Helix fusca. Irish Nat., v, 318. 1896. 

Land and Freshwater Mollusca from Great Killary and Westport. 
Trish Nat., vi, 304-305. 1897. 

9 [County Record exhibits at Conchological Society of Great Britain 

& Iveland.] Journ. of Conch., ix, 111-112. 1897. 

Land-shell “Pockets” on Sand-dunes. Irish Nat., vii, 77-82. 

Hydrotia Jenkinsi, Smith, in Co. Donegal. Irish Nat., vii, 150. 

Helix limbata, Drap,, a Pyrenean Shell introduced at Belfast. Ivish 
Nat., vii, 150. 1898. 

Land Mollusca of Co. Tipperary. [Some Cashel and Holycross 
Records.] Ivish Nat., vii, 169. 1898. 

Hydrobia SJenkinsi, Smith, in Co. Down. Irish Nat., vii, 271. 

Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Clonbrock, Co. Galway [Galway 
N.E.]. Ivish Nat., vii, 148. 1899. 

Reversed Helix ericetorum, at Bundoran. Irish Nat., ix, 21. 1900. 

Amphipeplea glutinosa, Miller, in Ireland. Irish Nat. ix, 48. 1900. 

Abnormalities in the shell of Helix nemoralis. Irish Nat., ix, 163, 
plate 5. 1900. 

Large Colony of Vertiyo antivertigo Drap. in Co. Down. Journ. of 
Conch., ix, 280-281. 1900. 

Planorbis corneus in Co. Sligo, Irish Nat., x, 131. 1901. 

Longevity of Land Mollusca [Helix aspersa].. Irish Nat. x, 146. 

Additions to the list of Mollusea of Clonbrock. Irish Nat.. xi, 20, 

Eggs of Arion hortensis. Irish Nat., xi, 46. 1902. 

324 Mollusca from Shell-marl, Clonbrock, Co. Galway, and Portaferry, 

Co. Down. Irish Nat., xi, 46. 1902. 
[X 2] 

156 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acadeny. 

325 Scalariform Helix nemoralis [Bundoran, E. Donegal]. Journ. of 
Conch., x, 244-246, plate 2. 1902. 

326 Some new stations for Mollusca. Irish Nat., xi, 174. 1902. 

327 Longford Land and Freshwater Mollusca. Irish Nat., xi, 174. 

328 Abnormal Land Mollusca from Bundoran. Irish Nat., xi, 184. 


329 The association of Helix nemoralis and H. hortensis in Ireland. Journ. 
Conch., x, 302-303. 1903. 

030 Clausilia tidentata and Balea perversa in Ireland. Journ. of Conch., 
xx, GIlZ, GOB, 

331 Pockets of Landshells, Bannmouth Dunes, Portstewart. Journ. of 

Conch., x, 338-339. 1905. 
2 Paludestrina (Hydrobia) Jenkinsi. Jrish Nat., xiii, 118. 1904. 
3 Rare or Local Irish Land and Freshwater Mollusca. Journ. of 
Conch., xi, 16-19. 1904. 
534 Some results of a Flood in North Ireland [Co. Derry]. Journ. of 
Conch., xi, 28. 1904. 

330 [Mollusca Co, Cavan, &¢., exhibited at Conchological Society.] 
Journ. of Conch., x1, 95. 1904. 

336 Freshwater Shells in Masses in Shell-Marl. Journ. of Conch., xi, 
UGil, IGOR, 

337 Land and Freshwater Mollusca from Co, Roscommon. Irish Nat., xv, 
76. 1906. 

338 Helix hortensis in Co. Antrim. Irish Nat., xvi, 251. 1907. 

339 Limax cinereo-niger—a correction. Irish Nat., xvi, 370. 1907. 

340 Melampus bidentatus in Co. Cork—a correction. Irish Nat., xvi, 
371. 1907. 

841 Bythinia Leachii, an addition to the Irish Fauna, with some notes 
on its distribution and also on that of Planorbis corneus. Irish 
Nat., xvii, 1-5, plate1. 1908. 

342 Exotic Land Mollusca at Belfast. Ivish Nat., xvii, 23. 1908. 

343 Testacella mauget, Fér., at Cork. Irish Nat., xvii, 163. 1908. 

344 Land-shell Rain-wash at Horn Head, Co. Donegal. ‘Irish Nat., xviii, 
113. 1909. 

345 Pisidium personatum—a correction. Irish Nat., xvii, 120. 1909. 

346 Helix hortensis in Co. Down. Irish Nat., xviii, 205. 1909. 


SreLrox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 157 

We cu, R. J., and A. W. STELFOX, A.R.LB.A. : 

347 The Mollusca of Bushy Park, Dublin. Ivish Nat., xiii, 121-126, 
plate 1. 1904. 

348 Land and Freshwater Mollusca [of Sligo and Leitrim, collected on 
the I. F.C. U. Excursions, Triennial Conference, Sligo, July, 1904]. 
Trish Nat., xiii, 183-193, plates 6,7, 8, 11, 12,13. 1904. 

349 Land and Freshwater Mollusca [of W., Mid, and E. Cork, and 
Waterford, coll. on I. F. C. U. Excursions, Triennial Conference, 
Cork, July, 1907]. Ivish Nat., xvi, 273-286, plates 27, 29, 32. 1907. 

300 Mollusca of Bushy Park, Dublin. [Additions.] Irish Nat., xvii, 25. 

See Cotuizr, E., A. W. STELFOX, and R. J. WELCH, 56. 
See STELFOx, A. W.,and R. J. WELCH, 261 to 263. 

WESTERLUND, Carl Agardh, PH.D. : 

301 Fauna Molluscorum terrestrium et fluviatilium Sveciae, Norvegiae et 
Daniae. [Many Irish references.] Stockholm, 1873. 

352 Novum Specilegium Malacologicum. [New vars. of Succinea pfeifferi 
from Dublin, and Clausilia bidentata from Antrim.| Annuaire 
du Musée Zoologique de ?Académie Impériale des Sciences des 
St. Petersbourg, 1898, 155-183. 

See ANON., 16. 

WIAs, J. W., M.R.GS., F.LS. : 
353 Land and Freshwater Shells: An introduction to the study of 
Conchology. ... With a chapter on the Distribution of the 
British Land and Freshwater Mollusca, by J. W. Taylor, F.LsS.,.. . 
and W. Denison Roebuck, F.L.8. [Young Collector Series], sm. 8vo. 
London, 1889. 
354 Shells from Ireland [Galway, Mayo]. Midland Nat., xii, 219. 1889. 
355 Limnaea involuta probably a variety of L. peregra. Zool. (8), xiii, 
235. 1889, 
356 Irish Locality of Amphipeplea involuta. Zool., iv, 1216. 1846. 

WoopwakrbD, Bernard Barnham, F.LS., F.G.S., F.R.MS. : 
357 List of British non-Marine Mollusca. Journ. of Conch., x, 352- 
367. 1908. 
358 Note on the occurrence of Pisidiwm jpersonatum, Malm, in the 
British Islands. Proc. Malacol. Soc. London, viii, 124. 1908. 

158 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

359 Note on the occurrence in the British Isles of living specimens of 
Pisidium Steenbuchii, Morch, and P. Lilljeborgii, Clessin, with notes 
of new records of Pisidia for the Lake District, and fresh localities 
for P. supinum, A. Schm. Proc. Malacol. Soc. London, ix, 5. 

See ScHAREF, R. F., 243. 
WRIGHT, Prof. Edward Perceval, M.A., M.D, M.R.LA., F.LS. : 

360 On collecting and arranging the British Mollusca [Irish species 
marked 69-85]. Nat. Hist. Review, u. Proc. of Societies, 65-85. 

Wricut, Charles East : 

361 Helix nemoralis eaten by Rabbits [with note by Lionel Ernest 

Adams]. Journal of Conch., xi, 268. 1908. 


Principal References are printed in heayy-faced type. 

Acanthinula aculeuta, 90, 135. Arion bourguignati, 83. 
lamellata, 89, 91, 97. i circumscriptus, 83. 
Achatina acicula, 96. fasciatus, 83. 
Acicula lineata, 102, 121, 180. hortensis, 82, 83. 
Acme fusca, 121. | intermedius, 82, 83. 
lineata, 121. | subfuscus, 82, 85. 
Acroloxus lacustris, 108. Azeca tridens, 128. 
Agriolimax agrestis, 74, 85. 
laevis, 74, 98, 182. Balea perversa, 102, 112. 
Alasmodon elongatus, 122. Bithynia leachi, 68, 120. 
Iargaritiferus, 122. | tentaculata, 120. 
Alexia denticulata, 107. Buliminus obscurus, 96. 
Amalia carinata, 74. | Bulimus acutus, 87. 
gagates, 75. lubricus, 96. 

sowerbyi, 74. 
Amphipeplea glutinosa, 118. 
Ancylus fluviatilis, 108, 126. 

obscurus, 96. 
Bulla fontinalis, 117. 
hypnorum, 117. 

lacustris, 108. Bythinia leachi, 68, 120. 
striatus, 108. tentaculata, 120. 
Anodon cygneus, 122. 
Anodonta cellensis, 123. | Caecilioides acicula, 96, 128, 185. 
cygnea, 108, 122, 123. Carychium minimum, 101, 106, 134. 
Aplecta hypnorum, 115, 117, 118, 119. Clausilia bidens, 103. 
Aplexa hypnorum, 117. bidentata, 103, 112. 
Arianta arbustorum, 92, 128. | laminata, 103, 129. 

Arion ater, 75, 81, 82. { nigricans, 103. 

SreLrox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 

Cochlicopa lubrica, 96, 135. 
maderensis, 96. 

Coecilianella acicula, 96. 

Cyclas cornea, 123. 
lacustris, 123. 

Cyclostoma elegans, 181. 
productum, 131. 

Dreissensia polymorpha, 180. 

Ena montana, 96, 129. 
obscura, 94, 96, 129. 

Euconulus fulyus, 81, 85, 185. 

Geomalacus maculosus, 66, 83. 

Helicella barbara, 87. 

cantiana, 183. 
cartusiana, 183. 
intersecta, 87, 1838. 
itala, 86, 87. 
pyramidalis, 188. 
pyramidata, 133. 
virgata, 86, 94, 188, 134. 
zaccarensis, 132. 
Helicigona lapicida, 128. 
Helicodiscus lineatus, 183. 
Helicodonta personata, 182. 
Helix aculeata, 90. 
acuta, 87. 
alba, 1138. 
alliaria, 78. 
arbustorum, 92. 
aspersa, 93, 128. 
auricularia, 108. 
bifasciata, 87. 
caperata, 87. 
cellaria, 78. 
concinna, 89. 
contorta, 116. 
cornea, 118. 
costata, 91. 
crenella, 65, 91. 
erystallina, 77. 
elliptica, 75. 
ericetorum, 86. 
excavata, 81. 
fontana, 117. 
fossaria, 112, 

Helix fusca, 88. 

fulya, 81. — 
granulata, 66, 88. 
guanartemes, 184. 
hispida, 89. 

hortensis, 94, 96, 128. 
intersecta, 87. 
lackhamensis, 96, 129. 
lamellata, 91. 

lampra, 87. 

limbata, 184. 

limosa, 109. 

lubrica, 96. 

lucida, 80. 

nemoralis 93, 94, 95, 104, 128. 
nitidula, 79. 

obscura, 96. 

paludosa, 91. 
palustris, 111. 

pisana, 69, 95, 128, 134 
planata, 114, 
planorbis, 115. 
pulchella, 65, 91. 
pura, 79. 

putris, 109. 

pygmaea, 84. 

radiata, 85. 

radiatula, 80. 
rotundata, 85. 
rufescens, 90. 
rupestris, 85. 

sericea, 66, 88, 89, 128. 
spirorbis, 116. 
stagnalis, 111. 
succinea, 104. 
tentaculata, 120. 
tonnensis, 94. 
umbilicata, 85. 
virgata, 86. 

vortex, 115. 

Hemicycla guanartemes, 134. 
Hyalinia arborea, 183. 

alliaria, 75, 78, 79, 85, 185. 
cellaria, 68, 69, 77, 78, 128. 
contracta, 66, 77. 
erystallina, 66, 77. 
draparnaudi, 77. 

excavata, 81. 

fulya, 81 

glabra, 78. 


160 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Hyalinia helmi, 79. 5 Melampus bidentatus, 107. 
helvetica, 68, 78, 128. Milax gagates, 75. 
hibernica, 68, 69, 78, 79, 128. marginatus, 75 
lucida, 71, 77, 128, 182. sowerbyi, 74, 75. 
nitens, 79, 133. Mya margaritifera, 122. 
nitida, 80. Mytilus eygneus, 122. 

nititula, 79, 80, 183. 
petronella, 80, 128, 133. | Nerita fluviatilis, 121. 
[pub deh EWS HEE Neritina fluviatilis, 120, 121, 122, 180. 
radiatula, 79, 80, 101, 135. 
scharfii, 68, 78, 79, 99. 
subterranea, 77. 

Hydrobia jenkinsi, 118. 
ulvae, 119. 
ventrosa, 118. 

Opeas goodalli, 184. 
|  Otina otis, 107. 
| Ovatella bidentata, 107. 

Hygromia fusca, 88, 91, 102, 112. | Paludestrina confusa, 68, 118. 
granulata, 66, 88, 128. | jenkinsi, 6&, 118, 119. 
hispida, 85, 89, 128. | stagnalis, 119. 
plebeia, 89. | taylori, 69. 
veyelata, 69. | ventrosa, 118, 130. 
rufescers, 90, 134. | Paludina tentaculata, 120. 
sericea, 128. | vivipara, 66, 180. 
sp., 185. Patella lacustris, 108. 
oblonga, 108. 
Limax agrestis, 74. | Patulastra flavida, 183. 
arborum, 72, 78, 74, 102. Physa acuta, 134. 
cinereo-niger, 72. | fontinalis, 117. 
flavus, 73. | hypnorum, 117. 
marginatus, 78, 74. gabbi, 134. 
maximus, 72. | gyrina, 135. 
tenellus, 69. } sp., 134, 135. 
Limnaea acuta, 109, 111. Phytia denticulata, 107. 
auricularia, 108, 111, 114. myosotis, 107. 
boissyi, 109. Pisidium amnicum, 70, 124, 180. 
burnetti, 69. casertanum, 70, 112, 125, 127, 180. 
glabra, 66, 112, 129. cinereum, 125. 
involuta, 66, 110, 111, 126 fontinale, 124. 
lacustris, 109. globulare, 66, 126, 127. 
ovata, 109. henslowanum, 70, 124, 180. 
palustris, 101, 111, 113. hibernicum, 66, 68, 110, 126. 
pereger, 109, 110, 111. lilljeborgi, 68, 127. 
peregra, 109. milium, 70, 126. 
praetenuis, 68, 110, 126. nitidum, 125, 131. 
sp., 134. obtusale, 125, 126, 180. 
stagnalis, 108, 111, 113. personatum, 68, 70, 112, 125, 126, 181. 
truncatula, 101, 102, 112, 134. pulchellum, 124, 125, 180. 
Limneus (see Limnaea). pusillum, 66, 70, 125, 127, 181. 
steenbuchi, 66, 68, 126, 127, 181. 
Margaritana margaritifera, 122. subtruncatum, 70, 124, 130. 

pyrenaica, 122. | Planorbis albus, 118. 

Srevtrox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Ireland. 

Planorbis arcticus, 114. 

carinatus, 108, 114, 115, 116, 129. 

contortus, 116. 

corneus, 118, 120, 129, 185. 
crista, 114, 117, 119. 
dubius, 115. 

fontanus, 117, 130. 

glaber, 114, 116, 1380. 
imbricatus, 114. 

laevis, 114. 

leucostoma, 115, 116, 118,119, 129. 

mabillei, 113. 
marginatus, 115. 
nautileus, 114. 
nitidus, 117, 180. 
septemgyratus, 116. 

spirorbis, 115, 116, 118, 119, 129. 

umbilicatus, 108, 113, 115, 129. 

vortex, 115, 116, 120, 122, 129. 
Pomatias elegans, 131, 135. 
ferrugineus, 131. 
Punctum pygmeum, 84, 135. 
Pupa anconostoma, 97. 
anglica, 89, 97, 102, 112. 

cylindracea, 85, 90, 97, 102, 104, 112. 

loweana, 97. 
marginata, 98. 
muscorum, 98. 
secale, 128. 
semproni, 97. 
umbilicata, 97. 
Pyramidula rotundata, 85. 
rupestris, 85, 86, 94, 102, 128. 

Segmentina nitida, 130. 

Sphaerium corneum, 123. 
lacustre, 123, 124. 
rivicola, 66, 130. 

Sphyradium columellum, 84. 
edentulum, 84. 

Subulina octona, 134. 

Succinea arenaria, 106. 
contortula, 105, 129. 
elegans, 105. 
oblonga, 105, 106, 112, 129. 
parvula, 10v. 
pfeifferi, 97, 98, 101, 104, 105, 



Succinea putris, 104, 105, 129. 
schumacheri, 105. 
sp., 135. 
virescens, 105. 

Tellina cornea, 128. 
amnica, 124. 

Testacella haliotidea, 71, 182. 
maugei, 71, 72. 
scutulum, 71. 

Turbo cristatus, 121. 
fontinalis, 120. 
nautileus, 114. 
ulvae, 119. 

Unio margaritifer, 122. 

Vallonia costata, 91. 
excentrica, 68, 91. 
pulchella, 68, 91, 92. 

Valvata alpestris, 120. 
cristata, 121. 
piscinalis, 120. 

Vertigo alpestris, 99, 101, 129. 
angustior, 70, 102, 129. 
antivertigo, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101. 
edentula, 84. 
heldi, 101. : 
lilljeborgi, 66, 99, 100, 127, 129. 
minutissima, 98. 

moulinsiana, 66, 68, 100, 101, 129. 

palustris, 98. 

pusilla, 70, 101, 129, 135. 
pygmaea, 99, 101. 
substriata, 99, 101. 

Vitrea hibernica, 77, 78, 128. 
scharffi, 78. 

Vitrina elongata, 69, 76. 
hibernica, 68, 69, 76. 
pellucida, 69, 75, 76, 185. 
pyreniica, 69, 76. 
sp-, 185. 


Zonitoides excuvatus, 80, 81, 91, 128, 133. 

minusculus, 133. 
nitidus, 80, 97, 98, 133. 
sp., 188. 








. Limnaea practenuis 

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


Figures 1-20 are magnified 1:05 diameters; nos. 21-26 are x 1:25; nos. 27, 28 x 1.4; 

29-32 x 1:5; nos. 33-50 x 1:06; nos. 51, 52 x 1:5; and nos. 53-56 are x 174 diameters. 

Limnaea pereger, 

” ”? 


. Linnea sp., 
. Limnaea involuta, . 

. Lhinnaen pereger, 

» » 

. Linnaen peregris, 

Lough Rea, S.E. Galway. R.A. Phillips. July 1909. 
Arlands Lough, Keadew, West Donegal. A. W.S. 
Sept. 1908. 
Dredged at a depth of 120-160 feet in Lough Mask, 
East Mayo. V. Kane. July 1909. 
From a shallow peaty pool on Inishmeane, off the 
coast of West Donegal. A. W.S. Sept. 1908. 

River Barrow, King’s Co. A. W.S. Sept. 1906. 

From a limestone quarry near Carlingford, Louth. 
A.W.S. Feb. 1906. 

Lough Nagarriva (alt. 1,200 feet), West Cork. 
A.W.S. July 1907. 

Lough Nakeeroge (alt. 28 feet), Achill Island, West 
Mayo. A.W.S. March 1910. 

Lough Crincaum (alt. 900 feet), near Killarney, 
North Kerry. A.W.S. July 1907. 

From a brackish marsh near Drogheda, Meath. 
A.W.S. May 1909. 

Lough Carrowmore, West Mayo. A.W.S. March 

Sraheens Lough, Achill Island, West Mayo. A. W.S. 
April 1909. 

Lough Neagh, Crumlin, Antrim. A.W.S. Dec.1909- 

New Ross, Wexford. R. A. Phillips. 
Arlands Lough, Keadew, West Donegal. A. W.S. 
Sept. 1908. 

Carnboy Lough, Carrickfin peninsula, West 
Donegal. A.W.S. Sept. 1905. (Young.) 
Carnboy Lough, Carrickfin peninsula, West 

Donegal. A.W.S. Sept.1905. (Full-grown.) 

Warrenpoint Reservoir, Down. <A. W.S. 

Lough of Cork, Mid Cork. R. A. Phillips. 

Pond in Belvoir Park, Belfast, Down. <A. W. S. 
May 1898. 

SteLrox—List of Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Irelund. 163 

. Limnaca palustris. 

” ” 

. Succinen pferfferr 

» , 
. Suceimen sp. 
. Succinen pfeiffert 


3. Suceinea putiris 

Ross Lake, West Galway. A. W.S. Sept. 1906. 

Lower Lough Erne (Davy Island), Fermanagh. 
A.W.S. Sept. 1900. 

River Erne at Ballyshannon, East Donegal. 
A.W.S. July 1909. 

Mill dam at Comber, Down, A. W.S. March 1906. 

From a peat bog (600 feet alt.), Cuileagh Mt., 
Cavan. A.W.S. July 1909. 

From the estuary of the River Bann, Derry. 
A.W.S. June 1910. 

Dredged, 8-50 feet, in Lower Lough Erne, 
Fermanagh. R. Welch. Sept. 1900. 

Mill dam, Avoniel (Belfast), Down. R. Welch. 
Aug. 1896. 

Marsh at Gallerus, Dingle, South Kerry. A. W.S. 
Sept. 1910. 

Chalk quarry at Magheramorne, Antrim. R. Welch. 
March 1898. 

From the sea-chiff of Croaghmore, Clare Island, 
West Mayo. A.W.S. Sept. 1910. 

On damp cliffs at Cushendun, Antrim. R. Welch. 
May 1897. 

Pool at Cranfield Pt. (L. Neagh), Antrim. R. Welch. 
July 1897. 

Marsh near Mullingar, Westmeath. A. W. S. 
March 1910. 

Limestone quarry, near Armagh City, Armagh. 
R. Welch. Aug. 1898. 

Washing Bay, Lough Neagh, Tyrone. A. W.S. 
Jan. 1906. 

Mill dam, Magherafelt, Derry. A. W.S. May 1910- 

Shore of Lough Neagh, Derryadd Bay, Armagh, 
R. Welch. June 1909. 

Marsh at Killough, Down, A.W.S. July 1909. 

Near Kenmare, South Kerry. R. Welch. May 1898. 

Sea-slopes of Cruit Island, West Donegal. A.W.S. 
Sept. 1908. 

Marsh near Sligo Town, Sligo. A.W.S. July 1904. 

Cloughjordan, North Tipperary. R. A. Phillips. 
June 1908. 

164 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

44 Succinea putris . The Gearagh, West Cork. A.W.S. July 1907. 

45. Succinea pjeigfert . Ballinacollig, Mid Cork. R.A. Phillips. 

46. Limestone quarry at Carlingford, Louth. R. Welch. 
Feb. 1906. 

ifs a a Rosses Point, Shgo. A. W.S. July 1904. 

48. Succinea oblonga . Limestone quarries at Carrickreagh, Fermanagh. 
R. Welch. Sept. 1900. 

49. Bed of a small peaty stream in sand-dunes, 
Dooaghtry, West Mayo. A.W.S. Sept. 1909. 

50. In a wood on the shore of Lough Neagh at Antrim. 
Castle, Antrim. R. Welch. Aug. 1907. 

51. MWyalinia cellarva -| 

( Woodford, S.E. Galway. R. A. Phillips. Sept. 1910. 

53. Planorbis carinatus, Lough Galliagh, Enniskillen, Fermanagh. A. W.S 
July 1909. 

54. The White Bog, Killough, Down. A. W. S&. 
June 1909. 

aa) Mouth of Antrim River, Lough Neagh, Antrim. 
A.W.S. Aug. 1907. 

56. Planorbis umbilicatus, Drain near Milford, Armagh. A.W.S. March 1908. 

Nos. 6, 19, 21, 30, 34, and 53 show the forms of the various species 

commonly met with in the limestone plain; Nos. 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 25, and 54 
were all taken from peaty waters; Nos. 1, 3, 13, 18, 22, 36, 37, and 55 are 
lacustrine forms; while Nos. 2, 4, 10, 15, 16, 17, and 26 are maritime ones, of 
which Nos. 10 and 26 came from distinctly brackish habitats. 

Proc. R. I. Acap., Vor. XXIX.. Sect. B. Pirate VII 

R. Welch, Photo 

Variation in form and size. 


[ 165 ] 




Puate VILL. 

Read January 28, 1911. Published Marcu 16, 1911. 

AFTER several years study of the detailed distribution of Woodlice (Crustacea 
Isopoda ‘Terrestria) in Ireland, and having now authenticated the existence 
of the four common species—Oniscus asellus, Porcellio scaber, Philoscia 
muscorum, and Trichoniscus pusillus—in each of the 40 county divisions into 
which the country has been divided, and also of Ligia oceanica—the sea- 
shore species—all round our coasts, we think it a suitable opportunity to. offer 
this paper, giving the present state of our knowledge of the group; while we 
have embodied in it all the records at present known, so far as we have been 
able to trace them in various journals, as well as by the result of our own 

We offer also a series of tables to help those who may continue the study 
to identify such specimens as may come before them, as well as figures of 
two species which have not as yet occurred in any other part of the British 
Isles; and we have, in fact, endeavoured to bring our knowledge of the distri- 
bution of this group in Ireland as fully up to date as possible, so as to form a 
basis for further work in it. We need hardly say that the foundation on 
which we ourselves started was Dr. Scharff’s paper on “ The Irish Woodlice,” 
published in Zhe Irish Naturalist, vol. iii., in 1894. 

We have to offer our best thanks to Dr. Scharff both for the advice 
and assistance he has given us in the conrse of our investigations, and for 
allowing us to examine and record the Woodlice preserved in the National 
Museum in Dublin. 

Numerous friends and correspondents residing in various parts of Ireland 

have also rendered us great service in sending us from time to time specimens 

166 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

collected by them; had it not been for the help thus received, our lists 
would have been far from complete for some of the species. We have to 
record our thanks in this respect to the following:—Miss Agnew, Charles 
Anderson, Capt. H. Pack Beresford, R. J. Pack Beresford, Rev. R. Boyle, 
D, C. Campbell, the late John Cottney, Miss Cuffey, Miss M. J. Delap, 
F. J. Devlin, Dr. George Fogerty, Mrs. Foster, Miss Foster, 5. A. Gordon, 
Rev. John Going, J. N. Halbert, S. Henry, Rev. W. F. Johnson, H. Wallis 
Kew, 8. K. Kirker, Rev. Canon Lett, Mrs. Millar, J. N. Milne, Miss Mitchell, 
John McCandless, Dr. McCann, E. L. L. McClintock, Miss McDonnell, 
T. J. McElderry, Dr. J. L. Nevin, H. L. Orr, Robert Patterson, W. H. Patterson, 
R. A. Phillips, R. Ll. Praeger, Mrs. Revington, Dr. R. F. Scharff, Rev. W. 8. 
Smith, R. Southern, A. W. Stelfox, Miss Stewart, N. E. Stephens, W. R. Stitt, 
J. Swain, Dr. Trumbull, P. A. Ussher, Rowland Wade, R. Welch, Miss 
Westropp, T. J. Westropp, and W. C. Wright. 

The number of species now known in Ireland is twenty-five, being an 
addition of seven to the list published by Dr. Scharff in 1894. Of these no 
less than twenty-four have been found in Co. Dublin; two of them (Meto- 
ponorthus melanurus and Eluma purpurascens) have not been discovered 
elsewhere in the Britannic area, and one (Philoscia couchii) is apparently 
confined in England to Devon and Cornwall. ‘These remnants of the Lusi- 
tanian fauna were found at Howth, though it is possible that careful search 
in some of the south-western counties may also reveal their presence there. 

Three only of our species need be regarded as artificially introduced, 
viz.: Trichoniscus stebbingi, only found in a very hot house in Glasnevin 
Gardens, Dublin ; Armadillidium nasatum, found only in houses kept at stove 
heat ; and Metoponorthus pruinosus, which we find chiefly in greenhouses or in 
the gardens adjoining them. Lzigia oceanica is common all round the coast 
where the shore affords suitable habitat, and it also penetrates up tidal rivers, 
so that we are able to record it even in the non-maritime county of Armagh. 
Trichoniscus pygmaeus will probably be found eventually to have an extended 
range, aS this species, first discovered in Ireland in 1908, has since been 
found in every county in which opportunity has been afforded for a careful 
search ; its small size doubtless accounting for the fact of its having so 
long been overlooked. It is also possible that Haplophthalmus mengit may 
also prove though not common, at least widely distributed in the vicinity 
of the coast-line, all our records for this species being coastal, with the 
exception of three, two of them being about one mile, and one eight miles, from 
the shore. Perhaps the most interesting result of our inquiries into the 
distribution of Woodlice occurs in the case of Armadillidiwim vulgare. This 
species, which is so common in the south-east of Ireland, seems to be entirely 

Pack Brresrorp AND Fosrur—The Woodlice of Ireland. 167 

absent from the north-west. Dr. Scharff has already called attention to the 
absence of this species from the central bogs of Ireland ;! and Dr. Chilton also 
notes its absence from a collection made at various times in county Galway 
by Professor D’Arcy Thompson, which collection is now in University College, 
Dundee.” Whether these boggy regions form a barrier which cuts it off 
from the north-west we cannot say; but the fact remains that no specimen 
has been found north of a line drawn from Larne to Galway. A. vulgare 
is a common species in Munster and Leinster, with the exception of the 
counties of Kerry and Longford. From Connaught it has been recorded 
only from two localities in S.E. Galway; whilst in Ulster it is plentiful 
on the limestone formation in Armagh, not uncommon in a limited area in 
Down (in the neighbourhood of Downpatrick), and has been found in one or 
two spots in the southern end of Antrim, the remaining counties in the province 
being apparently devoid of this species. 

In recording the detailed distribution of Woodlice in Ireland we have 

1 Trish Naturalist, vol. v., p. 226. 2 Ibid., vol. vill., p..115. 
[4 2] 

168 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

followed the 40 county divisions as scheduled by R. Ll. Praeger.’ In this 
scheme some of the larger Irish counties have been divided, so as to render 
each of the divisions more nearly approaching to an approximate size. Hach 
county division is designated by a number commencing with Kerry South, 
No. 1, in the south-west, and ending with Londonderry, No. 40, in the north. 
A glance at the map (p. 167) shows how these numbers are arranged, 
and the names of the county divisions to which these numbers are attached. 

As the publication of a separate map of the above type for each species 
dealt with would entail considerable expense, we have adopted the system 
detailed by R. Ll. Praeger.* By this method no outlines are given, but the 
reference numbers of the county divisions are placed as nearly as possible 
relatively to each other as they would appear on the map of Ireland. All 
the numbers of the county divisions are inserted in each sketch-map; the 
numbers printed in heavier type denoting that, in the county divisions so 
printed, the species in connexion with which the sketch-map is given has 
been recorded. 


Numberof | Number of 
Species Species 
1 Kerry South, 00 a0 11 21 Dublin, a ye 24 
2 Kerry North, O0 60 9 22 Meath, 9 
8 Cork West, O¢ are 8 23 Westmeath, 00 00 i) 
4 Cork Mid, 30 60 10 24 Longford, 00 00 4 
5 Cork East, 06 60 7 25 Roscommon, bs) 
6 Waterford, 56 00 9 26 Mayo East, D0 0 4 
7 Tipperary South,.. Se 6 27 Mayo West, on 60 10 
8 Limerick, a0 re 7 28 Sligo, 90 7 
9 Clare, .. o0 36 8 | 29 Leitrim, ao 50 7 
10 Tipperary North, .. b¢ 10 | 30 Cavan, 06 00 4 
11 Kilkenny, 60 a0 9 31 Louth, 90 00 9 
12 Wexford, D0 60 8 32 Monaghan, 20 5 
13 Carlow, iN 96 15 83 Fermanagh, ae a 7 
14 Queen’s Co., 06 a6 7 34 Donegal Kast, .. 00 11 
15 Galway South-east, io 6 35 Donegal West, .. of 7 
16 Galway West, .. o6 11 36 Tyrone, 00 fe 6 
17 Galway North-east, a6 7 37 Armagh, a: 00 11 
i8 King’s Co., 96 ae 8 38 Down, 36 30 15 
19 Kildare, ate 50 10 39 Antrim, 00 a 14 
20 Wicklow, 50 a0 11 40 Londonderry, 06 a6 9 

! Trish Topographical Botany. 1901. 2 Trish Naturalist, vol. xy., pp. 88-94. 1906. 


Pack Breresrorp anpd Fosrrr—The Woodlice of Ireland. 169 


County County 

Divisions Divisions 

Ligia oceanica, 59 36 24 Porcellio seaber, ee 30 40 
Trichoniscus pusillus, .. ye 40 >> pictus, on 20 

35 vividus, .. 56 4 >» dilatatus, .. ae 14 

35 roseus, .. aye 17 », laevis, 30 fe 8 

iss pygmaeus, 6° 14 Metoponorthus pruinosus, 36 10 

55 stebbingi, 5G 1 5 cingendus, aD 10 
Trichoniscoides albidus, aS 4 5 melanurus, Me 1 
Haplophthalmus mengii, 36 8 Cylisticus conyexus, .. ore 11 

95 danicus, 50 2 Armadillidium vulgare, a6 23 
Philoscia muscorum, .. 50 40 35 pulchellum, 50 

3»  couchii, 35 50 1 ~ nasatum, 50 3 
Platyarthrus hoifmannseggii, .. 8 Eluma purpurascens, 
Oniscus asellus, 50 50 40 

In order to facilitate the identification of any species, we give (Plate VIII, 
fig. 1) a diagrammatic view of the dorsal surface of a Woodlouse, and also (fig. 2) 
a face view. 

The “tracheae ” on which some of the distinguishing characteristics are 
based, and which are not shown in the diagram, are seen as white spots in the 
breathing-plates or pleopods, which are borne under the abdominal segments. 

It may be well to note here that the colouration of some of the species 
presents many variations, rendering this character of little value in classi- 
fication. Furthermore, in the examination of specimens preserved in spirit it 
is found that in many cases the life-colours are entirely changed, as in 
Trichoniscus roseus, which, on immersion in spirit, almost immediately loses its 
bright rosy colour and becomes white, or Metoponorthus pruinosus, from which 
the bluish bloom is instantly removed. 

Coming now to a more detailed review, we may remark that the twenty- 
five species known to inhabit Ireland are included in twelve genera. The 
characteristics which distinguish these genera may be set out in tabular form 
as follows :— 

A. The two rami of the uropods alike in shape. 
I. The flagellum with more than ten joints. 
(a). Abdomen broad . ; : 2 . Ligia. 
(6). Abdomen narrow . ; : . . Ligidium. 

1 By the aid of this table, which is adapted from that published by Webb and Sillem in ‘‘ The 
British Woodlice,”? 1906, it is possible to identify the genus to which any given specimen belongs. 
For the benefit, however, of anyone who is not acquainted with these tables, it may be well to take a 

170 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 
Il. The flagellum with less than ten joints. 

(e). Abdomen broad . : . : . Haplophthalmus. 
(d). Abdomen narrow. 
(#@). Left mandible with 2, right with 
only 1 pencil behind the cut- 
ting parts (Sars) . ; . Trichoniscus. 
(@). Left mandible with 3, mght with 
2 pencils behind the cutting 
parts (Sars) : : . TLrichoniscoides. 
B. The outer ramus of the uropods broader than the 
I. Tail-appendages projecting. 
(z). Able to roll into a ball. 2 ; . Cylisticus. 
(6). Not able to roll into a ball. 
(@). Flagellum with 1 joint only . Plaiyarthrus. 
(@). Flagellum with 2 joints. 

* abdomen broad : . Poreellio. 
** abdomen narrow ‘ . WMeoponorthus. 
(&). Flagellum with 3 joints. 
* abdomen broad : . Oniscus. 
*= abdomen narrow : . Philoscia. 

Il. Tail-appendages not projecting. 
(ec). Compoundeye . : 2 : . Armadillidium. 
(Z). Simple eye : - : : . Luma. 

We have included in this table the genus Ligidium for convenience of 
reference, though it has not yet occurred in Ireland. — 

concrete example: let us suppose, therefore, that a specimen of Philoscia muscorum is being studied. 
On comparing the specimen with the characters given, it will be seen at once that the outer ramus 
of the uropod is broader than the inner; it must therefore be referred to Section B. 

Tn this section we find that it belongs to the subsection (4), as it cannot roll up into a ball; and 
finding that it possesses 3 joints in the flagellum, it is eyident that it must be referred to (4°), when 
its narrow abdomen shows that it belongs to the genus Philoscia. 

On turning, then, to the table (given at the head of each genus having more than one British 
species in the following detailed sections) which differentiates the various species of that genus, and 
finding that the apex of the telson is sharp-pointed, there is no difficulty in identifying it as Philoscia 
muscorum. It must be borne in mind that these tables are only intended as guides in distinguishing 
the Britannic species at present known. 

Pack Berrsrorp anp Foster—TZhe Woodlice of Ireland. 171 

Seventeen species of the genus Ligia are known from various parts of the 
world, but of these one species only inhabits our area. 

Ligia oceanica (Linn.). We have records of it from every 

county division which has a coast-line 

385 3% 40 39 (with the exception of 8.E. Galway, 

BB SO SHC ay where it no doubt exists) and even from 

27 28 29 32 the shore of Co. Meath, which is almost 

26 25°30 31 entirely a stretch of sand. It might 

16 17 24 25 22 almost be called a semi-marine animal, 

15 18 19 24 as it is never found more than a few 

9 10 14 13 20 feet above high-tide mark. We have 

2 8 7 11 12 also found this species a considerable 

1 BY distance up the tidal portion of the 

River Blackwater in Co. Waterford 
and also up the tidal canal almost to 

This species literally swarms all round ; 
the town of Newry in Co. Armagh. 

our coasts, wherever rocks or shingle 
afford it a suitable habitat. 


Of the six species of the genus Trichoniscus known to inhabit England 
only four have been found in Ireland; but we have one species, 7. vividus, 
which has not so far been taken in England. They may be distinguished 
from each other as follows :— 

A. Single-lens eye. 
(a). Body surface smooth and shining : . vividus, 
(0). Body surface rough and tuberculated. 
(o'). Apex of telson squarely truncated . roses, 
(6). Apex of telson rounded : . linearis. 

B. Compound eye of three lenses. 

(a). Body surface covered with strong tubercles.  stebbingi. 

(6). Body surface covered with strong spines 
pointing backwards. : » Spinosus. 

(c). Body surface smooth or shghtly pramulated 

(c'!). Body surface very smooth. apex of 

telson concave, outer ramus of 

uropods nearly twice the length 

of the basal joint, outer ramus 
longer than inner ’ : » pusilus, 

172 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

(c?). Body surface granular, apex of telson 
not concave, outer ramus of uropods 
about equal in length to the basal 

joint, the two rami about equal in 



Two of these species—i.e. spinosus and linearis—have not as yet been 
found in Ireland, but we include them in the above table for convenience of 
reference, as being very likely to occur eventually. 

Trichoniscus pusillus Brandt. 

35 34 40 39 
33 36 37 38 

27 28 29 32 

26 25 30 31 
16 17 24 23 22 

145 18 19 24 

10 14 13 20 

i Co © 


One of the commonest of our Wood- 
lice, this little species is almost 
ubiquitous in damp places; in fact, a 
handful of damp moss or rubbish can 
hardly be collected anywhere without 
containing specimens of it. It ranges 
all over Northern and Mid Europe, and 
has also been taken in Northern Africa 
(Algeria) and in America (Budde- 

Trichoniscus vividus (Koch). 

This species, which lives in very 
damp situations, is, so far as our present 
knowledge of its distribution goes, con- 
fined to the valleys of the Barrow 
and Slaney rivers. Although we have 
records of it up to the present only from 
four of the county divisions, we think 

it will probably be traced eventually all 
along the courses of these rivers and 
their tributaries. 

35 34 40 39 
33 36 37 38 
27 28 29 32 
26 25 30 31 
16 17 24 28 22 
15 18 19 21 
9 10 44 13 20 
8 7 sal 12 

— b 


Originally taken at Portlaw, Co. 
Waterford (Kinahan), it has since 
been taken at Cappagh in the same 
county (R.F.S.); and has also been 
found at Gowran, Co. Kilkenny 
(D.R.P.B.); Borris and Tinnahinch 
(R.A. P.), and near Bagenalstown at 
Fenagh, and at Kilcarry Bridge, Co. 
Carlow (D. R. P. B.) ; and also 
near Ballickmoyler, Queen’s Co. 
(Dy, 8, 1s 18,)), 

It has not yet been taken in England 
orin Scotland, while on the Continent 
of Europe it occurs in France (Budde- 
Lund), and in Spain (Dollfus). 

Trichoniscus roseus (Koch), 

Though usually found in gardens, 

Pack Brresrorp AND Fostrr—The Woodlice of Ireland. 173 

often in cinder paths, and commonly in 
greenhouses, this species has frequently 

35 34 40 39 
33 36 37 38 
27 28 29 32 
26 25 30 31 

2 8 11 12 
4. 4 35 6 

been taken in the open country. It 
was taken under stones in the semi- 
dried-up bed of a mountain stream at 
Glenade, Co. Leitrim (A. W.8.); and 
on a railway spoil-bank at Portumna, 
N. Tipperary (R. Ll. P.). It is recorded 
from several places in England and 
Scotland, where, as with us, it is 
commonest in old gardens (Webb and 
Sillem). It occurs all over Central 
and Southern Europe, and in Northern 
Africa (Algeria) (Budde-Lund). 

Trichoniscus pygmaeus G. 0. Sars. 

35 34 40 39 
33 36 387 38 
27 28 29 32 
26 25 30 31 
16 17 24 238 22 

9 10 14 13 20 
2 8 11 12 
1 4 5 6 


This minute species was first dis- 
covered in Ireland in 1908 at Hills- 
borough, Co. Down (N.H.F.); anda 


few days later at Glasnevin, Co. Dublin 
(J. N. H.). 

recognition so long on account of its 

It had probably escaped 

very great general likeness to Z. pusillus. 
This resemblance is more marked in 
preserved specimens than in life, when 
its slower movements, greater propor- 
tional length, and dark dorsal line make 
it fairly conspicuous. It is usually 
found in damp situations, decaying 
boards lying in gardens affording a 
favourite habitat, whilst we have 
found it by no means uncommon under 
deeply embedded stones. Since its first 
capture it hasbeen found at Dingle, 
S. Kerry (A. W.S.); Borrisokane, N. 
Tipperary (R.A. P.); Bagenalstown, 
Co. Carlow (D.R.P.B.); Carton, 
(R.J.P.B.), and Hill of Allen 
(A. W.58.), Co. Kildare; Ferbane, 
King’s Co. (D. R. P. B.); Howth, 
Co. Dublin (D.R.P.B.); Monaghan 
(A. W.S8.);  Bundoran, KE. Donegal 
(N.H.F.); Tory Island, Bunlin, and 
Doe Castle, W. Donegal (A. W. 8. and 
R. W.); Albany, Co, Tyrone (N. H.F.); 
Navan Fort, Co. Armagh (N.H. F.); 
Dromore and Castlewellan, Co. Down 
(N. H. F.); Belfast, Sallagh Braes, and 
Glenariff, Co. Antrim (A. W.S.); and 
Castlerock, Co. Londonderry (N. H. F.). 

Trichoniscus pygmaeus was first taken 
in Great Britain by Mr. A. Patience 
early in 1906, and he has since found 
it to be widely distributed over the 
Clyde faunal area. The only other 
localities from which it is recorded 
(B. F. Cummings), Newcastle-on-Tyne, 

in England are Lundy 
and Kew Gardens (R. 8. Bagnall). 
On the Continent it has been recognized 
only in Norway by its describer, Prof. 
G. O. Sars. 


174 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Trichoniscus stebbingi Patience. 35 34 40 39 
33 386 37 38 

The only Irish records of this species 27 28 29 32 
are from the Botanic Gardens, Glas- 26 25 30 31 
nevin, Dublin, where it was taken in 16 17 24 23 22 
the greenhouses by Mr. R. 8. Bagnall 15 18 19 24 
in 1908, and on a subsequent oc- 9 10 14 18 20 
casion in the same place by one of us OS 7 Th 
(D. R. P. B.). 4 5 6 


The genus Trichoniscoides was created by Prof. G. O. Sars for the species 
T. albidus; and he distinguishes it from the genus Trichoniscus by the presence 
of 3 pencils behind the cutting part of the left and 2 behind the cutting part 
of the right mandibles; whereas in Trichoniscus, these pencils are 2 and 1 
respectively. Prof. G. Budde-Lund does not, however, recognize this generic 
distinction, and includes this species in the genus Trichoniscus. It is not for 
us to say which of these great authorities is correct, so we content ourselves 
with recording the species under Sars’ genus. 

Trichoniscoides albidus (Budde-Lund). Co. Dublin (N.E.S.); Clare Island 

(R.F.S. and N. H.F.), and Louisburgh 

35 3% 40 39 (A. W.S.), W. Mayo; Bundoran, E. 

33 36 37 38 Donegal (N.H.F.); St. John’s Point 

27 28 29 32 (A. W.S. and N.H. F.) and Newcastle, 

BE BD gD oN Co. Down (A. W.S.). Its capture in 

WS UT ze 2 ee Ireland has not been previously 
15 18 19 24 recorded. 

ou de ey In England it has been taken at 

BS ANN Eton (Stebbing), and Sunderland 

: : ye (Brady), while Mr. Patience records it 

from Kew Gardens; Newcastle-on- 
The first specimens referable to this BOWE: and from many localities in the 
neighbourhood of Glasgow. 

It occurs in France (Dollfus), Den- 
mark, and Holland (Budde-Lund), and 

at Christiania, Norway (Sars). 

species were taken by one of us amongst 
the shingle on the sea-shore of the 
Broad Strand, Howth (D. R. P. B.), and 
it was subsequently found at Rathmines, 


Only two species of the genus Haplophthalmus are known, and both have 
been taken in Ireland. They are easily distinguished from each other. 

Pack Brresrorp AND FostEr—The Woodlice of Ireland. 175 


A. Bars or ridges running across the body-segments, 
two prominent: tubercles on the third abdominal 



B. Rows of tubercles running across the body-segments, 

no large tubercles on the third abdominal segment, . 

Haplophthalmus mengii (Zaddach). 

35 34 40 39 
33 36 37 38 

27 28 29 32 

26 25 20 31 
16 17 24 23 22 

15 18 19 24 

10 14 18 20 

g Wl Wy 

co wi © © 

Originally discovered in the British 
Isles at Corcomroe Abbey, Co. Clare, by 
Canon Norman and Mr. VY. Kane, 
this species has since been found at 
Stradbally, S. Kerry (A. W.S.).; Car- 
rigrohane, Mid Cork (R. A. P.); Glas- 
nevin, Howth, and Clondalkin, Co. 
Dublin (D. R. P. B.); Glenade, Co. 
Leitrim (A. W.S.); Bundoran, E. Done- 
gal (A. F.); Doe Castle, W. Donegal 
(A. W.8.); and Castlerock, Co. Lon- 
donderry (N. H.F.). It has been re- 
corded from only two localities in 


England, and seems elsewhere to be 
confined chiefly to the central parts of 
Kurope, but it has oceurred in Norway. 

Haplophthalmus danicus Budde- 

35 34 40 39 
3 36 37 38 

26 25 30 31 
16 17 24 28 22 
15 18 19 24 
10 14 13 20 
il 12 

I ks) 

a = © © 

This species has only been taken at 
two places in Ireland, in the palm-house 
in the Botanical Gardens, Glasnevin, 
Co. Dublin (R. 8. B.); and in a garden 
rubbish yard at Fenagh, Co. Carlow 
(D. R. P.B.). 

good many places in England. Its 

It has been found at a 

European distribution seems to be very 
similar to that of A. mengiv. 


Three species of the genus Philoscia have been taken in the British Isles, 

though only two of them have been found in Iveland. ‘hey may be 

distinguished from each other as follows :— 


A. Apex of telson sharp-pointed, 

[24 2] 

176 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

B. Apex of telson rounded. 

(a). Outer ramus of uropods more than double the 

length of the inner ramus, . : 


(b). Outer ramus of uropods less than double the 

length of the inner ramus, 


Philoscia patience’ has not yet been taken in Ireland. 

Philoscia muscorum (Scopoli). 

35 34 40 39 

33 36 37 38 
27 28 29 32 

26 25 30 34 

16 17 24 28 22 

15 18 19 24 

9 10 14 13 20 
ZS aT de 


This species is one of the commonest 
we have in damp places, and is easily 
recognized, though it is subject to great 
variation in colour. In many places 
bright red and yellow specimens occur. 

We have received it from numerous 
localities in all of the 40 county 
divisions. It is equally common in 
Great Britain, and all over the Con- 
tinent of Burope, and is also found in 
Northern Africa. 

Philoscia couchii Kinahan. 

This rare species was found originally 
at Talland Cove near Polperro in Corn- 
wall, by Prof. Kinahan, and was 

described by him in 1858. In Ireland 
it has been found only on the southern 

85 34 40 39 
33 36 37 38 

2 28) 29) (32 

26 25 30 31 
16 17 24 23 22 

15 18 19 24 

10 14 138 20 

¢ wil WP 

— bw 

shore of the Hill of Howth, where it 
was taken in some numbers by one of 
us (D. R. P. B.) in Sept., 1908. Its 
habitat here, as in Cornwall where it 
was discovered, is amongst the shingle, 
just above high-water mark. Since 
Professor Kinahan’s discovery it has 
only been taken in two other localities 
in England, both being in Devonshire. 

M. A. Dollfus records it from France, 
Spain, and Sicily, and Canon A. M. 
Norman from Sebastopol, Crimea. 

It has also been taken in the Azores, 
Canaries, and along the Mediterranean 
coast of Africa, and at Syracuse in Asia 



The genus Platyarthrus, of which there are two known species, 18 repre- 

Pack Breresrorp and Fosrrr—The Woodlice of Ireland. 177 

sented in Ireland by one only, namely P. hoffmannseggit Brandt. ‘The other 

species of the genus is found in the Mediterranean region only. 

Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii Brandt. 

35 34 40 39 
33 36 37 38 
27 28 29 32 
26 25 30 31 
16 17 2 

10 14 13 20 

(= KS) 
Co fF Dm © 



This species is the well-known blind 
Woodlouse that is found only in ants’ 
nests. It is said by Prof. Budde-Lund 
to inhabit the whole of Europe; but in 
Great Britain it is apparently more or 

less a southern species, not having been 
taken further north than Oxford, though 
it has been obtained in a couple of 
In Ireland it 
appears to have a south-easterly dis- 
tribution, having been recorded only 
from Glengariff, W. Cork (R. F.8.); 
Cork (N.H.F.), and Carrigrohane 
(R.A. P.), Mid Cork; Lismore (R.F.S.), 
Cappoquin (J. N. H.), and Waterford 
(H. W. K.), Co. Waterford; Gores- 
bridge, Kilkenny (D. R. P. B.); Bagenals- 
town (R.F.S.), and Tinnahinch 
(R. A.P.), Co. Carlow; Leixlip. Co. 
Kaldare (R.F.8.); and Lucan, Co. 
Dublin (J. N.H.); and close to Wexford 
town, Co. Wexford (R. A. P.). 

localities in Scotland. 


M. Budde-Lund describes only two species of the genus, as known to 
himself, but he includes two more as possibly distinct species, out of many 
that have been described. Both the species mentioned are found in Europe, 

but only one has so far been taken in the British Islands. 

Oniscus asellus Linn. 

35 34 40 39 
33 36 37 38 
27 28 29 32 
26 25 30 34 
16 17 24 23 22 
15 18 19 24 
140 14 13 20 
7 11 12 

The great variations of colour to 
which this species is liable probably 

account for many of its synonyms, 
which are numerous. 

It is one of the very commonest 
species we have, and abounds in all 
parts of Ireland. ‘Though usually of a 
dirty grey colour, we find yellow and 
even red-coloured specimens in many 
M. Budde-Lund 
deseribes this species under the name 

parts of the country. 

of O. murarius Cuvier, and says that it 
ranges all over Europe (though it is 
found less commenly in the south), and 
is found also in N. America and Green- 
land, as well as one of the Azores, 

178 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The genus Porcellio contains very nearly a quarter of all known species 
of Woodlice, and ranges all over the world, though the great majority of 
species are found in Europe and northern Africa. Only four species have up 
to the present been taken in Ireland, as compared with six in Great Britain. 
The two species (rathkei and ratzeburgw) which have not yet occurred in 
Treland are, however, included in the following table, as they are very likely 
to be eventually taken here :— 
A. Five pairs of tracheae.’ 
(a.) The basal joint of the flagellum about 
half the length of the terminal joint. ratzeburgi. 
(0). The two joints of the flagellum nearly 
equal in length : : : . rathker. 
B. Two pairs of tracheae. 
I. Lateral plates of the first body-segments pro- 
duced backwards, more or less sharp. 
(a) Apex of telson rounded. : : . dilatatus. 
(4). Apex of telson sharp-pointed. 
(6'). Basal joint of flagellum much 
longer than the terminal joint pictus. 
(5°). The two joints of the flagellum 
nearly equal in length . . scaber 
II. Lateral plates of the first body - segments 
hardly produced backwards, blunt 

and rounded . : 4 . . laevis. 
Porcellio scaber Latreille. Porcellio scaber, in fact, seems to range 
This is one of our very commonest 35 34 40 39 
species. It is often found in company 33 36 37 38 
with Onisecus asellus, and, like that 27 28 29 32 
species, may be found in large colonies 26 25 30 34 
under the bark of trees. It also exists 16 17 24 23 22 
in enormous numbers amongst decaying 15 18 19 21 
seaweed and debris on the seashore. 9 10 14 13 20 
Though usually of a uniform grey, “A 3 Hf sel aly 
specimens with reddish side-plates are 1 4) & 
often seen, and bright-coloured and 3 
speckled specimens are not unusual. over the whole world wherever the 
Equally common in Great Britain, climate is sufficiently temperate. 

' These characteristics are those given by M. Budde-Iund in his ‘‘ Isopoda Terrestria.”’ 
* This characteristic, which is easily detected in living specimens, is hardly to be recognized in 
preserved ones. 

Pack Bervsrorp anp Foster—The Woodlice of Ireland. 179 

Porcellio pictus Brandt. 

35 34 40 39 
33 36 387 38 
27 28 29 32 
26 25 30 34 
46 17 24 23 22 
15 18 19 24 
9 10 14 13 20 

44 5 6 

This species affects a much drier 
habitat than obtains with Woodlice in 
general in this country, being often 
found in the crevices of garden walls 
facing south, than which hotter and 
drier situations can hardly be found. 
It not unfrequently makes its way, too, 
into dwelling-houses, even invading 

It seems not unlikely that this 
peculiarity may account for its being 
often overlooked; for, until a year or 
two ago, it was considered to be one of 
We haye now 
received it from or taken it ourselves 
in many parts of Ireland; but though 
it seems to be widely distributed, it 
does not seem to be numerous any- 
where. One collector, however (S. A. G), 
sending us numerous specimens from 
Loughgilly, Co. Armagh, says that it 
appears to be the commonest species in 
that neighbourhood. It has been re- 
corded from only a few places in Eng- 
land and Scotland; but on the Continent 
it seems to range over the whole of 
the north and centre of Europe, and it 
has also occurred in N. America. This 
species is called P. spindcornis Say in 
Miss Richardson’s monograph on Ameri- 
can Isopods. 

our rarest species. 

Porcellio dilatatus Brandt. 

35 8&4 40 39 
33 36 37 38 
27 28 29 32 

16 17 24 23 22 


oo wi co 

In Porcellio dilatatus we have a 
species about which it is difficult to say 
with certainty whether it is really 
native or not. It occurs throughout 
Europe generally, however, in or near 
houses or in cellars. 

It is found in similar situations in 
this country; but we find it more 
commonly in greenhouses and conser- 
vatories, where it is often numerous. 
In warm greenhouses we have found 
specimens of very light colour due 
apparently to a superficial bloom lke 
that of Detoponorthus pruinosus. We 
have also a few records of its oc- 
currence in the open country, as at 
Ventry Bay (R. W. and A. W.S.) and 
Valencia Island (M. J. D.), S. Kerry ; 
Dog’s bay, W. Galway (R. W.); Kal- 
lala, W. Mayo (N. H. F.); Lough Erne, 
Co. Fermanagh- (R. P.): Bundoran, 
E. Donegal (N. H. F.); and Coney 
Island, Lough Neagh, Co. Armagh 
(R. W.). It has been recorded from 
only about five localities in the south 
of England, whilst on the Continent it 
has been found in France, Spain, 
Holland, Germany, aud Denmark, 
ranging north into Norway. Outside 
Europe it occurs in Madeira, the 
Azores, and Australia. 

180 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Porcellio levis Latreille. 

35 384 40 39 

33 36 87 38 
29 32 

26 25 30 314 
46 17 24 23 92 

15 18 19 24 

10 14 13 20 

@ wit We 

Core © O 

This species appears to be fairly 
common in the neighbourhood of 
Dublin (R. F. 8.) ; but elsewhere in 
Ireland it must be considered rare. 

The only localities outside Co. Dublin 
from which we have records of it 
are: Tralee, N. Kerry, (Mrs. R.); 
Cappagh, Co. Waterford (P. A. U.); 
Galway City (C. Chilton); Enniskerry, 
Co. Wicklow (A. W.8.); Drogheda, 
Co. Louth (R. W.); Richhill, Co. 
Armagh (N. H. F.); and Belfast, Co. 
Antrim (R.W.). In England it is 
recorded from only a very few localities 
in the south-east; but it has perhaps 
the widest general distribution of any 
species of Woodlouse, ranging as it does 
over the whole world, with perhaps 
the sole exception of the Australasian 



The genus Metoponorthus appears to have a world-wide distribution, but 

the majority of species are Huropean. 

Three species only have been taken in 

Ireland, and one of these has not yet been found in England. 
The following characteristics serve to distinguish the three species :— 


A. Three pairs of tracheae, oval body, 


B. Two pairs of tracheae, oblong body. 

(a). Epistoma or clypeus has a curved ridge run- 
ning transversely across it ; telson produced 

into a sharp point, 

: : .  pruanosus. 

(b). Epistoma or clypeus smooth, without transverse 

ridge; telson short, triangular, . : 3 

Metoponorthus pruinosus (Brandt). 

Found almost exclusively in hot- 
houses and frames, or close to them 
outside in the summer time, this species 
is, we think, certainly not a native of 
this country, though we have two 


records of its having been taken in the 
open country, first under stones at the 
mouth of the Boyne river, Co. Meath, 
by Dr. Scharff in 1894, and again in 
an old quarry near Greystones, Co. 
Wicklow, by Mr. N. KE. Stephens in 
1909. Professor Kinahan states that 

' These characteristics are those given by M. Budde-Lund in his ‘‘ Isopoda Terrestria.” 

Pack Brresrorp ann Fosrur— The Woodlhice of Ireland. 181 

it is common in Ireland; but Dr. Scharff 
expresses his disagreement with this 

85 84 40 39 

30 36 37 88 
29 32 

26 25 30 31 

24 23 22 

15 18 19 24 

9 10 14 18 20 

view, and the results of our investiga- 
tions entirely confirm the latter opinion. 
It is very probable that its distribution 
may eventually be traced all over the 
country in hot-houses, as it is often to 
be found in large numbers in such places. 
There are only a few records of its 
occurrence in the 8.E. of England; but 
it has also been taken in Scotland; 
while in other parts of the world it is, 
as M. Budde-Lund says, a ‘‘ cosmopolitan 

Metoponorthus cingendus Kinahan. 

35 384 40 39 
338 86 37 38 
27 28 29 32 
26 25 30 31 
16 17 24 23 22 
15 18 19 24 
9 10 14 13 20 
B 8 a Wit sly 
44 5 6 

This species is very common in Kerry 
and Cork, from which counties we have 
respectively records from 10 and 7 
localities. It occurs also in several of 
the maritime counties on the west coast 
and in the south-eastern corner, and 


seems to be commonest in mountainous 
districts. It has been taken in England 
in Devonshire only; while on the 
Continent it is recorded from the south 
of France and Spain only. 

Metoponorthus melanurus 
350 34 40 39 
33 386 387 38 


26 25 30 31 
16 17 24 23 22 
15 18 19 24 
10 14 13 20 

GC mp oo © 

A few specimens of this very rare 
Woodlouse were taken on the southern 
cliffs of the Hill of Howth, Co. Dublin, 
by Mr. J. N. Halbert in 1909, and were 
recorded in the Jrish Naturalist, vol. 
xix, p. 92, by Dr. Scharff. A further 
examination of the locality shows that 
it exists there in some numbers, living 
under tufts of grass and Silene maritima 
on the face of the cliff. It has not yet 
been taken in Great Britain, nor indeed 
anywhere nearer than the south of 
France. The only other localities for 
which M. Budde-Lund records it are 
Corsica and one or two spots in northern 
Africa. It is another example of those 
southern or ‘‘ Lusitanian”’ species, so 
many of which are found in Ireland, 
and which add so much interest to the 
study of the fauna and flora of this 

We give a figure (Plate VIII., fig 3) 
of this interesting species, as none has 
hitherto been published in any English 

[2 B) 

182 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

With the genus Cylisticus we come to the first of that class of Woodlouse 
which is capable of rolling itself into a ball, though in this genus the power 
is not so complete as in those which follow. This is owing to the fact that 
the tail-appendages (uropods) are long and styliform, and project beyond the 
end of the telson, whereas they are always very short and broad in the 
genera Armadillidium and Eluma. 

There are seven known species of this genus, but only one is found in this 

Cylisticus convexus (De Geer). (D. R. P. B.); Clare Island, W. Mayo 
(R. Ll. P. and D. R. P. B.); Tempo, Co. 

oe os i oe 38 Fermanagh (R. F.8.); Ballyshannon, 

27 28 29 32 E. Donegal (A. W.S8.); Ballyholme 
3 OR A) SI (D. R.P. B.), Groomsport (W.H. P.), 

16 17 24 O85 Oo Hillsborough (N.H.F.), Ballynafeigh 
15 18 19 24 (J.N.M.), and Magheralin (A. W.S.), 

9 40 14 43 20 Co. Down; Belfast, Co. Antrim (A. W.S. 

1 6 iM 2 and R. W.); and Londonderry City 
HA ; (D. C. C.). From this list it can be seen 
3 that it is more plentiful in the neigh- 

bourhood of Belfast than in any other 

This species, though recorded from part of the country. It occurs in 

eleven counties, is nowhere abundant in 
Treland. It has been taken at Killaloe, 
N. Tipperary (R.A. P.); Goresbridge, 
Co. Kilkenny (R. F.S.); Borris, Co. 
Carlow (R. F.8.); Leixlip, Co. Kildare 

scattered localities over the greater part 
of northern Europe and also in North 
America (Budde-Lund). In England it 
has been found only in the south, but it 
has also been taken in several parts of 

(R. F.8.); Howth, Co. Dublin Scotland. 


There are, according to M. Budde-Lund, forty-five species of the genus 
Armadillidium, the great majority of them being inhabitants of Europe and 
northern Africa. Only three of these species have as yet been taken in 
Ireland; but we give also the characteristics by which A. depressum Brandt, 
found in the neighbourhood of Bristol, and A. album Dollfus, recorded from 
the estuary of the Taw and Torridge. Devonshire, in England, may be distin- 
guished, as it is possible that these species may eventually be found in this 

Pack BrerusrorD AND Foster—The Woodlice of Ireland. 188 


A. Outer ramus of the uropods oval-oblong, always longer 
and wider than the basal segment, apex of telson 

obtusely pointed, 


B. Outer ramus of the uropods trapezoidal, generally 
shorter and narrower than the basal segment. 

(a). Apex of telson broadly rounded or semi- 


(a). Inner ramus of uropod narrow, the same 
width throughout, posterior angle of 
the lateral plate of the first segment 

of pereion truncated, 


(a). Inner ramus of uropod short and broad, 
especially at its end where it spreads 

out, colour uniform white (Dollfus), 

(0). Apex of telson truncate. 


(). Body-surface smooth and shining, frontal 

lobe small, 


(67). Body-surtace rough and tubercular, frontal 

lobe prominent, 

Armadillidium vulgare Latreille. 

35 34 40 39 
33 386 387 38 
27 28 29 32 
26 25 30 314 
16 17 24 23 22 
145 18 19 24 
10 14 13 20 
44 12 

C & Co © 

Exceedingly common in the south- 
eastern part of Ireland, this species 
gradually gets scarcer as one goes north, 
and is apparently entirely absent from 
the north-western half of the country. 


In Meath and Louth it is not uncommon ; 
and on the limestone near Armagh City it 
is plentiful (N. H. F.); but in Co. Down 
it has been taken only at Portaferry 
(J. N. M.), Killough (A. W. 8.), Down- 
patrick (N. H. F.), and Seapatrick 
(R. W.); while in Co. Antrim it has 
been found only at Kilroot (Rt. W.), 
and Magheramorne in large numbers 
(A. W.S. and N.H.F.). It occurs in 
England and Scotland, and ranges over 
the whole of Europe, and has been 
taken in the neighbouring parts of 
Asia and Africa, and also in a few 
isolated localities in North and South 
America, and in Australia, where it has 
probably been introduced (Budde-Lund). 

184 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Armadillidium pulehellum Brandt. 

30 34 40 39 
33 36 37 38 
27 28 29 32 
26 25 30 31 
16 17 24 23 22 
15 18 19 24 

me bo 

CO fk Oo © 
Oy ST 

First found in the British Islands at 
Ballymote, Co. Sligo (R. F. S.), this 
beautifully marked little specieshas since 
been discovered at Borrisokane. N. Tip- 
perary (R. A. P.); Kilearry Bridge 
and Fenagh, Co. Carlow (D. R. P. B.); 
Carrickmines, Co. Dublin (J. N.H.); 
Kiltoom, Co. Roscommon (A. W.S.); 
and at Ballyquintin Point, Co. Down 
(D.R.P. B.), where it occurs in con- 
siderable numbers. It has been found 
at two or three places only in England, 
but ranges over the greater part of 
northern and central Europe in scattered 
localities (Budde-Lund). 

Armadillidium nasatum Budde-Lund. 
359 34 40 39 
33 36 37 38 

24 28 29 32 

LG Os 

= bo 

Co He Go «© 
a | 

So far as our present knowledge goes 
this seems to be undoubtedly an intro- 
duced species, as it has hitherto been 
found only im greenhouses. It occurs 
in the south of England, however, in the 
open ( Webb and Sillem), so may possibly 
be found eventually out of doors in this 
country too. This species was first 
noted in Ireland, by one of us (IN. H. F.), 
at Hillsborough, Co. Down, and was 
found at almost the same time by 
Mr. J. N. Halbert in the hot-houses in 
the Botanic Gardens, Glasneyin.1 The 
only other places at which it has been 
taken in Ireland are Belvoir Park 
(N. H. F.), Crawiordsburn (R. W.), and 
Bangor (D. R. P.B.), Co. Down; and 
in Belfast, Co. Antrim (H. L. 0.). 

M. Dollfus gives the measurements 
of this species as 15 x 7 mm.; but the 
largest specimen we have obtained in 
Treland so far only measures 10 mm. in 
length, the great majority only attain- 
ing to about 8mm. We havespecimens 
from the bank of the river Avon, Somer- 
set, which measure 14 x 7-5 mm., one 
of these being of a pale tawny colour 
tinged with pink, and having light 
brown markings. This of course is a 
specimen preserved in spirit; but in 
our experience the colours are little 
affected thereby in specimens of this 

On the Continent it is found in France, 
Spain, and Italy, in which latter country 
it is common. 

* Erroneously recorded as Armadillidinm 
pictum, Irish Nat., vol. xvii, p- 135, subse- 
quently corrected to 4. nasatum ibid., vol. xviii. 
p- 54. 

Pack Brrusrorp and Fosrer—The Woodlice of Irelund. 185 


There are only two known species of the genus Eluma, i.e. #. purpurascens 
and #. hellert. The latter species has only lately been described by 
Dr. Verhoeff, from the Island of Teneriffe.! 

Eluma purpurascens Budde-Lund. it was found in large numbers on the 
Hill of Howth (D. BR. P. B.), and at 
Portmarnock (R.S. B.), in Co. Dublin. 
It has not yet been found in Great 

350 34 40 39 
33 36 37 38 
27 28 29 32 
26 25 30 31 
16 17 24 23 22 

Britain ; but it has a very wide distri- 
bution round the shores of the Atlantic. 
The headquarters of the species seem 

15 18 19 24 : ; : 
10 1 18 BO to be in the Atlantic archipelagoes, the 
2 8 7 th 19 Canaries, Azores, and Madeira, where it 
ee ae is very abundant. It has been taken 
2 also in western Algeria, and in Spain, 
Portugal, and France. We give two 
This interesting southern species was figures of this species (Plate VIII., fig. 
first discovered in Ireland in 1908, when 3, A and B). 


BaGNaLL, R.S.—On Philoscia patiencet, a new Terrestrial Isopod. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 8), vol. i, pl., 1908. 

—— On the oceurrence in Belgium of a recently described Terrestrial Isopod, 
Trichoniscus stebbingi, Patience. Ann. de la Soc. Royale Zool. et 
Malacologique de Belgique, tom. xl, 1908. 

— Records of some Irish Woodlice. Irish Nat., vol. xv, p. 259, 1908. 

—— On Armadillidium album, a rare Woodlouse new to the Fauna of Great 
Britain. Zoologist (4th ser.), vol. xu, pp. 152-154, 1908. 

— On some Terrestrial Isopods from the Glasnevin Botanic Gardens, 
Dublin. Irish Nat., vol. xviii, pp. 42-44, 1909. 

— Armadilidium nasatwm and A. pictum. Irish Nat., vol. xvin, p. 54, 

BATE AND WESTWOOD.—British Sessile-eyed Crustacea, vol. i, Isopoda, 1868. 

Betrast NATURALISTS’ Fretp CLusp.—Guide to Belfast and the adjacent 
Counties [British Association Guide], 1874. 

1 Uber Isopoden, Archiv fiir Biontologie, vol. ii, 1908. 

186 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Betrast NATURALISTS’ FIELD CLuB.—Guide to Belfast and the Counties of 
Antrim and Down [Brit. Assoc. Guide], 1902. 

[Notes on Woodlice observed] Proceedings, Ser. ii, vol. vi, Part II, 1909. 
[Notes on Woodlice observed] Proceedings, Ser. ii, vol. vi, Part III. 
BELFAST AND DuBLin NatTuRALISTS’ FIELD CLUBS.— Proceedings in Irish Nat., 

vol. ii, p. 181, 1894. 
BuCHANAN-WOLLASTON, H. J., AnD D. R. Pack BrRESFORD.—Contributions to 
the Natural History of Lambay, Co. Dublin, Isopoda. Irish Nat., 
vol. xvi, p. 59, 1907. 
BUCKLE, C. W.—Entomological Notes from Ulster. Irish Nat., vol. xi, p. 43, 
Buppe-Lunp, G.—Crustacea Isopoda Terrestria, 1885. 
—— A Revision of the Crustacea Isopoda Terrestria, Part 1, Hubelum, 1899. 
—— A Revision of the Crustacea Isopoda Terrestria, Part I, Hubelum ; Part I, 
Spherilloninae ; Part Il], Armadillo, 1904. 
Cart, Dr. J—Etude sur Trichoniscides (Isopodes terrestres) de la collection 
de M. A. Dollfus. La Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes, 4th Series. 
July, 1908, et seq. 
Carr, J. W.—Nottinghamshire Crustacea and Arachnida. Nottingham 
Naturalists’ Society, Transactions, 1902-1903. 
CHILTON, CHARLES.—Some Land Isopods from Co. Galway. Irish Nat., vol. vill, 
p. 115, 1899. 
Note on the Sexual Characters of Ligia oceanica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 
(Ser. 7), vol. iii, 1899. 
Cummines, Bruce F.—Notes on Terrestrial Isopods from North Devon, 
Zoologist (4th Ser.), vol. xi, pp. 465-470, 1907. 
Notes on the Fauna of Lundy Island. Zoologist (4th Ser.), vol. xin, 
pp. 441-446, 1909. 
—— The Land Isopoda of Lundy Island. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 8), vol. iv 
Farran, E. C.—Trichoniscus roseus near Dublin. Irish Nat., vol. iv, p. 296, 
Foster, Nevin H.—Ivish Field Club Union, Cork Conference Report— 
[sopoda. Irish Nat., vol. xvi, p. 302, 1907. 
—— Trichoniscus pygmeus, a Woodlouse new to Ireland. Irish Nat., vol. 
xvii, p. 56, 1908. 
—— Armadillidium [pictum] nasatum. Trish Nat., vol. xvii, p. 135, pl. 6, 1908 
(corrected in vol. xviii, see next item). 
— _ Armadillidium pictum, a correction. Irish Nat., vol. xviii, p. 54, 1909. 

Pack BrresrorD AnD Foster—The Woodlice of Ireland. 187 

Foster, Nevin H.—[ish Field Club Union, Rosapenna Conference Report. 
Isopodia Terrestria. Irish Nat., vol. xix, p. 187, 1910. 

Foster, Nevin H., anp D. R. Pack BERESFORD.—See Pack Beresford, D. R., 
and N. H. Foster, infra. 

Hogan, A. R.—On a new British Oniscoid [Platyarthrus hofimannseggit| found 
in Ants’ nests, Nat. Hist. Rev., vol. vi, 1859. 

Kang, W. F. DE V.—Haplophthalmus mengii in Ireland. Trish Nat., vol. ix, 
p- 246, 1900. 

KINAHAN, J. R.—Analysis of certain Genera of Terrestrial Isopods. Nat. 
Hist. Rev., vol. iv, 1857. 

—— On the Genera Philoscia, Itea, and Philougria. Nat. Hist. Rev., vol. v, 


On the Genus Platyarthrus, etc. Nat. Hist. Rev., vol. vi, 1859. 

Norman, A. M.—Note on the discovery of Ligidiwm agile, Persoon, in Great 
Britain. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 4), vol. xi, 1873. 

—— British Land Isopoda. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 7), vol. iii, 1899. 

—— British Land Isopoda. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 7), vol. xi, pp. 369- 
372, 1903. 

—— British Land Isopoda. Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist. (Ser. 7), vol. xiv, pp. 449- 
450, 1904. 

—— Revised nomenclature of the species described in Bate and Westwood’s 
“British Sessile-eyed Crustacea.” Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 7), 
vol. xvi, pp. 78-95, 1905. 

Pack BERESFORD, D, R.—Woodlice in Co. Carlow. Ivish Nat., vol. xv, p. 142, 

—— Woodlice in Co, Carlow. Ivish Nat., vol. xvi, p. 250, 1907. 

—— OCylisticus convexus in Co. Down. Irish Nat., vol. xvi, p. 351, 1907. 

—— Some new Irish Woodlice. Ivish Nat., vol. xvii, p. 206, 1908. 

—— Hluma purpurascens, a Woodlouse new to the British Isles. Irish Nat., 
vol. xvii, pp. 255-258, pl. 10, 1908. 

Pack BERESFORD, D. R., anpD N. H. Foster.—On the Distribution of Woodlice 
in Iveland as known at the end of 1908. Irish Nat., vol. xviii, pp. 92- 
93, 1909. 

Pack BERESFORD, D. R. anp H. J. BucHanan-Wo.LLaston.—See Buchanan- 
Wollaston, H. J., and D. R. Pack Beresford, supra. 

Patience, A.—On some Terrestrial Isopods new to the Clyde Faunal Area, 
and some notes on the Distribution of the Rarer Species. Nat. Hist. 
Soc. of Glasgow, Transactions, vol. viii, Part I., 1906. 

—— On a new British Terrestrial Isopod (Zvrichoniscws spinosus). Ann. 
Scout. Nat, Hist., No. 62, plate, 1907. 

188 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Patience, A.— On a new British Terrestrial Isopod (7vichoniscus stebbingin, 
Journ. Linn. Soc., Zoology, vol. xxx, No. 195, plate, 1907. 

— Ona new British Terrestrial Isopod (Z7richoniscus linearis). Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., (Ser. 8), vol. 1, plate, 1908. 

—— On Trichoniscoides albidus, B.-L., and T, sarsi, Pat. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 
(Ser. 8), vol. 1, 1908. 

PATTERSON, ROBERT.—Izish Field Club Union, Sligo Conference Report, 
Amphipoda and Isopoda. Irish Nat., vol. xiii, p. 202, 1904. 

Praecer, R. Lu.—Trichoniseus roseus near Dublin. Irish Nat., vol. xi, p. 323, 

RICHARDSON, HARRIE?T.—Monograph on the Isopods of North America. 
Bulletin of the United States National Museum, No. 54, 1905. 

Sars, G. O.— Crustacea of Norway, vol. u, Isopoda, 1896. 

Scuarrr, R. F.—The Irish Woodlice. Irish Nat., vol. ili, pp. 4-7 and 25-29, 
2 plates, 1894. 

— Ligia oceanica on the Galway Coast. Irish Nat., vol. iii, p. 157, 1894. 

— Porcellio pictus. Trish Nat., vol. iv., p. 166, 1895. 

— The Woodlice of Co. Carlow. Irish Nat., vol. iv, p. 319, 1895. 

— Notes on the Fauna and Flora of Clonbrock, Co. Galway: Isopods. Trish 
Nat., vol. v, p. 225, 1896. 

—— (ylisticus convexus in Co. Fermanagh. Trish Nat., vol. vi, p. 281, 1897. 

— Porcellio dilatatus at Dundrum, Co. Dublin. Irish Nat., vol. viii, p. 60, 

— The History of the European Fauna (Contemporary Science Series) 

—— Trichoniscus vividus at Cappagh. Ivish Nat., vol. ix, p. 158, 1900. 

—— Armadillidium pulchellum, a Woodlouse new to the British Islands. Irish 
Nat., vol. x, pp. 109-110, fig., 1901. 

—— European Animals, 1907. 

— Dublin Microscopical Club Proceedings. Ivish Nat., vol. xvu, p. 124, 

—— WMetoponorthus melanurus, a species of Woodlouse new to Ireland. Irish 
Nat., vol. xix, p. 92; 19110. 

Scorr, l'—The Land and Freshwater Crustacea of the District around 
Edinburgh. Roy. Phys. Soe. Edinb., Proceedings, vol, xi, 1873. aT? 

SraNDEN, R.—On the Distribution and Habits of Platyarthrus hoffmannseggit. 
Lancashire Naturalist, vol. ii, pp. 239-242, plate, 1909. 

STEBBING, T. R. R.—On a Crustacean of the Genus Zia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 
(Ser. 4), vol. x1, 1873, 

Pack Brrrsrorp AND Fosrmrr—TVhe Woodlice of Irelund. 189 

STEBBING, T. R. R.— History of the Crustacea (International Scientific Series), 

Notes on Crustacea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 6), vol. xv, p. 22, 1895. 

TarrersaLL, W. M.—Handbook to the City of Dublin and Surrounding 
District (Brit. Assoc. Guide), Isopoda, pp. 182-184, figs. a, b, ¢, d, 

THompson, W.—Natural History of Ireland, vol. iv, p. 402, 1856. 

Unwin, E. E—The Respiration of Land Isopods. British Assoc. Report, p. 236, 

VERHOEEFF, Kart W.—Uber Tsopoden, Archiv fir Biontologie, vol. 11, 1908. 

WEBB AND SILLEM—The British Woodlice, 1906. 

Wetcu, Ropert.—7richoniscus roseus. Irish Nat., vol. v, p. 213, 1896. 

— Rare Woodlice from Co. Dublin and Co. Down. Irish Nat., vol. xin, 
p. 260, 1904. 

— Some New Stations for 7'richoniseus rosews. Irish Nat., vol. xiv, p. 198, 

[Description oF Pirate VIII. 


190 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


The dorsal surface of a Woodlouse—diagrammatic, giving the names of the 
various parts most commonly referred to in the tables for distinguish- 


ing the various genera and species. 


Face view of head of Woodlouse—diagrammatic. 

Metoponorthus melanurus Budde-Lund. A dorsal view ; the darker meta- 
some is very characteristic in this species. 


4, Eluma purpurascens Budde-Lund. 
A. Dorsal view. 

B. Side view. The groove along the first lateral plate and the 
indentation at its posterior angle are shown. 

Proc. R. I. Acad., Vol. XXIX., Sect. B. 

Antenna. Peduncle. 

Posterior angle 
.--of lateral plate 


‘Lateral plates 
--30r Epimera. 

Segmentsor ;_. 
or Pleon. 


“Inner ramus of uropod. 

Frontal line. 

Small inner Antennae 
ar Antennulae. 

Plate VIII, 

Frontal lobe. EpistomaorClypeus. 

beose Lateral lobe. 

=---Large outer Antennae. 

Pack BrresrorD AND Fostrer.—IRIsH Woopticr. 

: a cae ne = 
oe Lr £ cc e eS ae fA iy . 
“ 7 
: « i 7 
i k . —s 

[ iol J 




Professor of Geology in the Royal College of Science for Ireland. 
Puates [X.-XVI. 

Read May 8. Published Juny 29, 1911. 


UnvER favourable summer conditions, the island-group of Spitsbergen is 
accessible to excursion-steamers, and hundreds of visitors have thus become 
generally acquainted with the aspect of a land where glacial features still 
prevail. Few strangers, however, have experienced such advantages as were 
offered by Professor Baron Gerard de Geer of Stockholm, in connexion with 
the International Geological Congress of 1910; and hence I venture, as a 
delegate to that Congress from the Royal College of Science for Ireland, to 
present the following notes on some of the phenomena observed. The scale 
of the landscapes in Spitsbergen, with mountains rising to heights of about 
1,000 metres from the coast, with foregrounds of raised beaches and 
fluvio-glacial fans, and with the glacial agents still at work, down to the very 
shore-line, makes comparison with Ireland in the Ice Age apt and interesting, 
The recent Ice Age, however, is passing in Spitsbergen, as it is in every part 
of the world; and we may there realize the conditions of our own islands 
when the sea had again been admitted by subsidence to the fjords, while the 
ice still occupied the lowlands in the form of broad coalescing glaciers, which 
in places were beginning to stagnate. (Pl. IX., fig 1.) 

Professor de Geer, through successive visits to Spitsbergen from 1896 
to 1908, aided by a number of workers whom his enthusiasm has inspired, 
has drawn up a detailed map of the great Ice Fjord and its ramifications. 
On this the sea-depths are included, as determined by several thousand 
soundings. This map was issued for the Geological Congress on a scale of 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. B. [2D] 

192 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

1: 200,000, and the geological formations are shown in colour. Special maps 
illustrating glacial features were also given in the “Guide de Vexcursion au 
Spitzberg,” Stockholm, 1910. 

The excursion was planned so as to include some seventy geologists, who 
were provided for, in a manner beyond all praise, within the narrow limits of 
the olus, a Baltic passenger-steamer of 870 tons. The very closeness of the 
quarters, and the constant and cheerful intercourse along the decks and 
passage-ways, contributed to bring the representatives of sixteen nations into 
the most friendly terms with one another. It must suffice to mention among 
the glacialists present, after our universally respected leader, the names of 
Lamplugh, Penck, Tarr, and Wahnschaffe. Yet it is hard to omit such 
geologists as Credner, De Margerie, Mattirolo, Reusch, Rothpletz, and 
Salomon, or such geographers as Cholnoky and Sapper, whose wide knowledge 
of other lands did so much to illustrate the special features seen in 
Spitsbergen. One would like to name at least twenty others to whom warm 
thanks are due for their helpful co-operation in the Arctic seas. 

Though the actual visit to the Ice Fjord occupied only eight days, in such 
company any hour of the twenty-four might be turned to profitable account. 
In spite of considerable difficulties with fog, and with the abundant drift- 
ice set free from the polar pack in 1910, the great sea-inlet was entered on 
the night of August 2nd, after a voyage of five days from the Norwegian port 
of Narvik. The steamer had passed in sunlight close along the coast of 
Bear Island. The study of Spitsbergen was carried on under an almost 
cloudless sky ; and the continuous daylight enabled expeditions to be made on 
shore at such times as a landing-place was at hand. One of the most 
successful excursions, that to the Nordenskiold Glacier in Billen Bay, in 
latitude 78°40’ N., was carried out while the Wolus was being floated off a 
fluvio-glacial mud-bank between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. 

- The steamer, moreover, was brought out of the Ice Fjord just in time, 
when the pack-ice drove more thickly against the southern harbour-mouths. 
The movement of this sea-ice, the frequent contact with it during a sinuous 
and wary course, and the great roll of the open water when our way was 
once more free for Norway, formed memorable features in themselves. 
Phenomena of glacial weathering were conspicuous all down the Norwegian 
coast to Trondhjem, where the eighteen days at sea came to an end. On the 
way to Stockholm, the rocky mass of Areskutan in Jamtland was ascended, a 
huge compound roche moutonnée, 4,000 feet above the lowland, and bearing 
evidence over all its slopes of the great ice-stream that once flowed across it, 
not from the neighbouring divide which forms the frontier, but from a snow- 
dome farther north, Hence even here we were reminded of Ireland, with 

Coti— Glacial Features in Spitsbergen. 193 

the ice moving, as Maxwell H. Close showed,’ from a region of maximum 
precipitation rather than from any tectonic feature. 


The most striking fact about Spitsbergen, to one unaccustomed to Arctic 
lands, is the general appearance of aridity. The meteorogical conditions allow 
of precipitation, for the warm inlet of the Atlantic lies near at hand on the 
south-west, and the temperature on Jand remains near the freezing-point, 
even on a summer day. Hence snow falls, and frost-crystals are condensed 
out of the frequent mists that steal in from seaward. The melting of the 
snow-edges, however, is said to be balanced by a small precipitation, and 
broad glaciers are maintained in the lowlands in a country of comparatively 
little snow-fall. The typical weathering is due to frost and snow-slides, the 
action of which is evidently rapid. The present snow-line is as high as 
1,500 to 1,800 feet. 

The horizontal stratification of the rocks in the interior, away from the 
folded marginal ranges of the west, lends itself to the formation of broad 
plateaus. The winter snow lies on these as a protective covering; and the 
features of coalescing rivulets, and the localization of water-channels, occur 
only on the margins of the snow-fields.? Since the continuous daylight of 
summer is accompanied by sufficient warmth, the snow melts in Spitsbergen : 
but in most places it retreats only a short distance from the edge of the 
plateau, leaving patches and long streaks lingering in the grooves (PI. IX., 
fig. 2). These grooves are eroded in the first instance where the melting 
edge of the snow allows water to soak into the ground. Frost at night, or 
even on a cloudy day,’ solidifies this water, and splits the superficial layer of 
rock. A crumbling surface is produced, from which particles slide away at 
some points more than at others. At such points water accumulates more 
freely when melting next begins; the hollow becomes emphasized, like that 
of a rill started in the drainage-system of a high bogland. In time, snow 
gathers more thickly in the hollow than on the smoother portion of the wind- 
swept plateau-edge. ‘This snow, alternately melting and freezing on its 
margins, carries on the destructive work. A snow-strip thus works its way 
down into the edge of the plateau. At times, so much snow is accumulated 

1“ Notes on the General Glaciation of Iveland,’’ Journ. R. Geol. Soc. Iveland, vol. i. (1867), 
p- 240. A. G. Hégbom, ‘‘ Wasserscheide und Hisscheide in Skandinayien,’’ Geol. Rundschau, 
Ba. ii (1911), p. 131. 

*See E. J. Garwood, ‘‘ Features of Alpine Scenery due to Glacial Protection,’” Geographical 
Journal, 1910, p. 311. 

5 See W. Salomon, ‘‘ Die Spitzbergenfahrt des internat. geol. Kongresses,’’ Geol. Rundschau, 
Ba. i. (1910), p. 307. 

[2 D 2] 

194 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

that melting gives rise to considerable slips. The groove is then intensified by 
snow-slide action on a large scale. The avalanches consist partly of snow 
and partly of muddy detritus, and represent a marked removal of the rock 
that has been broken up by frost. ‘The heaps formed by snow-slides are 
conspicuous on the slopes of Triassic strata on the south shore of Sassen Bay 
(Pl. X., fig. 3). They also make mounds of angular blocks at the foot of the 
Carboniferous crags in the Smaland Ridge west of Green Bay, where they 
resemble dissected moraines along the mountain-side. 

This action of penetrating water and repeated frosts along the margins of 
melting snow-patches leads to a rapid destruction of the rock. The process 
would naturally not be so effective in granite, with comparatively few joints to 
the square metre, as it is in schist or shale; but the burrowing down- 
ward of snow-patches into the ground, in a climate where alternate melting 
and freezing can take place, is a factor very clearly to be reckoned with. 

The head of the snow-filled groove in which this action is taking place is 
naturally cirque-like. (Pl. X., fig. 4.) As water trickles into it from various 
sides, it becomes enlarged into a basin, open towards the descending mountain- 
side. The snow in the floor of the basin receives infiltering water from above ; 
it passes from the névé state, through névé-ice, into true glacier-ice. A 
miniature glacier then occupies the basin that was primarily worked out by 
frost-action and by snow-slides. The opening of the normal cirque-stage has 
now been reached ; and glacial action assists in carrying off the detritus that is 
showered down from the growing cliffs above. Snow-slide action remains, 
however, an important factor, and works back the upper part of the basin in 
the mountain-wall. The cirque-cliff increases in height as it recedes towards 
the higher ground behind, while the floor at its foot is becoming lowered 
down the mountain-side through the denuding effect of the glacier and the 
running water under it. Comparatively small cirques can generate considerable 
glaciers, and these, by removing the detritus and allowing new surfaces to be 
exposed, lead to the rapid enlargement of the hollow. 


A large part of the literature of cirques has been so well discussed by 
W. H. Hobbs' that it is unnecessary to review it here. Many persons, 
however, must have realized that the steep bounding wall in a cirque was 
formed by subaerial erosion, and mainly by frost-action, before the publication 

1««The Cycle of Mountain Glaciation,” Geograph. Journ., 1910, p. 149. See also W. M. 
Dayis, ‘‘ Glacial Erosion in N. Wales,’’ and printed discussion, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 
yol. Ixv (1909), pp. 281-350. 

Cotr— Glacial Features in Spitsbergen. 195 

of E. Richter’s important paper in 1896. Richter’ ably emphasized the fact 
that cirques are associated with the horizontal working back of mountain- 
walls by frost-action, combined with the transporting action of glaciers 
generated in them, and are incompatible with the burial of a region under an 
ice-cap. They may, of course, also arise in any region where glaciation is 
local, and they are sometimes generated near the crests of dome-shaped or 
even peaked mountains, where frost-erosion has produced a hollow in which 
snow becomes sheltered through the year. The great cirque on Nephin, Co. 
Mayo, is a familiar example. Mount Pyramid in Spitsbergen is excavated on 
the side towards Billen Bay by a single hollow formed by coalescing 
avalanche-grooves, which has escaped being a true cirque, through its 
inability to support a glacier on its steep and easily eroded floor (PI. XL, 
fig. 5). F. Machacek* regards the glacier in the cirque-floor as of the first 
importance. When this melts away, the cirque tends to become filled up; 
and the premature loss of the glacier leaves a cirque imperfectly developed. 
W. D. Johnson’s view of the potency of the “bergschrund” in sapping the 
cirque-wall at its base is still much under discussion. It must be borne in 
mind that F. E. Matthes* and A. Penck* both ascribe the formation of the 
cliff mainly to the undermining action of frost within the bergschrund. 

The origin of the hollow in which the snow begins to lie, so that the 
formation of a cirque becomes possible, was well recognized by Matthes,’ who 
was the first to show clearly how snow-drifts may eat their way down 
into sloping ground. The passage from such “nivation” hollows to cirques 
has recently been studied by Hobbs.’ He illustrates the hollows by 
photographs from the Yellowstone National Park, and accepts fully, in another 
of his thoughtful and systematic papers,’ the subaerial origin of cirques. 
Sir Martin Conway,* who must, however, be numbered with those who 
question the efficacy of glacial erosion, supports the subaerial view of cirque- 
formation from his experiences in Spitsbergen. Maxwell H. Close,’ moreover, 

1 “Geomorphologische Beobachtungen aus Norwegen,’’ Sitzungsber. k. Akad Wiss. Wien, 
Bd. cy. (1896), Abt. 1, pp. 155, 163, &e., and ‘‘ Geomorphologische Untersuchungen in den 
Hochalpen,”’ Petermann’s Mitt., Erginz. Heft 132 (1900), p. 1. 

2“ Geomorphologische Studien aus dem norwegischen Hochgebirge,’ Abhandl. d. k. k. 
geograph. Gesellschaft in Wien, Bd. vii (1908), p. 54. 

3 «Glacial Sculpture of the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming,’’ 21st Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Survey 
(1900), Part II, p. 185. 

4“ Glacial Features of the Alps,’’ Journ. of Geol., vol. xiii (1905), p. 16. 

5 Op. cit., p. 179. 

® Op. cit., Geograph. Journ., 1910, p. 154. 

7 W.H. Hobbs, ‘‘ Characteristics of the Inland Ice of the Arctic Regions,’’ Proc. Amer. Phil. 
Soc., vol. xlix (1910), p. 58. 

® «An Exploration in 1897 of some of the Glaciers of Spitsbergen,’’ Geogr. Journ, 1898, p. 142. 

* «Some Corries and their Rock-basins in Kerry,”’ Journ. R. Geol. Soc. Ireland, vol. ii (1870), 
p. 244. 

196 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acudemy. 

long ago pointed out how corry-glaciers might be fed by snow drifted into 
pre-existing hollows. 

The latest champion of the theory that cirques have originated under 
ice-streams is E. C. Andrews,’ who treats cirques, however, merely as steps 
occurring in a glaciated valley-floor. He does not seem to have borne in 
mind the occurrence of cirques, almost as local accidents, cut out here and 
there on a wall moulded by general denudation. Yet this irregular distribu- 
tion is a marked feature of the edges of our ancient plateaus and divides. 
The hollows of Upper and Lower Lough Bray are familiar instances near 
Dublin. In Spitsbergen, on sea-fronts where stepped valleys are out of the 
question, and on plateau-edges independent of any possible ice-stream, one 
may see the cirques in process of development, each resembling a local centre 
of some corrosive malady. The remarks of E. C. Andrews, that “no observer 
appears to have seriously considered the possibility, or probability, that the 
cirque has been formed by activities now practically inoperative,” is true 
enough. In the face of the cirques that may be studied in glaciated regions 
in all stages of growth, it would be impossible to accept such a view seriously. 
It would be difficult, for instance, to regard those near the foot of the 
Matterhorn’ as due to a past stage of Alpine glaciation. 

In the plateaus of Spitsbergen some of the alcoves have originated on such 
steep slopes that they cannot have nourished actual glaciers. The frost has 
worked back the cirque-head, and snow-slides have carried away the detritus. 
The climber may sink in summer up to his knees in crumbled rock, sludgy 
with water, formed along the margin of the snow that gathers in their heads. 
But here and there, on gentler slopes, we may note the origin of cirques of 
nore typical and basin-like form. Small or large, they are still developing as 
notches on the plateau-edge, and, by their recession, the plateau becomes 
ultimately cut up into arétes. The protective snow-cap, so well emphasized 
by Garwood and by Hobbs, then ceases to be a possibility, unless precipitation 
becomes greatly increased. Such snow as now falls slips into the cirques, and 
generates localized glacial action. 

The progress of the “ cirque-disease,” attacking a plateau from which the 
snow now recedes in summer, may be well seen in the interior of Dickson Land, 
as viewed from the heights above Cape Wijk (Pl. XL, fig. 6). In the view 
selected, numerous stream-grooves, formed by rills from melting snow, seam 

1“ An Excursion to the Yosemite, or Studies in the Formation of Alpine Cirques,’’ Proc. Roy. 
Soc. New South Wales, vol. xliv (1910), pp. 302 and 305. 

* Op. cit., p. 26d. 

° One of these is figured, from a photograph by W. F. Donkin, in G. Cole,‘‘Open- Air Studies 
in Geology’’ (1895), Plate II. 

Cotr— Glacial Features in Spitsbergen. 197 

the wall of the plateau ; and alluvium is carried in summer into the valley- 
floor. The heads of three of these streams have notched the plateau a little 
more conspicuously than their neighbours. Nests of snow have been able to 
linger in them, and have worked out recesses year by year. The edge of the 
plateau is here viewed from a height of about 500 metres and a distance of 
4 kilometres (24 miles). ‘These incipient cirques are already hollows of some 
magnitude. Behind them a much older cirque has penetrated the plateau, 
and has effectually reduced the area on which snow can gather during 
winter. As this erosive process goes. on, arétes and peaks will develop; and 
the plateau-landscape will give place to one of the Snowdonian or ordinary 
Alpine type. 

A. Penck,' in his masterly survey of Alpine glaciation, looks back to a time 
When some regions were covered by continuous firn (névé) or glacier-ice, and 
here cirques have not developed. He urges that cirque-building requires a 
steep mass of rock above the snow-line, and rising high above the general field 
of névé. The névé, moreover, must be sharply divided by a marginal cleft, 
the bergschrund, from the wall of rock behind it. Penck, however, must have 
also had in mind the possibility of the development of a cirque-landscape, or 
“karling,” on the edge of a great snow-dome or plateau—in fact, below the 
general snow-line of the district. The shelter given to snow as the cirque 
increases in depth, and the continued drift of snow into it from above, conspire 
to carry down the snow-line locally. 

Richter? has contrasted the erosion-form of a niche originated by runnine- 
water with that of one into which snow falls. He recognizes that true cirques 
arise “in der Schneeregion oder ihr sehr nahe,” and that the snow which collects 
insuch hollows protects their floors from becoming funnel-shaped, like those of 
hollows eroded by running water. But he does not seem to consider the 
possibility that a funnel formed by summer-rills from melting snow may be 
converted into a cirque when snow slips into it from above, and that its winter 
type may ultimately prevail throughout the year, without the occurrence of a 
climatic change. 

This seems to me to have been the case in Spitsbergen ; and snow even now 
remains in hollows, when it has melted off the overlying plateau. Such snow 
is still developing the cirques. 


Where the plateau has not been dissected back from the margins of the Ice 
Fjord by any prominent stream of ice or water, the uniform type of weathering, 

1 Die Alpen im Eiszeitalter (1909), pp. 284-287. 
Op. cit., Sitzungsber, k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Bd. cy., Abt. 1, pp. 156 and 158, 

198 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

with denudation-grooves at fairly regular intervals, reminds one of the arid lands 
of Arizona (Pl. XIL., figs. 7, 8). When the fringe of snow upon the plateau- 
edge has melted back, the grooves run dry. Snow lies for a time in some of 
them, but is got rid of in many cases by a few sudden slides. Blocks loosened 
from the heights by frost, or even wind, occasionally fall down these grooves, 
raising clouds of dust, as if an explosion had occurred. It was delightful to 
find on an exposed plateau above Cape Wijk typical wind-etched stones, the 
“ dreikanter” of desert lands. The surfaces of the talus-cones that reach back 
from the shore become also absolutely dry. The same is true of the surface of 
the tundra-land formed by the raised beaches, though the ground may be 
frozen, including plenty of solid water, at a depth of half a metre. The 
abundant vegetation on the cracked surface, including Salia polaris about 
half an inch high, and numerous flowering plants, obtains its moisture from 
the intermediate layer, into which a stick can be easily thrust, and along which 
a good deal of fluvio-glacial water finds its way in the neighbourhood of the 

Here and there, on the arid mountain-walls, the coalescence of a few 
grooves has allowed of the formation of a larger hollow, the débris from which, 
as Richter pointed out im the case of cirques in Norway, can be discharged 
over the surface of the névé in its floor. Some of these, like the great hollow 
in Mt. Pyramid, may be clear from snow in summer (Pl. XL, fig. 5). If the 
hollow has been primarily excavated by the destructive action of a snow patch 
(p. 196), it may develop into a true cirque. On the seaward face of the Spits- 
bergen plateaus, such cirques resemble hanging valleys, not because the main 
fjord has been overdeepened, but because they have been worked back by frost- 
action faster than their floors could be eroded. As has been pointed out, they 
are still in process of formation, though the streams that run out of them in 
stunmer obviously tend to reduce their steep outer lips on the fjord-wall to 
ordinary valley-slopes, and to bring down their mouths to the local base-level 
of erosion. Some of these cirques, occupied by glaciers in the Ice-Age, retain 
traces of ice-smoothing in the forms of their floors and outer lips, despite the 
action of the frost (Pl. XIIIL., fig. 9). As a rule, however, atmospheric 
weathering in Spitsbergen speedily removes such evidence.? 


The conditions under which glacial and atmospheric erosion are taking 
place in Spitsbergen—a region where the Ice-Age is still passing—are very 

1 Compare G. H. Kinahan, “‘ The Recent Ivish Glaciers,’’ Irish Naturalist, vol. ii1. (1894), p. 236. 
2Compare E. J. Garwood, ‘‘ Glacial Phenomena of Spitsbergen,”’ Quart, Journ. Geol. Soc, 
London, yol. ly (1899), p. 688, aud W. Salomon, op. cit., p. 307. 

CoLtr—Glaciul Features in Spitsbergen. 199 

different from those that one would naturally associate with the waning of the 
Irish Ice-Age. Yet it is curious to reflect that the departure of our Ice-Age 
may also have occurred in a time of comparative aridity. We are aware that the 
uplift of north-western Europe generally, which ultimately allowed of the 
general growth of peat over regions now again submerged, brought continental 
conditions into lands at present modified by the proximity of the North and 
Baltic Seas. A high-pressure area maintained over the North Sea region and 
Friesland during winter would check the inflow of moisture-laden winds. 
Monsoon conditions on a mild scale would prevail, with rainfall over the British 
Isles limited mainly to the summer months, when the south-west winds would 
be admitted. This rainfall would maintain sufficient snow in the interior of 
Ireland to prevent the very rapid retreat of the glaciers from the lowlands, 
while the ice might have already vanished from the drier countries farther 
east. The total rainfall in Ireland might actually have been less than 
now, the peat being nurtured by the abundant waters soaking from glacier- 
margins into the extended tundra-land. This suggestion is merely put forward 
to show how difficult it is to reason as to meteorological conditions from the 
presence of extensive ice-masses or of a particular flora. It must be admitted 
that in the dry European epoch preceding the formation of the Ancylus-sea in 
the Baltic area, the climate of Ireland, if drier than now, must have remained 
oceanic in character when compared with that of Northern Germany (see 
also p. 207). 

The dissection of the plateau-edges of Spitsbergen enables us to realize 
the dissection of the old plateau around Killary Harbour, where cliff-walls 
and cirques, now partly grass-grown and invaded by taluses, play so large 
a part in the features of the landscape. The cirque-walls remain still 
fresher in the Killarney region, and in the noble examples in the Comeragh 
Mountains in Co, Waterford. Such sculpturing may be referred to a late stage 
in our glacial epoch, extending in Iveland probably into times of human 
occupation. The immense part played by frost in the excavation of cirques in 
itself presupposes sun and warmth sufficient to melt the snow upon the 
mountain-domes and plateau-edges, and to allow of the penetration of water 
into the joint-planes of the rock. 

It is interesting to remark that as far back as 1849—a very early date in 
the discussion of glacial phenomena in our islands—John Ball,! the explorer 
of the Atlas Mountains, read a paper before the Geological Society of Dublin, 
in which he observed that glaciers had occupied certain hollows in the Dingle 
Promontory and near Killarney. He concluded that these hollows had 

1<¢ Small Glaciers in Kerry,’’ Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, yol. iv (1849), p. 15i. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL, XXIX., SECT. B, [2 £] 

200 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

remained as reservoirs for snow at a time when the climate was too mild to 
allow of more widespread glaciation. Such glaciation, moreover, if it had 
set in at a later date, would have removed their terminal moraines. “ What- 
ever,” he writes, “may have been the climatal condition of this country 
during any previous period, at the time when these small glaciers existed 
in Kerry, the mean temperature cannot, have been excessively low.” He 
thus, in effect, refers the cirque-glaciers to a late stage of what we now 

recognize as the glacial epoch. 


The origin of boulder-clay has been much discussed, since Sir James Hall 
observed its relation to the striated rock-surfaces under it in 1812. It has 
been generally agreed, however, in recent years that it represents material 
carried within the body of glaciers and pushed forward with the movement of 
theice. The conception of a moraine profonde, ploughed up and dragged over 
the ground, has been considerably modified by observations in Greenland and 
elsewhere. Glaciers in Spitsbergen show, as Garwood and Gregory pointed 
out,? “a gradual passage from ice charged with morainic material into sub- 
glacial morainic material which has been saturated with water and frozen 
hard.” The lower layers of a glacier of the arctic type may consist of stones 
and mud rather than of ice. Desiring, perhaps, to dissociate themselves 
from those who regard glaciers as powerful agents of erosion, the authors 
quoted seem to have gone to an opposite extreme. They attribute the intra- 
glacial moraine to surface-materials pushed over at the end of an advancing 
glacier, and subsequently carried forward in the mass. 

The enormous quantity of such material in the lower layers and its 
comparative absence from the surface would be enough to show that such an 
explanation could be applied only in special cases. A good deal of débris of 
course falls into marginal crevasses from hillsides and nunataks, and becomes 
at once taken into the lower part of the glaciers; but it is difficult to 
associate so limited a process with the darkening of these layers by 
stones and mud throughout a glacier several kilometres in width. The frost- 
broken rocks of Spitsbergen lend themselves admirably to glacial plucking, 
In many cases the ice has gathered into itself material that was already 
loosened on the preglacial valley-floor. In other cases one can hardly avoid 
the conclusion that blocks are being carried away wholesale from projections 

1“ Qn the Reyolutions of the Earth’s Surface.” Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. vii (1815), 

p- 182. 
2 Contributions to the Glacial Geology of Spitsbergen,’’ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 

vol. liv (1898), p. 203. 

CoLe— Glacial Features in Spitsbergen. 201 

that still rise from a floor of rock. A glacier of the ordinary valley-type was 
visited during our excursions from the head of Advent Bay. It terminates 
between frost-weathered slopes under the south-east flank of Mount Nor- 
denskiold. On the surface, above its steep end-wall, the moraine-blocks are 
so abundant that one may cross the glacier without setting foot on ice. The 
arctic flora has actually invaded this moraine. A little higher up, the broad 
surface of the ice is almost free from stones, except for well-marked linear 
medial moraines. Though the blocks towards the melting ice-front are 
angular and cannot have travelled very far, it is difficult to believe that they 
all originated in material above the level’ of the ice. The crumbling hillsides 
of Cainozoic and Jurassic strata round about the glacier suggest how a true 
intraglacial moraine may arise from such rocks as the ice moves down and 
thrusts itself against and over them. F. Wahnschaffe' observes that the 
lower part of this glacier between Mount Nordenskiold and Mount Hierta is 
“completely filled with coarse stratitied detritus.” 

The abundance of intraglacial material in the broader glaciers is apparent 
on their melting margins. The great Nordenskidld Glacier, which enters 
Billen Bay, may be studied from the raised beaches on which its south side 
has encroached. A stream arises here along the ice-front, while the more 
northern portion of the glacier enters the sea, where its margin becomes 
uplifted by flotation. The part of the ice-front exposed on land is dark with 
mud and stones, and in places the ice is concealed by a slope of huge boulders, 
falling over the face and banked up against it (Pl. XIII. fig. 10). These 
boulders are abundant on the surface above ; but they evidently appear there in 
large part through the melting away of the upper layers of the ice. The 
numerous blocks of granite, believed to be Archaean, have been derived, accord- 
ing to De Geer, from masses that are mostly concealed.? The melting along 
the glacier-edge must here be slow, and a large amount of material must 
be carried out into the bay, since no wall-like moraine is being constructed. 

Since the ice in Spitsbergen breaks up readily on reaching the sea, 
“ calving ” in cascades of ice-blocks rather than in large icebergs, the submarine 
boulder-clays are no doubt deposited close against the shore. It is ques- 
tionable if their characters, in that case, are very different from those 
deposited on land.? Small spiry icebergs arise from the Nordenskiold 
Glacier, but they do not form a conspicuous feature of the bay. 

1 «Die Exkursion des XL. Internationalen Geologen-Kongresses nach Spitzbergen,’’ Zeitschr. 
d. Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1910, p. 649. 
* This moraine has been studied by E. J. Garwood, ‘‘ Additional Notes on the Glacial Phenomena 
of Spitsbergen,”’ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, vol. ly. (1899), p. 684. 
3 Garwood and Gregory have raised questions as to this point. Op. cit., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe. 
London, vol. liy., pp. 210 and 217. 
[2 E 2] 

202 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Admirable examples of the boulder-clays on land, stretching down into 
the sea, are now visible on either side of a former extension of the von Post 
Glacier (Pl. XIV., fig. 11). These boulder-clays in Tempel Bay, under noble 
cliff-faces of Carboniferous rock, have a remarkable similarity to those familar 
throughout central Ireland. They result from the deposition of the intra- 
glacial moraine as the glacier melted away, and they show how very differently 
various types of rock become abraded during the movement of the ice. The 
blocks of grey Carboniferous limestone have been rounded, and have received 
excellent striations. The sandstones show similar signs here and there, though 
many remain angular, and break up under atmospheric weathering along joints 
and bedding planes. The red granites, which are here probably derived from 
an unseen Archaean source, are rounded, but show no striations. Red shales 
are frequent, in flaky fragments, rounded in part and sometimes striated. 
They contribute, by their comminution in the ice, to a red clay which forms 
the basis of the moraines. Flints from the Carboniferous beds remain, 
however, completely angular. These features, as will be readily seen, are 
precisely those of the boulder-clay south of Dublin. 

The recently deposited boulder-clay of Tempel Bay weathers into small 
spiky pinnacles and vertical cliffs, on the face of which the larger stones stand 
out (Pl. XIV., fig. 12). Some of the cliff-forms seem to result from frost-action 
along shrinkage-joints ; others are the sides of kettle-holes, where the deposit 
has sunk, when some buried and residual ice-mass has melted away. ‘hese 
kettle-holes, now filled with water, are commonly associated with the 
moraines left by retreating glaciers, and have lately been discussed by R. 8. 
Tarr’ in examples where stagnating ice still remains. J. R. Kilroe? has aptly 
attributed certain lakelets in the glacial deposits of Ireland to the former 
presence of residual ice-blocks; and Lough Doo and the associated pools 
above Pomeroy, in the county of Tyrone, no doubt originated in the same 
manner, among gravels melted out of a glacier of the ice-sheet type. 

The occurrence of fairly pure ice under a ground-moraine which has been 
thrust up over it is strikingly evident in Spitsbergen on Cora Island in 
Ekman Bay. As this ice melts, sinking occurs locally in the boulder-clay, 
and kettle-holes arise in it freely. These remain in places from which the 
ice has already vanished. The history of the mass of residual ice which now 
covers the west flank of Cora Island has been traced out by De Geer® from 

1 «Some Phenomena of the Glacier Margins of the Yakutat Bay Region, Alaska,’’ Zeitschrift 
fiir Gletscherkunde, Bd. iii. (1908), p. 94, and ‘‘ Yakutat Bay Region, Alaska,’’ U. 8. Geol. Sury., 
Professional Paper 64 (1909), p. 63, 

* Memoir on the Geology of the District around Londonderry, Geol. Surv. Ireland (1908), p. 60, 
and ibid, around Belfast, 1904, p, 99. 

8 Guide de l’excursion au Spitzberg, XI* Congrés Geol. internat. (1910), p. 16. 

Corm— Glacial Features in Spitsbergen. 203 

1882 to 1908. The Sefstrom Glacier to the west—a sheet 6 kilometres broad 
at its sea-front—advanced between 1882 and 1896 so as to cover Cora Island 
and almost to reach the opposite shore of Ekman Bay. A slight recession 
had oceurred by 1898. By 1908, a retreat of 2 km. had taken place in that 
part of the front which stretched south-west from Cora Island; but a large 
mass of residual ice remained resting on the island. This was accompanied 
by a moraine of reddish mud and marine shells, which originally must have 
been largely intraglacial—that is, picked up and pushed forward in the body 
of the ice. Though reduced in size, the “ice-island” remained conspicuous 
on the west side of Cora Island when we studied the locality under 
De Geers guidance in 1910 (Pl. XYV., fig. 13). The most noteworthy 
feature was the occurrence of much of the red moraine matter on the back of 
the tabular relic of clear ice. Shearing movements in the interior of the 
glacier during its advance must have carried up the intraglacial moraine over 
a part of the ice that was practically free from débris. Similar moyements 
no doubt had brought the ice on to the low island, as an overthrust portion 
of the glacier, the base of which, in traversing the sea-floor, lay 50 metres 
(say, 25 fathoms) below the surface of the water. The shelly clay thus 
deposited on Cora Island is believed to have come from the sea-floor ; but I 
cannot help thinking that it may equally well have been carried across from 
the raised beaches on the western shore of Ekman Bay. Similar red clay 
can be seen in places in the lower part of the raised beach at Cape Wijk in 
Dickson Bay, resting directly on Carboniferous limestone. 

In any case, transport has been effected across an arm of the sea about 
4 km. (23 miles) wide and the material has clearly been raised above the 
position that it oceupied during transit. The hummocky boulder-clay now 
lies in part 30 metres above the sea. An uplift of mud, pebbles, and shells 
through a height of at least 200 feet was proved by Garwood and Gregory’ in 
the case of the Ivory Glacier, which descends on to marine deposits in Agardh 
Vale in eastern Spitsbergen. The interesting occurrence on Cora Island has 
been discussed by G. W. Lamplugh before the British Association at Sheftield 
in 1910, and its main features are described by Wahnschaffe.? - 

The gravels with marine shells that are banked up to heights 1,500 feet 
above thesea against the spurs of the Dublin Mountains have been often 
attributed to subsidence of the land during the glacial epoch. I have myself 
urged® that they may represent the material of pre-glacial raised beaches 

1 Op. cit., Q. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, vol. liy., p. 205. 
2 Op. cit., Zeitschr. Gesell. Erdkunde, Berlin, 1910, p. 651. 
3 *<County Dublin, past and present,’’ Irish Naturalist, yol. (1892), p. 94. 

204 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

affected by the subsequent invasion of the ice. But it becomes necessary to 
account for the absence of such beaches from the interior of the country, or at 
any rate of traces of them churned up with glacial detritus, and this can only 
be done by supposing that ice had already accumulated in the lowlands in 
sufficient quantity to bank out the sea during the epoch of submergence. 
Maxwell H. Close’ justly insisted that the marine shells were brought along 
with the gravels, and that the animals to which they belonged lived and died 
somewhere else; and he invoked floating ice as the agent of their accumu- 
lation. British geologists, however, outside the south-east of England—that 
is to say, geologists working in areas where glacial phenomena are of high 
importance—have been more and more inclined to the view that such high- 
level gravels with marine shells have been uplifted by movements of glacier- 
ice when it became pressed against rising ground. Whether the Irish Sea 
ice flowed, as is very probable, over a raised sea-floor, or whether it 
displaced the sea before it as it advanced, it must have gathered a con- 
siderable quantity of yielding material into its lower layers. Such an instance 
as that of Cora Island goes far to convince the observer as to the power of 
movements within the ice. If we witness even 100 feet of uplift in recent 
times, 1,000 feet seems nothing improbable during the climax of the Ice Age. 
Local subsidence may still be invoked to account for special cases, and the well- 
known deposits under Macclesfield, now concealed, but occurring at a general 
height of 450 feet above the sea, may represent a raised mid-glacial beach 
over which ice subsequently rode? The present height above the sea, 
moreover, of the deposits on the Dublin Mountains is not likely to be 
precisely that at which they were laid down out of the ice. The slope of the 
lowland may have been eased for the advancing glacier. Yet few who have 
been fortunate enough to visit Scandinavian and Arctic lands will see 
anything improbable in the views of P. F. Kendall, G. W. Lamplugh,* and 
others, who have urged that the Ivish glacial gravels with marine shells have 
been raised through the body of advancing ice. 

On this view, which many of us have been slow to accept, the higher 
deposits would probably be of later date than those nearer the sea-level. 
The ice still remaining on Cora Island may be taken as a model; it reached 
the obstacle formed by the island, and the intraglacial material from lower 
levels was pushed up over its back. 

The melting of the ice below has left this material, the red shelly 

1 « The Shell-bearing Gravels near Dublin,” Geol. Mag., 1874, p. 197. 

2 See discussion by T. J. Pocock, ‘‘ Geology of the country around Macclesfield, Congleton, 
Crewe, and Middlewich,’’ Mem. Geol. Survey, Eng. and Wales (1906), pp. 83-87. 

3 *« Geology of the country around Dublin,’’ Mem. Geol. Survey (1903), p. 43. 

Cotr— Glacial Features in Spitsbergen. 205 

boulder-clay of the island, to settle down with the characteristic kettle- 
hole structure (Pl. XV., fig. 14, and Pl. XII, fig. 7). Escaping streams 
have here and there washed the clay, leaving “ glacial sands and gravels” as a 
residue. The limit reached by the ice on the low limestone surface of the 
island is marked by a distinct margin to the boulder-clay, and along this a 
stream runs, with pebbles in its floor (Pl. XVI., fig. 15). The clay itself has 
weathered like that of the von Post Glacier, and presents steep faces on its 
hummocky surface. In the Dublin district, the fragmental condition of the 
shells has always been appealed to as showing that they could not have 
originated in place. Yet here, on Cora Iveland, we have convincing evidence 
that a loose marine deposit may be moved forward, perhaps in a frozen state, with 
very little injury to the included shells. These shells include J/ya truncata, 
Pecten islandicus, Saxicava arctica, Mytilus edulis, Astarte borealis, Tellina 
calearea, and, more rarely, Mya ovalis, Modiola mytiloides, and Yoldia arctica. 
A few gastropods, mainly Buccinwm, also occur. Perfect specimens of these 
shells abound, and hundreds of the bivalve molluscs may be collected in 
which the valves remain in their natural positions in regard to one another, 
even though the shell has gaped and become filled with clay. Lithothamnium 
forms a large portion of the deposit, just as it does in the post-glacial raised 
beaches, which rise to some 350 feet above the sea on the margins of the Ice 
Fjord. In the moraine of Cora Island, the colouring of the shells is 
excellently preserved ; but this is also true of many of the raised beaches of 
the Ice Fjord. 


In all cases in the Ice Fjord in Spitsbergen where glaciers have retreated 
up their valleys, the deposits of the rivers that flow copiously from them form 
a stony alluvium, and in places large deltas extend over the raised beaches 
and out into the sea. A well-developed delta, with hooks and islets, thus 
forms the flat land at Cape Wijk in Dickson Bay. There is much to justify 
the view that extensive fluvio-glacial deposits may be forming at one point, 
while glacial advance is taking place at another, and that such deposits afford 
no clue as to general climatic conditions in the past (Pl. XVI, fig. 16). 

Many of the stones in these deposits remain very angular, much as they 
have fallen from the ice or from the mountain side. The rivers that flow 
from the glaciers have occasionally cut ravines in the rock-floor since the 
retreat of the ice. A notable feature of this kind, accompanied by an 
older outlet-channel, which is now abandoned, occurs on the west shore of 

Green Bay. 

206 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


Owing to the extent of surface exposed to frost-weathering, enormous 
accumulations of fallen blocks occur on the lower slopes in Spitsbergen. Where 
a stagnant or retreating glacier occupies the hollow, these taluses become 
banked up against the ice, and are ultimately left as terraces, with a steep face 
towards the valley. The old Savoyards would have called these moraines, 
using the term in its original wide sense ; but they owe their form merely to 
the accident that they were prevented from encroaching, like ordinary fan- 
taluses, on the valley. Their material is derived from the crags above them, 
and has not been moved forward or modified by the ice. Such talus-terraces, 
when the ice has entirely passed away, may be mistaken for moraines, and 
may give an exaggerated idea of glacial activity in the district. Unlike 
lateral moraines, they may be formed on one side only of a valley, where the 
crags happen to be more continuous. An Irish example of this kind may be 
seen on the hillsides between Mallaranny and Achill Sound in Co. Mayo, 
where, in addition, ordinary moraines have melted out of the ice as it expanded 
over the lower ground. In Spitsbergen, a huge bank of angular blocks of 
sandstone, providing very troublesome walking, has gathered along the west 
slope of the valley between the American Coal-mine and Mount Nordenskidld, 
south of Advent Bay. There is no doubt that the glacier referred to on 
p. 201 contributed to the regular grouping of this detritus, at a time when 
the ice formed an obstacle along the centre of the vale. 


The advance or retreat of glaciers in Spitsbergen seems to depend on 
slight fluctuations in precipitation, in a country where the total snowfall is 
not considerable. The von Post and Sefstrém glaciers, moreover, have 
retreated, while the Wahlenberg glacier, also descending on the Ice Fjord, has 
simultaneously advanced. Under such circumstances, though the maximum 
of the ice-age has been passed in Spitsbergen, it would be impossible to assert 
that the region has entered on any general interglacial epoch. Were the 
mean annual temperature to rise, precipitation in the form of rain might aid 
in clearing away the ice, and “interglacial” or post-glacial conditions would 
be emphasized. On the other hand, if precipitation could be reduced by 
external changes, leading to a reduction in the supply, but leaving the 
temperature the same as it is at present, the loss of ice by melting in summer 
might soon outbalance its winter growth. Dry “interglacial” conditions 
would then set in. 

In judging of the reality and extent of interglacial episodes in Europe, we 

CoLte—Glacial Features in Spitsbergen. 207 

must remember that the conditions in northern Germany and the Baltic 
region, owing to mere oscillations of level and consequent spread or reduction 
of the marine area, have probably changed more frequently during the glacial 
epoch than have those in Ireland, the European outpost against the Atlantic 
winds and waters. Owing to greater facilities for precipitation, ice may have 
been maintained continuously in Ireland by winter accretion, although it had 
retreated from areas farther to the east. A large “ice-island,” a low-pitched 
dome of residual ice, may have remained across central Ireland, marking the 
epochs of oscillating temperature only on its margins. Hence it is quite 
possible that the evidence of interglacial epochs may be very shght in Ireland. 
The raised tundra-land, moreover, on which faunas and floras might have left 
their relics, has been submerged by the downward movements of the European 
margin in post-glacial times. 

The best-established evidence of a pause in the glaciation of Ireland is of 
course to be found in those cases where the Scottish ice, or the Irish ice of the 
continental or ice-cap type, has retreated, while the same ground has been 
traversed by local glaciers afterwards. The rapid extension of glaciers arising 
from local mountain-groups cannot have occurred simultaneously with the 
withdrawal of the larger ice-masses. It seems difficult to find any name for 
such an interval, whether it was promoted by warmth or by mere dryness, 
than that familiar to continental workers. The conditions for the time were 
surely “interglacial.” 

(All the figures are from photographs by the author,) 



Typical glacial landscape of the Ice Fjord, Spitsbergen. The Kjerulf 
Glacier entering Safe Bay. 

Edge of plateau above Cape Wijk, showing snow-line, with rill-grooves 
from melting snow passing into avalanche-grooyes. 



Mounds of mingled snow and frost-broken detritus, formed by snow- 
slide action. Raised beach below. Near Mt. Marmier, S. shore of 
Sassen Bay. 

4. Head of alcove excavated by frost and snow-slide action. Triassic 

strata above Cane Wijk, Dickson Bay. 



208 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 










PLate XI. 

“Hollow excavated in Mount Pyramid, Billen Bay, with fan-talus 
covering raised beach at its foot. 

Incipient cirques forming in plateau in Dickson Land. Snow-flecked 
summer surface of the plateau in the distance. 

PuatTe XII. 

. Arid type of weathering. Carboniferous strata on Mount Capitolium, 

fromy shelly moraine of Cora Island, Ekman Bay. 

. Arid type of weathering. Carboniferous strata with gypsum, face of Mount 

Tempel, entrance to Sassen Bay. 

Prats XII 

. Cirque in plateau edge, south of Advent Bay. 

Intraglacial material in terminal face of Nordenskiold Glacier, Billen Bay. 


Boulder-clay left by recession of the von Post Glacier, Tempel Bay. 

2, Details of boulder-clay left by recession of the von Post Glacier, Tempel 

Residual ice and moraine left on Cora Island, Ekman Bay, by recent 
recession of the Sefstrom Glacier. The dark shelly moraine is seen 
resting on the island on the right and on the ice-mass on the left. 

Shelly boulder-clay with kettle-holes, Cora Island. The Sefstrém Glacier 
fills the background. 


Edge of the shelly boulder-clay abutting on the Carboniferous limestone 
- ground of Cora Island, with formation of small outwash deltas. Mount 
Capitolium behind. 

Fluyio-glacial delta, Cape Wijk, Dickson Bay. A melting snow-patch lies 
in the foreground. 


K.l.Acap., VoL. XXIX., Sgcr. B. 

Fig. 1 

Rigen 2: 


The Kjerulf Glacier entering Safe Bay. 

Edge of plateau above Cape Wijk. 





a rane ee 


i ; Hon 
ned ae 

i d cy 

7 i ; 
: i 
vim walt et 
. : 
st sea 
5! i tn a t 
a ae 
{ x 1 
- a 
fi t 
¥ 1 
; ra.) 7 - 

re ee ae ee 

PROGR AGAD | VOL] exon DNe) SECT. 5 PLatTE X. 

Fig. 3. Mounds produced by snow-slide action, Sassen Bay. 

Fig. 4. Head of alcove above Cape Wijk. 


Proc. R.I.Acap., Vor. XXIX. Secr. B. PuateE XI. 



Fig. 6. Incipient cirques on plateau in Dickson Land. 


Proc. R.I., Acap., Vor. XXIX., Sect. B, Bunge Raul. 


Fig. 8. Arid type of weathering, Mount Tempel. 


Proc. R.I.Acap., VoL. XXIX., Sect. B. 


Fig. 9. 

Fig. to. 

Cirque in plateau-edge, south of Advent Bay. 

Intraglacial material in Nordenskiéld Glacier. 



Proc. RI.Acap., Vor. XXIX, Secr. B. PLaTE XIV. 

Fig. 11. Boulder-clay left by the von Post Glacier. 


Fig. 12. Boulder-clay left by the von Post Glacier. 



Proc. R.I.Acap., Vor. XXIX., Sect. B. PLATE XV. 

Fig. 13. Residual ice and moraine on Cora Island. 

Fig. 14. Shelly boulder-clay with kettle-holes, Cora Island. The Sefstrém Glacier beyond. 


Proc. R.I.Acap., VoL. XXIX., Sect. B. PLATE XVI. 

Fig. 16. Fluvio-glacial delta, Cape Wij 


[ 209 | 


Puares X VII-XIX. 
Read May 8. Published Sepremper 4, 1911. 

In 1909 I received, through Mr. R. Southern, of Dublin, a small collection 
of Irish Maldanidae, belonging to the Irish National Museum, for description. 
The collection contained only a few determinable species—those which are 
hereafter discussed. Amongst these are two which, though not quite 
unknown before, have not been previously described. In addition, the 
collection contains Praxillura sp., from the south coast of Ireland (Station 
R. 30; 8, p. 127); Petaloproctus sp., from the west coast (W. 115; 10, 
p- 170); a species which is possibly near akin to Isocirrus, from the same 
locality as Praxillura; Leiochone sp. [elypeata ?], from the west coast (W. 115; 
10, p. 170, and L. 296-L. 300 ; 6, p. 41) and the east coast (S. 166 ; 6, p. 69); 
Leiochone sp. [cirrata-borealis-group], from the south-west coast (5. R. 172; 
6, p. 84, and S. R. 590; 9, p. 156) ; Praxillella sp. [graczlis-group ; cf. 5, p. 190], 
from the the south-west coast (S. R. 16; 10, p. 165); Euclymene sp. [a 
large species], from the south coast (R. 30 and R. 31; 8, p. 127); and in 
addition to these, at least four species, all belonging to the Tribus 
Euclymenini (R. 31; 8, p. 127; S.R. 5; 6, p. 64; S. 273; 7, p. 102; 
Kingstown-Dalkey, 14:6-22m. [20/7, 1907)). 

Nicomache (Nicomache) maculata n. sp. 
(Plate XVIIT., figs. 13-19; Plate X1X., figs. 27-30.) 

“ Nicomache lumbricalis (Fabricius),” Cunningham and Ramage (1, p. 678, 
fig. 41), and Michaelsen (4, p. 39); cf. 5, pp. 99 and 95. 

Specific Diagnosis—The anterior part more or less distinctly speckled ; 
especially conspicuous is one rounded spot outside each nuchal organ, and 
one or more transverse bands of colour on the back of the fore-part. Ocelli are 
present. Twenty-two setigerous segments and one (as a rule quite) achaetous 
posterior segment. The cup-shaped section at the hindmost extremity is short, 
and but little longer on the ventral side than on the back. The anal cirri are 
not characterized by different sizes. Nephridia in setigerous segments 6-9. 
The front part of the body is not particularly strong in glands—at any rate not 
the hinder part of the segments in this region; on the hinder segments 

R.IA. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. B, [2 G]} 

210 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

distinct glandular bands on the back between the parapodia, which bands 
more and more completely encircle the body towards the hinder part, and 
also on the posterior achaetous segment. Straight spines on the three 
foremost setigerous segments. Uncini of the setigerous segments 4-5 (— 6) 
considerably reduced, and without or with only very weak hair. The fully 
developed uncini, whose inner and under contour is not bent out, have some 
hairs and up to seven teeth. The anterior capillary setae have from the 
very first setigerous segment weak side-teeth, which towards the hinder part 
increase somewhat in strength. The long under setae, which have only traces 
of side-teeth, exist (in individuals which are not, or in any case not fully, 
sexually developed) from one to three in number on the fourth to the twenty- 
second setigerous segments. The posterior capillary setae chiefly with rather 
broad borders—which on the whole, however, grow smaller towards the 
rear—and not particularly long points. Tubes rather thin, and somewhat 
flattened and closed up. 

Colour.—The anterior part as far as the third setigerous segment is more 
or less strongly speckled with brown, but further behind the spots decrease 
rapidly; and moreover, the same segments on the ventral side, at least 
towards the posterior region, are speckled extremely little or not at all. 
The more or less varied distribution of the spots is shown in figs. 13-15. 
Especially conspicuous are the transverse bands and the strongly marked spot 
outside each nuchalorgan. In a very light-coloured individual from Blacksod 
Bay there are only these last-named two spots, and a band of colour on the 
posterior part of the head. Another individual from the same locality has the 
anterior part of the head very light-coloured. Here are found the two spots 
on the side, but else only one in the middle of the anterior part; this latter 
can be distinguished as a rule in the more strongly coloured individuals. 

Cunningham and Ramage (1) write as follows concerning this species, 
which they have obviously seen:—“The dorsal surface of the first few 
somites is abundantly spotted with red and white.” (Pl. 47, fig. 41.) 

External Structure.—As in my earlier descriptions of Nicomache-species 
(5), which are of course very much like one another in many cases, I can 
express myself very briefly as regards the external structure of the body. 
Rather few ocelli are found on either side of the front upper part of the head, 
and they are seen best on the more faintly coloured individuals (fig. 15). 
The nuchal organs, which can be clearly seen in fig. 13 (here drawn in a 
somewhat different way from that adopted in my earlier figures), are rather 
long and distinetly bent. 

The seven complete individuals observed have all 22 setigerous segments 
and one posterior achaetous segment. Of the 15 other posterior portions 
observed, 11 are normally developed, while the remaining 4 have capillary 

ARWIDSSON—On some Irish Maldanidae. DiI 

setae on either side of the hindmost segment, which is usually free from setae 
(fig. 16). On three individuals capillary setae are developed on the left-hand 
side, and on one on the right-hand side; one of the first set comes from 
Blacksod Bay, while all the rest are from Howth. 

The cup-shaped section at the hindmost extremity is rather short, and 
but little longer on the ventral than on the dorsal side (fig. 16). The 
majority, at least, of the anal cirri are like fingers, and are of approximately 
the same length; but they appear to be somewhat shorter towards the dorsal 
side. Besides these, however, there occur, except in the case of the largest 
individuals (fig. 18), one or more smaller cirri between the larger ones. Of 
these smaller cirri those are particularly noticeable which are almost always 
found developed upon both sides or upon only one side of the ventral nerve- 
cord; often these are merely indicated by a little fold; in the individual 
represented in fig. 18, even these are absent. The numbers of cirri found in 
all the individuals investigated are set forth in the following table :— 

Nos. 1-8 (all small ones) are from Blacksod Bay, the others are from Howth, 

Number of cirri, with the exception of the 
smaller ones near the ventral nerve-cord. 
No Number of cirri adjacent to 

: the ventral nerve-cord. 

(@) Medium size. | (6) Distinctly small ones are 
among the larger. 

is 18 1 2 | 

D. 20 traces of 1 traces of 2 
3. 16 traces of 1 2 (very small) | 
4 18 2 traces of 1 | 
5. 17 1 | traces of 2 | 
6. 16! = | 1 | 
To 17! — 2 (very small) | 
8. 18! — | traces of 1 
9 19 — 2 distinct ones | 

10. 18 2 of inedium length 1 of medium length to the 


11. 16 1 (small) 2 (one being quite short) | 
12. 19 = 2 rather long ones 

13. (5 ut) — 1 

14. 17 — — 

1d. 18 — 1 (short) 

16. 17 2 (small) 1 (short) 

1 In these three individuals, in particular, the highest cirri are small on the whole. 

[2 G2] 

212 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

The area within the cirri does not appear to lie very deep, and is, moreover, 
only slightly oblique. Nephridia occur in the sixth to the ninth setigerous 

Epidermal Glands.—The anterior part as far as the fourth setigerous 
segment is plentifully furnished with glands (fig. 19). Especially noticeable 
are the rings in front of the parapodia,? and the glandular spots on the under- 
side of the first setigerous segment, which occur as usual in a long-extending 
form, but are here (because of some other system of preservation ?) faint, and a 
well-marked protracted glandular spot immediately within each nuchal organ, 
and a smaller spot outside the foremost part of the same organ (fig. 17). On 
the fourth to the seventh setigerous segments chiefly are to be found anterior 
glandular rings, which, however, decrease in strength backwards. On the 
ventral side of the fifth to the eighth setigerous segments, immediately 
beneath and in front of the lowest uncini, are to be found small and highly 
characteristic round bundles of glands most distinctly on the sixth setigerous 
segment (fig. 19). On the eighth and following setigerous segments, the glands 
round the parapodia, and especially between those on the dorsal side, are 
weak. Towards the posterior parts these glands increase, and gradually 
(distinctly from about the twelfth setigerous segment) there appears a distinct 
glandular ring in the hindmost part of the segment. It increases backwards, 
and is found even on the hindmost segment, which is usually free from 
setae (fig. 16). The outer side of the posterior cup-shaped section is to some 
extent furnished with glands, especially towards the posterior parts, while the 
inner side is only slightly provided with glands. Finally, such are entirely 
lacking on the cirri and on the area within the cirri. 5 

Setae——The spines on the foremost three setigerous segments are straight 
and rather coarse (fig. 27). As a rule, they occur singly in each parapodium ; 
but double ones have sometimes been observed on either side of the second 
and third setigerous segments. 

On the fourth setigerous segment begin the uncini, which here and on the 
adjoining segments are moderately open (fig. 28). The number of uncini on 
the fourth to the twentieth setigerous segments of a large individual from 
Howth, which has received special investigation in the matter of setae, is as 
follows: 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12,10, 12,12, 12,13,14. On another 
large individual the nineteenth to the twenty-second setigerous segments 
have the following number of uncini: 15, 15, 16,16. The number of teeth 

1 All observations about epidermal glands refer exclusively to such as have been coloured with 
iodine green; cf. Arwidsson /5). 

2 In a number of individuals, probably those preserved in some other way, it is precisely the 
glands on the posterior part of these segments that are most conspicuous, particularly on the under 

ARW1psson—On some Irish Maldanidae. 218 

in fully grown individuals! is 2—5**, (3-)4°, 5-67, 69", 5-6°°*; a seventh 
tooth can be traced on the fourteenth segment and perhaps on the adjoining 

On the fourth and fifth setigerous segments the upper uncini at least 
lack bristles ; and accordingly it is not till the fourth seta reckoned from 
above, that bristles appear on these segments in the large individual investi- 
gated. On the seventh setigerous segment no uncinus lacks bristles, but 
even on the sixth setigerous segment the two or three uppermost uncini lack 
bristles, or have only very feeble ones. 

The fully developed uncini (fig. 29) have their lower contour perfectly even. 

The points of the anterior capillary setae have, even so early as the first 
to the third setigerous segments, distinct though slight side-teeth ; and these 
afterwards increase somewhat, although they never perhaps become quite as 
large as in Micomache minor Arwidsson, whose setae they greatly resemble. 
The long capillary setae underneath, which may be found in the fourth to the 
twenty-second setigerous segments, have all but imperceptible traces of side- 
teeth; but so much of them one can see that one can determine that they 
stand somewhat more closely towards the outer point of the setae. On the 
fourth setigerous segment, for instance, two such setae have been observed, 
and on the sixth and seventh setigerous segments three, one in each case 
being particularly long. The posterior capillary setae have, on the three 
foremost setigerous segments, rather broad borders, often of the same size on 
each side; towards the posterior regions one border at least may diminish 
quite distinctly, but, as fig. 30 shows, there may be found here also two rather 
broad borders of equal size. The points of these setae do not appear to be 
particularly long: in any case such have not been observable in the material 
at the disposal of the writer. As usual, the points are shortest on the foremost 

Sise.—The largest individual from Howth attains a length of 45 mm., as 
compared with a breadth of l'2mm. The largest individuals from Blacksod 
Bay are considerably smaller. 

Sexual Maturity.—The large individual just mentioned isa ¢, taken 6th 
October, 1909, and then at least near sexual maturity. 

Tubes.—Tubes observed from Blacksod Bay are formed chiefly of small, 
light-coloured grains of sand, amongst which may sometimes occur the shells 
of small mussels. These are—partly at least—closed up, somewhat winding, 
somewhat flattened tubes, and are provided with grains of sand all the way 
round. The outer diameter of a measured tube is 2°6 mm. as compared 
with an inner diameter of 1:0 mm. n 

1 For the system of notation used see my earlier treatise (5). 

214 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Notices of Finds.—Stella Maris Bay, Howth, East Iveland, at least 10 indi- 
viduals, of which 3 are perfect. Feorinyeeo Bay, Blacksod Bay, Station 
No. W. 116 (10, p. 170), West Ireland, at least 11 individuals, of which 4 are 

Information about Harlier Finds—Kyvidently Cunningham and Ramage (1) 
have taken this species in the Firth of Forth. They write as follows about 
it: “Commonly found among Laminarian roots, also occasionally under 
stones ” (see also 5, p. 99). But also the new species which I formerly (5, p. 95) 
thought I could establish from Heligoland in accordance with Michaelsen’s 
description (4, p. 39) is plainly identical with Wicomache maculata. 

Regeneration.—Howth : 1 anterior setigerous segment: 2; 2 anterior 
ditto: 1; and 1 posterior ditto: 1 individual. Blacksod Bay: 1 anterior 
setigerous segment: 2; 8 posterior ditto: 1 individual. 

Leiochone sp. 

From Galway Bay, in the West of Ireland, or, more precisely, Station 
A, 124 (7, p. 94), or S.W. of 2nd buoy of Margaretta Shoal, 18 m., comes an 
individual, small, complete, but regenerated in both its anterior and its posterior 
regions, which, so far as one can gather from the investigation of such scanty 
material, approximates very closely to Leiochone polaris (Théel) (5, p. 150), 
The purely Arctic distribution of the latter species, however, which is not 
known even from the most northerly parts of Norway (5, p. 155), renders it 
improbable that the present species is identical with the one mentioned. The 
investigation of fuller material is the necessary preliminary to settling this 

The individual in question, like Z. polaris, possesses 19 setigerous seg- 
ments and probably 3 hinder achaetous segments. At any rate, two of the 
last-named can distinctly be observed, and behind these there is room for one 
more. The ventral anal cirrus is distinctly developed. The regenerated anterior 
region embraces 3 setigerous segments and is 2-4 mm. long; the fourth to the 
eighth setigerous segments are normally developed and measure 4°5 mm.; the 
regenerated posterior region measures 4mm. in length. No ocelli can be 
discerned, which of course does not preclude the possibility of their being 
found in the fully developed head. The epidermal glands, on the whole, 
resemble those in LZ. polaris (5). The following divergences, however, have 
been noticed. The stronger glands forwards on the fourth to the sixth seti- 
gerous segments diminish more rapidly behind the parapodia, whereas the 
more faintly coloured ones (cf. 5) in the hinder part of the segments are quite 
close together, especially on the fourth setigerous segment, in the hinder part 
of which they form a distinct band ; the seventh setigerous segment, on the other 

Arwipsson— On some Irish Maldandac. 215 

hand, is quite free from glands at the back. The two obliquely extended spots 
of glands on the front upper part of the eighth setigerous segment (8, fig. 118) 
are here very straight, which may of course be connected with the fact that, 
in the individual in question, this segment is much extended and also of more 
even breadth, only tapering off somewhat in the very front part. The number 
of uncini on the 19 setigerous segments, of which, however, only the fourth 
to the eighth are fully developed to the normal extent, is as follows: 
1, 2, 2,4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2, 2, 2, 2,2, 1-2. 

In connexion with this Leiochone species it may be mentioned that one 
individual of the Leiochone species earlier cited, which is near akin to or is 
identical with LZ. clypeata Saint-Joseph, possesses a fully projecting proboscis, a 
thing which I for my part have never before had the opportunity of observing 
in any species of this genus. This completely visible proboscis now shows 
that the papilliferous part is developed all round, although it is shorter 
forwards, it is true; Saint-Joseph (8, p. 140), speaking of ZL. clypeata, says: 
“une trompe globuleuse trés vasculiére.” In an earlier paper (5, p. 143), 
chiefly with regard to the conditions prevailing in ZL. borealis (p. 157)—in 
which, however. as mentioned, I have never had occasion to notice a 
completely projected proboscis—I have conceived the papilliferous part of 
the proboscis as almost vanishing in front of the mouth within the limits of 
the tribus Leiochonini: this conception, therefore, needs a certain amount of 
modification. Possibly in respect of proboscis-structure, as in several other 
respects, the various Leiochone species are essentially dissimilar. 

Praxillella affinis (Sars) Arwidsson. 

Of this species—formerly known only from Scandinavia (Kattegat and 
the Bergen region)—there are two mutilated individuals from the south coast 
of Ireland, or, more precisely, Station R. 31 (8, p. 127), or 6 miles S.ES. of 
Mine Head, 53m. Of one individual there remain the third to the eighth 
setigerous segments, of the other the third to the seventeenth. Besides these 
there is a posterior extremity, possibly belonging to one of the foregomg. All 
the parts correspond very exactly with Scandinavian individuals (5). Amongst 
other things are found the specially developed capillary setae on the tenth 
and the eleventh setigerous segments. 

Genus Caesicirrus n. gen. 

Generic Diagnosis—Nuchal organ of medium length. Distinct head 
borders. The papillae of the proboscis are low or altogether absent. Segment 
with collar is absent. The parapodia of the eighth setigerous segment in 
the hinder part of the segment. There are distinct posterior achaetous 

216 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academi. 

segments, and behind these a callus-shaped ring and at the hindmost 
extremity a cup-shaped section. The ventral cirrus, which is the longest, 
and the longer cirri, which are symmetrically arranged among the other 
anal cirri, have undivided tips; the shorter intermediate cirri have a lobate 
point. The anal cone, the anal papilla of which is drawn out like a finger, 
is low and lies in the bottom of a funnel-like depression. The cephalic plate 
has distinct glands, and the anterior segments distinct glandular bands. 
The uncini of the first to the third setigerous segments are not particularly 
strong, and lack bristles, and are, moreover, more or less transformed and 
usually stand singly in each parapodium; the neck of the fully developed 
uncini is inwardly distinctly constricted: the bristles join together unger 
the big tooth. The anterior capillary setae have borders that are either 
faint or vanishing and a distinctly marked pencil of bristles. The posterior 
capillary setae have quite narrow borders and smooth points. Tubes free, 
straight, and rather thin. 

Cunningham and Ramage (1, p. 679) figure, under the name of Aziotheas 
catenata, a species which has not hitherto been at all well known. In an 
earlier treatise (5, p. 220) I have considered the possibility that the authors 
named have, in figuring the species in question, left out a segmental limit 
somewhere just before the parapodia of the eighth setigerous segment, and 
have thus found a certain resemblance to the Luclymene droebachiensis (Sars) 
described in detail by me. In the Ivish collection now under consideration, 
however, I have certainly rediscovered Cunningham and Ramage’s species, 
which exhibits such very remarkable phenomena that I will not increase the 
indefiniteness of the genus Huclymene Verrill by attributing the above species 
to this genus, which is assuredly very indefinite in its range, but must for 
this species establish the above-named new genus Caesicirrus. This new 
genus, however, is quite certainly nearly related to Euclymene: in other 
words, my diagnosis of Tribus Euclymenini must be widened so as to include 
forms with a long eighth setigerous segment, having parapodia situated in 
its hinder part. When I tried to define the Tribus named, no such form 
was known; in this connexion may be compared the species which I mentioned, 
but did not name (5, p. 243), from East Greenland, which species seems to 
lack a limit between the seventh and the eighth setigerous segment. That 
species also, as I then took occasion to observe, falls outside the Tmbus 
Euclymenini as then defined by me, though it stands very near it of course. 
Perhaps it may be closely related to the species now under discussion, since 
its eighth setigerous segment seems to have more in common with the posterior 
long segments than with the anterior short ones. 

The most distinctive characters of the genus Caesicirrus are plainly the 

Arwipsson— On some Irish Maldanidae. Ply 

appearance of the eighth setigerous segment, the division of the anal cirri into 
long undivided ones, and short ones lobate at the point, and the prolonged 
anal papilla. 

The nephridial pore is somewhat under the rows of uncini, and in a line 
with or slightly in front of these. The neck of the developed uncini is a 
little striated in an oblique fashion. 

Caesicirrus neglectus n. sp. 
(Plate XVII., figs. 1-9; Plate XVIII, figs. 10-12; Plate XIX., figs. 20-26.) 
“ Axiothea catenata Malmgren,’ Cunningham and Ramage (1, p. 679, fig. 42), 

Specific Diagnosis—The anterior pomt of the head rather short. The 
borders of the head are low, almost with faintly indicated lateral notches; the 
hinder notch between the borders is also faint. Ocelli numerous, in front 
of the mouth. The parapodia of the seventh setigerous seement situated 
somewhat in front of the posterior third. Nineteen setigerous segments and 
three posterior achaetous segments. Of long anal cirri there are three pairs, 
besides the ventral cirrus; the short anal cirri are found in each interval to the 
number of from one to four. Nephridia in setigerous segments 7-9. Anterior 
elandular bands are found on the first seven setigerous segments ; on the fourth 
setigerous segment this band occupies the half of the section behind the 
parapodia; the posterior portion of the seventh setigerous segment is 
completely, though somewhat sparsely, covered with glands on its upper 
portion. The second setigerous segment has, on the whole, glands very much 
scattered, chiefly in the front of the parapodia ; and the third is thinly covered 
with glands, for the most part all over it. The eighth setigerous segment 
possesses a somewhat distinct glandular band between the middle and the 
parapodia. From the middle of the seventh setigerous segment the glandular 
bands follow the ventral nerve-cord, being most strongly marked on the ninth 
to the fourteenth setigerous segments. More or less faint longitudinal glandular 
bands are found to the front and to the back of the uppermost uncini in the 
direction of the neighbouring capillary setae from the eighth to the twelfth (or 
thirteenth) setigerous segments inclusive (especially in the larger individuals). 
The uncini on the first three setigerous segments have a rather long inner 
section, and three or four teeth. The fully developed uncini have six teeth 
asamaximum. The anterior capillary setae are especially numerous on the 
eighth and the ninth setigerous segments; in a great many of the posterior 
capillary setae on the middle and posterior segments the bases of the points 
are more or less distinctly enlarged. 

Colowr.—As I have seen no living individuals, the accounts of Cunningham 
and Ramage (cf. 1) may appropriately be repeated here: “ Colour pinkish, paler 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL, XX{X., SECT. B. {2 A] 

218 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

towards the anterior end, with broad bands of deep-red surrounding the body 
at intervals (pl. 47, fig. 42).” 

External Structwre.—The forward point of the head is rather short and at 
the base but little removed from the cephalic plate (fig. 5). The borders are 
low, on the whole (fig. 7), though most distinctly so on the sides of the head; 
towards the hinder regions they diminish somewhat in strength and meet 
here in a fairly definite angle, when the cephalic plate is more or less extended. 
A lateral notch on each border can be seen at any rate on individuals with 
strongly compressed cephalic plates. 

Numerous ocelli (fig. 4; ef. 1, fig. 42a) are to be found in front of the 
mouth in a rather broad band, which extends some distance up, on the under- 
side of the anterior point of the head, and which divides into two bands, as it 
were, at one place in either side, fusing again near the median line. The 
ocelli are distinctly reddish-brown, although the colour is fainter in youngish 
individuals ; and similarly the number of ocelli in these individuals is not so 
large as in older ones, especially towards the middle. The proboscis could 
not be closely investigated in the material at my disposal. This much, how- 
ever, can be said about it, viz. that it is perfect all round and has no extended 
papillae. Moreover, no papillae whatever could be observed on the faint 
ridges that run along the outer side of the proboscis—ridges which to the 
number of 24 are to be seen in fig. 1. The nuchal organs are not especially 
long and are separated by a rather broad but low keel (figs. 5 and 7). 

The front edge of the first setigerous segment is shehtly bent forwards in 
front of the parapodia. The length of the anterior setigerous segments 
diminishes pretty evenly as far as the fifth setigerous segment, after which the 
sixth and the seventh segments show a sheht increase. On the last-named 
the parapodia are situated somewhat in front of the posterior third. The 
eighth setigerous segment is considerably longer than the one immediately 
before it, and its parapodia, like those in the segments that follow, lie far to 
the rear. These segments, to begin with, increase in length backwards; and 
the fifteenth and the sixteenth setigerous segments, in particular, are very 
long, the sixteenth being the longest. The hindmost setigerous segments 
diminish rapidly in length; there are 19 setigerous segments in all. After 
them there follow—very rapidly decreasing in length—3 achaetous segments 
(figs. 8 and 9), of which the last in particular is very short, with slight 
remains of parapodia. The foremost of these segments at least has a distinct 
posterior limit (fig. 8). Thereafter follows a callus-shaped ring which in 
certain positions is markedly defined towards the rear (figs. 8 and Qs x0 
individuals that are not contracted at the commencement of the section 
that thereafter follows, which is rather short and cup-shaped, the ring in 

ARrwipsson—On some Irish Maldanidae. 219 

question is not very sharply defined. The anal cone is low and barely 
perceptible; the anus is surrounded by several wrinkles, which, towards the 
anal opening itself (which is obviously not completely closed in fig. 8), has 
faint, shghtly pointed elevations; the ventral anal papilla proper is prolonged 
finger-fashion, In fig. 12, where the intestine is shown in a somewhat 
projected position, these formations can be seen excellently. Whether the 
ventral nerve-cord can be seen between the large ventral anal cirrus (on the 
edge of the cavity) and the anal papilla cannot be determined, because of the 
smallness of the posterior ends at my disposal. 

The anal cirri (on the edge of the cavity, cf. figs. 8-12) consist not only of 
the large ventral one, which is somewhat longer than half the diameter 
of the posterior funnel-like cavity, but also of three pairs of long ones and of 
short ones interposed among these. The longer ones, which are equal to half 
or more than half of the large ventral cirrus, taper, like this last, pretty evenly 
towards the shghtly rounded point. The position of the three pairs mentioned 
is displayed in the figures. The small intermediate short cirri have distally 
short finger-like lobes, which vary slightly in number and position. If the 
seven intervals between the long cirri, beginning from that which lies nearest to 
the left of the ventral cirrus, are numbered continuously from 1 to 7, the 
following table shows at a glance the number of the short cirri in the six 
individuals investigated (the individuals depicted in figs. 12 and 10 being 
Nos. 1 and 2 respectively). The individuals are as far as possible arranged 
in order of magnitude, beginning with the larger ones :— 

No, 1%; 8, 2,23, 4% BS, 2, ere, 
op » S&L 4934 83 » 
hy ayy Cn ORO Das oe 
» 4 334 oma 


eR b 

wm bw 
Or Ww 



If in the last-named individual, or No. 6, the small lobate cirri are taken 
one after another, beginning to the left of the large vent ral cirrus, they have 
the following number of lobes: 3, 2,1; 4°, 2; 3,-2,8; 2, 2,4, 1°; 4, 25 3; 
BBs WD. B 

The three complete individuals at my disposal have all the same number of 

'The posterior part is regenerated, though on the whole fairly perfect ; this is especially the case 
with No. 1. 

* The middle ones are not completely separated; in No. 6, moreoyer, they are of somewhat 
unequal length. 

* First divided into two, with 3 and 1 lobes. 4 Broad, divided into two, at first; lobes? 
° Narrow. § Rather deeply divided. 

[2 HQ] 

220 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

setigerous segments, and of posterior achaetous segments; and three other 
individuals investigated exhibit the same structure of the hind part as the 

Nephridia are found in the seventh to the ninth setigerous segments, 
cf. fig. 3, which show the orifices on the ninth setigerous segment, whereas on 
the other segments these do not here appear, but there can be seen beneath 
the uncini a little field free from glands, which surrounds each orifice. The 
number of the nephridia has been determined by dissection. 

Epidermal Glands.—The cephalic plate (fig. 5) possesses distinct glands, 
which are strongest on the anterior point and on the outer ends of the nuchal 
organs. The anterior region is thinly covered with glands as far as somewhat 
behind the parapodia of the first setigerous segment (figs. 1, 2, 5). The ventral 
nerve-cord, however, under the parapodia of the same segment is free (fig. 1). 
Towards the rear there are, on the whole, only some very few glands on the 
sides at about the middle of the segment (fig. 2). The second to the seventh 
setigerous segments, but the second to the fourth in particular, possess a free 
edge anteriorly; the second setigerous segment has, in front of the parapodia, 
a band of sparse but large glands (figs. 1 and 2). Behind these there isa 
number of very scattered glands straight behind the parapodia, some on the 
ventral side and very few on the dorsal side anteriorly. The hindmost part 
of the segment is free, or, in the larger individuals, it has glands to a faint 
and scanty extent all through; the same is the case with the preceding 
segment. The third setigerous segment, like the preceding one, has sparse 
glands in front of the parapodia, but also over nearly the whole segment 
(fig. 2), most thickly (in the smaller specimens) in a streak straight behind 
the seta. The fourth to the seventh setigerous segments have—with the 
exception of the free interior edges just mentioned, which moreover diminish 
backwards—close-packed glands in front of the parapodia. On the fourth 
setigerous segment, moreover, these extend almost as far behind the parapodia 
as to the front of them, but with some indication of a break on the dorsal side 
behind the parapodia ; on the two following segments the glandular band 
diminishes behind the para podia, so that, especially on the last segment, it 
scarcely surrounds the parapodia, and at the same time the break mentioned 
on the dorsal side becomes more distinct. On the ventral nerve-cord, 
however, there remains a number of glands, even further back; and on the 
sixth setigerous segment these join a faintly marked glandular ring round the 
hinder part of the segment (fig. 2). On the hindmost parts of the fifth to the 
seventh setigerous segments there are also, especially on the upper side, a 
number of very thinly distributed glands. The seventh setigerous segment is 
thickly studded with glands in front of the parapodia, with the exception, 

Arwipsson—On some Irish Maldanidae. 29] 

however, in a number of individuals, of the region round the orifices of the 
nephridia (as always on the eighth setigerous segment, fig. 3). The hinder part 
of the segment is free underneath, with the exception of sparse glands on the 
ventral nerve-cord, but the upper side is covered pretty evenly with rather 
dense glands (fig. 6). Straight behind the topmost part of the row of uncini 
these glands are somewhat more powerful; and this string of glands continues 
into the eighth setigerous segment, which otherwise in its anterior part 
possesses only some scattered glands in the middle of the dorsal side, faimtly 
marked ones along the ventral nerve-cord, and a number of scattered ones in 
the neighbourhood of this last. From the middle and to the setae the same 
segment is surrounded by a ring of pretty dense glands, which, however, are 
rather faintly marked in comparison with the glandular rings of the preceding 
segments. In front of the upper uncini there are a number of glands that are 
more strongly marked; in other words, a trail of glands seems here to go 
between the seventh and the eighth setigeroussegments. Further, there are 
on the eighth setigerous segment a number of glands in a triangle behind the 
parapodia, in the same way as in the seventh setigerous segment, and at least 
the ninth and tenth setigerous segments, whilst further back this group 
diminishes more and more. In addition, there are on the posterior part of 
the segment in the larger individuals, a number of delicate dispersed glands, 
as is also the case on the following segment. The glands of the ventral 
nerve-cord, which proceed over the glandular band in front of the parapodia, 
are slightly interrupted immediately behind the same band, but afterwards 
continue posteriorly. On the following segment these glands form narrow 
but powerful bands along the ventral nerve-cord; they diminish abruptly in 
the fifteenth setigerous segment, and shortly afterwards disappear altogether. 
From the ninth to the seventeenth setigerous segment at least there is a spot 
without glands on the ventral nerve-cord immediately in front of the uncini. 
In the larger individuals, moreover, there is to be seen, on the eighth to the 
twelfth (or thirteenth?) setigerous segment, a fine glandular streak running 
between the somewhat extended upper point of the collection of glands behind 
the parapodia and the next parapodia behind. The glands in front of and 
behind the parapodia join over the capillary setae on either side; and these 
glands further jo by means of bridges transversely over the dorsal from 
the fourteenth or the fifteenth setigerous segment; these bridges increase 
backwards as far as the eighteenth setigerous segment, inclusive, and there- 
after diminish; but they are nevertheless still visible on the three achaetous 
segments (figs. 8 and 9), Then follow fairly strong glands on the callus- 
shaped ring, and also on the outside of the cup-shaped section (with the 
exception of the posterior under part), and of the large cirri. In the larger 

222 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

individuals there can be seen a strongly marked glandular ring near the edge 
of the cup-shaped section ; the inside thereof, like the inside of the cirri, 
lacks glands. 

Setae—The following notes on the setae are, for the most part, based on 
the two largest individuals. 

The uncini on the first to the third setigerous segments are usually single 
in each parapodium. In some individuals, however, two uncini have been 
observed on one side of the third setigerous segment. These uncini are very 
strongly transformed; they have the great tooth, especially on the first 
setigerous segment, only slightly bent, lack bristles, and possess a highly 
thickened proximal portion (figs. 20-21). The number of the teeth is 3, 47%. 
Under the great tooth there is on the very first setigerous segment a distinct 
little boss, corresponding to the attachment for the bristles in the developed 
uncini; like the bent form of the great tooth, the boss increases on the two 
following segments. 

So early as on the fourth setigerous segment there are fully developed 
uncini, all with bristles; the topmost uncini of the segment, on the other 
hand, have the great tooth rather blunt-headed (fig. 22). Moreover the uncini 
on the more anterior of these segments are more faintly developed in their 
outer part; posteriorly, they acquire an outer part which is greatly 
extended, and in comparison with the inner portion considerable. ‘The 
attachment of the bristles forms against the base of the great tooth a little circle 
which is extremely characteristic in shape (fig. 25). The number of the uncini 
on setigerous segments 4-19 of the large complete individualis: 9,9, 10, 11, 
12,12, 14, 14, 14, 14, 13, 11, 10, 10, 6, 5—the last two segments not being 
completely regenerated. Number of teeth is 5°, 6°’*, 5-647". One individual, 
whose anterior region, as far as the eighth setigerous segment inclusive, 
attains a length of 10°5 mm, possesses on these segments the following number 
Gi wines 1, Il, al, 7. 7, We Sh Ob 

The anterior capillary setae have faint borders which towards the hinder 
parts of the body almost disappear. The point of these setae is long; from 
the tenth setigerous segment onwards the point bears a very distinct pencil of 
bristles (fig. 26), which is broadest (c. 14 1) near the base, where it does not 
always finish off simultaneously on both sides. On the seventh setigerous 
segment the pencil of bristles is rather faint, and further forward it disappears 
all but completely ; but nevertheless traces of it have been observed on the third 
and on the second setigerous segments. On the eighth and ninth setigerous 
segments this pencil of bristles is excessively fine, extended, and of even 
breadth ; its breadth in the case of large individuals is only about 44. At the 
same time the number of anterior capillary setae on these two segments is 

Arwipsson— On some Irish Maldanidae. 223 

very considerably increased, and these capillary setae are in every respect 
very fine. 

The posterior capillary setae possess comparatively short points on the 
first three setigerous segments; the borders—both of the two or only one— 
are here pretty broad (fig. 23). Towards the hind part of the body the 
borders diminish gradually; but one is always broader than the other, and 
even on the hindmost segments of no inconsiderable breadth. The points 
themselves increase in length backwards, to begin with; nevertheless the 
narrow extreme point on a number of the bristles is comparatively short, since 
the point at the base is, so to speak, somewhat enlarged. These broadened 
points begin on the sixth setigerous segment, after which they are distinct 
in the seventh to the ninth setigerous segments. On the next segment 
no such points have been observed ; but on the eleventh and on the twelfth 
setigerous segments they again begin to assume this form, which is most 
strongly developed on the next segment (fig. 24). On the fourteenth 
setigerous segment these broadened points diminish; and, from the fifteenth 
setigerous segment onwards, many of the upper setae seem to lack them 

It would seemas if the posterior setae on the eighth and the ninth setigerous 
sepments—that is to say, where the anterior capillary setae are especially fine 
and numerous—are not so numerous as on the other segments. The material 
at my disposal, however, has not permitted a definite settlement of this 

Size.—The two largest individuals investigated by me were taken in 
Blacksod Bay, Station W. 115; the one which is complete, and which has been 

preserved within its tube, measures 85 mm. in length; its posterior region, 
however, in particular, is drawn together, not to say folded up. Its greatest 
breadth is 1-2 mm. The forward end of the second large individual measures, 
up to its twelfth setigerous segment, 48 mm. in length; this individual is 
somewhat larger than the former. 

Sexual Maturity.—The two individuals just mentioned, which are both 
? ¢ and which were taken on 16 September, 1909, are fairly full of eggs 
which are still of different sizes; in the first 9 the largest eggs attain a 
magnitude of 0:22 x 0:28 mm. 

Tubes.—The tubes are rather thin and brittle, and seem in all localities to 
be composed, besides the inner light-coloured membrane, of a layer of fine 
grains of sand, chiefly light in colour. That one of the two largest individuals 
just named, which is complete, possesses a tube whose external diameter 1s 
17mm. For further particulars about the tubes see “Information about 
Earlier Finds,” 

224 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Notices of Finds,—The individuals before me are all from the West Coast 
of Ireland :— 

Elly Bay, Blacksod Bay, Station W. 115, 16/9 (10, p. 170): seven 

Elly Bay (N. Shore), Blacksod Bay, Station W. 119 (10, p. 170): five 
individuals. ; 

From one of the following stations:—L. 296-L. 300 (6, p. 41): one 

S.W. of second buoy of Margaretta Shoal (Galway Bay), Station A. 124 
(7, p. 94), 18 m.: two individuals. 

Information about Harlier Finds.—Cunningham and Ramage (1, p. 679) 
procured this species in the Firth of Forth. They write as follows about it :— 
“Got in great numbers inhabiting fine tubes buried in the sand, with only 
their upper ends protruding. The tubes often have a branch in the lower part 
of their course, and extend down to a depth of six or eight inches. The upper 
end is quite plain and open. The worms lie in their tubes with either their 
head or their tail uppermost indifferently, so that they can evidently turn in 
them. The locality whence our specimens were got was the flat sands for two 
or three hundred yards to the west of the Birnie Rocks, where the upper ends 
of the tubes form a sort of miniature forest all over the surface. Length three 
or four inches when fully extended, but when contracted, it is much less.” 

Hornell (2, p. 155) knows the same species as Cunningham and Ramage’s 

“ Axiothea catenata”’ from Liverpool Bay, where it occurs extremely commonly. 
The fact that he has observed the seven longer anal cirri shows that he refers 
to Caesicirrus neglectus. When he reports the existence of four posterior 
achaetous segments, he is obviously counting in the posterior callus-formed 

Regeneration.—Elly Bay : 1 individual: 7 anterior segments ; 1 individual : 
2 and 1 individual: 11 posterior setigerous segments. Station A. 124: 
2 individuals: 11 posterior setigerous segments. 

Heteroclymene robusta Arwidsson. 

From the West Coast of Ireland—more precisely Station L. 245 (6, p. 38) 
or Fahy Bay, Channel and Bar, 1:8—5°5 m.—comesa small individual which is 
complete, and which, like the first and hitherto only known complete individual 
(5, p. 227), possesses nineteen setigerous and five posterior achaetous segments. 
The anterior region is regenerated as far as the first setigerous segment 
inclusive, and the posterior region from the ninth setigerous segment inclusive. 
The length of the second to the eighth setigerous segments, which are 
normally developed, is 9°5 mm, 

Arwipsson—On some Irish Maldanidae. 225 

The species is hitherto only known from the warmer parts of the west 

coast of Norway, where it attains a considerable size. It very easily breaks 
to pieces, however, in dredging—a process which in Norway usually only gives 
you the hindmost part, easily recognizable, however. The complete individual 
previously known was also very small. 

Oo @O ID 


. 1888. CUNNINGHAM, B.A., and G. A. RAMAGE: 

The Polychaeta Sedentaria of the Firth of Forth, in: Trans. Roy. Soe. 
Edinburgh, vol. xxxiii., p. 3. 

. 1892. Hornet, J.: 

Report on the Polychaetous Annelids of the L. M. B.C. District, in: 
Fauna Liverpool Bay, vol. in. 

. 1894. De SAINtT-JOSEPH: 

Les Annélides polychétes des cdtes de Dinard.—3. Partie, in: Ann. Se. 
nat., Zool. (7), vol. xvi. 

. 1896. MICHAELSEN, W.: 

Die Polychaetenfauna der deutschen Meere einschliesslich der 
benachbarten und verbindenden Gebiete, in: Wiss. Meeresunters. 
Komm. wiss. Unters. deutsch. Meere. Kiel, Biol. Anst. Helgoland 
(N.F.), vol. u., Heft. 1.—Abt. 1. 

. 1907. Arwipsson, Ivar: 

Studien wher die skandinavischen und arktischen Maldaniden, nebst 
Zusammenstellung der tibrigen bisher bekannten Arten dieser 
Familie, in: Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. Syst. Suppl. 9. Heft. 1. 

List oF Starrons.—Biological Collections, in: Agric. Techn. Instr." 
Treland.—Fish. Branch. 

1905. Part 1. 1899-1904. 

. 1906. Part 2. 1905. 
. 1907. Part 3. 1906, 
. 1909. Part 5. 1908. 

1910. Part 6. 1909. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. B. [2 7] 

226 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


The specimen of Cuesicirrus neglectus used for figs. 1, 2, 5-7, are from 

Station A. 124; for figs. 3, 4, 12, from Station W. 115; and for figs. 8-10 
from Station W.119. The material of Nicomache maculata that has supplied 


basis for the figures dealing therewith is from Stella Maris Bay, Howth. 

The ciphers standing to the left of the figures give the numbers of the 

setigerous segments: the ciphers to the right give the magnification. 


Po we ne 


“Glands” indicates that the epidermal glands, coloured with iodine green, 
given in the figures referred to. 


Caesicirrus neglectus D. sp. 

. Anterior region seen from beneath. Glands. 27: 1. 
. Anterior region. Glands; the same individual as the preceding. 16: 1. 

. Setigerous segments 7-10, seen from beneath. Glands. 9: 1. 

. Section in front of the first setigerous segment, from beneath, with ocelli 

AVS ib 

. Anterior region seen from above. Glands. Same individual as fig. 1. 


. Setigerous segments 7-8, seen obliquely from above. Glands. Same 

individual as fig. 1. 22: 1. 

. Head from the side; sketch without colour. Same individual as the 

foregoing. 27: 1. 

. Posterior region seen from the left side. Glands. 27: 1. 

. The same section as in the preceding figure; seen from above. _ Glands. 

24: A. 








Arwipsson— On some Irish Maldanidae. 227 


Caesicirrus neglectus v .sp. 

Rear end seen from behind; same individual as preceding figure. 27: 1. 
Detail of the preceding figure. 83: 1. 

Rear end with anal opening turned inside out, seen from behind. 27: 1. 

Nicomache (Nicomache) maculata n. sp. 
Head, seen from the front. Natural colour. 14: 1. 
Anterior region from the right side. Naturalcolour. 10: 1. 

Anterior region as far as the third setigerous segment inclusive, seen from 
the left side. Natural colour, 15: 1. 

Posterior region from the twentieth setigerous segment inclusive, seen 
from the left side; the hindmost segment, which is usually 
achaetous, here has capillary setae. Glands. 12:1. 

Section in front of the first setigerous segment, seen from the right side. 
Glands. Natural colour exclusively. 16: 1. 

Rear end seen from behind. Glands. + indicates the position of the 
ventral nerve-cord. 16: 1. 

Anterior region as far as the eighth setigerous segment inclusive, seen 
from beneath. Glands. 10: 1. 

228 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


Caesicivrus neglectus 0. Sp. 

. Uncinus from the first setigerous segment. 500: 1. 
21. Uncinus from the third setigerous segment. 390: 1. 
. Uncinus (second from above) from the fourth setigerous segment. 440: 1. 

. Posterior capillary seta from the third setigerous segment. 440: 1. 

Point of the posterior capillary seta from the thirteenth setigerous_ 
segment. 500: 1. 

Uncinus (thirteenth from above)from the tenth setigerous segment. 530: 1. 

. Anterior capillary seta from the seventeenth setigerous segment. 670: 1. 

Nicomache (Nicomache) maculata n. sp. 

. Spine from the second setigerous segment. 85: 1. 

Uncinus (fourth from above) from the fourth setigerous segment. 390: 1. 

. Uncinus (eighth from above) from the eleventh setigerous segment. 415: 1. 

. Posterior capillary seta from the eleventh setigerous segment. 3950: 1. 

Proc. R. I. ACAD., VOL. xxIx, SECT. B. PLATE XVII. 

G. Liljevall del. Cederquists Graf. A.-B., Sthlm. 

Arwidsson. — J/rish Maldanidae. 

’ Ae A ~ BD aie 
| a a 
7 ane Te sh 
my i 
Al _ 7 
: - 

ee a, 7 ear 

Proc. R. I. ACAD., VOL. xxIx, SECT. B. PLATE XVIII. 

F 9 
10 oe 12 


G. Liljevall del. Cederquists Graf. A.-B., SthIm. 

Arwidsson. — /rish Maldanidae. 

Proc. R. I. ACAD., VOL. xxIx., SECT. B. 


SS 350 
SS aU 

23 30 

B.Wissler del. Cederquists Graf. A.-B., Sthim. 

Arwidsson. — Jrish Maldanidae. 

7 i ry 
| pon 5 
a, shi By 7] 
7 Bs. ER AR ee 

| 2 7 




Geologist, Geological Survey of Ireland (retired). 
PuaTEs XX, XXI. 
[Read January 22. Published Frpruary 20, 1912.) 

THE question as to the true geological horizon of the “ Dingle Beds” in the 
Dingle peninsula, is one that has engaged the attention of many geologists 
for over fifty years, and, so far, without any definite opinion having been 
arrived at. 

Amongst those who have dealt with these rocks were Sir R. Griffith, 
Professor Jukes, Professor Hull, John Kelly, A. B. Wynne, G. V. Du Noyer, 
G. H. Kinahan, and the Geological Survey of Ireland generally. It will be 
seen from the papers of the writers mentioned, and the publications of the 
Geological Survey, that all considered the “Dingle Beds” to be either the 
highest beds of the Upper Silurian, or portion of the Devonian or Lower Old 
Red Sandstone formations. 

Sir R. Griffith regarded the beds as belonging to the Silurian system, but 
did not state their position in the series. Professor Jukes, in his various 
papers, considered the “Dingle Beds” to be connected with the Upper 
Silurians; and in the Geological Survey maps, published under his direction, 
they are provisionally placed above the fossiliferous Ludlow rocks.” 
Professor Hull regards the “ Dingle Beds” as being above the Ludlow rocks, 
and the highest portion of the Upper Silurian series. John Kelly, in his 
paper on the “Greywacke Rocks of Ireland,” gives an account of the “ Dingle 
Beds,” and puts them among the Upper Silurians; but he did not state in 
which particular division he would locate them.! The late G. H. Kinahan, 
M.R.LA., in his paper read at a Scientific Meeting of the Royal Dublin Society, 

1 Journal Geol. Soc. of Dublin, vol. ii, p. 28 (1843); vol. viii, p. 2 (1858). 
2 Journal Royal Geol. Soc. of Ireland, vol. i, p. 103 (1867). 

3 Quarterly Journal Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, pp. 669-723 (1879). 

4 Journal Geol. Soc. of Dublin, vol. vii, pp. 276-290 (1860). 

R.J,A. PROG., VOL. XXIX., SECT. B. [2 Kj 

230, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

May 18th, 1885, refers the “ Dingle Beds” to the Lower Old Red Sandstone 
and Lower Devonian, the “Smerwick Beds” to the May Hill Sandstone 
(Llandovery) or “passage-beds” between the Ordovician and Silurian 
(Upper Silurian), and the “Annascaul Beds” to the Caradoc-Bala group. 
Professor Reynolds and Mr. Gardiner, in their very exhaustive paper on the 
fossiliferous Silurian beds of Clogher Head, Dingle district, do not deal par- 
ticularly with the “Dingle Beds.”. They merely allude to them, and leave 
them in the position provisionally assigned to them by the Geological Survey, 
as probably belonging to the Lower Devonian. They, however, say that the 
« Smerwick Beds” “are undoubtedly the oldest beds in this area, and that 
they are probably of Llandovery age, as they are conformably overlain by the 
fossiliferous Wenlock Rocks,” and with this I quite agree. 

Having had some opportunity of studying these rocks while I was attached 
to the Geological Survey of Ireland, and recently, with the aid of a grant from 
the Royal Irish Academy, of making further investigations in the Dingle 
peninsula of the so-called “Dingle Beds,” and the rocks adjoining them, I 
have arrived at the conclusion that, with the “ Smerwick Beds.” they form the 
lowest portion of the Upper Silurian Series in this area, and that they are 
probably of Llandovery age; and, furthermore, that they rest unconformably 
on the Lower Silurian (Ordovician) rocks, provisionally called “ Annascaul 
Beds” on the Survey map, and that their seeming conformable overlapping 
on the fossiliferous Wenlock and Ludlow Beds of West Dingle, on the south, is 
due to inversion and overthrusting of the strata from the south, as is shown 
on the accompanying diagrammatic section. 

Fossiliferous Wenlock and Ludlow rocks of West Dingle at Ferriter’s 
Cove, Clogher, and Dunquin, have been fully described in the Geological 
Survey memoirs on the district in 1863, and later, by Professor Reynolds and 
Mr. Gardiner, as already mentioned. Extensive lists of fossils are given in 
those publications, which fully prove the geological horizons of the Wenlock 
and Ludlow Rocks. 

A series of rocks to the north of Ferriter’s Cove Wenlock beds are 
admittedly in their normal position, underlying the Wenlock beds in regular 
order. These are shown on the Geological Survey map as “Smerwick Beds,” 
and separated from the “Dingle Beds” in the peninsula. Having recently 
examined those “Smerwick Beds,” I have no doubt that they belong to the 
“ Dingle Bed” series, and should not have been separated from them, as they 
are identical with them in every respect. Du Noyer noted on his field-map, 
when surveying the district over fifty years ago, with regard to the “Smerwick 

? Quarterly Journal Geol. Soc., vol. lyiii, pp. 226-266 (1902). 

McHunry— Report on the ‘‘ Dingle Bed” Rocks. 231 

Beds” at Sybil Head, that they are “quite the same in mineral aspect as 
those forming Black Head, south of Dingle,” which form the “Parkmore 
Conglomerate ” zone of the “ Dingle Beds.” 

All round the areas of Wenlock and Ludlow Beds on the north, and north- 
west, the “ Dingle Beds” occur rising from beneath them. But on the south 
margin they appear to overlie the Ludlow and Wenlock strata. This is due, 
I hold, to inversion of the strata, as suggested in the accompanying section. 

