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Full text of "Pronouncing vocabulary of geographical and personal names. The geographical list embraces all the names worthy of note in the known world, accompanied with such descriptive and statistical facts as are usual in gazetteers. The personal names comprise those of the most celebrated men of ancient and modern times, down to the present day... To which is added a complete list of scriptual names. Concluding with tables..."

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or   THK    PRESIDENTS,   AND    A    LIST   OF    ALL    THE    COLLEGES    AND 






Entered  according  to  Act  of    Congress,   in  the  year  1857,  by 


In  the  Clerk's  Office  of  the  District  Court,  for  the  Southern  District  of  Ohio, 




A  "WANT  has  long  been  felt,  in  every  community,  for  a  cheap  Yocabulary 
of  Geographical  and  Personal  Names,  as  a  book  of  reference  for  pronuncia^ 
tion,  mainly,  but  secondarily  as  a  brief  guide  to  the  leading  items  of  informa- 
tion connected  with  those  names.  This  want  has  been  experienced,  perhaps 
often  unconsciously,  by  pupils  in  our  common  schools,  by  the  poorer  portion  of 
students  in  high  schools  and  colleges,  and  by  the  ma^s  of  newspaper  readers 
who  invest  very  little  money  in  books.  The  thorough  student,  and  the  general 
reader  who  has  plenty  of  means  with  which  to  supply  every  convenience,  can 
obtain  the  information  desired  in  such  works  as  "  LippincoU's  Gazetteer," 
*' AppUton's  Hiographical  Encyclopedia"  etc.;  but  they  are  too  expensive  for 
the  classes  mentioned,  and  in  many  cases  too  voluminous  to  be  convenient. 

Id  regard  to  personal  names,  so  far  as  the  publishers  are  aware,  there  has 
never  before  been  an  attempt  made  to  give  their  pronunciation  in  an  extended 
list.  [For  remarks  on  the  importance  of  calling  mea  by  their  right  names, 
gee  pages  128 — 9.] 

But  there  is  another  feature  of  the  work  hero  presented,  which,  in  the  minds 
of  the  publishers  and  of  the  many  school  teachers  and  friends  of  education  who 
have  examined  the  subject,  is  of  more  value  than  either  of  the  considerationa 
above  mentioned,  and  demands  more  than  a  passing  notice.  The  methods  of 
representing  pronunciation  in  the  ordinary  dictionaries  and  gazetteers,  either 
by  marked  letters  or  by  figures  in  connection  with  them,  is  so  imperfect  and 
unsatisfactory  as  to  be  a  constant  source  of  annoyance  to  «ll  who  are  necessi- 
tated to  use  them.  That  the  readier  may  understand  the  full  merits  of  the 
Bystem  of  notation  employed  in  this  book,  we  propose  to  notice  briefly  some  of 
the  circumstances  that  call  for  its  introduction. 

The  first  principle  of  alphabetic  writing  or  printing  was  the  representation 
of  each  sound  by  a  simple  character  or  letter,  so  that  these  letters  or  elemental 
parts,  when  combined,  would  bo  the  counterpart  of  the  spoken  word — a  picture 
of  the  word  itself.  Such  was  the  Sanscrit,  and  such,  it  is  evident  to  ever/ 
intelligent  mind,  should  be  the  principle  of  all  alphabetic  writing,  for  thua 
the  acquisition  of  written  or  printed  language  would  be  as  easy  cs  that  of 


iv  Introduction. 

spoken,  and  there  would  be  no  necessity  for  Pronouncing  Dictionaries  and 
Gazetteers,  while  a  disregard  of  this  priuciple  renders  the  represented  language, 
if  not  hierogiyphical,  at  least  ideagraphic ;  that  is,  the  written  or  printed  word 
represents  an  idea,  and  can  not,  as  a  general  thing,  be  considered  as  repre- 
senting the  sounds  of  a  spoken  word.  For  example,  take  the  word  cmgh,  and 
what  relation  does  either  of  the  letters  bear  to  the  three  sounds  heard,  as  indi- 
cated by  the  Pronouncing  Dictionary,  Icnff  G  can  not  definitely  represent  i", 
because  in  cent  it  is  supposed  to  stand  fur  s,  iu  siiffice  for  z,  in  'cicioxis  for  sh, 
etc.;  and  how  can  o  be  a  representative  of  the  vowel  sound  in  cough,  when  it 
has  such  different  sounds  in  no,  son,  woman,  women,  etc.;  and  u  is  not  any  bet- 
ter a  representative  of  this  sound,  and  the  two  uncertainties  together  can  not 
make  the  matter  more  clear,  especially  when  we  see  them  called  so  differently 
in  catmt,  cousin,  povr,  tour;  while  ^  is  a  poor  representative  of  /,  and  h  is  no 
better,  and  the  two  together  are  no  improvement,  when  we  view  their  varying 
sounds  in  lough,  ghost,  and  want  of  sound  iu  dough  and  weigh.  Any  other 
word,  almost,  would  answer  just  as  well  to  show  the  utter  deficiency  of  English 
orthography  to  represent  the  spoken  words  of  the  language.  There  are  only 
60  words,  in  the  90,000  used  by  English  speakers,  whose  spellings  are  in  accord- 
ance with  the  true  principle  of  alphabetic  writing,* 

Primarily,  then,  an  insurmountable  difficulty  in  the  way  of  accurately  rep- 
resenting by  means  of  the  Roman  alphabet  any  words  whatever,  is,  in  its 
consisting  of  but  twenty-three  representative  letters,  while  the  spoken  language 
consists  of  upwards  oi  forty  distinct  sounds!  And  secondarily,  even  were  there 
a  uniformity  in  the  notation  used  by  the  different  authorities  in  supplying  the 
deficiency  caused  by  employing  the  Romanic  semi-alphabet,  it  is  still  open  to 
the  charge  of  complexity  and  inaccuracy,  and  therefore  unfit  to  bo  used  in 
teaching  children  a  correct  pronunciation. 

There  are  other  serious  objections  to  our  present  orthography  as  it  regards 
teaching  a  correct  pronunciation,  only  one  of  which  we  shall  mention  in  this 
connection,  and  which  has  a  bearing  on  the  remarks  above.  It  is  that  it  gives 
rise  to  a  slip-shod  manner  of  pronunciation  or  enunciation.  ^Yho  that  has 
paid  the  least  attention  to  the  pronunciation  of  the  middle  and  upper  classes, 
as  well  as  that  of  public  speakers,  has  not  noticed  the  great  want  of  care,  the 
inaccuracies  and  diversities  prevalent,  and  particularly  how  utterly  regardless 
of  all  rules  and  taste  they  are  iu  the  enunciation  of  unaccented  syllables?  The 
words  fall  from  their  lips  robbed  of  all  their  beauty  and  interest — shapeless  and 
repulsive  to  the  educated  ear.  The  fault  with  the  better  educated  class  of 
people  is  chargeable,  to  a  great  extent,  to  themselves,  but  with  those  less  for- 
tunate there  can  be  no  such  plea,  and  the  present  English  or  Johnsonian 
orthography,  absurd  as  it  is  in  structure,  becomes  responsible  here.  Good 
pronunciation  is  in  giving  the  whole  word,  with  all  its  parts  perfect;  every 
wiaccented  syllable  should  he  enunciated  clearly  and  distinctly — not  with 
emphasis  but  with  distinctness.  Speakers  who  are  thus  accurate  •  are  seldom 
found,  nevertheless  there  are  such,  and  it  is  probable  that  when  phonology 

*For  further  illustrations  of  this  subject,  see  "Plea  for  Phonetic  Spelling." 

Introduction.  ▼ 

shall  have  boon  generally  taught  the  number  will  be  iacrcascdj  nay,  more, 
good  speech  will  come  to  ho  ''a  common  heritage." 

A  word  further  in  reference  to  elemental  spacch.  "It  is  rare,"  says  Mr.  A. 
J.  Ellis,  whose  authority  is  unquestioned  on  this  subject,  "  to  maet  with  a 
single  elemental  work  which  contains  even  a  tolerably  correct  account  of  this 
important  subject,  and  even  scholars  and  protessod  teachers  of  pronunciation 
and  elocution  are  generally  very  ignorant  of  the  latter.  Nay,  m»re,  the  very 
teachers  and  best  investigators  of  the  subject  are  at  variance.  Let  any  one 
peruse  the  works  of  the  greatest  authorities  we  possess,  those  of  Amman,  Jo- 
hannes Miiller,  Willis,  Wheatstone,  Lepsius,  Max.  Miiller,  Latham,  etc.,  and 
he  will  see  differences  on  fundamental  points  which  are  irreconcilable.  If  ho 
turn  to  works  of  minor  pretence,  as  Bell,  Smart,  Walker,  Worcester,  and  the 
numerous  works  on  elocution,  he  will  find  confusion  partly  arising  from  igno- 
rance, and  partly  from  a  partial  view  c£  the  subject.  While  in  common  gram- 
mars, and  in  the  common  treatises  of  travelers,  and  Pronouncing  Vocabularies 
and  Dictionaries,  he  will  find  that  one  person  has  copied  from  another  without 
understanding  him,  till  words  are  repeated  and  sense  entirely  lost."*  So  long 
as  we  have  for  guides  the  clumsy  system  of  notation  of  Webster,  the  "obscure" 
Towel  sounds  of  Worcester,  and  the  common  imperfect  works  on  phonology,  we 
may  expect  no  better  results.  The  remedy  clearly  is  the  general  introduction, 
into  all  our  primary  schools,  of  works  based  tqyon  a  strictly  pltonetic  princlplCf 
and  in  time  there  will  be  a  total  revolution  and  a  harmony  in  pronunciation. 

By  the  application,  then,  of  the  phonetic  principle,  that  every  distinct  ele- 
ment in  speech  shall  have  its  distinct  symbolic  exponent,  to  the  representation 
of  the  pronunciation  of  geographical  words,  wo  have  a  work  that  at  once  com- 
bines the  three  things  desirable,  siiriplicity,  accuracy,  and  reliability. 

It  may  be  urged  in  opposition,  that  the  introduction  (tf  this  without  being 
accompanied  or  preceded  by  primary  works  will  prove  incxpeiient,  and,  even- 
tually, a  failure.  We  reply  that  if  this  were  the  first  work  of  the  kind  offered 
to  the  public  there  might  bo  some  ground  for  apprehension,  hvt.i  phonotypy  is  a, 
fixed  fact;  and  its  promulgation  for  several  years  past,  and  its  introduction 
into  primary  schools  in  different  parts  of  the  country  as  a  means  of  teaching  to 
read  romanically,  in  the  common  print,  and  the  generally  increasing  demand  for 
teachers  qualified  to  teach  it,  have  wrought  a  complete  change  in  our  system 
of  primary  instruction,  and  stamp  phonetics  as  an  indispensable  adjunct  in 
teaching  to  read,  and  the  knowledge  of  it  a  prerequisite  to  a  qualified  teacher. 
When,  previous  to  the  introduction  of  phonetics,  did  we  hear  of  the  first  prin- 
ciples of  language,  the  elemental  sounds,  being  taught  in  schools?  Or  where 
were  the  teachers  who  were  well  acquainted  with  them?  Even  now,  in  many 
sections  of  the  West  and  South,  instructors  as  well  as  pupils  are  greatly 
deficient  in  this  respect  ;  but  the  light  of  the  phonetic  principle  is  opening 
their  eyes;  and  whether  it  reach  them  directly  through  the  phonotypio  alpha- 
bet or  by  means  of  Charts  of  the  Elementary  sounds,  newly  arranged  spelling 
books  and  readers,  or  some  other  channel,  it  matters  not,  they  will  soon  all  bo 

•  Introductioa  ta  Phonetic  Dictionary,  p.  xxiv. 

Ti  Introduction. 

theoretical  phoneticians,  and  will  not  object  to  a  philosophical  alphabet  for  the 
representation  of  pronunciation  in  Dictionaries,  Vocabularies,  etc.,  if  for  no 
other  purpose. 

In  regard  to  the  availability  of  the  Phonetic  alphabet  for  teaching  children 
tct  read  the  common  spelling  in  shorter  time  and  in  a  better  manner,  than  by 
the  ordinary  method,  the  reader  is  referred  to  the  Primer  and  Readers  advertized 
at  the  close  of  this  work,  or  for  the  philosophy  of  the  fact,  to  the  Introduction 
to  the  Phonetic  Dictionary,  by  the  same  publishers. 

The  phonetic  alphabet  will  be  found  on  page  12,  facing  the  first  page  of  the 
Vocabulary,  where,  by  examining  the  key  words  the  sounds  of  the  new  letters 
will  be  readily  learned,  the  old  letters  having  the  sounds  they  usually  repre- 
sent in  the  old  spelling,  which  are  also  designated. 


In  accordance  with  the  established  custom  of  the  best  Geographers,  we  hare 
given  the  pronunciation  of  the  names  of  cities,  towns,  rivers,  etc.,  as  nearly  as 
English  mouths  can  speak  them,  as  they  are  pronounced  by  the  best  educated 
people  of  the  countries  in  which  they  are  situated.  To  do  this  it  has  frequently 
been  necessary  to  give  two  pronunciations,  as  the  same  printed  word  is  often 
spoken  differently  in  different  countries:  as,  Lima,  Lc-mq,  a  province  in  Peru, 
but  Li-ma,  towns  in  the  United  States;  Paris,  Pn-rs,  a  city  in  France,  but 
Par-is,  towns  in  this  country. 

In  carrying  out  this  plan  we  have  been  compelled  to  represent  a  few  sounds 
not  provided  for  in  the  English  Phonetic  Alphabet,  because  not  heard  in  the 
English  language.  The  most  frequent  is  that  of  the  German  and  Scotch  ch 
and  German  g  at  the  end  of  a  syllable,  which  represent  the  same  sound,  namely, 
a  strongly  aspirated  h,  which  we  indicate  by  using  the  italic  of  that  letter. 
Thus,  Metternich,  Met-er-ni/i;  Lochaber,  LoA-q-ber;  Hamburg,  Hqm-burA. 

Next  is  the  trilled  r,  which  in  French,  German,  and  indeed  most  of  the  Eu- 
ropean languages,  is  often  sounded  more  roughly,  even,  than  in  such  English 
words  as  cra&h,  terror,  etc.,  which  we  indicate  by  the  italic  r.  Thus,  Lierre, 
Le-4'';  Pernau,  Ver-rns. 

The  Welsh  I,  too,  we  represent  by  the  italic  of  that  letter,  which  may  be 
called  the  whisper  of  the  English  vocal  I,  an  approximation  to  which  the  reader 
may  make  by  sounding  hi.     Thus,  Llanelly,  Zan-e^-e. 

Lastly,  is  the  sign  of  the  French  orinasal  vowels,  or,  as  some  phoneticians 
regard  it,  the  whispered  g.  It  can  only  be  produced  by  sounding  some  vowel 
through  the  nose  and  mouth  at  the  same  time,  to  do  which  is  indicated  by 
affixing  the  letter  h;  thus,  Mont  Blanc,  Mon  Bloh. 

The  French  u  or  eu  being  very  difficult  to  produce  by  English  mouths,  we 
have  not  attempted  to  represent  it  accurately,  but  give  the  nearest  English 
approximation,  namely  e  as  the  vowel  in  sir,  or  earth,  which  is  at  least  as  near 
the  proper  sound  as  "m  in  tuh  or  fur"  which  Baldwin  gives. 

Introduction.  vH 


As  a  gaide  to  the  pronunciation  of  such  unimportant  names,  or  names  that 
tnay  hereafter  come   into  sudden  notoriety,    as  are  not  to  be  found   in  this 
book,  we  give  the  following  rules,  which  are  more  specific,  by  far,  than  can  bo 
found  in  any  ordinary  dictionary.     The  letters  in  parentheses,  in  the  Phonetic 
alphabet,  have  the  sounds  referred  to  immediately  preceding. 
A. — Always  has  the  sound  of  a  in  the  English  word  arniy  (q)  in  modern  Greek, 
Italian,  Norwegian,  Polish,  Portugese,  Spanish,  Swedish  and  usually  Welsh. 
In  German  it  generally  has  the  above  sound,  but  when  followed  by  h  it  fre- 
quently has  the  sound  of  a  in  all,  (e). 
In  Danish,  in  addition  to  the  above,  it  sometimes  has  the  sound  of  a  inai,(a.). 
In  French,  its  first  sound  is  like  a  in  arm,  (q);  its  second  like  the  vowel  ia 

at,  (a),  with  a  circumflex,  a,  it  is  sounded  very  nearly  like  a  in  all  (o). 
In  Dutch,  it  is  similar  to  the  French. 

In  Hungarian,  it  is  like  o  in  not,  (o);  with  an  accent,  a,  like  a  in  arm,  (q). 
E. — lu  Danish  is  sounded  like  i  in  ill,  (i),  at  the  end  of  an  accented  syllable; 
in  other  situations  like  e  in  ell,  (e),  or  like  ea  in  earth,  (e). 
The  Norwegian  is  similar  to  the  Danish. 

In  French,  marked  thus,  e,  it  is  sounded  like  a  in  ule,  (a);  thus,  e,  like  ea  in 
pear,  or  ai  in  air,  {^);  thus,  e,  like  e  in  very,  (e),  and  unmarked,  like  u 
in  t//),  (u.) 
In  Dutch  and  Flemish,  similar  to  the  French. 
In  German,  when  long,  it  is  like  a  in  ale  (a);  it  is,  however,  more  frequently 

short  like  e  in  met,  (e),  and  sometimes  like  ea  in  earth,  (e). 
Swedish,  the  same  as  in  German. 
In  Greek,  (modern,)  it  has  the  softnd  of  a  in  ale,  (a). 
In  Hungarian,  like  e  in  met,  (e):  with  an  Jiccent,  6,  more  like  t  in  sir,  (e). 
In  Italian  it  has  two  sounds,  like  a  in  ale,  (a),  and  like  e  in  ell. 
In  Polish,  without  an  accent,  like  e  in  ell,  (e);  \wth  an  accent,  6,  like  a  ia 

ale,  (a). 
In  Portugese  and  Spanish,  it  is  like  a  in  ah,  (a). 

In  Welsh,  like  e  in  met,  (e);  when  circumflexed,  e,  like  ai  in  air,  {%), 
I. — In  Portugese,  Spanish  and  Polish  is  sottnded  like  ee  iti eel,  (e). 

In  Danish,  Dutch,  Flemish,  French,  German,  Greek,  Hungarian,  Italian, 
Norwegian,  Swedish  and  Welsh,  it  has  two  sounds;  first,  as  ia  eel,  (e), 
second  as  in  ill,  (i.) 

0.— In   Danish,  Greek,  Hungarian,    Norwegian,   Portugese   and   Spanish,  is 

sounded  as  in  English. 
In  French,  Dutch,  Flemish,  German,  Italian  and  Welsh,  it  has  two  sounds; 

first,  as  /?  in  note,  (o),  and  second,  as  o  in  rob,  (o). 
In  Polish,  unaccented,  like  o  in  note,  (o),  with  an  accent,  like  w  in  good,  (a). 
In  Swedish,  at  the  end  of  a  syllable,  it  is  like  oo  in/o</i,  (a>);  otherwise  like 

viii  Introduction. 

U. — In  Danish,  Hungarian,  Italian,  Norwegian,  Polish,  Portugese  and  Span- 
ish, is  sounded  like  oo  in  fool,  (flo). 
The  French  sound  of  u  is  not  heard  in  English.  It  seems  to  be  an  attempt 
to  pronounce  ee  and  oo  at  the  same  time.  We  have  represented  it  in  this 
work  by  the  phonetic  e,  which  is,  perhaps,  the  neare:Jt  approximation  to 
the  true  sound  English  mouths  can  make,  without  much  vocal  teaching. 
Greek  and  Dutch  are  similar  to  the  French. 

In  German,  w  has  two  sounds,  long  likeoo  in/ofl^,(a>),  short  like  umfuU,  (u). 
In  Swedish  we  have  represented  u  by  the  phonetic  flo,  though  this  is  not  the 

exact  sound. 
In  Wel.-h,  the  sound  of  u  is  like  i  in  ill,  (i),circumflexed,i  as  ee  in  eel,  (e). 
F. — In  Danish  and  Swedish,  is  like  the  French  v,  (e). 
In  Dutch  and  Flemish,  like  long  z  in  English,  (j)  in  ice. 
In  French,  German,  Hungarian,  (when  a  vowel)  Portugese  and  Spanish,  like 

ee  in  eel,  (b). 
In  Greek,  when  a  consonant  and  before  a  vowel  or  a  liquid  sound,  is  like  the 

English  v;  otherwise  like  /, 
In  Polish,  like  *  in  ill. 

In  Welsh,  in  a  monosyllable  or  final  syllable,  as  in  ill,  (i);  in  the  penult  or 
antipcnult,  like  u  in  tip,  when  circumflexed,  like  ee  in  feet,  {z). 
Aa. — In  Danish,  sounds  like  o  in  ope,  (o). 
Ae.—ln  Danish  and  German,  like  a  in  ale,  (a). 
In  Dutch  and  Flemish,  like  a  in  arm,  (q). 
At. — In  French  and  Greek,  like  a  in  ale,  (a). 

In  German,  Spanish  and  Italian,  like  i  in  ice,  (j). 
^?/.— In  French,  like  o  in  ope,  (o). 

In  German,  Italian  and  Spanish,  like  ow  in  owl,  (-js). 
,/;*.— In  French,  sounds  like  a  in  fate,  (a). 
In  German,  like  *  in  ice,  (j). 
In  Spanish,  ei  and  ey  are  pronounced  a-e. 
In  Greek,  like  ee  in  see,  (e). 
Eu. — In  French,  is  the  same  as  u,  (6). 

In  German,  it  is  sounded  like  oi  in  oil,  (ff). 
Ja. — In  French,  is  pronounced  like  ia  in  medial,  (i-a). 

Je. — In  Danish,  Dutch,  Flemish,  French  and  German,  sounds  like  ee  in  see,  (e). 
Oe. — In  Danish,  German  and  Hungarian,  has  no  English  equivalent;  the  sound, 
however,  approaches  very  near  the  phonetic  e. 
In  Dutch  and  Flemish,  it  sounds  like  oo  in  food,  ((d). 
Oi.—ln  French,  is  nearly  like  wa  in  ivas,  (wq). 

In  Greek,  like  ee  in  eel,  (e). 
Oo.— In  Dutch,  is  like  o  in  o^ie,  (o). 
Ou. — In  French,  is  like  oo  in  fool,  (flt)). 

Ua,  ue,  vi,  vo  in  French,  and  ue  in  German,  are  like  the  French  u,  (e). 
IJi,  or  vy  in  Dutch,  sound  like  oi  in  oil,  (ff). 
Ao. — In  Portugese,  are  pronounced  almost  own.g,  ("sg.) 

Xearly  all  of  the  letters  in  French  are  silent  in  different  positions. 

Introduction.  ix 

Most  of  the  consonants  are  sounded  as  in  English;  the  following  are  exceptions; 
JB.— In  German,  at  the  beginning  of  words  as  in  English,  but  at  the  end  of  a 
word  it  is  pronounced  like  2>- 
In  Greek  it  is  sounded  as  v. 

In  Spanish,  between  two  vowels,  it  is  sounded  like  v  modified  by  w. 
C. — In  French,  with  a  cedilla,  5,  always  has  the  sound  of  8. 
In  German,  before  e,  i  and  y,  like  ts. 

In  Hungarian  c  is  not  used  except  in  connection  with  some  other  consonant. 
In  Italian,  c  and  cc,  before  a,  0  and  m,  are  sounded  as  Ic;  before  e,  i  and  y 
as  ch,  or  tsh,  (q); — cc  and  all  double  letters,  more  strongly  than  single* 
c,  followed  by  e  or  i,  or  i  and  another  vowel,  has  the  sound  of  ch. 
In  Spanish,  before  e  and  i,  as  tJi  in  thin.,  (t). 
Ch. — In  French  and  Portugese,  like  sh  in  shall,  (J), 
In  German,  like  a  strongly-  aspirated  /*. 
In  Italian,  before  e  and  i,  like  To. 
Cs. — In  Hungarian,  is  sounded  like  ch  in  cheap,  (q). 
Cz. — In  Hungarian,  like  ts;  in  Polish  like  cA,  (q). 
D. — In  Danish  and  Spanish,  between  two  vowels,  or  at  the  end  of  a  syllable 

following  a  vowel,  is  sounded  like  th  in  this,  (d). 
G. — In  Danish,  at  the  end  of  a  word,  has  the  sound  of  h. 
In  Dutch,  like  a  strongly  aspirated  h. 
In  German,  except  at  the  beginning  of  words,  when  it  is  always  heard  as 

in  go,  (g),  it  generally  has  the  same  sound  as  in  Dutch. 
In  Spanish,  before  e  and  i,  the  same. 

In  French,  before  e,  i  and  y,  like  zh,  or  s  in  measure,  (3). 
JET. — In  German,  is  only  pronounced  when  it  begins  a  word. 
In  Italian  it  is  never  sounded. 

In  Portugese  it  is  silent  except  when  following  I  or  n,  when  it  becomes  y. 
J.—\n  French  and  Portugese,  is  like  zh,  (3). 
In  Hungarian,  like  ee. 
In  Spanish  like  strongly  aspirated  h. 
In  the  other  languages  like  consonant  y. 
'Kj. — In  Swedish  is  sounded  as  ch  in  English. 

L. — "When  it  ends  a  word  in  French,  preceded  by  i,  it  tates  the  sound  of  y;  or 
when  ??  follows  i  in  any  position,  the  last  I  becomes  y. 
The  same  in  Spanish. 
JV!— In  Spanish,  or  in  Polish  with  an  accent  {ri  ),  is  sounded  as  ;iy,(consonant). 
Q,  and  qu,  in  French  and  Portugese,  are  sounded  as  h. 

In  Spanish,  qu  before  e  and  i  is  sounded  as  k,  unless  u  be  marked  with  a 
diaeresis,  in  which  case  it  is  kio. 
H. — In  Danish,  French,  German,  Hungarian,  Italian,  Polish,  Portugese,  and 

Spanish,  has  a  stronger  trill  than  in  English. 
S. — lu  French,  between  two  vowels,  has  the  sound  of  z. 

In  German,  at  the  beginning  of  a  word  or  between  two  vowels,  it  is  like  a. 

In  Hungarian,  like  sh,  (J). 

In  Polish,  with  an  accent,  (^  )  like  ey  (consonant.) 

X  Introduction. 

iSg. — In  Italian,  before  e  and  i,  is  like  «A,  (J). 
iSch.— In  German,  is  like  sh,  (J). 
6'z. — In  Hungarian,  is  like  t. 

In  Polish,  like  sh,  (/). 
Th. — In  German,  is  pronounced  like  t. 
Ts,  and  %  in  Hungarian,  are  like  ch  in  English,  (q). 

V. — In  German,  except  when  betwen  two  vowels,  has  the  sound  o£  English  f, 
IF.— In  Danish,  Dutch  and   German,  is  sounded  very  nearly  like   English  «, 

except  that  the  upper  -teeth  should  not  touch  the  lower  lip. 
jr. — In  French,  sometimes  has  the  sound  of  s  or  z. 

In  Portugese,  like  sk,  (/). 

In  Spanish,  like  the  strongly  aspirated  h, 
Z.—ln  German,  is  sounded  as  ts. 

In  Polish,  likesA,  (3). 

In  Italian,  like  dz. 
Ze. — In  Hungarian,  is  like  zh,  (3). 
Zz. — In  Italian,  is  like  ts. 

Accent. — The  French  language  cannot  be  said  to  have  any  accent,  yet  there 
is  seemingly  a  stress  of  the  voice  on  the  last  syllable  in  a  word,  and  when  any 
accent  has  been  given  in  this  work,  it  is  on  the  last  syllable.  Great  care  should 
be  taken,  however,  in  not  making  so  great  a  difference  as  in  English,  but  to  pro- 
nounce each  syllable  with  such  a  force  as  will  let  each  glide  smoothly  into  that 
which  follows  it. 

No  rule  can  be  given  for  the  accent  of  the  German  words.  And  the  same 
may  be  said  of  the  Hungarian,  yet  with  this  difference,  while  the  German 
names  have  a  distinct  accent,  the  Hungarian  are  distinguished  by  quantity. 
In  Italian,  Spanish  and  Portugese,  words  ending  in  a  vowel  are  accented  on  the 
penult;  Spanish  words  ending  in  a  consonant  are  accented  on  the  last  syllable. 
Polish  words  or  names  of  more  than  one  syllable  are  always  accented  on  the 
penult.  Russian  words  are  always  accented  on  the  last  syllable.  Welsh  words 
are  always  accented  either  on  the  penult  or  the  last  syllable. 

Of  course,  in  the  preparation  of  a  work  of  this  kind  at  the  present  day,  there 
can  be  but  little  originality,  and  we  have  to  acknowledge  our  indebtedness  to 
most  of  the  Gazetteers  that  have  heretofore  been  published,  not  having  relied 
exclusively  upon  any  one. 

The  compiler  also  acknowledges  valuable  aid  received  from  Mr.  "William 
Henry  Smith,  especially  in  the  preparation  of  the  list  of  Personal  Names,  to 
obtain  the  pronunciation  of  which  was  often  attended  with  considerable  inves- 
tigation and  trouble. 

Conscious  that  there  may  be  some  blunders  and  inaccuracies  in  the  pages 
thus  prepared,  for  we  have  found  many  such  in  the  most  carefully  compiled 
books  we  have  consulted,  we  commend  our  labors  to  the  leniency  of  those  who 
may  seek  to  be  benefited  by  them,  with  the  request  that  they  will  assist  us  in 
making  them  more  perfect,  by  forwarding  to  the  publishers  a  note  of  such 
errors  as   they  may  discover. 


As  a  general  thing  the  contractions  will  suggest  the  reading  intended.  The 
popuhitions  of  towns,  cities  and  inlands,  are  represented  by  figures  and  fractions 
that  give  the  number  of  thousands;  thus,  5]^  immediately  following  any  such 
name  is  to  be  read  5,500;  but  if  a  fraction  only,  then  the  population  is  only  that 
^rtion  of  a  thousand.  In  the  sentence,  ^'l,  cdn  and  t  Switz.,  ij^,"  and  similar 
ones,  the  figures  apply  only  to  the  place  last  mentioned. 

Abys.  for  Abyssinia. 

Af. Africa. 

Afg. Afghanistan, 

Ala. Alabama. 

Am.     •  •  •  •  America. 

Ara. Arabia. 

Ark. Arkansas, 

Aus. Austria. 

Aust.  •  •  •  •  Australia. 

Ba. Baden. 

Bav. Bavaria. 

Bel. Beloochistan. 

Belg. Belgium. 

Ben. Bengal. 

Bo. Bolivia. 

Boh. Bohemia. 

Br.  Ind.  • -British  India. 

Bra. Brazil. 

Bur. Burmah. 

Cal. California. 

Can. Canada. 

Cen.  Am.  -Cen.  America. 

Chi. China. 

Con.  •   ••  'Continent. 
Conn.  ••••Connecticut. 

Dal. Dalmatia. 

Dan. Danish. 

Del. Delaware. 

Den. Denmark. 

E.  Ind.  •••East  India. 

Ec. Ecuador. 

Eg. Egypt. 

Eng. England. 

Eu. Europe. 

Fa. Florida. 

Flan. Flanders. 

Fr. France,  French 

Ga. Georgia. 

Ger. Germany. 

Gr.  or  Gre.  Greece. 

Gr.  Br.  ••  -Great  Britain. 

Green.  -  •  •  •  Greenland. 

Gua. Guinea. 

Gui. Guiana. 

Han. Hanover. 

Hind.  •  •  •  •  Hindoostan. 

Uol. Holland. 

Hun.  •  •  • « -Hungary. 

la. Indiana. 

111. Illinois. 

Ind. India,  Indies. 

lo. Iowa. 

Jr. Ireland. 

It. Italy. 

Ky. Kentucky. 

Ka. Kansas. 

Kam.  •  •  •  •  Kamtchatka. 

La. Louisiana. 

Lab. Labrador. 

Lap.    ••••Lapland. 

L.  L Long  Island.  - 

Lom.  •  •  •  •  Lombardy. 
Lux.    ••••Luxemburg. 
Mad.    •  •  •  •  Madagascar. 
Mass.  •  •  ♦  •  Massachusetts. 

Md. Maryland. 

Me. Maine. 

Mex.    •  •  •  •  Mexico. 

Mi. Mississippi. 

Min. Minnesota. 

Mo. Missouri. 

Mt. Mount. 

N-B.    ••••N.Brunswick. 

N.  C.   North  Carolina. 

N-H.    •  •  •  •  N.  Hampshire. 

N-J. New  Jersey. 

X-Y.^^^- -New  York. 
Neth.  ••••Netherlands. 

Neb. Nebraska. 

N-Eng.  •••New  England. 
N-Gra.  -  ••New  Granada. 
N-Zeal.  -  •  -New  Zealand. 
N.  W.  ••  ••North  Wales. 

Nor. Norway. 

Oc. Ocean. 

Oca. Oceanica. 

0. Ohio. 

Or. Oregon. 

Pa. Pennsylvania. 

Pac. Pacific. 

Pan. Panama. 

Par. Paragua. 

Pat. Patagonia. 

Per. Persia. 

Phil. Philippine. 

Po. Poland. 

Port. Portugal. 

Pru. Prussia. 

R.  L Rhode  Island. 

Ru3. Russia. 

Swe. Sweden. 

Swit. Switzerland. 

S.  C. S.  Carolina. 

Sp. Spain. 

Ter. Territory. 

Tenn. Tennessee. 

Tex. Texas. 

Trun. Transylvania. 

Trin. Trinidad. 

Tus. Tuscany. 

Tur. Turkey. 

U.  S. United  States. 

Va. Virginia. 

Vi. Vermont. 

Wis. Wisconsin. 

Yu. Yucatan. 

Zeal. Zealand. 

anc ancient, 

h bay. 

ha bayou. 

bo borough, 

G city. 

cap capital. 

CO county. 

com commercial, 

coih continent. 

cr creek. 

cy country. 

dep department, 

dig district. 

fr free. 

ft feet. 

gar garrison. 

gov government, 

gr group. 

h houses. 

har harbor. 

i island. 

in inhabitants, 

iiit isthmus. 

I lake. 

m mountain. 

mil military. 

aav navigable. 

p  or  par  --parish. 

pen peninsula. 

p  o post  office. 

pop population. 

prin principality, 

prov province. 

r river. 

reg region. 

8-pt seaport. 

st state. 

s.  ra. square  miles. 

8uh suburb. 

t town. 

ter territory. 

n village. 

tal valley. 

C(^ volcano. 

(xi).     .      . 

^lie  phonetic  ^phabet, 


Long  Vowels. 




C   r 

Z  e 


a  a 


A  q 

r  e 

e  e 


O  Q 


0)  (J) 

sounded  as 

ce  in  f'^i 


Short  Vowels . 

.  /a 

r  r 















^  a 

Shade  Toiv^els. 

E  e 

a  a 





or  OP 

Co  ales  cents. 











(/' ,/ 





//  in  //a\' 






















C  ontmu  ant  s . 

F  f 

H  t 

a  d 

S   s 
Z  z 


///    >vrea^/?e 

cs*      virion 


Nasal  Litiuids. 


/y/     see///' 
//      see// 
//^      si//// 



Aa,  H-q,  er  fl;  contraction  of  old  Ger- 

miin  Akha;  rs  iu  Ger.,  Neth.,  Fr. 
Aach,  AL  t  and  r  Bad. 
Aiichen,  H/t'en,    See  Aix-la-Ohapelle. 
Aagard,  O'j^qrd,  xi  Den. 
Aal,  01  or  ei,  t  Xor. 
Aalborg,  Ol'borg.  cDan.^7>^. 
Aalesund,  Q'le-sdond,  i  Nor. 
Aalst,  fllst,  «  Neth.,  ^  Bjlg. 
Aar,  fl/'.  »'  Swit.,  rs  G. 
Aarau,  fl'r^,  ^  Swit.,  4%.  ' 
Aarberg,  fl/ber^,  ^  Swit. 
Aargau,  flr'g-s,    [Fr.  Argovie,  flr-go- 

ve.]  caa  Swit. 
Aarhuu-".  Or'hiD*.  8-pt  t  Den.,  ^. 
Aaron,  ^'ron,  p  Fr.:  -burg.  /?  o  N.  Y. 
Aasy,  El,  El-R'se,  r  Syr.(  See  Orontes. ) 
Aath,  or  Ath,  flt,  tMA.,  8)^. 
Abaca.xi3,  fl-bq-kq-Jtz,  r  Bra. 
Abaco,  fl'bq-ko,  Bahama  island. 
Abaite,  fl-b|-ta,  r  Bra. 
Abakan,  f/r  Abakane,  fl-bq-k(^n,  r  Si. 
Abakansk,  fl-bq-kqusk,  ft  t  Si. 
Abancay,  fl-bqn-kj.  t  l^eru,  5. 
Abanilla.  fl-bq-nyl-yq,  t  Sp.,  3^. 
Abano,  fl-bq-nca,  t  Lain..  2)^. 
Abany,  A-bqny,  t  Hun.  7|^. 
Abaran,  E-bq-rqn,  c.  As.  Ku3. 
Aba-<!i,  fl-bq-?^,  As.  ter.  sub.  to  Rus. 
AbatiM  Villa,  Latin  of  Abbeville. 
Aba  Uj  Var,    0-b6-a)-8-vqr,   dis.  Up. 

Abba-Jaret.  or  Abba-Yaret,  fl-bq-yt^- 

rct,  m  Abys.,  U.UIS.  [of  Mich. 

Abbaye  Point,  Ab-n  I'lfnt,  upper  pen. 
Abbeukoota,    fl-J)8-o-k(6-fq.    or  Abbe- 

kuta.  fl-bK-kif>-tq.  t  W.  Af..  50. 
Abbeville,  flb-vgl,  //  t  Fr.,  193^;  Ab'e- 

vil,  dis  and  t  S.'C;  rn  Ala.,  La. 
Abbayfoalo,  Ab-e-ful,  p  and  v  Ir. 

Abbeyleix,  Ab-s-las,  p  and  t  Ir. 
Abbeyville,  Ab'e-vil,  -v  0. 
Abbitibbe,  or  Abbitibbie,    Ab-e-tib-e, 

I,  r,  s  Brit.  N.  Am.  [seat,  Scot. 

Abbotsford,  Ab'ots-ford,  SirW.  Scott's 
Abd-El-Curia,Rb.l-el-k(f)-ri-q,  or  Abd- 
ul-Kooree,  or  Kouri,  is  In.  Oc. 
Abenberg,  fl'ben-ber^,  t  Bav. 
Aberdeen,   Ab-er-den,    c  Scot.,   41  i^; 

ts  Mi^iS.,  Ark.,  Tonn.,  0.,  Ini. 
Aberdeenshiro,  Ab-er-den-Jer,  co.  Scot. 
Aberfeldie,  Ab-er-fel-d8,  v  Scot. 
Aberff raw,  £I-ber-f r^,  s-pt  and  /)  Wales. 
Aberford,  Ab'or-ford,  p  and  t  Eng. 
Aborfoil,  Ab-er-ftfl,  p  o  Ala. 
Aberfoyle,  Ab-er-forl,  'V  and  p  Scot. 
Abergavenny,  Ab-er-ga-ne,  t  Wales. 
Abergoley,  Ab-er-gg-le,  t  Wales. 
Abergwilly,  Ab-er-gwit-le,  p  Wales. 
Aborlady,  Ab-er-la-di,  v  Scot,    [v  Mo. 
Abernethy,  Ab'er-nefi-i,  t  and  p  Scot., 
Abort,  ^I'bert,  I  Oregon,     [s-pi  Wales. 
Aber-Ystwith,    Ab-er-ist-wit,  hvr  and 
Abher,  or  Ebhor,  t  i'er. 
Abilin,  H-be-leii,  v  Syr. 
Abiracs,  Lo3,    Laz  fl-bem,    t 
Abingdon,  Ab'iy-don,  lx>r  and  t  Eng 

t  Va.;  V8  Mi.,   111.,  Iowa. 
Abington,  Ab'ij)-ton,  p  Eng.;  v 

ts  111.,  Mass.,  Cunn.,  Pa.,  Ind. 
Abiquiu,  R-bs-ke-di,  t  N-Me.x. 
Abirftada,  Rb-i.s-tq-dq,  I  Afg. 
Abkasia,  Ab-k(^-Ji-q,  Aba;ia,  or  Abas- 

cia,  fl-baj-i-a,  ier  Asia. 
Abo.  fl'bo,  c  and  s-pt  Rus.,  It. 
Aboh,  H'bd,  Ibo,  or  Eboo,  8'bQ,  ^  Af 
Aboite,  A-b»5ft,  7' and  v  Ind. 
Abomoy,  Ab-ia-ma,  t  Af.,  24. 
Aboo-Arish,    or  Abu-AriscU,   fl'b(l)-<^« 

rij,  t  Ar.,  5. 





Geographical    Yocabulart, 

Aboo-Girgeh,  Abou-,  or  Abn-,  fl-bca- 
jir-je,  t  Eg.  ^    [v  Eg. 

Abookeer,  or  Aboukir,  fl-bco-ker,  h  and 

Aboolonia,  H-biD-lo-ni-q,,  -y  and  I  As. 
Minor.  [Brazil. 

Abrantes,    H-br^n-tez,    ts   Port,    and 

Abries,  R-bre-a,   i)  Pr. 

Abrolho?',  H-bruJl-yos,  rocky  is  Bra. 

Abrud-Banya,  Ob-roDd-bqn-yo,  t  Tran- 

Abruzzo,  H-brtftt-so,  prov  Naples. 

Abscota,  Ab-sko-ta,  p  o  Mich. 

Absecum,  Ab-sg-kum,  or  Absecom, 
Absecombe,  Absecon,  v  N.  J. 

Abydos,  H-bj-dos,  c  As.  Minor. 

Abyssinia,  Ab-i-sin-i-a,  cy  E.  Af. 

Acadia,  A-ka-di-a,  first  name  of  Nova 

Acaponeta,  il-kq-po-na-tq,  t  Mex. 

Acapulco,  H-kq-pobl-ko,  main  s-^t  t 
Max.,  5. 

Acari,  R-kq-re,  t  Peru,  6. 

Acarnania,  Ak-qr-na-ni-a,  dep  Greece. 

Acra,  Accra,  or  Accrah,  fl'krq,  cy  Af., 
belonging  in  pqrt  to  England. 

Aceumoli,  R-kcb-uiia-ls,  t  Italy,  3^. 

Acebo,  B.-ta-bo,  v  Sp.,  2^. 

Acerenza,  R-qa-ren-zq,  c  Naple?,  33^. 

Achaia,  A-ka-yq,  or  R-k|-yq,  dep  Gr. 

Acheen,  Atcheen,  Aehen,  Atchin,  At- 
qen,  l-inci  and  t  Sumatra. 

Achelous,  Ak-E-Itj-us,  r  Gr. 

Achen,  R'Aen,  r  Bavaria. 

Acheron,  Ak'e-ron,  r  ancient  Greece. 

Achill,  Ak'il,  {or  Eagle  Island,)  *  Ir. 

Achor,  Ak'or,  i?  0. 

Aehtyrka,  RA-ti/'-kq,  r  and  t  Eu.  Rus. 

Aci,  or  Aci  Reale,  R'qs-ra-^-la,  t  and 

s-pt  Sicily,  19%. 
Aconcagua,    R'kon-kq-gwq,    m   Chili, 

23,910:  r,  prov  and  t  Chili.         [J.,  3. 
Acquackanonck,  A-kwak-a-nor)k,  t  N. 
Acqui,  R'kvve,  t  Piedmont,  1%. 
Acre,  R'ker,  or  S'ker,  ry;-  Akka,  R'kq, 

or  St.  Jean  D'Acre,   San-jon-dqk-r, 

e  and  «-/i^  Syria,  10. 
Actopan,  Rk-to-p4n,  t  and  (iz'«  Mex. 
Aculco,  R-ka)l-ko,  I  Chili. 
Acworth,  Ak'wurt,  vs  N-H.,  and  Ga. 
Ada,  R'dq,  v  Mich. 
Adafoodia,  R-dq-fc6-di-q,  t  W.  Af.,  24. 
Adair,  A-d^r,  cos  Ky.,  Mo.,  Iowa. 
Adaja,  R-dq-7iq,  ?•  Sp. 
Adalia,  R-dq-li-q,  or  Satalieb,  Sq-t(^,- 

li-ye,  g  and  8-pt  As.  Min. 
Adams,  Ad'amz,  cos  in  seven  States : 

tps  twenty-one;  vs  seven. 
Adams,  Mount,  Ad'amz,  Msnt,  m  Or., 

near  Colombia  river. 

Adana,  R-d^-nq,  c  Asia  Minor,  10, 
Adario,  A-dq-ri-o,  p  os  0.,  "Wis. 
Adda,  R'dq,  r  nor.  Italy;  prov  Af . 
Addison,  Ad'i-son,  rs  N-Y.,  Pa.,  «&c. 
Adelaide,  Ad'e-lad,  c  and  r  Australia. 
Ad-el-Ji-vas,  Rd-el-ji-vqs,  t  As.  Tur. 
Aden,  R'den,  or  E'den,  s-pt.  Ar.,  20; 

cape  and  gulf. 
Adenara,  R-den-q-rq,   «  Malay,  Arch. 
Aderno,  R-der-no,    t  Sic,  at  foot  of 

Mt.  Etna,  &%. 
Adije,  R'de-ja,  r  nor.  Italy  220. 
Adirondack,    Ad-i-ron-dak,    v    N.  Y., 

2000  feet  above  the  sea;  ms,  highest, 

Tahawus,  5460  ft. 
Adjyghur,  Ad-ji-gdr,  t  Bengal. 
Admiralty,  Ad'mi-ral-ti,  h  S.  Am.;  ia 

Rus.  Am.;  Pac.  Oc;  N.  Zeal.;  sounds 

Terre  del  Fuego. 
Adony,  R-dony,  t  Hun.,  on  Danube,  3. 
Adorf,  R-dorf,  t  Sax.,  on  Elster,  2%. 
Adour,  R-dflor,  r  Fr.  200. 
Adowa,  R'd(i)-wq,  {or  Adova,)  cap.  of 

Tigre,  Abys.,  8. 
Adra,  R'drq,  s-pt  t  Sp.,  7}^. 
Adramyti,   R-drq-me-ti,    s-pt    t    Asia 

Minor,  5. 
Adria,  R'dri-q,  t  Lomb.,  10. 
Adrian,  3'dri-an,    t  Mich.,  4. 
Adriance||a!'dri-ans,  v  N.  Y.        [160. 
Adrianople,  Ad-ri-an-o-pl,  c  Eu.  Tur. 
Adriatic,  Ad-ri-at-ik,  or  Gulf  of  Ven- 
ice, arm  of  Med.  Sea,  500  m.  long, 

100  wide. 
Adro,  R'dro,  cap  Venetian  Lom.,  2\^. 
Adur,  £I'dur,  r  Eng.,  25. 
^gades,  8'ga-dez,  is  w.  coast  Sic. 
yEgean,  S-je-an,  sea,  or  Grecian  Arch., 

part  of  Mediterranean,  400  by  200  m. 
yEgina,  Egina,  8-jj-na,  or  Engia,  En' 

ji-a,  i  Greece,  16;  t  10;  gulf  50  by  30. 
Aeroe,  £I're-e,  (or  Arroe,)  i  Den,,  10%. 
Aeroeskiobing,  Jl're-es-kye-biy,  s-pt  t 

of  above  island. 
Aerzen,  ^/-t'sen,  t  Hanover,  1. 
^Ethiopia,    or    Ethiopia,     8-ti-6-pi-a, 

countries  s.  of  Eg. 
yEtna,  or  Etna,  Et'na,  'Vol  Sicily,  10% 

ft.  above  the  sea. 
^Etolia,  g-to-li-a,  guv.  of  k.  of  Gr. 
Afganistan,  Rf-gqn-is-tqn,  cy.  of  Asia. 
Afioom,  Afioum,    Afium.  R-fi-com,  or 

Afiura  -  Karahissar,     -  Kq-rq-his-qr, 

(Black-Castle  of  Opium,!  c  As.  Min. 

Afragola,  R-frq-go-lq,  t  Naples,  13. 
Africa,  Af'ri-ka,  great  division  of  the 

globe,  third  in  extent:  5,000  by  4,800 

miles;  pop.  60,000,000,  speaking  150 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Afrikiah,   fl-fr8-ki-(;,  {or  Mahadiah,) 

8-pt  t  Tunis. 
Afshars,  or  Afschars,  Hf-J^rz,  tr  Per, 

20,000  houses. 
Agably,  or  Aghably,  H-g^-ble,  t  M. 
Agadez,  or  -es,  fl'gq-dez,  c  Cen.  Af., 

formerly  50  now  8. 
Agamentieus,      Ag-a-men-ti-kus,      m 

Agate,   Ag'at,    Harbor,  n.  part  Mich. 
Agawam,  Ag-a-w6in,  v  Mas^. 
Agawan,  Ag-a-w6n,  r  Mass. 
Agdas,  or  Aghades.    Same  as  Agades. 
Agde,  flgd,  t  Fr.  9. 
Agen,  fl-jan,  t  Fr.  16. 
Aggershuus,    flg'erz-hoiz,    prov    Nor. 

Aghmat,  HA-iiM^t,  r  and  t  Morocco,  6. 
Aghor,  HA'or,  {or  Hingol)  r  Bel. 
Aghrim,  or  Aughrkn,  0g'rim,  p  Ir. 
Agincourt,  H-jan-kflor,  (or  Azincoart) 

V  Fr. 
Agio  Strati,  il'jo  Strq-te,  i  Gr.  Arch. 
Aglie,  Hl'ya,  or  Aglia,  ill'ya,  t  Pied., 

Agly,  H-gle,  r  Fr. 

Agno,  Hn'yo,  r  Lomb.,  50 ;  u  Swit. 

Agnone,  Hn-y6-na,  i  Naples,  7. 

Agoa  de  Pao,  H'gwq-da-p^-on,  v  and 
7n  peak  of  the  Azores. 

Agogebic,  A-g6-je-bik,  I  n.  part  Mich. 

Agtgna,  ll-g6n-yq,  {or  Gogna,)  r  Pied. 

Agoona,  H-gcJb-nq,  st  w.  part  Af. 

Ago8ta,  il-g63-tt\,  or  Augusta,  '^-gdis- 
tci,  c  Sicily,  10. 

Agows,  fl'gTJz,  people  of  Abyssinia. 

Agra,  H'grq,  prov  Hind.,  23,800,549  : 
the  city  of  the  same  name  has  been 
held  by  Eng.,  since  1803  ;  ixjp.  983/^. 

Agram,  Og-rom,  {or  Zagrab,)  cap  Cro- 
atia, Aus.,  UX- 

Agreeb,  Agrib,  H-greb  or  Agarrib, 
H-gq-reb,  m.  Eg.  off  gulf  Suez. 
Can  be  seen  100  m. 

Ague  Caliente,  H'gwq  Kq-le-dn-ta, 
set  Cii. 

Aguas  Calientes,  H'gwqs  Kq-le-^n-tes, 
6t  Max.,  81^;  c  20. 

Aguachapa,  H-gwq-qq-pq,  t  Gua. 

Aguadilla,  fl-gwq-del-yq,  s-pt  t  Antil- 
les, Porto  Kico. 

Agua  Dulce,  H'gwq  D(61-8a,  cr  Texas. 

Agua  Fria,  H'gwq  Fre-q,  v  N-Mex.; 
t  and  cr  Cal. 

Agua  Nueva.  H'gwq  Nwa-vq, 

Aguapehi,  H-gwq-pa-h^,  r  lira. 

Agua,  Volcan  de,  Vol-kqn-da  H'gwq, 
m.  Cen.  Am. 

Agucda,  H-ga-dq,  r  Sp. 

AguiUi,  H'ge-lq  or  Ag'wil-a,  cr  Tex. 

Ahanta,  H-h^n-tq,  h  Ah 

Ahascragh,  Hs'krq,  or  Hs'krq^  t  and 

p  Ir. 
Ahmedabad,  H'med-q-lx^d,  die  and  c 

Hin.,  100. 
Ahmednuggur,  H-med-nug-ur,  du  and 

c  Hiu.,  20. 
Ahmood,  H-mtSd,  t  Brit.  Ind. 
Ai,  %  p  o  O.;  r  Rus.;  t  Fr. 
Aidin,  ^-den,  (Iden  or  Guzzel-Hissar,) 

t  As.  Tur. 
Aigash,  il-gqj,  or  Aigas,  3-gc\s,  i  Scot. 
Aigues  Morten,  Q^g'mort,  t  Fr.  4. 
Aiguille,  3-ggly,  m  Fr. 
Ain,  An,  r  and  dep  Fr. 
Aintab,  ^n-t^b,  t  As.  Tar.,  20. 
Air,  Ar,  t  Pa.;  p  o  Mo. 
Airdrie,  iVr'dre,  &or  and  t  Scot.,  143<g. 
Aire,  ^r,  t  Fr.:  r  Eng. 
Aisne,  £In,  or  En,  r  and  dep  Fr. 
Aitkin,  Elc'kin,  Z  and/crry  Min. 
Aix,  Hks,  cFr.,  21%;  <  Sar. 
Aixe,  aks,  t  Fr.  2%. 
Aix  He  d',  81-dak3,  i  and  mil  ft  and 

t's  Fr. 
Aix-La-Chapelle,    Slks-Iq-Jq-pel,    c  of 

Prus.,  453^. 
Ajaccio,  H-yqt-go,  or  Ajazzo,  H-yqt- 

so,  s-pt  and  cap  Corsici,  \l%]  Niu- 

poleon  Bonaparte's  birth  place,  1769. 
Ajan,  H-5;qn,  country  of  Af. 
Ajeho,  ii-yo-h6,  c  Mantchooria,  60. 
Ajmeer,  Hj-mer,  {or  Rajpootana)/>rot) 

and  c  India,  25. 
Akerman,  H'ker-mqn,  t  Bessarabia,  26. 
Akhalzikh,   o)'  Akalzik,   H-Aql-zeA,   0 

As.  Rus.,  10. 
Ak-Hissar,  Hk'his-ar,  i  As.  Minor,  6. 
Akootan,  or  Akutan,  H-kio-tqn,  i  and 

'Vol  Aleutian  series, 
Akowaay,  H-ka-wi,  t  Guin.,  8. 
Akron,  Ak'ron,  'o  N-Y.  t  O.,  4)^. 
Aksai,  Hk-sj,  r  and  v  Circas.^ia. 
Akshehr,    or  Akschor,    Hk-Ja-her,     0 

and  I  As.  Tar. 
Ak*oo,  or  -ou,  Hk-s<f»,  t  and  r  Chinese 

Akstafa,  Hk'stq-fq,  r  and  val  As.  Goo. 
Alabama,   Al-a-b<i-ma,   Am,  st  50,772 

8.  m.;    pop.,  in  1850,   426i^  whiter 

2Y^  free  blacks,  3;42^  slaves,  total, 

Tl\%',    representative   pop.,  634)^; 

cap  Mobile  ;  r  navigable  460  m. 
Alabama,  {or  Big  Sandy  Creek)  and  « 

Alaohua,  A-laq-t^-a,  co  in  Florida. 
Alaorane,  Al-a-kran,  is  Gulf  Mex, 
Alaciilsa,  Al-a-kiil-sa,  cr  Ga. 
Ala-Dagh.  H'lq-dqg,  m  As.  Tur. 
Alaghez,  H-lq-gez,  {or  Ali-)  t)ol  in  Arm. 


Geographical    Yocabulary. 

Alagoa,  R-lq-go-q,  t  and  dis  island  St. 

Alagoas,  H-lq-g(f>-Cis, prov  Bra.,  220j  c  4. 

Alagon,  fl-lq-gJin,  r  Sp.,  120. 

Alais,  H-lfi,  t.  Fr.  18;j^. 

Alajuela,  H-lq-hi»-a-lq,  c  Costa  Rica,  10. 

Alamance,  (or  Alio-)  H'la-mans,  el- 
and CO  N.  C. 

Alameda,  fl-lq-ma-dq,  t  Sp,:  co  Cal,; 
«  N-Mex.  [ft.  Tex. 

Alamo,    Al'a-mo,    v  la.,    Mich.,  Cal.; 

Alamos,  Los,  Los  RMq-mos,  ^  Mex.  10. 

Alan,  Al'an,  (r>7' Camel)  r  Eng. 

Aland,  il'land,  or  Oland,  Q'land, 
eighty  islands  Gulf  Bothinn,  15. 

Alapaha,  A-lap-a-hfl,  «andr  Ga.,  100  m. 

Alaqua,  Al'a-kwe,  v  and  r  Florida, 

Alasea,  H-lq-sa-q,  {or  Alasey,  -ej)  r 

Ala-Shehr,  fl-lq  Jer,  or  Ala-Schehr, 
fl-lq-Ja-her,  c  As.  Mi.,  15. 

Alaska,  or  Aliaska,  ill-y43-kq,  pen 
Rus.  Am. 

Alatamaha,  See  Altamaha. 

Alausi,  H-l's-se,  vol  Andes,  t  Ecuador. 

Alava,  A-lq-vq,  prov  n.  part  Sp. 

Alba,  Hi'bq,  ts  Pied.,  Nap.;  Al'ba  t  Pa. 

Alba  Longa.  See  Albano. 

Albania,  Al-ba-ni-a,  [Tiwh.  Arnaood- 
lik,  -tleck,  -outlikjj  country  Eu. 
Tur.,  I,fi00,000. 

Albano,  fll-bq-no,  c  It.  b)^;  t  Nap.; 
I  and  m  It. 

Albany,  01'ba-ni,  co  and  cap  N-Y. .  60: 
r  ft  and  dis  Br.  N.  Am.:  div.  Cape 
of  Good  Hope ;  ts  Ga.,  111.,  and  r« 
in  many  states. 

Albay,  fll-bj.  v  and  t  Philippine  Is.,  13. 

Albemarle,  Al-bs-raqrl,  t  Fr.;  co  Ya.; 
—Sound,  N.  E.  part  N.  C. 

Alberche,  Rl-b^r-cja,  r  Sp.  148  m. 

Alberes,  Hl-b4r,  ms  part  of  Pyrenees. 

Albia,  Al'bi-a,  co  t  Iowa. 

Albion,  Al'bi-on,  anc.  name  Gr.  Brit- 
ain; GO  ts  N-Y.,  la.,  Ill,,  and  numer- 
ous vs. 

Albuera,  Al-bcfi-a-rq,  r  Sp. 

Albufeira,  fll-boo-fa-z-rq,  s-ptt  Port. 

Albufera,  ill-b(t)-fa-rq,  I  Sp. 

Albuquerque,  fll-boo-ker-ka,  t  N-Mex. 
is  Car.  Sea. 

Alburg,  Ol'burg,  p  o;  -Springs,  Yt. 

Alby,  or  Alby,  Hl'be,  or  fll-bg,  c  Fr., 
where,  on  account  of  the  religious 
wars,  the  Protestants  received  the 
name  of  A/higen.i^s.     13%. 

Albyn,  or  Albinn,  Hl'bEn,  anc.  name  Se. 

Alcala  de  Henares,  Hl-kq-lq-da  En-q- 
res,  c  Sp.,    in    17G8,   22,   now    'i)4; 

■    —la-Real,  Iq-Ra-ql,  c  Sp.  ll^. 

Alcamo,  fll'kq-rao,  t  Sic.  15. 
Alcantara,    fll-kqn-tq-rq,  ft  t   Sp.;  r 

Sic;  t   Bra. 
Alcaraz,  ill-kq-r^t,  t  Sp.  1%. 
Alcazar,   {or   Alcacer)  de   San  Juan, 

Hl-kq-tcr  da  Sqn-hift-qn,  t  Sp.,  1}4' 
Alcester,  {or  Awister)  01'ster,  t   Eng. 

Alcona,  Al-kcS-nCt,  co  Mich. 

Alcovy,  Al'ko-vi,  r  Ga.  (Ulcofauha- 

Alcoy,  Hl-k6-R,  t  Sp.,  27 ;  also  r. 

Aldan,  ili-dqn,  r  30J,  and  ms  Siberia. 

Aldborough,  {or  Aldburg)  Gld'bur-o, 
s-pt  t  Eng.,  \M  ;  also,  market  t  2)^. 

Aide,  eid,  r  Eng". 

Alden,  ei'den,  t  N-Y.  2>^ ;  v  111. 

Aldenville,  Aldenbrook,  and  similar 
combinations,  have  the  first  syllable 
])ron6unced  alike. 

Alderney,  (rr  Aurigny,)  Ol'der-ni,  ♦ 
Eng.  Channel,   1. 

Aldstone,  Gld'ston,  {or  Alston-Moor) 
t  Eng.  [Port. 

Alemtejo,   {(/r  -en)  R-lon-ta-;^o,  prov 

Alcngon,  R-loii-son,  c  Fr.  14%. 

Aleppo,  A-lep-o,  (Haleb  or  Haleb  es 
Shabba)  c  As.  Tur.;  prev.  to  earth- 
quake 1822,  pop.  200,  now  60  to  80. 

Alessandria,  R-les-^n-dri-q,  c  Pied- 
mont, 19,  Avith  suburbs  40. 

Aleutian,  A-lq-Ji-an,  is  (volcanic) 
Rus.  Am. 

Alexander,  Al  eks-an-der,  various  C09 
and  ts  U.  S. 

Alexandria,  Al-eks-an-dri-a,  e-pt  ^ 
Eg,;  betore  the  war  with  Caesar, 
and  the  burning  of  the  librarie.'^,  its 
population  was  600,000  when  it  went 
down  to  6,000  ;  it  has  now  80,000. 

Alexandria,  c  Ya.,  8% ;  various  t» 
and  vs  U.  S. 

Alford,  ei'ford,  t  Eng.,  2, 

Alfordsville.  ei'fordz-vil,  ts  N,  C,  la. 

Alfred,  Al'fred,  ts  and  is  Me.,  0., 
N-Y.,  &c. 

Alfreton,  Al'fre-ton.  t  Eng.,  8i^. 

Algarve,  {or  -bia)  Rl-gar-va,  prov 

Algeciras,  {or  -zi,)  Al-jez-e-ras,  [Sp. 
Rl-Aa-tg-ras,]  s-pt  t '&]).,  11. 

Algeria,  Al-je-ri-a,  [Fr.  Rl-va-re]  ter 
Nor.  Af.,  Fr.  colonial  province:  90,000 
s.  m.;  native  pop.  2  mil.;  European, 

Algiers.  Rl-jerz,  cap.  Algeria,  943^, 
half  European  :  v  op.  N-Orleans,  La, 

Algoa,  AI-g6-a,  h  S,  E.  coast  Af. 

Algoma,  Al-g<I)-ma,  v  Wis, 

Algonac,  Al-go-nak,  t  Mich. 

Geographical    V'ocabulary. 


ilgonquin,  Al-gon-kwen.  Am,  Indians 

nearly  extinct;  vs  0.,  Mich.,  III. 
\lhaina,  Rl-hq-mci,  ^  '^Pm  6. 
Alhambra,  Al-harn-bra,  v  HI. 
A-iiaska,  ill-yq,s-kq,  pen  Ras.  Am. 
A.lieaQte,  H-le-kqn-ta,  prov  and  s-pt  c 

Sp.,  19. 
^icata,  {or  Licata)  R-le-k^-tq,  s-pt  t 

Sic,  131^.  [I. 

A.licadi,  il-le-ki6-de,  w.  Lipari  Islands, 
Alida,  A-lj-da,  t  III. 
Alipee,  R-li-pe,  s-pt  t  Hin.  13. 
Alixan,  H-liks  on,  v  Fr.,  2^. 
Alkaisareeyeh,  {or  -seria)  Hl-kj-ser-e- 

ye,  t  M.)r.  8. 
Alkmaar  {or  -m^e^)  Alk-m^r,  ^Hol.,  9. 
Alkosh,  fll-koj  ft  t  As.  Tur.,  3. 
Allihibad,    H-lq-hq-bqd,    t    Hin.,    in 

18:i2,  64X. 
Allaire,  il-14r,  »  Fr.,  2.  [N-J. 

Allamachy,   {or   -chee)  Al-a-m(6-qi,  « 
Allan,  Al'an,  two  rs  Scot. 
Alle,  H'Ie,  r  E  ist  Prus.,  115. 
AUeg m,  Al'e-gan,  co  and  v  Mich. 
Alleghany,*  Al-e-^a-ni,   r   Pa.;   range 

WW   Pa.,   Mi.,  \  a.;    cos   Pa.,    N-Y., 

Mi.,  Va.;  vs  N-Y.,  and  Pa. 
Alleghany  City,  opposite  Pittsburg,  Pa., 


Allen,  Al'en,  numerous  cos  and  ts  in 
the  U.  S.,  with  various  combina- 
tion?. [Pa.,  6. 

AlUmtown,   the    most   prominent,  co  t 

Alliance,  A-li-ans,  t  0. 

Allier,  fl-le-a,  r  Fr.,  330  m. 

Alligator,  Al-i-ga-tor,  r  X.  C;  t  Fa. 

Ailisonia,  Al-i-so-ni-a,  t  Tenn, 

Alloa,  Al'o-a,  s-pt  t  Scot.,  5)^. 

Allomikee.  Al-o-ma-kE,  co  Iowa. 

Alloway,  Al'u)-wa,  v  N-Y. 

All-Saints  Bay,  Ol-Sants  Ba,  on  the 
coast  of  Brazil. 

Alrav.  Hl'mq,  r  Rus.,  in  the  Crimea. 

Almaden,  Hl-mq,-dea,  t  Sp.,  9>%. 

Almigro,  Hl-mq-grG),  c  Sp.,  123^. 

Alinilee,  {or  -li)  Hl-mq-le,  <  As.  Tur. 

Almis,  Ol'mof.  t  Hun,  8}-^. 

Almazarron,  Rl-mq-tq-run,  <  Sp.,  6^. 

Alru'Mda,  Rl-ma-e-dq,  ft  t  Por.,  6»^; 
<  Bra.,  4. 

Alineria.  fll-ma-r^-q,  s-pt  c  Sp.,  17^. 

Alraoad.  fl'mond,  two  rs  Scot.;  vs  N-Y., 
Ala.,  Wis. 

Almont.  Al-mont,  v  Mich. 

Alne,  fllii,  three  m  Eng.  [TV^. 

Alnwick,  fjT  Aienwick,    An'ik,  t  Eng., 

Alost,  H'lost,  t  Bel.,  15. 

Alpena,  Al  pe-na,  co  Mich. 

Alps,  Alps,  m  Eu.:  extending  through 

part  of  Swit.,  Fr.,  It.,  Bav.,   Aus., 

and   Tur.,   varying   from    10,000  to 

15,800  ft.  in  height. 
Alsace,  fll-sqs,  one  of  the  old  Gormaa 

prov.,  ceded  to  Franco  164S. 
Al-ien,  Rl'sen,  is  Den.,  in  the  Baltic 

Alstead,  Rl'sted,  t  New  Hampshire. 
Alston,  Rl'sten,  i  Norway. 
Alster,  Rl'ster,  r  Den. 
Altai,  Rl-tj,  m  Sib.,  rich  in  gold,  sil- 
ver, coppsr,  &c. 
AUaraaha,  9l'ta-ma-he,   r  Geo.,  navi- 
gable 140  miles. 
AUamira,  Rl-tq-ms-rq,  t  Mox. 
Altamont,  Al'ta-mont,  v  Ten. 
Altaraura,  Rl-tq-ini6-rq,  t  Naples,  15. 
Altenburg,  Rl'ten-biarg,  duchy  and  o 

Ger.,  131^. 
Alton,    Al'ton,   t  Eng.,  Z%;  c  111.,  4: 

ts   Maine,    N-H.,    N-Y.,    Tex.,   0., 

Altona,  Rl'to-na,  {or  Altena,)  second 

c  Den.,  37. 
Altoona,  Al-t(6-na,  v  Pen,,  2)^. 
Altorf,  Rl'torf,  {or  Altdorf,)  t  Swit. 
Alvarado,  Rl-vq-rq-do,   t  and  r  Mer. 
Alzey,  RU/si,  t  He.^se  Darmstadt,  4)^. 
Amicura,  R-mq-kife-rq,  r  S.  Am. 
Amager,  R'mq-ger,  {or  Amak,)  i  Den. 
Amalfi,  R-mql-fe,  c  and  s-pt  Naples, 

pop.  once,  50  now  4. 
Amambahi,   R-mqm-bq-&,    or  Amam- 

bay,  R-mqin-bj.  m  and  r  S.  Am. 
Amanda,  A-man-da,  various  ts  and  w 

U.  S. 
Araarante,  R-mq-r^n-ta,  t  Port.,  4. 
Amirapoora,     Amarapura,     Rm-q-ra- 

pdb-ra,  ft  c  Burm.,  in  1800  175  ;  now 

much  reduced. 
Amasia,  Amasieh,  or  Amasiyah,  R-m(^- 

SE-a,  c  As.  Min.,  25. 
Amatitlan,  R-mq-tE-tlqn,  or  Amititan, 

R-mq-te-tqn,  t  Gua.  12. 
Amaxichi,  R-mqks-e-ke,  s-pt  t  Ionian 

Island,  Santa  Maura,  6. 
Amazon,  Am'a-zon,  largest  r  not  only 

of  S.  Am.,  but  of  the  globe;  length 

4000  miles;    breadth   of   the  largest 

mouth,  9(5  miles:  but  the  two,  with 

the  island  included,  cover  a  width 

of  250  m.;  v  III. 
Arabito,   Rm-bq-to,  {or  Hambatq,)  t 

Ec.  12. 

*  All  considerate  persons  will  unite  with  the  editqrs  o|  liippiocqtt'a  Q^^zetQor 
in  giving  hut  one  orthography  to  this  i^aq^e. 




Amberg,  flm'berg,  t  Bav.,  11. 

Ambert,  On-b4r,  ?;  Fr..  8%. 

Amboise,  Oh-bwqz,  t  Fr.,  -i^. 

Amboy,  Am-btr,  various  vs  U.  S. 

Amboyna,  or  Amboina,  flin-bcf-nq^  i 
Malay  Arch.,  29X  ;  cao  t  8%. 

Ambriz,  Am'briz,  or  Hui-brez,  ind. 
Negro  kinglora  Af. 

Ambrosia,  Ain-br6-'?i-a,  p  o  Iowa. 

ArrWia,  A-rnE-ii-a,  t  ami  en  Vic,  v  0. 

Aiucinia,  A-m^-ni-a,  v  N-Y. 

America,  A-mer-i-ka,  with  the  excep- 
tion of  Asia,  tho  largest  division  of 
the  globe.  —  North,  entire  coast 
line  22,800  ra;  area  8,000,000  s.  m.; 
divided  into  six  political  organiza- 
tions, viz.,  Danisli  America  or  Green- 
land ;  Brit.  Am.,  Rus.  Am.,  U.  S., 
Mex.,  and  Cen.  Am.;  entire  pop.,  in 
1854,  exceeded  40,000,000.  —  Cen- 
tral, is  the  narrow  strvp  of  land  unit- 
ing ISorth  and  Soutlj  Am.;  length 
800  or  900  m.:  it«  breadth  from  20  to 
400  m.;  area  200,000  s.  ra.;  the  states 
of  Gua.,  San  Sal.,  Hon.,  Nic,  and 
Costa  Rica,  though  nominally  re- 
publican, are  ruled  by  railiTary  des- 
pots; total  pop.  2,146,000.  —  South, 
is  a  vast  peninsula,  of  about  6,500,000 
s.  m.;  comprising  the  republics  of 
N.  Gran.,  Ven.,  Ec.:  Brit.,  Fr.,  and 
D.,  Gui.:  Pe.,  Bob,  Ch.,  the  United 
Prov.  of  La  Plata,  Par.,  Ura.,  Bra., 
Pat.,  Ter.  del  Fue.,  the  Falk.  and 
other  islands  ;  entire  pop.  16,000,000. 
r  central  Cal. 

Americus,  A-mer-i-kus,  m  tJeo.,  Ind. 

Amersfort,  or  Amersfoort,  B-'mers-fo/'t, 
t  Neth.,  13. 

Ames,  amz,  v  N-Y. 

Amga,  Hm-gq,  r  Si.,  460  m. 

Arahara,  Hm-hq-rq,,  h  Abys. 

Amherst,  Am'erst,  s-pt  t  Brit.  Ind.,  5.; 
c»  and  t  Vir.,  ts  Me.,  N-H.,  Mass., 
(seat  of  Amherst  College,)  3.;  v  0. 

Amherf.sburgh,  Am'erst-burg,  gar  t 
C.  W.,  \%.    _ 

Amicalola,  A-mik-arl6-la,  p  o  Geo. 

Amicu,  H-me-kdC),  o/^Amucu,  R-moo-ko), 
I  South  Am. 

Amiens,  R-me-ah,  t  Fr.,  521-^. 

Amite,  Am-8t,  r  Miss.,  Lou.,  co  Miss, 

Amity,  Am'i-ti,  various  rs  U.  S. 

Amlwch,  Am'look,  s-pt  t  N.  W. 

Amraer,  or  Amper,  Rm'per,  r  Ger. 

Ammonoosuck,  Am-o-ndb-suk,  upper 
and  lower,  r  N-H. 

Amol,  R-mol,  c  Per.,  35  to  40. 

Amoo,  Amou,  or  Amu,  R-mtf),  r  Cen. 
As.,  1300  m. 

Amoor,   Amour,  Amur,  fl-mdar,    r  E. 

As.,  2200  m. 
Amorgos,  or  Amorgo,  R-mar-go,  i  Grc, 

Arch.,  2%. 
Amoskoag,  Am-os-keg,  v  N-H. 
Amoy,  R-mtT,  {or  Emoui,)  s-pt  t  China, 

pop.  250. 
Amphila.  Rm-fs-la.  })  and  i  Red  Sea. 
Amphitrite,  Ara-fi-tri-te.  «s  China  Sea. 
Amrawutti,   Rm-ra-wiit-e,    or  Amara- 

vati,  Rm-a-ra-vq-te,  t.  lod. 
Amritseer,   Amritsir,   Rm-rit-ser,  c  of 

Punjab,  Hind.,  115. 
AnLSferdam,  Rm-ster-dqm,  c.  cap  Hoi., 

228% ;  1)  N-Y.,  Vir.,  0.,  Li.,    Iowa. 
Anabara,  R-nq-bq-rq,  r  Si.  400  m. 
Anaehuana,    R-nq-qoD-q-nq,    v    and   h 

Isthmus  of  Panama. 
AnactKja,  An-a-k6-ka,  p  o  La. 
Anaeostia,  An-a-kos-ti-a,  p  o  Dis.  Col. 
Anadarco,  An-a-dqr-kca,  p  o  Tex. 
Anadeer,    Anadir,    or    Anadyr,    R-nq- 

der,  r  N.  E.  Asia,  in  Siberia. 
Ana.;;ni,  R-nqn-ye,  t  It. 
Anagua,  R-nq-gwq,  p  o  Tex. 
Anahuac,  Rn-q-wqk,  taUe-land,  m  and 

V  Tex. 
Anam  or  Annam,  R-n^m,   Empire  of 

Cochin  China,  pop.  12,000,000. 
Anamaboe,  R-nq-ma-bw,  Brit,  ft  Af., 

Anamirapucu,     R-nq-mi-rq-poo-ki*,    r 

Bra.,  200  ra. 
Anamosa,  An-a-mo-sa,  v  Iowa. 
Anandale,  An'an-dal,  rs  Pen.,  Vir. 
Anapa,  R-nq-pq,    s-pt  t  Russian    Cir. 
Anaqtiasscook,    An-a-kq-a^-kuk,    p  o 

N-Y.  ^  ^  [Fa. 

Anastasia,     An-a-sta-Ji-a,    *    e.    coast 
Anatolia,    Rn-a-t6-li-a,    or  Anadolia, 

R-nq-do-li-Q,  (written  also  Anadoli 

and  N'atolia,)  pen.;  pashalic  of  Tur. 

in   As.,    identical    with   Asia  Minor, 

area  270,000  sq.  m.;   pop.  4,500.000. 
Anava,  R-nq-vq.  or  Guanahau,  Gwq- 

nq-h-s,  r  Brazil,  200  ra. 
Anazo,  R-nq-zoa,  («/■  Hanazo,)  r  Abys. 
Ancach,  Rn-kqq.  dep  North  Peru. 
Ancaster,  An'kas-ter,  v  Canada  West. 
Ancholme,  An'qolm.  rEng. 
Anchor,  Ai)'kor,  *  N-Zeal.:  is  Bra. 
Ancober,  An-kio-ber,  r  Af.;  t  Abys. 
Ancona,  Rn-k6-nq,  a  free  port  c  Papal 

States,  in  two  parts,  Citta  Vechia, 

(ei-tq  Vek-i-q,)  Citta  Nuova,  (G^-t^ 

NwQ-vq;)  pop.  36. 
Andalusia,    An-da-hx-Ji-a,    (Sp.    An- 

dalucia.  Rn-dq-lo-te-a,)  division  of 

the  s.  of  Spain ;  vs  Penn.,  Ala.,  Ten., 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Andaman,  An-da-man,  i  Bay  of  B-n. 
Andaya,    Rp.-dq,-yq,    or   Andaia,    fla- 

dj-q,  r  Bra.,  120  m. 
Andelle,  On-del,  r  Fr. 
Anddlys,  Les,  Laz-on-dls,  t  Fr.  5%. 
Andersjn,  An'der-son,   dis   S.  C:    os 

Tex.,   Ten.,    Ken.:   vs  N-J.,    S.  C, 

Gao.,  Tex.,  111.:  t  Ii.  [Iv. 

Andars onville,  An'der-son-vil,  rs  S.  C, 
Andes,  An'diz,  ranga  of   ms  extending 

parallel    to    the    Pacific    eo;ist.    the 

entire  length  of  S.  A.,  4500    miles; 
■     and  under  different  pames,  traverses 

the   whole   N.  A-nerican   continent, 

about  9000  m.;  the  ridz^s  aad  p^aks 

varying  from  2  to  22,000  ft.  above 

the  sea. 
•Anikhoo,  Rnd-kc6,  Ankkoui,  Hn-kc6-e, 

{or  Ankoi,)  t  ind.  Tartary,  25, 
Andorra,  Hn-'dor-q,  (Valley  of)  ind  cy, 

a  republic  on   the   s.    slope  of    the 

Pyrenees,  pop.  6;  t,  cap  of  the  above, 

Andover,  An'do-ver,  t  Eng.;  m  Maine, 

N-H.,    Ver.,    Mass.,  7;    Con.,    N-Y., 

N-J.,  0.,  Mich.,  111. 
Andraix,  Hn-drq-e/i,   8-pt  t  island  of 

Majorca,  4^^. 
Andreera,  fln-dra-e-vq,   t  Rus.,  12. 
Andrew,  An'droo,  co  Mo.;  v  Iowa. 
Andro,  Ha'dro,   {or  An'dros,)  i  Gre. 

Arch.,  153/^. 
Androscoggin,  An-dro3-k6g-in,  r  N-II., 

Maine;  m  M:une.  [Sp.,  9J/<J. 

Andujar,    or  Anduxar,    fln-ddb-Aar,  t 
Anegada.  fl-na-gq-da,  t  of  the  Antillc=!. 
Angara,  flt)-gq-rq.  r  of  Siberia.  1000. 
Angelica,  An-jel-i-ka,  co  t  N-Y. 
Angelina,  An-je-le-na,  r  and  co  Tex. 
Angerinann,  Og'er-man,  na»  r  Swod., 

120  m.  [.Swod. 

Angerraannland,  Og'er-mqn-lqnd,  prov 
Angerrauade,    Ho'er-men-de,   t  Prus., 

Angerona,  An-je-r6-ni,  p  o  Va. 
Angers.  An'jerz,  (Fr.  Angiers,  Oh-ik,) 

ft  c  Fr.,  48)^. 
Anglesey,    or    Anglesea,     fln'gl-se,    i 

N.  W..  51. 
Angola,  Ag-gcj-la,  cy  w.  coast  of  Afri- 
ca, notorious  for  its  slave  tra<le:  pop. 

2,000,000;  p  08  N-Y.,  Dei.,  N-C,  la. 
Angora,  Ag-gcj-ra,  t  A-?.  Tur.,  35. 
Angornou,  or  Angornu,   fln-gor-n(6,  I 

Cjn.  Africa,  30, 
Angosta,  fln-gos-ta,  die,  r  and  three  i 

c.  e.  of  Africa. 
Angostura,  fln-gos-tdi-rq,  {or  Bolivar 

City)  t  Venezuela,  8>^. 
Angoulemo,  Oh-goo-lam,  c  Fr.,  213/g. 

Angra,  Rn'grq,  s-pi  t  of  Port.,  on  the 

island  of  Tercsira,  10. 
Angrab,  Hn-grqb.  r  Abys.,  120  m. 
Angra  dos  Ksis,  ilt)'grq-dos-ra-e.s,  s-pt 

aad  h  Brazil,  3. 
Anguilla,  Hn-ge-lq,  «  Br.  West  Ind.,  3. 
Aniialt,  Ha'hqlt,  three  duchies  Central 

Anhanduhy-Mirira,    Hn-yqn-dto-e-mi- 

reh,  two  rivers  in  Brazil. 
Anholt,  Hn'holt,  i  Dan.,  t  Prus.,  2. 
Aniooy,   R-ni-(6-f.,    or   Aniuj,  Aniuy, 

fli-ydb-E,  two  rivers  in  Siberia. 
Anklam,  or  Anclara,  Ha'klqru,    t  Pr. 

8>^.  [Abys.,  12. 

Ankober,  {or  Ankobar,)  fln-k6-ber,   t 
Ankova,  Hn-kcj-vq,  k  Madagascar. 
Annaberg,  fl'nq-ber^/,  t  S  ixony,  6%. 
Anuagh,  H-nq,  two  islands  Ireland. 
Annan,  An'an,  r  and  s-pt  Scot. 
Annapolis,  An-ap-o-lis,  cap  Md.,  3;  vs 

0.,  la.;  r  and/<;  s-pt  t  Sc  )tia. 
I^nn  Arbor,  An-qr-bor,  c  Mich.,  4^. 
Annawaika,  An-a-wj-ki,  p  o  Ala, 
Anne  xVrundel,  An-a-rdn-del,  co  Md. 
Annecy,  Hn-se,  t  and  I  Savoy. 
Annisqaam,  An-is-gwqm,  p  o  Mass. 
Annobon,  fl-nc)-b6n,  i  w.  coast  of  Af. 
Annonay,  H-nca-na,  t  Fr.,  13)^. 
Anoka,  A-nci-ka,  v  Minnesota. 
Anselm,  An'selm,  p  o  0. 
Anson,  An'.son,  co  N.  C, 
Ansonia,  An-sd)-ni-a,  v  Conn. 
Anspaoh,  Hn'spq/i,  ft  c  Bavaria,  16. 
Antang,  iln-t^t),  v  ami  dis  isl.  Java,  10. 
Antarctic,  Ant-qrk-tic,  oc,  the  expanse 

of  water  around  the  South  }\)le. 
Antequera,  Hn-ta-ka-rq,  c  Sp.,  17. 
Anthony,  An'to-ni,  p  os  R.  I.,  la. 
Antibes,  Oh-teb,  ft  s-pt  t  Fr.,  (S%. 
Anticosti,  An-ti-kos-ti,  des  i  C.  E. 
Antietam,  An-tg-tara,  cr  Ponn. 
Antigua,  Hn-ts-gq,  Brit.  W,  I.  Island, 

35;  station,  ft  and  arch  in  the  Phil- 
ippine Islands. 
Antilles,  fln-tgl.  West  India  Islands. 
Antioch,  An'ti-ok,  cand  anc  cap  Syria, 

the  place  where  the  nam^  of    Ghria- 

tians  was  first  given  to  the  followers 

of  Je«u3  Christ,     Founded  300  B.  0. 

Ancient  pop.,  400,000,  time  of  Chry- 

sostrom.  200,000,  at  present,   10,000; 

r«  S,  C,  (ia,,  Ala.,  Tenn..  0.,  111. 
Antioch  College.  See  Yellow  Springs. 
Antioco,  fln-t«-ra-ko,  *  Med.,  2%. 
Antioquia,  fln-ti-o-kg-a,  t  S.  Am.  4. 
Antipodes,  An-tip-o-dez,  i  S.  Pao.  Oo. 
Antisiina,  Hn-ti-sq-nq,  vol  in  Ecuador, 

19,110  feet  high. 
Antivari,  fln-ta- vq-re,  t  s-pt  of  Albania. 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Antoin,  An-toTi,  p  o  Arkansas. 
Antrim,  An'triin,  cos  Ir.,  Mich.;  rs  N- 

11.,  Penn.,  0.,  Mich. 
Antuco,  fln-t(6-kca,  vol  (16,000  ft)  and 

tal  of  Chilian  Andes. 
Antwerp,  Ani'werp, /if  c  Belgium,  79; 

prov  da.;  vs  N-Y.,  0. 
Aonia,  £[-(i-ni-a,  p  o  Ga. 
Aostii,  H-6s-tq,  t  Pied.,   7. 
Apacho    Indians,    fl-pq-qa    In'di-anz, 

Texas  and  N- Mexico. 
Apennines,     Ap'en-jnz,     a     mountain 

chain  traven-sing  the  Italian  penin- 
sula, 800  miles,    embnicing   Mounts 

Albano,  Vesuvius  and  Etna. 
Ap<»llonia,  fl-pol-(i)-ni-q,    (or  Amana- 

hea,)  dis,  cape  and  fort  Africa. 
Apostles'    Islands,      A-p6s-lz    ^'landz, 

Straits  of  Magellan. 
Appalachee,  Ap-a-lq-qe,  r  Ga.:  h  Fa. 
Appalachian,  Ap-a-la-qi-an,    the  Alle- 
ghany Mountains. 
Appalachicola,  Ap-a-laq-ie-k(fi-la,   r,  b 

and  ^  Fa. 
Appalachin,  Ap-a-lq-qin,  p  o  N-Y. 
Appanoose,  Ap-a-ndbs,  co  Iowa;  v  111. 
Appenzell,  H-pent-sel,  can  and  t  Swit.; 

cap  Inner  Rhodes,  3. 
Appleby,  Ap'l-bi,  hor  and  t  Eng  ,  2)4' 
Appleton,  Ap'l-ton,  V8  0.,  111.,  Wis. 
Appling,  Ap'lig,  co  Ga.;  vs  N-Y.,  Ga. 
Appomattox,  Ap-o-mat-oks,  co  and  r 

Va.,  150  m. 
Appoquinnimink,     Ap-o-kwin-i-miQk, 

cr  Del. 
Apsheron,  flp-Ja-r6n,    {or  Abcheron,) 

pen  Russian  dominions. 
Apulia,  fl-pq-li-a,  anc  prov  Southern 

Italy;  p  o  N-Y. 
Apure,  R-pA-ra,  r  Venezuela, 
Apurimac,  fl-pa)-ri-mqk,  r  S.  Ara.  500. 
Aquapim,  fl-kwq-pgm,  st  Africa. 
Aquasco,  A-kwas-ko,  p  o  Md. 
Aquia,  Ak'wi-a,  p  o  and  cr  Va. 
Aquila,  H'kwi-lq.  ft  c  Naples,  11%. 
Aquileja,  H-kwi-la-yq,  t  Nor.  It,,  1^, 
Aquokee,  A-kwiJ-ke,  /■  Ga.,  Tenn. 
Aquone,  A-kw6-ne,  p  o  N,  C. 
Arabgheer,    Arabgir,    fl-rqb-ger,     {or 

Arabkir,)  t  As.  Tur,,  6000  houses, 
Arabia.  A-ra-bi-a,  s.  w,  part  of  Asia, 

750,000  square  miles,  mainly  desert. 
Arabian  Sea,  A-ra-bi-an  Se,    on    the 

s.  w.  coast  of  Asia. 
Araean,  or  Arracan,,  British 

prov.  Farther  India:  t  do.,  10. 
Aracati,  or  Aracaty,  R-rq-kq-te,  r  and 

port,  Brazil,  5. 
Araguahi,  R-rq-swq-he,  r  Bra. 
Arad,  Or-6d,  t  Hun.,  old  and  new,  20. 

Arafat,  R-rq-fqt,  Mount,  granite  hill, 

Arabia.  [k  Sp. 

Aragon,  Arragon,  Rr-q-g(f»n,  r  and  ana 
Araguay,  Rr-q-gwj.  r  Brazil,  1000  m. 
Aral,  Ar'al,  sea  Ind.  Tartary. 
Aranda-de-duero,     R-rqn-dq-da-dwa- 

ro,  dis  and  t  Spain.  [Spain. 

Aranjuez,  R-rqn-/iwef),  t,  royal  res.,  of 
Aransas,  Ar-an-sas,  r,  h  and  v  Texas. 
Arapahoe,  A-rap-a-ho,    Indians,    tribe 

between    the  s.  fork  of  Platte  river 

and  the  head  waters  of  the  Arkansas. 
Ararat,  Ar'a-rat,  vol  m  Western  Asia, 

17,323  ft;  r  and  m  N.  C;  vs  Pa.,  Va. 
Aras,  R-rqs,  (or  Araxcs,)  r  Arm,  500m. 
Arasaig,  Rr-a-sag,  v  and  dis  Scot. 
Arator,  or  Arrator,  A-ra-tor,  v  Mo. 
Araucania,    R-re-kq-ni-q,     ind  ttv  s. 

part  of  Chili,  70. 
Arauco,  R-T's-V.Gi,  ft  Chili. 
Araure,  R-r-s-ra,  c  Venezuela,  10. 
Arba,  Rr'ba,  p  o  la. 
ArbacoDchee,  Rr-ba-kiS-qe,  p  o  Ala. 
Arbe,  R/''ba,  i  Adriatic,  5. 
Arbela,  Rr-be-la,  p  o   Mo. 
Arboga,  R/'-bo-gq,  t  Sweden,  2. 
Arbois,  R>'-bvvq,  t  Fr.,  7. 
Arbroath,  Rr-brot,  s-pt  t  Scot,,  8)/^, 
Arbuthnot,  Rr'but-not,  /;«/•  Scot. 
Arcabutla,  Rr  ka-bdt-lq,  po  Miss. 
Arcade,  Rr-kad,  V  N-Y. 
Arcadia,  Rr-ka-di-a,  anc  prov  Gr^eee, 

in  the  Gulf  of  Morea;  vs  R.  I.,  N-Y., 

La.,  Tenn.,  la  ,  III,,  Mo. 
Arcanum,  Rr-ka-nura,  p  o  0. 
Archaig,  Loch,  L'l-^-qr-kag,  I  Scot. 
Archangel,  Rrk-an-jel,    ter  and  s-pt  t 

Russia  in  Europe,  2\}/^:  also  a  bay. 
Archipelago,  Rr-ki-pel-a-go,   signifies 

a  sea  interspersed  with  numerous  is. 
Areola.  R?'-ka)-lq.  anc  t  Piedmont,  23<^; 

vs  Va,,  N.  C,  O. 
Arcos  de  la   Frontera,    Rr-kos  da    Iq 

Fron-ta-rq,  t  Spain,  \\%. 
Arcot,  Rr-kot,  (Arucati,  (?/•  Arookatee,) 

c  South  Ilindostan,  40. 
Arctic  Ocean,  Rrk'tic  O'Jf''"'   t^®  '^or- 

thern    Sea,    containing    Greenland, 

Spitzbergen,  Iceland  and  many  other 

Arde-;he,  Rr-daJ,  r  and  dcp  France. 
Arden,  Rr'den,  p  o  Va, 
Ardennes,  or  Arden,  R/'den,    drp  Fr. 
Ardrah,  Rr'drq,  t  and  prnv  Africa, 
Aremberg,  R'rem-berg,  div  Hanover. 
Arena,  A-rg-na,  v  Wis. 
Arenac,  Ar-s-nak,  co  Mich. 
Arequipa,  R-ra-ke-pq,    dep  and  c  Pe- 
ru, 35;  vol  20,300  ft  high. 
Arezzo,  R-ret-so,  prov  and  c  It.,  11%. 

Geographical    Vocabulary. 


Argentan,  flr-^on-toh,  t  Fr.,  b%. 

Ar^entaro,  flr-jen-tq-ru),  m  Turkey  in 
Europe:  prom  Western  Italy. 

Argonteuil,  Hr-joh-tul,  t  Fr.,  'i%. 

Argentine,  Hr'jeu-tjn,  Republic  of  S. 
American  countries,  comprising  Bue- 
nos Ayres,  Santa  Fe,  Entre  Rios, 
Corrienles,  Cordova.  La  Rioja,  San- 
tiag)  del  Estero,  Tucum:in,  Cata- 
marca,  SalUi  and  Jujny,  Sm  Luis, 
Mendoza.  San  Juan.    Total  pop.  820. 

Argo,  flr'gu).  i  in  the  Nile;  p  o  Ga., 
ill.,  Mo.,  Iowa. 

Argoon,  or  Argun,  flr-g(6n,  r  separates 
the  Russian  and  Chinese  Empires;  r 
in  Circissia. 

Argos,  fl/gos,  t  Greece,  8. 

Argostnli,  Hr-gos-to-lg,  s-pt  t  Ionian  Is. 

Argvle,  or  Argyll,  Hr-gil,  co  Scot.;  C6 
New  South  \Vales;  r/Me.,  N-Y.,  N. 
C,  Ga.,  111.,  Miss.,  Wis. 

AricA,  H-re-kq.  dis  and  t  Peru,  3)^. 

Ariege,  fl-re-a^,  deo  Fr. 

Ariel,  a'ri-el,  p  o  Penn. 

Arienio,  fl-ri-en-zo),  t  Naples,  10. 

Arigal,  H'ri-gol,  in  Ireland,  2,482. 

Arispe,  R-ris-pa,  t  of  Sonora,  Mexico; 

Arjish,  Hr-jgJ,  t  and  r  Ea.  Turkey. 

Arkadelphia,  Hrk-a-del-fi-a,  v  Ark. 

Arkansas,  ilr-kan-sas,  (formerly  flr' 
kan-s9,)  r  U.  S.,  2000  m.  in  length, 
navigable  by  steamboats  800  m.  from 
its  mouth  in  the  Mississippi;  one  of 
the  United  States,  containing  52,197 
8.  ra.:  pop.  in  1854,  253,117,  of  whom 
19y,22l  were  white,  60,279  slaves, 
and  614  free  colored. 

Arkansas  Post,  co  t  Ark. 

Arlaaza.  flr-lqn-tq,  r  Sp. 

Arlanzon,  Hr-lqn-ton,  r  Sp. 

Aries,  Rrl,  c  and  r-port  Fr.,  2%%. 

Arlington,  Hr'lig-ton,  p  08  Vt.,  0.,,  III.,  Wis. 

Arm.u!olola,  flr-ma-ka-16-la,  cr  in  Ga. 

Armada,  flr-m^-da,  p  o  Mich. 

Armagh,  Hr-mq,  hor  and  c  Ir.,  9;  t  Pa. 

Arman<;on.  ilr-moh-soh,  r  Fr. 

Armenia,  flr-me-ni-a,  a  mountainous 
country  of  Western  Asia,  now  po- 
litically defranct;  v  Ga. 

Armaniieres,  Ar-m  »fi-ti-4r,  t  Fr.,  8J/^. 

Armucheo,  Hr-mJb-qg,  p  n  Ga. 

Arnbeim,  flrn'hjm,   or  Hrn'him,    v  0. 

Arnhem,  flrn'hem,  (also  Arnheim)/^  t 
Neth.,  16X;  h  Australia. 

Arno,  flr'no,  r  Tuscany. 

Arnon,  flr-nufi,  r  Fr.;  Hr'non,  v  111. 

Arnsberg,  flrnz'berg,  t  and  (jov  Giir. 

Aroa,  E-rci-a,  t  and  r  Venezaela, 

Arok-Szallas,  H'rok-sq-14f,  V  Hun.,  9. 
Aroma,  A-r6-ma,  v  III. 
Aron,  H-r(i)h,  r  and  v  Fr.;  t  Pied.  5. 
Arooat,  Arouat,  Aruat,  fl-roo-qt,  st  and 

t  N.  Africa.  [co  and  p  o  Me. 

Aroostook,  A-rc6s-tiak,  r  U.  S.,  120  m.: 
Arpino,  flr-pg-no,  i  Naples,  11. 
Arqua,  Hr'kwq,  t  Mexico,  4. 
Arques,  flrk,  r  and  t  Fr. 
Arran,  Ar'an,  i  w.  coast  of    Scotland; 

is  w.  c  >ast  of  Ireland. 
Arras,  flr'qs,  ft  GVt.,2^%. 
Arrifana,  flr-i-fq-nq, /if,  ^  and  *  s.  w. 

coast  of  Portugal. 
Arroas,  R-rco-qs,  is  Straits  of  Malacca. 
Arroo,  R-rto,  is  in  the  Rud  Sea. 
Arroo,  Arco,  Aru,  A-ri6,  is  n.  of  Aus- 
tralia; also,  n.  w.  coast  of  Wash.Ter. 
Arrow,  Ar'o,    r  Wales  and  Eng.;    cr 

Eng.;  I  and  r  Ireland. 
Arta,  R/tq,   r  Eu.  Tur.;   ta  Albania 

and  Majorca,  gulf  Ionian  Sea. 
Artas,  Rr-tqs,  (ar  Artoss,)  a  beautiful 

fertile  valley  of  Palestine,  near  Beth- 
Artaxata,  Rr-taks-q-tq,  former  cap.  of 

Armenia,  with  a  pop.  of  about  190,- 

000,  now  a  mass  of  ruins. 
Artois,  Rr'twq,  old  prov  Fr. 
Aruba,  R-rA-bq,  (or  Oruba,)  i  Dutch 

Arun,  Ar'un,  r  Eng. 
Arundel,  Ar'un-del,  t  Eng.     [dis  Ilun. 
Arva,  R/va,  rs  Sp.  and  Hun.;  v  and 
Arve,  R/"v,  r  Sardinia. 
Averni.     See  Auvergne. 
Asahan,  or  Assahan,    Rs-q-h^n,  t,  dis 

and  r  Sumatra.  [pan. 

Asama-Yaraa,  R-s4-mq-y(\-mq,  vol  Ja- 
Asbury,  Az'bcr-i,  va   S-J.,  Ga.,  Ala., 

Tenn.,  0.,  Ill, 
Ascalon,  As'ka-lon,  or  Asculan,  Rs-kdo- 

Iqn,  ruined  s-pt  c  Syria. 
Ascension,    A-s^n-Jon,  i    n.  w.  of  St, 

Helena;  par  La.;  h  Yucatan.      \^}>4' 
Aschaffenburg,  R-Jqf-en-biarg,  t  Bav., 
Ascherslebon,  Rj-erz-la-ben,  t  Prus.,  10. 
Ascoli,  Rs'ko-le,  c  It.,  3. 
Aseer,  (or  Asir,)  R-ser,  iad  st  Arabia. 
Ashangee,  Rj-qn-ge,  I  Abys. 
Ashantee,  Rj-qn-te,  k  W.  Af. 
Ashapoo,  for  Ashepoo,)  AJ-a-ptG,  r  S.  C. 
Ashborough,  AJ'bur-o,  v  N.  C. 
Ashby,  A/'bi.  v  III. 
Ashbyburg,  Af'bi-burg,  v  Ky. 
Asha,  A/,  CO  N.  C. 
Ashcville,  Af'vil,  vs  Pa.,  N.  C,  Ala. 
Ashfield,  AJ'feld,  t  Mass. 
Ashford,  AJ'ford,  t  and  par  Eng.,  5; 

t«  Conn.,  N-Y.,  Wis, 



Ashland,  Afland,  co  0.;  ta  Mass.,  N-Y., 
Pa.,  Va.,  N.  C,  Ga.,  Tenn.,  0.,  la., 
Iowa;  residence  late  Henry  Clay,  Ky. 

Ashley,  Af'li,  r  S.  C;  co  and  v  Ark.; 
vs  6.,  Mo.;  I  Utah  Tor. 

Ashley  City,  Aj'li  Sit-i,  {or  New  Bal- 
timore,) V  Mich. 

Ashleyville,  AJ'li-vil,  'cs  Mass.,  Mich. 

Ashpetuck,  A/-pE-tiik,  r  Conn. 

Ashtabula,  AJ-ta-bi],-lq,  r,  co  and  v  0. 

Ashton,  AJ'ton,  rs  Va..,  La.,  Mo.,  Wis. 

Ash  ton -under- Lyne,  Aj'ton-un-der-lin, 
i&ndpar  Eng.,  30^. 

Ashuelot,  Aj'wE-lot,  r  N-H. 

Asia,  ££'/*-<!'  largest  of  the  great  di- 
visions of  tlie  globe.  Its  greatest 
length,  7,500  ra.,  breadth,  5,166  ra.; 
pop.,  480,000,000,  considerably  more 
than  half  the  entire  pop.  of  globe. 

Asia  Minor.     See  Anatolia. 

Asiatic  Archipelago.    See  Malay  Arch. 

Asirnagomy,  H-si-mq-go-me,  I  U.  C, 

Asiruiintar,  il-ser-mia-tq,r,  vol  i  Oae- 

Askeaton,  As-ka-ton,  t  Ir. 

Asnieres,  Rs-ni-4r,  several  vs  Fr. 

-Aspalaga,  As-pa-lq-ga,  v  Fa. 

Aspe,  Hs'pa,  t  Sp.,  6%.  [2}i. 

Aspinwall,  As'pin-wol,  g-pt  Cen.  Arn., 

.Aspropotamo,  Hs-pro-pot-q-mQ,  largest 
river  of  Greece,  100  m. 

Assabet,  As'a-bet,  cr  and  v  Mass. 

Assal,  R-sql,  I  Eastern  Africa. 

.Assam,  or  Asara,  A-.«qm,  crj  India. 

Assamoonick,  As-a-mco-nik,  p  o  Vir. 

Assatchinskaya,  R-sqt-Qiu-ski-ycL,  Vol 

AssinibniH,  A-sin-i-bern,  r  N.  Am. 

Assisi,  a-sE-se,  t  It.,  6.  [C.  E. 

.Assuapmoussoin,    H-swqp-mOb-svvah,    I 

Assumption,  A-surap-Jon,    v  and  r  C. 

.     E.;  ^  and  v  La. 

Assumption,  (Sp.  H-scDn-si-cin,  c  S. 
Am.,  cap  Par. 

Assyria,  A-sir-i-a,  modern  Koordistan. 

Asti,  Rs'tE,  prov  and  c  of  Alessandria, 

Astonville,  As'ton-vil,  v  Penn. 

Astor,  As'tor,  r  and /^  of  Cen.  Asia; 
V  Wis.  [Or. 

Astoria,  As-t(f)-ri-a,  v  N-Y.,  III.,  Mo., 

^Astrabad,  Hs-trq-bad,  c  and  prov  Per. 

Astrakhan,  Rs-trq-Ziqn,  gov  and  c  of 

Astura,  fl.s-t(6-rq,  v  and  r  It. 

Asturias,  Hs-tiD-ri-qs,  anc  div  Spain. 

Asuay,  or  Assuay,  R-soo-j,  or  R-sw|, 
dep  Ec. 

•Atabapo,  R-tq-bq-po,  r  Ven. 

'Atacama,  R-tq,-kq-mq,  prov  Bol.   , 

Atalanta,  At-a-lan-ta,  v  III. 
Atascosa,  At-as-ko-sa,  cr  Tex. 
Atanai,  A-t-s-j,  (Atooi,  Atui,  orTauai,) 

Sandwich  Islands. 
Atbara,  Rt-bq-rq,  ter  and  r  Nubia. 
Atchafalaya,  Aq-af-a-lj-a,  Bayou  Lou., 

250  m. 
Atchison,  Aq'i-son,  co  Mo. 
Atchison  City,  t  of  Kanzas. 
Atcrno,  R-ter-no,  r  Naples. 
Ate.'^sa,  R-tes-q,  t  Naples,  t^^. 
Ath  or  Aath,  Rt,  ft  t  Belgium,  8^. 
Athabasca,  At-a-bas-ka,  {or  Athapes- 

0,0 w,)  I  and  r  British  N.  Am. 
Athens,  At'enz,  cap  Gr.,  founded  B.  0. 

13:}(3,  30 :  co  in  0.;  ts  in  N.  Y.,  Pa., 

Ga.,  0.,  «&c, 
Athlone,  At-lton,  t  Ir.,  6},-^. 
Athol,    Athole,   or  Atholl,   R'tol,    dis 

Scot.;  a'tol,  vs  Mass.,  N-Y. 
Athos,  At'os,  (Mount,)  Holy  m  Gr. 
Atitlan,  R-ti-tlqn,  I,  t  and  vol  Central 

Am.  [Ky. 

Atkinson,    At'kin-son,    ts   Me.,   N-H., 
Atlanta,  At-lan-ta,  c  Ga.,  4. 
Atlantic,  At-lan-tik,  co  and  t  N-J. 
Atlantic  Ocean,  the  largest  of  the  five 

great    hydrographical     divisions    of 

the   globe ;    its   extreme   breadth  is 

5000  m.,  and  its  area  25,000,000  s.  m. 
Atlas  Mountains,   Al'las  Mxa-tenz,  ia 

N.  Af. 
Atlixco,  At-liks-ko,  t  Mex. 
Atrato,  R-trq-to,  r  N-Gran. 
Atsion,  At'si-on,  r  and  v  N-J. 
Attakapas,    A-tuk-a-po,   fertile  dis  s. 

part  La. 
Attakembn,  R-tq-kem-bca,  one   of  tho 

Feejee  Islands. 
Attala,  A-tq-la,  co  Miss. 
Attawal,  R-tq-wol,  is  Red  Sea. 
Attersee,  R-ter-sa,  I  Upper  Aus. 
Attica,    At'i-ka,  div  of  Gr.;  vs  N-Y., 

0.,  Mich.,  L;.,  Iowa,  Wis. 
Attleborough,  At'1-bur-o,  ts  Mass.,  Pa. 
Attoo,  Attou,  or   Attu,  R-tdb,    largest 

of  the  Aleutian  Islands. 
Attoyac,  At-er-ak,  r  Tex. 
Aubagne,  O-bqny,  t  Fr. 
Aube,  Ob,  r  and  dep  Fr. 
Aubenas,  Ob-nq,  t  Fr. 
Auburn,    O'burn,    c   N-Y.,  11 ;   vs   in 

half  the  States  of  the  Union. 
Auch,  (JJ,  c  Fr.,  12%. 
Auchcahachee,      O-qe-haq-E,     r    Ga., 

sometimes  called  Little  Ocrauigee. 
Auchtermuchty,  07i-ter-mdA-tE,    hurg 

and  par  Scot.,  2%. 
Auckland,     Rk'land,    ft    of    N-Zeal., 

group  of  is  in  S.  Pac.  Oc. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Aude,  Od,  r  and  dev  Fr. 

Audrain,  0-dran,  co  Mo. 

Audubon,  9'dix-bon,  co  Iowa;  vs 
Tenn.,  III.  [0. 

Auglaiz3,  B-glaz,  r«  0.,  Mo.;  o  and  t 

Aug-iburg,  Ogs'burg,  (Ger.  IJgz'burg,) 
e  Bav.,  38. 

Augusta,  0-gds-ta,  co  Vo.;  c  Me.,  10. 
c  G.i.,  12;  ts  in  over  a  dozen  states. 

Augustowo.  "S^-gJas-to-vo,  proty  t  Pol. 
"^    AuUagas,  "S^l-yq-gq^,  I  of  13 j1. 

Aulae,  Qn,  r  Fr. 

Auraria,  O-rq-ri-a,  ■»  Ga. 

Auray,  O-ra,  r-pt  Fr. 

Aure,  Or,  r  Fr. 

Aurelius.  O-re-li-us  t  N-Y.,  0. 

Aurich,  "S^'riA,  ^  Hanover. 

Aurillac,  O-rEl-yqk,  t  Fr.,  11. 

Aurora,  O-rti-ra,  ^.v  Maine,  N-Y.,  Ken., 
0..  Ind.,  111.,  Wis.,  i  Red  Sea.     / 

Aurungabiid,  O-ruQ-ga-bqd,  c  Hind., 

Au  Sable,  O-sq-bl,  r  N-Y.;  v  111. 

Austerlitz,  Bs'cer-litz,  t  Mor.,  vs  N-Y., 
Mich.  [ous  vs. 

Austin,   Os'tin,    cap   Tex.,  3;   numer- 

Au.^tralasiiv,  9s-tral-a-Ji-a,  diix  of  the 
globe,  consisting  of  the  continent  of 
Australia,  Van  Dieinen's  Land,  N- 
Zeal.,  and  numerous  other  islands. 

Australia,  Bs-tral-ya,  or  N.nv  Holland, 
the  largest  island  in  the  world,  lies 
between  the  Indian  and  Pacific  Oes.; 
greatest  length  2400  m.,  breadth 
1700  to  1900  m.  including  an  area  of 
3,000.000  3.  m.  The  British  colonies 
are  directed  by  a  governor  appointed 
by  the  crown,  and  a  legislative 
council,  partly  elcciivo  and  partly 
appointed  by  government;  white 
pop.  500,000. 

A.uitratian  Alps,  ;/M  of  Australia. 

Austria,  Os'tri-a,  one  of  the  most  e.x- 
ton"<ive  of  the  European  monarchies; 
comprising  2.)S.000  s.  m.;  pop.  in 
I860,  3i),ol4,4ti6.  The  government 
is  vested  in  the  emperor,  who  exer- 
cises supreme  control  in  all  the  prov- 
inces, excepting  Hungary  and  Tran- 

Autauga,  O-t-j-ga,  cr  and  co  Ala. 

Auterive,  CO-te-rev,  t  Fr. 

Auteiiil,  6)-tely,  x  enclosed  within  the 
new  walla  of  Paris. 

Authio.  O-t^,  and  Authion,  O-ti-on 
r»  of  Fr. 

Autun,  O-tiih,  c  Fr.,  12. 

Auvergne,  CJ-v^my,  prov  and  ms  Fr. 

Auxerre,  Q-ssif.  c  Fr.,  14J^. 

Auxonne,  Qk-son,/^  t  Fr.    6)^. 

Ava,  fl'va,  c  Barraah,  30  ;  principality 
of  Japan ;  v  N-Y.,  Ga.,  111. 

Avallon,  H-vq-loh,  t  Fr. 

Avalon.  Av'a-lon,  pea  Newfoundland ; 
p  o  Md. 

Avant,  A-vant,  p  o  Tex. 

Avares,  H-vq-res,  political  diii  Cir. 

Avatcha,  H-vqt-qq,   t  and  h  Kam. 

Avatchinskaya,    H-vqQ-in-skj-yq,    vol 

Aveiro,  fl-va-c-ro,  s-pt  t  Port.;  t  Bra. 
Avellino,    fl-ve-lg-no,    fortified    epis- 
copal c  Naples,  22%- 
Aven  Loch,  LoA  R'ven,  I  Scot.     Aven 

or  Avon,  several  Scotch  rivers. 
Averno,  R-ver-nca,  I  Naples. 
Aversa,  fl-ve/'-sq,  t  Naples,  163^. 
Avery,  H'ver-i,  vs  111.,  Iowa. 
Avesnes,  H-van,  ft  t  Fr.,  3^. 
Aveyron,  H-va-nJfj,  rand  dep  Fr. 
Avigliano,  H-vel-yq-no,  t  Naples,  9^. 
Avignon,  fl-ven-3''J)n,  c  Fr.  35. 
Aviston,  Av'is-ton,  v  111. 
Avlona,  Rv-Icj-nq,  t  Albania,  8. 
Avo,  R'vo),  V  Ya. 
Avoca,  R-v(f)-ka,   (or  Ovoca,)  tal  and 

r  If.;  vs  N-Y.,  Ala.,  III.,  Mo.,  Wis. 
Avola,  R-v6-la,  s-nt  t  Si(\,  6^. 
Avon,  a'von,  rs  Wales,  W.  Australia  ; 

numerous  rs  U.  S. 
Avondale.   R'von-dal,   (or  Avendale,) 

par  of  Scot.;  j;  Penn.         \rs  in  Eng. 
Avon  (Hampshire,)  (Lower,)  (Upper,) 
Avoyelles,  Av-»T-elz,  par  La. 
Avranches,  Hv-rohJ,  t  Fr. 
Awe,  Loch,  LoA  0,  I  Scot. 
Axbridge,  Aks'brij,  t  Eng. 
Axe,  Aks,  r«  Eng. 
Axholrae,  Aks'olra,  Isle  of,  Eng. 
Axoom,  Axoura.  Rk-.s(6m,  anc.  t  Abys. 
Ayacucho,  *f-q-kc6-qo,  dep  S.  Peru. 
Ayamonte,  'f-q-mon-ta,  s-pt  t  Sp. 
Ayasoolook,    ii-q-.soo-lSk,    v   As.  Min.; 

site  of  the  ancient  Ephesus. 
Ayersville,  Arz'vil,  p  o  N.  C,  0. 
Aylesbury.  Jllz'ber-i,  hor  and  t  Eng. 
Ayletts,  i'lets,  v  Vir. 
Aylraer,    ffl'mer,    I  Brit.   N.  Am.;  U 

C.  E.,  C.  W. 
Aylsham,  ill'Jam,  t  Eng. 
Ayora.  f-cS-rq,  t  and  r  Sp. 
Ayr,  Ar,  r  and  s-j^  t  Scot.,  10. 
Ayrshire,  Ar'Jcr,  co  .Scot. 
Aysville,  ^z/vil,  /)  o  la. 
Azalia,  A-za-li-a,  v  la. 
Azerbaijan,  Rz-er-bi-jqn,  prov  Persia. 
Azimghiir,  Az'im-gur,  di»  Brit.  Ind, 
Azio,  Rd'zi-o,  du  and  prom  Gr. 
Azof,   Az'of.    (Azoph,  or  Azov,)    tea 

«.  part  of  Europe. 


Geographical    Yocabulart. 

Azoreg,  Az'orz,  or  A-zorz,  or  "Western 
Islands,  in  the  N.  Atlantic  Oc,  be- 
longing to  Portugal. 

Azpeytia,  or  Azpeitia,  fls-pa-i-te-q,  t 

Aztalan,  Az'tal-an,  •»  Wis. 


Baagoe,  Bo-ge-e,  i  Denmark. 
Baalbec,  Bc^I-bek,  ruined  t  of  Syria,  2. 
Bababeg,  Bc|,-bq  beg,  t  Persia. 
Baba-d.igh,  Bq-b(i-dqg,  «  Eu.  Tur.,  10; 

m  As.  Min.  [10. 

Babakanda,  Bq-bq-kt^n-dq,    t  W.  Af., 
Bibba,  Bq,-bq,  i  As.  Arch. 
'  Bab-el-mandeb,    Bqb-el-m^n-deb,    str 

and  gulf  of  the  Arabian  Sea. 
Babelthuap,  Bq-bel-tco-qp,  Pelew  is. 
Babylon,  Bab-i-lon,  anc.  cap  Babylonio- 

Chaldean  Empire,  whose  walls  were 

60  m.    in    circumference,  87    thick, 

and  350  high. 
Babylonia,    Bab-i-lo-ni-a,    anc.   prov 

Middle  As.,  now  called  Bagdad. 
Bacalar,  Bq-kq-lar,  s-pt  t  Yucatan,  4. 
Back's  River,  Brit.  N.  Am. 
Bacolor,  Bq-ko-lcbr,  t  on  i  Luzon,  83^^. 
Badajos,  Bad-a-hos,  ft  c  Sp.  11^. 
Bad  Axe,  a;,  p  o  and  r  Wis. 
Baden,    B4-den,    grand  duchy  of  the 

German  Confederation;  t  in  Baden, 

6;  U  Swit.,  Lower  Aus.;  Ba-den,  v 

Pa.  [Arch. 

Badong,  Bq-dog,  st  and  s-pt  t  Malay 
Badoor,  Bq-dtbr,  (orBhugwar,)  r  Bel. 
Baena,  Bq-a-nq,  {or  Vaena,)  t  Sp.,  13. 
Baeza,    Bq-a-tq,    (or  Baeya,)   t    Sp., 

103^.  [N.  Am. 

Baffin's  Bay,  Baf-inz  Ba,  inland  sea 
Baganga,  Bq-gqg-gq,  s-yt  t  aiud  l  Mai. 

Bagaria,  Bq-gq-re-q,  or  Bagheria,  Bq- 

ga-re-q,  t  vS icily. 
Bagdad,    Bqg-dqd,    c    As.    Tur.,    65; 

Pashalic  of,   ter  As.  Tur.;  Bag-dad, 

f«  Tenn.,  Mo. 
Baghul,  Bq-giil,  Sikh  states,  Hind. 
Baglen,  Bqg-len,  or  Bagaleen,  Bq-ga- 

lan,  Dutch  residency  on  i  of  Java. 
Bagneres-de-bigorre,     Bqn-y4/'-de-be- 

gor,  t  Fr.,  watering-place. 
Bagneres-de-luchon,       Bqn-y^r-de-li],- 

jQh,  watering-place,  Fr. 
Bagnoli,  Bqn-yoJ-le,  t  Naples. 
Bagnolo,  Bqn-yo-lu,  t  Piedmont. 
Bahala,  Ba-ha-la,  cr  Miss. 
Bahama  Channel,  Ba-ha-mq  Gan-el,  or 

Gulf  of  Florida,  sea  between  Florida 

coast  and  Bahama  Islands. 

Bahama  Islands,  500  islands  belonging 

to  Great  Britain,  n.  e.  of  Cuba,  28. 
Bahar,  Ba-hqr,  t  British  India,  30. 
Bahia,  Bq-e-q,  prw  Bra. 
Bahia,  or  Sao  Salvador,  Sq-og  Sql-vq- 

dwr,  8-pt  G  Brazil. 
Bahia  Honda,  Bq-e-q  on-dq.  Aar  Cuba. 
Bihlingen,  Bq-lig-en,    t  Wiirtemberg. 
Bahrein,  Bq-ran,    {(rr  Aval  Island,)   i 

in  the  Persian  Gulf. 
Baiboot,  Bi-b(6t,  t  Asiatic  Turkey. 
Baikal,  B|-kql,  I  or  Holy  Sea,  Siberia. 
Bailleul,  Bq-ye,  t  Fr.,  7. 
Bainbridge,  Ban-brij,  many  vs  U.  S. 
Bains-du-Mont-d'Or,        Bah-de-mon- 

dor,   V  Fr.,   celebrated  for  mineral 

Bairdstown,  B4rdz-t5n,  r  Ga. 
Baireuth,  Bj-ret,   c  Bav.,  17. 
Baise,  or  Bayze,  Baz,  r  Fr. 
Baja,  B6-yo,  t  Hun.,  143^. 

tq-fa,  c  Entre  Rios,  6. 
Bajibo,  Bq-je-bo,  ts  Western  Africa. 
Bajoor,  or  Bajour,  Bq-j(J5r,  dis  and  t  of 

Northern  Afghanistan. 
Bakel,  Bq-kel,  v  Western  Africa. 
Baker,  Ba-ker,  co  Ga.;  v  0. 
Baker's  Falls,  Hudson  River,  N-Y. 
Bakhtchissarai,  BqA-qis-a-rj,  t  Russia. 
Bakhtegan,  Ba^-ta-gqn,  I  Persia. 
Bakhtiyari,  Bq^-ti-yq-re,  ms  Persia. 
Bakony-Wald,  Bo-kony-vqlt,  m,  Hun. 
Bakoo,  Bakou,  or  Baku,  Bq-kd>,  a-jpt  t 

Rus.,  by^\  t  Mol. 
Balabac,  Bq-lq-bq^,  i  Malay  Arch. 
Balaguer,  Bq-la-g^r, //f  ^  Sp. 
Balakhna,  Bq-lq/i-na,  t  Rus. 
Balaklava,  Bq-lq-klq-vq,  t  Rus.,  3)^. 
Balasore,  Bql-a-s(f)r,  dis  British  India; 

t  and  cap,  IIX* 
Balatony,  Bq-lq-tony,  I  Hun. 
Balbriggan,  Bal-brig-an,  t  Ir.,  3. 
Balgas.or  Bal:*as,  Bql-sqs,  r  Brazil,  200. 
Bald  Eagle  Mountain,  Pa. 
Baldo,  Monte,  M6n-ta  Bol-do,  m  Lom. 
Baldwin,  Beld-win,  cs  and  ts  U.  S. 
Balearic  Isles,  Ba-le-rik  'Hz,  is   Med. 
Balfurosh.  Bql-fur-oJ,  t  Per.,  pop.  in 

1822,  200,000,  but  since  devastated 

by  the  plague  and  cholera. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Balize,  Balizo,  Bi-lez,  {or  British  Hon- 
duras,) British  colony  e.  of  Yucatan: 
cap  Honduras :  v  and  pass  at  the 
mouth  of  the  Mississippi  river. 

Balkan,  Bql-kqn,  m  Eu.  Tur. 

B;ilkash.  Bql-kqf,  I  Cjntnil  Asia. 

Baikh,  Bq,U,  prov  and  c  Con.  Asia. 

Ballinahinch,  Bj,l-in-a-hinq,  I,  r  and 
t  Ir. 

Ballina,  Bal-e-n^.  t  Ir.,  b%. 

Ballina-iloe,  Bal-in-a-si(6,  t  Ir. 

Ballon  D'Alsace,  Bq-l6fi-Dql-34s,  rn.  of 
the  Vos^es  chain  in  Franca. 

Ballon  de  Guebwiller,  —  Geb-VE-14?*, 
m  Yosges  chain,  Fr. 

Ballston  Spa.  Bil-ston  Spq,  v  N-Y. 

BiUyraena,  Bal-i-ms-na,  t  Ir. 

Baltic,  Biil-tik.  inland  sea  of  X.  Eu. 

Baltic  Provinces,  Russian  governments 
of  Courland,  Esthonia,  Livonia,  St. 
Petersburg,  and  E'inland. 

Baltimore,  BJl-ti-mor,  s-nt  t  Ir.;  nu- 
m-jrous  eg  in  U.  S.;  c  Md  ,  200. 

Bambarra,,  iml  st  AY.  Af. 

Ba-nbecque,  Bon-bek,  v  Fr. 

Bamberg,  Biim-be/**/,  t  Biv.,  1%%. 

Bambook,  Bambouk,  Bqm-book,  cy  Af. 

Bamian,  Bq-mi-qn,  {or  Baumeean,) 
valley  and  pass  of  Afghanistan. 

Banalbufar,  Bqn-yql-bj>-fq/',  t  island 
of  Majorca,  5. 

Banana,  Bq-nq-nq,  is  n.  w.  of  Africa. 

Bananal,  Bq-nq-nal,  i  of  Brazil  in  the 
river  Araguay. 

Banas-Chai,  Bqn-qs-qj,  r  Asia  Minor. 

Banat,  Bq-nqr,  pror  Austria. 

BanO'i,  or  Banka,  Baj)-kq,  i  in  Malay 
Arch.,  3'>.  [Mass.,  Gra. 

Bancroft,  Ban-kroft,  co    Iowa;  ts  Me., 

Banda,  Bqn-dq,  Isles,  twelve  small  is- 
lands in  the  Molucca  Arch. 

Banditti,  Ban-dit-i,  Isle,   Malay  Arch. 

Bandon,  Ban-don,  r  and  i  s.  of  Ir.,  9. 

Banela,  Ba-ne-la,  v  Miss. 

Banff,  Bqmf,  hor  and  s-pt  t  Scot. 

Bangalore,  Bay-ga-luir.  ft  t  s.  lud.,  60. 

Bangkok,  or  Bankok,  Bau-kok,  cap  c 
Siam,  400. 

Bangor,  BAq  gor,  c  8-pt  and  par  North 
Wales;  s-f,t  t  and  par  Ir.:  c  Mo.,  20. 

Bang-pa-kung,  Bqti-pq-kiiy.  r  Siam. 

Bmguey,  B  )n-gH,  i  Malay  Arch. 

Biniak,  Bq-ni-qk,  Islands,  Ind.  Oc. 

Banialuka,  Bq-ni-q,-l(6-ka,  ft  t  Eu. 
Tur.,  1%. 

Banister,  Ban-is-t*r,  r  and  v  Vir. 

Banjerranssin,  or  Banjarraassin,  Bqn- 
yer-mq-s«in,  cy  of  Borneo. 

Banjoemas,  Bqn-yco-mqs,  t  Dutch  East 
Indies,  9.  , 


Binn,  Bqn,  r  Ir. 

Bannacks,  Ban-aks,  {or  Boonaks,)  In- 
dians in  Oregon. 

Bantallan,  Bqn-tq-lc^n,  i  Malay  Arch. 

Bantam,  Bqn-tqm,  k  Dutch  East  In- 
dies; t  and  r  of  Java;  Ban-tam,  v  0. 

Biracoa,  Bq-rq-ku)-q,  s-pt  t  W.  Ind. 

Barak,  Bq-rqk,  r  Farther  Ind. 

Baranca,  Nueva,  Nwa-vq  Bq-rqn-kq, 
t  New  Granada, 

Barataria,  Bar-a-tq-ri-a,  h  s.  e.  La. 

Barbados,  or  Barbadoes,  Bqr-ba-dcaz, 
eastern  of  the  Carribbee  Islands; 
Bq/'-bq-dos,  r  Brazil. 

Barbary,  Bqr-ba-ri,  division  of  Af. 

Barbour,  Bqr-bur,  v  Ala. 

Barboursvilie,  co  ts  Ya.,  Ky. 

Barcelona,  liij/'-sa-lo-nq,  yowwand  s-pt  t 
Sp.,  121%:  t  and  port  Yen.;  v  N-Y. 

Bardstown,  Bqrdz-tsn,(o/  Bairdstown,) 
t  Ky. 

B  ireily,  Bir-a-lc,  dis  and  c  B/it.  Ind. 

Barge,  Bq/'-ja,  t  Piedmont,  7. 

Bargoozeen.  {or  Bargouzin,)  Bar-giD- 
zen,  r  Siberia. 

Bari,  Bq-re,  ft  c  Naples,  21%. 

Bark  River,  \Yis. 

Bar-le-Duc,  Bq/-le-dek,  t  Fr.,  lt%. 

Birletta,  Bar-let-q,  s-ot  c  Naples,  20. 

Barmen,  Ba/*-nien,  t  Prussia,  35. 

Barnaul,  Bar-n^sl,  t  w.  Siberia.  10. 

Barnegat,  Bqr-ne-gat,  v  N-Y.;  h  and  t 

Birnsley,  Bqrnz-li,  t  Eng.,  15. 

Barnstable,  Bqrn-sta-bl,  co  and  t  Mass. 

Barnstaple,  Bqrn-sta-pl,  s-pt  t  Eng. 

Barnwf?ll,  Bqrn-wel,  dis  and  t  S.  C. 

Baro,  Bq-rt),  r  Africa. 

Biroach,  Bq-rcjq,  dis  of  India. 

Baroda,  Ba-rcj-da,  c  Hindostan.      [12. 

Barquesimeto,  Bq/'-ka-si-ma-to,  c  Ven. 

Barraboo,  Bar-a-bt6,  r  and  t  Wis. 

Barrada,  (o/'Burada,)  Ba-r^-dq,  r  Syr. 

Barra,  Bar-q,  Islands,  w.  coast  Scot. 

Barre,  Bar-e,  t  Yt. 

Bareges,  Bqr-ajj,  watering  plaeo  of  Fr. 

Barren  River,  Tenn. 

Barriers  Reef,  n.  e.  coast  of  Australia. 

Barrow,  Bar-o,  (orBorragh,)  r  Ir. 

Bartholomew,  Bqr-tol-o-mq,  hayou 
Ark.  and  La.,  nav.  250  ra'les;  co  Ind. 

Barton,  Bqr-ton,  num.  vs  U.  S.;  r  Yt. 

Bartseh,  Bq/'q,  r  Prus. 

Baseelan,  {or  Basilan,)  Bq-se-lqn,  • 
Sooloo  Arch. 

Basel,  B4-zel,  canton  and  t  Swit.,  27^^. 

Bashkeers,  or  Bashkirs,  B(Lf-kKrz,  peo- 
ple of  Russia,  inhabiting  the  plains 
adjoining  tlie  South  Uralian  Mts. 

Busiunto,  Bq-si-^a-t<d;  r  Napba. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Baskahegan,  Bas-ka-hg-gan,  r  and  I 
•  Me. 

Basque,  Bask,  Provinces,  Sp. 

Bassano,  Bq-sq-no,  c  n.  Italy,  12. 

Basse-Terre,  Bq,s-t4r,  s-ptt  W.  L,  \1\i. 

Bassorah,  Bqs-o-rq,  c  A-?.  Tur.,  60. 

Bastia,  Bqs-te-q,  s-pt  t  Corsicij,  12j^. 

Bastrop,  Bas-trop,  C()  and  t  Tex. 

Batavia,  Ba-ta-vi-a,  (Dutch  Bq-tq- 
vi-q,)  c  Java,  118^;  -m  N-Y.,  O.,  III. 

Bath,  Bqe,  c  Eng.,  o4i^;  c  Me.,  12; 
numerous  vs  U.  rf.  [Ya. 

Bath    Alum    Springs,   watering   place, 

Bathurst,  Bat-urst,  t  N-B,;  *  N.  Aus- 
tralia; I  Newfoundland. 

BatignoUes-  Monceaux,  Bq-tgn-yol- 
moh-s6,  t  1914. 

Baton  Rouge,  Bat-on  R%,  ciV)  La.,  4)^. 

Batoo,  Bq-UD,  tol  is  Malay  Arch. 

Batoom,  Bq-td)m,  s-pt  t  Tur.  in  As,,  25. 

Batso,  Biit-so,  r  and  v  N-J. 

Battahatx?hee,  Bat-a-haq-e,  /•  Ala.  See 

Battam,  Bq-tqra,  i  Malay  Arch. 

Battonkill,  B.U-en-kil,  r  Yt. 

Battle  Creek,  cr  and  t  Mich. 

Baubaugo,  Ba-bs-go,  cr  la. 

Baubula,  B-s-bcjb-lq,  r  Sp. 

Baughman,  Bo-man,  v  0.  [livia. 

Baure,  B^-ra,  (Baurus,  B-s-rcos,)  r  Bo- 
Bautzen,  Bi't-sen,  t  Saxony,  12. 

Bavaria,  Ba-va-ri-a,  (Kingdom  of,) 
part  of  Ger.  confederation,  4,559,442: 
its  government  is  a  constitutional 

Bavispe,  Bq-vis-pa,  t  and  r  Mex. 

Bay,  Bi,  I  island  of  Luzon. 

Bayamo,  Bq-yq-mo,  (or  San  Salvador,) 
^Cuba,  14. 

Bayan,  Bj-qn,  mountain  range  Asia. 

Bayazeed,"  Bj-a-zgd.  ft  t  Tur.  Armenia. 

Bayeux,  Bq-ye,  c  Fr.,  9)^. 

Bay  Islands,  in  the  Bay  of  Honduras. 

Baylique,  Bj-la-ka,  i  coast  of  Brazil. 

Bayonne,  Bq-yon, /if  c  Fr.,  18%. 

Bayou,  Bj-O),  or  B}-o,  a  term  confined 
chiefly  to  La.,  Tex.,  and  Ark.,  sig- 
nifies a  stream  which  is  derived  from 
some  other  stream  or  from  a  lake. 

Bayou  Boeuf,  —  Bef,  —  Chicot,  Xe-ko, 

—  Goula,   G(T>-lq,   —  Pierre,   Pe-^r, 

—  Ramois,  Rq-mer,  —  Sara,  Sa-ra, 
vs  La, 

Baza,  B4-t(l,  c  Sp.,  10. 

Bear  Lake,  Bq,r  Lak,  I  Brit.  N,  Am. 

Bear,  or  Utah  River,  Utah  and  Oregon 

Ter.:  also  California. 
Beas,  Be-as,    or  Beypasha,    Ba-paJ-q, 

r  Punjab.  220  miles. 
Beaucaire,  Bo-k^'',  t  Fr.  11. 

Beaufort,  Bo-fon  ts  Fr. 

Beaufort,  Bq-fort,  co  and  t  N.  C, 

Beauharnais,  Bo-hqr-na,  v  C.  E. 

Beaulieu,  Bo-li-e,  t  Fr.;  Bq,-!!,  r  Eng. 

Beauly,  B6-li,  r  Scot. 

Beaumaris,  Bca-ma-ris,  s-pt  t  N.  W. 

Beaumont,  Bu)-m6n,  ts  Fr.,  Bel. 

Beaumont,  BiJj-mont,  vs  U.  S. 

Beaune,  Bon,  anc  t  Fr.,  11. 

Beauvais,  Bo-va,  c  Fr.,  \-^%. 

Beaver,  Be-ver,  and  numerous  com- 
pounds;   crs  and  ts  Vj  .  S. 

Beaver  Islands,  Lake  Michigan. 

Beaver  Lake,  Jasper  eo,,  la.  [Pa. 

Beaver  River,  different  rs  N-H.,  N-Y., 

Becancour,  Ba-koh-kAr,  i?  C.  E. 

Bechuanas,  Bet-cjD-q-naz,  a  nation  of 
S.  Af. 

Bedford,  Bed-ford,  ^  Eng.,  11%;  nu- 
merous <>«  and  ts  U.  S. 

Bedouin,  Ba-dwan,  t  Fr. 

Bedouin,  or  Beduin,  Bed-di-in,  inhab- 
itants of  the  desert,  supposed  to  be 
derived  from  Ishmael,  the  population 
of  Arabia. 

Beeraah,  Be-mq,  r  S.  Ind.  400  m. 

Bcersheba,  Bg-er-Je-ba,  a  ruined  t  of 

Beojsheher,  Beg-Je^-her,  I  and  r  Aa. 

Behring,  Be-rii)  Sea,    N.  Pac.  Oc:  str 

between  Asia  and  Am. 
i  Beilan,  Ba-l^n,  t  and  pass  of  Syria. 

Beit-el-Fakih,  Bat-el-Fq-keA,  2!  Ar.,  3. 

Beja,  BH-:^q,  t  Port.,  5)^. 

Bojapoor,  Bt-ja-pcor,  c  S.  Ind.        [19. 

Bekes,  Ba-kej,  (or  Bekesvar,)  Minn., 

Bela,  Belah,  Beila,  or  Beylah,  Ba-lq, 
t  Beloochistan,  5. 

Belaia,  Ba-li-q,  or  Bielaja,  Bya-lq-yq, 
r  Rus..  550  m. 

Belair,  Br-14ri  "^  Vt- 

Bel  Air,  Bel  Ar,  v  Md.,  Ga.,  111. 

Beled-el-Jereed,  Be-led-el-Jer-ed,  ster- 
ile region  of  Af. 

Belfast,  Bel-fast,  s-pt  t  Ir.,  120 ;  s-pt 

Belgium,  Bel-ji-um,  a  ^  of  Cen.  Eu,, 
divided  into  9  prov,;  Antwerp,  S. 
Brabant,  E.  Flanders,  W.  Flanders, 
Hainaut,  Liege,  Limbourg,  Luxem- 
bourg, and  Namur;  having  a  total 
pop.  of  4,359,090,  who  for  the  most 
part,  speak  the  Fr.  language  ;  govern- 
ment is  a  constitutional  monarchy. 

Belgrade,  Bel-grad,  ft  c  of  Servia, 
pop.  30. 

Bellechasse,  Bel-Jqs  co  C.  E. 

Bellefontaine,  Bel-fon-tan,  "fine  foun- 
tain," ts  0.,  la.,  Mo.,  Iowa. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Bellefonte,  Bel-font,  rs  Pa.,  Ala.,  Mo. 

Bellemont,  Bel-moiit,  v  Tena. 

Belleiaonte,  rs  Pa.,  Mo. 

Belle  River,  stream  Mich. 

BjUeview,  Bel-vi^,  numerous  xs  U.  S. 

Belleville,  Bel-vil,  numerous  r«  U.  S. 

Bellevue,  Bel-vij,,  vs  Ga.,  0.,  Mich., 

Bellona,  Be-16-na,  v  N-Y.        [vs  U.  S. 

BalmoQt,  Balmonte,  Bel-mont,  cos  and 

Beloit,  Be-lort,  r  Wis. 

Beloochistan,  B.'l-oo-kis-tqn,  mountain- 
ous cy  of  S.  As.:  the  government  is 
despotic;  pop.  uncertain,  estimated 
at  from  450,000  to  2,000.000. 

Balvidere,  Bel-vi-dgr,  ts  U.  S. 

Benares,  Ben-q-rez,  o  of  Hind.;  sta- 
tionary pop.  est.  at  from  200,  to  600. 

Ben-Aven,  Beti-a-ven.  m  Scot. 

Bencruiicban,  Ben-krob-Aan,  m  Scot. 

Benevento,    Ben-e-vea-to,     c    S.    It., 

Bengal,  Ben-gol,  prov  Brit.  Ind.,  con- 
sisting mainly  of  the  immense  valley 
of  the  Ganges  ;  pop.  57,985,6o6. 

Beagal,  Bay  of,  part  of  the  Indian  Oc. 

Benguela,  Ben-ga-lq,  cy  of  W.  Af. 

Beni,  Ba-ng,  dep  and  r  of  Bol.;  2000  m. 

Benicia,  Be-niJ-i-a,  former  cap  Cal.,  2. 

Benin,  Bjn-ea,  a  negro  cy,  r  and  t 
W.  Af.,  15. 

Benlawers,  Ben-le-eri,  m  Soot. 

Benledi,  Ban-led-i,  m  S;Jot. 

ten-Lomond,  Ben-lo-mond,  m  Scot., 
also  of  Vandiemen's  Land. 

Ben-Macdhui,  Ben-mak-dco-i,  in  Scot. 

Ben-.More,  Ben-mor,  m  Scot. 

Ben-Nevis,  Ben-ne-vis,  in  Scot.,  also 
Van  Diemen's  Lmd. 

Bennington,  Ben-iy-toa,  various  cos 
>  and  ts  U.  S. 

Bentevoglio.  Ben-t8-v61-yc>,  t  Va. 

Benton,  Ben-ton,  numerous  cos  and  ts 

•  U.  S. 

Berbice,  Ber-bes,  rfw  and  r  Brit.  Gui. 

Berdiansk,  Ber-di-qnsk,  t  S.  Rus.,  10. 

Berditchev,  Ber-di-cev,  t  Rus.  Pol.,  20. 

Berea,  Be-re-a,  ts  N.  C,  O. 

Beresina,  Ber-i-ZB-nq,  r  Rus.,  200  ra. 

Bergamo,  Ber-gq-mu,  ft  c  Lorn..  '^2%. 

Bergen,  Ber-gen,  ft  c  Nor.,  25X  ;  ts 
PruH.,  Neth.;  Ber-gen,  co  N-J.;  ts 
N-V.,  N-J.  [Neth.,  10. 

Bergen-op-zoom,  B6rg-en-op-zora, /f  t 

Bergerac,  B^r-^e-r^k,  t  Fr.,  10)^. 

Bergholtz,  Berg-hults,  v  N-Y.,  2. 

Bergues,  Berg,  ft  t  Fr.,  6. 

Berhampoor,  Ber-qm-jK^r:  t  Brit.  Ind. 

Berja,  Ber-Aq.  t  Sp.,  9^. 

Berkeley,  B^rk-li,  t  Eng.;  co*  U.  S. 

Berkshire,  Berk-Jsr,  cos  and  vs  U.  S. 
Berlin,  Ber-liii,  (Ger.  B?r-len,)  c  Ger., 

cap     Prussian     monarchy ;      except 

Vienna.   Berlin    is  the  largest   t  in 

Ger.,  pop.  in  1852,  442,000. 
Bermuda,  Bar-mtD-da,  {or  Bermudas,) 

is  N.  Atlantic  Oc,  belonging  to  Great 

Britain,  15. 
Bern,  or  Berne,  Bern,  canton  and  t  of 

Swit.,  27%. 
B'?rnadotte,  Ber-na-dot,  v  111. 
Bertie,  B3r-tE,  co  N.  C. 
Berwick,  Ber-ik,  co  and  t  Scot. 
Berwick,  Bir-wik,  vs  U.  S. 
Besangon,  Be-zou-siin, /if  c  Fr.,  413^. 
Bissarabia,  Bes-a-ra-bi-a, />/7?«  S.  lias. 
Bethany,  BeB-a-ni,  vs  Pal.,   and  of    U. 

S.;    seat    of  College    established   in 

1841  by  Alexander  Campbell. 
Bethel.  Beb-el,  t  Pal.;  and  vs  U.  S. 
Bethlehem,     Bet-le-hem,     c    of    Pal., 

birth  plaao  of  the  Founder  of  Chris- 
tianity ;  Ts  IJ.  S. 
Bethuae,  Ba-ten,  ft  t  Fr.,  8. 
Betisbooka,  or  Betisbouka,  Ba-tis-bcfi- 

kq,  r  Madagascar. 
Bettws,  Bet-oos,  pars  Eng,,  and  Wales. 
Bet  wall,  Bet-wq.  r  Hind. 
Beulah,  Bq-la,  ts  N.  C,  Iowa. 
Bevedero,  Ba-va-da-ro),  I  L\  Plata. 
Beverly,  Ber-er-li,  ts  Mass.,  N-J.,  Vir., 

Ohio.  [Ga.,  Ala. 

Bexar,    B5i-(^r,  or  Ba-Mr,    co  Tex.;  ts 
Boyroot,  Beyrout,  Beirout,  Ba-root,  s-pt 

t  of  Syria,  30. 
Beziers,  Ba-zi-a,  c  Fr.,  19^3.  - 

Bhadrinath,  Bhad-rin-qth,  t  N.  Hind., 

in  a  valley  of  the  Himalayas,  10,294 

ft.  above   the  sea,  remarkable  for  a 

temple   visited   annually   by   50,000 

Hindoo  pilgrims. 
Bhamo,  Bhq-mti,  or  Bhanmo,  Bhqn-mo, 

large  t  Burmah. 
Bhawlpoor,    Bhol-pdor,    ind  st   N.  W. 

Hind.:  cap  c  20. 
Bheels,  Belz,  mountaineers  of  Hind. 
Bhirjan,   Ber-jqn,   Beerjoon,   Ber-jifin, 

ts  Pers. 
Bhooj,  Bha)j,./7  c  Hind.,  30. 
Bhurtpoor,    Bhurt-pijbr,   or   Bhartpoor, 

Bhqrt-pc6r,  state  and  c  Hin  I. 
Bialystok,  Bi-ql-is-tok,  prov  and  c  Eu. 

Bickaneer,   Bicanere,  or  Bicanir,    Bik- 

an-tr,  state  Hind.;  /If  t  cap,  70. 
Bidais,  Be-da,  cr  Te.T. 
Bidschow,  Btq-ov,  t  Bohemia. 
Biolopol,  Bc-a-l(i-pol,  t  Rus.,  9. 
Bienne,  Be -on,  I  and  t  Swit. 
Bienville,  Be-^u-vil,  ^ar  La.j  ^  o  Miss, 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Bigalow's  (mills,)  Big-E-loz,  p  o  la. 
Bighton,  Bi-ton,  par  Eng. 
Big  Plover,  Pldv-er.  r  Wis. 
Bijawar,  Bejawer,  Be-je-er,  r>/' Bejour, 

Be-ji-er,  state  Hin. 
Bilbao,    Bil-bq-u),    (often  written    and 

pronounced,  in  English,  Bilboa,  Bil- 

bo-a,  (J  and  /;wi  Sp.,  12. 
Billerica,  Bil-er-ik-a,  v  Ma-'s. 
Biloxi,  Bi-16ks-i,  *  and  h  Miss. 
Bingham,    Biy-ham,     ts    Me.,    Penn., 

Binghamton,  Big-am-ton,  c  N-Y. 
Bingtang,  Biij-tag,  «' Malay  Arch. 
Biobio,  B^-o-bg-o,  r  Chili,  200  m. 
Biorneborg,  Bi-6/'-ne-bo/'g,  s-pt  t  Fin. 
Birioossii,  Bg-ri-rf)-sq,  ;■  Siberia. 
Birkenhead,  Berk-en-hed,   t  Eug.,  op- 
posite Liverpool,  24\^. 
Birket-el-Hadji,        Ber-ket-el-Had-jj, 

("lake  of  pilgrims,")  10  m.  n.  e.  of 

Birmingham,  Ber-mii]-am,  c  Eng.:  232- 

%;  Ber-mi?)-ham,  manufacturing^* 

Conn.,  N-Y.,  Pa ,  and  numerous  vs. 
Birnee,  Ber-ne,  (Birnie,   old,)  t  Cen. 

Af.,  10,'once  200. 
Bisayas,   Be-sj-qs,    Philippine  Islands, 

excepting  Luzon. 
Bisc.iy,    Bis-ka,   or  Biscaya,   Bis-kj-q, 

l)r<)V  of    N.    Spain;     (Bay  of,)   w. 

coast  of  France. 
Bisecglia,  Be-Jel-yq,  s-jit  t  Naples. 
Bischwiller,  BiJ-vil-er,  t  Fr.,  &%. 
Bisignano,  Be-sen-yq-no,  t  Nap.,  10. 
Bissagos,  Be-sq-gos,  or  Bijooja  Islands, 

Be  ji6-ja,    arch  off  the  w.  coast  of 

Af.,  densely  peopled  with  a  savage 

negro   race. 
Bissao,  Be-sq-ori,  i  W.  Af. 
Bistineau.  Bis-tin-o,  I  La. 
Bistritz,  Bis-trits,  r  and  c  Tran. 
Bitioog,  Be-ti-cDg,  r  Bus. 
Bizerta,  Be-zer-tq,  ft  s-pt  Tunis,  10. 
Blackfeet  Indians,  n.  and  w.  portions 

of  Mo.  Territory. 
Black  Hills,  m  range  Mo.  Ter. 
Black  Hole.     See  Calcutta. 
Black  Lake,  La.,  formed  by  a  bayou  of 

its  own  name. 
Black  log  Mountain,  Pa. 
Black  River,  rs  Cornwall,  Ir.,  Vt.,  N- 

Y.,  N-J.,  S.  C,  La.,  Mo.,  0.,  Mich., 

Wis.,  Mo.  Ter. 
Black,  or  Euxine,  Yiik'sin,  inland  sea 

between    Europe   and    Asia,    length 

700  m.,  breadth,  380  ra. 
Black  Warrior  River,  Ala. 
Blackwater,    r   Ir.,   100    m.;    three   rs 

Eng.;  (River,)  N-H.,  Ya. 

Blaekwell's  Inland,   Blak-welz,  in  the 

East   River,   opposite  N-Y.,  seat  of 

the  city  penitentiary. 
Blanche.  Blqnq,  v  Mo. 
Blaye,  Bla,  ft  s-pt  t  Fr. 
Blegno,  or  Blenjo,  Blen-ya,  r  Swit. 
Blenheim,    Blen-im,    or    Blen-hjm,    v 

Bav.:  V  N-Y. 
Bligh,  Bij  (Islands,)  Feejee  Arch, 
lihjck  Island,  belonging  to  Rhode  Is. 
Blois,  Blwq,  a>ic  c  Fr.,  \1%.'      [U.  S. 
Bloomfield,  ts  Me.,  N-J.;  and  many  ra 
Bloomington,  t  la.,  2;  and  other  states. 
Bloomsburg,  BloQmz-burg.  t  Pa. 
Blount,  Bl^nt,  co«  Ala.,  Tenn. 
Bluefields,  or  Blewfields,  BliD-feldz,  r 

and  t  Mosquito  Ter. 
Blue  Mountains,  in  Pa.,  Or,,  Jamaica, 

Australia.  [ghany  7ns. 

Blue  Ridge,  easterly  ridge  of  the  Ale- 
Blue   River,  three  streams  of  la.,  one 

of  Wis. 
Biuestonc,  r  s.  w.  part  Vir. 
Blyth,  or  BIythe,  Bljt,  three  rs  Eng. 
Boavista,  Bu-q-ves-tq,  {or  Bonavisia,) 

i  Af. 
Bocchetta,  Bo-ket-q,  m  W.  Apennines. 
Bockenheim,     Bok-en-hjm,     t     Hesse 

Cassel.  [n.  w.  La. 

Bodcau,  B6d-k"5,   (Lake  and  Bayou,) 
Bodega,  Bo-de-ga,  v  and  J  Cal. 
Boeotia,  Be-6-Ji-a,  dep  of  Gr. 
Boglipoor,    B6-gli-piDr,    {or   Bhaugul- 

poor,)  dis  Brit.  Ind.,  cap  same,  30. 
Bogota,  BQ-go-tq,  (formerly  Santa  Fe 

de  Bogota,)  e  cap  New  Granada,  40. 
Bohemia,    Bo-he-mi-a,    div   Austrian 

Empire,  forming  the  e.  part  of  the 

Germanic    Confederation,    20,000    s. 

m.:  pop.  in  1850,  4,409,900. 
Bohmerwald,     Be-mer-vqlt,    m    Ger. 

between,  Bohemia  and  Bavaria. 
Bohol,  Bta-hol,  one  of  the  Phil.  Is. 
Bois  Blanc,  Bwq  Blon,  i  Lake  Huron. 
Bois  D'ark,  B^  Dqrk,  'V  Mo.;  r  Tex. 
Bois-le-duc,   Bwq-lo-dtik,  ft   c   Neth., 

Bojana,  Bo-yq-nq,  r  Eu.  Tur. 
Bokhara,  Bo-Aq-rq,  (called  also  Great 

Bucharia,)  state  of  Central  Asia,  in 

Ind.    Toorkistan,   pop.   2,000,000;    c, 

cap  of  same,  150. 
Bolabola,  Bo-lq:bc)-lq,   {or  Borabora,) 

one  of  the  Society  Islands,  Pac.  Oc, 
Bolbec.  Bol-be/i,  t  Fr.,  9^. 
Bolingbrokc,  B(jl-ir)-bruk,  t  Eng.    1. 
Bolivar,  B61-i-var,  various  is  U.  S. 
Bolivia,   Bu)-lE-vi-q,     or   Upper   Peru, 

st    South    America.      Area,  374,480 

s.  m.  pop.  1,030,000. 

Geographical     Vocabulary. 


Bolivia,  Bo-liv-i-a,  vs  Miss.,  Mo. 

Bologna,  BuJ-lu)n-yq,  c  It.,  75. 

Bolonchen,  Bu)-lon-qen,  v  Yucatan,  7. 

Bolor-Tagh,  Bo-lor-tqg,  mountain 
chain    of    Central   Asia. 

Bolsas,  Bol-sqs,  r  Mexic  >. 

B.)marsund,  Bt5-mar-S(Dad, /<  island  of 
Aland,  Russia. 

Bombay,  Bom-ba,  most  westerly  Pres- 
idency of  Britisli  India.  Area,  63,074 
s.  m,  pop.  7,210,277;  c,  s-pt  and  caj) 
of  the  abave  presidency,  500. 

Bona,  or  B.jnah,  BJ)-nq,  ft  s-pt  Alge- 
ria, 9^. 

Banaparte,  Bj-na-pqrt,  rs  III.,  Iowa. 

Bon  Aqua,  B^n  ^'kw.i,  p  o  Tenn. 

Bonaventure,  Bon-q-v6n-ter,  en  C.  E. 

Bondoo,  or  Bondou,  Bon-da»,  cy  Sene- 
gambia.  [Arch. 

Bongay,  or  Bangey,  Bon-ga,   i  Malay 

Bon  Homme,  Bon-om,  t  Mo. 

Bonite,  Bo-net,  p  o  Tex. 

Bonn,  Bon,  t  Rhenish  Prussia,  14)^. 

Bonne  Femmo,  Bon  Fem,  cr  Mo. 

Bonpland,  B6h-pl6h,  I  Cal. 

Bon.secours,  or  Bonesecour,  Ban-se- 
ktor,   h  Ala. 

Boom.  Bu)m.  t  Belgium,  6)^. 

Boondee,  Bi>a-de,  st  and  c  Hindostan. 

B>one,  Bjt>n,  cos,  -ville,  is  U.  S. 

B.>orgha«,  Bjor-gqs,  s-ptt  Eu.  Tur.,6. 

Bo  orhanpoor,  Ba)r-han-pdbr,  c  India. 

Booro,  or  Bouro,  B  6-ro,  i  Malay  Arch. 

B>osempra,  BJO-sein-pra,  r  Wes.  Af. 

Boossa,  r/r  Boudsa,  Bdb-sa,  t  Cen.  Af.,  18. 

BooUn,  or  Boutan,  Bj^-t^n,  ind  st  N. 

Boothia,  Bdb-ti-q  Fe-lik?,  insular  por- 
tion Brit.  N.  Am..  —  Gulf,  Brit.  Am. 

Baquet,  Bo-ka,  r  N-Y. 

Bordeaux,  Bor-do,  c  Fr.,  131. 

Borgia,  B6r-jq.  t  Naples. 

Borgne,  Born,  ^  or  5  s.  e.  part  of  La. 

Borgoo,  or  Btrgou,  Bor-gdb,  two  k%  Af. 

Borinage.  Bo-ri-nq:<,  dis  Belgium. 

Borneo,  Bir-nc-o,  i  Malay  Arch.,  ex- 
cepting Australia  the  largest  island 
on  the  globe.  The  greatest  length 
is  850,  width  600  miles;  area,  280,000 
8.  m.,  pop.  2,000,000.  [22. 

Borneo,  or  Brunai,  Brc6-ni,    t  Borneo, 

Bornhdlm,  Born-holm,  i  Denmark,  in 
the  Baltic  Sea,  26>^. 

Borodino,  Bor-o-dj-no,  v  N-Y. 

Borovsk,  Bj-rovsk,  t  Russia. 

Boscawen,  Bjs-ka-won,  t  N-II. 

Bosco  Tre-^^a-^e,  B6s-ko  Tra-ki^-sa,  t 
Naples,  8>^.  [60. 

Bofloa  Serai,  B6s-nq  Ser-j,  t  Eu.  Tur., 

Bosnia,  B6z-m-q,  prov  Ea.  Tur. 

Bo-sporus,  B63-po-ru=!,  (less  correctly, 
Bosphorus,)  called  also  the  Strait  of 
Constantinople,  a  passage  connecting 
the  Black  Sea  with  the  Sea  of  Mar- 
mora, and  separating  Europe  from 
Asia,  17  miles  long. 

Bossier,  Bos-i-a,  par  La. 

Boston,  Bos-ton,  s-pt  t  and  par  Eng., 
15)-^;  second  commercial  city  of  the 
U.  S.,  cap  Mass.,  137. 

Boszormeny,  Bez-er-many,  t  Hun.,  17. 

Botany,  B6t-a-ni,  Bay,  Pacific  Oc^an. 

Bitetourt,  B6t-e-tort,   co  Va. 

Bnthelle,  Bo-tel,  p  o  Wis. 

Bothnia,  Bot-ni-q,  cy  Nor.  Ea.;  g  nor. 
part  of  Baltic  Sea.  [Fr. 

Bouches-du-Rhone,    BibJ-de-ron,    dep 

Bouchoux,  L3S,  La  Boo-JdS,  v  Fr.,  1%. 

Bouckville,  B-sk-vil,  p  o  N-Y. 

Bougainville,  BiD-gah-vsl,  &  in  S.  Am.; 
i  in  the  Pacific. 

B  mguenais,  Bj)g-na,  t  Fr. 

Bouie,  Bj5-e,  r  Miss. 

Bouillon,  B.ol-yoii,  or  BiO-yon,   t  Bel. 

Bouin,  BJD-ah,  or  Bwan,  i  w.  coast  Fr. 

Boulogne,  Bdo  Ion,  or  Boo-lony,  s-pt  t 
Fr.,  30^. 

Bourbeuse,  Boor-bez,  or'Rhv-hiiz,  r  Mo. 

Bourbon,  Bbr-boh,  i  Indian  Ocean, 
Fr.,  108:  Biir-bon,  w  Ky.  [12. 

Bourg-en-Bresse,  BoD/'g-oii-Bres,  t  Fr., 

Baurges,  Boorg,  c  Fr.,  25,  built  six  cen- 
turies before  the  Christian  era. 

Bourne,  Born,  t  and  par  Eng. 

Bourneville,  Bobrn-vil,  v  0. 

Boutonne,  Boo-ton,  r  Fr. 

Bouvignes,  BiD-veny,  v  Bal. 

Bouxviller,  Bdo-vrl-^r.  t  Fr. 

Bovina,  Bo-Vj-na,  ts  N-Y.,  Miss. 

Bovino,  Bo-VE-no,  t  Naples. 

Bowdark,  Bo-dqrk,  v  Mo. 

Bowditch,  Bo-diq,  i  S.  Pac.  [Me. 

Bowdoin,  Bo-din,  College,  Brunswick, 

B  )wdon.  Bo-don,  p  os  Ga.,  Ala. 

Bowenville,  Bo-en-vil,  v  Ga. 

Bowersville,  B^-erz-vil,  v  0. 

Bowie,  Bi)-e,  eo  Tex. 

Bowlesville,  Bolz-vil,  p  o  Va. 

Bowling  Green,  numerous  vs  U.  S. 

Bowman,  Bo-mm,  p  o  Va. 

Boyaca,  Bo-yq-kq,  v  New  Granada. 

Boyana,  Bo-yq-nq,  b  and  t  Madagascar. 

Boydton,  Brird-ton,  p  o  S.  C. 

Boyer,  Btf-er,  River,  Iowa. 

Boyne,  Bffn,  r  Ir. 

Bozzolo,  Bjt-so-lo,  t  N.  Italy,  5. 

Bra,  Brq,  t  Piedmont,  8. 

Brabant,  lirq-Vx'int,  North,  prov  Neth- 
erlands; —  South,  prov  Bdlgium. 

Braga,  Br^-gcit  c  Port.,  16. 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Bragan^n,  Brq-gqn-sq,  ts  Port.,  Bra. 

Brahe,  Brq-e,  r  Prus. 

Brahilov.  Brq-hi-16v,  Brailoff,  or  Brai- 

low,  Brq-i-16v,  ft  t  Wallachia,  6. 
Brahunpootra,    or  Brahmaputra,  Brq- 

ma-p.t)-tra,     {or    Burranipooter,)     r 

South  Asia,  1500  miles. 
.  Brailes,  Bralz,  par  Eng.  [of  .Tava. 

Brambaniin,  Brqm-bq-nqn,    flis  ij'hind 
Brnnco,  Brqti-ko,  one  of  the  Cape  de 

Verd  Island-*:  /•  Brazil. 
.  Brandenburg.  Prqn-den-biar(7,  provsin^ 

t  Pru3:^ia;  Bran-dcn-burg,  t  Ky. 
Bnindywine,  Bran-di-win,  cr  Pa.,  and 

Brathay,  Bra-ta,  r  Eng. 
Brattlcborou^h,  Brat-l-bur-o,  v  Vt. 
A        BrauniMi,    Br-»-mj,    ts    Upper  Austria 

and  Bohemia. 
Braunfel.-?,  Bi"8n-folz,  t  Wis. 
Braunsb-irg.  Br-snz-ber^,  t  Prua. 
Bray,  Bra,  r  Fr. 
Brazil,  Bra-zil,    or  Brq-zel,   empire  of 

South  America;  area,  .3,955,800  s.  m. 

It  is  divided  inio  18   provinces,  pop. 

Brazoria,  Bra-z6-ri-a,  co  and  t  Tex. 
]Jrazf»s,  Brq-zo3,  co  and  r  Tex.,  900  m. 
Brazos    Santiago,    —   San-ti-^-go,    v 

Brazza,  Bn\t-sq,  i  Dalmatia,  15)^. 
Breafy,  Bre-fi,    or   Bra-fi,    (Breagh- 

wee,  Bra-WE,)  par  Ir. 
Breathitt,  Breb-it,  co  Ky. 
Breda,  Bra-dq, /t  t  Netherlands,  12%. 
Breede.  Bra-de.  or  Bred,  r  S.  Africa. 
Brejo,  Bra-;?o,  t  Brazil. 
Bremen,   Bra-men,    free  city  of  Ger., 

5:};  Bre-men,  vs  U.  S. 
Breneau.  Bre-no,  r  Oregon  Ter. 
Brenta,  Bren-tq.  nav  r  Lorn. 
Brescelia,  Bra-Jel-a,   {or  Bregella,)   t 

Nor.  Italy.  2. 
Brescia,  BreJ-i-a,   or  BreJ-q,    c  Lorn., 

cap.  of  the  province,  ?>b. 
Breslau,  Bres-lo,   or  Bre:3-lU,   c  Prus., 

cap.  of  Silesia,  IV2%. 
Brest,  Brest,  ft  c  Fr.,  GIJ/^. 
Breton,  Cape,  Bre-ton,  i  Brit.  N.  Am. 
Briangon,  Bre-oii-son,  t  Fr..  4)^. 
Bridgeport,  Brij-port.s-^o^  c  Conn.,  &3. 
JJridgeton,  Brij-ton,  port  of  entry,  N-J. 
Bridgetown,  Brij-fsn,  cap  i  Barbados, 

Bridge  water,  Brij-w^-ter,  hor  and  r-pt 

Eng.,  11;  numerous  rs  U.  S. 
Brieg.  t  Brc/^,,  Pros.  Silesia.  12};^. 
Brighton,  Brj-ton,  hor  s-pt  t  and  wat- 
ering place,  Eng.,  69%. 
•      Brignoles,  Bren-yol,  t  Fr. 

Brihiieja,  Bre-wa-gq,  t  Spain. 

Brindisi,  Brin-di-se, /if  c  Naples,  ^]/^. 

lirioni,  Bre-o-ne,  Inlands,  in  Adriatic. 

Brioude,  Bre-(6d,  t  Fr.,  5. 

Brisbane,  Briz-ban,  r  co  and  t  East 

Bristol,  Bris-tol,  s-pt  c  and  co  Eng., 
1371^:  port  of  entry,  R.  I.;  ts  U.  S. 

Bristol  Channel,  s.  w.  arm  of  the  At- 
lantic, Great  Btitain. 

British  America,  Brit-iJ  A-mdr-i-ka, 
northern  portion  of  North  America, 
comprising  the  Canadas,  New  Bruns- 
wick, Nova  Scotia,  Cape  Breton, 
Prince  Edward's  Island,  Newfound- 
land, North-west  Territorv,  and 
Hudson's  Bay  Territory:  2,684,000. 

British  Empire,  The,  Brit-iJ  Era'pjr,  in 
many  respects  the  greatest  that  has 
ever  existed,  comprehends  the  fol- 
lowing colonies  and  dependencies:-^ 
Europe  —  British  Isles,  Helgoland, 
Gibraltar,  Malta  and  Gozo,  Ionian 
Islands.  Afrir,a—GMn\i\A,  Sierra 
Leone,  Gold  Coast  Possessions,  Fer- 
nando Po,  Ascension,  St.  Helena, 
Cipe  Colony,  Natal,  Mauritius,  Sey- 
chelles. ^«2ii— Aden,  India,  (Brit- 
ish,) India,  (Dependencies,)  Tenas- 
serim  Provinces,  Ceylon,  Penang, 
Malacca,  Singapore,  Libooan,  Hong 
Kong.  America — Canada  East, 
Canada  West,  New  Brunswick,  Nova 
Scotia  and  Cape  Breton,  Prince  Ed- 
ward Island,  Newfoundland,  Hud- 
son's Bay  Territory,  Labrador,  West 
India  Islands,  Bermudas,  Honduras, 
Guina,  Falkland  Islands.  Austral- 
asia— New  South  Wiles,  South 
Australia,  Western  Australia,  Vic- 
toria or  Port  Philip,  Australia,  (not 
settled.)  Van  Dieraen's  Land,  New 
Zealand,  Norfolk  Island,  Auckland 
Islands.  Area,  8,356,781  s.  m.,  pop. 

Britannia,  Bri-tan-i-a,  Islands,  Pac.  Oc. 

Brixham,  Briks-am,  s-pt  t  Eng.,  6. 

Brody,  Bro-di,  t  Aus.  Gallicia,  17%. 

Bromberg.  Brom-ber*/.  i  Prus.  Pol.,  9j^. 

Bromley,  Briim-li,  t  Eng.  m 

Brompton,  Bromp-ton,  western  suburb 
of  London,  Eng. 

Bromsgrove,  Bromz-grov,  t  Eng.,  lOJ^. 

Bronte,  Bron-ta,  t  Sicily,  9}4,. 

Brooklyn,  Bri'ak-lin,  s-pt  c  N-Y.,  125. 

Brookville,  Briak-vil,  ts  la..  III.,  Iowa. 

Broughton,  Bre-ton,   t  Eng. 

Broughty,  Bro-ti,  Ferry,  v  Scot. 

Brownsville,  Brsnz-vil,  ts  N-Y.,  Pa., 
Tex.,  Ark. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Bruche,  BreJ,  r  Fr. 

Bruchsal,  BniA-.^ql.  t  Ger.,  7%. 

Bruges,    BrcD-jiz,  ft  c  Bil.;    pop.   once 

200,  now  scarcely  49X. 
Brunn,  Bren,  fL  c  Austrian  Em.;  cap 

Moravia  ani  Silesia,  pop.  45 
Brunswick,    Brunz-wik,    duchy  and  c 

Ger.;  ts  Me.,  G.i. 
Brusa,  or  Broussa,  Bnt-sq,,  (also  Bursa,) 
,     c  As.  Min.,  pop.  60. 
Brussels,  Brus-elz,  c,  cap  Bel.,  123^. 
Briix,  Breks,  {or  Brix,)  t  Bohemia,  3. 
Brzesc  Litewski,  Bjets  Ls-tev-ske,/^  t 

Bus  ,  8.  [icia,  7. 

Brzezany,  ^T,a.-7,\-Tit,   t  Austrian  Gal- 
Brzezyn,  Bja-zin,  t  Pol.  'i%. 
Buagie,  BiO-q-gE,  Sikh  state  Ind. 
Bubrooah,    Bub-rdb-q,    t    Hind.,   2000 

Bucy-aneer,  Buk-q-ner,  arch  Ind.  Oc. 
Buceari,  BJD-kq-re,  s-pt  t  Aus. 
Buccino,  Bj)t-<3e-no,  t  Nap.,  b%. 
Buccleuch,  or  Buccleugh,  Bu-klq,,  par 

Buchanan,  Buk-an-an,  cos  and  vs  U.  S. 
Bucharest,    or   Bukharost,  Btjo-kq-rest, 

cap  Wallachin,  pop.  60^. 
Bucharia,  Bq-ka-ri-a,  ter  Cen.  Asia. 
Buchholz,  BiD^-holts,  t  Sax. 
Buckatawny  Buk-a-t<3-ni,  r  Miss. 
Biickeburg,  Bek-e-bxi/-g,  t  X.  Gar. 
Buckingham,  Buk-iy-am,  t  Eng. 
Bucyrus,  Bq-sj-rus,  t  0.,  2%. 
Buda,  Bq-do,  free  c,  cap  Hun.,  40X' 
Budeaax,  Bdb-do,  par  Eng. 
Bii  los-H.;gy,  Be-doJ-hej,  m  Tran. 
Budukhshan,  Bud-u/i-Jqn,  (or  Badakh- 

shan,)  ter  Cen.  Asia;   t,  cap  of  the 

Budweis,  Buid-wjs,  or  Budwitz,  Biad- 

vits,  t  B  )horaia*.  S'^. 
Buech,  Be-aJ,  or  BweJ,  r  Fr. 
Buenaventura,    Bwa-nq-ven-t<6-rq,    t 

Buena  Vista,  Bwa-nq  Ves-tq,  battle- 
field Mox.:  and  36  r«  U.  S. 
Buen  Ayre,   Bwen  'Fra,  {(yr  Bon  Air,) 

Dutch  West  India  Island. 
Buenos  Ayres,  B6-no3  SVrz,  (Sp.  Bwa- 

nos  Vrei,)  c  cap  Buenos  Ayres,  pop. 

85.:  prov  S.  Am.,  area,  75,000  s.  m., 

pop.  320. 
Buffalo,  Bdf-a-lo,  cN-Y.,  80. 
Buffalo  Bayou,  nav.  stream  Tex. 
Buffalo    Lake,    Wis.;    three   lakes   of 

Brit.  N.  Am. 
Baffalo  River,  Tenn.,  Mo.,  Wis. 
Bujc,    Boug,   Biog,    [^or   Bog,)  r  Rus,, 

340  m. 
Bugis,  B<£>-gez,  people  of  Malay  Arch. 

Bujalance,  Bdb-Aq-lqn-ta,  t  Sp.,  9. 

Bukharia,  or  Bucharia,  Bin-ka-ri-a, 
ter  Cen.  Asia. 

Bulacan,  Bcft-lq-kqn,  t  Phil.  I?.,  9%. 

Bulaina,  Bco-lq-mq.  is  w.  coast  of  Af. 

Bulga,  BAl-gq,  Tri  and  t  Abys. 

Bulgiiria,  Bia!-ga-ri-a,  prov  Eu.  Tur. 

Bullina,  Bj)l-y8-nq,  rs  Mex.,  Yuc. 

Bullion,  Bbil-yon,  t  Wis. 

BuUit,  Bui-it,  CO  Ky. 

Ballock,  Bul-ok,  co  Ga. 

Bulti,  Biil-te,  Bailee,  Bql-te,  or  Bul- 
tistan,  Bul-ti-stqn,  (called  also  Little 
Thibet,)  state  Central  Asia. 

Bunawe,  Bun-e,  v  Saot. 

Bunchiom,  Bun-qi-6m,  t  Siara,  5. 

Buncombe,  Biii]-kom,  co  N.  C. 

Bundelcund,  Bun-del-kiind,  ter  Hind. 

Bund-Emf^er,  Bund-e-mer,  r  Per. 

Bunker  Hill,  celebrated  height  near 
Boston,  Mass. 

Bunpoor,  Bun-pabr,  ft  and  dis  W.  Bel. 

Buntzlau,  Bio.nts-l'S,  t  Silesia  6% ;  t 
Bohemia,  5. 

Burdette,  Bur-det,  v  N-Y. 

Burdwan,  Burd-won,  dis  Brit.  Ind.;  t 
cap  above  dis.,  54. 

Bureau,  Bi'i -ro,  co  and  creek  III. 

Burg.  Bu/',t,  t  Saxony,  14)-^. 

Burgau,  Bur-g-s,  t  Bav. 

Burgdorf,  BiarA-dorf,  t  Swit. 

Biirglen,  Be/'A-len,  v  Swit. 

Burgos,  B(6/--g(Ds,  prov  and  c  Sp.,  16. 

Biirgstein,  BerA-stjn,  {or  Birkstein) 
V  Bohemia. 

Burgundy,  Bur-giin-di,  former  jt>ro»  Fr. 

Burharapoore.     See  Burhanpoor, 

Burhampooter  River.  See  Brahma- 

Burke,  Burk,  cos  and  ts  U.  S. 

Burkha,  or  Burka,  Bdr-ka.  t  Ar. 

Burleson,  Biir-lc-son,  co  Tex. 

Burli,ngton,  Biir-lin-ton,  most  populous 
t  Vt.,  6%:  c  N-J.,  43^;  c  Iowa,  7. 

Burmah,  Burma,  or  Birmah,  Ber-mq, 
state  in  Farther  India  :  area  200,000 
s.  m.,  pop.  in  182t>,  4,230,558. 

Burnley,  Biirn-li,   t  Eng.,  143^. 

Burriana,  Ba)-re-(\-nq,  t  Sp.,  63^. 

Burslom,  Bdrs-lom,  t  Enz.,  lt>. 

Burtscheid,  Bia/'t-Jit,  or  Borcette,  Bor- 
set,  t  Prus. 

Bury,  Ber-i,  t  Eng.,  31V^. 

Bury  St.  Edmund's,  t  Eng.,  14. 

Burzen.  Biirt-sen,  r  Tran. 

Burzenland,  Biirt-sen-lqnt,  dis  Hun. 

Bu^ca,  B<6-i-kq.  t  Pied.,  ».         d 

Buseo,  BiD-sa-o,  r  and  t  Wal.,  4J^. 

Busheab,  Bi»-J"e-qb,  t  Persian  Gulf. 

Budhi,  Bq-J|,  p  o  Ala. 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Biishir'?,  B(0-/er,  s-pf  c  Persia,  20. 
Bush  River,  S.   C. 

Bus^aher,  Biis-q-her,  Sikh  state,  Ind. 
Bussero  Bds-e-ro,  cr  la. 
Busto-Arsizio,     Bi)s-to-ar-s8d-zi-o,     t 

It.,  9%. 
Busva;^'>n,  B3t)3-vq-g6n,  Phil.  Is. 
Bute,  Bii^t,  *  Scot.,  9)^. 
Butow,  Be-tov,  t  Prus. 
Buttahatchie,    But-a-haq-e,    r    Ala., 


Butte,  Bt^t,  r,  t  and  co  Cal,  [Wis. 

Butte  des  Morts,  Bq,t  da  Mert,  I  and  v 

Buttigliera,  Bm-tEl-ya-rq,  t  Pied. 

Buycksville,  Bjks-vil,  p  o  Ala. 

Biizancais,  Be-zoii-sa,  t  Fr.,  5. 

Bylaugh,  Bj-lo,  p  Eng. 

By  ram  River,  Bj-ram,  Conn. 

Byrne,  Bern,  }->  o  Tenn. 

liyrneville,  Bern-vil,  r«  N.  Y.,  Iowa. 

Byake,  Bes-ka,  or  Bis-ke,  r  Swed. 

Bytown,  lii-t^n,  i!  C.  W.,  8. 

Byturney,     Bi-ttor-ne,,  or    Yaiturani, 

Vi-t<D-rq-ne,  r  Hind.,  400  m. 
Byzantium,  Biz-an-Ji-um,  ancient  c  on 

the  site  of  modern  Constantinople. 


Cababuri,  Kq-bq-brtJ-re,  r  Brazil. 
Cabagan,  Kq-bq-gqn,  t  Phil.  Is.,  11^. 
Cabapuana,  Kq-ba-pco-q-nq,  r  Bra. 
Cabes,  Kqb-es,  gulf  Med. 
Cibool,    Kq-b(61,    (or  Caboul,  Cabul,) 

Afg.,  60. 
Cabra,  Kq-brq,  t  Sp.,  11)^. 
Cabrera,  Kq-bra-rq,  is  Med. 
Cabriel,  Kq-bre-el,  r  Sp. 
Cacapon,  Kak-a-pon,  (often  Cap-on,) 

r  Ya.,  140  m. 
Caccre.-',  Kq-ta-res,  prov  and  t  Sp.,  12. 
Caceres,  Nueva,  NiD-a-vq  K^-sa-rez,  t 

Phil.,  12. 
Cache,  KaJ,  r  and  t  Ark.;  or  Cal. 
Cachemaso,  KaJ-e-mc'i-so,  p  o  Ark. 
Cachimayo,  Kq-qe-mi-o,  r  Bol.,  340  m. 
Cachooira,  or  Caxoeira,  Kq-Jco-a-i-rq, 

c  Bra.,  15. 
Caddo,  Kad-o,  (Lake,)  Tex.,  La. 
Cadereita,  Kq-de-ra-i-tq,  t  Mex.  4. 
Cadiz,    Ka-diz,    (Sp.    Kq-det,)   prov 

and  c  Sp.,  pop.  54. 
Cadwallader,  Kad-w61-a-der,  p  oO. 
Caen,  Kon,  c  Fr. 
Caerleon,  Ker-lg-on,  t  Eng. 
Caernarvon.  Ker-n^r-von,  v  Pa. 
Caerwys,  Kjr-wis,  t  Wales. 
Caesarea,  Ses-a-re-a,   haven  of  Pales- 
tine,  once   a  place  of   note,  now  a 

mass  of  ruins. 
Cagayan,  Kq-gi-qn,  prov  oi  Is.  Luzon. 
Cagli,  Kql-ye,  t  It.,  9^. 
Cagliari,  Kql-yq  re,  c  cap  Is.  Sar.,  30. 
Cagnano,  Kqn-yq-no,  t  Naples,  4. 
Cagua,  Kq-gwq,  t  Yen.,  b\i. 
Cahawba.  Ka-he-ba,  r  Ala.,  nav.  100 

m.:  t  Ala. 
Cahete,  Kq-a-ta,  t  Bra.,  6. 
Cahir,  or  Caher,  Ka-her,  t  Ir. 

