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Full text of "Proofs of a conspiracy, against Christianity, and the government of the United States;"

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O  F    A 







2|o^n  O^aBcoc^,  printer,  il?artfc.ri3» 








ROFESSOR  ROBISON  undertook  the  gigantic 
talk  of  proving  a  confpiracy  againft  all  the  religions  and  gov- 
ernments in  the  world  :  I  am  contented  with  a  fmall  fedion 
of  his  fubje£b. 

My  aim  will  be,  to  place  the  charge  of  infidel  confpiracy, 
where  it  ought  to  rell,  in  compaffing  which  I  (liall  pafs  ra- 
pidly, and  without  much  ceremony,  through  the  folemn 
forms ^  in  which  religion  is  prefented,  in  order  to  arrive  at 
the  fubftance  ;  and  in  examining  this  (hall  occafionally,  and 
without  much  fenfibility,  advert  to  the  paffions  and  arts  op- 
pofed  to  my  procefs  ;  and  after  fixing  the  character  of 
federal  religion,  fhall  follow  it  through  the  political  courfe, 
which  it  has  taken  from  the  infancy  of  our  government  to 
the  day  of  the  date  of  thefe  prefents — fhall  with  much  cool- 
nefs  call  fome  clafles  of  men  hypocrites,  who  have  pafled 
for  faints — and  fhall  fhew  that  whether  republicanifm  means 
fomething  or  nothing  ;  yet  that  the  allufions  and  diftant 
hints  of  republicans  about  the  exiftence  of  an  hypocritical 
northern  phalanx  meant  fomething. — And  from  premifes 
thus  conflruded  fhall  attempt  to  prove,  that  chriftianity  and 
the  government  of  the  United  States  have  a  conftant,  pow- 
erful, and  efficient  enemy  in  the  New-England  union  of 
Church  and  State. 

This  union  forms  completely  one  political  party  in  our 
country,  but  the  real  illuminatifts  of  this  order  are  not  con- 
fined exactly  to  New-England.  Every  trufly  hearts  of  oak 
man  bears  the  light  with  him  acrofs  the  Atlantic  :  It  irradi- 
ates the  northern  parts  of  the  (late  of  New-York,  and  guides 
the  Miffionaries'  path  •,  it  twinkles  in  Jerfey,  is  a  dark  Ian- 
thorn  in  Pennfylvania,  glimmers  like  an  expiring  taper  in 


Delaware,  is  a  fullen  light  in  Maryland,  and  is  extinguifhed 
at  the  feat  of  government.  Thofe,  who  have  heretofore 
ferved  this  light  have  been  well  paid  for  their  fervice,  and 
(ince  they  hav€  taken  the  popular  ground  of  religion  to  fuf- 
tain  themfelvcs  and  to  humble  us,  we  cannot  take  better 
ground  than  by  charging  them  with  hypocrify  and  by  rely- 
ing for  proof  on  their  lives,  their  public  means,  and  certain 
ends  of  action. 

We  find  this  ftandard  in  the  gofpel,  which  they  profefs 
to  revere,  and  we  offer  to  refign  every  thing  into  their  hands, 
whenever  their  lives  fhall  confute  our  pofitions.  They  can 
overwhelm  us  with  proteftations ;  but  to  the  law  and  the 
teflimonles,  if  they  preach  not,  and  if  they  praclife  not  ac- 
cording to  th^fe,  there  is  no  light  in  them. 

Living  in  the  midfl  of  men  whom  my  fubjefl  contem- 
plates, it  has  occurred  to  me  that  their  fteady  habits  and 
good  profefTions  have  brought  them  fuflicient  profits^,  and 
that  our  pious  anceftors  have  been  bought  and  fold  often 
enough  ;  therefore  that  fome  man,  who  has  paid  his  propor- 
tion for  thefe  habits,  fhould  take  it  in  charge  to  put  an  end 
to  the  traffic,  and  to  place  the  dealers  in  a  way  of  laying  in 
a  new  (lock  of  their  own  manufacture. 

This  fubjeCt  is  like  a  new  country  :  he,  who  firft  enters 
into  it  mufh  encounter  fome  briers  and  fome  ferpents  ;  but  a 
fucceffion  of  laborers,  working  with  their  axes  at  the  roots, 
will  open  a  way  through  the  wildernefs,  and  hereafter  the 
folitary  place  will  be  glad  for  them,  and  the  defert  will  re- 

Many  are  for  retaining  the  old  order  of  things,  becaufe 
it  is  a  quiet  one  ;  fo  are  death  and  the  grave  ;  but  are  men 
willing  to  arrive  at  thcfe,  ftript  of  civil  and  religious  lib- 
erty, merely  for  the  fake  of  peace  .'*  But  peace  can  never  be 
long  preferved,  if  the  public  mind  is  fuffered  to  lleep.  The 
dreadful  convulfions  in  Europe  were  preceded  by  ftupors 
and  deadly  calms.  The  parties  in  this  country  differ  not  in 
mcafures  only,  but  in  fyflems.  DifcufTion  is  favorable  to 
the  caufe  of  truth,  and  *'  a  war  of  opinions  will  fave  a  war 
of  blood," 


OF  A 





NO.  I 

LitrcduBory    view   of    Church   and  State    ReUgian    in  New- 


ERE  man  to  live  through  feveral  centuries,  he  might 
aSbrd  to  employ  one,  at  leaft,  in  experiments  on  theology  and 
politics,  and  enlift  all  his  pafiions  in  battle  royal  againfl  thofe,  who 
would  not  fubfcribe  to  his -theories  ;  but  in  a  fliortlife,  having  every 
thing  to  learn,  no  infallible  teacher  nor  ftandard  ;  honor,  wealth 
and  pleafure  to  gain,  and  yet  to  fecure  an  immortality  of  happinefs  ; 
to  keep  in  favor  with  the  great,  and  hold  friendfliips  with  elevated 
bafenefs ;  yet  to  m.aintain  principles  inconflftent  with  fuch  favor 
and  friendlhips,  is  too  complicated  a  taflc  :  V/hen  half-finiflied, 
the  operator  dies  and  leaves  a  laboratory  of  ufelefs  empty  crucibles. 

Ta  fimplify  this  complex  fituation  and  to  find  a  fafe  courfe  for 
man,  as  refpefts  both  worlds,  is  worth  a  life  of  diligence;  then 
infinitely  deferving  an  hour's  critical  attention. 

To  rear  empires  in  the  old  world,  has  been  the  tailv  of  conquer- 
ors ;  to  maintain  them,  the  province  of  monarchs  ;  to  deftrcjy 
them,  the  weight  of  their  own  fyftems  ;  thefe  fyfiems  raifed  by 
curious  workmen  in  politics,  theology  and  the  arts  :  all  fink  and 
decay,  becaufe  the  foundation  and  fuperitru^lure  are  wholly  hu- 
inian.  Duration,  perpetual  improvement  and  eternity  diflinguifh 
the  works  of  God,  and  if  we  can  follow  his  plans,  we  fhall  do 
bed  'for  ourfelyes  and  lay  up  a  lading  treafure  for  future  genera- 
tionso  <j^jv^- 

An  infant  knows  nothing.  Arrived  at  maturity,  he  buftlcs 
about  independence  of  thought  and  of  fpeaking  and  writing  nat«- 
urally,  of  abflra^t  ideas  and  (irft  principles  :  yet  he  has  learnt  aii 
which  he  knows  ;  forgetting  from  whom  he  iearnt  it,  he  confiders 
it  as  his  own,  and  through  mere  defedl  of  memory,  claims  the 
credit  of  originality. — A  thoufand  men,  born  in  different  parts 
of  the  world,  will  have  pafTed  a  thoufand  modes  of  being,  and 
yet  each  will  avow  infallible  ideas  of  religion,  government  and 
the  concerns  of  life. 

In  this  advanced  flate  of  the  world,  human  fyftems  are  fo 
wrought,  that  it  is  eafier  to  adopt  them  than  to  invent  new  ones, 
and  if  the  father  worfhipped  the  apis,  or  adored  the  crocodile,  or 
bowed  at  the  foot  of  an  emperor's  throne,  or  kifTed  the  pope's 
flipper,  (o  mud  the  fon,  and  the  fon's  fon,  to  the  lateft  generation  ; 
and  he,  who  followeth  n&t  the  eftaolifhed  habit,  is  denounced  by 
implicit  followers,  and  the  fyflrem-mongers  all  join  to  fay,  *  Let 

*  him  be   accurfed,  for  he    deflroyeth  the  ancient  land-mark,  he 

*  breaketh  up  the  foundation  of  many  generations' — and  their  fol- 
lowers are  obliged  to  refpond,  *  Let  him  be  accurfed' — but  a  new 
order  of  things  has  emboldened  many  to  rifque  exorcifms,  to  look 
into  the  mylferious  antiquities,  to  rend  the  unconfecrated  veil,  to 
fhew  the  people  that  the  holy  of  holies  is  not  local,  and  that  the 
day  has  palled  by,  when  he,  who  touched  the  mountain,  fhould 
be  (loned.  Among  thefe  I  have  afTumed  the  taHc  of  fpeaking  to 
you  definitely  of  the  union  of  church  and  (late  in  our  country. 

For  diftindl  perceptions  of  this  fubje^t  we  are  much  indebted  to 
the  prudence,  candor  and  franknefs  of  our  opponents.  Federal 
riters  have  been  prudent  in  publifhing  the  grofTeft  falfehoods  under 
ctitious  names  ;  for  otherwife  they  would  long  fince  have  been 
publicly  convidted  of  their  bafenefs,  and  the  caufe  which  theu  at- 
tempted to  efpoufe,  would  have  been  checked,  before 'its  demrmi- 
ties  were  apparent.  Federal  orators  have  been  candid  in  expofing 
all  the  anti-republican  tendencies  of  their  party,  and  in  threatening 
what  they  would  do,  if  they  had  power.  C'srical politicians  have 
(hewn  a  degree  of  franknefs,  (hardly  reconcileable  with  their  real 
characters, )  in  boldly  laying  the  crofs  at  the  feet  of  Pinckney, 
Hamilton,  fedition  law  and  new  judiciary.  We  find  no  fault  that 
our  adverfaries  have  placed  their  features  in  a  light,  where  we  can 
truly  take  them. 

The  great  events  of  a  fev/  pad  years  have  gradually  introduced 
the  light  neccfTary  to  this  portraiture.  The  pafTions,  engendered  in 
darknefs,  and  which  feck  concealment  till  they  can  come  for- 
ward with  efFeft,  have  flowly  and  unfufpe(^lingly  met  this  light,  not 
aware  that  fome  were  watching  the  moment,  when  they  could  be 
diftindly  feen. 

New-England  federallfm  appeared  to  be  protejianty  and  to  willi 
the  downfal  of  hierarchies,  till  the  church  of  Rome  began  to 
tetter  :  then  it  began  to  pray  for  her  re-eftablifhment,  ardently  as 
faints  for  rebuilding  the  walls  of  Jerufalem.  The  French,  who  till 
that  time  had  been  our  good  friends  and  allies,  were  called  a  fet 
oi  atheifts  and  anarchifts.  No  curfes  were  too  fevere  to  implore 
on  them  for  abolifliing  hierarchies  and  for  fufpending  the  obfervance 
of  that  day,  which  had  been  before  devoted  to  the  diflionor  of  God, 
and  the  ruin  of  man.  No  pity  for  opprefTed  humanity  reihained 
the  rage  of  our  church  and  ftate  men.  No  cries  afcended  to  heav- 
en for  relief  of  freemen.  With  joy  the  combined  troops  of  the 
throne  and  the  altar  were  announced  as  hurhng  their  thunders  on 
devoted  France.  The  paflions  were  gradually  raifed.  The  cries 
of  infidelity  and  modern  philofophy  were  founded  through  the 
country,  and  the  rage  of  holy  church  and  ftate  men  was  direded 
againrt  infidel  France.  Even  the  royalift  Barruel,  a  papift,  be- 
came a  favorite,  although  at  the  expence  of  our  proteftant  ancef- 
tors,  the  Albigenfes  and  Waldenfes,  he  criminated  France.  Every 
little  fubjed  of  a  political  prelate  took  in  charge  the  caufe  of  God 
and  fettled  in  his  narrow  mind  a  queftion  mighty  enough  for  the 
greateft  talents  of  two  contending  worlds.  A  little  cumberer  of 
the  ground,  a  miferable  portion  of  dufi  and  afhes,  to  which  the 
worms  are  heirs  apparent,  decides  on  the  counfels  of  his  Maker,  and 
decrees  in  his  behalf  that  the  holy  father  had  been  wrongfully  dif- 
turbed — that  the  king  of  France  fhould  be  reftored — that  the  thr(jne 
and  the  altar  fliould  be  more  clofely  united,  and  that  the  old  order 
of  things  fhould  be  revived.  To  exprefs  thefe  mighty  decrees  a 
new  vocabulary  is  invented  to  abufe  the  friends  of  civil  and  religious 
liberty,  and  to  compliment  the  tyrants  and  murderers  of  the  world. 
' — —Was  this  the  fpirit  of  chriflianity,  or  of  church  and  flate  ? 

New-England  federalifm  appeared  to  be  ckrijllan,  till  by  irrita- 
tion of  the  public  mind,  and  falfe  alarms,  federal  power  was  able  to 
raife  an  army  and  navy,  and  to  create  extenfive  eflablirnments  of 
wealth  and  grandeur,  perfectly  confiflent  with  church  and  date 
union,  but  actually  armaments  and  batteries  againfl  the  peaceable 
kingdom  of  a  humble  Redeemer. 

New-England  federalifm  appeared  to  ht  federal,  till  a  change  of 
adminiftration  defiroyed  the  grand  objed  of  church  and  flate, 
v/hich  always  was,  pov/er  to  the  leaders,  delufion  to  the  followers, 
and  ruin  to  oppofition.  Then  this  federalifm  cried  out  for  dif- 
memberment  of  the  (lates-— the  death  of  federalifm. 

Hypocrify  is  not  chargeable  on  our  federal  leaders  in  church 
and  flate,  nor  their  humble  organs,  the  orators  and  editors,  becaufe 
they  have  publiflied  the  fads,  on  which  thefe  views  are  formed. 
Their  hypocrify  confifls  in  profefTmg  to  love  liberty,  chriftianity 
and  federalifm  ;  yet  in  the  name  of  thefe,  purfuing  meafures  hoftile 
to  them  ail,  and  concealing  from  the  people  the  fupieme  objeft, 


their  own  confequence,  which  can  be  compafTed  only  in  the  def- 

trudion  of  thefe  blcflings  :  for  none  of  thefe  can  be  cherifhed  fin- 
cerely  in  any  heart  without  facrificing  the  luft  of  power,  which  is 
their  main-fpring  of  a(5lion. 

The  infidious  arts,  by  which  this  procefs  has  been  effefted,  fur- 
nifii  a  fubje<5t  too  extenfive  for  ample  difcuflion  in  the  propofed 
compafs  ;  but  this  will  be  accepted  as  my  blow  at  the  root  of 
church  and  (late  union^ 

NO.  11. 

Vitw  of  the    origin    cf    Church  and    State    Union  in   New^ 



AM  not  about  to  prefent  a  new  charader  of  religion 
under  the  fun  ;  it  is  one,  which  has  prevailed  in  every  nation, 
where  the  throne  and  the  altar  have  been  in  alliance,  and  in  every 
heart  where  this  alliance  is  approved.  It  is  a  charader,  to  which 
every  religion  has  tended  with  as  much  certainty  as  bodies  tend  to 
the  centre.  Mankind  have  been  always  difpofed  to  appropriate 
heaven  to  earthly  purpofes. 

The  Jews  received  a  perfe<5l  law  under  the  theocracy  ;  but  find- 
ing the  obfervance  of  it  inconfiftent  with  their  lufts,  their  clergy 
and  council  by  degrees  changed  it  to  a  religion  well  adapted  to  hu- 
man pride,  and  built  altars  to  this  pride.  The  humble  votaries, 
grateful  to  their  new  lawgivers,  bent  the  knee  to  the  builders  of  the 
altar,  and  forgot  the  God  of  heaven.  The  pried  took  his  ftand 
within  the  holy  of  holies  ;  the  counfellor  ftood  without  to  attend 
the  incerife  of  the  fat  of  rams  and  the  oblations  of  rivers  of  oil. 
Religion  became  a  profitable,  contemptible  pageantry,  yet  it  retain- 
ed fo  much  earthly  power  that  when  the  fon  of  David  appeared 
andexpofcd  this  ftate  of  things,  Pilate  could  not  offer  to  the  peo- 
ple a  more  acceptable  fubjevH:  of  crucifixion. 

To  this  new  religion  the  proud  unioniits  of  Jewifh  church  and 
flate  did  not  fubmit.  Tiie  great,  who  had  formed  powerful  con- 
nexions, or  purchafed  edates,  were  bidden,  but  did  not  attend  :  the 
feaft  was  fliared  by  the  obfcure.  Many  faid.  Lord,  Lord,  but  did 
rot  what  he  commanded  :  many  wore  fad  countenances  to  be  feen 
of  men  :  maAy  prefaced  their  alms  by  found  of  trumpet,  and  chofe 
confpicuous  places  for  their  devotions ;  yet  the  humble  publican,  the 
poor  widow,  the  meek  and  defpifed,  compofed  the  retinue  of  the 

Saviour.  While  buffetings  and  perfecutions  were  the  lot  of  chrif- 
tians,  the  knowing  ones  avoided  profeflion  ;  but  when  it  was  dif- 
covered  that  this  religion  could  be  made  an  engine  of  ftate,  and  that 
civilians  and  ecclefiaftics  could  fuftain  each  other,  it  became  fafli- 
ionable  to  profefs.  The  first  union  of  church  and  state 
IN  Christendom  was  the  corner  stone  on  which  satan 
WAS  tobuilp  his  fabric  of  infidelity.  High  priefts  pray- 
ed for  kings  ;  kings  furnifhed  laws  to  fupport  religion  ;  the  Sav- 
iour's promife  to  fuflain  his  church  was  forgotten,  or  his  power  to 
fulfil  the  promife  was  doubted.  His  pi<aure  decorated  the  walls 
of  churches  ;  but  the  knee  was  bent  and  the  eye  lifted  to  his  ho- 
linefs,  the  fountain  of  all  fpiritual  power,  and  to  his  majefty,  who 
kept  that  fountain  overflowing  with  the  wealth  of  a  fubjugated 

This  magnificent  union  having  for  centuries  overfpread  Chrif- 
tendom,  and  having  humbled  by  perfecutions  and  cruelties  every 
fucceeding  clafs  of  real  chriftians,  was  at  length  abridged  by  the 
reformation.  In  the  courfe  of  a  (ingle  century,  among  the  churches, 
called  reformed,  that  of  England  became  moft  confpicuous  for  the 
fame  union,  which  in  its  turn  was  abridged  by  the  puritans,  who 
firfl:  fettled  this  country,  and  New-England  can  claim  the  uninter- 
rupted fucceflion  of  this  church  and  flate  power. 

The  exiftence  and  deteftable  charader  of  three  of  thefe  unions  will 
never  be  doubted.  It  is  my  province  to  confider  the  fourth,  and  as  the 
piety  of  our  anceftors  has  formed  the  bafis  of  our  church  and  flate 
union,  and  fmce  much  of  paflion,  falfehood  and  fuperftition  have 
been  improved  in  the  hiftory  and  application  of  this  piety,  I  fhall 
proceed  in  the  next  number  to  fpeak  of  our  anceftors  in  fach  terms 
as  my  fubjed  requires,  and  with  the  exprefs  intent  of  Ihewing  that 
our  church  and  ftate  unionifts,  who  claim  to  be  heirs  of  the  b'efiing, 
have  a<flually  inherited  fome  conftituent  parts  of  their  religlonj  an4 
that  this  religion  is  not  chriftianity. 

.VO.    III. 

View  of  the  Religion  of  our  Anceflors 


EN  have  been  taught  to  look  into  antiquity  with  as 
much  dread  as  children  into  a  haunted  room,  and  this  fubjedt  has 
been  fo  artfully  obfcured  that  the  elucidation  of  it  requires  a  per- 
fectly new  procefs. 

I  vyould  bow  with  all  reverence  before   the   generation  which 
firft  died  in  this  country,  with  lefs  to  the  next,  and  would  diminifh 



in  refpedl  till  I  came  to  the  prefent,  and  would  then  hold  all  my  co- 
temporaries  in  total  contempt  ; would  kneel  before  illuftrious 

fhades  and  defpife  living  men,  could  I  find  any  juft  authority  for  it : 
but  who  will  give  me  furety  that  in  confideration  of  this  homage 
the  people  of  the  next  century  will  as  thoroughly  venerate  the  prefent 
generation  ?  Did  our  anceftors  wifh  that  we  fhould  ufe  their,  char- 
afters  as  engines  of  torture  for  our  neighbours  ?  and  were  they  defi- 
rous  that  one  half  of  their  defcendants  fhould  in  their  names  abufe 
the  other  half?  If  fo,  they  merit  no  reverence  for  fuch  difpofitions. 

If  the  charafter  of  the  prefent  generation  mufl:  be  facrificcd,  let 
it  rather  be  done  to  the  fmiling  infants  and  rifing  hopes  of  future 
generations,  than  to  the  infenfible  duft  and  afhes  of  the  paft.  If 
any  benefit  is  gained  by  faying  that  every  generation  grows  worfe, 
that  experience  and  example  have  tended  to  debafe  human  nature, 
and  that  thefe  are  peculiarly  evil  times,  let  this  benefit  defcend  to 
our  children,  whofe  chance  of  rifing,  after  defcending  from  fuch 
parents,  mufl  be  wretched  indeed. 

Thofe  preachers  and  moraiifls,  who  rife  on  the  ruins  of  human 
nature,  and  thrive  on  the  growth  of  depravity  may,  if  they  under- 
ilandthe  human  heart,  look  into  their  own  and  find  that  the  m&ik 
felfifh  paiTions  impel  them  to  their  work.  He,  who  is  conflantly 
convincing  me  of  my  fins,  of  his  own  righteoufnefs,  and  of  that 
judgment,  which  is  to  give  him  an  everlafling  afcendency  over  me, 
is  employed  in  a  very  proud  calling.  He,  who  talks  about  ancef- 
tors, is  fuppofed  to  be  very  knowing  about  antiquity,  and  it  is  much 
more  glorious  to  be  fcientific  about  things  of  no  confequence,  the 
proof  of  which  is  obfcure,  than  to  know  thofe  important  things, 
which  are  d^ily  pafiing  before  us. — He,  who  is  fevere  on  the 
paganifm  and  immorality  of  remote  antiquity,  fhews  his  abhorrence 
of  evil,  and  hurts  the  feelings  of  no  man,  becaufe  none  can  trace  his 
kjndred  fo  far  back.  He,  who  praifes  and  compliments  my  ancef- 
tors, touches  fome  fine  fibres  of  a  felfifh  heart,  and  prepares  me  to 
believe  that  the  befl  of  principles  and  motives  mufi  influence  one, 
"  who  charms  fo  wifely."  He,  who  caufes  the  thunders  of  heav- 
en to  roll  at  a  diftance  over  my  head,  produces  in  me  a  complacent 
ferenity  ;  but  he  awakens  every  fcnfe  of  joy,  when  he  direfts  the 
bolts  upon  my  political  adverfaries.  He,  who  ncgleds  his  mafter's 
work  to  attend  to  mine,  fecures  my  zeal  to  fcreen  him  from  merit- 
ed reproach  and  punifhment. 

If  diflTerent  beings  had  been  employed  in  making  man,  they 
would  doubtlefs  have  differed  extremely  in  their  workmanfhip,  and 
ingenuity  might  have  been  employed  in  tracing  the  relative  capacity 
of  the  artlfls  :  but  as  one  infinite  Creator  has  made  all  men,  it  is 
probable  that  there  are  no  differences  of  charafter  between  thofe 
of  one  and  another  century,  except  what  have  been  produced  by 
the  different  degrees  of  light,  which  he  has  been  pleafed  to  reveal 
to  them.  The  increafe  of  moral  knowledge  hr^^  increjfe^^  men's  per- 


ceptlons  of  moral  light.  Civilization  has  brought  in  its  train  vir- 
tues axid  vices  :  Seafons  of  danger  have  exhibited  courage — feafons 
of  want,  temperance — and  feafons  of  luxury  have  given  ©ccafional 
checks  to  moral  practice.  The  depravity  of  man  has  difcovered 
itfelf  in  different  forms  :  Superftition  marks  one  century,  hypocrify 
the  next :  Parfimony  charaderizes  the  father,  profufion  thefon. — 
The  occupants  of  each  century  have  generally  taken  good  care  to 
call  themfelves  worfe  than  thole  before  them,  andthofe  of  the  next 
have  been  obliged  to  exalt  the  virtues  of  their  anceftors,  and  to 
humble  themfelves  under  a  fenfe  of  their  inferiority,  and  this  (late 
of  things  will  probably  laft,  till  fome  curious  operator  (hall  find  a 
mode  to  extrad  felfilhnefs  from  the  human  heart,  or  till  the  arts  of 
trafHcking  with  our  pious  anceftors  fhall  ceafe  to  be  fuccefsful. 

Having  glanced  at  the  motives  of  our  church  and  ftate  men,  I 
proceed  to  remark  that  their  firft  advance  towards  taking  pofleffion 
of  the  piety  of  our  anceftors,  is  by  exciting  a  great  portion  of  fenfi- 
bility  in  their  favor.  Indeed  their  leaving  their  native  country  to 
fettle  in  this  wildernefs,  and  eftablifhlng  themfelves  in  the  m.idft  of 
want  and  hardfiilps  againft  favage  tribes,  is  well  calculated  for  the 
opening  of  fuch  a  work :  but  will  you  compare  all  this  v/lth  the 
fuffcrings  of  the  natives,  flying  in  every  direftion,  or  by  whole  vil- 
lages buried  under  the  burning  ruins  of  their  once  peaceful  dv/ell- 
ings  ?  Here  gratitude  is  artfully  called  up  to  balance  the  account 
in  favor  of  our  anceftors,  and  the  luxuriance  of  our  fields  is  fum- 
moned  to  witnefs  their  claim  to  all  our  homage.  The  tawny'  war- 
rior has  left  no  hlftorian  to  record  his  virtues,  no  rich  defcendants 
to  emblazon  his  name,  no  ftone  to  record  the  place  from  which  he 
and  his  wife  and  children  too  fuddenly  ftarted  for  eternity  ! 

It  is  extremely  popular  to  excite  fenfibility  and  to  exprefs  grati- 
tude, efpecially  when  the  exercife  of  them  cofts  nothing.  Had 
not  our  anceftors  come  here,  we  might  have  been  born  in  England, 
and  been  fubje<5t  to  funding  fyftems,  ftamp  acts,  fedition  laws — to 
the  enormous  indebtednefs  and  dlftrefiSng  policy  of  that  nation  :  or 
we  might  have  been  born  in  Scotland,  and  under  an  infamous  alien 
adl,  been  tranfported  to  Botany  Bay  with  Muir,  Skirviag,  Mar- 
garet, and  fuch  reftlefs  fpirits  :  or  we  might  have  been  born  in  Ire- 
land, and  been  implicated  in  all  its  treafons  and  rebellions  againft  a 
moft  gracious  fovereign,  who  in  the  fupremacy  of  his  condefcen- 
fion,  would  have  fent  over  powerful  armxies  to  form  an  inland  nav- 
igation, to  be  fupplied  by  ftreams  from  our  veins.  In  what  wild, 
barbarous  regions  of  frozen  Finland,  or  defpotic  Ruliia,  might  not 
our  anceftors  have  placed  us  ? 

Are  we  then  to  blefs  anceftors  for  placing  us  in  an  eligible  coun- 
try  or  to  curfe  them  for  placing  us  in  a  wretched  country  ?  The 
conception  is  abfurd  :  merit  is  always  connected  with  motives,  and 
our  anceftors  came  herewith  motives,  perfedlly  their  own.  It  is 
a  relief  to  men,  while  in  ardent  purfuit  of  wealth,  enduring  cold> 


hunger  and  ha.rdlliips,  to  fay,  *  All  this  is  for  pofterity,'  The 
niifer  has  not  always  the  fortitude  to  fay,  *  I  love  gold  fo  well  that 
rather  than  part  with  it,  I  will  fee  all  my  neighborhood  wretched  ;' 
no,  he  fays,  *  I  mufl  lay  up  fomething  for  my  children.'  The 
man,  who  does  cruel  things  in  the  courfe  of  bufinefs,  will  never 
own  the  hardnefs  of  his  heart  and  the  indomitable  power  of  gold  ; 
no,  he  fays,  *  Juftice  to  myfelf  and  family  requires  me  to  do  fo.* 
We  mufl  indulge  thefe  weak  natures  in  fome  occafional  evafions  ; 
but  vjhzn  fyjiems  of  evaiion  are  adopted,  we  muft  combat  them. 

A  general  regard  to  the  interefts  of  pofterity  is  confident  with 
the  beftinterefts  of  the  prefentday.  It  extends  the  views,  and  en- 
ables a  man  to  think  that  he  fees  what  he  does  not  fee,  and  that  he 
fetls,  what  he  never  felt  ;  but  the  man,  who  prates  much  about 
pofterity  and  anceftry,  generally  does  it  to  conceal  what  he  is. — 
Our  anceftors  never  conceived  of  us  :  had  they  lived  to  the  prefent 
moment,  we  fhould  have  been  too  diftant  from  them  in  kindred  to 
hiave  engaged  their  cares  or  affeftions,  and  we  fliould  have  cared 
as  little  for  them.  Curiofity  might  have  drawn  us  to  fee  the  man, 
who  firft  fet  foot  on  American  ground,  who  fiiot  the  firfi:  native, 
who  fet  fire  to  the  firft  village,  or  who  diftinguiflicd  himfelf  in  the 
early  ads  of  taking  poftefTion  of  this  country  ;  but  there  would  have 
been  an  end  of  the  bufinefs. 

Let  me  nov/  call  you  to  look  at  our  anceftors  juft  as  you  would 
at  a  clafs  of  men,  coming  here  at  this  time  and  condudling  as  they 
did.  Did  they  fly  from  perfecution,  becaufe  they  hated  it  in  prin- 
ciple, or  was  it  becaufe  it  was  dire6led  againft  them  ?  At  their  firft 
eftablifhment  here,  they  perfecuted  with  more  violence  than  they 
had  fuffered.  Did  they  leave  their  homes  to  find  a  little  retired 
fpot  in  the  wildernefs,  where  they  might  enjoy  the  little,  which 
man  wants  here  below,  and  from  which  might  afcend  daily,  and  un- 
interrupted afpirations  to  heaven  '  Their  firft  obje^Sl  was  extent  of 
territory,  and  they  combated  for  it  with  a  zeal  and  perfeverance 
worthy  of  a  better  caufe.  Did  they  love  humanity  and  peace  ? 
But  they  were  in  conftant  wars  with  their  tawny  brethren^  children 
of  the  fame  univerfal  Father.  Did  they  love  toleration  ?  But  they 
denied  it  to  Quakers  and  Adamites,  v/ho  like  them  had  fled  to  the 
fame  country.  If  they  loved  civil  and  religious  liberty,  why  was 
every  exertion  made  to  deftroy  them  ?  Exprefsly  becaufe  they 
were  fubject  to  paflions,  like  to  thofe  men,  whom  they  had  left. 
They  fought,  quarrelled,  finned  and  puniflied,  as  often  in  proportion 
to  their  numbers  as  their  pofterity,*  except  that  the  vices,  which 
arife  from  luxury,  could  not  attach  to  them. 