So far no direct fossil evidence has been forthcoming to prove the possible 
Llandovery age of the “ Dingle Beds”; but it is an important fact that in the 
conglomeratic beds, towards the lower portions of the “ Dingle Beds,” rolled 
pebbles of fossiliferous Lower Silurian limestone and grit are found in con- 
siderable abundance, in what has been named, by the Geological Survey, 
“Parkmore Conglomerate.” Those limestone pebbles have undoubtedly been 
derived from the Annascaul rocks lying to the south along their margin, and 
on the north from similar rocks now overlapped and concealed by Old Red 
Sandstone, as shown on the diagrammatic section : and they were deposited 
amongst the overlying and succeeding “Dingle Beds” (probably Llandovery) 
during their deposition on the eroded and worn-down surface of the Lower 
Silurian rocks, (See Survey memoir, pp. 16, 17, 53.) The limestone, which 
belongs to the “ Annascaul Beds,” is to be seen in situ at a couple of places 
high up on the western slope of Caherconree mountain. It is identical in its 
characters with the Lower Silurian limestones of Portraine and Lambay, 
County Dublin, the Chair of Kildare, County Kildare, and Tourmakeady, 
County Mayo, and contains similar fossils, a list of which is given in the 
Survey Memoir, p. 12. The occurrence of the Trilobite Acidaspis Jamesi 
and other Silurian forms in this limestone is alluded to by Professor Jukes, 
as “seeming to indicate that the rocks belonged to the Bala group, a part of 
the Lower Silurian series” (Survey Memoir, p. 12). Specimens of this 
fossiliferous limestone, and of the fossiliferous limestone pebbles out of the 
“Parkmore Conglomerate” of the “Dingle Beds” are in the Geological 
Survey Collection, in the National Museum. 

The belt of rocks ranging from Minard Bay, by Annascaul to Caherconree 
mountain, have been provisionally designated “ Annascaul Beds (Bala or 
Llandovery rocks)” on the Geological Survey map. From their close 
resemblance to the Bala limestone and black graptolitic shales and other rocks 
of Ordovician types in Counties Dublin, Kildare, and Mayo, I have no doubt 
they are of similar age, z.e., Lower Silurian. When this region was being sur- 
veyed over fifty years ago, and subsequently re-examined in 1878, the great 
importance and effects of inversion and overthrusting were not realized to 

their full extent. Had it been, I have no doubt the true geological reading 
| 2K 2] 

232 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

of the district would have been understood. Indeed Du Noyer saw that there 
was inversion of the strata on the south, as his notes on the field-map show 
and he alludes to it in the Memoir, pp. 18, 22, 38. 

A great number of pre-Old Red Sandstone faults and overthrusts exist 
in the Dingle district. The boundary between the “Dingle Beds” and 
“ Annascaul Beds” lying to the south of them, is evidently an overthrust fault 
that extends the whole way, and probably along, or close to, the original zone 
of unconformability between the two series of rocks. Du Noyer notes that 
this line is either a fault or an unconformability, and that the “ Dingle Beds ” 
are inverted close to their junction with the Annascaul rocks.' 

As already stated, I consider the line to be an overthrust fault-boundary 
along or near the zone of unconformability. The junction zone shows evidence 
of great crushing and movement wherever the two sets of rocks come in 
contact or close together, as north of Annascaul, at Bull’s Head, and at 
Minard Bay, and elsewhere along the line of junction. 

As already mentioned, the conglomerates of the “Dingle Beds” to the 
north, at the Smerwick Harbour, being so exactly like those of Parkmore 
Point, and containing similar derived pebbles of fossiliferous limestone and 
grit, points to their being in their proper position, towards the base of the 
series. Du Noyer mentions this in the Survey Memoir, pp. 20, 29. It will 
be seen in the diagrammatic section how the conglomerates with derived 
pebbles come in both on the north and south of the fossiliferous Wenlock and 
Ludlow beds. Many minor folds and faults are proved amongst the Wenlock 
and Ludlow rocks, striking generally east and west, as well as others ranging 
northwards. The line of boundary between the fossiliferous Silurians and the 
“Dingle Beds,” a little south of Dunquin, on the west, is a fault or overthrust. 

On the coast to the east of Clogher Head, a small area of Old Red Sand- 
stone, resting unconformably on the Ludlow Beds, has been faulted down 
amongst the Ludlow rocks. This Old Red Sandstone has been noticed by 
Professor Reynolds and Myr. Gardiner, who also allude to the abundant evidence 
of overthrusting and overfolding throughout the Silurian inlier. Du Noyer 
alludes to this Old Red Sandstone in the Survey Memoir, p. 22, but refers to 
it as being a “portion of the Dingle Beds, resting unconformably on the 
Ludlow rocks.” I agree with Professor Reynolds and Mr. Gardiner, that it 
belongs to the Old Red Sandstone formation, faulted into its present position. 

Folding and contortion have also occurred amongst the “ Dingle Beds” as 
well as in the Silurians above them. A well-defined synclinal fold is notice- 
able along the coast from near Slea Head to Ventry Harbour, and was traced 

' Geol. Survey Memoir to sheets 160, 161, 171, and 172, p. 33 (18638). 

McHernry—Report on the ‘‘ Dingle Bed” Rocks. 233 

by Du Noyer for over three miles. On the high ground of Brandon Mountain 
folding and undulation of the strata are very apparent. The thickness of the 
“Dingle Beds” is given in the Survey Memoir as being 10,000 feet. I think 
this is excessive by a few thousand feet. 

The “Smerwick Beds,” which come in regular order below the “ Dingle 
Beds” on the north, on both sides of Smerwick Harbour, and which I include 
amongst the “ Dingle Beds,” are stated in the Survey Memoir as being 2,000 
feet thick. 

There is abundant evidence that overfolding and overthrusting also took 
place in this region, and in the south-west of Ireland generally, in post-Old 
Red Sandstone and post-Carboniferous times. The high angles at which the 
Old Red Sandstones lie where they rest on the upturned and eroded edges of 
the “ Dingle Beds” at Sybil Head, and Ballydavid Head, show this; while the 
great east and west overthrust fault running from near Headford Station along 
the Blackwater valley, by Millstreet and Kanturk, clearly indicate a post- 
Upper Carboniferous overthrust of considerable extent. 

The effect of this overthrust has overridden the lower beds of the Old Red 
Sandstone on to the Carboniferous limestone and Coal-measures at Millstreet 
and Kanturk. 

Professor Reynolds and Mr. Gardiner refer to the evidence of crushing and 
movement along the line, and in the vicinity of the junction between the 
“Dingle Beds” and Silurians, to be seen on the coast near Dunquin. This 
line, as already mentioned, I take to be an overthrust fault junction. Having 
a fair general knowledge of the Old Red Sandstone of Counties Kerry and 
Cork, to the south of Dingle Bay, I do not know of any series of rocks there 
that correspond with the “Dingle Beds” in general characters; nor is it con- 
ceivable that it could be possible to have so vast an unconformability within 
the limits of the Devonian and Old Red Sandstone series as that which 
exists In this area. Even were it possible to admit the Devonian age of the 
“ Dingle Beds,” and knowing that we have in the Dingle peninsula at least 
4,000 feet thick of Old Red Sandstone, which includes a great portion of the 
lower division of the series, the possibility of their being Devonian is hardly 

I therefore venture to suggest that my reading of the question, as stated 
above, is the most natural solution, and that the true position of the “ Dingle 
Beds ” is below the Wenlock rocks, and that they are probably of Llandovery 
age. A strong point in favour of inversion is the following :—The “Smerwick 
Beds,” which are admittedly in their true order below the Wenlock rocks, are 
undoubtedly part of the “Dingle Beds.” In a stream-cutting running from 
Brandon Mountain to the sea at Doonmore, west of Tiduff, a continuous rock- 

234 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

section is laid bare across the Dingle and Smerwick beds, both having 
exactly the same lithological characters, and regular southerly dips. Admitting 
fora moment that the “ Dingle Beds” do lie conformably on the Wenlock and 
Ludlow rocks on the south, we should, of necessity, expect to find the Wenlock 
and Ludlow strata on the north-east of Smerwick Harbour, between the 
“Smerwick Beds ” and “Dingle Beds.” But no such rocks occur there, although 
the thickness of the Wenlock and Ludlow, immediately to the south-west, is at 
least 4,000 feet. The absence of the fossiliferous Silurian rocks here is 
conclusive that the Smerwick and Dingle rocks are of the same age. 

The accompanying map (Plate XX.) shows, in a general way, the geology 
of the Dingle peninsula. The boundary-lines of the Silurian and Old Red 
Sandstone are copied from the Geological Survey map. 

The section (Plate X XI.) shows, in a diagrammatic way, my reading of the 
“Dingle Bed” question, in which it is for the first time put forward that the 
“Dingle Beds” are the lower strata of the Upper Silurian series, probably 

Proc. R.I.AcCAbD., VoL. XXIX., Secr. B. 



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By HUGH RYAN anp THOMAS DILLON, University College, Dublin. 
Read January 22. Published Fenruanry 23, 1912. 

SomE discrepancies between theory and experiment with regard to the com- 
position of beeswax, which have been indicated in a previous communication, 
and the difficulty of accounting satisfactorily for these as well as for the 
nature of the unsaponifiable portion of montan wax? in any way other than 
by assuming the existence of secondary or tertiary alcohols in beeswax and 
montan wax, have made an investigation of the properties of the higher 
tertiary alcohols very desirable. 

Since, however, with the single exception of the dimethyl-pentadecyl 
carbinol obtained by Ipatieff and Grawe* by the action of zinc methyl on 
palmityl chloride, higher tertiary alcohols were unknown, we were obliged to 
prepare them by synthetical methods before a study of their properties could 
be accomplished. 

The original method devised by Butlerow‘ for the synthesis of tertiary 
alcohols, which was that followed by Ipatieff and Grawe in the preparation of 
the alcohol mentioned above, is, owing to the spontaneous inflammability of 
zine methyl in air, too troublesome for extensive use in the laboratory. 

The fact that the alkyl-magnesium halides of Grignard* react with esters 
to form tertiary alcohols led us to believe that, even in the case of an acid, 
like stearic, of high molecular weight, the Grignard reagent might interact 
with the ester to form a tertiary aleohol. We found that from palmitic and 
stearic esters, by interaction with alkyl-magnesium halides, satisfactory yields 
of tertiary alcohols were in all cases obtained with the single exception of 
a-naphthyl-magnesium bromide whose product of interaction with methyl- 
stearate was a ketone. 

1 Ryan, Sci. Proc. R.D.S., xii (1909), p. 210. 

? Ryan and Dillon, Sci. Proc. R.D.S., xii (1909), p. 202. 

3 Journ. Russ. Phys-Chem. Soc., 1900, p. 33. 

4 Annalen, exliy, p. 1. 5 Comptes Rendus, exxyiii (1899), p. 110. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. B. [2 L] 

236 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Contrary to our expectation we experienced little difficulty in the prepara- 
tion of the pure esters of palmitic and stearic acids. Some of these esters 
had been obtained in the course of researches on esterification by Berthelot,'- 
Heintz,’ Hanhart,? and Duffy, who in all cases prepared the esters by the 
somewhat troublesome method of heating the acid with excess of alcohol in a 
sealed tube. 

It was found by us that in every case a yield of more than ninety per cent. 
of the theoretically obtainable quantity of the ester could be obtained in a 
jew minutes by adding a few cubic centimetres of concentrated sulphuric 
acid to a hot solution of the acid in an excess of the alcohol. The ester 
separated as an oily layer on the surface of the mixture. Steric hindrance, 
which, with acids of such high molecular weight, might be expected to 
materially retard the formation of esters, is here prevented from controlling 
the reaction by the separation of the ester from the solution of the alcohol 
and the acid as a distinct liquid phase, the solubility of the ester in a given 
quantity of alcohol and sulphuric acid being less than the quantity which 
would be in equilibrium with free acid and alcohol at the concentrations of 
the experiment. 

The methyl, ethyl, and propyl esters of palmitic and stearic acids were 
prepared by this method. They were oily liquids or wax-like solids of 
moderately low melting-point and possessed a faint ester-like smell. They 
were easily soluble in chloroform, ether, and petroleum ether. 

For the synthesis of a tertiary alcohol, the Grignard compound of the alkyl 
or aryl halide was prepared in the usual way, and, when the solution of the 
magnesium was complete, the ester, which had usually been kept for about 
twenty-four hours in a vacuum desiccator, was slowly added in small fragments. 
As each piece was dropped in, a slight effervescence occurred ; and the ester 
was dissolved in about one minute. Time was given for each fragment to 
dissolve before the addition of another, the addition of the ester usually 
occupying about half an hour. When the contents of the flask had been left 
standing for about twelve hours, the magnesium compound was decomposed 
with ice-cold water, hydrochloric acid was added to dissolve the basic 
magnesium compound which separated, and the organic substances were 
extracted with ether from the mixture in the flask. Finally, the alcohol was 
freed from unchanged ester by evaporating with alcoholic potash and extract- 
ing with petroleum ether. In the earlier experiments, the addition of the 
ester was effected by dropping a solution of the compound in dry ether into 
the Grignard reagent ; but the method described above was found to be more 

1 Jahresbericht, 1853, pp. 447 and 502. 2 Jahresbericht, 1853, p. 447. 
3 Tbid,, 1858, p. 301. + Annalen, Ixxxyiii, p. 292. 

Ryan ano Ditton—On Higher Tertiary Alcohols. 237 

rapid and more satisfactory. This is probably due to the fact that the 
reacting mixture is diluted too much by the addition of the ether solution, 
since there appears to be an optimum concentration, not only for the formation 
of the Grignard compounds, but for their reaction with other bodies, 

The general equations for the reaction of a Grignard compound with an 
ester are as follows :— 

(1). R:COOMe + Mg(Br)R’ = R:C-0Me 
OMg. Br OMgBr 
(2). R-G:OMe + Mg(Br) R’ = R-G-R’ + Mg (Br) OMe 
R R 
OMgBr oH 
(3). R:C-R’ + H,0 = R-C-R’ + Mg (Br) OH. 
R’ R’ 

In our experiments the esters used were those of palmitic and stearic acids, 
and they were treated with magnesium halide compounds of the methyl, 
ethyl, propyl, and phenyl radicles. Tertiary alcohols were, therefore, obtained 
in which radicles containing fifteen and seventeen carbon atoms were attached, 
together with various small groups, to the carbinol residue. The compounds 
are oily liquids or solids with melting-points ranging from about 20° to 
50° C., and erystallizing in plates or prisms of a white or slightly yellowish 
colour. They are readily soluble in chloroform, ether, petroleum ether, and 
hot alcohol. 

The melting-points of the tertiary alcohols show a curious variation, their 
values depending less upon the number of carbon atoms in the molecule than 
upon their method of arrangement. Thus tertiary butyl alcohol melts at 
25° C.,! while dimethyl-ethyl-carbinol, prepared by Popow? from zine alkyl 
and acid chloride, is a liquid at ordinary temperatures, its melting-point being 
-12°C. Of the compounds prepared by us, those containing the pentadecyl 
group melt about 10°C. lower than the corresponding heptadecyl derivatives. 
Amongst those in which the large radicle is the same, the diethyl and dimethyl 
compounds have very nearly the same melting-point; while the dipropyl 
compound melts about 14° C. lower and the diphenyl compound about 14° C. 
higher than the dimethyl and diethyl derivatives. 

The preparation of esters of these alcohols presented some difficulty. 
Menschutkin® has observed that ester-formation takes place much less 
readily with tertiary alcohols than with primary, and that when the former 

1 Butlerow, Joc. cit. 2 Annalen, exly, p. 292. 3 Annalen, excyii, p. 193. 

[2 L 2] 

238 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

compounds are heated to 154°C. with acetic acid, the main products of the 
reaction are unsaturated hydrocarbons. The alcohols prepared by us reacted 
with acetyl chloride, forming esters. These were oily liquids which solidified 
when placed in iced water. 

We also studied the action of acetic anhydride and sodium acetate on two 
of the alcohols, namely, dimethyl-pentadecyl-carbinol and diethyl-heptadecyl- 
carbinol; and it was found that in both cases the product was a mixture of 
esters and unsaturated hydrocarbons. While the quantity of unsaturated 
hydrocarbon in the reaction product, as determined from the “ Hiibl-Waller 
iodine number ” appeared to be about the same in both cases, the quantity of 
ester formed was much greater in the case of the dimethyl compound. Thus 
the products of reaction of the latter substance gave an ester number repre- 
senting about 77 per cent. of dimethyl-pentadecyl-carbinyl acetate ; while the 
corresponding figure for the diethyl-heptadecyl alcohol was equivalent to only 
13 per cent. of ester. The iodine numbers indicate the presence of 10 per 
cent. of unsaturated hydrocarbon in the dimethyl derivatives, and 6 per cent. 
in those of the diethyl compound. The total reaction was therefore greater 
with the dimethyl compound ; while the ratio of unsaturated hydrocarbon to 
ester formed was greater in the case of the diethyl compound. 

These facts are in complete accord with Bischoff’s ’ dynamic hypothesis of 
steric hindrance. That hypothesis assumes that the open chain compounds 
are more or less cyclic in structure and that the curvature of the chain is such 
that the fifth or sixth carbon atom in the series approaches the first. It is 
also postulated that the products of a reaction will be such as to give freest 
scope for the vibrations of the carbon atoms, and hence molecules with 
branching chains will not readily form compounds in which one atom is 
placed in the one-five or “ critical” position with respect to several others. 

Now, if we compare the formulae of the esters of the two alcohols under 
consideration, it will be seen that the hypothesis affords an explanation of the 
difference between the two reactions. 

it II 
CH, C*H, « C'H, 

C,;H», . C°H, . C*H, 6% 0? 10° CH, ——-C,, : Ha, : C°H, « C*H, « C* 0? - C10 - CH; 
CH,, CH, ° CH, 

In Formula I (dimethyl-pentadecyl-carbiny] acetate) only one carbon atom 
is placed in the one-five position with respect to the CO group; whereas in 
Formula II (diethyl-heptadecyl-carbinyl acetate) three atoms are so placed. 

1 Berichte, xxiv. (1891), p. 1087. 

Ryan anp Ditton—On Higher Tertiary Alcohols. 239 

Hence the latter compound should be more difficult to form; and the 
reaction between the alcohol and acetic acid should give rise to a larger pro- 
portion of unsaturated hydrocarbons. This is in accordance with the facts. 

We have already seen that the tertiary alcohols form unsaturated hydro- 
carbons under conditions where esters might be expected, and Wolkoff and 
Bougaieff! have found that the lower members of the series split off water 
when heated in a sealed tube to 240-250° C., in presence of a trace of hydriodic 
acid or methyl iodide. It might therefore be surmised that the formation of 
unsaturated hydrocarbons would take place easily when the higher tertiary 
alcohols are heated with potash-lime. We have found, however, that below 
250° C. no such change occurs ; but when the temperature was raised to 300° C., 
the production of unsaturated bodies but no evolution of hydrogen was 

In considering the anomalous behaviour of beeswax towards potash-lime 
in the light of these facts, we must bear in mind that the formation of 
unsaturated hydrocarbons from tertiary alcohols might take place more 
readily when these bodies are in the form of esters than when they are in the 
free state. If, therefore, the so-called hydrocarbons obtained by the action of 
potash-lime on beeswax should prove to contain appreciable quantities of 
oxygen, it might be inferred that tertiary alcohols were present ; but if oxygen 
was found to be absent, the hydrocarbons might still be due to the decompo- 
sition of such alcohols under the conditions of the experiment. 


Preparation of Esters. Methyl Palmitate.—20 grammes of Palmitic 
acid and 100 cc. of methyl alcohol were warmed in a beaker on the water- 
bath until the alcohol had begun to boil. Concentrated sulphuric acid was 
added slowly drop by drop from a pipette. When three or four c.c. of acid had 
been added, oily drops began to appear in the liquid and these collected to 
form a layer on the surface of the alcohol. When 10 cc. of the acid 
had been added the beaker was replaced on the water-bath for a few minutes. 
It was then cooled; the solid cake of ester was separated from the liquid 
layer, and dissolved in ether. The ether solution was washed with water, 
then with dilute sodium bicarbonate, and finally again with water. It was 
then dried over sodium sulphate and the ether was evaporated off. The yield 
of ester was 20 grammes. 

Methyl palmitate is a white wax-like solid, which crystallizes in needles, 

1 Journ. Russ. Chem. Soc., 1885, p. 276. 

240 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

easily soluble in ether, chloroform, and petroleum ether. It melts at 28°C. 
It was previously prepared by Berthelot. 

Ethyl Palmitate and Propyl Palmitate.—These were obtained in the same 
way as that described above for the methyl ester. Zthyl palmitate was 
prepared by Heintz. It crystallizes in long needles and melts at 24:2° C. The 
yield obtained by our method was 81 per cent. of the theoretical. 

N-Propyl Palmitate crystallizes in needles, and melts at 18°8-19:2°C. In 
the preparation 7 grammes of palmitic acid and 25 c.c, of N-propyl alcohol were 
treated with 23c.c. of sulphuric acid. As the ester separated, the solution 
became first brown and then violet. The yield of ester was 5°5 grammes. 

Methyl Stearate—I10 grammes of stearic acid and 50 c.c. of methyl alcohol 
gave 9 grammes of ester. The compound erystallizes in needles, and melts at 
38° C. It was previously prepared by Hanhart. 

Ethyl Stearate——10 grammes of stearic acid and 100 c.c, of Ethyl alcohol 
gave a theoretical yield of ester, crystallizing in needles and melting at 31°C. 
It was previously prepared by Hanhart. 

N-Propyl Stearate.—7 grammes of stearic acid and 25 c.c. of N-propyl 
alcohol treated with 24 ¢.c. of sulphuric acid gave 6°5 grammes of ester. As 
the ester separated, the solution became first brown and then violet. 

Propyl stearate is a white wax-like solid crystallizing from petroleum 
ether in large prisms and melting at 28°6° C. 


Dimethyl-Pentadecyl-Carbinol. —15°3 grammes of methyl iodide, 2°5 
grammes of clean magnesium ribbon, and 30c.c. of dry ether were taken in a 
conical flask attached to a reflux condenser which carried a calcium chloride 
tube. A trace of iodine was added, and a vigorous reaction immediately set 
in, so that it was necessary to cool the flask with water. When the effer- 
vescence had ceased, the flask was warmed for a few minutes on the water- 
bath to complete the reaction. Twelve grammes of methyl palmitate were 
then added in small pieces, time being given for each fragment to dissolve 
before the addition of another. A slight evolution of heat took place on the 
addition of the ester; and the flask was cooled by immersion in ice-water. 
When all the water had been added, the flask was. stoppered and left standing 
overnight. Next day grey prismatic crystals had separated from the solution. 
Water was then added drop by drop with cooling, and the basic magnesium 
compound which separated was dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid. The 
liquid was extracted with ether, and the extract after evaporation of the ester 
was treated with an excess of alcoholic potash and evaporated to dryness on a 

Ryan anp Ditton—On Wigher Tertiary Alcohols. 241 

sand-bath. The residual solid matter was extracted with ether and the 
tertiary alcohol thus obtained was recrystallized several times from petroleum 
ether. Yield, 8:2 grammes. The following are the results of the analysis of 
the compound :— 

0:231 gramme gave 0:6806 gramme of CO, and 0:2914 gramme of H,O, 

corresponding to carbon, 80°35 per cent.; and hydrogen, 14:01 
per cent.; 0°197 gramme gave 0°5802 gramme of CO: and 0:2509 
gramme of H.0, corresponding to carbon 80°31 per cent.; hydrogen 
14°15 per cent. ; C,sH;,0 requires : carbon, 79°91 per cent. ; hydrogen, 
14:17 per cent. 

Dimethyl-pentadecyl carbinol is a white solid crystallizing in needles and 
melting at 35°C. It is soluble in alcohol, and very soluble in benzene, acetone, 
chloroform, ether, and petroleum ether. 

The details of the preparation of the other alcohols were exactly similar 
to those described above for dimethyl-pentadecyl carbinol. 

Diethyl-Pentadecyl Carbinol.—15 grammes of ethyl iodide, 2 grammes of 
magnesium ribbon, 30 c.c. of ether, and 9 grammes of ethyl palmitate gave 
3°8 grammes of tertiary alcohol. 

On an analysis, 0:1672 gramme of the compound gave 0°2112 gramme of 
HO, and 0-493 gramme of CO:, corresponding to carbon, 80°42 per cent., and 
hydrogen, 14:13 per cent. 

C.oH,y,O requires: carbon, 80°44; hydrogen, 14°19. 

Diethyl-pentadecyl Carbinol is a white solid crystallizing from petroleum 
ether in fine curved needles. It melted at 34-35° C. 

Diphenyl-Pentadecyl Carbinol_—This compound was prepared from brom- 
benzene (20°3 grammes), magnesium (3°15 grammes), ether (40 c.c.), and 
Methyl Palmitate (14 grammes). The reaction between the ester and the 
magnesium-phenyl bromide was a vigorous one; and a gelatinous solid 
immediately separated from the ether solution. The alcohol having been 
freed from unchanged ester in the usual manner was distilled with steam. By 
this means a quantity of diphenyl formed during the reaction was removed, 
the alcohol remaining behind in the flask. The latter was taken up with 
ether; the ether solution was dried over sodium sulphate ; and the compound 
was recrystallized from petroleum ether until its melting-point was sharp. 
Yield: 8 grammes. 

0:2174 gramme of the compound gave 0:2077 gramme of H,0, and 0°677 
gramme of CO2, corresponding to carbon, 84:92 per cent. ; hydrogen, 
10.69 per cent. 

C23;H,,0 requires: carbon, 84°77 per cent.; hydrogen, 11:18 per cent, 

242 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

Diphenyl-pentadecyl carbinol was obtained as a nearly colourless solid 
crystallizing in prisms from petroleum ether, in which medium it was very 
soluble. It also dissolved readily in ether, chloroform, benzene, and acetone, 
but was not very soluble in cold alcohol. It melted at 47-48° C. 

Dimethyl-Heptadecyl Carbinol.—3 grammes of magnesium, 23 grammes of 
methyl iodide, 50 c.c. of ether, and 15 grammes of methyl stearate gave 
10:5 grammes of tertiary alcohol. 

0-212 gramme of the compound gave 0°626 gramme of CO, and 0-268 
gramme of H,O, corresponding to carbon, 80°53 per cent.; hydrogen, 
14:14 per cent. 

C..H,,.O requires: carbon, 80°44 per cent. ; hydrogen, 14:19 per cent. 

Dimethyl-heptadecyl carbinol crystallizes from petroleum ether in needles. 
It dissolves easily in ether, benzene, and chloroform. It melts at 44—45°C. 

Diethyl-Heptadecyl Carbinol crystallizes from alcohol in clusters of needles 
and melts at 44-45° C. It is easily soluble in benzene, chloroform, ether, and 

petroleum ether. 

01889 gramme of the compound gave 0°5596 gramme to CO, and 0:2388 
eramme of H,O, corresponding to carbon, 80°79 per cent. ; hydrogen, 
14:146 per cent. 

C..H,,O requires: carbon, 80°89 per cent.; hydrogen, 14:2 per cent. 

Dipropyl-Heptadecyl Carbinol—s grammes of magnesium, 7 grammes of 
N-propyl iodide, 50c.c. of ether, and 15 grammes of methyl stearate gave 
8:5 grammes of tertiary alcohol. 

02325 gramme gave 0°2931 gramme of H.O and 06975 gramme of 
CO., corresponding to carbon, 81°8 per cent. ; hydrogen, 14-008 per 

C.,H.,.0 requires: carbon, 81:261 per cent.; hydrogen, 14:2 per cent. 

The compound crystallized in needles, and melted at 28-30° C. 

Diphenyl-Heptadecyl Carbinol.—The details of the preparation of this com- 
pound are similar to those of the corresponding pentadecyl alcohol. The 
alcohol melted at 58° C., and crystallized from alcohol in long curved needles, 
It is easily soluble in petroleum ether, and very soluble in chloroform, acetone, 

and benzene. 
0:2146 gramme gave 0:207 gramme of H.O and 06692 gramme of CO:, 
corresponding to hydrogen, 10°8 per cent. ; carbon, 85:04 per cent. 
CH,,O requires: hydrogen, 10°98 per cent.; carbon, 85:23 per cent. 

Ryan and Ditton—On Higher Tertiary Alcohols. 243 


2°‘7 grammes of magnesium, 34:5 grammes of bromnaphthalene, and 50 c.c. 
dry ether were taken in a conical flask fitted with a reflux condenser. Three 
or four drops of methyl iodide and a trace of iodine were added, and the 
mixture was warmed. After about two hours a reaction set in, and when the 
magnesium had all dissolved, 15 grammes of methyl-stearate were added. The 
ester began to react with the Grignard compound after about five minutes ; and 
the change was soon completed, leaving a green gelatinous mass in the flask. 
This was left standing over-night, and in the morning was warmed on the water- 
bath. Water was added with cooling, though the evolution of heat was less 
than in the reactions previously described. The mixture was made acid with 
hydrochloric acid, the ether was evaporated off, and the oily organic layer, 
which did not solidify on cooling, was separated from the water and distilled 
with steam. The distillate consisted of naphthalene and unchanged brom- 
naphthalene. The residue in the flask was treated in the usual manner for 
the removal of unchanged ester and extracted with benzene. The benzene 
extract was then dissolved in alcohol, the solution was decolorized with 
animal charcoal, and the product was recrystallized from alcohol. 

The compound was a yellowish-white solid melting at 55°C. 

01831 gramme gave on analysis 0572 gramme of CQ, and 01757 
gramme of H,O, corresponding to carbon, 85:6 per cent.; hydrogen, 
10°73 per cent. ; 

C,,H,.CO.C,,H,; requires: carbon, 85:2 per cent.; hydrogen, 10°73 per 



1:01 gramme of alcohol was dissolved by gently warming with 4c.c. of 
acetyl chloride, hydrochloric acid being evolved during the process. The 
solution was left standing in a closed flask for two days, and was then poured 
into water. The oil which separated was extracted with ether; the ether 
solution was washed with diluted sodium carbonate, dried over sodium sulphate 
and evaporated. The residue was dissolved in benzene and filtered. On 
evaporation of the benzene, 0°8682 gramme of an oily liquid was obtained 
which solidified on cooling in iced water. 

The ester number was determined by boiling with excess of potash. 

0:8682 gramme required for hydrolysis 4°73 c.c. of - alcoholic potash, 

corresponding to ester number, 152°5. 
The ester number of CH;. CO. OCxH,; is 15217. 

R.I.A. PEOC., VO!. XXIX., SECT. B. [2 1) 

244 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


0-5 gramme of dimethyl-pentadecyl carbinol, 0°5 gramme of anhydrous 
sodium acetate, and 2¢.c. of acetic anhydride were taken in a flask with a 
reflux condenser, and heated in a sand-bath for one-and-a-half hours. Excess 
of water was added, and the mixture was extracted with ether. The ether 
solution was washed, first with sodium carbonate, next with water, and was then 
evaporated. ‘To remove acetic anhydride it was necessary to warm the product 
gently with water, and again extract with ether. In this manner we obtained 
0-416 gramme of an oily liquid which did not smell of acetic anhydride, and 
which on cooling in iced water crystallized in small stars. 

U-+16 gramme of the substance required for hydrolysis 2:057c.c. of 
= alcoholic potash, corresponding to ester number 137°9. 
The ester number of CH;COOC,,;H,, is 179. 

When the ester number had been determined, the contents of the flask 
were evaporated to dryness and extracted with petroleum ether; and the 
Hibl-Waller iodine number of the extract was determined. 0-1484 gramme 
of extract absorbed 0:01257 gramme of iodine. The iodine number was 
therefore 10:16. 

The iodine number of ©,;,H,, is 100. 


1 gramme of the alcohol was treated with 1 gramme of sodium acetate and 
4c.c. of acetic anhydride in a manner similar to that described for pentadecy]- 

dimethyl carbinol. A solid product was obtained which required 0-7 c.c. of 

N : : 
5 alcoholic potash, corresponding to an ester number of 22. 

The ester number of CH,CO.OC,,H,, is 152:17. 

The iodine absorption was also determined as previously described. 

05051 gramme of substance absorbed 0:02627 gramme of iodine, corre- 
sponding to an iodine number, 5:2. 

The iodine number of Cz,Hs; is 81:9. 


I. 0°7665 gramme of the alcohol was melted on the water-bath, and an 
equal weight of powdered potash was stirred into the liquid. The solid mass 

Ryan anp Ditton—On Higher Tertiary Alcohols. 245 

obtained on cooling was mixed in a mortar with about ten times its weight of 
tinely-powdered potash-lime, and the mixture was introduced into a hard glass 
test-tube. The tube was connected with a Topler pump, exhausted of air, and 
heated in a mercury bath. ‘The temperature was slowly raised to 220°; and at 
this temperature a considerable quantity of water came of from the mixture. 
After half an hour the temperature was raised to 250° C. ; and the heating was 
continued for another half hour. No gas was evolved. The tube was then 
allowed to cool, and the contents were extracted with ether. 0:6 gramme of 
extract was obtained, which melted at 34-35°C. (the melting-point of the 
original alcohol) and did not decolorize bromine water. 

II. 1-208 gramme of the alcohol was treated as above; but the tempera- 
ture was raised to 300°C., and the heating was continued for several hours. 
The ether extract yielded 0:2 gramme of a yellowish oil, which decolorized 
bromine water. 


About 1 gramme of the alcohol was mixed in a mortar with powdered 
potash and potash-lime, and the mixture was introduced into a hard glass 
test-tube. The tube was heated to 300°C. in a metal bath. On extraction of 
the residue with alcohol a product was obtained which decolorized bromine 


(2 NJ 


[ 246 J 



By Rey. W. J. RYAN, S.J., anp T. HALLISSY, B.A., M.R.LA. 
Puates XXII-XXIV. 
Read Frnruary 12. Published Marcu 8, 1912. 

THE object of the present preliminary paper is to call attention to the 
discovery, in the formation known as the Bray and Howth series, of fossil 
organic remains, constituting new records for this formation, and representing 
species possibly new to science. 

Considerable difference of opinion has hitherto existed among geologists 
with regard to the stratigraphical position of the Bray and Howth rocks in 
the geological series. The older geologists, including Professor J. Beete Jukes, 
referred them to the Cambrian system, basing their conclusion mainly on the 
supposed existence of an unconformity between these rocks and the Silurian 
beds with which they are in contact. Some former officers of the Geological 
Survey—notably Mr. A. McHenry—on the other hand, deny that such an 
unconformity exists, and regard the Bray and Howth rocks as of Upper 
Silurian age. In the Geological Survey Memoir to accompany Sheet 112 (Drift 
series), Mr. G. W. Lamplugh questions even the Lower Silurian age of the 
altered slates adjoining the granite in Sheet 112, and calls attention to the 
similarity in character of the so-called Cambrian and Lower Silurian rocks of 
the east of Ireland to the Skiddaw Slate series of the Lake district and to the 
Manx series of the Isle of Man; he thinks it highly probable that these may 
all form detached portions of the same ancient rock-group.! Although the 
general consensus of opinion inclines to the views of the earlier observers, it 
has been impossible, in the absence of well-recognized type-fossils from the 
supposed Cambrian formation, and because of the obscurity of the strati- 
graphical field-relations of the rocks of the district, to settle the question 
definitely. Hence the additional fossil evidence which we now bring to bear on 

1 Geol. Survey Memoir to accompany Sheet 112 (Drift Series), p. 8, 

Ryan and Hatuissy—Some New Fossils jrom Bray Head. 247 

the problem will, we venture to hope, have a very great interest for Irish 
geologists and for British geologists generally. 

On May 10th last year, one of the authors of this paper, searching for 
Oldhamia near the well-known Brandy Hole, at the southern end of a shingle 
beach at Bray Head, noticed on a huge boulder that had fallen from the cliff 
face, the markings shown in fig. 5, Plate XXIII. The boulder was from a mass 
of rock brought down in the previous February by a snow-slide. A minute 
description of this fall of rock was given us by a Dublin and South-Eastern 
Railway linesman on duty thereabouts, who, from the crash, was afraid injury 
had been done to the permanent way, and making a hurried search was relieved 
to find no harm had resulted. In the morning (the fall had taken place at 
night) he saw what had happened—several tons of the cliff face had been carried 
away by the weight of snow that piled above it. The original site of the 
stone block from which we were able, happily, to detach the fossil uninjured, 
was easily traceable. It is represented in position by one of the bands of 
hard green slate, just out of reach, which alternate with similar bands of 
purple slate rich in Oldhamia, the whole forming a picturesque inset to the 
hard green grits above and below. In thickness the slaty bands taken together 
vary from 10 to 20 feet, thinning out as they dip about 45°N.W. towards the 
Smugglers’ Cave or Brandy Hole. Above, they disappear beneath the Boulder- 
clay, through which, here and there, the purple slates protrude. At the 
northern end of the shingle beach a similar thickness of purple slate is inter- 
bedded with the grits, but, judging from the dip and other field observations, it 
is unconnected with the beds that we have worked. All the rocks here possess a 
more or less well-marked slaty cleavage, and bear abundant evidence of having 
undergone considerable crushing and movement. 

The specimen illustrated in fig. 3, Plate XXIII, was sent to 
Mr. F. R. Cowper Reed, of the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge, who very 
kindly gave a provisional opinion on it, and with equal kindness allows us to 
make use of that opinion in our paper. “I believe,” he says, “ that both objects 
on the slab are portions of the head-shield of a large trilobite. One seems 
to be able to detect the glabella, a wide preglabellar portion, the marginal 
furrow, and a broad flattened border. Whether a facial suture is present 
is rather doubtful, but it is certainly suggested on one side of the specimen. 
The glabella seems to be unfurrowed, and if the real base of the head-shield 
coincides with the termination of the specimen, the glabella would be about 
three-fifths the length. There is a curious concentric depression in the pre- 
glabellar area, but not so sharp as the marginal furrow. The ornamentation 
consists of small punctae, which are in some relation to the curious radial 
striation, which latter, however, seems to be a secondary structure and not 

248 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

original.” It suggests to him a resemblance to Walcott’s Solenoplewra howleyr 
from the Cambrian of Conception Bay, Newfoundland,! but he is not certain 
that it is referable to even that genus. 

Another specimen illustrated in Plate XXIII, fig. 5, and Plate XXIV’ 
fig. 6, was found by us on our second visit to Bray. This was also sent for 
identification to Mr. Reed, who reported to us that it was confirmatory of his 
opinion about the previous specimen. Regarding fig. 7, Plate XXIV, the 
same authority compares the fossil parts represented therein with the 
appendages of Walcott’s Middle Cambrian merostomatous species, Sidneyia 
inexpectans.? The authors of this paper, however, have been struck with the 
resemblance of this Bray fossil to Zowisella pedunculata, illustrated and 
described by Walcott, and suggest that it may be identical with that 
species. Mr. Reed concludes his description of the fossils submitted to him 
in the following words:—“I must suspend judgment till more material is 
available, and until then you must consider my views only preliminary and 
provisional in both cases.” 

Mr. Reed has not had the opportunity of examining the markings in 
fig. 8, which, with those of figs. 5 and 6, and many more fragments 
found in one or other of our eight visits to Bray Head, show a striking 
similarity to Walcott’s recently described Holothurian Hidonia ludungi, a 
figure of which we reproduce (Plate XXIII, fig. 4) from Walcott’s paper 
for comparison. Indeed, our geological and biological friends in Dublin, to 
whom we have shown the specimens, are convinced of the similarity. In 
fragments other than those illustrated the characteristic central ring and the 
beautifully marked radial canals are more evident. In figs. 5, 6, and 8 
the typical shape, markings, and size of Hidonia ludwigi are at once 
apparent. Generic identification with Walcott’s type may therefore be safely 

The type species described by Walcott was found in the fine-grained silico- 
argillaceous shales of the Stephen formation at Burgess Pass, east of Mount 
Burgess, and on the west slope of Mount Field and the ridge extending to 
Wapta Peak, British Columbia. He supposed it to have been a free-swimming 
Holothurian of the order Actinopoda, with a medusa-like umbrella-shaped 
radially lobed body. Its conspicuous features are the alimentary canal 
arranged in an open spiral, situated in the umbrella midway between the 

1“ (Qlenellus Fauna,’’ U.S. Geol. Survey, 10th Annual Report, p. 657. 1888-89. 

*«« Middle Cambrian Merostomata,’’ Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. lvii, No. 2, plate iv, fig. 3. 

3** Middle Cambrian Holothurians and Medusae,’? Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. lvii, No. 3, 
plate xiii, tig. +. = : 

‘ [bid. 

Ryan and Hauuissy—Some New Fossils from Bray Head. 249 

centre and the margin of the disk, a concentric muscular system in the sub- 
umbrella surface, and a system of radial canals extending from a central 
ring-canal to the margin of the umbrella. A large specimen found in 
these beds measured 12 cm. across the disc, but the majority were of smaller 
dimensions. In the later specimens obtained by us, which are about 7 em. 
diameter, one seems to recognize the same general structure as above 
described; and we venture provisionally to class them under the genus 
Eldonia, giving them also a provisional specific name, antonii,’ till later com- 
parison of these or better specimens with Walcott’s compels us to change. 

As Walcott found a Crustacean fauna associated with the Holo- 
thurians in the same beds of the Middle Cambrian of British Columbia, 
we are content, pending better specimens, to abide by Mr. Reed’s opinion, 
that the fossil represented by fig. 3, Plate XXIII, is part of the head-shield of 
a large trilobite. The difficulty, of course, is in the curious radial striation 
adjudged by Mr. Reed a secondary structure. 

Given that the fossils represented in figs. 5, 6, and 8 are similar to Walcott’s 
from the Middle Cambrian—and in this we have much support—and seeing 
that other fragmentary specimens found by us at Bray Head also point toa 
fauna like that obtained from the Burgess Shale deposits of British Columbia, 
there is at least a high degree of probability that the green and purple 
slates of Bray must be referred to the same horizon of the Middle Cambrian. 


Baiy, William Hellier (1857) : 
Explanatory Memoir to accompany Sheets 121 and 130. Mem. Geol. 
Survey of Ireland, p. 16 et seq. 1869. 
CouE, G. A. J. (1901): 
Recent Observations on Oldhamia and Histioderma. Irish Naturalist, 
vol. x, p. 81. 
— (1908): 
General Geology and Scenery (round Dublin). British Assoc. Handbook 
to the Dublin District, p. 5. 
Du Noyer, G. V. (1867) : 
Explanatory Memoir to accompany Sheets 121 and 130. Mem. Geol. 
Survey of Ireland. 121 and 130, p. 23 et seq. 1869. 
ForBES, Edward (1848) : 
On Oldhamia, a New Genus of Silurian Fossils. Journ. Geol. Soe. 
Dublin, vol. iv, p. 20. 

1 After a triend of one of the authors. 

250 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

JuxeEs, J. Beete (1869): i 

Explanatory Memoir to accompany Sheets 121 and 130. Mem. Geol. 
Survey of Ireland, 121 and 130, p.9 et seq. 1869. 

KINAHAN, G. H. (1886) : 
Oldhamia. Journ. R. Geol. Soc. of Ireland, vol. vii, p. 166. 
Kinauan, J. R. (1858): 

On Oldhamia, a Genus of Cambrian F oeaile Proc. R. I. Academy, vol. vii, 

p. 34. 
—— (1858). 

The Genus Oldhamia, its Character, probable Affinities, modes of 
Occurrence, and a description of Localities in which it occurs in the 
Cambrian Rocks of Wicklow and Dublin. Trans. R. I. Academy, 
vol. xxiu, p. 547. 

—— (1857-60). 

On the Organic Relations of the Cambrian Rocks of Bray and Howth, 
with Notices of the most remarkable Fossils. Jour. Geol. Soe. 
Dublin, vol. viu, p. 68. 

LameLueu, G. W. (1902): 

Explanatory Memoir to accompany Sheet 112 (Drift Series). Mem. 

Geol. Survey of Ireland, 112, p. 6. 1903. 
McHenry, A. (1902): 
Explanatory Memoir to accompany Sheet 112. Mem. Geol. Survey of 
Ireland, 112, p. 74. 1903. 
OxLpHAM, T. (1844): 
On the Rocks at Bray Head. Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, vol. iii, p. 60. 
Sotias, W. J. (1894); 

On Pucksia Mac Henry, a new Fossil from the Cambrian Rocks of 

Howth. Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soe., vol. viii, p. 297. 
— (1900): 

On Ichnivm Wattsii and on Oldhamia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 

vol. lvi, p. 273. ; 
WatcortT, Charles D. (1888-89) ; 

Olenellus Fauna. U.S. Geol. Survey, 10th Annual Report, p. 657. 

== (491i) 

Middle Cambrian Merostomata. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. lvii, No. 2. 

Middle Cambrian Holothurians and Medusae. Smithsonian Mise. Coll., 
vol. lvii, No. 3. 


Ryan anD Hauutssy —Some New Fossils from Bray Head. 


Pirate XXII. 

1. A general view of the rocks at Brandy Hole, Bray Head. 

2. Shows the fossiliferous green and purple slaty bands of the same locality. 
The exact position of the beds in which the fossils were found is 
indicated in both figures by a white x. 

Pirates XXIIT, XXIV. 

3. The supposed trilobite resembling, Solenopleura howleyr (Walcott). 

4, Hidonia ludwigi (Walcott), showing outlines of the stomach and large 
central canal; the fig. is a reproduction from Walcott’s “Middle 
Cambrian Holothurians and Medusae,’ Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 
vol. lvii., No. 3, plate 10, fig. 2. 

5, 6, and 8. Eldonia antoni. 

7. Fossil resembling Sidneyia tnerpectans (Walcott) or Loutsella pedunculata 

Nore.—All the figures, with the exception of fig. 4 (which is copied 
from Walcott’s paper), are reproduced from photographs of the actual 
fossils as found. 

Proc, R.I.ACAb., VoL. XXIX., SEcr. B. PLATE XXII. 

Fig. 1. 













THE ACADEMY desire it to be widerstood that they are not 
answerable for any opinion, representation of facts, or train of 
reasoning that may appear in any of the following Papers. The 
Authors of the several Essays are alone responsible for their 


Dusiin: Priytep at THE Untyensity Press ny PonsonBy AND GIBRs. 




Armstrone (E. C. R.), F.S.A., M.R.LA. :— 

See under Macauister (R. A. §.), 
Drx (E. R. McCumrocx), M.R.I.A :— 

The First Printing of the New Testament in English at Dublin, . 180 
Gwynn (ipwarp J.), F.T.C.D., M.R.LA., and W. J. Purron :— 

The Monastery of Tallaght, ; . . 6 seeelelio 
Hemeuin (Rev. Sauer), Lrrr.D., M.R.1.A. :— 

The Gospels of Mac Regol of Birr: A Study in Celtic Illumination. 

(Plates L-V.), . : : : : : ; 1 
Lawzor (Rey. Henry Jackson), D.D., M.R.J.A. :— 
A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman, : 5 PAIS 

MacauisteR (R. A. §.), M.R.I.A., E. C. R. Anmsrrone, F.S.A., M.R.LA., 
and R. Lu. Prazcer, B.H., M.R.LA. :— 
Report on the Exploration of Bronze-age Carns on Carrowkeel 
Mountain, Co. Sligo. (Plates X.-XXY.), 0 P ole 
MacNert (Joun), B.A., M.R.L.A.:— 
Early Irish Population-Groups: their Nomenclature, Classification, 
and Chronology, . : , ; ; : 59 
Prancer (R. Luoyp), B.H., M.R.1.A. :— 
See under Macauister (R. A. §.). 
Purton (W. J.) :— 
See under Gwynn (Epwarp J.). 
Wesrtrope (M. 8. D.), M.R.I.A. :-— 
Glass-Making in Ireland. (Plates VII.-IX.), . : . 34 
Westroep (Tuomas Jonnson), M.A., M.R.I.A. :— 
Notes on the Larger Cliff Forts of the West Coast of County 
Mayo. (Plate VL.), ; : : 4 é © 11 
Types of the Ring-Forts remaining in Eastern Clare (Killaloe, its 
royal Forts and their History), . : . 186 

sos td 




. 638, § 28, 1.3. For Erain read Erainn 
. 75, note 2. For Lupais read Lupait 
. 78, col. 1. Delete ? in line 5 from bottom 
. 79, col. 3. For Dal Niath Cor read Dal Niath Corb 
>, col. 2. For Neth Semon! read Neth Semon* 
. 81, § 49. After husband of add or son of 
. 82,1.1. For o be read to be 
» § 53, last line. For Ireland before the Norman Inyasion vead ancient Ireland 
. 83, 1.11. For Hui read Hui 
+, 1.16. For Bresa ved Bresal 
. 85, § 68,1. 4. For Sinaig, Sinach read Sinaig, Sinach 
. 86,1.4. or Sinaig read Sinaig 
. 88, § 82,1. 11. Before permanent vead the 
», », 1.18. Before Ui Cennselaig xead Ui Danlainge and 
. 102, 1.1. For ancestors vead ancestor 
. 130, col. 2, 1.11. For sleep ead find room 
. 150, col. 1, 1. 28. For 77 read 7 
“9 », 1.29. For ais read ass 
0 col. 2, 1.35. For there came out two filaments of milk vead dvaws it out again 
», at foot. Omit * Supply dollotar. 
. 162, col. 2, ll. 28-80. Read when the monks of Cluain mac Nois kindled the fire 
. 163, col. 2,1. 8. For Eocha read Kochu 
. 166, note on 180, 10. For tuilin read tallaim 







Prates I-V. 

Read Novemper 14, 1910. Published January 21, 1911. 

THE town of Birr, in the territory of Ely O’Carroll, was the seat of a 
monastery founded by St. Brendan, who died a.p. 571. He was a contem- 
porary of his namesake of Clonfert; and they had been fellow-students at 
Clonard under St. Finian. He was reckoned the prophet of Iveland,! and 
also enjoyed in an especial manner the friendship of St. Columba. Indeed 
there is an ancient tradition that it was he who first advised Columba to 
select Iona for his retirement.? The Elijah legend recounted in The Annals 
of the Fonr Masters, that Brendan of Birr (A.D. 553) was seen ascending in 
a chariot into the sky, sufficiently indicates the great reverence for this saint. 

Of the Monastery of Birr there are no visible traces; but the old well 
of St. Brendan still bubbles up out of a shelf of rock within a couple of feet of 
the river Camcor; and some ancient foundations were recently struck quite 
near it, when the electric plant was being prepared for the lighting of Birr 
Castle ; so that one would not be surprised if the cells of Brendan’s monks 
were once in great numbers on that pleasant site, or if the shrubs and trees 
now clothing the place had their roots growing out of the habitations, and 
perhaps the bones, of those holy men of old. 

1Ussher, Works, iv, p. 478. * Ibid., p. 240. 

R.I,A. PROO., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C {1| 

2 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

That Birr Monastery was relatively famous may be inferred not only 
from the glory of its founder, but from the evident precedence often accorded 
to the abbot or bishop of Birr in the list of deaths of ecclesiastics recorded 
under their proper year in Zhe Annals of the Four Masters. Indeed it is 
borne in upon the mind of the discerning student that this now extinct 
monastery must have been for several centuries amongst the greatest 
missionary centres in Ireland. Dr. O’Donovan’s excellent Index to The 
Annals helps us to make the subjoined list of the heads of the Church at 
Birr. I give the date of death after the name of each person. 

Mac Neamnaill, abb Biorrae (745); 

Folachtach MacSarfaelada, abb Biorra (760) ; 

Leargal MacNemit, abb Biorair (774) ; 

Joseb UaFaeldin, abb Biorair (780) ; 

Seanchan, abb Cille Achaid Drummota & Biorair (qo 
MacRiagail UaMaglena, Scribneoir, epscop and abb Biorair (820) ; 
Baethlocha, abb Biorair (824) ; 

Dodiu, epscop Biorra (842) ; 

Flaitniad MacCongaile, epscop & abb Biorair (851) ; 

Ailill Banban, abb Biorair (857) ; 

Cartac, abb Biorair (885); 

Moran UaBuide, abb Biorra (891); 

Baoithine, abb Birrae (926) ; 

Corbmac MacCongaltaigh, Comarba Brénainn Biorra (989) ; 
Ceallach Reamhar, Comarba Brénainn Biorra & Ciardin Saigre (1079). 

Of the above, Leargal is called “a wise man”; Dodiu was bishop when 
Birr and Saigre were plundered by the foreigners of the Boinn, that is, the 
Danes who had their headquarters at Rosnaree ; Moran “died after a good 
life at an advanced age”; and MacRiagail, as we see, was a “scribe” 
(seribneow) as well as a bishop and abbot'; it is of the last-named that I now 
treat.2 The title “scribe” was a very honourable one. We notice how, as in 
MacRiagail’s case, it takes precedence of other titles in the case of some of 
the occupants of the See of Armagh; so honourable was it then considered to 

' Sop Cyroyrt ocht ccéo o pice. dn cheap blusdain ‘vo Chonéobsp. Mac Rragsoil 
Ua Maglena, pepibnedin, eppcop, 7 Abb Diopoip . . . O€cc. 

* From the fact that five other great ecclesiastics from the same neighbourhood are associated with 
MacRiagail as haying died this year I infer a massacre. These others are the Bishop of Clonfert, 
the Bishop and Abbot of Lusmagh, the Abbot of Clonfert, the Abbot of Aghabo, and the Abbot 
of Kilmanagh ; or else all these good men died of the unusually severe cold of that year. 


The Gospels of Mac Regol of Birr. 5 

write out the very words of the Gospels; and famous indeed must have been 
the artists who turned out such magnificent books as the Gospels of Durrow 
and Kells, with several others of equal textual but less artistic merit, as the 
Books of Armagh, Mulling, aud Dimma. Now the great majority of the 
Celtic-Latin Gospels were written in Ireland. The Books of Lindisfarne and 
St. Chad are of course amongst the notable exceptions; and perhaps the 
angelic! Book of Kells was written in Iona; but the others named above 
were all written in Ireland. In Zhe Annals of the Four Masters occur the 
names of many scribes; but, alas, owing to the ravages of the Northmen, 
and the decay of time, we possess no specimens of their handwriting. In the 
case of Machiagail we are more fortunate, for the sumptuous copy of the 
Gospels exhibited in the Bodleian Library under the notation MZS. Auct. D. 1. 
19, is a product of his skill and patience. On the verso of its 169th leaf, it 
contains this subscription :— 

Et intellegerit 

“ Macregol depin istam narratio 

Cxit hoe evange nem orat pro 
hum: Quicum Macreguil scripto 
que legerit ial 

The honour of having vindicated the penmanship of this splendid ms. for 
that MacRiagail who was the scribe as well as the bishop and abbot of Birr 
and died A.D. 820, belongs to his distinguished fellow-countryman, the 
Rev. Dr. Charles O’Conor, who, in 1814, published at Buckingham, at the 
expense of its munificent Duke, his great work on ancient Irish writers.’ Up 
to that time the Ms. was supposed to have been written in England, like the 
Book of Lindisfarne, which it so much resembles; and many English writers, 
such as Thomas Astle, Humphrey Wanley,® and J. O. Westwood,’ praised it as 
one of the most precious of their national monuments! Of course the word-for-word 
Anglo-Saxon interlineation gives to this Ms. the greatest value as an authority 
for the origin of the English language, second only indeed to the Book of 
Lindisfarne. This neat interlineation of MacRegol’s stately lines was 
executed by two English scribes, Farman and Owun, who were apparently 
inmates of the Monastery of Harewood, on the marches of the kingdoms 
of Mercia and Northumbria, at the end of the tenth century. From their 

1 Giraldi Cambrensis Opera, v, p. 128. 

? MacRegol’s knowledge of Latin was limited. 

3 Script. Vet. Hibern., i, ccxxxi. 

4 The Origin and Progress of Writing, p. 99 ; also Tab. xvi, p. 100. 

5 Librorum Vett. Septentrionalium qui in Angliae Bibliothecis extant (Ox., 1705), pp. 81, 82. 
8 Facsimiles and Miniatures of Anglo-Saxon and Irish MSS. (Lond., 1868), p. 53. 


4 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

time to the end of the third quarter of the seventeenth century, when John 
Rushworth, Deputy Clerk to the House of Commons during the Long 
Parliament, presented it to the Bodleian, its history is a blank; and, as 
the products of the Irish school of scribes in Ireland were not up to that 
date differentiated from their products in England, as also no one who was 
unacquainted with The Annals of the Four Masters could be expected to 
know anything about MacRegol, it was assumed that he was an Englishman. 
Dr. O’Conor, however, gives various acute reasons from the internal 
evidence of the MS. itself, which, with cumulative force, drive home the 
conclusion that it was written, not in England, but in Ireland; and humorously 
adds :— 

“ Hos ego versiculos fect, tulit alter honorem.” 

Passing to the intrinsic features of the book itself, the 169 leaves of thick 
and coarse vellum measure 14 by 103 inches. It is thus, according to 
Sir John T. Gilbert,’ “the largest sized of the old Irish Gospel books.” Tis 
present binding, which is very strong and tight, and does not permit of a 
completely adequate photograph being taken of any of the interior pages, is 
in the usual Bodleian style of about the beginning of the nineteenth century. 
The contents are (1) the four Gospels according to St. Jerome’s Vulgate,” in a 
text which, as Dr. Abbott thinks,? is very like that of the Book of Kells: 
(II) illuminated portraits of SS. Mark, Luke, and John prefixed to their 
respective works ; (II]) a bungling variety of the traditional hexameters on 
the four evangelists,‘ together with the subscription already mentioned. 
These occupy the last page, which has been divided into six equal spaces with 
a rude border*; and, (IV) the Northumbrian and Mercian interlineation, 
together with a pen-and-ink sketch of St. Mark on the blank page 51 recto, 
and thirteen quaint figures mostly at the bottom of the pages on which they 
occur. All these, being the work of the interlineators, may be dismissed from 
further notice here. 

It is evident that the portrait of St. Matthew, with probably a quantity of 
the usual prefatory matter, has been lost,amid the many vicissitudes through 
which the Ms. passed before it fortunately came into the possession of 
Rushworth. Indeed it bears traces of having been very roughly handled, 
and of having been out in all kinds of weather. 

1 National MSS. of Ireland, vol. i, p. xiii. His three lithographs are full-sized. 

* Codex R. * Celtic Ornaments from the Book of Kelis. 

* Pound in the following Codices, Fuldensis, and Gospels of Beneventum (Brit. Mus. MS. 
Add. No. 5463). 

> Reproduced by Gilbert, plate xxiv. of the above-named work, 

Hempuiti—The Gospels of Mac Regol of Birr. 5 

It may be convenient to take first the three surviving pictures of 
evangelists, and dismiss them in few words. They with their borders, which 
resemble those on the initial pages which follow, are in four colours only ; 
red, yellow, green, and purple (black is additional). The pigments were 
mixed with a gummy substance, and have not peeled off, but retain almost 
their pristine brightness. There is not a trace of gold, nor could gold wire 
have been used in the drawing of the spirals, which are, it must be confessed, 
painfully rough. A photograph of St. John’s portrait is included as Plate 91 
in the first volume of the Paleeographical Society, showing the curious yellow 
disk upon the top of the head, which has been variously interpreted as a skull- 
cap, the evangelist’s hair, and the Roman tonsure. Plate 16 of Westwood’s 
facsimiles and Miniatures, containing the same, is the only existing repro- 
duction in colours of any of these MacRegol portraits. None of the three 
portraits has a nimbus; but St. John’s has a rainbow. The hair and facial 
appearance generally of SS. Mark and Luke differ greatly from St. John, and 
also from one another. The predominant feature of St. Mark is his light 
yellow hair with wavy red stripes; and of St. Luke, his large forked beard. 
It is also interesting to note the ink-pot, with a very long stem fastened to 
the right-hand side of St. Luke’s chair, into which the Evangelist is in the act 
of dipping his pen. We may compare with this Dr. Keller’s reproduction, 
from a St. Gall Ms., of a portrait of St. Matthew in precisely the same 
attitude. It is noticeable that the symbolic animal painted over each 
evangelist is represented by MacRegol as contowrné. This has been implicitly 
corrected by the Saxon interlineator in his pen-and-ink sketch of St. Mark 
already mentioned. 

Before passing to what is to me the special feature of the book, the four 
initial pages, which ought, perhaps, according to strict logical sequence, to be 
described here immediately after the portraits, I must refer parenthetically to 
the general body of the text. A photograph of one page, 110 recto (Luke xvi. 
25-xvii. 6), appears as Plate 90 of the first volume of the Palaeographical 
Society ; and Sir E. Maunde Thompson gives therewith a valuable detailed 
analysis of the style of writing, to which the student is once for all referred. 
For the sake of illustration, I have thought it well to include in this paper 
another page, 92 recto (Luke iii. 8-17), which is a sufficient sample of the 
general style of the penmanship. This page contains two small initials 
surrounded with the red dots' which are so characteristic of Irish scribes.’ 

1 Some of the dots have a kind of silvery substance mixed with the pigment. 
2A page of the Genealogy of St. Luke is lithographed by Gilbert in The National MSS, o7 
Treland, vol, i., plate xxii, 

6 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

T now return to the four initial pages which it is my particular object to 
describe to you. One feature common to them all, and of very special interest 
and importance, is the set of uncial letters in that peculiarly elongated and 
angular epigraphic hand, which appears on certain pages of the Book of Kells, 
in the Books of St. Chad and Lindisfarne, in one of the St. Gall manuscripts, 
in the beginning of the Book of Armagh, and, more especially, in the celebrated 
inscription, consisting of the names of the Apostles, round the rim of the 
Ardagh Chalice. This was noticed in the paper read by Lord Dunraven before 
this Academy on February 22, 1869, and published in the 7ransactions.. But 
the oceurrence of this remarkable uncial script in the MacRegol Gospels is 
more interesting than in any of the other sources, except the Ardagh Chalice, 
because the letters come out with remarkable clearness in yellow on a light 
purple ground; whereas, in the Book of Kells, the colouring is so dark, and 
the wealth of ornament so profuse, that it is less easy to distinguish particular 
characters; and in the Book of Lindisfarne the letters are much more rounded. 
MacRegol has also this advantage that an entire alphabet of this uncial script 
can be constructed from his initial pages. 

I deal first with the initial page of St. Matthew (leaf 1 recto). Its inferiority 
is attested by the clumsiness of the spirals, the coarseness of the faces at the 
top,’ and the blunder by which the scribe did not leave himself room for the 
last four syllables of “generationis,’ but was obliged to add them in an ill- 
formed annexe outside the square border. The place of honour on this page 
is given to the contraction IHU (the genitive of Jesus). It has a rectangle 
of zoomorphic interlacing above, and of ribbon-work below. I may notice 
onee for all that the ribbons in MacRegol have no borders, as they have in 
the Books of Durrow, Lindisfarne, and Kells. 

The arrangement of the colours is vermilion alternating with yellow, for 
the ribbonwork, the step pattern, and the Chinese puzzle; the narrow borders 
are green; the others a dull purple. A foundation of black like Indian ink is 
found in some few places. Notice also the lower section of the left-hand 
border, consisting of a Chinese pattern in yellow and vermilion; and, beneath 
it,as well as at two other corners, a square of step-work, as in the Lindisfarne 
Book. The sections of the right-hand border are the same as those of the 
other side, but in inverse order. The external embellishments of the border 
are rather rough, but at the left corner, at bottom, there is a curious and 
interesting interlacing of two birds with big claws like hands, touching one 
another, and very well drawn. 

! Vol. xxiy, p. 433. See also a separate publication by Margaret Stokes. 
2 Unless one hold that these were added by a later hand. They look very like a subsequent 
effort to improye on MacRegol ; especially as the border would be perfect without them, 

Hempuini.—The Gospels of Mac Regol of Birr. G 

The great “I” of “ Ziber'” is made up of five sections, of which the third 
is a curious little dark pattern with fine lines of yellow, perhaps to imitate 
gold thread. This may be exemplified also from the Book of Lindisfarne. 
Notice also the two rectangular pieces of ornamentation, the upper consisting 
of an interlacing of eight birds. It has a groundwork of black, the 
interlacing, and especially the birds’ heads, bemg very well done; and there 
are some beautifully fine yellow lines, which seem to be characteristic of 

The lower rectangle contains an interlacing of four lacertine animals with 
faces like dogs. It also has a groundwork of black. 

We now pass to 52 recto, the initial page of St. Mark. ‘The three corners 
of the frame have a chaste square of black with yellow lines, similar to some 
found in the initial page of St. Mark in the Lindisfarne Book. 

The left side of the border consists of three divisions. The upper con- 
tains a very clever red worm with mouth entirely encircling its own body, 
like the fish-like dogs in the Book of Durrow, A fine piece of interlacing 
is associated with this lacertine animal; and the whole is surmounted by - 
amore natural dog’s head with his tongue and his pigtail both curled up as 
in the grotesque figure in the corresponding place in the initial page of 
St. John. 

The second or intermediate division of the left side of the border contains 
the introduction of human faces which have a family resemblance to the 
grotesque figure just mentioned in the initial page of St. John. The beards 
and queues are yellow, and cleverly intertwined. The legs and hands are very 
peculiar. Each of these men has one hand to his mouth, and the other 
stretching down with very elongated fingers. 

The lower division of this left side is a piece of excellent interlacing. 

The right-hand side of the frame is similar, but in inverse order. 

The lower side of the frame has two sections; the left is a very elaborate 
interlacing cleverly carried out, and four small birds’ heads are visible. The 
right is a beautiful interlacing of the finest white thread on a vermilion ground 
on quite a different principle from any hitherto depicted, and its treatment 
brings out five Maltese Crosses, which may be symbolical of the five sacred 
wounds, and are in any case the first crosses made in birr that have come 
down to our time. A similar cross is found in the stem of the great @ of the 
initial page of St. Luke in the Lindisfarne Book; and we shall see several 
other instances in our own MS. 

This leaf has suffered much from the binder, as also has the beginning of 
St. Matthew, but not, fortunately, those of SS. Luke and John. 

OF interior ornaments, not connected with the writing, there are three 

Sas Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

rectangles. The large square under N of “ Jnitiwm ” consists of four serpents 
with dogs’ heads grasping the bodies. The small square under M consists 
of two birds’ heads opposite to one another, with some of that characteristically 
fine yellow interlacing on black ground, as in the beards and queues already 
described. The long horizontal border under “ Hvangelai” contains three 
worms with heads, of which that to the extreme left resembles in some slight 
degree the storks’ heads in the border of the “ Quoniam” page of the Book of 

The great initial N, as also in the corresponding page of the Book of 
Lindisfarne, contains a wonderful piece of interlaced ribbon of yellow and red. 

Passing to 85 recto, the initial page of St. Luke, this is the famous 
“Quoniam,’ at which the MSs. is usually kept open in the glass case in the 
Bodleian. Though the “@Quvoniam” has been copied by Westwood,! it is worth 
afresh study. The Q shares with that of Lindisfarne the honour of being 
among the largest on record. The other letters are the usual epigraphic 
uncials in yellow on a light purple ground which have been already mentioned. 

It is scarcely necessary to describe all the ornamentation ; but we ought to 
notice the unusual breadth of the system of interlacing of yellow and red, 
forming the lower section of the left-hand border, and the upper section of that 
on the right hand. Under this on the left, and in the corresponding corner 
on the right, we have a square consisting of four smaller ones, the handsome 
blacks and the yellow and red step-patterns. 

The entire of the bottom of the frame is one large piece of zoomorphic 
interlacing, consisting of four large worms (two purple and two red), black 
background, small yellow interlacings as before, heads of worms of whitish 
yellow. These last are well drawn. 

Special attention must be called to the top of the frame, which consists 
of a stiff pattern, evidently copied from stone. It is of yellow and red, and 
bears some distant resemblance to the pattern on the lower section of the 
west face of the great Cross of Killamery.? Notice at left top corner, as an 
outer embellishment of the frame, two wavy worms in an angular position, 
with faces nearly touching one another, and the usual yellow interlacings on 
black ground. Similar wavy worms occur on the initial page of St. John. 

The shaft of the Q consists of five compartments, of which the fourth is a 
very fine piece of yellow thread interlacing on black ground, exquisitely done 
and introducing two Maltese Crosses, with halves of two others. Compare 
the corresponding @ in the Book of Lindisfarne, where one such Cross is 

! Palaeographia Sacra Pictoria: London, 1843-45. 
* Figured by Margaret Stokes, Trans. R.I.A. vol. xxxi, Plate xlviii. 

Hempuittb—The Gospels of Mac Regol of Birr. 9 

found. The round of the O, as distinguished from its interior, also consists of 
tive compartments, of marked inferiority to the interior of the Lindisfarne Q. 

The outside angles, at the upper left and lower right of Q, are the nearest 
approach to trefoil which MacRegol exhibits. These are in lines of black on 

All the divisions of Q have green lines, but none of these divisions calls 
for special mention. I may, however, say that the spirals are disappointing. 

The letters other than Q are in the usual yellow on light purple with red 
borders ; the only one of them calling for remark is s of “ sunt,” which is the 
clearest instance of the epigraphic shape. 

Of the three interior rectangles, that under dem of “quidem” is very well 
done, and consists of four bird-worms, in which the claws: are the most 
remarkable feature. They are yellow on black ground, and do not-come out 
in Westwood. I look on this as one of the finest pieces of work in the Ms. 

It is necessary to add that: Westwood’s engraving of this great Q leaves 
very much to be desired, as he puts in a great deal too much black shading, 
giving the page a sombre appearance foreign to the truth. 

We now come to 127 recto, the rich “in Principio” page. This has been 
lithographed as Plate xx. in the first volume of the National MSS. of Ireland. 
But it is necessary to state simply in the interests of truth,and without any 
reflection on the scholarship of the editor, that, since the advent of photo- 
graphy, all such lithographs have been superseded. 

Looking at this page in MacRegol we see sharp definition and plenty of 
contrast in the colours. 

The left of the frame is surmounted by the upper part of a man quaintly 
drawn ; his yellow beard and queue in MacRegol’s best style of interlacing, 
the beard coiling twice round the right arm, the fingers spread out with the 
thumb to the nose,! and, fantastically interlaced with the fingers, a vocal reed 
through which the man is playing a tune; while a worm-dog, with a heraldic 
tongue, looks on in amazement vis-d-vis with the musician. 

Below this four birds are cleverly interlaced, and their claws come out 
with great distinctness, the design being repeated in the inverse position on 
the right of the frame. 

At the top of the right of the frame is a man with his arms raised as if 
in blessing ; and as outer embellishments to the lower corner of the right of 
the frame are two venerable faces looking sadly into space. 

The Maltese Cross pattern occurs in two places, the lower section of I 
and the upper of P, in the usual red, but is rather indistinct. 

1 Compare Lzekiel, viii. 17, for the earliest instance of this. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C, [2] 

10 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The drawing of “ PrINcIPIO” is the most fantastic thing in the whole Ms. 
The initial is in the conventional B-shape, the “R” is in the upper loop, the 
“JT” in the outside valley made by the convergence of the loops, and the “N” 
(resembling our capital H) in the lower loop. Contiguous to this is a tall 
rectangle like a cupboard divided into three shelves; the upper shelf contains 
“CI,” the middle contains the Greek “fl” with “I” inside it like a 
monogram, and the lower contains “O.” Thus is made up the word 
“ Principio,’ which no one could possibly read if he did not know what to 
expect. In fact, it is a most intricate puzzle, and can hardly, I should think, 
be paralleled in any other Ms. 

It only remains that I should express my deep obligation to Bodley’s 
Librarian, Mr. Nicholson, for his considerate kindness in allowing me to 
examine the Ms. for several days, and to take photographs; and to Mr. Madan, 
Sub-Librarian, for valuable help generously given; also that I should 
acknowledge the excellence of the photographs taken by Mr. Maynard, the 
capable operator of the Clarendon Press. 


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Proc. R. I. Acad., Vol. XXIX., Sect. C. Plate VI. 

Fie. 1.—Dunnamo, south end of wall and fosse. 

Fic. 2.—Dun Kilmore, outer wall and fosse. 

Westroprp.—Cuirr Forts or Co. Mayo. 



Prats VI. 

Read NovemBer 30, 1910. Published January 21, 1911. 

THE recent examination of Clare Island, and the other islands south of 
Achill, in county Mayo, under the auspices of the Academy, required 
that the antiquities of these remote spots should be carefully examined and 
recorded. I was accordingly asked to explore much that was virtually new 
ground to antiquaries; this, in its turn, necessitated more study than had 
been previously given to the antiquities of the nearer mainland. Early 
racial and historic considerations made this very necessary, for a great gap 
isolated (save at Westport) all the seaboard of Mayo from the inland parts, 
and still more from the district from Galway, to the south coast of Munster, 
which had been more fully studied. The result was richer than I could have 
hoped; some even of the chief remains were unmarked on the Ordnance 
Survey maps, and absolutely unnoticed by previous writers. Considering the 
results of two. summers’ work, it is evident that, though much lying outside 
the special district ought to be given, I should overload the report by 
including it there. It seems well, therefore, to clear the ground by describing 
fully several of the more complex remains of the Mayo coasts to form a 
preface to the account of the southern cliff-forts in the more delimited 
paper intended to form part of the general report. 

It is wonderful that so little is attainable about these forts. The great 
beauty of the shores and bold mountains of the west coast of Mayo has 
drawn many travellers to them, even when less accessible than at present ; 
but writer after writer came and went, and the forts remained undescribed, 
with one exception. The great fort of Dunnamo, since 1752, attracted 
attention; first Dr. Pococke noted it as a modern fortification of the time 
of Elizabeth. Trotter, in 1817, saw and described it before the destruction 
of the abattis; O'Donovan and the Rev. Caesar Otway described it at (for 
them) unusual length: yet there is no complete description or detailed plan 
published to the present time. Dun Fiachra was for the first time noted 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C. [3] 

1 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

(but only noted) by Dr. Charles Browne in these Proceedings; Porth was 
mentioned, in a rather misleading way, by Caesar Otway; the greatest and 
most complex of all, the Dun of Kilmore in Achillbeg, was accidentally 
found in last August. To describe the remains of these four great duns 
is the object of this paper. 

Tue District. 

There is the less reason at present to study at any great length the 
topography of the districts in which these forts le that O'Donovan has 
given us his vast stores of knowledge in “The Tribes and Customs of Hy 
Fiachrach,” and Mr. Hubert T. Knox has again gone more fully and with 
the aid of the Anglo-Norman records over the facts in the Journal of the 
Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, and in his still recent “ History of 
the county Mayo, to the close of the sixteenth century.” 

The district? was essentially Domnonian, or, to use the more popular but 
also more vague ethnological term, “Firbolg.” Myr. Knox notes that the 
term comprised Danonians; but it was more properly restricted to the 
Fir Domnon, Fir Gaileoin, and Fir Bolg; the last, in a definite sense, he inclines 
to equate with the Bolg Tuath, who, with the Gabraighe, Cathraighe, and the 
Cruithne of Croghan, are given by Mac Firbis as the tribes of Genann.’ We 
may yet again recall the record of the Gann-Genann tribes on the Atlas of 
Ptolemy as the “ Ganganoi.”” The Fir Gaileoin were regarded as “ Cruithne,” 
and were identified by some with the Tuatha de Danann, which seems to 
remove them into absolute myth. The Nemedians revived as the Firbolgs, 
who invaded Ireland under the sons of Dela, and allotted Connacht to 
Genann; they have the repute of having been the first to establish Tara as 
the royal seat. Avoiding the nets of legendary origins, we find at the dawn 
of history the kingdom of Ivrus-Domhnon, comprising the Clan Umoir tribes, 
spread over northern Connacht; the last echo of its name seems heard in the 
baronial name “ Erris.’ In this division le the forts of Dunnamo, Dun 
Fiachra, and Porth. The Gamanraighe and Clan Morna branches of Irrus 
Domhnon were probably the source of the race whose monarchs Fiachra 
Foltshnathach and Amalgaidh have left their mark on our maps in the 
baronies of Tireragh and Tirawley. It is not impossible that the mighty 

1 See ‘‘ Tribes and Customs of Hy Fiachrach’’ (O’Donoyan); ‘‘ History of County Mayo’’ 
(Mr. Knox); and articles by the latter in Roy. Soc. Antt. Ir. Jowmal, yol. xxxi., p. 24, p. 365; 
Xxxii., p. 132, by Sir John Rhys; ibid., yol. xxviii., p. 233; and Mr. J. MacNeill’s ‘‘ Study of 
Oghams”’ in Proc. R.I.A., vol. xxvii., p. 332; Sir 8. Ferguson, ‘‘ Ogham Inscriptions,’”’ pp. 68, 59; 
Mr. R. A. S. Macalister, ‘‘ Irish Epigraphy,’’ part i., pp. 73-75: see also Sir §. Ferguson, Proc. 
R.1.A., ser. ii., vol. ii., p. 201. 

2 See ‘ book of Leinster,’’ Todd Lecture series, vol. iii., No. $30, p. 149. 

Wesrrope— Larger Chiff Forts of West Coast of Co. Mayo. 138 

hero Fiachva, riding on the famous “ water-horse,” the builder of Dun Fiachya, 
may be the great tribal ancestor of the Ui Fiachrach. The Clan Umoir plays 
a much greater part in the Connacht legend than in that of Mac Liag, a 
North Munster poet of about a.p. 1000, whose poem on their settlements we 
had recently to study in connexion with Aran. In the latter poet, they are 
a small family settled at Cruach Oigle, or Cruachan Aigle,’ at or on Croagh 
Patrick, whose huge blue peak is the central feature of all the scenery south of 
Achill, with which our later paper is concerned. All we can take out of the 
legend here is that a tenth-century bard told how, about the beginning of our 
era, their names attached to Aigle and Modh, the great group of some three 
hundred islets in Clew Bay. I find no evidence to support the suggestion 
connecting the name of Modh with Dunnamo. The name means more 
probably ‘Fort of the cattle,” as forts named from animals are of frequent 
occurrence in Ireland. 

In the fourth century, we touch firmer ground in the history of the north 
of Mayo. Hochu Mughmheadoin, High King of Erin, about a.p, 358, married 
Mongfionn. Her attempt to secure the kingship for her sons by poisoning 
her brother, the High King Crimthann mac Fidach, about 377, failed,’ but it 
put its mark on southern history in giving part of the present county Clare 
as an “eric” to Crimthann’s foster-son Connall Eachluath, the ancestor of the 
Daleassian Princes.* Fiachra was a mighty warrior. He again and again 
overran this “monstrous cantle” assigned to Munster out of his ancestral 
province. He penetrated the old territory of Thomond as far as Kenry 
and Cahernarry ; but he fell in the former district in a pitched battle at the 
moment of victory. His body was brought away and buried, the Munster 
hostages being buried alive round his grave. 

From him, in Christian times, tribal genealogists derived the chiefs, and 
later writers the entire races of Ui Fiachrach and Tir Fiachrach (or Tireragh), 
and from his son Amhalgaidh, the Tir Ambhalgadha (or Tirawley). 
Amhalgaidh had a son Corb, or Corbri, probably commemorated on the 
oldest written record of the clan, the great pillar stone of Breastagh, erected 
to a “son of Corbri, son of Awley,” “ Maqu Corrbri Maq Ammlongatt.’”’4 

' See Mr. Knox, Roy. Soc. Antt. Ir. Journal, xxxi, p. 35. Tirechan distinguishes the “* eruachan’”’ 
from thethigh hill over it. Murrise Aigli is the shore district below it. 

2 «Book of Ballymote”’; see Silva Gadelica (S. H. 0’ Grady), vol. ii., p. 373. 

3 Some regarded Lugad and his son Conall Hachluath as Kings of the Ui Catbar and Ui Cora 
already settled in the later county Clare; but the idea of ‘‘ Clare’’ being rent from Connacht and 
the ‘‘ Lugad” tales colour all belief in Munster and Southern Connacht from the earliest times. 
They even originate a tabu of the King of Connacht, in the ‘‘ Book of Rights’’: ‘‘to the heath of 
Luchaid let him not go in a speckled cloak.’’ The event lay so close to the introduction of 
Christianity and written records as to be essentially historic. 

4 Journal Roy. Soc. Antiqq. Ir, yol. xxviii., p. 272, and plate. The son’s name is possibly 
Eolaing (gen. Iuleng), ‘¢ Ulengenqu.”’ 


12 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Aicill seems to have been a district at both sides of Clew Bay, including 
the present Achill. The latter name, now derived from the “eagles,” is 
found as “Eccuil ” in its first record, in 1285, and later on, “Eacuill,” or 
“ Acuill” 3} it evidently included the Curraun peninsula, to Bellacragher to 
the east of it, over which the ancient parish of Achill extends, now, as in 
Petty’s time.? To us it seems very probable that down to comparatively late 
historic times® the island of Achillbeg was joined to its great neighbour by a 
bank of boulder-clay, where the Blind Sound is now open, and that probably 
Achill Island itself was also a peninsula.* 

Giolla Iosa Mac Firbis about 1417 wrote a poem which tells us a few facts 
about the forts, then, as in much later times, used for residence. ‘ Dunfloinn, 
which none durst invade . . . a white-walled edifice ” 
eruach (round hill, or perhaps fort) is protected by a wattle fence” near 
Balla. The “splendid lime-white doorways” show that the custom in Kerry 
of whitewashing a broad band round the door and windows then prevailed.* 

The later history of the districts sheds very little light on their forts. 
The Burkes and Barretts in the Mullet, and the O’Malleys farther south, are 
traditionally connected with some of the structures. I see no reason to 

at Buninny. “Each 

doubt the making of such obvious places of refuge in even very late times. 
As I have shown in a recent survey of the Promontory Forts of Northern 
Kerry, we have at least two such forts—one, Dunanoir, made in 1579 ; the 
other, at Ballingarry, in 1637.° Certainly there is evidence for extensive 
rebuilding at Dunnamo, which legend connects with the Burkes, and 
Pococke considered Elizabethan, and for the Dangan of Kilmore, where, as 
at Dunvinalla,’ a mortar-built wall was constructed over apparently far older 
works. Onthe other hand, Porth and the rest of Kilmore give evidence of 
early occupation, as we shall see, while the impressive sense of age which the 
two great cliff forts of Cahercarbery, on Kerry Head, suggest,® is at least not 
weakened when we find that the recent excavations in the Welsh fort of Pen 

1(Q’Donovan refuses to decide if its name is derived from the eagles or the Nangles (Ord. Survey 
Letters, Mayo, vol. i., p. 340). It is Eaccuil, or Eccuill, 1235; Eacuill and Acuill, circa 1570 ; 
Aukilles, 1574; and Ackill in 1584. <A dialogue of Fintan and the ancient eagle of Wacuill is 
given in the Book of Fermoy (Ivish Texts, lt. I. Acad.), vol. xv., p. 43. 

2 “ Hibernia Delineata,’’ 1683, and ‘‘ Down Survey,’’ 1659. 

’'The breaking of Inis Fitae, in Co. Clare by the sea, in about 800 (799-802), and the cutting 
by the sea of the narrow neck which joined Dunros in Tirawley to the land in 1393, are recorded— 
the latter by Mac Firbis (note A. F. M., 1393). There is much evidence of submergence on the 
west coast of Ireland. 

‘ The fortifications of Dunnaglass are against a now non-existent approach from the west. 

° See ‘Hy Fiachrach,”’ pp. 265, 285, 194, 255. 

5 Journal Roy. Soc. Antiqq. Ir., vol. xl., pp. 115 and 193. 

* Dunbhinneala (O’ Donoyan), Doonminulla (Otway). 

8 Journal Roy. Soc. Antiqq. Iv., vol. xl., p. 123. 

Westropp—Larger Clif’ Forts of West Coast of Co. Mayo. 165 

y Corrdon' reveal the peculiar form of rampart occurring in both the 
Cahercarbery forts, and, so far as I am aware, nowhere else on the Irish coast, 
which probably gives that type of structure a considerable antiquity. 

Promontory Forts or Mayo. 

The northern coast of ‘Virawley and Erris has not been fully explored by 
antiquaries’; but it possesses two cliff forts of different types, and both 
probably of great age. The early ecclesiastical settlement of Downpatrick 
Head (Ordnance Survey map 7) seems to have succeeded a cliff fort, of 
which traces remain on the projecting headland, and on the great rock-pillar 
of Dunbrista. The headland of Port, in Conaghra, near Glenlossera (O. 8. 6), 
was probably another fort. There is a strong fortification of earthworks, 
with a mortar-built wall, at the huge rock-castle of Dunvinalla (Dun- 
bhinneala) at Portacloy (O. 8. 1). Doonmara (O. 8. 4) in Porturlin is 
probably the site of a shore-fort on a rock. Along the shore of Broadhaven 
(O. 8. 3 and 4) we first tind Dunanierin and Dunkeeghan, or Dookeeghan? (Dun, 
or Dumha Caochain,* in 1417), an entrenched headland, with the remains of a 
castle of the Barretts. Farther up the haven is Dunearton (0.5. 4), or 
Dunkirtaan (Dun Cartain); the headland is fenced all round, with the 
foundations of several buildings inside, and a castle and earthworks on the 
neck (O. 8. 4). 

Crossing into the Mullet, there may have been a fortified spur between 
two gullies on the eastern shore ; but the traces of the fosse are very slight, 
and the dry-stone wall is nearly removed. Along the western coast, how- 
ever, 1s a remarkable succession of fortified headlands. Spinkadoon (O. 8. 2) 
had a stone wall, and, I think, an outer fence, now almost levelled. The 
neighbouring Dun Fiachra or Dun Fiachrach was strongly fortified, as we 
shall see. Dunnamo (O. 8. 9), the chief fort of the Mullet, had an abattis, 
two fosses, and mounds, the inner capped with a dry-stone wall, and, on a 
rising ground inside it, a nearly levelled ring-fort. Dunaneanir, not far to 
the south, has a remarkable walled rock, only accessible by a reef at low 
water. Across a narrow chasm to the south, we find an unusually small 

1 Archaeologia Cambrensis, vol. x., Ser. vi., p. 79, and reprint by Mr. Willoughby Gardner, 
p- 34, for comparison with the forts at Kerry Head. 

? The use of ‘Dun’ and ‘ Dumha’ for the same structure is frequent in Inish literature. Sir John 
Rhys pointed out certain Gaulish divine epithets, ‘‘ Mercurius Dumiatus,’’ and ‘* Segomo Dunates,”’ 
which he suggested referred to the words ‘ Dumha’ and ‘ Dun’ (Hibbert Lectures, 1886, pp. 12, 34), 
perhaps referring to the hili-fort in which the god was reverenced. One of the *‘ Maqi Mucoi Netta 
Segamonas ”’ inscriptions lies in a ring-‘‘ fort ”’ at Island, Co, Waterford. The Journal Roy. Soe. 
Antiqq. Ir., vol. xxxvi., p. 251. 

3’ The Ui Mac Caochain tribe, as marked by O’ Donoyan on the map of Ui Fiachrach, runs half 
way from Cuan inbhir mhoir, or Broadhayen, eastward, 

16 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

entrenched headland, and the grave of Eanir (Han Fhir, ‘the lone man’). 
Near the glebe-house we have Dunadearg,a walled rock-tower, probably 
accessible only by a plank, or a natural arch, now fallen; and across the bay 
to the south, at the lowest point of the shore,is a long massive rampart 
(hereafter described) with the curious group of huts and souterrains inside its 
defence. The rest of the Mullet, with low or sandy shores, did not lend 
itself to such fortifications; and it is noteworthy that far inland from the 
shore we have described the ring-fort is almost unknown. Dun Dombhnaill 
and about six other ring-forts lie from Blacksod Bay to Glencastle; but only, 
at the most, two ring-forts' are recorded in the whole of the Mullet. 

We meet no further sites till we come to Achill* Its ring-iorts are 
notable for the unusual thickness of their walls compared to the size oi their 
enclosure, only four are recorded, and they are all greatly defaced; two are 
nearly levelled. An island called Dunmore and a headland Dunagappul remain 
near Doogort (O. 8. 42); about haléa mile eastward lie the Doonty sea-rocks. 
On the southern shore at Dooega Head, is a headland called also Doonty, 
over a cove named Gubadoon, “the mouth of the fort ” (O. 8.54). Farther 
eastward, in the Blind Sound, or Bealach-glas (O. S. 65),is an isolated fort, 
once on a promontory, named Dunnaglas. On Achillbeg are two cliff forts, 
Dunacurrogh’ (O. 8. 65), and the great and complex Dun of Kilmore (0.8.75). 

The forts south from Achillbeg, on Clare Island, Caher Island, Inishbofin 
and Inishark, are reserved for the survey of that group of islands. 

The allusions to the promontory forts in early writers down to 1200 are 
very few and vague, save the Cuchullin-Curoi legends in the Dindsenchas, 
and other works. The names Cathair and Dun are used for such forts in 
them as at present. For example, Balor’s Prison, on Tory Island, is Cathair 
Conaind, as well as Tor Conaind, in the Book of Leinster; Dunseverick, 
Downmacpatrick on the Old Head of Kinsale and Caherconree are Dun 
Sobairche, Dun Cernmna and Cathairchonrui in the “Triads.” Dun 
Crimthann on Howth was probably not the Bailey Fort, but on the Dun Hill 
or where the St. Laurences built their first castle at the harbour. Baginbun 
Fort seems to have been known as Dun Dombnaill at the time of the 
Norman invasion. Names like Dunnabrattin, Sritons’ (i.e. Welsh) fort, and 
Doonegall, foreigners’ (? Norse) fort, show that some of these structures were 
believed to have been made or garrisoned by invaders.* 

1 The supposed trace on a knoll near Elly, presumed by O*Donovan to be the fort Oileach, named 
as ‘beyond the waves’ of the Inver (Blacksod Bay) in 1417, and one in Emlagh. 

= Unless the “‘Doon,’’ a low shore rock on Tnvken North, be a fort, I could not learn its 

> Locally “‘ Dunacurroge.”’ : 

*<< Trish Triads” (ed. Kuno Meyer), Todd Lecture Series, vol. xiii, p. 5. Also ‘* Codex 

Wesrropp—Larger Cliff Forts of West Coast of Co. Mayo. 17 

The types which I suggested, in 1906, as a basis of a survey of the 
promontory forts, nearly all occur. They are: (a) the simple promontory 
fort with a single wall or mound and fosse—e.g. Spinkadoon, Dunaneanir, 
and Porth; (6) the complex fort of several earthworks, with or without a 
stone wall, eg. Dunnamo, Dun Fiachrach, Dunacurrogh, and Dunnaglass ; 
(¢) the “entrenchment and citadel,” of which no example occurs in the 
district under examination ; (d) the multiple fort, with a fenced promontory 
and lesser fortified headlands connected with it, such as Dun Kilmore. The 
predominance of the prefix “ Dun,” so marked all round Ireland, is especially 
marked in county Mayo. 

Of the features of the Mayo Forts from Broadhaven to Achill, we find, as 
usual, no perfect gateways; but enough remains to show the structure of the 
entrances at Dun Fiachra, Dunnamo, Porth, and Kilmore. Dunnaglass has 
a banquette or terrace—a very rare feature in such forts; it, Dun Kilmore, 
Dunnamoe, and Porth have the remains of huts. Steps—as is also true of 
Irish cliff forts in general—do not occur. Another rare feature, the earth- 
work with a banquette, which I noted in two cliff forts in Corcaguiny, Kerry, 
occurs in Dunnagappul on Clare Island, but is not in the scope of this 
paper. Fresh water, as a rule, is found close to, but not in any of, these forts. 

Dun Fracura (0.8. 2). 

Dun Fiachra, or more correctly Dun Fiachrach (pronounced Doonfiera), in 
Aghadoon.? Local tradition only remembers Fiachra as the owner of a famous 
“water-horse,’ mounted on which he used to leap across the narrow gullies 
into the Dun As we suggested, he may be perhaps identified with 
Fiachra Foltsnathach, ancestor of the Tireragh and Tirawley chiefs, living in 
the latter half of the fourth century, a generation before the introduction 
of Christianity into northern Connaught. It is interesting that his de- 
scendant, king Eogan Bel, was buried in a fort named Rathobhfiachrach 
and Rathuifiachrach, upright, holding his spear, and with his face turned 
northward against Ulster.° 

Palatino-Vaticunus”’ (ed. Rey. Dr. MacCarthy). Same series, vol. ili., pp. 147, 148). See 
also Dindsenchas (ed. W. Stokes), Revue Cellique, xv., p. 448 (ed. E. Gwynn), Todd Lecture Series 
vol. vii., p. 57. 

1 Journal Roy. Soc. Antiqq. Ir., vol. xxxy., p. 240. 

® Like Islandikane and other forts in county Waterford. 

’ Aghdoon in Petty’s maps, “‘ Down Survey” 1652, and ‘‘ Hibernia Delineata,” 1653, No. 33. 

4 There is also a legend that the dun was a resting-place of the hapless swan maidens, the 
daughters of Lir. 

5 “Tribes and Customs of Hy Fiachrach or 0’ Dowds’ Country ”’ (ed. J. O’ Donoyan, 1854), p. 472. 
Rathuifiachrach was probably on the opposite (north-eastern) border of Connaught. 

18 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acudemy. 

The place was not unworthy of so great a chief; it lies in the townland of 
Aghadoon in the Mullet, in the barony of Erris, at the north-west corner 
of county Mayo. A stream flows into the southern creek, which, like the 
opposite gully, ends in a beach of shingle on which quantities of wreck- 
timber are often washed up. Though only level with the opposite sides of 
these bays, it rises considerably higher than the land at the end of the neck. 
The cliffs of dark rock are brightened by thick veins of snow-white quartz, 
running up through the strata and with thinner side branches. A waterfall 
descends the cliff to the south, nearly opposite to the defences of the din. 


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Fre. 1.—Dun Fiachrach, the Mullet, Co. Mayo. 

Low down the narrow neck are the nearly effaced remains of a wall, 
about 6 feet in thickness; it has no fosse. Going westward by the narrow 
path, along the summit of the neck, at 58 yards from the first wall, we find a 
second, 8 feet thick, which, though levelled to the foundations, shows that it 
had two faces of large blocks, the interior being filled with earth and stones. 
At 18 feet from this, westward, is a short but well-marked fosse, 7 feet 
deep. It is 12 feet wide at the bottom, and 21 feet at the ground-level. 
A gangway, 8 feet wide, crosses it about 25 feet from the northern, and 
10 feet from the southern cliff. Inside this is a sloping glacis 18 feet 
wide, and nearly 40 feet from cliff to cliff. At the summit of its slope is a 
strong wall, very slightly curved (convex to the land); its faces were of regular 

Westrropp—Larger Cliff Forts of West Coast of Co. Mayo. 19 

blocks, with which the entrance passage is also lined; the filling was also of 
stones and earth. The bottom layer of the face is laid as stretchers ; the upper 
part as headers. The wall is from 9 feet at the passage to 10 feet thick; 
the entrance is 3 feet 9 inches to 4 feet wide, and looks towards the E.S.E., 
directly towards the old road-way which leads in that direction from the end 
of the neck up the slope of the shallow valley to the plateau. Inside the 
gangway on the glacis, just below the gateway, lies a slab of stone, very 
probably the lintel of the gateway; it is 5 feet 2 inches long, sufficient to 
span the opening, which is only 3 feet 9 inches wide—a mere “creep entrance.” 
Inside we see that the garth was fenced with a thinner wall, from 4 to 5 feet 
thick, of earth and stone. The space within the gateway is 29 feet 6 inches 
wide, the gateway being 6 feet from the southern, and 21 feet from the 
northern, of these fences. The narrow space widens into a broad garth on 
the summit of the head, falling in a fairly steep slope to the gate. The garth 
was tilled, and so no traces of huts or inner divisions remain. At about 136 
yards from the gate the sward ends and only a bare rock-surface—the earth 
washed away by storms—and heaps of rocks remain beyond. 

Dunnamo (0.5. 9). 

Dun na mbo, “the fort of the cows,” as Owen Heenaghan, of Emlybeg, wrote 
in 1821,' for, according to tradition, the people of the Mullet secured their 
cattle in its ambit during the terrible battle of Cross—a conflict unrecorded 
in history, but which set its mark deeply on the traditions at Termonearra.? 

The first to notice the fort, but not by name, was Dr. Pococke? (soon after- 
wards ordained Bishop of Ossory),in 1752. In that year he went from Achill 
to the Mullet. He called on Mr. Anthony O’Donnell, at Termon Carra, and 
rode along the sea-shore to the “ N.E.” (N.W.) of that place. He “observed 
a small detached rock which had some fortification on it (Dunaneanir), and, 
going further, saw a little head which was defended by a modern fortification 
made across the neck of it in Queen Elizabeth’s time, as they say, in order to 
deposit goods that were shipwrecked, that they might not be plundered. 
I went on further, and returned, seeing a little to the westward (south- 
westward) a passage underground from the sea where the tyde goes in about 
50 yards, and is seen from a large hole‘ over it.” The main interest in this 

1 Letter fastened into a copy of P. Knight’s ‘‘ Erris in the Irish Highlands,’’ R. 1. Acad. Library. 
O'Donovan (0.8. Letters, Mayo, vol. i., p. 251) says :—‘‘The name is locally pronounced 
Dun na mbo, as if signifying Dein of the Cows,’’ but suggests that the correct form is Dun modha, 
from the chief of the Clan Huamor. 

* See ‘‘ Erris and Tyrawley ’’ (Rey. Caesar Otway), p- $9. 

3 Dr. Pococke’s Tour in Ireland, 1752 (ed. Rey. Dr. G. Stokes), pp. 90, 91. 

+ Poulnashantinna, between Dunnamo and Dunaneaniv. 

R.I.A. PROO., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C. [4] 

20 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

is who “they” were whose statement, that so indubitably archaic a structure 
was Elizabethan, Dr. Pococke and his editor so readily received. 

The fort was first described by John Bernard Trotter,! who visited it 
October 4th, 1817. He mentions the rocks thrown up by the sea in storms, 
and continues :—“ Doonamoe point presents to the curious the spectacle of a 
very old and massive wall drawn across it with an entrance left, and a kind of 
large guard-house within on one side. In front stone stakes, of great height 
and size, had been driven in after the manner of the chevaux de frise. The 
nature or cause of this antique fortification is unknown to all the people of 
Erris.” He recognized its likeness to Baginbun, but considered it far more 
ancient, and possibly Danish. He does not mention the ring-fort, which had 
probably been levelled even before the time of his visit. 

P. Knight, ¢.£., in 1836, barely mentions “ Doon a moa” in a list of forts 
in Erris. He took no interest in such remains save “as showing the former 
importance of the country.” In an appendix he gives from his sister’s notes 
a very artificial and evidently “ touched-up ” legend, but possibly based on a 
real tradition. The owner of Dun Domhnaill, Donald Doolwee, reserves for 
himself “the peninsula on the west coast where the beautiful Doon a moa 
still stands.” 

John O'Donovan * gives us a most valuable study of its remains in 1838. 
Less aptly than Trotter, whose account he quotes, he compares it to the 
Norman fortifications at Rindown, on Lough Ree; but he had evidently 
at that time seen no other actual promontory fort. He continues :—“ The 
wall extends across the neck of the Rinn.‘ . .. The military wall of Dunamoe 
is in the secondary cyclopean style—that is, built of rude stones, without 
cement, but not of the massy character which distinguishes the age of the 
giants. It is 8 feet high, and seems to have been originally 15 feet high. 
It had a door or gateway in the middle, which is now entirely disfigured and 
destroyed ; and, on the outside, there is a trench of considerable depth sunk 
in the earth immediately under it and parallel with it. Inside this wall 
there are three small enclosures of oblong form (built of stone and lime-and- 
sand-mortar), and one larger than either outside it; but they are not ancient 
or coeval with the large wall (p. 254). 

“Near the south-eastern extremity of the Rinn are some slight traces of 
what I conceive to have been a round stone fort ; but its stones are so dis- 
placed by the Atlantic storms, which have thrown up among them a vast 

1 “« Walks through Ireland”’ (1812-1817; published in 1819), pp. 503, 504. 

* « Erris in the Irish Highlands.’’ 1836, p. 108 ; appendix, p. 167. The story is retold by Otway. 
* Ordnance Survey Letters, Co. Mayo (MSS. R.1.A., 14. £. 18), vol. i., pp. 251-256. 

‘His usage of the term ‘‘ Rinn”’ shows how Rindown had impressed him. 

Wusrropp— Larger Cliff Forts of West Coast of Co. Mayo. 21 

quantity of rocks and flags torn from the cliffs beneath that it is impossible 
now to form the slightest idea of its extent, ...o1r even to decide with 
certainty whether it was square or round.! 

“The stone stakes . . . are now nearly worn down to the stumps by the 
intruding Atlantic, which dashes upon them not only water, but sometimes 
pebbles and stones of some weight. The Atlantic here is as great a destroyer 
of antiquities as the utilitarian! . .. The angular buildings are decidedly 
modern ; but the stone stakes, the cyclopean wall, and the trench may be 
of considerable age.” 

The Rev. Caesar Otway *in 1845 gives a valuable sketch-plan and careful 
description so inaccessible to most readers that I must abstract it at some 
length :—“ Dunamoa,...a wall about 10 feet high..., from cliff to cliff, 
protected outside by a jfosse cut in the rock, and, in the centre, there was a 
gateway, protected by outworks containing caserns and covered ways of a 
singular and elaborate construction. This wall and the ruin bore marks of 
remote antiquity, their stones large and cyclopean.... The promontory ... bore 
traces of being fenced all round. .. . Near the seaward front, . . . inclining to 
the south, there are the foundations of a square building of some size;... its 
exact form I could not trace,...In front of the wall and besetting the 
whole plain...a great number of sharp, flaggy rocks are fixed on end. 
Mr. Michael Anthony O’Donnell, of Termoncarra, said that he remembered 
stones here not only much larger but more thickly set....They were... 
brought down to build the adjoining village.” Otway cites O’Donovan’s 
extract from Trotter for their former size, and says they were taken for 
quoins and sills in the adjoining village. Mr. O'Donnell also said that the 
tradition ran that Dunamoa “was erected by the Burkes, and was besieged 
and taken by the Danes.” Otway’s plan differs altogether from those of 
the Ordnance Survey and Mr. Wakeman’s paper ; but it is more accurate and 
makes one regret that a man capable of such solid work has left us so little, 
as he passed by most remains without description, while eagerly giving their 
legends. I reproduce his plan for comparison with my own.* His reason 
given for the destruction of the abattis is far more probable than that of 
O'Donovan, although stones of considerable size have been washed up and 
blown about in storms on headlands little lower than that of Dunnamo. Small 
pillar-stones over 5 feet long, suitable for an abattis, are not uncommon on 
the moor about a mile east from the fort. 

The three last writers to notice Dunnamo entered into little detail. 

1Tt is unmistakably oval. 2¢¢ Hrris and Tyrawley, pp. 67—71. 
3T was careful not to refresh my memory of his plan until my own was made and checked on 
the site. - 

29 . Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

Mr. W. Wakeman, who had visited the fort with O'Donovan in 1838, was 
resting at Belmullet, in 1886, after completing work in Sligo: Hearing of 
“lines of upright stones and an immense dry-stone wall,’ he recalled 
his former visit, and went after forty-eight years again to Dunnamo. 
Unfortunately his paper is almost confined to notes on the plan, which is 
very inaccurate. He notes the lines of stones more to the west (south-west), 
and shows a curved-walled fosse (really straight). The passage was 3 feet 
S inches wide; there were three bee-hive huts behind the wall, 9 feet long by 
4 feet 6 inches wide. The rampart was 210 feet long? 8 feet thick, and 
in places 18 feet high (really 8 feet), with no sign of mortar. The fosse was 
6 inches (really 8 to 9 feet) deep and about 14 feet wide. The abattis stones 
were in four rows. The circular fort was 109 feet in diameter. 

Ounnambo = 




Fic. 2.—Dunnamo Fort, The Mullet, Co. Mayo. 

A, rampart; &, fosse; c, shallow fosse; p, gateway; E, hut at gate; F, G, H, guardrooms; 
I, J, huts inside fort; x, enclosure. 

Dr. Charles Brown * (1894) notes that only the part of the wall “ over- 
hanging the sea on the south side” was perfect, the facing neatly fitted and 
without mortar. Colonel Wood-Martin,? in 1894, gives a brief account, based 
on Wakeman, and with his plan and view; he says the fosse is “a foot deep.” 

* For Col. Wood-Martin’s ‘‘ Rude Stone Monuments.” 

* Recte about 120 feet; the figures got reversed. 

* Proc. R.I-A. vol. iii., Ser. iii., p. 640 ‘‘ Ethnography of the Mullet,’’ &c. 
* ** Pagan Ireijand,” p. 190. 

Westropp—Larger Chiff Forts of West Coast of Co. Mayo. 28 

The fort is beautifully situated on a headland (240 feet high at the ring- 
fort) and commanding a noble view of the lighthouse on Eagle Rock, and 
southward to the huge mountains at Mulranny and Achill and to Iniskea 
Island along a series of foaming bays and dark headlands and reefs. 

The builders, as in the vast majority of such forts, took advantage of a 
fault in the cliff; that at Dunnamo is a deep-marked cleft ending in coves 
and conspicuous far away. Down the southern half of the fault a natural 
gully, with a small stream, saved half their work, and a broken, ragged 
slope outside it gave them a suggestion for the abattis. The illustration! 
shows how well they raised the wall on the mainly natural scarp. The fine 
layers of pink, grey, and dark brown gritstone, were more easily quarried, 
as a deep fosse was dug to the north side of the intended entrance. 

Describing the features in order, we first reach a patch of velvet-like 
sward, mainly sea-pink, in which some forty low stones, rarely exceeding a 
foot high, more usually barely rising over the surface, mark where the tall 
spikes rose a century ago. They begin at 30 feet from the outer entrance, 
and run in a patch, 18 feet wide and 15 feet out from the mound, for about 
66 feet. The lines at the northern end radiate from a point in the rampart 
where now no mark or feature is visible ; they all (as Wakeman noted) are in 
four rows. Unlike the abattis at Dun Aengusa, Dubh Cathair, and Bally- 
kinvarga, in Aran and Clare,’ there seems to have been a space between these 
spikes and the defences. This, if true, is a case of want of foresight, as 
giving free ground for an enemy to reform and move freely in an attack. We 
rather incline to think that the depression outside the mound, now nearly 
filled up, was a fosse, with an outer mound levelled when it was filled, and 
that the stones were set up to the latter earthwork. 

The next defence, and also confined to the north of the entrance; is a 
well-marked mound of earth, in front of it a clearly marked, but shallow, 
depression, 6 feet wide and about 6 inches deep, which some previous writers 
have confused with the effective fosse. It begins at 10 feet from the end of 
the entrance wall, running, like the other works, approximately towards the 
E.N.E.; then it can be seen for over 80 feet as far as to the gully at the 
“northern” end of the great fosse. It runs for 15 feet past the end of the 

1 Plate vi., fig. 1. 

2 See Proceedings R.I. Acad., vol. xxviii. (c), p. 21, and p. 180, and vol. vi., Ser. 3, p. 429; 
also Trans., vol. xxxi., Plates liii, lvii. 

3 Itis interesting to find that certain French promontory forts, of considerable complexity, are 
absolutely lop-sided, the entrance being along the edge of a crag, and the walls running across only 
part of the ridge or neck (Bulletin, Préhist. Soc. de France, 1908, p. 73 ; Couzon, 1909, p. 302; 
Clédar, Alpes Maritimes: Essai d’inventaire des Enceintes Préhistoriques (Castelars), du Yar. 
Dr. A. Gaebhard, 1906, from Compte rendu du premier Congrés Préhist. de France, p. 44, Le 

24 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

chasm, and then curves regularly round to meet it. This is evident 
proof that it curved round the mound, which, for at least 15 feet, 
has disappeared with the falling cliff since the earthworks were dug. 
A shallow fosse outside a stone wall, though rare, is not unknown. It 
occurs at Caherconree, a mountain cliff-fort, and is even mentioned as 
at the fort in the legend of Cuchullin, in “ Bricriu’s feast ”—“out over the 
stone wall (cathair) till he fell into the mire of the fosse at the palace-gate.”? 
We also find it at Doonaunroe, in Clare, and at certain Cork and Kerry 
ring forts, ike Staigue, Cahernanackree, and Cahermoygilliar. The mound 
is of the usual type, about 3 feet high and 9 feet thick on top. It is of light, 
rather loose soil, with a layer of stones under its surface, and above the 
present level of the field. The fosse is cut into the rock to the “north-east” 
of the entrance. It is straight, 6 to 7 feet under the field-level, and is 6 feet 
wide at the bottom, and 22 feet at the field-level. It commences at 28 feet 
from the entrance wall, and runs for about 54 feet to the break of the gully; 
as we saw, it probably ran for about 15 feet farther when entire. The 
inner mound is 21 feet thick, and is nearly covered by the dry-stone rampart 
and the talus of fallen stones to either side. 

Itseems that the original works consisted of the natural stream-bed, and 
scarps to the left (south-west) of the entrance and the fosse (or fosses), with 
the earth-mounds to the right. The rampart was probably rebuilt several 
times. The outer entrance seems different from any recorded in the primitive 
forts, not only in Ireland, but elsewhere in the British Isles, and on the 
continent of Europe; although external defences of the gateway, sometimes 
of considerable complexity, are not unknown. 

As shown by Otway (and the remains tally generally with his plan) the 
enclosure was shield-shape, running to a point, with the entrance in the 
right flank. It is about 46 feet long, the wall 5 to 6 feet thick. To the 
right, about 25 feet out from the wall, is a nearly levelled circular hut, 13 feet 
across, between the entrance and the head of the great fosse. ‘This and 
another hut (of which I saw no trace, and which Otway does not mark) to the 
left are shown, flanking the entrance, in the Ordnance Survey Map of 1840. 
Wakeman gives the gateway as 3 feet 8 inches wide, which closely agrees 
with that of Dun Fiachra (3 feet 9 inches), but no trace of this is visible 
through the debris, and a new wall built across the gap. 

The rampart is straight, resting for the “southern” part on the upturned 
ends of the strata along the fault; alow ledge about 9 feet high, apparently 
a natural scarp, turns back at the south-west end. The “northern ” part 
rests on the mound inside the fosse. The whole is 118 feet long, 65 feet 

1 Fled Bricrend (ed. G, Henderson, Irish Texts Soc.), p. 10. 

Wesrropp—Larger Cliff Forts of West Coast of Co. Mayo. 25 

3 inches to the south of the plan-line, the wall extending 52 feet 6 inches 
to the “north,” the mound for 15 feet more, stopping 15 feet from the 
cliff. It may have been 150 feet long in all before the northern gully fell in. 
It is 9 feet high, where most complete near the “ southern” end, or 17 feet if 
we include the low crag on which it stands. It is about 20 feet thick in the 
middle, and 14 feet at the “north” end. The facing is good and regular, of 
thin slabs of no great size; but very little now remains, as, unlike the 
limestone cathair walls elsewhere, there are no long headers to bond it, and 
the filling is small and loosely thrown in, not, as is usual, carefully packed 
behind the facing, as the latter was laid layer by layer. 

Taking the plan-line through the gateway as a conventional base, there 
is a space (7 feet long to the wall of the “northern” guard-room), which 
Otway shows as a second cell. The existing cell had an opening into it, 
and is irregular in plan, the north-east corner being cut off. It is 9 feet by 
5 feet; the door at the north-west corner,opens into a rectangular “ yard,” 
nearly levelled, at the south-west corner of which, adjoining the gateway, 
are the foundations of a circular hut, 7 feet 6 invhes in diameter inside. The 
walls seem about 3 feet thick in every case; there is abundance of blown 
sand and broken shells; but so far as I could find, on two examinations, there 
is no trace of mortar. To the “south” of the entrance is another guard- 
room, shown by Otway ; it is now so entirely overlaid with debris that only its 
outer wall, 17 feet 6 inches long and 8 feet thick, at 8 feet 9 inches from the 
line of plan, is discernible. At 10 feet from its “ south” end lies a circular 
hut 12 feet over all, with a somewhat square annexe, 12 feet each way (over 
all) to the south-west side. At 15 feet from this the rampart ends at the 
natural scarp, whence a steep, rough slope ends in a formidable precipice. 

There are no other hut-sites or ancient fences in the garth. On its highest 
point are the traces of the ring-fort. Only the eastern and western segments 
are traceable, and heaps of storm-blown stones from the rocky slope seaward 
conceal the outline. So nearly as I could measure it is 75 feet over all, east 
and west, and 63 feet north and south, by 51 feet east and west inside. The 
walls are about 12 feet thick; and it lies about 243 feet back from the 


Passing the fortified rock and unusually small promontory fort (barely 
27 feet each way) at Dunaneanir, we go down the coast, past the end of 
Portanalbanach, or “Scotch Port,” and the glebe, till beside the larger bay 
of Portnafrankagh, or “French Port,’ we reach a large headland known 
locally as “Porth” and “Port Point,’ which was defended by a great 

26 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

rampart on the landward side. As for the word ‘Port, if not derived from 
the bay, it is a not uncommon word for a fort.1. The Dindsenchas of Almu 
uses it as synonymous with /zs (les) and din; the “ Book of Rights” reserves 
it for chief forts, like those reserved to the King of Cashel. Like most native 
words for forts, it is not confined to any one type of defence. This, though 
very simple when compared with Dunnamo, or even Dun Fiachra, is so strong 
and unusual in its surroundings as to require careful consideration. Like 
nearly all the Mullet Forts (Spinkadoon, Dun Fiachra, Dunadearg, and the 
small cliff fort at Dunaneanir), it is unmarked, even on the new maps. Otway, 
in 1845, passed over its remains without noticing their character; and when 
My. O'Donnell pointed it out to him, it “required some accurate inspection to 
prove it to have been a fortification.” He found it to be a stone rampart 
reduced to 3 feet in height, with “indistinct traces of a gate and some side 
lodges.” There were extensive “caves, or rather burrows,” not regularly 
built souterrains.° 

Le — ; 


senvuralll at Ary, 
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= = 
Z & MOUND ares aaryyya 
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10 oO 10 20 30 40 SOFEET 

Fic. 3.—Porth Fort, and group of huts, Tie Mullet, Co. Mayo. 

The low headland, in fact, is fortified carefully against landward attack ; 
it was very accessible from the sea at many points; but the ancient occupants 
never even fortified a knoll inside it with a ring-wall. They built a great 
rampart on the lowest part of the neck, through even, marshy ground; they 
had not dug a fosse through the soft, wet field outside the wall, or carried back 
the end of their fortification along the low bank on the shore to the north for 

} Dindsenchas (ed. E. Gwynn, odd Lecture Series, yol. vii., p. 15; Leabhar na gCeart 
(Book of Rights, ed. O’Donoyan), p. 93. The Danish fort of Linn Duachail is called ‘‘ Longport ” 
in the Annals of Ulster. > -* Erris and Tyrawley,’’ p. 64. 

Westrropp— Larger Chiff Forts of West Coast of Co. Mayo. 27 

more than 25 feet. Another remarkable fact is that, save-in the cathairs of 
Moghane and Turlough Hill in Clare, and the Cahercarberys on Kerry Head,! 
I have never seen such evidence of systematic overthrow save where the fort 
was used asa quarry. Here at Porth this was not the case; the great lintels 
lie close to the defaced gates, and the marsh is strewn with the large slabs of 
the wall. If it was a great work arrested almost as soon as it was commenced, 
this could hardly be so ; and I incline to believe that the remains are the only 
record of some remote great tribal tragedy where a colony, possibly of sea~ 
rovers, was exterminated and their fortress carefully overthrown lest it 
should be used for other enemies. 

Destructions of forts are, of course, very common in early Ivish literature, 
and down to comparatively recent times, as in the “ Cath Finntraga,” where 
we read of the crowding into three forts near Fahan of the inhabitants and 
their domestic animals and their destruction by fire. In the “ Cathreim 


Conghail Clairinghnigh,”” however, we have a striking case of the extermination 
of an invading band and the demolition of their fortress, the Cathair of 
Muirn. Conghal bids his men “«destroy this cathair, that it may never be 
inhabited after us, and that the world may not be harried from it any more.” 
It lay on the seashore, and Conghal sails away with the booty. Earlier in 
the same story, which may date from the time of the Norse wars, we read 
how Niall comes in his chariot to Dundabeann’ (Sandle Mount), and sees its 
erianan and palace burning, the great cathair destroyed, and blood-stained 
bodies on its chief posts. The occupants of Muirn’s cathair, too, were all 
slain and enslaved, and the jewels distributed. So also in actual history we 
have such episodes as that in A.D. 869, when “Dun Main, in the west of 
Treland, was demolished, and an extraordinary and indescribable slaughter was 
effected there.’ The Norse plundered the promontory fort of Dun Sobhairche 
in 933.° 

The Niala Saga,’ in telling of the song of the Weird Sisters before the 
Battle of Clontarf in 1014, makes them prophesy of Ireland :— 

‘‘Now new-coming nations that island shall rule 
Who on outlying headlands abode ere the fight.”’ 

The site was in many ways desirable for invaders, having suitable creeks 

1 Journal Roy. Soc. Antiqq., Ir., vol. xxy., p. 224, and yol. xl., p. 123; also Proc. supra, 
vol. xxvii. (c), p. 218. 

2 Trish Texts Society (ed. Mac Sweeney), pp. 57, 144. 

3 This fort is also described in the ‘“ Mesca Ulad.”’ 

4 «¢ Wars of the Gaedhil with the Gaill’’ (ed. Todd Rolls Series), p. 33. 

5 @hronicon Scotorum (ed. Hennessy). 

6 < Burnt Nial,’’ Sir G. Dasent’s translation (ed. 1900), p. 328. 

R.1.A. PROO., VOL. XXIX., SECT, C,. [5] 

28 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

for their ships, rich grass inside and before the wall, rabbits in the sandhills, 
fish, shell-fish, and birds round the shore. The other promontory forts, on the 
other hand, were on high, steep cliffs, with unsheltered, inaccessible creeks 
unfit for seafarers, but very suitable for places of refuge of the landward 
population during a raid. 

The simplicity of the fort favours a belief in its great age. The wall is 
10 feet thick in one section, without steps, terraces, or elaborate gateways. 
The northern end is returned along the low cliff for 24 feet; thence it runs 
southward (by compass), being of large stonework without filling, usually 
4 or 5 feet high outside. 

At 290 feet from the northern bend it turns abruptly to the S.S.W., each 
reach being in a straight line. This southern portion is inferior and perhaps 
later, being of stone-faced earthwork, 8 to 10 feet thick. It is fairly preserved 
for 78 feet, then nearly levelled, but still traceable for 45 feet to the end of 
the low drift-bank, 10 to 12 feet high, on the shore of Portnafrankagh Bay. 
The blocks of the northern part are often 3 feet to 4 feet 6 inches, and 2 feet 
to 2 feet 6 inches, anda foot to 15 inches thick. They are well laid but with 
open joints. At 156 feet from the north is a gateway, the piers between 
3 and 4 feet high. There are apparent remains of a second entrance, and, still 
farther south, of a third gap without piers. The lintels lying near the first 
two measure 4 feet Ginches and 5 feet 2 inches long. The first ope, like those 
of the cliff-forts, was under 4 feet wide. The whole wall is 436 feet long. 

I saw no “ guardrooms,”’ but there were some slight walls at right angles 
to the rampart. At 117 feet westward from the gap we find on a low rocky 
knoll an early settlement. At the south end is a sunken cell 6 feet inside, 
whence a passage curves to the north and east. There is an ambry in the 
first, such as we find in beehive huts in Kerry, and in a souterrain in one of 
the cathairs of Ballyganner, County Clare. The passage is 21 feet long, 
Near the end is a hut-ring 18 feet across, and to the north-east of the last a 
few feet away another hut, with two cells 6 feet and 3 feet wide inside, and 
24 feet over all. Further north 12 feet away is another curved souterrain 
36 feet long, bending to the north-east round the outside of the last hut. A 
low oval mound, 12 feet by 9 feet across, lies 18 feet from another house-site, 
15 feet by 12 feet, which is 9 feet from the two-celled hut. Northward, also 
9 feet away, is an irregular enclosure, its wall, 6 feet thick to the west and 
south, and 3 feet elsewhere, divided by a crescent wall into two rooms; the 
southern is 12 feet each way, the northern 15 feet long. A nearly levelled 
hut, 21 feet over all, adjoins the last on the south-west. All is levelled to 
about a foot high, and the subterranean parts are uncovered, probably by 
Mr. Dawson before 1841. 

Wesrropp—Lurger Clif, Ports of West Ooust of Oo. Mayo. 29 

Dun Kitmore (0.8. 75). 

The most complex of the Irish promontory forts, save Doon-Eask Fort 
near Dingle,! is ‘“ Dun Kiluole,” or Dun Kilmore, on Achillbeg Island. It is 
most remarkable that such a work escaped the notice of the Surveyors; 
neither it nor the name appears on the Ordnance Maps. It shows how 
unfavourably the determination to dispense with antiquarian aid has affected 
the Survey from a national point of view, when such forts as Dunroe, Porth, 
Dun Fiachra, Doon Castle, and Doonaunmore promontory forts are absent 
from “authoritative maps,’ and others like Dunabrattin, Ferriter’s Castle, 
Meenacarroge, Brumore, Dundahlin, and Doonegall have only recently been 
marked ; but the surveyors are hardly blamable. 

£. HUTS. 





200 300 


C-d & e-F, are identical. 

YL 7 

Grug\* 1910. ieee ae a Shee NY udreyya 
Fia. 4.—Dun Kilmore, Achillbeg, Co. Mayo. 
The fort, or series of fortifications, stands on three low headlands west- 

ward from the Scalp or low valley through the Islet. 
At the landward end we first find a fosse 10 feet wide and rarely over 

1Journal Roy. Soc. Antiqq. Iv., vol. xl., p. 281. 


30 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

4 feet deep, with a stone-faced earthwork inside, convex to the land. The 
mound is about 20 feet thick and 9 feet high; much of it only retains the 
facing for about 4 feet up from the fosse ; but near the northern bend? is a reach 
8 to 10 feet high, well built of carefully laid slabs, with a regular batter of 
1 in 4 to 1 in 5—a rather unusual slope. This rampart is 138 feet long, and 
has fallen with the cliff at the southern side, but runs along the northern cliff 
(a steep, grassy slope), and meets the ring-fort. The gateway faces the east, 
and is 6 feet wide, lined with set slabs like those in the evidently very early 
forts of Moghane and Turlough Hill. 

Entering the forecourt we find, at 36 feet from the inner piers of the 
gate, a kerb-like row of blocks running N.N.W. and S.S.H.; its object is not 

At 65 feet from the outer gate we reach a fine ring-fort.” There is no 
trace of an outer mound; and the fosse is nearly filled to the east. A gate- 
way faces the outer gate, which it exactly resembles in design and width. 
The mound is earthen, and was once stone-faced all round, though litle of 
the masonry remains. It is 20 feet thick and rises 4 feet to 6 feet over the 
garth; and to the west it is 18 feet thick and 9 feet high above the ditch. It 
measures 259 feet over all, east and west, and 220 feet inside, the northern 
part having fallen with the cliff; the garth is only 150 feet across, north and 
south. The western fosse is 6 feet wide below, 10 feet at the field-level, and 
3 to 5 feet deep. It still holds water in wet weather, as we had every 
opportunity of observing in the late August, so destructive, by its endless 
storms and rain, in County Mayo. There is a gangway 3 feet wide, 45 feet 
from the northern cliff, opening westward; thence there is for 18 feet a deep 
cutting into the ring, with set slabs, and long since grassed over. The ditch 
is 4 feet 6 inches deep for 96 feet, and more shallow for 114 feet to the edge 
of the south cliff, which is uninjured, and forms a steep, grassy slope. 

In the garth is an early burial-ground called Kilmore; no trace of a 
church remains, but there are numerous graves lying east and west in a low 
rectangular mound, hardly a foot high, measuring 43 feet east and west, and 
25 feet north and south. There are also some small cist-like enclosures of 
slabs, and a round, low slab pier or altar, 3 feet high and 6 feet across at 
16 feet from the east gateway. A similar “altar” lies outside the mound at 
54 feet to the west of the last, and 100 feet from the north cliff. Each is 

1 Plate VI., figure 2. 

* The occurrence of a ring inside a promontory fort is not unprecedented. Besides Dunnamoe in 
Treland, the two promontory forts at Appenay sur Belléme (Orne), France, have each a low ring- 
fort or mote, 6 feet high, the earthworks rising nearly 11 feet over the fosse; they yielded worked 
flints and fragments of vases. The fosse is nearly 56 feetdeep. (Bulletin Soc. Préhist. de France, 
1910, p. 325.) 

Wesrropp—Larger Cliff Forts of West Coast of Co. Mayo. 31 

heaped with rounded stones from the shore, nearly all of pure white quartz, 
which frequently are laid ex voto on undoubted altars and on holy wells 
elsewhere. On my asking one of the bystanders if such was the case, there 
was some hesitation in the reply; and at last we were told that it was 
children put them there, and that the place was not a Christian burial- 
ground. A basin, or “ bullaun,” 16 inches across in a block of brown gritstone, 
lies near the north-west corner of the mound, as is common in old graveyards. 
There are hut-enclosures against the rampart to the north-west. 

At 167 feet from the ring-fort we reach a creek between the two outer 
headlands. ‘The neck of each is fortified. The southern, called the Dun, 
has two fosses, with three mounds running straight across it, at 30 feet from 
the head of the creek. ‘The outer mound is barely traceable and 8 feet wide ; 
the outer fosse is 9 feet to 10 feet wide and 4 feet to 5 feet deep. The 
central mound is 16 feet wide, and appears to have had a strong fence to its 
landward face, leaving a banquette behind. This feature occurs in better 
preservation at Ferriter’s Castle in Kerry, and the inner west mound of 
Cahermurphy Castle in Clare. Traces also occur in Doonagappul on Clare 
Island, which bears considerable likeness to the inner Dun of Kilmore. 
Inside is another fosse, 16 feet wide above, and in parts 7 feet deep. It hasa 
levelled inner mound, 7 feet to 12 feet thick. 

The middle of the fosse is filled up from 42 to 71 feet from the northern 
cliff by a hut nearly levelled,and measuring 27 feet north and south by 
32 east and west over all, with walls, 6 to 10 feet thick. ‘The whole work- 
are 125 feet long, and the ends seem uninjured by the sea. There are no hut- 
sites on the headland, off the end of which is a detached rock of equal height 
with the Dun. 

The northern headland is called “Dangan.” We were told that last 
year (1909) the side-wall of a mortar-built structure of that name, with 
several “loop-holes” in it, sipped down the north cliff. There is faint trace 
of a wall across the neck; then, at 138 feet from the end of the creek, is a 
fosse, 28 feet wide at the ground-level, 9 feet deep, and 36 feet long, to the 
south of the gangway, which follows the line of the ridge of the neck. All 
to the south has perished in the landslip which, with masses of stones of the 
overthrown building, hung about 12 feet down, needing but little to start it 
again on its journey into the sea below. 

Inside the fosse is the wall, below of dry stone (or, rather, perhaps a 
stone-faced mound), on which rests the base of a mortar-built wall, 10 feet 
thick, and barely 4 feet high. It was probably a medizval guardhouse, built 
across the older works, utilizing the northern half of the fogse for a 
basement story. 

32 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

While I was told by a young man, of his own accord, a story of two 
giant brothers, residents in the Dun and the Dangan, one of whom by 
mistake killed the other, “ with a shot,’ and then slew himself, I found some 
unexplained hesitation in giving any information about the graveyard. The 
altars (so the older men said) were over the giants; but they denied that 
Kilmore was a Christian burial-place, or that pebbles on the altars were ez 
voto. The natives, during our two visits, treated us with the utmost kindness 
and courtesy, nor, save in that matter, showed any unwillingness to tell all that 
they knew of the places or themselves. As to burial in promontory forts, such 
cases occur as the ogham pillar in Dunmore on the Blasket Sound in Kerry 
and the “ giant’s grave ” in Doon Hask in the same county. There is a very 
curious case, dating about 990, given in the Eyrbiggia Saga. A certain 
Thorulf died, and his body acted as a vampire, slaying men and cattle. The 
neighbours, as the Ulstermen did in the case of Eoghan Bel in this very 
province, exhumed the corpse aud removed it with some difficulty to a little 
headland, where they re-interred it. His son Arnkel then raised a wall right 
across the promontory, to the landward of the “ howe” (mound), sufficiently 
lofty “that none might come thereover,’ and imprisoned the vampire. 
The remains of the wall about 18 feet high, remained on “ Haltfoot’s Head ” 
in Iceland when the saga was written.* 

It would be unpardonable to dogmatize as to the age of these singular 
defences. Whether the inner headlands were first entrenched and then the 
outwork or the ring-fort was made nearer the land, or whether the outwork 
was the afterthought, I dare not try to decide. I incline to believe that it 
was later than the ring-fort—first, because such an annexe to ring-forts 
(whether of earth or stone) is always later than the principal fort and also 
because the cutting away of the northern part of the ring while the northern 
bend of the annexe remains, suggests that the original full width of the cliff 
was occupied by the fort. There is no reason to assume that the latter was 
a crescent, or it is more likely to have been closed to the north for shelter, as 
there was an equally safe cliff on the south side, on which it could have been 
made to abut. 

It is, however, very evident that an early Christian church (or churches), 
perhaps of wood and clay, was built inside the ring-fort. Churches—for 
“Kilmore” may imply a “Kilbeg,” timber—because in a place so little 
disturbed traces of stone oblong buildings might be expected to remain.’ 

1 « The Story of the Eredwellers-Eyrbiggia Saga’ (W. Morris and E. Magnusson), pp. 91, 92, 
and Notes, pp. 281, 282. It was written about 1220; but the hero is alleged to belong to the end of 
the tenth century. 

*As we have more than once pointed out, the present nearly treeless condition of the district 

Westrope— Lurger Cliff Forts of West Coast of Co. Mayo. 33 

The name “ Kildanat” is shown at this place in Petty’s map of Mayo, 1653 ; 
in 1683, in “Hibernia Delineata,’ and Kildanai on Watson’s map, 1786; 
There is another Kildawnet near the castle, not far up the Sound from 
Achillbeg. The defacement of the defences of the Dun, by an evidently early 
hut, shows that the inner fort was regarded as of no importance by the 
later occupants of the headland. 

The number of legends of giants attached to the cliff-forts of Mayo is 
noteworthy, and evidently implies that, to the natives, the structures lay in 
an unremembered past. Dunbrista was the abode of the giant “Geodruisge,” 
Duneartan of “ Kirtaan,’ Dundownall of “Donnell Doolwee.” Fiachra, 


“ Hanir,’ and “Darrig” seem to have been of superhuman size—Fiachra’s 
horse having been able to leap into Dun Fiachra; “ Hanir’s” grave being 
12 feet long; and “ Darrig” having been perhaps able to leap over the chasm 
into his fort. Otway, however, was told that “Darrig” was a recent outlaw. 
The red rocks of the fort of Doonadearg and the ring entrenchment at the 
point near the single grave show that both persons were made from the 
names, simple though these were. All these gave their names to fortified 
headlands, whence Dun Fiachra, Dunaneanir, and Dunadearg. The alloca- 
tion of a residence to each giant brother at the Dun and the Dangan at 
Kilmore, and the accounting for the ringwork as the burial-place, are more 
interesting as a piece of folklore. 

Dunnamo and Dunanierin, on the other hand, were the work of mere 
men in local tradition in Mayo. On the Clare and Kerry coasts, and those of 
Aran, Waterford, Wexford, and Dublin, I never found any supernatural 
being regarded as a fort-builder on the headlands, nor any supernatural 
occupants but the “Grey man” of Dunlecky and the “ Maelchu”’ (or earless 
dog) of Browne’s castle. 

In selecting these typical forts I was tempted to include others like 
Dunnaglas; but I think the cases described above are sufficient to clear the 
ground and form a preface to the account of the antiquities of the more 
southern islands, whenever, and by whomsoever, laid before the Academy. 

proves nothing, as there is abundant evidence in names and documents that many regions were 
thickly forested even in the early seventeenth century. 

1 Specially confected out of the personal name Maelchu, to account for the place-name Clash- 
melchon. Journal Roy. Soc. Antiqq. Ir., vol. xl., p. 108. 


[ 34 ] 



Puates VIT.-IX. 
[Read Fepruary 27. Published Apri 1, 1911.] 

NoTHING appears to be known at present about any manufacture of glass 
in Iveland previous to the close of the sixteenth century, and even for a 
considerable time after that the records are very scanty. 

In the year 1589 one George Longe, in a petition to Lord Burleigh 
(Lansdowne MSS.) asking for a patent for making glass, proposed to reduce 
the number of glass works in England, and to set up eleven new glass houses 
in Ireland. 

Longe stated in his petition that he had found the materials and had 
brought to perfection the making of glass in Ireland, having employed at 
least twenty-four persons for two years, and spent upwards of £500 on the 
undertaking. He also stated that he bought the patent for glass-making in 
Treland from Captain Thomas Woodhouse, who, together with a Ralph Pylling, 
assisted him in setting up two glass houses. Woodhouse had obtained a patent 
in 1588 for eight years for making glass in Ireland. 

Nothing further, however, seems to be known concerning any glass made 
in Iveland by Longe, or even where his glass houses were situated. 

In 1608 an Adam Whitty of Arklow obtained a licence to manufacture 
glass in Leinster for ten years. 

The next record we have relates to a glass house near Birr early in the 
seventeenth century. In “Iveland’s Naturall History,” by Gerard Boate, 
published in 1652, it is stated that, early in the century, several glass houses 
were set up in Ireland by the English, among the principal of which was 
that near Birr, which was said to have supped Dublin with drmking-glasses 
and window glass. Boate also states that at this period no glass houses were 
erected in Dublin or other towns, but all in the country; and that the sand 
for glass-making came from England; the alkali was obtained locally from 
the ash-tree, and that the clay for the pots came from the north. 

Cooke’s “History of Birr” states that in 1623 Sir Lawrence Parsons 
granted a lease of part of the lands of Clonoghill, near Birr, to Abraham Bigo, 
with a proviso that the tenant was not to set up any glass house or glass- 

Wesrropp—Glass-Making in Ireland. 35 

work on any other land, or to buy any wood of any other for his glass-work, 
but only of said Parsons. This glass house appears to have been carried on 
until Easter, 1627, when the lease was surrendered. 

Remains of an old glass house, which may have been that erected by 
Bigo, were discovered about forty years ago at Clonbrone, near Birr. 

The Bigo family appear to have been refugee glass-makers from France, 
who came to England and finally settled in Ireland early in the seventeenth 
century. Besides the Birr glass-works carried on by Abraham Bigo, Philip 
Bigo, in the reign of Charles II, obtained grants of land in the neighbourhood, 
and is said to have established glass-works, but no traces of them have yet 
been found. 

Most of the glass houses erected in Iveland after about the middle of the 
seventeenth century being in towns, those in the several towns will be noted 
separately under the town in which each was situated. 


The earliest record of a glass house in Dublin occurs in the second half of 
the seventeenth century, though exactly when it was set up is not at present 
known—-probably about 1670. 

In D’Alton’s “ History of the County of Dublin” mention is made of a 
glass house having been erected by a Captain Philip Roche, presumably late 
in the seventeenth century. 

This glass house was probably in Mary’s Lane, Dublin, as it is stated that 
it was afterwards carried on by a Mr. Fitzsimons; and a Christopher Fitzsimons 
was proprietor of a glass factory in this locality early in the eighteenth 

In the Parish Registers of St. Michan’s Church, Dublin, several entries 
occur, from the year 1677, relating to glass-makers, and in March, 1696 (0.s.), 
there are entries of the burial of the following seven persons who were killed 
by the fall of the glass house, viz.:—William Loecraft, Daniel Smith, Charles 
Wheaton, Bartholomew Rivers, John Robinson, William Leasy, and Laurence 
Hughes. The glass house was probably soon rebuilt and the manufacture of 
glass continued. 

Philip Roche, who lived at Finglas, died in December, 1713; and in his 
will, amongst other bequests, left £20 to the son of the widow Fitzsimons, 
£5 each to John Lynch and Philip Hudson at the glass house, and to 
Mrs. Fitzsimons, for the use of her children, the first £100 coming to him out 
of the glass house. 

Fitzsimons probably carried on the manufacture after Roche’s death, his 
name being the only one afterwards mentioned in connexion with the factory. 


36 Proceedings of the Royal trish Academy. 

In 1755 Christopher Fitzsimons petitioned Parliament for aid to carry on 
the manufacture of flint glass in Dublin. 

Tt is said that the factory was afterwards carried on by Fitzsimons’ son, 
who, at length, discontinued the business, and became simply an importer of 
English glass. The name of Christopher Fitzsimons appears in Dublin 
directories from about 1760 to 1779 as a glass merchant at No. 1 George’s 
Hill. The glass house appears to have been situated on the piece of ground 
bordering on Mary’s Lane, between George’s Hill and Bradogue Lane (now 
Halston Street). It is marked in maps of 1773 and 1787, but no mention of 
it occurs in directories of these dates; and the latest reference to it in the 
newspapers appears in 1759. Probably it ceased work about 1760. 

From 1729 to 1752 several advertisements relating to this glass house 
oceur in The Dublin Journal which are worth recording, as they give lists 
of the various articles made : 

Noy. Ist, 1729.—At the Round Glass House in Mary’s Lane, Dublin, are 
made and sold all sorts of fine drinking-glasses, salvers, baskets with handles and 
feet for desserts, fine salts ground and polished, all sorts of decanters, salts, &e. 

Jan. 18th, 1746——At the Round Glass House, in Mary’s Lane, the fire 
being now out after working a considerable time, are sold all sorts of the 
newest patterns of drinking-glasses, decanters, &c., fine large globe lamps for 
halls, for one to four candles, bells and shades, mounted in the newest 
patterns with brass; all kinds of specia glasses for apothecaries, jars for con- 
fectioners; with salvers, baskets, sweetmeat, and jelly-glasses. It is the 
only art or work of its kind in the Kingdom carried on. All double flint wine- 
glasses, decanters, water-glasses, and saucers at 7d. per lb., the single flint at 
2s, 4d. per doz., 14 to the dozen. Dram and whiskey-glasses at 1s. 6d. per 
dozen, 14 to the dozen. In exchange will be allowed for double flint broken 
glass 24d. per lb., and for single 14d. per Ib. 

Dec. 9th, 1746.—At the Round Glass House, in Mary’s Lane, are making 
all sorts of the newest fashion drinking-glasses, water-bottles, decanters, jugs, 
water-glasses, with saucers plain and moulded; all sorts of jelly-glasses, silly- 
bub-glasses, sweetmeat do., for desserts; salvers, orange-glasses, covers for 
torts, bells and shades; hall-lanthorns for one to four candles, barrel- 
lanthorns, globe lamps, &c., all mounted with brass after the newest fashions 
from London. All sorts of apothecaries’ bottles, specia glasses of all sizes, 
rounds, urinals, breast and sucking-bottles, cupping-glasses, funnels, &e. All 
sorts of tubes, globes, &c., for electrical experiments, weather-glasses, receivers 
for air-pumps, and all other sorts of philosophical instruments. The under- 
takers of said work are making the necessary dispositions for carrying on 
likewise the making of black bottles, melon-glasses, gardevins, &c. 

Westropp— Glass- Making in Ireland. 37 

Jan. 4th, 1752.—At the Round Glass House on George's Hill near Mary’s 
Lane are made and making all sorts of the newest-fashioned drinking-glasses, 
water-bottles, claret and Burgundy ditto, decanters, jugs, water-glasses with 
and without feet, and saucers; plain, ribbed, and diamond-moulded jelly- 
glasses of all sorts and sizes, sillybub glasses, comfit and sweetmeat ditto for 
desserts, salvers, glass plates for china dishes, Toort covers, pine and orange 
glasses, bells and shades, hall lanthorns, globe lamps, chamber ditto, glass 
branches, cut and plain barrel lanthorns, etc., all in the newest-fashioned and 
most elegant mounting now used in London. All sorts of apothecaries’ bottles, 
together with tubes, etc., for electrical and philosophical experiments. All 
sorts of cut and flowered glasses may be had of any kind to any pattern, 
viz.: wine-glasses with a vine border, toasts, or any other flourish whatsoever; 
beer ditto, with the same; salts with or without feet, sweetmeat glasses and 
stands, cruets for silver or other frames, all in squares and diamond-cut; 
gardevins, tea-canisters, mustard-pots, crests and coats of arms, sweetmeat 
bowls and covers, jars and Bakers for mock china, ete. As this is the only 
manufacture of glass in the kingdom, no expense has been spared by the pro- 
prietor to procure the best workmen, and newest patterns from London, and 
he promises the greatest satisfaction in regard to colour and workmanship. 

As seen in the above advertisements, the proprietor states that he is the 
only manufacturer of glass in Ireland; but as will be seen two other glass 
houses were erected in Dublin about 1730 and 1734, which, however, appear 
to have ceased work before 1752. 

About 1730 a glass house for making bottles and window glass was erected 
on the Bachelors’ Quay, and was carried on by some of the original partners 
until about 1741. In that year it was advertised for sale; and application 
was to be made either to William Maple, Esq., Dublin, Edward Shanley, 
Dublin, or to the Rev. Richard Stewart, Belfast. 

Probably the manufacture was carried on for some years, as in November, 
1747, John Bradshaw, Edward Ford, and Edward Shanley petitioned Parlia- 
ment for aid, and stated that they had lately erected a bottle-glass house. 
Parliament decided that they deserved encouragement. 

In 1752, however, the piece of ground extending from the Bachelors’ Quay 
to Abbey Street, on which the glass house was built, was advertised to be let; 
and it was stated that the glass house was as large and as well suited for 
bottle-making as any in England; application was to be made to Alderman 
Hans Bailie or to Mr. Hugh Darley. 

In 1754 William Deane & Co. purchased the glass house from Bailie for 
£1200, and carried on the bottle-making industry. This glass house was 
known as the Square Glass House. 

38 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

About 1754 a company, consisting of Hugh White, Annesley Stewart, 
Thomas Hawkshaw, and George Boyd, was formed for the purpose of making 
glass bottles ; and a glass house, known as the Round Glass House was erected 
in Abbey Street. In 1757 Deane & Co. joined with Hawkshaw & Co., and 
carried on the manufacture of bottles, and afterwards that of window-glass, 
the latter of which they said was unknown in Ireland before. 

In 1758, besides bottles and window glass, they advertise large glass bells 
for gardens, glass vessels suitable for picklings, sweetmeats, etc., particular 
kinds of bottles for preserving orange and lemon juice, gardevins, rounds for 
apothecaries, and any green or bottle glass-ware desired. 

In 1756 Hawkshaw & Co. received £1500 and Deane & Co. £2000 from 
Parliament for carrying on the glass manufacture, and in 1767 Deane & 
Hawkshaw obtained £150 from the Dublin Society for window glass valued 
at £2,600, and in 1769 £200 for window glass and bottles valued at £10,000. 

Some of Deane’s expenses when he started in 1754 are interesting :-— 
£800 for Stourbridge clay, £30 for Irish clay, £15 for colouring, £10 for 
sand, and £410 to fifty-four persons from abroad to settle and carry on the 

Deane & Hawkshaw appear to have carried on the bottle and window- 
glass manufacture until about 1794, when their names disappear from the 

In 1734 a glass house was erected in Fleet Street, nearly opposite Price’s 
Lane, for the manufacture of flint glass. Among the objects made were fine 
drinking-glasses, salvers, decanters, branches, globes for lamps, phials, glasses 
for confectioners, green glass vials for chemists and apothecaries, and bells 
for gardeners. 

In 1741 the proprietors appear to have had some trouble with the fire, as 
they advertise London glass, which they will sell at their former prices until 
they can light the fire. 

In 1752 they appear to be still importing English glass, and there is no 
mention of their actually making any glass; while in 1756 a Hugh Henry is 
stated to have purchased the whole stock-in-trade of the glass warehouse. 

No glass house is marked in Fleet Street in Rocque’s map of Dublin 
dated 1756. 

In 1747 a bottle-glass house was erected on the North Wall, a little below 
the present Custom House, the site being known as The Foot Lots, Nos. 1, 2, 
and 3. The glass house was burnt in 1748, but was rebuilt the same year. 

In 1754 and 1760 the site was advertised for sale; but whether the glass 
house had then ceased working is not known. By the year 1768, however, 
the works were closed, as in that year a Henry Roche, stone-cutter, took the 

Wustropp—Glass-Making in Ireland. 39 

premises where the glass bottle factory formerly was on the North Wall. A 
glass house is marked on this site in maps of Dublin of 1773 and 1787, but 
no mention of it occurs in directories of these dates. 

In 1748 a glass house on the North Strand is mentioned, as in Zhe Dublin 
Journal of November 29th, 1748, it is stated that “a gentleman left some clay 
with Mr. Minty at the Glass House on the North Strand to make tryal of.” 

In 1750 a new glass house was erected at the lower end of Lazer’s Hill. 
The advertisement in Zhe Dublin Jowrnal of June 9th, 1750, states that the 
following articles were made, viz. :—Wide-mouthed quart and pint gooseberry 
bottles suitable for pickles, etc, gardevins of any size; pint, quart, pottle 
and gallon rounds for druggists and distillers, round and square canister 
bottles for snuff or flower of mustard, small garden bell-glasses; tavern and 
public-house quart, pint, and half-pint decanters for wine, cider, and ale. All 
the above goods of bright green glass. This factory does not seem to have 
lasted very long. No other notice of it occurs; and it is not marked on 
Rocque’s map of 1756. 

In July, 1754, a William Gordon brought over from England a number of 
workinen for a new glass house which was erected in Abbey Street opposite 
the Ship Buildings: and in August of the same year it is said they were making 
bottles as good as any imported. In 1761 it is stated in an advertisement in 
The Dublin Journal that the proprietors of this glass house had brought the 
manufacture to such a degree of perfection that for several months past not a 
single bottle had been imported from Bristol, Liverpool, or any other part of 
England, and that they could afford to sell the bottles for 18s. per gross, being 
6s. cheaper than those formerly imported from England. This factory appears 
to have lasted for some years, being marked on a map of 1773. 

In 1759 an English company, with Thomas Smith Jewdwin, John Landon, 
and Henry Lunn, as proprietors, started a glass house in Abbey Street, for the 
purpose of making crown glass, and in the following year erected another for 
making all sorts of flint and green glass. 

In a petition to Parliament in 1768, the proprietors stated that they were 
natives of London, and had brought over skilled artists from abroad for 
making flint glass and bottles, that they had spent money in searching 
for and providing necessaries of the produce of Ireland for the manufacture, 
and that they trained and instructed Irish apprentices; but that the 
foreign artists refused to work with the Irish, which stopped the manufacture 
of window glass. They also stated that, in 1764, Hugh Boyd, of Ballycastle, 
asked them to take a lease of the Ballycastle bottle-glass house, at the rent 
of £1000 per annum. ‘his they did; but on Boyd’s death in 1765, his 
executor, Jackson Wray, behaved very badly, and threatened to imprison 

40 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

them for alleged debt. Owing to Wray’s persecution, Lunn said he would 
have to give up the manufacture of flint glass. 

Lunn, however, appears to have carried on the manufacture of glass in 
Abbey Street until 1795, when the glass house was taken over by Charles 
Mulvany & Co. Mulvany & Co., in 1801, commenced making window glass, 
while their output of flint glass was said to have been the most extensive in 
Iveland. This company carried on the manufacture in Abbey Street, and later 
also at Ringsend, until about 1837. 

About 1763 James Donnelly & Co., with English workmen, started a 
glass house in Marlborough Green, where all kinds of cut, plain, and flowered 
flint and green glass were made. In 1764 the glass house was enlarged and 
the furnaces rebuilt. 

This factory was probably taken over by the Williams family (Richard, 
William, and Isaac); for in 1764 Williams & Co., of Marlborough Green, 
obtained a premium for their glass from the Royal Dublin Society. 

In 1785 William and Richard Williams petitioned Parliament against the 
proposal to pull down the glass houses in the city of Dublin, and to erect 
them outside ; and stated that they had carried on the manufacture in the 
one place for nearly thirty years, and were employing about seventy persons. 

About 1772 Richard Williams opened a warehouse for the sale of his glass 
at 15 Lower Ormond Quay; and among the objects mentioned were lustres, 
girandoles, chandeliers, candlesticks, and candlemolds, pyramids, salvers, 
bowls, decanters, water-glasses, drinking-glasses, smelling-bottles, epergnes, 
hall and staircase bells, and many other articles of cut, plain, and engraved 
flint glass, and also plate glass. 

One of the Williams family erected a new glass house in Marlborough 
Street in 1777; but when the scaffolding was removed, it fell to the ground, 
killing four men. William Williams, who died in 1788, is said to have made 
flint, bottle, plate, and window glass; and in 1773 advertised garden glasses 
of all sizes, window glass in cribs, or cut in squares ; pickling-jars of all sizes; 
gardevins to fit any case, and any article and of any colour that is made of 
glass. The Williams family appear to have carried on the glass manufacture 
in Potter’s Alley until about 1831, when the concerns were taken over by 
Edward S. Irwin and Charles Irwin, who continued the manufacture until 

In 1785 iron works were erected by a Mr. Carrothers, near Ballybough 
Bridge ; but during the next year they were removed to Thomas Street ; and 
the concerns at Ballybough Bridge were taken over by Thomas Chebsey & Co., 
for the purpose of carrying on the manufacture of flint glass and plate glass 
for coaches. In 1788 they opened a warehouse in Jervis Street, which they 

Wrstropp—Glass- Making in Ireland. 4] 

called the “ Venice Glass House,” as probably they made some glass in the 
Venetian style. In 1798 Thomas Chebsey died, and the partnership was 
dissolved. John Chebsey and the other partners advertised for sale the 
warehouse in Jervis Street, the two glass houses at Ballybough Bridge, and the 
stock-in-trade, comprising large quantities of every article in the flint-glass 
trade, and also a large number of green and flint phials, rounds and tincture- 
bottles for apothecaries. The concerns at Ballybough Bridge were said to 
cover about two acres, with two fronts—one on to Annesley Bridge, and the 
other on to the North Wall. John Chebsey appears to have been connected 
about 1800 with the glass house in Newry, formerly belonging to Samuel 
Hanna. Chebsey & Co. apparently kept on the warehouse in Jervis Street for 
a couple of years ; but after 1800 their name disappears from the directories. 

This glass company made a considerable quantity of fine flint-glass. In 
1788 they exported a large consignment to Cadiz; and in the same year the 
glass houses were visited by the Lord Lieutenant and the Marchioness of 
Rockingham, accompanied by a number of the nobility, for the purpose of 
ordering a set of magnificent lustres for St. Patrick’s Hall and the new rooms 
at the Castle ; and in 1790 a large quantity of plain and cut flint glass from 
the Venice Glass House, Dublin, was advertised for sale in Kilkenny. From 
1787 to 1794, the annual value of the flint glass produced by Chebsey & Co. ~ 
varied from £4000 to £7000. The site on which Chebsey’s glass-works stood 
is now occupied by Vitriol Works. 

In 1787 it is stated that the demand for crown glass for the French 
market was so great that a wealthy English firm erected a glass house for this 
branch of the manufacture, at the foot of Ringsend Bridge; but no further 
allusion to this factory occurs. 

John D, Ayckbown, a London cut-glass manufacturer, whose name appears 
in Dublin directories from the year 1783, as a glass-seller, at 15 Grafton Street, 
advertises in 1800 as the proprietor of the “ New Venice Glass and Chrystal 
Manufactory,” on the Blackrock Road, near the Canal. After this his name 
still appears as a glass-seller, but nothing further appears to be known about 
his glass house. 

James Donovan, whose name occurs as a glass and china merchant on 
George’s Quay, and in Poolbeg Street, from about 1770, appears in the 
directories from 1819 to 1824, as a glass-manufacturer in Richard Street, 

In 1838 the Rev. Dr. Prior was proprietor of glass-works on Fitzwilliam 
Quay, Ringsend. This glass house was afterwards known as the Ringsend 
Bottle Company, and in 1883 exhibited black and white glass bottles at the 
Cork Exhibition. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. 0, [7] 

42 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Three other glass bottle companies also exhibited, viz.:—The Irish Glass 
Bottle Co., Charlotte Quay; The Dublin Glass Bottle Co., North Lotts; and 
Alexander Brown & Son, 175 Church Street; but no mention of white flint 
or cut-glass appears. 

In 1855 the brothers John and Thomas Pugh, from Cork, had a glass 
house in Liffey Street. They had formerly been in the employment of 
Charles and E. S. Irwin, and appeared to have carried on the business when the 
Trwins retired. 

In 1856 the proprietors were the two Pughs, George Collins, and Joseph 
Marsh; from 1864 to 1869, Pugh, Munkettrick, & Co.; and from 1870 to 
1896, Thomas and Richard Pugh. From 1864 to 1896, when the manufacture 
ceased, the glass house was in Potter’s Alley. 

The Pughs, who turned out large quantities of cut and engraved glass, 
flint glass, and also coloured glass, were the last of a long line of flint-glass- 
manufacturers in Dublin. 


The earliest record of a glass house connected with Waterford oceurs in 
1729. About this time one was erected within two or three miles of the 
town, on the banks of the Suir, at a place called Gurteens; but although 
practically belonging to Waterford, the glass house was really in Co. 

Advertisements occur in the Dublin Journal in 1729 and 1731, stating that 
all sorts of double and single flint glass, garden glasses, vials, and other green 
ware were made, together with bottles with and without marks. The 
proprietor, John Head, also stated that crown and other glass for windows 
was soon to be made. The manufacture was carried on until about 1741, 
when the glass house and twenty-one acres of land, with a good quay and 
slips, warehouses, sheds, and a malt-house, were advertised to be let for a term 
of years; application was to be made to Michael Head or to George Backas in 
Waterford. Materials belonging to the glass house were also to be disposed 
of, including pots, iron tools, kelp, and a large parcel of ingredients for making 
crown glass. Probably shortly after 1741, the manufacture ceased, as about 
1760 the whole of the lands were offered for sale, but no mention was made 
of the glass house. 

The next glass house we have a record of was erected on the quay at 
Waterford in 1783 by George and William Penrose, who in that year petitioned 
Parliament for aid to establish the manufacture of flint glass in Waterford, 
and in the following year stated that they had established a complete flint- 

Wesrropp—Glass-Making in Ireland. 43 

glass-manufactory on a very extensive plan, and were enabled to make all 
kinds of useful and ornamental flint glass of as fine a quality as any in Europe, 
having a large number of the best manufacturers, cutters, and engravers. 

The Penroses carried on the flint-glass manufacture until 1797, when they 
sold their interest in the glass house, and it was purchased by a company, the 
proprietors being Ramsey, Gatchell, & Barcroft. This firm carried on the 
flint-glass manufacture on the quay until about 1802, when they erected a 
new glass house on the piece of ground known as the “Old Tan-yard” in 
Ann Street. The old premises on the quay were to be let for a term of 
seventy years or upwards, but a warehouse on the quay for the sale of the 
glass appears to have been retained. 

In 1820 Ramsey and Barcroft appear to have left the business, which in 
1824 was carried on by Gatchell & Walpole. 

Jonathan Gatchell having died shortly after this, his place was taken by 
his son George, who, later on, took a George Saunders into partnership. 

In 1842 George Gatchell & Co. opened a warehouse at 103 George 
Street, Limerick, for the sale of their glass, which included cut and plain glass 
of every description, and every article made of glass for use, luxury, or 
ornament, also chandeliers, lustres, lamps, hall-bells, and candelabra in bronze, 
ormolu, and glass. Medical establishments were also supplied with glass. 

In 1848 the partnership with Saunders was dissolved, and George Gatchell 
alone carried on the business. 

An advertisement in The Waterford Mirror of 1820 states that the 
Waterford glass house had for thirty-six years given employment to nearly 
two hundred persons. 

In 1849, owing to alterations in the glass works, a quantity of cut glass 
was sold by auction, including decanters, claret-jugs, water-jugs, liqueur- 
bottles, carafes, pickle-urns, salad, celery, and sugar-bowls, butter-coolers, 
cream-ewers, custard- and jelly-glasses, and about 300 dozen tumblers, 
goblets, and wine-glasses. The factory was carried on for a couple of 
years; but probably owing to the English competition, it was closed in 1851. 

In October of that year the entire stock of glass was sold, including gas 
chandeliers, one crystal chandelier for six lights, dinner and table lamps, 
together with beautiful specimens of Bohemian and Venetian glass; and in 
February, 1852, the-steam engine, materials, tools, fixtures, office furniture, 
and a variety of glass were sold. 

This mention of the sale of Bohemian and Venetian glass at the ware- 
house of the Waterford factory proves that because a piece of glass was 
purchased at the warehouse, it need not necessarily have been made at the 
factory. Owners of pieces of glass at the present day will tell you that 


44 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

such-and-such a piece was purchased at the Waterford glass house, thinking 
therefore that this is conclusive evidence that it was made there. 

In the London Exhibition of 1851, George Gatchell exhibited a centre- 
stand for a table consisting of forty pieces of cut glass; quart and pint 
decanters, cut in hollow prisms; a centre-bowl on detachable tripod stand, 
and vases with covers. 

The Waterford factory did not produce as much glass as some of the other 
Trish glass houses, although, at the present day, almost every piece of cut 
glass to be found in Ireland is said to be “ Waterford.” 

From 1786 to 1794 the value of the glass amounted to about £1000 | 
annually, except in the year 1787, when it reached £3500, while in the Cork, 
Dublin, and Belfast factories the value varied from about £3000 to £10,000. 


About the year 1771 a Bristol glass-maker named Benjamin Edwards came 
over to Ireland, and erected a glass house at Drumrea, a few miles north of 
Dungannon. He did this probably at the instance of the proprietors of the 
Tyrone collieries, who foresaw that advantage might be gained from the glass 

In 1772 the glass house was at full work, and in an advertisement in The 
Dublin Journal, andalso in The Belfast News Letter of December of that year, 
the proprietor stated that he was making all sorts of the newest-fashioned 
wine, beer, and cider glasses ; enamelled, cut, flowered, and plain decanters; 
water-glasses, plates, epergnes, and epergne saucers, candlesticks, cans, jugs; 
cut, flowered, and plain salvers, jelly and sweetmeat glasses, hall-bells, globes 
and shades; confectioners’ jars, with all kinds of glass fit for chemists and 
mathematicians; salts and salt linings, mustard-castors, white phials, and all 
kinds of bottles for perfumers, retorts, and receivers, green phials, green and 
white mustard-bottles, and every other article in the glass way. 

In the following year the glass house was advertised to be let, the 
proprietors stating that clay fit for making the pots, sand, and coal were 
to be had on the spot, and that there was no reason why as good flint glass as 
any imported could not be made. They also stated that no person need apply 
unless one who was determined to carry on the business in the best manner. 
Whether the manufacture was continued or not is uncertain—perhaps it 
was for a few years; but in 1776 Benjamin Edwards went to Belfast, where 
he erected a glass house at the east end of the Long Bridge. 

In 1781 Edwards advertised his glass house,and stated that he had made and 

Wesrropp—Glass-Making in Ireland. 45 

was making all kinds of enamelled, cut and plain wine-glasses, cut and plain 
decanters with flint stoppers ; carafes, common, dram-, and punch-glasses ; flint 
and green phials, flint and green gardevins, retorts, and receivers, and all kinds 
of chemical wares, cruets, salts, goblets, &c. He also said that he had brought 
a glass cutter from England, who was constantly employed. 

In 1783 Edwards erected an iron foundry adjacent to the glass house, and 
took as partner a man named Shaw, who retired in 1789. 

In 1811 Edwards let the foundry, which was carried on by Chaine & 

In 1788 Edwards opened a warehouse for the sale of his glass and iron 
goods, on Hanover Quay, Belfast, where, he stated, he had a complete 
assortment of cut, plain, and figured glass. 

In the years 1787 and 1788 the value of the glass produced by Benjamin 
Edwards was £1,306 and £1,780 respectively. 

John Edwards, son of Benjamin, erected, in 1789, a tobacco-pipe manu- 
factory, adjoining the glass house, and appears to have carried it on for some 

In 1800 Benjamin Edwards took his sons John, Hugh, and Benjamin 
junior, and his son-in-law, William Ankatell, into partnership, and opened a 
warehouse at Newry, on the Canal Quay, opposite the Sugar House, for the 
sale of cast metal, and cut, flowered, enamelled, and plain flint glass. 

In the following year they erected an iron foundry on the Merchants’ 
Quay, Newry. 

In 1803 the partnership between Benjamin Edwards and his sons was 
dissolved, and John Edwards started a new glass house on his own account at 
79 Peter’s Hill, Belfast, of which more later. 

In 1804 and 1805 Benjamin Edwards advertised the manufacture of all 
sorts of flint decanters, wine-glasses, goblets, tumblers, salad-bowls, etc., cut 
and engraved to the newest patterns; but no mention is made of enamelled 
glass. He also advertised a variety of liqueur, cruet, and other stands in silver 
and plated ware, Grecian and other lamps, lustres and girandoles. Whether 
he obtained the liqueur and cruet stands complete with bottles, or made 
the latter himself, is uncertain. 

Benjamin Edwards senior retired from the firm in 1807, and the business 
was carried on by Benjamin junior and Hugh Edwards. Benjamin senior 
re-entered the business in 1811, but did not remain long, as he died the 
following year, on September 29th; and in December the lease of the glass 
house was advertised for sale. However, Benjamin junior in 1813 stated 
that he intended carrying on the glass manufacture in the same extensive 
manner as heretofore. About 1815 he appears to have got into difficulties, as 

Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

there was a meeting of the creditors of Benjamin Edwards, deceased, Hugh 
and Benjamin Edwards junior; and in 1816 the foundries at Ballymacarrett, 
Belfast, and at Newry, were advertised for sale. 

Benjamin Edwards, however, appears to have got over his financial 
troubles, as in 1824 he enlarged his glass house concerns, by taking the 
adjoining establishment, formerly occupied by John Smylie & Co., glass-makers. 
He does not appear, however, to have been very successful, for in 1826 the 
whole of the concerns were advertised for sale, and in the following year were 
purchased by T. J. Wright & Co. (Thomas Joseph Wright, Robert McCrory, 
and A. J. McCrory) for the purpose of carrying on the flint-glass manufacture. 
In 1829 the partnership was dissolved and the stock of cut and plain glass, 
together with glass pots, sand, and utensils, were sold. 

Probably the manufacture ceased then, though in 1836 A. J. McCrory 
advertised the glass house to be let, and stated that the chimney was forty 
feet in diameter and capable of being enlarged. 

One giass-house chimney is still standing on the ground which was 
formerly adjacent to the end of the Long Bridge, but now some distance from 
the end of the present bridge, owing to the land having been reclaimed. 
Whether this is the chimney of Edwards’ or Smylie’s glass house is uncertain. 

In 1784 another glass house was erected in Belfast at the east end of the 
Long Bridge, for the manufacture of bottles and window-glass. It was finished 
in August, 1785, and commenced making bottles in April, 1786. The height 
was 120 feet and the diameter 60 feet. 

In Benn’s History of Belfast it is stated that thirteen persons subscribed 
£100 each for starting the glass-bottle manufacture, and among these were 
Cunningham Greg, James T. Kennedy, Charles Brett, Robert Hyndman, 
Hugh Hyndman, and John Smylie, the firm being known under the name of 
John Smylie & Co. 

In 1786 Smylie & Co. advertised bottles at 20s. and 22s. per gross, vitriol- 
bottles, bell-glasses, gooseberry bottles, bottles for gardevins, and every other 
article in the glass way. They stated that gentlemen might have their 
initials stamped on the bottles for an additional 4s. 4d. per gross, besides 
paying for the stamp, or the name at a reasonable rate, in proportion to its 

In 1787 Smylie & Co. commenced making window-glass, and in 1789 
stated that the crown glass made at their glass house was fourteen per cent. 
cheaper than that imported, and was then, though not at first, superior to any 
Bristol glass. 

In 1792 Smylie & Co. erected a new glass house for making bottles, the 
old one being retained for window-glass. 

Wesrropp—Glass-Making in Ireland. 47 

From 1788 to 1794 the value of Smylie’s window glass varied annually 
from about £4,000 to £9,500. 

Bottle and window-glass continued to be made by Smylie & Co. for some 
years; but in 1809 the surviving partners offered for sale the entire concern, 
with the two glass houses, either as a whole or in parts to suit purchasers. 

Probably the manufacture ceased shortly after 1800, and the concerns were 
left idle ; but in 1823 the whole of the ground, and one glass house thereon, 
which was 180 feet in circumference and 150 feet high, were to be let, and, as 
previously mentioned, were taken over in 1824 by Benjamin Edwards, junior. 

As previously stated, John Edwards erected a flint-glass house at 79 
Peter’s Hill in 1803. Edwards became bankrupt in 1804; and the glass house 
was purchased by Joseph Wright, and handed over to a company, “ without a 
farthing profit.” Three of the other partners were John Martin, John 
McConnell and George Thompson. 

In June, 1809, this company, known as the Belfast Glass Works, advertised 
plain, cut, and engraved glass, lustres, girandoles, chandeliers, etc., and stated 
that from recent improvements and discoveries they could supply goods equal, 
if not superior, to any manufactured in any part of Iveland. 

An advertisement in July, 1809, from Hugh and Benjamin Edwards junior 
in answer to this is rather amusing. Hugh and Benjamin Edwards beg to 
inform the public that they continue to manufacture flint glass of every 
denomination of a most superior quality; their thorough knowledge of the 
business, acquired during a practice of upwards of twenty years, and under 
the guidance of their father, a professional glass-maker, enables them to assure 
their friends and the public that they have a great variety of cut, plain, and 
engraved glass that cannot be surpassed by the recent discoveries of persons 
totally unacquainted with the nature of any kind of glass. 

About 1813 the glass house on Peter’s Hill stopped working owing to 
repairs being necessary; but in the following year recommenced work, the 
proprietors stating that they were making every description of cut and 
engraved flint glass, equal to any made in Great Britain or Ireland. 

In 1833 the proprietors stated that they intended to relinquish the 
business, and would let or sell the interest in the concern, which was in com- 
plete repair and in full work. The glass house, however, was not let or sold, 
as in 1836 they stated that they were making every article of flint glass. 

In 1838, owing to the death of one of the partners, the Belfast Glass 
Works were offered for sale; and the proprietors stated that there was a 
six-pot furnace recently erected, and capable of manufacturing 4,000 lb. of 
glass weekly, and that the premises were held on lease for thirty-three years 
at an annual rent of £69 18s. 6d., and had been established over thirty years, 

48 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The purchasers could have the entire stock of cut and plain glass, utensils, 
coal, sand, pots, moulds, ete. ; 

The Belfast Glass Works appear to have been purchased by John Kane, 
about 1840. 

In 1823 John Wheeler, who was formerly in the employment of 
Benjamin Edwards, erected a glass house for making flint glass at the east 
end of the Long Bridge near the other glass-works. In the next year he 
appears in partnership with J. Stanfield and John Kane, a wine merchant and 
brewer. The warehouse of this glass house, known as the New Glass House 
Company, was burnt in 1825; and the remaining stock of plain, cut, and 
engraved flint glass was to be-sold. 

About this time Stanfield and Wheeler appear to have retired, and the 
business was carried on by John Kane alone. 

In 1827 he stated that he had enlarged his glass house, and had for sale a 
large amount of cut and plain flint glass. 

In 1829 the concern was called the Shamrock Glass Works, Bally- 
macarrett ; and in 1833 Kane opened a warehouse for the sale of his glass at 
40 North Street, and stated that he was making rich cut glass, patent deck 
lights; heavy, light, and lunette watch-glasses; figure shades, oval and 
round, ete. 

About 1840 Kane appears to have purchased the Peter’s Hill Glass 
Works, and to have carried on both concerns until about 1850. 

About this period the glass works in Ballymacarrett were taken over by 
Christopher O’Connor and William Ross, and appear to have been carried on 
by Ross until about 1868. 

In 1813 Wallace Tennant stated that he had erected glass works in 
Queen Street, Belfast, and from general and particular knowledge of the 
business was going to make every description of flint glass. 

In a directory of 1819 his name appears as a glass-cutter; probably the 
works did not pay; and he became simply a cutter of other people’s glass. 

In The Cork Mercantile Chronicle of April 17th, 1805, Wallace Tennant 
advertised that he was about to open a warehouse for fancy and useful glass, 
and solicited patronage for Cork manufacture, as he had no doubt but that he 
would produce articles of equal merit to those imported. In this case, as 
afterwards in Belfast, he probably was simply a glass-cutter. 

About 1870 John Edwards, a descendant of Benjamin Edwards, was 
making glass bottles in Belfast, but only on a very small scale, and the 
manufacture did not last long. 

By about 1870 the manufacture of flint glass had quite died out in Belfast» 
having lasted for nearly a hundred years. 

Wustropp— Glass-Making in Ireland. 49 


Although premiums were offered by the Royal Dublin Society, as early as 
1753, for erecting a glass house in Cork, no one appears to have taken 
advantage of the offer; and it was not until 1782 that a glass factory was 
set up in the city. 

On November 6th, 1783, Atwell Hayes, Thomas Burnett, and 
Francis Richard Rowe presented a petition to Parliament asking for aid 
to carry on the glass manufacture in Cork, and stated that, in the month of 
May, 1782, at great expense and under a variety of difficulties, they had 
embarked on the undertaking by sending a proper person to England to take 
plans of the most complete and extensive works of that kind carried on there, 
and also to employ experienced hands and procure the best materials, the 
accomplishment of which had been attended with heavy expense and great 

They also stated that they had surmounted all difficulties, and had 
procured the most ample set of materials and implements and a set of the 
most able artificers that England could afford, and that they had now erected 
two houses, one for bottles and window glass and the other for plate and flint 
glass of all denominations, which were allowed to equal if not to excel any in 
Europe. The establishment, they said, had already been attended with an 
expenditure of upwards of £6000. 

The following advertisement in Zhe Hibernian Chronicle for May, 1784, is 
interesting :— 

“Thomas Burnett & Co. inform the public that they have now ready 
at their glass manufactory in Hanover Street, Cork, a great variety of 
plain and cut flint glass, with black bottles of every denomination, which for 
excellence of quality is equal to any made in England. They now flatter 
themselves that after upwards of two years’ perseverance through a variety of 
difficulties, they have established this useful branch of business on a sure 
footing. John Bellesaigne next door to the glass house retails the glass of 
said manufactory only.” 

In 1787 Bellesaigne opened a shop in Patrick Street, Cork, where he had 
a great variety of cut and engraved glass, which, he stated, he himself saw 
made at Waterford. 

In 1785 Burnett & Co. advertised bottles and squares as good as any 
imported, or made in Ireland. 

Thomas Burnett and Francis Rowe appear to have retired from the 
business about 1787; and it was then carried on by Atwell Hayes and 
Philip Allen. 

R.1.4. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C. [8 

50 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

In that year they obtained a premium for their glass from the Royal 
Dublin Society, and in 1792 stated that they were at full work making flint 
glass ; and, later in the same year, that as the flint-glass manufacture was well 
established, they intended to start the bottle and window-glass house, for 
which purpose they would take in one or two partners. 

In 1793 the partners were Allen, Hickman, and Hayes, who carried on 
the business until about 1805, though after 1800 only black bottles are 

Atwell, Hayes, & Co. received premiums from the Royal Dublin Society 
for their glass, the value of which amounted to £1600 in 1787, £2304 in 1792, 
and £500 in 1793. 

The manufacture appears to have ceased for a few years after about 1805 ; 
but about 1810 Smith, White, & Co. appear as proprietors of the Cork Glass 
House. White retired in 1812, and from that year until about 1818 the 
business was carried on under the name of William Smith & Co. 

In 1818 the old Hanover Street glass house was offered for sale, “ with the 
consent of all concerned.” 

The proprietors stated that the premises extended from Hanover Street 
to Lamley’s Lane, and had a quay on the south side of the river, that the 
glass house contained every accommodation for making flint glass and black 
bottles, and that the glass-cutting machinery was modern and had as a moving 
power a steam-engine lately erected. 

The sale was objected to by John Graham and Edward Brown, who stated 
that they had an interest in the Hanover Street glass house. However, in 
1818, the stock of glass of the Hanover Street factory was sold by auction, 
including cut lustres, Grecian lamps, one four-light Grecian lamp, richly 
cut, with patent drops; hall-globes, side bells, candlesticks, dessert sets, 
butter-coolers, pickle-glasses, sugar-bowls, cream-ewers, jelly glasses, salts, 
jugs, decanters, rummers, wine, and finger-glasses, etc. 

Graham and Brown, previously mentioned, had a glass-cutting shop at 
Glanmire, close to Cork; and in 1820 they stated that, owing to the introduc- 
tion of English glassware, they would open a shop on the Grand Parade for 
the sale by auction of their own glass. This glass was probably made some 
time previously in Hanover Street and cut by them at Glanmire. 

The Cork Glass House Company in Hanover Street had probably ceased 
work by about 1818. 

In 1810 the name of Daniel Foley appears in Cork directories as the 
proprietor of a glass wareroom in Hanover Street; and in 1815 he started a 
class factory in the same street, under the name of the Waterloo Glass House 

Company, for making flint and bottle glass, 

Wesrropp—Glass-Making in Ireland. 51 

In the next year the following notice occurs in The Overseer, a Cork weekly 
paper :— 

“By the forming of the Waterloo Glass House Company, which is now 
at full work, Mr. Daniel Foley is giving employment to more than one 
hundred persons. His workmen are well selected, from whose superior skill 
the most beautiful glass will shortly make its appearance, to dazzle the eyes 
of the public, and to outshine that of any competitors. They have a new 
band of music, with glass instruments, bessons, serpents, horns, trumpets, &c. ; 
and they have even a glass pleasure-boat, a cot and a glass net, which when 
seen will astonish the world.” 

Daniel Foley & Co. had their warerooms in Hanover Street, where they 
sold lustres and all kinds of fancy glass; and in 1821 they advertised the sale 
of china as well, having been appointed agents in Cork for Mason’s ironstone 
china and Grainger & Lee’s Worcester china. 

In 1824 Foley & Co. opened a warehouse at 48 Lower Sackville Street, 
Dublin, for the sale of their glass; and stated that, owing to the amount of 
labour and machinery at the Waterloo Works, they could execute orders 
quicker than any other firm. 

In the following year Foley took as partner Geoffrey O’Connell ; and in 
1829 they stated that they had reduced the price of glass 20 per cent., and by 
a recent improvement in the process of annealing they were enabled to warrant 
their glass hot-water-proof. 

The firm of Foley & O’Connell carried on the business until 1830, when 
the partnership was dissolved, and the manufacture ceased. 

The stock-in-trade was sold at reduced prices; and in January, 1831, the 
premises were sold by auction, together with the remaining stock, including 
decanters, claret-jugs, salad-bowls, dessert services complete, water-jugs, crofts, 
tumblers, rummers, butter-coolers, pickle-urns, chimney lustres, chandeliers, 
ceiling lustres, &e. 

The premises appear to have been purchased by the Midleton Brewery for 
warehouses; and at the present day the site is occupied by Beamish & Crawford’s 
Brewery, on whose premises still stands the old Glass House chimney. 

In 1818 another glass house was erected in Cork by Edward and Richard 
Ronayne, at the western end of the South Terrace, and known as the Terrace 
Glass Works. This glass house appears to have made white flint-glass only ; 
and the proprietors stated that they made cut and plain glass lustres, Grecian 
lamps of the most perfect and brilliant metal, superior to any heretofore 
‘exhibited in Cork, and equal to any in the United Kingdom. 

About 1830 warerooms were opened at 121 Patrick Street, Cork, for the 
sale of the glass. 



Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

In 1838 the partnership between Edward and Richard Ronayne was 
dissolved, and the business carried on by Edward Ronayne alone, who con- 
tinued it for a few years. 

In 1841 the works were closed, and the whole concerns offered for sale, 
including a steam-engine, tools and apparatus for turning for forty glass-cuitters, 
an excellent claymill, and a large quantity of potclay, firebrick, irom fiity to 
sixty glass-house iron pans, and all other necessary materials for the immediate 
working of the concern. With the closing of this factory the glass-manufacture 
ceased in Cork, having lasted nearly sixty years. 

In John Francis Maguire’s account of the Cork Exhibition of 1852, it is 
stated that in 1825 the export orders of Cork would have kept a glass house 
with eight pots in constant employment; and also that the Waterloo and 
Terrace Glassworks each employed twenty-four glass-blowers, thirty cutters, 
and sixteen apprentices, besides clerks, labourers, &c. 