Cahokia,  Ka-ho-ki-a,  v  and  cr  111. 
Cahors,  Kq-6r,  t  Fr.,'  13^^.  ^ 
Cailloma,     or    Caylloma,     Kil-yo-mq, 

prov  and  t  S.  Am. 
Caillou,  Ka-yc6,  or  Ka-lcS,  I  La. 
Cairiris,  Kj-re-rt^,  ?«  Brazil. 
Cairn,  Karn,  i;  and  r  Scot. 
Cairo,  Kj-ro,  cap  c  Egypt,  pop.  250, 
Cairo,  Ka-ro,  t  III.,  at  junction  0.  and 

Miss.  vs. 
Caitawistky,  Kat-a-wist-ki,  cr  N.  C. 
Cajazzo,  Kq-yqt-so,  or  Caiasso,  Kj-^- 

so,  t  Naples.  [Nap. 

Cajeta,  Kq-ya-tq,   (or   Caieta,)  s-pt  c 
Calabar,  Kq-lq-bqr,  {or  Cross  River,) 

r  Af.,  nav.  200  m. 
Calabria,  Ka-la-bri-a,  or  Kq-lq-bri-q, 

part  of  Naples, 
Calahorra,  Kq-lq-6r-q,  c  Sp.,  5%. 
Calais,  Kal-is,  (Fr.  Kq-la,j  s-pt  t  Fr., 

100  ;  c  Me.,  6.  ^ 
Calaisis,  Kq-la-zE,  disYr. 
Calaraianes,  Kq-lq-me-q-nes,  is  Malay 

Arch.  [Sumatra. 

Calantiga,     Kq-lqn-te-gq,     is    N.    E. 
Calapooya,  Kal-a-p(]5-ya,  j)  o   Oregon. 
Calasparra,  Kq-lq^-par-q,  t  Sp.,  bj^. 
Calata  Bellota,    Kq-lq-tq  Bel-6-tq,    t 

and  ;•  Sicily,  4%.  [10. 

Calata  Fimi,  Kq-lq-tq  Fe-me,  t  Sicily, 
Calata -Scibetta,    Kq-lq-tq-Je-bet-q,    t 

Sicily,  4%. 
Calatayud,  Kq-lq-tq-)'(6d,    t  Sp.,  Sj^. 
Calaveras,  Kal-a-va-ras.   r  California. 
Calayan,  Kq-lq-yqn,  i  Malay  Arch. 
Calbuco,  Kql-bct)-ko),  or  El  Fuerle,  El 

Fa)-e?--ta,  t  Chili. 
Calcasieu,  Kal-ka-Jo),  r  and  I  La. 
Calci,  Kql-cjE,  v  Tuscany. 
Calcinaja,  Kql-qs-nq-yq,  t  Tusoany. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Calcio,  Kql-qo,  t  Lombardy. 
Calcken,  Kql-ken,  t  Belcrium. 
Calcutta,  Kal-kdt-a,  c  Hindostan,  seat 

of  gov.  British  India,  230. 
Caldjr,  K>l-der,  r  Eng. 
Caldera,  Kql-da-rq,   port  Costa  Rica: 

s-pt  Hiyti. 
Calder,  Kc\l-der,  r  Scot. 
Caldewgate,  Kel-di^-gat,  suburb  of  the 

city  of  Carlisle,  Eng.,  b}y<^. 
Caldwell,  Keld-wel,  cos  U.  S. 
Caledonia,  Kal-e-J6-ai-a,    anc.  name 

of  Scotland. 
Caledonian  Canal,  Scot,,  connects  the 

Xorta  and  Irish  Seas,  603^  miles. 
Caledonia,  New,  cy  British  N.  Am.;  i 

Calhoun,  Kal-h(6n.  vs  Ga.,  &c. 
Cali,  Kq-le,  t  New  Granada,  4. 
Calicut,  Kal-i-kut,  s-pt  t  Brit.  Ind.,  25. 
California,  Kal-i-fer-ni-a,    st    U.    S., 

area,    188,982   s.  m.,    pop.   in  1852, 

California,  Gulf  of,  arm  of  the  Pacific, 

w.  of  C;il.,  length,  700  miles. 
California,  Lower  or  Old,  dep  Max. 
Calk's  Ferry,  Koks,  po  S.  C.^ 
Callaghans,  Kal-a-hanz,  p  o  Ya. 
Callao,  Kq-lis,  i  China  Sea;  Kq-I4-o, 

6-pt  t  Peru,  8>^.     ^  [gon. 

Callapooya  Indians,  Kal-a-pdo-ya,  Ore- 
Calmina,  Kal-me-na,  t  Africa,  15. 
Calmucks,  or  Calmacks,  people  of  Up- 
per Asia. 
Cain,  Kqn,  p  e  Pa. 
Calne,  Kqn,  t  Eng. 
Calore,  Kq-16-ra,  r  Naples. 
Calpent3'n,  Kql-pen-tjn,  pen  and  8-pt 

Caltagirone,  Kql-tq-ji-r(5-na,  {or  Cal- 

atagirone,)  c  Sicily,  21%.  [17%. 

CaltJtnisetta,  Kql-tq-ni-set-q,  c  Sicily, 
Caltonica,  Kql-ton-i-kq.  t  Sicily,  7. 
Calumet,  Kal-yq,-met,  {or  Calumick,) 

r  Ind.,  and  III. 
Calvados,  Kql-vq-dcSi,  dep  Yt. 
Calvary,  Kul-va-ri,  t  Ohio. 
Calventura,  Kql-ven-t<6-rq,  is  Bay  of 

Calvert,  Kel-v?rt,  co  Md. 
Calw,  or  Kalw,  Kqlv,  t  Ger.,  4>^. 
Calzada,  Kql-t^-dq,  t  New  Castile,  4. 
Cam,  or  Granta,  r  Eng.  [Bra. 

Camacho,    or  Caraaxo,    Kq-mi^-Jo,    h 
Camacuan,  Kq-mq-kw^n,  r  Brazil. 
Camanche,  Ka-man-qc,  o  Iowa. 
Camanche   Indians,    {or    ComaDche,) 

Mexico  and  Texas. 
Caraaranca,  Kq-rnq-r^^-ltq.  r  Africa. 
Camargo,  Kq-m^r-go,  t  Mex.,  v$  U.  S. 

Camargue,  La,  Lq  K(\;Vo(\r^,  pop  i  Fr. 

Camarines,  Kq-mq-re-nes,  two  provs 
Philippines,  island  of  Luzon. 

Cambay,  Kam-ba,  ^M^and  a-pt  il  Hin- 
dostan,  10. 

Cambodia,  Kara-b6-di-q,  (Gamboge,  or 
Camboja,)  t   Siam.  [Fr.,  213^. 

Cambrai,  or  Carabray,  Kam-bra,    ft  i 

Cambria,  Kam-bri-a,  ancient  name  of 
Wales;  cos  U.  S. 

Cambridge,  Kam-brij,  t  Eng.,  28;  c 
Mass.,  15J4;  numerous  ts  U.  S. 

Camden,  Kam-den,  c  N-J.,  15;  t»  S.  C, 
Ala.,  Miss.,  Ark.,  &c. 

Camenz,  Kq-ments,  t  Saxony,  4. 

Camerino,  Kq-ma-rg-no,  c  Italy. 

Cameron  Kam-er-on,  co  and  v  Texas. 

Cameroons,  Kam-er-{bns,  {or  Camer- 
ones,)  r  and  ms  West.  Africa. 

Camiguin,  Kq-mi-gen,   Malay  Arch. 

Caraogli,  Kq-m61-ye,  t  Sardinian 
States,  b%. 

Carapagna,  Kqm-p(\n-yq,  t  Naples,  Q%. 

Campbell,  Kam-el,  cos  and  vs  U.  S.;  i 
South  Pacific  Ocean. 

Campbello,  Kam-bel-o,  v  Mass. 

Campbelton,  Kara-el-ton,  s-pt  t  Scot. 

Campeachy,  or  Campeohe,  Kam-pe-qi, 
gulf  An^  s-pt  tYwGxldin,  18. 

Campinas,  Kqm-pe-nqs,  c  Brazil,  6. 

Campobasso,  K<^m-pQ-bq-so,  ft  c  Na- 
ples,  1%. 

Camtoo^,  Kqm-tcis,  or  -tdos,  r  S.  Af, 

Cana,  Ka-na,  ruined  t  Pal.;  j?  o  la. 

Canaan,  Ka-nan,  or  Ka-na-an,  "Prom- 
ised Land"  of  the  Israelites;  Ts  U.S. 

Canada,  Kan-a-da,  two  British  prov- 
inces in  N.  America;  area,  357,822  s. 
m.,  pop.  1,842,265. 

Canaderaga,  Kan-a-de-re-ga,  I  N-Y. 

Canadian,  Kan-a-di-an,  {or  North 
Channel,)  passage  in  St.  Lawrencej 
r  New  Mexico,  900  m. 

Canajoharie,  Kan-a-jo-har-E,  v  N-Y. 

Canandagua,  Kaa-an-da-gwa,  v  and  I 

Cananore,  Kan-a-n6r,  s-pt  t  Brit.  Ind. 

Canaries,  Ka-nd-riz,  {or  Canary  Is- 
lands,) arch  Atlantic  Ocean,  257^, 
belonging  to  Spain. 

Canasauga,  Kan-a-s6-ga,  v  Tenn. 

Canaseraga,  Kan-a-se-ro-ga,  ■»  N-Y. 

Canastota,  Kan-as-tu-ta,  v  N-Y. 

Canastra,  Kq-nq?-trq,  rns  Brazil. 

Cancale,  Koh-kql,  h  and  s-pt  t  Fr.,  6. 

Cancao,  Kqu-kx,  s-pt  t  Farther  India. 

Candahar,  or  Kandahar,  Kqn-dq-har, 
ft  G  and  cap  Central  Afghanistan, 
pop.  from  25  to  100. 

Candeish,  Kan-duJ,  dis  India. 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Candia,  Kan-di-a,  {or  Crete,)*  Med.; 

S'pt  c  and  cap  island  of   Crete,  12; 

t  Sardinia;  is  U.  S. 
Cane,  Kan,  (or  Ken,)  r  India. 
Canete,  Kqn-ya-ta,   prov   and   s-pt  t 

Cangallo,  Kqn-g41-yo»  pt'f>^  and  t  Peru. 
Cangozima,  Kqn-go-ze-mq,,    {or  Kan- 

gozima,)  s-pt  t  Japan. 
Cangugu,  Kcin-gOD-scb,  r  and  t  Brazil. 
Caniapuscaw,  Kan-i-ap-us-ke,  r  and  I 

,  Canicatti,  Kq-ni-k^-te,  t  Sicily,  18. 
Caninde,  Kq-nen-da,  r  Brazil,  200  tn. 
Canisteo,  Kan-is  te-o,  co,  r  and  v  N-Y. 
Cannes,  Kqn,  s-pt  t  Fr. 
Cannon  River,  Minn.  Ter. 
Cannouchee,  or  Canoochee,  Ka-n<6-qe, 

r  Ga. 
Canoma,  Kq-no-mq,  r  BraziL 
-Canonsiburg,  t  Pa. 
Canquaga,  Kan-kwq-ga,   cr  N-Y. 
Canso,   or  Canseau,    Kan-so,    Gut  of, 

passage  bet.  Nova  Scotia  and  Cape 

Cantabrian,  Kan-ta-bri-qn,  ms   Sp. 
Cantal,  Kon-tql,  dtp  Fr. 
, Canterbury,  Kan-ter-ber-i,  c,  hor  and 

CO  Eog.:  pop.  of  c  18-%;  r*  U.  S. 
Canton,  Kan-ton,  r  and  c  China:  pop. 
.     estimated   by  Balbi  at  500,000,   by 

others  at  1,500,000;  ts  U.  S. 
Canturio,  Kqa-t^-ri-o,  {or  Cantu,)  t 

■  Canuma,  Kq-n(X)-m4,  I  Brazil. 
.  Cap  au  Gray,  Kap  o  Gra,  p  o  Mo. 
-Cape  Agulhas,  H-gflol-yas,   s.  coast  Af. 
.Cape  Aia,  H'yq,  s.  coast  Russia. 
Cape  Anguilla,  An-gwil-q,  coast  New- 
Cape  Apsheron,  Hp-Je-ron,  e.  Georgia, 

Caspian  Sea. 
Cape  Beam,  Ba-arn,  prom  Fr. 
Cape  Beaufort,  Bii-fort,  Rus.  America; 

Brit.  America. 
Cape  Boeo,  Bo-a-o,  w.  point  of  Sicily. 
Cape  Breton,  Bre-ton,  i  Brit.  N.  Am.; 

length  100  miles;  breadth  85  miles; 

pop.  51,880. 
Cape  Coast  Castle,  ft  t  Africa,  10. 
Cape  Cod,  Mass.,  65  miles  long,  from 

1  to  20  miles  wide. 
Cape  Colony,  or  Cape  of  Good  Hope, 

territory  of  Great  Britain,  the  south- 
ern extremi ty  of  Africa,  pop.  1 66,408, 

of  whom  70,000  are  colored. 
Cape  Domesne,  or  Domesnes,  Do-raan, 

Cape  Fear  River,  N.  C,  nav.  120  m. 
Cape  Girardeau,  Je-rqr-da»  co  and  t  Mo. 

Cape  Grisnez,  Gre-na,  France,  point 
nearest  Britain. 

Cape  Haytien,  Ha-ti-en,  (formerly 
Cape  Fran  gals,  Froh-sa,)«-j)^  t  Hayli. 
Pop.  in  1789,  18,500;  in  1851,  6,000. 

Cape  Horn,  Horn,  most  s.  point  Amer., 
on  last  island  of  the  Fuegian  Arch. 

Cape  Island,  c  watering  place,  N.  J. 

Cape  Malabar,  Mal-a-bqr,  s.  e.  extrem- 
ity of  Mass. 

Cape  Matapan,  Mq-tq-pqn,  "s.  extrem- 
ity, Morea,  Greece. 

Cape  May,  s.  extremity  of  N.  J. 

Cape  Maysi,  or  Maiai,  Mj-se,  e.  ex- 
tremity of  Cuba. 

Cape  of  Good  Hope,  see  Cape  Colony. 

Cape  River,  or  Rio  de  Segovia,  r  Cen. 
America,  300  miles  long. 

Capernaum,  Ca-per-na-um,  anc  c  Pal. 

Cape  Town,  ft  s-pt  t  S.  Africa,  22^. 

Cape  Trafalgar,  Traf-al-gqr,  headland 
of  Spain. 

Cape  Verd,  {or  Verde,)  -is  w.  Africa, 
Atlantic  Ocean,  pop.  in  1834,  55,838. 

Cape  Vincent,  Vin-sent,  port  of  entry, 

Capibaribe,  Cq-pe-bq-re-ba,  r  Brazil. 

Capiz,  Kq-pes,  c  Philippines,  ll}^. 

Cappadocia,  Kap-a-du-fi-a,  atic  2>rov 
Asia  Minor;  1}  Naples. 

Cap:sali,  Kqp-sq-lf,  s-pt  t  Ionian  Is.,  5. 

Capua,  Kq-poD-q.  ft  c  Naples,  8. 

Caqueta,  Kq-ka-tq,  r  S.  Am. 

Caracas,  Kq-rq-kqs,  c  and  cap  Ven.,  63. 

Caraglio,  Kq-rql-yo,  t  Piedmont,  6)^. 

Caramnassa,  Kq-rqra-nq-sq,  r  Br.  Ind. 

Carangamite,  Kq-rqn-gq-met,  salt  wa- 
ter lake,  Australia. 

Caravaca,  Kq-rq-vq-kq,  i  Sp.,  10. 

Caravaggio,  Kq-rq-vqd-jo,  t  Italy,  6. 

Caravellus,  Kq-rq-vel-qs,  s-ptt  i  Bra.,  5. 

Carbondale,  Kqr-bon-dal,  c  l^a. 

Carcajente,  Kq?'-kq-Aea-ta,  t  Sp.,  6}^. 

Carcassonne,  Kqr-kq-s6n,  c  Fr,,  20. 

Cardenas,  Kq/"-da-nqs,  s-pt  t  Cuba,  6. 

Cardiff,  or  Caerdiff,  Kqr-dif,  s-pt  t 
South  Wales,  18i^.  [Wales. 

Cardigan,  Kqr-di-gan,  co,  t  and  h  S. 

Cardington,  Kqr-dig-ton,  v  0. 

Cariaco,  Kq-ri-q-ko,  gulf  and  t  Ven- 
ezuela, 7. 

Caribbean,  Kar-i-be-an,  Sea,  portion 
of  the  North  Atlantic  Ocean. 

Caribees,  Kar-i-bez,  part  of  the  West 
India  Islands. 

C:irignano,  Kq-ren-yq-no,  t  Pied.,  8. 

Carinhenha,  Kq-ren-yen-yq,  r  and  i 

Carini,  Kq-re-ne,  r  and  t  Sicily,  7, 

Carleton,  Kqrl-ton,  v  Iowa. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Carlisle,  Kqr-ljl,  c  Eng..  26>^j  t  Pa.. 
6;  vs  Ky.,  0.,  Ind.,  ka. 

Carlow,  Kqr-lo,  co,  par  and  t  Jr.,  8^. 

Carlo witz,  or  Karlowitz,  Kqr-lo-vit^, 
t  Ausiria,  b}^.  [ing- place. 

Carlsbad,  Kqrlz-bqt,  ^Bohemia,  water- 

Carlscrona,  or  Karlskrona,  Kc^Hs-krO)- 
nq,,  Ji  s-pt  t  Sweden,  12)^.  [5. 

Carlsharan,  Kqrls-hqm,yi{  s-pt  t  Swed., 

Carlsruhe,  or  Karlsruhe,  Kqrlz-rO),  c 
cap.  of  Baden,  25%. 

Carlstad.  Kqrl-stqt,  jn-ov  and  t  Swed. 

Carlyle,  Kqr-ljl,  vs  Ala.,  111. 

Carmagnola,  Kqr-raqn-yta-lq,  t  Pled. 

Carmarthen,  Kqr-mqr-den,  s-pt  t  S. 
Wales,  10)^. 

Carmel,  Kqr-inel,  m  Palestine. 

Carmen.  Kqr-men,  i  Gulf  of  Cal. 

Carmi,  Kqr-mi,  v  111. 

Carmoe,  Kqr-me-e,  i  Jforway,  6}^. 

Carmona,  Kqr-mQ-nq,  c  Sp.,  13. 

Carnarvon,  Ka-nqr-von,  (or  Caernar- 
von,) b  and  «-/)^  t  North  Wales,  8%. 

Carolina,  Kar-o-lj-na,  vs  Miss.,  Tex., 

Caroline  Islands,  (or  New  Philippines,) 
arcA.  of  Oceania. 

Carondelet,  Ka-ron-ds-let,  v  Mo. 

Carony,  or  Caroni,  Kq-ro-ne,  r  Vene- 
zuela, 400  miles. 

Carora,  Kq-r6-rq,  (or  Caroro)  ^  Ven.,  9. 

Carouge,  Kq-rif)^,  t  Swit,,  6. 

Carpathian,  {or  Kar-)  Kqr-pa-6i-an, 
mountain  range  in  Europe, chiefly  in 

Carpentaria,  Kqr-pen-tq-ri-a,  gulf  in 
S.  Pac.  Oc,  n.  coast  of  Australia. 

Carpentras,  Kqr-pon-trqs,  c  Fr.,  10%. 

Carrara,  Kq-?-q-rq.  c  It.  [8i^. 

Carrick-on-8uir,  Kar-ik-on-ser,   t  Ir., 

Carrol Iton,  vs  Ga.,  Ala.,  Miss.,  La.,  «&c. 

Carson's  Lake,  w.  part  Utah  Ter. 

Cartagena,  Kqr-ta-jg-na,  c  Sp.,  27%. 

Cartagena,  or  Carthagena,  K^r-ta-je- 
na,  New  Granada,  18. 

Cartago,  Kqr-tq-go,  r  and  h  Mosquito 
Coast;  cap  Costa-Rica;  ^  New  Gran. 

Cartaya,  Kqr-tj-yq,  t  Sp.,  4. 

Carthage,  Kqr-taj,  anc  cap  of  a  fa- 
mous country  of  the  same  name  in 
Northern  Africa;  numerous  ts  U.  S. 

Carthagena.  Kqr-ta-je-na,  p  o  0. 

Carupano,  Kq-ra)-j>4-no,  s-pt  t  Vene- 
zuela, 5.  [Fr.,  4, 

Cirvin-Kpinoy,  Kqr-van-a-pc-nwq,   t 

Casale,  Kq-s^-la,  prov  and  t  Sardinian 
States,  2L 

Casanare,  Kq-sq-nq-ra,  r  N-Granada. 

Casas-Grandos,  Kc'i-sqs-Gr^Q-des,  t 
Chihuahua,  3. 

Cascade,  Kas-kad,  City,  Wash.  Ter. 

Cascade  Range,  ms  w.  part  of  Oregon. 

Casco,  Kas-ko,  Bay,  Me. 

Caserta,  Kq-ser-tq,  t  Naples,  2.5%. 

Cashel,  KaJ-ei,  c  Ir.,  8. 

Cashie,  KaJ-i^  r  N.  C. 

Cashmere,  Kashmir,  Kachemir,  or 
Cachemire,  Kqf-mer,  cy  Hindostan, 
under  the  protection  of  Eng  ;  pop. 
200,000,  having  been  reduced,  in 
twenty  years,  from  800,000,  by  earth- 
quakes, pestilence,  and  famine. 

Cash  River,  s.  extremity  of  111. 

Casoria,  Kq-s6-ri-q,  t  Naples,  8. 

Caspe,  Kqs-pa,  t  Sp.,  7}{. 

Caspian  Kqs-pi-an,  Sea,  inland  sea 
bet.  Europe  and  Asia;  length,  760 
m.,  breadth,  270  m. 

Cassadaga,  Kas-a-da-ga,  Zand'PN-Y. 

Cassandra,  or  Kassandra,  Kq-s^n-drq, 
pen  and  gulf  Eu.  Turkey. 

Cassay,  Kq-sa,  (Kathee,  or  Munni- 
poor.)  ind  cy  Farther  Ind.,  75%. 

Cassel,  or  Kassel,  Kq-sel,  walled  city 
of  Germany,  cap.  of  Hesse-Cassel, 
pop.  34)^;  also  ft  t  Hesse-Darm- 
stadt, pop.  2%;  Kq-sel,  t  Fr.,  4t\^. 

Cassiquiare,  Kq-si-ke-q-ra,  {or  Cassi- 
quiari,)  r  Venezuela. 

Cass  Lake,  central  Mich. 

Cass  River,  Mich. 

Cassville,  ts  N-Y.,  Pa.,  Ga.,  Mo.,  &c. 

Castalia,  Kas-ta-li-a,   v  O. 

Castel-a-Mare,  Kqs-tel-q-mq-ra,  c  Na- 
ples, 16;  t  Sicily,  6. 

Castellon  de  la  Plana,  Kq3-tel-y6n  da 
Iq  P14-nq,  c  Sp.,  J  7.  [10. 

Castelnaudary,  Kqs-tel-nca-dq-re,  t  Fr., 

Castel  Nuovo,  Kqs-tel  Na)-6-vu),  ft  t 
Dalmatia,  7. 

Castiglione,  Kqs-tel-y6-na,  ts  Italy, 
Naples,  Sicily,  &c. 

Castile,  Kqs-ttl,  former  kingdom  of 
Spain,  (Old  and  New,)  ts  CJ.  S. 

Castine,  Kas-ten,  port  of  Entry,  Me. 

Castlebar,  Kas-l-b^r,  r  and  t  Ir. 

Castlereagh.  Kas-l-ra,  r  Australia. 

Castleton,  Kds-1-ton,  vs  Vt.,  N-Y.,  &c. 

Castletown,  Kds-l-tun,  cap  Isle  of 
Man,   Eng.,  2%. 

Castor,  Kas-tor,  hai/ou  La.;  r  Mo. 

Castres,  K^s-tr,  t  Fr.,  20%. 

C.ustro,  Kqs-tro,  s-pt  t  Naples,  7;  t 
As.  Turkey.  6K:   ts  Brazil,  Chili. 

Castro-del-Rio,  Kqs-trta-dol  Rg-o,  t 
Sp.,  9.  [Sicily,  11^. 

Castrogiovanni,     Kqs-trca-jo-v^-ne,    e 

Castro-Urdiales,  Kq3-trQ-(Dr-di-q-le8, 
t  Sp.,  3. 

Catahoula.  Kat-a-h(6-Ia,  /  La. 

Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Catalamet,  Kat-a-la-raet,  v  "Wash.  Ter. 
Catalonia,  Kq-tq-lu-ni-a,  old  prov  Sp. 
Catamarca,  Kq-tq-inqr-kq,    dej)  and  t 

La  Plata.,  4. 
Catanduanes,  Kq-tqn-ddb-^-nes,  one  of 

the  Philippine  Islands.  [^^}4- 

Catania,  Kq-tq-ni-q,    (j   and  c  Sicily, 
Catanziro,  Kq-tqn-zq-ro,  c  Nap.,  11)^. 
Catapuliche,  Ivq-tq-pco-le-qa,  r  S.  Am. 
Catasauqua.  Kat-a-s6-kwa,  v  Pa. 
Catatonk,  Kat-a-t6i)k,  p  o  N.  Y. 
Cataula,  Ka-te-la,  cr  and  p  a  Ga. 
Catawba,  Ka-te-ba,  r  N.  and  S.  C. 
Catawissa,  Kat-a-wis-a,    m,  cr  and  xi 

Cateau,  Le,  Le  Kq-t(5,  t  Pr.,  8)^. 
Catfish  River,  Wis. 
Catorce,  Kq-to/'-ba,  t  Mex. 
Catrimani,  Kq-tri-mq-ne,  r  Brazil. 
Catrine,  Ka-tren,  v  Scot. 
Catskill,  Kats-kil,  ms  and  t  N-Y. 
Cattaraugus,  Kat-a-re-gus,     cr  and  t' 

Cattaro,  Kq-tq-ro,  s-pt  t  Austria.' 

Cattegat,  Kat-e-gat,  arm  of  North 
Sea,  w,  Sweden. 

Cauambe.  K^-qm-ba,  or  Gaume,  G5- 
raa,  r  Brazil. 

Cauca,  K-8-kq,  r  New  Gran. 

Caucasus,  Ke-ka-sus,  range  of  moun- 
tains forming  the  boundary  bet.  Eu- 
rope and  Asia,  700  m.  in  length. 

Cauca.sus,  portion  of  the  Russian  Em- 
pire contiguous  to  Caucasian  Mts. 

Caudebec-les-Elbeuf,  Kod-bek-Iaz-El- 
bef,  t  Fr.,  1%. 

Caughdenoy,  Ke-dc-n^,  p  o  N.  Y. 

Caughnawaga,  Kn-na-we-ga,  v  N-Y. 

Cauquenes,  K-s-ka-nes,  min.  springs, 

Caura,  K-s-rq,  r  Venezuelan  Gaiana. 

Cauten,  K>5-ten,(w  Imperial,)  r  Chili. 

Cauto,  K-s-to,  r  Cuba. 

Cava,  Kq-vq,  t  Naples  13. 

Cavailhm,  Kq-va-yon,  t  Fr.,  73^. 

Cavanas,  Kq-vq-nqs,  port  of  Cuba. 

Cavery,  K6-ver-i,  {or  Cauvery,)  r  Ind. 

Cavesa,  Ka-va-sa,   cr  Tex. 

Cave  Spring,  Ga.,  seat  of  state  asylum 
for  the  deaf  and  dumb. 

Cavite,  Kq-ve-ta,/^  s-pt  t  Phil.  Is. 

Cawnpoor,  Caunpoor,  Ken-pcfer,  {or 
Caunpore,)  dis  and  t  Hindostan. 

Caxamarca,  or  Cajamarca,  Kq-Aq-mqr- 
kq,  c  Peru,  8.  [Bra. 

Caxias,  or  Cachias,   Kq-Je-q«,    com.  t 

Cayambe,  Kj-qm-ba,  (w  Cayambeur- 
cu,  Ki-qm-ba-oor-kdb,  m  in  Ecuador, 
19,53o  feet  high.  [i  At,  Oc. 

Cayenne,  Ki-en,  s-pt  cap  Fr.  Guiana; 

Caymans,  Kj-mcinz,  three  is  Brit.  W. 

Caymites,  Kj-mst,  two  is  West  Ind. 

Caymito,  Kj-ms-to,  r  New  Gran. 

Cayo  Cocas,  Kj-o  Ko-kqs,  i  Carribean 
Sea,  belonging  to  Cuba;  —  Largo, 
Lq/'-go,  ditto;  —  Romano,  Ro-m^- 
no,  ditto. 

Cayuga,  Ka-yq-ga,  I,  v  and  co  N-Y.; 
Ts  5lis3.,  Mich.,  Can.  West. 

Cayuse,  Kq-yv^s,  Indians,  Oregon. 

Cayuta,  Ka-yi|,-td,  v,  cr  and  I  N-Y. 

Cazembe,  Kq-zem-be,  cy  Africa. 

Cazenovia,  Kaz-en-6-vi-a,  t' N-Y.,  5. 

Cazorla,  Kq-tJr-lq,  c  Sp.,  7}£. 

Cea,  Ra-q,  r  Sp. 

Ceccano,  fe!ek-4-no,  v  It.,  6. 

Cecina,  Ga-qe-uq,  r  Tus. 

Cedar  Bluff,  v  Ala. 

Cedar  Rapids,  t  Iowa. 

Cedarville,  ts  N-J.,  0.,  &c. 

Cefalu,  Ga-fq-ldb,  ft  s-pt  t  Sicily,  9. 

Ceglie,  Gal-ya,  c  Naples,  7)^, 

Cehegin,  cla-a-Aen,  t  Sp.,  9)^. 

Celebes,  Sel-e-bes,  i  Malay  Arch.,  gov- 
ernment federal  and  republican,  pop. 
2,000.000.  \\2. 

Celle,  Tsel-e,  or  Zell,  Tsel,  t  Hanover, 

Centenary  College,   Jackson,  La. 

Central  America.     See  America. 

Central  Falls,  v  R.  I. 

Central  Village,  or  North  Plainfield, 
manufacturing  v  Conn. 

Centreville,  Sen-ter-vil,  ts  Mass.,  R.  I., 
Conn.,  0.,  la.,  &c.,  &c. 

Cephalonia,  Sef-q-16-ni-q,  i  Med.; 
length  32  m.,  breadth  12  m.;  under 
protection  of  Eng.,  pop.  633^. 

Ceram,  or  Zeram,  S£-rqn,  i  Malay 
Arch.,  226. 

Cerea,  Ga-ra-q,  t  Lom.,  b%, 

Ceresco,  Se-res-ko,  vs  Mich..  "Wis. 

Cerignola,  Ga-ren-yo-lq,  t  Nap.,  lO}^. 

Cerigo,  Cer-i-go,  s.  Ionian  Is.,  pop.  9. 

Cerro-de- Pasco,  Se;'-o  da  Pqs-ko,  t 
Peru,  16. 

Cerro  Gordo,  Ser-o  G6r-do,  battle- 
field, 60  m.  n.  w.  city  Mex.;  ts  U.  S. 

Cesena,  Ca-sa-nq,  t  It.,  12. 

Cesenatico,  Ca-sa-nq-ti-ko,  s-pt  t  Pon- 
tifical States. 

Cette,  Set,  ft  s-pt  t  Fr.,  \^}i. 

Cettina,  Tse-tg-nq,  r  Austria. 

Ceuta,  Si'i-ta,  s-pt  t  Af.,  belonging  to 
Sp.,  81^. 

C^vennes,  Sa-ven,  ms  Fr. 

Ceylon,  Se-lon,  i  Ind.  Oc,  belonging 
to  Great  Brit.,  length  270  m.  breadth 
100  m.,  pop.  1,507,000. 

Cezimbra,  Sa-zem-brq,  s-pt  t  Port.,  5. 



Chabouil,  S\-bely,  t  Fr.,  4>^. 
Cbablais,  Xi-bla.  prov  Savoy,  54%. 
Cliachacoraaui,    Gi^-qq-ko-nn^-ne,     m 
peak  Andes,  in   Jijlivia,  2t),235    ft. 
Chachapoyas,  (iJq^^ri-pQ-yqs,  (or  Cha- 

capjyas,)  t  Peru. 
Cbadda,  fc)ad-a,  /'Guinea.  [Plata, 

Chadi-Leubu,  (^4,'*lE'Le-a>-b(f»,  r  La 
Cbaeronea,  Ker-o-u8-a,  ruined  c  of  Gr, 
Cbagres,  y<i-gros,  s-p  t  New  Granada. 
Chagres  River,  Istbuius  of  Panama. 
Cixagrin  Falls,  X.i-grin  Folz,  v  and  /' 0. 
Chalcis,  Kal-sis,  {or  Xegropont)  ^  Gr. 
Clialdea,    Kal-dE-a,    aao  dio    As.,  on 

the  Euphrates. 
Chalear,  X.X-li»r,  h  Gulf  of  St.  Law. 
Chalonues-sur-Loire,    Eq-16n-se?*-lwqr, 

t  Fr.  [6'  Fr.,  \b%. 

Caalons-sur-Marne,    Sq-lQh-ser-mqA-u, 
Caalon-sar-Saone,  -san,  t  Fr.,  16)^. 
Chama,  Wq-mq,  /■  Yen. 
C  lainahatchie,  fclam-a-haq-i,  p  o  AXa.. 
Coaniberiburg.       Kam-berz-burg,       t 

Pa.,  5  ;  IS  0.,  la. 
Cbauibersia,  fc)am-ber-Ji-a,  v  Tex. 
Ch  iinbijry,  S  »h-ba-r«,  c,  cap  Savoy,  16. 
Chambly,  Xun-bli,  co  and  ''  C.  E. 
ChaoDuni,  Sq-mo-ne,  {or  Cbamonix,) 

picturesque  val  and  t  Sar.  States. 
Champagne;,  Son-pqny,  old  proo  Fr. 
Champagnolle,  X  im-pan-yol,  tv  and  t) 

Champaign,  Xim-pan,  cosM.  S. 
Cftampliin,    Jtlim-plan,    I   bet.    N-Y., 

Jtnd  Vt.,  130  by  i^  to  10  in.:  t  N-Y., 

5;  V  C.  E. 
Chanahachee,  Gan-a-baq-e,  p  o  Ala. 
Chandeleur,  Sin-de-ltor,  h  8.  e.  La. 
Cbaadernagore,  Xqu-de/'-nq-gor,  Fr.  t 

Kjngal,  \Vo%. 
Chandlersville,  6'and-lerz-vil,  t  0. 
Cbangcboofoo,    ^qg-quQ-fO).    c    China, 

pop.  from  81)0,000  to  1,000,000, 
Ch  ing-Mai,  (!^qi]-mi,  t  Lao?,  25. 
Chang-Sha,  fqn-Jq.  c  China. 
Channahon,  Can-a-hon,  v  111. 
Channel    Cdn-el    (Islands,)    group  in 

the   Eng.   Chan.,   belonging   to   the 

Eng.  crown. 
Cha  )-TchoL),  €4-ca-q  6,  or  Tchao-Cheou- 

Fou,  Cq-(a-(ja-<f)-loQ,  c  China. 
Chapila,  fc)q-pq-lq,  L  Mux. 
Chapari,  Cq-pq-rg,  r  Bol. 
Cnapelle  Agaon,  La,  Lq  Sq-pdl  fln- 

yCiii,  t  Fr. 
Chapella  St.   Denis,    La,  San   Da-ne, 

t  Fr.,  X'^y^. 
Chapola  Uiver,  Ca-pcS-la,  Fa.,  Ala. 
Chapoo,  feJq-pi),  or  Xq-pdb,  t  China. 
Cbappaqua,  Ca-pt5-kwa,  v  N-Y. 

Chapultepec,    Gq-pol-ta-p^k,    fortress 

of  Max.,  2  m.   s.  w.  of  the  capital. 
Charbar,  Sqr-bqr,  {or  Choubar,;  h  Bal. 
Chard,  Gqrd,  t  Eng.,  by^. 
Chardou,  Gqr-don,  t?  0.,  1. 
(!!harikar,  Gar-i-kqr,  t  Afg.,  5. 
Chariton,  Car-i-ton,  r  Iowa,  and  Mo., 

X6  Mo.,  Iowa. 
Charlemont,  fc/'qr-le-raont,  v  Mass. 
Charlerot,  Sir-le-rer,  ft  t  Bel.,  6>^. 
Charles  River,  Mass. 
Charleston,  c  and  port  of  entry,  S.  C, 

43  ;  ts  and  ts  III.,  Iowa,  &c. 
Charlestown,  Cqrlz-tTsn,  c  and  »-pt  ad- 
joining Boston,  Mass.,  pop.  \i]/i\  i>8 
N-H.,  Pa.,  Va.,  la. 
Charleville,  Eq;'-le-vel,  t  Fr,,  9%. 
Charlevoix,  Zqr-lg-vdr,  co  Mich. 
Charloe,  Gqr-lio,  v  O. 
Charlotte,  i^qr-lot,  ts  Vt.,  N-Y.,  N.  C. 
Charlotte  Amalie,    -H-mq-le-e,    t,  cao 

of  the  Is.  St.  Thomas,   10. 
Charlotte  Harbor,   {or  Buca  Grande,) 
w.  coast  of  Fa.  [Prus.,  1%. 

Charlottonburg,      Sqr-16t-en-bia/'A,     t 
Charlotte  River,  N-Y.  [Va.,  la. 

Charlottesville,    Eqr-lots-vil,    ts  N-Y., 
Charlotte-town,   cap   Pr.   Edward   Is,, 

Brit.  Am.,  \%. 
Charties,  Cqr-teri!,  t  Pa. 
Chartres,  >Ii/--tr,  c  Fr.,  18}^. 
Chateaugay,  ><  vto-ga,  r,  I  and  t  N-Y.; 

V  and  /•  C.  E. 
Chateauroux,  i^j-to-ro),  t  Fr.,  16. 
Chatham,  Cat-am,  r-pt,  naval  arsenal 
and    t   Eng.,    pop.    28_W ;    vs   Mass., 
Conn.,   N-Y.,   N-J.,  III.,   C.   E.,  C. 
W.,  N-Brunswick. 
Chatham  Harbor,  e.  ex.  Cape  Cod. 
Chatham  Islands,  S.  Pac,  e.  N-Zeal. 
Chattahoochee,     Cat-a-bob-Qe,    r    Ga., 
length  550  m.,  nav.  350  m.  from  the 
Gulf;  V  Fa.  containing  U.  S.  ars. 
Chattanooga,  Cat-a-nib-ga,  v  Tenn. 
Chattooga,  Ca-Ub-ga,  r  bet.  S.  C.   and 
Ga.,  also  /■  Ala.  ,  • 

Chaudaire,  EiO-dg-q^,  r  C.  E. 
Ciiaumont,  Xj-mtJu,  t  Fr.,  6)^, 
Chaumont,  Su)-ma),  v  N-Y. 
Chauncey,  Cci^n-si,  v  0. 
Chautauque,  >iA-te-kwe,  co  and  I  N-Y. 
Chaux-do-fond,  La,    Lq  ii^uj-dtj-fon,  t 

Chazy,  Xaz-8,  r,  I  and  v  N-Y. 
Cheadle,  Ce-dl,  t  Eng..  A%. 
Cheat  River,   Va.  and  Pa. 
('hoduba,  Ce-ddb-bq,  i  Far.  Ind.,  8)^. 
Cheoktowaga,  Cek-to-a-ga,  p  o  ii')[» 
Chehaw,  Ce-ho,  r  S.  C. 
CbehalLi,  Ce-Ua-li3,  co  Wash,  Ter. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Chelmsford,  G^mz-ford,  t  Eng.,  7%. 
Cliulsea,  (I'el-se,  t  Eiig.,  51)}^. 
Chel:>ea,  fe'el-se-a,  t'*  V't.  2:  Mass.,  6^ 

Mich.,  &c. 
Cheltenham,  t'elt-nam,  t  and  watering 

place,  Eng.,  35. 
Cuemnitz,  //eiu-nits,  t  Sax.,  28%. 
Chemung,  Xe-miin,  r,  co  and  v  N-Y.; 

V  III. 
Chenango,  Se-nag-go,  r  and  co  N-Y. 
Chenook,    tJc-ntJuk,    (^or    Chinook,)    r 

Wash.  Ten. 
Chepjichet,  tJe-pak-et,  -»  R.  I. 
Chepillo,  fe!a-pel-3'u,  i  off  the  s.  coast 

of  the  Isthmus  of  Pannma. 
Chepo,  fc/'a-po,  r  and  t  N-Gran. 
Chepstow,  6ep-stQ.  t  and  r-jut  Eng. 
Cher,  X^r,  r  Ceii.  Fr. 
Cherasco,  Ka-rqs-kcj,  t  Pied.,  8%. 
Cheraw,  &e-re,  «  S.  C,  1. 
Cherbourg,  Xer-burg,  ft  s-pt  t  naval 

station,  Fr.,  28. 
Cheribon,  or  Sheribon,  Ser-i-bon,  s-pt 

t  Java,  11. 
Cherokee,  fJer-o-ke,  (Indians)  a  noble 

tribe    who    formerly    o(^cupied    the 

southern  portion  of  the  Appalachian 

Mountains,  and  contiguous  ter.,  now 

nearly  extinct ;  a>8  and  ts  U.  S. 
Cherry   Valley,   X8  N-Y.,    Pa.,  Tenn., 

III.,  Ac. 
Cherso,    Ker-so,   i  of  Illyria,   in  the 

Adriatic,  pop.  14. 
Chersoae^us,  Ker-so'-ng-sus,  anc.  name 

of  several  peninsulas. 
Chertsey,  Ces-i,  t  Eng.,  6. 
Chesapeake,    Ges-a-pek,    largest  J   in 

U.  S.,  length,  200  m. 
Chesapeake  City,  v  Md. 
Chesham,  t'ej-am,  t  f^ng.,  6.  [&c. 

Cheshire,  fc^ej-er,   ts  Mass.,  Conn.,  O., 
Chestatee,  ties-ta-te,  r  Ga. 
Chester,  b'es-ter,  c  Eng.,  27%;  vs  N-H., 

Vt.,  Mass.,  Conn.,  N-Y.,  Pa.,  111. 
Chesterfield,  fe'es-ter-feld,  t  Eng.,  714  ; 

0)  N-H,,  Mass.,  S.  C,   «tc.;  —  Inlet, 

Brit.  N.  Am.,  length,  250  m. 
Chester  River,  Del.,  and  Md.    [0.,  &c. 
Chestertown,  r$  N-Y.,  Md.,  Pa.,  S.  C. 
Chesuncook,  &e-sdn-kuk,  I  Me. 
Chetachee,  fc/'e-tq-qg,  cr  Ala. 
Cbetimaches,    (:)et-im-aq-ez,    or    Set- 

maj,  I  La.  \m  Eng. 

Cheviot,   t'iv-i-ot,   or  Cev-i-ot,   ■u   0.; 
Chiantla,  fe-E-qnt-lq,  r  and  t  Gua. 
Chiapa,   ©E-q-pq,    s.  state  Mex.  Con., 

pop.  162.       ^  [7. 

Chiararaonte,  Ke-q-rq-mon-ta,   t  Sic, 
Chiari,  Ke-q-re,  t  Lom.,  9.  [10)^. 

Chiavari,  Kc-q-vq-rc,  ^  Sar.   States, 

Chicago,  Si-ke-go,  com.  c  111.,  on  Lake 
Mich,  and  Chicago  River,  remarka- 
ble for  its  rapid  growth.  It  con- 
tained in  1840,  4%  inhabitants, 
1850,  30  ;  1853,  60%  ;  1855,  87i^, 

Chicapa,  Cs-kq-pq,  rand^i  Mex. 

Chichester,  feJicj-es-ter,  c  Eng.,  8%. 

Chickahominy,  6)ik-a-h6m-i-ni,  /•  Va. 

Chickamauga,  fcJik-a-me-ga,  cr  Ga.  and 

Chickasaw,  Gik-a-se,  r  Ga.;  'o  Ala.; 
Indian  tribe  originally  occupying 
portions  of  Mississippi  and  Alabama. 

Chickopee,  (^ili-o-pe,  r  Mass. 

Chickopee  Falls,  v  Mass.,  2)^. 

Chico,  t^e-ko,  ^>  0  Cal. 

Chicot,  y^i  ku),  co  Ark. 

Chicsoi,  yek-.sQ-E,  r  Guatemala. 

Chictawaga,  (jJik-ta-we-ga,  ip  N.  Y. 

Chienne  or  Cheyenne,  i^e-eu,  Indian 
tribe  Mo. 

Chieri,  Ke-a-re,  t  Pied.,  133^. 

Chieti,  Ke-a-te,  ft  c  Naples,  17%. 

Chignecto,  Xig-uek-to,  b  bt.  N.  S.  and 
N.  B. 

Chihauhau,  Ce-wq-wq,  c  and  et  Mex- 
ican Confederation,  14. 

Chikiri,  Cheekeeree,  or  Tchikiri,  Ge- 
ke-re,  /•  Mant<;hooria,  China. 

Chila,  ye-lq,  r  Peru,  105  m. 

Chilapa,  fcJe-lq-pq,  and  Chilapilla,  Ge- 
Iq-pel-yq,  rg.  Mex. 

Chilhowee,  Gil-h-s-e,  m  and  p  0  Tenn. 

Chili,  t'il-E,  ind  rep  S.  A.,  area  170,000 
s.  m.,  pop.  mostly  of  Spanish  and 
Indian  descent;  ts  N-Y.,  0.,  Ind., 
111.,  &c. 

Chillicothe,  Gil-i-kot-e,  c  0.,  7%;  t* 
III.,  Mo.,  Iowa. 

Chillisquaque,  Cil-is-kwd-kwE,  v  and 
cr  Pa. 

Chillitecaux,  Sil-i-te-ko,  J?  0  Mo. 

Chilo,  (^j-lo,  V  0. 

Chiloe,  ^E-lo-a,  i  w.  coast  S.  A.,  42. 

Chilpanzingo,  fcJEl-pqn-sin-go,  t  Mex. 
Confederacy,  27. 

Chiltepec,  Gfil-ta-pek,  r  Mex.  Con. 

Chimbarongo,  t^Em-bq-ron-gO,  r  Chili. 

Chimborazo,  Gim-bo-rq-zo,  in  S.  A. 
Height,  21,424  ft. 

Chimepanipesiick,  Ssm-pq-nEp-stEk,  r 
Canada  East. 

China,  (see  Chinese  Empire)  fs  Me., 
NY.,  Mich.,  &c. 

China  Sea,  portion  of  the  Pacific  Go. 

Chincha  Islands,  Gin-qq  i'landz,  tre 
small  is  Pac.  Oc.  near  Peru,  noted  for 
their  guano. 

Chinchilla,  Gin-qel-yq,  c  Spain,  12)^. 

Chinchou,  Cen-Qwu,  t  Spain,  53/^. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Chin-choo,  Gin-qtft,  region  and  c  China. 

Chincoteague,  Gii)-ko-teg.  p  o  Va. 

Chinendcga,  G"e-neu-da-gi\,  New  and 
Old  ts  Nicaragua. 

Chinese  Empire,  extensive  ter.  of  Asia. 
Area,  5,000,000  s.  m.;  pop.,  400,- 
000,000.  Divided  into  China  Proper 
and  the  dependencies  :  Corea,  Mant- 
chooria,  Mongolia,  Elee,  including 
Soongaria,  East  Toorkistan,  Koko- 
nor,  Thibet,  and  various  islands. 

China  Proper,  area  1,297,999  s.  m.;  pop. 

Ching-ILii,  Cii)-hj,  seaport  t  China. 

Ching-Kiang.  (<^ig-kE-qi),  c  China. 

Ching-Kiang-Foo,  fe)io-ke-qy-lif),  ft  c 
China.  [India. 

Chingleput,  Gig-gl-pdt,  dis  and  c  Br. 

Chiobbe,  Ce-6b-a,  t  China,  300. 

Chioggia,  Ke-6i-ja,/i  t  N.  Italy,  27. 

Chipicani,  Ce-pe-kq-ne,  ni  p  Andes. 
Height,  19,740  ft. 

Chipola,  Ci-p6-la,  r  Ala.,  150  m. 

Chippenham,  Cip-num,  t  Eng. 

Chippewa,  Cip-r-wa,  r«  0.,  Mich.,  "Wis.; 
r«  Pa.,  0.,  la..  III.,  C.  W.  [Wis. 

Chippeway  or  Ojibbeway,   Indian   ir 

Chiquimula  de  la  Sierra,  6e-ke-ina>-lq 
da  Iq  Se-er-q,  t  Cen.  A. 

Chiquimula,  ist.  Cen.  A. 

Chiquitos,  Ce-ke-tos,  ter  Bolivia. 

Chiriqui,  Ce-re-ke,  r,  lagoon  and  arch 
Costu  Kica. 

Chirripo,  Ce-re-po,  xd  and  r  Costa  Ri. 

Chisago,  Ci-so-gu),  co  Minnesota. 

Chit;wick,  Ciz-ik,  joar  Eng.  [Y. 

Chittenango,  Cit-en-ay-gG),  cr  and  «  N- 

Chivasso,  Ke-vq-so,  c  Piedmont,  7^. 

Chocolochee,  Co-ko-ia-qe,  cr  Ala. 

Choctaw,  G6k-to,  Ind  ir  Miss,  [and  Fa. 

Choctawhatchee,  Cok-te-haq-e,  r  Ala. 

Choestoe,  C6-sto,  y  o  Ga. 

Choiseul,  Xwq-zel,  i  S.  Pac.  Oc. 

Choleechel,  Co-la-qel,  i  I^a  Plata. 

Cholet  or  ChoUet,  Xo-Ia,  i  France,  10^^ 

Cholniondeley,  Kdm-li,  seat  of  a  mar- 
quis, Eng.  [Indians. 

Cholula,  Co-I(f>-lq,  i  Mex.,  10,  wholly 

Chono.-*,  Cij-nos,  arch  W.  l^atagonia. 

Choo-Kiang,  CoD-ke-^o,  Chinese  for 
Canton  River. 

Choptank,  (!/'6p-ta^k,  r  Del.  and  Md. 

Chorley,  C6r-li,  t  Eng.,  125^. 

Cborolqup,  Co-rol-ka.  m  Bolivia.  Ele- 
vation, 16,548  ft. 

Chowan,  Ccj-won,  r  N.  C.       [Ph.,  Wis. 

Christiana,    Kris-ti-d-na,   r  Mich.;   rs 

Chriatiania,  Kris-ti-q-ni-q,  cape  Nor- 
way, 26»^.  [t  Norway.  H^. 

ChrutUuMiad,  Kris-ti-(iQ-sqnd,  ft  H-pt 

Christianstadt,  Kris-ti-qn-stqf,  ft  t  S. 
Sweden.  [St.  Croix. 

Christiansted,  Kris-ti-qn-sted,  t  island 

Christiansund,  Kris-ti-qn-soond,  8-pt  i 

Chuapa,  (viT)-(!\  pq,  r  ChMi. 

Chucuito,  Coo-kwE-to,  t  Bolivia. 

Chulafinne,  Ca)-la-f in, />  o  Ala. 

Chulahoma,  Coo-la-hij-uia,  v  Miss. 

Chuuibul,  Cum  bu.1,  r  India,  500  va. 

Chuprah,  Cup-ra,  t  Br.  India,  50. 

Chuqueapo,  Ca>-ka-q-p6,  r  Bolivia. 

Chuqoibamba,  (<Ja>-ke-bqm-bq,  t  Peru; 
?n,  elevation  21,000  ft. 

Chuquisaca,  Cuo-ke-sq-kq,  {or  La  Pla- 
ta,] cap  Bolivia,  12. 

Churchill,  Ciirq-il,  {or  Missinnippi,)  r 
Brit.  Am.,  700  m.  [U.  S. 

Churubuseo,    Cdo-ruo-bdM-ko,   ig  Mex., 

Cibolo,  Se-bo-ltt,  /'  Texas. 

Cicero,  Sis-er-u,  r*  N-Y.,  0.,  Ind. 

Cicola,  CE-k(b-lq,  r  Austria. 

Cienfuegos,  Se-en-f  wa-gos,  t  Cuba,4^. 

Cieza,  lie-a-tq,  t  Spain,  7. 

Cinaloa  (/r  Sinaloa,  Siu-q-16-q,  at  and  i^ 
Mex.,  9}4. 

Cincinnati,  Sin-sin-d-ti,  c  0.,  fifth  in 
size  in  the  Union,  160 i^;  is  la..  Mo., 
Iowa,  O/.  Terr. 

Cinque  (aiyk)  Ports,  s-pts  Eng.,  en- 
dowed with  various  privileges,  in 
consideration  of  furnishing  ships  of 
war  for  the  king's  use,  when  de- 

Circassia,  Ser-kaJ-i-a,  cy  s.  e.  cor.  of 
Eu.:  area  40,000  s.  m.,  pop.  650,000. 

Circleville,  Ser-kl-vil,  t  O.,  4}^;  vs  la., 

Cirencester,  Sis-e-ter,  t  Eng.  [111. 

Cisalpine  (Sis-al-pin)  Republic,  a  for- 
mer nt  Italy. 

Citronelle,  Sit-ro-nol,  v  Ala.  [ta. 

Citta  Yecchia,  Ci-t(\  Vek-i-q,  //  c  Mal- 

Ciudadela,  Se-uu-dq-da-lq,  c  and  spi 
island  of  Minorca,  7%.  [6>^. 

Ciudad  Real,  Se-iD-dqd  Ra-^l,  t  Mex., 

Ciudad  Real,  Rt-a-d^d.  Ra-ql,  c  Sp., 

Civita  Vecohia,  6e-V8-tq  Vek-e-q,  s-jii 
c  Pontifical  States. 

Clackamas,  Klak-a-mas,  r  Oregon. 

Claiborne,  Kla-burn,  sov.  eoi  U.  S.;  r« 
Ala.,  Miss. 

Claru,  Klq-rq,  t  Cuba. 

Clare,  Ki^r,  r  Ir.;  i  off  w.  coast  of  Ir. 

Claremont,  Kljj,r-m6nt,  v  N-Il. 

Clarence,  Klar-ens,  a  S.  A.;  r  Australia. 

Clarendon,  Klar-on-don,  v»  Vt.,  N-Y. 

Clarion,  Klar-i-on,  r  and  v  Pa. 

Clarke's  or  Flathead,  r  Wash.  Terr. 

Clarkesvillo,  Kl<:irks-vil,  v  Ga.,  )^. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Clarksburg,  t  Ya.,  1J4;  vs  Ky.,  0.,  «tc. 
Clarks,  r  w.  pjirt  of  Ky. 
Clarkston,  Klqrks-ton.  v  Mich. 
Clarksville,   t   Va.,   1;   vs  Ala.,   Tex., 

Ark.,  Tenn.,  Ac. 
Clausthal  {ot-  Klaus- ),  Kl-ys-tql,  t  Han. 
Clay,  Kla,  cos  and  ^//«  U.  S.  [&c. 

Claysville,  Klaz-vil,  r«  Ky.,  0.,  lod., 
Clayton,  Kla-ton,  vs  N-Y.,  III.,  &c. 
Clearfield,  Kler-feld,  v  Pa.,  X-  i.^  Wis. 
Clearwater,  Kler-we-ter,   r  lir.  N.  A.; 
Cleckheaton,  Klek-e-ton,  t\  Eng. 
Clerkenwell,  K!er-ken-wel,  out-jjar  of 

London,  56%;. 
Clermont,  Kler-mont,  r«  C,  Ind. 
Clermont-Ferrand,  Kle/'-moh-Fer-on,  c 

France,  333^. 
Cleveland,  Kiev-land,  c  and  Z^>^  0.,  41; 

r*  N-Y.,  Tenn.,  Ind.,  111. 
Cleves,  Klevz,  U  Prussia,  Ohio. 
Clifton,  Klif-ton,  watering-place,  Eng., 

14;  sev.  rs  U.  8. 
Clinch,  Klinq,  r  Va.  and  Tenn. 
Clinton,  Kiin-ton,  ts  Me  ,  Mass.,  Conn., 
•    N-Y.,  N-J.,  La.,  &c. 
Clinton-  Golden     (Klin-ton-G(f)l-den) 

Lake,  Er.  N.  A. 
Clinton  River,  Mich.,  50  m. 
Clintonville,  vs  N-Y.,  Ac. 
Clio,  Klj-Q,  rs  S.  C,  Ky.,  0. 
Clitheroe,  Klid-er-co,  t  Eng.,  ll}-^. 
Clonmel,  Klon-mel,  t  Ir.,  133^. 
Cloverdalc,  K16-ver-dal,  v  la. 
Cloverport,  Klo-ver-pwrt,  v  Ky. 
Clwyd,  Klwid,  r  N.  Wales. 
Clyde,  Kljd,  r  Scotland;  t  N-Y.;  v  0. 
Clymer,  Klj-mer,  v  N-Y. 
Coahoma,  Kw-a-hu-ma,  co  Miss. 
Coanza,  Ko-qn-za,  r  Lower  Guinea. 
Coast  Range,  Ktust  Ranj,  Wi  Cal. 
Coatesville,  KJ)ts-vil,  v  Pa.  [Mex. 

Coatzacoalco,      Ko-qt-sq-ko-ql-kw, 
Coban,  Ko-bqn,  <''  Guatemala,  14. 
Cobbesseconteo,  Kob-es-kon-te,  r  Me. 
Cobija,  Kfl-be-Aq,  (or  Port  la  Mar,)  6- 

pt  Bolivia. 
Coblentz,  K6b-lents,/r;  c  Prus.,  \9>%. 
Cobourg,  Kd-hnrg,  [jort  of  entvy  C.  W. 
Coburg,  K<ii-bu;'</,  i  Cen.  Ger.,  10. 
Cochabamba,   Ko-^q-bqm-bq,  w  Con- 

dorillo,  Kon-do  rel-yoj,  r  Bolivia. 
Cuchabamba,  {also  Oropesa,  6)-ro-pa- 

sq,)  c  Bolivia. 
Cochin,  Kc)-<jin,  or  Kca-Jen,  s-pt  t  Hin. 
Cochin    China,    KtJ-yiu    y^-na,    s.    e. 

portion  of  Anam. 
Cochituate,  Ka-qit-yn-at,  t?and  Z  Mass. 
Cochran's  Grove,  Kok-ranz  Grov,  v  III. 
Code,  Ko-kl,  r  N-Grenada. 
Cocolainus,  Ko-kol-a-mus,  cr  Pa. 

Cocos,  Ko-kos,  is  Indian  Ocean. 
Cvddgno.  Ko-duJn-yo,  t  Lombardy,  93^. 
Codorus,  Ko-do-rus,  v  and  cr  Penn. 
Coepaog  or  Koepang,  Ka>-pqij,  t  island 

of  Timor,  5. 
Coeslin,  Kes-len,  t  Prus.,  83^. 
Coesse,  Ko-es,  p  o  Ind. 
Coeyman's,  Kwe-manz,  v  N-Y. 
CoffeviUe,  K6f-e-vil,  v  Miss. 
Coffin's,  Kof-inz,  i  Gulf  of  St-Law. 
Coggeshall,  K6g-/al,  t  Eng. 
Cognac,  Kon-yqk,  t  Fr. 
Cohahuila,  Ko-q-wt-lq,  or  Montelove^, 

Mon-tH-lw-ves,  t  Mex. 
Cohahuila,  Kt)-q-we-lq,  st  Mex. 
Cohansey,  Koa-han-si,  r  N-J. 
Coha.sset,  Ko-has-et,  r  Mass. 
Cohoes,  Ko-hG)z,  (^or  Caboos  and  Ca- 

hoes.  ^  V  N-Y. 
Coila,  Ktf-la,  p  as  N-Y.,  Miss. 
Coimbatoor,    Kerm-ba-t<f)r,  dis  and   t 

Coimbra,  Ko-em-brq,  c  Portugal. 
Coin,  Ko-en,  t  Sp. 
Cojutepeque,   K(;J-7^(D-ta-pa-ka,   t  San 

Salvador;  also  l. 
Colair,  Ko-14r,  I  Hind. 
Colaparchee,  Ko-la-pqr-qE, /)  0  Ga. 
Colberg  or  Kolberg,  K6l-ber7i,  t  Prus- 
sian Pomerania. 
Colbert,  K64-Hert,  «;  Miss. 
Colchagua,  Kol-c;q-gwq,  dep  Chili. 
Colchester.    K61-qes-ter,  t  Eng.,  193^; 

vs  Vt.,  Conn.,  &c.  [^-J.j  &«• 

Cold  Spring,  Kold  Sprifl,  rs  N-Y.  13^, 
Cold  Spring  Harbor,  v  N-Y. 
Coldwater,  K61d-we-ter,  t  Mich.,  2 ;  r 

Coleborne,  Kol-born,  r  C.  W.  [<fec. 

Colebrook,  Kol-bruk,  'V  N-U.,  Conn., 
Coleraine.  Kol-ran,  s-jjt  t  Ir.;  rs  U.  S. 
Colima,   Kci-If-mq,    ter   aud   t   Mex., 

31^:^:  rol  12,000  ft. 
Collamer,  K61-a-mer,  rs  Gepn.,  Ill,,  &c. 
College  of  St.  James,  v  Md. 
Colliers,  Kol-yerz,  v  N-Y.  [r*. 

CoUinsville,  Kol-inz-vil,  t  Conn.,  1;  sev. 
Col  mar,  Kol-mq/-.  c  Fr.,  233^.<. 
Colne,  Koln  (rr  Kon,  rs  and  t  Eng. 
Cologna,  Ko-lon-yq,  ^  N.  It.,  63^. 
Cologne,  Ko-lon,  c  Prus.,  923<^. 
Cololo,  Ko-loj-lu,  m  p  Andes,  17,930  ft. 
Coloma,  Kci-\Ci-xv.a,  p  os  Ala.,  111. 
Colombia,   Ko-16m-bi-q,   former  name 

of  the  republic  of  S.  A. 
Colombo,  Ko-lom-bo,  o/Colurabo,  Ko- 

Idm-bcj,  s-pt  t  and  cap  Ceylon,  31)^. 
Colonia    do    Santissimo    Sacramento^.. ix. 

Ko-la)-ni-q    do    Sqn-te-si-mo    Sq- 

krq-mda-to),/^  t  Uruguay. 

Geographical    Yocabttlary. 


Colorado,  or  Rio  Colorado,  Re-o  Kol- 
o-rq-do,  (to  dij^tiaguish  it  from  the 
Colorado  of  Texas,)  r  U.  S.,  w.  of 
the  Rocky  Mountains. 

Cnlo?.-ae,  Ko-16s-E,  ruined,  c  As.  Minor. 

Colquitt.  K61-l<wit,  v  Ga. 

Cokon,  Kol-ton,  v  X-Y. 

Coluguape,  Ko-liD-gwq-pa,  I  Patagonia. 

Columbia,  Ko-lum-bi-a,  (or  Oregon,) 
largest,  r  entering  Pacific  Ocean  from 
American  continent;  entire  length 
1200  m.;  c,  cap  S.  C,  7;  ts  Pa., 
Tenn.,  Mo.;  vs  Me.,  N-IL,  Conn., 
N-Y.,  0.,  Ind.,  Tex.,  &c. 

Columbiana,  Ku)-lum-bi-an-a,  co  and  v 
O.;  V  in. 

Columbia  Village,  Ko-ldm-bi-a  Vil-aj, 
V  N-Y.  [Med. 

Columbretes,    Ko-UT)m-bra-tes,    r<,l  is 

Culumbu>»,  Ko-lum-bu^J,  c,  cap  0.,  25; 
c  Ga..  9;  t  Miss.;  rs  Tex..  Ind.,  Wis. 

C  ihisi,  K(a-k6-se,  co  and  t.  Cal. 

C<»lze:in.  Kol-/,an,  Castle,  Scot. 

Comacchio,  Ko-mq-ki-o,  ft  t  It. 

Comal,  KcD-mal,  co  and  t  Tex. 

Comanche,  Ko-man-qa,  itr  Comanches, 
Ko-raan-qes,  {also  Camanches,)  Am. 
Ind.  Mex.  and  Tex. 

Comayagua,  Ko-mi-4-gwq,  (formerly 
VitUadolid,)  c  Cc»n.  Am.,  12. 

Corabaconum,  Kom-ba-ko-nura,  or 
Cumbooconum,  Kom-boQ-ku-num,  t 
Hind.,  40. 

Combahee,  Kora-ba-hg,  r  S.  C. 

Coraitan,  K(a-me-t4n,  (or  Comitlan, 
Ko-raet-l^n,  t  Mex.,  10. 

Coraite,  Ka-met,  r  La. 

Communipaw,  Ko-mq-ni-po,  v  N-.T. 

Cjmo,  K6-mo,  Z,  prov  and  c  Lorn., 
18^:  ts  XJ.  S. 

C  .modo,  Ku-mca-do,  i  Malay  Arch. 

(!i)morn,  K6-morn,/r  t  Hun.,  18. 

Cnraoro,  K6m-o-ro,  Isles,  vol  is  Moz- 
ambique Channel;  pop.  80,000,  Arabs 
and  Neg.-ocs. 

C'jinpetition,  Kom-pe-ti-Jon,  t  Va. 

Compiano,  Kora-pc-^-no,  t  It. 

Compiegno,  Koh-pe-any,  t  Fr.,  10^. 

Curapotine.  Kom-pw-ten,  p  o  lo. 

Corapton,  Korap-ton,  v  Ga. 

C'.mstock.  Kom-stok,  v  Mich.,  l^/^. 

Concpntaina,  Kon-ten-tj  nq,  t  Sp. 

Concepcion,  Kon-sep-BR-6n,  (or  Con- 
ception,) i  n.  side  Panama. 

Cimcepcion,  K<>n-.scp-sp-6D,/?<  Chili,  10; 
U  Bid.,  N-Grenada,  ic. 

Conception,  Kon-s^p-Jon,  Bay,  inlet 
Newfoundland.  [Salvador. 

Conchagua,  Kon-Q^-gwq,  ^  and  roJSan 

Couchardee,  Kon-q^r-Ue,^  o  Ala, 

Conchas,  Kon-qqs,  (or  Concho?,)    rs 

Mex.  and  Braz.  [Peru. 

Conchucos,   Kon-qc6-ko3,   prov   anii   t 
Concord,  K6i)-kord,  c  N-H.,  8)^2;  ^  ^'^'j 

fs  Mass.,  Ky.,  Mich.,  &c. 
Concordia,  Kon-ko/'-di-a,  ^Ja^  La.;  scv. 

vs  U.  S. 
Concord  River,  Mass. 
Conde,  Kon-da,  t  Fr.,  h\^. 
Condo,  K6n-da,  ts  Braz. 
Conde-sur-Noireau,  Kon-da-ser-nwq- 

ru,  t  Fr.,  63^. 
Condom,  Koh-dcin,  t  Fr.,  7i^. 
Conecochoague,  Kon-e-ko  cjeg,  cr  Pa. 
Conecuh,  Ku-ne-ku,  r  Ala. 
Conedogwinit,  Kon-£-dog-win-it,  <TPa. 
Conegliano,  Ko-nal-yq-no),  t  It.,  Gj^j". 
Cunemaugh,  K6n-e-mo,  r  Pa.  [Pa. 

Conequenes.sing,  Kon-e-kwe-ne^-i;),  cr 
Conestoga,  K-in-e3-td)-ga,  cr  and  y  Pa. 
Conesus,  Ku)-ng-sus,  v  and  ^  N-Y. 
Conewago,  Kon-e-wa-go,  cr  Pa.  [N-Y. 
Conewango,  Kon-e-way-go,  cr  and  0 
Coney,  Kt5-ni,  Island,   s.  w.  of   Long 

Island,  N-Y. 
Congaree,  Kog-ga-re,  r  S.  C. 
Congleton,  K6g-gl-ton,  t  Eng. 
Congo,  Kog-gio,   or  Zaire,   Zq-s-ra,  r 

S.  Af.;  extensive  Cfi)  W.  Af. 
Congrehoy,  Kon-gra-'ho-e,  r  Guat. 
Congress,  Kog-gres,  t  0. 
Conhocton,  Kon-hok-ton,  r  N-Y. 
Coni,  Ko-ne,   or  Cuneo,   Kco-na-o,  t 

Piedmont,  18^. 
Conki,  K6n-ke,  r  Hind. 
Conna.sauga,  Kon-a-s6-ga,  r  Ga. 
Connaught,  K6n-ot, /?rotJ  Ir. 
Conneaut,  Kon-e-ot,  cr  Pa.;  ■»  0. 
Conneautville,  Kone-ot-vil,  r  Pa. 
Connecticut,  Kon-et-i-kut,  r  N-Eng., 

400  m.;  one  of  the  U.  S.,  area  4674 

s.  m.,  pop.  370,792.^ 
Connemara,  Kon-e-mar-a,  dis  Ir. 
Connersville,  Kon-erz-vil,  t  Ind. 
Conoloway,  Ko-nol-o-wa,  cr  Pa. 
Conotten,  Kca-not-en,  cr  and  v  0. 
Conseca,  Kon-sa-kq,  walled  t    Sierra 

Leone,  20. 
Conseguina,  Kon-pa-g£-nq,  vol  Nio. 
Conshatte  Chute,  Kon-J^t  Smt,  p  0  La. 
Con.>jhohocken,  Kon-Jo-hok-en,  v  Pa. 
Constance,  Kon-stans,  ft  c  Baden;    I 

Con.  Eu. 
Constantia,  Kon-stdn-fi-a,  v  N-Y. 
Con.stantina,  Kon-stqn-te-nq,  t  Sp.,  7, 
Con.stantine,    Kon-stqn-t^n,   (or  Oon- 

stantina,)  ft  c  Algeria,  21. 
Canstantine,  Kon-stan-ten,  v  Mich. 
Constantinople,    Kon-stiin-ti-iuS-pl,    q 

Tur.,  cap  Ottoman  Empire,  787, 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Contentny,  Kon-t4nt-ni,  cr  N.  C. 
Cotitoocook,  Kon-tco-kuk,  r  N-H. 
Contra  Custa,  Kon-tra  Kos-ta,  co  and 

2)  o  Cal. 
Contreras,  Kon-tra-rqs,  bat.  field,  Mex.; 

is  s.  w.  of  Guatemala. 
Contreras,  Kon-tre-ras,  p  o  0. 
Conversano,  Kon-ve/'-sc'i-uo.  t  Xap.,7%. 
Conway,  K6n-\va,  or  Couwy,  Kou-we, 

y  North  Wales. 
Conway,  K6n-wa,  r  Va.;  v  Mass.     [C. 
Conwayborough,  Kon-wa-bur-ca,    v  S. 
Conyersville,  Kon-yerz-vil,  v  Tenn. 
Conyngham,  Kun-ig-hara,  v  Pa. 
Coobcabia,  Kcob-kq  bi-q,  t  Cen.  Af. 
Coodoonia,  Ka)-dit)-ni-a,  /•  N.  W.  Af. 
Coogee,  K<6-gc,  s-pt  t  N-S.  Wales. 
Cook  Inlet,  Ivus.  Am. 
Cook  Islands,  Pac.  Oc,  8.  of  Polynesia, 

pop.  50,000,  Malay. 
Cookstown,  t  Ir.;  rs  N-J.,  C.  W. 
Cooksville,  tx  Miss.,  Ind.,  Wis.,  C.  W. 
Coomassie,  KcD-ruas-e,  t  Guinea,  18. 
Coonewar,  KuQ-ne-wor,  p  o  Miss. 
Cooper,  Kvip-er,  River,  S.  C. 
Cooperstown,  rs  N-Y.,  N-J.,  Pa.,  Wis. 
Cooper's  Wells,  watering-place,  Miss. 
Coos,  Kca-os,  CO  N-H. 
Coosa,  Kuo-sa,  r  Ga.  and  Ala. 
Coosauda,  K*-s6-da,  ri  Ala. 
Coosawattee,  Koo-sa-wot-s,  r  Ga. 
Coosawhatchie,  Ka)-sa-hw6q-E,  'V  S.  C. 
Cootehill,  Ki()t-hil,  t  Ir.,  2)^. 
Copan,  Ko-pqn,  r  and  ruined  c  Guat. 
Copano,  Ko-p^-no,  v  Tex. 
Copeland,  Kcop-land,  Islands,  n.  w.  Ir. 
Copeiihagen,  Kca-pen-ha-gen,  cap  Den- 
mark, 1:^31^;  vs  N-Y.,  N.  C. 
Copiah,  Ko-pj-a,  cr  and  co  Miss. 
Copiapo,  Kci-pE-q-po,  ■;•  Chili. 
Copiapo    or    San  Francisco  de  Selra, 

t  Chili. 
Coppermine,    Kop-er-mjn,  vis   and    r 

Brit.  N.  Am. 
Coquago,  Ka)-kw4-g<D,  or  Oquago,  O- 

kwq-go,  branch  Delaware  r,  N-Y. 
Coquet,  K6k-et,  {or  Cocket,)  r  Eng. 
Coquimbo,  Ko-kem-bo,  prov.  and  s-jjt 

t  Chili,  8. 
Cora,  K6-rq,  cap  island  of   Samos;  v 

Coral,  Ko-rql,  i  Brazil;  K6r-a1,  «  111, 
Coral  Sea,  part  Pac.  Oc,  w.  Australia. 
Corannas,  Ko-rqn-qs,  trihe  S.  Af. 
Corato,  Ko-rq-to,  c  Nap.,  HX- 
Corbeau,  Kor-b6,  v  N-Y. 
Corcobado  or  Corcovado,  Kor-ko-v^- 

dcj,  vol  Patagonia;  g  w,  coast  S,  Am. 
Corcovado,    Ko/'-ko-v4-d(i),  m  Brazil, 

height  2000  ft. 

Cordillera,  Kor-dil-e-ra,  (Sp.  Kor-del- 

ya-rq,)  Spanish  name  of  Andes  tt?^. 
Cordova,  Kor-do-vq,  prov  Sp.;  also  c., 

42,  in  the  tenth  century  nearly  1000. 
Cordova,    Ko/'-do-va,    t  Mex.,  6;  /;?'.-» 

and  c  La  Plata,  13.  [111. 

Cordova,  Kor-dw-va,  p  os  Tenn.,  Ky., 
Corea  or  Korea,  Ko-rc-a,  cy  N.  E.  As. 

—  Archipelago  of,  ts  w.  Corea. 
Corea,  Strait  ot,  connecting-  Sea  of  Ja- 
pan with  Yellow  Sea. 
Corentyn,  Ko-ren-tjn,  r  S.  Am. 
Core  Sound,  coast  N.  C. 
Corfu,  Kor-fc6  or  Ker-fto,  one  of  Ionian 

is,  75;  cap  same,  20. 
Corigliano,  Ko-rel-yq-no,  t  Nap.,  S}^. 
Corinaldo.  Ko-re-nql-do,  t  It.,  6, 
Coringa,  Ku-rig-gq,  s-pt  Brit.  India. 
Corinna,  Koi-rin-a,  v  Me. 
Corinth,  Kor-int,  anc.  c  Greece,  on  is- 
thmus of  Corinth,  2:  g  arm  Med.:  v» 

Me.,  Vt.,  Ga. 
Corisco.  Ko-ris-ko,  b  and  i  w.  Af. 
Cork,  Kork,  c  Ir.,  8i}{. 
Corniglio,  Ker-ml-yo,  t  It, 
Corning,  Korn-ig,  D  N-Y.,  4. 
Corno,  Monte,  M6n-ta  Ke/'-no,  tti  Nap. 
Cornucopia,  KGr-nti,-kw  pi-a,  po  Ind. 
Cornwall,  Korn-wel,  co   Eng.;  vs   Vt., 

Conn.,  N-Y.,  Nova  Scotia,  C.  W. 
Cornwall,  New,  jjortion  w.  coast  N.  A. 
Coro,  Ku-ro,  c  Yen.,  4. 
Coromandol,    Kor-o-man-del,    Tiar    e. 

coast  N-Zeal. 
Coronara,  Ko-ro-n^-tq,  i  Adriatic. 
Coronation,     Kor-a-na-Jon,     ii    N-S. 

Shetland  and  Kus.  Am. 
Coronda,  Ko-rou-dq.   t  Santa-Fe. 
Coroora,  Ko-rc6-rq,  *  N.  Pac.  Oc. 
Carowaugh,  Kor-o-wo,  p  o  Ya. 
Corpus    Cliristi,    Ker-pus    Kris-ti,    v 

Texas,  1%:  I  Texas. 
Corrib,  Lough,  Lo  K6r-ib,  I  Ir. 
Currientes,  Kor-e-en-tes,  dep  La  Plata. 
Corsica,  Kor-si-ka,  i  Med.,  110  by  53 

m„  pop,  236,251:  rs  Pa.,  0, 
Corsicana,  Kyr-si-ka-na,  v  Texas. 
Corte,  Ko?'-ta,  t  Corsica,  4%. 
Cortetz,  Kor-tets,  *  in  the  Dnieper. 
Cortland,  Kort-land,  co  and  d  N-Y. 
Curtona,  Ke/'-tu-nq,  t  Tuscany. 
Corunna,  Ku-run-a, /if  c  Sp.,  IS)^;  v 

Corvo,  Ker-vo,  i  Azores,  1. 
Corycian,  Ko-riJ-i-an,  Cave,  in  Bceotia. 
Corydon,  K6r-i-don,  ts  Pa.,  Ky.,  la., 

Cos,  Kos,   or   Stanehio,   Stqn-ke-o,  « 

Med.;  q  near  island. 
Cosala,  Ko)-sq-lq,  t  Cinaloa,  Mex. 

Geographical  Yocabulaht. 


Cosenza,  Ko-sen-zci,  c  Nap.,  14. 
Cushocton,  ivoi-J6k-ton,  co  and  v  0. 
Cossatot,  Kos-a-tot,  cr  Ark. 
Cosi,  K6-SE,  or  Koose,  Kc6-?e,  r  Hind. 
Cosiguina,  Ko-si-gg-nq,  vi>l  N:c. 
Cosihuiriachi,  Ko-si-we-ri-ci-qE,  t  Chi- 

Cosmoledo,  Kos-rao-la-do,  is  Ind.  Oc, 
Ci»sne,  Kon,  t  Fr. 
Cossacks,    Kos-aks,    (Country  of   the 

Don,)  vast  plain  S.  Rus. 
Costa  Kica,  Kos-tq  Re-kfi,  southern  st 

Cen.  Am.;   area  16,250    s.  in.,   pop. 

Cosuinne,  K6s-um-ne,  'p  o  Cal. 
Cote  Blanche,  Kot  Blqn/,  h  s.  La. 
Cote  D'Or,  Kot  De/*,  ms  and  dep  Fr. 
Cotile,Kt)-tel,  p  o  La. 
Cotindiba,  Koj-tsn-de-bq,,  r  Brazil. 
Cotonia,  Ku-to-ma,  p  o  Ala. 
Cotopaxi,  Ko-to-paks-e,  x'ol  Ecuador, 

height  18,875  ft. 
Cotosa,  Ko-tti-sa,  p  o  Ga. 
Cotrone,  Ko-tr^-na,  t  Naples,  5)^. 
Cotta,  K6t-q.  v  Ceylon.  \S%. 

Cottbus  or  Kottbus,  Kot-bus,  t  Prus., 
Cottica,  Kot-8-kq,  r  Dutch  Guiana. 
Cotuit,  K6t-yn-it.  v  Mass. 
Cutuy  or  Cotui,  Ko-twe,  t  Hayti,  2. 
Couche's  (K^s^-ez)  Gap,  v  Tenn. 
Coudcrsport,  K's-derz-port,  v  Pa. 
Coudoonia,  Koo-dob-ni-q,  r  Soodan. 
Coudres,  Ki6d-r,  i  St.  Lawrence. 
Coulson's,  KiJl-sonz,  Mills,  p  o  Mo. 
Council  Bluffs,  K^n-sil  Blufs,  v  lo.,  4. 
Council  City,  v  Kanzas. 
Courbevoie,  K'Or-be-vwq,  v  Fr.,  5. 
Courland  or  Kurland,  Kdbr-lqnd,  a  gov. 

Courtableau,  Ka)r-tq-bl(5,  Bayou,   La. 
Courtais,  Koor-ta,  cr  Mo. 
Courte.-y,  Kdr-te-si,  «  Ga. 
Courtland,  Kort-land,  t«  Ala.,  Ta.,'Wis. 
Cuurtrai    or   Courtray,    K.ur-tra,    ft  t 

Belgium,  19;)^.  [La. 

Coushattee  Chute,  K(D-/at-e  Soot,  p  o 
CouUnce?,  Koo-tohs,  t  Fr.,  8. 
Coventry,  Kiiv-en-tri,  c  Jing.,   37;   X8 

Vt.,  R.  L,  Conn.,  N-Y.,  Pa. 
Cove  of  Cork,  (now  Queenstown,)  i-pt 

t  Ir.,  5. 
Covington,  Kiiv-ig-ton,   c  Ky.,  oppo- 
site Cincinnati.  13 :   vs  0,,  la.  11^, 

111.,  Mo,  Pa.,  Va.,  Ga. 
Cowailia,  Ko-wol-is,  p  o  Oregon. 
Cowanesque.  Ko-an-e.^k,  cr  Pa. 
C(.wee,  kTf-e,  pa  N.  C. 
Cowekee,  Kii-c-ke,  cr  and  p  o  Ala. 
Cowelitsk,  Ku-el-itak,  ludian-s,  Wash. 


Cowe?,  K-5Z,  S'pt  t  Isle   of  Wight,  4. 

Coweta,  K-s-e-ta,  co  Ga. 

Cowlitz,    Ki-lits,    r   Wa^h.    Ter.;     — 

L:inding,  t  Wa::'h.  T^r. 
Coxim,  Ko-Jth,  r  Brazil. 
Coxsackie,  Kok-sak-e,  v  N-Y. 
Cuyle,  Korl,  /•  Hind.,  300  m. 
Cozumel,  Ko-zoo-inel,  Lsland,  Yucatan. 
Crab  Orchard,  mineral  springs,  v  Ky. 
Cracatoa,  Krak-a-tw-a,  i  Malay  Arch. 
Cracow  or  Krakow,  Kra-ko,  c  Poland, 

43;  the  former  republic  of  this  uamt?, 

now  included  in  the  grand  duchy  of 

Craftsbury,  Krdfts-ber-i,  v  Vt. 
Craigdville,  Krtigz-vii,  'O  Pa. 
Cranberry,  Kran-ber-i,w  N-J., Pa.,  0.: 

I  NY. 
Cranborne,  Kran-born,  t  Eng. 
Cranbrook,  Kran-bruk,  t  Eng. 
Cranston,  Krans-ton,  'C  R,  I.,  4]/^. 
Crawfish,  Krd-fiJ,  River,  Wis. 
Crawford,  Kre-ford,  numerous  cos  and 

'cs  U.  S. 
Craw  fords  villa,    Kro-fordz-vil,    t    la., 

23'^;  vs  Ga.,  Iowa. 
Cree,  Kre,  r  Scot.  fe 

Creek,  Krsk,  Indians,  of  Ga.  and  Ala. 
Crefeld,  Kra-felt,  t  Rhenish   Prussia, 

Crema,  Kra-mq,  t  Lorabardy,  93<^. 
Cremona,  Kra-mu-na.  ft  c  Lom.,  2S]/^. 
Crescent  (Kres-unt)  City,  two  ^d' Cal. 
Crestline,  Kres^t-lin,  v  0. 
Crete    Kret,  {or  Candia,)  i  Med.,  be- 
longing to   Turkey;  150  by  6  to  35 

m.;  pop.  158,000. 
Creuse,  Krez,  dep  and  r  Fr.,  175  m. 
Creuzot,  Lc,  Le  Kre-z6,  t  Fr.,  8. 
Creve  Coeur,  Krev  Ker,  p  o  Mo. 
Crevillente,  Kra-vel-yen-ta,  t  Sp.,  7J^, 
Crewe,  Kroo,  t  Eng. 
Crewkerne,  Krdb-kern,  t  Eng.,  i^. 
Crieff,  Kref,  t  Scot.,  4}^. 
Crimea,    Krim-e-a,    pe/i    S.  Rus.,  on 

the  Black  Sea;  pop.  190,063. 
Crittenden,  Krit-en-den,  vs  Ky.,  la. 
Crixa  or  Cricha,  Kre-Jq,   r  Brazil;  o 

do.,  5. 
Croatia,  Kro-a-Ji-a,   prov  Aus.  Em., 

area  3398  s.  m.,  pop.  5S8,204. 
Croatia,  Turkish,  part  of  anc.  Croatia. 
Crockett,  Krok-et,  v  Texas. 
Croghan,  Kro-han,  vs  N-Y.,  0. 

Croia,  Croja,  Kr(5-yq,  t  Turkey  in  Eu. 

Croix-rousse,  La,  Lq  Krwq-n&s,  t  Fr., 

Cromarty,  Krom-ar-ti,  co  and  t  Scot, 
(-romford,  Krom-ford,  t  Eng.,  1)^. 
Cromwell,  Krum-wel,  v  Cuun. 


Geographical   Vocabulary. 

Cronstadt  or  Kronstadt,  KrcSn-stqt,  «- 

fit  Rus.,  on  Kotlin  inland;  pop.  in 

winter,  6:  summer,  40. 
Crooked,  Kriak-ed,  Lake,  w.  N-Y.,  18 

by  IX  m.  ^  ^  [61^. 

Crossen  oi'  Krossen,  Kros-en,  t  Frus., 
Cross  {or  La  Cros.^e),  Br.  N.Am., 

origin  of  the  Miss.  River. 
Crosswicks,  Kros-wiks,  X)  N-J. 
Croton,  Kro-ton,  v  N-Y. 
Croton  River,  N-Y. 
Crow,  Kro),  Indian-s,  tribe  of  Mo.  Ter. 
Crown  Point,  Kr-sn  Pflrnt,  ts  N-Y.,  lu. 
Crow  River,  Min.  Ter.,  100  m. 
Crow  Wing,  r  and  v  Min.  Ter. 
Croydon,  Krtf-don,  t  Eug.,  20. 
Crozet,  Kro-za,  Islands,  S.  lud.  Oc. 
Crozon,   Krw-ztJii,  t  Fr.,  9. 
Cruces,  Krt6-ses,  t  N-Urenada.      [fi^. 
Cruyshantera,  Krers-hqn-tcui,  «  Bcig., 
Crystal,  Kris-tai,  Lake,  I  ajid  v  lii. 
Csaba,   C6b-o,  t'  Ilun. 
Csacza,  C6t-so,  t  Hun.,  4)^. 
Cmkova,  tJok-o-vo,  t  Hun.,  iy^, 
Cs.ikvar,  (i^qk-vq/',  v  Ilun.,  4^, 
Csath,  Csat.  or  C.satt,  Cqt,  t  Hun.,  5%. 
Csongrad,  yon-grqcl,  t  Hun.,  133^. 
Cuajiniqualpa,  Kwq-Ae-ni-kwql-pq,   t 

Guat.,  3. 
Cuba,  Kii-ba,  (Sp.  K(6-bq,)  »  at  the 

mouth  of  the  Gulf  of  Mexico,  largest 

of  the  W.  Ind.,  belonging  to   Spain; 

660  by  50  to  60  m.:  area  35,757  s.  m.: 

pop.  in  1853,  510,988  whites,  176,617 

free  colored,   330,425    slaves, — total 

1,009,060;  re  N-Y.  1,  0.,  &c. 
Cubahatcheo,  Ki],-ba-haq-£,  cr  and  j»  o 

Ala.  [ezuela,  5. 

Cucuisas,  Las,  Lqs  KcD-kwe-sqs,  ^  Ven- 
Cuddalore,  Kud-a-lcbr,  t  Hind. 
Cuenca,  Kwen-kq,  c  Sp.,  6;  pvoxi  do. 
Cuenca,  (<//•  Rambae,)  c  Ecuador,  20. 
Cuero,  Kwa-ro,  v  Texas. 
Cueva  de  Vera,  Kwa-vq  da  Va-rq,  t 

Sp.,  10>^. 
Culebra,  Koo-la-brq,  r  and  i-pt  Costa 

Rica:  i  W.  Ind. 
Culiacan,  Koo-li-q-k^n,  t  Mex.,  7. 
Cullera,  Koil-ya-rq,  t  Sp.,  7. 
Culloden,  Kul-o-den,  moory  ridge   of 

Scot.;  li  Ga. 
CuUoma,  Kul-6-ma,  t  CaL,  3. 
Culna,  Kul-na,  t  Brit.  Ind.:  40.  [6)^. 
Cumana,  KcD-mq-nq.  dep  arid  c  Ven., 
Cumania    or    Rumania,    KLD-ma-ni-a, 

Great  and  Little,  ind.  din  Huu. 
Cumbal,  KiJ)m-b41,  in  p  Andes,  N-G., 

15,620  ft.  high. 
Cumberland,  Kum-ber-land,  t  Md.,  6; 

vs  Me.,  Ky.,  0.,  la. 

Cumberland  Basin,   bet.  Nova   Scotia 

and  N-Brunswick. 
Cumberland  Island,  is  n.  of  Ga.;  Brit. 

N.  Am.;  in  the  Pacific. 
Cumberland  Mountains,  bet.  Va.  and 

Ky.,  and  bet.  N.  C.  and  Tenn. 
Cumberland  River,  flows  through  Ky. 

and  Tenn.,  600:  nav.  200  to  500. 
Cumberl'd  University,  Lebanon,  Tenn. 
Cumbola,  Kum-bw-la,  v  Pa.  ' 
Cumbre,  La,  Lq  Kaun-bra,  pass  across 

tlie  Andes,  bet.  Santiago,   in   Chili, 

and  Mer-doza;  elevation,  12,454  ft. 
Cumbiian,  Kiim-bri-an,  Mts.,  in  Eng. 
Cumino,  Km-me-nca,  i  Med.,  %. 
Gumming,  Kdm-ig,  v  Ga. 
Cummingsville,  Kiim-iijz-vil,  V  0. 
Cunningham's    Kun-i^-hamz,     Island, 

w.  end  Lake  Erie,  3  by  2}^  m. 
Cui>rgne,  K»ern-ya,  t  Pied.,  b)^. 
Cupar-Fife,  Kx\,-par-Fjf,  i  Scot. 
Cupica,  K<D-pe-kq,  d  and  b  N-Gran. 
Cura,  Ki6-rq,  t  Ven.,  4. 
Curagoa,    Kq-ra-SQ-a   or  K§-rq-s6,   i 

W.  Ind.,  40  by  6  to  10  m.;  pop.  loj^. 
Curaray,  Koo-rq-rj,  r  Ecuador. 
Curia,  Ki\-ri-a,  t'  Ark.  [Arab. 

Curia  Muria,  Kd)-ri-q  Mdb-ri-q,  is  s.  e. 
Curico,  Koj-re-ko,  dig  and  t  Chili. 
Curitiba,  Km-ri-tt-bq,  r  and  t  Brazil. 
Current,  Kdr-ent,  River,  Mo.  and  Ark., 

250  m.  ^  [N.  C. 

Currituck,  Kur-i-tuk,  i  and  sound  n.  e. 
Curtatoue,  Kcur-tq-tQ-na,  'V  Milan,  b]^. 
Curzola,  Kflt)/d-zu)-lq,  i  Adriatic,  pop. 

4K.  Li'a. 

Cussawago,   Kus-a-w(\-go,  cr  and  />  o 
Cusseta,  Kus-e-ta,  d  Ala. 
Cutchogue,  Kut-cjcig,  v  N-Y. 
Cuthbert,  Kufc-bert,  v  Ga. 
Cuttack,  Kut-ak,^7/6-  and  c  Br.  Ind.,  40. 
Cuvo,  Kdb-vo),  r  Lower  Guinea,  400  m. 
Cuyaba  or  Cuiaba,  Kco-yq-bq,  r  and  o 

Cuyahoga,  Kj-a-h^-ga,  r  0. 
Cuyahoga  Falls,  u  0. 
Cuyler,  Kj-ler,  'V  N-Y 
Cuyos,  Kcfj-yos,  Is.,  group  of  the  Phil. 
Cuyuni,  Kt]t)-yi»-n8,  r  Br.  Guiana. 
Cuzco,  Kflbs-kffl,  e  Peru,  413^;  dep  do. 
Cwmdu,  Kcf)m-de,  hamlet  S.  Wales. 
Cyclades,  Sik-la-dez,  is  Grecian  Arch., 

pop.  19. 
Cynlhiana,  Sin-ti-an-a,  vs  Ky.,  0.,  la. 
Cj'press,  Sj-pres,  I's  Ky.,  Mo.,  <fec. 
Cyprus,  Sj-prus,  i  Turkey  in  Asia,  143 

by  40  m.;  pop.  100.  [163^. 

Czegled,  Tsa-gled,  large  v  Cen.  Hun., 
Czernowitz,  ^e/'-no-vits,  {or  Tscherno- 

witz,)  t  Aus'.  Poland,  12. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 



Dacca,  Dak-a,  c  Brit.  Tnd.,  200. 
Dagoe,   D4-g?-e,    or  Dago,   Dq-go,   i 

Ru3.,  Baltic  Sea,  34  by  15  m.;  pop. 

10,000.  [Iowa. 

Dahlonega,   Da-15n-E-ga,  ■»«  Ga.   \],^, 
Dahme,  D4-me,  t  Prus.,  Z%. 
Dahomey    or    Dihomay,     Dci-ho-ma, 

k  \V.  Af.;  pop.  200,000. 
Daiman,  Di-mqn,  or  Arangua,  fl-r^n- 

gwq,  r  S*.  Am.,  110  ra. 
Daimiel,  Dj-mi-el,  t  Sp.,  9. 
Dakhcl,  El,  El  D.^-^el,  vr.  oasis  Upper 

Egypt,  pop,  7,000. 
Dakota.  Da-k(i)-ta,  co  and  IJ  Min. 
Dakota  Indians,  same  a.s  Sioux. 
Dal-Elf,  Dql-elf,  r  Ssved.,  250  m. 
Dalhoasie,   Dal-hob-ze,  v   Scot.j   t  N- 

Dallas,  Dq-li-qs,  t  Sp.,  12. 
Dalkeith,  Dal-ket,  t  Scot.,  5. 
Dallas,  Dal-as,  ra  N.  C,  Tex.,  Ark.,&c. 
Ddlmatia,  Dal-ma-Ji-a,  pwy  Aus.  Em., 

comp.  anc.  Dalmatia,  Croatia,  Slavo- 

nia,  and  Flume:  pop.  393,715j  v  Pa. 
Dairy,  Dal-ri,  v  Scot.,  9. 
Dalton,  D  jl-ton,  'vs  Mass.,  Ga.,  0.,  &c. 
Damaran,  Dq-inq-rc^^n,  i  Malay  Arch. 
Damariscotta,  Dam-a-ria-kot-a,  r  Mo. 
Damascus,  Da-mas-kus,  c  Syria,  oldest 

in  the  world,  founded  2000  B.  C,  112j 

ca  Pa.,  0.,  Ac. 
Dambool,  Dam-bc6I,  v  Ceylon. 
Damietta,  Dam-i-6t-a,  t  Low.  Eg.,  28. 
Damme,  Dq-me,  i  Malay  Arch.,  12  m.  s. 
Dampier,  Dam-per,  Arch.,  n.  w.  coast 

Danbury,  Dan-ber-i,  va  N-H.,  Conn. 
Danby,  Dan-bi,  vs  Vt.,  N-Y.;^  oIU. 
Dandridgi,  Dan-drij,  v  Tenn. 
Dane,  Dan,  rel.  to  Denmark;  co  Wis, 
Danemora,  Din-e-m(5-ra,  v  0. 
Danish,  Dan-iJ,  belonging  to  Den. 
Dankali,  Dqn-kq-lg,   w  Danakil,    Dq- 

nq-k£l,  ind  date,  Af.,  pop.  70.000. 
Dannemora,  Dan-e-ra6-ra,  v  N-Y. 
Dan  River,  Va..  and  N.  C. 
Dansville,  v  N-Y.,  2>^. 
Dantzic,  or  Dantzick,  gov  and  ft  c  W. 

Prussia,  pop.  53  :  guff  of  the  sttra«. 
Danube,    Dan-yqb,    r    Eu.,  rising  in 

Baden,  and  falling   into   the  Black 

sea,  1000  m.;  v  NY. 
Dantrers,  Dan-verz,  v  Mass. 
Danville,  t«  Pa.,  SJ^;  Va.,  3;  Ky.,  2yi ; 

tw  Me.,  Vt.,  la.,  O.,  111.,  Ac. 
Durabgherd,  Dci-rqb-g^rd,  t  Per.,  20. 

D'arbonne,  Dqr-bon,  iaymi   La.,  nav. 
Darby,  Dqr-bi,  v  Pa.  [60  in. 

Dardanelle,  Dqr-da-n^l,  v  Ark. 
Dardanelles,  Dqr-da-nelz,   {or  Helles- 
pont,) strait  bet.  Eu.  and  As.  Tur.j 

p  0  Or. 
Dardenne,  Dqr-den,  cr  and  'O  Mo. 
Darfoor,  Dqr-fdb/*,  cy  of  Af. 
Darien.  Da-ri-en,   g  and  former  pron 

of  N-Gran.j    U  Conn.,    N-Y.,    Ga. 

Darling,  Dqr-lip,  r  and  ms  Cen.  Aust. 
Darlington,  Dqr-liri-ion,  ^  Eng.,  llj^; 

vs  Pa.,  Md.,  S.  C.,  la.,  &c. 
Darmstadt,  Dqrm-stqt,  t  Ger.,  27. 
Dart,  Dqrt,  r  Eng.;  p  o  Ark.        [Wis. 
Dartford,    D^rt-ford,    t  Eng.,  6}^  ;    v 
Dartmouth,  Dqrt-rauf),  s-pt  t  Eug.  4)-^; 

m  Pr.  Ed.  Is.,  N.  S.,  Mass.;  r  Mad. 
Darmouih  College,  Hanover,  N.  H. 
Darwar,  Dqr-wqr,  dis  and  t  Hind. 
Darwen,  Over,  Dqr-wen,  O'ver,  t  Eng., 
Darwin,  Dqr-win,  v  III.  [11%. 

D'Aubigny,  Dca-bsn-ye,  v  C.  E. 
Dauchiie,  Da  get,  hayou  Ark.,  La. 
Daule,  D^-la,  nav.  /•  Ec. 
Dauphin,  De-fin,  oo  and  v  Pa. 
Davenp  >rt,  Dav-en-port,  c  Iowa,  5. 
Davie,  Da-ve,  co  N.  C. 
Daviess,  Da-vis,  sev.  cos  U.  S. 
Davis  Inlet,  &  e.  coast  Labrador,  57  m. 
Davis's  Strait,  between  Greenland  and 

Brit.  N.  Am.,  750  m. 
Dayton,  Da-ton,  fourth  c  of  0.,  17  ;  vs 

la.,  Ala.,  III.,  Iowa. 
Dead  Sea,  I  Pal.,  41  by  S)^  m. 
Deal,  Del,  maritime  t  Eng.,  7. 
Dean  Forest,    Eng.,   22,000   acres  be- 
longing to  the  crown  ;  pon.  13)^. 
Dearborn's  River,  Der-born,  Mo.,  150  ra. 
Dearbornville,     Der-born-vil,    v    and 

U.  S.  Arsenal,  Mich. 
Dease  River,  Des,  Brit.  N.  Am. 
Debreczin,  or  Debretzin,  Da-br6t-sin, 

free  t  E.  Hungary,  63. 
Deoatur,   De-ka-tur,  va  Ga.,  Ala.,  0., 

Mich.,  la..  III.,  Wis. 
De  Chien  Bayou,  De-Jgn,  w.  part  Ky. 
Deckertown,  D^k-er-f»n,  v  N-J. 
Docorah,  De-ku-ra,  v  Iowa. 
Dedhain,  Del-ham,  n)  Mass. 
Dee,  De,  r  Wales,  70  m.;  two  rs  Scot. 
Deegoa,  De-g(5-q,  walled  t  Borneo,  30. 
Deep  River,  central  part  N.  C,  100  m. 
Deorfiold,  Der-feld,  r  Vt.,  numerous 

w  U.  S. 

Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Defiance,  Dt-fj-ans,  co  and  tO. 

De  Graff,  De  Graf,  v  0. 

De  Kalb,  De  Kalb,  cos  and  rs  U.  S. 

Dekorra,  Ds-kor-a,  v  Wis. 

Delagoa,  DcI-a-g6-a,*«!M/c^  Ind.  Oc. 

De  La  Palma,  De  Lq  ral-ma,  w  o  0. 

Delavan,  Del-a-van,  vs  N-Y.,  111.,  Wis, 

Delaware,  Del-a-w.T,r,  r,  rises  in  N-Y. 
and  flows  bet.  the  states  of  N-Y., 
and  N-J.  on  one  side,  and  Pa.  and 
Del.  on  the  other;  nav.  for  ships  to 
Philadelphia;  whole  length  300  ni. 

Delaware,  smallest  of  the  U.  S.,  except 
II.  I.:  2120  s.  m.,  pop.  71,169  whites, 
18,073  free  blacks,  2,290  slaves,— 
total,  91,532. 

Delaware,  t  0.,  2;  h  sep.  N-J,  and 
Del.,  length  60  m. 

Delaware  City,  v  Del.;  settlement  in 
Kansas  Ter. 

Delaware  College,  at  N«wark,  Del. 

Delawares,  tribe  of  Indians  formerly 
occupying  N-Y.,  Pa.,  N-J. 

Delft,  Delft,  2!S.  Holland,  \7}{. 

Delhi,  Del-E,  c  Hind.,  at  one  time  cov- 
ering 20  s.  m.,  with  pop.  2,000,000, 
now  reduced  to  250,000 ;  Del-hj,  vs 
N-Y.,  0.,  111.  Iowa,  Wis.,  &c. 

Delos,  De-los,  is  Gr.  Arch. 

Delphi,  Del-fj,  m  and  t  anc.  Gr.;  ts  N- 
Y.,  Tenn.,  la..  Mo. 

Delphos,  Del-fos,  d  0.,  l}4. 

Delta,  Del-ta,  ts  N-Y.,  Miss.,  0. 

Delton,  Del-ton,  v  Wis. 

Deraak,  Dem-qk,  t,  dis  and  r  Is.  Java. 

Demavend  (Dem-q-vend,)  Mount,  vol 
Persia,  14,695  ft. 

Dembea,  Dera-be-a,  I  Abys. 

Dembia,  Dera-bi-a,  r  W.  Af. 

Demer,  Da-raer,  r  Belg. 

Demerara,  Dem-er-^-ra,  r  and  c?i5  Brit. 
Guiana.  [200  m. 

Deraianka,    Da-mi-^n-ka,    r   Siberia. 

Demmin,  De-raen,  t  Prus.,  63^. 

Demonte,  Da-mon-ta, /if  ^  Pied.,  7. 

Demopolis,  De-mop- o-lis,  v  Ala. 

Demotica,  De-mot-i-ka,  t  Eu.  Tur.,  8. 

Denain,  De-nan,  -y  Fr.,  %%. 

Denbigh,  Den-be,  t  N.  Wales,  5>^. 

Dender,  Den-der,  r  Nubia,  250  m. 

Dcndermonde,  Den-der-mon-de,  ft  t 
Belg.,  8X. 

Denia,  Da-ni-q,  maritime  t  Sp.,  3. 

Denmark,  Den-mqrk,  k  N.  Eu.,  having 
as  colonies:  Duchies  of  Sleswick, 
Holstein,  Lauenburg;  Faroe  Islands; 
Iceland  ;  Greenland  ;  West  India  Is. 
— Santa  Cruz,  St.,  and  San 
Juan  :  Nicobar  Is.  Total  area,  62,870; 
total  pop.,  2,412,926.    The  gov.  is  a 

hereditary  constitutional  monarchy: 

rs  Tenn.,  111.,  &c. 
Dennis,  Den-is,  v  Mass. 
Depaaville,  De-po-vil,  v  N-Y. 
Depere,  De-p4r,  w  De-per,  v  Wis. 
Depeyster,  De-pj-ster,  v  N-Y. 
Deptford,  D6d-ford,  pt  Eng.,  27^. 
Dera  Ghazee  Khan,  Der-a  Gq-z£  Kqn, 

t  Afg.,  25. 
Derayeh,  El,  El  Da-rJ-e,  t  Ar.,  15. 
Derbend,    Der-bend,    (or   Derbent,)  t 

Rus.,   12.  [Conn.,  la. 

Derby,    Der-bi,    t  Eng.,  40%  ;  vs  Vt., 
Derby  Centre,  v  Vt. 
Derby  Line,  v  Vt. 
Derry,  Der-i,  v  N-H. 
De  liuyter.  De  Rj-ter,  v  N-Y. 
Derwent,  Der-went,  three  I's  Eng.,  re 

Van  Dieman's  Land. 
Desaguadero,  Des-q-gwq-da-ro,  r  Bol., 

180  m.  also  a  val  in  Bol.  and  Peru, 

400  by  30  to  80  m. 
Des  Allemand's,  Daz  ill-mon,  or  Dez 

ill-e-mqnz,  I  s.  e.  of  La.,  7  m. 
Des  Arc,  Dez  flrk,  v  and  layou  Ark. 
Deseret,  Des-er-et,  co  Utah  Ter. 
D.'sha,  De-Ja,  co  Ark, 
D'Eschambault,  DeJ-qn-bo,  v  C.  E. 
Desirade,  Da-ze-rqd,  is  Little  Antilles, 

Des  iMoines,  De  Mem,  r  Iowa,  200  m. 
Desna,  Des-nq,  r  Rus.,  500  m.        [Ga. 
Desoto,  De-scJ-to,   co  Miss.;  par  La.;  © 
Des  Plaines,  Da  Plan,  r  111.,  150  m. 
Dessau  Des--s,  walled  t  N.  Ger.,  12. 
Detroit,   De-trert,  c  Mich.,  34)^. 
Detroit  River,  str  connecting  Lake  St. 

Clair  with  Lake  Erie,  25  m.  [7. 

Deux-Ponts,  De-pon,  t  Rhenish  Bav,, 
Deventer,  or  Dewenter,    Dev-en-ter,  c 

Hoi.,  141^. 
Devcreaux,  Dev-e-ro,  p  0  N-Y. 
Devizes,  De-vj-zez,  t  Eng.,  63^. 
Devonshire,  Dev-on-Jer,  co  Eng. 
Devon,  Dev-on,  r  Scot. 
Devonport,  Dev-on-port,yif  t  and  naval 

ars  of  Eng..  SO^^. 
De  Witt,  De  Wit,  vs  N-Y.,  Mich.,  III. 
Dewsbury,  Dii,z-ber-i,  ^  Eng.,  14, 
Dexter,  Deks-ter,  vs  Me.,  N-Y.,  Mich. 
Dezfool,  or  Dezphoul,  Dez-fcbl,  t  Per., 

Dhalak,  Dq-lqk,  is  Red  Sea. 
Dhawalaghiri,  Da-wol-a-ger-e,  p  Him. 

Moun.,  28.000  ft. 
Diablertts,  De-qb-le-ra,  m  Swit. 
Diamantina,  De-q-mqn-te-nq,  c  Bra. 
Diamante,  De-q-mqn-ta,    r  La  Plata, 

170  m. 
Diana,  Di-an-a,  v  N-Y. 

Geographical    Vocabulart. 


Diarbekir,  T>t-(ir-he-kir,   c  As.    Tur., 

8000  families. 
Dickinson  College,  Cirlisle,  Pa. 
Dieppe,  Djep,  or  Ds-ep,   s-jA  t  Fr., 

Diest,  DEst,  walled  t  Belg.,  1%. 

Diggers,  Dig-erz,  various  tribes  de- 
graded Indians  in  Or.  and  Caj,,  who 
subsist  on  roots,  inreets,  lizards,  &c. 

Dijon,  De-i^Qii,  c  Fr.,  '62%. 

Dilman,  Del-raq,:),  t  N.  Per.  15. 

Dinagepoor,  De-uqj-p(6r,  dis  and  t  Br. 
Ind.,  30. 

Dinan,  Ds-non,  t  Fr.,  8i<.  [634:. 

Dinant,   \)z-\\(\n\,  or  De-non,  t  IJelg., 

Dinkt-lsbiihl,  Dii)k-elz-bel,/if  t  Bav.,  5. 

Dinwiddie,  L)in-wid-8,  co  and  v  Va. 

Dio3  Nombre  Dc,  N6m-bra  da  De-os, 
t  Mex.,  7. 

Disco,  Dis-ko,  i  of  Denmark,  w.  coast 
of  (Jroenland. 

Dismal  Swamp,  Diz-raal  Swomp,  Va., 
N.  C,  30  by  10  or  12  m. 

District  of  Columbia,  ter  for  the  cap- 
ital of  the  U.  S.,  ceded  to  the  Gen. 
Gov.  by  Md.;  60  s.  m.,  pop.  in  1850, 
whites,  38.027;  free  blacks,  9,973; 
slaves,  3,687  ;  total  51,687.  The 
citizens  of  the  District  are  without 
any  representation  in  Congress  or 
vote  for  president. 

Ditteah,  Dit-e-q,  t  Hind.,  120. 

Dixon,  Diks-on,  'V  111.,  1. 

Djokjukarta,  Jok-yo-kqr-ta,  die  Java; 
cap  of  the  dis.,  pop.  90. 

Dnieper.  N«-per,  r  Uus.,  flows  s.  into 
Black  Sea:  length  623  m.  including 
windings,  1230  m. 

Dniester,  Nes-ter,  nav.  r  Aus.  and 
Rus.,  400  ra. 

Doboka,  Dca-bu-ko,  v  Tran.,  67. 

Doce,  D6-?a,  r  Bra.,  50;»  m. 

Dodgeville,  Doj-vil,  v  Wis.,  \]/^. 

Dole,  Do)l,  t  Fr.,  10^. 

Dolores,  Dxa-lio-res,  t  Guanajuato. 

Dominica,  «/>'  Domenioa,  Dom-i-ng-ka, 
Brit.  W.  Ind.  Is.,  29  by  16  m.,  pop. 
223^,  800  are  whites;  also  one  of  the 
Marquesas  Is. 

Dorainick,  D6m-in-ik,  v  III. 

Don,  Don,  r  Eu.  Uus.,  enters  the  Sea 
of  Azof,  468  ra.;  rs  Eng.,  Scot.,  Fr. 

Donaldson,  Don-aid-son,  v  Pu. 

Donaldsonville,  r-pt  La. 

Don  Benito.  Don  Ba-ne-to,  t  Sp.,  \b\^. 

Doncaster.  l)6n-kas-ter,  t  Eng.       [Pa. 

Donegal,  I)on-e-gc»l,  s-pt  t  Ir.:  three  vs 

DoucLs,  Du-n<5ts,  r  S.  Rus.,  400  m. 

Dong-nai,  Dog-nj,  r  and  t  Anara. 

Duogola,  D6g-gQ-lq,  t  Nubia;  v  la. 

Doniphan,  D6o-i-fan,  v  Mo.;  —  City, 

t  Kanzas. 
Donnybrook,  Don-i-briak,  par  and  tilr. 
Doon,  Dcon,  r  and  loch  Scot.,  18  m. 
Dor,  D'or,  or  Dore,  (Mont,)  M6n-dor, 

ms  Fr. 
Dora  Baltea,  Do-rq  Bql-ta-q,  r  Pied. 
Dorchester.  Dor-qes-ter,  t  Eng.,  63^  ;  ts 

Mass.,  8 ;  N-B.,  S.  C,  &c. 
Dordogne,  Dor-dd)n,  r  Fr..  220  m. 
Durogoboozh,  Do-ro-go-bor^,  t  Rus.,  5. 
Diwpat,  Dor-pqt,  t  Rus.  12. 
Dort,  Dart,  t  S.  Hol.,  21. 
Douai,  or  Douav.  Dm-a.  ft  t  Fr.,  20)^. 
Doubs,  Doobz,  r  Fr.,  263  m. 
Douglas,  Ddg-las,  s-pt  Isle  of  Man,  9^; 

rs  Scot.,  Mass.,  Pa.,  Kansas,  &c. 
Douno,  Dion,  v  Scot.,  \}^. 
Douro,  Duo-ro,  r  Sp.  and  Port.,  400  m. 
Douw,  D-sv,  or  D-s,  *  Malay  Arch.,  5. 
Dover,  D(0-ver,  t  Eng.,  22i<  ;  t  N-II., 

834;    rs    Me.,   Mass.,    N-Y.,    N-J., 

Del.,  0.,  &c. 
Dover,  Strait  of,  sep.Eng.  and  Fr. 
Dovrefield,    Do-vre-fe-dld,    m    rango 

Dowagiac,  Dca-wa-ji-ak,  r  and  v  Mich. 
Downs,   The,    portion,    N.   Sea,   s.   e, 

of  Eng. 
Dracut,  Dra-kut,  v  Mass. 
Draguignan,  Drq-gen-yoh,  t  Fr.,  9. 
Drammen,  Drq-men,  s-pt  t  Nor.,  8. 
Dravc,  Drav,  r  S.  E.  Eu.,  360  m. 
Drennon    Springs,    Dren-on,    watering 

place,  near  Louisville,  Ky. 
Dresden,  Drez-den,  c  and  cap  Saxony, 

91;  vs  Me.,  O.,  111. 
Drin,  Dren,  two  rs  Eu.  Tur. 
Drogheda,  Dro-Ae-da,  s-pt  t  Ir.,  16%. 
Droitwich,  Dreft-i^,  t  Eng, 
Druramond's  Island,  Driim-ondz,  Lake 

Druses,  DnJb-scz,  people  inhabiting  the 

chain  of  Lebanon,  in  Syria. 
Dublin,  Dub-lin,  cap  c  Jr.,  254-J^  ;  va 

NIL,  la.,  Ga.,  &c. 
Dubois,  Dn-bi'f,  co  la. 
Dabuque,  Di^-bi^k,  c  of  Towa,  9. 
Duck  River,  Middle  Tenn.,  250  m. 
Duddeston,  Dud-e-'-ton,  t  Eng.,  20. 
Dudley,  Dud-li,  <  Eng.,  38;  1;  Mas3. 
Dugdemona,    Dug-dE-m(f)-ua,    vs  La., 

Duida,  Dw^-dq,  m  Yen.,  8500  ft. 
Duisburg,      l)c6-is-burA,      t    Rhenish 

Prussia,  7%. 
Dulco,  D(61-sn,  I  Gua.,  25  by  10. 
Dulco  Rio,  Re-o  Ddbl-sa,  r  La  Plata. 
Dulcigno,    DiDl-cen-yu,     s-pt     t    Eu. 

Tur..  8. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Dumbarton,  Dum-b^r-ton,  s-pt  t  Scot., 

Dumfries,  Dum-t'r^s,  r-pt  Scot.,  \\%. 
Dummodah,    Diim-o-da,   r  Brit.  Ind., 

300  m. 
Diina,  De-nq,,  or  Dwina,  Dw8-nq,  r  of 

Rus.,  nav.  400  m.  [6^. 

Diinaburg.  De-nq-bcorg,  ft  t  Rus.  Pol.. 
Duubar,  Dun-bqr,  s-pt  t  Scot. 
Dundalk,  Dun-dek,  s-i>t  t  Ir.,  10%. 
Dundas,  Diin-das,  t  C.  W.  3. 
Dundee,  Dun-de,  s-pt  Scot.,  78%  j  t's 

N-Y.,  1)^;  Mich.,  III. 
Dunfermline,  Dum-fer-lin,  t  Scot.,  8X. 
Dungannon,  Dun-gan-non,  <  Ir.,  »  O., 
Dungarvan,    Uun-gq,r-van,   «-^i  t  Ir., 

Dunkirk,  Ddn-kerk,  ft  s-pt  t  Fr.,  29;  t 
N-Y.,  4Xj  ^  VVis. 

Dunmore,  Dun-mar,  vs  Ir.,  Pa. 
Dunse,  Duns,  t  Scot.,  2%. 
Dunstable,  Dun-sta-bl,  t  Eng.,  3X- 
Duntociier,  Dun-to/i  er,  <;  Scot.,  3%. 
Dunville,  Ddn-vil,  v  C.  W.,  I. 
Du  Page,  l)i|,  Paj,  co  and  n  111. 
Duquesne,  Dq-kan,  a  ft   formerly  on 

the  ?ite  of  Pittsburg;  v  two  miles  off. 
Duquoin,  Dq-kworn,  v  til. 
Durango,    DdQ-rqrj-go,    st    Mex.;   area 

48,48y  s.  m.,  pop.  1371^;  cap  same,  22. 
Dilren,  De-ren,  t  Rhen.  Prus.,  8. 
Durham,  Dur-ham.  c  Eng.,  13. 
Dusseldorf,    Dus-el-derf,    gov    and 

Rhen.  Prus.,  23X- 
Duxbury,  Duks-ber-i,  v  Mass. 
Dwina,  Dwj-na   or  Dwe-nq,   r   Rus., 

330  m. 
Dysart,  D^-zart,  s-pt  t  Scot. 


Eagle  Harbor,  8'gl  Hqr-bor,  v  Mich. 

f]agle  Pass,  v  Texas. 

East  Aurora,  8st  0-r6-ra,  v  N-Y.,  2. 

East  Greenwich,  Gren-wiq, -??  R.  I.,  2\^. 

East  Haddam  Landing,  i)  Conn.      [Y. 

East  Hampton,  Hamp-ton,  vs  Mass.,  N- 

East  Hartford,  H^rt-ford,  i)  Conn. 

East  Haven,  Ha-ven,  v  Conn. 

East  Indies,  In'dr?:,    applied    to   Hin., 

Farther  India,  Malay  Arch. 
East  Liverpool,  Liv-er-pool,  i)  0. 
East-Main  or  Slade  River,  Lab.,  400  m. 
Easton,   Ss'ton,  t  Pa.,  1%]  vs  N-Y., 

Md.,  Mass.,  Kansas. 
Eastport,  8st'port,  rs  Me.,  Miss. 
East     Randolph,     Ran-dolf,    vs    Vt., 

Mass.,  N-Y. 
East  River,  con.  Long  Island    Sound 

with  N-Y.  Bay,  20  m. 
East  Saginaw,  Sag-i-n9,  v  Mich. 
East  Salisbury,  Solz-ber-i,  v  Mass. 
East  Schuyler,  Skj-ler,  p  o  N-Y. 
East  Stoughton,  Stdj-ton,  -w  Mass. 
Eastville,  co  t  Va. 
East  Weare,  Wqr,  v  N-H. 
East  Windsor,  Wind-sor,  Ts  Mass.,Conn. 
East  Woburn,  \V6-burn,  v  Mass. 
Eaton,    8' ton,    rs    N-H.,    M-Y.,   Pa., 

Tenn.;  co  t  0. 
Eaton  Rapi'ls,  v  Mich. 
Eatonton,  F'ton-ton,  co  t  Ga. 
Ebenezer,  Eb-en-E-zer,  r«  Pa.,  Miss. 
Ebersbach,  a'berz-bqA,  v  Saxony,  5)^. 
Ebro,  a'bro,  r  Sp.,  340  m. 
Eccleshall,  Ek'lz-hol,  t  Eng.,  i%. 

Ecbmiedzin,  Eq-mi-ed-zen,  t  Armenia. 
Ecija,  H'ti-Ziq,  t  Sp.,  28]^. 
Eckford,  Ek'ford.  v  Mich. 
Eckhung  Choo,  Ek-ug  Co),   r  Thibet. 
Eckmansville,  Ek'man/.-vil,  i)  0. 
Economy,  8-k6n-(D-mi,  vs  Pa.,  0.,  la. 
Ecorce,  H-kors,  v  Mich. 
Ecuador,  Ek-wq-dor,  {i.  e.  "Equator;") 

a  republic  of  S,  Am.;  area  240,000  s. 

m.,  pop.  500.000. 
Eddystone  (Ed'i-ston)  Island,  S.  Pac.; 

—  Light-House,  Eng.  Channel. 
Eddyville,  vs  N-Y,,  Ky.,  Iowa. 
Eden,  8'den,  rs  Eng.,  Scot.;  ts  U.  S. 
Edenkoben,  £I'den-ko-ben,    t  Rhenish 

Bavaria,  5.  [0. 

Edenton,  8'den-ton,  cof^.  C;  ««  N-Y., 
Edgartown,  Ed'gar-tTsn,  co  t  Mass. 
Edgeeomb,  Ej'kiom,  v  Me. 
Edgefield,  v  Tenn.;  co  t  S.  C. 
Edgington,  Ej'iii-ton,  v  111. 
Ed'in,  8Min,  t-  6. 
Edina,  8-dj-na.  co  t  Mo. 
Edinborough,  Ed'in-bur-o.  «  Pa. 
Edinburg,  Ed'in-burg,  r«  U.  S. 
Edinburgh,  Ed'in-bur-u,  metropolis  of 

Scot.,  158. 
Edinburgh,  New,  s-pt  S.  Am. 
Edisto.  Ed'is-to,  r  S.  C. 
Edmonton,  Ed'mon-ton,  vs  Eng.,  Brit. 

N.  Am.,  Kv. 
Eelee,  Ele,  Hi,  8'le,  r  and  c  Chi.,  75. 
Eel  River,  two  rs  la. 
Eels,  8lz,  Eeleeyats   or   Iliyats,   8-l8- 

yqts,  wandering  tribes  of  Persia. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Eem,  ffm,  r  Holland. 

Ee.ssah  Sumaulee,  8'^a  So-md-le,  tribe 
in  K.  Af. 

Et'be,  Ef'ba,  i  Malay  Arch. 

Eifin^iharn,  Ef'i«-ham,;  r«  N-H.,  S.  C. 

Egor,  Eg'er  or  U'ger,  r  E.  Ger.;  t  Bo- 
hemia, 103^. 

Egerdir,  Eg-or-der,  I  and  t  Asia  Minor. 

Egga,  Eg'a,  large  t  Guinea. 

Eggobee,  Eg'a-be,  t  W.  Af.,  U. 

Egg  Is.  Point,  s.  ex.  Egg  U.,  Del.  Bay. 

Egmont,  Eg'mont,  {or  Six  Islands, ) 
Ind.   Oc;   i  Santa  Cruz  Arch.;  vol 

■    N-Zealand. 

Egypt,  cy  in  n.  e.  Af.:  area  11,000  s. 
m.,  pop.  2,500,000;  vs  NY.,  Pa.,  &c 

Ehen,  i^'heii,  r  Eng. 

Ehrenbreitstein,  ll'ren-brjt-stin,  ft  i 
Rren.  Prud.,  2. 

Eichstadt  or  Aichstadt,  ik'stet,  t  Bav., 

Eider,  f  der  or  Id'er,  r  Den.,  nav.  70  m. 

Eig,  Eig^,  8g,  or  Egg  Is.,  Heb.  of  Scot. 

Eiger,  ^r'ger,  m  Swit.,  13,0  ia  ft.  high. 

Eijerland  or  Eierland,  i'er-lqnt,  n. 
part  island  of  Texel.  [8%. 

Eiienburg.  >Flen-bia/-A,  t  Prus.  Saxony, 

Eil,  Loch,  Lo7t  gl,  I  Scot. 

Eimbeck,  "fui'bek,  t  llan.,  0%. 

Eiiaeo,  i'mz-o,  one  of  the  Society  Is- 
lands, Pac.  Oc,  13^. 

Einsiedeln,  ^n'se-deln,  t  Swit,,  3. 

Eisenach,  f^zen-qA,  t  Cun.  (ier.,  9}-^. 

Eisenstadt,  i''zen-stqt,  t  Hun.,  9%. 

Eisloben,  'fs'la-ben,  t  Prus.  Sax.,  S%. 

Ekhe,  Ek'e,  or  Iga,  Ig'a,  r  Mongolia, 
170  ra. 

Elba,  El'ba:  i  of  Tuscany,  Med.,  18>^; 
rs  N'Y.,  Va.,  &e. 

Elbe,  Elb,  (Ger.  El'be,)  r  Ger.,  550  m. 

Elberfeld,El'ber-felt,nthen.  Prus.,  35. 

Elbeuf  or  Elboeuf,  El-bef,  t  Fr.,  173^. 

Eibing,  El'bin,  t  a.  Prus.,  20. 

Elbingorode,  El'biy-/ii-rij-dc,  t  Han.,  .3. 

Elbogen  or  Ellbogeu,  El-bu-Aen,  t  Bo- 
hemia, 2. 

Elbridge,  El'brij,  vs  N-Y.  1,  111. 

Elbrooz,  El-bri»z,  range  of  mountains, 
Cen.  Asia,  breadth* 200  m. 

Elburg,  El'burA,  t  H-,!.,  2. 

Elche,  El'qa,  t  Sp.,  18. 

Elde,  f]rde,  r  Meck.-Schwerin,  9t  m. 

El  Dorado,  El  Do-r^-du),  part  of  S.  A. ; 
CO  Cal..  area  2,000  s.  in.,  pop.  40;  v« 
Ark.  W.  Ky.,  .Mo. 

Elek,  U-lek,  v  Hun.,  2%. 

Elemer,  H-la-m;|,r,  v  Hun.,  2^. 

Eleuthera  (g-li'i-te-ra )  Isl.-iud  and 
Keys,  Bahama  Islands,  2}<2. 

Elleld,  El'felt,  t  Oon.  Ger.,  2'^. 


Eigg,  Elk,  V  Swit.,  3. 

Elgin,  El'gin,  t  Scot.,  Q%',  El'jin,  r«  N- 
Y.,  111.,  3. 

Elisabethstadt,  H-le-zq-bet-stqt,  t 
Transylvania,  4. 

Elisaveiopol,  H-lE-zq-va-t<5-pol,  t  Ga. 
in  Eu.,  12. 

Elizabeth,  ts  Pa.  2>^,  Ark.,  &c. 

Elizabeth  City,  co  Va-;  ^  N.  C,  2. 

Elizabeth  Islands,  coast  of  Mass.,  and 
likewise  the  names  of  other  small 
islands  in  the  At.  and  Pac.  Ooeaud. 

Elizabeth  Port,  v  N-J.,  1. 

Elizabethtown,  vs  N-J.  4,  Pa.,  Va  ,&c. 

El  Kader,  El  Kq-der,  v  Iowa. 

El-Kasr  or  El-Kasar,  El-kqs-r',  cap  of 
Dakhel,  in  Upper  Egypt. 

El-Khargeh,  El-kq/'-ge,  t  Up.  Eg.,  6. 

Elkhart  (Elk'hqrtj  River,  la.,  100  m. 

Elk  Mountain,  m  Pa. 

El-Kos,  El -kos,  r  Morocco. 

Elk  River,  rs  Pa.,  Va.,  Tenn.  and  Ala. 

Elle,  El-a,  r  Fr. 

Eilezelles,  El-zel,  t  Belg.,  6}-^. 

EUice  (El'is)  Islands,  group  ot  islets  in 
the  Pacific,  %. 

Ellichpoor.  El-ik-pi6r,  c  India. 

EUicotville,  El'i-kot-vil,    v  N-Y  ,  IJ^. 

Ellsworth,  Elz'wurt,  t  and  pi  Me.,  0. 

Ellwangen,  El'wqi)-en,  t  Wiirt.,  3. 

Elmina,  El-me-nq,  (///•  St.  George  del 
Mina,)  t  and  /t,  cap.  Dutch  posses, 
on   the  Guinea  coast,  Af.;  10  blucks. 

Elmira,  El-mi-ra,  vs  N-Y.  10,  O.,  III. 

Elmshorn,  Elms'horn,  t  Denmark,  0}^. 

El  Paso  del  Norte,  El  Pq-so  del  No/'-ia, 
(often  written  El  Passo,)  a  line  of 
sotilernents  on  the  right  bank  of  tho 
Rio  Grand,  Mex.,  5. 

El  Rosario,  El  Ro-sq-ri-o,  t  Mex.,  5. 

Elsinore,  El-si-ndir,  or  Elsineur,  El-si- 
nqr,  e-pt  t  Den.,  noted  as  the  place 
whore  the  Sound  dues  iiro  levied  on 
vessels  entering  or  clearing  the  Bal- 
tic; pop.  8. 

Elster,  El'ster,  "White,  r  Ger.,  110  m. 

Elster,  Black,  r  Ger.,  105  m. 

El  Tyh,  Wady,  Wq-di  el  Te,  ("Valley 
of  tho  Wandering,")  Middle  Egypt. 

Elvii.«,  El'vqs,  ft  c  Port.,  1(>>^. 

Elven.  El-v6h,  t  Fr.,  3j/^. 

Ely,  g'le,  Isle  of.  dis  Eng..  co  of  Cam- 
bridge: area  225,150  acre.s. 

Elyria,  t'-lir-i-a,  v  O.,  2]/^. 

VAiii,  El'zq,  r  Tuscany. 

Eize,  Elt'sp,  t  Hanover,  2. 

Emba,  Em'bq,  (Jem  w  Djcm,  Jem,)  r 
Cen.  Asia,  250  m. 

Eoibach,  Em'bqA,  Great  and  Little,  r 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Embrun,  Em'brun  or  Oh-bruh,  t  Fr., 

Emden   or  Embden,    Ern'den,    s-pt  i 

Hanover,  12. 
Eineiiabad,   Ein-en-q-b^d,   or  Amina- 

bad,  H-min-q-bqd,  t  of  the  Punjab. 
Emerina,    Em-e-re-nq,   die  island   of 

Emmerich,  Em'e-nh,  or  Emrich,  Em'- 

T\h,  walled  t  Rhen.  Prus.,  (5><^. 
Empoli,  Em'po-le,  i  Tuscany,  5>^. 
Ems,  '/'  n.  w.  Ger. 
Ems  Ilohen,  Biins  He-en,  t  Aus. 
Enara,  ^-nq-rq,  I  Ru's.  Lapland.    [3)^. 
Encina-Sola,    En-te-nq-SoJ-lq,    t    tSp., 
Encruzilhada,  En-kra>-zel-yq-dq,  t;  and 

har  Brazil,  2. 
Endava,  En-dq-vq,  r  S.  Am. 
Ende,  En'da,  s-pt  t  Malay  Arch. 
Endingen,  En'di^-en,  t  Baden,  3. 
Eutield,  En'txid,  v  ^-H.,  Conn. 
Engano,    En-gq-no,    is  Malay   Arch., 

northern  coa:>t  of  Papua. 
Engedi,  Eg'ge-dj,  wAiujidy,  £[n-jid-E, 

anc.  t  Palestine. 
Engelberg,  Eij'el-berA,  v  Swit. 
Engelhardszeil,  E{)'el-hqrt-sel,  t  Upper 

Aus.,  \. 
Engelholm,  E^'gel-hom,  s-pt  t  Swed. 
Engelsberg,  Eij'gels-be/-A,    t   Austrian 

Silesia,  234. 
Engenho-do-Matto,  En-sen-yo-do-mq- 

to,  V  Brazil,  3. 
Enghien,  Oh-gi-an,  t  Belg.,  Z%. 
England,    Ii)'giand,   a   famous    cy    of 

Europe,   forming,   with    Wales,  the 

southern  part  of  the  island  of  Great 

Britain.   Area,  57,812  s,  m.,  of  which 

60,377  are  in  England,  and  7,425  in 

Wales :  pop.  of  Eng.,  in  1851,  was 

16,921,888,  Wales,  1,050,721. 
Engua-Guacu,    {or   Guazu,)   Eg'gwq- 

gwq-sd),  i  of  Brazil. 
Enguera,  En-gwa-rq,  t  Sp.,  5%. 
Enkhuysen,   Eijk-her-sen,    Enkhaizen, 

Enchusa,  En-k(f)-sq,  s-pt  t  J*"eth.,  5. 
Enkirch,  En'ks/'A,  v  Rhen.  Prus.,  2. 
Enkjoping,     Enkoping,    En'<^e-piy,    t 

Sweden,  1^. 
Ennaska,  En-qs-kq,  i  N.  Pac.  Oc. 
Enneda,  En-a-dq,  v  Swit.,  2. 
Ennel,  En'el,  I  Ir. 
Ennis,  En'is,  t  Ir.,  ^%. 
Enniscorthy,  En-is-kor-ti,  t  Ir.,  7. 
Enniskillen,  En-is-kil-en,  t  Ir.,  5^. 
Enns  or  Ens,  /■  and  t  Aus.,  'd}{. 
Enos,  £I'nos,  s-pt  t  Eu,  Tur.,  7. 
Enosburg,  i>'nos-burg,  i'  Yt.,  2. 
Enotaevsk,  il-no-tq-evsk,  t  Rus.,  3. 
Enachede,  Eu-ska-de,  t  Netherlanda,  5. 

Ensonada  de  Barmgon,    En-sa-n^-dq 

da  Bar-q-gon,   Z>  and   v  Argentine 

Ensisheim,    En'sis-hjm,    or    Ensheim, 

Ens'hjm,  t  Fr.,  4. 
Enirague,  Oh-trqg,  v  Sard.  States,  3. 
Entrecasteaux,  Oh-tr-kqs-tC),  t  Fr.,  2. 
Entre  Rios,  En'tra  Re-os,  prov  Argen- 
tine Republic,  30. 
Entry  (En'trej  Island,  Kapito,  K^-pe- 

to,  *  of  N-Zealand. 
Envie,  On-ve,  1'  Pied.,  2%. 
Enzweihingen,  Euts-vi-hifl-en,i'Wurt, 
Eoa,  8-6-q,  or  Eooa,  f%tt)-q,  i  Pac.  Oc 
Epaignes,  E-pan,  v  Fr.,  2%. 
Epe,  a'pe,  or  Eep.  Up,  r  Hoi.,  Z%. 
Eperies,  H-pa-ri-eJ,   or  Heperjes,  Ha- 

per-yej,  t  Hun.,  8)-^. 
Epernay,  £I-pe?-na,  t  Fr.,  6. 
Ephratah,  8-fra-ta,  V  N-Y.,   2. 
Epila,  U-pe-lq,  t  Sp.,  3. 
Epiual,  U-pe-nql,  t  Fr.,  11. 
Epsom,  Ep'som,  t  Eng„   3)^. 
Epte,  Ept,  r  Fr. 
Erbach,  Er'bqA,    ts  Hesse-Darmstadt, 

Nassau,  and  Wiirt.;  r  Rhen.  Bavaria. 
Ercsi,  E/-qg,    or  Ercseny,  Er-cjeny,  v 

Hun.,  31^. 
Erdeven,  E?'d-v6n.  «  Fr.,  3. 
Erfurt  or  Erf urth,  Er'furt,  t  Prussian 

Saxony,  24)^. 
Ericeira,  U-ri-sa-i-rq,  mart  Port.,  2}^. 
Ericht,  Loch,  LoA  Er'iAt,  I  Scot. 
Ericht,  r  Scot. 
Erie,  ^-ri,  I  n.  U.  S.,  one  of  the  five 

drained  by  the   St.  Lawrence  Riverj 

ts  Pa.,  Mich.,  &c. 
Erivan,  Er-i-vqn,/i{  t  Rus.  Arm.,  1134« 
Erlaugen,  Er'lqg-en,  t  Bavaria,  11%. 
Erlau,  Er'\TS,ftt  Hun.,  19%. 
P^rne,  Ern,  r  and  two  Is  Ir. 

t  Fr.,  b\i 

Ernsthal,  Erns'tql,  t  Sax.  [6%. 

Ersek-Ujvar,  E/-jek-a)-i-vqr,   t  Hun., 

Erstein,  E/'stjn,  t  Fr.,  3^. 

Ertvaag-Oe,  E/'vog-e-e,  i  of  Norway. 

Ertvekie,  E;-t-vel-de,'  'V  Belg.,  3. 

Erzberg,  E/'ts'be7'A,  m  Styna. 

Erzengan,  Er-zen-gqn,  t  As.  Tur. 

Erz-Gebirge,  Erts-ga-bi?"-ga,  m  s.  Ger. 

Erzroom,  Erzroum  or  Erzrum,  Erz-rijum, 
c  Armenia,  50. 

Erzroom,  Pashalic  of,  one  of  the  sub- 
divisions of  As.  Tur. 

Escalaplano,  Es-kq-lq-plq-no,  01'  Sca- 
laplano,  Skq-lq-plq-no,  'O  island  of 
Sardinia,  ]J<^. 

Escalonilla,  Es-kq-lo-nel-yq,  v  Sp.,  2. 

Escambia,  Es-kam-bi-a,  r  Ala.;  co  Fa. 

Escholzmatt,  Ej'oltg-mqt,   v   Swit.,  3. 

Geographical  VocABULARr. 


Eschwege,  EjVa-ge,  t  Ilesse-Cass-el,  6. 

E:<chweiler,  Ej'vj-ler,  t  Khen.  Frus.,  8. 

E:K;udo  de  Veragua,  Es-kdo-du  da  Va- 
rq-gwq,  r  S.  Atu. 

Escuinthi,  Es-kw8nt-lq,  t  Cen.  Am.,  2}-^. 

Eskee-Sara,  Es'kE-«q-rq,  ar  Eski-ria- 
gra,  Es'ke-^-grqL*  ^  ^^'  Tur.,  20. 

Esla,  Es'lq.  r  Sp. 

Eslingen,  Es'liij-en,  t  Wiirt.,  6^. 

Erfiueralda,  Ea-ma-rql-dq,  r  S.  Aui.:  m 
Brazil.  ^  [2i^. 

E:<parraguera,   Es-par-q-ga-rq,   ^   Sp., 

Espejo,  Es-pa-/^a),  ^  Sp.,  o}^. 

Espinhaco,  Serra  do,  Se/-q  do  Es-pen- 
yq-so,  ;««  Brazil. 

Espiritu  Santo,  Es-pir-i-tcQ  Sqn-to, 
w  Pac.  Oc,  Gulf  of  Cal.,  one  of  the 
Bahama  Is.;  t  Cuba:  sev.  vs  and  cas. 

E^pita,  Es-|je-tq,  t  Cen.  Am.,  3. 

Espluga  de  Francoli,  Es-pldb-gq  da 
Frqn-ko-ie,  t  Sp.,  2%. 

Esquimaux,  Ei'ki-mu),  or  -moz,  the  in- 
habitants i^f  Greenland  and  the  ex- 
treme north  of  America. 

Esquimaux,  i  and  har  N.  Am. 

Essarts,  Les,  Laz  Es-qr,  t  Fr.,  2%. 

Essen,  Es'en,  t  Prus.  Westphalia,  7%. 

Essequibo,  Es-e-ke-bo,  r  Br.  Guiana. 

Essex,  Es'eks,  ccjs  and  rs  U.  S. 

Este,  Es'la,  t  Lombardy,  8. 

Estella,  Es-tel-yq,  t  Sp.,  6. 

Estopona,  Es-ta-pti-nq,  t  Sp.,  9}^. 

Estrullu,  Serra  da,  Ser-q  dq  Es-trel-q, 
nu  Brazil  and  Port.       [Port.,  748)^. 

Estremadura,    Es-tra-mq-dobrq,  prov 

Eszek,  Esseck,  Es'ek,  or  Essegg,  Es'eg, 
cap  Aus.  Slavouia,  121^. 

Etampes,  a-tonp,  t  Fr.,  8. 

Ethiopia,  8-f)i-w-pi-a,  ey  S.  Egypt. 

Etna,  Et'na,  vol  n.  e.  Sicily. 

Eton,  8'ton,  t  Eng.,  3^^. 

Etowah,  Et/o  wu,  o/'  Hi-to-wq,  r  Ga. 

Ettrick,  Et'rik,  r  and  put-  Scot. 

Euboea,  Yq-be-q,  or  Negro pont,  the 
largest  island  of  the  kingdom  of  Gr. 

Euclid,  Yi'i-klid,  u  N-Y.,  0. 

Eupen,  CT'pen,  t  lihen.  Prus.,  11. 

Euphrates,  Yq-fra-l£z,  called  also  by 
the  natives,  Moorad,  r  Egypt. 

Eure-et-Loir,  E;'-a-Lwqy,y>/(>«tFr.,  295. 

Europe,  Yq-rujp,  the  least  of  the  great 
divisions  of  the  earth,  Australia  ex- 
cepted, yet  a  quarter  in  which  civil- 
ization has  progressed  most  exten- 
sively. Area,  3,830,130  s.  m.j  pop., 

Euiaw,  Yq-to,  v  Ala.,  2. 

Evansville,  Iv'anz-vil,^  la.  9;rjs  Va..<&c. 

Everghem,  iI'ver-Aem,  v  Belg.,  7%. 

Evora,  Ev'u-rq,  c  Port.,  15. 

Evreux,  Ev-re,  c  Fr.,  13. 

Ewington,  Yq-iy-ton,  co  t  III. 

Exe,  Eks,  r  Eng. 

Exeter,  J^ks'e-ter,  c  Eng.,  33;  vs  Me., 
N-H.,  and  other  States. 

Exmouth,  Eks'mut),  t  Eng.,  5. 

Eyafialla-Yokul,  if-q-fi-q-lq-Yo-kul 
vol  Iceland.  [s-^^  t  Eng. 

Eye,  ^,  hor  and  t  Eng.,  1}4;  -mouth, 

Eynesford,  tlnz'ford,  par  Eng. 


Faaberg,  F(!j-berg,  U  Nor.  A%.,  Den. 
Fabbriano,  Fqb-ri-(\-no,  c  Cen.  It.,  &%. 
Facone,  Fq-k<i-na,  I  Japan. 
Fadievskoi,  Fq-di-ev-skflr,  *  Arc.  Oc. 
Faemund  or  Famuud,  Fa-muand.  I  Nor. 
Faonza,  Fq-en-zq,  c  Cen.  It.,  19%. 
Fairfax,  F4r-fak8,  cot  Va.;  i«Vt.,  0. 
Fairfield,  F4r-fcld,   v   port   of   entry. 

Conn.;  T»  N-Y.,  0.,  la..  III.,  Iowa. 
Fairhftven,  F^r-h6-ven,  v  Mass.,  5j  va 

N-Y.,  Conn.,  0.,  III. 
Fairmont,  F^r-mont,  co  t  Va. 
Fairweather.  F^r-w6d-er,  m  Rus.  Am., 

14,900  ft,  high.  fConn. 

Fairweather's  Is.,  Black  Rock  llarbor, 
Falaba,  Fq-l^-bq,  t  W.  Af.,  «. 
Falaise,  Fq-laz.  t  Fr.,  9. 
Falalu,  Fq-lq-l«6,  *  Pac.  Oc. 
Falkirk,  Fol-kork,  t  Sot.,  9. 
Falkland,  Fuk-laud,  Islaudd,  8.  At.  Oc. 

Fall  River,  ta  Mass.  W}4,  Wis. 
Falmouth,  Fal-mat,  s-pt  t  Eng.,  5;  ta 

Me.,,  &c. 
Falster,  Fql-ster,  i  in  the  Baltic,  2Z%. 
Fano,  Fq-no,  s-pt  t  Cen.  It.,  10. 
Farallones  do  los  Frayles,   Fq-rql-y(5- 

nes  da  l6)S  Frj-les,  is  coast  of  Cal. 
Fareham,  F^r-ham,  t  Eng.,  3j^. 
Farmington,  Fqrra-iy-ton,  vs  Ale.,  N- 

H.,  Conn.,  N-Y.,  &c.  \y'ng. 

Fame  (Fqrn)  or  Fern  Is.,  off  coast  of 
P^irnham,  F^rn-ham.  t  Eng.,  3)^;  v  Va. 
Fiiro,  Fd-ru),  s-pt  c  Port.,  8X.  a 

Faroe,  ia-ro  (fr  Fa-r^-e,  i  N.  At.  Oo. 
Farsan,  Fqr-s<!in,  Islands,  Rod  Sea. 
Fasano,  Fq-s^-no,  c  Nap.,  9. 
Fatsizio,  Fcit-se-zi-o,  i  of  Japan. 
Fauquier,  to-ker,  co  Va. 
Fausse  (Fwh)  Point,  «  o  La. 
Faussa  liiviere,  Foid  KE-vi-4r,  v  La. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Faversham,    Fav-er-Jfira,   s-pt  t  Eng. 
Favignaua,  Fq-ven-yq-ri(\,  i  MeJ. 
Faxardo  or  Fajardo,  Fq-Ziq/'-do,  t  and 

i  Furto  Kico,  '6. 
Fayal,  Fj-ql,  i  Azores,  N.  At.  Oc,  26. 
Fujette,  Fa-et,  r«  N- Y.,  Fa.,  Miss.,  &c. 
Fayetteville,  Fa-et-vil,  t  N.  C,  7:  xh. 
Fayuoui  or  Faiouin,  Fj-iBin,  ^rrov  Eg. 
Feather  (Fed-er)  liiver,  Cal. 
Fecamp,  Fa-koii,  H-pt  t  Fr.,  11 3^. 
Feejee,  Fidji,  Fiji,  Fg-je,  <??'  Viti,  Ve- 

t£,  Islands,  group  in  the  S.  Fac.  Oc. 
Feia,  Fa-g-q,  i  Brazil. 
Felaniche,  Fa-lq-neq,  t  Sp.,  9%. 
Felegyhaza,  Fa-lej-hq-zo,  t  Hun.,  17. 
Feliciana,  Fe-liJ-i-an-u,  j^ar  La.j  tJKy. 
Felicity,  Fe-lis-i-ti,  t?  O. 
Fcmurn,  Fa-uiern,  *  Den.,  9. 
Foruioy,  Fer-mer,  t  Ir.,  5%. 
Fernando  de  Noronha,  Fc/'-nqn-do  da 

Nw-run-yq,  i  S.  At.  Oc. 
Fernando  Fo,  Fer-nqn  do  Fo,  i  W.  Af. 
Fernau    Nunez,   Fu/'-nqu   NtJbn-yet,   t 

Sp.,  5%. 
Ferrara,  Fer-^-rq,  c  Papal  States,  31. 
Ferret,  Col  de,  Kol  de  Fer-a,  j^ass  in 

Pennine  Alps. 
Ferro,  Fer-cD,  one  of  Canary  Is,,  ^Y^. 
Ferrol,  Fer-ol,  s-pt  t  Sp.,  10)^. 
Fesa,  Fos-q  or  Fa-sq,  t  Per.,  18. 
Fez,  Fez,  k  Morocco;  c  do.,  90, 
Fezarah,  Fa-zq-rq,  I  Algeria. 
Fozzan,  Fez-qi),  A;  N.  At. 
Fichtelberg,  Fi/i-tel-be/7i,   or  Fichtel- 

gebirge,  FiA-tel-ga-her-Aa,  ms  Bav. 
Figueira,  Fe-ga-i-rq,  t  Port.,  6. 
Figueras,  Fe-ga-rqs,  t  Sp.,  8. 
Fillmore,  Fil-mor,  xs  U.  S.;  —  City, 

t  Utah. 
Finale,  Fe-n^-la,  is  It.,  5  and  8. 
Finana,  Fen-yq-nq,  t  Sp.,  '6\i. 
Fincastle,  Fin-kas-1,  ts  V'a.,  O.,  111.,  &c. 
Findlay,  Find-la,  v  0.,  3. 
Finesville,  Fjuz-vil,  'V  N-J. 
Fingal,  Fin-gol,  dis  Ir.:  t  C.  W. 
Fingoes,  Fig-goz,  race  S.  Africans. 
Finland,  Fin-land,  Grand  Duchy  of,  a 

(jov  N.  W.  Russia,  l,6;i7. 
Finland,  Gulf  of,  arm  of  Baltic  Sea. 
Fiumark,  Fin-mqrk,  pvov  of  Nor.,  44. 
Finster-Aarhorn,   Fin-ster-H/'he/'n,  tn 

Swit..  14,026  ft.  high. 
Fishkill,  FiJ-kil,  v  N-Y.,  93^. 
Fitchburg,  Fiq-burg,  t  Mass.,  7, 
Fiume,  Fi-db-ma,  s-pt  t  Aus.,  11. 
Flanders,  Flan-derz,    former   dis  Eu., 

now  included  in  liol.,  Belg.  and  Fr. 
Fleetwood,  Flet-wud,  s-pt  Eng. 
Flemingsburg,  Flem-igz-burg,  t  Ky.,  %. 
Flemington,  xs  N-J.  1,  Pa.,  N.  C. 

Flensborg,  Flenz-ber/i,  t  Den.,  161.^. 
Flint,  Flint,  s-pt  N.  Wales;  xs  Mich.,  la. 
Flint  River,  rs  Ga.,  300  m.;  Mich. 
Florence,  Flor-ens,  c  It.,  \^Vyi\  xs  U.  S. 
Flores,  Flo-res,  is  Malay  Arch.,  Azores  9, 

Plata  estuary.  N't  Pac.  Oc;  t  Brazil. 
Florida,  Fl6r-i-da,  most  southern  U.  S.; 

area,  59,268  s.  m.;  pop.  47,203  whites, 

932  free  blacks,  39,310  slaves— total, 

87,445;  xs  U.  S. 
Floridia,  Flw-re-di-q,  t   Sic,  i%. 
Flushing,  FliiJ-iy,  s-pt  t  Neth.,  1%]  v 
^  N-Y.,  2X. 

Fogaras,  Fij-go-roj,  t  Transylvania,  5. 
Foggia,  F6d-jq,  c  Nap.,  24. 
Fogo,  F6-go,  or  Fuego,  Fa)-a-go,  one 

of  the  Cape  Verd  Is.,  7. 
Fohr,  ¥er,  i  of  Den.,  4%. 
Foldvar,  Feld-vqr,  t  Hun.,  103^. 
Folgefondeu-Fieid,  F6l-ge-fon-den-Fi- 

eld,  7ns  Nor. 
Foligno,  Fo-lcn-yo,  t  Cen.  It.,  15X. 
Folkestone,  Fu)k-st(j:)n,  s  pt  t  Eng.,  7)^. 
Fond-des-Negres,  Fwn-da-Na-gr,  t 

Fon  du  Lac,  Fon  dt],  Lak,  t  Wis.,  5.  j 
Fong-Tsiang,  Foy-Tsi-qi),  c  China. 
Fontainebluau,  Foh-ten-blQ,  t  Fr.,  lOJ/^. 
Foochoo,  Foo-qcf),    Foo-Choo-Foo,    FcD- 

Cio-Fcfe,  or  Foo-Tchow-Foo,  Fid-Ctj- 

Fo),  c  China,  500. 
Foolahs  or  Fulahs,  F(3b-lqz,  sing.  rac« 

W.  Af. 
Foosee,  Fousi  c>?'  Fusi,  Fa>-sg,  m  Japan. 
Foo-Shan   or  Fou-Schan,  FcD-ilqu,    c 

China,  200. 
Foota-Jallon,  FiJo-tq-Jq-lon,  dwW.  Af. 
Forcados,  Rio  dos,  Re-o  dtas  For-kq-dos, 

T  W.  Af. 
Fordoche,  For-daJ,  haymi  La.        [&c. 
Forestville,  For-est-vil,  xs  Conn.,  N-Y., 
Forfar,  Fdr-fur    t  Scot.,  11. 
Forli,  Fo/'-le,  c  Cen.  It.,  16. 
Formentera,  Fej'-men-ta-rq,  i  Med. 
Formosa,    Fur-m6-sq,   is   China   Sea, 

2,500,000;   i  off    W.  coast  Af.    — 

Mount  and  River,  Malay  Peninsula, 
Forsyth,  For-sjd,  vs  Ga.,  Mo. 
Fort  Anne,  Fort  An,  v  N-Y. 
Fort  Beversede,  Ba-ver-sa-de,  Pa. 
Fort  Boise,  Bwq-za,  Oregon. 
Fort  Des  Moines,  De  Mern,  t  cap.  Iowa. 
Forteau  ^^For-tc))  Bay  idet  s.  e.  Lab. 
Fort  Edward,  v  N-Y.,  %. 
Fort  Gaines,  Ganz,  x  Ga. 
Fort  Gibson,  x  and  mil  sta  Ind.  Ter. 
Forth,  Fort,  r  Scot. 
Fort  Hamilton,  v  and  ft  defending  N- 

Y.  Harbor. 
Fort  Howard,  %  Wis.,  ^. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Fort  Isle  Aax  Noix,  Pi  O  Nwq,/i5  C.  E. 
Fort  Kearny,  Ker-ni,  Neb.,  on  Or.  route. 
Fort    Laramie,     Lar-a-uie,     mil    post 

Platte  River,  Ind.  Ter. 
Fort  Leavenworth,  Lev-cn-wurt,   mil 

post,  Kansas. 
Fort  Liberie,  Le-ber-ta,  s-pt  t  Hayti. 
Fort  Madison,  Mad-i-son,  t  Iowa,  3. 
Fort  Plain,  «  N-Y.,  Ij^. 
Fort  Ridge ly,  Rij-lj,  .Mm.  Ter. 
Fort  Riley,  Ri-li,  Kansas  Tor. 
Fort  Royal,  Rtf-al,  ft  t  Fr.  W.  Ind. 
Fort  Suiith,  t  Ark.j  1)^. 
Fort  Snelling,  mil  post  and  v  Min. 
Fortune,  FJrt-ynn,  Bay,  inlet  s.  N-Fd. 
Fort  Union,  Q.  S./i  bet.  Independence 

and  Santa-Fe. 
Fort  Valley,  t  Ga.,  1.  [Ter. 

Fort  Wallawalla,  W6l-a-wol-a,  Wash. 
Fort  Washita,  W6J-i-ta,  Ind.  Ter. 
Fort  Wayne,  Wan,  t  la.,  &%. 
Fort  Yuma,  Yc6-ma,  Cal. 
Fossano,  Fos-q-no,  t  Pied,,  16. 
Foster,  Fos-ter,  ts  R.  I.  2,  Ky.,  &c. 
Fourche  a  Reynault,   FcDrJ"  q  Ra-no, 

«  Mo. 
Fowey,  Fff,  r  Eng. 
Fowla  or  Foula,  F^-lq,  one  of  Shet.  Is. 
Fox  River,  rs  Wis.,  Iowa,  Mo.,  Canada. 
Framingham,  Fra-miy-ham,   v  Mass., 

France,  Frans,  one  of  the  mightiest 
empires  in  the  world,  w.  part  of  Eu., 
embracing  the  following  islands  and 
3olonies:  Corsica;  Algeria;  Senegal 
in  W.  Af.:  Bourbon,  Ind.  Oc;  St. 
Marie;  W.  Ind., — Martinique,  Guad- 
eloupe, n.  part  of  St.  Martin,  Marie 
Galante,  Desirade,  and  the  Saintes 
Group:  French  Guiana,  St.  Pierre 
aad  Miquelon  Is.,  coast  of  N.  Am.; 
Marquesas  Is.,Taitiand  Akarno;  and 
Mew  Caledonia.  Area,  321,016  s.  m.; 
pop.  38,489,979. 

Fraucestowr, Fran-ses-t-sn,  t  N-H.,  li^. 

Franconia,  Fran-kcj-ni-a,  ta  N-H.,  Pa. 

Frankfort  (Fraflk-fort,)  on  the  Main, 
c  of  Ger.,  seat  of  the  Germanic  Diet, 
pop.  62J4. 

Frankfort,  (Fragk-fort,)  oa  the  Oder, 
c  Pru!!.,  ZOyi.  [0..  la. 

Frankfort,  t,  cap  Ky.,  5  ;  r«  Me.,  N-Y.. 

Franklin.  Frank-lin,  20  cos;  33  xs;  fiO 
ts,  U.  S.  \AX. 

Frederica,  Fred-er-iJ-i-q,  s-pt  t  ban., 

Frederick,  Fred-er-ik,  cm  in  Md.,  Va.; 
U  in  Pa.,  0.,  Ac;  —  City,  Md.,  6. 

Fredericksburg,  t  Va.,  4;  ts  0.,  Tex. 

FrederickHville,  v  IIL 

FredericktowD,  vs  Ky.,  0.,  1,  Mo. 

Fredericton,  Fred-er-ik-ton,  c  N-Brun., 

41^.  [Den. 

Frederikshavn,  Frdd-er-iks-h-sn,  s-pt  t 
Fredonia,  Fre-do-ni-a,  v  N-Y.,  1>4;  vs 

Ala.,  Ky.,  0.,  111.,  &c.      [0.,  la..  III. 
Freedom,  Fre-dom,  ts  Me.,  N-H.,  Pa., 
Freehold,  Fre-hold,  v  N-J. 
Freeport,  Fre-port,  «  111.,  Me.,  Pa.,  &c. 
Free-town,  <jr  St.  George,  cap  Sierra 

Leone,  18.  [Sax.,  U%. 

Freigburg,    or  Freyberg,    Frj-ber(/,    t 
Freiberg,    or    Freyburg,    Frj-bu/7,    c 

grand  duchy  of  13aden,  Vo%. 
Fremont,    Fre-mont,    formerly    Lower 

Sandusky,  n  0.,  1%;  numerous  r» 

and  cos  U.  S.  [200  m. 

French  Broad  River,  N.  C.  and  Tenn., 
Frenchman's  B^y,  on  coast  Me. 
Frenchman's   Cap,    in   Van    Diemea's 

Land,  5000  ft. 
Frenchtown,  Ts  N-J.,  Pa.,  Md.,  &3. 
Freneuse,  Fre-ni'^z,  I  N-Brun. 
Fresnillo,  Fres-nel-yo,  mining  t  Mex.,  8. 
Freyburg,     Frj-bu/'^,     canto/i    and    t 

Swit.,  9. 
Freycinet  (Frj-si-net)  Island,  in  Pac. 
Frey-Oe,  Frj-e-e,  i  w.  coast  of  Nor. 
Friendly,  Frerid-li,  {or  Tonga,  T6n-gq,) 

w,  upwards  of  150  islands,  Pa.  Oc. 
Friend^^hip,  rs  N-Y.,  %,  Md.,  N-C. 
Friesland,  Frez-land,  prov  of  the  Neth. 
Frignano,  Fren-yq-no,  ts  Nap.,  2%. 
Frod.shara,  Frod-Jam,  t  Eng.,  6i/^. 
Frome,  or  Frome  Selwood,  Frwm  Sel- 

wud,  t  Eng.,  103^. 
Fronton,  Fron-tun,  ^  Tex. 
Front  Royal,  v  Va.,  3^. 
Frosinone,  Fro-se-n6-nn,  t  It.,  1%, 
Fronton,  Fron-ton,  c  Tex. 
Fryeburg,  Frj-burg,  v  Me.,  13^. 
Fuca,   or  Juan  De  Fuca,    (Sp.    pron. 

Hji-(\\}  Da  Fd)-kq,)  str  N.  Am,,  in 
^  Or.  Ter. 
Fucino,  Lago,  L^-go  FtD-qe-no,  I  Nap., 

11  by  5  m.  [Phil.  Is. 

Fuegos,  Fwa-go3,  or  Foo-a-gos,  one  of 
Fuego,     Volcano    de,     Vol-kq-no    da 

Fwa-go,  (Fa)-a-gca,)  w  Cen.  Am. 
Fuen-Ho,  Fwen-IIu),  r  China,  300  m. 
Fuerte  de  San  Jose,    Fwer-ta  da  Sqa 

lAa-sa,  t  of  the  Argentine  Republic. 
Faerteventura,  Fw6r-tq-ven  Uf)-rq,  one 

of  the  Can.  Is.  [9^. 

Fulda,  Fial-dq,  r  Ger.;  t  IIosse-Ca.^.'<el, 
Fulton,    Fuil-ton,    cos  N-Y.,  Pa.,  Ky.; 

fs  N-Y.,  2,  Miss.,  0.,  111.,  Mo. 
Funchal,    Foin-Jql,    cap  of  the  Island 

Maderia,  18. 
Fundy,   Bay  of,  inlet  ot  the  Atlantio 

separating  Nova  Scotia  from  N-B. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Fiinfkirchen,  Fenf-ker^-eii,  t  S.  Ilun., 

Furca,  La.,  Lq  F(Jf>r-kq.  m  Swit. 
Funioiuix,  Fur-no,  is  of  Au'^tnilarsia. 
Furruckabad,    Fur-uk-q-b(^d,     t   Brit. 
Furth,  Fert,  t  Bav.,  15.  [lad.,  66. 

Fu.'agasuga,     F(»-sq-gq-S(6-gi*i,     r    N- 
Gnm.  [12,000  ft. 

Futi-Parijnl.  F<f)-tc-Pqn-i('il,  m  Cash,. 
Futtoolah-Killa,  Fu-tco-Iq-Kil-q,  v  Af. 
Fuui,  F(]Or,  or  Fuurland,  FoGr-lqnd,  i 
Fyzabad,  Fj-zq-bqd,  t  of  Ind.     [Den.,  1. 


Gaddada,     Gqd-dq-dq,     {or     Tchin- 

Tchoo,)  r  Hind.,  150  m. 
Gadjatsch,  Gqd-yaq,  or  Gaditch,    Gq- 

diq,  t  8.  Ilus.,  ^4. 
Gaeta,  Gq-a-tq,  s-pt  c  Naples,  3. 
Gagy,  Gq-g8,  or  Gaga,  Gq-gq,  i  Malay 

Gaillac,  Ga-y^k,  or  Gql-y<^k.  t  Fr.  S^. 
Gainesville,    Ganz-ril,    rs  N-Y.,   Ga., 

Ala.,  &c. 
Gainsborough,  Ganz-bur-o,  s-pt  t  Eng., 

1}4;  -y  in  Va. 

[Far.  Ind. 

Galadzet,  (Gq-lqd-zet,)  Hills,  range  in 
Galapagos,  Gq-lq-pq-gca=<,  is  Pac.  Oc. 
Galashiels,  Gal-a-Jelz,  t  Scot.,  6. 
Galatz,  Gq-lqts,  t  Moldavia,  ;}6. 
Galena,  Gi-le-na,  c  III.,  8;  name  of  te 

0.,  la..  Mo. 
Galesburg,  Galz-burg,  ts  111.,  1,  Mich. 
Galiano,  (Gq-li-q-no,)  Island,  of  Brit. 

N.  Am.,  in  Queen  Charlotte's  Sound. 
Galicia,  Gal-iJ-i-a,  prov  Aus.,  4,702,383. 
Galilee,  (Jal-i-le,  prov  ancient  Judea, 

w.  of  the  Jordan,  [i-on,  v  (). 

Galion,  Gq-li-on,  i  n.  e.  of  Java;  Gal- 
Gallas,  Gq-lqz,  powerful  race  E.  Af. 
Gallatin,  Gal-a-tin,  vs  Miss.,  Teun. 
Gal  lego,  Gql-ya-g(o,  r  Sp. 
Gallegos,  Gql-ya-gos,  r  Patagonia. 
Gallia,  Gal-i-a,  (Latin  for  Fr.,)  co  0. 
Gallipoli,    Gq-lip-o-le,  ts   Tur.,   Nap.; 

and  peninsular  bet.  -^geaa  Sea  and 

Gallipolis,  Gal-i-po-lss,  t  0. 
Galloway,  Gal-o-wa,  v  111. 
Galoengong,  Gq-liDn-goi),  vol  Java. 
Gait,  Gelt,  t  C.  W„  2%. 
Galveston,   Gal-ves-ton,  pt  of  entry,  c 

Tex.,  8. 
Galway,  Gol-wa,  co  and  t  Tr.,  2\%:  h  Ir. 
Gambia,    Gqm-bi-a,    r  W.   Af.;  Brit, 

colony  of  W.  Af, 
Gambier  (Gam-ber)  Is.  Pa,  Oc.:  t  0, 
Garala  Karleby,   Gqm-lq  Kqr-le-be,  t 

Finland.,  2. 
Gananoque,  Gq-nq-n6k.  -?'  C,  W. 
Ganci,  Gqn-(je,  t  Sic,  9^. 
Ganges,  Gan-jtz,  r  Hind,,  196  m.j  v  0. 

Ganges,  Gonx,  t  Fr. 

Gangpoor,  Gqii-|xf)r,  t  Brit,  Ind, 

Gannet  (Gan-et)  Islands,   S.  Pa,  Oc, 

Brit.  N,  Am.,  on  coast  of  Labrador. 
Gantheaume  (Gan-t6m)  Bay,  Aus. 
Gap,  Gqp,  t  Fr.,  9,% ;  Gap,  v  Pa, 
Garda  (G4,r-da)  Lake  of,  N.  It.,  35  by 

2  to  10  ra. 
Gardaia,  Gqr-dJ-q,  t  Algeria. 
Gardiner,  Gqr-din-er,  c  Me.,  63^2- 
(Jurdner,  Gqrd-ner,  v  Mass.,  l^^. 
Gargano,  Gqr-gq-no,  m  Nap. 
Gangliano.  Gq-rgl-y^-no.  r  Nap. 
(Jurlasoo,  Gq?*-lqs-kG),  t  Pied.,  b}^, 
Garnavillo,  Gqr-na-vil-cD,  «  Iowa, 
(iaronne,  Gq-ron,  r  Fr.,  384  in. 
Garrard.  Gar-ard,  co  Ky. 
Garrabillas,  Gqr-o-bel-yqs,  t  Sp.,  4i^. 
Garrotc,  Gqr-6-ta,  x>  ^  Cal, 
Garstang,  Gqrs-tai).  t  Eng.,  TJ^. 
Garterape,    Gqr-tonp,     or    Gardempe, 

Gqrdoiip,  r  Fr. 
Gasconade,  Gas-ko-nad,  r,  coand  «  Mo. 
Gaspe,  Gas-pa,  t  C.  E. 
Gas  Port.  *'  N-Y. 
(laston,  Gas-ton,  ■»  N,  C. 
Gatehouse,  Gat-hTj.s,  t  Scot,,  ^%, 
Gateshead,  par  and  t  Eng.,  24. 
Gatineau,  Gq-te-no,  r  C.  E.,  300  m. 
Gatshina,  Gqt-Je-nq,  t  Rus,,  7. 
Gatuii,  Gq-t(f)n,  r  Isthmus  of  Panama; 

t  N-Gran, 
Gauir,  G-8-er,  r  Scot. 
Gauley  (Ge-le)  Bridge,  v  Ya.;  r  ditto. 
Gavia,  Gq-vi-q,  m  Brazil. 
Gavilan,  Sierra  De,    Se-^r-q  Da  Gq- 

vi-lqn,  m  Cuba. 
Gaya  or  Gayah,  Gj-q,  c  Brit.  Ind.,  36. 
Gaya  (Gj-q)  Islands,  Ind.  Arch. 
Gaza,  Ga-zq,  c  Pal.,  15. 
Gazuolo.  Gqd  zflt)-6-lo,  «  Lorn.,  2. 
Gazzo,  Gqt-so,  v  N.  It.,  1  %. 
Geant,    Sa-ofi,    summit  Pennine  Alps. 
Geauga,  Je-o-ga,  coi). 
Geddes,  Ged-ez,  x  N-Y. 
Gedeb,  Ga-de,  7n  Java. 
Geclong,  Ge-16|i,  t  Aus, 
Gcfle>  Vev-la,  e-pt  t  and  vrov  Swod. 

Geographical     Vocabulary. 


Geisb,  Ga/,  m  Abys. 

Genesee,  Jen-e-se,  r  and  co  N-Y.;  co 
Mich.,  &c. 

Genesee  Falls,  v  X-Y.,  1. 

Geneseo,  Gen-e-se-o,  t's  N-Y,,  l\{.  111. 

Geneva,  Jen-g-va,  c  Swit.,  30;  vs  X- Y., 
5:0.,  1>^:  111.,  1;  Wis.         [of  Wis. 

Geneva,  Lake  of,  s.  of  Swit.;  I  s.  part 

Genevieve,  Jen-e-vev,  tp  Mo.,  l]/^. 

Genevre  Mont,  Mojii  2e-nav-r,  Cottian 

Genoa,  Jen-o-a,  s-pt  c  N.  It.,  125*^. 

Genoa,  Je-no-a,  v  N-Y.,  2}^;  xs  0., 
Mich.,  III. 

Gentilly,  Xon-te-ye,  ■cFr.,  \Z%:  v  C.  E. 

George,  Lake,  (or  Horicon,)  /  N-Y. 

Georgetown,  c  Dis.  of  Col.,  S)^ ;  co  ts 
Del.,  S.  C,  Ky.  0. 

Georgetown,  (Dutch  Stabrock,  Stq- 
bruik,)  cap  Brit.  Guiana,  25)^. 

Georgia,  Jar-ji-a,  or  Grusia,  Gi»6-si-a, 
cy  Asia,  pop.  300,000. 

Georgia,  one  of  the  original  states  of 
the  L'.  S.;  pop.  521,572  whites,  2,931 
free  blacks,  381,682  slaves,  total 

Gera,  Ga-rq,  t  Cen.  Ger.,  1134- 

Gerard-de-Rys,  Xa-rqr-de-llES,  t  Pac. 
Oc.,  inhabited  by  Papuan  Negroes. 

Gerasa,  Jf-rq,-sa,  or  Jerash,  Je-rq,/^ 
ruined  city  of  Syria.  [Port. 

Gerez,  Serra  de,   Ser-q  da  Sa-rez,  m 

Germantown,  Jer-raan-t-sn.  vs  N-Y., 
I ;  Pa.,  V^a.,  Tcnn.,  Ky.,  0.,  la.,  &c. 

Germany,  Jer-man-i,  a  large  portion 
of  Central  Europe,  composed  of  nu- 
merous sovereign  states,  bound  to- 
gether by  a  common  league,  called 
the  Germanic  Confederation,  name- 
ly :  Anhalt-Bernburg,  —  Dessau,  — 
Kothen,  Austria,  Baden,  Bavaria, 
Bremen,  Brunswick,  Frankfort, 
Hamburg,  Hinover,  Hesse-Cassul, 
—  Darmstadt,  — •  Ilomburg,  Ilohen- 
follern-Hechingen,  —  Sigmaringen, 
Holstein  and  liauenburg,  Liechten- 
Btein,  Lippe-Detmold,  —  Si;haum- 
burg,  Labcck,  Luxemburg  with  Lim- 
burg,  Mecklenburg-Schwerin,  — 
Strelitz,  Nassau,  Oldenburg  and 
Kniphausen,  Prussia,  Ileuss  (old 
line,) —  (young line,)  Saxony,  Saxe- 
Altenburg,  —  Coburg-Gotha,  — 
Meiningen,  —  Weimar-Eiaennch, 
Schwarzburg-Uudolstadt,  —  Son- 
dcrshauscn,  Waldeck,  Wurtcmburg; 
Area,  2.35,029;   pop.  41,187,000. 

Gerona,  Jeroua,  or  Xerona,  //a-rii-nq, 
0  Sp. 

Gettysburg,  G6t-iz-burg,  hor  Pa.,  3>^. 

Ghara,  or  Garra,  Qi^r-q,  name  of  Sut- 

lej  River,  for  260  m.,  Brit.  Ind. 
Ghauts,  Gats,  m  Hind. 
Glieel,  or  Geel,  Gal,  t  Belg.,  7. 
Gheezch,  Ghizeh,  Gg-ze,  t  Egypt,  near 

the  great  Pyramids. 
Ghent,  Gent,  c  Belg.,  112X;  ««  N-Y., 

234,  Ky. 
Ghio,    Gg-o,    or    Gheralek,    Gem-lek 

s-pt  t  As.  Minor. 
Gholson,  Gol-son,  i)  Miss. 
Ghuznee,  Ghuzni,  Gdz-ne,  r  Q,ndi  ft  o 

Afg.,  est.  3  to  10.  [N.  Ir. 

Giant's  Causeway,  basaltic  formation, 
Giant's  Mountain,  Asia  Minor. 
Gibraltar,  Ji-brel-tar,  c  and  ft  rod:  S. 

Sp.,  1334;   TS  Mich.,  Wis.;  —  Bay 

and  Strait,  same  location. 
Giessen,  Ges-en,  t  Ger.,  10. 
Gijon,  Jijon,  or  Xixon,  ^e-h6n,  ft  s-pt 

t  Sp,  6i<. 
Gila,  or  Jila,  /Tel-q,  r  N-Am.         [60. 
Gilbert  (Gil-bert)   Islands,    Pac.   Oc, 
Gilboa,  Gil-bto-a,  w  N-Y.,  Va.,  0. 
Gilead,  Gil-e-ad,  vs  Me.,  0.,  III.,  &c.; 

—  Mount,  in  Syria. 
Giles  Jjlz,  cos  Va.,  Tenn. 
Gilge,  Gil-ge,  r  Prus. 
Gillespie,  Gil-es-pe,  coTex;^oMo. 
GiUy  Xel-ys,  v  Belg.,  b%. 
Gilmer,  Gil-raer,  vs  Tex.,  111. 
Gilulo,  Je-lo-liD,  is  Malay  Arch. 
Gilopolis,  Gil-op-o-lis,  p  o  N.  C. 
Gilroy,  Gil-rtf,  p  os  Mo.,  Cal. 
Gimone,  2e-ra6n,  r  Fr.  [Ind. 

Gingee,  </r  Jhinji,    Jin-je,  ft    t    Brit. 
Girard,  Ji-rqrd,  vs  Pa.,  Ala.',  0. 
(iirgenti,  Jir-jen-te,  c  Sicily,  18%. 
Givet,  'Z.z-vsi,fttYr.,  b%. 
Givors,  Xe-v6r,  t  Fr.,  93^. 
Gladova,  Glq-d6-vq,  t  Servia. 
Glasgow,  Glas-go,  large  com.  c  Scot., 

317;  ?ilso  vs  in  Mo.,  Ky.,  &c. 
Gla-!sborough,  Glas-bur-o,  ■uN-J.,  IJ^. 
(rlastenbury,    Gla^-ten-ber-i,    v   Conn. 
Glatz,  Glqts./i!/  Prus.  Silesia,  1%. 
Glauchau,  Gl-x-Zi-s,  t  Saxony,  83^. 
(fleiwitz,  Glj-vits,  t  Prus.  Silesia,  '1)4> 
Glendale.  Glen-dal,  m  O.,  Mass.,  N-J., 
Glenn's  Falls,  v  N-Y.,  2%. 
Glogau,  GI(f)-g-8,/^n*rus.  Silesia,  14%. 
Glumraen,  G16m"-en,  r  Norway. 
Glookhov,    or    Gluchow,    Gla)-k6v,    t 

Rus.,  7. 
Glossop,  Gl6s-op,  t  and  nar  Eng.,  22^. 
Gloucester,  Glo^-ter,  c  Kng.,  18. 
Gloucester,  ts  N-J.,  Mass.,  8. 
Gluckstadt,  Glyk-stqt,  t  Den.,  6. 
Gncsen,  Ga-zcn,  t  Prus.,  71^. 
Godavery,  Go-dq-ver-i,  r  Ind.,  700  m. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Goentoor,  Ginn-t(6r,  toI  Island  of  Java. 
Goes,  JJm,  t  Neth.,  5)^. 
Goggra,  G6»-ra,  r  N.  Hind.,  400  ra. 
Golconda,  G)l-k6n-dq,  <  Hind.;  t?  III. 
•Goldberg,  G61t-be/<7,  t  Prus.  Sil.,  Ji^. 
G  >ld  Coa-^t,  oy  Guinea,  W.  Africa. 
Giildsborougb,    G61dz-bur-o,    vs    Pa., 

N.  C.  [Oc. 

Golfo,  Isles  Da,  Si  de  Golf,  is  S.  Pac. 
Goliad,  G.j-li-ad,  co  and  y  Tex. 
Goinora,  Gu)-ma-rq,  i  Canaries,  ll^^. 
Gondar,  Gon-dar,  cap  c  Abys.,  50. 
Gonz!>les,  Gon-zq-lez,  co  and  v  Tex. 
Good  Hope,  ter  Gr.  Brit.,  S.  Af.j  ts  0., 

Wis.,  &c. 
Gookcka,  GtO-kE-kq,  I  and  v  Eu.  Ga. 
Goole,  Gitol,  r-pt  and  t  Eng.,  6. 
Goolkoo,  GeT)l-kiD,  m  Afg.,  13,000  ft. 
Goomree,  Giom-re,  ruined  t  Rus.  Ar., 

now  the  city  of  Alexandropol,  10. 
Gooni'y,  or  Goomtee,  Gdbm-te,  r  Brit. 