*  Sec  the  bhie  laws  and  Trumbull's  hiftory  for  fa<5^sto  futlaln  this  num- 
ber •,  a  recital  of  the  cruelty  of  their  wars,  the  bittcrncfs  of  their  difputeis, 
the  multitude  and  fcverity  of  their  punifliments,  thcdcfedtion  of  their  zealots, 
&c.  would  be  tedious.  It  is  natural,  in  turning  thofe  pages,  leaf  by  leaf,  t» 
obfcrvs  how  rapidly  the  paflions  gained  againft  the  religion  of  tha^  age,  and 

^ ^3 

I  do  not  fpeak  of  Lord  Say  and  Seal,  and  Sir  Edmond  An- 
drus,  and  other  barons  and  knights,  who  came  here.  Such  men 
are  ahke  throughout  the  world  ;  the  odium  of  their  memories 
ought  not  to  defcend  to  any  :  but  ourj{>/<?.v.r  anceftors  were  the  very 
men  who  exhibited  the  chara(5ter  which  I  have  defcribed,  and 
they  fucceeded  in  laying  the  foundation  of  a  church  and  date 

The  policy  and  earthly  advantages  of  this  union  were  perfe(5tly 
underftood  in  the  country  of  their  birth.  A  very  little  imagina- 
tion could  form  a  ftriking  allegory  between  the  children  of  Ifrael 
and  our  anceftors.  Egypt  and  Britain — the  Red  Sea  and  the  ocean 
— the  ancient  and  modern  wildernefs — the  Amorites  and  the 
Indian  tribes. — What  more  fultable,  after  fuch  apt  copulatives,  than 
the  jundion  of  Mofes  and  Aaron  ?  A  few  things  were  wanting 
to  complete  the  refemblance,  fuch  as  the  pillar  of  a  cloud  and  the 
pillar  of  fire,  and  a  divine  command  to  drive  out  the  heathen  : 
but  the  pallions  of  man  will  eafily  accomplifli  what  his  imagination 
cannot,  and  hence  we  find  that  while  one  clafs  of  our  anceftors 
were  engaged  in  war,,  the  others  were  bufy  in  forming  civil 
government  (as  they  termed  it  according  to  the  mind  and  will  of 

This  was  the  fitteft  feafon  on  earth  to  have  feparated  church 
and  ftate,  whofe  union  had  fo  long  been  difgraceful.  Now  was  the 
time  to  have  laid  folid  foundations  of  humanity,  toleration,  vita! 
religion,  and  rational  government  ;  but  the  luxuries  of  Egypt  had 
more  temptations  than  the  manna  of  the  wildernefs,  the  old  path 
was  beaten,  the  profits  of  the  old  order  of  things  were  too  tempt- 
ing— our  fathers  yielded  to  it.  In  gathering  churches,  any  num- 
ber of  perfons,  declaring  themfelves  faints,  were  to  be  deemed 
fuch  ;  thefe  formed  a  church,  with  a  right  to  admit  to  communion 
fuch  as  (liould  thereafter  profefs,  fo  as  to  perfuade  l/jem  that  they 
were  fincere.  Thefe  faints  afllimed  all  earthly  dominion,  excluded 
from  their  order  as  they  pleafed,  held  from  office  all  but  them- 
felves, denied  baptifm  to  all  but  the  children  of  communicants, 
excommunicated  Quakers  and  Antinomians — decided  on  creeds  and 
herefies,  and  chole  preachers  for  themfelves  and  the  finners. 
Thus  an  immenfe  power  was  lodged  in  thefe  people,  and  an  im- 
menfe  patronage  conneded  with  it ;  and  all  this  having  no  other 
foundation  than  their  own  declarations.  All  power,  inftead  of 
being  derived  from  the  people,  was  derived  from  the  clergy. 
Every  thing  was  made  to  bend  to  holy  church.  Spiritual  tyranny 
was  eftablifhed,  and  the  rights  of  man  were,  in  terms  and  in  fadt, 
treated  with   total  contempt.     Religion   was  fald  to  be  the  whole 

how  thefe  paflions  burfl  forth  with  an  impetuofity,  proportioned  to  the 
reflraint. Thofe,  who  wifh  to  eilablifti  the  fuperior  piety  of  our  ancef- 
tors, muft  guard  all  accefs  to  their  hiftory  effc dually,  as  Eden  was  guarded, 
*fter  the  expullbn  of  Adam. 

bufinefs  of  man,  and  the  main  bufinefs  of  religion  was  civil  gov- 

This  ftate  of  intolerance  and  ufurpatlon  lafted  till  (as  the 
adulators  of  our  anceftors  fay)  a  generation  rofe  up,  who  had  not 
the  fpirit  of  their  fathers  ;  but  in  fa6t,  a  generation  rofe  up,  who 
were  refolved  that  religion  and  liberty  fhould  not  deftroy  each 
other.  They  faw  in  the  whole  of  this  fyftem,  the  paffions  of  man 
operating,  as  they  always  had  done,  and  that  in  a  change  of  coun- 
tries they  had  only  changed  madevs.  This  produced  difputes 
about  qualifications  of  admiilion  to  the  ordinances  and  a  great  va» 
riety  of  dodrinal  points,  which  were  fometimes  agitated  before 
councils  of  clergy,  and  fometimes  before  legiflatures.  The  mind 
and  will  of  God  was  made  to  depend  on  the  occafional  majorities  of 
popular  affemblies,  and  to  crown  the  farce,  his  majefly  fent  over  a 
decree,  enjoining  that  the  churches  fliould  renounce  their  rigid  and 
intolerant  habits  :  Which  decree,  we  are  told,  was  confidered  as 
an  infringement  of  the  rights  of  confcience.  I  have  the  fame  ref- 
ped  for  this  kind  of  confcience,  which  the  Qu^akers  and  Adamites 
muft  have  had,  who  were  banifhed  for  exercife  of  it,  or  as  the 
Anabaptifts  and  Antinomians  had,  when  they  felt  the  force  of  pun- 
ifhment  for  claiming  their  rights. 

It  is  not  my  province  to  confider  how  much  of  piety  was  in  all 
this  bufinefs ;  it  is  enough  that  there  was  much  of  paflion,  pride,  and 
zeal  for  earthly  dominion,  and  little  of  that  humble  ardent  devotion 
which  characterizes  the  pure  in  fpirit.  The  really  pious  men  of  the 
world  feldom  find  a  place  in  hiftory ;  the  noifelefs  tenor  of  their 
way  offers  no  lure  to  the  fycophant  of  a  fucceeding  age.  High 
crimes,  pov/erful  artifices,  daring  achievements  fwell  thehidorian's 
page,  and  higheft  in  the  favor  and  applaufes  of  our  church  and  ftate 
men  are  the  chara(5lers  of  thofe,  who  have  confpicuoufly  aided  the 
fyftem  of  governing  earth  in  the  name  of  heaven. 

If  our  anceftors  really  pOifefTed  in  this  country  the  good  principles, 
which  they  profefied  in  their  owe,  if  they  pra6tifed  faithfully  on 
thofe  principles,if  they  rejeded  the  temptations  of  wealth  andpov/er, 
then  they  did  not  found  a  church  and  ftate  union,  then  all  hiftory 
about  them  is  faife,  and  they  are  gone  to  a  world  of  rewards  where 
neither  praifes  nor  cenfures  can  affed  them.  It  is  enough  for  me 
to  have  prefented  thofe  leading  traits  in  their  characters,  which  ftiew 
their  refemblance  to  other  men  when  full  of  power.  The  firft 
chriftians  were  virtuous  ;  bat  when  the  chriftian  name  became  pow- 
erful the  character  was  loft.  Our  anceftors  fet  out  from  England 
with  virtuous  profefiions  :  but  when  they  found  the  pov/er  in  them- 
felves,  they  became  lordly  and  intolerant.  This  is  the  courfe  of 
nature  :  when  the  firft  ardors  even  of  virtuous  imprellions  are  ex- 
pended, the  glory  of  the  day  is  gone.  This  tru;h  opens  the  ruin 
of  all  human  greatnefs  :  providence  has  provided  that  it  (hall  ruin 
itfelf,  and  the  church  and  ftate  union,  fo  carefully  nourifhed  by  our 


anceftors,  contained  in  itfelf  the  feeds  of  its  now  approaching  diffo- 
lution.  The  appearance  of  extreme  piety  was  necefTary  at  firft. — 
This  abated  by  degrees,  and  at  length  the  unionifts  have  difpenfed 
with  every  thing  but  the  profits  and  honors  of  their  profefEon. 

NO.  IF. 

View  and  revieiv. 


ILL  any  one  a(k,  fuppofing  that  our  anceftors  were 
pious  or  impious,  of  what  confequence  is  this  to-the  prefent  genera- 
ation  ?  Such  enquirer  has  never  known  the  policy  of  this  northern 
world.  Our  leading  federal  politicians  form  a  religious  trading 
houfe  on  principles  not  unHke  to  thofe  of  the  church  of  Rome.  This 
laft  deals  in  relics  of  faints,  images,  and  whatever  can  intereft  the  eye. 
Ours  deal  in  anceftors,  rare  legends,  profefiions,  and'  whatever  may 
intereft  the  ear.  Both  are  fond  of  dodrines,  miracles,  and  myf- 
teries  ;  but  treat  real,  pra(flical  piety  and  humility  as  the  tithing  of 
mint,  annife  and  cummin.  Our  unionifts  feize,  with  great  greedi- 
nefs,  the //>/)?  of  our  anceflors.  This  they  claim  as  their  indefeafible 
eftate.  They  next  claim  and  really  own  a  great  part  of  the 
v/ealth  of  the  country.  They  claim  the  houfes  of  worfliip,  and  their 
priefts  minifter  at  the  altar.  They  next  claim  the  ordinances  and  the 
feats  of  juftice,  and  the  right  of  making  laws,  and  the  fources  of 
public  information  and  the  feminaries  of  fcience  :  infa(5t,  as  right  heirs 
at  law,  they  claim  and  hold  nearly  every  thing,  and  withal,  the  right 
of  denouncing  thofe  who  will  not  acknowledge  them  to  be  in  right- 
ful poffeffion.  They  have  a  fortrefs  on  every  high  hill,  troops  well 
difciplined,  wealth  and  honors  enough  to  difpenfe,  and  in  this  proud 
attitude  bid  defiance'to  the  fcattered,  untrained  men,  who  are  oppo- 
fed  to  them.  They  have  well  ferved  parks  of  artillery,  and  on  the 
lead  irritation  difcharge  powerfully  from  their  colleges,  pulpits  and 
prefTes.  All  this  ferves  thefe  unionifts  as  an  immenfe  eftate.  All 
are  admitted  to  participate,  who  will  own  their  power  :  no  pradice 
or  even  profeffion  of  religion  is  neceffary  for  admiflion  into  church 
and  ftate  union  ;  even  a  preacher  of  this  order  can  devote  the  fabbath 
to  his  party  and  be  cannonized  alive  for  his  fan<5tity.  A  pra<5lical 
infidel  can  take  high  rank  among  them,  and  the  cry  of  religion  is  in 
danger  is  the  war-whoop  of  the  party. 

Church  and  ftate  courts  earthly  greatnefs,  thrives  in  the  midft  of 
wealth  and  honors,  delights  in  war,  and  purfues  with  zeal  whatever 
vhriftianity  forbid?.    lo  the  midft  of  eternal  flu(5tuation3  of  conduct, 


the  zeal  of  church  and  ftate  for  earthly  power  and  dominion  is  in- 
variable. We  fled  from  the  perlecution,  oppreflion  and  tyranny 
of  a  hierarchy  abroad,  and  inftantly  eftablifhed  one  here.  We 
crouched  humbly  and  meanly  to  Britain  till  we  gained  ftrength  ;  then 
the  civilian,  who  found  our  offices  filled  with  foreign  court  favorites, 
and  fome  of  our  clergy,  who  faw  the  weight  of  government  in  the 
fcale  againft  them,  profeffed  to  be  whigs,  declared  for  the  rights  of 
man,  and  planned  a  revolution,  which  real  whigs  achieved.  What 
was  our  late  Prefident  in  1774  ?  ^"  ^^^  view  of  our  enemies  deferving 
an  halter.  What  in  i8oc?  In  the  fame  view,  meriting  a  crown. 
What  were  our  clergy,  when  praying  againft  Britifh  fleets  and  armies  ^ 
Rebels.  What  were  thofe  of  them,  who  in  1800  advocated  what 
they  had  prayed  againft?  Saints.  In  1630  our  anceftors  detefted 
Britain — in  1670  co-operated  with,  and  loved  them — in  1776  we 
warred  againft  them  and  cheriflied  France — in  1796  loved  Britain 
again  and  hated  France,  but  were  truly  federal  ;  and  in  1 8ci,  cried 
loudly  to  difiblve  the  union.  Thefe  are  the  fteady  habits  of  church 
and  ftate. 

The  leaders,  true  as  weathercock  to  the  wind,  have  been  the  firft 
to  announce  and  the  earlieft  to  availthemfelvesof  any  change  of  weath- 
er ;  hence  they  have  been  in  power,  though  they  have  changed  prin- 
ciples often  as  exprefles  change  poft-horfes  :  yet,  as  an  exprefc, 
though  changing,  keeps  in  view  the  place  from  which  he  came,  and 
that  to  which  he  is  going  ;  fo  they  remember  that  church  and  ftate 
was  their  ftarting  ground,  and  human  glory  the  end  of  their  career. — 
But  in  the  midft  of  all  fluftuations,  they  are  true  as  needle  to  the 
pole  in  animofity  againft  their  opponents,  and  fidelity  to  their  adhe- 
rents ;  fo  that  if  one  leaves  them  through  difguft,  no  vengeance  is  con- 
fidered  too  exemplary  to  deter  others  from  defertion  :  but  he  who 
is  faithful  may  draw  pay  to  the  day  of  his  death.  If  he  falls,  they 
will  furely  raife  him,  and  from  this  policy  they  keep  many  attached 
to  them,  juft  as  Britain,  though  infinitely  bankrupt  in  that  which  is 
the  true  bafis  of  credit,  retains  the  confidence  of  creditors  by  a  con- 
ftant  pun(5tuaiity  fultained  by  new  loans. 

Thefe  are  real  illuminatifts.  They  have  their  illuminatlfm  from 
the  Jews,  the  Catholics,  the  Britons,  and  their  own  anceftors  ;  they 
inherit  and  pra^ife  all  the  artifice  and  intrigue  of  their  predeceffors., 
and  purfue  precifely  the  fame  objed.  Here  are  no  Rcbifon  and 
Barruel  fi<5tions,  no  heavy  Gertnan  quotations,  no  long  lifts  of  men, 
<who  were  never  horriy  no  forty-five  degrees  of  mafonry  :  but  folid 
modern  philofophifm  pra^^lfed  by  men,  who  are  daily  to  be  feen, 
and  who  may  be  known  by  the  following  figns  :  The  clergy  of  this 
order  pray  and  preach  politics,  and  profefs  their  right  fo  to  do. 
They  teach  a  religion  extremely  like  that  of  the  Jews,  confifting  of 
an  o{>tentatious  difplay  of  tenets.  They  perfecute,  and  blefs  not. 
They  pray  for  the  downfal  of  their  enemies,  and  affume  the  reverfe 
of  what  the  Saviour  recommended  on  the  mount.     They  admit 

honorary  members  Into  the  church  :  man  pofleflfed  of  church  and 
fiate  religion,  but  who  have  no  prctenfions  to  the  grace  of  the  gof- 
pel.  Their  chofen  companions  and  affociates  are  the  mighty  of  the 
earth,  and  they  vote  pubHcly  and  in  prefence  of  all  the  people/c/r 
fome  meUi  who  are  reputed  and  knoiun  'infidels.  Though  the  found  of 
the  rights  of  man  brought  them  to  their  proud  fituation,  yet  that 
found  is  now  grating  to  their  ears.  Unconfcious  of  that  patience, 
which  endures  their  outrages  againft  their  profeffions,  they  can- 
not bear  to  hear  the  humble  cry  of  toleration  from  thofe  out  of 
power.  So  far  from  preaching  and  pradifmg  chrifHanity,  they 
preach  a  religion  of  this  world,  pradlife  a  life  of  pride,  and  equip 
their  followers  in  the  armour  of  earth  to  combat  againft  the  caufe  of 

A  preacher  of  this  order  calculates  on  profelytes  in  theology, 
as  he  does  on  profelytes  in  pohtics.  He  compliments  highly  thofe 
of  his  own  party,  claims  for  them  all  the  miracles,  prophecies,  gifts 
and  promlfes  ;  drefTes  them  in  white  robes,  affigns  to  them  the  puri- 
ty of  the  holy  patriarchs,  prophets  and  apoftles,  and  initates  them  in 
all  the  rents  and  profits  of  anceftral  piety — then  he  abufes  all  unbe- 
lievers, mifquotes  their  writings,  mifreprefents  their  arguments  and 
lives,  loads  on  each  the  lins  of  all  others,  colledls  all  conceivable 
depravity  and  charges  it  on  them,  and  then  triumphantly  afl«  his 
hearers  which  fide  they  will  join  ?  The  firft  is  v/ell  underftood  to  be 
the  federal  fide,  the  lad  the  republican.  His  hearers  conclude 
with  great  fignificance  to  prefer  the  fide  of  federal  chrifiianlty  to  re- 
publican infidelity. — 

Is  all  this  fair  dealing  ?  Has  God  fent  fuch  men  to  preach  his 
gofpei  ?  If  it  be  true  that  all  holy  and  heavenly  beings  are  in  favor 
of  a  federal  adminiftration,  and  oppofed  to  republicanifm  ;  if 
the  election  of  grace  has  any  connedion  with  ele6tions  to  office  ; 
if  celeftial  glory  and  earthly  honors  have  any  affinity,  thefe  are 
very  faithful  preachers  ;  otherwlfe,  they  are  impoftors. — Let  me 
ailc,  has  any  clafs  of  men  avowed  their  preference  for  immorality 
and  anarchy  ?  Has  any  clafs  aiTumed  upon  themfelves,  and  faith- 
fully promifed  to  maintain,  and  circulate,  the  dreams  of  Condorcet, 
or  the  abfurditles  of  Godwin  i*  If  fo,  let  evidence  of  the  fadt  be 
produced. — Has  any  clafs  of  men  appointed  thefe  preachers  to 
abufe  them  ?  or  is  the  love  of  God  fo  abundantly  Ihed  abroad  in 
the  hearts  of  thefe  political  levites,  that  they  are  conftrained  by  it 
to  vilify  and  criminate  three  fourths  of  his  creation  ?  Alas !  all 
fuch  preachers  are  not  only  pra6llcal  infidels,  but  the  propagators 
of  all  the  theoretic  infidelity  which  they  denounce.  Hume, 
Voltaire  and  Bolingbroke  would  never  have  been  deifts,  if  chrif- 
tianity  had  (hewn  itfelf  uniformly  in  the  lives  of  its  moft  confpic- 
uous  profefiors.  Thomas  Payne  probably  learnt  his  infidelity 
from  church  and  ftate  union.  He  had  lived  in  the  midft  of  men, 
who  profefied  much  religion,  but  who  converted  the  whole  to  their 
own  benefit.  C 


Are  fuch  clergy  as  I,have  defcribed  fit  paftors  of  a  holy  flock  ? 
Are  they  teaching  the  humble  dodrines  of  the  gofpel  ?  Is  the 
heavenly  world  to  be  crouded  by  men,  boafting  that  they  fwayed 
fceptres,  and  exhaufted  the  wealth  of  mlUlons,  or  that  they  com- 
manded navies  and  armies,  and  guided  the  llorm  in  the  day  of 
{laughter,  or  that  they  cheated  a  nation  of  its  rights  ;  and  will  the 
background  be  Hlled  with  their  humble  fycophants,  recounting  the 
deeds  which  they,  in  connection  with  kings,  dukes,  generals, 
and  courtiers  performed  ?  Think  you  that  the  (treets  of  the  New- 
Jerufalem  will  be  graced  by  a  proccffion  of  popes,  cardinals, 
prelates,  and  our  northern  political  clergy,  glorying  in  the  addrefs, 
with  which   they  managed  earth   in  the   name   of  heaven  ? 

The  gofpel  prefents  you  another  heaven,  fardiftant,  far  different 
from  this,  where  the  meek,  humble  expe(5lants  of  mercy  will  arrive, 
not  in  purple  robes,  nor  in  the  fplendid  attire  of  courtiers  ;  but  na- 
ked and  ready  to  be  clothed  with  the  robes  of  faints ;  not  vaunt- 
ing, but  humbly  confelTmg  their  unworthinefs  ;  not  glorying  in 
the  impoftures  which  they  pradifed  on  man  in  this  world,  but 
deeply  lamenting  that  they  were  ever  left  even  to  fmaller  adls  of 
diffimulation.  And  if  that  book  informs  us  that  fuch  will  be  the 
other  world,  why  are  preachers  fulTered  by  their  hearers  to  do, 
in  the  certain  prefence  of  their  Maker  here,  thofe  things,  which 
repeated  or  even  known  hereafter,  will  unk  them  to  (hame  and 
everlafting  contempt  ? 

It  has  always  been  heretical  to  fpcak  thus  of  the  dignified  clergy  ; 
but  unfortunately  for  them,  it  has  always  been  fpoken  with  truth. 
As  the  particular  exhibition  of  the  hypocrify  of  thefe  men  will  be 
referved  to  a  future  number,  I  pafs  to  the  figns  by  which  you  may 
know  the  civilians  of  church  and  ilate. 

As  federalifm  here  has  refolved  itfclf  wholly  into  church  and 
fliite  union,  in  order  to  make  this  its  lad  defperate  fland,  I  might 
point  you  diredly  to  our  men  in  place,  to  thofe  in  nomination  for 
places,  and  to  the  expectants  of  nomination  :  for  thefe  are  to  re- 
ceive the  firft  profits  of  partnerfliip ;  but  at  prefent  your  attention 
is  invited  to  traits  of  character.  The  leading  of  thefe  is  inherited 
from  pious  anceftors,  viz.  a  total  averfion  to  the  principles,  power 
and  practices  of  Britain,  and  thereafter  a  burning  zeal  for  the  fame 
national  charafler ;  at  firfl  friends  to  toleration,  and  equal  rights, 
then  bitter  enemies  of  both  ;  adoring  the  will  of  the  majority,  while 
it  kept  them  in  place,  then  contemning  that  will,  when  it  oppofed 
their  ambition.  Selfjihnefs  would  burft  througli  v/alls  of  l3rafs, 
could  it  find  no  other  opening  for  aiSlion,  What  can  a  man  do, 
who  finds  in  himfelf  inordinate  ambition,  and  invincible  zeal  to 
govern  mankind  ?  Shall  he  grovel  among  the  vulgar  herd,  have 
but  2iftngle  fhare  in  a  divifion  of  rights,  take  his  place  in  the  ranks, 
plough  for  his  bread,  and  walle  his  life  in  obfcurity  ?  Ordinary 
means  v/ill  not  raifc  him  rapidly  enough — the  perception  of  our 


great  world  is  too  flow  for  his  pride.  He  fees  the  multitude 
crouding  to  the  Tanduary. — He  knows  that  in  every  country  reli- 
gion has  fleered  the  muhitude  regularly,  "  as  rudder  docs  the 
**  fhip,  and  that  prieft  like  helmfman  holds  them  at  his  mercy  ;" 
he  approaches  the  altar,  embraces  the  miniflering  fervant,  and  awes 
the  multitude  to  reverence.  He  becomes  fcientific  ia  the  exteriors 
of  religion,  and  takes  the  high  road  to  promotion. 

If  you  can  find  one  ambitious  ftatefman,  deaUngthus  in  religion, 
and  you  really  believe  him  fmcere,  give  to  the  public  his  name,  let 
the  world  fee  him.  Does  he  love  the  Saviour  better  than  houfes  and 
lands,  better  than  riches  and  honors  ?  Stop  the  coftly  colledions 
of  mufeums. — Tiiis  is  a  curiofity  worth  them  all  ! — Alas  !  on 
ciofe  examination  you  lind  him  an  habitual  religionift,  entrenched 
in  forms  and  votes,  believed  in  by  men,  who  hope  to  follow  him  in 
all  things,  wherein  he  has  followed  his  worldly  intereft. — Away 
with  fuch  curiofities,  oar  country  is  full  of  them.  The  clergy  and 
civilians,  whom  I  have  defcribed  as  of  this  union,  are  precifely 
known  to  their  followers  as  hypocrites  ;  yet  they  contrive  to  keep 
up  the  ranks  of  their  leaders  and  followers  by  arts,  the  develope- 
meat  of  which  v/ill  occupy  a  few  facceeding  numbers. 

NO.   V. 

View  of  the  iriducemertts  of  amhitious  youth  to  join  the  Church 
and  State  Uniofu 


RELIEVING  fully  that  human  nature  is  no  better  than 
it  has  been — and  that  felfifhnefs  will  impel  men  now  as  formerly, 
to  the  means  beft  adapted  to  their  ends,  it  is  the  province  of  thefe 
pages  to  prefent  you  a  religion,  growing  as  naturally  out  of  the 
human  pallions,  as  vegetation  fprings  from  the  earth  ;  a  religion  as 
variant  from  pure  proteftant  chriftianity,  as  judaifm  in  its  worft 
eftate  was  from  the  law  of  God  given  by  Mofes — or  popery  from 
the  primitive  cimrch.  The  objedl  of  this  number  is  to  Ihew  that 
the  moft  feliilh  of  pallions  furnilh  a  fucceffion  of  leaders  in  church 
and  (late  union. 

Every  country  is  divided  into  two  clafles  of  men — one  which 
lives  by  the  labor  of  the  head,  and  the  other  by  the  labor  of  the 
hands  :  each  claims,  that  its  fervices  are  the  hardeft  and  moft  im- 
portant ;  the  firft  profeffes  great  zeal  for  public  good,  and  means 
nothing  by  it  ;  the  laft  does  his  days  work,  makes  no  profeffions, 
but  brings  his  produce  to  the  bctl  market.     The  firll:  always  gov- 


cms  the  lad  either  by  deceit  or  force.  Deceit  Is  the  milded  way, 
but  it  requires  great  labor  and  management  ;  force  is  the  fureft. 
The  tranfition  from  deceit  to  force  has  been  made  in  all  former 
nations,  and  at  the  commencement  of  the  pafl:  year,  we  were  juft 
croffing  the  line.  The  Arabian  tales,  which  had  been  pra6tifed 
for  years,  had  begun  to  lofe  their  effe<St — tub  plots  and  ocean  maf- 
facres  had  ceafed  to  be  articles  of  faith,  and  there  were  ftrong  fa^- 
picions  that  holy  church  was  playing  a  very  worldly  game.  Church 
and  ftate  for  once  lift  up  its  voice  without  effect.  A  fyftem  of 
deceit  is  f©  deteftable,  that  its  agents  manage  it  with  great  fecrecy 
— when  detected,  there  is  no  refuge  from  infamy,  but  in  a  fyftem 
of  force  :  when  that  fails,  refort  is  had  openly  to  church  and  ftate, 
and  when  that  proves  infuiticient,  when  the  right  owners  of  na- 
tional property  take  poiTelTion,  thofe  who  have  tried  all  thefe  vaia 
experiments,  muft  expe(ft  to  have  their  conduj^:  explored  with  a 
freedom,  which  a  reign  of  terror  would  not  admit. 

To  gain  the  fide  of  thofe  men,  who  do  not  fight,  but  who  plan 
engagements — ^"of  thofe  who  do  not  labor,  but  who  enjoy  in  luxury, 
the  fruits  of  labor,  is  confidered  here  a  great  point  gained.  Parents 
are  ambitious  to  place  their  fons  in  the  way  to  attain  this.  Col- 
Jeges  are  the  fortrelTes,  which  command  the  entrance  into  this  land 
of  promife,  and  thefe  have  been  mofliy  officered  by  church  and 
ftate  men  from  their  inftitution.  Perhaps  in  other  fituations,  as 
much  might  be  learnt  ;  but  there  is  the  fame  difference  in  chance 
for  promotion  between  a  youth  privately,  and  one  publicly  educat- 
ed, as  there  is  between  officers  of  a  militia,  and  thofe  of  a  (landing 
army  :  the  laft  are  well  known  to  be  in  the  line.  It  is  a  fact  that 
the  youth  are  fent  there  in  order  to  prepare  for  fuccefs  in  this  world, 
and  even  ^iffwj-  parents  confider  an  education  given  to  a  fon,  equal 
to  a  farm,  or  a  trade,  given  to  his  brethren,  and  really,  if  the  edu- 
cated fon  fucceeds,  he  will  enter  into  the  public  field,  which  is  in 
better  cultivation,  than  the  fields  of  his  brethren.  It  will  not  be 
denied,  that  thefe  colleges  are  now  totally  oppofed  to  the  general 
government,  and  that  thence  have  ifTued  the  mofl  virulent  attacks 
on  the  officers  of  it.  It  will  not  be  denied,  that  officers  of  church, 
and  officers  of  the  flate,  are  afTociated  at  the  head  of  them,  and 
that  thefe  have  been  careful  to  fupport  in(lru6tors,  hoftile  to  our 
prefent  government.  Under  fuch  aufpices,  a  young  man,  without 
any  appeal  to  his  palfions,  is  very  likely  to  follow  the  track  of  his 
iuperiors.  To  him  they  appear  to  be  men  of  the  firft  magnitude, 
becaufe  in  the  narrow  compafs  of  his  vifion,  none  are  greater. 
!fle  imputes  their  elevation  to  the  fylhm  which  they  have  adopted. 
This  fires  his  ambition.  He  fees  thefe  men  connected  with  other 
great  men  in  church  and  flatc — and  that  all  the  promotions,  and 
honors  of  life  are  in  their  gift. 

While  his  inilruaor  is  teaching  him  the  abflra<St  nonfenfe,  that 
there  is  no  heat  in  fire,  and  no  cold  in  ice,  and  that  our  fenfes  are 


traitors,  he  is  looking  forward  to  tho^Qfypms  of  ckceH,  by  which 
multitudes  rife  to  eminence.  The  delk  and  the  bar,  open  the 
great  obje<5ts  of  purfult.  The  profeffion  of  medicine  is  not  in  the 
line  of  church  and  flate  promotion.  If  he  choofes  the  profeffion 
of  preaching,  he  enters  into  a  great  inheritance  of  refpedt,  and  may 
expe<5t  the  higheft  feat  at  feafts,  and  to  be  called  of  men.  Rabbi. 
The  law  offers  him  the  dire(5t  road  to  weahh  and  public  honors. 
All  the  machinery  of  a  felfifh  heart  is  put  in  rapid  motion.  He 
calculates  on  the  relative  chances  of  chefe  accurately  as  the  grazier 
does  on  a  market.  His  pafhons  are  in  high  ilimulus  :«his  inftruc- 
tors,  the  newfpapers  which  he  reads,  the  fphere  in  which  he  moves, 
every  thing  about  him — tends  to  infufe  into  his  mind  rays  of  that 
illurainatifm,  which  is  to  guide  him  through  life.  Does  any  friend 
feize  this  wavering  moment  to  point  him  to  the  decay  of  real  reli- 
gion, and  to  the  importance  of  devoting  his  talents  to  drive  away 
that  ftate  religion,  which  pafTes  for  chriftianity  ?  Does  any  one  in- 
ftrud  him  in  the  principles  of  our  revolution  and  in  the  total  perver- 
fion  of  thofe  principles,  and  does  he  fee  that  the  powers  of  the  ftate 
are  as  fully  in  the  hands  of  the  enemies  of  civil  liberty,  as  thofe  of 
the  church  are  in  the  hands  of  the  enemies  of  toleration,  and  that 
he  ought  to  join  the  ranks  of  thofe,  who  are  declaring  indepen- 
dence of  the  proud  ufurpers  of  church  and  ftate  ?  No !  his  paf- 
fions  and  intereft  are  hand  in  hand :  He  feafonably  makes  a  pro- 
feffion of  faith,  enlifts  under  the  banners  of  the  feaarian  of  the 
day — and  after  a  fliort  procefs  announces  himfelf  to  be  an  embaf- 
fador  of  heaven,  becomes  a  political  zealot,  preaches,  as  other  fuch 
faints  have  preached  before  him,  calls  the  minority  of  his  flock 
infidels — gives  timely  alarms  that  the  church  is  to  be  attacked, 
and  then  devotes  feveral  fabbaths  to  fhewing  his  hearers,  how 
bravely  he  will  defend  it,  when  the  enemy  are  in  (Ight,  and  after 
the  elecftion  is  over,  to  ferve  nvh'ich  the  alarm  luas  giveuy  it  is  found 
to  have  been  a  falfe  alarm  ;  but  the  conclufion  is,  that  fuch  alarms 
ure  ufeful,  becaufe  they  keep  the  faints  in  readinefs.  Or  if  he 
choofes  the  profeffion  of  the  law,  another  procefs  is  necefiary  :  he 
muft  feafonably  quarter  himfelf  out  upon  fome  congregation^  be  In  fa- 
vor  with  the  clergy y  hate  the  right ^  of  man,  and  he  acil'ue  in  fecuring 
to  others  the  honors,  ivhich  he  experts  foon  to  enjoy. 