The manufacture of flint glass was introduced into Newry probably 
between 1780 and 1790; but the earliest notice of glass having been made 
there occurs in 1792, when Emanuel Quin & Co. were proprietors of a glass 
house in William Street. 

In 1795 the proprietors were Michael Dunbar & Co., who stated that they 
had an extensive variety of flint glass of their own manufacture, equal in 
quality to any manufactured in the kingdom. Their glass warehouse was on 
the Merchants’ Quay, where they also had a pottery manufactory for some 
years before they took over the glass house. 

In the following year Samuel Hanna & Co. appear as proprietors, and at 
the same time advertised for some one to take over the management of the glass 
house. Apparently John Chebsey, one of the partners in the Ballybough Glass 
House, Dublin, took over the management, as in 1801 the whole of Samuel 
Hanna’s concerns were advertised to be let, and it was mentioned that the 
glass house was lately in the possession of John Chebsey. 

It is uncertain if this factory was working after this period, as no mention 
of it occurs again until 1845, when the extensive premises known as the 
“ Old Foundry and Glass House” were advertised for sale. 

In 1824 a new flint-glass house was erected by John R. Watt & Co. at 
16 Edward Street. The Newry Telegraph of 1826 calls attention to the beauty 
of the glass made by Watt & Co., and as a proof of its excellence states that a 
set of claret glasses were ordered by His Excellency the Marquis of Wellesley. 

In 1828 John Kirkwood became partner with Watt; and in the same year 

Westropp—Glass-Making in Ireland. 53 

Watt retired, and Isaac M‘Cune became partner, the firm beimg then known 
as Kirkwood & M‘Cune. This firm carried on the business until 1837, when 
M‘Cune went to Belfast, and John Kirkwood carried it on alone. 

In 1838 the works were offered for sale, as Kirkwood stated he wished to 
remove to his extensive flint-glass manufactory at Rambhill, near Liverpool. 
The sale appears not to have taken place, as Kirkwood continued as proprietor 
until 1847, when the works were closed and the stock-in-trade sold. 

The closing of this factory terminated the manufacture of glass in Newry. 


In 1755 a glass house was erected at Ballycastle, Co. Antrim, for the 
purpose of making bottles, the sand for which was obtained locally. 

Hugh Boyd appears to have been the chief proprietor, and with him were 
associated Jackson Wray, Laurence Cruise, James Urch, and John Magawly. 
In the same year the proprietors stated that the public could be supplied 
with any number of bottles, and that the glass house was 60 feet in diameter, 
and was capable of carrying on the glass-bottle-manufacture in all its 

They also stated that they intended to make window and plate glass; but 
no mention occurs of any window glass ever having been made. Apparently, 
in 1756, Laurence Cruise died, and a third share in the glass house was 
offered for sale. Boyd and the other proprietors carried on the business until 
1764, when, at the instance of Boyd, Henry Lunn and Thomas Smith 
Jewdwin, English glass-makers in Dublin, took a lease of the Ballycastle 
glass house, at the rent of £1000 per annum. 

Hugh Boyd died in 1765, and Lunn, Jewdwin, and Magawly appear to 
have continued the manufacture of bottles, having received premiums from 
the Royal Dublin Society in 1765 and 1766, for bottles valued at £1930. 

The Ballycastle glass house continued working until about 1785 or 1790. 

In 1782 among the ships arriving in Belfast was one from Ballycastle 
laden with glass; and in 1795 the Ballycastle colliery was advertised to be 
let, but no mention was made of the glass house. 

The chimney remained standing until towards the close of the last cen- 
tury, when it was pulled down ; and the site of the factory is now occupied 
by tennis grounds. 


The only record of glass-making in Londonderry occurs in 1820, In the 
Ordnance Survey of the County of Londonderry it is said that in that year 

54 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Joseph Moore converted the sugar establishment in Londonderry into a glass 

house, and, with his son, carried on the manufacture on a small scale until 

1825, when they abandoned it owing to the imposition of duty on glass. 
Probably only black bottles were made here. 


An Act of Parliament of 1746 placed a duty of 9s. 4d. on every hundred- 
weight of materials for flint glass made in Great Britain. The Act restricted 
the importation of glass into Ireland, English glass only being allowed to be 
imported, and also prohibited the export of any glass from Ireland. 

In 1777 the duty on glass in Great Britain was increased ; but no duty was 
placed on Ivish glass until 1797, when every quart bottle became liable to a 
duty of one farthing, and smaller sizes in proportion. Dealers in glass had 
also to take out a licence of twenty shillings. 

In 1811 flint glass made in Ireland and exported became liable to duty ; 
and in 1825 the final blow came, when a duty of £12 10s. was placed on 
every 1000 lb. of metal made in Great Britain and Ireland. 

From this time the manufacture of glass in Ireland began to decline. In 
1829 the tax on flint glass produced £23,612; while in 1834 it had fallen 
to £14,678. The excise duty on glass was removed in 1845; but by that 
time the glass industry in Ireland was almost dead. 

In 1825 there were eleven flint-glass houses in Ireland; in 1833, seven 
(two in Dublin, two in Cork, one in Belfast, one in Waterford, and one in 
Newry); and in 1852, only two—one in Dublin, and one in Belfast. 

The restriction on the exportation of glass from Ireland, imposed by the 
Act of 1746, was removed in 1780; and shortly after that new glass houses 
were erected in Cork, Waterford, Newry, and Belfast. 

Immense quantities of glass were imported into Ireland from England, and 
some also from the Rhine district, during the eighteenth century, notwith- 
standing the large amount made in the country. 

From about 1719 to 1727, the average imports of drinking-glasses 
amounted to about 133,000, and of bottles to nearly 55,000 dozens annually, 
besides other glass-ware to the value of about £4000. 

About 1737 the average number of glass bottles imported annually 
amounted to nearly 79,000 dozen, at 1s. 4d. per dozen; drinking-glasses to 
nearly 102,000, at 2s. per dozen, and other glass-ware to the value of over 

About 1747 the average value of imported glass was nearly £9000 annually, 
andabout 1773 the imports of bottles amounted to about 40,000 dozen, drinking- 
glasses to nearly 210,000, and other glass-ware, to the value of over £3000. 

Wesrropp—Glass-Making in Ireland. 55 

Ten years later the imports had altered very little, except that the number 
of drinking-glasses had fallen to about 22,000. 

Numerous advertisements appear in the old newspapers announcing the 
importation of English glass, chiefly from London, Newcastle, and Bristol. 
From about 1730 to 1800 the imports include:—double and single flint 
drinking-glasses; flowered and plain wine and beer-glasses; water-glasses and 
saucers, diamond-cut salts, diamond-cut and scalloped bowls and dishes; gilt, 
cut, flowered, and plain decanters; diamond-cut beer, cider and wine-glasses ; 
cut and plain salad-bowls; water plates, candlesticks, curious cut salts, etc. 

In 1754 a Belfast glass merchant imported cruets mounted with Stour- 
bridge glass. 

After 1780 a good deal of glass was exported from Iveland, chiefly to 
America, Spain, and Portugal. In 1784 the exports to America amounted to 
532 dozen bottles, and 20,736 drinking-glasses; while in 1785 it is said that 
one of the Dublin glass houses had received orders from America which would 
keep it fully employed for two years. 

In 1788 a record exportation of flint glass was made to Cadiz by Chebsey’s 
factory at Ballybough Bridge, and in the same year a large quantity of window 
glass was also exported. 

In Wallace’s “Essay on the Manufactures of Ireland,” published in 1798, 
it is stated that much of the glass consumed in Ireland was imported, while 
that made in the country was largely exported to America; so that very 
probably a large proportion of the glass now found in Ireland is really of 
English origin. 

At the present day it is often very difficult to say whether a particular 
piece of glass is Irish or English; and it is still more difficult to differentiate 
between the products of the various Irish glass houses, unless pieces bear 
marks indicating the place of manufacture. It may be mentioned that the 
glass-fittings of Sheffield plated epergnes, cruets, &c., are almost always of 
English glass, Birmingham, Dudley, and Whittington, near Sheffield, having 
been the chief sources of supply. 

Pieces which became broken may, however, have been replaced by those of 
Trish manufacture. In 1772 Benjamin Edwards of Belfast advertised epergnes 
and epergne saucers. 

A good deal of the old cut glass now found in Ireland has a decided blue 
tint, which is commonly said to indicate that it was made in Waterford, though 
on what authority no one seems to know. The blue tint is simply caused by 
a little too much oxide of lead in the composition; and as this might occur in 
any pot of metal, glass with this tint may have been made in any of the Tish, 
or even English, factories. 

56 Proceedings of the Royal Trish- Academy. 

The few undoubted pieces of Irish glass which have been found stamped 
with the name of a particular glass house are of a clear metal, without any 
trace of the blue tint, though not so white as modern glass. An analysis of a 
piece of glass having this blue tint gives the following composition :— 

Lead oxide a soe coe 36°56 
Potash ... ves 220 i: 8-48 
Soda ace 0c 2 o=e 3°08 

* Silica, including traces of other oxides aes 51°88 

There is no trace of cobalt, to which some attribute the blue colour. 

The metal of Irish and English flint glass was made from practically the 
same materials, the sand being obtained chiefly from the Isle of Wight, though 
the glass house at Drumrea, near Dungannon, used local sand. 

Sand for bottle glass was obtained in Ireland—that for the Dublin glass 
houses from the North Bull; for Cork, probably from Youghal and T'ramore; 
and that for Ballycastle, from the immediate neighbourhood. 

It is said that ships trading between the South of Iveland and France 
often brought back sand as ballast; but whether this sand was used in the 
manufacture of glass either in Cork or Waterford is uncertain. 

Again, the patterns on Irish and English cut glass are very similar, which 
may be accounted for by many of the proprietors of Inish glass houses being 
Englishmen, and also from the fact that glass was cut in Ireland by English 

Benjamin Edwards, who managed the glass houses at Drumrea and Belfast, 
came from Bristol, and probably carried on the manufacture in the same 
manner as in the latter town. The only records of enamelled glass in Ireland 
which appear as late as 1801 occur im connexion with these two factories, 
and this special kind of glass was largely made in Bristol. 

Diamond-cut glass is mentioned as having been imported into Ireland from 
England in 1747; but it was probably not until somewhat later that much 
cutting was employed on Ivish flint glass. 

Cut and flowered glasses, and diamond-cut cruets are mentioned in 1752 
as having been made in the Mary’s Lane glass house, and also glasses engraved 
with vine borders, toasts, &c. 

The various patterns cut on Ivish glass were probably largely copied from 
those employed in England; and, as far as can be ascertained, the earlier 
pieces had less cutting than those of later date. Pieces with shallow-cut 
wreaths, and broad, low nail-head cutting, are supposed to be the earlier 
forms of decoration ; still no definite rule can be laid down, as pieces of the 

Wesrropp—Glass-Making in Ireland. 57 

second quarter of the nineteenth century still have the broad, low nail-heads, 
while pieces with deep, sharp diamond-cutting are usually late—about 1820 to 
1840, or even later. 

Some of the Ivish glass may have been gilt, as in 1786 a John Grahl and 
a Richard Grant obtained a premium from the Royal Dublin Society for 
gilding on glass. 

As it is almost impossible to obtain authentic pieces from individual 
Irish glass houses, it is very difficult to say if a particular style of cutting 
was peculiar to any one factory. It is said, however, that the sharp diamond- 
cutting was extensively employed at Ronayne’s factory in Cork; and it is 
certain that the very fine diamond-cutting, strawberry-cutting, and the large 
upright fluting were used at Waterford. 

Another fact which makes it difficult to determine anything from the 
cutting is that the glass made in one town was often cut in another: for 
example, large quantities of Waterford glass were cut in Cork and Belfast, 
while Limerick possessed glass-cutters and engravers who probably decorated 
glass made in Cork and Waterford. 

Both the Cork and Waterford factories had warerooms in Dublin, and 
during the time the glass houses were working a considerable amount of Cork 
and Waterford glass, besides English and Scottish, was sold in Belfast, while 
Dublin glass was largely sold in Cork. 

In decanters, as being the commonest examples of the old glass to be found 
at the present day, the forms vary a good deal, some being barrel-shaped, 
others squat, and others again tall, with slender necks, and gradually swelling 
bodies. They almost always have raised rings round the neck, except in the 
late examples, usually three, either quite plain, a kind of triple ring, feathered, 
triangular or cut. Cork and Waterford certainly used the triple ring, almost 
always three being on each decanter, while Belfast used the triangular ring, 
and generally only two. 

_ Some of the later decanters, about 1830 or 1840, had no rings, but the 
neck was cut in prisms, &c., and the sides perpendicular. A peculiarity of 
Irish glass, especially in salad-bowls, salt-cellars, and pickle-urns, is the plain, 
roughly moulded base so often found attached to pieces otherwise finely cut. 
These moulded bases, although occasionally polished round the edge, appear 
rather incongruous. 

Besides cut glass, a large amount of engraved glass was also made in 
Ireland, chiefly decorated with fine lines, stars, &c., and also with vine-leaves 
and bunches of grapes. This engraved and flowered-glass, as it was called, 
appears to have been made in all the factories. 

Many of the decanters, water-jugs, finger-glasses, &c., bear fine, upright 

R.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C. [9] 

58 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

mould-marks, which were formed probably by first placing the gathering 
of glass on the blowing iron into a ridged mould, and then taking it out and 
blowing it. Some pieces appear to have been blown into a mould having a 
diamond pattern, flutings, &e. 

The old tall-stemmed drinking-glasses were made in large numbers in 
Ireland during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; but it is very 
difficult to distinguish these from English specimens. 

Drinking-glasses, however, with tall stems, often enclosing air or white 
twists, and having unusually small bowls, appear to be peculiar to Ireland. 

It is said that coloured glass was made in Ireland in small quantities during 
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and probably that used as framing to 
mirrors may have been made in the Dublin and South of Iveland glass houses. 
No coloured glass, however, is mentioned in any of the advertisements of the 
different factories, with the exception that in 1773 William Williams, at his 
bottle and window-glass manufactory in Dublin, stated “ that he made any 
article of any colour that is made of glass.” 

Large quantities of cut glass are made at the present day in England 
America, and on the Continent, many pieces being exact copies in form and 
cutting of the old glass. The colour of the modern metal is, however, seldom 
like that of the old, being far too white and brilliant, and the pieces them- 
selves generally much lighter in weight. As many pieces of this modern 
glass are passed off as old, this short account of Irish glass cannot be better 
brought to a close than with the words— Caveat emptor. 

The illustrations are from pieces in the writer’s possession, and from 
drawings of patterns used in the Waterford glass factory about 1820-30. 

Proc. R. I, Acap., VoL. XXIX., Sect. C Pirate VII 

“Flowered '' Decanter, probably Waterford Cut Decanter, stamped underneath 
h. 74-in ‘* Penrose, Waterford.’’ h, 7}-in 



Proc. R. I. Acap., VoL. XXIX., Sect. C PrateE VIII. 

Moulded Decanter, stamped underneath Cut Decanter, stamped underneath 
‘“B, Edwards, Belfast.’’ h. 78-in ‘Francis Collins, Dublin.’ h. 83-in. 

Kexnsen SCN 

ee x 


Drawings of Patterns used in the Waterford Glass Factory about 1820-30 


Proc. R. I, Acap., Vot. YOID Ka. Shore, (C. PLATE IX. 

KaSe5S5<o a 

Drawings of Patterns used in the Waterford Glass Factory about 1820-30. 






Read January 23, 1911. Published Aprir 28, 1911. 

1. Plural Names, . F : 59 1v. The Tuath, ‘ ‘ 5 ; 88 
11. Collective Names, z é 64 v. The Tricha Cét = Thirty Hundreds, 102 
m1. Sept Names, : : z 82 


1, AmonG the continental Celts, each distinct population-group bore a plural 
name, e.g. Haedui. The singular form denoted an individual member of the 
community, e.g. Haeduus. This system of nomenclature, very general in 
ancient Europe, might be expected to exist in the oldest Ivish traditions. In 
Ptolemy’s description of Ireland, the sixteen peoples named all bear names of 
this order. 

2. Most of the names given by Ptolemy lack identification in the native 
Trish tradition. The absence of these from Irish writings may be accounted 
for in more than one way. Some of the names may have been inaccurately 
recorded by Ptolemy. Some may have been corrupted beyond recognition by 
his copyists. Some may have designated peoples whose identity became 
forgotten through conquest and dispersion, for there is ample evidence that 
the period between Ptolemy’s time (c. 4.D. 150) and the beginning of con- 
temporary records in Ireland was marked by great commotion, involving 
widespread changes in distribution and relative status of the older elements of 
the population. 

3. The Ogham inscriptions, as I have shown in an article on the word 

z eee . . 
Mocew (Ogham mucct) in Eriu, vol. iii., part i., sometimes record names not only 
R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XX1X., SECT. C. [10] 

60 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

of persons but of peoples. The people-names, however, chiefly belong not to 
the class discussed above, but to a subordinate class, as will be seen. It is 
therefore unnecessary here to consider the question of the earliest date of the 
extant Oghams. Between Ptolemy and the oldest probable manuscript 
records in Ireland there is a gap of at least three centuries. The names 
Scotti and Atecotti, known through Latin writings of the fourth century, are 
probably of a general application, not designative of special groups. Orosius 
gives one people-name not mentioned by Ptolemy, the Luceni, whom he places 
on the southern coast over against Spain; they have not been identified in 
Trish tradition. (Is Luceni a copyist’s error for Iuerni ?) 

4, In Christian Ireland, from the fourth century onward, the plural formula 
for people-names exists only as a survival. The Ulidian tales, which are held 
to embody very ancient traditions, assign indeed a prominent part to peoples 
with plural names, the Ulaid, the Lagin, the Galeoin, the Erainn, but not a 
more prominent part than to the Connachta, whose name belongs to quite a 
different order. As the phrase teora Connachta shows, this name, though plural, 
is the plural not of a word denoting an individual, but of a collective noun. 
Already in the pre-Christian period such collective nouns have for the most part 
displaced the older formula, tending to obliterate it largely from traditional 
memory, since among the hundreds of collective names on record only a small 
proportion are known to originate from an earlier group bearing a plural 

5. The obsolescence of the earlier order of names is further exemplified in 
the complete absence, so far as my observation goes, of any instance of the use 
of the singular to denote an individual. The only approach to such usage 
in my knowledge is the occurrence of a few names like Cormac Gaileng, 
Ailill Erann, Mugdorn Dub, etc., for persons who in the genealogical lore stand 
as eponymous ancestors to the Gailing, the Erainn, the Mugdoirn, ete. 

6. In the Christian period, the surviving plural names (except in genea- 
logical writings) tend more and more to become dissociated from population- 
groups, and to attach themselves in ordinary usage to geographical areas, 
eg. Laigin, usually meaning the country Leinster, or the people of Leinster, 
of whom the original Laigin were only one section. 

7. The following names from Irish MS. sources appear to belong to what 
may be called the first order, ie. to the Haedui-type! :— 

8. *Arai, dp. Araib. Mid, Ir. Ara Thire, Ara Chliach. 

' The lists of people-names assembled in this paper are of course drawn mainly from Hogan’s 
Onomasticon Goedelicum, which may be consulted with regard to the territorial location and extent 

MacNuitt— Larly Irish Population- Groups. 61 

9. *Coraind, *Corrind, dp. Corannaib, Correndaib, Windisch, Tain Bo 
Cuailngi, index. In the Boyne valley, corresponding to Ptolemy’s Coriondi. 
Cp. Coreu Cuirnd, Cuirenrige. 

10. Cruithni, gp. -ne, ap. -niu, but in composition Cruithen-tuath, Cruithen- 
chlar. MacFirBisigh, Book of Genealogies, R.I.A. copy, p. 54, quotes a poem 
on the aithechtuatha, with the couplet (eight and seven syllables) : 

Clann Chathraighe a ccriochaibh Cruithent 
or chin Cairbre Cinn Cait cruaidh. 

The correct reading is probably Cruithen, t from the familiar Cruithentuath 
being added by MacF. or some earlier scribe. The early stem should have 
been *Qretino-, *Qreteno-, and perhaps the Greek form Prettano- may have 
been influenced by Brittani. Cruithni, Cruithne, may represent an early 
secondary formation in -io-, or may be merely a late development like Ernai, 
Mugdornai. Such a development could arise from ap. Cruithniu, dp. Cruithnib, 
which would be common to both forms, and even a np. *Cruithin could easily 
become Cruithni in transcription. 

11. Eli, gp. Ele. 

12. Erainn, ep. Erann (not gs. as in Onom. Goed.), ap. Erna (= Ernu), 
dp. Ernaib, = Terni, Iverni, “ Hiberni.” Probably a secondary formation from 
an older *Ivéri, whence *Ivériu, Erin, Iwerddon. In the Ulidian tales, the 
Erainn are frequently called Clanda Dedad, and in the genealogies they have, 
besides Ailill Erann, an eponymous ancestor Jar mace Dedad. The group of 
tales centring in Conaire Mor are the heroic legend of this race, and Conaire’s 
father is called Eterscél (also Eterscéle) moccu Jair. Mace Jair is a personal 
name, not an ordinary patronymic: hence the sept-name Ui Maicc lair and the 
Ogham Magi Jari. Windisch (T.B.C. index) cites Jarna as a duplicate form 
of Erna. We may suppose the double base é7, ia7, to have arisen from a 
coexisting pair jér-, ivér-. Cp. Ierne, Ptolemy’s Iernos potamos, Iernis polis, 
contemporary with Iuverna, Iuerna, Hibernia. 

13. Féni, gp. Féne, as Meyer has shown (Fianaigecht, p. vill), may be an 
ancient people-name, not the name of a class as has been supposed. 

14. *Fothairt, gp. Fothart. 

15. *Galing, gp. Galeng. 

16. Galitin, Galeoin, gp. Galian, Galion. 

17. Lagin, gp. Lagen. 

of the peoples and the inflexional and variant forms of the names. A small proportion of names are 
taken from material not found in Dr. Hogan’s lexicon. While my lists cannot claim to be complete, 
it is hoped that they may form a basis for a more exhaustive collection and for the classification 
and study of the nomenclature. 


62 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

18. Manaig or Monaig, dp. Manachaib, but derivative Manchaig. Cp. 

19. Maugdoirn, Mugdoirn, gp. -dorn, ap. -dornu. Cp. Ptolemy’s Darini. 

20. Sogain, gp. Sogan. Cp. Sograige (?), Coreu Sogain, Coreu Suigin 
(Sogain here being gs. of the eponym, as in moceu Sogin, Ogham mucoi 

21. Ulaid, gp. Uloth, ap. Ultu. The earlier np. must have been Uluti or 
Oluti, and one may surmise that Ptolemy’s Ouolountioi, whose location well 
corresponds to that of the Ulaid around Emain, is a scribal corruption of 
Oulouti = Uluti, perhaps through the influence of the Latin voluntas. 

22. Vellabori (Ptolemy), Velabri (Orosius) seems to have left a trace in 
the place-name Luachair Fellubair (LL 23a17). This name occurs in a poem 
which aims at accounting for the distribution of the peoples said to be 
descendants of Fergus Mac Roig. Wherever Rudraige, the Ulidian king of 
Treland, won a battle, his grandson Fergus planted a colony of his own race. 

Cech roi reraig corruadchathaib cen chridenas 
cotgab iar fir roslin Fergus dia fhinichas. 

Of these colonies were Ciarraige Luachra (in North Kerry) and Ciarraige 
Cuirche (Kerrycurrihy barony, co. Cork), and the victories of Rudraige which 
led to them are thus recited : 

Fich cath Curchu cath Luachra laechdu Fellubair 
secht catha i Cliu intochtmad friu i nGlendamain. 

Ptolemy clearly indicates the Vellabori as inhabiting the south-western corner 
of Ireland, and Orosius speaks of the Velabri as looking towards Spain. 
In the verse cited, we should expect gp. Fellabor = *Vellabron, but the word 
may be used eponymically in gs. like Dedad in Luachair Dedad, another name 
for the same district. 

23. In the absence of examples of the singular, it seems likely that Aidni, 
Luaigni, Luigni, Uaithni belong to this order rather than to the collectives 
in -ne. 

24, Dési is to be classed apart, being the plural of a common noun 
déis “ensemble de vassaux.”’ Aire désa, lord of a vassal tenantry. See 
D’Arbois de Jubainville, Cours de Littérature Celtique, vol. vii, p. 204. In 
the story of the migration of the Dési (ed. Meyer, Erin, iii, p. 141), the 
narrator is at pains to explain (IL 215-219) that the derogatory term dész 
is not applicable properly to Dal Fiachach, the dominant people of Dési 

MacNettu—Early Irish Population-Groups. 63 

25. Coica toirgi laisna Déisi. A cuic fichet dib tarthatar raind, a cuic 
fichet aile nach tarthatar ocus is dona toirgib [sin] is ainm Déisi. Ar itt e 
fil fo deisis ocus dligud ocus bodagas dona flathaib .i. do Dail Fiachach Suigde 
ocus ni hainm doib-side Déisi. “The Dési had fifty migrations’ (i.e. consisted 
of fifty migratory peoples). ‘Twenty-five got a share (of the conquered land), 
another twenty-five got no share, and to these migratory peoples the name 
Dési belongs. For it is they who are under (dezsis) vassal-tribute? and law 
and bodagas to the rulers, i.e. to Dal Fiachach Suigdi, and Dési is not a name 
for the latter.” 

26. The story professes to give a list of the migratory peoples who assisted 
Dél Fiachach in the campaign. The list names forty-seven peoples, not fifty. 
The first three are mentioned twice in immediate succession, and so may have 
been counted as six by the compiler of the list, who doubtless aimed at 
collecting fifty names and ceased to extend his list when it seemed to reach 
that number. These migratory bodies are described by a term (Jovnges, 1. 103), 
indicating that they were already landless. The account of the aithechtuatha, 
BB 255a, has two lists, of which the first, ending on the line 18, contains 
46 names. Most of these correspond to the names in the Dési story, and 
the list was doubtless extracted from a version of the story. These premisses 
fully sustain the interpretation of déis given by D’Arbois de Jubainville. 

27. *Airgéill is given by Hogan on the authority of the index to Stokes’s 
Tripartite Life. The gp. is Airgiall, but the np. in Mid. Iv. texts, as noted by 
me, is only Airgialla. The name seems to be of comparatively late formation, 
and cannot be classed with the old order of plural people-names. 

27a. Mac Fir Bhisigh (Geneal., p. 54) quotes a poem on the azthechtuatha, 
which include “Absdanaigh for iarthar Erenn, for Luachair Chairbrighe.” 
Further it is stated that the Absdanaigh iarthair Erenn are of the Fir Bolg. 
See also Onom. Goed. Since Cairbrige is said to be an older name for 
Ciarraige Luachra (perhaps for the territory, from a people supposed to 
have anciently possessed it), the locality indicated is Luachair in western 

28. As in Airgialla, so in several other plural names with O-stem, Middle 
Trish usage substitutes a strengthened nominative: Araid for *Arai, gp. Arad, 
ap. Arada ; Erna, Emai for Erain; Fotharta, Gailenga, Mugdorna, Mugdornai. 
The added syllable is occasionally maintamed in gp., eg. septem genera 
Gailinga. Cp. what has been said above on Cruithni, *Cruithin, 

1 torche, toirge. For the meaning cp. ‘‘ Isead cheados fochand toirchi Chiarraidi . . . co Mumain,”’ 
Lecan 253 b; ‘* Cuis toirche Chorco hOichi o Loch nEchach,’’ ib. 271 a. 
? For deisis Rawl. B 502 has chis = rent. 

64 Proceedings of the Royal lrish Academy. 

Il. Cottective NAmMEs. 

29. Already, before the earliest documentary period, a new formula has 
come into general use, that of collective singular names. Of such names 
there are five varieties :— 

(1) Dal followed by genitive eponym, e.g. Dal Cais. 

(2) Coreu followed by genitive eponym, e.g. Coreu Duibne. 
(3) Eponym compounded with -rige, e.g. Boonrige. 

(4) Eponym compounded with -ne, e.g. Cuirene. 

(5) Eponym compounded with -acht, e.g. Cianacht. 

Loigis (Mid. I. Laigis, modern I. Laoighis, English Leix), gs. Loigse, may 
be a sixth variety. 

30. Until the eighth century, this class of people-names, which I would 
eall the second order, though long established, had not become stereotyped 
as in later usage. They were to some extent interchangeable. Korku Reti 
(Adamnan) = Dal Riatai. Coreu Sai (L. Arm.) = Sairige. Dél Musca 
=Museraige. Daél nEogain, Dal Céin = Koganacht, Cianacht. This inter- 
changeable’character shows that the different forms were felt to belong to 
one order or system of nomenclature, which is also proved by the applicability 
to all of the personal name-formula in moceu (Ogham mucoi, maqi mucoi), 
which becomes obsolete in the eighth century. 

31, The eponym is occasionally feminine. From this and other indications, 
I have formed the opinion that the eponymous ancestor may be a divine or 
mythological personage. Many of the stories in which the genealogists relate 
the origin of these early groups bear a strong mythological character. 

32. Dal is explained by Ven. Bede, in reference to the Dalreudini (i.e. 
Dal Réti, Dal Riata), as meaning pars, and this among various senses of the 
word seems best suited to its usage in people-names: Dal Réti, Réte’s 
division or section of the Erainn. The eponym may be often, if not always, 
the name of a divine ancestor. 

33. Coreu (later Corco, Corca) appears as an indeclinable noun.! A 
possible connexion with coirce is suggested to me by Professor Marstrander : 
ep. the use of Sil in later group-names, e.g. Sil Muiredaig. 

The genealogists, ignoring the obvious fact that Corcu is a common generic 
term equivalent to Dal, supply an eponymous ancestor Core for several of the 
peoples named in this form. 

1 But a late dp. corcaib occurs in Book of Rights. 


. 34, Dal is found before the following eponyms :— 

Aengusa Musca 
nAisci (Naisci ?) 

Maic Con 
Mie Con 

Early Irish Population- Groups. 6d 

Maic Cuirp 
Maic Néth 
Math? Lego 
Math? Lobha 
Messe Corb 
Mas Corb 
Mes Corb 
Messin Corb 
Mos Corp 
Mo Dala 
Mo Dola 
Mo Dula 
Moga Ruith 

Mudine Indae 

Na Cethre nArad 
Nat Corp 

Niad Corb 
Niath Lega 
[ Niath Lobha] 







Tri Conall 

1 Connad = Ogham CUNANETAS. 
3 Probably a scribal error for Niath. 

Goed. s.v. Dal Condaith. 

2 Dal nDallain (recte Dél Dalann = Coreu D.), Onom. 

66 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

35. Coreu is found before the following eponyms :— 

Achland Ce Druithne Inmend 
Achlann Cede Duib* Tnomain 
Athchlann Chéin Duibe Itha 
Achrach Cluain Duibne Tiaege 
Acrach Choemne® Duibindi Laige 
Adain Coiulgenn Duibne Loegde 
Adaim Comne Duichne Laegde 
Aengusa Condlaigen Duin® Laigde 
hAibligh! Condluain Duithne Luigde 
Ainge Chroissine Dula Luachra 
Airtbe Croisin Echlann Luigdech 
Airtbind Cuilend Echrach Luigne 
Airtgein Cuirn Ela Ma 
Aland? Chuirnd Ele* Maigh 
Andsae Culla Ethrach Maighe 
Aola Dain’ Echach Maige Locha 
Arad Dalann Ethach Maigen 
Athrach Dallan Eoluim Maigne 
Ethrach De Faimnia Maradh 
Auloim Deala Pasaigh Mogha 
Auniche™* Dega Ferai Moda 
Bairdni Dene Fiachach Moncho 
Baiscinn Dine Fiachrach Mu Druad 
Bibuir Dimoena Fir Tri? *Mdruad 
Bili Doine Trivi *Mruad 
Birn Dome Foche = Oche Muichet 
Bruidhi® Din Foduib” Muichi 
Caela‘ Ditha Fuindche Muinche 
Chaelraigi Dithechiai Gaola Muinchi 
Caullain Condithechtai Tche Nechtae 
1 See A Uiblig. * = Dalann ? = Perhaps Corbraige (Cor. read as Corcu). * Perhaps 
Corea Ela read as Cor. Caela. > Perhaps Corco Oche. § Perhaps Corco Emne cp. Eminrige. 
7 Perhaps C. Adain. © Gorcu Duib = Dubraige, Onom. Goed. ’ Aduin ? 2 Also 
written Corcorthri, Corcothri, etc. 10 Cp. VODDUYV in Macalister, no. 40, ACURCITi aVI 

VODDUY ANGAC (=*Vodubi Angaci, and with the last word cp. Ui Angain, BB 156 b 28, a sept 
of Ciarraige, U Aingeda, maic Aingeda, 156 a 27, 28). The initial A may perhaps not properly 
belong to the inscription. 

2s Auniche, Fuindche, Muichi, Muinche, Muinchi all seem to be scribal variants of (Corco) 
bUiniche (do Gallaib), Erin 1, p. 139. 

3a Not in Onom. Goed. ‘“‘ Ate andso na tuatha tuctha i n-eraic Fergusa Scandail i. Corco Ele 7 
Corco Thenead 7 Corcamruad Alta,’ Lecan 450. For the allusion, cp. Book of Rights, p. 88 note, 
which shows that the three tuatha must have been in eastern Munster. 

MacNeitu— Larly Irish Population- Groups. 67 

Ochland Rinn Sechlaind’ Thened 
Oiche Rinne Seleind Tethba 
Oche Roeda Sochlend Timine 
Oirce Roide Sogain Tine 
Oircthe Raeda Suigin Toilgenn 
Oirchen Raeidhe Sodhain Uais 
Oircthen Raide Soilcind hUiblig 
Olchind! Raighe Thede = Dal Céte hUiniche 
Reti Roeada Themne Ulad 
Riada Ruaid Temrach Ulum‘ 
Righe? Ruisen Tened 

36. -rige has dative singular rigiv. Though I have no instance establishing 
the gender as neuter, still the ending is to be identified with the neuter noun 
rige ‘kingship. Hence it would appear that groups of this order originally 
formed petty states each under its king. Historically, some of these groups 
are large enough to form several petty kingdoms, while others must have 
been mere village communities. 

37. In these compounds rigion = rige becomes® -rige. If the eponym 
retains a second syllable ending in a vowel, -rige suffers syneope, e.g. Nechtarge 
(epon. in moceu Nechtae), Osseirge, later by metathesis or analogy, Nechtraige 
Osraige. The close correspondence between the territory of Osraige (diocese 
of Ossory, but anciently also extending much farther westward) and the place 
assigned by Ptolemy to the Ousdiai makes it likely that the names also are 
closely associated (Osse -rge=*Osdia-rigion? Should we not expect Uisserge ?). 
When the eponymic element ends in r preceded by a consonant, only one r 
appears in writing: Gabraige =*Gabrorigion (eponym Fer Da Gabar), Bibraige 
= Corcu Bibuir, Odraige also Odorrige. This arises from a usage in spelling, 
ep. gobann, Goibniu. 

38. In Middle Ivish, there is an increasing tendency to substitute -raige 
for rige, and the later Mss. show a strong preference for -raide. In the 
following list add -rige, -raige, where the hyphen appears: 

Ai-? Airb-° Allt- Arb- 
Aib- Alt- Aman-* Art- 
1 Olehind, Seleind, Sochlend, Soileind, Toilgenn appear to be variants of one name. * Perhaps 
= Roede. 3 Cp. Echlann, Achland. 4= Auloim, Eoluim. 

> Holder, Altcelt. Sps., gives Icorigium, vicani Segorigienses, both from the Prussian Rhine 
Province, and Carbantorig{ijon from southern Scotland. With the last ep. Corbetrige. 

6 « 4» slicht Nothar meic meie Fir Airbeir do Ernaib ita Aibride,” Lecan 453. Read Airbrige ? 

7 Amanrige, Emenrige, will be found in Onom. Goed. under tuath, and the topographical refe- 
rences show that these are identical with Amanchaire, Emenchairi. In the latter we haye probably 
one more form of collective people-name, formed with the word covio-, cuire. Cp. banchuire, 
Coriondi, Gaulish Coriosolites, Petrucorii. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C. {11] 

68 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 
Au- Caen- Coth- Grac- 
Baen- Cae- Crec- Grag- 
Belt- Cai- Creg- Graic- 
Bend- Cailt- Crech- Gran- 
Benn- Cairb- Crobert- Grec- 
Bent- Cair- Crot- Greg- 
Bendt- Calb- Cuart- Gregi- 
Bennt- Cal- Cuilen- Gruth- 
Bib- Call- Cuin- Gub- 
Biurraidh ? Carb- Cuir- Gubt- 
Bidb- Cas- Cuiren- Inninn- 
Bid- Cath- Culindt- Ladh- 
Blad- Cat- Cup- Lagh- 
Blath- Catt- Cu- Lam- 
Blae- Cecht- Cur- Lath- 
Blai- Cel- Curand- Lat- 
Blod- Cell- Cuth- Latt- 
Blodh- Cerd- Dart- Luad 
Boend- Cer- Dub- Lubart- 
Boand- Ciar- E-? Lubu{t }- 
Boind- Clom- Higin- Luch- 
Boce- Cloth Em- Lud- 
Bodb- Cnam- Emen- Luid- 
Bolg- Co-* EKoch- Luff- 
Bonand- Coe- Ere- Lueg- 
Bond- Coil- Here- Luig- 
Bonn- Coen- Fed- Lus- 
Bon- Coin- Forb- Man- 
Boon- Coirp- Frad-* Mann- 
Borb- Coith- Gab Mas- 
Brece- Cond- Gael- Mase- 
Brese- Con- Gail- Maugin- 
Brocenn- Corb- Gaman- Mughan- 
Brod- Corbet- Garb- Med- 
Brug- Core- Geg- Meg- 
Bru- Corp- Glas- Men- 
Brui- Cort- Glunn- Mend- 
Cael- Cose- Grafimin- Menn- 

1 «<< Aimirgen Gluingeal a quo Coraidi (= Corco Raidi?) 7 Orbraidi 7 Corco Athrach Ele, Lecan 

2 Read Trad- ? 

’ dengus Fear da Gabar mac Conairi Moir meic Etersceoitl a quo Garbraidi, Lecan 450. Oengus 
Fer Gabra mac Conairi maic Meissi Buachalla diatat Gabrige, Eriu iii., p. 139. 

MacNeritu— Karly. Lrish 




Population- Groups. 


39. The suffix -ne, ds. -niu, points to a collective ending -inion. 



Middle Irish, when the preceding consonant resists palatalisation, -ne becomes 


denote population-groups, since the suffix has a much wider application. 
The instances which are known to be people-names are indicated by the 

mark f. 

Mag Aibne 


Loch Aillinne 
Loch Aindinne 
Cluain Airdne 

Cul Aisne 
Mag Argarni 
Belach mBarnini 



‘ 'Lacraige, etc., a subdivision of the Arai. 
appears as Toeca in the following (Lecan 450) : 

7 data. 



Loch Bricerne 




Cluain Caichne 


Cul Caissine 

Mag Cargamni 



Dun Cermna 

Mag Cétni 

Ath Coirthine 

Dun Coistinne 

Aes Conchinne 
Mag Conchinne 




Ard Crimne 


Ard Créinne 

Mag Cualgerne 
Ath Cuillne 
Ros Cuissine 
Traig Culcinne 
Es Danainne 

{'Tuath Cruadhluinde Deoninne 

In the following list, doubtless, many names are included which do not 

The variants suggest an original Toeccrige, ‘l'dicc-, 

The people was one of the four sub-divisions of the Arai, and the eponym 



—Ceithri mete Laider in avad i. Dula 7 Toeca 7 Nena 


Dun Detchine 
Cul Dreimne 
Dun Dreimne 
Mag Drithne 
Sliab Eblinne 
Cuil Emni 
Loch Erne 
Benn Foibne 
Ros Foichne 
Ard Gabreni 

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

+Gailine Tir Marcceini Seédni 
Gailinne Metine Sceinni 

Gebtine Musceraige Mitaine Segene 
Gobnine Midbine {Semaine 
Goistine Cluain Moescnae Semoni 
Gratine {Tuath Mochtaine Semuine 
Greftine », Mochthuinne Semne 
Gruitini Din Muairne Cul Siblinne 

Domnach Iarlainne Ailech Muirinne Cul Sibrinne 

Ath Inroine Nemeni Dun Sraibtine 

Inber Labrainne Glenn Nemthinne »  Sraiftine 

Loch Labrainne Ochaine », Sraiptine 
{Lathairne Oichene Taelcoine 

Latharna {+Ochmaine Taiblene 

{Ligmuine Oicne Mag Taideni 

Locharna Caill Oichni Talcainne 
{Luaigni Oinmine Talindi 
}Luguirne! Ollbine Cluain Tibrinne 
tLuigni }Plaitine {Tretherne 

Mag Luidni Raigne Tuath Uindsinde 
}Mairtine Raimbhne Mag Uaidni 

AthCliathMairgene Saidni {Uaithni 

Ath Liac Margini Saimni 

Cuan Manainne  ‘f Saithni 

40. Interchange of formulae :— 

Dal Aengusa Musca = Dal Musca = Muscraige 
Dal Auluim = Coreu Auloim 

Dal Bardeni = Coreu Bairdni 

Dal Baiscinn = Coreu Baiscinn 

Dal Birnd? = Coreu Birn = Osraige 

Dal Buain = Boonrige 

Dal Céin = Corcu Chéin = Cianacht 

Dal Céte, ep. Coreu Cede 

Dal Conchubuir = Conchubuirne® 

Dal Conluain = Coreu Condluain 

Dal Cormaic = Coreu Cormaice Lagen 

Dal Cuinn = Connachta 
Dal Cuirb, ep. Corbraige 
Dal Cuire, ep. Cuirene 

1 Luguirne, LL 134 b, last line, not in Onom. Goed. 

* « Genelach Dail Birn .i. Osairge,’’? Rawl. B 502, 128 b 25. 
3 See note on moceu Conchubuir below. 

MacNevii— Early Irish Population- Groups. 71 

Dal Druithne = Corcu Druithne 

Dal Duibne, cp. Corcu Duibne 

Dal Echach, ep. Corcu Echach 

Dal Hogain = Hoganacht 

Dal Fiachach = Coreu Fiachach 

Dal Luigne = Coreu Luigne 

Dal Maigen, cp. Corcu Maigen 

Dal Maigne, cp. Corcu Maigne 

Dal Maugnae, cp. Mauginrige 

Dal Me Druad = Coreu Mu Druad, Corcumruad 
Dal Mo Dula, cp. Coreu Dula 

Dal Moga, ep. Coreu Moga 

Dal Riatai = Korku Reti, Corcu Riada 

Dal Ulad, ep. Corcu Ulad 

Coreu Bibuir, cp. Bibraige 

Corcu Cuirn, cp. Cuirenrige 

Coreu Délann = Dal Dalann 

Corcu Duib = Dubrige 

Coreu Loegde, also named Dairine 

Corcu Och(a)e, cp. Ochaine 

Corcu Luachra = Orbraige Droma Imnocht 
Corcu Nechtae, cp. Nechtarge, Nechtraige 
Coreu Ruisen = Tuath Ruisen 

Corcu Sai = Sairige 

Corcu Themne = Temenrige 

Saithrige, cp. Saithne 

Semraige, Semonrige = Semaine, Semoni, Tuath Semon 

41. Of collective names in -acht, I have only three certain instances, all 
very prominent in history, Cianacht, Connachta, Hoganacht. The plurals 
Cianachta, Hoganachta are also frequent, especially when more than one sub- 
division of these groups is in question. Of the simgular Connacht I have no 
example; but the phrase teora Connachta shows that here, too, we have a 
collective noun. These instances may be added to Bibracte cited by 
Thurneysen (Altir. Gram. § 262) in support of his view that the abstract 
nouns in -acht were originally collectives. Other possible examples are 
Ailech Esrachtae, Ard Canachta, Cluain Cuallachta, Crich Cugennachte. 

42. In my paper on the Moccu-formula (Eriu, vol. 11), I brought together 
a number of instances to show that this formula, which was used as a kind of 
surname until the eighth century, had relation to the people-name, the 
eponym in the latter being extracted, so to speak, and its genitive preceded 
by mocew being used to form the surname or gens-name of the individual. I 

72 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

also showed that moccu in Old Irish was represented by mucoi or magi mucot 
in the Ogham inscriptions, and that the corresponding people-name, where it 
could be identified, belonged to the class of collective names which I have 
ventured in this paper to designate as the second order. With a view to 
testing these deductions more fully, I have brought together all the examples 
of mucot and mocew which since then I have been able to collect. The result 
has been to confirm the deductions of my paper in Eriu. I have found no 
conflicting instance. In many cases, the corresponding people-name has not 
yet been discovered ; but since it appears fairly certain that the formula always 
testifies to the existence of an ancient population-group whose name must 
have embodied the eponym found after mucoi or moccu, I give here the whole 
list of examples. 

43. If I am correct in referring mocew Elich to Eli, and moceu Echach 
(Echdach) to Dal Echach = Fothairt, these instances, together with mocew Baird, 
appear to indicate that the formula was also applicable in the case of people- 
names of the first order. The rarity of the instances is a matter of course, 
considering that but few names of the first order were preserved, and that of 
these few a number, like Erainn, Lagin, comprised subdivisions of the second 
order. It is even probable, as Corcu Sogin beside Sogin suggests, that the 
collective formula could be applied to the older names treated as eponyms. 

44. Eponyms following MUCOLand its variants in Ogham inscripti ons :— 

1. ANAdo 
69. ALLATO cep. Altraige? 
1902 p.5. BRECI ep. Breecraige 
162. CALLITTI ep. Cailtrige 
183. CORIBIRI ep. Dal Coirpri® 
126. CUNAVA/[LI] ep. Conaille 
229. CUNIA 
246. DONT 
18. DOVYINIAS Corcu Duibne® 

1 The numbers are those of Macalister’s collection ; the years and pages refer to the Journal of the 
Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. 

* This identification is hardly donbtful. ‘The inscription belongs to the barony of Trughanacmy, 
Co. Kerry. The Altraige were a subdivision of the Ciarraige, their eponymous ancestors being (gs.) 
Alta, a descendant of Ciara, also named Mug Taeth, eponymous ancestor of the Ciarraige, according to 
the genealogists. The Altraige inhabited vart of the lands of Ciarraige Luachra and Corcu Duibne. 

3 Dal Coirpri, one of the four primary divisions (cethri primsloinnte) of the Lagin. They seem to 
have been situated in East Munster, of which a large part had once, it was believed, belonged to 
Leinster. Of Dal Coirpri were the families of Ua Riain (Ryan) and Ua Duibidir (Dwyer), noted 
East Munster surnames. The inscription, however, belongs to East Muskerry barony, Co. Cork. 

* Conaille (cp. Conalneos fines, L. Arm.) = *Cunovalinion. The Conaille of Muirthemne may be 
regarded as neighbours of the Isle of Man, where the inscription is found. 

°* This and the three following inscriptions are from the barony of Coreaguiny = Coreu Duibne. 

MacNumu— Early Irish Population- Groups. 73 

20. DOV.......... 
214. LITOS 
212. LUGA 
247. LUGUNI ep. Dal Luigni? 
1899 p. 427. LUGUNI Luigne? 
1895 p. 359. MACORA 
218. MACORBO ep. Dal Mocoirp.* 
223. MaCoRBo 
196. MAQI EURI* 
8. MAQI MEQ[o... 
220. MEDALO ep. Dal Mo Dala. 
1898 p. 397. Me TINI 
237. ODARREA ep. Odrige, Odorrige.® 

1 The inscription is from Co. Waterford. Dal Luigni were among the Dési allies (Eriu iii., p. 149). 
2 Inscription from neighbourhood of Kells. The Luigne of Meath inhabited this neighbourhood, 
not the barony of Lune, which takes its name from the Luaigni. 
3 “T)4l Niacorp’’ (a daerthuath of Cashel, therefore distinct from Dal Niath Corb, of which was 
the Leinster dynasty) Onom. Goed. is probably for Dal Macorp = Maic Corbb. 
+ For Lavi? 
> The three inscriptions bearing this eponym are found within a small area, the district of 
Dungarvan and Ardmore on the south coast. The eponym may be translated ‘‘ Segomo’s champion.”’ 
Apart from this name, so far as I am aware, no trace of Segomo has been discovered in Irish tradition. 
He was known, on the other hand, to the Gauls as a war-god, ‘‘ Mars Segomo.”” We should look for 
a twath bearing some such name as *Dal Niuth Segamon in the district mentioned, but no instance of 
such a name has been found. ‘The name Segomo, however, and the locality are strongly suggestive 
of a late settlement of Gauls on the southern coast. The story of the Dési setilement (Eriuiii., p. 139) 
names among the Désiallies Corco h Uiniche do Gallaib, and Dal Maignenn, descendants of Maigniu Gall. 
We can only identify the descendants of Segomo’s Champion with the Eoganachta, who claimed 
Nia Segamon as their ancestor. In Corcu Loegde, = Dairine, we find another instance of a tuath 
owning two distinct eponyms. The occupation of Cashel by the Eoganachta cannot well be disconnected 
from the Dési settlement. (1) The whole territory east of the Suir and within the later Munster. 
belonged traditionally to the Osseirge (Osraige), who were akin to the Lagin. (2) Airmuma, ‘‘ East 
Munster,’’ is specifically the name of a territory west of the Suir, now the barony of Upper Ormond. 
Oenach Airmuman = Nenagh. (8) The baronies of Kilnemanagh Upper and Lower were held by 
Dal Coirpri, one of the cethri primsloinnte Lagen, ‘the four chief denominations of the Lagin.’’ 
(4) Cashel, according to the legend (Keating, Forus Feasa, book i, sec. 3), was first ‘found’? in 
the time of Core son of Luguid, and had not previously been a residence of the kings of Munster. 
Oengus, grandson of Core, was king of Munster in St. Patrick’s time, and Core was said to have 
reigned in the time of Niall Noigiallach. The traditional occupation of Cashel then by the Eoganachta 
may be placed about a.p. 400. (5) As the seat of the Eoganacht dynasty, the place bore a name of 
_ Latin origin, caissel = castellwm. For the tradition of its older names see Keating, 1. c. 
5 Cp. Coica do maceaib Odra di hUltaib diata Odrige (Briu iii., p- 188). These take part in the 
Dési invasion, and the inscription is from the Dési district. 

74 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

79. QERAI Cerrige, later Ciarraige.’ 
160. QRITTI cp. Crothraige. 
218. ROTTAIS ep. Rothraige, Roithrige.? 
198. SOGINI cp. Sogain, Coreu Sogain, Corcu Suigin. 
1903 p. 76. TREnAluGGo 
1896 p. 129. TRENAQITI 
109. TUCACAC? 
107. UDDAMI 
242. VALUVI 
45. As applied to contemporaries, the quasi-surnames in mocew become 
obsolete in the eighth century. The latest instance I have found is that of 
Lucereth moccu Ciara, the author of a poem commencing Ct-cen-mdthair 
maith in chland, which is found with the Eoganacht genealogy in the Books of 
Ballymote and Lecan and in Rawlinson B 502. From internal evidence this 
poem appears to have been composed early in the eighth century. In the 
Book of Leinster and later documents moccw is misunderstood as an equivalent 
of mace hui, filius nepotis, and commonly represented by me. h., m. h., mace ua, ete. 
Abbreviations in the following list : MD (with date in calendar) = Martyrology 
of Donegal; LL, BB (with page of facsimile) = Book of Leinster, Book of 
Ballymote ; Ad = Adamnan’s Vita Columbae, Reeves, index ; Onom = Hogan’s 
Onomasticon Goedelicum ; Arm = Hogan’s Glossary to Book of Armagh; AU 
(with year of annal) = Annals of Ulster; SL =Stokes’s Lives of the Saints 
from Book of Lismore, index. 
46. Eponyms following Moceu :— 
LL 868 Ultan m. h. Aignich see Hignich below 
A 5 Mo Boe m. h. Aldae! 
BB 212 Mo Bhi qui dicitur me. h. Alla 
3 225 Brenaind me. h. Alta® Altraige 

' The inscription is from Magunihy barony, adjoining Ciarraige Luachra. 

2 From a Dési inscription. The Roithrige take part in the Dési invasion. 

3 Macalister’s suggested reading of the inscription, which is defaced. Perhaps it was originally 
TOICAC asin no. 91. 

4 See pedigree of Mo Baedan from Fiachra Allae, BB 218g. 

5 See note on ALLATO above. A/lti postulates a different stem. The pedigree of St. Brendan 
has ‘‘ mace Findloga maice Olchon maice Altai vel aliter mace Findloga m. Olehon m. Gosse m. Gabli 
m. Ecni im. Chiarraige Luachra do Altraige Cind Bera ocus do Choreu Duibni,’’ LL 349 a; 
“mace Findloga m, Elehon m. Aeltai do Chiarraigi Luachra do Alltraige Chaille,”’ LL 371 a, 

MacNettn— larly Irish Population- Groups. 75 
Ad. Brendenus mocu Alti Altraige 
LL 367 Colman mace Cuansi ep. Coreu Andsae 
368 Odran me. h. Araide Dal Araidi 

BB 228 Odran me. h. Araide % 
Ad Comgellus mocu Aridi! i 
MD Jun. 7 Mo Cholmoce mac ua Arta Artraige 
BB 225 Colum me. h. Arte 4 
LL 359 Nechtan m. h. in Baird? Longo-Bardi 
MD Apl. 22 Neachtain mac ua Baird 3 

, Aug.30 Usaille mac ua Baird? os 

Kriu iy. p. 75 

BB 226 Colman me. h. Bairdine® Dal Bardeni 
LL 367 Colman m. h. Bairddeni Fe 
* 856 Mo Cholmoc m. h. Beona 
» 373 Nem m. h. Birn Dal (or Coreu) Birnt 
MD Jun. 14 Nem mac ua Birn 5) 
Onom, p.197 Cell macu Birn "3 
LL 368 Setna Dromma m. h. Blai Blairige 
Onom Druim mic ua Blae - 
Ad Lugbeus mocu Bla As 
Arm Miliuee maccu Booin Boonrige, Dal Buain 
BB 226 Caindech me. h. Buachalla Dal Buachalla 
LL 367 Cainnech m. h. Buachalla 
. 368 Oidrine m. h. Buachalla 5 
Onom, p. 197 Cell maccu Buaddin 
MD Oct. 4 Fionoce maccu Cha cp. Cairige, Caraige 
LL 356 Eeca m. h. Chae * 
BB 227 Mo Laisi me. h. Caidi ep. Catrige 
LL 368 Mo Lasse m. h. Cate in 
Fy Pa Mo Beoc m. h. Cati » 
BB 227 Mo Beoe me. h. Chaiti 
5) 6 Mo Laisi me. h. Carraigi 
Lu 368 Mo Lasse m. h. Caisrige 
99 367 Colman me. h. Chais® Dal Cais 

Sechnall mace ui Baird? 


1 Pedigree from Fiachra Araide, epon. anc. of Dal A. LL 348d. 

? Nechtan or Nechtain, Ausaille = Auxilius, and Sechnall = Secundinus were three of the seven 
sons of ‘‘ Lupait sister of Patrick’? by Restitutus of the Longobardi, LL 355 a, 372a. We have 
here in mocew Baird a curious extension of the formula to a foreign people. In LL 372a, Inpais is 
called ‘ mathair mace ht Baird.’? See Anscombe, The Longobardic Ovigin of St. Sechnall, Eriu iy., 
p. 74. 

3° Colman maceu Barrdini, do Dal Barrdainne a chenél,’’ Onom. Goed. p. 331. 

4 Dal Birn was a synonym for Osseirge, Osraige, who are called Sil mBirn, LL 339 a1, from an 
ancestor Loegaire Birn Buadach. 

® Colum Epscop of Tir Da Glas has a pedigree from Dal Cais, BB 221 f. 

B,1.A, PROC., VOL, XXIX., SECT. C, [12] 

BB 226 
LL 368 
BB 227 
% 226 
LL 827 
BB 227 
E 228 
LL 368 
BB 173 
LL 357 
MD Jan. 31 
BB 227 
LL 290 
RG 367 
BB 226 
LL 355 
AU 656 
BB 228 
LL 368 
LL 367 
BB 227 
MD Mar. 16 
BB 123 
LL 357 
a 364 
MD Dee. 27 
AU 663 
AU 690 

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Colman me. h. Chais 
Mater virorum mocu Ceiin 
Chonrii mocu Cein 

avia To Cummi mocu Cein 
Mo Chummae m. h. Chein 
Mo Chuma me. h. Chen 
Comgall me. h. Cein 
Comgall m. h. Chéin 
Findlug m. h. Chéin 
Fintan me. h. Chen? 

Mo Gobboe m. h. Chein 
Mo Gobboe m. h. Chein 
To Channu mocu Fir Cetea 
Lucreth macu Ciara 

Lucill m. h, Chiara 
Caindeach mac ui Chil 
Fintan me. h. Cind—— 
Dil me. hui Chrecga 
Colman me. h. Coirtged? 
Colman me. h. Coirtged? 
Cilline m. h. Colla 

Ultan m. h. Conchobwir* 
Obitus Ultain moccu Chonecobair 
Ultan moccu Chonchobair quievit 
Ultan me. h. Conchubair 
Mo Lasse m. h. Chonna 
Ad insolas Maccu Chor 
Mo Chua me. h. Choraig 
Mo Chua me. h. Choraig 
Abban mae ua Corbmaic* 
Aban maccua Cormaic 
Abbain m. h. Chormaic 
Abban m. h. Chormaic 
Fiacha mac ua Chorbmaic 
Baetan moccu Cormaice 
Cronan moceu Chualne 

Dal Cais 


Dal Céte 



ep. Coreu Culla 
Dal Conchobuir 
ep. Dal Condad 
cp. Cuirrige 

Dal Cormaic 


Dal Cualni 

1§. Fintan Find of Druimm Ing, Cianacht pedigree, BB 221a, 232 b 48. 
* See Forgtech, Fortgech, and cp. Corcu OUircthe, C. Oircthen. 

3 «6 Ay ba do D. C. dosom,’’ Onom. Goed., p. 332. 

In the Book of Armagh he is called episeopus 

Conchuburnensium, episcopo Conchuburnensi, indicating the alternative form Conchuburne = Dal 


4 Pedigree from Cormac, son of Ca Corb, and epon. anc. of Dal Cormaic, one of the cethri prim- 

sloinnte Lagen. 

“Ts dib Aban maceua Cormaic,” BB 128 b 26. 

His pedigree, BB 222 e, f. 

MacNeiti—Larly Trish Population- Groups. 17 

MD Feb. 7 Mellan mac wi Cuinn Dal Cuinn! 
Sep. 10 Seighin mac ui Chuinn 5 
Oct. 9 Aedhan mac ui Chuind ” 
LL 862 Aedan m. h. Cuind 35 
BB 226 Colman m, h. Cuind 5; 
LL 367 Colman m. h. Cuind 5 
BB 227 Mo Chua me. h. Chuind 5 
Li 367 Findlug m. h. Chuind 99 
FM Ultan mac hui Cunga 
AU 664 Ultan mac Caunga 
Onom moccu Daiméne cp. Daimine 
Ad Cainnechus mocu Dalon? Coreu Dalann 
BB 226 Caindech me. h. Dalann 0 
45 227 Mo Laisi me. h. Dartada cp. Dartraige 
LL 368 Mo Lasse m. h. Dartada 55 
MD May 21 Inis mac ua Dartadha 3 
AU 653 Colman epscop moccu Delduib® 
LL 367 Colman m. h. Dulduil?® 
Ad Ercus! mocu Druidi 
LL 362 Neman m. h. Duib Dubrige, Corecu Duib. 
MD Sep. 18 Naomhan mac ua Duibh 90 
» Apl.8 Aedhan mac ua Dhuibhne Corcu Duibne 
LL 858 Aedan m. h. Duibni 3 
MD Feb. 20 Colgu mac ua Duineachda 
AU 602 Quies Finntain filii nepotis Echdach® cp. Dal Echach 
Onom 589 Fintan maceu Echtach 99 
50 a (Fintan) moccu Edagur 90 
BB 228 Ultan me. h. Hignich cp. Higinrige 
MD Apl. 9 Aedhac mac ua Elich ep. Eli 
LL 358 Aedach m. h. Elich 45 
5 862 Finnio m. h. Fiatach® Dal Fiatach 
AU 578 Quies Vinniani episcopi me. nepotis 05 


1 The numerous pedigrees of the saints of Dal Cuinn (= Ui Néill, Ui Britin, Airgialla, etc.) 

include Espoe Aed, Aed Coel, Aedan, Aeidgen, Maedog, and at least four Colmans. “ Seigine 
m. Fiachna m. Feradaig m. Nindeadam. Fergusa m. Conaill m. Neili,’’ Lecan 93. 
2 « Dal nDallain a quo Caindeach,’’? Onom. Goed. s.v. Dal Condaith. 
3 See Telduib below. * Apparently a native of the Hebrides. 
5 §. Fintan of Cluain Eidnech was of the Fothairt, whose epon. anc, in the genealogies is Eochu 
Find Fuath nAit, so that Dal Echach may be a synonym of Fothairt. 
Fintan Cluana Eidneach will mac Garbain me. Corenain cuir 
me. Eachach me. Breasail ain + me. Den me. Condlar contain 
me. Airt Cirp me. Cairpri Niad * me. Cormaie mai co mormiad 
(l. 45) me. Aengusa moir miad ngart * me. Eachach Finn Fuath le hart. BB231a. 
5 Pedigree from *‘ Fiatu Find a quo Dal Fiatach,’’ L349 ¢. 

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

BB 226 Findbarr me. h. Fiatach Dal Fiatach 
LL 367 Findbarr me. h. Fiatach is 
MD Jan. 11 Suibne maccu Ir Tri Coreu Fir Tri 
BB 226 Colman m. h. Forgiech* 
LL 367 Colman m. h. Fortgech? 
LL 364 Mo Cholmoc m. h. Gualae xo 
h. Gaili? Gailine 
367 Mo Lua me. h. Gaili 9 
BB 297 Mo Lua me. h. Gaili SS 
e ss Mo Chuma me. h. Gaili 3 
LL 368 Mo Chummae m. h. Gaili a 
ns 33 Mo Shenoc m. h. Gairb Garbraige* 
MD Oct. 21 Siollan mac ua Ghairbh 55 
LL 364 Mc. h. Gairb abdaid Maigi Bili. 
Sillan Magisti7 35 
Onom, p. 197 Cell maccu Geriddin 
LL 356 Mc. h. Greccae Greccraige 
3 367 Colman m. h. Guaili® 
BB 226 Colman me. h. Guaili? 
Lecan 455 Eterscel Mor macu Iair® Erainn 
BB 227 Mo Laisi me. h. lmdae Dal Imde 
Li 368 Mo Lasse m. h. Imda 5 
AU 638 Do Laissi maccu Imde 33 
BB 227 Mo Chua me. h. Lapae 
LL 367 Mo Chua m. h. Loppae 
oS 368 Mo Gobboe me. h. Laime cp. Lamraige 
BB 227 Mo Gobboe m. h. Laime Fe 
AU 6387 Cronan moccu Loegdae Corceu Loegde 
LL 367 Mo Chua m. h. Laigde - 
BB 227 Mo Chua me. h. Laidgi 3 
> 228 Mo Rioc me. h. Laigdi A 
LiL 368 Mo-Ride m. h. Laigde <5 
? Ad Columbanus mocu Loigse® Léigis 
MD May 16 Colman mac ua Laoighse s 
LL 360 Colman m. h. Laigsi . 
5 356 Oenu m. h. Laigsi® 55 
5 367 Oenu m. h. Laigsi 3 

1 Coirtgech above. 

2 «6 Di Gailinni di Ultath do.”’ LL 364, last column. This Mo Cholméc may be identified with 
Colman moccu Guaili. Perhaps the scribal variants Gual-, Guail-, Gail-, Gail- may be traced to an 
earlier spelling Goil- (oi diphthong.). 

= See foregoing note. * Cp. Domnach maccu Garba, Onom. Goed. >See § 12 

® Pedigrees of Oenu and Colman from Lugaid Laigsech, epon. anc. of Léigis, BB 219 c. 

MacNumwi—Larly Irish Population- Groups. 79 

SL 275 

LL 368 

BB 228 
5 224 


AU 789 

Hriu iii, 188 

MD Jun. 8 
BB 2217 
LL 367 
BB 227 
3 226 
LL 367 
BB 228 
LL 368 
AU exxxiii 
SL 335 
BB 22.7 
LL 868 
» 858 
”? 99 
BB 227 
MD Jan. 19 
Onom 540 
riu iii. 138 
MD Jun. 9 
AU exxxiil. 
. 584 
LL 368 
BB 228 

Enna maceu Laigsi 

Mo Shinu me. h. Lugair 
Mo Shinu me. h. Lugair 
Mo Caemo me. h. Lugair 
Dubthoch me, h. Lugir 

Comotatio reliquiarum Mo Chuae 

moceu Lugedon 
Moeeu Luigdech 
Muirchu maceu Machtheni 
Murchu mac ua Maichtene 
Meadhran mac ua Maichtene 
Loman me. h, Maigni 
Lonan m. h. Maigen 
Mo Chua m. h. Manche 
Mo Chua me. h. Manchi 
Fintan me. h. Milbae 
Fintan m. h. Milbai 
Lugbeus mocu Min 
Lugneus mocu Min 
Mo Shinu me. h. Muind 
Mo Sinu me. h. Mind 
Mosinu Maccumin 
Lugna maccu Moga Laim 
Laisranus mocu Moie 
Mo Laisi me. h. Naithre 
Mo Lasse m. h. Naratha 
Mo Lassi m. h. Nechti 
Mo Lasse m. h. Nechtai 
Mo Laisi me. h. Neachta 
Mo Laissi maccua Nechte 
Moceu Necthin 
Moceu Nemongin 
Cruimther mac ua Nesse 
Oisseneus mocu Neth Corb 
Mo Cuaroe maceu Neth Semon? 
Abb Cluana moccu Nois 
Mo Léce m. h. Noise 
Mo Locae me. h. Noise 


cep. Corcu Luigdech 
ep. Tuath Mochtaine! 
ep. Dal Maigin, Maigni 


cp. Menraige 

Nechtarge, Corcu Nechtae 

Dal Niath Cor 
Semonrige, Semaine 
cp. Noisrige 



1 Tuath Mochtaine for Maig Macha,’ an aithechtuath in poem quoted by Mae Fir Bhisigh, 

Genealogies, R.I.A. copy, p. 55. 

‘*Mochthuinde’”’ in Onom. Goed., p. 652. 
2 & Semuine na nDesi diata Mo Chuaréc,’ Onom, Goed., p. 594. 


Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

BB 223 Colman me. h. Nuadchon 
AU 608 Quies Lugdach moccu Ochae! Coreu Oche 
AU 677 Daircill moceu Retai Dal Riatai 
Ad Mailodranus mocu Rin? ep. Corcu Rinn 
” Erneneus mocu Fir Roide Coreu Roide 
LL 365 Tua m. h. Roida ” 
a6 368 Tua m. h. Roda 90 
” 9D Mo Gobboe me. h. Ruain 
BB 228 Mo Gobboe me. h. Ruain 
Ad. Trenanus mocu Runtir Dal Runtir 
99 Colmanus moeu Sailni® Dal Sailni 
” Nemaidon (gen.) mocu Sogin Sogin, Corcu 8. 
AU 548 Finnio moccu Telduib! 
LL 367 Finnian m. h. Thelluib 
BB 226 Finna me. h. Tellduib 
SL 335 Fidnian maccu Tellaig 
MD Feb. 8 Colman mac ui Thealduibh 
», Dee. 12 Colman mac ui Thelduibh 
BB 226 Colman me. h. Tuilduib 
Ad Luguid mocu Themne Temenrige 
AU 663 Comgan macu Teimne bp 
MD Feb. 27 Comman macua Theimhne 99 
», Apl. 8 Luighthighern macua Trato® Tratraige 
LL 359 Luchthigern maccu Tratho pp 

47. The collective names do not always appear to contain a personal or 
ancestral eponym. In Corcu Fasaig, Corcu Luachra, Corcu Maige Locha, 
Coreu Temrach, Coreu Tethba, the determining word is a place-name, so that 
these names are referable to a usage in which corew is still a common noun in 
general use. 

48. The eponyms which are found with mocew prove that the eponyms 
supplied by the genealogists cannot always be accepted as representing an 

' Mo Lua Cluana Ferta m. Cartaigh m. Daigri in. Urchocho m. Fergusa Fogo. Mo Lua er. me. 
Daigri m. Ere m. Inchada m. Laime Fola m. Cliataire m. Focha m. Dubthaig Duinn. (BB 218 c.) 
“ Fergus Oiche qui et Fogai”’ was epon. anc. of Corcu Oche, BB 169 b 44. 

* Variant mocw Curin, cp. Cuirenrige. 

3 Colman Elo .i. Mac Ui Selli,”’ Onom. Goed. s.v. Dal Sailne. The eponym does not occur in his 
pedigree, BB 223 b, c, LL 352f. 

4See Delduib above. ‘he obit here is that of S. Finnian of Cluain Ivaird, whose pedigree is 
given thus :—‘ Finden Cluana Ivaird m. Findloga m. Findtain m. Concruind in. Daircealla m. Seanaigh 
m. Diarmada m, Aedha m. Fergusa m. Oilella Duibh m. Cealtair m. Uideachair,’’ BB 218 ad, e. 
Similarly LL 348, last column. Ailill Dub is given as Ailill Telduib by Abp. Healy, Iveland’s Ancient 
Schools, p. 194 (second edition). Ze7dub, Tuldub, cp. ** Genelach Stl Eogain. Tadg m. Faelain ... 
m. Faelchon Tulchotait 1. etan eruaid boi oca.”?’ LL 317 a. 

5 Luchthigern ... isé fili Tuaim Findlocha i Pratraige, LL 373 bd. 

MacNemi—Larly Irish Population- Groups. 81 

accurate tradition. Thus the genealogists tell us that the Ciarraige are the 
descendants of Ciar, son of Fergus Mac Roig, but the Ogham form Mucoi Qerai 
(ms. Moccu Ciara) shows that the true eponym should have been Ciara in 
Middle Irish. The Artraige are said to descend from a male ancestor Art, 
while the moccw formula has genitive Arta, Arte. That Core Duibfind, as 
ancestor of Corcu Duibne, is a mere fiction of the genealogists would be 
sufficiently obvious if we had not the Ogham examples of Mucoi Dovinias and 
the Ms. mocew Duibne. Lama, son of Conchobor mace Nessa, is the genealogical 
ancestor of the Lamraige, but the lists of saints have Mo Gobbée moccu Laime, 
Laigsech Cennmor is the genealogical head of the Léigse; Adamnanus 
has mocu Loigse. Neachtain...a quo Neachtraide, Lecan 453; Nemangein 
mac Neachtain do Uaithnib diata Neachtraidi, ib.; but moceu Nechti, Nechtat, 
Nechte, Neachta, and Corewu Nechtae. Fergus Oiche qui et Fogai, BB 169 b, 
Fergus Fogo, BB 218 c, Focha, ib. is ancestor of Coreu Oche and of S. Mo Lua = 
Luguid moccu Ochae, AU 608. If the genealogists have not lost the genuine 
tradition, they must have deliberately substituted masculine for feminine 

49. Adamnanus, in mocu Fir Cetea, mocu Fir Roide, introduces fer 
(“husband of”) before a feminine eponym. Cp. Conall mac Khir Cheiti 
meic Deda meic Sin a quo Dal Ceiti la Mumain, Lecan 455. 

50. Names in -rige appear sometimes to have the name of an animal for 
eponym. It is curious if Bibraige (ep. Corcu Bibuir) contains the name of 
the beaver (cp. Bibracte), for Dr. Scharff tells me that so far no remains of the 
beaver are known to have been found in Ireland, though it is known to have 
existed in Britain, Other instances are Bocc-, Catt-, Con-. Dart- (with 
moccu Dartada), Gabr-, Gaman-, Luch-, Molt-, Tore-. We cannot assert that 
the animal, even personified, was regarded as the ancestor, for the adoption of 
animal names (e.g. Conall Ca, Ailill Molt) was not rare. Moreover, as 
instances like Ciarraige show, the eponym may really have been a fuller form 
of the element which is retained in the people-name. 

51. Some of the collective names appear to be based on the occupations of 
the people. Thus the Semonrige, Tuath Semon, or Semmuine, i.e. people of 
rivets, belonged to the coppermining district of the Dési, and the distinctive 
element in their name was not thought capable of forming an eponym; hence 
moccu Neth Semon = of the race of the Champion of the Rivets. In Bérre, 
Béarra, another mining district, were the Cerdraige. With this class of names 
we may perhaps connect Tuatha Taiden or Fir Taiden, people of mantles, 
and Fir Bolg, people of leathern bags. That Fir Bolg, commonly used as a 
name for the older subjugated race or races, was an extension of the genuine 
name of an historical people may be judged from the instances of Bolgthuath 

82 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

and Bolgraige in Onom. Goed.* All these peoples with what seem o be 
occupation-names belonged to the aithechtuatha; and their vassal-rents may 
have been paid in the products of the industries indicated by their names. 
Cp. also Corbraige, Corbetrige, Sciathraige, Tuath Chathbarr. 

IIL. Sepr-NAMEs. 

52. A third order, arising out of the second or it may be out of the first, 
and no doubt later in time, consists of sept-names in which the genitive of the 
eponym is preceded by the word Awi, Ui, “grandsons, descendants,” e.g. 
Ui Nall, Ui Fidgente. Indeed that this class of name belongs to a later 
fashion of nomenclature than the collective names appears from the fact that, 
while all the collective names origimate in a purely traditional period, the 
origin of at least a proportion of the early names in Ui can be assigned to the 
beginning of the documentary period. 

53. In the genealogies, but not in general usage, there is a partial revival of 
sept-names in Ui, probably in the eleventh century, perhaps due to professional 
familiarity with the early nomenclature. In popular usage the only such 
instance at present known to me is tbh Laoghaire, which seems to be the 
surname Ua Laoghaire, dative plural, belonging to a family of the western 
Muscraige. It is now the name of a district im the west of co. Cork. 
Surnames in Ua commence to be used in the tenth century: AU 914— 
Ua Maelsechnaill, 918 Ua Cléirig, 946 Ua Canannain. As titles, without the 
fore-name, Ua Ciarda 953, Ua Ruaire 953, 964, 998. Over 40 other such 
surnames are found in this century. The statement adopted by O’Curry 
(Ms. Mat., p. 214) that this usage was established by an ordinance of Brian 
Boroimhe, apart from the fact that regal decrees of the kind are unknown in 
Treland before the Norman Invasion, is thus shown to be without foundation. 

54. As in the case of the collective names, so in the case of sept-names 
in Ui, the eponym is sometimes feminine. Cp. Ui Bairrche, Ui Brigte, 
Ui Duibne (ep. Corcu D.), Ui Ereae, Ui Ferba (beside Ui Firb), Ui Ochrae, 
Ui -Taisce. 

55. In my paper on the Irish Ogham Inscriptions, R.1.A. Proceedings, 
vol. xxvii, p. 368, I adopted Barry’s view that the Ogham avi points to the 
sept-ancestor. Of sixteen instances there collected, five appear to be followed 
by feminine names; in two others the gender is doubtful. Hence apparently 
the proportion of feminine eponyms for septs named in the Ui-formula was 
much larger in early times than in the later Ms. record. 

1 Cp. note by Mac Fir Bhisigh on a poem at p. 55, Book of Genealogies (R.I.A.) : Dé i ndubhairt 
an duain nach d’ Feraih Bolg Gaileoin na Domhnannaigh 7c. fir sin tra iarna slonnadh ghnethech. 

Gidhedh iarna slonnadh coitchenn, as ainm diles dona tri tuathaibh vemraite Fir Bolg. 

MacNuttup—Larly Irish Population- Groups. 83 

56. I know no instance of a sept-name derived from a female ancestor 
within the documentary period. Hence I think that the feminine sept- 
eponyms had a religious, not a genealogical, import. Cp. Ui Brigte and “ Brigit 
banfile ingen in Dagda” (BB 34 b 30), Ui Ercae and the forenames Mace Ercae 
= Maqi Ercias, Dar Erca, Ercavicas. 

57. In the same paper, p 369, I suggested that Anavlamattias mucot Maqi 
Luri [lari 2] avi Axeras should be interpreted “ Anblomaith of the tuath of 
Mace Iair and of the sept [thereof] Aui Acher.” The sept-name has since then 
turned up: Ac Ailill Fland Beace comraices Hi Aicher 7 Mec Carrthaich 1. 
rigda [= rig| Desmuman, Lecan 454. “ At Ailill Flann Becc [the pedigrees] of 
Hui Aicher 7 the MacCarthaighs, Kings of Desmond, unite.” The genitive 
Aicher = Axeras seems to indicate an Irish r-stem outside of the nouns 
importing the family relation. 

58. In Dal Niad Corb, to which most of the Christian kings of Leinster 
belonged, the eponyms of the principal septs appear in the genealogies as sons 
of Cathair Mér: Ros Féilge (Ui Féilge) Ddire Barrach (Ui Bairrche), Bresa 
Enechglas (Ui Enechglais), Cétach (Ui Cétaig), Fergus Luascan (Ui Luascain) 
Crimthannén (Ui Crimthanndin), Eochaid Timine (Ui Timine), Fiachu Ba 
Aiccid (Ui Baicceda), Deremossach (Ui Deremossaig), etc. The instance 
of Ui Bairrche, mentioned earlier, warns us that we do not stand here 
on any ground of solid strict historical tradition. Least of all need we 
expect to find even an approximately true chronology. In Gilla Coemain’s 
reckoning Cathair Mor should have been king of Ireland from a.p, 123 
to 149. But in the Synchronism of 721, his reign requires to be 
placed quite a century later. Even this date appears too early, judged by 

59. The pedigree of Crimthann, king of Leinster in St. Patrick’s time 
(c. 450), is traced thus: 1, Cathair. 2, Fiacchu Baiccid. 3, Bresal Belach, 
4, Labraid. 5, Enda Cennselach. 6,Crimthann. Allowing three generations 
to a century, the floruit of Cathair should thus be placed quite at the close of 
the third century. The Four Masters give 435 as the death-date of Bresal 
Bélach son of Fiacha Aicidh son of Cathair Mor. AU concurs. The most 
that can be said is that the majority of witnesses assign Fiachu, ancestor of 
Ui Baicceda, to the fourth century. In his line sept-names in Ui continue to 
be formed for several generations. From Labraid son of Bresal Bélach are 
named Ui Labrada; from Dunlaing son of Enda Nia son of Bresal, Ui 
Duniainge; from Enda Cennselach son of Labraid, Ui Cennselaig. Hui Maele 
Tuile, from Mael Tuile son of Ronan s. 0. Colman s. 0. Coirpre s. 0, Ailill 
s.o. Dunlaing, supply a late instance. Mael Tuile should have lived in the 
latter half of the sixth century. See LL 315 c. 

R.I.A. PROO., VOL. XXIX., SEOT. C. [13] 

84 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

60. The chief septs of the Eoganachta are traced to two sons of 
Ailill Flann Bece, Luguid and Daire Cerba. 


Sa al 
Luguid Core (c. a-D. 400) Cathub 
(Wi Luigdech) | ( Gi Cathboth) 

Mace Tess Mace Broce Nat merch whee ts Trian Gage 

(Wi Maice (Eoganacht (UiMaiccInir) (Ui Trena) (Wi Cairbri 

Eochu Broce) Chaisil) Luachra) 

(Wi Echach) | 

Mace Caille 

(Ui Maice 

Dedu Fiachu Fidgenid Eochu Liathan 
(Ui Dedad) ( Wi Fidgente) (Ui Liathain) 

| | 
Corbb Nueal 
( Wi Cuirbb) | 
(Ui Muredaig) 

Sétna Brién Renae 
Ui Sétnai | Ui Loiguiri 
Da4ire Coirbre 

| (Ui Cairbri Aebda) 

(Ui Conaill Gabra) 

61. The Eoganacht of Cashel, the suzerain line, do not appear to have 
taken any sept-name in Ui. The pedigree of Oengus (killed in 489, AU) is 
given as follows: 1 Ailill Flann Bece, 2 Luguid, 3 Core, 4 Nat Frdich, 
5 Oengus. According to the genealogical account, Ui-names among the 
Eoganachta arise from ancestors two generations older than Oengus, and 
continue to arise until an ancestor is reached two generations later than 
Oengus. The eponyms would appear to date from about the beginning of 
the fifth until the middle of the sixth century. Of course it is to be borne in 
mind that a sept-name in Ui is at least two generations later than its 
eponym, so that with the Eoganachta, septs continued to be named afresh 
under this formula until the end of the sixth century. 

62. In Dal Cuinn, the starting-point of all the septs is Cairbre Lifechar. 
From Fiachu Sraiftine son of Cairbre descend the Ui Néill and the Connacht 
septs Ui Brivin, Ui Fiachrach, Ui Ailello, and Ui Fergusso. From Eochu 
Doimlén son of Cairbre descend the Airgialla and Ui Maine. 

63. In the genealogies, Niall, Brian (Brion), Fiachra, Ailill, and Fergus 
are sons of Eochu Mugmeddéin. Their period is the close of the fourth 

MacNeitt— Early Lrish Population- Groups. 85 

century and the beginning of the fifth. Loiguire son of Niall was king of 
Ireland at St. Patrick’s coming in 432, and died in 462 (AU). Eogan son of 
Niall died in 465 (AU), Conall Cremthainne son of Niall in 480. Nathi son 
of Fiachra succeeded Niall and preceded Loiguire as king of Ireland. 

64. The uncertainty of the genealogical tradition at this period is 
exemplified by the following counterstatements (Lecan 454) :— 

Sunt qui dicunt Fiachrach [read Fiachra| Brian Maine tri meie Domnaill 
meic Fiachrach Sraiftini. Sunt qui dicunt tri. meic Fiachrach Fir Da Giall 
meic Cairpri Tifeochair 1. na tri Cholla 2. Colla Uas 7 Colla Mend 7 Colla da 
Crich a n-anmand. 

65. The Ui Néill do not subdivide into further septs named in this 
formula. Under Ui Britn (BB 89) arise Hui Chanann from Cano son of 
Brion ; Hui DufiJb Dumach from Dub Dumach s. 0. Annad s. 0. Fothad, s. o. 
Conall s. 0. Brién ; Hui Baeithin from Baeithin s. 0. Dui Galach s. 0. Brion. 
Hui Cormaic from Cormac s. 0. Fergus Cnoe s. 0. Dui Galach. ‘The eponyms 
in this line belong to the fifth and sixth centuries. 

66. Under Ui Fiachrach (BB 107) arise Ui Amalgada (Amolngado) from 
Amolngid s. 0. Fiachra; Ui Echach Muaide from Eachaid (recte Eochu) s. o- 
Nathi s. 0. Fiachra; Ui Suanaig were a subsept of Ui Echach, but I have not 
found their pedigree. Excluding Suanach, the eponyms in this line belong to 
the fifth century. I have no account of subsepts named in the Ui-formula 
under Ui Ailello and Ui Fergusso. 

67. Hence it appears, so far as has been investigated, that in the Connacht 
and Meath branches of Dal Cuinn, sept-names im Ui arise from eponyms 
referable generally to the fifth century. 

68. Airgialla (BB 118): Ui Tuirtre from Fiachra Tort s. 0. Ere s. 0. 
Colla Uais s. 0. Eochu Doimlén. Hui Echach from Eochu s. 0. Feidlimids. o. 
Fiachra s. 0. Colla Da Chrich. Hui Bresail from Bresal s. 0. Feidlimid aforesaid. 
Hui Sinaig from Sinach, fifth in descent from Feidlimid. Hua Niallain from 
Niallan s. 0. Fiace s. 0. Feidlimid. Hui Cruind from Crond s. o. Feid- 
limid. Hui Méith from Muredach Méith s. 0. Imchad s. 0. Colla Da 
Chrich. Hui Fiachrach from Fiachra s. 0. Ere s. 0. Eochu s. 0. Colla 
Uais. Hui Segain from Segan s. 0. Tuathal s. 0. Feidlimid. Hw Maice 
Cairthinn from Mace Cairthinn s. 0. Eichen s. 0. Fiachra Tort. Hui 
Maine from Maine Mor s. o. Eochu Fer Da Giall s. 0. Domnall s. o. Imchad 
s. 0. Colla Focrich (= Da Crich). Ui Cormaic Maenmaige from Cormac s. 0. 
Bresal s.o. Maine. Hui Duach from Duach (Dui, Daui) s. 0. Dallans. 0. 
Bresal s. 0. Maine. 

69. At 513 (AU) is recorded the death of Cairpre Daim Argit, king of the 
Airgialla,s. 0. Eochu s. 0. Crimthann s. 0. Fiae s. 0. Daig Duin s. 0. Reochaid 


86 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

s. 0. Colla Da Crich. Colla should have flourished about two centuries earlier, i.e. 
at the beginning of the fourth century, and this date accords with the time 
usually assigned for the conquest of Mid Ulster by the three Collas. The 
eponyms of Ui Simaig and Ui Duach are two generations farther than 
Cairpre Daim Argit from the common ancestor, and should belong to the 
latter part of the sixth century. 

70. The septs of Dal Cuinn, the Eoganachta, and Dal Niad Corb were 
predominant throughout nearly all Ireland from St. Patrick’s time until the 
Norman Invasion. Hence one may suppose that their traditions were more 
minutely recorded in the early Ms. period than the traditions of less prominent 
groups; also that, so far as chronological checks were available, they were 
more operative in the history of these dominant lines. But it is evident that, 
even in their case, no anterior limit can be placed to the use of the Ui-formula 
except to say that it appears to mark a later classification than the collective 

71. The Ui-formula is succeeded by one in which cenél precedes the 
eponym. This is conspicuous and of early occurrence in the case of the 
Ui Néill. 

72. Cenél Conaill, C. Cairpri, C. Loiguiri, C. nEogain, C. Fiachach, 
C. Maini, C. nEndai, ©. nOengusso take their names from sons of 
Niall, and their origin therefore from about the middle of the fifth 

73. From sons of Eogan, C. Muredaig, C. mBindig, C. Fergusso, 
C. nOengusso, C. nDallain, C. Cormaic, C. Feidlimthe, C. nAilello, C. nEichein, 
C. nillainn, C. nEchach. 

74. From sons of Muredach, C. Feradaig, C. Tigernaig, C. Moain. From 
Forggus s. o. Baetén s. 0. Muirchertach s. 0. Muredach, C. Forgusso. 
Muirchertach died about 530 (533 AU, 527 FM, 531 Chron. Scot.), Baetan 
in 571 (AU), and a son of “Fergus”? son of Baetan in 619 (AU). Hence 
we may regard the Cenél formula in the Ui Néill line as based on fifth, sixth, 
and seventh century eponyms. 

75. In the Eoganacht line, the symmetrical numbers of 24 sons and 24 
daughters are assigned to Oengus s. o. Nat Froich, (BB 172 b). 
Eithne Uathach, the woman-chief of the Dési, was mother of three of the 
soas, and hence their posterity is called Cenél nEithne (sic 1. 26). From 
Cennlan sixth in descent from Oengus, is C. Cennléin. Cenél Fingein from 

1 Hennessy, except in one instance, reads the name Forggus, Forgus, Foreus, as Fergus. It is 
correctly printed Forggus in the poem at 562, but incorrectly as Ferggus in the translation, and is 
not found in MacCarthy’s index. In Fergus =* Virogustus, g is spirant; not so in Forggus 
= *Vorgustus, earlier *Vergustus. 

MacNuitt—Larly Irish Population- Groups. 87 

Fingen, of whose son Maenach, king of Munster, the death is recorded at 661 
(AU). There, as in the genealogies (BB 175), Fingen’s pedigree represents 
him as fourth in descent from Oengus. Cenél Conaill (BB 176) from Conall 
eighth in descent from Oengus; and Cenél Caellaide (ib.) from Caellaide s. 0. 
Conall. Cenél Cormaic (ib.), eponym fourth from Oengus. Cenel nDallain 
(177), eponym third from Eochu Liathan. Cenél mBuiric (ib.), from a son of 
Eochu. Apparently the eponyms in this group range from the fourth to the 
eighth century. 

76. The Cenél formula does not seem to have become customary in 
Dal Niad Corb. Two instances occur in the genealogy, BB 126 a, Cenél 
nAengusa and C. Croichni. Of C. nAengusa we learn only that they belonged 
to Hui Maenaig. At 127 a 36, it is stated that Cenél Cruaicmi (= Créichni) 
were of the Hoganacht. 

77. Cenél in turn gives way to a number of terms, cland, muinter, sil, slicht, 
teglach, tellach, used contemporaneously. 

78. In AU, the earliest contemporary instance of Cland is Cl. Chathail, 
912. At the obit of Cathal, 734, “aquo Clann Cathail” is of course a late 
gloss. At 617, muinter (Blatini) and sil (Mescain) are probably common 
nouns not fixedin thenames. The next instances of muinter are M. Gerudain, 
1159, M. Eolais, 1169. Sil Dluthaig 633 ; Sil Cathail, 815. Tellach Dunchadha, 
1258; T. Echach, 1298 (both indexed under Telach = Tulach). Dtnchad’s 
death, 822 AU. LEochu, his brother (BB 91, cols. 1, 2). 

79. Clann and muinntear are still used to form sept-names from surnames 
e.g. Clann Chon Ceanainn, Muintear Mheachaiv. 

80. Although, then, there is considerable overlapping in date, there is a 
quite definite order of succession in the formulae, as exemplified in the 
following table :— 

I, Plural names Lagin (unknown) « (unk nown) 
(origin prehistoric) 

II. Collective names Dal Niad Corb = Hoganacht Dal Cuinn 
(origin prehistoric) 

ITI. Sept-names in Ui Ui Cennselaig Ui Liathain Ui Néill 
(partly of historical 

IY. Cenél-names Cenél nAengusa_ OC, nDalldin C. Conaill 

(from fifth century 

V. Cland, Muinter, ete. Clann Maelighra C. Charthaigh C. Cholmain 
(from sixth century) (Colman +587) 

88 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

IV. THE Tuatu. 

81. We find the term ¢uath variously handled by modern translators. In 
the Annals of Ulster, Dr. Mac Carthy regularly gives “territories” as the English 
of tuatha. Others render tuath by “tribe,” a conveniently vague word which 
covers everything from an ancient subnation like the Ulaid to a comparatively 
modern sept like Clann Aodha Buidhe. It is true that by a familiar figure of 
speech, ¢uath is often used of a territorial area, just as Norfolk, which once meant 
the North-folk, came to mean the district they occupied. By a different 
transference of idea, wath came to signify the laity in contradistinction to 
eclais the ecclesiastical body or cliar the clergy, and still retains that meaning 
side by side with the meaning of “the country” in contradistinction to the 
town. In both cases, tuath represents the ancient native tradition and the 
native order existing under the Irish civil law dliged tuaithe, whereas the 
Church lived under its own law, and the towns inherited in a modified form the 
municipal law of Rome. 

82. Anciently twath < *tota, touta (teuta) appears to have denoted a civil 
community, a people united under one government, a civitas. In Ireland and 
Britain such communities retained the early form of kingly rule in an almost 
patriarchal shape. The petty states of Gaul and Galatia, before their sub- 
jugation by Rome, appear to have been for the most part republics, each ruled 
by a senate. The Irish t¢uath, then, must at one time have been a petty 
kingdom, but at the beginning of the documentary period a new order has 
already widely spread. Powerful families, aristocratic septs, have entered on 
a career of conquest. The scope of their operations being practically limited 
to Ireland,—for the only known exceptions are the temporary Irish acquisitions 
in western Britain and permanent conquest of Scotland by the Dal Riada,— 
the consequence was the substitution of ascendant dynasties for the older petty 
states throughout the greater part of Ireland. Thus the dynastic septs of 
Dal Cuinn, comprising the Ui Néill, Ui Britin, Ui Fiachrach, and Airgialla, 
have acquired permanent authority over nearly all the northern half of 
the island. In Munster, the Eoganacht septs, Ui Fidgente, Ui Liathain 
Ui Echach, ete., and in Leinster, the septs of Dal Niad Corb, especially the 
Ui Cennselaig, have achieved a like position. All these families have set up 
many new kingdoms or petty states. Beside these states, and in a position of 
inferiority marked by the payment of tribute and furnishing of armed forces 
to them, a considerable number of small peoples remained, enjoying internal 
freedom under the government of their own dynasties. ‘his is the condition 
of things described in the Book of Rights, and it will be noted there that, 
except in the north-eastern province, where the old order was less disturbed, 

MacNrmui—ELarly Irish Population- Groups. 89 

nearly all the free, i.e., non-tributary, states are known by the names of septs or 
families, and nearly all the tributary states by collective names or the older 

83. In Munster, the free states are Hoganacht Chaisil, Ui Liathain, Raithliu 
= Ui Echach Muman, Eoganacht Locha Léin = Ui Coirpri Chruithnechain, 
Ui Chonaill Gabra, Ui Coirpri Aebda, Eoganacht Glennamnach,! Dal Cais. The 
tributary states are Dési Muman= Dal Fiachach, Muscraige, Dairine or Corcu 
Loegde, Ciarraige, Coreu Baiscinn, Arai, Uaithni, Eli, Corcumruad, Coreu 
Duibne, Orbraige, the Sechtmad. 

84. In Connacht the free states are: Ui Fiachrach, Ui Bridin, and their 
subdivisions. The tributary states are: Umall, Grecraige, Conmaicne, Ciarraige, 
Luigne, na Corea, Delbna, Ui Maine. 

85. It is to the older groups especially that the term ¢wath is applied in 
early usage. Used with the name ofa sept, eg., Tuath Ua nAengusa, as the 
majority of the instances in Onomasticon Goedelicum clearly show, twath denotes 
no longer a people, but a territory. In the list of vassal-communities 
aithechtuatha (BB 255a Lecan 354), only two instances, Tuath Ua Cathbarr 
and Tuath Ua Carra, contain names of septs, and there are alternative readings 
which omit Ua, perhaps correctly, since Cathbarr seems to be genitive plural. 
In most of the rest, tuath is followed by a collective name, in some by a plural 

86. In Gaul 44 civitates are named by Caesar. Subdivisions of these, or 
of certain of them, existed and are called by him pagi. He speaks of 
the pagi of the Helvetii, the Morini, and the Arverni. The Helvetii 
consisted of four pagi, of which Caesar names two, the pagus Tigurinus and 
the pagus Verbigenus. He also uses the plural Zigurini of the people of the 

87. The fourfold subdivision of a Celtic people is also exemplified by the 
Galati of Asia Minor. Each of the three nations which formed the con- 
federate republic of the Galati contained four subdivisions which the Greeks 
called rerpapyia, and each of these was separately administered under its 
own chief or tetrarch. Instances occur in Ireland. The Lagin comprise cethri 
primsloinnte, Dal Niad Corb, Dal Messe Corb, Dal Corbmaic, and Dal Coirbbri, 
the four eponymous ancestors being sons of Cu Corb.2 The Arai comprise 
four divisions na cethri hAraid 1. Tratraidi (vecte Toeceraige) 7 Artraidi 7 
Descert Cliach 7 Hui Fidban, Lecan 451a. 

1 Wrongly printed gleann Ambnach by O’Donoyan. The nom. is Glennamain. 

* Possibly there was but one ancestor commemorated under all five names. ‘The yarious divisions 
of the Erainn descend from three ancestors all named Coirbbre; those of the Airgialla from three 
ancestors all named Connla (Colla). 

90 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

88. The poem Caisil atcondare ane, H. 3. 17, p. 724, has this quatrain :— 

Ceithre Partraighe im Bri Ois, 
ceithre Gailinga o cis Chais, 
ceithre Cianacht cairde cneis, 
ceithre Delbna dal chis Cais. 

89. A smaller subdivision among the Gauls is known to us by the Latin 
name vicus. Caesar, who captured a written census among the spoils of the 
Helvetii, says that this people, numbering in all 368,000, comprised 400 viet, 
so that each vicus averaged 920 inhabitants. The phrase vicani Segorigienses, 
found in an inscription of the Prussian Rhine-Province, seems to point to a 
vicus named Segorigion. The Irish equivalent would be Segr(a)ige, which may 
be actually represented in the late Middle-Ivish spelling Sedraige, one of the 
vassal-peoples named in the Book of Ballymote. Nevertheless, it is hardly 
likely that the Irish names in -rige and the other collective names of co- 
ordinate import originated as designations of a population so small as that of 
the Gaulish vicus. Rather it is fairly obvious that the continental -rigion, which 
must have once meant a people governed by a king, had degenerated in usage. 

90. We may probably best regard the Irish group bearing a collective 
name as corresponding to the so-called pagus among the Gaulish peoples. 
There are sufficient indications that the collectively-named groups arose as 
subdivisions of nations bearing plural names. The instances of the Lagin and 
the Arai have already been noticed. 

91. The Cruithni in Ireland included Dal Araidi, Conaille, Ldéigis, and 
Sogain. Do Chruithnibh ELrenn do Dhél Araidhe na seacht Laighsi Laighen 7 
seacht Soghain Hrenn 7 gach Conwille fil in Erinn (Mac F. Genealogies 
unpaged, evidently a quotation from some early writer). 

92, The Erainn included Museraige, Corcu Baiscinn, C. Duibne, Dal Riatai, 

95. The Galeoim comprised three tuatha, Tuath Fidga, Tuath Ochmaine, 
and Tuath Aithechda. 

94. The Mugdoirn included Dubraige or Coreu Duib, Papraige, Ciarraige, 
Sortraige, Artrige, Coreu Inomain, Suobraige. “ Seacht maie Mulg|doirn Duab 
a. Dubh a quo Dubhraidhi oc Imleach Corco Duib Papa a quo Papraighi la 
Creamthanna Ciaro a quo Ciarraidhe Sort a quo Sortraige la Crimthanna a 
quibus Espoc Ibair mae Luighne Lasar ainm a mathar duna Deisib Art 
mac Mugdhoirn a quo Artrighe la Ullto Inomon a quo Corco Inomhain la 
Laighniu de quibus Lochene in sui irero drocaidh Sues dubh a quo Suobraidhe 
la Mugdornu a quibus Espoe Ethern i nDomnach Mor Maic Laifthi sed cuius 
filius Mugdorn Dub @ Ulltaib ignoratus (ignoratur).” BB 110 a 38, 

MacNurtt—Early Irish Population- Groups. 91 

95. The Papraige here mentioned and the Partraige are the only known 
instances of peoples in Ireland whose name has P for initial. Note that the 
Mugdoirn were of unknown race. The Partraige, too, were regarded as 
aborigines. “Dona Partraigib annso. Partraige in Locha forsata Mag 
Thuireadh Cunga 7 Partraige Cheara 7 Partraige Clainde Fiachrach 7 
Partraige Sleibhe 1. 0 Cruaith co Loch nOirbsen 7 Partraige Midhe forsambi 
Ouwill 7 Meadhbh 7 do claind Genainn dorb.” H.3.17,p. 724. A poe on the 
same page, already quoted, pretends that they were descended from Art son 
of Oengus, king of Cashel in the fifth century, but no son of the name is 
assigned to Oengus in the genealogies. “ Partraidi Cera, cid re Cloinn Diallaid 
(la Claind Fiachrach ?), ni dib doib, acht is do Sen-Chondachtarb 1. do Chloind 
Genainn maic Deala maic Loith. Partraidi in Locha, ait ita Mag Tuiread 7 
Cunga, do Cloind Sreing maic Sengaind doib. Partraidi Slebi i. 0 Cruaich co 
Loch nOirpsen, 7 do Cloind Conaill Airisin maic Briain doib.  Genelach 
Partraidi annso. Radnall m. Aeda m. Mail Ruanada m. Conaill m. Hehach m. 
Diarmada in Lacha m. Domnaill na Tri Tuath 2. na tri Partraidi m. Setna otait 
Hi Seina 1. taisich Partraidi m. Conall Oirisin m. Briain m. Echach 
Muidmedeoin.” Lecan 458 a. This genealogy is not authentic. Brian 
(Brion), being a brother of Niall Noigiallach, must have lived about a.p. 400. 
Ragnall would accordingly have lived about A.p. 700; but since he bore a name 
adopted from the Norse, this date is out of the question. Accordingly it 
is natural to find that the Ui Briuin genealogies, though they mention 
Conall Oirisen, do not give the pedigree quoted above and do not include the 
Partraige or their chiefs among the Ui Briuin. 

96. In the following passage the twath is regarded as a chief subdivision of 
a people whose early name was remembered in the plural formula : “ Aftiadso 
na tuatha asa fail an Gaileoin hi cwigiud Lagen Tuath-Gabair. Teora fodla 
forar i. Tuath Egdha ocus Tuwath Ochmain ocus Tuath Aithechda.” “These are 
the twatha whereof the Gaileoin in the Fifth of Leinster North of Gabair consist, 
Tuath Fidga and Tuath Ochmain and Tuath Aithechda.” (H. 3. 17, p. 740.) 

97. For variants in the foregoing quotation see Duanaire Finn, Intro- 
duction, p. lvii. That Lagin Tuath-Gabair and Lagin Des-Gabair constituted 
two of the ancient “Five Fifths of Ireland” is clearly the ancient Ulidian 
tradition as told in Cath Ruis na Rig, p. 22. The dividing locality was 
perhaps Gabair Lagen, which seems to be the valley between Sliab Mairge and 
the Wicklow Mountains, i.e. the southern part of Co. Kildare. Osraige, part 
of Lagin Des Gabair, anciently extended westward of the Swr. Airmuma, 
Ormond, i.e. Hast Munster, lay to the west of the Suir. Ancient Munster, 
bounded on the east by the Suir and on the north by the Shannon estuary, 
was much too small to have included two of the “Fifths,” and the Da 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C. [14] 

92 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Chiiigeadh Mumhan must belong to a comparatively late tradition. Hence 
no doubt the varying accounts of the twofold division of Munster. In one 
version the dividing line runs north and south, in another east and west. 
Neither version can be fitted into the story which makes Uisnech in the middle 
of Ireland the meeting-point of the five Fifths. A synonym for Coiced Lagen 
Tuath-Gabair is Coiced Coirpri Niath Fer. Coirpre is king of Tara and north 
Leinster in the Ulster cycle, his brother Find being king of south Leinster. 

98. Keating (Forus Feasa, ed. Comyn, p. 214) says that ¢uath is equivalent 
to tighearnas, and the proverb “7s treise twath na tagherna” shows that this 
interpretation is correct—at least as regards later usage. Keating also (ib., 
p- 112) speaks of a twath as smaller in extent than a ¢riocha céad, The Glens 
of Antrim, i.e. the baronies of Upper Glenarm, Lower Glenarm, and Vary, are 
called seacht dtuatha na nGlinne in nearly modern documents. Each of these 
tuatha would occupy a square of about five or six miles. But I find no 
indication that the ¢wath in early usage at all corresponded to the population of 
such an area. It was in fact a division of people—not of land—and must have 
been very variable in extent. 

99. That the whole population was regarded as made up of twatha may be 
inferred from the words of “ Fiace’s Hymn,” “tuatha adortais side,” though 
again the same poem speaks of the Ivish as one tuath, “for tuath Heérenn bar 
temel.” The former phrase may have reference to a particular worship in each 
tuath, and that each of them venerated special gods is evident from the oath- 
formula “tongu na tongat mo thuath,” “tongu do dia tovnges mo thuath.” This 
formula also shows that the twati was the chief population-group with which 
the individual felt himself to be associated. Further instances of the use of 
the term follow here. 

100. Corco Athrach ainm na tuaithi ara fuil Caisil ocus ise seo a fad 1. 0 
Thibraid Foraind ac Mainistir Uachtair Lamand co Duma nDresa don taib 
bothuaid do Chnoe Grafand ocus do sit Aimirgin meic Miled Espaine di. Lecan, 
p. 458. “Coreu Athrach is the name of the ‘wath on which Cashel is, and 
this is its extent, from -Tipra Foraind at Holy Cross Abbey to Duma Dresa 
on the northern side of Cnoe Grafann, and it is of the race of Amergen son of 
Mil of Spain.” 

101. This is an important passage, confirming the tradition that Cashel 
was a comparatively late seat of the Hoganachta. Not only was the name of 
the twath previously in possession remembered, but this ¢uath is spoken of as 
a contemporary people, whose ancestry has to be accounted for. Apparently 
the territory of this ancient people is still represented by the barony of 
Middlethird, of which the most northern point is at Holy Cross, and the most 
southern point near Cnoc Grafann about two miles north of Cahir. All this 

MacNeiwa.— Early Trish Population-Groups. 93 

territory anciently belonged to the Osseirge or Osraige, since their bounds also 
extended to Duma Dresa and to Grian = Pallasgreen, co. Limerick, and the 
story of the Dési settlement represents the Osseirge as having been driven 
eastward across the river Andobor (“ Anner”). The plantation of the Dési 
may be regarded as a concomitant of the occupation of Cashel by the 
Eoganachta. The Dési were settled partly in the baronies of Slieve Ardagh 
and Iffa-and-Offa East, thus forming, as it were, a buffer-state between the 
Eoganacht of Cashel and the dispossessed Osseirge. 

102. Three grades of twatha can be distinguished in early documents: 
(1) Soerthuatha, not subject to tributes; (2) Fortwatha, retaining internal 
autonomy but tributary to an external overking ;(3) Aithechtuatha, vassal com- 
munities paying rent to local chiefs of free race. Genealogically, the fortuatha 
were held to be outside of the kindred of the overking and his people, and 
therefore subject to them; the azthechtuatha were regarded as of unfree race, 
descended from the pre-Gaelic inhabitants. 

103. The genealogical doctrine, however, must be taken as often expressing 
political status rather than racial origin. For this fact, which otherwise might 
be inferred from a study of the genealogies, we have the testimony of Gilla in 
Chomded Hua Cormaic, a twelfth-century poet (LL 144 a 24) :— . 

Failet se mud sain mebarr » cummarscit craeb ngenelaig 

totinsma daerchland ic dul * 1-lloc saerchland re slonnud 
Torrchi mogad mod mebla * ocus dibad tigerna 

serg na saerchland étig uath « la forbairt na n-aithechthuath 
Miscribend do gné eolais - do lucht wile in aneolars 

no lucht ind eolais ni ferr . gntit ar miin miseribend. 

Six ways there are of special note that confound the tree of genealogy : 
intrusion of base stocks usurping the place of free stocks by name ; 
migrations of serfs, a way of shame; and decay of lords; 
withering of the free races, dreadful horror ; with overgrowth of the 
vassal folks ; 
miswriting, in the guise of learning, by the unlearned of evil intent, 
or the learned themselves, no whit better, who falsify the record 
for lucre. 

104, The three discrepant origins—two importing free descent—assigned to 
the Partraige exhibit one instance, from many that could be cited, of this 
process of “confounding the tree of genealogy.” By “migrations of serfs” 
we may understand that, in time of conquest, unfree populations were enlisted 
among the invading forces and were rewarded with the possession of lands under 


94 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

free tenure, thus themselves rising to free status. In the very ancient and 
as yet unprinted story of how Conaire Mor became king of Ireland (BB 139 b), a 
great army comes unexpectedly to Conaire, who leads them to Tara and is chosen 
king. Thereupon (140a1) gabt(h)air gabail lais dia slogaib “he makes a 
settlement of lands for his forces.” So Eithne, the woman leader of the Dési, 
gathers a force of every landless people known to her in Ireland (nach loinges 
rofitir Eithne hUathach la Heirind) for the war of conquest against Ossory, 
and twenty-five of these peoples obtain a land settlement (a cuic fichet dib 
tarthatar raind) in the conquered territory (Eriu iii., p. 138, 140). The nght 
of migration was denied to vassal peoples by their lords, as is indicated in the 
story of the migration of the Sons of Umer. 

105. The following passage (Lecan, 450) indicates a people adseripti glebae : 
Catraidi ata fogal fuarii(=fodal forru) 1. ata fogail ar aroile dib [1s] in Sechtmad 
aroile dib isna Deisib aroile dibi Cnamros ni lecar asuidi[w] sin ac rig Carsil 
do gres ised bid. “The Cattraige are subdivided, i.e. some of them are 
distributed in the Sechtmad, others of them in the Dési, others of them in 
Cnamros. They are not allowed [to depart] thence. With the king of Cashel 
always they remain.” 

106. The Sechtmad, “the Seventh,” was a tributary state of east Munster, 
possibly better known by some other name. Its precise location has not 
been determined by O'Donovan in his edition of the Book of Rights or by 
Dr. Hogan in Onom. Goed. In LL 382, col. 6, Arbura is said to be the ancestor 
of the Sechtmad, and as he is also ancestor of the chief sept of Dal Coirpri, whose 
chiefs in later times bore the surname Ua Duibidir, “O’Dwyer,” we may fairly 
identify the Sechtmad with O’Dwyer’s country, the two baronies of Kil- 
namanagh, especially since this territory is not otherwise accounted for in the 
Book of Rights. See Hogan’s State of Ireland, Anno 1598, p. 208, footnote, 
where a quotation erroneously speaks of “O’Duire, descended from the 
O’Briens.” Dal Coirpri was one of the “ four chief stocks of the Lagin,” and 
its location, like the traditions of the Dési settlement, bears evidence of the 
early predominance of the Lagin and Osseirge in the part of Munster now 
called Co. Tipperary. Cnamros is perhaps identical here with Cnamchoill 
near Tipperary town. The Cattraige are included among the allies of the 
Dési in the war against Ossory. 

107. Atait da chenel deg soc{h]enelac[h] la Gaedealo a se dib a Leith Cuind A. 
Dal Cuind Dal Cein Dail nAraide qui et Cruithnig Dal Fiatach qui et 

Ulaid Dal Riata Dal Nat Corp qui et Laigin A se wile a Leith Moga i. 
Dal n{Ljogain Dal Fiachach Dal Fiatach Dal Ceide Dal mBardine Dal Cais., 
Ate sin saerthuatha Erend. H.3.17, p. 790). “The Irish have twelve kindreds 
of noble race. Six of them in Conn’s Half, viz, Dal Cuinn, Dal Céin, 

MacNettiu— Early Irish Population- Groups. 95 

Dal Araidi who are the Picts, Dal Fiatach who are the Ulaid, Dal Riatai, 
Dal Nat Corp who are the Lagin. Other six in Mug’s Half, viz. Dal Eogain, 
Dal Fiachach, Dal Fiatach, Dal Céte, Dal Barddeni, Dal Cais. These are the 
free tuatha of Ireland.” 

108. The foregoing statement is of great antiquity. Apart from the 
spelling, which has changed in transcription, the few distinctive forms belong 
to the Old Irish period, and are consistent with even the oldest written usage. 
Compared with the tenth-century account of the free and tributary states in 
the Book of Rights, this is evidently much earlier. 

109. Dal Céin = Cianachta. It may also possibly include Luigne, Gailing, 
and Saithne, all claiming descent from Tadg son of Cian. In the Book of 
Rights, these states are tributary to Dal Cuinn, ie. to the Ui Neill and 
Ui Briuin, the superior states of Ailech, Meath, and Connacht. In this respect 
they are on a level with Umall, Grecraige, Conmaicne, Ciarraige Connacht, 
Delbna, Dési Breg, Cuirene. In the early annals, Cianachta Breg are evidently 
a very strong state, often hostile to the kings of Meath and Brega. Cp. AU 
534, 776, 816, 849, 850. 

110. The inclusion of Dal Nat Corp (Neth Corb, Niath Corb, Niad Corb) 
in Conn’s Half reflects the traditional claim of Dal Cuinn to the Borama 
tribute from Leinster. Dal Niad Corb was the ruling race over Leinster during 
most of the early documentary period. Leth Moga in the passage cited is 
synonymous with Munster alone. 

111. Dal Hogain = Koganachta. Dal Fiachach was the dynastic people of 
Dési Muman. I can find no Dal Fiatach in southern Ireland, and take it to 
be a mistake for DAl Fiachach Ele, also called Coreu Echach (i.e. Féchach) 
Ele. There is frequent confusion between the genitives échach, of Eochu, and 
[flechach, of Fechu, Fiachu, in genealogies, ete. The conventional writing of 
silent f is not customary before the ninth century. A twofold pedigree of 
Dal Fiachach Ele = Coreu Echach Ele (Lecan 457) illustrates this confusion :-— 

Genelach Ele Descirt annso. Duwineochaich mac Echach Ele cuius frater 
Cellach m. Dungaile m. Beicci 

m. Cermada m. Conaall No Conall 

m. Blerdine m. Nendtacaw meic Airt 

m. Enna m. Adlilla m. Fiacha{ch] 

m. Bresail Milairi m. Echach m. Neill Naigiallaich 

m. [Marc] Cairthinn m. Feidlimid Rechtmair 

112. The most interesting names in the list of the free twatha of Ireland 
are Dal Céte and Dal Barddeni. Neither is even mentioned in the Book of 
Rights. Of the location of Dal Barddeni, we only learn that it was at 

96 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Dun Cermna, the Old Head of Kinsale, and there is no indication that this 
people held any considerable power or territory during the documentary 
period. Of the habitat of Dal Céte, Dr. Hogan has only been able to find 
that it was somewhere in Munster, and I am unable to supplement his 
information, The latest evidence of the contemporary existence of Dal -Céte 
is the name of To Channu mocu Fir Cetea mentioned by St. Adamnan. All 
this tends to show that the list of twelve free tuatha is of great antiquity, 
probably not later than the eighth century, possibly even earlier. 

115. Traditional corroboration of the early celebrity of these two peoples 
is afforded by the fact that, in the genealogies of the Erainn (the race of 
Conaire Mér BB 139), which occupy 103 pages of the Book of Ballymote, 
the first place is given to the Erainn of Din Cermna, Dal Barddeni, and 
Dal Céte. The pedigrees give only three or four generations of the 
descendants of “ Cather by whom Din Cermna was made.” The accompanying 
legend says :— 

En aieme dec do Dail Bairrdene i. Sil Aengusa meic Echach meie Bairrdene 
mee Rigbaird ditat Martene iarna ndilgiund do Leith Cuind ar ba lethrann 
da Dal Cede 7 do Dal Bairrdene co sin ar is .x. catha ro mebaig re nErnath for 
Ulltu 7 .witi. catha fri hUlltu for Ernu. “Dal Bardeni (ie. the race of 
Aengus son of Eochu s. o. Bairrdene s. 0. Rigbard, from whom are the 
Martene) consisted of eleven septs after their extermination from (or by) 
Conn’s Half, for until then it was an equal division (sc. of Ireland) between 
Dal Céte and Dal Barrddeni, for it is ten battles that the Erainn won over 
the Ulaid, and eight battles that the Ulaid won over the Erainn.” 

114. “ Dal Araidi qui e Cruithnig. Dél Fiatach qui et Ulaid.” Cp. BB 
170 b15: ©... na hAirgialla, Dail nAraigi fri suide anair, ainm ele dorh 
Cruthnich. Hulaith fri suide anaiv. Ind Ulaich seo tra asbertar Dal Fiatuch 
indsin, do cloind Con Rai maic Daire maic Deadad a Coiced Con Rai la Mumain, 
is as a mbunad in Dal Fiatach so qui et Ulaith hodie dieuntur. Is dib Aed Ron 
ocus Fiachna.” “The Airgialla; Dal Araidi to the east of these, another name 
for them is Cruthnich. The Ulaid to the east of these. These Ulaid, 
Dal Fiatach they are called, of the posterity of Cu Rui son of Daire 
son of Dedu from Ci Riui’s Fifth in Munster, thence is their origin, this 
Dal Fiatach qui et Ulaith hodie dicuntur. Of them are Aed Roin and 

115. The foregoing passage is from a brief general description of the ruling 
races of northern Ireland, obviously written by a southern writer. It probably 
dates from a time not long subsequent to the reigns of Aed Roin and Fiachna 
his son, who were kings of the Ulaid, and whose pedigree is given under 
Dal Fiatach,.. Aed Roéin fell in battle with the Ui Néill in 735. With him 

MacNumui—Larly Irish Population- Groups. 97 

was slain Conchad, king of Cuib, ie. of Ui Echach Cobo, the most prominent 
sept of Dal Araidi. In Fragments of Irish Annals, an. 732, Conchad is called 
“king of the Cruithni.” (AU 734, editor’s note.) Fiachnae mac Aedho Koen, 
rex Ulad, mortwus est, AU 788. 

116. The following “kings of the Cruithni” in AU are found in the 
pedigrees of Dal Araidi: Hochaid Iarlaithe 665, Ca Cuaran +707, Cathusach 
son of Ailill +748. The genealogist in BB (168 col. 1) makes this Cathusach 
father of Cu Cuaran who preceded him. The father of Cu Cuaran must have 
been Cathusach son of Mael Duin and king of the Cruithni 681 (AU). 

117. I do not find a genealogy of Dal Fiatach from Cu Rui or from Dedu, 
but their descent is traced to Sen, father of Dedu, and thence by the same 
line as the Erainn, Ca Riti’s people, up to Oengus Tuirmech and the line of 

118. The passage above quoted from BB is followed by a comment of a 
contradictory character: Ite fir-Ulaich immorro .i. Dal nAraide ota Macl 
Breasail mac Aulella hi Conall Cernach arisesedar oeus im Iriel Glunmair 2 
ngenclaich Dal Araide. “The true Ulaid, however, are Dal Araidi, of whom 
comes Mael Bressail son of Ailill. In Conall Cernach they originate, and in 
Iriel Glunmar, in the genealogy of Dal Araidi.” 

119. Mael Bresail mac Atlello Cobo, rex Dal Araide, moritur, AU 824. The 
text of the passage in BB was probably written between the death of Aed Roin, 
735, and the death of Fiachna, 789, or not long after the latter event; the 
comment during or soon after the reign of Mael Bressail. arisesedar = 
*ara'sissetar. The relative form ara of air,ar seems obsolescent in the Milan 
glosses (see Thurneysen, Handbuch, § 487, 4). 

120. The Irish Cruithni of Dal Araidi are called Cruithni for the last time 
in AU at 773 (= 774). Half a century or so later, the claim is set up for them 
that they are not only Ulaid, descendants of Conall Cernach, but that they 
are “the true Ulaid,” as if in protest against the belief that they are Picts. 
This claim was extended to all the leading branches of the Pictish race in 
Iveland (see § 91). Rather, I think, we can trace the claim as originating 
with another branch, the Conaille. 

121. The chief section of the Conaille, forming the state of Conaille 
Muirthemne under their native kings, occupied a territory closely associated 
with the great hero of the Ulaid, “Cu Chulainn Muirthemne.” It is not 
surprising that they sought to connect their own tradition with the epic 
tradition of the Ulaid. Accordingly we find in the genealogies, BB 152, undera 
section entitled in the margin, “ De peritia Conaille Murthemme,” two conflicting 
accounts of their descent. Their eponymous ancestor Conall Anglonnach is 
first described as a son of Dedu, and from the pedigree of their king Cinaed on 

98 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

the next page it appears that this Dedu is the son of Sen, ie. the same from 
whom the Erainn of Munster, Clanda Dedad, trace their descent. But in the 
first pedigree appended Conall Anglonnach becomes son of Fiace son of Russ 
son of Fachtna son of Senchad of the Ulidian hero-group. At the end of the 
pedigrees of their kings (153, col. 1), many of whose names can be identified in 
the annals, comes the statement: Do chloind Conaill Cernaich aratli dib 1. in 
rigraid, “Of the posterity of Conall Cernach are some of them, ie. the royal 
line,” in contradiction of the pedigrees that precede. On p. 169 there is a 
further chapter headed, “ Genelach Conailli Murtheimni,” probably taken from 
another source. Here the eponymous ancestor is called Conall Casdamail, and 
he is made out to be seventh in descent ‘from Conall Cernach. Thus, as Gilla 
in Chomded says, “the tree of genealogy is confounded.” Conall Cernach 
supplied a tempting eponym to the Conaille, a Pictish race, and having been 
adopted by them was adopted by other Pictish kindreds, Dal Araidi, the 
Sogain, and the Loigse of Leinster (BB 164 a 2). 

122. Wherever the Ulaid are mentioned in vol. i. of the Annals of Ulster, 
they are the people of the Dal Fiatach dynasty, quite distinct from Dal Araidi 
and Conaille, often at war with one or the other. The Ulaid occupied the 
seaboard of Co. Down. The Picts of Dal Araidi occupied the interior of that 
county as well as a large part of Co. Antrim. 

123. Ag Conn tra fogailter ( = fodailter) clanda Cuinn ocus it fortuatha 
Sil Cuind cach aen na berar genilaig [read genelach| co Conn eter naem ocus 
elewrech amail ata Lugaid [read Lwigne] ocus Dealbna ocus Gailinde [read Garling| 
ocus Cranachta. Ag Cathair didiu fogailter saere[h Vanda Laigean ocus rt for- 
tuatha coveid Cathar can [read cach| aen no berar co Cathar amail atait secht 
Laissi [read Léigsi] ocus secht Fotharta. Ag Ailill Olom fogailter saere[h anda 
Mumhan: can [read cach} aen na berar genelach go Ailill, a fortwatha 
Sil Bachach Mumo amail atait Eirna [read Erainn] ocus Ciarraige. (H. 3.17, 
p- 774.) 

“At Conn the [pedigrees of] Clanda Cuinn are divided, and all [in Leth 
Cuinn] whose pedigree is not traced to Conn, not excluding even saint and 
cleric, are fortuatha of the race of Conn, for example the Luigne, Delbna, Gailing, 
and Cianachta. At Cathair [Mor] are divided the free races of Leinster; all 
who are not traced to Cathair are furtwatha of Cathair’s Fifth, as are the seven 
Loigsi and the seven Fothairt. At Ailill Olom are divided the free races of 
Munster ; all whose pedigree is not traced to Ailill are fortwatha of the race 
of Eochu Mumo, as are the Erainn and the Ciarraige.” 

124. The same statement occurs more briefly in the Book of Lecan, 
p- 459 :-— 

Ay Cund Cetchathach inac Feidlimid Rechtmair fodailter saerclanna Leithi 


Early Irish Population- Groups. 99 

Cuind oeus it forthuatha’ Sil Cuind acht sin nama. Ac Cathair Mor mao 
Feidlimid Fhir Urglais fodlas saerclanda Laigen wili vcus it fortuatha Laigin 
acht sin nama beous. Ag Adlill Olum mac Moga Nuadad fodailter suerclanda 
na Muman ocus it forthuatha acht sin. 

125. In the lists of aichechtuatha,’ by far the larger part of the names are 
collectives in Dal, etc. The remainder are in various forms, e.g., Tuath Raisen 
or Ruisen, Tuath Fer More, Tuath mac nUmoir. Two, T. Ua Cathbarr and 
T. Ua Carra, exhibit the later nomenclature of septs, but even these have 
variants omitting Ua. 

126. Instances occur of the application of the term twath to population- 
groups with plural names, not in a vague and general way like tuath Hérenn 
= the Irish, twath Dé = God’s people, the Israelites, but apparently as a 
customary and appropriated designation of local groups. 

127. Bolgthuath: There are two groups so named. Bolgthuath Badbgna 
of Shab Badbgna or Bodbgna (“ Slieve Baune,” co. Roscommon), and Bolgthuath 
Echtge of Shab Hchtge (“Sl Aughty,” co. Galway). Cp. Bolgraige, an 
aithechtuath in Tir Conaill. Mac Fir Bhisigh (Genealogies, p. 54) quotes among 
the branches of the Fir Bolg, besides “ Bolgthuath Bagna for airther Connacht ” 
and “ Bolgraighe for criochaibh Conaill,” “ Fir Bolg for Mhagh Nia Benntraighe ” 
and “Fir Bolg ar Mhagh Luirg.” As all these names occur in what is evidently 
a consecutive list of the aithechtuatha of Connacht, the Magh Nia in question 
is the plain also called Mag Tuired Cunga, at Cong, co. Mayo. It is evident 
that Fir Bolg (= Bolgthuath, Bolgraige) was the name of a known historical 
population existing in various parts of Connacht and in north-western Ulster. 
Its location and its vassal status, importing early conquest, as well as the 
traditions of its existence in Ireland before the Goedil, show clearly that the 
Fir Bolg must not be equated with the historical Belgae. The name was 
extended in the Irish history-legend at an early period so as to denote the 
whole or main population of Ireland before the Goedil. 

128. Cruithentuath: This seems to be a general name for the Picts in 
Treland and in Scotland. But it is also used as a special name for the Picts of 
Dal Araidi, “ Cu Chuardin ri Ulad 7 Cruthentuaithe,’ (Onom. Goed., p. 312 ; for 
Cu Cuardin see § 116), and for Tuath Chruithnech, a Pictish vassal people 
“yound Cruachain,” the old capital of the Connachta. There was also a vassal 
people or rather a scattered population so named “in the country of the Ulaid 
and in Mag Cobo” and “ between Sidan Slébe in Chairn and Loch Febal and 
between Bernas Tire Aeda and the Bann” (Onom. Goed. 650), these four places 

1 Read fortuatha. 
* Lecan 850, BB 255, 256, MacFir Bisigh, genealogies (R.I.A. copy) 54, ete. 
3 See my account of ‘‘ An lrish Historical Tract dated a.p. 721,’’ Proceedings R.I.A., vol. xxviii. 

R,I,A, PROC,, VOL, XX{X,, SECT, 0, {15] 

100 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

being merely the ancient extremities of the large territory of the Airgialla. Tuath 
Chruithnech is thus assigned to a region equal to modern Ulster except the 
counties of Donegal, Antrim, and Cavan. 

129. Tuath Fer nDomnann or Tuath Domnann, a vassal people throughout 
Ui Fiachrach and Ui Amalgada in northern Connacht. 

130. Tuath Fer More or Tuath Morce, a vassal people in Ui Conaill Gabra 
Gn co. Limerick); “2. fir mora batar immon Luachair nDedad thiar.” 
(LL 269 a.) 

131. Tuath Fer Ruisen or Tuath Ruisen (Resen, Raisen), in Cera (bar. 
Carra. co. Mayo) and from Ath Moga (Ballymoe = Bél Atha Moga, on the 
r. Suck) to the sea. Also Raissin separately, “cath Raissen in Connacht,” 
Onom. Goed. s.vy. raisse (recte Raissin). Cp. also Sliab Raissen or Rusen 
= Slieve Rushen,’ bar. Knockninny, co. Fermanagh. Cp. Corcu Ruisen. 

32. Tuath Sen-Erann, a vassal people at Shab Luachra in west Munster. 
< Sen- Erna mor (read Sen-Erainn Méir 2) na Muman ar slicht Heir meie Evbir 
Find meice Miled Espaine.” (Lecan 549.) 

133. These instances, with Coreu Ulad, Dal Ulad, Coreu Sogain or Suigin, 
Coreu Ele, mucoi Sogini, mocu Sogin, moccu Elich, seem to indicate that the 
various collective formulae might be applied to ancient peoples named in the 
plural formula, perhaps chiefly when these had not subdivided into groups 
bearing collective names. 

134. Tuatha Fore ocus Iboth: “ Na tri Fothaid i. Fothad Aircteach Fothad 
Cairpteach Fothad Canand. Tri maic Fainche ingene Nair maie Irmora d’ Aruth 
Cliach. Berid Fainche eamnwu ter (tri 2) fermacu. D Ibdachaib di Ulltath 
a mbunad i. da mae Irel Glunmair Fore oeus Iboth. Dos-fagaib Rechtaig 
Rigderg i nAlbain oro (=coro) muigedar catha remhaib consealgadar cricha mara 
i nAlbain comdar fasa. Giallsat Fir Alban do Rechtaid Rigderg comba ri 
Erenn ocus Alban. Is de atait Tuatha Fore ocus Iboth allai do lodar iii. 1. 
Jermacaib for longeas tairis anall for gabail ro gabsat Cluchriu ocus ni fortad 
gabsat crich Maine ocus erich Fiachrach Aidhne gabsat Baisgind a comarbus a 
seanmathar Uaithne ingean Bachach maic Luchta. Tir ele ota Sinaind siar 
ocus Deve fo thuaid conadh de anmannaib na mban dingarter a cenel ocus a 
ngenelaiche ar luidh indara nai go Caela Rigderg i. Eli conid de gairter Eli luid 
araile cu Fergus Foltiebur i. Uaithne conid de gairter Unithne ocus robadar na 
ceatraimid*® do claind Uaithne i. Uaitnia ocus Druithnia oeus Cainnia ocus 
Deenia. Tri braithri i. Vaithnia ocus Druithnia ocus Cainnnia. Sunt qui 

dicunt. Macnia i. athair na mae i. na Fothad mac Cairbri maic Cormaic maic 

‘ So named in Phillips’ County Atlas. Dr. Hogan gives Rushel and Russel as the anzlicized 
? cethri niaid. 

MacNeitt—EKarly Irish Population- Groups. 101 

Mesi Suad maic Mesin Fuire maic Mesin Fuireill maic Cairbri maic Iboth 
Ali dicunt tri Fot{h|aid i. tri maie Feidlimthe maic Maic-Niat[h| [maic] 
Gnathai maic Ere maic Cairbri Niath Fer maic Feidlimthe Foltcaim. Is de ata 
Lecht Glind Hre is de ata ro ced no orabi rig-domna bad mo Ere mac Feidlimte 
4. % loc ro baite. Hue usque de Salterio Caisil. 

Aliter cland C{hjonaill Clhjernaich «. Hogan ocus Owill ocus Fen Fer 
Tlachtga Caithnia ocus Druithnia [ocus| Uaithnia «i. Uaithni Thire ocus 
Uaithni Cliach quod fortasi werius. (BB 164).) 

“The Three Fothads, i.e. Fothad the Silvern, Fothad the Chariot-rider, 
and Fothad Canann, three sons of Fainche daughter of Nar son of 
(Fer Mora?) of the Arai of Cliu. Fainche gives birth to three man- 
children at one birth. Of the Ibdaig of the Ulaid was their origin, ie. Fore 
and Iboth were two sons of Irial Glanmar. Rechtaid Red-arm leaves them in 
Alba and they won battles and utterly wasted great territories. The Men of 
Alba submitted to Rechtaid Red-arm, so that he became king of Eriu and 
Alba. Hence are the Tuatha Fore and Iboth (on the other side ?). They 
came with four times fifty manchildren on a voyage across from that side to 
settle on lands. They occupied Cluchri,! and they no longer dwell there. 
They occupied the country of (Ui) Maine and the country of (Ui) 
Fiachrach Aidne. They occupied (Corcu) Baiscinn in succession from their 
grandmother Uaithne daughter of Eochu son of Luchta. (They occupied) 
another territory westward from the Shannon and northward from (Loch) 
Derg. So that by the names of the women are distinguished their kindreds 
and their genealogies. For one of them went to Uaela Red-arm, to wit Eh, 
and hence the Eli are named. Another went to Fergus Longhair, to wit 
Uaithne, and hence the Uaithni are named. And there were four champions (?) 
of the family of Uaithne, namely Uaithnia, Druithnia, Cainnia, and Decnia. 
Uaithnia, Druithnia, and Cainnia were three brothers. Sunt qui dicunt 
Macnia, father of the boys, ie. of the Fothads, son of Cairbre s.o. Cormac s.o. 
Mes Suad s. 0. Mes Fuire s. 0. Mes Fuireill s. 0. Cairbre s. 0. Iboth. Ali 
dicunt, the Three Fothads, three sons of Feidlimid s. 0. Macnia s. 0. Gnathal s. o. 
Ere s. 0. Cairbre Nia Fer and Fedelm Foltcoem.? Hence is [named] Lecht 
Glnnfe] Ere. Of him it was sung (2), ‘there was no (?) prince of the royal 
line greater than Erc, Fedelm’s son.’ That is, where they were drowned (is 
the Grave of the Glen of Ere). Hue usque de Psalterio Caisil. 

“Aliter the children of Conall Cernach, i. e. Hogan and Ailill and 
Fen Fer Tlachtga (or Fénfer ‘Fian-man’ of ‘Tlachtga), (also named) 

' Otherwise Cluithri, north of Long Cliach = Knocklong (co. Limerick) = Druim Damgaire, Onom. 
2 Called Fedelm Noichruthach in Cath Ruis na Rig, p. 54. 


102 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Cathnia, Druithnia and Uaithnia, ie. (the ancestors of) Uaithni Thire and 
Uaithni of Cliu, quod fortasse uerius (est).” 

135. With Tuatha Fore ep. Insi Ore. Tuatha Iboth are doubtless the 
old traditional inhabitants of the Hebrides, Ebudae Insulae.  Ibdaig 
= *Ebudaci.! They are said here to be of the Ulaid. Iubdan (= *Ebudagnos) 
in the “Death of Fergus,” Silva Gadelica, is king of an oversea country of 

136. Uaithnia, Druithnia, and Cainnia appear to be artificial eponyms of 
the Uaithni (hence the baronies of “Owney” in Tipperary and Limerick), 
Dal Druithne in Ui Maine (“west of the Shannon and north of Loch Derg”), 
and Caenraige (hence “Kenry” barony, co. Limerick). These Irish Ibdaig, 
like the Irish Picts, have Conall Cernach assigned to them as ancestor. 
Their traditional habitat (Kenry, Owney, Aidni, Ui Maine, Corcu Bascinn) 
seems to correspond with the position of the Auteni or Auteini (= Uaithni ?) 
in Ptolemy’s account. 


137. The term ‘tricha cét’ in late usage denotes a certain measure of territory. 
Keating (Forus Feasa, ed. Comyn, p. 112) gives the extent of the provinces of 
Ireland in this measure as follows: Meath proper (an Mhidhe féin), 13; 
Breagha, 5; Ctigeadh Connacht, including Clare, 30; Cwtigeadh Uladh, 
extending southward to the Boyne, (385 or) 36; Cutigeadh Laighean, 31 ; 
Cuigeadh EHochaidh (sic), i.e. eastern Munster, 35; Ctigeadh Con Raoi, Le. 
western Munster, 35. Total 185. 

138. Keating adds (p. 128) that Ulster at one time contained only 33, the 
other three having been ceded by Leinster in the time of the Pentarchy (aim- 
sear na gCuigeadhach), i.e. in the Ulidian heroic period. There is evidently a 
cross-division somewhere; and the total of 185 must be excessive. The Ulster 
and Leinster fifths meet at the Boyne, so that these provinces must include 
the five tricha-céts of Brega. Made, too, ie. central Ireland exclusive of 
Brega, is traditionally a province of late origin, and there must be an overlap 
in its case also. 

139. The whole account suggests an ancient (perhaps theoretical) division 
of Ireland into five provincial kingdoms, each fifth (cdiced, cuigeadh) 
containing thirty-five tricha-céts. 

140. The thirtieth part of a tricha-cét, says Keating, is a baile or baile 

1 For Ui Dachua, Ui Dachaigh, Ui Daich, in Onom. Goed., read Ibdachu (?), Ibdachatbh, Ibdaich. 
Cp. also Inis Lbdan (Ibdone, Sibtond, Sipont, Ubdain), on the Shannon estuary, Onom. Goed. 
“ Garbraidi do Fearath Eboth a quo Garbraidi, cona coibnesaib,”’ Lecan 451. 

MacNuitt—Early Irish Population-Groups. 108 

biataigh. Since tricha cét means “ thirty hundreds,” the baile must represent 
the hundred. This at once suggests the Germanic hundred and the Latin 
centuria, as divisions of the people. The original Roman populus contained 
thirty curiae. The principle of organization appears to have been at once 
genealogical and religious, each curia having its own rites presided over by 
a priest called curio. The thirty curiones formed a priestly college of the 
whole state. Traces of a similar unity of the genealogical and religious 
principles are also indicated in ancient Ireland (see § 56). The female 
eponyms in Ireland have their analogue too in the Roman curiae, some of 
which were said to have derived their names from the Sabine women who 
were the mothers of the Roman people. 

141. The Roman centuries, forming the comitia centuriata, were a civil 
organization on a military basis. This, we shall see, was also the original 
character of the Irish tricha cét. It denoted not only the civil organization 
of the people, and the corresponding division of the territory, but also the 
armed levy of each state. 

142. There are many ancient statements bearing on this point which still 
require to be collected. For the present, one passage in Tain Bo Cuailngi will 
serve as a locus classicus. It occurs at the episode in which Medb takes note 
of the smart discipline and warlike efficiency of one section of her allies, the 
Galians of Leinster. Their superiority to her own troops evokes in her mind 
only a jealous dismay, and she decides to order a treacherous massacre of the 
Galians. Her Ulster comrade, Fergus, resolutely opposes this design, and 
threatens to lead the allies against Medb if she persists in it. This argument 
prevails, and Medb contents herself with separating the Galians into small 
troops and distributing them throughout the army. 

143. “‘By the truth of my conscience, said Fergus, ‘no man shall do 
death to them but the man who will do death to me.’ 

“Thou, Fergus, must not say that to me,’ said Medb, ‘for I am strong 
enough in numbers to slay and overwhelm thee with the thirty-hundred 
of the Galians around thee. For I have the seven Maines with their seven 
thirty-hundreds, and the Sons of Magu with their thirty hundred, and Ailill 
with his thirty-hundred, and I too have a like force. There we are, strong 
enough to slay and overwhelm thee with the thirty-hundred of the Galians 
around thee.’ 

“Tt is not fitting to tell me so, said Fergus. ‘For I have here the seven 
petty kings of the Munstermen with their seven thirty-hundreds. There are 
here the thirty hundred of the best fighting men of Ulster. There are here 
the best of the fighting men of Ireland, the thirty-hundred of the Galians. I 
am their security, their guarantee, and their safeguard from the day they left 

104 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

their own native territory, and by me they will stand on the day thou 
challengest.’ ” 

144. The allied forces under Medb thus consisted of nineteen separately 
organized bodies, each under a local king and each consisting of thirty hundred 
men. Thirty hundred, in fact, was the traditional complement of the army of 
a petty state. 

145. The technical name of the whole levy of 3,000 men was cath. Where 
the Annals of Ulster (1222) have the entry: ro thinolsat Gaill Krenn cethri 
catha fichet co Delgain, co tainic Aedh O Neill ocus Mac in Uga ecethri catha na 
n-aghaidh, the D text says: numerati 24 completa bella, qui factuwnt Hibernica 
numeration. 72 millia armatorum...12 millibus armatorum, nwmeratione 

146. The Irish cath or tricha cét has its exact counterpart in the Jegvo, 
originally the whole army or normal military levy of the Roman state. The 

Roman tradition was that under Romulus, ie. in the earliest times, Rome had 
but one legion, and this legion numbered 3,000 men, i.e. 100 men from each of 
the thirty tribes. 

147. The Romans divided their fighting population into two classes, 
Jwiores and seniores. It seems clear that they originally regarded the younger 
men as forming the normal fighting strength of the population, and the older 
men as forming a reserve which might be called out to meet an emergency. 
Juventus is an habitual term for the folk of age to serve in arms. Precisely 


the same usage is found in Ivish. In the passage cited above from Tain Bo 

Cuailngi, the word which I have twice translated “fighting men” is dic = 
(juvenci) juvenes, guniores, Juventus, and numerous examples of this usage could 
easily be collected. 

148. As the Romans grew into a great military power, they did not 
abandon the ancient constitution of their army, but retained and developed it. 
Instead of expanding their army indefinitely with the growth of their state, 
they could only think of forming additional bodies on the model of thei primi- 
tive army of 5,000, and this they continued to do even under the Caesars. 

149. In the Spartan army, we can trace the same tradition. The army 
consisted of six pooa, and the pdépa at one period numbered 500 men, giving 
a total of 3,000 men. Each of the three Dorian tribes of Sparta before 
Cleomenes contaimed ten wai, making thirty wai in all. In Athens, in the 
age of Theseus, each @ourpfa contained thirty yén. 

150. “The phalanx soldiers in the army of Alexander amounted to 18,000 
and were divided... into six divisions, each named after a Macedonian pro- 
vince from which it was to derive its recruits.”' Each province would thus 

‘ Smith’s Smaller Dict. of Antiquities, p. 163. 

MacNewi—Early Irish Population- Groups. 105 

correspond to the Irish ¢richa eéé and the army of each province. to the Ivish 
cath of 3,000 men. 

151. The century remained the theoretical basis of the Ivish military 
organization until the final overthrow of the Celtic system at the battle of 
Kinsale, Christmas Eve, 1601. In the proclamation issued in that year by 
O'Neill, it is ordered that “the constable of the hundred shall have eighty-four 
men on the strength, allowing an abatement of sixteen men, and this abate- 
ment shall be expended as follows: the constable of the hundred shall 
have the wage of ten men thereof, and the marshal of the territory shall 
have the pay of five men, and the lord’s galloglach shall have the pay of one 

152. The facts here brought together appear to establish that the Irish 
tricha cét, its thirtieth part the baile, and the Irish military organization 
embodied a tradition common to many peoples of ancient Europe, and going 
back to a time when these peoples formed one community or a group of 
neighbouring communities. I trust that this superficial examination may lead 
to a more thorough investigation at competent hands into the earliest 
traditional form of the civil and military organization among the various 
branches of the Indo-European race. 

153. Keating says that, “according to the ancient record (do réur an 
tseanchusa), the baile contained 12 seisreacha, and the seisreach 120 acres.” 
The word for “aere,” aera, is not of Irish origin, and must have replaced some 
older term. Later on, Keating says that “the acre of Insh measure is twice 
or thrice greater than the acre of the present foreign measure.’ “The acre 
of the present foreign measure” probably means the Irish “ Plantation 
acre,” which is greater than the statute acre in the ratio 196:121. Iveland is 
said to contain 20,819,928 statute acres, equivalent to 12,853,114 Plantation 
acres. According to Keating’s statement, the 185 tricha-céts should be equal 
to 7,992,000 acres of (the older) Irish measure. But since his total of 185 
is too much by at least 5, probably by more than 5, his total of acres must 
also be reduced. Moreover, by the statement “twice or thrice greater” we 
are to suppose, not that Keating was unable or neglected to give a more exact 
ratio, but that im fact the Irish measure varied according to the nature of 
the land. The Ivish tradition of land-measurement, still by no means obsolete, 
was based on the quantity of live stock that a given area could support. 

1&« DY fhiachaibh ar an chonsabal céid beith ceathrar is ceithre fichid ar a gcosaibh agus da’ fhol- 
mhughadh sé fir déag, agus is é ceal a dtéid an folmhughadh sin, cvid deichneabhair ag consabal an chéid 
de, agus cuid ciigir ag marasgal an tire féin agus cuid fir ag galloglach tighearna.”’ The whole 
of this interesting document will be found in ‘“‘ An Léightheoir Gaedhealach’’ (Gaelic League publi- 
cations), p. 85, printed from the facsimile in Gilbert’s National MSS. of Ireland. The Roman 
centwria also in actual service suffered a customary abatement, and contained only sixty men, 

106 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Hence no doubt the extent of the tricha cét was variable according to 
the fertility and population of the district. 

154, The rise of the great septs, about the commencement of the Christian 
period in Ireland, must have greatly changed the older political subdivision 
of the country, sometimes dividing and sometimes combining the more ancient 
petty states. In some instances the tricha cét appears to have survived as 
a petty state. In others, it is divided between two distinct political organisa- 
tions. In others as many as ten tricha céts form the kingdom of a single 
sept. There may well have been instances in which the early territorial state 
was split into fragments, though there is a visible tendency down to the 
seventeenth century, when the baronies of the English regime were marked out, 
to adhere to remotely ancient territorial delimitations. The following passage 
(Lecan, 460), describing the territories possessed by Dal Cuinn, is instructive :— 

155. Cland Chuind andso fo Erind 1. Fir Breg ocus Pir Midi ocus Fir Thulach 
ocus Corco Rocada a n-ingnais a buil do deoradaib acu. Is iadso iadside 1. 
Tnigne ocus Gailenga ocus na Saidne ocus Hui Aeda Odba ocus na seacht nDealbna 
ocus leth-tricha cét Cuirene ocus leth-tricha chet Teallaig Modaran ocus tricha 
chet Fear mBile. Cland Chuind 1. fiche baili na Colaman ocus tricha chid' 
Fini Gall ocus Airgialla® imorro seacht tricha chet dee indti® ocus deich tricha 
Ceniuil Eogain ocus deich tricha Ceniuil Conaill ocus leith-tricha Ceniuil nEnda 
ocus leith-tricha Ceniuil nAengusa ocus leith-tricha Fer Tulach ocus deich trichaid 
cét Breifni ocus deich tricha Hua Maine acht tri tuatha nama .i. Sodain ocus 
Dal nDruithne ocus Muinter Mail Findain. Sil Muireadaig Muilleathain ocus 
Sil Briain meie Each[ach| Muigmedoin in cach du itait ocus in da Chairpri A. 
Cairpri Mor Droma Cliab la cloind Fiachrach meic Echach Muidmedoin ocus 
Cairpri O Ciarda la Firu Midi. Sil Dathi 0 clad Chonachla co Codnaich Cloindi 
Puint. Muinter Murchada cona coibnesaib ocus Cland Coscraig. Fir Umaill 
cona ngablanaib. 

156. Sil Fiachach Sui[ g|di meic Feidlimid Rechtmair i. Corcortri la Corand + 
Condachtaib dia mbai Diarmaid Hua Duibne ocus Hui Chuind cona fineadarb 
a. uirrig Corcorthri cor dichwirsed cland Taide meic Cein meic Aililla Ulaim 
a Mumin ocus is do Corcortri Hui Dobailean scus Hui Duindchaichig ocus 
Hui Ailella dia roibhi Mac Liag 1. in fili. Na Deisi imorro do cloind Fiachach 
Suilg|di i. deich tricha cet wntib cona fochenelarh i n-egmais Semaine A. leith- 
tricha cet ita ar slicht Semuine meic Cechaing meie Celtair nd Semaine meic 
Cealte[h|air meic Uitheochair dia ndeachaid ar cend Cealtchair diaid marbtha 

1 tead ehét. The writing, which had become dim, has been inked in at this place by a later hand. 

* Hereends a page. The leaves haye been misplaced in binding, and the continuation is found at 
349a1, The particulars of Clann Chuind in Onom. Goed. are to be amended accordingly. 

5 Read intib, 

MacNemi— Early Trish Population- Groups. 107 

Biei Brugad do Cealtchair tre et na dun ocus na Deisi Breg cen airem andsin, 
Hir Bili ocus Fir Asaal is do cloind Fiachalch | Sul g\di atat. 

157. Fotharta dochodur co Laigniw do chloind Echach Find Fuath nAirt 
meic Feidlimid Rechtmair .i. na .wir. Fotharta in cach baili itatt. 

158. “The following are Conn’s race throughout Ireland: Fir Breg and 
Fir Midi (the men of Brega and Meath), and Fir Thulach and Corcu Roide, 
apart from what they have of immigrants. The latter are these: Luigni and 
Gailing and the Saithni and Ui Aeda of Odba and the seven Delbnai and the 
half tricha cét of Cuirene and the half tricha cét of Tellach Modaran and the 
tricha cét of Fir Bil’. The race of Conn, [to resume]: the twenty townlands 
(hundreds) of the Colamain, and the tricha cét of Fine Gall, and the Airgialla 
moreover, containing seventeen tricha céts, and the ten tricha céts of Cenél 
nKogain, and the ten tricha eéts of Cenél Conaill, and the half tricha cét of Cenél 
nEndai, and the half tricha cet of Cenél nAengusa, and the half tricha cét 
of Fir Tulach? and the ten tricha céts of Breifne, and the ten tricha céts of 
Ui Maini, except three tuatha, namely Sogain and Dal Druithne and Muinter 
Mail Findain. The race of Muiredach Muillethan and the race of Brian son of 
Kochu Muigmedoin wheresoever they are, and the Cairbres, namely Cairbre 
Mor of Druim Cliab belonging to the Ui Fiachrach maic Echach Muigmeddin 
and Cairbre Ua Ciarda belonging to the Men of Meath. The race of Dathi 
from Clad Conachla to Codnach of Cland Puint. Muinter Murchada with 
their kinsfolk, and Cland Choscraig. The Men of Umall with their 

159. “The race of Fiachu Suigde son of Feidlimid Rechtmar, namely: Corcu 
Fir Tri at Corann in Connacht, of whom was Diarmaid Ua Duibne, and the 
Ui Chvinn with their families, [formerly] petty kings of Corcu Fir Tri until the 
race of Tadg son of Cian son of Ailill Aulom from Munster dispossessed [them ] ; 
and of Coreu Fir Tri are the Ui Dobailén and Ui Duinnchaichig and Ui Ailella, 
of whom was Mace Liag the poet. The Dési, moreover, are of the race of Fiachu 
Suigde; they, with their under-septs, contain ten tricha céts, not reckoning 
the Semaine, i.e., a half tricha cét who are descended from Semuine son of 
Cechang son of Celtar or from Semaine son of Celtchar son of Uithechar3 
when the consequence of slaying Blai Brugaid through jealousy in his fort 
went against Celtchar; and the Dési of Brega are not reckoned therein 

ie. in the ten tricha céts). Fir Bili and Fir Asail are of the race of Fiachu 

1 This tricha cét appears to be the modern barony of Farbill in Westmeath (35,447 statute acres). 

2 Fartullagh barony in Westmeath contains 37,552 statute acres. 

3A genealogical fiction, since their traditional eponym was Nia Semon, see under moceu Neth 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C, [16} 

108 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

160. “The Fothairt who went to Leinster are of the race of 
Eochu Find Fuath nAirt, i.e. the seven Fothairt in every place where 
they are.’ 

161. Compared with the account in Keating, the foregoing contemplates a 
much smaller extent of the tricha cét. Cenél Conaill, Cenél nHogain, and 
Airgialla comprise 37 tricha céts. These occupy much less than the modern 
Ulster, as they do not comprise the counties of Antrim, Down, and Cavan. 
The ancient Ulster of Keating’s account, somewhat larger than the modern 
province, contains only thirty-six tricha céts. 

162. We can assign a period to the Lecan statement. It is earlier than the 
Norman occupation of Meath at the close of the twelfth century, and later 
than the death of Mac Liag in 1016. It is likely that the tricha cét varied 
according to the population at different periods, and that Keating’s account is 
referable to a time when the country was less populous than in the eleventh 
and twelfth centuries. 

163. Two modern baronies retain the name tricha, Trough (an Tritcha, 
Tricha Cét Cladaig), 37,377 statute acres, in co. Monaghan, and Trughanacmy 
(T. an Aicme), 195,282 statute acres, in Kerry. 

164. Other instances from Onom. Goed. are :— 

Tricha Baguine = baronies Boylagh and Banagh, co. Donegal. 
» Cairbri = bar. Carbury, co. Sligo. 
Tricha cét Cera, apparently somewhat larger than bar. Carra, co. 
Cianachta = ancient kingdom of Cianacht Breg. 
Cualnge, perhaps = kingdom of Conaille. 

33 , Enna mic Neill = tricha Enna = two bars. of Raphoe, co, 
» Fer nArda = bars. of Corcomroe and Burren, co. Clare 
= ancient kingdom of Coreu Mu Druad. 
, Mugdorn, perhaps=bar, Cremorne (Crich M.), co. Monaghan, 
, na nOilén = bar. Islands, co. Clare. 
4 ,», na Soillse = bar. Lecale, co. Down. 
Tricha Eogain = two bars. Inishowen, co. Donegal. 
» Luigdech = bar. Kilmacrenan, co. Donegal. 
»  Medonach = bar. Barryroe, or part thereof, co. Cork. 

165. O'Donovan’s Supplt. to O’Reilly’s Dict. has: “Rig: ‘r¢ rig, rex 
requlorum, « chief whose authority was recognized by seven petty chieftains. 

1 This is a frequent phrase with reference to peoples scattered apart in various territories. 

MacNeitir— Early Irish Population- Groups. 109 

H. 3.18, p.14.” &Z rig here seems to be an etymological gloss on rwri 
=7ro+r7rz. For “chief” and “chieftains,” read “king” and “kings.” 

166. The tradition that suzerainty over seven petty kings conferred a 
special grade is elsewhere exemplified. Cp. §143, above, where, besides the 
sons of Magu who were chiefs of the vassal Fir Domnann, the seven Maines 
of Connacht are subject to Medb, and in Munster also there are seven wirrig. 
The earlier and lesser Munster of the Erainn is here implied. In the deteat 
of the Irish Picts by Ui Néill at Moin Daire Lothair (an. 562 AU), when the 
Picts lost their territory west of the Bann, their king Aed Brece is spoken of 
as leadig seven other Pictish kings. In the Book of Rights, Ireland is 
divided into seven chief kingdoms, whose kings have no suzerain except the 
king of Iveland. This division seems to represent an ideal rather than an 
actuality, for as far as one can judge from other evidences, the kings of 
Osraige, Tuadmuma, Breifne, and Cenél Conaill, perhaps also the kings of 
Tarmuma (EKoganacht Locha Léin) and Brega, were quite as independent as 
the seven chief kings in the Book of Rights. In O’Maelconaire’s Munster 
Annals (R. I. A. copy), the kings of Cashel are usually called kings 
of Cashel and Desmond, indicating that they were not suzerains of west 
and north Munster. From an early period in the ninth century 
the Airgialla seem to have admitted the suzerainty of Cenél nEogain: 
Avgialla i. dacrgialla 1. Cenél nHogain voewirsead fo dairchis tad o 
cath Leithe Caim amach (BB 249 b 15, H. 3. 18, page 580, and see 
AU 826). Hence perhaps the absence of any statement of tributes due to the 
king of Airgialla in the Book of Rights. Flann Mainistrech, in his poem 
quoted by me (Rk. I. A. Proceedings, xxvii, C. 6, p. 138), names seven chief 
kings in his time. Six of these accord with the Book of Rights. For the 
seventh he omits Airgialla and substitutes Brega. Cuan O Lothchain, 
referring to the alleged contents of the “ Psalter of Tara,” says that it tells of 
“seven chief kings of Ireland,” who are “ the five kings of the Fifths, the king 
of Ireland and her high king (subking)” BB 351 b 3 (orriy is a marginal 
amendment of airdri). Perhaps the peculiar designation, in Sechtmad, ‘the 
Seventh,” applied to one of the petty kingdoms of Munster, had its origin in 
this way (see § 106). 



Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


The numbers refer to the sections. 

Absdanaig 27 @ 

acht 41 

Aicher, genitive sing. 57 

Aidni 23 

Airbrige 38 

Airgialla 27, 28, 62, 64, 68, 69, 114, 128, 15 
Airmuma 44 7 

aithechtuatha 10, 26, 51, 85, 102, 103, 125, 127 
Altvaige 44, 467 

Amanchaire 38 7 

"Arai, Araid 8, 28, 38 n, 83, 87 

Artr(a)ige 46, 48, 87, 94 

Atecotti 3 

Autent 136 

aui, avi i sept-names 52 

avi in oghams 55, 56 

Avi Axeras 57 

baile (biataig) 140 
Benntraige 127 
Bibracte 41, 50 
Bibraige 37, 40, 50 
Blairige 46 
bodagas 25 
Bolgraige 51, 127 
Bolgthuath 51, 127 
Boonrige 40, 46 
Breccraige 44 
Breifne 155 
Brittani 10 

Caenraige 136 

Cailtrige 44 

Cairbrige 27 4 

Cairige 46 

Canachta 41 

Caraige 46 

Cashel, early history, 44 1, 101 
Cath==3000 men 145 
Cathraige 10 

Footnotes are indicated by “<7.” 

Cattraige 46, 105 

Celrige 46 

cenél in sept-names 71 etc. 

Cerdraige 51 

Cerrige = Ciarraige 44 

Cianacht 40, 41, 46 7, 88, 109, 123 

27 a, 447, 46, 48, 83, 84, 94, 123 
cwitates in Gaul 86 

Ciarraige 22, 

cland in sept-names 77 ete. 
Clanda Dedad 12 
Colamain 155 
Conaille 44 7, 91, 120, 121 
Conchubuirne 40, 46 x 
Conmaicne 84 
Connachta 4, 40, 41 
*Coraind 9 
Corbetrige 51 
Corbraige 40, 51 
Corcaib 84 
corcu 29, 33 
Corcu (alphabetic list) 35 
Andsae 46 
Athrach 100 
Auloim 40 
Bairdni 40 
Baiscinn 40, 83, 92 
Bibuir 37, 40, 50 
Birn 40, 46» 
Cede 40 
Chéin 40 
Condluain 40 
Cormaic Lagen 40 
Cuirn(d) 9, 40 
Culla 46 
Dalann 40, 46 7 
Druithne 40 
Duib 40, 46, 94 
Duibne 40, 447, 46, 48, 83, 92 
Dula 40 
Echach 40 

MacNeiwn — Early Irish Population-Groups. 

Coreu Echach Ele 111 
Ele 133 
Fasaig 47 
Fiachach 40 
Fir Tri 46, 156 
Inomain 94 
Loegde 40, 44, 46, 85 
Luachra 40, 47 
Luigdech 46 
Luigne 40 
Maige Locha 47 
Maigen 40 
Moga 40 
Mu Druad (Corcumruad) 40, 83 
Nechtae 40, 46, 48 
Oche 40, 467, 48 
Oircthe(n) 46 7 
Riada 40 
Rinn 46 
Roide 46, 155 
Ruisen 40 
Sai 40 
Sogain (Suigin) 20. 43 133 
Themne 40 
Temrach 47 
Tethba 47 
hUiniche 44» 
Ulad 40, 133 
corio 38 
Coriondi 9 
*Corrind 9 
Creccraige 46 
Crothraige 44 
Cruithenchlar 10 
Cruithentuath 10, 128 
Cruithni 10, 28, 91, 107, 114, 115, 116, 120, 
121, 122, 128 
Cuallachta 41 
Cugennachte 41 
Cuirene 40, 155 
cuire 38 
Cuirenrige 9, 40, 46» 
Cuirrige 46 

Daimine 46 

Dairine 40, 44, 83 

dal 29, 32 

Dal (alphabetical list) 34 
Aengusa Musca 40 


Dal Araidi 46», 91, 107, 114, 115, 116, 118, 
119, 120, 122 
Auluim 40 
Baiscinn 40 
Bardeni 40, 46, 107, 112, 113 
Birn(d) 40, 46 » 
Buachalla 46 
Buain 40, 46 
Cais 46, 83, 107 
Céin 40, 107, 109 
Céte 40, 46, 49, 107, 112, 113 
Coirpri 44 7 (bis), 87, 106 
Conchubuir 40, 46 
Condad 46 
Conluain 40 
Cormaic 40, 46 2, 87 
Cualni 46 
Cuinn 40, 46, 64, 70, 107, 155 
Cuirb 40 
Cuire 40 
Dalann (Dallain) 40, 46 1 
Duibne 40 
Druithne 40 
Echach 40, 46 
Kogain 40, 107, 111 
Fiachach 24, 25, 26, 40, 83, 107, 111, 15 
Fiachach Ele 111 3 
Fiatach 46, 107, 111, 114, 115, 117, 122 
Imde 46 
Luigni 40, 44 n 
Macorp 44 
Maigen, Maigin 40, 46 
Maigne, Maigni 40, 46 
Maignenn, 44 7 
Maugnae 40 
Me Druad 40 
Messe Corb 87 
Mocoirp 44» 
Mo Dala 44 
Mo Dula 40 
Moga 40 
Musca 40 
Nat (= Niad) Corp 107, 110 
Niacorp? 44% 
Niad (Niath) Corb 47, 58, 70, 76, 87 
Réti, Riata(i), Riada 32, 40, 46, 92, 107 
Runtir 46 
Sailni 46 2 
Ulad 40, 133 
Darini 19 

112 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Dartraige 46 
Deda 12, 22 
déis, déisifu]s, 24, 25, 26 
Delbna, 84, 88, 123, 155 
Descert Cliach 87 
Dési 24, 25, 26, 44, 83, 101, 104, 105, 106, 
divine ancestry 31 
Dubrige 40, 46, 94 
Eboth 135 7 
Ebudae Insulae 135 
Kiginrige 46 
Eli 11, 46, 83, 111, 134 
Emenchairi 38 x 
Eoganacht 40, 44, 44, 60,70, 75, 76, 101, 11] 
Chaisil 61, 83 
Glennamnach 83 
Locha Léin 83 
Raithlenn 83 
eponyms, animal 50 
Feminine 31, 48, 49, 54, 55, 56 
from occupations 51 
spurious 48 
Erainn 4, 5, 12, 28, 46, 92, 113, 117, 123 
Briu 12 
Erna = Erainn 
Esrachtae 41 

feminine eponyms 31, 48, 49, 54, 55, 56 
Féni 13 
Fine Gall 155 
Fir Asail 156 

Bili 155, 156 

Bolg 51 n, 127 

Breg 155 

Domnann 129 

Moree 130 

Ruisen 131 

Taiden 51 

Tulach 155 

Umaill 155 
“* Five Fifths of Ireland” 97 
fortuatha 102, 123, 124 
Fothairt 14, 28, 43, 46», 123, 157 
fourfold division of peoples 87, 88 
free states 82, 83, 84 

Gabraige 37 
G4&ilin(n)e 46 7 
Galati, subdivisions of 87 

Galing 5, 15, 28, 88, 123, 155 
Galidin, Galedin 4, 16, 93, 96 
Garbraige 46 7 

Gaul, states of 86, pagi, vici 
Gaulish immigration 44 
Genealogical uncertainty 64 
Genealogies, spurious 95, 103 
Greceraige 46, 84 

Hiberni, Hibernia 12 

Tar, Lair, Tari 12, 44 7, 46 
Tarna 12 

Ibdaig 134, 154 

Ibh Laoghaire 53 

Terni, Ternis, Iernos 12 
-inion 39 

interchange of collective names 40 
TIuverna 12 

*Iveri, Iveriu 12 

Iverni 12 

Twerddon 12 

Korku Reti 46 

Lagin 4, 6, 17, 44n, 87, 107, 123, 124 
Des Gabra 97 
Tuath Gabuir 96, 97 
l.dmraige 46, 48 
land measure, ancient Irish 153 
legion = cath 146 
Leth Cuinn included Leinster 110 
Leth Moga = Munster 110 
Léigis 29, 46, 48, 91, 121, 123 
loinges 26 
Longobardi 46 
Luachair Fellubair 22 
Luaigni 23, 44 
Lucent 3 
Luguirne 46 
Luigne 23, 44, 84, 123, 155 
Lune, barony of 44n 

Macedonia, Trish analogy with 150 
Maic Umoir 125 

Manaig 18 

Manapii 18 

Maugdoirn = Mugdoirn 
Mauginrige 40 

MacNertup— Early Irish Population- Groups. 115 

Menraige 46 
Moceu 380, 42, 43, 465 
Mocceu (alphabetical list) 46 

Ciara 48 

Duibne 48 

KEch(d)ach 43 

Elich, 143,133 

Fir Cetea 49 

Fir Roide 49 

Tair 12 

Laime 48 

Nechte 48 

Neth Semon 51 

Ochae 48 

Sogin 20, 133 
Mochtaine, Mochthuinde, 46 
Monaig 18 
mucoi 380, 42 

(alphabetical list) 44 

Dovinias 48 

Qerai 48 

Sogini 20, 133 
Mugdoirn 5, 19, 28, 94, 95 
muinter in sept names 77 ete. 
Munster, ancient extent of, 44 
Muscraige 40, 83 

-ne 29, (alphabetical list) 39 
Nechtarge, Nechtraige 37, 40, 46, 48 
Nia Segamon 44” 

No(i)srige 46 

Ochaine 40 

Od(or)rige 37, 44% 
Oghams, eponyms in, 3 
Orbraige 40, 83 

Orosius 3 

Osseirge, Osraige 37, 44, 46, 97, 101, 104 
Ouolountioi 21 

Ousdiai 37 

pagi in Gaul 86 
Papraige 94, 95 
Partraige 88, 95 

Picts= Cruithni 

Pretano 10 

Ptolemy 1, 2 

*Qretino-, *Qreteno-, 10 

R- stems 57 
Raissin, Resin, Ruisin 131 

-rige 29, 36, 37, 38 
(alphabetical list) 38 
rigion 37, 89 
Ro(i)thrige 44 
Roman and Ivish state and army originally 
similar 140 ete. 

Sairige 40 
Saithne, Saidne 40, 135 
Saithrige 40 
Sciathrige 51 
Scotti 3 
Sechtmad 83, 105, 106 
Segomo 44 n 
Segorigtenses, vicani, 89 
Sem(m)uine, Sem(on)rige 40, 46», 51, 156 
Sen-chonnachta 95 
Sen-Erainn 132 
seven kings under a chief king 163, 166 
sil 33 

im sept names 77 etc. 

Cuinn 123, 124 

mBirn 46 2 
slicht in sept-names 77 etc. 
soerthuatha 102, 107, 123, 124 
Sogain 20, 43, 44, 46, 91, 121, 155 
Sograige 20 
Sortraige 94 
Sparta, Irish analogy with, 149 
Suobraige 94 
surnames as titles 53 

in ua 53 

teglach in sept-names 77 etc. 

tellach in sept-names 77 ete. 

Temenrige 40, 46 

tetrarchies in Galatia 87 

Toeccraige 87 

torche, toirge 26 

Tratraige 46 x, 87 

tributary states 82, 83, 84 

tricha cét 137 etc. 

tuath, grades of 102 
extent of 98, ete. 
meanings of 81, ete. 
special gods of 99 

Tuath Aithechda 93, 96 
Cathbarr 51, 85 
Chruithnech 128 
Domnann 129 

114 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Tuath Egdha (=Fidga) 96 , ‘Tuath Ua Cathbarr 85 
Fer nDomnann 129 ; | Tuatha Fore 134, 135 
Fer More 125, 130 i Iboth 134, 135 
Fer Ruisen 131 i Taiden 51 
Fidga 98, 96 
Mac nUmoir 125 | Uaithni 28, 83, 134, 136 
Mochtaine, Mochthuinde 46 x | ul in sept-names, 52 etc., period of 59, 61 
Moree 125, 130 Ulaid 4, 21, 107, 113, 114, 115, 118, 120, 121, 
Ochmain(e) 93, 96 c | 122 
Raisen, Resen, Ruisen 40, 125, 131 Umall 84 

Semon 40, 51 | 
Sen-Erann 132 Vellabori, Velabri 22 
Ua Carra 85 | vieus, the Guulish 89 



By E. J. GWYNN anv W. J. PURTON. 

Read Marcu 16. Published Juny 21, 1911. 

THE two vellum manuscripts! in the Academy’s collection, numbered 3 B 22 
and 3 B 23, are companion volumes; it is probable that they originally 
were parts of a single manuscript, as they are numbered continuously in 
pencil by a modern hand. There is also another numeration in pencil for 
each volume separately. They are written on folios of the same size and 
by the same scribe who signs himself “'Tade ua Rigbard[a]n” at page 51 of 
3 B 23. One other ms. in the Academy’s library, 24 P 1, was written by 
this scribe ; his signature occurs on p. 62 “Tadg ua Rigbardan qui scribsit ” : 
on p. 14 of the same ms. he gives the date 1473.’ All three manuscripts 
are entirely occupied with material of a religious or ecclesiastical character, 
except for a few marginalia. 

Some light upon the later history of the two companion volumes, 3 B 22 
and 23, may be obtained from entries scribbled in the margins in English, 
These occur mainly in 3B 22. This volume (and no doubt its fellow) 
belonged for a time to a family of Egans. At p. 68 is written, in a hand- 
writing apparently of the early seventeenth century, “These are to certyfie 
y' this booke longed to margery Egan.” At foot of pp. 6-7, in a later hand, 
“ Allive (?) Egane is y® posseser of this Booke & I pray God.” On page 24, 
“Stephen Egan”; p. 40, “Cor. Egan”; p. 50, “m" Stephen Egan” (these 
last three entries seem comparatively recent). Towards the end of the 
seventeenth century the manuscript came into the hands of a family of 
Kennedys. On p. 13 of 3 B 22 is written: “Daniell Kenedy his hand & 
seale the 24% daye of Junii 1682 (altered from 1692).” Immediately below 
this is another name, in a different handwriting, as if it were the record of 
some agreement. On p. 47, “ Philip Kenedy his booke and seale as witness 

1 These volumes were examined and described by Mr. Purton while working at the Calendar of 
Manuscripts now in course of preparation. The description of 3 B 23 is mainly his work; he first 
called my attention to the Tallaght document, and he has helped me in the translation. I desire to 
acknowledge gratefully many useful suggestions receiyed from the Rey. Charles Plummer, who 
has kindly read this paper in proof.—E, J. G. 

? He is also the scribe of part of H.2.12. T.C.D. (Nos. 1304 and 1309): see Abbott’s Catalogue, 
pp. 323, 324. 

R.1.A. PROC., VOL, XXIX., SECT. C. (17) 

116 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

my hand ye 9th april 1684.” On p. 68 (top margin), ‘ Mr. Philip Kenedy 
1699.” Philip Kenedy’s name is also written at foot of p. 58 of 3 B 23. 
On p. 44, “To Ms Magrett Kenedy att Bellafinvoythe ...” On p. 84, at 
foot, “Jo. Kenedy his booke...” Later the volumes came into the 
possession of one Torralagh 6 Brin (Turlough O’Brien’), who has written 
his name at p. 30 of 3 B 23; and he is probably the father of the Randol mac 
Torr[alaig] whose name occurs at the foot of p. 26 and on p. 28 of the same 

Other names scribbled in the margins of 3 B 22 are Tumultaugh O’Haanly 
(p. 5), William Chisers (p. 45), William O Brin (p. 49), Bradstreet (p. 69), 
“ Owen Coulahan his mark” (p. 80). These persons may not have been owners 
of the book, but merely witnesses to some legal transaction. 

The two volumes afterwards belonged to General Vallancey, as is shown 
by a slip from a sale catalogue pasted on the first folio of 3 B 22. It runs 
thus : “1270 Two Vols beautifully written on Vellum at least 600 years past. 
These are in excellent preservation and most elegant penmahship [sic], small 
Folio.” Mr. R. I. Best has identified this slp as an extract from the catalogue 
drawn up for the sale of Vallancey’s collection in 1813. 

We are here concerned principally with 3 B23. ‘This volume consists of 
41 vellum folios, written in double columns, with from 28 to 36 lines in a 
column. The average size of the folios is 25 x 15 centimetres. Here 
follows a full description of the contents; the volume is numbered by 

1. Page 1, column a. Diuerte a malo et fac bonum inquire pacem et 
sequere eam .i. Soid duine o ule 7 dena maith, ete. 

A homily on the Eight Arrows of Sin, with which the Devil seeks to 
conquer the citadel of Man. 

After page 6 one or more folios are lost. 

2. P. 7a. immalle re hihesu isa comarli rogabsat, ete. 

It is not clear whether this is the conclusion of the above homily, or of a 
different one : it ends (7a) 

roisam roaitrebam in saecula saeculorum amen. 

3. P. 7a. Cum ergo facieis elimoysinam noli tuba canere ante te .1. ind tan 
didiu dogné almsain nachus commaeid amal dogniatt na breccaire, ete. 

A homily on almsgiving, a good deal of which closely resembles the tract 
edited by Atkinson, Passions and Homilies, 6047 et seg. Ends p. 120: 

roisam roaitrebam in secula seculorum Amen. FINIT. 

1’0 Brin usually = O’Byrne or O’Beirne, but Turlough (Toirdelbach) is a name very common 
among the O’Briens, while it is not used by the O’Byrnes, if one may judge by the indices to the 

Gwynn anv Purton—The Monastery of Tallaght. 117, 

4, P. 18a. Dona harraib indso. 

This is the treatise De Arreis published by Meyer in Rev. Celt, xv. 485. 
For a collation of this text with Meyer’s see Eriu v, 45. There is no break in 
the manuscript between this and the next item. 

5. P. 1625. De luxoria. Luxoria tra hissed ainm inna dualcha tanaisi 
marbas anmain duine... 

Two distinct documents are here combined in alternate sections, One 
is the Old-Irish homily printed by Meyer in Zts. Celt. Phil, iii. 25 from 
Rawl. B. 512; the other consists of extracts from an Old-Irish penitential, 
based apparently on the Penitentials of Theodore and Cummian. An edition 
of the whole document is in course of preparation. Ends (p. 28a) with the 
section of the homily which treats of Vana Gloria: cf. ZCP iii 28. 

Most of p. 28 is left blank. 

6. P. 285. Some memoranda in a poor hand, dated 1729-1735. Here 
occurs the name Randal mac Torralazg. 

After p. 28 there is a gap in the manuscript. 

7. P. 29a1. ni corab meinic bis can a fis aici cred donf sé fein na nech ele. 

Part of a homily on the Atonement (?), the beginning of which is lost, 
Ends (p. 290): 

an urnaigti so. Domine ihesu Christi cor meam et Reliqua. 

8. P. 296. Some verses, partly illegible, in a somewhat later hand. 

Bo beres buar o rigaib . bo na truag bit... g 
bo an dil[echt]a bo... . bo an tsirmeta ni erig 
blo... fectnach failig . bo an fircrabuig (?) bo in cleirigh. 

9. P.30a1. Hicc incipitt speclum pecatoris .i. is annso tindscainter speclair 
in peccthaig, ete. 

Another copy of this moral tract! is found in R.LA, 23 N 15, p.59. After 
p. 80, which ends with the words “mona gradaigem cach ni teccusces Dia” 
(= 23 N 15, p. 60, 14), there is another gap in the manuscript. The Speculwm is 
continued on p. 31, which begins “ annsa leis na lebur saegulta ana (n6 swperser.) 
an cod dorindi Plato” (= 23 N 15, p. 66, 1). 

P. 32 ends in the middle of a sentence with the words “oir is annsa n-aitsin 
tecait lucht oifici ifern docum” (corresponding loosely to 23 N 15, top of 
p. 68; but the two texts vary widely). 

10. P. 83a. Athlaoch boi hi comaidecht.. . 

Here begins the document which is printed in full below. It is inter- 
rupted on p. 47 by a copy of the Abgitir Crabaid, but is resumed at p. 51. 

11. P.47a 22. Incipiunt uerba Colmani fili Beognae uiri dei .i. abbgitir 

1 Tt is an adaptation of Pseudo-Augustine, Speculum Peccatoris (Plummer). 


118 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

See Zits. Celt. Phil. iii. 447 and Mart. Oeng. Preface x, xi. Ends p. 51016. 
After the Finit there follows a note by the scribe: 

Is f6 cech ni sluindess ind lIebarsa dia tuicmis hé. 7 a comaldad tadce 
ua rigbardn qui scribsit 7 ni hanmfis tuc ind a. b. ¢. d. eidir na riaglaib acht 
dhegla a faccbalae. “Good is everything that this book sets forth, if we 
understood it, and good it is to fulfil it: Tadg O'Riordan gui scripsit, and 
he placed the Alphabet among the Rules not in ignorance, but for fear of 
omitting it.” 

12. P.51a21. Is hed dano dohuce Colecu ho Eogun... 

See below, p. 161, 13. 

13. P.53a1. Labrum don bochtainecht... 

A homily on poverty. Ends with p. 57a :— 

Qui uiuit agradnad [et regnat] deus per omnia secula seculorum amen. 

14. P. 5761. Labrum anos don trocaire, ete. 

A homily on mercy. 

After p. 58 one or more folios are lost. Ends at foot of p. 65a: 

iarr sith 7 lean dia qui uiuit ad ragnad [et regnat] deus per omnia secula 
seculoram. Amen. 

15. P. 6561. Legthar andsa ix caibidil xx do lebur Matha co tainic duine 
oce, ete. 

This is the homily on the-Ten Commandments which is printed in 
Atkinson’s Passions and Homilies, p. 245. Ends p. 80: 

da tucais toil egoir sa domanso let coic cetfadaib corporda (= P. & H. 7821). 

16. P.80a15. Selus domus tue cometit me i. romgab étt mo tegdais a 
dia, ete. 

A homily beginning with a story from the Book of Maccabees about the 
priest Mathias and his resistance to idolatry: cf. Pass. and Hom. 6534 seq. It 
is continued to the end of p. 82; but the last page is only partially legible. 

17. The following marginalia are scattered through the volume: unless 
otherwise specified, they are written by Tadg O’Riordan. 

iP 13; at foot: 
indleac ind inis cathazg dixit: 

[Bean Jnacht beannacht for Maolbridde 
tabraid, na bad gair som : 

beannocht cach trath, rad nad ceil seom, 
for cach dodofair som. 