Ind.  [5. 

Goppingen,  Gep-ig-en,  t  Wiirtemburg., 
Gordon,  G  )r-don,  Ts  Ga.,  0. 
Gorgona,  Gor-g6-nq,  is  Med.,  Bay  of 

Chocho  ;  V  N-  Gran. 
Gorham,  GoVram,  v  Me.,  N-H.,  N-Y. 
Goritz,  Ge-rits,  t  lUyria,  12j^. 
Gorkum,  G  Jr-kum,  ft  t  Neth.,  8%. 
Gorlitz,  Ger-lits,  t  Prus.  Silesia,  J 5%. 
Goroguea,  Go-ro-gu-q,,  r  Brazil. 
Gort,  Gort,  t  Ir.,  3.  [&c. 

Goshen,   (Ju-Jen,    ts   N-Y.,  3^ ;   la., 
Goslar,  Gos-lar,  t  Hanover,  1%. 
Gosport,  Gos-pcart, /(^  «-^^  ^  Eng.,  1}^] 

i'8  Ala ,  la. 
Gotha,  Gu)-tq,  t  Cen.  Ger.,  13%. 
Golha  (Ge-tq)  Canal,  Sweden. 
Gothenburg,    or  Gottenburg,    G6t-en- 

burg,  s-jit  c  Sweden,  28^. 
Gottingen,  Ge-tig-en,  t  Han.  103^. 
Gottland,  Got-land,  is  Baltic,  41)^. 
Gouda,  Gi^-da,  t  Neth.  U}^. 
Gouffre,  Ga)f-r,  r  C.  E.  [l^- 

Gouldsborough,    Gobldz-bur-o,   v   Me., 
Goundou,  GJt)r-d6u,  t  Fr.,  5. 
Gauverneur,  GtDv-er-n(f)r,    (^  often  pro- 
nounced, Guv-er-ner, )  v  N-Y.,  1. 
Governador,  Go-ver-nq-dor,  i  Brazil, 
G  tvernor's  Island,  N-Y  Harbor. 
Gowanda,  (Jo-won-da,  v  N-Y. 
Gowanu^,  (xtD-wo-nus,  t'  N-Y. 
Gower  (G-s-er)  Island,  Solomon  group. 
Goyannn,  (ro-yqn-q,  c  Brazil,  5. 
Goyaz,  Go-yqz,  c  Bra.,  8. 
Gozo,  or  G  )zzo,  Got-zo,  is  Med.,  16. 
Graciosa,  Grq-se-o-sq,  is  Atlantic. 
Grafenbcrg,   Gra-fen-bc/•^,   t  Bavaria. 
Grafton,   Grdf-ton,   vs  Mass.,  A^'t.,  0., 

III.,  C.  W.,  &c. 

Graham,  Gra-ham,  rs  N-C,  la.,  Mo. 
Grajehu,  Grq-j^a-ho),  r  Bra. 
Grammichele,  Grqm-i-ka-la,  t  Sic,  8. 
Grammont,  Grq-mon,  t  Belg.,  7^. 
Grampians,  Gram-pi-anz,  nis  Scot.,  do. 
Gran,  Grqn,  c  of  Hun.,  12.  [Aust. 

Granada,    Grq-nq-da,    c  Sp.,  61% ;    e 

Nicaragua,  10. 
Grand  CaiUou,  Ka-ydb,  hayaii  La. 
Grand  Coteau,  Ko-tcb,  v  La. 
Grand  Cote  Prairie,  Hiit  Pra-re,  V  III. 
Grand  Detour,  Da-t<]5r,  v  III. 
Grand  Ecore,  £t-k6r,  p  o  La. 
Grand  Gulf,  v  Miss. 
Grand  Haven,  Ha-ven,  t  Mich. 
Grand  Island,  in  the  Niagara  River. 
Grand  Isle,     co   Vt.,   consisting   of   M 

Lake  Champlain;  i  Lake  Superior. 
Grand  Rapids,  c  Mich.  5 ;  v  Wis. 
Grand  River,    Mich.,   220   m.;  rs  La., 

0.,  Mo.  [Mich. 

Grand  Traverse,   Trav-ers,   ^  and  j>  o 
Grandville,  Grand-vil,  rs  Mich.,  III. 
Grangemouth,  Granj-muf),  s-pt  t  Scot. 
Granger,  Gran-jer,  co  Tenn.;  fs  N-Y.,  0. 
Granicus,  Gra-nj-kus,  r  As.  Minor. 
Granville,  Groh-vel,  ft  s-pt  t  Fr.,   10; 

vs  N-Y.,  Va.,  0.,  2%  ;  la.,  111.,  &c. 
Grasse,  Grqs,  t  Fr.,  11%. 
Grass  Lake,  d  Mich.,  3^ ;  —  River,  N-Y. 
Grasville,  Graville,  Grq-vel,  ?'Fr.,  12%. 
Gratiot,   GraJ-i-ot,   cos  and  vs  Mich., 

0.,  and  Wis. 
Gratz,  Grets,  cap  c  Styria,  50. 
Graudenz,  Gr-s-dents,  ft  t  Prus.,  6%. 
Grave  Creek,  t  Va.,  \%. 
Gravelines,  Grqv-len,/i{  s-pt  tYr.,  5%. 
Gravesend,  Gravz-end,  t  Eng.,  6%. 
Gravina,  Grq-ve-nq,  c  Naples,  8. 
Gray,  Gra,  t  Fr.,  1%. 
Graysvillo,  Graz-vil,  rs  Pa.,  0.,  111. 
Great  Barrington,  Bar-ip-ton,  v  Mass., 

Great  {or  Fremont)  Basin,  a  singular 
region  in  the  w.  part  of  Utah  Ter. 

Great  Bend,  ts  N-Y.,  Pa.,  1%,  la. 

Great  Britain,  Brit-en,  largest  and 
most  important  island  of  Eu,,  com- 
posed of  the  united  territories  of 
Eng.,  Wales,  and  Scot.;  area,  87,903 
s.  m.,  pop  20,8 1 6,35 1 .  [I  Wis. 

Great  Butte  des  Morts,   Bqt  da  Mor, 

Great  Egg  Harbor  River,  N-J.,  60  m. 

Great  FiUIs,  v  N-H.,  43^. 

Great  Fish  River,  S.  Af.,  230  m.:  r 
Br.  N.  Am.  [N-H. 

Great  Island,    in   Portsmouth  Harbor, 

Great  Kanawa,  Ka-no-wa,  r  N-C, 
and  Va. 

Great  Salt  Lake,  Utah  Ter. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Great  Slave  Lake,  Brit.  N.  Am. 
Great  Slave  River,  Brit.  N.  Am.,  300  m. 
Greece,  Gres,  k  S.  E.  Eu.,  consisting  of 

two   peninsulas  of    main   land,  and 

viirii)U3  contiguous  islands;   pop.  in 

Green  Bay,  arm  of  Lake  Mich.,  100  by 

15  to  35  m.;  co  t  Wis.,  2%. 
Greenhush,  Gren-buJ,  v  N-Y.      [1)^. 
Greencastle,  Grtn-kas-l,  ts  Pa.  1]^,  l^i. 
Greene,  Gren,  num.  is  and  cos  U.  S. 
Greenfield,  Gren-feld,  r«  Mass.  23^,Pa., 

0.  I,  la.,  111.,  Wis. 
Greenland,  large  i  of  Den.,  n.  e.  N.  A., 

93^,  Esquimaux.  ^    [E. 

Green  Mountains,  Conn.,  Mass.,  Vt.,  C. 
Greenock,  Gren-ok,  s-pt  t  Scot.,  36%. 
Green  Point,  v  N-Y.,  3. 
Greenport,  v  and  pt  of  entry  N-Y.,  l}^. 
Green  liiver,  rs  Ky.,  III.,  Or.,  etc.;  is. 
Greensborough,  Grenz-bur-o,  vs  A.  C, 

Ga.,  Pa.  \%. 

Greensburg,  ts  Pa.  1>^,  La.,  Ky.,  la., 
Greenupsburg,  Gren-ups-burg,  cot  Ky. 
Greenville,  rs  0.  l^*  R-  !•>  Conn.,  Pa., 

N.  C,  S.  C,  Ga.,Ala.,  Tex..  Tenn.,  Ky. 
Greenwich,  Grin-ij,  par  Eng.,  105%. 
Greenwich,  Gren-wic,  vs  Mass.,  Conn., 

N-Y.,  N-J. 
Greenwood,  Gren-wudy  r«  Miss.,  La.,  la. 
Greiffenhagen,  Grjf-en-hq-gcn,  t  Prus. 
Greifswalde,  Grjfs-vql-de,^  Prus.,  11)^. 
Grenada,  Gren-a-da,  i  Brit.  W.  lud., 

32)^;  t  Miss. 
Grenadines,  Gren-q-denz,  is  W.  Ind. 
Grenelle,  Gre-nel,  v  Fr.,  8. 
Grenoble,  Gren-cj-bl',  c  Fr.,  31V^. 
Gretna  ^_Gret-na)  Green,  v  on  the  line 

bet.  Scot,  and  Eng. 
Grey  Town,  or  San  Juan  de  Nicara- 
gua, San  Iloo-qn  da  Ne-kq-rq-gwq, 

g-pt  t  Cen.  Am. 
Griffin,  Grif-in,  t  Ga.,  3^. 
Griggiville,  Grigs-vil,  v  III,,  1. 
Grimes,  Grjmz,  co  Tex.  [12)^. 

Grimsby,  ( Grimz-bi, ) Great,  s-ptt  Eng., 
Grinnell  ( Grin-el  j  Land,  in  Arc.  Oc. 
Grodno.  Grod-no,  guv  Bus.,  7953^;  t 

do.,  16. 
Groningen,  Gron-ig-en,  t  Neth. 
Grossenhain,  GriJs-en-hjn,  t  Sax.,  6}/^. 
Grossetete,  Gros-tat,  ;>  0  La. 
.  Grossetete  Bayou,  —  Bj-O),  La. 
Grosdwardein,  Gros-wor-din,   c  Ilun., 

Oroton,  Gr<5-ton,  r»  Mass.,  N-Y. 
Grottaglie,  Gro-t^l-ya,  t  Nap.,  5. 
Griinstadt,  Gr^n-stqt,  t  Ilhen.  Bav.,  3)^, 
Guacara,  Gwq-kq-rq,  t  Ven.,  4. 
Guachinango,  Gwci-(ii-n4a-g«fl,  t  Mqx.,^* 

Guachipe,  Gwq-qe-pa,  or  Guachipas, 

Gwq-qg-pqs,  r  La  Plata. 
Guficuba,  Gwq-kob-bq,  r  N-Gran. 
Guadalajara  or  Guadalaxara,  Gwq-dq- 

Iq-Ac'i-rq,  c  Mex.,  70. 
Guadalaviar,  Gwq-dq-lq-vi-<\r,  r   Sp. 
Guadalquivir,  Ga-dai-kwiv-er,  r  Sp. 
Guadalupe,  Gwq-dq-l(f>-pa,  rn»,  r  and  t 

Sp.,  3-K. 
Guadalupe,  G9-da-l(f>p,  r  and  co  Tex. 
Guadalupe  Hidalgo,  Gwq-dq-ldb-pa  He- 

dql-go,  t  Mox. 
Guadalupe-y-Calvo,    Gwq-dq-16-pa-i- 

Kql-vo,  t  Mex.,  10. 
Guadeloupe,  Ge-de-lcJbp  or  Gq-de-lc6p, 

i  W.  Ind. 
Guadiana,  Gwq-di-<^-nq,  r  Sp.,  Port. 
Guaduas,  Cwq-dwqs,  t  N-Gran. 
Guahan,  Gwq-hqn,  i  Puc.  Oc. 
Guaianeco,  Gwi-q-na-ko,  i  gr  w.  Pat. 
Gualan,  Gwq-lqn,  t  Cen.  Am.,  2. 
Gualateiri,  Gwq-lq-ta-i-rg,  m  p  Andes. 
Gualillas,  Gwq-lel  yqs.  m  pass  Peruvi- 
an Andes,  14,750  ft.  high.         [163^. 
Guanabacoa,  Gwq-nq-bq-kQ-q,  t  Cuba, 
Guanajuato  or  Guanaxuato,  Gwq-nq- 

Avvq-to3,  st  Mex.;  c  same,  63. 
Guanaparo,  Gwq-nq-pq-ro,  r  Ven. 
Guanare,  Gwq-nq-ra,  t  Ven.,  12. 
Guano  (Gwq-no)  Islands,  coast  S.  Am. 

and  Af,,  some  of  which  are  the  Seal 

and  Chincha  Islands.  [Cuba. 

Guantanamo,   Gwqn-tq-n(^-mo,  har  3. 
Guapai,  Gwq-pi,  r  Bol. 
Guarambari,  Gwq-rqra-bq-re,  r  Par. 
Guarapari,  Gwq-rq-pq-re,  r,  m  and  t 

Guarapicho,  Gwq-rq-pe-qa,  r  Ven. 
Guaratiba,  Gwq-rq-t£-bq,  s-pt  v  Bra.,  4. 
Guarico,  Gwq-re-ko,  r  Ven.,  200  m. 
Guaruapo,  Gwq-roD-^-po,  two  rs  Ven. 
Guatavita,  Gwq-tq-ve-tq.  -p  and  I  N- 

Guatemala,  Gwq-ta-m(\-lq,  et  Cen,  Am. 

Area,   44,500   s.  m.;   pop.  1,000,000. 

—  New,   cap  above  state,   50.     — 
Old,  c  12. 

Guaviare   or   Guabiare,    Gwq-vi-(^-ra, 

r  N-Gran.,  450  ra. 
Guayama,  Gwj-q-mq,  s-pt  t  Porto Ri.,  6. 
Guaya<iuil,  Gwj-q-kgl,  c  Ecuador,  20. 

—  Gulf  of,  ditto. 

Guaytara,  Gwj-t^-rq.  r  Ecuador,  75  m. 
Gubbio,  Gt6-bi-G),  c  Cen.  It.,  17. 
Guben,  Gi6-ben,  i  Prus,,  9%. 
Guelph,  Gwelf,  t  C.  W.,  2. 
Guerande,  Ga-r6nd,  t  Fr.,  d>%. 
Gucrara,  Ga-rq-rq,  t  Algeria. 
Gu6rot,  Ga-ra,  t  Fr,,  5.  [co  O. 

Guemaey^  O^rn-ze,  ouo  of  Channel  Is.j 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Guerrero,  Ger-a-ro,  st  Mex..  270. 
Giigliiigen,  Geg-liy-en,  t  Wiirt.,  143^, 
Guiana  or  Guyiuia,  Ge-q-nq,  ter  S.  Am. 
Guicowar's,  Gwik-o-warz,  at  Hind. 
Guijar  ar  Guixar,  Ge-Aq/',  I  San  Salv. 
Guilford,  Gil-ford,  ve  Me.,  Vt.,  Conn., 

N-Y.,  &c.  [30. 

Guillotiere,  La,  Lq  Ge-yo-ti-^r,  i  Fr., 
Guiloom,  Ge-ld)m,  r  Senegambia. 
Guinea,  Gin-E,  a  geographical  division 

of  Af.  [Cuba,  4. 

Giiine?,  Gwe-nes,  (almost  We-nes,)   t 
Guingauip,  Gen-goii,  t  Fr.,  7%. 
Guionsville,  Gj-onz-vil,  p  o  la. 

I^^For  gulfs  not  mentioned  below, 
see  proper  name. 
Gulf  of  Guinea,  At.  Oc,  coast  N.  Gui. 
Gulf  of  Lyons,  Lj-onz  or  Le-on,  Med., 

s.  Fr. 
Gulf  of  Mexico,  s.  coast  of  the  U.  S. 
Gulf  of  Panama,  Pq-nq-m^,  Pac.  Oc, 


Gnlf  of  Paria,  Pq-ri-q,  Carib.  Sea,  Ven. 
Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  Lo-rens,  At. Oc, 

lying  bet.  C.  E.  and  Newfoundland. 
Gulf  of  Tehuactepec,  Ta-wqn-ta-pek, 

Pac.  Oc,  Cen.  Am. 
Gulf  Streiim,  a  singular  current  in  the 

At.  Oc,  having  its  origin  in  the  Gulf 

of  Mexico. 
Gumoorjeena,    Gum-oar-je-nq,    t   Ea. 

Tur.,  8. 
Giins,  Gens,  fr  t  Hun.,  8. 
Guru  pat  uba,  GxD-r(l)-pq-t(fi-bq,  r  BraziL 
Gurupi,  GiX>-ra)-pe,  r  and  t  Brazil. 
Gurutuba,  Goo-rtD-tdo-bq,  r  Brazil. 
Gustavia,  Goos-tq-vi-q,  cap  island  St. 

Bartholomew,  10. 
Giistrow,  Ges-trov,  t  N.  Ger.,  9. 
Guyandotie,  Gj-an-dot,  r  and  v  Va. 
Gwalior,  Gwq-li-or,  c  Hind. 
Gwinnett,  Gwin-et,  co  Ga. 
Gyongyos,  Dyen-dyeJ,  t  Hun.,  14%. 
Gyula,  Dyd)-lo,*  t  Hiin.,  Vd%. 


Haarlem  or  Harlem,  Hqr-lem,  c  Neth., 

Habersham,  Hab-er-Jam,  co  Ga. 
Haddam,  Had-am,  v  Conn.,  2%. 
Haddington,  Had-iy-ton,  hurgh  Scot.,  4. 
Haddonfield,  Had-on-feld,  v  N-J. 
Hadersleben,    H4-ders-la-ben,     s-pt    t 

Den.,  6. 
Hadleigh,  Had-li,  t  Eng.,  3i^. 
Hadley,  Had-li,  vs  Mass.,  Mich.,  111. 
Hagerstown,  Ha-gerz-fsn,  t  Md,,  4;  vs 

la.,  0. 
Hague,  Hag,  The,  t  Neth.,  72,1^. 
Haguenau,  Hqg-n6  or  flg-nw,   t  Fr., 

Haina,  Hj-nq,  r  and  h  Hayti. 
Hainan,  Hj-nqn,  i  of  China,  1,000,000. 
Hainaut  or  Hainault,  Ha-no,  [n^ov  Belg. 
Hainichen,  llj-ni/i-en,  t  Sax.,  b)/^. 
Hala  (Hq-lq)  Mountains,  Beloochistan. 
Halberstadt,  Hql-ber-stqt,  t  Prus.  Sax., 

Halcyon,  Hal-si-on,  p  o  Pa. 
Halesowen,  Halz-6-en,  t  Eng.,  2^^. 
Halfmoon,  Hqf-moDn,  t  N-Y.,  2-%. 
Halibut,  H61-i-but,  Island,  N.  Puc. 
Halifax,    Hal-i-faks,   t   Eng.,  331^;   c 

Nova  Scotia,  27;  rs  U.  S. 
Halle,  Hq-le,  c  Prus.  Sax.,  29^. 
Hallettsville,  Hal-ets-vil,  co  t  Texas. 
Hallowcll,  Hal-o-el.  t  Me.,  3. 
Hall's  lianding,  v  111. 
Halstead,  Hal-sted,  t  Eng.,  b%. 

Hamadan,  Hq-mq-dc^n,  c  Persia,  30. 
Ilamah,  Hq-mq,  c  Syria,  44. 
Hamburg,     Ham-burg,    (  Ger.    Hqm- 

bu?A,)  c  Ger.,  16 li^;  ts  N-Y.,  N- 

J.,  Pa.,  S.  C,  111.,  &c 
Hamehi,  Ilq-meln,  t  Han.,  Q%. 
Hamilton.,  Ham-il-ton,   t    Scot.,   9)^: 

C8  0.,  8;  C.  W.,  ISj  T8  N-Y.,  N.  C, 

Ga.,  &c. 
Hamm,  Hqm,  t  Westphalia,  7. 
Hammersmith,   Ham-er-smit,   t  Eng., 

Hammond.  Ham-ond,  v  N-Y. 
Hammondsport,  r  N-Y.,  %.  [Va. 

Hampstead,  Harap-sted,  rs  Eng.,  Md., 
Hampton,  Hamp-ton,  ts  N-H.,  Va.,  N- 

Y.,  Conn.;  (  Eng.,  5. 
Hampton  Roads,  arm  of  Chesapeake  5. 
Hanau,  Hq-mj,  t  Ger.,  \b]4. 
Hancock,  Han-kok,  num,  cos  U.  S. 
Hang-Chow-Foo,  Hqg-C-s-FcJb,  c  China, 
Hanging  Rock.  ■»  0.,  1. 
Han-Kiang,  Hqn-Ki-q^,  two  rs  China, 

600  and  200  m. 
Hannibal,  Han-i-bal,  t  Mo.,  4. 
Hanover,  Han-o-ver,  c,  k  d-c,  N.  Ger.; 

rs  N-H.,  scat  of  Dartmouth  College: 

o.,iii.;  tv■.i.,^y,. 

Hanover  Court- House,  cot  Va. 

Hanse  (Hans)  Towns,  f/r  Hanscatic 
(Han-SE-at-ik)  League,  an  associa- 
tion of  towns  for  mutual  support, 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Han -Yang    or    Han-Yang-Foo,    Hqn- 

Yqy-FiD.  c  China. 
Hapai,  Hq-pj,  i  gr  S.  Pac.  Oc. 
Hiirburg   or   Haarbarg,  Hqr-biar^,   t 

Ger.,  5.  [51^. 

Harderwick,  Hqr-der-vik,  s-ft  t  Netb., 
Hardin,  Hqr-din,  xs  0.,  111.,  Iowa. 
Hardinsburg,  Hqr-dinz-burg,  v  Ky.,  1. 
Harlem,  Hqr-lem,  sub  N-Y.  City,  5;  'cs 

0.,  111.,  &e. 
Harlingen,  HqMitj-en,  ft  t  Neth.,  83^. 
Harmar,  Ilqr-marj  t)  0.,  1%. 
Harmony,  Hqr-mia-ni,  f*  N-J.,  Pa.,  &c. 
Haro,  fl'ro,  t  Sp.,  6. 
Harper's  Ferry,  Hqr-perz  Fer-i,  t;  and 

U.  S.  armory,  Ya. 
Harpeth,  Hqr-pet,  r  Tenn.,  100  m. 
Harricanaw,  Har-i-kan-e,  r  Br.  N,  Am. 
Harrisburg,  Har-is-burg,  cap  Pa.,   10; 

■cs  Texas,  0.,  la.,  Mo.,  Iowa. 
Harrison,  Har-i-son,  vs  Tenn.,  3^j  0., 

\yi  ;  la.,  Ill,  &c. 
Harrisonburg,  r«  Va.,  1^ ;  La. 
Harrisonville,  «'«  N-J.,  Pa.,  Ky.,  0.,  &c. 
Harrisville,  Har-is-vil,  d  Pa.,  Va.,  0. 
Harrodsburg,  Har-odz-burg,  co  t  Ky., 

3;  vs  la..  Mo. 
Harrowgate,  Har-o-gat,  watering-place 

of  Eng.,  3%. 
Hartford,  Hqrt-ford,  c,  semi  cap  Conn., 

20;  ts  Me.,  N-Y.,  Pa.,  Miss.,  Ky.,  &c. 
Hartland,  t  Eng.:  vs  Mich.,  Wis. 
Hartlepool,  Hqr-ti-pcol,  s-pt  t  Eng.,  ^y^. 
Hartsgroro,  Hqrts-grov,  v  0.,  %. 
Hartsville,  r«  X-Y.,  Mass.,  Pa.,  la.,  &c. 
Hartwick,  Hq,rt-wik,  v  N-Y.,  3^. 
Harvard  University,  Cambridge,  Mass. 
Harveysburg,  Hqr-viz-burg,  v  O. 
Harwich,  Har-ij,  s-pt  t  Eng.,  4)^. 
Harwich,  Hqr-wig,  t  Mass. 
Harwington,  Hqr-wio-ton,  v  Conn. 
Haslingden,  Has-lig-den,  t  Eng.,  9. 
Hasselt,  Has-elt,  t  Belg.,  8^. 
Hasiloch,  Has-loA,  v  Rhen.  Bav.,  4^. 
Hastings,  Has-tiflz,  t  Eng.;   vs  N-Y., 

Mich.;  r  Australia. 
Hatborough,  Hat-bur-o,  r  Pa. 
Hatchie  </r  Hatchy,    Ha.Q-i,  r  Tenn., 

nav.  150  m. 
Hatfield,  t  Eng.,  6]^;  xs  Mass.,  Pa. 
Haukivesi,  H'8-ki-va-sc,  I  Finland. 
Havana,  Ha-van-a,  cap  Cuba,  1341^  : 

xt  N-Y.,  III.,  &c. 
Havel,  Hq-vel,  r  Ger.,  180  m. 
Haverford,  Hav-er-ford,  t  Pa.  — "West, 

r-pt  S.  Wales. 
Haverhill,  Hav-eril,  t  Eng.  [0. 

Haverhill,  Hti-ver-il,  vs  Mass.  4,  N-H., 
Haveratraw,  Hav-er-stre,  «  N-Y. 
Havr6,  Hq-vr6,  v  Belg.,  2. 

Havre,  Le,  L§  H^v-r,  s-pt  c  Fr.,  30. 
Havre  de   Grace,  Hav-er  de  Gras,  D 

Md.,  1%. 
Hawaii,  Hq-wi-E..  (or  Owhyhee,)  lar- 
gest of  Sandwich  I:*lands,  24)4. 
Hawash,  Hq-wqf,  r  Abys.,  460  m. 
Hawes,  Hez,  t  Eng.,  1^. 
Hawesville,  Hez-vil,  v  Ky. 
Hawick,  Hd-wik,  ^  Scot.,  6%. 
Hawkeshead,  Heks-hed,  t  Eng. 
Ilawley,  Ht5-li,  v  Pa.,  3. 
Haw  River,  N.  C, 
Hayes  (Haz)  River,  Brit.  N.  Am. 
Hayneville,  Han-vil,  i)  Ala.,  %. 
Haysville,  Ilaz-vil,  Ds  Pa.,  0.,  la. 
Hayti  or  Haiti,  Ha-te,  t  second  in  size 

W.  Ind.,  943. 
Hazebrouck,  Hqz-brdok,  t  Fr.,  8. 
Heathsville,  Hjjts-vil,  co  t  Va.      [115. 
Hebrides,  Heb-ri-dez,  160  is  w.  Scot., 
Hebron,  He-bron,   t  Palestine,  10;  ta 

Conn.,  N-Y.,  0.,  III. 
Hechingen,  He^-in-en,  t  Ger.,  3^. 
Hecla,  (Hek-la,)  Mount,  vol  Iceland. 
Hee-Ho  or  Hi-Ho,  He-Ho,  r  Corea. 
Heidelberg,  Hj-del-berA,  c  W.  Ger.,  12. 
Heilbronn,  Hii-bron,  t  Wiirt.,  8^. 
Heiligenstadt,  Hj-li-gen-stqt,  t  Prus., 

4^.  [Wis. 

Helena,  Hel-e-na,  w  N-Y.,  Ark.,  Ky., 
Helgoland,    Hel-goi-lqnd,    i   of   Great 

Britain,  North  Sea,  2)^. 
Helicon,  (Hel-i-kon,)  Mount,  m  Greece. 
Hell  Gate   or   Hurl  Gate,  rocky  pass 

East  River,  near  New-York. 
Helmsley,  Helmz-li,  t  Eng.,  3X. 
Helmstadt,  Helm-stet,  t  Ger.,  b%. 
Helmund,  Hel-mdnd,  r  Afg.,  650  m. 
Helsingfors,  Hel-sig-fors,  s-^t  t  Rus., 

cap  Finland,  16. 
Helstone,  Hel-ston,  hor  and  t  Eng. 
Helvetia,    Hel-ve-Ji-a,    anc.   name   of 

Switzerland ;  x  111. 
Helvoetsluis,    Hel-viat-sl^s,  ft  s-pt  t 

Neth.,  2%. 
Hemel-Hempstcad,  H^m-el-H^mp-sted, 

t  and  par  Eng.,  714,. 
Hempstead,  v  N-Y.,  l}^. 
Henderson,  Hen-der-sou,  rs  Ky.  1%, 

N-Y.,  N.  C,  111.,  Tex.,  Min. 
Heng-Choo-Foo,  Hep-fc^oj-FtS,  c  China. 
Heng-Kiang,  Heg-Ki-^n,  r  China, 
Henley-on-Thames,  Hea-li-on-Tdmz,  t 

Eng.,  :i%. 
Hctitiupin,  llen-e-pin,  co  t  111. 
Hunrico,  Ilon-rj-ko,  co  Va. 
Henrietta,  Hen-ri-6t-a,  i)  N-Y. 
Henry,  H6n-ri,  v  111.,  1^. 
Henryvillc,  Hen-ri-vil,  rs  C.  E.  IJ^,  la. 
Herat,  Hcr-^t,  /<  c  W.  Afg.,  40. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Hereford,  H^r-e-ford,  co  and  cEng.,  12. 
Herford,  Her-fort,   t   Wesphalia,  5>^. 
Herkimer,  Hor-ki-mer,  v  N-Y.,  1%. 
Hermann,  Hor-man,  v  Mo.,  1. 
Hermannstadt,  Hor-mqn-stqt,   t  Aus., 

213^.  •  [111. 

Hertuitage,  Her-mit-aj,  vs  N-T.,  Ga., 
Hermon,  Her-inon,  X)  N-Y. 
Hertford,  Hqr-ford,  'bor  and  t  Eng.,  6)^. 
Hertford,  Hert-ford,  co  and  v  N.  C. 
Hesse-Cassel,  Hes-Kas-el,  Ger.  iiriiici- 

pality,  pop.  709,751. 
Hesse  -  Darmstadt,    Hes  -  D^rm-  stqt. 

Grand    Duchy,    ind.   Ger.   sty    pop. 

Hesse -Homburg,    Hes-Hom-burg,    div 

W.  Ger.,  pop.  24,921. 
Heuvelton,  Hij,-vel-ton,  v  N-Y. 
Hexham,  Ileks-hara,  t  Eng.,  A%. 
Hiang-Ho-Vou,  IIi-4i)-Ha)-Vi6,  c  China. 
Hibernia,  Hj-ber-ni-a,  a  name   of   Ir- 

land;  v  Mo. 
Hickman,  Hik-man,  oo  t  Ky,,  2. 
Hickory,  Hik-o-ri,  ts  Pa.,  0.,  III. 
liicksford,  Hiks-ford,  co  t  Va. 
Hierapolis,  Hi-er-ap-o-lis,  anc.  ruined 

c  As.  Tur. 
Higgin*i)ort,  Hig-inz-port,  «  0.,  %. 
Highland,  Ilj-land,  va  Pa.,  0.,  la.,  <fec. 
Highlands,  Hi-landz,  div  N.  and  N.  W. 

Hightstown,  Hjts-ttfn,  t>  N-J. 
Highworth,  Hj-wurt,  hor  and  t  Eng.,  4. 
Hildesheim,  Ilil-des-hjm,  t  Ilan.,  14^. 
Hillah  or  Hilla,  Hil-a,  t  As.  Tur.,  10. 
Hillsborough,   Hilz-bur-o,   U  Ir.   3^^, 

N-H.,  Va.,  N.  C,  0.,  la..  111.,  Mo. 
Hillsdale,  Hilz-dal,  ts  N-Y.,  Mich. 
Himalaya,  Him-a-lj-a,  or   Himmaleh, 

Him-q-le,  Mountains,  Hind. 
Hinckley,^  Iliyk-li,  t  Eng.,  6%;  t  0. 
Hindoo-Koosh,  Hin-dtD-KoDj,  or  Ghoor 

Mountains,  Cen.  Asia. 
Hindostan,  Hin-do-stan,  extensive  re- 
gion, S.  Asia;  pop.  150,000,000. 
Hinds,  Hjndz,  co  Miss. 
Hinesburg,  Ilinz-burg,  v  Vt. 
Hinghum,  Hiy-ham,  i)  Mass.,  4. 
Hinsdale,  Hinz-dal,  ts  N-H.,  Mass.,  N-Y. 
Hiram,  Hi-ram,  ts  Me.,  0. 
Hirschberg,  HerJ-beM,  ft  t  Prtis.  Si- 
lesia, 73^. 
Hivaoa,  8-vq-6-q,  i  S.  Pac.  Oc,  6i^. 
Hjelmar  or  Hielmar,  Hyel-mar,  ZSwed. 
lioai-IIo,  Hu)-i-II(>i,  /■  China,  400  m. 
Hoai-lvhing,  Hoj-j-^ig,  c  China. 
Hoang-Ho,  Ho-ay-II(i),  r  Chinese  Em. 
Ilobart,  U<j-bart,  ts  N-Y.,  la.        [25. 
Hobart  Town,  ca^i  Van  Diemen's  Land, 
Hoboken,  H(5-bo-ken,  c  N-J.,  63  t  Cal. 

Ilochstadt,  H(f)^-stqt,  t  Bav.,  2X. 
Hocking,  II6k-ii),  r  and  co  0. 
Hodgdon,  Hoj-dun,  t  Me. 
Hoei-Ho,  Hu)-a-Hw,  r  China,  400  m. 
Hoei-Ngan,  Ho-a-iigqn,  c  Chinese  Em 
Hoei-Toug,  Ho)-a-T6ij,  c  China,  44. 
Iloeksche-Waard,   De,    De    Htak-sAft 

Vqrd,  i  of  IIol.,  22. 
Hof,  Hof,  t  Bav.,  8. 
Hogansburg,  Ilcb-ganz-burg,  «  N-Y.^ 
HohenzoUern-IIechingen,    Ho-en-tsol- 

crn-IIe/i-i«-en,   frin.  Ger.,  20^^. 
HohenzoUern-Sigmaringen,  — Sig-mq- 

rii]-en,  prin.  Ger.,  45)^. 
Holbeach,  Hol-beq,  t  and^>ar  Eng.,  V/^. 
Holland,  Hol-and,  (North  and  ^South,) 

k  Netb.,  composed  of  peninsuhis  and 

islands;  ywp.  1,106,248:  r«  N-Y.,  Mich. 
HoUey,  H6l-i,  t  N-Y.,  1^-  12^- 

IloUidaysburg,   I16l-i-daz-burg,  t  Pa., 
Holliston,  H61-is-ton,  r  Mass.,  1%. 
Holly  (H6l-i)  Springs,  r  Miss.,  4. 
Hollywood,  V  Ir.,  1^. 
Holmes'  (Horaz-ez)  Hole,  «  Mass. 
Holmesville,  Hd)mz-vil,  ts  0.,  la..  Miss. 
Holslein,    (Hol-stin,)    Duchy    of,   be- 
longing to  Den.;  pop.  in  1850, 482,364. 
Holston,  Hol-ston,  r  Tenn.,  200  m. 
Holt,  Holt,  t  Eng.;  co  Mo. 
Holyhead,  H61-i-hed,  *  and  s-pt  t  of 

N.  Wales,  5^. 
Holyoke,  Hwl-yok,  v  Mass.,  'iyi. 
Holywell,  H6l-i-wel,  t  N.  Wales,  6^. 
Homburg,  U6m-bu;A,/^  t  Rhen.  Bav.  3. 
Home  City,  •y  0. 

Homer,  Ho-mer,  ts  N-Y.  13^,  La.,  0. 
Horns,  Hums,  0?'  Hums,  t  Syria,  30. 
Honda,  H6u-da,  (Sp.  CJn'dq,)    t  New 

Granada,  5. 
Honduras,  IIon-d(6-rqs,  st  and  &  Cen.  A. 
Honeoye,  Ho-ne-t^,  t  N-Y.j   —  Falls, 

V  N-Y.,  \y^. 
Honesdale,  Hcinz-dal,  co  t  Pa.,  5. 
Uong-Kiang,  Hoy-Ke-qy,  nav.  r  China, 

800  m. 
Hong-Kong,  Br.  i  s.  e.  China,  37. 
Honiton,  Hun-i-ton,  t  Eng.,  3)^. 
Honolulu,    Hon-o-ldb-lo),    t    and    s-pt 

Sandwich  Islands,  6. 
Iloobly,  IM-bli,  t  Br.  Ind.,  15. 
Hoogly  or  Hooghly,  Hdog-le,  t  and  r 

Br.  Ind. 
Hoorn,  Horn,  ft  t  N.  Hoi.,  8%. 
Hoosick   (Hdo-sik)   Falls  and  Tunnel, 

near  Troy,  N-Y. 
Ilopedale,  Hop-dul,  t  Mass.;  v  0.,  and 

seat  of  McNeely  Normal  School. 
Hopkinsville,  Hop-kinz-vil,   co  t  Ky., 

3>i^;  t  O. 
Uoricon,  H6r-i-kon,  V6  N-Y.,  Wis. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 



Horncai«tle,ni5rn-kas-l,  ^and7'arEnj:.5. 

Homellsville,  Hor-nelz-vil,  v  N-Y.,  l}4. 

Hurshiim,  Hers-am,  bar  and  t  Eng.,  6; 
V  Pa. 

Hurton,  Hor-ton,  s-pt  Nova  Scotia. 

Hot  Springs,  r«  Va.,  Ark. 

Hottentots,  Hot- en-tots,  an  Af.  race, 
Cape  of  Good  Hope. 

Houghton,  Hiij-ton,  co  and  p  o  Mich. 

Houghton-le- Spring,  t  and  par  Eng., 

Houlton,  Hul-ton,  v  Me.  [3^. 

Houma,  Hi6-mq,  v  La. 

Hounslow,  H-snz-lo,  t  Eng.,  33^. 

Housatonic,  HiD-sa-ton-ik,  Kiver,  Mass., 
150  ua. 

Houston,  Hct>3-ton,  co  ts  Miss.,  Texas 
6  :  t  Kansas  Ter. 

Howden,  H^s-den,  t  and  pa7'  Eng.,  2]/^. 

Howell,  His-el,  cot  Mich.,  %. 

Hoy,  Hflr,  i  and  /»ar  Eng.,  1^^. 

Haaheine,  Hcn-q-hg-na,  Society  Is.,  2. 

Huailagii,  Wql-yq-gq  or  Hwql  yq-gq, 
r  Peru,  500. 

Huamunga,  W'q-raqy-gq,  or  Guaman- 
ga,  Gwq-mqi)  gq,  c  Peru,  20. 

Hnamantla,  Wq-mqat-lq,  t  and  battle 
field,  Me.x.  [ru,  8. 

Huancaveliea,  Wqn-kq-va-le-kq,  t  Pe- 

Huaraz,  Wq-rqs,  t  Peru.  5. 

Huuura,  W-y-rq,  s-pt  t  I'eru.  [Eng.,  25. 

Huddersfield,  lliid-erz-fcid,  lor  uisd  t 

Hudson,  Hiid-son,  or  North  River,  N- 
Y.,  the  finest  in  the  U.  S.,  300  m.; 
nav.  for  the  laf-gest  ships  to  Hudson, 
117  in.;  c  N-Y.,  7;  re  0.  %  Mich.: 
CO  t  Wis. 

Hadson's  Bay,  inland  sea  of  Br.  Am., 
850  by  601)  m. 

Hudson's  Bay  Territory,  tho  whole  of 
Br.  N.  Ana.,  excepting  tho  Caniidas, 
N-Brunswick,  Nova  Scotia  and  New- 
foundland, over  which  Hudson's  Bay 
Company  have  a  charter  for  its  use 
as  hunting  ground  for  furs. 

Hud,  Hwa  or  Hio-a,  r  Anam. 

Hue,  or  Thua-Thien,  T-hwq-Ti-en, 
cap  empire  of  Anam. 

Huesca,  Wes-kq  <w  Hwes-kq,  c  Sp.,  9. 

Hughesville,  Hi^^z-vil,  r«  N-J.,  Pa.,  Va. 

Hull,  Hul,  r-pt  and  h/v  Eng.,  83. 

Hulmesville,  Homz-vil,  «  Pa. 

Humber,  Hiim-ber,  r  Newfoundland, 
150  m.;  eat.  Eng. 

Humboldt,  Hum- bolt,  T  Wis.j  J  and  r 
Cal.,  350  m. 

Humphreys,  Um'friz,  co  Tenn. 

Humphreysville,  vg  Conn.,  O. 

Hungary,  Hiiy-ga-ri,  cy  S.  E.  Europe, 
forming  a  part  of  the  Austrian  Em- 
pire: ar.  69,170  s.  m.,  pop.  11,000,000. 

Hungerford,  Hiig-ger-ford,  t  and  par 

Hunslet,  Hun-slet,  chapelry  Eng.,  20. 
Huntersville,  Hun-terz-vil,  cot  Va. 
Huntingdon,  Hiint-ig-don,   W   and    / 

Eng.,  ^yi\  CO  ts  Pa.  \%,  Tenn. 
Huntington,  Hdnt-ig-ton,  I'sN-Y.,  Vt., 

S.  C;  CO  t  la. 
Huntly,  Hiint-li,  t  andjoar  Scot. 
Huntsville,  Hunts-vil,  co  ts  Ala.  4,  Mo., 

Tex.  IX;  TsO.,  la.,  III. 
Hurdwar,  Hurd-wdr,  t  famous  for  its 

annual  fairs,  N.  Hind. 
Huron,  (Hq-ron,)  Lake,  third  in  sizo 

of  N.  Am.:  rs  N-Y.,  O. 
Hurst  Moneeaux,  (Mon-scS,)  /)or  Eng. 
Husum,  Hob-sum,  s-pt  t  Den.,  4. 
lluy,  Her,  t  Belg.,  S%. 
Huyton,  Hj-ton,  par  Eng. 
Ilyannis,  Hj-.^n-is,  v  and  8-pt  Mass. 
llydepark,  Hjd-pqrk,  co  t  Vt.:  vs  N-Y., 

Pa.  \%. 
Hyderabad,  Hj-der-a-b^d,  e  India,  200; 

t  and /«!  Hind.,  20. 
Hvdra,   He-drq,  or  Idra,   8'drq,  i  of 

Greece,  20. 
Hyeres  or  Hieres,  He-^r.  t  Fr.,  10. 
Uy the.  Hid,  hor  and  t  Eng.,  2%. 


t-^"  In  order  to  ngreo  with  Lippin- 
eott's  Gazetteer,  "  names  in  Eastern 
Europe  and  Asia,  beginning  with  I, 
foll()W*>d  immediately  by  a  vowel,  will 
generally  be  found  under  Y  ;  thus,  for 
lakoutsk,  see  Yakootsk;  lana,  see  Ya- 
na,  &c. 

Ibaguo,  8-b4-ga,  t  N-Gran.,  5. 
Ibarra,  8-b4^-q,  t  Ecuador,  11. 

Iberia,  ^-bg-ri-a,  ts  0.,  Mo., 
Iberville,  "J-'ber-vil,  jnir  and  co  t  I/ft, 
Ibicui,  8-bi-kwe,  r  S.  Am.,  400  m. 
Iceland,  is'land,  »  of  Don.,  bet.  N.  At. 

and  Arc.  Oceans,  60. 
Ico  or  Icco,  8'ko,  t  Brazil,  7. 
Icod,  8-k6d,  t  inland  of  Teneriffe,  5>^. 
Ida,  i^da,  co  Iowa;  p  o  Mich. 
Idjeng,  Id-jdy,  active  rol  is.  of  Java.  -. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Idle,  f  dl,  r  Eng. 

Idria,  Id'ri-a  or  f'dri-q,  t  Illyria,  4}-^. 

Iduinaea,  Id-yi]-u38-a,  aiic.  cy  VV.  Asia. 

lesi,  ^"--a-se,  t  It.,  i). 

Igatimi,  i>-gq-ti-me,  r  S.  Am.,  200  m. 

Iglau,  Ig'lTi,  t  Moravia,  16i^. 

Iglesias,  C-gla-si-qs,  t  Sardinia,  12)^. 

Iglo,  Ig'lG.,  t  N.  Ilun.,  6. 

Iguacu,  8-gwq-S(i),  t  and  r  Brazil. 

Iguaiada,  8-gwq-lq-dq,  t  Sp.,  JO. 

Igualapa,  8-gv\q-lq-pq,  t  Mex.,  3. 

Iguape,  8-gwq-pa,  /•  Brazil,  loO  m. 

Ikropa,  i:'-krd>-pq,  r  Madagascar,  270  m. 

Iltracotnbe,  li'tra-kuom,  s-pt  i  Eng.,  3. 

llha     Grande,    ^I'yq    Gr^u-da,    *    of 

Brazil,  2. 
Ilinicii,  8-li-ne-sq,  m  p  Andes,  Ec, 

17,380  ft. 
Ilkeston,  Il'kes-ton,  i  and  par  Eng.,  6i^. 
Ill,  tX  r  Fr.,  100  in. 
Iller,  ll'er,  r  S.  Ger,,  85  m. 
Illiinani,  81-yq-mq-ni,    m  Bol.  Andes, 

21,149  ft. 
Illinoii?,  Il-i-nef,  one  of   the  w.  U.  S.; 

area  55,409  s.  m.,  pop.  857,470;  r  111. 
Illinois  College,  Jsicksouville,  111. 
Illyria,  11-ir-i-a,  ter  forming  the  s.  w. 

part  of  Austria;  area   10,996  s,  m., 

pop.  1,284.947,  of  whom  %  are  slaves. 
Ilminster,  li'min-ster,  t  and  j^/ar  Eng., 

Iloilo,  8-l<5r-lo,  proT  of  Panay,  259%. 

Imbros,  Im'bros,  or  Imbro,  Im'brw,  i 
Gr.  Arch.,  4. 

Imola,  8'uia)-lq,  t  Cen.  It.,  9%. 

liiagua,  8-nq-gVFq,  one  of  Bahama  Is. 

Independence,  c  Mo.,  3;  co  ts  Ky.,  lo.; 
rs  Tex.,  O.,  la.,  <fcc. 

India,  In'di-a,  region  of  cy  S.  Asia; 
divided  into  India  beyond  the  Gan- 
ges, and  Brit.  Ind.;  area  of  the  latter 
1,427,547  s.  m.;  pop.  170,813,668, 
"The  gov.  is  vested  in  the  East  Ind. 
Company  as  trustees  for  the  crown, 
consisting  of  the  Governer-General, 
and  a  c  >uncil  of  five  members." 

Indiana,  In-di-an-a.  one  of  the  w.  U. 
S.;  area,  .33,809  s.  m.,  pop.  988,342. 

Indiana,  co  t  Pa.,  1 ;  v  C.  W. 

Indianapolis,  In-di-an-ap-o-lis,  c  cap 
of  La.,  18  ;  -e;  Iowa.  [coast. 

Indian  Ocean,  a  vast  sea  off  the  Af. 

Indianola,  In-di-an-o-la,  ts  Tex.,  Iowa, 

Indian  Uiver,  Fa.,  100  m. 

Indian  Territory,  w.  Ark.,  set  apart  by 
gov.  of  U.  S.  for  the  exclusive  occu- 
pation of  the  Indian  tribes  of  the 
West.  [750  m. 

Indighirka,  In-di-gir-kq,  r  E.  Liberia, 

Indragiri,  In-drq-ger-e,  nav.  r  Sumatra, 
Indre,  And'r,    r  Fr. 
Indus,  In'dua,  ?•  S.  As.,  1650  m. 
Industry,    lu'dus-tri,    r«  Pa.,   0.,   111. 

C.  E.  .  [9%. 

Ingolstadt,  Ip'ol-stqt,  ft  t  Upper  Bav., 
Ingoolets,  In-gu)-lets,  r  Rus.,  220  m. 
Inkerman,    Ir)k-er-mqn,    v   s-pt   of    S, 

Bus.  in  the  Crimea. 
Inn,  r  Swit.  and  Bav.,  250  m. 
Innspruck,  Ins'pruk,  cap  Tyrol,  123^. 
Insterburg,  Ins'ter-burA,  t  E.  Prussia, 

Inverness,  In-ver-nes,  s-pt  t  Scot.,  12- 

%  ;  V  Mich.  [Ter. 

Inyan  Reakah,  In'yqn  Rg-q-kq,  r  Min. 
Inyan  Yankey  (Yay-ki  j  River,  Iowa, 
loua,  8-a)-na,  i  Hebrides,  Scot.,  1. 
Ionia,  i'-dj-ni-a,  rs  Mich.,  111.,  Mo. 
Ionian  (ii-o-ni-an)  Islands,    Med.,   w. 

of  Gr.;  bel.  to  Gr.  Br.;  pop.  219%; 

aea,  part  of  Med. 
Iowa,  i^'o-wa,  one  of  U.  S,;  area  50,914 

s.  m.,  pop.  33Q ;  r  Iowa,  300  m. 
Iowa  City,  cap  Iowa,  4. 
Ipswich,  Ips'wiq,  hi/r  and  t  of  Eng.,  33; 

t  Mass.,  3J^. 
Iquique,  8-ke-ka,  s-pt  t  S.  Peru. 
Iraja,  J^-rq-jq,  f  Brazil,  5. 
Irasbiirg,  t^'ras-burg,  v  Vt. 
Irasu,8-rq-st6,  rol  Custa-Rica,  11,478  ft. 
Iren,  8-ren,  or  8- ran,  /•  Rus.,  150  m. 
Iredell,  ir'del,  co  K.  C. 
Ireland,    4'r'land,     western   is  of    the 

Kingdom  of  Gr.  Brit.;  area  32,513, 

pop.  6,553,163. 
Irish  Sea,  i'rij,    portion  At.  Oc,  bet. 

Ir.  and  Eng. 
Irkootsk,  Ir-k(f)tsk,  c  Siberia,  120. 
Iroquois,  Ir-o-kwff,  r  la..  111.;  v  111. 
Iroquois,  or  Six  Nations,  Fr.  name  of 

the  united  Mohawk,  Oneida,  Onon- 
daga, Cayuga,  Seneca,  and  Tuscaro- 

ras  Indians.  [1200  m. 

Irrawaddy,   Ir-a-w6d-i,    r  S.  E,  Asia, 
Irtish,  Ir'tiJ,  r  N.  As.,  1700  m. 
Irvine,  Er'vin,  s-pt  t  Scot.,  A%;  rs  Pa., 

Isar,  S'zar,  or  Iser,  8'zer,  /  Ger.,  165  m. 
Ischia,  Is'ki-q,  i  in  Med.,  24. 
I^eghem,  8'se-/iem,  t  Belg.,  8%. 
Iserlohn,  8-zer-lc[)n,  t  Prus.,  H)%. 
Isernia.  8-ser-ni-q,  t  Nap.,  5}4^. 
l.set,  8-set,  ;■  Siberia,  250  m. 
Ishim,  {/>'  Ischim,  Ij'im,  r  Sib.,  700  m. 
Isla  de  Leon,  8s'lq  da  La-(f)n,   c  Sp., 

Isla  de  Negros,   8s'lq  da  Na-gros,    u 

in  the  Malay  Arch.,  35%.  [12. 

Islamabad,  Is-lqm-a-bqd,  t  Brit,  lud., 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Island  Pond,  v  Yt. 

Islay,  i^la,  in  Hebrides  in  Scot,,  16. 

Isle,  81,  ?■  Fr.,   100  ra. 

Isle  Au  Bois,  81  o  Bwq,  p  o  Mo. 

Isle  Au  Haul,  81  o  Ho,  an  entrance  of 

Penobscot  Bay. 
Isle-aux-Coudres,  81-o-K(j6J-r,  z  C.  E. 
Isle-Dieu,  8l-D£-e,  fi  i  Fr.,  2^. 
Isle  of  Pines,  *  Pac.  Oc,  2}4 )  «*  W. 

Ind.  Arch.,  1>^.  [oQi^. 

Isle  of  Wight,  i\  ov  Wit.  i  Eng.  Chan., 
Isle  Royale,  5*1  Kdf-al,  i  Lake  Superior. 
Islington,  Is'lii)-ton,  par  Eng.,  95}/^. 
Islip,  Is'lip,  V  N-Y. 
Ismail,  Is-mqel,  /?  ^  Rus.,  21^. 
Isola,  8'so-lq,  t  Illyria,  S^. 
Isola  Grossa,  8'dCJ-ln  Gros-q,,  i  Adriatic 

Sea,  12. 
Ispahan,  Is-pa-hqn,  or  Spahawn,  Spq- 

hen,  c  Persia,  150. 
Issaquena,  Is-a-kwg-na,  co  Miss. 
Issoire,  8s-wq/',  t  Fr.,  b%. 
Issoudun,  8-stT>-duh,  t  Fr.,  13>^. 
Istip,  Li' tip,  t  Eu.  Tur.,  8. 

Italy,  Tt'a-li,  (It.  I-t(\-li-q,)a/in  S.  En. 
consisting  of  divisions,  kingdoms, 
dutchies,  «fec.,  formed  of  the  penin- 
sula, and  adjacent  islands;  area 
118,356  £.  m.,  pop.  24,733,385. 

Itamaraca,  8-tq-mq-rq-kq.  i  Bra.,  8. 

da,  r  Brazil,  410  m. 

Itasca  Lake,  It-as-ku,  the  head  of  the 
Mississippi.  [Chili. 

Itata,  8  tq-tq,  or  Chilian,    Gel-yqn,  r 

Itawamba,  It-a-w6m-ba,  co  Miss. 

Ithaca,  It'a-ka,  Ionian  Is.,  9^;  co  t 
N-Y.,  7:^0.  [Go. 

Itooroop,  8-t«.T)-rc6p,  Koorile  Is.,  N.  Pac. 

Itu,  Hitu.  or  Ytu,  8-t(D,  t  Bra.,  10. 

Itzehoe,  It'se-hcj-e,  t  Den.,  6.         [Bra. 

Ivahi,  8-vq-he,  or  Ubahi,  (D-bq-h£,  r 

Ivi^a,  Iviza,  8-V8-sq,  «  Sp..  11. 

Ivinghoe,  Iv'ig-ho,  t  Eng.,  2. 

Ivrea,  8-vra-q,  t  Pied.,  7.  [8}^. 

Ivry-sur-Seine,    8-vrg-ser-San,   v  Fr., 

Izard,  Iz'ard,  co  Ark.  [15,705  ft. 

Iztaccihuatl,  8s-tqk-si-hwq-tl',  'vol  Mex., 


1^'"  To  agree  with  Lippineott, 
"Names  beginning  with  J,  in  Eastern 
Europe  and  Asia,  will  generally  be 
found  under  Y,  thus  :  for  Jablonoi,  see 
Yablonoi :  Jassy,  see  Yassy,  &c." 
Jubary,  Xabary,  //q-bq-re,  or  Yavary, 

Yq-vq-re,  r  S.  Am.,  450  m. 
Jaca,  or  Xaca,  /^-kq,  t  Sp.,  3. 
Jacarehi,  Xq-kq-ra-he,  t  Bra.,  7. 
Jacinto,  Ja-sin-to,  v  Miss. 
Jackson,  Jak-son,  vs  La.,  Tenn.,  Ky., 

O.,  Mich.,  Mo.,  &c. 
Jacksonville,  co  t  111.,  also  of  Va.,  Ga., 

Fa.,  Ala. 
Jacuhy,  Xq-kcD-e,  r  Bra.,  250  ra. 
Jaen,  or  Xaen,  /fq-en,  c  Sp.,  11%. 
Jaen  de  Braca  mores,  /iq-en  daBrq-kq- 

m<i-ros,  t  Ec,  2. 
Jaffa,  Jaf-a,  or  Yqf-q,  t  Pal.,  5. 
Jaffnapatara,    Jqf-nq-pq-t^m,     s-pt    i 

Ceylon,  8.  [120  m. 

Jagua,  or  Xagua,  /?('i-gwq,  r  Hon., 
Jaguaribe,  Xq-gwq-r^-ba,  r  Bra.,  400  m. 
Jalapa,   or  Xalapa,  //q-l^-pq,   c  Mex., 

10;  Ja-lq-jHi,  r«  Tenn.,  la..  111. 
Jallore,  Jq-lJ)r,  t  Hind.,  15.  [ra. 

Jalomnitza.  Yq-U.m-nit-sq.  r  Wal.,  110 
Jaloun,  Jq-I(j[»n.  t  Hind.,  180. 
Jamaica,    Ja  mA-ka,     largest    of    the 

Brit.   W.    Ind.    Is.,  Caribbeaa   Sea: 

pop.  377,433;  i;  in  N-Y.,  4J^. 

Jamaica  Plain,  v  Mass. 

Jamesburg,  -v  N-J. 

James  River,  Va.,  450  m. 

James's  (Jamz-ez)  Bay,  g  Brit.  Am. 

James  Town,   cap  of   is  St.   Helena ; 

CO  ts  Tenn.,  Ky.;  v  N-Y.,  2% ;  Va., 

0.,  la. 
Janesville,  Janz-vil,  c  Wi.'?.,  6. 
Japan,   Jq-pan,    (called   Niphon,  Nip- 

hon,  by  the  Japanese,)  an  empire  in 

the  N.  Pac.,  composed  of  three  largo 

and  several  small  islands  area  116,- 

405  s.  m.;  pop.  35,000,000. 
Japura,  y/q-pd>-rq,  r  S.  Am.,  1000  ro. 
Jarrow,  .Tar-o,  jtar  and  ij  Eng.,  423^. 
Jasper,,  co  ts  Ala.,  Tex.,  Ark., 

Tenn.,  la.  S^. 

Jasz-Apathi,  Y4s-0-p6-tg,  t  Con.  Hun., 
Jasz-Bereny,  Yqs-Ba-rany,  t  Hun.,  17. 
.lauer,  YS'-er,  t  Pru.<<.  Silesia,  6)^. 
Janja,   Ifi-hq,   or  Atanjauja,   il-tqn- 

A-*-Ad,  r  400  m. 
.Tauru,  X's-rcfi,  r  Brazil,  220  ra. 
Java,    J^-vq,  an  i  Malny  Arch.:  area 

49.730  s.  m.,  pop.  9,600,000;  Ja-va, 

r  N-Y. 
Javana,  Jq-v^-nq,  i  Java,  10. 
Jawahir,  J^-wq-her,  peaks  of  Himalaya 

Mountains  25,670  ft. 
Jaxartes,  Jak3-<^r-tez,  r  Ind.  Toorkia- 

Ud,  900  m. 


Geographical     Vocabulary. 

Jedburgh,  Jed-bur-u,  t  Scot,,  2%. 
Jefferson,    Jef-er-son,    v    N-Y.,    IJ^; 

cots'H.  C,  Ga.,  Ala.,  Tex.,  0.,  Wis., 

lM;v  la. 
Jeffersoa  City,  cap  Mo.,  3. 
Jeffersonville,  t  Id.,  location  state  pen- 
itentiary, pop.  3  ;  CO  t  Va.  [Pal. 
Jehoshaphat,  Je-hoJ-a-fat,  Valley  of, 
Jeimnapes,  Sa-tnqp,  v  Belg.,  4^. 
Jena,  Jen-a,  or  Ya-nq,  t  Cen.  Ger.,  6}4.- 
Jenne,  Jen-e,  t  W.  Af.,  9.              [Bra. 
Jequitinhonha.    Xa-ke-ten-ycfin-yq,    r 
Jerez  de   La  Frontera,     Hi-ret  da  Iq 

Fron-ta-rq,  ^  Sp. 
Jerez-de-Lo3-Caballero3,      Ha-re6-da- 

Lcos-Kq-bq-la-ros,  c  Sp.,  63.^. 
Jericho,  Jer-i-ko,  anc.  c  Pal.;    ts  Vt., 
Jerome,  Je-rcjin,  v  la,  [N-Y.,  Ala. 

Jersey,  Jer-zi,  the  largest  of  the  Is.  of 

Gr.  Brit,  in  the    Eng.  Chan.;    area 

39,000  acres,  pop.  57>i. 
Jersey  City,  N-J.,  22. 
Jersey  Shore,  v  Pa.,  %. 
Jerseyville,  Jer-zi-vil,  co  t  111.,  ^. 
Jerusalem,   Je-rit-sa-lem,    a  revered  c 

Pal.,  10;  Ts^-Y.,  Va. 
Jessulmeer,  Jes-ul-mer,  t  Hind.,  20. 
Jeypoor,   or  Jypoor,  Ji-pdor,   st  and  c 

Hind.,  60. 

Jhylum,  or  Jilum,  Jj-lum,   r  Punjab. 
Jiddah,  o/'Djiddah,  Jid-q,  s-ptt  Ar.,22. 
Johnson,  Jou-son,  ts  Vt.,  Ga.,  111. 
Johnson,  Jon-ston,  «  Scot.,  b%. 
Johnstown,  co  t  N-Y.,  1%;  v  Pa.,  2. 
Joigny,  Xwqu-ye,  t  Fr.,  6V^. 
Joliet,  J61-i-et,  co  t  111.,  4. 
Jonesborough,  Jiinz-bur-o,  cots  Tenn., 

111.;  i:s  Ga.,  Ala.,  la..  Mo. 
Joaesville,  co  t  Va.;  v  Mich.,  1, 
Joodpoor,  Jdod-pdar,  nt  and  t  Hind.,  60. 
Jordan,  Jar-dan,   r  As/  Tur.,  120  m.; 

v  N-Y. 
JoruUo,  XuruUo,  Ha-rdA-jCi,  vol  Mox. 
Josephine,  Jo-ze-fen,  v  III. 
Jouna,  Jijo-nq,  r  lius.  Am,,  300  ra. 
Juan  Fernandez,    Jq-an  Fer-nan-dez, 

i  Pac.  Oc,  18  by  6  m. 
Judea,  Jq-de-a,  anc.  k  of  Pal. 
Juggernaut,  Juggernauth,    Jug-er-net, 

t  and  temple  of  Ind,;  pop  t  30. 
Jujuy,  Hrt-fiVii,  r  La  Plata,  300  m. 
Jumna,  Jdm-nq,  r  Ind.,  6S0  m. 
Juneau,  Jq-ncj,  v  Wis.  [671  ft. 

Jungfrau.  Yiiij-frif,  ?»  Swiss  Alps.,  13- 
Juniata,  Jq-ni-q-ta,  r  and  co  Pa. 
Jura,  Jq-ra,    i  Inner  Hebrides  Scot., 

m-s  separating  Fr.  from  Swit. 
Jutland,  Jdt-laud,  pen  and  jorov  Den. 


Kaffa,  Caf fa.  Kqf-q,  t  Tlus.,  7J^. 

Kaffraria,  Caffraria,  Kq-frq-ri-q,  re- 
gion of  S.  E.  Af.;  pop.,  34J,00(I. 

Kafiristan,  Kq-fc-ris-tqn,  cy  Cen.  As. 

Kairwan,  or  Gairwan,  Kjr-wqn,  c  N. 
Af.,  50.  [8000  h. 

Kaisareeyeh,   Kj-zar-e-e,    c  As.   Min., 

Kalafat,  Kq-lq-fqt,  t  Eti.  Tur.  2000  h. 

Kalamazoo,  Kal-a-ma-zda,  r  and  co  t 
Mich.,  5. 

Kalantan  or  Calantan,  Kq-lqn-tqn,  st 
Mi.lay  Pen.,  50. 

Kalida,  Ka-lj-da,  co  t  0. 

Kalimno,  Kq-lim-no,  or  Calamo,  Kq- 
Iq-mQ,  is  s.  w.  coast  As.  Min. 

Kalisz  <tr  Kaliseh,  Kq-liJ,  c  Pol.,  12. 

Kallo,  Nagy,  Noj  Kq-16,  t  Hun.,  b%. 

Kallsioen,  Kql-si-e-en,  I  Swed. 

Kalraar,  Kql-mar,  two  C8  of  Swed. 

Kalocsa,  Ko-loq-o,  t  Hun.,  8,  [l^. 

Kalooga,  Kq-I{6-sq,  goo  and  t  Rus.,  29- 

Kalwarya,  Kql-rq-ri-q,  t  Pol.,  1. 

Kama,  Kq-mq,  r  Rus.,  1400  m.       [15. 

Kamieniec,  Kqm-yen-yefc-?,  t  Rus.  Pol., 

Kampen,  Kqm-pen,  t  Neth.,  10%. 

Kamtchatka  or  Kamtschatka,  Kqm- 
q(\i-ka,  pen  forming  a  part  of  the  Si- 
berian Gov.,  n.  e.  of  Asia,  6. 

Kanawha,  Ka-no-wa,  co  and  r  Va. 

Kanayawa,  Kq-nj-q-wq,  c  Japan,  200. 

Kan-ehoo  or  Kan-Tchou,  Kqn-qif),  ft  0 
China.  [jee  Is.,  10. 

Kandaboo,  Kqn-dq-bdo,  one  of  the  Fee- 

Kandy  or  Candy,  Kqn-de,  t  Ceylon,  7. 

Kane,  Kan,  v  and  co  111. 

Kangaroo,  Kap-ga-r(6,  is  S.  Aust.      [•)^. 

Kanisa,  Nag.y.  Noj  Ko-ne-Jo,  t  Hun.,  8- 

Kankakee,  Kan-ka-kg,  r  la.  and  111.; 
D  111.;  —  City,  CO  t  111. 

Kankaree,  K^n-kq-re,  t  As.  Tur.,  18. 

Kan-Kiang.  Kqn-Ki-qij,  r  Chi,,  350  m. 

Kanona,  Ka-nu-na,  v  N-Y. 

Kanam,  Kq-nobm.  c  Little  Thibet. 

Kanzas,  or  Kansas,  west.  Ter.  U.  S., 
the  "  bone  of  contention"  between 
the  free  and  slave  states,  eomraenc- 
ing  with  the  repeal  of  the  "Missouri 
Compromise,"  in  1854;  area  114,798 
s.  m.;  r  of  the  ter,,  120  m;  v  Mo,,  Xi 
tr  Indians. 

Geographical     Vocabulary. 


Kara,  Kq-rq,  r  Kus.,  125  m. 

Karakool  or  Karakoul,  Kq-rq-kcfcl,  t 
Bokhara,  30. 

Kararaan,  Kq-rq-inqn,  t  As.  Min.,  12. 

Karaii;;-Assaui,  Kq-rqtj-R-sqm,  st  Ma- 
lay Arch.,  pop.  250,000. 

Kara  .S.»o,  Kara  Sou,  or  Kara  Su,  Kq- 
rq  SiD,  rs  As.  Min.,  Per.,  A*.  Tur., 
Eu.T^r.  [S.  Ru3.,  15. 

Kara-boo-Bazar,    Kq-r<\-So)-Bq-74r,    t 

Kardzag,  Kord-s6g,  t  E.  Han.,  HX. 

Karikal,  Kq-ri-kql,  t  Ind.,  15, 

Karlsburg,  or  Carlsburg,  Kq/ls-burA, 
t  Tran.,  12)^. 

Karlstadf,  or  Carlstadt,  Kqrl-stqt,  free 
t  Aus.  Croatia,  U^ ;  t  Bav..  21^. 

Kars  or  Khars,  Kqr:^,  c  As.  Tiir.,  12. 

Kasanlik,  Kqz-qn-lik.  t  Eu.  Tur.,  10. 

Kasehau,  Kq-I-**,  or  Kositze,  Ko-sit-sa, 

Hun.,  15^^. 
vn,  or 
Ka-=hgar,  or  Cashgar, 

Ka^^han,  or  Cashan,  Kq-Ji^n,  t  Per.,  30. 

'       _  r,  KqJ-gqr,  c  Chi. 

Toork.,  K).  [7%. 

Kasim  >v,  K»«imow,  Kq-si-mov,  t  R 
Kaskaskia,  Kas-kas-ki-a,  r  IlL,  300  in.; 

Kassaca,  Kq-S(^-kq,  c  Japan,  150. 
Kastamoonee,  or  Kastamouni,  Kqs-tq,- 

m6-ne,  t  As.  Min.,  48. 
Katonah,  Ka-to-na,  v  S-Y. 
Katrine,  Ka-trin,  or  Kat-rin,  I  Scot. 
Kaufman,  Kof-man,  co  Tax. 
Kaukauna,  Ko-kd-na,  D  Wis. 
Kavala,  Kq-v^-lq,  f>-})t  t  Tur..  4.     [10. 
Kavaya,  Kavaja,  Kq-vj-q,  ^  Eu.  Tur., 
Kazan,  Kasan,  Kq-z^n,  gov  and  c  Rus., 

Kecskemet,  Keq-kem-at,  t  Hun.,  42. 
Koiliri,  Ka-d8-rg,  prov,  t  and  r  Is.  of 

Kedron,  Ke-dron,  brook  of  Pal.,  in  the 

Valley  of  Jehoshaphat. 
K«;ea-Hing-Foo,     Ka-q-IIin-Fd),  ft    C 

China,  270. 
Keeno,  Ken,  co  t  N-II.,  2M  ;  v  Ky. 
Keeseville,  Kez-vil,  v  N-Y.,  2. 
Kojghley,  Keb-li,  t  Eng.,  13. 
K'Uth,  Ke6,  t  and  par  Scot..  5. 
Keithsburg.  Kets-burg,  co  t  III.,  3^. 
Kdat,  or  Khelat,  Ke-l^t,  t  Belg.,  12. 
Kelso,  Jtel-scj,   t  and  par  Scot.,  A% ; 

V  la. 
Kemijoki,  Kd-raj-y6-ke,  or  Kemi,  Ka- 

niE,  r  Ru'«.,  300  m. 
Kempten,  K^rap-ten,  <  Bavaria,  1%. 
KcMnptviUc,  K<5int-vil,  t  C.  W.,  \%. 
Ken,  or  Kent,  r  Eng.;  Ken,  r  Soot. 
K»!nansville,  K^n-anz-vil,  r^  t  N.  C. 
Kendal.  Ken-dal,  t  and  ;>or  Eng  ,  lOJ^. 
Konduskeft^,  Ken-dui-ka;;,  v  1\q, 


Kenesaw.  Ken-e-se,  p  o  Ga. 

Kenilworth,  Keu-il-wujt,  t  and  par 
Eng.,  3,1^. 

Kenjua,  Ken-jq-a,  vVa. 

Kenmire,  Ken-m4r,  r  and  t  Ir.,  l)'^. 

Kennebec,  Ken-e-bek,  r  x\Ie.,  150  in. 

Kennebunk,  Ken-e-bvigk,  ;•  and  v  Me. 

Kennedy-sviile,  Ken-e-diz-vil,  v  N-Y. 

Kennet,  Ken-et,  r  Eng, 

Kenosha,  Kcn-c5-Ja,  t  Wis.,  51/^. 

Kensico,  Ken-si-ko,  v  N-Y. 

Kensington,  Ken-sir)-ton,  ^  and  par 
Eng.,  44  ;  svh  Philadelphia,  48. 

Kent,  rs  Conn.,  la. 

Kenton,  Ken-ton,  co  t  0. 

Kent's  Hill,  v  Me. 

Kentucky,  Ken-tiik-i,  on6  of  the  w. 
U.  S.;  area  37.680  s.  m.,  pop.  761,449 
whites,  10,011  free  blacks,  210,981 
slaves,— total,  982,405  ;  r  Ky. 

Keokuk,  Ke-Q-kuk,  co  ani  t  Iowa,  15. 

Keosauqua,  Ke-o-so-kwa,  co  t  Iowa, 

Kerah,  Ktx-rq,  r  Per.,  350  ni, 

Keriuan,  Ker-mqn,  ft  c  Per,,  30. 

Kermanshah,  Ker-mqn-Jq,  t  Per.,  35. 

Kern  Lake,  Cai, 

Kortch,  Ke/-q,  t  Rus,,  10,  \2%. 

Keswick,  Kez-wik,  or  Kez-ik,  t  Eng., 

Keszthely,  Kest-hely,  t  \V.  Hun,,  7j5. 

Ket,  Ket,  r  As,  Rus,,  500  m, 

Keta,  Ka-tq,  r  As,  Rus.  300  m. 

Ketcho,  Keq-o,  or  Cachao,  Kaq-^'Oi 
c  of  Anatn,  in  S.  E.  As.,  100. 

Kettering,  Ket-er-ig,  t  and  par  Eng., 

Kew,  Kq,  v  Eng.,  palace  of  George  III. 

Kewaunee,  Ke-wd-ne,  r  and  co  Mich. 

Keweenaw  (Ke-wK-no)  Bay,  Lake  Su- 
perior: —  l^)int,  n.  part  Mich. 

Key,  or  Ki,  Kj,  is  Malay  Arch. 

Key  port,  Kg-port,  v  N-J. 

Keysport,  Kez-pcart,  v  III. 

Keys,  Kez,  (or  Cays,)  islets  on  the 
shores  of  Honduras. 

Keytesville,  Kets-vil,  co  t  Mo. 

Key  West  City,  co  t  Fa.,  3. 

Khania,  //q-ne-a,  {or  Canea,)  s-pt  t 
Crete,  8. 

Khanpoor,  //qn-p(fir,  t  Hind.,  20. 

Kharkov,  i/qr-kov,  (or  Slobodisch 
Ukraine,  Sl(f)-b(a-di/  OD'kran,)  gov 
8.  Eu.  Riis,,  area  20,931  s.  m.,  pop. 

Kharkov,  or  Charkov^,  o,  cap  of  the 
above,  35, 

Khartoom,  //qr-t(£»ra,  cap  Nubia,  20. 

Khatanga,    i/q-tqij-gq,  '  r    As.    Has., 

^  700  iq. 

Khatmandoo,  Kqt-mqn-dJ),  {or  Kath 
iuaro,  Kat-h-mq-ro,)  cap  of  NejJaut, 

'     6S 

Geographical    Yocabulary. 

Kherson,  nr  Cherson,  ifer-s^n,  yoi)  and 

ft  t  S.  Rus.,  241^. 
Khilok,  i/e-lok,  r  As.  Rus.,  430  m. 
Khiva,    Ke-va,    cy  and  ca^)  in  Lad. 

Toork.,  10. 
Khoi,  iier,  ^  N.  Per.,  30. 
Khonsar,  JETon-sqr,  i  Per.,  13. 
Khoolooin,  //o-lifern,  <  Afg.,  10. 
Khyen-Dwem,    Ki-en-Dwein,    r  Far. 

Ind.,  400  m. 
Khyerpoor,  Kj-er-pAr,  t  Sinde,  15. 
Kiakhta  wKiachta,  Ks-q/i-tq,  t  Sib.,  5. 
Kickapoo  (Kik-a-pd))  Indians,  Kansas 

Ter.;  r  Wis. 
Kidderminster,     Kid-er-min-ster,     hor 

and  t  Eng.,  iZ%. 
Kiel,  Ksl,  8-pt  t  Den.,  15. 
Kielce,  Ke-eit-sa,  c  Pol.,  0%, 
Kiev,  Kiew,  Ks-ev,  {or  Kief,  Ke-ef;) 

^ot)  Eu.  Rus.;  area  1942  s.  m.,  pop. 

1,63(5,339  ;  c  do.,  47X. 
Kilbarchan,    Kil-bqr-/win,    ^  and  par 

Scot.,  5^. 
Kilbeggan,  Kil-beg-an,  par  and  ^  Ir.,  2. 
Kilbirnie,  Kil-ber-ne,  v  a,nd.j)ar  Scot., 

Kildare,  Kil-d4r,  co  and  t  Ir. 
Kilia,  Ke-li-q,  /i^  t  Bessarabia,  7. 
Kilkenny,  Kil-ken-i,  co,  c  and  Jor  Ir., 

pop  of  c  20%. 
Killaloe,  Kil-a-ldo,  t  Ir.,  2%. 
Ki Harney,  Kil-qr-ni,  t  and  par  Ir.,  6; 

three   h,  do. 
Killiecrankie,   Kil-g-krag-ke,  pas»  in 

Grampian  Mountains,  Scot. 
Killough,  Kil-o,  s-pt  t  Jr.,  1. 
Killucan,  Kil-d)-kan,  par  Ir. 
Killyleagh,  Kil-i-la,  8-pt  t  Ir.,  1. 
Kilmacduagh,  Kil-mak-ddD-a,  par  Ir. 
Kilmalie,  Kil-ma-le,  jc»a/'  Scot. 
Kilmalloch,  Kil-mal-oA,  t  Ir.,  Ij^. 
Kilmarnock,  Kil-mqr-nok,  t  Scot.,  213^; 

'V  Va. 
Kilmuir,  Kil-raer,  ?>ar  Scot. 
Kilmun,  Kil-miin,  sea-bathing  i'  Scot. 
Kilrea,  Kil-ra,  t  and  par  Ir.,  l^^, 
Kilrenny,  Kil-ren-i,  s-pt  and  par  Scot., 

Kilrush,  Kil-riij",  8-pt  and  <  Ir.,  4X- 
Kil.syth,  Kil-sjd,  ^  and  par  Scot.,  4. 
Kilwinning,    Kil-win-ig,    t    and   ^^fa** 

Scot.,  •i%. 
Kinbooru,  Kin-b(t)rn,  ft  Rus.,  at  the 

mouth  of  the  Dnieper. 
Kincardine,  Kig-kqr-din,  8-pt  t  Scot. 
Kinderhook,  Kin-der-huk,  ts  N-Y.  4, 

Ark.,  la.,  111. 
King-Ki-Tao,  Kip-Ki-Tq-o,  cap  Corea. 
King-and-Qucen  Court-House,  cotYa. 
Kingsbury,  Kioz-ber-i,  vs  N-Y.  3,  la. 

Kingston,  cs  C.  W.  14;  Jamaica  35;  cap 
island  St.  Vincent,  5;  co  t  R.  I ;  va 
N-Y.,  Pa.,  Ga. 

Kingston-upon-Thames,  ( —  Tcmz,)  t 
and  par  Eng.,  123^. 

Kingstown,  Kir)z-t"8n,  s-pt  t  Ir.,  10)^. 

Kingsville,  t'«  6.,  Md.,  S.  C.  • 

King-Te-Tchiang,Kir)-Ta-Gi-qri,  t  Ch. 

Kington,  Kig-ton,  t  and  pur  Eng.,  334. 

King  William  Court-House,  co  t  Va. 

Kingwood,  co  t  Va. 

Kinsale,  Kin-sal,  lor  and  «-p^  ^  Ir.,  5^^. 

Kiong-Choo,  Ke-ofl-6^iJb,  c*  China,  100. 

Kirengha,  Ke-ren-gq,  r  Siberia,  300  m. 

Kirgbeez,  Ker-gez,  Mongul  race  of 
Cen.  As.,  num.  2,260,000,  sub.  to  Rus. 

Kirkcaldy,  Ker-kol-di,  s-pt,  t  and  par 
Scot.,  i0>^."  [Scot.,  2%. 

Kirkcudbright,  Ker-k6-brs,  t  and  par 

Kirkintilloch,  Kerk-in-til-oA,  ^  and  par 
Scot.,  6)^.       *  [N-.  C. 

Kirkland,  Kerk-land,  I'S  Scot.,  N-Y., 

Kirkwall,  Kerk-wdl,  s-pd  t  and  par 
Scot.,  33^.' 

Kirriemuir,  Ker-i-mer,  or  Killamuir, 
Kil-a-mer,  t  and  ^ar  Scot.,  33^. 

Kirtland,  Kert-land,  «;  O. 

Kishonev,  Kif-e-nev,  t  Rus.,  43. 

Kishm,  Kijm,  i  Persian  Gulf,  5,  Arabs. 

Kistnah,  Kist-na,  r  India,  600  m. 

Kitianning,  Kit-an-iij,  v  Pa. 

Kittatinny,  Kit-a-tin-i,  or  Blue  Moun- 
tains, running  through  N-Y.,  N-J., 
Pa.,  Va.,  N.  C.,  Tenn.,  Ala. 

Kizil-Irmak,  Kiz-il-Er'mqk,  r  Asia 
Minor,  520  m. 

Kizliar,  Kiz-li-qr,  ft  t  Rus.,  12. 

Kjoge,  Ke-e-ge,  t  Den.,  2)/^.      [U}4. 

Klagenfurth,  Klq-gen-fmrt,   t   Illyria, 

Klamath,  Klq-mat  or  Klq-raat-h,  writ- 
ten also  Tlamath,  r  and  t  Oregon. 

Klattau,  Klq-fs,  t  Bohemia,  6)^. 

Klausenburg,  KH-zen-btarA,  cap  C 
Transylvania,  25)^.         [Kng.,  IO34. 

Knaresborough.  N4rz-bur-o,  t  and  par 

Knightstown,  Nits-t'sn,  'O  la.,  \%. 

Knottingley,  Not-ig-li,  v  Eng.,  4>^. 

Knovvlesville,  N6lz-vil,  v  N-Y. 

Knoxville,  Noks-vil,  c  Tenn.,  5;  co  is 
Ga.,  111.,  Iowa.  ['i/^* 

Knutsford,  Niits-ford,  t  and  par  Eng., 

Koisoo,  Kflr-s<6,  r  Rus.,  1200  m. 

Kokomo,  Ko-ko-mo,  v  la. 

Kokoora,  Ko-kdb-rq,  t  Japan.  16. 

Kolin,  or  Ncu  Kolin,  Ner  Ko-len,  t 
Bohemia,  5^. 

Kolomea,  Ko-lo-ma-q,  t  Aus.  Galicia,  7. 

Kolomna,  Ko-l6m-nq,  t  Rua.,  13. 

Kolyma  or  Kolima,  Ko-li-mq  or  KO' 
le-mq,  r  Siberia^  700  m. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Konieh,  K6-ni-e,  c  Asia  Minor,  40. 

Koniggratz,  Ke-niA-gretii,  t  Aus.,  83^. 

Konigsbcrg,  Ken-igz-berg,  c  I'rus.,  75. 

Kooban,  Kco-bqn,  r  S.  Kussia,  380  m. 

Koordistan  or  Kourdistan,  KoDr-dis-tan, 
cy  of  \V.  Asia,  divided  bet.  Turkey 
and  Persia;  area  500,000  8.  in.,  pop. 

Koorile  (K(f>-ril)  Islands,  N.  Pac,  pop. 

Koorsk,  Kdbrsk,  dzv  Eu.  Rus.;  area 
17,382  8.  m.,  pop.  1,065,215;  cap  of 
same,  30)^. 

Kordofan,  Ker-do-fqn,  cy  Cen.  Af .,  400. 

Koros,  Nagy,  Noj  Ke-reJ,  t  Hun.,  18)^. 

Kosciusko,  i^Kos-i-us-ko)  Mount,  Aus- 
tralia; CO  t  Miss.;  CO  la. 

Koslov,  Kos-lov,  t  Rus.,  8. 

Kossuth,  Ko-Jtibt,  co  Iowa;  v  111. 

Kostroma,  Ko8-tr(f)-mq.  r,  gov  and  6 

Rus.,  14. 
Kovno,  K6v-no,  t  Rus.  Poland,  7. 
Krajova,  Krq-yo-vq,  cap  Lit.  Wal.,  8. 
Krementchoog,  Krem-ent-Jcbg,  t  Rus., 

Kremnitz,  Krem-nits,  t  Hun.,  61^. 
Krnutzuach,  Krtfts-nq/i,  t  Rhen.  Prus., 

Kronstadt,  Kron-stqt,  t  Aus.,  36. 
Kuenlun,    Kwen-]c6n,    7«*   Cen.   Asia, 
Kumo,  K(t)-mo,  r  Rus.  [22,000  ft. 

Kurrachee,  Kur-a-(;e,  s-pt  t  Sinde,  15. 
Kurrichane,  Kur-i-kq-na,  ^S.  Af.,  16. 
Ku.ssnacht,    KcGs-nq//t,    v    Swit.,   the 

scene  of  William  Tell's  trial. 
Kutaieh  or  Kutaiah,  Koo-tj-ye,  t  Asia 

Minor.  [2i^. 

Kyparissia,    Ke-pq-ris-e-q,   t    Greece, 


Laaland,  Le-land,  or  Lolland,  L61-qnd, 

i  of  Den.,  bb%. 
La  Bale  du  Febore,  Lq  Ba  de  Fe-be/*, 

»  C.  E. 
Labansville,  Ld-banz-vil,  i)  Pa.,  y^. 
La  Rathie,  Lq  Bq-tE,  v  Sard.  States,  1. 
Labooan,  Lq-boo-qn,  i  Malay  Arch. 
Labrador,  Lab-ra-d6r,  pen  e.  coiist  Br. 

N.  Am.,  as  yet  very  little  known  in 

the  interior;  area  450,000  s.  m.,  pop. 

5,000.  ^  [210  m. 

Lacautuu,  I/i-kqn-t(Da,  r  Cen.  Am., 
Laccadive  (L^k-a-djv)  Isles,  group  in 

Ind.  Oc,  10.  [cian  at. 

Lacedajmon,  Las-E-de-mon,  anc.  Gre- 
Lachine,  f^q-Jsn,  v  C.  E. 
Lachlan,  L^k-lqn,  r  Australia,  400  m. 
Lackawanna,  Lak-a-wan-a,  or  Lacka- 

wannock,  Lak-a-wan-ok,  r  Pa. 
I^ackawannock  Mountain,  Pa.         [Pa. 
Lackawaxen,  Lak-a-waks-en,  r  and  f 
La  Clair,  La  Kl^r,  v  111. 
La  Clede,  La  Klad  or  La  Klsd,  co  Mo. 
Lao  Muskinong^,  Lqk  Mqs-ke-non-ga, 

«  C.  E.,  2. 
Lacon,  La-kon,  co  t  111. 
Laconia,  Lq-ku-ni-q,  g</v  Greece:  v  la. 
La  Cote  St.  Marie,  Lq*  Kot  Sent  Ma-re, 

p  o  Wis. 
Ijac  Qui  Parle,  Lqk  Ke  Pqrl,  v  Min. 
La  Crosse,  La  Kros,  r,  co  and  co  t  Wis. 
Ladnkh,  Lq-dqk,  pr</v  Cen.  Asia;  area 

30.000   B.  m,,   pop.  supposed    to    be 

500,000.  [Eu.;  D  lu. 

Ladoga,  Lq-d6-gq,  I  Rus.,  largest  in 

Ladrones,  Lq-dr(5nz,  or  Mariana,  Mq- 

ri-c^-nq,  Islands,    of    Sp.,   group   N, 

Pac,  10. 
Lafayette,  Lq-fa-et,  c  la.,  9 ;  par  La., 

and  suit  N-  Orleans,  7;  co  ts  Ga.,  Tenn.; 

Ts  N-Y.,  N-J.,  Pa.,  Va.,  Ky.,  0.,  la., 

Iowa,  Or.  [100  m. 

La  Fourche,  Lq  F(£)rJ,  hayou  La.,  nav. 
Lagan,  Lu-giin,  r  Ir. 
Lago  Maggiore,  Lq-go  Mqd-j6-ra,  or 

Lake  of  Locarno,  Lw-kq/-uw,  I  N. 

It.,  40  by  2  m. 
Lagos,    L(^-gos,  ft  8-pt  t   Port.,  7;   t 

Me.x.;  t  Guinea,  5;  g  and  t  Eu.  Tur. 
La  Grange,  La  Granj,  co  la.;  co  ts  Ga., 

Tex.,  Ky.,  la.;  rs  Ala.,  Tenn.,  &c. 
Lagro,  La-grco,  v  la.  [8. 

La  Guayra,  Lq  Gwj-rq,  t  and  s-pt  Ven., 
Laguemba,  Lq-gem-bq,  Feejee  i. 
Laguna  del  Madre,  Lq-g(6-nq  del  M^d- 

rn,  lagofm  or  hayou  Tex.,  1 10  by  14  m. 
Laguna  Seca,  Lq-gdb-nq  Sa-kq,  ^j  0  Cal, 
Lahajan,  Lq-hq-jqn,  t  Persia,  15. 
La  Hurpe,  La  Ilqrp,  v  111. 
Lahaska,  La-has-ka,  p  0  Pa. 
Lahore,  Lq-hoJr,  cap  of  the   Punjab, 

Br.  Ind.,  100. 
La  Hoya,  Lq  Il(5-yq,  v  Mcx. 
Lahsa,  Lq^-sq,  fertile  dis  E.  Arabia,  50. 
Lake  Kattakittekon,  Kat-a-kit-e-kon, 

head  of  Wisconsin  River. 
Lake  Mills,  r  Wis. 
Lake  of  the  Woods,  I  Br.  N.  Am. 
Lake  Pleasant,  Plez-ant,  co  t  N-Y, 
Lako  Prairie,  Prii-re,  v  Iowa. 

Geographical    V^ocabulart. 

Lake  Providence,  Prov-i-dens,  v  La. 

Lake  Village,  i)  N-H. 

Lakeville,  Lt'ik-vil,  vs  Conn.,  N-Y.,  &c. 

Lake  Zurich,  Zi\-rik,  v  111. 

Lalita-I'atan,  Lq-le-tq-Pq-tqn,  t  N. 
Hind.,  24. 

Lamar,  La-mqr,  co  Tex.;  v  Miss. 

Liiinarlino,  Lain-ar-ten,  p  os  Pa.,  Ala., 
Ark.,  Tenn.,  0.;  ^'  Wis. 

Lambayeque,  Lqtn-bj-a-ka,  t  Peru,  8. 

Lambertville,  Luin-bert-vil,  t  N-J.,  2. 

Lambourn,  Chipping,  Cip-iy  Lam- 
burn,  t  and  par  Eng.,  2%. 

Lamego,  Lq-ma-go,  c  Port.,  9. 

La  Mine,  La  Men,  r  and  v  Mo. 

Lamoille,  La-rarfl,  rand  en  Vt.:  v  111. 

La  Motte,  La  Mot,  i  Lake  Champ.,  3^^; 
D  Iowa. 

Lanark,  Lan-ark,  co  and  t  Scot. 

Lancaster,  Lay-kas-ter,  co  and  «-/><  t 
Eng.,  16%;  c  Pa.,  15;  co  ts  N-IL, 
Ky.,  0.,  Mo.,  Iowa,  Wis.;  vs  Mass., 
N-Y.,  la. 

Lancaster  Court-House,  co  is  Va.,  S.  C. 

Lancaster  Sound,  bet.  Baffin's  Bay 
and  Barrow's  Strait. 

Lanchang,  Lqn-qqt],  cap  Laos  country, 

Lanciano,  Lqn-qi-q-no.  t  Nap.,  \'6. 

Landau,  L^u-d-s,  ft  t  Rben.  Bav.,  6:  ts 
Germany.  [Fr. 

Landerneau,  Lon-der-n(5,  s-pt  t  and  r 

Landsberg,  Lquts-be/'/i,  t  I'rus.,  11%. 

Land's  End.  keadhi'id  w.  Eng. 

Landshut,  Lqndz-hcDt,  t  Low.  Bav.,  9J/^. 

Lane  End,  t  Eng.,  12i^. 

Lanesborough,  Lanz-bur-o,  vs  Ma33.,Pa. 

Lmesville,  rs  la.,  Ky.,  V^a. 

Langeland,  Lqi)-E-lqnd,  «  of  Den.,  17J/^. 

Langensalza,  Lqij-en-sqlt-sq,  t  Prus. 
Sax.,  7%.  _ 

Langholm,  Lay-unri,  })or  and  t  Scot.,  3. 

Langres,  Loh-gr,  /f  ^  Fr.,  11^. 

Lanho,  Lqn-htf),  r  China,  300  m. 

Lanier,  La-netr,  co  t  Ga. 

Lannion,  Lqn-i-6h,  t  Fr.,  fii^. 

Lansing,  L;\n  sii),  cap  Mich.,  3. 

liunsingburg,  Lan-siij-burg,  v  N-Y.,  5. 

Lanzarote,  Lqn-.*q-rQ-ta,  Canary  *,  18. 

L:ion,  Lq-6h,  c  Fr.,  10. 

Laona,  La-6-na,  ts  N-Y.,  111. 

Laos,  Lq-os,  cy  S.-E.  Asia ;  area  un- 
known, pop.  supposed  to  be  1,000,000. 

La  Paz,  Lq  Pqz,  (Up  and  t  Bol.,  20; 
cap  Lower  California. 

Lapeer.  La-per,  co  and  v  Mich. 

Lapland,  Lap-land,  ter  N.  Eu.,  inhab- 
ited by  a  people  noted  for  their  sin- 
gular physical  appoarance,  ethnog- 
raphers being  unable  to  say  whether 
they  belong  more  to  the  Mongolian 

or  Caucasian  race;  area  130,000  s.  m., 
pop.  20,000. 

La  Pointe,  La  Ptrnt,  co  and  •?;  Wis. 

Liporte,  La-port,  co  ts  Pa.,  la.  2)^. 

La  Prairie,  Lq  Pra-re,  n  C.  E.,  ]%. 

La  Purissima,  Lq  PiO-rss-i-mq,  v  Cal. 

Lar  or  Laar,  Lq/-,  t  Persia,  12.' 

Laredo,  La-ra-do,  co  t  Tex. 

Largs,  Lqrgz,  s-pt  and  par  Scot.,  3. 

Larissa,  Lq-ris-q.  t  Eu.  Tur.,  20. 

Larissa,  La-ris-a,  T)  Texas. 

Larkhana,  Lqr-k^-nq,  ft  t  Sinde,  12. 

La  Rue,  Lq  Roo,  jt  *'>  0-:  <^  Ky. 

Lasalle,  Lq-sql,  ■?;  Fr.,  23^. 

La  Salle,  La  Sal,  co  and  v  111.,  V/^\po 
N-Y.;  «  Texas. 

Las  Palmas,  Lqs  Pql-mqs,  c  island  of 
Gran  Canaria,  17'/^.  [50. 

Lassa  or  H'iassa,  H-lqs-q.  cap  Thibet, 

L'Assomption,  Lqs-tjn-si-on,  v  C.  E. 

Litakeea,  Lq-ta-lig-a,  s-p}t  t  Syria,  10. 

Lauderdale,  Lii-der-dal,  cos  Ala.,  Miss., 
Tenn.  [Den.:  t  Prus. 

Lauenburg,  L"!«-en-biarg,  duchy  and  c 

Launceston,  Lqns-ton,  })or  and  t  Eng., 
6;  t  Van  Diemen's  Land,  5. 

L\ureana,  L"5-ra-q-nq,  t  Naples. 

Laurel,  Lg-rel,  m  Del.  \y^,  0.,  la.  %. 

Laurel  Factory,  -i'  Md.,  1.       [Pa.:  •»  III. 

Laurel  Hill,  cemetery  Philadelphia;  ww 

Laurens,  L'i-rens,  dis  S.  C:  co  Ga. 

Laurens  Court-House,  co  t  S.  C. 

Lauria,  L-s-ri-q,  t  Nap.,  6%. 

Luuricocha,  L"X-ri-kto-qq,  I  I'eru. 

Lausanna,  Lo-zqn,  c  Swit.,  on  the  Jnra 
MountJiins,  450  feet  above  lake  Ge- 
neva, 20.  Here  Voltaire,  Ilaller,  Tis- 
sot,  Gibbon  and  Byron  ouce  resided. 

Lausanne,  Lo-san,  r  Pa. 

Lauven,  L"i-ven,  r  Nor. 

Lavacca.  La-vuk  a,  r  and  co  Tex. 

Laval,  Lq-vql,  t  Fr.,  19>^. 

Lavaur,  Lq-v6/',  ^  Fr.,  7}^.     [Bra.,12. 

L  ivras-de-Funil,  Lq-vrqs-da-F(D-ncl,  t 

Lawrence,  Lo-rens,  c  Mass.,  15  ;  a  rap- 
idly growing  c  Kanzas  Ten;  also 
numerous  cos  in  the  states.         [v  Pa. 

Lawrenceburg,  t  la.,  5:  co  ts  Ky.,  Tenn.; 

Lawrencoville,  'v  and  U.  S.  arsenal,  Pa.; 
CO  ts  Va.,  111.:  vs  la.,  &(j. 

Laybach,  Li-bqA,  ?'  and  t  Aus.,  171-^. 

Leakcsville,  Leks-vil,  v  N.  C:  cot  Miss. 

Leamington,  Lem-iy-ton,  t  Eng..  15^<^. 

Leavenworth,  Lev-en-wurt,  c  Kanzas 
Ter.,  1. 

Lebanon,  Leb-a-non,  ms  Syria,  cele- 
brated for  their  ancient  and  historic 
associations;  cots  Pa.  3,  Va.,  Ala., 
Tenn.,  Ky.,  0.  3)4,  la.;  vs  N-II.,  III., 
Conu.,  &c. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Lebrija  or  Lebrixa,  La-bre-Aq,  t  Sp., 

7% ;  r  N-Gran. 
Lecce,  Let-qa,  c  Nap.,  19)^. 
Le  Claire,  Le  KLv,  v  Iowa.  [Ter. 

Lecompton,  Le-koinp-ton,  cap  Kansas 
Leetoare,  Lek-lcD/*,  t  Fr.,  6%. 
Ledbury,  Led-ber-i,  ^  andy^arEng.  4^. 
Ledyard,  Led-yard,  xs  Coun.,  N-Y. 
Leeds,  Ledz,  c  or  J^r  Eng.,  152. 
Leedsville,  Lsdz-vil,  r«  N-Y.,N-J.,  Va. 
Leek,  Lek.  t  and  far  Eng.,  loj^. 
Leesburg,  Lez-burg,  co  t  Va.,  2  j  r«  0., 

la.,  Ky.,  Tenn.,  Ala. 
Leesport,  v  I'a. 

Leesville,  xs  N-Y.,  Ya.,  Ky.,  0.,  la.,  111. 
Leeuwarden,  Le-w&r-den  or  Le-u-vq/-- 

den,  t  Hoi.,  243^.  [Ind. 

Leeward  (Le-ward)  Is.,  applied  to  W. 
Lefkosia,    Lef-ko-ze-q,   \or  Nicosia,) 

cap  island  of  Cyprus,  18. 
Leflore,  Le-flcir,  xi  Miss. 
Leghorn,  Leg-hern  or  Leg-horn,  s-ft  t 

Tuscany,  78.  {t  Aus.  It. 

Legnago,  Len-yq-go,  ft  t  Lombardy,  6; 
Leh,  La,  09'  Lei,  La-e,  c  Cen.  Asia,  8. 
Lehi  (Le-hi)  City,  i-  Utah  Ter. 
Lehigh,  Le-hj,  r  and  co  Pa. 
Lehighton,  Ls-hj-ton,  v  Pa.      [v  Mass. 
Leicester,  Les-ter,  co  Eng.;  t  do.,  60)^; 
Leigh,  Le,  t  and  par  Eng.,  SJ^. 
Leighton-Buzzard,    Le-ton-Buz-ard,   t 

and  7)ar  Eng.,  7. 
Leipsic,  Ljp-sik.  ^jwp  and  c   Saxony, 

noted  for  its  fairs,  70. 
Leipsic,  Lgp-sik,  r  Del.;  p  os  0.,  la. 
Leisnig,  Lis-ni/*,  t  Sax.,  5*^. 
Leith,  Let,  s-pi  t  Scot,,  31. 
Leitmeritz,  Ljt-mer-its,  ft  t  Boh.,  A]/^. 
Leiiomis-chel.  Lj-to-miJ-el,  t  Boh.,  BJ/^. 
Leixlip,  Las-lip,  t  and  par  Ir. 
Lema  (La-mq)  Islands,  Chinese  Sea. 
Le  Maire,  Le  M^,/*,  ttr  S.  Am. 
Lemberg,    Lem-berg,  {(/r   Leopold)   t 

Aus.,  71.  *  [m. 

Lena,  Le-na,  (Rus.  La-n<!i,)  r  As.,  2400 
Lenawee,  L<^n-a-we,  co  Mich.         [P^i- 
Lendinara,  Len-di-nq-rq,  ft  t  Aus.  It., 
Lennox  Town,  Len-oks  Tisn.  ■?>  Scot.,  3. 
Lenoir,  Le-ncbr,  co  and  co  t  N.  C. 
Lenox,  L6n-ok3,  co  t  Mass.,  ^. 
Lenoxville,  Len  oks-vil,  v  C.  E. 
Lens,  Lofj,  t  Fr.,  9%. 
Lentini,  Len-te-ni,  t  Sicily,  5. 
Leominster,  L^m-in-ster,  t   and  par 

E»g-.  A\i ;  ^  Mas.s. 
Leon,  Le-on,  c  Sp.,  7;  t  Nicaragua,  30; 

t#  Va.,  0.;  r  Tex. 
Leon,  La-clJn,  t  Guanajuato,  6. 
Leon,  or  Managua,  Mq-n^-gwq,  I  Nic. 
Leoua,  Le-6-Da,  o;  ^  Tex. 

Leonardstown,  L^n-ardz-t^n,  co  t  Md. 

Leouardsvilie,  Len-ardz-vil,  x  N-Y. 

Leonforte,  La-on-fer-ta,  t  Sic,   10^. 

Leoni,  Le-o-nj,  v  Mich.,   %. 

Leoaidas,  Lc-on-i-das,  x  Mich.,  J^. 

Leopold,  Ls-Q-pold,  v  la.      [Hun.,  1^. 

Leopoldstadt,  La-6-pold-stqr,  ft  t  Cen. 

Lepanto,  Le-pan-to,  s-pt  t  Greece,  2. 

Lerchenfeld,  Le;'A-en-felt,  v  Aus.,  7^. 

Lerici,  Ler-i-qe,  t  lt,b%. 

Lerida,  Ler-i-dq.  t  Sp.,  123^. 

Lerins  (Le-ran)  Isles.  Med.,  bel.  to  Fr. 

Le  Roy,  Le  Rer,  ts  N-Y.  2,  :Mich.,  &c. 

Lesina,  L6s-i-nq,  i  of  Dalmatia,  12)^. 

Le  Sueur,  Le  Sc6-er,  co  and  v  Min. 

Leutschau,  Ltrt-J?^,  //■  ^  Hun.,  53^. 

Levanna,  Le-van-a,  ts  M-Y.,  0. 

Levant,  Lp-vant,  e.  coasts  Med.  Sear  t« 
Me.,  NY. 

Levanto,  La-vqn-to,  t  Sard.,  A}^. 

Leven,  Le-ven,  rs  Eng.,  Scot. 

Leven,  Loch,  LoA  Lev -en,  I  Scot. 

Levenworth,  Lev-en-wurb,  co  t  la.,  ^^. 

Levering,  Lev-er-ij),  v  0. 

Lewes,  Li\-is,  W  and  ^  Eng.,  93^. 

Lewis,  Li],-is,  i  of  the  Outer  Hebrides; 
cos  N-Y.,  Va.,  &c. 

Lewisburg,  Li],-is-burg,  t  Pa.;  co  ts  Va., 
Tenn.:  ts  Ky.,  0.,  la. 

Lewis  or  Snake  River,  largest  tributa- 
ry of  Columbia  River.  [2. 

Lewiston,  Lq-is-ton,  t  Me.,7:co^  N-Y., 

Lewistown,  Lq-is-tTjn,  co  ts  Pa.  3,  111.; 
V  0.  [Ark. 

Lewisville,  Lix-is-vil,  r«  Pa.,  0.,la.;  cot 

Lexington,  Leks-iy-ton,  c  Ky.,  12;  co  is 
Va„  N.  C,  Ga.,  Miss.,  Tenn.,  Mo., 
S.  C;  V  Mass. 

Leyden  &r  Leiden,  Lj-den,  c  Neth.,  36. 

Leyland,  Le  land,  t  and  parEn^.,l'i%. 

Leyte,  La-i-ta,  Philippine  i,  923<^. 

Leytha,  Lj-tq,  r  Aus.,  90  m. 

Leyton,  La-ton,  x  and  par  Eng.,  33<^. 

Libau,  Le-b-8,  s-pi  t  Rus.,  103<. 

Liberia,  Li-be-ri-a,  rep  of  Af.;  it  was 
founded  in  1820,  by  the  American 
Colonization  Society,  for  the  occu- 
pation of  the  free  American  blacks  ; 
the  enterprise  cannot  be  said  to  havo 
proved,  as  yet,  very  successful ;  250. 

Liberty,  Lib-er-ti,  co  ts  Va.,  Miss., 
Tex.,  Ky.,  la..  Mo.;  va  N-Y.,  Pa. 

Liberty  Falls,  v  N-Y. 

Libertyville,  rs  111.,  Iowa. 

Libourne,  Le-bcibrn,  t  Fr.,  12%. 

Libyan  Desert,  Lib-i-an  D6z-ert,  part 
of  Sahara. 

Lichfield,  Liq-feld,  c  Eng.,  7.        [5%. 

Lichtervelde,   Li/i-ter-v61-do,    I   lielg.. 

Licking,  Likriy,  Rivor,  rs  Ky.  200  m.j  0. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Licordia,  Li-kor-di-a,  t  Sicily,  7. 

Liddel,  Lid-el,  r  Scot.  [Con.,  7%. 

Liechtenstein,  LeA-ten-stjn,  prin  Ger, 

Liege,  Lej,  c  Belg.,  60. 

Liegnitz,  Leg-nits,  t  Prus.  Silesia,  14. 

Lierre,  Le-4'",  ^  Belg.,  16^^. 

Lifu,  Le-fi6,  i  Pao.  Oc. 

Lignieres,  LEn-yE-4'',  t  Fr.,  2%, 

Ligny,  Len-ye,  v  Belg. 

Ligonier,  Lig-o-ner,  hor  and  t  Pa. 

Lika,  Le-kq,  r  Aus.  Croatia.      [Fr.,  76. 

Lille  or  Lisle,  Lei,  a  manufacturing  c 

Lillebonne,  Lsl-bon,  t  Fr.,  5%.     [100. 

Lima,  Le-mq,  jyrov  Peru,  125;  cap  do., 

Lima,  L|-ma,  vs  N-Y.,  Mich.,  la.,  Wis.; 

CO  t  0.  [prus. 

Limasol,  Ls-mq-s61,  e-pt  t   is.  of  Cy- 
Limburg,  Lira-burg,  t  Ger.,  33^. 
Limerick,  Lim-er-ik,  co  and  c  In,  55)^; 

m  Me.,  Pa.,  &c. 
Limestone  (Ljm-ston)  Springs,  ■»  S.  C. 
Limington,  Lira-ip-ton,  v  Me. 
Limoges,  Le-moj,  c  Fr.,  27. 
Limoux,  Le-mc6,  t  Fr.,  1%. 
Linares,  LE-nq-res,  t  Sp.,  6)^. 
Lincoln,  Lig-kon,  co  Eng.;  c  do.,  14;  vs 

Me.,  N-H.',  Mass.,  0. 
Lincoln  Centre,  v  Me. 
Lincolnton,  Lirj-kon-ton,  cots  N.  C,  Ga. 
Linden,  Lin-den,  ts  N-Y.,  Pa.,  Wis.j 

CO  ts  Ala.,  Tenn. 
Lindenville,  m  0.,  Wis. 
Lindville,  Lind-vil,  v  Iowa.  [20  m. 
Lingen,  Liij-gen,  i  Malay  Arch.,  40  by 
Linkoping,  Lin-qe-piij,  t  Swed.,  4-%. 
Linlithgow,  Lin-lit-go,  co  Scot.;  t  do., 
Linn,  Lin,  co  t  Mo.  [4)^. 

Lintz,  Lints,  cap  Upper  Aus.,  31. 
Lipan,  Le-p4n,  Ind  tr  of  Tex.,  Mex. 
Lipari  (Lip-a-ri)  Islands,  'col  is  Med., 

22:  t  same,  U]4.  [Ger.,  10G>^. 

Lippe-Detmold,  Lip-e-Det-molt,  prin 
Lippstadt,  Lip-stqt, /^  t  Prus.  Westp. 
Liria,  Le-ri-q,  t  Sp,  8)^.  [i^. 

Lisbon,  Liz-bon,  cap  Port.,  280:  r  JQl., 
Lisburn,  Liz-burn,  t  Ir.,  7;  v  Pa. 
Lisieux,  Le-zi-^,  ^  Fr.,  IV/3. 
Liskeard,  Lis-ki^rd,  t  and  par  Eng.,  3. 
Lisle,  Ljl,  V  Mo. 
L'Islet,  Lfi-la,  co  and  1)  C.  E. 
Lismore,  Liz-m6r,  i  w.  Scot.,  1% ;   c 

and  par  Ir.,  3.  [8%. 

Lissa,  Lis-q,  i  Adriatic,  3;  t  Prus.  Pol., 
Litchfield,  Liq-feld,  co  ts  Conn.,  Ky.; 

vs  0.,  Mich. 
Lithonia,  Lit-6-m-a,  v  Ga.,  J^. 
Lithopolis,  Lit-6p-Q-lis,  v  0. 
Lithuania,  Lit-yiva-ni-a,  anc.  ter  Eu., 
Litiz,  Lit-its,  V  Pa.  [bel.  to  Kus. 

Little  Chute,  Suit,  ij  Wis. 

Little  Egg  Harbor  River,  N- J. 

Little  Falls,  ts  N-Y.,  4;  N-J. 

Littlehampton,  Lit-1-hamp-ton,  t  and 
watering  place  Eng.,  2}^.       [150  m. 

Little    Kanawha,    Ka-no-wa,    r   Va., 

Little  Miami  (Mj-am-i)  River,  cen.  0. 

Little  Missouri,  Mi-zda-ri,  rs  Ark.,  Mo. 
Ter.  [foundland. 

Little  Placentia,  Pla-sen-Ji-a,*-;^^  New- 
Little  Red  River,  Ark.,  150  m. 

Little  River,  La.,  nav.  150  m.;  various 
other  streams.  [S.  arsenal;  3. 

Little  Rock,  cap  Ark.,  and  seat  of  U. 

Littleton,  Lit-1-ton,  «  N-H. 

Livadia,  Liv-q-de-a,  {or  Libadia,)  div 
Gr.,  332%  ;  cap  same,  9. 

Liverpool,  Liv-er-pool,  c  Eng.,  and  sec- 
ond in  commercial  importance,  376 ; 
s-pt  ts  Nova  Scotia,  N-Brunswick: 
vs  Pa.,  0.,  la..  III. 

Livingston,  Liv-igz-ton,  co  ts  Ala.,  Tex., 
Tenn.;  vs  Mich.,  111. 

Livonia,  Li-v6-ni-a,  maritime  gov  Rus.; 
area  20,450  s.  m.,  pop.  821,457:  ^'  la. 

Ljusne  or  Liusne,  Lydbs-na,  r  Swed., 
220  m. 

Llunbedr,  Zan-bed-er,  hor   S.  Wales. 

Llanberris,  Zan-ber-is,  par  N.  Wales, 
containing  scenery  among  the  most 
magnificent  to  be  found  in  N.  Eu. 

Llandeilo-Vawr  or  Fawr,  or  Llandilo, 
Zan-dj-lo-V^sr,  t  S.  Wales,  IJ^. 
Here  is  Grongar  Elill,  where,  in  1282, 
the  last  effort  was  made  for  the  in- 
dependence of  Wales.  [2, 

Llandovery,  Xan-do-ver-i,  t  S.  Wales, 

Llanelly,  Zan-e-Ze,  s-pt  t  S.  Wales, 

Llangollen,  Zan-go-Zen,  t  N.  Wales,  5. 

Llanidloes.  Zan-id-les,  hor  and  t  N. 
Wales,  3. 

Llanrwst,  Zan-rflost,  t  N.  Wales,  3J^. 

Llantrissent,  Zan-tris-ent,  t  S.  Wales,  1, 

Llewellyn,  Zq-el-in,  ■«  Pa. 

Lloughor,  ZdT-gor,  r  and  t  S.  Wales,  1. 

Llumayor,  LycD-mj-e/',  t  is.  of  Majorca, 

Loa,  Lu-q,  s-jit  t  and  r  Peru.  [7. 

Locarno,  Lo-kq/'-no,  t  Swit.,  25^. 

Lochaber,  LoA-<},-ber,  moun.  dis  Soot. 

Lochapoka,  Lto-ka-po-ka,  v  Ala. 

Loches,  LoJ,  t  Fr.,  b%. 

Lochgilp-Head,  LoA-gilp-Hed,  1?  Scot.  3. 

Lochinvar,  Lo/i-in-var,  I  Scot. 

Lochmaben,  LoA-ma-bcn,  hor  and  par 
Scot.,  1. 

Lochwinnoch,  LoA-win-oA,  par  Scot, 

Lockhart,  L6k-hqrt,  co  t  Tex. 

Lock  Haven,  Lok  Ha-ven,  v  Pa.,  1. 

Lock-Hoi,  Lok-Hdr,  s-pt  t  China,  90, 

Lockland,  L6k-land,  v  0. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Lockport,  Lok-port,  vs  N-Y.  12>^,  III. 
2,  Pa.,  0.,  La.,  &3. 

Locle,  Le,  Le  Lok-1',  v  Swit.,  8)^. 

Lodive,  Lo-dtiv,  «  Fr.,  10'^. 

Loii,  Lo-de,  c  Lotn.,  15% :  Lo-dj,  t'« 
N  \^,  0.,  la..  Wis. 

Loffoden,  Lo-fio-den,  is  n.  w.  Nor.,  4. 

Lof»,  Lif>-fe,  i  Gait"  of  Bothaia. 

Lo^an,  Lo-gan,  v  0.,  134- 

L'jginspujft,  Lj-gaaz-port,  e  la.,  3)-^. 

Logiuoby,  Lo-gq-zo-hK,  t  W.  Af.,   9. 

Loggua,  Lo-gDi,  ci/  Af.  [7%. 

Logrono,  Loj-groa-yo,  />wi»  and  ^  Sp., 

Loir,  Lwqr,  r  Fr.,   150  in. 

Loire,  Lwqr,  largest  r  in  Fr.,  645  ra. 

Loja  or  Loxa,  L<j-Aoi,  <'  ^P->  ^^'^  ^  ^^-f  ^^• 

Lokeren,  L;j-ker-en,  t  Belg.,  163^. 

Loinbardo- Venetian,  Lom-bqr-doJ-V^en- 
8- Jan,  k  Austrian  dominions;  area 
17,511  s.  m.,  p)p.  5,00a,00i. 

Lombardy,  Lom-bir-di,  former  div  It. 

Lomblcm,  Lom-blom,  i  Malay  Aroh. 

Lombok,  L  »m-b6k,  i  Malay  Arch.j  area 
1,480  8.  m.,  pop.  250,000. 

L<»mond,  Looh,  L  Ji  L6-mond,  I,  largest 
in  Scot.,  40  s.  m. 

Lonato,  Lj-nq-tta,  t  Lorn.,  5)^. 

London,  Ldn-don,  cap  Gr.  Brit.,  and 
largest  city  in  the  world;  circumfer- 
ence estimated  at  30  m.;  pip.  2,352,- 
236;  cC.  W.,  7:  co  ts  Ky.,0. 

Londonderry,  Liia-don-der-i,  c  Ir.,  20; 
T8  N-II.,  0.,  &e.;  S'pi  t  Nova  Scotia. 

Long  Branch,  watering-place,  N-J. 

Longford,  L5g-ford,  t  Ir.,  \i4,- 

Long  Island,  portion  of  N-Y.,  separated 
from  the  state  by  a  strait:  is  lljbrides. 

Long  Island  Sound,  .separates  Long  Is- 
land from  N-Y.  and  Conn. 

Longueil,  Log-gely,  v  C.  E.,  4^. 

Longwy,  Lon-ve,/i{  t  Fr., 3i^.  [Fr.,  S)^. 

Lons-le-Saiilnier,     Lofi-le-Su)-ni-a,    t 

Loo  Choo,  Ld  Gjo,  is  Pac'.  Oc.        [20. 

Loodianah,  L  D-di-<'i-nq,/(^  t  N.  W.  Hin., 

Lorain,  Lo-ran,  co  and  v  0. 

Lorca,  L-ir-kq,  c  Sp.,  i^%. 

Loreto,  La-ra-to,  or  Loretto,  Lo-r6t-o, 
c  Cen.  It.,  8. 

I»rctto,  Lw-ret-o,  t  Pa.       [Fr.,  25%. 

L orient   or   L'Orient,  Lo-ri-6n,  s-pt  t 

L'Orignal,  Lo-rcn-yql,  v  C.  W.,  %. 

Los  Angeie:^,  Lea*  An'je-lcz,  w  Cal. 

Lossiui,  Lo3-e-ne,  *  of  lUyria,  63<^. 

Lothian.9,  Lj-fci-anz,  divs  Scot. 

Loudon,  L'S-don,  co  Va.;  vs  N-H.,  Pa. 

Loudonville,  Li-don-vil,  v  O. 

Loudoun,  L.6  diDn,  v  Scot.,  4)^. 

L ougen,  Li)-gan,  r  Nor.,  200  ra. 

Loughborough,  Ldf-bur-o,  t  Eng.,  11. 

Lougnrca,  LoA-ru,  ^  Ir.,  5^.,  Lt)-8-zq,  <w  ?«  Ky.,  Va.  [C. 
Louisburg,  Lb-is-burg,  t  Fr.;  vs  Pa.,  N, 
Loui-iiade  (Lo-g-zi-qd)  Archipelago,** 

S.  Pac.  Oc. 
Louisiana,  Ljo-e-zi-d-na,  one  of  the  s. 

U.  S.,  oil  the  Gulf  of  Mexico;  area 

41,225   s.  m.:   pop.    255,451    whites, 

17,462  free  blacks,  244,809  slaves- 
total,  517,762. 
Louis-Philippe  (LD-g-Fil-ep)  Land,  a 

tract  in  the  Ant.  Oc,  off  S.  Shetland. 
Louisville,  Ldb-is-vil  or  Li)-i-vil,c  Ky., 

513^;  CO  is  Ga.,  Miss.;  vs  0.,  la.,  &c. 
Louie,  Li>-la,  ft  t  Port.,  ^%. 
Lourdes,  Lj)/'d,  t  Fr.,  4J^. 
Louth,  L-st,  t  Eng.,  10>^- 
Loutre  (Li»t-er)  liiver.  Mo. 
Louvain,  Loo-van,  c  Belg.,  24%. 
Louvier.-!,  Ln-vi-a,  t  Fr.,  10. 
Lovat,  Lo-vqt,  r  Hus.,  175  m. 
Loveland,  Liiv-land,  v  0. 
Lovettsville,  Luv-ets-vil,  v  Va. 
Lovingston,  Luv-ig-ston,  co  t  Va. 
Low  Archipelago,  (Hr-ki-pel-a-go,)  ia 

Pac.  Oc. 
Lowell,  Lu-el,  manufacturing  c  Mass., 

37;  vs  Ga.,  0.,  Mich.,  Iowa,  Wis. 
Lower  Blue  Lick,  watering-place,  Ky. 
Lower  Saginaw.    L6-er    Sag-i-ne,    it 

Mich.,  \%. 
Lowestoft,  Lii-e3-toft,  s-pt  t  Eng.,  1%. 
Lowndes,  Lijodz,  cos  Ga.,  Ala.,  Miss. 
Lowville,  L(f)-vil,  vs  N-Y.  1,  Pa. 
Loyalty  (Ltf-al-ti)  Islands,  Pac.  Oc,  3. 
Loyola,  Lo-y6-lq,  -?;  Sp. 
Liibeck,  Li-bek,  jfW/t  Ger.,  22^;^;  cap 

same,  27;  Lq-bek,  v  Me. 
Lublin,  Ldb-blin,  c  Pol.,  16. 
Lucas,  Lq-kas,  co  and  v  Iowa. 
Lucca,  Liik-a,  ter  and  c  Cen.  It.,  22%. 
Lucena,  Li],-8e-na  or  Loo-ta-nq,  c  Sp., 

Lucera,  Loo-qa-rq,  t  Nap.,  11. 
Lucerne,  Li],-sorn,  c,  canton,  and  I  Swit.j 

pop.  of  c  10. 
Lucknow,  Ldk-n-5,  c  Hin.,  200. 
Ludlow,  Liid-lcj,  t  Eng.,  by^\  v  Vt. 
Ludlow ville,  Ldd-lo-vil,  v  N-Y.    [(JJ^. 
Ludwigsburg,  Ijd[)d-wigz-burg,  c  Wiirt., 
Lugano,  LtD-g(^-nia,  I  and  t  Swit.,  S^^. 
Lugo,  Li>-go,  c  Sp.,  7j4;  t  It,,  734. 
Lumborton,  Lilra-ber-ton.  v  N-J.:  co  t 
Lumpkin,  Ldmp-kin,  co  i  Ga.     [N.  C. 
Lund,  liJOnd,  c  Swed.,  5%. 
Liinobarg,  Lo-ne-burg,   t   Ger.,  11%. 
Lunenburg,  Li'i-ncn-burg,  v  Vt.,  l)^j 

s-pt  Nova  Scotia. 
Lun<5ville,  L^-na-v^l,  t  Fr.,  12^^. 
Luray,  Lq-ra,  co  t  Va.;  vs  0.,  Ia. 
Lurgan,  Lur-gan,  t  Ir.,  4%. 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Luton,  Lit-ton,  t  Eog.,  10%.  [Hoi.,  11. 
Luxemburg,  Ldks-eui-bur^,  ter  and  t 
Luzerae,  Lii,-zurn,  co  Pa.  [900. 

Luzon,  LiD-zon,  i  Malay  Arch.,  2,170,- 
Lycotning,  Lj-koin-ijj,  co  Pa. 
Lykens,  L|-kenz,  v  Fa. 
Lyman,  Lj-man,  v  N-II. 
Lyme,  Lim,  t'w  N  H.,  Conn. 
Lyrae-Ilegis,  Lim-Re-jis,*-^^  6  and  par 
Eng.,  3X. 

Lymington,  Lim-ig-ton,  «-;;i  t  and  par 

Lynchburg,  Linq-burg,  t  Va.,  10;  rs  S. 

C,  Tex.,  Ky.,  0.  [>^. 

Lyndon  Corner,  Lin-don  Ker-ner,  i)  Vt., 
Lyndburst,  Lind-hurst,  D  Eng.,  1%. 
Lynn,  Lin,  c  Mass.,  14^^. 
Lynn-Regis,  Lin-Re-ji.-*,  t  Eng.,  19}/^. 
Lyons,  Li-onz,  second  c  Fr.,  156V^ ;  i;* 

Js-Y.,  Mich. 


Maad,  Mqd,  t  N.  Hun.,  5%. 
Maasdluis,  M^^-ler.-!,  t  Xeth.,  4. 
Macao,  Mq-k"S,  s-pt  t  China,  30. 
Macapa,  Mq-kq-pq,  t  Brazil,  6. 
MacArthar,  Mak-Rr'tur,  v  0. 
Macassar,  Mq-kqs-ar,  gov  and  t  Is.  Cel- 
ebes, 20;    —  iStraii,   separating   Is. 

Borneo  and  Celebes. 
Magayo,  Mq-sj-tj,  t  Brazil,  5. 
Macclesfield,  Mak-lz-feld,  t  Eng.,  39. 
MacConnellsburg,  Ma-K6a-ela-burg,  co 
MacConnellsville,  v  0.  [t  Fa. 

MacDonough,  Mak-D6n-o,  co  III.;  co  t 

Ga.;  v  N-Y. 
Macedon,  Mas-e-don,  «  0. 
Macedonia,  Mas-e-d(f)-ni-a,  anc  cy  Eu., 

now  in  Tur.;  r*  Tenn.,  Iowa. 
Macerata,  Mq-qa-rq-tq,  t  Papal  Sts.,  16. 
MacEwensville,  Mak-Yq-enz-vil,  v  Pa. 
MacUillivray's,  Kootanie,  Mak-Gil-iv- 

raz,    Kifi-tq-nj,   or  Fiat  Bow  River, 

W.  Brit.  Am.,  400  m.^ 
MacGrawville,  Mak-Gre-vil,  'V  N-Y. 
Machias,  Ma-qi-as,  co  t  Me.;  v  X-Y. 
Machias  Fort,  -v  Me. 
Machynlleth,    Mq-hdnt-let,  t  and  par 

N.  Wales,  1%. 
MacKenzie,     Ma-Ken-ze,    r  Brit.    N. 

Am.,  2500  m. 
Mackinac,  Mak-in-e,  t'«  Mich.,  1}^;  111. 
MacKinney,  Ma-Kin-i,  co  t  Tex. 
Macksville,  Maks-vil,  ts  la.,  Ky. 
M.icLaughlinsville,     Mak-LoA-linz-vil, 
MacLean,  Mak-Lan,  v  N-Y.         [«  Pa. 
MacLeansborough,      Mak-Lanz-bur-o, 

CO  t  111.  [Tenn. 

MacLemoresville,    Mak-Lem-orz-vil,   r 
M.xcomb,  Ma-kciim,  co  Mich. ;  i;  III.,  1)^. 
Macon,  Ma-kon,  t  Fr.,  12%. 
Macon,   Ma-kon,    c  Ga.,  1  \  co  t  Miss.; 

hayou,  La.,  r  Mich. 
Maci.upin,  Ma-k<6-pin,  Ctf  and  cr  111. 
MacQuarie,    Ma-Kw6r-E,    rs  E.  Aust., 

280  m.;  Van  Diemeu's ;  spit  N-S. 

Wales.,  &c. 

Macroora,  Ma-krdbm,  t  Tr.,  5. 
Mactan,  Mqk-tqn,  i  Philippines. 
MacYeytown,  Mak-Va-fsn,  v  Pa.,  1. 
Madagascar,  Mad-a-gas-kar,  «  lud  Oc, 

area  240,000  s.  m.,  pop.  4,700,000. 
Madawaska,  Mad-a-was-ka,  p  o  Me. 
Maddalena,  La,   Lq  Mq-dq-la-nq,  i  of 

Sardinia,  12. 
Maddaloni,  Mq-dq-lo-ne,  c  Nap.,  11%. 
Madeira,  Mq-de-ra,  i  of  Port.,  in  At. 

Oc,  urea  300  s.  m.,  pop.  110,000. 
Madeira,    or   Madera,    Mq-da-rq,    (or 

Cayari,  Kj-q-re,)  r  S.  Am.,  1500  m. 
Madeley,  Mad-li,  t  and  par  Eng.,  8}^. 
Madison,  Mad-i-son,  c  la.,  13;  cap  Wis., 

7  ;  CO  t  Ga ;  ts  Conn.,  N-Y.,  N-J. 
Madison,  Court  House,  co  ts  Va.,  Fa. 
Madison  Springs,  xi  Ga.  [Ky. 

Mailisonville,  Mad-i-son-vil,  co^sTenn., 
Madjicosima  ( Mq-ji-ko-se-mqj  Islands, 

arch  Pac.  Oc,  113^. 
Madras,  Ma-dra?,  c  and  tcrdivHr.  Ind.; 

pop.  of  c  720,000,  of  ier  19,901.808. 
Madre-de-Dios,       (Mq-dra-da-Ds-os,) 

Archipelago,  off  s.  w.  coast  Pat. 
Madrid,  Mad-rid,  (Sp.  Mq-dred,)  cap  o 

Sp.,  2(50. 
Mad  River,  st7'eams'S-Ji.,Yt.,  Conn..  0. 
Madara.  Mq-d(JC)-ra,  i  Malay  Arch.,  263 ; 

fi  c  Hind.,  20. 
Maslar,  Ma-lar,  I  E.  Swed.,  containing 

1300  islands. 
Maelstrom,  or  Malstrom,  Mal-strem,  a 

whirlpool  near  Norway. 
Maestricht,  Mqs-trikt,  t  Hoi.,  2b]4,. 
Mafra,  Mq-frq,  t  Port.,  33^. 
Magdalen,  ^Mag-da-len,  sound  s.  Pat. 
Magdalena,    Mag-da-le-na,    r  S.   Am.; 

dep  N-Gran.;  r  Bol.,  called  also  Uba- 

hy,  (D-bq-he,  t  Mex. 
Magdalen  Islands,  Gulf  St.  Lawrence. 
Magdeburg,   Mag-de-burg,    gov  and   o 

Prus.,  56J^. 
Magellan,  Mq-jel-an,  strait  bet.  Terra 

del  Fuego  and  Patagonia. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Mageroe,  Mag-cr-o,  i  Arctic  Oc. 
Magnolia,  Ma;^-na»-ll-a.fN-Y.,  111.,  Wis. 
Mahanuddy,  Mq-ha-ndd-i.r  Ind.,  500  m. 
Mcihaaka,  Ma-has-ka,  co  Iowa. 
Mahavillygunga,    Mq-hq-vil-i-gdn-gq, 

r  Ceylon. 
Mahoning,  Ma-hon-ig,  r  and  co  0. 
Mahratta  (Mq-rq-ta)  States,  Hind. 
Maidenhead,    Mad-en-hed,    hor  and  t 
Eng,3^.  [20%. 

Maidstone,  Mad-ston,  par  and  t  Eng., 
Main,  Man,  r  Ir.;  Min,  r  Sib.,  180  m. 
Main,    Muyne,  or   Maine,    Man,  (Ger. 

Mjn,)  nav.  r  Ger.,  280  m. 
Maine,  Man.  n.  e.  N-Eng.   St.,  U.  S., 

area  31,766  s.  m.,  pop.  590,000. 
Majorca,    Ma-jdr-ka,    i   Sp.   in   Med., 

pop.  179,753. 
Makallah,  Mq-kq-lq,  s-pt  t  Ar.,  4)^. 
Mako,  Mo-ko,  or  Makovia,  Mq-koi-vi-q, 

^Hun.,  21. 
Makoqueta,  Ma-ki5-ke-ta,  r  and  v  lo, 
Makree  or  Makri,  Mq-kre,  s-pt  t  Tur.,  3. 
Malabar,  Mal-a-bqr,  din  lir.  Ind.;  area 

6060  s.  ra.,  pop.  1,514,909. 
Mahicca,  Mq-lak-a,  dis  Malay  Pen.;  cap 
of   the   same,  pop.    \'i]4,'i  —  Strait, 
bet.  Malay  Pen.  and  Is.  Sumatra. 
Malaga,  Mal-a-ga,  s-pt  c  and  prov  Sp., 

pop.  of  c  68,577  ;  of  pron  438,000. 
Malay  Archipelago,    Ma-la  Hr-ki-pel- 
a-giA),  largest  group  is  on  the  globe, 
8.  e.  of  Asia. 
Malay   Peninsula,  8.  part  of  As.;  area 

45,000  8.  m.,  pop.  375,000. 
Maiden,  Mdl-den.  is  Mass.,  2 ;  N-Y. 
Maldive  (Mal-djv)   Islands,    Ind.   Oc; 

pop.  175.000. 
Muldon,  Mjl-don,  t  Eng.,  b%. 
Maldonado,  Mql-dcj-nq-do,  s-pt  t  Ur. 
Mallicollo,  Mq-li-kol-o,  in  Pac.  Oc. 
Mallow,   Mal-o,   t  and  watering-place 

Ir.,  «•<. 
Malmaison,    Mql-ma-s<^n,    chateau    in 
Fr.,  residence  of  Empre.><s  Josephine, 
Malmesburg,    M^mz-bor-i,    t  and  par 

Eng.,  7. 
Malmo,  Mal-me,  s-pt  t  Swod.,  lOJ^. 
Malone,  Ma-16n,  v  N-Y.,  43^. 
Malpas,  .Mal-pas,  t  and  par  Eng.,  5%. 
Malta,    Mol-ta,    is  IJr.   in   Med.;  area 

98  8.  ra.,  pop.  100,000;  f  0.,  ^^. 
Malton,  Mdl-ton,  t  Eng.,  7%. 
Malrern,      Md-vern,     watering-place 

Eng.,  h%  ;  M4l-vern,  «  O. 
Maniauguape,  Mq-mqn-gw^-pa,  r  and 

t  Hrazil. 
3[atoaroneck,  Mq-mar-o-nok,  v  N-Y. 
Mamers,  Ma-m.-^r,  t  Fr.,  6. 
Mauiuiotb  Cave,  Edajoodua  CO.,  Ky. 


Maraore,  Mq-mca-ra,  r  Bol.,  500  m. 

Man,  Islo  of,  i  Irish  Sea,  52i^. 

Maua,  Mq-nq,  r  Fr.  Gui.,  157  m. 

Manacor,  Mq-nq-k6r,  ^i« Majorca,  10>^. 

Manahoeking,  Man-a-hok-iij,  fi  N-J. 

Manasarowar,  Mq-nq-sq-ra-wqr,  I 

Manasquan  (Man-as-kwon)  River,  N-J. 

Manatawny,  Man-a-to-ni,  p  o  and  er  Pa. 

Manawalu,  Mq-nq-wq-ttf),  r  N-Zeal. 

Manayunk,  Man-a-yiigk,  t  Pa.,  7. 

Manchester,  Man-qes-ter,  manufactur- 
ing c  Eng.,  401>^:  c  N-H.,  22;  vs  Vt., 
Mass.,  Conn.,  N-Y.,  Pa.;  co  ts  Tenn., 
Ky.  [50. 

Mandavee,    Man-da-ve,    s-pt  t  Hind., 

Mandingos,  Man-dig-gos,  tr  \Y.  Af .,  re- 
markable for  advance  in  civilization. 

Maneesa,  Mq-ng-sq,  t  As.  Minor,  25. 

Manfredonia,  Man-fre-da-ni-a,  s-pt  t 
Naples,  5. 

Mangaia,  Mqn-gj-q,  i  S.  Pac.  Oc,  2. 

Mangalore,  AIag-ga-16r,  s-pt  t  Br.  Ind., 

Mangola,  Mqn-g<i-lq,,  is  Malay  Arch. 

Mangueira,  Mqn-ga-i-rq,  /  Brazil. 

Manhattan,  Man-bat-an,  rs  0.,  la. 

Manhattan  Island,  s.  e.  part  N-Y. 

Manheigan  (Maa-he-gan)  Island,  off 
the  coast  Me. 

Manheim,  Man-hjm,  'C  Pa. 

Manicouagan,  Mau-i-kwq-gan,  r,  I  and 
I  C.  E. 

Manidowish,  Man-i-do-lf,  r  Wis. 

Manilla,  Mq-ne-la,  cap  c  Is.  Luzon,  15. 

Manilla,  Man-il-a,  v  la. 

Miinitch,  Mq-neg,  r  Kus.,  300  ra. 

Manitoba  (Man-i-t6-ba)  Lake,  Br.  N. 
Am.  [Wis.,  2y^. 

Manitoowoc,  Man-i-t(D-w6k,  r  and  cot 

Manilou  (Man-i-tO))  Kirer,  Wis. 

Manitoulin,   Man-i-t<6-lin,    is  Br.  Ara. 

Manlius,  Man-li-us,  t  N-Y.,  l}^ 

Mannheim,  M(in-him,  t  Baden,  2S]4:. 

Manoel-Alves-Septentrional,  Mq-no-el- 
Hl'ves-Sep-ten-tri-a-nql,  r  Jirazil, 
400  m. 

Manona,  Ma-n6-na,  co  and  v  Iowa. 

Manresa,  Mqn-ra-sq,  t  Sp.,  13^^. 

Mans,  Le,  Le-Moh,  t  Fr.,  22';«^. 

Mansfield,  Manz-feld,  t  and  par  Eng., 
10;  co  ts  0.,  4;  La.;  vs  -Mass.,  Conn., 
N-Y.,  tkc 

Mantchooria,  Man-qdb-ri-a,  div  China; 
area  700,000  s.  ra.,  pop.  2,500,000. 

Mantiqueira,  Mqn-ti-ka-rq,  ms  Brazil. 

Mantua,  Man-tt^-a,  o  Au-<.  It..  30%. 

Manua,  Mq-nA-a,  is  S.  P.ic.  Oc 

Manzanares,  Mqn-tq-nf^-res,  t  Sp.,  8%. 

Mauzanilla,  M(tn-8q-nel-y(|,  Ij  Mex. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Maracaybo,   Mq-rq-kj-bo,  s-pt  c  Ven., 

8)^  ;  I  and  g  of  same. 
Maragha,  Mq-rq-gq,  c  Per.,  15. 
Marajo,  Mq-rq-jO),  i  At.  Oc,  20. 
Maranhao,    Mq-rqn-v^u,    c  Brazil,  30 ; 

—  Island,  Brazil, "40. 
Marburg,  Mqr-burg,  t  Hesse- Cassel,  8. 
Marcellus,  Mqr-sel-us,  v  N-Y. 
Marchena,  Mqr-Qa-nq,  t  Sp.,  11 5^. 
!Maree,  Loch,  Lo/i  Mq-re,  I  8cyt. 
Marengo,  Ma-ren-go,  xs  N-Y.,  111.,  lo. 
Margarita,   Mqr-ga-re-ta,  i  Caribbean 

Sua,  15. 
Margate,  Mqr-get,  s-j}t  Eng.,  9»^. 
Mariana,  Mq-n-q-nq,  c  Brazil,  5)^. 
Marianna,  Ala-ri-an-a,  co  t  Fa. 
Marias,  Las  Tres,   Lqs  Trea  Mq-re-qs, 

is  Pac.  Oc. 
Maria's    (Ma-rj-az)    River,     Nebraska 

Ter.,  300  m. 
Marica,  Mq-re-kq,  t  Brazil,  6. 
Marie  (ialante,  Mq-re  Gq-16ut,  one  of 

the  W.  Ind.  Is.,  12^. 
Marienwerder,  Mq-re-eu-ve;'-der,  c  W. 

Prus.,  7%. 
Marienzell,  Mq-re-en-tsel,  t  Styria. 
Marietta,  Ma-ri-et-a,  ^  0.,  5  ;  co  t  Ga.; 

ts  Pa.,  la. 
Marin,  Mq-rgn,  co  Cal.  [Arch. 

Marinduque,  Mq-ren-ddQ-ka,  i  Malay 
Marinilla,  Mq-ri-nel-yq,  t  N-Gran.,  5. 
Marion,  Ma-ri-on,  cots  Va.,  N.  C,  Ga., 

Ala.,  Miss.,  Tex.,  Ark.,  Ky.,  0.,  la., 

111.,  lo.,  S.  C,  &c. 
Mariposa,  Mar-i-poJ-sa,  r,  co  and  'O  Cal. 
Marlborough,  Mqrl-bur-o,  or  Mol-bro), 

t  Eng.,  53^;    Mqrl-bur-o,    vs  N-H., 

Vt.,  Mass.,  N-Y.,  0. 
Marlow,  Great,  t  and  par  Eng.,  63^. 
Marlton,  Mqrl-ton,  ■??  N-J. 
Marmande,  Mq/'-mond,  t  Fr.,  8J/^. 
Marmora,  Mqr-mo-ra,  sea  bet.  Eu.  and 
Marne,  Mqrn,  r  Fr.,  210  m.  [Asia. 

Maros,  Mor-6J,  r  Tran.,  400  m. 
Maros-Vasarhely,   Mo-roJ-Va-Jqr-hely, 

t  Tran.,  10. 
Marowyne,  Mq-ro-wjn,  r  S.  Am.,  400  m. 
Alarquesas,  Mq/'-ka-sqs,  is  Pac.  Oc,  20. 
Marquette,  Mqr-ket,  co  and  co  t  Wis. 
Mar-sala,  Mqr-sq-lq,  s-pt  c  Sicily,  21. 
Marseilles,    Mqr-salz,     (Fr.    Marseille, 

Mqr-saly,)  c  Fr.,  195 ;  xs  0.,  la.,  111. 
Marshall,    Mqr-Jal,    co  t  N.  C,  Tex., 

Mich.,  23^;  Mo. 
Martha's  Vineyard,  Mqr-6az  Yin-yard, 

is.  e.  of  Mass. 
Martigues,  Mq/'-teg,  t  Fr.,  83^.     [121. 
Martinique,   Mqr-tin-ek,    W.  Ind.    Is., 
Martinsburg,   Mqr-tinz-burg,   co  is  N- 

Y.,  %;  Va.,  2^. 

Martinsville,  M^r-tinz-vil,  vs  N-Y.,  % 

Pa.,  Va.;  co  t  la.,  1. 
Martirios,  Mqr-te-ri-os,  v  Brazil,  7. 
Martos,  Mq/'-tos,  i  Sp.,  11. 
Maryland,  Ma-ri-land,  one  of  the  orig- 
inal U.   S.;  area,  9,356  s.  m.,   pop. 

417,943  whites,   74,723  free    blacks, 

90,368  slaves— total,  583,034. 
Maryport,  Ma-ri-pcjrt,  s-pt  t  Eng.,  5%. 
Marysville,  c  Cal.,  10;  co  ta  Va.,  Tenn., 

Mo.;  D  O.,  %. 
Masbate,  Mqs-bq-ta,  Phil.  Is. 
Maskegon,  Mas-ke-gon,  ;•  Mich.  300  m. 
Mason,  Ma-sun,  co  t  Mich.,  %\  v  0.,  }{. 
Massachusetts,   Mas-a-qi^-sets,    one  of 

the  original  U.  S.;   area  7800  s.  ni., 

pop.  996,000.  [9%. 

Massa  Ducale,    Mq-sq  D(X)-k4-la,  c  It., 
Massapeag,   Mas-a-peg,  R.  li.   station 

Conn.  [400  m. 

Massaroony,  Mq-sq-r(6-ne,  r  Brit.  Gui., 
Massena,  Ma-se-na,  v  N-Y. 
Massiilon,  Mas-i-lon,  ^  0.,  4 ;  tJ  lo. 
Massowah,  Mq-so-wq,  s-pt  t  Abys.,  4. 
Matagorda,  Mat-a-gor-da,    b  and  co  t 

Tex.,  1%. 
Matamora,  Mat-a-mo-ra,  v  Tenn. 
Matauioras,  Mat-a-mtb-jas,  t  Mex.,  20; 

fs  Pa.,  la. 
Matanzas,  Mq-tan-zas,  s-pt  t  Cuba,  26. 
Matareeyeh,  Mq-tq-re-ye,  v  Lower  Eg. 
Mataro,  Mq-tq-rci,  c  Sp.,  13. 
Matawamkeag,  Mat-a-w6m-keg,  r  and 

p  0  Me. 
Matclica.  Mq-tel-i-kq,  t  Cen.  It.,  7}4. 
Matera,  Mq-ta-rq,  t  Nap.,  11^. 
Mathura,  Miit-ra,  t  Brit.  Ind.,  60. 
Maliua,  Mq-tg-nq,  ;•  and  D  Costa-Rica. 
Matlock,  Mat-lok,  watering-place  Eng., 

•6%.  [50. 

Matsmai,  Mqts-mj,   c  Japan;  i  Yesso, 
Mattapoisett,  Mat-a-pof-set,  v  Mass. 
Mattawan,  Mat-a-w6n,  v  Mich. 
Mattewan,  Mat-E-w6n,  ■»  N-Y. 
Matto-Grosso,  Mq-to-Gros-o,  prov  and 

c  Brazil,  180. 
Maubeuge,  Mo-hez,  ft  t  Fr.  7%. 
Mauch  Chunk,  Mek  Cuijk,  t  Pa..  3)^. 
Maui,  M^-e,  Sandwich  Island,  17^^, 
Maule,  M^-la,  r  Chili,  180  m. 
Maulmain,  Mel-mjn,«-p^  t  Fur.  Ind.,  10, 
Maumee,  Me-me,  r  la.;  t  O. 
Maurepas,  M6-re-pq,  I  e.  part  La. 
Maurice  (Mo-ris)  River,  N-J. 
Mauritius,  Mo-riJ-i-us,  (o/*  Isle  of  Fr. 

i  Ind.  Oc,  162. 
Mauvaise  (Mo-vaz)  River,  "Wis. 
Maxey.  Maks-i,  v  Ga. 
Maxville,  Maks-vil,  rs  Ky.,  la. 
Mayari,  Mj-q-re,  s-pt  t  Cuba,  3. 

Geographical   Vocabulary. 


Mayenne,  Mq-yen,  ^  Fr.,  10. 

Maynooth,  Ma-mofi,  t  Ir.,  2^,^. 

Mityo,  Ma-o,  r  Va.,  N.  C.j  Mj-o,  Cape 
Verd  Is.;  r  Sonora. 

Maypu,  ili-pd),  r  Chili,  130  m.j  m peak 
Andes,  1*5,000  ft. 

May's  Landing,  co  t  N-J, 

Maysville,  Maz-vil,  c  Ky.,  7 ;  cots^- 
Y.,  Va.,  III.;  tJ  la. 

Mayville,  Ma-vil,  v  Wis,,  %. 

Mazatnet,  Mq-zq-ma,  t  Fr.,  9^.      [12. 

Mazatlan,  Mqz-at-Iqn,  t  Cinalua,  Mex., 

Mazzara,  Mqt-sq-rq,  t  Sic,  83^. 

Mazzarino,  Mqt-sq-re-noi),  ^Sicily,  113^. 

Meade,  Med,  co  Ky.  [»;  Va. 

Meadville,  Mgd-vii,  co  tsVa,.,  2%;  Miss.; 

Meaux,  Mca,  ^  Fr.,  10. 

Mecca,  Mek-a,  c  Arabia,  visited  annu- 
ally by  100,000  Mohammedan  pil- 
grims; pop.  28,000. 

Mechanicsburg,  Me-kan-iks-burg,  ve 
0.,V4;  Pa.,  la.,  &c. 

Mechlin,  Mek-lin,  c  IJelg.,  27^. 

Mecklenburg-Schwerin,  Mek-len-burA- 
Xwa-ren,  d  of  the  German  Confed- 
eration;  pop.,  541,449. 

Mecklenburg-Strelitz,  Mek-len-burA- 
Stra-lits,  st  German  Confederation; 
pop.,  100,000  ;  cos  Va.,  N.  C. 

Medellin,  Ma-del-yen,  c  N-Gran.,  14. 

Medford,  Med-ford,  v  Mass. 

Media,  Me-di-a,  cy  Per.;  co  t  Pa.,  )^. 

Medina,  Ma-de-nq,  c  Arabia,  18. 

Medina,  Me-dj-na,  rs  Eng.,  Tex.;  v  N- 
Y.;  CO  t  0. 

c  Sp.,  10>i. 

Mediterranean  Med-i-ter-a-ne-an  Sea, 
Eu.,  connecting  with  the  Atlantic 
and  the  Strait  of  Gibralter. 

Medvieditza,  Med-vi-a-dit-sq,    r   Ru3. 

Meerpoor,  Mer-pdbr,  t  Sinde,  10. 

Meerut,  Me-riit,  dis  and  t  Br.  Ind. 

Meherrin,  Me-her-in,  r  Va.,  150  m. 

Meigs,  Megz,  cos  Tenn.,  0. 

Meigsville,  Megz-ril,  v  Cal. 

Meiningen,  Mj-nifl-en,  ft  t  Gar.,  63^. 

Meissen,  Mj-sen,  t  Sax.,  9. 

Meklong,  Ma-k!6i),  t  Siam,  13. 

Me- Kong,  Ma-K6fl.  ra  As. 

Melbourne,  Mel-burn,  c  Aust.,  50;  i 
Pac.  Oc. 

Melegnano,  Ma-len-y^-no,  t  Aus,  It.,  7. 

M«lfi,  Mel-fc,  t  Naples,  %%. 

Melford,  Mel-furd,  v  and  par  Eng.,  23^, 

Mtjlksham,  Melks-ham,  t  and  car  Eng., 

Melrose,  Mel-r6z.  hurgh  and  joar  Scot., 
1}4\  V  Ma-8.,  Tex.,  111. 

Meltham,  Mel-tana,  v$  Eng.  Z\i. 

Melton-Mowbray,  M6-bre,  t  Eng.,  ^%. 

Melun,  Me-liih,  t  Fr.,  7>^. 

Melville  (Mel-vil)  Island;  off  N.  Aust., 

also  in  the  Artie  and  S.  Pac.  Ocs. 
Memel,  Mem-el,  or  Ma-mel,  t  Pru.,  10. 
Memingen,   Mem-ig-en,  t  Bav.,  6%. 
Memphis,    Mem-fis,    c  Tenn.,  12;  co  t 

Mo.;  anc.  c  Lower  Eg. 
Memphremagog,     (  Mem-fre-ma-gog  ) 

Lake,  Vt. 
Menai  (Men-j)  Strait,  N.  Wales. 
Menara,  Ma-nqm,  r  S.  As.,  800  m. 
Menard,  Men-qrd,  co  III. 
Menasha,  Men-aJ-a,  v  Wis.,  1^. 
Mende,  Mohd,   t  Fr.,  6. 
Mendham,  Mend-ham,  v  N-J.,  )^. 
Mendocino,  Men-dci-se-no,  cc»  Cal. 
Mendon,    Men-don,    vs    Mass.,    N-Y., 

Mich.,  111.,  Iowa. 
Mendota^  Men-d(0-ta,  v  111.;  co  t  Min. 
Mendoza.  Men-d6-za,  r  and  c  La  Plata, 
Menin,  Me-nah, /^  i5  Belg.,  8.  [12. 

Menomonee,     Me-nom-Q-ne,    r    Wis.; 

—  Falls,  V  Wis. 
Mentz,  Mentz,  c  Ilesse-Darmstadt,  32. 
Mequauigo,  Me-kwan-i-gcD,  d  Wis.,  3^. 
Moquinez,  Mek-i-nez,  c  Morocco,  60. 
Mequon,  Me  k  won,  'V  Wis. 
Mercede,  ^Mer-sad,  r  Cul.;  —  City,  t  Cal. 
Mereer,  Mer-ser,  co  t  Pa.,  1. 
•Mercersburg,  Mer-serz-burg,  t  Pa.,  IJ^. 
Meredith  (Mer-e-dit)  Bridge,  co^  N-H. 
Meredosia,  Mer-E-d6-Ji-a,  -v  111.        [8. 
Mergui  or  Merghi,  Mer-gg,  t  Br.  Ind., 
Merida,  Mer-i-dq,  c  Sp.,  6. 
Merida,  Mer-i-dq,  cap  c  Yucatan,  23; 

t  Ven.,  4. 
Meriden,  Mer-i-den,  v  Conn. 
-Merrimack,  Mer-i-mak,rN-Eng,,110m. 
Mersoburg,  Mer-se-bur/A,  t  Prus.  Sax., 
Mersey,  Mer-ze,  r  Eng.,  60  m.       [H^s. 
Merthyr-T'ydvil,  M^r-der-Tid-vil,  t  and 

2)ar  S.  Wales,  63. 
Meshed,  Mej"-ed,  c  Per.,  45. 
Mesilla  (Ma-.sel-yq)  Valley,  tract  land 

8.  part  N-Mex.  [cij  As. 

Mesopotamia,   Mes-o-po-ta-mi-a,  anc. 
Messina,  Me-se-nq,   c   Sicily,   97.     — 

Strait,  separating  Sicily  from  Italy. 
Mostre,  Mes-tra,  t  Aus.  It.,  6. 
Metft,  Ma-tq.  r  S.  Am.,  500  m. 
Metamora.  Met-a-mci-ra,  co  t  III. 
Motapa,  Ma-tq-pq.  t  Guat.,  8. 
•Metetecunk,  Me-te-te-kui)k,  r  N-J. 
.Mothuen,  M^fc-yq-en,  v  Mass. 
.Metomcn,  Me-tu-men,  v  Wis.   [III.,  %» 
Metropolis  (Mc-trop-o-lis)   City,   co  i 
Metz,  Mets,  ft  c  Fr.,  43^. 
Meuse,  Mqz,'  r  rising   in  Fr.,  ooursea 

through  Belg.,  IIol    434  lu. 


Geographical   Vocabitlary. 

Mexico,  Meks-i-ko,  Sp.  rep  s.  N.  Am., 
having  the  following  states  and  ter- 
ritories: Aguascalientes,  Chihuahua, 
Chiapa,  Cinaloa,  Cohahuila,  ])uran- 
go,  Guanajuato,  Guerrero,  Jalisco, 
5lexico,  Michoacan,  New  Leon,  Oaja- 
ca,  Puebla,  Queretaro,  San  Luis  Po- 
tosi,  Sonora,  Tabasco,  Tamaulipas, 
Vera  Cruz,  Yucatan,  Zacatecas,  Tlax- 
cala,  Colima,  Tehuantepec,  Lower 
California,  Isla  de  Carmen ;  area 
8;U,140  s.  m.,  pop.  7,852,394. 

Mexico,  cap  of  the  Republic,  200 ;  rs 
N-Y.  %,  Pa.,  0.,  la.;  co  t  Mo. 

Mezen,  Mez-an,  v  and  r  Rus.,  450  m. 

Mezieres,  Ma-zi-4'',./i^  t  Fr.,  4. 

Miako  or  Meaco,  Me-q-ko,  c  Japan,  500. 

Miami,  Mj-am-i,  'V  Fa. 

Miami  River,  (Little  and  Big,)  0. 

Miamisburg,  Mj-am-iz-burg,  v  0. 

Miamisville,  v  l). 

Miamitown,  Mi-am-i-t-sn,  v  0. 

Miami  University,  Oxford,  0. 

Miarim,  Me-q-reh,  r  Brazil,  350  m. 

Miava,  Me-6-vo,  t  Ilun,,  10. 

Michigan,  MiJ-i-gan,  n.  w.  of  U.  S.: 
area  56,243  s.  m.,  pop.  525,000;  I 
within  and  w.  of  the  state. 

Michigan  City,  «  Ta.,  3. 

Michigantown,  MiJ-i-gan-t-sn,  v  la. 

Michigan  University,  Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

Michilimackinac,  Mijf-il-i-mak-in-e,  co 
Mich.  [Superior. 

Michipicoton,  MiJ-i-pi-ko-ton,  b  Lake 

Michoacan,  Mi-qo-q-kqn.  st  Mex.;  area 
22,993  s.  m.,  pop.  491,679. 

Micmac,  Mik-mak,  tr  liid  Br.  Am. 

:Middelburg,  Mid-el-burg,  t  Hoi..  16. 

Middleborough,  Mid-1-bur-o,  'O  Mass., 
5J^.  [0. 

Middlebourne,  Mid-1-born,  co  t  Va.:  v 

Middleburg.  Mid-l-burg,  xs  N-Y.,  Pa., 
O.,  Va.,  (fcc.  [0  ,  &c. 

Middlebury,  Mid-1-ber-i,  vs  Vt.,  Conn., 

Middleport,  Mid-l-port,  vs  N-Y.  1,  O.; 
CO  t  111.  {par  Eng.,  ly^. 

Middlesborough,  Mid-lz-bur-o,  r-pt  and 

Middlesex,  Mid-l-seks,  vs  Pa. 

Middleton,  Mid-I-ton,  i  and  par  Eng., 
5%;  t  Ir.,  6. 

Middletown,  Mid-1-t-sn,  c  Conn.,  i}/i\ 
TS  O.iyi,  Pa.,  N-Y.,  Del. 

Middletown  Point,  v  N-J. 

Middleway,  Mid-l-wa,  v  Va.,  y{.  {^}4- 

Middlewich,  Mid-1-wiq,  t  andjva/'Eng., 

Middle  Yuba,  Yi|,-ba,  r  Cal. 

Midhurst,  Mid-hurst,  t  and  par  Eng.,  7. 

Midnapoor,  Mid-na-pd>r,  dia  and  t  Br. 

Midway,  Mid-wa,  vs  Ga.,  Ky.,  Pa.,  S.  C. 

Mifflinsburg,  Mif-Hnz-burg,  v  Pa. 
Mifflintown,  Mif-lin-tTin,  qo  t  Pa. 
Milam,  Mi-lam,  co  ts  Tex. 
Milan,  Mil-an,  prov  and  c  Aus.  It.,  160 
Jlilan,  Mj-lan,  re  0.  3,  la.,  111.,  &c. 
Milazzo,  Me-l^t-so,  s-j)t  t  Sic,  7. 
Milbourn,  Mil-burn,  'V  Ky,     [Eng.,  4^^. 
Mildenhall,    Mil-den-hol,    t    and    paf 
Miletus,  Mj-le-tus,  ruined  c  As.  Minor. 
Milford,  Mil-ford,  s-pt  t  S.  Wales,  3; 

rs  Eng.  1,  N-II.,Mass.,  Conn.,  N-Y., 

N-J.,  Del.,  Va.,  0..  la.,  &c.;  co^  Pa. 
Milford  Centre,  re  N-Y.,  O. 
Military  Frontier,  Mil-i-tii-ri  Frdn-ter; 

cy  Aus. ;  area  12,922  s.  m.,  pop., 
Millau,  Me-lc),  t  Fr.,  10.  [1,747,733. 
Millbrook,  Mil-bruk,  v  0. 
Millburn,  Mil-burn,  v  111. 
Millbury,  Mil-ber-i,  v  Mass.  \y  111. 
Milledgeville,  Mil-ej-vil,  cap  Ga.,  Zy^] 
Millersburg,  Mil-erz-burg,  co  t  0.;  v» 

Pa.,  Ky.,  0.,  la.,  111. 
Millerstown,  Mil-erz-t-sn,  Tg  Pa.,  1. 
Millersville,   Mil-erz-vil,   vs  Pa.,  Md., 

0.,  la. 
^lilierville,  Mil-er-vil,  -?;  N-Y. 
MiUeville,  Mil-vil,  -»  N-Y. 
Mill  Grove,  r«  0.,  la. 
Mill  Hall,  V  Pa. 
Millheim,  Mil-hjm,  'V  Pa. 
Millport,  Mil-port,  w  N-Y.,  Pa. 
Millville,  Mil-vil,  V8  Mass.,  N-J.  1>^, 

Mo.,  Iowa,  &c. 
Millwood,  Mil-wud,  v  0.,  3^. 
Milo,  Me-lo,  i  Grecian  Arch.,  4. 
Milo,  Mj-lo,  v  Me.,  %. 
Milton,  Mil-ton,  ts  N-IL,  Mass.,  Pa.  2, 

N.  C.  \yi,  Miss.,  la.;  co  t  Fa. 
Miltonsburg,  Mil-tonz-burg,  v  0. 
Miltonville,  Mil-ton-vil,  'v  O.  [do. 

Milwaukee,  Mil-we-ke,  c  Wis.,  35 ;   r 
Minchinhampton,  Min-qin-hamp-ton,  t 

and  joar  Eng.,  4)^.  [74. 

Mindanao.  Min-dq-n^-o,  i  Malay  Arch., 
Minden,  Min-den,  ft  t  Prus.,  12^ ;  « 

La.,  1. 
Mindoro,  Min-do-ro. Philippine  'i,29%. 
Mineral  Point,  co  t  Wis.,  3. 
Minersville,  Mj-nerz-vil,  t  Pa..  4 
Minerva,  Mi-ner-va,  vs  Ky.,  0. 
Minho,  Men-yo.  prov  and  r  Port. 
Minisink,  Min-i-siijk,  i'  N-Y.  [3^. 

Minneapolis.  Min-e-ap-o-lis,  co  i  Min., 
Minnesota.  Min-E-s(f)-ta.  ter  n.  w.  U.  S., 

area  166.025  s.  m..  pop.  from  10.000 
Minnesota  City,  co  t  Min.  [to  15.000. 
Minni  Wakan.  Min-e  We-kqn,  I  Min. 

Ter.,  40  by  12  m. 
Minorca,  Min-er-ka,  »  of  So.,  Med.,  40, 

Geographical  Vooabularit. 


Jlinot,  Mi -not,  v  Me, 

Minsk,  Minsk,  gov  and  t  Rus.,  23. 

Miosen,  Me-e-zen,  I  Nor.,  55  m. 

Miquelon,  Me-ke-16ri,  is  off  coast  New- 
foundland; area  85  s.  m.,  pop.  510. 

Miramichi,  Mir-a-mi-Je,  b,  r  and  jpt  N- 

Miranda,  Mi-ran-da,  v  N-C. 

Mirandola,  ME-rqn-do-lq, /if  ^  It.,  6. 

Mirim,  Me-reh,  I  S.  Am. 

Mirzapoor,  Mer-za-pif>r,  t  Hin.,  100. 

Mishawaka,  MiJ-a-wo-ka,  v  la.,  2}/^. 

Miskolcz,  MiJ-kolts,  t  Hun.,  30. 

Missisque,  Mi-sis-kwe,  r  Vt. 

Misaissinewa,  Mis-i-sin-e-wa,  r  la. 

Mississippi,  Mis-i-sip-i,  /  N.  Am.;  with 
the  Missouri,  its  principal  tributary, 
the  longest  river  in  the  world ;  4350 
m.,  including  the  Missouri. 

Mississippi,  one  of  the  s.  U.  S.;  area 
47,156  s.  ra;  pop.  295,718  whites,  030 
free  blacks,  309,300  slaves,— total, 

Missouri,  Mi-Z(f>-ri,  one  of  the  s.  w.  U. 
S.;  area  67,380  s.  m.;  pop.  592,004 
whites,  2,618  free  blacks,  87,422 
slaves,— total,  682,041. 

Missouri  Territory,  now  divided  into 
Kanzas  and  Nebraska. 

Missouri  University,  Columbia,  Mo. 

Mitau,  Me-t-s,  t  Rus,,  28. 

Mittineague,  Mit-i-neg,  p  o  Mass. 

Mitylenc,  Mit-i-le-ne,  z  Gr,  Arch,,  40, 

Mobile.  Mo-bel,  r  and  c  Ala.,  20)^; 
—  Bay,  8.  w.  Ala. 

M(x;ha,  Moi-qq,  i  of  Chili ;    t  Arabia. 

Modena,  M6d-en-q,  st  It.;  area  2,073 
8.  in.;  pop.  586,458 :  c  do.,  27)^. 

Modica,  M6d-i-kq,  t  Sicily,  17^. 

MoeHj  M^-en,  t  of  Den.,  13%. 

Moffat,  M6f-at,  t  and  par  Scot.,  2\4. 

M'jgadore,  Mog-a-dor, /if  c  Morocco,  17; 
v  0.  [Brazil. 

Mogi-das-Cruzes,  M(S-3e-dq?-Krd)-zes,  t 

Moguer,  Mo-g4r,  t  Sp.,  6^. 

Mogul,  Mo-giil,  empire,  llin. 

3Iohacs,  llQ-h(^q,  t  S.  Ilun.,  10.      [Y. 

Mohawk,  Mo-hok,  r  N-Y.,  160  m.;  v  N- 

Moheelev,  Mo-Ae-lev,  t  Rus.,  16. 

Mohiccanville,  Mo-hik-an-vil,  v  0. 

Moissac,  Mwq-s^k,  t  Fr.,  10%. 

Moldau,  M6I-d-5,  r  Boh..  200  m. 

Moldavia,  ( Mol-da-vi-a,)  Principality 
of,  et  S,  Eu.;  area  18,000  s.  m,,  pop, 

Molfetta,  Mol-f6t-q.  t-pt  t  Nap.,  13. 

Mi)line,  Mo-Ien,  v  III, 

MoUdo  del  Roy,  Mo-lc-no  del  Ra,  range 
of  atone  buildings  near  city  of  Mex- 
ico ;/>  (?  Ark. 

Molton,  (Mol-ton,)  South,  t  and  par 

Eng.,4X,  .      ,     ,        . 

Molua,  Mo-IcD-q,  natton  in  int,  Af. 
Moluccas,  Mu)-luk-az,  ar  Spice  Islands, 

group  in  the  Malay  Arch, 
Mombas,  Mom-bqs,  i  and  t  Af,,  6. 
Morapox,  Mom-p6/i,  t  N-Gran.,  10. 
Monastir,  Mo-nqs-ter,  s-pt  t  N-Af.,  12j 

c  Eu.  Tur.,  15. 
Moncaliori,  Mon-kq-li-a-rs,  t  Pied.,  8. 
Mondegj,  Mon-da-ga,  nav,  r  Bra.,180  m. 
Mondovi,  Mon-do-ve,  t  Pied.,  16. 
Monee,  Mo-ne,  v  III.  [Ind.,  30. 

Monghir   or  Mungeer,  Mug-ger,  t  lir. 
Mongolia,  Mon-go-li-a.  reg  Asia;  area 

1,400,000  s.  m.,  pop.  2,000,000. 
Moniteau,  Mon-i-to,  co  and  v  Mo. 
Monmouth,  Mon-mut,  t  and  par  Eng., 

6;  v  Me.;  co  t  111. 
Monomoezi,  Mca-nu)-mo-a-ZE,  em  Af. 
Monomotapa,  Mo-no-mo-t^-pq,  ew  Af. 
Monongahela,  Mo-non-ga-he-la,  r  Pa., 

150  m.    —  City,  opp.  Pittsburg,  Pa., 

Monongalia,  Mo-non-ga-li-a,  co  Va. 
Monopoli,  Mo-nop-Q-ls,  t  Nap.,  16, 
Monreale,  Mon-ra-^-la,  t  Sic,  13. 
Monroe,  Mon-ro,  co  ts  Mich.  4,  Wis,, 

La,,  Ga.,  N.  C;  m  N-Y.,  Tenn. 
Monroeville,  Mon-ro-vil,  ts  0.;  co  t  Cal. 
Mons,  Mohs,  ft  t  Belg.,  231^. 
Monserrat,  Mon-ser-qt,  m  Sp. 
Monson,  Mon-son,  v  Mass. 
Montague,   M6n-ta-gi|,   ra  Mass.  1)^, 

Va.;  i  Pac.  Oc. 
Montauban,  Mon-to-bon,  t  Fr.,  24%. 
Montauk  (Mon-tok)  Point, /;?'ow  L.  I. 
Montbeliard,  Moon-ba  li-qr,  t  Fr.,  6i^. 
Mont  Blanc,  Moh  Bloh,  highest  m.  ia 

Eu.,  15,810  ft.  high. 
Montbrison,  Mon-bre-zon,  t  Fr.,  6. 
Montcalm,  Mont-kqm,  cu  and  co  t  Mich. 
Monte-Christi,  Mon-ta-Kris-te.  t  Hayti, 

3.  [niaica,  4. 

Montego  (Mon-te-go)  Bay,  s-pt  t  Ja- 
Montelimart,  Moiu-ta-le-rnqr,  c  Fr,,  10, 
Montello,  Mon-tel-o,  v  Wis.,  \^. 
Montenegro,    Mon-ta-na-grU),    ind 

Eu.  Tur.,  100. 
Montereau,  Mori-te-r6,  t  Fr.,  6)^, 
Monterey,  Mon-ta-ru,  c  Mex.,  12 ;  co 

and  c  Cal,,  2,  [Alps. 

Monte-Rosa,  Mon-tft-Roi-sq,  m  I*ennino 
Monte  San  Giuliano,  M6n-ta  Sqn  Jo)- 

li-(^-no,  t  Sic,  7)^, 
Montevallo,  Mon-tc-val-o,  v  Ala. 
Montevideo,  Mon-tc-vid-i-o,  9  pt  c,  cap 

Uruguay,  S.  Am.,  12. 
Montezuma,  Mon-te-zii-ma,   V9  N-Y.| 

Ga.,  Ia.,  (fee. 


Geographical   Vocabulary. 

Montgomery,  Mont-giim-er-i,  cap  Ala,, 

7;  cot  Tex.;  vs  N-Y.  ]>i,  O. 
Monticello.  3Ion-ti-sel-o,   residence  of 

Thomas  Jefferson,  Va.;  Tj  N-Y.,  \\^\ 

CO  ts   Ga.,   Fa.,  Miss.,  Ark.,  Teuu., 

Ky..  Li.,  III. 
Montilla,  Mon-tEl-yq,  t  Sp.,  133^. 
Montlucon,  Mon-le-soh,  t  Fr.,  0. 
Montmartre,  Moh-inq/t-r',  t  Fr.,  2Z}-{. 
Montmorency,  Mon-mo-ron-se,  'V   Fr., 

234;Mont-mo-ren-si,  CO  Mich.;r  C.E. 
Montoro,  Mon-to-rca,  c  Sp.,  10^. 
Montour,  Mon-tit)r,  co  Pa. 
Montoursville,  Mon-ttJbrz-vil,  v  Pa.,  %. 
Montpelier,  Mont-pel-yer,  cajJ  Vt.,  23/g; 

rs  Ga.,  la. 
Montpellier.  Mont-p^l-i-er,  c  Fr.,  37%. 
Montreal,  Mon-tre-61,  c  C.  E.,  58. 

Island,  on  which  the  city  is  built,  is 

32  by  10  m.     —  River,  Wis. 
Montrose,  Mont-roz,  s-27t  t  Scot.,  15%; 

CO  t  Pa.,  \}4;  V  Iowa,  %. 
Montrouge,  Mu)n-r(63,  d  Fr.,  OV^.      [8. 
Montserrat,  Mont-ser-at,  Br.  W.  Ind.  i, 
Monza,  M6n-zq,  c  Aus.,  183^. 
Mooltan,  Majl-tqn,  old  c  of  Punjab,  80. 
Moorefield,  Mtjr-feld,  co  t  Va.;  i?  0. 
Mooreshill,  McJrz-hil,  v  la.,  i^. 
Moorestown,  M6rz-t"sn,  i)  N-J.,  1. 
3Iooresville,  Murz-vil,  v  la.,  }^. 
Moorshedabad,  MoDr-le-da-bqd,   c   Br. 

Ind.,  165. 
Moose,  Mibs,  r  Br.  N.  Am.,  250. 
Moosehead   (Mobs-hed)  Lake,  Me.,  35 

by  10  m. 
Moquehua,  Mo-ka-wq,  c  Peru,  323^. 
Moquelumne,  Mo-kal-um-ne,  r  Cal. 
Moradabad,  Mo-rq-dq-bqd,  t  Br.  Ind., 
Morano,  Mo-rq-no,  t  N&p.,  8.      [32%. 
Morant,  Mo-rant,  t  Jamaica,  7. 
Moratalla,  Mo-rq-tq-lq,  t  Sp.,  8. 
Morava,  Mo-rq-va,  r  Servia,  130  m. 
Moravia,  Mo-ra-vi-a,  prov  Aus.;  area 

10,239,  pop.  2,238,424;  v  N-Y.;^  o  lo. 
Morea,  Mo-re-a,  or  Peloponnesus,  Pel- 

o-pon-E-sus,  pen  Greece. 
Moreau,  Mo-rtj,  jj  o  N-Y.  [Tenn. 

Morgan   (Mer-gan)    Court-House,  <?c>  ^ 
Morganfield,  Mor-gan-feld,  co  t  Ky. 
Morgantown,  co  ts  Va.  1,  N.  C,  Ky.;  v 
Moriah,  Mu)-rj-a,  v  N-Y.,  1.  [la. 

Morlaix,  Mor-la,  t  Fr.,  12i^. 
Morocco,  Mo-rok-o,  c  and  em  Af .;  area 

222,560  s.  m.,  pop.  8,000,000. 
Moron,  Mo-r<f)n,  t  Sp.,  103^. 
Morpeth,  Mor-pet,  t  and  pai'  Eng.,  10. 
Morris,  M6r-is,  co  t  111.,  1. 
Morrisiana,  Mor-is-i-a-na,  u  N-Y. 
Morristowu,  Mor-is-tun,  rs  Vt.,  N-Y., 

Tenn.,  0.,  la.,  &c.j  co  t  N-J. 

Morrisville,  v  Vt.  %,  Pa.,  la.;  co  t  N-Y. 
Morrow,  M6r-o,  r  0.,  1. 
Mors,  Mors,  i  of  Den.,  6. 
Morla'ra,  Mor-tq-rq,  t  Pied.,  by^. 
Mortimer,  Mdr-ti-mer,  'V  111.  _ 
Mortonsville,  Mer-tonz-vil,  t  Ky.,  3^. 
Moscow,  M6s-kc3,  j/r;*  Kus.;  area  12,609 

s.  m,,  pop.  1,349,000;  can  c  350;  T$ 

N-Y.,  Ky.,  Tenn.,  0.,  Mich.,  la.,  Ac. 
Moselle,  Mti-zel,  r  Fr.  and  Ger.,328  m.; 
Mosiertown,  Mci-jer-t'sn,  r  Pa.      [v  111. 
Moskva,  M6sk-vq,  r  Moscow,  200  m. 
Mosquito    (Mos-ke-to)    Territory,    cy 

Cen.  Am.;  area  34,000  s.  m. 
Mosul   f/r  Mosel,  M6-sul  or  Mdb-sul,  t 

As.  Tar.,  40. 
Motagua,  Mo-tq-gwq,  r  Cen.  Am. 
Motril,  Mo-trt'l,  c  Sp.,  lO^^. 
Mottville,  Mot-vil,  r  Mich,,  3^. 
xMoulins,  Ma)-lah,  t  Fr.,  14^. 
Moulton,  MtJl-ton,  co  t  Ala. 
Mount  Auburn,  M-sntG'burn,  cemetery^ 

Cambridge,  Mass.;  ts  la..  111. 
Mount  Carmel,  K^r-mel,  xs  Ky.,  la.j 

cot  111.,  1)^. 
Mount  Carroll,  Kar-ol,  co  t  111.,  %. 
Mount  Clemens,  Kl6m-ens,  co  t  Mich., 

Mount  Desert,  Dez-ert,  i  coast  Me.,  %. 

Mount  Etna,  Et'na,  v  la. 

Mount  Gilead,  Gil-e-ad,  r«  Va.,  Ky.,  0. 

Mount  Healthy,  Hel-ti,  vs  0.,  la. 

Mount  Holly,  H61-i,  co  t  N-J.,  2;  r  0. 

Mount  Holyoke,  Ilci-li-ok  or  Hcil-yok, 
mt  Mass. 

Mount  Hope,  rs  N-Y.,  Pa. 

Mount  Ida,  i'da,  co  t  Ark. 

Mount  Jackson,  Jak-son,  rs  Pa.,  Va. 

Mount  Joy,  Jdr,  r  Pa. 

Mount  Morris,  M6r-is,  rs  N-Y.,  111. 

Mount  Pleasant,  Plez-ant,  co  ts  Tex., 
Ky,,  Iowa ;  rs  Pa,  )^,  Tenn.,  0.,  la. 

Mount  Sidney,  Sid-ni,  v  Va. 

Mount  St.  Elias,  8-lj-as,  rol  m  N.  Am., 
17,900  ft.;  var.  ms  Eu.  [v  0. 

Mount  Sterling,  Ster-lifl,  co  ts  Ky,,  111.; 

Mount  Tahawus,  Ta-he-wus,  peak  of 
Adirondack  Mts,,  N-Y. 

Mount  Union,  Yii,n-yon,  rs  Pa.,  0. 

Mount  Vernon,  Ver-non,  residence  of 
George  Washington,  Va.;  t  0.,  5.;  co 
ts  Ga.,  Ky.,  la,.  111,,  Mo,;  rs  N-Y,,  Wis. 

Mount  Washington,  WoJ-iij-ton,  peak 
White  Mts.,  N-H.;  rs  Pa.,  Ky.,  0. 

Mount  Zion,  Zj-on,  r  Ga.,  }.{. 

Moyamensing,  Mer-a-men-sig,  sub  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa.,  27. 

Mozambique,  Mo-zam-bek,  c  Af.,  6. 
—  Channel,  str  Ind.  Oc.       [250  m. 

Jklsta,  M-stq,  or  Masta,  Mq-st^,  r  Rua., 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Muhalitcb,  Mu-q-leq,  t  As.  Minor,  11. 
Muhlenburg,  Mii,-len-burg,  co  Ky. 
Miihlbausen.  Mel-h^-zen,  t  Frus.,  U%. 
iiaihausen,  Mel-hu-zen,  t  Fr.,  29%. 
Miilheiin-aia-Kuhr,    Mel-hiin-qui-liojr, 

t  Prus.,  \Q%. 
Mull,  Mul,  Hebrides  t,  153^.  [i%. 

MuUingar,  Mul-it)-gqr,  t  and  par  It., 
Mulweeya   or  Muluia,   Mul-we-yq,   r 

Morocco,  350  m.  [la.,  1)^, 

Muncie,  Miin-SE,  or  Muncietown,  co  t 
Muncy,  Mun-si,  v  Pa.,  1.  [3^. 

Manfordsville,  Mdn-fordz-vil,  co  t  Ky., 
Munich,  Mi|-nik,  cap  c  Bav.,  95)^. 
Munster,  Mda-ster,  jsrou  Ir. 
Mil  uster.  Men-ster,  caj^  c  Westphalia,  25. 
Murcia,  Mdr-Ji-a,  c  Sp.,  55. 
Murf  reesborough.  Mur-f rez-bur-o,  v  N. 

C;  CO  ts  Ark.,  Tenn. 

Murphy,  Mur-fi,  co  t  N.  0. 

Murphysborough,  Mdr-fiz-bur-o,  co  t 

Murray,  Mdr-a,  r  Australia  ;  co  t  Ky. 

Murrumbidgee,  Mdr-um-bij-e,  r  Aus- 
tralia, 400  m. 

Murviedro,  Mijor-vi-a-dro,/^  t  Sp.,  7^^. 

Muscat,  Mus-kat,  st  and  c  Arabia. 