At  our  colleges  are  formed  the  cancers  whofe  fibres  extend 
throughevery  part  of  our  religious  and  political  fyftems — andthrough 
this  caufe  our  religion  is  in  the  hands  of  fuch  men  as  formerly  ru- 
ined it,  and  our  civil  interefts  in  the  hands  of  fuch  men,  as  have 
always  been  enemies  to  them  ;  and  with  every  advantage  in  their 
hands,  they  exhibit  an  annual,  or  femi-annual,  triumph  in  the  vi<flo- 
ries,  which  they  gain  over  men,  who  have  nothing  to  promife  to 
their  adherents. 

An  event,  which  occurred  at  the  moment  of  my  writing  this,  en- 
ables me  to  exemplify  thef«  remarks.  The  harbingers  of  the  public 


eletflion  here*  were,  ifl:.  Greenes  newfpaper,  containing  two  grofs 
falfehoods — viz.  that  congrefs  had  augmented  the  falaries  of  the 
pubhc  officers,  and  that  the  French  nation  had  demanded  of  our 
government  a  loan  of  fix  milHons.  The  pradice  of  ufhering  ia 
fuch  days  by  falfehoods  has  been  common  with  the  church  and 
ftate  unioniih  ;  but  they  had  been  generally  contented  with  poif- 
oning  the  public  mind  by  the  newfpapers  ;  on  this  occafion, 
however  the  moderator  of  the  meeting  (Mr.  Daggett)  and  one  of 
the  candidates  for  office  (Mr.  Goodrich)  had  taken  particular 
pains  to  ciroilatc  thefe.  Had  thefe  men  faid,  that  congrefs  gave  no 
more  than  what  had  been  paid  for  three  years  paft,  and  no  more  than 
what  had  been  voted  by  the  federalifts  under  the  adminiftration  of 
Mr.  Adams;  and  had  they  faid,  that  a  report  had  been  circulated 
about  a  requifition  of  a  loan,  but  that  it  had  been  publicly  contra- 
dicted, that  It  was  a  mere  eledtioneering  ftory,  and  that  they  believed 
nothing  of  it,  there  would  have  been  fome  dignity  and  fairnefs  in  all 
this  :  but  it  feems  that  any  means  are  good  enough  to  humble 

The  fecond  harbinger  was  a  political  fermon  from  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Dana  on  the  preceding  fabbath.  The  third,  an  admiflion  of  two 
men  to  the  freedom  of  the  ftate,  who  had  no  claim  to  it  by  law.— 
Thefe  were  a  tutor  and  butler  from  college,  and  there  was  no  pretence 
that  they  had  the  legal  qualifications  :  but  it  was  dated  by  Mr, 
Daggett  and  Mr.  Goodrich,  that  it  had  been  the  practice  in  the  ftate 
to  admit  fuch.  How  far  violations  of  the  law  in  other  parts  of  the 
ftate,  or  fimilar  violations  here  on  former  occafions,  could  form  a 
precedent  to  fandlion  a  breach  of  truft  in  the  officers,  who  admitted 
thefe,  may  be  a  queftion  for  church  and  ftate  cafuifts.  If  man  may 
decide  that  a  diploma  is  equal  to  140  dollars  in  the  lift,  or  real 
eftate  worth  7  dollars  per  annum  f,they  may  decide  that  three  years 
education  is  equal  to  it — indeed  feveral  of  the  fenior  clafs  did  apply 
to  one  of  the  feledtmen  ;  but  there  was  no  occafion  for  a  new 
precedent  this  year.  If  thefe  men  would  decide  that  a  good  trade 
was  equal  to  a  diploma,  we  would  (hew  them  mechanics  enough  to 
put  an  end  to  all  their  future  decifions;  but  the  revolutionary  do<5lrine, 
that  taxation  ivithout  reprefentatlon  is  the  ejfence  of  tyranny  ^  had  become 
^abfolete,  and  fome  thoufands  of  men  in  the  ftate  are  taxed  and  yet 
are  not  fuffered  to  be  reprefented. — But  the  fourth  harbinger  was  a 
new  eiedlion  law.  It  had  been  found  that  church  and  ftate  could 
not  fully  control  votes  given  fecretly,  and  that  the  numbers  of 
republican  votes  increafed  ;  the  new  law  was  therefore  calculated 
to  bring  this  control  into  vifible  operation,  and  to  produce  a  direct 
bias  on  the  mind  contrary  to  the  freedom  of  fufFrage.;];, 

•  New-Haven. 

f  Thefe  are  the  only  legal  qualifications  in  Connedlicut. 
\  This  law  enaded  that  iiiftcad  of  baliots  fecretly  put  into  a  box,  the  voters 
fliould  rife  and  be  counted. 


I'vvo  clafles  af  men  compofed  the  meeting — The  one  wholly  op- 
pofed  to,  and  the  other  in  favor  of  the  adminiftration  of  the  Uni- 
ted States.  The  £rft  confifted  of  the  Prefident  of  the  college.  Dr. 
Dwight,  who  had  circulated  Robifon  and  Barruel,  and  who  had 
never  ceafed  to  reprobate  in  the  fevereft  terms  the  republicans  :  The 
Rev.  Dr.  Dana,  who  preaches /oAV/Va/fermons,  and  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Hubbard,  an  epifcopal — thirteen  lawyers — the  officers  of 
College,  and  a  great  number  of  diplomatic  freeman,  who  had  been 
at  this  and  former  occafions  admitted — the  body  of  merchants — ■ 
the  diredors  of  the  bank  and  infurance  companies — the  civil  authof- 
ity,  feledmen  and  other  officers  of  the  town^^the  aldermen,  com- 
mon-council and  other  officers  of  the  city,  all  truly  federal  : — Beiide 
thefe,  Noah  Webfter,  jun.  Efq.  and  Stephen  Twining,  Efq. 
Thefe  might  have  been  clafTed  under  fome  of  the  other  heads,  but 
they  deferve  particular  notice,  as  the  fir<i  is  the  confervator  of  Mr. 
Jefferfon  in  politics,  and  fupervifor  of— nouns  and  pronouns  ;*  and 
thelaft  a  defender  of  the  faith,  and  recording  fecretary  of  the  acad- 
emy of  arts  and  fciences  ! 

Having  mentioned  this  federal  group,  my  fubjecH:  will  be  benefit- 
ed by  a  view  of  the  correal  motives  of  each.  Chridianity  can  never 
fail,  but  church  and  ftate  religion  is  ruined  if  republicanifm  pre- 
vails ;  lawyers  can  never  be  a  privileged  order  in  a  republic.  Com- 
merce flourifhes  moft  in  the  neighbourhood  of  wooden  walls,  which 
are  of  monarchical  conftruflion.  Republicanifm  places  on  a  po- 
litical level  the  rich  banker  and  the  poor  laborer,  leaving  to  the 
firfl:  no  other  pre-eminence  than  what  his  wealth  will  command  : 
a  condition  of  equal  rights  would  reduce  to  the  ranks  fome  men, 
who  hold  offices,  becaufe  they  hold  in  contempt  the  body  of  thofe 
who  have  them  in  their  gift:  and  as  to  feif-created  confervators 
and  academicians,  they  would  never  rife  to  the  rank  of  privates  in  a 

Will  any  page  in  hiftory  prefent  fuch  a  group  of  figures  afTociated 
for  the  good  of  man.  Is  it  not  vifible  that  no  tie  can  bind  them 
but  their  feveral  private  interefts,  all  uniting  in  one  point.  Were 
the  aufpices,  under  which  they  met,  indicative  of  honefl:  zeal  for 
the  public  good  I  Did  they  meet  to  do  honor  to  the  conftitutiona? 
voice  of  the  country  ?  or  was  it  to  offer  the  moft  pointed  affroiit  to 
the  adminiftration  ?  the  fequei  will  (hew. 

The  republicans,  oppofed  to  this  phalanx  could  not  fay  to  any  of 
their  friends,  you  are  a  proper  candidate  to  fucceed  Samuel  Bifhop, 
Efq.  as  a  juftice  of  the  peace,  bring  your  brothers  and  uncle  to  vote 
with  us.  They  could  not  promife  them  any  town  or  city  offices.. 
They  could  not  command  a  new  eledion  law — nor  a  political 
fermon — nor  a  number  of  illegal  voters,  nor  a  brace  of  mifrepre- 
fentations  in  their  favor  :  nor  could  they  fay  to   the  freemen,  it  is 

*  See  his  letter  to  Mr.  JefFerfon  on  his  adrainiftration,   and  bis  letter  tc 
the  Prefidcnts  of  colleges  on  the  corruptions  of  the  Engliih  language. 


all  the  fafliionto  be  on  our  fide  :  our  great  men  will  fmile,  when 
they  fee  you  rife.  None  could  be  brought  to  join  them,  but  men 
who  felt  the  enormity  of  impofition,  and  who  would  dare  to  rife  in 
prefence  of  a  privileged  majority,  and  who  could  bear  the  fneers  of 
two  clergymen^)  to  he  repeated  on  every  naming  of  their  candidates. 

Elizur  Goodrich,  Efq.  was  the  firlt  reprefentative.  His  vo- 
tino  more  than  thirty  times  againrt:  the  appointment  of  Mr.  Jeffer- 
fon,  and  his  uniform  hoftility  to  the  republican  caufe,  were  the  on- 
ly arguments  againfl:  him  with  one  fide,  and  the  moft  prevaiHng 
ones  in  his  favor  with  the  other.  Noah  Webfter,  Efq.  was  the 
fecond  reprefentative  !  !  The  governor,  lieut.  governor,  treafurer, 
fecretary,  counfellors  and  nomination  for  congrefs,*  fuftained  by 
the  majority,  were  church  and  ftate  men,  all  oppofed  to  the  admia- 
iftration  of  our  general  government. 

In  the  gallery  of  the  houfe  were  the  young  gentlemen  of  college, 
and  let  me  aflc,  what  impreflfions  muft  hav^been  made  on  their 
minds  ?  Would  they  not  naturally  choofe  the  fide  of  power  and  of 
favor  ?  It  will  reft  in  future  views  of  this  fubjeft,  to  (hev/  that  fach 
choice  would  lead  them  to  join  in  the  deftiudion  of  civil  and  reli- 
gious liberty. 

NO.    VL 

View  and  revieiv. 


N  fuch  a  fubjefl,  it  Is  ufeful  occafionally  to  look  back- 
ward, forward,  and  about  us,  as  the  weary  man  does,  who  is  travel- 
ling through  a  wildernefs,  thronged  with  beafts  of  prey,  and  venom- 
ous reptiles  ;  for  we  travel  in  the  midft  of  the  oldeft,  moft  fubtle 
and  ferocious  of  the  human  pallions. 

Men,  who  imagine  that  they  have  pafTed  adroitly  through  life, 
in  the  indulgence  of  every  paffion,  and  that  they  are  juft  on  the  bor- 
ders of  heaven,  hear  with  great  impatience  that  they  have  taken  a 

*  Jonathan  Trumbull,  John  Treadwell,  Andrew  Kingfbury,  Samuel 
Wyllys,  William  Williams,  Oliver  Eilfworth,  Joleph  P.  Cook,  William 
Hillhoufe,  Roger  Newberry,  Thomas  Seymour,  Aaron  Auftin,  David  Dag- 
gett, Jonathan  Brace,  Nathaniel  Smith,  John  Allen,  Chauncey  Goodrich,  John 
C.  Smith,  Simton  Baldwin,  Roger  Grifwold,  Benjamin  Talmadgc,  Elias 
Perkins,  Samuel  W.  Dana,  Calvin  Goddard,  John  Davenport,  jun.  Timothy 
Pitkin,  jun.  Jonathan  O.  Mofeley,  Epaphroditus  Champion,  Lewis  B.  Stur- 
S:es,  Theodore  Dwight,  John  Caldwell,  William  Hart,  Nathaniel  Rofleter, 
Sylvefter  Gilbert,  Samuel  B.  Sherwood. 


wrong  road,  and  are  on  the  confines  of  a  very  different  country. 
Men,  who  have  profefTed  much  religion,  and  yet  poffefs  none,  are 
highly  enraged  at  having  this  fad  fpread  before  the  public.  Men, 
found  wandering  wide  of  their  duty,  and  charged  publicly  with  this 
wandering,  prefer  refentment  to  contrition.  All  thofe  who  under 
felfifh  motives  profefs  great  zeal  for  public  good,  are  diilreffed  at 
detedlion,  and  a  difclofure  of  tke  means  bv  which  the  few  govern 
the  many,  is  high  treafon  againft  the  craftfmen.  Under  thefe  im- 
preffions,  I  am  aware  that  the  lafl  number  will  be  denominated  an 
outrage  of  all  decency  ;  but  it  was  high  time  that  the  world  ihould 
have  a  little  fpecimen  of  that  liberty  and  equality,  which  have  been 
fo  much  reprobated.  Thefe  place  men  on  a  political  level,  and 
embolden  the  humbleft  citizen  to  fpeak  freely  of  dignities,  if  they 
deferve  it. 

Will  any  one  aflc  me,  is  this  the  return,  which  I  make  for  ail  the 
tendernefs,  fmcerity  and  afFedion,  with  which  I  have  been  treated 
by  the  clergy  and  civilians  ?  Let  me  fcreen  myff  if  from  any  impu- 
tation of  ingratitude  under  the  importance  of  my  fubjed,  which 
demands  me  to  name  the  men  and  fa<5ts  to  which  I  refer,  in  order 
to  fecure  attention. 

Have  I  faid  that  our  colleges  cultivate  hoftility  againft  the  gov- 
ernment of  our  country,  and  that  the  padions  of  our  youth  are  fedu- 
loufly  enlifted  againft  republicanifm  ?  Have  I  ftated  two  falfe- 
hoods,  one  political  fermon,  two  freemen  admitted  contrary  to 
law,  and  a  new  eledion  ad,  as  intended  unduly  to  bias  the  pub- 
lic mind  ?  Have  I  faid  that  one  clergyman  circulated  Robifon  and 
Barruel,  and  that  another  preached  political  fermons  ?  and  have 
I  prefented  the  enemies  of  our  revolution,  combined  with  the  ene- 
mies of  our  civil  policy,  to  fhew  contempt  for  the  conflituted  author- 
ity of  our  country  ?  and  have  I  proved  by  their  works  the  intent 
of  the  combination  ?  No  one  is  likely  to  difpute  my  ftatement — 
the  fads  are  confpicuoufly  known  ;  but  my  dired  or  implied  con- 
clufions  are  wholly  diftincl  from  the  fads.  Thefe  conclufions 
were  defigned  to  give  fuch  a  complexion  to  the  fads,  as  they  ap- 
peared to  merit.  But  fuppofe  that  a  bafe  infidel  is  at  the  head  of 
our  government,  and  a  noted  dancing-mafter*  at  the  head  of  our 
treafury,  and  illuminatifm  advancing  through  the  country,  as  the 
forerunner  of  anarchy — popery  arriving  by  the  way  of  Louifiana, 
the  people  dsftrcfTed  by  a  redudion  of  taxes — lawfuits  diminilhed 
by  repeal  of  the  midnight  law,  and  univerfal  calamity  over- 
fpreading  the  country. — Shall  not  the  fcholar  quit  his  books,  and 
the  clergyman  his  bible,  and  piety,  wealth  and  power  unite  to  pre- 
vent the  cataftrophe  ?  Shall  the  niceties  of  truth  and  lanv  be  at- 
tended to  in  fuch  a  convuUion,  and  men  be  fuffered  to  ad  their  own 
opinions,  when  thofe  opinions  will  be  in  favor  of  infidelity  and  an- 

*  See  Webfi  er's  Spedator,  fpeaking  of  Mr.  JcfiVrfon  and  Mr.  Gallatin, 
under  date  of  September,  179!?. 



arcliy  ?  Thefe  are  federal  fuppofitions^  and  we  reply  to  them— 
fuppofe  that  there  is  no  truth  in  all  this,  and  in  further  advance  of 
the  fubje^,  we  (hall  fhew  not  only  that  they  cannot  be  true ;  but 
that  a  certain  fet  of  fads  refpeding  thefe  leaders  exifts,  which, 
compared  with  other  hiftoricai  fafts,  will  (hew  that  they  are  fyf- 
tematically  purfuing  objeds,  hoftile  to  the  real  wiihes,  and  true  in- 
terefts  of  the  great  body  of  our  people. 

Unwilling  to  offend  the  great  men,  whom  I  have  named,  it  be- 
comes me  to  fay,  th2it perhaps ,  they  believe  in  all  thefe  fuppofitions, 
and  are  therefore  honeft  ;  though  I  have  no  idea  that  this  is  the  cafe. 
This  balances  my  account  with  them  ;  but  it  may  be  well  to  enable 
the  reader  to  regard  great  men  more  on  the  principles  of  liberty 
and  equality,  than  he  has  been  accuftomed  to  do,  and  for  this  pur- 
pofe,  I  will  drip  them  of  Vv'hatimpofes  on  the  public  mind. 

Is  a  great  man  poffeffed  of  fuperior  talents,  and  is  he  therefore 
haughty  ?  Give  the  credit  to  the  beflower  of  his  talents,  and  render 
to  him  your  complaint,  that  they  have  been  worfe  than  buried  in 
the  earth.  Is  he  endowed  with  a  great  fund  of  knowledge,  refult- 
ingfrom  advantages  of  education,  which  you  have  not  enjoyed  ? 
and  does  he  for  this  claim  to  lord  it  over  you  ?  Examine  who  af- 
forded him  thefe  advantages,  who  endowed  the  inftitution  which 
he  enjoyed,  who  labored  in  the  fieM  to  fupport  him  at  (ludy  ;  and 
?ik  yourfelves  whetlier  all  thefe' ought  to  fink  and  be  humbled 
before  him  ?  Does  he  command  an  army  ?  Examine  who  lights, 
bleeds  and  dies,  to  win  his  lauy'els,  and  then  refolve  in  yourfelves, 
whether  the  trade  of  war  has  fuperior  claims  to  the  veneration  of 
humanity  ?  Does  he  preach  to  you  the  gofpel,  and  does  he  claim 
your  earthly  homage,  and  the  guidance  of  your  political  faith  ? 
Examine  the  hiftory  of  him,  whom  he  calls  his  mafter.  Does  he 
promife  you  public  favors,  if  you  will  aid  him  in  promotion  ?  See 
that  from  yourfelves  he  gained  the  power  of  promifing,  and  that  he 
is  placing  you  an  almoner  on  the  bounty,  which  you  furnifl-ied. 
Does  he  wear  a  crown,  recolle<5i:  how  many  humble  men,  like 
yourfelves,  were  paid,  as  the  price  of  it. 

The  humiliation  with  which  men  have  regarded  the  wealth  and 
power  which  have  been  infidioufly  drawn  from  them,  has  been  a 
leading  caufe  of  all  the  flavery  on  earth.  You  naturally  venerate 
religion  and  government.  The  minilters  of  each  apply  this  vene- 
ration to  themfelves.  You  fit  down  content  with  the  appropriation, 
and  thereafter  worfuip  the  man  in  power,  as  the  papift  worfliips 
{he  image,  each  profefling  that  a  vifible  objed  enlivens  his  devo- 
tions :  Hence  is  the  habitual  idea,  that  if  you  remove  the  man,  or 
the  image,  you  remove  the  lubitance.  Liberty  and  religion  can 
i^ever  confili  with  fuch  fenfelefs  idolatry. 

By  thefe  plain  remarks  I  have  no  intention  of  diverting  you  from 
what  will  be  termed  the  impudence  of  my  laft  number,  in  fuggefHng 
a  want  of  piety  and  political  integrity  in  fome  of  the  clergy  and 

^_ Jl^ ^ 

civilians.  Let  me  iipologize  to  thofe,  who  may  be  offended  at  thi.-:, 
by  declaring  that  I  do  not  believe  in  the  piety  of  the  one,  nor  the 
integrity  of  the  other.  It  might  be  fjfficient  to  fay  that  they  have 
never  furnifhed  evidence  in  their  favor  ;  but  I  apprehend  that  an 
ample  ftatement  of  the  caufes,  which  have  produced  my  unbehef 
in  thefe  men,  will  difpofe  of  a  valuable  part  of  this  fubject.  The 
very  firft  afpect  is  deadening  to  the  pretenfions  of  thefe  men— 
that  Hamilton,  Bayard,  Governeur  Morris,  Henderfon,  Rut- 
ledge,  Dana,  Grifwold,  and  fuch  men,  fhould  be  affociated  with 
certain  clergymen  under  the  name  and  firm  of  religion,  and  Co.  to 
defend  chrilUanity  againfl  infidels,  liberty  againil  the  body  of 
mankind,  and  to  lave  the  people  from  their  worft  enemies,  them" 
fehes  s  that  thefe  men  have  evidences  of  their  ov/n  honefl  zeal 
within  their  own  breafls,  which  force  them  often  to  exclaim, 
*  O  how  honed,  O  how  pious  we  are  !'  and  yet  that  this  evidence 
fhould  never  appear  in  their  a<flions,  fo  as  to  perfiade  the  people, 
are  ftrong  facfts  ;  but  they  are  not  new  fa6ts — t/je  liberttes  of  ma7i' 
kind  ivere  never  dejiroyed  by  any  other  clafs  of  men.  In  the  private 
walks  of  life,  temptations  are  not  potent  enough  to  call  men  to 
rifque  reputation  on  duplicity ;  but  the  temptations  of  wealth, 
dignity  and  power,  juft  within  reach  of  one  additional  effort,  will 
affociate  and  bind  together  men  of  very  incongruous  profefliohs, 
whofe  union  appears  to  be  diflradlion,  till  you  look  forward  and  fee 
that  the  fame  felfifh  objed  engroffes  the  affections  of  them  all. 

The  fa6l  of  clergy ^s  aiTociating  with  known  infddsy  in  order  to 
lupport  chriltianity,  and  the  fad:  of  thefe  infidels  availing  them- 
feives  of  the  profeffional  reputation  of  thefe  clergy,  to  compafs  their 
political  ends,  induces  fufpicions  on  each  ;  yet  thefe  fads  have  ex- 
ifted  fo  vifibly  as  to  caufe  an  exprellion  of  thefe  fufpicions  through- 
out the  continent.  Have  the  clergy,  whom  I  have  named,  or  any 
of  their  brethren,  endeavoured  to  excite  the  public  hatred  againfi: 
more  than  one  half  of  the  people  of  the  United  States,  by  char- 
ging them  with  iiluminatifm  andafpirit  of  infidelity,  anarchy  or 
atheifm  ?  have  any  of  them  diftorted  the  obvious  meaning  of  Mr. 
jefferfon's  Notes,  in  order  to  prove  on  \\\m  thefe  charges  ?  have 
any  proftituted  fabbaths  to  political  ledures  I  Yes,  thefe  men  have 
done  all  this,  and  in  doing  it,  have  lod  irretrievably  that  reputa- 
tion for  fandity,  fincerity  and  truth,  which  otherwife  they  might 
have  enjoyed,  and  this  failure  they  denominate  a  decay  of  religion. 
There  was  a  time  when  the  entire  clefgy  of  two  churches,  (the 
Jewifli  and  the  Romifh)  were  falfe  to  their  religions — yet  men  con- 
tinued to  revere  them,  afcer  their  power  was  gone. — We  rightful- 
■?y  charged  the  higher  orders  of  the  Englifh  epifcopacy  with  fimi- 
iar  tendencies  to  impoflure  at  afeafon,  when  thoufands  flood  ready 

for  worldly  ends,  to  attefl  their  fandity. Within  our  memories 

one  ciafsof  our  clergy  charged  another  with  herefy,  pharifaifm  and 
;mpoflure,  v/hen  the  denounced  clafs  ftood  high  in  the  confidenc?; 


ef  their  followers. Now  all  ecclefiaftical  difcord  is  hufned,  and 

the  pailions  which  fuftained  them  are  directed  againfl:  France,  Jef- 
ferfon,  toieratioa  and  republicanifm.  Thefe  fads  lead  us  to  be- 
lieve it  poinble  that  all  is  not  right  in  our  Zion,  and  when  clergy- 
men are  at  the  head  of  a  party  in  oppofition  to  our  government,  they 
embolden  us  to  fay  that  fuch  clergymen  are  not  pious  chriftians. 

This  country  affords  as  high  fcafoned  food  for  ambition  as  any 
before  it,  and  as  gready  appetites  to  devour  it.  A  pretence  of 
religion  is  now  as  profitable  to  the  politician,  as  it  ever  has  been  : 
this  profit  he  can  never  gain,  unlefs  the  key-keepers  of  the  people's 
confciences  and  honeft  confidence  vyill  affilt  him  in  gaining  it,  and 
the  imagination  of  man  cannot  prefent  to  him  any  fet  of  fa6ts  more 
indicative  of  this  (hte  of  things,  than  the  fet,  which  is  already 
furnifhed  by  the  diffeminators  of  Robifon  and  Barruel  and  the 
preachers  of  e]e<fl:ioneering  fermons.  If  to  have  faved  appearances, 
thofe  clergy,  who  affeEt  to  believe  that  infidelity  is  growing  with  the 
growth  of  republicanifm,  had  gathered  about  them  men  of  unquef- 
tionable  fan6lity,  had  carefully  guarded  their  own  lives,  had  fuffer- 
ed  no  evil  and  bitter  words  to  efcape  their  lips,  and  had  driven  far 
from  them  thofe,  who  were  following  them  merely  for  the  profits 
of  their  influence,  they  would  have  rifen  far  above  ourreprehenfions  : 
but  they  have  defcended  to  the  level  of  equalit}^,  by  admitting  not 
only  the  privileged  orders  of  decent  manners  and  hereditary  impor- 
tance, but  the  mo  ft  indecent  of  partizans,  back-biters,  inventors  of 
evil  things — the  implacable,  the  unmerciful,  and  the  whole  catalogue 
recorded  in  the  firft  chapter  of  Romans,  to  afiift  them  in  alarming 
the  world  for  the  fafety  of  the  church.  This  v/as  pufliing  their 
influence  too  far,  and  the  confequence  to  them  will  be  the  fame, 
Tvhich  has  happened  to  their  predeccfix)rs  in  former  ages  and  coun- 
tries. Men  have  fuffered  and  bled  too  much  to  fuffer  again  tamely 
an    union  of  church  and  ftate. 

But  a  long  lift  of  ponderous:  names  is  introduced  to  heighten  the 
charge  of  impudence  on  my  laft  number  and  to  paralize  my  doubts 
about  integrity  and  the  public  is  haughtily  queftioned,  *  Are  not 
theie  really  great  men  V  Suppofe  they  are  great  men  by  nature,  and 
education  ;  it  has  been  the  pleafure  of  God  to  fuffer  great  men  to 
be  the  fcourges  of  the  feveral  countries  where  they  exhibited  their 
greatnefs,  and  we  have  no  evidence  that  he  is  likely  to  change  the 
order  of  his  government.  The  courts  &f  Great-Britain,  Germany 
and  Ruflia,  are  thronged  with  fuch  great  men — and  they  always 
will  be  in  abundance,  where  power  and  wealth  are  to  be  had,  and 
they  will  put  in  their  claims  for  thefe  with  a  confidence  impofing 
on  the  multitude.  What  is  the  great  employ  of  thefe  great  men  ? 
is  it  to  adjuft  the  politics  of  this  little  ftate,  which  contains  one 
fourth  as  many  inhabitants  as  the  city  of  London  ?  Separate  from 
jobbmg  about  militia  officers  and  juftices,  and  making  and  fupply- 
ing  vacancies,    abridging  the  right  of  i'affrage — trimming,  riding 

of  hobby  horfes,  and  contriving  ways  and  means  to  abufe  the  gen- 
eral government,  what  mighty  concerns  has  this  ftate  for,  the 
talents  of  thefe  great  men  ?*  I  know  that  they  have  great  concerns 
and  objeds  of  their  own  ;  but  thefe  are  fzf  diftant  from  the  inter- 
efts  of  the  people :  therefore  they  keep  them  cautioufly  within 
their  own  lodges. 

Has  any  man  difcovered  that  laws  will  be  moft  accurately  made 
by  men,  whd  live  and  thrive  in  proportion  to  the  inaccuracy  and 
uncertainty  of  laws  ?  Are  thefe  men  tenderly  concerned  for  an 
equality  of  rights  ?  Then  they  differ  from  all  other  great  men  before 
them.  Is  it  the  caufe  and  kingdom  of  Chriil,  which  requires 
their  great  talents  ?  But  the  Saviour  never  chofe  fuch  men  as  his 
champions — he  placed  no  confidence  in  them,  they  never  did  him 
any  good  ;  they  have  in  all  ages  and  nations  been  the  leaders  of  his 
enemies,  and  have  eftablifhed  a  kingdom,  where  the  lufts  of  the 
fiefh,  the  lufts  of  the  eye,  and  the  pride  of  life,  have  been  predomi- 
nant. Are  federal  lawyers  anxioufly  concerned  for  the  welfare  of 
community,  and  for  fecuring  to  induftry  the  bread,  which  it  has 
earned.?  if  fo,  when  did  they  leave  the  fteady  habits  of  their  pro- 
feffion,  and  become  advocates  for  equal  rights  ?  If  my  ideas  ref- 
peding  thefe  great  men  are  wrong,  then  God  has  made  a  new 
world,  reverfing  the  order  of  the  old,  has  made  the  body  of  man- 
kind the  worft  enemies  of  themfelves,  and  has  appointed  thofe, 
who  ufed  to  be  their  worft  enemies,  their  confervators  ;  but  your 
experience,  if  you  dare  ufe  it,  will  confirm  my  impreffions.  Stop 
the  cry  of*  religion  is  in  danger,'  drive  the  political  clergy  either  inta 
or  out  of  their  pulpits,  break  the  league  between  church  and  ftate, 
which  firft  fubjugates  your  confciences,  then  treating  your  under- 
ftandings  as  galley-flaves,  robs  you  of  religious  and  civil  liberty, 
then  aflcs  fneeringly  what  you  have  loft — break  thefe  liliputian  ties, 
and  thefe  great  human  glories  would  be  like  the  ruins  of  ancient 

But  how  arrives  it  that  thefe  great  men,  fome  of  whom  are  really- 
great,  and  fome  very  moderate,  fliould  all  trade  under  the  firm  of. 
Great  men  and  Co  ?  Does  the  circumftance  of  thefe  laft,  having 
ferviiely  crept  into  the  favor  of  the  firft,  and  having  been  prayed 
for,  and  preached  for,  and  recommended  by  the  political  muftis — 
entitle  them  to  be  called  great  ?  Are  Elias  Perkins,  Benjamia 
Talmadge,  Theodore  Dwight,  Timothy  Pitkin,  jun.  and  Syl- 
vefter  Gilbert,  great  men  ?f   If  fo,  ye  little  men,  rejoice  that   yoa 

*  On  this  fubjedl  I  am  obliged  to  exemplify  my  remarks,  moftly  from 
names  and  fadts  within  the  very  limited  region  of  this  (late  ;  but  the  forma- 
tion of  this  union  is  fimiiar  throughout  New-England. 

f  Thefe  men  fufFer  their  names  to  be  given  to  the  public,  as  enemies  to  the 
general  government,  and  if  any  word  oracftion  Ibould  bring  into  queftion  this 
comity,  they  would  lofe  all  chance  of  promotion. — It  would  feem  natural 
that  a  people  of  republican  habits,  Ciouid  choole  men  of  the  fame  habits,  to- 

belong  to  another  clafs  :  but  in  the  language  of  churcli  and  (late, 
thefe  are  great  men — and  your  legiHators  have  made  laws,  whicli 
will  induce  every  timid  man  to  join  the  phalanx  of  church  and  ftate, 
in  declaring  them  to  be  great  men,  and  there  is  a  common  law  in 
force  for  reg^ding  as  friends  of  order  and  good  government,  all  who 
thu3  arrive  at  greatnefs. 