The stone in Inis Cathaig said: “ Blessing, blessing give to Maelbrigte ; let 
it not be scanted : a blessing for every hour (a saying he conceals not) on each 
that he comes to aid,” 

Gwynn anpD Purron—The Monastery of Tallaght. 119 

P. 14, at foot: 
Biad tere, codla gairit 
eirgi moch, slechtain menic, 
ocus fegad na carat 
bis fod chosaib sa railic. 

“Spare diet, short slumber, early rising, frequent obeisance, and gaze fixed 
on the friends that lie in the churchyard beneath thy feet.” 
P. 15, at foot : 
Doman dian, 
cid bethir air ni bad cian, 
is baeth do neoch renus fir 
ar ascham a tir na pian. 

“ The fleeting world, though one live on it, twill not be for long; foolish is 
he who sells truth to win a place in the land of torment” cf. ZCP. vii. 498. 
P. 16, at foot . 
is mairce breichem beres gaol 
ar an truadan ac nach bi ni, 
ar atchonnaesa a loce ruad 
anbad mor don tsluag dusgni. 

“Woe to the judge who judges falsely against the wretch that has naught; 
for I have seen in the fiery place a great. multitude of people that do the 
like.” This stanza is found also in T.C.D. ms. H. 1. 11, f.124 verso. 

P. 17, at foot: 

is truad faoid 

focerd cadla ind diaid a laoigh : 
o tosach domm«ain, ni brece, 
ata éce ar ciond cach aoin. 

“Sad is the cry the goat utters for her lost kid: from the beginning of 
the world—it is no lie—death awaits each and all.” 

P. 23, at foot: 

Cid bé le bud emeilt doseribws mar do fuarus ind lebur so no fés 

“ Whoever finds it tedious, I have written this book as I found it. . .’ 

P. 24, at foot, in late hand: Torgalach o brin. . . 

P. 26, at foot, scribbled in faded ink: Anso det . . . Randol M°Torralaig 
anso an beag ud (?) . . . tigerna mille 7 seacht cced 7... fichid.. . 

P. 27, at top: 


P. 27, at foot: 

ni tucais mo croide dam a libuir re cois caich ga breith uain. 

“Thou hast not given me back my heart, O book, while everyone is being 
carried away from me.” (?) 

120 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

P. 28, at bottom : 

Sg iano oo 7 da fag .... do biad mar an cetnai. 

P. 30, at foot, in late hand: 

Torralagh 6 Brin sealmor en labor so. 

P. 44, at foot: 

Finit: do scribus sin dom doig 7 inddi sceol so, 7 ni hainfis acht dia necar 
doniam ind nos. 

Pp. 58 and 66: scribbles, in a late hand, in English. 

P. 75, at top: 

mallacht dib fein 

P. 78 at top: 

ataid sluag i briain ae techt cugaind deis durlais do gabail, “O Brien’s 
army is coming towards us after taking Thurles.” This may refer to the 
battle of Thurles, a.p. 1174, in which Domnall O’Brien defeated the English ; 
ifso, the note must be copied from an older manuscript. Jf, on the other 
hand, it is set down by O’Riordan himself, this would indicate that he was 
writing somewhere not very far from Thurles. 

P. 81, at foot: 

Marthin duit a croch . . 

The document with which we are mainly concerned runs from p. 33 to p, 47, 
and from p. 51 to the end of p. 52. The script differs in certain respects from 
that employed in the rest of the volume. The chief peculiarities are (1) an 
unusual form of 0, closely resembling », with which it may easily be con- 
fused ; (2) an unusual form of m, used mainly on p. 33, but occurring two or 
three times in later pages: it resembles a capital H, having the cross-bar 
depressed in the middle; (8) a contraction, consisting of a t with a wavy 
stroke over it, which stands sometimes for tir (ter), sometimes for wrt (ert ?) ; 
(4) the spelling, which is described below. 

For the reasons given above, however, we must assume that our document 
is written by the same scribe as the rest of the volume. The peculiarities 
just noted are probably copied by him from the archetype which he had before 

Our text is principally occupied with the traditions of the Monastery of 
Tamlachta (now Tallaght, a village situated within a few miles of Dublin),’ 
and with the teaching and practices of two persons—Maelruain, the founder 
of the monastery, and his disciple Maeldithruib. There is nothing to show who 
the writer was; but he must have been for some time an inmate of the 

1 This ‘0 is found also in the scribal note at the foot of p. 23. 
? As to the fortunes of this foundation, see Handcock’s History of Tallaght, and F. E, Ball’s 
History of County Dublin, Part III. 

Gwynn and Purton—The Monastery of Tallaght. 121 

monastery. He speaks of its usages as things within his own knowledge; he 
is familiar with minute details of its daily routine, and even records a penance 
inflicted on himself for breach of a rule (§ 45). It is not clear whether he 
had known Maelruain: if the text could be trusted, there is one passage which 
seems to show that he did: in § 5 we have the words asrubart-sai frit Maolruain: 
this would naturally mean, ‘I had said to Maelruain’ (asrubart-sa) ; but it is 
probable that we should read asrubart-som, “he had said”: the same corruption 
has apparently taken place in § 46, where asrubart-sav cannot well refer to 
the writer. At all events the document was written after Maelruain’s death, 
as is made clear by the words “in Maelruain’s lifetime,” § 6; besides, the 
references to Maelruain are in the past tense throughout. The phrase used 
in § 27, “this we received (tucsam) from Maelruain,” merely implies that 
Maelruain is the ultimate authority. 

But the author certainly knew Maeldithruib: in § 40 he says expressly, 
“This I heard from Maeldithruib.” All the explicit references to the opinions 
and customs of Maeldithruib (with one exception) are couched in the present 
tense: the usual formulae are issed fognt latseom, “this is his practice”; issed 
as choir lais, “he thinks it right”; and so forth. The single exception occurs 
in one of the last paragraphs, § 86: Maoldithruib in quadragesimis in aqua et 
pane usque ad nowissimum tempus pro anima patris sui. Fobithin ba de a 
urnichte dogrés in quadragesima. Here usque ad nowissimum tempus seems to 
mean “to the last, to the end of his life,” and this agrees with the tense of ba 
in the next sentence. The natural interpretation of these facts is that the 
main part was written during the lifetime of Maeldithruib, and that § 86 was 
added after his death. The supposition is quite consistent with the disjointed 
character of the document, which is not a biography, nor yet a Rule, but a 
collection of memorabilia, probably jotted down from time to time. 

It will be noticed that in a great many cases the writer records sayings 
and opinions without mentioning by name the person to whom he refers. 
These references are all (again with one exception) framed in the present 
tense: the one exception being the verb dognid in § 28; but this is a 
mere slip for dogné: in the same paragraph doleici is present. It is natural 
to suppose that in all such cases the person referred to is Maeldithruib. If 
so, the incident recorded in § 45 is proof that the writer had been under his 
rule at Tallaght. 

Who was Maeldithruib? Although he seems to have been a personage of 
considerable importance in his own monastery, the references to him in the 
usual sources of knowledge are curiously scanty; but they are fortunately 
sufficient to fix his date. On p. 370, column 3, of the Book of Leinster, 
immediately after the Martyrology of Tallaght (properly so called), there is a 

122 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

brief list of persons belonging to Maelruain’s community (Lucht oentad 
Wadruain: versified in column 4), and among these is named Maeldithruh 
anchorita Tiri da Glas. We aye therefore justified in identifying the 
Maeldithruib of our document with the Maeldithruib, “anchorite and sage 
(sdoi) of Tir da Glas,” whose death is recorded by the Four Masters anno 840. 

One other reference to him, though of later date, is worth recording. 
Among the spurious “ Prophecies,” published by N. O’Kearney in 1856, there 
is one (p. 95) which is attributed to “Maeltamlacht,’ who addresses his 
utterances to “ Maeldithridh.” These names evidently disguise Maelruain of 
Tallaght and his disciple Maeldithruib. There is a copy of this poem in a 
Trinity College manuscript H. 1. 10. p. 167; it is of no interest except as 
showing that the connexion between Maelruain and Maeldithruib was not 
forgotten in later times. 

We have thus obtained a lower limit of time. Most of the document was 
written before 840, the year of Maeldithruib’s death; a little was added 
later. An upper limit can be fixed by the references to Diarmait, abbot of 
Tona, in §§ 47, 65, 80. He was Abbot from 815 till 831 or later (Reeves’ 
Adamnan, 388). The phrase in § 47, “Three words that Diarmait lft to 
bishop Carthach,” seems to imply that he was dead at the time of writing, 
If so, we have 831 as an upper limit, 840 as a lower limit. 

These dates agree with the notes of time supplied by references to other 
persons, so far as they have been identified. The bishop Carthach mentioned in 
§ 47 may be the Carthach, Abbot of Tir Da Glas, who died in 851 (Four 
Masters): there is nothing to show whether the person referred to by our 
author was alive or dead. Several of the other personages mentioned are known 
to have been contemporaries of Maelruain; such are Samdan, Mocholmoce, 
Mac Oige of Lismore, Cainchomrac, Fer Da Chrich, Helair, Dublitir, Eochaid 
ua Tuathail, Blathmac; also probably Colchu and Clemens mac Nuadat. 

The few facts hitherto known about Maelruain have been put together by 
Reeves in his work on the Culdees, p. 7; see also O'Hanlon, Irish Saints, 
vii, 98; Contents of Bk. Leinster, p. 66%. His name is still familiar in the 
traditions of Tallaght (see F. E. Ball, History of Co. Dublin, ii, 43). He is 
remembered mainly as founder of that monastery and author of the so-called 
Rule of the Céli Dé which exists in the Leabhar Breac, pp. 9-12, and was 
published by Reeves, with a translation by O'Donovan. Our text has a 
close affinity with this Rule. The particular poimts in which the two 
documents coincide with or illustrate one another are indicated in our Notes. 
Which of them borrows from the other, or whether they draw from a common 
source, it is impossible to say. Reeves (on O’Donoyan’s authority no doubt) 
speaks of the Rude as being in its present form a production of the twelfth or 

Gwynn anp Purton—The Monastery of Tallaght. 123 

thirteenth century; but as Strachan has remarked (Deponent Verb 517, note), 
it is really in substance an early document ; it probably belongs to the ninth 

Our text supplies some fresh information as to the Céli Dé and their 
practices. They are referred to by name in two passages (S§ 40, 45); in 
many other places vague phrases, such as fognt lewsom, “it is their practice,” 
may refer either to the Céli Dé in general or to the community of Tallaght 
in particular. In §6 Maelruain is quoted as speaking of “my Rule,” and in 
three other places there is mention of “the Rule” (§§ 12, 63, 78) ; but there 
is nothing to show whether this is the Rule of Tallaght only, or a Rule 
binding on all Céli Dé. From the varieties of practice noted in various 
places where they were established, it would seem that there was no fixed 
Rule generally accepted by them. 

It is noticeable that several of the anecdotes introduced relate to places 
where the Céli Dé are known to have been established: Clonmacnois 
(§§ 67, 85), Devenish (§ 60), Monahincha (§ 4), Iona (§§ 47, 52, 65, 85). 
Our text shows that there were also Culdees at Terryglass (§12). Evidently 
there were close relations between this place and Tallaght, since Maeldithruib 
is described as “anchorite of Tir Da Glas”; no doubt he went thither from 

Although our document is principally concerned with questions of 
discipline and observance, it does not display the spirit of exaggerated 
asceticism which so often pervades the later Lives of the Saints; on the 
contrary, excessive severity is discountenanced by Maelruain and Maeldithruib. 
See §§ 63, 68, 77, 80. There is also a general absence of the miraculous 
and supernatural, and such stories of this kind as are introduced are of a 
comparatively sober character: such are the tales of Colum Cille and the 
sinful monk, § 66; of Maelruain’s fasting against Artri, § 72; of the angel 
at Mag Lena, § 73; of Adamnan and the monks of Clonmacnois, § 85; of 
Eochu ua Tuathail and the layman’s ghost, § 85. 


Except for §§ 66, 67, and 73, and the passages which coincide with the 
Rule of the Céli Dé (see ante), no second copy of our document has as yet come 
to light." This is much to be regretted, as a good many passages seem to be 
corrupt, and even where the corruption is not sufficient to obscure the sense, the 

1 When this paper was already in proof, I was led by a hint from Mr. Plummer to examine the 
so-called Life of Maelruain contained in a portfolio (No. 36) in the Franciscan Library. This proved 
to be a seventeenth-century paraphrase corresponding to parts of the Rule of the Culdees and of 
our document. It has cleared up some difficulties, and I hope to publish it in eatenso.—E.J.G. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SEOT. C. [18] 

124 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

old Irish forms have undergone more or less alteration. Certain eccentricities 
of spelling are worth noting, particularly the scribe’s fondness for writing 
Id for Ul, nd for nn: eg. udius, caildech, andos, anttos, indni (= ant), ete. 
He sometimes treats the symbol 7 as=¢ or d: hence such a spelling as 
al7essa = aldessa = al-lessa, figil7 = figild = figil. 

The language is unquestionably Old Irish, but it has naturally undergone 
a good deal of alteration; for the most part, however, this is limited to 
an eccentric method of spelling, combined with such lawlessness in the 
treatment of terminations as one expects to find in a fifteenth-century 
transcript of an ancient document. There are not many signs that the scribe 
of our Ms. deliberately altered the forms which he found in his original. 

With a text of this character it is impossible to rely on the exacter tests 
ofage. But a summary of the main points of grammatical usage will make it 
clear that the language as a whole is late Old-Izish. 

Gen. sg. fem., ace. pl., and gen. pl., usually na ; but inda, g.s. fem. 128, 16; 
133, 20; inda, ace. pl. 160, 22; ronda, inda, g. pl. 147, 4; 151, 15, 21. 
Nom. mas. pl. generally ind, once inda 134, 11. 


The infixed pronoun is regularly used, though the forms are sometimes 
incorrectly transmitted. The later substitution of the independent pronoun 
is found twice: congraid he 150, 3; corroloisc he 157, 11; noduslen 129, 2 is a 
late form. 

The affixed pronoun occurs in gabtiseom 129, 7; gabtisom 140, 2; «bthi 
129, 33; clandti 150, 27; roberbi (2) 147, 8; gabta som (= gabthus) 128, 38; 
gaibthus 138, 29; gabtus 139, 1; bertus 158, 6. 

Prep. with pron.: note the forms essiu, eisse 149, 28, 32 (Mid. Iv. estz). 

The demonstrative pronoun swide, -side, is frequent; the unaccented -ede 
occurs in gatbthus som eidi 138, 29; gabtus edi 139, 1; dollwigter eidi 139, d. 

The demonstratives 6n, son are frequent. 

‘Other’: ind alae fecht ... fecht naild 138, 13; ind ala hi 161, 10; 
cach ‘la cein 146, 29: cach la sel. . . ind tale 147, 16. 

‘Self’: 2 singular fein 148, 27 ; fadein 142, 3; 3 sing. fadesin (5 times) ; 
buddesin 152, 10; fadein 161, 11. 

Relative -n- is kept (1) after intan (11 times, but is also frequently 
omitted); (2) once after war (= hére) 147,14; amail (amail nach [n]|dentar 
148, 3; (8) in other cases, marking a dependent clause, 135,19; 148, 13; 
142, 23; 144,19; 150, 9, 14; 160, 232); 162, 37. 

Numerals: teor menadcha 158,1; teora biadi 129, 8; teora bliadna 134, 36: 
incorrectly, di mer 150, 32; cethtri eridiscel 136, 19. 

Gwynn AND Purton—The Monastery of Tallaght. 125 


The neuter is preserved : tarsa ceim 130, 7; addurtaig 132,12; loim nais 
136, 9; fecht naild 138,13; frisa cedna 138, 12; cet moaille (= mbuille) 142, 10 ; 
a naccobar 149,93; ass ningnama 156,95; a nas 156,12; ochtmad wmbairgine 

= mbairgine) 155, 33; etach n-ctracht 165, 24; aldind (= al-lind) 152,1; 
a trian sin 147, 8; anaild 146, 16; 151, 26, 

The old datives: ambim 147, 9; wamim 149, 18, are worth noting ; also the 
genitives: Maoilidithracb 135, 26; Maoiliruoin 131, 29; but Maolruaoin 
129, 16; 136, 5. 


D. pl, retard tricidb 157, 2; riagaclib ailib 156, 17. 

Comparative: méo 133,10; 147,1; moa 156, 27; mow 160, 23 (never mo). 
Adverbial: in déniw 162, 37. 

Superlative : fuirbthium 136, 24: andsom 136, 16. 

Prepositions, Articles, Conjwnetions. 

nicon passim (never nocon, nochon). 
inge 131, 29 (but the reading is doubtful). 
cent 129, 28; 135, 13, ete.; but cen co 159, 37. 
ds “under ” ts wsew 158, 16. 

ol passim; but once ar sé 159, 5. 

indda ‘nor’ 150, 41; indds 128, 22; 142, 25; 146,18; 152, 31; 156, 28; 
160, 17. 

anda lim 150, 25; anda leosom 152, 28. 

Signs of lateness are war (for hére) 147, 14 (but dare 155, 23); amdin 
(ambain) for nama 127, 17, etc.; aice (for naiecc: so Thurneysen, Handb. 491). 

immurgu occurs frequently and in various forms, but never with assimi- 
lation of rg (umorro). 

The Verb. 

The distinction of absolute and conjunct forms of the simple verb is better 
preserved (even in passive and deponent) than might be expected in so late a 
manuscript: thus we have: 

absolute : canir, canair, dlegair, gabthair, canitir, cantir, fosnather . 

conjunct.: -canar, -marb[t|har, -moladar, -cloadar, -corat[h ar, -berar. 

relative: bongar, berar (but also berazr). 

The deuterotonic forms are well preserved, but there are exceptions: the 
most notable are several forms of -comairlecim, which seems to be regarded as a 
simple verb (perhaps under the influence of comairle): we get nochomazrleictea 


126 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

129, 20; rocomarleced 143, 24; cid comarlecther 147, 22; but cotarleic 137, 9. 
Other examples: cid chodala 161, 27; nach oen déraich 133, 21. 
Conversely, ind arfaomad 150,19; né fogné ( fogni) passim: see note on 

In two instances a compound verb has an absolute termination : congraid 
150, 2; tabrait 148, 21. 

Perfective -ad- in conatil 155,10; conatallad 130,10; condatecht (= conattecht) 
144, 16; -ess- in niconeshed 129, 15; -com- in conescomriter 136, 33. 

fo. The strongest sign of comparative lateness is the apparent neglect 
of the perfective force of vo: asbert, asrubart, etc. seem to be used at times 
without distinction: see, for instance, 133, 9; 144, 9, 12, 15, 20; 158, 28, 29, 
31. On the other hand, the vo of possibility is found, e.g. 136, 26; 148,13; 
159, 31. In a few cases ro- stands first im non-enclitic compound verbs: 
rotatrrngirt 146, 20; rotwit 157, 10; rotinol 157, 15. 

Sigmatic future and subjunctive : 

téis 137,14; tési 136,17; tiasat 147, 21; tiagsad (for tiasat) 134, 13; 
-tesed 159, 19; docoiset 128, 10; cometestar 152, 7; cometesta? 151, 12; 
-conetis (for cometis) 160,13; teeme 143, 24; doteceme 160,10; tecmaised 133, 9 ; 
dondecmised 143, 6; doneemai 146, 19; dondecme 161, 10; -tta 159, 35; 
toitsitis 157, 32; gesti 158, 22; condesar 133, 2; rostir 137,12; -rorosind 136, 26; 
-sesed 140, 9; danetarred 143, 4; foreissed 164, 22; conmesar 129, 30 ; 
-lusad 143, 1; nolustis 129, 21; adlusat 147, 24; -ralisa 145, 21; -umthisi (2) 

150, 23; arindbo 134, 18. Add -fael 157, 20; -roenastar 155, 1; fuwirestar 

155, 28 from other manuscripts. 

Non-sigmatice : avna himfoilnged 145, 1; cona tormaigfed 150, 14. 

The Deponent is still in vigour: the following forms occur :— 

nicon feddar 127,13; nicon fetadar 147,13; ara coratar 159, 6 ; docuiridar 
135, 1; aridralastar 153, 27; conmesar 129, 30; conmidir (pret.) 141, 24; 
conidmidetar 149, 14; rocloither 136, 15; dia oasikean 137, 6; ni [co] molathar 
155,26; nico romolastar 131, 22; forcomedar 129, 35; ni mor tolnathar 124, 19; 
Josnather 141, 23; manataigter (for mani-t-agathar) 142, 3; atluchestar 150, 17; 
comdairsir 150, 28; atgladastar 154,4; nad cobradar 164, 24 (but cobrid 162, 8); 
roairgsetar 147,12; airigetar 152,28; roortigsetar 133, 6; notlortnigetar 152, 13; 
dia fercaichther 141. 21; manatfercaichther 142,2; nachadfercaigther-su 142, 7 
dana coibsenither-su (for coibsenigther) 160, 9; swidigestar 162,13. Also the 
deponent preterites:-—domcaomnacuir 144, 7 ; tocaomnacuir 153,11; teemoneuir 
153, 19; teemongur 162,11; rothathamir 153,13; nicon fordamar 162, 26. 

The corrupt form co treicigur (v. 1. co tretigur) 155, 22 looks like a deponent. 

Non-deponent :—tarthmenam 158, 24, 26. 

Relative forms :—file 152,16; ata 158, 7; bite 132,15; biti 156, 33; 
marbthai (for marbte) 132, 4; teiti 151, 6, 

Gwynn and Purton—The Monastery of Tallaght. 127 

The text of our manuscript is here reproduced without alteration except 
that contractions are expanded, and words as a rule are separated, except in 
cases where it seemed desirable to print them as they are grouped in the MS. 
The punctuation of the original (which is often misleading) is carefully 
preserved. The scribe often marks the beginning of a fresh paragraph by 
writing the first word en vedette, encroaching on the left-hand margin: but 
he frequently does this wrongly, when there is no break in the sense; as, on 
the other hand, he often begins an entirely new subject without any stop or 
break in the line. Words (or single letters) thus written en vedette are here 
signalized by bold-faced type thus :—IARfacht. 

The more serious emendations are noted at the foot of each page; but it 
has not been thought desirable to point out the countless minor corrections 
which are necessary. 

§ 1. [83°] Athlaoch boi hi comaidecht § 1. A former layman was in com- 
meic bethad. asbert niconfeddw cid fil pany with a ‘son of life.” He said: 
do sirgabail na biaide 7 cantaci maire ‘“T do not understand your continual 
(i. magnificat). Ni handsai ém ol singing of the Beati and the Canticle 
sessomh .1. Fer indorsa frz bun cruche 5 of Mary (i.e, the Magnificat).” ‘ That 
ind molad ocws ind nemeli noferfad is not hard to explain, truly,” said 
frisind rig immo! saorad. is foion the other. ‘“‘As a man, being now at 
iondas sin fermaidni nemeli fr7z rig nime the foot of the gallows, would pour out 
isind biaid immo ar sdorad. IMarchide praise and lamentation to the king, to 
iarom dano and{ol® dichoid de muldach 10 gain his deliverance; in like manner we 
muire ingini iar compert din spirad pour forth lamentation to the King of 
naob la tasce ind aingil .i1. la haithise Heaven in the Beat, to gain our de- 
Cethe cathbarr nogabtha forsind cetul liverance. And it is fitting also that 
hi fil molad dé 7 nemeli fr7s the song (?) which came from the head 

of the Virgin Mary, when she had 
conceived by the Holy Ghost at the 
angel’s announcement (i.e. at the mes- 
sage) :—that this should be set as a 
crown upon the chant which contains 
praise of God and lamentation addressed 
to Him.” 
§2. Indti tra dothdod dia accaldim 15 § 2. As for those who come to con- 
verse with him, it is not his usage to 
ask them for news, but to see that they 
profit in those matters only for which 

som ni fogni laisim fachmare scel ddéib 
acht atorbai frisa tiagad ambain. 
Fobithin fobenad 7 doairmescad menmain 

iond caich dia naisnedtar. Manip lor they come. Because it might harass 

1 Read imma 2 Read perhaps int ilach 


dano reim iond dosa commsi bess isind 
eclais imbé 7 maescai c4ch deit cena 
cosc. Focheird deit chubus ammaiz 
la slemni 7 roithini ma dagnet ni airi 
is #6 IS dech allecud ammain manini 


§ 3. A forbi tra dano for lortaid na 
muindtire bis id choimidecht. ised is 
choir laissom di thabairt donda bochtaib 
ar nista leo leth docoiset do chuincid 
neich. acht is dual duitsiu cena® narra- 
bae let sentaise de dia de na mbochi* 
de chrochaib saildi 7 di rvsccaib imme 
7 reliqua 

locha cre tiri daglais 

§ 4. IARfacht maoldithruib do helair 
manipad lor reim iond aosai senchellaib 
dus ind gebad ni do thorad ionda cildi 
huadaib. [33°] ISsed asbert helair a 
airidiu. arnit corpsiu manibe cuid deid 
inda gabail no inda fostud isna hordazb. 
arced coirpti sium olsessim ni corpat 
torud ind erlamai. Ar is disliu he 
duini olsessem inddas doibsim. IS se 
aran dobeirti dosom fadesin cid ina insi 
fadessin amdin araén ruis cree. aran 
mochue olsesim (.i. elair) ba hé dobertar 

§ 5. Sailm aurnaichti 7 biait fogniad 
madin la sochuidi acht ni madin gabta 
som ar antan dognisom (.i. elair) 
ficild matin is fr? ni dona salmaib 
dognid a figild daig cudnuda na salm 






1 Read mani aithriget 

Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

and disturb the mind of him to whom 
it was told. If the persons in authority 
that are in the Church where thou art 
have not fully performed their duties, and 
if each . . . from thee, without correct- 
ing himself, merely send him away from 
thy confession gently and kindly; if 
they do anything [that they have been 
told] thereupon,—it is well. If they 
do not repent, it is best to dismiss them 

§ 3. Whatever remains over after the 
monks that live with thee are satisfied, 
this he thinks it right to give to the 
poor, for they have nowhere that they 
can go to beg anything. Butit is meet 
for thee, even if thou haye no old leay- 
ings, [to feed] the poor with flitches of 
bacon and firkins of butter and so forth. 

§ 4. Maeldithruib (of Tir Da Glas) 
asked Helair (of Loch Cre) whether, 
if the folk im the old churches had 
not properly performed their duties, he 
ought to accept from them any of the 
produce of the church? Helair replied 
that he should accept it, “‘for it does 
not defile thee, if thou have no share in 
receiving them or in confirming them 
in orders: for though they be defiled” 
(said he), ‘“‘yet they defile not the 
patron’s fruits. For that belongs to 
us” (said he), ‘* rather than to them.” 
The only bread that used to be brought 
to himself, and into his own island, 
was the “‘ bread of Ros Cré.” “Let it 
be Mochua’s bread,” said he (that is, 
Helair) ‘‘that is brought to us.” 

§ 5. Psalms of prayer and the Beati 
are used by some in the morning, but 
he does not recite them in the morning : 
for when he (that is, Helair) performs 
a morning vigil, it is with some part of 

* Read ceni rabe let sentascide biathad na mbocht 

Gwynn and Purton—The Monastery of Tallaght. 

fobithin iond forcetail 7 ind crosfigeild 
frt biad cond neoch nodwslen. { Nonge- 
bad matin iar ceilebrad. . . anigi(?) is 
amn gabtais figill dogen... |' Tond 
sailm aurnaigi déuldi is fri biaid i 
curp lai dusgnidsom 7 gaibid a salmu 
celebrad Gaibti 

seom tra teora biadi 7 magneficat la cach 

aurnaigti iarum o¢ 

nai pos¢ palmos biad cech caocad. Achd 
ni maolrtoin wmargu asrubart fressim 
Asrubartsai? Ro- 

cualai olsessem is hi figil7 fogni la 

on. fri méolruain. 
duiblitir. Na tr7.l. inda sesam 7 slech- 
dain hi forciund cech sailm 

§ 6. Niconesbed bandai cormmai hi 
tamlachdai i mbethu maolrtoin cid a 
muindtersom indtan noteigdis nach leth 
aili niconibdis bandai cormmai i tir 
cualand cia bith ara tecmainged doib 
Nochomairleictea immargu doib indtan 
noteigdis i céin cena listis® (.i. ebtais) 
hisudiu. Nicodoes 
hi tamlachdai inda bethusom..... 
. [842] oigid 
Dolluid iarum 

mir feolai 
oss no muc allaid. no.. 
amanobid and de feol. 
duiblitir dochum maolrioin do urail 
fair combed tuaslucud do muindtir ar 
na tri soldomnaib. cenibed iarum na 

viam IS sed asbert maolrdoin. cene 
conmesarsa olseseom 7 céne connoither 
mo thimnasa isin purtsa. niconibthar 
lind dermait dé and. Maith ol duiblitd, 
ibthi mo muindtesa 7 biad ind nim 
laad muindtzsiu. Nach oen ol maol- 
ruoin contuasfe frymsai. accws forcomedar 
mo riaguil de muindtzr nipa hécen tene 

bratha dia nglanad né hadall messai 

dano ~ 







the Psalms that he performs his vigil, 
(in order to keep the order of the Psalms, 
because of the instruction) and the cross- 
vigil is performed with the Beatz, 
together with the part [of the Psalms | 
which follows The evening 
Psalms of prayer he performs in the 
middle of the day, with the Beatz, and 
afterwards he recites his Psalms of prayer 
at the office. He recites, however, three 
Beati, and a Magnificat with each of 
them, after the Psalms, a Beati to each 
fifty. It was not, however, Maelruain 
that had told him to do this. He had 
said to Maelruain: ‘‘I have heard,” 
said he, ‘‘this is the vigil Dublitir 
practises: the three fifties standing, 
and a genuflection at the end of every 

§ 6. Not a drop of beer was drunk in 
Tallaght in Maelruain’s lifetime. When 
his monks used to go anywhere else, 

they used not to drink a drop of beer in 
Tir Cualann, whomsoever they might 
happen to meet. 
went a long distance, in that case they 

However, when they 

were allowed to drink. Not a morsel 
of meat was eaten in Tallaght in his 
lifetime [unless] it were a deer or a 
wild swine. What meat there was [at 
Tallaght used to be consumed by] the 

Then Dublitir came to Maelruain to 
urge him to grant his monks relaxation 
on the three chief feasts, even if it were 
not allowed after nor before those days. 
Maelruain replied: ‘‘ As long as I shall 
give rules,” said he, ‘‘and as long as 
my injunctions are observed in this 
place, the liquor that causes forgetful- 
ness of God shall not be drunk here.” 
“Well,” said Dublitir, ‘“‘my monks 

1 The words in brackets are written in top margin 

2 Read asrubartsom 3 Read ce noltstis 


déib déig bed glana chenai. Bes biaid 
immyrgo léad muindtirisia ni nodglanai 
tene brathai 

§7. Boi alaili espscop dandéis' i find- 
glais caoncomrac a ainm is hesim ba 
hanmcharai do dublitir. Doloddursom 
14a inddis asind gurt riasna brathrib tarsa 
ceim isind faichti Bui alaili cailjech 
doim oc ernaide duiblittri isind faichti. 
Do guide dosom conatallad hillis callech 
Tromde iarum robtifrisim ind chaillech 
oc atach dé co mor Collaa thais tra ol 
sesem forraib ammarthan do gnuis. 
Lasodoin fochedoir slechtais caoncom- 
race dochum lair Cid so ol duiblitir 
hé. is gniom mor forrorpart céon- 
chomrac* caoiviud na trége. Slechdais- 
som iarom statim. Do riarsu ind ém 
ol duiblitir [34°] ISsi mo riarsa ol 
caonchomrac a dulsi isind les caillech 
7 lulgach 7 dechelt do thabairt di. 
Rochrifemne* immurgu ifus ind pennit 
bes choir fortsu bed cet ol dublittir. 

§ 8. Canith tra maoldithruib etir cach 



salm deni trib cé4ocad Sancte michaol ora 25 

pro nobis. Sancta maria ora pro nobis. 
acus ind ndéob asa feil bis for ind l4o. 
O roscithet celebrad iarmergi is and 

canith maoldithrnib Celebra inuda 7 

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

shall drink it, and they shall be im 
Heayen along with thine.” ‘“ Anyone 
of my monks that shall hearken to me,” 
said Maelruain, ‘“‘and keep my Rule, 
shall not need to be cleansed by the fire 
of Doomsday, nor to come to judgment, 
because they shall be clean already. 
Thy monks, however, shall perchance 
have somewhat for the fire of Doom to 

§ 7. There was a certain bishop of the 
Deisi at Findglas, named Cainchomrac : 
he was Dublitir’s confessor. One day 
the two came in front of the brethren 
out of the garden over the stile into 
the field. There was a certain poor 
old woman waiting for Dublitir in the 
field to pray him to let her sleep in 
the nuns’ hostel. Presently the old 
woman wearied him with her loud 
praying to God. “Be off with you 
then!” said he; ‘‘misfortune take your 
face!” Instantly thereupon Cainchom- 
rac bowed himself to the ground. 
“« What is this?” said Dublitir. ‘Alas! 
it is a dreadful deed thou hast com- 
mitted,” said Cainchomrac, ‘“‘to revyile 
the poor old woman.” Then he bowed 
himself statim. ‘‘Thine award there- 
for?” said Dublitir. “ This is my 
award,” said Cainchomrac, ‘‘ that she 
go into the women’s hostel, and be 
given a milch cow anda cloak. More- 
over, we will settle here and now the 
penance that is meet for thee.” ‘‘ It 
shall be done,” said Dublitir. 

§ 8. Now Maeldithruib sings between 
every two psalms of the hundred and 
fifty Sancte Michael, ora pro nobis, 
Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis, adding the 
saint whose feast falls on the day. 
When the office of nocturns is over, then 

1 dona deisibh Franc. 

* Read ol Gonchomrac 

3 Read rocruthiemoi + Supply da 

Gwynn and Purton—The Monastery of Tallaght. 

cantemus 7 auis aue 7 reléqua 7 ymnum 
prainddigi immurgu canir magneficat 7 

dicat iaruwm i crosfigeill son. 
jarmergi ilarwm 7 magnificat lee. 
ymnum 7 unitas Lasuidi 7 ego uero 
orationem 7 veligua Canir dano biad fre 
aitherruch aidchi lioin Cantir dano 
salm aurnaigti aidci ndomnaich 7 aidchi 
ltioin im espartan. Fogni dano ailli 
mési 7 altugud laissom aidchi lvoin. 
ISsed canir leisim fochetoir iar praind 
auis aue for lex inda diaid ordit 
Columbai sancfe sime nos in gremio. 
caritatis tutela tue sit mnobés inda 
diadsin A stefan dommairi sén lat cend 
mo cridi ar chuidachaib bdis a bred 
naob saor teglach mo trebi. nipaé pene 

na régi 7 relegua send! iarwm. 

§ 9. Nech loingis rfasind trath céir 
troscud ind 2d bith for useiw ocus 7 
barge ind aidchi dara heisi. 

§ 10. Niconromolastar mdolrioin dano 
cotsechd fr? sceola.? Cornan alaili cuis- 
lendach roboi ind deisciurt lagen os hé 
anchore. Cornan glindi (.i. esa) leosom 
fer corrath. Doberdis audpartai dosom o 
maolrioin illi dexit ailiquando contra 
falmilam maoiliruoin [385*] Ingé* ropad 
limsa ol sésim adpand de seinm don 
ISsed iarwm asrubart maol- 
ruoiz aprit si fri coman Na cluasasa 
nicontairbertar fiz 
tairbertar fr? ceolai nime 


ceolu talman co 







Maeldithruib sings Celebra Juda and 
Cantemus and Averte faciem, and soforth, 
and thereafter Hymnum dicat, this last 
Then the Beati of 
nocturns, and along with it the Magni: 
ficeat. As to the Beati of the refectory, 
however, the Magnificat and Bymnum 
and Unitas are sung with it, and Zo wero 

in a cross-vigil. 

orationem, and so forth. But on Sunday 
night the Beat: is sung twice over. The 
Psalms of prayer are sung on Saturday 
night and Sunday night at vespers. 
It is also his custom to recite on Sunday 
nights a table grace and thanksgiving. 
Averte faciem to a chant; after it a 

Immediately after dinner sings 
prayer, Columba sanecte, sume nos in 
gremio. Carttatis tutela tuae sit nobis. 
After that, O Stephen, help me! guard 
with thy head my heart against the 
O holy fire, save the 
household of my dwelling! Let there 
be no pains nor torments, et reliqua. 
Then he crosses himself. 

§ 9. If anyone eats before the proper 
hour, a fast is the penalty for it, or to 
be put on bread and water the next 

snares of death ! 


§ 10. Also Maclruain did not approve 
of listening to music. There was a cer- 
tain piper, Cornan, who lived in Descert 
Lagen, and he was an anchorite. They 
called him Cornan of the Glen (that is, 
of Glen Hssa), a man of grace. Presents 
used to be sent to him from Maelruain. 
He said once to Maelruain’s monks, ‘‘ I 
would crave a boon,” said he, ‘to play 
Then Maelruain 
made answer, ‘“‘Say to Cornan,” said 
he, ‘‘ these ears are not lent to earthly 
music that they may be lent to the 

a tune to the cleric.” 

music of Heaven.” 

§ 11. Aos aithrigi tra indi chetamus 35 § 11. Now as to penitents: first, 

1 Read sénaid (Plummer) 


* Read cedla 

3 Read perhaps itge 



bite frz tnuith 7 adellad ilsétchi 7 
duamberar cland .uii. bliadza doib oc 
pendaind INdhi dazo doeismet fuili 7 
marbthai duine .uii. mbliadma doib ind 

§ 12. ISsed rochualai laisim cid indhi 
nad caodet' feoil dogres dogniad pars 
isind chaise de feoil fre terci 7 gorti 
isind bliadain. ISsed 
ISed fognid i tir da 

glas indtan rombuii ind riaguil and. 

do tecmung 

rochualai laisim. 

asenad uli amaz/ notreigtis addurtaig 
medén 140i dia caise dochum na chuchdiri 
déib fochetoir co ndenad cach diob and 
pars de feoil frz foimtin terci no bochde 
in ando ar mani thuaslaicea isind chaise 
nipo assa doib iarwm cosin caisce naili 
post andum 

§ 13. Luss bongar ind domnuch 26 
braisech n6é aran fonither néd mérai nd 
cnoi bongar dia domnaich ni fogni 
leisim a cathim na r4od sin nach lasna 

§ 14. indti do dos tuatha (no e) arfaom 
anmcairdini a chongbail dé ab uxore 
dardaoin aidchi sathairn 7 aidchi ndom- 
Cid aidchi 
Accus indtan mbis galar mfostai for 
bandscal dlegar do neuch a chongmail 

sua in his tribus noctibus .i. 

naich. lioin ma dorona 

uadi iar nanmchardini petir ind libris 

§15. Epseuip dano 7 duini sruithi 
doberad suizi figli is coir [85"] a denam 




Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

those that are given to lust, and that 
frequent various mates and have 
children born to them, seven years of 
penance forthem. Also those that shed 
blood and commit homicide, seyen years’ 
strict penance for them. 

§ 12. This I have heard from him: 
even those who not eat flesh 
regularly take a particle of flesh at Easter 


to guard against scarcity and hunger 
occurring in the course of the year. 
This I have heard from him; this 
was the practice at Tir da Glas when 
the Rule was there: the whole con- 
gregation, when they left the oratory 
at noon on Easter Day, used to go 
straight to the kitchen that each of 
them might take a particle of flesh 
there, as a precaution against scarcity 
or poverty during the year; for uniessa 
man relaxes at Easter, it would not be 
easy for them to do so afterwards until 
the next Easter a year later. 

§ 13, A herb that is cut on Sunday, 
or kale that is cooked, or bread that is 
baked, or blackberries or nuts that are 
plucked on a Sunday, it is not his 
practice, nor the practice of true clerics, 
to eat these things. 

§ 14. If one of the laity accepts 
spiritual direction, he is to keep himself 
from his wife on these three nights, 
Wednesday night, Friday night, and 
Saturday night. As to Sunday night, he 
is todosoifhecan. And when a woman 
is in her monthly sickness, a man ought 
to keep away from her according to 
the ghostly counsel of Peter am libris 

§ 15. When bishops and elders grant 
exemption from vigils, it is right that 

ma beith lda sechdair corgus 7 3§ this should be done for their sake, 

1 Read chaithet 

Gwynn anp Purron—The Monastery of Tallaght. 

ma beith féil sruith. 
choir condesar int suiri figli. 

Manip illocthiu 
Cé att 
maither hi ffad chéch dogni nech inda 
chubacuil iarum Nicon choir etir laisim 
do Tuaslucud neich 

nach cleriuch 

roortigsetar sruithi 

§ 16. TArmoracht maoldithruid 
mAaolrtioin dus imbad lér céocai do gabail 
ma thecmaised forcetal indarrad. 


dan lais 
IS hi im- 
immurgu indorsa na serre 7 na susti 7 na 
forchae 7 ind claid. 
diob na tri caoca. 

bart méaolrioizn nibu modo 
arrobui isind tsaltir nuli. 

mureo foropir caich lindi indsin. 

issi foropair caich 
Ni théid do méis ol 
sesem nech diob co roglea do a foropoir 
indhi sin 

§ 17. ISsed@ rochualai maolruioin la 
sruthi di dérgu ind tiri is diultach 
pattraic ind nim 7 inda hirsi ind erind 
nach oen déraich a tir acht is! airthiur 
inda tuaisciurt inda 

larthur 7 asa 


§ 18. Ni fil nf dogné dune dar cend 
indt{ adbail nad cobair dé ett figill 
7 abstanit 7 gabail necnairci 7 almsane 
7 bendachtee menci Bliadain lan dano 
do moedoe a muindte uli for usevw 7 
bargin ar tuaslucud anme brandaib 
mate echach filii pro mortuis parentibus 

debent poénitere. 7 cetera. 







if it should be a day outside Lent, or 
if it be the feast of a saint [during 
Lent], and if it be not in order to shirk 
due observance that the exemption is 
sought. Although the performance of 
the vigil in public be remitted, the 
person concerned has to perform it in 
He does 
not hold it right for any cleric to excuse 
any duty which his seniors have imposed. 

§ 16. Maeldithruib asked Muaelruain 
whether it were enough to recite fifty 
psalms, if there chanced to be instruc- 
tion along with them? Maelruain 
replied that he considered the whole 
contents of the Psalter not too much 
of atask. ‘This, indeed, is what we 
consider to be the additional labour of 
There is, indeed, at this 
moment [among us | aman for the sickle, 
for the flail, for the measuring-rod, and 
for the ditch ; but the additional labour 
of each of them is the Three Fifties. 
None of them,” said he, ‘“‘ goes to table 
till that man’s special business be 

his own cubicle afterwards. 

each man. 

§ 17. This Maelruain heard the elders 
say of the desertion of the land: ‘‘ Any 
one who deserts his country, except to 
go from the east to the west, and from 
the north to the south, is a denier of 
Patrick in Heaven and of the Faith in 

§ 18. There is nothing that a man 
does on behalf of one that dies that 
does not help him, whether it be vigil 
or abstinence, or reciting intercessory 
prayers or almsgiving, or frequent bene- 
diction. Moedoe and all his monks 
were a fuli year on bread and water to 

obtain the release of the soul of 

1 Read assa 



§ 19. INgen ind rig isna tirib thair 
adodpart ferand do fursu IS hed 
Céta indas fir ol 
Cumme olsesim 7 sengobi cona 
Indeuin crabid ol 
[36°] Cese 
acus ma doberad dia deid cepp i clandta 
do indeuin ind ainfedea oca Ba doig 

asbertsi frzv fursa. 
indeuiz fora muin.. 

sisi. Fos oc etli olsesvm 

ém olsesim. IS iarwm adopartsi dé 

ind maigin imbui. 

§ 20. ISsed is choir lais dano inda 
sacairt doellad ceith dichrai a ndaithrigi 
arna tiagsad' fo graid nepscuip. Ar is hé 
gland* leusom tairmtechdaich ind graid 

sacaird dul fo grad nepcoip. 

§ 21. ISsed dano as maith laisim indti 
dogni nf do maith fr’a menmain fadesin 
ariondgel7a 7 arindbd neoch gabti.s 
Fobithin nf mér tolnathar di dfa ind 
sed asbert mocolméce ua litan do bith 
fur iond rétai sin Dolluid alaili thati 
do freemure anmchardi dosom.~ Cindas 

digni neuch fr’a menmain fadesin 

am ol mocholméoe do reimisiu ind hi 
lanamnus atéi béus Niconed olsesim. 
attaad teora bliadza and.~ Niconcom- 
racamar dioblionaib Cese ind derbgelsid 
ol mocolmoc / Naté.1 sesom / Tune dixit 
mocholmoce. Ba rofattai ind re sin do 
scavad fr? diabul 7 do nephtuidechd co 
dia. Aris and doth4od som im muind- 

tevus ndé intan asindgel7ai. 






Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Brandub mac Echach. Sons ought to 
do penance for the souls of their de- 
parted parents et cetera. 

§19. The daughter of the king in 
the eastern country bestowed land on 
Fursa. She said to Fursa, ‘ What 
manner of man art thou?” said she. 
“Tike an old smith,’’ said he, ‘‘ with 

“ Perse- 
verance in holiness,’ said he. ‘A 
question !”” [said she], ‘if God should 
give thee a block where thine anvil 
might be planted, wouldst thou abide 
there?” ‘It would be likely, indeed,” 
Then she bestowed on him 
the spot where he was. 

his anvil on his shoulder.’ 

anvil of devotion ?”’ said she. 

said he. 

§ 20. He considers that priests who 
go astray, however fervent their peni- 
tence may be, should not be allowed to 
enter episcopal orders. For they con- 
sider that to enter episcopal orders is a 
purification for one who transgresses the 

priestly orders. 

§ 21. He thinks it well that if a man 
makes a resolution to do anything good, 
he should openly vow and proclaim what- 
ever resolution he has taken. Because 
what a man does merely in intention is 
not greatly pleasing toGod. Thisis what 
Mocholmoc ta Litan said of the continual 
intending to do a thing. A certain lay- 
man came to ask him for ghostly counsel. 
“What sort of life dost thou lead?” 
“Art thou still in the 
married state?” ‘‘ Nay, said he, ‘it 

is three years since we two had inter- 

said Mocholmoc : 

course.’ ‘‘ A question: have ye taken 
a vow?” said Mocholmoc. ‘‘ No,” 
said he. hen said Mocholmoc: ‘‘ That 

is too long a time to part from the 

1 Read tiasat * glanadh France 

° Kead do neuch gabthe 

1 These words added in margin 

Gwynn anp Purron—TZhe Monastery of Tallaght. 

§ 22. Feil sruith docuirida echdar 
corgus for sathurn amazl chaindech 
indorsai. Atcondaircsom ind figeill na 
ndime hi sathurn do dilgud i tamlacti 
do chaindech WNifacait immwurgo maol- 
dithruzb tuiaslucud for selind nimbe. 
La muindte mdéolrioiz hisind aidchi 
domnuich arai na _ feli caindich. 
IMbom[36"|mannaib arberad bith ind 

litain a cuid uli 

§ 28. IS lor la fairind im chaingin 
ind anmchairdini ma doradad a coibsin 
nama cenis pendid iarwm ni moladar 
som sin. IS maith immurgo lais do 
neuch doimchoisc a I7essai doib cent 
freemaire coibsina Issed dorigni helair 
indroet som sochaidi hi tus rosla wad 
uli fo deoig. Fobith adcondaire narbo 
dichrai ind pendaid lei 7 nombith 
forcleith leo dano for tabazrt a coibsen. 
Nicon arroet iarwm duine etir asenath 
do anmchairdiu. Arfoemad immurgu 

aithcomare neich dond aos fuirbti. 

§ 24. Ceth 

maolruoiz nipo calad 
asendad Nirbo 
laisim ceth airitu§ maoili- 
IS sed asbertsom didzu ind 
raibi athcomare lat iar do chul ria 
tudechd hte. T6 ol méaoldithrard 

Ceth ind taos danae ol maolriix in 


1 The t is added above the line 







Devil without coming to God. For it 
is when he makes such a vow that a 
man comes into membership of God’s 

§ 22. The feast of a saint that falls 
outside Lent on a Saturday, as, for 
instance, Cainnech’s—he has seen the 
noonday vigil on Saturday excused 
in honour of Cainnech in Tallaght. 
as to a_seland 

neyer saw 
of butter 
granted to Maelruain’s monastery on 
Saturday account of 
Caindech’s feast-day. He used to 
consume all his portion of porridge 


eyening on 

in morsels. 

§ 23. Concerning the matter of spiritual 
direction, some think it sufficient if 
they have merely made their confession, 
though they do no penance afterwards. 
He does not approve of this. He thinks 
it well, however, that one should show 
them what is profitable to them, even 
though he does not ask for confessions. 
This is what Helair did in the matter : 
at first he had received many, but he 
ended by sending them all away, because 
he saw that their penance was not 
zealously performed, and also that they 
concealed their sins when making con- 
After that he finally refused 
to receive anyone at all to spiritual 
direction. However, he would some- 
times allow holy persons to consult him. 

§ 24. As for Maelruain he was not stiff 
had no great desire even to receive 
Maeldithruib. This is what he said : 
“‘Didst thou ask permission of those 


in refusing to receive them finally. 

whom thou didst leaye before coming 
hither?”’ ‘‘ Yea,” said Maeldithruib. 

gobuid ind tsaoir 7 reléguz ni maith 
la cach diob a fer muindtii do daul 
connech hailé. Fotroich lethst ol maol- 
dithru7zb Tuccuse lictiguth 7 comarleccud 
IS iarum slechtois som fo reir mdol- 
Tune d¢xzé maolrioin. Bliadain 
Do trib 
cethorchait aidci ammain' for usciu 7 

aithglantae lindi olsesim. 
bargin acht loim nais ind domnaichib 
7 comarlecud do lom di mide do 
chumuse ar usci hisind tsamcorgus 
Fo ectguidi 
dano robuisom cosin anald ISsed dano 
asrubart maolroin 

namme anmchairdini 
frissim intan tra 
rocloither imtecht duini olsesim tene 
bas andsom lat dod loscud bat cuici 

§ 25. [387°] Adbert maoldithruzd fr? 
maolrtiz robadar cethtri cridiscél liom- 
se de chianaib. Ropa cridiscél dam 
cedamus a tanic do néblégund a tir do 
do chor sule taris. 

legund 7 topo 

cridiscél dam dano tech sruithi bet 
fuirbthium hisind tir co mbeim? oca 
timtirechf na sruithi sin oc tuildem a 
mbendachtan. Acus cororosind mo Saith 
for tacaldaimsin acus co toroildind 
bendachfain do muindtirisiu huli etir 
indni diob adgladmis 7 nad nacaldmis 
diob. Atbert ar sruithi frvindi fer da 
de bithirt ind réde sin ol 
Ernitir dona macaib bethad 
na eridi scele maithi conescomriter doib 


a fochrici amaz/ forfertis a cridiscele 

nahi sin. 







Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

“Even artisans, said Maelruain, the 
siniths, the wrights, etc., none of them 
likes a man of his household to go to 
anyone else.” ‘‘ What thou sayest has 
been looked to,” said Maeldithruib ; ‘I 
obtained authorization and permission.” 
Then he made submission to the autho- 
rity of Maelruain. Then said Mael- 
ruain: ‘‘ A year of repurification shalt 
thou have among us,” said he. ‘‘ Thrice 
forty nights shalt thou be on bread 
and water, save for a sup of milk on 

Sundays only,”’ 

and he had permission 
to mix a cup of whey in the water in the 
Now till that 
time he had been under the spiritual 
direction of Echtguide. 

Now this is what Maelruain said to 
him: ‘‘ When thou hearest of a man’s 
decease,” said he, ‘‘ then [say to thyself 
that] the fire thou most dreadest to 
burn thee, to it shalt thou go.” 

§ 25. Maeldithruib said to Mael- 
ruain: “I haye long had four darling 
My first wish was to read and 

summer-Lent only. 

to cast my eyes over whatever sacred 
reading had come into the country. 
Then it was a darling wish of mine, 
there is the household of 
saintly men that are holiest in this 


country, to be busied in attending on 
those saintly persons and earning their 
blessing. And [my next wish was] 
that I might attain to have my fill of 
discourse with thee ; and [the last was] 
that I might earn the blessing of thy 
folk here, both those of them that we 
should discourse with and those we 
should not.” ‘Our saintly friend, 
Fer da Chrich, said to us, speaking of 

+ Should come after domnaichib 

S Read ar sruith .i. fer da chrich frinni 

2 Read co mbeinn 
+ Read bithiar 

Ciwynn AND Purron—TVhe Monastery of Tallaght. 157 

§ 26. Iarmoracht iarom maoldithrucd 
dosom dus imbat imarcidi laissim fiach 
naidei Ivoin do tabazrt isind sathurn 
fobithin ol mdoldithrw2s is bece rand 
dos thate 7 lucht na sencheld mor ucut. 
accus dia cloadar som indi siz do denam 
duini isind ltaon' ni fil ni de nach 
tairmtechd na dénat som isin domnuch 
Cotarleic iarwm mdaolriaoin dosom hi? 
tabmrt hisin tsathurn. 

§ 27. Ord bertha dia mis ind dardaoin 
dognitir mani rostir isind dardaoin 
dognither dia haoine didine no satharn. 
Mani® téis immurgu tar, domnuch ni 
bertar co tia ord berti iterum dia mios 
ised indsin tucsam o mdolriaoin 

§ 28. IMman michel laisim 16‘ codlad 
7 immun maire matin. Cuaird comgi 
michil 7 cuaird comgi muiri a nainm 

iarwm laisim for biat 7 ymnum dicat 

laisim icen nale.® michil 
medon ldoi dia domnuich IMman muiri 
immurgo forsind biait aidchi laaoin 
IS head doleici cét slechtain crossfigeld 
[87°] fre biat 7 ymnum dicat 7 unita 
no cantemus Na crossfigeil7 dognidsom*® 
immoz michil lasin crosfigillso immon 
muiri lasind crosfigell naile immasech. 






continual contriving of that same thing, 
said Maelruain, ‘‘ Let the good desires of 
their hearts be granted to the sons of 
life, so that their rewards may be paid 
them according as their desires should 
bring about those results.” 

§ 26. Thereafter Maeldithruib in- 
quired of him, whether he held it 
allowable to perform Sunday night’s 
penance on the Saturday, ‘‘ because,” 
said Maeldithruib, ‘‘the laity and the 
people of the great old churches yonder 
are of little worth; and if those folk 
hear that we perform it on the [ Sunday 
night], there is no sort of transgression 
they will not commit on the Sunday.” 
Then Maelruain gave him leave to per- 
form it on the Saturday. 

§ 27. The regular time of tonsure. It 
is performed oncea month on a Thursday : 
if it be not reached on the Thursday, 
it is performed on the Friday or Satur- 
day. If, however, it pass the Sunday, 
there is no tonsuring until the regular 
time of tonsure comes again that day 
month. This is what we received from 

§ 28. He sings the Hymn to Michael 
before sleeping, and the Hymn to Mary 
in the morning. He names them the 
Invocation of Michael's Protection and 
the Lhwocation of Mary's Protection re- 
spectively. Afterwards he sings the 
Hymn to Michael, as well as the Beaté 
and Hymnum dicat, on Sunday at mid- 
day. The Hymn to ary, however, he 
sings, as well as the Beatz, on Sunday 
evening. This is what he performs— 
a hundred genuflections, [and] a cross- 

vigil with the Seated and Hymnun 

1 Read aidchi lhain 

2 Read a thabairt 
3 Written icenna with le superscript ; vead in céin naili 

3 Read ma 

® Read dognison, 

4 Read re 


§ 29. An cetharlebar sosceli do aurleg 
und oc praind co cend bliadne lebar 
cache tremsi. Lebar mati isind erruch 

7 cetera sic in ordmem 

§ 30. Cetheore crosfigell laisim. 
Crosfigell fri biat 7 
immanmirt! Canid 
céocat ndegenach. Crosfigeld 

ymnum dicat 

jarum na salmu 
fri biat iterum i forciund ind céocaid 
meédonaich sechis cantemus hisuidiu. 
Crosfigild iaruwm oe domine probasti 
frisa cedna sechis imun michil indd 
ale fechft immon mw7i a fecht naild 
crosfigild iarum fadeud frisin .xxx. 
Biait michil lasim in biad 

Biad muiri 

forsa canar immon michil. 
laisim in bfat forsa canar immon Muiri 
Biat bece laisim ind bit forsandene ind 
crosfigild deirid léoi. uar nad canar 
immurco magnificat furri 7 
dicat. Ni dentar tra eadar di nodlaic 
7 etar di chaise ni tabar fiach aibne and. 

unitas cantemus turri. Canair 


Ni dentar ceth crosfigill fri himnum 
dicat im ermergi etar di nodlaic 7 etar 
Mathidsom dano and salmu 
do dt 
nodlac. In .xxx. som 
iccrosfigill diulaoi. 
ceth etar dé notlaic ceni dene crosfigill 

di chaise. 

aurnaigti chetal fescur etar 
pater canse* 

Gaibthussom eidi 

matain dia tairri di notlaic steild 7 dia 

Dognisom immurgyu ind figild la 

liain minchase 7 dogni ind crosfigild 
frt ymnum dicat im iarmergi aidchi 
tairridi notlaic steill 7 
In biat dazo frisa ndene a 

aidci liaoin 








Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

dicat and Unitas or Cantemus. The 
cross-vigils he performs thus : Hymn to 
Michael with one cross-vigil, Hymn to 
Mary with the next, and so alternately. 

§ 29. The four books of the Gospels 
are to be read aloud at meal time till the 
end of the year, a book to every quarter : 
the book of Matthew in the spring- 
quarter, and the rest similarly in their 

§30. He uses four cross-vigils: a 
cross-vigil with Beatz and Hymnum dicat 
at prime; then he sings the Psalms as 
far as the beginning of the last fifty; 
next, a cross-vigil with Beat? again 
at the end of the middle fifty, that is, 
Cantemus at this point; then a cross- 
vigil at Domine probasti in the same 
way: that is, Hymn to Michael one 
time; Hymn to Mary the next; finally, 
a cross-vigil at the end [of the Psalms | 
with the thirty paternosters. He used 
to call the Beati after which the Hymn 
to Michael is sung, ‘‘ Michael’s Beatv”’ 
and the Beati after which the Hymn 
to Mary is sung, ‘‘ Mary’s Beati.” The 
Beati, after which he performs the cross- 
vigil of eventide he calls ‘little Beatz,” 
because neither Unitas nor Cantemus is 
Howbeit, Magnificat and 

sung after it. 
Hymnum dicat are sung atter it. 
the cross-vigil is not performed between 
the two Christmases, or between the 
two Easters, and flagellation is not in- 
flicted at that time. Even the cross-vigil 
with Hymnum dicat at nocturns is uot 
performed between the two Christmases 
nor between the two Easters. He 
excuses also at that time the singing of 
the psalms of prayer at vespers, between 

the two Christmases. The thirty pater- 

nosters he sings at the cross-vigil of even- 

1 Read imm anteirt 

* Read canaid 

Gwynn and Purron—The Monastery of Tallaght. 

figild matin! gabtus edi [38*] etar da 
ISsed fogni 

laisim andi frisa nden na figlae 

soldamain ceni deni figild. 
son ce beith tuaslueud forsind figild 
acht sailm aurnaigti dolluigter eidi 
etir di notlaic 7 di chaise im espartain 
Ni dligitey? immurgu o minchaise co 


§ 31. IS amlaid tra canithsom na 
Randaich’ hi 
iS hi and cétna gabal lais. 
Otka beatus corrici domine quis slechtain 

salmu. cach caocad 


iarwm hisnidiu 7 canit pater! deus in 
ngabail IS hi in gabail tanaisi otha 

adiutorium usque Festina ria 
domine quis corici domimus ilduminatio 
7 benedicite as dedenach pater iarum. 
Otha iarum dominus hilluminatio . usqgue 
dixi custodiam 7 pater 7 slechtain and. 
O dexi custodiam iaram co diad pater 
Otha quid 
gloriatur.usgue té decet 7 pater and 

and 7  slechtan. jarum 

7 slechtan. Otha té decet usgue uoce. 

miser?cordias corrici diat acht is and sin 

Otha uoce corrici misericordias. 

canith a pater otha domme exaudisti 
usque inexitu issrael Otha im exitu up® 

in conuertendo Otha in conuertendo 






tide. He sings them even between the 
two Christmases, though he does not 
perform a cross-vigil with them. How- 
ever, he performs the vigil at matins the 
day after Epiphany, and the Monday 
following Low Sunday, and he performs 
the cross-vigil with Hymnum dicat 
at nocturns on the night following 
Epiphany and on the night of Low 
Also the Beate with which 
he performs his morning vigil, he sings 
it between two solemn feast days, 
even though he does not perform the 


This is his practice in regard to 
the canticle wherewith he performs the 
vigils: it is sung, though there be a 
relaxation as to the vigil itself. But as 
to the psalms of prayer, they are excused 
between the two Christmases and the 
two Easters, at vespers. They are not 
excused, however, from Low Sunday to 

§ 31. He sings the psalms as follows : 
he divides each fifty into four: the first 
division he makes is from Beatus to 
Domine quis: then a genuflection at 
this point, and he sings a pater [and } 
Dominus in adjutorium as far as Festina 
before each division. The second divi- 
sion, from Domine quis to Dominus illu- 
minatio, and the last Benedicite and a 
pater thereafter. Then from Dominus 
illuminatio to Dixi custodiam, and here 
a pater and genuflection. From Dizi 
custodiam then to the end: here a pater 
Then from Quid 
gloriaris to Te decet, and here a pater 

and genuflection. 

and genuflection. From Ze decet to Voce. 
From Voce to Misericordias. From 
Misericordias to the end; but it is 
there he sings his pater. From Domine 
exaudisti to In exitu Israel. From Inexitu 

1 Read maitne 2 Read diigatar 


3 Read rannaid 

+ Read pater et 5 Read usque 



usgwe domene probasti' usqwe diat. Mag- 
nificat isand gabtisom iarmbiad statim, 
ni iarsalmaib cantici m? Cach® gabal tra 
issuidiu araile hisesam isamlaid canitir 
in pater gebesim i forciund cacha gabala 

is dia forciullsom 6n 

§ 32. Bui araile caillech ocaild uatne. 
Duine corrath dé niconeirged* cen pater 
do cantain. Niconsesed cen pater 
dochetul. Antan atraiged som® iarum 
do gabail na gabail nogebed pater 
statim iar neirgi 7 is iarum tindscanad 
agabail O roscithet iarum ind gabail 
hisin nésuided 7 nogebed pater statim 
iarsuidiu 7 iarwm toirscanad ingabail di 
cétul iva suidiu [388°] IS de tra do 
forgillsom ind pater hi forciund cacha 
gabali. IS bés laissim dogres pater 
do chetul nach tan atraig 7 pater nach 
dand suides. 

§ 83. ISsed rochualse ol maol dithrad 
Fri mdolrtiaoin isi figeld fodgniod la 
duiblitzr na tri caoca inda sesam 7 
slechtain iar cech salm. Ni apur frit 
ol maelruaoin ni fodgnt lind. Occus ind 
chantaici cindws nodngebtar ol maol- 
dithrwib ninsa ol maolruaoin atat tri 
altai leusom for ind gabail .i. a cétul 
uli fadeoid iar ngletin na salm. N6 a 
tri inda degaid cach caocait. No a 
cantaic ind degaid cecha gabale ISsed 
on fogni la maoldithrwzd. 






Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Israel to In convertendo. From In conver- 
tendo to Domine probasti. [From Domine 
probasti | to the end. The place where 
he sings the Magnificat is immediately 
after the Beati, not after the psalms. 
Eyery [other] division is sung sitting, 
the next standing. The pater noster 
which he recites at the end of each 

division, this is to mark the divisions. 

§ 32. There was a certain nun from 
Caill Uaitne endowed with the grace of 
ing a pater. 

She would not rise without sing- 
She would not sit down 
without chanting a pater. When she 
rose to recite the divisions [of the 
psalms | she used to recite a pater imme- 
diately after rising, and then she would 
begin the division. Then when that 
division was finished she would sit down 
and she would recite a pater immediately 
after sitting down, and then she would 
begin to recite the [next | division sitting 
down. It is by her example that he 
appoints [?] the pater at the end of 
each division. It is his constant usage 
to sing a pater whenever he rises, and 
a pater whenever he sits down. 

§ 33. “IT have heard,” said Mael- 
dithruib to Maelruain, ‘‘that the vigil 
which Dublitir practised was as fol- 
lows: the three fifties standing and 
a genuflection after each psalm.” ‘I 
do not tell thee [to do so],” says 
Maelruain, ‘such is not our practice.” 
“And the Canticles, how shall they be 
sung?” said Maeldithruib. ‘‘ Not hard 
to say,” said Maelruain: ‘“‘they may 
be used in three ways after a division 
[of the psalms]: that is, either the 
whole number may be sung at the end 
after finishing the psalms; or three of 

1 Supply Otha domine probasti 2 A gloss 

3 Read cach 7la + Read eirsed © Read si 

Gwynn anp Purron—The Monastery of Tallaght. 

§ 34. Bui alaile anchore i cluain ta 
duban hé. Mér iarwm a saothar. da 
cet slechtain matin ised dognid 7 cét 
cacha tratha 7 cet im ermergi secht cet 
Adfes do maolrtiaoin indni Asbir 
Beith ré 

mo briathar ol madlrtaoin. 

dosom rianecaib 7 ni 

oenslechtaiz. Doronad 6n rogabtha a 
cosse cona derne figild rée mor ria 

necaib lasind forcrid dorigni dia naild. 

§35. Muim doberthar o thuatib is 
faitciu laissom a nemfairitiu. Arisfemat 
araile do fodail leusom do bochtain (nd 
b) iarwe Fobithin arna fodlat ind tuati 
do bochtaib. Ata lasna tuati iarwm beith 
lor déib do ascnam nime acht doratat ni 
dona hanchairtib' 7 bidsom iarwm fria 
toil. IS ferr a nemgabail iarwn acht 
onti bass formbthi néoti? addaim anmecar- 

§ 36. Dia fercaichther tra fria nech 
cid sechtair cid frrt muindtz 
fosnather trist do tabzrt for nech nd 
issed conmidir maol- 


aithis troscud ind. 
ruaoin do mdoldithrwih 7 digde ind caich 
ro cradis manip muindter accws cid fer 
muizdte7i mad forbtiu 7 mat cias? a 
maith riasind aurd [39°] dara gaib 
tresind dochradsa frvs is ferr a digde 






them after each fifty ; or one canticle 
after each diyvision.”’ 

Now this is Maeldithruib’s practice. 

§ 34. There was a certain anchorite 
at Cluain ua Duban. Great was his 
labour: two hundred genuflections he 
used to perform at matins anda hundred 
every canonical hour, a hundred at 
nocturns—seven hundred in all. This 
was told to Maelruain. ‘‘ By my word,” 
says Maelruain, ‘‘a time will come to 
him before his death when he shall not 
came to pass: his feet were seized so 
that he could not perform a vigil for a 
long time before his death, on account 
of the excessive amount he had per- 
formed in other days. 

§ 35. Wealth (?) that is given by lay- 
folk, he is careful not to accept. Some 
accept such things to be distributed by 
them to the poor thereafter: because the 
lay folk do not distribute to the poor. 
The consequence is that the lay folk 

perform a single genuflection.” 

deem it enough to wina place in heaven, 
if only they have given something to 
their confessors, and after that they 
think it will be at their pleasure. It is 
better then not to accept anything, save 
from one that is holy, or from one that 
submits to spiritual direction. 

§ 36. Now if thou art angry with 
anyone, whether a stranger or one of 
thine own monks, if thou art wroth so 
as to lay a curse on anyone, or revile 
him, fasting is imposed for it: (this is 
what Maelruain prescribed to Mael- 
dithruib) ; 
everyone thou hast offended, if he be not 
one of thy monks; or, if it be one of thy 
monks, if he be a holy man, and if his 
virtue was reported before [he reached ] 

and to beseech pardon of 

1 Read dia nanmchartib 

2 Read né 6ndi 

3 Read ma’tcdas (07 ma’tcess) 



§ 37. Gille dano n6é timtirid ni hecen 
aithrigi disuidiu arnachoarda eislis acht 
troscud deit fadéin tentum. Manataigter 
ind gille lasna bia omun dé nipa mor do 
brig lais 7 dotberae cislis dianderne 
aithrigi dé. IArfuacra a chore! dé issed 
as cir anord? dipendit dosom 7 arnach- 
adfercaigthersu etd séue site sue insite 
Manatfercaichther frit gilla dano 7 nibi 
trist na hathis cet moailli® fort laim 
premitus dé abaind. Manitcoiscea son 
bith for usci 7 barge ind aidchi iar 

§ 38. Mad doairli sale dano ind laim 
oc praind imberar usci leosom iarwm iar 
comruc ind crontsale fr/sind laim. 

§ 39. Fri saltair do géss nogebad 
mac bethad a salmu ISsed asberedsom 
desuidiu atat tri foglaide oc mo fogail 
mo suil 7 mo tenge 7 mo menme 
IS sed 

immwgu asrubart maolriaoin frz maol- 

dosnaircelee hule int saltacr 

dithrwb ni luge mbis ind menme hisin 
cheill dia gabail ind tsailm de memwr 
indas cid fr? saltair. 

§ 40. Ni fogni lasna celiu dé 61 neich 
iar tabért do neoch a fuail. IS sed 
rochuala la maol dithrwzs ised fognid la 
siadal mac testa o aird méir ba diching 

1 Read chaire (Plummer) 





* Lead a anord 

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 

the orders which he transgressed by this 
ill-behaviour against them, it is better 
to beseech him. 

§ 387. As for a servant or attendant, 
penitence is not necessary on his account, 
lest thou increase (?) his carelessness, 
but only fasting for thyself. If the 
servant who has no fear of God be not 
in awe of thee, thou wilt not have much 
hold on him, and he will treat thee negli- 
gently if thou show penitence to him. 
This is what is right, after admonish- 
ing him of his fault, that he should 
do penance for his misbehaviour, and 
that thou shouldest not be angry in any 
way, either consciously or unconsciously. 
If thou art angry with thy servant, how- 
ever, and there is no cursing nor re- 
viling, a hundred blows on thy hand in 
the first place with a scourge. If this 
do not check thee, then thou shalt put 
thyself on bread and water for the night 
after getting angry. 

§ 38. Now if spittle falls on a man’s 
hand at meals, their use is to pour water 

“thereupon, after the spittle touches the 


§ 39. A ‘son of life” should always 
recite his psalms by the psalter. This 
is what he used to say of this: There 
are three adversaries busy attacking me, 
my eye, my tongue, and my thoughts: 
the psalter restrains them all. How- 
beit, this is what Maelruain had said to 
Maeldithruib: The thought is no less 
occupied with the meaning when one is 
reciting the psalm by rote than it is 
when he is reading it with the psalter. 

§ 40. It is not the practice of the 
Celi De for one to drink anything after 
making water. This is what I have 
heard from Maeldithruib. This was the 

8 Read mbuilli 

Gwynn and Purron—The Monastery of Tallaght. 

aralusad ter a muindtzri banne iar mbrith 
a fuail immach IS sed dano fordgeni 
la cumine fotai. IS sed dano fogni la 
clemens mac nuadat ma danetarredsom 
dagmenme no mesce tre ol corme xo 
chingiti mede inddand dondecmised. 

Troseud darahesi aidchi arabarach statim. 

§ 41. Screpul doberar do gilli no éclig 
ar comaitecht do neuch oc pecad étraid 
no do mnéoi ma doni aithrigi iarum ind 
gilde [39°] n6é ind mnaoi! don pecad sin 
ised is imarcidi laiseom den scribul sin 
a thabert a loge do bochtaib. Ni aurtet 
laisim cetamus a tabirt 
dondhi hua taberr riam Ni hidan dano 
lais dondhi da taberr a thaechtad quod 
im pretium peccati datwr. 

ni iterum 

§ 42. Ni haurchail dazo laisim cid 
dognether ess use? dondhi bis for usciw 
7 bargin. 
maoldithrws. Bliadain glantai lindi so 
ol sesem. Na tri .xl. aidchi do bith 
for uscvu 7 bargix. lom medcuse? ind 
domnaich ma tecme. Rocomarleced 
immurgu do loim mide do chumase ar 

usevu isind tsamchorgus. 

§ 43. IS sed fogni leusom indmat 
lam iar nimbirt aibne cid do aurlégund 
soscele teis neuch iar tabzrt feich cid do 
cucin no do nach raod aliu indaim a 

§ 44. IS sed tucsom dano o maol- 

IS sed atbert méolruaoin fri 







practice of Siadal mac Testa of Ard 
Mor :—It was forbidden (?) that any- 
one of his monastery should drink a 
drop after passing his water. This had 
been also the practice of Cumine Fota : 
this is also the practice of Clemens mac 
Nuadat—if he were overtaken by jollity 
or tipsiness through drinking beer or a 
goblet of mead, when this happened to 
him, he had to fast the next night 
immediately thereafter. 

§ 41. A groat that is given to a lad or 
young man for accompanying someone in 
asin of lust, or to a woman; if the lad or 
the woman do penance thereafter for that 
sin, he considers it proper in regard to 
that groat to give their price to the 
poor. He does not hold it admissible, 
however, to give it back to the person 
by whom it was given in the first 
instance. But he does not consider it 
clean dealing for the person to whom it 
is given to keep possession of it, 
because it is given as the price of sin. 

§ 42. He does not consider it forbidden 
that an ewer of water should be provided 
for one who is on bread and water. 
This is what Maelruain said to Maeldi- 
thruib: “A year of cleansing with 
us here,’’ said he, ‘‘to be on bread 
and water for the thrice forty nights: 
a sip of whey-water on Sunday, if it 
chance to be ready.”’ However, it was 
permitted him to mix a sip of whey 
with water in summer-lent. 

§ 43. This is their practice: to wash 
their hands after plying the scourge, 
whether it be to read aloud the gospels 
that a man goes after doing penance, 
or whether it be to the kitchen, or 
to any other matter—he washes his 

§ 44. This we received from Mael- 

1 Read ben 


ruaoiz. Aithrus ind anmcharat dia 
bliadna beus mad hi céin beith. Cid 
mencui immurgo maith ind occws is 

§ 45. Nifogni lasna celiu dé ni di nach 
ret do denam iar nespartain domnaich. 
Fecht robui 
airisem hi fothrucad sel bec iar nespar- 

damsee domchaomnacuir 

tain domnaich. Asrubartsom buith cen 
anland de saill na him aidchi ndomnaig 
7 dia domnaich tara heis. 

§ 46. IS sed asrubartsa! fri nech bad 
eraibdech conabat mor fair deithitiu na 
coilnidi manip fr? toil dé dosmerat. 
IS sed atrubart maolriin fr? sechnasach 
Condatecht a 
mathay cucisom aggaire 7 tamen noluit 

espiscopus ochild golpin. 
auerti a pecctis. Iarmfacht iarwm sech- 
nasach do maolriiaoin. Cindws nombiad 
etir an déde sin IS sed asbertsom cenis 
dochom betad hisi ni 
rucasi twssu ad [40°] mortem si uero 


fir doim tra nech bess coldnaide dlegair 

tucasu chucud 
conuersa fuerit debes curare eam 

airchisecht de amaz/ cech doim 

§ 47. Teore briathra forfaccaib diar- 
maid app iz la cartach nespzscopus. 
Fit foss figell i. ni bé erchailind lat. 
is hé so fit nocaithiub dogves. Biat i 
fus cen seucht. IS si figell indso 

§48. IS sed fognid la maolriin inti 
dia maccleirchiu forsa mbeith itu mor 
comarlecud digi usc? no midee dé o 
trath teirt co hiarmergi Acecus dognid 
trichoit pater hi crosfigild tara héisi. 






Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

ruain: To consult his confessor once a 
year regularly, if he be at a distance: 
if he be nearer, however, it is allowable 
to consult him oftener. 

§ 45. It is not the practice of the 
Celi De to do anything whatever after 
evensong on Saturday. Once it happened 
to me that I chanced to stay in the bath 
a while after evensong on Saturday. 
He told me to go without condiment of 
bacon or butter on the Saturday evening 
and the Sunday following. 

§ 46. This is what he said to one 
that was devout : that concern for carnal 
things should not weigh on him, unless 
they led him to oppose the will of God. 

This is what Maelruain said to Sech- 
nasach the bishop from Cuill Gulbin. 
His mother besought him to take care of 
her, and yet would not turn from her 
sins. Then Sechnasach asked Maelruain, 
‘* How shall I at all manage these two 
This is what he said: 
‘Though thou bring her not to thee 
to life, let her not carry thee to 
death: but if she be converted, thou art 
bound to take care of her.” 


If anyone 
that is carnal be really poor, he deserves 
pity, as every poor man doth. 

§ 47. Three words Diarmaid, abbot 
of Jona, left with bishop Carthach : pit- 
tance, perseverance, cross-vigil : that is, 
do not make a resolution—‘‘ This is the 
I will 
say the Beat perseveringly without 
This is the vigil I will 

pittance I will always eat. 


§ 48. This was Maelruain’s practice: 
any of the clerical students who suffered 
from great thirst had permission to take 
a drink of water or whey from the 
hour of tierce to that of nocturns, lest 

1 Kead asrubartsom 

Gwynn and Purron—The Monastery of Tallaght. 

Arnahimfoilnged imned dé ind roftu. 
Otha immurgo iarmergi co tet ni 
comleced! dig do neuch cid fri geld 
bais nobeth. ‘Aos labor tra 7 senoire 
nistimsaich greim riaglad do beith gen 
ni ama dos sonairt ISsed rochuala? 
maoldithrwid ised fogeni ildius mor 
Aos cacha tratha indtf bad rolabur ni 
do denam dé im teirt arale i medon laoi 
Availe im néin Availe im farndin amail 
nobid lobre caich. Gilde 7 dclaoich 
dobered a colaind do méolruaoin do- 
luigti troscad déib indtand nombid 
cin troiscid leo. Feli napstal’ i sam- 
chorgos ni aurchoil som* izn figill nach? 
do logud indib. 

§ 49. Teclaim ubald dano dia dom- 
naich no gluasacht oen ubuild dfob de 
INdti dano nad 

caithe fedil ised is imairchidi 

lar ni fogni leusom 
conaralisa® a henbraithe Denam seillne 
dano ind domnuch ni coir laisim aché a 

ndenam rfam. 

§ 50. Reim adsa lanamnasa forsambti 
O anteirt dia Iuaoin 

in his diebus duobus 

anmcharti. co 
matiz dia cetaoin 
dilmaine ddéib 
7 noctibus etir praind 7 lanamnais 

Abstinit foraib iarwm fri feoil 7 lanam- 

Suiri 7 

nas. O matin dia cetaoiz co matin dia 
dardaoin Suire déib iterum o matin 

dia dardaoin co matin dia aoine. A 








thirst should 
suffering ; and he was to perform thirty 

excessive cause him 

paters in cross-vigil thereafter, From 
nocturns to tierce, however, none was 
permitted to take a drink though he 
were at the point of death. As to the 
infirm and old, however, the rigour of 
the rule does not bind them to go with- 
out any thing, like healthy persons. 
This is what I have heard from Mael- 
dithruib: this was the practice in 
Lismore :—Different folk for different 
hours: if a man were very infirm, he 
was to do some duty at tierce, another 
man at midday, another at none, and 
another in the afternoon, according to 
each man’s infirmity. A lad or youth 
that gave up his body to Maelruain, such 
would be excused from fasting when 
they had made themselves liable to fast. 
The feasts of the apostles in summer- 
lent: he does not forbid the vigil to be 
relaxed on these days. 

§ 49. Now gathering of apples on a 
Sunday or lifting a single apple from 
the ground is not allowed among them. 
In the case of one who does not eat 
meat he thinks it proper that he should 
not be allowed to drink the broth thereof. 
He does not think it right to prepare a 
selann on a Sunday, but that it should 
be done beforehand. 

§ 50. 
wedded couple who are under spiritual 

The course prescribed to a 
direction. From prime on Monday 
to matins on Wednesday, for these 
two days and nights they are given ex- 
emption and licence both for meals and 
After that time 
abstinence is imposed on them both 

conjugal intercourse. 

from flesh and intercourse, from matins 

1 Read comairleced 
+ Read ni aurchoil laisseom 

2 Supply la 
® Something lost here 

8 Read na napstal 
5 Read cond rolasom 


congmail iterum doib o lanamnas 0 
matin dia aoine co matin dia Iluaoin 
a. tribus diebus 7 noctibws in separatis 
Apstinait praindi ineiunio foraib cum 
nocte scanti 7 im sabato cum nocte 

dominica Suire déib ar prainn 

tantum dia domnuich 7 aidchi luaoin. 

§ 51. Inti dano arbir bith oss nallacd 
no vouc naldaich 7 nad caith aliam 
carnem in pascha nor manducat aliam 
carnem usgue ad aliud pascha et nisi 
necesseitas aliqua coegerit illum. Ar ni 
Mani chaithea 
dano feoil 7 saill in pascha cid gortai no 
genti dodnimaircet do chaithim feole 7 

ar feoil adrime indisin 

nimbe anaild arbera bith is ferr laisim 7 
is inildiu dé daul do ecaib ar comaldnad 
a ingill inddas tuaslucud for fedil 7 is 
ar martrai atrimther dé ced donecmai 
bas ind ar comalnad androtairmgert do 
anmcharait. Ar nico dlegay tuaslucud 
for feoil cid isind chaise conidtoslicea 
ind anmchara 7 is do laim ind anm- 
charat is céir laisim cith airitin in 
tsacrafaic 7 ised bud coir laisim combed 

de laim anmcharat arfemad sacrafaic 

§ 52. ISsed as choir laisim i pendit 
ind aos galrich de bithbur praindea. 
Beomarbad! forruib ecachlacein arnara? 
fochand bais déib in sircharcrad 7 ma 
dorontar 6n is cen a fis doibsom .i. 
a rad fréa thimthirid inda timchol do- 

berar seland ddéib hi tiuglagin x6 for 






Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

on Wednesday to matins on Thursday. 
They are given exemption again from 
matins on Thursday till matins on 
Friday. They must keep. themselves 
again from intercourse from matins on 
Friday till matins on Monday, that is, 
they are to live separately for three 
days and three nights. Abstinence from 
meals is imposed on them on Friday and 
the following night, and on Saturday 
and Saturday night. They are given 
exemption, for meals only, on Sunday 
and Sunday night. 

§ 51. Now he that eats the flesh of 
a wild deer or wild swine and who 
eats no other flesh at Easter, must not 
eat any other flesh until the Easter 
following, unless constrained by some 
necessity (for he does not reckon this 
as flesh). Now if he does not eat flesh 
and bacon at Easter, even though hunger 
or heathen constrain him to eat meat, 
and he has nothing else that he may 
eat, he thinks it better and safer for 
him to face death for the sake of ful- 
filling his yow than to relax in regard 
to meat; and it is reckoned to him as 
martyrdom if he chance to die for it, to 
fulfil what he had promised to his con- 
fessor. For there ought to be no relaxa- 
tion as to flesh even at Easter, till the 
confessor grant it; and he thinks it right 
that it should be from the hand of his 
confessor that he should receive the 

§ 52. In the case of penance laid on 
sickly persons, this is what he thinks 
right, as to the continual preparing 
for meals: alternate reviving and morti- 
fying is practised on them, lest the 
perpetual confinement should cause their 
death; and thisis done, if it can be 

} head perhaps beogud 7 marbad (Plummer) 

2 Read arna rob 

Gwynn and Purton—The Monastery of Tallaght. 

aran acht is moo [41%] fogni a tabirt 
doib isind tiuglagin Fecht robai at- 
connaire ind tapp robdi ind hi ropo ole 
a mblath inda reclesach . luid som iarwm 
dochum in coc! 7 dogeni fadesin ind 
tiuglagin allae sin dobert trian for- 
eridi de usci ar chuid cach lae sin? 7 
roberbi ind usce am decha?d? a trian sin 
la bruith 7 doratt cnoc de imbim ar 
chuid cach ae 7 roberbi ar ind usci 7 is 
iarwm dorad min aire is amlaich sin cech 
mblatha 7 niconfetadar cid fodruair uar 

roairgsetar som iarwm caomcléd a 

rombi ind fit cetne atcitis cin cumscugud 
Antan tra dontic aitherriuch blath 7 
beogud ammarbad cach la sel iarwm do 
ambeogud indtale dia marbad ind cruth 

§ 53. Aos trog dano nad ebat amail 
cach manip mall‘ beti occae 7 dia ndeine 
galar gabail ara fual mani tiasat immach 
is deithbir laisim cid comarlecther 
foraib do daul immach arnarap galar doib 
gabail foraib acht ropa techtae adlisat .i. 
ni argaraitid diob. Mad fri roebaidecht 
immurgo non permittitwr ire. - 

§ 54. IS ferr dano lais 7 is inilliu 
doneoch na rofaome coibsena neich mani 
pendea areir acht ni bes etir la neoch do 
tabert fair di maith cen airitin a cobsen 
si quis uero sua peccata alicui confitiatur 
(vel e) o® lanpendait fair xd a indarpe 
mani penda. 







managed, without their knowledge, by 
telling his servant privately, “‘ Let a 
seland be brought to them in their 
pottage or on bread” (but it is more 
usual to bring it to them in the pottage). 
Once it happened that the abbot who 
was in Jona saw that the recluses had 
a bad colour. Thereupon he went to the 
cook and himself made the pottage for 
that day. He added one-third of water 
to the daily allowance and boiled 
the water. When this third had boiled 
away, he put a lump of butter on each 
man’s allowance, and boiled it on the 
water, and then put meal over it, and 
so he did every day. Then they noticed 
the change in their colour, and knew 
not what had caused it, since they saw 
the usual ration unchanged. So when 
their colour came back and they revived, 
he continued alternately to mortify and 
revive them from their dying state after 
this fashion. : 

§ 53. Now as to invalids who do not 
drink like other people, if they do not 
loiter over it, and if retention of urine 
causes disease unless they go out, he 
thinks it reasonable that they should be 
allowed to go out, lest the constraint 
upon them should induce disease; 
always provided that they drink a 
proper amount, that is, as much as 
quenches their thirst. If, however, 
excessive drinking be the object, they 
are not allowed to go out. 

§ 54. Now he thinks it better and 
safer that one should refuse to receive 
confessions from anyone, unless he does 
penance at | the confessor’s | bidding; but 
one should do [the sinner] all the good 
that lies in one’s power, short of re- 
ceiving his confession: if, however, a 

lRead choca 20mit 

5Read amail docéid 

5Read a 

4Read maill 


§ 55. Nodlaic stéill ni coir lais berrad 
na fothruc! na scoltad connaid no nach 
genfomrad ale ama nach dentar dia 
domnaich. Eductio Christi ex egipto 7 
a tabert dochum tempuil 7 cloud diabul. 
Celebrad domnazch [41°] indib ni accam- 
mar praind indi? fri die 

§ 56. IS sed dano is choir la colchin 
sacrafice do tabzrt dond aos bis illobrae 
fr? huar mhbdais acht doratat fretech cech 
espi Lecsiu immwrgo ildeth nde mess 
fora menmainsom dus ind fircomtid acus 
mad ed 6n rombeir ind sacrafic slane 
doib den chursin. Ni ddig immurgu 
sacr?fic doatarrachtar® iterum frz deg- 

enca! iarsin 

§ 57. Ni haurcul laisim dano cid 
arfaomtar nf o lex dos 7 a tabzrt detsiu 
iarwm do bochtaib neich forbé lortid do 
muindtz7* de fobithin maith® leisim bess 
ni tabrait ni de dena bochtaib. 

g 58. Antand donecmaing aircend 
praindo 7 suscitatwr corpus ad cupidinem 
ceith mix cid anmfz Ni hecoir laisim 
ind praind sin do adcor forsind comdid 
ar brue fréss ut dicat aliquis. Doselbi 
fein tra do praind accus is cretem 
laisiom nipa menic dogentar fris iarwm 

an eola’ sin. No digbail neich den 




Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

man confesses his sins to some one, full 
penance must be laid upon him, or he 
must be banished if he does not do 

§ 55. At the Epiphany he does not 
consider it right to tonsure or wash or 
split wood or do any other form of work, 
just as such things are not done on a 
Sunday. The bringing of Christ out 
of Egypt and the presentation in the 
Temple and the defeat of the Devil: 
on these days Sunday’s office is to 
be said: we never saw dinner in the 
daytime on those feasts. 

§ 56. This is what Colchu approves, 
to give the sacrament to those that are 
lying sick at the hour of death, provided 
they have made a renunciation of every 
vanity. Leave it, however, to God to 
judge the mind of such, whether it be 
true conversion ; and if it be so, [ be sure 
that] the sacrament can bring salvation 
to them in that moment. It is not 
proper, however, to repeat the sacrament 
thereafter in extremis. 

§ 57. He considers it not unlawful 
that somewhat should be accepted from 
idle folk, and that thou shouldst after- 
wards give to the poor anything that is 
left of it when thine own monks are 
satisfied, because if it is in the hands 
of the idle, they give none of it to the 

§ 58. When at the end of a meal 
the body happens to be roused to lust, 
slightly or strongly, he considers it 
not amiss to cast that meal back 
upon the Lord in displeasure at him, 
as if one should say ‘‘ There, keep thy 
meal for thyself!”? and he believes 
that this trial of him will not often be 

2 Read indib 
® Read mad 

1 Read fothrucud 
5 Read muintire 

3 Read do aitherracht 

4 Read dedenchu 

7 Read eolas 

Gwynn and Purron—The Monastery of Tullaght. 

praind 7 attag nde fr’s 7 ut ne nos 
indducas ind temtationem 7 deus in 
adiutorium usque festina. 

§ 59. Aos duanat foibdi! a tole bes la 
coibsenugud no imradad tantum no la 
oitid. Abstinit dedirn doa traothad fobi- 
thin is roimmad fola inda cuirp ised 
adrali. Andand fofeiscren iarwm ind fuil 
is and fofeiscren ind tol 7 an accobar. 

§ 60. Malaisi daimizdsi Sur laisiom 

copar a ainm Ropo trom iarwm accobar 
forsind ingin ar ita trian forcraid de 
accobur in mulieribus sech na firu Con- 
idmidethar som iarom ammod 7 a fit co 
cend mbliadne .i. fit mesraigti som.’ 
[42°] Doluid iarwm cuci som dia bliadna 
7 cupidinem swam confessa est adhuc per- 
mansisse. Bui siom oc huamim ara cond. 
Sadais iarwm ind snathaid fo tri inda 
dernaind co toltnadar? na tri srotha 
fole asind laim Is iarwm atbertsom is 
deithbir olse cid ansa don curp hita a 
tola morasa a congbal Dorragab som 
Roboisi dano 
forsuidiu co cend mbliadna 7 cupido 
adhuc permansit Sadidsiom dano ind 

larwm ind praind iterum. 

snathat fo tri inda laim isuidiu co 
tultatar dano na tri srothe fole eisse 
Dogabsom dano ind praind iterum co 
cend mbliadma 7 sadais and snathait 
isuidiu. Nicotolid immwrgu bande fola 
essiu isuidiu Is iarum asbert som frie 
congab tra i fechtsa olseisiom forsind 
fit sin cot ec 

§ 61. Arale cendaigi taithigit! hi 






made thereafter. Or else, to subtract a 
part of the meal, and to pray God there- 
with [and to repeat] ‘‘lead us not into 
temptation,” and Deus i adiutorium as 
far as festina. 

§ 59. Persons whose desires are ex- 
cited, it may be through hearing con- 
fessions, or merely with meditating, or 
through youth, need strict abstinence to 
subdue them, because it is excess of 
blood in their body that is the cause. 
Afterwards, when the blood fails, then 
lust and desire fail. 

§ 60. Molaise of Daiminis had a sister 
named Copar. Nowdesire lay heavy upon 
the girl, for it is a third part as strong 
Then he 
regulates her portion and her pittance 

again in women as in men. 

fora year: that is, a measured pittance. 
On that day year she came to him, and 
confessed that her desire still persisted. 
Now he was busy sewing before her. 
Then he thrust the needle thrice into 
her palm, and three streams of blood 
flowed from her hand. Then said he, 
‘No wonder,’’ said he, ‘‘if it is hard 
for the body, wherein are these strong 
currents, to contain itself.’”’ Then he 
diminished her meals a second time. 
She was on that ration for a year, and 
her desire still persisted. So after 
that time he thrusts the needle into 
her hand thrice, and three streams of 
blood flowed from it. So he reduced 
her meals again for a year, and at the 
end of that time he thrust the needle 
{again into her hand]. This time, how- 
ever, not a drop of blood came out of 
her. Then he said to her : ‘“‘ In future,” 
said he, ‘‘keep on this pittance until 
thy death.” 

§ 61. There was a certain itinerant 

1 Read dianat foibthi 2 Read sn 

3 Read tultatar * Read taithigthe 



tir muman ind amsir samdine dobeved 
huadisi imchomrac na mac bethad ind 
tire congraid' iarom disi hé 7 ronail fair 
cona tormaigfed né na digebad cid a oen 
focul dia briathraib si no di briathraib 
Asbertsi fris 
larwm conarbera? dam olsisi fr? maolruain 

ind caich cossa fuided. 

no fri fer da crich acus is déchu on 
fobith isuidiu’ rombdi maolruaoin quam 
samdan. Is si mo sansercsa di cleirchib 
ind deisevrt 7 ni conebera fris dus ind 
airim, banscala for a cubus 7 dus and 
geba mo anmeairdessa, Negotiator hee 
retulit. Andand‘ immurgo frisiom romba 
si saimsere samdine hé atrecht fochetoir 
7 dohuargaib a dé laim hi crosfigill 7 
atluchestar bui® do dia. Anddond iarwm 
atbert fr’s dus ind aithcomraictis ban- 
scale [42°] fires 7 dus ind arfaomad a 
anmchartisi imderead corrici a ucht 7 
slechtais fo tri 7 spatio magno siluit. 
tra olsesem conimthisi 

siu frvesi 
Postea narrauit negotiator omnia haec 

larum atbertsom apur 


uerba do samdin 7 illa d¢xz¢ anda lim ol 
sisi dorraga ni don mae sin. Is iarom 
doticsa® a delg asa brut 7 clandti inda 
gruaid conidairsir isind chnaim 77 da 
srenga ais iarom. Nicontuilid immurgu 
cid a oen bande fole ass. Fecais ind 
cendaig for qui 7 torrsi oca faicsin sin 
Gabesi iarwm ind erecht eitz a di mer 7 
fecais for a fascud rée mér 7 nicontaldad 
banna as Asendad iarom dolduid bannan 
bec bec as lasind fascad fottai. Banna 
bee son de usci 7 robui buidetai bee fair 
do caomclod a datha. Dobertsom for a 
hivgin iarwm in dibirsin mbic sin. 
Asbertst tra airet bés iarwm olsi a 
cutrumesi do sig inda curpsom ni be 
mundteras indda taobatu do fr7 banscala. 








Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

pedlar in Munster in the time of Samdan, 
who used to carry greetings from her to 
the ‘‘sons of life” in that country. Once 
she called him to her and bound him 
not to add to nor take away asingle word 
that she said, nor a word that anyone 
should say to whom he was sent. Then 
she said to him: ‘‘ Say to Maelruain for 
me,’’ said she (—or to Fer DaChrich, and 
this latter is more likely, smce Maelruain 
wasmore venerable than Samdan), ‘ that 
he is my favourite among the clerics of 
the Descert, andanother thing thou shalt 
say tohim: ask, does he receive woman- 
kind to his confession, and will he 
accept my soul-friendship?”” The pedlar 
But when he told 
him that he was Samdan’s favourite, 

took this message. 

he rose at once and raised both hands 
as in a cross-vigil and gave thanks to 
God. When the pedlar asked him 
next whether women took counsel of 
and whether he would accept 
Samdan’s soul-friendship, he blushed 
down to his breast, and made three 


genuflections, and fell silent for a long 
time, Then he said: ‘‘Tell her,”’ said he, 
“that I will seek counsel from her.” 
Then the pedlar told all these sayings 
to Samdan, and she said: ‘‘I trow,” 
said she, ‘‘ something will come of that 
youth.” Then she draws her brooch 
out of her mantle and drives it into her 
cheek till it stuck in the hone, and then 
there came out twofilaments of milk: yet 
not a single drop of blood came out. At 
that sight the pedlar began to weep and 
wail, Then she took the wound between 
two fingers and began to squeeze it for 
a long time, and not a drop was wrung 

from it. Then at the last by reason of 

® Read conerbera 
© Read doiesa 

1 Read congair 
5 Read buide 

3 Read is sruithiu 4 Supply asbert 

7 Supply dollotar 

Gwynn anp Purton—TVhe Monastery of Tallaght. 
¥ 2 Y 

§ 62. Maccaildecha eraibdecha id sere! » 

lais daul doa hacaldaim*? 7 do nertad 
irsi doib 7 i nemfecsiu inda gnuis 7 
senoir it coimitecht 7 anacaldaim iarwm 
for aulaid oc cros ind dorus lis no isind 
disirt imbjatt 7 ind senoir dano teiti 
latsa 7 senoir caildidi bis a comaitecht 
na maccaildidi do bith hi farrad 7 ni 

clan huaib imbiat. Andand donetarrat 


miaccobar vd miimradad tre faicsin no 10 

ac acaldaim mbanscal ma atrocuil am 
menme nad cometesta dé ceith folam 
deit ni fil brig laisiom hisind accobar 
sin. IS fochric immwrgu ma gabthair 
tairis andand mbis a_ foindel 
menmain commér fr? mimradud a tim- 
tasad [438+] for catile feib dorrontar 7 
tuidecht® légind no a scrutain fris 7 
menme isind aurnaigti. Nicon aorsusa* 
laisiom commas 
sin indda menman. Fobithin nicomér® 

imbisom ifus eitz7. 

§ 68. Bithfer fita na riaglae tra ceith 

inda 15 

pende: ara faoendel 20 

dand eran 7 den seildind imbe .i. ind 25 

lethbairgin 7 ind cethramtu 20d anaild 7 


the long squeezing out came a Little 
tiny drop. It wasa little drop of water, 
and there was a little yellow on the 
surface enough to change its colour. 
Then she put this little driblet on her 
nail, and she said: ‘“‘So long,” said 
she, ‘‘as there is this much juice in his 
body, let him bestow no friendship 
nor confidence upon womankind.”’ 

§ 62. Devout young nuns he thinks 
it [right] to go and converse with and 
to confirm their faith, but without 
looking on their faces, and taking an 
elder man in thy company: and it is 
right to converse with them standing 
on the slab by the cross in front of the 
hostel, or in the retreat where they 
live. And the elder who goes with 
thee, and the senior nun who lives in 
company with the young nuns, should 
be present and not far from you, where 
they are. When ill desires or ill thoughts 
overtake thee, through seeing women or 
in converse with them, if....... 
that it is not to be indulged by thee 
even as an idle thought (?), then he 
considers that such desire is no great 
matter: it is meritorious, however, if 
a man gets clear of it. When the 
thoughts are constantly straying towards 
ill meditations, they must be checked 
and recalled as far as possible; and he 
should resort to reading or to examining 
himself against it, and keep his mind 
fixed on prayer. He does not consider 
it easy to fix any penance for such 
straying of the thoughts; for.... 
much about it here at all. 


§ 63. If a man constantly keeps to 
the pittance prescribed by the Rule, 
both as to the bread and the selann of 

1 Corrupt: perhaps wi haurchail 

* Read nicon aurusa or perhaps vicoutuarussa (for niconttar-sa) 

2 Read nacaldaim 

8 Supply do 
> Something lost here 

aldind cid fogluasa ind doenaché ind 
accobar combi todiuscad accobir in 
membris bes beith focheté6ir son lasan 
praind. Bades beith inda ligiu eitz 
codlad 7 cen cotlatt. Bes immagaba 
ceit co matain nico mérbrig laisim and 
acht ni cometestar dond accobar ma 
dogabthar chetamus a fit is imfolang 
galir son 7 fice secda brond A mesrugud 
do neuch tra buddesin la eolus ind fita 
arnara’ fochund galir mat robece. Narap 
altram dualchi mad romér. Ni iarum 
notlortnigetar 7 nat furea galir. A 
timmarcad fo reir na nddonnacht ar is 
ecsamail reim daonachfa caich. IS sed 
file irriagail dowmine abbatis rome is 
ferr lais 7 is inildiu do anmin neich 
ind fit bec min quam ind fit mor de 
tuarianmin Fobithin is ferr do fulang 
duine 7 da blath ambece min 7 is lugai 
doddsci ind daonacht fri miaccobar quam 
ammér den gantuarai 

§ 64. Andand as crad tra don chach 
frisambi immalde de aos [43°] sruith. 
nemchomaitecht doib im caomeléd praindi 
no a térmach 7 temet ipsam castigas do 
traothad do tole 7 do accobair 7 ni 
airigetar sam 6n. Anda leosom immurgu 
isarabstinait deitsiu. IS inildiu laisiom 
larum nemchomitecht doibsiom cid crad 
doib 7 coch be a sruithe indas ni bes 
epiltiu anme dit 7 indas nad pende a 
chinta Dogniat arale immwurgo guchoib- 






Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

butter (that is, the half loaf and the 
quarter or other quantity), and the 
[proper amount of] drink, even though 
human weakness may stir desire, so that 
there is an excitation of desire in his 
members (perhaps it may happen im- 
mediately with meals, or it may happen 
in bed, whether he be asleep or awake, 
or perhaps he may escape it until 
morning )—he counts it no great matter, 
provided there be no yielding to desire. 

If a man’s allowance be suddenly 
diminished, that will cause sickness and 
dry internal piles. Everyone should 
regulate his pittance for himself, 
knowing the proper amount, that it 
cause not sickness, if it be too little; 
neither nourish vice, if it be too much : 
as much then as suffices him, and does 
not induce sickness. It should be 
limited according to men’s natures, for 
the course of nature differs in each man. 
This is what is laid down in the Rule of 
Doimine, Abbot of Rome; he holds it 
better and safer for a man’s soul to use 
a small light pittance rather than a large 
pittance of coarse food: for the small 
light diet is better to sustain a man 
and make him healthy, and it excites 
human nature to ill desires less than 
the large diet of coarse food. 

§ 64. When it is grievous for anyone 
in regard to such elderly people as live 
with him not to indulge them with 
a change or increase of diet, while 
thou art chastising thyself to subdue 
thy desires and propensions, and they 
do not observe this—(they suppose, 
however, that it is by way of abstinence 
on thy part)—he considers it safer in 
such a case not to indulge them, even 
though it be grieyous to them, and 

1 Read arna rob 

Gwynn anp Purton—The Monastery of Tallaght. 

sene do thuildiud indaldeth fadesin do 
tormuch pende foraib 7 ni coir son 77 

§ 65. Praind dano do tomailt la marb 
hi tig ceth naob is a hureul acht 
sailmchetal 7 aurnaigti occo. Cid ind 
fer graid dobeir sacrafic dond fir galir 
dlegair dé daul astig statim iarwm ne 
presenti illo moritur. Ar diambe hi 
fiadnaisi ind bais istig nicotaldad dé 
oifvern do denam conidcoisrecad epscob 
Tocaomnacair do diarmaid 7 do blath- 
mac mae flaind fecht robéi conid eiter 
a lamaib rothathamir ci rui quando 
mortuus est tarmartsom! oifrend do 
denam iarwm cen a coisecrad conditoir- 
mese coleu diob uctaras ind leuitie 7 
diarmait dano abb fa lais occo 

§ 66. Fecht robai luid araile manoch 
do fixdio mac uiatach for sétt. Tecmon- 
cuir banscal immaildi fr’s arsin teit? 7 
postulauit ilda concubitum eius. Foceirtt 
lamae fair fadeoig commaranic caradrad 
irse [44°] Nicotaldsom iarwm der dia 
gruad statim cotanic dochum findio 7 
confesus est illi culpam suam Findio 
dixtt nicombia brig isirdi smn Demmun 
aridralistar sin olsesiom dot bredthsiu 
vianna 7 dotfastad eiter tuaid 7 dotbreith 
a teg pendi corop imdergad deit fia cach 





however aged they may be, rather than 
that to do anything that might be 
death to thy soul, or shouldest fail to 
do penance for thy soul’s sins. Some, 
however, make false confessions about 
themselves, in order to increase the 
penance laid upon them; but this is 
not right. 

§ 65. Now, to eat a meal with a dead 
man (though saintly) in the house is 
forbidden ; but instead there are to be 
prayers and psalm-singing on such occa- 
sions. yen one in orders who brings 
the sacrament to a sick man is obliged 
to go out of the house at once thereafter, 
that the sick man die not in his pre- 
sence; forif he be present in the house 
at the death, it would not be allowable 
for him to perform the sacrifice until a 
bishop should consecrate him. It hap- 
pened once on a time to Diarmait and 
to Blathmac mac Flaind that it was in 
their hands that Curui expired. When 
he died, they were about to perform 
the sacrifice thereafter, without being 
reconsecrated, till Colchu hindered them 
from doing so. The authority is Levi- 
ticus; and Diarmait also, the Abbot 
of Iona, was with him on that occasion. 

§66. Once upon a time a certain 
monk went on a journey to Findio mac 
Fiatach. A woman happened to meet 
him on the journey, e¢ postulavit alla 
concubitum etus. She laid hands upon 
him at last, and there befell intercourse 
by tryst between them. Immediately 
thereafter he did not stay to wipe the 
tear from his cheek, till he came to Findio 

A demon 

and confessed to him his fault. 
said: ‘‘ That shall not matter. 
has contrived it,” said he, ‘‘ to carry thee 

Nipa cobair immwrgo dosom sech niraga 30 off from us, and to set thee among the 

1 Read tarmartatarsom 

> Read tséit 


sa hi teg pende 7 nitberasam eiter 
tuaid Rogai! do sacerafic 7 isintturtt 
chetna bie tre cach oena Doluid ind 
satan chuici iarsin 7 atgladastar tria 
aslach tanaidi? 7 dzx¢t ildi. 
glanad deitsiu ind chomairle dobeir findio 
deit. IS sed is maith deit erce co 
comgald co ruccee breith fort dochoidsom 

Nipa mora 

6n dano 7 confesus est illi 7 d’xit comgeld. 
IS fochen am do tichtu ni bia brig 
desium 7 comgellus dzxzt eadem uerba 
que dixit findio. Andand doluid a bend- 
char sechtair. IS and gabuis port curuch 
coluim cildi 7 satanas suasit illi ut iret 
ad columbani niba hice deitsiu tre findio 
7 comgeld olseisiom ised is maith deid 
perge ad columbam. JDochoid én dano 
7 dorat a coibsena dosom 7 dixit ildi 
columba, sécvt? crucifixsi christum per 
temed ipswm pecato fo‘ infindio quod non 
credidisti quod dixit ildi per ipsum 
sanctam® tercioin comgello quarto in me 
adbirsa fritsa ol colwm cilli cuice bliadna 
dec pendi fobithin na dimicni doratais 
for firbald erzst .i. findio. 
seribus sin domdoig 7 inddi sceol so 7 ni 

Fixit do- 

hainfis acht dia necar doniam indnos 

§ 67. Etach berar do 4os tuati cotaot® 




Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

laity, and bring thee into a penitentiary, 
that thou mayst be publicly put to 
shame. It shall not avail him, how- 
ever; thou shalt not go into a peni- 
tentiary, neither shall he carry thee off 
among the laity. Thou shalt go to the 
sacrament, and shalt continue under the 
same rule through each fast.” Satan 
came thereafter to him and accosted 
him, tempting him a second time, and 
said to him: ‘‘The counsel Findio gives 
thee will be no great cleansing for thee. 
This is what is good for thee to do: go 
to Comgell, that he may pass judgment on 
thee.” He wentaccordingly and confessed 
to him, and Comgell said: ‘‘ Welcome 
indeed is thy coming: this thing will 
not matter”; and Comgell said to him 
the same things as Findio had said. 
When he came along from Benchor, 
just then Colum Cille’s curragh reached 
harbour, and Satan persuaded him to go 
to Columba. ‘‘ Thou shalt get no cure 
through Findio and Comgell,”’ said he; 
“this is what is good for thee to do, go 
to Columba.” So he went and made his 
confession to him, and Columba said to 
him: ‘Thou hast crucified Christ once of 
thyself by sin; secondly, in the person of 
Findio, because thou didst not believe 
what he said by the Holy Spirit; thirdly, 
in the person of Comgell; fourthly, in 
mine. JI pronounce upon thee,’ said 
Colum Cille, “‘ fifteen years of penance 
because of the contempt thou hast shown 
for a true limb of Christ—namely, 
Findio.”” Finit. (Lhave written this on 
my own account, and these two tales; 
and it is not in ignorance, but to set 
them forth that we proceed in this 

§ 67. A garment thatis brought from 

1 Read Regae 2 Read tanaisi 

° per spiritum sanctum C ® cotetet C 

’ quater C (see Notes): read semel 

4secundo C 

AIWYNN AND Purton—The Monastery of Tullaght. 

demwn coronaoenastar! 7 nidnanaid® a 
erothad nach a flescad acht a nidi. 
Araile ancarae robui hi cluaoin mac 
naois laisrien a ainm imnocht imdilmain 

cen ni for a cubus. he dano hi luibri 

galair. Nombered iarwm cach ar uair 
dina mae cleirchib dochwm a tigid leu. 
Ronuce araile mae clerech and aidci 

dochum a tigi dobert brat fa a taob. 
Conidtuil’ Atchi 
aislingi coildnidi 7 niconfacae da gein 

laisren for a brut. 
gusan aidchi sin. Atraig iarwm fecais 
for caoi 7 maircctenaich fecais for figild 
larum corogaib na tri caoectee fri figild 
Tolduid iarwm taurtaim fair fora beolu., 
Tonanic iarwm ind taingil 7 déxz¢t ildi. 
Na bad bronach tra olse quam‘ in ace 
nocti sensisti iterum in uita tua non 7 
sensis.© accus issed fortiair indi sin 
Fobitin is brat lanamne ind brat forsa 
roe 7 ni roaonacht iarna beith lasand 
lanamain cotreicigur® demmen iarum 
tare nad roanacht. Ar nach brat berair 
do dos étraich conamteit? demmun airet 

nat negar 7 cetera 

§ 68. Ni molatharsom ind troscud 
is ferr lais ind fit mesraigti dogres ni- 
confil eiter ind riagaz i fueregtar® acht 
mad a cinta oireene Aon troscut hi ria- 
gail comgeild .i. ind cetain ria caisc. 
Tri troisciud immwrco tanfum la colum 
cilli in ando .i. aidchi notlace steill .i. 
post .xii. nataleis 7 ochtmad imbairgine® 
colwem cilli isuidiu 7 seilind 7 bochtan 







the laity a demon accompanies until it 
has been washed; and it is no protection 
to shake or beat it, but only to wash it, 

A certain anchorite lived in Clonmac- 
nois, named Laisren, quite naked and 
free from sin, with nothing on his con- 
Now he was infirm with dis- 
ease; so each of the clerical students in 
turn used to take him home with him. 
A certain student had taken him home 
one night, and put a cloak under him, 
Laisren slept upon hiscloak. He sees a 
carnal vision, and he never saw one from 
his birth till that night. 
up, and began to weep and lament. 
Then he began to perform a vigil, and 
recited the Three Fifties with his vigil. 
Then a trance fell upon him, as he lay on 

Then he rose 

his face. Then an angel came to him and 
said to him: ‘‘ Be not sorrowful,” said he; 
‘“what thou hastfelt this night thou shalt 
not feel again in thy life, And this is 
what caused the thing: because the cloak 
on which thou hast slept is the cloak of a 
wedded couple, and it has not been 
washed since it was used by them. So, 
because it has not been washed, a demon 
hath. . . . For any cloak that is 
taken from lustful people, a demon. 
accompanies it so long as it is not 
washed,” ete. 

§ 68. He does not commend fasting : 
he prefers a regular measured pittance, 
There is no Rule where it is imposed, 
except on account of injury done. There 
is one fast in Comgall’s Rule—namely, 
the Wednesday before Easter. However, 
Colum Cille recognized three fasts only 
in the year: the eve of Epiphany—that 
is, twelve days after Christmas, and the 

ais maith bat ead indas ind troiscti sin 7 35 eighth part of Colum Cille’s loaf at that 

2 ni anaich C 
7 cotnimtét C 

1 coroenastar C 
5 cotretiguir C 

3 conatil C 
8 fuirestar C 

+ quod C ® senties C 

9 Read mbuirgine 


156 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

ind cetna cétaoin [45°] de quadragissima 
7 in cena cetain post pensticostin ocht- 
mhadh in ceche. INd aine immurgu in 
cchesta dosforslaicde! colum cille for 
noebaib herevn fobithin atbathatar dend 
aine sin sruithi iar sircacht in chorgis 

Ba erdath 7 ba lith mor iarwm la colwn 

cille azn dogress dona braithribh ass 
ningnama doib ann nobithe tremsi ocaur- 
cilliud 7 oc legeude usce trit feil na 
nairemon leisom insin fobithin is avn 
forcentai anas. 

§ 69. IS cutrumme tra hirriagail 
coluim cille fit sathairn 7 fit domnaich 
fobithix ix chatudh robui forsint sabbait 
i fetarlaic in opair tantum is and deilicid 
fri domnach Ata irriagailib ailibh dano 
cosmailius fitta i sabbota 7 in dominico 
in tan tra mbis isna riaglaib superponat 
n6 superpositito do leith fitt 7 do leith 
trosud is dir insin cena caret immurgu 
in tan is troscud .i. cena 1m nocte 

§ 70. IS cumme dano forich in biat 
né an offrend in oen ocus in sochaidhe 
ar ni luga cumung naernaighthi dosom 
cit lir quam si sibi soli assignetws amail 
nach moa soillsi na grene don oenfer 
for leith ivdas don sochaidhe 

§71. IS mor leisim in mile cemezn 
né eo amplivs do aithidhigh im deissi i 
domnuch is* forvacbadh iz mile cemind fri 
torrome fir galair fri tabhairt comne do 
7 do ocaib 7 tuathibh biti fo anmchairtes 

5 the eighth of a loaf to each fast. 

time, with a seland anda bochtan of good 
milk: that was the manner of that fast ; 
and the first Wednesday of Lent, and 
the first Wednesday after Pentecost : 
ever, Colum Cille relaxed the fast of the 
Passion for the saints of Ireland, be- 
cause old men died of that fast after the 
long privations of Lent. A great festivity 

10 and merrymaking was regularly allowed 

by Colum Cille thereafter tothe brethren: 
the growth of the crops was given to 
them then: three months were spent in 
tending and watering them. He called 
that the Feast of the Ploughmen, 
because it was then that the crops 
reached their full growth. 

§ 69. InColum Cille’s RuleSaturday’s 
ration is the same as Sunday’s, on ac- 

15 count of the honour paid to the Sabbath 

in the Old Testament. 
respect of work that it is distinguished 
from Sunday. In other Rules also 
there is a similarity of rations on the 

It is only in 

20 Sabbath and on Sunday. When, how- 

ever, there is in the Rules ‘‘ swperponat” 
or ‘‘ superpositio,”’ this is properly appli- 
cable to a half-ration and half-fast ; 
“* cena careat,”’ however, is used when a 
fast is meant—that is, cena in nocte. 

§ 70. It is all one whether one person 
or a number is present at the Beati or 

25 the Mass; for there is no less efficacy in 

his prayer if there be many present than 
if it be appropriated to himself alone— 
just as the light of the sun is no greater 
for one man only than for a number. 
§71. He makes much of going the 

30 thousand paces, or more, to visit the 

tenantry on Sunday; and the thousand 
paces haye been left as an ordinance 
for watching a sick man, and for 

1 Read doforslaicthe la 

2 Read issed 

Gwynn anpd Purvon—The Monastery of Tallaght. 

dotiagat do airsemh offrind 7 do etsecht 
procepti 7 do rextaibh tricibh cene 

cetera :— 

§ 72. [45°] IS hed rochuala la crund- 
mael acht fo thri nico rotroisci meelruaiz 
o gabis tamlachti .i. for artrig mac 
felmuire im chaingin robui de muintir 
tamlachti friss. Iarsiz chetna troscud 
cetemus romemaid coss ind rig indo. 
Tarsin trosc! tanaise rotuit im tenid 
co talmin. 

corroloisc hé o mulluch 

Tarsin tress troscud fogeib in ri bas. 

§ 73. Bithbés* menadche is he a 
auctartas robui telchomrae mor 1 muidh 
lena de noebaib herind IS hed rotinol 
ropo immned leo an aes pende do epiltin 
for usce 7 bargin’ _lasna sruithi robatar 
remib som Rotheiscset* iarwm imbi fri 
dia. Dosnanic iarwm int aingel 7 asbert 
friu napa machtad amh libsi olsuide® 
int usce 7 int aran indiu inn ws pende. 
Rofasaigthea na toirten® 7 clanda in 
talman cona fil nert na brig indib idiu 
fri fulang neich. Go 7 peccad 7 anfhin’ 
na ndaive dorelacht® annert 7 a brig 
talmin cona thoirthib. INtan 

rombatar ix duine do reir dé Robui an 


nert coir i clandaib in talman nirbo 
messa int usce hisuide do fuluzg neich. 
quam lac hodie IS iarwm atbert int 
aingel friu ni de mix do chummusc doib 
aranim combed menadach arna toitsitis 
an aes pende immallama® fobithin arna 
forfoelnangair™ int uisce 7 int aran. 







administering the communion to him, 
and to the young, and to the laity 
who are under spiritual direction who 
come to wait for the Mass, and to 
hear preaching, and for urgent matters 
besides, ete. 

§ 72. This I have heard Crundmael 
say, that Maelruain never fasted but 
thrice settled at Tamlacht 
—namely, against Artri sonof Faelmuire, 

since he 

about a business that arose between the 
monastery of Tallaght and him. After 
the first fasting the king’s leg broke in 
two; after the second, the fire fell and 
burnt him from top to toe; after the 
third fasting the king died. 

§ 73. This is the authority for the 
habitual use of gruel. There was a 
great gathering of the saints of Ireland 
in Mag Lena. This is what brought 
them together: they were grieved that 
penitents died on bread and water in 
the days of the elders who lived before 
them. Then they fasted against God on 
account of this. Then an angel came to 
them and said to them: ‘‘Wonder not,” 
said he, ‘‘if the bread and the water can- 
not sustain the penitents to-day. The 
fruits and plants of the earth have been 
devastated; so that there is neither 
strength nor force in them to-day to 
support anyone. The falsehood and sin 
and injustice of men haye robbed the 
earth with its fruits of their strength 
and force. When men were obedient to 
God’s will the plants of the earth retained 
At that time 
water was no worse for sustaining any- 
one than milk is to-day.” Then the 
angel told them to mix some meal with 

their proper strength, 

' Read troscud * bithbin P (see Notes) 
° Supply cenid fael P ® tairti P 
10 forfulngarair P vead forlangair 

3P adds ocus roscoiblic iarnm 
7 anfhirindi P 

4 Rotroisesit P 

8 dorelsat P “imalama P 



§ 74. Teor menadcha larum. 
menadach was usce 7 menadach eter da 
usci sech ni teit [46*] sis arrec co 
dommazn lestir ni theit sias huas usci 
accus ind! Rosaigi 
immurco dommazn lestair berthus ind 
arbar ‘Aos ata etrome cinaith 
7 atroilded bliadain anaild do 
pendait menadach huas use’u doib. Ads 
immurgu ata trume cinaid atroilded 


menadach usci. 


no wu. andos menadach eiter da 
usci ddib. 

atroildett .vi. anttos wel eo amplius ut 

Ads morchinaid immurco 

fiunt episcop? uel sacerdotes qui cadunt 
in principali cremine wel homicide 7 
reliqui. Menadach is uscu doib 7 cetera. 
Cleirech lasa marbtar cimmid ised is 
choir laisiom a pendit do ama cach 

§ 75. ISsed aspered maolraaoin oca 
_ aurail do neuch fairsiom guidhi dé 
olsesiom condalithisi? iarum 
Cena taithmenam 

laisiom 7 técbale soscéli fris. 
dia lindi 
ar naurnithe fyvindi. 
for nanmand. ar nach don guides dia 
lind guidemne® dia lasuidiu cid na 
taithmenam. ainm caich 

§ 76. ISsed atbert mac digi lis mdir 
asrubairt fria alale iarmoracht dé dus 
cia bald ba dech d6 négébad di 
cleireecht. ISsed asrubart som is hé 
bald for nad ctale lochtt bés. Cid 

derseaigtech* nech olsesiom atberar bat 






Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

their butter to make gruel, so that the 
penitents should not perish upon their 
hands (?), because the water and the 
bread did not suffice to support them. 

§ 74. There were three kinds of gruel 
after that—gruel upon water, and gruel 
between two waters (while it does 
not sink right down to the bottom of 
the vessel, it does not float above on 
top of the water), and gruel under 
water. However, [in this case] it 
reaches the bottom of the vessel; the 
grain carries it downwards. Those 
whose sins are lighter, and who deserve 
a year or two of penance, get gruel 
upon water. Those, however, whose 
sins are graver, who deserve four or five 
years, get gruel between two waters. 
Those, however, who haye committed 
great sins, and deserve seven years or 
more, as do bishops or priests who fall 
into mortal sin, or homicides and soforth, 
get gruel under water, ete. A cleric by 
whom a captiye is killed should, he 
considers, do penance like any other 

§ 75. This is what Maelruain used to 
say when anyone enjoined on him to 
pray God for him, and to lift up the 
Gospels towards him. ‘Do ye pray 
God for us,” said he; ‘‘and then ye 
share our prayers with us though we 
do not mention your names. For if 
anyone prays to God for us, we pray to 
God for him, though we do not mention 
each man’s name.” 

§ 76. This is what Mac Oige of Lis- 
more said in reply to a certain man who 
inquired of him which attribute of the 
clerical character it would be best for him 
toacquire. He replied: ‘‘That attribute 

_ with which he has never yet heard fault 

1 Read is ? Read condalidsi 

3 Read guidmini 

4 Read deg-sercach (Plummer) 

Gwynn anp Purvon—The Monastery of Tallaght. 159 

romér a degsere. Cid umal asberar bat found. If aman be distinguished [| for 
roumal dano ind fer isin. Cith aointech charity |,” said he, ‘‘it is said that his 
bat romor a abstinait 7 reléqui similiter. charity is too great ; if humble, it is said 
Nitcuale immurgu neuch asroepred again that that man is too humble; if 
bat rrofossad ind fer hisin arsé cipe 5 ascetic, that his abstinence is excessive, 
dan ara coratar neuch léimh ised as deck and so withthe rest. I hayvenever heard, 
dé foss occa 7 cetera however,” said he, ‘‘of anyone of 

whom it was said that ‘this man is too 
steady.’ Whatever task a man has set 
his hand to, it is best for him to 
persevere in it,” ete. 

§ 77. Baoi alaile anchoire antuaid o §77. There was a certain anchorite 
slane coleu. Coibniws dochutte. Roch- from Slane, in the north, named Colcu, 
achtiiarum commor corroabstinit. Robaoi 10 a kinsman of Mochutu. He was much 
jarwm airgi laisim [46>] o muindtir 7 given to austerities and strict absti- 
taiscit on muindti. Fodaledsom iarwm nence. Now, he had dairying and 
do bochtaib commér. Robbo accobar store of victuals given him by the 
laisiom iarwm a faccbail uile 7 daul monastery. Then he used to make fre- 
commaolruaoin. Fobithin focerd a 45 quent distributions to the poor. ‘Then 
chubus som ar tomailt torith na muind- he had a desire to leave all and to go to 
teri ind narbo l6r iodne ind ecaich imma Maelruain, because he exercised his 
cuired a toratt. Atbertatar iarwn ind conscience about cating the produce of 
sruithi fria choicsiom ara tesed inda the monastery, as to whether each man 
commaitecht som docum maolruiz Iar- 99 who brought the produce was sufficiently 
mofocht iarum maolruaoin dé cid fortiair pure. Then the elders said to his 
olews a blatha 7 non confesus est Tol- cook that he should go along with 
duid iarwm ind choice co tairfid and him to Maelruain. Then Maelruain 
fitt forsambidsom do miéaolruin 7 asked him what caused his ill colour, 
multum commouit illam Doronais fer 95 but he would not confess. Then the 
indgail! fort am ol maolruin Addomimso cook came and disclosed the diet on 
tra olse do reirsi de. Ni talaad? which he lived to Maelruain, and he 
cetamus ol maolruain isind lucesa ata was greatly moved. ‘Truly thou hast 
foagles chdéir and cruthsa olsesiom. wrought an unnatural crime upon thy- 
Ind ldin file isund ol maolruaoin sech go self,” said Maelruain. ‘‘Isubmitindeed,” 
dogniatt a mod céir. Rocaithet a fit. said he, ‘‘to thy will therein.” ‘In the 
Ni tallasu iarwm ettwrra sech ni dingne first place,” said Maelruain, ‘‘ thou wilt 
gniomrada Ni rocaithfet? do fit. Slech- not fit in this place. It is under due 
tais iarwm fo ogreir maolruaoin. IS si arrangement (?) at present,” said he. 
mo riarsa am olsesiom arnatta do 35 ‘‘ Those who are here,” said Maelruain, 
saogal ni do térmuch forsind fitt teire ‘‘while they do their proper share of 
sin cen cop étech! 7 cen cop accobar lat work, are able to eat their rations. 
And doberthar dano deit 0° maolruaoin Thou, therefore, wilt not fit among them. 

' Read Doronais tfingail 2 Read talda (for tallai) ® Read vocaithte 4 Or etig (Plummex) 

5 Read ol 


do torad ind erlama cith anidan ind 
each is idan sancto taisfentar for lar 
dotegtisiu ar is disliu det siu torutt na 
naérlam quam ildis. Ni aurcuil dano 
deit a tir ind erlama fort chubus do 

fodil a toraid do boechtaib. 

§ 78. Ni céir tra laisiom cen tabairt 
do neuch a coibsen for cech ndoi dondhi 
danacoibsenither su cen comtecht! do in 
prandio mad immalde frzs doteceme 7 
non [477] ilde curat de frepuid na 
coibsen hisin aralegasu fiadosom ind 
riaguil 7 ind pennatoir 7 conetis’ déib 
ne pereas tre connairclius neich aile. 

§ 79. Nicongus laisiom dano do neuch 
cid arfaoma anmchardine 76 cobsen neich 
bess siniu 26 bess sruithe indas Arusce 
rere de aiti nd sinserbrathair mani bé 
laiss i focraib dé 
Ni tend forngari 

nech aile bes lér 
do athcomare tris. 
immurgo dlegar dosom forsuidiu® acht 
aralégda‘ inda libra ara mbelaib combo 

mou de ronduca athgnu. 



Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Thou wilt neither do active work, nor be 
Then he knelt 
down in submission to the absolute will 

able to eat thy rations.” 

of Maelruain, ‘‘ This is my will truly,” 
said he; ‘‘so that thy life fail not, to make 
some increase in that scanty pittance, 
without leaving thee free to refuse it or 
desire it(?). But as to what shall be 
brought to thee out of ‘the patron’s 
fruits,’’’ said Maelruain, “though all 
who bring it be impure, it is pure for 
him who is holy. It shall be exhibited 
on the floor of thy house, for the patrons’ 
fruit belongs rather to thee than to 
them. It is not forbidden thee to lay 
it upon thy conscience to distribute to 
the poor the fruits of the patron’s 

§ 78. He does not consider it right for 
anyone not to exact confession about 
everything from him to whom thou 
art confessor, without sparing him 
at meal-time if thou happen to be 
beside him, and he does not care about 
the healing effect of that confession ; 
thou shouldst read the Rule and the 
Penitential aloud in his 
and [do not] spare such persons, lest 
thou perish through indulgence to 



§79. Now, he does not consider that 
it matters if anyone accepts the spiritual 
direction or receives the confession of a 
man that is older or more yenerable 
than he 
or an elder brother), if there be no 
one else at hand of sufficient authority 
for him to consult with. He should 
not, however, lay upon such persons 

is (for example, his tutor 

strict injunctions; but let him read 
the books before them, so that he may 
gain the more knowledge (?). 

' Read dia coibsenigthersu, cen chomaitecht 
* Read araléga 

2 Read ni cometis % Read forsuidib 

Gwynn and Purron—The Monastery of Tallaght. 

§ 80. Bithbés troiscta dano ni forgein! 
lasna naobu *acht don troscut indorsa.? 
Ni forgeni la comgald .i. aidchi cenlai 
a aithliu na cetaoine accus ni dentai 
immwgo aidci ind césta Tri troisccthe 
immercu la colam cilde ind ando 7 leth 
fit ind cach ai dib 7 ba cumlechtach ind 
lethfitt hism. Arre troisccthe la diarmavt 
da fitt chert chutrwme cid min cid anmin 
dondecme 7 inddala hi do tabzrt do dia 
Araile do tomailt fadein 7 artaott troscud 

[Here the Abdgitir Crabid, which we 
omit. } 

§ 81. [51°21] IS hed dano dohuce 
colecu ho eogun qwi uiderit somnium 
cornale in dominica nocti daul do do laim 
arabarach 7 a techta do denam isind 
domnuch ria ndul do laim .i. cdoccae 
n6 cét slechtan cid ind domnuch ceth 
hi soldamain nicon dermanad laisiom a 
pendaid and now sie mdoldithruib acht 
aidchi iain ind pendaidd ISsed dano 
bad doig la coilchin indhi notegtis isna 
husciu. is do traothad 7 damnad hi® 
tole 7 ind accobur fognid led né is 
tormuch saothair dano cena. 

§ 82. Ni aurcail dano laisiom do neoch 
cid chodala a lértid acht rop la forcomet 
ferr laisiom dano do [51°] neoch ara- 

na trade colleir eter lao 7 aidche. 

bertha! ni do maith do denam a ingell 7 
comallnad iarwnm ISsed asber solam qui 
obseruat uentum non seminabit qwi 

considerat nubes non metet 






§ 80. Now, continual fasting was 
not practised by Comgall, and it is 
not practised by the saints at present, 
save one fast, namely the eve of Maundy 
Thursday after the Wednesday. On the 
eve of the Passion, however, no fast is to 
be observed. 

Colum Cille, however, kept three 
fasts in the year, with a half-ration on 
each of them, and this half-ration was 
Diarmait used to allow two exactly 

As an equivalent for fasting, 

equal rations to be made, whether it 
happened to be coarse or light food, and 
one of these to be given to God; the 
other he was to eat himself; and this 
serves in place of a fast, 

§ 81. This precept Colecu got from 
Logan, that whoever had a carnal dream 
on a Saturday night should receive 
communion on the morrow, and should 
perform the due observances on the 
Sunday before receiving communion, 
that is to say, fifty or a hundred genu- 
flections: even on a Sunday or a 
festival he was not allowed to forget 
This is not Maeldith- 
ruib’s way, but he orders the penance 

his penance. 

on Sunday night. 

It was Colccu’s opinion that those 
who used to stand in water did so for 
the purpose of crushing and subduing 
their desires and longings: or else 
simply as an additional labour of piety. 

§ 82. He does not forbid anyone to 
sleep his fill, provided that he diligently 
observe the Hours, both day and night. 
He thinks it better, moreover, for any- 
one who may intend doing any pious act, 
to make a vow and to fulfil it forthwith. 
Solomon says: Quz observat ventum non 
seminabit: qui considerat nubes non metet. 

1 Read forgéni 

2 These words should come after comgald 

3 Read na 4 Read arabera 


§ 83. Biadd prantigi dano ised aonach 
ndedenach indsin is coir do imbirt isna 
mbelaib iar praind hi sessam 7 hi 

praindtig a cetal. 

§ 84. Cleirech lasammarbthar cimmid 
ised is coir laisiom a pendidd do amail 
cach ndunoirenrd 

§ 85. Forith dano ind soscele 7 cobrid 
inda hanmanna frisa tocabar amav/ forith 
ufuos 7 fogni laisiom a tocbail fressna 
marbu Fecht robéoi teemongur celdag 
hi cluain mac nois im cosnam na hap- 
daine. Suidigestar iarwm adomnan deorad 
TIndand imbaoi iarwm adamnan 

Foidis iarwm 

ind hi. 
taldsatsam a apdaine aire 

rocraidsetsom deorad 

a muindté dochum nadamnain do 
achtine fri 7 dixzé illis ne pranderent 
7 ne soluerent calciamenta usgue quo 
alloquerentw adamanuss d7x7¢ ut come- 
derent in illa nocti 7 comederunt 7 in 
erastina die non intrauerunt ad illum 
usgue ad tertiam horam et tune narra- 
uerunt causam svam 7 adamnanus eli- 
uauit manam suam cwm euangelio de! 
tene muindtz 

aibritiud atarann in 

eluana mac nois Nicon fordamar suide 
no ligi do fir diob congabsat an deorad 
iferum. Adbert iarwm adamnan frisna 
techtaire tudecht dia tich co fuaratar a 
cele isind apdaine ara cind 7 legati 
interrogauerunt horam specialem in qua 
ille effectus est abbas 7 ba si hvarsom 
douargaib adamnan ind soscele andall 7 
postea de tam celeri miraculo inter[52* |- 
ille respondit napad 
machtad libsi olsesiom airde na eruichi 

rogatus est 7 
tresind soscele is indeniu aibritid tres- 
ngata na huile duile stias coricci riched. 
Is denit sin rosaigh fudumne pene 7 
rosaig twncbail 7 funed ngrene 7 dessiu- 
bar 7 tuadebur ndomain hisin doen 
aibritind 7 forbrisi cach doding 








Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

§ 83. Now as to the Beati of the 
refectory: it is proper for them to 
repeat (?) the last . . 
standing after meals, and it should be 

. with their lips 

sung in the refectory. 
§ 84. A cleric who kills a captive he 

~ considers bound to do penance lke any 

other homicide. 

§ 85. Now the Gospel helps and 
assists the of those towards 
whom it is lifted up, as it helps the 
living, and it is his practice to lift 
it up towards the dead. 

Once upon a time there arose a con- 


tention in Cluain mac Nois over a 
contest for the abbacy. Then Adamnan 
set a stranger among them [as abbot]. 
Then while Adamnan was in Jona, they 
persecuted the stranger, and deprived 
Then he sent his 

monks to Adamnan to complain against 

him of his abbacy. 

them, and told them not to eat nor 
loose their shoes until they should have 
speech of him. Adamnan told them to 
eat on that night, and they did eat; and 
the next day they were not admitted to 
his presence until the third hour and 
then they set forth their case to him, 
and Adamnan lifted up his hand holding 
the Gospel at the moment when the 
fire... . the monks of Cluain mac 
Nois. He did not suffer one of them to 
sit or lie down until they received the 
stranger back again. Then Adamnan 
told the messengers to go home, and on 
their arrival they found their comrade 
in possession of the abbacy. And the 
messengers asked the precise hour in 
which he was made abbot, and it 
was the hour that Adamnan lifted up 
the Gospel yonder; and afterwards he 
was asked about so sudden a miracle, 
and he answered: ‘‘ Wonder not,”’ said 
he, ‘‘ that the sign of the Cross by the 

Read d’éen 

Gwynw anv Purvon—The Monastery of Tallaght. 

§ 86. Maoldithradin quadragesimis in 
aqua 7 pane usque ad nouissimum tempus 
Fobithin ba 
deournichte! dogres in quadragesima. 
Robi araile laoch hi mudornaib cwm 

pro anima patris sui. 

uxore swa fo anmchairdes eochach ui 
thuathail hillanamnas dligid 7 cum 
decimis iis? post inimici eivs iugulauerunt 
eum 7 omnes plebilis uidentes dixerunt 
quid profuet illi bona facere 7 statim 
uenit eocha ad dublitir narrauit illi 
causam swam 7 duiblitir dixit leth no 
trian a folith do fodail do bochtaib 7 
oenmac do udpart a chuirp 7 a anme 
do dia 7 iv pendit nopeinebad ind laoch 
‘iter fit 7 an figill 7 saothar co cend .uii. 
annorwm a denam do a mace tar a cend. 
accus a setig dano do pennait tar a cend 
fadesin 7 dara cendsom ind ré cetne 
Doronad indni sin huile 
ndechaddar do laim dia secht mbliadna a 
mac 7 a seitig. 

larum co 
Donarfad iarwm in illa 
nocte do duiblitir post -uii. annos 7 
badu..1 a sochraiti 7 etach net- [52°] 
racht imbe. Dobert iarwm bendachtain 
for duiblit’r ar ind fortacht dorradad dé 
7 dix illiin ac nocte dominus meisertus 
est mei et eduxit de inferno ad ragnum 
celorum 7 dixit duiblitzr. tu quis es ego 
larwm in una eademque® do eochaid 7 
felio 7 uxori 7 bened?xit illos et eadem 
uerba dix?t illis 

miser de me cogitauit echo. 







power of the Gospel traverses quicker 
than a wink of the eye all the elements 
With like speed doth it 
reach the pit of torment; and it reaches 
the sunrise and the sunset and the 

up to heaven. 

and northern ends of the 
world in a single twinkling and 
vanquishes every obstacle.” 

§ 86. Maeldithruib lived on bread 
and water every Lent for the good 
of his father’s soul, wsque ad novissimum 
tempus: for his prayers were always 
occupied therewith in Lent. 

There were a certain layman and 
his wife in Mugdoirn living under the 
spiritual guidance of Kocha ua Tuathail 
in lawful wedlock, and with ten sons. 
Afterwards his enemies murdered him, 
and all the lay folk, seeing this, 
said: ‘* What did it avail him to live 
virtuously ?”? Eochu came at once to 
Dublitir and set forth his case to him ; 
and Dublitir told him to distribute 
to the poor half or a third of the 
layman’s substance, and that one of 
his sons should offer to God his body 
and soul, and should observe on his 
behalf the penance which he would 
have performed, the pittance and vigil 
and labour, to the end of seven years; 
and that his wife alsoshould do penance 
on her own behalf and on her husband’s 
for the same period. Then all this was 
done, and his son and wife came to 
communion that day seven years. Then 
he appeared on that night to Dublitir 
seven years after his death, and... 
was his comeliness and he had glistering 
raiment about him. Then he gaye 
Dublitir a blessing for the help that 
had been given him, and said to him, 
“Tn this night the Lord hath taken 

1 Read ba de a urnichthe 

* Read decem filiis 

3 Supply nocte 



§ 87. Praind dano do tomailt la marb 
is coir andso 7 etach berar do ees .t. annsin 
nicon molatarsom ind troscwd andos is 

coir ind 

§ 88. INdand donecmic imsitix hi 
codlad do neoch 7 ni facaid deilb 7 nibi 
cumman lais n{ dofaicsin tresambed elned 
do canad! cethtra salmu 7 donice? in aqua 
7 nin derban dé dul do laim iarabarach 
Fobithiz ni heillned dosom 
acht is mfichumne spiride frz télach 
imarevaid lenda bis isind 


neich din 

§ 89. IS aurcail lais dano codlad do 
neuch oc praind. ISsed immurgu as 
choir laisiom cudnéd ind prainde arna 
bether ocu nach cein do*® cach son 

§ 90. Treide nad conairiti tol dé. 

maith ara cummiscther ole. maith 
tinscantar 7 nad berar co forcenn. 
accus cobair foreissed madoberthe inruth 
nocobrafad® 7 doberar iarnasa® indruth 

nad cobradar. 




Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

pity on me and has brought me out of 
hell to the kingdom of heaven.” And 
Dublitir said: ‘“‘ Who art thou?” ‘TI 
am a wretched man: Eochu has thought 
upon me.” Afterwards he appeared on 
the self-same night to Eochu and to his 
son and wife and blessed them and said 
the same words to them. 

§ 87. ‘ Praind do tomailt la marb” 
ought to come here, and “ Etach berar 
doaestiate” next. ‘* Nico molatarsom 
in troscud ... annos” ought to come 

§ 88. When pollution happens to 
anyone in sleep, and he does not see 
a dream-image, and does not remember 
seeing anything which should cause him 
to be polluted, he sings four psalms and 
washes in water ; and it does not hinder 
his going to communion next day. For 
this is no pollution to him, but it is an 
evil recollection of the spirit, accom- 
panying a discharge of some of the 
excess of liquid that is in the body. 

§ 89. Now he forbids anyone to sleep 
at meals. This, however, is what he 
thinks right—to dispatch the meal so 
that no long while may be spent over 
it. That, however, is [not] incumbent 
on everyone. 

§ 90. Three things which are not 
pleasing to God: good that is mixed 
with eyil: good that is begun but not 
brought toan end: and help that comes 
too late, which would render aid if an 
attack should be made, and there is 
made an attack which it does not help 
[to resist]. 

1 Read canaid 2 Read donig 

5a gloss 

3 Supply ni before do 
® Should come after cobair 

4 Read nadchonaircet toil Dé 

Gwynn and Purtron—The Monastery of Tallaght. 165 


P. 127, 3. For the Beati (Ps. cxix) followed by the Magnificat cf. 129, 8. 

127, 8. fermatdni: for fermit-ni: this form of 1 pl. is found already in the 
Glosses, e.g. Wh 15d18, guedmit. 

127, 10. The word diol, if sound, is perhaps the dil ‘poetry’ of which Meyer 
(Contributions) quotes a single example from a poem written in bérla féine; but 
more probably we should read iné tlach. There is perhaps a reference here to the 
legend that Christ was born do mulluch na h-Ingine, Sna KR 7529. 

127, 18. Cethe for eid hée. So 185, 24. ceth: similarly maith for mad, 144, 3. 

127, 15. With this paragraph compare ZCP. iti. 29 § 16 (Rule of Columba: 
cf. Haddan and Stubbs’ Councils ii. 1. 119) ‘“‘men that gossip on trivial and 
worldly topics, or murmur at things they can neither help nor hinder, . . . these 
thou shouldst not receive, but let them have a blessing if they deserve it.” 

127, 16. ni fogni laisim. This phrase recurs very frequently in our text 
and also in the Rule of the Cél Dé, (where the form fosgnit is also found). 
ogni, nt fogna are similarly used in the Uraicept, with the sense ‘ serves (does not 
serve),’ ‘is used (is not used)’: e.g. BB. 31668 fognz do chach, so BB. 326614: 
nt fognae a telgud noe BB. 3381 a6: so, too, in Sg. Priscian 203 @17, 22069, 10, ete. 
In our text we have regularly nz fogni for nz fogna, no doubt because fogni has 
become a formula and its original meaning is forgotten. 

127, 18. fobenad: for the meaning cf. Laws vy. 284, 5 foben inracus acobuir. 

doatrmescad: this form is against Thurneysen’s analysis tazrme-sce (Handbuch, 
§ 843). 

127, 19. Manip lor etc. This is obscure, perhaps corrupt. With rem rond aosa 
coms? compare reim iond aosa @ senchellaib 128, 15: reim dosa lanamnasa, 145, 24. 
If cotms? is for coimse, gen. of commus, then des covmse may mean influential people, 
such as neighbouring chieftains. But perhaps we should read des cuzbse, ‘ people 
who came to confess’: cwibse being gen. of cubus, which two lines further on means 
‘confession.’ There seems to have been a confusion between cubus and cobais. 

128, 12. For sen-tasedde cf. Togail Tréi index. The next words are corrupt. 

128, 14. Helair is the ‘‘ Elarius, anchorite and scribe of Loch Cré”’ whose death 
is recorded by the Four Masters, anno 802. See O’Donovan ad loc. and Plummer, 
Vit. Sanct. Hibern. ii. 26. Helair’s island (mentioned below) is Inis Locha Cre, 
or Monahincha, near Roscrea. There was a settlement of ‘Colidei’ there: see 
Reeves, Culdees, p. 21. 

128, 15. senchellacb. I do not understand this term: it is used again at 187, 5. 

128, 21. torud ind erlamai: tithes due from the fine erlama or tribe to which 
the patron saint of the church belonged: Laws iii. 38, 72, 74. For the principle 
laid down cf. § 77. 

128, 25. Mochua = Crondn of Roscrea: cf. Mart. Oeng., April 28, and pp. 119, 
121: Plummer, Vit. Sct. Hib. 1. lix., m. 22. 

128, 27. With the detailsin this paragraph cf. De Arreis, § 82 (Rev. Celt. xy. 497). 

datig cudnuda na salm, etc. Mr. Plummer suggests that Helair preferred not 
to begin the day with the Beati (Ps. cxix), but to recite it in its proper order: 
he first recited Pss. i to cxviii in an ordinary vigil and afterwards Pss. cxix to 
end (cond neoch noduslen) in a cross-vigil, i.e. lying prostrate with arms outspread, 
The clause fobithin tond forcetail is obscure: cf. note on 138, 9. 


166 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

129, 2. At this point a sign in the margin of the ms. refers to a line written at 
the top of the page, which is here printed in brackets: unfortunately it is partly 
illegible ; the connexion is obscure; and it is difficult to fix the exact point where 
the clause is to be introduced. 

129, 13. Duiblitir: no doubt the Abbot of Findglas who died May 15, 791: 
cf. Mart. Don. and Mart. Tall., May 13 and 15. 

129, 22. Wicodoes. This seems to be ¢-pret. passive to -duaid. As to Maelruain’s 
strictness cf. the tract de quibusdam episcopis, R.1.A. Ir. uss. Series, 1870, p. 129. 

129, 24. Deer or wild swine: their flesh did not count as meat, § 51. 

129, 32. lind dermait Dé: cf. cach lind somesctha is descaid dermait Dé, Iv. Text. 
ii, 2, 75. 

130, 5. Cainchomrac’s death is recorded by the Four Masters anno 786. 

130, 10. conatallad: past subj. of tuclim with perfective -ad. 

The less caillech may be a hospital for beggarwomen, but more probably it is a 
hostel for nuns regularly attached to the monastery. Cf. 151, 5 o¢ cros ind dorus hs. 

130, 16. /é seems to be an interjection; unless we read Cid hed so, ol Dublitir. 

130, 18. Do riar-su ind. Here ind means (not ‘in the matter,’ which would be 
and, but) ‘in return for it,’ viz. ‘for my sin.’ Cf. § 9 troscud ind. Other examples 
of this usage are atherim or Mac Con na cdirig ind LL 291622; 2s cat na ratha fritha 
ind LL. 875650; tucad do i n-ée a ingen LL. 87567; no in mbiad aithrige isna colarb 
doronsat LBr. 152a21. So also YBL. 287a18 ; Sily. Gad. 187, 86; Wars of G.G. 

130, 25. seg. Sancte Michaol . . . Sancta Maria: cf. § 28, § 30. Celebra Iuda, 
Cantemus, Hymnum dicat, Unitas: see Bernard and Atkinson, Liber Hymnorum 
i. 18, 88, 36, 42. yo wero orationem, Ps. lxix.18. I can find no other trace of 
Auis aue, but the Franciscan paraphrase mentions here the yersicle Awerte faciem 
(Ps. li. 9); and aus aue is probably a corruption of these words. 

130, 28. 6 roscithet celebrad: the construction is unusual, but cf. 140, 13, 
0 roscithet tarum ind gabail hisin. Roscithet is for roscoichet. 

131, 3. Biad prainddigi: cf. § 83, and Reeves’ Culdees 84, 1 (LBr. 961). 

131, 8. aidchi lioin. Sunday is reckoned as beginning from vespers on Saturday 
evening, and so with the other days. 

181, 11. tar praind. It would seem that on Sundays dinner was in the evening, 
after vespers (and therefore really on ‘Monday night’); whereas on other days it 
came after none: see Culdees 88, 11; 89,27; 90, 4(LBr. 10482; 10416; 10523). 
The eyening meal on week-days is called cena: cf. § 69. 

131, 19. Wech loingis riasind trath: cf. LBr. 1145 ( Culdees 91, 13). 

131, 25. Cornan. This is Cronan of Glen Aosa who is mentioned in Mart. Doneg. 
Feb. 26 (Plummer). 

131, 28. Contra familiam = fri muintir: cf. Thes. Paleohib. ii. 179, 222 (note). 

132, 1. tnvith may be used for a variety of passions as well as jealousy. 

132, 5. A distinction seems to be made between ordinary penance and strict 
penance (dir-phennit): cf. De Arreis, § 14 etc. (Rev. Celt. 15. 489). 

132, 6. rochualai laisim: cf. Pass. and Hom. 67380 ztchuala leo. 

With this paragraph compare § 51 and LBr. 10a 45 (Culdees 89, 1), where it is 
laid down that one who does not eat flesh on Easter Day may not eat it under any 
circumstances whatever until the Easter following. In order to ayoid this prohi- 
bition, eyen those who usually avoid flesh meats take a little piece at Easter, so that 
in case there is a scarcity of other food (through the crops failing or being destroyed 

Gwynn anp Purron—The Monastery of Tallaght. 167 

by marauders) they may be free to fall back on meat. The arbitrary nature of 
this prohibition and the extreme rigour with which it is enforced (cf. 146, 17) 
remind one of the pagan gess?. 

132, 12. @ senad uli: cf. Wh. 9¢28. 

132, 20. no[ s]méraz: this seems to be a case of the aspiration of initial sw-, 
which is doubted by Thurneysen, Handbuch, § 1184. 

132, 24. Cf. the Penitential of Theodore, ii. 12 (Haddan and Stubbs, iii. 199). 
In §50, ¢fra, abstinence on Sunday nights also is enjoined. 

132, 32. end libris Clementis: the reference may be either to the Clementine 
Homilies xi. 30, xix. 22, or to the Clementine Recognitions vi. 10. 

133, 1. elocthiu may be a corruption of ¢/-locud (from Jocaim ‘1 flinch from’): or 
perhaps we should read 2-lochtacb coir and render ‘in contravention of duty.’ 

133, 2. attmaither is perhaps for addaimther ‘is conceded,’ or possibly we should 
assume an admaithim ‘ I forgive, condone,’ and write admaiter. 

133, 9. ma thecmaised forcetal ind arrad: ck. LBr. 116 89 ( Culdees 94, 20) na tri 
covcart do chedul cech dia mina thoirmeser forcetul. 

133, 18. This section is found in almost the same words in LBr. 11a1é ( Culdees 
91, 26). déraich; prototonic form: one would expect doérig: cf. Stories from the 
Tain, index. 

133, 24. Wi fil nt dogne dune etc.: cf. LBr 11a19 seg. ( Culdees 91, 31; 92, 1). 

Brandub mac Echach, king of Leinster, was killed in the battle of Slaibre, 4.p. 
601 (FM.), or 604 (AU.). He seems to have been a personage of note, to judge by the 
entries of the Annalists: see also the reference to him in I'M. a. 906, and compare 
the fragmentary Annals (ed. O'Donovan, Irish Archaeological Society), @. 910. For 
the story as to the circumstances of his birth, see ZCP. 1. 134. 

The story of the battle which Moedoc, aided by Columcille, fought against the 
demons for Brandub’s soul will be found in Reeves’ Adamnan, p. 205, note. 

1384, 1. dsna tirib thair: My. Plummer remarks that this probably refers to 
Fursa’s settlement in East Anglia: Bede HE. iii. 19. 

134, 5. The dialogue is defective: Mr. Plummer suggests Cindas indedna ? ol sist. 
Indewin ecrdbid ol sesem, 7 foss oc etlai ete. Ct. Eriu iii. 108 (Rule of Ailbe) : 
T’indeuwin do béimim i cepp. For the phrase foss oc etlai see Eriu i. 193, ZOP. iii. 
449, Lism. Lives 4541. Stokes renders et/a by ‘penitence,’ but this cannot well be 
the meaning, e.g. in Laws iil. 84, 86; it is rather ‘self-abnegation,’ ‘holiness’ : 
ef. ZCP. iii. 448, § 1. 

134, 12. inda sacairt doellad: cf. LBr. 10ay (Culdees 89, 6) in sacart doella a 

134, 18. [do]neoch gabthe: for this use of do neuch cf. Atkinson, Glossary to 
Pass. and Hom. s.v. nech. Or we may read nech gabthi ‘whoever takes it’ (such a 
resolution), assuming the absolute 3 sing. with suffixed pronoun to be used in 
relative function. 

artondgel7a, arindbd are pres. sbj. of gellaim, bonnaim with infixed -d-. For 
arind- see Thurneysen Handb., p. 247. 

184, 21. bthfur ‘ continual preparation’ as opposed to actual performance 
(Plummer). ‘he point is that good intentions are more likely to be realized if 
they are publicly declared. 

Mocolméce ua Litan = Colmén hia Liathain +725 (FM.): cf. Mart. Oeng., 
Mart. Doneg., July 25. 

134, 27. derbgelsid < di-ro-b-gelsid (dogellim). 

168 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

134, 32. asindgelzai from adgellim (adgillim) with substitution of ¢ss for ad: see 
Thurneysen, Handb. 252, 461. 

135, 1. Feil sruith[e] ete.: ef. LBr. 1062 ( Culdees, 89, 9). Atcondairc-som: the 
person meant is probably Maeldithruib, who is named in the next sentence. 

135, 11. Js lor la fairind etc.: ci. Culdees 89, 18 seg. (LBr. 1058). 

135, 17. indrdet: one would expect arrdet; I haye not found ind-emim elsewhere : 
perhaps we should read Js sed dorigni Helair ind: [ar |roét &c. There were strict 
rules as to receiving monks who came from another monastery : see Wasserschleben, 
Kanonensammlung 150-1. 

136, 3. fotroichleth-su from fociallur: cf. fonrochled Wb. 19¢13. 

136, 11. ‘Summer-Lent,’ i.e. the forty days after Pentecost. Jgunia tria... 
XL ante Pascha, et XL ante Natalem Domini, et post Pentecosten XL dies et noctes 
(Haddan and Stubbs iii. 202); Vit. Sanct. Hib. 1. exx. 

136, 31 de bith| fur ind réde sin: the usual meaning of fur is ‘ preparing,’ 
e.g. Togail Troi 1272 (tr. Text ii. i. 40) frecor céill na scor 7 athnugud na mur 
7 térmach na rath 7 na fal 7 fir cech réta: cf. Stokes, Metr. Gloss. 81, Archivi. 83. In 
the present passage it may be rendered ‘contriying’: but some forcing of the sense 
is needed both here and in the similar passage 134, 21. In 146, 28 dithbur is no 
doubt a misspelling of bithfur. 

136, 35. Ferdachrich: no doubt the abbot of Dairinis who died in 742, according 
to the Four Masters, or in 746 according to the Annals of Ulster. His original name 
was Aed ua Aithmit. Im some verses quoted in the Martyrology of Donegal, 
Aug. 15, he is called Maelruain’s teacher. 

Aed, ba he a ainm iar bfior 

ua Aithmit, ba maith a gniomh, 
Fiorbhrathair, iar mbuaidh co mbloidh, 

do Mhaolruain, diarb fo[r]|cetlaid (sie leg.). 

In § 61 Ferdachrich is mentioned as contemporary with Samdan, who died 
in 734 (FM.). 

136, 33. conescomriter from asrenim, with perfective com. 

137, 1. With this paragraph compare Culdees 93, 11 (LBr. 1146). Confessions 
were usually heard on Sunday (cf. Culdees 87, at foot = LBr. 10a23); and it would 
seem that penances, including flagellation, were performed that evening. The 
consequence was, apparently, that the irreligious laity looked on this as a kind of 
work done on Sunday, and made it a precedent for Sabbath-breaking. 

137, 2. fiach naidci livin = fiach aibne na hoidche luain LBr. 1167 ( Culdees 93, 12) 
Fach atbne * debt of strap’ i.e. ‘ flagellation’: see Meyer in Rey. Celt. xv. 485. Inour 
text, the phrase is varied: 138, 23, nz tabar fiach atbne: 148, 28-29 car nimbirt 
aibne .. . tar tabirt feich: cf. 142, 10 cet moailli (mbuilli) de abaind. In Culdees 86, 15 
(= LBr. 94z) fiach natlme is evidently a scribal error for fiach natbne. 

13 bece rand seems to be an idiom: literally ‘is a small share.’ 

137, 18. euaird comgi Michtl. For chairt ‘searching,’ ‘looking for,’ see Meyer, 
Contributions, and cf. gan chiairt cobra BB 401424. Mr. Plummer would regard cuairé- 
choimge as a compound, literally ‘ circuit-protection.’ 

137, 20. icennale. This is written, at the end of a line, icen na with le above the 
line. The right reading seems to be in céin naili, meaning ‘alternately’: but this 
phrase is usually preceded by cach la céin (cf. M1 1963, 39d12). The words seem 
to have been misplaced, and should come after tmmun maitre matin. 

Ts head doleici: ci. LBr. 10629 ( Culdzes 90, 11). 

Gwynn AND Purton—The Monastery of Tallaght. 169 

138, 5. Cetheorae crosfigell (vead crosfigle): one for each ftrath (cf. note on 
141, 4): there was a fifth at nocturns (line 24). He began by reciting the Beati 
(Ps. exix) and the Hymnum dicat in ‘ cross-vigil,’ that is, lying prostrate with his 
arms spread out in the form of a cross: then he sang the first hundred Psalms: then 
he performed the second cross-vigil, reciting the Beat a second time, and also the 
hymn Cantemus: then came Psalms ci to exxxix (Domine probasti) followed by a 
third cross-vigil, with the Beati as before and also a hymn, which was on alternate 
days the Hymn to Mary or the Hymn to Michael: then the remainder of the Psalms 
were sung, and after them he performed the fourth cross-vigil, reciting this time 
thirty paternosters. This last form of cross-vigil is mentioned again 144, 36. 

138, 23. The reference to exemption from flagellation is out of place here: it is 
introduced because relaxation in regard to cross-vigils is granted at the same periods. 

138, 25. Two Christmases i.e., Christmas Day and Epiphany (noflaie stéill). Two 
Esters, i.e. Kaster Day and Low Sunday (the Sunday next after Haster). 

139, 7. Wi dilgatar: the Franciscan paraphrase has n2 maitter cad. 

140, 3. Cach [la] gabal, etc. : cf. LBr. 10a37 ( Culdees, 88, 17). 

140, 6. ts dia forciull som: read perhaps zs de daforgill-som (cf. 16 infra); this 
sentence would then begin the next paragraph. 

140, 8. Miconéirsed . . . niconsesed: for this use of the secondary future cf. Tain 
Bé Ctalnge (Erin) 333 seg: nz tergad ... dogénad: and infra 142, 17 nogébad a 

140, 18. O roscithet ind gabail: one would expect 6 roscdich, but ef. note on 
130, 28. 

141, 4. The period between matin and fesewr is divided into four ¢rdtha, and 
a hundred genuflections are made in each of these. 

141, 29. tresind dochradsa for tresa ndochrudso (dochruth, ‘indecorous’). 

142, 1. Gille né timtirid: cf. LBr. 10632 ( Culdees, 90, 16). 

142, 2. arnachoarda seems corrupt. 

142, 3. Manataigter, for mani-t-dgathar. 

142, 7. arnachadfercaigther-su . . . manatfercaichther: the verb is reflexive: 
cf. mad notferguither LBr. 10032. 

142, 27. tar tabairt a fuail cf. LBr 10037 ( Culdees 90, 20). 

143, 4. Clemens mac Nuadat is probably the same as Clemens of Tir da Glas, | 797 
FM., or 801 (AU.). 

148, 6. inddand dondecmised, for intan dondneemised. 

143, 13. Mi aurtet ni: Meyer, Contributions, gives ‘arteit, it proceeds, passes’ 
but this interpretation does not fit the passages quoted. The true meaning seems 
tobe ‘takes the place of, answers for, compensates’; thus in Laws iv. 176, 26, when a 
man has killed a bee that stung him, artet a cinaid ‘the killing compensates for the 
liability incurred by its offence,’ Laws iv. the 16 artet sochaide cinaid noenfir ‘ the 
many answer for the lability incurred by one’ (so Atkinson). In our text 161, 11 
we have artaott troscud sin ‘ this takes the place of a fast. ? 

148, 21. Bliadain glantai cf. 136, 6. 

Na tri al aidchi: that is, the Aimee Lents ; see on 186, 11. 

143, 24. ma tecme: so LBr 940 ( Culdees 86, 2) eingrt chorma didiu intan donecmate. 

144, 1. Aithrus may be for atthris, ‘telling’ (i.e. telling one’s state of mind): o 
perhaps for adres ‘meeting, interview.’ In either case the genitive znd anmcharat is 
somewhat awkward. 

170 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

144, 26. Diarmait was abbot of Iona from 815 to 831 (Reeves’ Adamnan 388); 
so ‘bishop Carthach’ cannot here be the saint usually known under that name, 
Mochutu of Rathen and Lismore, who died in 636. Perhaps the person meant is 
the Carthach, abbot of Tir Da Glas, who died in 851 (Four Masters): he may have 
been both abbot and bishop. 

144, 28. Ni bé erchailiud lat, etc.: a warning against ascetic vows of excessive 
rigour: compare the story told in § 34 and the tone of §§ 68, 77, 80, 82. 

144, 35. ‘Between nocturns and tierce :’ cf. Culdees, 90, 13 (LBr. 10830). 

145, 3. fri geld bais, cf. LBr. 96 34 (Culdees, 85, 24), minabe gell de anmannatb 
and the modern geall le ‘almost’: gell re beith marb, Death Tales 42, 2. 

145, 14. ci trovseid: a breach of rules punishable by fasting; but one would 
expect trozscthe. 

146, 8. Cf. 129, 24 and LBr. 9629 ( Culdees, 85, 18). 

146, 13. Mani chaithea feotl 7 saill in pascha: cf. note on § 12. 

146, 28. dithbur: see note on drthir, 186, 31. 

146, 29. Beo-marbad. The correction bedgad 7 marbad is easy, and accords with 
cach *la céin : if we keep the manuscript reading, we must understand it as meaning 
‘all but killing,’ just as ded-gonta means ‘wounded but still living,’ bed-chned ‘a 
wound that is not fatal.’ 

146, 32. inda timchol may mean ‘apart from them,’ ‘ without their knowledge’: 
for this use of temchell cf. Pass. and Hom. Glossary; ‘Thes. Pal.-Hib. i. 597, note d. 
But perhaps it is to be taken with tvmthirid ‘ the servant who waited upon them.’ 

146, 33. seland always implies some little indulgence in the way of food: cf. 185, 
6; 151, 25; O’Dav., 1484. 

The object of adding extra water and boiling for a longer time is apparently to 
make the mess more digestible and nourishing. 

147, 2. tiug-lagin. I have not met the word elsewhere; but the meaning must 
evidently be ‘porridge’ or something very similar. 

147, 15. Antan tra dentic, etc. There is something wrong with this sentence; 
some words seem to have been lost. 

147, 25. ni argara itid dob: cf. cumma aranggairtis gortad 7 tttaid dib na hubla 
LU 23816. 

147, 28. mani pendea a reir: cf. LBr. 10438 ( Culdees 90, 25) inti ndd psnni do reir 

148, 2. fothruc should perhaps be fothrucad, but cf. co foile 7 co fothraie LU 58a14. 

148, 6. ni accamar praind indilb] fri die. On Sundays the prandium seems to 
have been postponed until after vespers: see note on 1381, 11. 

148, 13. rombety: the infixed -n- denotes that the verb is dependent on some 
implied idea such as ‘ be sure that.’ 

148, 19. neich forbé lortid do muindtir de. We should perhaps write do muintir 
Dé, translating: ‘anything that remains to the family of God (the works) after they 
are satisfied. But cf. 128, 7 a forb7 for lortaid na muindtire. 

148, 20. marth leisim bess: here matth is for mad, as in 144, 3: Jeisim apparently 
refers to lex aos, a phrase which I take to mean the ‘idle rich’ (/ese-des) ; unless it 
rather denotes those who lead a profane life, neglecting the labours of piety (sdethar). 
It was evidently a disputed point whether contributions should be accepted from such 
persons: cf. 128, 16; 159, 15. 

148, 22, This paragraph is somewhat obscure. The first sentence would naturally 

Gwynn AnD Purton—The Monastery of Tallaght. 171 

mean that after a full meal stirrings of concupiscence are apt to be felt (cf. §§ 59, 63). 
But then what is the meaning of rejecting (adcor = athchor) or subtracting from the 
meal, if it is already eaten? Does adcor mean ‘casting the responsibility’ upon the 
Lord? digbail neich den praind presumably denotes reduction of diet for a certain 
period after such an experience. bruce is apparently dative of broc ‘sorrow,’ here 
rather ‘ vexation, annoyance.’ 

148, 26. Doselbi: a present subjunctive used quasi-imperatively ‘you may keep’: 
ef. Tain Bé C, (Eriu) 1558 doselba do chotach didiu. IL have not found the compound 
elsewhere, except as a variant to Félire, Epilogue 4 dosealba do bliadain. 

148, 29. an eola[s|sin. The word eolas means knowledge gained by experience : 
see MI. 19d18, 57cl11. Here it rather means ‘ experiment, trial.’ 

149, 4. The suggested emendation fo7bthi is understood as participle of fobenaim, 
as foirbthe of forbenaim, but the meaning assigned is doubtful. 

149, 10. Another story is told of a sister of Molaise, LL 2850, but her name is not 

149, 15. fit mesraigti: cf. 155, 27; so in the Poenitentiale Vinniai, panis et aqua 
per mensuram (Wasserschleben, Bussordn. 109 sq,). 

149, 18. Bui stom oc huamim. This was a common occupation in monasteries: it 
is prescribed in the Rule of St. Columkille (Haddan & Stubbs ii, 120: so too in the 
Rule of Ailbe, Uaget, negat in brdthair (Eriu iti, 100). 

150, 1. As to Samdan abbess of Cluain Bronaich, see Plummer, Vit. Sct. Hib. 
I, Ixxxyi, m1, 253. 

150, 28. conimthisi I take to be for co n-mthius-sa fut. of *’mtechim (cf. adteoch). 

150, 28. concdawrsir from arsissiur, 

151, 1. As to the relation of devout women to monasteries see Loofs, Antiq. Brit. 
et Scot. Eccl., pp. 81 seg.; Gougaud, Chrét. Celt. 93. A canon laid down by the Synod 
of Patrick, Auxilius, and Iserninus is worth quoting (Haddan and Stubbs ii, 828) :— 
“ Monachus et virgo, unus abhinc et alia abaliunde in uno hospitio non commaneant, nec 
in uno curru a villa in villam discurrant nec assidue invicem confabulationem exerceant.”’ 

151, 14. Ls fochric: so Wb. 1061, 14, of those who prefer the life of celibacy. 

151, 15. a foindel, etec.: the a seems unnecessary. It is doubtful whether one 
should read here and in line 21 ima menmain ‘in his mind’ or ¢xna menman ‘of the 

151, 21. Wicomdr, ete.: after nt a verb is needed meaning perhaps ‘ I inquired.’ 

152, 18. nat furea galir for nad foirea galar: cf. 3 B. 28, 196, Nech praindes co 
flirt galar ndo. 

152, 16. Doimine abbatis Rome. I know nothing of this man, nor have I met 
the name Doimine elsewhere. It is possible that we should read ¢r-riagacld Himine 
(there is no division in the MS., and the spelling rzagacid might be supported by 
figild, 128, 31). There was an Emine who died at Rome; see LL. 313625. He can 
hardly be identified, however, with the author of Cain Hmine Bain, who was buried 
at Ross mac Treoin (Plummer, VSH i, 21; Eriu iv, 40, note 2). 

152, 18. ind fit bee min, ete.: cf. LBr. 10dy ( Culdees, 91, 5). 

153, 1. do thuildiud is probably a doublet of do tormuch and should be omitted, 
unless we are to construe dogniat . . . do thuildiud: cf. dorinne sé é féin do nighe 

158, 8. Praind dano, etc.: cf. LBr. 11a11 (Culdees 91, 21). As to the pollution 
caused by the presence of a dead body, cf. Todd Lectures, y, 89 (Life of St. Martin) 
arna roelnitis roisc in noib 6 bdasaib na nddine nécraibdech in a fhiadnaise. 

R.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SEOT. C. [24] 

172 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

153, 11. Diarmaid: the Abbot of Iona already mentioned, §47. It was during his 
tenure that Blathmac mac Flaind was murdered in Iona by Norse pirates: see Four 
Masters, 823. Who Curii was I cannot say: he may have been the ‘chief of Cinél 
Loegairi’ who died in 792 (FM.). Blathmac was celebrated in verse by Walairidus 
Strabo: see Reeves’ Adamnan, 315, 388—9, with the references there given, and Poete 
medit evi Carolov. ii. 297, ed. Diimmler and Traube. 

158, 15. conditoirmese diob: ci. Pass. and Hom. 575 ni rotoirmescad dibso. 

153, 16. ind leuitic. See Leviticus xxi. 11; xxii. 4. 

153, 17. For this use of occo denoting a set of circumstances, cf. Thes. Palzoh. 

. 252 Huisque prius in calicem 7 ssed canar oceo, and the instances given by Fraser 
in ZOP. Vil. 56. 

153, 18. The latter part of this story (from 154, 5 et dizit ie and the next 
have been edited by Bergin (Erin, li. 222) from Stowe C. i. 2: some of the 
principal variants are given in our critical notes (marked C). 

153, 19. Findio mac Uiatach: probably Findén of Mag Bile, who belonged to 
Dal Fiatach (LL. 349210; BB. 219439). 

158, 29. tech pende : Reem reads tech pene, but a special house for those under- 
going penance is expressly prescribed in the Canons of the Synod of Aix-la-Chapelle : 
Hefele, Concilien, iv, 24. 

154, 2. isintturtt for isind urd. 

155, 27. niconfil ind riagail, etc. Fasting is of course regularly prescribed as a 
penance: the meaning here is perhaps that it is not enjoimed as an habitual 

155, 28. fueregtar for fuirigther, trom fo-rigim: the variant fuirestar might be 
referred either to forigim or to foricim. 

155, 29. A Rule ascribed to Comgall will be found in Eriu i. 192 seq.: but it 
contains no reference to fasts. 

155, 33. bairgine Coluim Cilli: presumably a loaf of a particular size and make 
used by St. Columba: ci. ardn Mochue, 128, 25. 

156, 1. Page 45 of the ms. is written in a different hand from the rest; and it 
is noticeable that aspiration of medials and of m is much more frequent here, and 
that the only cases of d. pl. of adjectives in -75 occur in this page, 156, 17 and 157, 2, 
also the late forms rotuit, rotinol, 157, 10, 15. 

156, 7. erdath for airddach: see Meyer, Contributions. It would seem that 
St. Columba lent his countenance to some festival of pagan origin connected with 
the growth of the crops. Or perhaps his Feast of the Ploughmen is an imitation of 
the Jewish feast of the first-frnits: see Levit. xxiii. 10. 

156, 9. nobithe: passive imperf. of the substantive verb. 

156, 13. ir-riagail Colum Cille. There is no reference to this subject in the 
Regula Columbe printed by Haddan and Stubbs u1. 119. 

156, 19. superponat . . . superpositio . . . cena careat. These formule are used, 
e.g. in the Penitentials of Gildas and Cummean ( Wasserschleben Bussordn. 107, 466, 
489). Superpositio is properly the continuation of the Friday fast into the Saturday : 
it was sometimes practised as a form of self-discipline, sometimes enjoined as a 
penance: Duchesne, Christian Worship (translation), 231, 285. 

156, 23. forich: read foricc, ‘finds.’ 

156, 29. in mils cemenn. Mr. Plummer suggests that there may be some reference 
to a limit of distance imposed on Sunday walks, a ‘Sabbath day’s journey,’ but perhaps 
it is rather an obligation to make excursions on Sundays with some pious object. 


Gwynn and Purron—The Monastery of Tallaght. 173 

156, 31. in mile cemind fri torrome fir galair: ck. céim torroma lobar lis, ina 
poem attributed to Adamnan, ACL, iii. 215. 

157, 4. I cannot identify either Crundmael or Artri. 

157, 13. Bithbés menadche, etc. Another copy of this story is found in R.I.A. 
23 P 3, and has been printed in Anecdota from Ivish mss. i. 75 (see also ACL. ii. 186). 
Some variants are given in the critical notes (marked P). The latter part of the tale 
is, however, corrupted in this copy. The word which we have expanded as bithbés is 
written in our text bithd-, in 23 P 3 bithbin. Meyer regards it as a man’s name, 
quoted as authority for the story. But this makes it difficult to explain the words 
is e a auctartas: one would rather expect 7s é as auctarthas don scél-so sis. The word 
bithbés is found (as Mr. Plummer points out to me) in Keating’s History (ed. Dinneen 
iii. 82, 4). 

157, 22. Rofasaigthea na toirten ... Gd 7 peccad, etc. The idea that the 
fruitfulness of the earth was affected by the virtues and vices of its rulers is common 
in Irish literature: see, for instance, the Dindsenchas of Carman, RC. xy. 314; 
Tripartite Life, 1. 507, note; and compare Leviticus xxvi. 4. 

158, 17. Clerech lasa marbtar, etc. This sentence is repeated in § 84. 

158, 28. Wac 'Orge: }746 (FM) or 752 (AU): see a curious note on him in 
Mart. Oeng., p. 256, where he is called abbot of Less mér Mochutu, i.e. Lismore in 
Waterford. : 

158, 30. cia bald ba dech. At 154, 25 and elsewhere ball is used in the sense of 
‘a member’ of the Church: here it seems to mean rather ‘ constituent’ or ‘attribute’ 
of the religious character. 

159, 1. degsere is merely a miswriting of desere ; and derscaigtech is a corruption 
of degsercach = desercach (Plummer). The paraphrase has deirceach. 

159, 9. Rochachti, etc. Cf. LBr. 11a35 (Culdees 92, 14) Her didiu nacachta 
cu mor, ‘‘ A man who disciplines himself severely.” 

159, 15. focerd a chubus som ar tomailt torith. For the idiom ep. Eriu ii. 92 focheird 
mo menma art, LU. 1804 14 focheird a menmarn ari, and Wh. 11621 arna rala for cubus 
art’, These instances show that in the passage last quoted for is not, as Stokes and 
Strachan suggest, the preposition, but the possessive pronoun. 

arna tta i.e. arna tae pr. subj. of -twt with gemination after arna. 

159, 37. cen co is not found in the Glosses (Strachan, Stories from Zain, 15, note). 

160, 5. fort chubus: cf. LBr 12487 (Culdees 96, 17) fer graid gaibes eclais for a 

160, 9. dana coibsenithersu: the suggested emendation assumes the existence of a 
deponent corbsenigim.. But the whole sentence is very awkward, with the transition 
from the third person to the second. 

160, 14. ne pereas: if the confessor neglects his duties, he becomes liable for the 
sins of his penitents: cf. LBr. 108 ( Culdees 89, 17) dosteit a chin fair. 

160, 15. Vicon gus, if sound, seems to be used like nicon mér brig, 152, 6. In 
LBr, 10645 (Culdees 90, 33) it is laid down that a younger man may receive con- 
fessions from an elder. 

161, 1. Brthdés: the MS. has d2thd-: see note on 157, 13. 

161, 5. Tri trovsecthe: cf. 155, 31. 

161, 8. Arre trovscthe, ete.: cf. LBr. 11a42 (Culdees 92, 23, where the last 
clause should read ‘‘ this serves in place of a fast’’). 

161, 14. This Colccu is probably Coleu wa Duinechda, +789, author of the Setap 


174 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Crdbaid, copies of which exist in Brussels, 5100-4 fol. 12, and 2324-40 fol. 69 
(Plummer). Eogan may be Eogan mac Colm4in, +769 (FM.), or Eogan of Lismore, 
{771 (FM.). 

161, 16. a techta do denam: cf. antaun mbis a cridhe ina techta ZCP. iii. 451, 14, 
and ni cumaing foruacrae firinnde inna techta ZCP. ii. 450, 24; cf. Thes. Pal.-Hib. i. 
582, note d. 

162, 1. Biadd prantigi: cf. 181, 3 and LBr. 961 (Culdees, 84, 1). «aonach is 
corrupt: some word meaning ‘ yerse’ or the like is required. 

162, 8. ind soscele . . . frisa tocabar: ci. 158, 22 técbale soscéli. 

162, 13. deorad. In the Laws the term deorad Dé apparently signifies a person 
who has renounced his place in the tribal organization in order to dedicate himself to 
the service of God, and has thereby forfeited the claim which his tribal connexions 
might have given him to the succession to an abbacy (Laws ili, 74). Skene (Celtic 
Scotland, ii, 70) regards the term as simply equivalent to ‘anchorite.’ In the 
present instance deorad means perhaps simply a monk from another monastery. 

162, 25. atarann: Mr. Plummer would read a taraind (tairndim) ‘ when the fire 
struck down.’ 

163, 6. Eochu ua Tuathail, anchorite, bishop and abbot of Lugmad (Louth) 
+820 (FM.). 

163, 8. If the archetype had cum .z. flis, this would easily be corrupted to cum .«- 
sits, and hence the reading of our MS. 