Muscatine,  Mus-ka-tsn,  co  t  Iowa,  6, 

Muscoda,  Mus-ko-da,  xi  Wis. 

Muscogee,  Mus-ko-ge,  co  Ga. 

Musconetcong,  Mus-ko-net-ko^,  r  N-J. 

Muscovy,  Mds-ko-vi,  applied  to  Russia. 

Muskingum,  Mus-kiij-gum,r  0.,  110  m. 

Musselburgh,  Mds-el-bur-o,  s-pt  i  Scot., 
7.  ^  [6. 

Myconus,  Mik-o-nus,  t  Grecian  Arch., 

Myers'own,  Mj-erz-t-sn,  t;  Pa.,  1. 

Mystic,  Mis-tik,  r  and  xi  Conn. 


Nabloos,  Xq-bl(j5s,  c  Pal.,  8.  [Tex. 

Nacogdoches,  Nak-o-dci-qez,  co  and  « 
Nacoochee,  Na-kdb-qc,  v  Ga. 
Nadudvar,  No-dtftd-vqr,  t  Hun.,  6i^. 
Nagaranu,  Nq-gq-rq-ncf),  t  Hin.,  (5. 
Nagasaki,  Nq-ga-sq-ke,  c  Japan,  65. 
Nagore,  Nq-g6r,  ts  Br.  Ind.,  40. 
Nagpoor,  Nqg-p(6r,  ter  India ;  area  76,- 

432  s.  m.,  pop.  4,650,000 ;  c  do.,  115. 
Nahant,  Na-hant,  v  Mass. 
Nailsea.  Nal-.^e,  «  Eng.,  2)/^. 
Nain,  Xjn,  t  Hin.,  10. 
Nairai,  Nj-rj,  Feejee  %  Pac.  Oc.  ' 
Nairn,  N^rn,  co  and  t  vScot.,  33^. 
Nakhitchevan,  Nq-ket-Je-v^n,  t  Kus,l  0. 
Namalouk,  Nq-mq-lrf)k,  Islands,  Pac.  Oc. 
Namur,  Na-mur,  lirm  and  c  Belg.,24J/<^. 
Nanaa,  Xo-noJ,  «;  Hun.,  7%. 
Nanche,  Xqn-tja,  c  China,  200. 
Nancy,  Xau-si,  (Fr.  Noh-se,)  c  Fr.,  45. 
Nanking,  Nqn-ki{),   or  Nankin,  Nqn- 

kin,  c  Chma,  400. 
Nan-Ling,  Nqn-Lij),  ms  China. 
Nantasket,  Nan-tas-ket,  jyen 
Nantes,  Nants,  c  Fr.,  built  partly  on 

islands  in  the  Loire,  963^. 
Nanticoke,  Nan-ti-kak,  v  Pa. 
Nantucket,  Nan-tdk-et,  co  t  Mass.,  8. 
Nantwich,  Nant-iq,  i  Eng.,  51^. 
Napa,  Nq-pa,,r,  co  and  t  Cal. 
Napanee,  Nap-a-iic,  t  C.  W.    [C.  E.,  1. 
Napierville,  Na-per-vil,  co  t  111.,  1%:  v 
Naple«,  Na-plz,  k,  c  and  h  It.:  area  of  Jt 

32.571  8.  m.,  pop.  fi.610,873;  pop.  c, 

400;  w  Me.,  N-Y.,  I 

Napo,  N^-po,  r  S.  Am.,  500  m. 
Napoleon,  Na-p(5-Ie-on,  m  Ark.  1,  0., 

la.  %. 
Napoleonville,  Na-pcS-le-on-vil,  «  La. 
Naponock,  Nap-o-nok,  ■»  N-Y. 
Naraul,  Nq-rdl,  t  Hin.,  6. 
Xarberth,  Nqr-bert,  hor  S.  Wales,  13^. 
Narbonne,  Nqr-bon,  c  Fr.,  13. 
Narborough,  Ni^r-bur-o,  Islands,  S.Pac. 
Nardo,  Nqr-do,  t  Nap.,  8. 
Narcw,  Nq-rev,  r  Rus.,  200  m. 
Xaro,  Xq-ro,  t  Sic,  10. 
Xarraganset,  Xar-a-gan-set,  Bay,  R.  I. 
Xarraingungo,  Nar-jri-gdnj,  t  Br.  Ind., 
Narva,  Nqr-vq,  ft  t  Rus.,  3.  [15. 

Xashport,  NaJ-port,  x  0, 
Nashua,  NaJ-yq-a,  r  and  t  N-H.,  b%. 
Nashville,  NaJ-vil,  cap  c  Tenn.,  20;  co 

ts  la.,  III.;  vs  N.  C,  Tex.,  0. 
Nassau,  Nas  e,  st  Ger.,  pop.  429,341;  ta 

X-Y.,  Fa.,  Iowa:  c  Bahama  Islands,  7. 
Xassuck,  Xq-sdk,  c  Br.  Ind.,  30. 
Xatal,  Xq-tql,  cy  Af.,  bel.  to.  Gr.  Br.; 

area  18,000  ?.  m.,  pop.   121,000;  ts 

Brazil  10,  Sumatra. 
Xatchez,  Naq-ez,  c  Miss.,  6;  rs  C,  la. 
Natchitoches,  Naq-i-toq-ez,  par  and  co 
Natick.  Na-tik,  v  Mass.,  2%.        [t  La. 
Xaugatuck,  No-ga-tdk,  v  Conn. 
Xaumburg,  X-sm-bmrA,  t  Ger.,  \2%. 
Nauplia,  No-pli-a,  ft  s-pt  t  Gr.,  15;  g 

yEgean  Sea. 
Xauvoo  (Xo-vif))  City,  111.,  2. 
Navarre,  Xa-vqr,  prov  Sp.;  area  4,069 

8.  in.,  pop.  280,000. 


Geographical  Vocabulary.' 

Navaza,  Nq-v^-sq,  *  Caribbean  Sea. 

Navigator's,  Nav-i-ga-torz,  or  Samoan, 
Sa-ino-an,  Islands,  populous  is,  Pac. 

Naxos,  Naks-os,  *  Grecian  Arch.,  20. 

Nayoe  or  Nayoo,  Nj-6,  is  Malay  Arch. 

Nazareth,  Naz-a-ret,  U  Pal.,  Pa.  )^. 

Nazareth,  Nq-zq-ret,  <«  Belg.  53^,  Bra. 

Naze,  Nq-ze,  cape  Nor.:  headland  Eng. 

Ne,  Na,  v  Sard.  States,  33^. 

Neagh,  Lough,  Lo7i  Na,  I  Ir. 

Neath,  Net,  r  and  bor  S.  Wales,  6. 

Nebraska,  Nt-bras-ka,  ter  U.  S.,  organ- 
izeil  in  1854;  area  335,882  s.  m.;  v  lo. 

Noches,  Neq-ez,  r  Tex.,  100  in. 

Nochow,  Na-G-»,  t  China,  30. 

Nockalofa,  ^ek-q-lcj-fq,  t  island  of 
Tonga,  Friendly  Islands,  2. 

Neckar,  Nek-ar,  r  Ger.,  210  m. 

Necosta,  Ne-kos-ta,  co  Mich.         [3%- 

Nederbrakel,  Na-der-brq-kel,  t   Belg., 

Nedjed,  Nej-ed,  interior  portion  of 
Arabia.  [Brunswick. 

Negowac.  Neg-o-wak,  Indian   v  New 

Negros,  Na-gros,  Philippine  i. 

Neilgherry,  Nel-ger-e,  Mts.,  S.  India. 

Neisse,  Ni-se,  t  Prus.  Silesia,  11%. 

Neiva  or  Neva,  Na-vq,  r  llus.,  300  m. 

Nekinai,  Nek-i-mj,  v  Wis. 

Nellore,  Nel-6r,  t  Br.  Ind. 

Nelson,  Nel-son,  ts  N-Y.,  0.,  N-Brun. 

Nelsonville,  Nel-son-vil,  v  0. 

Nemi,  Na-mr,  I  and  v  Cen.  It. 

Nenagh,  Na-na,  t  Ir.,  9)^. 

Nene,  Nen,  r  Eng.  [v  Wis. 

Neosho,  Ne-6-Jo,  r  Kanzas;  co  t  Mo.; 

Neosho  City,  a  vegetarian  settlement, 

Nepaul,  Ne-pel,  ind  cy  Hin.;  area  53,- 
000  s.  ni.,  pop.  2,000,000. 

Nepenski,  Ne-pen-skj,  v  Wis. 

Nephi  (Ne-fj)  City,  i)  Utah. 

Neponset  (Nc-p6n-set)  Village,  Mass. 

Nerac,  Na-iqk,  t  Fr.,  1%. 

Nerbudda,  Ner-biid-a,  r  India,  620  m. 

Nescopeck,  Nes-ko-pek,  m  and  v  Pa. 

Nesochaque,  Nes-o-qa-kwe,  River,  N-J. 

Nesqually,  Nes-kw6l-i,  r  Wash.  Ter. 

Nethe,  Na-te,  r  Belg. 

Netherlands,  Ned-er-landz,  called  also 
Kingdom  of  Holland,  ey  in  the  west- 
ern part  of  Eu.,  embracing  the  fol- 
lowing j)rovinces :  North  Brabant, 
Gelderlarid,  South  Holland,  North 
Holla  nd,  Zealand,  Utrecht,  Friesland, 
Overyssel,  Groningen,  Drenthe,  Lim- 
burg;  area  12,662  s.  m.,pop.  3,767,671. 

Nethou,  Pic,  Pek  Ne-tdo,  highest  pealc 
of  the  Pyrenees,  11,168  ft. 

t  Meck.-Strelitz,  6. 

Neuburg,  Nff-biarA,  t  Bav.,  %%, 
Neufchatel,  NeJ-q-tel,   I,  canton  and 

t  Swit.,  1%.' 
Neuhausel,  Ner-her-sel,  t  Hun.,  &%. 
Neuilly-sur-Seine,    Ne-ye-ser-San,     t 

Fr.,  16. 
Neurode,  Nff-ro-de,  t  Prus.  Silesia,  5J^. 
Neusatz,  N(T-sqts,  t  Hun.,  17^^. 
Neuse,  Nqs,  r  N.  C,  300  m. 
Neii-Shehr,  Na-a)-Je-r',  t  As.  Tur.,  15. 
Neusiedl,  Nof-sed-l,  I  Hun. 
Neuss,  Ners,  t  Ilhcn.  Prus.,  9. 
Neustadt,  Nff-stqt,  ts  Prus.,  6%;  Aus,, 
^  91^,  Prus.  Saxony,  6%. 
Neustadt-an-der-Hardt,   Nof  - stqt - qr- 

der-Hq/"t,  t  Rhen.  Bav.,  6. 
Neustadt-Eberswalde,  Nff-stqt-3'bers- 

vql-de,  t  Prus.,  by^. 
Neustadtl-an-der-Waag,  Nef-stet-1-qn- 

der-Vqg,  t  Hun.,  b%. 
Neu'-Strelitz,  Ner-Stra-lits,  t  Ger,,  &}{. 
Neutitschein,  Nt?-tit-Jin,  t  Moravia,  9. 
Neuwied,  Ntf-vet,  t  Rhen.  Prus.,  6^, 
Neva,  Na-vq,  r  or  dr  Rus. 
Nevada,  Na-v^-dq,  co   Cal.     —   City, 

CO  t  Cal.,  5. 
Nevers,  N3-v4r,  c  Fr.,  17. 
Neville,  Nev-il,  v  0. 
Nevis,  Nev-is,  W.  Ind.  i,  10}4. 
New  Albany,  Nq  Gl'ba-ni,  c  la.,  15. 
Newark,  Ni\-ark,  c  N-J.,  50;  co  t  O.,  5; 

M  Del.,  la..  111.,  <fec.;  hm  Eng.,  \\%. 
New  Bedford,  Nq  Bed-ford,  c  Mass.,  18. 
New  Berlin,  Ber-lin,  'o  N-Y.;  co  t  Pa, 
Newbern,  Nq-bern,  co  t  Va.;  t  N.  C, 

4%;  'V  la.  [la. 

Newberry,  N\j,-ber-i,  co  <  S.  C;  vs  Pa., 
New  Boston,  Nq  Bos-ton,  rs  111.  |^,  N-H. 
New  Brighton,  Brj-ton,  vs  N-Y.,  Pa. 
New  Britain,  Brit- en,  v  Conn.,  3;  arch 

Pac.  Oc. 
New  Brunswick,  Briinz-wik,  Br.  ter  N. 

Am.;  area  27,700  s.  m.,  pop.  194,000; 

c  N-J.,13>^. 
New  Buda,  Bq-da,  i?  Iowa. 
New  Buffalo,  Buf-a-lo,  ts  Pa.,  Mich. 
Newburg,  Nq-burg,  co  ts  N-Y.,  Tenn.j 

IS  Pa.,  0.,  la.,  Wis.,  Ala. 
Newbury,  Ni^-ber-i,  t  and  par  Eng., 

61^;  TS  Vt.,  Mass.  [131^. 

Newburyport,  Ni\,-ber-i-port,  c  Mass., 
New    Caledonia,    Kal-e-do-ni-a,    «  S. 

Pac.  Oc:  area  6600  s.  m. 
New  Carlisle,  Kar-ljl,t;  0.,  1. 
New  Castle,  Nii  Kas-1,  co  ts  Pa.  15^, 

Del.,  Va..  Ky. 
Newcastle,  Ni\,-kas-l,  co  t  la. 
Newcastle    (Nq-kds-l)    upon-Tyne,  c 

Eng.,  873^.  [10%. 

Newcastle-under-LymejWand  t  Eng., 

Geographical    Vocabulary. 


New  Catuberland,  Kiim-ber-land,  ta 
Pa.,  Va.,  La. 

New  Diggings.  Dig-igr.,  v  111.,  %. 

New  England.  Iij'gland,  embraces  Me., 
N-H.,  Vt.,  Mass.  R.  L,  Conn. 

Newfoundland,  Ni\-fund-land,  i  Br.  N. 
Am.,  At.  Oc,  bel.  to  Gr.  Br.5  area 
^  57,000  s.  m.,  pop.  102.000. 

New  Granada,  Ni^,  Grq-nq-dq,  rep  S. 
Am.:  area  480,000  a.m.,  pop.  2,364,000. 

New  Hampshire,  Hamp-Jsr,  one  of  the 
original  U.  S.;  area  9280  s.  m.,  pop. 

New  Hampton,  H;imp-ton,  vs  N-T.,  N-J. 

New  Harmony,  Hqr-mo-ni,  v  la. 

New  Hartford,  Hqrt-ford,**  Conn.,N-Y. 

New  Haven,  Ha-ven,  c,  semi-cap  Conn., 
noted  for  its  beauty,  and  being  the 
seat  of  Yale  College ;  ts  N-Y.,  Pa., 
^  Ky.,  0.,  111. 

New  Hebrides,  Heb-ri-dez,  ts  Pac.  Oc. 

New  Holland,  Hol-and,  v  Pa. 

New  Hope,  rs  Pa.  1%,  0. 

New  Ipswich,  Ips'wiq,  v  N-H. 

New  Ireland,  ^r'land,  i  S.  Pac.  Oc. 

New  Jersey,  Jer-zi,  one  of  the  original 
U.  S.:  area  8320  s.  m„  pop.  489,555. 

New  Leon,  Le-on,  si  Mex.;  area  16,687 
s.  m.,  pop.  133,361. 

New  Lisbon,  Liz-bon,  cot  0.,  2}4;  ^»  la. 

New  London,  c  Conn.,  10:  rs  ().,  la..  Mo., 

New  Madrid,  Mad-rid,  co  t  Mo.       Ttfec. 

New  Market,  Mqr-ketv  ^*  N-II.,  ??-J. 

New  Mexico,  Meks-i-ko,  ter  of  the  U. 
S.;  area  207,007;  pop.  is  of  a  mixed 
character,  61,547  being  Mexicans  and 
Americans,  and  45,000  Indians. 

New  Milford,  Mil-ford,  r«  Conn.,  111. 

Newnan,  Nq-nan,  co  t  Ga. 

New  Orkney,  Ork'ni,  is  S.  At.  Oc. 

New  Orleans,  Or'le-anz,  c  La.,  built  on 
deposit  made  by  the  Mississippi 
river,  which  is  about  5  feet  lower 
than  the  river  level;  126}/^.  [2. 

New  Philadelphia,  Fil-a-del-fi-a,  10  O., 

Newport,  Nq-port,  two  important  hers 
Eng.;  8-pt  t  S.  Wales,  1%;  t  Eng., 
2>^;  c,  semi-cap  R.  I.,  9>^;  c  Ky.,  9; 
CO  ta  N-H.,  la.;  vs  N-Y.,  Pa..  0.,  Mich. 

Newport-Pagnell,  Nii-port-Pag-nol,  t 
Eng.,  V/i.  [i;  v  Tenn. 

New  Providence,  Pr6v-i-den3,  Bahama 

New  Richmond,  Riq-mond,  v  0.,  23^. 

New  Rochelle,  Ro-Jel,  v  N-Y.,  \%. 

Newry,  Nq,-ri,  h/r  Ir.,  25. 

New  Sharon,  Xa-ron,  v  Me. 

New  Siberia,  Sj-be-ri-a,  is  Arc.  Oc.     a 

New  South  Wales,  Ni],  Sut  Walz.  ex- 
tensive cy  Australia;  area  350,000 
8.  m.,  pop.  208,254. 

Newton,  Ni\-ton,  co  is  N-J.,  N.  C,  Ga., 
Ala.,  111.,  Iowa;  v  0.,  >^. 

Newton-Abbot  (Ab'ot)  with  Newton- 
Bushell,  (BtaJ-el,)  i  Eng.,  Z%. 

Newton-upon-Ayr,  ( 9ix, )  hurgh  Scot.,  5. 

Newton  Falls,  v  0.,  %. 

Newton-Stewart,  Sti\-art,  t  Scot.,  2%. 

Newtown,  Ni^-t-sn,  hor  N.  Wales,  Z%', 
r#  Mass.,  Conn.,  N-Y.,  Pa.,  Va.,  Ky,, 
Md.,  0.,  la.  [Ir.,  lO;*^. 

Newtown-Ardes,  Hrdz,  hor  and  s-pt  t 

Newtown-Liraavaddy,  Lim-a-vad-i,  Jor 
and  t  Ir.,  3%. 

Now  York,  Nt),  Yerk,  the  most  populous 
of  the  U.  S.,  and  pre-eminent  in  in- 
ternal improvements  and  commercial 
importance;  area  47,000  s.  m.;  pop., 
in  1850,  3,097,394  :  3,048,325  whites, 
49,069  colored;   in    1856,  3,345,840. 

New  York,  c  of  the  above  state,  the 
most  important  in  the  New  World, 
and  the  third,  only,  in  point  of  wealth 
and  population  on  the  globe;  pop.  625; 
vs  Tenn.,  la.,  III.,  Wash.  Ter. 

New  Zealand,  Zg-land,  is  of  Gr.  Brit., 
in  S.  Pac.  Oc,  area,  105,115  s.  in, 
pop.  26,656. 

New  Ulster,  and  New  Munster,  prin- 
cipal is  of  New  Zealand. 

Neyva,  or  Neiva,  Na-i-vq,  t  N-Gran. 

Nezheen,  Na-jen,  t  Rus.,  16, 

Nez  Perc»  (Na-Pe/'-sa)  Indians,  tr  Or. 

Ngami,  N-gq-me,  I  S.  Af. 

Niagara,  Nj-ag-a-ra,  r  N.  Am.,  form- 
ing between  lakes  Erie  and  Ontario 
the  celebrated  "Falls  of  Niagara." 

Niagara,  co  t  C.  W.,  3. 

Niagara  Falls,  v  N-Y.,  V^. 

Nias,  N|-as,  i  of  Malay  Arch. 

Nicaragua,  Nik-ar-^-gwq,  st  Cen.  Am., 
area,  36,000  s.  m.,  pop.  235,000;  i 
Nicaragua,  8;  ?  ditto,  90  by  30  m. 

Nicaria,  Ns-kq-re-q,  i  Gr.  Arch.,  1. 

Nicastro,  Ne-k('i8-tro,  t  Naples,  10. 

Nice,  Nes,  c  It,,  26. 

Nichohis,  Nik-o-las,  t  Cal. 

Nicholasville,  Nik-o-las-vil,  cotYiy.,  1. 

Nicobar(Nik-o-bar)  Islands,  *s  Ind.  Oc. 

Nicolet,  Ne-ko-la,  co  and  v  C.  E. 

Niccollet,  Nik-a-la,  co  and  I  Min. 

Nicopolis,  Nc-kop-o-lis,  <'Eu.  Tur.,  10. 

Nicosia,  Ne-ko-se-q,  c  Sicily,  13. 

Nicoya,  Ne-kcfi-yq,  'pen,  b,  r  and  is 
Costa  Rica. 

Xicuman,  Ne-koo-m^n,  r  China,  220  m. 

Nieder-Hossen,  Ne-der-Hes-en,  prov 
Ilesse-Cassel,  pop.  366,663. 

Niemen,  Ne-men,  r  Rus.  Pol,,  400  m, 

Nievre,  Ne-avr,  fiep  Vt.,  area,  2595  8. 
m.,  pop.  327,161. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Nigdeh,  Nig-de,  t  As.  Min.,  5. 
Niger,  Nj-jer,  r  W.  Af.,  2000  m. 
Nikolaiev,  Ne-ko-Ij-^v,  {or  Nikolaief,) 

ft  t  Rus.,  12. 
Nikolsburg,  Nik-olz-burg,  t  Moravia,  8. 
Nile,  Njl,  r  E.  Af.,  700  m. 
Niles,  ts  0.,  %\  Mich.,  2%. 
Nimar,  Ne-mqr,  dis  lad.,  area,  7000  s. 

m.,  pop.,  250,000. 
Nimes,  Nem,  i  Fr.,  bZ%. 
Nineveh,  Nin-e-ve,   anc.  c  and  cap  of 

the  Assyrian  Empire,  now  in  ruins. 
Ning-Po,  Nin-Po,  c  China,  250. 
Ninove,  Ne-n6-va,  t  Belg.,  4)^. 
Nio,  Ne-o,  is  Gr.  Arch.,  3^. 
Niort,  Ne-6r,  t  Fr.,  18-%. 
Nipe  (Ne-pa)  Bay,  Cuba. 
Niphates,  Ne-fq^-tsz,  m  Armenia. 
Niphon,   Nif-6n,   {or  Nipon,    Nip-on,) 

largest  is  Japan,  area,  200,000  s.  m. 
Nipissing  (Nip-is-ig)  Lake,  C.  W.,  50 

by  35. 
Nisari,  N8-s(^-re,  i  Gr.  Arch. 
Nishapoor,  NiJ-q-pdbr,  c  Per.,  8. 
Nisita,  Ne-si-tq,  i  Naples. 
Nitinat,  Nit-i-nat,  o/' Berkeley  (Berk- 

li)  Sound,  N.  Am.,  w.  Vancouver's  Is. 
Nivelles,  Ne-vel,  t  Belg.,  8. 
Nixdorf,  Niks-derf,  (Groce  and  Klein, 

Gros  and  Kljn,)  rs  Bohemia. 
Nizhnee-Lomov,     Nij-ne-Lo-mov,     t 

Rus.,  7 
Nizhnee  Novgorod,  Nij-ne-Nov-go-rod, 

t  Rus.,  7,2. 
Nizhnee-Taghilsk,  or  Nijnii-Taghilsk, 

Ni^-ns  Tq-^ilsk,  t  Rus.,  22. 
Noblesville,  N6-blz-vil,  -p  la.,  1)^. 
Nobosque  (No-bosk)  Point,  Buzzard's 

Bay,  Mass. 
Nocera  Dei  Pagani,  No-qa-rq  Da-e  Pq- 

g(^-nE,  anc  t  Naples,  7^. 
Noceto.  No-qa-to,  t  It.,  5%. 
Noci,  N(5-qe,  t  Naples,  6.  [Arch. 

Noessa-Laut,    No-es-q-Lot,    is  Malay 
Nogent,    No-36h,    t  Fr.,  3. 
Nogent-le-Ber-nard,       No-36n-le-Ber- 

r\(\r,  t  Fr.,  3.  [Fr.,  7. 

Nogent-le-Rotrou,  No-^on-le-Ro-tnf),  t 
Nogent-sur-Seine,   Nca-son-sur-San,    t 

Fr.,3X.    .  [6. 

Nohcacab,  No-kq-k^b,  t5  Yucatan,  Mex., 
Noir,  Nwqr,  i  S.  Am. 
Noirraoutiers,   Nwqr-m<D-ti-a,   i  w.  of 

Fr.,  81^. 
Noja,  N6-yq,  t  Naples,  5i^. 
Nola,  N6-lq.  c  Naples,  5J^. 
Nombre-de-Dios,     N6m-bra-da-De-os, 

t  Mex.,  6^  :  ^pt  N-Gran. 
■  Nookaheeva,  Noo-kq-he-vq,  one  of  the 

Marquesas  Isles,  Pac.  Oc.,  18. 

Noon,  NiDn,  r  Mantchooria,  500  m. 
Noonivak,  Na)-ni-vqk,  i  Rus.  Am. 
Nootka-Sound,  Ndbt-ka-S-snd,  inlet  w. 

of  Vancouver  Is. 
Nord,   Nor,   dep  Fr.,  area  2170  s.  m., 

pop.  1,158,285. 
Norden,  Ndr-den,  t  Hanover,  5%. 
Norderney,  Ner-der-ni,  i  N.  Sea,  ^. 
Nordhausen,     Nort-h"S-zen,     t     Prus. 

Sax.,  13. 
Nordland,  Nord-lqnd,  div  Norway;  area, 

14.337  s.  m.,  pop.  65,512. 
Nordlingen,  Nert-lii)-cn,/i(  t  Bav.,  6)^. 
Nordstrand,  Nort-strqnd,  i  Den.,  3. 
Norfolk,  Nor-fok.  c  Va.,  16 ;  cos  Eng., 

Mass.,  Va.;  —  Bay,  Van  Die.  Land  ; 

—  Island,  Pac.  Oc;  —  New,  dis  Van 

Dieman's  Land,;  — Sound,  Rus.  Am. 
Norman,  Ner-raan,  is  W.  Ind. 
Normandy,  Ndr-man-di,  anc.  proxi  Fr., 

area,  10,534  s.  m. 
Norman  Isles,     comprise   Channel  Is., 

Jersey,  Guernsey,  &c. 
Norridgewock,  N6r-ij-wok,  t)  Me.,  1%. 
Norristown,   Nor-is-tun,    t  Pa.,  6;   xt 

Ark.,  0. 
Norrkjoping,  Ner-qe-pig,  t  Swed.,  llj^ 
Norrska  Fiellen,  Ners-kq  Fyel-en,   ms 

North  Adams,  Ad'amz,  «  Mass.,  3. 
Northallerton,  Nert-al-er-ton,  hor  and  t 

Eng.,  5. 
Northampton,  Nert-amp-ton,  hor  and  t 

Eng.,  26^;  -c  Mass.,  4. 
North  Bellerica,  Bel-er-i-ka,  v  Mass.,  Y^^. 
North  Bend,  country  residence  of  Gen. 

W.  H.  Harrison,  near  Cincinnati. 
North    Bridgewater,      Brij-we-ter,     tJ 

Mass.,  4. 
North  Carolina.,    Kar-o-li-na,    one   of 

the  original  IT.  S.;  area  50.704  s.  m., 

pop.  553,028  whites,  27,563  fr.  blacks, 

288,548  slaves,— total  868,903. 
North  Clarendon,  Klar-en-don,  t  Vt. 
North  Danvers,  Dan-verz,  v  Mass. 
North-East,  xs  Pa.,  Md.,  &c. 
North-East  Pass,   or  Balize,   Ba-lez,  t) 

La.;  at  the  mouth  of  Mississippi. 
Northern  Circars,    Ser-kqrs,    prov  Br. 

Ind.;  area  17,000  s.  'm.,  pop  2,995,500. 
North  Ferrisburg,  Fer-is-burg,  t  Vt. 
Northfield,  Nort-fcld,  ts  Vt.,  3:  Mass., 

1%;  N-J.,  0.,  la. 
North  Granville,  Gran-vil,  r  N-Y. 
North  Hadley,  Had-li,  r  Mass. 
North  Haven,  Ha-ven,  v  Conn.,  V/^. 
North  Hero,  He-ro,  co  t  Vt.,  %. 
North  Lawrence,  Ld-rens,  v  N-Y. 
North  Lebanon,  Leb-an-on,  r  Pa.,  3^. 
North  Madison,  Mad-i-son,  t;  la.,  ^. 

Geographical   VocABULARr. 


North  Scituate,   Sit-7q,-at,    u  Mass., 

R.  I. 
North  Sea,  or  German  Ocean,  an  arm 

At.  Oc,   between  the  Brit.  Is.  and 

German  States. 
Northumberland,  Ner-tdm-bcr-land,    t 

Pa.,  11^;  v^-K. 
North  Vernon,  Ver-non,  v  la. 
Northville,  Norfc-vil,  r*  Mass.,  Mich.,  111. 
Northwich,  Nert-wiq,  t  Eng.,  ly^. 
Norton,  Ner-ton,  Ts  Eng.,  2;  Mass.,  2;  0. 
Norton-Chipping,  6ip-ii),  bor  Eng.,  3. 
Norton  Sound,  inlet  Behring  Sea,  Rus. 
^Am.  ^  \IX. 

Norwalk,  Ner-wok,  t  Conn.,  4%;  v  0., 
Norway,  Ner-wa,   cy  of  Eu.,  forming 

the  extreme  n.  w.  part;  provinces, 

Aggershuus   or   Christiania,    Chris- 

tiansand,  Bergen,  Trondhjem.  Trom- 

soe:  area  12:},386  s.  m.,  pop.  1,330,000; 

w  Me.,  2:  N-Y.,  1;  la. 
Norwich.  N6r-ij.  c  Eng.,  123^;  Ner-wic, 

w  N-Y.,  14 ;  Pa.,  0. 
Norwood,  Upper  and  Lower,   two  m 

Eng.,  United  pop.  6046. 
Nos-Beh,    N6s-Ba,    i  of  Fr.,  coast  of 

Madagascar,  15)^. 
Noss-Island,  one  of  Shetland  Is. 
Noto,  N6-to,  c  Sicily  10^, 
Notre  Dame,  Nuit-r  Dqm,  p  0  la.;   — 

Bay,  Newfoundland. 
Notre  Dame  de  Cenilly,  N6t-r  D(\m  de 

Se-ng-ye.  v  Fr.,  2. 
Notteroe,  N6t-e-re-e,  i  Norway. 
Nottingham,    N6t-ig-am,    hor    and   t 

Eng.,  pop.,  57,407. 
Nottoway,  N6t-ca-wa,  r  and  co  t  Va. 
Novara,  Nca-vq-rq,  c  It.  18)^. 
Nova  Scotia,  N<5-va  Sko-Ji-a,  prov  Br. 

N.  Am.;  area  15,627  s.  m.,  pop.  276, 


Nova  Zembla,  N(f»-va  Zem-bla,  two  m 

Arctic  Oc,  area,  about  61,967  s.  m., 

has  no  permanent  inhabitants. 
Novelda,  No-vel-dq,  t  Sp.,  8. 
Novellara,  No-vel-q-rq,  t  It.,  4. 
Novgorod,  Nov-go-rod,  gov  Rus.,  c  do., 

pop.  15,000. 
Novgorod-Severskoie,  Nov-go-rod-Sa- 

ver-skQ-ya,  t  Rus.,  8. 
Novi,  N6-ve,  t  It.,  ]0>^, 
Novi-Bazar,  N6-ve-Bq-zqr,  t  Bosnia,  8, 
Novoi-Oskol,  No-vff-Os-kol,  t  Rus.,  5. 
Novomoskovsk,  No-vo-mos-kovsk,  ft  t 

Rus.,  l\i.  [Rus.,  17^. 

Novo-Tcherkask,     N6-vo-t!er-kq3k,    t 
Now-Chow.  N-s-65,  i  China. 
Noxubee,  N6ks-yri,-be,  r  and  co  Miss. 
Noyon,  No-yoh,  t  Fr.,  6^. 
Nubia,  Nq-bi-a,  cy  E.  Af .;  area  35,000 

s.  m.,  pop.  400,000. 
Nublada,  No-blq-da,  t  N.  Pac. 
Nueces,  Nwa-ses,  r  Tex.,  350  m. 
Nuevitas,  Las,  Lqs  Nwa-VE-tqs,  t  Cuba. 
Nuits,  Nwe,  t  Fr.,  3>g. 
Nuko,  N(6-ko,  i  Rus.,  Gulf  of  Fin.,  }^. 
Numa,  Nii-raa,  v  la. 
Numidia,  Nq-mid-i-a,  anc  cy  N.  Af. 
Nunda,  Nun-da,  v  N-Y.,  2. 
Nuneaton,  Ndn-e-ton,  t  Eng.,  4%. 
Nunez,  Ncb-n^z,  r  W.  Af. 
Nuremberg,  Ni],-rem-berg,  important  0 

Bavaria,  pop.  46,000.' 
Nurpur,  Nur-piir,  t  Punjab,  6. 
Nyack,  Nj-ak,  v  N-Y.,  %. 
Nyassi,  Ne-(\s-e,  I  S.  E.  Af. 
Nyborg,  Ne-bor^,  ft  t  Den.,  3.     {\b%. 
Nyireghyhaza,  Nyg-rej-h^-zo,   t  Hun., 
Nykoping,  Ne-qe-pi|],  dis  Swed.;  area 

2516  s.  m.,  pop!  120,113 ;  t  Swed.,  3>^. 
Nvmwegen,  Nim-wa-gen,  ft  t  Neth. 


Oahu  or  "Wahoo,    W4-h<»,  one  of  the 

Sandwich  Islands,  19%. 
Ofuaca   or   Oaxaca,   Wq-A^-^.   ft   of 

Mex.;  area,  31,822  s.m.,  pop.  525,101; 

c  Mex.,  25. 
Oakham,  (Ok'am,  t  Eng.,  3.  [111. 

Oakland,  Ok'land,  c  Cal.,  2^:  i'«  0., 
Oakville.  rs  N.  Y.,  Mich.,  C.  W. 
Oban,  O'ban,  hor  and  9pt  t  Scot.,  \%. 
Obeid,  0-ba<l,  cap  t  Kordofan,  Af.,  30. 
Oberlin,  Q'ber-lin,  v  0.,  noted  for  its 

College,  free  to  people  of  color,  2. 
Obernai,  (0-ber-nii,  t  Fr.,  5.  [7)^. 

O-BeMcnora,  O-beJ-a-nu-vo,    t  Hun., 

Obi,  Oby,  (rr  Obe,  O'be,  r  Sib.,  2000  m. 

Obidos,  O-be-dos,  t  Brazil,  6. 

Obies,  O'bez,  r  Tenn. 

Obion,  O'bi-on,  r  Tenn.,  150  m. 

Oboyan,  CD-bo-yc^in,  t  Rus.,  5^. 

Ocana,  O-kon-yq,  ts  Sp.  5:  N-Gran.,  5, 

Occoquan,  Ok'o-kwon,  r  and  ■»  Va. 

Ocean,  or  Cure,  Kc6-ra,  i  Pac.  Oc. 

Ocean,  or  Paanopa,  P^-no-pq,  i  Pao. 
Oc,  X. 

Oceania,  O-Je-^-ni-a,  or  Oceanica, 
O-Je-an-i-ka,  fifth  division  of  the 
globe,  consisting  of  Malaisia,  Aus- 
tralia, and  Polynesia. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Ochil  (O'^ll,)  Hills,  ms  Scot. 
Ocmulgee,  Ok-mdl-ge,  r  Ga.,  300  m. 
Oconee,   (D-ka-ne,   r  Ga.,    300  m.,  re 
Ga.,  S.  C.  [v  Wis. 

Oconomewoc,  Ok-o-nom-c-wok,  cr  and 

,  Ocraki)ke,  O'kra-kok,  v  N.  C. 
Odense,  O'den-sa,  t  Den.,  1134^. 

.  Odense-Fiord,  Fe-drd,  h  is.  of  Funen. 
Odenwald,  Q'den-vq^lt,  m  Ger. 

Oder,  O'der,  r  Ger.,  550  ra. 

Odessa,  Q-des-a,  c  Rus.,  71)/^. 

Odovvara,  0-do-wq,-rq,  t  is.  of  Niphon, 
Japan,  5.  RX- 

Oedenburg.  E'den-bor/j,    t  W.  Ilun., 

Oederan,  E'da-rqn,  t  Saxony,  4^^. 

Oeiras,  O-a-g-rqs,  e  Brazil,  5. 

Oels,  Els,  t  Prus.  Silesia,  6.  [40. 

Oesel,  E'sel,  t  Rus.,  area,  1200  s.  m., 

.  Offenbach,  Of'ea-bq^,  t  Hesse-Darm- 
stadt, 9X. 

Ogdensburgh,  Og'denz-burg,  t  N-Y.,  8. 

Ogeechee,  Q-ge-qe,  r  Ga.,  250  m. 

Ogle,  O'gl,  CO  and  v  111. 

Oglethorpe,  O'gl-terp,  c  Ga.,  2)^. 

Ogono,  O-gcon-yo,  cape  Sp. 

Oheteroa,  O-ha-ta-rQ-a,  i  S.  Pac.  Oc. 

Ohio,  O-hj-o,  one  of  the  U.  S.,  third 
in  population  and  commercial  im- 
portance. Area,  39  964  s.  m.,  pop. 
in  1850,  1,980,329:  whites,  1,955,050, 
colored,  25,279.  In  1856,  2,138,754; 
r  U.  S.,  950  m. 

Ohomura,  (D-ho-m(6-rq,  t  Japan,  20. 

Oich,  Loch,  hoh  (Jh,  I  Scot. 

Oigniea,  Wan-ye,  v  Belgium,  13^. 

Oise,  Wqz,  r  and  dep  Fr. 

Oits  Mitsoo,  CTts  Mit-sda,  I  Japan. 

Ojalava,  O-yq-l^-vq,  one  of  Nav.  Is., 

Pac.  Oc.  [beria,  500  m. 

.  Oka,  O'kq,   rs  Cen.  Rus.,  650  m.;   Si- 

Okanagon,  O-kan-ag-on,  r  N.  Amer., 
200  m. 

Okau  or  Okaw,  O'ke,  v  111. 

Okauchce,  (D-k6-(j8,  v  Wis. 

Okhota,  O-Ao-tq,  r  Siberia,  200  m. 

Okhotsk,  Q-/t6tsk,  Sea  of,  inlet  of 
Pac.  Oc. 

Okladnikovo,  Ok-lqd-ni-ko-vo,  I  Rus. 

Okolona,  Ok-o-16-na,  v  Miss. 

Oktibbeha,  Ok-tib-e-he,  r  and  co  Miss. 

Oland,  E'lqnt,  i  Sweden,  31. 

Olcott,  Ol'kot,  V  N-Y. 

Oldburg,  Old'burg,  t  Eng.,  5}4. 

Oldenburg,  Ol'den-burg,  grand-duchy, 
Ger.,  252,fi99;  t  Ger.,  8;  v  la. 

Oldham,  Qld'am,  hor  and  t  Eng.,  72}/^. 

Old  Point  Comfort,  v  Va. 

Old  Providence,  i  Carribbean  Sea,  %. 

Oldtown,  D  Me.,  3. 

Olean,  (D-le-an,  v  N-Y.;  p  o  Ind. 

Oleggio,  O-l^d-jo,  t  It.,  7}^. 
Oiekma,  O-lek-mq,  r  Siberia,  400  m, 
Olenek,  O-la-n^k,  r  Siberia,  800  m. 
Olentangy,  Ol-en-tan-ji,  r  0. 
Ol^ron,  O-la-ron,  t  coast  of  France,  17. 
Olhao,  Ol-ysh,  t  Portugal,  6. 
Olinda,  O-lin-da,  c  Brazil,  8. 
Oliva,  O-le-vq,  t  Sp.,  b}^: 
Olivenza,  W-le-ven-sq,  t  Sp.,  7^. 
Olkhon,  Or4on,«  Lake  Baikal,  Siberia. 
Olmutz,  Ol'muts,  c  Moravia,  12)^. 
Olney,  Ol'ni,  t  Eng.,  2}4;  rs  Penn.,  111. 
Oloron,  O-lo-ron,   t  Fr.,  6J/^. 
Olot,  0-l6t,  t  Sp.,  12. 
Olvera,  01-va-rq,  t  Sp.,  61^. 
Olympia,  O-lim-pi-a,  cap  Wash.  Ter. 
Olympus,  O-lim-pus,  m  Thessaly. 
Om,  r  As.  Rus.,  330  m. 
Omaha  City,  O-mq-hq  Sit-i,  cap  Neb, 
Ombay,  Om-bj,  i  Malay  Arch. 
Ometepe,  Q-ma-ta-pa,  vol  i  Cen.  Am. 
Omsk,  Omsk,  ft  t  As.  Rus.,  lli^. 
Omun,  0-m(6n,  t  Guinea,  5. 
Ona,  (D'nq,  r  Siberia,  280  m. 
Oneco,  O-ne-ko,  v  111.  [Rus. 

Onega,  O-ne-ga,    r   Rus.,   250  m.;    I 
Oneglia,  O-n^l-yq,  t  Sard.  States,  SJ^. 
Oneida,  Q-nj-da,  I  and  co  N-Y. 
Onekotan,  O-na-ko-t^n,  Koorile  Is. 
Oneonta,  0-nt-6n-ta,  -y  N-Y. 
Onghin,  On-gen,  r  Mongolia,  200  m. 
Onion,  Un'yon,  rs  Vt.,  Wis.       [N-Y. 
Onondaga,   On-on-de-ga,    I,  co   and  v 
Onondaga  Valley,  v  N-Y.,  1. 
Onslow,  Onz'lo,  t-pt  t  Nova  Scotia;  h 

and  CO  N.  C. 
Ontario,   On-ta-ri-<a,    one  of   the  five 

great  lakes,  U.  S.;  co  N-Y.:  co  C,  W. 
Onteniente,  On-ta-ne-en-ta,  t  Sp.,  9)^. 
Ontonagon,  On-ton-ag-on,  r  and  t  Mich. 
Oobsa,  (Db'sq,  I  Chinese  Empire. 
Ooch,  (Bq,  t  N.  W.  Hindostan,  20. 
Ooda,  or  Ouda,  (D'dq.  r  Siberia,  200  m. 
Oofa,  (D'fq,  t  Rus.,  6. 
Ooglitch,  COg-liq,  t  Rus.,  8.  [ak. 

Oojak,  (D-jqk,  h  N.  Pac,  Oc,  is.  Kodi- 
Oojein,  (D-jan,  ft  c  Hindostan. 
Oo-Kiang,  (D-ke-4o,  r  China,  500  m. 
Oonalaska,  (D-na-lqJ-ka,  Fox  Island, 

N.  Pac.  Oc. 
Oonimak,  (D-ne-mc^k,  Fox  Island. 
Ooralsk,  (B-rqlsk,  t  Rus.,  13. 
Oorfa,  0)r'fq,  t  As.  Tur.,  30. 
Oorga,  (Dr'gq,  c  Mongolia,  7. 
Ooroumeeyah,  CD-roo-me-yq,  yi{  t  North 

Persia,  25. 
Ooroomtsee,  CD-rdomt-SE,  c  China. 
Ooroop,  CO-rcJbp,  one  of  Koorile  Is.    [m. 
Oosooree,  CO-soa-re,  r  Mantchooria,  340 
Oostacker,  Os'tqk-er,  v  Bel.,  5J^. 

Geoqraphical  Vocabulary. 


Oostioog,  CD5-ti-(65,  t  Rus.  13. 
Oozen,  or  Ouzen,  (D-zen,  two  rs  Rus., 

250  m. 
Opelousas,  Op-e-ldEi-sas,  v  La. 
Ophir,  tJ'fer,  Mouat,  nu  Malay  Pen., 

and  Sumatra. 
Oporto,  Cj-por-to,  c  Port.,  80. 
Oppelii,  Op'eln.  t  Prus.  Silesia,  7}-^. 
Opwyck,  or  Opwijk,  Op'wik,  v  Belg., 

Oquaka,  O-kw^-ka,  v  lU.,  1. 

Oran,  Q-rc^n,  ft  c  Algeria,  25;  v  N-Y. 

Orange,  Or'anj,  r  S.  Africa;   t  Fr.,  10; 

vs  Mass.,  N-J.;    b  Terra  del  Fuego. 
Orange  Court  House,  c/)  t  Ya.,  i^. 
Orange  River,  Republic  of,  div.  S.  Af., 

area.  50.000  s,  ui. 
Orbey,  0r-ba,  t  Fr.,  5K. 
Oregon,  O're-gon,  most  western  of  the 

territories.  U.  S.;  area,  185,030  s.  m., 

pop.  13,291. 
Oregon  City,  v  111.;  t  Oregon,  1. 
Orel,  O-rel,  t  Rus.,  25%. 
Orenboorg.  (xi't&ix-hxixrh,  c  Rus.  6. 
Orense,  CJ-ren-sa,  t  Sp.,  5. 
Orgaos,  Serra  Dos,    Ser-q  dos  Or-g^- 

ons,  mg  Brazil. 
Oria,  a)'ri-q,  t  Sp.,  5-%;  t  Naples,  A%. 
Orihuela,  (O-rc-wa-lq,  c  Sp.,  11%. 
Orinoco,  0-ri-n6-ko,  largo  r  S.  Am., 

1600  m. 
Oriskany,  O-ris-kan-i,  v  N-Y. 
Oristano,  (O-ris-tq-no,   t   is.  Sardinia, 

10;  g  is.  of  Sardinia. 
Orizaba,  (0-ri-sq-bq,  t  Mex.,  15. 
Orkhon,  Qt-hon,  r  Mongolia,  380  m. 
Orkney    Ork'ni,  Islands,    arch  N.  of 

Orland,  Gr'land,  v  Me. 
Orleans,  0r'le-anz,  c  Fr.,  A7%. 
Ormus,  Or'mus,  i  Persian  Gulf. 
Orontes,  O-ron-tez,  r  N.  Syria,  240  m. 
Oroshuza,  O-roJ-q-zo,  v  Hun.,  9)^. 
Orotava,  O-ro-t^-vq,  t  Canary  Is.,  8%. 
Orphano,  Or'fq-no,  g  of  C}r.  Arch. 
Orphan's  Island,  Penobscot  river. 
Orthez,  Or-ta,  t  Fr.,  10. 
Ortler,  Ort-ler,  m  Austria. 
Ortona,  Or-Ui-na,  t  Naples,  7. 
Oraro,  0-n6-ro,  t  Bolivia,  5. 
Orust,  CJ'ro&st,  i  Sweden. 
Orvioto,  0r-ve  a-Ua,  c  Con.  It.,  6i^. 
Orwigsburg,  Or'wigz-barg.  hor  Pa.,  1. 
Osage,  (O-saj,  r  Ind.  Tor.,  U.  S.,  500  m. 
Osak-'i,  Ci)-«4-kq,  8-pt  t  Japan. 
Osceola,  Os-e-6-la,    cos    Mich.,  Iowa; 

p  08  in  many  of  Q.  S. 
Qjcbatz,  Cd-l^Uf  t  Sax.,  5>^. 

Oshkosh,  Oj'koJ,  v  "Wis.,  3. 
Oshmooneyn,  Oj-moo-nan,  xi  Egypt. 
Oskaloosa,  Os-ka-lob-sa,  •»  Iowa,  1)^. 
Osnaburg,  Os'na-burg,  t  Han.,  11%. 
Ostashkov,  Os-taJ-kov,  t  Rus.,  9. 
Ostend,  Os-tend,/<  sptt^dg.,  14)^. 
Osterode,  Os'ta-ro-da,  t  Han.,  034. 
Ostrog,  Os-trog,  t  Rus.  Poland,  dj^. 
Osuna,  0-stt)-nq,  t  Sp.,  17)^.  [in. 

Oswegatchie,  Os-we-gac-e,  r  N-Y.,  120 
Oswego,  Os-w8-go,  c  N-Y.,  16;  co  and 

r  N-Y.;  vs  la.  and  III. 
Oswestry,  Oz'es-tri,  hor  Eng.,  5. 
Otaheite,  Q-ta-hj-te,  Society  Is.,  9. 
Otisville,  O'tis-vil,   'V  N-Y. 
Otranto,  (O-trqn-to,  t  Naples.  4)^;  sir 

connecting  Adr.  and  Med.  Sea. 
Otsego,  (Ot-se -go,)  Lake,  N-Y. 
Ottawa,  Ot'a-wa,  t  III.,  3)^;  r  Canada; 

cos  O.,  Mich.,  and  Canada. 
Ottery  St.  Mary,  Ot'er-i  Sant  Mu-ri,  t 

Eng.,  2%. 
Ottumwa,  Ot'um-wo,  v  Iowa. 
Ouachita,    WoJ-i-to,    City,  v  La.      [1. 
Oualan,  (J[>-q-lqn,  i  Pac.  Oc,  Carolines, 
Oudo,  CDd,  k  Hindostan;  area,  23,738 

s.  m.,  pop.  2,970,000:  c  of  the  above. 
Oughter,  Loch,  LoA  O/i'ter,  I  Ir. 
Oundle,  Un'del,  t  Eng.,  3. 
Ouro  Preto,  (D'ro  Pra-to,  c  Brazil,  8. 
Ouse,  OOz,  r  Eng. 
Outagamie,  CD-ta-ga-rae,  co  Wis. 
Ovada,  CJ-vq-dq,  t  Piedmont,  6)^. 
Ovar,  O-vq/",  t  Portugal,  5.         [phon. 
Ovari,  CO-vq-re,  Bay  of,  inlet  on  is.  Ni- 
Overflakkee,  Q'ver-flqk-a,  i  Noth. 
Overyssel,  O'ver-j-sel,  //w«?Noth.;  area, 

1,312  s.  m.,  pop.  227,683. 
Ovid,  CO'vid,  V  N-Y.,  1. 
Oviedo,  O-vi-a-dca,  0  Sp.,  ■%%. 
Owasco,  (Ci)-w6s-ko,)  Lake,  N-Y. 
Owego,  Q-we-go,  co  t  N-Y.,  4. 
Owenborough,  Wen-bur-o,  v  Ky.,  1|^, 
Owen's  Lake,  Cat. 
Owenton,  CJ'en-ton,  co  t  Ky. 
Owingsville,  (d'iQZ-vil,  cot  Ky. 
Oxford.  Oks'ford,  c  Eng.,  28;  co  ts  N. 

C,  Miss.,  Ind.;  t>8  Mass.,  N-Y.,  Md., 
Ga.,  0. 
Oxus  or  Amoo,  r»  Cen.  Asia,  1300. 
Oyapok,  ti)-yq-p6k,  r  S.  Am.,  180  m. 
Oyonnax,  OJ-yo-nt^,  t  Fr.,  3^. 
OystorJiay,  (Ts'ter  Ba,  v  N-Y.,  7. 
Ozark,  tJ-z(^rk,  co  <  Ark.;  v  Mo.;    mt 

Ark.,  and  Mo. 
Ozaukee,  O-zo-ke,  co  and  co  t  Wis. 
Ozieri,  CO-zi-a-re,  t  is.  of  Sardinia,  8, 
Ozorkow,  CJ-zdr-kov,  ^  Poland,  5. 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Pabba^  Piib-a,  i  Hebrides,  %. 
Pacaja,  Pq-kq-jq,  r  Brazil,  150  m. 
Pacajcj!,  Pq-kq-Aes,  r  and  m  Bolivia. 
Pachacama,  Pq-(jq-kq-mq,  v  Peru. 
Pac'ueco,  Pq-qa-lsu.  t  Sp.,  5. 
Pachitea,  Pq-qi-ta-q,  r  Peru,  200  ra. 
Pachucaca,  Pq-qa»-kq-kq,  r  Peru,  130  m. 
Pacific    Ocean,    Pa-sif-ik    Q'fan,    the 
largest  division  of  water  on  the  globe. 
Paco,  Pq-ko,  v  is.  Luzon,  6}{. 
Pacora,  Pq-kcD-rq,  r  Isthmus  I'anama. 
Paddock-with-Marsh./<ci?/i/ei;  Kng,,  3)^. 
Paderborn,  Pq-der-bu/'n,  t  Prus.,  H%. 
Padron,  Pq-dron,  t  Sp.,  6. 
Padstow,  Pad-sto,  s-pt  t  Eng.,  2%- 
Padua,  Pad-yq-a,  ft  c  Aus.  It.,  (iO. 
Paducah,  Pa-dq-ka,  co  t  Ky,,  3. 
Padula,  Pq-d(6-lq,  t  Naples,  8. 
Paejaene,  Pa-ya-na,  I  Finland,  90  by  20. 
Paete,  Pq-a-ta,  v  Philippines,  3}^. 
Pago,  Pq-go,  i  Dalmatia,  Adriatic,  5. 
Pagsanjan,  Pqg-sqn-jqn,  ^  Phil.  Is.,  4%. 
Pahang,  Pq-hqij,  6^  Malay  Pen.,  40. 
Pah  Utah,  Pq  Ya)-tq,  ind  ^rTer.  Utah. 
Paiinboeuf,  Pau-bef,  t  Fr.,  4^^. 
Painesville,  Panz-vil,  co  t  0.,  3j^. 
Painswick,  Panz-wik,  t  and  'par  Eng., 

Painted  Post,  t?  N-Y.,  \%. 
Pain tvi lie,  co  t  Ky. 
Paisley.  Paz-li,  htirg  and  t  Scot.,  48. 
Paks,  PokJ,  t  Hun.,  S^- 
Palanpore.  Pql-an-por,  t  Hind.,  30. 
Palatine,  Pal-a-tjn,  v  Ya. 
Palawan,  Pq-lq-wqn,  i  Malay  Arch. 
Palazzuolo,  Pq-lqt-sdo-o-lo,  t  Sic,  8)^. 
Palembang,  Pq-leoi-bqi),  t  Sumatra,  25. 
Palencia,  Pq-len-te-q,  c  Sp.,  113^. 
Palermo,  Pq-ler-mo,/){  c  Sicily,  167 14- 
Palestine,  Pal-es-tjn,  anc.  ci/  in   s.  w. 

Asia;  area,  11,000  s.  m.;  ix>  is  Tex., 

111.;  vs  0.,  Ind. 
Palestrina,  Pq-les-tre-nq,  c  Italy,  4%. 
Palhanpoor,  Pql-hqn-pcfir,//  t  Hind.,  30. 
Palk's  (Peks,)  Strait,  bet.  Ceylon  and 

Pal  ma,  Pql-mq,  ft  t  of  the  Balearic  Is., 

40X-;  t^  Sicily,  8;  Naples,  6;  Sp.,3%: 

i  Canary  Islands,  33.  l^X- 

J      Palma  del  Rio,  Pql-mq  del  Bii-o,  t  Sp., 
'      Palmar,  Pql-mq/-,  t  Sp.,  6. 
Palme,  Pqlm,  lagoon  of  Fr. 
Palmer,  Pqm-er,  v  Mass.,  4. 
Palmer  Depot,  Dg-po,  v  Mass. 
Palmetto,  Pal-met-o,  r  and  v  Ga. 
Palmi,  Pql-mc,  c  Nap.,  63,^. 

Palmyra,  Pal-mj-ra,  anc.  c  of  Syrian 

Desert;  co  ts  Va.,  Mo.,  2;  .vs  N-Y.,  3; 

0.,  Mich.,  Wis. 
Palo  Alto,    Pq-lo   Hl't£),    battle-field, 

Mex.;  CO  Iowa;  vs  Ga.,  Miss.,  Iowa. 
Palte,  Pql-ta,  I  East  Thibet. 
Pamiers,  Pq-me-a,  t  Fr.,  7%. 
Pamlico,  Pam-li-ko,  r  N.  C. 
Pamlico  Sound,  e.  coast  of  N.  Carolina. 
Pampas,  Pqm-pqs,  plaitu  S.  Am.;  area, 

l,(i2.»,000  s.  m. 
Pampas  del  Sacramento,   Sq-krq-m6n- 

ia,  plains  of  Peru;  area,  60,000  s.  m. 
Pamplona,  Pqm-pltj-nq,  ft  t   Sp.,  11; 

t  New  Granada,  3*4. 
Panama,  Pan-a-mq,  s-pt  c  N-Gran.,  6; 

Isthmus  of,  connecting  land  bet.  N. 

and  S.  America. 
Panaon,  Pq-nq-on,  Philippine  Is. 
Panay,  Pq  nj,  Philippine  Is. 
Pancsova,  Pqn-qo-vo,  ft  t  Hun.,  11%. 
Pandacan,  Pqn-dq-kqn,  v  Phil.,  4%. 
Pangansane,  Pqtj-gqn-san,  4  Mai.  Arch. 
Panola,  Pa-ndj-la,  co  t  Miss.,  J^. 
Pantar,  Pqn-tqr,  i  Malay  Arch. 
Pantellaria,  Pqn-tel-q-re-q,  i  Nap.,  5. 
I'aola,  Pq-Q-lq,  c  Naples,  5. 
I'aoli,  Pa-6-li,  v  Pa.;  co  t  Ind. 
Paoo,  Pq-O),  Fejee  island,  Pac.  Oc. 
Papa,  Pq-po,  t  Hun.,  IB)^.  [Am. 

Papagayo,  Pq-pq-gi-o,  g  and  vol  Cen. 
Papandayang,  Pq-pqn-dq-yqij,  ■i;c^  Java. 
Papa-Stour,  Pa-pa-Stoor,  Shetland  i,  3^, 
Papinsville,  Pa-pinz-vil,  co  t  Mo. 
Papua,  Pap-iD-d,  or  New  Guinea,  i  bet. 

Asiatic  Seas  and  Pac.  Oc;  area  250,- 

000  s.  m.,  inhabited  by  Malays  and 

Papuans.  [Brazil,  10. 

Para,  Pq-rq,  r  S.  Am.,  200  m.;  s-pt  c 
Para^atu,  Pq-rq-sq-t«f),  r  and  c  Brazil. 
Paradise,  Par-a-dis,  t'  Pa.,  2. 
Paragau,  Pq-rq-g^,  rs  Bol.,  Ven. 
Paraguacu,Pq-rq-gwq-S(6,rBra. ,260m. 
Paraguaua,  Pq-rq-gwq-nq,  pen  S.  Am. 
Paraguay,  Pq-rq-gwa,  d  S.  Am.;  area 

84,000  s.  m.,  pop.   1,000,000 ;  r  do., 

1600  m. 
Parahiba,  Pq-rq-e-bq,  c  Bra.,  15. 
Parahiba-do-Sul,  Pq-rq-e-bq-dw-SiDl,  r 

Bra.,  500  m. 
Parahitinga,  Pq-rq-e-tin-gq,  t  Bra.,  4. 
Paramaribo,  Par-a-mar-i-bu),  cap  t  D. 

Guiana,  20.  [i}^. 

Paramatta,  Par-a-mat-a,  t  N-S.  Wales, 
Paramoosheer,   Pq-rq- mco-jer,   Koorilo 

i,  area  120  s.  m. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Parana,  Pq-rq-nq,  r  S.  Am.,  2000  ra. 
Paranagua,  Pq-rq-nq-gwq,  t  Bra,,  7. 
Parana-Iba,  Fq-rq-nq-S'bq,  /•Bra.SOOui, 
Paranpeba,  Pq-rqn-pik-bq,  r  Bra, ,250  in. 
Parati,  Pq-rq-te,  s-pt  t  Bra.,  10. 
Parchim,  Pq/'A-im,  t  Ger.,  6)/^. 
Parcipany,  Par-sip-a-ni,  v  N-J.,  ]/^. 
Pardo,  Pq/-do,  r  Bra.,  280  m. 
Paredon,  Pq-ra-d6n,  i  W.  Ind.     [  Ven. 
Parima,  Sierra,  Se-er-q  Pq-re-uaq,  ms 
Parinacochas,  Pq-ri-nq-ko-qqs,  I  Peru. 
Paris,  Par-is,   (Fr.  Pq-re,)    metropolis 

and  cap  of  France;  pop.  1,053,262:  co 

is  Me.  3,  Ky.  2>^,  Tenn.,  Tex.,  111., 

Mo.;  V  C.  W.,  2>^. 
Parisburg,  Par-is-burg,  co  t  Va. 
Pariu,  Pq-re-tq,^  Cen.  Am.;  t  N-Gran. 
Parkersburg,  Pqrk-erz-burg,  co  t  Va., 
Parkesburg,  Pqrks-burg,  v  Pa.,  3^.  [3)^. 
Parkman,  Pqrk-man,  t'  0..  \%. 
ParkviUe,  Pqrk-vil,  t  Mo.,  1.       [Mich. 
Parma,  Pqr-ma,  c  It.,  41 ;  vs  N-Y.  3, 
Parnahiba.  Pqr-nq-E-bq,  r  Bra.,  750  m. 
Parnassus,  Pqr-nas-us,  eel.  m  Greece. 
Paroparaisan,  Pq-r<a-pq-mi-sqn,  msXig. 
Paros,  Pa-ros,  i  Grecian  Arch.,  6. 
Partenico,  Pqr-ten-i-ko,  c  Sic,  11. 
Parthenay,  Pqr-te-na,  t  Fr.,  5. 
Partick,  Pqr-tik,  d  Scot.,  2%. 
Paru,  Pq-rrf),  r  Bra.,  350  m. 
Paruro,  Pq-rda-ro,  t  Peru. 
Pascagoula,  Pa8-ka-g(f)-la,r  and  6  Miss. 
I'asco,  Pqs-ko,  t  Peru,  12. 
Pascoag,  Pas-ku-ag,  v  R.  I.,  1)^. 
Pascilaro,  Pqs-kwq-ro,  t  Mex.,  6. 
Pas-de-Calai:<,  Pq-de-Kq-la,  dep  Fr. 
Pasewalk,  I*q-ze-vqlk,  t  Prus.,  b%. 
Pasman.  Pqs-m^n,  i  of  Dalmatia. 
Paspaya,  Pqs-pj-q,  r  Bol.,  200  m. 
Pasquotank,  Pas-ko-taj)k,  /•  X.  C. 
Passaic,  Pa-sa-ik,  r  N-J.,  100  m. 
Passamaquoddy  (Pas-a- ma-kw6d-i) 

Bay,  8.  e.  Mo. 
Passau,  Pqs-'S,  ft  t  Bav.,  10^. 
Pagsoeroean,  Pq-stD-roo-^n,  prov  Java; 

pop.  310,000. 
Passy,  Pq-se,  t  Fr.,  llj^. 
Pastaza,  Pqs-K^-sq,  r  S.  Am.,  400  m. 
Pasto,  P^s-to,  t  S.  Am.,  7. 
Patagonia,  Pq-tq-g6-ni-a,  div  S.  Am.; 

area  350,000  a.m.,  inhabited  only  by 

Patak,  P6-tok,  t  Hun.,  5. 
Patapco,  Pa-taps-ko,  r  Md.,  80  m. 
Patchogue,  Par-q6g,  v  N-Y. 
Paterno,  Pq-ter-n6,  c  Sic,  11. 
PaterHon,  Pat-er-Bon,  c  N-J.,  17)^. 
Path-Head,  Pdt-Hed.  t  Scot.,  4. 
Patia,  P(i-ti-q,  r  N-Gran.,  200  no. 

Patraos,  Pat-mos,  i  As.  Minor,  4. 
Patoa,  Pat-na,  c  Hin.,  285. 
Patoka,  Pa-to-ka,  creek  and  i;  la. 
Patos,  Pq-tos,  I  Bra. 
Patras,  Pq-trqs,  s-pt  t  Greece,  8. 
Patterson,  Pat-er-son,  vs  N-Y.,  Pa.,  O. 
Pattersonville,  Pat-er-son-vil,  i)  La.,  %. 
Patti,  Pq-te,  c  Sic,  5. 
Faturages,  Pq-te-rqa;,  t  Belg.,  Q>%. 
Patuxent.  Pa-tuks-ent,  r  Md.,  90  m. 
Patzum,  Pqt-S(J()m,  t  Guat.,  5i/^. 
Pan,  Po,  t  Fr.,  W%,. 
Paucartambo,  l^-s-kqr-t^m-bo,  t  Peru, 

17;  r  do.,  300  ra. 
Paulding,  Pel-difl,  co  t  Miss. 
Paulina,  Po-ls-na,  v  N-Y. 
Pa  via,  Pq-VB  q,  c  Aus.  It.,  28j<i. 
Pavlovo,  Pqv-16-vo,  t  Rus.,  8. 
Pawcatuck,   Pe-ka-tiik,  ;•  and  v  R.  I. 
Paweea,  l*q-w£-a,  t  Guinea,  16. 
Pawlet,  Po-let,  'O  Vt.,  2. 
Pawpaw,  Pc3-po,  r  and  v  Mich.,  1)^. 
Pawtucket,  Po-tuk-et,  t  R,  I.  and  Mass., 

10;  r  N-Eng.  [1^. 

Pawtuxet,  Pe-tdks-et,  r  and  -»  R.  1., 
Paxo,  Paks-o,  Ionian  i,  b]4,. 
Paxton,  Paks-ton,  -»  Mass.,  X' 
Payta,  Pj-tq,  s-pt  t  Peru,  5. 
Peabody  (Pg-bod-i)  Bay,  Greenland. 
Peace  (Pes)  River,  Br.  N.  Am.,  1100  m. 
Pearl  (Perl)  Islands,  of  N-Gran. 
Pearl  River,  Miss.,  250  m. 
Pe-Chee-Lee,  Pa-(!^E-le,  inlet  Yel.  Sea. 
I'eckham,  Pek-am,  v  Eng.,  19)^. 
Pecos,  Pa-kcas,  r  N-Mex.,  700  m. 
Pedoe.  Pe-de,  (Great  and  Little,)  r* 

S.  C. 
Pedraza,  Pa-dr(^-sq,  t  Ven.,  Z)^, 
Peebles,  Pe-blz,  t  Scot.,  2%. 
Pcekskill,  Peks-kil,  v  N-Y.,  2%. 
Peel,  Pel,  s-pt  t  Isle  of  Man,  2>^. 
Peel  River,  Br.  N.  Am. 
I'egau,  Pa-g^,  t  Sax.,  3>^. 
Pego,  Pa-gu),  t  Sp.,  5)^. 
Pegu,  Pe-g(i),  cy  India,  70 ;  c  do. 
Poipus  w?'  Peipous,  Pa-e-pcM,  I  Ru3. 
Pekatonica,  Pek-a-ton-i-ka,  r  Wis.  and 

Ill.;/^o  111. 
Pekin,  Pe-kin,  vs  N-Y.,  111.  2. 
Peking,  Pg-kig,  w  Pekin,  Pg-kin,  cap  c 

China,  pop.  2,000,000.  [4. 

Pelostrina,  Pa-les-trg-nq, »  and  t  N.  It., 
Pelew  (Pg-14)  Islands,  Carolines,  N. 

Pac.  Go. 
Pelham,  Pol-ham,  vs  N-H.,  N-Y. 
Pellew  (Pel-q)  Islands,  of   Australia. 
Pel  worm,  IMl-vorra,  i  of  Den.,  2. 
Peraadumoook,  Pom-a-ddm-kuk,  I  Me. 
Pumba,  P6m-ba,  i  of  Af. 
Pemberton,  Pom-ber-ton,  ri  N-J.  5^,  0, 


Geographical  Yocabulart. 

Pembina,  P^m-bi-na,  I  and  co  MIn. 

Pembroke,  Fem-briak,  s-pt  t  S.  Wales; 
'vs  N-H.,  Mass. 

Pemigewasset,  Pem-i-je-w6s-et,  r  N-H. 

Pemiscot,  Pem-i-skot,  I  Mo. 

Penang,  Pe-narj,  oi'  Prince  of  Wales' 
Island,  on   Strait  of  Malacca,  433^^. 

Penchant,  Pen-/qnt,  hayou  La. 

Pendleton,  Pen-dl-ton,  vs  Eng.  14J^,  la. 

Penedo,  Pa-na-do,  c  Bra.,  14. 

Penha,  Pen-yq,  v  Bra.,  1. 

Penicuick,  Pen-i-kek,  burgh  Scot.,  3. 

Penjinsk,  Peu-jinsk,  g  Siberia. 

Penkridgc,  Pen-krij,  t  Eng.,  33^. 

Pennar,  Pen-qr,  r  India,  270  m. 

Pennington,  Fen-ig-ton,  v  N-J.,  3^. 

Penniston,  Pen-is-ton,  t  Eng.,  63^. 

Penn's  Cove,  Penz  Kov,  co  ^  Wash.  Ter. 

Pennsgrove,  Penz-grov,  v  N-J. 

Pennsylvania,  Pen-sil-va-ni-a,  one  of 
the  original  U.  S.,  second  in  popula- 
tion; area  4(5,000  s.  m.;  pop.,  in  1850, 
2,311,786:  2.258,180  whites,  53,026 
colored;  in  1856,  2,496,728. 

Penn  Yan,  Pen  Yan,  v  N-Y.,  23^. 

Penobscot,  Pe-nob-skot,  r  Me.,  300  m. 

Penrhyn  (^Pen-rin)  Islands,  Pac.  Oc. 

Penrith,  Pen-rit,  (often  Pe-rit,)  t  and 
par  Eng.,  6^. 

Penryn,  Pen-rin,  hor  and  t  Eng.,  4. 

Pensacola,  Pen-sa-kcb-la,  co  t  Fa.,  23^; 

Pensaukee,  Pen-sG-ke,  r  Wis.      \b  Pa. 

Pensnett,  Pens-net,  u  Eng.,  5. 

Pentland  Frith,  Pent-land  Frit,  sound 
bet.  Scot,  and  Orkney  Islands. 

Penza,  Pen-zq,  gov  Kus.;  area  14,768 
s.  m.,  pop.  1,058,444:  c  of  same,  IO34. 

Penzance,    Pen-zans,    i^w   and   s-pt   t 

Peoria,  Pe-6-ri-a,  c  111.,  18.    [Eng.,  93^. 

Pepperell,  Pep-cr-el,  v  Mass.,  1^. 

Pequot,  P^-kwot,  'vs  Conn.,  Wis. 

Perekop,  Pa-ra-kop,  ist  Kus,  Crimea. 

Pereslavl,  Per-a-slqv-1,  t  Kus.,  7. 

Perigueux,  Pa-re-ge,  t  Fr.,  13^^. 

Perleberg,  Pe/'-la-berA,  <  Prus.,  63^. 

Perm,  Perm,  t  Kus.,  10. 

Pernagoa,  Per-nq-gcj-q,  t  Bra.,  4. 

Pernau,  Pe/'-ni?,  6-^j^  ^  Kus.,  9. 

Peros  Banhos,  Pa-rQs  Bqn-yos,  is  Cha- 
gos  Arch.,  Ind.  Oc. 

Perote,  Pa-ro-ta,  t  Mex. 

Perpignan,  Per-pen-yon,  t  Fr.,  21%. 

Perry,  Per-i,  co  t  Gra.,  13<^;  ts  N-Y.  3, 
111.  3^,  Pa. 

Perryopolis,  Per-i-6p-o-Iis,  ■«  Pa. 

Perrysburg,  Per-iz-burg,  v  0.,  1%. 

Perrysville,  Per-iz-vil,  is  Pa,,  0. 

Perryville,  Per-i-vil,  co  ts  Miss.,  Ark,; 
IS  N-J.,  Pa,,  la,  1.  [cap  Persia, 

Persepolis,   Per-sep-o-Iis,  aoc.  ruined 

Pershore,  Per-for,  t  Eng,,  2%. 
Persia,  Per-ji-a,  cy  Asia;  area  450,000 

s.  m.,  pop.  11,299,500. 
Persian  (Per- Jan)  Gulf,  arm  Ind.  Oc. 
Perth,  Pert,  c  Scot,,  223^;  t  C.  W.,  2; 

(lis  and  cap  W,  Australia. 
Perth  Aniboy,  Pert  Am-btf,  ■«  N-J.,  2. 
Peru,  Pe-roc),  rep   S.  Am.,  comprising 

eleven  departments;  area  370,000  s. 

m.,  pop.  2,279,085 ;  co  t  la.,  1%;  va 

lil.  3,  N-Y.,  0.,  &c. 
Perugia,  Pa-rdo-jq,  I  and  c  Cen.  It,,  ISJ^. 
Peruwels,  Pa-re-vels,  ^  Belg.,  73^. 
Pesaro,  Pes-a-ro,  t  Cen,  It,,  12, 
Pescadores,  Pes-kq-dw-res,  is  of  Peru; 

N.  Pac,  Oc, 
Peshawer,  PeJ--»-er,  c  Afg,,  50. 
Pesth,  Pest,  fr  c  Hun.,  100. 
Petchenegue,  Peq-neg,  t  Kus.,  7. 
Petchora,  Peq-o-rq,  r  Kus.,  900  m. 
Peten,  Pa-ten,  I  and  i  Guatemala. 
Peterborough,    Pe-ter-bur-o,    c    Eng., 

8%;  cot  C.  W.,  23^;  V  N-H.,  234, 
Peterhead,  Pe-ter-hed,  s-pt  t  Scot.,  5. 
Petersburg,   Pe-terz-burg,   ts  Ya.  15, 

Pa.  1;  CO  ts  la..  111.;  v  Ky.,  3^. 
Petersfield,  Pe-terz-fgld,  bor  Eng,,  5)^. 
Peterwardein,    Pe-ter-wer-djn,    6'a;^>   t 

Slavonia,  4. 
Petit-Canal,  Pe-tg-Kq-nql,  t  island  of 

Guadeloupe,  7%. 
Petra,  Pe-tru,  anc.  c  Arabia  Petraea. 
Petropaulovski,  Pa-tro-p's-16v-sk£,  cap 

t  Kamtchatka,  1. 
Petrovacz,  Pa-tro-vqts,  «  Hun,,  53^. 
Pctrovoszelo,  PH-tro-vo-sa-lo,  v  Hun., 
Petrovsk,  Pa-trovsk,  t  Kus.,  7,       [53^^. 
Petrozavodsk,     Pa-tro-zq-v6dsk,    ft    t 

Kus,,  8. 
Petsh,  Peg,  t  Eu,  Tur,,  12. 
Fetworth,  Pet-wurt,  t  Eng.,  2^^. 
Petzka,  Pets-^q,  t  Hun.,  133>i. 
Peveragno,  Pa-va-rqn-yo,  t  It.,  6. 
Fewaukee,  Fe-we-ke,  v  and  ^  Wis. 
Feyster,  P^-ster,  i  Pac,  Oc. 
Fezenas,  Fa-za-nq,  t  Fr.,  73/^.       [73^. 
Pforzheim,  Pfd/'ts-hjm,  anc.  c  Baden, 
Fhatuka,  Fq-tdo-kq,  t  Br.  Ind..  12. 
Pheng-Hoo,  Feij-Ho),  i  China  Sea. 
Philadelphia,  Fil-a-del-fi-a,  c  Fa.,  and 

second  in  the  U.S., 4083^;  cot  Miss.; 

vs  N-Y,,  la.,  &c.  [3%,  Belg. 

Fhilippeville,  Y z-\zi^-s i\,  ft  ts  Algeria 
Philippi,  Fi-lip-j,  t  in  ruins,  Eu.  Tur.; 

CO  t  Va. 
Philippine  (Fil-ip-en)  Islands,  a  group 

in  the  N.  Malay  Arch.,  comprising 

1200  islands,  of  which  Luzon,  Min- 
danao and  Palawan  are  the  principal;   \ 

urea  120,000  s.  m.,  pop.  5,000,000. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Philipsburg,  Fil-ips-burg,  rs  N-J.,  Pa., 
riiilipsville,  Fil-ips-vil,  v  N-Y.,  1.    [0. 
]*hocaea,  Fu-SE-a,  s-pt  t  As.  Minor,  4. 
I'hoeiiix,  Fe-nik:s,  v  N-Y. 
Phoenixville,  Fe-niks-vil,  v  Pa.,  3. 
Pbookok,  F.u-kok,  t  Gulf  of  Siam, 
Piacenzii,  Pt>(i-qen-zq,  ft  c  N.  It.,  30. 
Piana,  Pe-q-nq.  t  Sic,  5. 
I'iasina,^  and  r  Sib.,  250  m. 
Piaubi,  Pe-"8-E,  r  Bra.,  300  in. 
Piavozero,  Pe-q-vo-za-ro,  I  lius. 
Piazza,  Pe-qt-sq,  c  Sic,  16i<^. 
Pichincha,  Pe-Qin-qqj  vol  S.  Am. 
Pickaway,  Pik-a-wa,  co  0.  [C. 

Pickens  (^Pik-enz)  Court-House,  coti^. 
Pickering,  Pik-er-ijj,  t  Eng.,  2}^. 
Pico,  Pe-ktj,  Azores  i  At.  Oc,  3o. 
Picton,  Pik-ton,  c  t  C.  W.,  \%. 
Pictou,  Pik-ttfi,  (t-pt  t  Nova  Scotia. 
Pie<limonte,    Ps-a-di-mon-ta,   t  Nap., 

Piedmont  (Ped-mont)  Principality,  ctj 

Eu,:  area  11,913  s.  m.,  pop.  2,134,152; 
Pielis,  Pe-a-lis,  I  Finlund.  [»  Va. 

Piermont,  Pt'r-raont,  v  N-Y.,  V/^. 
Pierpont,  Per-pont,  t  0. 
Pierre  iJayou,  PE-4r  Bj-OD,  stream,  Miss. 
Pierrepont  Manor,  Per-pont  Man-or,  v 

N-Y\  [8>^. 

Pietraperzia,Pf:-a-trq-perd-ze-q,  t  Sic, 
Pietro-in-Oalatina,  Ps-a-tro-in-Kq-lq- 

te-nq,  t  Nap.,  7%. 
Pig  Island,  i  S.  Pac  Oc.  [ft. 

Pike's  (Piks)  Peak,  Rocky  Mts.,  11,497 
Piketon,  P|k-ton,  co  t  O.,  %:  t  la. 
Pikeville,  Pjk-vil,  cots  Ky.,Tenn., Ala. 
Pilao  Arcado,  PE-l-sn  Hr-kq-do,  t  Bra., 
Pilatka,  Pi-Iat-ka,  cot  Fa.  [5. 

Pilaya,  Pe-li-q,  r  S.  Am.,  300  na.      [in. 
Pilcoraayo,  Pil-ko-mi-o,  r  S.Am.,lOOO 
Pilsen,  Pil-sen,  t  Boh.,  9^, 
Pinckney,  Pigk-ni,  v  Mich.,  X- 
Pinckneyvillo,  Pigk-ni-vil,  co  t  111. 
Pine  Bluff,  Pin  Bluf,  a,  t  Ark.,  i^. 
Pinega,  PE-na-gq,  r  lius.,  290  m. 
Pine  Plain.s  v  N-Y. 
Pinerolo,  Pe-na-rol-o,  t  Sard.  S.,  13 J^. 
Pinos,  Pe-nos,  a  Caribbean  Sea. 
Pinsk,  Pinsk,  t  Rus.,  5J^. 
Piqiia,  Pik-wa,  t  0.,  4. 
Pirahi,  PE-rq-he,  t  Bra.,  3. 
Pirano,  PE-rq-nu,  f-pt  t  Istria,  6J^, 
Piralinim,  PE-rq-te-nKu,  t  Bra.,  'i%. 
Pirmusens,  Pir-mq-sent-?,  <  Rhen.  Bav,, 
Pirna,  Pir-nq,/<  t  Sax.,  6.  \b%. 

Piron,  Pe-run,  »  Louisiada  Arch. 
Pir-Panjal.  PEr-l'qn-j(:il,  ms  bet.  C(wh- 

inere  and  Puniab. 
Pisa,  Pe-iq,  c  Tus.,  22. 

(  Pi3cataqua,Pis-kat-a-kwa,  River,  N-H. 

Piscataquis, Pis-kat-a-kwi.s,r and  w. Me, 

Piscataway,  Pis-kat-a-wa,  vs  N-J.,  Md. 

Pisek,  Pe-sek,  t  Boh.,  b^i. 

Pisgah,  Piz-go,  anc.  m  Pal.:  'C  Iowa. 

Pisticci.  Pis-te-qc,  t  Nap.,  63<^. 

Pistoja.'  Pis-tcj-yq,  t  Tus.,  12^. 

Pitcairn  ( Pit-k4rn )  Island,  Pac.  Oc,  %. 

Pitcher,  Piq-er,  v  N-Y.,  l]/^. 

Pitic,  Pe-tik,  t  Mex.,  5. 

Pitt's  Archipelago,  Pac.  Oc. 

Pittsborough,  Pits-bur-o,  co  t  N.  C. 

Pittsburg,  Pits-burg,  c  Pa.,  46%;  vs  la., 
Mo.,  Iowa. 

Pittsfield.  Pits-feld,  t  Mass.,  6^;  co  t 
111.;  «  Pa. 

Pittsford,  Pits-ford,  ts  Vt.,  N-Y. 

Pittston,  Pits-ton.  rs  Me.  3,  Pa.  2. 

Pizzo,  Pit-so,  c  Nap.,  b%. 

Placentia,  Pla-sen-Ji-a,  s-pt  t  New- 
foundland ;  —  Bay,  inlet,  do. 

Placer,  Plq-s4r  or  Pla-ser,  co  Cal. 

Placerville,  Pla-ser-vil,  xi  Cal.,  b%. 

Plainfield.  Pkin-fEld,  m  Vt.  %,  Conn., 
N-J.  2,  la. 

Plainville,  Plan-vil,  xs  R.  I.,  Conn.,  0. 

Plaquemine,  Plak-men,  hayou,  par  and 
V  La. 

Plasencia,  Plq-s^n-ti-q,  c  Sp.,  6^. 

Plata,  La,  Lq  Plq-tq,  (or  the  Argon- 
tine  Republic,  )re/j  S.  Am., consisting 
of  the  provinces  of  Buenos  Ayres, 
Santa  Fe,  Entre  Rios,  Corrientes, 
Cordova,  La  Rioja,  Santiago  del  Es- 
tero,  Tucuman,  Catamarca,  Salta  and 
Jujuy,  San  Luis,  Mendoza,  San  Juanj 
area  820,000  s.  m.,  pop.  820,000. 

Platte,  Plat,  r  tributary  to  Mo.  River, 
1200  m.;  also  rs  Iowa,  Wis. 

Platte  City,  cot  Mo.,  %. 

PlatteviUe,  Plat-vil,  v  Wis.,  1 1^.  [Mo. 

Plattsburg,  Plats-burg,  co  ts  N-Y.  b'j^, 

Plauen,  Pl^-en,  t  Sax.,  10%.        [214'. 

Pleasant  Valley,  Plez-ant  Val-i,'»  N-Y., 

Pleasant  View,  Vi^,  v  la. 

Pleschen,  PleJ-en,  t  Prus.,  5. 

Plesse,  Ples-e,  t  Prus.  Silesia,  Z}.{. 

Plock,  Plotsk,  c  Poland,  6. 

Ploermel,  Plo-§f-mel,    t  Fr.,  8>^. 

Ploeue,  Plo-ek,  v  Fr.,  0. 

Plouaret,  Ploa-q-ra,  v  Fr.,  b%. 

Plover,  Pluv-er,  v  Wis.,  3^. 

Plumb  (Plum)  Island,  coast  of  Mas3.j 
also  in  Long  Island  Sound. 

Plymouth,  Plira-ut,  W  and  s-pt  t  Eng., 
523^:  CO  ts  Mass.  6V^,  N.  C.,  la.;  x» 
Pa.  IX,  0.,  Mich.,  Wis.;  —  Sound, 
inlet  of  P]ng.  Channel. 

Po,  Pt),  r  It..  340  m.  [t  III. 

^'ocahontas,  Po-ka-huortas,  co  t  AiJ<.; 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Pocklington,   Pok-li^-ton,   t   and  par' 

Eng.,  2%. 
Pocomoke,  PiS-ko-mok,  r  and  h  Md. 
Podgoritz.'i,  Pod-go-rit-sq,  t  Eu.  Tur,,  6. 
Puint-a-Pitre,  La,  Lq  Pwaht-q-Pet-r,  t 

island  of  Guadeloupe,  12%. 
Point  Commerce,  Pdnt  Kom-ers,  «  la. 
Pointe  Coupee,  Pernt  Koo-pg,  par  and 

V  La. 
Point  Isabel,  Iz'a-bel,  r«  Tex.,  Ky. 
Point  Pleasant,  co  t  Va.;  ts  O.,  Mo. 
Poirino,  Par-re-no,  t  It.,  5%. 
Poitiers,  Per-terz,  t  Fr.,  29»:^. 
Poland,  P(i-land,  a  former  h  of  Cen. 

Eu.,  now  divided  between  Ras.,  Aus. 

and  Prus.;  area  284,000  s.  m.,  pop. 

11,000,000;  r«N-Y.,0.  J  34- 
Polar   Regions,    P6-lar    Rg-jonz,    ter 

about   the  n.  and  s.  poles. 
Polar  Sea,  (Northern,)  Arctic  Ocean; 

(Southern,)  Antarctic  Ocean. 
Polieandro,   Pol-i-kqn-dro,   i   Grecian 

Arch.,  %. 
Policastro,  Po-li-kqs-tro,  t  Nap.,  7. 
Poligny,  Po-len-ye,  t  Fr.,  b%.        [m. 
Polillo,  Po-lil-o,  Philippine  i,  30  by  20 
Polk,  Pok.  cos  U.  S. 
Pollenza,  Pol-en-zq,  i  is.  Majorca,  6)^. 
Pollookshaws,  Pol-ok-j6z,  t  Scot.,  6. 
Polochic,  Po-lo-qek,  r  Guat.,  120  ra. 
Pulotzk,  Po-16tsk,  t  Rus.  Poland,  9. 
Poltava,  Pol-tq-va,  c  Rus.,  20. 
Polynesia,  Pol-i-ng-Ji-a,    numerous   is 

Pac.  Oc:  united  pop.  1,500,000. 
Pomerania,  Pom-E-ra-ni-a,  prov  Prus.; 

area  12,304  s.  m.,  pop.  1,197,701. 
Pomeroy,  Piim-ro",  co  t  0.,  4. 
Pomfret,  Pom-fret,  v  Conn.,  2. 
Pomigliano     D'Arco,     Po-mEl-y^-nC)- 

Dq?'-ko,  t  Nap.,  6.  [xMo. 

Pomme  de  Terre  (Pom  de  T^r)  River, 
Pomona,  Po-m6-na,  Orkney  i,  16}4' 
Pompeii,  Pora-pg-yj  or  Pom-pa-ye,  anc. 

ruined  c  It. 
Pondicherry,  Pon-di-Jer-£,  cap  French 

settlements  in  India,  40. 
Ponta  Delgada,    P6n-tq  Del-g4-dq,,    t 

Azores  Islands,  22.  [7%. 

Pont-a-Mousson,Poht-q-Ma)-s6n,  v  Fr., 
Pont-Audemer,  Poii-CO-de-rnqr,  t  Fr. 
Pontehartrain    (  Pon-Jar-tran  )   Lake, 

La.,  40  by  24  m. 
Pontecorvo,  Pon-ta-ker-vds,  t  It.,  5]4. 
Pontcfract,  Pom-fret,  hor  and  t  Eng., 

Pontevedra,  Pon-ta-va-drq,  t  Sp.,  4^4- 
Pontevico,  Pon-ta-vg-ko,  t  Lom.,  5. 
Pontiac,  P6n-ti-ak,  co  is  Mich,,  2)^;  111. 
Pontianak,   Pon-ti-q-nqk,    Dutch  c  of 
Borneo,  19i^. 

Pontifical  (  Pon-tif-i-kal ")  or  Papal 
States,  central  portion  Italian  Pen- 
insula, of  twenty  divisions;  area  17,- 
210,  jiop.  3,006,771. 

Pontivy,  Pon-tE-vt,  t  Fr.,  5. 

Pontoise,  Pwh-twqz,  t  Fr.,  b%. 

Pontoosuck,  Pon-t<i)-suk,  r«  Mass.,  111. 

Pontotoc,  Pon-tca-tok,  co  and  co  t  Miss. 

Pont-Saint-Esprit,  Pon-Sant-Es-pre,  t 
Fr.,  h)4. 

Pontypool,  Pon-ti-pcDl,  t  Eng.,  3%. 

Ponza,  P6n-zq,  u  Med.  Sea,  1)^.        [10. 

Pooching-Hien,   PiD-qi^-IlE-en,  t  Chi., 

Poole,  PiDl,  'bw  and  i  Eng.,  95^. 

Poona,  P(6-na,  c  Br.  Ind.,  86. 

Poor  or  Pur,  Pi&r,  r  Sib.,  200  m. 

Poorbunder,  PiDr-bun-der,  t  Hind. 

Pootivl,  PiD-tEV-r,  t  Rus.,  9. 

Pooto,  Pi6-to,  pop.  i  coast  of  China. 

Popayan,  Po-pq-yqn,  c  S.  Am.,  20. 

Poperinghe,  Po-pe/'-an/i,  t  Belg.,  lOJ^. 

Poplar  Plains,  ti  Ky.,  y^. 

Popocatepetl,  l'o-po-kq-ta-pet-1,  'nol 
Mex.,  17,720  ft. 

Popo  Great,  Ptb-po  Grat,  t  Guinea,  5. 

Popo  Isles,  Malay  Arch. 

Poppi,  P6p-£,  t  Tus.,  5%, 

Porcuna,  Por-kco-nq,  i  Sp.,  hy^, 

Pordenone,  Po/'-da-no-nii,  t  Aus.  It.,  5, 

Poros,  Po-ros,  pop.  i  Gr. 

Port  Adelaide,  Ad's -lad,  /  S.  Aust.,10. 

Port  Adown.  Port  A-d-sn,  t  Ir.  3. 

Portaferry,  Port-a-fer-i,  s-'pt  t  Ir.,  2. 

Portage,  PtJrt-ag,  1}  la.,  1^. 

Portage  City,  co  t  Wis.,  2. 

Portalegre,  Por-tq-la-gra,  t  Port.,  5-%. 

Portarlington,  Ptort-qr-lig-ton,^  Ir.,  2%. 

Port  Au  Prince,  Port-o-Prins,  cap  o 
Hayti,  20. 

Port  Byron,  Bi-ron,  r>  N-Y.,  l)^. 

Port  Carbon,  Kqr-bon,  hor  Pa.,  3. 

Port  Chester,  Ces-ter,  1}  N-Y. 

Port  Clinton,  Klin-ton,  co  t  O. 

Port  Dalhoozee,  Dal-hcb-ze,  v  C.  W. 

Port  Deposit,  Ds-poz-it,  v  Md. 

Port  Discovery,  co  t  Washington  Ter. 

Port  Elizabeth,  s-pt  i  S.  AL,  4;  «N-J.,  1. 

Port  Gibson,  i)  Miss.,  1.  [Scot.,  7. 

Port  Glasgow,    Glas-go,    hurgh   and  t 

Port  Hope,  t  Upper  Canada,  2]4. 

Port  Hudson,  Hiid-son,  t}  La.,  J/^. 

Port  Huron,  IIq,-ron,  n  Mich.,  4. 

Portici,  P6;'-t£-c;E,  t  Nap.,  5. 

Port  Jefferson,  Jef-er-son.  'v  0.,  J^. 

Port  Jervis,  Jer-vis,  li  N-Y. 

Port  Kennedy,  Ken-E-di,  ■»  Pa.,  i^. 

Portland  (Pwrt-land")  Isle  of,  pen  and 
par  Eng.,  53^;  c  Me.,  223^:  c  Or.,  6- 
}4\  CO  t  la.;  fs  Conn.,  Ala.,  Ky., 
Mich.,  Mo. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Portlaw,  Port-le,  t  Ir.,  3%. 

Port  Leon,  Le-on,  pt  entry  Fa. 

Port  Louis,  Li>-i3,  car)  t  is,  Mauritius, 
35;  t  Guadeloupe,  i%. 

Port  Mahon,  Mq-hon,/^  t  Sp.,  V^\i. 

Portneuf,  Port-nef,  co  and  v  C,  E. 

Porto  Alegre,  Por-to  H-la-gra,  c  Bra., 
12;  t  do.  4.  [hiir  S.  Am. 

Porto  Atacames,  Par-to  fl-tq-kq-mes, 

Porto  Bello,  Fior-to  Bel-o,  8-pt  t  Scot., 
33^;  «X-Gran.;  <  Bra. 

Porio  Ferrago,  Por-to  Fer-^-yo,  cap  t 
Elba,  Tuscany,  4>^. 

Port- of- Spain,  t  W.  Ind.,  caj*  I^.  Trin- 
idad, 11%.  [Verd  Is. 

Porto  Praya,    P6r-to   Prj-q,    t    Cape 

Porto  Rico,  Por-to  Re-ko,'  W.  Ind.  Is., 
area  2580  s.  m.;  pop.  500,000,  50,000 
being  slaves.  [Is.,  6. 

Porto  Santo,  Por-to  S(^n-to,   Madeira 

Port  Philip,  Fil-ip,  h  Aust. 

Port  Royal,  R«r-al,  ft  t  Jam.:  v  Va.,  %. 

Portsea  (Poirt-se)  Island,  coast  of  Eng., 
pr)p.  72,126. 

Portsmouth,  Purts-muC,  hor  and  s-pt  t 
Eng.,  72;  c  N-H.,  11;  s-pt  and  naval 
depot  Va.,  8%;  cot  0.,  5;  v  Mich. 

pjrtsoy,  P(3rt-s«f,  «-/)^  t  Scot.,  2. 

Port  Tobacco,  Tta-bak-o,  co  t  Md. 

Portugal,  Por-tvi-gal,  k  Eu.,  area  35,- 
268  s.  m.;  pop.  3.471,203.  [m. 

Portuguesa,  Por-ta)-ga-sq,  r  Ven.,  200 

Port  Washington,  v  0.,  ]4;  co  t  Wis., 

Port  William,  v  Scot.,  %.  [2^. 

Posega,  P«a-Ja-gq,  t  Aus.,  63^.  d 

Posen,  P<D-zen,  c  Prus.,  32;  —  Grand 
Duchy,  polish />roo  Prus.;  area  12,248, 
8.  m.,  pop.  1,352,014. 

Possncck,  Pes-nek,  t  Con.  Ger.,  Z%. 

Potawatamios,  Pot-a-w6t-a-miz,  tr  In- 
dians, n.  la. 

Poteau  (Po-t<S)  River,  Ark. 

Potenci,  Po-ten-^e,  r  Bra. 

Potenra,  Pca-tdn-zq,  t  Naples,  12*^. 

Poti,  Po-t€,  r  Brazil,  200  ra. 

Potomac,  Po-t<i-mak,  r  Va.,  350  m. 

Potosi,  Po-to-se,  dep  Bol.;  c  do.  16^^. 

Potosi,  Po-t(i-8i,  Cfj  t  Mo.;  t  Wis.;  2%. 

Potsdam,  P6t8-dqm.  qov  and  c  Prus., 
38;  Pots-dam,  v  X-Y.,  2%. 

Pottstown,  Pots-tun,  h/r  Pa.,  2. 

Pottsville,  Pots-vil,  t  Pa.,  10. 

Poughkeepsie,  Po-kip-se,  c  N-Y.,  15; 
T  la. 

Pouinipete,  Pwe-ni-p^t,  «  Pic.  Oc,  2. 

Poallney,  Pult-ni,  v  Vt.  2'^. 

Poulton,  P(f)l-U>n,  t  Eng.,  7^^. 

PoTiglio,  Pu-vel-yo,  t  It.,  IViJ. 

Povoa  de  Meadaa,  Po-vw-q  da  Ma-d- 
dqi,  t  Port.,  7%. 

Povoa  de  Varzira,    Po-v&»-q  da  Vqr- 

ZEri,  t  Port.,  &%. 
Poweshiek,  P-^-e-Jek,  C(7  Iowa, 
Powhatan,  Po-ha-tan,  co  Va.;  t?  Ark. 
Poxim,  Po-Jefi,  ^  Bra.,  3.  [Ten 

Poyais,    Pwq-ya,   r  and  dis  Mosquito 
Poyang,  Po-yqij,  I  China,  80  by  40  m. 
Pozoblanco,  Po-to-blqn-ko,  t  Sp.,  63^. 
Pozzuoli,  Pot-scD-o-ls,  t  Nap.,  2>]^. 
Prado,  Prq-do,  t  Port.,  7. 
Praga,  Prq-gq,  ^  Poland,  4. 
Prague,    Prag,    important  c  Bohemia, 

Eu.,  68^.  [Wis. 

Prairie  dii  Chien,   Pra-ri  de  Sen,  co  t 
Prairie  du  Rocher,  Ro-Jer,  v  III. 
Prairie  du  Sac,  Sqk.  v  Wis.,  %. 
Prairie  mer  Rough,  Pra-ri  mi^r  RtDj,  p 

0  La. 
Prairie  Ronde,  Rond,  v  Mich.,  ^. 
Prairieton,  Pra-ri-ton,  'V  la. 
Prairieville,  va  la..  Mo.,  Mich. 
Praslin,  Prqs-lgn,  is  Ind.  Oe.         \_^\i- 
Prats  de  MoUo,  Prq  de  M')-l(5,  ft  t  Fr., 
Prattsville,    Prats-vil,'  v  N-Y.,  1^;  o 

Ala.,  6.  [.Java,  700,000. 

Preanger,  Pra-^g-hcr,  Dutch  residency, 
Preble,  Preb-1,  co  O  \  v  N-Y. 
Pregel,  Pra-gel,  r  Prus.,  120  m. 
Prenzlow,  Prents-lov,  t  Prus..  12^. 
Presburg,  Pres-burg,  c,  cap  Hun.,  38. 
Prescot,  Pres-kot.  t  and  par  Eng.,  71/^; 

CO  ^  Wis.;  t  C.  W.,  2^. 
Presque  Isle,  Presk  el,  co  Mich.         [^. 
Presteigne,  Pres-tan,  W  and  <Eng.,  1- 
Preston,  Pres-ton,  ftw  and  t  Eng.,  69)^; 

r*  Te.x.,  Ky.;  t  C  E.,  l^^. 
Prestonburg,  Pres-ton-burg,  co  t  Ky. 
Prestonpans,  Pres-ton-panz,  s-pt  t  and 

par  Scot.,  17^. 
Preto,  Pra-to,  rs  Brazil,  150  ra. 
Prevesa,  Pra-va-sq, /^  t  Eu.  Tur.,  4. 
Pribylov,  Pre-bi-16v,  w  Behring  Sea, 
Priego,  Pre-a-go,  t  Sp.,  \^\4. 
Prince  Edward  Island,  Br.  Am.,  area 

1950  s.  m.,  pop.  90,000;  i  Upper  C. 
Prince  of  Wales  Archipelago,  Rus.  Am. 
Prince  of  Wales  Island,  Pac.  Oc;  Ma- 
lay Arch.;  is  Torres  Strait. 
Prince's  Island,  Gulf  of  Guinea. 
Princes'  Islands,  Sea  of  Marmora, 
Princess  Anne,  co  t  Md. 
Princess Charlotte(Xqr-lot)  Bay,  Aust. 
Princeton,  Prins-ton,  hnr  N-.I.,  2)^:  co 

ts  Va.,  Miss.,  Ark.,  Ky.,  1 W;  vs  la., 

1;  111.,  &c. 
Princeville,  Prins-vil,  'v  111,,  ]/^.       [Go. 
Prince  William  Inland,  Fecjee  Is.,  Pao. 
Prince  William  Sound,  Rus.  Am.        -- 
Pripcts,  Prip-ets,  r  Rus.  Pol.,  350  m. 
Priarend,  Pria-r6ad,  t  Eu.  Tur.,  20. 


Geographical   Vocabulary. 

Pristina,  Pris-te-nq,,  t  Eu.  Tur.,  12. 

Pritzwalk,  Prits-vok,  t  Prus.,  4. 

Privas,  Pre-vqs,   t  Fr.,  b%. 

Prizzi,  Prit-.SE,  t  Sic,  7>^. 

Procida,  Prii-qi-dq,  i  Bay  of  Naples,  13. 

Proctor,  Prok-tor,  v  Ky. 

Proctorsville,  ts  Vt.,  la, 

Prolog,  Pro-log,  7ns  Dalmatia. 

Prome,  Priom,  t  Burmese  dominions. 

Pronsk,  Pronsk,  t  Rus.,  &%. 

Prossnitz,  Pros-nit:*,  t  Moravia,  8. 

Providence,  Prov-i-dens,  c  R.  I.,  47)^: 
CO  t  La.;  v  0.;  i  Carribean  Sea;  — 
Lake,  Lsi. 

Province  Welleslcy,  Welz-le,  British 
settlement  Malay  Peninsula.,  473^. 

Provins,  Pro-van,  t  Fr.,  7. 

Prussia,  Prdb-Ji-a,  extensive  k  Eu., 
consisting  of  Prussia,  Posen,  Brand- 
enburg, Poraerania,  Silesia,  Saxony, 
Westphalia,  Rhine.  Prussia,  has 
adopted  the  most  complete  system  of 
education  in  the  world;  area  109,314, 
pop.  16.935,420. 

Prussian  Poland,  Prc6-Jan  Po-land,  e. 
IVus.,  formerly  part  of  Poland. 

Prath,  Pnot,  r  E.  Eu.,  330  m. 

Psilorati  ( Pse-lo-rq-te )  Mount,  is.  Crete. 

Pskov,  Pskov,  gov  Rus.,  6b7]4;  c  do.  9. 

Puehla  La,  Lq  Pweb-lq,  st  Mex.:  area 
12,042  s.  m.,  pop.  580,000:  c,  cap  of 
the  above  state,  pop.  50,000. 

Pueblo  Viejo,  Pweb-lo  Vs-a-Ao,  t  Vera 
Cruz,  \%. 

Puerco.  Pwer-k(D,  /•  X-Mex.,  200  m. 

Puerto  Bello,  Pwer-to,  Bel-yo,  s-pt  t 
N-Gran.  *  ^     [pt  t  Ven. 

Puerto  Cabello,  Pwer-to  Ka-loel-yo,  «- 

Puerto  de  Li  Cruz  de  Oratava,  Pwe/"- 
to  da  Lq  Knns  da  O-rq-tq-vq,  s-pt  t 
Canary  Is.,  3)^. 

Puerto  del  Padre,  Pwer-to  del  P(!i-dra, 

har  C  uba. 
Puerto  de  Santa  Maria,    Pwer-to  da 

Sqn-tq-Mq-re-q,  c  Sp.,  18. 
Puerto  Principe,  Pren-si-pa,  c  Cuba,  49. 
Puget  (Pq-get)  Sound,  b  Wash.  Tor. 
Pughman,  PiDg-mqn,  m  Afg;,  13,000. 
Pulaski,   Pu-las-ki,    ts  N-Y.,  Ij  Pa., 

\%;  lo.,  111.;  w^Tenn.,  11^. 
Pultusk,  I\61-t<I)sk,  t  Pol.,  4)^. 
Puna,  PiD-nq,  i  Ecuador. 
Punderpoor,  Pun-der-pobr,  t  Ind.,  25. 
Pungudutive.  Pu{)-gtt)-d(D-tgv,   i  n.  of 

Ceylon,  2V,. 
Punjab,  Pun"-jqb,  ter  of  N.  W.  Hind.; 

area  210,000,  pop.  4,740,000,  inhab- 
ited   by    Sikhs,    Cashmerians,    and 

Punnair,  Pu-n4r,  r  S.  Ind.,  220  m. 
Puno,  Pq-no,  c  Peru,  9. 
Puntas  Arenas,    Po5a-tqs  fl-ra-uqs,  pt 

Costa  Rica. 
Purbeck.  ^^Piir-bek,)  Isle  of,  Eng. 
Furdy  (Piir  di)  Islands,  S.  Pac. 
Purneah.  Piir-ne-a,  t  Br.  Ind.,  40. 
Purus,  Pifi-ro)?,  r  S.  Am.,  400  m. 
Futnamviile,  Piit-nam-vil,  xs  la.,  Mo. 
Putney,  Fiir,  ni,  r  Eng.,  b\^.  [m. 

Putumayo,  Pift-too  raj-o,  r  S.  Am.,  700 
Futzig  (Put-si A)  Bay,  an  arm  of  the 

Gulf  Dantzic. 
Puy,  Le,  Le  Pwe,  t  Fr.,  \b%. 
Puy  de  Dome,   Pwe  de  Dom,    dep  Fr., 

59(5%;  m  do.  4806  ft. 
Puylaurens,  Pwe-lo-roh,  t  Fr.,  63^. 
Pwllheli,  P(t)^ha-l£,  hor  and  8-pi  t  N". 

Wales,  2%. 
Pyramid  rPir-a-mid)  Lake,  Utah  Ter., 

35  by  15. 
Pyrenees.  Pir-en-ez,  ms  bet.  Fr.,  and 

Sp.,  11,168  ft. 


Qua,  Kwq,  m  Guinea,  5000  ft. 

Quaco,  Kwq-ko,  v  and  lujht-house  Bay 
of  Fundy. 

Quakertown,  Kwa-ker-t-sn,  v  N-J.,  %. 

Quampanissa,  Kwqm-pq-nis-q,  t  Da- 
homey, 12. 

Quang-See,  Kwqti-Se,  c  and  prov  Chi- 
na, pop.  7,313,895. 

Quang-Tong,  Kwqg-Tog,  proiy  China, 
pop.  19,147,030.  [atic  Sea. 

Quarnero,  ( K wqr-na-ro.)  Gulf  of,  Adri- 

Quarto,   Kwqr-to,  r  La  Plata,  280  m. 

Quarto,  Kwqr-to,  t  Sardinia,  5^. 

QuasquetoD.  Kwa^-ke-ton,  v  lo. 

Quathlaraba,  Kwqt-l^m-bq,  m  Af. 
Quatre  Bras,  Kqt-r  Brq,  v  Belg. 
Quebec,    Kwg-bek,    c,  cap  of  the  two 

Canadas,  42. 
Qiieda,  Ka-dq.  st  Malay  Pen.,  21. 
Quedlingburg,  Kwed-lin-burA,  t  Prus. 

Sax.,  1414. 
Queen  Charlotte  (Eqr-lot)  Island,    S. 

Pac.  Oc:  also  numerous  is  Br.  N,  Am. 
Queen  Charlotte  Sound,  w.  of  N.  Am. 
Queenstown.  v  C.  W.,  j^. 
Quelpaert,  Qwel-pqrt,  i  Yellow  Sea. 
Quenu,  Ka-nc6,  i  Chili. 
Quequay,  Ka-kwj,  r  Uruguay,  100  m. 

Geographical    Vocabulary. 


Queretaro,  Ka-ra-tq-ro,  st  Mex.;  area 
2441  9.  m.,  pop.  132,124;  caja  of  the 
above  state,  29^.  [Af. 

Querioiba  (Ka-rem-ba)  Islands,    e.  of 

Quesaltepeque,  Ka-sql-tq-pa-ka,  t 
Guat.,  4.  [Guat.,  14. 

Quezaltenango,     Ka-sql-ta-nqn-go,     c 

Quibebon,  Ke-be-ron,  jyen  Fr.,  in  Brit- 
tany, 3. 

<Jaibo,  Ke-bo,  i  N-Gran. 

Quicara,  Ke-k^-rq,  is  N-Gran. 

Quilimane,  Ke-li-in^-na,  t  E.  Af, 

j  Quillota,  Kel-y(f>-tq,  t  Chili,  10. 
Quimper,  Kah-p4/',  t  Fr.,  11. 
Quiraperle,  Kah-per-la,  t  Fr.,  6}/^. 
Quincy,  Kwin-si,  cots  Fa.,  1;  Hi.,  llj 

vs  Mass.,  5;  Pa.,  3^;  0.,  )^, 
Quincy  Point,  'V  Mass. 
Quindiu,  Ken-di-cb,  in  ^  ^^ 

Quinebaug,  Kwin-e-beg,  r  and  yConn., 
Quinto,  Ken-to,  r  La  Plata,  250  m. 
Quitman,  Kwit-raan,  co  ts  Miss.,  Tex. 
Quito,  Ke-to,  c,  cap  Ecuador,  70. 
Quitta,  Kwit-q,  t  N.  Guinea,  5. 


Raab,  Rqb,  or  Nagy-Gyor,  Noj-Dyer, 

t  Hun.,  18. 
Rabatt,  Rq-bc^t,  ft  t  Morocco,  27. 
Rabinal,  Rq-bi-nql,  t  Gautemala,  6)^. 
Racconigi,  Rq-ko-ne-je,  t  N.  It.,  10. 
Racine,  Ra-sen,  c  Wis.,  1)4\  en  Wis. 
Racketville,  Rak-et-vil,  v  N-Y. 
Raccoon,  Ra-kif)n,  cr  Ind.;  r  luwa. 
Rac3,  Rqts,  t  Hun.,  11^- 
Radnor,  Rad-nor,  t  S.  Wales,  ly^. 
R.vdokala,  Ra-do-kq-lq,  is  N.  Pac. 
Radom,  Rq-dom,  t  Poland,  5^. 
Ragusa,  Rq-gd>-sq,  t  Sicily,  21}^;  s-'pt 

c  Dalmatia,  6. 
Rah  way,  R6-wa,  r  and  v  N-J.,  |^. 
Raiatpa,  Rj-q-ta-q,  one  of  Society  Is. 
Rai-Koke,  kj-ko-ka,  one  of  Koorile  Is. 
Rainy,  Ra-ni,  I  and  r  bet.  Brit.  N.  A., 

and  U.  S.  Territories. 
Raisin  (R6-zin,)  River,  Mich.,  140  m. 
Rajanaahal,  Rq-jq-raq-hql,  c  Br.  Ind.  30. 
Raleigh,  R'j-li,  cap  c  N.  C,  4}^;  co  ts 

Miss.,  Tenn.,  III. 
Ralls,  R9lz.  CO  Mo. 
Ralston,  Rjls-ton,  v  Pa. 
Raoib^,  Rqm-ba,  one  of  Feejeo  Is. 
Rarabla,  La,  Lq  R^ra-blq,  t  Sp.,  9. 
Raraboullet,  Roh-ba)-el-ya,  t  Fr.,  4]4. 
Raingiinga,   Rqm-guo-gq,   r  Br.  Ind., 

250  m.  [ft. 

Ramne,  Rdna-ne,  m  Himalayas,  22,768 
Rampoor,  Rqm-pAr,  ts  Ind. 
Ramsay,  Ram-za,  «  Can.  West,  334- 
Ramsey,  Rara-zi,  t  and  par  Eng.,  2-%. 
Ramsgafe,  Ramz-gat,  s-pt  t  Eng.,  12. 
Ranai,  Rq-nj,  one  of  Sandwich  Is. 
Iianderi«,  R4n-derz,  t  Den.,  7%. 
Randolph,  Ran-dolf.  (  East  and  West,) 

«  Ma*}.;  v  Vt.,  2%:  N-Y. 
Rangoun,  Rqf^-giftn,  t  Burma,  20. 
Rannock,  Loch,  LoA  Ran-oA,  I  Scot. 
Rapallo,  Rq-p<:il-o,  »-pt  t  Sar.,  10, 

Raphoe,  R(\-fo,  t  Ir.,  \%. 
Rapidan,  Rap-i-dan,  r  and  v  Va. 
Rapide?,  Rq-pgd,  or  Ra-pjdz,  par  La. 
Rappahannock,    Rap-a-han-ok,  r  Va., 

125  m.  _    [Oc,  4. 

Raratonga,    Rq-rq-tog-ga,    i    S.   Pac. 
Raritan,  Rar-i-tan,  r,  h  and  v  N-J.,  1. 
Rasay,  Rq-sa,  i  Hebrides,  3^. 
Rassegoo,  Rq^-g-gdb,  one  of  Koorile  Is. 
Rastadt,  Rqs-tqt,/if  t  Baden,  6i^. 
Rat  Island,  in  Aleutian  Arch. 
Rathboneville,  Rat-bon-vil, -v  N-Y.,3^, 
Rathenow,  Ra-te-nov,  t  Prus.,  5i^. 
Rathfarnhara,  Rat-fqrn-am,  v  Ir.,  oj^. 
Rathkeale,  Rat-kal,  t  Ir..  4%. 
Rathlin,  RaA-lin,  i  Ir.,  1. 
Ratibor,  Rq-ti-bor,  t  Prus.  Silesia,  1%, 
Ratisbon,  Rat-is- bon,  t  Bavaria,  23. 
Ratz  Boszormeny,  Rqts  Bes-er-meny, 

t  s.  e.  Hun.,  17. 
Ravanusa,  Rq-vq-ndb-sq,  t  Sicily,  6)^. 
Ravee,  R^-ve,  r  Punjab,  370  m. 
Ravenna,   Rq-ven-q,  c  Cen.  Italy,  12; 

Ra-ven-a,  co  t  0.,  3)^. 
Rawak,  Rq-wd^k,  i  East.  Arch. 
Rawdon,  Ro-don,  v  Can.  West.,  ]/^. 
Rawitsch,  Rq-viq,  t  Prus.  Poland,   10. 
liaymond,  Ra-mond,  v  Me.,  13^;    co  t 

Miss.,  Wis. 
Raysville,  Raz-vil,  v  Ind. 
Rd,  Ra,  i  w.  of  France. 
Readfield,  RM-feld,  v  Mo.,  2. 
Reading,  Red-i^,  hor  and  t  Eng.,  21)^; 

c  Pa.,  17;  vs  Conn.,  0.,  Ind. 
Real,  Ra-(il,  r  Brazil,  IHO  m.  [3. 

Roalojo,  Ra-q-la-/to,  s-pt  t  Nicaragua, 
Rechnitz,  Re/i-nits,  t  Ilun.,  5, 
Recife,  Ra-se-fa,  c  Brazil,  18. 
Red  Bank,  v  N-J. 
Red  Cedar  River,  Minn,  and  Iowa,  300 

m.;  also  Wis. 
Rod  Creek,  v  N-Y.,  %. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Reddington,  R^d-ig-ton,  v  Ind. 

Redditch,  li^d-iq,  v  Eng.,  5. 

Red  Lake,  Minn.  Ter.,  37  by  16. 

Redon,  Ra-doh,  t  Fr.,  5%. 

Red   River,    trib.   of    Miss.,    coursing 

Tex.,  Ark.,  La.,  1200  m.j  rs  Tenn., 

Ky.,  Minn.,  700  m. 
Red  Rock,  v  Minn. 
Redruth,  Red-root,  t  Eng.,  7. 
Red  Sea,  an  inland  sea,  Asia. 
Red  Sulphur  Springs,  v  and  watering 

place  Va. 
Reedsville,  Redz-vil,  v  Pa. 
Refugio,  Re-fiVJi-o,  <^<?  and  co  t  Tex. 
Regello,  Ra-jel-o,  v  Tus.,  10. 
Reggio,  Red-jo,  c  E.  Italy,  18)^;  c  N. 

Italy,  17. 
Richenau,  Rj-Ae-n-s,  t  Baden,  l}^. 
Reichenbach,  Rj-^en-bCl,^,  <s  Sax.,  6%; 

Prus.  Silesia,  b)/^. 
Reichenberg,  Rj-Aen-berA,  <  Boh.,  13)^. 
Reigate,  Ri-gat,  Jor  and  t  Eng.,  5.    [1. 
Reikiavik,  Rj-ki-a-vik,  cap  t  Iceland, 
Reims,  Remz,  c  Fr.,  45^. 
Remircmont,  Ra-mer-mwh,  ^  Fr.,  S)/^. 
Remscheid,  Rem-/jt,  t  Rhen.  Prus.,  12. 
Renaix,  Ra-na,  t  Belg.,  12^. 
Rendezvous,  Ren-de-vooz,  i  Borneo. 
Rendsburg,  Rendz-ba)?7i,,/if  t  Den.,  lOJ/^. 
Renfrew,  Ren-frcD,  hurgk  Scot.,  3. 
Reni,  Ra-ni,  t  Ru.«.,  6. 
Rennes,  Ren,  c  Fr.,  39)^. 
Rennsselaer,  Ren-se-ler,  co  and  ■e;  N-Y. 
Rensselaerville,  v  N-Y.,  3%. 
Renton,  Ren-ton,  v  Scot.,  2^^. 
Republic,  Re-pdb-lik,  v  0.,  I34. 
Requena.  Ra-kan-yq,  t  Sp.,  11. 
Resaca  de  la  Pal  ma,   Ra-s4-kq  da  Iq 

Pql-mq,  battle  field,  Mex. 
Reshd,  Rejt,  t  Persia,  50. 
Resina,  Ra-se-nq,  t  Naples,  9. 
Resinar,  Ra-ze-nqr,  v  Transylvania,  C, 
Resolution,  Rez-o-li],-Jon,   i  Hudson's 

Strait.  [200  m. 

Restigouche,  Res-ti-gdo-Ja,  r  Br.  N.  A., 
Retford,   Ret-ford,  (East,)  lor  and  t 

Eng.,  46. 
Rethel,  Ra-tel,  t  Fr.,  8>^. 
Reus,  Ra-flbs,  t  Sp.,  25. 
Reutlingen,  Rfft-lig-en,  ft  t  "Wiirtem- 

berg,  111^.  [6. 

Revel,  Rev-el.  ft  s-pt  t  Rus.,  24^;  t  Fr., 
Revello,  Ra-vel-o,  t  N.  It.,  b%. 
Reynoldsburg,  Ren-olz-burg,  v  0. 
Reze,  Ra-za,  t  Fr.,  6%. 
Rezende,  Ra-zen-da,  t  Brazil,  5. 
Rhea,  Ra,  co  Tenn. 
Rhett  (Ret,)  Lake,  I  of  Cal.,  12  by  8. 
Rhine,  Rjn,  noted  r  of  Europe,  900  m. 
Rhiuebeck,  Rja-bek,  v  N-Y.,  IV^. 

Rhinns,  Rins,  pen  Scot. 

Rhode  Island,  Read  4'land,  one  of  the 
original  U.  S.,  having  an  area  of  only 
1,306  s.  m.;  pop.  whites,  143,875;  col- 
ored, 3,672;  total,  147,541.  '  [15. 

Rhodes,  Rcodz,  i  As.  Tur.,  30;  c  same, 

Rhoe,  lio),  Shetland  Island,  3^. 

Rhon,  Ren,  m  Ger. 

Rhone,  Ron,  r  Eu.,  285  m. 

Rhuddlan,  Hrid-lan,  fto?- N.Wales,  V%, 

Riazan,  Re-q-zqn,  t  Rus.,  9. 

Ribeauville,  Re-bo-vel-ya,   t  Fr.,  ly^. 

Riccarton,  Rik-ar-ton,  v  Scot.,  4%. 

Riccia,  Rit-cq,  t  Naples,  6. 

Rice  Lake,  Canada  West. 

Richibucto,  RiJ-e-buk-to,  r  and  port 
of  entry,  N- Brunswick. 

Richland,  Riq-Iand,  v  N-Y.,  4;  V8  0., 
Iowa,  Wis. 

Richmond,  Riq-mond,  c  and  cap  Va., 
Z'lYy,  c  la.,  5;  t  and  joar  Eng.,  co  of 
Surrey,  9;  t  Eng.,  co.  of  York,  5;  tt 
Me.,  2;  Vt.,  Mass.;  co  is  N-Y.,  Ky., 
Tex.,  Mo.,  La. 

RichviUe,  Riq-vil,  v  N-Y.  [5. 

Rickmansworth,  Rik-manz-wurt,  t  Eng., 

Biddings,  Rid-igz,  v  Eng.,  4}^. 

Rideau,  Re-do,  r  Canada  East. 

Ridgefield,  Rij-feld,  d  Conn.,  2}4. 

Ridgeway,  Rij-wa,  co  t  Penn.;  xs  N.  C, 
Mich.,  Wis.  [Ger. 

Riesengebirge,    Re-zen-ga-berA-a,    ma 

Rieti,  Re-a-te,  t  Cen.  Italy,  11. 

Riga,  lii-g<\,ft  0  Rus.,  71^. 

Rigaud,  Re-go,  v  and  College  Can.  E. 

Righi  Culm,  Re-ge  Kolm,  m  Switz. 

Rigolets  de  bon  Dieu,  Rig-o-lets  do 
boil  De,  duplicate  channel  of  Red 
River,  La.,  50  m. 

Rimini,  Re-me-ne,  c  Cen.  Italy,  17)^. 

Rimouski,  Re-mcJbs-ks,  v  Can.  East,  4. 

Ringkiobing,  Rig-kye-bii),  s-pt  t  Jut- 
land, 134. 

Ringwood,  Rip-wiad,  t  Eng.,  4;  v  N.  J, 

Rio,  Re-o,  Spanish  for  "  river." 

Rio  Branco,  Re-o  Brqn-ko,  r  Brazil, 
700  m. 

Rio  Colorado  Chiquito,  Ko-lo-r^-do 
Ge-ke-to,  r  N-Mex.,  500  m.     [500  m, 

Rio  das  Mortes,  dqs  Mor-tes,  r  Brazil, 

Rio  de  Janeiro,  da  Xq-na-e-ro,  prov 
Brazil;  area,  70,630  s.  m.;  pop.  850,- 

Rio  de  la  Pasion,  Pq-S8-6n,  r  Cen.  A. 

Rio  de  la  Plata,  Pl^-tq.  r  S.  A.,  2500  m. 

Rio  de  los  Martires.  Mqr-te-res,  r  Cal. 

Rio  de  San  Juan,  Sqn  H(jt)-<^n,  r  New 
Mexico,  350  m. 

Rio  Dulce,  Ddbl-sa,  r  or  outlet  of  tho 
Golfo  Dulce   Honduras. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Rio  Grande,  Ke-o  Grqn-da,  rs  Sene- 
gainbia,  Af.;  lira.,  600  m.,  also  one 
250  m.;  Bol.;  N-Gran.;  Mex.,  400  m,; 
Mosquito  Ter.,  200  m.;  (anglicized, 
Rj-o  Grand,)  r  N.  Am.,  rises  in  Mex., 
and  separates  Texas  from  Mex., 
1800  m.  [1. 

Rio  Grande  (Rj-o  Grand)  City,  <  Tex., 

Rio  Grande  do  Norte,  Rs-o  Grqn-da 
do  isijr-ta,  proo  Bra.;  area  22,784 
s.  m.,  pop.  UO.OOO. 

Rio  Grande  do  Sul,  Re-o  Gr<^a-da  do 
Sflol,  t  Bra.,  Z%. 

Rioja,  Re-(f)-Aq,  prov  Argentine  Re- 
public; pop.  19,000;  ^do.,  4. 

Rio  Janeiro,  Re-o  Xq-na-e-ro,  or  Rj-o 
Jan-E-ro,  cap  Bra,,  350. 

Riom,  Re-on,  t  Fr.,  12%. 

Rio  Negro,  Re-o  Na-gro,  r  N-Gran. 
and  Bra,,  1000  m.;  also  rs  S.  Am., 
600  m.;  Uruguay,  250  m.,  &c. 

Rionero,  Re-o-na-iu,  t  Nap.,  9%.    [4. 

Rio  Vermelho,  Ke-o  Ve/-mel-yo,  t  Bra., 

Ripatransone,  Kg-pq-trqn-so-na,  t  It.,5. 

Ripley,  Rip-li,  w  N-Y.  i%,  0.  1%. 

Ripiin,  Rip-on,  c  Eng.,  6;  v  Wis. 

Risdon,  Riz-don,  v  O.,  >^. 

Rising  Sun,  co  t  la.,  2. 

Rivarolo,  Re-vq-ro-lo,<«  N.It.  6,  Sard. 
States,  5%. 

Rive-de-Gier,  Rev-de-SLc-a,  t  Fr.,  13. 

Riverhead,  Riv-er-hed,  en  t  N-Y.,  2>^. 

Riverton,  Riv-er-ton,  v  N-J. 

River  Trent,  Riv-er  Trent,  «  C.  W.,  1. 

Riviere-a-Jacques,  Re-vi-4/'-q-Sqk,  r 
Minn.,  000.  [Mo. 

Riviere-au-Boeuf,    Re-vi-4y-Q-Bef,    cr 

Riviere-au-Cuivre,  Re-vi-^/'-o-Kwrv- 
r',  r  Mo.  v'^\'2- 

Riviere  Quelle,  Re-vi-{\r  00  el,  v  C.  E., 

Rivoli,  Re-vo-le,  t  Pied.,  b\i. 

Roane,  Ron,  co  Tenn. 

Roanne,  Ro-qn,  t  Fr.,  13^/^. 

Roanoke,  Rw-an-6k,  v  Va.  and  N.  C, 
250  m.;  rs  N-Y.,  Mo. 

Roapoa,  Ro  q-poj-q,  Marquesas  Is. 

Robideaux,  Ro  be-do,  cr  and  v  Mo. 

Rochdale,  Roq-dal,  hor  and  t  Eng.,  29. 

Rochefort,  RoJ-f.'.r,  t  Fr.,  24'/;. 

Rochelle,  La,  Lq  Ro-Jel,  s-pt  t  Fr.,  Ifi)^. 

Rochester,  Roc-eS'ter,  cs  Eng.  15,  N- V. 
4*1^:  t«  N-H.  3,  Pa.  1%,  0.,  Mich., 
la.,  Iowa,  Wis.,  <fcc. 

Rockaway,  R6k-a-wa,  t  N-J.;  v  N-Y. 

Rockbridge,  liok-brij,  co  t  Mo. 

K-ckford,  Rok-iord,  c  111.,  7;  co  is  N. 
C,  Ala.;  V  la.  FVt. 

R.>ck Ingham,  R<'jk-!g-ham,  co  t  N.  C.;  'V 

R.k;1<  Island  City,  cot  111.,  4. 

Rocklaud,  Rok-laud,  c  Mo.,  10. 

Rockport,  Rok-port,  co  U  la.,  Ark.j  Ui 
Mass.,  0.,  III. 

Rock  River,  Wis.,  225  m. 

Rockton,  Rok-ton,  v  111.,  ^. 

Rockville,  Rok-vil,  co  is  la.  IX,  Md.j 
rs  Mass.,  Conn.,  0. 

Rockwell,  Rok-wel,  t  III. 

liocky  Mount,  R6k-i  M-snt,  cot  Va.,3/^. 

Rocky  Mountains,  cen.  N.  Am.;  length, 
3000  m. ;  highest  peaks,  Fremont'.s, 
13,570  ft.;  Pike's,  11,497  ft. 

Rodez,  Ro-da,  t  Fr.,  10%. 

Rodrigues,  Ro-dreg,  i  Ind.  Oc. 

Roermond,  RiB/'-mont,  t  Neth.,  TJ^. 

Roeskilde,  Res-kil-da,  t  Den.,  3%. 

Rogersville,  Roj-erz-vil,  co  t  Tenn. 

Rokelle,  lio-kel,  r  Af.,  250  m. 

Rolundswerth,  Ro-lqndz-vert,  i  Rhine. 

RoUo,  R6l-yo,  m  Sp. 

Roma,  R6-mq,  i  Malay  Arch.;  v  Tex. 

Romano,  Ro-m(\-no,  ,/i(  ^  Lorn.,  4. 

Romans,  Ro-mon,  t  Fr.,  11. 

Rome,  liom,  c  It.,  and  the  most  cele- 
brated in  the  world,  175;  co  ts  N-Y., 
10%,  la.  %;  c  Ga.,  3;  rs  0.,  Wis. 

Romeo,  lio-rae-o,  r  Mich.,  \}^. 

Romford,  Riim-ford,  t  Eng.,  3%. 

Romney,  (R6m-ni,)  New,  t  Eng.,  1;  co 
t  Va.;  ■»  la. 

Romoe,  R6-mo,  i  Den.,  1)^. 

Romorantin,  Ro-mo-ron-taii,  t  Fr.,  8. 

Romsey,  Rdm-zi,  }>or  and  t  Eng.,  2. 

Rona,  Rtj-na,  i  Hebrides,  3^. 

Ronaldshay,  R6n-aldz-ha,  (  North,  ) 
Orkney  i,  %\  —  (South,)  do.,  3>ig. 

Ronda,  R(5n-dq,  c  Sp.,  16. 

Rondout,  Ron-d^t,  r  N-Y.,  2}^, 

Ronne,  Ren-a,  s-pt  t  Den.,  Ay^. 

Ronneburg,  Ron-e-buM,  t  Ger.,  j. 

Roostchook,  Ra>*-q(dbk,  ft  c  Eu.Tur.,30. 

Roques,  Los,  Los  R<l>-kes,  i  Carib.  Sea. 

Rosa  Morada,  Ro-sqMo-r^-dq,  t  Mex.,4. 

Rosario,  Ro-s^-ri-o,  i'  is.  Teneriffe,  1%. 

Rosario  de  Cucuta,  Ro-s(^-ri-o  da  KiO- 
k(6-tq,  t  N-Gran.,  5. 

Roscoe,  Ros-ko,  rs  0.,  111. 

Roscommcn,  Ros-kom-on,  t  Ir.,  Z}^, 

Roscrea,  Ros-krn,  t  Ir.,  b]/^. 

liose,  Roz,  v  N-Y. 

Roseau,  Ro-zo,  t  is.  Dominica,  5. 

Roiicnau,  R6-ze-n"8,  ts  N.  Uun.,  7; 
Transylvania,  4. 

Rosendale,  Ro-zen-dal,  rs  N-Y.,  Wis. 

Rosetta,  Ro-zet-q,  s-pt  i  Low.  Eg.,  4. 

Ross,  Ros,  ts  and  pars  Eng.  2%,  Ir.  Ij 
—  New,  hor  and  t  Ir.,  9. 

Rossano,  Ros-<^-no,  c  Nap.,  15. 

Rossie,  R63-E,  v  N-Y.,  1>^. 

Rossicna,  Ros-c-u-nq,  t  Rus.,  5%. 

iCosaville,  lW6-vil,  rs  0.  2^,  N-Y.,  la. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Rostock,  R6s-tok,  c  Ger.,  20%. 
Rostov,  Ros-tov,  two  ts  Rus.,  8  and  6. 
Rota,  R6-tq,  t  Sp.,  8;  t  Tac.  Oc, 
Rothenburg-an-der-Tauber,    RcJ-ten- 

biarA-qn-der-T^-ber,  t  Bav.,  b}4- 
Rotherham,  Rod-er-ain,  t  and  par  Eng., 

Rothesay,  Rot  «a,  e-pi  t  and  par  Scot., 

Rottee,  K6t-t,  i  Malay  Arch. 

Rottenburg,  Rot-en-bur/t,  t  Wiirt.,  6. 

Rotterdam,  R6t-er-dqui,  c  Neth.,  89. 

Rotuuia,  Ko-tcf)-inq,  i  Pac.  Oc. 

Roubaix,  licb-ba,  t  Fr.,  34%. 

Rouen,  Rob-en,  c  Fr.,  100^^^. 

Rouge  Bayou,  RcDj  Bj-do,  La. 

Rouge  (Ii(»3)  River,  Mich. 

Rough-and-Ready,  Ruf-and-Red-i,  t'« 
Ga.,  Ala.,  Ky.,  111. 

Roulers,  RiD-la,  t  Belg.,  103^. 

Roundhead,  R-snd-hed,  v  0.,  J<^. 

Ruusay,  Rt6-sa,  Orkney  i,  1%. 

Rouse's  (li'ss-ez)  Point,  v  is-Y. 

Reveredo,  li<a-va-ra-do,  t  Tyrol,  8. 

Rovigno,  \iG)-\in~y(ii,s-pt  t  lUyria,  10%. 

Rovigo,  Ro-ve-goj,  t  Aus.  It.,  9%. 

Rowandiz,  R"8-qn-diz,  t  Tur.  Koord. 

Rowland's  (Ro-landz)  Springs,  water- 
ing place,  Ga. 

Rowlesburg,  Rolz-burg,  i?  Va. 

Rowley,  R-8-li,  v  Mass. 

Rowno,  R6v-no,  t  Rus.  Poland,  9J^. 

Row's,  R«z,  V  O. 

Roxborough,  R6ks-bur-o,  co  t  N.  C. 

Roxbury,  R6ks-ber-i,  c  Mass.,  To',  xs 
Conn.  134,  Pa. 

Roxo,  R6ks-<3,  x  Wis. 

Royal  Oak,  Rer-al  Qk,  v  Mich. 

Royalston,  Rtr-alz-ton,  v  Mass.,  1)^. 

Royalton,  Ror-al-ton,  vs  Vt.,  la. 

Royston,  Rers-ton,  t  Eng.,  2:  r  Ta. 

Ruatan,  Rto-q-tqn,  i  Bay  of  Hond.,  4. 

Rubicon,  R<J[)-bi-kon,  r  Cen.  It.,  20  m. 

Rudgeley,  Ruj-li,  t  Eng.,  3. 

Rud(.lstadt,  Ri6-dol-stqt,  t  Ger.,  5^. 

Ruffec,  Re£-ek,  t  Fr.,  3%. 

Rugby,  Rug-bi,  t  Eng.,  6^, 

Riigeii,  Re-gen,  i  Baltic,  37. 

Rum,  Rum,  i  Inner  Hebrides,  Y^. 

Rumbeke,  Riim-ba-ke,  v  Belg.,  6%. 

Rumney,  Riim-ni,  v  N-H. 

Rumsey,  Riim-zi,  x  Ky. 

Runcorn.  Riiy-korn,  t  Eng.,  8. 

Rupert  (li«6-pert;  River,  Br.  N.  Am., 
300  m. 

Ruppln,  Neu,  Ner  RcD-pen,  t  Prus.,  10. 

Rupununy,  Rup-flo-ndb-ng,  r  Br.  Gui- 
ana, 260  m. 

Rush,  Ruf,  i>-f.t  t  Ir.,  1^:  -J?  N-Y. 

Rushford,  RiiJ-ford,  ^•  Is'-Y.    [N-Y.,  0. 

Rushville,  RiiJ-vil,  CO  U  la.  1%,  111.;  f* 

Rusk,  Rusk,  CO  t  Tex. 

Russell,  Riis-el,  xs  N-Y.  1%,  Mass. 

Russellville,  Riis-el-vil,  co  U  Ky.,  Ala.; 
ts  0.,  Tcnn.,  La. 

Russia,  R^-Ji-a,  empire  Eu.,  and  the 
largest  that  has  ever  existed,  having 
the  following  divisions :  European 
Russia;  Asiatic  Russia,  embracing 
Siberia  and  Transcauca^ian  Prov- 
inces; and  Russian  America.  Area, 
7,430,125  s.  m.;  pop.  65,220,580. 

Russian  America,  RcD-Jan  A-mer-i-ka, 
ter  n.  w.  N.  Am.;  area  394,000  s.  m., 
pop.  61,000,  mostly  Esquimaux. 

Russian  Poland,  l^o-land,  former  k 
Poland,  and  contiguous  territory. 

Rule,  R(6-ta,  t  Sp.,  8.  [N.  C,  %. 

Rutherfordton,   Riid-er-ford-ton,   co  t 

Rutherglen,  Rug-len,  hurgh  and  par 
Scot,,  6I/2.  [3^^. 

Ruthin,  Rc6-diu,  bar  and  t  N.  Wales, 

Rutigliano,  RflO-tsl-yq-no,  t  Nap.,  5. 

Rutland,  Riit-land,  co  t  Vt.,  Z%:  x  0. 

Rulledge,  Riit-lcj,  co  ts  Tenn.,  Miss. 

Ruvo,  RiD-vo,  t  Nap.,  8. 

Rybinsk,  Rib-insk,  t  Rus.,  10. 

Ryde,  Rjd,  t  Eng,  714. 

Rye,  Rj,  bar  and  t  Eng.,  8X;  ^  N-Y. 

Rylsk,  RiL^k,  t  Rus.,  7. 

Rzhev,  U-i^y,  t  Rus.,  9. 


Saale,  Sachsische,   SaA-siJ-e    Sq-le,  r 

Ger.,  212  m. 
Saulfeld,  Sql-felt,  t  Cen.  Ger.,  A%. 
Saarbriick,  Sq/'-brek,  t  Rhen.  Prus. ,8%. 
Saar-Louis,  Sq?'-L(f>-is,  t  Rhen.  Prus., 
Saatz,  Sqts,  t  Boh.,  5.  [4%. 

Saba,  Sq-bq,  Dutch  W.  Ind.,  \%. 
Siibara,  Sq-bq-rq,  c  Bra.,  5. 
Subbionetu,  S^-bi-o-net-q,  t  Lorn.,  7. 

Sabine  (Sa-ben)  Lake,  La. 

Sabine  River,  Tex.,  500  m. 

Sibinetown,  Sa-ben-ti?n,  x  Tex. 

Sabioncello,  Sq-bi-on-^el-o,  pen  Dalm. 

Sable,  Sq-bla,  t  Fr.,  b%. 

Sable  Island,  Sti-bla  I'land,  i  At.  Oo. 

Sables?,  Sqb-1,  t  Fr.,  6. 

Sabrina  (Sa-brj-na)  Land,  Ant.  Oc. 

Sac,  Sek,  r  Mo.;  co  Iowa. 

Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Sacarappa,  Sak-a-rap-a,  «  Me. 
Sacatecoluca,  Sq-kq-ta-Ew-ldb-kq,^  San 

Salvador,  5. 
Sacatepeo,  Sq-kq-ta-pek,  t  Guat.,  3. 
Saccatoo,  Sqk-q-ti6,  t  Cen.  Af. 
Sachem's  Head,  Sa-qeinz  Hed,  water- 
ing place.  Conn.  [N-Y.,  2. 
Sackett's  Harbor.  Sak-ets   Hqr-bor,  v 
Saco,  Sa-ku),  r  X-Eng.;  t  Me.,  b%. 
Sacomango,  Sak-o-may-go,  r  N-Y". 
Sacramento,  Sak-ra-men-tu),  co  t  Wis., 
Sivcramento  City,  t,  cap  Cul.,  20.     [^. 
Sacs  or  Sauks,  Saks,  lad  tr  Iowa. 
Sacui,  Sq-kcD-e,  r  Bra.,  250  m. 
6ado,  Sq-dcD,  t  Sea  of  Japan. 
SaegerstowD,  Sa-gcrz-t-sn,  v   Pa.,  3^. 
Saffee,  Sqf-e,  s-pt  t  N.  Af.,  12. 
Saff roD-Walden,  Saf-ron-Wel-den,  hor 

and  t  Kng.,  6. 
Sagan,  Sq-gqn,  t  Prus,  Silesia,  6^. 
Saghalien,  Sq-gq-le-en,  i  coast  Asia. 
Sag  Harbor,  Sag  Hqr-bor,  v  N-Y.,  3>^. 
Saginaw.  S.ig-i-no,  /'  Mich,:  }>  L.  Huron. 
Saginaw  City,  co  t  Mich.,  IJ^. 
Sagua  la  Grande,  Sq-gwq  Iq  Grqn-da, 

r  and  t  Cuba. 
Saguenay,  Sqg-a-na,  r  C.  E.,  100  m. 
Sahara,    Sq-hq-rq,   or    Great   Desert, 

vast  uninhabited  region  of  X.-E.  Af.; 

area  2.700,000  s.  m. 
Saida,  Sj-dq,  t  Syria,  6. 
Sai-Gon,  Sj-Gon,  c  Anara,  180. 
Saima  (Sj-mq)  Lake,  Finland. 
Saint- Affrique,  Saiit-Hf-rek,  t  Fr.,  6%. 
Saint  Alban's,  Sant  61'banz,  lor  and 

t  Eng.,  7;  V  Vt. 
Saint  A 1  ban's  Bay,  v  Vt. 
Saint-Amand,  Sant-H-mon,  two  ts  Fr., 

81^  and  9)^. 
Saint  Ambrose,  Sant  Ara'broz,  i  Pac. 
Saint  Andrew,  An'droj,  s-jJt  t  Pr.  Ed.  Is. 
Saint  Andrew's,  An'drcDz,  s-j)t  c  Scot.; 

a-pt  t  N-Brun.,  8;  re  C.  E.  \%,  Fa. 
Saint  Anthony,  An'tij-ni,  t  Minn.,  2. 
Saint  Anthony  City,  v  Minn.,  }/{j. 
Saint  Augustine,  O'gus-ten,  c  Fa.,  2. 
Saint  Austell,  O.-i'tel,  t  Eng.,  SX- 
Saint  Bartholomew,   Bqr-t6l-(t)-mq,    i 

W.  Ind.,  18.^  [bon,  111.;^. 

Saint-Benoit,  San-Bn-nw^,  t  is.  Bour- 
Saint  Bernard,  Sant  Ber-nqrd,  singular 

tn  past  Alps^  par  IiVl. 
Saint-Brieuc,  San-Bre-e,  t  Fr.,  14. 
Saint  Catharines,   Sant  Kat-a-rinz,  t 

C.  W.,  5. 
Saint  Catharine's  Island,  coast  Ga. 
Saint-C(4sairo,  San-Sn-z^r,  v  C.  E.,  2. 
Saint-Chamond,  Sah-Xq-m(5n,  t  Fr.,  9. 
8aint  Charles,  Sant  fc'qrlz,  v  III.,  S)^; 

CO  t  Mo.,  3. 


Saint  Christopher,  Kris-to-fer,  i  Br. 

\V.  Ind.;   pop.   1612  whites,  21,521 

Saint  Clair,  Klqr,  v  Pa.,  3;  co  t  Mich.; 

I  bet.  C.  W.  and  Mich.;  r  Mich.,  40 

m.;  —  City,  v  Pa. 
Saint  Clairsville,  K14rz-vil,  co  t  0.,  1}^, 
Saint-Claude,  San-Klcad,  t  Fr.,  6. 
Saint-Cloud,  San-Kloo,  t  Fr.,  4. 
Saint  Croix,  Sant  Krer,  /■  bat.  Me.  and 

X-Brun.,  75  m.;  /■  Wis.,  200  m. 
Saint  Croix  (Krer)  Falls,  co  t  Wis. 
Saint  Cyprian  (Sip-ri-an)  Bay,  w.  Af. 
Saint  Day,  t  Eng.,  2. 
Saint-Denis,    San-De-ne,  t  Fr.,  15^^; 

cap  is.  Bourbon,  19. 
Saint-Die,  San-De-a,  t  Fr.,  9. 
Saint-Dizier,  San-De-ze-a,  t  Fr.,  7^^. 
Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocaliere,        Sant- 

Hn-de-lq-Po-kq-ts-a/*,  v  C.  E. 
Sainte-Anne-des-Plaiaes,       Sant-iln- 

da-Plan,  -y  C.  E. 
Sainte-Anne-du-Machiche,     Saiit-Hn- 

de-Mq- JeJ,  v  C.  E..  2. 
Sainte    Croix,    Sant-Krwq,  or   Santa 

Cruz,  Sqn-tq  Kroos,  largest  of  Virgin 

Islands ;  area  100  s.  m.,  pop.  25,600. 
Saint  Elizabeth,   Sant  S-liz-a-bet,   v 

C.  E.,  3. 
Sainte-Murie,  Sant-Mq-re,  i  of  Mada- 
gascar, 5. 
Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines,  Sant-Mq-re- 

o-Men,  t  Fr.,  11^^. 
Sainte-Marie-de-la-Beauce,     San-Mq- 

re-de-lq-Bos,  ■«  C.  E.,  3^. 
Sainte-Marie-de-Monnoir,   San-Mq-rg- 

de-.Mon-w^r,  r  C.  E.,  5. 
Saintes,  Sant,  t  Fr.,  ll^. 
Saintes,  Los,  La  Sant,  i  Fr.  W.  Ind.,  1. 
Saint-Esprit,  Sant-Es-pre,  v  and  far 

C.  E.,  2K. 
Saint-Etienne,  Sant-ff-ti-^n,  t  Fr.,58. 
Saint  Eustatius,   Sant  Yu-sta-fi-us,  % 

Br.  W.  Ind.,  2. 
Saint-Flour,  Safi-FlcQr,  t  Fr.,  5%. 
Saint  Francis  (Sant  Fran-sis)  River, 

Mo.,  450  m. 
Saint   Francisville,   Fran-sis-vil,    co  t 

La.:  rs  111.,  Mo. 
Saint-Franoois,   San-Fron-sw^,  t   Fr. 

W.  Ind.,  6%;  commune  Fr.  is.  Mar- 
tinique, ft. 
Saint  Francois,  Sant  FrAn-sis,  co  Mo. 
Saint-Francois-du-Lac,  San-Frori-sw(^- 

do-Lqk,  V  C.  E.,  7;    —  Jliviero-du- 

Sud,  Re-ve-4r-de-Sed,  ■»'  C.  E.,  1%. 
Saint  Gall,  San  Gql, 'i  Swit.,  11%. 
Saint-Gaudens,  San-Go-don,  t  Fr.,  5. 
Saint  Genevieve,  Sant  Jeu-e-v^v,  ce;  ^ 

Mo.,  \%. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Saint  George,  Snnt  Jerj,  is  Newfound- 
land, Nova  Scotia  ;  Bermuda  Island ; 
t  on  same,  2%;  —  Gulf  of,  e.  Pat. 

Saint  George's,  Jdrj-ez,  v  Del.,  %. 

Saint  George's  Channel,  the  part  of  ihe 
Atlantio  separating  Eng.  from  Ir. 

Saint  George's  Island,  Gulf  of  Mexico. 

Saint-Ciermaiu,  San-Xer-man,  ^  Fr.,  12. 

Saint  German,  Sant  Jer-man,  bor  and 
t  Eng.,  3. 

Saint-Gilles-les-Boucheries,  San-Zel- 
la-B.D-Je-rt',  t  Fr.,  6. 

Saint  -  Gregoire-le-Grand,  San  -  Gra  - 
gwq/--le-Gr6n,  -r  C.  E  ,  3. 

Saint  Helena,  Sant  Hel-g-na,  i  of  Br,, 
S.  At.  Oc,  well  known  as  the  place 
of  Napoleon's  banishment,  from  1816 
till  his  death,  May  5,  1821  j  pop.  5; 
par  La. 

Saint  Helen's,  Hel-enz,  t  Eng.,  5. 

Saint  Helen's  Mountain,  Or,,  13,000  ft. 

Saint  Heliers,  Hel-yerz,  cap  t  is.  Jer- 
sey, 21. 

Saint-llenri-dc-Mascouche,  Sant-Hofi- 
r8-de-Mqs-kif)J,  'V  C.  E.,  2)^;  —  de- 
Quebec,  de-Ka-bek,  v  C.  E".,  2%. 

Saint-IIippolyte,  Sant-8-po-let,  t  Fr., 
5-%.  [E.,  3V^. 

Saint  Hyacinthe,  Sant  Hj-a-siut,  t  C. 

Saint-Irene,  Saht-8-ra-na,  'v  and  jmr 
C.  E.,  1.  [Eng.,  10. 

Saint  Ives,  Sent  *vz,  lor   and   s-pt  t 

Saint- Jacques-de-l'Achigan,  San-Xqk- 
de-Lq-Je-goh,  v  and  par  C.  E.,  8. 

Saint-Jean-Bonnefond,  San-Xon-Bon- 
foh,  V  Fr.,  61^. 

Saint-Jean-d'Angely,  San-Son-Don- 
^a-le,  t  Fr.,  63^. 

Saint-Jean-Molenbeek,  San-Xon-Mo- 
lon-bak,  t  Belg.,  1]/^. 

Saint-.Tean-Port-Joli,  San-Xofi-Por- 
Xo-l£,  v  and  />«;•  C.  E.,  'iy^. 

Saint  Joachim,  San  Xo-q-kan,  v  and 
par  C.  E.,  1. 

Saint  John,  Sant  Jon,  or  Saint  John's, 
c  N-Brun.,  22%  ;  r  do.,  450  m.;  0, 
cap  Newfoundland,  21;  I  C.  E. 

Saint  John's,  Sant  Jonz,  t  C.  E.,  2)^, 

Saint  Johnsbury,  J6nz-ber-i,  c  Vt.,  3. 

Saint  John's  liiver,  Fa.,  200  m. 

Saint  Joseph,  Jio-zef,  c  Mo.,  5;  co  t  La.; 
'D  Mich.,  1:  I  Br.  N.  Am.  [m. 

Saint  Joseph's  River.  Mich,  and  la.,  250 

Saint-Junien,  San-Xe-ni-an,  t  Fr.,  6. 

Saint  Kilda,  Sant  Kil-da,  i  At.  Oc,  %. 

Saint  Lawrence,  L6-rens,  large  r  bet. 
the  U.  S.  and  the  Cauadas,  2200  m.; 
i  Behring  Sea. 

Saint  Leonard  Middleton,  Len-ard 
Mid-1- ton,  i  Eng.,  b%. 

Saint-Lo,  San-Lo,  t  Fr.,  %%. 

Saint  Louis,  Sant  L(f)is  or  Sant  L(6-i, 

c  Mo.,  95;    ^  C.  E.;   i   Senegambia, 

143^;  t  is.  St.  Louis,  12:  t  is.  Bour- 
bon, 9i<^;  r  Minn.,  200  ra. 
Saint  Lucia,  Loo-se-q,  i  Br.  W.  Ind.,  25. 
Saint  Lucie,  Lcd-sk,  co  Fa. 
Saint-Malo.  Sant-Mq-lo,  s-jo^j{  Fr.,9>^. 
Saint  Margherita  di  Rapallo,Sah  Mq/- 

ga-re-ta  dt  Rq-pql-o,  v  Sard.  Sts,, 
Saint  Marie,  Sant  Ma-re,  v  111.      [6^. 
Saint  Mark's,  Mqrks,  co  t  Fa. 
Saint  Martin,  Mqr-tin,  i  W.  Ind.,  1%. 
Saint  Martinsville,  Mqr-tinz-vil,   co  t 

La.,  13^. 
Saint  Mary,  Ma-ri,  t  Iowa;  Azores  i, 

4%:  i  Madagascar,  b%.  [Ga.  %. 
Saint  Mary's,  Ma-riz,  xs  C.  W.  1,  0.  1, 
Saint  Mary's  Strait,  unites  Lake  Su- 
perior with  Lake  Huron,  63  m. 
Saint  Matthew,  Mat-xx, «'  Mergui  Arch. 
Saint  Maurice,  San  Mo-res,  r  C.  E., 

400  m. 
Saint  Michael,  Sant  Mj-kel, i  Azores,  81. 
Saint  Michael's,  Mi-kelz,  v  Md.,  1. 
Saint-Mihiel,  San-Me-i-el,  t  Fr.,  5^. 
Saint-Nazaire,  San-Nq-z4;',  t  Fr.,  b%. 
Saint  Neots,  Sant  Nets,  i  Eng.,  3. 
Saint  Nicholas,  Nik-a-las,  Cade  Verd 

Is.;  t  Belg.,  20. 
Saint-Omer,  Sant-O-m^r,  ft  t  Fr.,  22. 
Saint  Omer,  Sant  CO'mer,  d  la.,  ^. 
Saint  Ours,  Sant  CD?-,  'V  C.  E.,  3. 
Saint  Paris,  Sant  Par-is,  v  0.,  1. 
Saint  Paul,  Pol,  c,  cap  Minn.  Ter.,  10; 

San  Pol,  t  is.  Bourbon,  I6I4:. 
Saint  Paul  de  Loanda,  S-sn  P^-lo  da 

Lo-4n-dq,  cap  Port.  st.  in  Low.  Gui. 
Saint  Peter,  Sant  Pe-ter,  I  Canada. 

cap  t  land  of  Guernsey,  16^. 
Saint  Petersburg,  Sant   Pe-terz-burg, 

(Rus.  Pa-ter-boQrg,)  c,  cap>  Russian 

Empire,  534. 
Saint  Peter's  River,  Minn.  Ter.,  450  m. 
Saint  Pierre,  San  Pe-4^',  i  Lake  Bienne, 

Swit.;  i  s.  Newfoundland,  IJ^;  cap  t 

i.«.  Martinique,  20)^;  i  Ind.  Oc;  i  is. 

Bourbon,  14%. 
Saint-Pierre-les-Calais,  San-Pe-^Ma- 

Kq-la,  t  Fr.,  llj^. 
Saint-Pol-de-Leon,  San-Pol-de-La-on, 

t  Fr.,  7. 
Saint  Polten,  Sant  Pel-ten, /«;  i  Aus..  6. 
Saint-Queutin,   Sah-Koii-tan,    t    Fr., 

Saint-Remy,  San-Ra-me,  t  Fr.,  6. 
Saint  Scholastique,  Sail  Sko-lqs-tek,  t> 

C.  E.,  5%.  [Sp.,  13. 

Saint  Sebastian,  Sant  Se-bast-yan,/,^  d 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Saint-Servan,  San-Ser-von,  s-j^t  t  Fr., 
10.  [N-Brun.  ^ 

Saint  Stephen's,  Sant  Ste-venz,  s-j-it  t 

Saint-Suzanne,  San-Se-zqn,  t  is.  Bour- 
bon. 6'-^, 

Saint  Thomas,  Sant  Tom-as,  one  of  the 
Virgin  Islands,  \2%\  i  Gulf  of  Gui- 
nea; t  C.  W.,  \%. 

Saint-Trond,  San-Tron,^  Belgian  Lim- 
bo urj;,  93^. 

Saint- V^alery-en-Caux,  San-Vq-la-re- 
oh-Ko,  t  Fr.,  6^. 

Saint  Vincent,  Sant  Vin-sent,  Br.  W. 
Ind.  Is.,  m%:  Ciipe  Verd  Is. 

Saint- Vincent-de-Paul,  San-Vin-sent- 
d§-Po)l,  V  C.  E.,  3.  [s.  Aust. 

Saint  Vincent  (Saut  Vin-sent)  Gulf, 

Saint  Xavier,  Zav-i-er,  i  w.  Pat. 

Saint-Yrieix,  Saii-8-ri-a,  t  Fr.,  7%. 

Sakmara,  Sqk-mq-rq,  ;■  Rus,,  350  m. 

Sal,  Sql,  rg  Kus.,  250  m.j  Peruj  Cape 
Verd  Is.,  %. 

Sala,  S4-lq,  t  Nap.,  6. 

Salado,  Rio,  Rg-o  8q-lq-do.  rs  Buenos 
Ayres,  400  m.;  La  Plata,  1000  m. 

Salahieh,  Sq-lq-he-e,  t  Lower  Eg.,  6. 

Salaina,  Sq-lq-mq,  t  Guateoaala,  5. 

Salamanca,  Sq-lq-m^g-kq,  c  Sp.,  14. 

Salamis,  Sal-a-mis,  i  of  Greece,  Gulf 
of  ^Egina,  5. 

Salawatty,  8q-lq-wqt-e,  i  Malay  Arch. 

Salayer,  Sq-li-er,  i  Malay  Arch.,  60. 

Sale,  Sq-la,  t  Sard.  States,  5. 

Sale,  Sq-la,  8-pt  t  Morocco,  10. 

Salem,  Sa-lem,  t  Br.  Ind.,  19;  c  Mass., 
21,  CO  is  N-J.  4,  la.  2,  111.  1.  Va.:  cap 
Or.,  \}4x  V8  N-Y.  3,  N.  C.  1%,  Miss.; 
t  0.,  2)4. 

Salemi,  Sq-16-mE,  t  Sic,  8. 

Salerno,  Sq-l^r-no,  c  Nap.,  19;  g  Med. 

Salford,  Sol-ford,  t  and  par  Eng.,  63}^. 

Salgado,  Sql-g^-^'*?  f  ^"'i  ^  Bra,,  4. 

Salghir,  Sql-gE/",  /■  Crimea,  100  m. 

Salibabo,  Sq-li-bq-bo,  u  Malay  Arch. 

Salina,  Sq-le-nq,  Lipari  Is.,  Med.,  4;  — 
Sa-lj-na,  v  N-Y.,  2. 

Saline,  Sa-len,  rg  Mich.,  Mo.;  hayou 
La.;  r  Ark..  200  m. 

Saliiieville,  Sa-len-vil,  v  0.,  )^. 

Saling,  Sq-lah,  t  Fr.,  1%. 

Salisbury,  Solz-ber-i,  c  Eng.,  11^;  co  t 
N.  C,  2;  v»  Vt.  1,  Mass.  3,  Conn.  3, 
Md.  UA. 

Salo,  Sc'i-lo,  t  Au8.  It.,  5%. 

Salona,  Sq-l<i-nq,  t  Greece,  4.         [70. 

tialonioa,  Sq-lo-n^-kq,  t-pt  c  Eu.  Tur., 

Sal  R«y,  Sql  Ra,  Cape  Verd  Is.,  iy^. 

SaUette,  Sql-aet-a,  i  Br.  Ind.,  50, 

Salso  Maggiore,  S^l-so  Mqd-jo-ra,  V 
Parma,  by^. 

Salta,  Sql-tq,  c  La  Plata,  8. 

Saltcoats,  Solt-kcjts,  s-pt  t  Scot.,  4^^. 

Salfillo,  Sql-tel-yo,  t  Mex.,  6;  —  Sal- 
til -o,  T8  la.,  Tenn. 

Salt  Lake  City,  cap  Utah  Ter.,  inhab- 
ited by  Mormons;  pop.  10. 

Salt  (Solt)  Range,  ms  Punjab, 

Salt  River,  cr  Ky.,  entering  the  Ohio 
below  Louisville  ;  r  Mo. 

Saltzburg,  Sdlts-burg,  v  la.,  %. 

Salubria,  Sa-li|,-bri-a.  'V  N-Y. 

Saluda,  Sa-lq-da,  ;■  S.  C,  200  m. 

Saluria,  Sa-lq-ri-a,  'V  Tex. 

Saluzzo,  Sq-lc6t-so,  c  N.  It,,  14^. 

Salvisa,  Sal-vj-za,  v  Ky. 

Salwin,  Sql-win,  large  r  Far.  Ind.     a 

Salzburg.  Selrs-burA,  c  Up.  Aus.,  \iy^. 

Salzungen,'Sqlt-siai)-en,  t  Cen.Ger., :{. 

Salzwedel,  Sqlis-va-del,  t  Prus.  Sax.,S. 

Samakov,  Sq-mq-kov,  ^  En.  Tur.,  7. 

Sauiana,  Sq-mq-nq,  pen,  Hayti,  \%) 
h  San  Dumingo. 

Samar,  Sq-mqy,  i  Malay  Arch.,  96)^. 

Samara,  Sq-mq-rq,  two  rs  Rus.,  150 
and  280  m.:  t  Rus.,  11.  [50. 

Samarang,  Sq-mq-r^i),  ft  s-pt  t  Java, 

Samarcand,  Sq-mqr-kqnd,  c  Indepen- 
dent Toorki.stan,  10. 

Samarrah,  Sq-mqr-q,  t  As.  Tur. 

Sambas,  Sqm-bqs,  t  is.  Borneo,  10. 

Sambor,  Sqm-bo/',  t  Aus.  l^)land.  &}^. 

Sambre,  Sou-br,  r  Fr.  and  Belg.,  100  m. 

Siimbuca,  Sqm-b(j5-kq,  t  Sic,  8. 

Samoan,  Sa-m(i-an,  or  Navigator's  Is- 
lands, Pac  Oc,  50. 

Samoieds,  Sam-er-edz,  three  nomadic 
tribes  occupying  the  shores  of  tho 
Arctic  Ocean. 

Samos,  Sa-mos,  i  w.  As.  Minor,  50. 

Samothraki,  Sq-mo-6rq  ke,  i  ..(Egean 
Sea,  ly,. 

Saraozero,  Sq-mo-za-ro,  I  Rus. 

Samsoe,  Sqm-se-e,  i  of  Den.,  b}/^' 

Samson,  Xq™-Jon,  v  Ilun.,  22]4. 

Samsoon,  Sqm-8if)n,  8-pt  t  As.  Minor. 

Sana,  Sq-ndi,  c  Arabia,  40. 

San  Angel,  Sqn  H\)'Ael,  t  Mex.,  2. 

San  Antonio,  Sqn  fln  to-ni-o,  t  Ven.; 
one  of  Capo  Verd  Inlands;  —  San 
An-t6-ni-a,  r  and  en  t  Tex.,  7. 

San  Antonio  de  Gibraltar,  Sqn  fln-t<ii- 
ni-o  da  Hf-hT(\\-i(\r,  t  Ven.,  3.      [I. 

San  Augustine,  San  O-gus-ttn,  v  Tex,, 

San  Bartolora6  de  Tirajana,  Sqn  Bq?*- 
to-lo-ran  da  Te-rq-Ztq-nq,  t  Canary 
Island,  3V^. 

San  Bias,  San  BIqs,  8-pt  t  Mex.,  2. 

San  Buenaventura,  Sqn  Bwa-nq-ven- 
t<f)-rq,  r  and  t  Cal. 

San  Carlos,  Sqn  K(^r-lo8,  i  Von.,  10. 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

San  Cataldo,  Sqn  Kq-tql-do,  t  Sic,  9. 
San  Colombano,  Sqn  Ko-loin-bq-nu),  < 

Lombardy,  5. 
Sanda,  San-da,  i  of  Scot. 
Sandalwood    (Sau-dal-wud)    Island, 

populous  i  Malay  Arch. 
San  Damiano  d'Asa,  Squ  Dq-mi-^-no 

Dqs-te,  t  It.,  7. 
Sandbach,  Sand-bnq,  t  Eng.,  2%. 
San  Diego,  Sqn  De-d-go,  co  t  Cal.,  2. 
Sandisfield,  San-dis-feid,  «  Mass.,  \%. 
San  Domingo,  San  Do-mig-gu,  f/r  Uie 

Dominican    Republic,   *^    is.   Hayti, 

having  the  following  provinces:  San 

Domingo,  Azua  de  Composteia,  Sey- 

bo,  Santiago  de  los  Caballeros,  Con- 

cepcion  de  la  Vega;  area  22,000  s.  m., 

pop.  126,500  ;  c,  cap  same,  10. 
Sandusky,  San-dus-ki,  c  O.,  12. 
Sandwich,  Sand-wiq  or  Sand-wij.  hor 

and  t  Eng.,  12%;  cs  N-H.  2^,  Mass., 

\j.  W  . 
Sandwich  Islands,  or  [lawaii,  Hq-wj-s, 

13  is  N.  Pac.  Oc:  area  6500  s.  m., 

pop.  78,230. 
Sandy  Hill,  San-di  Hill,  co  t  N-Y. 
Sandy  River,  Va.  and  Ky.,  150  m. 
San  Feliiie,  Sqn  Ea-le-pa,  t  Ven.,  7; 

—  San  Fil-ip,  v  Tex. 
Sau  Felipe  de  Aconc.tgua,  Sqn  Fa-le- 

pa  da  H-kon-kq-gwq,  t  Chili,  12. 
San  Felipe  de  Jativa,  Sqn  Fa-le-pa  da 

//q-te-vq,  c  Sp.,  1314.^ 
San  Fernando  de  Apure,  Sqn  Fer-n^n- 

do  da  H-i>i)-ra,  t  Yen.,  6. 
San   Filippo  d'Argiro,    Sqn  .Fe-Iip-o 

Dqr-J8-ro,  t  Sic,  1%. 
San  Francisco,  San  Fran-sis-ko  c  Cal., 

60 ;  —  Bay,  the  finest  harbor  in  the 

world,  Fac  Oc,  Cal. 
San    Francisco   de   la   Montana,   Sqn 

Frqn-sis-ko  da  Iq  Mon-tq-nq,  t  N- 

Gran.,  b%. 
Sangamon,  Sar)-ga-mon,  r  111.,  200  m. 
Sangar,  Sqn-gqr,  dr  separating  islands 

Niphon  and  Yesso. 
Sangay,  Sqn-gj,  vol  m  S.  Am. 
Sangerhausen,  Sq^-er-h-g-zen,  t  Prus. 

Sax.,  b%. 
San  German,  Sqn  JTer-m^n,  t  is.  Porto 

Rico,  9i<^. 
San  Germane,  Sqn  Jer-m(!i-no,  t  Nap.,  5. 
San  Gil,  Sqn  i/ei,  t  N-Gran.,  6. 
San  Giovanni  in  Fiore,  Sqn  Jo-van-e 

in  Fe-d)-ra,  t  Nap.,  b%. 
Sanguir,  Sqn-ger,  t  Malay  Arch. 
Sang-Koi,  Sq^-Kor,  r  Far.  Ind.,  600  m. 
San  Jacinto,  Sqn  Ja-sin-to,  r  and  v 

8&n  Jaime,  Sqn  J7j-ma,  t  Yen.,  7. 

San  Joaqnin,  Sqn  fio-q-ken,  r  Cal., 

350  m.;  co  and  t  do. 
San  Jose,  Sqn  Ho-za,  one  of  Pearl  Is., 

Gulf  of  Panama ;  i  Gulf  of  Califor- 
nia ;  CO  t  Cal.,  2. 
San  Jose  de  Buenavista,  Sqn   Hq-ssl 

da  Bwa-nq-ves-tq,  t  Phil.  Is.,  7. 
San  Jose  del  Interior,  Sqn  i/u-sa  del 

8n-ta-ri-a)r,  t  Costa  Rica,  18. 
San  Jo?e  del   Parral,  Sqn   JJq-sA  del 

Pqr-ql,  t  Mex.,  5. 
San  Juan,  Sqn  i/oo-^n,  re  Nicaragua, 

li)0  m.;  Bolivia,  300  m.;  Mex.,  150  m.; 

t  I'eru,  18;  —  Ji^-an,  t  Cal. 
San  Juan  de  la  Frontera,  Sqn  //(D-qn 

da  Iq  Fron-ta-rq.  prov  La  Plata,  25. 
San  Juan  de  los  Remedies,  Sqn  i/co-^n 

da  lu)s  Ra-ma-di-os,  t  Cuba,  5]4. 
San  Juan  del  Rio,  Sqn  i/cD-^n  del  Re- 
el, t  Mex.,  10. 
San  Juan  de  Porto  Rico,  Sqn  Boi-^n 

da  PoJr-to  Re-ko,  c  is.  Per.  Ri.,  11. 
San  Lorenzo  de  la  Frontera,  Sqn  Lco- 

ren-zo  da  Iq  Fron-ta-rq,  t  Bol.,  4. 
San  Lucar  de  Barrameda,  Sqn  Ii()b-kqr 

da  Bq;"-q-ma-dq,  c  Sp.,  17. 
San  Luis,  Sqn  L<f)-is,  prov  and  c  La 

San  Luis  Potosi,  Sqn  L()o-is  Pca-to-SE, 

it  Mex.;  pop.  394,592:  c  same,  40. 
San  Marco  in  Lamis,  Sqn  Mqr-ko  in 

Ldi-mis,  t  Nap.,  9.  [Tex. 

San  Marcos,  Sqn  M(!ir-kos,  r  and  co  t 
San  Marino,  Sqn  Mq-rE-no.  t  It.,  1%. 
Sau  Martin,  Sqn  'Sl(\r-iin,'V  La  Plata, 2. 
San  Miguel,   Sqn  Me-gel,    two  is  San 

Salvador,  8  and  10:  t  Cal.;  tol  state 

of  Salvador;  har  N-Gran.  [7%. 

San  Nicandro,  Sqn  Nc-k^n-dro,  <Nap., 
San   Nicolas,     Sqn  Ne-ko-lqs,     Gape 

Yerde  Island,  6. 
San  Nicolo,    Sqn  Ne-ko-16,    cap  t  is. 

Tinos,  Gr.  Arch.,  4. 
San  Patricio,  Sqn  Pq-tre-si-o,    co  and 

CO  t  Tex.  {%;  pi  Cal. 

San  Pedro,  Sqn  Pe-dro,  t  La  Plata  1- 
Sanquhar,  Sa\)k-er,  t  Scot.,  1%. 
San  lloque,  Sqn  Rw-ka,  c  Sp.,  7%. 
San  Salvador,  Sqn  Sql-vq-d(f)r,  repvh^ 

lie  Cen.  Am.;  area  7500  s.  m.,  pop. 

280,000;  c,  cap  of  the  republic;  one  of 

Bahama  Is.;  t  S.  Guinea,  20. 
San  Salvador  De  Bayamo,  Da  B^n-mo, 

t  Cuba,  10.  [10. 

Sansanding,  Squ-squ-dip-,  t  Cen.  Af., 
San  Severo,  Sqn  Sa-vn-ro,  t  Nap.,  17. 
Santa  Anna,  Sqn-tq  fln'q,  t  San  Sal., 

10;  ts  Cal.,  &c.:  —  Da  Chaves,  Da 

C4-ves,    cap   t  is.  of   St.   Thomas, 

Gulf  of  Guinea. 

Geographical    Vocabulary. 


Santa  Barbnra,  Sqn-tq  Bqr-bq-rq,  co  t 

Cal.,  1;  t  Bra.,  4;  —  Islands,  s.  of  Cal. 
Santa  Caterina,     Sqn-tq  Kq-ta-re-nq, 

ft  t  Sicily,  5%.  [12. 

Santa  Catharina,  Kq-tq-re-nq,  i  Bra., 
Santa  Clara,  Sqn-tq  Klq-rq,  co  t  Cal. 
Santa  Cruz,  Sqn-tq  KriDS,  r  Pat.,  200 

m.:  CO  t  Cal.;  —  or  Saint  Croix,  Sant 

Krer,  largest  o£  the  Virgin  Is.,  25%  ; 

t  Brazil,  3 :  t\i.  Luzon,  5)^. 
Santa  Cruz  De  La  Palma,   Da  Lq  Pql- 

mq.  cap  is.  Paluia,  5%. 
Santa  Cruz  De  Los  Rosalea,     Da  Los 

RoJ-sq-les,  t  N.  Mex. 
Santa  Cruz  De  Teneriffe,  Da  Ten-e-rif, 

cap  c  Canary  Is.,  8. 
Santa  Fe,  Squ-tq  Fa,  cap  t  N-Mex.,  4- 

%\  t  Sp.,  43^;  i  and  c  La  Plata,  4. 
Santagny,  Sqn-tqg-n8,  t  is.  Majorca,  5. 
Santa  Inez,  Sqn-tq  8-nes,  r  and  t  Cal. 
Santa  Juana,  Sqn-tq  7/d  q-nq,  i  Chili. 
Santa  Margarita,  Sqn-tq  Mqr-gq-re-tq, 

t  Sicily,  7;  *  Lower  Cal. 
Santa  Maria,  Squ-tq  Mq-re-q,  i  of  the 

Azores.  [Majorca,  h)^. 

Santa  Maria  De  Rosal,    Da  Ro-sql,    t 
Santa  Maria  Di  Capua,  Dc  Kq-pco-q, 

t  Naples,  8»^. 
Santa  Marta,  Mqr-tq,  8-pi  N-Gran.,  8. 
Santa  Maura,  M^-rq,  Ionian  Is.,  18. 
Santander,  Sqn-tq,n-d4r,   c  Sp.,  16i^; 

r  Mex.,  110  m.  [Brazil,  10. 

Santarem,    Sqn-tq-ren,    t   Port.,   8;    t 
Santa  Rita,  Re-tq,  t'  Tex.,  \\i. 
Santa  Rosa,  R6-sq,  t  Mex.,  4;  t  Chili,  6; 

t  N-Gran.;  co  Fa. 
Santee,  San-te,  r  S.  C,  150  m. 
Santiago,    Sqn-ti-^-go,    largest   Cape 

Verde  Is.,  10;  dep  Chili;  ;•  and  ^  Ec; 

r  San  Salvador;  v  Mex. 
Santiago  De  Chili,    D§  Gil-c,    cap   c 

Chili,  80. 
Santiago  De  Corapostela,  Da  Kom-pos- 

ta-lq,  c  Sp.,  29.  [24»^. 

Santiago  De  Cuba.  Da  K(Jb-bq,  c  Cuba, 
Santiago  De  Las  Vegas,    Da  Lqs  Va- 

gqs,  t  Cuba,  h%. 
Santiago   Del  Estero,     Del  Es-ta-ro, 

prov  and  t  La  Plata,  4. 
Santiago  De  Los  Caballeros,    Da  Los 

Kq-bql-yu-ros,  t  Hayti,  12. 
Santo  Ant<jnio,  Sqnt  Hn-t^-ni-o,  Cape 

de  Verde  Island. 
Santo  Antonio  De  Sa,  Da  Sq,  t  Bra.,  7. 
Santo   Antonio   Dos   Guarulbos,    Dias 

Gwq-r<)bl-yo3,  t  Bra.,  6.  [13. 

Santorini,  Sqn-lo-r^-nt,    i  Gr.  Arch., 
Santos,  S^n-tos,  t  Bra.,  8;  t  N-Gran. 
Santo  Stefano  Daveto,  St'^n-to  Sta-fq- 

so  D<i-Ta-t<j,  t  Sardiaiau  States, O)^. 

San  Vicente,  Sqn  Vs-sen-ta,  t  Sp.,  6%; 
t  San  Salvador,  8.  [6. 

Sao  Bernardo,  Sun  Ber-n^r-do,  c  Bra., 

Sao  Francisco,  S'sh  Frqn-ses-kta,  r  Bra., 
1250  rn.;  i  Bra. 

Sao  Joao  Del  Rei,  S-sn  So-^yn  Del  Ra-e 
c  Bra.,  6:  —  Do  Principe,  Do  Pren- 
si-pa,  t  Bra.,  6. 

Sao  Jorge,  S-sh  Sor-ga,  one  of  the 
Azores  Is.,  4. 

Sao  Jorge  Dos  Ilheos,  Sun  Sor-ga  Dos 
Pl-ya-os,  t  Bra.,  3. 

Sao  Jose,  So-za,  t  Bra.,  5. 

Sao  Miguel  de  Piracicaba,  Sun  Me-gel 
da  Pe-rq-si-kq-bq,  -v  Bra.,  11. 

Saone,  Son,  r  Fr,,  316  m. 

Saone-et-Loire,  San-a-Lwqr,  dep  Fr., 
3270  s.  m..  pop.,  547,720. 

Sao  Paulo,  Sufi-Pu-lo,  c  Bra.,  22. 

Sao  Ramao,  Ro-mun,  t  Bra.,  3. 

Sao  Roque,  Rij-ka, -^  Bra.,  4. 

Sao  Salvador,  Sql-vq-dor,  c  Bra. 

Sao  Sebastiao,  Sa-bqs-ti-un,  t  Bra.,  3. 

Sapan  Tagh,  Sq-pqn  Tqg,  m  As.  Tur. 

Saparooa,  Sq-pq-rci)-q,  is  Malay  Arch. 

Sapucahi,  Sq-pD-kq-e.  r  Bra.,  200  m. 

Saquarema,  Sq-kwq-rq-mq,  t  Bra.,  7. 

Sara,  Bayou,  Bj-co  Sa-ra,  La. 

Saragossa,  Sq-rq-gos-q,  c  Sp.,  30. 

Sarahsville,  Sa-raz-vil,  co  t  0.,  )^, 

Saramaca,  Sq-rq-mq-kq,  r  Dutch  Gui- 
ana, 200  m. 

Saransk,  Sq-rc^nsk,  t  Rus.,  8%. 

Sarapiqui,  Sq-rq-pe-ke,  r  Ccn.  Am. 

Sarapool,  Sq-rq-p(6l,  t  Rus.,  6. 

Sarare,  Sq-rq-ra,  r  Brazil. 

Saratoga  ( Sar-a-fo-ga  )  Lake,  N-Y. 

Saratoga  Springs,  i)  N-Y.,  6)^. 

Saratov,  Sq-rq-tov,  ft  t  Rus.,  45. 

Sarawak,  Sq-rq-wqk,  t  is.  Borneo,  12. 

Sardinia,  Sq/'-din-i-a,  large  i  Med. 
Sea:  area  9235  s.  in.,  pop.  552,665; 
—  Kingdom,  s.  of  Eu.,  composed  o£ 
the  island  of  Sardinia,  and  the  Sar- 
dinian States  on  the  Continent, 
namely:—  Alessandria,  Anneoy,  Co- 
ni  or  Cuneo,  Genoa,  Ivrea.  Nice,  No- 
vara,  Savona,  Savoy  or  Chamb^ry, 
Turin,  Vercelli:  area  28,229,  pop. 
5,090,545;  t'»  N-Y.,  O. 

Sareo  trr  Sari,  Sq-re,  t  Persia,  30. 

Saritit,  Sqr-lq,  t  Fr.,  6. 

Sarmatta,  Sqr-mqt-q,  *  Malay  Arch. 