If  thefe  were  really  the  great  men,  which  they  are  reprefented  to 
be,  you  have  no  concerns  of  fufficient  magnitude  for  their  talents. — 
Your  religion  is  really  in  danger  ;  but  the  danger  is  from  thefe 
great  men.  Your  rights  may  be  invaded  :  but  thefe  great  men 
will  be  the  invaders.  Your  property  may  be  in  hazard  :  but  there 
are  ten  chances  oFyour  houfes  and  lands  being  fet  off  on  executions 
to  thefe  great  m.en,  to  one  of  their  being  feized  by  a  foreign  power. 
The  interefts  of  yo^r  colleges  may  be  neglected  :  bat  thefe  great 
men  have  already  enlifted  thofe  intereds  againfl:  the  general  gov- 
ernment— and  one  of  the  profefTors  of  our  college,  (Mr.  Marlh) 
declared,  "  that  Mr.  Jefferfon's  meafures  would  bring  on  a  mon- 
archy, and  he  was  glad  of  it,  for  it  was  the  beft:  form  of  govern- 
ment.*'* Here  is  a  fentiment  for  the  fons  of  the  heroes  of  1776. 
Peace  may  be  violated  ;  but  thefe  great  men  have  declared  for 
war — the  union  of  the  ftates  may  be  diffolved  ;  but  their  wilh  to  do 
this  has  been  announced.  The  v/ant  of  integrity  in  thefe  great 
men,  confifts  in  their  having  confined  the  fecrets  of  their  politics 
to  the  few,  who  are  to  agitate  the  people,  and  in  their  having  con- 
cealed from  their  electors  the  true  prelTure  of  the  times — pretend- 
ing to  love  ixjhat  they  hate,  and  thus  fecuring  to  themfelves  the  pow- 
er of  feizing  into  their  own  hands,  thofe  religious  and  civil  privileges, 
which  fuch  a  clafs  of  men  never  left  for  any  long  time  unviolated. 
Thefe  allegations  open  the  ground,  which  will  be  taken  in  a  future 
number,  and  fliew  the  points  of  danger  to  be  apprehended. 

If  thefe  great  men  pretend  that  thefe  are  chimeras,  let  them 
change  their  ground  : — Let  the  laws  be  repealed,  which  fecure  their 
places  :  let  the  old  dodrine  of  reprefentat'ion  and  taxation  wfepara- 
hie  be  revived,  let  all  who  contribute  to  the  public  burdens,  be  ad- 
mitted to  a  vote  :  let  the  young  men,  who  labor,  that  others  may 
eat,  and  who  muft  fight  in  cafe  of  war,  be  raifed  to  a  level  with  thofe 
young  men,  who  never  labor,  and  tuho  nvill  never  fight :  Then  let 
the  owners  of  thefe  ponderous  names  throw  them  into  commoa 
flock,  and  the  refult  would  be  conclufive  proof  that,  though  every 
thing  elfe  has  been  reprefented,  yet  that  the  voice  of  the  people  has 
not  been  heard  in  congrefs  or  council.     Till  our  revolution,  tiic 

rfprefent  them ;  but  the  people  know  and  do  very  little  on  this  fubjecft.  /■* 
nomination  is  made  out,  moftly  of  lawyers,  by  lawyers,  and  this  is  commi;.'i;- 
cated  to  their  clerical  afibciates,  and  if  all  the  men  in  it  are  of  church  ano. 
ftate,  they  will  fucceed,  fo  long  as  religion  is  fuffered  to  be  fubordinate  ta 
political  promotion. 

*  The  idea  is  retained,  the'  the  words  may  vary.  Capt.  Riley  is  my  witael. 


dillina  voice  of  the  people  had  not  been  heard  for  a  century  in  any 
quarter  of  the  globe.  For  a  feafon  it  was  neceffary,  to  call  our 
people  fovereign — to  raife  their  paffions,  to  ex^cite  their  courage, 
and  to  pay  them  for  fatigues,  expences  and  hazards,  in,  promifes  of 
a  golden  age  :  but  the  tinfel  of  that  day  has  worn  off.  Men  have 
been  gradually  brought  back  to  the  old  order  of  things  ; — the  badg- 
es of  flavery  have  been  worn  as  ornaments — the  fervices  of  the  old 
foldier  are  forgotten — the  name  of  liberty  defpifed — the  lords  of 
our  new  world  cry,  '  follow  us,  and  we  will  lead  you  to  wealth  and 
glory  ;'  and  the  multitude  are  awed  to  obedience  by  arts,  which 
will  occupy  the  three  next  numbers.  - 

NO.   VIL 

View  of  the  arts,  by  which  Church  afid  State  unionijls  hep  up 
the  ranks  of  their  followers. 

IN  EW  England  has  always  taken  to  it/elf  the  credit  of  a 
great  ftock  of  piety,  hereditary  and  acquired,  and  many  of  its  citi- 
zens have  been  extremely  gratified  in  a  belief  that  the  world  acquief- 
ed  in  this  credit ;  but  if  any  fuch  citizen  wifhes  to  know  the  truth, 
and  will  take  the  trouble  to  crofs  Byram  river,  and  make  enquiry,  he 
will  find  himfelf  in  a  grofs  miftake,  and  that  the  whole  of  this  buz 
about  piety  is  confined  within  our  own  boundaries.  Since  the  fate  of 
the  Gore  and  Sufquehannah,  and  the  fale  of  our  Referve,  our  feder- 
alifts  muft  be  content  with  complimenting  each  other  on  this  fub- 
jea:.'  Republicans  defire  to  be  excufed  from  any  devotion  to  this 
fpecies  of  flattery,  and  freely  rclinquiib  all  claim  to  the  profits 
of  it. 

In  all  feafons,  there  have  been  men,  who  for  trifling  offices  and 
advantages  would  appear  to  be  v/hat  they  were  not ;  but,  generally 
fpeaking,  g>eat  and  extenfive  influence,  high  and  commanding 
offices,  weie  necefTary  to  induce  a  confpicuous  finner  to  be  a 
thorough-going  hypocrite.  Formerly  fuch  oflices  were  not  abund- 
ant. Church  and  ftate  v/as  in  a  fmall  way  of  trafiic,  making  flow 
and  fure  gains,  with  a  fair  profped,  however,  of  future  wealth.  The 
light  of  the  prefs  was  like  a  glow-worm— men  read  what  they  were 
aflowed  to  read,  and  believed  as  they  were  told  :  there  was  enough 
of  public  learning,  but  little  of  that  fubftantial  knowledge,  which 
rcfults  from  correal:  information  and  un  reft  rifled  refledlion.  It 
was  the  happieit  feafon  for  pretences  of  piety  to  ufurp  dominion. 
Church  andftatc  lofl  no  ground,  it  plied  men  v/ith  ofHces,  fuitf-d 


to  their  capacities,  accepted  profeflion  in  lieu  of  praftice  from 
weak  finners,  multiplied  forms  of  devotion,  and  took  pofleffion  of 
the  fears,  hopes  ambition,  all  the  paffions — and  thus  prepared, 
drove  on  the  revolution,  which  appeared  to  promife  unlimited 
power  to  its  union.  Providence  fuffered  church  and  ftate  to  fall 
into  this  ambufcade  for  the  exprefs  purpofe  of  its  diflblution.  In 
the  fcenes  of  the  war  they  loft  men  and  artillery  :  many  of  their 
devotees,  joining  the  caufe  of  their  country  in  arms,  joined  its 
interefts  in  their  hearts,  and  only  waited  the  moment,  when  this 
formidable  union,  expofed  in  front  and  rear,  might  be  completely 
routed.  Under  the  new  government,  there  has  been  a  temporary 
appearance,  that  church  and  ftate  had  regained  its  ground  ;  but  this 
will  prove  deceitful  as  the  firft.  At  the  prefent  moment,  more 
than  30,000  freemen  of  New-England  hold  a  decided  attitude 
againft  this  union  :  more  than  an  equal  number,  whom  the  unionifts 
deprive  of  voting,  becaufe  they  are  not  rich  or  learned  enough^  are 
ready  to  join  them.  A  faithful  underftanding  of  the  arts,  by 
which  the  followers  are  held,  would  render  ineffective  any  future 
alarms  about  the  danger  of  religion. 

At  the  outfet  thefe  leaders  have  the  fame  advantages  as  the 
leading  Jews  had  over  the  firft  chriftians.  Thofe  could  fn^eer  at 
the  preachers  of  a  new  religion,  becaufe  they  had  neither  purfe  nor 
fcrip,  and  becaufe  their  leader  was  poor.  They  could  fay  to  the 
multitude,  "  we  have  Abraham  for  our  father,  we  are  ancient ;  to 
*'  us  the  lav/  was  given,  and  to  us  the  interpretation  of  it :  ours  are 
**  the  fynagogues — and  the  feats  of  juftice.  The  leader  of  this 
**  new  fe(5l  threatened  to  deftroy  our  temple,  his  followers  are  fet- 
"  ters  forth  of  ftrange  doftrines."  The  language  of  our  leaders  is 
the  fame  in  fubftance,  and  nearly  the  fame  in  terms.  Men  worfiiip 
elevation  without  regarding  the  fteps  vs/hich  led  to  it ;  and  he, 
who  plays  earth  againft  heaven,  calculates  with  a  good  fhare  of 
v/orldly  wifdom,  becaufe  fuch  players  have  been  generally  fuccefsful. 
*  Ours  is  the  road  to  heaven^''  has  been  the  language  of  all  the  rich, 
proud,  boafting  leaders  in  the  world,  and  yet  it  is  a  road,  which 
chriftianity  has  never  taken  ;  at  the  fame  time  a  road,  which  every 
man  with  us  has  been  obliged  to  take,  or  to  lofe  all  chance  of 
political  promotion.  It  may  feem  at  firft,  that  confidering  the 
few  tempting  offices,  which  church  and  ftate  has  in  its  gift,  this 
impreftion  could  not  be  cxtenfive  ;  but  we  are  to  recollect,  that 
a  mole-hill  is  a  kingdom  to  an  ant,  and  that  church  and  ftate  has 
in  its  gift,  feveral  thoufands  of  oftices,  which  are  diftributed  with 
a  liberality  equalled  only  by  the  fidelity,  with  which  they  are  paid 
for.  A  man  of- real  religion,  would  not  facrifice  it  for  the  domin- 
ion of  a  continent  ;  but  he,  who  lias  none, 'may  pretend  to  have  it, 
for  the  office  of  a  grand-juror  or  tythlngman.  Be  it  that  thefe  are 
fmall  things,  yet  the  main  fpring  of  a  watch  is  fufficient  to  move 
the  machine  in  which  it  is  p'aqed. 


Tills  operation  does  not  indeed  extend  to  the  whole  body  of 
our  people  :  fome  have  fears  of  public  oppreflion — fome  of  inva- 
fion  ;  but  the  great  rnafs  is  moved  by  confiderations  of  religion. 
Here  is  a  field  of  adion,  in  which  our  unionifts  move  with  fuc- 
cefs — real  chriftianity  would  not  anfwer  their  purpofes  ;  but  fome- 
thing  called  by  this  name  was  indifpen fable.  If  this  religion  had 
been  founded  by  fuch  a  MefFiah  as  the  Jews  expedled  ;  if  his  fol- 
lowers had  been  the  chief  priefts  and  counfellors  :  if  it  had  en- 
couraged every  fpecies  of  deceit  and  foftered  every  paffion,  it  would 
have  been  highly  popular  :  our  unionifts  would  have  been  eminent 
pra(5litioners  in  it ;  but  it  was  oppofed  to  fuch  men  and  all  their 
obje<5l:5  :  they  faw  this,  and  openly  warred  againft  it,  crucified  its 
author,  fcattered  his  followers,  and  proudly  calculated  on  its  over- 
throw. As  the  Egyptians  were  overwhelmed  in  purfuing  their 
anceftors,  fo  they  were  overwhelmed  in  purfuing  the  chriltians  : 
but  judaifm  was  a  name,  which  defignd.ttd  a  Jyjiem  of  pajjions  ; 
therefore,  though  the  fynagogue-enemies  of  chri(tianity  were  dii- 
perfed,  its  cathedral  enemies  arofe  in  abundance,  and  followingr 
another  example,  profeffed  great  reverence  for  the  Saviour,  and  in 
the  adl:  of  betraying  him  with  a  kifs,  aimed  a  dagger  at  his  caufe. 
This  was  found  the  fafeft  mode  of  confpiring  againil  this  religion  ; 
for  the  multitude  faw  the  devotions  but  the  dagger  was  concealed. 
Working  on  this  fyftem,  which  long  experience  has  proved  to  be 
certain,  our  preaching  politicians,  with  their  aflbciated  civilians, 
have  fairly  doubled  the  cape,  and  come  round  to  the  people  with 
a  religion  of  their  own  fabrication,  a  religion  often  fuflained  by  ,..> 
founded  al((^ms,  tending  to  public  offices — always  headed  by  world- 
lings :  not  comely  as  Jerufalem  by  reafon  of  its  moral  charms, 
nor  terrible  as  an  army  with  banners  through  the  force  of  its  pre- 
cepts ;  but  odious  through  the  expreflion  of  the  moll:  malignant 
paffions,  and  terrible  only,  becaufe  thefe  paflions  are  vomited  forth 
in  every  frightful  form  upon  thofe  v/ho  deny  It  to  be  chrif- 

Though  he  only,  who  hath  the  key  of  David,  can  grant  entrance 
into  heaven  ;  yet  in  the  character  of  key-keepers  of  that  world, 
have  men  claimed  to  hold  the  honors  and  emoluments  of  this.  Re- 
fledling  men  never  believed  that  tl:e  popes  and  cardinals,  and  bench 
of  bilhops,  were  pious  chridians  :  their  rank,  pomp  and  power,  bar 
fuch  behef.  Such  men  do  not  believe,  that  our  prelates,  who  are 
handing  about  their  political  ware,  with  a  hep  this  fide  up,  are  pious 
chriftians  ;  yet  all  thefe  men  are  powerful  :  humble,  fincere 
preachers  are  obliged  to  gain  their  favor  in  order  to  admiffion,  and 
they  dare  not  offend  them.  No  refleding  man  believes  that  chrif- 
tianity  is  committed  to  the  holy  keeping  of  twenty  or  thirty  men, 
and  that  it  would  decline,  if  they  fhould  drop  out  of  our  nomina- 
tion ;  yet  a  procefs  of  operating  through  interefted  men,  upor 
the  honef^,  credulous,  unthinking  nart  of  community,  has  b?-a 



invented  by  our  unionids,  which  completely  blinds  thofe  eyes, 
whofe  vifion  would  detedt,  and  whofe  fincerity  would  expofe  their 

The  fird  part  of  this  procefs  is  to  declare,  that  all  thefe  preach- 
ers are  ambafladors  from  God.  Tkis  is  precifely  falfe,  provided 
by  this  it  ie  meant  to  exhibit  them  as  coming  from  the  court  of 
heaven  with  a  knowledge  of  the  will  and  interefts  of  that  court, 
and  with  full  power  to  treat  v/ith  man  on  the  terms  of  the  gofpel. 
If  this  were  a  fact,  they  would  all  come  with  the  fame  errand,  and 
dwell  often  and  powerfully  on  thofe  important  duties,  the  practice 
of  which  makes  men  wifer  and  better.  Were  they  ambafladors, 
they  would  find  enough  to  do  in  their  mafter's  work,  and  would 
never  intermeddle  with  the  politics  of  this  world.  If  by  this  it  is 
meant  that,  after  receiving  their  education,  they  chofe  this  pro- 
feflion,  that  they  know  no  more  about  it,  than  what  they  have  learnt 
-—and  that  if  it  fails  them  as  a  means  of  fupport,  they  expeft  to 
turn  to  fome  other  employment,  an  abundance  of  facls  is  at  hand  to 
fliew  all  this  to  be  true  ;  but  the  old  dod:rine  of  fucceffion,  which 
has  been  claimed  by  every  divifion  and  fed  in  Chridendom,  is 
denied  to  be  true  by  three  fourths  of  profeiTing  chriftians,  as  refpcdls 
all  but  themfelves.  Who  will  acknowledge  that  Dr.  Prieftly 
and  Mr.  Murray,  have  been  divinely  fent  to  preach  Unitarianifm 
and  univerfal  falvation  ?  or  will  thefe  preachers  acknowledge  that 
others  oppofed  to  them  are  on  a  divine  miffion  ?  Can  the  Calvinift 
agree,  that  the  Arminian  preacher  is  an  ambaffador  of  heaven,  or 
can  the  protedant  agree,  that  the  Catholics  are  the  heralds  of 
truth  ?  Each  clafs  muft  acknov/ledge  his  own  variance  from  the 
truth  of  God,  before  he  can  fit  down  with  a  belief  that  he,  who 
preaches  in  oppofition  to  hini  came  from  God.  If  at  the  end  of 
eighteen  centuries,  mankind  are  move  divided  in  their  religious 
opinions  than  they  were  at  the  end  of  ten  centuries,  ate  we  to  ex- 
pect that  a  little  being  is  to  rife  up  at  the  prefent  day,  and  by  the 
energies  of  his  own  mind  to  redeem  the  whole  from  obfcurity,  and 
to  eltabiifli  a  (tandard  of  faith  fo  clear  that  he  can  pronounce  decided 
damnation  on  him  who  doubts  it  ?  The  man  who  attempts  this,  ought 
indeed  to  come  from  God  with  teftimonials  of  divine  million,  not 
inferior  to  thole  of  his  mafter.  If  a  man,  by  this  claim  of  being 
an  arabaifador,  means  nothing,  only  to  give  confequence  to  what 
he  may  fay,  tliis  is  bad  enough  :  If  he  intends  by  it,  asfome  Cath- 
olics have  done,  that  he  can  work  miracles,  and  that  he  cannot  err, 
it  is  intolerable.  In  fadt,  if  any  thing  is  intended  by  it  equal  to  the 
obvious  meaning  of  the  term,  the  object  is  to  impofe  on  the  people  : 
for  the  flightefl:  obfervation  teaches  that  it  cannot  poflibly  be  ttiie — 
and  that  though  all  ecclefiaftics  fliould  agree  to  addrefs  men  in 
this  charadler,  yet  they  never  would  bear  it,  in  one  inftance  as  ad- 
drcfled  to  themfelves  by  a  clergyman  of  oppofite  tenets. 


But  this  irapofing  attitude  of  the  clergy  gains  immediate  fupport 
from  the  fervices  attached  to  their  office.  He  who  baptizes  your 
children,  who  admits  you  to  communion,  and  who  follows  the 
remains  of  yo«r  friends  to  the  grave,  has  great  advantages  of  im- 
prefling  you.  In  the  middling  fcenes  of  life,  the  affe»5tions  are 
neutralized ;  but  he  who  attends  the  moil  joyful  and  mod  melan- 
choly fcenes,  is  mofl:  likely  to  fecure  your  good  opinion  and  confi- 
dence. He  who  wifhes  for  your  hearts,  muft  be  with  you,  either 
when  you  rejoice  or  when  you  weep :  but  the  fable  drefs — the 
ftudied  manners,  apt  exprellions  of  concern  for  fouls,  and  the  eleva» 
tion  ot  fubjeift,  are  all  calculated  to  aid  the  work  of  impreffion. 

fs  his  voice  heard  on  that  day,  when  every  thing  elfe  is  ftili,  and 
does  he  fpeak  of  heaven  ?  Is  his  voice  folemn  ?  Does  he  fpeak  v/ith 
pathos  ?  Does  he  weep  ?  All  this  may  be  fincere  ;  but  nature  never 
learnt  one  of  her  children  to  whine — to  tone,  to  ftand  like  a 
ftatue,  or  fpeak*  as  when  a  lion  roareth.  The  preacher  has  no 
news  to  tell  you  ;  the  hS.s  and  doctrines,  of  which  he  fpeaks,  have 
been  in  the  world  long  before  him.  The  condiuon  of  man  is  no  new 
calamity,  and  if  he  imagines  in  his  clofet  that  he  has  made  fome 
great  difcovery,  let  him  ponder  well  on  what  the  world  already 
knows,  before  he  comes  forward  with  the  ufual  parade  of  an  in- 
venting machinift.  The  preacher  may  ufefully  illuftrate  and  apply 
ancient  truths,  and  his  fincere  belief  of  them  will  always  diflate  a 
manner  of  addrefs,  equally  diftant  from  that  of  a  (larched  prelate 
on  a  fejftival,  and  a  ranting  preacher  in  the  fields.  Agues  and 
fevers  are  prejudicial  to  foundnefs  in  religion  as  in  the  human  con- 

It  is  as  impoffible  for  us  to  be  really  affefled  at  what  we  have 
heard  and  read  a  thoufand  times,  as  it  is  for  grafs  to  fpring  up  in  a 
path  conftantly  beaten.  It  is  natural  to  be  impreffed  by  impor- 
tant truths,  delivered  in  a  manner  indicative  of  their  proceeding 
from  the  heart.  Does  your  preacher  fpend  any  fabbaths  in  polit- 
ical harangues  ?  Does  he  find  texts  in  the  old  and  new-tefta- 
ments,  which  lead  him  to  abufe  the  general  government  ?  Set  down 
his  folemnity,  his  pathos  and  his  tears,  for  impofture.  He  is  not 
a  chriftian.  A  (rage-player  might  out-adt  him.  But  is  he  gifted 
in  prayer  ?  Tofs  that  in  with  the  reft.  Such  gifts  are  eafily  acqui- 
red by  reference  to  Henry  and  Haweis,  a  decent  tafte  for  felec- 
tion,  and  a  good  memory.  Does  he  compofe  good  fermons  ? 
Thefealfo  belong  to  the  fame  flock.  If  he  is  a  pious  man,  proof 
of  that  rauft  be  m  his  life,  Thefe  externals  amount  to  no  more 
than  evidence  that  he  has  taken  the  trouble  to  acquire  them,  and 
they  may  be  pradifed  with  equal  eafe  by  the  hypocrite  and  the 

Church  and  flate  always  works  by  human  means,  and  as  its  mofl: 
powerful  engine  is  the  influence  of  the  political  clergy  upon  the 
pafBons  of  the  people,  the  eftablifliment  of  this  influence  has  been 


the  firft  point  of  attention.  The  claim  of  diyine  milTion  is  care- 
fully wrapt  up  in  a  multiplicity  of  impreflive  exteriors,  and  the 
people  are  prepared  to  believe  a  religion,  the  details  of  which  will 
occupy  the  next  number. 

NO.  Fin. 

View    cf  tie  foUoimrs   of  Church  and  State,    in  fyrnu    and 


HE  variety  of  matter,  which  this  number  prefents,  will 
oblige  me  to  make  as  rapid  tranfitions  as  may  confifl:  with  my 
touching  thofe  points,  which  may  lead  to  a  diflinft  perception  of 
the  religion  of  church  and  ftate,  as  dKHnguirtied  from  chrlftianity. — 
The  unionifl:  would  gain  nothing  by  fecuting  that  portion  of  man- 
kind, who  are  willing  to  be  religious  on  the  terras  of  the  gofpel ; 
they  would  not  be  half  fufficient  to  fecure  an  election.  It  is  his 
policy  to  difpofe  of  heaven  on  ealier  terms.  A  view  of  thefe 
terms  forms  my  prefent  fubjedl:. 

It  will  be  readily  agreed  that  the  clergy  and  meeting-houfes, 
prayers  and  fermons,  are  not  religion  any  more  than  a  machine  is 
iabor  ;  yet  the  habit  of  regarding  them  as  fuch  has  deftroyed  one 
half  the  religion  of  our  country.  It  will  be  alfo  agreed,  that  the 
belief  of  every  truth  without  pradlice  is  of  no  avail ;  yet  the  habit 
of  regarding  a  good  creed  as  the  moft  important  part  of  religion  has 
weakened  the  other  half.  Again,  the  idea  of  fome  men,  that 
they  can  purfiie  this  v/orid  with  all  their  might  and  ftrength  through 
week-days,  andiieaven  on  fundays,  and  gain  both,  is  well  connect- 
ed with  the  other  two,  and  as  external  devotion,  at  feafons  when 
we  have  nothing  elfe  to  do,  is  a  cheap  depofit  for  glory,  and  as  be- 
lieving is  lefs  ccllly  than  alms-giving,  the  worldling  takes  up  this 
bulinels  in  all  its  confifbnt  parts,  and  quarrels  bitterly  with  any 
man,  who  utters  a  belief  that  he  loves  this  world  better  than  the 
other,  and  that  his  fan  edification  is  merely  outvv'ard. 

Arriving  at  this  point  of  dtfinition,  the  habitual  followers  of 
church  and  (tate  will  be  ready  to  exclaim,  "  They,  who  difturb 
the  world,  lo  they  have  come  hither,  and  they  will  deflroy  our 
temples  and  our  altars,  and  will  take  away  the  veflels  of  our  fandu- 
ary  ;"  and  in  order  to  excite  the  multitude  In  their  favor,  will  fay. 
Have  we  not  communed  ?  Have  we  not  prayed  ?  Have  we  not 
faid,  Lord,  Lord  ?  All  this  you  have  doubtlcfs  done,  and  fo  did 
men  anciently,  whofe  chance  was  quite  inferior  to  that  of  the  in- 
habitants of  Tyre  and  Sydon. 


But  if  an  obfervance  of  days  and  forms,  and  an  abundant  creed, 
conneded  with  a  prevailing  love  of  the  world,  are  not  true  religion, 
fo  the  nioji  perfeSi  fanBity  of  face^  and  moji  obfequious  reverence  of 
the  clergy,  are  not  religion ;  yet  when  a  wealthy,  powerful  man 
afTociates  all  thefe,  and  attends  public  worfhip,  our  very  charitable 
world  is  too  apt  to  confider  that  he  renders  great  honor  to  the 
Saviour,  by  fitting  gravely  in  a  well  furniihed  pew  to  hear  about 
the  gofpel. 

Juftice  cannot  be  done  to  this  fubjeifl  without  looking  beyond 
thefe  forms,  and  in  doing  this,  we  rnuft  give  up  the  old  cant,  '  that 
furely  we  will  not  be  fo  uncharitable  as  to  doubt  man's  profeffions.' 
Why  are  we  not  as  candid  on  other  fubjeds  ?  Plainly  becaufe  we 
Ihould  be  cheated  and  lofe  money  ;  but  in  religion  it  is  cheap, 
handy  change. — *  Do  you  believe  me  (incere,  and  I  will  believe 
you  fo,  and  we  will  confound  any  who  doubt  us.'  This  game  is 
played  fo  regularly,  that  probably  every  reader  may  knov/  of  in- 
ilances,  where  profeffing  brethren  are  in  the  exercife  of  this  chari- 
ty, and  yet  would  not  truft  each  other  to  the  amount  of  a  dollar, 
merely  from  a  want  of  confidence  in  each,  that  the  other  has  in- 

Let  ds  confider  to  what  this  profeffion  amounts  in  a  private 
chrillian.  "  Gbd  has  chofen  me  from  the  millions  of  men  to  be 
"  aveffel  of  mercy,  has  infufed  into  me  his  grace,  and  with  it  the 
"  beft  of  moral  principles,  and  has  made  himfelf  an  objedt  of  my 
*'  fupreme  affeftion,  and  me  in  return  an  obje6t  of  his  complacency.*' 
Now  in  courts  we  never  take  a  man's  evidence  in  favor  of  a  fingle 
point  in  his  own  character,  and  if  in  private  life  one  was  to  profefs 
half  as  much  about  himfelf,  we  fiiouid  diftruft  him  ;  but  in  reli- 
gion, profeffion  is  to  pafs  for  full  evidence,  and  habit  has  fo  im- 
prefTed  this  idea,  that  if  fuch  a  profefTor  is  difhoneft,  or  other  wife 
immoral,  our  very  charitable  world  is  ready  to  fay,  '  there  are  re- 
mainders of  corruption  in  the  bed,  or  the  chriflian  graces  are  noi 
always  in  exercife  ;'  and  wrapped  in  fuch  mantles  of  charity,  the 
profefibr  bids  defiance  to  a  fcore  of  non-profeffing  finners,  and 
very  devoutly  joins  in  that  fatirical  clofe  of  prayer,  fo  cu.ftomary  on 
facramental  fundays,  *  Lord  have  mercy  on  thofe,  who  have  not 
publicly  taken  on  themfelves  the  bonds  of  this  covenant,'  meaning 
thereby  \.ha.t  this  public  taking  is  a  divine  ordinance,  and  that  it  is 
good  evidence  of  grace  ;  whereas  God  never  ordained  it,  and  the 
life  only  can  be  an  evidence  of  grace.  Let  us  look  at  this  again. 
This  PUBLIC  TAKING  certainly  is  not  a  divine  ordinance,  for  it  is 
not  found  in  the  fcriptures,  and  as  to  evidence,  when  a  man  has 
every  inducement  to  teftify,  and  the  teftimony  cannot  be  impeach- 
ed, and  the  refult  will  be  very  honorable  and  beneficial,  we  ihould 
look  cautioufly  at  fuch  teftimony  ;  it  it  be  followed  by  any  confid- 
erable  exhibition  of  remainders  of  corruption,  and  if  the  man's  life 
proves  that  he  loves  the  creature  more  than  the  Creator,  his  pro- 


fellions  will  not  gain  credit  with  any,  but  his  hypocritical  brethren, 
who  wifii  for  a  fimilar  credit  in  return. 