164, 17. [ni] do chach sén: cf. LL. 74634 ni do chach la Meidb in lind dailter for 
Fer mBaeth. The meaning here may be that it is not good for everyone to hurry 
over meals. 

164, 22. Treide nadcon airiti, ete. : cf. LBr. 71 marg. inf. a tri on-airecur tol dé, etc. : 
this suggests the emendation offered. Cf. also LBr. 225 marg. inf. Fuil tri ni do nach 
buidech mac Dé bit. We have to do with a triad of things which fail to keep up to 
their first promise. The third seems to be cobair iar n-assu ‘help that comes too late’: 
cf. Zain Bé Cualnge (ed. Windisch) 3942 giarb ¢ in chobair iar n-assu. The rest of 
the last sentence is then explanatory, and nocobrafad is a gloss on foreissed (from 
Soriuth). Arrange accordingly : accus cobair tarnasa, forerssed (nocobrafad) ma doberthe 
tnruth, 7 doberar indruth nad cobradar. 

Gwynn ann Purron—The Monastery of Tallaght. 



abraitiud a wink of the eye 162, 25, 37, 42; 

adgellaim J promise rel. cum pron. infix. asind- 
gel7ai 134, 32: adgillim Contr. 

adlongaim J drink: pr. sbj.3 pl. adlasat 147, 24 

admaithim ? J excuse 133, 2 

adrali has caused 149, 8 

aille méise praise for the table, grace after 
meals 131, 9; aille, praise, Wi 

aintech given to fasting 159, 2 

airchaill prohibition Contr. ; ni haurchail 143, 
18; 145, 15 

airddach festivity Contr. ; erdath 156, 7 

aires ‘ryst Contr.; caratrad irse 153, 22 

aithglanad repurification 136, 7 

aithrus telling (one’s sins) * 144, 1; aithris, 

alt kind Contr. ; pl. altai 140, 28 

ammarthan il/-Juck 130, 13: i.e. am-sorthan, 
cf. am-sén (or else am-marthain) 

anteirt prime 1388, 7; 145, 25; Thes. Pal.- 
Hib. i., 3 

arberim Z intend Contr. 3s. pr. sbj. rel. arabera 
(sic leg.) 161, 29 

aridralistar has contrived it 153,27: ctf. Thes. 
Pal. ii. 318, note & 

arre an equivalent 161, 8: Contr. 

arrec immediately, absolutely 158, 3; hes. 
Pal. ii., 162, note d. 

arsissiur J stick fast Contr. ; pret. conid-airsir 
150, 28 verbal noun air[i]sem 157, 1 

artét compensates, takes the place of 148, 13; 
161, 11: Laws , 

arusce rere for example 160, 18: Suppl. Thes. 
Pal. 25 

asendad at /ast 135, 21, 25; 150, 34; Contr. 

asrenaim J pay: with com- infixed, conescom- 
riter, 136, 33 

atarann? 162, 25 

athgnu for aithgne knowledge? 160, 23 

atrocuil? 151, 11 

aulaid stone slab 151, 5: Wi 

aurcilled ? 146, g: cf. airichell ‘ preparing for, 
expecting,’ Contr. 

ball attribute, characteristic 158, 30 

bannan a Jittle drop 150, 34 

beo-marbad ‘killing alive, half-killing 146, 29 
(dub. 1.) 

1. The Beati (Psalm cxix) 127, 3 et passim 
2. biait praintige, a form of grace used after 

meals 181, 3; 162, 1 

bith-fer « constant observer ? 151, 24 

bith-far continual preparation 134, 21; bithar 
136, 31; bithbar, 146, 28 

“bonnaim J declare: pr. sbj. cum pron. infix. 
avindbé 134, 18: cf. adbonnaim, Contr. 

braisech ‘ale 132, 20: Contr. 

broe grief Contr. dat. bruc 148, 26 

buidetu vellowness 150, 36 

caodet they eat 132, 7: for caithet (?) 

cathbarr crown 127, 13 

céimm s:ile 130, 8; Cain Ad: LL 286013 

celebrad celebration of canonical hours 129, 7 
etc.: see Plummer VSH 1, exy note 14 

cellach contention 162, 11; Contr. 

céta what art thou? 134, 3; ciata, Contr. 

enoc Jump (of butter) 147, 9 

coibsenigim J hear confessions Contr. pr. ind. 
dep. d[i]a coibseni[g]ther-su (sic leg.) 160, 
9; verbal noun coibsenugud 149, 5 

coich of whatever kind 152, 31; Contr. 

coimsi, aosa coimsi? 128, 1 

oollaa, begone! 130, 12: Contr. 

condalim I share in 158, 23 ; Contr. 

conmescaim J mix with Contr. ara cummisc- 
ther 164, 20 

conmidiur J give orders Contr., pres. 149, 14; 
pret. 141, 24; fut. conmesar 129, 30 

corp lai the middle of the day? 129, 6 

cotaot (vy. 1. cotetet) accompanies? 154, 28: 
conamteit (v. 1. cotnimtét) 155, 24 

cotreicigur? 155, 22: (vy. 1. cotretiguir) 

orad distress 152, 23, 30; Contr. 

cride-scél @ darling wish 136, 20: cridiscel lu 
Faind Ir. Text i., 208, 32; Contr. 

crochet jitéch Contr. : d. pl. croch[t]aib 128, 13 

cross-figil coss-vigil 129, 1 etc. Wi (figell) 

eruthaim J shape Contr. fut. rocrufth] fem 
‘we shall be able to devise’ 130, 22 


176 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

cuairt searching Contr. cuaird comgi Muiri 
137, 19: cf. chairt cobra BB 401024 

cudnéd hastening 164, 16; Contr. 

cudnud keeping Contr.: daig cudnuda na salm 
128, 31 

cumlechtach abundant 161, 7; Contr. 

euthech a snare Contr. : d. pl. cuidachaib 131, 16 

dag-menme hilarity, jollity 143, 5: cf. LU 
73639 corop maith a menma. 

déis tenantry MacNeill, Population Groups 62: 
g. Ss. in deissi (read na déisse) 156, 30; pl. 
deissi, Triads. 

deorad a stranger, outlaw 162, 13; Contr.: 
cf. Laws, deorad Dé 

dessebar the southern region 162, 40; Contr. 

deu[d]lai the end of the day 129, 5; diu laoi 
138, 29 ; Contr. 

diching? 142, 2 

digde asking pardon 141, 25, 29; Contr. 

diol ? 127, 10 ; 

doairlim J approach 142, 14; do-air-ell- 
Ascoli: nimthairle Thes. Pal. ii. 342 

doairmescaim J perplex 127, 18; I hinder 
153, 15; tairmescaim Tog. Tr. 

docuirethar it befalls, it falls upon 135, 1: cf. 
Stories from Tain, index 

doenacht natural temperament 152, 14, 15, 21 

doergim J make bare, I abandon, Stories from 
Tain ; déraich 133, 21: verbal noun, dérge 
133, 19 

*doetarrethim J overtake: pres. ind. do- 
netarrat 151, 9; past subj. danetarred 143, 4 

doforgillim J arrange, appoint? 140,17: hence 
perhaps -torclaither O’Day. 1587, meaning 
‘is ascertained, is testified’ 

dogellaim J pledge 134, 27 (or do-ro-gellaim ?) 

doicsaim J pull; doticsa (for doicsa) 150, 27; 
ticsaim Wi 

doim ‘poor’ 144, 24: SnR, ZCP yi. 265, st. 

doléicim J discharge, perform 137, 24 

doselbaim J keep? 148, 26. 

-dtiad J ate, Wi: pret. pass. nicodoes 129, 22 

dul do laim fo receive the sacrament 161, 17: 
163, 21; 164, 9; Rey. Celt. ix. 24 

erlam patron saint, Wi., Laws; torud ind 
erlamai 128, 21 ; 160, 1; tirinderlama 160, 5 

escai 128, 2? 

ess vessel 143, 19: Rey. Celt. xii, 117? O’Cl. 

etla self-abnegation, holiness 134, 6: SnR, Ir. 
Text iii. index 

feccaim for I set about 150, 30, 33; 155, 13: 
cf. Briu ii. 226 

fiach aibne lit. debt of strap, the penance of 
SJlagellation 138, 23. Rey. Celt. xv, 485: 
Eriu iii, 102: so fiach naidci loin 137, 3. 

fice piles 152, 9, pl. of fic=Jat. ficus: 
Vendryes, Hib. Voc.; Ann. Ul. 807 

flescad beating with rods 155, 2 

fobenaim I atiack, annoy: fobenad 127, 18, 
Fianaigecht, index; participle (7) foibdi 149, 
4 ‘excited’ 

fociallur caveo ; pf. pass fotroichleth-su 136, 3 
fochyallaim, foichlim Wi 

*fo-fo-ess-crinim J wither: 3 s. pres. ind. 
fofeiscren 149, 8, 9; verbal noun feiscre 
(fescred) Triads 

fogni serves, is used 143, 27, etc.: ni fogni 132, 
21, etc.; ni fodgni 140, 25; fodgniod 140 
22; fogeni 145, 7; fordgeni, 143, 2 (see 
note on 127, 16) 

fofiabraim I undertake t-pret. forrorpart (for 
foropart) 130, 16 fobairim, Wi; fof@abair, 
Stories from Téin 

forbiu (1) I exceed 128, 7; 148, 19; (2) LT 
light upon 130, 13; Tain 551 (Eriu) ; Rev. 
Celt. xiii, 471 

forcell evidence, indication 140, 6 (dub. 1.); 
forgell Wi, Laws 

forcleith concealment 135, 20 

forcomaim J guard Tec. Corm.: dep. forcome- 
dar 129, 35 

foropair extra labour 133, 14: Mart. Oeng. 

forrach a perch, a measuring-rod Wi, g.s. na 
forchae 133. 14 (or perhaps from farcha, ‘a 
mallet, P. & H., Laws, Mag Rath 162; 
but Dinneen gives this word as masculine). 

foss continuance, perseverance 134, 6; 144, 28 

fostad confirming in orders (?) 128, 19; from 
fossad, steadfast, Wi.TBC index; but cf. 
Contr. adsuidim 

fothrue washing 148, 2 perhaps for fothrucad ; 
but cf. Stories from Tain, index 

frepad cure, healing 160, 11, Wi 

friscomarcim J ask, Wi; ceni frecmaire 
135, 16 verbal noun fremarc 134, 23 

gabail a division of the psalter 139, 11 

Gwynn and Purron—The Monastery of Tallaght. 177 

gamn rough, coarse gan-tuarai 152, 22; Thes. 
Pal. ii, xxi; stout, thick O’R.; Saxan 
ngalbech ngann Metr. Ds. ii, 36 

gell promise, pledge, Wi: fri geld bais ‘at 
point of death,’ 145, 3 

gleim (1) I decide, Wi, (2) I am fixed, com- 
pleted ; coroglea d6 a foropoir 133, 16: 
go roglé dé uile, ‘till it was all done,’ Mart. 
Oeng. 92,2; coroglé dam, ‘till my mind 
was made up,’ Iv. Text i. 98, 16 

gleten finishing 140, 29: cf. gléim 

iar nassu too late 164, 23 Contr. s.y. asse 

immarchide fitting 127, 9 Zeuss 

immberim J pour water 142, 15; I wield, I 
ply, etc. Wi (imbrim) 

imbert chanting ? muttering? 162, 2 (imberim) 

imchomare greeting Wi 150 2 

immdilmain wholly free (from sin) 155, 4: 
dilmain Contr. 

imsitiu pollution verbal noun of *imb-ess- 
semim 164, 5: fothrucad hi nimsitin LBr 
11 a 39 

immtechim (?) Z entveat fut. 1 s. co n-imthisi 
150, 23 

indemaim (?) J accept: -t pret. indroét 135, 17 

ingell vow 146, 18; 161, 30 Laws 

ingnam produce, crops: g.s. ingnama 156, 9: 
cf. ingnum O’ Dav. 1138 indgnam, Laws 

less caillech hostel for nuns 130, 10, 20 

lex-aos for lesc-4es or lax-des? idle (or irre- 
ligious) people 148, 18 

lictiguth permission, authorization 186, 4: 
from Lat. licitum: cf. licet, Eriu i, 208 

locthiu 133, 1 corrupt 

longaim J eat Wi, J drink O’Day. 1163, cf. 
1197: pr. subj. -rala@ 145, 2; impf. subj. 
-lGsad 143, 1 ; -lustis 129, 21 

lortnaigim J satisfy verb. dep. notlortnigethar 
152, 13 

lortu sufficiency 128, 7; 148, 19; 161, 27 Asc. 

mairecthenach lamentation 155, 13 

mi-accobar evil desire 152, 21 

mi-imradad evil thoughts 151, 16. 

mod measure Wi; of food 149, 14; of labour 
159, 31 

muim a possession (?) 141, 11: O'R. 

nailim (naillim?) I put on oath? ronail fair 
150, 3: cf. noill Laws 

nemele 127, 6 complaint Wi 

ord rule, regulation Wi: ord bertha 187, 11 ; 
isintt urtt chetna 154, 2 

pars a particle 132, 7; of sacramental bread, 
ZCP iii. 36 note; of time, Mag Rath 108, 

rand shave: in phrase, is bece rand 137, 4. 

réimm course of duties prescribed, cursus 128, 
I, 15; 145, 24 Wi 

roebaidecht excessive drinking 147, 25 

roithinche cheerfulness Wi: roithini 128, 4 

roitu greaé thirst 145, I 

rusce firkin 128, 13 Wi 

sain-sere favourite 150, 10, 15 

sam-chorgus ‘summer-Lent’ 136, 11 

scuchim J cease: Wi: present-perfect roscithet 
(for roscuichet) 130, 28; 140, 13. Verbal 
noun scucht 144, 30 

secda dry 152, 9 

seland any addition to the ordinary diet 135, 6, 
selind nimbe; 146, 33; 141, 25; 15d, 34: 
g.s. seillne 145, 21 

sen-chill old church 128, 15; 187, 5 

serr sickle Wi; g.s. serre 133, 13 

suire freedom from restrictions, exemption from 
duties 182, 34, 145, 31 

tairridi? dia tairridi 138, 32 aidchi tairridi 
138, 35 the day after, the night after; 
perhaps dia tairre di (tarr, ‘ hinder part’) 

tairthim @ swoon, trance 155, 15 (taurtaim) : 
ef. Wi, Tain B. C.; Mart. Oeng. 

teeh pende house of penance 153, 29; 154, I 

techte fitting, proper 147, 24 Wi? 

telach, discharge, effusion 164, 11 Dinds. 104 ; 
Anecd. i, 1 

tiug-lagin mess of pottage? 146,33; 147, 2, 6. 

tntith /ust 132, 1 ‘ envy, indignation, longing’ 
U’R., Dinneen 

toebatu frust 150, 41 cf. mairce dibeir toebadeo 
de Rev. Celt. xxi, 318 (read téebatid) 

tolnur (?) Z please pres. ind. ni mér tolnathar 
134, 19, perhaps for tolathar, cf. Hymn. 
1, 35 rontolomar; LL. 171a3 ratholathar 

tromde ¢roublesome 130, 11: Stories from Tain 

tuadebar the northern region 162, 41 

178 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 


The numbers refer to the sections. 

Ablutions, 43, 45 

Adamnan, story of, 85 

Anchorites, 34, 67, 77 

Ard Mér (in Waterford ?), 40 

Artri mac Faelmuire (Maelmuire ?), 72 

Avis ave (Averte faciem ?), a canticle, 8 

Beati (Ps. exix), 1, 5, 28, 30,47, 70; Beati 
(Beatus ?) of the refectory, 8, 83: ‘little 
Beati,’ 30 

Bishops, authority of, 7, 15, 65; orders of, 20 

Blathmac mac Flaind, 65 : 

Brandub mac Echach, 18 

‘ Bread of Roscré,’ 4 

Caill Uaitne (Collooney), nun of, 32 

Cainchomrac, bishop of Findglas, 7 

Cainnech, his feast, 22 

Canticles, how recited, 33 

Carthach, bishop, 47 

Cantemus, a canticle, 8 

Celebra Juda, a canticle, 8 

Céli Dé, 40, 46 

Cena careat, 69 

Cill Gulbin, 46 

Clemens mac Nuadat, 40 

‘Clementine books,’ quoted, 14 

Cluain ua Duban, anchorite of, 34 

Cluain mae Néis, anchorite of, 67; abbacy 
of, 85 

Colchu (tia Duinechda ?), 56, 65, 81 

Colchu, anchorite of Slane, 77 

Columba Sancte, a prayer, 8 

Colum Cille, story of, 66; fasts recognized 
by, 68, 80; his loaf, 68; keeps Feast of 
Ploughmen, 68 ; his Rule, 69 

Comgell of Bangor, 66, 80; his Rule, 68 

Confessors, duties of 2, 28, 44, 54, 78, 79 

Cook, 52, 77 

Copar, sister of Molaise of Daiminis, 60 

Cornan of Glen Essa, 10 

Cross-yigils, 30, 47 

Crundmael, 72 

Cumine Fota, 40 

Curti, death of, 65 

Death, priest must not be present at, 65 

Defeat of the Devil, how observed, 55 

Descert Laigen, 10 

Descert (Muman f), 61 

Deus in adjutorium, a prayer, 58 

Diarmait, abbot of Iona, 47, 65, 80 

Diet: beer and meat forbidden at Tallaght, 6 ; 
rules as to food, 13, 49, 63; as to drink, 40, 
48 ; diet of probationers, 24, 42; of the sick, 
48, 52, 53; of old people, 64 

Doimine (?) ‘‘ Abbot of Rome,’ 63 

Dublitir, form of vigil practised by, 5, 33; D. 
and Maelruain, 5, 6; D. and Cainchomrac, 7 ; 
D. and Eochu ua Tuathail, 86 

Easter, rules as to eating flesh at, 12, 51 
Echtguide, Maeldithruib’s confessor, 24 
Egypt, return of Christ from, a feast day, 56 
Emigration discountenanced, 17 

Eochu ua Tuathail, 86 

Kogan, 81 

Epiphany, observed like Sunday, 56 

Fasting, discountenanced, 68, 80; as method 
of reprisal, 72; substitute for, 80 

Feast of Ploughmen, 68 

Fer d& Chrich, and Maelruain, 25; and 
Samdan, 61 

Findio mac Fiatach, 66 

Flagellation, 26, 30, 37, 43 

Fursa, story of, 19 

Genuflections, 31, 33, 34 

Glenn Essa, Cornan of, 10 

Gospels read aloud, 29, 43, 79; power of, 85 

Grace at meals, 8 

Gruel (menadach), reason for use of, 78; three 
kinds of, 74 

Helair of Loch Cre, 4, 5, 23 

Hours: matin, 28, 30, 34, 50; anteirt, 30, 50; 
teirt 48; medon Idi, 28, 48; noin, 48; iarndin, - 
48 ; espartain, 8, 30, 45; fescur, 30; deired 
Idi, 30; deud lai, 30; rarmeérge, 8, 30, 34, 
48; observance of, prescribed, 82 

Hymn to Michael, 28, 30 

Gwynn AND Purton— The Monastery of Tallaght. 179 

Hymn to the Virgin, 28, 30 
Hymnum Dicat, a canticle, 8, 28, 30 

Intercession for the dead, 18, 86 
lona, an abbot of, 52; Adammnan at, 85 

Laisren, anchorite of Cluain mac Néis, 67 
Lismore, 48, 76 
Loch Cre, Helair of, 4 

Mac Oige of Lismore, 76 

Maeldithruib, anchorite of Tir da Glas, 4; 
devotions of, 8 ; his four wishes, 25; disciple 
of Maelruain, 16, 22, 24, 26, 38, 36, 39, 40, 
42, 48; on penance, 81; fasts for the good 
of his father’s soul, 86 

Maelruain, diet enjoined by, 6; would not 
hear music, 10; on reciting the Psalter, 16, 
39; condemns emigration, 17; receives 
Maeldithruib, 24, 25, 42 ; condemns excessive 
rigour, 34, 77; on self-control, 36; his 
practices, 22, 26, 27, 38, 44, 48, 75; advice 
to Sechnasach, 46 ; M. and Samdan, 61 ; fasts 
against Artri, 72; M. and Colchu, 77 

Mag Lena, 73 

Magnificat, 1, 8, 30 

Married persons, rules for, 14, 21, 50 

Meals, rules for, 58, 89; grace at, 8; gospels 
read at, 29 

Mocholmoe ua Litain (Colman), 21 

Mochua (= Cronan), bread of, 4 

Mochutu (?), 77 

Moedoe of Ferns, 18 

Molaise of Daiminis, 60 

Mugdoirn, 86 


Nuns, hostel for, 7, 62 
‘Old churches,’ 4, 26 

Paternosters, the thirty, 30, 48 

Patron, fruits of the, 4, 77 

Penances, 11, 45, 52, 74, 81, 84 (see Flagel- 

Penitential, to be read aloud, 78 

Penitentiary, 66 

Poor, food distributed to, 3, 35, 57, 77 

Presentation of Christ in the Temple, how 
observed, 55 

Probation, year of, 24, 42 

Psalms of prayer, 5; recitation of, 8, 16, 30> 
32, 33, 89; divisions of, 31 

Ros Cre (Roserea), bread of, 4 

Samdan, story of, 61 

Sechnasach, bishop of Cill Gulbin, 46 

Servants, treatment of, 37 

Siadal mac Testa, 40 

Sick, diet for the, 48,52, 53; sacrament ad- 
ministered to, 56 

Slane, 77 

Students, clerical, 48, 67 

Sunday, observance of, 13, 26, 49, 55; begins 
after vespers on Saturday, 45 

Superpositio, 69 

Tamlachta (Tallaght, Co. Dublin), 6, 22, 72 
‘ Thousand paces,’ 71 

Tir Cualann (Co. Dublin), 6 

Tir.da Glais (Terryglass), 4, 12 

Tonsure, time of, 27 

Unitas, a canticle, 28, 30 


[ 180 ] 



=By E. R. McC. Dix 

Read Apri 10. Published Juzy 12, 1911. 

WHETHER the so-called “ Authorized Version” of the Bible, or of the New 
Testament, was printed in Ireland before 1714, when Rhames’s edition of the 
Bible appeared, has been long the subject of dispute arising from an allegation 
that the Bible, or New Testament, was printed in Belfast prior to that year; 
but this allegation is now generally rejected for lack of satisfactory evidence 
to support it, though the point is not absolutely and finally settled even yet. 

Evidence, however, is now forthcoming to show that the New Testament 
was actually set up in type and printed off in sheets and some copies, in that 
state, sold in Dublin in the year 1698. 

The Guild of St. Luke, one of the ancient Dublin Guilds, comprised the 
Painter-Stainers, Cutlers, and Stationers of the City. Their original Minute 
and Record Books are extant in the custody of the Master Painters of Ireland: 
and Mr. Charles Keatinge, about ten years ago, read a paper on the Guild 
before the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, which paper appears in the 
Society’s Journal, vol. xxx, pp. 136 e seg. (1900). At p. 139 Mr. Keatinge 
quotes from a Minute of a meeting of the Guild [held on 7th November, 1698, 
not 1699] in which a charge of lately printing (for James Malone & Partuers) 
an edition of the New Testament, containing very many errors, is made 
against Bryan Wilson and Cornelius Carter (the printers of it), and the 
Stationers (Members of the Guild) were given leave to meet and advise what 
course or method was fit to be taken to suppress or detect the same, and that 
the Clerk do draw any Petition or address as should be thought fit or 
advisable. I have also recently been kindly afforded an inspection of the 
original Minute Book, and took a copy of the Minute in question so far as it 
bears on the matter ; the same appears at Appendix A, and is fuller than that 
given in Mr. Keatinge’s paper. 

The particulars afforded by this Minute are very meagre and insufficient 
alone, and also represent only one side, or version, of the alleged illegality of 
publishing a New Testament full of errors. It may be stated here that 

Dix—First Printing of the New Testament in English at Dublin. 181 

Eliphal Dobson, Jacob Milner, and Robert Thornton, three of the members 
at the meeting, were Booksellers and Stationers. 

Lately, however, while checking over the Ms. Catalogue or Index to the 
original Mss. in Marsh’s Library, Mr. J. R. Scott, B.A., the new Assistant 
Librarian there, noticed an original paper, in contemporary writing, dealing 
with this very matter, and at once drew my attention to it, and through the 
kindness of the Rey. Dr. White, the Librarian, I have been permitted to 
have a copy of the “ Paper” made, to submit to the Academy. 

The “Paper” is a Petition or Statement drawn up for, and presumably 
presented to, the Privy Council, though it may never have reached them; and, 
while confirming in the clearest manner the actual-printing of the New 
Testament, it also gives a wholly different version of the whole matter, and 
throws light on Dublin printing at the time that is of much interest. There 
is no date to the paper itself: but internal references, coupled with the Minute 
of the Guild meeting, fix the date sufficiently. 

Though I annex a full copy of the paper as an appendix (B), I will here 
detail its substance with such references and additional information as seem 

The paper is headed and endorsed — 

“The State of the case of Thos. Somervell Merchant.” 

Somervell describes himself as a “ Merchant”; but as his “Goods” were in part 
“Schoolbooks,” he may fairly be given as a “ Bookseller,’ and perhaps 
“Publisher.” He says he was a Freeman also. He states he imported from 
London quantities of Schoolbooks; but, owing to the heavy tax laid on paper 
and printing in 1696, such importation became unprofitable; and he joined 
with Thomas Simpson, Merchant, and James Malon[e], Bookseller, to have 
such books printed here, and sold them much cheaper than the imported ones, 
besides giving local employment, and keeping money-m the country. 

At the end of 1697 he had a quantity of fine Genoa paper which fell to 
half its value; and to retrieve the loss he proposed to print on it a New 
Testament, and agreed with Cornelius Carter, a Dublin printer, to print 400 
copies, and gave him a copy of a London-printed Testament bought from a 
“Protestant ” bookseller. Carter proceeded with the work, and, when nearly 
finished, Somervell offered to Simpson and Malonfe] to take the book in 
partnership at what it cost him, and they agreed. (Malone had been Stationer 
to James II. when that Monarch was reigning in Dublin, and was a Roman 

Several of the other Dublin booksellers, however, finding Somervell’s project 
was almost perfected, bought twelve of the Testaments in sheets, and proceeded 
to note any defects in them. They found some undoubtedly, though Somervell 


182 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

gives only one, and says it occurred in the London edition. It was sufficient, 
however, apparently, to enable the objecting booksellers to make a complaint 
to the Lords Justices and Council on the subject, and all the Testaments were 
seized (in sheets, Somervell said, as, presumably, not bound), and were retained 
by the Clerk of the Council. Somervell also and his two co-partners were 
taken into custody. 

Someryell then states that these booksellers were trying to have the books 
condemned, which, if effected, would occasion him much loss, ete. He offered 
good security to amend any errors in the Testaments, not to sell them till 
approved of by some divine chosen by the Council, and to sell them 40 per 
cent. less than imported. He protested that he would not print any Roman 
Catholic book, though the hostile booksellers charged him therewith, the 
better to obstruct his good intention to try and bring printing to perfection 
in Ireland, and to sell books cheaper than before. 

As a further instance of the booksellers’ persistent malice against him, 
Somervell states that they had obtained an order from the Lords Justices to 
stop in the Customs some type imported from Holland for John Brocas (a 
Dublin printer of that time), solely because such type was consigned to him 
(Somervell) and James King, and the Jatter was not “permitted to an entry” 
till the pleasure of the Lords Justices was known. 

The incident is one of interest in all its details—the effort to promote and 
improve local printing, the source whence types were obtained, the names of 
the booksellers and the printers, and the jealous action of portion of the trade 
to injure a fellow-tradesman under cover of religious zeal of a party character; 
but it is of interest mainly to establish the fact that the English New 
Testament (Authorized Version) was actually printed here in 7698, though 
suppressed before being publicly sold. 

The early records of the Irish Privy Council, etc., having been destroyed 
by fire in 1711, it is impossible to ascertain what was done eventually with 
the seized New Testament; but as no copy is extant or recorded, it must be 
assumed that the booksellers were successful, and that Somervell’s petition 
was rejected and all the sheets of the New Testament destroyed. 

Dix—First Printing of the New Testament in English at Dublin. 183 


Extract from Minutes. 
Com. Civil Dublin. 21. 
Monday Novr 7th 1698 Being a 
Hall day of ye Guild of St Luke ye 
Evangelist Dublin 


Joseph Toplis Master, Robert 
Caddell & Eliphal Dobson Wardens 

Aaron Crossley Luther Slater John Bentley 

Hen Coleman Roger Evans John Ellis 

Jacob Milner Geo Dowdall Robert Thornton 
Ordered, &e. ————— 

2 ”? 

Upon a motion made that ye title & preface of Cockers Arithmetic was 
printed & putt to Hodders Arithmetic & thby those were Deceived yt bought 
ym for Cockers Arintmetic, On exam® of ye matter, Mr Patr Campbell & 
Mr Jacob Milner Acknowled ye error & confessed that a very few or not 
above 20 were disposed of or sold so altered & promised that what Titles were 

Printed shd be destryed & for ye future no book shd be sold with a contrary 
title or preface. 

John Dykes &c. fined &e — 

“Upon informacion that ye New Testament was lately printed by 
Bryan Wilson & Cornel’ Uarter for James Malone & partners with very many 
Errors &c. throughout ye impression Ordered that ye Stationers members of 
this Guild, have Leave to meet & Advise wt Course or Method is fitt to be 
taken to suppress or Detect ye same And that ye Clark do Draw any peticon 
or Address as shall be thought Fitt or Advisable. 

J. Toplis Master 

R. Caddell & E. Dobson, Wardens. 
W. Winter clk. 

184 Proceedings of the Royal Lrish Academy. 


The State of the Case of 

That the said Thomas Somervell is a Merchant and Freeman of the City 
of Dublin and amongst other goods deales in Schooll Bookes haveing in his 
time Imported from London to this city severall great Quantityes of ye sé 
Commodity— ; 

That about ye year 96 the Parlaimt of England haveing Laid Near 30 per 
Cent on paper and Printing the s¢ Somervell found it would not turn to 
account to Import any such Bookes from thence and therefore joyned in 
Company with Tho*. Simpson Merch‘. and James Malon Bookseller to have 
School bookes printed here which they sold 40. p. Cent Cheaper than such 
sort of bookes would be Imported from England and by that meanes alsoe 
Imployed severall poor people and kept Considerable sumes of Money in the 

That at the Conclusion of ye peace’ Somervell had a Considerable 
quantity of fine Genoa paper which fell above halfe the price here that 
to retrive his Losse thought it Expedient to print a Testament on the said 
paper (a booke much wanted in the Countrey) & to yt end did agree with 
Cornelius Carter a printer and freeman of Dublin to print 400 Testaments 
and Somervell bought a Testament of London Print from a Protestant 
Bookseller and gave it to Carter for a Coppy. 

That when Carter had Near finished y® Testaments Somervell Accquainted 
Simpson and Malon that if they pleased they might take the said booke in 
ptnershipp at the price they Cost him to w*" they Agreed. 

That Severall Booksellers of Dublin finding that Somervell was like to 
bring the Worke to pfection w* they never could and Envying Somervell for 
y° same Bought a doz" of said Testaments in Sheets to see if they could finde 
any faults in them and finding some the Most Materiall whereof was in the 
12" Chapter of St Mathews Gospell & y* 10 Verse wher y* words (that they 
might Accuse him) were left out both in y* Copy and y* printed here on which 
they gave Information to their Exx2es the Ls Justices & Counsell and there- 
uponn y* s* bookes were all Seized in Sheets and are now Remaining with ye 
Clark of ye Counsell and Simpson Somervell & Malon were taken into Custody 
of y° Messingers. 

1 Noy., 1697. 

Dix—First Printing of the New Testament in English at Dublin. 185 

That the s¢ booksellers and printers do Indeavour to get y° s¢ bookes 
Condemned w if Effected will tend much to the prejudice and Losse of 

That Somervell will give good security to Amend all Faults & Ommissions 
in y° st Testaments & when Finished will not Expose any untill Veuied and 
approved by some reverend Divine that the Counsell shall thinke fitt and will 
Sell them 40 p. cent. Cheaper than they could be Imported and also Somervell 
Never Intended nor never will print or cause to be printed any Popish bookes 
though the booksellers would Asperse Somervell therewith ye better to Obstruct 
Somervells good Intention in Endeavouring to bring printing to pfection in 
this Kingdom whereby bookes will be much Cheaper sold than formerly. And 
in Manifestation of y° Booksellers Continued Malice to Somervell they have 
lately peured An Order from ye L* Justices for Stopping some printing 
Letters Lately Imported from Holland for Account of John Brocas a freeman 
of Dublin & a Protestant for no Other Reason but yt y° said Letters are 
Consigned to Somervell in Company with James King of Dublin Merch. and 
y° said Letters are now stopt in the Custome house and King Somervells 
Partner not permitted to an Entry till their Exx*’s Pleasure be known in the 
Matter Although Brocas will give Very good security Never to print a popish 
Book w* the Booksellers scandalously asperse him w'", 

[Marsh’s Library,—V. 3. 1. 27. No. LXXXVIIT.] 

R,I A. PROC., VOL, XXIX., SECT, C. [26] 

[ 186 j 



Read June 26,1911. Published Auvcusr 12, 1911. 

In two previous papers' we have more than once had occasion to study forts 
to which the evidence inclined in favour of the great age of the structures. 
There can be little doubt that the “great Clare gold find” (which came to light 
near the foot of the hill girt with the triple ramparts of the great fort, or 
rather town, of Moghane) was the plunder of the chief fort of eastern Co. Clare. 
If so (and the remains give every mark of vast age, in the decay and collapse 
of the walls, and in ring-forts of a type attributed to the early days of our era 
haying been also built across their lines), the stronghold may date back to the 
sixth or seventh century before Christ. The isolated finds, such as the bronze 
socketed celts and other implements found in a fort at Raheens and elsewhere, 
prove very little, but may favour the origin of certain lesser forts being also 
of the Bronze Age. The connexion of a first-century chief with the name of 
Magh Adhair, in the legends reaching us from the later tenth century, give a 
notinecredible date to the place and mound specially connected with his name, 
but the subject calls for scientific excavation. 

In this section I have to follow up the history of a far later group of 
structures, but as simple and primitive in type as the forts of Tara or Rath- 
croghan. Hitherto, the best evidence we found for a ring-fort of the 
comparatively late period was for that of Tulla, about 610. Now we must 
come down more than 200 years to reach what seems the earliest assignable 
date for any of the Killaloe forts. 

The interest of this present paper is historical rather than structural, for 
the forts were the chief seats of the kings of that great Dalcassian line who set 
their mark everywhere on the history of the West for a thousand years. They 
and the history of their owiers commence after the gloom and silence of the 
seventh and eighth centuries ; for, though it may be owing to the wars with the 
Norse in the ninth century that the history of the preceding period is so 
obscure, that time is the well-head of many a stream of events that is still 

1 Proc. xxvii. (c), p. 217 and p. 371. 

Wesrropp—T'ypes of Ring-Forts remaining in Eastern Clare. 187 

affecting the Ireland of to-day. Documentary evidence for forts later than these 
is rare—mention of a fort near Magh Adhair named Lismacain, from a Macan 
who fell in the raid of King Flan to the auguration place there in 877 ;' the 
stone fort of King Chonchobhar Ua Briain about 1100; the Norman castle of 
Huamerith,? on the Shannon, in 1199, possibly made near Cappagh and 
Sixmilebridge, where a place called Baile an Mhuta, the townland of the 
mote, was still known in 1558,? but is now forgotten; and the Norman castle 
at Killaloe some ten or twelve years later. No trace is known to exist at any 
of these; but the square or oblong platforms at Bunratty! and Culleen,’° so 
different from the normal earthworks of the district, may have been made by 
the followers of Robert de Musegros, in Tradree, about 1250. The latest fort 
ofall, the “ rath of beauteous circles,” dug between 1230 and 1250, at Clonroad, 
has left no trace. Evidently late is the oblong earthwork of the “ Earl’s 
House.” Whether, and, if so, which of the numerous little ring-forts scattered 
over eastern Clare may be late, ] have no means of knowing. The Cathreim 
Thoirdhealbhaigh abounds in mention of residence in forts, duns, cathairs, 
and “uamhs ” from 1280 to 1317; the “1390” rental names “ MacNamara 
and his servants in the rath” ; O’Huidrin, before 1420, tells of the family of 
Muinter Duibhraic dwelling in Dun Brain in O’Gonnello. The peel towers of 
Aharinagh, Ballyganner, Cahercloggaun, Cahermurphy, and others show forts 
used as residences during the later fifteenth century. Certain Elizabethan 
documents name (apparently) inhabited forts, while the O’Davoren deeds of 
1605 and 1675 show how late that learned family of lawyers dwelt in the 
ring-wall of Caher MacNaughten. That the forts were inhabited down to very 
late times by the gentry is certain; several were occupied by the peasantry 
far down the last century, and two (Cahir-Balleeny and Craghballyconoal) in 
Burren to the present day; small ring-walls, indeed, were built and ring- 
mounds thrown up from a slight fosse to make a cattle-pen or a fence for a 

1 Mr. R. Twigge, r.s.a., kindly gave me this reference from tiie Book of Ui Maine, a very helpful 
fourteenth-century Ms., rich in extracts from earlier sources. It occurs on f86/1. 

* Hu Amerith—Hui Aimrit (Aimbrit).—There was another ancient sept of the name (descendants 
of Barren) in Ciarrhaighe Luachra, a branch of which may have crossed the Shannon. : 

My former conjecture (R. S. Ant. Ir., vol. xxiii., p. 189) that Huamerith is Buanereth or 
Bunratty is certainly wrong. Huamerith is the ‘‘ Y Emrid’’ of Thomas de Clare’s Inquisition, 
1287, the ‘‘ Ui Aimreth’’ and ‘‘ Ui Ainmire’’ of Irish documents. From the account of 0’ Brien’s 
march from Limerick to Tulla through Ui Amrid in 1318 (Cathreim Thoirdhealbhaigh) , it commenced 
not far to the west of Cratloe, and extended past Ballymulcashel to Cullaun Lake, i.e., the parishes 
of Clonlea, Kilfinaghta, and Kilfintinan, down to the Shannon. The upper part is ‘‘Tuath na 
hamhan”’ in the ‘13907’ rental. 

3 Domhnall Og Mac Cearnaigh had a pledge on the half-quarter of Baile an mhata—apparently 
adjoining Leckan (Carrownalegan) and Cappagh, south-west from Sixmilebridge, near the railway 
station. The date is given, 1450, incorrectly in Proc. R. I. Acad., vii. (1857-61), p. 15. 

4 If this be (as I am inclined to think) the base of one of the wooden towers that surrounded the 
stone castle in 1290, see Pipe Rolls, Ireland, Edw. I. 5 Supra, xxyii., pp. 230-232. 


188 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

plantation, even within my recollection, so caution is always necessary unless 
the massive character or size of the fort marks it as of early origin. Clare 
(like Kerry) is singularly devoid of large earthworks or, indeed, tumuli. The 
existing forts were probably all courts or cattle-pens, few sepulchral, none 
probably “castles” or “forts” in a military sense, as for holding down an 
imperfectly subdued country’ or keeping out invaders. They were merely 
fenced protection during the endless raids of our history.” 

THe Dat GCarts. 

An unportant question may be faced here, for the history of the Killaloe 
forts makes it very relevant to this survey. How far is the received belief 
about the early importance of the Dalcassian Chiefs true to history? The 
silence of all our Annals (even those of Innisfallen) as to this subsequently 
great house before the Danish wars (about 812) is most striking.* The great 
difficulty, or break, of their chiefs’ pedigree at Corc is equally marked; so is 
the lack of recognition of the Dal gCais as a power in Clare. About 840, the 
Ui Cormaic of Central Clare, when cruelly pressed by the great tribe of 
Corcavaskin along the Atlantic, turned for help to Felim (feidlimid), the 
Eoghanacht King of Cashel,‘ not to Lachtna or Lorcan of the Dal gCais. Only 
gradually, and that in no “pre-Danish” record, do we find the assertion of 
the double succession of the Dal gCais and Eoghanachts. No examples can be 
produced, even from Dalcassian cx parte statements, save Aed Caemh, about 
560, and Lorean in the ninth century, and, as to these, there was an 
Eoghanacht, Aed of Cashel, contemporary with the Dalcassian “Aed of 
Cragliath,” while the most reliable king-lists give no King Aed of Cashel 
within three or four generations of the mid-sixth century. The “ Lorcan son 
of Conligan,” who was actually King of Cashel, is clearly not Lorcan son of 
Lachtna; the latter is only King of Thomond in the best attested records, but 
the later O’Briens alleged him to have ruled at Cashel.’ The evident weakness 

1 This use was not unknown, however; ¢f. Cath ruis na Rig (Todd Lecture, Series 6), p. 9, 
‘©The warriors’ hands are occupied with making dwnadhs and dindgnas in the tervitories of 
strangers.’’—Poem of the Norse period: ‘the warriors’’ were Irish. 

2 Professor MacNeill points out, however, that the raids have a weighty significance as denoting 
(1) claims to tribute, (2) repudiation of such claim, (3) attempted enforcement, (4) a means of testing 
he prowess of young aspirants to the chiefship ; ‘‘ the first raid of a young lord’”’ being proverbial. 

® The entries relating to Thomond in the Annals of Ulster record Corcoyaskin, 704 ; Corcumroe, 
from 743; Tomgraney, 739; but the Princes of the Dalgcais are not named till the time of Cenedid. 
Annals of Inisfallen give Kings of Cashel from 585, and records of Cliach from 697, Hua Fidginte 
from 720, Corca Duibhne from 771, the Dalgcais only from 918 (7ecte 938) ; but incidentally men- 
tion Lorcan as father of Cinedid. 

4 Bugene O’Curry’s ‘‘ Manners and Customs of the Ivish,”’ vol. iii, p. 262. 

® So O’Dubhagain: see Keating, History (ed. Dinneen, Irish Texts), vol. iii., p. 197. Keating 
(p. 199) emphatically states that Cormac’s will was not carried out. 

Wesrrope—T'ypes of Ring-Forts remaining in Eastern Clare. 189 

of the Dal gCais at the raid of Fedlimid of Cashel about 840 is well marked.’ 
He possibly recognized Lachtna as their chief. It is certain that 
Cormac MacCuileanan, King of Cashel, at the very close of the ninth 
century, was the first to see the growing importance of the tribe.? Even 
half a century later, when the decadence of the Eoghanachts, after the death 
of Cormac at the disastrous defeat of Cashel by Leinster at Bealamoon (907), 
and the capture of King Ceallachan Caisil (941), had paved the way for 
other competitors,’ and Cenedid of the Dal gCais had been tanist of Cashel 
(even if he had not claimed the kingship, and then consented to forego it, as 
is stated in a rather doubtful record),4 Mathgamhan’s seizure of the kingship 
of Cashel was resented, not as a wanton reinforcement of an effete right, 
but as rank usurpation, as gross as that of his brother Brian, when the latter 
usurped the High Kingship of Ireland a little later. Mathgamhan paid with 
his life for his intrusion on Cashel, which largely excused in Eoghanacht 
eyes’ the treachery of Maelmuadh and Donnabhan in 976. The reign of 
Brian shows a feverish desire to assert vested rights to the throne of Cashel 
from prehistoric half (or wholly) fabulous princes, Eogan and Ailill Olom. 
The real right was that of the Zamh Laidir, the strong hand, still borne by the 
descendants of Brian in crest and motto. The fresh, able, physically strong and 
long-lived princes and warriors of Craigliath (“ Highlands above Lowlands,” 
as so usual) tempered in the fire of the two centuries of struggle with the 
Norse for very existence—rose upon the ruin of the men in the rich plains of 
the Golden Vale and the Eoghanacht of Cashel. Then, when at length their 
claim could not be gainsaid, their opponents saved their own credit by 
accepting the myths so flattering to the conquerors. 

Professor Mac Neill, to whom I owe much help from the records and 
many suggestive hints, had, with greater material and knowledge, arrived 
independently at similar conclusions to mine. Most striking of his discoveries 
is that of the identity of the “In Deis Tuaiscirt” with the Dal gCais. He 
notes:—* That Dal Cais was anciently known also as ‘In Déis Tuaiscirt,’ is 
proved by a number of texts.” ‘The Book of Leinster, 319c5, ‘Cormac Cass, 
a quo Dal Caiss i. Zn Déis’ (that is, In Deis). In the Book of Ballymote, 
171039, “Is i cland Ebir fo Erinn .i. Dail Cais, agus Dail Cein, agus Dealbhna, 

1 Book of Munster, mss. R. 1. Acad., 23 £26. 
_2He even in his ‘‘ will’? recommended that Lorecan son of Lachtna should succeed him 
(Keating’s ‘‘ History of Ireland’’), vol. iii., p. 199. 
3 However, Ceallachan defeated Cennedigh mac Lorcain at Maghduine in 943 (‘‘ Chronicon 
Scotorum’’), and survived him for three years, dying 953. 
4 Cathreim Cellachain Caisil (ed. Bugge, 1905), p. 59, note, p. 122. Keating’s History, vol. ii, 
. 223. 
: 5'The Annals of Inisfallen do not conceal the yiolation of the pledge (957, i.e. 976). 

190 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

agus Desi in Tuaiscirt” (“The descendants of Eber throughout Erin are,” &e.). 
The scribe repeats a former error by separating Dal Cais and the Northern 
Déis into two peoples. Probably he failed first to recognize their identity, 
and then added “Dal Cais” to supply the supposed omission, for in the Book 
of Lecan, p. 455, in a paragraph commencing “Se maic Milead,” the list is 
given without the word Dal Cais—“Eber, now from him descended the 
EKoghanacht of Munster and the Northern Déis.” In another passage 
(174010), “This is the covenant of Dal Cais among themselves, ie. the 
Northern Déis and the Southern Déis.” Déis means a vassal community ; 
Deisius equals rent; Aire Desa, chief of vassals. The Dési of the Annals 
were, perhaps, ancient (pre-Celtic) vassal communities under Celtic lords. I 
am convinced that the genealogical connexion between Dal Cais and the 
Koghanacht of Munster is fictitious, or rather symbolical, expressing the fact 
that the Dal Cais was a free state, like the Hoghanacht states of Munster, not 
being tributary to Cashel. This identification explains some entries in the 
Annals of Ulster, where Dal Cais is not mentioned before 1053. a.p. 712, 
“The battle of Carn Feradaig, ubi cecidit Cormac mac Maenaig, King of 
Munster [in battle], with the Northern Déis.” 743, “Overthrow of Coreu 
Mu Druad by the Déis.” 835, “ Carnage in battle [inflicted] on the Northern 
Déis by the Pagans [Norse].” 896, “ Flann mac Lonain, descendant of Guaire, 
[was] slain by the Déis of Munster.”1 940, “Muirchertach [of the Leather 
Cloaks] ravaged the Déis.” The dates are corrected by adding one year. 

It is very probable that the local Annals and documents of the Bruree 
monarchs perished in the unexpected, irresistible swoop of the Norsemen on 
the plains of Limerick after a.p, 800. 

This identification, to some extent, breaks the silence that most of our 
Annals keep with regard to the powerful and warlike tribe of the Dal gCais 
before 800. 

I have only to add that I venture to give these papers with long 
collections of field notes to the Academy, from the belief that the culpable 
negligence of our local authorities, and their refusal to vest and preserve our 
ancient monuments, are already leading to the wholesale destruction of 
invaluable lesser antiquities. What avails it if an abbey or occasional castle 
or church be preserved if hundreds of forts, tumuli, dolmens, and pillars are 
swept away to the detriment not only of Ivish but of European archaeology ? 

1The Annals of Inisfallen only mention (under 882) his mortal wound. The ‘‘ Chronicon 
Scotorum’’ (under 896) tells of his death by the Ui Cuirrbuidhe, viz., by the Ui Fothaidh of Loch 
Dacaech in the Deisi of Mumhain. Care must, however, be taken that the later ‘“‘ Deisi Mumhain ”’ 
or Desmond entries be kept distinct from those of the northern Deis. The Deisbeg tribes in eastern 
Limerick about 1200 must also be distinguished from other Deis. 

Wesrropp— Types of Ring-Forts remaining in Eastern Clare. 191 


The three forts of Grianan-Lachtna, Bealboruma, and Kincora lay close 
to Killaloe. That place must have been a settlement from very early 
times, being a comparatively strong and secluded position, and an important 
pass,a glen hemmed in by great heathery domes and walls of mountains from 900 
to 1,700 feet high (their flanks once thickly wooded), above rich plains and 
slopes, and a fish-abounding river. At the second fort was a most important 
pass between the two parts of the old Kingdom of Thomond, the ford of 
Boruma. From it lay a highway for ships and boats up far between Connacht 
and Leinster into Leitrim and Sligo. A great natural fortress, a long spur of 
drift clay, commanded the ford, and on its extremity, probably for ages before 
any entrenchment was dug, dwelt a colony of the Stone age. Traces of a 
remote civilization met those who, to us, are the ancient inhabitants. Cragliath 
was the holy hill of the great war goddess, the tutelar spirit of the Dal gCais, 
Aibhinn, “the lovely one,” akin to if not the actual war goddess of the Gauls, 
“ Catabodva.”! Fert Fintan, on the eastern hills, was so ancient that the monks 
could only symbolize their belief by regarding its hero as antediluvian. 
Nevertheless, the historic Killaloe was made in the seventh century by two 
clerics of the ruling line; and its secular history only begins when the Norse 
had trampled under foot the royal line and residences of the old capital at 
Bruree, early in the ninth century. 

Tue Harty Kines.—In dealing with the beginnings,? I am painfully aware 
of my own great, perhaps hurtful, limitations, so nothing is written here 
dogmatically, but with the utmost reserve. Criticism has only now commenced 

1 For her and other Clare banshees, see ‘‘ Folk Lore,’ vol. xxi, p. 186. The Gaulish component 
may be, however, “ bodya,’’ victorious, rather than ‘‘badbh.’’ For the war goddesses, see Cormac’s 
Glossary (Irish Glossaries, ed. Whitley Stokes, 1862), xxxy., pp. 8, 31. For her replacing the 
Sybil in the Ivish “‘ Dies Ivae,”’ see mss. R. I. Acad., 2327. 

2 For helpful material in the collections of the R. I. Acad., see Hodges & Smith’s Catalogue— 
23826, Firbolg territories ; 2868, Boruma; No. 153, Baile Boroimhe and its festive arrangements , 
23826, p. 35, Cormac mac Cuileanan’s poem on Conall Eachluath, son of Lugad Meann, ante 900; 
p- 41, poem on Lachtna and Felim of Cashel; p. 42, King Flann’s defeat at Magh Adhair; p. 43, 
the bard Flann’s panegyric on King Lorcan and Essida, ante 891; p. 47, same on Lorcan’s defeat 
of the men of Connacht; p. 49, anonymous poem (contemporary) on Cenedid son of Lorcan; p 50, 
panegyric on same, ‘‘ Cenn Coradh where happens to be’”’; p. 51, poem by the Coarb of Patrick on 
Mathgamhan, son of Cenedig, when he took the shield of O’Rorke of Breffni; p. 36, poem by 
St. Brenan of Birrha on Aed Caemh of Cragliath, ante 570; ms. 23F16, Shane O’Dugan’s poem on 
the Kings of Cashel from 380 to 1367 (ante 1372) ; one of 1020 by Donchad, son of Brian, yaunting 
his father’s fame. Dr. O’Brien, Bishop of Cloyne, ‘‘ Essay on Tanistry.’’ Vallancey’s ‘‘ Collectanea,’’ 
vol. i, p. 456, from the Mac Bruodin’s manuscripts. The early ‘* Wars of the Gaedhill with 
the Gaill,”’ Rolls Series. a history of Kings Mahon and Brian, 970-1014. The Tract on the 
Dal gCais has been first published in the North Munster Archwol. Soc., vol. i, by Mr. Robert Twigge, 
F.s.A. ‘The explication of the race of Cormac Cass,”’ I cite it as ‘‘ Dal gCais,’’ with the pages 
of the translation, 

192 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

bringing together the early sources of this history, and has gone far enough to 
make the comfortable omniscience of earlier antiquaries impossible without as 
yet replacing very much on a surer basis. It is very probable (as Professor 
Mac Neill has noted, and as I long ventured to assert) that we have little 
original matter relating to the history of Co. Clare earlier than the ninth 
century. Our detailed knowledge possibly begins with the collections of the 
poet, Flann mac Lonain, in the latter half of that period. 

I venture to suggest that when the Ivish learned classes endeavoured to 
recover what was left after the fearful ravages of the Norse and Danes, they 
found probably lists of kings, fragmentary genealogies, and certain old accounts 
of heroes of outstanding importance, which sagas (early forerunners of the 
“Wars of the Gaedhil” and the “Triumphs of the Torlough”) gave only 
patches of light in the gloom of the earlier centuries. The tribal genealogists 
endeavoured to connect the pedigrees of the chiefs with these, partly by 
genuine descents, partly by, wrongly or rightly, embodying early lists, partly 
it may be by unfounded guesswork.’ Tribes, recognized as of equal standing 
and rights, or conscious of ancestral ties, gave a further clue, and their rulers 
were traced to common ancestors. Therefore, while believing that some 
(perhaps much) truth lies in what has come down to us, I do not commit 
myself or my readers to any belief in the full correctness of the alleged 

It is clear that with the great collapse of the Roman Empire and the west- 
ward movements of its destroyers, there was a strong development of energy 
and restlessness in Ireland in the fourth century. Claudian sang of “‘the Scot ” 
who made the sea foam “with hostile oars” in his raid on Britain ;? and there 
can be but little doubt that the nameless Irish invader was the terrible 
Ardrigh Niall, “ of the nine hostages,” under whom St. Patrick was brought 
aslave to Ireland. In north-west Connacht another great monarch, Fiachra,had 
arisen. His mother, in endeavouring to secure the sovereignity for her sons, 
poisoned her brother, Crimthann, the High King, in 377, drinking of the 
same cup to disarm his suspicion. She died; he was carried towardsMunster, to 
die on the hillside above Limerick; but her crime failed of its object.t 
Crimthann had a foster-son, Conall Eachluath, whose father, a Munster king, 
Lugaid Meann,* had ravaged the present Co. Clare, and reduced the central 

1 Similar welding, by unproved assertion, of modern descents to the English visitation pedigrees 
were common in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. 

2 Ode to Stilicho. 

2 O’Donoyan has brought much material together in ‘‘ The Tribes and Customs of Hy Fiachrach.”’ 
Crimthann’s race and ‘‘ high kingship”’ is doubtful ; both rest on somewhat uncertain legends. 

* Book of Ballymote, translated by Mr. Standish Hayes O’Grady in Silva Gadelica (vol. i, 
p- 413, text); vol. ii, p. 378, also ‘*‘ Wars of the Gaedhil,’”’ p. 67. 

5 Mr. Knox suggests that Lugaid and Conall may have been princes of non-Dalcassian tribes, 

Wesrropp—Types of Ring- Forts remaining in Eastern Clare. 193 

plain as far as the hills of Corca Modruad. This possibly led the young prince 
to claim the district as an eric for Crimthann’s death. On this, and the 
“strong hand,” the Dal gCais kings, reputed descendants of Conall, are all said 
to have based their title to the conquered land. Fiachra could not rest ; 
again and again he penetrated into Munster, till he fell in a great vietory in 
Kenry, Co. Limerick, in the latter half of the century. St. Patrick met a son 
of this warrior ; and the early Christian priests may have heard, from aged 
veterans, of him, Lugaid, and Conall, full accounts of the war, of which, not 
improbably, authentic history secured at least an outline, for Conall lived at 
the very close of the century. Lugaid Meann* was reputed descendant of a 
very great mythic King of Munster, Aillill Olomm, who reigned at Bruree, in 
the rich eastern plain of Co. Limerick. He crossed the border of Connacht 
(which lay then at Cahernarry, and the Shannon), and fought the conventional 
“seven battles,” ending at Lughid, or Ath na Luchaid (now “Lockwood ”), on 
the border of Co. Galway. So awful must have been the reverse that one of 
those primitive geasa (in the “ Book of Rights ”) enjoined the King of Connacht 
for all time, “in a speckled cloak let him not go to the heath of Lughid in 
Thomond.” It was, however, only Hanna,‘ his grandson, son of Conall, who 
colonized the new acquisition, “ Lugaid-red-hand’s cruel sword-land,” possibly 
in the early fifth century, and the great tribes of Corca modruadh and Coreca- 
bhaiscinn, in the west of Clare, at most only paid a tribute. So far the tradition 
is clear, widespread, and credible. This cannot be said of the crowded genera- 
tions between 400 and 440. In them we find a misty series of eponymi. Cass, 
Cassin, and Blod, from whom the tribes of Dal gCais, Ui gCaisin, and 
Ui mBloid, were said to have sprung; and the even more doubtful Aengus 
Cen-aitin (furze, or fire, head), and Aengus Cenn Nathrach (“serpent head ”*), 
from whom the O’Quin and the O'Dea families boasted descent. It is possible 
that there was only one legendary, Aengus, whose variant epithets were 

such as the Ui Catbar, but the character of their conquest as a gain from Connacht seems 

1 Some say “‘in 358”’; the dates are of course yery doubtful, the period fairly certain. See 
Keating’s ‘‘ History of Ireland,” and Mr. P. J. Lynch in Journal, North Munster Archeol. Soc., 
vol. i, p. 168. lLugaid’s acquisition was “from Carn Fhearadaig to Luchad, and from Ath na 
Boraimhe to Leim an Chon (Cuchullin’s Leap, Loop Head).’’ For Carn Fhearadaigh being 
Cahernarry, Co. Limerick, see the 1540 Rental of the Burkes. 

2 Son of Aengus Tireach (‘ Wars,” pp. 53 and 67), not to be confused with the Ulidian prince 
Lugad Meann, son of Aengus, who slew Eochy Gunnat in cca 267 (‘‘Silya Gadelica,” ii, 
pp- 102, 519). 

3 « Teabhar na gCeart’’ (Book of Rights), ed. O'Donovan, p. 5, and Cuan Ua Leochan’s poem 
(ante 1024), p. 21. 

4Tribal ancestor of the Hui Enna and Hui Ere Osraidi, “* Book of Lecan,’’ p. 406. 
first, see ‘‘ Wars,”’ p. 82, n. 8. 

5 «© With poison ’’ is added in one late copy. 

For the 



194 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

taken from the great ridge of “Cenn Nathrach,” or Keentlae (ceann tsliabh)? 

over Inchiquin Lake. 
Tf the Tripartite Life of St. Patrick be correct in aithat particular, the saint 

visited and baptized Cairthinn, “the fair,’ and his infant son, Eochu of “the 
red mark,” at the fort of Smgland near the later city of Limerick? where in 
the townland of Singland an ancient church and round tower, long levelled, 
bore, and a modern graveyard still bears, the saint’s name. Eochu’s son, 
Breasal, or Breean,* founded existing churches in central and north-western 
Clare and- Aran, about 480, sharing the great Isle of Aran with St. Enda. 
His brother Conall did not reign, but his son Aedh Caemh (548 to 561) is 
said to have dwelt at Cragliath at Killaloe, and to have been made King of. 
Cashel. A complimentary poem by St. Brenan of Birrha* supports the first 
statement: “ Both are my friends—Aed of Craig Liath of numerous offspring, 
and Aedh of Core’s Cashel of the companies.” Jt was to the interest of the 
Dal gCais fo show that some of their separate line had reigned at Cashel,° but 
Mathgamhan in the tenth century is the first undoubted case after the Christian 
kings of the fifth century, and the kingship of Lorcan is a mere assertion.® 
With Aedh, the kingship even of Thomond appears to have passed from 
his line; next to him succeeded Forannan of the Ui gCaisin (brother-in-law of 
Guaire Aidhne, a powerful prince), 610-20, the opponent of St. Mochulla ; 
he dwelt at Tulla. The kingship returned to the line of Cass in Dioma, of 
Bruree; the last attempt of Connacht to recover the present Co. Clare was 

1 See ‘* Book of Rights,’’ pp. 89, 93, among the forts (port) of the King of Munster, or rather 
claimed by him. Nathrach is probably a man’s name, not a “ serpent,”’ though legend reyelled in 
such monsters. See ‘* Folk Lore,”’ xxi, pp. 477-480. 

2 <Tripartite Life of St. Patrick’? (ed. Whitley Stokes, Rolls Series), vol. i, p. 207. The 
accessories are mythical, the main iacts probable. 

= Book of Lecan,”’ p. 214, “‘Brecan of Aran, a righteous true-judging saint, he and Conal 
Caemh, of much guile, were the two sons of Eochu Bailldearg.’’ Brecan was at first named Breasal. 
His tombstone, ‘‘ Sci Brecani,” was found buried deeply in his traditional grave at the end of his 
chureh in Aranmore. 

* See Dal gCais, p. 237. The genuineness of the verse is doubtful, but it does not seem to support 
the accession of Aedh Caemh. Probably later Daleassian politicians (yearning for evidence of the 
alternate succession to Cashel) wilfully confused Aedh of Cashel with Aedh of Cragliath. 

5 The early Christian Kings of Cashel (‘‘ Book of Baliymote,’’ 594 44) are: Aengus, s. of Nad Fraich 
fell at Cell Osnad, c. 490; Eochnu, his s., fell at Sliab Eblinne (A-U. 533); Cremthann, his s., 
20 years; Cairbre Crom, s. of Eochu, 30 years; Fergus, s. of Cremthann, 12 years; Feidlimid, 
s. of Cairbre, 15 years; Finghin, s. of Aed, s. of Cremthann, s. of Fedlimid, s of Aengus, 
Fingen Cathal, Failbe Flann (23+ 20+14) years; Cuan, s. of Amgaid (s. of Cairbre, s. of Core, 
the father of Nad Fraich), 10 years; Maenach, s. of Fingen, 15 years. 

® Sons respectively of Lachtna and of Conligan. The latter was king of Cashel, on strength of 
which the former was asserted to be king. Cennedigh was tanist of Munster. There is no evidence 
of weight for earlier claims of the Craglea line. 

7 «Vita S. Mochullei Episcopi’’ (written 1141). ‘‘ Analecta Bollandiana,’’ xvii, p. 135, Guaire 
appears in the Annals from 626, at a battle at Carn Feradhaigh, where the Connacht men were 


Wesrropp— Types of Ring- Ports remaining in Eastern Clare. 195 

frustrated by his victory at Kmocklong. The Dalcassians allege that he 
claimed the kingship of Cashel from Failbhe Flann, in 634, but without 
success. Contemporary with him was Toirdhealbhagh' (Torlogh), father of 
St. Flannan of Killaloe, who is said to have been “king” in the life of 
that saint,” the only descendant of Aedh even called king till the ninth 
century. He may have been actually chief of the obscure little tribe of 
Ui Thoirdheabhaigh, near Killaloe, which bore his name. 

The Bruree line* had a long succession in the kingship of Thomond. 
The above-named Dioma, 627, son of Ronan son of Aeneus son of Cairthen finn ; 
Ferdomnach (who gave Inis Sibthonn, on which island part of Limerick city 
now stands, to St. Mamehin), Aindlid, and Dubhdiun, the three sons of Dioma. 
Cernach grandson of Aindlid, after 700; Torpa, his son, eévea 750; Donall and 
Finachta, sons of Hachtighern, grandson of Ferdomnach, 770 till after 800. 
Then about 810, the Norse fleets landed their mail-clad swarms on the plains 
of the Luimneach, the plain of Bruree was overrun, and the house of Dioma 
vanishes from history.‘ 

The house of Aedh Caemh stepped to the front ; in their natural stronghold, 
which the “sea-borne fleets” could not reach, thanks to the rapids of Limerick 
and Doonass, they escaped the first rush of the Norse and set their backs 
against the wooded hills, determined to fight to the last. The pedigree that 
has come down to us is evidently at least incomplete. St. Flannan and his 
brother Mathgamhan (Mahon), sons of Torlough, lived about the middle of the 
seventh century, Core,? Mahon’s alleged grandson, about 910. Anluan, the 
intervening name, thus covers the whole eighth century. Probably two 
generations dropped out here as in other pedigrees.’ To the late tenth- 
century writers Core, son of Anluan, was the beginning of history, save for 
the tale of Lugad Meann. “Core, the man who first routed the foreigners,” 
says Brian: “He had fought eight battles in defence of Mumhan (Thomond) ”; 

1 « Wars,’’ p. 59, give his descent from Eochu Bailldearg as Conall, Aedh, Cathal, Tordhelbhach. 

2 «Vita St. Flannani”’ (compiled from earlier ‘‘ Gesta’’ in 1164), “‘ Acta SS. Hibernia ex codice 
Salmaticensi,’’ 1881 (ed. Caroli de Smedt et Josephi de Bacher), and a popular edition by Rey. 
S. Malone in 1902. The ‘‘ Lives ’’ notoriously exaggerate the position of the parents and relatives 
of the various saints. 

3 Dal gCais, p. 160. 

4 Some compilers make their successor Reabachain (son of Mhothla), Abbot of Tomgraney. He 
really succeeded Lachtna, and died 918 (say the Ann. Inisfallen), really 935. Ballyvalley, near 
Killaloe, is probably named from his father’s family, Baile Ui Mhothla, 1390; Ballyvolly, 1635; 
Ballyvolhy, 1675, in the Surveys. 

5‘ Wars of the Gaedhil,’”’ p. 66”., and chapter xi.n., p.59. An anonymous poet cited by 
‘“‘ Dal gCais,’’ p. 163, mentions Anluan as one of the four sons of Mathgamhan. The age and 
authority of the poem are unknown, so it carries no weight. Whicheyer is correct, the line must 
break at Anluan. 

6 Some confusion may haye arisen between the later ‘* Core, son of Anluan, son. of Cennedigh,’’ 
whose grandson died 1025 (Chronicon Scotorum). 

156 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

he probably led the men of Thomond in their naval victory over the Norse, 
fought on Lough Derg, in 812.* His son Lachtna,?a strong and prudent man, 
was evidently chief when Fedlimidh, King of Cashel, paid his half-hostile visit 
to Killaloe before 847, but is nowhere called “king.” His son, Lorcan, was 
actual King of Thomond; “Lore of the Lamp” is described as a brave, wise, 
and successful prince. Dr. Todd, calculating at thirty years to the generation, 
fixes his birth in 880, but three years before that he was evidently a man of 
mature years, and forced the invading king Flann Sunagh, “ the Ard righ,” to 
come to terms after the skirmish of Magh Adhair. His son Kennedy 
(Cennetigh*), King of Thomond, was a man of the same type; he fell fighting 
the foreigners in 951. These princes were evidently a long-lived and vigorous 
race in every respect, and were honourable, self-sacrificing, and patriotic. 
History OF THE Forts.—The “Book of Munster”! gives us the first 
full history of any important event in the life of the Dalcassian chiefs. 
Premising that the race was free from tribute,» and had maintained its 
independence for thirty reigns of the Kings of Cashel, it tells how Felim 
(Felimidh), King of Cashel, demanded submission and was refused. The tribe 
was willing to fight, but desired the friendship of the provincial king. They 
had won their lands (which had never belonged to Munster) by their own 
swords, and had resisted King Crimthann mac Fidhe, of the race of Fiachra, so 
they were free from all claims of tribute, hostages or levies from Cashel. The 
heralds brought this message to Felim, who at once prepared to invade the 
Daleassian territory. A brave man of the Dal gCais, Lachtna son of Core son 
of Anluan, tried to persuade the “council” to let him confer with the enemy 
first ; but they all sprang to their feet, drew their weapons, and determined 
to fight. Lachtna took one attendant and went down to Lough Derg as if 
to shoot a wild goose, for the place in which the “council ” conferred lay on 
the side of Cragliath, between it and the Borhomha. He then went on to 
see the invader and arrived at a pillar-stone, named Liag na Neasain, where 
Felim had camped. The clerics were ringing and chiming bells, for the Mass 
was being celebrated, so Lachtna waited till after the service, and then asked 

1 See ‘‘ Wars,’’ p. 21, possibly the same battle. 

2See “Book of Munster” (ss. R. I. Acad., 23 & 26, p. 39), a late copy of ninth-century 
documents. Also Journal R.S§. Ant. Ir., xxiii., p. 192. 

3 For Cennedig mac Lorcain, see ‘‘ Cathreim Cellachain Caisil ” (ed. A. Biigge, 1905), sections 5, 
10, &e., and Annals of Clonmacnoise, p. 169. He was made tanist of Munster, a mark of the 
growing importance of his house. In section 26, Cath. C.C., the Irish meet to expel the Norse ‘‘from 
their cathairs and duns.”’ Also in “‘ Wars of the Gaedhil.”” 

4 Loc. cit., p. 39—I haye to thank the late Professor O’Looney for the translation which I 
5 This is recognized by a poem of King Cormac mac Cuileanan, ante 802. and the “ Book of 
Rights,”’ pp. 43, 62, 69, 71, $1, $7, 250, and 561, giving all the rights of the tribe groups, also 
Wars of the Gaedhil, p. 53. 

Wersrropp— Types of Ring-Forts remaming in Lastern Clure. 197 

to be brought to Felim. The latter, after some conference, was satisfied 
with the good intentions of Lachtna, and said he would take his word instead 
of hostages; the Dalcassian set out to his tribe, promising to return even if 
no one else joined him. Scarcely had he left when one of the king’s sages 
said: “Do you know what this Liag (the pillar) told me? Finn mac 
Cumhail once prophesied at it that a fair man from Cragliath should come on 
a friendly visit thither and betray Erin to foreigners.” Felim was afraid 
and sent a messenger after Lachtna, who at once returned; touched by his 
good faith, the king gave him his robes and horse, blessing him and his 
progeny. When he returned to his tribe and told them all, they determined 
to send an embassy to the king, honourable terms were made, and the now 
friendly visitor was hospitably entertained. A poem (attributed to Felim) 
runs. somewhat as follows: “Lachtna son of Core, may his children reign 
over the children of others! May the Great King of Laws give him corn, 
honey, and fat hogs! May he excel the tribes in robes and splendour, in 
might and valour, and his progeny be like him !” 

It is clear that the fort of the meeting, between the summit of Craglea 
and the Boruma, is the Grianan of Lachtna; his kingship may have originated in 
some investiture by (or agreement with) Felim. The “Tract on the Dalgcais,” 
followed by all later writers, asserts that another Lachtna,! son of Kennedy, 
made the Grianan, about 950, but the earlier mention of its existence, and 
the very common usage of “build” for “rebuild,” besides its emphatic 
connexion with the earlier Lachtna, justify the view that it was named 
from the latter, and dates from before 847, the year of Felim’s death, and 
that the late king at most repaired it. 

The fort at Boruma probably first appears in the Annals in 877, when 
Flann Sunagh, the Ard righ, “ravaged Munster from Borhaime to Corcagh.’ 
It was probably owing to his defeat at Magh Adhair* that he did not also 
ravage the part north of the Shannon so pointedly excluded in the record. 

Kincora, Ceann Coradh, the head of the weir, first (I think) appears in 
the poem of Cormacan Hiceas on “the Circuit of Iveland,’’! by Murcheartach 
of the Leather Coats, King of Aileach in 941. That prince spent “a night at 

1“ Book of Lecan,’’ quoted in ‘‘ Dalg Cais,’’ pp. 164, 239. This Lachtna only reigned for three 
years after his father ; he left no issue. 

2 « Annals Four Masters.” If ‘* Ath na Borhaime’’ of Lugaid Meann’s conquests be from the 
‘Psalter of Cashel,’’ ante 902, itis only a record of the ford, not of the fort. The Psalter was 
probably used extensively in the tract ‘‘ Dal gCais,”’ see p. 167: ‘* Hucusque de psalterio Caisil 
scriptum est.” 

3 Poems of Flan mac Lonain, died 891, ‘‘ chief poet of Erin.’’? He was present, and highly praises 
Lorcan and Essida of Ui gCaisin. Published in ‘‘ Story of a Sept’? (Dr. N. C. MacNamara), 
p- 82, also p. 72. The poet negotiated with them on behalf of the Ardrigh, and exchanged horses. 
See also ‘‘ Wars,’’ p. 67. 

4 Ed. O’ Donovan, Irish Archaeol. Soc., p. 43. 

198 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

the strong Cenncoradh,” “a night at Flannan’s Cel da lua.” He “laid aside 
his anxiety’ after crossing the Shannon, and went at his leisure round the 
Cratloe hills, resting a night on the plain of Magh Adhair, but he took no 
hostages, and whatever may have been his relations with Cenedid, he did 
not add him to his coilection of captive princes. I do not think his capture 
of Cellachan argues either weakness or slackness in the Eoghanachts, but 
merely that no one expected such a raid in the depth of winter. The de 
Clares’ wars in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth century are full of 
such surprises. Muircheartach’s attempt to take hostages shows that he 
regarded Thomond as an “ overkingdom,” 

BRIAN BoRU AND THE FORTS.—Brian Boroimhe took a leading place among 
the recorded fort-builders of Ireland, and seems also to have resided at the 
Grianan, as he certainly did at the other two forts of Killaloe. During the 
reign of his brother Mahon (Mathgamhan) he won a hard victory over the 
Norse, at or near the Grianan. Asked by Mahon, when they met, where his 
soldiers were, he sadly replied —* I have left them on Cragliath? in the breach 
where shields were cleft. Birrn—it was difficult to cut off the man—fell there 
with his people.” This was before 976. During the terrible guerilla warfare, 
which ultimately raised the wave of courage that swept away the power of 
the Danes, Brian “used to set up huts instead of longports* in the woods, 
solitudes, deserts, and caves of Ui Blait,’ in the mountains behind Craglea. 
He had no time for fort-making till after 1000, when all his foes were 
subdued and his strong rule established in comparative peace. He “restored” 
churches and towers, made bridges, causeways, and roads, and strengthened 
the royal forts (righ port) of Munster. These were Cashel, Cenn-Abhrat, the 
“Tslands” (ecrannogs and fortified islets) of Loch Cend and Loch Gair (Gur, 
Co. Limerick); the forts of Dun Eochair Maige (Bruree), Dun Claith 
(probably Aine Cliach, or Knockaney), Dun Crot (Dungrot in Aherlow) ; the 
“Tslands of Loch Saiglend and Inis-an-ghaill-dubh ; Rosach fort, and, chief 
of all, Cenn Coradh and Borumha.” 

It was needful. “‘ Never was there a dun,a dangan, or a diongna, but 

1<* Wars of the Gaedhil,” p. 63 ; one recalls Harold Haarfagr’s battle (“‘Heimskringla,”’ ed. Morris 
and Magnusson, p. 99). ‘‘ The King for ever wrathful had battle high on the heathland.” 

2s Wars,”’ pp. 5i-61. Keating’s ‘‘ History of Ireland ” (ed Dinneen, Irish Texts Soc.), vol. iii, 
lib. ii, sec. iv. “ Zong means a house; hence a village where people dwell is cailed /ongport.” 
In Annals of Ulster, 840 and 850, the Dubh-Gajl stronghold at Linn Duachail, and the Finn 
Gall one at Dublin, are each called longport. There were at least two ‘‘ Long-port’’ names in 
S.-W. Clare—Derryanlongfort, probably near Trough, held by Donough MacNamara in 1633, and 
Athlunkard near Limerick. 

3 «* Wars,’ p. 141. Ann. of Ulster, 1012, gives the list of dangans as Cathair Cinn Coradh, Inis 
Gaill dubh, and Inis Locha Sainglenn. Keating adds to the list in the “‘ Wars” Dun Iasg and 
Duntriliag- One ms. (see ‘‘ Wars,’’ 1403) says, “ By him were fortified duns and dangans, 
tioghports and celebrated islands.’’ 

Wesrropp—Types of Ring-Ports remaining n Eastern Clare. 199 

it was taken by that howling, furious, loathsome crew, and plundered, neither 
was there concealment underground in Erin” that was not discovered by 
them. The fact that the forts and monasteries were often palisaded and 
crowded with wooden houses greatly facilitated their destruction. Although 
(save in the case of certain Scotch forts) our Annals do not record sieges, the 
storming and burning of forts was very common, and made its mark on our 
legends, history, and fictions of many periods. To give a very few examples 
from history:—In 622 “Fire seized Rath Guali; save ye a little from it; 
vehemently the wicked have lighted fire in the rath”: in 680, “ Burning of 
the kings in Dun Cethirn (the “ Giant’s Sconce ”’),? sorrowful to look at their 
stony graves, to see your dogs, your greyhounds, and your women in the 
possession of your foes.” 925. “ Destruction of Dun Sobhairche (Dunseverick, 
Antrim) by the foreigners.” Burnings of the forts (dwns) of Dun Echtach 
(Duneight, Co. Down), by Flathbertach Ua Neill, 1010; 1081, &e., of Cenn 
Coradh, which we give below; 1088, of Dun Aiched (in Co, Limerick) ; 
1101, of Aileach (Grianan, Donegal), and in 1165, the lake fort of Inislachain 
(Co, Antrim) ; the above are pre-Norman. In the medieval lives of the saints 
such episodes also occur; we recall the destruction of Dun mechair (Co. Clare) 
in the early sixth century in the life of St. Senan and the burning “ Castle ” 
near Ardmore (Co. Waterford) in the previous century in the Life of 
St. Declan. In the “Sagas” we may quote from the “ Wars of the Gaedhil ”’ 
—“ Thou didst plunder their dwn at the time; thou didst surround it with a 
wall of fire.”* In the romances—we may select from the “ Cath Ruis na Rig” 
—“she (Queen Medbh) left not in our province (Ulster) mur (rampart) or 
stead without ravage, nor dun in which they boasted not, nor mur without 
fiercely burning it”; and in the same tale the “murrads, dangans, duns, and 
dromthelchas (entrenched ridges) are burned.” In the late romance, “Cath 
Finntraga,” three duns in Co. Kerry, with their inhabitants and domestic 
animals, are burned. 

“ BorumA ’—Borama means “reckoning of cattle,’ 1.e., for tribute. The 
position of the lower end of Lough Derg, with a convenient ford from the 
present Co. Tipperary, was very suitable for such a purpose, while the 
number of stone weapons secured here and at the ford of Killaloe, a little 
below it, shows the importance of the pass in very early times. The fort may 

1« Wars,’”’ pp. 41,115. In 836 the Norse plundered the duns, churches, and houses of Magh Lifé 
and Magh Bregh, from the Boyne to the Liffey. A band, fitly called ‘‘ the Sons of Death,” ravaged 
Louth and Meath from a lake fort in Cayan. This was destroyed by the Irish in 846 (Ann. of Ulster). 
Professor Zimmer dated the conversion to Christianity of the ‘‘ Danes’? of Limerick about 943 
(Celtic Church in Britain and Ireland, ed. Kuno Meyer, 1902, p. 95); but the prosperity of Munevet 
Abbey, close to Limerick, after the first raids of the invaders, shows their toleration, even when 

2“ Ancient Forts of Iveland,’’ section 87, p. 116. SNAG Viens) to), Bile 

900 Proccedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

have had early predecessors on its site to protect this unpopular task. 
Whether “ Borama” was the ford, or the actual rath above it, depends on the 
general bearing of the passage and in what connexion the word occurs. It 
is often absolutely doubtful. The fort is very probably meant, in the dirge 
of King Mahon, in 976, “the fiery king of Boromha,” and it is nearly 
certain that Brian took his epithet from it, and not from the mythical re- 
imposition of the Leinster cattle tribute. This I ventured to suggest in 1892, 
and it has been confirmed by Professor Kuno Meyer? and others. The ford 
probably took its name from a cattle tribute imposed by the Dal Cais and. 
their descendants, the O’Briens, down to the reign of Elizabeth. Enforcing 
the “ Boromha” on Corcomroe, cost King Conor O’Brien his life at Siudaine, 
in 1267; the Corcamodruadh “undertook to deal mutinously with Conor, 
omitting to send him his royal cess”; “they withheld it because they had 
not been raided,” a very significant light on the precarious nature of these 
tributes. The “Book of Rights” gives that of the Dalcassians from Corcomroe 
as “1,000 oxen, 100 sheep, 100 sows, and 1,000 cloaks not white.” So late as 
1585, Sir John Perrot’s composition with the Clare chiefs stipulates that 
after the death of Donall, the MacNamara Reagh, all rights, duties, and 
customs extorted by the clan are to cease; while on that chieftain’s death 
it was found by an Inquisition’ (taken at Galway by Sir Richard Bingham) 
that the MacNamaras paid a borwma to the O’Briens. “The Earl of Thomond 
and his ancestors took up yearly rent charges.... also a compulsory rent 
called a borome on the death of each “MacNamara ” (chief) of certain cows, 
or 13 pence per cow.” Also the “ O’Brien,” “what time he wolde go of a 
forrey, could claim a footman for each quarter (of land)... . with food for 
two days, after which the said Earl had to support them.” Indeed so late as 
1712, Henry, the last of the old direct line of the Earls, imposed dues of 
hogs, sheep, and capons, with the support of soldiers, on the lessees of his 

History from 1014. The Norse call Kincora, “Kancaraborg,” “Kantaraborg,” 
and “ Kunniatinborg,” Connacht town, in the Sagas, and tell how “ Brian, the 
best-natured of kings, had his court in Connacht.’’ In its hall took place 

1« Wars,’ from a poem by ‘‘ Mathgamhan’s blind bard.”’ Keating calls it ‘‘ Ceann Choradh na 
Bhoraime,’’ History, vol. iii, sect. xxv, p. 263. ‘This tribe is called ‘‘ Dal Cais Borumha’’ in 
“¢ Wars,’” p. 53. 

2«¢ Brin,” vol. v, p. 7; cf. Roy. Soc. Ant. Ir. xxii, p. 403. The belief rests on a poem 
doubtfully attributed to Brian’s bard, Mac Liac. 

3«¢Qathreim Thoirdhealbhaigh,’’ 1267. 

4 Ed. O’ Donovan, pp. 64, 65. 

5 Exchequer Inquisition, July 27th, 1585, Public Record Office, Dublin. 

6 J have even had to redeem portions of this ‘‘ boroma’”’ in recent sales of lands in Clare. 

7 Niala Saga (‘‘ Burnt Nial,’’ ed. Sir G. Dasent, 1900), p. 319, chapter cliii, 

Wresrrorp—Types of Ring-Forts renaining in Eastern Clare. 201 

that fatal quarrel at chess, between Murchad (Brian’s son and intended 
successor, the “Margad”’ of the Saga), and Maelmordha, King of Leinster, 
which proved to be the “wrath” of the Ivish Epic, that ended in the great 
battle of Clontarf in 1014. Two years later the Connacht men, no longer in 
restraint, made a raid to “ Kinkora, and King Bryan his Manor House was 
broken down.” The place was again rebuilt. In 1062, Aedh O’Conor 
(Ua Chonchobhair), King of Connacht, after cutting down the Bilt or venerated 
tree of Magh Adhair (which had replaced that cut down in 982 by the 
Ardrigh Maelsechlainn), advanced to Kincora. He stormed and levelled the 
fort, broke down the weir, destroyed and choked the well, and (to add insult 
to injury) cooked and ate the two “sacred” salmon kept there! Three years 
later the fort was attacked in a civil war, and many of its inmates slain. In 
1074 its bridge was rebuilt at Killaloe. Ruadri O’Conor, King of Connacht, 
twice invaded Thomond, destroying Kincora each time, in 1081 and 1084.° 

His sickly and much-harassed enemy, Murchad (Muircheartach) O’Brien, 
the titular Ardrigh, was, however, a man of “unconquerable will and study 
of revenge.” He doggedly set to work to repair his own palace in 1086, and 
having as far as possible set his home affairs right, he undertook a curious 
vendetta. The King of Aileach had not only destroyed Kincora, but had 
carried off enough timber to roof his palace, the famous Grianan, in Inishowen. 
Murchad, when his buildings were completed, marched across Connacht to 
Co. Donegal, overthrew the Grianan of Aileach, and bade every soldier bring 
a stone from it for the rampart of the king’s port in Limerick. The king 
with his advanced views had removed his capital to the Norse city of 
Limerick, girt by the river and its stone walls. The foreign inhabitants had 
given the O’Briens little trouble since its reduction after Mahon’s and Brian’s 
victory at Sulchoid, and probably had been planted in the “cantred of the 
Ostmen,” which we find near its walls a century later. The cathedral of 
St. Mary is supposed to stand on the site of the fort, but I rather suppose the 
latter commanded the approach near St. Munchin’s Church (where Prince 
John built the castle and bridge), for King Donald, the founder, continued to 
dwell in Limerick after the foundation of the cathedral, and therefore could 

1<¢Ann. Ulster,’’? 1061, ‘‘Chronicon Scotorum’’ (1059), and ‘‘ Annals of Tighernach.”’ This 
keeping of sacred fish in wells is not unknown eyen yet in Ireland. A case in 1833, at a monastery 
in Constantinople, is noted by Curzon (‘‘ Monasteries of the Levant,’’ introduction). The Chron. 
Scot. says, ‘‘ He burned all Cill Dalua, and demolished the Cathair of Cenn Coradh, and ate the two 
salmon that were in the well of Cenn Coradh, and the well was afterwards closed up by him.” 

2 Chron. Scotor. ‘They plundered Emly, Lough Gur fort, Drumin Ui Clerchin, Bruree, and 
Limerick, and destroyed Cenn Corad. ‘The Ann. Ulster say, ‘‘ The Conmaicni went into Thomond, 
so that they burned duns and churches.’’? The Annals of Ulster in 1086 tell of ‘* the communion of 
Tairrdelbach Ua Briain, King of Iveland’’: he ‘ died at Cenn Coradh, after partaking of tie body of 
Qhrist, and of His blood,” July 14th, aged seventy-seven. 

R.I.A. PROG., VOL, XXIX., SECT. C. [28] 

202 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

hardly have given up his fort site to the clergy. Some have even tried to 

identify the northern stones in the walls of the cathedral. This insult was 

long remembered, and in the closing years of the sixteenth century O'Donnel 

was believed to have invaded Thomond “in revenge for Aileach.” In 1082, 

Murchad entertained Magnus, King of Norway, at Kincora during the winter.’ 

The house was burned by lightning, and the king’s store of wine, ale, and 

mead destroyed ; in 1107 it was again rebuilt, but its princely owner, worn 

out by troublous times and a wasting illness, retired to the monastery of 

Lismore, where he died, March 13th, 1118, his energy and courage surviving | 
his strength. Besides his regal and soldier-like qualities, he encouraged art ; 

and the belief that the ornate doorway in Killaloe is his monument is at least 

symbolically true, as the door dates from his period, and resembles one built by 

his friend and correspondent, King Henry Beauclere,” at Caen. At the death 

of “the Golden Jewel of the West,” the nominal High-kingship passed from 

the O’Briens ;° its holder, Torlough O’Connor, of Connacht, at once marched 

to Killaloe, burned the place, and destroyed the forts; he completely levelled 

Kinecora, throwing the stones and timber into the stream, and dismantled the 
fort of “ Boromha.’* No mention is made of the Grianan of Lachtna; it 

probably was disused after Brian’s time, and its decay preserved it from more 

hostile destroyers. The two other forts were never restored. 

Three generations had passed, a Gothic cathedral had arisen, and Prince 
John had held Court at Killaloe. The Norman forces were well rooted in 
Munster, and, probably as part of their policy to win Thomond, they attempted 
to make “a castle at the Borowe” in 1207.4 They failed; but a few years 
later they made one at Killaloe, perhaps on the site of the remains of Kincora, 
to command the bridge. It was probably an earthwork, with palisades and 
bretasches, or wooden towers; no trace remains. Henry de Loundres, 
Archbishop of Dublin, in January, 1222, was ordered to hold it, and appointed 
Thomas FitzAnthony to be its guardian. It is last heard of in August, 1231, 
when the castle of Kildelou, in the general neglect and weakness of English 
rule under Henry ITI, was given to Donat, the Archdeacon and Bishop-elect, 
who was bound not to give it to the King’s enemies.’ Evidently there was no 
castle or garrison there during the wars of the O’Briens and de Clares in 1284 
to 1287, and later on in 1315 to 1318. 

1 Torfzeus, ‘‘ History of the Kings of Norway,’’ vol. iii, lib. vii, caps. v and ix. 

2 See Letter of Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury, in Ussher’s ‘‘Sylloge,’”’ vol. iv (1847 ed.), 
p- 29, to ‘‘the glorious Muriardach, King of Ireland,”’ and Chron. Scotor., 1112, The Ann. Four 
Masters give the King’s death in 1118. 

3 The Ann. of Ulster only note ‘‘Cenn Coradh razed by Connacht ’’; the Chronicon Scotorum, 
“Demolition of Borumha, and burning of Cenn Coradh, and plunder of Tuadh Mumhain, by Torlogh 
O’Conor, son of Ruadhri.”’ 4 Annals of Clonmacnoise. 

5 Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland (ed. Sweetman), under dates. 

Wesrrorpp— Types of Ring-Vorts remaining in Eastern Clure. 203 

Probably in the fifteenth century two peel towers were built at the 
bridge. Mr. White, of Kincora, tells me he saw the removal of the remains of 
one, standing in the river, at the Clare end of the great weir. The other stood 
on the Tipperary shore, near the bridge.! In Cromwellian times the bridge was 
guarded, and gates set upon it. It was apparently unprotected when 
Sarsfield sallied from Limerick in 1690, and crossed by it on the raid that 
destroyed King William’s guns at Ballyneety in 1690. 

PREVIOUS DESCRIPTIONS.—Six hundred years had nearly passed since the 
destruction of Kincora and Boruma before any description of the Killaloe 
forts, however brief, appears to have been written. Even that one gives us 
nothing about Kincora, which the writer confused with Boruma. At this 
point—for no relicis known to exist of the lost palace of Brian, celebrated in 
the touching elegy of the great King’s bard and friend, Murceartach 
MacLiac’—I may briefly note its probable site. The “ weir,’ at whose 
“head” it stood, was most probably the great one above the bridge, where the 
old castle stood. There is a high bluff, on the platform of which the modern 
town for the most part stands, round the Roman Catholic church. The latter 
was probably not far from the site of the fort, but the long occupation has 
obliterated the Norman castle and any traces left of the fort and well, which 
obviously occupied a commanding position near to and above the bridge. For 
instance, when the offended King of Leinster, with his courtiers, rushed from 
Kincora, he led his horse over the narrow wooden bridge,? and was mounting 
at the farther end when Brian’s ill-fated page, sent with a message of peace, 
overtook him. That it was a large house is implied by the 160 heroes, 
Trish and Danes, captured in it by Ruadri Ua Chonchoblair, King of 
Connacht, in 1091. 

Keating (as we saw) confused the two residences as “ Ceann Choradh 
na Boroimhe,” and at the close of the same century, Hugh Brigdall, about 
1693, repeats the confusion in the following words! :—“'The ancient palace 
and habitation of the O’Briens, called eachcincore, no great remarks (s7c), 
there are only some heaps of stones fallen; it was built just where the river 
Shannon grows small.” Brigdale’s account of Clare shows but little interest 
in the ancient buildings and none in the numerous earthworks ; but it is more 
than probable that in his day, as in ours, no vestige of the real Kincora was 
to be seen. 

1 A bronze ring pin and stone implements were found near this end of the bridge. 
2«¢ Where, oh Ceann Choradh, is Brian?’’ It is well known in the versified translation of 
Mangan, ‘‘ Where, oh Kincora, is Brian the Great ? And where is the beauty that once was thine?” 
3 The Chronicon Scotorum, in 1119, mentions “‘ the plank bridge of Cill Dalua.”’ 
4 Account of Clare in ‘‘The Commonplace Book relating to Ireland,’’ 1693 to Jan., 1695. 
(MSS., Trinity College, Dublin, r., 1, 2, p. 225.) 

204 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

A French traveller, De Latocnaye,’ late in the eighteenth century, next 
noticed the site. It is interesting to see how he gives the correct view as 
to the probable nature of the “palace,” while in the last quarter of a century, 
if not now, several of the clergy and other “ antiquaries” speculated as to the 
romanesque doors of the cathedrals of Killaloe and Limerick being “ the door- 
ways of the O’Briens’ magnificent palaces.” He writes that he saw “one of 
these round forts, so common in Ireland, near Killaloe. They call it 
O Bryan's Palace: tradition tells us how O'Bryan Bohrom, who defeated the 
Danes at Clontarf and perished in that battle, made it his residence. It is 
fairly well situated for defence at the place where the river issues from the 
lake. The fort is not so large as several which I have seen, but the parapets 
seem higher and the ditches deeper. I am unable to imagine what kind of 
palace. . . they could build in such an enclosure unless they were wooden 
barracks or tents.” 

John Windele was led to visit the place in August, 1838; a certain 
Mr. Willes had “found in the circular rath of Kincora, three miles from Killaloe, 
a stone, the angle of which has a few Ogham letters. X.I.h. and III on a flat 
surface 2 inches long.” Windele says that the fort was the parlour and kitchen 
of Brian, and gives a sketch of the mound and fosse. Kincora lay where the 
steamboat station “now” is. There were two long galleries across the flat; 
the servants passed the plates up one to Balboru and returned them down 
the other. There was also a wooden bridge. The rath was earthen, cireular, 
with one rampart and a ditch, partly filled up; the exterior circumference 312 
paces, the ramparts 20 feet high; inside it was 8 or 9 feet high and 36 
paces, 118 feet, across. His other notes are of small value; he seems to regard 
the early oratory on Friar’s Island as “a castelet of the same size and date” as 
the castle at the bridge ; he renders the name Killaloe as “the temple of the 
two altars,” which he supposes to be a fane dedicated to Rhea, whence Lough 
Ree, the Hindoo Dourga, whence Lough Derge!’ Then after this belated 
display of “ Vallanceyan erudition,” he returns to the fort, which he now 
describes as 780 feet to 650 feet round, 80 feet across the vallum, and 10 feet 
high, which disagrees with his former notes and the facts. 

Lastly, O'Donovan, in the “Ordnance Survey Letter” of 1839,° says of 

Kincora, “ Not a trace of the walls... . no field works are visible.” He had 
written in the same letters in 1854; “The ruins of Kincora are not totally 
levelled. . . . its walls were circular and built of large stones, without cement.” 

This evidently was derived from some correspondent who held the common 

1«¢ Promenade dans l’Irlande’’ (1797), p. 153. 
2 MSS. R. I. Acad., 12. c. 3, pp. 614, 627, 635, and 688. 
3 Co. Londonderry (1834), p. 26. Co. Clare, vol. ii., pp. 346-7. 

Westropp— Types of Ring-Forts remaining in Eastern Clare. 205 

local belief that Balborn and Kincora were the same. O’Donovan adds that 
Bishop Carr (1716-39) reduced the height of the fort by 10 feet, and planted it 
with trees. This is quite inaccurate; the ramparts are nearly intact, and the 
filling and planting were done, nearly a century after the Bishop’s installation, 
by Mr. Parker, uncle of the present owner of the site. I may add that 
O'Donovan (like myself on my earlier visits) quite failed to understand the 
remains of the Grianan of Lachtna, which he notes as 72 feet N.andS. by 
58 feet wide. 

GRIANAN LACHTNA (Ordnance Survey Map, 37).—Ascending Craglea by a 
steep old lane (down which, even in summer, a stream flows from the well of 
the Banshee Aibhill, Tobereevul), we reach an earthwork, above a series of 
bluffs or terraces, on a lofty shoulder of the hill. It is strangely marked on 
the old maps as a “site,” though much remains, including the nearly entire 
outer ring. It possibly is the “sidh (fairy fort) of Crag Liath,’ named in the 
Annals of Lough Cé, in 1014. It has a beautiful and wide outlook across the 
lower reach of Lough Derg to Thountinna, and across the Shannon, over the 
woods of Ballyvalley and Killaloe, to the beautiful dome of Sheve Kimalta, 
“The Keeper,” and the Silvermine Hills. It is locally called “ Greenaun.” 
The epithet is now forgotten. 

The fort was probably non-defensive. I formerly supposed that it had an 
outer fosse, for the upper edge of the field at it is slightly hollowed; but I 
now merely think it had an outer mound. The field slopes past the fort 
southward, and falls more abruptly to the east. The garth is a little lower 
than the field to the north, and terraced up for about 4 ft. over it to the south. 
The whole rig measures externally about 150 ft. north and south, by 126 ft. 
east and west, and 127 ft. diagonally; south-east and north-west the earth- 
work is 9 ft. to 12 ft. thick, and 4 ft. to 5 ft. 6 im. high. In summer it seems 
far higher from the tall bracken and the foxgloves raising their purple spires 
on its summit. The sides of the western half are steep and fairly preserved ; 
but it is much injured by the modern fence to the east, and partly levelled to 
the north-east. Inside is a level space, an oval ring with no apparent hut- 
sites, of very varying breadth, 27 ft. to the north; 17 ft. south-east; 24 ft. 
south ; 27 ft. south-west, and 15 ft. to the east and west. 

Inside is a shapeless heap of stones; much has been removed since 1892. 
It was then 80 ft. north and south by 50 ft. across, roughly oblong, as shown 
on the map, and at least 2 ft. or 3 ft. higher. 

The removal of the debris has, however, disclosed the actual plan, not, as 
it once appeared, an oblong platform, but a ring-wall well marked to the south. 
It was from 6 ft. to 7 ft. (6 ft. 10 in.) thick, with two well-built faces, and no 

206 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

filling. This we may regard as a late form, occurring, as it does, only in the 
slighter stone-forts and in annexes, notably those of the lesser ring-walls in 
the Burren. The more marked mound measures 62 ft. to 63 ft. across, 
practically circular in plan, but it may have extended northward to the set- 
stones, making it 80 ft. long. This, standing in an oval enclosure, makes the 
breadth of the surrounding garth so variant. There are large blocks of the 
local dark-grey slate round its edge, but the masonry of the preserved 
portions is of smaller stones, well-fitted, not showing the regular courses of 
the limestone-built cathairs. There are no traces of inner walls; the outer 
fence has an earthen core, but was faced with rather small masonry, probably 
till recent times; now only patches remain. Much of the facing of the eastern 
segment embodied in the field-fence may be comparatively modern. Two tall 
old hawthorns to the south-west grow on the ring, and give the only landmark 
to locate the Grianan in distant views. Below it lies a field called “ Pare an 
each,” or horse-park, where Brian Boru (according to local tradition) kept his 

The palace was evidently a large timber house, circular, and girt by a dry- 
stone wall, with an outer court, in which probably a ring of wooden huts lined 
the outer wall. 

The Banshee’s residence is a bold crag, Craganeevul, jutting from the hill- 
side, on the western side of Craglea, Aibhinn, or Aibhill, was the tutelary 
spirit of the Princes of the Dal gCais, Brian, when refusing to escape from 
the enemy in 1014, told his imploring attendant, “Oh God! thou boy, retreat 
becomes us not, and I myself know that I shall not depart alive, for Aibhell, 
of Craglea, came to me last night, and she told me that I should be killed 
to-day.” Ages of belief probably lay behind the monarch’s fatalism. She 
may (like the Gaulish Catabodva) have been “Bodbh of Battle,’ when the 
fierce Lugaid invaded Clare over six centuries before.’ She is still believed in 
at present, nine centuries after Brian, and was a commonplace in death-poetry, 
even usurping the Sybil’s place, in unexpected partnership with King David, 
in an Irish version of the “ Dies Ivae.”* Her well is still extant, as fresh and 
abundant as ever; but the new Ordnance Survey Maps only mark it as a 
“ site.” 

(9) BeALBORUMA (O.5. 45).—Bealboruma, or “ Ballyboroo,” as some call it, 
rises near the end ofa long drift spur, relic of the great glaciers of early Clare, 
which once doubtless dammed back the Shannon into its former river-bed, past 
Scariff and Lough Breeda, southward. The ridge is of very artificial 
appearance, seizing on which fact popular story told how King Brian was 

1 Folk Lore, yol. xxi., p. 186, gives the references. 2MSS. Roy. Ir. Acad., 23. M. 47. 

Westropp—Types of Ring-Forts remaining in Eastern Olare. 207 

making it to hold up the water and flood out his enemies in Connacht. It is 
interesting to find Brian’s energy, his firm suzerainty over Connacht, and his 
somewhat questionable sovereignty remembered at his ancient residence, even 
in so mythical a form. As we noted, stone implements were found on the 
spur, marking it as an early settlement,’ probably for ages before the fort was 
dug. Mr. Robert Parker still retains one of the stone celts. The above 
legend, found by Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Hall’ in 1840, subsisted down to 1906, and 
probably to the present time. Brigdall, Latocnaye and Windele show how 
firmly the great monarch’s name attached to the fort for the last two 



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Forts near Killaloe, Co. Clare. 

I have been told that “bronze swords” were dredged up in removing the 
Boruma ford. A bronze pin-ring was certainly recovered from the ford at 
Killaloe Bridge. 

Popular legend regards the fort as Brian’s parlour. This is also asserted in 
an ancient poem attributed to his bard, Mac Liac. If this be genuine, we can 
even form a clear picture of the arrangements of the hall. The cooking, of 
course, was clone on the floor, as we see in documents from the strange account 

1A number of stone celts found at the ford of Killaloe are preserved in the National Museum 
with a flint arrow-head found at the Tipperary shore, and a bronze ring-pin. Many of the stone 
implements were of the adze type for transyerse work, and probably were used for making canoes, for 
which the place (above the rapids, and at the end of a long unimpeded waterway, with forests close 
at hand) was a suitable factory. 

2 «South of Iveland,”’ yol. iii., p. 420. 

208 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

and sketch of the great hall of Tara! down to the coarse view in Derrick’s 
“Wood Kerne”’ in the reign of Elizabeth. Presuming that the doorway faced 
the only entrance of the ring-mound, there was a sort of dais to the west of 
theroom. On it Brian sat, with the seats of the Kings of Ulster and Connacht 
to his left and right. At the door-post on the north sat the King of Leinster ; 
beside him, near the door, Donchad, Brian’s eventual successor, the “Duncan ” 
of the Sagas. To the left of the last was the throne of Maelseachlain (the High 
King, deposed by Brian), the “legitimatist monarch.” Ata second table sat 
Murchad, the eldest son, with his back to his father, between the Kings of 
Tirconnell and Meath. Tadgh, his brother, the “Takt ”’ of the Sagas, sat at the 
south end between the Princes of Ui Maine and Ui Fiachrach Aidhne. The 
lower tables filled the rest of the hall, the officers and guests having their 
appointed places and portions. Behind the Princes stood the “esquires,’ 
furbishing their masters’ shields and arms, boasting, and even striking each 
other at times.’ Etiquette was very strict in other respects, for men were 
passionate and alert for slights, real or imaginary ; and, though no such galaxy 
of chiefs may ever have surrounded Brian at one time, the seats were doubtless 
always ready to forestall some of the risks of misunderstandings. 

There were numerous gold-mounted cups (Brian’s was taken to the north 
by Torlough O’Brien as late as 1152; the great king’s sword was recovered 
from Dermot, King of Leinster, in 1068). The food consisted of beef, mutton, 
fresh pork, game and fish, with oat-cakes, cheese, curds, cresses, onions and (in 
their season) fruit, nuts, and honey.? For drink there was plenty of wine, ale, 
mead, and fermented bilberry juice. The wine was procured from the Danes 
of Limerick, who paid it in tribute. 

Bealboruma Fort is so completely concealed by a fine mass of beech and 
fir trees that no photograph or even sketch gives any idea of its appearance. 
There are only faint traces of an outer rmg; the fosse is usually 9 feet wide 
at the bottom and 4 feet to 6 feet deep, and is much filled up, probably 
with the outer ring. It is 20 feet to 25 feet wide at the field-level, and 
18 feet wide at the north entrance. 

The ring-mound, revetted by drystone facing for about 6 feet up, is steep 
and well preserved for most of the circuit, beg 75 feet thick at the base to 

! Petrie, “‘ Tara Hill’’ (Trans. R. I. Acad., xviii.), pp. 196-211, National MSS. of Ireland, vol. iii., 
plate uu. The early illustrations are in the twelfth-century ‘‘ Book of Glendalough,”’ the other in 
the * Yellow Book of Lecan.’’ 

2 At his death the Chronicon Scotorum (1020, i.e., 1022) records that he owned 300 forts (port). 

3 The original account is translated by Eugene O’Curry in “‘ Manners and Customs of the Irish,” 
vol ii., lecture yi., p. 120. 

4 Ann. Inisfallen. 

®> Compare the description of the hall with the royal food supplies in the Book of Rights and 
other early books, 

Westropp—Types of Ring-Forts remaining in Eastern Clare. 209 

the south; 66 feet to the east; 51 feet to the west; and 36 feet at the 
entrance, but wherever uninjured along the top itis uniformly 9 feet wide. It 
rises 22 feet over the fosse, and 10 feet to 14 feet over the garth. The latter 
is slightly hollowed, and is about 4 feet higher than the field outside. I have 
noted this saucer-like garth in the fort to the east of Liscockaboe near Bodyke, 
but it is very unusual. There are no visible foundations or pits; a few blocks 
of stone lie around; there were heaps of stones in 1695-7. The garth is 
102 feet in diameter north and south, by 87 feet east and west. The whole 
space measured over the fosse is 250 feet either way. The circuit is 650 feet, 
625 feet round the foot of the bank, and about 380 feet round the top. The 
traces of the outer ring to the east and south are 25 feet to 27 feet wide; the 
hill-slope falls away from them to the low fields at the river. The plan and 
sections give all other needful information. The stones at the modern 
entrance and steps are cut with modern initials, crosses, and scorings ; some of 
these were evidently reported to Windele as ogmic inscriptions. There are no 
traces of other forts or hut-rings on the plateau, but probably a “town” of 
wattled and wooden houses was crowded there. 

The outlook is very pleasing, up the lake, past Thountinna and Craglea, 
the great pink and brown hills, with their green and wooded lower slopes on 
every side, while down the Shannon we look to ‘the flashing weirs at the 
houses and low cathedral tower of Killaloe. 

As I have noted, no trace or true tradition of the site of Kincora remains; 
the modern house has usurped its place in the “traditions” of drivers, 
fishermen, aud tourists. 


Though lying in Tipperary, certain remains are locally and traditionally 
so closely bound up with the Clare forts that I may note them here, for 
they were equally in the ancient Thomond and the diocese, that preserves 
its former limits. Driving up the hills towards Thountinna, we pass a very 
interesting double fort, Lisnagry, fort of the herds. It has two circular 
enclosures 6 feet to 8 feet high, the northern, earthen with stone facing ; 
the southern, mainly a dry-stone ring-wall within a fosse 3 feet or 4 feet 
deep and 12 feet wide, shaped like a figure 8 in plan. The combination of 
an earth and stone fort recalls Creevaghmore and the Earl’s house described 
below. The whole is about 230 feet long, or 350 feet over all, the larger 
fort being roughly 150 feet north and south and 127 feet east and west, and 
it is in Curraghville townland.’ 

1 Perhaps it was connected with the bili or venerated tree of the townland name. 
R.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C. [29] 

210 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The “Leinstermen’s Graves” were described to me in 1892 as “a fine 
circle of stones.” This is most deceptive. They stand on a high heathery 
shoulder of Thountinna with a splendid view over most of Lough Derg, 
Tniscaltra with its round tower and churches and the hills on the border of 
Galway. In this lonely spot (hovered over by countless hawks hanging on 
the wind) is a line of small slate slabs 42 feet long, the largest “ pillar ” 
being only 3 feet 6 inches high, by 2 feet 6 inches square, the others usually 
under 3 feet high. There is a low mount 17 feet to the north of the “chief 
pillar.” A sort of fenced avenue runs into the slightly enclosed space 
between it and the alignment. 

Farther to the N.-E., beside the road, atthe very summit of the pass, is the 
great natural rock called Lachtreelyon (leact righ Laighean) and Knockaun- 
reelyon,—the tomb-stone or mound of the King of Leinster. When a quarry 
was opened in Townlough and some cottages built, I am told that “they dug 
behind the Knockaun and found big bones.” My uncle’s gamekeeper at 
Townlough also told me some five years since that “a big heap of stones behind 
the rock was removed the time the bones were found.” In 1892, Mr. Robert 
White, of Kincora, gave me a more definite account. His grandfather had 
told him that, when the mound was quarried into, a large skeleton and several 
rusted iron weapons were found. The latter were “kept as curiosities” by a 
Mr. Moiloy, but I could not learn their ultimate fate; they were probably 
“thrown out” (as such objects usually are in Co. Clare) as rubbish. 

The legends were probably little corrupted in 18922 “The King 
of Leinster was to marry King Brian’s daughter, and was coming to fetch her. 
Her wicked mother did not like the prince, and tried to get Brian to stop 
him,” but he would not. Then “she hid soldiers on the hill, and there was a big 
fight. Most of the Leinstermen were killed and the king badly hurt; so he 
ordered his men to bring him to the top of the road where he could see 
Leinster and hold him up till he died, and bury him facing it ; and they did.” 
In 1906 all was manifestly recast and interpolated from books. “The King of 
Leinster was bringing a maypole to Brian, who was from home, and his 
(Brian’s) bad queen came and called the king a sneak for paying taxes, and he 
went away. Brian came back, and she said the Leinsterman would not pay 
him ; so he got in a great passion, and asked how he had gone. Brian hada 
cellar under the river from Ballyboroo to Rine Innish, and he took the short cut 
through it and overtook them (the Leinstermen) and killed the best men ; he 

1 Journal Roy. Soc. Antt. Ir., vol. xxiii., p. 194. 

*Tt is very possible that they only brought in King Brian in later days, as, in its main outline, 
the legend can hardly refer to his reign. The fact of a cairn burial, too, surely puts it behind the 
eleyenth century. 

Westropp— Types of Ring-Forts remaining in Eastern Clare. 211 

came to abuse their king, who told him all, Then Brian was very sorry, and 
he carried the young man up on the hill where he could see Leinster, and set by 
him till he died, and he buried him there.” There were two divergent endings 
as to Brian’s meeting with his fiendish wife. “He ran and broke her head,” 
and “she ran away to the Danes when he offered to beat her.” The colouring 
from the “ Wars of the Gaedhil” overlays the original picture. 

Firt Fintain was a famous monument “above Tul tuinne, over Lough 
Dergdere,” according to the Book of Leinster and other sources, Ton tuinne 
was on the wave-beaten foot of the hill, whence the name spread to the peak 
above it. A wild legend was told how Fintan’ slept unharmed there under the 
waters of the great Deluge. The Lacht may be really this monument, so note- 
worthy, yet of such a forgotten past, that later writers could only express their 
belief by dating it “before the Flood.” 

Below this on the island at Derry Castle, Conchobhar Ua Briain, King of 
Thomond, in the early twelfth century, built or owned a stone ring-wall or 
cathair, whence he was named “na Cathrach.”’ Some suppose it to have been 
at Caher Island, on the Clare shore of the lake; buta deed* in giving a list of 
the lands of Murchartach O’Brien of Ara, Protestant Bishop of Killaloe 
41570-1613), mentions “the castle of Cathair Conchubhair,” unmistakably in 
Co. Tipperary, where also a map of the same period shows, about 1590, Lough 
Derg, Castlan Logh McEbrine, and Carcrowghore O’Brian on this shore. No 
trace of the stone fort survived the building of the castle. It was 
evidently a “stone crannog” like Cahersavaun in the Burren and other 
lake-forts ; the name Caherconnor is locally remembered. It is unfortunate 
that it and Clonroad do not survive as late dated examples of their ancient 
and far-spread type of defences. The Tipperary shore has numerous small 
earthen rings. I only record the larger and more remarkable com- 
plex fort of Roolagh. It lies in a field to the north of the old road past 
Templeachalla Church, and is very like Lisnagry, above named, and the fort 
of Drumbaun, near Quin. It consists of two ring-forts within one fosse, and 
measures over all nearly 200 feet E. and W. and 350 N. and 8S. The larger 
enclosure is to the north, and is somewhat pear-shaped, 160 feet long by 
about 115 feet across. The type is found at Tara in the conjoined Teach 
Cormaic and Forradh ; whether this marks it as used for ceremonial or even 
for worship our knowledge is too rudimentary even to suggest. 

1 The famous antediluvian bard, Fintan, slept, says ancient writers, on that mountain so soundly 
that the waters of the Flood did not drown him. He used subsequently to awake at intervals, telling 
the history of the past, and gathering up that of the later generations, being accredited as the main 
transmitter of the remote tale of Ireland. He also used to collect legends from other reliable 
authorities, such as ‘‘ The Old Eagle of Achill.”? Book of Leinster, 4; Stowe MS., R.I.A., p. 2.2. 
560, and Book of Lecan, 543. 

27T.C.D. M.S, .1. 7, See also Hardiman Map, No, 68, temp. Elizabeth, in same collection. 

212 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The other forts near Killaloe, between the hills and the Shannon, are of but 
little interest: simple rings, about 100 feet across inside, and nearly 
circular, with usually a fosse and sometimes an outer ring; the stonework is 
nearly always destroyed. Three remain in Ballyvally and six in Creeveroe; 
the last is an interesting and suggestive name, occurring as it does near the 
royal raths of Killaloe; it recalls the Creeveroe near Emania, which itself 
recalls the great “order” of the Red Branch (Creabh ruad), so famous in our 
early epic poetry. 

The length at which we were obliged to study the early history leaves me 
no option but to reserve for a final paper the accounts of the forts near 
Clonlara, Kilkishen, Quin, and Clooney, requisite for the completion of the 
study of the forts of eastern Clare, and of more structural importance (though 
devoid of history) than the “royal forts” of Killaloe. 

Vol. xxvii., p. 232, third paragraph, for “23 feet ” read “23 inches ”. 

p. 377, Carrowgar is oval, 111 by 96 feet, the wall 12 to 15 feet thick, with 
good small facing, and rarely over 4 feet high; no house sites or 
features remain. 

p. 380, line 11, move reference to Plate XVII. to end of following 
paragraph, the fort illustrated being the northern (and lower) 
eathair of Creevaghbeg. 

p. 386. I have since found continuous traces of an outer ring from the 
terraced scarp and “ plot” round the southern, eastern, and northern 
slopes at Tulla church. A description and plan appear in Journal 
Roy. Soc. Antt. Ir., vol. xli, pp. 17, 18. 

p. 386, note 3, vead “ Bollandiana ”. 

p- 389, line 17, for “ west” read “east” of Lisduff. 

p- 397, Ballydonohan Caher was first dismantled by Mr. Ed. O’Callaghan, 
of the Maryfort family, when building a house near Bodyke. Mr. 
Denis Balton tells me that there were five covered cells when he 
first remembers the fort, two leading under the wall, one at the east 
end of the inner enclosure, one at the S. W. angle, and another to 
the south, near the entrance. 

Vol. xxviii, p. 2, third line from end, for “princess ” read “ princes”. 
> Pp: 4, 

2s) 4 



Read Junr 26. Published Sepremper 18, 1911. 


Tn the Public Library of Armagh is preserved a series of manuscript volumes 
unique among early Irish records. They are the Registers of the medieval 
Archbishops of Armagh, and, with some gaps, cover a period of two centuries, 
from about 1350 to 1550 a.p. They are the source of all the information 
we possess. concerning the ordinary official life of a pre-Reformation Irish 
bishop, and they throw much light on the condition of the Church in Ulster 
in the centuries to which they belong. The volumes are seven in number, and 
their contents are as follows :— 

Volume I, Registers of Milo Sweteman and Nicholas Fleming, together 
with some leaves of registers of earlier and later 

Volume II, Register of John Swayne. 

Volume ITI, Register of John Prene. 

Volume IV, Register of John Mey. 

Volume V, Register of Octavian de Palatio. 

Volume VI, Register of George Cromer. 

Volume VII, Register of George Dowdall. 

All these are originals, with the exception of the last, which is an early 
copy of a lost original. 

Of three of these volumes (vols. II, IiI, VI) transcripts were made by an 
excellent scribe in the eighteenth century, and are still preserved in the 
Armagh Library. The late Dr. Reeves, while he held the office of librarian, 
completed the set of transcripts, copying with his own hand vols. I, IV, V, VII. 
The volumes prepared by Dr. Reeves are probably superior, both in accuracy 
and as specimens of calligraphy, to their fellows in the series of fair copies. 

It is obvious that copies of such beautiful workmanship could not have 
been made direct from originals which are often difficult to read, and yet 
oftener sadly mutilated. We may therefore infer that rough copies of the 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C. [80] 

214 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

same volumes, in Dr. Reeves’s hand, deposited by him in the Library of 
Trinity College, were made as a first step in the execution of his design. 
With them are placed transcripts of the Registers of Swayne, Prene, and 
Cromer, written by an amanuensis under Dr. Reeves’s direction, and drawn, 
not from the originals, but from the eighteenth-century copies. In these the 
documents are not in all cases arranged in their original order, and the text 
is not free from clerical errors. 

Thus the Library of Trinity College owes to the labour and the generosity 
of Dr. Reeves a copy of the entire series of the Armagh Registers.’ It may 
be added that it possesses a second copy of the Register of Dowdall,? made 
apparently in the eighteenth century by the scribe to whom we are indebted 
for a copy of the Register of John Alan, Archbishop of Dublin.’ 

The first volume of the Armagh Registers opens with two unnumbered 
leaves of vellum, the first of which contains Acts of Archbishop David 
Mageraghty (1335-1546), and the second certain proceedings of the commissary 
of the Chapter of Armagh, during the vacancy of the see caused by the death of 
his suecessor, Archbishop Richard Fitz Ralph (1346-1360). Upon these follows 
a table of contents, written on paper about the year 1600; and then three 
leaves of vellum, containing Acts of the latter-part of the archiepiscopate of 
Milo Sweteman (1361-1380). These are stray leaves from a volume, or 
volumes, now lost. The first of them bears the number 147. After them 
come 52 leaves, numbered in a later hand 1-29, and 31-53. The number 30 
does not appear, either through loss of a leaf or through clerical error. These 
leaves are of paper, with the exception of ff. 52, 33, 51, 52,53, which are of 
vellum. They are followed by a fresh table of contents, and leaves numbered 
1-68, and described by Ussher in a note written on a fly-leaf as the Register 
of Nicholas Fleming. With these, which obviously at one time formed a 
volume apart, we have now no concern. 

The earlier part of the present volume is generally known as the Register 
of Milo Sweteman, and the designation, if not quite accurate, is convenient. 
It is evident that at some period the portion of it which consists of consecu- 
tively numbered leaves formed a separate volume. But a cursory examination 
proves that itis a mere fragment of Sweteman’s Register. We have in it 
36. documents which may be assigned with certaimty or high probability to 
the year 1365; 47 which may be placed in 1366, and 47 also in 1367. But the 
years 1362-1364 are represented by only 8 documents; 1368-1370 by 17 
each; and the period 1371-1380 by no more than 26. Moreover, it is clear 
that several of the later documents have come down to us through the accident 

1 The series, in thirteen volumes, is numbered 557 in Dr. Abbott’s Catalogue of MSS, 
2MS. 588 (N.2.11). 3 MS. 554 (F.1.8). 

Lawior—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Swetemun. 215 

that they were copied in the blank spaces left in an earlier book. Thus we 
have something like a complete record of only three out of the nineteen years 
of Sweteman’s primacy. 

And even in the part of the Register which relates to those years a good 
many leaves have been lost. In most cases in which a document commenced 
on one leaf and concluded on the next; either the beginning or the end has been 
lost. Thus, confining ourselves to the years 1865-1367, we find reason to 
suspect the loss of the leaf which followed each of the following :—ff. 138, 24, 
27, 37, 42, 48, 50.1 Leaves seem also to be missing before ff. 22, 23, 25, 392 

Again, there are sometimes cross-references to documents which no longer 
appear. Such are the references to “f. xisupra” on f. 19%; to f. vii on f. 427, 
and to the 15th following leaf on f. 45.° 

Thus, it appears that for the three years, 1365-1367, alone, at least 12 or 
13 leaves—which would have contained matter equal in amount to one-quarter 
of all that remains—have disappeared. 

If further proof is needed of the fragmentary character of the Register as 
we have it,it isat hand. Some of the leaves bear older numbers. Thus f. 2 
is marked 26(?); f. 28 has what appears to be a number—probably 11‘—and 
f. 29 has the number 116. If these numbers mark the position of the leaves 
in an older book, it must have been much more than twice as large as the 
fragments of it that are left. 

But if the remaining leaves of Sweteman’s Register bear but a small 
proportion to those which once existed, it can no less easily be shown that the 
original Register was not a single volume at all. It is @ priort improbable 
that the vellum leaves (32, 33, 51, 52, 53) belonged originally to the same 
book as the paper leaves with which they are now bound. And the suspicion 
that they came froma different volume is confirmed when we measure them. 
The exact size of the paper leaves cannot be determined, owing to the 
mutilation of their upper and lower edges, but they seem to have been about 
295 x 230 mm. The vellum leaves, ff. 52, 51-53 are considerably larger— 
about 333 x 250 mm., though their edges have been cut away. And another 
sheet of vellum, numbered as a leaf of our volume (f. 33), is clearly an 
intruder. It measures 450 x 250 mm., and is bound in sideways, and folded. 
It may have been part of a roll. 

It can further be proved that the leaves have, in some cases, been displaced 
from their original positions. We find, for example, the earlier part of a 

1 See nos. 78, 129, 148, 179, 200, 232, 242. *See nos, 115, 121, 180, 184. 

3 See nos. 105, 200, 211. 

4 Perhaps the first two of three digits. If the number was 117 it would prove that ff. 28, 29 
had been transposed. It is worthy of note that when the leayes are placed in the reverse of their 
present order the documents follow one another in chronological sequence. 


216 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

document on f. 40, and its conclusion on f. 19.1 We find also on f. 42’ a cross- 
reference to “the beginning of the second leaf,’ which is apparently satisfied 
by the first entry in f. 40.3 And, since f. 38° preserves a document which 
was apparently intended to be read as a sequel to one on f. 40,‘ it would 
appear that the latter leaf originally preceded the former. 

Finally, on the recto side of f. 43, a citation of the colidei, clergy and people 
of Armagh for the archbishop’s ordinary visitation appears,’ though it is stated 
on the recto of f. 42° to have been copied “in alia parte folii precedentis.” Ft. 42, 
43 have therefore been transposed; and apparently one of them was 
reversed in the process, so that the recto became the verso of the leaf. That 
f. 42 was the leaf so treated may be concluded, since the documents on what is 
now the verso belong to 1367, while those on the recto are plainly later 
additions. All these facts are explained if we suppose the original order to 
have been 43, 42 (reversed),’ A, 40, 19,38, where A is the lost leaf after 42 
already mentioned. 

It may be conjectured that the derangement of the order of the leaves has 
gone much further than we could safely infer from this singleexample. And 
there is some evidence in support of this hypothesis. In a Register which 
records the Acts of an archbishop from month to month, we might expect some 
sort of rough chronological order. And this we actually find. Thus, for 
example, the documents on ff. 5, 6, which can be proved to have been always 
consecutive, are in chronological sequence from June, 1368, to February, 1371. 
And many instances might be given of single leaves where the arrangement is, 
at any rate approximately, in the order of time: it is so in the greater number 
of cases. This fact raises the suspicion that, on the one hand, departure from 
such order in passing from one leaf to another is due to displacement, and on 
the other that leaves which, taken together, present a chronological sequence 
originally followed one another, however far apart they now stand. ‘Thus 
ff. 12, 13 have documents from June to November, 1366, placed nearly in the 
order of date. We may assume that they were originally, as now, consecutive. 
A similar inference may be drawn regarding ff. 15,16 the documents on 
which are of October and November, 1365. But f. 14, on which are written 
letters of 1568, is clearly out of place. Grouping the leaves together on this 
principle we may conclude that ff.36, 29, 28, 15, 16 (February-November, 1365), 
if not immediately consecutive, at least followed the order in which I have 
written them. So also, it seems, did ff. 41, 24, 23, 25 (reversed) (February, 
1366-May, 1367). Again f. 45 (May, June, 1367) probably preceded f. 42 

1No. 188. 7No. 199. = No. 186. + Nos. 186, 183. >No. 202. ® No. 195. 
* Judging from the dates of the documents, we may suspect that f. 43 was originally left blank, 
and the fuliowing leaf (now 42) written on one side only. 

Lawnor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 217 

(June, July, 1367), and the latter was followed by ff. 17, 18 (June-September). 
Combining this with what has already been proved, we get the sequence ff. 25, 
45, 43, 42, A, 40, 19, 17, 18, 38. In lke manner we may connect ff. 44, 49 
(September, 1367—February, 1368) and ff. 34, 9, 10 (January, 1369—June, 1370). 
And combining the results an inference may be drawn which includes nearly 
half the existing leaves, and shows that a very great amount of displacement 
has occurred. It has, in short, been made probable that the following leaves 
originally stood in the order indicated: ff. 36, 29, 28, 15, 16, 41, 24, 25, 2a, 
45, 45,42, A, 40, 19, 17, 18, 38, 44, 49, 34, 9, 10. 

This may be as appropriate a place as any other to mention that f. 35 has 
been imported from a Register of Archbishop Swayne. 

Thus it appears that what is called Sweteman’s Register is a collection of 
leaves of vellum and paper, containing no doubt in almost all cases records of 
his administration, but drawn from different volumes, and bound together in 
haphazard order. 

A few words must be said about the Calendar of Sweteman’s Register 
which is now presented to the Academy. My aim has been to give a summary 
of each document sufficiently full to serve the purposes of a historical student. 
The summaries have been made from Dr. Reeves’s rough copy of the Register 
in Trinity College. But by the kindness of the Governors of the Public 
Library of Armagh the original manuscript has been lent to the Library of 
Trinity College for my use; and I have checked my summaries by it through- 
out. All personal and local names have been included exactly as they stand 
in the manuscript, except in the case of common Christian names, for which 
the modern forms are used. In the index I have collected the various spellings 
of surnames, prefixing in each instance, where I considered that little or no 
doubt was possible, the modern form, and in the case of Irish names the 
equivalent Ivish spelling. I have succeeded in identifying most of the places 
named ; but a margin remains which I hope may become smaller as I extend 
my knowledge of the later Registers. 

Throughout this Calendar the words ‘archbishop’ and ‘primate’ always 
stand for Archbishop Milo Sweteman, unless the contrary is indicated. When 
a letter neither emanates from him nor is addressed to him the fact is stated. 

In the dates of documents issued by Sweteman the years are indicated not 
only by the ordinary A.D. reckoning, but also by the year of the archbishop’s 
consecration. I have not thought it necessary, as a rule, to give the year in the 
latter form. It will suffice to say here that a comparison of two documents 
summarized below! shows that Sweteman’s sixth year began 17 x 21 November, 

1 Nos. 76, 121. 

218 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

1366, and therefore that he was consecrated 17x 21 November, 1361. All 
other indications agree with this conclusion. 

In preparing the Calendar I have received help in identifying places 
from the Rev. J. B. Leslie, the Rev. W. M‘Alister, and the Rev. Canon Healy. 
Mr. E. J. Gwynn has read the proof of the index, and has made many valuable 
suggestions. And once again, as so often before, I must acknowledge the 
kindness of Mr. James Mills and of Dr. H. F. Berry, who have aided me 
with their stores of learning. To all these friends I tender my sincere 

An. Boll. : 
Analecta Bollandvana. 
Rotulorum Patentium et Clausorum Cancellariae Hiberniae Calen- 
darwum, vol. i, pars 1 (Irish Record Commission), 1828. 
Cal. Close Rolls : 
Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office 
(Record Series). 
Eubel : 
Hierarchia catholica medii aevi, e documentis tabulari praesertim 
Vaticani, by C. Eubel and W. van Gulik, Regensbergianae, 1898-1910. 
Inquis. : 
Inguisitionum in officio Rotulorum Cancellariae Hibernia asservatarum 
repertorium (Irish Record Commission), 1826-9. 
Papal Petitions: 
Calendar of entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain 
and Ireland. Petitions to the Pope, ed. W. H. Bliss, London, 1896. 
Reeves, Anit. : 
Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down, Connor, and Dromore, by William 
Reeves, Dublin, 1847. 
Rey. of St. Thomas : 
Register of the Abbey of St. Thomas, Dublin, ed. J. T. Gilbert (Rolls 
Series), 1889. 
Ussher, Works : 
The whole works of the Most Rev. James Ussher, D.D., ed. C: R. 
Elrington, Dublin, 1847-1864. 
The whole works of Sir James Ware concerning Ireland, revised and 
improved, by W. Harris, Dublin, vol. i. (1739). 

Lawtor—A Calei:dar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 219 


1. Acts of Archbishop David (Mageraghty) in his metropolitical visitation 
10 June, 13835 x 1345. of the diocese of Meath. it Ie, 

The abbot and convent of St. Thomas the Martyr, Dublin, claiming to 
hold the churches of Grenok, Donaghmore (also written Donagmore) near 
Grenok, Killegelan (also written Kyleglan), Knoemark, Culmolyn, Maynelare, 
Balimaglassan, Kylmore, Dirpatrike (also written Dirpatric), Kyltale (also 
written Kyltat), Villa Scurlage, and Lethircore (also written Lethyrcore) 
[In other lists lower down Knocmark is omitted, and Crikestoun (also 
written Crikistoun, Crikystoun), Rathtouh, Donaghmore near the bridge of 
Balbus, Sydan, and Donagh[mowe] are added] were ordered to show by 
what right they held them, and to show cause why in certain of them 
which had no vicars—viz.: Grenok, Donaghmore near Grenok, Kyleglan, 
Crikistoun, Dirpatrike and[ .... |—vicars should not be appointed by the 
archbishop. The abbot and convent having exhibited the grants of the 
churches and confirmations of the same, including one from the chapter of the 
former cathedral church of Meath, and, having pleaded immemorial usage for 
placing chaplains rather than vicars in the churches just named, decision 
was given in their favour, in the church of St. Mary, Droghda. 

The year in the date is partly cut away. 

Compare Reg. of St. Thomas, 241, 248, 246. 

2. Acts of Master Isaac O Culean, canon of Armagh, and commissary of the 
April, 1861. dean and chapter, during vacancy of the see, regarding the 
vicarage of Carlingford. 1 

The following documents are included :— 

(1) Thomas de Burley, Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in 
Treland, having presented Sir Thomas Waleys, priest, to the vicarage, O Culean 
orders the archdeacon, or his commissary, to make the customary inquiries, 
6 April. 

(2) Hugh Germey, vicar of Drummeskyn, commissary of the archdeacon, 
informs OCulean that having made inquiry as ordered, he finds that the 
vicarage is vacant by the death, last Easter, of Sir Henry Mowir, that the 
prior aforesaid is the true patron, and that the person presented by him is fit. 
Dated 26 Apyil. 

(3) O Culean, having admitted Waleys, orders the official or commissary 
of the archdeacon to cause him to be inducted. Dated at Drogda 27 April. 

(4) Certificate of admission of Waleys, here styled ‘chaplain, by the 
giving of O Culean’s gloves. Dated at Drogda, 27 April. 

220 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

(5) Germey orders Sir Adam, rector of Marijiiis[ . . . ](2) to induct 
Waleys. Dated at Drummeskyn, 28 April. 

3. Certificate of Richard (Fitz Ralph), Archbishop of Armagh.  f. 2*. 
1348 x 1860. States that Sir Thomas Waleys, chaplain of the diocese of 
Armagh, was ordered to appear before the archbishop at his ordinary 

Mutilated, only the first few words remaining. Probably a certificate of 
orders put in by Waleys at the archdeacon’s inquisition (see no. 2). 
ce. 1600. 4. Table of contents. Inserted leaves. 

5. Documents partly illegible. if LAKE 

The following words have been read by the late Bishop Reeves :— 

“[ .... ] archiepiscopus dominum Johannem Peshelle excommunicavit 
denunciavit et ipsum inde absolvere noluit quousque oportebit [ .. . ]. 

“Okaughian quod ipse extunc de cetero dictum Philippum non nominaret 
custodem sedu priorem domus predicte et super hoc [ ... . | literas suas 
patentes predictas tune majori et Ballivis testificantes dictum Walterum per 
ipsum auctoritate ordinaria fore excommunicatum [.... ] custodis et 
pro donis ab eo receptis ad excludendum dictum Walterum de actione sua 
in[... ] predicta per quas literas[ ... ] sua remansit sine die ad grave 
dampnum ipsius Walteri.” 

6. Letter to John Keppock, justiciary of the King of England and 
14 November, 1379(?). Iveland. ip ees 

States that the writer had given judgement in a matrimonial cause 
concerning Agnes Laundey, who married three men who were still living, 
and in an actioh against her for adultery with John Whyte of Dundalke, 
while he lived (?), for about twelve years, enjoining upon her corporal 
penance, viz., that she should be beaten round the churches for seven years ; 
that this judgement was modified, at the instance of friends of Agnes 
Laundey, the archbishop substituting pecuniary for corporal penance; 
that the sentence having been reported to Keppock he charged the 
archbishop with extortion, and with having, by the imposition of the 
pecuniary penalty, invaded the prerogatives of the civil courts (imponitis 
penam illam pecuniariam eidem adultere per nos impositam et forte receptam 
fuisse factam per intrusionem), and summoned him to appear before him at 
Droghda on 17 November. The archbishop announces that he will appear 
on that day to defend the rights of his church. He also certifies that he has 
to-day (14 November) received letters from Niallan Oneyll to the effect that 
Geoffrey Whyte and others from Doundalke have broken the peace of Christ 
and the king which by his mediation had been made, concerning the matters 
about which the day of parliament (viz.. 17 November) had been appointed, 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Swetemun. 221 

He therefore requires Keppock, lieutenant of the king in Ireland, in that 
parliament to do justice between the parties. 

The year is not given; but it lies between c. 1374, when John Keppock first appears as a justice 
(C. P. R.I.i. 86, nos. 33, 87), and 1380 when Sweteman died. Since 17 November is said to have 
been Thursday its Sunday letter is B: it is therefore probably 1379, but possibly 1373, 

7. Letter to the son of Niallan Oneyl. te es, 

29 May, 1376. States that when the archbishop was last in his manor 
beside (infra) the lake near Armagh (Armachia) Niallan Oneyl and his wife 
had informed him that the clerks of the chapter had risen against him with 
all their men. Then Oneyl and his wife, of their own motion, took oath to 
defend him against the chapter. Relying on this oath, the archbishop made 
Oneyl his arch-seneschal, to which office belonged the collection of the rents 
of Armagh and Telachoge and other places. He afterwards sent to him his 
messenger Gylecomy Orylchan, who stayed with him fifteen days, but received 
no rents. Afterwards, hearing that this was due to information given by 
false clerks to Oneyl that the archbishop had been excommunicated at the 
Roman curia, he sent him by the same messenger a copy of his absolution, 
with a letter. It is reported, however, that the messenger has been taken 
prisoner by the pretended dean of Armagh, and deprived of his clothes and of 
the absolution and letter (above the line it is added, and was three days in a 
wood). Oneyl’s son is asked to intimate all this to his father, in order tha 
he may be induced to give satisfaction regarding the rent, and that the 
archbishop may not be obliged to proceed against him for perjury. The 
archbishop sends for Oneyl a copy of his absolution, which like the aforesaid 
letter is not closed but open so that all whom it concerns may see it. 

8. Letter to Masters Odo (M*dinim), dean, and Maurice (O’Corry) 
6 August, 1374. chancellor, and other canons resident in the chapter of 
Armagh. tol: 

Certain charges have been brought against Niallan Oneyll, under the seal 
of confession (in secreto quasi confessionis) by persons who would not 
otherwise have dared to make them—viz. 1. that since the archbishop last 
left the church of Armagh, he threatened to make his manor (facere 
manerium sive lanfordum) at Hewynnae near Armagh, which is the 
archbishop’s land; 2. that he aims at making his own all the lands of 
Clondouyll; 3. that he claims all the archbishop’s lands and tenements, and 
will leave the archbishop and his clerks nothing at Armagh except the 
cathedral church. If he says these things he has relapsed into heresy, from 
which he had been restored by the archbishop. But the archbishop does not 
believe these reports, and he has promised not to proceed against Oneyll 
without consulting the chapter. And further Oneyll has wasted the deanery 

R,I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT, C. [31] 

222 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

of Tulachog. Therefore the archbishop requires the chapter to certify him 
concerning all these things within eight days. The chancellor is also to 
proceed on behali of the archbishop against Gilbert Omolduyn, pretended 
canon of Armagh, Clogher, and Rathbo, son of a presbyter, especially since he 
has given false information to Oneyll, the archbishop’s lay friend, against him 
and his church, thereby incurring the guilt of perjury. The archbishop is 
to be informed of these proceedings without delay. ; 

9. Memorandum of debts due to the church of Armagh during the 
c. 1381. episcopate (de toto tempore) of Milo (Sweteman). flees 

John Plunket, Lord of Beaulu, and the other lords of the same are bound 
in 3 lbs of wax for Beaulu; also for Kerwillestoun 3 lbs of pepper which 
have not been paid since the death of Archbishop Richard (FitzlRalph). — 

Tt seems to be. implied that the document belongs to the period immediately following 
Sweteman’s death (August, 1380). 

10. Letters patent. fet 
15 July, 1878. States that the archbishop, elected (eclesie Ardm in krepi- 
dinem Ardm) at the Roman curia by the cardinals, and by authority of the 
Pope confirmed, and consecrated there by the said (?) lord [Pope (?)] (a dno 
d[.]6 (2) [. . .]), since his coming to his church had laboured among the English 
and Irish for the peace of the Church and of the King of England and lord of 
Treland, and had suffered much. At length on Thursday, 15 July, 1373, with 
the aid of Sir Robert de Aysstone, justiciary, and the English, a concordat was 
made between Niallan Magunussa (also written M°gunissa and M*gunussa) 
M‘maguna (also written M°gmahouna), Terence his brother and M*doundyll 
captain of the Scots dwelling in Ulster, on the one hand, and the justiciary, 
Sir Thomas de Verdon, knight, [. . .] James de Verdone, John Doudall, sheriff 
of Louth, Geoffrey Whyte, Roger Gernoun, Nicholas Houth, Lord of Beaulu, 
and many other English magnates, on the other hand, all of whom swore on 
the “crux dominica” which was carried before the Archbishop as it had been 
carried before St. Patrick, except the justiciary, who swore by his own faith 
(fide sua media ...jurauit). The Irish were to maintain peace, especially in 
Ergalia and Midia; and the English were to keep peace towards the Irish. 
If rapines, depredations, spoilings, incendiarisms or accidental (casualia) 
homicides were committed by the English among the Irish, or wrong done 
by the Irish to the English, complaint was to be made to the justiciary so 
far as they concerned the king’s right, and to the archbishop so far as they 
concerned the Church’s right. And it was agreed by M’ginissa that he 
himself would do justice (quod ipse paratum se optulit facere justiciam) 
[. . . and] receive [. . .] from them, as by his letters the justiciary promised to 
write to them, within the term [fixed] by the archbishop, viz. 1 November; 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 223 

and meanwhile that on the part of M°gunissa there should be truce (tr’ige) if 
the Ulstermen were willing. Sealed by the archbishop and William Pyrroun, 
notary public, who drew up the instrument. 

Ends: “ Magistro Johanne de Strode, rectore ecclesie de Stabanann, 
magistro Mauricio [Odone M*] di[nim...... can Jon[ici]s ecclesie cathedralis 
Ardmachane et Thoma Ologheran decano decanatus de Tulaghoge testibus ad 
premissa vocatis et [specialiter] rogatis.” 

There is an error in the date, since 15 July, 1373, was Friday. ‘The true date was probably 
15 July, 1372, which was Thursday. This would allow time for Taney’s tenure of the office of 

justiciary, which is said to have lasted eighteen months, and to have preceded the second period of 
office of William de Windsor (C. P. R.I., i., p. 86, no. 41), which began in April, 1374 (ib. no. 19). 

11. Acknowledgement by Maurice Ocorry, Chancellor of Armagh, of money 
10 September, 1373. due by him to the archbishop, made before the arch- 
bishop sitting in his capitular place at Armagh cathedral. ty ae 

Ocorry owed 10 silver marks, viz. 24 marks “in prece vel pretio” then 
payable, the like payable on 1 November and 25 December, and 3 marks on 
2 February for corn and animals (?! sold to him. And thus a delay is granted 
(respectuatur) of all his other debts “sub bono suo gestu futuro scriptis 
presentibus decano Ardmachano et ceteris residentibus de capitulo Ardma- 
chano.” A notarial certificate, for the most part illegible, follows. Two 
names, perhaps of witnesses, have been read: Malachias M*K{[. . .] and 
Wiliam Ohmr (?). 

12. Verses of a religious character. 1 2A! OIL, Ae 
A considerable part is illegible. 
13. Letter to Pope Gregory (XI). tape Colas 

14 August, 1374. States that Nicholas Fer [. . .] received from the archbishop 
collation and institution to the rectory with cure (curata) of Dunbeynge, and 
was instituted and inducted, and remained there some years without being 
ordained priest. He then received the rectory with cure (curata) of Mourne, 
to which he was instituted by the Bishop of Down and inducted, still retaining 
Dunbeynge for some months. When called upon at the ordinary visitation 
of Armagh in 1374 to produce his titles and dispensation he did not do so, 
and appealed to the Pope. The archbishop, disallowing (non deferens) the 
appeal as frivolous, now addresses these refutatory letters to the Pope. 

Dated at the manor of Dromeskyn. 

On f. 3** we find “ Milo Swet[eman] 13 [. .],” partly cut away. 

14. Letter to Master Maurice (O’Corry), Dean of Armagh. Boe \e 
24[...] 1880. States that brother Simon, Bishop of Derry, had been 
guilty of various crimes, e.g., simony, squandering the goods of his church, 
neglecting to correct the sins of his subjects, false [obtaining (?) of a bull] of 


224 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Pope Gregory XI by the instrumentality of the abbot of Cella Nigra at Derry, 
and in Virtue of it, by the counsel of the abbot and other prelates of his 
diocese, oppressing many persons. He was guilty of divers other crimes 
throughout the province, and especially in the dioceses of Armagh, Raphoe 
[and Derry], and is bound by certain debts to the archbishop. The dean is 
given power to proceed against the bishop in the archbishop’s name. 

Dated at the manor of Drummeskyn. 

The beginnings of the lines of this document have been cut away, and in 
consequence the purport of much of it cannot be ascertained. 

15. Appointment of proctors by the archbishop. ity IL, 
6 March, 1866. The proctors named were John Philf..... Tptoun and 
Sir [Gilbert] Cauntoun [..... ]. They were to state to Leonellus Duke of 

Clarence, son and lieutenant in Ireland of the king, the cause why the 
archbishop could not at mid-Lent give him a full reply concerning the 
“mutual” carrying of the crosses of himself and the Archbishop of Dublin, 
each in the province of the other, and the evidences and reasons for the 
archbishop’s right to the primacy of Ireland and to the carrying of his cross. 

Dated at the city of Down. 

16. Letter of the archbishop, chaplain of Edward (III), to the 
27 September (?), 1865. king. ie IL. 

States that on 28 August he had received the king’s brief, ordering that, if 
any impediment hindered him from doing the things contained therein, he 
should appear before the king within fifteen days of Michaelmas. In obedience 
thereto he repaired to certain places on the border of the provinces, on 17 and 
Thursday, 24 September, to treat with the Archbishop of Dublin about the 
matter contained in the brief. The Archbishop of Dublin did not appear; but 
on the latter day he sent proctors, desiring the archbishop to obey the brief in 
all things, and especially in regard to the mutual carrying of the crosses in both 
provinces. This the archbishop could not do, (1) because it was impossible for 
him, in so short a time, to hold the necessary consultation with his chapter 
and suffragans, who were 100 miles or more away; (2) because, by grants of 
the Apostolic See, and of the crown, some of which he sends for inspection, — 
the Archbishops of Armagh haye the right of primacy in the province of 
Dublin, and of carrying their cross throughout the whole of Ireland; (3) 
because a suit brought by him many years ago at the Roman curia against 
the Archbishop of Dublin on that matter was still pending; while concerning 
the right of the Archbishop of Dublin to carry his cross in the province of 
Armagh no question had ever been raised, notwithstanding suggestions to the 
contrary, and so the case of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York was not 
parallel to that of the Archbishops of Armagh and Dublin; (4) because, of 

Lawior—4A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 225 

right and ancient custom, the Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of Ireland, 
has three archbishops subject to him, and when one of them—the Archbishop 
of Tuam—was recalcitrant, the primate got judgement in his favour at the 
Roman curia, and a bull entitling him to hold quinquennial visitations. 
Therefore, he begs to be excused on account of the shortness of the time from 
appearing personally before the king as required by the brief; and that the 
king will command that no similar brief shall henceforth issue from his 

Dated at the manor of Dromeskyn “ die sabbati etcet.” 

Printed, with an omission, in Ussher’s Works, i., p. exxxvii. 

This document evidently belongs to the same year as no. 17, to which it is the archbishop’s reply 
(1365). It follows that the statement made in it that 24 September was the Thursday before 
Michaelmasis erroneous. In 1365, 24 September was Wednesday. It was written on a Saturday, and 
apparently on that which followed 24 or 25 September, i.e., 27 September. 

17. Letter of King Edward (III) to the archbishop in regard to the 
9 June, 1865. controversy about the carrying of the crosses. 1g 

Enjoins that the archbishops shall meet and arrange a concordat, on 
the understanding that each may have his cross carried before him in 
the province of the other, following the example of the Archbishops of 
Canterbury and York, who, at the intervention of the king, made peace on 
this understanding after a similar controversy. If by any impediment the 
Archbishop of Armagh is hindered from so doing, he is to appear before the 
king in England within fifteen days of Michaelmas. 

Dated at Westminster. 

The month and year in the date cannot now be read. The date, however, is undoubtedly 
9 June, 1365: see Cal. Close Rolls, 1364-1368, p. 181. Ussher (Works i. p. cxxxyviii) wrongly gives 
the year as 40 Edward III (1366). 

18. Letter of the same to the same and the Dean and Chapter of 
22 September, 1366. Armagh. f 2. 

States that on account of the recent appointment of the archbishop 
they are bound to give an annual pension to one of the king’s clerks 
nominated by him until he is provided by the archbishop with a sufficient 
benefice in the archbishopric, and nominates accordingly Walter Brygge, who 
had been previously nominated without effect. j 

Ends: “Teste Leonello duce Clarencie filio nostro carissimo locum tenente 
nostrum in terra nostra Hibernie apud Kylkenniam,” &e. 

19. Acquittance for rent of the Castle of Trym. ie 
20 January, 1365. Acknowledges the receipt from Walter de Dalby, clerk, 
treasurer of Ireland, and chamberlain of the exchequer of Iveland, of 
£53 18s. 4d., from the 35th-to the 38th year of Edward III, in part payment 

226 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

of a yearly rent of £8 16s. 7}d., and arrears thereof, now in the king's hand 
during the minority of the heir of Roger de Mortuo Mari, late Earl of March. 

Dated in the Exchequer aforesaid. 

20. Letter from King (Edward III) to the Archbishop. ee 
22 October, 1363 (7). After mentioning the disastrous consequences of the 
controversy between the two archbishops (see no. 16, &c.), gives an injunction 
similar to that contained in no. 17, the Duke of Clarence, son of the king, 
to whom the king has written, being named as mediator between the 
archbishops. If this is not carried out the archbishops are to appear personally 
before the king at London in the quinzaine of Easter. 

Dated at Westminster. 

In French. 

The year is not given in the date. But this letter, and the concurrent letter to the Duke of 
Clarence mentioned in it, ure referred to in nos. 23, 110. It must therefore have been written in the 
October preceding their dates—i.e., apparently in 1363. 

21. Letter of Richard Stury, keeper of the king’s market and measure in 
21 December, 1366. Iveland, to John Clyntoun, John Strode, rector of 
Stabanan, Roger Swayn, and John Whyt, clerk. lig he 

Since his deputy William Ilgere is for a time unable to continue to 
exercise his office in the lordships of the Archbishop of Armagh in the 
counties of Loueth and Midia, the above are appointed to do so until Easter. 

Dated at Droghda. 

22. Letter of Edward (III) to the archbishop. i D¥s 
6 July, 1871. He is to cause the Dean and Chapter of Armagh to appear 
before the justiciary at Cathirlagh within fifteen days of Michaelmas, to 
answer the Abbot of Mellifont, who claims that they owe him £80. 

Ends: “Teste R. de Prestoun apud Cathirlagh,” &c. 

23. Letter of [Lionel] Duke of Clarence, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to the 
18 January, 1364 (?). archbishop on the controversy about the carrying 
of the archiepiscopal crosses. ity Bh 

The archbishop is to meet Robert de Asshetone, chancellor, and Thomas 
de la Dale, at Donboyne, this day week, viz.: Thursday, 25 January, before 
the first hour (die Iovis proxime futuro ad octos dies ante horam primam), 
so that answer may be given regarding the things contained in the letters 
sent by the king to the archbishop. 

Ends : ‘‘ Datum sub nostro sigillo privato in castro Dublin,” &c. 

The year is not given in the date. But the letter must have been written between 1362, when 
Lionel was made Duke of Clarence, and 14 December, 1366, when he had left Ireland (mo. 24; Cal. 
Close Rolls, 1364-1268, p. 151). And if the obscure phrase ‘‘die Joyis,”’ &c., has been rightly 
interpreted as “this day week being Thursday,” 18 January was Thursday. The only year within 
the limits named in which this happened was 1364. On the other hand, it is difficult to believe that 
no. 1d was parted from nos. 20, 23 by an interval of over a year. 

Lawitor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 227 

24. Letter of Edward (III) to the Archbishop and the Dean and Chapter 
14 December, 1366. of Armagh. f. 3. 

This is a demand in almost identical terms with no. 18, Brigge bemg 
substituted for Brygge, but ending, “Teste Thoma de la Dale custode terre 
nostre Hibernie apud Trym” &e. It is stated in the heading to have been 
received by the archbishop in St. Peter’s Church, Droghda, on Ember 
Saturday, (19) December. 

25. Acquittance for rent of the Castle of Trym. 1G Os 
12 December, 1364. Identical with no. 19, except in the date. 

26. Payments made out of the rents of Trym. io BE 
1363x1872. On Wednesday [....] John Betis crossbearer of the primate 
and Sir(?) [.... obtaimed from (?)] the chancellor of the king in Ireland 

liberates directed (vocati liberate directi) to the treasurer and barons of the 
king’s [exchequer] out of the rents of the Castle of Trym, which were in 
arrear, and he (it does not appear who) received, by the hands of the said 
Sir John, messenger of the primate, tallies to be delivered to the following 
on behalf of the primate for their salary: viz. (1) a tally directed to 
Peter Penteney, sheriff of Uriel, for £4 10s. to be delivered to Richard Whit, 
narrator, as part of his fee—an acquittance therefor to be received by 
Master J. Strode or Betis; (2) a tally for £4, directed to the same, delivered 
to John Plunket, narrator, as his fee by Strode and Betis; (3) a tally for £3, 
directed to Simon Crux, sheriff of Dublin, delivered to John Kepoke, narrator, 
as his fee by the same; (4) a tally for £4 10s., directed to the same, 
remaining with the primate, who will hand it to Sir R. Prestoun when he 
comes to him. 

Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March (born 1351), was still a minor when this document was written 
It may therefore be dated not later than 1372. It is later than no. 142. 

27. Safe conduct handed to Gilbert messenger of the primate in the 
13 May, 1866. chamber of the latter at Drumeskyn on 10 March, 1367, 
in the presence of John Strode and R. Dencoutt. iy OME 

It was granted by Leonellus son of the king, Duke of Clarence, Earl 
of Ulster, Lord of Connaught and lieutenant of the king in Ireland, to 
Edward, Gilbert and Paulinus, messengers of the primate, and was valid in 
Ulster for a year. 

Dated at Down. 

28. Letter of Edward (III) to the sheriff of Loueth, obtained by 
26 February, 1867. John Haddesore. i BY 

The Sheriff is to command the archbishop to deliver without delay 
to John son of Peter de Haddesore the manor of Inesken, which Jordan 
Darditz gave to Richard de Haddesore and his wife Margery and their 

228 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

heirs, and which on the death of Richard and Margery and their son John, 
and his sons John, Richard and Peter, ought to descend to the aforesaid 
John son of Peter their kinsman and heir. If he is not obeyed, and if John 
gives security that he will prosecute his claim (fecerit te securum de clamio 
suo pS)! he is to summon the archbishop to appear before the justices at 
Carthirlagh within fifteen days of Easter. 

Ends: “Teste Thoma de la Dale custode terre nostre Hibernie apud 
Droghda,” &e. 

A note stated that John Haddesore gave 10s. security for this letter. 
A second note (in a different hand) states that another letter was sought, for 
(ad) 3 November, of which a copy appears below (no. 32). 

29. Summons to a parliament at Kylkenny on the morrow of Holy 
27 April, 1367. Trinity (14 June). f, 4. 

Ends: “Teste Geraldo FitzMorice Comite Dessemofi justiciario nostro 
Hibernie apud Dublin,” &e. 

30. Letter to Edward (III). f, 4. 
6 October, 1367. Informs him that Adam Hauberi, senior (?), of Dervere (?) 
in the diocese of Armagh had been sentenced for contumacy to the greater 
excommunication by the archbishop’s official principal, at the imstance of 
Maurice Bensices (?) of Louth, and that he has remained obdurate for over 
40 days. Prays that the king will compel him to make satisfaction. 

Dated at the manor of Drummeskyn. 

31. Acquittance. f, 4, 
9 October, 1366. Peter Derepenteney, sheriff of Loueth, acknowledges receipt 
from the archbishop of 4 mark for a letter concerning the holding of a 
convention, viz.: in extracts of fines and amercements of the Chancellor of 
Treland in an. 40 (1366): and of 40s. for licence to make agreement, viz: in 
extracts before Robert de Prestoun and his fellow-justices of the Irish Bench, 
Hilary term 1365. 

32. Letter of Edward (III) to the Sheriff of Loueth. f. 4, 
14 October, 1367. Identical with no. 28, except that ‘on the morrow of All 
Souls (3 November)’ is substituted for ‘within fifteen days of Kaster, and 
that it ends: “Teste Geraldo FitzMorice Comite Desmond, justiciario nostro 
Hibernie apud Carthirlagh,” &c. 

33. Letter of the same to the sheriff of Uriel, obtained by the malice of 
12 February, 1868. John de Troye without the knowledge of the king. f. 4’. 

The sheriff is commanded to have at the Irish Exchequer at Cathirlagh 
by the morrow of the close of Easter (17 April) the following sums, ‘viz. 
super remotionibus comp’ of the county of the Cross of Ulster in our 41st 

1 Or ‘gives, as security for his claim, 10s’; P and x being difficult to distinguish. 

Lawior—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 229 

year (1367): From the archbishop, guardian of the spirituality of the 
bishopric of Down, sede vacante, and John Langestoun, clerk, for many 
defaults 100s. ; from the same for unjust impediment 100s. 

Ends: “Teste Johanne de Troie thesaurario nostro Hibernie” &e. 

34, Summons to a parliament at Dublin on 1 May. 

12 March, 1368. Ends: “Teste Geraldo &c. (as no, 32) apud Corke ” &e. 

35, The Archbishop appoints John de Clynton lord of Drumeassell and 
29 April, 1368. Robert Galys his familiar, his proctors at the foregoing 
parliament. f, 4”, 

Dated at the manor of Tarmefeghyn. 

36. Brief of Quare impedit obtained by the Prior’of St. Mary, Loueth (also 
20 June, 1868. written Louthe), against the primate and John Kenan, clerk. 

Edward (III) directs the sheriff of Loueth to command the last-named 
persons to permit the prior to present a fit person to the vicarage of 
St. Feghin of Tarmefeghynn, vacant, and in his gift, as he says. If the 
command is not obeyed, and the prior gives security, as in no. 28, they are to 
be summoned to show cause before the justices at Cathirlagh within 15 days 
of 24 June. 

Ends: “Teste Geraldo &c. (as no, 32) apud Drogheda” &c. 

37. Another brief relating to the same matter. f. 5. 
11(?) July, 1868. Edward (III) directs the sheriff of Loueth to take 
recognisance and sureties (vadium et salvos plegios) of the same to appear 
before the justices at Cathirlagh within three weeks of 29 September to 
answer the plea of the prior about the vicarage of St. Feghin of Tarme 
Fechyn, and to have there the names of the sureties. 

Ends “ Teste R. de Prestoun apud Cathirlagh.” 

38. Letter of the archbishop, guardian of the spiritual jurisdiction of 
10 January, 1869. the bishopric of Down in the vacancy of the see by the 
death of Bishop William (White), to Sir Ralph de Poley, Kt., seneschal of the 
Liberty of Ulster. ity BY 

States that the presentation to the parish church of Kylkeyl in the 
Mourne, diocese of Down, belongs to the Earl of Ulster or his locum tenens 
in Ulster; that it is now vacant by the deprivation by the archbishop, during 
the vacancy of the see by the death of Bishop Richard (Calf), of Master John 
de Preez, late rector, for homicide and perjury; and that the presentation 
has now devolved upon the archbishop. Out of respect for the earl and 
Poley the archbishop calls on the latter to present, notwithstanding any 
appeal made by Preez, the de facto incumbent, to the Roman curia. It seems 
to be added that if Poley does not soon make a presentation he will confer 
the rectory on a fit person. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT, ©, [32] 

230 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Dated at the manor of Drummeskyn. 
The latter part is almost wholly illegible. 

The dominical year in the Gate is partly illegible, but the document is said to be of the 8th year 
of the consecration of Milo, i.e. 17 November, 1368 x 20 November, 1369. 

39. Summons to a parliament at Dublin on 30 July, 1639. ib Bye 
18 June, 1369. Ends: “Teste Willielmo de Wyndesore locum nostrum 
tenente in terra nostra Hibernie apud Dublin” &c. 

40. Appointment of Master John de Strode, rector of Stagbanan, and 
27 July, 1369. John de Clyntoun, lord of Drumeassell, as proctors of the 
archbishop at the foregoing parliament. TOs 

Dated at Tarmefechyn. 

41. Letter of Edward (II]) to the primate received by the latter in the hall 
29 December, 1869. of his manor of Drummeskyn on 2 January (US. wrongly 
December), 1370, in the presence of Sir Thomas de Verdoun, Kt., William 
Fouler, Prior of St. Leonard’s, Dundalke, Master Nicholas Beth, William 

Vijerjaton (?), William Gernoun, Robert Beth, and others. ie Bt 
The letter (quoted in full) summons the archbishop to attend a parlia- 
mentat[. . .] on 2 January, 1370. 

Ends: “Teste Willielmo &c. (as no. 39) apud Dublin” &e. 

An endorsement states that the letter not having been received till after 
9 o'clock on the day of the parliament, the archbishop could neither attend 
it nor send proctors. 

42. Letter of the same to the same. f. 6. 
13 January, 1370. The archbishop is commanded to cause 18d. out of every 
librate of ecclesiastical benefices, according to the taxation (taxas) of the same, 
granted by the archbishop andthe clergy of his diocese to William de Wyndesore, 
to be paid before 2 February. 

Ends: “Teste Willielmo &c. (as no. 39) apud Dublin” &. “ Thelwalke.” 

43. Letter of the same to the same. 16 (G 
13 January, 1370. The archbishop is to compel the Abbot of Mellyffont, the 
Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Ireland, the Abbot of St. 
Mary’s, Dublin, and the Abbot of Newry (de Viridi Ligno) to satisfy him 
concerning a sum of 18d. out of a librate &c. (as no. 42) so that it may be 
paid to William de Wyndesore before 2 February. 

Ends as no. 39. 

44. Brief of the king for a council at [Dublin before William de Wyndesore, 
ce. 1 March, 1370. 22 April] 1370. £6%. 

A blank space is left for the text of the brief. 

Summonses to parliaments are usually dated about seven or eight weeks before the date of 
meeting (see nos. 29, 34, 39, 54, 106, 111, 112, 114, 239). Hence this brief probably belongs to 
the early days of March. 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 231 

45. Letter of the archbishop appointing John de Strode, rector of 
20 April, 1370. Staghban and [blank] his proctors at the foregoing 
parliament. tig (OY 

Dated at Tarmefechyn. 

46. Letter to William de Wyndesore, leutenant of the king in 
17 February, 1371 (7). Ireland. ily (0 

By a letter of 18 January, received 15 February, de Wyndesore signified 
his will that an agreement should be made between the Archbishops of 
Armagh and Dublin, in the same form as that made between the Archbishops 
of Canterbury and York, and that if they would not acquiesce in this a 
reasonable delay should be allowed that meanwhile by his mediation an 
agreement might be made in some other form. He desired a reply by the 
bearer. The archbishop excuses himself from replying immediately, as the 
matter concerns his chapter and suffragans. 

Dated at the manor of Dromeskyn. 

The year is not given in the date. But de Windsor was viceroy from a date between June, 1368, 
and April, 1369 (nos. 36, 64), to 21 March, 1372 (C. P. R.I., p. 84, no. 131), and again from 
April, 1374, to 1876 (ib. p. 86, no. 19, p. 100, no. 27). The possible years are therefore 1369, 1370, 
1371, 1372, 13875, 1376. But this is the last document of the series (nos. 36-46) on ff. 5, 6, which 
haye always been consecutive leaves; and the preceding documents are arranged in chronological 
order from 20 June, 1368, to 20 April, 1370. This points to 1371. 

47. Letter to the Bishop of Clogher. iis Ue 
7 August, 1366. States that Malachy M°guydir having been deprived of his 
canonry in the church of Clogher by the archbishop at his metropolitical 
visitation, and the right of appointment having devolved on the bishop 
through negligence of the chapter of Clogher, he has conferred it upon 
Master Dionysius M°cyngoband, official of Clogher, at the request of the 
archbishop. M°*gyngoband being disturbed in his possession thereof the 
bishop is commanded to protect him. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

48. Commission to Master Philip Odalchan (Odallachan in no. 52), 
8 August, 1866. archdeacon, and Sirs Macrobius, vicar of Lyethmanan 
(Lyechmanan im no. 52), and Christin Obuachall, chaplains, of the diocese of 
Clonmacnoise (Cluanen.), to hold the metropolitical visitation of that diocese 
for the archbishop. 15 Uc 

Henry is mentioned as the Bishop of Clonmacnoise. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

A note refers to no. 52. 

49. Memorandum. iis Ue 
16 September, 1866. Records the taking of the usual oath in the chapel of 
Tarmefechin by Augustine (Oromga), Dean of Dromore, in the presence of 


232 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Master John Kenan, notary public, John Whyt, clerk, and Gilbert, messenger, 
prior to the issue of the commission to him and Cornelius Omakrel (no. 50). 

50. Commission to Masters Augustine Oromga, [Dean] and Cornelius 
16 September, 1366. Omacrel, canon of Dromore, to hold the metropolitical 
visitation of such parts of that diocese as the archbishop had not personally 
visited, according to a composition entered into between the archbishop and 
the bishop, chapter, and clergy of the diocese, when the archbishop was last 
there. Teariae 

Dated at Tarmefechyn. 

51. Letter to the Bishop of Dromore. 1B 0% 

1 October, 1366. Thearchbishop has heard that, contrary to the composition 
(see no. 50), the bishop has impeded the dean and Cornelius Omagrela, canons 
of Dromore, in their visitation. He orders the bishop, under the penalty of _ 
greater excommunication, not to impede them, and to certify him by the bearer 
of this letter what he considers meet to be done in regard to this matter. 

Dated at Tarmefeghyn. 

A note states that the primate sent a copy of the foregoing by Molcalym 
Omagrela, messenger, who was sworn concerning the bringing back of a reply 
from’ the Bishop of Dromore, to his commissaries above named; another 
letter to M‘genosa, King of Oueach; and a third to the above-named 
commissaries. These letters Omagrela received, 2 October, in the presence of 
Master R. Sampford, vicar of Tarmefeghyn; Sir John Rosell, chaplain, and 
John Whyt, clerk. 

52. Letter to the commissaries named in no. 48. ifs (3h 
16 November, 1366. The archbishop requires them, or one of them, to come 
to him in accordance with their oath regarding the procurations, taken 
29 September. The letter is borne by Edward, a messenger. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

53, Remission for Odo (O'Neill), Bishop of Clogher (also written 
9 July, 1367. Clocher). 1, {SY 

The archbishop remits any action he might have against him regarding 
145 marks demanded by the archbishop from him before, by reason of a 
collection of money concerning (the archbishop) of Armagh himself, and, 
according to the latter, not paid before Odo became bishop, and (by reason) of 
rents of the archbishop’s lands farmed to him, in which the archbishop 
judicially condemned him at Louth; so that it will (not) be competent to the 
archbishop to take any action against him, so long as he observes the promises 
made in his letters patent of this date. 

Dated at the manor of Dromeskyn. 

1'The word ‘ ab” is inserted above the line. 

Lawtor—aA Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 233 

54, Summons to a parliament at Cassell on the octave of Holy 
25 April, 1871. Trinity (8 June). f. 8. 

The archbishop is to attend in person, together with proctors of the dean 
and chapter and others of the clergy of the diocese. 

Ends: “ Teste Willielmo &e. (as no. 39) apud Balydoill,” &e. 

55, Letter to the Bishop of [Meath ?]. ih OM 
17 July, 1366 (?). The Bishop is to cite certain princes (reguli), who are 
under the archbishop’s sentence of greater excommunication and interdict, to 
appear before the archbishop on a fixed day in the March of Kenlys, that those 
who desire and deserve absolution and relaxation may obtain it; he is to 
certify to the archbishop the names of the persons cited and willing to appear, 
at least two days before the day appointed, which is to be before (infra) the 
end of next week. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

On the date see note to no. 57. 

56, Letter to Philip Oragilich, King of Brefnia. i, OX 
17 July, 1366 (?). States that the archbishop is unwilling lightly to begin 
the things contained in the king’s last letter to him. He therefore proposes 
that the latter should meet him, or someone on his behalf, on 26 July on some 
march of his country beyond Kellmagnean Beg, and asks to be informed of the 
king’s will in this matter, within three days. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

The letter is crossed out. 

On the date see note to no. 57. 

57. Letter to Philip O’Rayly, King of Brefnia. if, O% 
17 July, 1366 (?). The will of the king having been explained in his last 
letter, with regard to the Bishop of Kilmore (Triburnen.), the archbishop 
replies as follows: That if the king finds a clerk (mot a layman) in whose 
hands the fruits of the bishopric may be sequestrated, and will help such 
clerk in levying the fruits, he will so sequestrate the fruits and will 
cause the king to receive fitting satisfaction for his labour in that regard. 
And the archbishop desires the king to bind himself, by letters containing his 
oath, that, in case the archbishop should of necessity take action for the deposi- 
tion of the bishop at the Roman curia, he will be obedient to the archbishop 
and the church of Armagh while such action is pending in matters concerning 
the action and in the levying of the fruits. If the king so binds himself, 
the archbishop will pledge himself not to make any agreement with the bishop 
without his consent. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

After the date the following is added: “Item mandatum nostrum aliud 

234 Proceedings of the Royul Irish Academy. 

vobis directum circa defensionem Nimee Memolmartyn nostro ac vestro clerico 
(ste) quoad prebendam suam de Macharinebair debite executioni demandatis 
nostris precibus et amore.” 

The year is omitted in the dates of the three documents, nos. 55-57. But they are written by the 
same hand, and areall dated17 July. Hence they almost certainly belong to the same year. The 
contents of the present document seem to indicate that it followed no. 71 and preceded no. 73, and it 
is therefore to be placed in 1366. It will be observed that with the exception of no. 54 (which is 
at the end of a page, and may be a later addition), all the dated documents on ff. 7, 8, which were 
always consecutive, are of the year 1366 or 1367. 

58. Letter to the Bishop of Clochor. f. 8%. 

8 March c. 13867(?). States that the archbishop, during the vacancy of the see 
of Clochor, had excommunicated Philip Rog(?) son of Bernard M*magmuna, 
who now claims to be King of Ergallia, and interdicted all the lands in the 
diocese of Clochor whither he might go, for spoiling the goods of M*Comgan, 
a principal citizen and tenant of the archbishop, and other citizens; that the 
archbishop had also excommunicated and interdicted the same P. and Ardgall, 
Katholicus, Sean, Balbe, Odo, Engus, and another brother, sons of the said B., 
for their crimes in the diocese of Armagh, especially burning churches ; that 
they remained obdurate under these censures a year or more; that they were 
excommunicated as suspected of heretical pravity, and remained obdurate 
over two years. Demands that they shall be publicly denounced as 
excommunicated, interdicted and suspected of heretical pravity. 

Dated at Drommeskyn. 

The year is omitted in the date. If the bishop of Clogher referred to is Odo O'Neill, it cannot 
be put earlier than 1364, since the documeut implies that the see had been vacant three years 
earlier, and O’Neill’s predecessor, according to Ware (p. 184), became bishop in 1361. It is probably 
not far apart in date from no. 53. Both documents convey that the bishop had not been long in 

59. Letter to the bailiffs of Carlyngford. i, 
24 January, 1369. They are commanded to imprison John Brodok of 
Carlyngford, suspected of heretical pravity. 

60. Letter of Edward (III) to the archbishop ordering him to cause the 
26 June, 1369. revenues of persons holding ecclesiastical benefices within his 
province, and residing outside Ireland, to be sequestrated and kept in 
sequestration until he receives further order. He is to certify in the 
Chancery of Iveland the amount of such revenues and the names of the 
beneficed, from time to time. f, 9. 

Ends: “Teste Willielmo &e. (as no. 39) apud Dublin” &e. 

61. Letter to William (Mercier), Bishop of Coner, requiring him to fulfil 
28 August, 1369. the provisions of the foregoing letter (no. 69) in his diocese. 

Dated at the manor of Dromeskyn. 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 235 

The letter was sent by the messenger Gylcoimy (O’Relihan). 

Similar letters were sent on the same day by Gilcoimy to brother Simon, 
Bishop of Derry; to Christopher, Bishop of Dromore; to Sir John Logan, 
Archdeacon of Down—he not being recognized as bishop of that see until his 
bull has been presented to his metropolitan; to Odo (O'Neill), Bishop of 
Clocher ; to the Bishop of Raphoe (Rathboten.), and to Richard (O'Reilly), 
Bishop of Kilmore (T'riburnen.): and by the messenger Paul to Henry Powle, 
Archdeacon of Kenlys in the church of Meath, that see being vacant, as 
archdeacon, not as guardian, for a reason sufficiently known; to the Archdeacon 
of Meath, as archdeacon, for the same reason; to brother Richard, Bishop of 
Clonmacnoise (Cluanen.), and to William (MacCormack), Bishop of Ardagh : 
also to Master William Morice, Archdeacon of Armagh. 

62. Letter to Edward (III) acknowledging the receipt of the king’s letter 
19 September, 1869. (no. 60), announcing the despatch of the letters to the 
bishops (no. 61), to which no reply has yet been received, and stating that the 
king’s command has been obeyed in the diocese of Armagh. It ON 

A schedule of beneficed persons &c., as required by no. 60, is appended, as 
follows : 

Deanery of Droghda. Prior and Convent of Lanthonia prima in Wallia, 

rectors of St. Peter’s, Droghda, £40 a year. 

The same, rectors of Kyllaneyr, 5 marks a year. 
The revenues of these two churches were sold to 
Sir Richard Rosse, vicar of St. Peter’s, long before the 
arrival of the letter, and payment made up to three 
weeks after 1 May next. 

The same, rectors of Dunnany, 9 marks a year. 
The revenue was sold befure the present year and 
payment made therefor long before the arrival of the 

Andrew Waryng, rector of Beaulu, 10 marks a year. 

Licensed by the archbishop to study at Oxford. 
John Cusake, rector of Rath, 10 marks a year, 
Licensed by the same for general study. 

Deanery of Atrium Dei. David Brakdan, rector of Derver, 13 marks a 
year. Licensed to study at Oxford. 

Deanery of Dundalke. James Stantoun, vicar of St. Nicholas, Dundalke, 
20 marks a year. Licensed by the same to 
study at Oxford. 

The fruits of the last two churches were sold long 
before the arrival of the letter and payment made 

236 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

63. Letter to Master Henry Powle, Archdeacon of Kenlys in the church 
September, 1869. of Meath, or his official. f. 9”. 

Identical with no. 61 (mutatis mutandis), except that the archdeacon, 
instead of sending the certificate ‘from time to time,’ is required to do so 
in time to allow the archbishop to make his report at the chancery before 
29 September. He warns him of the consequences of disobedience to this, 
his second letter. 

64. Letter of Edward (III) to the archbishop. f, 10. 

6 April, 1370. The prelates having, at a great council at Dublin, on 
22 April, 1369, granted in aid of the expedition of William de Wyndesore the 
king’s lieutenant, a mark out of every carucate of cultivated land belonging 
to them, on condition that their free tenants, gavellers and betaghs should be 
included in the grant in relief of the prelates, but should not be further 
burdened on this occasion; and the prelates, on behalf of their clergy, their 
consent having been first obtained, having granted two tenths out of the 
benefices of their subjects in Ireland according to the current and accustomed 
papal taxation—both grants to be paid within a year, in equal parts on 
1 August and 2 February following; and the condition having been made 
that the prelates through their servants, and the clergy through clerks 
appointed for this purpose by the ordinary should collect the money, and pay 
it to certain persons deputed for each diocese by the king’s lieutenant, by 
indenture between such collectors and the persons so deputed ; the archbishop 
is commanded (1) to appoint collectors and have the grant of the mark 
collected and paid, (2) to call a convocation or council of his clergy to give 
their consent, and (3) to certify the names of the collectors at the Irish 
chancery within 15 days of 24 June. 

Ends: “Teste Willielmo &c. (as no. 39) apud Dublin &c. Thelwall.” 

A note states that the archbishop appointed the collectors, and held 
the convocation of his clergy among the English, at which the whole clergy 
granted the two tenths, except the Abbots of Melifonte and St. Mary’s, 
Dublin, and the Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Ireland, 
who though summoned did not appear. 

A schedule of the collectors is appended, as follows: 

Collectors of the mark. 

Baronies of [Atrium Deiand...]:[..... ] 

Baronies of Loueth, Dundalke and Coly: Robert Pomerell, Roger Perotes, 
John |. . .], John Wolffe, John Whyt of Coly. 

Baronies of [.. .] and Margallyn in Midia: Stephen Cor, John Bernard, 
[Thomas | Dutte. 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 2837 

Collectors of the tithe. 

Deanery of Atrium Dei: Sir Thomas Conchlach (corrected to Condlach), 
vicar of Kylmodymoke. 

Deanery of Drogda: Sir John Bagote, vicar of Port. 

Deanery of Dundalke: William Galwey. 

65. Commission to Sir Thomas Condelagch, vicar of Kylmodymoke, for 
30 June, 1370. raising the tithe in the deanery of Atrium Dei. i, OY, 

Dated in the city of Armagh. 

66. Commission for raising the subsidy, as directed to laymen. f. 10”. 
30 [June], 1870. Thomas Duffe of Rathode in the barony of Margalyn is 
empowered to collect the mark from the archbishop’s free tenants &c. of the 
tenement of the Nobyr and in the barony of Margalyn. 

Dated in the city of Armagh. 

67. Memorandum. it, iL, 
9 June, 1867. Masters Patrick Okorry, Dean, and Maurice, canon of 
Armagh, Robert Odoyll, canon of Derry, and Sir John Bette, rector of 
Droumynge, having appeared before the archbishop in the manor of 
Tarmefechin, it was intimated that the rectory of Termoncayncomayn (?) was 
vacant by the death of Niall M*camul. The archbishop, with the counsel 
of the above-named, collated it to Master Maurice Okasidy, canon of Armagh. 