Sarmiento,  Sq/'-mi-en-to,  m  Terra  del 

Sarnia,  Sqr-ni-a,  t  C.  W.,  IJ^. 

Sarno,  Sq/'-no,  t  Nap.,  7. 

Sarpa,  Sq/*-[)q,  r  Rus.,  200  m. 

Sarre,  Sqr,  /•  Fr.,  and  N.  Gcr.,  120  m. 

Sarreguemiacs,  Sqr-gu-men,  i  Fr.,  ^%. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Sarthe,  Sqt- 1,  r  Fr.,  145  m. 
Sarzana,  Sq/'d-zq  nq,  t  N.  It.,  8^-^. 
Sarzeau,  Sqr-z6,  t  N.  It.,  7)^. 
Sasik^  Sq-sik,  I  S.  Kus. 
Sa.-<katchewan,    Sas-kaq-e-won,   r  Br. 

N.  Am.,  1000  m. 
Sassari,  Sq-aq-re,  c  is.  Sardinia,  24. 
Satoralia    Ujhely,     S^-to-rol-yo    (D-i- 
^  hely,"  ^  Hun.,  7%.  [Ind. 

Satpoora  (Sqt-p(6-rq)  Mountains,  Ci!n. 
Sattarah,  Sqt-tq-rq,  du  and  co/J  ^  Brit. 

Saucelito,    Sa-se-le-to,    natal  station 

Cal.,  12  m.  of  San  Francisco. 
Saugerties,    (rr  Ulster,    So-ger-tiz,    or 

Ul'ster,  V  X-Y. 
•Sauk  (Sak)  Indians,  same  as  Sacs. 
Sauk  Rapids,  CO  <  Min.,  ^:   rdo. 
Saumur,  So-mer,  t  Fr.,  141^. 
Saundersville,  Son-derz-vil,  co  t  Ga. 
Saut  (<?;•  Sault)  Sainte  Marie,  So  San 

Mq-re,    usually   Sd)  Sant  Ma-re,    xs 

Mich.,  1. 
Savage  Islands,  Pac.  Oc. 
Savaii,  Sq-vj-e,  Samoan  Island,    Pac. 

Oc,  20. 
Savanah,  Sa-van-a,  r  S.  C,  450  m.;  c 

Ga.,  16  ;  CO  ts  Tenn.,  Mo.:  t  111. 
Save,  Sqv  or  Sav,  r  Aus.  Em.,  550  m. 
Saverne,  Sq-v4?*n,  t  Fr.,  %]/^. 
Savigliano,  Sq-vel-y(\-n(a,/if  <  It.,  15)^. 
Savona,  Sq-vto-nq,  t  It.,  '\^]/i. 
Savoo,  Sq-vc6,  i  S.  Pac.  Oc,  25. 
Savoy,  (Duchy  of,)  Sav-ff,  one  of  the 

Sardinian  States,  pop.  591,135. 
Sawarcarna   (  So-war-kqr-na  )    River, 

Mo.  Ter.,  200  m. 
Saxe  -  Altenburg ,    Saks  -  fll'ten-burg , 

dxichy  Cen.  Ger.,  pop.  132,850. 
Saxe-Cobarg-Gotha,    Saks-Koi-burg- 

Go-tn,  duchy  Gen.  Ger.,  pop.  150,412. 
Saxe-Meiningen-Hildburghausen,  Saks 

Mj-ni{)-en  Hild  burg-hi5-zen,  ducky 

Cen.  Ger.,  160,364. 
Saxe-Weimar-Ei;ionach,  Saks-Wj-mnr- 

ii'zen-ak,    grand    duchy   Cen.  Ger., 

pop.  262,524. 
Saxon  (Saks-on)  Land,  s.  part  Tran- 
sylvania, pop.  446,700. 
Saxony,  Saks-o-ni,   k  Cen.  Ger.,  pop, 

1,987,832;  —  Prussian,  prov  central 

part  Prussia,  pop.  1,781.300. 
Saypan,  Sj-pqn,  Ladrone  Island. 
Scala  Nova,   Skq-lq  N6-vq,   s-jit  t  As. 

Min.,  20. 
Scalpa,  Skal-pa,  is  Hebrides. 
Scalpay,  Skal-pa,  *  Hebribes,  "%. 
Scarborough,  Sk^r-bur-o,  hor  and  8-pt 

t  Eng.,  13. 
Scarp,  Skqrp,  i  Outer  Hebrides,  %. 

Scarpanto,  Sk^r-pqn-to,  i  Med.  Sea. 
Schaerbeek,  SAqr-bak,  v  Belg.,  A}/^. 
Schaffhausen,   >]qf-h^-zen,    can  and  t 

of  Swit.,  1%. 
Schaghticoke,  Sag-ti-kok,  T  N-Y. 
Schassburg,  Xes-btDrA,  t  Tran.,  6i^. 
Scheldt,  Skelt,  r  Eu.,  200  m. 
Schelestadt,  Sa-les-tqd, /i  f  Fr.,  lO*^. 
Schcmnitz,  Zem-nits,  t  Hun.,  19. 
Sc-hcnccrady,  Sken-ek-ta-di,  c  N-Y.,  9. 
Schiedam,  SAe-d^m,  t  Neth.,  12%. 
Schiermonnik-oog,    SAc/'-mon-ik-og,  * 

N.  Sea,  %. 
Schintznach,  Xints-nqA,   7)  Swit.,  1)^. 
Schio,  SkE-C),  t  Aus.  It.,  fi%.  [>|. 

Schl,xngenberg,  Xlq?)-en-be/A,  t  Sib.,  4- 
Schleisingerville,  Xlj-si^i-cr-vil,  v  Wis. 
Schleitz,  Xljts,  t  Cen.  Ger.,  4%. 
Schleusingen,  Xlff-sifl-en,  t  Prus.  Sax. 

Schluckenau,  Xluik-e-n-s,  t  Boh.,  33<^. 
Schmalkalden,  Xm4l-kql-den,  t  Ger., 
^  43^.  [3%. 

Schmiedeberg,    Xme-de-berA,    t   Ger., 
Schneeberg,  Xna-be^'A,  t  Sax.,  7%. 
Schneekoppe,  Xna-kop-e,  m  Prus.  Sil. 
Schneidemiihl,  S|n-de-mel,  t  Prus.  Pol., 

4K.  '  (2%. 

Schohario,  Sko-har-c,  co  and  v  N-Y., 
Sehonheide,  Xon-hj  de,  v  Sax.,  4)^. 
Sehonlinde,  X6n-lin-de,  t  Boh.,  6. 
Schonwalde,  Xen-wql-de,  t  Prus.,  2\^. 
Schoodic  f  Skcb-dik)  Lakes,  Me. 
Schoolcraft,  Skobl-kraft,  v  Mich.,  \%. 
Schoorisse,  SA6-ris-e,  v  Belg.,  Z%. 
Schorndorf,  Xe/'n-dorf,  t  Wurt.,  3%. 
Schouten  (Xda-ten)  Island,  e.  coast  of 

Van  Die.  Land:  i  Malay  Arch. 
Schouwen,  Sk"^-en,  i  prov.  of  Zeal. 
Schreckhorn,  Xrek-hern,  vi  Swiss  Alps, 

13,492  ft.  [the  Danube. 

Schiitt,  X?t,   (Great  and  Little,)  i  in 
Schuyler,  Skj-ler,  cog  111.,  N-Y.,  Mo. 
Schuylerville,  Skj-ler-vil,  v  N-Y. 
Schuylkill,  Skitl-kil,  r  Pa.,  120  m. 
Schuylkill  Haven,  hnr  Va.Ji}^. 
Schwabach,  Xwq-bqA,  t  Bavaria,  10. 
Schwarza,  Xwqrt-sq,  rs  Ger. 

R<6-dol-stqt,  princip  Ger.,  69,000. 
Schwarzburg-Sondershausen,    Xwqrts- 

burA-Son-derz-hu-zen,  principality 

Cen.  Ger..  60,847. 
Schwatz,  Xwqts.  t  Tyrol,  8. 
Schwedt,  Xwet,  t  Prus.,  6)^.  [13. 

Schweidnitz,  Xwjd-nitz, /i  t  Prus.  Sil., 
Schweinfurt,  Xwjn-furt,  t  Bav.,  1%. 
Schwcrin,  Xwa-ren,  t  N.  Ger.,  17)/^;  S 

Prus.,  5)^:  *  Ger. 
Schwiebus,  Xwe-btas,  t  Prus. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Schwytz,  Svvits,  r  Swit.,  5)^. 
Sciacca,  S'lk  q,  s-pt  t  Sicily,  12^. 
Seiglio,  Xil-yo,  pntm'S Ap[^s. 
Scilly(Sil-i)  Islands,  3.  vr.  oiEng.,2%. 
Scio,  Xs-(0  w  Sj-co,  i  w.  of  Aa.  Min., 

62:  t  of  same  l4X:  vs  N-Y.,  2.;  Mich., 
Sciortino,  ]S3/*-ts-nG),  t  Sicily,  6.     [1-34. 
Scioto,  Si-Q-to,  r  0.,  200  rn. 
Scipio,  Sip-i-o,  vs  la.,  N-Y. 
Seituate,  Sit-i],-at,  .»  Mass.,  2}/^. 
Solavonia,  Sklii-v6-ni-a,  pi'ov  Aus. 
Scoglio    Grande,       Sktjl-yo    Grqo-da, 

largest  Brioni  Island,  Adriatic  Sea. 
Scotland,    Skot-land,  northern  part  of 

the  island  of  Gr.  Brit.;  area  29,417, 

pop.  2,888,742. 
Scottsvillo,  Sk()ts-vil,  t?«  N-Y.,  Va,,  IJ^; 

CO  ts  Va.,  Ala.,  Ky. 
Scninton,  Skran-ton,  hor  Pa.,  3. 
Scriba,  Skri-ba,  v  N-Y.,  2^. 
Seriven,  Skriv-en,  co  G:t. 
Smalltown,  Skdl-tTn,  v  N-J. 
Scutari,  Sktb-tq-re,   t  As.   Min,,  50;  t 

Eu.  Tur.,  40. 
Seabrook,  Se-bruk,  v  N-H.,  Vyi. 
•Seacombe,  Se-kutnb.  «  Eng.,  3. 
Saaford,  Se-ford,  v  Del.,  %. 
Seal  Islands,  Pac.  Oc,  oft  l*eru. 
Seal  River,  Br.  N.  Am.,  200  m. 
Searciy,  Sor-si,  co  Ark,:  en  t  do. 
Searsmont,  Serz-mont,  v  Me.,  ^. 
Searsport,  Serz-port,  xi  Me..  2. 
Seattle,  Set-1,  co  t  Wash,  Ter. 
Sebastian,  Se-bast-yan,  co  Ark. 
Sobastopol  or  Sevastopol,    Se-bas-t^- 

pol,  i  Has.,  40. 
Su-Beero  (Se-Be-rcD)  Island,  Ind.  Oc. 
•Sebenico,  Sa-ba-ni-ko,  M)almatia,  6. 
Secunderabad,     Se-kun-der-q-b^d,      t 

Ind.,  34>^, 
Sudan,  Se-doh,  ft  t  Fr.,  37. 
Sedbergh,  Sed-berg.  t  Eng.,  4>^.   \2\i. 
Sedgefield,  Sej-feld,  t  and  par  Eng., 
Sediitz  or  Seidlitz,    Sed-litz,    v  Boh., 

mineral  springs.  L'^/^- 

Seehausen,    Sa-hK-zen,    t  Prus.  Sax., 
Seekonk,  Se-kogk,  v  Mass.,  23^. 
Seeland     or    Zealand,     Ze-lqnd,     the 

largest  »  belonging  to  Denmark,  bet. 

the   Cattegat   and   the   I^iltic    Sea; 

area  2840  s.  ra,,  pop,  499,400. 
Seelyville,  S«-li-vil,  v  Pa.,  %. 
Seevas,  SB-vq?,  t  As.  Tur.,  2i. 
Seez,  Sa,  t  Fr.,  5. 

Sego,  Sa-go,  I  Rus.;  t  Cen.  Af.,  30. 
Segorbe,  Sa-g»r-ba,  c  Sp.,  6. 
Segovia,  Sa-g6-vi-q,  c  Sp.,  6%. 
Segre,  Sa-gra,  r  Sp.,  150  m. 
Seguin,  Se-gwin,  o>  t  Tex.  f  m. 

Seguodo,  Sd-giDo-dw,  r  La  Plata,  130 

Segura,  Sa-gc6-rq,  r  Sp.,  180  m. 
Seil,  Sel,  i  Inner  Hebrides. 
Seiland,  Sj-lqnd,  i  n.  w.  Norway. 
Seine,    San,   /'  Fr.,  497  m.;   dep  Fr.; 

area  185  s.  ra,,  pop.  1,420,580. 
Seine-et-Marne,  San-a-Mqrn,  dep  Fr., 

area  2154  s.  m.,  345,076. 
Seine-et-Oise,    San-a-Wqz,    dep    Fr.; 
^  area  2141  s.  m.,  pop.  421.882.  ^ 
Seine-Inferieure,  San-An-fa-ri-er,  dej) 

Fr.;  area  2298  s.  m.,  pop.  762,039.  " 
Selangan,  Sa-lqn-gqn,  t  is.  Murdinao, 

Selby,  Sel-bi,  t  and  par  Eng.,  b%. 
Selighor,  Sa-li-g4/*,  I  l^us. 
Selime,  Sa-le-ma,  oasis  desert  Nubia. 
Selimno,  Sa-lira-ncj,  ^  Eu.  Tur.,  20. 
Selkirk,    Sel-kerk,    t  and  par  Scot., 

Selma,  Sel-raa,  vs  Ala.,  IJ^;  Mo. 

Semao,  Sa-mq-o,  i  Malay  Arch. 

Semeudria,  Ss-men-dri-q,/^^Servia,  9. 

Semerone,  Se-me-ron,  r  Ind.  Ter., 
600  m. 

Seminole  (Sera-i-nol  or  Sem-in-o-k ) 
Indians,  tr  Fa. 

Semlm,  Sem-lan,  t  Aus.  Em.,  lOJ^. 

Seneca,  Sen-e-ka,  v  C.  W.,  3%. 

Seneca  Falls,  v  N-Y. 

Seneca  Indians,  tr  w.  N-Y. 

Seneca  Lake,  N-Y.;  vs  N-Y.,  N.  C. 

Seneffe,  Se-nef,  v  Belg.,  33-^. 

Senegal,  S3n-E-gal,  r  W.  At.,  1000  m.: 
Fr.  col  W.  Af. 

Senegatnbia,  Sen-e-gam-bi-a,  a  region 
\V.  Af.:  the  history  of  the  country 
is  too  imperfect  to  obtain  its  area, 
and  the  number  of  its  inhabitants. 

Seniuvine  (Sa-ni-q-ven)  Islands,  Pac. 

Senjen,  Sen-yen,  u  n.  w.  coast  Nor. 

Senlis,  Soh-les,  t  Fr.,  5^. 

Sennaar,  Sen-qr,  st  and  c  Af.,  4. 

Sens,  Son,  c  Fr.,  W^i. 

Sentis,  Son-tis,  m  Swit.,  SJ^  ft. 

Sept-Isles,  Sot-Sl,  is  n.  Brittany. 

Sepulga,  Se-ptil-ga,  r  Ala.         d 

Sequatchie,  Sp-kwaq-e,  r  Tenn.,  100  m. 

Seraing,  Se-rafi,  v  Belg.,  3>^.  [%. 

Sorampore,  Ser-ampur,  t  Br.  Ind.,  12- 

Seroq,  S^rk,  i  Eng.  Chan. 

Seres,  Ser-es,  t  Eu.  Tur.,  30. 

Sercth,  Ser-^t,  r  Moldavia,  270  m.  . 

Sergipe.  Sez-je-pa,  v  and  prov  Brazil, 
31,958  s.  ra  ;  pop.  175,000. 

Serido,  Sa-re-do,  r  Bra.,  120  m. 

Serinagur,  Ser-i-nq-gdr,  cap  c  Cash- 
mere, 40.  [S.  Ind. 

Soringapatam,     Ser-io-ga-pa-tam,   ft 

Sariuo,  Sq-re-no),  t  Naples,  (}. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Serle  (Serl)  Island,  Pac.  Oc,  %. 
Sermatta,  Se^'-mq-tq,  i  Malay  Arch. 
Sermide,  Si3/--ine-da,  v  Aust.  It.,  5. 
Serpho,  Ser-fo),  i  Gr.  Arch,,  %. 
Serpookhov,  Scr-poo-Aov,  t  llus.,  13. 
Serravalle,  Ser-q-vq-la,  t  It.,  b%. 
Servia,    Scr-vi-a,  ei/  Eu.,  area  20,000 
Seskar,  Ses-kqr,  i  Gulf  of  Fin.    [s.  m. 
Sestri  a  Levante,  Ses-trs  H-la-vqn-ta, 

t  N.  It.,  7^. 
Setang,  Se-tag,  r  Burmah,  260  m. 
Sotauket,  Se-te-ket,  v  N-Y. 
Setta,  Set-q,  t  Dahomey,  9. 
Si3ttle,  S6t-l,  t  Eng.,  2. 
Setubal,  Sa-t*6-bql,  s-ptcFort.f  15. 
Sevastopol  or  Sebastopol,    Sev-as-td)- 

pol,  t  and  naval  station  Eu.  Ru3.,40. 
•Sevellan,  Sa-vel-qn,  w  N.  Per.,  13,000  ft. 
Sevenoaks,  Sev-n-(f)ks,  t  Eng.,  \%. 
Severn,    Sev-ern,    r  Eng.,  210  m.:   r 

MJ.,  &e. 
Sevier,  Sev-er,  cos  Ark.,  Tenn. 
Seville,  Sev-il,  c  Sp.,  100)^;  vO. 
Sevre-Nantaise,    Sevr  (or  Savr)  Non- 

taz,  r  Fr.,  70  m. 
Sevre-Niortaise,  Ne-er-taz,  r  Fr. 
Sevres,  Sevr  m'  Savr,  t  Fr.,  A%. 
Sevres,  Deux,  De  Savr,   dep  Fr.;  area 

2315  s.  m.,  pop!  323,615. 
Sevvickleyvillo,  SiVik-li-vil,  t  0.,  %. 
Seybo,  Si-bo,  t  Hayti,  5. 
Seychelles,  Sa-Jel,  is  Ind.  Oc,  7. 
Seymour.  Se-mer,  vs  Conn.,  la.,  C.  W. 
Sezzn,  Set-:r-q,  t  It.,  ^%. 
Shaduan,  Xq-doD-qn,  *  Red  Sea. 
Shaftsbury,  Xafts-ber-i,  &<>;•  and  ^Eng., 

2>^;  V  Vt.,  2. 
Shahpor,  Xq-p(f»r,  r  Persia. 
Shalersviile,  Xa-lerz-vil,  t'«  Pa.,  0. 
Shainaka,  Old,  Old  Sq-mq-kq,  'O  Rus., 

Shammar  (Xam-^r)  Mountains,  Arabia. 
Shamokin,  Xam-o-kin,  v  Pa.,  2. 
Shamrock,  Xam-rok,  'V  0. 
Shanesville,  Xanz-vil,  v  0.,  %. 
Shang-IIai,  Sag-Hj,  s-pt  c  China,  190. 
Shang-I-Yuen,  Xqij-B-YcD-en,  t  China, 
Shannon,  Xan-on,  r  Ir.,  221  m.     [100. 
Shannondale    (  Xan-on-dal  )    Springs, 

tvatering- place  Va. 
Shannonville,  Xan-on-vil,   ^'8  Pa.,  C. 

W.,  M. 
Shao-Choo,  Sq-o-Cdo,  c  China,  40. 
Shao-Hing,  Xq-o-Hip,  c  China. 
Shao-King,  Xq-o-Kiij,  /^  c  China. 
Shao-Woo,  Xq-o-Wdb,  ft  c  China. 
Shapinshay,  Eap-in-Ja,  Orkney  Is.,  %. 
Sharon,  Xa-ron,  'Vs  Vt.,  Mass.,  Conn., 

Pa.,  Va.,  Miss.,  0.,  Mich.,  111.,  lo., 


Sharon  Centre,  v  0.  [N-Y. 

Sharon  Springs,  v  and  watering-place 
Sharonville,  Xa-ron-vil,  D  0. 
Sharpsburg,  Xqrps-burg,  rs  la.,  2;  Ky. 
Sharpsville,  Xqrps-vil,  'V  la. 
Sharptown,  Xqrp-tijn,  v  N-J, 
Shasta,  Xqs-ta,  co  t  Cal. 
Shaste,  Xqs-tE,  m  Cal.,  11,000  ft. 
Shatsk,  Xqtsk,  t  Rus.,  6. 
Shawnee  (Xa-ne)  Indians,  t7'  now  in 

Kansas  Ter. 
Shawneetovvn,  Xo-ne-t-sn,  t  111.,  2. 
Shayuen,  Xa-yq-en,  r  Min.,  300  va. 
Sheboygan,   Xe-ber-gan,  r  and  t  Wis.j 

—  Fulls,  V  Wis.,  %. 
Shediac,  Xed-i-qk,  t  N-Brun.,  2. 
Sheeraz,  Xe-rqz,  c  Per.,  30. 
Sheerness,  Xsr-nes,  s-pt  t  Eng.,  83^3. 
Sheffield,    Xef-eld,    2^^^^  ^^^  ^  i^ug.j 

135>^;  vs  Mass.,  2%;  Pa.,  &e. 
Shehr,  XeAr,  t  Arabia,  6. 
Sheilville,  Xel-vil,  p  0  la. 
Shelbarn,  Xel-burn,  vsYt.,\'%:,J^-B.. 
Shelburne,  Xel-burn,  s-pt  t  N.  Scotia. 
Shelburne  Falls,  v  Mass.,  1. 
Shelby,  Xel-bi,  xs  N-Y.,  0.;  co  t  N.  C. 
Shelbyville,  Xel-bi-vil,  co  tt  Tex. 

Tenn.,  1;  Ky.,  2;  la.,  l^;  111.,  Mo. 
Sheldon,  Xel-don,^  ts  Vt.,  .X-Y. 
Sheligov,  Xel-i-gov,  I  Rus.  Am. 
Shellitf,  Xel-if,  r  Algeria,  250  m.      {va. 
Shenandoah,  Xen-an-dJ)-o,  r  Va.,  170 
Shenango,  Xe-nan-go,  cr  Pa.  [2/^. 

Shepherdstowu,  Xep-erdz-t-sn,  t  A^'a.,  1- 
Sheperdsville,  Xep-erdz-vil,  co  t  Ky. 
Sheppy,    Xep-i,    i  Eng.,  in  mouth  of 

Shepton-Mallet,  Xep-toa-Mal-et,  t  and 

23ar  Eng.,  Z%. 
Sherborn,  Xer-born,  v  3Iass. 
Sherborne,  Xer-born,  t  Eng.,  3^. 
Sherboro,  Xer-bur-o,  *  off  Guinea;  r 

Guinea,  230  m. 
Sherbrooke,  Xer-bruk,  i  C.  E.,  1)^. 
Sherburne,  Xer-burn,  v  N-Y.,  2%. 
Sheridan,  Xer-i-dan,  v  N-Y. 
Shermon,  Xer-man,  co  t  Tex. 
Shermansville,  Xer-manz-vil,  v  R.  I. 
Sherington,  Xer-ig-ton,  v  C.  E.,  \)4,. 
Shetland  (Xet-land)  Islands,  arch  N. 

At.  Oc,  31. 
Shiashkotan,  Xe-qJ-ko-tqu,  Koorile  i. 
Shiawassee,   Xi-a-wos-e,    r,  co  and  v 

Mich.  [Eng.,  29. 

Shields,  South,    S-st  Xeldz,  hor  and  t 
Shieldsborough,      Xeldz-bur-o,     co    t 

Miss.,  13^. 
Shiel,  Loch,  hoh  Xel,  I  Scot. 
Shienne,  Xe-en,  /•  Mo.,  200  m. 
Shiffnal,  Xif-nal,  t  Eng.,  b%. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Shikarpoor,  Eik-ar-pcftr,  t  Sinde,  30, 

Shiloh,  Sj-lo.  T»  N-J.,  N.  C. 

Shinaadoah   Xia-an-do-a,  n  N-T. 

Shinnston,  Xinz-ton,  t  Va, 

Shippensburg,  Zip-enz-burg,  lyor  Pa. 

Shippensrille,  Xip-enz-vil,  v  Venn. 

ShipyMngport,  Xip-ii)-port,  T  Ky. 

Shirley,  Xer-li,  v  Mass.,  1%. 

Shoa  or  Schoa,  Scd-q,  state  Abys. 

Shoalhaven,  Sol-ha-ven,  r  N.  S,  Wales. 

Shokapee,  Xa-ka-pe,  co  t  Minn. 

Shokokon,  Xo-ko-kon,  p  o  111. 

Shoneaw,  Xuj-ne-e,  v  Wis. 

Shongalo,  Xor)-ga-lo,  T  Mis?. 

Shoojuabad,  Xa)-ja)-a-bqd,  t  Pun  Jab,  10. 

Shooinla,  Xtora-lq,  c  Bulgaria,  21. 

Shooster,  Xi)3-ter,  c  Persia,  8. 

Shoreham,  Sor-ham,  »-pt  t  Eng.,  2}/^; 
f  Vt.,  \%. 

Shoshonees,  So-Jo-nsz,  or  Snake  In- 
dians, tr  Oregon. 

SUowstown,  Xoiz-t-sn,  v  Penn.,  1. 
■  Shreveport,  Xrev-port,  cot  La.,  3. 

Shrewsbury,  Xr6z-ber-i  or  Erdbz-ber-i, 
hjr  and  t  Eng.,  19^;  vs  Vt.,  N-J., 
Ponn.  [Scotia. 

Shubenacadie,  X(6-ben-a-ka-de,    r  N. 

Shullsburg,  Sdlz-burg,  v  Wis.,  2}^. 

Shumalari,  Xutn-a-lar-g,  peak  of  the 
Ilimoaalaya  Mountains,  27,200  ft. 

Shuna,  Xi\-na,  i  Inner  Hebrides. 

Sbusan,  Xi\-san,  v  N-Y. 

Siah-Koh,  Se-a-k6,  m  Afghanistan. 

Siak  or  Siakh,  SE-qk,r  and*^  Sumatra. 

Siam,  Sj-am,  kimj  Asia;  area,  about 
250,000  s.  m.;  pop.,  about  5,000,000; 
g  Siam,  500  by  300  m. 

Siaino,  Se-^-mo,  *  Malay  Arch. 

Siang-Yang;  Se-^fl-Yqi),  c  China. 

Siasconset,  Si-as-kon-set,  v  Mass. 

Siberia,  Sj-be-ri-a,  large  territory  of 
North  Asia  belonging  to  Russia.  Di- 
visions: West  Siboria — Tobolsk, 
Tomsk,  Omsk.  East  Siberia — Yeni- 
seisk, Irkootsk,  Yakootsk,  Okhotsk, 
Katntchatka,  Tchodktchee.  Area, 
4.812,389;  pop.  2,887,184. 

Sibkah,  Al,  fll  Sib-kq,  Bait  I  North 
Africa,  80  by  20  m. 

Sibley,  Sib  li,  v  Mo. 

Sibuyan.  Se-bcD-ydn,  i  Malay  Arch. 

Sicily,  Sis-i-li,  i  Mediterranean;  area, 
10,556  8.  m.;  pop.  2,041,583. 

Siculiana,  Se-kii)l-y(\-nq.  t  Sicily,  b%. 

Sidmouth,  Sid-mut,  8-pt  t  and  par 
Eng.,  3txJ. 

Sidney,  Sid-ni,  n  Me.,  N-Y.,  Tod., 
111.,  Iowa:  CO  t  O.  [fti^. 

Biegen,   Seg-en,   t   Prus,  Westphalia, 

Sieana,  Se-^n-ci,  c  Tuscany,  22. 

Sierra,  Se-er-q,  Sp,  TTord  for  "  saw," 
applied  to  the  notched  appearance  of 
mountain  ridges. 

Sierra  Acarai,  fl-kq-rj,  ms  S.  Am, 

Sierra  Blanca,  Blqp-kq.  m  New  Mex. 

Sierra  de  Caballo,  da  Kq-bql-yo,  ma 
New  Mexico. 

Sierra  de  la  Lanterna,  da  Iq  Lqn-ter- 
nq,  m  New  Mex.  [Ter. 

Sierra  de  la  Platte,  da  Iq  Plat,  wUtah 

Sierra  de  la  Vinda,  da  Iq  Ven-dq,  m 
Cordillera  in  Peru. 

Sierra  do  los  Ju manes,  da  los  jHio-mq- 
nes,  rm  New  Mex.  [New  Mex. 

Sierra  de  San  Juan,  da  Sqn  H<x>-c\n,m8 

Sierra  Leone,  Lg-6-ne,  British  colonial 
settlement.  West  Africa,  44)^. 

Sierra  Madre,  Mq-dra,  ms  Mexico. 

Sierra  Morena,  Mo-ra-nq,  ms  Spain. 

Sierra  Morina,  Mo-rg-nq,  m,s  Cal. 

Sierra  Nevada,  Na-vq-dq,  ms  Sp.  Pen.; 
—  Na-vq-dq,  ms  Cal.  [Am. 

Sierra  Pacaraima,  Pq-kq-rj-mq,  ms  S. 

Sigourney,  Sig-ur-ni,  v  Iowa,  ^. 

Siguenza,  Ss-gwen-tq,  t  Sp.,  5. 

Sikhs  (jt  Seiks,  Seks,  warlike  nation, 
Br.  India.  ^  {]4. 

Sikino,    Se-kg-no,    i    Grecian   Arch.j 

Sikokf,  Se-kokf,  i  Japan. 

Silesia,  Si-lg-Ji-a,  prov  Prus.;  area, 
15,820  s.  m.;  pop.  3,060,593. 

Silesia,  Austrian,  part  of  Silesia  sub- 
ject to  Austria. 

Silistria,  Si-lis-tri-a,  c  Eu.  Tur,,  20, 

Siljan,  Sil-yqn,  I  Sweden. 

Silvan,  Sil-van,  v  Mich.,  1. 

Silver  Creek,  »  N-Y. 

Silver  Spring,  v  Penn.,  2. 

Simabara,  Se-mq-bq-rq,  g  Japan. 

Simbeersk  or  Simbirsk,  Sim-bersk,  got 
Russia;  area,  27,944  s,  m.;  pop.  1,- 
024,236;  cap  c  of  above,  35>^. 

Simcoe,  Sim-ko,  I  and  t  Can.  W.,  1^. 

Simferopol  or  Simpheropol,  Sim-fer- 
6-pol,  t  S.  Russia,  8. 

Simooseer,  S£-ma)-ser,  Koorile  island. 

Simplon,  Sah-ploh,  m  Switz. 

Simpsonvillo,  Simp-son-vil,  i)  Ky. 

Simsbury,  Simz-ber-i,  ^'  Conn.,  2. 

Sinai,  Sj-na  or  Sj-na-j,  Mount,  Scrip- 
ture m,  Arabia;  pen  bet.  Gulfs  of 
Suez  and  Akabah. 

Sind,  Sind,  r  Hind.,  220  m. 

Sinde,  Sind,  ter  British  India;  area, 
52,120  8,  m.;  pop.  1,275,000. 

Singapore,  Sip-ga-|HSr,  British  settle- 
ment in  S,  E,  Asia;  pop,  52,891;  c, 
cap  of  above,  26. 

Sing  Sing,  Sij)  Sip,  -»  N-Y.,  scat  of 
oao  ol  the  state  prisons,  3. 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Sinigaglia.  Sr-ne-gql-yq,  s-ptt  Pontif. 

States,  22. 
Sinna,  Sin-q,  t  Persia,  20. 
Sinnimari,  SEn-q-mq,-rE,  r  Fr.  Guiana, 

200  m. 
8inope,  Sin-o-pe,  s-jit  t  As.  Minor,  8. 
Sinu,  Se-n<6,  r  New  Granada,  200  m. 
Sioot,  Se-rf)t,  t  Upper  Egypt,  20. 
Sioux  Indians,    Soo  In'di-anz,  tr  Ne- 
braska territory;  r  Minn,  ter.,300  m. 
Sipan  Dagh,  Se-pqn  Dqg,  rn,  Tur.  Ar. 
Siphanto,  8if-an-t&),  i  Grcc.  Arch.,  5. 
Sipotuba,  Se-po-t(6-bq,  r  Brazil. 
Sippican,  Sip-i-lian,  «  Mass. 
iSisitiyou,  Sis-ki-yiD  or  Sis-i-k(D,  coCal. 
Sistcron,  Sis-te-roh,  ft  t  ¥r.,  4}^. 
Sisterville,  Sis-ter-vil,  v  Va.,  1. 
Sistova,  Sis-t«d-vq,  t  Eu.  Tur.,  20. 
Sitka,  Sit-ka,  i  w.  N.  Am. 
Sitkhin,  Sit-/tin,  Aleutian  island. 
Sittingbourne,  Sit-ig-burn,  t  and  par 

Eng.,  3.  [China. 

Siue-Foong-Shan,  Se-<D-a-F()t)u-Xqn,  m 
Siue-Shan,  Se-co-a-Sqn,  m  China. 
Sivana,  Se-vq-nq,  i  IJr,  Ind. 
Skagen,  8kq-gen,  cape  Jutland  1%. 
Skagur  Rack   f/r  Skagerrak,    Skag-er 

Rak,  arm  of  North  Sea. 
Skagtols-Tind,  Sk^g-telz-tind,  m  Nor. 
Skalits,  Skq-lits,  t  Hun.,  8%. 
Skamania,  Ska-ma-ni-a,  c^Wash.  ter. 
Skaneateles,    8kan-e-at-les,    v    N-Y., 

1%;  I  N-Y.,  16  by  2  m. 
Skegness,  Skeg-nes,  t;  and  jioar  Eng. 
Skerries,  Sker-iz,  t  Ir.,  2%. 
Skiatho,  Ske-q-to,  i  Grec.  Arch. 
Skiberbeen,  Skib-er-ben,  t  Ir.,  4. 
Skipton,  Skip-ton,  t  Eng.,  5. 
Skopelo,  Sko-pa-lo,  one  of  the  North 

Sporades  Islands,  yEgean  Sea,  2}^' 
Skopin,  Sko-pin,  t  Rus„  6. 
Skowhegan,  Sk's-he-gan,  •»  Me.,  1%. 
Skunk  (Skuiik)  River,  Iowa,  250  m. 
Skye,  Skj,  z  Inner  Hebrides,  2Ij^. 
Skyros,  Ske-ros,  i  Grec.  Arch.,  2%, 
Slatersvillo,  Sla-terz-vil,  v  R.  I.,  1}4- 
Slavonia,    Slq-vu-ni-q,    or   Sclavonia, 

Sklq-VQ-ni-q,    ter  Aus.;  area,  3,656 

s.  m.;  pop.  336,000. 
Sleaford,  Sle-ford,  New,  t  Eng.,  3%. 
Sleswick,  Sles-wik,  duchy  Den.,  pop. 

363,000;  t  Den.,  cap.  of'above,  11^. 
Sleydinge,  Sli  diij-e,  v  Belgium,  b%. 
Sligo,  Slj-go,  hor  and  s-pt  t  Ir.,  ll^ij 

'vs  Tenn.,  O. 
Slobdosk,  Slob-dosk,  t  Rus.,  6. 
Slonim,  S16-nim,  t  Rus.  Poland,  7)-^. 
Slootsk,  SlODtsk,  t  Rus.  Poland,  8. 
Smothport,  Smet-port,  cot  Penu. 
Bmithborougb,  Smit-bur-o,  v  N-Y. 

Smithfield,  SmiC-feld,  co  fs  Va.,  Ij  N. 

C;  V  Ind. 
Smilhland,  Smit-land,  co  t  Ky. 
vSraith's  Falls,  t  Can.  West,  1. 
Smith's  Sound,  n.  Baffin's  bay. 
Smithville,  Smit-vil,  co  ts  N.  C,  Ark., 

Tenn.;  ts  N-Y..  Miss.,  Can.  "West. 
Smolensk,  Smo-lensk,  t  Rus,,  13. 
Smyrna,  Smer-na,  c  Asia  Minor,  150; 

vs   N-Y.,  2;    Del.,  2;    Tenn.,  0.;    g 

^gean  Sea. 
Sneedsville,  Snedz-vil,  co  t  Tenn. 
Sneek,  Snak,  t  Netherlands,  1%. 
Sniatyn,  Sne-q-tin,  t  Aus.  Pol.,  6^^. 
Snowdon,  Sn(f)-don,  m  Wales. 
Snow  Hill,  cots  Maryland,  l^^;  N.  C. 
Society  (Sca-sj-e-ti)  Islands,    S.  Pac, 

the  principal  of   which  are,   Tahiti, 

Eimeo,  Osnaburg;  pop.  10,000. 
Socorro,  So-kor-o,  t  New  Granada,  12. 
Socotni,  S6k-o-trq,  i  Ind.  Oc,  4. 
Soda  (S6-da)Lake,  La. 
Sodus,  So-dus,   n   N-Y.,  4)^;  h  35  m. 

e.  of  Rochester,  N-Y. 
Sodus  Point,  v  N-Y. 
Soerabaya,  S(D-rq-b|-q,  ^-p^  t  Java,  60. 
Soerakarta,  Soo-rq-kqr-tq,  t  Java,  10. 
Soest,  Sest,  t  Prus.  Westphalia,  8%. 
Sofala,  So-fq-lq,  r  E.  Africa,   200  m. 
Soham,  S6-ham,  t  Eng.,  2%. 
Soignies,  Swqn-ye,  t  Belgium,  &]/^. 
Soissons,  Swq-s6n,  ft  t  Fr.,  9)^. 
Solano,  So-lq-nu,  co  Cal. 
Solesmes,  So-lam,  t  Fr.,  b%. 
Soleure,  So-ler,  t  Switz.,  b%.     [<c)%. 
Solingen,    S(5-lig-en,   t   Rhen.    Prus., 
So-ling-shan,  So-liy-Jqn,  m  China. 
SoUer,  Sol-y^r,  t  is.  Majorca,  7. 
Solo,  S6-1q,  r  .Java,  356  m. 
Solofra,  Scj-16-frq,  t  Naples,  5)^. 
Solomon  (S61-(3-mon,)  Islands,  Pacific 

Oc;  is  Indian  Oc. 
Solon,  So-lon,  c  Me.,  1;  Iowa. 
Solor,  So-ler.  i  Malay  Arch. 
Solt,  Solt,  t  Hun.,  7. 
Solta,  Sol-tq,  i  Dalmatia.  \%.     [Sea. 
Sol  way  Frith.  S61-wa  Frit,  inlet  \v\i\i. 
Somerford,  Siim-er-ford,  v  0. 
Somers,  Siim-erz,  ?;«  Conn.,  N-Y. 
Somerset,    Siim-er-set,    t'    Mass.;    hor 

Penn.,  1;  cots  Ky.,  0.,  1^^. 
Somers  Point,  v  N-J. 
Somerton,  Siim-er-ton,  t  an^par  Eng., 

2%\  TS  Va.,  0. 
Somerville,  Siim-er-vil,  v  Mass.,  5;  co 

ts  N-J.,  1;  Ala.,  Tenn.:  vs  N-Y.,  0. 
Sommariva  del  Bosco,  Som-q-re-vq  del 

B6s-ko,  t  Pied.,  by^. 
Sttmme,  Som,  dep  and  r  Fr.,  117  m, 
Sommen,  Som-en,  I  Sweden. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Sommerfeld,  Siim-er-felt,  t  Prus.,3%. 
Somonauk,  Som-o-nek,  'C  111. 
Sondershausen,     Son-derz-h-s-zen,      t 

Cen.  Ger.,  S)^. 
Sone,  or  Soane,  Son,  r  Ind.,  440  m. 
Song-Kiang,  Sog-Kc-qg,  c  China. 
Sonneberg,  S6n-a-ber7i,  t  Ger.,  Z%. 
Sonnenburg,  S6n-en-burA,  t  Prus.,  3. 
Sonoma,  Su)-n6-ma,  co  and  t  Cal.,  1. 
Sonora,   So-no-ra,    co  t    Cal.,  2]4\  r 

3Iex.,  300  ra.;    state   Mexico;    area, 

123,466  s.  m.;   pop.  147,133;   t  sUte 

of  Sonora,  8.  [dor,  10. 

Sonsonate,  Son-so-n^-ta,  t  San  Salva- 
Soo-Chow-Foo,  Sa)-C«-F<jb,    t  China, 

pop.  2,000,000. 
Soodan  or  Soudan,  Sdb-d^n,  undefined 

region  of  Central  Africa. 
Sooja,  ScS-jq,,  t  Russia,  7.       [As.Tur. 
Sook-el-Shooyookh,  Scok-el-Soo-ytJ)^,   t 
Sookhona,  Soi-Ao-nq,  r  Uus.,  250  ui. 
Soolina,  Soi-le-nq,  branch  pf  the  Dan- 
ube in  Bessarabia. 
Sooloo  ( Sa>-!(6, )  Islands,  arch  Ind.  Oc, 

pop.  200,000;  t  Sooloo  Arch.,  6. 
Soomshoo,  Sd)m-J"(t),  Koorile  Island. 
Soomy,  S(f>-me,  t  Rua.,  12;  I  Siberia. 
Soongaree,  Son-gq-re,  r  Mant.,  800  m. 
Soongaria,    Sa);)-gq-ri-q,    part  of    the 

Chinese  Empire  in  Central  Asia. 
Soosa,  S<6-sq,  i-pt  Tunis,  10. 
Sophia,  So-fe-q.  c  Eu.  Tur.,  50. 
Sora,  So-rq,  c  Naples,  8. 
Soragno,  So-r^n-yq,  t  Italy,  5}^. 
Sorau,  Su-ru,  t  Prus.,  6^. 
Sorel,  So-rel,  v  Can.  East,  3)^. 
Soresina,  So-ra-se-nq,  t  Lom,,  5. 
Sorocaba,  Sca-ro-k^-bq,  t  Brazil,  12. 
Soroe,  So-re-e,  i  Norway. 
Sorrento,  Sor-^n-to,  t  Naples,  10. 
Sosnitsa,  Sos-nit-sq,  t  Rus.,  5. 
Sosva,  Sos-vq,  r  Siberia,  350  m. 
Sotoanne,  Sca-to-^n,  Caroline  Is. 
Soucook,  S(6-kiak,  r  N-H. 
Soubegan,  Sa>-he-gan,  r  Mass. 
Sound,  Sijnd,  or  Oeresund,  P>-a-s<find, 

tlr  between  Denmark  and  Sweden. 
South  Abingdon,    Sut  Ab'ig-don,    v 

South  Acton,  Ak'ton,  «  Mass. 
South  Adams,  Ad'amz,  ■»  Mass. 
South  Albion,  Al'bi-on,  v  Me. 
South  Amboy,  Am-b(ir,  r  N-J.,  V^. 
Southampton,  Sut-hamp-ton,  hor  and 

i-pt  t  Eng.,  351/^;  v  Mass.,  1;  t  Br. 

N.  Am. 
South  Australia,  Gs-tr6l-ya,    British 

colony  of  Australia;  area,  300,000  8. 

m.;  pop.  68,663. 
?5oath  Bend,  co  i  Ind.,  2. 

South  Berwick,  Ber-wik,  t  Me.,  2^. 
South  Bloomfield,  Bloom-fgld,  v  0. 
Southborough,  S-st-bur-o,  t;  Mass.,  \%, 
South  Braintree,  Bran-tre,  v  Mass. 
Southbridge,  S-sfc-brij,   t'  Mass.,  3. 
South  Bridgewater,  Brij-we-terj'i'Masa, 
South  Bristol,  Bris-tol,  v  N-Y.,  \%, 
South  Britain,  Brit-en,  v  Conn. 
Southbury,  Sifc-ber-i,  v  Conn. 
South  Butler,  Bdt-ler,  v  N-Y. 
South  Canaan,  Ka-nan,  Conn. 
South  Candor,  Kan-dor,  x  N-Y. 
South   Carolina;    Kar-o-lj-na,   one  of 

the  original  U.  S.:  area,  30,213  s,  m.; 

pop.,  whites,    274.563;   free  colored, 

8,960;  slaves,  384.984;  total,  668,507. 
South  Carroll  ton,  Kar-ol-ton,  -y  Ky. 
South  Charleston,  Cqriz-ton,  -»  0. 
South  Chai^estown,  (i^qrlz-tl5n,  r  N-H. 
South  Corinth,  Kor-int,  'V  N-Y. 
South  Cortland,  Kort-land,  v  N-Y. 
South  Coventry,  Kuv-en-tri,  v  Conn. 
South  Danvers,  Dan-verz,  xi 
South  Dartmouth,  Dqrt-mut,  v 
South  Dedham,  Ded-ham,  v  Mass. 
South  Deerfield,  Dsr-feld,    ts    N-H., 

Sotith  Dennis,  Den-is,  v  Mass. 
South  Dorset,  Der-set,  v  Vt. 
South  Dover,  D{5-ver,  v  N-Y. 
South  Easton,  tVton,  t  Penn. 
South  English,  Ig'gliJ,  t  Iowa. 
South  Fairfax,  F4r-faks,  v  Vt. 
South  Fitchburg,  Fiq-burg,  v  Mass. 
South  Framingham,   Fram-ifl-ham, 

South  Gardiner,  Gqr-di-ner,  v  Mass. 
South  Genesee,  Jen-e-sg,  -r  Wis. 
South  Glastenbury,   Glas-ten-ber-i,    • 

South  Hadley,  Had-li,  i)  Mass.,  2%. 
South  Hampton,  Hamp-ton,  'v  N-Y.,  5. 
South  Hartford,  Hqrt-ford,  -D  N-Y. 
South  Harwich,  H(^r-wic,  t  Mass. 
South  Ilawley,  Ho-li,  v  Mass. 
South  Hingham,  Hig-ham,  v  Mass. 
Southington,  S'xt-ig-ton,  v  Conn.,  V/^, 
South  Keene,  Ken,  t?  N-H. 
South  Lee,  Le,  v  Mass. 
South  Lincoln,  Ligk-on,  t  Me. 
South  Livonia,  Li-v(5-ni-a,  v  N-Y. 
South  Maiden,  Mol-den,  v  Mass.,  1. 
South  Merrimack,  Mer-i-mak,  v  N-H. 
South  Middleborough,  Mid-l-bur-o,  « 

South  Milford,  Mil-ford,  v  Del. 
South  Nashville,  NaJ-vil,  t  Tenn.,  3. 
South  Newmarket,  Nn-m^r-ket,  rN-H. 
South  Norwalk,  Nor-wok,  »  Conn. 
Southold,  Sit-wld;  v  N-Y. 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

South  Orange,  Or'anj,  v  N-J. 

South  Orrington,  Or'ig-ton,  v  Me. 

South  Paris,  Par-is,  t;' Me. 

South  Perry,  Per-i,  v  0.  [2}^. 

South  Pittsburg,  Pits-burg,  hor  Fenn., 

South  Point,  Pernt,  v  Mo. 

Southport,  S-st-port,  m  Conn.,  lyi:  N- 
Y.,  2]4;  Ind. 

South  Heading,  Rdd-irj,  v  Mass.,  2J/^. 

South  Royalston,  K<^-alz-ton,  d  Mass. 

South  Royalton,  Rtf-al-ton,  v  Vt. 

South  Salem,  Sa-lem,  vs  N-Y.,  O. 

South  Sandwich,  Sand-wiq,  v  Mass. 

South  Schodae,  Sko-dak,  v  N-Y. 

South  Scituate,  Sit-yn-at,  re  Mass., 
R.  L 

South  Seekonk,  Se-kopk,  v  Mass. 

South  Shaftsbury,  Sdfts-ber-i,  v  Vt. 

'South  Shetland,  Xet-land'  arch  South 
Atlantic.  [li^. 

South  Thomaston,  T6m-as-ton,  v  Me., 

South  Vernon,  Ver-non,  v  Vt. 

Southville,  S-st-viI,  vs  Conn.,  N-Y. 

Southwark,  Sut-ark,  hor  Eng.,  173. 

Southwell,  SS'C-wel,  t  and  ^jar  Eng., 

South  Wellfleet,  Wel-flet,  v  Ma-^s. 

South  Weymouth,  Wa-mut,  i)  Mass. 

South  Wilbraham,  "Wil-bra-ham,  v 
Arass.  [Mass. 

South  Williamstown,  Wil-yamz-t"8n,  v 

South  Windham,  Wind-ham,  r  Conn. 

South  Wobarn.  Wc5-burn,  v  Mass. 

Southwold,  Sit-wold,  hor  and  s-pt  t 
Eng.,  2%. 

South  Yarmouth,  Y^r-mtlt,  v  Mass., 

Povicille,  So-ve-qel-a,  v  Tus,,  63^. 

Soxville,  Soks-vil,  ■«  Penn. 

Spa,  Sp9,  t  Belg.,  3%. 

Spain,  Span,  /rt/?^  S.  W.  Europe,  com- 
posed of  the  following  divisions: — 
New  Castile,  Old  Castile,  Leon,  As- 
turias,  Galicia,  Estramadura,  Anda- 
lusia. Aragon,  Murcia,  Valencia, 
Catalonia,  Navarre,  Basque  Provin- 
ces, Balearic  Islands,  Canary  Is- 
lands. In  America — Cuba,  Porto- 
Rico,  Virgin  Islands.  In  Asia — Phil- 
ippine Islands.  In  Africa — The  Pre- 
sidios, Guinea  Islands.  In  Oceanica 
• — Part  of  the  Ladrone  Islands.  To- 
tal area,  286,279  s.  m.;  pop.  18,144,- 

•    509.  [101^. 

Spalato,  Spq-l(^-to,    s-pt  c  Dahnatia, 

Spalding,  Speld-ip,  t  and  par  Eng.,  9. 

Spalmadore,  Spql-mq-d6-ra,  is  As.  Tur. 

Spandau.  Sp^n-dis,  ft  t  Prus,,  61^. 

Spanish  Town,  or  Santiago  de  la  Vega, 
Sqn-te-q-go  da  \(\,  Va-gc[,  ca^  t  Ja- 
maica, 6. 

Sparta,  Sp(\r-ta,  co  te  Ga.,  Ala.,  La., 

Tenn.;  re  N-J.,  Ky.,  0.,  III.,  Mo. 
Spartanburg,  Spqr-tan-burg,  co  t  S.  C. 
Spask,  Spqsk,  t  Rus.,  6. 
Speedsville,  Spedz-vil,  n  N-Y. 
Spencer,  Sp^n-ser,    co  te   Tenn.,  Ind.: 

re  Mass.,  l}4;  N-Y.,  0. 
Spencer  Gulf,  b  South  Australia. 
Spenserport,  Spen-ser-port,  v  N-Y. 
Spencerville,  Spen-ser-vil,  v  Ind. 
Sperryville,  Sper-i-vil,  v  Va. 
Spesshardt,  Sp^s-hqrt,  tne  Ger. 
Spcy,  Spa,  r  Scot.,  110  m. 
Speyer,  Spj-er,  c.  cap  Rhen.  Bav.,  93^4. 
Spezia,  La,  Lq,  Sped-zi-q,  t  It.,  9%. 
Spezzia,  Spet-si-q,  t   Greece,  8. 
Spirit  Lake,  Iowa, 
Spitalfields,   Spit-al-feldz,    section  of 

London,  Eng.  [Eng. 

Spithead,  Spit-hed,  roadstead  coast  of 
Spitzbergcn,  Spits-ber-gen,  i  Arc.  Oo. 
Spoleto,  Spo-la-to,  c  Cen.  It.,  6)^. 
Spoon  River,  III.,  100  m. 
Spottsville,  Spots-vil,  v  Ky. 
Spottswood,  Spots-wiad,  r  N-J. 
Spree,  Spra,  r  Ger.,  220  m, 
Spremberg,  Sprem-berA,  t  Prus.,  4}{. 
Spring  Bay,  v  III. 

Springborough,  Sprir)-bur-o,  v  0.,  %. 
Springdale,  Sprii]-dal,  v  Miss. 
Springfield,  Spriij-feld,  c  Mass.,  13^; 

c  0.,  8;    cap  c  III.,  7;    ve  Vt.,  2%, 

N-J.,  1%;  Mo.,  1,  &c. 
Spring  Hill,  vs  Ala.,  Tenn.,  Ind.,  111. 
Spring  Hills,  r  O.,  X. 
Spring  Mill,  v  Penn. 
Spring  Place,  co  t  Ga. 
Spring  Prairie,  Pra-ri,  ■»  Wis. 
Spring  River,  r  Mo.,  and  Ark.;  v  Mo. 
Spring  Valley,  r  0.,  j^. 
Springville,  Spri^-vil,    vs  N-Y.,    IW; 

Penn,,  Ky.,  Ind.,  111.,  Mo.,  Wis. 
Springwater,  Sprifl-wo-ter,  v  N-Y. 
Spring  Wells,  v  Mich.,  2. 
Sprottau,  Sprot--?,  t  Prus,  Silesia,  43^, 
Squam  (Skwom)  Lake,  N-H,  [11. 

Squammagonic,  Skwom-a-gon-ik,  «  N- 
Stade,  Stq-da, /^  <  Hanover,  6. 
Staeden,  Stq-den,  v  Belg.,  4%. 
Staffa,  Staf-a,  i  Inner  Hebrides. 
Stafford,  Staf-ord,  hor  and  t  Eng.,  12; 

V  N-Y.,  1,  [Dalmatia,  b)^, 

Stagno  Grande,  Stqn-yo  Grqn-da,  t 
Stalimni,  Stq-lim-ne,  i  Grec,  Arch.,  8. 
Stamford, Stam-ford,  Wand^  Eng.,  9; 

hvr  Conn.,  5;  vs  N-Y,,  Can.  W.,  2i^. 
Stampalia,  Stqm-pq-le-q,  *  Grec.  Arch., 

Stanardsville,  Stan-ardx-vil,  co  t  Va, 
Stanford,  Stan-ford,  co  t  Ky,,  1, 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Stanhopo,  Stan-hop,  v  N-J. 
Stanislawow,  Stqa-is-lq-vov, /if  i  Aus. 

Galicia,  9%. 
Stanley,  Stan-li,  v  Eng.,  7}^. 
Stanovoi,  Stq-no-vdr,  ms  East  Asia. 
Stanstead,  Stan-sted,  t  Can.  East,  1. 
Stapleton,  Sta-pl-ton,  v  N-Y.      [8%;. 
Staraia-Roossa,  Slq-rj-q-Ra)3-q,  t  Rus., 
Stargard,  Stqr-gqrt,  t  Prus.,  i'5%. 
Starkey,  Stqr-ki,  v  X-Y.,  3. 
Starkville,  Stqrk-vil,  co  ts  Ga.,  Miss. 
Starling  Medical  College,  Columbus,  0. 
Starodoob,  Stq-ro-dcJob,  t  Rus.,  9. 
Staten  (Stat-en)  Island,  N-Y.  Bay;  i 

Terra  del  Fuego. 
Stateaborough,  Stats-bur-o,  co  t  Ga. 
Statesville,  Stats-vil,  co  i  N.  C. 
Staunton,  Stan-ton,  r  Va.,  200  m.;  cot 

Va.,  2yy.  TS  0.,  III. 
Stavropol,  Stqv-rd)-pol,  t  Rus.,  7. 
Steelsville,  Stelz-vil,  vs  Mich.,  Mo. 
Steilacoom,  Sii-la-ka>m,  co  t  Wash.  ter. 
Steinhude,  Stjn-hcn-da,  I  N.  Ger. 
Stendal,  Sten-dql,  t  Prus.  Sax.,  6%. 
Stephens' (Ste-venz)  P.ant,t;  Wis.,  3^. 
Sterling,  St^r-liy,  vs   Mass.,  Ij  Conn., 
.    1;  N-Y.,  2;  co  t  111. 
Sternberg,  Stern-berA,  t  Ger.,  8. 
Stettin,  SiQi-in,  ft  t  Prus.,  ^1%- 
Steubenville,  Sti\-ben-vil,  t  0.,  &%. 
Stewarton,  Sti\-art-on,  t  Scot.   3^. 
Stewartstown,  Stq-arts-t-sn,  v  Pa.,  \'^. 
Stewartsviile,  Sti\,-art3-vil,  v  N-J.,  y^; 

Penn.,  N.  C. 
Steyer,  Stj-er,  t  Upper  Aus.,  10. 
Stifesville,  Stjlz-vil,  v  Ind. 
Still  Valley,  v  N-J. 
Stillwater,  Stil-we-ter,  xis  N-Y.,  N-J., 

co^  Minn.,  l]^. 
Stirling,  Ster-lio,  t  Scot.,  9%. 
Stockbridge,  Stok-brij,  vi  .Mass.,  2.   [93. 
St^jckholm,  Stok-hom,    c,  cap    Swed., 
Stockorn,  Stok-hern,  in  Switz. 
Stockport,  Stok-port,  hor  and  t  Eng., 

54;  ts  N-Y.,  Penn. 
Stockton,  Stok-ton,  co  t  Cal.,  9. 
Stockton  -  on  -  Tees,     Su^k-ton-on-Tcz, 

s-pt  t  and  par  Eng.,  lOj^. 
S  toicesley,  Stcjks-li,  t  and  />«/•  Eng.,  23^. 
Stoke-upon-Trent,  ^  and  jaar  Eng.,  84. 
Stoipe,  Stol-pa.  t  Prus.,  8%. 
Stone,  Ston,  t  Eng.,  33>^. 
Stoneham,  St<5n-ham,  v  Mass.,  1^. 
Stonehaven,  Stan-ha-veD,  «-p^<  Scot., 

Stoueleigh,  Stdin-le,  v  Eng.,  IJ^. 
Stone  Mountain,  v  Ga.,  ^. 
Stonington,  Stci-nij)-ton,  t  Conn.,  3. 
Stornoway   Ster-no-wu,  a-pt  and  par 

Hebrides,  2>^. 

Storsirin.  Ster-si-en,  I  Swed. 
Stoughton,  Sto-ton,  is  Mass.,  Wis. 
Stour,  SttDr,  four  rs  Eng 
Stourbridge,  Stur-brij,  t  Eng,,  8. 
Stourport,  Stdr-port,  t  Eng,,  3. 
Stoutsville,  St-5ts-vil,  i)  N-J. 
Stow,  Sto,  V  Mass.,  l^.     [Eng.,  SJ^. 
Stowmarket,  Sto-mqr-ket,  t  and  par 
Strabane,  Stra-ban,  hor  and  t  Ir.,  5. 
Stradbally,  Strad-bal-i,  i  Ir,,  l*^. 
Stralsund,  Strql-3unt,/if  t  Prus,,  193^. 
Stranraer,   Stran-rer,  s-pt  t  and  /lar 

Scot.,  b%. 
Strasbourg,  Strqs-bdor,  c  Fr.,  65. 
Strasburg,  Strqs-biarA,   t   Prus,,  4)-^; 

—  Stras-burg,  t  Pa,,  1 ;  rs  Va,,  O. 
Stratford,  Strai-ford,  co  t   C,  W.;  r» 

Conn.,  O.  [Eng.,  33^. 

Stratford-upon-Avon,  fl'von,  W  and  t 
Stratford  le  Bow,  le  Ba,  ^  Eng,,  7. 
Strattonville,  Strat-on-vil,  d  Pa. 
Straiibing,  Stri-bii),  t  Lower  Bav.,  9. 
Strausberg,  Str-ss-be//^,   t    Pru-i.,  3)^. 
Strawberry  Plains,  Stre-ber-i  Planz,  v 

Strawtown,  Stre-t^sn,  tv^o  vs  la. 
Streefkerk,  Straf-kerk,  t)  Neth,,   1^^. 
Strehlen,  Stra-len,  t  Prus.  Sil.,  \%. 
Strelitz,  Alt,  flit  Stra-Iits,  t  Mecklen- 

burg-Strelitz,  3. 
Striegau,  Strg-gTS,  t  Prus,  Sil.,  b%. 
Stromboli,  Strom-bo-li,  Lipari  Is,,  IJ^. 
Stromness,  Strom-ues,  s-pt  t  Scot.,  2. 
Strongville,  Stroy-vil,  v  0.,  1%. 
Stronsa,  Stron-ga,  Orkney  Is.,  1. 
Stroud,  Strisd,  i  and  par  Eng,,  36)^. 
Stroudsburg,  Str-sdz-burg,  co  t  Pa.,  1. 
Stuhlweisseuburg,  Stool-vj-sen-burA,  i 

Hun,,  21. 
Sturbridge,  Stur-brij,  f)  Mass.,  23^. 
Sturgo,  Sturj,  i  Ant.  Oc. 
Sturgeon,  Stiir-jon,  I  Br.  N.  Am. 
Sturgis,  Stiir-jis,  v  Mich.,  %. 
Stuttgart,  Stiat-gq/'t,  c,  cap  VV'iirt.jSO. 
Stuyvesant,  Stj-ves-ant,  v  N-Y.,  1)^. 
Styria,  Stir-i-a,  prou  Aus.,  950,612. 
Suakin,  Sw(^-kin,  s-pt  t  is.  Red  Sea,  8. 
Subiaco,  ScD-bi-q-ko,  t  Cen.  It.,  6. 
Subtiava,  Sa>b-ti-q-vq,  i  Nicaragua,  5, 
Subzulcote,  Sub-zul-kiJt,  t  Sinde. 
Suohiltepec,  Sa»-qel-ta-p6k,  t  Guat. 
Suczawa,  Sco-Qi^-vq./if  t  Aus.,  5. 
Sudbury,  Siid-ber-i,^  and ^ja/'  Eng., 6;  v 

Mass.,  13/^.  [ga,  w»  Ger. 

Sudeten-Gebirge,     S(6-da-ten-Ga-bfcr- 
Sueca,  Swa-kq,  t  S^.,  9, 
Suez,  Scf)-ez,  s-pt  t  b^gypt,  2;  g  w.  arm 

Red  Sea;  ist  uniting  As.  and  Af. 
Suffeed  Koh,  Suf-ed  Ko,  w»  Afg. 
Suifern'a,  Siif-ernz,  v  N-Y. 


Geographical  Yocabulary. 

Saffield,  Siif-dd,  v  Conn.,  2. 
Suffolk,  Siif-ok,  CO  t  Va.,  \)4. 
Sugar  (Xug-dr)  Creek,  dreams  X.  C, 

la.,  111.,  &c. 
Sugar  Grove,  vs  Pa.,  0.,  Iowa. 
Sugar  River,  rs  N-H.,  Wis. 
Suhl,  Sdol,  t  Prus.  Sax.,  8. 
Suir  or  Sure,  Xi^r,  r  Ir. 
Suisoon,  SiD-e-stJGn,  h  Cal. 
Suleiman,  S(D-la-raqn,  ms  E.  Afg. 
Sulon  (Sflb-Ien)  Islands,  w.  Norway. 
Sullivan,  Siil-i-van,  co  t  Ia.;  xs  N-Y., 

Pa.  ly,,  0.,  III.,  Iowa. 
Sulmona,  SiDl-moi-nq, /if  ^  Nap.,  6. 
Sultaneeyah,  Sml-tq-ne-a,  anc.  c  Per. 
Sulze,  Sult-sa,  t  Meck.-Schwerin,  8%. 
Sumatra,    Sdj-uiq,-tra,    i  Indian    Sea; 

area  140,000  s.  m.,  pop.  6,000,000. 
Summer  Hill,  Siim-er  Ilil,  D  Pa.,  l*^. 
Summer  Islands,  30  ?V  w.  Scot. 
Summerville,    Sum-er-vil,    co  ts  Va., 

Ga.;  V8  S.  C,  O.,  111.,  Mich.,  Wis. 
Summit,  Slim-it,  v  Pa. 
Sumner,  Siim-ner,  t"  Me.,  l}^. 
Sumterville,  Siim-ter-vil,  co  t   S.  C; 

IS  Ga.,  Ala. 
Sunapee  (Siin-a-pe)  Lake,  N-H. 
Sunbury,  Sdn-ber-i,  co  t  Pa.,  \%  ;  vs 

0.,  III. 
Sunda  (Siin-da)  Isles,  Malay  Arch. 
Sunday  (Siin-da)  River,  Cape  Colony, 

Af.,  2m  m. 
Sundcep,  Sun-dgp,  i  of  Hindostan. 
Sunderland,  Siin-der-land,  t  and  pai' 

Eng.,  67K. 
Supaiwasi,  SflQ-pi-w^-ss,  tn  Bel. 
Superior,   Sn,-p8-ri-or,  I  n.  w.   U.  S., 

the  largest  fresh  water  lake  on  the 

globe  ;  area  32,000  s.  m.;  —  City  of, 

V  Minn,  and  Wis. 
Surat,  SoQ-rqt,  c  Br.  Ind.,  157. 
Surinam,  SoQ-rin-am,  r  Dutch  Guia- 
na, 300  m. 
Surry  (Siir-i)  Court-IIouse,  co  t  Va. 
Susa,  S(6-sq.  t  It.,  Vy^. 
Susannah  (Sq,-zan-aj  Island,   Mergui 

Suspension  Bridge,  D  N-Y.,  1. 
Susquehanna,   Sus-kwe-han-a,  r  Pa., 

150  m.;  t  Pa.,  m.  ^ 
Sussex,  Sus-eks,  v  Wis. 
Sussex  Ciiurt-House.  co  t  Va. 
Sutlej,  Siit-lej,  r  Punjab,  1000  m. 
Suttersville,  Siit-erz-vil,  i'  Cal. 
Sutton,  Slit-on,  v  Mnss.,  2:  co  t  Va. 
Sutton-Coldfield,  —  K61d-feld,  t  Eng. 
Button,  Long,  par  and  t  Eng.,  6i^. 
Suwalki,  Sflo-w^l-ke,  t  Poland,  5. 
Buwauee,  Si],-we-ne,  ;•  and  v  Ga. 

Sveaborg,  Sva-q-berg,  ft  t  Rus.  Fin- 
land, 4. 
Sveer  w  Svir,  Sver,  r  Rus.,  130  m. 
Sviaga,  Sv£-q-gq,  r  Rus.,  200  m. 
Sviazhsk,  Sv8-q55k,  t  Rus.,  4. 
Swabian  (Swa-bi-an)  Alps,  W5  Wiirt. 
S  waff  ham,  Swaf-am,  t  and  par  Eng.,  4. 
Swale,  Swal,  r  Eng.,  70  m. 
Swanage,     Sw6n-aj,     or     Swanwick, 

Sw(in-wik,  t  and  par  Eng.,  2. 
Swan  Quarter,  —  Kwer-ter,  co  t  N.  C. 
Swan  River,  Swon  River,  r  W.  Aust. 
Swansea,  Sw6n-SE,  s-jpt  t  and  par  S. 

Wales,  25.  ^ 
Swanton,  Swen-ton,  vs  Vt.,  0. 
Swanzey,  Swen-zi,  ^'  N-H.,  2. 
Swartwout,  Swort-wst,  -v  Tex. 
Swatara,  Swa-tq-ra,  cr  Pa. 
Swavesey,  Swav-ze,  2^ar  Eng. 
Sweden,    Swe-den,    k    N.   Eu.;    area 
^  128,076  s,  m.,  pop.  3^482,541. 
Swedesborough,  Swedz-bur-o,  v   N-J. 
Sweet  Springs,  v  Va. 
Swindon,  Swiii-don,  t  and  par  Eng.,  5. 
SwinemiJnde,  Swe-na-men-da,  ^  Prus., 
Swineshead,  Swjnz-hed,  t  Eng.,  2.  [4%. 
Switzerland,   Swit-zer-land,  rep  Can. 

Eu.;  area  15,261,  pop.  2,390,116. 
Swords,  Sordz,  t  and  par  Ir.,  3. 
Sycamore,  Sik-a-mor,  co  t  111. 
Sydney,  Sid-ni,  s-pt  c  Aust.,  and  cap 

N-S.  Wales,  100;  s-pt  t  Nova  Scotia: 

1)  Me.,  2. 
Syltoe,  Sil-to,  i  of  Den.,  2%. 
Sylva,  Sil-vq,  r  Rus.,  300  m. 
Sylvania,  Sil-va-ni-o,  co  t  Ga. 
Sylvester,  Sil-ves-ter,  v  Wis.,  J/^. 
Symi,  Se-me,  *  w.  As.  Minor,  1;  g  do. 
Symsonia,  Sim-s6-ni-a,  f  Ky. 
Syra,  St-rq,  i  Grecian  Arch.,  30;  c,  cap 

same,  20.  [Y.,  2b]^. 

Syracuse,  Sir-a-kqs,  ft  c  Sic,  11;  c  N- 
Syria,  Sir-i-a,  cy  As.  Tur.;  area  50,000 

8.  m.,  pop.  2,000,000. 
Sysola,  Si-s6-lq,  r  Rus.,  200  m. 
Syzran,  Siz-rqn,  t  Rus.,  8. 
Szamos,  So-moJ,  r  Transylvania,  200  m. 
Szarogrod,  Xq-ro-grod,  t  Rus.,  &%. 
Szasz-Regen,  Sqs-Ra-gen,  t  Trans.,  5. 
Szathmar,  Nemeih,  Na-met  Sot-mqr,  t 

E.  Hun.,  15. 
Szegedin,  Seg-ed-in,  t  Ilun.,  34. 
Szent  Miklos,  Nagy,  Noj  Sent  Me-kloJ, 

t  Hun.,  143^. 
Szexard,  Seks-ord,  t  Hun.,  83^. 
Szigeth,  Se-get,  t  Hun.,  7. 
Szoboszlo,  Su)-b6s-lo,  t  Hun.,  14. 
Szolnok,  Sol-nok,  t  Hun.,  11%. 
Szurul,  Sa>-r(6l,  m  Transylvania. 

Geographical    Vocabulary. 



Taasinge,  To-sig-ga,  ■£  Den.,  4%. 
Tabarca,  Tq-bqr-kq,  i  Med.  Sea,  i^. 
Tabareeyeh,  Tqb-a-re-ye,  I  Pal, 
Tabasco,  Tq-bas-ko),  st  Mex.;  area  15,- 

609  3.  m.,  pop.  63.580;  r  do.,  250  m. 
Taberg,  Ta-berg,  v  N-Y. 
Tabernacle,  Tab-er-nak-1,  v  N-J. 
Tabernas-de-Valldigna,      Tq-ber-nqs- 

da-Valy-deg-uq,  t  Sp.,  6. 
Tablas,  Tq-blqs,  Philippine  Is. 
Table  Bay,  Ta-bl  lia,  s.  w.  Af. 
Tabor,  Tq-bor,  t  Boh.,  4. 
Tabreez,  Tq-brez,  c  Persia,  60. 
Tacloban.  Tq-klo-bqn,  t  Phil.  Islands. 
Tacna,  Tqk-nq,  t  Peru,  10. 
Tacora,  Tq-ko-rq,  m  Bol. 
Tacanga,  Tq-kdotj-gq,  t  Ec,  10. 
Tadcaster,  Tad-kas-ter,  t  Eng.,  2}^. 
Taganrog,  Tq-gqn-rog,  t  Rus.,  16. 
Tagoda^t,  Tq-gu-dqst,  t  Morocco,  7. 
Tugus,  Ta-gus,  r  Iberian  Pen.,  640  m. 
Tahiti,  Tq-he-te,  Society  Is.,  9. 
Tahoora,  Tq-h(f>-rq,  Sandwich  Is. 
Tahoorowa,  Tq-hoj-rcJ-wa,  Sandwich  Is. 
Tain,  Tan,  t  Scot.,  2%. 
Tai-Ping,  Tj-Pig,  cs  China. 
Tai-Wan,  Tj-Wen,  cap  is.  Formosa. 
Takinos  (Tq'-ke-no.s)  Lake,   Eu.  Tur. 
Talanda   (Tq-l(!in-dq)    Channel,    arm 

sea  in  Greece. 
Talavera  de  la  Reyna,  Tq-lq-va-rq  da 

Iq  Ra-k'-nq,  c  Sp.,  6>/^. 
Talbotton,  Tal-bot-on,  co  t  Ga. 
Talca,  T<il-kq,  t  Chili,  143^. 
Tuliabo,  Tq-li-q-bo,  i  Malay  Arch. 
Taliafarro,  Tol-i-ver,  co  Ga. 
Talladega,  Tal-a-dg-ga,  co  t  Ala. 
Tallahjissee,  Tal-a-has-e,  c,  cap  Fa.,  2. 
Tallahatchie,  Tal-a-haq-8,r  Miss,  250  m. 
Tallahoma,  Tal-a-h(j-ma,  r  Miss. 
Tallalocsa,  Tal-a-lcb-sa,  v  Miss. 
Tallapoosa,    Tal-a-pdb-sa,    r    Ga.   and 

Ala.,  250  m.;  v  Ga. 
Tallassee,  Tal-a-se,  v  Ala. 
Tallow,  Tal-o,  i  Ir.,  4. 
Tallulah,  Ta-hi-la,  co  t  Miss. 
Tama,  Tq-ma,  co  Iowa. 
Taiuandua,  Tq-m^n-diD-q,  t  Bra.,  8. 
Tainaqua,  Ta-me-kwa,  t  l^a.,  0. 
Tamar,  Ta-inar,  r  Eng.,  60  in. 
Tamarn,  Tq-mq-rq,  i  w.  Af. 
Tamaulipas,  Tq-mi<-le-pq«,  nt  Mexico  ; 

area  a0,3.31  s.  m.,  pop.  100,064. 
Tambov    or    Tainbow,   Tqm-bov,   gov 

Kus.;  area  25.5 42  s.m.,  pop.  1,666,505; 

c,  cap  same,  20^^. 

Tamiagua,  Tq-me-q-gwq,  I  Mex. 

Tamise,  Tq-mez,  t  Belg.,  7%. 

Tampa  Bay,  Tam-pa  Ba,  l  Fa. 

Tampico,  Tqm-ps-k(o,  »-pt  t  Mex.,  7  j 
r  do.,  200  m.;  I  do. 

Tamworlh,  Tam-wurti,  t  Eng.,  8%. 

Tanaga,  Tq-nq-gq,  Aleutian  Is. 

Tanah-Pileh,  Tq-uq-Pe-le,  t  is.  Suma- 
tra, 4. 

Tanakeke,  Tq-nq-ka-ka.«V  Malay  Arch. 

Tangermundc,  Tqy-er-inen-da,  t  Prus. 
Sax.,  434. 

Tangier,  Tqn-jer,  s-pt  t  Morocco,  10. 

Tangipaha,  Tan-ji-pa-ho,  r  IjA. 

Tanjore,  Tan-j6r,  c  Br.  Ind.,  40. 

Tanna,  Tan-a,  »  N-IIeb.,  Pac.  Oc. 

Tantalem,  Tqn-tq-lem,  i  Gulf  of  Siaro. 

Taos,  Tq-a)s,  co  and  t  N-Mex.;  1;  Tex. 

Tapajos,  Tq-pq-jos,  r  Bra.,  500  m. 

Tapisi,  Tq-pi-S£,  ;■  S.  Am.,  200  m. 

Tappahannock,  Tap-a-han-ok,  co  t  Va., 
\i.  [and  140  m. 

Taquari,  Tq-kwq-re,  two  rs  Bra.,  400 

Taranto,  Tq-rqn-to,  c  Nap.,  15;  g  Med. 

Tarare,  Tq-rq>',  t  Fr.,  lO>/3. 

Tarascon,  Tq-rqs-kQU,  t  Fr.,  123^. 

Tarazona,  Tq-rq-tcb-nq,  t  Sp.,  6. 

Tarazona  de  la  Mancha,  Tq-rq-t(f)-nq 
da  Iq  Mqn-qq,  i  Sp..  6. 

Tarbagatai,  Tqy-bq-gq-tj,  t  Chi.Toork. 

Tarbes,  Tq?'b',  t  Fr.,  14. 

Tarborough,  Tqr-bur-o,  co  t  N.  C,  1. 

Tarentum,  Ta-ren-tura,  v  Pa.,  IJ^. 

Tarifa,  Tq-re-fq,  H-pt  t  Sp.,  83^. 

Tariffville,  Tar-if-vil,  'V  Conn.,  2. 

Tarki,  Tqr-ke,  t  Rus.,  8. 

Tarma,  Tq/'-mq,  t  Peru,  8. 

Tarn,  Tqni,  dep  and  r  Fr.,  220  m. 

Tarn-et-Garonne,  Tqrn-a-Gq-ron,  dep 
Fr.,  pop.  237,553.  [3%. 

Tarnowitz,  Tqr-no-vits,  t  Prus.  Silesia, 

Tarporley,  Tqr-por-li,  t  Kng.,  2%. 

Tarragona,  Tq/'-q-go-nq,  *-/•<  c  Sp,,13. 

Tarrakui,  Tq/'-a-kj,  h  Sea  of  Japan. 

Tarrant,  Tar-ant,  co  t  Tex. 

Tarrasa,  Tqr-^-sq,  t  Sp.,  5. 

Tarrinsay,  Tar-in-sa,  i  Outer  Hebrides. 

Tarrytown,  Tar-i-t'sn,  v  N-Y.,  5. 

Tarsus,  T^r-sus,  c  As.  Minor,  7. 

Tartary,  Tc'ir-ta-ri,  ext.reg  As.  and  Eu. 

Tashkend,  TqJ-kend,  t  Indep.  Toork.,4U. 

Tasmau's  (Tas-nianz)  Peninsula,  Van 
Dienien's  Lund. 

Talay,  Tq-tj,  s-pt  t  Phil.  Is.,  3. 

Tat-Soen-Loo,  Tqi-Stn-LiD,//  i  China, 

Ttttta,  T^t-q,  t  Sindo,  10.  [500. 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Taunton,  Ten-ton,  t  Eng.,  H}^',  co  t 

Mass.,  12;  r  do. 
Taunus,  Ti-nus,  m  Hesse-Darmstadt. 
Taurus,  To-rus,  nis  As.  Tur. 
Tauss,  Ttjs,  t  Boh.,  6>^. 
Tavira,  Tq-vt-rq,  t  Port.,  8^. 
Tavistock,  Tav-is-tok,  t  Eng.,  83^. 
Taw,  Te,  r  Eng. 
Tawee,  Tq-wc,  t  Malay  Arch. 
Tay,  Ta,  r  and  est  Scot.,  160  m. 
Tayabas,  Ti-^-bqs,  t  Phil.  Is.,  211^. 
Taycheeda,  Ta-qe-da,  v  Wis. 
Taylor's  Falls.  Ta-lorz  Felz,  v  Minn. 
Taylorsport,  Ta-lorz-pcart,  v  Ky. 
Taylorsville,  Ta-lorz-vil,    co  t^   N.  C, 

Tenn.,  Ky.,  111.  1  j  t«  Pa.,  Md.,  Va., 

O.  1.,  la. 
Taz,  Tqz,  r  Siberia,  300  m. 
Tazewell,  Taz-wel,  co  t  Tenn.;  co  III. 
Tchad,  (i]qd,  I  Ceu.  Af. 
Tchadobets,  (^'q-do-bets,  r  Sib.,  200  m. 
Tchao-Naiman-Soome,    Gq-o-Ni-uaqn- 

Sa»-ma,  c  Mongolia. 
Tcharytch,  fq-riq,  r  Sib.,  220  m. 
Tcheboksari,  ya-bok-sq-re,  t   Ilus.,  5. 
Tcherkask,    Staroi,    Stq-r^   Ge;"-kqsk, 

t  lius.,  15. 
Tchernigov,  6er-ne-g6v,  t  Rus.,  73^^. 
Tchesme,  6'es-ma,  v  As,  Minor,  6. 
Tchoogooev,  GJoD-gCD-ev,  /if  i{  lius.,  9. 
Tchooi,  &(6-e,  /■  Asia,  700  m. 
Tchooktchees,  Gdok-qez,  tnhe   E.  Sib. 
Tchooroom,  yoD-rdbm,  t  As.  Minor,  7%. 
Tchoruk,  (^ca-riik,  ?•  Turkish  Armenia, 
Teano,  Ta-q-nto,  t  Nap.,  8.         [200  m. 
Tebesse,  Ta-bes-q,  t  Algeria,  15. 
Teche,  TeJ,  hayou  La. 
Tecumseh,  Te-kdm-se,  v  Mich,,  1. 
Tedsi,  Ted-se,  t  Morocco,  14. 
Tedzen,  Ted-zen,  r  Persia,  250  m. 
Tees,  Tez,  r  Eng.,  90  m. 
Teglio,  Tal-yo,  v  Aus.  It.,  63.^. 
Tegucigalpa,  Ta-gflO-se-gql-pq,  t  Hon- 
duras, 10. 
Teheran,  Te-her-4n,  c,  cap  Persia,  10. 
Tehuacan,  Ta-wq-kqn,  t  Mex.,  12, 
Tehuantcpec,  Ta-wqn-tq-pek,  at  Mex., 

pop.  82,395;  ut  and  g  do.;  t  do.,  8. 
Teign,  Tan,  r  Eng.,  45  m. 
Teignmouth,  Tan-mut,  t  Eng.,  5. 
Telde,  Tel-da,  c  Canaries,  12.  [Mex.,  5. 
Temascal tepee,  Ta-mqs-kql-ta-pek,  t 
Temesvar,  Tem-eJ-vqr,  c  Hun.,  193^4. 
Temiscaming,  Te-niis-ka-miy,  l  C.  E. 
Temiscouata,  Tem-is-ka)-4-tq,  I  C.  E. 
Temperanceville,     Tem-per-ans-vil,     t 

Pa.,  23^. 
Tempio,  Tem-pi-o,  t  is,  Sardinia,  9)^. 
Templemore,  Tem-pl-uiwr,  t  Ir.,  ^y<^. 
^empletou,  Tem-pl-ton,  v  Mass.,  1%. 

Tenasserim,  Ten-as-e-rim,  r  Far.  Ind., 
220  m. 

Tenasserim  Provinces,  Br,  India, 

Tenbury,  Ten-ber-i,  t  and  par  Eng.,  2. 

Tenby,  Ten-bi,  s-pt  t  S.  Wales,  '6. 

Tendra,  Ten-drq,  i  Black  Sea. 

Tenedos,  Ten-e-dos,  i  \i.  As.  Minor. 

Tenerifte,  Ten-er-if,  largest  of  the 
Canary  Islands,  85;  m  peak  12,182  ft. 

Te-Ngan,  Ta-ugqn,  c  China. 

Teng-Tchoo,  Tey-Ccf),  c  China. 

Tenian,  Ta-ni-qn,  Ladrone  Is. 

Tenimber,  Te-nim-ber,  is  Malay  Arch. 

Tennessee,  Ten-e-st,  one  of  the  U.  S.; 
area  45,000  s.  m.:  pop.  75fi,826  whites, 
6422  free  colored,  239,459  slaves- 
total,  1,002,717;  r  Tenn.,  800  m. 

Tenterden,  Ten-ter-den,  t  and  par 
Eng.,  4.  [Mex. 

Teotihuacan,  Ta-o-ti-wq-kqn,  plateau 

Topic,  Ta-psk,  t  Mex.,  10. 

Terauio,  Ter-q-mto,  c  Nap,,  10. 

Terceira,  Te/-^a-e-rq,  Azores  Is.,  40. 

Tercero,  T'i?'-sa-r6),  r  La  Plata,  100  m. 

Terek,  Ta-rek,  r  Bus,,  350  m. 

Tergovist,  Te/--go-vist,  t  Wallachia,  5. 

Terlizzi,  Te/'-lit-se,  t  Nap.,  12. 

Termini,  Te?'-mi-ue,  s-j't  t  Sic,  13. 

Terminos,  Te/--nu-n(i)S,  inlet  Canb.  Sea. 

Terminos,  Luguna  de,  Lq-g(6-nq  da 
Ter-mi-nos,  s-jit  t  Yucatan,  2. 

Ternate,  Ter-nq-ta,  i  Malay  Arch. 

Terni,  Te/'-ne,  t  Pontifical  Sts.,  9^. 

Terodant,  Ta-ro-dqnt,  t   Morocco,   21. 

Teror,  Ta-ro/',  t  Canaries,  6. 

Terra  del  Fuego,  Te?--q  del  Fwa-go,  m 
s.  8.  Am. 

Terranova,  Te/*-q-n6-vq,  6-pt  t  Sic,  10. 

Terre  aux  Boeufs,  Ter  o  Bef,  r  La. 

Terre  Bonne,  Ter  Bon  or  Tqr  Bon, 
hayf/u  and  par  La.:  co  i  C.  E. 

Terre  Coupee,  Ter-e  Koo-pe,  'v  la. 

Terre  Haute,  Ter-e  Ilcjt,  co  t  la.,  7. 

Terschelling,  Ter-sAel-ii),  i  N.  Sea,  2^, 

Teruel,  Ta-roj-el,  t  Sp.,  O^^. 

Teschen,  Tej-en,  t  Aus.  Silesia,  6^^. 

Teshoo  -  Loumboo,  Tej"-(6  -  Lcom-bo),  t 
Thibet,  4. 

Tesouras,  Ta-so-rqs,  r  Bra.,  200  m. 

Tetbury,  Tet-ber-i,  t  and  par  Eng.,  '6\^. 

Tetooan,  Tet-oo-qn,  t  Morocco,  16. 

Teutopolis,  Tq-t6p-(o-lis,  f  III.  [Eng., 6. 

Tewkesbuiy,    Ti|,ks-ber-i,    t   and    par 

Tewksbury,  Ti\,ks-ber-i,  v  Mass.,  34. 

Texana,  Teks-q-na,  ai  t  Tex. 

Texas,  Teks-as,  one  of  the  s.  w.  U.  S.; 
area  237,604  s.  m. :  pop.  154,024 
whites,  397  free  colored,  58,161 
slaves— total,  212,592;  i*  N-Y.,  0., 
la..  111. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Texel,  Teks-el,  *  North  Sea,  5. 
Teza,  Ta  zq.  t  Morocco,  11. 
Tezcoco,  Te:j-Ai6  ku),  t  Mex.,  5. 
Thasne,  Tom,  t  atid  par  Eng.,  '6%. 
Thames,  Temz,  rs  Eng.,  215  m.;  C.  W. 
Thunet,  R:in-et,  Isle  of,  *  Eng.,  32. 
Thjinn,  Tqn,  t  Fr.,  6. 
Thiiso,  Rq-so,*  ^Egean  Sea,  6.    \cn  t  111. 
Thebe.^,  Hebz,  anc.  c  and  cap  Egypt; 
Thebes,  Re-va,  t  Greece,  9. 
Theiss,  Tjs  r  Hun.,  500  in. 
Themsche,  Tem-sAe,  t  Belg.,  6i^. 
Theresa,  Te-ri^-sa,  v  N-Y.  [40. 

Theresienstridt,  Tcr-a-zi-en-stqt,  t  Aus., 
Thermia,  Rer-ine-q,  i  Grecian  Arclu,  6. 
Tuermopyla?,  Rer-mop-i-le,  celebrated 

pass  Greece. 
Thes^aly,  Res-a-li,  prr/o  Eu.  Tur. 
Theiford,  Rer,-ford,  t  Eng.,  4;  v  Vt.,  2. 
Thian-Shan,  Tc-qn-Sqn,  nis  China. 
Thibet '^r  Tibet,  Tib -et,  large  re^w>ft  As. 
Tliibodeaux,  Tib-o-dto,  co  t  La. 
Thielt,  Telt,  t  Belg.,  12^. 
Thiers,  Tt\t\  t  Fr.,  14. 
Thionville,  Te-Qii-vel,  ;;  Fr.,  83^. 
Thirlamero,  Rer-la-tner,  I  Eng. 
Thirsk,  Hersk,  t  and  par  Eng.,  b\^. 
Thogji-Chumo,    R6g-JE-(!^cf)-mo,    salt  I 

West  Himalayas,  15,500  feet  above 

the  sea. 
Thomaston,  Tora-as-ton,  co  t  Ga. 
Thomastown,   Tom-as-t^n,  t  and  par 

Ireland,  2%. 
Thomasviile,  T6m-as-vil,  co  t  Ga. 
Thompson,  Tomp-son,  vs  Conn.,  Ga. 
Thompsonville,  r*  Conn.  2,  Pa.,  Va. 
Thonon,  Tca-ncoh,  t  Savoy,  4i^. 
Thorda,  Toz-dq,  t  Transylvania,  8>^. 
Thorn,  To/'n,  t  W.  Prus.,  12%. 
Thornapple,  Rorn-ap-l,  r  Mich.,  80  m. 
Thombury,  Rorn-ber-i,  t  Eng.,  4%. 
Thorne,  Rom,  t  and  par  Eng.,  3X. 
Thorn  Hill,  Rom  Hil,  v  C.  W.,  3^. 
Thornton,  R'im-ton,  r«  Pa.,  111. 
Thorntown,  Rorn-t^n,  v  la..  %. 
Thorold,  Ror-old,  t  C.  W.,  l^^. 
Thourout,  TcTi-rob,  t  Belg.,  8^. 
Thousand    Isles,    R-s-zand    flz,    1500 

rocky  islets  river  St.  Lawrence. 
Thnict',  Rras,  or  Thracia,  Rra-Ji-a,  a 

name  applied  to  Turkey  in  Eu.,  or 

that  part  of  Turkey   bet.  Bulgaria 

and  the  Archipelago.  I^^* 

Thrapston,  Rraps-ton,  t  and  par  Eng., 
Three  Kings,  </r  Manawa-Tawi,  Man- 

a-wq-Tq-we,  i  S.  Pac.  Oc. 
Three  Rivers,  Rre  Riv-orz,  v»  Ma38., 

Mich.:  t  C.  E..  6j^. 
Thsieoo-Shan,  R'E-oo-X^n,  m  China, 
Thun,  Ta)n,  I  and  t  Swit.,  5. 


Thunder  Bay,  Rdn-der  Ba,  Lake  Hu- 
ron, n.  e.  Mich. 

Thuringian  Forest,  Rri-rin-ji-an  For- 
est, ms  Cen.  Ger. 

Thurles,  Rurlz,  t  and  par  Ir.,  6. 

Thurso,  Riir-so,  par  and  s-pt  t  Scot.,  5. 

Tibagi.  Te-bq-^e,  r  Bra.,  200  m. 

Tiber,  Tj-ber,  /•  Cen.  It.,  185  m. 

Ticao,  Te-kq-o,  Philippine  Is. 

Tichfield-with-Crofton,  Tiq-feld-wid- 
Krof-ton,  t  and  par  Eng.,  4.    [2%. 

Ticonderogrt,  Tj-kon-dcr-iJ-ga,  v  N-Y., 

Tideswell,  Tjdz-wel,  t  Eng.,  3^. 

Tidor,  Te-dcjr,  i  Malay  Arch. 

Tien-Tsin,  Te-en-Tsen,  c  China. 

Tiete,  Ts-a-ta,  r  Bra.,  500  m. 

Tiffin,  Tif-in,  cot  O.,  4. 

Tiflis,  Tif-lis,  c,  cap  Ga.  in  Asia,  60. 

Tigris,  Tigris,  r  As.  Tur.,  1150  m. 

Tilburg,  Til-bur/i,  t  Neth..  13><^. 

Tillanchong,  Til-qn-qorj,  Nicobar  Isle. 

Tilsit.  Til-sit,  t  Prus.,  Vi-}i. 

Tim,  Tern,  r  Siberia,  250  m. 

Timbuctoo,  Tini-bu.k-t*»,  t  Cen.  Af.,12. 

Timor,  Ts-mc'^r,  i  Malay  Arch. 

Timor  Laut,  Te-mor  L-st,  i  Mai.  Arch. 

Tinajo,  Te-nq-Zio,  t  Canaries,  1^^. 

Ting-llai,  Tii)-H|,  c  is.  Chusan. 

Tino,  Tc-no,  i  Grecian  Arch.,  22. 

Tioern,  Te-ez-n,  i  of  Swcd. 

Tioga,  Ti-(f)-ga,  xs  N-Y.  1,  Pa. 

Tioomen,  Te-iD-men,  t  Sib.,  12. 

Tippecanoe,  Tip-e-ka-nda,  v  0.;  r  la. 

Tipperary,  Tip-er-a-ri,  co  Ir.;  t  do.,  8)^. 

Tipton,  Tip-ton,  co  ts  la.  ^,  Iowa. 

Tirajana,  Te-rq-Aq-nq,  ^  Canaries,  Z%. 

Tirana,  Te-rq-nq,  ^  Eu.  Tur.,  10. 

Tiraspol,  Te-rqs-pol,/,^  t  llus.,  5. 

Tiree,  Tir-i%  i  Inner  Hebrides,  3^;^. 

Tirlernont,  TeH-mtin,  t  Belg.,  8>^. 

Tirnova,  Tir-no-vq,  t  Eu.  Tur.,  8. 

Tishemingo,  TiJ-e-mifl-go,  co  Miss, 

Tiskilwa,  Tis-kil-we,  v  ill. 

Titiciica  (Te-ti-kq-kq)  Lake,  S.  Am. 

Tittibawassee,  Tit-i-ba-w63-B,  r  Mich., 
nav.  80  m. 

Titusville,  Tj-tu8-vil,  ts  N-J.,  Pa. 

Tiverton,  Tiv-er-ton,^andjjarEng.,ll; 
1}  R.  L,  2)4. 

Tivoli,  Tiv-(i)-le,  t  Cen.  It.,  6>^. 

Tivoli,  Ti-v6-li,  w  N-Y.,  Iowa. 

Tizzana.  Tit-s^-nq,  t  Tus.,  1%. 

Tiajja,  Tlq.pq.  <  Mex. 

Tlascala,  Tlqs-k^-lq,  t  Mex.,  4. 

Tlemcen,  Tlera-s^n,  j!  Algeria,  9)^. 

Tnilaia,  Tne-lj-q,  r  Rus.,  120  m. 

Tobago,  To-ba-«<i),  i  Br.  W.  Ind.,  X4^. 

Tobarra,  Tci-b^r-q,  t  Sp.,  6»^. 

Ti^tjcrmory,  T(,)-b('r-m6-ri,  «-^<  <  Scot., 

Tobol,  To-bul,  r  fciib.,  u.OO  m.         [1>^. 


Geographical  Vocabulary. 

Tobolsk,  To-b6Isk,j7rw  Sib.;  area  1,000,- 

000  s.  m.,  pop.  635,000 ;   c,  cap  W, 
'    Sib.,  20.  [^do. 

Tocanttns,  To-kqn-tenz,  r  Bra.,  1000  m.; 
Tocoa,  To-ko-a,  r  Ga.  and  Tenn. 
Tocuyo,  Tu)-kc6-yt>),  /■  Ven.,  200  m.;  t  do. 
Toddington,     T6d-ig-ton,   t    and    par 

Eng.,  2X. 
Todmordeu-with-Wafsden,     Tod-mor- 

den-wid-Wdfs-den,  t  Eng.,  43^. 
Tokat,  To-kqt,  c  As.  Minor,  26%. 
Tokay,  To-ka,  t  N.-E.  Hun.,  5%. 
Toledo,  To-la-do,  c  Sp.,  U;  —  To-le- 

do,  c  0.,  111^:  V  II!. 
Tolentino,  Tco-len-tt-no,  t  It.,  9>^. 
Tolland,  Tol-and.  t-r)  t  Conn. 
Tolna,  T61-no,  ^  Hun.,  b%. 
Toloar,  Tci-\a-{[r,  i  Malay  Arch. 
Toluca,  Ta)-l(6-kq,  t  Mex.,  12. 
Tofti,  Santiago  de,  Scin-ti-q-go  da  To- 

1(6,  8-pt  t  N-Gran. 
Tomaszow,  To-mq-Jov,  t  Poland,  5. 
Torabigbee,  Tom-big-be,  r  ^Miss,   and 

Ala.,  450  m.  [v  N-Y. 

Tompkinsville,  Tomp-kinz-vil,  cot  Ky.; 
Tomsk,  Tomsk,  pov  Sib.;  c,  cap  same,  24. 
Tom's  ( Tomz)  River,  co  t  N-J..  1;  r  do. 
Tonawanda,  Ton-a-w6n-da,r  NY.,1)-^. 
Tondern,  Ton-dern,  t  Den.,  6)/^. 
Tondja,  T6n-ja,  r  Eu.  Tur.,  150  m. 
Tondo.  Ton-do),  t  is.  Luzon,  17)-^. 
Tone,  Ton,  r  Eng. 

Tonga  ( T6g-ga )  Islands,  Pnc.  Oc,  ISJ^. 
Tongataboo,  Toi)-a-tq-ba),  i  Pac.  Oc,  5. 
Tongres,  Toh-gr,  t  Belg.,  6%. 
Tongue  (Tmj)  River,  Mo.  Ter.,  300  m. 
Tonneins,  Ton-au,  t  Fr.,  1%. 
Tonnerre,  Ton-4r,  t  Fr.,  4%. 
Tonquin,  Ton-ken,  g  China  Sea,  300  m. 
Toobonai,  Ta-bo-nj,  i  Vac.  Oc. 
Toola,  Tc6-lq,  gov  Eu.  Rus.;  area  11.875 

s.  m,,  pop.  1,092,473;  cap  same,  55. 
Toolcha,  Ta)l-qq./i{  t  Eu.  Tur. 
Toolsborough,  Td)lz-bur-o,  r  Iowa. 
Toorabuddra,  TiDm-bud-ra,  /■  Ind.,  400  m 
Toong,  TiM),  r  China,  250  m. 
Toora,  Tcf)-rq,  r  Sib.,  300  m. 
Toorkistan,  Toor-kis-tqn,  reg  Cen.Asia; 

• —  Chinese,  area   500,000  s.  m.;   — 

Independent,  or  Independent  Tarta- 

ry,  area  720,800  a.  m.,  pop.  4,000,000. 
Tooz-Golee,  Ta)z-G6-le,  salt  I  As.  Min. 
Topeka,  To-pg-ka,  cap  Kanzas  Ter. 
Topsfield,  Tops-feld,  v  Mass.,  I14. 
Topsham,  Tops-am,  s-pt  t  Eng.,  2% ;  v 

Me.,  IK. 
Torbay,  Tor-ba,  I  Eng. 
Torda^  Tor  dq,  t  Transylvania,  7. 
Torgau,  Tor-gTf,  ft  t  Prus.  Sax.,  63^. 
Torget,  Tor-get,  »  of  Norway. 

Tornea,  Ter-ne-o,  r  Scan.,  230  m. 

Toro,  To-ro,  t  Sp.,  7. 

Toronto,  To-ron-to,  c,  ca;?  C.  W.,  50. 

Toropetz,  To-ro-pets,  t  Rus.,  8. 

Torquay,  Tor-ke,  t  Eng.,  8. 

Torre  del  Greco,  Tw-a  del  Gra-ko,  t 
Nap.,  13. 

Torre  dell'  Annunziata,  Ter-a  del  Lq- 
noon-ze-q-tq,  t  Nap.,  10. 

Torre  Don  Jimeno,  Tor-a  Don  ^e-ma- 
no,  t  Sp.,  5%.  [61^. 

Torrejoncillfi,  T»r-a-Aon-tel-yo,  <  Sp., 

Torreu's  (Tor-enz)  Lake,  S.  Aust. 

Torrente,  Tor-en-ta,  t  Sp..  5. 

Torrington,  Great,  Grat  Tor-ig-ton,  t 
Eng.,  Zy^. 

Tortola,  T(>r-t6-la,  Virgin  Island,  8}^. 

Tortona,  Tor-t(5-nq,  <  Sard.  St.,  10^. 

Tortosa,  Tor-t6-sq,  t  Sp.,  20)^. 

Tortsvar.  Terts-v^r,  ?;  Tran.,  6%. 

Tortuga,'Tor-ta)-ga,  *  W.  Ind. 

Tortugas,  Tor-ta<-gqs,  i  W.  Ind. 

Torzhok,  Tor-jok,  t  Rus.,  153^. 

Totana,  To-tq'-nq,  t  Sp.,  8)^. 

Totness,  Tot-nes,  t  Eng  ,  4\^.  [12. 

Totonicapan,  To-to-ne-kq-pan,  <  Guat., 

Touboual,  T(D-btt)-|,  i  S.  Pac.  Oc. 

Toul,  TiDl,  ft  t  Fr.,  83^. 

Toulon,  T(»-ld)h,  H-pt  c  Fr.,  693^. 

Toulouse,  T(t)-kf)z,  c  Fr.,  93><;. 

Tourcoing,  TtDr-kwan,  t  Fr.,  27%. 

Tournay,  Toor-na,  ft  t  Belg.,  33. 

Tournus,  Tcor-nes,  t  Fr.,  53^. 

Tours,  Tcor,  c  Fr.,  33X. 

Towanda,  Tu-an-da,  Jcyr  Pa.,  I34. 

Towcester,  T^s-ter,  j!  Eng.,  2%. 

Towyn,  T6-win,  «  N.  Wales,  2%. 

Traina,  Trj-nq,  t  Sicily,  1%. 

Traitor's  ("Trat-orz)  Island,  one  of  Nav- 
igators' Is. 

Tralee,  Trq-le',  lor  and  s-pt  t  Ir.,  13%. 

Trani,  Trq-ne,  s-pt  t  Naples,  14. 

Transcaucasia,  Trans-ko-ka-ji-a,  cy  As. 
Rus.:  area  66,300  3.  m.,pop.  1,625,000. 

Transylvania,  Tran-sil-va-ni-d,  prin- 
cipality Aus.  Empire;  area  23,078  s. 
m.,  pop.  2,074,202. 

Trapani,  Trq-pq-ne,  s-pt  t  Sicily,  25. 

Travancore,  Trav-an-kor,  st  Ind.;  area 
6710  s.  m.,  pop.  1,300,000. 

Travi,  Trq-ve,  1'  Parma,  hy^. 

Travnik,  Trqv-nik,  t  Eu.  Tur.,  8^. 

Trebigne,  Tra-ben-ya,  10. 

Trebitsch,  Tra-biq,  t  Moravia,  5.     [40. 

Trebizond,  Treb-i-zond,  s-pt  c  As.  Tur., 

Tredegar,  Tred-e-gar,  t  Eng.,  17%. 

Tremiti  ( Trem-i-te  )  Isles,  Adriatic  Sea. 

Tremont,  Trg-mont,  v  Pa.,  1. 

Trent,  Trent,  r  Eng.,  140  m.;  c  Aus., 

Geographical   Vocabulary. 


Trenton,  Tren-ton,  c,  cap  N-J.,  61^^. 

Trenton,  t  C.  W.,  1>^. 

Tresco,  Tres-ko,  Sciliy  Island,  }4.' 

Trevanion,  Tre-vq-ni-on,  i  S.  Pac. 

Treves,  Trevz,  c  Khenish  Prus.,  19%. 

Treviglio,  Tra-vel-yca,  t  Aus.  It..  6)^. 

Trevii«o,  Tra-ve-su),  c  Aus.  It.,  193^. 

Tric:irico,  Tre-k^-re-ko,  t  Nap.,  5. 

Trichinopoly,  Triq-ia-6p-o-li,  t  Brit. 
Ind.,  100. 

Trlest,  Tre-est,  s-pt  c  Aug.,  64. 

Trikeri,  Tre-ka-re,  t  Tur.,  5. 

Trikhala,  Tre-kq-lq,  t  Eu.  Tur.,  10. 

Trim,  Trim,  hor  and  t  Ir.,  G^^. 

Tring,  Trig,  t  Eng.,  A%. 

Tringauy,  Trin-gq-ne,  t  Malay  pen.,  15. 

Trinidad,  Trin-i-dqd,  (Sp.  Tre-ne-) 
dad,  one  of  the  W.  Ind.  Is.;  area  1,- 
5.36,000  acres,  pop.  68,tU5.         [v  La. 

Trinity,  Trin-i-ti,  rs  Tex.,  550  m.,  Cal., 

Trino,  Tre-no,  t  Sardinian  States,  8i^. 

Triora,   Tre-o-rq,  v  Sardinian  States, 

Tripoli,  Trip-o-lg,  cjr  n.  Af.,  area,  105,- 

000  s.  m.,  pop.  1,500,000.  [15. 

Tripoli,  Trip-o-le,  s-pt  ts  Af.,  20;  Syria, 
Tripolitza,  Tre-ptj-lit-sq,  t  Gr. 
Tristan  D'Acunha,    Tris-tqn  Dq-k(6n- 

yq,  i  S.  At. 
Trobriand,  Tro-bri-^nd,   is  Lotiisiade 

Troia,  Tr(S-yq,  t  Naples,  5. 
Trois  Rivieres,    Trwq  Re-vi-q^,    t  is. 

Guadeloupe,  Z%. 
Troitzkoi,  Trert-sker,  t  Rus.,  7. 
Trondhjem,  Trond-yem,  s-ut  t  Norway, 

Tropea,  Tro-pa-q,  t  Naples,  4)^. 
Troppau,  Trop-u,  ft  t  Au-s.  Silesia,  11. 
Troupvillc,  Trdbp-vil,  go  t  Ga. 
Trowbridge,  Trci-brij,  t  and  par  Eng., 

Troy,  Trflr,  ruined  c  As.  Min.;  c  N-Y., 

45;  t  0.,  2;  CO  te  N.  C,  Ala.,  Tenn., 

0.,  2;  Mo.;  V8  la..  111.,  Pa.,  Ga.,  Wis. 
Troyes,  Trwq,  c  Fr.,  27»^. 
Trujillo  or  Truxillo,  Troa-Ael-yo,  c  Sp., 

6;  t  Peru,  8;  c  Ven.,  A\8  ptt  Hond.,  4. 
Truinansburg,    Tr<6-inanz-burg,    v  N- 

Y.,  I. 
Truro,  Tn6-ro,  hor  and  s-pt  t  Eng.,  10- 

%\  V  Mass.,  1;  s-pt  t  N.  Scotia. 
Tsaritsin,  Tsq-rit-cin,  ft  t  Rus.,  A%. 
Tsiirakoe  -  Selo,     Tsqrs-ko-a  -  Sa-lu),     t 

Rus.,  103^. 
Tsong-Gan-Hien,    TjjoQ-Gqn-He-dn,    t 

China,  10. 
Tsoosima,  TaA-si-mq,  t  Japan. 
TsuDg-Ming,  Tdug-Mio,  e  China. 
Tuaoa,  T^-am,  t  and  par  Ir.,  7%.  ) 

Tiibingen,  Te-big-en,  t  Wart.,  1)4. 
Tuckahoe,  Tuk-a-hd),  r  Md.:  «  N-J.,  %. 
Tuckerton,  Tdk-er-ton,  v  N-J. 
Tucopiu,  TcQ-ko-pi-q,  i  S.  Pac.  Oc,  }4' 
Tucuraan,  TiO-kco-mqn,  prov  La  Plata, 

44,000:  ^do.  12. 
Tudela,  Too-da-lq,  c  Sp.,  6%. 
Tulare,  Too-lq-re,  co  Cal. 
Tule,  T(f>-le,  ^  Cal. 
Tullahoma,  Tul-a-ho-ma,  'V  Tenn. 
TuUamore,  Tul-a-raor,  t  Ir.,  4%. 
Tiille,  Tel,  ^  Fr.,  11^^. 
Talln,  Tain,  t  Aus.,  1%. 
TuUow,  Tiil-c:),  ^  and  par  Ir.,  3. 
Tally,  Tdl-i,  m  N-Y.,  Mo.,  %. 
Tulmaro,  TcDl-mq-ro,  t  Ven.,  8. 
Tuipehocken,  Tul-pe-hok-en,  or  Pa. 
Tunamaguont,  Ta)-nam-a-gvv6nt,  v  Pa. 
Tunbridge,  Tdn-brij,  t  and  par  Eng., 

Tunbridge  Wells,  t  and  watering-place 

Eng.,  lOX. 
Tuncha,  Tun-c^,  <  China,  150. 
Tung-Chang,  Ta)g-6'qfl,  c  China. 
Tunis,  Tq-nis,  st  N.  Af.,  area  70,000, 

pop.  2,500,000;  s-pt  t,  cap  Tunis,  150; 

—  Gulf,  Med. 
Tunja,  T(jbij-Aq,  t  N-Gran.,  7.  [3^. 

Tunkhannock,  Tui)k-han-ok,   co  t  y-A.; 
Tunstall-Court,  Tdns-tel-Kort,  t  Eng., 

Tunuyan,  TiO-ndO-y^n,  r  S.  Am.,  200  m. 

Tuolumne,  Twol-um-ne,  r  Cal. 

Tuparro,  Too  pq/"-o,  r  N-Gran.,  200  m. 

Tupisa,  Too-pe-sq,  t  Bol.,  5. 

Tura,  Tdo-ro,  t  W.  Hun.,  6}^. 

Turaboo,  Tur-a-bda,  Society  Is.,  2. 

Turin,  Tq-rin,  (Fr.  Te-ran,)  c,  cap 
Sardinian  States,  143i^;  «  N-Y. 

Tur-Kevi,  Toor-Ka-VE,  v  liun.,  9j^. 

Turkey,  or  The  Ottoman  Empire,  Tur- 
ki  or  Ot'u)-man  Em'pjr,  extensive 
countries  in  Eu.,  As.,  and  Af.;  the 
following  are  the  prominent  divis- 
ions;— Room-Elee,  Bosnia,  Silistria, 
Jezayr,  Is.  of  Gallipoli,  Candia,  Goz- 
zo,  Standie,  Thasos,  Saraothraki,  Im- 
bro,  Stalimni  or  Lemnos,  Strati,  &c.; 
Wallachia,  Servia,  Moldavia,  Asia 
Minor,  Armenia  and  Koordistan, 
Syria  or  Sham,  Irak  and  Mesopota- 
mia, Jidda  in  Arabia,  Egypt,  Tripoli, 
Tunis:  area  2,095,194,  pop.  35,360,000. 

Turner,  Tdr-ner,  v  Me.,  2. 

Turnhout,  Turn-h^t,  t  Belg.,  13^. 

Turqnino,  TiDr-ke-no,  7n  Cuba.  ^ 

Turriff,  Tdr-if,  t  and  ;^ar  Scot.,  1%. 

Turyassu,  Ta)-re-q-st6,  r  Bra.,  350  m. 

Tuscuhoraa,    Tu3-ka-h(f>-ma,    v    Ala., 

Tuscaloosa,  Tu8-ka-l<6-ga,  co  t  Ala.,3>^. 


Geographical  Vocabulart. 

Tuscany,  Tus-kan-i,  grand  duchy  N. 
It,;  having  as  divisions:— Florence, 
Lucea,  Pi>a,  Sienna,  Arezzo,  Gros- 
ser to,  Leghorn,  with  is.  of  Gorgona, 
Elba  and  adjacent  islands;  area  8,- 
686,  pop.  1,778,021.    ^  [v  0. 

Tuscaravyas,   Tus-ka-re-was,   r,  co  and 

Tuscarora,  Tu5-ka-ru)-ra,  crs  Pa.,  Va.; 
^  N-Y.,  Pa.,  %. 

Tuscola,  Tus-k6-la,  co  and  v  Mich. 

Tuscumbia,  Tus-kiim-bi-a,  ii  Ala.;  co  t 

Tuskegee,  Tus-ke-ge,  co  t  Ala.       [Mo. 

Tutbury,  Tiit-ber-i,  'V  Eng.,  1^, 

Tuxford,  Tiiks-ford,  t  And  par  Eng.,  1>^. 

Tuxtla,  Td)kst-Iq,  t  Mex.,  5. 

Tiiy,  Twe.  t  Sp.,  43^:  r  S.  Am. 

Tyer,  Tyer,  c  Rus..  24. 

Tvert^a,  Twe/t-sq.  r  Rus.,  110  m. 

Tweed,  Twed,  r  Scot,  and  Eng.,  95  m. 

Tweedmouth,  Twed-mufi,  v  Eng.,  5^. 
Twickenham,  Twik-en-ham,  v  and  joar 

Eng.,  &%. 
Twofold  Bay,  e.  coast  of  Aust. 
Two  Rivers,  v  Wis.,  1. 
Tygart's  Valley  (Tj-garts  Val-i)  River, 

Va.,  150  m. 
Tyler,  Tj-ler,  co  t  Tex.;  v  lU. 
Tymochte,  Tj-raok-tf,  xi  0. 
Tyne,  Tjn,  r  Eng.,  80  m. 
Tynemouth-with-Xorth  Shields,  (Tjn- 

mut,)  two  ^*Eng.,  SO)^. 
Tyngsborough,  Tiyz-bur-o,  <€  Mass. 
Typin:Jan,  Tj-pin-sqn,  Madjicosima  Is. 
Tyri-Fiord.  Te-ri-Fe-e/*d,  I  Xor. 
Tyrnuu,  Ti/'-uTJ,  t  Ilun.,  b%. 
Tyrol,  Tir-ol,  jjvftv  Aus.;  area  11,084  3. 

m.,  pop.  859,706. 
Tyrone,  Tj-ron,  r«  N-Y.,  Pa. 


Uanapu,  (D-q-nq-pif),  r  Bra.,  400  m. 
Uatuma,  CI)-q-t(f)-mq,  r  Bra.,  350  m. 
Uaupes,  W^-pes,  r  Bra. 
Ubatuba,  CD-bq-t<f>-bq,  t  Bra.,  6. 
Ubeda,  (D-ba-dq,  t  Sp.,  Vi%. 
Ubrique,  Q-brE-ka,  t  Sp.,  S^. 
Ucayale,  Oi-kj-^-la,  /•  Peru,  500  m. 
Udine,  (D'de-na,  ^  Aus.  It.,  26^. 
Uelzen,  Elt'son,  t  Han.,  3. 
Uerdingen,  Ey-'dij-en,  t  Rhen.  Prus.,  3. 
Ugliano,  Obl-yq-no,  i  in  Adriatic  Sea. 
Uhricksvillc,  Yq-riks-vil,  'V  0.,  1. 
Uist,   (Wist  or  Est,)  North,  i  Outer 

Hebrides,  3^,. 
Uist,  South,  i  Outer  Hebrides,  4. 
Uithuizen,  CTt-hor-zen,  v  Neth.,  3%. 
Ujhely-Satoral.ja,   (D'e-hely-Sq-t(A)-r61- 

yo,  t  Hun.,  6)^. 
Uleaborg,  OO'le-u-boz-g,  5-2>^  ^  Fin.,  5. 
Ulea-Trask,  (D'le-o-trqsk,  I  Fin. 
Ulloa,  COl-yci-q,  rHond.,100  m. 
TJllswater,  Ulz'wo-ter,  t  Eng. 
TJlm,  Ulm,  t  Wiirtembcrg,  13}^. 
Ulster,  Ul'ster,  /■  Ger.;  Ul'ster,  co  and 

p  o  N-Y. 
Ulva,  Ul'va,  is  Inner  Hebrides,  ^. 
Ulverstone,     Ul'ver-ston,    t  and    /Jar 

Eng.,  61^. 
Umbagog  (tTm'ba-gog)  Lake,  N-Eng. 
Umea,  (D'me-ca,  7'  Swed.,  250  \a. 
Umpqua  (Ump'kwe)  City,  r  Or.  Tor. 
I''^na,  (D'nq,  four  rs  Bra..  60  m. 
L'nadilla,  Un-a-dil-a,  r  N-Y.;  ts  N-Y., 

Unare,  OO-n^-ra,  r  Ven.,  120  m. 

Uncasville,  Un'kas-vil.  t  Conn. 
Unghvar,  CD^-vqr,  t  Hun.,  5. 
Unie,  (Dn'ya,  i  Adriatic  Sea,  y^. 
Union,  Yx'in-yon,  co  ts  Va.,  Mo.;  va  N- 

Y.,  la.,  Mich.,  N-C. 
Union  City,  v  Mich. 
Union  Mills,  rs  Pa.,  Va.,  la.,  lo. 
Union  Springs,  rs  N-Y.,  1;  Ala.  [III. 
Uniontown,  co  t  Pa.,  2%;  t'»  Ala.,  la., 
Union  Village,  v  N-Y. 
Unionville,  co  t  S.  C;  is  Conn.,  Pa.,  0. 
United  Stales,  Yq-njt-ed  Stats,  Rep. 
N.  Am.,  occupying  more  than  half  of 
the  territory  of  the  North  Temperate 
Zone,  and  presenting  in  the  unity  of 
its  States,  the  most  perfect  government 
the  world  ever  witnessed.  Th^faceof 
the  country  is  of  every  variety — valley, 
mountain,  and  plain.  Topographically 
considered,  the  United  States  are  di- 
vided as  follows  :  1.  The  Atlantic,  or 
Alleghany  Slope;  2.  The  Mississippi 
Valley;  3.  Ihe  Pacific,  or  Rocky 
Mountain  Slope.  The  first,  the  oldest, 
and  comprising  the  original  states  of 
the  confederacy,  possessing  the  great- 
est number  of  inhabitants,  farthest 
advanced  in  the  arts  and  sciences,  com- 
mercial and  educational  improvements, 
steadily  furnishes  the  states  and  terri- 
tories of  the  other  two  divisions  with 
"bone,  sinew"  and  mind,  for  their  set- 
tlements. The  second  comprises  the 
ri(;hest  and  most  extensive  agricultural 
country  in  the  world ;  while  the  other, 



yet  in  embryo,  contains  beneath  its  hills 
great  mineral  wealth,  and  in  it5  moun- 
tain etreams  undreamed  of  manufac- 
turing power. 


States  and  Terri- 

Area in 



s,  ms. 





New  Hampshire, 









Rhode  Island, 






New  York, 



New  Jersey, 












Dis.  of  Columbia, 






North  Carolina, 



South  Carolina, 






















































Kanzas  Territory, 


Nebraska  Ter., 


Minnesota  Ter., 



New  Mexico  Ter., 



Utah  Ter., 



Oregon  Ter., 



Washington  Ter. 


2,936,166  23,191,876 

The  rapidity  with  which  population 
increases  in  the  United  States  is  re- 
markable: at  the  rate  of  increase  for 
the  preceding  ten  years,  up  to  1850, 
the  present  population  would  be  ( 1856 ) 
28,753,062.  The  nambor  of  persons  to 
the  square  mile  in  the  non-slavehold- 
ing  states  were  21.91:  slaveholding, 

The  educational  system  U  unequal- 

led by  that  of  any  country  (excepting 
Prussia)  in  the  world.  The  nuraberof 
public  and  private  schools,  colleges  and 
academies,  is  87,162;  of  students  in 
attendance  4,089,597,  and  the  propor- 
tion at  school  is  1  to  4.9,  not  including 
slaves,  and  greater  than  that  of  any 
other  country.  The  ratio  of  those  over 
twenty  years  of  age  unable  to  read  or 
write  is  1  in  40  in  the  non-slaveholding 
states,  and  1  in  12  in  the  slaveholding 
states.  In  the  New  England  states, 
1  in  400.  The  number  of  papers  pub- 
lished, 2,526;  while  other  publications, 
such  as  books,  pamphlets,  etc.,  exceed, 
probably,  all  other  countries  together. 

American  ships  are  found  on  every 
sea,  and  in  its  ports  the  productions  of 
every  clime  are  received.  There  en- 
tered from  foreign  ports,  in  1854,  19,- 
103  vessels,  with  a  tonnage  of  5,884,- 
339  tons;  cleared,  in  the  same  period, 
19,073,  with  a  tonnage  of  6,019,194-; 
value  of  imports,  $304,562,384;  exports, 

Unity,  Yi],-ni-ti.  vs  0.,  111. 
Unna,  Un'q,    t  Prus.  Westphalia,  5)^; 

r  Turkish  Croatia,  110  m. 
Unst,  Unst,  Shetland  Island,  3. 
Upland,  Up'land,  v  Pa.,  3^. 
Upolou,    CD-pQ-l(6,    Samoan   Is,,  Pac. 

Oc,  area  60  s.  m.,  pop.  25,000. 
Upper  or  New  California,   (Kal-i-fer- 

ni-a,)  former  ter.  of  the  state  of  Cal. 
Upper  Iowa,  r  Min.  and  lo.  [Md. 

Upper  Marlborough,    Mqrl-bur-o,    co  t 
Upper  Sandusky,  r/r  Fremont,  co  t  O.,  1. 
Upper  Swatara,  Swq-tq-ra,  tp  Pa. 
Upperville,  Up'er-vil,  i)  Va.,  %. 
Upsal,  Up'sal,  t  Swed.,  5. 
Upshur,  Up'Jur,  v  O. 
U  pton-u  pon  -  Se  ver  n ,  Up'ton-up-on-Ser- 

ern,  t  and^r  2%. 
Ural,  Yi\  ral,  r  Rus.,  1800  m.;  rm  do. 
Urbanna,  Ur-ban-a,  co  ts  Va.,  0.,  111., 

Mo.  [7. 

Urbino,  (Dr-be-no,  c  Pontifical  States, 
Urghundaub,  Ur-gun-dob,  r  Afg.,  230  m. 
Urquhart,  Urk'hqrt,  par  Scot. 
Ursa,  Ur'sa,  v  111. 

Urubamba,  (J)-ra)-b<^m-bq,  t  Peru,  4. 
Urucaia,  0)-r<i)-kj-q,  r  Rrazil.,  200  ra. 
Uruguay,  OD-rtD-gwj,  r  S.  Am.,  800  m. 
Uruguay,  a  republic  S.  Am.;  area  75,- 

000  8.  m.,  pop.  1,120.000. 
Usedom,  (D'zo-dom.  i  Prus.  Pomerania. 
Ushant,  Uj'ant,  «  off  Brittany,  2%. 
L'skup,  (D^'kup,  t  Eu.  Tur.,  10. 
Ustica,  CBi'ti-kq,  i  Med.  [400  m. 

Usumaainta,  CD-sco-mq-siu-Ui,  r  C.  Am., 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Utah,  Yii-te,  or  Yix-tq,  ter  U.  S.;  area 

269,170,  s.  m.,  pop.,  whites,  11,3:^0; 

free  colored,  24;  slaves,  26;  total,  11,- 

380,  mostly  Mormons. 
Utah  Lake,  central  part  ter.  30  by  10  m. 
Utica,  Yii-ti-ka,  c  N-Y.,  22i^;  vs  Pa., 

Miss.,  0.,  1;  Mich.,  1:  la.,  III.,  Mo. 
Utiel,  (B-tE-^1,  t  Sp.,  bfi, 
Utilla,  OO-tel-yqj  i  Caribbean  Sea. 

Utrecht,  Yi|-trekt,  t  Hoi.,  49i<^;  prot> 

Neth.,  pop.  155,224. 
Utrera,  (D-tra-rri,  t  Sp.,  12^. 
Uttoxeter,  Uks'e-ter,  t  and  par  Eng.,  5. 
Uvalde,  (D-vc^l-da,  co  Tex. 
Uxbrid^e,    Uks'brij,     t   Eng.,   3^^;    V 
Uyea,  CI)-ya,  one  of  Shet.  Is.     [Mass.,  2, 
Uzes,  E-zas,  t  Fr.,  7. 
Uzzano,  O)t-sq,-no,  t  Tuscany,  4. 


Vaagen,  V^-gen,  (East  and  West,) 
two  of  the  Loffoden  Is.,  Nor.,  4. 

Vache,  (VqJ)  Island,  W.  Ind.  [m. 

Vadavate,  Vq-dq-vq-ta,  r  S.  Hind.,  200 

Vaga,  V4-gq,  r  Rus.,  250  m. 

Vaigats,  Vj-gqts,  i  Artie  Oc,  large  and 

Vaila,  Va-la,  Shetland  Island. 

Vahk,  Vqk,  r  Siberia,  350  m, 

Valatie,  VaUa-te,  ^  N-Y. 

Valbenoite,  Vql-be-nw(\t,  v  Fr.,  6. 

Valdepenas,  Vql-da-pan-yqs,^  Sp.,  9^. 

Valdes,  Vql-des,  i  Gulf  of  Georgia. 

Valdivia,  Vql-de-vi-q,  r  Chili,  120  m. 

Valenca,  Yq-len-sq,  t  Brazil,  3. 

Valence,  Vq-lohs,  t  Fr.,  16>4. 

Valencia,  Vq-len-Ji-a,  prov  Sp.;  c,  cap 
of  same,  70;  c  Ven.,  17;  —  Lake,  do. 

Valenciennes,  Yq-loh-se-en,  tYx.,2Z%. 

Valentia,  Yq-leu-Ji-a,  i  w.  of  Ir.;  t  do. 

Valenza,   Vq-len-zq,    t   Sard.    States, 
Valetta,  Vq-let-q,  s-pt  c  is.  Malta,  30. 
Valki,  V41-ke,  t  Rus.,  9. 
Valladolid,  Vql-yq-do-led,    c  Sp.,  30; 

c  Mex.,  18;  c  Yucatan,  15. 
Vail  ay,  Val-a,  i  Outer  Hebrides. 
Valle-Hermoso,    Vql-ya-Er-mo-so,  t 

Canaries^  3. 
Valognes,  Vq-I6ny,  t  Fr.,  6. 
Valpariso,  Vql-pq-rj-so,  c  cap  Chili,  50; 

Val-pa-ra-z(D,  co  t  la. 
Van,  Vqn,  c  Turkish  Armenia,  40. 
Van,  Lake,  salt  lake.  As.  Tur. 
Van  Buren,    Van  Bq,-ren,    co  U  Ark., 

\%;  Mis. 
Vanfteburg,  Vans-burg,  vs  Ky.,  %;  III. 
Vancourer's,    Van-k(6-verz,    i  w.  Br. 

N.  Am.,  11. 
Vancouver,  Fort,  settlement  Hudson's 

Bay  Company,  Wash.  Ter. 
Vandalia,  Van-da-li-a,  co  t  IlL,  1. 
Van  Deusenville,    Van  Di|,-zen-vil,    t) 

Mass.  [n.  w.  Aust. 

Van  Diemen's  (Van  De-menz  )  Gulf, 

Van  Diemen's  Land,  i  s.  e.  Aust;  area 

24,000  s.  m.,  pop.  80,000. 
Vandola,  La,  Lq-Vqn-d<f)-lq,  Admiral- 
ty Island. 
Vanikoro,  Vq-ni-ko-ro,  i  S.  Pac.,  IJ^. 
Vannes,  Vqn,  8-pt  t  Fr.,  13>^. 
Vanua-Valavo,  Vq-no)  q-Vq-l^-vo,  ♦ 

S.  Vac,  1. 
Van  Wert,  Van  Wert,  co  t  0.,  1. 
Var,  Vqr,  dep  Fr.,  pop.  357,967. 
Varazze,  Vq-r^t-sa,  t  Sard.,  7^. 
Varel,  Fq-rel,  t  Ger.,  Zy^. 
Varinas,  Vq-re-nqs,  t  Yen.,  12. 
Varna,  Vq/'-nq,  ft  s-pt  <  Eu.  Tur.,  14. 
Yaroqoa,  Var-ci-kwa,  co  t  Wis. 
Yasa,  Vq-sq,  s-pt  i!  Fin.,  33^. 
Vasarhely,    Hold-Mezo,     Hold-Ma-zo, 

V(i-Jqr-hely,  t  Hun.,  26 1^. 
Vasarhely,  Somlyo,   Xom-lyo  V^-Jqr- 

hely,  t  Hun.,  25. 
Vashka,  YqJ-kq,  r  Rus,,  200  m. 
Vasilkov,  Yq-sil-kov,  t  Rus.,  8. 
Vasioogan,  Vq-ss-flo-g^n,    r  As.  Rus., 

170  m. 
Vassalborough,  Vas-al-btir-o,  v  Me.,  3. 
Vasto,  V^s-to,  t  Naples,  9. 
Yatersa,  V^t-er-sa,  i  Outer  Hebrides. 
Vaucluse,  Yo-klez,  dep  Fr.,  264,618. 
Vaud,  Yo,  or  Pays-de-Vaud,  Pa-e-de- 

Yo,  canton  Switz. 
Vaudreuil,  Vo-drely,  co  C.  E. 
Yauxhall,  Yo-hel,  subwh  London. 
Vavao,  Vq-v^-o,  Friendly  Island,  6. 
Veglia,  Yal-yq,  i  Adriatic  Sea,  15. 
Yejer,  \a.-h2^r,  t  Sp.,  ^%. 
Yelez,  Ya-les,  t  N-Gran.",  7>^.         {}{. 
Yelez  Blanco,  Ya-let  Blqn-kcj,  t  Sp.,  7- 
Yelez  Malaga,  Mq-lq-gq,  t  Sp.,  16. 
Yelez  Rubio,  Rtfe-be-tJ,  t  Sp..  12^^. 
Yelikaia,  Ya-Ie-kj-q.  r  Rus.,  160  m. 
Yelino,  Ya-lg-no,  r  It. 
Velizh,  Ya-li.^,  t  Rus.  Pol..  6^. 
Yelletri,  Ye-la-tre,  t  Pontificial  St.,  10. 
Yenado,  Ya-n(^-do,  t  Mex.,  8. 
Venango,  Ye-naj)-g<a,  v  Pa, 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Vendome,  Von-dom,  t  Fr.,  9^^. 
Vendotena,  Ven-do-ta-nq,  i  Med.,  }^. 
Venezuela,    Ven-ez-w8-la,     (Sp.    Va- 

net-wa-lq,  rep  S.  Am.,  area  400,000 

s.  m.,  pop.  1,419,289. 
Venice,  Ven-is,  c  Aus.  It.,  110;  v  0. 
Venloo,  Ven-16,  ft  t  Xeth.,  1%. 
Venosa,  Va-no-sq,,  t  Naples,  6. 
Ventnor,  Vent-n(jr,  t  Isle  of  Wight. 
Vera,  Va-rq.  t  Sp.,  8)^. 
Vera  Cruz,  Va-rq-Kr(Ds,  st  Max.,  area 

27,595  s.  m.,  pop.  274,686;  s-pt  t  Mex., 

Veragaa,  Va-rc^-gwa,  t  N-Gran.,  5. 
Vercelli,  Ver-qel-E,  c  Sard.  Sts.,  18)^. 
Verden,  Fe/'-den,  t  Ger.,  4%. 
Verdun,  Ve/'-dun,  t  Fr.,  14. 
Vereya,  Va-ra-yq.  t  Rus.,  6. 
Vergennes,  Ver-jenz,  c  Vt.,  \)/^. 
Veria,  Ve-rg-q.  t  Eu.  Tur.,  8. 
Vermejo,  Vcr-ma-Ao,  r  S.  Am..  750  m. 
Vermilion,    Yer-mil-yon,    «   O.,  1,  rs 

La.,  111.  and  la. 
Vermilionville,    Ver-mil-yon-vil,    c»  t 

Vermont,  Ver-mont,  one  of  the  U.  S., 

the  first  admitted  after  the  union; 

area  10.212  s.m.,  pop.  whites,  313,402, 

colored  982,  total  314,120;  v  111.,  1)^. 
Vernon,  Ver-n6n,  t  Fr.,  &%;  Ver-non, 

CO  t  la.,  1;  Ts  Conn.,  N-Y.,  Wis.,  Cal. 
Verona,    Va-ro-nq,  ft  c  Aus.  It.,  48; 

Ve-r6-na,  v  N-Y.,  5)^. 
Vcrrct  (Ver-et)  Lake,  La. 
Versailles,  Ver-salz,  c  Fr.,  35J/^;  co  ts 

Ky.,  la.,  Mo. 
Versecz,  Ver-^eU*,  t  Hun.,  15^. 
Vertou,  Ver-td),  v  Fr.,  6, 
Vervick,  Vd^r-vik,  t  Bclg.,  b%. 
Verviers,  Ver-ve-a,  t  Belg..  20. 
Vesoul,  Va-w61,  t  Fr.,  &%.' 
Vesuvius,  (Ve-8ii-vi-u8,)  Mount,  act- 
ive vol  It. 
Veszprira,  Ves-prim,  t  Hun.,  9. 
Vetlooga,  Vet-l(f)-gq.  r  Rus.,  300  m. 
Vevay,  Ve-va  or  Ve-va,  co  t  la.,  2. 
Viana,  Vc-^-nq,  8-pt  t  Port.,  8. 
Viatka,  Ve-^t-kq,  gov  Rus.:  area  53,- 

493   8.  m.,    pop.   1,818,752;    c,   cap 

same,  7;  r  do.,  500  m. 
Viazma,  Vc-(\z-mq,  t  Rus.,  12. 
Viborg,  V^-borg,  e-pt  t  Finland,  3^. 
Viborg,  Ve-borA,  <  Den.,  53^. 
Vicenza,   Ve-s^n-zq  or   Ve-Q6n-zq,    c 

Aus.  It.,  33. 
Vich,  Vik,  c  Sp.,  10%. 
Vichada,  Ve-q(\-dq,  r  N-Gran.,  260  m. 
Vicksburg,  Yiks-burg,  c  Miss.,  3%. 
Vico   Equenae,  V£-ko   {I-kw^a-sa,    < 

It.,  9?i. 

Victoria,  Yik-t(4)-ri-a,  Br.  co?  Australia; 

area  160,000  s.  m.,  pop.  320,000;  co  t 

Tex.:  V  111.;  t  Mex.,  5>^;  —  Vek-to- 

ri-q,  t  Bra.,  5. 
Victoria  Lake,  S.  Aust. 
Victoria  Land,  Antarctic  ter,  supposed 

to  be  discovered  by  Sir  James  Ross. 
Victoria  River,  N.  Ausf. 
Victoria  Strait,  Arc.  Oc. 
Victory,  Yik-to-ri,  'V  N-Y. 
Yidalia,  Vi-da-li-a,  co  t  La. 
Vieille-Vizne,  Ve-aly-Veny,  y  Fr.,  5}{. 
Vienna,  Vi-en-a,  c,  cap  Aus.,  408;  co  ts 

Ga.,  III.;  r«  N-Y.  2>^,  Ala.,  0.,  la.. 

Wis.,  C.  W. 
Vienne,  Ve-en,  dep  Fr.,  pop.  317,305; 

c  do.,  20^;  r  do.,  220  m. 
Vieque,  Ve-a-ka,  i  Br.  W.  Ind. 
Vierzon,  Ve-er-z6h.  t  Fr.,  6%. 
Viesti,  Ve-es-te,  t  Nap..  6. 
Vigan,  Ve-gqn,  s-pt  t  Phil.  Is.,  17i^. 
Yigevano,  Vg-ja-vq-no,  t  Sard.,  15>4. 

Viggiano,  Vid-jq-no,;^  Nap.,  b%. 

I.,  4%  ;  I  Rus.; 
Vj-go,  CO  la 

Vigo,  Ve-go,  s-))t  t  Sp. 

Vilaine,  Ve-lan,  r  Fr.,  130  m. 
Vilcanota,  Vel-kqn-y6-tq,  m  Andes. 
Vilkomeer,  Vil-ko-mer,  t  Rus.  Pol.,  5. 
Villa-Bella-da-Princeza,   Vei-q-Bel-q- 

dq-Pren-sa-zq,  t  Bra.,  3. 
Villa  del  Fuerte,  Vel-yq  del  Fwer-ta, 

t  Mex.,  5. 
Villa  del  Principe,  Vel-yq  del  Prea-si- 

pa,  t  Cuba,  30. 
Villa  do  Rio  Pardo,  Vel-q  do  Re-o 

Pqr-do,  t  Bra.,  5. 
Villa  Franca,  Vel-q  Fr(^B-^.  ^  Bra.,  4. 
Villafranca  de  los  Barros,  Vel-yq-fr4l]- 

kq  da  los  Bq?'-os,  t  Sp.,  6. 
Villafranca  de  Panades,   Vel-yq-fr^g- 

kq  da  Pq-n^-des,  t  Sp.,  5*^. 
Villafranca  do  Xira,  Vel-q-fr^Q-kq  da 

X«-rq,  t  Port.,  5. 
Villafranca  di   Picmonte,  Vil-q-fr^g- 

kq  dt  Pe-a-mon-ta,  t  Sard.,  8)^. 
Villajoyosa,  Vel-yq-Ao-y(f)-sq,  t  Sp.,  8. 
Villanovade  San  Antonio,  Vel-q-niij-vq 

da  Sqn  fln-to-ni-o,  t  Bra.,  4. 
Villanueva  dc  Cordova,  Vel-yq-nwa-vq 

da  Kdr-do-vq,  t  Sp.,  6)^. 
Villanueva  de  la  Serena,  Vcl-yq-nwd- 

vq  da  Iq  Sa-j-a-nq,  t  Sp.,  9. 
Villanueva  y  laGeltru,  Vel-yq-nwd-vq 

8  Iq  //el-trd),  t  Sp.,  10»/,. 
Villa  Real,  Vel-yq  Ra-ql,  t  Sp.,  %]4. 
Villa  Real  de  Concepcion,  Vel-yq  Ra- 

(\1  da  Kon-tep-te-din,  t  Paraguay,  4. 
Villa  Vi<josa,  Vtl-q  VE-g(fi-sq,  t  Bru.,5. 
Villfifranche-de-Rouergue,   Vcl-fr66J- 

d§-lia)-4rg,  t  Fr.,  9>^. 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

"V  illef  ranche-sur-Saone,  Vel-f  ronj-ser- 
Scan,  t  Fr.,  8. 

Villena,  Vtl-ya-nq,  t  Sp.,  %%, 

Villeneuve-le-Roi,  Vel-uev-le-RwcIl,  t 
Fr.,  b%.  '    [Fr.,  U%. 

Villeneuve-sur-Lot,  Vsl-nev-se/'-Lo,  t 

Villettc,  La,  Lq  Vel-et,  t;  Fr.,  18%. 

Vilna,  Vil-uq,  c  lias.  I'oland,  o2^/i. 

Vilvourden,  Vil-vor-den,  t  JJelg.,  b]4- 

Vinaroz,  Ve-nq-rot,  t  Sp.,  10%.     [2. 

Vincennes,  Vin-setiz,  t  Fr.,83^;  cotlu., 

Vindhyu    (Vind-yqj   Mountains,  Hin. 

Vinnitsa,  Vin-it-sq,  t  Rus.,  7}^. 

Viutimiglia,  Vin-ti-mel-yq,/i^  t  Sard. ,5. 

Vire,  Ver,  t  Fr.,  7>r^.  _     [Ind. 

Virgin  Gorda,  V^r-jin  Gor-da,t  Br.  W. 

Virginia,  Ver-jin-i-a,  one  of  the  orig- 
inal U.  S.;  area  61,352  s.  m.;  pop. 
894,800  whites,  54,;i3;i  free  colored, 
472,528  slaves— total,  1,421,661. 

Virgin  (Ver-jin)  Islands,  W.  Ind. 

Virtzerv  {Virt-zerv)  Lake,  Rus. 

Viseu,  Vfi-sa-O),  c  Port.,  9%. 

Visbera,  ViJ-a-r^,  r  Rus.,  260  m. 

Vishnee,  Vij-ne,  t  Rus.,  9. 

Viso,  Monte,  M6n-ta  \e-sui,  peaJc  Alps. 

Vistula,  Vis-ti^-la,  r  Eu.,  530  ra. 

Vitchegda,  Ve-qeg-dq,  r  Rus.,  380  m. 

Vitebsk,  Ve-tebsk,  t  Rus.  Pol.,  30. 

Viterbo,  Ve-te/'-bo,  c  Cen.  It.,  14. 

Vitoria,  Ve-to-ri-q,  t  Sp.,  103^' 

Vitre,  Ve-tra,  t  Fr.,  S%. 

Vitry-le-Frangoii,  Ve-tre-l^-Fron-sw^, 
ft  t  Fr.,  81^.  [11. 

Vittoria,  Vi-t(5-ri-a,  ts  C.  W.  %,  8ic. 

Vivero,  Ve-va-ro,  t  Sp.,  4%. 
Vlaardingen,  Vlq/'-difl-en,  t  Neth.,  7i^. 
Vladiuieer,  Vlq-di-iuer,  gov  Kus.;  area 
^  18,445  s.m.,  pop.  1,168,303:  t  do.,  7)^. 
Vlifcland,  Vlg-lqnt,  i  Zuyder-Zee,  %. 
Vodla,  V6d-lq,  I  and  /■  Jlus,,  120  m. 
Voghera,  Voi-ga-rq,  t  Pied.,  10%. 
Voiron,  Vwq-ruh,  t  Fr.,  83^. 
Volcan  de  Agua,  Vol-kqn   da  il'gwq, 

Tol  Guat. 
Volcano,  Vol-ka-no,  i  S.  Pac.  Oc. 
Volga,  V61-gq,  /■  Rus.,  2500  m. 
Volhynia,  VoUhin-i-a,  (jov  Rus.  Pol.; 

area  27,742  s.  m.,  pop.  1,469,442. 
Volo,  V6-I0,  Gulf,  inlet  of  vEgean  Sea. 
Vologda,  V(0-l6g-dq,  (/««  Eu.Rus.;  area 

148,674  s.  ra.,  jjop.,  864  268:  c  same,  14. 
Volta,  V61-tq,  /•  Guinea,  360  m. 
Voltchansk,  Vol-qqnsk.  t  Rus.,  7. 
Vol  terra,  Vol-te/*-q,  t  Tus.,  4]^. 
Volturno,  Vol-tif)/'-no,  r  Nap.,  90  m. 
Voorn,  Vo;'n,  i  of  S.  Holland. 
Vorm>-,  Ve/'ms,  i  Baltic. 
Vorona,  Vo-ro-nq,  r  Rus.,  220  m. 
Voronezh,  Vo-ro-nei-^,   gov  Rus.;  area 

25,878  s.  m.,  pop.  1,629,741;  c  do.,  44. 
Vosgos,  Vo^,  dep  Fr.;  area  2230  s.  m., 

pop.  427.409;  vu  Fr.  and  Ger. 
Votkii,  V6t-kq,  t  Rus.,  9. 
Vozh,  Voj;,  I  Rus. 
Vracane,  Vrq-sa-na,  v  Belg.,  5)/^. 
Vukovar,  Va>-ko-vqr,  t  A  us.,  5%. 
Vulcano,  Vool-kq-no,  Lipari  Is.,  Med. 
Vuna,  V(6-nq,  Feejee  Is,,  7. 
Vuoxen,  VcD-oks-en,  r  Finland,  350  m. 


Waag,  Wqg,  r  Ilun.,  200  m.  [2. 

Wabash,  Wo-baJ,  r  la.,  550  ui;  co  t  la., 
Wabashaw,  We-ba-Jo,  co  t  Minn. 
Wachusett  (Wo-(jii,-set)  Mt.,  Mass. 
Wacoochee,  We-kiD-qe,  1)  Ala,  , 
Wacousta,  Wa-k(6s-ta,  v  Mich. 
Waday,  Wo-di,  qj  interior  Af.;  pop. 

Wnddington,  Wod-ig-ton,  11  N-Y.,  %. 
Wadebridgc,  Wad-brij,  t  Eng.,  1, 
Wiidensweil,  Va-denz-vjl,  v   Swit.,  5. 
Wiidesborough,  Wadz-bur-o,  co  t   N. 

C,  IK ;  ^  Ky. 
Wadesvillo,  Wadz-vil,  v  Va. 
Wadjier,  Wqd-jg;',  Arroo  i. 
Waereghem,  Wq-re-gein,  v  Belg.,  5. 
Wagram,  Wq-graui,  v  Lower  Aus. 
Wahkiacum,  VVq-ki-ak-uua,  co  Wash. 


Wahlahgas,  Wq-lq-gas,  r  Me. 
Wahsatch  (Wq-saq)  Mountains,  Utah 
Waia,  Wj-q,  Feejee  Is.,  3.     __     [Ter. 
Waiblingen.  Vj-bli()-en,  t  Wiirt.,  3. 
Waikato,  Wi-k(\-t(D,  r  N-Zeal.,  250  m. 
Waiping,  Wj-pig,  t  China,  150. 
Waitzen,  Wjt-sen,  t  Hun.,  \\%. 
Wakefield,  Wak-feld,  t  and  par  Eng., 

33  ;  TS  R.  I.,  Md. 
Wakulla,  Wa-kiil-a,  r  and  co  Fa. 
Walbridgeville,  Wel-brij-vil.  v  Vt. 
Walcheren,  Vql-Aer-en,  i  vi  Neth.,  45. 
Waldeck-Pyrinont,  WcSl-dek-Pir-mout, 

2^rin.  Ger.,  pop.  59,697. 
Waldenses,  Wol-den-sez,  a  Protestant 

people  in  Piedmont. 
Waldo,  Wol-do,  rs  0.  [4^. 

Waldoborough,  W6l-do-bur-o,  t  Ma., 
WaldUrn,  Vql-de/n,  I  Baden,  Z%. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Wales,  Walz,  div  Gr.  .Br.;  area  7,398 

s,  m.,  pop.  1,005,721, 
Walker's  (Wok-erz)  Lake,  Utah  Ter. 
Walkersville,  Wi5-kerz-vil,  v  Pa. 
Wallachia,  Wol-a-ki-a,  prin.  Eu.  Tar.; 

area  27.000  s.  ra.,  pop.  2,000,000. 
Walla  Walla,  Wol-a  W6l-a,  r,  co  and 

CO  t  Wash.  Ter. 
Wallenstadt,  Vql-en-stqt,  I  Swit. 
Wallingford,  Wol-ig-ford,   t  and  par 

Eng.,  2%;  vs  Vt.,  Conn.,  III. 
Wallis  (W6l-is^  Lake,  N-S.  Wales. 
Wi^lloostook  (Wol-OQ-stflbk)  River,  Me. 
Wallscnd,  W.)l-send,  v  Eng.,  b%. 
Walpole,  Wol-pol,  vs  N-H.  1,  Mas3.  1. 
Walsall,  Wol-sol,  t  and  par  Eng.,  %%. 
Walsh  im,  Wols-ham,  North,  i  and  par 

Eng.,  3. 
Wal  tenberg,  V(\l-  ton-berA,  t  Tran.,  8>^. 
Waltersborough,  Wol-terr-bur-o,  co  t 

S.  C. 
Waltershausen,      Vql-terz-hT-zen,      t 

Saxe-Cuburg-Gotha,  3J^. 
Wakhain,  Wol-tam.  v  Mass.,  2}^. 
Walthain  -  Abbey,     Wtilt-atn- Ab'i,     t 
^^Z'y  2/^;  — ,  Bishop's,  t  and  par 
Eng.,  2%. 
Walthourville,  WoI-f-Ar-vil,  f  Ga. 
Walton,  W.5l-ton,  ts  N-Y.  1,  Ky.  %. 
Walvisch,  Wql-viJ,  b  8.  Af. 
Walworth,  Wul-wiirt,  ts  N-Y.,  Wis. 
Wanchow,  Wqn  q^,  s-pt  t  China,  200. 
Wandsworth,  Woaz-wurt,  par  and  v 

Eng.,  9V^. 
Wiiigeroog,  Vqt]-er-og,  t  of  N.  Ger.,  ^. 
Wanlock-Hsad,  Won-lok-Hed,  r  Scot,  I. 
WanUge,  Won-taj,  par  and  t  Eng.,  3. 
Wanzleben,  V^nts-la-ben,  i  Prus,  Sax- 
ony, 3. 
Wapello,  Wa-pel-o,  co  and  co  t  lo.,  %. 
Wapsipinicon,  Wap-si-pin-i-kon,  r  lo., 

200  ra. 
Warasdin,  Vq-rqs-din,<  Aus.  Croatia,  9. 
Wardsville,  Wordz-vii,  t  C.  W.,  %. 
Ware,  W^r.  t  and  par  Eng.,  5;  v  Miujs.,  2. 
Warehara.  W^r-harn,  ftor  and  t  Eng., 3. 
Waren,  V^-ren,  t  Meck.-Schwerin,  5. 
Waresborough,  W^rz-bur-o,  co  t  Ga. 
Warminster,  Wor-min-ster,  t  and  par 

Eng.,  \%. 
Warm   Springs,  Worm  Springs,  co  t 

Va.;  Ti  N.  C,  Ga. 
Warner,  Wor-ner,  v  N-H. 
Warneton.  Vqrn-tiih,  t  Belg ,  6. 
Warren,  W6r-«n,  co  ts  Me.  2>^,  Ark 
y\,  O.  3:  VH  Mass.,  R.  I.  2,  Conn.,  Pa. 
1,  la.  ^,  III. 
Warrensburz,  Wor-enz-bure,  co  t  Mo.: 
«  NY. 


Warrenspoint,  Wor-enz-p<^nt,  t  and  ^ar 

Ir.,  1%. 
Warren  ton,  Wor-en-ton,  r^  <s  Va.  IJ^, 

N.  C.  1>^,  Ga.,  Ala.,  Mo.;  xs  Miss., 

Ky.,  0.,  la. 
Warrcntown,  W6r-en-t"5n,  v  Pa. 
Warrington,    W6r-ii)-ton,    t  and  par 

Eng.,  231^.  LK. 

Warrior's  Mark,  Wer-i-orz  Mqrk,  Xi  Pa., 
Warsaw,  Wor  se,  c  Rus.   Pol.,  ltVJl»^; 

OT  ^s  N-Y.,  Va.,  Ky.  1,  la.,  Mo.;nil.,  3. 
Warta,  Vq/'-tq,  r  Ger.,  450  tn. 
Wartenburg,  Vqr-ten-biarA,  t  Prus.,  3. 
Warwick,  Wer-wik,  hor  and  t  Eng.,  11; 

CO  t  Va.;  xs  N-Y.,  Pa. 
Wash  a,  W6J-a,  I  La. 
Washington,  W6J-iy-ton,  n.  w.  tei^  TJ. 

S.;  area  123,022  s.  ra.;  pop.  chiefly 

Indians ;  some    few   whites,   mostly 

traders,    occupying    a    part  of    the 

Washington,  c,  and  seat  of  government 

of  the  United  States,  situated  in  the 

District  of  Columbia;  pop.  55:  co  U 

Pa.  2^,  0.,  la.  114,  lo.,  Ky.,  Tenn., 

Ark.:  xs  Mass.,  Conn.,  N-J.,  Pa.,  0., 

la..  III.,  Mo. 
Washington,  land  Arc.  Oc,  discovered 

by  Dr.  Kane,  in  1854;  —  or  Uahuga, 

05-q-htJb-gq,  Marquesas  Is.      [500  ra. 
Washita  or  Ouachita,  W6J-i-te,  r  Ark., 
Wat:ib,  Wo-tab,  X)  Minn. 
Watauga,  Wo-to  ga,  r  and  co  N,  C. 
Wateeo,  Wa-te-o,  one  of  Harvey  Is. 
Waterbury,  Wd-ter-ber-i,  c  Conn,,  7  j 

V  Vt.,  2.  [than  200  m. 

Waterec,  We-ter-e,  T  S.  C.,  nav.  more 
Waterford,  Wo-ter-ford,  c  Ir.,  25 >^;  xs 

Conn.  2)i,  N-Y.  1,  Pa.  X»  Va.,  0., 

la.,  111.,  Wis.,  Miss. 
Waterloo,  We-ter-l(6,  v  Belg.,  2^;  co  ts 

N-Y.   3X.   111.;    V8   Va.,   Ala.,   la., 

Wis.,  C.  VV. 
Watertown,  We-ter-t"»n,  c  Wis.,  4;  cot 

N-Y.,  7%:  X8  Mass.,  Conn, 
Watervillw,  Wd-ter-vil,  t'tf  Me.  4,  Conn., 

NY.,  0. 
Watford,  Wot-ford,  t  and  par  Eng.,  4. 
VVatkinsville,  Wot-kinz-vil,  co  t  Ga. 
Watling's(W6t-lij)z)  Island,  Bahamas, 
Watlington,   Wot-lig-ton,   t  and    par 

Eng.,  2.  [Ter.,  80  m. 

Watonwan  (  W6t-on-wan)  River,  Minn. 
Watsontown,  Wot-son-fsn,  v  Pa. 
Watton,  W6t-on,  t  and  par  Eng.,  \y^, 
Wattsburg.  Wots-burg,  v  Pa.,  »4. 
Waukau,  We-kd,  x  Wis.,  X. 
Waukegan,  Wo-kK-gan,  cot  111.,  4)/^, 
Waukesha,  VVd-ke-Je,  co  t  Wis.,  4. 
Waujmoca,  W«-pak-a,  co  and  r  Wis, 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Waupxin,  "Wo-punjt?  "Wis.,  %. 
Wau.-au,  Wd-so,  co  t  Wis.,  1. 
^V^aiKshara,  Wo-Jar-a,  'V  Wis.,  y^. 
Wauwatosa,  We-wa-to-sa,  v  Wis.,  1. 
Waveland,  Wav-land,  v  la.,  Y^. 
Wavcney,  Wa-ven-i,  r  Eng.,  50  m. 
Waverley,  Wa-ver-li,  «  N-Y. 
Wavre,  \VYiv-r,  t  Bolg.,  b%. 
Waxahachie,  Waks-a-hac-e,  co  t  Tex. 
Wayne,  Wan,  v  N-Y.,  1. 
Wuynesborough,    Wanz-bur-ca,    CO   ts 

Ga.,  Tenn.;  rs  Pa.  1,  Va.,  N.  C. 
Waynesburg,  Wauz-burg,  co  t  Pa.,  1%; 

T    0.,  1. 

Waynesville,    Wanz-vil,    co  ts   N.  C, 

Ga.,  Mo.:  ts  0.  1.  111. 
Wazeuimes,  Vq-zein,  t  Ft.,  13. 
Wea,  We-e,  v  la. 
Wear,  Wf  r,  r  Eng.,  67  m. 
Weavervill(',  We-ver-vil,  t  Cal.,  2}^. 
Webster,  Web-ster,  ts  la.,  Mo.,  Cal. 
Wediiesbury,   Weaz-ber-i,   t  and  par 

Eng.,  12. 
Weeduwwee,  Wc-d-5-we,  co  t  Ala. 
Weedsport,  Wedz-jnart,  v  N-Y. 
Weerdt  or  Weert,  V^,rt,  ^  Dutch  Lim- 

burg,  6>4. 
Weersolo,  Vq,r-se-l(j,  ^  Neth.,  5. 
Wehlau,  Va-lu,  t  Prus.,  'i%.  [4. 

Weichselburg,  Vik-sel-bu;7i,  t  lilyria, 
Weida,  Vj-dq,  t  Saxe-Weimar,  Z%. 
Weigh  ton  ( Wa-ton)  Market,  t  and  par 

Eng,  2>^. 
Weillioim-an-der-Tcck,    Vjl-hjm-qn- 

der-Tek,^  VViirt.,  31^.  [11. 

Weimar,  Vj-mar,  c,  cap  Saxe-Weimar, 
Weingarten,  Vjn-gqr-ten,  v  Baden,  3. 
Weinbeim,  Vjn-him,  t  Bad.,  b]^. 
Weissenburg,  Vj-sen-biarA,/^  t  liav.,  4. 
Weissenfels,  Vj-sen-fels,  t  Prus.  Sax., 

Weisskirchen,  Vjs-kerA-en,  t  Aus.,  b}^; 

t  Moravia,  b]/^. 
Weissport,  Wjs-port,  v  Pa. 
Weldon,  Wel-don,  v  N.  C. 
Welland,  Wel-and,  r  Eng.,  70  m. 
Welland  Canal,  connecting  Lake  Erie 

with  Lake  Ontario. 
Wellborn,  Wel-born,  co  t  Ala. 
Wellcrsburg.  Wel-erz-burg,  v  Pa. 
Wellesley  (Welz-le)  Islands,   Gulf  of 

Carpentaria,  n.  Australia. 
Wellileet,  Wel-flet,  v  Mass.,  2. 
Wellingborough,  Wel-ig-bur-o,  t  and 

par  Eng.,  5. 
Wellington,  Wel-i^-ton,   ts   and  pars 

Eng.,  4>^  and  4;  xs  Mo.,  C.  W.:  Ket 

N-Zeal.;  i  w.  S.  Am.  [do.,  3^^. 

Willis,  Welz,  c  I">ng.,4%:  s-pt  t  and  par 
Wellsborough,  Welz-bur-o,  co  t  Pa. 

Wellsburg,  Welz-burg,  cotY&.,S;  v  N- 
Wells'  River,  v  Vt.  [Y. 

Wellsville,  Welz-vil,  rs  N-Y.  %,  0. 1%. 
Wels,  Vels,  t  Upper  Aus.,  4%. 
Welshpool,  WelJ-pO)!,  t  and  par  North 

Wales.  [2. 

Wener,  Va-ner,  or  Wenner,  Ven-er,  I 

Wenhara,  W^n-ham,  i>  Mass.,  i^. 
Wenloek,  Wen-lok,   t  and   two  pars 

Eng.,  20)^. 
Wentworth,  Went-wurt,  co  t  N.  C. 
Werdau,  Wer-d-y,  t  Sax.,  614. 
Werden,  Ver-den,  t  Khen.  Prus.,  5%. 
Werl,  VeH,  t  Prus.  Westphalia,  4. 
Wernigerode,  Ver-ni-ga-r6-da,  t  Prus, 

Sax.,  53^. 
Werra,  Wer-q,  r  Cen.  Ger.,  150  m. 
Wertheim,  Vert-hjm,  t  Baden,  33^^. 
Wesel,   Nieder,   Ne-der    Va-zel,  ft    t 

Khen.  Prus.,  12i<. 
Weser,  Va-zer.  r  Ger.,  250  m. 
Wesley  City,  Wes-li  Sit-i,  t  111. 
Wesleyville,  Wes-li-vil,  v  Pa.,  }4' 
Wessel  (Wes-el)  Islands,  off  N.  Aust. 
AVest  Alburg,  West  91'burg,  v  Vt. 
West  Alexandria,  Al-eks-an-dri-a,   r# 

Pa.,  O. 
West  Alton,  Ol'ton,  v  N-II. 
West  Amesbury,  ^mz'ber-i,  v  Mass. 
West  Andover,  An'doj-ver,  v  N-II.  Barnstable,  Bi\rn-sta-bl,  v  Mass, 
West  Jiaton  Rouge,  Bat-on  lla)^,par  La. 
West  Bend,  v  Wis.,  1. 
West  Bloomfield,  Bldbra-feld,  v  N-Y. 
Westborough,  West-bur-o,  rs  Mass.,  0. 
Westbrook,  West-bnak,  v  Conn.,  1. 
West  Brownsville,  Bnsnz-vil,  v  Pa.,  }^. 
Westbury,  West-ber-i,  t  and  war  Eng., 

7.  [2. 

West  Cambridge,   Kam-brij,  v  Mass., 
West  Camden,  Kam-den,  «  N-Y. 
West  Carlisle,  Kqr-l|l,  v  0.  fO. 

West  Charleston,  fc.'qrlz-ton,  ts  Me.,  V  t., 
Westchester,  West-yes-ter,  T  'N-Y. 
West  Chester,  fe'es-ter,  co  t   Pa.,  4}/^. 
West  Columbia,  Ko-liim-bi-a,  t  Va. 
West  Concord,  K6i]-kord,  ts  .N-H.,Vt. 
West  Cornwall,  Korn-wol,  v  Conn. 
Westecunk,  Wes-te-kujjk,  v  N.  J. 
West  Eliziibeth,  S-liz-a-bet,  T  Pa.,  i^ 
Westera.s,  Wes-ter-os,  t  Swed.,  3}^. 
Westerham,  West-er-ham,  t  and  par 

Eng.,  134. 
Westerly,  West-er-li,  r  R.  I.,  1%. 
Western  Australia,  West-ern  Oa-tral- 

ya,  Br.  od  Australia,  H)]4- 
Western-Port,  inlet  s.  Australa. 
Western  Saratoga,  Sar-a-to-g  i,  v  III. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


"Wcstervik,  V^=i-ter-vik,  t  Swed.,  3. 

West  Farms,  tJ  NY.,  2^. 

West  Feliciana,  Ft-liJ-i-an-a,  far  La. 

Wustfield,  West-feli,  v&  Mass.  4,  N-Y. 
2,  N-J. 

West  Fitchburg,  Fiq-burg,  -»  Mass. 

Westford,  West-ford,  z;  Mass. 

West  GileUd,  Gil-e-ad,  v  0. 

West  Gloucester,  Glos-ter,  v  R.  I. 

West  Gover,  Gldv-er,  v  Vt. 

West  Greenville,  Grtin-vil,  v  Pa.,  1. 

West  Hartford,  H^'t-ford,  v  Conn., 4)^. 

West  Haven.  Ha-veii,  t  Conn. 

West  Indies,  West  In'dez,  or  Antilles, 
fln-tel,  is  At.  Oc,  s.  U.  S.,  embracing 
the  following  groups:  Greater  An- 
tilles; Ljsser  Antilles;  Caribbee; 
Virgin;  Bahama,  <fej.;  of  which  Cu- 
ba, Hayti,  Porto  Rico,  and  Jamaica, 
of  the  first  group,  are  the  principal. 
Area  93,000  s.  m.,  pop.  3,500,000. 

West  Isles,  is  At.  Oc,  near  Met 

West  Jefferson,  Jef-er-son,  v  0.,  J^. 

West  Kiiiingly,  Kil-ig-li,  v  Conn.,2»^. 

West  Lebanon,  Leb-a-non,  v  N-H. 

West  Liberty,  Lib-er-ti,  CO ^  Ky.;iO.,l. 

West  Meridon,  Mer-i-deu,  v  Conn.,  \y^. 

Westminster,  West-rain-ster,  did  Lon- 
don, Eng.;  CO  t  Md.,1;  vs  Mass.,  0.^^. 

West  Xeedham,  Xed-ham,  v  Mass. 

West  Newton,  Ni'i" ton,  t?  Mass.,  IV^. 

Weston,  Wft-ton,  c  Mo.,  Z\  co  t  Ya.; 
v«  Vt.,  Mass.,  Conn. 

Weston-Super-Mare.  We3-ton-Si|,-por- 
Ma-re,  t  and  par  Eng.,  4. 

Westphalia,  West-fa-li-a,  -prov  Prus.; 
area  7843  s.  m.,  pop.  1,464,921;  t?  Mo. 

West  Point,  52  miles  n.  of  \-Y.  City, 
on  the  Hudson  River,  site  of  the  U. 
S.  Military  Academy;  m  Ga.,  Tenn., 
Ky.,  la.,  Mo.,  Iowa,  1. 

Westp'>rt,  West-port,  8-J>t  t  Ir.,  4  ;  vs 
N-H.,  Mass.,  Conn.,  N-Y.,  Ky.,  la.j  t 
Mo.,  \%. 

West  Poultney,  Pdilt-ni,  v  Vt. 

Westray,  Wds-tra.  Orkney  Is.,  2. 

West  Rumney,  Riim-ni,  v  N-H. 

West  Rutland,  Rut-land,  v  Vt. 

West  Springfield,  Sprig-feld,  v  Mass. 

West  St'.clvbridge,  Siolc-brij,  v  Mass. 

West  Union,  Yi^n-yon,  co  U  Va.,  O., 
Iowa ;  V  la.  [la.;  co  t  Miss. 

Wcstville,  W^st-vil,  V8  Conn.,  \%,  0., 

West  Wheeling.  Hwel-ifl,  v  0.,  \4. 

Wetherby,  Wed-er-bi,  t  Eng.,  1%, 

Wetta,  Wet-q,  i  Malay  Arch. 

Welter,  Vet  er,  I  Sweden. 

Wettcren,  Wet-er-en,  t  Belg.,  %%. 

Wetterhorn,  Vet-er-horo,  ono  of  the 
Alpine  MouaUiua. 

Wettin,  Vet-gn,  t  Prus.  Sax.,  Z\i. 
Wetumpka,  We-tiimp-ka,  c  Ala.,  3)^, 
Wetzlar,  Vets-lar,  t  Rhen.  Pru-<.,  5. 
Weverton,  Ws-ver-ton,  v  .Md.,  2%. 
Wexford,  Weks-ford,  s-pt  t  Ir.,  13. 
Wexio.  Wek-Je-e,  t  Swed.,  2)4^. 
Wey,  Wa,  r  Eng. 
Weymouth,  Wa-muC,  s-pt  Eng.,  3;  8-pt 

t  Nova  Scotia;  v  N-J. 
Whaleysville,  Hwa-liz-vil,  'V  Md. 
Whalsay,  Hwal-sa,  Shetland  Is.,  %. 
Wharton,  Hvvor-ton,  co  t  Tox. 
Whartonsburg,  Hwer-tonz-burg,  V  0. 
Wheatland.  Hwgt-land,  x>  Wis. 
Wheaton,  Hwe-ton,  v  III. 
Wheslersburg,  Hwel-erz-burg,  v  0.,%. 
Whseling,  Hw£l-iij,  c  Va.,  U^. 
Whidby's  (Hwid-biz)  Island,  i  n.  w. 

Wash.  Ter. 
Whiddy  (Hwid-i)  Island,  s.  Ir.,  K. 
Whippany,  Hwip-a-ni,  v  N-J.,  %. 
Whitby,Hwit-bi,  W,^and7>a/'Eng.,ll. 
Whitchurch,   Hwit-qurq,  ts   and  pars 

Eng.,  2  and  3%. 
White  Creek,  Ilwjt  Krsk.  ^  N-Y.,  1. 
Whitehall,  Hwit-hol,  vs  N-Y.  4,  N.  C, 

III.  [pt  t  Eng.,  19. 

Whitehaven,  Ilwjt-ha-ven,  hor  and  «- 
White  Haven,  Ha-ven,  v  Pa. 
White  House,  H?s,  v  N-J. 
White  Mountains,  N-H.,  622R  ft. 
White  Oak  Springs,  CDk  Spri^z,  i;  Wis., 
White  Pigeon,  Pij-on,  v  Mich.,  1.    \%. 
White  Plains,  Planz,  co  t  N-Y. 
White  River,  Ark.  and  Mo.,  800  m.;  la. 
Whitesborough,  llwits-bur-o,  co  ^  N- 

Y.,  2%. 
Whitesburg,  Hwjts-burg,  co  t  Ky. 
White   Sea,  or  Gulf  of  Archangel,  g 

Arc.  Oc. 
White  Sulphur  Springs,  vs  Va.,  La. 
Whitesville,  Ilwits-vil,   co  t  N.   C;  v 

Whitewater,  IIwjt-w9-ter,  v  Wis.,  \\i. 
Whitewater  River,  Mo.,  230  m.      [I;?^. 
Whithorn,  Hwit-horn,  t  and  par  Scot., 
Whitneyville,  Ilwit-ni-vil,  v  Conn. 
Whitstable,   Hwit-sta-bl,   t    and   par 

Eng.,  .3. 
Whittlesey,  Hwit-1-si,  t  Eng.,5i^:  v  0. 
Wick,  Wik,  8-pi  t  and  par  Scot.,  12. 
Wickford,  Wik-ford,  v  R.  I. 
Wicklow,  Wik-lca,  s-pt  t  Ir.,  3. 
Wiconisco,  Wik-o-nis-ko,  v  Pa.,  1. 
Widin,  Vid-in,  ft  t  Eu.  Tur.,  25. 
Wieliczka,  Ve-liq-kq.  t  Aus.  Pol.,  4)^, 
Wiesbaden,  Ves-bq-den,  t  Ger.,  12%. 
Wigan,  Wig-an,  t  and  par  Eng.,  32. 
Wigton,  Wi;r-ton,  t  and  par  Eng.,4j^. 
WijjtoWQ,  Wig-t"8n,  t  aad  par  Scot. 


Geographical   Vocabulary. 

Wilbraham,  "Wil-bra-ham,  v  Mass. 
Wildervank,  Wil-iler-vCit)'^'  ^  Neth.,  4. 
VVilkesbarro,  Wilks-bar-e,  ftt>r  Penn.,3. 
'W"ilke?bi)rou;;h,  Wilks-bur-o,  cotlls.G. 
Wilkesville,  Wilks-vil,  v  0.,  I.  [tn. 
■Willamette,  Wi-lq-met,  r  Or.  ten,  200 
Williamsburg,  Wil-yamz-burg,  c  Long 

Island,  50;  do  ts  V  a.,  \]/^;  Miss.,  Ky., 

vs  0.,  \%:  Pa. 
Williamson,  Wil-yam-son,  v  N-Y.,  \%. 
Williamsport,  Wil-yamz-pcart,  co  U  Pa., 

214,  Va.,  la. 
Williainstown,  Wil-yam7,-t"8n,  co  ts  N. 

C,  Ky.;  vs  Mas!<.,  I,  Mich.,  X. 
Williamsvillo,  Wil-yamz-vii,  w  N-Y., 

1:  Vt.  [:{3^. 

Willimantic,  Wil-i-man-tic.  t  Cunn., 
Willington,    Wil-in-ton,   vs  Conn.,  V^: 

S.  C. 
Willingston,  Wil-ifl-ston,  -p  Vt. 
Willoughby,  Wil-o-bi,  v  0.,  1. 
Willow  Grove,  Wil-o  Grov,  v  Pa. 
Willsborough,  Wilz-bur-o,  v  N-Y.,  1. 
Willshire,  Wil-jcr,  v  O. 
Wilmington,  Wil-mii)-ton,  cDel.,  16J4; 

c  N.  C.  10;  r«  0.,  V/i,  la.,  111. 
Wilson,  Wil-son,  v  N-Y.,  K:  (^'^  i  ^-  C. 
Wilton,  Wil-ton,  ^  and  jJ>ar  Eng.,  1%; 

r«  N-H.,  114,  Conn. 
Wimborno- Minster,     Wimborn-Min- 

•ster,  t  and  par  Eng.,  2i<^. 
Wineanton,    Win-kan-ton,    t  and  /?a/ 

Eng.,  2^A.  [Eng.,  2. 

Winchcombe,  Winq-kum,  i  and  /?ar 
Winchester,  Win-qes-ter,  c  Eng.,  l:i%; 

t'«  N-II.,  21^;    Mass.,  1;    co  <*   Va., 

41^,  la.,  1,  ill.,  1,  Tenn. 
Windermere  (Win-dcr-mer)  Lake.  Eng. 
Windham,  Wind-ham,  v  Conn. 
Windsor,  New,  Ni],  Win-zor,  t  and^^ar 

Eng.,  9K. 
Windsor,  co  ts  N-C;  r«  N-Y.,  Vt.,  1, 

0.,  [a.,  111.,  Wis.j  s-pt  t  N.  Scotia;  t 

C.  W.  [sovereigns. 

Windsor  Castle,  residence  of  British 
Windsor  Locks,  v  Cjnn.,  1%.  [^}4- 
Winfield,  Win-feld,  co  t  Va.;  'c  N-Y., 
Winnebago  Win-E-ba-go  (Lake,)  Wis., 

28  by  10  m. 
Winneconna,  Win-e-kon-a,  i)  Wis. 
Winneshiek,  Win-e-Jek,  co  and  p  o  lo. 
Winnipeg,    Win-i-peg,   I  Br.  N.  Am., 

210  by  55  ra. 
Winnipegnos,  Win-i-pe-ga>3,   I  Br.  N. 

Am.,  125  by  25  in. 
Winnipiseogee,    Win-i-pe-s6g-E,    I  N- 

H.,  23  by  10  m:  —  River,  do.      [La. 
Winnsboronzh,  Wins-bur-o,  co<«S.C., 
Winooski,  Win-tus-ki,  'C  Vt. 
Winslow,  Wiaz-lo,  vs  Me.,  N-J.,  la. 

I  Winstead,  Win-sted,  «  Conn. 
j  Winston,  Win-ston,  co  t  N.  C. 
Winterset.  Win-tcr-set,  co  t  lo.      b%. 
Winterswyk,    Win-terz-wjk,   x  Neth., 
I  Wintoo,  Win-ton,  co  i  N.  C. 
[  Winyaw  ( Win-ye)  Ba,  S.C. 
Wiota,  Wj  (f)-t(i,  ^- Wis. 
Wirksworth,    Werks-wurt,   t   and  par 

Eng.,  2%.        '  [\i. 

Wisbeach,  Wis-beq,  hor  and  t  Eng.,  10- 
Wifcasset,  Wis-kas-ot,  t  Me. 
Wisconsin,  Wis-kon-sin,  r  Wis.,  200  m. 
Wisconsin,  one  of  the  n.  w.  U.  S.,  re- 
cently admitted  into  the  Confederacy; 

area,  53,924  s.   m.;    the   increase  of 

the  pop.  in  this  state  is  unexampled; 

in  1850,  its  inhabitants,  numbered 
■  305,391;  whites,  304.756,  colored,  630. 
Wismar,  Wis-mur,  s-pt  t  Mecklenburg- 

Schwerin,  llj/^. 
Wisseinbourg,  Ves-em-bcfcr,  t  Fr.,  6. 
Wiston,  Wis-ton,  v  and  par  Wales,  %. 
Witham,  Wi6-am,  r.  Eng.,  80  m;  t  and 

par  do.  31/^. 
Withamsville,  Wit-amz-vil,  v  0. 
Wi'hiacoochce,   Wit-la-ka)-qe,   rs  Ga., 

Witney,  Wit-ni,  t  and  par  Eng.,  3. 
Wittcnbci-g,   Wit-en-berA,  ft  t  Prus. 

Sa.x.,  8-K.  '  [V^. 

Wittenberge,  Wit-en-be?"^^,  <  Prus.,  4- 
Wittstock,  Vit-stok,  t  Prus.,  6i^. 
Wittzenhausen,      Vit-sed-h"8-zen,       t 

Hesse-Cusscl,  3 14.  [Eng.,  3. 

Wiveliscombe,  Wils-kum,  t  and  par 
Wivenhoe,  Wiv-en-ho,  t  and  par  Eng., 

1%.  \v  Mass. 

Woburn,  W6-burn,  t  and  par  Eng,,  2; 
Wohlau,  Vg»-1x,  t  Prus.  Silesia,  3. 
Wokingham.  W6-kiii-ham,  t  Eng.,  2%. 
Wolcott,  Wol-kot,  vs  Vt.,  N-Y. 
Wolcottville,  Wol-kot-vil,  vs  Conn.,  1- 

K:  la. 
Woldenberg,  Volden-berA,  t  Prus.,  3. 
Wolfborough,  Wulf-bur-o,  v  N-H. 
Wolfenbuttel,  V61-fenbet-el,  JlGcr.,  9. 
Wolf  River,  Wis.,  150  m. 
Wolgast.  Vol-gqst,  s-pt  t  Prus.,  h%. 
WoUin,  Vol-en.  s-pt  t  Prus.,  \)/^\  i  do. 
WoUmirstadt,    Vol-mer-stet,     t    Prus. 

Sax.,  7,%.  [Eng.,  4^. 

Wolsingham,  Wol-sifl-ham,  t  and  par 
Wolverhampton,  Wol-ver-harap-ton,    t 

and  lor  Eng.,  50.  [2]^. 

Wolverley,  Wial-ver-li,  v  andp«r  Eng., 
Woodbridge,  Wiad-brij,  t  and  par  Eng., 
Woodburn,  Wud-burn,  v  111.  [5i<. 
Woodbury,  Wud-ber-i,  co  ts  N-J.,  1 

Tenn.,  III.:  v  Conn. 
Wojdafield,  Wiadz-feld,  co  t  0.,  %. 

Geographical  Vocabulary. 


Woodstock,  Wiid-stok,  t  Eng,,  \li]  co 
ts  N-H..  Vt,,  \]4;  Va..,  114;  III.,  N- 
Brun.,  C.  W..  2:  is  N-V.,  Ga.,  0. 

WooilstMwn,  Wxadz-tsn,  v  N-J. 

Woodville,  Wiad-vil,  co  is  Miss.,  Tex.; 
rs  0.,  I*.,  111.,  Mo.,  Ya.,  Ga.,  Ala. 

Woodwardsville,VV''iid-wardz-vil,  t'  X-J. 

Wouler,  Wu.!-er,  t  and  par  Eng.,  2. 

Woolwich,  Wiil-iq  or  Wiil-ij,  t  and 
/>tt/"  Eng.,  32%. 

Woonsocket.  Wun-s6k-et,  i)  R.  I.,  6X. 

Wooster,  Wtis-ter.  c/;  t  0.,  4. 

Wootton-Bussat,  Wiat-ou-Bas-et,  t  and 
par  Eng.,  21^. 

Worcester.  Wiis-ter,  c  Eng.,  273^:  c 
Mass.,  20%:  »  N-Y.,  III. 

Workington,  Wiirk-ig-ton,  s-pt  and 
par  Eng.,  7i^.  [%. 

Worksop,  Wdrk-sop,  t  and  pa/*  Eng.,  7- 

Workum,  Vor-kuin,  t  Neth.,  'i^. 