I  do  not  fuggeft  a  word  againft  the  ordinance,  nor  againft 
the  profefHons  of  faith  and  promifes  of  reformation,  which  confti- 
tute  this  public  taking.  If  a  man  honeftly  profefTes  to  believe  what 
he  does  believe,  aiid  promifes  to  do  what  he  intends  to  perform, 
furely  he  is  no  worfe  for  all  this.  It  is  his  duty  to  believe  the 
truth  and  to  condudl  well.  This  public  taking  is  a  mere  recogni- 
tion of  this  duty,  and  his  life  is  to  be  the  tejl  of  his  fmcerity  :  but  if 
he  believes  and  performs  without  any  pablic  promife,  his  fervices 
will  be  doubtlefs  accepted.  His  public  taking  is  a  human  inftitu- 
tion — not  of  ancient  origin  in  the  church  :  It  is  a  form  of  religion, 
which  deferves  precifely  as  much  refpedl  as  the  lives  of  profjfors 
can  gain  for  it.  Habit  has  attached  great  folemnity  to  this  form, 
and  made  it  paramount  to  a  life  of  piety  :  whereas  it  is  a  mere 
drefs,  which  may  be  put  on  as  eafily  by  the  fmner  as  the  faint : 
Call  it  if  you  pleafe,  a  contrad  made  with  God  in  prefence  of  man, 
yet  it  is  only  a  contra<5i: ;  every  thing  depends  on  faithful  perfor- 
mance.— Without  this  it  is  mockery  :  yet  the  reader  muft  know 
that  mankind  are  lead  to  think  otherwife  of  it,  and  that  hence  a 
train  of  worldly  confiderations  leads  up  fome  infmcere  profeflbrs 
who,  from  the  importance  of  keeping  up  the  credit  of  profeflions, 
have  drawn  as  great  profits  as  could  have  beei  derived  from  fmceri- 
ty and  truth  ;  political  promotion  has  been  often  among  the  firft 
fruits  of  the  profeflbr's  harveft. 

At  this  point  the  civilian  has  a  right  to  attack  thefe  profeflions. 
When  a  man  claims  earthly  honors  and  profits  for  his  profeflions, 
we  ought  to  turn  him  round  to  his  religion  and  fay,  *  there  is  your 
•reward' — and  if  his  heart  does  not  inftantly  feel  the  force  of  the 
reprimand,  he  is  an  hypocrite  ;  he  never  made  his  profeflion  from 
religious  motives.  Men  have  doubtlefs  a  right  to  commemorate  as 
they  pleafe  the  fufferings  or  triumphs  of  one  whom  they  profefs  to 
revere  ;  but  if  their  laeighbors  are  to  be  called  pagans  or  atheifts  for 
not  joining  them  in  their  mode,  the  fcene  fliifts — a  war  of  opinions; 
enfues,  and  the  event  proves  that  the  pretext  of  honoring  an  abfent 
friend  was  ufed  in  order  to  difgrace  and  vilify  a  prefent  opponent. 

When  any  form  of  religion  like  this,  has  been  prefented  to 
mankind,  as  religion  itfelf  and  when  men  have  been  told,  that  a. 
public  profeflbr  is  under  greater  obligations  to  love  God  and  fervt 
his  neighbor,  than  another  man — that  baptifm  does  not  admit  non- 
profefl'ors  within  the  pale  of  the  church,  there  is  fo  much  theoiogy 
about  ail  this,  that  they  become  awed,  and  begin  to  confider  it  impi- 
ous even  to  lock  into  the  propofition,  left  it  fliould  feem  to  imply 
doubt. — Pious  men  are  not  forward  to  exhibit  their  affedtions  b?- 
fore  the  world  ;  but  the  defigning  man  is  in  hafte  to  avail  himltit 
of  this  flavifh  flate  of  the  public  mind,  and  to  come  forward  with 
profeflions,  which  bring  fuch  an  uiftant  credit. 

We  are  apt  to  blend  religion  and  man  together,  and  to  give  the 
credit  to  profeffors,  which  is  due  only  to  their  religion.     Man  is 
frail  in  his  origin,  acceffible  by  a  thoufand  improper^  motives,  full 
of  felf,   governed  by  paffion  naturally  oppofed  to  religion,  becaufe, 
tho*  it  feeks  his  beft  good,  yet  it  does  this  in  modes  hoftile  to  all 
his  propenfities.     Man  has  no  pre-difpofition   to  vital  religion,  yet 
he  has  ftrong  propenfities  to  the  earthly  profits  of  it.     Sicknefs, 
loffes,  exceffive  fear,  or  powerful  addreffes  to  his  paflions,  may  oc- 
cafion  him  earneftly  to  wi(h  for  heaven  and  to  dread  hell  for  a  fea- 
fon  ;  yet  when  the  exciting  caufe  ceafes,  the    effea:  often  ceafes 
with  it.    If  we  confider  the  nature   of  man,  and  the  earthly  ad- 
vantages of  profeflion,  we  may  form  fome  eftimate  of  the  propor- 
tion between  the  fincere  andinfmcere  profeffors,  and  of  the  credit 
due  to  mere  profeflion.  ^   j      j 
When  religion  is  confidered  as  a  connexion  between  God  and 
man,  and  is  ftript  of  allthofe  forms,  which  make  it  impofing  on 
mankind,  and  very  profitable  to  the  profeffor,  it  pafTes   above  the 
region  of  church  and  ftate,  is  never  heard  on  the  houfe-tops,  or 
at  the  corners  of  the  ftreets— never  interpofes  with  political  con- 
cerns  never  preaches  ocean  fermons — never   prates  about  illumi- 

natifm  ;  but  bettering  the  heart,  regulating  the  affedions,  morali- 
zing the  life,  flows  out  in  love  to  man,  and  love  to  God,  and  looks 
through  good  anions,  proceeding  from  the  beft  of  motives,  filent- 
ly  to  that  heaven,  where  the  humble  fhall  be  exalted,  the  fincere 
rewarded,  and  the  foul  perfedly  blefTed. 

In  the  early  ages  of  the  church,  it  required  courage  and  iincer- 
ity  to  confefs  Chrift  before  men,  becaufe  ftripes  and  contempt  were 
the  confequence;  but  when  our  anceftors  bid  the  bounties  of 
ofSceto  profeffors,  and  declared  that  none  but  church  members 
Jhould  be  free  burgejes,  it  required  neither  of  thefe  :  and  furely  m 
the  prefent  day,  the  importance  given  to  thefe  profefEons,  the 
patronage  attached  to  them,  and  the  eafe  of  gaining  heaven,  when 
one  half  of  the  work  is  done  with  the  tongue,  has  given  to  church 
and  ftate  a  great  hoft  of  followers,  without  adding  to  the  number 
of  real  chriftians  ;  for  thefe  have  a  promife,  that  even  their  molt 
fecret  good  fervices  fliall  be  openly  rewarded.  Religious  profef- 
pons  are  worth  too  much  in  New-England.  OJientatkus  obfervan- 
ces  of  facraments  are  profitable  fervices  of  church  and  ftate  re- 

NO.  IX, 

View    cf  the  folkwers  of  Church  and  Shte    in  myjleries   and 


HIS  number  advances  me  to  the  ground,  where  all 
your  prejudices  have  taken  deep  root,  and  nurtured  by  your  paf- 
iions,  have  grown  and  flourifhed  like  weeds  in  a  neglected  foil. 
Here  church  and  (late  ftand  ftrong.  It  is  the  chofen  ground  of  the 
enemies  of  chriftiaraity.  Here  the  heavenly  gardener  never  wrought 
with  fuccefs — and  hence  flies  every  chriftian,  as  foon  as  he  dif- 
covers  where  he  is.* 

In  a  vail  of  myfteries  the  Jewifh  leaders  wrapt  up  the  law  given 
to  Mofes  ;  and  thefe  had  fo  completely  enveloped  the  true  religion 
at  the  coming  ^  the  Saviour,  that  it  had  nearly  ceafed  to  be  a 
commerce  between  God  and  man,  and  had  become  a  mere  bufi- 
nefs  of  barter  between  man  and  man,  in  which  each  leader  gain- 
ed profits  according  to  his  portion  of  cunning — and  each  follower 
fuffered  lofs  in  proportion  to  his  credulity.  The  ceremonial  law 
had  nearly  expelled  the  eternal  duties  of  love  to  God  and  love  to 
our  neighbors.  Oftentation  had  taken  place  of  humility.  The 
Jews,  having  failed  of  enjoying  literally  a  long  life  in  the  land  of 
Canaan,  had  long  fince  dKlrufted  the  promifes  of  heaven,  and  were 
in  thtjieady  habit  of  taking  their  change  for  profelTion,  and  myf- 
terious  fervices  of  religion  in  tlie  good  things  of  this  life.  Bad 
as  their  religion  was,  yet  it  was  all  which  they  had,  and  was  all 
at  ftake.  This  raifed  their  fury  again  ft  the  Saviour  and  his  fol- 
lowers, and  the  fermon  on  the  mount,  which  expofed  their  hy- 
pocrify,  cut  them  deeper  towards  the  heart  than  any  claim  which 
the  preacher  of  it  made  to  be  the  fon  of  God.  He  might  have 
healed  their  fick  and  fed  their  poor,  and  even  claimed  divine  hon- 
ors to  the  prefent  day  unmoleded,  if  he  occafionally  paid 
homage  to  the  chief  pricfts,  (thofe  trufty  Croats  of  the  counfellors) 
.Ttnd  had  left  unexpofed  the  mummeries  of  a  religion,  fraught 
with  forms,  profefFions  and  myfteries,  of  human  invention  :  they 
would  freely  have  given  up  the  character  of  their  Maker,  could 
tliey  have  faved  their  own.  The  Saviour  laid  an  axe  at  the  root 
o^  this  church  and  (late  religion  :   it  trembled  to  the  top  and  fell 

*  T  would  attempt  to  cjrplain  thcfe  introduftorv  remnrlcs,  were  it  not  that  other  contents  of  this  number  will  perform  that  fervice.  To  avoid  the 
raptioufiiefs  of  unionifts  is  inipoffihle.  The  candid  man  will  not  find  here  or 
in  any  other  page,  a  finglc  rcni:\ik  intended  to  derogate  from  the  truth  of 
fVilation.     My  fubjcd  pledges  me  to  a  diifcrctit  couiic.  ^^ 


to  the  earth.  He  fpoke  often  in  parables,  but  took  care  to  open 
the  minds  of  his  hearers  to  a  perception  of  their  application. 
This  application  always  led  to  moral  pra6tice  ;  never  to  the  ftate 
of  politics.  He  taught  the  divine  purpofe  in  refped  to  man,  the 
economy  of  the  moral  government,  the  dodrines  of  refurre(5lioft 
and  immortality,  and  revealed  precifely  all  upon  thefe  fubje£ls, 
which  man  has  ever  known.  Myftery  was  indeed  involved  in  the 
mode  of  the  divine  operation  in  thefe  things,  as  it  is  in  refped  to 
the  fmalleft  feed  or  leaf:  But  that  portion  of  his  religion,  which 
was  intended  for  the  pradtice  of  man,  and  without  which  all  the 
reft  was  as  founding  brafs,  was  revealed  in  the  plaineft  terms. 

The  Catholic  church,  finding  that  trading  in  myfteries  had 
been  profitable  to  the  great  worldly  church  which  preceded  them 
and  that  plain  work  would  place  too  nearly  on  a  leVel  the  prelate 
and  the  peafant,  fet  up  a  more  extenfive  fcheme  of  myfteries,  and 
even  called  in  the  aid  of  pretended  miracles  to  affift  their  impreflion. 
Thefe  myfteries  and  miracles  compofed  the  main  body  of  their 
religion  •:  There  were  fome  detached  doctrines  an^  duties,  which 
were  treated  as  of  little  avail,  where  the  myfteries  wad  taken  good 
hold  of  the  patients.  Thefe  myfteries  were  very  convenient  in 
furnifhing  pretences  to  facrifice  heretics  and  to  embroil  the  world 
in  wars.  If  a  cloud  preceded  the  deluge,  thick  and  dreadful  in 
proportion  to  the  length  of  the  ftorm  ;  yet  that  was  not  half  fo 
portentous  and  black,  as  the  cloud  with  which  this  myfterious 
church  overfpread,  for  centuries,  the  civilized  world. 

It  is  impoflible  that  a  religion  of  humble  faith,  pure  morals  and 
fincere  repentance  fhould  be  relifhed  by  the  leaders  of  the  worlds 
If  they  profefs  to  revere  it,  yet  they  cannot  feel  its  power  and 
love  its  authority.  The  elements  of  chriftianity  and  thofe  of  hu- 
man paflions  can  never  mix. — This  religion  joins  with  univerfal 
obfervation  in  teaching  us,  that  the  body  of  mankind  do  not  love 
its  duties  nor  pradlife  its  morals.  The  fad,  which  leads  up  this 
obfervation  is  equally  ancient  and  ftriking  :  When  Mofes  delayed 
to  come  down  from  Mount  Sinai,  the  people,  forgetful  of  the 
evident  demonftrationsof  a  divine  objed  of  worfhip,  applied  to 
Aaron  to  make  them  gods  to  go  before  them,  and  Aaron  readiljf 
undertook  the  fervice  and  faid,  break  off  the  golden  ear-rings 
which  are  on  the  ears  of  your  wives,  of  your  fons  and  your  daugh- 
ters, and  bring  them  unto  me — and  the  people  did  fo,  and  Aaroa 
adually  made  them  a  molten  calf,  and  he  built  an  altar  unto  it,  and 
appointed  a  feaft ;  and  when  Mofes  defcended  from  the  mount, 
his  wrath  waxed  hot,  and  he  brake  the  tables  of  teftimony,  writ- 
ten with  the  finger  of  God — and  Aaron  faid  to  Mofes,  let  not  the 
anger  of  my  lord  wax  hot ;  thou  knoweft  the  people,  that  they  are 
fet  on  mifchief ;  for  they  faid  unto  me,  make  us  gods,  which  fhall 
go  before  us — and  I  iaid  unto  them,  whofo  hath  any  gold,  let  him 
break  it  off ;  fo  they  give  it  me  and  I  caft  it  into  the  fire,  and  there 



came  out  this  calf.  Then  Mofes  called,  who  is  on  the  Lord's 
fide,  and  all  the  fons  of  Levi  gathered  themfelves  urito  him,  and 
he  faid,  "  Thus  faith  the  Lord  God  of  Ifrael,  put  every  man  his 
fword  by  his  fide,  and  flay  every  man  his  brother,  and  every  man 
his  companion,  and  every  man  his  neighbor — and  the  children  of 
Levi  did  fo — and  there  fell  of  the  people  that  day  3000  men.** 

In  like  manner,  in  every  age,  mankind  have  been  zealous  to 
have  gods  of  their  own  making,  and  there  have  always  been  Aarons 
'at  hand  to  make  them  golden  calves,  and  the  people,  at  fight  of  the 
calves,  have  been  ready  to  build  altars,  and  to  fliout,  thefe  be  the 
gods,  which  lead  us. 

Of  this  temper  the  leaders  of  church  and  ftate  have  always 
availed,  with  this  difference  only,  that  they  have  fet  themfelves  up 
as  the  gods  to  ^ad  the  people,  and  have  taken  to  their  own  ufe 
the  ear-rings  of  your  wives,  your  fons  and  your  daughters. 

This  idolatrous  fpirit  in  man,  is  deadly  10  true  religion — it  hum- 
bles him,  and  prepares  for  every  fpecies  oi  fervitudt.  If  you 
wifh  to  reduce  apy  man  or  number  of  men  to  complete  flavery,  the 
fured  mode  is  jjrfl:  to  enflave  the  mind. 

Thefe  remarks  are  not  made  as  new.  Church  and  (late  has  un- 
derftood  all  this  bufinefscenturies  before  Robilon's  illuminatifts  had 
exigence  in  his  brain.  The  proteflant  -world  waited  no  longer 
after  the  reformation,  than  Mofes  delayed  on  the  mount,  in  order 
to  bring  forward  their  gods  to  lead  the  people.  We  have  feen 
■with  what  hafte  our  anceftors  got  up  their  idols.  The  humble 
minority  of  profeflbrs  confiding  of  fincere  worfhippers,  in  every 
age  have  been  dillrefled  at  this  abufe  of  chriftianity  :  but  the  ma- 
jority is  always  impetuous  to  have  gods  of  their  own  to  lead  them, 
and  thefe  gods  have  been  very  tenacious  of  myfteries.  Thus  it 
arrives,  that  if  in  this  or  any  other  country,  you  look  to  the  major- 
ity of  profeffors  and  to  their  gods,  you  look  beyond  the  true  religion. 
The  body  of  mankind  and  their  leaders  are  not  employed  in  a  way, 
which  juftifies  your  belief  that  pure  chriftianity  is  their  fuprcme 

As  thefe  remarks  point  you  drongly  to  a  perception  of  the  New- 
England  federal  charadter  in  refped:  to  religion,  fo  here  they  will 
find  their  application.  See  a  frail  mortal,  no  more  thaa  man  at 
befl-,  come  forward  to  the  world,  without  any  claims  to  the  illumi- 
nation or  powerful  ligns  of  the  firft  preachers,  but  inverted  with 
forms  and  appearing  in  a  chara6ter  'variant  from  the  faEl^  aflumed 
under  the  tacit  confent  of  mankind  that  fuch  chara<::ter  is  bed  for 
impreflion,  perhaps  a  good  man,  perhaps  likely  as  Aaron  to  make 
molten  images  for  the  people,  and  to  join  them  in  fiiouting,  *  thefe 
are  our  gods.*  Thus  far  you  have  gained  no  point.  He  is  jull 
fo  fit  for  his  place  as  his  future  condu<5t  Ihall  prove  him  to  refem- 
ble  his  mafter.  He  cannot  heal  the  fick,  but  he  can  he^il  divifions, 
he  cannot  work  miracles,  but  he  can  go  about  doing  good.     If 

to  fuch  things  he  is  dlfinclined,  he  is  one  who  is  to  gather  in,  not 
the  heirs  of  falvation,  but  the  followers  of  church  and  ftate.  Not 
content  with  the  rank  of  a  private  chriftian,  he  profefles  to  have 
been  ch©fen  as  an  ambafTador  of  truth  and  divine  knowledge,  and 
of  courfe  takes  inrtant  rank  with  thofe  who  give  him  credence 
above  all  the  ambafTadors  of  the  earth.  Certainly  profeflions  un- 
der fuch  ftrong  temptations  ought  to  be  fcrupuloufly  watched. 
Hadnoinrtances  occurred,  where  thefe  profeflions  both  in  the  pri- 
vate chriftian  and  public  teacher  had  proved  deceitful,  lefs  caufe 
fhould  we  have  to  be  on  the  look-out  ;  but  the  fad  having  often 
happened,  fhews  that  there  is  no  want  of  charity  in  confidering  it 
pofFible,  and  often  aauai.  We  are  not  to  wondej  that  multitudes 
of  fuch  men  yield  to  the  temptation  of  joining  the  rich  and  great, 
and  prefer  their  fociety  and  patronage  to  that  of  the  powerleis, 
humble  fuccefTors  of  the  firft  chrifUans.  Thofe  men  do  not  hefi- 
tate  tc  explore  your  motives  of  a(51:ion  :  it  is  your  duty  to  afcer- 
tain  their's.  Do  they  artfully  draw  religion  from  the  plain,  pradi- 
cai  ground  on  which  the  Saviour  placed  it  ?  Do  theyfeek  a  religion 
of  myfterious  dodrines  ?  Do  they  place  great  (trefs  on  theories 
and  dodrinal  points  ?  They  are  building  from  the  top  ;— they  have 
laid  no  foundation.  Their  followers  may  fiiout  their  praifes  ;  but 
fuch  preachers  never  brought  the  people  out  of  Egypt,  and  will 
never  conduct  them  to  the  promifed  land. 

Their  firft  procefs  is  to  feize  on  all  the  myfteries  of  revelation, 
and  thefe  furnifh  ample  fubjeft  for  their  early  fermons.  They 
delight  in  attempting  to  explain  thofe  very  things,  into  which  angels 
will  defire  forever  to  look  without  being  able  fully  to  comprehend. 
Let  me  aflc,  has  any  new  light  come  into  our  world  within  feven- 
teen  centuries,  to  iiluftrate  myfteries  ?  Was  it  intended  that  men 
ihould  know  more  about  them  than  is  revealed  ?  If  fo,  who  is  to 
add  to  this  knowledge  ?  Is  the  language  of  revelation  fo  defedive 
that  it  needs  fome  one  to  add  to  it  ?  If  fo,  who  is  the  man  ?  I 
have  never  conceived  that  God  left  his  work  imperfed  and  ap- 
pointed any  of  his  imperfea  creatures  to  finifli  it.  The  mode  of 
his  operating  in  the  natural,  is  to  men  myfterious,  as  his  mode  of 
operating  in  the  fpiritual  world  :  yet  we  know  enough  of  his 
works  for  all  our  purpofes  ;  we  generally  difcover  their  properties 
and  ufes.  Men  furely  know  that  to  fpeak  with  the  tongues  of  an- 
gels — to  have  the  gift  of  prophecy — to  underftand  ail  myfteries — 
and  to  have  faith,  fo  as  to  remove  mountains,  is  nothing  without 
the  charity  and  fubftantial  morality  of  the  gofpel  :  yet  the  preach- 
ing of  myfteries  is  charming,  becaufe  it  plays  round  the  head  and 
comes  not  to  the  heart ;  it  raifes  the  fcience  of  the  hearer  without 
Teaching  his  life  :  It  is  exadly  adapted  to  church  and  ftate  pur- 

The  common  procefs  of  enforcing  and  explaining  myfteries,  and 
douV.fal  theories  h  to  rely  on  the  precife  words,  in  which  the  fad 


of  their  exigence  is  revealed  ;  yet  whatever  aflent  is  gained  muft 
depend  on  the  confiftency  of  the  explanation  with  truths  previouf- 
ly  within  our  knowledge  :  in  fa<5t,  when  a  man  has  known  any 
thing  with  certainty,  he  can  never  ceafe  to  know  it,  nor  believe  con- 
trary to  it,  by  the  aid  of  any  myfteries  whatever.  The  Catholic 
profefTes  and  believes  that  the  confecrated  wafer  ufed  in  the  facra- 
ment  is  the  real  body  and  blood  of  the  Saviour,  becaufe  the  book 
fays  fo ;  but  the  proteftant  knows  that  it  is  not,  and  all  the  logic 
and  charity  in  the  world  will  not  purfuade  him  that  the  Catholic 
believes  a  v/ord  about  it.  Whenever  any  thing  appears  to  be  in- 
tended in  the  fcriptures,  and  yet  we  knoiv  that  it  does  not  exift, 
we  do  better  to  acknowledge  that  we  do  not  underftand  the  import 
ii£  the  book,  than  to  twifl:  and  turn  it  to  the  total  facrifice  of  thofe 
underftandings,  which  God  gave  us  for  rational  ufe.  Man  will 
never  be  condemned  becaufe  he  does  not  underftand  grammar,  or 
becaufe  he  is  unable  to  feparate  thofe  fecret  things,  which  belong 
to  God,  from  t|i»^fe  clearly  revealed  ones,  which  belong  to  him  and 
his  children.  Rito  fix  hundred  fedls  has  Chriftendom  been  di- 
vided, becaufe  each  would  obftinately  perfift  in  its  own  ideas  of 
grammar.  Churches  have  been  rent  afunder  becaufe  the  preacher 
would  explain  predeftination  and  free  agency;  The  myfteries 
about  whole  covenant  and  half  covenant  have  divided  nearly  one 
continent,  after  diftrefling  the  other  for  centuries.  All  the  heathen 
world  and  infants  have  been  fent  to  eternal  perdition,  becaufe 
the  clergyman  could  not  on  any  other  terms  fettle  with  his  gram- 
mar. Heretics  have  been  burnt  at  the  ftake  by  thoufands,  merely 
for  difputes  about  v/ords  ;  and  yet  in  the  midft  of  all  thefe  myfte- 
rious  obfcurities  was  (hining  in  full  effulgence  the  fun  of  righteouf- 
nefs  on  thofe  cardinal  and  indifputable  points  of  duty,  Love  God 
AND  LOVE  THY  NEIGHBOR.  How  has  our  poor  finful  world 
groaned  with  the  contention,  whether  there  were  two  or  three  or- 
ders of  officers  in  the  church,  whether  prayers  fhould  be  extempore 
or  in  forms,  and  with  what  rage  and  bitternefs  have  baptifts  and 
anabaptifts  clamoured  againft  each  other,  about  a  great  number 
of  theologic  points,  which  if  revealed  diredlly  from  heaven  would 
not  have  made  one  man  wifer,  nor  one  hair  whiter  throughout  the 
univerfe.  How  have  difputes  about  words  fevered  congregations 
in  our  towns,  and  Unitarians  againft  Trinitarians — Calvinifts  againft 
Arminians,  difputed  with  the  fiercenefs  of  tygers  about  the' mind 
and  will  of  that  being,  whofe  counfels  are  in  the  mighty  deep  ; 
but  who  has  revealed  every  thing  necellary  to  man  in  terms, 
which  the  moft  (imple  can  underftand.  The  fcriptures,  which 
each  fed  declares  to  be  perfe<5^1y  intelligible,  have  in  the  numerous 
feds  fix  hundred  irrefragable  proofs  that  many  parts  of  them  are 
hard  to  be  underftood. 

To  this  fame  zeal  for  grammatical  precifion,  are  we  to  afcribe 
the  jarring  ideas  and  pradices  of  different  churches  ou  the  fubjed 


of  qaalifkations  for  admiffion  ;  and  the  one,  which  is  profefTed 
and  relied  on  by  church  and  (late,  is  as  manifedly  variant  from  the 
faft  as  the  CathoHc  dodlrine  of  tranfubftantiation.  Heaven  takes 
charge  that  thofe,  ivhom  it  divinely  illumines^  Jhall  Jhoiv  their  ne'io 
light  in  lives  of  new  obedience.  It  does  not  enjoin  men  to  let  their 
tongues  perform  all  the  fervices  of  their  religion  ;  but  *  let  your 
light  fo  fhine  before  men,  that  others  feeing  your  good  works  may 
glorify  your  father  in  heaven.'  When  church  and  ftate  unionifts, 
thofe  dealers  in  myfteries,  profefs  that  they  have  new  hopes  and 
refolutions,  and  whereas  they  have  done  wickedly,  they  will  do  fo 
no  more,  all  the  world  will  wifh  them  God  fpeed  j  for  the  world 
is  in  great  want  of  experienced  praditioners  in  holinefs  and  mor- 
als :  but  no  well  founded  hopes  can  be  entertained  of  thefe  men. 
Are  they  preachers  of  myfteries  ?  They  know  no  more  about  them, 
than  the  humbleft  of  their  hearers.  Are  they  artful  civilians  ? 
They  value  myfteries  only  as  they  forward  their  views.  Are  tkey 
followers  of  church  and  ftate  ?  They  may  fafely  releafe  all  claim 
to  the  heirfhip  of  the  kingdom,  their  portion  in  the  fcriptures  is 
found  in  a  narrow  compafs — '*  If  the  blind  lead  the  blind,  they 
both  fall  into  the  ditch." 

It  is  diftrefling  that  our  world,  full  enough  of  unavoidable  na- 
tural and  moral  evil,  fhould  yet  be  ten  times  as  full  of  a  fort  of 
artificial  evil,  made  up  partly  of  profeflions  and  denunciations 
againft  non-profeffors  ;  partly  of  men,  afTuming  divine  power  to 
teach,  when  every  day  and  fermon  prove  their  power  quite  human ; 
and  partly  of  dreadful  threatenings  of  wrath,  iftued  for  the  pur^ 
pofe  of  defending  favorite  tenets,  exhibiting  human  parade,  and 
eftablifliing  a  fyftem  of  terror,  which  always  gives  a  temporary 
fignificance  to  the  being,  who  excites  it. 

Be  it 'remembered,  from  this  day  forward,  that  both  leader  and 
follower  are  equally  in  the  dark  refpedling  thofe  points  which  oc- 
cupy moft  of  their  time  ;  perfedly  in  the  light  refpeding  thofe 
important  truths,  of  which  they  fay  little  or  nothing  ;  and  that  in 
the  fix  hundred  roads  to  heaven,  man  ioWovfmg  praBical piety  will 
never  err  :  but  indulging  in  theories  he  has  but  one  chance  in  fix 
hundred  of  finding  the  right  path  ;  and  yet  each  proud  adventurer 
is  thanking  God  for  the  fuperior  light  of  his  mind  and  fed,  and 
praying  that  others  may  come  into  the  fame. — 

Thofe,  who  maintain  that  thefe  myfteries  are  very  plain,  muft 
render  fome  new  account  of  the  volumes  of  difputes  about  them  : 
But  the  fa6t  is,  every  fabbath,  fociety  and  individual,  furnifh  in- 
conteftible  proof,  that  though  the  pradical  part  is  plain,  the  doftrin- 
al  part  of  revelation  involves  more  obfcurities  than  any  other  fub- 
}e(5t  in  the  world.  All  its  promifes>  connexions  and  end  are  ob- 
fcure  ;  and  in  view  of  this  fad,  which  reafon  will  recognize,  but 
which  human  pride  is  flow  to  acknowledge,  we  ftand  aftonifiied  at 
the  unwavering  pofitivenefs  with  which  precifely  oppofite  dodrine's 


are  maintained  from  the  fame  book  :  but  this  aftonKhment  fhould 
fubfide,  when  we  refle(5l  on  the  proud,  gafconading  temper  of  man, 
which  leads  him  to  parade  and  a  fliew  of  fuperior  fcience  on  fub- 
jedls,  where  the  uncertainty  of  premifes  (hields  him  from  an  abfo- 
hjte  convidtion  of  fraud  or  ignorance. 

Obfcure  as  thefe  myfteries  are,  yet  we  often  hear  an  ignorant 
duenna,  after  enquiring  the  preacher's  opinion  on  predeftination, 
pronounce  him  right  or  wrong,  as  pofitively  as  if  (he  knew  the 
meaning  of  the  term.  And  it  is  not  uncommon  to  hear  it  re- 
marked of  perfons,  that  they  are  ignorant  on  all  fubjeds  except 
the  bible.  How  happens  it  that  no  preacher  is  fo  miferable,  but 
that  forae  will  ^ike  and  praife  him,  except  from  the  obfcurity  of 
the  fubjecl  ?  A^  ignorant  man  muft  of  courfe  be  fupremely  ignorant 
on  the  fubjeft  of  myftical  theology,  which  as  a  fcience  is,  from  the 
nature  of  it  as,  well  as  from  the  artificial  obfcurities  in  which  it 
has  been  involved,  the  mofl:  intricate  of  all  fciences.  How  hap- 
pens it  that  clergymen  differing  wholly  in  fcntiment  can  fucceed 
each  other  as  pastors,  and  yet  be  equally  acceptable,  that  exchanges 
between  fuch  can  be  effected  to  the  mutual  fatisfa6tion  of  their 
refpe(51:ive  congregations  ?  This  arifes  mofily  from  the  obfcurity  of 
the  fubjeft ;  but  partly  from  'ears  itching  for  novelty,  partly  from 
a  fort  of  habitual  conception  that  a  pulpit  and  a  preacher  are  reli- 
gion— that  thefe  conne<5ied  with  the  ufual  exercifes,  are  a  fabbath — 
that  a  few  fabbaths  form  a  fabbatifra,  and  that  by  a  mechanical  at- 
tendance they  will  obtain  a  heavenly  reft — perhaps  as  much  from  a 
perfuafion  that  any  number  of  men,  who  have  been  regularly  or- 
dained, mud  be  right,  differ  how  they  may. 

Men  never  condu(5l  thus  even  in  the  mofl:  trivial  of  thofe  con- 
cerns, which  they  underftand.  Further  than  this  they  always  con- 
du6t  with  feme  earneftnefs  their  worldly  concerns  ;  but  when  this 
religion  is  the  fubje<5l,  they  appear  quite  indifferent,  and  could  they 
do  this,  were  they  not  chilled  by  cold  myfterious  dodlrines,  inter- 
larded with  as  cold  morals,  preceded  and  followed  by  cold, 
ftudied  formal  prayers  ?  Here  is  the  beginning  of  the  indifference 
fo  much  complained  of — hence  the  careleffnefs  about  attendance 
on  public  worfhip — hence  the  frequent  difputes  about  falary.  If 
my  premifes  were  not  correct,  the  ftate  of  religion  here  would  not 
furnilh  fuch  conclufions.  There  is  very  little  of  that  religion, 
which  is  the  certain  refult  of  fincere  profeffions.  There, is  much 
ot  that  {hew  of  religion,  which  never  proceeds  from  fincerity,  and 
whenever  this  ftate  of  things  is  even  hinted  at,  a  rancorous  fpirit 
iffues  forth  from  between  the  porch  and  the  altar  which  is  not  the 
fpirit  of  the  gofpel. 