68. Memorandum. Tomales 
15 January, 1868. Richard (O’Reilly), Bishop of Kilmore (Triburnen.), having 
committed adultery and incest with Edina (?Ediua) Oraygill (elsewhere Oraigill), 
daughter of his uncle (patrui) and wife of one M°guyer, and incest with Edina 
(?Ediua) M°gauueran (elsewhere M*gauuergan), and having repeated the 
offence, was sentenced to greater excommunication by the primate, and 
subjected to the penalty of £100 and 40 marks, to which he had been 
sentenced by the same in case of repetition. He made confession, and 
submitted himself to the grace of the primate and his commissary. The 
archbishop accordingly issued a commission (quoted in full), dated at 
Dromeskyn, 12 January, 1368, to Masters James Scotelare and John Kenan, 
his clerks. It states that owing to the demerits of the bishop the archbishop 
had assumed and was exercising episcopal jurisdiction in his diocese, and 
authorizes the above-named clerks, jointly or severally, to treat with the 
bishop about his offences, and the recurrence of the same, to give him absolution 
from his excommunication, to relax the sequestration of his bishopric, and to 
pronounce that in case of a repetition of his offences he shall again ipso facto 
fall under these penalties, as well as under that of £100 and 40 marks decreed 
for recurrence, and that in such case action shall be taken at the Roman curia 

R.I,A. PROC., VOL, XXIX., SECT, C. [33] 

238 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

with a view to his deposition. The said clerks are also desired to treat with 
Philip Oraigill, King of Breffinia, and with other clerks of the diocese of 
Kilmore elected and deputed as custodians of the sequestration, as to what 
action should be taken about the sequestrated fruits of the bishopric, and 
whether the goods of the church itself have been diverted (distracta et 
dissipata) to alien uses. They are to report to the archbishop together 
with the return (retradicio) of this commission. Bishop Richard appeared 
before James Scotelare, learned in law, clerk and commissary of the primate, 
acting under this commission at Rathdycke, a place in the diocese of Kilmore 
near Monalthy, in the diocese of Meath. There, with the express consent of 
the bishop and the consent of the major and principal of his clergy, Scotelare 
gave sentence as follows :—He is to pay the penalty of £100 and 40 marks, 
and if his offence is repeated his episcopal jurisdiction is to be resumed by the 
primate, he is again to fall under the greater excommunication, and to have 
the fruits of the bishopric sequestrated, and action is to be taken at the Roman 
curia with a view to his deposition. ‘he bishop was then sworn to abide by the 
commands (de stando mandatis) of the Church, and received absolution from 
Master Thomas Ossiridean acting for the commissary, as well as relaxation of 
the sequestration, restoration of jurisdiction, and dispensation on account of 
his offences. He promised, in part payment of the above-named sum, 20 marks 
within a month, 5 marks on 17 March, and 5 marks on 1 May, failure of these 
payments to incur greater excommunication. ‘he bishop and the major of 
his clergy present, viz. Master ‘homas Ossiridean, his official general, Luke 
M‘gauuergan, Dionysius Ossiridean, Luke M*monchan, Patrick M¢braddy, 
and others, swore that they would cause that letters about the foregoing, to 
be drawn up by the primate in the name of the bishop and clergy, should be 
sealed with the common seal of the bishop and clergy, and returned to the 

Ends: “‘lestibus ad premissa presentibus et vocatis magistro Willielmo 
Offergayll, Johanne ‘lia[. . |rloge, Edwardo cursore dicti primati et aliis.” 

69. Memorandum. if, IL, 
14 November, 1866. At a metropolitical visitation personally held by the 
primate in the parish church of Kylmaynan in the diocese of Kilmore 
(Tirburnen.), Richard (O'Reilly), Bishop thereof, submitted and confessed 
that he was involved in the sentence of excommunication for impeding 
the commissaries of the primate in their visitation of the diocese, and that 
he had not put away Edina (?Ediua) (Oraygill, see no. 68), and that he 
had incurred the penalty of 40 marks for the repetition of his offence 
with her, and he put himself on the grace of the primate, praying to be 
absolved from the excommunication. ‘The primate, when the bishop was 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 239 

sworn to abide by the commands (de stando mandatis) of the Church, absolved 
him and relaxed his suspension, and pronounced that he had incurred the fine 
formerly decreed (in multam antiquam incidisse) except (preter) 18 marks 
already paid. A penalty (pena) was laid upon him in case of repetition of 
his offence, viz. (1), that he should ipso facto again fall under the sentence 
of greater excommunication, and (2) into the penalty of paying £100, and 
(3) that he should be brought before (ipsum. . . deferendi) the Pope with a 
view to his deposition. The declaration of the grace to be shown him by the 
primate concerning the fine (multa) for the present offence was reserved—(to 
be made) more ample (et in tanto amplioris) if he treated his clerks and 
laymen kindly, and especially the commissaries of the primate and those who 
obeyed them. By way of procurations to the primate, who was two days in 
the diocese, the bishop granted 4 marks, to be paid within 15 days, and 
the clergy, because they were poor, 4 marks, although the visitation was not 

Ends: “ Testibus ad premissa magistris Petro cancellario Ardmachano, 
Petro Houth, juris perito, et Johanne Strode, rectore de Stabanan et domino 
Johanne Bette rectore de Dromynge Ardmachane diocesis et Johanne Kenan 
notario publico et ibidem eisdem presentibus testibus.” 

An additional note states that the bishop and Patrick M°bradi, proctor of 
the whole clergy of Kilmore (Tirburnen.), and many others of the clergy, 
in the cemetery, towards the east part of the said church, conceded that the 
primate should complete his visitation by Master Peter Okerbyllan, his 

Ends: “Testibus ibidem officiali curie Triburnensis, magistro Luca 
M‘anachana (?), Johanne Whit clerico et me notario publico supradicto.” 

70. Letter to Richard (O’ Reilly), Bishop of Kilmore (Triburnen.). f. 12%. 
12 June, 1866. The bishop having contemned his excommunication and 
denunciation by the archbishop, is cited to show cause in the parish church of 
Kylmaynan beg on 20 June, why the fruits of his bishopric should not be 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

71. Letter to the noble Catholus Oragilich. li AN 
12 (?) June, 1366. He desires Oragilich to deliver, or cause to be delivered, 
the letter of citation (no. 70) to the Bishop of Kilmore (Triburnen.), and to 
nominate promoted native clerks (de terra oriundos et promotos) to carry the 
intended sequestration into effect. Master Peter (O’Carolan), Chancellor of 
Armagh, greets Oragilich and his wife, who is his foster-sister. 

72. Commission to Master Peter Okerbyllan, Chancellor of Armagh, to 
27 August, 1366. hold a metropolitical visitation of the diocese of Kilmore 
(Triburnen.). ris dA 


240 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Master William (O'Farrelly), comarb of St. Medoc, had been appointed 
commissary for this purpose, and his commission holds good in regard to 
matters begun or accomplished by him. 

Dated at Dromesky. 

73. Letter to Peter O(kerbyllan), Chancellor of Armagh, and the dean 
27 August, 1366. (sic) and officials (offic) of the deaneries ot [4/ank]. f. 13. 

Richard (O'Reilly), Bishop of Kilmore (Triburnen.), having committed 
adultery and incest with Edyn (? Edyu), daughter of Oragilich, his cousin 
(consanginea) and a married woman, the archbishop has had him and 
those obedient to him denounced as excommunicate in Kenlys, Nobyr, and 
Fauoria, in the diocese of Meath, and near that of Kilmore, and has caused 
the fruits of the bishopric to be sequestrated. He now commands the above 
to make similar denunciations through the diocese of Kilmore and elsewhere, 
and haying proclaimed the sequestration of the fruits of the bishopric, to levy 
the same. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. = 

74. Memorandum. 113: 
29 August, 1366. A letter from the archbishop was sent to the Bishop of 
Kilmore (Triburnen.) by Edward, messenger, urging him to cease from his 
adultery and incest with Edyn (? Edyu), daughter of Oraylly, his cousin and a 
married woman, on pain of delation to the Pope. 

75. Letter to Richard (O’Reilly), Bishop of Kilmore (Triburnen.). 7. 13. 

9 October, 1366. The archbishop’s metropolitical visitation, which was begun 
in the bishop’s diocese by Master Peter O(kerbyllan), Chancellor of Armagh, 
and is being continued by Masters William Oferallaich, comarb of St. Medoc, 
and Adam M‘tiarnan, dean of Drumleachan, not having been finished in the 
case of the bishop and others in the deanery of Kellmor, the bishop is cited 
to appear before the archbishop on 20 October, in the parish church of 
Kilmagnean beg, in Kilmore diocese, to submit to said visitation, and is 
commanded to cite by (?) his official general (cum offical’ vestrum generalem) 
the dean of Kellmor, and all rectors, &c., of the deanery of Kellmor. 

Dated at Tarmifechyn. 

76. Final citation to the metropolitical visitation of the diocese of Kilmore 
16 November, 1366. (Triburnen.). iise 

Bishop Richard (O'Reilly) is commanded to summon all dignitaries, 
rectors, &c., in the deanery of Kellmore, to appear in the church of Kellmor 
on 1 December, and those of the deaneries of Dromlechan and Dartra, in 
the church of St. Medoc of Drumlechan on [. . . December]. 

Dated at the manor of Dromeskyn. The year is also given as the 5th of 
Milo’s consecration. 

LawiLor—A Calendur of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 241 

77. Commission to Master Peter Okerbullan, Chancellor of Armagh, to hold 
16 November, 1366. a metropolitical visitation of the same. f. 13”. 

The visitation was to be held in so far as (quatenus) the diocese had not 
been visited by the archbishop’s authority that year. 

78. Letter of the archbishop during his metropolitical visitation of the 
14 November, 1866. diocese of Kilmore (Triburnen.), to the official of 
Kilmore and the dean of Drumleachan. ii IBY 

States that Bishop Richard (O’Reilly) had been sentenced to greater 
excommunication for his adultery, &c. (as no. 75), and had afterwards been 
absolved, apparently on the conditions mentioned in no. 69. 

Incomplete, breaking off at the end of the page. 

This letter seems to refer to no. 69, and therefore to have followed it. But the archbishop’s 
personal visitation terminated with the acts recorded in that document (cf. no. 77), and two days later 
he had left the diocese and was at Dromiskin (no. 76). From these facts the date given above has 
been inferred. The inference is confirmed by its proximity to the dates of the other documents on 
the same leaf (nos. 73-77). 

79. Rents of Nobbir. f, 14, 
ce. 1368. 
Name. Holding. Yearly Rent. 
WR ae See] Cristokislond. ee ol 
Adam White do. 6d. 
Heirs of Stephen Newe- do. 3d. 

toun: Robert Port[er] 
now holds it 

John Doudale 7 acres by (infra) the water of Nobir, between 16d. 
Heighrath and the water 
Nicholas Halle Litgarlon and Moche garlon 4s, 2d. 
do. T[_. . ] milclone(?) on both sides of the water. 
Simon Vineter “qui ista deponit per (above line di) annum 

debet vs (above line viz: quos solvere 
lurauit (?) adfesta apostolorum Philippi et 
Jacobi et omnium Sanctorum termino 
incipiente &c. lxv), pro vi acris terre 
(above line arabilis) de Clonbil (added 
later et ili acr parci et pro toto Clonbil 
ete. (?) summa illius parcelli de Clonbil per 
annum Xis.).” 
Archdeacon of Kenles, Whitchildisyar 4 geese. 
rector of Nober 
Thomas de Veldoun Garden formerly belonging to John Doffe 2 geese, 

242 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Name. Holding. Yearly Rent. 
Milo de Verdoun Garden 2 geese, 
Heirs (corr. to heir) of do. do. 
Jordan White ; 
Heirs of John Rede Park or pasture do. 
John son of Walter Brakschise do. 
White : 
Heirs of Master Adam : do. 
Thomas Palmer do. 
William Heyroun Orchard 8d. 
Tolbolle of the Nobir “valet de qualibet ceruisia 
padox(?) tercio{?) [.] lagon.”* 
Heirs of Simon Hannyllyn Newmylclone 8d. 

Each butcher is bound to give the lord [a pound] of fat (de cepo) a year. 
For the last provision see also no. 246. 
Neither date nor name of the archbishop appears. The entry about Simon Vineter seems to imply 
a date at least as late as 1366. The other documents on the same leaf belong to 1368. 
80. Letter of the archbishop, guardian of the spirituality and spiritual 
16 December, 1368. jurisdiction of the bishopric of Down, the see being 
vacant [by the death of William (White)], to [John] Logan, Archdeacon of 
Down, and brother Angelicus [. .]. f. 14°. 
Empowers them to exercise his jurisdiction in the bishopric, and com- 
mands them to do so on pain of deprivation. 
Dated in the city of Armagh. 
81. Letters patent of the same. fae 
18 December, 1368. Dispensation of Sir Robert Ogean, [. . .] of the bishopric 
of Down from the vacancy, who had carnal intercourse with Mati[]da] Stokys, 
a professed nun of the house of nuns at Down. 
Dated in the city of Armagh. 
82. Grant to Simon Gernoun of Atrium Dei, narrator, for his counsel, 
16 October, 1365. service, pleading (patrocinio), and aid, past and future, of 
a pension of 20s. a year. im 19), 
Dated at the manor of Dromeskyn. 
83, Appointment of Master Arthur M°bruyn, canon of Armagh, as 
8 November, 1365. seneschal in the city of Armagh, the tenements of the 
same, and the surrounding churches, in succession to John M°birragra, 
removed. f, 15. 
Dated at the manor of Dromeskyn. 

1 So Reeves: only tlie letter £1’ now remains. 

Lawior—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 245 
84. Letter to the Pope on behalf of Robert de Aketoun, of the order of 
25 November, 1865. hermits of St. Augustine, bishop-elect of Down. f. 15. 
On the voidance of the see by the death of Bishop Richard (Calf) the 
monks of the church of Down had postulated hin. 
Dated in the city of Down. 
The year in the date is illegible. It is fixed by no. 85. 

85. Decree of postulation of a Bishop of Down. i, 1B. 
20 November, 1365. The present instrument is a copy of the original decree 
made and certified by a notary public, whose name does not appear. The 
decree is as follows: Nicholas, prior, Richard, subprior, and other monks 
O.S.B. of the cathedral church of St. Patrick, Down, declare that Bishop 
Richard (Calf) having died, and having been buried on 26 October, they 
assembled in chapter, and appointed 18 November as the day for election of 
a bishop. On that day, proceeding by way of compromise, they appointed 
as compromisers (compromisimus in) Richard Persoun and John Rosse their 
fellow-monks. The compromisers determined to postulate brother Robert de 
Aketoun of the order of hermits of St. Augustine, and Richard Persoun having 
signified this to the chapter according to a form quoted, Robert de Aketoun 
gave his assent (form quoted) to the postulation. Thomas Crompe, of the 
order of hermits of St. Augustine, and Master John Macadam, were appointed 
proctors to proceed in the matter at the Roman curia, by letter dated 
20 November. : 

86. Grant to Thomas Rountre of 40s. yearly pension, payable 24 June, and 
27 November, 1865. a robe at Christmas, when and as the archbishop gave 
robes to others of his council, commensales excepted, for the archbishop’s life, 
in return for faithful counsel and pleading (patrocinium) to be rendered 
against all except former lords (prioribus dominis), masters, and relatives 
(consanguineis) up to the fourth degree, to whom he was under obligation 
before the date of this letter. f. 16. 

A note follows stating that on 28 November, 1565, in the chamber of 
masters [. . . of the monastery of St.] John of the English, Down, Thomas 
Rountre swore to perform the duties above mentioned. 

Ends: “Testibus dompno Johanne Rosse? [. . .] Johanne Kenan clericorum 
(sic) domino Gylberto Cauntoun.” 

87. Grant to Master (?) John Preez, rector of Mourne, in the diocese of 
30 November, 1356. Down, of a pension of 20s. during the archbishop’s life, 
for counsel and pleading (patrocinium) to be rendered. ii lov, 

Dated at Down. 

‘The name ‘* Rosse” is from Reeyes’s copy. It is now torn off, 

244 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

A note states that he took oath accordingly. E 

88. Instrument of Archbishop Richard (Fitz Ralph). f. 16". 
26[. . .], 1856. He acknowledges that he owes to the Abbot and Convent of 
St. Mary of Lonleye, in the diocese of Le Mans (Cenomon.) in Normandy, 
O.S.B., the sum of £200; and he binds himself to pay this sum at St. Paul’s 
Church, London, before 24 June, 1360, if before that date he is able to get 
possession of (appropriare) the house or cell of St. Andrew in the Ards, in the 
county of Ultonia and diocese of Down, for himself and his church of Armagh, 
making good his claim to it against (a .. defendentes) the monastery of 
Lonleye in virtue of a dimission (ex dimissione) of the said abbot and convent 
made (facte seu etiam faciende: sic) by licence of the Pope, the King of 
England, and other lords and founders of said house; but if not, he binds 
himself to deliver the said cell to the abbot and convent. If any part of 
the above sum is paid before the day named all the fruits received by him 
out of the cell shall be (sint) allocated to the abbot and convent, and 
he promises to render an account thereof to them. 

Opposite this article is written in the margin in a modern hand “ Black 

See Reeves Aztt., pp. 18, 382. 

89. Acquittance, acknowledging to the heirs and executors of John 
25 March x 20 November, 1365. Rath, senior, receipt of account and full 
payment in the matter of rents of the church in the parish of Drom[eskyn] 

due to the archbishop. f. 16". 
Dated at Dromeskyn. 
90. Letter to the Prior of the Friars Preachers of Mollingher. ie Wi 

27 July, 13867. Toa letter from the latter brought by Kylpatrick [...] the 
archbishop replies that though he is conservator of the privileges of their 
order in Ireland he is ignorant whether his letters conservatory (conserva- 
torium) give him power to absolve one who has offended as the bearer has ; 
besides he believes, though he has not seen the letters conservatory, that he 
is unable to absolve from excommunication in cases reserved to the Holy See, 
the more so because his duty as conservator is to defend the order, not to 
absolve easily those who offend against it. Therefore he commits to the 
prior, if, after examination of the conservatory bull, he finds that the archbishop 
has such power, authority to absolve the bearer in his stead. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

91. Letter making prebendal the churches of Dompnachfynry and 
5 June, 1367. Diryluran. it, Wf 

The letter is addressed to Peter Okerbyllan (in title Okerbillan), canon 
of Armagh, to whom, by reason of his canonry, the church of Dompnachfinnry, 

Lawitor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 245 

made a prebend, and the rectory of Diriluvan, united thereto, are to be 
assigned or collated, and who is dispensed to hold other preferment with 

Dated at Tarmefeghan. 

92. Letter of recall. tig Life 
10 September, 1367. Richard Hoper, rector of Kylkerley, who had licence to 
study in London for a period not yet expired, is ordered to return to his cure 
before the first Sunday in Lent (27 February, 1368) and to reside therein, the 
licence being re-called from that date. 

Dated at the manor of Dromeskyn. 

The day of the month in the date—not now legible—is taken from Reeves’s copy. 

93. Commission of Master Odo (M*dinim), canon of Armagh, as proctor 
Summer, 1366(?). of the archbishop and the church of Armagh. lip LG, 

He is to be their proctor in all causes, and especially in that concerning 
the custody of the spirituality and spiritual jurisdiction of the diocese of 
Down during vacancy of that see, between Nicholas Langtoun, bearing 
himself as prior of the monks of the cathedral church of Down, and the 
convent thereof, and certain others, religious and secular, of the clergy of 
Down, plaintiffs, of the one part (MS. mea parte, 07 in ea parte, probably for ex 
una parte), and the archbishop and his church of Armagh, defendants, of the 
other part, at the Roman curia or elsewhere. 

The dates of other documents on the same leaf (nos. 90-92, 94) suggest that this commission 
belongs to the latter part of 1367. But so late a date is excluded by no. 179, which proves that 
Medinim was then actually at the Roman curia. He made ready for his journey thither in the 
summer of 1366 (no. 123), though he did not start till early in 1367 (no. 130). The date given 
above is based on the supposition that he began his preparations, probably soon after, certainly not 
before, the issue of his commission. 

94, Letter to Ohandeloyn. ti A, 
18 September, 1367. States that the Dean of Armagh is afraid to leave his 
church, according to report, on account of the threats of the above and of 
Donald Oneyll and their malefactors, made only because the dean had 
always been faithful to God, St. Patrick, the church of Armagh and the 
archbishop ; that Ohandeloyn had prevented the dean, canons and colidei from 
performing divine offices in their church; that he had despoiled them, and 
hindered them from visiting the archbishop, and interdicted the archbishop’s 
messenger. Nevertheless the dean twice wrote letters asking for Ohandeloyn’s 
absolution. The archbishop will not grant such petitions till the dean and 
the rest have free access to him. And because Ohandeloyn has often deceived 
him, being recalcitrant after absolution, he intends to consult the more 
carefully with the said clerics and other magnates of Ireland on this matter, 
R.1.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C, [34] 

246 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

for Ohandeloyn’s destruction (ad vestrum exterminium faciendum), which he 
is unwilling to do unless compelled by Ohandeloyn. 
‘The year is omitted in the date. But it may be inferred from no. 96. 

95. Letters of administration to Henry Fitz Row, burgess of Dundalk, for 
1370. the goods of Johanna [his] wife, who died intestate. i, UY 

96. Letter to the Dean [and Chapter] of Armagh. f. 18. 
18 September, 1367. The latter had written on the Monday within the 
octave of the na[tivity of B.V.M.] (15 September), asking the archbishop to 
commit to some one among the Irish authority to absolve Ohandeloyn and 
Donald Oneyll from the sentences passed on them for depredations against 
the church of Armagh, for which they are prepared to give pledges sufficient 
for the claim (placitum) of the men of Armagh. ‘To which he replies that 
their absolution from excommunication and the relaxation of the interdict 
principally concern him, and only in a secondary degree the men of Armagh. 
If the men of Armagh are willing to receive pledges satisfactory to them, 
then they are to write to him on the subject, and he will deliberate about the 
pledges to be delivered to him, and when sufficient amends have been made 
for their offences, or pledges (pignoraticia cautione) given, absolution will be 
granted. The archbishop has also sent a letter to Ohandeloyn by the hands 
of Cristin the colideus, the ‘bearer of the dean’s letter, stating among other 
things that absolution cannot be given till the dean and chapter have access 
to him (no, 94). He is doing what he can about sending a messenger to the 
curia, and he has also sent a letter about John Mariman, to which he will 
affix his own seal, to be sealed with the common seal. 

97. Memorandum. if US, 
21 September, 1367. Donat M°clogyn (in title M°cloigyn), appointed bailiff of 
Armagh in succession to Benedict M*keuwan deceased, swore to be faithful 
to the primate in his chamber at Tarmefeghyn in the presence of William 
Jordaen, Robert Gilys, and James Scotelare, the writer of the instrument, and 
also to pay $ mark, of which 3s. 4d. was then paid, the remainder to be paid 
before 1 November. 

98. Commisson of Donat M°cloygyn as bailiff (as in no, 97). ti ILS. 
21 September, 1367. All the archbishop’s subjects among the Irish are 
required to obey hin. 

Dated at Tarmefeghyn. 

99. Letter to Richard O'Reilly [Bishop of Kilmore]. tte JUS, 
1367 (2). The archbishop received at Dromeskyn on the Monday before 
29 September the bishop’s letter asking aid against Philip Oragill, chief 
(principe) of the bishop’s country, who had despoiled him and his clerks. 
He replies that the bishop from the time of the archbishop’s coming has been 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 247 

recalcitrant and has been living in mortal sin for many years, and that he 
therefore deservedly suffers. As to his request for absolution the archbishop 
cannot give it till he has paid £100, the penalty imposed for repetition of his 

This document belongs to the series nos. 70, 71, 56, 57, 72-75, 69, 78, 76, 77, 121, 68, which 

ranges from 12 June, 1366, to 15 January, 1368. It seems to suit the end rather than the 
beginning of the period. ‘The earlier documents on the same leaf all belong to September, 1367. 

100. Letter to the chaplain of Castrum Ohanloyn. i 18h, 

ce. 13867 (7). Commands him to admonish Malachy Ohanloyn, King of 
Erthyr, (1) to compel his subject Gylchalmyn M‘rory M°gingussa to restore 
goods taken by violence by him on Friday on the road near Derrys, viz. : 
from Paulinus, messenger of the archbishop, a black coat (cotam), a belt 
(zonam), a new hood (cuputium), linen breeches (braccas), a new pair 
of shoes (sotularis); from Donochi a servant of Master John Kenan, 
the archbishop’s clerk, a good black coat, a black hood (caputium), 
new breeches, a belt, a cloak (falingua) and a new pair of shoes 
(sotularium) ; from Gyleomy Oschandyll a cloak, two hoods, a belt, a pocket 
knife (cultellum braccale), a pair of gloves and 4 peck of corn; from 
Okynnychan a draught horse of the archbishop (caballum de carriagio nostro) 
with 4 pecks of corn; from a servant (garsione) of the same a cloak, a hood, 
a belt, a knife; from Gilbert Odonnegan 3 peck of corn, a hood: and on 
Thursday last from Offehegan 23 pecks mostly of corn, 4 ‘donarrecus’ (?) of 
salt, two silver pennies, two ‘oeciae’ of steel (de calibe); from M°chaskarl 
a belt, a knife, a pair of shoes; from a servant (of) M°gillamura (?), a belt, a 
knife, a pair of shoes; (2) to compel Donald the younger (juvenem) son of 
Malachy to restore the goods violently taken by him last Friday, viz.: 4 [. .] 
of corn from the son of Oschandyll; from M°chuskarl a cloak; from the son 
of Oremy a cloak. If this is not done the chaplain is to proceed against 
Malachy with ecclesiastical censures by authority of the archbishop, intimating 
to Malachy through his son Eugenius and Odo the son of Peter that although 
he might haye proceeded against them with a severe sentence, he will wait 
until the Monday before 6 December, when they are to appear at Armagh, 
The chaplain is to execute this mandate within ten days. 

The date is inferred from those of the other documents on the same leat. 

101. Letter to brother Simon, Bishop of Derry. if. 1), 
12 July, 1367. Informs him that Master Peter (O’Carolan), Chancellor of 
Armagh and canon of Derry, on this day, at the church of Armagh, has 
appealed against burdens (a gravaminibus) imposed by the bishop on the 
chapter, clergy, herenachs and coloni of the diocese of Derry. In place of 
notification and petition of apostles, a copy of the appeal is sent with the 

248 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

letter for the bishop’s inspection. He is prohibited, in the meanwhile, from 
demanding such collection (collectam) or contribution. 

Dated at Dundalk. 

102. Letter to the prelates, secular and regular, rectors, vicars, chaplains, 
12 July, 1367. herenachs and coloni of the diocese of Derry. ipa be) 

Since by the appeal (mo. 101) they are made immediately subject to 
the archbishop, and freed irom the jurisdiction of the bishop pending its 
decision, they are ordered not to obey the latter in the matter of a collection — 
or contribution. 

Dated at Dundalk. 

103. Confirmation of the postulation of Master Peter Okerballan to the 
30 July, 1367. deanery of Derry, by the archbishop, on whom the mght has 
devolved. Doe 

Okerballan receives dispensation as the successor of his father in the 
deanery. The confirmation took place at St. Nicholas’s Church, Dundalke. 

Ends: “ Presentibus magistro Arthuro Mckewen officiali Ardmachano, 
domino Petro Fowler domus sancti Leonardi de Dundalke et domino Thoma 
Wals perpetuo vicario de Carlingford, domino Johanne Talboot presbitero 
presbitero (sic) parochie de Dundalke ac multis aliis et me Jacobo Scotelare 
clerico et in omnibus istis actis scriptore et locum notarii tenente (2).” 

104. Letter to Brother Simon, Bishop of Derry. £19". 
81 July, 1367. He is ordered to cause Master Peter Okerballan, canon of 
Derry, or his proctor, to be inducted into the deanery, his postulation to which 
had been confirmed, by devolved right, by the archbishop. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

A note states that similar letters were sent to the comarb of St Kynicus 
and John Ocuijg], canons of Derry. 

105. Letter to the same. ie 
June x July (?), 1867. States that when confirmation of the postulation of 
Master Peter Okerballan, canon of Derry, was sought through Master 
John Kenan, clerk of Armagh diocese, special proctor of the majority (pro 
majori parte) of the canons of Derry, reasons were given why the confirmation 
belonged to the archbishop and not to the bishop. 

The document breaks off at the end of the page. 

It is followed by the note, “ Require supra in xi. folio ad idem signum yy.” 

In the date the month does not appear. It is inferred from no. 187. 

106. Summons to a parliament at Kylkenni on 7 January, 1371. 

The archbishop is to appear in person, together with proctors of his chapter 
8 November, 1370. and clergy. f. 20. 

Ends: “Teste Willielmo, &c., (as no. 39) apud Adare” &e. 

LawLor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 249 

107. Appointment of Roger Gernoun and Robert Gilys (?) as the 
2 January, 1371. archbishop’s proctors at the parliament (no. 106. f. 20. 

Dated at manor of Dromeskyn. 

108. Letter to the king. f. 20. 
January, 1871. The archbishop begs to be excused from attendance (at the 
parliament: no. 106?) since he is detained by a case pending at the Roman 
curia between him and the Archbishop of Dublin about the carrying of the 

The date seems to be determined by nos. 106, 107. 
109. Letter to[... .]. f. 20°. 

15 March (?), 1370. ‘The letter of his correspondents has been received in 
which they certified [the contumacy] of Masters Benedict Oculean, rector of 
Clonfechkena, official of the deanery of Tolaghoge, Maurice Ocorry, dean of 
Tolachoge, and Salmon and John M‘birragra (also written M°*bragra), all 
canons of Armagh, who did not appear at the appointed (ipsis) day and place. 
These persons have been for many years disobedient to the archbishop [and 
have not allowed those] to whom it belonged to levy the rents of Tolaghoge to 
pay them tohim. The archbishop therefore intends to deprive them of their 
benefices, and to pronounce them contumacious and incapable of holding 
ecclesiastical benefices, and that especially because through their misconduct 
he is in arrearto the extent of 200 marks, out of which he might have paid his 
dues (de quibus satisfecissemus) to the Roman curia. It is certain that they 
ineurred the sentence of greater excommunication as well “a domino nostro 
papa in qualibet die Iovis[..... ] proinde late et [publice] denunciate,” as 
by the provincial and synodal constitutions of the church of Armagh. And 
although the sentence of their deprivation for not appearing at the assigned 
term had been written by him, yet to demonstrate (ad convincendum) their 
malice he has postponed (expectauimus) (the case of) Oculean until 4 April 
and that of Ocorry and the M°birragras until the second juridic day after Low 
Sunday (21 April) to hear sentence, in the chapel of the manor at Dromeskyn. 
But Oculean and Ocorry shall pay (soluturi) all the money due to him or else 
hear sentence as above. He commands that they are to be cited before him for 
this purpose at the above-mentioned terms and place. 

A note adds that on the same day a letter was also sent for absolving 
Bernard M*mahuna from the sentence of greater excommunication passed upon 
him by the archbishop on account of pillage (predam) of M°comgan, and for 
relaxation of the interdict on his lands, on condition of (dum tamen) giving 

satisfaction to the injured person. 

The former document is dated the 15th of the ‘ aforesaid’ month; but no month seems to have 
been named. Since 4 April is spoken of as still future, though apparently not far distant, it was 
probably March. 

250 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

110. Letter [to Lionel, Duke of Clarence]. f. 21. 
20 x 23 January. 1364. The king had written, both to the archbishop and 
to the duke, about the contest between the Archbishops of Armagh and Dublin 
in regard to the carrying of the cross. Accordingly (super quo) the duke 
wrote to the archbishop, as in no. 25. The archbishop replies that he cannot 
give the required answer fully without consulting those of his council, who 
are in remote parts, and that this cannot be done by tke day named. 

Undated. Since it is the reply to no. 23, it must have been written a day or two after it, and 
before the date fixed for the mecting at Dunboyne. 

111. Summons to a parliament at Dublin on 20 January, 1375. f. 21. 
20 November, 1374. 

Ends: “Teste W. de Wyndesor gubernatore et custode terre nostre 
Hibernie apud le Naas” &e. 

112. Summons toa parliament at Kylkenny on 19 February, 1366. f. 21”. 
1 January, 1366. Ends: “Teste Leonello, &c. (as in no. 18) apud 
Dublin” &e. 

115. Appointment of John de Clyntoun, lord of Drumeassel, and William, 
7 February, 1366. son of Adam, as the archbishop’s proctors at the 
parliament (no. 112). ib ZY 

Dated at Tarmefechyn. 

114. Summons of the guardian of the spirituality of the bishopric of 
1 January, 1366. Down, sede vacante, to the parliament (no. 112). f. 21°. 

A note directs the issue of a commission in identical terms with no. 113, 
except that the archbishop receives the additional title of “guardian of the 
spiritual jurisdiction in the bishopric,” &c. (as above). 

115. Note (7) about the delivery of a letter to Philip Oragill on 
26 November, 1368. Sunday. i, De. 

The words “(Litera mi]ssa Phillippo Oragill” are crossed out, and the 
greater part of the remainder is lost. 

116. Appointment of William Galwey, clerk, as principal and general 
24 October, 1369. apparitor in the diocese of Armagh among the 
English. f, 22. 

Dated at the manor of Drummeskyn. 

117. Institution of Stephen Stauntoun, clerk, to the vicarage of St. Fechin’s, 
12 November, 1369. Tarmefeghyn (in title, Termonfeghin). f, 22. 

He had been presented by John, Prior, and the Convent of St. Mary’s, 
Loueth, and was invested by handing to him the archbishop’s ring. He 
is to be inducted by the Archdeacon of Armagh or his official. 

Dated at the manor of Drummeskyn. 

Lawitor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 251 

118. Letter to Richard Clyntoun, the archbishops chamberlain 
15 December, 1369, (domicello.) f, 22. 

The archbishop had given him an annual pension for life of 20s., of which 
10s. were chargeable on certain tenements to the north of the parish church 
of St. Patrick, Trym, and on 3 acres of land near the town of Trym, and 

10s. on the archbishop’s chest (coffris). Of the latter portion } mark is 

now to be received at Kylkerly from John Germyn and Robert Heyroun, 
and 3s. from the Prior of the Hospital of St. John at Kenlys, which the vicar 
is bound to pay. 

Dated at Armagh. 

119. Letter of the archbishop, guardian of the spirituality and spiritual 
1 October, 1867. jurisdiction of the bishopric of Down, sede vacante, to Master 
Peter Okerballan, Dean [of Derry and] canon of Armagh. f 22". 

Okerballan is appointed commissary of the archbishop to exercise his 
jurisdiction in the bishopric of Raphoe (Rathboten.), vacant by the death of 
Patrick (MacMonigal). 

Dated at the manor of Drummeskyn. 

A note adds that on the same day a similar letter was sent to Master 
Peter Okerballan and the Archdeacon of Raphoe (empowering them to act) 
jointly or severally. 

120. Letter to [. . .]. ih, ZN 
1 September, 1366. The archbishop cannot commission Catholicus Oragill, 
brother of the bishop of Kilmore (Triburnen.), to collect the fruits in his 
neighbourhood as his correspondents (correspondent ?) ask, since with the 
consent of Philip, King of Breffinia, clerks have been appointed to do so, and 
their custody has been refused to Philip and all laymen. He is surprised 
that the Bisbop of Derry is not coming (venit) to him at the present (sic) 
festival of St. Michael (29 September) and does not pay to the archbishop 
what he promised to Master Robert; he is to be bidden to pay his debt without 
delay and keep his promises more faithfully, on pain of being brought before 
(deferre) the Pope with a view to his depositien. He is to be urged to pay 
before 11 November.! The archbishop desires his correspondents’ presence, if 
they can come without loss. Ile desires them to send by Master Robert 
whatever emoluments they can get from the diocese of Derry or elsewhere, as 
he has a messenger ready to start for the Roman curia. A commission is 
sent, as asked. Greetings are conveyed from Master John Strode, John Kenan, 
and James Scotelare. Godfrey Olucheran, canon of Armagh, has lately died. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

The year is omitted in the date; but it seems to be fixed by nos. 70, 72. Cf. also no. 123. 

! This sentence is crossed out, 

252 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

121. Letter to [. . .]. te 2B. 
21 November, 1366. States that the archbishop has received a report (quoted 
in full, but much mutilated) relating to a mandate of the archbishop to (erga) 
Richard [. .], to the effect that [Richard] has been [recalcitrant] not only to 
the writer, but also to every other who was willing to execute it. The 
archbishop therefore commands certain vicars to proclaim Richard as excom- 
municated by him, on Sundays and festivals at mass in their several churches, 
and in the public market at Droghda, and to cite Patrick to appear before 
him in St. Ronan’s Church, Dromeskyn, on the juridic day next after the 
feast of Pope Clement (24 November). 

The year is also given as the sixth of the archbishop’s consecration. 

The early part of the document was written on a leaf now lost. The 
person referred to as Richard is probably O'Reilly, Bishop of Kilmore, and 
Patrick, Patrick M*Brady (see no. 69). The mandate referred to is apparently 
no. 76, 

122. Letter to the Dean of Armagh. f, 23. 
11 November, 1866. The archbishop is amazed that Master Odo (M*dinim) 
does not prepare for his journey as had been arranged, and has decided 
(prefinivimus) that he has deceived the church of Armagh and him a second 
time. When the archbishop had 100 marks ready, by [his] negligence the 
money was lost, and since then his delay has given occasion of recalcitrance 
everywhere; for when once the journey of the messenger was reported the 
recalcitrants [became] quiet. The dean is to admonish Odo, on pain of 
deprivation of his priory and benefices, to [...]. (Some lines follow of which 
the greater part is lost,in which mention is made of the King of England, and 
[the dean is directed so to act that] the archbishop may have [the marts due] 
from the issues of the visitation and from the Bishop [of Derry].)! The dean 
is to cause Odo to undertake the journey without delay: otherwise the arch- 
bishop will go himself or send the dean or another “in periculo suo.” ‘The 
archbishop has granted to the dean, as Master Peter (O’Carolan), the chancellor, 
has informed the archbishop (nos), the lands of Taulachbo (?) and Tristirnan, 
for which he will have a charter on his arrival, which the archbishop desires 
to be within eight days, so that Odo may come with him. He is to bring-the 
seal for sealing letters of the curia. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

Some words, now lost, are restored with the help of no. 123. 

123. Reply of the Dean of Armagh to the foregoing. fT. 23%, 
15 November, 1366. States that he would have executed the archbishop’s 


1 Cf. no. 237, 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 258 

command to admonish Master Odo (M°dinim) to set out for the Roman curia, 
were it not for the following reasons :—1. The archbishop imputes to Odo the 
loss of 100 marks though then not he but another member of the chapter, 
Master Patrick Orrechgi, had been sent as messenger (nuncius), who was 
prevented from transacting the archbishop’s business with this money at the 
curia, not by his own fault, but because his journey was hindered (impedimento 
passagu). 2. Last summer Odo made ready for the journey, and the last 
time the dean was with the archbishop he was ready, and is now ready, if so 
large a sum can be obtained (vel esse poterit), when the archbishop’s honour 
and the advantage of the Church can be set forward without calumny in the 
curia. The dean cannot be with the archbishop on 18 November unless the 
latter wishes him not to take proceedings about the plundering of the 
archbishop’s tenants by Niallan Oneyll, junior, at Kellemor, and by 
William M°*ugylyn and Eugenius Ohanloyn’s men, in Ohanloyn’s absence, at 
Armagh, which amounted to at least 160 cows. The dean is not able to levy 
the Bishop of Derry’s debts, since he has no authority from the archbishop to 
do so. As to the marts' (martos) due out of the issues of the archbishop’s 
visitation, he awaits the day of the common chapter on 24 November, to the 
end that he may be able to demand something from the archbishop’s debtors. 
Dated at Armagh. 

The year is omitted in the date. It is determined by no. 122. 

124, Institution of Laurence Bacycantori, clerk, proctor of Sir Geoffrey 
Tangard, to the church of Baronnestun. f, 24. 

He was invested by the giving of the archbishop’s ring. He or another 
proctor is to be inducted by the archdeacon or his official. 

125. Grant in farm to John Clyntoun with the consent of the dean and 
17 June, 1866. chapter, for his services as seneschal and otherwise, on lease 
for 28 years, or for his life if he dies within that period, of the lands of 
Ballygaudyr: rent a rose at 24 June. f, 24, 

Dated at the manor at Dromeskyn. 

126. Letter of Patrick (O’Corry), Dean of Armagh, commissary of the 
27 August, 1362, archbishop to Patrick M*kamyll, clerk of the diocese of 
Armagh, exempting him from the cure of the church of Tamlatta (in title, de 
Tamlatto), which the archbishop assigns to (suscipientes in) the cathedral of 
Armagh and the chaplain of Tamlachta. f, 24. 

Dated at Armagh. 

127. Letter to [Patrick M°*Ka]mayll, clerk of the diocese of 
27 August, 1362. Armagh. f, 24. 

1} Marts=fatted oxen. See Murray’s New English Dictionary and Dinneen’s Irish Dictionary s.v. 
R.LA. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C. [35 | 

254 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The church of Tamlactathylister, being not now under the care of 
M°Kamayll, is made a prebend, and M*°Kamayll is instituted thereto, and 
invested by the giving of the archbishop’s biretta (buretti). He is to provide 
a chaplain to exercise the cure, and he is to be responsible for the burdens 
of the rectory. 

Dated at Armagh. 

The document is much mutilated, and the nature of the transaction which 
it records is somewhat obscure. 

128. Letter to Master Arthur (M°bruyn), the archbishop’s official at 
1 or 8 October or 19 November, 1366. Armagh. f, 24°, 

He is commanded to cite Nicholas, Abbot, and the Convent of SS. Peter 
and Paul, Armagh, to appear before the archbishop in St. Ronan’s Church, 
Dromeskyn, the following Thursday, to answer for their usurpation of the 
tithes of his dominical or mensal lands at Armagh and also for despoiling 
his servants of the tithes of Caban (in title, Cabban) and Dounorrecaynd in 
the present autumn, and to show receipts for the rents of a portion of the 
lands of Drumanderyuaich, in which they were bound to him for over four 

Dated at Tarmefeghyn. 

The date is given as the Thursday before the festival of St. Dionysius 1366 = the 5th year of the 
archbishop’s consecration (which ended 16 x 20 November, 1366); and the reference to the autumn 
implies that it was in the latter half of tle year. Hence the festival referred to must be either 
Dionysius, bishop and martyr, 3 October, Dionysius, Rusticus and Eleutherus, 9 October, or 
Dionysius, 20 November. The date is therefore one of the three days given above: most probably 
1 October. 

129. Letter for the excommunication of Richard Verdoun of Glaspistyll 
1366 (2). to the vicars of St. Peter's, Droghda, and St. Fechin’s, 
Tarmefechyn. f. 24", 

Informs them that Verdoun having confessed that he had committed 
the mortal sin of perjury, the archbishop by letter dated [...] 1366 had 
commanded Patrick Sampford, chaplain, to admonish him to keep his oath 
and perform the penance imposed by the archbishop, and, im the event of 
this admonition being ineffective, to excommunicate him in the church 
of Tarmefechyn on Sundays and festivals till further order. 

Breaks off at the end of a page. 

130. Letter [to the Pope] commending to him the archbishop’s proctor at 
20 January, 1367. the Roman curia, Master Odo (M‘dinim), prior of the 
community of the chapter at Armagh. He desires restoration of the title of 
primacy, which had always appeared in papal letters to his predecessors, but 
which he through ignorance had omitted to ask for in the bulls relating to 
his provision, notwithstanding the controversy long pending between the 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Swelemun. 25 

Archbishops of Armagh and Dublin about the right and effect of 
primacy. f, 25. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

The early part of the letter was written on a previous leaf now lost. 

131. Letter to Master Arthur (M°bruyn), official or seneschal in the city 
14 January, 1367. of Armagh. f, 25. 

States that the Abbot of Armagh has written to the archbishop (Ms. 
vobis = Arthur, an obvious error for nobis), complaining that Arthur makes 
a claim on (censuretis) his convent for 2 marks, 5s, and (et, probably 
inserted im error) procurations due on account of visitations, and nevertheless 
retains (portetis) the ecclesiastical cup pledged with the archbishop for 
three ounces. Arthur is commanded to be at Dromeskyn on 21 January, 
bringing the above sum, if paid, or the cup, and any other money he may 
have collected (quamcumque aliam pecuniam collectionem vestram quali- 
tercumque concernentem), in order to treat with the archbishop. about 
these and other matters, considering among other things (cogitantes inter 
cetera de) a mark for the entrance (introitu) of Arthur’s nephews and the 
payment of the farm of the people of Ometh occupied for two years. Arthur 
is to consult the dean about these things. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

132. Letter in which the archbishop binds himself to pay 21 marks to 
24 May, 1367. John, Prior, and the Convent of the house of St. Mary, Loueth 
(in title, Louth), for the titles of corn and hay in Kyclogher, Glaspistyl, his 
dominieal lands at Tarmefechyn, Betaghtoun (in heading in modern hand, 
Kilclogher, Glaspistell, Termon, Betaghton) and Canountoun, for 1367, on 
1 August. 

Dated at Tarmefechyn. 

133. Letter to the archbishop’s official at Armagh and the vicar 
7 December, 1366. [of...] f, 25°, 

States that since his coming to Armagh he has many times proceeded 
by excommunication and interdict against Malachy Ohanloyn, King of 
Erthir, and his people as usurpers of the goods of the Church. But, 
on promises of amendment and restitution, Ohanloyn and some of his 
followers were absolved and the interdict relaxed, whereupon they behaved 
worse than before, and fell again under the same sentences. The persons 
addressed are accordingly commanded to cite to appear before the archbishop, 
in the chapel of Nerny near Rathskeagh on 22 December, Patrick and Peter 
Ohanloyn, Odo and C’onluct sons of Peter, and Eugenius Ohanloyn, with their 
principal accomplices, to show why they should not be proceeded against with 

extreme measures, including the invocation of the secular arm, 

256 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

134. Grant to Master Odo M*dynim, prior of the community of the chapter, 
16 January, 1367. the archbishop’s proctor at the Roman curia, of a pension 
of 20 marks a year, payable out of a parcel of the lands of Trientulcha in the 
tenement of Armagh, as long as he is engaged in the archbishop’s business at 
the curia. f, 25°. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

The month is illegible in the date. But since year was 1366 (0.S8.) it was between April, 1366, 
and March, 1367. But the archbishop can scarcely kaye been at Dromiskin on 16 May (no. 27), and 
he was certainly not there on 16 September (no. 49). He was there on 16 November (no. 76); but 
he cannot have granted the pension on that day (see nos. 122, 123). Further, it must have been 
granted prior to the departure of M¢dinim for the curia, which seems to have taken place on or 
shortly after 20 January (no. 130). Hence we have to choose between April, 1366, June-August, 
1366, October, 1366, and December, 1366-January, 1367. The grant may have been made when the 
commission (no. 93) was issued—in which case April seems too early and August too late—or more 
probably on the eve of Mcdinim’s journey, i.e. 16 January, 1367, when the archbishop was certainly 

at Dromiskin (nos. 130, 131). In confirmation of this date we find that the other four documents 
on the same leaf (nos. 130-133) belong to December, 1366, and January and May, 1367. 

135. Grant to Brother Si[mon] Bishop of [Derry] of the manor of Kyllroe 
17 November, 1868 x 24 March, 1869. in the diocese of Derry. it PNG, 
The lease is for [... ] years, from 1 May, 1369, and the rent 40s. and 
1000 small (mediocres) and 60 large eels together with other customary 
burdens. This writing is to be void if the bishop transfers the land to any 
layman for cultivation or custody. 
The date is given as 1368 (O.S.) and the 8th year of Milo, which began 17 x 21 November, 1368. 

136. Citation of Brother Simon, Bishop of Derry. f. 26. 
2 August, 1369. The bishop having been charged before the archbishop with 
certain excesses confessed them in the chapel of the archbishop’s manor at 
(apud) the lake near Armagh, when the archbishop last stayed there, and 
voluntarily swore to pay ten marks on 1 May, and the same on 24 June last ; 
but he did not pay these sums. He is to appear before the archbishop in the 
chapel of the manor at Drummeskyn on 22 August, to show cause why the 
archbishop should not write to the Apostolic See for (pro) his deposition. 

Dated at Drummeskyn. 

A note states that the bearer of the letter was Gyllachomy Orellochan, 
inessenger, to whom it was handed 3 August. 

137. Letter to [Nicholas], Abbot, and the Convent of [SS. Peter and Paul], 
October, 1866. Armagh. f, 26". 

States that the archbishops by immemorial right had received dues from 
certain lands. The abbot and convent, however, and some of their prede- 
vessors, usurping their rights, had received tithes out of [....], Tirnasagart 
and other places within the said city, parish, or tenement of Armagh. 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 257 

For this usurpation of tithes to the value of 100 marks, the abbot and 
convent have incurred sentence of greater excommunication. They have 
incurred the same sentence for despoiling the archbishop’s servants of part of 
the tithes of Dun and Caban Obreanynd in the same parish for 1366, which 
they were receiving in his name. The archbishop intends to proceed against 

A note adds that in the chamber of his manor of Dromeskyn on 
15 October, 1366, the primate appointed Master Patrick Oreych, learned in 
law, his commissary in regard to the foregoing : ‘testibus magistris [ Patri]cio 
decano, Petro, cancellario, et Odone priore communitatis ecclesie Ardmachane 
presentibus.’ On the same day the commissary sat in St. Ronan’s Church, 
Dromeskyn, and, the abbot and convent not appearing, adjourned the sitting 
(expectavit) to the next day. 

138. Memorandum of instructions to R. Decorris and Master Dionysius 
2 November, 1367. Mcnabid, messengers of the primate to the Roman 
curia. f. 26°. 

Supplication is to be made of the Pope, privately (cameraliter) if 
possible, if not, in public consistory (1) that—because from the coming of 
the archbishop to Armagh the church and province had been destroyed, 
first by pestilence and afterwards by war, especially for the last two years, 
so that the archbishop has not been able to carry on his visitations completely 
or to receive the dues connected therewith—he should be permitted to visit his 
province by commissaries, and to receive procurations as if he had done so 
in person; (2) that [some concession may be made] although a case is 
pending in the Roman curia about vacancy in the see of Down. 

The latter portion is for the most part torn away. 

139. Letter to Masters [..-.] and [....... ] of the deanery of 
16 June, 1875. Tulachog. f. 277. 

Masters Arthur [M°bruyn], John [.. .], Magonius [. . .], Cornelius 
Olorean, and Gilbert Omoduim, canons, having, with others, been condemned 
by the archbishop as [indebted?] to the colidei, and having remained 
obdurate for a year or more, are to be excommunicated in the churches 
of the persons addressed, viz. that of Armagh and those of the deanery 
of Tulachog, at mass on Sundays and festivals, until further order, and to 
be cited to appear before the archbishop in the cathedral church on the 
next juridic day after 29 June to answer for their contempts and 
disobedience in this matter, and for their refusal to reside at the cathedral in 
accordance with many admonitions of the archbishop. 

Dated at (infra) the archbishop’s lake near Armagh. 

140. Letters patent stating that the Archbishop has sold the tithes, 

258 Proceedings of the Reayal Irish Academy. 

3 May, 1375. greater and less, of Carlynforde and Coly for a year, to 
Thomas Walssche, perpetual vicar of Carlynforde, for £20. 

141. Letter to (. . .) is Alo 
18 July, 1375. States that Henry and Catholicus, sons of the person 
addressed, have committed rape on married and unmarried women, and have 
been excommunicated by the archbishop. He intends to proceed against 
them as suspected of heretical pravity, being compelled thereto, especially by 
the fact that all the citizens and all his tenants intend to surrender the lands 
of the church of Armagh on account of their iniquities. He therefore 
commands the person addressed, under every penalty contained in the 
indenture between him and the archbishop, to coerce and punish his sons. 

142. Letter of [Edward III to the Escheator of Ireland (?)] concerning the 
12 December, 1868. Castle of Trym. 1 As 

States that the archbishop made petition to the king in which he alleged 
that the Castle of Trym was held by the archbishops in right of the 
church, and from them by Roger de Mortuo Mari, Earl of March and lord of 
the Castle of Trym, for service of £8 16s. 73d., on whose death, his heir 
being a minor, it had been taken into the king’s hand, and that the rent 
had been in arrear for the two years following the death of archbishop 
Richard (FitzRalph); and prayed that he might receive satisfaction for rent 
and arrears while it was in custody. An inquisition before the king’s 
lieutenant in Iveland haying proved the correctness of the above statement, 
and the Rolls of the Irish Chancery proving that the temporalities were 
restored to the archbishop on 5 February, 1561, the king gives judgement that 
the above rent, together with arrears, amounting to £17 15s. 5d., should be 
paid to the archbishop, and orders delivery of the same. 

Ends: “Teste Leonello comite Ultonie filio nostro karissimo locum tenente 
nostrum in terra nostra Hibernie apud Dublin” &e. 

The date given for the restoration of temporaliuies seems to be incorrect. Sweteman was not 
consecrated till November, 1361: hence the year should probably be 1362. 

143. Letter to Master N. Beth. f. 27°. 
June, c. 1863(7) States that the archbishop received a letter from John, 
Bishop of Kilmore (Triburnen.), on the 6th of the present month of June, to 
the following effect: (1) The bishop is surprised that after he had appealed to 
the Roman curia, inasmuch as (pro eo quod) the archbishop, at the instance of 
John Croysse, pretended Prior of St. Fechin of Fore (Fauoria), had cited him 
to Dromeskyn, where he could not safely appear, notwithstanding which 
(quibus non obstantibus) the archbishop cited him to the parish church of 
Atrium Dei, which was unsafe for him and his, masmuch as, when he sent 
proctors to appear at Dromeskyn, on their way through Atrium Dei they 

Lawitor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 259 

were robbed of their clothing etc.: further inasmuch as there was and is no 
safe access for him to Atrium Dei, being again aggrieved he appealed and 
appeals to the Roman curia: further inasmuch as the archbishop appointed 
as his commissary the bishop’s enemy Beth, being again aggrieved he 
appealed and made final protest. (2) The bishop will not retire from the 
said appeal, but will prosecute it (procequi) on condition that the archbishop 
when the protest has been sent forward will proceed (si tamen premissa dicta 
protestatione procedere velimus) in the church of Armagh or in any place 
among the Irish to which he shall have safe access, and that (quod) the 
adverse party may appear by proctor or by— 
Incomplete, breaking off at the end of a page. 

The name of the archbishop does not appear; but he was most probably Sweteman, and the 
date of the letter nearly the same as that of no. 142, since the two documents appear to be in the 
sume hand. On the other hand it must be observed (1) that the documents on the other side of the 
leaf, nos. 139-141, belong to the year 1375; (2) that there is no other evidence of a Bishop of 
Kilmore named John between 1355, when Connor MacKinawe died, and 12 June, 1366, when Richard 
O’ Reilly had apparently been bishop for a considerable time (no. 70, cf. no. 99); (3) that a Bishop 
John O’Reilly died in 1893. The document is scarcely grammatical and is difficult to translate, but 
the drift of so much of it as remains is clear enough. 

144, Confirmation of the collation, by Masters Matthew, Archdeacon [of 
31 July, 1865. Clogher...|,and Magonius M°abaird, clerk of the diocese of 
Armagh, commissaries of the archbishop for his metropolitical visitation of 
the diocese of Clogher, of the comorbia or rectory of St. Tigernacus at Cloneoys, 
to Master John Macangeanaic, canon of Clogher. f, 28. 

He was inducted by the archdeacon, and presented the letters of the 
commissaries at Tarmefechyn on the above date by [his proctor]. 

145. Commission of Sir William de Karleil (also written Kavrliel), treasurer 
15 (?) August, 1865. of the Duke of Clarence and guardian of his lands 
in Connacia, as the archbishop’s seneschal in Connacia. f. 28. 

A previous commission to William,son of Remundus de Burgo, is revoked. 

Dated in the manor at Tarmefechyn. 

146. Letter to Sir Thomas Dale, justice of the king. f. 28. 
15 September, 1365. The archbishop asks him to use influence that the 
Duke of Clarence may write to William de Karliel, sanctioning his under- 
taking the transaction of the archbishop’s business in Connacia, so far as it 
does not interfere with his transaction of the duke’s business there. 

The year is not given in the date. It is determined by no. 145. 

147. Commission to Masters Patrick Ocorry, Dean of Armagh, and 
30 August, 1365. Odo M*doymyn, prior of the community of the chapter of 
Armagh, to hold a visitation of Brother Simon, Bishop of Derry, and his 
clergy and people, in the stead of the archbishop. f, 28°, 

260 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Matters concerning the person of the bishop are exempted from their 

Dated in the manor at Tarmefechyn. 

A note adds that a similar commission to the same for the diocese of 
Raphoe (Rathboten.) was issued the same day. 

148. Privilege granted to the nation of Ymolkallan, having the custody 
26 March x 20 November, 1365. of (pro tempore habenti) the bell of St. 
Patrick. f. 28%. 

Cunlad Omolkall (in title Ymolkall) and his successors, the men of his 
nation and his subjects in lands or tenements of the bell of St. Patrick within 
the diocese of Armagh are to be exempt from any general interdict pro- 
nounced in the name of the archbishop; on condition that Cunlad and his 
successors, by the authority of the bell, will fast upon (super) molestors of the 
subjects of the archbishop. Cunlad and his successors are not to admit or 
receive, by authority or privilege of the bell, persons excommunicated by the 

Dated at Tarmefechyn, Wednesday after [.. .] 1365, in the fourth year of 
Milo’s consecration. 

Probably belongs to August or September. The other four documents on the same leaf, three of 
which are dated at Termonfeckin, range from 31 July to 15 September, and there is evidence that 
the archbishop was there on 30 July and 27 September (nos. 154, 225). He also spent parts of 
March and April in the same place (nos. 172, 223, 229, 230). 

149. Indulgence to those who contribute to the repairing of the fabric of 
3 May, 1365. the church of Armagh, of 40 days of penance enjoined upon 
them. lip 2B) 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

150. Letter to Master John M°birragra, canon of Armagh and rector of 
10 May, 1365. Dysertlyne, making the rectory into a prebend for his life, 
and exonerating him from the cure. it, 2) 

The vicar is to have the cure. 

Dated in the Chapter-house (loco capitulari) of Armagh. 

151. Letter to the Archdeacon of Armagh or his official. f, 29. 
1365. States that the church of Keen (im title, Kene), which has cure, is 
vacant by the induction of the rector, James Cotelere, to another cure in lands 
beyond the sea, attested by sworn witnesses; and that the archbishop has 
collated it to William, son of Adam, his clerk. He orders him to be 

Dated at Tarmefechyn [. . .] m[cccl] xv, the [. .] year of Milo’s consecration. 

The date lies between 25 March, 1365, and 24 March, 1566. Of this period parts of March and 
April, the closing days of July, and the months of August and September, were spent by the 
archbishop at Termonfeckin (see note to no. 148). With the exception of a single document dated 

Lawior—A Calendur of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 261 

there (no. 113), 7 February, 1366, there is no indication that he was at Termonfeckin at any 
other time during the period. The remaining documents belonging to it are dated at Dromiskm, 
Armagh, or Down. On 5 January he was either at or just starting for Carlingford (no, 181), ‘The 
other documents on the leaf are of May, June, and July; and the latest of them (no. 154, 30 July) 
was written at Termonfeckin. These facts point to July or August. 

152. Commission to the dean of Atrium Dei to collect procurations and 
5 July, 1865. synodals in his deanery for the current year. it, 2M 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

A note adds that similar letters were issued to the deans of Droghda 
and Dundalk. 

153. Commission to Thomas Duffe to let in farm the lands of Leke and 
23 June, 1365. Drummyndyll. iis ZB 

The leases are to run for six years from 24 June. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

154. Grant to Richard de Verdoun, son of Sir Milo de Verduno, Knt., of 
30 July, 1865. custody of Richard fitz Richard and of the lands of Glaspisty]1 
(in title Glaspystell) during his minority, and in the event of the death of 
Richard during his minority, without heir of his body, similar custody of his 
brother John. 

Dated at Tarmefechyn. 

A.,memorandum follows that on the same day Richard swore to pay 20s. 
to the archbishop at Christmas and [. . .] on 24 June following. 

155. List of rents. i alle 

The earlier part of the document, including the title, is lost. The latter 
part contains the following names : 

Ena, [. .]; lands of Oceffad [. .]; lands of Omartanan, [. .] 8 [d.]; Athnasy 
[. .Jach [. .] 8 [d.]; lands of M°gillamura, 10s.; Trensaxan, 3} marks; 
Trenmor, 1 mark; lands of the “bajulator canonis,” 5s.; lands of M°comgan, 
10s.; lands of M°eynabage, 2s. 4d.; Clondabayll, 54 marks. 

156. Grant to Roger Gernoun lord of Gernounnestoun of the manor of 
28 September, 1375. Yneskene (in title Ineskene) in farm on a lease of 5 years, 
from 1 November, at a rent of 40s. and a mease (meysa) of eelsa year. f. 31. 

The rent is to be retained by Gernoun in the name of a pension granted 
to him by other letters, and if owing to the ravages of pestilence or the king’s 
enemies the manor yields him no profit, he is to be at liberty to distrain on 
the lands of the church of Armagh for his pension. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

157. List of Rents of the primate at the Nobir. f. 32. 
The names and rents are as follows: [...] 16d.; [... ] 16d; 
[D]ylhanestoune, 4s.; [ ... ], 2 carucates, 2s.; Freynstoun (?), 14 ear., 2s. Odd. : 

Paynestoun, 14 car., 2s. Ofd.; Lucianestoun, 14 car., 2s. 03d.; Lagagh, 3 car., 
R.I,A. PROC,, VOL. XXIX., SECT. ©, [36] 

262 Proceevings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

5s. 6d.; Mounteneyestoun, | car., twelfth part of knight's fee,? 16d; Castel- 
toun, 2 car., 2s. O4d.; Raff[yn], 3 car., 4s. 1[4]d.; Rathode, 3 car., 4s. 14d. ; 
Lytylrath, } car., 84d.; Poterelestoun, 1 car., 164d.; Graunge, } car., 84d. ; 
Moretoun, § car., 84d.; Stemstoun, 13 car., 2s. 0¢d.; Jodestoun, 14 car., 2s. 02d. ; 
Ardmagh, 8 car., 11s.; Hyrchayr, 8 car.—ought to be distrained at Ardmagh 
—l1s.; Lack and Dromdyll, 12 car., 13s. 84d.; Termoun and Rathrewah, 8 car., 
11s.; W. de Londoun and{ ... |; Molaghi|loch and Karkeagh, 8 car., 11s. ; 
Baron of Slane and[...]; Nobir, 5 car., 7s. 10$d. Sum total, £5 8s. 10d. 

After this follows “Quomodo Regale servitium debet levari de dominio del 
Morgalyin ex parte primatis Hibernie.” 

Endorsed “ Regale seruicium de Nobir.” 

The actual total of the rents given above is £5 Os. 02d. 

158. Record of a metropolitical visitation of the diocese of Meath. f. 33. 
End of June, 1377. Parish of Rathcowil. Maurice Broun, of Mortoun, and 
Felicia Aleyn lived in fornication for over seven years. The man will purge 
himself on 30 June; the woman, not appearing, is to be cited for 7 July at 


JOM |, oo oo ], servant of John Birford, committed fornication with 
Micall Hardyn. Both confessed, and were absolved under penalty of 12s. 
lp 6 © oll GS (2) 

William Gay, excommunicated for tithes and oblations, disregarded the 
sentence. Confessed and was absolved under penalty of 12s.[. . . .] 6s. (2). 

Thomas Mathen swore to serve John Birford, of Lochgor, half a year, and 
broke his oath. To be cited to appear at Droghda. 

Nicholas Corner (?), who has abandoned his wife, and one Alice, live 
together. Both have fled. 

John Whit, son of John Corniser, betrothed to (affidavit) Alice Springan, 
refused, after banns were published, to marry her (desponsare). He paid a 
fine of 6d. to the dean, and the marriage was solemnized. 

Robert Kene and Johanna Rede, of Ballitake, his wife, live apart (non 
adherent simul). The man is at Dublin. The woman must complain to the 
Archbishop of Dublin. 

Stephen Eccod and Johanna Monteyn, his wife, live apart. The man 
purged himself; the woman is to be cited. 

Jake Archbold, in Fyngal, harbours (receptat) Johanna Sollon, wife of a 
man of Fyngall, and Thomas Monteyn committed adultery with her. Jake has 
not been found. The woman is in the diocese of Dublin; Monteyn, excom- 
municated for non-appearance, afterwards absolved, will purge himself in 


1 Crossed out. 2 Inserted by another hand. 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 268 

Dompmore. Roger, bailiff of the rector, ie, the Abbot of St. Thomas's, 
Dublin, with the knowledge of the abbot, allows animals to feed in the 
cemetery, and a body has been exhumed by swine. He is absolved under 
penalty of 12s. _ 

Robert West, senior, detains 15s. 7d., “ qua nunc per viannos legatis capelle 
sancti Petri in Themiltoun.” To be cited. 

David Magwyr swore to live with his wife, and after receiving the Lord’s 
Body last Easter broke his oath, and has left Midia. To be cited. An almost 
wholly allegible entry follows. 

Rathbegan. No crimes reported. 

Dompnachshachlyn. [. . . .] committed fornication with Enoca Whit. He 
isin Leinster, and sheill. Both to be cited. 

[. ...]. The woman, who isin child-bed, is to be cited. 

|... .] Ball fyn committed fornication with Isabell Goldinge. She purged 

Ballymaglassan. No crimes reported. 

Villa of Rathtouth. [... .] of Stokystoun. Brother Robert Hull stole 
a choir cope. 

Killeglan. No crimes reported. 

Crykystoun. [. . . .| Bange committed fornication with Magyn Gydy. The 
man was convicted, the woman is absolved, and both have the same penalty 
of 12s. They afterwards made a fine of 6d., which (the man) paid. 

John Wythir, purchaser of a crannogue (crannocis), does not pay tithes of 
his money. ‘The man isin the deanery of Dyueleke. 

Thomas Colman: same offence. To be cited. Confesses and is excom- 
municated. Absolved after swearmg to stand to the commands of the 

Grenoke. The chancelis in bad repair. No decent books. The Abbot of 
St. Thomas’s to be cited. 

Sir William Magenich, chaplain of the parish, does not know how to read, 
sing, perform offices, baptize, or teach his parishioners. Among other 
irregularities, he celebrated a second marriage between (ultra) Roger Froysell 
and Johanna Marche, saying the collect Propitiare; he threw out the first 
ablution after the reception of Christ’s Blood on Palm Sunday ; he is quarrel- 
some and violent in behaviour to his parishioners ; he [. . .] the light, ‘ viz. the 
trendill’ [= a roll of wax], did what he pleased (fecit voluntatem) with the wax, 
and sold the candles to many women who gave blessed bread. When another 
chaplain was appointed by the rector, the Abbot of St. Thomas’s, and the 
church put in custody of Robert Belyns and closed, he sent in a boy (parvulus) 
through the chancel window to open the door, and kept it open for three days, 


264 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

He placed the pix [. . . .]sothat rats or mice ate Christ's Body and destroyed 
the pix. which was worth a mark. [He is to appear on] Monday (6 July ?) 
near Droghda, in St. Mary's Church. 

The time of year at which the visitation took place is fixed by the dates in the first and last 
entries. Assuming thai it was held under Sweieman (see no. 161 note), the year was either 1366 or 
1377, since 7 July is said to have been Tuesday. But 1366 is impossible (see no. 240). For the 
rules about second marriages referred to in the last entry see Mizsale Eeciesiae Sarum, ed. Dickinson, 
col. 389* if. 

159. Memorandum. He aa 
1377 x 1380 (?). Partly illegible. It seems to state that two brothers, 
Molys and Patrick Ohirlan, who had lands at Balybolan and elsewhere. 
refused to allow the primate to collect tithes therefrom. 

The dates of nos. 159-163 are probably after June, 1377, as they are written on the back of the 
record of the visitation then held (no. 158). They probably all belong to the episcopate of Sweteman, 
as no. 161 (see note there) almost certainly does. 

160. Memorandum. Soi 
1377 x 1380(2). States that Thomas Denecrite received irom Master John 
5s. on 26 November: for “locu” 3d., for flesh (charnib.) 3d., for malt 2s., for 
fish (pissibus) 2s., Gilrewac for [. . . .] 6d. 

For date see note on no. 139. 

161. Memorandum. f. 33°. 
1377 x 1380. States that Richard (FitzRalph) obtaimed (prosequebatur) 
a brief of ad quod damnum in regard to the church of Athboy. 31 x 33 
(Edward III) (1357 x 1359), and another in the same year or[... .] im 
regard to Amurhyr. and that he agreed with the proctor general of 
St. Taurinus in the Roman curia regarding the cell of Fore (Favoria) for 
1000 florins, of which he paid 100 “upon union, [as] Sir Richard Hoper will 
better and more fully tell you.” 

The date seems to be fixed to the time of Milo Sweteman by tiie mention of ‘ Richard” as ‘ our 
predecessor.” This is confirmed by the reference to Hoper: see nos. 92, 229. Ii that be so, no. 158, 
which is earlier (see note on 159) must also be placed under Sweteman, if not under Fitz Ralph. See 
for earlier limit of date, note on no. 159. 

162. Memorandum. f. 33". 
1377 x 1380 (2). States that Sir William de London had no status in the 
manor of the Nobyr on the part of R. (de parte R.), unless at the will of 
R., that concerning the agreement between them no part of the indenture 
was sealed, that he has (iit)' no right on the part of (de parte tangenie) the 
primate before the concord between them was sealed, that he ought to 

1 Probably an error for ‘ had’ (huit). 

Lawnor—A Oalendur of the Register of Archbishop Swetemun. 265 

have made quitclaim to “dominus R.” in regard to the manor of Nober, 
“et faciet [. . . |R. habere quietam clamatam [.. . .] aliis de suis aliquod ius 
in manerio predicto aliquo modo habentibus.” 

For date see note on 159. 

165. Memorandum. f. 33°. 
1377 x 1380. States that an agreement was made between Primate RGchard 
FitzRalph) and Sir Simon Flemynge, Baron of Slane, about the acquisition of 
the advowsons of Slane, Kyllauery, and Drumconragh in exchange for a part 
of the manor of the Nobev. 

For date see note on no. 159. This is in the same hand as no. 162. 

164. Letter to the chaplain of St. Feghin of Tarmefechyn directing him to 
16 May, 1369. cause the clergy of the deanery of Droghda to appear before 
the archbishop or his commissaries on [28] May, and the laity on 29 May, at 
St. Peter’s Church, Drogheda, for his ordinary visitation. f. 354, 

Dated in the manor of Drummeskyn. 

Notes—which begin “ Progress of the visitation of Primate M. among the 
English in his diocese of Armagh, after the visitation of his cathedral church, 
the dean and chapter of the same, (and) the clergy and people among the 
Irish A.D. 1569 ”—add that the visitation for Droghda deanery was to be held 
in St. Peter's Church, Droghda, for clergy 28 May, for people 29 May; for . 
Atrium Dei deanery in St. Mary’s, Atrium Dei, for clergy 1 June, for people, 
as regards the execution of the office of the apparitor of Atrium Dei, 2 June, 
and as regards that of the apparitor of Loueth, 4 June ; for Dundalke deanery, 
for clergy 5 June, for people 6 June. It is also stated that letters similar to 
the above were issued for the deaneries of Atrium Dei and Dundalke. 

165. Citation of [William (MacCormack)], Bishop of Ardagh (Ardacaden. 
10 March, 1369. Ardakaden.). f. 34°, 

He is to appear in the chapel of the manor of Tarmefechyn on 21 March, 
to answer concerning the petition of Sir John Offyne, who had been presented 
by the king to the vicarage of Granard, and concerning certain charges made 
against him, and to show cause why proceedings should not be taken before 
the Pope for his deposition. 

Mutilated at the beginning. Some words, now lost, are taken from 
Bishop Reeves’s copy. 

166. Acts before the archbishop in the chapel of the manor of 
21 March, 1869. Tarmefeghyn, in the cause of Sir John Offyne, chaplain of 
the diocese of Meath, against William (MacCormack), Bishop of Ardagh 
(Ardacaden.). f. 34", 

266 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Hosep Ohoghy, messenger of the archbishop, certified the delivery of the 
citation (no. 165). The bishop did not appear, and was cited to appear in 
St. Ronan’s Church, Drumeskyn, 22 April. 

Ends: “Presentibus magistris Patricio ecclesie Ardmachane decano, 
Patricio Omukeghan (?) ejusdem ecclesie canonico, Bartholomeo Dullard 
ecclesie Lymericensis canonico et aliis.” 

167. Account in regard to Kylmone (in title Kilmone). f. 35. 
1429 (?). Richard Asheborne, receiver of the rent, accounts for (onerat se) 
£31 21d. (lower down, in a different hand £31 16d.) for the year beginning 
24 December, 1427. Of this he has credit (exonerat se) by warrants, 
(1) 19 November, 1427, for 36s. 8d.; (2) 20 January, 1428, for 20s. ; (3) 7 April, 
1428, for 10s.; (4) 13 December, 1427, for £11: also by an indenture made 
between Richard Whit and him, £6 10s. 2d.: also in expenses at Kylmon on 
two occasions during the metropolitical visitation of Midia in 1427, 1 mark. 
He also prays allowance (allocationem) for 2s. 8d. to Alice Bayard which the 
primate granted in charity, and for 20s. which the primate spent at Kylmore 
in his metropolitical visitation about the end of his first year (?), in 1430. Also 
he paid the tithes of Donbyldey in expenses at the same time, 1 mark, and 
by various warrants £10 12d., [. . .] 9 (?) marks in regard to Cruys, and it is 
about £8 in arrear. He renders (reddit) exactions (exactiones) of Kylmone 
_ in his time for which he prays allowance, viz.: 4 carucate of [John] Cusak, 2s., 
and the farms of the following: the late John Cott, 4s. 8d.; William 
Tuyt, 6s. 8d.; the late Robert Bulhed, 3s. 6d.; Thomas Wate, 7s. 6d.; 
John Stalloun, 24s.; William Lacy, 3s. 4d.; Thomas Donbylday—16 acres— 
4s.; do.—25 acres in the Rath—2s. Id.; Richard Mynoth, 7s; the late 
William Clardoun, 6s.; William Bege, 6s.; Nicholas Rede, 2s. 8d.; John 
Blake, 6s. 6d.; William Coke, 2s. 6d.; William Bulhed, 3s. 4d.; Richard 
Asheborne, 7s. 6d.; Richard Algan, 12d.; Thomas Wottoun, 6s. 8d. 
Sum, £5 6s. 11d. He also prays allowance for the repairs and [. . .] to the 
following lands: farm of William F rensh, 6s., farm of 25 acres in the Rath, 
6s. 3d.; repair of Nicholas Rede’s house, 6s. Sd.; the farm of the late Robert 
Broun, 18s.; the farm of John Bryse, 8s. 8d. Sum, 45s. 7d. 

The indications of date are conflicting, the account purporting to cover the year 1427-8, while 
lower down expenditure for the year 1430 appears to be mentioned. Perhaps in the latter place we 
should read ‘ spondebat’ for ‘spendebat,’ a promise to pay the sum named being recorded, in which 
case it was not due till the year following the drawing up of the document. Or the meaning may 
be that allowance was to be made in the account for 1430 for money paid at an earlier date. 

168. Letter of (Archbishop) John (Swayne) to his commissary Sir 
20 March, 1432. Donald Okellachan, prior of the colidei. f. 35". 

LawLtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 267 

Commands him to levy the procurations due for his last visitation, and 
orders all whose procurations are due, especially Sir T. Oloucheran, to give 
him satisfaction concerning them. 

169. Appointment by the same of of John Bernivale of F[. . .] shenston 
25 [...], 1481 x 1432. as seneschal and principal receiver (receptorem) of 
the manor of Kylmo[ne]. f, 35”. 

The year is given as 10 Henry VI, i.e. 1 September 1431—31 August 1482. 

170. Document almost entirely torn away. f. 36. 
5 March, 1365. Dated at Tarmefeghyn. 

The year in the date is lost ; but all the other documents on the leaf are dated between February 
and May, 1365. 

171. Grant to M [...], clerk of the archbishop, of a pension of 3 marks a 
21 March, 1365. year, of which 30s. were chargeable on the tithes of 
Rathcoull near Dromynge and 10s. on the issues of the curacy of Testa [.. .] 
in the deanery of Atrium Dei. f, 36. 

Dated at Droghda. 

172. Grant to John Weneloke in farm, on a lease of six years from 
8 April, 13865. 25 December, of a carucate of the archbishop’s land of the 
Dallys, at a rent of 5 marks a year and the accustomed services and 
burdens. f. 36. 

Dated at Tarmefechyn. 

173. Protestation concerning payment of the dues of common service of 
23 February, 1365. the Apostolic Camera. f. 36. 

States that the archbishop, in the presence of his notary public and others, 
protested that he was ready to give satisfaction for such dues according to 
the means (facultates) of his church, and that for that purpose he had within 
a month past appointed Master Patrick Orechgi, canon of Armagh, his 

Ends: “ Presentibus [magistris ......] Patricio decano, Petro cancellario 
et Odone priore communitatis capituli cat[hedralis ecclesie Ardmachane, 
Johanne Bette] rectore ecclesie de Dromynge et Roberto Gylis literato 
Ardmachano et [..... ] vocatis specialiter et rogatis.” 

A notarial certificate followed, of which only a few words remain. 

174. Letter to Stephen Cor, his receiver at Kylmon, or [... .] f, 36°. 
26 April, 1865. Out of the next money received there, at 24 June, he is to 
deliver to John Clerke, rector of Clonmore, 10 marks in part payment of 
tithes of Clonmore due by the archbishop last autumn, and he is to make 
allowance (allocancia) for such payment in his next account. 

175. Letters patent appointing Master Gydo Okene, clerk of the church 
38 May, 1865. of Armagh, proctor of that church for making known 

268 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

throughout his diocese and province the indulgences granted to benefactors of 
the church, and ordering all rectors, vicars, aad parochial chaplains to assist 

and protect him and his clerks, questors (questores). f. 36% 
Dated at Dromeskyn. 
176. Letter to the clergy of the diocese of Armagh. f. 36°. 

2 May, 1365. Commend Guydo Okene and his fellow-questuaries (questuarii) 
to them, directing them to admit them to their churches and chapels, 
preferring them to all other questuaries, and calling together their parishioners 
to hear them. Suspensions and interdicts published in their churches or 
chapels are relaxed while the questuaries are there. 

177. Inventory of goods of [Sir Peter. . . .]. f. 37. 

5 November, [. .. .|. He possessed 4 gowns (juppas) worth 10s., 1 maser 2s., 
4 planketes 20d., 1 chest (capsam) 10d.,a presse 8 (?) [d.], 1 portion (particulam) 
of Doctor de Lira 2s, 1 basin and ewer 20[d.], in money 12d. 
2 candlesticks 4d., 9 spoons 4s., 1 silver cup 2s. 

There was owed to him by Robert Birford, brasier for [. . . .] for which 
the same Sir Peter has a brass pot in pledge, by Richard Palmer 3s.,by [. . . .] 
More for rent 4s., by Richard Browne for rent 3s. 4d., by Nicholas Bowcher 
[do.]12d., by Johanna Tyt do. 12d., by Patrick Colgyn do. 6d., by Maria Hoper 
do. 6d., by Katherine Rogan do. 2d., by Benmy do. 6d., by Jone Tyberoun 
widow do. 12d., by Master Wiliam Somerw[ell] do. 9s. Sum, 43s. 

He owed to Sir Henry Collyne, chaplain, 4d., to John Kyntone, clerk of 
St. Peter’s, Drogheda, for stipend 4s. 8d., to Robert Collyne 5d., to William Davy 
12d., to Robert Talbot for a cup 7s., to Margaret Browne for 9 spoons 4s. 
Sum, 17s. dd. : 

About five items in the list of goods and a few words elsewhere are lost 
through mutilation. 

178. Testament of the same. Te it. 

He is to be buried in the chapel of the B.V.M. in St. Peter’s, Drogheda. 
He makes the following legacies: For prayers for his soul, his portifolium; 
Sir Nicholas Manyne, chaplain, his second gown and a pair of knives 
(cultellorum); Sir Henry Paton, vicar of St. Peter’s, Drogheda, his red 
hood (rubium capicium) and a portion of Doctor de Lira; Alice Tanner, his 
cousin, a basin and ewer, a gown of blue (blodii) colour, and a silver spoon ; 
Sir John Mavesyn, chaplain, his better gown, a pair of knives, and a silver 
spoon; Sir Edmund Cusak, chaplain, a gown; Peter FitzJone, a silver spoon. 
His executor, Master Henry Paton, vicar of St. Peter’s, is to dispose of the rest 
of his goods for the good of his soul. 

179. Document relating to the appointment of a Chancellor of 
End of 1367. Armagh. i, aie 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 269 

States that in a vacancy of the dignity, the right of appointment having 
lapsed to the archbishop, by his authority Patrick (O’Corry) the dean, and all 
the chapter except Maurice Okorry (a/so written Okory) provided Master 
Odo M°donin, prior of the colidei of the chapter—then absent as proctor at 
the Roman curia—as chancellor, that his proctor Patrick Orethi, canon of 
Armagh, was inducted and installed, and that the archbishop confirmed the 
election. The chapter then stated that the chancellorship had no revenue in 
spirituals, and in temporals nothing but a small (mediam) carucate of land 
near Armagh, worth not more than 20s. a year, and that Odo would therefore 
probably not accept office, since he could not retain with it his rectory of 
Tamlactglyid. On their petition the archbishop annexed the rectory to the 
chancellorship during Odo’s tenure of that dignity. His letters to that effect, 
sealed by him, were taken to Armagh by the dean, and were sealed by the 
chapter. After inspection of the letters Odo assented to the provision. 

Incomplete, breaking off at the end of a page. 

Odo was commended to the Pope as proctor 20 January, 1367 (no. 130), and the chancellorship 
became vacant by the confirmation of Peter O’Carolan as Dean of Derry, 30 July, 1367 (no. 103). 
Since the appointment had lapsed to the archbishop, the present document must be at least as late as 
November of the same year (C. Lat. c. 23 in Mansi, Cone., xxii. 1011). 

180. Proceedings before the archbishop regarding the deanery [of 
12 July, 1367. Derry]. f. 38. 

Thomas M°blosecayd, de facto incumbent of the deanery, having failed to 
appear in opposition to the postulation made thereto, is declared contumacious 
and debarred from further opposition by sentence delivered in the church of 
St. [Nicholas, Dundalk]. The archbishop has’ been certified of the general 
citation mentioned in his letter to the comarb of St. Kynnichus ‘no. 187), and 
sends a mandate for a fresh general citation to Master John Ocukyge, canon 
of Derry, and others, the text of which is said to follow, but does not appear. 

In the date only the month is legible. It seems to be fixed by no. 186, a document of similar 
purport, and nos. 187, 188, which are apparently the letter and mandate here referred to. 

181. Letter to Master B. Dullard, canon of Limerick (Lymiricen.). f. 38. 
5 January, 1366. The letter of Dullard on behalf of one who claimed to have 
been provided to Clonmor has been received. By counsel of Masters 
Peter Okerwyllan and John Strode the archbishop replies that he will place 
no obstacle in the way of the provision being carried into effect; it will be 
arranged (ordinabitur) that the archbishop’s nephew Maurice (Sweteman) shall 
not be a danger to the provisor; as regards the judgement of the king’s court 
the archbishop will not burden (gravabimus) him there, but “ipsum salvum 

4 At this place the ms. is difficult to read. Perhaps ‘not’ should be inserted after ‘has.’ The 
certificate of the general citation is not mentioned in no. 187. 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL, XXIX., SHC. C, [87] 

270 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

fieri voluntate nostra declarabitur.” The archbishop cannot fix a date for 
consummating these things, until he returns from Carlyngford, after carrying 
out his business and that of (the diocese of) Down there. 

The year is omitted in the date. But the document belongs to a period when the see of Down 

was vacant, and before O’Carolan became Dean of Derry (31 July, 1367: see nos. 103, 104). It 
therefore falls between the death of Richard Calf (October, 1365: see no. 85) and the accession of 

William White. 

182. Document partly illegible. f. 38”, 
16 May, 1371. [. . . .] having been cited on a charge of perjury and other 
matters and not appearing is pronounced contumacious and excommunicated 
in the chapel of [. . . .] by the archbishop. 

Ends : “ Presentibus magistro Johanne Strode rectore de Stabanan, magistro 
Arthuro ecclesie nostre Ardmachane canonicum (sic), Willielmo Adam clerico 
rectore de Keen testibus ad hoe specialiter rogatis. Et ego W. Mole publicus 
auctoritate apostolica et imperiali, etc.” 

183. Proceedings in St. Nicholas’ Church (Dundalk) before the archbishop, 
30 July, 1867. concerning the postulation of Master Peter Okerwlan, 
Chancellor of Armagh, as Dean of Derry. f. 38". 

A proctor appeared, and a certificate (certificatorio) was exhibited, con- 
taining “the said mandate” (no. 188 ?) and a form of execution, and sealed by 
the Abbot and canons regular of the monastery or Cella Nigra of Derry 
(Derea). No one appearing to answer the citation all objectors are pronounced 
contumacious and excluded from further opposition to the postulation. The 
latter is confirmed—the right having devolved upon the archbishop—and 
Okerwlan is dispensed as in no, 103 and ordered to be inducted. The sentence 
of contumacy and the decree of confirmation and dispensation are given in 

There are several indications that this is the latter part of a fuller record, 
e.g., the opening words, “ Quibus die et loco,” and such phrases as “ the said 
mandate ” and “ the said proctor.” It was probably intended to be read as a 
continuation of no. 186. 

184. Examination of three witnesses on four articles. f. 39. 
15 June, 1867. The second witness (name lost) on art. 1 says that [Simon, 
Bishop of Derry,] was excommunicated for over ten years in the diocese of 
Derry and elsewhere, and that this was well known in the dioceses of Derry 
and Armagh and the neighbouring churches among the Irish; on art. 2, 
agrees with first witness; on art. 3, says that he saw a daughter of Benmay 
(also written Benmy), nurtured by her, of whom the bishop was the reputed 
father, that he believes Affrica bore a son to the bishop, which is well known 
in the diocese of Derry, and on other points agrees with the last witness ; on 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 271 

art. 4, says that it is notoriously true. The third witness, Master Maurice 
Okacidi, canon of Armagh, on art. 1 says he heard it from Master Peter and 
others; on arts. 2, 3 says that he heard that they were true; of art. 4, about 
the son of the carpenter (fabri), he knows nothing. 

The earlier part of this document, containing the evidence of the first 
witness, has been omitted, probably through the loss of a leaf. The opening 
lines of what remains are much mutilated. 

The document appears to be a record of the examination of witnesses mentioned in no. 185: the 
accused person was a bishop, and, it would seem, of Derry; and articles 1, 3 refer t> charges 
similar to those which were brought against Simon. Hence the date, which is illegible, may be 
assumed to have been that of no. 185. 

185. Sentence in the case of the postulation of Master Peter Okerrulan to 
the deanery of Derry. f, 39. 
15 June, 1367. The deanery being vacant by the death of Master Donat 
Okerrulan, Peter, his natural and legitimate son, was postulated by John 
Ochayge, in his own name and as proctor of Sir Joseph, Archdeacon of 
Derry, and principal (principalioris) person resident in the chapter, by 
Augustine M°thayd comarb of St. Kynnicus and canon of Derry, by Master 
Gilbert Odubanaygh proctor of Master Patrick Okorry, Dean of Armagh and 
canon of Derry, in his own name and as proctor, and by Paul M*werga, canon 
of Derry. Peter accepted the postulation, and both he and the postulants 
desired confirmation from the archbishop—{on the ground], as it seems to be 
said,' that Brother Simon, Bishop of Derry, was suspected of perjury, and was 
a notorious fornicator, and because from the beginning of his episcopate he 
was under sentence of greater excommunication (1) both in the Roman curia 
and in Ireland, by apostolic authority, for non-payment of common service 
to the camera of the Apostolic See for his provision, and (2) by authority of 
the presidents of the church of Armagh for notorious concubinages and 
adulteries, and for non-payment of fines (muleta) imposed upon him therefor 
by the same. The archbishop accordingly cited the bishop to show cause why 
confirmation should not issue. As he refused to appear, and did not appear 
on the day named, he was pronounced contumacious, and evidence was given 
of his excommunication and of his fornication, &e. Sentence (quoted in full) 
was then given that confirmation of the postulation, with dispensation if this 
should be expedient, belonged to the archbishop, and order was made that 
Master Augustine (Mac Teague), comarb of St. Kynnycus in the diocese of 
Derry, should cite Master Tomlinus M°ploseayd, de facto incumbent of the 

deanery, and the other canons of Derry. 
This is a record of the proceedings more summarily related in no. 187, and the date (which is 
not given) is clearly the same as that of the companion document. 

1 A good deal is here lost by mutilation. : 

272 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

186. Proceedings in the case of the postulation of Master Peter Okerballan 
12 July, 1867. (in title Okerbellan) to the deanery of Derry before the 
archbishop in the church of St. Nicholas, Dundalke. f, 40. 

Master John Kenan appeared as proctor of the canons of Derry. Proof 
having been given of the mandate to Master Augustine (Mac Teague), 
comarb of St. Kynnicus, for the citation of Thomas M°polyscaid (also 
written M°ploiscaid) by name and of others concerned in general terms, and 
of its execution, and none appearing, M°ploiscaid. was pronounced con- 
tumacious and excluded from further opposition. It was also decreed that a 
further citation should be made in Derry cathedral for all concerned to 
appear in the same place on 30 July. 

A note states that copies of the mandates for the general and special 
citation are on the next page. 

187. Mandate to Master Augustine M°thayg, comarb of St. Kynnicus 
15 June, 1367. and canon of Derry, with certificate of execution (certifica- 
torium) of the same. f. 40°. 

The mandate states that Master John Kenan, clerk of the diocese of 
Armagh, proctor of the canons of Derry, had applied to the archbishop for 
confirmation of the postulation of Master Peter Okerwalan, canon of Derry, 
to the deanery: that Simon, Bishop of Derry, having been cited to show 
cause why it should not be confirmed, did not appear, and was pronounced 
contumacious ; and that the archbishop decreed that the right of confirmation 
had devolved upon him and that the cause should be proceeded with. He 
commands Augustine to cite Thomas M*bloscayge by name, wherever he 
should be found, and all others concerned in general terms, in Derry cathedral, 
to appear in the church of St. Nicholas, Dundalk, on 12 July, if they wished 
to oppose the postulation. 

Dated at Tarmefechyn. 

The writer of the certificate states that M*blayge (sic) was found in the 
chamber of Brother Simon, Bishop of Derry, in his manor of the church of 
Accadufaychi, diocese of Derry, the writer knowing that he did not reside 
at Derry cathedral, and that he there cited him by name on 28 June. 

He sealed the certificate with the common seal of the chapter of Derry 
and dated it at the church of Accadufaythi, 28 June. 

188. Letter to John Ocuyg, canon of Derry, and the priors of the friars 
12 July, 1367. preachers and canons regular of the city of Derry. ff. 40°, 19. 

States that Thomas M¢bloscaid, de facto incumbent of the deanery, and 
others concerned had been cited and had not appeared, and that M°bloscaid 
had been declared contumacious and excluded from further opposition to 
the postulation of Master Peter Okerballan, canon of Derry, to the deanery 

Lawior—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 273 

of the same. The archbishop orders the above, as his commissaries, to cite, 
by a general proclamation in Derry cathedral, all who wish to oppose 
confirmation thereof to appear before him in St. Nicholas’ Church, Dundalk, 
on 30 July. 

Dated at Dundalk. 

189. Letter [of the archbishop, guardian of the spiritual] jurisdiction [of 
19 Fobruary, 1366. the diocese of Down, sede vacante], to the clergy of that 
diocese. f. 41. 

States that the Prior of the house of St. Peter at Newtown near Trym, 
diocese of Meath, has informed the archbishop that his house is in great need 
of repair, and that the archbishop saw this himself on his last metropolitical 
visitation of the house. He therefore gives direction and grants indulgence 
as in no. 176, 149. 

Dated in the city of Down. 

190. Certificate of the appointment of Sir John Haket, priest, as rector 
21 February, 1366. of the church of Nedrum in the diocese of Down, “sede 
vacante ex resignatione.”? f. 41. 

The church was vacant by the resignation of Sir Maurice M*Kerly, made 
with a view to exchanging it with Haket for the church of St. Tassanus of 
Rathcolp in the same diocese. The archbishop, as guardian of the spiritual 
jurisdiction, collated the church to him, invested him by tradition of his ring, 
instituted him, and ordered that he should be inducted by the archdeacon or 
his official. 

Dated at the city of Down. 

191. Certificate of the appointment of [Sir Maurice M°Kerly], priest, to 
21 February, 1366. the church of St. Tassanus of Rathcolp (also written 

Ratheolpe). f. 41, 
In the same terms, mutatis mutandis as no. 190. 
192. Letter to the vicars of Tuyna and Clonfechena. f. 41”. 

3 March, 1366. They are commanded to denounce as under sentence of 
greater excommunication at mass on Sundays and festivals Donald Okarry, 
who has invaded the archbishop’s lands of Clondawyll, and to place his 
subjects under ecclesiastical interdict ; and to continue doing so till he leaves 
the lands and gives satisfaction for the injury done to the archbishop and his 
subjects. They are also commanded to call on Donald, Terence (?) and 
Eugenius Oneyll, by whose authority Okarri acted, to expel him from the 

1This may perhaps indicate that Robert de Aketoun (see no. 85) had resigned the see, whether 
before or after consecration. He was not recognized by the Pope, who provided William White in 
succession to Richard Calf. But White does not seem to have been consecrated till July 1366, or 
later (Papal Petitions i. 530). 

274 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

lands and to compel him to give satisfaction within ten days from the date of 
this letter. Otherwise the sons of Oneyll shall themselves be put under 

Dated at Down. 

193. Letter to the Prior of the Purgatory of St. Patrick at Loghderge (in 
15 March, 1866. ¢ztle Loghdearg) in the diocese of Clocher and all others, 
clerics and laymen, of the province of Armagh. f. 41°. 

The archbishop commends to their hospitality John Bonham and Guidus 
Cissy, pilgrims who desire to visit the Purgatory. 

Dated in the city of Down. 

Printed in An, Boll. xxvii. 37. 

194. Grant to Richard Clyntoun of an annual pension of 20s. for the life 
ce. April(?), 1866. of the archbishop, of which 10s. is from messuages on the 
north of St. Patrick’s Church, Trym, and three acres of land attached to them» 
and the rest from the archbishop’s coffers. f. 41°. 

He is also to get a robe when the archbishop gives robes to his knights. 

Dated in the city [of Down]. 

In the date only the year—1366 (O0.S.)—is legible. If, as seems likely, ‘ the city’ is Down, the 
letter must be of about the sume date as the other letters on the leaf (nos. 190-193). It is, however, 
at least us late as 25 March, the first day of 1366 (O.S.). All the archbishop’s letters from 
19 February to 13 May are dated at Down (nos. 15, 27, 189-193). He was at Termonfeckin on 
7 February (no. 113), and at Dromiskin 12 June (no. 70). 

195. Progress of visitations of the diocese. f. 42. 

1370, 1871. In 1370 the dean and chapter were visited at Armagh on 
13 [May]; the colidei and clergy and people on the days and at the places 
mentioned in their citations. In the deanery of Drogchda the visitation was 
held at St. Peter’s Church, Drogchda, on the 27th of same month; in the 
deanery of Atrium Dei at St. Mary’s, Atrium Dei, for the clergy on the 28th, 
and for the people on the 29th; in the deanery of Dundalke on the 21st. 

In 1371 the dates were as follows: dean and chapter 11 May; colidei 
13 May; clergy 15 May; clergy of Tullachoge deanery 16 May ; laity of the 
deaneries of Erthyr and Tullachoge, on the days assigned to the clergy of the 

The month for 1370 is supplied from no. 202. 

196. Acquittance, acknowledging that on his metropolitical visitation of 
1 June, 1374. Meath, he received from Bishop Stephen (Wall) and the clergy 
of Meath £10 in part payment of procurations for the metropolitical visitation 
of the year 1373, by the hands of Sir Richard Molys, principal receiver. f. 42. 

197. Acquittance, acknowledging the receipt from Sir William, Prior, and 
19 July, 1379. the Convent of Louth 8 marks as payment for the tithes (in 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 275 

pretio de decimis) of Tarmefeghyn sold by them to the archbishop in the 
name of procurations due to the archbishop at his ordinary visitation on the 
date of the acquittance. f. 42. 

Dated in the manor of Dromeskyn. 

198. Mandate (from an Archbishop of Armagh unnamed) to Roger 
Sway[n |. f. 42, 

He is to pay 2 marks to the Prior of Loueth in part payment for tithes 
sold by him to the archbishop, retaining this document in lieu of acquittance. 

199. Citation of [Simon, Bishop of Derry]. f, 42. 
31 July, 1367. States that the bishop intruded Thomas M°bloscaich into the 
deanery of Derry after the case concerning the confirmation of the postulation 
had begun, thereby displaying contempt for the jurisdiction of the church of 
Armagh and incurring sentence of greater excommunication. He is cited, 
and commanded to cite M°bloscaich, who was his partner in the premises, to 
appear in the church of St. Nicholas, Dundalke, on the [blank] after the 
Assumption of B.V.M. (15 August), to show cause why the archbishop should 
not declare them to be under sentence of greater excommunication. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

The early part is mutilated. 

A note follows, ‘*H Require in principio secundi fol.’ 

200. Letters patent concerning the confirmation of the postulation of 
15 June (7), 1867. Master Peter Okerwlan, Chancellor of Armagh, to the 
deanery of Derry. f, 42°, 

State that Master John Kenan, clerk of the diocese of Armagh, appeared 
before the archbishop in the chapel at Tarmfechyn on 24 May, and presented 
letters of proxy from the chapter of Derry and the decree of postulation—the 
tenor of which is said to follow but does not appear—and prayed confirmation 
thereof. The archbishop thereupon by letters patent—the tenor of which is 
said to follow, but does not appear—caused Simon, Bishop of Derry, to be 
cited to appear in the parish church of Tarmfechyn on the first juridic day 
after Trinity Sunday (15 June) to show cause why the petition should not be 
granted. On that day proof was given of the service of the citation and of 
the refusal of Simon to appear; and as he did not appear he was pronounced 
contumacious, and the archbishop found that the right of confirmation had 
devolved upon him. He gives sentence and has definitively decreed that 
Thomas M°bloscaid, de facto incumbent of the deanery, be cited by name, 
wherever he is found, and all others concerned in general terms in Derry 
cathedral, and issues letters to that effect to Master Augustine M°thaige, 
comarb of— 

Breaks off at the end of the page, 

276 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

A clause interpolated into the text states that the letters of proxy of 
Kenan and the decree of postulation immediately followed this document, 
obviously on the succeeding leaf, now lost. A note adds that the citation of 
Simon was copied at the beginning of ‘fol. vii.’ 

The date, supposing that the lost portion did not record proceedings subsequent to those here 
mentioned, is obviously the same as that of no. 187—the letter of citation last referred to in the 

201. Letter of Edward (111) to the sheriff of Loueth. f, 43, 
18 March, 1370. He is to have proclamation made in the plain (plano) of 
the county and wherever else in the territory he may deem it expedient, that 
no ecclesiastical person, under heavy forfeit to the crown (forisfactura nostra), 
shall sell any tithe for next year to any idle man (otioso) or Irishman, but 
that all such tithes shall be kept for the king’s leutenant William de 

Ends: “Teste Willielmo &c. (as no, 39) apud Tamelyn” &c. 

202. Citation for the ordinary visitation of the diocese of Armagh among 
17 April, 1370 ‘the Ivish. f, 43, 

Master Patrick Ocorry, dean, is commanded to appear and to cite the 
canons of the chapter to appear on 15 May, to cite the colidei of the 
cathedral, the chaplains serving in the city, and the clergy of the deanery of 
Ardmach for 14 May, also laics from all parishes of the same for 15 May, 
at the cathedral; and to have the clergy and people of the deanery of 
Tulaghog cited for 16 May at the church of Clonfekena. 

Dated in the manor of Drummeskyn. 

203. Commission to Masters [... .] and Patrick Ocorry, Dean of Armagh, 
7 May, 1370. to hold the visitation (no. 202). f, 45%, 

Dated in the manor of Dromeskyn. 

204. Citation for the ordinary visitation of the deanery of Drogchda. 

15 May, 1370. f. 43%. 

The dean of the deanery, John Bagoke, vicar of Portluran, is to cite the 
clergy, and laity from every parish, to appear at St. Peter’s, Drogchda, on 
22 May. 

Dated in the manor of Dromeskyn. 

205. Letter to [the Dean of Armagh]. f, 44, 

9 September, 1367. In reply to a letter, received the previous night when he 
was in bed, asking absolution for Ohandeloyn and Donald (O’Neill), he says 
that after frequent absolutions, oaths taken, and pledges given by Ohandeloyn 
they acted worse than before, and are now excommunicated for continual 
rebellions. He therefore cannot absolve them without counsel from magnates 
(majores de terra), friends of himself and the Church, who are busy with the 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 277 

harvest (circa autumpnum), and without security that the offences will not 
be repeated. He wishes to speak with his correspondent before sending his 
messenger to the curia; when he comes they can consider the renewal of 
peace with the malefactors. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

He could wish (vellemus) to write a letter of warning (comminatorie) to 
Niallan, and to take proceedings against him in the form of the Church, but 
on account of the tyranny of the two mentioned above it would be impossible 
to find a messenger who would dare to make the journey. 

The year is not given. But the letter from the dean to which this isan answer seems to haye been 
the earlier of the two mentioned in no. 94, the latter being that of 13 September to which no. 96 is 
a reply. 

206. Acquittance, acknowledging the receipt from Master Patrick (O’Corry), 
1367. Dean of Armagh, through Master Patrick M°umcugan, of the rent of 
the mensal lands at Armagh for 1367—-20s. f. 44, 

Dated in the manor of Dromeskyn. 

A note adds that at the same date a similar acquittance was given to 
Master Patrick Oreychi for 20 marks, 20d.; and that he swore to execute 
faithfully the office of seneschal, in the presence of Masters Arthur M°brun, 
official of the church of Armagh, Patrick M*umcughan, John Kenan, and the 
writer, James Scotelare. This was done before the primate in his chamber, 
and Master Patrick was ordered to warn the tenants that they must pay their 
rents, or else be [ejected 7]. 

207. Note. f, 44", 

6 January, 1368. Gives an account of the murder of [. . . .] in the orchard 
(pomarium) of George Telinge, his servant (administer), when he was in the 
act of blessing the fruit. 

Partly illegible. 

208. Letter to Brother Simon, Bishop of Derry. f, 44", 

1 July, 1370. Cites him to appear in Armagh cathedral on 15 July, to make 
payment of 10 marks due, by his oath, for the redemption of his penance, and 
424 marks and eels, rent due for the manor of Kyllareo, which he held in 
farm of the archbishop, for the three terms last past, and to show cause why 
he should not be proceeded against for perjury. 

The summary of this document and no. 209 has been made from 
Bishop Reeves’s copy. They are now almost illegible, the page having been 
injured by the use of a re-agent. 

209. Letter to Master John M¢birragra, official in the deanery of 
1 July, 1370. Tullachog. f. 44", 

Cites him to appear in Armagh cathedral on 11 July, to pay all money 

R.1,A, PROC., VOL. XXIX,, SECT. C, [38] 

278 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

collected by him for the archbishop, and render account thereof, and to treat 
with the archbishop and his fellow-members of the chapter, concerning the 
affairs of the church of Armagh. He is to send an escort of his men with the 
bearer, who is also carrying a letter to (Simon) Bishop of Derry. 

Dated at the Lake near Armagh. 

See note on no. 208. 

210. Note (2). f. 45, 

Only the words “[perpet]uo vicario ecclesie beate Marie de mandelun- 
[stoun]” are legible. “beate Marie” is crossed out. 

211. Citation for an ordinary visitation. f, 45. 
4 June, 1867. Sir Walter Haddesor’, vicar of Dunler, dean of Droghda, is to 
cite the clergy of his deanery for 21 June, and laity from every parish for 
22 June, at St. Peter’s Church, Droghda. 

Dated at Tarmefeghyn. 

A note states that on the same day similar letters were issued to 
Sir Thomas Louragh, vicar of St. Mary’s, Mandelvillestoun, dean of Atrium 
Dei, the clergy of which deanery were to be visited on 25 June and the people 
on 26 June. Also to Sir Roger, parish priest of Feld, dean of Dundalk, the 
clergy of which deanery were to be visited on 28 June and the people on 
30 June. 

These three letters were handed to Gilbert the messenger on 4 June after 
noon in the presence of the primate, the Bishop of Down, and Master 
John Kenan, notary public. 

A further note refers to the commission to Masters Patrick, Chancellor, 
and Patrick Orethy, canon of Armagh, to visit the diocese among the Irish, 
copied “in xy folio post illud presenti non computato.” 

212. Letter to John and William Brysbon, of Ayshe and Castelrynge. f. 45. 
8 October, 1371. Maurice M¢mahoun having demanded that justice should 
be done to him by the archbishop’s tenants at Inneskene, concerning one of 
his men alleged to have been wounded by the latter for injuring the 
archbishop’s stream and fishery (pro fractura gurgitis nostri et piscarie) 
at[. .. .], and having appointed the above as arbiters on his side to decide the 
matter on 9 October, the archbishop appears to accept them as arbiters. 

Some important words are illegible towards the end of the document. 

213. Dates of the ordinary visitation in [1367]. f, 45". 
1367. Dean and chapter 10 [June] at the cathedral; Abbot and Convent of 
SS. Peter and Paul and the colidei [12 June]; [clergy] and people of the 
deanery of Tullachoge at Clanfechkyll. 

The year is inferred from no. 215. 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 279 

214, The same for 1375. f. 45”. 

1375. Dean and chapter, 4 June at the cathedral; Abbot and Convent of 
SS. Peter and Paul and the colidei, 7 June; clergy and people of Erther, 
12 June, at the cathedral; clergy and people of the deanery of Tulachoge, 
14 June. 

215. Citation for an ordinary visitation. f. 45", 
26 May, 1367. Patrick Okorry, Dean of Armagh, is to appear, and to cite the 
chapter to appear, at the cathedral on 10 June, the Abbot and Convent of 
SS. Peter and Paul and the colidei of the cathedral at their accustomed 
places on 12 June, the clergy and laymen of the deanery of Erthyr at the 
cathedral on 14 June, and those of the deanery of Tullachoge at the parish 
church of Clonfekyna on 15 June. 

Dated at Tarmefeghyn. 

216. Memorandum. f, 45". 
26 May, 1367. States that a letter was addressed to Gilbert O[l]orchan, 
seneschal of Armagh, to bring in (ad portandum) his rents from 1 May, and 
for 4s. left (dimissis) in the hands of Thomas M*‘moer, for the archbishop. 
These things are to be done within a fortnight of [blank]. 

217. Memorandum. f, 45”. 
26 May, 1867. States that a letter was addressed to the vicar of Castrum 
Ohandeloyn, for the rest of the cows due by [...] Ohandeloyn, under his 
oath ; and instructing him to warn (premuniat) Ohandeloyn to give (reddat) 
pledges to the seneschal of Armagh within a month. 

218. Memorandum. f, 45”, 
26 May, 1367. States that a citation was issued, to be made by Master 
Patrick Orochy, canon of [Armagh], to [...] official of Armagh, Benedict 
Oculean official of Tullaogh, M[aster.... of TullaJogh, and Marcellus Omichan 
beadle (bedellum) of Tullaogh, to render their accounts. 

Partly illegible. 

219. Narrative of litigation between the archbishop and the Prior and 
c. 1867. Convent of Down. f. 46. 

States that the archbishop had issued a citation to the prior and 
convent and that the prior had gone into hiding to avoid personal service 
thereof. The citation was entrusted to a chaplain and a messenger, who 
found the prior and his followers. When the latter saw them he beat 
the chaplain and wounded him in various ways, and put fetters on the 
messenger, subjected him to torture (questionibus), and compelled him to eat 
the letter of citation with its seal of wax. ‘The archbishop having afterwards 
assigned a place in the diocese of Down at which on a day fixed by him the 
prior and his followers were to acknowledge their offence, make amends for 


280 _ Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

it, and hear the archbishop’s pleasure concerning it, they gathered a band 
(facta collectione) of the clerks and laymen of nearly the entire diocese, who 
appeared armed as for war. Among them, as a “tertius principalior” in the 
rebellion, was John Dommgan, pretended rector of Camlin in the diocese of 
Down. Two men whom the archbishop had sent beforehand to provide food, 
in the chapel at Viride Castrum in the diocese of Down, were killed in the 
presence and with the approval of Dommgan, and many were wounded. 
Thereupon the archbishop pronounced sentence of suspension, excommunica- 
tion and interdict against the prior and all who aided him. From this sentence, 
as it is said, they made a frivolous appeal, without notifying the same to the 
archbishop, and sent Dommgan as their proctor to the Roman curia. He 
desired that many objections against the archbishop should be set forth in 
public consistory, all of which were false (que in omnibus suis partibus 
requirentur subjecte falsitati). For the archbishop the Pope was therefore 
prayed to commit to Sir Peter Flandrini, auditor of causes, all the causes to 
be moved by the archbishop against the prior and others concerned with 
him, about the spirituality and spiritual jurisdiction, possession and rebellion, 
&e., though they did not properly belong to the curia, and though a com- 
mission had been issued with regard to some of the premises to the Cardinal 
of Nimes (i.e. John de Blandiaco, Bishop of Nimes, cardinal priest of St. Mark) 
who was absent. The Pope gave an order granting this petition, consisting 
of a single sentence “written at the end of the sheet (cedule) of the com- 
mission or suspension by another hand and in a quite different character 
(litera).” James de Prato, who appeared as proctor for the archbishop, 
complained that certain documents essential to his case were detained by 
notaries and others in the diocese of Down and the two adjoining dioceses, 
and sought a remedy. The auditor commanded certain persons (not named), 
within six days after request is made to them to that effect on behalf of the 
archbishop, to admonish such of the beforementioned notaries and uthers whom 
the bearers of the command may consider it necessary to name to them, that 
they shall deliver the documents to the archbishop or his proctor or transmit 

them to the curia. 

The date is not legible. But the violent proceedings described seem to belong to a period when 
the see of Down was vacant, and may therefore be placed in the period following October, 1365 (see 
no. 85), or shortly after the death of Bishop William White (August, 1368). The former date is 
more likely, since a case concerning vacancy of the see of Down was in progress at the curia in 1366 
(see nos. 93, 138). The document was certainly earlier than 30 May, 1371, when Peter Flandrini 

became a cardinal (Eubel i. 21). 
220. Dates of an ordinary visitation. Earl 
The visitation began the Thursday after 24 June. At Droghda the 
clergy were visited 1 July, and the people of the same deanery 2 July. 
At Atrium Dei the clergy of the part of the apparitor of Ardee (Atrium 

Lawitor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 281 

Dei) 6 July, and the people 7 July. At Louth the clergy and people of the 
part of apparitor of Louth 8 July. At Dundalk the clergy 9 July, and the 
people 10 July. 

221. Mandate to Milo, Bishop of Dromore, for a metropolitical visitation 
20 October, 13866. of his diocese. f. 47. 

The bishop is to cite his clergy to appear on 5 November at Kyllwronaygh. 

Dated in the manor of Dromeskyn. 

222. Commission to Masters Peter Okerbyllan, Chancellor, and Patrick 
4 [June,] 1367. Oreghigi (in title Orechy), canon, of Armagh, to hold a 
visitation in the cathedral, of the cathedral and the diocese among the 
Trish. f. 477, 

Dated in the manor at Tarmefechyn. 

By alterations of the text indicated in the margin and between the lines 
this document is transformed into a commission to Cornelius Olorkan, canon 
of Armagh, and Nemias M*molmartyn, vicar of Kylmor in the diocese of 
Kilmore (Triburnen.), to hold a metropolitical visitation of the diocese of 

That the commission was issued in June appears to be established by nos. 211, 215. 

223. Letter to the dean of the deanery of Atrium Dei [and ...] vicar of 
15 March, 1865. Dunler. It Gb 

They are commanded to appear in the chapel of the manor at Tarme- 
feghyn on 19 March to render account of the subsidy lately granted to the 
archbishop by the clergy of the diocese among the English, of which they 
were collectors. 

Dated at Tarmefeghyn. 

224. Acquittance acknowledging receipt from Sir Yvar M°gawyn, the 
15 June, 1365. archbishop’s receiver of rents at Armagh, of 9 marks 8s. in 
money, and flesh, beer, &c., of the estimated value of 5 marks, 7d. f. 47”. 

Dated at the Lake near Armagh. 

225. Acquittance acknowledging receipt from tie same of 7 marks 463d. 
27 September, 1865. for the term at 1 May, and by the hands of Matthew 
Bulbeke 23s. 4d. f. 47°, 

Dated at Tarmefeghyn. 

226. Acquittance acknowledging receipt from Magnellus Omychan, 
27 September, 1365. collector at Tulachoge, in value (pretio) and in money. 
20s. 4d., to which amount he was in arrear according to the account rendered 
by him to the Dean of Armagh at Tulachoge. f. 47°, 

Dated at Tarmefeghyn. 

227. Letter to Master William Morice, Archdeacon of Armagh, or his 
22 December, 1365 (?). official. f, 47". 

282 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

States that the Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem at 
Kylmaynan in Ireland has presented Sir Thomas Conlagh, priest, to 
the vicarage of Kylmedymoke. ‘he archdeacon is to make the usual 
inquiries in the deaneries of Droghda, Atrium Dei, and Dundalke. 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

The date is given as 1365 and the fifth year of Sweteman’s consecration. It therefore lies 
between 17 November, 1365, and 24 March, 1366. It is further defined as the Monday before the 
feast of ‘Nat[. . .].’ The only ‘ Nativity ’ within the limits mentioned is Christmas, 1365, and the 
Monday before it was the 22 December. But the letters ‘ Nat’ are doubtful. 

228. Letter to the Bishop of [. . . .] the archbishop’s suffragan. f. 48. 
16 February, 1364. States that the archbishop in his metropolitical visitation 
of the diocese had discovered that by sentence of commissaries of the bishop, 
based on false evidence, the marriage of Walter and Johanna had been pro- 
nounced null; that the archbishop had quashed that sentence, declared Walter 
and Johanna to be man and wife and their children legitimate, and warned 
them, under penalty of greater excommunication, to come together within 
fifteen days. Learning that Johanna had not obeyed this monition he caused 
the bishop to warn her to do so within eight days after the foregoing fifteen, 
and in the event of her continued disobedience required him to denounce her 
as excommunicate throughout his diocese. Since she is still obdurate he now 
commands the bishop to warn all his subjects not to communicate with her in 
any way, and if this monition is not obeyed (alioquin) he is to cause Johanna 
and all keeping company with her—the king, his consort and their children 
alone excepted—to be excommunicated with all solemnity until she returns to 
her duty and he has other order from the archbishop. 

229. Licence to Sir Richard Hoper, priest, rector of Kilkerly, to be absent 

29 March, 13865. from his cure for the purpose of study. f, 48. 
Dated at Tarmefeghyn. 
230. Document all but a few words of which is lost. f. 48", 

March, 1365 or 1364. Dated at Tarmefechyn. 

The year is given as 1364 (0. S.). Since the day of the month is lost this is ambiguous. But 
1365 (N. 8S.) is probably correct, since the archbishop was certainly at Termonfeckin for a 
considerable part of March in that year (see no. 148, note). We have no dated documents for 1364, 
unless this be one. 

231. Letters to Masters Patrick Orethgi, canon of Armagh, and 
20 February, 1365. Robert Derby, the archbishop’s proctor at the Roman 
curia. f, 48°. 

Commissions them as his proctors for visiting the Holy See. They are to 
appear before the Pope’s chamberlain in his name, and are to obtain letters of 
acquittance for the performance of the visit, and a dispensation in regard to 
any perjury or irregularity he may incur in connexion with it. 

Lawitor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 283 

Dated at Dromeskyn. 

232. Letter to the Dean, Chancellor, prior of colidei, and all others of 
1363 x 13866. Armagh cathedral. f, 48". 

States that the archbishop had received letters from the Duke of Clarence, 
son and lieutenant of the king in Iveland, at the time of his last coming 
(a tempore ultimo adventus) to Ireland, informing him that though peace had 
been restored by indenture up to 1 May between the duke and Oneyll, yet 
within that term Oneyll had taken possession of the horses (equicium) of 
Geoffrey Whyt, the duke’s constable at Viride Castrum, and praying him to 
excommunicate Oneyll and his accomplices until satisfaction is made. 
Accordingly the archbishop commands the above to admonish Oneyll and his 
son Donald to make restitution to Whyt or his proctor within fifteen days, 
and if they shall despise their admonitions, to denounce them as excommuni- 
cate in the cathedral and in all other churches of the diocese among the Irish 
on Sundays and festivals at mass, and not to cease therefrom till the horses 
are restored. 

Apparently breaks off at the end of the page. 

233. Letter [to William (White), Bishop of Down, for a metropolitical 
24 January, 1368. visitation of his diocese]. f. 49. 

Dated in the manor of Dromeskyn. 

The greater part of this document seems to have been written on a leaf 
now lost between ff. 48,49. Of the portion on f. 49, only parts of a few 
lines, including the date, remain. Its character is inferred from the title of 
no. 254, and the note following it. 

234. Letters of citation to William (White), Bishop of Down, “if he refuse 
29 January, 1368. to accept the preceding citation.’ f. 49. 

He is cited to appear in St. Ronan’s Church, Dromeskyn, on 10 February, to 
answer in regard to his contempt and disobedience towards the archbishop. 

Dated in the manor of Drummeskyn. 

A note states that on 24 January a letter was issued for a visitation of 
the bishop and chapter on 15 March and of the clergy and people on 18 and 
19 March respectively. 

235, Memorandum. f, 49. 
1368. States that the first citation was handed to the Bishop of Down by 
the Archdeacon of Down. It appointed the visitation of the bishop and 
chapter for 7 February, of the clergy of the deanery of Lescalle for 
8 February, and of the people of the same for 9 February. It was dated 
24 December (1367). The bishop refused to receive it. 

The date is inferred from no. 234. 

1 Tn the heading only, 

284 Proceedings of the Royal Lrish Academy. 

236. Letters patent. f, 49. 
2 January, 1368. Notify that Sir John Logan, Archdeacon of Down, against 
whom charges had been brought by W(illiam White) Bishop of Down, first 
appealed (provocavit) to the metropolitical court last summer, and afterwards 
in regard of (ex) different charges, and especially in regard of (a) a sentence of 
excommunication passed upon him by the bishop, after and contrary to the 
appeal, appeared on two occasions. His appeals were received and are still 
undecided in the archbishop’s court. 

Dated in the manor of Drummeskyn. 

237. Letter to the Bishop of Derry. f, 49°. 
14 February, 1368. The archbishop notifies that by advice of [... .], men 
learned in the law, and with the consent of the Dean of Derry [he had... . as 

regards some purpose] for which (ad quod) the bishop was to be (fueritis) cited 
to appear before him on this occasion up to (hac vice .. . usque ad) the first 
juridie day after [....] with regard to complaints which the dean made 
against him. The archbishop desires him (1) to confer the rectory of Ardo 
—which has been conferred on a man under age, a defect with which only 
the Pope can dispense, and is by custom conferred on a canon of Derry— 
upon another with the advice of the dean and chapter; (2) to give the 
episcopal third of his rectory of Derry to the fabric of the church, to which it 
is given by right (a parte juris conceditur) ; (3) to excommunicate Okaan and 
place his lordship under interdict until he give security to the dean for 
himself and his subjects—Okaan having been already excommunicated at the 
instance of the dean, but absolved by the bishop without summoning the 
dean; (4) under the penalties contained in the above-mentioned citation, to 
pay what he owes to the archbishop, in any manner that may be possible 
(modo possibili), to the dean in the archbishop’s name, following the dean’s 
advice about the manner-(modo) of payment, viz.: 17 marks 41d. due in the 
time of Archbishop Richard (FitzRalph), and 52 marks, also 2 marks for 
procurations at the last metropolitical visitation of the diocese, held by the 
Dean of Armagh and Master Odo (M*dinim) prior of the community of the 
chapter of Armagh (ef. no. 122). The archbishop wonders much that the 
bishop does not in his official acts follow the counsel of his dean, ‘ without 
whose counsel if we could have the advantage of his presence we would 
do nothing of difficulty, as we did not in the past when he was with us. 
The archbishop desires this letter to be communicated to the archdeacon and 
other members of the bishop’s chapter. 
Dated in the manor of Drummeskyn. 
238. Memorandum. f. 49", 

1368. States that by letter dated 14 February, and handed to Gibboinus (?) 

LawLtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 285 

the runner, the Bishop of Clocher was cited to appear on 15 March in 
St. Ronan’s Church, Drummeskyn, to answer for the non-payment of 
13 marks and 41d., and to show cause why he should not be punished for 
breaking his oath. 

The year is omitted in the date. It is assumed to have been identical with that of no. 237, which 
was also written on 14 February. 

239. Summons to a parliament at Kilkenny on 6 October. f, 49. 
18 August, 1875. The archbishop is to appear personally together with 
proctors for the chapter of Armagh and for the clergy of the diocese. 

Ends: “Teste W. &c. (as no. 111) apud Lymeryk” &e. 

240 Citation of N[icholas (Allen) ], Bishop of Meath, for a metropolitical 
13 October, 1866. visitation of his diocese. f. 50. 

The bishop is to appear in the parish church of St. Patrick, Trym, on 
19 January, and to cause the archdeacons of Meath (Midia) and Kenlys and 
the clergy of the deanery of Trym to be cited for the same day, and laymen 
from the parishes of the same deanery for 20 January. The clergy of the 
other deaneries are to be warned to be ready for visitation on dates to be fixed. 

Dated in the manor at Tarmefeghyn. 

241. Memorandum. f, 50. 
19 January, 1367. Relates proceedings before the Archbishop in the guest- 
house at the House of Friars Preachers at Trym, where there appeared 
Master Matthew Cromp, Archdeacon of Meath, Thomas Wythyntoun, Abbot 
of St. Mary’s, Trym, John Whyt, [Prior] of St. Mary’s (Domus Dei), 
Molynger, Brother Richard Symkoke, proctor of the Abbot of St. Thomas the 
Martyr, Masters Peter Howthe (?), rector of Dromconragh, and John Holleby, 
rector of Kyllaloun, and Sir Rfichard] Mollys, rector of Crucistoun, proctor 
of the clergy of Meath, and many others, clerks and laymen. The archbishop 
explained the cause of his coming for his metropolitical visitation. The 
archdeacon and others in reply stated that the Bishop of Meath died 
15 January, and made some other assertions which are in part illegible. He 
said also that Master Henry Plowle], archdeacon of Kenlys, had sworn the 
previous Tuesday (12 January) that he had not been cited by the bishop to 
undergo the metropolitical visitation of the primate. The archbishop, since 
the bishop was dead, and had not received the archbishop’s mandate while he 
was alive, dismissed them with his blessing. 

Ends: “Testibus presentibus ad premissa venerabili viro fratre Johanne 
domus sancte Marie de Louth priore, magistro Petro cancellario Ardinachano, 
Nicholas Bethun officiali curie Ardmachane, Galfrido Baldewyn notario 
publico, magistro Johanne Strode rectore de Staghbanan et multis aliis tam 
diocesis- Midensis quam [Ardmachane].” 

R. I. A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C, [39] 

286 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

A re-agent has been used on this document, and much of it is now illegible 
which Reeves succeeded in deciphering. I have therefore ESE depended 
on his copy. 

242. Citation of William (White), Bishop a Down, Rom a ‘metropolitical 
1368. visitation of his diocese. f. 50°. 

The bishop and chapter are to appear on 15 March at the cathedral, the 
archdeacon and the clergy of the deanery of Lechale on 18 March, and laymen 
from the parishes of the same on 19 March in the church of the priory or 
cell of St. Thomas the Martyr, Down; and the clergy and people of other | 
deaneries to be warned to be ready for visitation at dates to be assigned. 

Breaks off at the end of the page. 

243. Letter to [Sir John Offyn, presbyter of the diocese of Meath], canon 
26 August, 1373. of the suffragan [church of Ardagh] and guardian of [the 
spirituality and spiritual jurisdiction of the same], which was committed 
(deputate) [to him by the archbishop, to] whom it belongs. f. 51. 

States that, three persons having been elected to [the bishopric of 
Ardagh], viz.: Master Charles Offerall, who presented his decree of election 
to the archbishop, Master Richard Offeral, dean of the same church, elected 
by letters sealed with the common seal of the chapter, which were presented 
to the same, and John Aubrey, Friar Preacher of Trym, the archbishop, 
before the revocation of the Bishop of Kilmore’s (Triburnen.) commission 
(see no. 244), directed the latter to cite the first two of the above-named to 
appear in Armagh cathedral on 5 September; but that after the issue of the 
citation the decree of election of Aubrey was shown to him. The bishop’s 
commission having been withdrawn, he now commands [Offyn] to cite all 
three to appear at the above place and date. 

Dated in the manor at (infra) the Lake near Armagh. 

The illegible portions of this document have been conjecturally restored 
with the aid of no, 244. 

244, Commission to Sir John Offyn, presbyter of the diocese of Meath, 
26 August, 1373. canon of the church of Ardagh (Ardakaden.) f. 51. 

States that the archbishop had already granted Offyn custody of the 
spirituality and spiritual jurisdiction of the bishopric of Ardagh 
(Ardachaden.), vacant by the death of William (MacCormack) ; but afterwards, 
having concluded from letters of the Bishop of Kilmore (Tirburnen.) and some 
of his clerks that he had appropriated the revenues (vos omnia [sc. de 
emolumento] vobis inbursasse et vos multa recepisse), he withdrew his 
commission and granted the custody to the bishop. Finding by the testimony 
of the magnates and noble clerks of the diocese of Meath that he was 
deceived by the bishop and his clerks, he now reinstates Offyn. He commits 

Lawior—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 287 

to him the duties of demanding the palfrey, ring (and) other things which by 
the custom of his church belong to him by reason of the death of William, 
and of demanding from the Bishop of Kilmore (Triburnen.), and by 
ecclesiastical censures compelling him to render, an account of his receipts 
during his tenure of the commission. 

245. Letter to Niallan M*hergh. ii Bul, 
11 May, 1373(?) The archbishop bids him not to wonder that he did not 
come to the last parliament arranged to be held between them. In the 
pressure of business he forgot it. He desires him to keep the peace of Christ 
and His Church and the King of England, knowing certainly that some of the 
English are culpable, having destroyed ecclesiastical villas of the tenants of 
the Nobyr, Braktys and Dyliamstoun. 

The year is not given in the date. The'letter is from Sweteman ; but the only ground for 
supposing it to have been written in 1378 is the date of nos. 243, 244. 

246. Inquisition at the Nobyr. f. 51. 
November, 1351. It was taken before Richard (Fitz Ralph) Archbishop of 
Armagh, by the following jurors: John Porter, clerk, William Rede, Robert 
Whyt, John Troslon, Stephen Colyn, Richard [....]nmount, John Porter, 
Stephen Monemouth, John Rede, Stephen Neutoun, Simon ‘Taylor, and 
Henry Colyn. They found (1) that from ancient times the community of the 
villa of the Nobyr elected two of the community, of whom the lord or his 
seneschal selected (habet eligere) one to be provost (prepositus) of the villa ; 
(2) that the lord, on the death of a burgess, received from his heir a relief of 
12d. ; (3) that the lord did not receive a heriot on the death of a tenant who was 
a burgess from his heir ; (4) that no burgess did suit to the lord’s mill, against 
his own will, but that all used to cut (tonsare) the corn and ‘macetum’ 
of the mill (mola¥) for the lord’s mill, and if not the lord distrained 
therefor ; (5) that the lord had not his own serjeant (servientem) within the 
villa, except the serjeant of the villa who acts as serjeant for (serviet) the 
lord; (6) that the provost had a Tolboll by the lord’s gift for his service 
(servicio) ; (7) that the lord’s clerk of the outer court (de curia forinseca) and 
of the court of hundreds had toll for his service ; (8) that the provost levied 
all profits (proficua) of hundreds, and gave account thereof to the lord or his 
seneschal; (9) that the lord had taxes (census) from all taxable persons 
(censar) in or coming to the villa. All the above had been withheld from 
Christmas, 1349, to 13 November, 1351. (10) The lord shall have from every 
butcher who is not a burgess a stone weight of fat (petram sepi), receiving 
therefor from the lord 4d., at 11 November. (11) The provost may (habet) 
levy 11 geese at 29 September. (12) From the place (placia) of Richard 


288 : Proceedings of the Royul Trish Academy. 

Belmount, which is a smith’s place (locus fabri), (he may levy) four horse- 
shoes (ferra equorum) valued at 4d. every Christmas (ad quodlibet Nat’). 
247. Aets of a process before the Archbishop of Armagh. f. 52. 

1362 x 1378. While [the archbishop] was sitting judicially (pro tribunal) 
at [Termonfeckin] on [Monday. . . .], Thomas Britas, vicar of Mandevillston, 
[called] by apostolic [authority] John Taffe, son of Richard Taffe, 
[Sir Thomas Verdon, knight, and others], who had been cited to 
show cause why they should not be pronounced heretics because they 
had [taken possession of] the parish church of Feld and subsequently 
had broken a box (cistam) in the church in which the Lord’s Body 
was kept, on the Saturday last past. [On hearing of this outrage] the 
archbishop had risen from his dinner table (mensa sui prandii) with. the 
Bishop of [. . . .] his suffragan and [.... .], LL.D.,’and others, and hastened 
to the church. But Verdon and his accomplices had left, and heard of the 
arrival of the archbishop after supper (cenam). Meanwhile the archbishop 
cited [Sir Thomas Verdon and] Simon Jordan, and having seen that the door 
of the church and the box were broken proceeded to examine certain witnesses 
there present in proof of the outrage. The proceedings were then adjourned 
till Monday. The persons cited not appearing on that day were pronounced 
contumacious and heretical. Subsequently Sir Thomas went to Tarmefeghyn, 
where he found the archbishop. On Tuesday in the chapel of the manor of 
Tarmefeghyn the archbishop pronouncod Sir Thomas heretical in a form of 
words quoted, in the presence of Masters Bartholomew, official of the Bishop 
of Meath, Walter de Eldon, Henry Bertyn, Master John de Strode, clerk, 
William Pyron, notary, Brother John Aubrey, “ ad ecclesiam Droghadensem 
[. . . .],’ Sir Thomas Byrford and others; on which Thomas de Verdon, pre- 
tended knight, immediately replied that he pronounced the archbishop 
heretical. But (not)withstanding these proceedings, James, the pretended 
provisor, asserted that he had been cited to appear on that day with 
Sir Wilham Redypak. The archbishop asserting that he had been cited for 
the following day (Wednesday), James, nevertheless, in the presence of the 
archbishop, “fecit fieri collationem principalis executoris copiam dicto 
archiepiscopo vel manu publica factam.” Apparently a papal mandate (for the 
induction of James to the church of Feld ?), directed to the archbishop by 
Peter, Abbot of Anagni, who had been appointed executor of the Pope in this 
matter, was read by Bartholomew, and was compared with a copy of the 
same which had been put in by James, and James and William Redypak were 
cited to appear the next day. The copy was found to be inaccurate, especially 
in the substitution of the phrase “amoto quocunque detentore” for “amoto 

LawLor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 289 

quocunque illicito [detentore]”; and Redypak declared his intention to prove 
that it was written and falsified by James with hisown hand. On Wednesday 
both James and Redypak appeared. 

Much of this document is illegible; and the summary is therefore tentative. 
It appears to end on the verso of the leaf; but, if so, its concluding lines are 

The name of the archbishop does not appear, but the mention of Pyron, Strode, and Aubrey (see 
index) indicates that it was Sweteman, and that the document belongs to the period before Aubrey 
became Bishop of Ardagh (see no. 243). 

248. Procurations and Synodals of the diocese of Armagh among the 
English. f. 52". 

Deanery of Dundalke: Dundalke 20s. Dengyn 40d. Kylkerly 40d., 
Dunbeynge 40d., Keen 40d., Philip Nugente’s Villa 3s., Verdun’s Villa 6d., 
Baron’s Villa 12d., Felda 16s. 4d., Balybalryk 2s.; sum 56s. 2d. 

Procurations of Religious Persons: Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in 
Ireland 8 marks, Priory of Louthe 8 marks, Priory of Atrium Dei for the 
site and the church 9 marks, Priory of Dundalk for the site and the church 9 
marks, Abbey of Knok 20s. ; sum 353 marks. 

- Deanery of Droghda: Beaulu 6d. St. Peter’s, Drogheda 2 marks, 
Balymakenny 3s. 4d., Karryk 18d., Drumsalan 3s. 4d., Berly 16d., Donany 6s., 
Rath 6s. 4d., Clonmore $ mark; sum 55s. 8d. 

Deanery of Atrium Dei: Kyllyncoule 3s. 4d., Deruyr 5s., Drumear 16s. 4d., 
Maundevyilistoun 10s., Stabanan 16s. 4d., Dromyng 4 mark, Keppoe Vicarage 
3s. 4d., Kylmadymok 16s. 4d., Smermore 3s. 4d.; sum £4 0s. 8d. 

Deanery of Atrium Det, Synodals: Louth, Kyllincoule, Dyruer, Maun- 
deuilistoun, Athirde, Stackyllynge, Smermore, Kylmadymok, Stabanan, 
Drummeynge, 12d. each, Keppoc 6d., Drumcar, Drummeskyn, 12d. each, 
Villa Moresth Chapel, Knoc Chapel, Richard’s Villa Chapel, Senlys Chapel, 
Kylpatrye, 6d. each, Clonkene 12d., Talounistoun Chapel, Serlystoun Chapel, 
Arthure’s Villa Chapel, Villa of Mapastoun Chapel, Clonkean, 6d. each. 

Since the synodals for the deaneries of Dundalk and Drogheda do not 
appear the document seems to be incomplete owing to the loss ofa leaf. 

249. Letter of citation of | the archbishop, guardian] of the spirituality and 
1869 or 1378 (?). spiritual jurisdiction of [the diocese of Ardagh], to the 
vicar of Clonsallan and his followers. Between ff. 52, 53. 

A very small fragment pasted on the back of an inserted slip of vellum, 
which has some writing upon it. 

If Clonsallan is to be identified with Cloonsellan, bar. of Moydow, 
Co. Longford, the diocese is Ardagh; and if the citation was issued by 
Archbishop Milo during a vacancy of that see, it may be dated with-probability 

290 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

immediately after the death of Melaghlin O’Ferrall (1367) or of his successor 
William MacCormack (1373). 

250. Letter to Brother Walter Benge (Prior) of St. John’s, Athirde (also 
written Arthirde). f. 53. 
25 April, 1378. States that the priory has been reduced to great poverty by 
the number of officers of the king quartered upon it (supervenientium). The 
archbishop therefore permits Benge to serve in the chapel of Senles, having 
rule both of the chapel and of the souls of the parishioners. 

251. Appointment of Master William M*Kathmayll (in title, M°cawyll), 
12 June, 1378. rector of Drumglasse, as official of the deanery of 
Tulaghoge. £53. 

252. Acts in the chapel of the manor of Dromeskyn, concerning the appoint- 
10 July, 1378. ment of Master Maurice Sweteman, B.C.L., rector of Kylkerly, 
the archbishop’s special proctor in certain causes, criminal and civil, before 
Pope Gregory XI. } f. 53. 

The letter of appointment is quoted in full. The archbishop appears to 
have been accused of homicide, heresy, adultery, and incest. 

The instrument ends: “Presentibus discretis viris magistro Thoma 
Sylvest’ rectore ecclesie de Tolyard! et domino Adam Walsh capellano 
Ossoriensis diocesis testibus ad premissa vocatis specialiter et rogatis.” 

The certificate of Richard Molys, presbyter of the diocese of Meath and 
notary, follows. 

253. List of dues paid in kind (°). f. 53”, 

The amounts are given in crannocks. 

[...Jord vicar of [...] 2 of wheat (frumenti), 2 of barley, 2 of oats; 
Anglia Grangia, Walter Doudale, 6 of wheat, 7 of barley, 7 of oats; 
Walter Doudale for Balitarsyn, 3 of wheat, 4 of oats, sworn before Thomas 
Whyte and Richard Doudale; Balilagan and Whytestoun, Richard Doudale 
of Anglia Grangia, 4 of wheat, 4 of barley, 4 of oats, sworn before the 
vicar of Carlyngford and his father; Hychistoun, William Leynagh, 
1 of wheat, 2 of oats, sworn before William Walche and Thomas Whyte ; 
Corbaly, Nicholas Hendy, 1 of wheat, 2 of oats, sworn before Thomas Whyte 
and Henry Brock: Tylacgunsch, William Walche, 1 of wheat, 3 of oats, 
sworn before Thomas Whyte of Mor and John Langcastel; Tempiltoun, 
Thomas Whyte of Moretoun, 2 of wheat, 4 of oats, sworn to pay this 
before John Langcastel and William Walche; Balilugh, Geoffrey Galferd, 
4 of wheat, 4 of barley, 5 of oats, sworn before John Clyntoun, apparitor and 

* The word may be read ‘‘Colyard.’’ But I cannot find any reference elsewhere to a place of 
that name. Sylvester seems to have lived in Co. Louth (see no. 253), in which there is a townland 
of Tullyard close to Termonfeckin, where this instrument was written. 

Lawitor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 291 

vicar of Carlyngford; Berlesrath and Jonystoun, Nicholas Hendy, 3 of 
wheat, 3 of barley, 4 of oats, sworn before Thomas Whyte and Henry 
Brocke ; Heycrath, Richard Hobyrgel, 2 of wheat, 1 (of barley?), 4 of oats, 
sworn before the vicar of Carlyngford and William Walsche; Lucyistoun, 
Adam Sylvester, of the same villa, 6 of wheat, 18 of oats, sworn before 
Master Thomas Sylvester and Henry Brocke. Sum, 115 crannocks to be 
paid, if it please the primate. 

254. Statute made in the parish church of St. Mary, Mandeuileston, with 
10 September, 1379. the unanimous consent of Master Odo (M‘dinim, Dean) 
of Armagh, and the clergy of the diocese, and in conformity with a statute of 

the king. 

f, 53”, 

Enacts that a groat (grossa) of Scottish (Scoticane) money shall be of the 

value of three pence English. 

Persons violating the statute shall ipso facto 

incur greater excommunication and interdict. 


{....Jnmount, Richard, juror, 246. 

Absentees, 60, 61, 62, 63. 
Accadufaychi—Accadufaythi: see Aghadowey. 
Adam, Sir, Rector of Marti\\'s[...], 2. 

Adam, William, son of: see William. 

Adare ('Gé oana), bar. of Coshma, Co. Lime- 
rick, Letter dated at, 106. 

Administration of goods, Grant of, 95. 

Affrica, 184. 

Aghadowey (Aéad Oubstaig)—Accadufaychi 
—Accadufaythi, bar. of Coleraine, Co. 
Londonderry, 187. 

Letter dated at, 187. 

Aketoun, Robert de, Bishop of Down, Hermit 
0.8.A., 84, 83. 

Aleyn, Felicia, 158. 

Algan, Richard, 167. 

Alice, 158. 

Allen, Nicholas, Bishop of Meath, 240, 241, 

Amurhyr: see Ardnurcher. 

Anagni, Abbot of : sce Peter. 

Angelicus, Brother, 80. 

Anglia Grangia: see Muchgrange. 

Apostolic Camera, 173, 185. 

Archbold, Jake, 158. 

Bishop of: see Aubrey; Mac Cormack ; 
O’ Farrell. 

Canon of: see O’Finn, 
Chapter of, 243. 
Dean of : see O’ Farrell. 


Election of bishop of, 243. 

Guardian of Spirituality of, 249: see 
also Kilmore, Bishop of; O’Finn; 

Vacancy of see of, 243, 244. 

Ardee ('Gé Pipoiad)—Arthirde— Athirde— 
Atrium Dei, 82, 143, 220, 248. 

Apparitor of, 164, 220. 

Barony of, 64. 

Dean of, 152, 223: see also Louragh. 

Deanery, 62, 64, 65, 152, 164, 171, 
195, 211, 228, 227, 248. 

See also St. John; St. Mary. 

Ardgall; see MacMahon. 

Ardmach—Ardmagh: see Armagh. 

Ardmaghbreague (‘Uno Maca bnese)—Ard- 
magh, par. of Nobber, bar. of Lower Kells, 
Co. Meath, 157. 

Ardnurcher (Gnd an Upeéain)—Amurhyr, 
bar. of Moycashel, Co. Westmeath, 161. 

Ardo, Diocese of Derry, Rectory of, 237. 

Ards, The, Co. Down, 88. 

Armagh (‘And Maéa)—Ardmach—Ardmagh— 
Armachia, 100, 123, 128, 134, 141, 179, 195, 

Abbot of, 131. 

Apparitor of the diocese of, among the 
English: see Galwey. 

Archbishop of, 5, 162, 198, 247: see also 
FitzRalph ; Mageraghty ; Swayne; 

Chamberlain of; see Clinton, 

292 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Armagh, Archbishop of, 

-. Commissary of, 69: see also 
Kenan; O’Callaghan; O’Caro- 
lan; O’Corry; Scotelare. 

Cross of: see Cross. 

Crossbearer of: see Betis. 

Messenger of, 219: see also 
Edward; Gibboinus; Gilbert ; 
John ; O’Hoey; Omacrel : 
O’Relihan; Paul; Paulinus. 

Official principal of, 30. 

Primacy of, 130: see also Cross. 

Proctors of : see Cauntoun ; 
Decorris; Derby; M‘dinim; 
Phil. .] ptoun ; Sweteman. 

Suffragans of, 16, 46, 228. 

Seneschal of, in Connaught: see 
Burgo; Karleil. 

Archdeacon of, 2, 117, 124,-151; see 
also Morice. Ee 

Commissary of: see Germey. 

Bailiff of : see M°clogyn; MacEwen. 

Canons of, 94: see also John; 
M°birragra ; MacByrne ; MacCawell ; 
Mcdinim ; Magonius; Maurice ; 
O’Carolan ; O’Cassidy ; O’Corry ; 
O’Cullane; O’ Larkin; O’ Loughran ; 
Omukeghan; O’Muldoon; Orechgi. 

Pretended: see O’ Muldoon. 

Refusal of, to reside at Cathedral, 

Resident, 8, 11. 

Cathedral of, 8, 11, 101, 126, 189, 149, 
164, 202, 208, 209, 213, 214, 215, 
229, £32, 243. 

Indulgence to benefactors of, 
149, 175, 176. 

Chancellor of, 232: see also M‘dinim; 

O’Carolan ; O’Corry; Patrick. 
Election of, 179. 

Chapter of, 7, 8, 16, 46, 106, 123, 202, 
209, 215, 239. 

Chapter house of, Letter dated at, 150. 

Colidei of, 94, 139, 195, 202, 213, 214, 
215: see also Cristin. 

Community of chapter of, Prior of, 232 : 
see also M°dinim; O'Callaghan. 

Constitutions of the church of, 109. 

Dean of, 11, 94, 122, 123, 205, 226, 
232: see also M‘dinim; O’Corry. 

Pretended, 7. 

Dean and chapter of, 2, 7, 8, 11, 18, 
22, 24, 54, 96, 123, 125, 164, 179, 
195, 213, 214. 

Commissary of: see O’Cullane. 

Deaneries of, 73: see also Ardee; 
Armagh Deanery; Drogheda; Dun- 
dalk; Erthir. 

Armagh Deanery, 202; see also Erthir. ; 
Debts due to Church of, 9. = 
Diocese of, 14, 30, 58, 62, 148, 176, 

_ 184, 223, 232, 241. 
Letters dated at, 65, 66, 80, 81, 118, 
123, 126, 127. 
Manor at Lake near: see Bishop’s Court. 
Men of, 96. 
Official of, 30, 152, 218: see also 
Bethun; MacByrne; MacEwen. 
Prebends of: see Desertlyn; Donag- 
henry ; Tamlaght. 
Province of, 16, 60, 193. 
Rents of, 227. 
Seneschal of, 217: see also Clinton; 
M°birragra; MacByrne; O’ Larkin ; 
O'Neill; Orechgi. 
Vacancy of see of, 2. 
See also St. Peter and St. Paul; 
Arthirde: see Ardee. 
Arthurstown—Arthure’s Villa, bar. of Ardee, 
Co. Louth, Chapel of, 248. 
Ash Big—Ayshe, bar. of Louth, Co. Louth, 
Asheborne, Richard, receiver at Kilmoon, 167. 
Asshetone—Aysstone, Sir Robert, chancellor 
and justiciary, 10, 23, 110. 
Athboy (‘Gé buide), bar. of Lune, Co. 
Meath, 161. 

Athirde: see Ardee. 

Athnasy[. .]Jach, 155. 

Atrium Dei: see Ardee. 

Aubrey, John, Friar preacher of Trim, Bishop 

of Ardagh, 243, 247. 

Ayshe: see Ash Big. 

Aysstone: see Asshetone. 

Bacycantori, Laurence, clerk, proctor of 
Sir Geoffrey Tangard, 124. 

Bagoke—Bagote, Sir John, Vicar of Port and 
Dean of Drogheda, 64, 204. 

Balbe: see MacMahon. 

Balbrigh—Bridge of Balbus, bar. of Upper 
Navan, Co. Meath, 1. : 

Baldewyn, Geoffrey, notary, 241. 

Baldoyle (baile Oubgaillj—Balydoill, bar. 
of Coolock, Co. Dublin, Letter dated at, 54. 

Balilagan: see Ballagan. 

Balijugh: see Ballug. 

Balimaglassan: see Ballymaglassan. 

Balitarsyn: see Ballytrasna. 

Ballagan—Balilagan, par. of Carlingford, bar. 
of Lower Dundalk, Co. Louth, 253. 

Ball fyn, 158. 

Ballinard'—Verdun’s Villa, par. of Barrons- 
town, bar. of Upper Dundalk, Co. Louth, 

1 Vardanstowne in Petty’s map. 

LawLor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 298 

Ballitake, 158. 

Ballug—Balilugh, par. of Carlingford, bar. 
of Lower Dundalk, Co. Louth, 258. 

Ballybarrack (baile ballpaid ?)—-Balybalryk, 
bar. of Upper Dundalk, Co. Louth, 248. 

Ballygaudyr, 125. 

Ballymaglassan (baile mic 6lappain)—Bali- 
maglassan, bar. of Ratoath, Co. Meath, 1, 

Balydoill : see Baldoyle. 

Ballymakenny — Balymakenny, bar. of 
Drogheda, Co. Louth, 248. 

Ballymore —Tamlactglyid (Tathlacca 5liad), 
bar. of Lower Orior, Co. Armagh. 

Rector of : see M°dinim. 

Ballytrasna (baile canpna)—Balitarsyn, par. 
of Carlingford, bar. of Lower Dundalk, Co. 
Louth, 258. 

Balybalryk: see Ballybarrack. 

Balybolan, 159. 

Balymakenny: see Ballymakenny. 

Bange, 158. 

Barronstown—Baron’s Villa—Barounestoun, 
bar. of Upper Dundalk, Co. Louth, 248, 

Incumbent of: see Tangard. 
See also Marlii(is [..]. 

Bartholomew, Master, official of the Bishop of 
Meath, 247. 

Bayard, Alice, 167. 

Beaulieu—Beaulu, bar. of Ferrard, Co. Louth, 
9, 248. 

Lord of : see Howth ; Plunket. 
Rector of : see Waryng. 

Bege, William, 167. 

Bell of St. Patrick: see St. Patrick. 

Belmount, Richard, smith, 246. 

Belyns, Robert, 158. 

Bench, Justices of the Irish, 31. 

Benge, Walter, Prior of St. John’s, Ardee, 

Benmy—Benmay, 177, 184. 

Bensices, Maurice, 30. 

Berlesrath : see Rathcor, Lower. 

Berly, appy- in the par. of Port, bar. of Fer- 
rard, Co. Louth, 248. 

Bernard, John, 64. 

Bernivale, John, seneschal of Kilmoon, 169. 

Bertyn, Master Henry, 247. 

Betaghstown—Betaghton — Betaghtoun, par. 
of Termonfeckin, bar. of Ferrard, Co. 
Louth, 132. 

Beth—Bette, Master Nicholas, 41, 143. 

Robert, 41. 
Sir John, Rector of Dromin, 67, 69. 

Bethun, Nicholas, official of the court of 
Armagh, 241. 


Betis, Master John, cross-bearer of the Arch~ 
bishop of Armagh, 26. 

Bette: see Beth. 

Birford—Byrford, John, 158, 

Robert, brasier, 177, 

Sir Thomas, 247. 

Bishop’s Court—Manor at Lake near Armagh, 
townl. of Mullynure, par. of Grange, bar. and 
Co. Armagh, 7, 136, 138, 139, 209, 224, 243. 

Letter dated at, 141. 

Blake, John, 167. 

Black Priory: see St. Andrew in the Ards. 

Blandiaco, John de, Bishop of Nimes, cardinal- 
priest of St. Mark, 219. 

Bonham, John, pilgrim, 193. 

Bowcher, Nicholas, 177. 

Brakdan, David, Rector of Darver, 62. 

Brakschise—Braktys, near Nobber, bar. of 
Morgallion, Co. Meath, 79, 245. 

Breifne —Breffinia—Brefnia, King of: see 
O’ Reilly. 

Bridge of Balbus: see Balbrigh. 

Brigge: see Brygge. 

Britas, Thomas, Vicar of Mansfieldstown, 247, 

Brock—Brocke, Henry, 253. 

Brodok, John, 59. 

Browne—Broun, Margaret, 177. 

Maurice, 158. 

Richard, 177. 

Robert, 167. 

Brygge—Brigge, Walter, 18, 24. 

Brysbon, John, 212. 

William, 212. 

Bryse, John, 167. 

Bulbeke, Matthew, 225. 

Bulhed, Robert, 167. 

William, 167. 

Burgo, Remundus de, 145. 

William, son of Remundus, seneschal 
of the Archbishop of Armagh in 
Connaught, 145. 

Burley, Thomas de, Prior of the Hospital of 
St. John of Jerusalem, 2. 

Butlerstown—Porterelestoun,! par, of Nobber, 
bar. of Morgallion, Co. Meath, 157. 

Byrford: see Birford. 

Caban-—Caban Obreanynd—Cuabban, par., bar., 
and Co. Armagh, 128, 137. 

Calf, Richard, Bishop of Down, 38, 84, 85. 

Camlin (Cam-linn), bar. of Upper Masse- 
reene, Co. Antrim, Rector of : see Dommgan. 

Cannonstown—Canountoun, bar. of Ferrard, 
Co. Louth, 132. 

Canon, Bearer of the, 155. 

1 For the identification, ef. Ingwis., Meath, Jac. I, no. 21; Car. I, no. 67; C.P.R.I.i,141, no. 172. 




Canterbury, Archbishops of, 16, 17, 20, 46. 

Cappoge (Ceapp6g)—Keppoe, bar. of Ardee, 
Co. Louth, Vicarage of, 248. 

Carlingford—Carlynforde—Carlyngford, _ bar. 
of Lower Dundalk, Co. Louth, 59, 181. 

Bailiffs of, 59. 
Tithes of, 140. 
Vicar of: see Clinton; Mowir; Walsh. 

Carlow (Ceataplac) —Carthirlagh — Cathir- 
lagh, 22, 28, 32, 33, 36, 37. 

Letters dated at 22, 32, 37. 

Carrickbaggot—Kanyk, bar. of Ferrard, Co. 
Louth, 248. : 

Carrickleck—Lack—Leke, par. of Enniskeen, 
bar. of Morgallion, Co. Meath, 153, 157. 

Cashel (Caipel)—Cassell, bar. of Middle- 
third, Co. Tipperary: see Parliament. 

Castlering—Castelrynge, par.and bar. of Louth, 

Castletown—Casteltoun, par. Castletown, bar. 
Morgaliion, Co. Meath, 157. 

Castletown—Dengyn (Oaimgean®),! bar. of 
Upper Dundalk, Co. Louth, 248. 

Castletowncooley—Lucyistoun,” par. of Car- 
lingford, bar. of Lower Dundalk, Co. Louth, 

Castrum Ohanloyn—Castrum Ohandeloyn: see 

Cathirlagh : see Carlow. 

Catholicus, brother of Henry, 141. 

Cauntoun, Sir Gilbert, proctor of the 
Archbishop of Armagh, 15, 86. 

Cella Nigra, at Derry, Abbot of, 14, 183. 

Canons regular of, 183. 
Prior of, 188. 

Chaplains, 1. 

Charlestown—Serlystoun,*® bar. of Ardee, Co. 
Louth, Chapel of, 248. 

Christopher, Bishop of Dromore, 61. 

Cissy, Guidus, pilgrim, 193. 

Clardoun, William, 167. 

Clarence, Lionel—Leonellus, Duke of, Earl of 
Ulster, Lord of Connaught, son and lieu- 
tenant of King Edward III, 15, 18, 20, 23, 
27, 110, 112, 142, 145, 146, 232. 

Constable of : see White. 
Treasurer of : see Karleil. 

Clerke, John, Rector of Clonmore, 174, 

Clinton—Clynton—Clyntoun, John de, Lord of 
Drumcashel, proctor in Parliament, seneschal 
of Armagh, 35, 40, 113, 114, 125. 

Clinton, John, apparitor, vicar of Carlingford, 

21, 253. 

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Clinton, Richard, chamberlain of the Archbishop, 
118, 194. ae 
Clogher (Cloéan)—Clocher—Clochor, Arch- — 
deacon of: see Matthew. _ " 
Bishop of, 47, 58, 238 : see also O'Neill. 
Canons of: see MacAneany, MacGowan, 
Pretended : see O’Muldoon. 
Chapter of, 47. 
Diocese of, 58, 193. : 
Official of : see Mac Gowan. 
Vacancy of see of, 48. 
See also Visitations. 

Clogher (Cill Cloéain) — Kilclogher — 
Kyclogher, bar. of Ferrard, Co. Louth, 

Clonbil, near Nobber, bar. of Morgallion, Co. 
Meath, 79. ; 

Clondabayll — Clondawyll —Clonduyll: see 

Clones (Cluain €6ip)—Cloneoys, 
Dartree, Co. Monaghan, 
Mac Aneany. 

See also St. Tigernach. 

Clonfeacle (Cluain piaéna)—Clanfechkill— 
Clonfechena -~ Clonfechkena—Clonfekena— 
Clonfekyna, Cos. Armagh and Tyrone, 213. 

Church of, 202, 215. 
Rector of: see O’Cullane. 
Vicar of, 192. 

Clonkeehan—Clonkean, par., bar., and Co. 
Louth, 248. 

Clonkeen (Cluain cdéin)—Clonkene, bar. of 
Ardee, Co. Louth, 248. 

Clonmacnoise (Cluain mic N6ip)—Cluanen., 
bar. of Garrycastle, King’s County, Arch- 
deacon of: see O’Dullaghan. 

Bishop of: see Henry; Richard. 
See also Visitations. 

Clonmore (Cluain m6pn)—Clonmor, bar. of 
Ferrard, Co. Louth, 248. 

Rector of, 181: see also Clerke. 
Tithes of, 174. 

Cloonsellan (Cluain palaimo)—Clonsallan, 
par. of Killashee, bar. of Moydow, Co. Long- 
ford, Vicar of, 249. 

Clynton—Clyntoun : see Clinton. 

Coke, William, 167. 

Colgyn, Patrick, 177. 

Coll, John, 167. 

Collyne—Colyn, Sir Henry, chaplain, 177. 

Henry, juror, 246. 
Robert, 177. 

bar. of 
Rector of: see 

1 Tdentification uncertain. 

? Inquis.. Louth, Jac. I, no. 7: ‘ Luceton, alias Castleton in Couley.’ 
* Inguis., Car. I, no. 19: ‘ Charleston, alias Searleston.’ 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 295 

Collyne, Stephen, juror, 246. 

Colman, Thomas, 158. 

Coly : see Cooley. 

Colyn: see Collyne. 

Conchlach—Condelageh—Condlach—Conlagh : 

see Connolly. 

Coner : see Connor. 

Connaught (Connaéca)—Connacia, 145, 146. 

Lord of : see Clarence. 
Seneschal of : see Karleil. 

Connolly (Ua Congalais) — Conchlach — 
Condelagch — Oondlach — Conlagh, Sir 
Thomas, vicar of Kildemock, 64, 65, 227. 

Connor (Coimoin1)—Coner, Bishop of: see 

Conyocation of clergy, 64. 

Cooley (Cuailnge)— Coly, bar. of Lower 
Dundalk, Co. Louth, Barony of, 64. 

Tithes of, 140. 

Cor, Stephen, receiver at Kilmoon, 64, 174. 

Corbaly (Connbaile),’ part of townl. of Will- 
ville, par. of Carlingford, bar. of Lower 
Dundalk, Co. Louth, 253. 

Cork (Coneac) — Corke, letter dated at, 34. 

Corner, Nicholas, 158. 

Corniser, John, 158. 

Cotelere, James, Rector of Kane, 151: see 

also Scotelare. 

Crannogue, 158. 

toun—Crykystoun, bar. of Ratoath, Co. 
Meath, 1, 158. 

Cristin, Colideus, 96. 

Cristokislond, near Nobber, bar. of Morgallion, 
Co. Meath, 79. 

Cromp, Matthew, Archdeacon of Meath, 241. 

Crompe, Thomas, 0.S.A., 8. 

Cross of Archbishop of Armagh, 10, 15, 16, 
17, 20, 23, 46, 108, 110. 

of the Archbishop of Dublin, 15, 16, 17, 
20, 23,46, 108, 110. 
of Ulster, County of the: see Ulster. 

Croysse, John, pretended Prior of St. Fechin’s, 
Fore, 143. 

Cruicetown—Crucistoun, bar. of Lower Kells, 
Co. Meath, Rector of : see Molys. 

Crux, Simon, Sheriff of Dublin, 26. 

Cruys, 167. 

Crykystoun : see Crickstown. 

Culmullin—Culmolyn, bar. of Upper Deece, 
Co. Meath, 1. 

Curia, Roman, 7, 10, 16, 38, 57, 68, 69, 74, 
85, 93, 96, 108, 109, 120, 122, 123, 134, 
186, 138, 143, 161, 165, 185, 205, 219, 

Auditor of causes at : see Flandrini. 

1 Corbalis in Petty’s map. 

Curia, Roman, Messenger to, 96, 205: see also 
Decorris; M¢dinim; MacNab; 
Proctor at, 161: see also Mcdinim ; 
Derby; Dommean ; 
Prato; Sweteman. 
Cusuk—Cusake, Sir Edmund, chaplain, 178. 
John, 167. 
John, Rector of Rathdrumin, 62. 


Dalby, Walter de, ‘Treasurer and Chamberlain 
of the Exchequer of Ireland, 19, 25. 

Dale, ‘thomas de la, Justice of the King, 
Guardian of Ireland, 23, 24, 28, 110, 146. 
Dales—The Dallys, par. of Mayne, bar. of 

Ferrard, Co. Louth, 172. 
Darditz, Jordan, 28, 32. 
Dartree (Oantnaige)—Dartra, Co. Monaghan. 
Deanery of, 76. 
Darver—Derver—Dervere—Dervyr — Dyrver, 
bar. and Co. Louth, 30, 248. 
Rector of: see Brakdan. 
Dayy, William, 177. 
Decorris, R., messenger of the aichbishop of 
Armagh to the Roman curia, 138. 
Dencourt; R., 27. 
Dencrite, Thomas, 160. 
Dengyn : see Castletown. 
Derby, Robert, proctor of the archbishop of 
Armagh at the Roman curia, 231. 
Derepenteney : see Penteney. 
Derries—Derrys, par. and bar. of Clogher, Co. 
Tyrone,” 100. : 
Derry (Oaine Calgaic)—Derea, Archdeacon 
of, 237: see also Joseph. 
Bishop of, 120, 122, 123, 237: see also 
Canons of, 105, 185, 186, 187, 237 : 
see also Mac Teague; O’Carolan ; 
O’Corry; O’Devaney ; O’Doyle 
O’ Hoey. 
Canons regular of, Prior of, 188: see 
also Cella Nigra. 
Cathedral of, 187, 188. 
Chapter of, 101, 105, 187, 200, 237. 
Coloni of, 101, 102. 
Dean of, 237: see also MacClosky ; 
O’ Carolan. 
Dean and chapter of, 237. 
Diocese of, 14, 101, 102, 120, 135, 
Episcopal third of, 237. 
Friars Preachers of, Prior of, 188. 
Herenaghs of, 101, 102. 
Rectory of, 237. 
See also Visitations. 

? Identification doubtful, 

296 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Derryloran (Oqine lGpdin) — Dirileran— 
Diryluran, bar. of Upper Dungannon, Co. 
Tyrone, Rector of: see O’Carolan. 

Derrypatrick (Oaipe Pdccnaic) — Dir- 
patric—Dirpatrike, bar. of Lower Deece, 
Co. Meath, 1. 

Derrys: see Dervies. 

Derver—Dervere—Dervyr: see Darver. 

Desertlyn (Oipent uf Plainn)— Dysertlyne, 
bar. of Loughinsholin, Co. Londonderry, 
made prebendal, 150. 

Vicar of, 150. 
Prebendary of: see Mcbirragra. 

Desmond (Oep-mutna) — Dessemon, Earl 
of: see FitzMorice - 

Diriluran—Diryluran: see Derryloran. 

Dirpatric—Dirpatrike : see Derrypatrick. 

Dispensations, $1, 91, 103, 183, 185, 237. 

Doffe : see Duffe. 

Dommgan, John, Rector of Camlin, Ree at 
the Roman curia, 219. 

Dompmore: see Donaghmore. 

Dompnachshachlyn: see Dunshaughlin. 

Domus Dei: see St. Mary. 

Donaghenry (Oomnaé fainne?)—Domp- 
nachfinnry—Dompnachfynry. bar. of Middle 
Dungannon, Co. Tyrone. 

Made Prebendal, 90. 
Prebendary of: see O’Carolan. 

Donaghmowe: see Denmoe. 

Donaghmore (Oormnaé m6n)—Dompmore— 
Donagmore, par. of Ratoath, Co. Meath, 
1, 158. 

Rector of, 158. 

Donaghmore (Oormnaé mé6n), bar. of Upper 
Navan, Co. Meath, 1. 

Donald: see 0’ Hanlon. 

Donany: see Dunany. 

Donboyne: see Dunboyne. 

Donbylday, Thomas, 167. 

Donbyldey, near Kiimoon, bar. of Skreen, Co. 
Meath, 167. 

Donochi, seryant of Master John Kenan, 100. 

Doudall—Doudale, John, 79. 

John, Sheriff of Louth, 10. 
Richard, 253. 
Walter, 253. 

Dounarrecaynd: see Downs. 

Doundalke : see Dundalk. 

Down (OGn 04 leatglap), Archdeacon of, 
235, 242: see also Logan. 

Bishop of, 13, 211: see also Aketoun ; 
Calf; White. 

Bishop elect of: see Logan. 

Cathedral of, 85, 93, 242. 

Chapter of, 85, 234, 235, 242 

City of, 15, 84. 

Ciergy of, 93. 

Down, Deaneries of, 242: see also Lecale. 
Diocese of, 38, 88, 93, 181, 219. 
Letters dated at, 15, 27, 84, 87, 189, 

190, 191, 192, 193, 194. 

Nunnery at, $1. 

Nun of: see Stokys. 

Postulation of Bishop of, 85. 

Vacancy of see of, 33, 38, 80, 81, 84, 
85, 93, 114, 119, 138, 189, 190, 191, 

See also St. John; St. Patrick; 
St. Thomas; Visitations. 

Downs or Drumarg—Dounarrecaynd—Dun, 
par. bar. and Co. Armagh, 128, 137. 

Drogheda (Opoiéead dcta)—Drogchda— 
Drogda — Droghda, 6, 121, 158, 220, 

Dean of, 152: 

Deanery of, 62, 64, 164, 195, 204, 211, 
220, 227, 248. 

Letters dated at, 2, 21, 28, 36, 171. 

Market at, 121. 

See also St. Mary; St. Peter. 

Dromconragh: see Drumcondra. 

Dromdyll: see Drumgill. 

Dromin (Onuimin)—Dromyng—Dromynge— 
Droumynge—Drummeynge, bar. of Ardee, 
Co. Louth, 171, 248. 

Rector of: see Beth. 

Dromiskin (Onurm enepclaind)—Dromesky 
—Dromeskyn— Drommeskyn — Drumeskyr 
—Drummeskyn, bar. and Co. Louth, 27, 
41, 89, 99, 131, 137, 143, 248. 

Chapel of, 109, 136, 252. 

Letters dated at, 2, 13, 14, 16, 30, 38, 46 
47, 48, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 68, 
70, 72, 73, 76, 82, 83, 89, 90, 92, 
104, 107, 116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 
125, 130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 149, 
152, 153, 156, 164, 175, 197, 199, 
202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 221, 227, 
231, 233, 234, 236, 237. 

Vicar of: see Germey. 

See also St. Ronan. 

Dromlechan: see Drumlane. 

Dromore (Opurm m6p), Bishop of, 50, 51: 
see also Christopher; Milo. 

Canon of : see Omacrel. 

Chapter of, 50. 

Clergy of, 50. 

Dean of : see O’ Rooney. 
See also Visitations. 

Dromyng — Dromynge — Droumynge : see 

Drumachose, bar. of Keenaght, Co. London- 
derry: see St. Canice. 

Drumandecryuaich : see Drumcree. 

see also Bagoke; 

Lawtor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 297 

Drumcar (Onuim cana), bar. of Ardee, Co. 
Louth, 248. 

Drumeashel (Opuim caipil)—Drumeassell, 
bar. of Ardee, Co. Louth, Lord of: see 


Drumcondra (Onuim conopaise)—Drom- 
conragh—Drumconragh, bar. of Lower Slane, 
Co. Meath, Advowson of, 163. 

Rector of : see Howth. 

Drumcree (Opuim  cpiaié) — Drumand- 
eryuaich, bar. of Oneilland West, Co. 
Armagh, 128. 

Drumeskyn : see Dromiskin. 

Drummeynge: see Dromin. 

Drumgill—Dromdyll—Drummyndyll, par. of 
Enniskeen, bar. of Morgallion, Co. Meath, 
153, 157. 

Drumglass (Opuim glam) — Drumelasse, 
bar. of Middle Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, 
Rector of: see MacCawell. 

Drumgoon — Macharinebair (Macaine m 
iubain), bar. of Clankee, Co. Cayan, 
Prebendary of : see M*molmartyn. 

Drumlane (Opuim leacan)—Dromlechan— 
Drumleachan—Drumlechan, bar. of Lower 
Loughtee, Co. Cavan, Dean of, 78: see also 

Deanery of, 76, 78. 
See also St. Medoc. 

Drummeskyn: see Dromiskin. 

Drummeynge: see Dromin. 

Drummyndyll: see Drumgill. 

Drumshallon—Drumsalan, bar. of Ferrard, 
Co. Louth, 248. 

Dublin (Oublinn), 158. 

Archbishop of, 16, 180, 158: see also 
Proctors of, 16. 
Castle of, 23. 
Diocese of, 158. 
Letters dated at, 23, 29, 39, 41, 42, 43, 
60, 112, 141. 
Sheriff of : see Crux. 
See also Parliament; St. Mary; 
St. Thomas. 
Duffe—Doffe, John, 79. 
Thomas, 64, 66, 153. 

Duleek (Oath-liac)—Dyueleke, Co. Meath, 
Deanery of, 158. 

Dullard, Master Bartholomew, Canon of 
Limerick, 166, 181. 

Dun: see Downs. 

Dunany—Donany—Dunnany, bar. of Ferrard, 
Co. Louth, 248. 

Rectors of, 62. 

Dunbin—Dunbeynge, bar. of Upper Dundalk, 
Co. Louth, 248. 

Rector of : see Fer[.. .]. 

Dunboyne (Oun btiimne)—Donboyne—Dun- 
boynge, bar. of Dunboyne, Co. Meath, 23, 

Dundalk (Oun Ocalgan) — Doundalke — 
Dundalke, 6, 95, 220, 248. 

Barony of, 64. 

Dean of, 152: see also Roger. 

Deanery of, 62, 64, 164, 195, 211, 227, 

Letters dated at, 101, 102, 188. 

Parish priest of : see Talbot. 
See also St. Leonard; St. Nicholas. 

Dunleer—Dunler, bar. of Ferrard, Co. Louth, 
Vicar of, 223: see also Haddesore. 

Dunmoe—Donaghmowe, bar. of Lower Navan, 
Co. Meath, 1. 

Dunnany: see Dunany. 

Dunshaughlin (Oothnaé Seaélamn)—Domp- 
nachshachlyn, bar. of Ratoath, Co. Meath, 

Dyliamstoun— Dyllianestoun: see Julianstown. 

Dysertlyne: see Dysertlyn. 

Dyueleke: see Duleek. 

Eecod, Stephen, 158. 

Edina—Ediua—Edyn—Kdyu: see O’ Reilly. 

Edward, messenger of the Archbishop, 27, 52, 
68, 74. 

Edward III, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 30, 32, 
33, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43, 60, 62, 64, 110, 
142, 201: see also England. 

Eldon, Master Walter de, 247. 

Ena, 155. 

England, King of, 88, 108, 122, 164, 228, 245, 
254: see also Edward III. 

Engus : see MacMahon. 

Episcopal third, 237. 

Ergalia—Ergallia: see Oriel. 

Evthir (Gindin) — Erther — Erthyr, Co. 
Armagh, Deanery of, 195, 214, 215: see also 
Armagh Deanery. 

King of: see 0’ Hanlon. 

F[... ]shenston, 169. 

Fasting, 148. 

Fauoria: see Fore. 

Feld—Felda: see Haynestown. 

Fer[...], Nicholas, Rector of Dunbin and 
Kilkeel, 13. 

Fingal (Eme Oall)—Fyngal — Fyngall, Co. 
Dublin, 158. 

Fitz Jone, Peter, 178. 

Fitz Morice, Gerald, Earl of Desmond, justi- 
ciary, 29, 32, 34, 36. 

Fitz Ralph, Richard, Archbishop of Armagh, 
3, 9, 88, 142, 161, 163, 237, 246. 

298 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Fitz Richard, Richard, 154. 
John, brother of Richard, 154. 
Fitz Row, Henry, burgess of Dundalk, 95. 
Johanna, wite of, 95. 
Flandrini, Sir Peter, auditor of causes, 219. 
Flemynge, Sir Simon, Baron of Slane, 163. 
Fore (Poban) — Fauoria, bar. of Fore, Co. 
Westmeath, 73. 
Cell of, 161. 
See also St. Fechin. 
Fowler — Fouler, Peter, of the house of 
St. Leonard’s, Dundalk, 103. 
William, Prior of St. Leonard’s, Dun- 
dalk, 41. 
Frensh, William, 167. 
Freynstoun : see Fringestown. 
Friars Preachers, Conservator of, 90. 
See also Derry; Mullingar; Trim. 
Fringestown—Freynstoun, par. of Castletown, 
bar. of Morgallion, Co. Meath, 157. 
Froysell, Roger, 158. 
Fyngal—Fyngall: see Fingal. - 

Galferd, Geoffrey, 253. 

Galwey, William, clerk, apparitor of the 
diocese of Armagh among the English, 64, 

Galys—Gilys—Gylis, Robert, familiar of the 
Archbishop of Armagh, proctor in Parlia- 
ment, 35, 97, 107, 173. 

Gay, William, 158. 

Germey, Hugh, Vicar of Dromiskin, commis- 
sary of the Archdeacon of Armagh, 2. 

Germyn, John, 118. 

Gernonstown—Gernounnestoun, bar. of Upper 
Slane, Co. Meath, 156. 

Lord of: see Gernoun. 

Gernoun, Roger, proctor in Parliament, Lord 

of Gernonstown, 10, 107, 156. 
Simon, narrator, 82. 
William, 41. 

Gibboinus, runner of the Archbishop of 
Armagh, 238: see also O’Relihan. 

Gilbert, messenger of the Archbishop of 
Armagh, 27, 49, 211: see also 0’ Relihan. 
Giltewae (Mac Hiolla Riabais = Macliroy), 


Gilys: see Galys. 

Glaspistol — Glaspistell — Glaspistyl — Glas- 
pistyll—Glaspystell, par. of Clogher, bar. of 
Ferrard, Co. Louth, 129, 132, 154. 

Glenaule (Cluain Oabail)—Clondabayll— 
Clondawyll—Clonduyll, district between the 
Blackwater and Armagh, now a district 
electoral division, 8, 155, 192. 

Goldinge, Isabell, 157. 
Granard (6pdnand), bar. of Granard, Co. 
Longford, Vicar of: see O’ Finn. 
Grange—Graunge, par. of Kilshine, bar. of 
Morgallion, Co. Meath, 147. 
Greencastle—Viride Castrum, par. of Kilkeel, 
bar. of Mourne, Co. Down, 232. 
Chapel of, 219. 
Greenoge (6 pian6g)—Grenok—Grenoke, bar. 
of Ratoath, Co. Meath, 1, 148. 
Chaplain of : see Mac Kenna. 
Gregory XI, Pope, 13, 14, 252. 
Groat, Scottish, value of, 254. 
Gydy, Magyn, 158. 
Gyleomy: see O’Relihan. 
Gylis: see Galys. 

Haddesore, John, son of John de, 28, 32. 
John, son of Peter de, 28, 32. 
John, son of Richard de, 28, 32. 
Margery, wife of Richard de, 28, 32. 
Peter, son of John de, 28, 32. 
Richard de, 28, 32. 
Richard, son of John de, 28, 52. 
Sir Walter, Vicar of Dunleer, Dean of 
Drogheda, 211. 
Haket, Sir John, Rector of Raholp and of 
Mahee Island, 190, 191. 
Halle, Nicholas, 79. 
Hannyllyn, Simon, 79. 
Hardyn, Micall, 148. 
Hauberi, Adam, senior, 30. 
Haynestown—Feld—Felda,t bar. of Upper 
Dundalk, Co. Louth, Church of, 247, 
Parish priest of : see James; Redypak ; 
Heighrath, the mote near Nobber, bar. of 
Morgallion, Co. Meath, 79. 
Hendy, Nicholas, 243. 
Henry, brother of Catholicus, 141. 
Henry, Bishop of Clonmaenoise, 48. 
Hewynnae: see Nayan Ring. 
Heycrath : see Rathcor, Upper. 
Heyroun, Robert, 118. 
William, 79. 
Hobyrgel, Richard, 243. 
Holleby, Master John, Rector of Killallon, 
Hoper, Maria, 177. 3 
Sir Richard, Rector of Kileurly, 92, 
161, 229. 
Howth—Houth—Howthe, Nicholas, Lord of 
Beaulieu, 10. ; 

1 See Costello De Annatis Hibernia, 1909, p. 12: ‘‘ Fellda, alias Hueneston.”’ 

LawLor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 299 

Howth, Master Peter, Rector of Drumcondra, 
69, 241. 

Hull, Brother Robert, 158. 

Hychistoun, part of townl. of Whitestown, par. 
of Carlingford, bar. of Lower Dundalk, Co. 
Louth,! 253. 

Hyrchayr, near Nobber, bar. of Morgallion, 
Co. Meath, 157. 

Tigere, William, 21. 

Inductions, 2, 13, 104, 117, 124, 144, 141, 
179, 190, 191. 

Indulgence, 149, 175, 189. 

Inishkeen (Inip céim)—Inesken—Ineskene— 
Inneskene—Yneskene, bar. of Farney, Co. 
Monaghan, Manor of, 28, 32, 156, 212. 

Institution : see Inductions, Investiture. 

Investiture, 127: see also Inductions. 

Treland, Chancellor of, 26, 31: see also 

Chancery of, 60, 63, 64, 142, 144. 
Escheator of, 142. 
Exchequer of, 19, 25, 33. 
Barons of, 26. 
Chamberlain of: see Dalby. 
Guardian of: see Dale. 
Justices of the Bench in, 31: see also 
Justiciary of, 22: see also Asshetone ; 
Fitz Morice; Keppoc. 
Lieutenant of the King in, 142: see also 
Clarence; Keppoc ; Windsor. 
Magnates of, 94, 205. 
Treasurer of, 26: see Dalby, Troye. 

Iveagh (Uf eaéac)—Oueach, Co. Down, 

King of: see Mac Guinness. 

James, pretended provisor of the parish of 
Haynestown, 247. 
Jodestoun, near Nobber, bar. of Morgallion, 
Co. Meath, 157. 
Johanna, 228, 
John, Bishop of Kilmore, 143. 
John, collector of subsidy, 64. 
John, Master, Canon of Armagh, 189, 160. 
John, Sir, messenger of the Archbishop, 26. 
John, Prior of St. Mary’s, Louth, 117, 132, 241. 
John, servant of John Birford, 158. 
Johnstown—Jonystoun,? part of townl. of 
Rathcor, par. of Carlingford, bar. of Lower 
Dundalk, Co. Louth, 253. 
Jordan—Jordaen, Simon, 247. 
William, 97. 

Joseph, Sir, Archdeacon of Derry, 185. 