Woriuditt.  Vo/Ti-dit,  t  Prus.,  3j^. 

Worms,  Wurinz,  anc  c  Hesse-Darm- 
stadt, 93^. 

Worthing,  Wurd-ig.  t  Eng.,  b]/i. 

Worthington,  Wdrd-iy-ton,  m  Pa., 
Ky,  0.,  K- 

Worthsville,  Wdrts-vil,  li  la. 

Wragby,  Rag-bi,  t  and  par  Eng.,  %. 

Wrangel,  Rag -el,  i  Rus,,  1)^. 

Wroxhain,  Rek.^-haua,  t  and  ^ar  N. 
Wales,  151^. 

Wrietzen,  Vret-sen,  t  Prus.,  6. 

Wrightsville,  Rjts-vil,  hor  Pa.,  li^. 
Wrington,  Rig  ton,  ^and/3rt?-Eng.,  1%. 
Wrockwardine,    Rok-war-djn,     v    and 

par  Eng..  31^.  [^. 

Wrotham,  Rot-ham,  v  and  /jarEng.,  3- 
Wulur,  Wdl-er,  I  Cashmere. 
Wunsiedel,  Vun-se-del,  t  Bavaria,  4. 
Wunzen,  Wton-zen,  '>'<>!  Japan. 
Wurdah,  Wdr-da,  r  Ind.,  300  ra. 
Wurno,  Wdr-no,  t  Cen.  Af.,  13. 
Wiirtemberg,    Ver-tem-be/A.    k   Ger.; 

area  7554  s.  m.,  pop.  1,733,263. 
Wurzburg  or  Wurtzburg,  Yerts-burA, 

ft  t  Bavaria,  26%. 
Wurzen,  Yiirt-sen,  t  Saxony,  4)^. 
Wyalusing,  Wj-a-h^-sii),  v  Wis. 
Wyandot,  Wi-an-dot,  v  0.     [Eng.,  1)4,. 
Wycombe,  Wik-um,  Chipping,  t  Ami  par 
Wye,  Wj,  r  Eng.  and  Wales,  130  m.; 

par  and  v  Eng.,  1%. 
Wyhe,  Yi-e,  -y  Neth.,  11%. 
Wymondhara.    Wj-mond-bam,    t  and 

par  Eng.,  b%. 
Wynantskill,  Wj-nants-kil,  i)  NY. 
Wyne-Gunira,  Wjn-Gdn-ga,  rlud.,  230 
Wyngene,  Wig-^i-ne,  v  Belg.,  7.     Im. 
Wyoming,    Wj-6-miy,    o  Pa.,   N-Y., 

ky.,  la..  111.,"  lo. 
Wythe,  Wit,  co  Ya.;  p  o  III. 
Wytheville,  Wit-vil,  co  t  Ya.,  1. 
Wytoonee,  Wt-tiD-ne,  one  of  the  Dis- 
appointment Is. 

Many  names  beginning  with  X, 
will  be  found  under  J,  as  the  more 
recent  orthography.  [pek.  t  Mex.,  4. 
Xamiltepec  or  JamiUepec,  //ii-mel-ta- 
Xanten,  K^qn-ten,  t  Rhenish  Prus.,  3. 
Xanthu.s,  Zan-ius,  r  As.  Min.;  anc.  c 
As.  Min. 

Xenia,  Ze-ni-a,  co  t  0.,  3)^;  v  111. 
Xingu  or  Chingu,    Xig-gi6,    r  Brazil, 

1300  m. 
Xochimilco,  //a-q8-mEl-k(a,  v  Mex. 
Xochitepec,  //^-qe-ta-pek,  v  Mex. 
Xorullo,  //u)-r(f)l-Q,  tol  Mex. 
Xulla,  ZiJbl-q,  is  Malay  Arch. 

Yablonoi,  Yq-blo-n*.  ms  E.  As. 
Yadkin,  Yad-kin,  r  N-C,  200  m. 
Yakoono  Seema,   Yq-k(6-no  Se-mq,    i 
Yakootsk,  Yq-k(6t8k,  t  Sib.,  7.      (.Jap. 
Yakova,  Yq-k6-vq.  t  Eu.  Tur.,  18. 
Yallobu-ha,    Yal-o-btfc-Ja,    co    and  r 

Miss.,  nav.  90  m. 
Ya-Long-Kiang,     Yq-Lofl-Ke-^o*     ^ 

China,  600  m. 

Yalpookh,  Yql-prf)^,  I  Ru«, 
Yamaska,  Yq-m^-^-ka,  v  C.  E.,  %. 
Yana,  Y^-nq.  r  Sib.,  600  m. 
Yaniicm,  Yq-nq-(f)n,  v  Fr.  Ind.,  6%. 
Yancey ville,  Yan-si-vil,  co  t  N.  C.,  %. 
Yang-Tse-Kiang,     Yqg-Tse-Ke-^B,    r 

China,  1000  m. 
Yanina,  Y('i-ne-nq.  c  Eu.  Tur.,  36,000. 
Yan-Phing,  Yqu-Eifl,  c  China. 


Geographical    Vocabulary. 

Yaqui,  Yq-ke,  r  Mex.,  400  m. 

Yard  ley-Hastings,  Yqrd-li-IIas-tigz,  i) 

and  par  Eng..  \}4. 
Yardleysville,  Yqrd-Iiz-vil,  v  Pa. 
Yarkand,    Yqrkqnd,     cap   c  Chinese 

Toorkistan,  100. 
Yarkand  River,  China,  500  in. 
Yarmouth,  Great,  Grat  Yqr-mut,  s-pt 

t  and  par  Eng.,  ^i)%. 
Yarmouth,  Ycir-mut.  t  and  par  Isle  of 

Wight,  ]/^;  s-2>t  t  N.  Scotia. 
Yarmouth  Port,  ii  Mass. 
Yaroshiv,  Yq-ro-slqv,  c  Rus.,  35. 
Yarra-Yarra,  Yar-a-Yar-a,  r  Aust. 
Yas*y,  or  Jassy,  Yqs-8,  cap  t  Moldavia, 
Yaxley,  Yaks-li,  v  Eng..  1)4.  [20. 

Yazoo,  Yq-zi6,  r  Miss.,  uav.  290  m.;  — 

City,  cot  Miss.,  2. 
Ybicuy,  S-bi-kwe,  r  Uruguay,  200  ra. 
Yealmpton,    Yelmp-tun,     v   and    par 

Eng.,  IK. 
Yecla,  Ya-klq,  t  Sp.,  9J/^. 
Yeddo  r/r  Jeddo,  Yed-o,  cap  c  Japan, 

1.500,000,-  —  Gulf,  s.  e.  of  the  is.  of 

Yefremov,  Yef-ra-tnov,  t  Rus.,  7%. 
Yeia.  Ya-yq,  r  Ru;'.,  140  m. 
Yekaterinboorg,   Ya-kq-ta-rin-bi6rg,   t 

As.  Rus.,  15.  [Rus.,  5. 

Yekaterinodar,   Ya-kq-ta-rc-no-dq?*,  t 
Yekaterinoslav,     Ya-kq-ta-re-uo-slav, 

gov  and  t  Rus.,  13)^^. 
Yelagooi,  Ya-lq-g«D-E,  r  Siberia,  200  m. 
Yelatom.  Ya-lq-toin.  t  Rus.,  5. 
Yelets,  Ya-le.s,  t  Rus.,  16>^. 
Yelisavetgrad,  Ya-le-sq-vet-gr^d,  ft  t 

Rus.,  10. 
Yell,  Yel,  one  of  the  Shetland  Is.,  2%. 
Yellow  Sea,  inlet  Pac.  Oc.,  n.  e.  of  Ch. 
Yellow  Springs,  v  0.,  1)^. 
Yellowstone  River,   a  tributary  of  the 

Missouri,  1000  m. 
YellviUe,  YǤl-vil,  co  t  Ark. 
Yemen,  Yem-en,  s.  w.  div  Arabia. 
Yen-Chow-Foo,  Yen-Gif-Fcf),  c  China, 

pop.  200. 
Yenikale,  Yen-i-k^-la,  strait  uniting 

the  Sea  of  Azof  with  the  Black  Sea. 
Yenisei,  Yen-i-sa-e,  r  Siberia,  2500  m. 
Yeniseisk,  Yen-8-sask,  gov  and  c  Rus.,  6. 

Yeoo,  Ya-(6,  r  Af.,  300  tn. 
Yeovil,  Yw-vil,  t  and  par  Eng.,  6. 
Ycshil-Kool,    YeJ-iI-Ka)l,    I   Chinese 

Yesso  or  Jesso,  Yes-o,  Japanese  Is. 
Yeste,  Ye.->-ta,  t  Sp.,  6. 
Yetholm,  Yet-om,  par  Scot.,  IJ/3. 
Yezd,  Yezd,  c  Persia. 
Ylopango,  8-lo-pqg-go,  I  Cen.  Am. 
Yonkers,  Y6i)k-erz,  v  N-Y.,  4. 
Yonne,  Yon,' dep  Fr.,  pop.  380,856. 
Yoodoma,  Yoo-dcj-raq,  r  Siberia,  170  m. 
Yoog,  YoDg,  r  Rus.,  220  m. 
Yoogan,  YoD-gqn,  r  As.  Rus.,  228  m. 
Yoomadung,  YoDm-a-dufl,  m  Fur.  Ind. 
York,  York,  c  Eng.,  Sfii^:  co  t  Pa.,  6%; 

Ts  Me.,  3.  111.:  ft  Br.  N.  Am.,  w.  of 

Hudson's  Bay. 
York  River,  Va.,  40  m. 
Yorkshire,  Yerk-Jer,  t"  N-Y. 
York  Sulphur  Springs,  'O  Pa. 
Yorktown,  York-t-sn,  co  t  Va.;  r  la. 
Yorkville,    York-vil,     co   t    S.   C;    r« 

Tenn.,  la.,  III.,  Wis.,  C.  W.,  la. 
Youghal,  Y6-hil  or  Yol,  s-pt  t  and  Dar 

Ir.,  1%.  [Md.,'Pa. 

Youghiogheny,    Yo-ho-ga-ne,    r  Va., 
Youngstown,  Yui)z-t"8n,  «  N-Y.,  1,  Pa., 

1  oungsville,  Yiigz-vil,  ^'Pa.  [t-sn,r  Pa. 

Youngwomanstown,       Yuij-wum  anz- 

Youiitsville,  Y"5nts-vil,  t>  la. 

Ypres,  r/pr,  ft  t  Belg.,  15%. 

Ypsilanti,  Ip-si-lan-ti,  v  Mich.,  2}/^. 

Yreka,  ^-re-ka,  t  Cal.,  2}4. 

Ysselmonde,    4''sel-m6n-da,    i  S.  Hoi. 

Yssingeanx,  8-san-5;6,  t  Fr.,  7%. 

Ystad,  Is'tqd,  s-2)t  t  Swed.,  43^. 

Ystwith,  Isl'wid,  r  Wales. 

Yuba,  Y\\-ba,  r  Cal. 

Yuba  City,  t  Cal. 

Yucatan,  Ya)-kq-tqn,  ^t  Mex.,  area 
52,947  s.  m.,  pop.  668,623;  —  Bay, 
n.  of  Honduras.  [400  m. 

Yuen-Kiang,  Yco-en-Kc-ai),    r  China, 

Yuma,  Yc6-mq,  r  Hayti,  70  m. 

Yurung-Kash.  Yct>-rui)-KqJ,  r  Chinese 
Toorkistan,  250  m. 

Yverdun.  8-ver-duh,  t  Swit.,  3%. 

Yvetot,  8v-tc),  i  Fr.,  10. 

Zaandara,  Zqn-d(^m,  ^  Neth.,  11^' 
Zah,  Zqb,  r  Turk.  Koordistan,  200  m. 
Zabakano.  Zq-bq-kq-no,  t  W.  Af.,  9, 
Zacapa,  Sq-k^-pq,  t  Cen.  Am.,  Guat.,  5. 

Zacatecas,  Zqk-a-ta-kn3.  U  Mex,,  area 
30,507  s.  m.,  pop.  305,551;  c,  cap  of 
the  same,  25. 

Zacatula,  Sq-ka-tdb-lq,  t  Mex. 

Geographical    Yocabulart. 


Zacualpan,  Soi-kwql-p^n,  v  Mex. 
Zncualtipiin,  Sq-kwql-te-pqn,  t  Mex. 
Zafaran-Boli,    Zq-fq-rqn-Bio-le,    t  As. 

Min.,  15. 
Zaffarin,  7j<\-i(i-re,n,  is  Med. 
Zafra,  Rq-frq,  t  Sp.,  4%. 
Zigros  (Zq-gros)  Mount,  As. 
Zaisan,  Zi  zqn,  I  Chinese  Toorkistan. 
Zalesczyky,  Zq-leJ-qik-e,   t  Aus.  Gal- 

icia,  5. 
Zamora,  Rq-rao-rq,  c  Sp.,  8^. 
Zaraora,  Sq-mo-rq.  t  Mex. 
Zatnosz,  Zq-raoJ,  t  Pol..  5. 
Zanesville,  ZAnz-vil,  c  0.,  10^:  v  Til. 
Zangueliar,  Zqjj-»a-bqr,  ^^r  of  E.  Af. 
Zanfe,  Zqn-ta,    louiau  Island,  393^;  t 

of  same,  20. 
Zanzibar,    Zqn-ze-b^r,   or  Zanguebar, 

Zqg-ga-bqr,  i  o.  of  Af.,  150.  fagua. 
Zapatera,  Sq-pq-ta-rq,  is  Lake  Nicar- 
Zapatosa.  Sq-pq-tci-?q.  I  N-Gran 

'•■•-I'—' •  • '^  I'-i  —    n'  "  * 

Zara,  Zq-rq,  cap  c  Daliu;itia,  6%. 
Zarevokokshaisk,    Zq-ra-vu)-kii)-Jjsk,    t 
Rus.,  5.  [40. 

Zaria,  Zq-rc-yq,  cap  Zeg-Zeg.  Cen.  Af., 
Za^lav,  Zq.s-lqr,  t  Ru^.  Pol.,  8%. 
Zbarasz,  Zbq-raJ,  t  Aus.  Galiuia,  5%. 
Z«a.  Ze-q.  i  Gr.  Arch.,  9. 
Zealand,  Ze-land,  pron  Xeth.,  165. 
Z'-'b  lyor,  Ze-bj-er,  t*  Red  Sea. 
Zebe»-d.  Zeb-e*d.  ft  t  Arabia,  7. 
Zebu.  Ze-lKD,  i  Malay  Arch.,  8^. 
Zebulon,  Zeb-yq,-lon,  cv>  t  Ga. 
Zeiden,,  t  Transylvania,  3)^. 
Z'Utz,  Tsits,  t  Prus.  Sax.,  V2%. 
Zelaya.  Sa-H-vq.  t  Mox.,  10. 
Zolft.  Za-le,  t  Helg.,  lOi^. 
Zcli  (Ztil)  Lake,  s.  part  of  Baden. 

Zengg,  Zeg,  s-pt  t  Croatia,  5. 
Zenjan,  Zen-gqn,  t  Persia,  15. 
Zenta,  Sen-f.o,  t  Hun.,  13%. 
Zer-Afshan,  Zer-flf-Jqn,  r  Independent 

Toorkistan,  400  m. 
Zerbst,  Tserpst,  t  Ger.,  8^. 
Zeulenroda,  Tser  len-rci-da,"  ^  Ger.  4X« 
Zhitomeer.  Xit-o-mer,  t  Rus.  Pol.,  28. 
Zhizdra,  Xis-drq,  t  Rus.,  8. 
Zielenzig,  Tse-len-tsiA,  t  Prus.,  A]4. 
Zierikzee,  Zg-rik-za,  t  Neth.,  (>%. 
Zillerlhal,  Tsil-er-tql,  xal  Tyrol,  11. 
Zilwaukie,  Zil-we-ke,  ti  Mich. 
Zinder,  Zin-der,  t  Bornoo,  10. 
Zionsville,  Zj-onz-vil,  ts  la.,  Pa. 
Zittau,  Tsi-t-s,  t  Saxony,  10. 
Znaim,  Tsnjin,  t  Moravia,  5. 
Zoar,  Zar,   v  0.,  settled  by  Germans, 

having  a  community  of  property. 
Zolotchev,  Zo-lo-qov.  t  Ru?.,  5. 
Zombur,  Zom-bor,  t  Hun.,  22. 
Zschoppau,  Tjop-o,  t  Sax.,  %%. 
Zug,  TscdA.  canton  Swit.;  c  of  same  3J^. 
Ziilia.  S(6-li-q,  r  S.  Am.,  180  m. 
ZuUichau,  T.^el-e-k-s,  t  Prus.,  4%. 
Zuni,  Z(Dn-yg,  t  N-Mex.  d 

Zurgena,  Roo/'-M-nq,  t  Sp.,  12%. 
Zurich,  Zi'i-rik,  canton  Swit.;  cajp  c  of 

same,  17;  —  Lake,  Swit. 
Zurrah,  Ziir-a,  brackish  I  Afg. 
Zuruma,  SiD-rco-mq,  t  Ec,  6. 
Zutphcn,  Zdt  fon,  t  Xeth.,  I2>^. 
Zuyder-Zee,  Zj-der-Ze,  g  German  Oc. 
Zvornik,  Zver-nik, /if  t  Eu.  Tur.,  15. 
Zwickau,    Tsvik-'S,    ts  Bohemia,   3)^; 

Sax.,  12X;  Bohemia,  Z%. 
Zwittau,  Tsvit--}j,  t  Moravia,  Z%. 
Zwolle,  Zw6l-e,  ft  t  Neth.,  17. 



SunxAMES,  like  Steam  Engines,  Railroads,  and  Telegraphs,  seem  to  be  of 
modern  origin,  the  expanse  of  mind  and  a  rapidly  advancing  eirilization  having 
created  the  necessity  for  a  definite  distinction  between  the  actors  in  the  drama 
of  life.  However  this  may  be,  the  invention  seems,  to  the  mass  of  mankind,  to 
be  more  perplexing  than  those  mentioned  in  this  connection  ;  but  this  difficulty 
is  not,  let  it  be  borne  in  mind,  in  the  names  vocally  expressed,  but  in  their 
symholical  representation.  Following  out  the  tendencies  of  a  wretchedly  im- 
perfect orthography,  the  good  fathers  dressed  themselves  [t.  €.,  their  names,]  in 
ill-arranged  costumes,  which,  after  the  established  manner  of  things  temporal, 
fell  to  their  children,  who  have  since  continued  to  hand  them  down  from  gen- 
eration to  generation,  with  but  slight  modifications. 

If  it  be  true  that,  ^^ Sine  nomine  homo  non  ed,"*  then  should  the  clothing  of 
the  name  be  appropriate — an  indication  to  the  eye  of  what  the  thing  is  itself. 
But  alas  I  such  is  not  the  case,  and  in  view  of  the  fact,  which  we  cannot  look 
to  be  changed  at  present,  in  any  way  whatever,  we  have  endeavored,  in  the 
pages  that  follow,  to  overcome  this  difficulty  to  some  extent — to  place  it  in  the 
power  of  the  reader  to  call  people  by  their  right  names.  We  do  notclaim  for  it 
coTTGCtnGss  \n  evet'y  particular,  ioT  the  many  difficulties  in  the  way  rendered 
this  impossible  at  first,  but  we  feel  confident  that  the  reader  of  general  history, 
and  the  student  in  all  the  departments  of  science  and  literature,  will  find  this 
list  of  Personal  Xames  an  invaluable  companion.  And,  furthermore,  to  those 
engaged  in  commercial,  mechanical,  or  agricultural  pursuits,  who  generally  give 
their  spare  time  each  day  to  the  reading  of  their  "paper,"  this  will  be  found  of 
great  use  in  rendering  familiar  what  they  read.  The  constant  intercommuni- 
cation between  the  civilized  nations  of  the  earth,  the  numerous  travelers  fol- 
lowing the  various  directions  of  the  compass,  at  the  present  time,  render  such 
a  work  highly  important.  There  are  biographical  dictionaries,  it  is  true,  but 
while  the  names  given  are  barely  readable  to  the  sarant,  they  are  unapproach- 
able barriers  in  the  way  of  the  general  reader. — Surely  this  class,  as  well  as 

*  Without  a  name  man  is  nothing. 


Personal   Names.  129 

all  others  who  are  in  the  habit  of  reading,  will  feel  grateful  for  the  appearance 
of  this  little  work,  and  all  other  attempts  to  make  intelligible  words  clothed 
in  a  strange  orthography.  If  every  Dutchman  one  meets  has  not  a  namo  so 
long  as  Hans  Jnkvervankoclsdorspanckinkadrachdern, — or  every  father  of  the 
Church  so  modest  a  title  as  that  of  "Si.  CulIen-ap-Gyvnawg-ajy-Clyndarvg-cp- 
Wledig"*  still  there  are  many  less  imposing,  of  Anglo-Saxon  as  well  as  of  for- 
eign races,  quite  unpronouncable  without  assistance, — to  dress  these  in  pho- 
notypy  renders  them  intelligible. 

This,  as  we  believe,  is  the  first  attempt  to  give  the  pronunciation  of  modem 
names,  and  in  the  absence  of  such  a  work  of  reference  the  task  has  been  labo- 
rious. But  no  pains  have  been  spared  in  procuring  the  correct  pronuncia- 
tion of  every  name  as  far  as  possible,  not  only  as  instanced,  but  by  reference  to 
geographical  names,  poetry,  and  to  works  in  every  department  of  science  and> 
Belles-lettres.  For  instance,  the  name  of  a  distinguished  Senator  from  Texas, 
(Houston,)  is  pronounced  by  some  public  speakers,  His-ton,  by  others,  H(6s-ton; 
now  the  object  to  be  obtained  was  to  find  out  how  the  gentleman  pronounced 
it  himself,  which  was  done,  and  was  found  to  be  as  last  given.  It  would  have 
been  gratifying  to  the  publishers  to  have  been  able  to  give  a  more  ex« 
tended  notice  of  the  works  of  the  great  minds  that  have  passed  away,  together 
with  those  actively  engaged  at  the  present  time, — to  have  chatted  column  after 
column  away  about  the  Shakespeares,  Newtons  and  Godwins,  theGcEXHES, 
Kaxts  and  Schillers,  the  La  Places  and  Franklins  of  the  past,  the  Hum- 
BOLDTS,  Araoos  and  Agassiz,  of  the  present,  but  this  would  have  alone  re- 
quired a  massive  volume,  and  would  have  defeated  the  object  of  the  publishers, 
which  was  to  make  a  convenient  book  of  reference  for  every  class  of  persons. 

In  conclusion,  we  invoke  an  honest  criticism  of  our  labors,  hoping  that  such 
errors  as  are  noted  will  be  forwarded  in  timo  to  make  the  requisite  corrections 
in  the  second  edition.  W.  H.  S. 

*  The  dedication  of  the  Church  of  Llangollen  in  Wales.  [Vide  Recreative 
Review,  vol.  ii.  p,  189,  Eng.]  It  appears  from  the  following  laughable  des- 
cription of  cheese,  designed  to  ridicule  this  system  of  nomenclature,  that  the 
Burnominal  adjunct,  ap,  [meaning  of,  or  from,  by  descent,]  was  used  in  Wales 
until  recently: — 

"Adam's  own  cousin-german  by  its  birth, 

Ikglish  Surnames,  vol.  i.  p.  18, 


The  usual  Geographical  abbreviations  are  employed,  as  explained  in  the  In- 
troduction to  the  Geographical  Names ;  also,  the  ordinary  abbreviations  of 
Christian  names.  In  order  to  economize  space,  an  abridged  style  of  expression 
hu3  been  adopted,  which  when  once  understood  is  sufficiently  expressive  for  a 
book  of  reference.  Thus:  "Aaron,  eld  hr  Moses," — elder  brother  of  3Ioses ; 
"b,  A.  }i\."—hYrn  year  of  the  world  ;  "B.  C," — hefore  Christ.  The  figures  at 
the  close  of  each  paragraph,  thus  :  "  1512 — 1571,"  are  to  be  read, ''  born  1512 — 
died  1571 ;"  or  if  '*  k."  precede  the  last  figures,  read  "killed  1571 ;"  "g."  "guil- 
lotined," &c.  See  "AinrauUer,"  "1807 — ,"  means,  born  1807,  but  not  dead,  or 
if  so  it  is  not  known  ;  "Allen,"  " — 1789,"  means,  the  birth  is  not  known,  but 
died  in  1789.  [Those  who  own  the  book,  when  they  hear  of  the  death  of  anj 
individual  mentioned  in  it,  should  enter  the  time  of  hia  decease  opposite  th« 

art  "for  ••actor. 

adm admiral. 

adv advocate. 

aq agriculturist. 

cuch alchemist, 

anat anatomist. 

ardiq  •  •  •  •  'antiquarian. 

ar army. 

arc,  arch  •  •  arch  i  tec  t. 
archx  •  •  •  •  archajologist. 

art artist. 

ast,  astr  ••  astronomer. 
antral  •  •  •  •  astrologer. 

au  " author. 

h born. 

har barister. 

Iten benefactor. 

hiog biographer. 

hp bishop. 

hr brother. 

c crowned. 

capt captain. 

cari caricaturist. 

C£l celebrated. 

cert century. 

chem chemist. 

chr clergyman. 

com commodore. 

comman  •  •commander. 
commen  ••commentator. 

conch eonchologist. 

conq conqueror. 

contr contributer. 

crit critic. 

dip diplomatist. 

dist distinguished. 

div divine. 

dram  - •  •  -dramatist. 

ficc ecclesiastic. 

eci)n economist. 

ed editor. 

em eminent. 

eml embassador. 


emp emperor,  empire 

eng engineer. 

engr engraver. 

ent<) entomologist. 

<-,<;*'« essayist. 

etk/w ethnologist. 

ex executed. 

exp explorer,  and 


fab fabulous. 

found founder. 

(jen, general. 

ijeneal  •  •  •  •  genealogist. 

genre various. 

geo geographer. 

yeol geologist. 

gov governor. 

hist historian. 

hu7a humorist. 

illns illustrious. 

imp impostor. 

inq inquirer. 

3 juf'ge. 

jour journalist. 

jur juror. 

k king,  killed. 

law lawyer. 

lea lecturer. 

leg legislator. 

lieu lieutenan  t. 

lin linguist. 

lit literary.       [ter. 

l-pt landscape  pain- 

muth mathematical. 

mat  med  •  •  materia  medica. 

mcta metaphysical. 

meteor  •  •  •  •  me  teorologist. 

mil military. 

min minister. 

miner mineralogist. 

misc miscellaneous. 

m,or moralist. 

mu6  comp '  music  composer. 

na national. 

nat naturalist. 

nab nobleman. 

noncon  ••  -nonconformist 

wjv novelist. 

o^ officer. 

or orator. 

(/ri orientalist. 

pa patron. 

2)at patriot. 

ph physician. 

phil philosopher. 

philol  •  •  •  •  philologist. 
phren  •  •  •  •  i)lirenologi3t. 

phys physiologist. 

pol pol  i  ticiau. 

pop popular. 

pr prince. 

pres president. 

prof professor. 

prot protestunt. 

phychol"  -psychologist. 

pt painter. 

pxib publisher. 

polit political. 

ref reformer. 

rel religious. 

rep representative, 

repnb  •  •  •  •  republican. 

schol scholar. 

6culp sculptor. 

ah shot. 

sol soldier. 

st statesman. 

mir surgeon. 

snrg surgical. 

then theologian. 

trage tragedian. 

trans translator. 

trat traveler. 

He viceroy. 

f)-pres vice-president. 

wr writer. 




Aaron,  f\.'ron,  eld  hr  Moses,  first  high 

priest  of  the  Juws,  b.  A.  M.,  2434,  or 

157a  B.  C. 
Aartsbergen,  Alex.  Van,  Fon  flrts'ber- 

gen,  Tiftb  and  st  of  Holl.,  17th  cen. 
Abati,  Nicolo,    Nik-6-lo  H-bq-te,   pt 

Italy,  1512—1571. 
Abbas  Pacha,  Ab'qs  P4-/q,  f-'ic  Egypt. 
Abbot,  Ab'ot,  Samuel,  7)ierch  Boston, 

Mass.,  17:J2— 1812.  [aos  Mass. 

Abbott,  Ab'ot,  John  S.  C.  and  Jacob, 
Abd-El-Kader.Obd-el-Kq-der,  gen  Al- 
geria. [awEng. 
A'Beckett,  a-Bek-et,  Gilbert  Abbott, 
Abercrotnbie,  Ab-er-krora-bi,  John,  M. 

D.,  ail  and  ph  Scot.,  1781— 18U. 
Abercroraby,  Ab-er-krom-bi,  Sir  Ralph, 

of  Scot.,  1734—1801. 
Aberdeen,    Ab-er-den,    Geo.    Gordon, 

Earl  of,  tt  Eng. 
Abernethy,  Ab'er-ne-ti,  John,  siir  and 

au  Ir.,  176^-1831. 
Abingtjr,    Ab'injer,    James    Scarlett, 

Lord,;  Eng.,1769— 1844.  [Chaldea. 
Abraham,  il'br»-ham,  patriarch,  b.  in 
Ai-billes.  A-kil  ii,  fob,   being  dipped 

by  his  mother  in  the  river  Styx,  was 

invulnerable  in  every  part  except  his 

right  heel,  by  which  she  held  him; 

killed  at  the  soigrt  of  Troy. 
Achilli,   Giovanni  Ctiacinto,    Jo-v^-ne 

Jq-qen-to  H-k^-it,  Italian  Church 

Actroon,  Ak'te-on.  fab,  a  hunter  who, 

discovering   Diana  bathing,  was  by 

her  turned  into  a  jtfcg. 
Adam,  Ad'am,   father  of   the    human 

race,  live<l  930  years  after  his  expul- 

8ion  from  Paradise. 
Adiirus,   Ad'araa.  C.  L.,  geo  and   au 

"         18U-1853. 

Adams,  John,  st,  V-Prcs.  to  Washing- 
ton, from  1789— to  1798;  and  Pres.  U, 
S.,  till  1801;  Mas9.,*?S?r-1826.  V- 
Pres.,  Thomns  Jefferson. 

Adams,  John  Quincy,  son  of  Pres.  John 
Adams,  st  and  sixth  Pres.  of  IJ,  S., 
from  1825  to  1829,  elected  by  House 
of  Representatives,  1767—1848.  V- 
Pres.,  J.  C.  Calhoun.     [1722-1803. 

Adams,  Samuel,  Km.  pat  and  d  Mass., 

Adams,  J.  C,  astr  Eng. 

Adanson,  A-dan-son,  Michel,  hot  and 
au  Fr.,  1727—1806. 

Addison,  Ad'i-son,  Joseph,  7>9(?<  and  wu 
Eng.,  ed  •'  Spectatf^,"  1072—1719. 

Adeluug,  fl'de-lir)r),  John  Ch.,  pJiitul 
Ger.,  1734—1808. 

Adolphus,  A-dol-fus,  Frederick  II,  h 
Sweden,  1710—1771. 

Adonis,  A-du-nis,  a  youth  remarkably 
beai^iful,  beloved  by  Venus  and 

yEriea.s,  8-nE-as,  Trojan  prince,  son  of 
Anchises  andVenus,    — 1197  B.C. 

iEolus,  S'o-lus,  the  god  of  the  winds. 

iEschines,  Es'ki-nea,  t/r  cotem.  Domos- 
thenos,  730  B.  C.  [B.  C. 

iE-^chylus,  E''ki-lus,  poet  Athens,  274 

^sculapius,  Es-kq-la-pi-us,  the  god  of 

-^■!op,  S'sop,  a  Greek  slave,  au  of  the 
fables  that  bear  his  name,  200  B,  C. 

Agamemnon,  Ag-a-m6m-non,  brother 
to  Menelaus,  captain-general  of  the 
Greeks  at  the  seige  of  Troy. 

Agassiz,  Louis,  L<6-i  Ag-^-st;,  dist,  nat, 
born  1807,  in  Switzerland,  now  of 
Mass.  [1747—1822. 

Aikin,  a'kin,    John,  M.  I).,  wr  Eng. 

Ainmuller,  ffn'mul-er,  Maximilian 
Emanuel,  aH  Ger.,  1807  - 



Personal    Names. 

Ainsworth,   ffnz'wurt,    W.   Harrison, 

nov  Eng.,  1805 — 
Ainsworth,   ^Inz'wurt,    comp    English 

and  Latin  Dictionary,  1743 — 
Airy.  Ar'i,  Geo.  Bideli,  out  royal  Eng., 

Ajax,  3'jaks,  faJf,   one  of  the  princes 

and  heroes  at  the  seige  of  Troy. 
Akenside,  ££'ken-sjd,    Mark,  poet  and 

ph  Eng.,  1721—1770. 
Alban,Ol'ban,  St.,  first  Christian  mar- 
tyr in  Britain,  3d  cen. 
Albert,    Al'bert,     Franz-August-Karl- 

Emunuel,    Prince  Consort,  Duke  of 

Suxe  -  Coburg  -  Goiha,     but    better 

known  as    "Prince   Albert,"    Eng., 

18  ly— 
Alcibiades,    Al-si-bj-a-dcz,     Athenian 

gen,  slain  404  B.  C. 
Alembert,  H-lein-ber,    John  Le  Rood 

d',  math,  died  17S3. 
Alexander  the  Great,   son  of  Philip,  k 

Mact'don,  born  305  B.  C.     At  20  as- 
sumed his  father's  throne,  and  at  33 

had  "conquered  the  world,"  and  died. 
Alexander  Paulowitch,    Al-eks-an-der 

Po-lo-viq,  emp  Ru?.,  1777—1825. 
Alexander  II ,  present  emp  Russia. 
Alfieri,    Hl-fi-a-re,     Count    Vitt^jrio, 

dramatic  poet  It.,  1749—1803. 
Ali,    Pacha,    Pq-Jq,    il'lj,    prince  Eu. 

Tur.,  1750—1822. 
Alison,  Al'i-son,  Archibald,   hint,  adv 

and  au  Scot.,  1792 —  [Scot. 

Alison,  Wm.  J^ultney,  pol  econ  and  ph 
Allen,   Ethan,    tl'tan  Al'en,    ^'  Am. 

army*  —1789.  [—1626. 

AUeyn,  Al'jn,  Edward,  act  Eng.,  1566 
Allston,  Ol'ston,  Washington,  p^  Mass., 

Almquist,  fllm-k(6-ist,  Karl  Jonas  Lud- 

wig,  au  Sweden,  1793 — 
Alsop.   01'sop,    Richard,    poet    Conn., 

Alva,  ill'vq,  Ferdinand,  duke  of  Alva, 

gen  Sp.,  1508—1582. 
Alvensleban,     fll-fenz-la-ben.     Count 

Albert,  dip  and  min  of  state,  Prus., 

Ambrose,  Am'broz,  St.,  father  of  the 

Christian  church,  333—397. 
Ambrosia,  Am-brM-3i-a,/a&,  the  food  of 

the  gods. 
Amerigo  Vespucci,   H-mer-e-go  Ves- 

pA-qf:,  nav  It.,  —1512.  [^808. 

Ames,  llraz,  Fisher,  Am.  st  Mass.,  1756 
Amici,  Giovanni-Batista,  Jo-vq-ne-Bq- 

tis-tq  Hm-e-ce,  <ut  and  nat  ph  It., 

1784—  [785  B.  C. 

Amos,  £['mos,  prophet  and  li  Israel,  d. 

Ampere,  Jean-Jacques,  San-Sak  flu  - 
pqr,  philol  and  au  Fr.,  1800 — 

Amphion,  Am-f  j-on,  a  famous  musician. 

Anacharsis,  An-a-kqr-sis,  ph  Scythia, 
was  assassinated  for  attempting  to 
introduce  Grecian  customs  into  his 
own  country,  550  B.  C.  [B.  C. 

Anacreon,  An-ak-re-on,  Greek  feet  270 

Anastasius  I.,  pope  of  Rome,  died  402. 

Anaxagoras.  An-aks-ag-o-ras,  Grecian 
p>h  450  B.  C. 

Anderson,  fln'der-son,  Hans  Christian, 
Dan.  nov  1805 — 

Andral,  flh'dral,  Gabriel,  ph  and  au 
Fr.,  1797—  [1749—1780. 

Andre,  fln'dr,    John,    of   Brit,  army, 

Andrew,  St.,  An'dro),  dU  of  John  the 
Baptist,  put  to  death  on  the  cross  in 
Scythia,  for  preaching  the  Gospel. 

Andromache,  An-drom-a-ke,  fab,  the 
wife  of  Hector. 

Anglesey,  Ay'gl-sa,  Henry  Wm.  Paget, 
Marquis  of,  (>ff  'Brit,  army,  1768 — 

Anthon,  An'ton,  Charles.  LL.  D.,  clas- 
sic au  N-Y.,  1797— 

Antonius,  Marcus,  Mqrk-us  An-to-ni-us, 
or  Mark  Antony,  the  Roman  trium- 
vir, 40  B.  C. 

Apis,  a'pis,  son  of  Jupiter  and  Niobe, 
taught  the  Egyptians  to  sow  corn  and 
plant  vines;  after  his  death  worship- 
ped in  the  form  of  an  ox,  a  symbol  of 

A'poUonius,  Ap-ol-6-ni-us,  Greek  poet 
and  r1i£,t.     Also,  a  I'ythag.  ph  1st  cen. 

ApoUos,  A-p61-os,  a  Jew  of  Alexandria, 
convert  to  Christianity,  in  the  time 
of  Paul. 

Appert,  Ap'er,  Bcnj.  Nicholas  Marie, 
philan  and  au  France,  1797 — 

Aquinas,  Ak'wi-nas,  St.  Thomas,  Italy, 

Arago,  I^rancois  Dominique,  Fr<^n-swe 
Dom-i-nek  H-?q-ga),  oat  Fr.,  1786 — 
1853.  [Fr. 

Arago,  Etienne,   Jl-ten  fl-r^-go,  jovr 

Arbuthnot,  Hr'but-not,  Dr.  John,  ph 
and  au  died  1735.  [690  B.  C. 

Archilochus,  Hr-kil-o-kus,  Greek  poet 

Archimides,  flr-kim-i-dez,  anc.  geom 
Sicily,  k.  208  B.  C. 

Argelander,  flr-ge-lqn-der,  Fred.  Wm. 
Agustus,  ast  Prus,,  1799 — 

Argus,  Hr'gus,  fab,  said  to  have  had  a 
hundred  eyes. 

Ariosto,  Lodovico,  Lo-do-ve-ko  H-ri- 
6s-tcD,  poet  It.,  1474—1533. 

Arista,  B-f^s-tq,  Don  Mariano,  Pres. 
ilex.,  1803— 

Personal   Names. 


Arlatarcbus,  Ar-is-t^r-kas,  pTiil  Greece, 
the  first  to  maintain  that  the  earth 
turns  upon  its  centre,  and  describes  a 
circle  round  the  sun,  lived  about  200 

Aristides,  A-ris-tj-dez,  ^lius,  Roman 
sophist  and  trav,  died  A.  D.,  180. 

Aristides  the  Just,  Athenian  gen,  480 

Aristippus,  Ar-is-tip-u3,  pTiil,  392  B.C., 
who  asserted  pleasure  to  be  the  ob- 
ject of  life. 

Aristophanes,  Ar-is-tof-a-nez,  comic 
poet  of  Athens,  340  B.  C. 

Aristottle,  Ar-is-tot-l,  peripatetic  joMl, 
Athens,  384  B.  C. 

Arias,  a'rius,  div  4th  cen.,  found  of  a 
sect  which  denied  the  Godship  of 

Arkwright,  Hrk'rjt,  Sir  Richard,  in- 
ventor of  the  spinning  machine, 
Eng.,  1732— 

Arlincourt,  flr'lin-k(X)r,  Victor,  Vicomte 
d',  poet  and  au  Fr.,  1789^ 

Arminius,  flr-min-i-us,  James,  found 
of  the  doctrine  that  God  creates  men 
free  moral  agents,  Holl.,  1560 — 1619. 

Armstrong,  flrm'strog,  John,  M.  D.,  2>A 
and  au  Scot..  1709—1779. 

Arne,  Hrn,  Thos.  Augustine,  mu8 
comp  Eng.,  1710 — 

Arnold,  Benedict,  Ben-e-dikt  ilr'nold, 
(^and  traitor,  U.  S.  army,  —1801. 

Arnold,  Samuel,  mus  comp  Eng.,  1740 

Arnold,  Thomas,  D.  D.,  au  Eng.,  1795 
—1842.  [1801 

Aschbach,  Hj'bq^,   Joseph,  hist  Ger., 

Atbanasius,  £[-tan-d-Ji-us,  St.,  born  of 
heathen  parents,  became  hp  of  Alex- 
andria, 326. 

Atlas,  At'las,  h  Mauritania,  aM,  cotem. 
with  Moses,  now  represented  as  an 
old  man  bearing  the  world  upon  his 

Atterbom,  fl'ter-bom,  Pe.  Dan.  Ama- 
dens,  poe^  Sweden,  1790 — 

Attwood,  At'wud,  Thomas,  coTTj^Eng., 

Auber,  O'ber,  Dan.  Francois  Esprit, 
(Es'pre,)  comp  Fr.,  1784— 

Aubigne,  9-ben,  Theod.  Agrippa  D', 
hist,  sat  Vind  poet,  16th  cent. 

Audubon,  9'de-bon,  John  James,  Am. 
orni  La.,  1782—1851. 

Auerbach,  Berthold,  Ber-told  "S^'er- 
haji,  wr  and  poet,  Ger. 

Auffenberg,  "S^f'en-berA,  Joseph,  Baron 
Von,  dram  Ger. 

Augereau,  (D-^er-o,  Pierre  Francois 
Charles,  gen  Fr.,  1757—1816. 

Augustenburg,  IJ-gus-ten-burA,  Chris- 
tian August,  Duke  of  Schleswig- 
Holstcin,  etc.,  1798— 

Augustine,  9'gus-ten,  St.,  5/>and  fath- 
er of  the  church,  — 430. 

Augustus,  G-giis-tus,  Caius  Julius  Cae- 
sar Octavianus,  the  first  Roman  Em- 
peror, A.  D.,  14. 

Aurora,  0-r(f)-ra, /a5,  the  goddess  of 
the  morning. 

Austria,  Emperor  of,  Francis  Joseph 
Charles,  1830—  [Scot. 

Aytoun,  i'tcon,   William,    ed  and  au 

Azeglio,  fldz-eg-li-o,  Massimo  D',  au 
Italy,  1798— 


Babbago,  Bab  aj,   Charles,  math  and 

phil  mech  Eng.,  1790— 
Bach,  Johann  Sebastian,  Yo-hqn  Sa- 

br^s-te-qn  BqA,  mas  and  comp  music. 

Upper  Saxony,  1685-1750. 
Bachmann,   Bqlt-mqn,    Charles  Fred., 

coun  and  prof  phu,  Ger.,  1785 — 
Bachmann,  Gottlob  Ix>uis  Ernest,  />^<2/" 

and  a»,  Gor.,  1792 — 
Bacon,  Ba-kon,  Franc's,  Lord  Verulam, 

Lord  Chancellor,  Ac,  au  Eng.,  1560 

Babr,  Bqr,  John  Christian  Felix,  coufi, 

prof  and  au.  Ger.,  1798 — 
Biiley,  Bali,  E.  IL,  sculp  Eng.,  1788— 
Bailey,  Philip  Jamed,  poet  Eng. 

BailHe,  Ba-Ie,   Joanna,    poetess  Eng., 

Baily,  Ba-li,    Jean   Sylvain,    ivr  and 

hist,  Fr.,  1736—1793. 
Baird,  B^rd,  Rev.  Robert,   D.  D.,  au 

and  cler  Pa.,  1798— 
Bakewell,  Bak-wel,  Robert, experimen- 
tal farmer  and  cattle-breeder  Eng., 

Balboa,  Bql-bu-q,  Vasco  Nunez  (Ndb- 

net)  De,  Spanish  nan  16th  oen. 
Balbo,  Bql-bo,   Count  Cesaro,    st  and 

au  Italy,  1789.         [Gor.,  1804 

Bajza,  Bo-B-zo,  Anthony,  pfjet  and  au 
Balzac,  Honore   1)«,    Ilon-ur   D§  Bql- 

i4k,  nov  Fr.,  1799-1850. 


Personal    Names. 

Bancroft,  Ban-kroft,  George,  Am.  au 

and  hist  Mass.,  1800 — 
Bangs,   Nathan,  D.  D.,   clef   and  essa 

Conn.,  1778— 
Banks,  Sir  Joseph,  Bart.,  hot  and  tfav 

Eng.,  1743— 1820. 
Banks,  N.  P.,  st  and  Speaker  of  Hovse 

of  Rep.,  U.  S.  Cong.,  1856,  elected  af- 
ter 7  weeks  of  voting,  Mass.,  1810 — 
Baraote,  Guillaume  Prosper  Brugiere, 

Gwil-6m    Pros-per  Bre-^^ftr  Bq,r-q,nt, 

Buron.  au  and  st,  Fr.,  1782. 
Barb-iuld,  B^^-boId,   Anne  L.,  poetess 

Eng.,    174;i— 1825. 
Barbes,  Arinand,    Rr'mqnd   B^r-ba,  a 

French  revolutionist,    1810 — 
Barclay,  Bq,r-kla,  Robert,  Apologist  or 

Quaker,  Eng.,  1648—1680. 
Barebone,  B^r-bon,  Praise-God,  zealot 

of  Cromwell's  parliament,  Eng.,  1653. 
Barentz,  Bqr-ents,  Wm.,  a  Dutch  nav 

16th  cen.  .  [1757—1812. 

Barlow,  Bqr-lca,  Joel,  poet  au   Conn., 
Barnes,  Bqrnz,  Joshua,  cler,  prof  and 

poet,  Eng.,  1654—1712. 
Barnes,  Daniel  H.,  Am.  conch  and  au, 

—killed,  1818.  [—1818. 

Barney,  Joshua,  c^m  U.  S.  Navy,  1759 
Baroche,  Bq,/'-6J,  Jules,   mia  and  adv 

Fr.,  1803.  [««  Fr.,  — 1829. 

Barras,  Bqr-(^.  Faul  Francis,  Count  De, 
Barrere  De  Vieuzac,    Bqir-4^  De  Ve- 

zqk,  IJertrand,  pol  Fr.,  1755— l'84l' 
Barrot,  Odillon,  O-del-yon  \i<\r-dt,adm 

and  ex-min  Fr.,  1790 — 
Barrow,  Bqr-o,    Dr.    Isaac,  math  and 

dix)  Eng.,  1630—1677. 
Barry.  Bar-i,   John,    com  U.  S.  Navy, 

1745—1803.  [1795 

Barry,  Sir  Charles,  R.  A.,  arch  Eng., 
Barthclemy,  St.    llilaire,    San    Hil-4r 

Bqr-ta-Ie-rae,  pol  jour  Fr.,  1792 — 
Bartlett,   Bqrt-let,   Josiah,  M.  D.,  go/v 

and  st  N.  H.,  1729—1795. 
Bartlett,  Josiah,  M.  D.,  ph  and  essa, 

Mass.,  1759—1820. 
Barton,  Bqr-ton,  Benj.  Smith,  M.  D., 

prof  nat  hist  and  hot,  ed,  &c..  Pa., 

1763-1815.  [1784-1849. 

Barton,  Bi^>rnard,  "Quaker  poet,"  Eng., 
Bartrain,  Wm.,  hot  and  orni  Pa.,  1739 

Batthyanvi,    Bot-yony-i,     Louis,    nob 

and  pat  Hun.,  1809— shot,  1848. 
Bauer,  B-s-er,    Bruno,    hlb   crit   Ger., 

1809—  [Eng.,  1615 

Baxter,  Baks-ter,  Richard,  div  and  au 
Bayard,  Ba-qrd,  Jas.  A.,   Am.  st  I'a., 

1767—1815.  [1706. 

Bayle,  Bal,  Peter,  crit  au,  Fr.,  1647— 

Bayley,  Ba-li,  Richard,  ph,  med  au  and 

;jn/.  Conn.,  1745—1801. 
Bavaria,  Ba-Va-ri-a,    Maximilian    Jo- 
seph, King  of,  1811— 
Beattie,  Be-ti,   Jam«s,   poet   and  mor 

Scot.,  1735—1803. 
Beaumont,    Bo-mont,    Fraticis     dram 

poet  Eng.,  1584—1616.  [1853. 

Beaumont,    Bo-inoh,  Gustave  De,  pol 

and  au  Fr.,  1802  — 
Beaumont,  Jean  Baptists  Armand  Lou- 
is LeonceElie  De.eng,  prfffgeoLeUi.. 

Fr.,  1798- 
Beccaria,  Bek-a-ri-a,  marquis,  wr  "On 

Crimes   and    Punishments,"    Milan, 

Beck,  Lewis  C,  Am.  chem  and  hot  N- 

Y.,   1790—1853. 
Beecher,  Lyman,  D.  D.,  cler,  ref,  etc.. 

Conn.,  1775 — 
Beecher,  Henry  Ward,  LL,  D.,  son  of 

above,  div  and  ref,  Brooklyn,  N-Y., 

Beechey,  Bec-i,  Fred.  Wm.   nav  capt 

and  trav  Eng.,  1796 — 
Bcddoes,    Bed-oz,   Thos.   Lovell,  poet 

Eng.,  1803—1849. 
Beethoven,   Ba-tcj-fen    or  Be-t(fi-ven, 

Ludwig.  Van,  mus  and  comp  Prus., 

1779—1827.  [1744. 

Behring,  Be-rig,  Vitus,  nav  Den.,  — • 
Bekker,    Bek-er,      Immanuel,    fhilol 

Ger.,  1785—  [king,  1831. 

Belgians,  Leopold,  King  of  the,  elected 
Belknap,  Bel-nap,  Jeremv,  D.  D.,  cler 

and  lor,  Mass.,  1741—1798.     [—1842. 
Bell,  Sir  Charles,  physiol,  Scot.,  1774 
Bell,  John,  st  N-H.,  1730—1825. 
Bellini,    Vincenzio,    mus  comp   Italy, 

1806—1835.  [trav,  —1823. 

Belzoni,  Bel-dzo-ne,  Giovanni,  Paduaa 
Benedektow,  Ben-e-dek-tif,  Wladimir, 

a  Russian  lyric  poet. 
Bentham,  Ben-tam,   Jeremy,   a  great 

thinker  and  writer,  Eng.,  1748—1832. 
Bentinck,    Ben-tiijk,    Lord  Geo.,  pai'l 

leader  Eng.,  1802—1848. 
Benton,  Thos.  Hart,  Am.  st  Mo.,  1783. 
Beranger,  Ber-qh-^^er,  Pierre-Jean  Do, 

song  ivr  and  jioet,  Fr.,  1780 — 1857. 
Berenger,  Ber-en-;^er,  L.  P.,  2>0€t,  rhet 

and  aw,  Fr.,  1748— 1822.  [1798— 
Beresford,  Ber-es-ford,  Wm.,  st  Eng., 
Berghaus,  Be?'A-h-8s,  Henry,  ge(<g  Ger., 

1797—       ■  [—1753. 

Berkeley,  Berk-li,  George,  hn  Ir..  1684 
Berkeley,  Wm.,  gov  Va.,  — 1677. 
Bermudez  De  Castro,   Bq,r-mi&d-at  Da 

Kqs-tro,  Don  Salvador,  poet  Spain, 


Personal   Names. 


BwSTtAdotie,  T{er-nq-d(5t,  k  Sweden  and 

rfi.iyru/,  1764—1844. 
Bernard,    Ber-nqnl,    Sir   Francig,  gov 

M-IS3.,  and  pa  Hi  — 1779. 
Bombard,  Bern-hqrt,  Karl,  Danish  nov. 
Bernouilli,  Ber-na)-e,   family  name  of 

a  cluster  of  celebrated  mathemati- 
cians of  the  17th  and  18lh  centuries. 
Berthollet,   Ber-to-la,    Claude    Louis, 

ckemFr.,  1748—1822. 
Berryer,  Ber-i-a,  M.,  pol  and  adv  Fr. 
Berzelius,    Berts-a-le-flos,   Jno.   Jacob, 

cke>n,  Sweden,  1779—1848. 
Bethune,  Bet-yi^n,   Geo.  W.,  Am.  au 

and  div  1805— 
Bsza.  Bs-za,    or    Theodore  De   Beze, 

(Baz,  Eng.  Bez,)  ed,  trans  and  com- 

men,  Fr.,  1518—1605.  [1800— 

Biard,  Bi-ar,    Francois  Aug.,    pt  Fr., 
Biermann,    Ber-mqn,   Chaa.  Ed.,    l-jpt 

Ger.,  1803— 
Bickersteth,  Bik-er-st«t,    Ed.,    tor  rel 

iDorl-8,  Eng.,  1786—1850. 
Biddle,  .Tames,  Am.  com  1783—1848. 
BiJdle,  Nicholas,  capt  Am.  Navy,  1750 

—1778.  killed. 
Biddle,  Nicholas,  Am.  fin  and  pres  U. 

S.  Bank,  1786—1844.  [—1821. 

Bigelow,  Big-E-lo,  Timothy,    st    Mass., 
Binder,  Bin-der,  Wilhelm  Chris.,  hint 

Ger.,  1810.  [Eng. 

Binney.  Bin-i,  Thos.,  noncon  preacher 
Bird,  William,  mns  Eng.,  15  W— 1623. 
Bird,  Dr.  Robt.  Mont.,  n<ni  Pa.,  1803— 
Bishop,   Sir   Henry   Kent,    mus  comp 

Eng.,  1786—1855. 
Bixio,  Biks-E-o,  M.,  ph  and  not,  Fr. 
BIm;k,  Joseph,  chem  Scot.,  1728— 1790. 
Blackstone,  Sir  Wm.,  /  and  commen, 

Eng.,  1722-1780. 
Blair,,  Francis  P.,  pol  ed  and  st, 

Md.,  1791— 
Blair,  Blqr,    Dr.   Hugh,  Scottish    div 

and  au  of  "  Lectures  on  Rhetoric," 

1718—1800.  [—1659. 

Blake,  Admiral,  adrn  nary,  Eng.,  1599 
Blakeley,  Johnston,    cajit    Am.  Navy, 

perished  at  sea.  [1801 — 

Blanc,  Louis,  Ij<Jb-i  Blqn,  pol  theo  Fr., 
Blessington,  Marg.  P.,  Countess  of,  wr 

Eng.,    1789—1849. 
Blomfield,  Blom-fEld,  Chas.  James  hp 

London,  1786—  [lur,  1809— 

Bloramaert,  Blu-ra^rt,  Philip,  Flemish 
Bloorafield,    BI{6m-feld,    Robert,    poet 

Eng.,  1766—1823. 
Blucher,    BlJ>-Aer,    Gcbhart    Lebrecht 

Von^  riff  Prus.  Army,  1742—1819. 
Blumcnbach,  BUfim-en-bq/t,  Jean  Fred., 

anat,ph  and  nat  Ger.,  1752—1840. 

Boas,  B6-qs,  Ed.,  poet  and  au,  Ger., 

Boccaccio,  Bo-k^-qo,  Giovanni,  It.  poet 

and  au,  1313—1375. 
Bodenstedt,  Bo-den-stet,  Fred.  Martin, 

wr  Ger.,  1819— 
Bochmen,  B6-men,  Jacob,  rel  tor  and 

teach,  Ger.,  1575—1624. 
Boehtlingk,     Bot-liflk,     Otto,     pTiilol 

Rus.,  1815—  [1785— 

Boekh  ,  BcdA,    Augustus,  antiq   Ger,, 
Boettcher,   Bet-7ier,    Adolf,   poet  and 

trans  Ger.,  1815 — 
Boettiger,    B6-ti-ger,    Karl   Wilhelm, 

prof  lit  and  A/#^,and  au,  Ger,,  1790 — 
Boileau-Despreaux,     Bwo-ha-De-spro, 

Nicolas,  sat  Fr.,  1636—1711. ' 
Boissonade,  Bw6?-on-qd,  Jean  Frangois, 

Gr.  sch'i'l  and  clas  ed,  Fr.,  1774 — 
Boker,  Geo.  H.,   Am.  poet  and  dram 

Pa.,  1824— 
Bolingbroke,  Bo-lip-brok,    Henry  St. 

John,  Lord,  or,  st  and  phil  essa  Eng., 

Bolivar,  Bo-ls-v^r,  Simon,  liberator  of 

S.  Am.,  1783—1830. 
Bonaparte,  B6-na-pqrt,  Napoleon,  emp 

Fr.,  1769—1821. 
Bonaparte,  Joseph,  eld  hr  Napoleon,  h 

Sic.  and  Sp.,  1768— 1&44.  [1846. 

Bonaparte,  Louis,  hr  do.,  k  Hoi.,  1778 — 
Bonaparte,  Lucien,  hr  do.,  pi'  Canino, 

Bonaparte,     Louis    Napoleon,    son   of 

Louis  Bonaparte,  emp,  Fr.,  1808 — 
Bonaparte,   Chas.  Lucian,  pr  Canino, 

and  dist  nat,  1803 — 
Bond,  William  C,  ad,  Mass.,  1790  — 
Boniface  I.,  to  LX.,  Popes  fr.  422  to  1401. 
Bonpland,  Aime,  li-mk  Bcan-plqh,  Fr., 

nat,  1799—  _  [1820. 

Boone,  Daniel,  Am.  pio  hunter,  1730 — 
Bopp,  Bop,  Francis, p^^oZ  and  orischol 

Ger.,  1791—  [1728—1804. 

Bordley,  B6rd-li,  Jno.  Beale,  ag  au  Md., 
Bf^rnhauser,    Born  -hs-  zer,     Thomas, 

Swiss  poet,  pol  tor,  etc.,  1799 — 
Borrow,  Geo.,  au  Eng.,  1805 — 
Boscovich,     Bos  -  ko  viq,     Roger    Jos., 

learned  Jesuitical  ivr\\t.,  1711—1787. 
Bo.ssuet,   Bo-s^  <rr  Bo-si|-a,   Jas.    Be- 

nigne,  Fr.  div  and  au  1627 — 1704. 
Boswell,  Boz-wel,  Jas.  hiog  Dr.  John- 
son, 1740— 1795. 
Botta,  Bot,    Paul  'Emile,  a'mEl,  Fr. 

archce  and  trav. 
Boudinot,     B(6-din-ot,     Elias,     LL.D., 

law  and  edu  hen  X-J.,  1 740— d. 
Bougainville,    Bco-gan-vel,    L.  A.  De, 

wn\  Fr.  Navy,  1729— Ibll. 


Personal    Names. 

Bourdon,  Bti)r-d6n,  Leonard  J.  J.,  pa- 
tron, na  edu,  Fr.,  d.  about  1810, 
Boussingault,    Bot)-sqn-g(f)l,    M.,    cliein 

and  au,  Fr. 
Bowditch,  Bo-diq,    Nathaniel,    LL.D., 

math  and  ast,  Mass.,  1773—1838. 
Bowdoin,  B6-den,  [Fr.  Bo-dw6h,]  Jas. 

LL.D.,  gov  Mass.,  hen  Harvard  Uni- 
versity, etc.,  1745—1790. 
Bowen,  Bo-en,    \Vm.  C,   D.D.,  chem, 

R.  L,  1776—1815.  [aw,  Mass. 

Bowen,  Francis,  ed  N.  Am.  Rev.  and 
Bowring,  B-s-rifl.  John,  LL.D.,  philol, 

poet,  pol  ivr,  etc.,  Eng.,  1792 — 
Boylston,  Borl-ston,  Zabdiel,  M.D.,  F.- 

R.S.,  Am.  ph  Boston,  1780—1760. 
Braddock,  Ed.,  maj  gen  Br.  Army.  k. 

1775.  [1795. 

Bradford,  Wm.,  att-gen  U.  S.,  1775— 
Bradstreet,  Anne,  au  first  Am.  vol  po- 
ems, 1612 — 
Brahe,  Tyeho,  Te-ko,  Br^-e,  ast  Den., 

Brainard,  Bra-nard,  John  G.  C,  Am. 

poet,  Conn.,  1797 — d. 
Bramante,    Bra-mqn-ta,    Donate,     It. 

arch,  1441r-15U. 
Brando,  Brand,  Wm.  Thos.,  chem  and 

wr  Eng..  1780. 
Brandis,    Brqn-dis,     Chris.   Augustus, 

prof  phil  Prus.,  1790 — 
Brant,  Joseph,  eel  Indian  chief. 
Brazil,  Pedro,  Emp.  of,  1825,  c.  1840. 
Braun,  Brxn,    August   Emil,    wr  and 

archm,  Gcr.,  1809— 
Breckinridge,  J.  C,  st  and  V-Pres.  U. 

S.  to  James  Buchanan,  Ky.,  18 

Breithaupt,      B/jt-h-spt,      Joh.     Aug. 

Fried.,  mineralogist,  Ger.,  1791 — 
Breton  De  Los  Herreros,    Bra-ton  Da 

Los  Ar-q,r-6s,    Don  Manuel,   dram 

and  poet,  Sp.,  1796. 
Brewster,    Bras-ter,     Sir  David,  exp, 

jihil  and  au,  Scot.,  1781 — 
Brindley,  James,  civ  eng,   Eng.,  1716 

Brissot,  Bri-s(5,    Jean  Pierre,   or  and 

pol  tvr,  Fr.,  1793. 
Brodie,  Bro-di,  Sir  Benj.  Collins,  sur 

and  surg  wr  Eng.,  1783 — 
Brongniart,  Br(l)n-yqr,  Adolpho  Theo., 

Fr.  nat,  1801— 
Bronn,  Bran  or  Brun,  Heinrich  Geo., 

Ger.  nat,  1803— 
Brooke,  Sir  James,  ro/aA  of  Sarawak, 

»,ud  philan,  1803 — 
Brooks,  John,   LL.D,,    gov  Mass..  and 

lievt-col  U.  S.  Army,  1752—1825. 
Brooks,  ilaria,  Am.  poet  Mass.,  1795 — 


Brooks,  Hon.  Preston  S.,  who  brutally 

caned  Charles  Sumner,  in  the  U.  S. 

Senate    Chamber,    in    1856 ;     South 

Carolina,  1810-1857. 
Brooks,  Shirley,    d7am  tor  and  jour 

Eng.,  1816  — 
Brougham,  Bro-am,  Henry,  Lord,  phil, 

st,iaw-ref&nd  critic,  Eng. 
Brown,  ChJis.  Brockden,  Am.  nov,  Pa., 

1771-1810.  [1775—1828. 

Brown,  Jacob,  maj-gen  U.    S.   Army, 
Brown,  Thomas,  in^t    and    au,    Scot, 

1778—1820.  [1814 

Brown,  Henry  Kirko,  Am.  (.cvlp  Mass., 
Browne,  Sir  Thomas,  au  and  ph  Eng., 

Browning,  Robt.,  poet  Eng.,  1812 — 
Bruce,  James,   F.R.S.,  exp  of  Africa, 

Scot.,  1730—1794.  [1767. 

Bruce,    Michael,   Scotch  poet,   1746 — 
Bruce,  Brcos,  Robert,  Scotch  gen,  elect- 
ed king  in  1306,  died,  1329. 
Brullow,  Bn6-lo,    Karl,  hid  pt  Bus.. 

Brunei,  Bre-na    o?"  BrcJb-nel,    Marc   L, 

civ  eng,  Normandy. 
Brunelle.schi,    BrCD-nel-es-ke,    Filippo, 

It.  arch,  1377—1448. 
Bruno,  Giordano,   Jor-d^-no    Brdb-no, 

It.  rel  trr,  an  atheist,  burnt  at  the 

stake, 1600. 
Brunswick-Wolf cnbuttel,    Brunz-wik- 

Wolf-en-boQ-tl,  A.  W.  M.  Frederick, 

Duke  of,  1806— 
Brutus,  Brdb-tus.  Marcu«,  Rom.  gen  and 

pol,  who  assa.ssi noted  Julius  Caesar. 

He  slew  himself,  42  B.  C. 
Bruyare,  'Bre-yi\,r,  Jean.  De  La,  Fr.  au 

Normandy,  1644—1696. 
Bryant,  Brj-ant,  Wm.  Cullen,  Am.jpotf^ 

andjour,  N-Y.,  1794— 
Buba,  B(f)-bq,  Adolf,  Ger.  poet,  1802— 
Buch,  BiXiJi,  Leopold  Von,  geol  Prus., 

Buchanan,  Bix-kan-an.  Geo.,  Latin  poet 

and  hid,  Scot.,  1506—1581. 
Buchanan,  James,  Am.  *^  and  fifteenth 

Pres.  U.  S.,  from  1857  to  1861,  Pa., 

1791—    J.  C.  Breckenridge,  V-Pres. 
Buchanan,  Dr.  J.  R.,  pre/  Physiology, 

Phrenology,  etc.,  av,  and  ed  ''Jour- 
nal of  Man,"  Ohio,  181  — 
Buchez,  Be-Ja,  Philip  Benj.  Jos.,   Fr. 

ph  and  jour,  1796 — 
Buckingham,    Jas.   S.,   trav,  wr,  pol^ 

Eng.,  1786—1855. 
Buckingham,  Jo«.  T.jjour,  Mass.,  1779 — 
Buckland.  Dr.  Wm.,  geol  Eng. 
BupI,  Bq-el.    Jesse,  Am.  ag,    Conn.| 


Personal    Names. 


Buff  on,    Be-fon,    Geo.   L.    Le    Clerc, 

Comte  Dc,  nat  Fr.,  1707—1788. 
Bulgarin,    BoDl-gcir-en,    Thaddeus,   wr 

Rus.,  1789— 
Bull,  BodI  or  Bial,  Ole  B.,  viol,  Xorway. 

Billow,  Be-lov,KarI  Edward  Von,  Ger. 

nov,  1803  — 
Bulwer,  Bidl-wer,  Sir  Edward  Lytton, 

nov  and  poet  Eng. 
BuhvtT,  Sir  Henry  Earle  Lytton,  K.- 

C.  B.,  dip  and  au  Eng.,  1804 — 
Bunsen,  Boba-sen,  Christ.  Chas.  Josias, 

Chevalier  de,    I'rud.   errib   and    au, 

Buiiyan.  John,    au  "  Pilgrim's   Prog- 
ress," Eng.,  1628-1688. 
Burckhardt,    Bia/7i-hcirt,    J.    Ludwig, 

irav  Swit.,  178:{— 1817. 
Burgkmair,  Burg/i.-tn;\,r,  Hans,  pi  and 

wood-eii'j  Ger.,  1472— 15o9. 
Burgos,  BiJor-gtis,    Don  Javier  De,  st 

and  au  Sp.,  1778 — 
Burgoyne,  Bur-gtfn,  lieu-gen'Rr.krmy, 
Burke.  Burk.  Kduiund,  or,  st  and  phil 

Ireland,  17;{0— 1797. 
Burleigh,  Bdr-le,  \Vm.  Cecil,  Lord,  st 

Eng.,  1520—1598. 

Burleigh,  Chas.  C,  wr  and  ref  Pa. 
Burmeister,     Bur-mis-ter,    Hermann, 

Ger.  Tiat  1807— 
Burnap,  Bur-nap,  Rev.  Geo.  W.,  D.D., 

tJieo  and  gen  au  N-H.,  1802— 
Burnet,   Jacob,   j,   leg   and   au  Ohio, 

Burney,    Charles,   mus  camp  and   au 

Eng.,   1726—1815. 
Burns,  Robert,  j^et  Scot.,  1759—1796. 
Burr,  Aaron,  st  and  V-Pres.  U.  S.  to 

Thomas  Jefferson,  1756—1836. 
Burritt,  Bur-it,  Elihu,   lee,  jov,r  and 

lin  Conn.,  1811— 
Bury,  Be -re,  Henri  B.,   Baron  de,   au 

and  crit  Fr.,  1818— 
Bush,  Rev.  Geo.,  theo  and  commen  Vt., 

1796  — 
Bus.s,  Bdos,   Franz  Joseph,  polit  econ 

and  an  Ger.,  1803— 
Butler,  Richard,  maj-gen  U.  S.  Army, 

k.  1791. 
Butler,  Samuel,  poet  sat  Eng.,  1612 — 

Byron,  Geo.  Gordon,  Lord,  poet  Eng., 

Bystrom,  Be-strora,  Johann   Nikolaus, 
I     Swed.  sculp,  1783— 


Cabanis,  Ka-bq-ne,  Pierre  Jean  G.,  pTi 

and  phil  Fr.,  1757—1808. 
Cabet,  Ka-ba,  Etienne,  Fr.  communist, 

tonned  communes  in  Texas  and  111., 

1788  —  1856.  [15tbcen. 

Cabot,    K4-b(.it,   John,  Venetian  nav, 
Cabot,  Sebastian,  son  of  Jno.  C,  nav, 

and  discoverer  of  the  variations    of 

the  magnetic  needle,  1477 — 1557. 
Cadmus,  Kad-mus,  k  of  Thebes,  intro- 
duced 16  letters  into  Greece,  B.  C. 
Cadwillader,      Kod-wol-a-der,     John, 

hrig-gen  Am.  array,  — 1786. 
Caesalpinus,   Ka-zqI-pin-us  or  Sa-s^l- 

pin-us,  Andre,  hut  Tus.,  1519—1603. 
Caesar,  Cuius  Julius,  Ka-yus  Ji'^-li-us 

Sg-zar,   Roman  gen,  and  hist,  b.  98 

B.  C. 
Cailliaud,  Kal-yud,  Frederic,  Fr.  trav 

Calaina,    Ka-l^m,    Alex.,    Swiss   l-pt. 
r  li'lonm  De  La  Barca,  K^l-dqr-on  Da 

L<4  Bqr-kq,  Pedro,  pott  dram   Sp., 

Culderon,  Don   Serafin   E.,  jMet  and 

orientalist  Sp.,  1800— 


Calhoun,  Kal-h(6n,  John  C,  V-Prc3. 

U.  S.  to  J.  Q.  Adams  and  Andrew 

Jackson,    st,  etc..   South    Carolina, 

Caligula,  Kal-ig-yi],-la,  Roman  emp  and 

tyrant,  began   his   reign  A.  D.  37  j 

assas.  A.  D.  41,  aged  29  years. 
Callcott,    Kelikot,    John    Wall,    mu» 

comp  Eng.,  1766—1821. 
Callimachus,  Kal-i-raa-kus,  Greek  poet. 
Calmet,  Augustin,  0-gus-ten  Kq,l-ma, 

Fr.  au,  1672-1757. 
Calvin,  John,  rel  ref  Fr.,  1509—1364. 
Caraoens,   Kq,-mo-anz,  Luis   De,  poaP 

Portugal,  1527-  1579. 
Campanella,  Kqm-pan-el-yq,  Thomas, 

mtta  Sp.,  16ih  con. 
Campbell,     Kam-bel,     Thomas,    poet 

Scot.,  1777—1844. 
Campbell,     Lord     John,    j     and    au 

Scot.,  1781— 
Camper,  Kqn-p^,  Pierre,  aiiat  and  i\at 

Fr.,  1722—1789. 
Candolle,  Kah-doly.  Aug.  Pyramus  De, 

i^/f  Fr.,  177>J-ia4^. 
Cauina,  Kci-ne-nq,  Luigi,  antiq,  Italj. 


Personal    Names. 

Canning,  Kan-ig,  Geo.,  et  Eng.,  1770 

Cano,  K(\-no,  Alonso,  pt,  scnlp  and  arch 

Sp.,  1601—1667.  [1757—1822. 

Canova,  Kq-n6-vq,  Antonio,  sculp  It., 
Cantu,  Kqn-to),  Cesare,  sch<jl   and  au 

Italy,  1805— 
Capefigue,     Kq-pe-feg,    Baptisto    H. 

Kayuioiid,  hist  Fr.,  1799— 
Caracci,  Ka-/q-qe,  name  of  a  celebrat- 
ed family  of  painters  in  It.,  16th  cen. 
Caravaggio,  Kq-rq-v^-jo,  Michelangelo 

},L,pt  Italy,  1569—1609. 
Cardan,  Kqr-dan,    Jerome,  ph,  astral 

and  au  Fr.,  1501 — 1576. 
Carey,  Ka-ri,  William,   div,  oriental 

philol  and  trans  Eng.,    1761 — 1831. 
Carey,  Henry  C,  Am.  pdit  ecoti  and 

au  N-Y.,  1793—  [1798 . 

Carleton,^  Kqrl-ton,   Wm.,    Irish   mji), 
Carlisle,    Kqr-ljl,    Geo.    Wm.    F.    H., 

Earl  of,  bt  and  lee  Eng.,  1802— 
Carlylc,  Kqr-ljl,  Thomas,  Brit,  au  and 

reviewer,  1796 — 
Carmichael,  Kqr-mi-kl,   William,  dip 

and  Charge  d'Atfaires,  U.  S.,  Md., 

Carnicer,    Kqr-nE-t4'*,    I^on    Ramon, 

opera  comp  Sp.,  1789 — 
Caruot,  Kqr-no,  Lazare  Xic.  M.,  mil 

enyin,  and  iiiin  of  war  Fr.,  1753 — 

1823.  [1811 . 

Carrera,  Kq-ra-rq,  Rafael,  pres  Guat., 
Carroll,  Kar-ol,  Charles,  signer  Dec.  of 

Lid.,  Md.,  1737—1832. 
Cartier,   Kqr-te-a,   Jacques,    Fr.   nav 
.   and  ti'av  10th  cen. 
Carver,    John,    first    gov    "Plymouth 

Colony,"  —1621. 
Carvallo,  Kqr-vql-yo,  min,  of  Chili  in 

the  U.  S.,  1808— 
Casus,  Kqs-qs,  Barthol.  I^as,  a  misguid- 
ed   jihilaa, — originator    of  African 

slavery,  — 1566. 
Ca^ati,    Kqs-q-t£,    Gobrio,    Count,   st 

Lombardy,  1798 — 
Caspari,  Kqs-pq-re,  Karl  Paul,  Mb  crit 
-  Ger.,  18U— 

Cass,  Lewis,  st  Mich.,  1782 — 
Cassini,  Ka-sin-e,  family  name  of  sev- 
eral astrs  Fr.,  17th  cen. 
Cassius,  Caius,  Ka-yus    KaJ-i-us,   tr- 

in-law  Brutus,  and  one  of  Caesar's 
•.  murderers,  — 42  B.  C. 
Castelli,  Kqs-tel-£,  Ignaz  Friedr,  hum 
.  poet  Ger.,  1781— 
Castiglione,  Kqs-tel-yo-na,   Carlo  Ot- 
,    tavio.  Count,  It.  philol  1795 — 
fcastillio,  Kqs-ttl-yo,  Antonio  F^  Port. 
.\^oet,  lSi).0— 

Castlereagh,    Kas-l-ra,    Robt.    Stevr., 

Brit,  ^t,  1769—1822. 
Castor,  Hds-ioi;  fab  son  of  Jupiter  and 

Castren,  K^s-tren,  M.  Alex.,  lin  and 

ethno  Finland,  1813— 
Catesby,  Mark,  F.U.S.,  nat  Eng.,  1679 

—  1719. 
Catharine  De  Medici,  —  De  Me-de-sg, 

a  French  ptiacess,  1519 — 1589. 
Catharine  Alexievna,  emjjress  Russia, 

from  1725  to  1727. 
Catharine    II.,    empress  Russia,  from 

Catilina,  Kat-i-li-nq,  Lucius   Sergius, 

Roman  tear,  62  B.  C. 
Cato,  Marcus  Fortius,  censor  Rome,  b. 

233  B.  C. 
Catron,  John,  j  U.  S.  Sup.  Ct.,  Tenn. 
Cattermole,  Kat-er-mol,  Geo.,_p<  i^^g., 

Cavaignac,  Ka-van-yak,  Eugene,  Fr. 

gen  and  republican,  1802  — 
Cavendi^'h,    lion.  Henry,    chem  Eng., 

Caxton,  Kaks-ton,  Wm.,  introducer  of 

printing,  Eng.,  1410—1491. 
Cecil,  Se-sil,  William,  Lord  Burleigb, 

Eng.  st,  1521—1598. 
Cecrops,    Se-krops,    Egyptian    found 

Athenian  monarchy,  1556  B,  C. 
Cellini,  fe'el-e-ne,  Benvenuto,  sculp  It., 

Centaurs,  Sen-terz,/aJ  half  men,  balf 

horse,  Thessaly.  [culture. 

Ceres,  Se-rez  fab  the  goddess  of  agri- 
Cervantes  Saavedra,  li.v-vqn-tas  Sq- 

vfid-yq,  Miguel  De,  au  "D  ju  Quixote,' 

(KE-bci-ta,)  Sp.,  1547—1616. 
Cesare,  (j/'e-sq-?'a,  Giuseppe,    Cavalieri 

di,  hist  Italy,  1783— 
Chalmers,  Cam-erz,  Thomas,  D.D.,  L- 

L.D.,  pulpit  or  and  div  Scotland, 

1780— d. 
Chambers,  Gam-berz,  Wm.  and  Robt., 

jyubs  and  essayists,  Scot.,  1800 —  and 

Chambord,    Eam-be/'d,    Henri    Chas., 

Duke  of  Bordeaux,  etc.,  rep  of  tho 

house  of  Bourbon,  1820 — 
Chamier,    Xam-er,    Fred.,  ncv    Eng., 

1796—  [1756— d. 

Champe,    Zomp,    John,   Am.    soldier^ 
Changarnier,  ^an-gqr-ni-a,  Gen.,  gen 

Fr.  Army,  1809- 
Channing,     t^an-ig,    William     Ellery, 

Unitarian  die  and  moral  phil,  R.  1., 

Chantrey,  Sir  Francis,  sculp  and  ben  qf 

art,  Eng.,  1781—1841. 

Personal    Names. 


Chapman,  John  G.,  artist,  Va. 
Chapin,  Rev.  E.  H.,  LL.D.,  pulpit  or 

and  au,  N-Y.,  1814— 
Charlemagne,  Xqr-le-mahy,  k  Fr.  and 

Ger.,  8cn  cen. 
Charles,  name  given   to   numerous  hs 

of  Europe;  the   most   prominent  of 

which  in  history  is  Charles  the  XII., 

of  Sweden,  who  ascended  the  throne 

in  1697,  at  the  age  of  fifteen,  and 

was  killed  1718. 
Charon,  Ka-ron,  fob  ferryman  of  hell. 
Chase,  Gas,  Samuel,  /  U.  S.  Sup.  Ct., 

Md.,  1741—1811.      ' 
Chase,  Salmon  P.,  st  and  gov  Ohio. 
Cbasles,  Xas-la,  Victor  E.  P.,  wr  Fr., 

Chateaubriand,  Sa-to-bri-and,  Fran- 

gois   A.,   Vicomte   De,    French   au, 

Chatham,  Gat-ara,  William  Pitt,  Earl 

of,  or  and  d  Eng.,  1708—1778. 
Chalterton,    Gat-er-ton,    Thomas,    au 

Eng.,  1752—1770. 
Chaucer,   Go-ser,  Geoffrey,   father  of 

English  poetry,  1328—1400. 
Cheever,   liev.   Geo.   B.,  div  and  aw, 

Maine,  1807— 
Chehard,  Xel-qrd,  Andre  H.  J.  B.,  mus 

comp  Fr.,  1789— 
Cherubini,  Sjir-e-bi-ne,  Lugi  C.  Z.  S., 

mus  comp  Fr.,  1760 — 1842. 
Chesterfield,  Philip  D.  Stanhope,  Earl 

of,  xt  Eng.,  1694—1773. 
Chevalier,  Z^v-a-li-a,  Michel.  Fr.  wr, 

1806—  [Fr..  1786 . 

Chevreul,  Xe-vr-el,  M.  Eugene,  chem, 
Choate,  Got,  Rufus,  law  Mass.,  1799 — 
Cbodzko,  y/ud^-kQ,  Jacques   L.,  hist, 

Poland,  1800— 
Chomiakof,  Xom-a-kof,  Alexei  ^.,poet 

and  proM  wr  Rus. 
Chotek,  //u)-tek,  mvscomp  Ger.,  1800 — 
Christina,  Kris-tt-nq,    ^tieen   Sweden, 

from  1633  to  1654,  when  she  resigned. 
Chrysostoin,   Kris-os-tom,  John,  op  of 

Constantinople  in  398,  —407. 
Gibber,  Colley,  comedian,  Eng.,  1671 

Cibrario,  Ge-br^-re-o,  Luigi,   hist  wr 

Fr.,  1802— 
Cicero,  Sis-er-o,  Marcus   Tulliua,  Ro- 
man phil,  or  and  st,  107 — 44  B.  C. 
Cincinnatus,      Sin-sin-a-tus,      Lucius 

Quintus,  Roman  dictator,  456—376 

Ciro',  S?r-8e,  ,/aJ  hn  enchantreM. 
Civiale,  Siv-i-al,  Jean,  sttr  Fr,,  1792 — 
Clair,  Arthur  Ht.,  gtn  Am.  army  1734 


Clairaut,  K\nr-a,  Alexis  C,  math  Fr., 

Clarendon,     Klar-en-don,    Ed.    Hyde, 

Earl  of,  st  and  hid  Eng.,  1G08— 1674. 
Clark,  Wm.,   Am.  st   and   ejcplo  Var., 

Clark,  Dr.  Adam,  lib  coynmen  Ireland, 

Clarke,  Dr.  Samuel,  m^t  div  Eng,  1675 

Clarkson,  Thomas, /lAzVa/i and  at^Eng., 

Claudius,  Kle-di-us,  I.  and  II.,  Roman 

em'Js,  d.  A.  D.  54  and  271. 
Clay,"  Henry,  st  and  or  Ky..  1777—1852. 
Clay,  Cassius  M.,  anti-slavery  speak er, 

Ky.,  1810—  [1773. 

Clayton,  John,  Am.  hot  and  au,  1686— 
Cleanthes,  Kle-an-tez,  stoic  phil  k-ih.- 

ens,  fl.  240  B.  C. 
Clement,  name  of  14  Papal  rulers. 
Cleopatra,  Kle-a-pa-tra,  ^wce/i  Egypt, 

fl.  40  B.  C. 
Clinton,  De  Witt,  gov  N-Y.,  and  dis- 
tinguished for  his  enterprise  in  pub- 
lic improvements,  1769 — 1828. 
Clinton,  Geo.,  gov  N-Y.,  V-Pres.  U.  S. 

to  Thos.  Jefferson  and  Jas.  Madison, 

Clinton,  Henry,  maj-gen  Brit,  army, 

Cloquet,  Klca-ka,  Jules  G.,  Fr.  ph,  1790 
Cobbet,  William,  wr  Eng.,  1762—1835. 
Cobden,  Richard,  M.  V.,free  trade  adv 

Eng.,  1800  — 
Coke,   Sir    Edward,  commen  on   law, 

and  chief  justice,  Eng.,  1552 — 1634. 
Colbert,  Jean  B.,  st  Fr.,  1619—1683. 
Coleridge,  KiJl-rij,  Samuel  Taylor,  poet 

and  niHa  Eng.,  1772—1834. 
Collier,  Kol-yer,  John  Payne,  crit  and 

comptler,  Eng.,  1789 — 
Colton,  Calvin,  cler  and  au  Mass. 
Collins,  Wra.,  poet,  Eng.,  1720-1756. 
Cidumbus,   Christopher,    disc    of    the 

Western  continent,  an  Italian,  1435 

Combe,  Kom,  Andrew,  M.  D.,  m£d  tvr 

and  phren  Scot.,  1797—1817. 
Combe,  Geo.,  champion  of  phil   and 

phren  Scot.,  1788— 
Comte,    K<jmt,    Auguste,    founder   of 

what  is  termed  positive  philosophy, 

Fr.,  1797— 
Condillac,  Kon-del-yak,  Etionne  Bon- 
net De,  meta  Fr.,  1715—1780. 
Condorcet,  Koh-dor-su,  Marie  Jean  A., 

math  and  vol  wr  Fr.,  174:^—1794. 
Confucius,  Kon-fq,-Ji-u8,  ChitxGSQ  phil, 

651  B.  C. 


Personal    Names. 

Congreve,  K6i)-grrv,  Wm.,  foet  and 

humorist,  Etig.,  If)69--1729. 
Constant  De  Kebecque,  Kon-stant  De 

Ke-bak,  IJenj.,  Fr.  pol,  au  And  poet, 

Conitantin,  Abraham,  Swiss  porcelain 

ft,  1783— 
Constantine,  Kon-stan-tjn,  the  Great, 

tirst  Christian  emp  Romans,   272 — 

3;i7  ;   succeeded  by  twelve  others. 
Cook,  Capt.  James,  Brit,  nav,  1728 — 

1779,  killed.  [1812. 

Cooke,  Geo.  Fred.,  tragic  acU/r,  1756 — 
Cooper,  Jas.  Fenimore,  Am.  mrvi  N-J., 

Cooper,  Thos.  Sidney,  art  Eng.,1803— 
Copernicus.  KtJ-per-ni-kuji,  Nicolas,  {^or 

Zepernich,)  ad  Prus.,  1473—1513. 
Corbiere,.  Kor-bi-q,?',  Edward,  ptet  and 

nov  Fr.,  1795— 
Corday,  Kor-da,  Charlotte,  French  re- 
pub  martyr,  1768—1793,  guillotined. 
Corelli,  Ko/'-el-E,  Arcangelo,//M«t/  Ro- 
man school  of  mu^ic,  1653 — 1713. 
Coiiolanua,  Ko-ri-u-la-nus,  C.  Marcius, 

Roman  caijt,  banished  and  killed  as 

Cormenin,  Kor-me-nan,  M.,  -pol  wr  Fr.. 

Corneille,   Kor-na-e,  Pierre,   wr    Fr., 

Cornelius,  Kg/'-na-le-us,  Peter  Von,  art 

Gcr.,  1787 — 
Cornwallis,  Chas.,  Lord,   Brit.  gen.  in 

American  Revolution,  1738 — 1805. 
Correggio,  Ko/--a-jO,j3nt.,  1193— 1534. 
Cortcz,    Ko/'-tat,    Hernando,    Spanish 

conq^  of  Mexico,  1485 — 1547. 
Corwin,  Thomas,  Am.  at  Ohio. 
Ct)rvin  -  Wiersbitzky,    Kor-fen  -  Verz- 

bits-ki,  Otto  J.  B.  Von,  hist  wr  Ger., 

Cotta,  K6t-q,  Bernhard,  geol  Ger.,  1808 
Cousin,  KoQ-sah,  Victor,  metaphil  Fr., 

Couthon,  K(D-ton,  Georges,  French /ac- 

ohin,  1756— guillotined.         [—1800. 
Cowper,  K-s-per,  Wm.,  poet  Eng.,  1731 
Cox,  David,  pi  Eng.,  1783— 
Cntbbe,  Krab,  Geo.,  poet  Eng.,  1754— 

Cranmer,  Thomas,  Eng,  arcJibp,  martyr 

to  protestantism,  1489 — 1555. 
Crawford,  Wm.  Harris,  Am.  it   and  j 

Va.,  1772—1834. 
Crawford,  Thomas,  Am.   sculp  N-Y., 

Cremieux,   Kra-me-e,  M.,   French  leg 

Siud  min  of  Ju6tice, 

Crittenden,  Krit-cn-den,  John  J.,  Am. 

at  Ky.,  b.  about  1792— 
Croesus,  Kre-sus,  rvler  Lydia,  548  B.  C. 
Croker,  John  Wilson,  ^^o^  and  au  Eng., 

1780—  [Ireland. 

Croly,  Rev.  Dr.  Geo.,  poet,  au  and  cler 
Cromwell,  Oliver,  Lord  Protector,  Great 

Britain,  1599-1659. 
Cruden,  Krdb-den,  Alexander,  au  Con- 
cordance Scripture,  1701 — 1770. 
Cruikshank,  Kruk-Jayk,  Geo.,  art  and 

cari  Eng.,  1794— 
Cruveilhier,    Kre-val-i-a,   Jean,    med 

pro/  and  au  Fr.,  1791 — 
Csaplovics,    yop-lo-viq,     Johanr),     au 

Hungary,  1780 — 
Csaszar.  (v'o-sq/-,  Franz,  prose  ivr  and 

poet  Hungary,  1807 — 
Cubitt,  Sir  Wm.,  eugin  Eng.,  1785 — 
Cudworth,     Kud-wurt,     Ralph,     phil 

Eng.,  1617—1688.  [1790. 

Cullen,  Wm.,  M.  D.,  ph  Scot.,  1712— 
Culpeper,  Kul-pep-er,    Thomas,   Lord, 

g(A!  Va.,  — 1719. 
Cupid,  Ki\-pid,  fab  son  of  Mars  and 

Venus;  the  god  of  love,  smiles,  &c. 
Curran,  Kur-an,  John  Philpot,  bar,  or 

and  piatiiut,  Ireland,  1750 — 1817. 
Curti.<,  George  W.,  Am.  au  and  led 

Curtius,  K(or-ti-us,  Ernst,  arcTiot  Ger., 

Curtius,  George.  jP^e7o^  Ger.,  1820 — 
Cusa,  Ke-sq,  Nicholas  De,  astr,  1401 — 

1464.  ' 
Custine,  Kes-tcn,  Aristolphe,  Marquig 

de,  French  nov,  poet  and  irai',  1793 — 
Cuvier,  Ke-vi-a,  Georges  Leopold  Ch. 

Fred.,  nat  Fr.,    1769-1832.     (The    distingui.-hed    naturalist    the 

world  ever  produced.) 
Cybulski,  Tsib-ul-ski,  Adelbert,  Scla- 

vic  au,  1812 — 
Cyclops,  Si-klops,  fah  Vulcan's  work- 
men, with  only  one  eye,  in  the  mid- 
dle of  their  forehead. 
Cynthia,   Sin-ti-a,   poetically  applied 

to  the  moon. 
Cypria,  Sip-ri-a.  Cytherea,  Si6-£-re-a, 

fab  titles  of  Venus. 
Cyrus,  Sj-rus,  ft/und  ancient   Persian 

empire,  —530  B.  C. 
Czartoryiski,    Cqr-tor-i-£s-k«,   Adam, 

Prince,  Polish  nob'Ax\d patri<,t,\n{) — 
Czerny,Tser-ni,  Karl,  compGer.,  1791 — 
Czefz,   Tsets,  Johaun,  Hungarian  au, 

Czuczor,   TsoQ-t'csr,    Geo.,    Hungarian 

prose  wr,  poet  and  lin,  1800 — 

Personal    Names. 



Daguerre,  Da-ga?*,  L.  J.  M.,  pt  and  in- 

venter  of  Daguerreotyping,  Fr.,  1789 

—1851.  [1788 . 

Dahl,   Dql,   Johann  C.  C,    l-pt  Nor., 
Dahl,  Dql,  Waladimir  I.,  au  Rus. 
Dahl  born,   Dql-born,  Anders  G.,  ento 

Swed.,  1808  — 
Dahlmann,  Dql-mqn,  Fred.  Christoph, 

prof  hist  and  pol  science,  at  Bonn, 

Ger.,  17&5— 
D'Alembert,     Dal-am-ber,     Jean    Le 

Rond,  math  and  ast  Fr.  1717—1783. 
Dallas,  Dal-as,  George  M.,  Am.  st  and 

min  Pa.,  1792— 
Dalton,  Dol-ton,  John  D.  C.  L.,  chem 

and  math  Eng.,  1767— 18U. 
Damon,     Da-mon,    Pythagorean   phil 

and  friend  of  Pytbiag. 
Darapier,  Dam-per,  Wm.  nav  and  nat 

Eng.,  1652~d. 
Dana,   Da-na,  Francis  LL.  D.,  Am.  st 

Mass.,  1742—1811. 
Dana,  Richard  H..  son  of  F.  D.,  poet 

and  nov  Mass..  1787^ 
Dana,  Richard  H.  jr.,  son  of  R.  H.  D., 

laio  and  aw  Mass.     [Fr..  1800 . 

Dantan,   Dan-tan,    Jean-Pierce,   sculp 
Dante.  Dan-ta,  Alighieri,  It.  poet,  1265 

Danton,  Dan-ton,   Georges  Jacques,  st 

and  demagogue,  Fr.,  1759 — 179-i. 
D'Antonelle,     Dan-ton-el,    Pierre    A., 

Marquis,  Fr.  pat,  1747— ex.  1819. 
Darius,   Da-ri-us,   three  ks  of  Persia, 

404  B.  C. 
Darley.  Di^r-li,  Felix  0.  C,  art  of  N- 

Y.  City,  born  in  Phila.  1822— 
Da'-win,    D(^r-win,    Erasmus,  poet  and 

ba  Eng.,  1731—1802. 
Daubenton,  Do-ban-ton,    Louis  J.  M. 

anat  and  nat  Fr.,  1716—1799. 
D'Aubigne,  Do-ben,  J.  H.  Merle,  prM., 

the  school,  Geneva,  and  au  History 

of  the  Roforraation. 
Daumer,  l)ii-mer,  Geo.  Fred,  phil  tor 

Ger.,  1800— 
Daumier,  D6-mi-A,  Henri,  Fr.  cara<'a- 

ttiriet,  1810.  [1748—1825. 

David,  Da-vcd.  Jacques  Louis,  vt  Fr., 
David,  Pierre  Jean,  scuh)  Fr.,  1793 — 
David,  Folicien,  m.'us  mmp  Fr.,  1810 — 
David,  Ferdinand,  xiol  Ger.,  1810 — 
Davis    Da-vis,    Andrew  Jackson,  seer 

and  clair  N-Y..  1826— 
Davy,    Da-vi,     Sir    Humphry,    Bart., 

chcm  phil  Eng.,  1778—1829. 

Dawson,  De-son,  Geo.,  Jec  Eng.,  1821 — 
Deane,  Den,  Silas,  U.  S.  min  to  Fr., 

Dearborn,  Der-born,  Henry,  m^afor  gen 

U.  S.  army,  N-H.,  1751—1829. 
Decamps,    Da-kamp,    Alex.  G.,  a   Fr. 

genre  and  l-pt  1803— 
Decatur,  De-ka-tur,    Stephen,  com  U. 

S.  Navy,  Md.,  1759—1820. 
De  Foe,  De  Fo,  Daniel,  au  "Robinson 

Crusoe," 'etc.,  Eng.,  1661—1731. 
Deger,  Dk-her,  Ernst,  pt  Ger.,  1809. 
Dehn,  Dan,  Siegfried  W.,  Ger.  wr  on 

the  theory  of  mus,  1799. 
Delaine,    De-lan,    John,  jour  and   ed 

"  London  Times." 
Delambre,    De-lam-br,    M..    astr  Fr., 

1749—1822.'  [1797 . 

Delaroche,    De-lar-oJ,     Paul,    pt   Fr., 
Demetrius.  De-me-tri-us,  phil  Athens, 

284  B.  C.  ^  [Thrace,  460  B.  C. 

Democritus,     De-mok-ri-tus,    phil   of 
Demoivre,  De-mw6-vr,  Eng.  math  and 

au  1667—1754.  [ens,  370  B.  C. 

Demosthenes,  De-mos-ten-ez,  or  Ath- 
Denman,  Den-man,  Ijord  Thomas,  Eng. 

j  and  legis,  1779 — 1854. 
Denmark,  Den-mqrk,  Charles  Christian 

Frederick,  King  of,  1808— 
Derby,  Der-bi,  Edward  Geof.  S.  Stan- 
ley, sttug.,  1799— 
Descartes,     Da-kqrt,     Rene,  met  phil 

Fr.,  1596—1650. 
Desmoulins,  Da  moo -Ian,  Benedict  Ca- 

mille,  Fr.  repnh  or  and  martyr,  1762 

—1794.  [City,  1794 . 

Dewey,  Dq-i.  Orville,  1).  D.,  div  Wa«h. 
Do  Quincey,  De  Kwin-si,  1homa.i,  phil 

wr  of  Eng. 
De  La  Beche,    D9  La  Bee,    Sir  Henry 

Thomas,  qeol  Eng.,  1796— 
Diagoras,   f)i-ag-o-ras,    surnamed  the 

Atheist, // 412  B.  C. 
Dick,    Dik,   Thomas,    LL.   D.,  wr   on 

pop  science,  Sc^t,,  1772 — 1857. 
Dickens,  Dik-enz,  Chas.,  Eng.  aw,  1812 — 
Dickinson,  Dik-in-son,   Daniel  S.,  pol 

of  N-Y.,  1800— 
Diderot,  Did-er-o,  Dionysius.  Fr.  poet 

and  tor  on  physics,  1713—1784. 
Didot,  De-dca,  Firman,  inv  of  Stereo- 
typing, Fr.,  1761-1836. 
Didymus,    Did-i-mus,    of  Alexandria, 

wr  4r,h  century. 
Diez,  Dcts,  Friedr.  Christian, /own  of 

romance,  phUol  Ger.,  1794. 


Personal   Names. 

Dilke,  Dilk,  Charles  Went.,  once  ed 
and  now  pmpri  of  the  London  "Ath- 
enaeum," 1789 — 

Pilworth,  Dil-wurt,  Thoma?,  teacJier 
and  compiler  of  school-books,  Eng., 

Dingelstedt,  Dig-el-stedt,  Franz,  poet 
of  Ger.,  18U— 

Dioclesian,  Dj-o-kle-Ji-an,  Cains  Val- 
erius, Roman  emp  who  persecuted 
Christians,  233—314. 

Diodorus  Sieulus,  Dj.-ca-d6-rus  Sik-yn- 
lus,  hist  Sicily,  fl  in  the  times  of 
Caesar  and  Augustus. 

Diogenes,  Dj-oj-en-ez,  phil  Babylon, 
200  B.  C. 

Diogenes,  the  Cynic,  an  austere  pliil, 
who  for  a  time  lodged  in  a  tub,  b.  413 
B.  C. 

Dionysius,  Dj-o-niJ-i-us,  L,  tyrant  of 
Sicily,  died  366  B.  C. 

Dionysius,  Halicarnassensis,  hist  and 
critic  of  antiquity.  [1766—1848. 

D'Israeli,  Diz-ra-el-j,,  au  Eng., 

D'Lsraeli,  (sometimes  written  Disraeli,) 
Benj.,  au  and  chancellor  of  exche- 
quer, Eng,.  1805— 

Doddridge,  Dod-rij,  Philip,  D.  D.,  die 
Eng,,  1702-1751. 

Donizetti,  Don-idz-et-E,  Gaetano,  mus 
Cf/mp  It.,  1798—1848. 

Dorn,  Dorn,  Heinrich  Lud.  E.,  mus 
comp  Ger.,  1804 — 

Doughty,  D<f)t-i,  Thomas,  Am.  l-pt 
Pa.,  1793- 

Douglas,  Diig-las,  Frederick,  ed  and  or, 
who  was  a  slave  until  21  years  old, 
N-Y.  [1813—^ 

Douglas,  Stephen  Arnold,  pol  111. 
Dow,  D-s,  Gerard,  Dutch  genre  pt,  1613 

—1680.  [er,  —1834. 

Dow,  Lorenzo,  an  eccentric  Am.  preach- 
Dozy,     D6ts-i,     Reinhart,    orientalid 

Ger.,  1820 .  [1546—1596. 

Drake,  Drak,    Sir  Francis,  Eng.  nav, 

Drake,  Friedrich,  tcvlp  Ger.,  1805 — 
Draper,   Drap-er,   John  Wm.,  ph  and 

cUm  N-y.,  1811— 
Draysen,   Dra-sen,    Job.   Gustav,  Ger. 

hid,  1808—  [—1700. 

Dryden,  Drj-den,  John,  poet  Eng..  1631 
Dubner.  D(f>b-ner,  Frederick,  phil  and 

cW^tc  Ger.,  1802—  [1805 . 

Duchatel,     DeJ-a-tel,     M.,    min    Fr., 
Ducpetiaux,  Dek-pa-to,  Edouard,  Bel- 
gian philan  and  wr  1804 — 
Duller,  Dial-er,  Edouard,  poet,  nov  and 

hist  Ger.,  1809— 
Dumas,    De-mq,,   Jean  Baptiste,  clum, 

Fr.,  1800—  [1803 . 

Dumas,  Alexander,  dram  and  nov  Fr., 
Dumont  D'Urville,     De-raoh    Der-vel, 

Jules  S.  C,  Fr.  nav  1791—1842. 
Duncker,    Ddbii-ker,    Max.   Wolfgang, 

Ger.  hist  1812— 
Dunglison,  Diifl-gli-son,  R.,  M.  D.,  LL. 

D.,  prof  mat  med,  au,  etc..  Pa.,  born 

Eng.,  1798— 
Dunlap,  Ddn-lap,  Wra.,  Am.  art  and 

wr  N-J.,  1760—1839. 
Duntzer,  DAnts-er.  Job.  Ileinr.  Joseph, 

Ger.  philol  and  hid  1813 — 
Dupin,  De-pah,  Andre  M.  J.  J.,  st  Fr., 

a  champion  of  the  middle  classes. 
Dupont  Do  L'Eure,     De-poh  De  Ler, 

d  Fr.,  1770— 
Dupont,  Pierre,  poet  Fr.,  1826 — 
Dupuytren,  De-pei-tran,  Wm.,  Baron, 

sur  Fr.,  1777—1835. 
Duran,  DiJb-rqn,   Augustin,  Sp.  critic, 

Durand,    Ddi-ri^nd,    Asher  Brown,  art 

and  pres  of  the  National  Academy 

of  design,  N-J.,  1796— 
Durer,  Doo-rar,  Albrecht,  Ger.  pt  1471 

Dwight,  Dwjt,  Timothy,  S.  T.  D.,  LL. 

D.,  poet,  au  and  pres  Yale  College, 

1752-1818.  [1797 . 

Dyce,    Djs,    Alex.,  Eng.    au  and   ed 


Eastlake,  8st'lak,  Sir  Charles  liockjpt 
Eng.,  1800— 

Eckersberg,  Ek'erz-berg,  Christoph 
Wilhehn,  hid  pt  Deri.,  1783— 

Edgeworth,  Ej'wurt,  Richard  Lovell, 
2)hil  and  inventor  of  the  old  tele- 
graph, 1744—1817. 

Edgeworth,  Maria,  daughter  of  above, 
au  Eng.,  1767—1849. 

Edmonds,  Ed'inondz.  Francis  W.,  JanA;- 
er  and  art  N-Y.,  1806— 

Edmondson.  Ed'mond-son,  Joseph,  her- 
aldic wr  Eng.,  —1786. 

Edward,  Ed'ward,  name  of  numerous 
Saxon  kings.  [div  au  — 1758. 

Edwards,    Ed'wardz,    Jonathan,    Am. 

Edwards,  .Jonathan,  D.  D.,  son  of  the 
above,  scholar,  iheo  and  wr  — 1801. 

Personal   Names. 


Egerton,  Ej'er-ton,  Francis,  earl  of 
Ellesmere,  au  a.nd  patron  of  the  arts, 
Eng.,  18()0—  [1781 . 

Eichhorn,  ^k'hern,  Karl  Fried.,  st  Ger., 

Elizabeth,  ^-liz-a-bet,  queen  of  Eng., 
1533— 160:5.  Also  the  name  of  other 
European  queens. 

Ellenborough,  El'en-bur-o.  Ewd.  Law, 
Lord,  Eng.  law  and  j,  1748—1818. 

Ellery,  El'er  i,  Wua.,  ftigmr  Dec.  of 
lad.,  rnemol  Cong.  R.  I.,  1727—1820. 

Elliot,  El'i-ot,  Charles  L.,  Am.  por-pt 
N-Y.,  1822— 

Ellis,  El'is,  John,  nat  Eng.,  1710—1776. 

Ellis,  Alex.  John,  one  of  the  inventors 
of  the  phonetic  alphabet,  and  a 
pAj7o?,  Eng.,  18  — 

Ellsworth,  Elz'wurt,  Oliver,  LL.  D., 
chief  jmt ice  Sup.  Ct.  U.  S.,  Conn., 

Emerson,  Em'er-son,  Ralph  Waldo, 
Am.  meta  und  au  Mass.,  1803 — 

Emmet,  Era'et.  Robert,  repuh  and 
martyr,  Jr.,  1780— ex,  1803. 

Emmet,  Thomas  Addis,  law  and  or  Ir., 
latterly  of  X-Y.,  1761-1827. 

Encke,  Ei)k'a,  Johann  Franz,  a^r  di- 
rector of  the  Royal  Observatory,  and 
Secretary  of  the  Academy  of  Scien- 
ces, Berlin,  Prus.,  1791 — 

Engelbrecht,  E{]'el-b/-ekt,  John,  Ger. 
vUinnary  1519 — 1612. 

Epictetus  Ep-Jk-tg-tus.  phil  and  au 
of  great  humility,  born  68  A.  D. 

Epicurus,  Ep-i-ki^-rus,  phil  who  taught 
that  the  happiness  of  man  consists 
in  pleasure,  born  310  B.  C. 

Epimenides,  Ep-i-men-i-dez,  anc  poet 
and  phil,  Greece,  B.  C. 

Erasmus.  S-raz-mus,  Desiderius,  schol 
and  aa  IIol.,  1167—1536. 

Erebus,  Er'e-ba=!,/a^  an  infernal  deity, 
son  of  Chaos  and  No.x;  river  of  hell. 

Ericsson,  Er'ik-son,  John,  Swed.  mech- 
anician, inventor  (in  U.  S.)  of  a 
"coloric  engine,"  1803 — 

Erostratus,  S-ros-tra-tus,  fab,  he  who, 
to  perpetuate  his  name,  set  fire  to 
the  celebrated  temple  of  Diana  at 

Erskine,  Ers'kin,  Thomas,  Baron,  law 
and  or  Scot.,  1748—1823. 

Eschenmayer,  Ej'en-mir,  C.  A.,  proff 
phil,  and  au,  Ger.,  —1822. 

Espartero,  3s-pqr-ta-ro,  General,  ex- 
regent  of  Sp. 

Etty,  Et'i,  Wm.  R.  A.,  pt  of  Eng., 

Euler,  YiVler,  Leonard,  analist,  posthu- 
mous wron  math,  and  physical  scien- 
ces, Fr.,  1707—1783. 

Euclid,  Yix-klid,  math  and  ad,  when 
born,  and  in  what  country,  we  have 
no  account:  but  \\o,fl  about  277  B.  C, 

Eunomius,  Yi\-n6-mi-ns,  /(run,  of  a 
Christian  sect,  died  394. 

Euripides,  Yu-rip-i-dez,  Gr.  poet  240 
B.  C.  [Orpheus. 

Eurydice,  Yi|-rid-i-se,  fab,  the  wife  of 

Eusebius,  Yi^-SE-bi-us,  Pamphilus, 
eco  hist,  Palestine,  bishop  of  Caesarea, 
died  in  338. 

Eustaohius,  lI-cD-sta-ke-us,  or  Yix-sta- 
ke-us,  Bartholomew,  It.  anat,  — 1570. 

Eutropius,  Yix-tro-pi-us,  Flavins,  It. 
sophiH  and  hist,  f I  364. 

Evadne,  g-vad-ng,  daughter  of  Mars 
and  Thebe,  who  threw  herself  on  the 
funeral  pile  of  her  husband  Cataneus, 
from  affection. 

Evelyn,  Ev'e-lin,  John,  nat  and  wr  on 
archi.  and  numismatics,  Eng.,  1620 

Everett,  Ev'er-et,  Edward,  Am.  or, 
schol  and  dip,  Mass.,  1794 — 

Ewbank,  Yi'i-bank,  Thomas,  wr  on 
prac.  mechanics,  and  U.  S.  com.  of 
patents,  N-Y.,  1792— 

Exmouth,  Eks'mut,  Edward,  Pellew, 
Lord,  com  Br.  navy,  1757—1832. 

Eyck.  ilk,  Hubcr  and  John  Van,  pti 
of  Bruges,  14th  con. 


Fabriclus  Fq-bre-ki-us,  Jean  Chro., 
Ger.  entn,  1742—1807. 

Fahrenheit,  F^-ren-hjt,  Gibriel  D,, 
phil  and  inventor  of  the  Thermome- 
ter and  Barometer.  Prus.,  1686—1736. 

Fairfax,  F4r-fak3,  Ewd.,  'poetv^xA  class- 
ic trans,  Eng.,  — 1632. 

Fairfax,  Thomas,  Lord,  officer  ia  the 

times  of  the parlimentary  revolution, 

Falconer,  Fql-kon-er,  \V.,  Eng.  cJtem 
and  disc  of  the  property  of  carboaio 
acid  gas,  1743—1824. 

Fallopius,  Fal-6-pi-ua,  Gabriel,  ;>/t,W, 
anat  and  dis  of  what  are  called  "Fal- 
lopian tubes,"  Modena,  1490— 15C3. 


Personal    Names. 

Faraday,     F4,r-a-da,     Michael,    Eng. 

chem  1794—  [1779—1853. 

Farrar,  Far-qr,  John,  Am.  math  Mass,, 
Fatio   Duiller,     F4-si-o    Del-ye,     N., 

mack  and  art  Fr.,  166-1—1753.' 
Faucher.  F<a-J^r,    Leon,  ex-min  of  Fr. 
Faust,   Fest,   John,  theo  and  chem  of 

Ger.,  15th.  Can. 
Faustus  or  Fust,  Fda-tus  or  Fust,  John, 

one  of  the  inventors  of  printing,  in 

1480,  in  Ger.,  —1466. 
Fellenberg,      Fel-en-berg,       Philippe 

Emanuel  De.  agri,  bene  of  Edu.,  and 

au  Switz.,  1771 — d. 
Fenelon,    Fan-a-16n,    (or    Fen-e-lon,) 

Francis  Do  S.  De  La  Motte,  priest 

/and  au  Fr..  1651—1684.    . 
Ferdinand,  Fer-di-nand,  titile  of  sev- 
eral emps  of  Ger.,  and  kg  of  Sp. 

Ferguson,  Fer-gi^-son,  Adam,  phil  and 
an  Scot.,  1724—1816.  [1774. 

Ferguson,  Robert,  priet  of  Scot.,  1750 — 

Format,  Fer-m^,  Pierre,  Fr.  math 

Fessenden,  Fes-en-den,  Thomas  G.,  an 
N-H.,  177L— 1837.         [Congress,  Me. 

Fessenden,  Wm.   Pitt,  st  and  mem  of 

Feuillee,  FiDly-a,  horns,  n<it  Fr., — 1732. 

Fichte,  FiA-ta,  Johanu  Gut.,  m^eta 
pJiil  Ger.,  1762—1814. 

Fielding,  Feld-ig,  Henry,  nov  and 
dram  poet  Eng.,  1706—1754. 

Filicaija,  Fil-e-kq-e-yq,  Vincenzo,  Da, 
poet  Florence,  1642—1707. 

Fillmore,  Fil-mor,  Millard,  F-Pres  U. 
S.,  with  Gen.  Taylor,  after  whose 
death  he  served  as  Pres.,  bet.  1850 
and  1853,  b.  1800— 

Finiquerra,  Fin-gk-rq,  Tommasn,  the 
zfiv  of  metal  plate  printing,  Florence, 

Fitch,  F\q,  John,  tnv  of  the  steamboat, 
Conn.,  1743— 1798.  [1646-1719. 

Flamsteed,  Flam-sted,  John,  astr  Eng., 

Flaxman,  Flaks-man,  John,  sculp  Eng., 

Fleischer,  Flj-Jer,  Heinr.  Leber.,  prof 
oriental  lang.,  Leipzig,  Ger.,  1801  — 

Fletcher,  Fleq-er,  John  and  F.  Beau- 
mont, dram  wrs  Eng.,  1579 — 1616, 
1585—1625.  [1760—1814. 

Flinders,  Flin-derz,  Mathaw,  Eng.  nav 

Flora,  Flio-ra./aft,  goddess  of  flowers. 

Flores,  Flci-rez,  General  Don  Juan 
Jose,  founder  and  preserver  of  the 
republic  of  Ecuador,  1800  — 

Fludd,  Flud,  Robert,  Eng.  ph  and 
Rosicrucian  phil,  1574 — 1637. 

Fonblanque,  Fon-blank,  Albany,  jour 
Eng.,  1800— 

Fontaine,  Fon-tan,   Jean  De  La,  poet 

and  wr  Fr.,  1621—1695. 
Foiiteneile,  Foh-ta-nel,  Bernard  Le  B. 

De,  III  savant  and  math  Fr.,  1657 — • 

1757.  [1640. 

Ford,  Ford,  John,  dram  Eng.,  1586 — 
Forrest.    For-est,    Edwin,   Am.   acUir, 

Pa.,  1806— 
Forster.  Fers-ter,  John  Reinhold,  nat, 

philol  and  geog  Prussia,  1729 — 1798. 
Forster,  John,   au  and  jour^  ed  of  the 

Examiner,  Eng.,  1812 — 
Forster,  Fer-ster,  Ernst  J.,  art  and  wr 

Ger.,  1800— 
Fortuna,    Fer-ti],-na,  fah    goddess    of 

happiness,  &c.,  said  to  be  blind. 
Fosbrooke,  Fos-briak,    Rev.  Tii.  Dud- 
ley,   antiq  wr   and   Saxon   scholar, 

Eng.,  1770—1842. 
Foscolo,  Fos-ko-Jo,  Ugo,  It.  poet,  dram 

wr  and  lit  savant,  1776—1827. 
Fourier,  F(6-ri-a.  Charles,  socialist  and 

au  Fr.,  1772—1837. 
Fox,  Foks,  W.  J.,  an  Eng.  pol  and  led 

Fox,  Chas.  James,  st  Eng.,  1749— 1806. 
Fox,    George,  fvtind  of  the  Society  of 

Friends,  Eng..  1624—1690. 
Francia,  F/'qn-ce-q,  Ruiboliui,  «<  of  It., 

Francia,  Frqn-se-q,  Don  Gasper  R.  De, 

dictator  of  Paragua,  1757—1840. 
Francis,  Fran-sis,  I.,  II.,  etc.,  empsGar,, 

and  hs  of  Fr.,  from  15th  to  the  19th 

Francis,  Philip,  clas  trans,  trage,  and 

pol  wr  Eng.,  —1773. 
Francis,  Fran-sis,  John  W.,  M.  D.,  LL. 

D.,  ph  and  jned  wr  N-Y.,  1789— 
Franklin,  Frayk-lin,  Benj.  Am.  m(/ral- 

id,  phil,  and  d,  signer  Dec.  of  Ind,^ 

Pa.,  born  in  Boston,  1706—1790. 
Franklin,  Frai)k-lin,  Sir  John,  Eng.  Art- 
ie nav,  1786 — per.  Arc.  reg,,  1852-4. 
Frauenhofer,  Fr-s-en-huf-er,  Jos.  Von, 

optician  and  phil  Ger.,  1787—1826. 
Frederick,  Fred-er-ik,  IL,  k  of  Prussia, 

called  Frederick  the  Great,  b.  1712, 

began  to  reign  1740,  died  1786  ;  thia 

is  also  the  title  of  numerous  German 

emperors  from  the   12th  to  the  14ih. 

cen.,  also  of  other  Eu.  monarchies. 
Freiligrath,    Frj-li-grqt,   Ferd,  poet  of 

Ger.,  1810- 
Fremont,  Fre-mont,  John  C,  exfjlorer 

and  contr  to  the  Physical   Sciences, 

Cal.,  1813—  [1675-1728. 

Friend,    John,   ph  and  med  wr  Eng., 
Frisi,    Fre-se,    Paolo,    math  phil   and 

astr  au  Milan,  1727—1784. 

Personal     Names. 


Frobisher,  Fro-biJ-er,  Sir  Martin,  Eng. 

nav  — 1594. 
Frost.  Frost,  John,  off  Am.  army,  Me,, 

173S— 1810. 
Frost,  Frost.  Wra.  Ed^pt  Enj;.,  1810— 
Fry,  Frj,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  philan  Eng., 

1780— 18U. 
Fiihrich,   Fe-rik,  or  Fe-rik,  Jos.,  Itist 

pt  Orer.,  1800— 

Fulton,  Fiil-ton,  Robert,  Ara.  engin, 
and  first  to  practically  apply  steam 
to  vessels.  Pa.,  1765—1815. 

Furies,  VCi-riz,  fah,  the  three  daughters 
of  Nox  and  Acheron,  with  hair  com- 
posed of  snakes,  and  armed  with 
whips,  chains,  &c. 

Furness,  Fiir-nes,  Rev.  Dr.  Wm.  Henry, 
div  and  wr  Fa. 


Gaertner,  G^rt-ner,  Joseph,  hot  Ger., 

Gagern,   Gq-Aern,  Baron   Hein.   Von, 

premier  min  Ger.,  1799 — 
Gainsborough,     Ganz-bur-o,     Thomas 

R.  A.,  pt  Eng.,  1727—1788. 
Galen,    GA-len,    Claudian,    Greek  ph, 

sur,  and  au  of  500  books  on  physic, 

l:U— 201. 
Guliano,  Gq-le-q-no,  Don    A.  A.,   ?'^- 

vieu>^j)ain,  pitet  and  or  Sp.,  1789 — 
Galileo,  Gal-i-le-o,   Galilei,   astr   and 

invehter  of  the  telescope,  Italy,  1561 

Gall,  Gq,l,  Francis  .Joseph,  fourJL  Phre- 
nology, Ger.,  1753  — 1828. 
Gallatin,  Albert,  st  Pa.,  1761—1849. 
Galvani,    Gal-\-q,-ne,    Luigi,    p/i    and 

physitil,  and  disc  galvanism,   Italy. 

1737— 179S. 
Gama,  Gq-mq,,  Vasco  De,  nav  Portu- 
gal, — 1525. 
Gambart,  Gim-b^r,   Jean   F.  A.,  astr 

France,  1800  —  183;). 
Gans,  Gqns,  Edward,  jiiriet  and  legal 

au  Prussia,  1798—1839. 
Garcia   Gutierrez,   Gq/'-te-q  Goo-te-a- 

ret,  Don  Antonio,  dram  Sp.,  1813— 
Garden,  Alex.,  bot  and  zool  Soot.,  1730 

—  1791. 
Garnett,  Dr.  Thos.,  Eng.  ph  and  not 

pkil,  1766-1802. 
Garrick,  David,  actor  Eng.,  1716—1779. 
G.irrison,    Wm.    Lloyd,    leader  of  the 

Abolition  party,  and  ed  •'  Liberator," 

Gartner,    Friedr.   Von,   arch   and   wr 

G.jr.,  1792— 
Oassendi,  Ga-sahd,  Pierre,  meta  phil 

Fr.,  1592-1655. 
Gates,   llonitio,    maj-gen  Am.   army, 

Va.,  1728-1808. 
Gatterer,  Gq-ti'ir-er,  John  Chris.,  Ger. 

hint,  —1799. 
Oauis,  Gtjs,  ad  Ger.,  1777—1855. 


Gavard,  Ga-v(^rd,  Hyacinthe,  anat 
France,  1753-1802. 

Gavarni.  Gu-vqr-ii£,  the  nnm  de  crayon 
of  a  French  artist,  1801 — 

Gavazzi,  Ga-vqt-se,  Padre  A.,  Italian 
church  ref,  1809- 

Gay,  JohuJ)allad  tor  Eng.,  1688 -1732. 

Giy  Lus-iac,  Ga  Le-sak,  N.  F.,  chem, 
and  diseoveror  of  chemical  princi- 
ples and  compounds,  Fr.,  — 1850. 

Gad,  Wm.,  iiiv  stereotyping,  Eng.,  — 

Genii,  ii-x\\-\,  fab  guardian  angels. 

Geolfroy,  Xa-of-r-w6,  Stephen  F.,  ph 
and  chem  Fr.,  1672—1731. 

Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire,  —  Siin  Hil-4r, 
Etienne,  z<xjI  Fr.,  1772—1844. 

George,  name  of  several  ks  Eng.,  from 
16th  to  18th  centuries. 

Gerando,  Xa-rand,  Marie  Joseph  De, 
French  meta,  1772-1842, 

Gerard,  jE-;'qrd,  Alex.,  div  and  eesa 
Scot.,  1728—1795. 

Gericault,  Xi^r-e-ku)l,  Jean  L.  T.  A.,  pt 
Fr.,  1790-1824. 

Germany,  J-B.  Joseph  Scbastin,  Arch- 
duke of  Austria,  Ex-Regeufe  of, 

Gerry,  Jer-i,  Elbridge,  V-Pres,  U,  S. 
to  Jas.  Madison;  Miiss,,  1741—1814. 

Gesenius,  Ges-a-ne-us,  Fred,  ILmry 
Wm.,  philol  and  ori  scholar  Ger,, 
1786—1812,  [Nova  Scotia, 

Gesner,  Jes-ner,  Abraham,  M.  D.,  geol 

Ghiborti,  Ge-ber-tg,  Lorenzo,  Floren- 
tine sculp,  1381—  1455, 

Giardini,  Jqr-de-ue,  Felice,  vial  Eng., 

Girardin,  Xir-qr-daii,  Eraile  De,  jour^ 
and  ed  "La  Presse,"  Paris,  1802 — 

Giriirdin,  Saint-Marc,  j(/ur  and  au  Fr., 
1800  — 

Gibbon,  Edward,  ;«W  Eng.,  1737— 1794. 

Gibbons,  Grinling,  carver  in,  wood, 
Holland.  1648-172U 


Personal    Names. 

Gibbons,   Orlando,    mus    comp    Enoj., 

Gibson,  John,  sculp  Eng.,  1790  — 
Gifford,  Wm.,  iJoet  and  ed  Eng.,  1756 

Gilbert,  Wm.,  Eng.  ph  and  exper  phil, 

Gilfillan,  Rev.  George,  critic  and  au 

Scot.,  1813— 
Gil  y  Zarale,  IM  e  Rqr-^-ta,  Don  An- 
tonio, Sp.  poet  and  dram,  1793 — 
Gioberti,  Ja-be/'-te,  Viucento,  Italian 

?v/and  au,  1803  — 
Girard,  Jir-qri,  Stephen, />^«c?  "Gir- 

ard  College,"  Phila.,Pa.,  1746—1831. 
Gladstone,  Ut.  Hon.  Wm.  E.,  Eng.  at, 

Glauber,     Gl^-ber,    John     Randolph, 

Ger.  exp  chein,  16th  cen. 
Gleig,  Gieg,  Rev.  Geo.  Rubt.,  Eng.  au. 

Gleim,  Glim,  Fred.  Wm.  Louis,  poet 

Ger.,  1719—1813. 
Glendower,  Owen,   last  prince  Wales, 

Gluek,    Christoph,    comp   mue    Ger., 

17U— 1787. 
Godwin,  God-win,  William,   ref,  essa, 

au,  etc.,  Eng.,  1766—1836. 
Godwin,  Mary  WoUstonecraft,   wr  on 

"rights  of  women,"  and  on  morals, 

educa.  and  pol.,  1768—1797. 
Godwin,  Parke,  Am.  e^sa  N-Y. 
Goethe,  Ge  te,  Johann  Wolfgang  Yon, 

Ger.  poet  and  au,  1749 — 1833. 
Goldsmith,  Oliver,  Brit,  poet  and  prose 

wr,  1728—1774. 
Goodall,  Fred.,  Eng.  pt,  1822— 
Goodrich,    Samuel    G.,    au    and   pnb 

Conn.,  1800— 
Gordon,    Lord    Georgo,   a    factious   d 

Eng.,  1750 — 1793,  died  in  Newgate 

prison.  [ — 1827. 

Gore,  Christopher,  Am.  st  Mass.,  1758 
Gorgey,  Gor-ge-y,  Arthur,  Hungarian 

gen,  1818— 
Gorgons, — Medusa,  Euryale,  and  Sthe- 

no,  fab,  who  could  change  into  stone 

those  upon  whom  they  looked. 
Goszezynski,     GoJ-qins-ki,     Seweryn, 

Polish  poet,  1803— 
Gough,  Gof,  Am.  temperance  lee. 
Gould,  Gold,  John,  Eng.  (/rniih,  1804 — 
Gower,  John,  Eng.  law  and  poet,  1320 

Graberg,  Yon  Hemso,    G^'a-beT'g   Fon 

Hem-so,  Jacob,  Swedish  au,  1776  — 
Gnicchi,    Griik-j,    The,    Tiberius    and 

Caius,  brothers,  elected   tribunes  of 

the  Roman  people,  secured  a  law  by 

which  all  persons  possessing  more 
than  500  acres  of  land,  should  yield 
the  surplus  for  the  benefit  of  the 
poor  citizens.  Both  suffered  violent 
deaths  by  their  enemies,  133  and 
121  B.  C. 

Graham,  Sir  James  Robt.  Geo.,  Bart., 
Eng.  St,  1792— 

Gramont,  Gra-mon,  name  of  an  illus- 
trious French  family. 

Granville,  G.  G.  L.  Gower,  Earl,  Eng. 
st,  1815— 

Grattan,  Grat-an,  Henry,  Irish  st  and 
law,  1750—1820. 

Gray,  Thomas,  Eng.  poet,  1716—1771. 

Gray,  Asa,  M.  D.,  nat  and  jp?//  at 
Cambridge,  Mass.,  1810 — 

Greece,  Otho  I.,  King  of,  1815— 
crowned  1832. 

Greeley,  Horace,  jour,  and  chief  ed 
"N-Y.  Tribune,"  1811— 

Greene,  Nathaniel,  maj-gen  U.  S.  ar- 
my, R.  I.,  1742— 178j. 

Greenough,  Gren-o,  Horatio,  Am.  sct/?^ 
Mass.,  1805—1852. 

Gregory,  an  illustrious  Scotch  family 
name,  as  well  as  names  of  numerous 
popes  and  saints  of  Rome. 

Gregory,  O,  Gilbert,  LL.D.,  matli  and 
au  Eng.,  1774—1841. 

Grenville,  Richard,  Earl  Temple,  Eng. 
st,  author  of  the  American  Stamp 
Act,  and  reputed  by  some  as  the 
original  "Junius,"  1711 — 1779. 

Grenville,  George,  Eng.  *<,  1712— 1770. 

Grew,  Nehemiah,  Eng.  jsA,  hot  and  aw, 

Grey,  Charles  Earl,  Eng.  st  1764-1845. 

Grey,  Lady  Jane,  a  talented  and  beau- 
tiful English  lady,  1537 — exec.  1554. 

Griffin,  Edmund  D.,  wr  Pa.,  1804— 

Grimke,  Grim-ke,  Thos.  Smith,  lato^ 
au,  and  spell  ref,  S.  C,  1778—1834. 

Grimm.  Fred.  ^1.,  Baron  De,  French 
an,  1723—1807. 

Grimm,  Jakob  Lud.,  elder  of  the 
"Brothers  Grimm,"  Ger.  au,  1785 — 

Grimm,  Wilhelm  Karl,  younger  of  the 
"Brothers  Grimm,"  Ger.  au,  1786 — 

Griswold,  Roger,  LL.D.,  law,  j  Sup. 
Ct.,  Ac,  Conn., -1812. 

Griswold,  Rufus  Wilmot,  D.  D.,  Am. 
hiixf  Yt.,  1816-1857. 

Grote,  George,  hanker, pol  ref  Siudi  au, 
Eng.,  1794— 

Grotefrend,  Gr6-ta-frend,  Geo.  Fried., 
Ger.  phil  and  antiq,  1775 — 1853. 

Grotius,  Gro-Ji-us,  YLxigo.  jur,  (lit  and 
hint,  Holland,  1583—1643. 

Personal    Names. 


Guido,  Gi-do,  Aretinug,  monk,  begin- 
ning 11th  cen.,  who  introduced  the 
present  mode  of  writing  music  on 
the  scale,  and  composing  in  differ- 
ent parts. 

Guise,  William,  Eng,  die,  and  trans 
of  oriental  languages,  1653 — 1683. 

Guizot,  Ge-/,6,  Francois- Pierre -G,, 
Fr.  hut  and  ex-min,  1787 — 

Gunter,  Edmund,  Eng.  math,  aU,  and 
i/iV"Gunter's  Scale,"  1581—1626. 

Gustavus  Adolphus,  k  Sweden,  1594 — 
crowned  1611— killed  1632. 

Guttenberg,  John,  disc  art  of  printing, 
Ger.,  14U0-1468. 

Guy^    Thos.,    found    Guy's    Hospital, 

London,  and  mo^t  liberal  benefactor 

in  England,  —1724. 
Gayon,  Ge-i-6h,   Madame   Jeanne    M. 

K.   De  La  Mothe,  Fr.  aeer  and  aw, 

Guyon,  Ga)-y(5n,  General,  cnmman  in 

the  patriotic  Hungarian  army.  1815 — 
Guyton  De  Morveau,  Ge-i-toh  De  Mer- 

vo.  Louis  B.,  Fr.  chem  and  aw,  1736 

Gutzkow,   GtDts-kov,   Karl,    Ger.   au, 

jour  and  dram,  1811 — 
Gyllenborg,  Gel-en-bo/g,  Chas,,  Count, 

Swed.  sen  and  man  if  letters,  — 1746. 


Hagedom,  Hqg-a-dern,  Fred.  Von, 
Ger.  poet  and  an,  1708 — 1754. 

Hahnemann,  Hqn-a-mqn,  ^'dm'\.  found 
Homoeopathy,  Ger.,  1755 — 1843. 

Haldane,  Robert  and  James  Alex., 
Eng.  nars,  1764—1842,  1768—1851. 

Hale,  Sir  Math«;w,  Eng.^'  and  constitu- 
tional law,  1609—1676. 

Hale,  Nathan,  fff  Am.  army,  and  exe- 
cuted by  the  British,  as  a  spy,  1776. 

Halevy,  Hal-av,  Fromenthal,  Fr.  mus 
comp,  1800— 

Hal i burton,  Judge,  T.  C,  hum  au  No- 
va Scotia,  alias  **  Sam  Slick." 

Halifiix,  Geo.  Saville,  Marquis  of,  Eng. 
#^  1630— 1695.  [—1831. 

Hall,  liev.,  preacher,  Eng.,  1764 

Hall,  Samuel  C,  Eog.  a//,  and  ed  "  Lon- 
don Art  Journal."  1800  — 

Hall,  James,  yeol  N-Y.,  1811— 

Haller,  Albert,  M.  D.,  anat  amd  physiol 
Swit.,  1708-1777. 

Halley,  Edmund.  Enc^.  ast,  1656—1742. 

Hallam,  Henry,  Eng.  hist,  1778— 

Halleck,  Hal-ek,  Fitz-Green,  Am.  poet, 
Conn.,  1793- 

Hamilujn,  Alexander,  Am.  st,  jur,  fi- 
nancier, etc.,  N-Y.,  1757  —  1804, 
killed  in  a  duel   with  Aaron   Burr. 

Hamilton,  Sir  Wm.,  Bart.,  Scotish  7}iet 
phil,  and  present  Professor  of  Logic 
in  the  University  of  Edinburgh. 

l?*mmerich,  Ham-er-eA.  Fred.,  Danish 
//V<  and  prose  tor,  1809 — 

Hami>.Jen,  John,  Brit,  st,  1594— 16  W. 

HancocX,  John,  LL.D.,  Am.  st,  pres  of 
the  Continental  Congress,  and  the 
first  to  sign  the  Declaration  of  Inde- 
pendence; MftM.,  1737—1793. 

Handel,  H^n-del,  Geo.  Fred.,  mus  comp 
Ger.,  1684—1759. 

Hannibal,  Carthaginian  ffen,  who  after 
numerous  successful  victories  against 
the  Romans,  was  defeated,  and  pois- 
oned himself,  182  B.  C. 

Hanover,  Geo.-  Fred.-  Alex.-  Ch.-  E.- 
Augustus, King  of,  1819 —  com- 
menced his  reign  1851. 

Harding,  J.  D.,  Eng.  art,  1797— 

Hare,  Dr.  Robt.,  M.  D.,  M.  A.,  P.  S., 
chem,  associate  of  the  Smithsonian 
Institute,  spiritualist,  etc.,  Pennsyl- 
vania, 1781 — 

Haring,  Hqr-ig,  Wilhelm,  Ger.  noVf 
1798-  [1771 . 

Harispe,    Har-esp,   Marshal,    Fr.   gen, 

Harpies,  y'aft,  three  monsters,  with  the 
faces  of  virgins,  bodies  of  vultures, 
and  hands  of  claws. 

Harrison,  Gen.  Wrn.  Henry,  ninth  Prea. 
U.  S.,  from  Ohio;  1773—1811,  a 
month  after  assuming  his  duties. 
John  Tyler,  V-Pres. 

Hartley,  David,  Eng  m^ia  and  au, 

Hartzenbusch,  flrt-tnn-bd&J",  Don  Juan 
Eugenio,  Sp.  poet  and  dram,  1806-— 

Harvard,  John, /oM;t</  Harvard  College, 
Mass.,  —1688. 

Harvey,  William,  M.  D.,  disc  of  the 
circulation  of  the  blood,  Eng.,  1578 

Hastings,  Warren,  Brit.  East  India,  pal, 

Hauy,  Ho,  Rene  JiiAi^Yr, mineralogist, 

Hawes,  Hoz.  Dr.  Wm.,  found  Royal 
Humane  Society,  Eng.,  1736—1808. 


Personal    Names. 

Hawks.  H:)ks,  Francis  L.,  D.  D.,  LL.D., 
fulpit  or  and  div  N-Y.,  1798 — 

Hawluy,  Joseph,  st  Ma.=s.,'  1724—1788. 

Hawthorne,  Ho- torn,  Nathaniel,  Am. 
au  Mass.,  1809 — 

Haydn,  Hj-dn,  Francis  Joseph,  Aus. 
mus  comp,  1732 — 1809. 

Haydon,  Ha-don,  Benj.  Robt.,  English 
2Jt  and  lee,  178S— 1846. 

Haynau,  Hj-n-s,  Baron,  brutal  Aus. 
C(jmman,  1786 — 

Hayne,  Han,  Robert  Y.,  Am.  law  and 
U  S.  C,  1791—1839. 

Hayti,  Faustin-Soulouque,  (-Sco-ldbk,") 
Emperor  of,  b.  a  slave,  about  the 
year  1789— 

Hazlitt,  Haz-Iit,  William,  Eng.  crit, 
essa  and  ati.,  1778—1830.    [and  au. 

Head,  Hed,  Sir  Francis  B.,  Enoc.  maj 

Headley.  J.  T.,  Am.  wr  N-Y.,  1814— 

Hebe,  He-be,  /ah  goddess  of  youth. 

Hector,  most  valliuut  of  the  Trojans. 

Hegel,  Ha-gel,  Geo.  Wm.  Fred.,  Ger. 
2j/iU,  1770—1830. 

Heiberg,  Hj-be/g,  Johann  Ludwig, 
Danish  poet  and  dram,  1791 — 

Heideioff,  Hj-del-of,  Karl  Alex.,  Ger. 
arch  and  wr,  1788 — 

Heine,  Hj-na  </>•  Hjn,  Heinrich,  Ger. 
critic,  poet,  sind  prose  ?z?r,  1799 — 1853. 

Helena,  Hel-e-na,  fab,  the  most  beau- 
tiful woman  of  the  world,  who  run- 
ning away  with  Paris  occasioned  the 
Trojan  war. 

Helmont,  Jean  Baptist  Van,  alch  Brus- 
sels, 1577-1644. 

Helvetius,  Hel-vg-Ji-us,  Claude  Adrian, 
materialistic  au,  Fr.,  1715—1771. 

Heliodorus,  He-li-o-d6-rus,  Phoenician 
romance  wr,  fl.  398.  [1835. 

Hemans,  Mrs.  Felicia,  Eng.  poet,  1794 — 

Henry,  name  of  Irs  England,  France 
and  Castile,  and  of  emps  Germany. 

Henrv,  Mathew,  bib  commen  Eng., 

Henry,  Patrick,  Am.  or  Va.,  1736—1799. 

Herault-De-Sechelles,  Her-(t)l-De-Sa- 
Je-la,  Marie  Jean,  Fr.  /ja<  and  au, 
1760—1794,  guillotined. 

Herbert,  Her-bert,  Edward,  Lord,  Eng. 
meta  wr,  1581 — 1648. 

Herbert,  Henry  William,  wr  N-Y., 

Hercules,  Her-kti-lez,  fab  son  of  Jupi- 
ter and  Alcmena ;  the  man  of  great 

Herder,  Her-der,  Johann  G.  Von,  Ger. 
au,  1744—1803. 

Hermann,  He?"-mqn,  Karl  Hoinrich, 
Ger.  hid  pt,  1801— 

Hermes,  Her-mez,  Egyptian  leg,  priest 
and  phil,  year  of  the  world  2076, 
soon  after  Moses. 

Herodotus,  He-rod-o-tus,  Greek  Mstf 
484—413  B.  C.  [1591—1660. 

Herrick,  Robert,  Eng.  clerg  and  poet, 

Herschel,  Sir  William,  astr  Eng.,  1738 

Herschel,  Sir  John  Fred.  Wm.,  son  of 
Wm.  H.,  aUr  Eng.,  1790— 

Hervey,  James,  Eng.  div  atudi  au,  1714 

Herwegh,  Her-veg,  George,  Ger.  poetf 
1816 —  [not  known. 

Hesiod,  He-jji-od,  Greek  poet,  his  time 

Hesperides,  Hes-per-i-dez,  fab  daugh- 
ters of  Hesperus  :  who  had  a  garden 
bearing  golden  apples,  watched  by  a 
dragon,  which  Hercules  slew,  and 
bore  away  the  fruit.     [1802 . 

Hesse,  Fred.-William  IV.,  Elector  of, 

Heyne,  Hj'-na,  Christ.  Gottlob,  Ger. 
au,  1729—1812.  [5th  cen. 

Hierocles,  Hj-er-o-klcz,  Platonic  phil. 

Hill,  Rowland,  ecc  div  Eng.,  f  1. 1800-30. 

Hill.  Rowland,  Post- Office  ref,  Eng., 
about  1810— 

Hipparchus,  Hip-^r-kus,  first  to  reduce 
astronomy  to  science,  11.  at  Nice,  bet. 
160  and  125  B.  C. 

Hippocrates,  Hip-ok-ra-tpz,  father  of 
physic,  a  Grecian,  440  B.  C. 

Historia,  His-to-ri-a,  fab,  the  goddess 
of  history. 

Hitchcock,  Edward,  D.  D.,  LL.D.,  geol^ 
and  prea  Amherst  College,  Mass., 

Hobbes,  Hobz,  Thomas,  meta  phil  Eng., 
1588-1679.  [1800. 

Hoche,  HoJ,  Lazare,   Fr.   gen,   1768 — 

Hofer,  Andrew,  chief  of  the  Tyrolese, 
in  war  against  the  French  and  Bava- 
rians, —1810,  shot.         [1784—1854. 

Hoffman,   David.    Am.   law   and    au, 

Hoffman,  Charles  Fenno,  K.m.poet  and 
p^'o&e  wr  N-Y.,  1806 — 

Hofland,  Mrs,,  Eng.  au,  1770—1844. 

Hogun,  John,  Eng.  sculp,  1800 — 

Hogarth,  Htb-gqrt,  William,  Eng.  pt, 
1697—1764.  [—1835. 

Hogg,  James,  Seotisb  au  and  poet,  1772 

Holbach,  Htbl-bqA,  Paul  T.,  Baron 
Von,  Ger.  miner  and  nat  phil,  Paris, 

Holland,  Henry  Richard  V.  F.,  Lord, 
Brit.  St.  1773—1840. 

Holland,  William  HL,  Alex.  Paul 
Fred.  Louis,  King  of.  Prince  of  Or- 
ange— Nassau,  Grand  Duke  of  Lux- 
embourg, etc.,  1817—0. 1849— 

Personal   Names. 


Holmes,  Homz,  Oliver  Wendell,  M.  D., 

Am.  ph  and  poet,  1809— 
Holt,  Sir  John,  Eng.y  1642—1709. 
Homer,  Hu)-mer,  the  must  uncient  nnd 

best  of  the  Greek  j^oets,  whose  only 

remaining   works   are    the  "  Illiad," 

and  Odyssey;"  fl.  920  B.  C. 
Hood,  Thomas,  kj/rn  and  humanitary 

poet,  Eng.,  1798—1845. 
Hooke,  Robt.,  math  and  exp  phil,  1635 

Hooker,    Richard,    au   "Ecclesiastical 

Polity,"  Eng.,  1553—1600. 
Hopkins,  Stephen,  signer  Dec.  of  Ind., 

R.  I.,  1742-1785. 
flopkinson,  Francis,  Am.  /,  and  signer 

Dec.  of  Ind.,  Pa.,  1738—1791. 
Horace,  H6r-as,  {or  Horatius,  Quintus 

Flaccus,)  Roman  lyric  and  sat  poet, 

fl.  65  B.  C.  [—1792. 

Home,  Geo.,  Eng.  prelate  and  au,  1730 
Home,  Richard  Henry,  Eng.  poet  and 

Horrox,  Jeremiah,  astr,  disc,  and  au 

of  a  theory  of  lunar  motion,  1619 — 

Hortense    Eugenie    De    Beauhamais, 

Hor-tans    E-i?e-ne     De     Bo-hqr-na, 

daughter  of  Empress  Josephine,  and 

wife  of  Louis  Bonaparte,  1783 — 1837. 
Houston,  H(6s-ton,  Gen.  Samuel,  Am. 

st  and  U.  S.  sen.,  Texas,  1793 — 
Houssaye,  HcD-sa,  Arsene,  Fr.  poet  and 

au,  1815— 
Howard,  John.  7}^?7aH  Eng. ,1726 — 1790. 
Howe,  Admiral  Earl,  adm  Eug.  navy, 

Howit,  H-8-it,  William,  Eng.  poet  and 

desert  tor,  1795 — 
Huber,  He-bq,r,  Frangois,  nat   Swit., 

Hubner,   H(6b-ner,   Rud.   Jul.   Benno, 

Ger.  hist,  1806 —  [ished  at  sea. 

Hudson,  Henry,  Eng.  nav,  — 1610,  per- 
Hughes,  Hq,z,  Rev.  John,  D.  D.,  arch- 

bp  N-Y.,  1798— 
Hugo,  He-go,  Victor,  repvh  pol,  poet 

and  au,  forbidden,  on  account  of  his 

sentiments,  to  enter  France,  1802 — 
Hull,  L^aac,  Am.  om,  Conn..  1775—1843. 
Humboldt,   Hiim-bolt,  William   Von, 

Ger.  phU  and  st,  1767—1835. 
Humboldt,     Alexander    Von,     Baron, 

brother  of  the  preceding,   Ger.  nat 

and  trar,  au  of  that  great  work, 
*•  Cosmos,"  the  best  product  of  his 
towering  genius,  1769 — 1859. 

Hume,  David,  Scottish  phil  and  hist, 
1711—1776  [1855. 

Hume,  Joseph,  Eng.  st  and  ref  1111 — 

Humphreys,  David,  LL.D.,  sol  rev, 
amh  to  Lisbon,  ruin,  to  Spain,  pat 
wr,  U.  S.,  —1818. 

Hunt,  Fred.  Knight,  Eng.  Jour,  ed 
"  Daily  News,"  1814— 

Hunt,  Leigh,  JO?//*  and  poet  Eng.,  1784 — ■ 

Hunt,  Robert,  Brit,  au,  1814 — 

Hunter,  John,  Scottish  surg  and  anat, 

Hunter,  William,  elder  brother  of  the 
above,  anat,  phyeiul  and  ph.  Scot., 

Huntington,  Samuel,  gov  Conn.,  and 
si^jner  Dec.  of  Ind.,  1732—1796. 

Huntington,  Daniel,  art  N-Y.,  1816 — 

Hurd,  Richard,  Eng.  au,  1720—1808. 

Huskisson,  Hls-ki-son,  Wm.,  Brit,  st, 

Huss,  Hias,  John,  Ger.  church  ref,  1370 
— 1415,  burnt  at  the  stake. 

Hutchinson,  John,  Eng.  wr  in  opposi- 
tion to  the  theories  of  Sir  Isaao 
Newton,  1674—1737, 

Hutton,  Charles,  LL.D.,  Eng.  math 
and  wr,  1737—1823. 

Hutton,  Dr.  James,  Scottish  geol,  and 
found  of  Psychometry,  1720—1797. 

Huyghens,  Htir-Aenz,  Christian,  Dutch 
math,  astr,  etc.  In  Geometry  he 
gave  theorems  for  the  quadrature  of 
the  H3'perbola,  the  J^llipsis,  and  the 
Circle  :  he  discovered  Saturn's 
ring;  he  laid  down  the  theory  of  the 
pendulum,  and  its  application  to  the 
clock  ;  he  discerned  the  synchronism 
of  the  Cycloid,  invented  the  theory 
of  Involutes  and  Evolutes  of  Curves, 
etc.,  1629-1095. 

Hydra,  Hj-dra,  fab,  a  serpent,  which 
had  seven  heads.  [health. 

Hygeia,  Ili-je-ya,  fab,  the  goddess  of 

Hymen,  Hj-men,  fab,  the  god  of  mar- 

Hypatia,  Hj-p6-/i-a,  female  teacher  in 
Alexandria,  4th  cen. 

Hyperides,  Hj-p^r-i-dcz,  a  disciple  of 
Plato  who  procured  the  punishment 
of  Socrates,  320  B.  C. 


Personal    Names. 


lanthc,  f-an-te,/a&,  the  beautiful  wife 
of  Iphis. 

Ibraham  Pa-ha,  ?b'rq-bam  Pa-Je,  emp 
Egypt,  1789—1848. 

Ignatius,  Ig-na-Ji-us,  hp  Antioch,  torn 
to  pieces  by  lions,  at  Rome,  by  order 
of  the  emperor  Trajan,  A.  D.  107. 

IngersoU,  Ip'gcr-sol,  Jared,  LL.D.,  j, 
law,  etc.,  Pa.,  —1822, 

Ingres,  Ah-g/'a,  Jean  DomiDique  A., 
Fr,  pt,  1780— 

Innocent,  from  I.  to  XIII.,  popes  be- 
tween A.  D.  402  and  1724. 

Irving,  Er'viy,  Rev.  Edward,  pulpit  or 
and  div,  Scotland,  1792— d. 

Irving,  Washington,  Am.  au,  N-Y., 

Irving,  Theodore,  LL.D.,  nephew  of 
Watih.  Irving,  au  N-Y. 

Isabella  of  Castile,  queen  of  Spain, 

Isturiz,  Ss-tcb-rgti,  Don  Xavier  De, 
Sp.  pol,  1790— 

Iturbide,  P-toor-bed,  Don  Augustus, 
emp  Mexico,  1781— sh.  1824. 

Ixion,  Iks-i-on,/a^,  the  son  of  Phlegy- 
as,  who  for  some  vico,  was  fastened 
in  hell  to  a  wheel  perpetually  turn- 
ing round. 

Izard,  lialph,  Am.  st  S.  C,  1738—1804. 


Jackson,  Gen.  Andrew,  seventh  Pros. 
U.  S.,  from  1829  to  1837  ;  Tenn., 
1767—1845.  V-Pres.,  J.  C.  Calhoun 
and  Mnrtin  Van  Burcn. 

Jacobi,  Yq-ko-be,  Fred.  Henry,  Ger. 
iruta  phil  and  wr,  1743 — 1819. 

Jacobs,  Yq-kobz,  Frederick,  Ger.  crit, 

Jacquard,  Xa-kqrd,  Marie  Joseph,  inv 
a  loom  for  weaving  damasks,  France, 

James,  name  of  Scottish  and  English  hs. 

James,  Wm.,  Eng.  naval  hist,  — 1827. 

James,  G.  P.  R.,  Eng.  au,  now  of  N-Y., 

Jame.^on,  Jam-8-son,  Robert,  nat  Scot., 

Janin.  Xa-nan,  Jules,  au  and  jour, 
France,  1804— 

Jarvis,  Jqr-vis,  John  Wesley,  por-pt 
N-Y.,  1780—1834. 

Jasmin,  Sas-man,  Jacques,  "harher 
poet"  France,  1798 — 

Jay,  John,  Am.  d,  and  first  rhief  Jus- 
tice U.  S.,  sig7ier  Dec.  of  Ind.,  for- 
eign min,  etc.,  N-Y,,  1745—1829. 

Jefferson,  Thomas,  Am.  st  and  scholar, 
draftsman  of  the  Declaration  of  In- 
dependence, author  of  the  ordinance 
of  '87,  and  third  Pres.  U.  S.,  from 
1801  to  1809;  Va.,  1743-1826.  V- 
Pres.,  Aaron  Burr  and  Geo.  Clinton. 

Jeffrey,  Jef-ri,  Francis,  Scottish  wr, 
critic,  and  ed  IkHnhirgh  Review, 

Jeffreys,  George,  Lord,  Eng.  law  and 

j,  notorious  lor  his  infamous  cruelty, 

Jellachich.  Xe-lqA-i^,  Jos.  Baron  Von, 

hail  of  Croatia,  Sclav,  and  Dalmatia, 

(ff  Aus.  army,  1801  — 
Jenner,  Edward,  M.  D.,  F.  R.  S.,  disc 

of  vaccination,  Eng.,  1749—1823. 
Jenyns,  Jen-inz,  Soame,   ml   and  wr 

Eng.,   1704-1787. 
Jerome,  of  Prague,   disciple   of   Hus3, 

and  p7(jt  martyr,  — 1416. 
Jerrold,  Jer-old,  Douglas,  Eng.  au  and 

satirist,  1805—1857. 
Joan  d'Arc,  Xo-ah  Dqrk,  {or  Joan  of 

Arc,)  the  "  virgin-martyr  of  French 

liberty,"  1410—1431,  burnt  at  stake. 
Johnson,  Richard  M.,  V-Pres.  U.  S.  to 

Martin  Van  Euren;  Ky., — 1850. 
Johnson,  Dr.  Samuel,  lejc,  au  and  critf 

Eng.,  1709—1784. 
Joinville,    Xwon-vEl.    Frangois-Ferd.- 

Ph.-L.-M.  D'Orleans,  Prince  de,  of 

the  house  of  Orleans  ;  1818 — 
Jones,    Jticob,    com  Am.    navy,    Del., 

1770—1850.  [1736—1792. 

Jones,  Paul,  comman  Am.  navy,  Scot., 
Jonos,   Sir    William,    ori    and   trans, 

Eng.,  1746—1794. 
Jonson,  Benjamin,  dram,  ivr,  contempo- 
rary of  Shakspeare,  Eng.,  1573 — 1637, 
Jordan,  Dorothea,  Eng.  actress,  1762— 

Josephine,  first  wife  of  Nap.  Bonaparte, 

and  empress  of  France,  1763 — 1814, 

Personal    Names. 


Josephus,  Jo-se-fus,  Flavins,  Mst  of 
the  Jews.  Jerusalem,  A.  D.  37 — 93. 

Jouffroj  D'Albiins,  X.o-frwo  Dqb-aii, 
Cl.  F.  D.,  Marquis  De,  Fr.  machani- 
eian,  to  wlioua  the  Academy  of  Sci- 
ences has  awarded  the  honor  of 
having  first  applied  steam  to  navi- 
gation, instead  of  Fulton  ;  1751 — 
1832.  [1813—1853. 

Judd,  Rev.  Sylvester,  Am.  au  Mass., 

Judson,  Emily  C,  ("  Fanny  Forester,") 
Am.  aa  and  poet  N-Y.,  —1854. 

Julian,  Jii-li-an»  Romin  emp,  styled 
the  Apostate,  for  turning  anti-Chris- 
tian after  ascending  the  throne ; 
killed,  363. 

Junius,  Letters  of,  famous  Eng.  pol 
writings,  supposed  to  have  been 
written  by  Hugh  Boyd,  who  d.  1794. 

Juno,  Jix-uo,  fab,  the  sister  and  wife 

of  Jupiter, 
Jupiter,  Jii,-pi-ter, /aft,  a  son  of  Sat- 
urn and  Ops ;  the  supreme  deity  of 

the  heathens. 
Jussieu,    Xe-se,  Atoine    De,   Fr.    hot, 

1686— 17o8.' 
Jussieu,  Bernard    De,   brother   of  the 

above,  hot,  1699—1777. 
Jussieu,  Antoine  L,  De,  nephew  of  the 

above,  hot,  1748—1836. 
Justin,  Jds-tin,  ancient  Latin  hist,  fl. 

A.  D.  250. 
Justin,  the  Martyr,  wr  Chris.  Church, 

and  for  his  faith  beheaded,  167. 
Justinian,   Jus-tin-i-an,    Roman   emp, 

who  collected  and  arranged  the  laws 

of  the  nation,  541.  [youths. 

Juventa,  Ji|,-ven-ta,  fab,  a  goddess  of 


Kaempfer,  Kamp-fer,  Engelbert,  Ger. 

trav  and  nat,  1651 — 1716. 
Kaestner,    Kast-ner,    Abraham   Gott., 

Ger.  math,  astr  and  au,  1719 — 1800. 
Kalb,  Kqlb,  Baron  De,  Polish  maj-yen 

Am.  army,  — 1780,  killed. 
Kalin,    Kqira,     Peter,     Swedish    nat. 

Kane,  Dr.  Elisha  Kent,   U.  S.  Navy, 

fur,   nai,.  and  Arctic   explorer,   Pa., 

Kant,    Kqnt,   Iraraanuel,    Ger.  meta, 

phil  a.nd  critic,  1724—1804. 
Kaulbaeh,  K"8l-bqA,  Williajn,  Ger.  art. 

1804—  [1790—1833. 

Kcan,  Ken,  Edmund,  Eng.  tragic  act, 
Kean,  Chas.  John,  son  of  the  above, 

act,  1811—  [1820. 

Keats,  Ket.«,  John,  Eng.  poet,  1796— 
Kemble,  Charles,  Yjng.act,  1775—1854. 
K<;mble,  John  P.,^,  1757— 1>23. 
Ke(np,  Joseph,  in,u8  comp  Eng.,  1778 — 

Kemp,  Kenneth,  Scotch  chem,  was  the 

firjit  to  solidify  carbonic    acid   gjis, 

and  was  the  introducer  of  amalga- 
mated zinc  plates  into  the  galvanic 

battery,  1807—1843. 
Kennedy,   John    Pendleton,    Am.   nov 

Md.,  1795— 
Kenrick,  Wm.,  compiler  of  an  English 

dictionary,  — 1779. 
Kenrick,  John,  Eng.  hist  and  phihil. 
Kent,  James,  Am.  jurist  N-Y.,  1763 — 


Kepler,  K^p-Ier,  John,  Ger.  asir  and 

an,  1571—0.  s,  16;J1, 
Keyser,   Kj-ser,   Nicaise    De,    hist  pt 

Belgium,  1813— 
King,  Rufus,  Am.  st  Me.,  1757—1827. 
King,  William   R.,    V-Pres.   U.  S.  to 

Franklin  Pierce;  N.  C, — 1853. 
Kingsley,  Charles,  Brit,  poet  and  au. 
Kinkel,  Kiy-kel,  Gottfried,  Ger.  wr  and 

Kirby,  Ker-bi,  Rev.  Wm.,  ento  Eng., 

1759—1850.  [1710. 

Kirch,  Kir/i,  Gottf.,  Ger.  astr,  1639— 
Kirwan,  Ker-wan,  Richard,  chem  Scot., 

1750  —  1812. 
Klaproth,  Klap-ruf),  Heinrich  J.  Von, 

ori  iichol  and  crit.  Ger.,  1783 — 1835. 
Klaproih,    Martin    Henry,    Ger.    chem,, 

the  discoverer  of  uranium,  zircouia, 

titanic  acid,  etc.,  1743—1817. 
Kiopstock,  Klop-stok,   Friedrich,  Ger. 
jx^t,  1724-1803. 
Knowies,    Nolz,   Jas.  Sheridan,    Irish 

dram  poet,  1784 — 
Knox,  Noks,  IIi!nry,  maj-gen  Am.  ar- 
my, Mass.,  1750—1806. 
Knox,  John,  Scotch  cler,  and   church 

ref,  1505—1572. 
Kock,  Kwk,  Chas.  Paul  De,  Fr.  nov, 

Kookkoek,  Kook-kok,  Bernard  C,  Dut. 

l-pt,  1803  — 
KosciuHco,  Kiast3-e-<63-ko  or  Kos-i-ds- 

k<D,   Thuddeus,   Polish  patriot  and 

Xm.gen,  1756—1817. 


Personal    Names. 

Kossuth,  Ko-Jtiit-.,  Louis,  ex-gov  Hun- 
gary, and  or,  1806 — 

Kotzobue,  K6ts-e-b(6-a,  August  Von, 
Ger.  dram,  1761—1819. 

Krause,  Kr-s-sa,  Chas.  Christ.  Fred., 
Ger.  vieta,  1781—1832. 

Krusciuau,  Kre-sa-man,  Cornelius, 
Dutch  kiet  pt,  1797— 

Kugler,  K(6g-ler,  Franz.  Theod.,  Ger. 

poet  and  au,  1808 — 
Kuiickell,  Kd)y-kcl,  John,  Ger.  cherrif 

Kyan,  Kj-an,  John  H.,  the  inv  of  the 

process    of    Kyanized    WQod,    Eng., 


Labitzky,  Lq-bits-ki,  Joseph,  Ger.  mM8[ 

C(mip,  1802 — 
La-Caille,   Lq-Kaly,  Nich.  Louis  De, 

Fr.  adr  fibserrer,  ilX^—M ^2. 
Lacepede,  Lq-sa-pad,  Bernard  G.  Etie. 

De  La,  Fr.  nut,  1756—1825. 
Lafayette,  Lq-fa-et,  Marie  Paul  J.  R. 

Y.  (t.  M.,  Marquis  De,  Fr.  rff,  st  and 

patriot,  who  assisted   in   the  Ameri- 
can Riivolutionary  War,  1757 — 1834. 
Lagrange,     Lq-g/'ahj,    Joseph     Louis, 

mathf  and  geuni  and  astr  au,  France, 

Laharpe,    Lq-h^rp,   Jean    F.   De,  Fr. 

crit  and  au,  1739—1803. 
Lahire,  Lq-her,  Philip   De,  Fr.  math 

and  astr,  1610—1719. 
Lalande,  Lq-lahd,  Joseph  J.  Le  F.  De, 

adr  ohs  and  wr,  Fr.,  1732—1807. 
Lamarck,  Lq-raqrk,  <jr  Jean  B.  P.  A. 

De  iMonet,  Fr.  nat, — conch,  zool  and 

hot,  1/41—1829. 
Lamarline,  Lam-qr-ten,  Alphonse  De, 

poet,  or,  hut  and  pol,  Fr.,  1790 — 
Lamb,  Charles,  Eng.  humor,  critic  and 

earn,  1775—1834. 
Lambert,  Lqm-bert.  John  Henry ,Ger. 

math  and  phil,  1728—1777. 
Lamennais,  Lq-mah-a,  Felicite  Robert, 

(Fa-le-si-ta,)   Fr.   ecc,  pol  and  au, 

La-Motte-Fouque,  Lq-Mot-Fook,  Fred. 

Hein.  Karl,  Baron  De,   Normo-Ger. 

pcet  and  mm,  VIll — 1843. 
Lane  si,  Lqn-qe-SE,  Giammaria,  Italian 

anat  and  physit'l,  1654 — 1720. 
Lander,  Richard  and  John,  Eng.  exps 

of  Africa,  1804—1832  ;  1806— 
Landon,  Lititia  Elizabeth,  Eng.  poet, 

— 18j8.  [au,  1775 

Landor,  Lan-dor,  Walter  Savage,  Eng. 
Landseer,  Sir  Edwin,  Eng.  pt,  1801— 
Lane,   Edward  Wra.,   Arabic   and  ori 

schol,  Eng.,  abi)ut  1800— 
La  Perouse,  Lq  Pa-rcf)s,  Jean  F.  G.  De, 

Fr.  nav,  1741— 1? 89. 

La  Place,  Lq  Pl^s,  Pierre  S.,  Marquis 
De,Fr.  geoin,  and  astr  aM,1749— 1827. 

Lares,  Lk-rtz,/ah,  sons  of  Mercury  and 
L{ira,  wor^ihipped  as  household  gods. 

Las  Cases,  Lqs  Kq-sa,  Fr.  7iaval  corn- 
man,  1706—1842. 

Latham,  La-tam,  John,  Eng.  orni  and 
antiq,  1740—1837. 

Latimer,  Hugh,  Eng.  church  ref,  1472 
burnt  at  the  stake,  1555. 

Laube,  L-s-be,  Heinrich,  Ger.  nov  and 
dram,  1806— 

Lauder,  Lo-der,  Robt.  Scott,  Scottish 
pt,  1803—  [1724—1792. 

Laurens,  L6-renz,  Henry,  Am.  st  S.  C, 

Lavater,  Lq-vq-ter,  John  Gasper,  mr 
on  Physiognomy,  Ger.,   1741 — 1801. 

Lavoisier,  La-vw6-si-a,  Antoine  Lan., 
Fr.  chem,  contributing  to  this  sci- 
ence, among  other  things,  the  chemi- 
cal nomenclature  now  in  use;  1743 — 
1794,  guillotined. 

Law,  John,  Scotch  finan,  projecter  of 
the  French  money  bubble,  1670— 

Law,  Wm.,  Eng.  relig  wr,  1686—1761. 

Lawrence,  James,  Am.  nav  (ff  N.  J., 

Lawrence,  Sir  Thomas,  P.  R.  A.,  Eng. 
por-pt,  1769—1830. 

Lawrence,  Abbott,  Am.  merch  Mass., 

Layard,  La-qrd,  Henry  Austin,  Eng. 
trav  and  ait,  1817 — 

Le  Conte,  Le  Kont,  John  L.,  M.  D., 
Am.  nat  N-Y.,  1825—  [i)t. 

Lecurieux,  La-ke-re,  Jacques,  Fr.  hint 

Ledyard,  John,  Am.  trav  Conn.,  1751 

Lee,  Anne,  found  of  the  "  Shakers," 
Eng.,  1735—1784. 

Lee,  Arthur,  Am.  st,  and  ^oZ  tvr,  Va., 
1740—1792.  [-1782. 

Lee,  Charles,  maj-gen  Am.  army,  Pa., 

Lee,  Francis  Lightfoot,  signer  JL>€C.  of 
Ind.,  Va.,  1734-1797. 

Personal    Names. 


Lee,  Henry,  cff  Am.  army,  Va.,  1756 — 

Lee,  Richard  Henry,  Am.  st  and  signer 

Dec.  of  lad.,  Va.,  1732—1794. 

Lee, ,  Eng.  l-pt. 

Legendre,    La-jjan-dr,   Adrian   Marie, 

Fr.  geom,  and  imxth  av,  1751 — 1833. 
Lehtnann,    La-mqn,   Prof.,   Rus.   iiat, 

Leibnitz,   Lib-nits.   Godfrey  William, 

Ger.  meta  and  rnathphil,  1646—1716. 
Lemon,  Mark,  Eng.  jour,  ed  "Punch," 

Lennep,  La-nap,  Jacob  Van,    Dutch 

l>oet  and  tu/v,  1802 — 
Leo  X.,   Pope    Giovanni    De   Medici, 

Leonhard,  La-on-hqrt,  Karl  Casar  Von, 

Ger.  miner  and  geol,  1779— 
Leopold  I.,  enip  Austria,  1640 — 1705. 
Leopold  H.,  emp  Germany,  1747-  1792. 
Lepsius,   Lep-si-us,   Karl  Rich.,   Ger. 

ori,  1811— 
Lerminier,    Lt^r-man-i-a,   Jean   Louis 

E.,  Fr.  pMl  and  wr,  1803— 
Leroux,  La-rcb,   Pierre,    Fr.   aoc  pMl, 

Le  Sage,  Le  Sa^?,  Alain,  Fr.  nov  and 

dram,  1668-1747. 
Leslie,   L63-li,   Sir  John,  Eng.  math 

and  wr,  1766—1832. 
Leslie,  Chas.  Robert,  Eng.  pt,  1794— 
Lcising,  Gotthold  Ephraira,  Ger.  crit, 

phil,  dram  wr  and  au,  1729-1781. 
Leasing,  Karl  Fred.,  Ger.  pt,  180S— 
Leulze,  Ltrts-a,  Emanuel  G.,  Grer.  art. 
Leuwenhoeck,     L«r-ven-h§k,     Atoine, 

Ger.  nat,  1632—1723. 
Lcverrier,    Le-ver-i-a,    M.,   Fr.    astr, 

and  ditc  of  the  planet  Neptune. 
Lewi?,  Samuel,  pioneer  in  the  cause  of 

education    in    the   west,   aud   anti- 
slavery  refy  Ohio,  — 1853. 
Lieber,  Le-ber,  Francis,   LL.  D.,   Ger. 

repvh  and  au,  and  prea   Columbia 

College,  Ga.,  1800— 
Liebig,  L£-big, Justus,  Ger.  chem,\^ — 
Lilly,  William,  Eng.  ow^ro/,  1602— 1681. 
Lincoln,  Lifl-kon,  Benjamin,  gen  Am. 

army,  Mass.,  1733—1810. 
Lindley,    Lind-li,  John,   English   hot, 

Liu  ley,    Thomas,    vocal    comp,   Eng., 

Linnaeus,  Lin-e-u",  Charles,  hot  and  au 

Sweden,  1707-1778. 
Liszt,  Lest,  Franz,  Hungarian  pianist, 

Livingston,  Liv-iji-ston,  Edward,  Am. 

jurut  and  U  N-Y.,  1764—1836. 

I  Livingston,  Robert  R.,  Am.  law  and 

st,   and  signer  Dec.  of  Ind.,  N-Y., 

Livius,  Liv-i-us,   Titus,    best   Roman 

hist,  most  of  whose  books   are  lost, 

b.  59  B.  C.  [1704. 

Locke,  John,  Eng.  meta  phil,  1632 — 
Lockhart,  John  G.,  Scottish   au,   and 

ed  "  Quarterly  Review,"  1794—1854. 
Logan,  io\\n,  poet  Scot.,  1748—1788. 
Lollard,  Walter,  found  of  a  sect  who 

denied  the  use  of  the  mass,  baptism, 

&c.:  was  burnt  for  heresy,  1322. 
Lomenie-De-Brienne,    Lo-man-8  -De- 

Bre-ah,  Stephen  Chas.  De,  finance 

min  of  Louis  XVL,  Fr,,  1727—1794. 
Longfellow,   Henry   Wadsworth,    Am. 

poet  Mass.,  1807— 
Longueville,  Lon-ge-vel,  the  name  of 

a  celebrated   French  family   of  the 

15th  century. 
Lope  De  Vega,  Lo-pa  Da  Va-gq,  Sp. 

dram,  1562—1635. 
Lortzing,  Ler-tsi;),  Albrecht  Gus.,  Ger. 

mus  comp,  1803—  [—1715. 

Louis  XIV.,  (LA-i,)  Bourbon  k,  1638 
Louis  XVL,  k  France,  1754— g.  1793. 
Lonis  Philippe,  Ijh-'i  Fil-ep,  h  France, 

Lovejoy,   Rev.  Elijah   P.,  ed  **  Alton 

Observer,"    an    anti-slavery    paper, 

and  became  a  martyr  to  that  cause 

and   a  free   press,  in  defending  his 

paper  from  a  mob  ;  III.,  1802—1837. 
Lover,  Samuel,  Irish  av  and  art. 
Lowe,  L"S,   Lieut.    Gen.    Sir   Hudson, 

K.  C.  B.,  guardian  of  Napoleon  at 

St.  Helena,  1769—1844. 
Lowell,  LcJ-el,  James  Russell,  Am.  poet 

and  lor  Mass.,  1819 — 
Loyola,  Lo-e-6-lq,  Ignatius,  found,  of 

theOrderof  Jesuits,  Sp.,  1491— 1556. 
Lucian,  Lq-Ji-an,  Greek  crit  and  sat, 

Lucifer,  Lq-si-fer,  fdh,  son  of  Jupiter 

and  Aurora,  made  the  morning  star, 
Lucius,  Lq-J'-us,   I.,  II.,   III.,  popes, 

253,  1144,  1181. 
Lucretia,  Lq-kre-Ji-a,  Roman  matron 

who  was  the  cause  of  the  revolution, 

509  B.  C. 
Lncretius,   Lq-kre-Ji-ns,  Titus  Carus, 

Roman  phil  and  poet,  96—54  B.  C. 
Lully,  \jih-\\,  Joan  B.,  mus  C(nnp  Italy, 

Luna,   Li\-na,  fab,  Diana's  name  in 

heaven.  [—1546. 

Luther,  Martin,  Oer.  church  ref,  1483 

Lvcurgus,    Lj-kiir-gus,    Spartan     leg^ 

'870  B.  C.j— Athenian  or,  408  B.  C. 


Personal    Names. 

Lyell,    Ljl,    Sir    Charles,    geol   Scot., 

Lyndsay,  Lind-sa,  Sir  David,  Scottish 
^oet,  1490—1555. 

Lysander,  Lj-san-der,  Spartan  gen,y^\iO 
defeated  the  Athenian  fleet,  and 
ended  the  27  years'  war,  396  B.  C 

Lyttleton,  Lit-1-ton,  George  Lord,  Eng. 
au  and  d,  1709—1773. 


Mabuse,  Mq-b(6-sa,  Jan  De,  an  It.  pt 

Macaulay,    Ma-ko-la,    Catherine,   liist 

&ad  polwr  Eng.,  1734—1791. 
Macaulay,  Thomas  Babington,  Br.  hist, 

essa,  poet  and  pol,  1800 — 
Macbeth,  Mak-befi,  vmrper  of  the  Scot. 

crown,  slain  — 1054. 
Maccabees,  Mak-a-bez,  seven  brothers, 

Jews,  with  their  mother,  put  to  death, 

at  Antioch,  168  B.  C. 
Macdonough,      Mak-don-o,      Thomas, 

comma  Am.  navy,  1784 — 1825. 
Macfarlane,    Mak-fq,r-Ian,    Henry,  'pol 

and  misc  wr  Scot.,  1734 — 1804. 
Machiavelli,  i^-ke-q-vel-e,  Nicolo,  an 

It.  pd  wr  and  au  1469—1527. 
Mackay,  Ma-ka,  Charles,  Br.  poet  and 

j(mr,  1812— 
Mackenzie,  Ma-ken-zi,  Sir.  Alex.,  Br. 

nav, d.  [—1831. 

Mackenzie,  Henry,  Scottish  nav,  1745 
Mackintosh    Mak-in-toJ,    Sir.    James, 

Scottish  au  and  law,  1765—1832. 
Macklin,  Mak-Iin,  Chas.,  act  and  dram 

It.,  1690-1797. 
Maclise,    Ma-kliz,     Daniel,    Irish    art 

M'CHntock,  Ma-Klin-tok,  John,  D.D., 

ed,  trans  and  au  of  Greek  and  Latin 

text  books,  Pa.,  1814— 
M'Lean,  Mak-Lan,  John,  chief  justice 

U.  S.  ^S-^;^  a  0.,  1785— 
Maclaurin,  Mak-le-rin,  Colin,  Scottish 

wa^A  1698— 1746. 
Macomb,  Ma-komb,  Alex.,  com,  in-chief 

of  the  Am.  army,  1782—1841. 
Macon,  Ma-kon,  Nathaniel,  Am.  st  N. 

C, d. 

Macpherson,    Mak-fer-son,    James,    ed 

of  '^Oasian,"  xor  Scot.,  1738—1796. 
M'Cullah,  Ma-kiil-a,  Wm.  Torrens,^? 

and  au  Ir.,  1813  — 
M'Culloch,  Ma-kdl-ok,  J.  R.,  wr  on  pol 

econ  Scot.,  1790 — 
Madison,  Mad-i-son,  James,  Am.  stand 

fourth  pres  U.  S.,  from  1809  to  1817; 

Va.,  1758—1836.      V-Pres.   George 

Clinton,  and  Elbridge  Gerry. 

Madrazo,  Mqd-r^-to,  Don  Pedro,  Sp. 
poet,  jour,  critic  and  pt  1816 — 

Madvig,  Mqd-vig,  Johann  N.,  Ger. 
class  wr  and  prof  1804 — 

Magellan,  Ma-jel-an,  (or  Magalhaens, 
Mq-gql-yq-enz,)  Fernando,  Port.,  vav 
the  first  to  circumnavigate  ihe  globe, 
1470—1521,  killed  by  natives  at 
Philippine  is. 

Maginn,  Maj-in,  William,  Irish  wr,/ot/» 
of  "Eraser's  Magazine,"  1794 — 1842. 

Mahmoud,  Mq-m"8d,  the  name  of  Tur- 
kish Sultans. 

Mahomet,  Ma-hom-et,  the  au  of  the 
"Koran"  si,ndfoun  of  a  new  religion. 
A  name  applied  since,  to  Turkish 
emperors,  who  ruled  from  the  13th 
to  the  17th  century. 

Mahon,  Mq-h6n  (jt  Mq,-<5n,  Philip  H., 
Viscount,  an  Eng.  hist  wr  1805 — 

Mahoney,  Mq-h6-ni,  Francis,  Br.  jour 
and  au,  1800— 

Mailath,  Mq-el-qt,  Count  Johann,  Hun. 
au,  1786— 

Mars,  Mqrz,  fah,  god  of  war. 

Mechain,  Me-Jan,  Pierre  Francis  A., 
Fr.  astr  and  math,  1774—1805. 

Mecklenburg-Schwerin,  Mek-len-burg- 
Xwa-rgn,  Frederick  Francis,  Grand 
Duke  of,  1823 —  assumed  govern- 
ment 1842. 

Mecklenburg-Strelitz,  Stra-litz,  Fred- 
erick Chas.  Joseph,  Grand  Duke  of, 
b.  1779;  he  is  a  distinguished  gov- 
enor,  and  a  great  friend  of  education 
and  human  rights. 

Medici,  Ma-de-sE,  an  iUus.  Florentine 
family,  from  the  14th  cen.  to  the 
present  time. 

Mchemet  Ali,  Me-hem-et  fl'le,  Eg. 
pasha,  1765—1848.  [—1730. 

Mehemet-Effendi,   Ef-en-de,    Turk,  et 

Mei.^s,  Megz,  Return  Jonathan,  Am. 
rf  0.,  —1828. 

Melanchthon.  Mel-agk-ton,  (Ger.  Mel- 
4gk-ton,)  Philip,  colleague  of  Luther 
in  the  Reformation,  1497 — 1568. 

Melbourne,  Mel-burn,  Wm.  Lamb,  Vis- 
count, Eng.  »t,  1779—1843. 

Personal    Names. 


Melitus,  Me-lj-tus,  Greek  or  and  j?oe^, 

accuser  of  Socrates,  ex.  400  B.  Cf. 
Mollen,   Mel-en,    Grenville,    Am.  poet 

and  mLsc  wr,  1800—1841. 
Melville,    Mel-vil,   Andrew,    Eng.  div 

and  au  1545—1622. 
Melville,  Henry  Dundas,  Lord  Viscount, 

Eng.  St  1740—1811. 
Melville,  Herman,  Am.  a«N-Y.,1819— 
Mendelssohn,  Men-del-son,   Dr.   Felix 

Bartholody,  Ger.  mus  comp  and  per- 

/<>;77i«r,  1809— 1847. 
Mendelssohn,  Moses,  a  Jewish  ^A*7  and 

mor  Ger.,  1729—1786. 
Menelaus,    Men-e-la-us,  k  of  MycensB, 

hus  of  Helena. 
Mengs,  Megz.  Antony  Raphael,  Bohe- 
mians^, 1729—1779. 
Mercator,    Mer-kq,-tor,    Gerard,    math 

and  geoq  Flanders,  1512 — 1594. 
Mercer,  Mer-ser,  Hugh,  a  Irig  gen  in 

the  Am.  army,  — 1777. 
Mercury,  Mer-kix-ri, /aft,  messenger  of 

the  gods,  inventor  of  letters,  god  of 

eloquence,  &c.  [1800 . 

Merimee,    Mer-E-ma,   Prosper,    Fr.  au 
Mesmer,    Mes-mer,    Fred.   Anthony,  a 

promoter  of  animal  magnetism,  Ger., 

Mesonero  y  Romanos,    Ma-son-a-rca  e 

Ro-mcin-6s,  Don  Ramon  De,  Sp.  au 

iletastasio,  Ma-tqg-ti^s-e-o,  Pietro,  It. 

dram,  1698-1782. 
Metternich,  Met-er-niA,   Clemens,   W. 