The  body  of  our  people  are  ftrongly  interefted  in  the  plain  fac^s, 
dodtrines  and  morals  of  their  religion  ;  but  when  thefe  preach- 
ers ot  myP:eries,  thefe  dealers  in  theological  difputes  and  political 
dogmas,  recruiters  for  church  and  ftate,  Aarons,  who  make  molten 


images,  ofFer  themfelves  as  ambafiadors  of  truth,  It  is  the  duty  of 
men  to  turn  them  round  to  wealth,  to  great  men,  to  the  world 
and  fay,  *  there  are  your  companions,  your  treafure  and  your 

A  fpirit  ilTalng  from  fuch  fentiments,  has  gone  forth  in  our  coun- 
try— it  animates  thoufands — it  will  increafe  rapidly  as  the  true  char- 
acter of  church  and  ftate  religion  (hall  be  difcerned — it  will  pre- 
vail— and  it  is  high  time  that  the  followers  of  church  and  ikte 
Ihould  know  the  fraud,  which  is  pradlifed  on  them,  when  they  are 
promifed  by  their  leaders  heaven  and  glory  in  confideration  of 
their  votes,  their  reverence  and  obedience  :  for  thofe  who  prom- 
ife  have  no  right,  title  or  intereft  in  that  world. 

NO.  X. 


Combined  View  of  the  Unioni^s.^ 


N  my  fixth  number  it  is  aflerted  that  from  this  clafs  of 
men  your  religion,  your  rights,  property,  public  learning,  peace 
and  federal  union  are  imminently  in  danger.  In  this  number  will 
be  exhibited  fo  much  of  their  characters  as  fhall  give  ftrong  proba- 
bility to  thefe  affertions. — In  the  third  part  will  be  found  the  fasfts 
to  eftabiifhthem. 

The  naturalift  difcovers  in  the  firfl:  chapter  of  his  accidence, 
that  men  do  not  gather  grapes  from  thorns.  The  moralifl:  difcov- 
ers a  correfpondent  fa<5t  in  his  view  of  man.  Following  nature  in 
the  vegetable  and  animal  world,  you  follow  truth.  Afcertaining 
the  portion  of  paflion  which  enters  into  the  motives,  and  guides 
the  actions  of  men,  prepares  you  to  judge  better  of  them  than  you 
could  do  by  reliance  on  their  profeffions.  Revelation  and  expe- 
rience may  declare  the  heart  defperately  wicked  ;  your  vanity 
difclaims  the  imputation,  and  wifhing  to  be  thought  better  of  than 
you  deferve,  you  indulge  the  habit  of  yielding  to  others  all  the 
credit,  which  they  claim,  in  a  vain  hope  that  an  equal  tribute 
will  be  paid  to  your  own  felf-love.  Heaven  has  taken  good  care 
to  give  each  man  frailties  enough  to  teach  him  humility,  and  has 
given  evidence  of  the  frailties  of  others  fufficiently  to  teach  cau- 
tion to  all  men.  The  human  heart  is  as  well  knov/n  as  the  human 
face  :  yet  many  are  anxious  to  fly  from  the  mirror  of  truth  and 
to  forget  what  manner  of  men  they  are.  My  fubje<5l  demaods  that 
they  be  brought  back  and  deliberately  furveyed. 


The  body  of  our  people  have  agreed,  that  a  part  of  their  num- 
ber fhall  be  better  educated  than  the  reft  for  the  exprefs  purpofe  of 
ferving  them  better  than  a  common  education  would  admit,  and 
for  this  purpofe  have  endowed  pubhc  inftitutions  of  learning  ;  in 
confideration  of  which  the  privileged  fcholar  affumes  upon  himfelf 
to  acquire  the  ufeful  learning,  which  will  enable  him  to  render  the 
expeded  fervice.  The  clofing  of  the  contract  is  all  which 
the  public  ever  does  upon  this  fubjedl :  the  parties  have  feparated 
never  to  feel  again  one  common  intereft,  never  to  meet  again  on 
equal  terms.  I  fpeak  of  things  as  they  are.  Our  northern  col- 
leges have  been  the  laboratories  of  church  and  ftate.  You  turn  in 
a  boy,  and  out  comes  a  ftatefman,  who  at  his  firft  leap  into  our 
world,  bounds  over  the  heads  of  the  common  people,  and  fcorning 
the  narrow  compafs  of  your  rights,  ranges  among  the  theories  of 
religion,  the  politics  of  ancient  kingdoms,  the  balances  of 
Europe,  and  the  concerns  of  this  great  world,  and  is  very  fcien- 
tific  on  all  interefts,  except  thofe  plain  ones,  to  promote  and  fuftain 
which  was  the  profefTed  objea  of  his  education.  Were  fuch  boys 
fent  to  college  to  gain  ufeful  learning — to  ftudy  the  human  heart 
— to  acquire  a  rational  fyftem  of  morals  and  the  fkill  of  enforcing 
them — to  imbibe  refped  for  the  country  of  their  birth  and  for 
the  principles  which  gave  it  a  national  exiftence — to  difcover  that 
all  afcendency  over  the  confciences  and  opinions  of  men,  which  is 
not  fairly  gained  by  the  force  of  evidence  or  reafon,  is  tyranny  ; — 
to  fee  through  the  mifts,  which  proud  feftarians  have  raifed  from 
their  own  paffions,  that  pure  religion,  which  evidences  faith  and 
lives  inpradice  ?  Or  were  they  fent  there  to  learn  (what  ail  the 
world's  tyrants  had  before  learnt)  that  the  body  of  mankind  have 
a  great  portion  of  wealth  and  rights,  that  few  individuals  have 
enough  of  them  to  induce  their  rifquing  largely  in  their  defence — 
that  men  will  bear  a  gradual  ufurpation  of  thefe  with  patience, 
that  fometimes  they  will  endure  for  one  or  more  centuries  the 
total  lofs  of  them,  and  that  thofe,  who  begin  to  feize  on  them  in 
the  firft  ftages  of  endurance,   have  the  beft  chance  of  fuccefs  ? 

The  manner,  in  which  many  of  our  youth  come  from  our  college?, 
Ihews  where  they  have  been,  what  lefTons  they  have  learnt,  and 
what  may  be  expeded  from  them.  In  tracing  the  origin  of  our 
church  and  ftate  civilians,  it  is  neceffary  to  fpeak  plainly.  The 
prefidents,  profefTors  and  tutors  of  our  colleges — from  motives  per- 
fe(5lly  natural,  hate  republicanifiH,  becaufe  it  cherishes  that  iilerfy 
of  confc'ience,  nvh'ich  is  incorijiftent  with  eccleftajl'ical  dominion  and  hof- 
tile  to  technical  theology^  and  becaufe  it  contends  for  an  equality  of  civil 
rights,  nvhich  is  fatal  to  the  pretenfions  of  thofe,  ivho  want  more  than 
their fhare.  The  ftudents  learn  precifely  all  the  tyrannical  maxims, 
which  have  been  exploded  by  freemen,*  and  they  corae  out  to  the 

*  The  commencement  exercifes  of  our  northern  colleges  have  abundaritly 
cvlnced  this,  cfpecialiy  at  Yale  and  WilUams  colleges. 


worlc!  With  *  the  church  in  danger ;  demagogues  wlil  ruin  you ; 

*  by  liberty  they  mean  licentioufnefs  ;  by  toleration  deifm  ;  and    by 

*  good  government     anarchy.       They  hate  their  own  children « 

*  your  property  is  in  great  danger  from  invafion— all  Europe  is 

*  jealous  of  your  growing  power.*  They  then  prattle  fwcetly 
•about  extermination-— you  place  them  in  high  office — they  become 
brave  generals  at  a  court  martial,  intrepid  fea  commanders  in  a" 
(late-room— and  in  cafe  of  faccefs,  take  as  much  of  the  plunder  as 
thirty  or  forty  privates  crippled  for  life  ;  or  at  the  bar  exhauft  your 
wealth,  or  on  the  bench  fentence  you  to  prifon  for  expofing  their 
ufurpations.  Thefe  men  are  not  now  thanking  you  for  your  early 
care  of  them,  nor  cringing  for  your  votes  :  they  have  taken  the 
ground  to  which  their  education  pointed  them.  Not  one  new  dif- 
covery  has  been  made  in  all  this  bufinefs ;  even  the  very  words, 
with  which  thefe  m^n  deceive,  have  been  the  appropriate  terms  of 
deceit  through  all  generations ;  yet  our  young  men  -come  forward 
to  attack  the  rights  of  confcience  and  opinion,  with  as  much  free- 
dom, as  though  every  queftion  about  them  had  been  wholly  unfet- 
tledi  Well  did  Mr.  Adams  calculate,  in  the  awful  days  of  1798, 
on  our  young  men.  His  meafures  required  the  aid  of  men,  who 
never  heard  of  our  revolution.  Young  men,  wooden  walls,  fedi- 
tion  a(Sls,  a  reftrained  prefs— jails  for  freemen,  and  Adams  and 
liberty.  Thefe  were  the  glorious  munitions  of  the  church.  Satan 
was  to  be  defeated  on  land  ia  the  perfons  of  our  republicans : — on 
the  water,  in  the  perfons  of  the  French  : — the  whole  earth  was  to 
yield  its  tribute  of  wealth : — Babylons  were  to  arife  in  the  wil- 
dernefs. — All  this  for  the  introdudion  of  pure  religion  and  good 
government. — The  church  lending  its  arm  to  civilians,  and  tjhe 
ftate  lending  the  arm  of  the  law  to  ecclcfiaftics  :  the  people  encir- 
cled by  thefe  arms,  apparently  extended  from  motives  of  affedion, 
difcerned  not  at  firft  the  iron  points,  which  in  the  embrace  were  to 
prove  fatal  to  the  community.  It  is  impoflible  for  inftrudlors  to 
read  the  church  and  ftate  Palladiums  and  Gazettes  without  im- 
bibing a  political  contagion  :  the  ftudents,  fufficiently  predifpofed, 
readily  take  it ;  the  principles  of  humanity  and  toleration  die  in 
their  hearts  ;  they  fee  diftindly  the  line,  which  feparates  the  privi- 
leged from  the  unprivileged  part  of  community.  Pafiions,  wealth, 
honors,  encouragement,  are  all  on  one  fide  ;  the  principles,  which 
ought  to  be  on  the  other  are  extincSt,  and  duty,  combating  againfl 
felfifhnefs  is  defeated. 

It  would  feem  enough  that  a  youth  (hould  be  indulged  from  his 
cradle,  excufed  from  the  hard  labor  by  which  others  earn  their 
and  his  bread,  that  he  fhould  enjoy  fuperior  advantages  to  be  wifer 
than  the  reft  of  mankind,  that  he  fhould  be  better  fed  and  clothed 
than  others  ;  but  all  this  is  nothing  in  his  view,  unlefs  his  fervices 
will  "command  the  labor  of  a  hoft  of  men  ;  unlefs  he  can  have  a 
fplendid'houfe,  equipage  and  retinue  j  unlefs  he  can  portion  out 



your  rights  in  the  cabinet,  or  fport  your  lives  in  the  field,  or  your 
property  in  courts.  The  courfe,  which  many  of  our  youth  take,* 
Ihews  that  fach  are  their  conceptions  of  the  value  of  education, 
and  nothing  can  prevent  an  eternal  repetition  of  the  arts,  by  which 
fuch  adventurers^ain  undue  advantages,  but' a  thorough  perfuafion 
of  their  infidioufnefs,  and  a  refolution  to  repel  their  trefpaffes  on 
the  rights  of  community. 

Fortunately  for  my  fubjeft,  the  very  clafs  of  men,  who  mod 
fully  exhibit  this  charafter  are  the  church  and  ftate  unionifts,  who 
are  fuftained  in  federal  nominations. ""  To  defend  Chriil's  king- 
dom, to  fecure  your  property  and  liberty,  federal  iav/yers  are  to  be 
iullained,  and  why  ?  Is  it  becaufc  they  are  always  on  the  forlorn 
hope  in  a  war  of  words,  and  can  gratify  the  word  of  your  paflions, 
by  v/armly  efpoufing  the  worft  of  your  opinions  ?  Is  it  becaufe 
they  talk  loudly  of  your  rights  ?  Look  at  the  vacant  feats  of  of- 
fice ;  for  thefe  are  more  in  their  eyes  than  your  religion  and  rights. 
What  would  become  of  their  profeffions,  wealth,  promotion  and 
profpec^s,  if  religion  and  equality  of  rights  were  to  prevail  ?  It  is 
all  idle  to  expect  men  to  conquer  nature  and  ruin  themfelves  on 
your  account.  The  energies  of  republicanifm  were  made  on  pur- 
pofe  to  keep  fuch  men  in  check. 

In  every  procefs  of  my  fubjedl,  I  purpofely  draw  you  to  a  view 
of  the  artificial  inequalities  of  fociety,  as  refulting  from  nature  and 
pafiion,  and  in  further  advance  under  this  head,  will  pohit  you  to 
the  natural  courfe,  which  thefe  paflions  take  to  gain  their  ends. 

Thefe  young  unionills  early  difcover  that  the  body  of  mankind 
refpedt  religion,  love  their  families,  pr6perty,  reputation  and  peace  ; 
and  that  the  nearefl:  road  to  their  hearts  is  by  profeffing  to  refpe<5t 
and  \ovQ  what  the  multitude  does,  and  to  afTume  popular  and  impo- 
ling  forms  for  exprefling  this  refpedt  and  love.  They  difcover 
that  the  body  of  mankind  are  not  fufpicious  and  are  eafiiy  impref- 
fed — and  that  there  are  but  few  men,  who  refufe  to  be  moved  by 
flattery,  or  terror,  or  promifes.  With  thefe  premifes  the  union  of 
church  and  ftate  is  perfedlly  obvious,  and  no  regular  army  ever 
advanced  with  more  certainty  of  fuccefs  upon  a  defencelefs  village, 
or  with  more  fl^ilful  array  againll  a  numerous  band  of  untrained  pea- 
fants,  than  fuch  men  advance  to  take  poflLlfion  of  your  rights. 
The  apparent  fairnefs  and  fan6tity,  which  they  ufe  as  arguments 
of  their  integrity  are  with  me  the  arguments  of  their  im- 
port ure.  If  they^  are  men,  and  if  the  courfe  which  they  appa- 
rently take,  is  their  real  courfe,  it  is  impoflible  for  them  to  mean 
any  thing  but  their  own  promotion.  On  this  point  ambitious 
men,  whether  called  republican  or  federal  are  alike  by  nature  ;  but 
the  lirft  believe  that  the  body  of  mankind  ought  to  be  and  will  be 

*  Fortunately  there  are  fome  brilliant  exceptions,  and  thefe  are  the  more 
honorable  to  thofe,  who  forna  them,  in  proportion  to  the  temptations, 
which  they  have  refilled. 


II—.  h 

fovereign,  and  that  by  confulting  and  purfuing  their  befl  i*ntere(Ts^ 
tliey  will  beft  fecure  their  objea: ;  the  lafi:  calculate  that  the  body 
of  mankind  mufl:  and  ought  to  be  fubordinate — they  feel  as4f  all 
things  were  made  for  the  ufe  of  the  world's  mafters.  Hence  in  a 
republic  they  gain  power  by  profeffing  much  and  doing  little  :  in  an 
oligarchy,  they  profefs  lefs  and  rely  more  on  power  T  in  a  monar- 
chy their  profeiTions  abate,  the  people  know  little  of  their  rulers^ 
beyond  the  power,  which  draws  their  children  into  the  field  and 
the  money  from  their  pockets  to  pay  them  for  being  fhot  at :  Un- 
der a  defpotic  government  the  people  fink  to  the  condition  of 
brutes  ;  their  interefts,  feelings  and  fervices  are  never  thought  of, 
the  will  of  one  man  is  law.  In  a  republic  the  condition  of  the  bo- 
dy of  the  people  is  mod:  elevated — that  o-f  rulers  leafl: :  the  paffions 
of  thefe  lafl  propel  them  to  fmk  the  people  in  order  to  raife  them- 
felves — and  the  perfedion  of  elevation,  to  which  pafiion  tends,  is 
the  total  htimUtation  of  the  peopls^  and  the  total fupremacy  of  rulers.' 

Following  thefe  ideas,  you  will  perceive  why  that  miferable 
farce  of  a  weftern  infurreftion  was  aded  ;  why  all  our  federal 
candidates  for  ofEce  in  New-England  exclaimed  for  energy  ;  why 
France  was  infulted  by  a  Britifn  treaty,  and  an  idle  parade  of  mari- 
time war  v/as  fet  on  foot ;  why  an  army  was  raifed,   &c.  &c 

All  thefe  were  fo  many  efforts  to  drive  the  people  from  the  true 
ground  of  moderation  and  peace.  The  condition  of  an  extended 
agricultural  country  like  this,  required  but  few  laws,  and  republi- 
canifm  always  deteils  an  artificial  complication  of  government :  it 
refents  falfe  alarms  of  danger  as  faft  as  their  falfhood  is  difcovered. 
Next  to  fuch  alarms  fucceeded  terror  and  abufe — thefe  loft  their 
effed—the  energies  of  the  people  conftantly  ftruggled  againft  thefe 
contagious  afFedions ;  at  length  our  federal  lawyers,  v/ho  had 
never  been  noted  for  religious  zeal,  cried  out,  *  that  the  churclv 
was  in  danger,*  and  unfortunately  fome  of  our  clergy  afiifted 
them.  Thefe  unionifts  purfued  their  arts  v/lth  as  much  zeal  and 
calculation  of  fuccefs,  as  if  they  had  been  the  real  inventors  of 
them,  and  as  if  no  one  knew  that  they  led  to  political  deftru6^on. 
Did  oiar  members  of  congrefs,  or  our  council,  or  our  political 
clergy,  or  ourfedera4  lawyers,  or  the  members  of  our  nomination 
join  in  thefe  artifices  ?  Each  one  of  them  pofitively  knew  that  the 
country  was  not  in  danger  of  foreign  invafion — each  one  knew 
that  religion  v/as  perfectly  fafe,  and  each  adive  man  among  them 
felt  that  he  was  more  oppofed  to  the  name  and  nature  of  republi- 
canifm  than  any  pretended  invader,  and  more  hoftile  to  chriftianity 
than  Wifhaupt  and  all  his  afTociates.  No  refleding  man  is  now 
hardy  enough  to  fay  that  the  French  contemplated  in  1798  the  inva- 
fion  of  this  country,  or  that  chriftianity  was  really  in  danger  fron-i 
the  effed  of  illuminatifm.  The  Englifli  tranflation  of  all  this  bufinefs 
was,  you  the  people  have  more  power  and  v/ealth  than  is  confiftent 
with  the  ambition  and  power  of  us  your  rulers.     Tbe  light  of  the 

•  5^ 

fun  oever  exhibited  the  dimenfions  of  any  natural  obje6:  with  more 
certainty  thjin  the  prefent  ftate  of  things  exhibits  the  correftnefs 
of  this  tranflation.  Thefe  irapoftures  have  rifen  to  fuch  height^ 
that  thofe  clergy,  who  had  the  leafl:  reputation  for  fan(5tity  or  hu- 
mihty,  had  the  greateft  influence — thofe  lawyers,  who  had  been 
moll  confpicuous  for  oppreflion  and  diftindion,  were  chofen  to 
guard  tke  public  rights.  Every  year  has  added  to  the  evidences 
of  their  unfaithfulnefs ;  becaufe  in  every  year  vital  religion  and 
ardent  patriotifm  dirainifhed,  and  no  crifis  was  left  for  the  union- 
ifts  but  that  which  now  exifts,  viz.  a  ftate  of  the  moft  vindictive 
and  unqualified  abufe  of  all  who  have  expofed  thefe  impoftures, 
and  of  all  who  have  given  credence  to  fuch  expofures.  Your 
public  offices  have  been  feized  by  thefe  unionifts — many  of  your 
pulpits  have  been  proftituted — the  grofleft  fal (hoods  have  been  circu- 
lated in  your  newfpapers — and  to  crown  thefe  perverfions,  you  are 
even  now  called  to  rejoice  that  federalifm  is  increafing,  although 
the  very  term  is  known  to  exprels  total  hoftility  to  the  general 

The  conftitution  of  our  country  has  provided  thjft  the  prefident 
and  every  officer  under  him  (hall  feel  a  refponfibility  diredly  or 
indirectly  to  the  people  ;  but  thefe  northern  unionifts  have  feized 
into  their  own  hands  the  whole  principle  of  refponfibility,  and 
have  in  fadt  become  your  ma(lers  ;  they  affedt  to  approve  them- 
felves  to  themfelves. — keep  therafelves  in  place,  by  means  which 
they  pronounce  to  be  proper,  and  retain  the  confidence  of  thou- 
fands,  even  though  they  tax  the  people  heavily  as  poffible,  while  they 
have  pgwer,  and  though  they  oppofe  relief  from  taxation,  when 
others  propofe  fuch  relief.  Unreftrained  man  is  always  wicked — 
it  is  the  order  of  the  moral  and  political  world,  that  every 
thing  fiiould  be  under  reftraint,  and  if  any  clafs  of  men  are  wiU 
ling  to  repofe  their  rights,  property,  public  learning,  peace  and 
federal  union  on  men,  whofe  palfions,  and  interefts  are  in  favour  of 
the  abridgement  of  them— -on  men  who  have  publicly  brought 
thefe  paflions  and  interefts  into  adion  ;  on  men  who  triumphantly 
fet  refponfibihty  at  defiance,  they  muft  do  this  either  under 
the  influence  of  delufions  which  they  are  unable  to  detect,  or  of 
motives  which  they  dare  not  avow. 


NO.  XL 

Review  of  the  paji  Numbers ^  addrejpd  to  the  People, 

JL  EDERALISM  pafTed  by  another  name  among  the 
Jews  and  Catholics,  but  has  been  in  every  age  and  nation  the 
fame  combination  of  paffions,  operating  again  ft  the  civil  and  re- 
ligious interefts  of  mankind — and  has  always  been  found  in  an 
union  of  church  and  ftate  ;  has  always  pretended  to  great  zeal  for 
the  caufe  of  God  and  the  good  of  man  ;  but  has  always  betrayed 
both,  and  the  leaves  of  hiftory  are  full  of  fadls,  exhibiting  this 
treachery.  Pretending  to  do  honor  to  God  and  to  advance  the 
intereQs  of  their  nation,  the  Jewifh  priefts  perfecured,  and  the  Jewifii 
rulers  crucified  the  Saviour,  amidft  the  fiiouts  of  a  deluded  mul- 
titude. Pretending  to  great  zeal  for  the  fame  objcdls,  the  Cath- 
olics offered  him  up  again  as  a  facrifice  to  human  pride,  robbed 
his  beft  friends  of  their  treafure  in  order  to  decorate  the  palaces, 
where  they  affeded  to  worfhip  him,  flaughtered  or  banifhed  his 
moft  faithful  followers — and  eftablifhed  a  religion  of  church  and 
flate,  in  which  the  crucifix  and  the  altar  had  the  fhadow,  but  the 
felf-ftiied  vicar  of  God  on  earth  enjoyed  the  fubftance  of  earthly 
homage.  The  fame  has  been  true  of  all  the  monarchies  in  Europe. 
The  attention  can  never  be  arrefted  by  any  fcenes  of  extenfive 
oppreflion  or  carnage,  without  hearing,  louder  than  the  cries  of  the 
vidims,  the  profeffions  of  the  oppreffors  and  tormentors  in  favor 
of  benevolence,  order  and  religion.  The  paffions  of  man  have  made 
this  an  unhappy  world,  and  vice  derives  its  greateft  force,  not  from 
the  number  of  its  votaries,  but  from  its  capacity  of  depraving  the 
hearts  and  affociating  the  interefts  of  powerful  combinations  of  men. 
Were  I  to  prove  the  depravity  of  the  Jewifti  or  Romifh  fyftems,  I 
would  not  do  this  by  ihewing  the  private  charaders  of  Herod, 
Pilate,  Leo,  or  any  of  the  cardinals  or  inquifitors;  but  by  Ihewing 
that  the  paflions  of  the  rulers  had  more  afcendency  than  real 
principle  and  true  religion.  The  public  charadlers  of  thofe  men 
would  ferve  as  mere  exempHfications  of  the  fa6l. 

In  exhibiting  the  depravity  of  federalifm  here,  I  do  not  rely  on 
the  zeal  of  Mr.  Adams  for  monarchy,  intolerance  and  eftablifti- 
ment — nor  on  Mr.  Pickering's  negle6l  to  account  for  appropriated 
monies — nor  on  Mr.  Hamilton's  amours. — Were  the  caufe  origin- 
ally good,  the  indifcretion  of  individuals  could  not  have  made  it 
otherwife.  Its  depravity  confifts  in  its  having  afllimed  all  the 
maxims  and  adopted  all  the  pradices,  which  are  calculated  to  ruin 
man  ;  in  its  having  taken  the  ground,  from  which  the  religion  and 
rights  of  mankind  have  been  always  fatally  annoyed — in  its  having 


aflbclated  church  and  ilate,  and  directed  that  alTociation  to  politic^ 
al  objeds.  Our  Backufes  and  Huntingtons  might  have  preached 
politics,  our  Lymans  circulated  flanders,  our  Dwights,  Robifon 
and  Barruel,  our  Daggetts  and  Aliens  profeffions  of  faith — and 
federalifm  yet  continued  to  deferve  well,  provided  it  had  contained 
the  heavenly  principles,  which  fpeak  peace  and  good  will  to  man. 
Schemes  of  wild  ambition,  falfe  alarms  of  national  danger,  reports 
of  confpiracy,  and  abufes  of  Mr.  JefFerfon  might  have  pafTed 
before  the  frowning  eye  of  an  indignant  public,  leaving  no  other 
impreffion  than  that  heaven  had  fufFered  evils  in  the  political  as 
in  the  moral  v/orld,  to  try  the  virtue  of  man.  The  general  fen- 
timent  of  men  to  honor  God  and  to  be  free,  would  have  driven 
into  obfcurity  all  confpirators  againfi:  their  interefts,  whatever  plau- 
fible  charafters  they  might  have  aflumed.  In  an  ordinary  ftate  of 
the  public  mind,  men  would  not  have  tolerated  fermons,  inculcat- 
ing hatred  and  malice — nor  prayers  giving  publicity  to  newfpaper 
ilander,  nor  pradical  infidels  to  alarm  the  church,  nor  monarchifts 
to  rule  the  nation,  nor  old  tories  to  guide  eledlions.  The  madnefs 
and  cunning  of  church  and  ftate  has  done  all  this.  Church  and 
ftate  has  taught  the  blefTednefs  of  a  national  debt,  and  has  ftrained 
every  nerve  to  make  this  blefTednefs  eternal.  Church  and  ftate 
has  taught  "  that  the  finger  of  heaven  points  to  war,"  and  that  it  is 
right  for  nations  to  be  vindidtive,  and  to  arm  in  the  caufeof  cotton 
and  indigo — to  fight  their  way  through  barbarous  nations  to  the 
land  of  wine  and  oil — and  to  fhed  human  blood  in  order  to  acquire 
rapidly  that  portion  of  national  wealth,  which  fuddenly  produces 
ariftocracies — certainly  dcftroys  religion — always  demoralizes  man, 
and  diforganizes  a  republic. — The  man,  who  makes  a  few  thou- 
fands  of  men  rich  to  fecure  them  in  favor  of  himfelf  and  his  polit- 
ical fchemes,  at  the  expence  of  the  men  who  raifed  him,  and  of  the 
principles  which  he  profefTed  in  order  to  gain  power,  may  call 
himfelf  federalift,  chriftian,,  and  may  imprifon  thofe 
who  doubt  it :  Church  and  ftate  will  fuftain  him,  for  hehasaded 
confiftently  with  their  maxims. 

The  paft  pages  have  been  devoted  to  (hewing  the  poflibility  and 
the  probability  of  a  church  and  ftate  union  here — the  refemblance 
of  this  to  former  unions — the  federal  complexion  of  theunionifts-. — 
and  throughout  the  whole,  the  portion  of  violent  deftrudlive  paf- 
fions,  which  diftinguifh  this  union.  Previous  to  fhewing  their 
confpiracles  againft  chriftianity  and  the  government  of  the  United 
States,  it  was  neceftary  to  render  it  probable  that  they  would  thus 

The  great  periods  of  the  rife  andcheckof  that  fyftem  ofpaffions, 
which  is  now  denominated  federalifm,  are  marked  with  analogous 
fails.  Theearlieft  hiftory  of  man  prefents  him  as  fetting  up  his 
pafHons  againft  the  known  law  of  his  Maker — from  this  moment 
there  was  a  conftant  conteft  between  duty  and  will — divine  precept 


and  human  pride  ;  till  at  length  the  paffions  gained  their  crifis  and  the 
deluge  overwhelmed  them.  After  this  they  gradually  gained,  en- 
twining themfelves  about  the  moral  and  ceremonial  law,  and  pervert- 
ing both,  till  their  crifis  was  difcovered  in  the  total  fubje£lion  of  man 
to  human  inventions,  and  his  total  rebellion  againlt  his  Maker. 
The  Saviour's  advent  was  alone  equal  to  meet  this  crifis.  He 
convided  the  prieflrs  and  rulers  of  their  impoftures,  and  defeated 
them  on  their  ftrongeft  ground  :  But  after  his  afcenfion,  thefe 
pafiions  rallied  again — feized  the  very  religion  which  he  had  foun- 
ded, and  in  the  courfe  of  fifteen  centuries  rendered  their  manage- 
ment of  it  the  greateft  of  all  curfes  to  mankind.  This  crifis  was 
met  by  the  reformation  ;  but  the  feafon  had  not  arrived  for  the 
Prince  of  Peace  to  take  up  his  great  power — the  paffions  rallied 
again  their  forces,  feized  the  proteftant  religion,  and  in  the 
name  of  it,  took  pofleffion  of  the  thrones,  cabinets  and  wealth  of 
proteftant  Europe.  Our  anceftors  met  this  crifis  by  the  fettlement 
of  this  country.  The  paffions,  never  weary,  feized  on  the  Puri- 
tanifm — ^on  the  religious  zeal — on  the  perfecutions,  and  even  wants 
of  our  anceftors,  and  in  them  eftablifhed  a  dominion,  which  met 
its  overthrow  in  our  revolution  ;  and  then  it  was  ardently  and 
extenfively  hoped  that  rational,  civil  and  religious  liberty  was  to 
prevail :  But  after  the  clofe  of  a  moft  diftreffing  war,  thefe  fubtle, 
fcdulous  paffions  feized  on  the  very  ardors  of  the  conteft,  and  even 
on  the  name  of  our  illuftrious  Wafhington,  and  converted  them, 
as  they  ever  before  had  converted  the  beft  of  things  to  the  worfl  of 
purpofes.  Here  the  paffions  played  their  deepeft,  deadliefl:  game — 
they  literally  played  earth  in  the  name  of  heaven.  From  the  poor 
foldier,  who  had  not,  they  took  away  that  which  he  feemed  to 
have.  To  the  abundance  of  the  rich  they  added  tenfold  from 
the  earnings  of  the  diftrefled.  To  adulterers — to  the  proud — to 
thofe  who  defpifed  our  caufe,  they  offered  honors  and  power  : — 
To  the  murderers  of  our  brethren  by  thoufands,  they  tendered  the 
olive-branch  : — To  our  deliverers  from  Britiih  tyranny,  famine  and  " 
the  fword — againft  the  poor  natives,  they  fent  an  army  to  enforce 
our  divine  right  to  more  land  than  we  wanted  :  Againft  fome  of 
our  brethren,  who  were  feverely  taxed  by  indigence,  they  fent  a 
military  force  to  teach  the  liberal  policy  ot''  excife,  though  our  old 
congrefs  had  declared  it  to  be  the  abhorrence  of  a  free  people. 
Tkey  raifed  a  ftanding  army — imprifoned  republicans — reftrained 
the  prefs — and  feized  feveral  of  the  altars — and  to  crown  thefe  im- 
pofitions,  fome  proud  priefts,  who  love  greetings  in  the  market, 
cried  out,  *  Whofo  hath  any  gold,  let  him  break  it  off ;' fo  multi- 
tudes brought  their  treafures,  and  thefe  modern  Aarons  caft  them 
calves,  and  faid,  lo !  thefe  are  the  gods,  which  led  you  through 
the  revolution—whereas  feveral  of  thera  were  born  lince  that  day^ 
and  the  reft  were  moftly  old  tories. 