Julianstown — Dyliamstoun— Dyllianestoune, 
pars. of Castletown and Nobber, bar. of 
Morgallion, Co. Meath, 157, 246. 

Kane—Keen—Kene, bar. of Upper Dundalk, 
Co. Louth, 248. 

Rector of; see Cotelere; William, son 

Karkeagh, near Nobber, bar. of Morgallion, 
Co. Meath, 157. 

Karleil—Karliel, Sir William de, treasurer of 
the Duke of Clarence, and seneschal of the 
Archbishop of Armagh, in Connaught, 144, 

Karryk: see Carrickbaggot. 

Katholicus: see MacMahon. 

Keen: see Kane. 

Kellemor—Kellmor—Kellmore: see Kilmore. 

Kellmagnean Beg : see Kilmainham. 

Kells (Cenanoup) — Kenles — Kenlys, Co. 
Meath, 73. 

Archdeacon of, 79, 240: see also Powle. 
March of, 55. 
Vicar of, 118. 

See also St. John. 

Kenan, Master John, clerk, notary, com- 
missary of the Archbishop, 36, 27, 49, 68, 
69, 86, 100, 105, 120, 186, 187, 200, 206, 

Kene: see Kane. 

Kene, Robert, 148. 

Kenles—Kenlys: see Kells. 

Keppoc : see Cappoge. 

Keppoc—Keppock—Kepoke, John, justiciary, 
King’s lieutenant, 6. 

John, narrator, 26. 

Kerwillestoun, bar. of Ferrard, Co. Louth (°), 

Kilbroney — Kyliwronaygh, bar. of Upper 
Iveagh, Co. Down, 221. 

Kilclogher ; see Clogher. 

Kileurly — Kilkerly — Kylkerley — Kylkerly, 
bar. of Upper Dundalk, Co. Louth, 118, 248. 

Rector of : see Hoper; Sweteman. 

Kildemock (CilL_ O1mm65)—Kylmadymok — 
Kylmedymoke — Kylmodymoke, bar. of 
Ardee, Co. Louth, 248. 

Vicar of : see Connolly. 

Kilkeel (Cill Gaol)—Kylkeyl—Mourne, bar. 

of Mourne, Co. Down, Church of, 38. 
Rector of : see Fer[. . .]; Prato. 

Kilkenny (CilL Caimnig)— Kylkenni— Kyl- 
kennia—Kylkenny, Letter dated at, 18. 

See also Parliament. 

Kilkerly—Kylkerley—Kylkerly : see Kileurly. 

1 Called Bailihich by Petty. 

2 A separate townl. in Petty’s map. 

300 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Killallon (C11 Alba ?)—Kyllaloun, bar. of 
Fore, Co. Meath, Rector of : see Holleby. 
Killary — Kyllauery, bar. of Lower Slane, 

Co. Meath, Adyowson of, 163. 

bar. of Ratoath, Co. Meath, 1, 158. 

Killincoole—Kyllincoule—Kyllyncoule, bar. of 
Louth, Co. Louth, 248. 

Killineer — Kyllaneyr, par. of St. Peter’s 
Drogheda, Co. Louth, 62. 

Kilmainham (Cill Maignenn bes) — Kell- 
magnean beg—Kilmagnean beg—Kylmay- 
nan—Kylmaynan beg, bar. of Clanmahon, 
Co. Cavan, 56, 69, 70, 75. 

Kilmainham (Cill Maignenn) — Kyl- 
maynan, Co. Dublin: see St. John of 

Kilmoon (C111 Mugna ?)—Kilmone—Kylmon 
—Kylmone, bar. of Skreen, Co. Meath, 167, 

Receiver at : see Asheborne; Bernivale; 
Seneschal of: see Bernivale. 

Kilmore (Cill M6n)—Kylmore, bar. of Upper 
Deece, Co. Meath, 1, 167. 

Kilmore — Kellemor, bar. of East Omagh, Co. 
Tyrone, 123. 

Kilmore (CilL M6n) — Kellmor—Kellmore— 
Kylmor — Tirburnen. —Triburnen., bar. of 
Upper Loughtee, Co. Cayan, Bishop of, 57: 
see also John; O'Reilly. 

Guardian of the spirituality of Ardagh, 
943, 244, 

Church of, 76. 

Dean of, 75. 

Deaneries of : see Dartree; Drumlane; 
Kilmore deanery. 

Deanery, 75, 76. 

Diocese of, 68, 69, 73. 

Official of, 69, 75, 78: see also 
O’ Sheridan. 

Prebend of: see Drumgoon. 

Sequestration of fruits of bishopric of, 
57, 68, 70, 71, 78, 120. 

Vicar of: see M*molmartyn. 

See also Visitations. 

Kilpatrick (C11L Pdctpaic)—Kylpatrye ,par. 
of Kildemock, bar. of Ardee, Co. Louth, 248. 

Kiltale — Kyltat — Kyltale, bar. of Lower 
Deece, Co. Meath, 1. 

Knoc: see Knocklore. 

Knock (Cnoc)—Knok, near the yillage of 
Louth, 248. 

Knocklore—Knoc, par. of Charlestown, bar. of 
Ardee, Co. Louth, Chapel of, 248. 

Knockmark—Knoemark, bar. of Lower Deece, 
Co. Meath, 1. 

Knok: see Knock, 

Kyclogher : see Clogher. 

Kyl-: see Kil-; Kill-. 

Kyllaneyr : see Killineer. yaw 

Kyllroe—Kyllareo, Diocese of Derry, 135, 20S. 

Kyllwronaygh: see Kilbroney. 

Kylmodymoke—Kylmedymoke: see Kildemock. 

Kylpatrick, 90. 

Kyntone, John, clerk of St. Peter’s, Drogheda, 

Lack : see Carrickleck. 

Lacy, William, 167. 

Lagagh: see Leggagh. 

Lagore (Loé gabain)—Lochgor, par. and bar. 
of Ratoath, Co. Meath, 148. 

Lake near Armagh: see Bishop’s Court. 

Langeastel, John, 253. 

Langestoun, John, clerk, 33. 

Langtoun, Nicholas, Prior of St. Patrick’s, 
Down, 85, 93. 

Lanthonia: see Llanthony. 

Laracor (Latpaé conna) — Lethircore — 
Lethyreore, bar. of Lower Moyfenrath, Co. 
Meath, 1. 

Laundey, Agnes, 6. 

Lecale (Ueat Catail) — Lechale — Lescalle, 
Co. Down, Deanery of, 235, 242. 

Leggagh (Ueaccaé)—Lagagh, par. of Drakes- 
town, bar. of Morgallion, Co. Meath, 157. 

Leinster, 158. 

Leke: see Carrickleck. 

Lemanaghan (iat Manédim)—Lyechmanan 
—Lyethmanan, bar. of Garrycastle, King’s 
County, Vicar of: see Macrobius. 

Le Mans, Diocese of, 88. 

Lethircore—Lethyrcore: see Laracor. 

Leynagh (Laigneaé), William, 253. 

Limerick (Uuimnea¢é)—Lymeryk, Canon of : 
see Dullard. 

Letter dated at, 239. 

Lira, Doctor de, 177, 178. 

Litgarlon, near Nobber, bar. of Morgallion, Co. 
Meath, 79. 

Llanthony — Lanthonia prima, Prior and 
Convent of, 62. 

Churches of, in the deanery of Drogheda, 

Lochgor: see Lagore. 

Logan, Sir John, Archdeacon and Bishop elect 
of Down, 61, 80, 236. 

Loghdearg—Loghderge : see Lough Derg. 

London, 20, 92: seealso St. Paul. 

London—Londoun, Sir William de, 157, 162. 

Lonlai—Lonleye, near Domfront, dept. of 
Orne, Normandy: see St. Mary. 

Loueth: see Louth. 

Lough Derg (Loé Oeans) — Loghdearg — 
Loghderge, Co. Donegal, 193, 

LawLor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 301 

Loughgilly—Castrum Ohandeloyn — Castrum 
Ohanloyn, bar. of Lower Orior, Co. 
Armagh, Chaplain of, 100. 

Vicar of, 217. 

Louragh, Sir Thomas, Vicar of Mansfieldstown, 
Dean of Ardee, 211. 

Louth (Uusbad)—Loueth—Louthe, 30, 53, 
220, 248. 

Apparitor of, 164, 220, 223. 

Barony of, 64. 

County of, 21. 

Prior of, 198: see also William. 

Sheriff of, 28, 32, 36, 37, 201: see also 
See also Oriel; St. Mary. 

Lucianestoun,! the northern part of the townl. 
and par. of Knock, bar. of Morgallion, Co. 
Meath, 157. 

Lucyistoun: see Castletowncooley. 

Lyechmanan—Lyethmanan: see Lemanaghan. 

Lymeryk: see Limerick. 

Lytylrath, probably part of the townland of 
Rathe,? par. of Nobber, bar. of Morgallion, 
Co. Meath, 157. 

M., clerk of the Archbishop, 171. 

M‘abaird: see MacAward. 

Mcanachana: see Memonchan. 

Macadam {Mac Coaim), Master John, 85. 

MacAneany (Mac an ‘€anaid)—Macangea- 
naic, Master John, canon of Clogher, comarb 
or rector of St. Tigernagh, Clones, 144. 

MacAward (Mac an bdéinod)—Meabaird, Ma- 
gonius, clerk of the Diocese of Armagh, 144. 

M°birragra—M¢bragra, Master John, seneschal 
and canon of Armagh, prebendary of 
Desertlyn, official of the deanery of Tullag- 
hoge, 83, 109, 150, 209. ; 

Salmon, canon of Armagh, 109. 

M°*blayge — Mobloscaich — M¢bloscaid — 
M°bloscayd—M°bloscayge: see MacClosky. 

MacBrady (Mac bpndoais)— M*braddy— 
M°bradi, Patrick, proctor of the clergy of 
Kilmore, 68, 69, 121. 

MacByrne (Mac bnom)—M°bruyn —M°brun, 
Master Arthur, canon, seneschal, and official 
of Armagh, 83, 128, 131, 139, 182, 206. 

MacVawell (Nac Catrmaoiw) — Mecamul— 
Mcawyll — M°kamayll — M°kamyll — 
Mckathmayll, Niall, Rector of ‘termonma- 
guirk, 67. 

Patrick, clerk, curate of Tamlaght, 
canon of Armagh, 126, 127. 

Master William, rector of Drumglass, 
official of Tullaghoge, 251. 

Mcchaskarl—M¢chuskarl, 100, 

M°clogyn — M¢cloigyn — M¢cloygyn, Donat, 
bailiff of Armagh, 97, 98. 

MacClosky (Mac blopeaid) — Meblayge — 
M°bloscaich — M*bloscaid — M*bloscayd — 
Mebloscayge — M¢ploiscaid — M*ploscayd— 
M°polyscaid, Thomas or Tomlinus, de facto 
Dean of Derry, 180, 185, 186, 187, 188, 
199, 200. 

MacCoghlan (Mac Coéldin) — Mcugylyn, 
William, 123. 

M°comgan: see MacCowan. 

MacCormack, William, Bishop of Ardagh, 61, 
165, 166, 244. 

MacCowan (Mac §10lla Cormddin) — 
M*Comgan, 58, 109, 145. 

Mecyngoband: see MacGowan. 

Mcdinim — Mdonin — M‘doynim — Medynim, 
Master Odo, canon, chancellor, dean, and 
prior of the community of the chapter of 
Armagh, proctor of the Archbishop at the 
Roman curia, rector of Ballymore, 8, 10, 93, 
122, 123, 130, 134, 137, 147, 173, 179, 237, 

Proctor of : see Orechgi. 

MacDonald— M*doundyll, Captain of the 
Scots in Ulster, 10. 

MacEwen (Mac Gosain) — M*Keuwan — 
M°Kewen, Benedict, bailiff of Armagh, 97, 98. 

Arthur, official of Armagh, 103. 

MacGavern (Mac Sathpaddin)—M¢gauueran 

—M°gauuergan, Edina, 68. 
Luke, 68. 

M°Gawyn: see MacGowan. 

M¢genosa: see MacGuinness. 

Mcgillamura : see Mackilmurray. 

Megmahouna: see MacMahon. 

MacGowan (Mac an Hobann, Mac Hobann) 
— Mccyngoband — M*Gawyn, Master Dio- 
nysius, canon and official of Clogher, 47. 

"Sir Yvar, receiver of rents, 224, 225. 

MacGuinness (Mag Gongsuppa)—M°genosa— 
Megingussa — M°ginissa — Megunissa — 
M°gunussa—Magunussa, King of Iveagh, 51. 

Gylchalmyn Mrory, 100. 
Niallan, 10. 

Mcenydir—Mrguyer: see Maguire. 

Mcgynabage: see MacNab. 

Macharinebair: see Drumgoon.$ 

Mchergh, Niallan, 245. 

McK[.. .], Malachy, 11. 

Mckamayll — M*kamyll— Mckathmayll: see 

MacKenna (Mac Ciondit)—Magenich, Sir 
William, chaplain of Greenoge, 158. 

1 Separate townl. in Petty’s map. 
Inquis. Meath, Jac. I., no. 21. 


2 Petty calls it ‘2 Rathes.’ Little Rath is mentioned in 
3 See M. A. Costello De Annatis Hibernia, 1909, p. 232. 


302 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

MacKerley (Mac Oipgiallaig *)—M°Kerly, 
Sir Maurice, Rector of Mahee Island, and 
of Raholp, 190, 191. 

M¢Keuwan—M°Kewen: see-Mac Ewen. 

MacKilmurray (Mac 6@iolla Muime)— 
M‘gillumura, 100, 155. 

MacMahon (Mac Macdsamna) — Megma- 

houna — Mcmagmuna — M¢maguna — 
M*mahoun — Mmahuna, Ardgall, 58. 
Balbe, 58. 
Bernard, 58, 109. 
Engus, 48. 

Katholicus, 58. 

Maurice, 212. 

Niallan Magunussa, 10. 

Odo, 58. 

Philip Rog (i.e. Roe), pretended King 

of Oriel, 58. 

Sean, 58. 

Terence, brother of Niallan, 10. 
MeMoer (Mac Maoin), Thomas, 216. 
Memolmartyn (Mae Maol Wéncam) 

Nimeas, clerk, Vicar of Kilmore, Prebendary 
of Drumgoon in the diocese of Kilmore, 57, 
222. - 

Mcmonchan (Mac M-anaédin)—M<anachana, 
Luke, 68, 69. 

MacMonigal (Mac Maengail), Patrick, 
Bishop of Raphoe, 119. 

MacNab (Mac an Abbad)—M°’gynabage— 
Menabid, 155. 

Master Dionysius, messenger of the 

Archbishop of Armagh to the Roman 
curia, 138. 

M®*ploiscaid — M‘ploseayd—M“polyscaid : see 

Macrobius, Sir, chaplain, Vicar of Lemanaghan, 
48, 52. 

MacTeague (Mac Taids) — M'thaige — 
M°‘thayd — M°thayg, Master Augustine, 
comarb of St. Canice, canon of Derry, 104, 
185, 186, 187, 200. 

MacTiernan (Mac Tifeanndin)—M‘tiarnan, 
Adam, Dean of Drumlane, 75. 

Meugylyn: see MacCoghlan. 

M*umcugan— Meumcughan, Master Patrick, 

Mewerga, Paul, Canon of Derry, 185. 

Magenich: see MacKenna. 

Mageraghty (Mac Oineaécais), David, 
Archbishop of Armagh, 1. 

Magonius, Master, Canon of Armagh, 139. 

Maguire (Mag Uidin)—Meguydir—M°’guyer 
—Magwyr, 68. 

David, 158. 

Edina, 68. 

Malachy, canon of Clogher, 47. 

Magunussa: see MacGuinness. 

Mahee Island -- Nedrum (Naenonuimm), 
Strangford Lough, Co. Down, Rector of: 
see Haket, MacKerley. 

Mansfieldstown — Mandelunstoun — Mandel- 
villestoun —Mandevilestoun—Mandeyillston 
— Maundeyilestoun — Maundevyilistoun, 
bar. and Co. Louth, 248: see also St. 

Manyne, Sir Nicholas, chaplain, 178. 

Mapastown—Mapastoun, bar. of Ardee, Co. 
Louth, Chapel of the Villa of, 248. 

Marilitis[. . .],! Rector of: see Adam. 

March, Earl of : see Mortimer. 

Marche, Johanna, 158. 

Margallyn—Margalyn—Margellan: see Mor- 

Mariman, John, 96. 

Marriage, Second, 158. 

Mathen, Thomas, 158. 

Matthew, Archdeacon of Clogher, 144. 

Maundeyilestoun — Maundevyilistoun: see 

Maurice, Master, Canon of Armagh, 10, 67. 

Mayesyn, Sir John, chaplain, 178. 

Maynclare: see Moyglare. 

Meath (M1e)—Midia, 10, 64, 158. 
Archdeacon of, 61, 240; see also Cromp. 
Bishop of, 55: see also Allen; Wall. 
Cathedral of, 1. 

Church of, 63. 
Clergy of, 196. 
County of, 21. 
Deaneries of, 240: see also Duleek ; 
Ratoath ; Trim. 
Diocese of, 73, 189, 241, 243, 244. 
Official of: See Bartholomew. 
Vacancy of see of, 61. 
See also Visitations. 

Mellifont—Melifonte—Mellyffont, Abbot of, 
22, 43, 64. 

Mercier, William, Bishop of Connor, 61. 

Milo, Bishop of Dromore, 221. 

Moche garlon, near Nobber, bar. of Morgallion, 
Co Meath, 79. 

Molagh |\ioch, near Nobber, bar. of Morgailion, 
Co. Meath, 157. 

Mole, W., notary, 182. 

Mollingher—Molynger: see Mullingar. 

Mollys—Molys, Sir Richard, principal receiver 
of the Archbishop in the diocese of Meath, 
Rector of Cruicetown, notary, 196, 241, 

Monalthy : see Moynalty. 

Monemouth, Stephen, juror, 246. 

Monteyn, Johanna, 158. 

Thomas, 158. 

} Perhaps we should read Baryj\\\s[. 

..], i.e. Barunistoun = Barronstown (q.v.), 

Lawior—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 303 

Mooretown—Mor—Moretoun—Villa Movresth, 

par. of Dromiskin, bar. and Co. Louth, 258. 
Chapel of, 248. 

Mooretown—Mortoun, par. and bar. of Ratoath, 
Co. Meath, 158. 

More, 177. 

Moretoun, apparently near Grange and Butlers- 
town (q.v.),1 par. of Nobber, bar. of Mor- 
gallion, Co. Meath, 157. 

Morgallion (6ailenga mé6na)—Margallyn— 
Margalyn — Margellan — Morgalyin, Co. 
Meath, 64, 66, 157. 

Morice, Master William, Archdeacon of 
Armagh, 61, 227. 

Mortimer—Mortuo Mari, Roger de, Earl of 
March, 142. 

Heir of (Edmund Mortimer), 19, 25, 

Mortoun: see Mooretown, 

Mountainstown— Mounteneyestoun, par. of 
Kilshine, bar. of Morgallion, Co. Meath, 

Mourne (Mugdonna), 38. 

See also Kilkeel. 

Mowir, Sir Henry, Vicar of Carlingford, 2. 

Moyglare—Maynclare, bar. of Upper Deece, 
Co. Meath, 1. 

Moynalty (Mag n-ealca)—Monalthy, bar. of 
Lower Kells, Co. Meath, 68. 

Muchgrange—Anglia Grangia,? par. of Car- 
lingford, bar. of Lower Dundalk, Co. Meath, 

Mullingar (Muilenn cenn)—Mollingher— 
Molynger, Prior of the Friars Preachers at, 

See also St. Mary. 

Mynoth, Richard, 167. 

Naas (Ndp), Co. Kildare, Letter dated at, 

Navan Ring (main Maéa)—Hewynnae, 8. 

Nedrum: see Mahee Island. 

Nerny, near Raskeagh (q.v.), Chapel of, 133. 

Newetoun—Neutoun, Stephen, juror, 79, 246. 

Newmylclone, near Nobber, bar. of Morgallion, 
Co. Meath, 79. 

Newry (luban Cinn Tpdezca), Abbey of 
(de Viridi Ligno), Abbot of, 43. 

Newtown, near Trim, Co. Meath: see St. 

Niallan: see O’ Neill. 

Nicholas, Abbot of St. Peter and St. Paul, 
Armagh, 129, 187. 

Nimes, Cardinal of: see Blandiaco. 

Nobber (An Obain)— Nobbir— Nober — 
Nobir—Nobyr, 73, 79, 157, 162, 163, 245, 

Community of, 246. 
Court of, Outer, 246. 
Court of hundreds of, 246. 
Inquisition at, 246. 
Lord of, 246. 

Mill at, 246. 

Provost of, 246. 
Rector of, 79. 
Seneschal of, 246. 
Serjeant of, 246. 
Tenement of, 66. 
Tolbolle of, 79, 246. 
Villa of, 245, 246. 
Water of, 79. 

Normandy, 88. 

Notaries, 85, 103, 173: sea also Baldewyn; 
Kenan; Mole; Molys; Pyron. 

Nugente, Philip, Villa of: see Philipstown 


Obuachall (Ua buaéalla = Buckley :) Chris- 
tin, chaplain of the diocese of Clonmac- 
noise, 48, 52. 

O'Callaghan (Ua Ceallacdin)—Okellachan, 
Sir Donald, Prior of the Colidei, commissary 
of Archbishop Swayne, 168. 

O’Carolan (Ua Ceanballain)—Okerballan— 
Okerbellan — Okerbillan — Okerbullan— 
Okerbyllan — Okerrulan — Okerwalan, — 
Okerwlan, Master Donat, Dean of Derry, 
103, 185. 

Master Peter, son of Donat, Canon of 
Armagh and Derry, Chancellor of 
Armagh, Dean of Derry, Prebendary 
of Donaghenry, and Rector of Derry= 
loran, commissary of the Archbishop, 
69, 71, 72, 73, 75,77, 91, 101, 103, 
119, 122, 137, 173, 181, 183, 184, 
185, 186, 187, 188, 200, 222, 237, 

Postulation of, to Deanery of Derry, 
103, 104, 105, 180, 183, 184, 
185, 186, 187, 188, 199, 200. 

Sister of : see O’ Reilly. 

O’Carry (Ua Capnais)—Okarri—Okarry, 
Donald, 192. 

O’Cassidy (Ud Caipive)—Okacidi—Okasidy, 
Master Maurice, Rector of Termonmaguirk, 
Canon of Armagh, 67, 184. 

Oceffad: see O’ Keaty. 

Ochayge: see O’ Hoey. 

1 Of. C.P.R.I. i. 141, no. 172. 

* Inguis., Louth, Jac. 1, no. 3: ‘*The towne and lands of Muchgrange, culled the English 



304 Proceedings of the Royal Inish Academy. 

O’Corry (Ua Coppa) —- Okorry — Okory, 
Master Maurice, Canon, Chancellor, and 
Dean of Armagh, Dean of Tullaghoge, 8, 11, 
14, 109, 179. 

Master Patrick, Canon of Derry, Dean 
of Armagh, and commissary of the 
Archbishop, 67, 126, 137, 147, 166, 
173, 179, 185, 202, 203, 206, 215. 

Ocuig—Ocukyge : see O’ Hoey. 

O’Cullane (Ua Coiledin) — Oculean, Master 
Isaac, Canon of Armagh, commissary of the 
Dean and Chapter, 2. 

Master Benedict, Rector of Clonfeacle, 
official of the deanery of Tullaghoge, 
109, 218. 

Ocuyg: see O’ Hoey. 

0?’ Dalchan—O’ Dallachan: see O’ Dullaghan. 

O' Devaney (Ua Oulbeannaié) —Odubanaygh, 
Gilbert, Canon of Derry, 185. 

Odo, son of Peter: see O’Hanlon. 

O’Donegan (Ua Oonnagdin) — Odonnegan, 
Gilbert, 100. 

O’Doyle (Ua Oubsaill)—Odoyll, Master 
Robert, Canon of Derry, 67. 

Odubanaygh ; see Odevaney. 

O’Dullaghan (Ua Oalaédin) — Odalechan— 
Odallachan, Master Philip, Archdeacon of 
Clonmaenoise, 48, 52. 

O'Farrell (Ua Peangarl)—Offeral—Offerall 
—Offergayll, William, 68. 

Master Charles, Bishop elect of Ardagh, 

Master Richard, Dean and Bishop elect 
of Ardagh, 243. 

0’ Farrelly (Ua Painéeallaig)—Offerallaich, 
Master William, comarb of St. Medoc, 
72, 75. 

Offehegan: see O’Hagan. 

Offeral—O fferall—Offergayll: see O’ Farrell. 

0’Finn (Ua Pinn)—Offyn—Offyne, Sir John, 
chaplain of the diocese of Meath, Vicar of 
Granard, Canon and guardian of the 
spirituality of Ardagh, 165, 166, 243, 244. 

Ogean, Sir Robert, 81. 

O’ Hagan (Ua Paobdagdin)—Offehegan, 100. 
O'Hanlon (Ua hdnnluain)—Ohandeloyn — 
Ohandloyn—Ohanloyn, 94, 96, 205, 217. 

C’onluch, son of Peter, 133. 

Donald, son of Malachy, 100. 

Eugenius, son of Malachy, 100, 123, 

Malachy, King of Erthir, 100, 133. 

Odo, son of Peter, 100, 133. 

Patrick, 133. 

Peter, 100, 133. 

Ohirlun, Molys, 159. 

Patrick, 159. 

Ohmr (7), William, 11. 

O’Hoey (Ua h€oéada)—Ochayge—Ocuig— 
Ocukyge—Ocuyg—Ohoghy, Hosep, .mes- 
senger of the Archbishop, 166. 

Master John, Canon of Derry, 104, 180, 
185, 188. 
Okacidi : see O’Cassidy. 
O’Kane (Ua Catédin)—Okaan—Okene, 237. 
Master Guido, clerk, questor, 175, 176. 

Okarri—Okarry ; see O’Carry. 

Okasidy : see O’Cassidy. 

Okaughian, 5. 

O’ Keaty (Ua Ceatpada)—Oceftad, 155. 

Okellachan: see O’Callaghan. 

Okene: see O’Kane. 

Okerballun — Okerbellan—Okerbullan-—Oker- 
byllan—Okerrulan— Okerwalan—Okerwlan: 
see O’Carolan. 

0’ Kinahan (Ua Cuinneacdin)—Okynnychan 

Okorry—Okory: see O’Corry. 

Okynnychan: see O’Kinahan. 

O’Larkin (Ua Uoncdin)—Olorcan—Olorchan 
—Olorkan, Master Cornelius, Canon of 
Armagh, 139, 222. 

Gilbert, seneschal of Armagh, 216. 

O’Loughran (Ua Uuéanedin)—Ologheran— 
Oloucheran—Olucheran, Sir Thomas, Dean 
of Tullaghoge, 10, 168. 

Godfrey, Canon of Armagh, 120. 

Omacrel (Ua Macainéin ?)—Omagrela — 
Omakrel, Master Cornelius, Canon of 
Dromore, 49, 50, 51. 

Molealym, messenger of the Archbishop 
of Armagh, 41. 

Omartanan, 155. 

Omeath (Ui Meié)—Ometh, bar. of Lower 
Dundalk, Co. Louth, 131. 

Omichan: see O’Myhane. 

Omolkall: see O’ Mulholland. 

Omukeghan, Patrick, Canon of Armagh, 166. 

O’Muldoon (Ua Maolotim) — Omoduim — 
Omolduyn, Master Gilbert, Canon of Armagh, 
Clogher, and Raphoe, 8, 139. 

O’Mulholland (Ua Maol Callamn) — 
Omolkall—Ymolkall—-Yimolkallan, keepers 
of the Bell of St. Patrick, 148. 

Cunlad, 148. 

O’Myhane (Ua Mhiadaédin) — Omichan— 

Omychan, Magnellus, collector at Tullahoge, 
Marcellus, beadle of Tullaghoge, 218. 

O’Neill (Ua N6é111)—Oneyl—Oneyll, 232. 

Donald, 94, 96, 192, 205, 232. 
Eugenius, 192. 
Niallan, arch-seneschal of the Arch- 
bishop, 6, 7, 8, 205. 
son of, 7. 
wife of, 7. 

Lawior—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 305 

O'Neill, Niallan, junior, 123. 

Odo, Bishop of Clogher, 53, 61. 
Terence, 192. 

Oragilich — Oragill — Oraigill — Oraygill — 
Oraylly—Orayly : see O’ Reilly. 

rechgi, Master Patrick, Canon of Armagh, 
messenger of the Archbishop to the Roman 
curia, proctor of M‘dinim, seneschal, 123, 
137, 173, 179, 206, 211, 218, 222, 231. 

O'Reilly (Ua Rasailh})—Oragilich—Oragill 
—Oraigill — Oraygill — Oraylly — Orayly, 
Catholicus, brother of the Bishop of 
Kilmore, 120. 

Catholus, 71. 
wife of, sister of Peter O’Carolan, 
Edina (Ediua)—Edyn (Edyu), daughter 
of the uncle of Richard, wife of 
Maguire, 68, 69, 73, 74, 78. 
Philip, King of Breifne, 56, 57, 68, 99, 
115, 120. 
Richard, Bishop of Kilmore, 61, 68, 69, 
70, 71, 78,.74, 75, 76, 78, 99, 121. 

O’Relihan (Ua Roileacdin)—Orellochan— 
Orylchan, Gilcoimy (61lla m Coimmbded) — 
Gylachomy —Gylcoimy —Gylcomy, mes- 
senger of the Archbishop of Armagh, 7, 61, 
136: see also Gibboinus; Gilbert. 

Oremy, The son of, 100. 

Orethgi—Orethi—Orethy—Oreych—Oreychi : 
see Orechgi. 

Oriel (Cipsialla)—Ergalia—Ergallia—Uriel, 

King of : see Mac Mahon. 
Sheriff of, 33: see also Penteney. 
: See also Louth. 

Orochy : see Orechgi. 

O’ Rooney (Ua Ruanada) — Oromga, Master 
Augustine, Dean of Dromore, 49, 50, 51. 

Orrechgi: see Orechgi. 

Orylchan: see O’Relihan. 

O’Scannell (Ua Scannail)—Oschandyll, Gyl- 
comy, 100. 

The son of, 100. 

O'Sheridan (Ua Simioedin) — Ossiridean, 
Master Thomas, official general of Kilmore, 

Dionysius, 68. 

Ossory (Oprainée), Diocese of, 252. 

Oueach : see Iveagh. 

Oxford, Students at, 62. 

Painestown—Paynestoun, par. of Castletown, 

bar. of Morgallion, Co Meath, 157. 
Palmer, Thomas, 79. 
Richard, 177. 

Parliament, 6, 41, 108, 245. 

at Cashel, 54. 

at Dublin, 34, 35, 39, 40, 44, 45, 64, 

at Kilkenny, 29, 106, 107, 108, 112, 
113, 114, 239. 

Proctors in, 54, 106, 239: see also 
Clinton; Galys; Gernoun; Strode; 

Paton, Sir (Master) Henry, Vicar of St. Peter's, 
Drogheda, 178. 

Patrick, 121. 

Master, Chancellor of Armagh, 211. 

Paul, messenger of the Archbishop of Armagh, 

Paulinus, messenger of the Archbishop of 
Armagh, 27, 100. 

Paynestoun: see Painestown. 

Pension, 18, 24, 86, 87, 118, 134, 156, 171, 

Penteney — Derepenteney, Peter, Sheriff of 
Louth or Oriel, 26, 31. 

Perotes, Roger, 64. 

Persoun, Richard, monk of St. Patrick’s, 
Down, 85. 

Peshelle, John, 5. : 

Peter, Master, 154: see also O’Carolan. 

Peter, Abbot of Anagni, 247. 

Peter: see O’ Hanlon. 

Peter, Sir, Inventory of goods of, 177. 

Testament of, 178. 

Phil[. ..Jptoun, John, proctor of the Arch- 
bishop of Armagh, 15. 

Philip, 5. 

Philipstown Nugent—Philip Nugente’s Villa, 
bar. of Upper Dundalk, Co. Louth, 248. 

Plunket, John, narrator, 26. 

Lord of Beaulieu, 9. 

Poley, Sir Ralph, Knight, Seneschal of the 
Liberty of Ulster, 38. 

Pomerell, Robert, 64. 

Pope, 10, $4, 88, 120, 130, 138, 165, 219, 237, 
247: see also Gregory XI. 

Chamberlain of, 231. 

Port—Portluran, bar. of Ferrard, Co. Louth, 
Vicar of : see Bagoke. 
Porter, John, juror, 246. 
John, clerk, juror, 246. 
Robert, 79. 
Porterelestoun : see Butlerstown. 
Portluran ; see Port. 
Powle, Master Henry, Archdeacon of Kells, 
61, 63, 241. 
Prato—Preez, James de, proctor of the 
Archbishop at the Roman curia, 219. 
Master John de, Rector of Kilkeel, 38, 87. 
Presentations, 36, 38, 47, 67, 91, 127, 2387. 
See also Inductions. 

306 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Prestoun, Sir Robert de, Justice of the Irish 
bench, 22, 26, 31, 37. 
Primacy, controversy about, 130. 
See also Cross. 
Procurations, 69, 138, 152, 168, 196, 197, 237, 
Pyron—Pyrroun, William, notary, 10, 247. 

Questors, 175, 176. 

R., Dominus, 162. 

Raftin—Raffyn, par. of Drakestown, bar. of 
Morgallion, Co. Meath, 157. 

Raholp (R&& colpéa1)—Rathcolp— Rath- 
colpe, par. of Ballyculter, bar. of Lower 
Lecale: see St. Tassach. 

Rahood (RGiG + oeda?)—Rathode, par. of 
Castletown, bar. of Morgallion, Co. Meath, 
66, 157. 

Rantavyan—Rathdycke,! par. of Mullagh, bar. 
of Castlerahan, Co. Cavan, 68. 

Raphoe (RG bot)—Rathbo—Rathboten, 
Archdeacon of, 119. 

Bishop of, 61: see also Mac Monigal. 
Diocese of, 14. 
Pretended Canon of: see O’ Muldoon. 
Vacancy of see of, 119. 

See also Visitations. 

Raskeagh—(Rd&iG peiac)—Rathskeagh, par. 
of Faughart, bar. of Upper Dundalk, Co. 
Louth, 133. 

Rath: see Rathdrumin. 

Rath, John, senior, 89. 

Rath, The, near Kilmoon, bar. of Skreen, Co. 
Meath, 167. 

Rathbeggan—(RdIt beccdin) — Rathbegan, 
bar. of Ratoath, Co. Meath, 158. 

Rathbo—Rathboten.: see Raphoe. 

Rathcolp—Rathcolpe: see Raholp. 

Rathcool (Raié Cuile)—Rathcouil, par. and 
bar. of Ratoath, Co. Meath, 108. 

Rathcoole (Ra@ié Curhaill?)—Rathcoull, par. 
of Dromin, bar. of Ardee, Co. Louth, Tithes 
of, 171. 

Rathcor, Lower—Berlesrath,? townl. of Rath- 
cor, par. of Carlingford, bar. of Lower 
Dundalk, Co, Louth, 243. 

Ratheor, Upper—Heycrath,* townl. of Rath- 
cor, par. of Carlingford, bar. of Lower 
Dundalk, Co. Louth, 243. 

Rathcouil: see Rathcool. 

Rathdrumin — Rath, bar. of Ferrard, Co. 
Louth, 248. 

Rector of : see Cusak. 

1 Identification doubtful. 

Rathdycke: see Rantayan. 
Rathode: see Rahood. 
Rathrewah (Rait piabaé ?), near Nobber, 
bar. of Morgallion, Co. Meath, 157. 
Rathskeagh : see Raskeagh. 
Ratoath — Rathtouh — Rathtouth, bar. of 
Ratoath, Co. Meath, 1, 158. 
Dean of, 158. 
Deanery of, 158. 
Rede, Johanna, 158. 
John, juror, 79, 246. 
Nicholas, 167. 
Redypak, Sir William, parish priest of Haynes- 
town, 247. 
Regal Service, 157. 
Richard, 121. 
Brother, Bishop of Clonmacnoise, 61. 
Sub-Prior of St. Patrick’s, Down, 85. 
Richardstown—Richard’s Villa, bar. of Ardee, 
Co. Louth, Chapel of, 248. 
Robert, Master, 120. 
Rogan, Catherine, 177. 
Roger, bailiff, 158. 
Sir, parish priest of Haynestown, Dean 
of Dundalk, 211. 
Roseli, Sir John, chaplain, 51. 
Rosse, John, monk of St. Patrick’s, Down, 
85, 86. 
Sir Richard, Vicar of St. Peter’s, 
Drogheda, 62. 
Rountre, Thomas, 86. 

Safe conduct, 27. 

St. Andrew in the Ards, cell of— Black Priory, 
townland of Black Abtey, par. of Grey Abbey, 
bar. of Lower Ards, Co. Down, 88. 

St. Canice (Comneaé) — Kynicus— Kynni- 
chus — Kynnicus— Kynnycus, Comarb of, 
at Drumachose, 104, 180: see also 
Mac Teague. ¢ 

St. Fechin (Pe1¢in)—Fechin—Feghin, Church 
of, Termonfeckin, 129. 

Chaplain of, 164. 
Vicar of, 129: see also 
Sampford; Stantoun. 
Vicarage of, 36, 37, 117. 
Priory of, Fore, Prior of: see Croysse. 
St. John, Hospital of, Kells, Prior of, 118. 
Priory of, Ardee, 248, 240. 
Prior of : see Benge. 
of Jerusalem, Hospital of, Kilmainham, 
Prior of, 43, 64, 227, 248: see also 
of the English, Monastery of, Down, 86. 

? [dentifications doubtful. But both Berlesrath and Heycrath (= High Ruth?) seem to have been 

near Johnstown, q.v. 

LawLor—A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 

St. Kynicus — Kynnichus —— Kynnicus -- 
Kynnycus: see St. Canice. 
St. Leonard, Priory of, .Dundalk, 248 : see 
also Fowler. : 
St. Mary, Abbey of, Dublin, Abbot of, 43, 64. 
Abbey of, Lonlai, Abbot and Convent 
of, 88. 
Abbey of, Trim, 241. 
Abbotof: see Wythyntoun. 
Chapel of, in St. Peter’s, Drogheda, 178. 
Church of, Ardee,.164, 195. 
Church of, Drogheda, 1, 158. 
Church of, Mansfieldstown, 254. 
Vicar of, 210: see also Louragh ; 
Priory of, Louth, 248. 
Prior of, 36, 37, 198: see also John. 
Prior and Convent of, 117, 132. 
Priory of—Domus Dei, Mullingar, Prior 
of : see White. 
St. Medoc (Mded6c), Church of, Drumlane, 
Comarb of : see O’ Farrelly. 
St. Nicholas, Church of, Dundalk, 108, 180, 
183, 186, 187, 188, 199. 
Vicar of: see Stantoun. 
St. Patrick, 94. 
Bell of, Authority of, 148. 
Keepers of, 148. 
Lands of, 148. 
Church of, Trim, 118, 194, 240. 
Cross of, 10. 
Priory and Cathedral Church of, Down, 
Monks of, 84, 85: see also Persoun, 
Prior of : see Langtoun. 
Prior and Convent of, 219. 
Sub-Prior of: see Richard. 
Purgatory of, Prior of the, 193. 
St. Paul, Church of, London, 88. 
St. Peter, Chapel of, Themiltoun, 158. 
Church of, Drogheda, 24, 164, 195, 204, 
211, 247, 248. 
Chapel of B. V. M. in, 178. 
Clerk of : see Kyntone. 
Rectors of,.62. 
Vicar of, 129: see also Paton; 
Priory of, Newtown, near Trim, Indul- 
gence for contributors to repair of, 
Prior of, 189. 
St. Peter and St. Paul, Abbey of, Armagh, 
Abbot of, 131: see also Nicholas. 
Abbot and Convent of, 128, 137, 213, 
214, 215. 

St. Ronan (R6ndn), Church of, Dromiskin, 89, 
121, 128, 137, 166, 234, 238, 


St. Tassach (c’ Appac)—Tassanus, Church of, 
Raholp, Rector of : see Haket, Mac Kerley. 
St. Taurinus, Monastery of, Evereux, Nor- 
mandy, Proctor-general of, 161. 
St. Thomas the Martyr, Priory of, Down, 242. 
Abbey of, Dublin, Abbot of, 158. 
Churches of, in the diocese of 
Meath, 1, 158. 
Proctor of the Abbot of: see Sym- 

St. Tigernagh (Cigeannac), Comarb of, at 
Clones: see Mac Aneany. 

Sampford, Patrick, chaplain, 129. 

Master R., Vicar of Termonfeckin, 51. 

Scotelare, Master James, clerk, commissary of 
the Archbishop, 68, 97, 103, 120, 206: see 
also Cotelere. 

Scots in Ulster, 10. 

Scottish money, 254, 

Scurlockstown—Villa Scurlage, bar. of Lower 
Deece, Co. Meath, 1. 

Senles—Senlys: see Shanlis. 

Sean: see Mac Mahon. 

Sequestration, 60, 61: see also Kilmore 

Serlystoun ; see Charlestown. 

Shanlis (Sean leap)—Senles—Senlys, bar. of 
Ardee, Co. Louth, Chapel of, 248, 250. 

Siddan—Sydan, bar. of Lower Slane, Co. 
Meath, 1. 

Simon, Brother, Bishop of Derry, 61, 101, 102, 
104, 105, 135, 136, 147, 184, 187, 199, 200, 
208, 209, 237. 

Crimes of, 14, 136, 184, 185, 208. 
Provision of, 185. 

Slane (Sldine), Co. Meath, Baron of, 157: see 

also Flemynge. 
Advowson of, 163. 

Smarmore (Smipamman)—Smermore, bar. of 
Ardee, Co. Louth, 248. 

Sollon, Johanna, 158. 

Somerwell, Master William, 177. 

Springan, Alice, 158. 

Stabannan (Ceae bdndin ?) — Stabanan— 
Stabanann — Stagbanan—Staghban—Stagh- 
banan, bar. of Ardee, Co. Louth, 248. 

Rector of ; see Strode. 

Stackyllynge: see Stickillin. 

Stalloun, Jobn, 167. 

Stantoun—Stauntoun, James, Vicar of St. 
Nicholas, Dundalk, 62. 

Stephen, Vicar of St. Fechin, Termon- 
feckin, 117. 

Stephenstown—Stemstoun, par. of Castletown, 
bar. of Morgallion, Co. Meath, 157. 

Stickillin (Ceaé Cillém fF) — Stackyllynge, 
bar. of Ardee, Co. Louth, 248. 

Stokestown—Stokystoun, par. 
Dunboyne, Co. Meath, 148, 

and bar, of 


Stokys, Matilda, nun of Down, 81. 

Sirode, Master John de, clerk, Rector of Sta- 
bannan, proctor in parliament, 10, 21, 26, 
27, 40, 45, 69, 120, 181, 182, 241, 247. 

Stury, Richard, keeper of the king’s market 
and measure, 21. 

Subsidy, 42, 64, 65, 66, 201, 223. 

Swayne—Swayn, Roger, 21, 198. 

John, Archbishop of Armagh, 168, 169. 

Sweteman, Master Maurice, nephew of the 
Archbishop, Rector of Kileurly, proctor of 
the Archbishop of Armagh at the Papal 
curia, 181, 252. 

Milo, Archbishop of Armagh, 6, 9, 13. 

Bull of provision of, 130. 

Charges against, 252. 

conservator of the privileges of the 
Friars Preachers in Ireland, 90. 

Election and consecration of, 10. 

excommunicated, 7. 

Guardian of the spirituality of the 
diocese of Ardagh, 243, 244, 249. 

Guardian of the spirituality of the 
diocese of Down, 33, 38, 80, 81, 
114, 119, 181, 189, 190, 191. 

Payment of Papal dues of, 109, 173. 

Restoration of temporalities to, 142. 

Statute of, 254. 

Sydun: see Siddan. 

Sylvester, Adam, 253. 

Master Thomas, Rector of Tullyard, 
252, 253. 

Symkoke, Brother Richard, proctor of the 
Abbot of St. Thomas, Dublin, 241. 

Synodals, 152, 248. 

T[. -Jmilclone, near Nobber, bar. of Mor- 
gallion, Co. Meath, 79. 
Taffe, John, son of Richard, 247. 
Richard, 247. 
Talbot—Talboot, Sir John, parish priest of 
Dundalk, 103. 
Robert, 177. 
Co. Louth, 248. 
Tamelyn, near Kilkenny,' Letter dated at, 201. 
Tamlactglyid: see Ballymore. 
Tamlaght (Cammlaéca b6)—Taulachbo, par. 
of Eelish, bar. and Co. Armagh, 122. 
Tamlaght (Camla¢ca) — Tamlachta — Tam- 
lactathylistir>-—Tamiatta—Tamlattum, bars. 
of Upper Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, and 
Lougblinsholin, Co. Derry, Curate and Pre- 
bendary of: see MacCawell. 
Made prebendal, 127. 

bar. of Ardee, 

1C.P.R.I.i. 81, no. 20. 

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

Tangard, Sir Geoffrey, incumbent of Barrons- 
town, 124. 

Proctor of : see Bacycantori. 

Tanner, Alice, 178. 

Tarmefechin —Tarmefechyn— Tarmefeghan— 
—Tarmifechyn: see Termonfeckin. 

Taulachbo: see Tamlaght. 

Taylor, Simon, juror, 246. 

Telachoge: see Tullaghoge. 

Telinge, George, 207. 

Templetown —Tempiltoun, par. of Carlingford, 
bar. of Lower Dundalk, Co. Louth, 253. 

Termoncayncomayn: see Termonmaguirk. 

Termonfeckin (Geanmonn Feiéin)—Tarme- 
fechin — Tarmefechyn — Tarmefeghan — 
—Tarmifechyn — Termon —Termonfeghin, 
bar. of Ferrard, Co. Louth, 67, 97, 182, 144, 
197, 223, 247. 

Chapel of, 49, 165, 166, 200, 223, 

Letters dated at 35, 40, 45, 50, 51, 74, 
91, 98, 113, 128, 132, 145, 147, 148, 
151, 154, 170, 172, 187, 211, 215, 222, 
223,295, 226, 229, 230, 240. 

Parish church of, 200. 

Tithes of, 132, 197. 

See also St. Fechin. 

Termonmaguirk (Ceanmonn Cumaing)— 
Termoncayncomayn, bar. of East Omagh, 
Co. Tyrone, Rector of: see MacCawell; 
O’ Cassidy. 

Termoun, apparently part of the townland of 
Drumgill or Carrickleck, par. of Enniskeen, 
bar. of Morgallion, Co. Meath, 157. 

Testa [. . .], deanery of Ardee, Co. Louth, 
Curacy of, 171. 

Thelwalke—Thelwall, 42, 43, 64. 

Themiltoun: see St. Peter. 

Tia[. . .|rloge, John, 68. 

Tirburnen.: see Kilmore. 

Tirnasagart (Sip na Saganc), par., bar., and 
Co. Armagh, 137. 

Tolachoge: see Tullaghoge. 

Tolyard: see Tullyard. 

Trenmor (Gpian m6), a division of the city 
of Armagh, 135- 

Trensaxan (Cpian paxan), a division of the 
city of Armagh, 155. 

Triburnen.: see Kilmore. 

Trientulcha(Gpian Culéa), near Armagh, 134. 

Trim (Gé cpuimm)—Trrm, bars. of Lower 
Moyfenrath and Upper Navan, Co. Meath, 

Castle of, 19, 25, 26, 142. 

2 Apparently = Tamlaght Killietragh (Reeves, Antt., 300). 

Lawior—A. Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman. 

Trim, Deanery of, 240. | 
House of Friars Preachers at, 241: see | 
also Aubrey. | 
Letter dated at, 24. 
See also St. Mary; St. Patrick; | 
St. Peter. 
Tristirnan, 122. 
Troslon, John, juror, 246. 
Troye—Troie, John de, Treasurer of Ireland, | 
33. | 
Trym: see Trim. 
Tuam (Cuaim), Archbishop of, 16. 
Tullaghoge (Tulac 65)—Telachoge—Tolag- 
hoge — Tulachog — Tulaghog — Tulaghoge 
— Tullachoge — Tullaogh, bar. of Upper 
Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, 7, 226. 

Beadle of : see O’ Myhane. 

Churches of, 139. | 

Collector at: see O’Mvhane. 

Dean of : see O’Corry ; 0’Loughran. 

Deanery of, 8, 189, 195, 202, 213, 214, 

Official of the deanery of: see M*birragya ; 
MacCawell; O’Cullane. 

Rents of, 199. | 
Tullyard (Gulaé dno)—Tolyard, par. of Ter- 
monfeckin, bar. of Ferrard, Co. Louth, 
Rector of : see Sylvester. 

Tuyna: see Tynan. 

Tuyt, William, 167. 

Tyberoun, Jone, widow, 177. 

Tylacgunsch, apparently part of townl. of 
Whitestown, par. of Carlingford, bar. of 
Lower Dundalk, Co. Louth,! 253. 

Tynan (Guildnida)—Tuyna, bar. of Tiranny, 
Co. Armagh, Vicar of, 192. 

Tyt, Johanna, 177. 

Ulster, 27. 
County of the cross of, 33. 
Earl of, 38 : see also Clarence. 
Scots in, 10. 
Seneschal of the liberty of: see Poley. 
Ultonia, County of, 88. 
Uriel: see Oriel. 
Uteraton, William, 41. 

Veldoun, Thomas de, 79. 
See also Verdon. 

Verdon—Verdone—Verdoun—Verduno, James | 
de, 10. | 
Sir Milo de, Knight, 79, 154. | 
Richard de, 129, 154. | 
Sir Thomas de, Knight, 10, 41, 247. | 
Villa of: see Ballinard. | 
See also Veldoun. | 


Verdun’s Villa: see Ballinard. 
Verses, 12. 
Vicars, 1. 
Villa Moresth : see Mooretown. 
Villa Scurlage: see Scurlockstown. 
Vineter—Vinter, Adam, 79. 
Simon, 79. 
Viride Castrum: see Greencastle. 
Viride Lignum: see Newry. 
Visitations, 138. 
Metropolitical, 228. 
Clogher, 47, 144. 
Clonmacnoise, 48, 42. 
Derry, 122, 128, 147, 237. 
Down, 2338, 234, 235, 242. 
Dromore, 49, 40, 51, 221. 
Kilmore, 69, 72, 75, 76, 77, 78, 
Meath, 1, 
240, 241. 
Raphoe, 147. 
Ordinary, of Armagh, 3, 13, 131, 164, 
168, 195, 197, 202, 203, 204, 211, 
2138, 214, 215, 220, 222. 
Quinquennial, 16. 

158, 167, 189, 196, 

Walche: see Walsh. 
«Wales—Wallia, 62. 
Waleys—Wals: see Walsh. 
Wall, Stephen, Bishop of Meath, 196. 
Wallia: see Wales. 
Walsh— Walche—Waleys —Wals— Walsche— 
Walssche, Sir Adam, chaplain of the diocese 
of Ossory, 252. 
Sir Thomas, chaplain, Vicar of Carling- 
ford, 2, 3, 103, 140. 
William, 243. 
Walter, 5, 228. 
Waryng, Andrew, Rector of Beaulieu, 62. 
Wate, Thomas, 167. 
Weneloke, John, 172. 
West, Robert, senior, 148. 
Westminster, Letter dated at, 17, 20. 
Whitchildisyar, near Nobber, bar. of Morgal- 
lion, Co. Meath, 79. 
White—Whit—Whyt— Whyte, Adam, 79. 
Inoca, 158. 
Geoffrey, constable of the Duke of 
Clarence, 6, 10, 232. 
John, clerk, 6, 21, 49, 51, 64, 69. 
John, son of John Corniser, 158. 
John, son of Walter, 79. 
John, Prior of St. Mary’s, Mullingar, 
Jordan, 79. 
Richard, narrator, 26, 167. 

1 Kilnenisky in Petty’s map ? 



310 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

White, Robert, juror, 246. 
Thomas, 253. 
Walter, 79. 
William, Bishop of Down, 38, 80, 81, 
233, 234, 235, 236, 242. 
Whitestown—Whytestoun, par. of Carlingford, 
bar. of Lower Dundalk, Co. Louth, 253. 
William, Prior of Louth, 197. 
son of Adam, clerk of the Archbishop, 
proctor in parliament, Rector of 
Kane, 113, 151, 182. 
Windsor—Wyndesore, William de, Lieutenant 

of the King in Ireland, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 
46, 54, 60, 64, 106, 111, 201, 239. 

Wolffe, John, 64. 

Wottoun, Thomas, 167. 

Wyndesore: see Windsor. 

Wythir, John, 158. 

Wythyntoun, Thomas, Abbot of St. Mary’s, 
Trim, 241. 

Ymolkall—Ymolkallan: see O’Mulholland. 
Yneskene: see Inishkene. 
York, Archbishop of, 16, 17, 20, 46. 

[ a 4 





[Read Novemper 30,1911. Published January 25, 1912.] 

1. Introduction (R. Ll. P.), 0 0 c . : 0 - 3il 
Relation of the Carns to the Peat (R. Li. P. \, 0 0 9 : 9 . 312 
2. Narrative of the Investigations (R. Ll. P.), 0 6 5 : 0 0 . 314 
3. Description of the Carns, &c. (R. A.S.M.), . 0 6 : 6 : . 318 
4. Account of the objects discovered (E. C. R. A.), 3 . 5 0 3 , 332 
5. Report on the human remains (Prof. A. Macalister), 5 . . 342 
6. Summary and Conclusions (R. A. 8. M., E. C. R. A., ‘ond R. Lu. 122)" : . 343 


IMMEDIATELY to the north of the anticline forming the Curlew Mountains, 
which rise on the border of the counties of Roscommon and Sligo, stands the 
hill of Carrowkeel (Ceathramhadh Caol, “the narrow quarter”). It looks down 
on Lough Arrow, which lies at the western base, while the well-known hill of 
Keshcorran (1185 feet) rises a couple of miles to the north-west (O.S. one-inch 
map, sheet 66; six-inch Sligo sheet 40). Carrowkeel is an extensive flat- 
topped hill, with amaximum elevation of 1029 feet. The area above 500 feet 
is approximately circular in plan, and 24 miles in diameter. Inside this area 
the ground generally rises steeply to a height of 700 to 1000 feet, and the 
flat heather-clad summit which ensues slopes gently from north to south. The 
hill is formed, like its neighbour, Keshcorran, of the Upper Limestone of the 
Carboniferous formation, resting almost horizontally, and the slight south- 
ward slope represents the dip of the beds. The continuity of the flat top of 

n Sasi 5 has been written by Prof. Alexander Macalister, of Cambridge, who accompanied 
the party on their first visit to the site, and Section 6 is the joint work of the three authors, whose 
several shares in the earlier sections are denoted in the above table by their initials. It should, 
however, be suid that every detail has been discussed as thoroughly as possible, both on the spot and 
subsequently, and that the contribution of each author has been read and criticised by both his 
colleagues. All three collaborators, therefore, may accept joint responsibility for every statement 
and deduction made throughout the report. 

k,1L.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C, [43] 

312 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

the hill is broken by a series of remarkable cliff-walled rifts which cut across 
it from N.N.W. to S.S.E. These rifts are about 100 to 300 yards across, and 
100 to 200 feet in depth, and they produce a singular and picturesque effect 
(Plate XI, figs. 1, 2). They appear to be the result of weathering along a 
series of strong vertical joints ; and the presence of the same series of joints in 
the surrounding country may be seen in the parallel ridges and hollows of 
the country to the northward, and the consequent direction of streams and 
roads ; and also in the prevailing directions of the shores of the island-studded 
Lough Arrow. 

The country surrounding Carrowkeel is generally fertile, and no doubt 
supported a large population since early times. These people have left 
abundant monuments of their occupation, and carns are unusually numerous 
in the district, ranging in size from the gigantic monument which crowns the 
summit of Knocknarea, 16 miles to the north-west of Carrowkeel, to small 
mounds a few yards in diameter. 

The series of carns which rise among the heather on the summit of 
Carrowkeel, and with which the present report is concerned, have been 
referred to, but no more, by previous writers. Rev. C. Cosgrave, P.P., 
alludes to them in the Proceedings of the Kilkenny Archeological Society, 
vol. iii, p. 58 (1854-5), and Colonel Wood-Martin in “ Rude Stone Monuments 
of Ireland,” p. 207 (1888), makes a passing mention of them. 

The carns were examined by R. Ll. Praeger in 1896, while he was engaged 
on botanical survey work; and as several of them appeared to be intact, and 
as the group promised to repay well the labour of opening them, the present 
investigation has after some years been undertaken. 

While on the drift-covered lowlands such carns are frequently formed of 
clay, here on the hill-top they are formed entirely of local limestone, which 
is a splintery rock with much chert irregularly disposed. No doubt as 
originally built they were constructed of blocks such as a man could lift 
conveniently. But three to four thousand years’ exposure to heat and cold, 
rain and frost, have shattered the already splintery boulders, so that the carns 
are now mounds formed to a considerable extent of material like coarse road- 
metal, with large blocks between—material difficult to excavate, being too 
coarse and interlocked for spade work, and too much broken up for convenient 
pitching by hand. 

Relation of the Carns to the Peat. 

At present the greater part of the flat summit of Carrowkeel is densely 

heather-clad, the heather growing on a layer of peat several feet in thickness. 

Bog much deeper than this is met with in many places on the hill, especially 
in the rifts, but not in the proximity of the carns on the cliff-walled ridges. 

MacauistErR, &c.-—Bronze-Age Carns on Currowkeel. 313 

There the rock shows through the peat only occasionally, though sink-holes 
are numerous; one fine open cave-mouth, called Poll na gColum, lies close to 
one of the groups of carns. Around the edges of the carns, and also where 
the rock shows through, the peat shrinks back, so to speak, leaving a depression 
between the heather and the limestone; in other words, much, if not all, of 
the peat has grown since the carns were built. In some places, indeed, the 
peat has crept up the side of the carn (as on the north side of Carn G), or 
has completely overwhelmed it (as is the case with the ruined Carn L). But 
in any case the late age of the peat as compared with the carns is evident. 
This fact helps us to account for the abundance of material used in the con- 
struction of the carns, and the large choice which was evidently available in 
the selection of the monoliths used for the chambers. It may be assumed 
that when the carns were constructed, the summit of the hill was more or 
less devoid of covering, presenting an appearance similar to that of the bare 
limestone country of Clare and south-east Galway ; and that from this old 
surface, heavily strewn with blocks of all sizes, now buried under the peat, the 
carn-builders were able to select materials suitabie to their needs. ‘The 
growth of peat in the vicinity of the carns has now stopped; the vegetation 
consists characteristically of shaggy heath, with hypnums, &c., rather than 
sphagnums. In consideration of the general acceptance of the view that the 
“age of peat” is now in most places at a close, the late date of the growth of 
the peat on these well-drained ridges is of special interest. 

The investigation of the Carrowkeel carns and associated monuments 
was carried out during three visits in April, June, and October, 1911. On 
the first occasion we had the advantage of the assistance of Professor 
Alexander Macalister, M.p., of Cambridge, which was especially opportune 
in view of the large quantity of human remains that we found. His report 
on the human remains obtained during all three visits appears as a section 
of the present paper. 

The greater number of the carns are situated on the land of Mr. R.S. 8. 
Gardiner, J.p., and our best thanks are due to him, not only for granting 
permission to excavate, but for rendering valuable assistance in many different 
ways. We desire also to thank the Misses ffolliott, of Hollybrook House, and 
Mr. Richard Gorman, for permission to open carns situated upon their land. 
Mr. W. A. Green, of Belfast, very kindly came down with us on our second 
visit, and many of his excellent photographs are used for illustrating this 
paper. Portion of the expense of the work was borne by the Royal Irish 
Academy, whose generous assistance we would here also gratefully 
acknowledge. Our thanks are also due to the Director of the National 
Museum for assistance in the matter of transport and other facilities, 

[43* | 

314 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 


We assembled at Tower Hill House on tke afternoon of April 13th. 
Professor Alexander Macalister and R. A. S. Macalister had gone down a few 
days before that, and had surveyed some fifty of the ring-forts, of which a 
remarkable number occurs in the district. On the first afternoon we walked 
over the hill, examined the different carns, and decided upon our plan of 

We began work on the morning of April 14th, with two labourers, beginning 
with the nearest carn (Carn G). Like most of the others, it is a conical 
mound of angular limestone blocks, shattered by weather into material 
resembling road-metal on the outside ; but inside the blocks were intact, many 
of them being as large as a man could lift. Some indications of an entrance 
were found about half-way up the slope on the west side, and an hour’s work 
here revealed a deep fissure, caused by the upright slab which blocked the door- 
way having fallen a little outwards. On removing a cover-stone immediately 
adjoining—a block measuring about 2 feet 6 inches long by 12 inches 
broad by 9 inches deep—we were able to enter. To our delight, the 
chamber proved to be not a simple cist, but a large cruciform structure 
formed of tall slabs, high enough to stand upright in, and consisting of an 
entrance passage, a central chamber, and three side chambers—resembling in 
general structure the type of monument which in the British Islands was not 
known previously to exist except in the County of Meath. The chamber, 
which is described later, proved intact, and evidently had never been opened 
since the last sepulture in Bronze-age times. The floor was quite clean, save 
for a few stones apparently left there by chance. A careful examination of 
every corner of the passage and chamber was made before any of the bones or 
stones were removed. Then the materials—burnt bones, earth, and stones— 
from the three side chambers were brought out into the open air, sifted, and 
carefully examined. By the time the work was finished the light was fading. 
Meanwhile, two of us, with the two men, had begun work on the promising 
carn higher up the hill, marked Carn K. No indication of the probable 
position of the doorway could be detected, so, reasoning from analogy, an 
extensive excavation was made half way up the western slope, by pitching out 
the ragged lumps of limestone. This proved fruitless, but an attempt on the 
northern side was more successful, and three hours after commencing work 
we had repeated the experience of Carn G, and had effected an entrance 
immediately behind and above the large upright slab which had closed the 
passage, and which had sagged outwards. The chamber of this carn proved 

Macauister, &c.—Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel. 315 

to be similar to that of Carn G, but larger, having a height of no less than 
12 feet. But though no actual displacement had taken place, its condi- 
tion was not satisfactory, the heavy lintels over all three side chambers 
being cracked across. The approach of darkness now compelled a cessation 
of work. 

On the morning of the 15th, while Professor A. Macalister and Armstrong 
commenced the transfer and examination of the material from Carn K, 
R. A. 8. Macalister and Praeger were engaged on the plans and sections of 
Carn G. Our men were at first turned on the excavations of what looked 
like a dilapidated carn a little to the east of Carn H, but it proved to be a 
natural mound of limestone blocks. Accordingly, they were set to clear 
out Carn H from the entrance, which, unlike all the others, was open. A 
large slab blocking the lower part of the mouth had to be broken up and 
removed, as also the first roof-stone. The passage was full of small stones, and 
when these were cleared out we were stopped by a fall some 12 feet in, which 
effectually barred further progress. However, this carn had already given 
promise of good results, for when the loose stones in the passage were cleared 
out, indications of a rough floor of flat stones were seen, below which were 
obtained a skull and a large number of human bones, many of them unburned, 
unlike those from Carns G and K. There was nothing for it but to work down 
from the top of the carn and so uncover the passage and chamber—a laborious 
process, involving the removal of many tons of loose limestone, most of which 
had to be pitched out by hand. Daylight was fading by the time that the line 
of cover stones was cleared ready for raising. 

On Monday, 17th, we again divided our forces. Professor A. Macalister and 
Armstrong continued and concluded the transfer and examination of the large 
quantity of bones, earth, and stones from Carn K—a task occupying the 
greater part of the day. The extreme inconvenience of the narrow entrance- 
passage made this work more laborious than might be expected. The rest of 
the party were variously engaged in examining and mapping some of the 
minor monuments, and completing the plans and elevations of the larger 

Next morning R, A. 8. Macalister and the workmen finished the opening 
of Carn H (which proved to contain a square cist at the end of a curved 
passage), and Praeger did surveying work. In the afternoon the material from 
the passage and chamber of H was removed and examined—a difticult task 
on account of the extreme narrowness of the passage, and one which engaged 
the whole party. An essay was made at the very fine Carn F on map, but 
to our great disappointment it became apparent that some structural fault 
had caused a collapse of the roof and possibly also of the walls of the chamber. 

316 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The remainder of the day was devoted to making plans and elevations of 
Carn K, and in mapping various outlying monuments. The flagstones 
forming the floor of Carns G and K were raised, but nothing was found 

The 19th was ushered in by heavy rain, but it cleared partially, and we 
were at work on the mountain-top by 11.30. Some further surveying was 
done, and the examination of the material from Carn H was finished. The 
men were set at clearing out the south end of the interesting long Carn E. 
In the afternoon the plans and elevations of Carn K were completed by 
R. A. S. Macalister and Praeger. The south end of Carn E proving barren, 
the half-exposed cists at its northern end were partially cleared out. Then, 
in heavy wind and rain, a cut was made across the middle of this monument, 
again without result, and work had to be abandoned at 6 p.m. 

On the 20th, our last day, work was begun early on the lower of the two 
carns O and P, situated on the eastern spur of the mountain, on the Misses 
ffolliott’s property. On our way up to these structures the remarkable village 
site described below was discovered. ‘here was no indication of an opening in 
either carn. We had to work nearly all round Carn O, before we unearthed 
a cover-stone, and discovered a pentagonal chamber containing a complete urn 
and some bones; it was covered by a single slab, and had a small ante- 
chamber. Carn P, situated on the spur overlooking Carn O, was then 
attacked. It occupied us almost the whole afternoon, and the entire upper 
part of it was removed without anything being discovered ; we continued work 
till it became clear that no chamber was present. The weather, especially in 
the latter part of the day, was miserably cold and wet, and added considerably 
to the difficulty of the work. 

Second Vistt. 

We resumed work on June 20th—the party consisting of R. A.S. Macalister, 
E. C. R. Armstrong, W. A. Green, and R. Ll. Praeger. On that afternoon 
further excavations were made at Carn E without result; subsequently we 
divided, and while Macalister and Green photographed at Carns G, H, and 
K by flashlight and daylight, Armstrong superintended a new attack on the 
large ruined Carn F, and Praeger surveyed the southern portions of Carrow- 
keel, traversing some miles of rough ground, and finding one small additional 
carn, lettered A. The position of the great cap-stone of Carn F, impending 
threateningly over the excavations, compelled a cessation of work at this 
carn after a few hours. 

The morning of the 21st saw us start work on Carn B (Mr. Gorman’s), a 
very fine carn, magnificently situated on a cliff-walled spur (Plate XJ, 

Macauistgr, &c.— Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel. 317 

fig. 2). Durmg the whole of that day, and half of the next, we toiled in 
steady rain. Commencing on the north side, about one-third way up the 
slope, we cut a trench, which eventually ran completely round the carn, but 
without finding a doorway. This work revealed two small secondary inter- 
ments, and also a remarkable semi-circular wall, which details are described 
elsewhere. In the end we were beginning to cut right down into the carn 
from the top—a serious undertaking—when almost by chance we discovered 
the doorway, situated unusually high up on the north side, and well above the 
top of our trench. 

The remainder of the 22nd was devoted to removing and examining the 
bones, etc., from the chamber, and also to an examination of the small Carn A, 
discovered on the previous day ; but this we decided was not worth the labour 
of opening, as it appeared too small to contain a chamber. 

Friday, June 23rd, was occupied in making a plane-table survey of the old 
village site discovered on the plateau below Carns O and P; and on account of 
the roughness of the ground, the number of the hut-sites, and the inclemency 
of the weather, this work occupied the whole day. 

On the morning of Saturday, 24th, Macalister and Praeger checked 
measurements and photographed, while Armstrong was engaged in packing 
the bones and other objects for transport; and in the afternoon the party 
returned to Dublin. 

Third Visit. 

We again assembled at Tower Hill House on the afternoon of October 10th, 
and next morning started with four men at the group of ruined cists at 
the north end of Carn EK. By the afternoon we had cleared out two almost 
uninjured side-chambers, which still contained burned bones and some other 
remains, and had laid bare the whole series of cists. Attention was then 
directed to the great Carn F, of which, as already mentioned, it was evident 
that the chamber-roof had collapsed; but the indications of a structure of 
noble proportions were so pronounced that we had determined to attempt to 
remove the many tons of material—great slabs mixed with rubble—that had 
poured into the chamber. The first operation, the breaking up and removal of 
a huge slab, measuring 9 feet by 6 feet, which impended over the rim of the 
excavation, was successfully accomplished. 

Next morning work was resumed, and the whole day was spent in 
clearing out the large antechamber inside the doorway, which was by degrees 
uncovered, and in measuring and photographing it. 

The morning of the third day saw us at work clearing the inner chamber, 
which had become visible behind the antechamber, Some very large blocks had 

318 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

to be removed, and it was decided to drop them into the antechamber, now 
thoroughly explored, as the labour of removing them entirely from the excava- 
tions would have been extremely heavy. Eventually, all the remaining 
material from the inner chamber was piled into the antechamber, filling it to 
a height of 10 feet, and by evening the inner chamber, which proved of very 
exceptional interest, as will be seen later, stood completely clear of material, 
Burned bones, etc., which were found, were as usual carefully removed for 
examination. : 

On the morning of the 14th October, further human remains were removed 
and examined, and the inner chamber was measured, sketched, and photo- 
graphed ; and about mid-day our party broke up. 


The structures described in this report are situated on an area comprising 
part of seven townlands, called respectively TZulach (“mound”), Trian 
Serabach (“rugged third”), Ceathramhadh Caol (‘narrow quarter ”), Mullach 
Fearna (“summit of the alder,” also, and I suspect more correctly, called 
Mullach Horna, “summit of barley”), Din na bhFioradh (“fortress of the 
ridges”), and the East and West Carraig na hEorna (“rock of the barley”). 
The Anglicized spelling of these simple words is of the usual ugly and 
cumbrous appearance: both forms will be found marked on the map, 
Plate X. 

This map has been designed and drawn in a form meant to show as clearly 
as possible, to a reader unfamiliar with the ground, its remarkable character. 
The summits are left white, the long, straight valleys being deeply shaded. 
The precipitous walls of rock which line the valleys for the greater part 
of their length are marked by specially shaded lines which are easily 

Each of the ridges and the valleys between them have names. The name 
of the furthest ridge, on which Carn A stands, we did not obtain, nor yet that 
of the valley which runs to the east of it. The next is called Howley’s Rocks, 
from a former owner, though it is now being named Gorman’s Rocks, after its 
present proprietor. This phenomenon of the change of a geographical name 
with a change of owner is known to occur elsewhere in Ireland. The wide 
valley to the east of Gorman’s Rocks is called “ Shroich,” which is a name we 
cannot explain with any certainty. At the lower end of this valley isa tarn 
in the bog, known as “ Lough Availe.” Possibly this is meant for Loch 
Aidhbhéil, the “vast” or “ terrible” loch—a name wholly unsuitable for this 

quiet little sheet of water, notwithstanding a “water-horse” traditionally 

Macauister, &c.—Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel. 319 

said to haunt its depths.’ Round this lake the valley assumes the name of 
“Shroich Availe.” A boulder in the bottom of the valley, quite natural, is 
called “the old gate” by the local people. The next ridge, on which stands 
the important carns E and F, is still called Carn Mér (carn being here always 
pronounced ¢cérran); but in English, which is usurping the place of Irish in 
this place-name, it is called “Big Carns,” in the plural. The next ridge, on 
which the smaller carns stand, is always called “Little Carns,” the Irish 
name being lost. Between these two ridges is a long, narrow, and cliff-walled 
valley, called “Keelcoon,” that is Caol Cuan, “the narrow inlet ”—a very 
suitable name. The low-lying boggy tract at the mouth of this valley is 
called Loch a Bhiithte, pronounced “ Lough Awatia” (the last word rhyming 
exactly with “caught yé”). It is now dry, except after rains, when a little 
water stands in the hollows. Professor MacNeill has suggested, in conversa- 
tion, that the name (“ Lake of the Drowning ”) might indicate that the death- 
penalty by drowning had been inflicted here. There are several springs 

On the ridge of “Little Carns” is a huge and picturesque swallow-hole, 
which we explored without any result of special interest, known as Poll 
na gColum, “the hole of the pigeons”; though, strange to say, an idea seems to 
have got abroad in the district that the name means “ hole of the foxes.” It 
must be admitted that the latter is a more suitable name. A broad shelf on 
the east side of this ridge, above one precipice and below another, is called 
Bothar na Beinne, “the way of the hill-top ”—this is possibly a tradition of a 
road followed by the ancient inhabitants. It is not a natural way to follow, 
but that is not a conclusive objection: there might have been a ritual 
significance in the road. The precipice below this “road” is called Cazseal. 

The next valley is called “ Upper Clar,” a curious mixture of English and 
Irish: it means “ Upper table,” 2.e. “Upper flat land.” In the precipice that 
bounds this valley on the western side, a short distance north of the mearing 
between Ceathramhadh Caol and Mullach Fearna townlands, is a curious rift 
in the rock, which gives easy access to the top of the precipice. It is about 
fifty-six feet in length, and perhaps on an average five feet wide: the cliff 
bounds it on the west, and a great isolated wall of rock forms its eastern wall. 
It is locally called Botthin an tSagairt, “the priest’s hut,” and probably was 
used during the penal times as a hiding-place for some priest—a purpose 
which it would well serve, being out of tae line of traffic, and quite imvisible 
to anyone not acquainted with the district. The Irish name is being lost, 

1 More likely, however, it may be simply Loch an Bhéil, the lake of the (valley) mouth, as 
Mr. O’ Keeffe has suggested to us. 

B.1,A, PROC., VOL. XXIX., SHOT. C. [44] 

320 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

however, and an incorrect English name, “ the priest’s grave,” substituted : to 
explain which a story about Cromwell shooting a priest and burying him 
here has evolved itself. A small pile of stones, lying apparently directly on 
the rock, in a recess just inside the lower entrance to the passage and on the 
eastern side, is pointed out as the “ grave.” 

The easternmost spur consists of two parts. the towering crest of Dun na 
bhFioradh and the flat table-land on which stands the settlement presently 
to be described, called Corr Logach, “the hollowy hill,” or Clar Corrach, “ the 
marshy (or level) table-land.” 

In the valleys there is nothing of archaeological interest to be seen. On 
the ridges are the following :— 

I. Fourteen burial carns. 
II. Two ruined dolmens, or dolmen-like structures. 

III. A group of circular enclosures, apparently the remains of an ancient 

It may here be stated that of the carns only three (C, G, and H) are 
recorded as such on the Ordnance Map, and none of the other structures; and 
that of the twenty-three place-names' in the square mile of country mapped 
in Plate X, only nine (the seven townland names and two others, all in 
phonetic spelling) are recorded. Nothing could more clearly indicate the 
absolute necessity, for scientific or historical purposes, of a thorough re-survey, 
under expert superintendence, of the archaeology and the fast-corrupting 
place-names of the country. 

We now proceed to a description of the structures. 

1.—The Carns. 

The typical carns are conical mounds of stone, erected on a base more or 
less circular. They are composed entirely of the limestone native to the 
spot, save for occasional fragments of calcite, or of the erratic blocks of sand- 
stone that are strewn about in the neighbourhood. The only earth in the 
earns is a little peat which has evidently been blown over them as dust, and 
then been washed by rain into the interstices between the stones. Except in 
the case of two or three of the carns, very little vegetation has found root 
upon them. 

The internal structure, as will be seen from the detailed description that 
follows, is not uniform. In the concluding summary the various types are 
enumerated. As at Brugh na Boinne,’ the chambers are never centred exactly 

1 Counting alternative names for one place as one only. 
2 It is devoutly to be wished that the pointless modern label of this structure (‘‘ New Grange ’’) 
should be abandoned in favour of its ancient Irish name. 

Macauister, &¢.—Bronze-Age Oarns on Carrowkeel. 321 

in the heart of the mound, but are rather to one side. Once for all we may 
here state that although we searched for sculptured ornament, such as is to 
be seen at Brugh na Boinne, with the most scrupulous care, not a single 
decorated stone came to light anywhere, either outside or inside the carns. 

The carns are denoted by letters in order from A to P (excluding the 
letters I, J, which are inconveniently apt to be confused with numerals) : they 
are taken from north to south on each of the ridges in turn, beginning with 
the most westerly. 

Tulach (« Tully”) Townland. 

A.—A small grass-grown carn, about 6 to 8 feet high, and 40 feet 
in diameter. It appears to be a cenotaph, there being no room for any internal 
structure. The greater part of its bulk consists of two natural knobs or 
bosses of rock which have been utilized in its construction. There are traces 
of a kerb surrounding the base. There is an Ordnance Survey beacon erected 
on the carn, the height of which is given as 821 feet, but the carn itself is 
not recorded. It is possible that this structure, which, though small, is 
prominent, owing to its commanding position, gives its name to the townland. 

Tran Scerabach (« Treanscrabbagh”) Townland. 

B.—This fine carn stands near the northern extremity of the bold, cliff 
walled spur overlooking, on its eastern side, Lough Availe. The commanding 
situation of the carn is well shown in Plate XI, fig 2. The carn itself is the 
largest and best-formed of the entire series, with the exception of F. Its 
appearance, after the opening of the entrance, is shown in Plate XI, fig. 3. 
The entrance faces north, and was completely concealed : no trace or indication 
was visible before the excavation began, and in search for it we cut a trench 
completely round the carn. Even then it was only discovered afterwards 
almost by chance, 

The structure measures 21 feet in height (15 feet if measured from the 
south side, as there the surface of the ground rises), and the diameter of the 
base is about 74 feet. The top is slightly flattened, and an Ordnance Survey 
beacon was erected upon it, the height of which is given as 936 feet. It is 
passing strange that the carn itself, though an object so conspicuous and 
striking, is not recorded on the map as an ancient monument. 

The entrance, which is shown in Plate XI, fig. 4, is unusually high up on 
the side of the mound. It gives access to the chamber by a low passage, to 
which additional head-room is given by a drop in the floor, about a couple of 
feet in from the threshold. The chamber itself expands inward like a wedge 


B22 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

in breadth, and to a lesser degree in height : the total length, measured from 
the back wall to the inner face of the sill at the entrance, is 9 feet 8 inches ; 
the maximum height of the chamber is 5 feet 3 inches. The construction is 
very rough, and altogether unworthy of the fine external appearance of the 
carn: the massive boulders of which the walls and roof of the chamber are 
made are less carefully selected than in some other carns of the series. 

At the left-hand side of the chamber, at its inner end, is erected a cist, 
open at the side, in shape almost like a rude altar. This will be seen in the 
plans and sections of the structure (Plate XVII). It measures 3 feet 6 inches 
long, 2 feet broad, and 2 feet 2 inches high. Very probably it was intended 
originally as the burial-place proper, but as the interments increased in 
number it was found impossible to restrict them to this part of the structure : 
in point of fact, they were found actually to cover the floor of the whole 

Round the outside of the carn there seems to have been a kerb of boulders 
a little larger than those of which the heap of stones itself is composed. From 
the disposition of the kerb-stones that remain (which will be understood from 
the plan of the carn on Plate XVII) we may perhaps infer that the present 
diameter is rather wider than the original intention of the builders. Round 
the south-west side, for nearly half the circumference of the carn, there runs 
a vertical joint in the stone-heap, with a truly formed face about 2 feet to 
2 feet 6 inches in height. The position of this face is marked on the plan by 
heavier lines. It seems as though this had been erected as a retaining wall, 
and the stones piled behind it, a covering shell by which it was concealed 
being added later. 

On the south-east side, close to the end of this masonry-face, two subsi- 
diary cists were found, just under the surface of the mound. There can be 
little doubt that these were secondary interments, perhaps long subsequent 
to the original erection of the carn. They were small boxes formed of stone 
slabs about 3 inches thick. The northern cist measured 1 foot 7 inches by 
8 inches by 1 foot 4 inches high. The southern cist was smaller, and was 
much dilapidated. They contained nothing but a handful of burnt bone-dust. 
These cists, and the masonry face above described, were found in cutting the 

trench in search of the entrance. 

Ceathramhadh Caol (“ Carrowkeel”) Townland. 

C.—This structure is much ruined, having evidently been despoiled of 
stones to provide material for the field-fence that runs alongside of it. The 
chamber has apparently been wilfully destroyed, and the large stones of 

Macauister, &c.—Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel. 325 

which it was composed are thrown about in confusion. It appears, however, 
to have been of the cruciform type, of which G and K, described below, are 
the most conspicuous examples now surviving in the group. But it is so 
injured that it is impossible to be certain about its original form. The 
Ordnance map, which omits nearly all the more conspicuous carns of the 
series, has recorded this comparatively insignificant example. 

This carn has the distinction of being, so far as we could learn, the only 
structure of the group which has a distinctive name. ‘Vhis is English, “The 
Leprechaun’s house.” The name seems to indicate that it stood open, and 
fairly complete, so suggesting the idea of a “house,” till it was wrecked by 
the fence-builders. 

D.—This carn is about 50 feet to the south of C. It is ruined to its 
foundations. There are traces of a kerb of large stones, standing on end, 
and of a passage in the south-east face, running in a north-westerly direction 
into the carn, and ending in a cist. The carn, accordingly, seems to have 
affinities with H; but, being so ruined, satisfactory measurements cannot be 
taken, nor can it be planned with certainty. 

E.—This remarkable structure is quite different from all the other carns 
of the series, though the general appearance of the building, and the scanty 
remains found within it, forbid our referring it definitely to a different 
stratum of civilisation, as we were at first inclined to do. It is a long, low 
mound (see Plate XII, fig. 1), 120 feet in length, and 35 feet in maximum 
breadth. The height is about 8 feet in the middle, but it decreases at each 
end. The long axis lies about N.N.W. and 8.8.E. (the compass-bearing is 
160°). Traces of a kerb exist at the sides, as will appear from the plan 
(Plate XVII). At the S.S.E. end is an arrangement of large slabs on end, 
the disposition of which can scarcely be described in words. A glance at the 
plan will, however, convey to the reader a good idea of the arrangement. The 
large slab at the imner end is 12 feet long, 9 inches thick, and stands about 
3 feet high. It is difficult to explain this structure: it is not like a ruined 
cist or chamber, but looks as though it had been intended to represent a large 
porch. The horned long barrows, of which that at Uley is the typical 
example, are also distinctly recalled by this curious part of the carn. In 
any case, the “porch,” if such it be, is blind, and the greater part of the carn 
consists simply of piled stones, as we proved by cutting several trenches 
across the mound. Just behind the porch, on the eastern slope of the carn, 
is a flagstone, 4 feet by 5 feet 6 inches, with some other stones underneath it, 
which has the appearance of being the cover-slab of a cist. This we raised, 
but found no construction or deposit below. Only at the N.N.W. end there 
is a small group of cists. This had long been open, and had fallen into ruin 
Plate XII, fig. 2, represents it in the state in which we found it. 

324 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

At first sight this looked a hopeless complication of débris, promising 
neither instructive remains nor even a satisfactory plan. But when we 
proceeded to clear out the floor, and then re-erected a couple of the side 
stones of the passage which had fallen forward, we had the satisfaction of 
recovering completely the original design, except at the entrance, where 
stones have apparently been removed (Plate XII, fig. 3). A bed of peat, 
several feet thick, covered some parts of the existing entrance. This had 
evidently accumulated after the structure had fallen into the condition of 
ruin in which we found it. 

There may have here been a porch-like structure of large slabs or stones, 
resembling that at the other end. The stones that seem to suggest this are 
represented on the enlarged plan on Plate XVII. The chamber proper (which 
has lost all its cover-slabs) is a narrow passage, just under 12 feet long, and 
of irregular width, averaging about 3 feet. It is bounded by slabs of lime- 
stone set on edge, four on one side, six (one of small size) on the other. The 
floor is divided by sill-stones, 6 to 8 inches high, into four compartments of 
unequal size, all of which contained the débris of interments. The side-slabs 
are between 4 and 5 feet in height. 

On each side, at the second floor-compartment, is a small cist, formed, 
like the main passage, of slabs on end—though smaller than the slabs in the 
passage—and each covered with a large more or less rectangular slab, which 
still remains intact. These cists also contained bone débris, lying in each 
case cn a large floor-slab. They are pentagonal in shape, the dimensions 
every way being about 3 feet. 

The plan of a very similar structure, at Highwood, to the north of Lough 
Arrow, will be found in Wood-Martin’s “ Rude Stone Monuments of Ireland,” 
page 181. 

F.—This structure was in some respects the most important of the entire 
series. As the photograph (Plate XII, fig. 4) shows, it is of large size, and 
beautifully regular. It is indicated only by an indefinite symbol, not as an 
ancient monument, on the Ordnance map, though it is perhaps the most con- 
spicuous of the whole series. It is 87 feet in diameter, and about 25 feet in 
height. The structure is built of stones rather smaller than are the other carns. 
The top is slightly hollowed, possibly as a result of the collapse of the 
chamber. A plan and section of the carn will be seen in Plate XIX. 

The entrance, as in the others, is toward the north. It is of a much more 
monumental character than the small creep-holes which give admission to the 
other carns, being 4 feet 7 inches high, and lined by massive jamb-stones 
supporting lintels, one of which is 7 feet in length. Plate XIII, fig. 1, shows 
this doorway. 

The chamber into which this doorway gives admittance is quite different 

Macauistrr, &c.—Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel. 325 

in plan from any of the chambers in the other carns. It is in the form of a 
passage, 12 feet long and at the entrance 2 feet broad, but widening inwards, 
terminating in a square recess, marked off by a sill-stone, 7 inches high, 
and having two similar recesses, with splayed sides, on either hand. 

The plan of the chamber was marked all round by massive slabs of lime- 
stone, roughly brought to a square shape, and set on edge. These slabs were 
carefully selected, being all from one quarry-bed. Above these were laid 
either long stones or horizontal slabs. In the upper courses large slabs only 
were used, which gradually oversailed till they approximated close enough to 
bear cover-slabs roofing the whole chamber. These oversailing slabs were 
not horizontal. Packing of small stones was inserted over each, the face of 
the packing being flush with the edge of the slab below. This packing acted 
as a wedge tilting the slab backwards, so that rain-water that percolated 
between the small stones of the carn was shed off by the slabs and prevented 
from penetrating into the chamber. See the Plan and Sections, Plate XVIII. 

The labour of erecting this chamber must have been enormous. The much 
simpler work of excavating it and removing the broken stones that had fallen 
into it was no light task; the manipulation of the gigantic slabs of which 
the building was formed could not have been carried out at all except by a 
community much more highly organized than we might have expected to find 
in the middle of the Bronze Age. The constructional skill displayed is beyond 
all praise. The use of squinch-stones (slabs running diagonally in the corners), 
by which the length of the space to be spanned is reduced, is specially note- 
worthy. Similar squinches occur in the roof of Brugh na Boinne, but on a 
smaller scale. The top-stone of the chamber was a great massive slab, 9 feet 
by 6 feet 6 inches by 1 foot thick—weighing, roughly speaking, about four 
tons. This stone is seen in Plate XIII, fig. 1, marked by a walking-stick lying 
upon it. The doorway of the carn is there shown in the foreground. In order 
to get this stone out of the way, we had no alternative but to break it up. To 
have attempted to move it would have been a dangerous and expensive 
undertaking, and probably the doorway underneath would have suffered serious 

The architect who carried out the work of constructing this chamber had 
made one unfortunate miscalculation, A huge slab, 9 feet 3 inches in length, 
which he had inserted close to the inner end of the western side, had not been 
equal to supporting the cross-strain put upon it. It had split into two, and, 
in falling, brought down all the upper part of the roof. An avalanche of small 
stones from the outer shell of the carn had rushed into and filled up the 
chamber : on the top of these the cap-stone above described lay misplaced, in 
the position in which it is shown in the photograph. This was taken after we 

526 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

had cleared out the small stones from the chamber, as much as we could with- 
out disturbing the large slab. The accident is most deplorable, as it ruined 
what it is no exaggeration to call one of the most impressive and interesting 
ancient structures remaining in Ireland. 

The plan and sections on Plate XVIII show without need of further 
description the design of the structure and the relative sizes of its parts. It 
will be seen that it can also be fairly described as consisting of two chambers 
separated by a narrow doorway, with two grave-recesses in the outer and three 
in the inner. The interments had not been confined to the grave-recesses : 
bone dust, much trampled, was found in places on the floor. The sill of the 
grave-recess on the left-hand side, within the entrance, was missing: it is 
restored in dotted lines on the plan. We suspect that by an oversight it was 
removed by ourselves in clearing out the débris of large and small stones that 
filled the chamber. 

The perspective view on Plate XIX is designed to illustrate more clearly 
the elaborate and ingenious construction of this carn. But to prepare a satis- 
factory view was found extremely difficult. The narrow doorway in the middle 
of the chamber makes it next to impossible to find a point of view from which 
enough of the construction can be seen in one coup d’eil to be at all informing. 
Plate XIII, figs. 2-4, shows portions of the building that display the masonry. 
Fig. 2 is the north-west corner of the western grave-recess in the outer chamber; 
fig. 3 is the south-east corner of the eastern grave-recess in the inner chamber; 
fig. 4 shows the central grave-recess, and also the most interesting and 
suggestive detail of this monument, which it is now time to describe. 

This is a standing stone, 5 feet high, with a fairly uniform thickness of 
73 inches east to west, and 9 inches north to south. It cannot have served 
any constructional purpose: not only is it too slender, but it seems never to 
have stood quite upright, so could not have borne any other stone or stones. 
The roof of the chamber vertically over this stone must have been well-nigh 
16 feet above the ground, or 11 feet above the top of the pillar. The stone 
had been snapped across 15 inches above the ground; in falling, it cracked 
the sill-stone of the central recess behind it, across which it was found lying. 
The fractured surfaces, however, are both intact and fit exactly. The broken 
part, however, will not stand on its base without support: a little Portland 

1 The oyersailing lintels seen in the sections on Plate XVIII above the lintel shown in this photo- 
graph were in situ when the excayation began, and appear in Plate XIV, fig.1. After measuring, 
we were obliged to remove them, as the top lintel (supported by a wooden prop in the photograph) 
was loose, and the second was cracked longitudinally, and neither could have stood without the 
support of the small stones which had filled the chamber completely, and which, of course, we had 
to clear out. The great slab whose failure caused the collapse of the building is seen on the right- 
hand side of this photograph, under the foot of the wooden prop. 

Macatistrr, &c.—Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel. 327 

cement, and probably a metal clamp, would be necessary if haply this in- 
teresting building be ever restored, as one likes to hope may some time 
be the case. The accident, whatever it was, which broke the stone, was not 
the same as the catastrophe that brought the roof down. For after the stone 
had fallen, the ashes of a burnt human body were laid on the butt end of the 
prostrate part. It is possible that the resting-place was chosen on account of 
some special sanctity attaching to the stone ; for after much discussion we can 
find no satisfactory alternative to regarding it as a religious emblem. This 
being assumed, the question presents itself whether we may not have here 
something more than a mere burial-place. May we not have some sort of 
temple? The grandiose scale of the architecture, the large entrance doorway, 
the peculiar ground-plan, and, above all, the standing stone, all mark this carn 
out conspicuously from the rest. 

At the foot of the stone, on the eastern side, is lying another, 1 foot broad, 
9 inches thick, and 3 feet long. Bone débris in plenty lay under it. A third 
stone, 2 feet 6 inches long, 6 inches thick, 93 inches broad at one end and 
54 inches broad at the other, lies at the northern end of the south-western 
grave-recess. The position of both these stones is marked in the plan. There 
is no evidence that they ever stood upright, but that they had been placed 
with intention where they were found seems undeniable. 

The last point to notice about this important carn is the use of the erratic 
blocks of silicified sandstone which are frequent in the neighbourhood. Those 
used in the buildings are shaped rather like cheeses, with convex sides and 
flattened top and bottom, One such will be seen in the photograph, fig. 3 on 
Plate XI1I—the inner stone of the topmost course in the corner opposite that 
in which the man is leaning. Here it is merely used as an ordinary building- 
stone: but in another place the sandstone is used probably because it was 
found by experiment that it was capable of bearing a heavier crushing strain 
than was the limestone. This was on the jambs of the central doorway : on 
the top of each was a sandstone block—indeed, on the eastern jamb there 
were two, one on the other like the drums of a column. Evidently at these 
two points, in the middle of the two long sides, the weight of the massive 
roof was expected to be concentrated; and it increases our respect for the 
mind that planned this fine building when we see that he had the discrimi- 
nation to choose an especially hard stone for just this part of the structure. 
The same foresight is displayed by the builder of the first of the two dolmen- 
like structures, described below. 

G.—This carn is about the same size as B—21 feet high and 68 feet to 
70 feet in diameter at the base. There may be a kerb, but if so it is 

completely concealed by the turf which has grown up round the margin of 
ReIpA PROC., VOL. XXIX., SEOT. C, [45] 

328 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

the heap of stones, to such an extent that the floor of the chamber is some 
2 feet below the present average level of the base of the mound. The 
entrance faces north-west by north (compass bearings 328°). It is a small 
hole, confined between a lintel and a threshold very close together; but it 
gives access to a chamber of considerable size, which is by far the best piece 
of construction in the whole series. A plan and sections of the carn are given in 
Plate XXII, and of the chamber on Plate XX. Well-selected standing stones 
of a maximum height of 6 feet support a system of lintels and cross-beams of 
stone, which, rising by oversailing courses, form a chamber very similar to 
Brugh na Béinne both in plan and construction. The roofing-slabs, as in 
Carn F, slope downwards to the outside. The main chamber is more or less 
circular, and three small cells, of lesser heights and separated by high sills 
from the main chamber, give a cruciform shape to the plan of the structure. 
These cells are the receptacles for the interments. Each is floored with a 
large flagstone, and a similar flagstone occupies the floor of the central 
chamber. These flagstones were raised, but nothing was found underneath 
them. Plate XIV, fig. 2, illustrates the construction of the inside of the 
chamber; but it is impossible to secure a photograph that does justice to the 
building, which, though it may seem an exaggeration to say so, is beyond all 
praise as a veritable work of art. The builders aimed not merely at a 
building which should remain standing: they evidently took a pride in 
erecting a neat and symmetrical chamber. In one or two cases we suspected 
that a single block had been split in two, in order to secure as nearly as 
possible identical stones for corresponding positions on opposite sides of the 
chamber. The fourth standing stone on the right hand side of the entrance 
did not reach the roof, and inserting the hand behind it we found that there 
was here a sort of shelf or pocket in the wall, which contained the bones of 
children. Its outline is indicated by dotted lines in the plan. The space 
was just under the roofing-slab, and measured 2 feet 6 inches parallel to the 
chamber by 2 feet at right angles to it. The floor of this “shelf” is on a 
level 4 feet 4 inches above the floor of the main chamber, and the height of 
the clear space is about 1 foot 9 inches. A similar pocket was also found 
behind two of the stones in the left-hand recess. In each of the inner corners 
of the right-hand recess there is a block of stone about 8 inches square and 
1 foot 3 inches high, set on end. On the western side of this carn, half buried 
in the turf, a slab is lymg which may possibly have been intended for the 
construction but left over. It is 1 foot 3 inches thick, 7 feet 3 inches long, 
3 feet broad at one end, 5 feet broad at the other. 

H.—The entrance of this structure was found open, unlike all the other 
perfect carns of the series, and had evidently been open for a very consider- 

Macarister, &c.—Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel. 329 

able period, if indeed it had ever been closed. It was, however, impossible 
to make use of it as a means of access to the chamber, as a slip of one of the 
side-stones of the passage had narrowed it too much to admit of a person 
creeping through. We were accordingly obliged to cut down through the 
middle of the carn, and to get into the central chamber through the roof. 
It proved to be merely a square cist, 5 feet long, 3 feet 3 inches broad at the 
inner end, and 2 feet 10 inches high, approached by a narrow and awkward 
creep-passage, roughly built, widening just inside the door, though nowhere 
high enough to permit one to stand upright. The passage (exclusive of the 
5-foot length of the cist) is 22 feet 3 inches long; the width ranges from 
3 feet 6 inches to 1 foot; the maximum height is 2 feet 10 inches. The 
accident must have happened while the carn was still in use, as interments 
were found both inside and outside the spot where the stone had slipped—the 
latter having presumably been deposited after the blocking of the passage 
barred the entrance to the central cist. This is the only carn of the series 
with a double row of kerb-stones surrounding its base. There is a space of 
5 to 7 feet between the two rows. The inner kerb is composed of larger 
stones, which are about sixty in number. The diameter of the carn at the 
base is about 100 feet, its height about 20 feet. The plan and section of this 
carn and of the entrance passage and chamber will be found on Plate XXII; 
Plate XIV, fig. 3, shows the carn (with Carn G in the distance) ; Plate XIV, 
fig. 4, shows the entrance. This photograph was taken after we had cut down 
on the lintels. 

K.—In design this fine carn resembles G, but, though rather larger, is, 
from the point of view both of construction and artistic finish, vastly its 
inferior. A poor, rotten stone has been used, and all the lintels are in 
consequence cracked: some of the side-stones have also settled. It is, indeed, 
rather surprising that the whole chamber has not collapsed. The chamber is 
much higher in K than in G, though it is in this respect less than the great 
ruined chamber in F: the maximum height is 12 feet 2 inches. The mound 
itself is about 20 feet in height and 71 feet in diameter. The total length of 
the chamber, from the entrance to the back of the central recess, is 22 feet 
10 inches: the maximum breadth through the two side recesses is 15 feet 
9 inches. The entrance faces almost due north (compass bearings 335°). 
There is an Ordnance beacon on the carn, the height of which is given as 
1,062 feet; but the carn itself is not recorded as an ancient monument. 
Plans and sections of the carn will be found on Plate XXII, and of the chamber 
on Plate XXI. Plate XV, fig. 1, is a good view of the carn after the door was 
opened ; Plate XV, fig. 2, shows the interior, looking inwards, and Plate XV 
fig. 3, shows the entrance passage, looking outwards. 


330 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

L.—This carn is much ruined by the depredations of rabbit-hunters. 
Unlike the other carns, it is almost entirely overgrown with peat. After 
several examinations we decided that it would not repay investigation. 


M.—A small dilapidated carn ruined to the base, which consists of standing 
stones about 3 feet high. The diameter is 25 feet: at the north-east face is a 
passage 10 feet in length, leading to a cist 4 feet square, with two cellae at the 
side and one at the back. It was evidently a cruciform structure like G and 
K, but of much smaller size. 

N.—Is similar to M, and in similar condition. It was about 20 feet in 
diameter. Three jamb-stones remain on the east side of the entrance, which 
faced the north. The chamber seems to have been cruciform. It is probable 
that the stones which originally covered these two carns were removed for 
building boundary walls. 


O.—A small carn, about 17 feet high and 58 feet in diameter at base, roughly 
built of stones rather larger than are used elsewhere in the series. Near the 
top, on the southern side, was a small pentagonal cist, about 3 feet 6 inches 
high and 4 feet in maximum length, covered with a single slab of stone. It 
was entered through an opening 10 inches wide from a manhole, also 
pentagonal, and covered with two slabs. The floor of the cist was quite 
irregular and was heaped up with discs of sandstone, bone, and ashes. The 
height is given on the O.S. map as 890 feet above sea-level. A plan and 
section of the carn, with an enlarged plan of the cist, are shown on Plate XXII; 
and Plate XV, fig. 4, shows the top of the manhole and the narrow entrance 
into the cist. 

P.—A beautifully built conical carn, about 12 feet high, and 33 feet in 
diameter at the base. The Ordnance map gives 138 feet as its height above 
sea-level. The most careful examination of this carn failed to reveal any 
cist, chamber, or interment; it is a cenotaph, like Carn A. Four large 
boulders of rock had been laid on the site chosen for the carn, and the stones 
were heaped on these. 

IL. Dolmens. 

1. A short distance south-east of Carn H is a massive block of limestone 
which, when sound, measured about 5 feet 7 inches by 4 feet by 1 foot 
8 inches. It is now split into fragments. It had been placed on four 
round boulders of sandstone, now partly buried in the peat, which were 

Macausrer, &c.—Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel. 33] 

arranged in a lozenge form and, roughly speaking, faced the cardinal points. 
Three limestone slabs set on edge are added, apparently placed with the 
intention of forming a cist. The use of sandstone erratics has already been 
commented upon in describing Carn F: it suggests that the builders appreciated 
the difference between the two kinds of stone, and recognized the greater 
strength of the sandstone blocks. Plate XVI, fig. 1, represents this structure, 
which is, however, an exceptionally difficult subject for the camera, on account 
of the collapse of the cover-stone, which gives it the indefinite appearance of 
a shapeless pile of stones. 

2. A few paces east of Carn K is a square structure of large limestone 
slabs. There had originally been a cover, as we learned, which was, however, 
smashed up by rabbit-hunters. Fragments of this stone are lying about. 
Doubtless anything the cist may have held was then removed. The chamber 
measured about 6 feet by 4 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 5 inches high. ‘There is 
no evidence that this cist was ever covered by a heap of stones. This 
structure is shown in Plate XVI, fig. 2. The length and breadth of the slabs, 
beginning with the large stone in the foreground and working round in 
order to the smallest stone, are respectively 7 feet by 1 foot 2 inches; 5 feet 
2 inches by 1 foot 3 inches; 6 feet 5 inches by 1 foot 2 inches; 3 feet 
3 inches by 6 inches. 

On the eastern edge of the ridge called Carn Mor, and about midway 
between the two groups of Carns E, F and M, ‘N, is a standing stone 
7 feet 6 inches high, 5 feet wide at the base, but tapering to a point, and 
2 feet thick. We came to the conclusion that it belongs to geology rather 
than to archaeology, showing no sign of having been erected artificially. 
Of course it may have been accepted by the carn-builders and used by 
them for whatever purposes standing stones were set up. There are no 
marks of any kind on the stone. 

Ill. Remains of a Settlement. 

On the bare rocky platform to the north of the towering mass of Dun na 
bhFioradh, occupying almost the whole area between that hill and the Mullach 
Fearna mearing, is to be seen a very remarkable group of circular structures. 
The plan given (Plate XXIII) shows their disposition: the numeral with 
each represents the approximate diameter (ranging from 20 to 42 feet), as 
ascertained by pacing. The plan itself was made with the aid of a plane-table. 
Where enough of the structures remain to show details, they are seen to consist 
of two rings of upright slabs with small stone filling between, the walls thus 
made being about 3 feet thick, They are ruined so completely that it is 
impossible to say where the doorways may have been. ‘The forty-seven 

332 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

recorded on the plan are all of which we could be sure: some other rude 
groups of stone here and there were possibly the remains of others, but it 
was impossible to be certain about this. There is no trace of internal 
divisions. These enclosures were probably protecting walls within which 
were erected dwellings of some temporary nature—tents or huts. It is not at 
all improbable that they were the dwelling-places of the carn-builders: if 
so, those interesting structures may fairly claim to be one of the oldest 
village sites in northern Europe. 

On account of the extremely rocky nature of the space on which these 
structures stand, and the insignificant height and rough construction of the 
structures themselves, it proved impossible to obtain a photograph that 
shows any of them satisfactorily: the eye is unable to distinguish the circle 
of stones from the rocky background in which it is set. Several attempts were 
made, all, however, unsuccessful. An idea of the general appearance of the 
site is given by the two photographs (Plate XVI, figs. 3,4). The first of these 
is taken across Upper Clar, from above Boithin an tSagairt, overlooking Dun 
na bhFioradh with its two carns on the summit; to the left of the ridge is 
the rock-surface, on which are the circles. The second view is taken from 
Dun na bhFioradh itself; and though not a very successful photograph, the 
circles can be clearly seen in it scattered among the rocks. 


Carn B.—In order to discover an entrance to this carn a trench was cut 
all round it, and in the course of cutting this a small cist containing burnt 
bones was found, at compass bearing from the middle of the carn 120°; 
a few feet further to the north a second similar cist was discovered. ‘These 
two cists evidently represent secondary interments. The chamber in the carn 
itself was found to have a small cist on the left-hand side. Both cist and 
chamber contained burnt human bones. Three fragments of pottery were 
discovered—one roughly ornamented piece in the cist (Plate XXV, fig. 4), and 
two much detrited and hardly recognizable fragments in the chamber. 

Carn E.—Loth the side cists of this curiously shaped monument contained 
a few fragments of bones. The central chamber had been uncovered and 
exposed for a long period, and the third and fourth bays were empty. The 
porch contained a few fragments of bones; it was much dilapidated and was 
covered with about 18 inches of peat, which had grown since the destruction 
of the carn (see plan). 

The first and second bays contained a quantity of bones in a very 
fragmentary state. Among these were found several small flat slabs of 
stone, which had apparently been used as trays in a manner similar to those 

Macauisten, &¢.— Bronze. Age Carns on Currowkeel. 338 

to be noted in Carn G In the first bay were found a minute fragment of 
pottery, the upper portions of two pins of bone with well-cut heads, and a 
bear’s tusk (Plate XXIV, figs. 16, 23, and 25). 

The discovery of the bone pins and the fragment of pottery in this 
monument is important, as establishing the fact that some at least of the 
interments are of the same date as those in the other carns. The shape 
of the structure would lead one to believe it to be of an earlier date, as 
monuments of somewhat similar shape in Scotland have been shown to 
belong to the Neolithic period. (See Dr. T. H. Bryce’s account of the Cairns 
of Arran in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 3rd Ser., 
xii (1901-2), p. 74). 

Carn F.—The collapse of this splendid structure cannot be too much 
deplored. The removal of the stones which had fallen into the chamber was 
carried out with the utmost care, but the contents must have been greatly 
damaged by the weight of the stones falling on them. The only archaeological 
remains obtained were found in the further left, end, and right recesses, and in 
the central chamber(see Plates XVIII, XIX). All of these contained burnt bone 
débris. This material was carefully sifted, and two broken beads and one small 
perfect bead were recovered. They were found in the right recess (Plate XXIV, 
fig. 27). These beads are of exactly the same type as those found in Carns G 
and K. In the central chamber two vertebrae of Bos longifrons were dis- 
covered ; one had been placed just outside the sill-stone on the left recess 
near the entrance, and the other close to the opposite sill-stone of the right 
recess, but near the end recess, so that their position was almost a diagonal 
one. Their position is marked (plan, Plate XVIIT) by the letter A. A number 
of pieces of quartz, split by the action of fire, were found among the remains in 
this carn. Eight water-worn, flattish lumps of limestone were also found. They 
are all illustrated in fig. 1, p. 354, and measure roughly, taking them from 
left to right in the figure, 113 inches by 5} inches; 14 inches by 8 inches; 
11} inches by 6 inches ; 113 inches by 5} inches; 63 inches in diameter by 
23 inches in thickness; 98 inches by 44 inches; 114 inches by 43 inches; 
and 53 inches by 5 inches. They average from 1} inches to 3} inches in 
thickness. Their position is marked on the plan by the letter C. 

One of these (the second on the left of the lower line) has been bored 
into by a marine bivalve, probably Saxicava, This must therefore have been 
brought from the sea-shore like the shell Natica catena found in Carn H.' 

1 Objects from the sea-shore are recorded as accompaniments of interments in the carns at 
Loughcrew. Conwell, describing the contents of Carn H, says:—In the chambers were obtuined 
‘upwards of 200 sea-shells, principally limpet and cockle shells, in a tolerably perfect state of 
preservation, and 110 other shells in a broken state; eight varieties of small lustrous or shining 

334 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The letter B on the plan shows where it was found. The exact purpose of 
these stones is not possible to determine, but their presence in this very 
remarkable carn and in the vicinity of the standing stone is of considerable 
interest and suggestiveness, 

Fic 1.—Warer-worn Srones From Carn F. 

Carn G.—The flat floor of the left recess of Carn G was covered with 
burnt bone débris to a depth of about three inches, and on the top of this 
were lying seven smallish flat stones, which had apparently been used as trays 

stones ; and upwards of 100 white sea-pebbles.’’ A portion of an intercostal bone from the skeleton 
of a whale was also found in this carn.—‘‘ Tomb of Ollamh Fodhla,”’ pp. 51 and 52. 

““A few sea-shells” were also found in the carn on Belmore Mountain.—Proc. R.I.A., 
3rd ser., vol. iv, p. 663. 

Sea-shells appear to have been frequently placed in the interments in the monuments at Carrow- 

more, Co. Sligo. See Wood-Martin, Rude Stone Monuments of Ireland, pp. 34, 36, 45, 48, 56, 
57, &e. 

Macauisrer &c¢.— Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel. 339 

on which to carry the burnt bones into the chamber. ‘he bone débris was 
all removed and carefully sifted through a fine riddle, and four pierced stone 
pendants and ten beads were found (Plate XXIV, fig. 59). About twelve 
fragments of pottery were also found; these were in a most friable state, 
and showed traces of burning. No attempted reconstruction of any of these 
fragments has been successful, nor is it possible to say to how many or to 
what type of urns they belonged. 

The floor of the central recess was covered to a height of about five 
inches with burnt bone débris, mixed with stones. On the top of these 
in the centre was a pile of flattish stones, two of which were rounded 
intentionally (Plate X XV, figs. 9 and 10); the illustrations are one-sixth the 
actual size of the objects. There was also a piece of white calcite. These 
stones, like those in the left recess, appear to have been used as trays on 
which to carry the burnt bones into the recess. Careful riddling of the bone 
débris disclosed the following :—Three pointed bone implements (one being 
made from the tibia of a Red Deer), and a well-worked and finely pointed 
implement made of hard slate (Plate XXIV, figs. 8, 9, 10, and 11); a sand- 
stone pebble (Plate XXIV, fig. 26),and numerous fragments of much detrited 
pottery. Three complete stone pendants, a broken one decorated with a 
spiral groove, six complete and one broken bead, and four small rounded 
pebbles were also found (Plate XXIV, figs. 29, 30, 24, 36, 37, and 38). 

The right recess of this carn was built up to the level of the sill with 
stones, many of which were a foot long; on the top of these were smaller 
stones, and on them rested fragments of pottery. The layer of burnt bones 
was level with the sill stone. Four large pieces of calcite, about one foot in 
diameter, were removed from this recess; three of them were considerably 
rounded, probably by glacial action. Resting on the stones above the bones 
were fragments of pottery, the largest being about four inches by three inches. 
A partial reconstruction of these pieces has shown them to have belonged to 
an urn of larger size than the ordinary food-vessel type (Plate X XV, tig. 8). 

Carn H.—As has been stated in the first portion of the report, the roof 
of Carn H had fallen in, and the passage and cist were blocked with débris. 
Both passage and cist contained burnt and unburnt bones; the only objects 
discovered with them were a small round stone ball and a sea-shell, Watica 
catena (Plate XXIV; figs. 34 and 21). The latter had been so much worn down 
on the under side as to make a hole, as shown in the illustration. 

Carn K.—The floor of the chamber of this carn was covered with loose 
stones and small fragments of burnt bones. Three stone pendants and astone 
ball were subsequently discovered here (Plate XXIV, figs 20 and 35). Resting 

B.1.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C. [46] 

356 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

on the floor, just at the junction of the central and right recesses, was an urn 
(Plate XXV, fig. 2). Itis of the food-vessel type, and did not contain anything 
but a little bone dust. The figure shows its ornamentation. 

The floor of the left recess was covered with large flat stones ; under these 
was a layer of burnt bones, about one foot in depth. A large number of 
fragments of pottery were found among the bone débris. These, however, 
were so small that it has been impossible to reconstruct the urns in any way, 
or to determine their exact shape or number. 

On the shelf in this recess a number of human bones, and the much- 
broken portion of the upper part of a pin made of bone, were found 
(Plate XXIV, fig. 19). 

There were a large number of stones in the central recess, some of them 
eighteen inches long. On the removal of these it could be seen that at the 
further end of this recess there were three compartments, separated by vertical 
stones about sixteen inches long, and nearly square; these and the larger 
compartment were filled with burnt bones. On these bones being riddled, two 
stone pendants, two small red beads, a small stone ball, and three broken 
bones, with the remains of a fourth, were found (Plate XXIV, figs. 28, 32, 4, 
7, 14, and 15). Numerous fragments of pottery were also discovered ; among 
these were pieces of the ornamented rims of two different urns (Plate X XV, 
figs. 6 and 7). 

The surface of the floor of the right recess was covered with a large 
number of flat stones, under which was a layer of burnt bones. The flat stones 
appear to have been used as trays on which to carry the bones into the recess 
after burning. Careful sifting of the bone débris disclosed a number of very 
small fragments of pottery, two small stone balls, some portions of a bone 
pin, the heads of two bone needles, and a curious object made from the rib of 
some animal (Plate XXIV, figs. 1, 6, 18, 22, 31, and 33). 

When sorting the human remains collected in this carn, Professor 
Alexander Macalister found a portion of the ornamented rim of an urn and 
two small fragments of pottery. The portion of the rim is figured (Plate XXV, 
fig. 5). He also discovered the heads of two bone pins, a pointed implement 
broken and pierced near the point, two other shaped bones, and another 
implement shaped from the leg bone of an ox, Bos longifrons (Plate XXIV, 
fo Ah Bs, By, WPA, ils} enovel lA) 

Carn O.—The entrance to this carn was found on ie south-east side, and 
disclosed a pentagonal cist, covered by one single stone, with a pentagonal 
anti-chamber of small size, covered by two stones. An urn was resting on 
the top of a pile of burnt and unburnt bones, intermixed with flat sandstone 

Macanister, &¢.—Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel. oon 

slabs, about one foot in diameter (Plate XXV, fig. 1). No other pottery or 
fragments or any objects were discovered in this cist. 

Description of the Implements.—No objects of metal were found in any of 
the carns, and the implements recovered, with the exception of the finely 
pointed object made from hard slate, and the sandstone pebble, consisted of 
worked animal bones. The absence of metal may be due to economy, for, 
though the carns as a whole may be dated well into the Bronze Age, metal, 
even in the advanced Bronze Age, may have been too valuable to be placed 
with the dead. 

Dr. R. F. Scharff, Keeper of the Natural History Collections in the National 
Museum, has kindly examined the bone implements, and named those that 
could be identified. 

They are very interesting, and are therefore all illustrated. The figures 
are reproduced to the scale of one-half. One of the larger implements is 
an exceedingly well-made object (Plate XXIV, fig. 11). Itis formed out of 
the tibia of a Red Deer, which has been much reduced. It measures six and 
five-eighths inches in length. Hard bones of this kind make very good imple- 
ments, and this object may have been used for boring skins. Another tool 
has its point broken (Plate XXIV, fig 10). It is made from the fibula of a 
Bear, and Dr. Scharff informs us that it is of much interest, as it is only the 
second specimen of remains of Bear being found with early man in Ireland, the 
other instance known being the finding of a worked Bear’s tooth with human 
remains in Co. Clare.! This bone measures at present five and a quarter inches 
long. A third implement is broken at the point, and also higher up, and 
it is impossible to say what its original length was; it measures at present 
34 inches in length (Plate XXIV, fig. 8). It may also be made from the bone 
of a Bear, but it is not possible to be certain on this point. All these objects 
were found in Carn G. 

Another well-shaped pointed implement was found in Carn K. It measures 
7 inches in length, and greatly resembles the large implement found in 
Carn G. It is considerably flattened at the point, and may have been used for 
smoothing skins. It is made from the leg bone of an ox (os longzfrons) 
(Plate XXIV, fig. 3). 

The bones of Bos longifrons are common in the lake dwellings of Switzer- 
land, which date from Neolithic times, and were abundant in Grime’s Graves 
(England), also of Neolithic date. Bos longifrons appears to have been the ox 

1Trans. R.I.A., vol. xxxiii, Sect. B, pp. 1S und 19. 


338 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

of the Bronze Age in the British Islands, and was probably domesticated in 
Ireland at the period of the interments in the Carrowkeel carns.' 

The curiously shaped pointed implement is made of hard slate; the point 
is very sharp and the object has been carefully scraped or rubbed down to 
its present shape. It may have been used as a borer or for ornamenting 
pottery. (Plate XXIV, fig. 9). 

The sandstone pebble appears to have been used as a hammer-stone. 
It is flattened on one side (Plate XXIV, fig. 26). 

Six pins or pegs, with well-cut heads were found—four in Carn K 
(Plate X XLV, figs. 1, 12, 15, and 19), and two in Carn E (Plate XXIV, figs. 16 
and 23). The largest (Plate XXIV, fig. 1) has been fractured down the centre 
(the lowest piece shown in the figure probably belongs to it, but it cannot be 
fitted on in any way, and certainty on the point is impossible). 

These pins should be compared with the very similar bone pins found 
in excavations in the monuments at Carrowmore, Co. Sligo, figured by 
Wood-Martin,* and also with those found in Carn R 2 of the Loughcrew 
series by Mr. E. Crofton Rotheram.* 

The heads of what were probably three bone needles found in Carn K are 
interesting (Plate XXIV, figs. 17, 18, and 22). They may be compared with 
what is described as the head of a bone pin discovered in the Carrowmore 
cromlechs, and figured by Wood-Martin.! Among the other bones found, a 
curiously rounded rib bone may be noticed (Plate XXIV, fig. 6). It has been 
artificially rounded to such an extent that it is impossible to determine 
to what species it belonged. Its use is conjectural. The pointed end of a 
broken implement, what was probably the head of another from carn K, and 
also three curved bones are figured. These latter may have been used for some 
purpose. ‘The boar’s tusk found in Carn E is interesting as the first remains 
of boar found in this series of carns. It measures 24 inches in length; 
(Plate XXIV, fig. 25). Boar’s tusks are not uncommon accompaniments of 
early interments. Several were found in the carn on Belmore Mountain, 
Co, Fermanagh, excavated by Mr. Thomas Plunkett.2 A boar’s tusk, cut 
across and pierced in order to attach a string which had worn the hole, was 
found in the Edenvale Caves, Co. Clare.’ They have also been found frequently 
in Crannogs in Ireland.” In England, boar’s tusks perforated for suspension 

' See McKenny Hughes, ‘‘ On the more important Breeds of Cattle, &c.’’ Archaeologia, vol. lv, 
pp- 133-135 ; also Wilde, Proc. R.I.A., vol. vii, p. 64. 

* Rude Stone Monuments of Ireland, pp. 21 and 29. 

8 Journal Ruyal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, yol. xxv, p. 313. 

4 Wood-Martin, op. cit., p. 33, fig. 17. 

> Proc. R.I.A., 3rd ser., vol iy, p. 663. 

® Trans. R.1.A., vol. xxxiii, Sect. B, p. 8 and Pl. V, fig. 6. 

* Wood-Martin, Lake Dwellings of Ireland, notes on pp. 168, 199, and 233. 

Macanister, &¢.—Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel. 332 

have been found in interments dating from the Stone Age. They were 
probably worn as amulets. See Prof. W. Ridgeway on this point.! 

Beads and Pendants.—Mr. T. Hallissy, of the Geological Survey of 
Ireland, has kindly examined the beads, pendants, and stone balls found in 
the carns, and illustrated in Plate XXIV to the scale of one-half. He 
states their composition is as follows:—The four pendants and nine of the 
beads found in the left recess of Carn G are made of steatite and serpentine. 
The ornamental broken bead from the central recess of Carn G is made of lime- 
stone; the other beads and pendants from this recess are composed of 
limestone, steatite, and serpentine. The largest pendant from the chamber of 
Carn K is limestone, the second in size is jasper, and the smallest serpentine. 
Two beads found in the central recess of Carn K are jasper, and the two 
pendants steatite. The perfect bead found in Carn F is jasper; and of the two 
broken specimens, one is steatite and the other is serpentine. The rounded 
stone balls found in the different carns are all limestone, with the exception 
of the two oblong specimens found in the central recess of Carn G, which are 
water-worn quartz pebbles. The jasper pendant and beads are well finished, 
and the method of boring such a hard substance as jasper at that time presents 
an interesting problem. They may possibly have been imported. 

These beads and pendants are of much interest; they all belong to the 
same type, and all have been drawn so that the shapes can be well seen. 
Except for the incised line and cutting of the ends of the four pendants found 
in Carn G, left recess (Plate XXIV, fig. 39), the only ornamental example is 
the broken pendant with the small incised groove from Carn G, central 
recess (Plate XXIV, fig. 30). 

The largest pendant was found in the chamber of Carn Kk. It 
is a brownish colour, is highly polished, and has a widely splayed hole 
(Plate XXIV, fig. 20). 

The beads and pendants closely resemble those from the carn on Belmore 
Mountain, illustrated in Mr, Coffey’s paper.2 Comparison should also be 
made with the steatite beads found in the monuments at Carrowmore, and 
figured by Wood-Martin.* Very similar pendants and beads were found 
by Mr. Crofton Rotheram in Carn lt 2 at Loughcrew. Some of these have 
been figured.* Mr. Rotheram kindly sent us a number of unpublished beads 
he found in Carn R 2, and also some he obtained from a small carn on 
Patrickstown Hill, Co. Meath, for comparison with the Carrowkeel beads ; 
the similarity is most striking. 

' Journal Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. xxxviii, p. 253. 

* Proc. R.I.A., 3rd ser., vol. iv, p. 665. 

° Rude Stone Monuments of Ireland, p. 28. 

4 Journal Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, vol. xxv, p. 315. 

340 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

The small round stone balls which were found in several of the carns are 
curious, and their use cannot be determined. The pieces of calcite that were 
found are also interesting ; the custom of placing white stones in interments 
seems to have been common in prehistoric times, and has been frequently noted.! 
It is possible that the stones were believed to have some magical significance. 

Pottery.—The complete urns and the portions of vessels illustrated are all 
reproduced to the scale of one-third. It is most unfortunate that the pottery 
Was in so many cases discovered in such small fragments, and so much 
detrited. Many attempts at restoration have been made; but the fragments 
were so small and so much was missing that, except in one case, nothing of 
importance has been effected. However, two pieces of rim belonging to 
different urns were found among the débris from the central recess, Carn K ; 
careful measurement, and following the recovered portion with a pair of 
compasses, have enabled the outline of the rims to be approximately drawn to 
scale and shown in the illustrations (Plate XXV, figs.6 and 7). A third piece 
of rim was found by Professor Alexander Macalister when sorting out the bones 
from Carn K (Plate XXV, fig. 5). 

In Carn G, right recess, the fragments found were slightly larger, and 
could he fitted together. The fitting together of these pieces has shown them 
to belong to a vessel of larger type than the ordinary food-vessel. Careful 
measurement has enabled the outline of the vessel to be drawn approximately 
(Plate XXYV, fig. 8). It is most unfortunate that no portion of the rim was 
discovered, so that it is impossible to determine the height of the vessel or the 
exact type to which it belongs. All that can be stated with certainty is that it 
is larger than the ordinary food-vessels, and that it resembles the type known 
as Cinerary urns more than these. The clay in the thickest portion recovered 
measures about three-quarters of an inch, and the pieces show considerable 
traces of blackening by fire. The decoration is of a simple character, and 
consists of punch marks, made with a pointed stick or bone. The portion 
of the rim found by Professor Alexander Macalister also appears to have 
belonged to a large urn. Measurements, and following the line of the 
rim with a pair of compasses, have enabled the outline to be approximately 
drawn to scale; and reference to the figure will show the probable size of the 
rim when complete. The fragment measures half an inch in thickness 
(Plate XXYV, fig. 5). 

In Ireland the pottery of Neolithic times appears to have consisted of 
smallish vessels with a round base. There is a specimen of this type 
preserved in the Royal Irish Academy’s collection in the National Museum. 

1 Wood-Martin, Rude Stone Monuments of Ireland, p. 34. Evans, The Ancient Stone Imple- 
ments, Weapons, and Ornaments of Great Britain, 1872, pp. 419-422. 

Macauister, &c.—Bronze- Age Carns on Carrowkeel. 541 

It was discovered in “ a subterraneous cavern ” near the town of Antrim, and a 
number of flint arrow-heads and a stone celt are stated to have been found 
with it.1 The highly ornamented food-vessel of the Bronze Age was developed 
from this type. The larger so-called cinerary urns belong to the later stages 
of the Bronze Age. 

The pottery remains from the carns are, as a whole, in such a fragmentary 
state that definite conclusions as to the number or type of urns cannot be 
safely drawn. The pieces found in Carn G, and the portion of rim recovered 
from Carn K, belong to vessels larger than the ordinary food-vessel type. 

The perfect specimen from Carn K is finely decorated ; it is comparatively 
large, and its mouldings are numerous and well-pronounced ; it tapers to a 
small base, and belongs to the food-vessel ty pe (Plate XXV, fig. 2). 

The perfect urn from Carn O belongs to a type of food-vessel which appears 
to have lasted over a long period of the Bronze Age (Plate X XV, figs. 1 and 3). 
The sort of cruciform ornament on the base may be compared with that upon the 
base of the urn found in the carn on Belmore Mountain, Co. Fermanagh.? This 
carn, it may be noted, contained both burnt and unburnt burials, and the beads 
and pendants found resembled closely those discovered in the Carrowkeel series. 

No Neolithic types of pottery appear to be present, and the carns so far 
examined may all be placed in the Bronze Age. The perfect urns are finely 
ornamented and well-shaped specimens, and hardly seem to belong to the 
earliest portion of the Bronze Age, while the presence of the remains of larger 
vessels points to a somewhat later period. The carns were, no doubt, used 
over a long period, and, considering the large number of persons buried, it 
cannot be doubted that many of the burials and objects placed with them 
must differ in date. As, however, the objects, with the exception of the two 
unbroken urns, were nearly all found among the burnt bones, it is impossible 
to do more than indicate this difficulty, which is another reason for exercising 
caution in attempting to date the carns. The carns themselves, and many of 
the objects they contained, present close analogies to the Loughcrew series ; 
and it may be noted that this group of carns further resembles those at 
Loughcrew, in two of their number being cenotaphs. As far, therefore, as 
can be judged from the pottery, and making all reservations on account of the 
difficulty of forming conclusions as to the exact type of urns to which many 
of the fragments belonged, the contents of the carns must be placed in the 
Bronze Age. 

1 Catalogue R.I.A. Coll., vol. i, p. 184. 

* For an excellent discussion of the development of the food-vessel see Mr. R. A, Smith’s Paper 
on the Development of Neolithic Pottery, Archaeologia, vol. Ixii, p. 340. 

° Proc. R.I.A., 3rd ser., vol. iv, p. 664. 

342 Proceedings of the Royal Trish Academy. 

By Proressor A. MAcALisTeR, Cambridge. 

The determination of the characters of the human remains was a 
matter of very great difficulty. The greater number had been thoroughly 
burnt and broken, and most of the fragments were, in consequence, quite 
unrecognizable. By a careful process of sorting of the fragments and 
counting the bones that were best preserved, it was possible to arrive at an 
estimate of the minimum number of individuals represented. In this 
manner I ascertained that there were bones representing thirty-one 
skeletons. These, however, constituted only a very small portion, and 
included only the least perfectly burnt. I think it is a safe conjecture to 
estimate the number as at least double that limit. 

Tn my first examination I kept the remains from each carn and from each 
compartment separate, but after carefully reviewing them I found that they 
were so much alike I consider it unnecessary to describe the several fragments 
from each place. 

In the determinable fragments males preponderated, but there were 
certainly twelve recognizable females, and probably more. In all carns I 
found fragments of infantile and foetal bones, but these were few. 

There were no men of conspicuously tall stature. The measurements of 
such long bones as were sufficiently complete to give trustworthy results 
indicated one man of 5 feet 9 inches, but most of the others ranged from 
5 feet 8 inches to 5 feet 5 inches, and the female bones from 5 feet 5 inches (?) 
to 5 feet. Ten femora and tibiae were sufficiently complete to give 
definite measurements, and as many more, whose ends were damaged, gave 
approximate results. The average stature deduced from these was for the 
males 5 feet 64 inches, and for the females about 5 feet 1 inch. 

The femora were not unusually stout, and only one showed a slight 
amount of platymeria. Some, indeed, were proportionally slender. The 
tibiae were fairly strong, and about one-fourth showed a tendency to 
platyenemia; the others were distinctly eurycnemic. On three tibiae there 
were anterior marginal facets at the lower end, and on four astragali 
there were the companion facets, and a forward prolongation of the 
internal malleolar facet. These conditions have been correlated with a 
habitual use of the squatting posture common among Orientals. The fibulae 
were ridged and channelled with unusual sharpness. A few bones, especially 
some vertebrae, showed signs of rheumatoid disease at the joints. One fibula 
was very mnuch curved. The humeri were in general much broken, but the 
fragments seem to indicate bones of considerable stoutuess. 

Macauister, &c.—Bronze-Age Curns on Carrowkeel. 345 

From the number of bones which were not completely ossified at the 
extremities, it is evident that many of the people buried in the carns were 
under twenty-five years of age. None showed signs of senility. 

The crania were megacephalic, but only five could be satisfactorily 
measured, and even these were incomplete; the capacity of the largest was 
about 1520 cem. In point of shape they were pentagonoid, ovoid, and with 
cephalic index hovering on the limit between dolicho- and mesaticephaly, 
ranging from 73 to 76. From the general appearance of the curvatures of the 

“unmeasurable fragments they seemed to have been of the same pattern. One 
was platybasic, as if rickety. ‘The orbits were all megaseme and the nasal 
skeleton leptoprosopic. The muscular crests were fairly well marked, the 
teeth large and showing considerable wear, but only one or two showed signs 
of disease. The jaws were orthognathous, and the countenance long with 
moderately prominent cheek-bones. The chin was in some long and 
prominent, in others receding, and the angles of the jaws of two were 
prominently curved. Altogether the characters are practically those which 
are commonest among the people of the west of Ireland at the present day. 

Attention has been directed of late by Keith to the shapes and sizes of 
teeth, as a criterion of date, those of Palaeolithic crania being supposed to be 
thicker-necked than those of later time. In these skulls the measurements 
were singularly uniform, the two lower molars having a proximo-distal crown 
measurement of 11, a labio-lingual of 11, and a crown height of 6. The neck 
was proximo-distally 9:5, labio-lingually 9, and the height 20. The other 
teeth were of a similar proportional size, showing that they correspond to 
the measurements of the teeth of the later crania and differ from those of the 
Mousterian ave. 


We may fairly claim that the investigation of the group of monuments 
described in the foregoing pages has given us a remarkably full picture of 
the life and customs of the Bronze Age in Ireland. It is true that no object 
of metal or stone witnessing to the high technical skill to which the people 
of this period are known to have attained came to light. It is also true that 
none of the carns showed any marks of the artistic influences which radiated 
from the civilization of the eastern Mediterranean, and which are so strikingly 
evidenced by the incised decoration of the analogous monuments in Meath. 

In the remains of the settlements we find at least a hint of the nature of 
the dwellings of the Bronze-age people; and of the considerations that led 
them to a choice of site. In the imposing series of carns on the mountain- 
top and their contents, we find mirrored the physical character, social 

R.I.A. PROC., VOL. XXIX., SECT. C. [47] 

344 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

organization, and architectural skill of their builders: and, thanks to the 
happy circumstance that most of them were completely unrifled, we have 
gained a fuller insight into the burial ritual of the Bronze Age in Ireland 
than ever before. Mven though the people did not indulge in incised 
ornament, the constructive skill displayed (notably in Carns F and G) shows 
that the ancient dwellers in county Sligo were on the same cultural level as 
their brethren in Meath; and the fact that their monuments remained 
undisturbed has enabled us, by their investigation, to fill im /acwnae in our 
knowledge which were inevitable, owing to the plundered state of the typical 
monuments of Loughcrew and the Boyne. 

When the Bronze Age settlement established itself on Carrowkeel 
Mountain, the physical aspect of the surrounding country was very different 
from what we see to-day. Much of the lower ground was covered by dense 
forests, in which ranged the Red Deer, the Wild Boar, and the Bear (as the 
bone deposits in the carns have shown), and no doubt such other species as are 
known to zoologists to have inhabited Ireland at that time. Very likely the 
stone walls round the dwellings served the important purpose of keeping out 
Wolves. Interspersed among the forests were extensive areas of swamp. The 
hill itself is extensive and isolated, It commands wide views in every direction, 
so that timely warning could be given of the approach of marauders. The spur 
on which the village is built could be converted into a fortress with but little 
trouble ; by building walls at the tops of the fissures and “chimneys ” that 
here and there break the continuity of its almost perpendicular walls of cliff 
it could be made almost impregnable. Thus defined, the spur strongly 
resembles the site of many of the promontory forts with which the labours 
of Mr. Westropp have made us familiar. The tribe evidently belonged to 
the primitive dolichocephalic Neolithic stock which was spread over western 
and southern Europe, and now forms a leading element in the modern popu- 
lation of Ireland. 

There is evidence in the two ox-bones in Carn F that this animal was 
domesticated. The fish of the lake and the game of the forest offered an 
abundant store of food to the inhabitants. There was no evidence as to 
whether they did or did not practise the arts of agriculture. The weak point 
of the village site is the scantiness of the water-supply. The springs of the 
hill are few and feeble; and there seems to be none within the immediate 
neighbourhood of the site. 

The village consisted of some fifty circular hut-sites, more or less protected 
by the clifi-walls of the spur on which it stands. It may be as well to 
anticipate here an objection. We assume that this extensive colony is con- 
nected with the carns which surround it on three sides. ‘The truth of this 

Macauisrer, &c.—Bronze-Age Carns on Oarrowkeel. 345 

assumption cannot be demonstrated. On the bare, wind-swept, rain-washed 
rock surfaces, so far as we could see, not so much asa splinter of bone remains 
to tell of its former occupants or their mode of life. On the other hand, the 
assumption seems capable of justification by a process of exclusion. The 
buildings are not comparable with the Iron Age and Early Christian settle- 
ments of Fahan and elsewhere ; nor are they of the same nature as the early 
medieval steadings whose remains are known as ring-forts. ‘hough all 
these types of buildings are round, analogy ends there. The Carrowkeel 
community was distinguished from the others by its position in a strongly 
fortified situation, remote from any place where agriculture is possible ; and 
by its organisation, in that it is close and compact, not spread widely in single 
huts over a large area of land. It is difficult to see to what period other than 
the Bronze Age this very primitive settlement can be assigned. 

When we turn to the carns, our attention is immediately arrested by the 
variety which they display, both in design and in execution. Two of them, 
A and P, are completely blind, being apparently cenotaphs like Carn D at 
Lougherew. Others, like H or O, have in their heart small cists, with or 
without passages leading to them. Others have elaborate and well-built 
chambers, comparable in excellence of structure with that in Brugh na Boinne, 
though of course on a less grandiose scale. The plan of the carns is more or 
less round in all, but E is a marked exception to this rule. Again, the rude 
architecture of some, such as H and O, contrasts strikingly with the construc- 
tive and artistic skill displayed by others, such as F and G. Had the 
monuments been found rifled, we would have felt inevitably drawn to the 
conclusion that they represented widely different culture-strata; and indeed 
we long laboured under the impression that Carn F was Neolithic. But the 
absolute uniformity of the deposits shows clearly that all the carns were in 
use at one and the same period: the contents even of E were in all respects 
similar to those in its neighbours. 

It has been pointed out in the foregomg pages that in the days of the 
carn-builders the hill was not covered with peat to the same extent as at 
present. Sub-aerial denudation, extending over a long period of time, must 
have resulted in the presence of a large number of blocks of limestone, lying 
loose on the surface. These were available for the builders. But in those 
carns which show a superiority of construction, it is evident that no mere 
haphazard choice of material was made. The symmetry of corresponding 
blocks, the absolute identity of appearance in groups of blocks—notably in 
the slabs facing the chambers in F, proving that they came from the same 
bed—show clearly that the architect who superintended the construction 
selected his materials carefully, if, indeed, he did not cause them to be specially 

346 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 

quarried. The use of sandstone in places where a heavy weight had to be 
sustained is also an indication of architectural forethought and design. 

That no metal objects were found may be accounted for on the ground 
of economy, bronze being too valuable to waste on tomb-deposits. The 
implements found with greatest frequency were pointed tools of bone or stone, 
sometimes perforated at the butt, and pegs or pins of bone with expanding 
heads. Similar objects are characteristic of the contemporaneous interments 
at Loughcrew. Possibly these pins had been used to fasten the bag of cloth 
into which the ashes from the funeral pyre were collected. 

With regard to the religious ideas of the people, the first point to indicate 
is the great importance attached by them to sepulture. This is evidenced 
first by the extraordinary pains taken in the construction of the monuments; 
and, secondly, by the commanding sites chosen for them. The latter point is 
capable of two explanations, between which it is impossible to choose. It was 
intended either that the deceased tribesmen should overlook as wide an area 
of the clan territory as possible, or that the monuments themselves should be 
a centre upon which eyes could be turned from the remotest limits of the 
lands of the tribe. 

The well-established fact that cremation and inhumation co-existed in the 
Bronze Age once more receives an illustration. For, while certain isolated 
unburnt bones might have escaped the fire accidentally, this cannot be said of 
the nearly complete skeletons found in the narrow passage of H, and in the 
cist of O. Burning evidently took place outside the carn, and the ashes were 
then placed either in an urn or (more frequently) on a flat stone—-in the .atter 
case possibly wrapped in a cloth—and then laid inside the chamber: asa rule, 
in the side cellae. 

Once again we find evidence of the well-known, though inexplicable, 
custom of burying white stones with the deceased. Not only inside the carns 
but even inside the piles of stones covering the chamber were found numerous 
lumps of calcite, much rolled, which there is every reason to believe had been 
brought from a considerable distance. One remarkable collection of about a 
dozen of these stones lay just outside the doorway of K. Pebbles of white 
quartz, also foreign to the district, were likewise found. One of the rounded 
stones found in F was bored by the mollusk Saxzicava rugosa. This and the 
shell of Natica catena from Carn H show that the people of the community 
penetrated as far as the sea-shore in their search for objects of religious or 
aesthetic value. 

There seems every reason to assign a ritual purpose to the two ox vertebrae 
deposited in specific places in Carn F, especially when we bear in mind the 
sanctity attached to the ox in early religious, and when we consider that in the 

Macauisrer, &c.—Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel. 347 

same chamber was a remarkable menhir, beside which, evidently of set 
purpose, were deposited eight carefully selected water-worn stones. 

This menhir is the central point of interest in the whole series of structures. 
That it is constructional is absolutely out of the question. Its central position 
in the sanctum sanectorum of the most imposing of all the carns indicates that 
it, had a peculiar importance. That it is a religious symbol is scarcely question- 
able; and here we have, therefore, some light on the general question of the 
age and use of the standing-stones that are so conspicuous among the pre- 
historic monuments of Ireland. 

The growth of peat over the whole surface of the hill has greatly changed 
the appearance of the land since the carns were erected; the determination of 
the period of this growth is a not unimportant collateral result of the excava- 
tion. We have no means of knowing when this settlement came to an end, or 
what was its ultimate fate. But Irish archaeologists are to be congratulated 
on the fact that, save for some structural failures, and the minor depredations 
of boys, the chief monuments of the series have kept their main secrets intact 
during the centuries that have elapsed since the last interment was made 
within them, 

R.I.A. PROO., VOL. XXIX., SEOT. C. [48] 


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Proc. R.I.Acap , VoL. XXIX., Sect. C Prate XIII. 

Fig. 2—Detail of structure, Carn F. 

A : ; : (N.W. Corner, Outer Chamber), 
Fig. 1.—Carn F, before opening, showing 

the collapsed chamber and doorway 

Fig. 3 —Detail of structure, Carn F 
(S.E. Corner, Inner Chamber). 

Fig. 4 —Inner Chamber, Carn F 

(Shewing standing stone) 



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Proc, R.I.Acab., VoL. XXIX., SEcr. C. 

Scale for Carrs 


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Proc. R.I.ACAD., VOL. XXIX., Sect. C. Prare XVIII. 

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‘DO 10aS “XIX X “OA Cavoy ry ‘00% 

Proc. R.I.AcaD., Vor. XXIX., Secr. C. PLATE XXIV. 

Implements, beads, pendants, etc. (3). 


Proc. R.I.AcapD., VoL. XXIX., SECT. C. PLATE XXV. 


qadagnaes t\ 


OPOtea cay 
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Umns and portions of urns (2), Stone trays from Carn G (3). 




Kite Re WORK. 
March, 1911 - Swe ve vet ab 

Traneaty OF ! el eS, 


VoLuME XXIX, Section A, No. 1 




2 LO DIG ES EGG lS sac GOe Emp: 


Price Sixpence 





In the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 

Votume I. (1886-1840) is Votume I. 1stSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 
pL CEO) — yy WL 7 
Pe ei TiTey(1845= 1847) eee eee 5 
5 IY. (1847-1850) ,, 5p Ula 50 ” 
+6 V. (1850-1853) ,, 5 Ve 3 
* VI. (1858-1857) ,, WAG . j 
py, BOSE) oy 1) 5) WN * 
1, VIII. (1861-1864) ,, op WINE 5 "3 
; IX. (1864-1866) ,, op IDX 36 a9 
9 X. (1866-1869) ,, BOS 5p 6 
a XI. (1870-1874) ,, a I. 2nd Ser. Science. 
», XII. (1875-1877) ,, x. Lele % %9 
oy IDI, = (ISB) gg op Jt, ¥ % 
Fo SMS CRYENT ah 5, Tey Ri 
Rs XY. (1870-1879) ,, 9 It, 3 Pol. Lit. & Antiqgq. 
1 XVI. (1879-1888) ,, op lt, 0 9p 
» XVII. (1888-1891) ,, ” I. 8rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqg. 
, XVIII. (1891-1898) ,, UE. 90 % 
Ft, peXeLXen (1898 =11696)| sa ee LTT is 
-»  X&X. (1896-1898) ,, » Ye 49 ” 

» XXI. (1898-1900) ,, Ve 
» XXII. (1900-1902) ,, x Wile 5) 
5 2OSN0I, (UBD) 99 WO % 
», XXIV. (1902-1904) :— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical,and Physical Science. 
» JB. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
», C. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
5  X&XY. (1904-5) 
», XXYVI. (1906-7) 
.»» XXVIT. (1908-9) In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 
, XXVIII. (1909-10) 
>, X&XIX. (Current Volume) 




[Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
archeological—may be obtained on application. | 

ALEXANDER (T.) and A. W. THOMSON: Two-nosed Catenaries, and 
their application to Segmental Arches. 1888. pp. 56. 1 plate. 
4to. 3s. 

ALEXANDER (T.) and A. W. THOMSON: Elliptographs, and a 
Mechanical Rocker for Detecting Oscillations. 1897. pp. 40. 4to. 
2s. 6d. 

BALL (SiR R. S.): Dynamics of a Rigid System moving in Elliptic 
Space. 1881. pp. 26. qto. Is. 

BALL (Str R. S.): Fxtension of the Theory of Screws to the Dynamics 
of any Material System. 1881. pp. 38. 4to. ts. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Plane Sections of the Cylindroid. 1887. pp. 31. 
2plates. 4to. 3s. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Dynamics and Modern Geometry—A New Chapter 
in the Theory of Screws. 1887. pp. 44. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Eighth Memoir on the Theory of Screws, showing 
how Plane Geometry illustrates General Problems in the Dynamics 
of a Rigid Body with Three Degrees of Freedom. 1889. pp. 58. 
I plate. q4to. 1s. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R.S.): Theory of the Content. 1889. pp. 60. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

BALL (SIE R.S.): Theory of Permanent Screws. 1891. pp. 40. 4to. 
Is. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Theory of Pitch Invariants and Theory of Chiastic 
Homography. 1894. pp. 28. qto. ts. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Further Developments of the Relations between 
Impulsive Screws and Instantaneous Screws. 1897. pp. 46. 4to. 

BALL (SrR R. S.): Twelfth and Concluding Memoir on the Theory of 
Screws. 1898. pp.52. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (Str R. S.): Further Developments of the Geometrical Theory of 
Six Screws. 1901. pp. 68. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (SIR R.S.): Reflection of Screw Systems and allied questions. 
1903. pp. 54. 4to. 1s. gd. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Some Extensions of the Theory of Screws, 904. 
pp: 67. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Contributions to the Theory of Screws. IgI0. 
pp- 54. 8vo. 2s. 

‘CASEY (J.): Cubic Transformations. 1880. pp. 140. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

Coney (M. J.): Some Theorems on the Twisted Cubic. 1909. pp. 13- 
vo. 6d. 

Conway (A. W.): A Theorem on Moving Distributions of Electricity. 
1907. pp. 8. 8vo. ; 

Coney (A. W.): The Dynamics of a Rigid Electron. 1908. pp. 13. 
vo. 6d. 

CONWAY, (A. W.): On the Motion of an Electrified Sphere. 1910. 
pp- 15. 8vo. 6d. 

Conway (A. W.): On the Application of Quaternions to some recent 
Developments of Electrical Theory. 1911. pp.9. 8vo. 6d. 
CULVERWELL (E. P.): Maximum and Minimum Solutions in the 
Calculus of Variations when certain Fluxions of the Variables have 

finite and arbitrary Variations. 1899. pp. 15. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

COTTER (J. R.): A New Method of Solving Legendre’s and Bessel’s 
Equations, and others of a similar type. 1907. pp.5. 8vo. Is. 

DAWSON (H. G.): On the Properties of a System of Ternary Quadrics 
which yield Operators which annihilate a Ternary Cubic. 1907. 

p- 12. 8vo. Is 

FRASER (J.): Reduction of a Quartic Surface possessing a Nodal 

Conic to a Canonical Form. 1904. pp. 14. 8vo. 6d. 


ay (M. W. J.): The Centre of Gravity and the Principal Axes of any 
Surface of equal pressure in a Heterogeneous Liquid covering a 
Heterogeneous Solid composed of nearly Spherical Shells of equal 
density, when the whole Mass is rotating with a small Angular 
Neloclye Relative Equilibrium under its own Attraction. 1907. 

- 6. 8vo. is. 
eats (Rt. Rev. Dr.): Focal Circles of Spherical Conics. 1889- 

pp-19- 4to. is. 
Jory c J-): Theory of Linear Vector Functions. 1895. pp. 51. 4to~ 

ts. 6d. 

Jory (C. J.): Vector Expressions for Curves. 1896. pp. 25. S8vo. 2s. 
Jory (C. J-): Scalar Invariants of two Linear Vector Functions. 1896- 
.20. 4t0. Is 

fone (C. "DE Associative Algebra applicable to Hyperspace. 1898- 
pp- 51. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

Jory (C. J.): Quaternion Arrays. 1902. pp. 14. 4to. Is. 

Jory (C. J.): Interpretation of a Quaternion as a Point Symbol. 1902- 
pp. 16. 4to. Is. 

Jory (C. J.): sees of Screws by Weighted Points. 1902. 

- 32. gto. Is. 6d. 

fone J-): Geometry of a Three-System of Screws. 1903. pp. 32- 

to. is. 

Jory (C. J.): The Quadratic Screw-System. 1903. pp. 84. 4to. 2s. od. 

MACFARLANE (A.): a ag in the Quaternion Analysis. 1901- 
17. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): The Stability or Instability of the Steady Motions 
of a Perfect Liquid and of a Viscous Liquid. Part I.: A Perfect 
Liquid. 1907. pp-60. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): The Stability or Instability of the Steady Motions 
of a Perfect Liquid and of a Viscous Liquid. Part II.: A Viscous 
Liquid. 1907. pp.70. 8vo. 2s. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): Extensions of Fouriers and the Bessel-Fourier 
Theorems. 1900. pp-44. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

PRESTON (T.): Motion of a Particle, and the Equilibrium of Flexible 
Strings on a Spherical Surface. 1889. pp. 24. 4to. Is. 

PURSER (F.): Application of Bessel’s Functions to the Elastic Equili- 
ae of a Homogeneous Isotropic Cylinder. 1902. pp. 31. 4to. 
Is. 6d. 

PURSER (F.): On Ether Stress, Gravitational and Electrostatical. 
1909. pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

ROBERTS (R. A.): Properties of certain Plane Curves. 1886. pp. 15. 

to. Is. : 

ROBERTS (W. R. W.): Periods of the First Class of Hyper-elliptic 
Integrals. 1881. pp.16. 4to. Is. 

ROBERTS (W, R. W.): The Symbolical Expression of Eliminants. 
1910. pp. 7- 8vo. 6d. 

RoGERS (R. A. P.): The Logical Basis of Mathematics. 1908. 

- 12. 8vo. 6d. 

TARLETON (F. A.): Deductions from M‘Cullagh’s Lectures on Rotation. 
1882. pp.i2. 4to. Is. 

TARLETON (F. A.): Mathematical Investigation of the Free Period of 
the Rocker. (In Alexander and Thomson on Elliptographs.) 1892 
pp- 40. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

TARLETON (F. A.): The Relation of Mathematics to Physical Science. 
1907- pp.7- 8vo. 6d. 

WILLIAMSON (B.): Curvilinear Coordinates. 1891. pp.38. 4to. 1s. 6d. 

Sold by 
HonpGEs, Ficcis, & Co., LTD., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; and 
WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

6 5 ote ET i 
peaneiey OF FE 

May, 191t 




VotumME X XIX, Section A, No. 2 





FORD) Go S ee Ee GIGstS scan ClO ele yp: 


Price Sixpence 





/n the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 


Votume I. (1836-1840) is Vorume I. 1stSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 
+3 II. (1840-1844) ,, «9 
» III. (1845-1847) ,, reli 

see pLVs (184721650) — ee eee eV ae “6 
‘ V-(1Sh0=1653)i 8 steve 2 nee “7 
VCO ICT, a WS, 5 

3 VII. (1857-1861) ,, 
,, VIII. (1861-1864) ,, a WUBI PA 
Fy IX. (1864-1866) ,, 
55 X. (1866-1869) ,, ip bee a; 
op XI. (1870-1874) ,, “A I. 2nd Ser. Science. 
», XII. (1875-1877) ,, = lil: i 
LT 11883) of op, - JUTE f 
XIV. (1884-1888) ,, 
ey XY. (1870-1879) ,, a3 Ih 
» XVI. (1879-1888 



50 Pol. Lit. & Autiqq. 
ike Pet el 53 96 
» XVII. (1888-1891) ,, 3 I. 8rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq 
5, XVIII. (1891-1893) ,, 
» XIX. (1893-1896) ,, ay JUUL 5 
iF XX. (1896-1898) ,, oe NG 3 
» XXI. (1898-1900) ,, i Vie 
» XXII. (1900-1902) ,, SEs i; 
» XXIII. (L9OL) Fs 5) Wille 
,, XXIV. (1902-1904) :— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical, and Physical Science. 
» 3B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
», ©. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
XXV. (1904-5) 
» XXVI. (1906-7) 
» XXVITI. (1908-9) 
,, XXVIII. (1909-10) 
», XXIX. (Current Volume) 

| In three Sections like Yol. XXIV. 



(Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
archzological—may be obtained on application. | 

-~ALEXANDER (T.) and A. W. THomson: Two-nosed Catenaries, and 
their application to Segmental Arches. 1888. pp. 56. 1 plate. 
4to. 3s. 

-ALEXANDER (T.) and A. W. THomson: Elliptographs, and a 
paecuanical Rocker for Detecting Oscillations. 1897. pp. 40. 4to. 
2s. 6d. 

-BaLt (Sir R. S.): Dynamics of a Rigid System moving in Elliptic 
Space. 1881. pp. 26. 4to. ts. } 

“BALL (SIR R, S.): Extension of the Theory of Screws to the Dynamics 
of any Material System. 1881. pp. 38. qto. ts. 6d. 

‘BALL (SiR R. S.): Plane Sections of the Cylindroid. 1887. pp. 31. 
2 plates. 4to. 3s. 

"BALL (SIR R. S.): Dynamics and Modern Geometry—A New Chapter 
in the Theory of Screws. 1887. pp. 44. qto. 2s. : 

"BALL (SIR R. S.): Eighth Memoir on the Theory of Screws, showing 
how Plane Geometry illustrates General Problems in the Dynamics 
of a Rigid Body with Three Degrees of Freedom. 1889. pp. 58. 
I plate. q4to. rs. 6d. 

‘BALL (SIR R.S.): Theory of the Content. 1889. pp. 60. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Theory of Permanent Screws. 1891. pp. 40. 4to. 
Is. 6d. 

‘BALL (SrR R. S.): Theory of Pitch [Invariants and Theory of Chiastic 
Homogtaphy. 1894. pp. 28. 4to. 1s. 6d. ; 

"BALL (SIR R. S.): Further Developments of the Relations between 
Impulsive Screws and Instantaneous Screws. 1897. pp. 46. 4to. 

‘BALL (SiR R. S.): Twelfth and Concluding Memoir on the Theory of 
Screws. 1898. pp.52. ato. 2s. I ; 

‘BALL (SiR R. S.): Further Developments of the Geometrical Theory of 
Six Screws. 1901. pp. 68. 4to. 2s. ; . 
‘BALL (SiR R.S.): Reflection of Screw Systems and allied questions. 

i 1903. pp. 54. gto. 1s. 9d. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Some Extensions of the Theory of Screws. 1904. 
pp: 67. ato. 2s. 

BALL (SiR R. S.): Contributions to the Theory of Screws. 1910. 
PP: 54. 8vo. as. 

“CASEY (J.): Cubic Transformations. 1880. pp- 140. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

COAREN (M. J.): Some Theorems on the Twisted Cubic. 1909. pp. 13. 
vo. 6d. oe 

‘Conway (A. W.): A Theorem on Moving Distributions of Electricity. 
1907. pp. 8. 8vo. 6d. aby 

Conway (A. W.): The Dynamics of a Rigid Electron. 1908. pp. 13. 
8vo. 6d. 

~Conway, (A. W.): On the Motion of an Electrified Sphere. 1910. 
Pp. 15. 8vo. 6d. : 
“Conway (A. W.): On the Application of Quaternions to some recent 
Developments of Electrical Theory. IgiI. pp.9. 8vo. 6d. 
CULVERWELL (E. P.): Maximum and Minimum Solutions in the 
Calculus of Variations when certain Fluxions of the Variables have 
finite and arbitrary Variations. 1899. pp. 15. 8vo. 3s. 6d. ; 

“COTTER (J. R.): A New Method of Solving Legendre’s and Bessel’s 
Equations, and others of a similar type. 1907. pp.5. 8vo. Is. 

Dawson (H. G.): On the Properties of a System of Ternary Quadrics 
which yield Operators which annihilate a Ternary Cubic. 1907. 
pp. 12. 8vo. Is s S 

FRASER (J.): Reduction of a Quartic Surface possessing a Nodal 
Conic to a Canonical Form. 1904. pp. 14. 8vo. 6d. 


Fry (M. W. J.): The Centre of Gravity and the Principal Axes of any 
Surface of equal pressure in a Heterogeneous Liquid covering a. 
Heterogeneous Solid composed of nearly Spherical Shells of equal 
density, when the whole Mass is rotating with a small Angular 
Velocity in Relative Equilibrium under its own Attraction. 1907. 
pp- 6. 8vo. Is. 

GRAVES (RT. REv. DR.): Focal Circles of Spherical Conics. 1889. 
pp- 19. 4to. Is. 

Jory (C. J.): Theory of Linear Vector Functions. 1895. pp. 51. 4to- 
1s. 6d. 

Jory (C. J.): Vector Expressions for Curves. 1896. pp. 25. 8vo. 2s. 

Joxy (C. J.): Scalar Invariants of two Linear Vector Functions. 1896. 
pp. 20. 4to. Is. 

Jory (C. J.): Associative Algebra applicable to Hyperspace. 1898. 
pp: 51. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

Jory (C. J.): Quaternion Arrays. 1902. pp. 14. 4to. Is. 

Jory (C. J): Interpretation of a Quaternion as a Point Symbol. t1go2. 
pp. 16. 4to. Is. 

Jory (C. J.): Representation of Screws by Weighted Points. 1902. 
pp. 32. 4to. 1s. 6d. 

Joty (C. J.): Geometry of a Three-System of Screws. 1903. pp. 32- 
4to. Is. 

Joy (C. J.): The Quadratic Screw-System. 1903. pp. 84. 4to. 2s. gd. 

MACFARLANE (A.): Differentiation in the Quaternion Analysis. 1gor- 
pp 17. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): The Stability or Instability of the Steady Motions 
of a Perfect Liquid and of a Viscous Liquid. Part I.: A Perfect 
Liquid. 1907. pp.60. 8vo. ts. 6d. : 

ORR (W. M‘F.): The Stability or Instability of the Steady Motions 
of a Perfect Liquid and of a Viscous Liquid. Part II.: A Viscous 
Liquid. 1907. pp.70. 8vo. as. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): Extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier 
Theorems. 1909. pp. 44. 8vo. Is. 6d. 

ORR (W. M‘F): Extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier 
Theorems. Second Paper. 1911. pp. 23. 8vo. 6d. 

PRESTON (T.): Motion of a Particle, and the Equilibrium of Flexible 
Strings on a Spherical Surface. 1889. pp. 24. 4to. Is. 

PURSER (F.): Application of Bessel’s Functions to the Elastic Equili- 
peu of a Homogeneous Isotropic Cylinder. 1902. pp. 31. 4to. 
Is. 6d. 

PURSER (F.): On Ether Stress, Gravitational and Electrostatical. 
1909. pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

ROBERTS (R. A.): Properties of certain Plane Curves. 1886. pp. 15. 
4to. Is. 

ROBERTS (W. R. W.): Periods of the First Class of Hyper-elliptic 
Integrals. 1881. pp.16. 4to. Is. 

ROBERTS (W, R. W.): The Symbolical Expression of Eliminants. 
1910. pp. 7. 8vo. 6d. ‘ 

ROGERS (R. A. P.): The Logical Basis of Mathematics. 1908. 
pp- 12. 8vo. 6d. ; 
TARLETON (F. A.): Deductions from M‘Cullagh’s Lectures on Rotation. 

1882. pp.12. 4to. Is. 

TARLETON (F. A.): Mathematical Investigation of the Free Period of 
the Rocker. (In Alexander and Thomson on Elliptographs.) 1892 
Pp- 40. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

TARLETON (F. A.): The Relation of Mathematics to Physical Science. 
1907. pp.7. 8vo. 6d. 

WILLIAMSON (B.): Curvilinear Coordinates. 1891. pp. 38. 4to. 1s. 6d. 

Sold by 
HOoDGEs, Figeis, & Co., Ltp., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; azd 
WILLIAMS & NoRGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 


Fume, 1gI1r 3 




VoLuME XXIX, Section A, No. 3 

VIC EON E bak aE GN 





Price One Shilling 





In the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 


Votume I. (1886-1840) is Votrume I. 1stSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 
re II. (1840-1844) ,, elle 60 

UD, GIB) 5, 9p Wg ” 

Se LAV n(1.94:75118 50) rp eee OV » 

3 Ws (ISGOAIEES) 5, 9p Wo pp % 
8 Wl, GIESSEN) op pn Wl op 3 

oy AU CIEE) 5) gy) NAS gp < 
Wi (STE) gy WD = f 

he) SLX (SG4= 1866). 5) ee MeN Re 3 

re Xe (1866511869) smn Xen & 

6 XI. (1870-1874) ,, " I. 2nd Ser. Science. 
ap SUS STB ICHT) oy gp op - 

jo Le ACLSSS ae tae ae Ty oe ,: 

i Xo Vi (S84 51888) ee LV ees PS 
POV, (IONE ri cg =p Pol. Lit. & Antiqg. 

> OPC CORRES) 49 lib ° : 

, XVII. (1888-1891),,  ,, I. 8rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq 
Pe XVII (AS 91=1895) ee 

a SI OORED EER) es Tl, , 
peeXOXe (159616898) ne mV , 

»,  X&XI. (1898-1900) ,, 90 V. 
» SIL MODAN), =, Wh _ 
5p SOU, = (UOT) g op WiLL ; 
,, XXIV. (1902-1904) :— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical,and Physical Science. 

» 8. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 

5, OC. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
»  XXV. (1904-5) 
» XXVE (1906-7) 
», XXVII. (1908-9) In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 
,, XXVIII. (1909-10) 
>, XXIX. (Current Volume) 



[Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
archeological—may be obtained on application. } 

ALEXANDER (TI.) and A. W. THOMSON: Elliptographs, and a 
Se Rocker for Detecting Oscillations. 1897. pp. 40. 4to. 
2s. 6d. 

BALL (SiR R. S.): Dynamics of a Rigid System moving in Elliptic 
Space. 1881. pp. 26. 4to. Is. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Fxtension of the Theory of Screws to the Dynamics 
of any Material System. 1881. pp. 38. 4to. ts. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Plane Sections of the Cylindroid. 1887. pp. 31. 
2plates. 4to. 3s. 

BALL (STR R. S.): Dynamics and Modern Geometry—A New Chapter 
in the Theory of Screws. 1887. pp. 44. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Eighth Memoir on the Theory of Screws, showing 
how Plane Geometry illustrates General Problems in the Dynamics 
of a Rigid Body with Three Degrees of Freedom. 1889. pp. 58. 
I plate. 4to. 1s. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Theory of the Content. 1889. pp. 60. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

BALL (oR R.S.): Theory of Permanent Screws. 1891. pp. 40. 4to. 
Is. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Theory of Pitch Invariants and Theory of Chiastic 
Homography. 1894. pp. 28. qto. ts. 6d. 

BALL (SiR R. S.): Further Developments of the Relations between 
Impulsive Screws and Instantaneous Screws. 1897. pp. 46. 4to. 

BALL (Stk R. S.): Twelfth and Concluding Memoir on the Theory of 
Screws. 1898. pp. 52. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (StR R. S.): Further Developments of the Geometrical Theory of 
Six Screws. 1901. pp. 68. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (SIR R.S.): Reflection of Screw Systems and allied questions. 
1903. pp. 54. 4to. Is. gd. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Some Extensions of the Theory of Screws. 1904. 
pp. 67. 4to. as. 

BALL (STR R. S.): Contributions to the Theory of Screws. 1910. 
Pp: 54. 8vo. 2s. 

CONN (M. J.): Some Theorems on the Twisted Cubic. 1909. pp. 13. 
vo. 6d. 

Conway (A. W.): A Theorem on Moving Distributions of Electricity. 
1907. pp. 8. 8vo. 6d. 

Conway (A. W.): The Dynamics of a Rigid Electron. 1908. pp. 13. 
8vo. 6d. 

Conway, (A. W.): On the Motion of an Electrified Sphere. t1gr1o. 
pp: 15. 8vo. 6d. 

Conway (A. W.): On the Application of Quaternions to some recent 
Developments of Electrical Theory. 1911. pp.g. 8vo. 6d. 
CULVERWELL (E. P.): Maximum and Minimum Solutions in the 
Calculus of Variations when certain Fluxions of the Variables have 

finite and arbitrary Variations. 1899. pp.15. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

COTTER (J. R.): A New Method of Solving Legendre’s and Bessel’s 
Equations, and others of a similar type. 1907. pp.5. 8vo. Is. 

DAWSON (H. G.): On the Properties of a System of Ternary Quadrics 
which yield Operators which annihilate a Ternary Cubic. 1907. 
pp. 12. 8vo. ts, 

EGAN (M. F.): The Linear Complex, and a Certain Class of Twisted 
Curves. 1911. pp. 40. 8vo. Is. : 

FRASER (J.): Reduction of a Quartic Surface possessing a Nodal 
Conic to a Canonical Form. 1904. pp. 14. 8vo. 6d. 


Fry (M. W. J.): The Centre of Gravity and the Principal Axes of any 
Surface of equal pressure in a Heterogeneous Liquid covering a 
Heterogeneous Solid composed of nearly Spherical Shells of equal 
density, when the whole Mass is rotating with a small Angular 
Velocity in Relative Equilibrium under its own Attraction. 1907. 
pp- 6. 8vo. ts. 

Jom (S J Theory of Linear Vector Functions. 1895. pp. 51. 4to. 

pe ic 7): Vector Expressions for Curves. 1896. pp. 25. 8vo. 2s. 

Joy (C. J.): Scalar Invariants of two Linear Vector Functions. 1896. 
pp. 20. 4to. Is 

JOLY (C. J.): Associative Algebra applicable to Hyperspace. 1898. 
pp- 51. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

Jory (C. J.): Quaternion Arrays. 1902. pp. 14. 4to. Is. 

Jory (C. d: .): Interpretation of a Quaternion as a Point Symbol. tgo02. 

p- qto.. Is. 

Jory (C. J.): Representation of Screws by Weighted Points. 1902. 
pp. 32. 4to. ts. 6d. 

Jory (C, J.): Geometry of a Three-System of Screws. 1903. pp. 32. 
4to. Is. 

Jory (C. J.): The Quadratic Screw-System. 1903. pp. 84. 4to. 2s. gd. 

ee (A.): Differentiation in the Quaternion Analysis. 1901. 

17. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

ORR {w. M‘F.): The Stability or Instability of the Steady Motions 
of a Perfect Liquid and of a Viscous Liquid. Part I.: A Perfect 
Liquid. 1907. pp.60. 8yo. ts. 6d. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): The Stability or Instability of the Steady Motions 
of a Perfect Liquid and of a Viscous Liquid. Part II.: A Viscous 
Liquid. 1907. pp.70. 8vo. 2s. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): Extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier 
Theorems. 1909. pp. 44. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): Extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier 
Theorems. Second Paper. i911. pp. 23. 8vo. 6d. 

PRESTON (T.): Motion of a Particle, and the Equilibrium of Flexible 
Strings on a Spherical Surface. 1889. pp. 24. 4to. Is. 

PURSER (F.): Application of Bessel’s Functions to the Elastic Equili- 
baum of a Homogeneous Isotropic Cylinder. 1902. pp. 31. 4to. 
Is. 6d. 

PURSER (F.): On Ether Stress, Gravitational and Electrostatical. 
1909. pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

ROBERTS (W, R. W.): The Symbolical Expression of Eliminants. 
1910. pp. 7. 8vo. 6d. 

RoGeErRS (R. A. P.): The Logical Basis of Mathematics. 1908. 
pp- 12. 8vo. 6d. 

TARLETON (F. A.): Mathematical Investigation of the Free Period of 
the Rocker. (In Alexander and Thomson on Elliptographs.) 1892. 
Pp- 40. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

TARLETON (F. A.): The Relation of Mathematics to Physical Science. 

1907. pp.7. 8vo. 6d. 
WILLIAMSON (B.): Curvilinear Coordinates. 1891. pp. 38. 4to. 1s. 6d. 

Sold by 

HODGES, Fieeis, & Co., LrD., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin ; avd 
WILLIAMS & NorGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

Fuly, r9rr 



Votume X XIX, Section A, No. 4 






Price Sixpence 







In the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 


Votume iJ. 
55 ule 
3 III. 
53 IV. 

6 Sail, 
ee XV 
exe Vile 
in URE 
ey  SOXt 
p SOGtt 


9 OY 
7 AQWAl 

», X&XIX. (Current Volume) 

. (1850-1858 
. (18538-1857 
. (1857-1861) ,, 

(1840-1844) ,, 
(1845-1847) ,, 
1847-1850) ,, 

) 99 


. (1861-1864) ,, 
. (1864-1866) , 
. (1866-1869) ,, 

. (1870-1874) ,, 
1875-1877) ,, 

(1883) » 
(1884-1888) ,, 
(1870-1879) ,, 
(1879-1888) ,, 
(1888-1891) ,, 
(1891-1898) ,, 
(18938-1896) ,, 
(1896-1898) ,, 
(1898-1900) ,, 
(1900-1902) ,, 



. (1902-1904) :— 


(1886-1840) is Vorume I. 1stSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 

” ” 

I. 2nd Ser. Science. 


” ” 

a Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 


. 8rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antigg 

Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical,and Physical Science. 
» 5. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 

,, C. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
»  XXY. (1904-5) 

I. (1906-7) 
I. (1908-9) 
I. (1909-10) 

| In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 


(Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
archzological—may be obtained on application. | 

ALEXANDER (T.) and A. W. THomson: Elliptographs, and a 
Mechanical Rocker for Detecting Oscillations. 1897. pp. 40. 4to. 
2s. 6d. 

BALL (SiR R. S.): Dynamics of a Rigid System moving in Elliptic 
Space. 1881. pp. 26. 4to. 1s. : 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Extension of the Theory of Screws to the Dynamics 
of any Material System. 1881. pp. 38. 4to. 1s. 6d. 

BALL (Str R. S.): Plane Sections of the Cylindroid. 1887. pp. 31. 
2plates. q4to. 3s. 

BALL (STR R. S.): Dynamics and Modern Geometry—A New Chapter 
in the Theory of Screws. 1887. pp. 44. 4to. 2s. } 
BALL (SIR R. S.): Eighth Memoir on the Theory of Screws, showing 
how Plane Geometry illustrates General Problems in the Dynamics 
of a Rigid Body with Three Degrees of Freedom. 1889. pp. 58. 

I plate. 4to. 1s. 6d. 

BALL (StR R.S.): Theory of the Content. 1889. pp. 60. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

BALL Cx R. S.): Theory of Permanent Screws. 1891. pp. 40. 4to. 
Is. 6d. 

BALL (Str R. S.): Theory of Pitch Invariants and Theory of Chiastic 
Homography. 1894. pp. 28. 4to. 1s. 6d. 

BALL (Str R. S.): Further Developments of the Relations between 
Impulsive Screws and Instantaneous Screws. 1897. pp. 46. 4to. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Twelfth and Concluding Memoir on the Theory of 
Screws. 1898. pp. 52. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (SiR R. S.): Further Developments of the Geometrical Theory of 
Six Screws. 1901. pp. 68. 4to. 2s. ; 
BALL (STR R.S.): Reflection of Screw Systems and allied questions. 

1903. pp. 54. 4to. 1s. gd. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Some Extensions of the Theory of Screws. 1904. 
pp- 67. 4to. as. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Contributions to the Theory of Screws. 1910. 
Pp. 54. 8vo. 2s. 

Conan (M. J.): Some Theorems on the Twisted Cubic. 1909. pp- 13- 

vo. 6d. 

Conway (A. W.): A Theorem on Moving Distributions of Electricity. 
1907. pp. 8. 8vo. 6d. 

Conway (A. W.): The Dynamics of a Rigid Electron. 1908. pp. 13. 
8vo. 6d. 2 

Conway, (A. W.): On the Motion of an Electrified Sphere. 1910. 
pp. 15. 8vo. 6d. 

Conway (A. W.): On the Application of Quaternions to some recent 
Developments of Electrical Theory. 1911. pp.9. Svo. 6d. 
CULVERWELL (E. P.): Maximum and Minimum Solutions in the 
Calculus of Variations when certain Fluxions of the Variables have 

finite and arbitrary Variations. 1899. pp. 15. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

COTTER (J. R.): A New Method of Solving Legendre’s and Bessel’s 
Equations, and others of a similar type. 1907. pp.5. 8vo. Is. 

DAWSON (H. G.): On the Properties of a System of Ternary Quadrics 
which yield Operators which annihilate a Ternary Cubic. 1907. 
pp: 12. 8vo. is. : 

EGAN (M. F.): The Linear Complex, and a Certain Class of Twisted 
Curves. 1911. pp. 40. 8vo. Is. 

FRASER (J.): Reduction of a Quartic Surface possessing a Nodal 
Conic to a Canonical Form. 1904. pp. 14. 8vo. 

( 4) 

Fry (M. W. J.): The Centre of Gravity and the Principal Axes of any 
Surface of equal pressure in a Heterogeneous Liquid covenng a 
Heterogeneous Solid composed of nearly Spherical Shells of equal 
density, when the whole Mass is rotating with a small Angular 
Velocity in Relative Equilibrium under its own Attraction. 1907- 
pp- 6. 8vo. Is. 

joLy (CJ -): Theory of Linear Vector Functions. 1895. pp-51- 4to. 
ts. 6d. 

Jory (C. J.): Vector Expressions for Curves. 1896. pp. 25. 8vo. 2s. 

Jory (C. J.): Scalar Invariants of two Linear Vector Functions. 1896- 
pp- 20. 4to. Is 

Jory (C. J.): Associative Algebra applicable to Hyperspace. 1898. 

p.51- 8vo. 3s. 6d. 
Joty (C. J.): Quaternion Arrays. 1902. pp. 14. 4t0. Is. 
Jory (C. J.): Interpretation of a Quaternion as a Point Symbol. 1902- _ 
- 16. Ato. Is. 
jour (C. OE Repreaauen of Screws by Weighted Points. ig02- 
-32- 4to. Is. 6d. 

jour (C. J.): Geometry of a Three-System of Screws. 1903. pp. 32- 

tO. IS. 

oe (C. J.): The Quadratic Screw-System. 1903. pp- 84. 4to. 2s. 9d. 

MACFARLANE (A.): Daierennauen in the Quaternion Analysis. 1901. 

17- 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

ORE (W. M‘F.): The Stability or Instability of the Steady Motions 
of a Perfect Liquid and of a Viscous Liquid. Part J.: A Perfect 
Liquid. 1907. pp-60. 8vo. ts. 6d- 

ORR (W. M‘F.): The Stability or Instability of the Steady Motions 
of a Perfect Liquid and of a Viscous Liquid. Part II.: A Viscous 
Liquid. 1907. pp.70. 8vo. 2s. 

Orr (W. M‘F.): Extensions of Fourier's and the Bessel-Fourier 
Theorems. 1909. pp.44. 8vo. Is. 6d. 

ORR (W. M‘P.): Extensions of Fouriers and the Bessel-Fourier 
Theorems. Second Paper. 1011. pp. 23. 8vo. 6d. 

PRESTON (T.): Motion of a Particle, and the Equilibrium of Flexible 
Strings on a Spherical Surface. 1889. pp. 24. 4to. is. 

SER (F.): Application of Bessel’s Functions to the Elastic Equili- 
brium of a Homogereous Isotropic Cylinder. 1902. pp.3i. 4to. 
Is. 6d. 

PURSER (F.): On Ether Stress, Gravitational and Electrostatical. 
ig09. pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

ROBERTS (W, R. W.): The Symbolical Expression of Eliminants. 
Igio. pp. 7- 8vo. 6d. : 

RoGers (R. A. P.): The Logical Basis of Mathematics. - 1908. 
pp- 12. 8vo. 6d. 

TARLETON (F. A.): Mathematical Investigation of the Free Period of 
the Rocker. (In Alexander and Thomson on Elliptographs.) 1892- 

p- 40. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

TARLETON (F. A.): The Relation of Mathematics to Physical Science. 
1907- pp.7- 8vo. 6d. 

Wane (K. T.): The Differentiation of Quaternion Functions. 1911- 
pp- 8. 8vo. 6d. 

WILLIAMSON (B.): Curvilinear Coordinates. 1891. pp. 38. 4to. is. 6d- 

Sold by 

HOopGESs, FiGcGis, & Co., LtTD., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; and 
WiItiramMs & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

February, 1912 




VoLtumME XXIX, Section A, No. 5 




FUO DIG ES a EiGiG lS ace COs ein: 


Price Sixpence 





In the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 


Vouume I. (1836-1840) is Vorume I. istSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 
39 II. (1840-1844) ,, x» LL o 

a III. (1845-1847) ,, = WUE x » 

53 IY. (1847-1850) ,, Fx os ” 

H V. (1850-1853) ,, 37 ONE sc » 

x VI. (1853-1857) ,, i WAS 5 ” 

» WIL. (1857-1861) ,, 4 WABI * ” 

+,  WIIT. (1861-1864) ,, 35 WALES 3 j 

33 IX. (1864-1866) ,, 5 IDG 3 - 

3 X. (1866-1869) ,, ny ek x ” 

“5 XI. (1870-1874) ,, = I. 2nd Ser. Science. 
»» XII. (1875-1877) ,, sees 53 ” 

ay elie GREY ae UE 55 x 

» ALY. (1884-1888) ,, a ANE s 3 

s» XY. (1870-1879) ,, x ib Pol. Lit. & Antiqa. 
” XVI. (1879-1888) or re Il. ” ” 

» XVII. (1888-1891) ,, Fe: I. 3rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antigg 
oy XVATL. (1891-1693) ae 3 

»» XIX. (1893-1896) ,, Le: x ” 

3, XX. (1896-1898) ,, 5 ete os ” 

»»  XXI. (1898-1900) , js ave + ” 

»» XXII. (1900-1902) ,, Sarvs 33 ss 
FRONT (4901). sey LUE 

» XXIV. (1902-1904) :— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical,and Physical Science. 
» 5. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
,, C. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
»  XXV. (1904-5) j 
» XXVI. (1906-7) 
>», XXVII. (1908-9) - In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 
XXVIII. (1909-10) 
XXIX. (Current Volume) } 



[Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
archzological—may be obtained on application. | 

ALEXANDER (I.) and A. W. THOMSON: Elliptographs, and a 
ee cuanical Rocker for Detecting Oscillations. 1897. pp. 40. 4to. 
2s. 6d. 