N.  L.,  Prince,  Aus.  st  and  dip,  1773— 
Meursius,  Mer-si-es,  John,  Dutch  critic 

philol  an^'hut,  1579-1639. 
Meyer,  Mj-er,  Philippe,  Ger.  mus  comp 

Meyerbeer,  Mj-er-bar,  Giaocomo,  Ger. 

rang  Cfimpy  1791 — 
Mezerai,  Ma-za-ra,  Francis  E.  De,  Fr. 

hust  1610  -1683. 
Michaelis,    MiA-q-el-is,    John   David, 

Ger.  orien  and  hih  critic,  1717 — 1791. 
Michelangelo  Buonarroti,     Me-ka-lqn- 

ga-lo  Bid  o-nqr-di-te,   or  anglicized, 

Michael  Angelo,    Mj-ka-el  An'je-lo, 

It.  a/-/,  1475 -1564.  [1798 . 

Michelet^    MiJ-a-la,    Jules,    Fr.    hist 
Mickiewicz.  Mtts-ke-d-vcq,  Adam,  Pol- 
ish poet,  1798— 
Middleton,  Mid -1-ton,   Conyers,  polem 

ivr  and  critic  Eng.,  1683—1750. 
Middleton,  Arthur,  signer  Dec.  of  Tnd., 

S.  C,  1743-1787.  [—1816. 

Middleton,  Henry.  Am.  st  S.  C.,  1771 
Mignet,  Meg-nd,  Francoifl  Au.  Alexis, 

Fr.  hid,  1790-- 

Mill,  Mil,  James,  Sootish  phil  and  st, 

Millar,   Mil-ar,  James,   Scot,  ph  and 

chem,  1762—1827. 
Miller,  Edward,  ph  and  med  au  N-Y., 

Miller,    Wm.,  found  of  the  sect  called 

the  '♦  Millerites,"  —1849.  [1856. 

Miller,  Hugh,  Scot,  geol&n^.  aw,  1802 — 
Miller,    Thomas,    Eng.    poet  and   nov 

Millin,  Mil-in,  Aubin  Louis,  Fr.  archce, 

nat  and  au,  1759—1818. 
Milman,   Mil-man,   Henry  Hart,   Eng. 

au  and  clerg,  1791 — 
Milnea,    Mil-nes,    Richard    Monckton, 

Eng.  poet,  1806— 
Milton,  Mil-ton,  John,  Eng.  poet  whosd 

writings  have   given  a  name  to  the 

English  language,  1608—1675. 
Mina,  Me-nq,  Don  Francisco  E.  y,  Sp. 

gen,  1782—1836.  [wisdom. 

Minerva,  Min-er-va,  fab,  goddess  of 
Minot,   Min-ot,    Laurence,    Eng.  poet 

14th  cen. 
Minto,  Min-to,  Walter,  math  and  nat 

phil  Scot.,  —1796. 
Mirabeau,     Mi/'-q-bo,    Honore   G.   R. 

Comte  De,   or  and  repuh  Fr.,  1749— 

Mirabeau,   Mir-q-bca,   Victor  Riquetti, 

Marquis  De,  au  an^fmn  of  pal  seci 

of  Economists,  Fr.,  —1790. 
Miranda,    Mir-4n-d(:j,,    Don   Francisco, 

Sp.  S.  Am.  liberator  —1816. 
Miraflores,  Mer-q-flo-ras,  Don  Manuel 

P.  F.  De  P.  M.  y  D.,  et,  min  and  au 

Sp.  1792—  [1810 . 

Mitchel,  Miq-el,  0.  M.,  Am.  astr  0., 
Mitchell,  John,  Am.  nat  and  au,  — 1772. 
Mitchell,  Thomas,  Eng.  philol,  1783— 

1845.  [1822 . 

Mitchell,  Donald  G.,  Am.  wr  Conn., 
Mitchell,  John,  Irish  "patriot,"  exiled, 

now  in  U.  S.,  1814— 
Mitford,  Mit-ford,  John,  miic  tor  Eng., 

—1831.  [1827. 

Mitford,  Mary  Russel,  Eng.  au,  1786— 
Mitford,  William,  hist  andi  philol  Eng., 

Mittermaier,  Mit-er-mj-er,   Charles  J. 

Anthon,  jurist  and  au,  a  friend  of 

popular  freedom,  Ger.,  1787 — 
Mitzler,  Mits-Icr,  Lan.  Chns.  de  Kolof, 

Ger.  m,v8  comp,  1711 — 1778. 
Modena,  Mca-da-nq,  Francis  Ferd.  Gem- 

imen,  Duke  of,  b.  1819,  commenced 

to  govern,  1846. 
Moir,  Mwor,  David  Mncbeth,  Scottish 

wr  and  au,  1798—1851. 


Personal    Names. 

Mole,  Mol,  John,  an  Englishman,  em- 
inent for  his  sliill  in  the  science  of 
Algebra,  —1827. 

Moliere,  Mcil-i-4r,  Jean  B.  Poquelin, 
Fr.  actor  and  cnmto  tor,  1622—1668. 

Moliers,  Mol-i-.'\,r-a,  Joseph  P.  De,  »Ai7 
wrFr.,  1677-1742.         [1777 . 

Molina,    Mtj-le-nq,     Pedro,    st   Guat., 

Moitke,  M61t-ke,  Adam  Wm.,  Count, 
Danish  st,  1785— 

Molynenx,  M61-i-no,  Wm.,  an  ingen- 
ious, math  Ir.,  1656 — d. 

Molza,  M(f)l-dzq.  Francis  Maria,  Italian 
poet,  1489— 1544. 

Monardes,  Mca-n^r-das,  Nicholas,  Sp. 
ph  find  hot,  —1578. 

Monbeillard,  M<m-bal-yqrd,  Philibert 
Gue.,  Fr.  nat,  1720—1785. 

Moncey,  Mon-sa,  Adrien,  Fr.  of  and 
.<;^.  1754—1842. 

Monge,  Monj,  Gaspard,  an  illustrious 
scientific  man,  (jeorn,  au  of  the  meth-. 
od  known  as  "  Descriptive  Geometry" 
Fr.,  1746—1818. 

Monk,  Muflk,  George,  Eng.  oen  and 
2Jol,  1608—1670. 

Monmouth,  Mon-mut,  James,  Duke  of, 
a  pretender  for  the  throne  of  Great 
Britain;  the  attempt  to  seize  which 
was  the  foundation  of  the  revolution, 
in  1688;  b.  1619—1685,  beheaded. 

Monnet,  Mon-et.  Anthony  Grim,  Fr. 
cheyn,  1734—1817. 

Monro,  Mon-r6,  Alexander,  Eng.  j^h 
and  anaf,  1697—1767. 

Monroe.  Mon-ro,  James,  Am.  st  and 
fifth >/w  U.  S.,  from  1817  to  1825: 
Va.,  1758-— 183L  V-Pres.,  D.  D. 

Montague,  Mon-ta-gq,,  Charles,  earl  of 
Halifax,  Eng.  st,  1661—1715. 

Montague,  John,  fourth  earl  of  Sand- 
wich, Je>,  *«  and  a?/,  Eng.,1718— 1792. 

Montague,  Basil,  an  English  law  and 
n-r,  1770—1851. 

Montague,  Lady  Mary  Wortley,  an 
English  wr  and  friend  of  Addison, 
Pope,  etc.,  169U— 1762.  [1800. 

Montague,  Elizabeth,  ?w  Eng.,  1720 — 

Montaigne,  Mon-tan,  Michel,  Seigneur 
De,  French  essa,  1533—1592. 

Montcalm,  Mont-kqm,  Louis  Jos.  De, 
Marquis  of  St.  Krau,  French  gen, 

MontecucuUi,  Mon-ta-kco-kcfi-lg,  Ray- 
mond De,  Modenese  gen  Ger.,  1608 — 

Montesquieu,  M6n-tas-ke,  Carl  De  S., 
Baron  De,  Fr.  pkil  and  an,  1689 — 

Montezuma,  Mon-ta-zi^-m<i,    or  Mon- 

ta-tcb-mq,)  last  Indian  emp  of  Mex., 

stoned   to  death  at    the  time  of  the 

Spanish  invasion,  — 1520. 
Montfaucon,  Moht-fjj-kon,  Bernard  De, 

Fr.,  critic  and  antiq.  1655^—1741. 
Montgolfier,     Mont-gol-fi-a,     Jacques 

p]tie.,   the  inventor  of   air-balloons, 

Montgomery,    Mont-giim-er-i,    James, 

l)oet  Eng.,  1771—1854. 
Montgomery,  Richard,  major-gen  Am. 

army,  1737— k.  1775. 
Montgomery,  Geo.  Wash.,  Am.  nov  and 

trans,  —1841.  [—1828. 

Monti,  M6n-te,  Wncen^o, poet  It..  1753 
Monti,  Raffaelle,  Italian  sculp,  1819 — 
Montmorency.  Mont-mo-r^fis,  Duke  of, 

Henry  II.,  French  adm,  1595—1632. 
Montrose,  Mont-r6z,  James  G.,  Marquis 

of,  dist.    royalist  under   Charles  I., 

Eng.,  —1645. 
Montucci,  Mon-t<6-ke,  Antonio,  philol 

and  au,  Italy,  1762—1829.  [1799. 
Montucla,  M6h-te-klq,  Fr.  math,  1725— 
Moore,  Mor,  Edward,  an  English  poet 

and  dram  wr,  1712—1757.  [1802. 
Moore,  John,  ph  and  au  Scot.,  1730 — ■- 
Moore,    Sir  John,   Brit,   gen,   and  the 

subject  of  the  celebrated  stanzas  of 

Wolf,  1761— k.  1809. 
Moore,  Thomas,   British  2^oet  and  wr, 

Mora,  M6-rq,  Joseph  J.,  Sp.  poet  and 

ati  S.  Am.,  1783. 
Moratin,  Mo-r^-ten,  N.  F.  De,  and  L. 

F.  De.  Sp.  dram  poets,  1737—1760, 

1780—1828.  [1833. 

More,  Mor,  Hannah,  Eng.  wr,  1744 — 
More,  Henry,  Eng.  div,  1614—1687. 
More,    Sir  Thomas,    Eng.  au   and  st, 

Moreau,  Mor-(f>,  Jean  Michel,  designer 

and  engraver  Fr.,  1741—1814. 
Moreau,  Jean  Victor,  Fr.  gen,  1763 — 
.   1813. 
MorcU,    M6r-el,    Thomas,  Eng.   critio 

and  lexicng,  1703—1784. 
Moreto  y  Cabana,    ^Ica-ra-to  z  Kq-b^- 

nq,    Don  Augastin,   Sp.  dram  poet 

17th  cen.  [1755—1799. 

Morgan,  M<5r-gan,  Daniel,  Am.  gen  Va., 
Morgan,  Wm.,  Eng.  math  and  wr,  — 

Morghen,  Mor-gan,  Raphael,  engraver 

Naples,  1758-d. 
Morier,  Mor-er,  James,  Eng.  trav  and 

nov,  1780  -1648. 
Morison,  M6r-i-son,    Robert,  Eng.  ph 

and  hot,  1620-1383, 

Personal    Names. 


MoritK,  Mor-its,  Charles,  P.,  Ger.  wr 
1757—1793.  [1764—1804. 

Morland,    M6r-land,    George,   Eng.  pt 

Morland,  Sir  Samuel,  Eng.  st  and  mech, 
1325— 159S. 

Mornay,  Mar-na,  Philip  de,  Fr.  st  and 
wr,  1549— 1G23.  [dreams,  &c. 

Morpheus,  Mor-fe-us,  fab,  god  of  sleep, 

Morris,  M()r-i?,  Gouverneur,  Am.  «^and 
wr  N-Y.,  1752—1816. 

Morris,  Robert,  supt  of  the  finances  of 
the  U.  S.,  during  the  Revolutionary 
war,  and  signer  Dec.  (if  lad.,  Pa., 

Morris,  George  P.,  Am.?rrX-Y.,1802— 

M.>rs,  Mora,  fab,  goddess  of  death. 

Mortier,  Mor-ti-a,  Edmund,  A.  C.  J., 
Fr.  marshal,  1768—1835. 

Morton,  M'ir-ton,  Nathaniel,  Am.  an 
Mass.,  1612—1685. 

Morton,  MJr-ton,  Samuel  G.,  Am.  nat 
and  et/mo.  Pa.,  —1851.  [1838. 

Morton,   Thomas,    Eng.  dram,  1764 — 

Moses,  M6-zez,  lawgiver  of  the  Jews, 
Eg,,  1571  B.  C. 

Mosheim,  Moa-J-hjm,  John  L.  Von,  Ger. 
hist  and  phil  wr,  1694 — 1755, 

Motherwell, Miid-er-wel,  \Vm.,  Scottish 
poet  and  ed,  1798—1835. 

Mott,  Mot,  Valentine,  M.  D,,  LL.  D., 
Am.  surgeon  X-Y.,  1785. 

Motley,  M6t-li,  John  Lethrop,  Am, 
hist  who  has  recently  distinguished 
himself  by  v^  very  able  and  beauti- 
fully written  history  of  "The  Rise 
of  the  Dutch  Republic."    N-Y. 

Mottley,  M6t-li,  John,  Eng.  biog  wr, 

Mortimer,  Mor-ti-mer,  Thomas,  com- 
mercial wr  and  an  Jlng.,  1740 — 1809. 

Moultrie,  M(f>l-trE,  Wm.,  Am,  r#S.  C, 
-1805,  [N-Y,,  1807 , 

Mount,    M5nt,    William   S,,   Am.  art 

Mountfort,  M-^nt-fort,  William,  Eng. 
acU^r  and  dram  wr,  1659 — k.  1692, 

Mourad-Bey,  Ma»-rad-Ba,  chief  of  the 
Mamelukes,  1750—1801. 

Mozart,  Mu)-zqrt,  {or  Ger.  M<f>t3-qrt,) 
Johann,  C.  W,  G  »tt,,  master  of  mug, 
and  mus  comp,  Ger,,  1756—1792. 

Mudie,  Ma>-de,  R>bert,  Scot,  au  in 
nat  hist,  \in—\%\2. 

Mudge,  .Muj,  M.  D.,  F.  R.  S.,  7n«cAand 
au,  —1793. 

Muller,  Miil-or,  Carl  Ottfried,  Ger. 
archoi  and  au,  1797—1840. 

Muller,  Gerard  Fred,,  Ger.  trav  and 

wr  and  Rus,  hist,  1705—1783. 
Muller,  John,  Ger.  ast,  1436—1476. 
Muller,  John  Von,  Swiss,  hist  1752^ 

1809,  [-1784. 

Muller,  Othon  Fred.,  Danish  nat.  1730 
Muncer  or  Muntzer,   Mdbnt-ser,  Saxon 

div,  church  ref  and  social   leveller, 

beheaded  1525. 
Munro,  Alex.,  M.  D.,  a  skilful  anat  and 

p/iScot.,  1733— 1817.  1—1836. 

Munster,  Miin-ster,  Coun,  st  Hanover, 
Muntz,    Munts,    George    Fred.,    Eng., 

merch  and  p()l  reformer,  1794 — 
Murat,  Me-rq,  Joachim,  Fr.  gen  and  Ic 

of  Naples,  1767— sh,  1815, 
Muratori,  Moo-rq-  to-re,  Louis  Anthony, 

It,  hist  and  antiq,  1672—1750. 
Murillo,  MiJD-rel-yu),  Bartholome  E.,  Sp. 

pt,  1618—1682. 
Murphy,    Miir-fi,    Arthur,    dram  and 

misc  wr,  Ir.,  1727 — 1805. 
Murray,     Miir-a,     Alexander,     Scotch 

linguist  and  au,  1775 — 1813. 
Murray,    Hugh,    Scot,  geo  Wr,  1779— 

1846.  [—1820. 

Murray,  John,  -ph,  chem  and  wr  Scot., 
Murray,  Rev.  John,  father  of  the  Uni- 

versalistdenouainatiou,  b.  Eng.,  1741 

—1815,  U.  S. 
Murray,    John,    F.   S.  A.,   Eng.  pub, 

1778—1843.  [1826. 

Murray,  Lindley,  Eng.   gram,  1745— 
Murray,  Wm.  Vans,  Am.  dip  Md.,  1762 

Murray,   Nicholas,  D.  D.,  Am.  wr  N- 

Y.,   better  known   by  the    iwm  da 

plume,  "  KirwiiB;"  b.  1802— 
Muses,  Mqz-ez,  fab,  nine  daughters  of 

Jupiter,  mistresses  of  all  the  sciences, 

presidents  of   musicians,  and   poets, 

and  governesses  of  the  feasts  of  the 

Musgrave,  Miis-grav,  Sir  Richard,  bari, 

au  Ir.  hist,  1753—1818. 
Musschenbroek,  Mias-Aen-bAtik,   Peter 

Van,    Dutch  nat,   phil  and  math, 

Musset,   M^-sa,    Alfred  De,   Fr.  poet, 

Mustapha,  Miis-tq-fq,  I,,  ascended  the 

Turkish      throne,     1617 — strangled 

1623.     —  II,,  asc,  1695— d.'fhroued 

1703.     -IN,,  asc.  1757-1774. 
Mutis,   MiD-tes,  Joseph  Colestiuo,  Sp* 

nat,  1731-1808. 


Personal    Names. 


Nahl,  Nq,l,  Johann  Aug.,  Prussian  scvlp, 

1710-1781.  [er.s,  &c. 

Naiades,  Na-ya-dRZ./ci^y,  nymphs  of  riv- 

Napier,  Na-per,  Lieut.  Gen.  Sir  Chas. 

^  James,  (ff  Br.  army,  1782— 185;i. 

Napier,    Sir  Charles,    adm  lir.   navy, 

Napier,    John,    Baron   of   Merobiston, 

iav  of    logarithms,    and   inati):  au, 

Scot,,  1550—1617. 
Napier,     Macvey,    ed     "Encyclopedia 

Britannica,"  and  of  the  "Edinburgh 

Review,"  Scot.,  — 1817. 
Naples,    Na-plz,    Ferdinand  II.,   k  of 

the  two  Sicilies,  b.  1810 —  succeeded 

to  the  throne  in  1830. 
Napoleon  Bonaparte,   Na-pcD-le-on  Bcj- 

na-pqrt,    einp  Fr.,  1768,  died  at%t. 

Helena,  1821. 
Narbonne  Lara,  Nqr-bori  L^-rq,  Louis 

Count,    aid-de-camp    to    Napoleon, 

Narcissus,  Nqr-sis-us,  fab,  a  beautiful 

youth,  who,  falling  in  love  with  his 

own    shadow   in    the   water,    pined 

away  into  a  daffodil.  [1555. 

Nardi,  Nqr-de,  Jaeopo,  It.  hist,  1476 — 
Nares,  Nii,rz,    Robert,   Eng.  critic  and 

i]i£d,  —1829. 
Naruszewicz,      Nqr-floJ-a-veq,      Adam 

Stamslans,  Jiiat  and  poet  Poland,  — 

Narvaez,  Nqr-vq-afc,  Don  Ramon,  Duke 

of  Viilencia,  Sp.  ^x)^,  1795 — 
Nash,  NaJ,  Francis,  hrig-aen  Am.  army, 

—  1777  killed. 

Nash,  John,  P3ng.  arch,  1752 — 1835. 
Nasmyth,    Na-smif),    Alex.,  Scot,  l-pt, 

Nassau,  Na-so,  Adolph,  Duke  of,  1817 

—  assumed  government  1839. 
Naude,  N-8-de,  Philip,  Ger.  math,  1654 

—  1745. 

Naudet,  N(j-da,  Thomas  Chas.,  Fr.  l-pt 

Nauraann,  N-s-mqn,  Johann  Got.,  Ger. 

mns  comp,  1741—1801. 
Navarre,  Na-vqr,  Henry  of,  [Henry  IV.] 

k  of  Fr.,  1553 —  ascended  the  throne 

Neal,  Nel,  Joseph  C.  an  Am.  wr,  an  of 

the  "  Charcoal  Sketches,"  Pa.,  1807 

Neal,  John,  Am.  rvr  Me.,  1794 — 
Neander,     Na-4n-der,     Johann    Aug., 

Church  hint,  Ger.,  1739—1850. 

Necker,  Nek-er,  James,  Fr.  min,  and 

pol,  1732—1804. 
Necker,   Madame,    wife  of  the  above, 

dist.  for  her  philanthropy  and  learn- 
ing, 1739—1796. 
Nelson,  Nel-son,   Horatio,  Eng.  adm, 

1758—1805.       [ed,  1759 . 

Nelson,  Samuel,  an  "Irish  patriot"  and 
Nelson,  Thomas.  Am.  gen,  and  q<>v  Va., 

mjner  Dec.  of  //irf.,"l738— 1789. 
Ncpos,  Ne-pos,  Cornelius,   Latin   hiet, 

fl.  75  B.  C. 
Neptune,  Nep-tqn,  fah,  god  of  the  sea. 
NtTo,  Claud.   Domit.  Ciesar,  emp  and 

ty:-ant  Rome,  slew  himself  A.  D.  68. 
Nestoi,  comman  at  siege  of  Troy,  said 

to  have  lived  300  years.  [—1737. 
Neumann,  Nff-mqn,  Caspar,  Ger.  chem, 
Neureuther,  Ner-rer-tq,r,   Eugene,   Ger. 

art,  1806— 
Newcomen,  Ni'i,- ^^o-oi^nj  Thomas,   the 

first  to  improve    the  steam-engine, 

Eng.,  17th  cen. 
Newland,  Peter,  Dutch  math  and  a.u, 

Newton,  Sir  Isaac,  math  .ind  nat  phil, 

au  "Principia,"  etc.,  Eng  ,  1642  o.  s. 

Ney,    Na,    Michel,    Marshal     of    the 

French    emp.,   Duke   of   Elchlxigen, 

Prince    of    the    Moskwa,    1789- sh. 

1815.  [B.  CI. 

Nicander,  Greek  poet  and  med  wr,  140 
Niceron,    N£s-a-r6h,   John   Peter,   Fr. 

Mop  au,  1685 — 1738. 
Nicholas,  Piiulovitch,  emp  Russia,  1796 

— c.  1824—1855. 
NichoUs,   Charlotte,    ["  Currer  Bell,"] 

Eng.  ay,  — 1855. 
NichoUs,  Frank,  M.  D.,  F.  R.  S.,  Eng. 

ph  and  au,  1699—1779. 
Nichols,  John,  antiq  and  mittc  wr,  con- 
ductor of  the  "Gentleman's   Maga- 
zine," 1744—1828. 
Nicholson,  James,  of  Am.  navy,  Md., 

Nicholson,  John  B.,  Am.  com.  — 1846. 
Nicholson,  William,  wr  on  chera.  and 

nat.  philos.,  Eng.,  1758—1815. 
Nicolai,  Nik-o-la,   Chris.   Fred.,    Ger. 

au  and  booksdler,  1733—1811. 
Nicolas,    Sir    Nicholas    Harris,    antiq 

Scot.,  1799—1848. 
Nicole,  Francis,  Fr.  math,  1683—1748. 
Niebuhr,  Ne-bur,  Carstcn,  Ger.  ira^f 


Personal    Names. 


Niebuhr,  Barthold  Geo.,  son  of  the 
preceding,  hut,  philol  and  dip,  1776 
—  1831. 

Nield,  James,  Eng.  joAi7a?i,  1744 — 1814. 

Niemeyer,  Nc-mj-er,  Aug.  Herman, 
Ger.  educational  and  mbcellaaeous 
^  wr,  1754—1828. 

Nieuwland,  Ne-cQ-lqnd,  Peter,  Dutch 
tcr  on  nat.  phil.  and  mathematics, 

Ninus,  Nj-nus,  found  Assyrian  empire, 
husband  of  Semiramus,  2164  B.  C. 

Niobe,  Nj-o-be, /aft,  wife  of  Amphion, 
who,  preferring  herself  to  Lntona, 
had  lier  14  children  killed  by  Diana 
and  Apollo,  and  wept  herself  into  a 
statue.  [—2029  B.  C. 

Noah,  No-a,   saved    from    the    flood, 

Noah,  Mordecai  M.,  Am.  joiir  N-Y., 
1785-1851.  [1784—1827. 

Noble,  Mark,  Eng.  hut  and  hiog  wr, 

Noehden,  Ne-den,  George  Henry,  Ger. 
wr,  1770-1826.  [1823. 

Nollekens,  Joseph,  Eng.  sculp,  1737 — 

Nollet,  N6I-a,  John  Antoine,  Fr.  nat 

phil,  1770— d. 
Noodt,  Noodt,  Gerard,  civilian  Holland, 

Norris,  John,  Eng.  meta  phil  and  div, 

North,   Frederic,    Earl    of   Guildford, 

Lord,  Eng.  st,  1732—1792. 
Northcote,  Nort-kot,  James,    Eng.  pt, 

Norton,  Andrews,  Am.  poet  and  prose 

wr  Mass.,  1786 —  [wr. 

Norton,  Mrs.  Caroline,  Eng.  poet  and 
Nott,  John.  M.  D.,  poet  and  ori  Eng., 

Nott,  Eliphalet,  D.  D.,  W7*,  and  pres 

Union  College,  N-Y.,  1773— 
Nox,  Noks,  fa^,  the  most   ancient  of 

Nuck,  Nek,  Anthony,  Dutch  ftnat  and 

med  wr,  —1692. 
Nunez  De  Balboa,  Nd>-ne6  Da  Bql-bo-q, 

Sp.  disc  Pacific  Ocean,  by  crossing 

the  Isthmus  of  Darien,  in  1513. 


Oberlin,  John  Fred.,  "Pastor  of  Wald- 

bach,"    an    earnest   laborer    in   the 

cause  of  education  and  the  arts  of 

civilization  ;  Ger..  1740—1826. 
Oberlin,  Jeremiah  James,  Ger.  philol 

and  anti'q,  1735  —  1806. 
O'Brien,  O-bri-en,  Wm.  Smith,  "  Irish 

patrirjt,"  1806  — 
Ockham,  Ok'ara,  William   of,  British 

meta  />?ul,  14th  cen. 
Ockiey,  Ok'li,  Simon,  «/r»  and  au  Eng., 

O'Connell.  O-kon-el,  Daniel,  Irish  or 

and  patriot,  1775—1817. 
Odcs<-alchi,  CJ-das-k^l-ke,  Marc  A.,  It. 

phil  an,  — 1670. 
Odin,  war,  poet,  priest  and  monarch, 

Den.,  nftor  death  worshipped   as   a 

god,  70  B.  C. 
Oeder.  E'der,  Geo.  Christ., /)A,  hot  and 

au,  Ger.,  1728—1791. 
Oelilenschloeger,  0)-len-sl<6-ger,  Adam, 

■  Danish  dram  poet,  1777 — 1850. 
Octinger.  E'tin-Aer,  Fred.  Christopher, 

Ger.  philol.  1702—1782. 
Og^,  d-ia,  a  Creole  of   St.  Domingo, 

founder  of  the  Uaytian  revolution, 

—1790,  killed. 
Oglethorpe,  CJ'gl-torp,  James,  Brit,  gen, 

/ovnd  Georgia,  died  in  Eng.,  1785. 

O'Keefe,    O-kef,  John,  dram  Ireland, 

Oken,   Q'kn,  Ix>renz,  Swiss  nat  and 

au,  1778—1851. 
Olafricn,  Q-lqf-sen,  Stephen,  fra««  the 

Edda  and  Voluspa,  Iceland,  — 1688. 
Oldenburg,     Ol'den-burg,     Aagustus- 

Paul-Fred.,  Grand-Duke  of,  1783— 
Oldham,  John,  Eng.  poet,  1653—1683, 
Olivan,  Ol-e-vqn,  Don  Alosandro  De, 

Spanish  puhliciitt. 
Omar  I.,  caliph  of  the  Saracens,  assas, 

Onosander,  Greek  an,  A.  D.,  50. 
Opie,  (O'pe,  John,  hist  pt,  Eng.,  1761— 

Opie,  Amelia,  wife  of  the  above,  au, 

Orange,  William  of  Nassau,  Prince  of, 

fimnd  Dutch  republic,  1533— as.  1584, 
Origon,  a  father  of  Christian  church, 

Alexandria,  185—254. 
Orion,  O-rj-on, /ai,  a  mighty  hunter. 
Orleans,  0r-le-ah  or  Or'U-anz,  duL-g' 

dom,  and  titular  name  borne  by  tho 

princes  of  tho  blood  royal  in  France, 

of  which    there   are   two  houses  : — 

1.  Commencing  with  Louis  I.  of  Fr., 

1393;  2.  Commencing  with  Philip  I«y 



Personal    Names. 

Orleans,  Louis  Philippe  Jos.,  Due  D', 

father  of  the   late  king,  and  singu- 
larly  enough,  a  republican,  1747 — 

ex.  1793. 
Orme,  Robert,  Eng.  Ust,   1728—1801. 
Ormond.  James  B.,  Duke  of,  Eng.  st, 

laiO— 1688, 
Orpheus,  9r'f  e-us,  Greek  'poet,  mus  and 

jih,  fl.  before  Hoiner. 
Orville,  9r-vel,  James  Philip  D',  das 

wr  Holland,  1696—1751. 
Ossian,  OJ'i-an,  Gaelic  poet,  3d  cen. 
Ossoli,  0s-(ij-le,    the    Countess,    better 

known  as  Margaret  Fuller,  Am.  au 

Mass.,  1810—1850. 
Otho  1.,  k  Greece,  1815— c.  1832— 
Otho,   O'fco,   Marcus   Salvius,  emp  of 

Rome,   in    69.     —  I.,  II.,  III.,  IV., 

emps  Ger.,  936  to  1218. 
Otis,  James,  Mass.,  1725 — 1783. 
Otranto,  O-trqn-to,  Jos.  Eouche,Duke 

of,  mill  of  Police,  Fr.,  1763—1820. 
Ottley,  Ot'li,  Wm.  Young,   F.  K.  S., 

Brit,  art  and  av,  1772—1836. 
Otto,  0-t(5,  Louis  Wm.,  Count  de  Mos- 

loy,  Fr.  dif),  1754— d.      [1651—1685. 
Otway,  Ot'wa,   Thomas,   Eng.  dram, 

Oudinot,    (I)-dan-(5,    Chas     Nicholas, 

Duke  of  Reggie,  marehal  Fr.,  1767 

Ouvrard,  (Dv-r4rd,  Rene,  Fr.  div,  pott, 

math  and  mvs,  — 1694. 
Overbeck,  Frederiok,  Ger.  art,  1789 — ■ 
Ovid,    CD'vid,    Publius    Naso,    Roman 

23o(t,  11.  A.  D.  12. 
Oviedo,  O-vi-a-do,  John  G.,  Spanish 

nat,  —1540.  [1683. 

Owen,  John,  D.  D.,  Eng.  div,  1616 — 
Owen,  Robert  Dale,  Am.  wr,  pol  tJteO' 

rist,  and  pol,  la. 
Owen,   William,   Eng.  por-pt,  1769 — 

Owen,  Robert,  pol  theorist  Eng.,  1771 — 
Owen,  Richard,  F.  R.  S.,  Eng  ,  sur,  nat 

and  a  a. 
Oxenstierna,     Oks-en-ster-nq,     Axel, 

Count,  st  Sweden,  1583 — 1054. 
Ozanam,  Oz-a-nqm,  James,  Fr.  math, 

Ozeretzkfif  fsky,     Oz  -  er  -  ets  -  kof  -  ski, 

Nicholas  Yak.,  Rus.  savant  and  ur, 

Ozeroff,     Vladislas     Alexandrovitsch, 

Rus.  tragic  poet,  1707—1816. 

Paaw,  Pqv,  Peter,  Dutch  ph  and  lot, 

Pacheco,  Pq-cja-ko,  Don  Joaquin  Franz, 

Sp.j^/ur,  au  and  poet,  1808 — 
Paciandi,     Pq-qe-qn-de,    Paul     Maria, 

Italian  antiq  and  hut,  1710 — 1785. 
Paez,  Pq-af).  Jose  Antonio,  ex-pres  Ven- 
ezuela, 1790 — 
Paganini,  l^q-gq-ne-ns,  Nicolo,  Italian 

I'ioZ.  .-1784—1 840. 
Page,  William,  Am.  por-pt  N-Y^.,  1811 — 
Paine,   Robert   Treat,    Am.    law,   and 

signer  Dec.  of  Ind.,  1731—1811. 
Paine,  Thomas,  pol  wr  and  Mb  crit, 

Pa.,  1737—1809. 
Paisiello,  Pj-ze-a-lo,  Giovanni,  Italian 

rnvs  comp,  1741 — 1818. 
Palafox-Y''-Meizi,   Pq-lq-f(a-S-Ma-E-t8, 

Sp.  gen,  the  defender  of  Saragossa, 

Paley,  Pa-li,  Wm.,  D.  D..  Eng.  div  and 

wr  on  ethics.  1743—1805. 
Palissot    De    Beauvois,    Pal-8-so    De 

Bo-vw6,  Ambroise  M.  F.  J.,  Fr.  nat, 

J'alissy,  Pq-lg-se,  Bernard  De,  French 

cJtem,  —1590. 

Palladio,  Pq-lq-de-o,  Andrea,  It.  arch, 

Pallas,  Pq-lqs,  Peter  Simon,  trav  and 
«a<  Ger.,  1741— 1811.     [1781—1850. 

Paluiella,   Pqm-el-o,  Duke  (  f ,  st  Port., 

Palmersion,  Pqm-er-ston,  Henry  Tem- 
ple, Viscount,  Eng.  st,  1784 — 
t  Pandora,  Pan-do-ra,  fah,  the  first 
woman  made  by  Vulcan,  and  en- 
dowed with  gifts  by  all  the  deities; 
Jupiter  gave  her  a  box  containing 
all  manner  of  evils,  war,  famine,  «Sic,, 
with  hope  at  the  bottom. 

Paoli,  Pq-o-l8,  Pascal,  Corsican  st, 

Papin,  Pq-pan,  Denys,  Fr.  nat,  phil 
and  2^h,  — 1710. 

Paracelsus,  Par-a-sel-sus,  A  urcol  us  Phi - 
lippus  Theophrastus,  &c,  Swiss  ph 
Sindp/iilwr,  1493—1541.  [1590. 

Pare,   Pqr,  Ambrose,   Fr.   svr,  1509 — 

Pareja,  Pqr-a-hq,  Juan  De,  j<t  and 
slut-e,  Sp.,  1610—1670.    [1729—1799. 

Parini,  Pq/-e-ne.  Joseph,  Italian  poet, 

Paris,  Par-is,  fah,  son  of  Priam,  who 
ran  away  Avith  Helena,  and  occa- 
sioned the  Trojan  war. 

Personal    Names. 


Park,  Mun!?o.  Scottish  irav  and  ezji  in 

Africa.  1771— perished  1806. 
Parker,  Rev.  Theodore,  Unitarian  der, 

anti-slavery  re/,  and  wr.  Mass. 
Parkcs,  Samuel,   exjJer  chetn  and  au, 

Eng.,  1759—1825.  [1830. 

Parkinson,  Thomas,  math  Eng.,  1745  — 
Parna.-sus,  Pqr-nas-us,  /a^>,  a  mountain 

of   Phocis,  famous   for  a  temple  of 

Apollo,  and  being  the  favorite  resi- 
dence of  the  muses. 
Parncll,   Pqr-nel,    Thomas,   Irish  poet 

and  an,  1679—1718. 
Parr,  Pqr,  Samuel,  div   and   scholar, 

Eng..  174')— 1825. 
Parry.  Par-i,  Caleb  IT..  M.  D.,  F.  R.  S., 

ph  and  nat.  1756—1822. 
Parry,   Sir  \Vm.  Edward,   Eng.   nav^ 

1790—1855.  [1705—1770. 

Pardons,  James,  Eng.  med  and  7nuc  wr, 
Parsons,  Theophilus,  LL.  D.,  laio  and 

chief  justice,  Mass.,  1750—1813. 
Pascal,  Pas-kal,  Blaise,  math  and  nat 

phil,  Fr.,  1623—1662. 
Paskewitch,    Pas-ka-viq,   Ivan   Feod., 

Prince  of  Warsaw,   1782 — 
Pastor  Diaz.  Pcis-tor  Ds-^t,  Don  Ni- 

comedes,  Sp.  poet,  1811 — 
Patrick,  St.,  (jvard  saint   of  Ireland, 

native  of  Wales,  carried  to  Ireland, 

and  converted  the  people  to  Christi- 
anity, —460.  {(jeol,  1742—1815. 
Patrin,   Pa-tran,  Eugene   L.   M.,   Fr. 
Paulding,  Pol-din,  James  K.,  Am.  wr 

N-Y.,  1779—  [imi. 

Paul,  Petrowitz,  tyr  emp  Rus.,  assas. 
Paul,  Father,  schdar  and  au  "llistory 

of  the  Council  of  Trent." 
Paul,  St.,  originally  Saul,  put  to  death 

by  Nero,  for  preaching  Christ,  A.  D. 

66.  ^      [1272. 

Paulo,  Marco,  Venetian  trav  in  China, 
Paxton,  Paks-ton,  Sir  .Joseph,  arch  of 

the  Crystal  Palixce,  Scot.,  1804— 
Payne,  Pan,   John    Howard,    Am.   wr 

and  dram  N-Y.,  1792—1852. 
Peabody,  Pg-bod-i,   Rev.    Andrew   P., 

D.  D.,  div  and  crit  wr  Ma-?a.,  1811 — 
Pecquet,  Pe-ka,  John,  Fr.  anat  and  /)A, 

di.'*covcrer  of  the  thoracic  duct  and 

the  receptacle  of  the  chyle,  — 1674. 
Pedro  I..  Pad-ro  or  Pe-dro,  Antonio 

Jose  D'Al.,  Don,  ex-emn  Brazil,  1798 

Peel,  Sir  Robert,  Eng.  st,  1788—1850. 
Pegasus,  Pdg-a-<u*,  /ah,  winged  horse 

b 'longing  to  Apollo  and  tho  Muses. 
Pelagius,  Pe-!a-ji-us,  found  of  a  sect, 

Brit.,  5fh  cen.    — X  and  II.,  popes, 

555,  578. 


Pellico,  Pal-e-ko,  Silvio,  It.  fvr,  1789— 

Pemberton,  Thomas,  Am.  hist,  1723— 
1807.  [household  gods. 

Penates,    Pe-na-tez,  /ah,    statues    or 

Pena  Y  Aguayo,  Pa-nq  S  fl-gwq-E-o, 
Don  Jose  De  La,  Sp.  laio  and  au, 
1801  — 

Penelope,  Ps-nel-0-pb',/a?>,  daughter  of 
Icarus,  celebrated  for  her  chastity 
and  fidelity  during  the  long  absence 
of  Ulysses. 

Penn,  William,  a  "Quaker,"  /ound 
Pennsylvania,  1644 — 1718. 

Pennant,  Pen-ant,  Thomas,  Brit,  nat, 

Pepusch,  Pa-ix6J",  John  Christ.,  Ger. 
theor  mus.  1667—1752. 

Perceval,  Per-sc-val,  Spencer,  Eng. 
law  and  st,  1762— sh.  1812. 

Percival,  Per-si-val,  James  Gates,  Am. 
})0€t  Conn.,  1795 — 

Pcrcv,  Per-si,  Thomas,  Eng.  f(£  and  ivr^ 
17'29-181l.  [and  gen. 

Pericles,    Per-i-klez,   Athenian   &t,    or 

Perry,  .lames,  Eng.  jovr,  pol  wr,  and 
ed  "  Morning  Chronicle,"  1756—1821. 

Perry,  Oliver  Haz.,  of  Am.  navy,  R.  I., 
1785— 1820. 

Pestalozzi,  Pes-tq-l6t-se,  Henry,  Swiss 
educat(/r,  founder  of  the  system  of 
instruction  by  "objects,"  and  au., 
1745 — d. 

Peter,  chief  of  the  Apostles,  crucified 
by  Nero,  head  downward,  A.  D.  66. 

Peter,  St.,  hp  Alexandria,  martyred  311. 

Peter  the  First,  czar  Rus.,  and  a  pro- 
moter of  education  and  the  arts  of 
civilization,  1672—1725. 

Peter,  the  Hermit,  Fr.  of,  and  holy 
pilgrim,  who  instigated  the  war  of 
the  Crusaders,  —1100. 

Pcthion  Do  Villeneuve,  Pa-te-on  D9 
Yel-yan-uv,  Jerome,  Girondist  leader 
of  the  French  revolution,  — 1793. 

Petion,  Pa-tE-6h,  Alex.  Salics,  a  negro, 
gen,  and  pres  republic  of  Hayti,  1770 
—1818.  [-1750. 

Petit,  P*5-te,  Jean  Louis,  Fr.  mr,  1074 

Petrarch,  Pe-trqrk,  Francesco,  chief 
restorer  of  classical  learning,  Tusca- 
ny, 1304-1374. 

Phaeton,  Fa-e-ton,  /ah,  son  of  Sol 
(Apollo),  who  asked  the  guidance 
of  his  father's  chariot  for  one  day, 
as  a  proof  of  his  divine  descent;  but 
unable  to  manage  the  horses,  set  the 
world  on  fire,  and  was  therefore 
struck  by  .Jupiter  with  a  thundor- 
bplt  into  the  river  Po.  [B.  G. 

Phidias,  yid-i-as,  Athenif^n  ^cull>,  43^ 


Personal    Names. 

Philemon,  Fj-le-mon,  comic  poet,  Ath- 
ens, 274  B.  C. 

Philetus,  Fj-le-tus,  Greek  poet. 
Philip  II.,  Fil-ip,    k   Macedon,  father 

IS,  jfj-ie-t 
II.,  Fil-i 
ot  Alex,  the  Great,  assas.  336  B.  C. 

Philip  II.,  k  Spain,  Mgot  and  tyrant, 

Philip,  St.,  the  first  whom  Jesus  called 
as  a  discipla.  [—1749. 

Philips,  Ambrose,  Eng.  poet  and  dram. 

Philips,,  Eng.  poet,  1671—1708. 

Philips,  Samuel,  Eng.  jour  and  misc 
wr,  1815—1854.  [ref  Mass. 

Philips,  Wendell,  Am.  savant,  or  and 

Phillpotts,  Henry,  champion  of  the 
Eng.  High-Church  party,  1777  — 

Philo,  Fj-lo,  Indaeus,  Greek  wr  on 
mor.  philos.,  fl.  A.  D.  40. 

Philostratus,  Fj-los-tra-tus,  Greek 
sophut  and  a'it,  — 244. 

Phocion,  F(i-Ji-on,  Athenian  gen  and 
phil,  poisoned  318  B.  C. 

Piazzi,  PK-(!it-SE,  Guiseppe,  It.  aatr, 
discoverer  of  the  planet  Ceres,  1746 
—1826.  [1728—1801. 

Piccini,  Pe-ce-ne,  Nicolai,  It.  mus  comp, 

Pichler,  PiA-ler,  Caroline,  posthumous 
Ger.  ivr,  1769—1843.  ^ 

Pickering,  law,  and  chief  j  Sup.  Ct. 
N-H.,  —1805. 

Pictet,  Mark  Aug.,  Swiss  nat  and  ]i7bil, 
1752—1825.  [k.  1815. 

Picton,  Sir  Thomas,  K.  C.  B.,  Brit,  fff, 

Pierce,  Pers,  Franklin,  pol.  and  thir- 
teenth Prcs.  U.  S.,  from  1853  to  1857; 
N-II.  V-Pres.,  Wm.  R.  King,  who 
died  before  taking  his  seat. 

Pierpont,  Per-pont,  Rev.  J.,  Am.  cler, 
poet  and  r</Mass.,  about  1776 — 

Pike,  Zobulon  Mont.,  rff  Am.  army, 
N-J.,  — k.  1813. 

Pilate,  Pontius,  P6n-Ji-us  Pj-lat,  Ro- 
man gov  Judea,  under  whose  rule 
Christ  suffered  death  ;  he  was  ex- 
iled, and  hanged  himself  A.  D.  37. 

Pinckney,  Pii)k-ni,  Chas.  Cutesworth, 
Am.  off  and  dip  S.  C,  —1825. 

Pindar,'  lyric  poet,  much  esteemed, 
—500  B.  C.  [1711—1796. 

Pingre,  Pan-gr,  Alex.  Guy,   Fr.   astr, 

Pinkerton,  Pig -ker-ton,  John,  au  Scot., 

Pinkney,  Pitik-ni,  "Wm.,  Am.  st  Md., 

Piranesi,  Per-qn-a-ss,  Giambattista, 
It.  arclioe,  1707—1778. 

Pitmnn,  Isaac,  inv  of  Phonography, 
and  experimenter  in  phonetic  print- 
ing, Eng.,  1814-  [1771. 

Pitot,  Pe-tO;  Henry,  Fr,  math,  1695— 

Pitt,  Christopher,  Eng.  cter  and  pnet. 

1699—1748.  [1806. 

Pitt,  William,  st  and  rnin  Eng.,  1759— 
Pius  the  Ninth,  Pupe.  was  b.  1792- 

assumed  the  gov.  1846 — 
Pizarro,  Pe-zq?'-o.  Francisco,   conq   of 

Peru.  1517—1541. 
Plato,  Pla-to,  Athenian  phil,  of  great 

repute,  429—348  B.  C. 
Playfair.  Pla-f;ir,  John,  math  and  nat 

phil  Scot.,  1749—1819. 
Pleiades,    Plt-ya-dez,  fa\   the   seven 

dnughters  of  Atlas  and  Pleiono,  who 

were  changed  into  stars. 
Pliny,    Plin-i,    Caius    Secundus,   most 

learned  of  anc.  Roman  ^vrs,  23 — 79. 
Pliny,  Ca?cilius  Secundus.  nephew  of 

the  above,  law  and  consul,  62 — 113. 
Plot,  Robert,  Eng.  nat,  1640—1696. 
Plaehe,  PhiJ,  Noel  A.,  Fr.  nat  and  wr, 

1688-1761.  [-1854. 

Plunket,  Wm.  C,  Lord,  Brit,  st,  1764 
Plutarch,     Ph'i-tqrk,    phil    and    hint 

Greece,  — 140. 
Pluto,  Ph\-to,  fab,  the  god  of  hell. 
Pocahontas.      Pcj-ka-hon-tas,     Indian 

princess  Va.,  who  married  Mr.  Rolfe, 

an  Engfishraan  :  died  in  Eng.,  1616. 
Poinsett,  Prrn-set,  Joel  R.,  Am.  it  S, 

C,  —1851.  [1646—1719. 

Poiret,  Pwo-ra,  Peter,  Fr.  mystic  phil, 
Pole,    Reginald,    Eng.    cardinal,   and 

friend  of  Queen  Mary,  1500—1558. 
Polignac,  Pol  rg-nak,  Jules,  Prince  De, 

prime  min  of  Charles  X.,  of  France, 

Polk,  Pok,  James  K.,   eleventh   Pres. 

U.  S.,  from    1845    to    1849;   Tenn., 

—1849.    V-Pres.,  Geo.  M.  Dallas,  Pa. 
Pollok,  P61-ok,  Robert,  Eng.  pvet,  1798 

Polwhele,    Pol-hwg-le,    Rev.   Richard, 

antiq,  jwct,  hist  and  mi^'c  wr  Scot., 

1760—1838.  [1667—1703. 

Pomfrct,    Pom-fret,   John,   Eng.  poet, 
Pomona,   Po-mcb-na,  fab,  the  goddesa 

of  fruits. 
Pompadour,  Pom-pa-dcDr,  Jane  Antoi- 
nette Poisson,  a  beloved  mistress  of 

Louis  XV.,  1720—1764. 
Pompey,    Pom-pi,   Cneius   the    Great, 

rival  of  Julius  Cassar;  being  defeat- 
ed, he  fled  to  Egypt,  and  was  assas., 

48  B.  C. 
Pompnnazzi.  Pom-po-n^t-se,   It.  phil, 

1462-  1524. 
Pond,  John,  F.  R.  S.,Eng.  astr,  —18.38. 
Poniatowski,  Po-ne-q-tiavs-ki,  Stanis- 
laus Augustus,  last  k  of  Poland,  1732 

— drowned  1814. 

Personal    Names. 


Pope,  Alexander,  poet  and  sat  Eng., 

Person,   Per-son,    Richard,    Eng.    crit 

and  classic  au,  1759-^1808. 
Porta,   Per-tq,.    Giovanni    B.    D.,    nat 

phil    and    math,    inventor    of    the 

camera  obrcura,  Italy,  1540— d. 
Purtcr,  Anna  Maria,  n<}V  Eng.,  — 1832. 
Porter,  Jane,  Eng.  an,  1776—1850. 
Purter,  Sir  Robert  Ker,  Eng.  art  and 

wr,  1780—1842. 
Porter,  David,  com  Am.  navy,  Mass., 

Portugal,  Maria-Da-Gloria,   Queen  of, 

b.  1819— assumed  gov.  1834— 
Potemkin,    Gregory     Alexandrovitsch, 

Rus.  2ynnc€  and  rff,  1736—1791. 
Potocki,  Pu)-to-ke,  Claudia,    Countess 

of,    distinguished    for    her    acts    of 

charity  in  the  Polish  war,  1802—1830. 
Pott,  Percival,  Eng.  mr,  1713—1788. 
Potter,  Jno.,  aa  '-Antiquities  of  Greece," 

Eng.,  1674—1747. 
Potter,  Paul,  Dutch /)^  1625—1654. 
Poaschkine,P'8;J-kin-e,  Alex.,  Rus.  pr>et, 

1799—1837.  [—1665. 

Poussin,  PiD-safi,  Nicolas,  Fr.  j)t,  1594 
Powers,  P-8-erz,  Hiram,  Am.  sculp,  0., 

1805  — 
Powhattan,   Pu-hat-an,    Indian   chief, 

Va.,  father  of  Pocahontas,   — 1618. 
Pozzo  Di    Borgo,  Pot-su)    De   Bo/'-gQ, 

Chas.  A.  Count,  dip  Corsica,  1768 — 

Prentice,    Pr^n-tis,    George    D.,    Am. 

poet  and  jour,  ed  "  Louisville  Jour- 
nal," Ky.,  1804— 
Preissnitz,  Prjs-nits,  Vincent,  disc  of 

the  Water-Cure,  Prus.,  1799—1851. 
Prescott,  Pres-kot.,  Wm.  Hickling,  Am. 

hi«t  Mass.,  1793 — 
Prescott,  Wm.,  off  Am.  army,  Mass., 

Prevot    D'Exiles,    Pr^-vo    D^g-zel-a, 

Anthony  Francis,  a  posthumous  Fr. 

wr,  1697—1763. 
Priam,  Prj-am,  fah,   father   of  Paris, 

Hector,  &c.:  the  last  king  of  Troy. 
Price,  Dr.  Richard,  Eug.  die,  essa  and 

math,  1723—1791. 
Prichard,  Pric-ard,  James  Cowles,  M. 

D.,  Eng.  ethno,  1786—1818. 
Priestley.  Prgst-li,  Joseph,  ch^em,  iheol, 

hift,  electrician  and  pol.   To  him  we 

are  indebted  fur  a  knowledge  of  ox- 

ygen, carbonic  oxide,  binoxide  of 
nitrogen,  ammonia,  muriatic  acid, 
sulphurous  acid,  fluosilicic  acid,  etc., 
Eng.,  1733—1804. 

Pringle,  Pritj-gl,  Sir  John,  Eng.  nat 
jihil  and  ph,  1707—1782. 

Prior,  Prj-or,  Mathew,  Eng.  poet,  1661 

Procter,  Prok-ter,  Bryan  W.,  better 
known  as  *•  Barry  Cornwall,"  British 

Prometheus,  Pro-me-te-us,  a  great  wary 
supposed  to  have  been  thn  first  dis- 
coverer of  the  art  of  striking  fire  by 
flint  and  steel,  which  gave  rise  to 
the  fable  of  his  stealing  fire  from 
heaven  ;  f  1.  1687  B.  C.         [of  Pluto. 

Proserpine,  Pros-er-pjn,  fah,  the  wife 

Proteus,  Pr6-te-us,/a(^,  a  sea-god,  who 
could  transform  himself  into  any 

Prudhomme,  Pred-ora,  L.,  ed  of  "Lo 
Journal  des  Revolutions  do  Paris," 

Prutz,  Pra)t5,  Reinhold  E,,  Ger.  poet 
and  lit  hist,  1810  — 

Prynne,  Prjn,  William,  Puritan  au^ 
Eng.,  1600—1637.  [sure. 

Psyche,  Sj-ke,/(/ft,  the  goddess  of  plea- 
Ptolemy,  T6l-s-mi,  Claudius,  yeo/jy 
math  and  astr,  b.  in  Eg.,  A.  D.  138. 

Publius  Cyrus,  Piib-li-us  Sj-rus,  Syr- 
ian slave,  who  distinguishing  him- 
self as  a  poet,  was  set  at  liberty,  44 

Puffendorf,  PiOf-en-dorf,  Samuel,  Ger. 
nat,  jurist  and,  1632—1691. 

Pultney,  Pult-ni,  Wm.,  Earl  of  Bath, 
pot  Eng.,  1682—1764. 

Pulaski,  PiD-lqs-ke,  Count,  Polo  off 
Am.  army,  — k.  1779. 

Purcell,  l^ir-sel,  Henry,  Eng.  mi/*, 

Putnam,  Israel,  Am.  maj-gen  Revolu- 
tionary war,  Mass.,  1718— 1790. 

Pym,  Pim,  John,  Eng.  st,  1581-1643. 

Pyrrbus,  Pir-us,  fah,  son  of  Achilles, 
renxarkablo  for  his  cruelty  at  the 
siege  of  Troy. 

Pythagoras,  Pi-tag-o-ras,  Grecian  philf 
590—497  B.  C. 

Pytheas,  Pit-c-as,  Greek  phil,  who 
discovered  the  difference  in  the 
length  of  days  in  different  climates, 
384  B.  C. 


Personal    Names. 


Quarles,  Kw(^r-les,  Francis,  Eng.  poet. 

loU2— ItU-l. 
Quolinus,  Ke-a-lin-ns,  Erasmus,  Dutch 

pt,  1607— iii78. 
Quorlun,  Ker-Iofi,  Anne  Gabriel  M.  De, 

Yr.jour,  1702-1780. 
Quer  y  Martinez,    Kar  t  Mqr-ten-at, 

Joseph,  Sp.  h<jt,  11)95—1761. 
Quesnay,    Kes-na,    Francois,    Fr.  pol 

earn,  1794—1774. 
Quesnoy,  Kc^^-uwo,  Francis  Du,  sculp 

Brussels.  1592-1646. 
Quevedo  Villegas,    Ka-va-do  Vel-ya- 

gq-<,  Francisco  De,  Sp.  pott  aud  sat- 
irist, 1570—1617. 
Quin,  Kwin,  Jame.^,  Br.  act,  1693 — 1766. 

Quinault,    Ke-ncJI,    Philip,  Fr.  dram 

poet,  1636—1688. 
Quincy,   Kwin-si,  Josiah,  Am.  patriot 

and  lato  Mass.,  — 1775. 
Quincy,  Josiah,  ex-pres  Harvard  Uni- 
versity, Bt  and  sch  Mass.,  1772— 
Quincy,    Josiah,    jr.,   law  and  Jinan 

Mass.,  1802— 
Quinct,   Ke-na,   Edgar,   Fr.  poet  and 

hid  of  literature,  1803— 
Quintana,  Ken-tq-nq,  Jose  Manuel  De, 

Sp.  ^x-if^  and  hid,  1772 — 
Quita,  Ke-tq,  Domingos  Dos  Reis,  poet 

Port.,  1728—1770. 
Quintilian,  Kwin-til-i-an,  Marcus  Fabi- 

us,  Uom.  law  and  cnt,\.  D.  42 — 131. 


Rabelais,  ■R<:i-bel-a,  Francois,  Fr.  hum, 

Racan,  Rq-kau.  Honorat  Do  B.,    Mar- 
quis of,  Fr.  poet,  1589—1670. 
Racine.  Rq-sen,  Jean,    Fr.  trag  dram, 

1639—1699.  [1764-1823. 

Radeliffe,    Rad-klif,    Ann,    Eng.   nov, 
Radetzky,   Rq-dets-ki,   Joseph,  Count, 

commun  Austrian  army,  1766 — 
Radowitz,    Rq-dcj-vets,    Joseph    Von, 

Prus.  7nin.,  1797 — 
Raeburn,    Ra-burn,    Sir  Henry,  Scot. 

art,  1756—1823. 
Raf  u,  Rq-fa>,  Karl  Christian,  Icelandic 

critic  and  antiq,  1795 — 
Raglan,  Rag-Ian,  Lord  Fitzroy  James 

IL  Somerset,  Baron,  Eng.  yen  com, 

Crimean  forces,  1788 — 1855." 
Ragotsky,    Rq-gots-ki,   Francis,  prince 

of  Transylvania,  1676 — 1735. 
Raimondi,    Rj-mon-de,    Marc  Antonis, 

It.  engraver,  1478  —  1540. 
Raleigh,  Rq-li,  Sir  Walter,  Eng.  nav, 

exp  and  ivr,  1552—  beheaded  1618. 
Raiueau,    Rq-mcj,    Jean  Philippe,    Fr. 

mus  theorist,  1683—1764. 
Rainier,    R^ra^ler,    Chas.    Wm.,    Gor. 

poet  and  laisc  ^vr,  1725—1798.' 
Raniraohun  Roy,  Ram-o-un  R(T,  Rajah, 

2)hil  and  reformer,  Br.  Ind,,  1774 — 

Raraond   De   Carbonnieres,     Ra-moiid 

Da  K(^,r-bon-E-ra,  Louis  F.  E.,  Baron, 

Fr.  phil  and  geol,  1776—1827. 

Ramsay,  Rara-za,  Allan,  Scottish  jjoe^, 

Ramsay,  David,  Am.  ph  and  hist,  S.  C, 

Rainsden,    Ramz-den,    Jesse,    opt   and 

math  instrument  maker,  Eng.,  1735 

Ramus,  Rq-m6s,  Peter,  Fr.  meta  phil, 

and  wr,  1515 — 1572. 
Randolph,  Ran-dolf,  John,  of  Roanoke, 

Am.  St  Va.,  1773—1833. 
Raiike,    Rqij-ka,    Leopold,    Ger.   histf 

Raphael,  Ra-fa-el,    Santi,  the  "prince 

of  painters,"  It..  1483—1520. 
Raphall,  Raf-al,  Morris  J.,  M.  A.,  Pb. 

Dr.,  a  rabbi  preacher,  N-Y.,  and  em. 

wr,  1798— 
Raspail,  Rqs-pal,   Francois  V.,  Fr.  tcr 

on  the  nat  sciences,  aud  a  rep^uh  ed, 

1794—  [1722—1805. 

Ratte,  Rqt,  Etienne  Hy.  De,  Fr.   ast, 
Rauch,    RuA,    Christian,    Ger.  sculp, 

Raumer,     R-s-mer,    Fred.   Lud.   Geo. 

Von.  Ger.  hid  and  trav,  1781 — 
Ray,  Ra,    Joseph,  pr(>f  and  an  math 

works,  Ohio,  b.  Va.,  1807—1855. 
Ray,    Rev.    John,   lot  and  zool  Eng., 

Raynal,    Ra-nql,  Wra.  Thorn.  F.,  Fr. 

hid  and  pol  ivr,  1711—1796. 
Reach,   Recj,  Augus  B.,  Scottish  jour 

and  au,  1821 — 

Personal    Names. 


Reaamur,    R6-me,    Rene  An.  F.  Do, 

phU  nat,  Fr.,  1(583— d. 
Reboul,    Ra-bi^51,    Jean,    "  the    bakor 

poet,"  Fr.,  1796— 
Redesdale,    Red-es-dal,    John    F.   M., 

Baron,  Eng.  law  and  st,  1748— 1S:J0. 
Redfield,   Red-feld,   William  C,  Am. 

meteor  Conn.,  1789 — 
Redgrave,  Red-grav,  Richard,  En*,  pt, 

1804—  [1626-1698. 

Redi,  Ra-de,  Francis,  It.,  ph  and  nat, 
Reding,    Red-i^j,    Aloys,    Baron   Von, 

Swis.''.  gen,  1755—1818. 
ReeJ,  Red,  llenry,  Am.  «6'/* Pa.,  perished 

at  sea,  1854.     _  [1742—1807. 

Reed,  Isaac,  critic  and  misc  wr  Eng., 
Reed,    Joseph,    Am.  rev  and  mem  of 

Congres-s,  Pa.,— 1781.  [1632—1707. 
Regi.-!,  Ra-je,  ^'iqttq 'A.,Yt. -meta phil, 
Regius,    Ra-Ae-tDs,    Urban,    Ger.  poet 

and  controversialist,  — 1541. 
Regnault,  Ran-yol,  Michel  L.  S.,  Fr. 

8t  1760—1819.  [1736—1814. 

Regnault,   Noel,   math  and  phil,  Fr., 
Regnier,    Ran-yer,    Maturin,  Fr.  poet 

and  satirist,  1573 — 1613. 
Regulus,  Reg-yq,-lus,  Marcus  Attitius, 

Rom.  gen,  put  to  death  251  B.  C. 
Reicha,  Rj-Aq,  Antoiae  Jos.,  Ger.  rniis 

comp,  1770-1833. 
Reichardt,  Rj^-qrt,  Johann  Fried.,  Ger. 

mus  comp,  1752—1814. 
Reichenbach,   Rj/i-en-bqA,   George  of. 

an  arti«t  dist.  in   manuf  astro  and 

phih  instruments,  Ger.,  1772 — 1826. 
Reich stadt,    RiA-stqt,   Napoleon  Fran. 

Chas.  Jos.  Bonaparte,  Due  De,  only 

son  of  Niipoleon,  1811-1832. 
Reid,  Red,  Thomas,  Scottish  phil,  1710 

Reid,  Col.  Sir  "William,  Royal  erhg  and 

naut  wr,  1791 — 
Reinhold,    Rin-holt,    Erasmus,    Ger. 

math  and  ast,  1511 — 1553. 
Reiske,    R|s-ke,    John   Jame.<<,    philol 

and  onentalUt,  Ger.,  1716 — 1774. 
Reiasigcr,    Rjs-ig-er,    Karl   Got.,  Ger. 

7nus  comp,  \Ti^—  [1733—1790. 

Reiz,   Rjr.^,    Frederic  W.,  Ger.  philol, 
Rembrandt  Van  Rhyn,  Rcmbrqnt  Fqn 

Rin,  Paul,  Dutch /vi  and  engra,  1605 

Eerausat,  Ra-m(i>-s4,  Jean  Pierre  A., 

Fr.  ling,  1788—1832. 
Rcn^,  Ru-na,  of  Anjou,  the  last  of  his 

dynasty  who  sat  on   the   throne   of 

Naplod.  1409—1470.  [1761—1821. 
Rennie,  R^n-e,  John,  citil  eng  Eng., 
EeU,  Ret,  Jean  F.  P.  De  Gondi,  Card- 

mal  De,  Yt.pol  and  wr,  1614—1679. 

Retzsch,  R^ts-J,  Moritz,  (*er.  art,  1779 — 
Reuchlin,   RerA-lin,  John,  Ger.  philol, 

Rey,  Ra,  John,   Fr.  pneumatic  chem 

and  ph,  — 1645. 
Reyneau,    Ra-no,     Chas.    Rene,    Fr. 

math,  1656—1723. 
Reynolds,  Ren-oldz,  Sir  Joshua,  found 

of  the  Eng.  school  of  painting,  1723 

Rhigas,  Re-gqg,   a  modern  Greek  pat- 
riot, 1753—1798. 
Rhyne,   Rj-ne,    Wm.  Fen.,  Dutch  ph 

and  nat,  1640 — d. 
Ricardo,   Ri-kqr-do,   David,  Eng.  pol 

econ,  1772-1823. 
Rich,  Riq,  Claudius  James,  Eng.  trav 

and  orientalist,  1787 — 1821. 
Richard,  Ri(}-(ird,  I.,  the  "  Lion-heart- 
ed," b.  1157—  k  of  Eng.  from  1189 

to  1199  the  time  of  his  death. 
Richard,  II.,  b.  1366—  Tc  of  Eng.  from 

1385  to  1399. 
Richard,  III.,  the  most  execrable  Eng'. 

prince,  b.  1452—  k  from  1434  to  1485. 
Richard,  Claude  Louis,  Fr.  lot,  1754 — 

1821.  [1761. 

Richardson,  Samuel,  Eng.  nov,  1689 — 
Richardson,   Wm.,  poet  and  misc  wr, 

Scot.,  —1814. 
Richelieu,    RiJ-el-?,    Armand    J.    Da 

Plei-sis,   Cardinal,   Fr.  min,  1585 — 

Richter,  RiA-tcr,  Jean  Paul  Friedricb, 

Ger.  wr  and  au,  1763 — 1825. 
Riogo,  Re-a-ga,  Rafael  Del^  Sp.  pat' 

riot  of,  1785—1823. 
Rienzi,  Re-end-ze,  Nicohas  Gabrini  do, 

a  man  of  low  estate,  who  raised  him- 
self  to    sovereign    power  in   Rr)me, 

1310—1354.  [—1838. 

Ries,  Res,   Ferdinand,  Ger.  mus,  1784 
Rigaud,    Ri-g6d,    Stephen   Peter,   ast 

Eng.,  1775—1839. 
Ritchie,  Riq-i,  Thomas,  Am.  pd  and 

ed  of  "Richmond  Enquirer,"  Va. 
Rittenhouse,  Rit-en-h«3,  David,  math 

Pa  ,  1732-1796. 
Ritter,    Rit-er,    John  Wm.,  Ger.  phil 

and  lor,  1776—1810. 
Rivaroi,    Riv-qr-w6,    Anthony,   Count 

De,  Fr.  wr,  1757—1801. 
Rivas,    Re-v^s,    Angel  De  S.,  Duque 

De,  poet,  dram  and  pt,  Sp.,  1791 — 
Rivaz,  Re-vq,  Peter  Jos.  !)<%  Fr.  mech 

and  chmnolfHjer,  1711—1772. 
Riviere,   Re-vi-;\,r,  .Muroicr  De  La,  Fr. 

j>ol  eom,  1747 — 1791. 
Rivinus,  Riv-in-us,  Augustus  Q.,  Ger. 

bot,  1652—1723. 


Personal    Names. 

Robert,  Rob-^r,   Peter  Fran.  Jos.,  Fr. 

st  and  wr,  1743 — d. 
Robert,  Hubert,  Fr.  pt,  1732—1808. 
Robert-Flcury,  —  Fler,  Joseph  Is'icolas, 

Fr.  pt,  1797— 
Robertson,     Rob-ert-son,      Dr.    Wm., 

Scottish  hist  and  clerg,  1729—1793. 
Robespierre,   Rob-es-per,  Francois  Jo- 
seph M.  J.,   the  chief  actor  in  the 

French    revolution,    and    celebrated 

for  his  cruelty,  1759— guil.  1794. 
Robin  Hood,    Rob-in  Hud,    ca2Jt  band 

of  robbers,  Eng.,  — 1247. 
Robins,  Rob-inz,  Benjamin,  Eng.  math 

wr,  1707—1751. 
Robinson,  R6b-in-son,  Mary,  Eng.  poet 

and  mtso  wr,  1758—1800. 
Robinson,  Thomas,  Eng.  nat  and  clerg, 

Robinson,  R6b-in-son,  Edward,  D.  D., 

LL.  D.,  Am.  scholar,  Conn.,  1794 — 
Robison,  R6b-i-son,  John,  Scottish  wr 

on  natphil,  1739—1805. 
Robson  Geo.  Fennel,  draughtsman  smd 

Roby,  Ria-bi,  John,  Eng.  'banker,  poet, 

and  hist,  — 1850. 
Rochambeau,  Ro-Jam-bci,   Jean  B.  D. 

])e  Vimeur,  Count  De,  Fr.  cjf,  1725 

Rochejaquelein,  Ro-fa-3a-ke-lan,  Henri 

De  La,  chief  of  La  Vendee,  1773— 

k.  1794. 
Rockingham,  Rok-ig-ham,  Charles  "W. 

W.,  second  Marquis  of,  Eng.  st  and 
,   pol,  1730-1782 
Rodney,  R6d-ni,  George  B.,  Lord,  Eng, 

adrn,  —1792.  [1644. 

Roe,  Ro,  Sir  Thomas,  Eng.  st,  1580— 
Roebuck,  Rd)-buk,  John,  Eng.  ph  and 

natphil,  1718—1794. 
Roebuck,    John  Arthur,    radical  Eng, 

2X)l,  1801— 
Roemer,   Re-mer,  Olaus,   Danish  astr, 

dit^coverer  of   the   velocity  of  light, 

1644_1710.  [—1732, 

Rogers,    Roj-erz,    Woods,    Eng.    nav, 
Rogers,  Samuel,  Eng.  poet  and  hanker, 

Rogers,   John,    Eng.  div  martyred  in 

the  persecuting   reign  of   Mary,  at 

Smithfield,  — 1555. 
Rohault,  Ro-ol,  James,  Fr.  math  and 

natphil,  1620—1675. 
Roland  De  La  Platiere,     Rol-^nd  De 

Lq  Plq-ter,    Jean  Marie,     Girondist 

min  of  Fr.,  1732—1793. 
Roland,    Manou  Jeanne  P.,    the  wife 

of  the  above   and  dist.  as  pol  wr, 

1754— g.  1793. 

Rollin,  Rol-an,  Charles,  Fr.  hist,  1661 

Romanzoff,  Ro-man-zof,  Peter  Alex., 
Count,  Russian  gen,  1730—1796, 

Romanzoff,  ^Michael  Paul,  Count,  Rus. 
dijy,  —18—. 

Rome  De  L'Isle,  Rom  De  Lei,  John 
Baptist  L.,  Fr.  miner,  1736—1790. 

Rorailly,  R6m-i-li,  Sir  Samuel,  Eng. 
st,  1757—1818,  [—1302. 

Romney,  R6m-ni,  George,  Eng,  ])t,  1734 

Romulus,  R6m-yq-lus,  found  and  first 
k  of  Rome,  —715  B.  'C 

Rosa,  Rij-sq,  Salvator,  ii^p. poet,  pt  and 
mi/s,  1615—1673, 

Rosa,  Francisco  M,  De  La,  st,  or,  poet, 
dram  and  hist  Sp.,  1789 — 

Rosas,  Ro-s^s,  Don  Juan  Manuel,  the 
dictator  who  ruled  the  Argentine 
Republic  23  years,  b.  1783— 

Roscoe,  Ros-ko,  Wm.,  Eng.  biog  and 
misc  tvr,  — 1831. 

Roscoe,  Henry,  son  of  the  above,  Eng. 
wr  and  law,  1800—1836. 

Rose,  Rqz,  George,  st  and  pol  wr,  Eng., 

Rosellini,  Ro-sel-e-nc,  Ippolito,  It. 
archoi,  1800—1843. 

Rosenkranz,  Roz-en-kr^nts,  Johann 
Karl  Fried.,  Ger.  phil,  1805— 

Ross,  Ros,  Sir  James  Clark,  Eng.  Artie 
nav,  1800— 

Rosse,  Ros,  Wm.  Parsons,  Earl  of, 
man  of  science,  and  projector  of  the 
largest  telescope  constructed  up  to 
this  time ;  pres  of  the  Royal  Society, 
Eng.,  1800— 

Rossi,  R(f)-se,  Pellegrino,  Count,  noble 
victim  of  the  popular  cause  in  Italy, 

Rossini,  Ro-se-ne,  Gioachimo,  It.  mu8 
annp,  1792— 

Rosslyn,  Roz-lin,  Alex.  W.,  Earl  of, 
law  and  st,  Scot.,  1733—1805. 

Rostopschin,  Ros-top-skin,  Feador, 
Count,  Rus.  st  and  <ff,  1760—1826. 

Rothermel,  R6d-er-mel,  Peter  F.,  Am. 
art,  b,  1817— 

Rothschild,  Rots-qild,  House  of,  fimnd 
of  this  world-controlling  financial 
establishment  was  Mayer  Anselm 
Rothschild,  a  native  of  Frankfort, 
Ger.,  and  monky- changer,  b.  1740 — 
1812,  His  sons  were  five  in  number, 
Anselm,  Nathan,  Solomon,  James  de, 
and  Charles;  all  aro  now  living  with 
the  exception  of  Nathan,  who  died 
1836,  The  heads  of  the  house  are 
stationed  at  Frankfort,  Vienna,  Na- 
ples, Paris  and  London. 

Persoxal    Names. 


Bottcck,  Ro-t^k,  Charles  Yon,  Ger. 
hist,  1775— 18-lS. 

Roubilliac,  R-D-bel-yi-ak,  Louis  Fran- 
cis, Fr.  sculp,  — 1762. 

Bouelle,  Rtf)-el,  Win.  Francis,  chemYx., 

Rouget  Do  Lisle,  RflD-j^^t  De  Lei,  Jo- 
seph, icf  and  c'ymp  of  the  "  Marseil- 
laise," and  a  Fr.  ,ff,  1760-1836. 

Rousseau,  R<D-.s(i),  jean  Baptiste,  Fr. 
lyric  poet,  1669—17—. 

Rousseau,  Jean  Jacques,  'phil  and  'poet 
Fr.,  1712-1778. 

Rowe,  Ro,  Nicholas,  poet  and  dram  wr 
Eng..  1673—1718. 

Roxburgh,  Roks-burg,  William,  ^A  and 
lot  Scot.,  1759—1815.  [—1847. 

Roy,  R-wo,  Count  Antoine,  Fr.  st,  1764 

Royer-Collard,  R-wo-^r-Kol-^rd,  Pierre 
Paul,  Fr.  phil,  1763—1845. 

Rozier,  Ro-zer,  Francis,  Fr.  tot  and 
agri  wr,  1734—1793. 

Rubens,  R*D-benz,  Peter  Paul,  the 
great  manter  pt,  b.  at  Cologne,  1577 

Rnbini,  RcD-be-ne,  Giarabatista,  tenor 
opera  dnger  It.,  1795 — 1854. 

Rucellai,  liiio-qel-j,  Bernard,  It.  st  and 
hiU,  1449—1525. 

Ruckert,  R<6-kert,  Frederick,  Ger.  poet, 

Rugendas,    IUt)-gdn-dqs,     Geo.   Philip, 

Ger.  hattle-pt,  1666—1742. 
Ruhs,  RoDz,  Frederick,  Ger.  hist,  1780 

Ruschenberger,  Rd)J-en-ber-ger,  W.  S. 

W.,  M.  D.,  Hurg  and  wr  L.  S.  navy, 

Pa.,  1807— 
Rush,  RuJ,  Dr.  Benj.,,  scholar, 

phil  an,  painot,  au,  and  signer  Lee. 

///«rZ.,  Pa.,  1741— 1813. 
Rush,   Richard,   son  of  the  above,  eX' 

min  and  pf.l  Pa.,  — 1780. 
Russell,    Riis-el,    Lord  Wm.,  Eng.  st, 

1639— ex.  1683.  [1792 . 

Russel,  Lord  John,  Eng.  st  and  min, 
Russia,  Rob-Ji-a,  Alexander  II.,  einp  of, 

succeeded  to  the  government  1855, 
Rutherford,  Ruder-ford,  Daniel,  Scot, 

nat,phil  ».ndi  ph,  1749—1819. 
Rulledge,    Rut-lej,    Edward,    Am.  st, 

and  signer  Dec  of  Ind.,  S.  C.,  1749 — 

Ruysch,  Rers,  Frederic,  M.  D.,  F.  R.  S., 

Dutch  anat,  1638—1731.  [167(>. 

Ruyter,    Rtf-ter,    Dutch    adm,  1607— 
Rysbrach,   Rjs-brqA,    John  M.,  Dutch 

$(yulpt  1694—1770. 


Sabatier,  Sa-ba-ter,  Antoine,  Fr.  v>r, 

Sacjy  Sqs,  Antoine  I.  S.,  Baron  De, 
Fr.  scholar  and  an,  1758—1838. 

Sa  Da  Bandeira,  Sq  Dq  Bqn-da-^-rq, 
Bernardo  De,  Port,  st,  1796— 

Sadler,  Michael  Thomas,  F.  R.  S., 
Eng.  scholar,  or  and  philan,  1780 — 

Sadler,  Wm.  W.,  Eng.  aronaut  and 
chem,  1804-k.  1824. 

Saint  Arnaud,  San  ilr-n6d,  .Taques 
Loroy  De,  marshal,  and  commau  of 
the  French  forces  in  the  Crimea, 

Suint-Clair,  Sant-Kl^r,  (ff  Am.  army, 
Pa.,  —1818. 

Saint-CroJx,  Saii-Krwo,  G.  E.  J.,  Ba- 
ron Do,  Fr.  wr,  1746—1809. 

Sainte-Bouve.  Saht-liev,  Chas.  Angus., 
Fr.  erit  and  poet,  1803— 

Sainline,  San-ten,  Xavier  Bon.,  Fr. 
j>t,et  and  dram,  1790 — 

Saint-Just,  Antoine,  rmn,  of  Robespi- 
erre, 1768—1794. 

Saint-Mars,   Fr.  ^ff,   the  Keeper  of 

'  The  Man  in  the  Iron  Mask,'  which 

to  this  day  remains  a  historical  se- 
cret; 17th  cen. 
Saint-Martin,   —   Mqr-tan,    Louis   C. 

De,  Vr.phil,  1743—1803. 
Saint- Pal  aye,  —  Pa-la,  Charles  I.  C, 

Abbe  De,  Fr.  pf/l  wr  and  philan, 

18th  cen. 
Saint  Pierre,  —  Per,  Jacques  B.  H.  De, 

phil  wr  Fr.,  1737—1814. 
Saint-Simon,  —  Si-ni6ii,  Claude  Henri, 

Count  De.  pnind  of  a  school  of  social 

science,  Fr.,  1760—1825. 
Saldanha,     Sql-d^n-yq,     Oliviera,    E. 

Daun,  etc.,  Duke   of,   min  and  (Jf 

Portugal,  1780— 
Sallust,    Caius   Crispus,    Roman  hist, 

85—35  B.  C. 
Sam.son,  celebrated  in  Scripture  for  his 

strength,  was  betrayed  and  peri.shed 

with  3000  Phi]i.«tinos  in  the  temple 

of  Dagon,  1117  B.  C. 
Samuel,    propJiet   of    Israel,    —1057 



Personal    Names. 

Sancho,  San-ko,  Ignatius,  a  negro  tor 

and  poet,  born  on  board  a  sLave-ship, 

freed  in  England,  1729—1780. 
Sandby,  Paul,  Eng.  art,  1732-1809. 
Sandford,    Sir   Daniel   K.,    I).  C.  L., 

classic  scholar  and  o)%  Scot.,  — 1838. 
Sands,  Robt.  C,  jour  and  poet^  N-Y., 

Sannazarius.  Scin-(^,d-zqr-E-(6s,  Jacopo, 

Italian  poet,  1458—1533. 
Sansovino,  Sqn-scia-ve-no,  Giocomo  F., 

Italian  sculp  and  arch,  1479 — 1570. 
Santa   Anna,    S(^n-tq   H'nq,    Antonio 

Lopez   De,  ex-pres  of  the   Mexican 

Confi'deration,  1790  — 
Santa  Cruz,  (Sp.  Kroofc,  S.  Am.  KrO)?;) 

protector  of  the  Pern-Boliviaa  Con- 
federacy, b.  about  1790 — 
Sappho,  Saf-o,   Greek  poetess,  whose 

lover  was  so  cruel  to   her  that  she 

threw  herself  into  the  sea. 
Sardanapalu-s  k  Assyria,  who  on  a  re- 
volt of   his   people,  set  fire   to   his 

palace,  and  perished  in  the  flames, 

820  B.  C. 
Sardinia,  Victor-Emmanuel-A.-E. -F.- 
Thomas, King  of,  b.  1820 — assumed 

gov.  1849— 
Saumaise,  So-mas,  Claude,  crit,  archce, 

and  ori,  Burgundy,  1588 — 1658. 
Saumarez,  So-ma-rez,  Rt.  Ilnn.  James, 

Lord  De,  offMul.  navy,  1757—1836. 
Saunders,  Son-derz,  John  C,  Eng.  sur, 

ocului  and  med  wr,  1773—1810. 
Saunders,  Wm.,  ]oh  and  med  wr,  1743 

Saunderson,  Son-der-son,  Nicholas,   a 

blind  math  Eng.,  1682—1739. 
Saussure,  So-ser,  Horace   B.  De,  nat 

Swit.,  1740-1799. 
Saussure,  Nichdlas  T.  De,  son  of  the 

above,  nat  and  chem,  1767 — 1845, 
Sauvagps,   So-vq-ja,    Francis   B.   De, 

Fr.  hU  and  j^K  —1767. 
Sanveur,    So-ver,   Joseph,   Fr.  math, 

Savage,  Richard,  Eng.  poet,  1698—1743. 
Savary,  Sa-vqr,  Rene,  Fr.  gen,  1774 — 

Savonarola.  Sqv-on-qr-cS-lq.  Franciscan 

monk  and  ref,  1452— k.  1498. 
Saxe,  Count  Maurice  of  Saxony,   Fr. 

gen,  — 1750. 
Saxe,  Saks,  J.  G.,  Am.  sat  and  hum  poet, 

Vt.,  18    — 
Say,  Sa,  Jean  B.,  Fr.  wr  on  political 

economy,  1767—1832. 
Say,  Thomas,  Am.  nat,  1787—1834. 
Scanderbeg,    Skqn-de;'-beg,   Albanian 

chief,  1404—1467. 

Scarlatti,  Skqr-l^-tc,  Alesaandro,  It. 
mus  comp,  1658—1728.         [—1826. 

Scarpa,  Skqr-pq,  Antonio,  It.  art,  1746 

SchaiJow,  Xq-dov,  Juhaun  G.,  Ger. 
6c>.dp,  1764—1852. 

Schadow-Godenhaus,  —  iGr(f) -den -hiss, 
Fried.  Wilhelm  Von,  Ger.  ?ust  and 
por-pf,  1789— 

Schaeffer,  X;\f-er,  Geof.  Heinrich,  Ger. 
phllol,  1764—1840.         [1740—1823. 

Schank,  Skayk,  John,  Eng.  naval  off) 

Scheele,  Xe-le,  Chas.  William,  Swed. 
chem.  lie  discovered  fluorine,  chlo- 
rine, malic,  molybdic,  arsenic,  tartar- 
ic, oxalic,  &c.,  acids,  glycerine  and 
oxygen.     1742—1786. 

Schetter,  Xa-fer,  Ary,  Dutch  art  Fr., 

Schelling,  Sel-ii),  Fred.  Wm.  Joseph, 
Ger.  7n^ta  phil  and  poet,  1775 — 1854. 

Schiller,  i^il-er,  Friedrich,  Ger.  poet 
and  dram.  It  is  enough  to  say  that 
he  is  the  only  German  poet  who  can 
contest  the  supremacy  of  Goethe. 

Schirmer,  Xir-raer,  Johann  Wilhelm, 
Ger.  l-pt,  1807— 

Schloetzer,  Xlet-zer,  Aug.  Louis,  Ger. 
hist,  1737—1809. 

Schlosser,  Xl6s-er,  Friedrich  Chris., 
Ger.  hist,  and  prof  at  University  of 
Heidelberg,  1776— 

Sehlegel,  Xia-gel,  John  Elias,  Ger. 
poet  and  dram  wr,  1718 — 1749. 

Sehlegel,  August  Wilhelm  Von,  Ger. 
poet,  crit,  hist  and  metaphil,  1767 — 

Sehlegel,  Friedrich  Von,  brother  of  the 
above,  crit  and  phil,  1772—1829. 

Schleierraacher,  Xlj-er-mq^^-er,  Fred- 
eric Daniel  E.,  Ger.  div  and  wr 

Schoefer,  Xo-fer,  Peter,  one  of  the  in- 
ventors of  printing,  Ger.,  — 1502. 

Schoepflin,  Sep-f lin,  John  Daniel,  Ger. 
hist,  1694-i771. 

Schomberg.  Xom-berg,  Isaac,  hist  and 
off  Am.  navy.  —1813. 

Schomburgh,  Xom-burg,  Sir  Robt. 
Hermann,  Ger.  nat  and  trav,  1804— 

Schoolcraft,  Skifil-kroft,  Henry  Rnwe, 
Am.  trav,  nat,  antiq  and  au  N-Y., 

Schopenhauer.  Sop-en-h-s-er,  Johanna, 
Ger.  qvthore.'^s,  1770—1838. 

Schrodter,  2r(f)d-ter,  Adolf,  Ger.  pt, 
1805.  [1680-1758. 

Schroeder,  Xre-der,  John  Joa.,  Ger.  ori, 

Schubert,  Xi)-bert,  Francis,  Ger.  7nus 
comp,  1795—1830. 

I^ERSONAL    Names. 


Schulz,  E(t)lt3,  Wilhelm,  Ger.  pol  wr, 

Scb  u  tnacher,     Ec6  -  m(\h  -  er,     Heinrich 

Christijin,  Ger.  astr,  1780—1850. 
Schumann,  SoQ-mqn,  Robert,  Ger.  mue 

wr,  1810— 
Schuyler.  Skj-ler,  Philip,  maj-gen,  Am. 

army,  N-Y.,  1804. 
Schwanthaler,     Xvcin-tq-ler,     Ludwig 

Von,  .Ger.  sculp,  1802—1848. 
Schwartzenberg,  Xvqrts-en-be/'g,  Chas. 
Philip,  Prince,  Aixst.  Jield-mankal, 
Scipio,     Sip-i-o,     Publius     Cornelius, 

Roman  ge/i,  —180  B.  C. 
Scott,  David,  Scottish  art,  1806—1849. 
Scott,    Michael,    ati    •'  Tom   Cringle's 

Log,"  Scot.,  1789—1835. 
Scott,  Sir   Walter,  Scottish  poet,  nov 

and  misc  wr,  1733 — 1832. 
Scott,  Gen.  Winfield,  comman-in-chief 

Am.  army.  1786 — 
Scribe,  Skreb,  Augustine  Eugene,  Fr. 

lyric  poet  and  dram  wr,  1791 — 
Sebastian,  Se-bast-yan,  (  Port.  Sn-bqs- 
te-qn,)  King   of  Portugal,  1554— k. 
in  Africa,  1578. 
Sadgwick,  Sej-wik,  Theodore,  Am.  ivr 

Ma<8.,  1730—1839. 
Seetzen,    Sets-cn,   Ulric   Jaspar,    Ger. 

trav,  —1811. 
Segur,  .Sa-ger,  Louis,   Count  De,   Fr. 

dip  and  hiet  wr,  1753 — 1830. 
Seidl,  Si-dl,  John   Gabr.,    Aust.  poet, 

Selden,    Sel-den,    John,    Eng.   antiq, 

law,  wr  and  hint,  1584 — 1654. 
Selkirk,  Alex.,   Scot,   voyager   to  the 

South  Seas,  1680— d. 

Semiramis,     Se-mir  a-mis,    queen,    of 

Assyria,  famous  for  her  conquests  : 

put   to   death    by    her   son    Ninyas, 

1220  B.  C.  [1742—1809. 

Senebier,  S^n-e-ber,   nat  phil   Swit., 

Seneca,    Sen-c-ka,     Lucius     Annaeus. 

sttdc  phil,    preceptor    of    Nero,   by 

whom  he  was  put  to  death,     b.  Sp. 

A.  D.  12. 

Sergeant,  Scr-jeni,  John,  Am.  law  »nd 

St  Pa.,  1779—1852. 
Servetus,  Ser-ve-tus  or  Ser-va-tus, 
Michael,  tlteol,  burnt  at  the  stake 
through  the  instrumentality  of  Cal- 
vin, 1509—1553. 
Servius  Tullus,  sixth  k  Rome,  col. 
for  his  laws  on  rank  and  property : 
murdered.  530  B.  C.  [211. 

Severus,  Lucius  8';ptiraius,  Rom.  emp, 
.Severus,  Sulpitius,  kist,  au  "  ilistoria 
Sacra,"  —420. 


Sewall,  Sq-al,  Stephen,  Am.  scholar 

and  au  Mass.,  1734—1804. 
Seward,  Sq-ard,  William  H.,  Am.  $1 

and  sen,.  N-Y.,  1801— 
Sewell,  Sq-el,  George,  Eng.  misc  wr 
^  and  poet,  —1726.  [A.  U.  100. 

Se.\tus  Empyricus,  a  Pyrrhonian  pkil, 
Seymour,    Se-mtar,  Edward,  Duke  of 

Somerset,  Eng.  of,  — ex.  1552. 
Shadwell,  Sad-wel,  the  Rt.  Hon.  Sir 
Lancelot,  vice-chancellor  of  England, 
and  j,  1779—1850. 
Shaftesbury,      Xdfts-ber-i,     Anthony 
Ashley  Guoper,  Eng.  meta  phil  and 
wr,  1671—1713. 
Shaftesbury,  Anthony  Ashley  C,  Earl 
of,  Eng.  philan,  and  leader  of  the 
Low-Church  party,  1801 — 
Shakspeare,    i]aks-per,    William,    th« 
most  illustrious  dram  pott  of  Anglo- 
Saxon  origin,  1564—1616. 
Sharp,  Granville,  au,  and  projector  of 
the  society  for  the  abolition  of  the 
slave-trade,  Eng.,  1734-1813. 
Sharp,  William,  Eng.  e/i^r,  1749—1824. 
Shee,  Sir  Man  in  Archer,  Irish  art  and 
^  poet  Eng.,  1769—1850.  [1792—1822. 
Shelley,  Xel-i,  Percy  Bys-he,  Eng.  pmt, 
Shenstone,    Xen-stuin,    William,   poet 

and  prose  wr  Eng.,  1714 — 1763. 

Sheridan,  Xer-i-dan,  Richa  d  Brinsley, 

Irish  dram,  st  and  or  Eng.,  1751 — 


Sherman,  Ser-man,  Roger,  Am.  st,  and 

bujner  Deii.nflnd  ,  Mass.,  1721—1 793. 

Sherwin,    John     Keyse,     engr    Eng., 

^  -1790.  [1749—1829. 

Shielil,  Xsld,  William,  Eng.  cumnosery 

Shirlev,  Xer-li,  James,  Eng.  dram  wr 

andV><^^,  1594— 1666. 
Short,  James,  nat  phil  and  optician 

Scot.,  1710—1768. 
Shrapnel,  Xrap-nel,  Lieut.-Gen.  Henry, 
inv  of  the  spherical  case-shot,  Eng., 
Sibthorp,  Sib-torp,  John,  nat,  and  prof 
hot    in    the    University   of   Oxford, 
^  Eng.,  —1798.  [1755—1831. 

Sidduns,  Sid-onz,  Sarah,  Eng.  actrens, 
Siddons,  Mrs.  H.,  actress  of  the  Thea- 
tre Royal,  Edinburgh,  — 18     . 
Sid  mouth,  Sld-mut,  Henry,  Viscount, 

Eng.  st,  1757—1844. 
Sidney,  Sid-ni,  Sir  Philip,  gentleman, 
au,  and   comman,  of    the   reign  of 
Queen  Elizabeth,  1554 — 1583. 
Sif^bold,  Scbojld,   Philip   Frunz    Von, 

wr  on  Japan,  Ger.,  1796  — 
Sieycs,  Se-i-a,   Count   Emanuel   Jos., 
ool  of  tlxo  Fr.  rovolulioo,  1748-  1SJ6. 


Personal    Names. 

SJgaud  De  Lafond,  Se-god  De  Lq-fofid, 
Jno.  Konatus,  Fr.  eur  and  nat  phil, 

Sigisniund,  Sig-is-moond,  emp  of  Ger., 
1378 — 1437;  also,  names  of  three 
Polish  kings.  [U41— 1521. 

Signorelli,  Seg-no-rel-E,  Laca,  It.  pt, 

Silenus,  Sj-le-nus,  fab,  the  foster-fa- 
ther of  Bacchus,  who  lived  in  Arca- 
dia, rode  on  an  aas,  and  was  drunk 
every  day. 

Siliiman,  Sil-i-man,  Benjamin,  M.  D., 
LL.  D., /;?v// of  the  Natural  Sciences 
in  Yale  College,  and  distinguished 
for  his  scien.  veritings,  1779 — 

Siuims,  Simz,  Wui.  Gilinore,  Am.  nov, 
hut  and  poet  S.  C,  180(5— 

Simon  Magus,  Samaritan  imp,  who 
pretended  to  be  the  Son  of  God,  — 
A.  D.  5(3. 

Sim  rock,  Karl,  Ger.  poity  1802— 

Sims.m,  Kobert,  math  Scot.,  1687 — 

Sinclair,  Sin-kl^r,  George,  eng  and 
nat  phil,  au  of  works  on  hydrostat- 
ics and  the  principles  of  astronomy 
and  navigation,  Scot.,  — 1696. 

Sinclair,  Sir  John,  Bart.,  philan,  Scot., 

Sindiah,  Sin-di-q,  Mahadjee,  Mahratta 
prince,  1711 — 1791. 

Singh,  Sii)-A,  Maha  Raja  Runjeet,  cMcf 
of  Lahore  and  Cachmire,  1779—1839. 

Sismondi,  Sis-mon-de,  Jean  Chas.  L. 
S.  D',  hi,st  and  ivr  on  pol.  economy, 
Swit.,  1773—1812. 

Sisyplius,  Sis-i-f  iiSj/a^,  killed  by  The- 
seus, and  doomed  incessantly  to  roll 
a  huge  stone  up  a  mountain  in  hell 
for  his  perfidy  and  numerous  rob- 
beries. [1590. 

Rixtus  Quintus,  pope  of  Rome,  1521 — 

Skelton,  John,  poet-laureate  of  Eng., 

Sleidan,  Sli-dan,  John  Philipson,  Ger. 
hist,  1506—1556. 

Sloane,  Slon,  Sir  Hans,  Bart.,  hot  Ire- 
land, 1660—1752.  [1771. 

Smart,  Christopher,  'Eng.  poet,  1722 — 

Smeaton,  Sme-ton,  John,  civil  eng 
Eng.,  1721—1792. 

Smith,  Adam,  meta  phil,  au  and  2>ol 
econ  Scot.,  1723—1790. 

Smith,  Sir  James  Edward,  Eng.  ph 
and  nat,  1759—1828. 

Smith.  James  and  Horace,  lit  duum- 
virate Eng.,  1775—1839, 1779—1819. 

Smith,  Capt.  John,  <ff  and  trav,  con- 
nected with  the  history  of  Virginia, 

Smith,  Rev.  Dr.  John,  antiq  and  Cel- 
tic scholar  and  wr  Scot.,  1717 — 1842. 

Smith,  Dr.  John  Pye,  theol  ivr  Eng., 
1775—1851.  [1689—1768. 

Smith,  Robert,   div   and   math    Eng., 

Smith,  Sir  Wm.  Sidney,  Brit,  adm, 

Smith,  Rev.  Sidney,  M.  A.,  div,  essa, 
crit,  wr  and  wit,  the  projector  of  the 
Edinburgh  Review,  Eng. ,1771 — 1845. 

Smith,  William,  LL.  D.,  F.  G.  S.,  Eng. 
geol,  1769—1810. 

Smith,  Thomas  Southwood,  au,  ph  add 
tor  Eng.,  1790— 

Smith,  Gerritt,  Am.  philan,  or,  scholar, 
and  anti-slavery  ref,  N-Y. 

Smithson,  James, /ow^irf  of  the  Smith- 
sonian Institution,  Washington,  Eng., 

Smollett,  Sm61-et,  Tobias,  Eng.  crit 
and  nov,  1721—1771. 

Smyth,  Smit,  William,  hid  lee  and  w 
Eng.,  1761-1819. 

Snell,  Rodolph,  math  and  philcl  wr 
Holland,  1517—1613.  [—1837. 

Soane,  Son,  Sir  John,  Eng.  arch,  1752 

Sobiesky,  So-bes-ki,  John,  k  of  Po- 
land, fam.  in  the  Turkish  wars,  1629 

Socinus,  Sca-sin-u3,  Faustus,  champion 
of  the  doctrine  of  Unitarianism,  It- 
aly, 1539—1601. 

Socrates,  Sok-ra-tcz,  greatest  of  anc 
phil,  put  to  death  by  the  Athenians 
(m  false  charge  of  atheism,  467 — 400 
B.  C. 

Sol,  fab,  a  name  of  Apollo;  the  sun. 

Solander,  Su)-lqn-dcr,  Daniel  Chas., 
nat  Sweden,  1736 — 1782. 

Solomon,  S6l-o-mon,  son  of  David,  k 
Israel,  wrote  the  books  of  Proverbsi, 
Eocl.,  and  Canticles,  died  975  B.  C, 
aged  58.  [80. 

Solon,  sage  of  Greece,  d.  558  B.  C,  aged 

Solvyns,  Sol-vinz,  Francis  B.,  Dutch 
art  and  av,  1760—1821. 

Solyman,  S6l-i-uian,  the  Great,  Turk- 
ish emp,  1191—1566. 

Somnus,  S6m-nus,/afe,  the  god  of  sleep. 

Somoza,  So-m(f)-ta,  Jose,  Sp.  pol  and 
wr,  1781— 

Sonnini  De  Manoncourt,  Son-an  D? 
Man-on-k(f>r,  Charles  N.  S.,  Fr.  trav 
and  nat,  1751—1811. 

Sontag,  Son-tqg,  Henrietta,  opera 
singer  Ger.,   1805—1851. 

Sophocles,  Sof-ca-klez,  Greek  poet,  and 
chief  magistrate  of  Athens,  500 — 410 

Soule,  ScD-la,  Pierre,  km.  ex-sen  La. 

Personal    Names. 


Soalt,  ScdI,  Nicole  Jean  De  D.,  Duke 

of  Daltnatia,  Fr.   marshal  and  off, 

Southcote,  S-sft-kot,  Joanna,  the  sub- 
ject of  religious  delusion,  England, 

Southern,  S'sd-ern,  Thomaa,  an  Irish 

drain  poet,  1660-— 1746. 
Southey,  S^sd-i,  Robert,  Eng.  poet  and 

prose  wr;  and  in  ISVi,  poet-taureate, 

1774—1843.  [1588—1650. 

Spagnoletto,  Spq,n-yo-let-o,  Italian  pt, 
Spallanzani,    Spal-qnd-zqn-e,   Lazaro, 

It.  pht/sifil  and  nat,  1729 — 1799. 
Spanheim,  Spqn  hjiu,  Ezekiel,  wr  and 

st  Geneva,  1629—1710. 
Spark.s  Spqrks,  JareJ,  Am.  hiog  and 

miscwr,  and  prea  Harvard  College, 

1794—  \7iat,  1747—1820. 

Sparrmann,  Spi^r-mqn,  Andrew,  Snred. 
Spartacus,  Spqr-ta-kus,  Thracian  shep- 
herd, and  conq  of  some  of  the  Roman 

armies,  71  B.  C.  [Y.,  1783—1855. 
Spencer,  John  C,  Am.  law  and  st  N- 
Spencer,  John  Chas.,    Earl,    promoter 

of  agriculture,  Eng.,  1782 — 1845. 
Spenser,  Edmund,  Eng.   poet,  1553 — 

Sphinx,  Sfigks,  fob,   a  monster,  who 

destroyed   herself    because   CEdipus 

8>lved  the  enigma  she  proposed. 
Spielmann,  Spgi-mqn.  James  Reinhold, 

Ger.  chem,  1722—1782. 
Spinoza,  Spin-ii-za,  Baruch,  meta  phil 

(atheistical,)  Holland,  1632—1677. 
Spohr,  Sper,  Louis,   Ger.  mus  comp, 

Spontini,  Spon-te-ne,  Gaspare,  It.  mus 

comp,  1778—1851. 
Sprague,    Sprag,    Charles,  Am.   poet 

Mass.,  179  L— 
Spurzheim,  SpArj-him  or  Sp<6rt»-him, 

phren,  contemporary  of   Gall,  Ger., 

Squier,  Skwjr,  Ephram  Geo^  Am.  wr 

and  jhjI  N-Y.,  1821— 
Stael-Holstein,    Stal-II61-st|n,    Anna 

Louisa  G.  Necker,  Baroness  be.  tragic 

poet,  pot  and  romance  wr  France, 

Stahl,  St»I,  Geo.  Ernest,  Ger.  ph  and 

chem,  1660—1734. 
Stallbaum,  Stql-b-Kra,  Gottfried,  Gor. 

clasnc  scholar  and  au,  1793  —,  Stan-di/,  Frank  Hall,  Eng. 

aunnApoet,  1798—18  40. 
Stanficid,   Stan-fcld,  Clarkson,    Eng. 

pt,  1790— 
Stanislaufl,  8tan-iH-l')f<<,  Auguatus,  the 

Lut  k  of  Foiaad,  1732—1793. 

Stanley,   Stan-li,  Thomas,  Eng.  phil 

hist,  1625—1678.  [—1822. 

Stark,  John,  gen,N-H.,  1728 

Staudenmaier,    Sfs-den-inj-er,    Franz 

A.,  Catholic  theul  and  au  Germany, 


Steele,  Sir  Richard,  Brit,  essa,  pol  wr, 
dram  poet  and  hvm,  1671 — 1729. 

Steevens,  Ste-venz,  Geo.,  commen  on 
Shakspeare.  Eng.,  1738—1800. 

Stenbock,  Sten-bok,  Magnus,  Count, 
Swedish  gen,  1664 — 1717. 

Stentor,  Sten-tor,/ai,  a  Grecian,  whoso 
voice  is  reported  to  have  been  as 
.strong  and  as  loud  as  the  voices  of 
50  men  together.        [pol  wr,  — 1832. 

Stephen,  St«-ven,  James,  Eng.  law  and 

Stephen,  St.,  first  Chri.stian  martyr, 
stoned  by  the  Jews,  A.  D.  33. 

Stephens,  John  Loyd,  Am.  trav  and 
wr  N-J.,  1805—1852. 

Stephenson,  Ste-ven-son,  Geo.,  Eng. 
ciril  eng,  1787—1848. 

Stephenson,  Robert,  eng  Eng.,  1803 — 

Sterling,  John,  Brit,  essa  and  crit,  1806 

Sternberg,  Stern-berg.  Alexander,  Ba- 
ron Von,  Ger.  au,  1806— 

Sterne,  Stern,  Laurence,  Irish  wr  and 
hu7n,  1713—1768. 

Steuben,  Sttf-ben,  (Am.  Stx^-ben,) 
Frederic  Wm.  Aug.,  Baron,  Prussian 
of  Am.  army,  during  the  Revolu- 
tionary war,  — 1795. 

Stevenson,  StB-ven-son,  Sir  John  An- 
drew, mus  comp  Ireland,  1761 — 1833. 

Stevenson,  Robert,  civil  eng  Scotland, 
1772-1850.  [navy,  1778 . 

Stewart,  Sti'^-art,   Charles,    com,  Am. 

Stewart,  Dugald,  Scottish  rneta,  math 
and  au,  1753—1828. 

Stewart,  Mathew,  D.I).,  Scottish  math 
and  au.  1717—1785.       [1727-1795. 

Stiles,  Stjlz,  Ezra,  Am.  div  and  hist. 

Stilling,  Heinrich,  pseudonyms  adopted 
by  Heinrich  Jung,  in  a  remarkable 
autobiography.  He  was  a  misc  wr 
Ger.,  1740-1817. 

Storch,  StorA,  Heinrich  Fred.  Now,  pol 
ecnn  Gor.,  1766—1835. 

Storch,  Nicholas,  found  of  the  sect 
called  Anabaptists,  Ger.,  —1530. 

Story,  .luslicc  Joseph,  Am.j  and  jur 
wr  Mass.,  1779—1845. 

Stothard,  Stod-ard,  Thomas,  R.  A., 
Eng.  art,  1755-1838. 

Stowe,  Stu),  Harriet  Beecher,  Am.  au, 
now  residing  in  Maine. 

Strakosch,  Strak-oJ,  Maurice,  mu$ 
ovmp  aad  pianuit,  Pulf,  1825—- 


Personal    Names. 

Strafford,  Straf-ord,  Thomas  Bent., 
Eiirl  of,  St  Eng..  1593~ex.  1641. 

Strange,  Stranj,  Sir  Kobt.,  Brit,  hist 
engr,  1721—1792. 

Strauss,  Stnss,  Dav.  Rriedr.,  Ger.  av, 
180S—  [—1849. 

Strauss,  John,  mus  camp  Aust.,  1804 

Strickland,  Strik-land,  E.,  tiav  and 
nat  Eng.,  1811—1853. 

Struensee,  Stri6-cn-se,  John  Fred., 
Count,  ph  find  pot  Denmark,  1737 — 
ex.  1772.  [1749—1802. 

Strutt,  Joseph,  art  and  antiq  wr  Eng., 

Struve,  Stroov  <.r  StrcLv-a,  Friedr.  Geo. 
Wilh.,  Rujisian  astr. 

Stuart,  the  royal  house  of  Great  Brit- 
ain after  the  union  of  Scotland. 

Stuart,  Daniel,  pol  wr,  ed  '•  Morning 
Post,"  London,  1766—1846.     [1786. 

Stuart,  Gilbert,  hist  wr  Soot.,  1742— 

Stuart,  James,  Eng.  trav  and  antiq  au, 

Stuart,  J.imes,  of  Duncarn,  po^  tvr 
Scot.,  1776—1849. 

Stukeley,  St\\,k-li,  William,  Eng.  antiq 
and  av,  1687—1765. 

Sture,  8tt6-re,  administrators  of  Swe- 
den, fr((ni  the  14th  to  the  close  of 
the  16th  cen. 

Sturgeon.  Stur-jon,  William,  exp  in 
the  nat.  science.*,  Eng.,  1783 — 1850. 

Stuyve-sant,  Sttf-ves-ant,  Peter,  the 
last  Dutch  gov  of  New-York,  ap- 
pointed 1664. 

Styx,  Stiks,  yaT),  a  river  of  hell. 

Suckling,  Sir  John,  poet  and  courtier, 
Eng.,  1609—1641. 

Sue,  Se,  Eugene,  Fr.  nov,  1808-1857. 

Sullivan,  Sdl-i-van,  John,  gen  Art. 
army,  in  the  Revolutionary  war, 
N-H.,  1741-1795. 

Sully,  Sdl-i,  Thomas,  Eng.  art^  1783— 

Sully,  Maximilin  De  Bethune,  Duke 
of,  Fr.  mi/i  and  of,  1560—1641. 

Sumner,  Charles,  Am.  st,  or,  legal  wr 
and  scJiolar,  sen  from  Ma.<8.,  1811  — 

Suwarrow,  SiD-vqr-ov,  Peter  Alexis  V., 
Count,  Russian  gen,  1730 — 1800. 

Swammerdam,  Svqm-er-dqm,  Jean, 
Dutch  anat  and  ento,  1637 — 1680. 

Swartz,   SwqrLs,   Olans,    Swedish   hot, 

^  1760—1817. 

Sweden  and  Norway,  Oscar  L,  King 
of,  1799 — assumed  gov,  1844 — 

Swedenborg,  Swe-den-berg  (/r  Swa- 
den-borg,  Emanuel,  7»«^A  and  Chris- 
tian phil,  found  of  a  sect  numerous 
at  the  present  day  J  b.  at  Stockholm, 

^  1688—1772.  [1854. 

Sweet,  John  A.,  Am.  ph  Mass.,  1808 — 

Swift,  Jonathan,  Brit,  au,  sat  and  pol 
ivr,  and  hum,  1667—1745. 

Sydenham,  Sid-en-ham,  Thomas,  M. 
D.,  Eng.  ph  and  mtd  wr,  1624 — 1689. 

Sydney,  Sid-ni,  Algernon,  pol  wr  and 

^  repob  Eng.,  1621— ex.  1683. 

Sylla,  Lucius  Cornelius,  Roman  gen 
and  dictator,  scourge  of  his  country, 
— 78  B.  C.  [woods  and  forests. 

Sylvanus,   Sil-va-nus,  fah,   a   god  of 

Symme.><,  Simz,  John  Cleves,  au  of 
the  eccentric  Theory  of  the  Earth, 
that  the  globe  is  hollow,  wilh  open- 
ings at  the  poles  for  the  admission 
of  light;  Ohio,  —1829. 

Syrens,  Si-renz,  fab,  sea-monsters. 


Tacitus,  Tas-i-tus,  Marcus  Claudius, 
emp  Rome,  — 276. 

Talbot,  T(3l-bot,  or  Tal-bot,  John,  Earl 
of  Threwsbury,  Eng.  of  in  the  re- 
nowned Fr.  wars,  1373 — 1453. 

Talfourd,  Tal-furd,  Sir  Thomas  Noon, 
dist.  as  the  a^v  of  *'Ion,"  and  other 
interesting  writings,  as  a  judge,  and 
for  his  many  virtues,  Eng.,  1795 — 

Tallard,  Tal-qrd,  Caraille  D'H.,  Duke 
De,  Fr.  marshal,  1652—1728. 

Talleyrand-Perigord,  Tal-s-rqnd-Par- 
£-gord,  Charles  Maurice  De,  the 
"prince  of  diplomatists,"  Fr.,  1754 — 

Tallien,  Tal-i-an,  Jean  Lambert,  dist. 

Jacobine  of  the  Fr.  revolution,  1769 

Talma,    Tal-mq,    Francis  Joseph,  Fr. 

actrrr.  1770—1826. 
Tamerlane,   Tam-er-lan,  emp  of  Tar- 

tary,  1335—1405. 
Taney,    Tan-i,    Roger  B.,  chief  jvstice 

of  the  Sup.  Ct.  U.  S.,  Md.,  1777- 
Tannahill,  Tan-a-hil,  Robert,  Scottish 

lyric  poet.  1774—1810.  [au. 

Tapia,  Tq-pe-q,  Eugenio,  Sp.  jWr  and 
Tasman,  Tas-m^n,  Abel  Janssen,  Dutch 

wat',  1600-d.  [—1595. 

Tasso,  Tq  so,  Torquato,  It.  poet,  1544. 
Tate,  Tat,  Irish  ^et,  1652— d. 

Personal    Names. 


Taylor,    Ta-1or,    Jane,    Eng.  poet  and 

prose  wr,  I78:i— 1S23. 
Taylor,    Dr.    Jeremy,    bishop    of    the 

Church  of  En^'.,  1813— 1'337. 
Taylor,  Thomas,  a  m-Kleni  promulgator 

of    the   Platonic    Philosophy,   Eng., 

Taylor,     William,     critic    and    trans, 

Eng.,  1765—1836. 
Taylor,  Wm.  Cooke,  LL.  D.,  misc  wr 

Ir.,  1800—1819. 
Taylor,  Zachary,  Ara,  gen,  pres  of  the 

IJ.  S.,  from  1819  to  1850;  his  career 

baing  terminated  by  his  sudden  death 

in  July  of  the  latter  year.     Hi  was 

succeeded   in  office  by  his  V-Pres., 

Millard  Fillmore:  b.  La.,  1790-1850. 
Taylor,    Bayard,    Am.  t/av,  poet,  and 

mwc  Wr,  N-Y.,  1825 — 
Tching  Tching  Kong,     63ig -Gig -Kog, 

Chinese  adrn,  I7th  cen. 
Tefft,  Tefr,.  B.  F..  au,  Methodist  clerg 

and  ed  N-Y.,  1813  - 
Tekeli,   Te-kel-e,    Emerie,    Count  De, 

Hungarian  nob  and  patriot,   1658 — 

Telford,   Tel-ford.    Thomas,  civil  eng 

Scot.,  1757—1831. 
Tell,  Tel,  William,    Swiss  hero  ol  the 

14th  cen. 
Tempelhof,    Tera-pel-hnf,   Geo.  Fred., 

Ger.  offixnA  a/i,  — 1807. 
Temple,  Tera-pl,  Sir  William,  Eng.  st, 

Teniers,    Ten-erz,    David,    the   elder, 

Flemish  f>t,  Belg.,  1582—1649. 
Teniera,  David,  fhe  younger,  Flem.  pt 

Belg.,  1610—1694. 
Tennatit,    Ten-ant,  William,    Scottish 

pf)€t  and  philol,  — 1843. 
Tennant,  Ten-ant,  Sinithson,  F.  R.  S., 

Eng.  chern,  1761-1815. 
Tennyscm,     Ten-i-son,     Alfred,     Eng. 

poet,  and  now  poet-laiireate,  1810 — 
Tenterden.  Ten-ter-den,  Charles  Abbot, 

Lord,    Eng.   law,  j,  and   legal  wr, 

Tertullian.  Ter-ttil-i-ftn,  Quintus  Sep- 

timius  Florus,   failier  and  dtf  early 

Christian  Church,  fl.  211. 
Thickemy,  Rak  er-n.  Wra.  Mak<»peace, 

Eng.  au,  left  and  Kumorid,  1811 — 
Thalberg.   T4l-berg,    Sigismund,    mui 

camp,  Switz.,  1312  — 
Thalc!",  Ha-.lcz.  chief  ol  the  seven  8age$ 

of  Greece,  610— 515  B.  C. 
Themistocles,  Re-nws-to-klrz,  Atheni- 
an gen  and  pat,  being   banished  to 

Persia,  to  avoid  taking  arms  against 

h\»  county,  he  alew  biouolf,  465  B.  C. 

Theodosius,  Ee-o-d6-Ji-u',  the  last 
1  Rom.  emp,  a  convert  to  Chris.,  — 395. 
Theodotus,  He-6d-o-tus,  a  tanner  of 
I  B^'zantium,  who  apostatized  from 
1  Chris,  faith  to  save  his  life,  and 
'      formed  a  sect. 

j  Theon,  Rg-on,  Greek  sophist,  au  Trea- 
tise on  Rhetoric;  also,  a  math  of  Al- 
I      exandria. 
I  Theophrastus,     He-o-fras-tus,     Greek 

phil,  288  B.  C. 
i  Thcspis,    Res-pi?,    Greek   tragic  poet, 
j      and  first  actor  at  Athens,  536  B.  C. 
Thibaut,  Tib-'st,  Anton  Justus  Fried., 

Ger. Jurist,  1792—1840. 
Thicknesse,    Rik-nos,   Anne,  Eng.  7vr, 

1737—1824.  [1798 . 

Thiers,  Ter,  Adolphe,  Fr.  pal  and  h/.st, 
Thierry,  Ter,  Jacq.  Nic.  Augustin,  Fr. 

hid,  1795  — 
Thorn.  Tom,  James,  sculp  N-Y.,  1799 

—1850.  [1770-1821. 

Thom,  Walter,  hist  and  misc  wr  Scot., 
Thomas,  T(Sra-as,  St.,  surnamed  Didy- 

inu?,  one  of  Christ's  apostles;  suffered 

martyrdom  in  India. 
Thompson,    Tomson,  Alex.,  misc  wr 

andprjet  Soot.,  1762—1803. 
Thompson.     Col.    Thomas    Peyronnet, 

pol  reformer  and  au  Eng.,  1783 — 
Thomson,  T6m-.«on,  Anthony  Todd,  M, 

D.,  med  wr,  Scot.,  1778-1849. 
Thomson,  James,  Scottish  poet,  au  of 

the  "  Season.s,"  1700-1748. 
Thomson,  Rev.  John,  Scot,  l-pt,  1778 

—  1810. 
Thomson,    Thomas,    M.  D.,   Scot,  exp 

chem,  led  and  ivr,  1773 — 1852. 
Thomson,  Edward,  M.  D.,  D.  I).,  Am. 

div,   wr   and   pres  Ohio   Wesleyau 

University,  Ohio,  1810— 
Thomson,  Samuel,  med  ref,  and  au  of 

"  Botanic  Family  Physician,"  in  1638, 

U.  S.         ^ 
Thornton,  Rorn-ton,  Bonnel,  humorist 

wr  inndpoet  Eng.,  1721—1768. 
Thornton,  John  Robt.,  Eng.  hot,  1753 

Thorwaldsen,     Tor-v(^ld-8en,      Bortel, 

Danish  art,  1770— 18U, 
Thucydides,  Rii-sid-i-dez,  Greek  hid^ 

-391  B.  C. 
Thurlow.  Riir-lo,  Edward,  Lord,  Eng. 

fol,  1732—1806. 
Tiarks,  Te-drks,  John  Lewis,  F.  R.  S., 

Ger.  ast,  Eng.,  1789—1837. 
Tiberius,   Tj-be-ri-us,    Claudiua  Nero, 

dissolufe  emp  Rome,  — 37. 
Tiokcll,  Tik-el,   Thomas,  wr  aad  pottf 

Eng.,  1686—1740. 


Personal    Names. 

Ticknor,   Tik-nor,    George.  Am.  scTiol 

and  an,  1791 — 
Tieck,  Tgk,  Ladwig,  Gqv.  pnet  and  nov, 

1773—1853.  [1756—1830. 

Tierney,  Tir-ni,    st  and  pol  wr,  Eng., 
Tillotson,  Til-ot-soii,    Dr.  John,   ar-hp 

Canterbury,  published  many  valua- 
ble sermons ;  — 1<594. 
Timothy,  Tiin-o-ti,  disciple  of  St.  Paul, 

first  hp  of  Ephesus,  stoned  to  death, 

A.  D.  97. 
Tindall,  Tin-dal,  Wm.,   Eng.  div  and 

antiq,  —1804. 
Tintoretto,  Tin-to-ret-o,  Jacopo  R.,  ^^ 

Venice,  1512—1504. 
Tippoo  Saib,  Tip-d)  Sab,  the  last  sul- 
tan of  Mysore,  1749— k.  1799. 
Titian,  Te-tg-qn,  {or  Tiziano  Vecellio, 

Ted-zE-q-no  Va-qa-le-o,)  It pt,  1477 

Titas,    Tj-tu3,    Greek  disciple  of   St. 

Paul,  hp  of  Crete. 
Tofino  De  San  Miguel,   To-fe-no  Da 

Sqn  Me-Ml,  Sp.  ast,  1740—1806. 
Toland,  Tol-and,  John,  Scot,  mela  au. 

Tompkins,  Tom-kinz,    Daniel  D.,  gov 

N-Y.  and    V-Pres  U.  S.,  under  Mr. 

Monroe,  —1825. 
Tone,  Ton,  Theobald  ^Y .,  Irish  revolu- 

tMiiar?/  pol,  1763 — 1793. 
Tooke,    Tuk,   John  Home,   Eng.  pol_ 

gram  and  philol,  1736 — 1812. 
Toreno,  Tor-a-no,  Count  Jose  De,  hist 

and  d  Sp.,  1786— d. 
Torre,    Tw-ra,    Giovanni,    M.  D.,   nat 

phil  It.,  —1782. 
Torricelli,     To-re-qa-le,     Evangelista, 

It.   math,  invented   the   barometer  j 

1608— d. 
Torrigiano,  To-rE-jq-nc:^,  Pietro,  sculp 

Florence,  1472—1522. 
Totten,  T6t-en,  Joseph  G.,  Am.  mili- 
tary eng,  Conn.,  1788 — 
Totten,     George   M.,    Am.   citil  eng, 

Conn.,  1809— 
Torrey,    T6r-i,   John.  M.  D.,  LL.   D., 

Am.  hot  and  chem  N-Y. 
Tournefort,  Tdbr-na-for,  Joseph  Pitton 

De,  Fr.  lot,  1656—1708. 
Toussaint,    Too-sah,    L'Ouverture,    an 

illus.  and  intel.  chief  of  the  negroes 

of  St.  Domingo,  after  the  revolution 

they  affected  in  that  island,  was  for 

the  greater  part  of  hia  life  a  slave, 
but  noted  for  his  kindness  and  skill. 
1743 — perished  in  prison,  Fr.,  1803. 

Trajan,  Tra-jan,  M.  Alpinus  Crinitus, 
Rom.  emp  celebrated  for  his  mild  and 
equitable  government,  —^117. 

Trembley,  Trem-bli,  Abraham,  nat 
Swit.,  1700—1784. 

Trenck,  Treijk,  Frederick,  Baron  Von, 
Prussian  <ff,  eel.  for  his  adventures 
and  misfortunes,  1726 — g.  1794. 

Trotter,  Trot-er,  Thomas,  M.  D.,  med 
wr  Scot.,  —1832. 

Trumbull,  Trum-bul,  Jonathan,  pat 
of  the  Am.  Rev.,  and  gov  Conn.,  — 
1785.  Son  of  the  same  name,  Aid 
to  Gen.  Washington,  st  and  lieid-go^ 
Conn.,  —1809. 

Truxton,  Triiks-ton,  Thomas,  com  Am. 
navy,  N-Y.,  1755—1822. 

Tschirnhausen,  Tjirn-h-8-sen,  Ehren- 
frd,  W.  Von,  Ger.  geom  and  exp 
phil,  1651—1708. 

Tucker,  Tiik-er,  Saint  George,  Am. 
law  and  st,  —1828. 

Tuckerman,  Henry  T.,  Am.  poet  and 
essa,  Mass.,  1813 — 

Tupper,  Tiip-er,  Martin  Farqubar,  Eng. 
au,  1811— 

Turenne,  Te-ran,  Henri  De  La  Tour 
D'Auv.  Viscount  de,  Fr.  gen,  1611 — 

Turgot,  Ter-go,  Anne  Robert  Jacques, 
Fr.  d  and  phil,  1727—1781. 

Turner,  Turn-er,  Edward,  M.  D.,  chem 
and  au  Eng.,  1797—1837. 

Turner,  Joseph  M.  Wm.,  Eng.  art, 

Turner,  Sharon,  hist  of  the  Anglo  Sax- 
ons, Eng.,  1768—1847. 

Turner,  Tiirn-er,  William  W.,  printer 
and  philol  Eng.,  1810 — 

Tuscany,  Tus-kan-i,  Leopold  II.,  Grand 
Duke  of,  b.  1797  succeeded  to  the 
government  1824.  [—1849. 

Twiss,  Twis,  Horace,  Eng.  law  and  wr 

Tyler,  Tj-ler,  John,  elected  F-Pres  of 
the  U.S.  in  1840,  and  succeeded  to 
the  presidency  at  the  death  of  Har- 
rison in  1841:  Va.,  1790— 

Tyndale.  Tin-dnl,  Wm.,  trnns  and 
TTMTtyr,  Eng.,  1484— ex.  1536. 

Tytler,  Tit-ler,  Patric  Fraser,  hist, 
Scot.,  1790—1819. 

Personal    Names. 



Uecktritx,  E/t'trits,  (c^  EVtrits,)  Fiied. 

Von,  (xer.  dram  poet,  1800 — 
Uhland,    (D'lqnd,    Ludwig,   Ger.  poet, 

Uilkens,  CTrkcnz,  James  Albert,  Dutch 

nat,  1772-1825. 
Ulloa,  (JDl-yci-q,  Antonio  De,  Sp.  gen, 

«<and  math,  1713—1795. 
Ulrica,  (Dl-re-kq,  Eleanora,  two  queens 

of  Sweden,  from  the  17th  to  the  18th 

Ulysses,    Yti-lis-ez,  fah,  k  of  Ithaca, 

who,  by  his  subtlety  and  eloquence, 

was    eminently    serviceable    to    the 

Greeks,  in  the  Trojan  war. 
Unzer,   (T)nts'er,   John  Aa».,   Ger.  ph, 

psychol  and  phys  au,  1727 — 1799. 

Urban,  Ur'ban,  I.  to  VIII.,  popes  from 
223  to  1614. 

Urquhart,  Ur'kwqrt,  Sir  Thomas, 
Scottish  philol  and  math,  17th  cen. 

Urquijo,  CDr-kg-ho,  Mariano  L.  Chev- 
alier De,  Sp.  St,  1768—1817. 

Urqaiza,  (Dr-ke-tq,  Gen.  Don  Justo 
Jose,  pres  of  the  Argentine  Confed- 
eration, 1800— 

Ursins,  Er-saii.  {or  (Dr-senz,)  Anna  M. 
De  La  T.,  Princes  Do,  a  French  lady 
who  indirectly  governed  Spain,  ia 
the  days  of  Philip  V.,  —1722. 

Usher,  Uj'er,  Jamas,  D.  D.,  Irish  dio 
and  thei)  lov,  1580—1656. 

Uwins,  Y^-inz,  David,  M.  D.,  Eog.  ph 
and  med  wr,  1780—1837. 


Vabl,  Vql,  Martin,  hot  Norway,  1749 

—1804.  [1669-1722. 

Vaillant,    Val-ah,    Sebastian,  Fr.  hot, 
Valckenaer,     Vqlk-en-qr,      Louis    C, 

Daleh  philol  and  critic,  1715 — 1820. 
Valerius  Maximus,  Val-e-ri-us  Maks-i- 

mus,  Laiin,  hist,  fl.  A.  D.  30. 
Valli,  Vql-r.,  Eusebius,  It.  ph,  1762— 

Valperga  De  Caluso,    Vql-j»dr-gq  De 

Kql-e-so,     Piedmontese    inath    and 

<ut,  1730-1815. 
Vanbrugh,  Van-brdb^,  Sir  John,  Dutch 

dram,  1666 — 1729. 
Van  Buren,    Van-Bi'i-ren,  Martin,  pol 

and  eighth  pres  of  the  U.  S.,  from 

1837    to    1841:     N-Y.,    1782 . 

V-Prcs.  R.  M.  Johnston. 
Vancouver,  Van-kdb-ver,  George,  Eng. 

nat,  —1798. 
Vanderlyn,    Van-der-lin,    John,    Am. 

art,  N-Y.,  1776-1852. 
Vnndervelde,  Vqn-dor-val-do,  William, 

Dutch  pt,  1610-1693. 
Vandyck,  Yan-dik,  Antony,  Dutch  7)^, 

Vandyk,    Van-dik,    Harry  Stoe,  poet 

and  mwc  wr  Eng.,  1798—1828. 
Vane,  Van,  Sir  Honry,  rehap,  a  cham- 
pion of  the  Engliah  commonwealth, 

1612— ex.  1862. 
Van  Schonten,   Fan  So-n-ten,   Dutch 

nav,  I7tb  cea. 

Varignon,'  Var-en-yon,    Pierre,    Fr. 

math,  1654—1722. 
Vasari,  Vq-sq-re,  Giorgio,  It.  au,  1512 

—  1574. 
Vattel,  Va-tel,  N.,  wr  on  jvris  and 

meta,    au    <>f    "Right   of   Nations;" 

Swit,,  — 1770.    — Emer  di;,    Swiss 

wr  on  same  subjects,  — 1767. 
Vauban,    Vu-bafi,     Sebastian    L.  Do 

Fr.  military -emj,  1632 — 1707. 
Vaugclas,    V6-gu-lq,    Claude  F.  Do, 

Fr.  wr,  1585  -d.  [—1522. 

Vaux,  Vo,  Thomas,  Eng  off  and  poet, 
Vega,  Va-gq,  Lopez  De  La,  Sp.  poet. 

Veit,  Vjt,  Philipp,  Ger.  »«;,  1793— 
Velazquez,  Val-q6-ka6,  Don  Diego  R. 

Do  Sitva  Y,  Sp.  pt,  1599—11)60. 
Venus,    Vc-nus,  fah,   the  goddess   of 

love  and  beauty. 
Vespasian,  Ves-pa-/i-an,  Titus  Flavius, 

Rom.  gen,  made  emp  A.  D.  69 — 79. 
Vorboockhoven,  Fer-book-hij-ven,   Eu- 

gen,  Flemish  pt  of  animals,  1799 — 
Vernet,  Ver-na,  Horace,  Fr.  pt,  1789— 
Vernon,  V^r-non,  Edward,  Eng.  adm, 

1084— 1751. 
Vernon,  Robert,  found  of  the  Gallery 

of  British  Art,  1774—1849. 
Verplanck,  Ver-plank,  Gulian  C,  Am. 

au  N-Y. 
Vertot    D'Auboeuf,     Var-to    Do-b§f, 

Rene  Aubert  De,  Fr.  hist,  1655— d. 


Personal    Names. 

Yesalius,   Va-sq-Ie-dos,  Andreas,  anaf, 

father  of  the  modern  human  anatomy, 

Brussel;^,  1513—1564. 
Vico,  Vg-kca,    Francis  De,  It.  ast  and 

«'/'  on  natjihil,  — 1848. 
Vico,    Giovanni  Battit-ta,   the  first  to 

propose   a   philosophical    method   of 

considering    human  history,  Naples, 

VicUiria,  Viii-to-ri-a,  Queen  of  Enoj., 

b.  Ibl9 — assumed  government  1837, 
Vigny,  Veu-ye,  Couut  Alfred,  Fr.  au, 

Villemain,  Vil-a-man,  Abel  Francois, 
Fr.  saiant  n.nd  pol,  1791 — 

Villoison,  V'il-wo-s6n,  Jean  Baptiste 
G.  D'Anse  De,  Fr.  sc/ud,  and  discov- 
erer of  the  manuscripts  of  Greek  au- 
thors, 1750—1805. 

Vinoe,  Vins,  Samuel,  Eng.  math  and 
ast  au,  — 1821. 

Vincent,  Vin-sent,  Thomas,  Eng.  non- 
con  div,  au  of  "Explanation  of  Cate- 
chism, —1671.  [1452-1519. 

Vinci,    Vgn-<3E,    Leonardo  Da,  It.  pt, 

Virgil,  Ver-jil,  {or  Virgilius,)  Publius 
Muro,  most  excellent  of  Rom.  poets, 
70—18  B.  C. 

Virginia,  Ver-jin-i-a,  daughter  of  Vir- 
ginias, was  stabbed  by  her  father,  to 
prevent  the  violence  which  Appius 
meditated  against  her,  450  B.  C. 

Vivens,  Viv-enz,  John  Louis,  one  of 
the  revivers  of  English  literature, 

Viviun,  Viv-i-un,  Richard  Hussey, 
Lord,  British  of,  1775—1842. 

Viviani,  Ve-ve-q-ne,  Vincentio,  It. 
math,  1622—1703. 

Volkoff,  Vol-kof,  Theodore,  Russian 
dram,  1729—1763. 

Volney,  V61-na,  Constantine  C,  Comte 
De,  Fr.  wr,  —1820. 

Volta,  Vol  tq,  Alexander,  It.  nai  phU, 
the  inventor  of  the  Voltaic  pile,  1745 

VolUiire,  Vol-t^r,  the  name  assumed 
by  Francois  Marie  Aronet,  Fr.  saiant 
who  was  a  phil,  essa,  poet,  hist,  etc., 
etc.,  1694—1778. 

Voss,  Vos,  John  Henry,  Ger.  poet,  critic, 
trans,  and  philol,  1751 — 1821. 

Vossius,  V()S-e-i|,s,  Gerard  John,  Dutch 
critic,  phil  and  au,  1577 — 1649. 

Vulcan,,  fab,  the  god  of  sub- 
terraneous fire. 


Wackernagel,  Vqk  -  cm  -  (^  -  gel,   Karl 

Heinrich  Wilhelm,  Ger.  wr  smd  poet, 

Waghorn,  Lieut.  Thoma.s,  R.  N.,  the 

projector   of   steam   navigation    bet. 

England  and  India,  1800—1850. 
Wahlenberg,  Vql-en-be/'g,  George,  Ger. 

bot,  1781—1814. 
Waldo,    Peter,    merch    Lyons,  found 

sect  Waldenses,  12(h  cen. 
Wales,  William,  math  and  astr  Eng., 

Walker,  We-ker,  Adam,  exp  phil  and 

lect,  1732—1821. 
Walker,  John,   lex    Eng.,  1732—1807. 
Wallace,  W6l-as,  Horace  Biuney,  Am. 

savant,  and  wr   on  art,  philosophy, 

&c.,  Pa.,  1817-1852. 
Wallace,  Sir  Wm.,  Scottish  gen,  who 

sought   to  rescue  his   country  from 

the  English  yoke,  but  was  betrayed 

by  Sir  John  Montieth,  and  ex.  1303. 
Wallenstein,  Wql-en-stjn,  Albert,  duke 

of  Friedland,  Ger.  connnan,  during 

the  first  half  of  the  Thirty  Years' 

war  J  1583—1634, 

Waller,  W61-er,  Edmund,  Eng.  poet, 

Walpole,  Wol-pcal,   Sir   Robert,   Eng. 

st  and  pot,  1676—1745.        [—1797. 
Walpole,  Horace,  Eng.  st  and  wr,  1717 
Walsingham,  Wol-siy-ham,  Sir  Fran- 
cis, Eng.  st,  1536—1590. 
Walter,  Wol-ter,  John,  for  many  years 

proprietor  of  the  "London  Times," 

to  whom  its  great  success  is  chiefly 

owing,  1773—1847. 
Walton,  Wol-ton,  Isaac,  wr  on  angling, 

Eng.,  1593—1583. 
Wappers,  Wq-perz,   Gustavu.s,  Dutch 

pt,  1803— 
Warburton,  Wer-bnr-ton,  Eliot  Barth. 

Geo.,  Irish  au,  1810—1852. 
Ward,  Ward,  Robert  Plumer,  Eng.  au, 

Ward,  Edward  Mathew,Eng.;3^,1816— 
Ware,  Wftr,  Henry,  Am.  dio  and  poet 

Mass.,  1794—1843. 
Ware,  .lames,  Eng.  sur,   ocultist   and 

au,  1756—1815. 
Ware,  William,  Am.  div  and  m,isc  ivr 

Mass.,  1797—1852. 

Personal   Names. 


Waring,  "Wor-ii),  Edward,  Eng.  math 

and  wr,  1734-— 1798. 
Warren,  W6r-en,  Dr.  Joseph^  Am.  of 
who  fell  at  the  battle  of  Bunker  Hill, 

"Warton,  Wtir-ton,  Joseph  and  Thomas, 

Etig.  aus  and  poets,  13 th  cen. 
"Warwick.  Richard  Nevil,  Earl  of,  gen 

and  st  Eng.,  —1471. 
Washington,  George,  illustrious  as  the 

"  Father   of    his  Country," — for  his 

love    of  liberty,  his  stern  advocacy 

and  defense  of  human  rights,  and  for 

his  many  private  virtues  ;  first  Pres. 

U.  S.,   from    1789—1797 ;  Va.,  1732 

—1799.     V-Pres.,  John  Adams. 
Waterhouse,  Benjamin,   Am.   pA,  nat 

and  wr,  1754—1816. 
Watf^  Wot,  James,  the  author  of  im- 
provements   in    the    application   of 

steam  to  nlotive  power,  Scot.,  1736 

Watts,  I'Jaac,  D.  D.,  Brit.  diVy  wr  and 

poety  1671—1748. 
Wayland,  Francis,  pres  of  Brown  Uni- 
versity, and  ^or,  N-Y.,  1796 — 
Wayne,  Wan,  Anthony,  maj-gen  Am. 

army,  Pa.,  1745—1798. 
Webb,  James  Watson,  Am.  jour  and 

ed  "N-Y.  Courier  and  Enquirer," 

Weber,  Web-er,  Carl  Maria  Von,  Ger. 

m>u,  1783—1826* 
Weber,  Henry  William,  min,  wr  and 

archoi  Scot.,  1783—1818.  [1852. 

Webster,  Daniel,  Am.  »t  Mass.,  1782— 
Webster,  Noah,  Am.  lex  Conn.,  1758 — 

Wed  el,  George  Wolfgang,  Ger.  ph  and 

au,  1015—1721. 
Weed,  Thurlow,  km.  jour  and  ed  "  Al- 

b:iny  Evening  .Journal,"  1797 — 
Weinbrenner,    Yjn-bren-er,    Frederic, 

Gir.  arch,  1766—1828.    [1303 . 

Weir,  Wer,  Robert  W.,  Am.;)^  N-Y., 
Weisse,   Vis-e,   Christian    Felix,   Gor. 

misc  wr  and  dram  poet,  1726 — 180 1. 
Wellington,   Wel-ifl-ton,   Arthur    W., 

Duke  of,  Brit,  co/nman  and  st,  1769 

Werner,  Abraham  Gottlieb,  miner  and 

geoi  Gor..  1750—1817.  [1785. 

Werner,  Paul   De,  Prus.  gen,  1707— 
Worn'jr,  Z;icharias,  Ger.   dram  poet, 

Wesley,  W6i-li,   John,   found   of   the 

Arrainian  branch  of  Methodists,  Eng., 

We:<ley,  Charles,  brother  of  the  above, 

preacher,  1708—1788. 

West,  Benjamin,  Am.  pt,  b.  in  Pa., 
1738— d.  in  Eng.,  1820. 

Westall,  William,  Eng.  art,  1782—1850. 

Westmacott,  West-raa-kot,  Sir  Richard, 
Eng.  sculp,  1775 — 

Weyse,  Vj-se,  Christopher  Ernest 
Fred.,  Ger.  dramatic  and  lyric  comp, 

Wheaton,  Hwg-ton,  Henry,  Am.  law, 
dip  and  wr,  R.  I.,  1785—1848. 

Whipple,  Hwip-1,  Edwin  P.,  Am.  wr 
Mass.,  1819— 

Whiston,  Hwis-ton,  William,  Eng.  div 
and  nat  phil,  1667 — 1752. 

White,  Rev.  Gilbert,  Eng.  nat  and  aw, 

White,  Henry  Kirke,  Eng.  poet  of  great 
promise,  whose  e  irly  death  was  a 
nation's  regret.     1785 — 1805. 

Whitefield,  Hwit-feld,  Rev.  George, 
found  of  the  Calvinistic  Methodists, 
Eng.,  1714— d. 

Whitney,  Hwit-ni,  Eli,  inv  of  the  cot- 
ton gi'n,  Mass.,  1756—1825. 

Whittier,  Hvvit-i-er,  John  G.,  k.m.  poei 
and  prose  wr  Mass.,  1808 — 

Wieland,  Ve-lqnd  or  Ve-lqnt,  Christo- 
pher Martin,  Ger.  poet,  dram  and  wr, 

Wiffen,  Jeremiah  Holme,  Quaker  porf 
Eng.,  1792-1836. 

Wilberforce,  Wil-ber-fors,  William, 
Esq.,  Brit,  st  and  philan,  1759—1833. 

Wilkio,  Wil-ks,  Sir  David,  Scottish  ^3^, 
1785— 18  U. 

Wilkins,  Sir  Chas.,F.R.  S.,  on  «cAo/ar 
and  wr  Eng.,  1751—1836. 

William  I.,  the  Conqueror,  aso.  the 
Eng.  throne  1066— d.  1087. 

William  HI.,  k  of  Eng.,  stadtholder  of 
Holland,  and  Prince  of  Grange,  the 
defender  of  civil  and  religious  lib- 
erty, 165')— 1702. 

William  IV.,  h  of  Eng.,  b.  176S— suc- 
ceeded to  gov.  1830 -d.  1837. 

William  I.  of  Nassau,  Prince  of  Or- 
ange, leader  in  the  war  of  Indepen- 
dence that  established  the  Dutch 
Republic,  1533— k.  158 1. 

William,  two  ks  of  Holland,  from  1772 
to  1843. 

Williams,  Roger,  pret  of  the  Colony  of 
Rhode  Island,  1599—1683. 

Willis,  ThomaB,  Eng.  anat  and  pyl, 

Willis,  Nathaniel  Parker,  Am. po*<  and 
jour,  N-Y.,  1807-/5^^  V 

Wills,  Wm.  Henry,  Eng.  jfmf,  1810^ 

Wilson,  Alexaader,  oi'nith  Pa.,  176ft— 


Personal    Names. 

Wilson,  Jamei?,  Am.  law,  wr,  and  sign- 
er Dec.  of  Ind.,  Pa.,  1742—1798. 

Wilson,  John,  better  known  by  the 
soubriquet  of  Christopher  North, 
poet,  wr  and  prof,  Scot.,  1788 — 1854. 

Wilson,  Sir  Robert,  Brit,  gen,  1777 — 

Wilson,  Richard,  R.  A.,  Bnt.  pt,  —1782. 

Wilfion,  Horace  Hay  man, />r(7/ of  Sans- 
krit at  the  University  of  Oxford,  and 
wr,  Eng. 

Winclemann,  Vigk-Ie-mcin,  John  Joa- 
chim, eel.  in  aj.sthetical  and  art  lit- 
erature, Ger.,  1718— 17(58. 

Windischgratz,  Vin-diJ-g/-q,ts,  Prince 
generalissimo  of  the  Austrian  troops, 

Winsor,  Win-zor,  Frederic  Albert,  the 
projector  of  gas-lights,  Eng.,  — 1830. 

Winthrop,  John,  first  gov  of  Mass., 

Wirt,  Wert,  Wra.,  Am.  law  and  misc 
wr  Va.',  1772—1835. 

Wirth,  Virt,  John  Geo.  Aug.,  Ger.pol 
wr,  1800— 

Withers,  George,  Eng.po^^,  1588—1667. 

WitherspooD,  John,  1).  D.,  LL.  D.,  chrg 
Scot.,  j)^'^  of  Princeton  College,  U. 
S.,  signer  Dec.  of  Ind.,  <fec.,  — 1794. 

Withtner,  Vit-mer,  Michael,  Ger.  hiit 
pt,  1803— 

Wi'lflott,  Wol-kot,  John,  assumed  name 
PeUr  Pindar, — gat  poet  and  hum 
Eng.,  1738-1819. 

Wolcott,  Oliver,  gov  Conn.,  and  signer 
Dec.  of  Ind.,  1727—1797. 

Wolf,  Volf,  Fred.  Augustus,  philol 
and  wr  Ger.,  1759—1824. 

Wolf,  John  Chrisrian,  voluminous  lor 
and  superficial  p}dl  Ger.,  1679 — 1754. 

Wolfe,  Wulf,  Charles,  Irish  poet,  au 
of 'Ode  on  the  Death  of  Sir  Jchn 
Moore,'  1791—1823.  [1759. 

r/,  1726— k. 

Wolfe,  Gen.  James,  Brit. 

Wolff,  Volf,  Emil,  Ger.  scyjlp,  1802-- 
Wollaston,    W61-as-ton,    Wm.    Hyde, 

M.  D.,  Eng.  chem,  inv  of  the  peri- 

scopic  camera,  etc.,  1766 — 1828. 
Wolsey,  Wiil-zi,  Thomas,  a  powerful 

Cardinal  of  Eng.,  147.1-153(1. 
Woodhouse,   Wiad-hTjs,  Robert,  Eng. 

math,  1773—1827. 
Woodhouse,  James,  Am.  chem  and  ^jA, 

Wool,  Wial,  John  E.,  Am.  gen,  N-Y., 

1789—  [1785. 

Woollett,  William,  Eng.  engr,  1735— 
Worcester,   AViir-ster,   Joseph   E.,  lex 

Mass.,  18     — 
Wordsworth,    Wurdz-wurC,     William, 

Brit.  2)^xit,  1770—1850. 
Worth,   Wurt,   W.   I.,    maj-gen  Am. 

army,  N-Y.,  1794—1849. 
Wouverman,  WflQ-ver-mqn,  Philip,  pt, 

b.  at  Haarlem,  1620—1668. 
Wraxall,  Raks-el,  Sir  Nathaniel  Wm., 

Eng.  trao  and  hist  wr,  1751 — 1831. 
Wrede,  Vred-e,  Field-marshal   Prince, 

Bavarian  soldier  and  si,  1767 — 1839. 
Wren,  Ren,  Sir   Christopher,   dist.  as 

England's  greatest  arch,  1632—1723. 
Wright,  Rit,  Silas,  Am.  6^  N-Y.,  1795— 

Wright,  Thomas,  Eng.  wr  and   lit  ed, 
Wurtemberg,  William  I.,  King  of,  b. 

1781— assumed  gov.  1816 — • 
Wyatr,  Wj-at,  R.  J.,  Eng.  scvlp,  1795 

—1850.  [1503—1541. 

Wyatt,  Sir  Thomas,  Eng.  st  and  poet, 
Wycherley,    Wj-ker-li,     Wm.,     comio 

dram  Eng.,   1640—1715. 
Wycliffe,  Wicklyffe,  or  Wiclif,  Wik- 

lif,  John  De,  Eng.  dio  and   church 

ref,  1324—1381. 
Wyndham,  Wind-ham,    Sir    William, 

Eng.  St,  1687—1763. 
Wythe,  Wjf),  Am.  st.  and  signer  Dee. 

of  Lid.,  1726—1806. 


Xantippe,  Zan-tip-e,  wife  of  Socrates, 

had  a  morose    and    violent   temper, 

480  B.  C. 
Xantippus,  Zan-tip-us,  Lacedasraonian 

gen,  in  the  service   of  the   Cartha- 

Xavier,   Za-vi-a,  Jerome,  Jesuit   and 

mis  to  East  Indies,  —1617. 

Xenocrates,  Ze-nok-ra-tez,  Greek  ^^*7, 
314  B.  C. 

Xeunphon,  Zen-o-fon,  Athenian  pJiil, 
sold  and  hist,  370  B.  C. 

Xerxes,  Zerks-ez,  k  Persia,  who  entered 
Greece  with  an  army  of  5,283,220  j 
was  stopped  at  Thermopyla)  by  300 
Spartans  under  Leonidas:  murdered, 
434  B.  C. 

Personal    Names. 



Yale,  Elihu,  native  of  Conn.,  went  to 

Eng.,  became  gov  East  InJia  Comp., 

and  g'lve  liberally  to  establish  Yale 

College,  —1721. 
Yearsley,    Yerz-li,    Anne,     dram    wr 

Eng.,  1756—1803. 
Yeates,    Yats,    Thomas,     ori    sclwlar 

Eng.,  1768—1839. 
STork,  the  House  of,  rival  of  that  of 

Lancaster,  in  claim  for  the  crown  of 

York,  Frederick,  Duke  of,  comman,  of 

the  British  army,  1763—1827. 
Yorke.  Philip,  geneal  and   hist  Eng., 

Young,    Edward.    Eng.    poet — an    of 

"Night  Thoughts,"  1684—1765. 

Young,  Matbew,  Irish  math  and  aw, 
1750— d. 

Young,  Thomas,  Eng.  nat  phil.  Ho 
is  principally  distinguished  for  two 
things.  Firs-t,  he  contests  with  Fres- 
nel  the  glory  of  founding  the  Undu- 
Jatory  Theory  of  Light.  Second,  he 
was  the  first  to  detect  the  key  to 
phonetic  Hieroglyphics;  1773 — 1829. 

Ypsilanti,  Ep-se-lqn-te,  three  Greek 
pHaces,  who  have  endeavored  to 
achieve  the  independence  of  their 
country;  they  lived  from  1760  to 

Yriarte,  Er-e-t^r-ta,  Don  Juan  De,  Sp. 
archce  a.ndiphilol,  1702—1771. 

Z.    . 

Zachariah,  Zak-a-r]-a,  prophet  of  the 

Messiah,  400  B.  C. 
Zahn,  Tsqn,  Joh.  Karl  Wilh.,  arch,pt, 

and  prof,  of  art3,  Ger.,  1800 — 
Zaionezek,  Zq-e-i6n-qek,  Joseph,  Polish 

gen,  1752—1826.  [1802 . 

Zaleski.Zq-les-ke,  Bohdan,  Polish />w<, 
Zaraoski,    Zq-mois-kc,    John,     a   dist. 

Polander,  16th  cen. 
Zanotti,   D«qn-6t-e,    J.  P.,  It.  pt  and 

pf)€t,  1674—1765.  [15th  cen. 

Zarco,    Zqr-ko,    John  G.,    Port,   nav, 
Zea,  Ra-q,  Don  Francisco  Antonio,  bot 

and  St,  N-Gran.,  1770—1822. 
Zendrini,  Tsen-dre-ne,  Bernardo,  math 

and  hydraulic  eng,  Aust.,  1679 — 1747. 
Zeno,  Dza-no,  Nicolo  and  Antonio,  are 

alleged  to  have  discovered  America 

prior  to   the  voyage  of  Columbus; 

15th  cen. 
Zeno,  Ze-no,  ttnic  phil,  Cyprus,  stran- 
gled himself  264  B.  C,  aged  98. 
Zenobia,  Ze-nci-bi-a.  queenol  Palmyra, 

and  emprew  of  the  East,  —280. 

Zimraerraann,  Tsim-er-mqn,  Eberhard, 

Augustus  W.  Von,  Ger.  nat  and  aw, 

Zinzendorf,    Tsin-tsen-darf,    Nicholas, 

Louis,    Count  Von,    found   of    tho 

Moravian  Brethren,  Ger.,  1700—1760. 
Ziska,    Tsis-kq,    {or  John  Trocznow,) 

Ger.  leader   in   tho   religious   wars, 

13S0— 1425. 
Zoroaster,   Zo-ro-^s-ter,  Persian  phily 

found  Majian  religion,  said  to  havo 

predicted  the  coming  of  the  M(!ssiah. 
Zorrilla,  Ror-el-yq,  Jose,  Sp. />y<iand 

dram,  1817— 
Z.schokke,    Ts-J(f»k-e,    Hoinrieh,    Ger. 

hid,  nov  and  dram,  1771—1848. 
Zschukowskii.  Tj^-Joo-k-x-ske.  (?)  Was- 

silii  Andrejewitach,  Uos.  poet,  I78'i— 
Zumbo,  Dzobm-bo,  Gaotano  Julio,  Sil- 

ician  art,  1656—1701. 
Zurnpt,    TscDtnpt,    Karl  Gottlob,    Ger. 

Latinist,  1792— 
Zwingli,    Tsvig-gle,    Ulriok,  the  great 

Swiss  reformer  1484— k.  1531. 


Aballard,  Ab-el-^rd,  Pierre,  mediceval 

sckol  and  au,  Brirtariy,  1079— 1U2. 
Alaric   I.,    Al  qr-ik,    A;   of    the    West 

Goths,  — d.  410. 
Albrechtsberger.        fll-b^-eAts-berg-er, 

Johann    Geo.,     dist.    CMitrapuntut, 

Aust.,  1736—1803. 
Bache,  liqk,  Alex.  D.,  Sup.  U.  S.  Coast 

Survey,  Pa ,  1^ 
Biirnum,  B^r-num,  P.  T.,  a  successful 

showman,  but  who  finally  failed  for 

a  large  amount.     Conn.  1810 — 
Bichart,  Bt-Jq,  Marie  Francis  X.,  Fr. 

pkys,  1771—1802.  [1785—1825. 

Bec-hird,    Be-klqrd,    P.    A.,    Fr.   anat, 
Bouheur,  Bon-er,  Rosa,  ¥r.  paint,    no- 
ted for  her  masculine  picture,  ''The 

Horse-Fair."     1825 — 
Brjnte,  Bron-ta,  Charlotte,  (Emily  and 

Anne,  sisters,    Eng.    aus.,    who  a?- 

sumed  respectively  the  titles  Currer, 

Ellis,  and  Acton  Bell,  by  which  they 

are  best  known.)     18     — 
Colquhoun,  Kolk-hc6u,  Patrick,  a  sta- 
tistical   and   economical   w/;     Eng., 

Do  Quiney,  De  Kwin-si.  Thos.  phil  wr, 

'•The  Opium  Eater,"  Eng.,  18 
Empcdoclcs,  Em-pod-okltz,  Gr.  pidl, 

5th  cent.,  B.  C.  [4th  cent.  B.  C. 

ErasistratuH,  Er-as-is-tra-tus,  /'ki/s,  Gr. 
Fresnel,  Fros-nel,  Augustin  John,    exp 

]>hil  and  disc  of   the  polarization  ot 

light,  Fr.  1788-1827. 
Ileberden,  Ileb-er-den,  William,  M.  D., 

F.  R.  S.,  Eng.  y^nnd  av,  1710—1801. 
Henault,  Ila-ncjl,  Chas.  John  Fransis, 

Fr.  p(^t,  1685—1770.  [cent.  B.  C. 
Herophilus,  Her-of-i-lus,  phys,  Gr.  4th 
Hippolytus,  Hi-p6l-i-tus,  pol  and  hid 

wr,  Rome,  — d,  236. 
Hosmer,  Hoz-mer,  Harriet,  a  promising 

sculpt,  Mass.,  1831 — 
Liebig,  Lg-big,   Justus,  Ger.  chem  of 

great  celebrity,  18 

Muicenns,  Me-se  nas,  Caius  Cilnius,  pa 

lit,  Rome,  — d.  B.  C,  8. 
Maistre,  Mas-tr,  Count  Joseph  De,  j)oZ 

and  meta  wr.  Fr.  1753—1821. 
Malebranche,  Mq-Ie-brqnq,   meta  phil 

Fr.  1638—1715. 
Malpighi,  Mql-pen-ye,   Marcello,  anat 

j)hijs,  Italy,  1628-1694. 
3Iandar,  Mqh-dqr,  M.  Vhillxpe, pol  hint 

tor,  Fr.  1759—1823. 
Mansfitld.Manz-feld,  William  Murray, 

earl  of,  Chief-Justice,  Eng.  1705— 

Manuel,  Mafi-e,  James  A.,  Fr.  st  and 

repub,  1755—1827. 

Maraf,  Mq-rq,  Jean  Paul,  exp  pMl  wVf 
pol,  Fr.  1746-1793. 

Marcantonio,  Mqr-kqn-to-ne-o,  cngr, 
Italy,  1480—1539. 

Margaret,  Queen  of  Norway,  Denmark, 
and  Sweden,  1353—1412, 

Maria  Louisa,  Mq-re-q  Loo-e-zq,  sec. 
wife  of  Napoleon  Bonaparte,  Austria, 

Maria  Theresa,  —  Ter-a-sq,  emp  Aus- 
tria, 1717—1780. 

Marie-Antoinette,  Mqr-e  ilu-twon-et, 
queen  Fr.  1755 — g.  1793. 

Marie  De  Medicis,  —  Ma-de-se,  queen 
Fr.,  1573—1642. 

Mari(.n,  Ma-ri-on,  Fransis,  Am.  off. 
Revolution,  S.  C.,  — 1795. 

Marius,  Caius,  Mn-ri-us,  Ka-i-us,  Rom- 
an gen,  157—86  B.  C. 

Marlborough,  Mqrl-bur-o,  John  C, 
duke  of,  gen  Eng.,  1650—1722. 

Miirlowe,  Mqr-lo,  Christopher,  dram 
Eng.,  1566—1593. 

Marmontel,  Mqr-mon-tel,  Jean,  Fr. 
poet  and  nov,  1723—1799. 

Marshall,  Mqr-Jal,  John,  j,  chief  jus- 
tice U.  S.,  wr,  etc.,  Va.,  1755—1836. 

Martyn,  Mqr-tin,  Henry,  Eng.  mission- 
ary, 1781-1812. 

Marvell,  Mqr-vel.  Andrew,  »t  and  poet, 
Eng.,  1620—1678. 

Mary,  queen  of  England,  1516—1568. 

Mary,  queen  of  Scotland,  1542 — 1587. 

Masaccio,  Mq-sq-ks-o,  TommasoGuidi, 
art,  Italy,  1402-1443. 

Maskelyne,  Mas-ke-lin,  Nevil,  LL.D., 
adr  and  math,  Eng.,  1732 — 1811. 

Massena,  Ma-sah,  Andre,  Fr.  <#,  1758 

Massilon,  Ma-sel-yon,  Jean  Baptiste, 
pulpit  or,  Fr.,  1663—1742. 

Massinger,  Mas-in-jer,  Vh\\\p,  poet  and 
play  wr,  Eng.,  1584—1640. 

Maury,  Me-ri,  M.  F.,  LL.  D.,  Lieut.  17. 
S.  Navy,  astr  hydrograplur  and  au. 
Va.,  1806— 

Mazzini,  Mat-sg-nr,  Guiseppe,  demo- 
cratic ^6iZ  of  Italy,  1809— 

Miiller,  Mul-er,  Max  A.,  Prof.  Mod. 
Languages  in  Oxford  College,  Eng., 

Morse,  Mors,  Samuel  Finley  B.,  inven- 
tor of  Telegraph,  Mass.,  1791— 

Proudhon,  Prcfi-don, «(/^  wr,  Fr., 


Tocqueville,  Tok-vil,  M.  De,  pol  ivr, 
Fr.,  18 . 

Zimmerman,  Tsim-er-mqn,  Johann 
Georg  Von,  phi^s  and  mis  tvr  of 
Ger.,  1728-1795. 




Aalar,  £I'a-lar. 
Aaron,  A'ron. 
Ab,  Ab. 

Abacue,  Ab'a-kq,. 
Abadiih,  Ab'a-dq. 
Abaddon,  A-bad-on. 
Abadiaa,  Ab-u-dj-as. 
Abagtha,  A-bag-ta. 
Abal,  a'bal. 
Abana,  Ab'a-nq. 
Abarim,  Ab'a-rim. 
Abaron,  Ab'a-ron. 
Abba,  Ab'a. 
Abda,  Ab'da. 
Abdi,  Ab  dj. 
Abdias,  Ab-dj-a*. 
Abdiel,  Ab'di-el. 
Abdon,  Ab'don. 
Abednegfo,  A-bed-nc-go. 
Abel,   a'bel. 
Abel    Bethmaacah,    U'bl 

Abel  Maim,  fl'bel  Ma-im. 
Abel  Mcholath,  a'bel  Me- 

h6-lat.  [ra-im. 

Abel  Mizraim,  H'bel  Miz 
Abel  Sbittim,  a'bel  £it 

Abc.<«an,  Ab'e-san, 
Abesar,  Ab'c-sar. 
Abez,  a'bez. 
Abgaru:*,  Ab'ga-rus, 
Abi,  a'bi. 
Abia,  A-bj-a,  or 
Abiah,  A-bi-a. 
Abialbon,  a-bi-al-bon. 
Abia^aph,  A-bj-a-saf. 
Abiatbar,  A-bj-a-tqr. 
Abib,  a'bib. 

iVbidah,  A-bj-da. 
Abidan,  Ab'i-dan. 
Abiel,  a'bi-el. 
Abiezer,  a-bi-e-zer. 
Abiezrite,  a-bi-ez-rjt. 
Abigal,  Ab'i-gal. 
Abihail,  Ab-i-ha-il. 
Abihu,  A-bj-hii. 
Abihud,  A-bi-hud. 
Abijah,  A-bj-ja. 
Abijara,  A-bj-jam. 
Abilene,  Ab-i-le-ne. 
Abimael,  A-bim-a-el. 
Abimelech,  A-bim-e-Iek. 
Abinadab,  A-bin-a-dab. 
Abinoam,  A-bin-D-am. 
Abiram,  A-bj-ram. 
Abirom,  A-bj-rom. 
Abisai,  A-bis-a-j. 
Abisei,  Ab-i-se-j. 
Abishag,  Ab'i-Jag. 
Abishahar,  A-bij-a-hqr. 
Abishai,  A-biJ-a-j. 
Abishalain,  Ab-iJ-a-lam.or 
Abishalom,  Ab-i-j'a-lom 
Abishua,    A-biJ-q,-q,     or 

Abishur,  Ab'i-/ur. 
Abisum,  Ab'i-sum. 
Abital,  Ab'i-tal. 
Abitub,  Ab'l-tub. 
Abiud,  A-bj-ud. 
Abner,  Ab'ner. 
Abram,  a'brain,  err 
Abraham,  a'bra-ham. 
Absalom,  Ab'sa-lom 
Abubus,  A-bi'^-bus. 
Acaron,  Ak'a-ron. 
Acatoo,  Ak'a-tan. 

Accad,  Ak'ad. 
Accaron,  Ak'a-ron.- 
Accho,  Ak'o. 
Accos,  Ak'oa. 
Accoz,  Ak'oz. 
Aceldama,  A-s^l-da-mq. 
Achab,  a'kab. 
Achad,  a'kad. 
Achaia,  A-ka-ya. 
Achaicus,  A-ka-i-kus. 
Achan,  a'kan. 
Achar,  a'kar. 
Achaz,  a'kaz. 
Achbor,  Ak'bor. 
Achiacharus,    a-ki-ak-a- 

Achim,  a'kim. 
Achimelech,  A-kim-c-lek. 
Achior,  a'ki-or. 
Achiram,  A-kj-ram. 
Achish,  a'ki/. 
Achitob,  Ak'i-tob,  or 
Achitub,  Ak'i-tab. 
Achitophel,  A-kit-o-fel. 
Achraetha,   Ak'me-tq,  or 

Achor,  a'kor. 
Achsa,  Ak'sa. 
Achshaph,  Ak'Jaf. 
Achzib,  Ak'zib. 
Acipha,  As'i-fq. 
Acitho,  As'i-tci). 
Acua,  A-ki'i-a. 
Acub,  a'kub. 
Adn.  a'da. 
Adnd,  a'diid. 
Adada,  Ad'a-dq. 
Adadah,  Ad'a-dq. 
AcUtdezcr,  Ad-ad-e-zes» 



Scripture    Proper    Names. 

Adadrimmon,  Ad-ad-rim 

Adah,  a'da. 
Adaiah,  Ad-a-|-a. 
Adalia,  Ad-a-lj-a. 
Adam,  Ad'am. 
Adama,  Ad'a-mq,  or 
Adamah,  Ad'a-mq. 
Adami,  Ad'a-mj. 
Adami    Nekeb,     Ad'a-mi 

Adar,  a'dar. 
Adasa,  Ad'a-sq. 
Adatha,  Ad'a-tq. 
Adbeel,  Ad'be-el. 
Addan,  Ad'an. 
Addar,  Ad'ar. 
Addi,   Ad'j. 
Addin,  Ad'in. 
Addo,  Ad'o. 
Addus,  Ad'as. 
Ader,  a'der. 
Adida,  Ad'i-dq. 
Adicl,  a'di-el. 
Adin,  a'din. 
Adina,  Ad'i-nq. 
Adino,  Ad'i-no. 
Adinus,  Ad'i-nus. 
Aditha,  Ad'i-tq. 
Ad  i thai m,  Ad-i-M-im. 
Adlai,  Ad'la-j. 
Admah,  Ad'ma. 
Ad  math  a,  Ad'ma-tq. 
Adna,  Ad'na. 
Adnah,  Ad'na. 
Adonai,  Ad'o-na. 
Adonias,  Ad-o-nj-as. 
Adonibezek,    A-don-i-be- 

Adonijah,  Ad-o-nj-ja. 
Adonikam,  A-don-i-kam. 
Adonirara,  Ad-on-{-ram. 
Adonizedek,  » A-don-i-ze- 

Adora,  A-do-ra. 
Adoraim,  Ad-o-ra-im. 
Adoram,  A-dci-ram.    [lek. 
Adramelech,      A-dram-e- 
Adria,  £I'dri-a. 
Adriel,  a'dri-el. 
Aduel,  A-dq-el. 
AduUara,  A-diil-am. 
Adummira,  A-diim-im. 
'Aedias,  a-e-dj-as. 
^gypt,  {r'jipt. 
JEneas,  8-ne-a3, f  Virgil.) 
uEnea^,  8'ne-as,  {Adsix.} 
JEnon,  P'non. 
-^nos,  8'nos. 
Agaba,  Ag'a-bq. 

Agabu-s  Ag'a-bas. 
Agag,  a'grtg. 
Agagite,  a'gag-jt. 
Agar,  a 'gar. 
Agarenes,  Ag-a-r^nz. 
Agee,  Ag'e-E. 
Aggeus,  A-ge-us.       [bor, 
Agnothtabor,    Ag-not-ta- 
Agur,  £I'gur. 
Ahab,  a'hab. 
Aharah,  A-har-a. 
Aharal,  A-har-al. 
Ahasai,  A-has-a-j.      [rus, 
Ahasuerus,     A-has-yn,-E- 
Ahava,  A-ha-va. 
Ahaz,  S'haz. 
Ahazai,  A-haz-a-j. 
Ahaziah,  a-ha-zj-a. 
Ahban,  H'ban. 
Aher,  fl'her. 
Ahi,  a'hj. 
Ahia,  A-hj-a. 
Ahiam,  A-hj-ara. 
Ahiezer,  a-hi-e-zer. 
Ahihud,  A-hj-hud. 
Ahijah,  A-hj-ja. 
Ahikam,  A-hj-kam. 
Ahilud,  A-hj-lad. 
Ahimaaz,  A-him-a-az. 
Ahiman,  A-hj-man. 
xVhimelech,  A-him-e-lek. 
Ahimoth,  A-hj-mot. 
Ahinadab,  A-hin-a-dab. 
Ahinoam,  A-hin-o-am. 
Ahio,  A-hj-o. 
Ahira,  A-hj-ra. 
Ahiram,  A-hj-ram. 
Ahiramites,  A-hj-ram-jts. 
Ahisamach,  A-his-a-mak. 
Ahishahur,  A-hiJ-a-hur. 
Ahisham,  A-bj-Jam. 
Ahishar,  A-hj-Jar. 
Ahitob,  A-hj-tob. 
Ahitophel,  A-hit-o-fel. 
Ahitub,  A-hj-tub. 
Ahiud,  A-hj-ud. 
Ahlah,  fl'la. 
Ahlai,  R'la,  or  H-la-j, 
Ahoe,  A-bo-e,  or 
Ahoah,  A-ht)-a. 
Ahoite,  A-hcJ-jt. 
Aholah,  A-h(i)-la. 
Aholba,  A-hol-ba. 
Aholbah,  A-hol-ba. 
Aholiab,  A-ho-li-ab. 
Aholibah,  A-hol-i-bq.  [mq. 
Aholibamah,    a-ho-lib-a- 
Ahiimai,  A-hq-nia-j. 
Ahuzam,  A-hi|-zam. 
Ahuzzah,  A-hdz-a. 

Ai,  a'K 

Aiah,  a-i-a. 

Aiath,  a-j-atl. 

Aija,  a-l-ja. 

Aijah,  a-j-ja. 

Aijalon,  Aj'a-lon. 

Aijeleth  Shahar,  Aj'e-let 

Ain,  a'in. 
Aioth,    a-j-ot. 
Airus,  a-j-rus. 
Ajalon,  Aj'a-lon. 
Akkub,  Ak'ub. 
Akrabbim,  Ak-rab-im. 
Alamelech,  A-lam-c-lek. 
Alameth,  Al'a-mefi. 
Alauioth,  Al'a-mot. 
Alcimus,  Al'si-mu3. 
Alema,  Al'e-mq. 
Alemeth,  A-le-met.       [q. 
Alexandria,  Al-eks-an-dri- 
Alexandrion,     Al-eks-aa- 

Aliah,  A-lj-a. 
Alian,  A-lj-an. 
Allelujah,  Al-e-Iq-yq. 
Allom,  Al'om.  [hufl. 

Allon  Bachuth,  Al'onBak- 
Alniodad,  Al'mo-dad. 
Almon  Diblathaim,  Al'mon 

Alnathan,  Al'aa-tan. 
Aloth,  a'lot. 
Alpha,  Al'fa.  ^ 
Alpheus,  Al-fe-us. 
Altaneus,  Al-ta-ne-us. 
Altaschith,  Al-tas-kifi. 
Altekon,  Al'te-kon. 
Alush,  a'luj. 
Alvah,  Al'va,  or 
Alvan,  Al'van. 
Araad,  a'mad. 
Amadatha,  A-mad-a-tq. 
Araadathus,  A-mad-a-tus. 
Amal,  a'mal. 
Amalda,  A-raal-da. 
Amaiek,  Am'a-lek. 
Amalekites,  Am'a-Iek-jta. 
Aman,  a'man. 
Amana,  Am'a-nq. 
Amariah,  Am-a-rj-a.  [sq. 
Amasa,  A-ma-sa,  or  Am'a- 
Amasai,  A-mas-a-j. 
Araashiah,  Am-a-Jj-a. 
Amatheis,  Am-a-te-is. 
Amathis,  Am'a-tis. 
Amaziah,  Am-a-zj-a. 
Amen,  a-men. 
Ami,  a'mj. 
Aminadab;  A-mm-a-dab^ 

Scripture    Proper    Names. 


Amittai,  A-rait-a-j. 
Amizabiid,  A-miz-a-bad. 
Amraadatha,  A-mad-a-tq. 
Amma,  Am'a. 
Ammi,  Aua'j. 
Ammidioi,  A  mid-i-er,  [el. 
Ammiel,  Ain'i-el,  or  A-naj- 
Ammihud,  A-in]-hud.  [a-j. 
Ammishaddai,    Am-i-Jad- 
Ammon,  Am'on. 
Aramonites,  Arn'on-jts. 
Amnon,  Ani'non. 
Amok,  9'mok. 
Amon,  a'mon. 
Amorites,  Ara'o-rjts. 
Atnos,  a'mo3. 
Amplia^,  Am'pli-as. 
Amram,  Am'ram. 
Araraiuites,  Ain'ram-jts. 
Amran,  Ain'ran. 
Anaraphel,  Am'ra-fel. 
Amzi,  Atn'zj. 
Anab,  a'nab. 
Anael,  An'a-el. 
Anah,  d'na. 

Anaharath,  An-a-ha-rat. 
Anaiah,  An-a-j-a. 
Aoak,  a'nak. 
Anakim?,  An'a-kimz. 
Anamelecb,  A-nam-e-lek. 
Anaiuiin.  An'a-miin. 
Anan,  U'nan. 
Anani,  An-a-nj. 
Aoaniah,  An-a-nj-a. 
Ananias,  An-a-n^-as. 
Ananicl,  A-nan-i-el. 
Anath,  il'nat. 
Anathema,  A-nat-e-m<^. 
Anathoth,  An'a-tot. 
Anatholhite,  An'a-tot-it. 
Andrew,  An'dra*. 
Andronikus,  An-dro-nj- 
ku3,  or  An-droa-i-kus. 
Anem,  £I'nem,  or 
Anen,  il'nen. 
Aner,  U'ner. 
Anes,  U'nes. 
Anetb,  U'net. 
Aniam,  U'ni-am. 
Anim,  U'nim. 
Anna,  An'a. 
Anna:i5,  An'a-as. 
Annas,  An'as. 
Annuu.i,  A-ni'i-us.     [nus. 
Antilibanus,    An-ti-lib-a- 
Antioch,  An'ti-ok. 
Antiochia,  An-t^-o-kis. 
Antiochuu,  An-t{-o-kua. 
Anlipaa,  An'ti-pas, 
Antipatrafl,  AD-tip-a-tri0. 

Antipha,  An'ti-fq. 
Antonia,  An-tdi-ni-q,. 
Antothijah,  An-to-t|-jd. 
Antothite,  An'tot-jt. 
Anub,  a'nub. 
Anas,  a['nu3. 
Aparaea,  Ap-a-mg-a. 
Apharaim,  Af-a-ra-im. 
Apharsathchitea,  A  -  fqr  - 

Apharsites,  A-f^r-sjts. 
Aphek,  a'fek. 
Aphekah,  A-fe-ka. 
Apherema,  A-fer-e-mq. 
Apherra,  A-fer-a. 
Aphiah,  A-fj-a. 
Aphrah,  Af'ra. 
Aphses,  Af'sez. 
Apocalypse,  A-pok-a-lips. 
Apocrypha.  A-p6k-ri-fq. 
Apallos,  A-p6l-o9. 
ApoUyon,  A-p61-yon. 
Appaim,  Ap'a-im. 
Apphia,  Af'i-q. 
Apphus,   Af'us. 
Aquila,  Ak'wi-lq. 
Ar,  flr. 
Ara,  a'm. 
Arab,  QVab. 
Arabah,  Ar'a-bq. 
Anibattine,  Ar-a-bat-i-ns. 
Arabia,  A-ru-bi-q. 
Anid,  a'rad. 
Aradite,  U'rad-jt. 
Aradus,  Ar'a-du3. 
Arab,  SVa. 
Aram,  a'ram. 
Aran,  U'ran. 
Ararat,  Ar'a-rat. 
Araunah,  X-ro-na. 
Arba,  or  Arbab,  flr'ba.' 
Arbal,  Hr'bal. 
Arbattis.  flr-bat-is. 
Arbela,flr-be-la.  {Syria.) 
Arbella,  flr-bel-a. 
Arbite,  flr'bjt. 
Arbonai,  flr-bio-na-j. 
Archelaus,  Hr-kc-la-u3. 
Archeatratus,  flr-k^-tra- 

Archevites,  flr'ke-vjta. 
Archi,  flr'kj.  [rot. 

Archiataroth,  flr-ki-at-a- 
Archippus,  flr-kip-ua. 
Archites,  flrk'jta. 
Ard,  flrd. 
Ardath,  flr'dat. 
Anlites,  Hrd'jts. 
Ardon,  Hr'don. 
Areli,  A-re-li. 

Arelites,  A-rs-ljts. 
Areopagite,  Q-rE-op-a-jit. 
Areopagus,  a-rE-6p-a-gu», 

(/T  Ar-E-6p-a-gu3. 
Ares,  a'rez. 
Aretas,  A-re-taa. 
Areas,  A-re-ua. 
Argob,  Hr'gob. 
Argol,  Hr'gol. 
Aridai,  A-rid-a-j. 
Aridatha,  A-rid-a-tq. 
Arieh,  A-rj-e. 
Ariel,  S'ri-el. 
Arimathea,  Ar-i-ma-tg-a. 
Arioch,  a'ri-ok. 
Arisai,  A-ris-a-j.  [lu». 

Arij^tobulus,  Ar-is-t©-bq,- 
Arkites,  flrk'jts.  [on, 

Armageddon,  flr-ma-ged- 
Armishadai,  Hr  -  mi  -  Jad  - 

Armon,  ilr'mon. 
Arnan,  flr'nan. 
Arnepher,  flr'ne-fer. 
Arnon,   Hr'non. 
Arod,  S'rod. 
Arodi,  Ar'o-dj. 
Aroer,  Ar'o-er. 
Arom,  a'rora. 
Arpad,  Hr'pad,  or 
Arphad,  Hr'fud. 
Arphaxad,  flr-faks-ad, 
Arsaces,  flr'sa-SEz. 
Artemas,  flr'te-uias. 
Aruboth,  Hr'yq,-bot. 
Arumah,  A-rtib-ma. 
Arvad,  Hr'vad. 
Arvaditea,  flr'vad-jts. 
Arza,  Hr'za. 
Asa,  a'sa. 
Asadias,  As-a-dj-as, 
Aaael,  As'a-el. 
Asahel,  As'a-hel. 
Asaiah,  As-a-^-a. 
Asann,  As'a-nq. 
Asapb,  a'saf. 
Aaaphar,  Aa'a-fqr. 
Aaara,  As'a-rq. 
Asareel,  A-aar-c-cl. 
Asarclah,  Aa-a-re-la. 
Asbazareth,  Aa-baz-a-ret, 
Ascalon,  As'ka-lon. 
Ascas,  A-se-aa. 
Aaebebia,  A-seb-e-bi-a. 
Aaebia,  As-e-bj-a. 
Asenath,  Aa'e-nat. 
Aaer,  Q'^er. 
Aserar,  A-se-rar. 
Aahabiah,  AJ-a-b^, 
AsbaD,  H'l&n, 


Scripture    Proper    Names. 

Ashbea,  Aj'be-C^. 
Ashbel,  AJ'bel. 
Ashbelites,  AJ'bel-jts. 
Ashdod,  AJ'dod. 
Ashdothites,  AJ'dot-jts. 
Ashdoth    Pisgah,     A/'dot 

Ashean,  SEi/e-an. 
Asher,  Aj'er. 
Ashiraaoh,  AJ'i-raaf). 
Ashkenaz,  Aj'ke-naz 
Ashnah,  Aj'na. 
Ashon,  £I'Jon. 
Ashpenaz,  AJ'pe-naz. 
Ashriel,  AJ'ri-el. 
Ashtaroth,  AJ'ta-rot.  [jts. 
Ashtarothites,     AJ'ta-rot- 
Ashtemoth,  Af'te-inot. 
Ashuath,  A-Ji^-at. 
Ashur,  AJ'ur. 
Ashurim,  A-Ji'^-riin. 
Asburites,  Aj'ur-its. 
Asia,  il'fx-a. 
Asibtas,  As-i-bj-as. 
Asiel,  £['si-el. 
Asipha,  As'i-fq. 
Askelon,  As'ke-lon. 
Asmadai,  As'ma-da. 
Asmaveth,  As'ma-veC. 
Asmodeus,  As-mo-de-us. 
Asmoneaas,   As  -  mo  -  ne  - 

Asnah,  As'na. 
Asnapper,  As-nap-er. 
Asochis,  A-s6-kid. 
Asotu,  (I'som. 
Aspatha,  As'pa-6q. 
Asphar,  As'far. 
Aspharasus,  As-far-a-sus, 
Asriel,  As'ri-el. 
Assabias,  As-a-bj-as. 
Assalimoth,  A-sal-i-mot. 
Assanias,  As-a-nj-as. 
Assideans,  As-i-ds-anz. 
Assir,  As'er. 
Assos,  As'os. 
Astaroth,  As'ta-rot. 
Astarte,  As-tqr-te. 
Astath,  As' tat. 
Asuppim,  A-siip-im. 
Asyncritus,  A-sin-kri-tus. 
Atad,  a'tad. 
Atarah,  At'a-rq. 
Atargatis,  A-tqr-ga-tis. 
Ataroth,  At'a-rot. 
Ater,  il' ter. 