From  the  abufive  fpirit  and  praftices  of  the  human  palEons  In 
the  laft  adminiftration,  the  eledion  of  Prefidcnt  Jefferfon  has  re- 
deemed you — and  now  thefe  paffions  will  endeavour  to  create 
jealoufies  among  you,  to  divide  the  men  in  whom  you  truft,  they 
will  even  afFedt  to  love  your  caufe — they  will  take  your  religion, 
your  fpirit  of  economy  and  your  love  of  equal  rights,  and  in 
the  name  of  every  thing  dear  to  you  will  aim  to  replace  them 
feives  in  power.  Not  one  of  the  arts,  which  have  been  before 
fuccefsful  will  be  omitted  and  your  ftrongeft  guard  againft  them 
is  QL  knowledge  of  their  chara^ers  and  intentions. 

;;;•<;>•:;:;;!.:;;  :;:-i;.  :;;.!:;;:!< 


••<<:^>-^^-<><^S'-<y''^&-<>">-  >• 


NO.  I. 

Con/piracy  of  the  Umoni/h  in  the  act  of  their  Formation, 


Y  KINGDOM  IS  NOT  OF  THIS  WORLD,  was  the  decla- 
ration with  which  the  Saviour  took  on  himfelf  the  government  of 
his  church  :  a  declaration  for  which  proud  priefts  and  courtiers 
will  never  forgive  him  to  the  end  of  time. 

Had  he  come  in  robes  of  royalty  and  announced  himfelf  fuch  a 
king  as  the  Jewsexpefted  ;  if  in  the  everlafting  Father  they  could 
have  recognized  a  powerful  emperor  ;  if  in  the  captain  of  falva- 
tion,  an  invincible  leader  of  their  armies  ;  if  in  the  mighty  coun- 
fellor,  an  able  politician  ;  it  in  the  prince  of  peace,  a  man  of 
war,  kings  would  have  ftript  off  their  robes,  could  they  have  added 
to  his  fplendor  ;  generals  would  have  torn  off  their  epaulets  in  or- 
der to  receive  new  commiffions  under  him  ;  the  Jewifh  fanhcdrini 
would  have  been  his  council  ;  high  prieds  the  heralds  of  his  reli- 
gion ;  an  enflaved  multitude  would  have  followed  his  chariot 
wheels,  and  a  world  full  of  fm  and  death  hailed  with  acclamations 
his  advent,  charadter  and  exploits. — Had  he  come  to  exhauft  the 
wealth  of  the  poor,  to  crowd  the  prifons  with  the  vidims  of  def- 
potifm,  to  diftrefs  the  nations,  and  to  glorify  every  paiTion,  he 
would  have  gained  the  afFedions  of  the  unionifts  in  that  day,  and 
have  fecured  thofe  of  ail  their  fuccefTors  to  the  end  of  time. 

Had  he  wifhed  for  fuch  a  courfe  he  would  have  been  born  in  a 
palace  inftead  of  a  manger  ;  Herod  would  have  been  his  forerun- 
ner inflead  of  John  ;  Pilate,  his  difciple,  inftead  of  Peter ;  Casfar 
and  his  court  his  hearers,  inftead  of  a  defpifed  audience  on  the 
mount.  At  any  moment  he  could  have  commanded  not  only 
the  powers  of  earth  but  alfo  the  legions  of  heaven  to  perform  his 
will  :  yet  he  chofe  that  through  trials  and  perfecmtions  his  religion 
fhould  make  its  way  againft  the  combined  influence  of  church  and 
{^a^e    '  ■         H  ■      ' 


To  the  torrent  of  paffions  which  for  centuries  had  been  burll- 
ing  forth  from  the  exhauftlefs  fource  of  human  depravity,  he  op- 
pofed  what  the  world  confidered  the  feebleft  of  all  barriers,  a  re- 
ligion, the  profefTors  of  which  muft  mortify  the  deeds  of  the  body, 
that  their  fouls  might  live.  Under  every  conceivable  difadvantage 
in  human  view  he  commenced  his  career. 

In  his  fermon  on  the  niount,  he  promulged  the  laws,  which 
were  to  regulate  the  fubjecls  of  his  kingdom,  and  on  this  occalion 
lb  faithfully  expofed  the  impoftures  of  church  and  ftate,  that  the 
Jewifti  unionifls  v/ere  obliged  to  bring  into  adtion  that  deteftable 
charafler,  which  has  uniformly  diftinguifhed  that  clafs  of  men  in 
every  age  of  the  world.  They  regarded  his  converts  as  a  mifera- 
bie  rabble,  who  followed  him  for  tlie  loaves  andjifies — abufed  them 
for  that  ignorance  and  poverty,  to  which  their  own  oppreffions  had 
reduced  them,  called  the  Saviour  a  glutton,  a  friend  of  publicans 
and  finners,  imputed  his  miraculous  gifts  to  communion  with  the 
prince  of  devils^ — and  becaufe  he  caft  out  evil  fpirits,  they  prayed 
him  to  depart  from  their  coajls.  Every  fallhood,  which  the  heart 
could  conceive  or  the  tongue  utter,  was  ifTued  to  make  him  and  his 
caufe  and  followers  defpicable.  They  charged  him  \y\l\i  fedit'wujiy 
inflaming  the  multitude.  In  face  of  all  their  power  and  fubtlety 
he  preached  his  religion  :  They  at  length  rcforted  to  their  laft  ef- 
fort, a  reign  of  terror,  and  after  every  fpecies  of  threatning  took 
liim  by  treachery  and  crucified  him. 

That  he  arofe  from  the  dead,  and  that  the  religion  which  hd 
thus  eftabiifiied  is  chriftianity,  are  pofitioris,  which  our  unionids 
are  pledged  not  to  controvert.  It  is  equally  clear  that  the  Saviour 
knew  precifely  the  interefts  of  his  kingdom,  and  that  he  had  it  per- 
fectly in  his  power  to  advance  it  by  any  means  moft  conducive  to 
thefe  interefts ;  that  he  never  promifed  to  his  followers  offices  of 
honor  or  profit ;  never  flattered  them  with  ecclefiaftical  dignities  ; 
never  taught  them  to  exped:  the  favors  of  men  :  but  afliired  them 
that  the  world  would  hate  them,  that  through  tribulation  they  muft 
enter  the  kingdom.  He  did  not  tell  them,  that  after  his  afcenfion, 
his  kingdom  was  to  depend  on  popes  and  cardinals,  on  kings  and 
arch-bilhops,  nor  on  counfellors  and  dodlors  of  divinity:  but  pro- 
mifed that  he  luould  he  'with  them  to  the  end  of  the  'world.  He  ne- 
ver told  them  that  his  church  would  be  in  danger  of  ruin,  but  af- 
fured  them  that  it  was  founded  on  a  rock.  He  never  told  his  dif- 
ciples  to  carry  his  religion  through  the  earth  by  fire  and  fword, 
nor  by  tortures  and  teft  afts  ;  but  to  combat  its  enemies  with  the 
armour  of  the  gofpel :  for,  fays  he,  *  we  fight  againft  principali- 
ties and  powers,  and  the  rulers  of  the  darknefs  of  this  world.' 

The  very  men,  who  fince  that  day  have  pret,ended  to  have  the 
control  of  his  church  were  thofe  whom  he  delignated  as  its  moil 
dangerous  enemies.  The  firft  great  combat  againft  this  infant 
r:hurch  wa.s  fo  unAiccefsful,  the  paffions  fo  dreadfully  defeated,  and 


the  pride  of  man  fo  thorowghly  humbled,  that  in  later  days  the  en- 
emies of  this  religion  have  affumed  forms  for  its  overthrow  more  in- 
fidious  than  thofe  of  its  firfl:  enemies. 

From  the  nature  of  this  kingdom  its  policy  raufl:  always  be  the 
fame.  As  it  commenced  with  hoftility  to  bad  paffions,  fo  it  can 
never  avail  itfelf  of  them  for  its  fuppprt,  and  whenever  a  church 
has  repofed  itfelf  for  reft  or  fafety  on  the  bofom  of  the  ftate,  it 
has  always  fallen  to  fleep  and  forgotten  its  head  and  hufband.  All 
other  religions  have  more  or  lefs  foftered  the  pride  of  man  ;  but 
chriftianity  peculiarly  oppofes  this  pride,  and  claims  for  itfelf  a 
fpirituai  exiftence  and  a  total  diftin<5tion  from  the  kingdoms  of  this 

I  have  taken  the  character  of  this  religion,  not  from  volumes 
of  commentators  ;  but  from  the  onlyhiftory  of  ic,  which  has  any 
claim  to  authenticity.  The  king,  the  laws,  adminiftration,  ob- 
jefts  and  end  of  chriftianity  are  all  fpirituai,  and  the  fjpport  of 
this  kingdom  muft  be  wholly  fpirituai.  To  this  concurrence  of 
fadls  we  muft  refer  its  firft  fuccefs,  difTufion,  and  conftant  tri- 
umph againft  the  confpiracies,  which  have  been  formed  to  deftroy 
it,  which  confpiracies  have  had  the  aid  of  the  wealth,  power  and 
bad  paflions  of  the  world.  Whole  nations  have  bid  it  defiance, 
armies  have  been  raifed  to  fubdue  it,  cabinets  have  confpired 
againft  it ;  yet  by  the  aid  of  fpirituai  weapons  it  has  been  *  mighty 
in  pulling  down  ftrong  holds.'  ' 

That  a  confpiracy  againft  this  religion  exlfts  is  an  agreed  point, 
and  the  world  has  been  long  enough  alarmed  with  fuggeftions  that 
republicans  in  this  and  other  countries  were  the  confpirators. 
That  fome  of  our  northern  clergy  have  aftbciated  with  our  federal 
civilians  in  giving  force  to  thefe  fjggeftions-r-that  their  adlivity  has 
been  confpicuous  at,  and  previous  to  our  eledlions — that  fermons 
and  fabbaths  have  been  devoted  to  this  fubjeca — that  books  for  this 
purpofe  have  been  widely  circulated,  and  that  the  federal  cry  of 
*'  the  church  is  in  danger,'*  has  been  raifed  to  prejudice  the  repub- 
lican caufe,  are  fads,  for  proof  of  which  reference  may  be  had  to 
the  Palladium  and  to  the  other  federal  papers,  and  to  a  multitude 
of  election  and  faft  fermons  in  New-England. 

This  union  of  church  and  ftate  has  exifted  in  New-England 
from  its  firft  fettlement ;  but  the  evidences  of  its  confpiracy  againft 
chriftianity  were  not  eonclufive  till  the  year  1797.  Previous  to 
that  time  fome  civilians  had  gained  promotion  through  clerical  in- 
fluence, the  paflions  were  ilowiy  gaining  afcendency  in  the  cabinet, 
great  antichriftian  projeds  of  national  wealth  and  glory  were  on 
foot,  diplomatic  agencies  in  operation  for  infalting  France  accord- 
ing to  the  law  of  nations,  chriftianity  was  reprefented  by  chaplains 
in  congrefs,  and  a  new  order  of  things  was  at  hand,  which  fhould 
give  fignificance  to  ambitious  men  in  church  and  ftate,  and  our 
political  clergy  had  begun  to  learn  that  civil  liberty  was  the  parent 


of  licendoufoefs,  and  toleration  the  deftroying  angel  of  church 
difcipline.  Mr.  Adams  was  to  live  but  once,  and  the  'ujell-born 
might  never  find  their  places,  if  it  was  not  done  feafonably  under 
his  adminiftration.  In  fa6l-,  the  moment  had  arrived,  when  new 
plans  prelied  rapidly  into  the  minds  of  our  great  men  ;  the  idea  of 
repofmg  on  the  intelligence  of  a  free  people  was  relinquift-ied  by 
our  federal  leaders,  and  a  fyftem  of  force,  to  be  operated  by  cler- 
gy and  laity,  was  decided  on.  The  men  a6led  as  naturally  as 
heavy  badies  do,  when  they  fall  to  the  earth.  Monarchy  begaa 
to  appear  more  benignant,  ariftocracy  had  powerful  charms,  the 
names,  which  ufed  to  roufe  the  country  to  enthufiafm,  were  def- 
pifed,  and  the  mod:  felfifh  propenfities  of  proud  hearts  were  con- 
cealed under  the  impofing  forms  of  love  to  religion  and  zeal  for 
order  and  good  government. 

To  compafs  a  revolution  in  the  public  mind  was  a  neceflary  tafk. 
Various  arts  were  improved  ;  but  among  them  none  fo  leading  as 
ProfefTor  Robifon's  proofs  of  a  confpiracy.  This  Scotch  royalift 
had  difcovered  that  a  few  obfcure  inftrudlors  in  Germany,  who 
had  nothing  on  earth  to  gain  but  the  knowledge  of  truth  and  the 
approbation  of  their  employers,  were  in  fa£l  affociated  with  fome 
new  orders  of  mafons,  and  that  thefe,  connefted  with  deiigning 
men  in  other  parts  of  the  world,  were  conlpiring  to  deftroy 
chriftianity^  by  ejiahl'ijlnng  ajyjiem  tf  moraL\ — The  doflrine  of  all 
this  was,  that  George  III.  and  his  minions,  and  the  emperor 
and  petty  princes  of  Germany  and  fome  royalift  priefts,  ^vho  had 
always  been  the  public  practical  enemies  of  chriftianity,  were 
fecretly  its  friends,  and  that  thefe  by  joining  other  great  men  and 
deftroying  this  morality  might  replace  chriftianity. 

This  miferable  mixture  of  fahliood  and  folly  was  greedily  feized 
by  our  unionifts  in  this  country,  and  inftant  pains  were  taken  to 
domefticate  and  apply  the  ProfefTor's  fafls  and  doftrine.  The 
fads  Dr.  Morfe  found  in  a  great  number  of.  mafonic  focieties 
here — but  as  an  important  faft  was  wanting,  viz.  the  a8ual  ex't/i- 
ence  of  thefe  foc'iettes,  the  unionifls  affeded  to  charge  the  fads  on 
all  the  leading  republicans  in  the  country,  and  to  appoint  them- 
felves  to  alTifl:  the  great  men  of  the  world  in  replacing  chriftianity, 
tJnder  this  order  of  things  Mr.  JefFerfon  was  faid  to  be  the  great 
illuminat  of  this  country,  and  doubtlefs  a  correfpondent  of  WiOi- 
aupt.  He  had  declared  that  the  laws  of  fociety  ought  not  to  con- 
troul  the  confciences  of  men — therefore  he  was  an  atheift  ;  he 
was  attached  to  the  French  caufe,  therefore  loved  anarchy  and 
approved  of  all  the  cruelties  reported  of  that  nation  :  All  his 
friends,  in  approving  him,  approved  every  fentiment,  which  he 
was  faid  to  entertain. 

Thus  a  humble  clafs  of  men,  who  enjoyed  no'power  in  fociety, 
and  who  merely  wifhed  for  the  civil  and  religious  liberty,  which 
they  Had  dearly  earned,    were  fuddenly  converted   into  a  fet  of 


illumlnatifls,  confplrators  againft  chriftianity,  anarchi(ls  and  infi- 
del  philofophers.  Barruel,  an  emigrant  papift,  heightened  this 
triumph  of  the  unionifts  by  fliewing  that  the  early  proteftant 
martyrs  were  diforganizers,  and  that  infidels  and  revolutioriifts  were 
hand  in  hand  to  deftroy  chriftianity.  This  infidel  philofophy  then 
Ipread  its  wings  and  was  found  to  be  of  monftrous  extent.  It  was 
now  difcovered  by  our  political  clergy,  that  all  the  heathen  philo- 
fophers, the  deifts  of  Europe,  the  illuminatifts,  and  all  the  bad 
men  of  every  age  ijn  the  world,  and  all  the  republicans  here  were 
in  a  league  againfl:  God,  againft  morality  of  every  defcription, 
againft  divine  truth,  and  that  the  whole  force  of  federalifm  rauft 
be  muftered  againft  fuch  a  daring  combination.  Godwin's  poUt. 
ical  juftice  and  Volney's  ruins,  with  a  number  of  other  books, 
which  few  republicans  had  feen,  were  charged  on  our  caufe.  The 
groffeft  barbarities,  the  wiidefl:  theories,  even  the  cruelties  of 
Robefpieere  and  the  atheifm  of  Danton  were  charged  on  us.  New- 
England  church  and  frate  now  afTumed  vifible  body  andfubftance  : 
Federal  epifcopalians  and  difTenters  were  hand  in  hand — all  federal 
feds  loft  their  diftinftions  and  difputes,  and  in  conjunftion  with 
the  old  tories  of  laft  war,  Britifh  merchants,  and  all  who  would 
enlift  againft  the  rights  of  man,  cried  out,  *  that  the  church  was 
in  danger.' 

This  ferment  did  not  fpread  promifcuoufly  among  chriftians 
of  all  parties,  nor  was  the  fever  of  a  religious  type  ;  but  that  the 
ngents  might  be  like  their  caufe,  the  mad  bigots  of  the  church 
aflbciated  with  the  infidel  zealots  of  the  ftate  to  extend  the  con- 
tagion of  this  fever  among  the  people.  Surely  an  union  thus 
formed  cannot  be  lefs  than  a  cpnfpiracy  againft  the  religion  of 
the  gofpel. 

NO,  IL 

Con/piracy    againfl  Chrifljanity  exhibited  in   the   CharaBer  of 
Church   and   State   Union, 


,LL  the  kingdoms  of  this  world  are  fet  up  in  oppofition 
to  the  kingdom  of  the  Redeen^er.  The  fame  pride,  which  coft 
fatan  his  lofs  of  heaven,  has  ere<5led  thrones,  raifed  armies, 
fabricated  mitres  and  cardinals'  bonnets,  foftered  wealth,  humbled 
poverty,  ennobled  the  afpiring  of  this  world,  and  reduced  the  pure 
in  fpirit  to  all  the  abufe  and  degradation,  which  their  Savioui' 


Chrlftlanity  is  not  parading  our  world  in  uniforms  and  epaulets, 
nor  dancing  attendance  in  (late  rooms,  nor  rolling  in  chariots, 
nor  fluttering  in  lace,  nor  faring  fumptuoufly  every  day.  It  bears 
the  fame  meek  charafber,  which  it  always  did  ;  and  the  Saviour 
delights  now  as   formerly  to  dwell  with  the  humble  and  contrite. 

The  parable  of  Dives  and  Lazarus  has  raifed  up  more  confpira- 
tors  again  ft  chriftianity  than  all  the  deillical  writings.  Had  we 
been  told  that  the  rich  man,  after  drefiing  in  fcarlet  and  fine  linen, 
was  tranflated  to  eternal  wealth  and  fplendor,  and  that  the  poor 
man  was  fent  into  torments,  church  and  ftate  would  have  been 
charmed  with  the  event ;  but  for  the  parching  tongue  of  Dives, 
the  pointed  reproof  of  Abraham,  and  the  exaltation  of  Lazarus, 
they  hate  the  parable. 

To  have  both  worlds  in  a  row,  has  been  the  fteady  exertion 
of  all  the  confpirators  againft  chriftianity :  hence  they  have 
placed  the  higheft  honors  in  this  world  as  the  middle  ground 
between  humility  and  heaven,  and  have  found  it  an  eafy  taflc  to 
promote  from  an  earthly  to  a  celeftiai  crown,  while  their  greatefl: 
powers  could  never  elevate  the  tenants  of  cottages  above  the 
poverty  and  diftrefs,  into  which  the  oppreflion  of  their  heaven 
bound  lords  had  funk  them. 

How  tranfporting  to  human  pride  to  be  drefTed  in  magnificent 
robes — to  be  adored  by  the  pobulace — to  be  received  as  an  ambaf- 
fador  of  heaven — to  be  called  high  prieft,  vicar  of  God,  holy 
father,  arch-bifhop,  or  doftor  of  divinity,  and  after  a  fulnefs  of 
earthly  homage  to  be  tranflated  to  the  rank  of  priefts  unto  God 
forever ! — How  gratifying  to  be  called  a  king,  duke,  governor, 
counfellor,  or  member  of  congrefs,  and  then  to  be  promoted  to  the 
higheft  honors  in  another  world  for  defending  the  faith  ! — How 
charming  to  the  rich  man  to  be  adding  thoufands  to  thoufands,  and 
to  calculate  that  after  an  independent  eftate  here  he  will  be  a  ricli 
capitalift  in  a  world  of  filver,  gold,  precious  ftones  and  pearls  ! — 
A  heaven,  where  every  human  paflion  is  glorified,  is  the  heaven  of 
the  confpirators  againft  chriftianity,  and  whatever  may  be  their 
profeflions  or  forms  of  devotion,  they  cannot  love  a  religion, 
which  came  to  redeem  the  oppreffed,  to  raife  the  poor  from  the 
duft,  to  bring  down  every  lofty  thought,  .and  to  humble  human 
pride,  that  no  flefh  might  glory  in  the  prefence  of  God. 
'  When  we  know  that  a  confpiracy  againft  chriftianity  exifts,  we 
(hould  feek  for  the  authors  of  it  among  thofe,  who  are  certainly 
hoftile  to  it.  In  this  country  we  fhall  find  this  hoftility  in  one  of 
the  great  political  parties.  The  particular  point  of  time,  when 
the  alarm  of  *  the  church  is  in  danger*  was  founded  will  be  im- 
portant to  the  difcufiion.  It  was  under  the  admiuiftration  of  Mr. 
Adams.  The  paflion  for  power  and  wealth  had  fuffered  a  painful 
interregnum  during  our  revolution.  Some  men  of  obfcure  origin 
had  held  high  rank  in  our  army,  multitudes  had  by  a  feren  years 


fervice,  earned  a  commutation  :  Some  ardent  patriots  had  gained 
the  afre<5tions  of  the  country  :  The  paffions  fufFered  a  tedious  delay 
of  five  years,  and  met  fevere  checks  in  the  con<?ention.  Multi- 
tudes were  anxious  to  fee  a  great  ftock  of  power  laid  up  for  the 
future  lords  of  this  country.  A  man,  more  to  be  honored  by  a 
grateful  recolle(5tion  of  his  fervices  than  by  maufoleums  and  ftatues, 
was  placed  at  the  head  of  our  government.  Some  men,  who 
mortally  hated  republicanifm,  held  high  rank  under  him  :  They 
wifhed  ardently  for  the  old  order  of  things.  The  pafiion  for 
wealth  gained  a  momentary  triumph  in  that  paper  fyftem,  which 
robbed  our  foldiers  of  the  certificates  of  their  merit,  and  created 
a  fet  of  tools  for  the  future  operations  of  federalifm.  The  paflion 
for  military  glory  juft  breathed  in  the  weftern  infurredion :  All 
the  paflions  began  to  live  in  the  Britifh  treaty  ;  but  the  ©Id  order 
of  things  was  not  yet  eftabliflied.  Mr.  Adams,  who  fucceeded  to 
the  prefidency,  had  learnt  in  Europe  the  whole  fyftem  of  balances 
and  the  correct  policy  of  retaining  the  liberties  of  a  people  by 
lodgiag  them  as  a  depofit  in  the  hands  of  their  'well-born  rulers. 

It  was  in  the  midft  of  his  adminiftration,  in  a  full  tide  of  mod 
fuccefsful  experiments  on  the  worft  of  theories,  in  the  midft  of 
every  anti-chriftian  project  that  this  charge  of  infidel  confpiracy 
Was  raifed  againft  the  republicans.  It  was  in  the  midft  of  a  mari- 
time war  againft  our  former  ally,  which  war  we  had  courfed 
through  all  the  forms  of  diplomatic  duplicity  ;  while  we  were  in 
fa6t  raifing  an  army  and  navy  and  feeking  employ  for  them,  as  the 
hungry  man  does  for  a  day's  work — and  while  the  walls  of  our 
fenate  refounded  'extermination  to  men,  women  and  children'— 
It  was  in  the  midft  of  a  fedition  adl,  incarcerating  men  who  had 
the  franknefs  to  charge  the  adminiftration  with  deviating  from  the 
avowed  principles  of  our  revolution — It  was  in  the  midft  of  an 
ahen  aft,  driving  from  our  lliores  the  ftranger,  whom  we  had  in- 
vited— It  was,  when  our  k'nds  were  taxed  to  fuftain  the  bufmefs 
of  war  and  the  confequent  deftruftion  of  economy  and  morals — 
It  was  when  every  paffion  had  gained  dominion  in  the  cabinet,  this 
charge  of  infidel  confpiracy  was  brought  forward,  and  at  this  mo- 
ment Mr.  Adams  and  his  party  were  making  as  decided  war  againft 
chriftianity,  as  if  they  had  raifed  an  army  for  its  exprefs  deftruc- 
tion.  How  indignant  muft  he  have  been,  at  his  levee,  in  the 
midft  of  his  generals,  commodores  and  courtiers,  and  of  great 
plans  of  carnage  and  national  glory,  to  hear  religion  crying  to  him, 
"  Wafh  you,  make  you  clean,  put  away  the  evil  of  your  doings 
from  before  mine  eyes,  ceafe  to  do  evil,  learn  to  do  well,  relieve 
the  oppreftd,  judge  the  fatherlefs,  plead  for  the  widow."  The 
man,  who  fliould  have  preached  fuch  dodjines,  v/ould  have  been 
puniihed  under  his  fedition  a<5l  :  for  the  whole  is  a  reproof  of  his 
adminiftration.  Mr.  Adams  was  Vvrilling  to  avail  himfelf  of  the 
church  and  ftate  religioqof  the  day  j  but  ali  his  meafures  conffir- 

f</againftthe  gofpel  of  peace  and  reconciliation.  There  was  an 
appearance  of  religion  in  the  appointment  of  a  national  faft  day  ; 
but  this  was  very  appropriately  devoted,  in  feveral  inftances,  to  the 
praifes  of  adrainiftration,  to  the  proftitution  of  the  defli,  and  to 
the  abafement  of  republicans. 

While  we  have  bibles  in  our  hands,  are  we  to  be  told  that  indi- 
Tiduals  are  to  live  in  the  exercife  of  all  the  chriftian  graces  ;  but 
that  nations  are  abfolved  from  thefe  duties — that  nations  may 
cultivate  hatred  and  revenge,  and  devour  each  other-*— that  nations 
may  idolize  wealth  and  encourage  luxury  and  pride  ?  Are  we  to 
be  told  that  the  court  of  Mr.  Adams,  where  every  paflion  was  at 
home  (as  much  as  at  St.  James')  was  a  chriftian  court,  and  that 
perfect  refpedl  for  the  kingdom  of  the  Redeemer  influenced  his 
cabinet,  while  they  were  copying  all  the  parade,  profufion  and 
military  rage  of  earthly  kingdoms  ?  The  tendency  of  meaf- 
ures  in  thofe  days  (hews  the  extreme  hoftility  of  our  federal  lead- 
ers agaitift  chriftianity.  They  could  not  open  a  page  in  the  New- 
Teftament  without  finding  a  fevere  reprimand.  To  conceal  their 
leal  and  adive  enmity  againft  chriftianity  they  raifed  a  miferable 
charge  of  confpiracy  againft  republicans. 

Let  us  now  fee  how  our  northern  unionifts  were  conducing. 
They  were  approving  all  the  meafures  of  adminiftration,  and  juftify- 
ing  every  deviation  from  divine  precepts  under  the  neceflity  of  the 
cafe.  If  the  Algerines  difturbed  our  Mediteranean  trade  ;.  if  the 
French  refufed  the  ragged  remnant  of  favors,  which  the  Britifli 
treaty  permitted  us  to  offer  ;  if  the  natives  of  the  wijdernefs  did 
not  agree  with  us  on  boundary  lines,  it  was  federally  right  for  Mr. 
Adams  to  fay,  *  Vengeance  is  mine  and  I  will  repay.'  Our  uni- 
onifts very  cheerfully  took  the  bleflednefs  promifed  to  the  meek, 
to  the  pure  in  heart,  to  the  merciful  and  to  peace  makers,  and  be- 
ftowed  it  on  Mr.  Adams,  Mr.  Pinckney,  General  Hamilton, 
and  the  officers  of  the  new  army  and  navy  :  For  thefe  men  pray- 
ers afcended  from  the  hearts  of  our  unionifts,  and  while  national 
glory  and  wealth  were  in  their  view,  far  out  of  fight  were  the 
dodri.ies  and  morals  of  that  religion,  which  teaches  univerfal  be- 
nevolence, humility  and  a  contempt- for  the  applaufes  of  men,  the 
pride  of  nations  and  the  fplendors  of  life. 

The  unionifts  may' plead  that  the  ftate  of  the  world  was  greatly 
altered  and  that  the  charader"  of  chriftianity  muft  conform  to 
the  temper  of  the  times.  I  am  aware  that  when  men  feize 
chriftianity  into  their  own  hands,  they  will  thus  conform  it— 
and  the  gofpel  will  be  made  to  fandtion  every  projedt  of  ambi- 
tion ;  but  if  I  underftand  the  nature  of  this  religion;  every  thing 
on  earth  muft  bend  to  it.  Every  profefix»r  of  it,  whether  preach- 
er or  hearer,  muft  feel  humble  enough  to  wafti  the  feet  of  the 
pooreft  difciple.  Every  profefTor  muft  be  ready  to  lay  his  honors 
at  the  feet  of   the  crofs^  and  muft  be  willing  to  fsll  all  which  h« 

has  and  give  to  the  poor,  that  he  may  have  treafure  in  heaven. 
He  mud:  regard  this  world  as  drofs  and  vanity,  mud-  combat  all 
his  lufts,  and  mufl:  cultivate  a  prevailing  affection  for  t'ae  Father 
of  fpirits  and  every  member  of  his  family. 

How  Hiufl  proud  prelates  and  ambitious  iflatefmen  abhor  fuch  a 
religion  :  every  faculty  of  their  fouls,  and  every  imagination  of 
their  hearts  rife  up  in  rebellion  again  ft  it.  Surely  at  a  feafon, 
when  our  general  government  had  juft  taken  rank  among  the 
principalities,  againft  which  the  Saviour  had  warned  his  church  ; 
at  a  feafon,  when  our  unionifts  were  advocating  and  praying  for 
fyftems  of  debt,  of  war,  v/ealth  and  expence,  it  will  be  natural 
to  believe  that  they  were  fubftantially  confpiring  againft  a  religion, 
which  can  never  be  defeated  by  a  world  of  open  enemies  ;  but 
may  be  faffered  to  languifh  from  wounds  received  in  the  houfes 
of  its  pretended  friends. 