BALL (Str R. S.): Dynamics of a Rigid System moving in Elliptic 
Space. 1881. pp. 26. gto. Is. 

BALL (Str R. S.): Extension of the Theory of Screws to the Dynamics 
of any Material System. 1881. pp. 38. 4to. 1s. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Plane Sections of the Cylindroid. 1887. pp. 31. 
2plates. 4to. 3s. 

BALL (SIR R.S.): Dynamics and Modern Geometry—A New Chapter 
in the Theory of Screws. 1887. pp. 44. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (STR R. S.): Eighth Memoir on the Theory of Screws, showing 
how Plane Geometry illustrates General Problems in the Dynamics 
of a Rigid Body with Three Degrees of Freedom 1889. pp. 58. 
I plate. gto. 1s. 6d. 

BALL (Str R.S.): Theory of the Content. 1889. pp. 60. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

BALL oe R.S.): Theory of Permanent Screws. 1891. pp. 40. 4to. 
Is. 6d. 

BALL (SrR R. S.): Theory of Pitch Invariants and Theory of Chiastic 
Homography. 1894. pp. 28. 4to. 1s. 6d. 

BALL (StR R. S.): Further Developments of the Relations between 
Impulsive Screws and Instantaneous Screws. 1897. pp. 46. 4to. 


BALL (SIR R. S.): Twelfth and Concluding Memoir on the Theory of 
Screws. 1898. pp. 52. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Further Developments of the Geometrical Theory of 
Six Screws. 1901. pp. 68. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (STR R.S.): Reflection of Screw Systems and allied questions. 
1903. pp. 54. 4to. ts. od. 

BALL (SIR R.S.): Some Extensions of the Theory of Screws. 1904. 
pp: 67. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Contributions to the Theory of Screws. 1910. 
Pp: 54. 8vo. 2s. 

Conny (M. J.): Some Theorems on the Twisted Cubic. 1909. pp. 13- 
vo. 6d. 

Conway (A. W.): A Theorem on Moving Distributions of Electricity. 
1907. pp. 8. 8vo. 6d. 

CONWAN (A. W.): The Dynamics of a Rigid Electron. 1908. pp. 13. 
vo. 6d. 

Conway, (A. W.): On the Motion of an Electrified Sphere. 1910. 
pp- 15. 8vo. 6d. 
Conway (A. W.): On the Application of Quaternions to some recent 
Developments of Electrical Theory. i911. pp.9. 8vo. 6d. 
CULVERWELL (E. P.): Maximum and Minimum Solutions in the 
Calculus of Variations when certain Fluxions of the Variables have 
finite and arbitrary Variations. 1899. pp. 15. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

COTTER (J. R.): A New Method of Solving Legendre’s and Bessel’s 
Equations, and others of a similar type. 1907. pp.5. 8vo. Is. 

DAWSON (H. G.): On the Properties of a System of Ternary Quadrics 
which yield Operators which annihilate a Ternary Cubic. 1907. 
PP= LZ OVOM else 

EGAN (M. F.): The Linear Complex, and a Certain Class of Twisted 
Curves. 1911. pp. 40. 8vo. Is. 

FRASER (J.): Reduction of a Quartic Surface possessing a Nodal 
Conic to a Canonical Form. 1904. pp. 14. 8vo. 


Fry (M. W. J.): The Centre of Gravity and the Principal Axes of any 
Surface of equal pressure in a Heterogeneous Liquid covering a 
Heterogeneous Solid composed of nearly Spherical Shells of equal 
density, when the whole Mass is rotating with a small Angular 
Velocity in Relative Equilibrium under its own Attraction. 1907- 
pp- 6. 8vo. Is. 

Jory Cc aps Theory of Linear Vector Functions. 1895. pp. 51. 4to. 

jor ie Ths Vector Expressions for Curves. 1896. pp. 25. 8vo. 2s. 

Jory (C. J.): Scalar Invariants of two Linear Vector Functions. 1896. 
pp. 20. 4to. Is 

Jory (C. J.): Associative Algebra applicable to Hyperspace. 1898. 
pp. 51. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

OLY (Cc j[3)8 Quaternion Arrays. 1902. pp. 14. 4to. Is. 
jor (c Ne -J: .): Interpretation of a Quaternion as a Point Symbol. tgo02. 
Wh WO ANOS ais 

jour (Go Jj i: Representation of Screws by Weighted ,Points. 1902. 
pp- 32. 4to. is. 6d. 

Jory (C. J.): Geometry of a Three-System of Screws. 1903. pp. 32. 
4to. Is. ; 

Jory (C. J.): The Quadratic Screw-System. 1903. pp. 84. 4to. 2s. gd. 

MACFARLANE (A.): Differentiation in the Quaternion Analysis. 1901. 
pp 17- 8vo. as. 6d. 

MCCLELLAND (J. A.) and i J NoLan: The Electric Charge on Rain. 
Igi2. pp. Il. in 

ORR (W. M‘F.): The Stability or Instability of the Steady Motions 
of a Perfect Liquid and of a Viscous Liquid. Part I.: A Perfect 
Liquid. 1907. pp.60. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): The Stability or Instability of the Steady Motions 
of a Perfect Liquid and of a Viscous Liquid. Part II.: A Viscous 
Liquid. 1907. pp.70. 8vo. 2s. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): Extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier 
Theorems. 1909. pp. 44. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): Extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier 
Theorems. Second Paper. 1911. pp. 23. 8vo. 6d. 

PRESTON (T.): Motion of a Particle, and the Equilibrium of Flexible 
Strings on a Spherical Surface. 1889. pp. 24. 4to. Is. 

PURSER (F.): Application of Bessel’s Functions to the Elastic Equili- 
brium of a Homogeneous Isotropic Cylinder. 1902. pp. 31. 4to. 
1s. 6d. 

PURSER (F.): On Ether Stress, Gravitational and Electrostatical.. 
1909. pp. II. 8vo. 

ROBERTS (W, R. W.): The Symbolical Expression of Eliminants. 
1910. pp. 7. 8vo. 6d. 

ROGERS (R. A. P.): The Logical Basis of Mathematics. 190°. 
pp- 12. 8vo. 6d. 

TARLETON (F. A.): Mathematical Investigation of the Free Period of 
the Rocker. (In Alexander and Thomson on Elliptographs.) 1892- 
pp. 40. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

TARLETON (F. A.): The Relation of Mathematics to Physical Science. 
1907. pp.7. 8vo. 6d. 

Wane fic, T.): The Differentiation of Quaternion Functions. IQIl. 
pp. 8. 8vo. 6d. 

WILLIAMSON (B.): Curvilinear Coordinates. 1891. pp.38. 4to. 1s. 6d.. 

Sold by 

HODGES, FiGcGis, & Co., LTD., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; azd 
WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

April, 1912 1 } i NEW a S 


VoLtumE X XIX, Section A, No. 6 




HODGES) EVGGis) “eGo: i 1p: 


Price Sixpence 




== > — 

/n the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, ana 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table:— 

Votvuez I. (1836-1840) is Vorume I. 1stSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 

> IT. (1840-1844) ,, 3 EE 33 ” 

i) ate (08451897) one eee ie “5 

7 IY. (1847-1850) ,, See = 2 

: WA(4850°1S53) 4 0: AV bs 

+ VI. (1853-1857) ,, se OWE: 55 “5 

a. | Wil (857-1861) ee, Vee ee 5 

5 VERE (11961-1964) oe, aed: | i 

=.” RGSGe Taney eae ee . 

- XK (1866 1809) eee mae > 

= XI. (1870-1874) ,, 53 I. 2nd Ser. Science. 

ss XII. (1875-1877) ,, 3 1b = 5» 

ss RES, (4883) eee = OL 93 3 

» XIV. (1884-1888) ,, a URE + + 

3 XY. (1870-1879) ,, 3 Ip % Pol. Lit. & Antiqgq. 

» XVI. (1879-1888) ,, 

» XVII. (1888-1891) ,, a I. 8rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq 

=) OXVENI: (1691-1993) 2, ue 3 
3 REX.(4895-1896).4 pee . 
i), ) KK: |(18961898)..7 oe ee z9 
2 XK: (1896-1900). Seay. ; 

»» XXII. (1900-1902) ,, 
) ROE: 9) (1901) = 55 evan oe z 
5, XXIV. (1902-1904) :-— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical, and Physical Science. 
», 5B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
:, €. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
XXY. (1904-5) 
s» XXVI. (1906-7) 
i aoe ee - In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 
,, XXIX. (1910-11) | 
XXX. (Current Volume) 



[Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
archzological—may be obtained on application. | 

ALEXANDER (T.) and A. W. THoMSON: Elliptographs, and a 
Me anical Rocker for Detecting Oscillations. 1897. pp. 40. 4to. 
2s. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Dynamics of a Rigid System moving in Elliptic 
Space. 1881. pp. 26. 4to. Is. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Extension of the Theory of Screws to the Dynamics 
of any Material System. 1881. pp. 38. 4to. ts. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Plane Sections of the Cylindroid. 1887. pp. 31. 
2plates. 4to. 3s. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Dynamics and Modern Geometry—A New Chapter 
in the Theory of Screws. 1887. pp. 44. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (SiR R. S.): Eighth Memoir on the Theory of Screws, showing 
how Plane Geometry illustrates General Problems in the Dynamics 
of a Rigid Body with Three Degrees of Freedom. 1889. pp. 58. 
I plate. qto. 1s. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R.S.): Theory of the Content. 1889. pp. 60. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

BALL Crs R.S.): Theory of Permanent Screws. 1891. pp. 40. 4to. 
Is. 6d. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Theory of Pitch Invariants and Theory of Chiastic 
Homography. 1894. pp. 28. 4to. 1s. 6d. 

BALL (SiR R. S.): Further Developments of the Relations between 
Impulsive Screws and Instantaneous Screws. 1897. pp. 46. 4to. 


BALL (SIR R. S.): Twelfth and Concluding Memoir on the Theory of 
Screws. 1898. pp.52. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (SiR R. S.): Further Developments of the Geometrical Theory of 
Six Screws. Igor. pp. 68. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (SIR R.S.): Reflection of Screw Systems and allied questions. 
1903. pp. 54. 4to. Is. gd. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Some Extensions of the Theory of Screws. 1904. 
pp. 67. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (SIR R. S.): Contributions to the Theory of Screws. 1910. 
Pp: 54. 8vo. 2s. 

cone (M. J.): Some Theorems on the Twisted Cubic. 1909. pp. 13. 
vO. : 

Conway (A. W.): A Theorem on Moving Distributions of Electricity. 
1907. pp. 8. 8vo. : 

Coney Ce W.): The Dynamics of a Rigid Electron. 1908. pp. 13. 
vo. 6d. 

Conway, (A. W.): On the Motion of an Electrified Sphere. 1910. 
pp. 15. 8vo. 6d. 
Conway (A. W.): On the Application of Quaternions to some recent 
Developments of Electrical Theory. 1911. pp.g. 8vo. 6d. 
CULVERWELL (E. P.): Maximum and Minimum Solutions in the 
Calculus of Variations when certain Fluxions of the Variables have 
finite and arbitrary Variations. 1899. pp.15. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

COTTER (J. R.): A New Method of Solving Legendre’s and Bessel’s 
Equations, and others of a similar type. 1907. pp.5. 8vo. Is. 

DAWSON (H. G.): On the Properties of a System of Ternary Quadrics 
which yield Operators which annihilate a Ternary Cubic. 1907. 
pp. 12. 8vo. Is. 

EGAN (M. F.): The Linear Complex, and a Certain Class of Twisted 
Curves. IgII. pp.40. 8yo. Is. 

FRASER (J.): Reduction of a Quartic Surface possessing a Nodal 
Conic to a Canonical Form. 1904. pp. 14. 8vo. 6d. 


Fry (M. W. J.): The Centre of Gravity and the Principal Axes of any 
Surface of equal pressure in a Heterogeneous Liquid covering a 
Heterogeneous Solid composed of nearly Spherical Shells of equal 
density, when the whole Mass is rotating with a small Angular 
Velocity in Relative Equilibrium under its own Attraction. 1907. 

.6. 8yo. Is. 

jer J.): Theory of Linear Vector Functions. 1895. pp. 51. 4to. 

1s. 6d 

Joty (C. J.): Vector Expressions for Curves. 1896. pp. 25. 8vo. 2s. 

Jory (C. J.): Scalar Invariants of two Linear Vector Functions. 1896. 
pp- 20. 4to. Is. — E 

Jory (C. J.): Associative Algebra applicable to Hyperspace. 1898. 
pp- 51. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

Jory (C. J.): Quaternion Arrays. 1902. pp. 14. 4to. Is. 

JoLy (C. J: Interpretation of a Quaternion as a Point Symbol. 1902. 

- 10. 4to. Is. 

jors (Cc. Tae Representation of Screws by Weighted Points. 1902. 
pp. 32. 4to. is. 6d. 

Jory (C. J.): Geometry of a Three-System of Screws. 1903. pp. 32. 

to. Is. 

Joy (C. J.): The Quadratic Screw-System. 1903. pp. 84. 4to. 2s. gd. 

MACFARLANE (A.): Difirentauen in the Quaternion Analysis. 1901. 

17. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

MeCrEreaND C2) and iJ. Noran: The Electric Charge on Rain. 
Igi2. .II. 8vo. : 

ORR Ww. MF): The Stability or Instability of the Steady Motions 
of a Perfect Liquid and of a Viscous Liquid. Part I.: A Perfect 
Liquid. 1907. pp. 60. 8vo. ts. 6d. _ 

ORR (W. M‘F.): The Stability or Instability of the Steady Motions 
of a Perfect Liquid and of a Viscous Liquid. Part II.: A Viscous 
Liquid. 1907. pp.70. 8vo. 2s. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): Extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier 
Theorems. 1909. pp-44. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

ORR (W. M‘F.): Extensions of Fourier’s and the Bessel-Fourier 
Theorems. Second Paper. 1911. pp. 23. 8vo. 6d. 

PRESTON (T.): Motion of a Particle, and the Equilibrium of Flexible 
Strings on a Spherical Surface. 1889. pp. 24. 4to. Is. 

PURSER (F.): Application of Bessel’s Functions to the Elastic Equili- 
brium of a Homogeneous Isotropic Cylinder. 1902. pp.31. 4to. 
Is. 6d. 

PURSER (F.): On Ether Stress, Gravitational and Electrostatical. 
1909. . Ir. 8vo. 

ROBERTS (W, R. W.): The Symbolical Expression of Eliminants. 
1910. pp. 7- 8vo. 6d. 

ROGERS (R. A. P.): The Logical Basis of Mathematics. 1908. 
pp. 12. 8vo. 6d. 

ROGERS (R. A. P.): Some Differential Properties of the Orthogonal 
Trajectories of a Congruence of Curves, with an Application to 
Curl and Divergence of Vectors. I912. pp. 26. 8vo. 6d. 

TARLETON (F. A.): Mathematical Investigation of the Free Period of 
the Rocker. (In Alexander and Thomson on Elliptographs.) 1892. 
pp. 40. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

TARLETON (F. A.): The Relation of Mathematics to Physical Science. 
1907- pp.7. 8vo. 6d. 

WanG (K. T.): The Differentiation of Quaternion Functions. 1911. 
pp- 8. 8vo. 6d. 

WILLIAMSON (B.): Curvilinear Coordinates. 1891. pp.38. qto. 1s. 6d. 

Sold by 
HODGES, Ficeis, & Co., LTD., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; axd 
WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

ir ls PRA ay EPC TEV he % 

UNM Mea 

1 7 

rts is int ) OF THE 


Voie XXIX, Section B, No: ‘Ly 

G. . Peravariner: AND ) Pav A. Murpuy 




Price One Shilling and Sixpence Ri 

ih ee 

Vorume I. (1886-1840) i is bore 




order the Volumes Beh the Phi OOEEDING j 


if is 

II, (1840-1844) ,, 
IIT. (1845-1847) 5, 
IV. (1847-1850) ,, 
V. (1850-1858) ,, 
VI. (1858-1857) ,, 
VII. (1857-1861) ,, 
VIII. (1861-1864) ,, 
IX. (1864-1866) ,, 
- X, (1866-1869) ,, 9, 
‘ORT U870-1674) 30, 
XII. (1875-1877) ,, 
KIM. (1888), 
XIV. (1884-1888) ,, , 
XV. (1870-1879) ,;. 
XVI. (1879-1888) ,, , 
KVIL. (1888-1891),,  ,, 
XVIII. (1891-1898),,  ,, _ 
XIX. (1898-1896) ,, 
XX. (1896-1898) ,, 
XXI_ (1898-1900) ,, 0.4.5 Vio ba |, 
XXII. (1900-1902),, ,, VI ,, 
ANTE. (1901) i ok ee a nee 
EXIV, (1902-1904) 1 Oa eae 
Section A. Mathematical, on 
»  B. Biological, Geolo ical, an 
yas oA Archeology, Linguistic, and 
XXV. (1904-5) 
" XXVI. (1906-7) ave ae: 
XXVII. (1908-9) © _[ In three Sections like Vol 
XXVIII. (1909-10) A EL 
’ XXIX. (Current Volume) 



ADAMS (J.): A Synopsis of Trish Meri Freshwater and Marine, 

1) 1908; pp. 50: 8vo. Is. 

_ ADAMS (J.): The Distribution of Liehens in Ireland. 1909. pp. 42- 
1 plate. 8yo, 1s. 

ADAMS (J.): A List of Irish aighe with some additional Rear and 
a ’ Observations. 1910. pp. 48. Is. 
pat ADAMS (J:) and G. H. PETHYBRIDGE: A Census CaAlopus of Trish silat 
~ 4) Fungi. 1910. pp. 47. 8vo. 15. 

"aibaeeti: confervoides (Harvey); A New Genes dad ignated of 

|. Fungus. By E. P.WrieHt. 1880. pp. 6. 1 plate. 4to, Is. 
por aey ofc Saprolegnies. akg Hartoc. 1895, Pp. 60. 2 plates. 
4to. 3s. ‘ 

Dixow (H. En) “Osmotic Pressure in the Cells of Leaves. 1896. 

Pp: 13. 8vo.. 38: 

Deon (A. H.): The role of Gacctios in Transpiration. ease PP: 9. 

8vo. 2s. 6d. 

DIxon (H. H.): Temperature. i the Subterranean Organs ¢ of Plants.. 

1903. pp. 26. 4 plates, 4to. 1s. 6d. 

HANNA (H.) and T. eRe Irish Pheeophycez. 1899. Pp. 21. Bvo. 

3s. 6d. ‘ 

Harr (A. C): ‘Botany of Sie and South Palestine. “1885. BPs 80. 
3 plates. 4to. 2s. 3 

Harroe (M.): Cytology of the Saprtolegnie. 1885.- pp. 60. 2 plates. 

, 4to. 3s. 

etek List of irish Hepaticw, ByD. MCARDERS 1903. pp. 116. 
VO. 2s. 
ty Hepaticee of Dingle Peninsula, reband: By D. McARDLE. 1901. 
roe ' 2 plates. pp. 42. 8vo. 5s. R 

Irish Topographical Botany. ByR.LL. PRAEGER. 1901. pp. 188+ 410. 
| 6plates. 8vo. tos. 6d. ; 
_ Irish Topographical Botany: Gleanings in. By R. Lr. PRAEGER. 
1902. pp. 34. 8vo. ts. 6d.. 
this JENNINGS (A. V.): Two New Species of Bupeaneine from New Zealand. 
1895. pp. 14. 2 plates. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 
JouNsoN (T.) and H. Hanna: Irish Pheeophycez, 1899. pp. 21. 
8vo. 3s. 6d, 
KNOWLES (M.C.) and R.A. ‘Barus: On the Claim of the ate 
(Leucojum aestivum) to be- Wanye in Ireland. 1910. pp. 
3 plates, (8vo. Is, 
MCARDLE (D.): Hepatic of the Dingle Peninsula, Treland, Igor. 
Pp: 42. 2 plates. 8yo, ss. , . 
- MCARDLE (D.): List of Irish Hepatic. 1903. pp. 116. 8vo. 2s. 
Osmosis in Transpiration. By H.H. Drxon. 1896. pp.g. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 
Osmotic Pressure in the Cells of Leaves. By H. H. Dixon. 1896. 
PP- 13. 8vo. 3s, ; 


new seat 


ee pp. 80. 3 plates. 4to. 2s. $ 

PETHYBRIDGE (G. H.) and R. Lr. PRAEGER : The / 
District lying south of Dublin- i 
_ 5 plates, Byp: | 6d. ‘ 

of the Potato Plant i in Sra and the C 
Ppp- 37 3 Pee HE GS 6d. f 

ALY. JENNINGS. 1895. pp 14) Eee Pe 
PRAEGER (R. L1.): ebices ee ; 
6 plates. 8vo. er Nee 

PP- 34: See resed Hate. pak ; 
PRAEGER (R. LL.): Types of Distition in the Trish ‘Jora 

pp- 60. 8vo. 1s. 6d. te He dee 
PRAEGER (R. LL.) and G. H. eres The 

District lying south of Dublin. 1905- pp. 

5 Spee 8yvo. | 6d. ‘ 

pp- 60. seat gto. 3s. 
Sykidion dyeri: A New Unicellular uty ’ 

Rhizoclonium casparyi. By E. ae bine A 
1 plate. 4to. Is. 

Temperature of the Subterranean ia of Plants ¥ 
1903. pp. 26. 4plates. 4to: 1s.6d. 

Types of Distribution in the Trish ei 
pp. 60. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 

Valencia Harbour, Ireland: Flora and Fa. tee ee a 
a i 

¥ ireland. 1902. pets 100, see fi: faa? ey 
Wricst (E. P.): Blodgettia confervoides (Harvey): A New 
Species of Fungus. 1880, pp. 6. 1 plate, gto. yt 
Wricnt (E. P.): New Unicellular Alga (Sykidi 
Filaments of Rhizoclonium casparyi. iciovt E 


London, W.C. 

i February, IQII | S 



-VoLuME XXIX, Section B, No. 2 





ai IQI!I 

Price One Shilling and Sixpence 

ae. : 


Sa eer ares 

/n the year 1902 it was resolved fo number in conseoutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table:— 

Vorume I. (1886-1840) is Vorume I. Ist Ser. Sei., Pol. Lit. & Ania ies 

a NL es0-1eday te oa Roxon ss Haan 

sy) eit: MEL, (1Q45-18 47) jogs PAL nat elie Mane Mae 

594 t AV. (184 7-TBBO) p70 Ma eae (NUR OAL WAC ee 

+ V. (1850-1658) ,, j, Ve 14, en 5 

950, WI (1B6B-1857) #4) 4 ONE ran eke anne 

i i) WEL. (RSET ABEL) i SE hs ti ‘; 

WILL (1861218643. VER ala 15 

yeti, TR. (1864-1866) 54d cae Mr ee) " 

2 X. (1866-1869), ,, X. 5) 

ee XI. (1870-1874) ,, Re TI. 2nd Ser. Science. 

fy) MAL. (1876—1877) 554/05) a ooh ap rs 

ny) IEE, 49988) Se ee Pare gare 

»» RIV. (1884-1888) 50-24; Vy ay Gee oy 

» XV.°(1870-1879).,,. * 3; 1 ‘ Pol. Lit. & Autigg. | 

6 WT. (1879-1868) "yc ant Sa r hey 

» XVII. (1888-1891) ,, » 1. 8rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit.&Antiqq. 

9 AVE: (1891-1898) 5 fy yee a oe he 

ty) RAK; (4898-1896), 421) a ii 

iy) RX, (1896-1898), Wye ip 

1. XRE. (1898-2000)? ee Maven iy 

, XXII. (1900-1902),,  ,, VL §,, Wing 

po REE OOD) a I te Mie : 

», XXIV. (1902-1904) :— Hone), 

Section A, Mathematical, Astronomical,and Physical Science. 
» 3B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 

;, ©. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
» X&XV. (1904-5) 
5 XXVI. (1906-7 ORD Bear aan Abd oe 
, XXVIL (1 ee In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. meh 

», SX VIII. (Current Volume) etd : 1 ha 



Ge asenial mae of the Spiders of Ireland. By G. H. CARPENTER. 

1898. pp. 83. 8vo. 3s. 6d. rh 

Arthropoda: Relations between the Classes af the Arthropoda. By 
G, H. CARPENTER. 1903. pp. 41. 1plate. 8vo,. 1s. 6d. 

, Atlantis: Some Remarks on the Atlantis Problem. ee FP, SCHARFF. 

1903. pp: 35. 8vo. Is. 

we BALKWILL (F. P.) and J. WRIGHT: Foraminifera from the Coast of 

Dublin and in the Irish Sea. 1884. pp. 56. 3 plates. qto. 2s. 
BALL (V,): Lion-breeding in the Gardens of the Royal) Zoological 
_.. Society of Ireland. 1886: pp, 36. 1plate. 4qto, as. 

_ BARRETT-Hamixton (G. E. H.): Winter Whitening of Mammals and 
“o Birds. 1903. pp. 12. 8vo.. 1s, 6d. 

' BARRETT-HamiLton (G. E. H.): An ‘Addition to the List of British 
ee ‘Mammals (Evotomys skomerensis). . 1903. pp. 5.° 8yo. 
_ Breaumonr (W. I.): part author of Fauna and Flora of Valencia 
_ Harbour, Ireland. 1900. pp. 188. 8yo. 4s. 

Beetles: List of Irish Beetles. By W. EY JOHNSON and J. N. HALgert 

1902. pp. 293. 8vo. 5s. 

-» BROown»E(E.T.): part author of Fauna and Flora of Valencia Hawiour f 

Treland. 1900. pp. 188. 8vo. 4s. d 
CaLMAN(W.T.): Deep-sea Crustacea from the South-West of Ireland. 
~\* 1896. ‘pp. 22, 2 plates. 4to. 2s. if 
-CALMAN (W. 2): Phoxocephalus and Apherusa. 1896. pp. 13. 
| 2-plates, 4to. 2s, 6d. 

| Carpenter (G. H.): List of the Spiders of Ireland. 1898. pp. 83- 

ts 8vo. 3s. 6d. 
CARPENTER (G. H.): Relations between the wget: of ee Arthropoda. 
“| 1903: pp. 41. 1 plate. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 
CARPENTER (G. H.) and Isaac SwAIn: A new ievnutes Tsopod from 
Kiltorcan, County Kilkenny. 1908. pp. 7. iIplate. 8vo. Is. 
Cave Faunas: Exploration of the Caves of Kesh. By R. B. SCHAREF, 
&c. 1903. pp.44. 3 plates. 4to. 2s. 
* Cave Faunas: Discovery of Hyzna, Mammoth, é&c., in a Cavern in | 
Co. Cork. 1904. pp. 5. 8vo. 
CHASTER (G, W.): Report on the Mollusca obtained off the South- 
west Coast of Ireland, 1885-88. 1898. pp.33. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 
Coelenterata: A List of Irish Ccelenterata, including the Ctenophora. 
By JANE STEPHENS. 1905. pp. 68. 8yo. Is. 
Coleoptera: List of Irish Beetles. By W., F. JOHNSON and peeN. 
HALBERT. 191. pp. 395. 8vo. 5s. 
Crustacea: Deep- -sea Crustacea from the South-west of pata By 
~W. T. CALMAN. 1896. pp. 22. 2 plates. 4to. 2s. 
Echinoderms: List of the Echinoderms of Ireland. By A.R NICHOLS. 
1899. pp. 89, 8yo. 3s. ; 
Exploration of the Caves of Kesh, Co. Sligo, Ireland. ByR. F. SCHARFF, 
&c: 1903. pp. 44. 3 plates. qto. 2s. ° 
European Fauna: Origin of the European Fauna, ByR. F. “SCHARFF, 
1896. pp. 88. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 
Evotomys skomerensis, an Addition to the List of British Boreal 
' Mammals, By G. E, H. BARRETT-HAMITTON. 1903. pp. 5: 
8vo. 1s. 6d 
Foraminifera found off the Coast of Dublin and in the Irish Sea. BY 
F. P. BALKWILL and J. WRIGHT. 1884. pp.56. 3 plates. qto. 2s, 

Hoop (J.): Rotifera ofthe CountyMayo. 1895. PP: 43: 2 plates. 8vo. 3s. 

anon (W. F.) and J. N. Harper?! A List o I ish Beetl 
(opp. 395. 8v0. 55.) Hae y 
' Kew (H. Wallis): A Synopsis of tHe Paeeseo 
Ireland. i911. pp. 27. 3 plates. 8vo. 1s. 6 i 
‘Kinc (James J. F. 0X.) and J. se -HALBERT: A x 
Neuroptera of Ireland. 1910. p. 84. 8yo. ‘Is. 
| Lion-breeding in the Gardens ofthe Royal Zoological 10 
By V. BALL. 1886. pp: 36. 1 plate, 4to.” 
- MANGAN (J.): On the Mouth-parts of some Blatide 
3 plates. 8vo, Is. oe 
‘Metta (A, E.): Malignant Tumours it in Birds, ‘ith h 
the Changes in the Blood. 1908. pp. 8. 1 plate. 
Metram (A. E.): The Presence of Spirochectes. in cert, 
". Sarcomata of Dogs. 1908. pp. 5. r’plate. 8vo, I 
Mollusca: List of the Marine Mollusca of grin ! 
pp. 186. 8vo. 3s. i ; 
N site (ALR.): A List of the Echinoderms of Ireland 899. 
vO. 35. Ae 
Nicuots (A. R.): A List of the Marine Mollusca of I € 
pp. 186. 8vo. 3s. © i 
Pack-BERESFORD (D. R,): A Supplementary List of eee ers, 
Ireland. 1909. pp. 32. 8vo, °6d. Ae thea 
Phoxocephalus and Apherusa, fel : Catatan, 
2 plates. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

Rockall Island and Bank: History, Zoology, Geology, : ‘&e l 
PP 60. 6 oe 4to. 58. | Ng 

8vo. 35. y 
ScuarFF (R, F.): On the Onain of the oor et 
pp. 88. 8vo. 1s. 6d.. Ane 

SCHARFF (R. F.): Some Remarks on ‘the Atlantis Probl m 
Pp. 35. 8vo. Is. 
civ (R. ie On the Irish Horse and its: arly History “I¢ 
PP Men al) 
SCHARFF (R. B) ah others : Exploration of the Caves ca Kesh, yi 
Sligo, Ireland. 1903. pp. 44. 3 plates. gto. 25, 
SIMPSON (J. J.): A Revision of the Gorgonellidae: 1. The Jupeatia 
Group. I9g10. pp. 140. 19 plates. 8vo. 7s, 6d. 
. SOUTHERN (R.): Contributions tawards a Monograph of the Briti sh 
and Irish Oligocheta. .1909.- pp. 64. 8vo. 2s. ~ 
SOUTHERN (R.): The Marine Worms (Annelida) of Dublin Bay and. 
the Adjoining District. 1910. pp. 32- 8vo. 6d. 
Spiders : List of the Spiders of Ireland. By G. H. CARPENTER. 
pp- 83; 8vo. 3s. 6d. 
STEPHENS (Jane): A List of Irish AGeslentbeats. including ne 
Ctenophora. 1905. pp. 68. 8vo. is. 
Swain (I.) and G. H. Carpenter: A New Devonian Tedbod from 
Kiltorcan, County Kilkenny. 1908. pp.-7. 1 plate. 8yo. 1s. 
UssHER (R. J.) : Discovery of Hyena, Mammoth, &c., i in a Cavern i ins 
Co. Cork. 1904. pp. 5. 8vo. 6d. 

Valencia Harbour, Ireland: Fauna and Bla, By W. 1. Braumron, 
E. T. BROWNE, and others. 1900. pp. 188. ae Aen ket 


Sold by Rae 

Hopes, Ficets, & Co., Ltp., 104, Gritiod shear! Dublin; ; an 
WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street Covent. Garden, na 
London, W.C. , 

SMA rain tat RIA RCTS) OS ain LNA SANS en a 
Beh ion nd yay Yea) aves PARSE IR hhh Nal 1 
} PU oh | ty 


March, rorz . THRUAN UML SEUIy Uno ae | 3 




i Vote XXIX, Rar vaer ee, No. 3 



». DUBLIN © 

Price Two Shitlings and Sixpence 


: Youre > wa 
= peter Se ie nite tat Senin = eh 
Die eS eee Cnn, ee > 


tag. iW Sagi OP pea, peas eee 
ar eM capper inte ay en ae Ou 


eg a a te 





In the year 1902 it was resolved to inher, in conseoutive iy 
order the Volumes of the PROCEE DINGS of the Academy, and Ne 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 

Vouumez I. (1886-1840) is Vorume I. IstSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. tAntiag- i. 

BBs TT. (1840-1844) yp) spn AE Ales hee at 

ss TED (2845-1849) yy) 35 ED i 9 Beas 

yo) AV 3 (LBS ESIBBO) 06 cig Ck Ve ad enn eke) 2 aaa 

sh) AWS (ABBO-TRBB) sc Ae TNC Dy, th eae ia 

ye NI SBBELBB EY ee he He eine na : 

pos WEE (857-4661) 5%) kN A ae NONE 

uo WELT. (1862-1964) 0 0 NEES Geog oe ee eA ie est 

eit Ae (UBB BASEB) EY wih Wee say y wt 

” x. (1866-1869) ” or) X. ” x / Fase Waket 

»» XI. (1870-1874),,  ,, I. 2nd Ser. | Science. 

RS Kaa eh: ah ihoen wap Cte Oe 

5 oy). > ee 

» SIV. (1884-1868),,  ,, IV. 9° ,, ARAN SGN 5 
S$) RWS (1S7O-ABTB) ar hay: shee ay Pol. Lit.& Antiqg, 
4s, RVI (2879-1988) ,, 4 poe a Z ern. 
» XVII. (1888-1891) ,, » 1. 8rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit.&Antiqg. = 
,) RVIIL, (1891-1898) ’,, / hy) ed ios i hens, 
wy RIK.(1998-1896)) oe Te eee as Re 
sy OKs LIBSG-TSHO a Lis a. Beevers poe: = fh 
4) XE (1898-1900) ae Mans, te Af 
XXII. (1900-1902) 0:5, VIE 5) MURS CE ae 
(RTI, <5.1(0801), Aah a oe ip 

»» XXIV. (1902-1904) :— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical,and Physical Science. 
» 5B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
,, ©. Archmology, Linguistic, and Literature. - “one 
, XXYV. (1904-5) 5 
s> XXXVI. (1906-7) 
4 XXVIT. (1908-9) In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. | 
, SXVIIL. (1909-10) 
», XM&XIX. (Current Volume) 


(Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
 archeological—may be obtained on application. | 

Arachnida : List of the Sade of Ireland. By G. H. CARPENTER. 
1898. pp. 83. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

. Arthropoda: Relations between the Classes of the Arthropoda. By 

G. H. CARPENTER. 1903. pp. 4I: plate. 8vo. . 1s. 6d. 

“Atlantis: Some Remarks on the Atlantis Problem. By R. F.SCHARFF.: 

1903. pp. 35. 8vo. Is. 

BaLKWILL (F. P.) and J. WRIGHT: Foraminifera from the Coast of 
Dublin and in the Irish Sea. 1884. pp. 56. 3 plates. 4to. 2s. 

BALL (V.): Lion-breeding in the Gardens of the Royal Zoological 

: Society of Ireland. "Fs pp. 36. plate. gto. 2s. 

BARRETT-HAMILTON (G. E. H.): Winter Whitening of. Mammals and 
Birds. 1903. pp.12. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 

BARRETT- HAMILTON (G. E. H.): An Addition to the List of British 
eae Mammals (Evotomys skamieensic} 1903. pp. 5... 8vo. 
Is. 6d, 

BrAuMONT (W. I.): part author of Fauna and Flora of Valengia 
Harbour, Ireland. 1900. pp. 188. 8vo. 4s. 

- Browne (E.T.): part author of Fauna and Flora of Valencia Harbour, 

Ireland. 1900. pp. 188, 8vo.- 4s. 

CALMAN(W.T.): Deep-sea Crustacea from the South-West of Ireland. 

1896. "pp. 22. 2 plates. qto. 2s. 
CaLMAN (W. 1.): Phoxocephalus and Apherusa. 1896. pp. 13. 
2 plates. qto. 2s. 6d. 

 CaRPENTER (G. H.): List of the Spiders of Ireland. 1898. pp. 83, 

8vo, 3s. 6d. 

(CARPENTER (G. H.): Beanans between the Classes of the Arthropoda. 
1903. pp. 41. plate. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 

' CARPENTER (G. H.) and Isaac Swain; A new Devonian Isopod from 

Kiltorcan, County Kilkenny. 1908. pp. 7. 1plate. 8yo. 1s. 

- Cave Faunas; Exploration of the Caves of Kesh. By R. F. SCHARFF, 

&c, 1903. pp. 44. 3 plates. 4to. 2s. © 

Cave Faunas: Discovery of Hyzna, Mammoth, &c., in a Cavern in 
Co, Cork. 1904. pp. 5. 8vo. 6d. 
CHASTER (G. W.): Report on the Mollusca aneained off the South- 
west Coast of head 1885-88. 1898. pp. 33. 8vo. 3s, 6d. 
Ceelenterata: A List of Irish Ccelentérata, including the Ctenophora. 
By JANE STEPHENS. 1905. pp. 68. 8vo. 1s. 

Coleoptera: List of Irish Beetles.’ By W. F. JOHNSON and J. N. 
HALBERT. 191. pp. 395. 8vo. 5s. 

Crustacea: Deep-sea Crustacea from the South-west of Ireland. By 
W. T. CALMAN, 1896. pp.22. 2plates. 4to. 2s. 

Echinoderms * List of the Echinoderms of Ireland. By A. R NicHoLs. 
1899. pp. 89. 8vo. ‘3s. 

. European Fauna: Origin of the European Fauna. By R. F. SCHARFF. 

' 1896. pp. 88.. 8vo. 1s. 6d 

Hoop (J.): Rotifera of the County Mayo. 1895. pp. 43. 2 plates. 8vo. 35. 

ah 4 Abe lp A Ae ee qT Terns Teas ne we 

me De a EN lis ee \) + 


JOHNSON (W. F.) and J. N. HALBERT: A List of Irish Beetles r901- 
Pp- 395. S8vo. 55. 

Kew (H. Wallis): A Synopsis of ‘the fates Suomen of Britain and 
Ireland. 1911. pp.27. 3 plates. 8vo. is:6d.  ~— 

Kine (James J. F. X.) and J. N. HALBERT: A A List of the 
Neuropterd of Ireland. 1910. pp. 84. 8vo. 1s.6d, 

MANGAN (J.): On the Mouth-parts of some Blattide. _ 1908. “BP. 10. 
3 plates. 8vo. ts. 

MerramM (A. E.): Mair ieee: in Birds, wih Ghecevens 
the Changes in the Blood. ‘1908. pp. 8.° 1 plate. ‘8vo. Is, 
MetTAM (A. E.): The Presence of Spirochztes in certain infective 

- Sarcomata of Dogs, 1908. pp.5. 1plate. 8vo. 1s.’ 
NicHOLs (A. R.): A List of the Echinoderms of Ireland. 1899. pp. 89 
8vo. 3s. ; 
Nicuots (A. R.): A List of the Marine Mollusca of Ireland. 380 
pp. 186. 8vo. 3s. Mi 
PacK-BERESFORD (D. R.): A Supplementary ’ List, of the Spiders of 
Ireland. 1909. pp.32. 8vo. 6d. 
Phoxocephalus and Apherusa. By W. T. CacacaN. "1896. ‘pp. 13. 
2 plates. 4to, 2s. 6d. © 
Rockall Island and Bank: History, Zoslogy, Geology, &c ia 1897. 
pp. 60. 6 plates. 4to. 5s. f 

are of the County Mayo. By J. Hoop. 1895. ‘PP: 43- 2 plates. 
VO. 3S. 

ScHARFF (R. F.): On the Origin of the European Fauna, ak 
pp. 88. 8vo. ts. 6d. hs 

ScHARFF (R. F.): Some Remarks on the Atlantis Problem. “1903. i ee 
PP. 35- 8vo. 1s. eis 

SCHARFF (R. F.): On the Irish Horse and its Early. History. } 1909. RRs 
pp. 6. 8vo. 6d. t wy 

ScHareF (R. F.) and others: Exploration of the Caves of Kesh, Cob iee 
Sligo, Ireland. 1903. pp. 44. 3 plates. 4to. 2s. pa erin 

SImpson (J. J.): A'Revision of the Gorgonellidae: 1. The Juncellid 
Group. 1910. pp. 140. 19 plates. 8vo. 7s. 6d, 

SOUTHERN (R.): Contributions towards a Monograph. of the British 
and Irish Oligocheta. 1909. pp. 64. 8vo, 2s. — 

SOUTHERN (R.): The Marine Worms (Annelida) of Dublin Bay and 
the Adjoining District. 1910. pp. 32. 8vo. 6d. 

Spiders : List of the Spiders of Ireland. i foal H. CARPENTER. sae 
pp- 83. 8vo. 3s. 6d. ; 
STELFox (A. W.): A List of the Land and Freshwater Mollusks of 

Ireland. 1911. pp. 100. 1 plate. Bo. 2s. 6d. 
STEPHENS (Jane): A List of Trish. Ccelenterata, including the 
Ctenophora. 1905. pp. 68. 8yo. ‘Is. A 
SWAIN (I.) and G. H. CARPENTER: “A New Devonian ‘Isopod from 
Kiltorcan, County Kilkenny. 1908. pp.7. 1 plate: 8vo. ts.) 
USSHER (R. J.) : Discovery of Hyena, Mammoth, &c., ina Cavern i in 
Co. Cork. 1904. pp. 5. 8vo. 
Valencia Harbour, Ireland: Fauna and Flora. By W. I. Beavaron, 
E. T. BROWNE, and others. 1900. pp. ane. a 48. ) 


Sold by 
HonbGEs, Ficeis, & Co., LTD., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; and 
Witirams & NorGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 


Mead ib® SLM 


OF ae 


| Vou XXIX, Srction B, rae 4 

ree Se 

‘Denis R. Pack Beresrorp anp Nevin H. Foster 




| Price Sixpence 

/n the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive — aah 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 


peel MIWA 

consequently attention is requested to the following Table: — 

~ Vorume 






II. (1840-1844) ,, 
III. (1845-1847) ,, 
IV. (1847-1850) ,, 
V. (1850-1858) ,, 
VI. (1858-1857) ,, 
VII. (1857-1861) ,, 
VIII. (1861-1864) ,, 
IX. (1864-1866) ,, 
X. (1866-1869) ,, 
XI. (1870-1874) ,, 
XII. (1876-1877) ,, 
XIII, (1888) ,, 
XIV. (1884-1888) ,, 
XV. (1870-1879) ,, 
XVI. (1879-1888) ,, 
XVII. (1888-1891) ,, 

XVIII. (1891-1898) ,, 

XIX. (1898-1896) ,, 
XX.'(1896-1898) ,, 
XXI. (1898-1900) ,, 

XXII. (1900-1902) ,, 
XXIV. (1902-1904) :— 

(1901) _,, 



. 2nd Ser. 

‘I, (1886-1840) is Vorume I. Ist Ber. Sci., Pol. bi ang. 


” as 

” \ 

Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 

” Tee Bis cee 
. 8rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 

Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical, and Physical Science. 
»  B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
» C. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. © 

XXV. (1904-5) 
XXVI. (1906-7) 
XXVIL. (1908-9) 

, XXVIII. (1909-10) 


XXIX. (Current Volume) 

In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 



| (Lists of Papers on other Subjects —sciantinie, literary, and 
archeological—may be obtained on application.) 

” Arachnida: List of the Spiders of Ireland. By G. H: CARPENTER. 
. 1898, pp. 83. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 
4 Arthropoda : Relations between the Classes of the Acihrondaa) By 
.. -G.H. CARPENTER. 1903. pp. 41. 1plate. 8vo. 1s. 6d, 
Atlantis: Some Remarks on the Atlantis Problem. By R. F. SCHARFE, 
1903. pp. 35. 8vo. Is. 

- BALKWILL (F. P.) and J. WRricHT: Foraminifera from the Coast of © 

Dublin and in the Irish Sea, 1884. pp. 56. 3 plates. 4qto. 2s, 

Yo Bann (V.) i Pion breeding in the Gardens of the Royal Zoological 
| Society of Ireland 36, pp. 36.. 1 plate. 4to. 2s. 

- BARRETT-Hamitton (G. E. H.): Winter Whitening of Mammals and 

‘Birds. 1903. pp.12. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 

BARRETI-HAMILTON (G. E. H.): An Addition to the “List of British 

: ney ‘Mammals (Evotomys skomerensis). 1903. pp. 5. 8vo. 

BEAUMONT (W..I.): part author of Fauna and Flora of Valencia 
_ Harbour, Ireland. 1900. pp. 188. 8vo. 4s. 

BROWNE (E,7.): part author of Fauna and Flora of Valencia daauls 

_ Ireland; 1900. pp. 188. 8vo. 4s. 

CALMAN(W.T.): Deep-sea Crustacea from the South-West of ete 
1896, pp. 22. 2 plates. 4to. 2s. 

_ (Catman (W. T.): Phoxocephalus and re ae 1896. pp. 13. 

2 plates. 4to. 2s, 6d. 

CARPENTER (G. H.): List of the Spiders of Ireland. ‘1898. pp. 83. 
8vo. 3s. 6d. 

. CARPENTER (G. H.): Relations venreen the Classes of the Arthropoda. 

1903. pp. 41. plate; 8vo. 1s, 6d. 
CARPENTER (G. H.) and Isaac SWAIN: A new Devonian Isopod from 
Kiltorcan, County Kilkenny. 1908. pp.7. 1plate. 8vo. 1s. 
Cave Faunas: _ Exploration of the Caves of Kesh, By R. F. SCHARFF, 
&e. 1903. pp. 44. 3 plates. qto. 25.- 
Cave Faunas: Discovery of Hyzna, Mammoth, &c., in a Cavern in 
| Co. Cork. 1904. pp. 5. 8vo.. 

. CHASTER (G. W.): Report on the Mollusca obtained off the South- 

west Coast of Ireland, 1885-88. 1898. pp. 33. “8vo. 3s. 6d. 
-Celenterata: A List of Irish. Coelenterata, including the Ctenophora. 
00) By JANE STEPHENS. 1905. pp. 68. 8vo. 1s. 
Coleoptera; List of Irish Beetles. By W. F. JOHNSON and J. N. 
i HALBERT. 191, pp..395. 8vo. 5s. 
Crustacea : Deep-sea Crustacea from the South-west of Ireland. By 
W.T. CALMAN. 1896. pp.22. 2plates. 4to. 2s. 
Echinoderms: List of the Echinoderms of Ireland. By A. R NICHOLS. 
1899. pp. 89. 8vo. 3s. 
European Fauna? Origin of the European Fauna, By.R. F. SCHARFF. 
» 1896. pp. 88. 8yo. 1s. 6d. 
, Hoop (J.): Rotifera ofthe County Mayo. 1895. pp. 43. 2 plates. 8yo. 38 
JOHNSON (W, F.) and J. N. HALBERT: A List of Irish Beetles. 1901. 
BP. 395. 8vo. 5s. 



Kew (H. Wallis): A Space of the False- DS of Britain and 
Ireland. 1g11. pp. 27. 3 plates. 8vo, Is. 6d. 

KinG (James J. F. X.) and J. N. HALBERT: A List ey the 
Neuroptera of Ireland. 1910. pp. 84. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 

MANGAN (J.): On the Mouth-parts of some Blattide. 1908. Ee 10. ‘ 

3 plates. 8vo. ‘Is. 
Metram (A, E.): Malignant Tumours in Birds, pit Observations on. 
the Changes in the Blood. 1908. pp.’8. 1 plate. 8vo. qs. | 
MetraM (A. E.): The Presence of Spirochetes in certain infective _ 
Sarcomata of Dogs. 1908. pp.5. 1plate. 8vo. Is. 

NICHOLS (A. R.): A List of the Echinoderms of Ireland. 1899. PP: 89. 
8vo.. 3s. 

NIcHOLS (A. R.): A List of the pet te Mollusca of Ireland. 1900. te Be f 

pp. 186. 8yo. gs. | 

Pack BERESFORD (D. R.): A Supplementary List of the Spiders: ae 
Ireland. 1909. pp. 32. 8vo. 6d. 

Pack BERESFORD (D. R.) and N. H. Fosrer: The: Woodlice . forre 
Ireland: their Distribution and Classification. IQII. PR: 26, 
8vo. 6d. 

Phoxocephalus and Apherusa. By W. T. Mega fai: 1896. PP. 1B. 
z2plates. 4to. 2s. 6d. Ne 

. Rockall Island and Bank: History, Zoology, Geology, &e. at 

pp. 60. 6 plates, 4to. 5s, 

Rotifera of the County Mayo. By J. Hoop. 1895. pp. 43. "2 plates. iy 

8vo. 3s. 

SCHARFF (R, Ee On the Origin of the European Fauna. 1896. 
pp. 88. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

‘SCHARFF (ROE, he “Some Remarks on the Atlantis Problem. 1903. ig 

PP: 35- 8vo. 

SCHARF (R. F.): eo the Irish Horse and its Early History. | _1909- 
pp. 6. 8vo. 6d. 

ScHarfF (R. F.) and others: Exploration of the Caves of Kesh, Co. 
Sligo, Ireland. 1903. pp. 44. 3 plates. 4to. 2s. 

Simpson (J. J.): A oe of the Sor oneliea eS ae The Juncellid 
Group. °Igio. - 140. 19 plates. 8vo. 7s. 6d. 

SOUTHERN (R.): Cestinitioan towards a aklea| of the British 
and Irish Oligocheta. 1909. pp. 64. 8vo. as. 

SOUTHERN (R.): The Marine Worms (Annelida) of Dublin Bay and - 
the Adjoining»District, 1910, pp. 32:° 8vo. 6d. 

Spiders: List of the Spiders of Ireland. By G. H. CARPENTER. 1898, ‘Shai 

pp: 83. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

STELFOx (A. W.): A List of the, Land and Freshwater Mollusks: of : 

Ireland. 19t1. pp. 100..1 plate. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

STEPHENS (Jane): A List of Irish Ceelenterata, including the 
Ctenophora. 1905. pp. 68. 8vo. 1s. 

Swain (I.) and G. H. CARPENTER: A New Devonian Isopod from 
Kiltorcan, County Kilkenny. 1908. pp. 7. 1 plate. 8yo. 1s. 

USSHER (R. J.): Discovery of Hyzna, Mammoth, Se. in a Cayern in 
Co. Cork. 1904. pp. 5. 8vo. 6d. 

Valencia Harbour, Ireland: Fauna and Flora. By W. I. BEAUMTON, 
E, T. BROWNE, and others. 1900.. pp. 188. 8vo. 4s. 
Sold by 
HopcEs, Ficeis, & Co., Ltp., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; and 
WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

Ces ok 

4 Fuly, 191r WAL ke HAUNT Led 5 



| | vo XXIX, Section B, No. 5 





Price Two Shilling gs and Sixpence 




In the year 1902 it was resolved to number in conseoutive = i 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of theAcademy,and == 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 

Vorume I. (1886-1840) is Vorume I. IstSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. a Antiga: 

oie Rs (1840-1844) Poin ys ede y 

3 IIl. (1845-1847) ,, yt A be 3 a 

1» IV. (1847-1850), 5, TV. | " > 

:, V. (1850-2658) 5," asst ace Moo. be 9 i 

oid: WE CLGSE-IBBT) peur aly Vie i onts 
as WEL (SBT ASBL ee geo hEe ue ye 
»  VIIE. (1861-1864),,. ,, VIIE. 
sik t De (ROC4-166G) ey irs ee 
it K)i(LGGG-1RBD)3, eh ee Ree eee N 

» XI. (1870-1874),, 4, 1. QndSer. Science. 
wii RAL, (LEYLA) ates Te 
Sp RUE, :<) CLOBBI tues Her aS 
»  AIV. (1884-1888),, ;, IV. 
Marie .419 Gey (VEN sc) Woot aE 
(ov NL (1879-1888) as Geer Rd eit a 
» XVII. (1888-1891) ,, is I. 8rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit.&Antiqg | 
» XVIII. (1891-1898) ,, 
» XIX. (1898-1896),,  ,,. IIL. 
ny. st KK. (1896-1898) 43 sc nv! 
» XXI.(1898-1900),, ,,  V. 

” ” 

39 a3 

” : 
» Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 

» XXII. (1900-1902),,  .,, VIL. ,, Gis? 
» SSIII. (1901) ,, Pepva's fe Any 
»» XXIV. (1902-1904) :— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical,and Physical Science. Vad 

» 3B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
1, ©. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
»  XXV. (1904-5) 
1» XXVI. (1906-7) 
» XVII, (1908-9) In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 
», XXVIII. (1909-10) ; 
» XXIX. (Current Volume) 



1 igo Conty 

BRODRICK aH. ): The Marble Arch Caves, County Fermanagh: Main 
Stream Series: 1909. pp. 10. 8yo 6d. 

Carlingford and Stieve Gallion Volcanic District. By W. J. Sottas. 
1894. pp. 36. 2plates. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

CoFFEY (G.) and R. Lt. PRAEGER: The Larne Raised Beach. 1904: 

, pp. 58. 5 plates. 8vo. 2s. 

COLE (G. A. _J.): Metamorphic Rocks in Eastern Tyrone and Sottherh 
Donegal. 1900. pp. 42. 2plates. 410. 2s, 

COLE (G. A. J.): Composite Gneisses in _Boylagh, West a oe 
3902. pp. 28. 5 plates. 8vo. 3s. 

Coxe (G. A. J.), A.C. Happon, and W. af SOLLAS: Geology of Torres 
Straits. 1894. pp.58. 4 plates. 4to. 4s. 

COLE (G. A. J.): Intrusive Gneiss of Tirerrill and Drumahair, Ireland. 

5 1903: pp. 10. 8vo. «is. 6d. 

COLE (G. ‘A: pS) On Contact- Phenomena at the Junction of Lias and 
Dolerite at Portrush. 1906. pp.11. “1 plate. 8vo. 6d. 

CoLeE (G. A. J.): The Picture-Rock or Scribed Rock near Rathmullan, 
‘in the County of Donegal.. 1910. pp.7.. 8vo. 6d. 

CoLE (G. A.J.): Glacial Features in Spitsbergen in relation to Irish 

Geology. 1911. pp. 18. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

Cusack (R.): “Melting Points of Minerals. 1896. pp-15. 8vo, 2s. 

Denudation: Solvent Denudation in Fresh and Salt Water. By J. JoLy. 
1902. pp. 14. 8yvo. Is. 

Denudation: The Waste of the Coast of Ireland. By J. P. O’ REILLY. 

,- 1902. pp. 108. 8vo. 3s. 

Earthquakes: Catalogue of Earthquakes in Great Britain and Ireland. 

By J. P. O'REILLY, 1884. pp. 32. 1plate. gto. 2s. 

Earthquakes: Catalogue of the Earthquakes recorded as having occurred — 

in Europe and adjacent Countries, « eS J. P. O’REILLY. 1885. 
Pp. 220. gto. 4s. 6d. 
Erres (G, L.); W. G. FEARNSIDES, and B. SmitH: The Lower 
Palzozoic Rocks of Pomeroy. 1907. pp.30. 8vo. Is. 
_ FEARNSIDES (W. G.), G. L, ELLEs, and B. SmirH: The Lower 
} ‘Paleozoic Rocks of Pomeroy. 1907. pp- 30. 8vo. Is. 
Geological Climates: Sun-heat, Terrestrial Radiation, and Geological 
Climates. By S. HAUGHTON. 1881. Pp. 52. 4to. ’ 2s, 
Geology of Torres Straits. By A. C. Happon, W. J. SOLLAS, and 
G. A, J. Cone. 1894. pp.58. 4 plates. 4to. 4s. 

Gneiss: Intrusive Gneiss of Tirerrill and Drumahair, ireland. By 

G, A. J. COLE. 1903. pp. 10. 8vo. 1s. 6d, 
Gneisses : Composite Gneisses in Boylagh, West Donegal. By G, A. 
J. COLE. 1g02.. pp. 28. 5 plates. 8vo. 3s. 

Granites of Leinster. By W. J. SoLLAs. 1891. pp. 88. 4to. 3s. 6d. 
HapDDOoNn (A. C.), W. J. SoLtAs, and G. A. J. CoLE: Geology of Torres 
Straits. 1894. pp. 58. 4 plates, 4to. 4s. ; 
Hit (C. A.), H. BRopRick, and A. RULE: The Mitchelstown Caves, 

Co. Tipperary. 1909. pp. 34. 4plates. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 
Jory (J): Solvent Denudation in Fresh and Salt Water. 1902. pp. 14. 
vo. IS. 

_ Kizrok (J. R.): The River Shannon: its present Gants and Geological 
History. 1907. pp. 23. 4 plates. 8vo. Is. 

RT ee MS WS Se te 0! RRMA AT Ee ge Sat Le eR On a nae ee ore aS lac «Shy 

$e, a? *a 


(4) id 

KILRoz (J. R.): The Silurian and Metamorphic Rocks of Mayo and 
North Galway. 1907. pp.32. z2plates. 8vo. 1s. 

M‘Henry (A.) and W. J. SOLLAS: Volcanic Neck of Tertiary Age in oe ; 
the County of Galway, Ireland. 1896. pp. 14. 1plate. gto. 2s.6d. | ~ 

en ye The Ox Mountain Rocks, Ireland. 1903. pp. 8. 8yo. 

1s. 6d 

Metamorphic Rocks in Eastern Tyrone and Southern Donegal. By 
G. A. J. COLE. 1900. pp. 42. 2plates. 4to. 2s. 

Metamorphic Rocks: The Ox Mountain Rocks, Treland. Bl A. 
M‘HENRY. 1903. pp.8. 8vo. Is. 6d. 

Melting Points of Minerals. By R. CUSACK. 1806. ee 15. ) Syol is 

2s. - é 

O’REILLY (J. P.): Catalogue of Earthquakes in Great Britain and 
Ireland. 1884. pp. 32- 1 plate. qto. 2s. 

O’REILLY (J. P.): Catalogue of Earthquakes recorded as having 
occurred in Europe and adjacent countries. ‘1885. Pp: 220. 4to. 
4s. 6d. ; 

O’REILLY (J. P.): Dates of Volcanic Eruptions and their concordance 
with the Sun-spot Period. 1899. pp.41. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

O’REILLY (J. P.): Waste of the Coast of Ireland. 1902. pp. 108. 
8vo. 38. ~ 

PRAEGER (R. LL.): Raised Beaches of the North-East of Ireland 
1896. pp. 25. plate. 8vo. 3s. 

PRAEGER (R. Lt.) and G. COFFEY: pe Larne Raised Beach. 1904. . 
pp- 58. 5plates. 8yo. 2s. i 

Raised Beaches: The Larne Raised Beach. By G. CoFFEy and 
R. Lt. PRAEGER. 1904. pp. 58. 5 plates. 8yo. 2s. : ; 

Raised Beaches of the North-East of Ireland. By R. LL. PRAEGER. 
1896. pp. 25. 21plate. 8yo. 3s. cy 

ScHARFF (R. F.): On the Evidences of a former Land-bridge between 
Northern. Europe and North America. 1909. pp. 28. 8vo. ts. 

Situ (B.), G. L. ELLEs, and W. G, FEARNSIDES: The Lower 
Paleozoic Rocks of Pomeroy. 1907. pp. 30. 8vo, Is. 

SoLLas (W. J.): Granites of Leinster. 1891. pp. 88.. 4to. 3s. 6d. 

SoLLas (W. J.): Volcanic District of Carlingford and Slieve Gallion. 
1894. pp. 36. 2plates. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

SOLLAS (W. J.) and A. M‘HENRY: Volcanic Neck of Tertiary Age in 
the County of Galway, Ireland. 1896. pp. tq. 1 plate. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

‘SOLLAS (W. J.), A. C: HADDON, and G. A. J. COLE: Geology of Torres. 
Straits. 1894. pp. 58. 4 plates. 4to. 4s. 

Sun-spot Periods: their concordance with Volcanic Eruptions. By 
J. P. O'REILLY. 1899. pp.41. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

Torres Straits: Geology of Torres Straits. By A.C. ‘Happon, W. j. 
SOLLAS, and G. A. J. COLE. 1894. pp.58. 4to. 4s. ha/ 

Volcanic District of Carlingford and Slieve Gullion. By W. J. SOLLAS. 
1894. pp. 36. 2plates. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

Volcanic Eruptions and concordance with Sun-spot Periods. By J. P. 
O’REILLY. 1899. pp. 41. 8yo. 3s. 6d. 

Volcanic Neck of Tertiary Age in the County of Galway, Ireland. By 

W. J. Sottas and A. M‘HENRY. 1896. pp. 14. 1 plate. 4to. 
2s. : 

| September, fort 



Voto XXIX, SECTION. B, ae 6 



‘ ; LOTL si) 

Price One Shilling and Sixpence 

. i (1840-1844) ie oe 
» IIT. (4845-1847) ,, 
» IV, (1847-1850), 
3 V. (1850-1858) ,, 
Fu WE cubis ee A 
» WIL (1857-1861),, © ,, VIL. 
» WITT. (1861-1864) ,, ,, VI. 
4 TX. (1864-1866),, ,, ‘TX. pe ie 
»  X. (1866-1869), 
» XI. (1870-1874), 
” xi. (1875-1877) ,, 03.7 ian ‘ . ‘iy eis 
ge SEXED. BBB): | eee ap ee ees 
| SIV..(1884-1888),, , TV.) 
i» XY. (1870-1879) ,, 4). 
1 XVI. (1879-1888) 5) = 94, 
» XVII. (1888-1891) 
», XVIII. (1891-1898) ,, 
» KIX, (1898-1896),, , Uh 94, 
»» | XX, (1896-1698),,  , \ IV. > 4. 
XXL. (1898-1900) , Wis 

» XXII. (1900-1902) ,,. 
» XXII. ~~ (1901) 

a = Vil. : wy! he Ara 
» XXIV, (1902-1904) :— ie : oy 

Section A. Mathematical, Actronomidal An PE 
»  B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical § Fs 

. » ©, Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature ie ast i 

»  XXV. (1904-5) ie: oF aM. 

,. XXVI. (1906-7) eae x fe 

» SXVIL. (1908-9) B three Se mons like Vol. 3 ve ag 

>; SXVIIL. (1909-10) 
+» XXIX. (Current Volume) 

_. Atlantis: “Some Remarks on the Atlantis Problem. By R. F,SCHARFF, 



[Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
archeological—may be obtained on application.) 

ARWIDSSON (Ivar); Some Irish Maldanidae, 1gIl. pp. 20. 3plates, 
8vo. 1s. 6d. 

PVR TODS MDP“ BS GVO. tSe. 0 3: 
BaLKWILL (F. P.) and J. WRIGHT: Foraminifera from the ‘Coast of 
-_ Dublin and in the Irish Sea. 1884. pp. 56. 3. plates. 4to. 2s. 
Batt (V:): Lion-breeding in the Gardens of the Royal Zoological 
Society of Ireland. 1886. pp. 36. 1 plate. 4to. 2s. 
BARRETT-HAMILTon (G. E. H.): Winter Whitening of Mammals and 
Birds. 1903. pp. 12. 8vo. ts. 6d. 
-BARRETT-HAMILTON (G. E. H.): An Addition to the List of British 
ee Mammals (Byotomys skomerensis). 1903. pp. 5. 8vo. 
BEAuMoNT (W. I.): part author of Fauna and Flora of Valencia 
Harbour, Ireland. 1900. pp. 188. 8vo. 4s. He 
BROWNE(E.T.): Part author of Fauna and Flora of Valencia sega Ny 
. Treland. r1goo. pp. 188. 8vo. 4s, 
_ CALMAN(W.T.): Deep-sea Crustacea from the South- West of Ireland. 
1896. pp. 22. 2’plates. 4to. 2s. 
* CALMAN (W, T.): Phoxocephalus and Apherusa. 1896. pp. 13. 
‘oy 2-plates. .4to. 2s. 6d. i 
epee ies See ‘H.): List of the Spiders of Ireland. -1898. pp. 83. 
; vO. 3S. 6d.) 
| CARPENTER (G. H.): Relations between the Classes of the Arthropoda. 
4 1903. -pp.41. 1 plate. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 
CARPENTER (G. H.)'and Isaac Swain: A new Devonian Isopod from 
of Kiltorcan, County Kilkenny. 1908. pp. 7- 1 plate. 8vo. Is. 
Cave Faunas: Exploration of the Caves of Kesh. By R. F. SCHARFF, 
&c. 1903. pp. 44. 3 plates. gto. 2s. 
~ Cave Faunas: Discovery of Hyena, Mammoth, &c., in a Gavan in 
Co, Cork. 1904. pp- 5. 8vo. 
_CHASTER (G. W.): Report on the Mollusca obtained off the “South- 
; west Coast of Ireland, 1885-88. 1898. pp. 33. 8vo. 35. 6d. 
Coelenterata: A List of Irish Ccelenterata, including the Ctenophora. 
By JANE STEPHENS. 1905. pp. 68. 8vo, Is.) 
Coleoptera: List of Irish Beetles. By W. F. JoHNSON and J. N 
HALRERT. “191. pp. 395. 8vo. 5s. 
~ Crustacea: Deep-sea Crustacea from the South-west of Ireland. By 
W. T. CALMAN. 1896. pp. 22% 2 plates. 4to. 2s, 
fchinoderms: List of the Echinoderms of Ireland. By A. R NicHots. 
1899. pp. 89. 8vo. 3s. : 
European Fauna: Origin of the European Fauna. By R, F. SCHARFF. 
1896, pp. 88. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 
Hoop (J.): Rotifera ofthe CountyMayo. 1895. pp.43. 2 plates..8vo. 3s. 
JOHNSON (W. F.) and J. N. HALBERT: A List of Irish Beetles. raor. 
Dp. 395. 8yvo. 5s. 


Kew { CH. Wailis): A ‘ssoopie 0 of the Fates Sconpan : 
Ireland, 1911: pp. 27. 3 plates. 8vo. »2s. 6d. 

Kine {james J. F. X.) and aye Wes grea S 
Ni c 7 K 

Meriast (A. E.): Malignant Tumours 
\.. “ the Changes in the Biood- Sap PP- 
METTAM (A. E.): The Presence of 
Sarcomata of Dogs. 1908. pp. "Sauk 
NICHOLS ee R.): A List of the 


NICHOLS: TA. R.): A List of the “Marine M. 
pp- 186. _ 

PACK BERE ere (D. RD: A 

; . 52. Bvo. 6d. - 
Pack. etree Ate ee . R:) and N. H. 
bees their Distribution ane Classificati 
vO. SS Wed 
Phoxocephalus and Apherusa._ ae T. 
2 plates. gto, 2s. 6d. - 
Rockall Island and Bank: 
Y pp: 60. 6 plates. 4to. 5s. 
Rotifera of the County Mayo. “By J. _ Hoop. 189 
ce WG. 5S. See re 
‘Scuanrr (R. F): On the ‘Origin of the 
pp. 88. 8vo. 1s: 6d... DGS 17 Ie. eae 
sac! oft aro agra Remarks on pelea rol 
SouaeereRe FE): On the Irish ‘Horse. and its | 
~ pp. 6, > 8vo! 64. er 
~ScHarrr (R. F.) and others: Exploration 
Sligo, Ireland. © ee: Pp- 44. 3 plates. 
arth Hae 2 ome % 
Ee . 1910. . pp. 140. 19 plates. _8vo. 
persue cngre nae 
and Ini I le 
SOUTHERN (R) The Marise Woons: (Anuella 0 
: the Adjoining District. "1910. Beh 
Spiders : List of the Spiders of I By 
pp- 83. &vo. 3s. 6d- + 
uF STeLtrox (A. W.): A List of the Land and 
wire ; Ireland. 1911. pp. 100. 1 plate. “$vo. 6d. 
ee STEPHENS (Jane): A List of Irish Coscnieseat nc 
Se ; Ctenophora. 1905. - 68. (8va., 16-90 ee eee 
: 7 Swain (1.) and G- H- PENTER: A New Devonian Is 
it Kiltorcan, County Kilkenny. i908. wee eee 
; USSHER {R. J-): sigan ds of fPntas, Mammoth, 
Co. Cork. 1904. 8vo. 6d. 
Valencia Harbour, Ire’ a “Fauna and Flora. oe Be 
E. T. BROWNE, and others. - 900. pp. 188. Svo. 

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London, W: Ss 

February, 1912 RNS EHWATHAN Levcth AK on 




Vous XXDX Section B, No. 





Price Sixpence 


Vous i (1886-1840) i is Vouoas r 
oy TL (1840-1844) ,, 
yy TLL. (1845-1847) ain ae 
IV. (1847-1850), , 
ys V.(1850-1858),,, 
yoo WE(1868-1867) |) 4) 
eit). MILA ORT ABBE) ey, 
VIEL. /1861-1864),, —,, VI 
» IX. (1864-1866),, 4, 
i X. (1866-1869) ,, 
yy XI. (1870-1874) ,, 
: hice) RIL. (1675-51872), ang 
» XUN. (1888), 
(4, XIV. (1884-1888) ,, 
Me RM (1870208 70)i,5 1 
«XVI. (1879-1888) ,, 
Ares » XVII. (1888-1891) ,, 
Pant: EY MVE (1891-1598) | * | 
Os 4, XIX, (1898-1896) ,, 
WAY Ai git eke (1896-1808): 
yy  XXI. (1898-1900) , 
» XXIL. (1900-1902) ,, . 
» XXIV. (1902-1904) :— ney 
Section A. Mathematical, AGeeapedaalan hysi 
» B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical 
spiel @ fe Archwology, teat and. sean a 
»  XXV. (1904-5) 
» XVI. (1906-7) - ha AD Sl 
» XXVIL (1908-9) In three Sections like Vol. 
| XXVIIZ, (1909-10) EN ah A i 
XXIX, (Current Volume) 






[Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
. archeological—may bé obtained on application.) 

BRODRICK (H.): The Marble Arch Caves, County Fermanagh: Main 
* Stream Series. 1909. pp. 10: 8vo 6d. 

Carlingford and Slieve Gallion Volcanic District.. By W. J. SOLLAS. 

1894. pp.36. 2plates. 4to. 2s, 6d. 

Correy (G.) and R. Lu. PRAEGER: The Larne Raised Beach. 1904. 
Pp. 58. 5 plates. 8vo. 2s: 

COLE (G. A. J.): Metamorphic Rocks in Eastern Tyrone and Southern 

- Donegal. 1900. pp. 42. 2 plates. gto. 2s. 

‘CoLz (G. A. J.): Composite Gneisses in Boylagh, West Donegal. 
1902. pp. 28. 5 plates. 8vo: 3s. 

COLE (G. A. J.), A.C. Happon, and W. J. Sots: Geology of Torres 
Straits. 1894. pp. 58. 4 plates. ato. 4s. 

COLE (G. A. J.): Intrusive Gneiss of Tirerrill and Drumahair, Ireland. 

1903. pp. to. S8vo. 1s. 6d. ’ 

‘COLE (G. A. J.): On Contact-Phenomena at the Junction of Lias and 

Dolerite at Portrush. 1906. pp.1z. 1 plate. 8vo. 

‘COLE (G- A. J.): The Picture-Rock or Scribed Rock near Rathmullan, 
in the County of Donégal. 1910. pp,7. 8vo. 6d. 

COLE (G. A.J.): Glacial Features in Spitsbergen in relation to Irish 

Geology. gir. pp. 18. 8vo. 2s. 6d. ‘ 
CUSACK (R.): Melting Points of Minerals. 1896. pp.15: 8vo. 2s. 
Denudation ; Solvent Denudation in Fresh and Salt Water. By J. JOLY. 

1902. pp. 14. 8vo. Is. . ? ; 
Denudation: The Waste of the Coast of Ireland. By J. P. O’REILLY 

1902. pp. 108. 8vo. 35. ean 
Earthquakes : Catalogue’ of Earthquakes in Great Britain and Ireland. 

By J. P. O'REILLY. 1884: pp. 32.. 1 plate. gto. 2s. 
Earthquakes: Catalogue of the Earthquakes recorded as having occurred 

in Europe and adjacent Countries, By J. P. O’REILLY. 1885. 

Pp. 220. 4to. 4s. 6d. 

_Ettes (G. L.), W. G. FEARNSIDES, and B. SmitH: The Lower 

. Paleozoic Rocks of Pomeroy. 1907. pp. 30. 8vo. Is. 
FEARNSIDES (W. G.), G. L. ELLES, and B. SmrrH: The Lower 

__ Paleozoic Rocks of Pomeroy. 1907. pp. 30: 8vo. Is- 
Geological Climates: Sun-heat, Terrestrial Radiation, and Geological 

Climates. By S. HAUGHTON. 1881. pp. 52. 4to. 2s. 

Geology of Torres Straits. By A. C. Happon, W. J. SOLLAs, and 

GA. J. COLE, 1894." pp. 58.4 plates. 4to. 4s. 
‘Gneiss: Intrusive Gneiss of Tirerrill and Drumahair, Ireland. By 
G. A. J. COLE. ‘1903. pp. 10. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 

. Gneisses ; Composite Gneisses in Boylagh, West) Donegal. By G. A. 

J. COLE. 1902. pp. 28. 5 plates. 8vo. 3s. 
‘Granites of Leinster. By W. J; SoLLAs. 1891. pp. 88. qto. 3s. 6d. 
Happon (A. C.), W. J. SOLLAS, and G. A. J. COLE: Geology of Torres 
Straits. 1894. pp. 58! 4 plates. 4to. 4s. 
Hitt (C. A.), H. BRODRICK, and A. RULE: The Mitchelstown Caves, 
. €o. Tippetary.’ 1909.. pp. 34: 4 plates. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 

Jory (J): Solvent Denudation in Fresh and Salt Water. :1902. pp. 14. 
vo. IS. 

KILROE (J. R.): The River Shannon: its present Course and Geological 

History.. 1907. pp.23. 4 plates. 8yvo. Is. 


KIEROE (Jj. R.): The Siurian and Metamorphic Ro 
’ North Galway. 1907. pp. 32. 2 plates. 8vo 
M‘Henry (A.) and W. J. Sottas: Volcanic Neck 
the County of Galway, Ireland. 1896. pp. 14. 
weer {A.): The Ox Mountain Rocks, Trelan 
Is. : 
M‘Hewnry (A.): Report on the “ ‘Dingle Bed’? Rocks 

Peninsula, Co. Kerry. 1912. pp. 6. 1 plate. 8vo 6 
Metamorphic Rocks in Eastern Tyrone and ern Do 
G. A. J. COLE. 1900. ‘pp. 42. 2 plates. Hale 3 
ee Rocks: The Ox Mountain Ro : 
M‘HENRY. 1903. pp. 8. 8vo. ts. 6d. B) 
Melting Points of Minerals. By R. CUSACK. 
z5sey ; 
O’REILLY (J. P.): Catalogue of Borthquakes in 
_ Ireland. 1884. pp. 32. iplate. 4to. 2s 
O’REILLY (J. P.): Catalogue of Earthquakes rece 
Nara he in eae and adjacent Bete ria 
4s. 6d. 
O’REILLY (J. P.): Dates of Volcanic Branko Lede the 
with the Sun-spot Period. 1899. pp.41. 8vo. 3s, 
ee (J. P.): Waste of the Coast of Ireland. 2 
*- 8yo. 3s. che 
PRAEGER (R. Lt.): Raised Beaches of the North- 
_ 1896. pp. 25. 1 plate. 8vo. 3s. aS 
PRAEGER (R. Lt.) and G. Correy: The Lame Raised 
pp-58. 5 plates. 8vo. 2s. | - : 
Raised Beaches: The Larne Raised eae By GC 
; R. Li. PRAEGER. 1904. pp. ‘58. 5 plates. 8vo nee 
Raised Beaches of the North-East of Ireland. By R. 
1896. pp. 25. 1 plate. 8vo. 3s. aS 
SCHARFF (R. F.): On the Evidences ofa former Land-bri 
3 Northern Europe and North America. 1909. pp. 
SmitH (B.), G. L. ELLEs, and W. G. FEARNSID 
Paleozoic Rocks of Pomeroy. 1907. pp: 39. 8yo, 
SoLLas (W. J.): Granites of Leinster. 1891. pp. 88. 
Sorras (W, J.): Volcanic District of Carlingford : 
1894. pp. 36. 2 plates. qto. 2s. resis aid : 
SOLLAs (W. J.) and A. M‘HENRY: Volcanic Neck of Te 
the County of Galway, Ireland. 1896. pp. tq. 1 
SoLtas (W. J.), A. C. Happon, and G. A. J. Cote 
Straits. 1894. pp.58. 4 plates. 4to. 4sg 
Sun-spot Periods: their concordance with Vi canic E 
J. P. O'REILLY. 1899. pp. 41. 8yo. 3s. 6d. 
Torres Straits: Geology of Torres Straits. By A. voy 
SOLLAS, and G. A. J. COLE. 1894. pp. 58. 4to. 
Volcanic District of Carlingford and Slieve Gullion. By Ww. 
'. 1894. pp. 36. 2 plates. 4to. 2s. 6d. hae 
~ Volcanic Eruptions and concordance with Sun-spot Periods, By 
O’REILEY. 1899. pp. 41. 8vo. 35. 6d.’ J 
Volcanic Neck of Tertiary Age in the County of Galwa: 
W. J. Sottas and A. M‘HENRY. 1896. PP any 


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Lo Votume XXIX, Section B, No. 8 





' Price Sixpence 


ANTS CU dae 


Vorume I. (1886-1840) is Vorvme IT. 
OUT ABAOT ARAN) et Sa a ae . 
TIL, (1845-1847), 3, TIL he 

1, ogg el Wet (LBA T=EBBO) ui a EV aera) 
i Ve (2880-1858) 45) 1) gy ue Mo taey aara 
ok VI CLOBB=LBET) pg) nash COVER cele meas 
ok MIL (ABb7-1RGR) Yee VER oy bs os 
iy WEEE. (UBG1 1864 )o oS Ny 
sey OLX (TRBS=LOGG) Nauti ee LR: 
be X. (1866-1869) ,, ,, X 
ie RAN (TBO ABTA) nan 
Oo SELB TE ARTA nee lg ee a 
Wee BONG E 5) Ma Ma sa oH 
» XIV. (1884-1888) ,, ,, IV. 
yt ie Vc (LBTO=1879) 504 
» XVI. (1879-1888) ,, ,, 
» XVII. (1888-1891) ,, 
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iy MEX. (1898-1896) ,f) 0° os 
| XX. (1896-1898) ,, 
4, XXI. (1898-1900) , 
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fe RRL 6 (LOOT), ij os a NTE: 
Pee. he ener che 

sy B. Biological, Gesiigieal and Ohelniaa Scienc : 
';, ©. Archeology, patie and Literature. 
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+, XIX. (Current Volume) 



_[Eists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
un ann elie ania be obtained on application. | 

ADENEY QW. Ey)? Gheiareal Changes attending the Aérobic Bacterial 
© Fermentation of simple Organic Substances. I. Urea, Asparagine, 
Albumose, and Rochelle Salt. 1905. pp.19. 2plates. 8vo. Is. 

_ ADENEY (W. E.): The Composition of a Nitrogen Mineral Water at 
‘St. Edmundsbury, Lucan. 1906. pp. 3. 8vo. 6d. 

Atomic Weights: Geometrical Illustrations of Newlands’ and Mendele- 
jeft’s Periodic Law of Atomic Weights. By S. gs gain 1889. 
Ppp-:207. 4to. 2s.’ 

Bessel’s Functions : Some Mente cans of hese Functions to Physics. 
By F. PURSER. 1906, pp. 42. 8vo. gd. 

CAMERON (C. A.) and E, W. Davy: Undescribed eta of 
Selenium. 1881. pp. 22. ato. Is. 

Chemical Equilibrium, By F. A. TARLETON. 1880. pp. 12, 4to. Is. 
Creeping of Liquids, and Surface-tension of Mixtures. Bye Back. 
TROUTON. 1902. pp. 5. 8vo. 1s: 
CUSACK (R.): Melting Points of Minerals. 1896. pp. 15. 8vo. 2s. 
Davy (E. W.): Nitroprussides of the Bases of Opium. 1885. ‘pp. 18. 

ALOs er DS. pat 
- Davy (E. W.) and C, A. CAMERON: Undescribed Compounds of 
_ Selenium. 1881. pp. 22. 4to. 1s. 
EBRILL (G,) and H. Ryan: Synthesis of Glycosides: some derivatives 
_ of Arabinose. 1903. pp. 8. 8vo. is. 6d. 
EBRILL. (G.), and H. RyANn: Note on the Action of Peileind on 
B- Glycosides. 1906. pp. 3. 8vo. 6d. 
Glycosides: some derivatives of Arabinose, By H. Ryan and G. EBRILL. 
1903. pp. 8. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 
HACKETT (F. E.): The Ionic Theories of Magneto-Optic Rotation. 
1906.. pp. 24. 8vo, 6d, 
HAUGHTON (S.): Geometrical Illustrations of Newlands’ and Mendele- 

jeff’s Periodic Law of the Atomic Weights of the Chemical Elements. 
1889. pp. 207, 4to. 2s. 

Latent Heat of Evaporation of Steam from Saturated Salt Solutions. 
By F. T. TRouTON. 1890. pp. 19. 4to. Is. 

Melting Points of Minerals. By R. CUSACK. 1806. pp. 15. 8yo. 2s. 

ae ae i ny { 

‘8y0. 4 


1906. Pp. a 


of Arabinose. 1903. PP. Ae 

 B -Glycosides. pe PP. Bs 8vo. 60. 

derived from Palmitic and Stearic Esters. 

so Gale Solutions : 5 Latent ‘Heat of Evaporation 
tg Me. Salt Solutions. By F. 7 TROUTON. 1890. 

- Selenium : adeeonbel eee of Selenium 
anaes ay Davy. ABI. 

Pongon: W. ee 


Merc, 1972 RE ee ne a 
¢ a : ler? > 




- Vou XXIX, Seaabe B, No. 9 




Price One Shilling 


a AE ie 
pe Share » 
‘ Nii 
\ ae 
Pe rah. 
pad | 

SE ee ed 



consequently attention is requested fo the fo lowed abl z u 


Votume I, (1886-1840) is Vovous I, Ist Ser. Bei., Pol. 
nye AE, (1840-2044) fy iis, 2 
ve UTE. (08 45-1847)-9; "15, 0 EET iae tere 
ie Sarees nu &! TV. (9827-1600) .5°5 Go) DV on 
ee Tie +. V. (1850-1868) yeh 57) Ni ha 
as 1 MESSRS -LBBT) Gas eI i ie aaa 
ws) WER (AB67-1863) yf), WR aa an 
“as MELE (18611864) ois or OE 
*. op) OER (LSB 4 NSB6) is 8 Pe Ce ae 
oa + X. (4866-1869)5; 2) o> Kars he ae 
» XI. (1870-1874),,  ,,  T. QndfSer. ~ 
pe) RAL IBT6 ABT TNA ok oy Oran ee 
99. LLL eB BB) big hs eee att ay 
191 RLV (1884-1688) p55 sy rae Cae ence 
9) ORV S (187021879) 5, Caray) eed Pol. Lit. & Au 
ob XVI. (1879-1888) BiG er ee tere, 1 ates een 
1 XVII. (1888-1891) ,, — I. 8rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit.. 
ys XVIII. (1891-1898) ,, {I * . i 
«s . SIX. (1898-1896), TEs 2 yy. 
1» XX. (1896-1898),, , IV. 94,” 
» XXI. (1898-1900), ,, V.  ,, 
»» XXII. (1900-1902) ,, - 4, VL" ,, 
» XXII. (1901) - a 6 Tre 
»» XXIV. (1902-1904) :_ uy 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical, and Phys 
»  B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. — 
» 0. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. — MY 
»  XXV. (1904-5) : 
»s XXVI. (1906-7) sth yea 
» XXVII. (1908-9) In three Sections like Vol. XXIV 
,, XXVIII. (1909-10) Bae aie c) 
», XXIX. (Current Volume) 



BaUBe ick (H.): The Marble Arch Caves, County Fermanagh: Main 
Stream Series. 1909. pp. io. 8vo. 6d. 

_ Carlingford and Slieve Gallion Volcanic District. By W. J. SOLLAS. 

1894. pp: 36. 2 plates. 4to. 2s, 6d. 

_ Corrsy (G.) and R. Lu. PRAEGER: The Larne Raised Beach. 1904. 5 

pp. 58. 5 plates. 8yo. 2s. 
Coun (G, A. J.): Metamorphic Rocks in Eastern Tyrone and Gothen 
_ Donegal. 1900. pp. 42. 2plates. 4to. 2s. 
COLE (G. A. J.): Composite Gneisses in Boylagh, West Donegal. 
1902. pp. 28. 5 plates. 8vo. 3s. 
_ CoLE(G, A. J.), A.C. Happon, and W. J. SoLias : Geology of Torres 
Straits. “1894. pp. 58. 4 plates. 4to. 4s. 
CoxE (G. A. J.): Intrusive Gneiss of Tirerrill and Drumahair, Ireland. 
i, 1903. pp. 10. 8vo. Is. 6d. 
Coz (G. A. J.): On Contact-Phenomena at the Junction of Lias and 
Dolerite at Portrush. 1906. pp.iI1. iplate. Syo. 6d. 
_ COLE (G. A. J.): The Picture-Rock or Scribed Rock near Rathmullan, 
in the County of Donegal. 1910. pp. 7. 8vo. 6d. 

_ CoLE (G. A. J.): Glacial Features in Spitsbergen in relation to Irish 

Geology. 1911. pp. 18. 8yo. 2s. 6d. 
Cusack (R.): Melting Points of Minerals. 1896. pp. 15. su 2S 
- Denudation : Solvent Denudation in Fresh and Salt Water. By J. JoLy. 
1902, pp. 14. 8vo. Is. 
Denudation: The Waste of the Coast of Ireland. By J. P. O'REILLY. 
y* 1902. pp. 108. 8vo. 3s. 
_ Earthquakes : Catalogue of Earthquakes in Great Britain and Ireland. 
By J. P. O'REILLY. 1884. pp. 32. plate. 4to. 2s. 
Earthquakes: Catalogue of the Earthquakes recorded as having occurred 
. In Europe and adjacent Countries, By J.P. O'REILLY. 1885. 
Pp. 220. 4to. 4s. 6d. 
ELLES (G. L.), W. G. FEARNSIDES, and B. SmitH: The Lower 
Paleozoic Rocks of Pomeroy, 1907. pp. 30. 8vo. Is. — 
FEARNSIDES (W. G.), G. L. ELLES, and B. SmMirH: The Lower 
_ Paleozoic Rocks of Pomeroy. 1907. pp. 30. 8vo. Is: 
Geological Climates: Sun-heat, Terrestrial Radiation, and Geological 
_ Climates. By S. HAUGHTON. 1881. pp: 52- gto. 2s. 
area of Torres Straits,’ By A. C. HADDON, W. J. SOLLAS, and 
A.J. COLE. 1894. pp. 58. 4 plates. 4to. 4s. 
eH Ghee Intrusive Gneiss of Tirerrill and Drumahair, Ireland. By 
'G. A. J. COLE. 1903. pp. 10. 8vo. Is. 6d. 
Gneisses ; Composite Gneisses in Boylagh, West Donegal. By G. A, 
J. Cote. 1902. pp. 28 5 plates. 8yvo. 3s. 
Granites of Leinster. _ By W. J. SOLLAS. 1891. pp. 88. qto. 3s. 6d. 
Happon (A. C.), W. i SOLLAas, and G, A. J. COLE: Geology of Torres 
Straits. 1894. pp. 58. 4 plates, 4to. 4s. 
‘Hitz (C. A.), H. BRopRick, and A, RULE: The Mitchelstown Caves, 
Co. Tipperary. 1909. pp. 34. 4plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 
Jory (J-): Solvent Denudation in Fresh and Salt Water. 1902. pp. 14. 
vo. Is, 

KILROE (J, R.): The River Shannon: its present Course and Geological 

History. 1907. pp. 23. 4 plates. aoe £35; 



KILROE (J. R.): The Silurian and MGeancute Rocks of ae and te, 

North Galway. 1907. pp, 32. 2 plates. 8vo, 1s. 
M‘HEnry (A.) and W. J. SOLLAS: Volcanic Neck of Tertiary Age in 
the County of Galway, Ireland. 1896. pp. 14. 1plate. ato. 2s. 6d. 
ee: (A.): The Ox Mountain Rocks, Ireland. 1903. pp. 8. 8vo, 
1s. 6d 

M‘Hewry (A.): Report on the ‘‘ Dingle Bed”’ Rocks i in the Dingle 

Peninsula, Co. Kerry. Igi2. pp.6. rplate. 8vo. 6d. 
Metamorphic Rocks in Eastern Tyrone and Southern Donegal. . By 
G. A. J. COLE. 1900.. pp. 42. 2plates. 4to. 25. | 
Metamorphic Rocks: The Ox Mountain Rocks, Ireland. By A. 
M‘HENRY. 1903. pp-8. 8vo. Is. 6d. : 
Melting Points of Minerals. By R. CUSACK. 1896. pp. 15. 8vo. 
2s. rh 

O'REILLY (J. P.): Catalogue of Earthquakes in Great Britain and 

Ireland. 1884. pp. 32. iplate. qto. 2s. 

O'REILLY (J. P.): Catalogue of Earthquakes recorded as having © 

occurred in Europe and adjacent countries. 1885. pp. 220. 4to. 
4s. 6d. 

O’REILLY (J. P.): Dates of Volcanic Eruptions and Hee concordance 
with the Sun-spot Period. 1899. pp.41. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

O’ REILLY (J. P.): Waste of the Coast of Ireland, 1902. pp. ey 
8vo; 35. 

PRAEGER (R. L1.): Raised Beaches of the North-East of Ireland 
1896. pp. 25. iplate. 8vo. 3s. 

PRAEGER (R. Lt.) and G. Corrry: The Larne Raised Beach. 1904. En 

pp- 58. 5 plates. 8vo. as. 
Raised Beaches: The Larne Raised Beach. By G, Corry and 
R. LL. PRAEGER. 1904. pp. 58. 5 plates.’ 8vo. 2s, 

Raised Beaches of the North-East of Ireland. By R. Lt. PRAEGER. ; 

1896. ‘pp.25. 1 plate. 8vo. 3s. 

Ryan (W. J.) and Hatuissy, T.: Preliminary Notice of some New - 
Fossils from Bray Head, Co. Wicklow. 1912. pp. 6. 3 plates. 

8v0. . Se 
SCHARFF (R. F.): On the Evidences of a former Land-brid i between 
Northern Europe and North America. 1909. pp. 28. Is. 

SmiTH |(B.), G. L. ELLES, and W. G. FEARNSIDES: The Lower 
Paleozoic Rocks of Pomeroy. 1907. pp. 30. 8vo, Is. 

SoLrAs (W. J-): Granites of Leinster. 1891. pp. 88. gto. 3s. 6d. 

SOLLAS (W, J.): Volcanic District of Carlingford and Slieve Gallion, 
1894. pp. 36. 2plates. qto. 2s. 6d. 

SoLLas (W. J.) and A. M‘HENnRy: Volcanic Neck of Tertiary Age in 
the County of Galway, Ireland. 1896. pp. 14. 1 plate. gto. 2s. 6d. 

SoLtas (W. J.), A. C. HaDDOoN, and G. A. J. CoLE: Geology of Torres 

Straits. 1894. pp.58. 4plates. 4to. 4s. 

Sun-spot Periods: their concordance with Volcanic Eruptions. By 
J. P. O'REILLY. 1899. pp.41- 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

Torres Straits: Geology of Torres Straits. By A. C. Happon, W. ify 
SOLLAS, and G. A. J. COLE. 1894. pp.58. 4to. 4s. 

Voleanic District of Carlingford and Slieve Gullion. By W. J. Souzas. 
1894. pp. 36. 2plates. 4gto. 2s. 6d. 

Volcanic Eruptions and concordance with Sun-spot Periods. By J. P. 

O'REILLY. 1899. pp. 41. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 
Volcanic Neck of Tertiary ee in the County ot Galway, Ireland. By 
Ms és. SOLLAS and A, M‘HENRY. 1896. pp. 14. 1 plate. 4to, 
Sold by 
HODGES, Fiecis, & Co., Lrp., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; axd 
WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

January, 19g1z fl bi 




VoLtumME X XIX, Section C, No. 1 




Eh © Di GES Bul GiGi iE Sy cG OF Lr Dp 


Price One Shilling and Sixpence 





/n the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table:— 

Vorume I. (1836-1840) is Vorume I. IstSer. Sci., Pol. Lit.& Antiqgq. 
oi: eI 820 TSaa he eye a ere : 
Ry III. (1845-1847) ,, ee Bee ” 
re IY. (1847-1850) ., pee ag Bf =. - 
£ V. (1850-1858),,  , VV. 5 
5S aoe WING RhS Shaye nicest ; 
» WII. (1857-1861) ,, sm WEES 5 oc 
», WII. (1861-1864) ,, eV: =p ” 
x IX. (1864-1866) ,, any en Ps 3 = 
yo SAK? {B66-S6GD) Yori eee 2 
- XI. (1870-1874) ,. a I, 2nd Ser. Science. 
», SII. (1875-1877) ,, Sosy be as 33 
ea A ELE ina S85) ere pie AT De ¥ a 
» XIV. (1884-1888) ,, Aha: HE “ “n 
" XY. (1870-1879) ,, + I f Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 
» XVI. (1879-1888) ,, Pree | + oy 
. XVII. (1888-1891),, ,, 1. 8rdSer. Sei., Pol. Lit.&Antiqa. 
,, XVIII. (1891-1893) ,. mms We % s 
9 XIX. (1893-1896) 3 3 Ii. ” ce) 
, XX. (1896-1898) ,, er bf = ” 
» XXI. (1898-1900) ,, a 2 : -e 
»» XXII. (1900-1902) ,, Sot NE is 3 
pees p K19OL) tee: 35 WEE - % 

3, XXIV. (1902-1904) :— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical, and Physical Science. 
», 5B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
» ©. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
3 X&XY. (1904-5) 
», XXVI. (1906-7) 
;, X XVII. (1908-9) 
», XXVIII. (Current Volume) 

| In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 



ATKINSON (R.): On the Function of an Academy, in especial of the 
Royal Irish Academy. 1906. pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

BERNARD (J. H.): Uncial MS. of S. Cyril of Alexandria, written on 
Papyrus. 1892. pp. 20. 4 plates. 4to. 6s. 

BERNARD (J. H.): Calendar of Documents in the Dignitas Decani in 
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. 1905. pp.27. 8vo. 6d. 

BERRY (H. F.): An unpublished MS. Inquisition (A.D. 1258), relating 
to the Dublin City Watercourse. 1902. pp. 8. 8vo. Is. 

BERRY (H. F.): Gild of S. Anne, S. Audoen’s Church, Dublin. 1904. 
pp- 86. rplate. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

BERRY (H. F.): Ancient Charters in the Liber Albus Ossoriensis. 
1908. pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

BERRY (H. F.): Catalogue of the Mayors, Proyosts, and Bailiffs of 
Dublin City, A.D. 1229 to 1447. 1910. pp.15. 8vo. 6d. 

BERRY (H. F.): Proceedings in the matter of the Custom called 
Tolboll, 1308 and 1385. St. Thomas’ Abbey v. some early Dublin 
Brewers, &c. 1910. pp. 5. 8vo. 6d. 

Bury (J. B.): A Life of S. Patrick (Colgan’s Zertia Vita). 1903. 
pp. 64. 4to. 2s. 

Bury (J. B.): Itinerary of Patrick in Connaught according to Tirechan. 
1903. pp.16. 8vo. 6d. 

Dix (E. R. M‘C.), editor of GILBERT: Irish Bibliography. 1904. pp. 26. 
1plate. Illustrations. 8yo. Is. 

Dix (E. R. M‘C.): A very rare Kilkenny-Printed Proclamation, and 
William Smith, its Printer. 1908. pp. 4. i1plate. 8vo. Is. 
Drx (E. R. M‘C.): Humfrey Powell, the first Dublin Printer. 1908. 

pp. 4. 4plates. 8vo. Is. 

Drx(E. R. M‘C.) : An Early Eighteenth-Century Broadside on Printing. 
1909. pp.3. Iplate. 8vo. 6d. 

Drx (E. R. M‘C.): Note upon the Leaves of the First Book printed in 
Dublin discovered in the Academy. 1909. pp-3- 8vo. 6d. 
Dix (E. R. M‘C.): The Earliest Printing in Dublin, in the Trish, 
Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Italian, Saxon, Welsh, Syriac, 

Armenian, and Arabic Languages. 1910. pp.8. 8vo. 6d. 

Drx(E. R. M‘C.): William Kearney, the second earliest known Printer 
in Dublin. 1g10. pp.5. 8vo. 6d. 

Esposito (M.): Hiberno-Latin Manuscripts in the Libraries of 
Switzerland. i910. pp. 34. 8vo. Is. 

Esposiro (M.): Conchubrani Vita Sanctae Monennae. 1910. pp. 50- 
2plates. $8vo. ts. 6d. 

FALKINER (C. L.): Phoenix Park, Dublin: its Origin and History. 
IQOI. pp. 24. Svo. 5s. 

FALKINER (C. L.): The Irish Guards, 1661-1798. 1902. pp- 23: 
8vo. Is. 

FALKINER (C. L.): Commercial History of Dublin in the Eighteenth 
Century. 1903. pp.30. 4plates S8vo. 6d. oe 
FALKINER (C. L.): The Counties of Ireland: their Origin, Constitution, 

and Delimitation. 1903. pp. 26. 8vo. 2s. 10d. 


FALKINER (C. L.): The Parliament of Ireland under the Tudor 
Sovereigns. 1905. pp.34. 8vo. 6d. 

FALKINER (C. L.): Barnaby Rich’s “‘ Remembrances of the state of 
Ireland, 1612,’’ with notices of other Reports by the same writer. 
1906. pp.18. 8vo. 6d. 

FALKINER (C. L.): The Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Ireland. 
1907. pp. 43. 8vo. Is. 

FERGUSON (SIR S.): The Patrician Documents. 1885. pp. 68. 4to. 


GILBERT (Sir J. T.): Irish Bibliography. Edited by E. R. M‘C. Dix. 
1904, pp. 26. Plate and illustrations. 8vo.7Z1s. 

GREEN (W. S.): Armada Ships on the Kerry Coast. 1909. pp. 7. 
1plate. 8vo. 6d. 

HEMPHILL (S.): The Gospels of Mac Regol of Birr ; A Study in Celtic 
Illumination. 1011. pp.10. 5plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

Knox (H. T.): Gig-mills and Drying Kilns near Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo.. 
1907. pp. 10. 8vo. 6d. 

LANE-POOLE (S.): First Mohammedan Treaties with Christians. 1904 
pp- 30. 8vo. Is. 6d. 

LAWLOR (H. J.): Primate Ussher’s Library before 1641. 1901. pp. 49.. 
8vo. 2s. 6d. 

LAWLOR (H. J.): A Calendar of the Liber Niger and Liber Albus of 
Christ Church, Dublin. 1908. pp.93. 8vo. 2s. 

LAWLOR (H. J.): Calendar of the Liber Ruber ofthe Diocese of Ossory.. 
1908, pp.50. 8vo. Is. 

Mac NEILL (JouN): An Irish Historical Tract dated A.D. 721. 1910. 
pp. 26. 8vo. Is. 

Patrick : Itinerary of Patrick in Connaught according to Tirechan. 
By J. B. BuRY. 1903. pp. 17. 8vo. 6d. 
Patrick: A Life of St. Patrick (Colgan’s Zertca Vita). Edited by 

J. B. BuRY. 1903. pp. 64. 4to. 2s. 

Patrick: Libri Sancti Patricii. By N. J. D. WHITE. 1905. pp. 126. 
8vo. 2s. 

Patrick: The Paris Manuscript of St. Patrick’s Latin Writings. 1905. 
pp- 11. 8vo. 6d. 

STOKES (G.T.): Marsh’s Library, Dublin, and an Original Indulgence 
from Cardinal Wolsey. 1897. pp. 13. 8vo.™ 2s. 

Ussher’s Books in Trinity College, Dublin. By H. J. LAWLOR. 1go1. 
Pp- 49. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

WESTROpP (I. J.): External Evidences bearing on the historic 
character of the ‘‘Wars of Turlough’’,{by John, son of Rory 
MacGrath. 1903. pp. 60, 5 plates. 4to. 2s. 10d. 

Waite (N. J. D.): Libri Sancti Patricii. 1905. pp.126. 8vo. 2s. 

Waite (N. J. D.): The Paris Manuscript of St. Patrick’s Latin 
Writings. 1905. pp.11. 8vo. 6d. 

WHITE (N. J. D.): Elias Bouhéreau of La Rochelle, First Publie 
Librarian in Ireland. 1908. pp. 33. 8vo. Is. 

Woop (HERBERT): The Templars in Ireland. 1907. pp. 50. 8vo. gd.. 

Sold by 

HopGEs, FIGGIs, & Co., LTD., 104,{Grafton-street, Dublin; aud 
WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

January, gir S 




VoLtuME XXIX, Section C, No. 2 




HODGES); ELGGIS, &) € Oy “Ltn. 


Price One Shilling 




—= >= 

/n the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 

Votume I. (1886-1840) is Votume I. 1stSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 

a 11, (1840-1844). 7, oie “ 

pe ATL e451 gay Sa alee - 

= IY. (1847-1850) ,, SVs o ” 

os V. (1850-1858) ,, Prtaanial ie 3 

se WLS(ASBS2ARBT), oa hen env eee dee : 

. VII. (1857-1861) ,, Sa fel 5. a 

», WIII. /1861-1864) ,, oa) WELT: o ” 

so AX (18641066), een ‘i 

3 X. (1866-1869) ,, iy caus ~ ” 

XI. (1870-1874) ,, ns I. 2nd Ser. Science. 

“F XII. (1875-1877) ,, epee tl i 7 oe 

avin DCE (2883) meee Fae L 5 5 

>. MLV. (1884-1 6s) es eevee 

» XV. (1870-1879) ,, w if x Pol. Lit. & Antiqg. 

5) XVI. (1879-1688) 55 ee ee ae 5 
XVII. (1888-1891),,  ,,_~—«XT. 8rd Ser. Soi., Pol. Lit. & Antiqg. 
;; XVII: (1891-1898) ee ee z 
jt RIX; (1898 GGGy an ee 7 
pK (1896-1898). eee yee es ‘5 
50 XO, (1898 A900) co ae eee “ore 
7) KL (19001902) see eee 43 
jy X KUL? © (1903) 9 ee evn . 

» XXIV. (1902-1904) :— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical,and Physical Science. 
»  B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 

, C. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
, XXY. (1904-5) 

,, XXVI. (1906-7) | Sot 
, XXVIL. (1908-9) | In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 

», XXVIII. (Current Volume) 



[Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
archzological—may be obtained on application. | 

ARMSTRONG (E. C. R.): Stone Chalices, so called. 1907. pp. 10. 
i1plate. 8vo. 6d. k 

ARMSTRONG (E. C. R.): Prehistoric Leather Shield found at Clonbrin, 
County Longford. 1909. pp. 4. 2 plates. 8vo. 

Corry (G.): Prehistoric Cemetery of Loughcrew. 1897. pp. 10. 
6 plates. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

Correy (G.): Monuments of La Téne Period in Ireland. 1904. pp. 10. 
5 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

Correy (G.): Excavation of a Tumulus near Loughtea, Ireland. 1904. 
pp. 7. 8vo. 6d. 

Correy (G.): Craigywarren Crannog. 1906. pp.10. 6 plates. 8vo. 


CoFrrry (G.): Two Finds of Late Bronze Age Objects. 1906. pp. 6. 
2plates. 8vo. 6d. 

CoFFEy (G.): Irish Copper Halberds. 1908. pp.19. 3 plates. 8vo. 


Correy (G.): The Distribution of Gold Lunule in Ireland and North- 
Western Europe. 1909. pp. 8. 4plates. 8vo. ts. 

CorFry (G.): Archaeological Evidence for the Intercourse of Gaul 
with Ireland before the First Century. 1910. pp. 11. 8yo. 6d. 

CorFrey (G.) and R. Lt. PRAEGER: The Antrim Raised Beach, a 
contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland. 1904. 
pp. 58. 6plates. 8vo. 2s. 

CorrFry (G.) and E. C. R. ARMSTRONG : Scandinavian Objects found at 
Island-Bridge and Kilmainham. 1910. pp. 16. 1 plate. 8vo. Is. 

CooKE (JoHN): Antiquarian Remains in the Beaufort District, County 
Kerry. 1906. pp.34. 4 plates. 8vo. Is. 

FERGUSON (SIR S.): Fasciculus of Prints from photographs of casts 
of Ogham Inscriptions. 1880. pp. 10. 5 plates. 4to. 2s. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Inscription in the Killeen of Aglish, Co. Kerry, 
Ireland. 1878. pp.10. 1 plate. q4to. ts. 

GRAVES (C.): Croix Gammée or Swastika. 1879. pp.6. 4to. 1s. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Monument at Kilcolman, Co. Kerry, Ireland. 
1887. pp. 8. 4to. Is. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Inscription supposed to bear an Anglo-Saxon 
Name. 1892. pp. 12. 4to. Is. 
Happon(A.C.): Neolithic Cist Burial at Oldbridge, Co. Meath, Ireland. 
1897. pp. 79. 8vo. 2s. : 
KANE (W. F. DE VisMES): The Black Pig’s Dyke: the Ancient 
Boundary Fortification of Uladh. 1909. pp. 28. 8vo. Is. 

KNOWLES (W. J.): Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. 
(3rd Report.) 1895. pp.14. 3 plates. 8vo. 3s. ; 

KNOWLES (W. J.): Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. 
(4th Report.) 1901. pp. 59. 1plate. 8vo. 5s. 

MACALISTER (R. A. S.): Ancient Settlement in Corkaguiney, Co. 
Kerry, Ireland. 1899. pp. 137. 9 plates. qto. 6s. 

MACNEILL (J.): Notes on the Distribution, History, Grammar, and 
Import of the Irish Ogham Inscriptions. 1909. 8yvo. pp. 42. Is. 

Moss (R. J.): Chemical Notes on a Stone Lamp from Ballybetagh, 
and other similar Stone Vessels in the Royal Irish Academy 
Collection. 1910. pp. 7. 8vo. 6d. 

Neolithic Cist Burial at Oldbridge, Co. Meath, Ireland. By A. C. 
HADDON. 1897. pp. 79. 8vo. 2s. 


O'REILLY (J. P.): The Milesian Colonization of Ireland in relation to 
Gold-mining. 1900. pp. 43. 8vo. 4s. 

O’REILLY (J. P.): Old Churches of Kill-o’-the-Grange, Killiney, and 
St. Nessan, Howth. 1904. pp.10. rIplate. 8vo, 6d. 

PRAEGER (R. LL.) and G. Correy: The Antrim Raised Beach, a 
contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland. 1904. 
pp. 58. O6plates. 8vo. 2s, 

Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of the Coast of Ireland. By 
W.J. KNOWLES. (3rd Report.) 1895. pp.14. 3 plates. 8vo. 3s. 

Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. (4th Report.) By 

_ W.J. KNOWLES. 1901. pp. 59. plate. 8vo. 5s. ; 

REEVES (W.): Bell of St. Patrick, called the Clog an Edachta. 1863. 
pp- 30. 4to. Is. 

Smi1TH (E. A.): Composition of Ancient Irish Gold and Silver Orna- 
ments. 1895. pp.14. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

SmyLy (J. G.): An Examination of the Dates of the Assouan Aramaic 
Papyri. 1909. pp. 16. 8vo. 6d. 

Stokes (M.): High Crosses of Castledermot and Durrow. 1898. 
pp. 26. i2plates. Folio. £1 Is. net. 

Stoxes (M.): High Crosses of Moone, Drumcliff, Termonfechin, and 
Killamery. 1902. pp. 38. 34plates. 4to. tos. 6d. 

WEsrRopp (T. J.): Lesser Castles or ‘‘ Peel Towers’’ of the County 
of Clare. 1899. pp.18. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Churches of County Clare, and Origin of the 
Ecclesiastical Divisions in that County. 1900. pp. 81. 8vo. 4s. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Dolmens and Pillar-stones in Bunratty and Tulla, 
Co. Clare, Ireland. 1902. pp. 48. 4plates. 8vo. 3s. 

WEsTROpP (T. J.): Ancient Forts of Ireland. 1902. pp. 151. 8 plates. 
4to. 7s. 6d. 

WEsTROpP (T. J.): The Ancient Forts of Ireland. 1904. pp.10. 8vo. 6d. 

WestrRopp (T. J.): A Survey of the Ancient Churches in the County 
of Limerick. 1905. pp. 154. g plates. 8vo. 4s. 

WestroppP (T. J.): The Ancient Castles of the County of Limerick: 
North-Eastern Baronies. 1906. pp. 54. 8vo. is. Central and 
South-Eastern Baronies. 1906. pp. 58. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 
Western Baronies. 1907. pp. 64. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

WeESTROPP (T. J.): The Cists, Dolmens, and Pillars of the Western 
Half of the County of Clare. 1907. pp. 26. 3 plates. 8vo. 1s. 

WrESTROPP (T. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts and similar Structures 
remaining in Eastern Clare (The Newmarket Group). 1908. 
pp. 18. 2 plates. 8vo. ts. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): The Forests of the Counties of the Lower Shannon 
Valley. 1909. pp.31. 8vo. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts and similar Structures 
remaining in Eastern Clare (Quin, Tulla, and Bodyke). t1g09. 
pp: 30. iIplate. 8vo. Is. 

WEstTRopp (T. J.): A Study of the Fort of Dun Aengusa in Inishmore, 
Aran Isles, Galway Bay: Its Plan, Growth, and Records. IgI0, 
pp. 46. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): A Study of the Early Forts and Stone Huts in 
Ageia Aran Isles, Galway Bay. 1910. pp. 28. 3 plates. 

vo. IS. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Notes on the Larger Cliff Forts of the West Coast 
of County Mayo. iIgiI. pp. 23. tIplate. 8vo. ts, 

Sold by 

HonGEs, Fieeis, & Co., LTD., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; and 
WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

April, 1911 




VoLuME XXIX, Section C, No. 3 




EEO) G Piss ak eG Gil S,) cs -C1Oy erm 


Price One Shilling and Sixpence 





/n the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table:— 

Votumr I. (18386-1840) is Vorume I. IstSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 
i II. (1840-1844) ,, “pe 9 ” 
oy III. (1845-1847) ,, pad HB ce 4 
= IY. (1847-1850) ,, Pa Ne a ” 
~ VY. (1850-1853) ,, av “: 
3 VI. (1858-1857) ,, 4 Ve 53 5 

» VII. (1857-1861) ,, ei 

., VIII. (1861-1864) ,, a NTE = ; 
7 IX. (1864-1866) ,, aera I. BS 3 
% X. (1866-1869} ,, See aN + y 
- XI. (1870-1874) ,, » I. 2nd Ser. Science. 
MALS (UN 751887), els 2 : 
PORT (1883). ee -PALe * & 

REVS (1884-1886), ce ee 

+ XY. (1870-1879) ,, x He 45 Pol. Lit. & Antiqg. 
» XVI. (1879-1888) ,, per His “4 » 

. XVII. (1888-1891) ,, + I. 3rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqg. 
, XVIII. (1891-18983) ,. je le 1 

s XIX. (1893-1896) ,, eeelile 3 1 

ms XX. (1896-1898) ,, se Vc a ” 

»  XXI. (1898-1900) ,, K Vv: 5 a 

», XXII. (1900-1902) ,, Se AE 5 4 

eX XT. 4: (1901) 2, ee 
,, XXIV. (1902-1904) : — 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical,and Physical Science. 
», 5. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
,, C. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
5» XXV. (1904-5) 
» XXVI. (1906-7) | 
», XXVII. (1908-9) In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 
, XXVIII. (1909-10) 
> XXIX. (Current Volume) | 



(Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
archzological—may be obtained on application. | 

ARMSTRONG (E. C. R.): Stone Chalices, so called. 1907. pp. 10. 
plate. 8vo. 6d. 

ARMSTRONG (E. C. R.): Prehistoric Leather Shield found at Clonbrin, 
County Longford. 1909. pp. 4. 2plates. 8vo. 6d. 

COFFEY (G.): Prehistoric Cemetery of Loughcrew. 1897. pp. 16. 
6 plates. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

COFFEY (G.): Monuments of La Téne Period in Ireland. 1904. pp. 10. 
5 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

COFFEY (G.): Excavation of a Tumulus near Loughrea, Ireland. 1904. 
pp. 7. 8vo. 6d. 

COFFEY (G.): Craigywarren Crannog. 1906. pp.10. 6plates. 8vo. 

CoFFry (G.): Two Finds of Late Bronze Age Objects. 1906. pp. 6. 
2plates. 8vo. 6d. 

COFFEY (G.): Irish Copper Halberds. 1908. pp.19. 3 plates. 8vo. 

CorFFEY (G.): The Distribution of Gold Lunule in Ireland and North- 
Western Europe. 1909. pp. 8. 4plates. 8vo. Is. 

Correy (G.): Archaeological Evidence for the Intercourse of Gaul 
with Ireland before the First Century. 1910. pp. 1t. 8vo. 6d. 

CorFry (G.) and R. LL. PRAEGER: The Antrim Raised Beach, a 
contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland. 1904. 
pp- 58. 6plates. 8vo. 2s. 

Correy (G.) and E. C. R. ARMSTRONG :; Scandinavian Objects found at 
Island- Bridge and Kilmainham. 1910. pp. 16. 1 plate. 8vo. Is. 

COOKE (JOHN): Antiquarian Remains in the Beaufort District, County 
Kerry. 1906. pp.34. 4plates. 8vo. ts. 

FERGUSON (SIR S.): Fasciculus of Prints from photographs of casts 
of Ogham Inscriptions. 1880. pp. 10. 5 plates. 4to. 2s. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Inscription in the Killeen of Aglish, Co. Kerry, 
Ireland. 1878. pp.10. 1plate. qto. Is. 

GRAVES (C.): Croix Gammée or Swastika. 1879. pp. 6. 4to. Is. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Monument at Kilcolman, Co. Kerry, Ireland. 
1887. pp. 8. 4to. 1s. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Inscription supposed to bear an Anglo-Saxon 
Name. 1892. pp.12. 4to. Is. 
HApDpDOoN(A.C.): Neolithic Cist Burial at Oldbridge, Co. Meath, Ireland. 
1897. pp. 79. 8vo. 2s. : 
KANE (W. F. DE VISMES): The Black Pig’s Dyke: the Ancient 
Boundary Fortification of Uladh. 1909. pp. 28. 8vo. Is. 
KNOWLES (W. J.): Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. 
(3rd Report.) 1895. pp. 14. 3 plates. 8vo. 3s. 

KNOWLES (W. J.): Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. 
(4th Report.) 1901. pp. 59. 1plate. 8vo. Ss. 

MACALISTER (R. A. S.): Ancient Settlement in Corkaguiney, Co. 
Kerry, Ireland. 1899. pp.137- 9 plates. 4to. 6s. 

MACNEILL (J.): Notes on the Distribution, History, Grammar, and 
Import of the Irish Ogham Inscriptions. 1909. 8vo. pp. 42- Is. 

Moss (R. J.): Chemical Notes on a Stone Lamp from Ballybetagh 
and other similar Stone Vessels in the Royal Irish Academy 
Collection. 1910. pp.7. 8vo. 6d. ‘ 

Neolithic Cist Burial at Oldbridge, Co. Meath, Ireland. By A. ©, 
HADDON. 1807. pp. 79. 8vo. 2s. ‘ ; 

O’ REILLY (J. P.): The Milesian Colonization of Ireland in relation to 
Gold-mining. 1900. pp. 43. 8vo. 4s. 


O’ REILLY (J. P.): Old Churches of Kill-o’-the-Grange, Killiney, and 
St. Nessan, Howth. 1904. pp.10. 1plate. 8vo. 6d. 

PRAEGER (R. LL.) and G. CorFEy: The Antrim Raised Beach, a 
contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland. 1904. 
pp. 58- 6plates. 8vo. 2s. 

Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of the Coast of Ireland. By 
W.jJ. KNOWLES. (3rd Report.) 1895. pp-14. 3 plates. 8vo. 3s- 

Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. (4th Report.) By 
W. J. KNOWLES. i901. pp.59. iplate. 8vo. 5s. 

REEVES (W.): Bell of St. Patrick, called the Clog an Edachta. 1863- 
pp- 30. 4to. Is. 

SMITH (E. A.): Composition of Ancient Irish Gold and Silver Orna- 
ments. 1895. pp-14. 8vo. as. 6d. 

SMYLY (J. G.): An Examination of the Dates of the Assouan Aramaic 
Papyri. 1909. pp.16. 8vo. 6d. 

STOKES (M.): High Crosses of Castledermot and Durrow. 1898. 
pp. 26. i2plates. Folio. £1 Is. net. 

STOKES (M.): High Crosses of Moone, Drumcliff, Termonfechin, and 
Killamery. 1902. pp. 38. 34 plates. 4to. tos. 6d. 

WeEstropp (M. S. D.): Glass-making in Ireland. i911. pp. 25- 
8vo. 1s. 6d. 

WESTROpp (T. J.): Lesser Castles or ‘‘ Peel Towers”’ of the County 
of Clare. 1899. pp. 18. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

WESTROpPP (TI. J.): Churches of County Clare, and Origin of the 
Ecclesiastical Divisions in that County. 1900. pp. 81. 8vo. 4s. 

WEsTROP?P (T. J.): Dolmens and Pillar-stones in Bunratty and Tulla, 
Co. Clare, Ireland. 1902. pp. 48. 4plates. 8vo. 3s. 

WEsTROpP (T. J.): Ancient Forts of Ireland. 1902. pp. 151. 8 plates. 
4to. 7s. 6d. 

WEstTROpP(T. J.): The Ancient Forts of Ireland. 1904. pp. 10. 8vo. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): A Survey of the Ancient Churches in the County 
of Limerick. 1905. pp. 154. 9g plates. 8vo. 4s. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): The Ancient Castles of the County of Limerick:. 
North-Eastern Baronies. 1906. pp. 54. 8vo. 1s. Central and 
South-Eastern Baronies. 1906. pp.58. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 
Western Baronies. 1907. pp. 64. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

WEstRopp (T. J.): The Cists, Dolmens, and Pillars of the Western 
Half of the County of Clare. 1907. pp. 26. 3plates. 8vo. Is. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts and similar Structures 
remaining in Eastern Clare (The Newmarket Group). 1908. 
pp. 18. 2 plates. 8vo. Is. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): The Forests of the Counties of the Lower Shannon 
Valley. 1909. pp. 31. 8vo. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts and similar Structures 
remaining in Eastern Clare (Quin, Tulla, and Bodyke). i909. 
pp. 30. iIplate. 8vo. Is. 

WEsTROPP (T. J.): A Study of the Fort of Dun Aengusa in Inishmore, 
Aran Isles, Galway Bay: Its Plan, Growth, and Records. 1g10- 
pp. 46. 3 plates. 8yvo. ts. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): A Study of the Early Forts and Stone Huts in 
oes Aran Isles, Galway Bay.. i910. pp. 28. 3 plates- 

vo. Is. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Notes on the Larger Cliff Forts of the West Coast 
of County Mayo. i911. pp. 23. iplate. 8vo. Is. 

Sold éy 

Hopces, Ficeis, & Co., Ltp., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; and 
WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

April, r9grz a 




Votume XXIX, Section C, No. 4 






Price One Shilling and Sixpence 





/n the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 

Vorume I. (1836-1840) is Vorume I. IstSer. Sci., Pol. hit. & Antiqg. 
a5 TD, (184021644) pets bacon oleate ; 
i: III. (1845-1847) ,, epee 3 rf 
IV. (1847-1850) ,, PV _ ” 
57 PSone TSO STB 58) ac Veit 9) 
A VI. (1858-1857) ,, a NAS n ” 
» VII. (1857-1861) ,, LE 4 é5 
jac VILE: (1861-1864\) ace VILL eee 
, IX. (1864-1866) ,, ned Ose . ” 
a X. (1866-1869) ,, ae 9 ) 
a XI. (1870-1874) ,, a I. 2nd Ser. Science. 
» XII. (1875-1877) ,, pommel \ AG 
jp Pe SIWNTS - = (CIEE) 5 Pa OE fe 65 p 
Ha SLV:, (1884-1886)... ¢? yee 2 
2 KV (1870-1879): 2 oe eieaae Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 
» XVI. (1879-1888) ,, ren ie 09 4) 
. XVII. (1888-1891) ,, “ I. 3rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqg. 
, XVIII. (1891-1898) ,, Fi, yw alle 4p ” 
Sa. MEX. 3(1698-1896) ;\ heel ee ‘3 
po XK (89631898), so ee z 
»  X&XI. (1898-1900) ,, i V. i " 
of KIT (190051902) us ae senate ae < 
55 CONG © (GION) a Wl i 90 

», XXIV. (1902-1904) ;— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical, and Physical Science. 
» B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
», OU. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
»  XXV. (1904-5) 
» XXXVI. (1906-7) 
,, XXVII. (1908-9) 
, XXVIII. (1909-10) 
», XXIX. (Current Volume) 

In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 



(Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
archeological—may be obtained on application. | 

ARMSTRONG (E. C. R.): Stone Chalices, so called. 1907. pp. 10. 
Iplate. 8vo. 6d. 

ARMSTRONG (E. C. R.): Prehistoric Leather Shield found at Clonbrin, 
County Longford. 1909. pp. 4. 2 plates. 8vo. 

CoFFEY (G.): Prehistoric Cemetery of Loughcrew. 1897. pp. 10. 
6 plates. 4to. 2s. 6d. : 

CorFrEy (G.): Monuments of La Téne Period in Ireland. 1904. pp. 10. 
5 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. : 

CoFrFEY (G.): Excavation of a Tumulus near Loughrea, Ireland. 1904. 

pp. 7. 8vo. 6d. % 

Corry (G.): Craigywarren Crannog. 1906. pp.10. 6 plates. 8vo. 


Corrry (G.): Two Finds of Late Bronze Age Objects. 1906. pp. 6. 
2plates. 8vo. 6d. 

CoFFry (G.): Irish Copper Halberds. 1908. pp.19. 3 plates. 8vo. 


CorFey (G.): The Distribution of Gold Lunule in Ireland and North- 
Western Europe. 1909. pp. 8. 4 plates. 8vo. 1s. 

CorFrey (G.): Archaeological Evidence for the Intercourse of Gaul 
with Ireland before the First Century. 1910. pp. 1t. 8vo. 6d. 

CorFry (G.) and R. Li. PRAEGER: The Antrim Raised Beach, a 
contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland. 1904. 
pp. 58. O6plates. 8vo. as. 

CoFFEy (G.) and E. C. R. ARMSTRONG : Scandinavian Objects found at 
Island-Bridge and Kilmainham. tg10. pp. 16. 1 plate. 8vo. Is. 

COOKE (JOHN): Antiquarian Remains in the Beaufort District, County 
Kerry. 1906. pp.14. 4plates. 8vo. ts. 

FERGUSON (SiR S.): Fasciculus of Prints from photographs of casts 
of Ogham Inscriptions. 1880. pp. 10. 5 plates. 4to. 2s. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Inscription in the Killeen of Aglish, Co. Kerry, 
Ireland. 1878. pp. 10. 1plate. 4to. ts. 

GRAVEs (C.): Croix Gammée or Swastika. 1879. pp.6. 4to. Is. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Monument at Kilcolman, Co. Kerry, Ireland. 
1887. pp. 8. 4to. ts. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Inscription supposed to bear an Anglo-Saxon 
Name. 1892. pp. 12. 4to. Is. 
Happon(A.C.): Neolithic Cist Burial at Oldbridge, Co. Meath, Ireland. 
1897. pp. 79. 8vo. 2s. . 
KANE (W. F. DE VismeEs): The Black Pig’s Dyke: the Ancient 
Boundary Fortification of Uladh. 1909. pp. 28. 8vo. Is. 

KNOWLES (W. J.): Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. 
(3rd Report.) 1895. pp. 14. 3 plates. 8vo. 3s. _ 

KNOWLES (W. J.): Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. 
(4th Report.) 1901. pp.59. 1 plate. 8vo. 5s. 

MACALISTER (R. A. S.): Ancient Settlement in Corkaguiney, Co. 
Kerry, Ireland. 1899. pp. 137. 9 plates. 4to. 6s. 

MACNEILLE (J.): Notes on the Distribution, History, Grammar, and 
Import of the Irish Ogham Inscriptions. 1909. 8vo. pp. 42. IS. 

Mac NEILt (J.): Early Irish Population-Groups: their Nomenclature, 
Classification, and Chronology. 1911. pp. 56. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

Moss (R. J.): Chemical Notes on a Stone Lamp from Ballybetagh, 
and other similar Stone Vessels in the Royal Irish Academy 
Collection. 1910. Si cVOun OG 

Neolithic Cist Burial oh otibides, Co. Meath, Ireland. By A. C. 
HADDON. 1897. pp. 79. 8vo. 2s. — : 5 

O’REILLY (J. P.): The Milesian Colonization of Ireland in relation to 
Gold-mining. 1900. pp. 43. 8vo. 4s. 


O’ REILLY (J. P.): Old Churches of Kill-o’-the-Grange, Killiney, and 
St. Nessan, Howth. 1904. pp.10. r1plate. 8vo. 6d. 

PRAEGER (R. LL.) and G. CorrEy: The Antrim Raised Beach, a 
contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland. 1904. 
pp. 58. 6plates. 8vo. 2s. 

Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of the Coast of Ireland. By 
W.J. KNOWLES. (3rd Report.) 1895. pp.14. 3 plates. 8vo. 3s. 

Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. (4th Report.) By 
W. J. KNOWLES. -1901. pp.59. iplate. 8vo. 5s. 

REEVES (W.): Bell of St. Patrick, called the Clog an Edachta. 1863. 
pp. 30. 4to. Is. : 
SMITH (E. A.) : Composition of Ancient Irish Gold and Silver Orna- 

ments. 1895. pp.14. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

SMYLY (J. G.): An Examination of the Dates of the Assouan Aramaic 
Papyri. 1909. pp.16. 8vo. 6d. 

STOKES (M.): High Crosses of Castledermot and Durrow. 1898. 
pp. 26. i12plates. Folio. £1 Is. net. 

STOKES (M.): High Crosses of Moone, Drumcliff, Termonfechin, and 
Killamery, 1902. pp. 38. 34 plates. 4to. tos. 6d. 

WEstTROpP (M. S. D.): Glass-making in Ireland. 1911. pp. 25. 
8vo. Is. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Lesser Castles or ‘‘ Peel Towers’’ of the County 
of Clare. 1899. pp.18. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Churches of County Clare, and Origin of the 
Ecclesiastical Divisions in that County. 1900. pp. 81. 8vo. 4s. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Dolmens and Pillar-stones in Bunratty and Tulla, 
Co. Clare, Ireland. 1902. pp. 48. 4 plates. 8vo. 3s. 

WEsTROppP (T. J.): Ancient Forts of Ireland. 1902. pp. 151. 8 plates. 
4to. 7s. 6d. 

WESTROPP(T. J.): The Ancient Forts of Ireland. 1904. pp. 10. 8vo. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): A Survey of the Ancient Churches in the County 
of Limerick. 1905. pp. 154. g plates. 8vo. 4s. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): The Ancient Castles of the County of Limerick: 
North-Eastern Baronies. 1906. pp. 54. 8vo. 1s. Central and 
South-Eastern Baronies. 1906. pp.58. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 
Western Baronies. 1907. pp. 64. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): The Cists, Dolmens, and Pillars of the Western 
Half of the County of Clare. 1907. pp. 26. 3 plates. 8vo. 1s, 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts and similar Structures 
remaining in Eastern Clare (The Newmarket Group). 1908. 
pp. 18. 2 plates. 8vo. Is. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): The Forests of the Counties of the Lower Shannon 
Valley. 1909. pp.31- 8vo. 6d: 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts and similar Structures 
remaining in Eastern Clare (Quin, Tulla, and Bodyke). 1909. 
pp. 30. tIplate. 8vo. ts. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): A Study of the Fort of Dun Aengusa in Inishmore, 
Aran Isles, Galway Bay: Its Plan, Growth, and Records. 1910. 
pp. 46.- 3 plates. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): A Study of the Early Forts and Stone Huts in 
TaSAnIOEE Aran Isles, Galway Bay. t1g10. pp. 28. 3 plates. 

vo. Is. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Notes on the Larger Cliff Forts of the West Coast 
of County Mayo. 1911. pp. 23. 1Iplate. 8vo. is, 

Sold by 
HopcEs, Fieers, & Co., Lrp., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; and 

WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent.Garden, 
London, W.C. 

Fuly, rorr 




VoLtuME XXIX, Section C, No. 5 






Price One Shilling and Sixpence 





/n theyear 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 

Vorume I. (1886-1840) is Vorume I. 1st Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 
2 a Te (1840 21844) irae cece 7 
» III. (1845-1847) ,, Peulile ni ” 
Fen NIA (CISEN TIER au» oh DY Ss 53 
i V. (1850-1858) ,, a Ns pp 
x VI. (1853-1857) ,, spe Wile 7 “9 
» VII. (1857-1861) ,, ADE, 0 vy 
» VIII. (1861-1864) ,, », VIII a 74 
IX. (1864-1866) ,, py LDS 0 5 
3 X. (1866-1869) ,, ri oe p 5 
“ny XI. (1870-1874) ,, a I. 2nd Ser. Science. 
» XII. (1875-1877) ,, np lll, 3 5 
Fe WUT, (AUIS HSB) gn ie LL i 5 
» XLV. (1884-1888) ,, a» Nie 3 H 
» XY. (1870-1879) ,, ” 16 56 Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 
» XVI. (1879-1888) ,, ape allt % 5 
. XVII. (1888-1891) ,, "0 I. 8rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqg 
5, XVIII. (1891-1898) ,, ree LUNs 50 
5, XIX. (1893-1896) ,, 5) WUE 06 a4 
» XX. (1896-1898) ,, ign Ne 5 ” 
5,  X&XI. (1898-1900) ,, Die Nhe 96 oA 
», XXII. (1900-1902) ,, aye VAL 4p * 
ey OO (GIG) >. jp. OU yh 50 

» XXIV. (1902-1904) :— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical,and Physical Science. 
» 5B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
5, C. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
, XXY. (1904-5) 
» XXXVI. (1906-7) 
» XXVII. (1908-9) In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 
», XXVIII. (1909-10) : 
» XXIX. (Current Volume) 



[Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
archzxological—may be obtained on application. | 

ARMSTRONG (E. C. R.): Stone Chalices, so called. 1907. pp. 10. 
t plate. 8vo. 6d. 

ARMSTRONG (E. C. R.): Prehistoric Leather Shield found at Clonbrin, 
County Longford. 1909. pp. 4. 2plates. 8vo, 6d. 

CoFFEY (G.): Prehistoric Cemetery of Loughcrew. 1897. pp. 16. 
6 plates. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

CoFFEY (G.): Monuments of La Téne Period in Ireland. 1904. pp. 10. 
5 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

CoFFEY (G.): Excavation of a Tumulus near Loughrea, Ireland. 1904. 
pp: 7. 8vo. 

CoFFrry (G.): Craigywarren Crannog. 1906. pp.10. 6plates. 8vo. 


CoFFEY (G.): Two Finds of Late Bronze Age Objects. 1906. pp. 6. 
2plates. 8vo. 6d. 

CorFery (G.): Irish Copper Halberds. 1908. pp.19. 3 plates. 8vo. 


CorFey (G.): The Distribution of Gold Lunulz in Ireland and North- 
Western Europe. 1909. pp. 8. 4plates. 8vo. Is. 

CorFey (G.): Archaeological Evidence for the Intercourse of Gaul 
with Ireland before the First Century. 1910. pp. It. 8vo. 6d. 

Correy (G.) and R. Lt. PRAEGER: The Antrim Raised Beach, a 
contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland. 1904. 
pp- 58. 6plates. 8vo. 2s. 

CoFrFrey (G.) and E. C. R. ARMSTRONG : Scandinavian Objects found at 
Island-Bridge and Kilmainham. 1910. pp. 16. 1 plate. 8vo. Is. 

CooKE (JoHN): Antiquarian Remains in the Beaufort District, County 
Kerry. 1906. pp.34. 4 plates. 8vo. Is. 

FERGUSON (SiR S.): Fasciculus of Prints from photographs of casts 
of Ogham Inscriptions. 1880. pp. 10. 5 plates. qto. 2s. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Inscription in the Killeen of Aglish, Co. Kerry, 
Ireland. 1878. pp. 10. 1plate. 4to. Is. 

GRAVES (C.): Croix Gammée or Swastika. 1879. pp.6. 4to. Is. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Monument at Kilcolman, Co. Kerry, Ireland. 
1887. pp. 8. 4to. Is. 

Graves (C.): Ogham Inscription supposed to bear an Anglo-Saxon 
Name. 1892. pp. 12. 4to. 1s. 

Gwynn (E. J.) and Purton (W. J.): The Monastery of Tallaght. 
Igil. pp. 65. 8vo. ts. 6d. 
HaAppon(A.C.): Neolithic Cist Burial at Oldbridge, Co. Meath, Ireland. 
1897. pp. 79. 8vo. 2s. : 
KANE (W. F. DE VismEs): The Black Pig’s Dyke: the Ancient 
Boundary Fortification of Uladh. 1909. pp. 28. 8vo. Is. 

KNOWLES (W. J.)}: Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. 

' (3rd Report.) 1895. pp.14. 3 plates. 8vo. 3s. _ 

KNOWLES (W. J.): Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. 
(4th Report.) 31901. pp. 59. 1plate. S8vo. 5s. 

MACALISTER (R. A. S.): Ancient Settlement in Corkaguiney, Co. 
Kerry, Ireland. 1899. pp. 137. 9 plates. 4to. 6s. 

MACNEILL (J.): Notes on the Distribution, History, Grammar, and 
Import of the Trish Ogham Inscriptions. 1909. 8vo. pp. 42. Is. 

Mac NEILL (J.): Early Irish Population-Groups: their Nomenclature, 
Classification, and Chronology. 1911. pp-56. S8yo._ 1s. 6d. 

Moss (R. J.): Chemical Notes on a Stone Lamp from Ballybetagh, 
and other similar Stone Vessels in the Royal Irish Academy 
Collectior. 1919. pp. 7.  8vo.6d. 

Neolithic Cist Burial at Oldbridge, Co Meath, Ireland. By A. C. 
HADDON. 1897. pp. 79. Svo. 2S, — ; : 

O’ REILLY (J. P.): The Milesian Colonization of Ireland in relation to 
Gold-mining. 1900. pp. 43. 8vo. 4s. 


O’REILtLy (J. P.): Old Churches of Kill-o’-the-Grange, Killiney, and 
St. Nessan, Howth. 1904. pp.10. t1plate. 8vo. 6d. 

PRAEGER (R. LL.) and G. Corrry: The Antrim Raised Beach, a 
contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland. 1904. 
pp. 58. 6plates. 8vo. 2s. 

Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of the Coast of Ireland. By 
W.J. KNOWLES. (3rd Report.) 1895. pp.14. 3 plates. 8vo. 3s. 

Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. (4th Report.) By 
W. J. KNOWLES. I901. pp.59. tIplate. 8vo. §s. 

REEVES (W.): Bell of St. Patrick, called the Clog an Edachta. 1863. 
pp- 30. 4to. Is. 

SmitTH (E. A.): Composition of Ancient Irish Gold and Silver Orna- 
ments. 1895. pp.14. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

SmyLy (J. G.): An Examination of the Dates of the Assouan Aramaic 
Papyri. 1909. pp.16. 8vo. 6d. 

STOKES (M.): High Crosses of Castledermot and Durrow. 1898. 
pp. 26. 12plates. Folio. £1 Is. net. 

STOKES (M.): High Crosses of Moone, Drumcliff, Termonfechin, and 
Killamery. 1902. pp. 38. 34plates. 4qto. tos. 6d. 

WESTROPP (M. S. D.): Glass-making in Ireland. i911. pp. 25. 
8vo. Is. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Lesser Castles or ‘‘ Peel Towers”’ of the County 
of Clare. 1899. pp.18. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Churches of County Clare, and Origin of the 
Ecclesiastical Divisions in that County. 1900. pp. 81. 8vo. 4s. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Dolmens and Pillar-stones in Bunratty and Tulla, 
Co. Clare, Ireland. 1902. pp. 48. 4plates. 8vo. 3s. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Ancient Forts of Ireland. 1902. pp.151. 8 plates. 
4to. 7s. 6d. 

WESTROPP(T. J.): The Ancient Forts of Ireland. 1904. pp. 10. 8vo. 6d. 

WESTROpP (T. J.): A Survey of the Ancient Churches in the County 
of Limerick. 1905. pp.154. gplates. 8vo. 4s. 

WeEstRoppP (T. J.): The Ancient Castles of the County of Limerick: 
North-Eastern Baronies. 1906. pp.54. 8vo. 1s. Central and 
South-Eastern Baronies. 1906. pp. 58. 3 plates. 8vo. Is. 6d. 
Western Baronies. 1907. pp. 64. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

WEstTROpP (T. J.): The Cists, Dolmens, and Pillars of the Western 
Half of the County of Clare. 1907. pp. 26. 3 plates. 8vo. Is. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts and similar Structures 
remaining in Eastern Clare (The Newmarket Group). 1908. 
pp. 18. 2 plates. 8vo. Is. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): The Forests of the Counties of the Lower Shannon 
Valley. 1909. pp. 31. 8vo. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts and similar Structures 
remaining in Eastern Clare (Quin, Tulla, and Bodyke). 1909. 
pp- 30. iplate. $8vo. Is. 

WEstTRoppP (T. J.): A Study of the Fort of Dun Aengusa in Inishmore, 
Aran Isles, Galway Bay: Its Plan, Growth, and Records. tg10. 
pp. 46. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

WEsTROPP (T. J.): A Study of the Early Forts and Stone Huts in 
pase, Aran Isles, Galway Bay. 1910. pp. 28. 3 plates. 

vo. IS. 

WEsTROPP (T. J.): Notes on the Larger Cliff Forts of the West Coast 
of County Mayo. 1911. pp. 23. t1plate. 8vo. 1s. 

Sold by 

HopGEs, Ficets, & Co., LTD., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; and 

WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.f. 

Fuly, ror 




VoLuME XXIX, Section C, No. 6 

Ee Re Wee, DIX 

tie Pee ikS iE RIN LENG Or 




Price Sixpence 





/n the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 


Votume I. 
- II. 
a Ill. 
A IV. 
On VY. 
19 Wale 
ay LUNI 
hs IX. 
» X. 
5h XI. 
sae i. fy ( 
5 SMV 
af XV. 
ie SOAllig 
ay exe VALET 
sas ODN 
a XX. 
pe BO 
oO. 0k 
5) OIE. 

Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical, and Physical Science. 

»  XXIX. (Current Volume) 


(1e4021644)\ nt an leans 
(1845-1847) oe Hieae cl aes 
(147-1550) ermeeet aeLVA ces 
(185021853) sas, A anVEUm es 
(1853-1857) eens reas 
(TOBT-1861) eee aneee ty eee 
(1864=1866) eens e REC ans ee 
(18661869), vie, Xe ae 
(1870-1874) ,, ) I. 2nd Ser. 
(ISVS 1077) er eee lena 

(11888); o.oo vre Re oe 
(@884211886)c- aes eV 
(1870-1879) ” ” He ” 
(1879211988) |.7° sual 
(1888-1891),,  ,, I. 8rd Ser. 
(1891=1898), ele 
(1898=1896).),) 9) alr ieeee 
(1896=1898).,,. ee Vene 
(1898-1900) 53s. teen eee 
(190021902): ne en ome 

(1901). Say Vee 
(1902-1904) : — 

(1836-1840) is Vorume I. 1stSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 


Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 

Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq 

»  B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
», ©. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 

»  XXY. (1904-5) 
», XXVI. (1906-7) 
» XXVII. (1908-9) 
5, XXVIII. (1909-10) 

In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 



ATKINSON (R.): On the Function of an Academy, in especial of the 
Royal Irish Academy. 1906. pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

BERNARD (J. H.): Uncial MS. of S. Cyril of Alexandria, written on 
Papyrus. 1892. pp. 20. 4 plates. qto. 6s. 

BERNARD (J. H.): Calendar of Documents in the Dignitas Decani in 
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. 1905. pp.27. 8vo. 6d. 

BERRY (H. F.): An unpublished MS. Inquisition (a.p. 1258), relating 
to the Dublin City Watercourse. 1902. pp. 8. 8vo. Is. 

BERRY (H. F.): Gild of S. Anne, S. Audoen’s Church, Dublin. 1904. 
pp- 86. 1 plate. 8vo. ts. 6d. : 

BERRY (H. F.): Ancient Charters in the Liber Albus Ossoriensis. 
1908. pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

BERRY (H. F.): Catalogue of the Mayors, Provosts, and Bailiffs of 
Dublin City, A.D. 1229 t0 1447. 1910. pp.15. 8yvo. 6d. 

BERRY (H. F.): Proceedings in the matter of the Custom called 
Tolboll, 1308 and 1385. St. Thomas’ Abbey v. some early Dublin 
Brewers, &c. igi0. pp.5. 8vo. 6d. 

Bury (J. B.): A Life of S. Patrick (Colgan’s Zertia Vita). 10903. 
pp. 64. 4to. 2s. 

Bury (J. B.): Itinerary of Patrick in Connaught according to Tirechan. 
1903. pp.16. 8vo. 6d. 

Dix (E. R. M‘C.), editor of GILBERT: Irish Bibliography. 1904. pp. 26. 
1 plate. Illustrations. 8vo. Is. 

Dix (E. R. M‘C.): A very rare Kilkenny-Printed Proclamation, and 
William Smith, its Printer. 1908. pp.4. Iplate. 8vo. Is. 
Dix (E. R. M‘C.): Humfrey Powell, the first Dublin Printer. 1908. 

pp. 4. 4plates. 8vo. Is. 

Dix (E. R. M‘C.): An Early Eighteenth-Century Broadside on Printing. 
1909. pp-3. Iplate. 8vo. 6d. 

Dix (E. R. M‘C.): Note upon the Leaves of the First Book printed in 
Dublin discovered in the Academy. 1909. pp. 3. 8vo. 6d. 
Dix (E. R. M‘C.): The Earliest Printing in Dublin, in the Irish, 
Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Italian, Saxon, Welsh, Syriac, 

Armenian, and Arabic Languages. 1910. pp. 8. 8vo. 6d. 

Drx(E. R. M‘C.): William Kearney, the second earliest known Printer 
in Dublin. i910. pp.5. 8vo. 6d. 

Dix (E. R. M‘C.): The First Printing of the New Testament in English 
at Dublin. 1911. pp.6. 8yo. 6d. 

ESposiro (M.): Hiberno-Latin Manuscripts in the Libraries of 
Switzerland. i910. pp. 34. 8vo. Is. 

Esposito (M.): Conchubrani Vita Sanctae Monennae. 1910. pp. 50. 
2plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

FALKINER (C. L.): Phcenix Park, Dublin: its Origin and History. 
I90I. pp. 24. 8vo. 55. 

FALKINER (C. L.): The Irish Guards, 1661-1798. 1902. pp. 23. 
8vo. Is. 

FALKINER (C. L.): Commercial History of Dublin in the Eighteenth 
Century. 1903. pp- 30. 4 plates $8vo. 6d. or 
FALKINER (C. L.): The Counties of Ireland: their Origin, Constitution, 

and Delimitation. 1903. pp. 26. 8vo. 2s. 10d. 


FALKINER (C. L.): The Parliament of Ireland under the Tudor 
Sovereigns. 1905. pp. 34. 8vo. 6d. 

FALKINER (C. L.): Barnaby Rich’s ‘‘ Remembrances of the state of 
Ireland, 1612,’’ with notices of other Reports by the same writer. 
1906. pp. 18. 8vo. 6d. 

FALKINER (C. L.): The Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Ireland. 
1907. pp. 43. 8vo. Is. 

FERGUSON (SIR S.): The Patrician Documents. 1885. pp. 68. 4to. 

GILBERT (Sir J. T.): Irish Bibliography. Edited by E. R. M‘C. Dix. 
1904, pp. 26. Plate and illustrations. 8vo. Is. 

GREEN (W. S.): Armada Ships on the Kerry Coast. 1909. pp. 7. 
I plate. 8vo. 6d. 

HEMPHILL (S.): The Gospels of Mac Regol of Birr; A Study in Celtic 
Illumination. rIg1rt. pp. 10. 5plates. 8vo. is. 6d. 

Kwox (H. T.): Gig-mills and Drying Kilns near Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo. 
1907. pp.1o0. 8vo. 6d. 

LANE-POOLE (S.): First Mohammedan Treaties with Christians. 1904 
pp- 30. 8vo. Is. 6d. 

LAWLOR (H. J.): Primate Ussher’s Library before 1641. 1901. pp. 49. 
8vo. 2s. 6d. 

LAWLOR (H. J.): A Calendar of the Liber Niger and Liber Albus of 
Christ Church, Dublin. 1908. pp. 93. 8vo. 2s. 

LAWLOR (H. J.): Calendar of the Liber Ruber of the Diocese of Ossory. 
1908, pp.50. 8vo. Is. 

Mac NEILL (JouN): An Irish Historical Tract dated A.D. 721. 1910. 
pp. 26. 8vo. ts. 

Patrick: Itinerary of Patrick in Connaught according to Tirechan. 
By J. B. BURY. 1903. pp. 17. 8vo. 6d. 

Patrick: A Life of St. Patrick (Colgan’s Zertia Vita). Edited by 
J. B. BURY. 1903. pp. 64. 4to. 2s. 

Patrick: Libri Sancti Patricii. By N. J. D. WHITE. 1905. pp. 126. 
8vo. 2s. 

Patrick: The Paris Manuscript of St. Patrick’s Latin Writings. 1905. 
pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

STOKES (G.T.): Marsh’s Library, Dublin, and an Original Indulgence 
from Cardinal Wolsey. 1897. pp. 13. 8vo. 2s. 

Ussher’s Books in Trinity College, Dublin. By H. J. LAWLOR. 1901. 
Pp- 49. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): External Evidences bearing on the historic 
character of the ‘‘Wars of Turlough’’ by John, son of Rory 
MacGrath. 1903. pp. 60. 5 plates. 4to. 2s. 10d. 

WHILE (N. J. D.): Libri Sancti Patricii. 1905. pp.126. 8vo. 2s. 

WHITE (N. J. D.): Dhe Paris Manuscript of St. Patrick’s Latin 
Writings. 1905. pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

WHITE (N. J. D.): Elias Bouhéreau of La Rochelle, First Public 
Librarian in Ireland. 1908. pp. 33. 8vo. Is. 

Woop (HERBERT): The Templars in Ireland. 1907. pp. 50. 8vo. 9d. 

Sold by 

HopGEs, Ficeis, & Co., Lrp., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; azd 
WILLIAMS & NorGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

August, 1911 7 




VoLuME XXIX, Section C, No. 7 






Price Sixpence 





/n the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 

Votume I. (1836-1840) is Votume I. IstSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiga- 
5 II. (1840-1844) ,, ot LL: Ms 3 
» II. (1845-1847) ,, pe gle 33 
“t IV. (1847-1850) ,, ele rr + 
$ Vi(1es0- 7868) LS VR RS h, 
$3 VI. (1858-1857) ,, we Ae = Ss 
» VII. (1857-1861) ,, 53) VES i Fs 

», VIII. (1861-1864) ,, 9» WILT: *f 

> SES (SBE TRE) es Oe ; 

gt 0 Xf (BEG ABEO) aa eee if 

3 XI. (1870-1874) ,, Pa I. 2nd Ser. Science. 

“| KET; (1876-1877): oe eee ee "3 

Se LE (SBS) ee Bead UH 3 bp 

5,5 XIV. (1884-1888) ,, 3 SEV “6 - 

5, OK V. (1870-1879), Sone Pol. Lit. & Antigg. 
» AVI. (1879-1888) ,, Pr sete tik of 

» XVII. (1888-1891) ,, “s I. 3rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqg 
5, XVIII. (1891-18983) ,, Polat 3 Pf 

jv, RL. (18981896) yh a 

5, SRK. 896=1898)' ea ee ss 
3 XXE(IS98=-1900) mee a 
7) MIL (190021909) 2) = ewe : 
KNIT. (0901) Ae ees 

5,5 XXIV. (1902-1904) :— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical, and Physical Science. 
», 3. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
», C. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
»  XXY. (1904-5) 
», XXVI. (1906-7) 
», XXVIT. (1908-9) ; In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 
», XXVIII. (1909-10) 
> XXIX. (Current Volume) | 




ARMSTRONG (E. C. R.): Stone Chalices, so called. 1907. pp. 10. 
I plate. 8vo. 6d. 

ARMSTRONG (E. C. R.): Prehistoric Leather Shield found at Clonbrin, 
County Longford. 1909. pp. 4. 2plates. 8vo. 6d. 

COFFEY (G.): Prehistoric Cemetery of Loughcrew. 1897. pp. 16. 
6 plates. 4to. 2s. 6d. 

CorFey (G.): Monuments of La Téne Period in Ireland. 1904. pp. 10. 
5 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

CoFFEY (G.): Excavation of a Tumulus near Loughrea, Ireland. 1904. 
pp. 7. 8vo. 6d. 

CoFFEy (G.): Craigywarren Crannog. 1906. pp.1o. 6plates. $8vo. 


CoFFEY (G.): Two Finds of Late Bronze Age Objects. 1906. pp. 6. 
2plates. 8vo. 6d. 

CorFey (G.): Irish Copper Halberds. 1908. pp.19. 3 plates. 8vo. 


CorFEY (G.): The Distribution of Gold Lunule in Ireland and North- 
Western Europe. 1909. pp. 8. 4plates. 8vo. Is. 

CoFFEY (G.): Archaeological Evidence for the Intercourse of Gau 
with Ireland before the First Century. 1910. pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

COFFEY (G.) and R. Lt. PRAEGER: The Antrim Raised Beach, a 
contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland. 1904. 
pp-58. 6plates. 8vo. 2s. 

CoFFEy (G.) and E. C. R. ARMSTRONG : Scandinavian Objects found at 
Island-Bridge and Kilmainham. 1910. pp. 16. 1 plate. 8vo. Is. 

COOKE (JOHN): Antiquarian Remains in the Beaufort District, County 
Kerry. 1906. pp.14. 4 plates. 8vo. ts. 

FERGUSON (SiR S.): Fasciculus of Prints from photographs of casts 
of Ogham Inscriptions. 1880. pp. 10. 5 plates. 4to. 2s. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Inscription in the Killeen of Aglish, Co. Kerry, 
Ireland. 1878. pp. 10. 1 plate. gto. ts. 

GRAVES (C.): Croix Gammée or Swastika. 1879. pp.6. 4to. Is. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Monument at Kilcolman, Co. Kerry, Ireland. 
1887. pp. 8. 4to. Is. 

GRAvES (C.): Ogham Inscription supposed to bear an Anglo-Saxon 
Name. 1892. pp. 12. 4to. Is. 

GWYNN (E. J.) and PuRTON (W. J.): The Monastery of Tallaght. 
Igit. pp. 65. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

Happon(A.C.): Neolithic Cist Burial at Oldbridge, Co. Meath, Ireland. 
1897. pp. 79. 8vo. 2s. 
KANE (W. F. DE VISMES): The Black Pig’s Dyke: the Ancient 
Boundary Fortification of Uladh. 1909. pp. 28. 8vo. Is. 
KNOWLES (W. J.): Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. 
(3rd Report.) 1895. pp. 14. 3 plates. 8vo. 3s. 

KNOWLES (W. J.): Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. 
(4th Report.) 1901. pp. 59. iplate. 8vo. 5s. 

MACALISTER (R. A. S.): Ancient Settlement in Corkaguiney, Co. 
Kerry, Ireland. 1899. pp. 137. 9 plates. 4to. 6s. 

MACNEILL (J.): Notes on the Distribution, History, Grammar, and 
Import of the Irish Ogham Inscriptions. 1909. 8vo. pp. 42. Is. 

Mac NEILL (J.): Early Irish Population-Groups: their Nomenclature, 
Classification, and Chronology. 1911. pp.56. 8vo. 1s. 6d. 

Moss (R. J.): Chemical Notes on a Stone Lamp from Ballybetagh, 
and other similar Stone Vessels in the Royal Irish Academy 
Collection. 1910. pp. 7. 8vo.6d. 

Neolithic Cist Burial at Oldbridge, Co Meath, Ireland. By A. C. 
HADDON. 1897. pp. 70. 8vo. 2s. : 

O’ REILLY (J. P.): The Milesian Colonization of Ireland in relation to 
Gold-mining. 1900. pp. 43. 8vo. 4s. 


O’ REILLY (J. P.): Old Churches of Kill-o’-the-Grange, Killiney, and 
St. Nessan, Howth. 1904. pp.10. iIplate. 8vo. 6d. 

PRAEGER (R. Lt.) and G. CorFEy: The Antrim Raised Beach, a 
contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland. 1904. 
pp. 58. 6 plates. 8vo. 2s. 

Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of the Coast of Ireland. By 
W.jJ.KNow Les. (3rd Report.) 1895. pp.14. 3 plates. 8vo. 3s. 

Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. (4th Report.) By 
W.J. KNOWLES. 1901. pp-59- Iplate. 8vo. 5s. 

REEVES (W.): Bell of St. Patrick, called the Clog an Edachta. 1863. 
pp. 30. 4to. Is. 

SmitTH (E. A.): Composition of Ancient Irish Gold and Silver Orna- 
ments. i895. pp.14. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

Smyty (J. G.): An Examination of the Dates of the Assouan Aramaic 
Papyri. 1909. pp.16. 8vo. 6d. 

STOKES (M.): High Crosses of Castledermot and Durrow. 1898. 
pp- 26. 12plates. Folio. £1 Is. net. 

SToKEs (M.): High Crosses of Moone, Drumcliff, Termonfechin, and 
Killamery. 1902. pp. 38. 34plates. 4to. 10s. 6d. 

WESTROPP es S. D.): Glass-making in Ireland. i911. pp. 25. 
8vo. ts. 6d. 

WEstRopp (T. J.): Lesser Castles or ‘‘ Peel Towers’’ of the County 
of Clare. 1899. pp. 18. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

WeEstropp (T. J.): Churches of County Clare, and Origin of the 
Ecclesiastical Divisions in that County. 1900. pp. 8i. 8vo. 4s. 

WEstrRopp (T. J.): Dolmens and Pillar-stones in Bunratty and Tulla, 
Co. Clare, Ireland. 1902. pp. 48. 4plates. 8vo. 3s. 

WESTROPP Cc J.): Ancient Forts of Ireland. 1902. pp. 151. 8 plates. 

to. 7s. 6d. 

Wasrmart |) The Ancient Forts of Ireland. 1904. pp. 10. 8vo. 6d. 

WEstrRopp (T. J.): A Survey of the Ancient Churches in the County 
of Limerick. 1905. pp. 154. 9 plates. 8vo. 4s. 

WEstTROPP (T. J.): The Ancient Castles of the County of Limerick: 
North-Eastern Baronies. 1906. pp.54. 8vo. is. Central and 
South-Eastern Baronies. 1906. pp.58. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 
Western Baronies. 1907. pp. 64. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

WEstrRopP (T. J.): The Cists, Dolmens, and Pillars of the Western 
Half of the County of Clare. 1907. pp. 26. 3 plates. 8vo. is. 

WEstTROpPP (T. J.) : Types of the Ring-Forts and similar Structures 
remaining in Eastern Clare (The Newmarket Group). 1908. 

p. 18. 2 plates. 8vo. Is. 

WEstRoppP (T. J.): The Forests of the Counties of the Lower Shannon 
Valley. 1909. pp.31. 8vo. 6d. 

WeEstRoppP (T. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts and similar Structures 
remaining in Eastern Clare (Quin, Tulla, and Bodyke). 1909. 
pp- 30. Iplate. 8vo. Is. 

WEstropp (T. J.): A Study of the Fort of Dun Aengusa in Inishmcre, 
Aran Isles, Galway Bay: Its Plan, Growth, and Records. 1910. 
pp. 46. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

Westropp (T. J.): A Study of the Early Forts and Stone Huts in 
Inishmore, Aran Isles, Galway Bay. i910. pp. 28. 3 plates. 
8vo. Is. 

WEstTROpP (T. J.): Notes on the Larger Cliff Forts of the West Coast 
of County Mayo. Igi1. pp. 23. iplate. 8vo. ts. 

WeEstrRopp (T. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts remaining in Eastemm 
Clare (Killaloe, its Royal Forts, and their history). 1911. pp. 27. 
8vo. 6d. 

Sold by 

HopGEs, Fieeis, & Co., LtTpD., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; and 
WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

September, Igrr 




VoLumME X XIX, Section C, No. 8 

Fa cee Oe 





Price Two Shillings 





In the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table :— 

Votumn I. (1886-1840) is Vorume I. 1stSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 
a II. (1840-1844) ,, Hef ele ” ” 
SACO TTL 91846 11647) ee han eect lege r 
Pe Vei(18471 8650) 3) pee aia Ss 
‘ V.(1850-1858) 7 Uae ave f 
is VI. (1858-1857) ,, eels ‘a oA 
OS VIEL (IBS 1S6I) 2 alg tates pene ¥ 
, VIII. (1861-1864) ,, , VIII. i : 
jis wey (1864211866) site yee ; 
it X? (166621869) wean ae ee i 
oF XI. (1870-1874) ,, u, I. 2nd Ser. Science. 
» XII. (1875-1877) ,, glide ‘3 "4 
oy NOT (SHEE) 5, ee LUTE iy Ms 
» XIV. (1884-1888) ,, ae iN fe Hi x 
» XV. (1870-1879) ,, iH I. Me Pol. Lit. & Antigqg. 
+ XVI. (1879-1888) ,, arate 10 of a 
» XVII. (1888-1891) ,, 5 I. 3rd Ser. Sci., Pol. Lit. & Antiqq 
jy X VILL. (891=1695). ee ean ener : 
fe. X1X!(18938-1896) ) Gp ape u 
+ XX. (1896-1898) ,, Beal iN AG os 3 
4X Xd (1898-1900) iane aren eee 
», XXII. (1900-1902) ,, pe NAG 55 “ 

» XXIV. (1902-1904) ;— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical,and Physical Science. 
» 5B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
», O. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
mkv (19045) 
» XXXVI. (1906-7) 
» XXVIT. (1908-9) In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 
,, XXVIII. (1909-10) 
>, XXIX. (Current Volume) 



(Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
.archzological—_may be obtained on application. | 

ATKINSON (R.): On the Function of an Academy, in especial of the 
Royal Irish Academy. 1906. pp. 11. 8vo. 

BERNARD (J. H.): Uncial MS. of S. Cyril of Alexandria, written on 
Papyrus. 1892. pp. 20. 4plates. 4to. 6s. 

BERNARD (J. H.): Calendar of Documents in the Dignitas Decani in 
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. 1905. pp. 27. 8vo. 6d. 

BERRY (H. F.): An unpublished MS. Inquisition (A.D. 1258), relating 
to the Dublin City Watercourse. 1902. pp. 8. 8vo. Is. 

BERRY (H. F.): Gild of S. Anne, S. Audoen’s Church, Dublin. 1904. 
pp. 86. 1plate. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

Berry (H. F.); Ancient Charters in the Liber Albus Ossoriensis. 
1908. pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

BERRY (H. F.): Catalogue of the Mayors, Provosts, and Bailiffs of 
Dublin City, a.D. 1229 to 1447. 1910. pp.15. 8vo. 6d. 

BERRY (H. F.): Proceedings in the matter of the Custom called 
Tolboll, 1308 and 1385. St. Thomas’ Abbey v. some early Dublin 
Brewers, &c. 1910. pp.5. 8vo. 6d. 

Bury (J. B.): A Life of S. Patrick (Colgan’s Zertia Vita). 1903. 
pp. 64. 4to. 2s. 

Bury (J. B.): Itinerary of Patrick in Connaught according to Tfrechan. 
1903. pp.16. 8yvo. 6d. 

Dix (E.R. M‘C.), editor of GILBERT: Irish Bibliography. 1904. pp. 26. 
1 plate. Illustrations. 8vo. Is. 

Dix (E. R. M‘C.): A very rare Kilkenny-Printed Proclamation, and 
William Smith, its Printer. 1908. pp. 4. 1plate. 8vo. Is. 
Dix (E. R. M‘C.): Humfrey Powell, the first Dublin Printer. 1908. 

Pp- 4. 4plates. $8vo. Is. 
Drx(E. R. M‘C.): An Early Eighteenth-Century Broadside on Printing. 
1909. pp.3. plate. 8vo. 6d. 
Dix (E. R. M‘C.): Note upon the Leaves of the First Book printed in 
Dublin discovered in the Academy. 1909. pp.3- 8vo. 6d. 
Drx (E. R. M‘C.): The Earliest Printing in Dublin, in the Irish, 
Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Italian, Saxon, Welsh, Syriac, 
Armenian, and Arabic Languages. 1910. pp. 8. 8vo. 6d. 
Dix (E. R. M‘C.): William Kearney, the second earliest known Printer 
in Dublin. 1910. pp.5. 8vo. 6d. 

Drx (E. R. M‘C.\: The First Printing of the New Testament in English 
at Dublin. 1911. pp.6. 8vo. 6d. 

Esposito (M.): Hiberno-Latin Manuscripts in the Libraries of 
Switzerland. 1910. pp. 34. 8vo. Is. 

ESPOSITO (M.): Conchubrani Vita Sanctae Monennae. 1910. pp. 50. 
2plates. 8vo. Is. 6d. 

FALKINER (C. L.): Phoenix Park, Dublin: its Origin and History 
Ig0l. pp. 24. 8vo. 5s. 

FALKINER (C. L.): The Irish Guards, 1661-1798. 1902. pp. 23. 
8vo. Is. 

FALKINER (C. L.): Commercial History of Dublin in the Eighteenth 
Century. 1903. pp. 30. 4plates 8vo. 6d. 

FALKINER (C. L.): The Counties of Ireland: their Origin, Constitution, 
and Delimitation. 1903. pp. 26. 8vo. 2s. 10d. 


FALKINER (C. L.): The Parliament of Ireland under the Tudor 
Sovereigns. 10905. pp. 34. 8vo. 6d. 

FALKINER (C. L.): Barnaby Rich’s ‘‘ Remembrances of the state of 
Ireland, 1612,’’ with notices of other Reports by the same writer. 
1906. pp. 18. 8vo. 6d. 

FALKINER (C. L.): The Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Ireland. 
1907. pp. 43. 8vo. Is. 

FERGUSON (SiR S.): The Patrician Documents. 1885. pp. 68. 4to— 


GILBERT (Sir J. T.): Irish Bibliography. Edited by E. R. M‘C. Drx. 
1904, pp. 26. Plate and illustrations. 8vo. Is. - 

GREEN (W. S.): Armada Ships on the Kerry Coast. 1909. pp. 7. 
I plate. 8vo. 6d. 

HeEmMpPuHItt (S.): The Gospels of Mac Regol of Birr; A Study in Celtic 
Illumination. IgIt. pp. 10. 5plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

Knox (H. T.): Gig-mills and Drying Kilns near Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo.. 
1907. pp.1o. 8vo. 6d. 

LANE-POOLE (S.): First Mohammedan Treaties with Christians. 1904 
pp- 30. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

LAWLOR (H. J.): Primate Ussher’s Library before 1641. i901. pp. 49. 
8vo. 2s. 6d. 

LAWLOR (H. J.): A Calendar of the Liber Niger and Liber Albus of 
Christ Church, Dublin. 1908. pp. 93. 8vo. 2s. 

LAWLOR (H. J.): Calendar of the Liber Ruber of the Diocese of Ossory. 
1908, pp.50. $8vo. Is. 

LAWLOR (H. J.): A Calendar of the Register of Archbishop Sweteman.. 
Igti. pp. 98. 8vo. 2s. 

Mac NEILL (JOHN): An Irish Historical Tract dated A.D. 721. 1910. 
pp. 26. 8yo. Is. 

Patrick : Itinerary of Patrick in Connaught according to Tirechan. 
By J. B. BURY. 1903. pp.17. 8vo. 6d. 

Patrick: A Life of St. Patrick (Colgan’s Zertza Vita). Edited by 
J. B. BURY. 1903. pp. 64. 4to. 2s. 

Patrick: Libri Sancti Patricii. By N. J. D. WHITE. 1905. pp. 126. 
8vo. 2s. 

Patrick: The Paris Manuscript of St. Patrick’s Latin Writings. 1905. 
pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

SToKEs (G. I.): Marsh’s Library, Dublin, and an Original Indulgence- 
from Cardinal Wolsey. 1897. pp. 13. 8vo 2s. 

Ussher’s Books in Trinity College, Dublin. By H. J. LAwior. 1g0l. 
pp- 49. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

Westkoprp (TI. J.): External Evidences bearing on the historic 
character of the ‘‘Wars of Turlough” by John, son of Rory 
MacGrath. 1903. pp. 60. 5 plates. ato. 2s. 10d. 

Watte (N. J. D.): Libri Sancti Patricii. 1905. pp.126. 8vo. as. 

Wuire (N. J. D.): The Paris Manuscript of St. Patrick’s Latin 
Writings. 1905. pp.11. 8vo. 6d. 

WHITE (N. J. D.): Elias Bouhéreau of La Rochelle, First Public 
Librarian in Ireland. 1908. pp. 33. 8vo. 1s. 

Woop (HERBERT): The Templars in Ireland. 1907. pp. 50. 8vo. gd.. 

Sold by 

HoneGEs, FicGis, & Co., LTD., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; azz 

WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

January, 1912 9 




VotumME XXIX, Section C, No. 9 

R. A. S. Macattster, FE, C. R. Armstrong, 

ANDI on lot bP RABGER 



HODGE SE NGG LS fee Oo sen, 


Price Four Shillings 





In the year 1902 it was resolved to number in consecutive 
order the Volumes of the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy, and 
consequently attention is requested to the following Table: — 

Vortume _ I. (1886-1840) is Vorume I. IstSer. Sci., Pol. Lit. eyes 

i. TTA (1S40=1844)\y, 0 oes Marlene 
55 III. (1845-1847) ,, dae Hole 5 5 

i IV. (1847-1850) ,, ranted Wie Ht 6p 

Vi:(1850 21858) 4. ies ve aes t 

i VI. (1858-1857) ,, wails 55 M 

» VII. (1857-1861) ,, ape WAL .; 3 

», VIII. (1861-1864) ,, 5A VALE AS ss 

_ IX. (1864-1866) ,, ye nO * ; 

% X. (1866-1869) ,, Hoos 3 
rr XI. (1870-1874) ,, 5 I. 2nd Ser. Science. 
»» XII. (1875-1877) ,, 
pp) SGNBIS) = (GIEIEB)) 5 
» XIV. (1884-1888) ,, Pe life 4p 0 
»,  X&V. (1870-1879) ,, > I 60 Pol. Lit. & Antiqq. 
apie: Aid (1879-1888) of ” ” 
XVII. (1888-1891),, ,, I. 8rd Ser. Sei., Pol. Lit. &Antiqg 
» XVIII. (1891-1898) ,, 
» XIX. (1893-1896) ,, je Lie 3} 
» XX. (1896-1898) ,, SL 5 
,», XXI. (1898-1900) , He oe 3 
,, XXII. (1900-1902) ,, Sp reVELs is 
pee SUllls — (IEI -, Hye WALES a 
», SXIV. (1902-1904) :— 
Section A. Mathematical, Astronomical,and Physical Science. 
» 3. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. 
,, C. Archeology, Linguistic, and Literature. 
»  XXY. (1904-5) 
», &XVI. (1906-7) 
» XXVII. (1908-9) In three Sections like Vol. XXIV. 
XXVIII. (1909-10) 
XXIX. (Current Volume) 




[Lists of Papers on other subjects—scientific, literary, and 
archzological—may he obtained on application. | 

ARMSTRONG (E. C. R.): Stone Chalices, so called. 1907. pp. 10. 
I plate, 8yo. 6d. 

ARMSTRONG (E. C. R.): Prehistoric Leather Shield found at Clonbrin, 

__County Longford. 1909. pp. 4. 2 plates. 8vo. 6d. 

COFFEY (G.): Prehistoric Cemetery of Loughcrew. 1897. pp. 16. 
6 plates. gto. 2s. 6d. 

CorFEy (G.): Monuments of La Téne Period in Ireland. 1904. pp. 10. 
5 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

CoFFEy (G.): Excavation of a Tumulus near Loughrea, Ireland. 1904. 
pp. 7. 8vo. 6d. 

Correy (G.): Craigywarren Crannog. 1906. pp.10. 6 plates. 8vo. 

: IS. 
CoFFEY (G.): Two Finds of Late Bronze Age Objects. 1906. pp. 6. 
2plates. 8vo. 6d. 
Corrry (G.): Irish Copper Halberds. 1908. pp.19. 3 plates. 8vo. 


Correy (G.): The Distribution of Gold Lunule in Ireland and North- 
Western Europe. 1909. pp. 8. 4 plates. 8vo. is. 

Correy (G.): Archaeological Evidence for the Intercourse of Gau 
with Ireland before the First Century. 1910. pp. 11. 8vo. 6d. 

Corrry (G.) and R. Li. PRAEGER: The Antrim Raised Beach, a 
contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland. 1904. 

_ pp.58. 6plates. 8yvo. 2s. 

Correy (G.) and E. C. R. ARMSTRONG : Scandinavian Objects found at 
Island-Bridge and Kilmainham. tg1o. pp. 16. 1 plate. 8vo. ts. 

CooKE (JoHN): Antiquarian Remains in the Beaufort District, County 
Kerry. 1906. pp.14. 4 plates. 8vo. ts. 

FERGUSON (Sir S.): Fasciculus of Prints from photographs of casts 
of Ogham Inscriptions. 1880. pp.10. 5 plates. 4to. 2s. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Inscription in the Killeen of Aglish, Co. Kerry, 
Ireland. 1878. pp. 10. 1plate. gto. 1s. 

GRAVES (C.): Croix Gammée or Swastika. 1879. pp.6. 4to. Is. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Monument at Kilcolman, Co. Kerry, Ireland. 
1887. pp. 8. 4to. Is. 

GRAVES (C.): Ogham Inscription supposed to bear an Anglo-Saxon 
Name. 1892. pp.12. 4to. ts. 

GWYNN (E. J.) and PurTon (W. J.): The Monastery of Tallaght. 
IglI. pp. 65. 8vo. ts. 6d. 
HADDON(A.C.): Neolithic Cist Burial at Oldbridge, Co. Meath, Ireland. 
1897. pp. 79. 8vo. 2s. : 
KANE (W. F. DE VismEs): The Black Pig’s Dyke: the Ancient 
Boundary Fortification of Uladh. 1909. pp. 28. 8vo. Is. 

KNOWLES (W. J.): Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. 
(3rd Report.) 1895. pp. 14. 3 plates. 8vo. 3s. 

KNOWLES (W. J.): Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. 
(4th Report.) ro0r1. pp. 59. plate. Svo. 5s. 

MACALISTER (R. A. S.): Ancient Settlement in Corkaguiney, Co. 
Kerry, Ireland. 1899. pp. 137. 9 plates. 4to. 6s. 

Report on the Exploration of Bronze-Age Carns on Carrowkeel 
Mountain, Co. Sligo. 1912. pp. 37. 15 plates. 8vo. 4s. 

MACNEILL (J.): Notes on the Distribution, History, Grammar, and 
Import of the Irish Ogham Inscriptions. 1909. 8vo. pp. 42. Is. 

MAc NEILL (J.): Early Irish Population-Groups: their Nomenclature, 
Classification, and Chronology. 1911. pp. 56. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

Moss (R. J.): Chemical Notes on a Stone Lamp from Ballybetagh, 
and other similar Stone Vessels in the Royal Irish Academy 
Collection. 1910. pp. 7. 8vo.6d. . } 

O’ REILLY (J. P.): The Milesian Colonization of Ireland in relation to 
Gold-mining. 1900. pp. 43. 8vo. 4s. 


O’ REILLY (J. P.): Old Churches of Kill-o’-the-Grange, Killiney, and 
St. Nessan, Howth. 1904. pp.10. tplate. 8vo. 6d. 

PRAEGER (R. Li.) and_G, Corrry: The Antrim Raised Beach, a 
contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland. 1904. 
pp. 58. 6plates. 8vo. 2s, : 

Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of the Coast of Ireland. By 
W.J. KNOWLES. (3rd Report.) 1895. pp. 14. 3 plates. 8vo. 3s. 

. Prehistoric Remains from the Sandhills of Ireland. (4th Report.) By 
W.J. KNOWLES. 1901. pp.59- iplate. 8vo. 5s. 

REEVES (W.): Bell of St. Patrick, called the Clog an Edachta. 1863. 
pp. 30. 4to. Is. 

SmiTH (E. A.): Composition of Ancient Irish Gold and Silver Orna- 
ments. 1805. pp.14. 8vo. 2s. 6d. , 

SMYLy (J. G.): An Examination of the Dates of the Assouan Aramaic 
Papyri. 1909. pp.16. 8vo. 6d. 

SToKES (M.): High Crosses of Castledermot and Durrow. 1898. 
pp. 26. 12plates. Folio. 41 Is. net. ; 

SroxKES (M.): High Crosses of Moone, Drumcliff, Termonfechin, and 
Killamery. 1902. pp. 38. 34 plates. 4to. ros. 6d. 

Westropp (M. S. D.): Glass-making in Ireland. i911. pp. 25. 
8vo. 1s, 6d. 

WestrRoppP (T. J.): Lesser Castles or ‘‘ Peel Towers’’ of the County 
of Clare. 1899. pp.18. 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

WEsTROpP (T. J.): Churches of County Clare, and Origin of the 
Ecclesiastical Divisions in that County. 31900. pp. 81. 8vo. 4s. 

WestrRopp (T. J.): Dolmens and Pillar-stones in Bunratty and Tulla, 
Co. Clare, Ireland. 1902. pp. 48. 4plates. 8vo. 3s. 

WESTROPP Ge J.): Ancient Forts of Ireland. 1902. pp. 151. 8 plates. 
4to. 7s. 6d. 

WEsTROpPP(T. J.): The Ancient Forts of Ireland. 1904. pp.10. 8vo. 6d. 

WeESTROPP (T. J.): A Survey of the Ancient Churches in the County 
of Limerick. 1905. pp. 154. gplates. 8vo. 4s. 

WestTROpPP (T. J.): The Ancient Castles of the County of Limerick: 
North-Eastern Baronies. 1906. pp. 54. 8vo. is. Central and 
South-Eastern Baronies. 1906. pp.58. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 
Western Baronies. 1907. pp. 64. 3 plates. 8vo. is. 6d. 

Westropp (T. J.): The Cists, Dolmens, and Pillars of the Western 
Half of the:County of Clare. 1907. pp. 26. 3 plates. 8vo. 1s. 

WeEstTROPP (1. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts and similar Structures 
remaining in Eastern Clare (The Newmarket Group). 1908. 
pp- 18. 2 plates. 8vo. Is. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): The Forests of the Counties of the Lower Shannon 
Valley. 1909. pp.31. 8vo. 6d. 

WestrRopp (T. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts and similar Structures 
remaining in Eastern Clare (Quin, Tulla, and Bodyke). 1909. 
pp: 30. iplate. 8vo. Is. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): A Study of the Fort of Dun Aengusa in Inishmcre, 
Aran Isles, Galway Bay: Its Plan, Growth, and Records. 1910- 
pp. 46. 3 plates. 8vo. ts. 6d. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): A Study of the Early Forts and Stone Huts in 
Se ae Aran Isles, Galway Bay. 1910. pp. 28. 3 plates. 

vo. Is. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Notes on the Larger Cliff Forts of the West Coast 
of County Mayo. Ig1I. pp. 23. 1plate.~ 8vo. Is. 

WESTROPP (T. J.): Types of the Ring-Forts remaining in Eastern 

cite ee ice, its Royal Forts, and their history). 1911. pp. 27- 
vo. C 

Sold by 

HonDGEs, Fiecis, & Co., LTD., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin; axa 

WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, 
London, W.C. 