Acerezias,  At-E-re-zj-as. 
Athack,  a:'tak. 
AthaiaU,  At-a-j-a. 
Athaliah,  Afc-a-lj-a. 

Atbarias,  At-a-rj-as.  [us, 
Athenobius,    At-e-no-bi- 
Athens,  At'enz. 
Athlai,  At'la. 
Atrotb,  At'rot. 
Altai,  At'a. 
Attalia,  At-a-lj-a, 
Attains,  At'a-lu9. 
Attharato3,  At-tar-a-trz. 
Augia,  e'ji-q. 
Auranitis,  0  ra-nj-tis. 
Auranus,  O-ra-nus. 
Auteus,  0-te-us. 
Ava,  il'va. 
A  varan,  Av'a-ran. 
Aven,  il'ven. 
Aviin,  il'vira. 
A  vims,  ii'vimz. 
Avites,  K'vjis. 
Avith,  a'vit. 
Azaelus,  Az-a-e-Ius. 
Azah,  {I'za. 
Azal,  £I'zal. 
Azaliah,  Az-a-lj-a. 
Azania,  Az-a-ni-a. 
Azaphion,  A-za-fi-on. 
Azara,  Az'a-rq. 
Azareel,  A-za-re-el. 
Azariah,  Az-a'-rj-a. 
Azarias,  Az-a-rj-as. 
:\.zaz,  O^'zaz. 
:\.zazel,  A-za-zel. 
izaziah,  Az-a-zj-a. 
Azbazareth,  Az-baz-a-ret. 
Azbuk,  Az'buk. 
Azekali,  A-ze-ka. 
Azel,  il'zel. 
Azem,  a^'zem. 
Azephurith,  Az-e-fi^-ri6. 
Azer,  £t'zer. 
Azetas,  A-ze-tas. 
Azgad,  Az'gad. 
Azia,  A-zj-a. 
Aziei,  A-zi-s-j. 
Aziel,  £['zi-el. 
Aziza,  A-zj-za. 
Aztnaveth,  Az'ma-vet. 
izmon,  Az'inon.         [bor. 
Aznoth  Tabor,  Az'not  Ta- 
Azor,  a'zor. 
Azotus,  A-z(5-tus. 
Azriel,   Az'-ri-el. 
Azrikam,  Az'ri-kam. 
Azubah.  A-zi|,-ba. 
Azur,  £I'zur. 
Azuran,  Az'yi],-ran. 
Azymites,  Az'i-mjts. 
Azzah,  Az'a. 
Azzan,  Az'an. 
Azzur,  Az'ur. 


Baal,  Ba-al,  or 

Bel,  Bel. 
Baalah,  Ba-a-lq. 
BaaUith.  Ba-al-at. 
Baalath  Beer,  —  Be-er. 
Baal  Berith,  Ba-al  Be-rif). 
Baal  Gad,  —  Gad. 
Baal  Hamon,  —  Ham-on. 
Baal  Hanan,  —  Han-an. 
Baal  Hazor,  —  Ila-zor. 
Baal  Hernon,  —  Her-non. 
Baali,  Ba-al-j. 
Bualim,  Ba-al-im, 
Baalia,  Ba-a-lis. 
Baalle,  Bd-al-e. 
BaalMeon,  Ba-al  Me-on. 
Baal  Peor,  —  Pg-or. 
Baal  Perazim,   —  Per-a- 

zira.  [Jq. 

Baal  Shalisba,    —  Xal-i- 
Baal    Tamar,  —  Ta-mar. 
Baal   Zebub,    —  Ze-bub. 
Baal    Zepbon,  —  Ze-fon. 
Baana,  Ba-a-nq. 
Baanah,  Ba-a-nq. 
Baanan,  Ba-a-nan. 
Baanath,  Ba-a-nat. 
Baanias,  Ba-a-nj-as. 
Baara,  Ba-a-rq. 
Baasha,  Ba-a-Jq. 
Baashah,  Ba-a-Jq. 
Biiasiah,  Ba-a-sj-a. 
Babel,  Ba-bel. 
Babi,  Ba-bj. 
Babylon,  Bab-i-lon, 
Baca,  Bii-ka. 
Bacchurus,  Ba-ki^-rus, 
Bachrites,  Bak-rjts. 
Bachutb  AUon,    Bak-ut 

Bagoas,  Ba-g6-as. 
Bagoi,  Bag-(o-j.  [jt. 

Bahammite,    Ba-ha-rum- 
Baburim.  Ba-hq-rim. 
Bajith,  Ba-jit, 
Jiakbaker,  Bak-bak-er. 
Bakbuk,  Bak-buk. 
Bakbukiah,  Bak-buk-^-a. 
Balaam,  Ba-lam. 
Baladan,  Bal-a-dan. 
Balab,  Ba-la. 
Balak,  Ba-lak. 
Balamo,   Bal-a-mo. 
Balanus,  Bal-a-nus, 
Balthasar,  Boi-td-aor. 

Scripture    Proper    Names. 


Baraah,  Ba-ma. 
Ii:i:noth,  Ba-inuO.  [a\. 

Bamoth  Baal,  Ba-mot)  Ba- 
Ban,  Ban. 
Banaiiu*,  Ban-a-j-as. 
liani,  Ba-nj. 
Banid,  Ba-nid. 
Binnus,  Ban-US. 
Banuas,  Ban-yn-a3. 
Barabbus,  Ba-rab-as. 
Baraohel,  Bar-a-kel. 
Barachiah,  Bar-a-kj-a. 
Barachias,  Bar-a-kj-as. 
Barak,  Ba-rak. 
Barcenor,  Bqr-S8-nor. 
Birjjo,  Bqr-giJ. 
Barhuiniies,  Bqr-hq,-mjts. 
Biriah,  Ba-rj-a. 
Barjeriiis,  BcLr-JE-SQS. 
BirjDna.  Bq,i--j<f)-na. 
B;uk>>s,  Bq^r-kod. 
Barnabas,  B^r-na-bas. 
Barolis,  Ba-ro-dis. 
Birsabus,  Bq,i"-:?a-ba3. 
Bartacus,  Bqr-ta-kua.  [ran. 
Bartholomew,    Bqr-t6l-o- 
Bartimiius,  liqr-li-ine-ua. 
Biruch,  Bii-ruk. 
Barzillai,  Bqr-zil-a-j. 
Baseaiua,  Bas-ka-mq. 
Bashan,  Ba-Jan,  or 
Bas.san,  Bas-an. 
Basban  Havulh  Fair,  Ba- 
Jan  Ha-vot  Fa-er. 
Baahcuiath,  Ba/-e-mat. 
Baslitb,  Bas-Iif). 
Ba^math,  Bda-mat. 
Bassa,  Bas-a. 
Ba-itai,  Bas-ta-j. 
Bataae,  Bat-a-ne. 
Bath,  Bat. 

Bathaloth,  Baft-a-loft. 
Bitbrabbim,  Bat-rab-im. 
l{athsheba,  Bafc-Jc-bq. 
Bathshua,  Bat-Ji'i-a. 
liavai,  Bav-a-j. 
BL>aliah,  Be-a-lj-a. 
Beuloth,  Bt-a-lot. 
li>;an,  Bt'-an. 
Bcbai,  Beb-a-|. 
Becher,  Bc-qer. 
Bechorath,  Be-k(5-ratl. 
BiMshtiletb,  B^k-ti-iet. 
Bedad,  Be -dad. 
B^daiub,  Bu(I-a-i-a. 
B.-eliada,  Be-el-j-a-dq. 
BvMil-'arus,  Be-^l-iia-rU3. 
Be<'ltcthmu3,  Be  -  el  -  tel- 


B««lMbab,  Be-61-te-bub. 


Beer,  Be-er. 
Beera,  Be-e-rd. 
Beeruh,  Be-B-ra,  or 

Berah,  Be-ra. 
Beerelim,  Be-er-e-lira. 
Beeri,  Be-e-rj.  [i-rer. 

Beerlahairoi,  Be-er-la-ha- 
Beeroth,  Br-e-rot. 
Beerothites,  Bt-e-rot-jts. 
Beersheba,  Be-er-Je-bq. 
Bee.shtenvh,  Be-eJ-te-rq. 
Behemoth,  Bg-he-mot. 
Bekah,  Be-ka. 
Bola,  Bg-la. 
Belaites.  Be-la-jts. 
Belemus,  Bel-e-inuS. 
Belgai,  Bel-ga-j. 
Belial,  Be-li-al. 
Bi'ltnaim,  Bel-ma-im. 
Belmen,  Bel-men. 
Belshazzar,  Bel-Jaz-ar.  [ar. 
Belteshazsar,  Bel  -  te  -  Jaz 
Ben,  Ben. 

Bonaiah,  Be-na-ya. 
Benarami,  Ben-am-j. 
Beneberak,  Bon-eb-e-rak. 
Bcnejuakam,   Ben-e-ja-a 

kam.  [Ben-ha-dad 

Benhadad,  Ben-ha-dad,  or 
Benhail,  Ben-ha-il. 
Benhanan.  Ben-ha-nan. 
Beninu,  Ben-i-nii,. 
Benjamin,   Ben-ja-min. 
Benjaraite,   Ben-ja-mjt. 
Benjamite.s,  Beu-ja-mjts. 
Bene,  Be-no. 
Benoni,  Be-nci-ni. 
Benui,  Be-ni'^-j. 
Benzobeth,  Ben-z6-het. 
Boon,  Be-on. 
Beor,  Be-or. 
Bera,  Bc-ra. 
Berachah,  B<5r-a*kq. 
Berachiah,  Ber-a-kj-a. 
Beraiah,  Ber-a-j-a, 
Bt'Tca,  Bc-re-a. 
Bered,  Be-red. 
Beri,  BB-r[. 
Beriah,  Be-rj-a. 
Beri  tea,  B^-rjt.«?. 
Berith,   B^-rifc.  [nis. 

Bornice,  Ber-nj-se,  or  Bor- 
Berodach  Baladan,  Be-r6- 

dak  Bal-a-dan. 
Beroth,  Be- rot. 
Berothai,  B^r-o-ta. 
Bcrothalh,  Be-rdi-tat. 
Beryl,  B6r-il. 
Burzelus,  Berrj^-lua. 
Beiio4iubft  }ie«-G>^^«a. 

Besor,  Be-sor. 
Betah,  Be-ta. 
Beten,  Be-ten. 
Bethabara,  Bet-ab-a-rq. 
Bethebarah,  Bet-ab-a-rq. 
Bethanath,  Beb-a-nat. 
Bethanoth,  Bet-a-not. 
Bethany,  Bet-a-ni. 
Betharabah,  Befc-ar-a-bq. 
Betharam,  Bet  a-ram. 
Betharbel,  Bot-qr-bel. 
Bethaven,  Bet  a-ven. 
Bethazmavelb,  Bet-az-raa- 

vet.  [me-on. 

Bethbaalmeon,  Bet-ba-al- 
Bethbaru,  Bet-ba-ra. 
Bethbarah,  Bet-ba-ra. 
Bethbasi,  Bet-ba-si. 
Bethbirei,  Bet-bir-e-i. 
Bethcar,  Bet-kar. 
Bethdagon,  Bet-da-gon. 
Bethdiblathaim,   Bet-dib- 

Bethel,  Bet-el. 
Bethelite,  Bet-el-jt. 
Bethemek,  Bet-g-mek. 
Bother,  Be-ter. 
Bethesda,  Be-tez-da. 
Bethezel,  Bet-e-zel. 
Bethgader,  Bet-ga-der. 
Bethgamul,  Bot-ga-mul. 
Bethhaccerim,    Bet-hak- 

Bethharan,  Bet-ha-ran. 
Bethhoglah,  Bet~h6g-la. 
Bethhoron,  Bet-htj-ron. 
Bethjesimoth,  Bet  -  jes  -  i- 

Bethlebaoth,  Bet-ldb-a-ot. 
Bethlehem,  Bet-le-heni. 
Bethlehem  Epliratah,  Bet- 

le-hem  Et'ratq.  [jt. 
Betiilehemite,  Be|)-le-hem- 
Bethlehera  Judah,  Bet-le- 

hem  Ji'^-da. 
Betbloraon,  Bet-lo-mon. 
Bethmaacab,  Bet-ma-a^ 

kq.  [ka-bot. 

Bethmarcaboth.  Bet-m^r- 
Bethmeon,  Bet-me-on. 
Bethnimrah,  Bet-nim-ra, 
Bethoron,   Bot-6-ron. 
Bethpalet,  Bet-iia-let. 
Bethpazzer,  Bi;t-paz-er. 
Bethpoor,  Bet-pe-or. 
Bethpiiugc,  Bet-fa-jc, 
Bethpholet,  Bot-fe-let, 
Bethrabah,  B^^l-ni-bq. 
Bethrapha,  ^ict-ra-fq. 
Ii|tithr0hob>  Bet-re-ho|},   • 


Scripture    Proper    Names. 

Bethsaida,  Bet-sa-i-dq. 
Beihsamos,  Bet-sa-mos. 
Bethshan,  Bel-Jan. 
Bethshean,  Bet-fe-an. 
Bethshemeshv  BeC-Je-meJ 
Bethshittah,  Bc-t-Jit-a. 
Bithsiinos,  Bet-si-mo3. 
Bethsura,  Bet-si|,-ra.      [q, 
Bethtappua,    Bet-tap-yi].- 
Bethuel,  Be-tq-el. 
Bethul,  Be'-tul. 
Bethulia,  Bet-yix-lj-q. 
Bethzor,  Bet-zor. 
Bethzor,  Bet-zur. 
Betoliu^,  Be-tu)-li-us. 
Betomestham,  Bet-o-m63- 

Betonim,  Bet-o-nim. 
Beulah,  Be-yq-la. 
Bezai,  Be-za. 
Bezaleel,  Be-zal-e-el. 
Bezek,  Bg-zek. 
Bezer,  Be-zer,  or 

Bozra,  B6z-ra. 
Bezoth,  Be-zet. 
Biatas,  Bj-a-tas. 
Bichri,  Bik-rj. 
Bidkar,  Bid-kar. 
Bigthah,  Big-ta. 
Bigthan,  Big-tan. 
Bigthana,  Big-ta-nq. 
Bigvai,  Big-va-j. 
Bildad,  Bil-dad. 
Bileam,  Bil-e-um. 
Bilgah,  Bil-ga. 
Bilgai,  Bil-ga-j. 
Bilha,  or  Bilhah,  Bil-ha. 
Billian,  Bil-han. 
Bilshan,  Bil-Jan. 
Biiubal,  Biui-hal. 
Binea,  Bin-c  q. 
Binnui,  Bin-yq-j. 
Birsha,  B6r-Ja. 
Birzavith,  Ber-za-vit. 
Bishlara,  Bi/-lam. 
Bithiah,  Bi-tj-a. 
Bithron.  Bit-ron. 
Bizijothiah,  Biz-i-jo-tj-a. 
Bizijothijah,    Biz-i-jo-t]- 

Bizjothjah,  Biz-j6t-ja. 
Biztha,'  Biz-ta. 
Blaslus,  Blas-tus. 
Boanerges,  Bo-a-ner-jez. 
Bo.'iz,  BiJ-az.  or 
Booz,   Bii-oz. 
Boccas,  B6k-a3. 
Bocheru,  Bok-e-rd). 
BochiiQ,  Bio-kim. 
Bohan,  Bu)-ban. 

Boscath,  Bos-kat 
Bosor,  Bd)-sor. 
Bosora,  Bos-o-rq 
Bosrah,  B6z-ra, 
B')zez,  B6-zez. 
Bozrah,  B6z-ra. 
Brigandine,  Brig 
Bukki,  Buk-j. 
Bukkiah,  Buk-j-a. 
Bui,  Bui. 
Bunah,  Bi\,-na. 
Bunni,  Biin-j. 
Buz,  Buz. 
Buzi,  Bq-zi. 
Buzite,  Buz-jt. 



Cab,  Kab.^ 
Cabbon,  Kab-on. 
Cabhera,  Kab-bam, 
Cabul,  Ka-bul. 
Caddis,  Kad-is. 
Cades,  Kd-dez. 
Cadesh,  Ka-de;. 
Caiaphas,    Ka-ya-fas,    or 

Cain,  Kan. 
Cainan,  Ka-j-nan. 
Cairites,  Ka-rjts. 
Calah,  Ka-la.'         [a-lus. 
Calamolalus,     Kal-a-mol- 
Calainus,  Kal  a-mus. 
Calcol,  Kal-kol. 
Caldees,  Kal-dtz. 
Caleb,   Ka-lub. 
Caleb  Ephratab,    Ka-leb 

Calitas,  Kal-i-tas. 
Calneth.  Kal-net. 
Calno,  Kal -no. 
Calphi,  Kal-fj. 
Calvary,  Kal-va-ri. 
Camon,  Ka-mon. 
Cana,  Ka-na.         [na-an. 
Canaan,  Ka-nan,  or  Ka- 
Canaanites,  Ka-nan-jtSjO/- 

Candace,  Kan-da-se. 
Canneh,    Kan-e. 
Canveh,  Kan-ve.         [urn. 
Cipemauii,  Ka-p^r-na- 
Capharsalamah,  Kaf  -  ar- 

Capbenatha,  Ka-f^n-a-tq. 
Caphira,  Ka-fj-ra. 
Caphtor,  Kiif-tor. 

Capbtorim,  Kaf-to-rim. 
Caphtorims,  Kat-to-rimr. 
Cappadocia,  Kap-a-  do-Ji- 

q.  [on. 

Carabasion,    Kar-a-ba-^i- 
Ciirchainis,  Kqr-ka-mis. 
Carchetnish;  Kqr-ke-miJ. 
Careah,  Ka-re-a. 
Caria,  Ka-ri-a. 
Carcas,  Kqr-kas.         [anz. 
Carraanians,    Kar-ma-ni- 
Carrae,  Kqr-me. 
Carmel,  Kqr-inel. 
Carmelite,  Kqr-mel-it.  [eg,,     Kqr-mel-jt- 
Carmi,  Kqr-raj. 
Carmites,  K^r-mits. 
Carnaira,  K^r-na-im. 
Carnion,  Kqr-ni-on. 
Carpus,  Kqr-pus. 
Carshena,  Kqr-Je-na. 
Casipbia,  Ka-sif-i-q. 
Casleu,  Kas-lq. 
Caslubim,  Kas-lq-bim. 
Casphor,  Kat<-fer. 
Caspis,  Kas-pis,  or 
Caspbin,  Kas-fin. 
Cathuath,  Ka-tq-at. 
Cedron,  Sg-dron. 
Ceilan,  Sj-Ian. 
Celemia,  Sul-e-mj-a. 
Cenehrea,  Sen-kre-a. 
Cendebeus,  Sen-de-be-us. 
Centurion,  Sen-tv|,-ri-on. 
Cephas,  Se-fas. 
Cera**,  Se-ras. 
Ceteb,  St'-teb. 
Chabris,  Ka-bris. 
Chadias,  Ka-di-as. 
Chosreas,  Ke-rc-as. 
Chalcedony,  Kal-se-do-ni, 
Chalcol,  Kal-kol. 
Chaldea,  Kal-de-a. 
Chanos,  Ka-nfz.  [us, 

Channuneus,  Kan-yq-ne- 
Charaathalas,  Kar-a-at-a- 

Characa,  Kar-a-kq. 
Charasim,  Kar-a-sim. 
Charcus,  Kqr-kas. 
Charea,  Ka-re-a. 
Charrais,  Kqr-mis. 
Charran,  Kiir-nn. 
Chasoba,  Kas-e-bq. 
Cbebar,  Ks-bqr.     [o-mer. 
Chederlaomer,  Ked-er-lA- 
Chelal,  Ke-lal. 
Chelcias,  Kel-Ji-as. 
Chellians,  K^l-i-anai. 
Chellub,  K<51-ub, 

Scripture    Proper    Names. 


Chellas,  K^l-u3, 
Chelod,  Ke-loii. 
Chelub,  Ke-lub. 
Cbelubai,  Ke-hj,-ba. 
Chelubar,  Ke-li^-bar. 
Cheuiftriins,    Kem-a-rimz. 
Chcuio?b,  Ke-moJ". 
Chenaanah.  Ke-na-a-nCi. 
Chenani,  Ken-a-nj, 
Cbenaniah.  Ken-a-nj-a. 
Chephar  Haamonai,    Ke- 

far  Ha-am-o-na. 
Chephirah,  Ke-fj-ra. 
Cberan,  Ke-ran, 
Cbereas,   Ke-re-as. 
Cherethiras,  Ker-et-imz. 
Cherethites,  Ker-et-jts. 
Cherith,  Ke-rit,  or 
Cherish,  Ke-rij'. 
Cherub,  Ke-rub,  {acity.) 
Cherub,  ^er-ub. 
Cherubim,  Ger-yi;,-bim. 
Chesalon,  Kes-a-lon. 
Chesed,  Ke-sed. 
Chesil,  Ke-sil. 
Chesud,  Ke  ?ud, 
Che:=uUoth,  Ke-sdl-ot. 
Chctim,  Ket-itn. 
Chczib,  Ke-zib. 
Chidon,  Kj-don. 
Chilion,  Ki-l|-on. 
Chiliab,  Kil-e-ab. 
Chilmud,  Kil-raad. 
Chimham.  Kim-ham. 
Cbi.«leu,  Kis  hi. 

Casieu,  Kas-lq,,  or 

Cisleu,  Sis-Ill, 
Chislon,  Kis-lon.  [Ta-bor. 
ChisUith    Tabor,     Kis-lot 
Chittim,  Kit-im. 
Chiun,  Kj  an, 
Chloe,  Kl(f)-c. 
Chobft,  Ku)-ba. 
Chonu^in,  Ko-ra-sin,  or 
Chorashan,  Ko-rd-/on,  or 
Chorazin,  Ko-ri^-zin. 
Chosamcus,  Kos-a-m^-us. 
Chozeba.  Ko-zc-bo, 
Chri.><t,  Krjst. 
Chub,  Kub. 
Chun,  Kun. 
Chusn,  Kn-sa,  or 
Chuza,  Kti-za. 
Cbu.^hnn  Ki8harhaim,Kd/- 

an  RiJ-a-ta-im. 
Chusi,  K\\'^. 
Cinneretb,  Sin-l-ret,  or 
Cinneroth,  Sin-e-rot. 
Cirama.  Sir-a-m(i. 
CiMi,  S|->a. 

Cisleu,  Sis-iq. 
Citherus,  Sit-e-ru3. 
Cittims,  Sit-imz. 
ClauJa,  Kle-da, 
Clea-^a,  Kle-a-sa. 
Clement,  Kl^m-ent. 
Cleophas,  Kle-o-fas,  or 
Cleopns,  Klg-o-paa. 
Cloe,  Klo-E. 
Cnidus,  Xj-dus. 
Colhozeh,  Kol-h6-ze. 
Collius,  K6l-i-u3. 
Colosse,  Ku)-I6s-e. 
Colossians,  Ko-loJ-i-anz. 
Coniah,  Ko-nj-a. 
Cononiah,  Kon-o-nj-a. 
Cor,  Kor. 
Corban,  Kdr-ban. 
Corbc,  Kor-bs. 
Core,  K6-rE. 

Corinth,  Kor-int.       [anz. 
Corinthians,  Ko-ria-ti- 
Cosam,  K(f)-sam, 
Coatha,  K-s-ta. 
Coz,  Koz. 
Co'.bi,  K6z-bj. 
Cresen?,  Kre.^-enz. 
Cretans,  KrE-tanz. 
Crete,  KrEt. 
Cretes,  Krsts. 
Cretians,   KrE-Ji-anz. 
Cubit,  Kii-bit. 
Cash,  Kuf. 
Cu.shan,  Ki'i-Jan. 
Cushan  Rishathaim,  Ki'i 

Jan  RiJ-a-ta-im. 
Cushi,  KiHJ. 
Cuth,  Kut,  or 
Cuthah,  Kiit-a. 
Cutheans,  Kii-ts-anz. 
Cyamon,  Sj-a-mon. 
Cyrene,  Sj-re-nE. 
Cyrenius,  Sj-rE-ni-us. 


r>!tbareh,  Dab-a-re. 
Diibbasheth.  Dab-a-Jet. 
Daberath,  I)ab-c-rat. 
Dabria,  Da-bri-a. 
Dacobi,  Da-k<f)-bi. 
Diiddeus.  Da-dE-us. 
Dufjon,  I)a-gon. 
Daisiin,  Da-san. 
Dalaiab,  Dal-a-J-a. 
Dalilab,  Dal-i-lq.         [ta, 
Dolmanutba,  Dal'ina'Di^- 

Dalphon,  Dal-fon. 
Damaris,  Dam-a-ris. 
Damascenes,  Dam-a-s^ns, 
Dan,  Dan. 
Daniel,  Dan -y el. 
Danites,  Dan-jts. 
Danjaan,  Dan-ja-an. 
Dannah,  Dan-a. 
Danobrath,  Dan-ca-brat.- 
Dara,  Da-ra. 
Darda,  Dqr-da. 
Darian,  Da-ri-an. 
Darken,  Dqr-kon. 
Dathan,   Da-tan. 
Dathemah,  Dat-E-mq. 
Dathmah,  Dat-ma. 
David,   Da-vid. 
Debir,  DE-ber. 
Deborah,  Deb  o-rq. 
Decapolis.  DE-kap-o-lis, 
Dedan,  Dt-dan. 
Dt'danim,  Ded-a-nim. 
Dedanims,  Ded-a-nimz. 
Dehavites,  DE-ha-vjts. 
Dekar,  De-  kar. 
Delaiah,  Del-a-j-a. 
Delilah,   Del-i-lq. 
Demas,  Ds-mas. 
Derbe,  Der-bE. 
Dessau,  lies-o. 
Deuel,  Dc-yq-el.     [o-mi. 
Deuteronomy,  Dq-ter-au- 
Diblaim,  Dib-la-im. 
Diblath,  Dib-lat. 
Dibon,  Dj-bon. 
Dibon  Gad,  Dj-bon  Gad. 
Dibri,  Dib-rj. 
Dibzahab,  Dib-za-hab,  or 
Dizahab,  Diz-a-bab. 
Didracbm,  D|-drani. 
Didyinus,  Did-i-nius. 
Diklah,  Dik-la,  or 
Dildah,  Dil-da. 
Dilean,  Dil-E-an. 
Dimnah,  Dim-na. 
Dimon,  Dj-mon. 
Diraonah,  Dj-miS-na, 
Dinah,  Dj-na. 
Dinaite?,  Di  na-jts. 
Dinhabah,  l)in-ha-bq. 
Diofropheg,  Dj-«3t-re-lei, 
Dishan,  Dj-/an. 
Dishon,  Di-Jon, 
Dizahab,  Diz-a-hab. 
Docus,  Do-kuH. 
Dodai,  Dod-a-j. 
Dodanim,  Dml-a-nira. 
Dodovah,  D6d-a-vq. 
Dodo,  D6-do. 
Docg,  Hd-tg, 


Scripture    Proper    Names. 

Dophkah,  D6f-ka. 
Dor,  Dor. 
Dora,  D6-ra. 
Durc:is,  Di5r-kas. 
Doryiuenes.  Do-xim-f-nez, 
Dositheus,  Da-sifc-s-us. 
Dothaim.  D6-ta  im,  or 
Dothan,  Do-tan. 
Dumah,  Di'i-ma. 
Dura,  Dii-ra. 


Eanag,  Fl'a-nas. 
Ebal,  8'bal. 

Ebod,  8'bed.  [lek 

Ebedmelech,   S -bed -me- 
Ebenezer,  Eb-en-e-zor. 
Eber,  8-'ber. 
Ebiasaph,  ir^-bj-a-saf. 
Ebronah,  P/-bru)-na. 
Ecanus,  8-ka-nu3. 
Ecbatana,  Ek-b:U-a-nq. 
Ecclcsiastes,    Ek-le-zi-as- 
tez.  [ti-kus, 

Ecclesiasticus,  Ek-le-zi-as- 
Ed,  Ed. 
Edar,  P'dar. 
Eden,  8'don. 
Eder,  8'der. 
Edes,  8Mes. 
Edias,  F/di-as. 
Edna,  Ed'na. 
Edom,  8'd()rn. 
Edomites.  S'dom-its. 
Edrei,  Ed're-j. 
E.^'lah,  E^'la. 
Egluim,  Eijc'la-im. 
Eglon,  Eg'lon. 
Egypt,  8'jipt. 
Ehi,  S'hj. 
Ehud,  8'hud. 
Eker,  8'ker. 
Ekrebel.  Ek're-bel. 
Ekron,  Ek'ron. 
Ekronites,  Ek'ron -jts. 
Ela,  8'la. 
Eladah.  El'a-dc^. 
Elah,  8'la. 
Elam,  8'lam. 
Elamites,  8'lara-jts. 
Elasah,  El'a-sq. 
Elalh,  S'lat. 
Elbethel,  El-bet-el. 
Elcia,  El'Ji-q. 
Eldaah,  El'da-q. 
Eldad,  El'dad. 

Elead,  e'le-ad,  or  g-le-ad. 
Elealeh,  8-lE-a-le. 
Eleasah,  8-le-a-sq. 
Eleiizer,  8-lE-a-zer. 
Eleazurus,    8-lE-a-zi\,-rus. 
Eleloho  Israel,  El-g-lo-bs 

Eleph,  8'lef. 
Eleutherus,  8  lvi,-tE-rus. 
P^leuzai,  El-yq-za-j. 
Elhanan,  £l-ba-naa. 
Eli.  8'li. 
Eliah,  8-l)-ab. 
Eliada,  8-li-a-dq. 
Eliadah,  8-Ii-a-dq. 
Eliadun,  8-li-a-dun. 
Eliah,  8-b'-a. 
Eliahba,  8-lj-a-bq. 
Eliakim,  8-li-a-kiui. 
Eliali,  8-U-a-li. 
Eliara,  8-lj-atn. 
Elias,  8-Ij-as. 
Eliasaph,  8-lj-a-8af. 
Eliashib.  8-li-a-;ib. 
Eliasis,  8  Ij-a-sis. 
Eliatha,  8-lj-a-tq,  or 
Eliathab,  8-li-a-tq. 
Eliazar,  8-li-a-zar. 
Elidad,  8-li  dad. 
Eliel,  8'li-el. 
Elienai,  S-Ii-e-na-j. 
Eliezer,  8-li-8-zer. 
Elihaba,  8-Ij-ha-bq. 
Elihaena.  El-i-hs-na. 
Elihoenai,  El-i-hE-na-|. 
Elihoreph.  El-i-hu>-ref. 
Elihu,  8-lj-hq. 
Elijah,  8-l)-ja. 
Elika,  El'i-kq. 
Elim,  8'lim. 
Elitnelech,  8-lira-e-lek. 
Elioenai,  8-li-£-na-i. 
Elionas,  8-li-6-nas. 
Eliphal,  El'i-fal. 
Eliphaleh,  8-lif-a-lq. 
Eliphaz,  El'i-faz. 
Eiiphelet,  8-lif-e-Iet. 
Elisabeth,  8-liz-a-bet. 
Elisaeus,  Ei-i-ss-us. 
Eliseus,  El-i-se-u3. 
Elisha.  8-lj-;a. 
Elishah,  8-li-;a. 
Elisharaa,  8'-liJ-a-raq. 
Elishamah,  8-liJ-a-inq. 
Elishaphat,  8-liJ-a-fat. 
Elisheba,  8-liJ-E-bq. 
Elishua,  El-i-Jq-a. 
Elisiraus,  8-li3-i-mu3. 
Eliu,  8  U-yq. 
lEliud,  8-lj-ud. 

Elizaphan,  8-liz-a-fan, 
Elizur,  8-li-zur. 
Elkanah,  Ei'ka-nq. 
Elkoshitc.  El'ko-Jjt. 
Ellasar,  El'a-sqr. 
Elmodam,  El'inu>-dana. 
Elnaatn,  El'na-ain. 
Elnathan,     El'na-tan,    or 

Elon,  8'lon. 
Elon    Bethhanan,      8'Ion 

Elonites,  8'lon-it3. 
Eloth,  8'lofi. 
Elpaal,  El'pa-al. 
Elpalet,  El'pa-let. 
Elparan,  E!-pa-ran. 
Eltekeh,  El't£-ke. 
Elteketh,  El'tE  ket. 
Eltekon,  El'tE -kon. 
Eltwlad.  El'to-iad. 
EIul,  8'lul. 
Eluzai,  8-h\-ZH-i. 
Elymais,  El-i-ma-is. 
Elymas,  El'i-mas. 
Elzabad,  El'za-bad. 
Elzaphan,  El'za-fan. 
Etnalcuel,  Em-al-kq-el. 
Emanuel,  8-man-yq,-el, 
Emiras,  8'rtiimz. 
I]inmau3.  Ein'a-u3. 
Eininer,  Em'er. 
Emor,  8'mor. 
Enam,  8'narn. 
Rlnan,  8'nan. 
Endor,  En'dor. 
Eneas,  8'nE-as. 
Eneglaiin,  En-eg-la-im. 
Enemessar,  En-E-mes-ar. 
Enenias,  8-nE-ni-as. 
Engannim,  En-gan-iun. 
Engedi,  En'gE-dj_. 
Enhaddah,  En -had -a. 
Enhakkore.    En-hak-ca-re. 
Enhazor,  En-ha-zor. 
Enniishpafr;'  En-miJ-pat. 
Enoch,  8'nok. 
Enon,  8'non. 
Enos,  8'no3. 
Enosh,  8'nr)J", . 
Enrimmon,  En-rim-on. 
Enrogel,  En-rw-gel. 
Enshemesh,  En'jE-meJ. 
Entappuah,   En-tap-yq-q. 
Epaphras.  Ep'a-fras. 
Epophroditus,     8-paf-ro- 


Epenetus,  8-pen-e-tu3, 
Ephah,  8'fa. 
Ephai,  S'fa.  . 

Scripture    Proper    Names. 


Ephcr,  8'fer. 
Epbes-dammim,     S'fes- 

Ephesians,  S-fe-3i-anz. 
Ephlal,  Ef'lal. 
Ephud,  F'fod. 
Ephnr,  8'for. 
Ephphatha.  Ef'a-t(\. 
Ephraim,  8'fra-im. 
Ephraiinites.  8'fia-im-jts. 
Ephratah,  Ef'ra-tq. 
Ephrath,  Ef'rat. 
Ephrathites,  Ef'rat-jta. 
Ephron,  8'fron. 
Er.  Er. 
Eran,  S'ran. 
Eranites,  S'ran-jts. 
Erastus,  8-ras-lu3. 
Erech.  8'rek. 
Eri,  8'ri. 
Em,  8'sa. 
Esaias,  8-zfl-yas. 
Esarhaddon,  8'sar-had-OD. 
Esau,  &s/t. 
Esdrag,  Es'dras. 
E.-idrelon.  Es-dre-lon. 
Escbon,  EVe-bon. 
Esebrias,  8-s8-bri-a3. 
Esek,  8'8ek. 
Eshbaal,  Efba-al. 
Eshban,  Ej'ban. 
Eshcol,  Ej'kol. 
Eshean,  8'Je-an. 
E-hek,  8'Jek. 
Eshkalon.  Efka-lon. 
Eshtaol,  E;'ta-Ql. 
Eshtaulites,  Ej'to-lits. 
Eshtemoa,  Ef-tetn-o-q. 
Esfhteraoth,  Ej'te'inot. 
Eshion,  Ej'ton. 
E?li,  Es'lj.. 

E.'^machiuh,  Es-ma-kj-a. 
Esora,  8-?u-ra. 
Esril.  Es'ril. 
Esrom,  Es'rom. 
Esseneg,  Es-enj5. 
Esthaol,  Est'ha-ol. 
Esther,  Es'ter. 
Etatn,  8'tam. 
Etham,  8'tana. 
Efhan,  8'tan. 
Erhanim,  Kt'a-nim. 
Ethbaal.  Et'ba-al. 
Ether,  8'tcr. 
Ethma,  Et'raa. 
Ethnaa.  Et'naD. 
Ethni.  Et'ni. 
EuAsibua,  Vq,-d8-i-bu». 
Eubulus,  Yn-bii-lu8. 
EuoathaD,  Yi^-na-taD. 

Eunice,  Yii-nj-se. 
Euodias,  Yi|-c>-di-as. 
Eupolemus,  Yq,-p6l-£-mu3. 
Euroclydon,    Yi],  -  rok  -  li  - 

Eutychus,  Yi^-ti-ku3. 
Eve,  8v. 

Evi,  8'vi.  rr6-dak, 

Evil  Merodacb,   SVil  Me- 

or  8'vil  Mer-o-dak. 
Exodus,  Eks'o-dus. 
Ezar,  8'zar. 
Ezbai,  Ez'ba-j. 
Ezbon,  Ez'bon. 
Ezechias,  Ez-g-ki-ag. 
Ezekias,  Ez-e-kj-as. 
Ezekicl,  8-ze-ki-cl. 
Ezel,  8'zel. 
Ezera,  8'zem. 
Ezer,  8'zer. 
Ezerias,  Ez-e-rj-aa. 
Ezias,  8-zi-as. 
Ezion  Gebar,  8'zi-on  Ge- 

bar,  or  [ber. 

Ezion -geber,  8'zi-on-je- 
Eznite,  Ez'njt. 
Ezra,  Ez'ra. 
Ezrahite,  Ez'ra-hjt. 
Ezri,  Ez'rj. 
Ezriel,  Ez'ri-el. 
Ezril,  Ez'ril. 
Ezron,  Ez'ron. 
Ezronites,  Ez'ton-jts.. 


Felix,  Fe-lik3. 
Festua,  Fed-tus. 
Furtunatus,  Far-tq,-Qa-tu8. 


Gaal,  Ga-al. 
Gaash,  Ga-a/. 
Gaba,  Ga-ba. 
GabacI,  Gab-a-el. 
Gabalha,  Gab-a-tq. 
Gabbai,  Gab-a-j. 
Gabbatha.  Gab-a-tq. 
Oabriaa,  Ga-bri-as. 
Gabriel,  Ga-bri-el. 
Gild,  Gad. 
Gadara,  Gad-a-rq. 
Gadarenes,  Gud-u-r^DZ. 

Gadues,  Gad-ez. 

Gaddiel,  Gad-i-el. 

Gadi,  Ga-dj. 

Gadites,  Gad-jts. 

Gaham,  Ga-hara. 

Gahar,  Ga-har. 

Gaius,  Ga-yus. 

Galaad,  Gal-a-ad. 

Galal,  Ga-lal. 

Galeed,  Gal-E-ed. 

Galgala,  Gal-ga-lq. 

Galilee,  Gal-i-lg. 

Gallira,  Gal-im. 

Gallio,  Gal-i-o. 

Gamacl,  Gain-a-el. 

Gamaliel,  Ga-ina-li-el. 

Gammadiras,  Gaua-a-dini«, 

Gauiul,  Ga-cQul. 

Gar,  Gqr. 

Gareb,  Ga-reb. 

Garizim,  Gar-i-zim. 

Garmites,  Gqr-tnjts. 

Gashmu,  GaJ-mq. 

Gatam,  Ga-tana. 

Gaih,  Gat. 

Gath  Hepher,  Gat  Hs-fcr. 

Gath  Rimmon,  Gat  Rim- 

Gaulan,  Ge-lan. 

Gaulon,  Go- Ion. 

Gaza,  Ga-za. 

Gazabar,  Gaz-a-bqr. 

Gazara,  Ga-zn-ra. 

Gazathite-i,  Ga-zat-jts. 

Gazer,  Ga-zer. 

Gazera,  Gn-ze-ra. 

Gazez,  Ga-zez. 

Gazites,  Gaz-jts. 

Gazzam,  Gaz-am. 

Geba,  GE-ba. 

Gebal,  Gfi-bal. 

Gebar,  Gc-bar. 

Geber,  Gs-ber. 

Gebim,  Ge-bim. 

Gedaliah,  Ged-a-lj-a, 

Geddur,  Ged-ur. 

(Jeder,  Ga-der. 

Gederah,  Gfi-de-rq. 

(iederito,  G^d-e-rjt. 

Gederoth,  Gs-dc-rot. 

Gcderothaiin,  Ged-e-rot-A- 

Gedir,  Ge-der. 

Gedor,  Ge-dor. 

Gehazi,  Ge-hd-zi. 

(Jcliloth,  Gel-i-lot. 

(Jcmalli,  GE-inal-j. 

(lemariah,  Gem-a-rj-a. 

(ienesareth,  GE-ndd-a-reft. 

Genesis,  Jea-e-sis. 


Scripture    Proper    Names. 

Genezar,  GE-ne-zntr. 
Genneus,  Gen-8-u8. 
Gentiles,  Jen-tjla. 
Genubath,  Ge-ni^-baf). 
Geon,  Ge-on. 
Gera,  Ge-ra. 
Gerah,  Ge-ra. 
Gerar,  Ge-rar. 
Gerasa,  Ger-a-sq. 
Gergashi,  Ger-gii-J|. 
Gergashites,  Ger-ga-Jjts. 
Gergesenes,  Ger-gg-senz. 
Geriziui,  Ger-i-ziin. 
Gerraeans,  Ger-8-anz. 
Gerrraians,  Ger-ia-i-ani. 
Gershotn,  Ger-Jom. 
Gershon,  Ger-J"on. 
Gershonites,  Ger-Joa-its. 
Gershur,  Ger-Jur. 
Gesem,  Ge-sera. 
Geshan,  Ge-Jan, 
Geshem,  Ge-J"ein. 
Ge^ihur,  Gg-Jur. 
Geshirri,  GeJ-yq,-rj. 
Geshu rites,  Ge/-yi^-ritd. 
Getholias,  Get-a-lj-as. 
Gethsemane,     Get-sem-a- 

Gethur,  Ge-tur. 
Geuel,  G8-y»],-eI. 
Gezer,  Ge-zer. 
Gezerites,  Ge-zer-jts, 
Giah,  Gj-a. 
Gibbar,  Gib-ar. 
Gibbethon,  Gib-e-ton. 
Gibea,  Gib-g-q. 
Gibeah,  Gib-e-q. 
Gibeath,  Gib-e-aO. 
Gibeon,  Gib-e-on. 
Gibeonites,  Gib-e-on-jts. 
Giblite?,  Gib-lits. 
Giddalti,  Gid-al-tj. 
Giddel,  Gid-el. 
Gideon,  Gid-e-on. 
Gideoni,  Gid-E-6-n|. 
Gidom,  Gi-doin. 
Gier  Eagle,  Jj-er  S'gl, 
Gihon,  Gj-hon. 
GilaUii,  Gil-a-la. 
Gilboa,  Gil-bo-q. 
Gilead,  Gil-e-ad. 
Gileadite,  Gil-E-ad-jt. 
Gilgal,  Gil-gal. 
Giloh,  Gj-lo. 
Gilonite,   Gj-lo-njt. 
Girnzo,  Gim-zo. 
Ginath,  Gi-nat. 
Ginnetho,  Gin-e-to. 
Ginnethon,  Gin-g-ton. 
Girgashi,  Ger-ga-Jj. 

Gergashites,  Ger-ga-Jjts. 
Gispa,  Gis-pa.  [fer. 

Gittah  Hepher,  Git-a  He- 
Gittaim,  Git-a-iin. 
Gittite,  Gitjt. 
Gittites,  Git-jts. 
Gittith,  Git-if>. 
Gizonite,  Gi-zo-nit. 
Glede,  Glgd. 
Gnidug,  Nj-dns. 
Gmth,  Gci-afi. 
Gob,  Gob. 
Gog,  Gog. 
Gol.m,  Gu)-lan. 
Golgotha,  G61-go-tq. 
Goliah,  GrQ-lj-a. 
Goliath,  Go-lj-at. 
Gomer,  Gcb-raer. 
Gomorrah,  Go-ra6r-a. 
Gopherwood,  Gii-fer-wud. 
Gorgias,  G^r-ji-as. 
Gorty  na,  Gar-  ti-nq,  or  Ger- 

Goshen,  Go-Jen. 
Gothoniel,  Gio-ton-i-el. 
Gozan,  Go-zan. 
Grab  a,  Gra-ba. 
Grecia,  Grg-Ji-q. 
Gudgodah,  Gdd-go-dq. 
Guni.  Gq-nj. 
Gunites,  Gi^-nits. 
Gur,  Gur. 
Gurbaal,  Gur-ba-al. 


Haahashtari,  Ha-a-haJ-ta- 
Hahaiah,  Ha-ba-ya.      [rj. 
Habakkuk,  Hab-a-kuk. 
Habergeon,  Ha-ber-jg-on. 
Habor.  Ha-bor. 
Hachaliah,  Hak-a-lj-a. 
Hachilah,  Hak-i-lq. 
Hachmoni,  Hak-mo-nj. 
Hachmonite,  Hak-UKD-njt. 
Hada,  Ha-da. 
Hadad,  Ha-dad, 
Hadadezer,   Had-ad-8-zer. 
Hadad    Rimmon,    Ha-dad 

Hadar,  Ha-dar. 
Hadashah,  Had-a-Jq. 
Hadassa,  Ha-das-a. 
Hadassah,  Ha-das-a. 
Hadattah.  Ha-dat-a. 
Uadid  Ha-did. 

Hadlai,  Had-la-i. 
Hadoram,  Ha-do-ram. 
Hadrach,  Ha-drak. 
Hagab,  Ha-gab. 
Hagabah,  Hag-a-bq. 
Hagai,  Hig-a-j. 
Hagar,  Ha-gar. 
Hagarenes,  Ha-gar-8n«. 
Hagarites,  Ha-gar-jts. 
Haggai,  Hag-a-J. 
Haggari,  Hag-a-rj. 
Haggeri,  Hag-g-rj. 
Haggi,  Hag-j. 
Haggiah,  Ha-gj-a, 
Haggi  tes,  Hig-'jts. 
Haggi  th.   Hag-it. 
Hai,  Ha-i. 

Hakkatan.  Hak-a-tan, 
Hakkoz,  Hak-oz. 
Hakupha,  Ha-kii-fa. 
Halac,  Ha-lak. 
Halah.  Ha-la. 
Hall,  Ha-lj. 

Hallelujah,  Hal-E-h],-ycL, 
Halloesh,  Ha-16-eJ. 
Hallul,  Hal-ul. 
Ham,  Ham. 
Haman,  Ha-man. 
Hamath,  Ha-inat,  or 

Heraath,  He-mafi, 
Hamathite,  Ha-mafc-jt. 
Kainith  Zobah,    Ha-maD 

Ilaraelech,  Ham-e-lek. 
Hamital,  Hara-i-tal. 
Hammath,  Ham -at. 
Hammedatha,   Ha-med-a- 

tq.  [keft. 

Hammoleketh,    Ha-m6l-8- 
Hammon,  Ham-on. 
Hamonah,  Hara-o-nq. 
Hamon  Gog,  Ha-mon  Gog. 
Hamor,  Ha-mor. 
Hamoth,  Ha-mot. 
Hamoth  Dor,  Ha-mot  Dar, 
Hamuel,  Ha-mq,-el. 
Hamul,  Ha-mul. 
Hamulites,  Ha-mul-jts. 
Harautal,    Ha-mi|-tal,    or 

Hanameel,     Ha-nam-c-el, 

or  Han-a-rasl. 
Hanan,  Ha-nan. 
Hananeel,  Ha-nan-e-ol,  or 

Han-a-nel.  [na-nj. 

Hanani,  Han-a-nj,  or  Ha- 
H  luaniah,  Han-a-nj  a. 
Hanes,  Ha-nEZ. 
Haniel,  Han-i-el. 
Hannah,  Han-a. 

Scripture    Proper    Names. 


Hannathon,  Han-a-ton. 
Hanniel,  H:in-i-el, 
Hirtioch,  Ha-nok. 
Hmoctiite-!,  Ha-nok-jta. 
H;i.nun,  lla-nun. 
Hiipharaim,    llaf-a-ra-im. 
Hara,  Ha-ra. 

Haradah,  Har-a-dq,  or  Ha- 
ra-da.  [ra-a. 

Haraiah.  Har-a-j-a,  c^/*Ha- 
Hiran,  Ha-ran. 
Har.irite,  Ha-ra-rjt. 
Harbona,    Hqr-bo-na,    or 

Harbonab.  Ilqr-b6-na. 
Hareph,  Ha-ref. 
Hareth,  Ha-ret. 
Harhass,  Hqr-hai3. 
Harhata,  Hqr-ha-tq. 
Harhur,  Ilqr-hur. 
Harim,  Hi-rim. 
Ilariph,  Ha-rif. 
Harnepher,  Ilqr-ne-fer,  or 

Ilarod,  Ha-rod. 
Harodite,  Ha-rod-jt. 
Haroeh,   Har-o-e,   or  Ha- 

ITarorite,  Ha-ro-rjt. 

Haro-iheth,  Har-o-Jet. 

Haraha,  Ilqr-Jrt. 

Harura,  lla-rnra. 

Hirumaph,   Ha-r(6-raaf. 

Haruphite,  Ha-r(6-fit. 

Hiru7,,  Ha-ruz, 

Hasadiah,  Has-a-di-a. 

Ilasenuah,  Has-e-nq,-a. 

Hwhabiah,  FlaJ-a-bj-a. 

llasbabnah,  IluJ-ab-na. 

na:jbabniab,  HnJ-ab-nj-a 

Ha.shbadana,     IlaJ-bad-a- 

Hashein,  Ha-j"ein.         [nq. 

Hidhin'inub,  HaJ-m^-na. 

Hicham,  Ila-Juin. 

lli'^hupha.  Ila-Ji'i-fa. 

Haiirab,  Ila^-ra. 

IIas-?enaab,  Ilas-e-na-a. 

Il.iiiupba,  Ila-sq-fa. 

Ilalach,  Ila-tak. 

Ilathath,  Ha-tafi. 

Hitita,  Ilati-tq. 

Until,  Ilaf;^!. 

Haiti  pba,  Ila-tj-fa. 

Hattush,  Hat-uJ. 

H'iuran,  H^i-ran. 

Havilah.  Hav-i-lq. 

H  ivotb  Jair,  Ha-vo6  J4-er, 

Hazacl,  Haz-a-cl. 

Hazaiab,  Ha-za-ya.      [ar, 

Uaxar  Addar,  Ha-zar  Ad'- 

Hazar  Pnan,  Ha-zar  8'nan. 
Hazar  Gaddah,  —  Gad-a. 
Hazer  Haticon,  —  Hat-i- 
H  i.z;»r  Mavetb,  —  Ma-vet. 
Hazaroth,  Ha-za-rot.  [al. 
Hazar  Shual,  Ha-zar  Sq- 
Hazar  Susah,  —  Si^-sa. 
Hazar  Susiin,  —  Sq-sim. 
Hazel  Elponi,   Ha-zel  El- 

Hazjriin,  Ha-ze-rim. 
Hazer  Sbusitn,  Ha-zer  Sq- 
siin.  [Ta-mar, 

H  izezon  Taroar,  Haz-£-zon 
Haziel,  Ha-zi-el. 
Hazo,  Ha-zu). 
Hazor,  Ha-zor. 
Hizabab.  H;'iz-yq,-bq. 
Heber,  He-bnr. 
H  iberites,  Hg-ber-jts. 
Hebrews,  He-briDZ. 
Hebron,  He-bron. 
Hebronito'?,  He-bron-jts. 
Hcgai,  Heg-a-j. 
Hege,  He-ge. 
Helah,  He-la. 
Helain,  He-lam. 
Helbah,  Hel-ba. 
Helbon,  Hel-bon. 
H^^lchiah,  Hol-kj-a. 
Heldai,  Hel-da-f. 
H<ileb,  He-leb. 
Haled,  He-led. 
Helek.  He-lek. 
Helekite.''.  He-lek-jts. 
Helein,  He-lem. 
Heleph,  He-lef. 
Holcz.  He-lez. 
Heli,  He-lj. 
H.ilkai,  He'l-ka-i. 
Hclkath,  Hel-kai). 
Helkath   Hazzurim,    Hel 

kat  Haz-yq-ritn. 
Helkias,  Hol-kj-as. 
Holon,  He-Jon. 
Heman,  He-man,  cr 
Hamath.  Ha-mat). 
Homdan,  H6m-daa. 
H3n,  H.^n. 
Hona,  He-na. 
Henadad,  Hen-a-dod. 
Henoch,  He-nok. 
Hupher,  He-for. 
Hephorites,  Hg-fer-its, 
Hephzibah,  Hef-zi-bq. 
Horam,  Hg-ram. 
Here?,  He-rez. 
Fleresb,  Hg-reJ. 
Uarmas,  H^r-mos. 

Herraogenes,  Her-m6j-e- 

Henuon,  Her-mon. 
Hormonites,  Her-mon-jts. 
Merod.  Her-od. 
Herodian,  He-rta-di-an. 
Herodians,  Hs-rio-di-aoz. 
Herodia'^,  Hg-ro-di-as. 
He3eb,  He-seb. 
Hesed,  He-sad. 
Heshbon,  HeJ-bon. 
Heshmon,  HeJ-mon. 
Heth.  Het. 
Hethlon,  Hefi-lon. 
Hozeki,  Hez-e-kj. 
Hezekiah,  Hez-E-k|-a, 
Ht'zer,  Hjj-zer,  or 
Hezir,  He-zer. 
Hozia,  He-zj-a. 
Hezion,  He-zi-on. 
Hezrai,  Hez-ra-j. 
Hezro,  Hez-ro. 
Hezron,  Hez-ron. 
Hezronitps.  Hez-ron-jt3. 
Hiddai,  Hid-a-i. 
Hiddekel,  Hid-e-kel. 
Hiel,  Hj-el. 
Hiereel,  Hj-er-e-el. 
Hicremoth,  Hj-er-e-mot. 
Hiorielus,  Hj-er-i-g-lus. 
Hierma3,  Hj-er-mas.  [mus. 
Hieronymu?,  Hj-e-ron-i- 
Hierapolis,  Hj-er-ap-o-Iis. 
Higgaion,  Hi-ga-yoa. 
Hilen,   Hj-len. 
Hilkiah,  Hil-ki-o. 
Hiilcl.  Hil-el. 
Hin,  Hin. 
Hinnom,  Hin-om, 
Hirab,  Hj-ra. 
Hiram,  Hj-ram. 
Hircanus,  Hor-ka-nus, 
Hiskijah,  His-kj-ja. 
Hit,tit,c3,  Hit-jts. 
Ilivites,  Hi-v(t3. 
Hoba,  or  Hobah,  Htfi-ba. 

obab,  H6-bab. 
Hod.  Hod. 
Hodaiah,  Hod-a-J-a. 
Hodaviah,  Hoil-a-v|-a. 
Hodova,  Ho-de-va. 
Hodevah,  Ho-de-va. 
Hodiah,  llfD-dj-a. 
Hodijah,  Ho-dj-ja. 
H..di«h.  H(5-di;. 
Hoglah,  HfV^-la. 
Hoham.  Hco-ham. 
Holen,  H6-len. 
Holofernos,  Hjl-o-f^r-nei. 
Uulon,  Hui-ion. 


Scripture    Proper   Names. 

Homan,  H(5-man,  or 
Hcman,  He-maa. 

Homer,  Ho-raer. 

Hophni,  H6f-ni. 

Hophra,  H6f-ra. 

Hor,  Hor. 

Horagiddad,  Hor-a-gid-ad, 

Horani,  Ho-rain. 

Iloreb,  Hu)-reb. 

Horein.  ilo-rem. 

Hori,  Ho-rj. 

llurims,  Ho-rimz. 

Horites,  Ilii-rjts. 

Hormah,  Her-ina. 

Horonaim,  Hor-o-na-im. 

Horonitea,  H6r-u-nits. 

Hosa,  H6-sa,  or 
Hasah,  Has-a. 

Hosanna,  Hio-zan-a. 

Hosea,  Ho-7.8-a. 

Hoshaiah,  HoJ-a-j-a. 

Hoshaiua,  H6|-a-m£|,. 

Hoshea,  Hca-Je-a. 

Hotham,  Hdi-tam. 

Hothan,  Ho -tan. 

Huthir,  H*j-ter. 

Hukkok,  Ildk-ok. 

Hul,  Hul. 

Huldah,  Hdl-da, 

Humtah,  Htiin-ta. 

Hupham,  Hii-fam. 

Huphamites,  Hi\,-fam-its. 

Huppah,  Hdp-a. 

Huppiin,  lldp-im. 

Har,  Hur. 

Hurai,  Hii,-ra. 

Huratn,  Hi'i-ram. 

Huri,  H4-ri. 

Ilushah,  Hi],-Ja. 

Hushai,  Hi'i-Ja,  or  Hi^-J"a-i. 

Husham,  lli^-fain. 

Hushathite,  Hi^-Jat-it. 

Hushiin,  H^-Jim. 

llushub,  Hq,-Jub. 

Hushubah,  Hi],-J4-boi. 

Huz,  Huz. 

Huzoth,  Hix-zofi. 

Huzzab,  Hdz-ab. 

Hydaspes,  Hi-das-pez. 

llyene,  Ilj-e-ne. 

Hymenous,  Hi-men-e-us. 


Ibhar,  Ib'har. 
Ibleam,  Ib'Ie-am. 
Ibueiah,  Ib-nJ-a. 

Ibnijah,  Ib-nj-ja. 

Ibri,  Ib'rj. 

Ibzan,  Ib'zan. 

Ichabod,  Ik'a-bod. 

Iconium,  i'-kii-ni-um. 

Idalah,  Id'a-lq,. 

Id  bash,  Id'baJ. 

Iddo,  Id'o. 

iJuel,  Id'yn,-el. 

Idumasa,  Id-yn-m£-a. 

Iduraaeans,  Id-yi],-ine-anz, 

Tgal,  ii'gal. 

Igdaliah,  Ig-da-lj-a. 

Igeabariin,   Ig-E-ab-a-rim, 

Igoal,  Ig'e-al. 

Ijon,  ►Fjon. 

Ikkesh,  Ik'eJ. 

Ilai,  i'la,  or  Il'a-i. 

Iin,  Iin. 

Iinlah,  Im'la. 

Iirnnah,  Itn'a. 

luimanuel,  Im-an-yq,-el. 

Iminer,  Iin'er. 

Imna,  Im'na,  or 

Imnah,  Itu'na. 

Iiarah,  Itn  ra. 

Itnri,  Iin'rj. 

Iota,  ^-6-ta. 

Iphedeiah,  If-e-de-ya 

Ir,  Er. 

Ira,  i''ra.  * 

Irad,  i^'rad. 

Iraiu,  i'ram. 

Iri,  ^'rj, 

Irijah,  "ii-rj-ia. 

Irnahash,  Er'na-haJ. 

Iron,  i^'ron. 

Irpeel,  Er'pc-el. 

Irshetnish,  Er'Je-CQiJ. 

Ira,  >Frit). 

Isajic,  i''zak. 

Isaiah,  i^-za-ya. 

Iscah,  Is'kq. 

Iscariot,  Is-kar-i-ot. 

Isdael,  Is'da-el. 

Ishbah,  Ij'ba. 

Ishbak.  IJ'bak. 

Ishbi  Benob,  I/'bj  Be-nob. 

Ishbo?heth,  IJ'bo-Jet. 

I.Shi,  FJi. 

Ishiah,  *-Ji-a. 

Ishijah,  i'-JJ-ja. 

Ishina,  IJ'iua. 

I^hmael,  IJ'ma-el. 

Ishmaelites,  IJ"'ina-el-jts. 

Ishmaiah,  If-ina-j-a. 

Ishmerai,  IJ'uiE-ra. 

Ishod,  i'Jod. 

Ishpan,  I/'pan. 

Isbtob,  IJ'tob. 

Ishua,  IJ'yti-a. . 
Ishuai,  Ij"'yi\,-a. 
Israachiah,  Is-ma-kj-a, 
Isiuaiah,  Is-ma-j-a. 
Ispah,  Is'pa. 
Israel.  Iz'ra-el. 
Israelites,  I zr'ra- el-its. 
Issachar,  Is'a-kqr. 
Istalcurus,  l3-tul-kq,-ru3. 
I^ui,  IJ'yii-i. 
Isuites,  Ij'yi^-its. 
Italy,  It/a-li. 
Ithai,  It'a-i. 
Itharaar,  It'a-mqr. 
Ithiel,  Ii)'i-el. 
Ithinah,  It'ma. 
Ithnan,  It'nan. 
Ithra,  16' ra. 
Ithran,  It'ran. 
Ithream,  Ifc're-ain. 
Ithrites,  It'rjts. 
Ittah  Knzin,  It'a  Ka-'zin. 
Ittai,  It'a-j. 
Iturea,  It-yi\,-r£-a. 
Ivah,  ^'va. 
Izehar,  Iz'e-hqr. 
Izhar,  Iz'hqr. 
Izharite,  Iz'har-it. 
Izrahiah,  Iz-ra-hj-a,  or 
Israiah,  Iz-ra-j-a. 
Izreol,  Iz're-el. 
Izri,  Iz'ri. 
Izrites,  Iz'ri ts. 


Jaakan,  Ja-a-kan. 
Jaukabah,  Ja-ak-o-bq. 
Jaala,  Ja-d-la. 
Jaalah,  Ja-a-la. 
Jaalam,  Ja-a-lam. 
Jaanai,  Ja-a-na. 
Jaareoragim,  Ja-ar-e-6r-a- 

Jaasania,  Ja-as-a-nj-a. 
Jaasaii,  Ja-a-se. 
Jaasiel,  Ja-n-si-el. 
Jaazah,  Ja-a-za. 
Jaazaniah,  Je-az-a-n^-d, 
Jaazar,  Ja-a-zar. 
Jaaziah,  Ja-a-zj-a. 
Jaaziel,  Jn-a-zi-el. 
Jabal,  Ja-bal. 
Jabbok,  Jab-ok. 
Jabfisb,  Ja-beJ. 
Jabez,  -Ta-bez. 
Jabin,  Ja-bin. 

Scripture    Proper    Names. 


Jabneel,  Jab-ns-el. 
Jabneh,  Jab-ne. 
Jachan,  Ja-kan. 
Jachin,  Ja-kiu. 
Jachinites,  Ja-kin-its. 
Jacob,  Ja-kob. 
Jacobus,  Ja-k(5-bu3. 
Jada,  Ja-da. 
Jaddua,  Ja-di|,-a. 
Jadon,  Ja-don. 
Jael,  Ja-el. 
Jagur,  Ja-gur. 
Jab,  Jq. 

Jahaleel,  Ja-ha-le-el. 
Jahalelel,  Ja-hal-e-lel. 
Jahath,  Ja-haB. 
Jahaz,  Ja-hiiz. 
Jahar.a,  Ja-ha-za. 
Jubazah,  Ja-ha-za. 
Jabazia,  Ja-ha-zi-a. 
Jahaziel,  Ja-ba-zi-el. 
Jabdai,  Jq-da-j. 
Jahdiel,  Jq-di-el. 
Jahdo,  Jq-do. 
Jahleel,  Jq-lp-el. 
Jahleelites,  Jq-le-el-jts. 
Jahmai,  Jq-  ma-j. 
Jabza,  Jq  za. 
Jahzeel,  Jq-ze-cl. 
Jahzeelitcs,  Jq-ze-el-jts. 
Jabzerah,  Jq-ze-rq. 
JabzicI,  Jq-zi-el. 
Jair,  Ja-er. 
Jairites,  Ja-i-rjta. 
Jairus,  Ja-i-rua. 
Jakan,  Ja-kan. 
Jakeb,  Ju-ke. 
Jakim,  Ja-kiin. 
Jakkim,  Jak-im. 
Jalon,  Ja-lou. 
Jambres,  Jam-brez. 
Jatnbri,  Jam-bq. 
James,  Jamz. 
Jarain,  Ja-min. 
Jaminites,  Ja-min-its. 
Jamlecb,  Jam-Iek. 
Jamnaan,  Jam-na-an. 
Jainnia,  Jatn-nj-a. 
Jamnites,  Jam-nita. 
Janna,  Jan-a. 
Jaiines,  Jan-ez. 
Jaooab,  Janu-a. 
Janohah,  Ja-nu-ha. 
Janutn,  Ja-nutu. 
Japhet,  Jii-tet. 
Jupbeih,  Ja-fe!l. 
Japbiah,  Ja-fj-a. 
Japhlet,  Jaf-let, 
Japhleti,  Jaf-lc-t|. 
Jafbo,  Ja-fo. 


Jar,  Jqr. 
Jarab,  Ja-ra. 
Jareb,  Ja-reb. 
Jared,  Ja-red. 
Jaresiab,  Jar-e-sj-a. 
.larha,  Jqr-ba. 
Jarib,  Ja-rib. 
Jarinutb,  Jqr-raut. 
Jaroab,  Ja-rci-a. 
Jasuel,  Jas-a-el. 
•lasbem,  Ja-Jein. 
Jasben,  Ja-Jeo. 
Jasher,  Ja-Jer. 
Ja!»hobeain,  Ja  /(S-bs-am. 
Jashub,  Jaf-ub. 

Jebieli,  jE-hj-e-lj. 
Jehisbai,  Je-biJ-a-j. 
Jebrskiab,  Je-his-ki-d. 
Jehoadab,  Je-h6-a-dq. 
Jeboaddan,   Je-bo-ad-an. 
Jchoabaz,  Je-hci-a-haz. 
Jehoash,   Jg-boj-aj". 
Jehohadab,  Jc-bw-ha-dq. 
Jehohanan,  Je-btj  ha-nan. 
Jehoiacbin,  Je-htf-a-kin. 
Jehoiada,  Je-btf-a-dq. 
Jeboiakiin,  Je-bof-a-kim. 
Jeboiarib,  Je-hir-a-rib. 
Jehonadab,  Jt-bon-a-dab. 
Jebonathan,  Jebon-a-tan. 

Jashubi  Lehetu,  JaJ-yq-bjl  Jehoratn,  Js-bw-ram 

Jasliubites,  JaJ-ub-jts. 
Jasiel,  Jti-si-el. 
Jasubu.*,  Ja-si\-bus. 
latal,  Ja-tal. 
Tathniei,  Jat-ni-el. 
Jattir,  Jat-er. 
Javan,  Ja-van. 
Jazar,  Ja-zar. 
lazer,  Ja-zer. 
Jaziel,  Ja-zi-el. 
Jaziz,  Ja-ziz. 
Jearitn,  Je-a-rira. 
Jeuterai,  Jg-at-e-ra.      [a 
Jeberecbiab,   Je-ber-e-kj' 
Jebus,  Je-bus. 
Jebusi,  Je-bq-?j. 
Jebusites,  Jeb-yq-sjts. 
Jecatniab,  Jek-a-raj-a. 
Jecoliah,  Jek-o-Ij-a. 
Jceoniah,  Jok-o-nj-a. 
Jedaia,  Je-da-ya. 
Jedaiab,  Je-da-ya. 
Jcddout?,   Jed-e-us. 
Jeddu,  Jed-i],. 
Jedediah,  Jed-e-di-a. 
Jedeiab,  Je-dj-a. 
•iediael,  Je-dj-a-el. 
Jediab,  Jed-i-q. 
Jediel,  J^-di-ol. 
Jedatbun,  Jed-yn-tun. 
Jeeli,  Jc-e-lj. 
Jeezer,  Je-e-zer. 
leezerites,  Je-e-zer-its. 

Jebosbabeatb,  Je-ho-Jab- 

Jebosheba,  Je-boJ-e-bq. 
Jehoshua,  Je-boJ-yq-q. 
Jehovah,  Je-ha-va. 
Jehovab,  .Tireb,  —  Jj-re. 
Jebovab  Nissi,  —  Nis-j. 
Jebovah  Sbaliom,  —  Xal- 

om.  [Sam-a. 

Jehovah  Sbarnmah,    — • 
Jehovab    Tsidkenu,     — 

Jehozabad,  Je-hoz-a-bad. 
Jehn,  Je-hx|,. 
Jehubbah.  Je-bub-a. 
Jebucal,  Jg-bq-kal. 
Jehud,  Je-hud. 
Jehudi,  Jt-hq-di. 
Jehudijah,  Je-hq-dj-ja. 
Jehusb,  Jg-hu/. 
Jeiel,  Je-j-el. 
Jekabzeel,  Je-kab-ze-el. 
Jekameam,  Jek-a-ine-am. 
Jekarniah,  Jek-a-ruj-a. 
Jekuthiel,  Je-ki'i-ti-el. 
Jemima,  Jem-i-mq. 
emuel,  Jg-mq-el. 
Jephtbab,  Jef-ta. 
Jcpbunneb,  Je-lun-e. 
Jerab,  Je-ra. 
Jurabmeel,  Jg-rq-me-el. 
Jerahraoelites,    Jc-T{{-iue- 


Jegar  Sabadutha,   Je-garjJerechus,  Jdr-g-kus. 

Jehaleel,  Jg-ha-le-el. 
Jehalelel,  Jg-hal-e-lel. 
JehazicI,  Je-ba-zi-el. 
Johdeiah,  .Jo-dj-a. 
Jehoiel,  Je-bj-el. 
luhozokel.  Je-hdz-e-kel. 
Jidiiah,  Je-b{-a. 
Juhiul,  Je-bi-el. 

Jered,  Je-red. 
Jeremai,  Jer-e-mn. 
Jeremiah,  Jer-c-mj-a. 
Jcremoth,  Jer-e-mot. 
Jereinouth,  Jer-g-m'sB. 
Jeriah,  Jf-ri-a. 
Jeribai,  J^r-i-ba. 
Jcriclio,  J^r-i-ku. 
Jeriol,  Je-ri-el. 


Scripture    Proper    Names. 

Jerijah,  Je-rj-ja. 
Jorimoth,  Jei'-i-mot. 
Jerioth,  Js-ri-ot. 
Jerob  )atn,  Jer-o-b6-aua. 
Jerodon.  Jer-o-don. 
Jerohiui,  Jer-o-hain. 
Jerubbial,  Jp-rdb-a-al. 
Jorubesheth,  Je-rdb-e-Jet. 
Jeruel,  Jer-yii-el. 
Jorusalein,  Je-riJb-sa-lem. 
Jerusha,  Je-rcG-Ja. 
Jesaiah,  Js-sa-yq. 
Jushaiah,  JeJ-a-j-a. 
Jeshauah,  JeJ"-a-nq. 
Jesb  irelah,  JoJ-ar-e-lq. 
Je.shebeab,  J>3/-eb-e  ab. 
Jo.shebeivh.  JcJ-eb-e-q. 
Jeslior,  Je-Jer. 
JesbiinoM,  JeJ-i-uion. 
Jesbishai,  Jr-JiJ-a-j. 
Jeshohaiiih,  JeJ-o-ha-j-a. 
Jeshua,  JeJ-yn,-q. 
Jeshuruii,  JeJ-yii^-run. 
Jesiah,  Je-sj-a. 
Jesiiniel,  Je-sim-i-el. 
Jesse,  Jes-e. 
Jesua,  Je.-i-yi|-q. 
Jesui,  Je^-yn-i. 
Jesus,  J«-zu3. 
Juther,  Js-ter. 
Jetheth,  Je-tet. 
Jethlib,  Jet-la. 
Jethro,  Je-tro. 
Jetur,  Jg-tur. 
Jeuol,  Je-yi],-el. 
J3ush,  Je  uj. 
Jeuz,  Je-uz. 
Jewry,  Ji'i-ri. 
Jezabel,  Jez-a-bel. 
Jezaniah,  Jez  a-nj-a. 
Jezelus,  Js-ze-lus. 
Jezer,  Je-zer. 
Jeze rites.  Jii-zer-jts. 
Jeziah,  Je-zj-a. 
Jeziel,  Je-zi-el. 
Jezliah,  Jez-lj-a. 
Jezoar,  Jez-o-qr. 
Jezrahiah,   Jez-ra-hj-a. 
Jezreel,  Jez-rs-el. 
Jezreelite,  Jez-re-el-jt. 
Jezreelitess,     Jez-rg-el-jt 

Jibsam,  Jib-sam. 
Ji'llaph,  Jid-iaf. 
Jim,  Jim. 
Jiuiln,  Jirn-la,  cr 

Imla,  Im'la. 
Jimna,  Jim-na,  or 
Jim  nab,  Jim-ua. 
Jiiimite3,  Jim-aits. 

Jiphtab,  JiE-ta. 

Ji phrhaliel,  Jif-ta-el. 

Joab,  Jd)-ab. 

Joacbas,  Ju)-a-kaz. 

Joiidanus,  Jo-a-da-nus. 

J'lah.  J6-a. 

Joahaz,  JJ)-a-haz. 

Joakim,  Joj-a-kiin. 

Joanna,  Jca-an-a. 

Joaniian,  Ja)-au-an. 

Joash,  Joi-aJ, 

Jaatbara,  Jij-a-tam. 

Joazabdus,   Jcj-a-zub-dus 

Job,  Job. 

Jobab,  Jio-bab. 

Jochebed,  J6k-e-bed. 

Joda,  Ju)-d;l. 

Joed,  Jo-ed. 

Joel,  J6-el. 

Joclah,  Jo-E-Ia. 

Joesor,  Jo  e-zer. 

Jogbeah,  Jag-be-q. 

Jogli,  J6g-ii. 

Joba,  Jo-ha. 

Jobanan,  Jo-hanan. 

John,  Jon. 

Joiada,  JtT-a-dq. 

Joiakim,  J«r-a-kim. 

Jniarib,  Jtf-a-rib. 

Jokdoaiii,  J6k-d£-am. 

Jokim,  Jo-kiin. 

Jokmeara,  Jok-rae-ara. 
Jokneam,  J6k-ne-am. 
Jokshtin,  Jok-Jan. 
Joktan,  Jok-tan. 
jjoktbeel,  J6k-te-el. 
iJona,  J6-na. 
Ijonadab.  J6a-a-dab. 
jjonab,  J6-na. 
|jonan,  Jo-nan. 
I  Jonas,  Jo-nas. 
Jonathan,  J6n-a-tan. 
Jonath   Elira    Rjchochim. 
J6-nat  8'lim  Re-k6-kim. 
Joppa,  J6p-a. 
Jora,  J(f)-ra. 
Jorai,  Jo-ra-j. 
Joram,  J6-ram. 
.Jordan,  .Jer-dan. 
Joribas,  Jor  i-bas. 
Jorim,  J6-rira. 
Jorkoam,  Jijr-ko-ara. 
Josabad,  J6-i-a-bad. 
Josaphat,  Jos-a-fat. 
Josapbias.  Jos-a-fj-as. 
Jo^e,  Jo-SE. 
|Jo!>edecb.  J6s-e-dek. 
Joseel,  J6-se-el. 
Joseph,  Jo-zef. 
Joseph  us,  Jo-se-fu3. 

Joses,  Jo-sez. 
Joshabad,  JoJ-a-bad. 
Joshah,  J6-Ja. 
Joshaphat,   J6f-a-fat. 
Joshav'iah,  JoJ-a-vj-a. 
Joshbekasha,  JoJ  -  bek  -  a- 
Joshua,  JoJ-yq,-q.         [Jq. 
Josiah,  Jo-sj-a. 
Josias,  Jo-sj-as. 
Josibiah,  Jos-i-bj-a. 
Josiphiah,  Jos-i-fj-a. 
Jotbah,  J6t-ba. 
Jotbath,  Jot-bat. 
Jotbatha,  J6t-ba-tq. 
Jothara,  Jo  tain. 
Jozabi,d,  J6z-a-bad. 
Jozaehar,  J6z-a-kqr,  or 
Jo.acbar,  Jo-zii-kar. 
Joza  lak,  J6z-a-dak. 
Jabal,   JiVbal. 
Jucil,  Ji'i^-kal. 
Juda3a,  Ji^-dg-a. 
Judah,  Ji^-dii. 
Judas,  Ji\,-da3. 
Jude,  Jqd. 
Judith,  Jq-dit. 
Juol,  Jq-el. 
Julia,  Jq-li-q. 
Junia,  Jq-ni-q.  [sed. 

Jushabhesod,    Jq-Jab-lie- 
Justu^,  Jiis-tus. 
Juttah,  Jdt-a. 


Kab,  Kab. 
Ivabzeel.  Kab-ze-el. 
ivadeSj  Ka-dez. 
Kadesh,  Ka-dej",  or 

Cadesh,  Ka-deJ". 
Kadesh    Barnea,     Kn-deJ 

Kadmiel,  Kad-mi-el. 
Kadmonites,  Kad-mon-its. 
Kallai,  Kal-a-j. 
Kanah,  Ka-na. 
Kareah,  Ka-re-a. 
Karkaa,  Kqr-ka-q. 
Karkor,  Kqr-kor. 
Karnaim,  Kqr-na-im. 
Kartah,  Kqr-tat. 
Kattath,  Kac->i. 
Kedar,  Ke-dar. 
Kodouiah,  Ketl-E-mq. 
ICedemotb,  Ived-e-mot. 
Kcdesh.  Ke-d-J. 
liehclathah,  Ke-hel-aji^. 

Scripture    Proper    Names. 


Kfiilah,  Ki-la. 
Kolaiah,  Ke-la-ya. 
Kelitii,  Kel-i-tq. 
Kelkathhazurim,  Kel-kat- 

Keuiuel,  Ks-mi'i-el. 
Kenah,  Ke-oa. 
Kenan,  Ke-nan. 
Kenath,  Ke-nafi. 
Kenaz,  Ke-naz. 
Kenites,   Keu-jts. 
Kennizzites,  Ken-iz-jts. 
Keretihappucb,    Ker-en- 

Kerioth,  Kg-ri-ot. 
Keros,  Ke-ros. 
Ketura,  Ke-tj^-ra. 
Keturah,  Ke-li^-ra. 
Kezia,  Ke-zj-a. 
Keziz,  Ke-ziz. 
Kibroth    Hattaava,    Kib- 

rot  Ila-ta-a-vq. 
Kibzaiiu,  Kib-za-im. 
Ki'Jron,  KiJ-ron. 
Kiuah,  Kj-oa. 
Kir,  Ker.  [set, 

Kirliara.-seth,     Ker-har-a- 
Kirheresh,  Ker-be-reJ. 
Kirieth,  Kir-i-et,  or 
Kirjath,  Ker-jut. 
Kirioth,  Kir-i-ot.         [ira. 
Kirjath  Aim,  Ker-iai  Q'- 
Kirjaih  Arbi,  —  Hr'ba. 
Kiijalh  Arira,  —  il'riin. 
Kirjath  Ariua,  —  il'ri-us. 
Kirjath  Baiil,  —  Ba-al. 
Kirjath  Uuzoth,   —  Hi^- 

zot.  [rim, 

Kirjath  Joarira,  —  Je-a- 
Kirjath  Stnnah, —  San-a. 
Kirjath  Sepher, —  Se-fer, 
Kish,  KiJ. 
Kishi,  Ki;-j. 
Kisliion,  Ki/-i-on. 
Kidhon,  Kj/(m. 
Kithlish,  Kit-liJ. 
Kitron,  Kit-ron. 
Kittim,  Kit-iin. 
Koa,  K6-a, 
Kohath,  Ku-bnt, 
Kohatbite.t,  K6-hat-it8. 
Kolaiah,  Kol-a-j-a. 
Kurah,  K(f>-ra, 
Kurahita.*,  K<fi-ra-its. 
Korathites,  Kci-rat-itA. 
K'>re,  K6-re. 
Korhite,  K<5r-h|t. 
Korbites,  Kdr-hits. 
Kuntes,  K6r-iUi. 

Koz,  Koz. 
Kushaiah,  KuJ-aya. 

Laadab,  La-a-dq. 
Laadan,  La-a-daa. 
Laban,  La-ban. 
Labana,  Lab-a-nq. 
Lacbish,  La-kiJ. 
Lacunas,  La-kq^-nus. 
Ladan,  La -dan. 
Lael,  La -el, 
Labad,  La-had. 
Lahairoi,  L:i-ha-rflr. 
Lahraan,  Lq-man. 
Lib  mas,  Lq-maa. 
Libmi,  Lq-mi. 
Laisb,  La-ij". 
Lukum,  La-kum, 
Lamech,  La-mek. 
Laodicea,   La-od-i-S8-a. 
Lipidoth,  Lap-i-dot. 
Lasea,  La-se-a. 
Lasbah,  La-ja, 
Lasharon,  La-Ja-ron. 
Lastbenes,  Las-te-nez. 
r^azarus,  Laz-a-rus. 
Leah,  Le-a, 
Lebanah,  Leb-a-nq. 
Lebanon,  Leb-a-nun. 
Lebaoth,  Ijeb-a-ot. 
I.ebbeus,  Leb-e-us. 
Lebuna,  Le-b(j-na. 
Lechab,  Le-ka. 
Lobabim,  Ls-ba-bim. 
ficbi,   LB-bj. 
Lemuel,  Lem-yq-eL 
Lujera,  LE-j"em. 
Lettus,   L^t-us. 
Lotusbim,  Le-tq-Jira. 
Leummim   Le-tim-im. 
Levi,  Lc-vj. 
Leviathan,  Le-vj-a-tan. 
Levis,  Le-vis. 
Levitos,  Lg-vjla, 
Leviticus,  Le-vit-i-kua. 
Libanus,  Lib-a-nus. 
Libnah.  Lib-na. 
Libni,  Lib-nj. 
Libnites,  Lib-nits. 
Libia,  Lib-i-q, 
Lignaloes,  L'g-nal-oz. 
Liguro,  Lj-xqr. 
Likbi,  Lik-hj, 
fioammi,  LG)-am-|. 
Lud,  Lod. 

Lodebar,  L6d-e-bqr. 
Log,  Lf)g. 

Lois,  L6-is.  [mq. 

Lo  Rubamab,   Lo  Rdb-ba- 
Lot,  Lot. 
Lotan,  L(f>-tan. 
Lozon,  Lo-zon. 
Lubim,  Lq-bim. 
Lubims,  Lq-bimz. 
Lucas,  Lq-kas. 
Lucifer,  Lq-si-fer. 
Lucius,  Lv],-Ji-us. 
Lud,  Lud. 
Ludim,  Lq-dira. 
Lubitb.  Lq-bit. 
fiUke,  Lqk. 
Luz,  Luz, 

Lycaonia,  Lik-a-(f>-Di-q. 
Lycca,  Lik-a, 
Lydda,  Lid-a. 
Lydia,  Lid-i-a, 
liysanius,  Lj-sa-ni-u3. 
Lysia,  LiJ-e-q. 
Lysias,  Lif-e-as. 
Lystra,  Lis-tra. 


Maacah,  Ma-a-kq. 
Nfaachah,  Ma-a-kq. 
Maachatbi,  Ma-ak-a-fi. 
Maacbabtbites,    Ma-ak-a- 

Maadai,  Ma-ad-a. 
.Nfaadiab,  Ma-a-dj-a. 
Maai,  JIa-a-i. 
Muaieh  Acrabbim,Ma-al-« 

Maanai,  Ma-a-DO. 
Maaratb,  Ma-a-raft. 
Maaseiah,  Ma-a-se-a. 
Maasiab,  Ma-a-sj-a. 
Maath,  Ma-at. 
Maaz,  Ma-az. 
Maaziah,  Ma-a-zj-a, 
Mabdai,  Mfib-dn-i, 
Macalon,  Mak-a-lon, 
.\Iaccaba3U3,  Mak-a-bg-u3. 
Nfaccibees,  iLik-a-bez, 
Machbenah,  Mak-be-nq. 
Macbbonai,  Mak-bc-na. 
Machelotb,  Mak-Ue-lub. 
Macbi,  .Mi'i-kj. 
Macbir,  Ma -ker. 
Macbiritos,  Ma-kor-|ts. 
Mu'hmas.  Mak-raas.     [ba. 
ilachuadebai,  Mak-na-d«- 


Scripture    Proper    Names. 

Machpelah.  Mak-pe-la. 
Macron,  Ma-kron. 
Madai,  Mau-a-j. 
Madiabun.  Ma-dj-a-bun. 
Madiah,  Ma-dj-a. 
Madian,  Ma-di-an. 
Madmannah,  Mad-man-a. 
Mad  men  ah,  Mad-me-na. 
Madon,  Ma-don. 
Maeluji,  Mae-las. 
Magbish,  Mag-biJ. 
Magdala,  Mag-da-lq. 
Magdalen,  Mag-da-len. 
Magdalene,  Mag-da-le-ne, 

or  Mag-da-len. 
Magdial,  Mag-di-el. 
Magog,  .Ma-gog. 
Magor   Missabib,     Ma-gor 

Magpiash,  Mag-pi -aj. 
Mahalab,  Ma-ha-lq. 
Mahalalecl,  Ma-hal-a-lel. 
Mahalalh   Leannoth,   Mti- 

ha-lat  Le-an-ot.       [kil. 
Mahalath  Maschil, — Mas- 
Mahaleel,  Ma-ba-le-el. 
Mahali,  Ma-ha-lj. 
Mahanaim,  Ma-ha-na-im. 
Mahaneh  Dan,    Ma-ha-ne 

Mahanena,  Ma-ha-nem. 
Maharai,  Ma-har-a-j. 
Mahith,  Ma-hat. 
Mahavites,  Ma-ha-vjts. 
Mahaz,  Ma-haz. 
Mahazioth,  Ma-ha-zi-ot. 
Mahershalalhashbaz,  Ma- 

Mahlah,  M(|-la. 
Mahli,  Mq-Ii. 
Mahlites,  Mq-ljts. 
Mahlon,  Mq-lon. 
Maianeas,  Ma-an-e-as. 
Makas,  Ma-kas, 
Maked,  Ma-ked. 
Makeloth,  Ma-ke-lot. 
Makkedah,  Ma-ke-da. 
JIaktesh,  Mak-te/. 
Malachi,  Mal-a-kj. 
Malcham,  Mal-kam. 
Mrtlchiah,  Mal-kj-a. 
Malchicl,  Mal-ki-&l. 
Malchielites.  Mal-ki-el-jts. 
Malchijah,  Mal-kj-ja. 
Malchiram,  ^lal-ki-ram. 
Maichishuah,  Mal-ki-Ji|-a. 
Malchom,  Mal-kom. 
Malchus,  Mal-kus. 
Mallas,   Mal-as, 
Mallothi,  Mal-o-t^. 

Malluch,  Mal-uk. 
Mamaias,  Ma-md-yas. 
Mammon,  Maru-on. 
Mamnitanaimus,  Mam-ni- 

Mamre,  Mam-re. 
Matliucus,  Ma-mi'i-kus. 
Manaen,  Man-a-en. 
Manahath,  Man-a-haft. 
Manahem,    Man-a-hem. 
xManahethites,  Ma-na-het- 

Manasseas,  Man-a-se-as. 
Manasseh,  Ma-nas-e. 
Manassitcs,  Ma-nas-jts. 
Maneh,  Ma-ne.  [im, 

Manhanaim,     Man-ha-na- 
Mani,  Ma-nj. 
Manna,  Man-a. 
Manoah,  Ma-n6-a. 
Ma<;cb,  Ma-ok. 
Maon,  Ma-on. 
Maonite?,  Ma-on-jts. 
Mara,  Ma-ra. 
Marah.  Ma-ra. 
Maralah,  Mar-a-lq. 
Maranatha,  Mar-a-nat-a. 
Mardocheus,    Mqr-dca-ke- 

Mareshah,  Ma-re -Ja. 
Mark,  Mqrk. 
Marij^a,  Mar-i-sq. 
Marmoth,  Mqr-mot. 
Maroth,  Ma-rof). 
Marrekah,  Mar-e-k<^. 
Marsena,  Mqr-se-nq. 
Martena,  Mqr-te-nq. 
Martha,  Mqr-ta. 
Mary,  Ma-rt. 
Masa,  Ma-sa. 
Maschil,  Mas-kil. 
Maseloth,  Mas-e-lot. 
Mash,  Ma/. 
Mashal,  Ma-Jal. 
Masman,  Mas-man. 
Masmoth,  !M:\s-mot. 
Masrekah.  Mas-re-kq. 
Massah,  Mas-o. 
Massias,  Ma-sj-as. 
Matred,  Ma-tred. 
Matri,  Ma-trj. 
Mattan,  Mat-an. 
Mattanah,  Mat-a-nq. 
Maltaniah,  Mat-a-nj-a. 
Mattatha,  Mat-a-tq. 
Mattathias.  Mat-a-ti-as, 
Mattenai,  Mat-e-na-j. 
Matthan,  Mat-tan. 
Matthat,  Mat-tat. 
Matthclas,  Mat-t^-las. 

Matthew,  Miit-yq,. 
Matthias,  Mat-ti-as. 
Mattithiah,  Mat'-i-ti-d. 
Mazitias,  Maz-i-tj-as. 
Mazzaroth,  Maz-a-rot. 
Meah,  Me-a. 
Mean!,  Me-a-nj. 
Mearah,  Me-a-ra. 
Mebunai,  Me-bii-na. 
Mecherath,  Mek-e-rat.  [jt. 
Mecherathite,   Mek-c-rat-* 
Medad,  Me-dud. 
Medalah,  Med-a-lq, 
Medan,  Me-dan. 
Medeba,  Med-e-bq. 
Medes,  Medz. 
Media,  Me-di-q. 
Median,  Me-di-an. 
Meoda,  Me-e-da. 
Megiddo,  Me-gid-C5. 
Megiddon,  Me-gid-on. 
Mehali,  Me-ha-lj. 
Mehetabel.  Me-het-a-bel, 
Mehida.  Me-hj-da. 
Mehir,  Me-her. 
Meholathite,  ME-hol-at-jt, 
Mehujael,  Me-h^-ja-el. 
Mehuman,  Me-hi^-man. 
Mehunim,  M8-hVi,-*im. 
Mehunims,  Me-hi\-niraz. 
Mejarkon,  ile-jqr-kon. 
Mekonah,  Mek-o-nq. 
Melatiah,  Mel-a-t^-a. 
Melchi,  Mel-kj. 
Melchiah,  Mel-kj-a. 
Melehias,  Mel-kj-as. 
Melchiel,  Mel-ki-el.   [dek. 
Melchisedek,    Mel-kiz-«- 
Melchishua,  Mel-ki-Jq,-<i. 
Mulea,  Me-Ie-a. 
Melech,  Me-lek. 
Melita,  Mel  i-tq. 
Mcllicu,  Mel-i  kq,. 
Melzar,  Mel-zar. 
Memphis,  Mem-fia. 
Memucan,  Mg-mq-kan. 
Menahera,  Men-a-hem. 
Menan,  Me-nan. 
Mene,  Me-ne. 
Menith,  Me-nit. 
Menothai,  Men-o-ta. 
Meonencm,  Me-on-c-nem, 
Mephaath,  Mef-a-at. 
Mephibosheth,    Me-fib-o- 

Merab,  Me-rab. 
Meraiah,  Mer-a-j-a. 
Meraioth.  Me-ra-yoD, 
Meran,  Me-ran. 
Merari,  Mer-a-rj. 

Scripture    Proper    Names. 


Mcrarites,  Mer-a-qtg. 
Merathaim,  Mcr-a-ta-im.  ' 
Mired,  Me-reil. 
Mereiuoth,  Mer-e-mot. 
Merez,  Me-rez. 
Meriba,  Mer-i-bq. 
Meribah,  Mer-i-bq.     [dej. 
Meribah   Kadesh,  —  Ka- 
Meribbaal,  Ms-rib-a-al. 
Marioioth,  Mer-i-mnt). 
Merodach  Balivdan,  Me-ru- 

dak  Bal-adan. 
Merom,  Afe-rom. 
Meronothite,  Me-roa-o-tit. 
Meroz,  Ms-roz. 
Moruth,  Me-rut. 
Mesech,  Me-sek. 
Mesha,  Me-Ja. 
Me?hach,  Me-Jak. 
Meshecb,  Me-Jek. 
Meshelemiah,   MeJ-el-e- 

Meshczabel,  Me-Jez-a-bel. 
Meshillainith,    MeJ-i-la- 

mit.  [mot. 

Meshillemoth,    Me-Jil-c- 
Meshoba,  Me-J6-ba. 
M^jshullam,  Me-Jul-ara.' 
Meshullcinith,  51b -Jul- e- 

Mosobah,  Me?-U)-bq. 
Mesobaite,  Mea-o-ba-jt. 
Me.-»opotamia,     Mes-o-pca- 

Messiah,  Mes-j-a. 
Messias,  Mes-j-as. 
Moteras,  Me-te-rus. 
Metheg   Ammah,    Me-fteg 

Methredath,  Mell-re-datl. 
Mothu-»ael,  Me-ti\,-sa-el. 
Methusela,  MF-Cq-se-lq. 
Methuselah,  Mc-bq-sc-lq. 
Meunim,  ME-yi;-nini. 
Mczahab,  Mez-a-bub. 
Miainin,  Mj-a-min. 
Mihbar,  Mib-har. 
Mibsatn,  Mib-satu. 
Mibzar,  Mib-zar. 
Micah,  Mj-ka. 
Miciiah,  Mi-k6-yq. 
Mich  a,  Mj-ka. 
Michael,  Mj-ka-el. 
Michah,  Mi-ka. 
Michaiah,  Mj-kd-ya. 
Michal,  Mj-kal. 
Michraas,  Mik-mas. 
Michmash,  Mik-raa/. 
Michoxethab,  Mik-me-t<i. 

Michri,  Mik-rj. 
Michtam,  Mik-tam. 
Middin,  Mid-in. 
Midian,  Mid-i-an. 
Midianites,  Mid-i-an-jts. 
Migdalol,  Mis;-da-lel. 
Migdal  Gad,  'Mig-dal  Gad. 
Migdol,  Mig-dol. 
Migron,  Mig-ron. 
Mijamin,  Mij-a-min. 
Mikloth,  Mik-lofi. 
Mikneiah.  Mik-nj-a. 
Milalai,  Mil-a-la-j. 
Milcah,  Mil-ka. 
Milcha,  Mil-ka. 
Milchah,  Mil-ka. 
Mi  loom,   Mil-kom. 
Millo,  Mil-o. 
Mina,  Mj-na. 
Miniamin,  Mi-n}-a-min. 
Minni,  Min-j. 
Minnith,  Min-ifi. 
Miphkad,  Mif-kad. 
Miriam,  Mir-i-am. 
Mirraa,  Mer-ma. 
Misgab,  Mis -gab. 
Mishael,  MiJ-a-el. 
Mishal,  Mi-Jal. 
Misham,  Mi- Jam. 
Misheal,  Mj-Je-al,  or  Mj 

Je  al. 
Mishma,  MiJ-ma. 
Mishmanna,  MiJ-raan-a. 
Mishraites,  MiJ-ra-iLs. 
Mispar,  Mis-par. 
Mispereth.  Miz-pe-retl. 
Mispha,  Miz-fa. 
Misphah,  Miz-fa. 
Misraira,  Miz-ra-im. 
Misrephothmaim,    Miz-rs 

Mithcah,  Mit-ka. 
Mithnito,  Mif)-nit. 
Mithridath,  Mit-ri-dat. 
Mizar,  Mj-zar. 
Mizpah,  Sliz-pa. 
Mizpeh,  Miz-pe. 
Mizraim,  Miz-ra-ial, 
Mizzah,  Miz-a. 
Mnason,  Nii-son, 
Moab,  Mci-ab. 
M'>abito3,  M(S-ab-|tfl. 
Moadiah,  Mo-a-dj-a, 
Nfockmur,  Mok-mur. 
M(X!kram.  Mok-ram. 
Mrxlin,  Mij-din. 
Moeth,  Mil)  et. 
Moladah,  Mol-u-dq. 
M-lech,  MJi-lok. 
Moli,  Moi-li. 

Molid,  M(5-lid. 
Moloch,  M(5-lok. 
Momdis,  Mora-dis. 
Moosias,  Md-cj-si-as. 
Morashite.  Mcj-raj-jt. 
Morasthito,  M6-ra3-tjt. 
Mordecai,  Mer-de-ka. 
Moreh,  xMo-re. 
Morosheth  Gath,  M6r-eJ* 

et  GaD. 
Moriah,  Moa-ri-a. 
Mosera,  Mo-se-ra. 
Moserah.  Mcs-se-ra. 
Moses,  Mu»-zez. 
Mosollam,  Mo-sol-am, 
Mosoroth,  Mo-sdi-rot. 
Mosul lamon,    Mo  -  sdl  -  a* 

Moza,  M6-za. 
Mozah,  Mo-za. 
Muppim,  Mdp-im. 
Mushi,  Mq-Jj. 
Mushites,  Mq-Jjts. 
Miithlabben,  Mat-lab-eiu 
Myadus,  Min-dus. 
Myra,  Mj-ra. 
Mytilene,  Mit-i-le-ne. 


Xaara,  Na-ara. 
Xaamah,  Na-a-mq. 
Naaraan,  Na-a-man. 
Naamathite,  Na-a-mA-tit. 
\aamites,  Na-ara-its, 
Naarah,  Na-a-rq. 
Xaarai,  Na-a-ra. 
Xaaran,  Na-a-ran. 
Naarath,  Na-a-ratl. 
Xaashon,  Na-aJ-on. 
Naathus.  Na-a-tus. 
Nabal,  Na-bal. 
Xabarias,  Nab-a-rj-as. 
Xabathitcs,    Na-bat-it3. 
N'uboth,  Na-bo6. 
Nachon,  Na-kon. 
Nachor,  Na-kor, 
\adab,  Na-dab. 
N'lulabatha,  Na-dab-a-tq. 
Nagge,  N.Vgc. 
Nahabi,  Na-ha-bi. 
Nahaliel,  Na-ha-fi-ol. 
Nahallal,  \a-hal-al. 
Nahulol,  Na-ha-lol. 
Nabam,  Nfi  bam. 
Nabami,  Na-bain-a-D}. 


Scripture    Proper    Names. 

Naharai,  Na-har-a-j. 
Naha.^h,  Na-haJ. 
Nahath,  Na-hat. 
Nahbi,  Nq[-bi. 
Nahor,  Na-hor. 
Nahshon,  Nq-Jon. 
Nahum,  Na-hurn. 
N.iidus,  Nd-i-dus. 
Naiin,  Na-iin. 
Nain,  Na-in. 
Naioth,  Na-yoD. 
Nanea,  Na-ne  a.  [mi. 

Naomi,  Na-cD-mj,  or  Na-6- 
Naphisi,  Naf-i-sj. 
Naphthali,  Naf-ta-lj. 
Naphthar,  N:if-tar. 
Naphtahim,  Naf-tq,-him. 
Napijh,  Na-piJ. 
Nasbas,  Nas-bas. 
Nashon,  Na-Jon. 
Nasith,  Na-sit. 
Nasor,  Na-sor. 
Nathan,  Na-tan. 
Nftthanael,  Na-Mn-a-el. 
Nathanias,  Nafi-a-ni-as, 
Nathan    Melech,    Na-tan 

Naum,  Na-um. 
Nave,  Na-ve. 
Nazarene,  Naz-a-rsn. 
Nazaroncs,  Naz-a-renz. 
Nazareth,  Naz-a-ret. 
Nazarite,  Naz-a-rjt. 
Neah,  Ne-a. 
Neariah,  Ne-a-rj-a. 
Nebai,  Neb-a-|. 
Nebaioth,  Ne-ba-yoC. 
Nebajolh,  Nt-ba-jot. 
Neballat.  Ne-bal-at. 
Nebat,  Ne-bat. 
Nebo,  Ne-bo. 
Nebuchadnezzar,  Neb-yT\,- 

Nebuchadrezzar,  Ncb-yq,- 

Nebuchasban,     Neb  -  ytl  - 

-  kas-ban. 
Nebuchodonosor,  Neb-yq,- 

Nebuzaradan,  Neb-yi],-zar- 

Necho,  Ne-ko. 
Necodan,  Ne-ko-dan. 
Nedabiah,  Ned-a-bj-a. 
Neemias,  Ne-E-mi-as. 
Neginoth,  Neg-i-not. 
Nehelamite,  Ne-hel-a-mjt. 
Nehemiah,  Ne-he-mj-a. 
Nehemias,  Ne-he-mjas. 
Nolnun,  Ns-hum. 

Nohush'a,  Ne-hd/-ta. 
Nehushtah,  Ne-hiif-ta. 
Ntjhushtan,  Ne-hiiJ-tan. 
Niiel,  Nei-el. 
Nekeb,  Ng'-keb. 
Xekoda,  Np-ku-da. 
Nemuel,  Ne-ni^-el. 
Norauelite^  Ne-raii-el-its. 
Nepheg.  Ne-feg. 
Xephr,  Ne-fi. 
Nephi?,  Ne-fis. 
Nephish,  Ne-fiJ. 
Xephidhesim,  Ne-fiJ-e-sim. 
Xephthali,  Nef-ta-li. 
Nephthoah,  Nef-to-q. 
Nephtuim,  Nef-ti|-im. 
Nephusira,  Ne-fq^-sim. 
Ner,  Ner. 
Nereus,  Ne-re-us. 
NergJil,  Ner-gal.  [zer. 

Norgal  Sharczer,  — Sa-re- 
Nari,  Ne-rj. 
Neriah,  Ne-ri-a. 
Nethancel,  Ne-tan-e-el. 
Nethaniah,  Nnt-a-nj  a. 
Xethiniins,  Ne6-i-nimz. 
Netophah,  Nr-to-fa. 
Xetophathi,  Ne-tof-a-tj. 
Notophathites,  Ne-toE-a- 

Ncziah,  Ne-zi-a. 
Nezib,  N£-zib. 
Nibbas,  Nib-aa, 
Nibshan,  Nib-Jan. 
Nicodotnug,  Nik-o-de-mus. 
Nicolaitans,  Nik-o-la-i- 

Nicolas,  Nik-o-las. 
Nimrab,  Nim-ra. 
Nimrim,  Nim-rim. 
Nimrod,  Nim-rod. 
Nimshi,  Nim-Jj. 
Nineve,  Nin-e-ve. 
Nifteveh,  Nin-e-ve. 
Ninevites,  Nin-e-vjts. 
Nisan,  Nj-san. 
Nisroch,  Nis-rok. 
Noadiah,  Nca-a-dj-a. ' 
Noah,  N(5-a,   or 
Noe,  N(o-e. 
Nob,  Nob. 
Nobah,  No-ba. 
Nod,  Nod. 
Nodab,  NiD-dab. 
Noeba,  N6-e-ba. 
Noga,  Ncf)-ga,  or 
Nogan,  N(A)-gan. 
Nohah,  Nu>-ha. 
Nom,  Nora. 
iNomades,  Nomra-dez. 

Nomenius,  No-me-ni-us. 

Non,  Non. 

Noph,  Nof. 

Nophah,  N6-fa. 

Nun,  Nun,  j^the  father  qf 

Joshua. ) 
Nyoiphas,  Nim-fas. 


Obadiah,  Ob-a-dj-a,  or 

Obal,  O'bal. 
Obed,  O'bed. 
Obed  Edom,  —  S'dom. 
Obeth,  Q'bet. 
Obil,  O'bil. 
Oboth,  O'bot. 
Ochiel,  O'ki-el. 
Oeidelus,  Os-i-de-lus. 
Oijina,  Os'i-nq. 
Ocran,  Ok'ran. 
Oded,  Q'ded. 
OdoUara,  O-dol-am. 
Odonarkes,  OJ-on-dr-kei, 
Og,  Og. 
Ohad,  O'had. 
Ohel,  Q'hel. 
Olamus,  Ol'a-rau3. 
Olivet,  Ol'i-vet. 
Olyraphas,  Q-lim-fas. 
Oinaerus.  Om-a-e-ru3. 
Omar,  O'mar. 
Omega,  O-me-ga. 
Omer,  O'mer. 
Oinri,  Om'rj. 
On,  On. 
Onam,  O'nam. 
Onan,  O'nan. 
Onesiraus,  O-nea-i-mug. 
OnesiphorCLS,    On-e-sif-o- 

Oniare3,  O-nj-a-rez. 
Onias,  O-ni-as. 
Ono,  O'no. 
Onus,  O'nus. 
Onya3,  O-nj-as. 
Onycha,  On'i-kq. 
Onyx,  Q'nik3. 
Ophel,  Q'fel. 
Opher,  Q'fer. 
Ophir,  CO'fer. 
Ophni,  Of'nj. 
Ophrah,  Of'ra. 
Oreb,  (D'reb,  ^ 

Oren,  O'ren,  or 

Oran,  O'ran. 

Scripture    Proper    Names. 


Orion^O'ri-on,  or  O-rl-on, 
Ornau,  Or'nan. 
Orphah,  Gn'm. 
OrthosiiW.  0r-tQ-s{-a3. 
Osaias,  O-za-yas. 
Osea?,  O-ze-as. 
Osee,  Q'ze. 
Oshea,  Q'Je-<l- 
Ospray,  Os'pra. 
Ossifragrt,  Os'i-fraj. 
Otbni,  Ot'ni. 
Othniel,  06'ni-el. 
Othonias  06-(D-n|-as. 
Oze'D,  O'zeui. 
Ozias,  Q-zj-as. 
Oziel,  U'zi-el. 
Ozni,  Oz'iij. 
Oznites,  O/Znita. 
Ozora,  0-z6-ra. 


Paarai,  Pa-a-ra. 
Padan,  Pa-dan. 
Padan  Aram,  —  3'rain. 
Padon,  Pa-don. 
Pas'iel,  Pa-gi-el.  [ab. 

Pa  hath  Moab,  Pa-hat  M6- 
Pai,  Pa-i. 
Palal,  Pa-lal. 
Palestine.  Pal-es-tjn. 
Pallu,  Pal-yiv 
Palluit«8,  Pal-yivita. 
Palti,  Pal-ti. 
Paltiel,  Pal-ti-el. 
Paltite,  Pal-tit. 
Pan  nag,  Pan-ag. 
Paradise,  Par-a-di3. 
Parah,  Pa-ra. 
Paran,  Pti-ran. 
Par  bar,  Pt^r-lxir. 
Paruiiishta,  Pqr-maJ-ta. 
Parmenas,  P^r-me-aas. 
Parnach,  Pqr-nak. 
Parnatb,  Pqr-nat. 
Parosh,  Pa-r.»J.  [tq. 

Parshandatha,  Pcir-Jan-da- 
Paruah,  Par-yt],-<i. 
Parvaim,  Pqr  va-im. 
Pa.'jach,  Pa-8iik. 
Pajdaintnin,  Pas-dam-in. 
PiMeah,  Pii-ae-a. 
Pariior,  PaJ-ur. 
Pa«sover,  Pas-o-vcr. 
Patara,  Pat-a-rq. 
Pateoli.  I'a-ti-o-ll. 
Paiheua,  Pa-te-ua. 
Pathrofl,  Pat-ros. 

Pathrusim,  Pat-r<6-sim. 
Patrobas,  Pat-ro-bas. 
Pau,  Pa-yq. 
Paul,  Pol. 
Pedahel,  Ped-a-hel. 
Podahzur,  PeJ-a-zur. 
Pedaiah,  Ps-da-ya. 
Pekah,  Pe-ka. 
Pekahiah,  Pek-a-h|-a. 
Pekod,  Pe-kod. 
Pelaiah,  Pel-a-j-a. 
Pclaliah,  Pel-a-lj-a. 
Pelatiah.  Pel-a-tj-a. 
Peleg,  Pe-leg. 
Pelet,  Pe-let. 
Peleth,  Pe-let. 
Pelethites,  Pe-let-jta. 
Polias,  Pe-lj-as. 
Pelonite,  Pel-o  njt. 
Peniel,  Pe-nj-el.  ' 
Paninnah,  Pe-nin-a. 
Penninah,  Peii-i-nq,. 
Pentapolis,    Pen-tap-o-lis, 
Pentateuch,  Pen-ta-ti|,k. 
Pentecost.  Pen-te-ko3t. 
Penael,  Pe-nii-el. 
Peor,  Pg-or. 
Perazinr,  Per-a-zim. 
Peresh,  Pe-reJ. 
Perez.  Pe-rez. 
Perez  Uzza,  —  Uz'a. 
Perga,  Per-ga. 
Pergaino'^,  Per-ga-mos. 
Perida,  Pe-rj-da. 
Perizzites,  I'er-iz-jts. 
PerFnena",  Per-nie-na3. 
Peruda,  Pe-rtb-da, 
Pethahiah,  Pc6-a-h|-a. 
Pethor,  Pe-tor. 
Pelhucl,  Pc-tq-el. 
Peulthai,  Pe-ul-ta. 
Pbacareth.  Fak-a-refi. 
Phaisur,  Fa-sur. 
Phaldaiu.''.  Fal-da-yus. 
Phaleas,  Fa-lE-as. 
I*haleg,  Fa-leg. 
Phallu,  Fal-yij,. 
Phalti,  Fal-ti. 
Phaltiel,  Fal-ti-el. 
Phanucl,  Fa-ni\-el. 
Pharacim,  Far-a-sim. 
l*haraoh.  Faro. 
l*harathoni,  FAr-a-t(5-n|. 
Pharez,  Fa-rez. 
Pnurezites,  Fa-rez-jts. 
Pharisees,  Far-i-8£z. 
Pharosh,  Fn-ro/. 
Pharpar,  Fqr  par. 
Pharites,  Fqr-zjts. 
Phaseoh,  Fa-ae-q. 

Phaselis,  F^-se-lis. 
Phasiron.  F:is-i-roa. 
Phebe,  Fe-be. 
Phenice.  Fc-nj-se. 
Phibeserh,  Fib-e-set. 
Phicol,  Fi-kol. 
Philarches,  Fi-l^r-Uez. 
Philemon,  Fi-le-mon. 
Philetus,  Fi-le-tus. 
Philistia,  Fi-lis-ti-q. 
Philistiin.  Fi-lis-tiui. 
Philistines,  Fi-lis-tinz. 
Philologus,  Fi-lol-Q-gug. 
Philometor,  Fil-o-uie-tor. 
Phineas,  Fin  c-as. 
Phinehas,  Fin-e-has. 
Phison,  Fj  ?on. 
Phlegon,  Fle-gon. 
Phonts,  F(f»-ro3. 
Phal,  Ful. 
Phur,  Fur. 
Phurah.  Fq,-ra. 
Phut,  Fut. 
Phuvah,  Fn-va. 
Phygellus,  Fi-jel-us. 
Piiyiiicteries,  Fi-lak-te-riK. 
Pihahiroth,  Pi-ha-h^-rot. 
Pilate,  Pj-lat, 
Pilda.-h,  Pil-daJ. 
Piletha,  Pil-8-tq. 
Piltai,  Pil-ta. 
Pinon,  Pj-non. 
Pira,  Pj-ra. 
Pi  rain,  Pj-ram. 
Pirathon,  Pir-a-feon. 
Pirathonire,  Pir-a-toQ-jt, 
Pisgah,  Piz-ga. 
Pison,  Pj-son. 
Pispah,  Pis-pa. 
Pithon,  Pj-ton. 
Pochereth,  P6k-R-ret. 
Pontius  Pilate,   P6a-ti-u8 

Poratha,  Por-a-tq. 
Potiphar,  P6t-i-far. 
Potiphera,  Pu)tif-c-rq.  Pr6k-Q-rus. 
Pua,  Pq-a,  or 
Puah,  Pi'i-a. 
Pudens,  Pq-den2. 
Pu bites,  Pq-hjta. 
Pul,  Pul. 
Punites,  Pq-nita. 
Punon,  Pq-non. 
Pur,  Pur.  or 
Purim,  Pq-rJn». 
Put,  Put. 

Puteoli,  Pq-W-o-U. 
Putiel,  Pq-ti-el. 
P/garg,  Pi-gqrg. 


Scripture    Proper    Names. 


Raiimah,  Ra-a-mq. 
liaamiah,  lia-a-mj-a. 
Rn anises,  Ila-am-sez. 
Kabbah,  Rab-a. 
Rabbat,  R,ib-at. 
Rabbath,  Rab-ab. 
Rabbi,  Rab-j. 
Rabbith,  Rab-it. 
Rabboni,  lia-bw-nj. 
Rabinag.  Rab-mag. 
Rabi^aces,  Rab-sa-sez. 
Rabsaris,  Rab-sa-ris. 
Rabshakoh,  Rab-Ja-ke. 
Raca,  or  Racha,  Ra-ka. 
Racab.  Ra-kab. 
Racal,  Ra-kal. 
Rachab,  Ka-kab. 
Rachel,  Ra-qel. 
Raddai,  Rad-a-j. 
Ragau,  Ra-ge. 
Rages,  Ra-jez. 
Ragua,  Rag-yi],-q. 
Raguel,  Ra-gi'i-el. 
Rahab,  Ra-hab. 
Raham,  Ra-hain. 
Rakcin,   Ra-kcm. 
Rakkath,  Rak-at 
Rakkon,  Rak-on. 
Ram,  Rain. 

Rama,  or  Ramah,  Ra-ma. 
Ramath,  Ra-mat. 
Ramathaim,  Ra-mat-a-im. 
Ramathctn,  Ram-a-tem. 
Ramathitc,  Ra-mafc-jt. 
Ramath  Lehi,  Ra-mat  Le- 

Ramath  Mispeh,  —  Mis-pe. 
Rameses,  Ra-ms-sez. 
Ramiah,  Ra-mj-a. 
Ramoth,  Ra-mot. 
Ramoth   Gilead,    Ra-mot 

Rapha,  Ra-fa. 
Raphael,  Ra-fa-el. 
Raphah,  Ra-fct. 
Ra^)haim,  Raf-a-im. 
Raphon,  Ra-fon. 
Rapha,  Ra-fi],. 
Rassis,  Riis-is. 
Rathumu<,  Rat-yti,-mus. 
Razis,  Ra-zis. 
Reaiah,  Re-a-j-a. 
Reba,  Rt-ba. 
Rebecca,  Rc-b^k-a. 
Rechab,  Re-kab, 
Rechabitos,  Rc-kab-jts. 

Recbah,  Re-ka. 
Reelaiah,  Re-el-a-ya. 
Reelias,  Re-el-j-as. 
Reesaias,  Re-sa-yas. 
Regem,  Re -gem.  [lek. 

Regemmelech,   Re-g^m-E- 
Regora,  Re-gom. 
Rehabiah,  RE-ha-bi-d. 
Rehob,  Rs-hob. 
Rehoboam,  RE-ho-b6-am, 
Rehoboth,  Rs-hci-bot. 
Rehu,  Re-hiX. 
Rehura,  Re-hum. 
Rei,  Re-j. 
Rekem,  Re-kcm. 
Rcmaliah,  Rem-a-lj-a. 
Remeth,  Re-met. 
Remraon,  Rem-on. 
Remraon  Methoar,  —  Met- 

Remphan,  R6m-fan. 
Remphis,  Rem-fis. 
Rephael,  Re-fa-el. 
Rcphah,  Re-fa. 
Rephaiah,  Ref-a-;[-a, 
Rephaim,  Ref-a-im. 
Re ph aims,  Ref-a-imz. 
Rephidim,  Ref-i-dim. 
Resen,  Re-sen. 
Resheph,  Re-Jef. 
Reu,  Re-i^. 
Reuben,  Rtj5-ben. 
Reuel,  Re-yiVel. 
Reumah,  Rdb-ma. 
Rezeph,  Re-zef. 
Rezia,  Re-zj-a. 
Rezin,  Re-zin. 
Rezon,  Re-zon. 
Rhegium,  Re-ji-um. 
Rhesa,  Re-sa. 
Rhoda,  R6-da. 
Rhodocus,  R6d-ca-kus. 
Ribai,  Rj-ba. 
Riblah,  Rib-la. 
Riramon,  Rim-on. 
Rimmon  Parez,  —  Pa-rez. 
Rinnah,  Rin-a. 
Riphath,  Rj-fat. 
Rispah,  Ris-pa. 
Rissah,  Ris-a. 
Rithmah,  Rit-ma. 
Rogelira,  Ro-ge-lim. 
Rohgah,  Ro-ga. 
Roiraus,  Ro-i-mus. 
Romantiezer,  Ro-man-ti- 

Rosh,  RoJ. 
Ruby,  R(f)-bi. 
Rufus,  Ii*f)-fus. 
Rubamab,  R<jb-ha-mq. 

Rumah,  Rdo-ma. 
Rusticus,  Rds-ti-kiU. 
Ruth,  Ra)t. 


Sabacthani,  Sa-bak-ta-ni. 
Sabaoth,  Sab-a-ot. 
Sabat,   Sa-bat. 
Sabatus,  Sab-a-tus. 
Sabban,  Sab-an. 
Sabbath,  Sab-at. 
Sabbatheus,    Sab-a-ts-uS. 
Sabbeus,  Sa-be-us. 
Sabdeus,  Sab-de-U3. 
Sabdi,  Sab-dj. 
Sabeana,  Sa-be  aoz, 
Sabi,  Sa-bj. 
Sabtah,  Sab-ta. 
Sabtecha,   Sab-te-kq. 
Sacar,  Sa-kar. 
Sadamias,  iSad-a-mj-as. 
Sadas,  Sa-dag. 
Saddens,  Sad-e-U3. 
Sadduc,  Sad-uk. 
Sadducees,  Sad-yq,-sez. 
Sadoc,  Sa-dok. 
Sahadutha  Jegar,  Sd-h»- 

dt\-ta  Je-gar. 
Sala,  Sa-la. 
Salah,  Sa-la. 
Salasadai,  Sal-a-sad-a-j. 
Salathiel,  Sa-la-ti-el. 
Salcah,  Sal-ka. 
Salchah,  Sal-ka. 
Salem,  Sii-lem. 
Salim,  Sa-lim. 
Sallai,  Sal-a-j. 
Sallu,  Sal-yq. 
Sallum,  Sal-um. 
Sallumus,  Sa-lq-mu8. 
Salraa,  or  Salmah,  Sal-ma. 
Salmon,  Sal-mon. 
Salmone,  Sal-mo-ne. 
Salom,  Sa-lom. 
Salome,  Sa-16-mg. 
Salu,  Sa-lq,. 
Salum,  Sa-lum. 
Samael,  Sam-a-el. 
Samaias,  Sa-ma-yas. 
Samaria,    Sa-ma-ri-q,    or 

Sam-a-rj-a.  Itanz. 

Samaritans,     Sa-mar-i- 
Samatus,  Sam-a-tus. 
Sameius.  Sa-me-yus. 
Samgar  Nebo,     Sdm-gqr 


Scripture    Proper    Name3. 


Sami,  Sa-mi. 
Samis,  Sa-inis. 
Sauilah,  Saui-la. 
Sammas,  Sam-us. 
Sarnpsames,  8ainp-sa-mez. 
Satnsoo,  iSam-s^in. 
Samuel,  Sam-yn,-el. 
Sanabadsarus,    San-a-ba3- 

Sanasib,  San-a-sib. 
Sanballat.,  San-bal-at. 
Sanhedrim,   San-he-drim. 
Sansannah,  San-san-a. 
Saph,  Saf. 
Saphat,  Sa-fat. 
Saphatias,  Saf-a-tj-a3, 
Sapheth,  Sa-fet. 
Saphir,  Saf-er. 
Sapphira,  Sap-fj-m. 
Sapphire,  Sap-fjr, 
Sara,  Sa-ra,  or 
Sarai,  Sa-ra. 
Sarabias,  Sar-a-bj-as. 
Sarai  ah,  Sar-a-j-a. 
Sarah,  Sa-ra. 
Saraia^,  Sa-ra-yas. 
Saramael,  Sa-ram-a-el. 
Saramel,  Sar-a-mel. 
Saraph,  Sa-raf.  [nus. 

Sarchedouus,    Sqr-ked-o- 
Sardeus,  S^r-de-ua. 
Sard  is,  S^r-dis. 
Sardine,  Sqr-dja. 
Sardites,  S^r-djts. 
Sardine,  Sqr-di-us. 
Sardonyx,  Sqr-do-niks. 
Saroa,  Sa-re-q. 
Sarcpta,  Sa-rep-ta. 
Sarjfon,  Sqr-gon. 
Sarid,  Sa-rid. 
Saron,  Sa-  ron. 
Sarothi,  Sa-r^-tj. 
Sarsechim,  Sqr-se-kim. 
Saruch,  Sa-ruk. 
Satan,  Sa-tan.  [nez. 

Sathrabazne3,  Sat-ra-baz- 
Sathrabouzanes,  Sat-ra- 

Saul,  Sel. 
Savaran,  Siv-a-ran. 
Savias,  Sa-vi-aa. 
Sceva,  Se-TO. 
Scribes,  Skribz. 
Scythians,  Skit-5-anz. 
Scythopolis,  Ski-top-o-lis. 
Scythopolitans,    Skit-o- 

Seba,  Sg-ba. 
Sebat,  Se-bat. 
Secacah  S^k-a-ki^. 

Sechenias,  Sek-E-nj-as. 

Sechu,  S«-ki\. 

Sedecia?,  Sed-e-sj-as. 

Segub,  Se-gub. 

Sjir,  Se-er. 

Seiratb,  Se-i-rat. 

Sela,  Se-la. 

Selah,  Se-la. 

Selah  Hammahlekoth,   — 

Seled,  Se-led. 
Selemias,  Sel-s-mj-as. 
Sem,  Sem. 

Semachiah,  Sem-a-kj-a. 
Semaiah,  Sem-a-j-a. 
Seraaias,  Sem-a-j-as. 
Semei,  Sem-e-j. 
Semelleu3,  Se-mel-8-us. 
Semis,  Se-mis. 
Sennaab,  Sen-a-q. 
Seneh,  Se-ne. 
Senir,  Se-ner. 

or  Sen-ak-e-rib. 
Senuah,  Sea-yix-q. 
Seorim,  Se-o-riin. 
Sephar,  Se-far. 
Sepharad.  Sef-a-rad. 
Sepharvites,  Se-far-vita. 
Sephela,  Se-fe-la. 
Serah,  Ss-ra. 
Soraiah,  SE-ra-|-a. 
Seraphim,  Ser-a-fim. 
Sered,  Se-red. 
Seron,  Se-ron. 
Serug,  Se-rug. 
Sesia,  Se-ais. 
Sesthel,  Sd3-6el. 
Seth,  Set. 
Sethar,  Se-tar. 
Sether,  Se-ter. 
Shaalabbin,  Xa-al-ab-in. 
Shaalbim,  Sa-al-bim. 
Shaalbonite,  Ea-al-bo-njt. 
Shaaph,  Ea-af. 
Shaaraira,  Ea-a-r6-im. 
Shaa.xhgaa,  >3a-af-ga3. 
Shabbethai,  Ea-bet-a-j. 
Shachia,  51'ik-i-q. 
Shaddai,  Ead-a-j. 
Shadrach,  Eu-drak. 
Shage,  Xa-ge.  [mat. 

Shahazimath,  Ea-haz-i- 
Shalcm,  Xa-lem. 
Shalim,  Xa-lira. 
Shalisha,  Eal-i-Jq. 
Shallecheth,  Xal-e-keft. 
Shallum,  Xr'il-ura. 
Shaimai,  £al-ina-}. 

Shalman,  Sal-man.     [zer. 
Shalmaneser,   Xal-ma-ne- 
Shama,  Xa-raa. 
Shamariah.  Xim-a-rj-a. 
Shatned,  Xa-mod. 
Shamer,  XA-mer. 
Shamgar,  Xani-gar. 
Shamhulh,  Xam-hut. 
Shamir,  Xu-raer. 
Shamma,  Xam-a. 
Shamraah,  Xam-a. 
Shammai,  Xam-a-j. 
Shammotb,  Xam-ot. 
Shamraua,  Xi-mq-a. 
Shammuah,  X:i-mi\,-a. 
Shamsherai,   Xam-Je-ra-l. 
Shapham,  X.i-fam. 
Shaphan,  Xti-fan. 
Shaphat,  Xa-fat. 
Shapher,  Xa-fer. 
Sharai,  Xar-a-j. 
Sharaira,  Xar-a-im, 
jSliarar,  Xa-rar. 
iSbarezcr,  Xa-rg-zer. 
Sharmaim,  Xqr-ma-im, 
Sharon,  X:i,-ron. 
Sharouitea,  Xq-ron-jts, 
Sharuben,  Xa-r(6-hen. 
Shashai,  Xaj-a-j. 
Shashak.  X<ii-Jak. 
Shaul,  Xa-ul. 
Shaulitea,  Xa-ul-jta. 
Shausha,  Xa-y4-Ja. 
Shaveh,  Xa-ve. 
Sbaveth,  Xa-vet, 
Sheal,  Xe-al. 
Shealtiel,  Xe-al-ti-el. 
Sheariah,  Xs-a-rj-o. 
Sheba,  or  Shebah,  Xe-ba, 
Shebam,  Xe-bann. 
Shftbaniah,  Xab-a-nJ-a, 
Shebarim.  Xeb-a-rim. 
Shebat,  Xe-bat. 
Sheber,  Xe-ber. 
Shebna,  Xeb-na. 
Shebuel,  Xeb-yq,-el. 
Shochaniah,  Xok-a-n^-a. 
Shechem,  Xe-kem. 
Shcchemitea,   Xe-kera-jts. 
Shechinah,  Xek-i-nq. 
Shedeur,  Xed-e-ur. 
Shehariah,  Xe-ha-rj-a. 
Shekel,  Xe  kel. 
Shelah,  Xg-la. 
Sholanitea,  Xe-lan-it8. 
Shelemiah,  Xel-e-mj-a. 
Sheleph,  Xe-lef. 
Shelesh,  Xe-leJ. 
Shelomi,  £el-o-n4* 


Scripture    Proper    Names. 

Shelomith,   Sel-o-mit,  or 

Shelomofh,  Sel-o-mot. 
Shelumiel,  Xe-lq^-mi-el. 
ShetB,  Sera. 
Shema,  Ee-ma. 
Shemaah,  Sera-a-<l|,. 
Shemaiah,  Xeai-a-j|-a. 
Shemariah,  Eem-a-rj-a. 
Shemeber,  Xem-e-ber. 
Shemer,  Se-mer. 
Shemida,  Xe-mj-da. 
Sherainith,  Eem-i-nifi. 
Sheiniramoth,   Se-mir-a- 

Shemuel,  Se-mi^-el. 
Shen,  Xen. 
Shenazar,  Se-na-zar. 
Shenir,  Se-ner. 
Shepham,  Se-fam. 
Shephatiah,   Sef-a-tj-a. 
Shephi,  Xe-fj. 
Shepho,  Xe-fo. 
Shephuphan,  Xe-fii-fan. 
Sherah,  XE-ra. 
Sherebiah.  Xer-e-bj-a. 
Sheresh,  Xs-reJ. 
Sherezer,  Xc-rE-zer. 
Sheshack,  Xe-Jak. 
Sheshai,  Xe-Ja. 
Sheshan,  Xe-Jan. 
Sheshbazzar,  XtjJ-baz-ar. 
Shelh,  Xet. 

Shethar,  Xe-tar.        [na-j. 
Shethar  Boznai,    —  Boi- 
Sheva,  Xe-va. 
Shibboleth.  Xib-o-le«. 
Shibmah,  Xib-ma. 
Shichron,  Xi-kron. 
Shiggaion,  Xi-ga-yon. 
Shihon,  Xj-hon. 
Shihor,  Xj-bor.  [nat. 

Shihor  Libnath,   —  Lib- 
Shiihim.  Xj-j'-him. 
Sbilhi,  Xil-hj. 
Shilhim,  Xil-him, 
Shillem,  Xil-ena. 
Shilletnite:',  Xil-etn-its. 
Shiloah,  Xi-16-a. 
Shiloh,  or  Shilo,  Xj-Io. 
Shiloni,  Xi-lo-nj. 
Shilonites,  Xi-l^-njts. 
Shilshah,   Xil-Ja. 
Shimea,  Xime-q. 
Sbimeah,  Xira-c-q. 
Shimeam,  Xitu-e-ara. 
Shimeath,  Xim-e-at. 
Shimei,  Xini  c-j. 
Shimeoo,  Xitn-e-on. 

Shimhi,  Xiru-hj. 
Shimi,  Xj-mj. 
Shimites,  Xirn-its. 
Shimna,  Xim-na. 
Shimon,  Xj-raon. 
Shitnrath,  Xim-ratl. 
Shimri,  Xira-rj. 
Shimrith,  Xim-rifi. 
Shimron,  Xim-ron. 
Shimrotiites,   Xim-ron-jts. 
vShimron  Meron,   Xim-ron 

Shimshai,  Xim-/a. 
Shinab,  Xj-nab. 
Shinar,  Xi-nar. 
Shion,  Xj-on. 
Shiphi,  Xi-fi. 
Shiphmite,  Xif-mjt. 
Shiphra,  Xif-ra. 
Shiphrath.  Xif-rat. 
Shiptan,  Xip-tan. 
Shisha,  Xi-fa. 
Shishak,  Xi-Jak. 
Shitrai,   Xit-ra-j. 
Shittah,  Xit-a.       fWud. 
Shittim    Wood,     Xit  -  im 
Shiza,  Xi-za. 
Shoa,  X6-a. 
Shoab,  X6-ab. 
Shoah,  X6-a. 
Shobach,  X(j-bak. 
Shobai,  Xa-ba-^. 
Shobal,  Xo-bal. 
Shobek.  X6-bek. 
Shobi,  Xw-bj. 
Shocho,  X6-ko. 
Shochoh,  X6-k(3. 
Shoham,  XQ-ham. 
Shomer,  X6-mer. 
Shophach,  X6-fak. 
Shophan,  X6-fan. 
Shoshannim,  Xo-Jan-im. 
Shoshannim  Eduth,  —  8'- 
Shua,  Xi'i-a.  [dufi. 

Shuah.  Xq-a. 
Shual,  Xi'i-al. 
Shubael,  Xi],-ba-el. 
Shuham,  Xq,-ham. 
Shuhanaites,  Xii-ham-jta. 
Shuhites,  Xi\-bjts. 
Shulamite,  Xq-lam-jt. 
Shumathites,  Xii-mafe-jts. 
Shunaraito,  Xi'^-nam-jt. 
Shunem.  Xq-nem. 
Shuni,  Xi\-nj. 
Shunites,  Xq-njts. 
Shupham,  Xi\,-fam. 
Shuphamite.  Xq-fam-jt. 
Shuppim,  Xdp-im. 
Shur,  Sur. 

Shushan,  Xq-Jan. 
Shushan  8duth,  —  S'dut. 
Shuthalite?,  Xii-tal-jts. 
Shuthelah,  Xq-te-lq. 
Sia.,  Si-a. 
Siaka,  Sj-a-kq. 
vSiba,  S|-ba. 
Sibbachai,  Sib-a-ka. 
Sibbi.leth,  Sib-o-let. 
Sibmah,  Sib-ma. 
Sibraim,  Sib-ra-im, 
Sichem,  Sj-kem. 
Siddim,  Sid-im. 
Side,  Si-de. 
Sidon,  Sj-don. 
Sigionoth,  Si-gj-O-not. 
Siha,  Sj-ha. 
Sihon,  Sj-hon. 
Sihor,  S|-hor. 
Silas,  Sj-las. 
SiUa,  Sil-a. 
Siloa,  Sil-o-q,  6r 
Siloah,  Sil-o-q. 
Siloara,   Sil-o-am,  or  Si- 
Siloas,  Sil-o-as, 
Siloe,  Sil-o-E. 
Simalcue,  Sj-raal-ki^-e. 
Simeon,  Sim-e-on. 
Simeonites,    Sim-e-on-jts. 
Simon,  Sj-mon. 
Simri,  Sim-ri. 
Sin,  Sin. 
Sinai,  Sj-na. 
Sinira,  Sj-nim. 
Sinites,  Sin-jts. 
Sion,  Sj-on. 
Si ph moth,  Sif-moD. 
Sippai,  Sip-a. 
Sirach,   Sj-rak. 
Sirah,  Sj-ra, 
Sirion,  Sir-i-on. 
Sisamai,  Sis-am-a-|. 
Siaera,  Sis-R-rq. 
Sisinnes,  Sj-sin-ez. 
Sitnah,  Sit-na. 
Sivan,  Sj-van. 
So,  Sa. 

Sochoh,  S(S-ko. 
Socoh,  Sra-ko. 
Sodi,  S6-di. 
Sodom,  S6(i-om. 
Sodoraa,  S6d-o-mq. 
Sodomites,  Sod-ora-jts. 
Solomon,  S61-o-mon. 
So))ater,  S6p-a-ter. 
Sophereth,  S6f-e-re6. 
Sorek,  Sa>-rek. 
Sosi pater,  So-sip-a-ter. 
Sosthej^oj,  S6d-te-nes. 

Scripture    Proper    Names. 


Sostbenes,  Sos-te-nez. 
Sostratus,  Sos-tra-tus. 
SotaJ,  S6-ta-j.  or  So-ta-j. 
Stachys,  Sta-kis. 
Stacte,  Stak-tE. 
Stephana,  Stef-a-nq. 
Stephanas,  Stef-a-nas. 
Stephen,  Ste-ven. 
S>iah,  Sii-a. 
Suba,  Si^-ba. 
Subai,  Sq,-ba-|. 
Sucaathites,  Sri-kd-at-jts. 
Succoth,  Sdk-oft. 
Succoth  Benoth,  —  Be- not, 
Sud,  Sud. 
Sudias,  Six-di-as. 
Sukkiinis,  Sdk-i-imr, 
Sur,  Sur. 
Susa,  Sq,-sa. 
Susanchites,  S^-san-kjts. 
Susannah,  Si],-zan-a. 
Susi,  Sij^-sj. 
Sycamine,  Sik-a-aiin. 
Sycene,  Sj-se-nE. 
Sychar,  Sj'-kar. 
Syelus,  Sj-8-lus. 
Syene,  Sj-e-ne. 
Synagogue,  Sin-a-gog. 
Syntyche,  Sin-ti-kc. 
Syria  Maacah^  Sir-i-a  Ma- 

Syrion,  Sir-i-on. 
Sy  rophenicia,    Si  -  ro  -  f  e  - 



Taanach,    Ta  -  a  -  nak,    or 

Taanach  Shilo,  —  Xj-lo. 
Tabbaoth,  Tab-a-ot. 
Tabbath,  Tab-at. 
Tabeal,  Ta-be-al. 
Tabeel,  Ta-be-el. 
Tabellius,  Ta-bel-i-U8. 
Tabera,  Tab-e-rq. 
Tabitha,  Tab-i-tlq. 
Tabor,  Ta-bor. 
Tabriinon,  Tab-ri-mon. 
Tachraonite,  Tak-mo-nit. 
Tadmor.  Tad-mor. 
Tahan.  Ta-han. 
Tahanites,  Ta-han-it8. 
Tahapenes,  Ta-hap-c-nez. 
Tahaphanes,  Ta-haf-a-nez. 
Tahath,  Ta-hat. 
Tahponcs.  T^-pe-nez. 
Tahrea,  l<\,-n-<^ 

TahtJm   Hodshi,     Tq  -  tim 
H6d-Jj.  [Kq-mj. 

Taliiha   Cumi,     Tal-i-tq 
Talraai,  Tal-ina. 
TalmoB,  Tal-mon. 
Talsas,  Tal-sas. 
Tamah,  Ta-ma. 
Tamar,  Ta-raar. 
Tammuz,  Tam-uz. 
Tanach,  Ta-nak, 
Tanhuuaeth,   Tan-hti-met. 
Tanis,  Ta-nis. 
Taphath,  Ta-fat. 
Taphenes,  Taf-e-nez. 
Taphnes,  Taf-nez. 
Taphon,  Ta-fon. 
Tappnah,  Tap-yq,-q. 
Tarah,  Ta-ra. 
Taralah,  Tar-a-Iq. 
Tarea,  Ta-re-q. 
Tarpelites,  T^r-pel-jts. 
Tarshis,  Tqr-Jis. 
Tarshish,  Tqr-JiJ. 
Tarshisi,  Tqr-Ji-sj. 
Tarus,  Tqr-sus. 
Tartak,  Tqr-tak. 
Tartan,  Tqr-tan. 
Tatnai,  Tat-na-j. 
Tebah,  Tg-ba. 
Tebaliah,  Teb-a-lj-a. 
Tebeth,  Te-beb.  [hez 

Tehaphnehes,    Te-ha£-nc- 
Tehinnah,  Te-tin-a. 
Tekel,  Te-kel. 
Tekoa,  TE-k(f>-a,  or 
Tekoah,  Te-k6-a. 
Tekoites,  Te-k6-|ts. 
Telabib,  T^l-a-bib. 
Telah,  Te-la. 
Telaim,  Tel-a-im. 
Telassar,  Te-las-ar. 
Telem,  Te-lera. 
Telharesha,  Tel-ha-re-/a. 
Telharsa,  Tel-h^r-sa. 
Telmela,  T^l-me-lq. 
Telmelah,  Tel-me-lq. 
Tema,  T^-rod. 
Teraan,  Te-man. 
Temani,  T6m-a-ni. 
Temanite^,  Te-man-ita. 
Tomeni,  T6m-t-Vi\. 
Tepho,  Te-fo. 
Terah,  Te-ra. 
Teraphim,  T^r-a-fim. 
Teresh,  Te-re/. 
Tertius,  T^r-Ji-us. 
Tertullus,  Ter-tdl-u3. 
Teta,  Te-ta. 
Tdtrarch,  Tct-rqrk. 
ThaddettSy  Ha-d^-a«. 

Thahash,  Ra-haJ. 
Thainuh,  Ha-raa. 
Thamnatha,  Ham-na-tq. 
Thara,  Ha-ra. 
Tharra,  Rar-a. 
Tharshish,  H^r-JiJ. 
Thassi,  Ras-j. 
Thebez,  Re-bez. 
Thecoe,  Re-ko-e. 
Thelasser,  RE-las-er. 
Thelersa?,  He-ler-sas. 
Theocanus,  Re-6k-a-nug. 
Theodotus,  Rg-od  o-tus. 
Theophilus,  Re-of-i-las. 
Theras,  Rg-ras. 
Thermeleth,  Rer-me-let. 
Thessalonica,  Hes-a-lG)-n|- 
Theudas,  Ri\-das.        [ka. 
Thitnnathath,  Rim-na-tat. 
Thisbe,  Ris-be. 
Thomas,  Tom -as. 
Thomoi,  R6m-o-j. 
Thraseas,  Rra-se-as. 
Thummim,  Rdm-im. 
Thyatira,  Hj-a-tj-ra. 
Tibbath,  Tib-at. 
Tiberias,  Tj-be-ri-as, 
Tibni,  Tib-nj. 
Tidal,  Tj-dal. 
Tiglath  Pileser,    Tig-lat 

Tikvah,  Tik-vd. 
Tikvath,  Tik-vat. 
Tilon,  Ti-lon. 
Timelus,  Ti-ra8-lu3. 
Timna,  Tim-na. 
Timnath,  Tim-nat. 
Timnathah,  Tim-na-tq. 
Timnath   Heres,    Tim -nail 

Timnath  Serab,  —  S^-ra. 
Timnite,  Tira-njt. 
Timotheus,  Ti-mo-te-ttS, 
Timothy,  Tim-o-ti. 
Tipsah,  Tip-sa. 
Tiras,  Tj-ras. 
Tirathites,  Tj-rat-jts. 
Tirhakah,  Ter-ha-kq. 
Tirhanah,  Ter-ha-nq. 
Tiria,  Tir-i-q. 
Tirshatha,  T«5r-Ja-tq. 
Tirzah,  Ter-za. 
Tishbite.  tij-bjt. 
Tivan,  Tj-van. 
Tiza,  Tj-za. 
Tizite,  Tj-zit. 
Toah,  Tu-a. 
Toanah,  Tii-a-nq. 
T..b,  Tob. 
Tobiah,  To-bj-a. 


Scripture    Proper    Names. 

Tobias,  To-bi-as. 
Tobie,  Tu-bi. 
Tobiel,  Tw-bi-el. 
Tobijah.  To-bj-ja. 
Tobit,  ToJ-bit. 
Tochen,  T(ii-ken. 
Togarmah,  Tu)-g(^r-ma. 
Tohu.  TQ-hi\. 
Toi,  Tcb-i. 
Tola,  T6-la. 
Tolad,  T«i>-lad. 
Tolaites,  T(f)-la-|ts. 
Tolbane;!,  Tol-ba-cez. 
ToUnai,  T6l-ma. 
Tophel,  To-fel. 
Tophet,  T6-fet. 
Tou,  TQ-ytv 

Trachonitis,  Trak-ca-nj-tia, 
Tripolis,  Trip-o-lis. 
Troas,  Tro-as, 
Trogyllium,  Tro-jil-i-um, 
Trophituus,  Tr6f-i-mu3. 
Tryphena,  Tri-fe-na. 
Tryphosa,  Trj-fw-sa. 
Tubal,  Tq,-bal, 
Tubal  Cain,  —  Ka-in. 
Tubieni,  Ti^-bj-e-nj. 
Tyberias,  Tj-be-ri-as. 
Tychicus,  Tik-i-kus. 
Tyrannas,  Tj-ran-us. 
Tyre,  Tjr. 
Tyrus,  Tj-rus. 


Ucal,  Yivkal. 

Uel,  YiVel. 

Ulai.  Yit-la-i. 

TJlam,  Y\i-lam. 

Ulla.  Ul'a. 

Ummah,  Um'a. 

Unni,  Un'j. 

TJpharsin.  Yq,-f(ir-sin. 

Upbaz,  Yi\,-faz. 

Urbane,  Ur'ba-ne. 

Uri,  Y^-ri. 

Uriah,  Yi],-ri-a. 

Uria5,  Yi^-rj-as.  [el, 

Uriel,  Yi'i-ri-el,  or  Yn-rj- 

Urijah,  1  ii-rj-ja. 

Urim,  Yt\,-rim. 

Uta,  Yix-ta. 

Uthai,  Yn -ta-i,  or  Yu -ta-i 

Uthi,  YijL-ti. 

Uzai,  Y4-za-j.# 

Uzal,  Yii-zal. 

Uzza,  U&'a. 

Uzzah,  Uz'a.  [ra. 

Uzzen  Sherah,   Uz'en  Xs- 
Uzzi,  Uz'i. 
Uzziah,  Uz-j-a. 
Uzziel,  Uz-j-el. 
Uzzielites,  Uz-j-el-jt^. 


Yajezatha,  Va-j^z-a-tq. 
Vaniah,  Va-nj-a. 
Vashni,  VaJ-ni. 
Vashti,  VaJ-tj. 
Vophsi,  V6f-si. 


Xagus,  Za-gus. 
Xanthicus,  Zan-ti-kus. 
Xeneas,  Ze-ne-as. 
Xerolybe,  Ze-rol-i-bc. 
Xeropbagia,  Zer-ca-fa-ji-a, 
Xystus,  Zis-tua. 


Zaaman,  Za-a-man. 
Zaanaim,  Za-a-na-im. 
Zaanannim,  Za-a-nan-im 
Zaavan,  Za-a-van. 
Zabad,  Za-bad. 
Zabadaeans,  Zab-a-de-anz, 
Zabadaias,  Zab-a-da-yas. 
Zabbai,  Zab-a. 
Zabdeus,  Zab-de-us. 
Zabdi,  Zab-dj. 
Zabdiel,  Zab-'di-el. 
Zabina,  Za-bi-na. 
Z;ibud,  Za-bud. 
Zabulon,  Zab-yq,-lon. 
Zaccai,  Zak-a  j, 
Zaccheus,  Za-ke-u3. 
Zaccur,  Zak-ur. 
Zaehariah,  Zak-a-rj-a. 
Zacher,  Za-ker. 
Zadok,  Za-dok. 
Zaham.  Za-ham. 
Zair,  Za-er. 
Zalaph,  Za-laf. 
Zalraou,  Zal-raon. 
Zaimoaah,  Zal-uua-nd. 

Zalmunah,  Zal-mdn-d, 
Zainbis,  Zain-bi-s. 
Zambri,  Zam-bq. 
Zatnoth,  Za-mot.         [\mt. 
Zamzuramims,  Zam-zuin- 
Zanoah,  Za-nd)-a. 
Zaphnalhpaaneah,      Zaf- 

Zaphon,  Za-fon. 
Zara,  Za-ra, 
Zaraces,  Zar-a-sez. 
Zarah,  Za-ra. 
Zaraias,  Zar-a-J-as. 
Zareah,  Za-re-q. 
Zareathites,  Za-re-at-jts. 
Zared,  Za-red. 
Zarephath,  Zar-e-fat. 
Zaretan,  Zar-E-tan. 
Zareth  Shahiar,  Za-ret  Sa- 

Zarhites,  Z^r-hjts. 
Zartanah,  Zqr-ta-nq. 
Zarthan,  Zt^r-tan. 
Zathoe,  Zat-o-e. 
Zathu,  Zat-yiv 
Zathui,  Za-ti'i-j. 
Zattu,  Zat-yix. 
Zavan,  Za-van, 
Zaza,  Za-za. 
Zebadiah,  Zeb-a-dj-a. 
Zebah,  Ze-ba, 
Zebaino,  Ze-ba-im. 
Zebedee,  Zeb-c-ds. 
Zcbina,  Ze-bj-na. 
Zeboim,  Ze-bo-im. 
Zebuda,  Ze-bi^-da. 
Zebul,  Ze-bul. 
Zebulon,  Z^b-yxi-lon. 
Zebulonites,    Zeb-yti-lon- 

Zechariah,  Zek-a-rj-a. 
Zedad,  Ze-dad. 
Zedekiah,  Zed-e-kj-a. 
Zeeb,  Zeb,  or  Ze-eb. 
Xelah,  Ze-la. 
Zelek,  Ze-lek. 
Zelophead,  Ze-l(S-fe-ad. 
Zelotes,  Ze-16-tEZ. 
Zelzah,  Zel-za. 
Zemaraim,  Zem-a-rd-im» 
Zemarite,  Zem-a-rjt. 
Zemira,  Ze-ra|-ra. 
Zenan,  Ze-nan. 
Zenas,  Ze-nas. 
Zeorim,  Ze-or-im. 
Zephaniah,  Zef-a-n^-a. 
Zephath,  Ze-fat. 
Zephathah,  Zef-a-t<i. 
iZephi,  Ze-f}, 
'Zepho,  Ze -£<!>. 

Scripture    Proper    Names. 


Zspbon,  Ze-fon. 
Zephonites,  Zef-on-its. 
Zur,  Zer. 
Zerah,  Zg-ra. 
Zerahiah.  Zer-a-hj-a. 
Zeraia,  Zer-a-j-a. 
Zerau,  Ze-re. 
Zeretl,  Ze  red. 
Zereda,  Z^r-r-dfi. 
Zeredah,  Zer-e-dq. 
Zeredathah,    Ze-red-a-tq. 
Zererath,  Zer-e-rat. 
Zere.-h,  Ze-re j". 
Z«reth.  Ze-ret. 
Zeri,  Ze-rj. 
Zeror,  Ze-ror. 
Zeruah,  Ze-n6-a. 
Zerubbabel,  Zs-rub-a-bel. 
Zeruiah,  Zer-yq,-i-a. 
Zerviah,  Zer-vj-a. 
Zetham,  Zg-tain. 
Zethan,  Ze-tan. 
Zethar,  Ze-tar. 
Zia,  Zj-a. 
Ziba,  Zj-ba. 
Zibeon,  Zib-e-on. 
Zichrj,  Zik-rj. 
Ziddim,  Zid-im. 

Zidkijah,  Zid-ki-ja. 
Zid  tn,  Zj-don,  or 
■     Sidon,  Sj-don. 
Zidonians,  Zi-do-ni-anz. 
Zif,  Zif. 
Ziha,  Zj-ha. 
Ziklag,  Zik-lag. 
Zillah,  Zil-a. 
Zilpah,  Zil-pa. 
Zilthai,  Zil-ta. 
Ziinraah,  Zim-a. 
Zimrain,  Zira-rarn,  OT 
Ziinran.  Ziin-raa. 
Ziinri,  Ziin-rj. 
Zin,  Zin. 
Zina,  Zi-na. 
Zion,  Zj-on,  rrr 
Sion,  Sj-on. 
Zior,  Zi-or. 
Ziph,  Zif. 
Ziphah,  Zi-fa. 
Ziphion,  Zif-i-on. 
Ziphites,  Zif-jts. 
Ziphron,  Zj-fron. 
Zippor,  Zip-or. 
Zipporah.  Zi-p6-ra. 
Zithri,  Zit-rj. 

Ziz,  Ziz. 
Ziza,  Zi-za. 
Zizah,  Z]-za. 
Zoan,  Za-an. 
Zoar,  ZQ-ar. 
Zoba,  Z6-ba,  or 
Zobah,  Z6-ba. 
Zobebah,  Zo-be-ba. 
Zohar,  Zci-har. 
Zoheleth,  Zu-he-let. 
Zonaras,  Z6n-a-ra3. 
Zopeth,  Ztb-pot. 





gorathite'j,  Z^-rat-jts. 
Zoreah,  Xo-rf-ci. 
Zorites,  Z(f>-rjts. 
Zorobabol,  Zo-rob-a-bel. 
Zuar,  Zi\-ar. 
Zuph,  Zuf. 
Zur,  Zur. 
Zuriel,  Zi\-ri-el. 
Zuzims   Zi^-ziinz. 


The    United    States. 


States  and  Terri- 


New  Hampshire,  •  •  • 



Rhode  Ishmd, 


New  York, 

New  Jersey, 




Dist.  of  Columbia,  • 


North  Carolina, 

South  Carolina,  ••  • 


















Kansas  Territory,  •• 
Nebraska  Territory, 
Mi  n  nesota  Terr  i  tory , 
N.  Mexico  Territory, 
Utah  Terri  tory,  •  •  •  • 
Oregon  Territory,  •  • 
Washington  Ter.,-- 



i  Concord, 


I  Boston, 

INewport  <fe  Prov'e,' 
j Hartford  &  N.  H'n, 




'Dover, • 


Washington  Cit}',  • 








Baton  Rouge, 


Little  Rock, 







Jeffer<on*City,«'  •• 

Iowa  City, 




Omaha  City, 

St.  Paul, 

Santa  Fe, 

Salt  Lake  City,  •  •  • 




Population  in  1850. 

Whites.     Fr.Col.    Slaves.       Totel 



































































19,553,068  434,495  3,204,313,23,191,876 

The  MEETrxa  of  the  Legislatures. — California,  Mississippi,  Ohio  and 
Wisconsin,  I  M.  Jan., — Indiana,  January, — Illinois  and  Virginia,  2  M.  Jan., — 
Louisiana,  3  M.  Jan..— New-York  and  Pennsylvania.  1  Tq.  Jan.. — New-Jersey, 
2  Tu.  Jan., — Maine,  Maryland,  Massachusetts  and  Michigan,  1  W.  Jan., — Con- 
necticut, 1  W.  May,— Rhode  Island,  May  &  Oct., — Delaware,  1  Tu.  Juno.— New- 
Hampshire,  I  W.  June, — Tennessee,  1  M.  Oct..— Vermont,  2  Th.  Oct.,— Arkan- 
sas, Florida  and  Georgia,  1  M.  Nov., — Alabama,  2  M.  Nov., — N.  Cmilina.  3  M. 
Nov.,— South  Carolina,  4  M.  Nov.,— Iowa  and  Kentucky,  1  M.  Dec.,— Texas, 
December,  Mitsouri,  Last  M.  Deo. 

Presidents    of    the    United    States. 



Year.    Presidents  and  Vice-Presidents.      Vote  Opposition.  rote  Set 



18  45 

George  Washinj^ton,  Vwfiaia 
J((hn  Aduras,  Massachi setts, 
George  Washington,  Virginia 
John  Adaua^,  Massachusetts. 
John  Adams,  Massachusetts. 
Thomas  Jefferson,  Virginia. 
Thomas  Jefferson,  Virginia. 
Aaron  Burr,  Xew-Ynrk. 
Thomas  Jefferson,  Virginia. 
George  Clinton,  J^ew- i^ork. 
James  Madison.   Virqinia. 
Geo,  Clinton,  New- York. 
James  Madison,  Virginia. 
Elbridge  Gerry,  Massachusetts. 
James  Monroe,   Virginia. 
D.  D.  Tompkins.  New-Yi/rk. 
James  Monroe,  Virginia. 
D.  D.  Tompkins,  New-York. 
J.  Q.  Adains,  Massachusetts. 
John  Calhoun,  H.  Carolina. 
Andrew  Jackson,  Tennessee. 
J.  C.  Calhoun,  S.  Carolina. 
Andrew  Jackson,  Tenn€S8''e. 
Martin  Van  Buren,  New-  York. 
Martin  Van  Buren,  New-  York. 
R.  M.  Johnston,  Kentucky. 
William  H.  Harrison,  Ohio. 
John  Tyler.  Virginia. 
James  K.  l^lk,  Tennessee. 
Geo.  M.  Dallas.  Pennsylvania. 
Zachary  Taylor,  Louisiana. 
Millard  Fillmore.  New-York. 
Franklin  Pierce,  N-IIampshire. 
W,  R.  King,  North  Carolina. 
Jas.  Bnchanan.  Pennsi/lvania. 
J.  C.  Breckinridge,  Kentucky. 

23  4 1 
254 1 
254 1 

Goo.  Clinton,  N-  Y. 

John  Adams,  Mass. 

C.  C.  Pinkney, • 

C.  C.  Pinkney, 

Rufus  King,  Mains. 

G.  C.  Pinkney. 

Rufus  King,  Maine. 
Dewitt  Clinton,  NY. 
.Tared  IngersoU,  Pa. 
Rufus  King,  Maine. 

J.  Q.  Adams,  3fass. 

Andrew  Jackson,  Tenn. 

J.  Q.  Adams,  Mass. 
R.  Rush.  Pa. 
Henry  Clay,  Ky. 
John  Sergeant,  Pa. 
William  H.  Harrison,  OJiio. 
Francis  Granger,  N-  Y. 
Martin  Van  Buren,  NY. 
R.  M.  Johnston,  Ky. 
Henry  Clay,  Ky. 
J.  Frielinghuyzen,  N-Y. 
Lewis  Cass,  Mich. 
W.  O.  Butler,   Ky. 
Winfield  Scott,  Md. 
W.  A.  Graham,  Pa. 
J.  C.  Fremont.  Cal. 
W.  L.  Dayton,  N-J. 










Stated,  Gen.   Election.   V.  States,  Oen,   Election.    V. 


New  Hampshire, 


Massachusetta,  •• 
Rhode  Island,  •  • 
Connecfieut,.  ••  • 

New  Vork, 

New  Jersey,-  ••  • 
Pennsylvania,  •  • 




Norrh  Carolina,' 
Soath  Carolina, ' 


Fluridu,**  • 


ren.    Election. 


M,  Sopt. 


Tu,  Maroh. 


Tu.  S'jpt. 


M.   N :.V. 


W.  April. 


•M.  Anril. 


Tu,  Nov. 


Tu.  Nov. 


Tu.  Oct. 


Tu.  Nov. 


W.  Nov. 


Th.  April. 


Th.  Aug. 


M.  Oct. 


M,  Oct. 


M.  Oct. 


Alabama,  • 
Texas,  ■••• 
Arkansas,  • 


Michigan,  • 
Indiana,  •• 
Illinois,-  •• 





I  M,  Aug. 
1  M.  &  Tu.  N 
1  M.  Nov. 
1  M.  Aug. 
1  M.  Aug. 
1  Th.  Aug. 

1  M.  Aug. 

2  Tu.  Oct. 

1  Tu.  Nov. 

2  Tu.  Oct. 
I  Tu.  Nov. 
1  M.  Aug. 
1  M.Aug. 
1  Th.  Nov. 
1  Th.  Sept. 



















Alleghany,  J 


Antioch  College, 

Augusta,  J 


Baton  Rouge, 


Bethany  College, 


Brown  University,* 


Centenary, J 



College  of  New  Jersey,  •  •  •"•  •  • 



Cumberland  University,  ••  •• 




Dickinson, t 

East  Tennessee, 

Emory,  J 

Emory  and  Henry, J 






Genesee  College, 




Green   Mount  College, 


Hampden  Sidney, 

Hanover  College, 

Harvard  University, 

Hobart  Free  College,! 

Holy  Cross,§ 



Indiana  Asbury  University,* 
Indiana  State  University,"' 





Meadville, Pa. 

Amherst, Mass. 

Yellow  Springs,"  Ohio. 

Augusta, Ky. 

Harrodsburg, Ky. 

Baton  Rouge, L;i. 

Beloit,  Rock  Co.,"  -Wis. 

Bethany, Va. 

Brunswick, Mc. 

Providence, R.  I. 

Burlington, N.  J. 

Jackson, La. 

Danville, Ky. 

Charleston, -S.  C. 

Princeton, N.  J. 

Xew-York, N.  Y. 

Washington, D.  C. 

Lebanon, Tenn. 

Hanover, N.  H. 

Mecklenburg  co.,"N.  C. 

Xewark, Del. 

Carlisle, Pa. 

Knoxville, Tenn. 

Oxford, Ga. 

Emory, Va. 

Fayette, la. 

Athens, Ga. 

OpeloHsas, La. 

Xear  Nashville,"  -Tenn. 

New  Athens, Ohio. 

Genesee, N,  Y. 

Georgetown, D.  C. 

Georgetown, Ky. 

Granville, Ohio. 

Richmond, la. 

Clinton. N.  Y. 

Prince  Edwardco., "  Va. 

Hanover, la. 

Cambridge, Mass. 

Geneva, N.  Y. 

Worcester, Mass. 

Marion, Ala. 

Jacksonville, III. 

Grcencastle, la. 

Bloomington. la, 

Columbia, Tenn 

Canonsburg, Pa. 
































































































Colleges    and    Professional    Schools. 






Lafayette,"  •• 

La  Grange, J- 

Madison  Uiiiv 




McKendree,  J 

Mercer  University,* 

Miami  University, 


Mississippi  College, 

Missouri  U'niversiiy, 

Mount  St.  Mary's.^ 

Norwich  Universi  ly, 


Oberlin  College, 


Ohio  University, 

Ohio  Wesleyan  University,^ 


Randolph  Macon, + 






South  Carolina, 

Spring  Hill,§ 

St,  Charles,§ 

St.  Charles, J 

St.  James'Sjt 

St.  John's,^ 

St.  John's, 

St.  Joseph 's,§ 

St.  Mary's.g 

St.  Phillip's,§ 

St.  Vincent's,  • 

St.  Xavier,^ 



Tufts  College, 




University  at  Lewisburg,*- • 

University  of  Alabama,-- •• 
**  Louisiana,  •  -  • 

"  Michigan,  •  •• 

"  Mississippi,  -• 

*  Nashville,  •  •• 

*  New  York,  -. 
•*             N.Carolina,- - 

•     •  Pennsylvania, 

*  Rochester,*-. 
«  St.  Loui^8  -  - 
**            Vermont,  •  •  •  • 



Gambier, Ohio. 

Gulesbarg, III. 

Easton, Pa. 

J^a  Grange, Ala. 

Hamilton, N.  Y. 

Marietta, Ohio. 

Mercersburg, Pa. 

Marion  co., Mo. 

Lebanon, 111. 

Penficld, Ga. 

Oxford, Ohio. 

Middiebury, Vt. 

Clinton, Miss. 

Columbia, Mo. 

Emmetsburg, Md, 

Norwich, Vt. 

Claiborne  co., Miss. 

Oberlm, Ohio. 

Milledgevillc, Ga. 

Athens, Ohio. 

Delaware, Ohio. 

Gettysburg, Pa. 

Mecklenburg  co.,---Va. 

Taylor   Co., Va. 

Richmond, Ya. 

New  Brunswick,- •  -N.  J. 

Shelbyville, Ky. 

Upper  Alton, 111. 

Columbia, S.  C. 

Spring  Hill, Ala. 

Grand  Cotcau, La. 

St.  Charles, Mo. 

Washington  co., •••-Md. 

Fordham, N.  Y. 

Annapolis, Md. 

BardsU'Wu, Ky. 

Baltimore, Md. 

Near  Detroit, Mich. 

Cape  Girardeau,  •  •  •  -  Mo. 

Ciricinnati, Ohio. 

Lexington, Ky. 

Hartford, Conn. 

Somerville, Mass. 

Near  Greenville,- -Tenn. 

Schenectady, N.  Y. 

.Miirfrci.-sbi)ro'  •  •  •  •  'renn. 

Lewi.«burg, •*•  Pa. 

Tu.scaioosa, Ala. 

New  Orleans, La 

Ann  Arbor, Mich, 

Oxford, Miss. 

Nashville, Tenn. 

New-York, N.  Y. 

Chapel  Hill, N.  C. 

Philadelphia, Pa. 

Rochester, N.  Y. 

St.  Iioai.«, Mo. 




, Stn- 




















































































































Vols,  in 


Colleges    and    Professional    Schools. 


University  of  Virginia, 

Urbanna  Universiiy, 

Virginia   Military   Institute 


Wake  Forest,* 

Washi  ngton, 





Wesleyan  Female, 

Western  Military  Institute,- 

Western  Reserve, 

Wesleyan  University,^ 

William  and  Mary,t 


Wisconsin   University, 




Charlottesville, Va 

Urbanna, Ohio 

Lexington, Va, 

Criiwi'ordsville, la 

Wake  Forest, ••  •••N.  C 

Washington, Pa, 

Chestertown, Md, 

Lexington, Va, 

Washington  co.,--Tenn, 

Waterville, Me, 

Macon, Ga. 

Drennon  Springs, --Ky, 

Hudson. Ohio. 

Middle-town, Conn, 

Williamsburg, Va, 

Williamstown, Mass 

Madison, Wis. 

Springfield, Ohio. 

New  Haven, Coun, 










































Tols.  !n 









E^7~  The  Colleges  marked  thus  (*)  are  subject  to  the  control  of  the  Itap~ 
i$ts;  thus  (t)  Hjiiscopaliaru ;  thus  (^)  MethodiUi;  thus  (§)  Catholia. 



Phonography  has  been  defined  as  a  philosophical  method 
of  writing  the  English  language,  with  an  alphabet  composed 
of  the  simplest  geometrical  signs,  which  accurately  represent 
the  sounds  of  spoken  words.  It  may  be  written  six  times  as 
fast  as  the  ordinary  longhand,  and  is  equally  legible.  Aside 
from  the  scientific  propriety  of  the  system,  as  made  manifest 
in  the  Introduction  which  follows,  the  following  practical 
advantages  are  worthy  of  consideration: 

1.  To  professors  of  scientific  and  literary  institutions — to 
gentlemen  of  the  bench  or  the  bar — to  legislators  in  the  halls 
of  representation — to  ministers  of  religion — to  lecturers  on 
the  various  arts  and  sciences — it  presents  the  most  invalu- 
able aid,  in  enabling  them  to  arrange,  condense,  and  fix  their 
thoughts,  facts,  arguments  and  proofs,  in  the  briefest  period 
of  time  and  the  shortest  possible  space,  presenting,  in  the 
condensed  schedule  of  a  small  page,  a  full  and  complete  syn- 
opsis of  their  most  elaborate  speeches,  orations,  or  discourses. 

2.  By  its  aid,  the  advocates  in  the  courts  of  justice  or  the 
halls  of  trial,  will  be  enabled  to  write,  with  ease  and  accu- 
racy, either  the  full  depositions  of  important  witnesses,  or  the 
facts,  proofs,  evidences,  and  arguments  of  legal  opponents, 
and  thus  be  in  a  position,  not  only  to  meet  them  with  readi- 
ness and  strength,  but  eventually  to  thoroughly  overthrow 
and  refute  them. 

3.  The  student  in  the  halls  of  science  can  transcribe  with 
faithfulness,  and  preserve  in  the  smallest  compass,  the  valu- 
able lessons  of  professors,  and  thus  preserve,  for  the  medita- 
tion of  his  leisure  hours,  a  connected  wJiole,  instead  of  broken, 
detached,  and  uncertain  fragments,  that  often  serve  to  con- 
fuse, bewilder,  or  perplex. 

4.  Merchants,  and  clerks  of  mercantile  houses,  to  whom 
tirm  and  space  are  really  a  desideratum,  will  find  Phonography 
a  D.ost  invaluable  aviJ(iliary;  as  the  ease  with  which  it  can 



be  learncJ  and  acquired,  and  the  facility  and  readiness  with 
which  it  can  be  written  and  read,  will  enable  them  to  tran- 
scribe their  accounts,  to  note  their  memoranda,  to  post  up 
their  bills,  and  even  to  conduct  their  correspondence,  in  less 
than  one-fifth  of  the  ordinary  time,  and  in  a  considerable  re- 
duction of  the  ordinary  space;  and  as  "  time  is  Trvoney^  it 
presents  to  them  indeed  a  most  invaluable  gain. 

5.  To  the  author,  editor,  or  general  writer — to  the  orator, 
legislator,  or  minister — how  invaluable  must  it  be,  when  they 
reflect  how  many  of  their  most  brilliant  thoughts  and  most 
glowing  conceptions,  how  many  of  the  most  sparkling  gems 
of  their  imaginations  and  the  most  radiant  pearls  of  their 
thoughts,  that  in  moments  of  genius  and  enthusiasm  flash 
like  electric  sparks  from  the  mind,  are  forever  lost  for  the 
want  of  some  Dagiierrean  process,  like  the  one  we  present, 
to  catch  and  transfix  them  on  the  wing,  recording  them  on 
the  glowing  page  in  all  the  freshness,  vigor,  and  brilliancy  of 
their  first  conception,  as  rapidly  as  they  are  presented  to  the 
mind!  and  for  the  lack  of  which,  alas!  like  tiie  dazzling  flash 
of  the  evanescent  meteor,  they  fade  and  expire  as  rapidly  as 
they  are  kindled,  and  leave  but  the  indistinct  memory  of  their 
trace  behind. 

6.  A  practical  acquaintance  with  this  art  is  highly  favor- 
able to  the  improvement  of  the  mind,  invigorating  all  its  fac- 
ulties, and  drawing  forth  all  its  resources.  The  close  atten- 
tion requisite  in  following  the  voice  of  the  speaker  (in  report- 
ing) induces  habits  of  patience,  perseverance  and  watchful- 
ness, which  will  gradually  extend,  till  they  form  habits  that 
will  be  found  useful  through  life.  The  close  attention  to  the 
words  and  thoughts  of  the  speaker  which  is  necessary  in 
writing  them  down,  will  naturally  have  a  tendency  to  endue 
the  mind  with  quickness  of  apprehension  and  distinctness  of 
perception,  whereby  the  judgment  will  be  strengthened  and 
the  taste  refined. 

7.  The  memory  is  also  improved  by  the  practice  of  Pho- 
nography.    The  necessity  for   the   writer  to   retain  in    his 


mind  the  last  sentence  of  the  speaker,  while  he  is  attending 
at  the  same  time  to  what  follows,  and  also  to  penning  down 
his  words,  must  be  highly  beneficial  to  that  faculty,  which  is 
more  than  any  other  improved  by  exercise.  It  draws  out 
and  improves  all  the  faculties  of  the  mind. 

"Phonography,"  says  Messrs.  Fowlers  &,  Wells,  "we  re- 
gard as  one  of  the  most  important  inventions  of  the  age,  and 
one  which  should  be  open  to  every  person  desirous  of  being 
considered  educated.  As  a  system  of  reporting,  general  cor- 
respondence, and  memoranda,  it  is  unparalleled  in  usefulness. 
In  chirography,  it  is  what  the  telegraphs  are  in  agencies  for 
transmitting  thought.  We  employ  three  reporters,  one  in 
our  office  and  two  who  travel  with  lecturers  from  our  house. 
In  ten  minutes  we  can  dictate  an  article  for  publication  which 
we  could  not  compose  and  write  in  two  hours;  besides  it  con- 
tains more  spirit  and  freshness  than  if  labored  through  at  the 
slow  pace  of  ordinary  composition.  Every  scholar  should  by 
all  means  learn  it." 

Professor  Hart,  Principal  of  the  Philadelphia  High  School, 
says:  "  Phonography  has  been  introduced  into  this  institu- 
tion two  years  and  a  half,  and  has  been  learned  by  about 
four  hundred.  Two  hundred  are  studying  it  now.  It  is  one 
of  the  regular  branches  of  the  course,  being  attended  to  three 
times  a  week  during  the  whole  of  the  first  year.  Had  I  not 
supposed  it  to  be  of  much  practical  value,  I  should  not  have 
urged  its  introduction,  a  measure  which  I  have  seen  no  occa- 
sion to  regret.  Such  of  our  students  as  have  made  Phono- 
graphic Reporting  a  profession,  have  got  along  in  life  faster, 
by  all  odds,  than  those  in  any  other  kind  of  business,  and 
that  without  the  possession  of  any  special  brilliancy  of  tal- 
ents. Some  of  them,  not  yet  turned  twenty,  are  now  mak- 
ing more  money  by  Phonographic  Reporting  than  the  Princi- 
pal of  the  High  School,  after  having  given  himself  for  more 
than  twenty  years  to  his  profession." 

Said  the  Hon.  Thomas  Benton:  "  Had  this  art  been  known 
forty  years  ago,  it  would  have  saved  me  twenty  years  of 
hard  labor." 

♦*  It  is  my  humble  opinion  that  it  will  eventually  supersede 
the  present  system  of  writing,  as  the  steam  carriage  train 
supersedes  the  old  eight  inch  wheeled  wagon." — Jiev.  Dunbar. 

Such  are  the  tendencies  of  the  art  this  book  is  designed  to 


it *•  *  <  t  i  1 

.A^T^IEZFLJC.  GjOl.!^ 



"I  III 

i®NGLSY  BIOTHERS,  f  uMiskn, 

No.  160  Vine  Street,  Cinciiinati,  0. 

Tev  years'  experience  in  the  Phonographic  art,  as  Teacher  and  Re- 
porter, and  for  nearly  the  same  period  occupied,  more  or  less,  in  preparing 
books  for  the  press,  give  the  author  of  the  Amkrican  Manual  of 
Phoxoqrapht  the  fullest  assurance  in  presenting  this  work  to  the 
public.  Since  its  first  publication,  it  has  undergone  careful  revision,  and 
now  appears  in  an  entirely  new  dress,  in  every  way  adupted  to  the  wants 
of  the  teacher  and  private  learner.  It  differs  from  any  other  work  pub- 
lished, in  the  following  particulars: 

1.  The  explanatory  matter  is  in  large,  clear  type. 

2.  The  Phonographic  Exercises  are  engraved  in  a  bold,  distinct  style, 
that  they  may  be  as  easily  read  by  candlelight  as  daylight. 

3.  The  Reading  and  Writing  Exercises  are  introduced  just  where  the 
text  requires  them,  whether  it  be  on  the  same  page  or  the  opposite  one, 

4.  The  Exercises  to  be  written  are  printed  in  phonetic  spelling,  which, 
being  fully  explained,  enables  the  learner  to  analyze  accurately,  and 
vocalize  his  writing  correctly — two  essentials  to  rapid  progress  and  the 
attainment  of  a  good  style. 

5.  Each  lesson  is  closed  with  a  review  in  the  form  of  questions,  which, 
as  in  all  other  text  books  on  science,  proves  of  great  service  to  both  learner 
and  teacher. 

6.  It  contains  more  extensive  lists  of  Contracted  "Words,  and  more 
Phraseography  than  any  other  work. 

7.  Beside  the  above  characteristic  features,  the  American  Manual 
possesses  all  the  late  improvements  in  Phonography,  including  the  adapta- 
tion of  the  art  to  the  writing  of  foreign  languages. 

8.  The  American  Manual  is  one-fourth  larger  than  works  of  the  kind 
usually  are,  more  space  being  devoted  to  an  exposition  of  the  philosophy 
of  the  system,  f«r  the  purpose  of  satisfying  the  student  in  regard  to  the 
necessity  of  the  various  contractions,  etc.  It  is  printed  on  the  very  best 
of  pnpor,  and  is  substantially  and  elegantly  bound. 

PBIOES:— Single  copies,  in  paper  covers,  40  cts.;  postage  4  ct«. 

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Published  and  Sold  by  Lon^ley  Brothers,  Cincinnati,  Ot 

THE  SPELLING  REFORM— Instituted  to  make  universal  education  possi- 
ble, by  rendering  the  arts  of  Reading  and  Writing  pleasant  and  easy  to  acquire. 
Phonotypy  is  a  rational  system  of  spelling  words  aa  they  are  pronounced, 
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The  first  price  is  that  charged  at  the  counter:  the  second  includes  the 
prepayment  of  postage;  a  Uhaal  reduction  hy  tJie  quantity. 

Phonotypic    Works. 

Chart  of  the  Phonotypic  Alphabet,  on  a  sheet  28 

by  42  inches,  with  a  Key,  25—25 

The  same,  36  by  50,  with  explanatory  matter,  and  remarks  on  the 

acquisition  of  Good  Reading,  60 — 54 

Tho  same,  on  canvas  and  roller,  1,50 

Phonetic   Primer,    each  letter  illustrated  with  a 

letter  suggestive  of  its  sound,  5—  6 

First  Phonetic  Reader,  containing  simple  and  in- 
teresting reading  lessons,  1(^14 

Second  Phonetic  Eeader,  containing  lessons 

of  a  more  advanced  grade.  20 — 25 

The  Transition  Reader,  or  a  Course  of  Inductive 

Romanic  Reading  Lessons.     For  the  use  of  Phonetic  Readers  in 
learning  to  read  Romanically,  20  —26 

Biographies  of  the  Presidents,  with  their  Portraits. 

In  paper  covers,  30 — 35 ;  in  cloth,  gilt  lettering,  40 — 43 

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Phonetic  Dictionary  of  the  English  Language; 

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Phonetic  Almanac,  and  Register  of  the  Spelling 

and  Writing  Reform,  together  with  a  list  of  tho  American  Phonetic 
Society,  for  the  yean  1852, 1853, 1854,  1855  and  1856.  10 


Phonetic   Longhand  Writer;     exhibiting    various 

styles  of  Penmanship,  10 — 11 

Longhand  Alphabet,  in  slips,  to  be  used  as  a  key 

by  enclosing  in  letters  written  in  phonetic  longhand.     Per  dozen,  6 — 7 

School   Credit  Tickets. — A   handsome  and  useful 

form  of  Credit  Tickets,  in  Phonetic  dress.  The  Ticket  is  adapted  for 
Primary  and  District  Schools.     Per  hundred,  40 

Type  of  the  Times;  a  journal  of  the  Writing  and 

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Per  year,  in  advance,  $1,00 

The  Youth's  Friend;  an  elegant  monthly  paper, 

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bO  cents  a  year  j  three  copies,  $1,00 ;  ten  copies,  $3,00  j  twenty  copies,    $5,00 

Phonographic    Works* 

First  Lesson  in  Phonography ;  Containing  the  Al- 
phabet and  a  simple  reading  lesson.  Useful  for  lecturers  to  distribute 
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American  Manual  of  Phonography ;  being  a  com- 
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^^  This  instruction  look  isjnst  jmUislied,  and  differs  from,  any  other 
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Manual  of  Phonography,  50 — 57,  extra  cloth,  60 — 67 
Phonographic  Reader,  engraved  exercises,  25 

Cruise  of  the  Tomtit;  Second  Eeader,  ditto,  25 

Manners  Book,  corresponding  style,  do.  75 — 81 

Teacher,  a  Treatise  on  Lecturing  and '  Teaching 

Phonography,  1,00—1,07 

Copy  Slips,  a  series  of  Phonographic  exercises,  10 — 11 
Phonographer's  Song,  richly  illustrated,  25 — 27 

Phon.  Mag.,  for  1854,  '55,  '56,  per  vol,  _  1,25—1,36 
Phonographic  Chart,  in  colors,  '         75 — 1,00 

Reporter's  Companion ;  the  adaptation  of  Phon. 

to  verbatim  reporting,  75 — 81,  cloth,  _  1,00 — 1,07 
History  of  Shorthand,  reporting  style,  75 — 81 

Manners  Book,  in  easy  reporting,  75 — 81 

Phon.  Reporter  for  1854,  '55,  '56,  per  vol,    1,25—1,36 