At  a  feafon,  when  all  the  friends  of  Zion  ought  to  have  been 
alarmed  at  the  progrefs,  in  this  new  world,  of  a  kingdom  oppo- 
fed  to  that  of  the  Redeemer,  the  unionifts  cried  aloud  and  fpared 
rot  to  exclaim,  that  the  republicans  were  confpirators  againft 
chriftianity.  My  proof  of  this  is  in  a  narrow  compafs.  Doctor 
Dwight's  two  fermons  on  the  nature  and  danger  of  infidel  philofo- 
phy  were  delivered  to  the  candidates  for  the  baccalaureate  in 
September  1797.  In  the  compafs  of  95  pages  he  recites  the 
ftrongcft  and  moft  contradictory  propofitions  in  nature  as  having 
been  maintained  by  the  heathen  philofophers  and  modern  infidels, 
whofe  lives,  according  to  him,  were  correfpo:  r^.i^.  y/ku  che  moft 
abominable  principles.  He  ftates  this  phiioiophy  to  be  then 
prevalent  in  Europe  and  to  have  reached  this  country.  He  does 
not  explicitly  charge  this  pjhilofophy  on  Mr.  Jefferfon  and  the  \epub- 
licans  of  this  country :  but  they  were  exprefsly  aliucd  at,  as 
appears  by  the  following  facts.  In  a  note  at  the  clofe  of  the  fer- 
mons he  fays,  fpeaking  of  Robifon's  proofs  of  a  confpiracy,  "  la 
"  this  work  the  reader  may  fee  the  dangers  of  infidel  philofophy 
**  fet  in  the  ftrongeft  light  poflible.  He  may  fee  a  plan  formed, 
**  and  to  an  alarming  degree  executed,  for  ex :erminating  chriftian- 
"  ity,  natural  religion,  the  belief  of  a  God,  of  the  u\.moi^Ji.i\' 
**  of  the  foal  an^  moral  obligation  ;  for  rooting  out  of  the  world 
**  civil  and  domeftic  government,  the  right  of  property,  marriage, 
**  natural  affection,  chaftity  and  decency,  and,  in  a  word,  for 
"  deftroying  whatever  is  virtuous,  refined  or  defirable,  and  intro- 
**  ducing  again  univerfal  favagenefs  and  hrut'ifm.  All  this  is  to 
"  be  done  under  the  pretence  of  enlarged  philofophy,  and  of  giv- 
**  ing  mankind  liberty  and  equality.'*^  The  attempts  of  Dr. 
Dwight,  Dr.  Morfe,  and  a  great  number  of  other  federal  clergy- 
men to  fix  the  charader  of  this  infidel  philofophy  on  Mr.  Jefferfon, 
and  as  njuch  of  it  on  his  friends  as  they  could  feverally  bear,  have 
been  made  public.     The  Palladium  and  other  papers  of  the  union- 



iils  have  given  a  political  charader  to  thefe  charges,  and  v/e  will 
bear  them  patiently,  if  it  fhall  appear  on  a  fair  examination  that 
we  deferve  them. 

We  might  reft  our  defence  on  the  improbability  of  fuch  a 
felf  deftroying  confpiracy ;  but  as  my  objed  is  to  fix  on  the 
unionifts  a  charge  of  confpiracy,  perfedly  comporting  with 
their  characters,  I  fhall  devote  the  next  number  to  a  confideration 
of  thefe  charges. 

BO.  Ill 

Coufplrc^cy  cf   the   Unhnifis  exihited  in   a  Companf:.n  of   their 
charges  agaitijl  us  with  curs  agamjl  them. 


E  charge  the  unionifts  with  confpiring,  not  again  ft 
the  name,  form  and  profefTion,  but  againft  the  fpirit  and  temper 
of  chriftianity.  We  conform  this  charge  to  nature  and  impute 
it  to  that  fyftem  of  pafEons,  which  has  always  been  hoftile  to 
chriftianity.  We  find  abundant  precedents  of  fuch  a  confpiracy 
in  every  age  of  the  church,  managed  by  high  priefls  and  infidel 
ftatefmen,  under  the  influence  of  fimilar  temptations.  We  reft 
this  cliarge  on  the  diftindlion  betv/een  the  kingdom  of  the  Saviour 
and  the  principalities  of  this  world.  We  trace  this  charge 
through  ti^.e  wealth  and  honors  by  which  our  unionifts  are  fur- 
rounded,  and  find  them  exaitly  in  the  place,  where  confpirators 
might  naturally  be  expeded. 

Their  charge  againft  us  is  exprefTed  in  the  note  above  quoted. 
Under  the  pretence  of  enlarged  philanthropy,  and  giving  to  man- 
kind I'iherty  and  equality,  we  have  been  faid  to  bid  defiance  to 
nature,  reafon  and  truth,  to  have  declared  war  on  ouifelves,  to 
aim  at  the  deftrudion  of  all  thof  e  fyftems,  which  protc6l  our  lives 
and  properties.  We  have  been  faid  to  difclaim  the  being  of  a 
God  and  of  moral  obligations — and  all  this  knowingly,  and  with 
afet  defign  to  introduce  univerlal  ^rz//i/m  / 

Let  deliberate  men  compare  thefe  charges  in  point  of  probabil- 
ity, and  without  any  apprehenfion  of  convi^lion,  we  might  fubmit 
the  caufe  fo  far  as  refpeds  the  charge  againft  us ;  but  I  ftiall  im- 
prove the  faft  of  this  charge  as  an  argument  of  the  confpiracy  of 
the  unionifts. 

Though  trials  in  the  fire  make  the  faints  everlaftingly  'rich,  yet 
it  was  natural  for  thofe  of  that  clafs  in  this  country  to  hope  that 
after  the  con-ulfions  in  Europe,  by  reafon  of  the  confpiracies  o^. 


kings  agalnft  chriflldnity,  the  leaders  of  this  new  world  wouI4 
have  endeavored  to  conform  their  policy,  to  that  of  the  Saviour's 
kingdom,  and  that  (fo  far  as  the  wifdom  of  man  could  contrive) 
•wars  fhould  ceafe,  and  a  fpirit  of  juftice,  toleration  and  benevo. 
lence  ihould  prevail  :  But  our  high  priefls  and  federal  rulers  had 
far  different  projeds  in  view.  My  mind  prefents  not  a  fhade  of 
difference  between  the  condition  of  all  other  countries  and  this 
in  refpedl  to  the  fubjed  before  us.  Look  back  on  the  whole  period 
of  time  from  the  days  of  the  apoflles  to  this  day,  and  through 
all  the  kingdoms  within  the  boundaries  of  chrifHanity,  and  mark 
(it  you  can)  the  time  and  place,  when  and  where  the  faints  were 
holding  the  command  of  this  world,  and  the  proud  and  afpiring, 
were  out  of  place.  No  fuch  occafion  prefents  itfelf  :  but  the  true 
fubjeds  of  the  Redeemer's  kingdom  were  found  in  the  humbleft 
walks  of  life,  and  the  dodrlnes  of  their  Saviour  were  buffeted  and 
perfecuted  by  the  powers  of  church  and  ftate.  From  fuch  a  view 
can  you  inftantly  cafl:  your  eyes  on  your  own  country  and  believe 
that  the  whole  nature  of  man  and  the  whole  character  of  chriffiani- 
ty  have  changed,  and  that  a  levee  of  courtiers,  contriving  to  fend 
our  conimerce  through  the  globe,  to  extend  our  territory  to  the 
Miffifippi,  to  make  this  the  greateft,  mod  warlike  and  powerful 
nation  on  earth,  and  planning  death  and  defolation  for  all,  who 
fhould  oppofe  their  projefls,  were  in  fli6t  feumble  fubjefls  of  the 
king  of  Zion,  and  that  a  number  of  powerlefs  men,  whofe  rights 
were  all  gone,  and  whofe  only  remnant  of  this  world  was  the 
profpeft  of  a  better,  were  confpiring  againfl  chriflianity,  under 
the  guife  of  liberty  and  equality  ? 

I  might  rifque  the  decifion  of  this  queftion  on  its  natural  im- 
preflions  ;  but  it  is  rational  to  afk,  what  could  republicans  exped: 
from  the  deftrudlion  of  that  religion,  which  they  were  faid  to 
confpire  againfl  ?  The  worfl  of  infidels  have  fought  bravely  for 
their  homes,  their  property,  and  their  children  :  but  the  bleffed 
confequence  of  this  confederacy  of  republicans  with  Wifhaupt, 
and  the  mafonic  focieties,  and  with  all  ancient  and  modern 
infidel  philofophers,  was  to  be  the  certain  lofs  of  their  homes, 
their  property  and  their  children-— the  diflblution  of  thofe  very 
focieties,  a  bnrfting  of  all  human  bands,  an  efcape  from  the  govern- 
ment of  God,  a  life  of  endlefs  confufion  and  a  death  of  eternal 
ileep  !  T.very  political  meafure,  which  they  oppofed,  vv'as  public- 
ly hoftile  to  chrifiiianity,  yet  they  were  faid  to  confpire  againft  this 
religion  in  "order  to  deflroy  thefe  nieafures  !  After  tke  political 
prelates  had  wrought  up  thefe  charges  to  fuch  a  pitch  of  extrava- 
gance, that  each  charge  deflroyed  itfelf,  the  infidel  civilians  dif- 
covered  *  that  liberty  and  equality,'  the  animating  themes  of  our 
revolution,  meant  licentioufnefs  and  anarchy — that  oppofitiott  to- 
^edition  and  alien  adls  was  rebellion,  and  that  every  attempt  to 


ameliorate  the  condition  of  man  was  comparable  with  the  manu- 
fadure  of  marble  pin-cii(hions.*' 

The  extravagance  of  thefe  charges  was  perfcftly  in  character 
for  thefe  unionil-ls.  Confpirators  naturally  charge  with  great  force 
their  own  projefls  on  others,  in  order  to  elude  fufpicion  and 
vigilance  ;  but  thefe  charges  were  not  more  daring  than  the  fafts 
and  meafures,  which  they  were  intended  to  conceal.  Thefe 
fads  were  found  among  the  kingdoms  of  the  world,  whofe  lead- 
ers, juft  like  ours,  were  purfuing  plans  of  national  and  perfonal 
glory,  inconfiftent  with  freedom  and  chriftianity.  The  meafures 
werejufi:  like  the  meafures  of  thofe  kingdoms.  It  was  necefTary 
to  proftrate  the  public  mind,  and  fuch  a  charge  of  infidel  confpira- 
cy  on  the  republicans  could  alone  effect  this  proftration.  Political 
clergy  aided  thefe  charges  ;  they  preached  from  Robifon  and  Barruel 
— fome  ranked  them  next  to  the  bible — the  people  believed,  becaufe 
they  had  been  in  the  habit  of  believing  in  fuch  men  :  Infidel 
civilians  refounded  thefe  charges — republicans  were  perfonally 
infuited  with  them — fermons  againft  infidelity  furnifhed  a  feaft  of 
fat  things  to  federal  zealots,  and  the  memorable  reign  of  terror 
was  a  feafon  of  triumph  to  the  bafeft  paflions,  which  ever  con- 
fpired  againft  chriflianity. 

The  Jews  charged  the  Saviour  with  confpiring  againft  the  true 
religion.  The  Catholics  charged  the  proteftants,  and  the  church 
of  England  charged  the  Purit;^ns,  in  the  fame  manner  ;  yet  in 
every  inftance  the  accufed  were  out  of  power,  and  had  nothing  to 
expe(5t  but  lolTes  and  perfecution,  and  in  every  inftance  the  occu- 
fers  were  the  real  confpirators,  and  the  mod  fecular  confiderations 
manifellly  impelled  them  to  their  charges.  In  the  prefent  cafe  the 
unionlfts  had  all  the  power  in  their  hands,  chriftianity  was  frown- 
ing on  all  their  meafjres,  ideas  of  liberty,  equality  and  the  rights 
of  man  checked  their  political  force,  toleration  abridged  ecclefiaf- 
tical  power,  popery,  the  great  outwork  of  fpiritual  tyranny,  was 
at  the  mercy  of  the  conqueror  of  Italy  ;  a  fpirited  union  of  clergy 
and  laity,  in  a  charge  of  infidel  confpiracy  againft  republicans, 
promifed  fuccefs,  and  there  was  a  fair  profpecfl  that  civil  and  reli- 
gious liberty  would  never  again  rife  to  difturbthe  confummation  of 
this  rifing  empire.  Here  were  brilliant  hopes  and  ftrong  Incite- 
ments ;  but  on  the  other  hand  a  confpiracy  of  republicans  promif- 
ed nothing  but  total  ruin  to  the  agents  of  it.  Univerfal  bruUfm  was 
laid  to  be  the  fummit  of  republican  ambition  !  furely  every  thing 
in  nature  has  chartged,  if  the  charges  of  the  unionifts  were  true, 
and  as  furely  nature  herfelf  has  been  changed,  if  they  are  not  the 

♦  See  Mr,  Daggett's  Oration. 

NO.  IK 

View  of    the  extent  of    Church  and  State  Conf piracy   againfl 


E  have  not  charged  the  unlonifts  with  confpiring 
againft  themfelves,  their  wives,  children,  property,  reputation 
and  peace  :  we  have  not  charged  them  with  all  the  depravity  of 
all  ages  and  nations ;  we  have  not  called  them  by  every  hateful 
name  nor  imputed  to  them  every  crime  :  but  have  coolly  charged 
them  with  confpiring  againft  chriftianity,  precifely  as  other  men, 
great,  wife  and  holy  as  themfelves,  have  done  under  fimilar  tempt- 

The  extent  of  this  confpiracy  is  two-fold,  firft,  as  refpeds  the 
men  who  confplre,  and  fecond,  as  refpe6ts  the  religion  againft  which 
they  confpire.  The  firft  of  thefe  heads  will  occupy  the  prefent 

As  nature  and  paflion  have  raifed  this  confpiracy  for  feliifh  and 
worldly  purpofes,  fo  they  have  always  direfted  its  courfe.  The 
body  of  the  Jews  had  been  fo  deluded  by  their  leaders  that  they 
were  unwilling  to  embrace  chriftianity.  Their  fteady  habits  were 
juft  as  dear  to  them  as  ours  are  to  us.  Their  great  men,  who  pro- 
fefted  to  be  friends  of  order  and  good  government,  appeared  to 
them  as  honeft  as  our  great  men  appear  :  Their  high  priefts  appear- 
ed as  devout  and  pious  as  ours  do  :  yet  with  all  thefe  impreffions 
they  did  not  confpire  againft  chriftianity  ;  but  it  was  the  chief 
priefts  and  rulers,  who  took  counfel  together  how  they  might  flay 
the  Saviour.  The  people  were  ready  enough  to  obey  their  rulers 
and  to  exprefs  their  fenfelefs  joy  that  the  king  of  the  Jews  was  fuf- 
pended  between  two  malefactors :  they  were  ready  to  ofter  him 
vinegar  and  gall,  to  place  a  crown  of  thorn5  on  his  head  and  to 
pierce  his  fide  ;  and  they  really  believed  that  in  all  this  they  were 
honouring  God  and  the  religion  of  their  fathers.  Can  it  be  necef- 
fary  to  add  that  the  great  men,  who  had  fecured  this  blind  confi- 
dence of  the  people,  were  among  the  moft  deceitful  of  the  human 
race?  They  had  retained  moft  of  the  forms  of  religion,  valued 
themfelves  highly  on  obfervance  of  the  ceremonial  law,  and  had 
kept  clean  the  outfide  of  the  cup  and  the  platter. 

The  Catholics  had  been  fo  deluded  by  their  leaders,  that  they 
joined  them  readily  in  the  work  of  perfecution  :  but  the  denounc- 
ing of  the  victims  and  the  confpiracies  againft  pure  chriftianity 
were  managed  by  kings,  popes,  and  their  conclaves.  It  is  not 
among  the  body  of  the  peonle  in  other  nations,  or  our  own,  that 


we  are  to  feek  for  confplrators  again  ft  chriftAnity.  We  do  not 
charge  the  majority  of  our  people  with  this  confpiracy.  They 
doubtlefs  wifli  for  the  prevalence  of  chriftianity,  if  not  in  every 
cafe  from  motives  of  perfonal  afFeflion  for  the  caufe ;  yet  from  a 
perfjafion  that  it  is  beft  for  mankind,  and  they  really  believe  that 
they  are  promoting  it  by  advocating  andfuftaining  federal  men  and 
meafures.  Multitudes  of  federalifts,  who  voted  uniformly  in 
favor  of  the  laft  adminifkatiospi  and  againft  the  prefent,  were 
honed  in  their  intentions  and  difcovered  no  want  of  piety  :  No 
man  is  a  knave  merely  becaufe  he  is  deceived.  Even  the  man, 
who  was  atory  through  the  laft  war  (becaufe  he  really  believed  in 
the  juftice  and  policy  of  a  regal  government)  and  who  fuftained 
Mr.  Adams*  adminiftration,  becaufe  it  tended  to  monarchy^  was  an 
honeft  man.  He  ought  to  have  been  pleafed  with  a  fedition  and 
alien  a6t  and  with  a  (landing  army  :  for  royalty  can  never  be  again 
fuftained  in  our  world  without  a  correfpondent  dominion  of  force. 
All  our  tories  in  New-England  are  on  the  federal  fide,  and  fome 
of  them  are  honeft  enough  to  avow  their  motives. 

The  merchant,  who  really  believed  thac  the  pafl:  admlni/lration 
would  advance  the  intereft  of  commerce  (confiftently  with  the 
other  interefts  and  duties  of  fociety)  more  than  the  prefent,  was 
honeft  in  fuftaining  Mr.  Adams'  adminiftration  ;  but  if  he  pre- 
tended that  chriftianity  v/as  ferved  by  the  fhedding  of  blood  for 
theobjeftof  gain,  he  may  take  rank  among  the  confpirators. 

It  was  perfectly  natural  for  the  farmer  to  wiih  to  gain  a  high 
price  for  his  produce:  (no  clafs  of  men  is  fo  miferably  paid  in 
proportion  to  their  labor)  but  if  the  farmer  pretended  that  chrif- 
tianity and  the  war-meafures  of  Mr.  Adams,  were  connected,  he 
alfo  may  take  rank  among  the  confpirators  :  the  go/pel  never  enlifted 
on  the Jide  of  ojfenjive  tuar  or  excejffve  nvealth. 

The  man,  who  really  believed  that  the  houfes  of  worfhip  and 
bibles  were  to  be  burnt,  if  Mr.  Jefferfon  fhould  be  prefident,  did 

right  in  oppofmg  his  eledion The  clergyman,  who  really  believed 

that  Robifon  and  Barruel  had  publifhed  the  truth,  and  that  all  re- 
publicans were  infidels,  deftitute  of  morals,  feeking  for  univerfal 
confufion,  would  naturally  have  been  alarmed,  and  when  his  pow- 
erful brethren,  who  kneiv  all  this  to  be  political  fraud,  told  him. 
that  it  was  all  true,  it  was  natural  for  him  to  pray  again  ft  fucli 
men,  to  preach  againft  them,  to  attend  proxies  and  to  ftimulate 
his  people  to  vote  againft  them,  and  even  to  read  forged  letters 
from  his  deflc,  if  he  believed  them  to  be  genuine  ; — yes  it  was 
natural  ^01  him  to  improve  every  text  of  fcripture,  and  every  occa- 
fion  of  grace,  and  every  portion  of  perfonal  influence  to  poHtical 
purpofes,  and  to  aftbciate  with  gi^t  civilians,  who  approved  his 
wanderings — but  fuch  natures  ought  to  have  been  under  the  influ- 
ence of  grace,  or  fuch  men  ought  not  to  have  been  preachers. 
Sorely  has  fociety  fufFered  by  fuch  men.     It  is  difficult   to  fepa- 


rate  between  the  leaders  and  followers  of  this  profefiion  ;  but 
wherever  you  find,  in  New-England,  a  clergyman,  whofe  chofen 
fociety  is  among  infidel  civilians,  and  whofe  greateft  delight  has 
been  to  fpread  the  alarm  of  infidel  philofophy  againft  the  republic- 
ans, he  is  a  confpirator  againft  chriftianity  ;  the  New-Teftament 
is  full  of  reproofs  for  him,  and  there  is  a  loud  call  to  him  to 
repent  and  believe  the  gofpel.  f 

Republicans  have  never  been  oppofed  to  the  pious  and  faithful 
of  the  clergy  :  fuch  men  will  always  do  all  the  good  in  their  pow- 
er, and  will  never  fow  the  feeds  of  ftrife  and  debate.  Holinefs, 
juftice,  truth,  mercy,  charity  and  humble  faith  never  expofed  one 
man  to  ridicule  and  abufe  in  New-England  ;  but  every  pafs  which 
has  been  made  at  hypocrify  and  double-dealing,  has  been  artfully 
parried  by  pretences  that  all  religion,  all  piety  and  goodnefs,  are 
aimed  at.  If  men  will  not  make  obvious  diftin6lions,  it  is  not  our 
fault.  We  profefs  that  we  have  as  much  natural  affection  as  others, 
that  we  cannot  live  without  government — and  that  whatever  be 
our  own  lives,  we  wifli  that  all  the  reft  of  fociety  would  condud 
according  to  the  golden  rule  of  morality.  We  profefs  to  wilh  that 
our  enemies  as  well  as  our  friends  might  have  no  law  to  bind  their 
confciences  but  the  law  of  God,  and  we  profefs  to  be  unwilling  to 
lofe  any  of  our  rights  through  fraud,  falfehood  or  hypocnfy, 
or  through  any  artful  combination  of  chrijltanity  ivlth  the  kingdoms  of 
this  world.  We  claim  that  thofe,  who  ferve  at  the  altar,  ftiould 
mind  the  things  of  the  altar,  and  that  thofe  of  our  fellow-men, 
who  claim  to  have  the  high  calling,  to  have  a  divine  miflion  or  to 
be  faints,  fhould  be  in  fa6t  all  which  they  profefs — that  thofe  who 
maintain  it  their  duty  to  be  holy,  harmlefs,  undefiled  and  feparate 
from  fin  fhould  be  fo,  not  in  word  and  tongue  only  but  in  deed 
and  in  truth — that  thofe,  who  profefs  to  be  bound  by  the  laws  of 
truth,  juftice  and  mercy,  fhould  condud  as  if  they  felt  the  force 
of  thefe  bonds  ;  and  to  all  our  other  profefFions  we  add  an  ardent 
zeal  for  civil  liberty,  under  the  aufpices  of  an  equal  reprefentative 

Every  thing  in  nature  confpires  to  prove  that  we  muft  be  fincere 
in  our  profeflions  ;  it  is  fupremely  our  intereft  that  thefe  things  fhould 
be  fo,  and  our  moft  violent  oppofers  muft  know  that  if  they  will 
afTume  the  charadter,  which  we  wifh  them  to  afTume,  it  will  be 
our  intereft  to  give  them  our  fulleft  confidence,  and  all  the  honors 
which  they  are  now  feeking  in  a  very  contrary  character,  Paflion 
interpofes  between  them  and  fuch  a  courfe,  and  they  prefer  to 
charge  us  with  duplicity,  which  involves  the  ftrange  abfurdity  that 
wc  are  enemies  to  ourff Ives  knowingly  and  with  defign — and  that 
without  any  pofTible  motive  we  are  confpiring  againft  our  own  in- 
terefts.  They  are  profeffing  to  be  that  which  every  adion  proves 
that  they  are  not,  and  claiming  that  we  are  not  what  we  profefs  to 
be,  although  the  fimpleft  courfe  of  reafoning  (liews  that  we  cannot 
be   oiherwife. 


Let  the  body  of  federalifts  in  New  England  reflect  and  decide 
whether  it  can  be  for  the  intereft  of  our  caufe  to  charge  them  indif- 
criminately  with  confpiring  againft  chriftianity  ?  certainly  we  have 
no  precedent  of  fuch  a  cafe.  The  body  of  mankind  may  be  delu- 
ded ;  they  are  never  fyftematically  difhoneft  :  leaders  have  mo- 
tives, which  cannot  be  extended  to  the  multitude. — Let  the 
parifh  clergy,  whofe  prevailing  attention  has  been  to  the  church 
and  its  caufe,  decide  whether  we  can  gain  by  reflecting  on  them, 
or  whether  one  article  of  our  creed  will  prejudice  them  in  their 
labors — v/hether  their  people  will  be  worfe  or  better  for  profelling  as 
we  do.  Surely  if  the  high  prlefts  and  rulers  wi(h  to  be  in  political 
(torms,  thefe  humble  fhepherds  will  do  beft  to  feed  the  iambs  of 
their  flocks  in  green  paflures,  and  to  water  them  at  the  well  of  fal- 
vation.-— Wicked  and  infidel  as  may  be  fome  republicans, 
yet  even  thefe  will  rejoice,  if  through  the  labors  of  fuch  men,  the 
bad  paifions  of  the  day  may  be  abated,  and  we  may  have  fome 
foretafte  of  the  new  heavens  and  new  earth,  in  which  dwelleth 

Will  the  political  clergy  and  the  politicians  aflbclated  with  them, 
a(k  us  whether  they  are  the  fubjeds  of  this  difcuflion  ?  We  an- 
Iwer  in  a  moment,  *  They  are  the  CQufpirators  againjl  chriftmnity.* 

At  this  point  my  fubje<5l  prefents  all  its  refponfibilities.  In 
every  advance  I  have  been  obliged  to  meet  and  difpofe  of  preju- 
dices. Here  a  great  portion  of  them  is  embodied.  The  fervility 
of  the  human  character,  increafed  by  fuccellive  abafements  through 
all  the  periods  of  time, — perfonal  partialities — and  the  apprehen- 
fion  of  fmall  dependant  hypocrites,  that  their  turn  will  come  next, 
are  ail  oppofed  to  me.  In  another  number  will  be  fhewn  the  ref- 
peA  due  to  all  thefe  confiderations. 

NO.   V. 

—         < '  - 

Particular  view  cf  the  Co7ifpiratcrs, 


HE  church  has  always  been  in  danger  :  great  men  have 
aifefled  to  guard  it ;  yet  according  to  their  own  account  the  con- 
dition of  it  has  always  been  growing  worfe,  religion  has  been 
declining,  and  the  mournful  cry  of  Mr.  Adams  *'  On  evil  times 
indeed  are  we  fallen,"  was  a  fit  commentary  on  his  admmiftration. 
If  mankind  do  not  care  for  their  religion,  then  it  is  well  enough 
to  let  fu^cefiive  generations  of  great  men  play  their  pantomnnes 
over  it,  in   aid   of  all  their  political  meafures.       If  chriftianity 


has  ceafed  to  combat  the  paffions,  and  has  enlifted  on  their  fnU^ 
then  it  ought  to  wait  on  the  titled  and  wealthy  ;  it  ought  to  be 
fent  on  fhipboard  or  into  the  army  ;  it  ought  to  be  the  tool  of 
every  impoftor  :  but  to  every  real  chriftian,  who  has  attached 
himfeJf  to  great  men  and  great  plans,  the  fpirit  of  the  gofpel  is 
crying,  *  Come  out  from  among  them  and  be  ye  feparated,  faith 
the  Lord  of  hofts.' 

If  it  has  not  been  learnt  by  the  experience  of  feventeen  centu* 
ries  that  great  men  have  great  paffions,  which  lead  to  great  anti- 
chriftian  meafures,  and  that  real  piety  never  had  a  fenfible  exigence, 
but  in  the  hearts  and  lives  of  the  humble  and  contrite,  probably 
that  of  feventy  will  be  infufHcient.  Men  may  pretend  that  this 
or  that  high  prieft  is  very  important  to  the  chriftian  caufe,  and 
may  eftablilli  newfpapers  to  fupport  it,  and  may  vote  that  the 
governor  and  council  and  houfe  of  reprefentatives  in  general 
court  afTembled  (hall  have  the  charge  of  it ;  yet  the  king  of  Zion 
will  continue  to  reign  in  the  greatnefs  of  his  ftrength,  and  will 
punifh  all  attempts  to  ufarp  his  dominion^ 

Suppofe  that  our  legiflature  fliould  repeal  the  laws,  which  affed 
to  fupport  chriftianity,  and  fhould  grant  that  part  of  the  baptifts* 
petition  (which  they  were  careful  not   to  anfwer)   in  which  they 
prayed  that  the  church  might  be  left  to  the  guidance  of  its  Head  5 
fuppofe  that  mankind  were  left  to  profefs  and  worfhip  according  to 
the  diftates  of  their  confciences,  would  chriftianity  lofe  ground  ? 
Suppofe  that   the  judges  of  our  fuperior  court   (Meffrs.  Root, 
Sturges,  Mitchel,  Ingerfoll  and  Ree've)  after  accepting  the  ap- 
pointment of  electors  of  Prefident  and  Vice  Prefident,  and  after 
voting  for  Charles  Cotefworth  Pinckney  (who  is  net  a  pious  chrif- 
tian)  had  decided  that  political  integrity  and  talents  fhould  be  the 
qualifications  of  a  chief'  magiftrate,  and    that  religion  and  civil 
government  were  diftind  in  their  natures,  means   and  end,  would 
chriftianity  have  fiiffered  ?  If  we  hok  for  greatnefs  from  great  men 
ive  often  look  in  vain.      The  greatefi  trees  are  not  found  on  the  highefi 
mountains— the  vallies  prefent  you  the  luxuriance  of  nature.    Great  men 
often  fuffer  by  reafon  of  their  elevation.      It  v/as  not  corre(S  for  the 
legiflature  to   place  in  a  lituation,  where   the  judgment  ought  to 
have  been  free,  men  dependant  on  them   for  annual   re-ele6lions  | 
not  corred  to  enlifl  the  principal  judiciary  of  the  (late  as  partizans 
againfl   one    clafs  of  men,  who  had  every  thing  elfe  to  humble 
them  ;  but  when  thefe  men  knew  that  the  whole  force  of  church 
and  flate  had  been  drawn  out  againfl  Mr.  Jeiferfon   on  the   fcore 
of  religion,  and  that  they  were  about  to  vote  for  Gen.  Pinckney, 
how  confident  would  it  have  been  to  declare  that  chriflianity  had 
nothing  to  do  in  this  bufinefs  ;  but  in  fuch  cafe  what  would  the 
political  clergy  have  faid  to  the  men,  who   ferai-annually  publlfh 
their  raind  and  will  ?  If  fituated  as    they  were  thofe  men  voted 


2L  _ 

according  to  their  cofifciences,  they  did  well,  but  church  and  (late 
underflands  all  the  fubtleties  of  operation  ! 

If  Mr.  Tracy  and  Mr.  Talmadge  (hould  quit  the  church  in 
Litchfield  and  declare  that  in  future  they  would  not  run  tiie 
chriftian  race  :  If  the  Rev.  Mr.  Backus  and  the  Rev.  Mr.  Hunt- 
ington fhould  refolve  that  after  they  had  ruined  the  charafters  of 
the  Rev.  Mr.  Grifwold  and  Mr.  Kirby,  they  would  quit  the  pro- 
feffion  of  preaching  :  If  all  the  political  clergy  fhould  refolve  that 
after  the  preaching  down  the  republicans  of  their  charge  they 
would  quit  their  dell<s  :  If  the  prefidents  of  our  colleges,  and 
the  profeffors  and  tutors  fhould  declare  that  they  would  never 
again  exert  themfelves  to  advance  chrilllanity  :  If  Gov.  Strong, 
Gov.  Gilman  and  Gov.  Trumbull,  with  their  lieutenants  and 
their  federal  counfellors  and  affemblymen  fhould  declare  that  they 
would  never  more  rely  on  clerical  influence,  and  would  never  aid 
the  chriftian  caufe,  let  me  all<,  would  the  religion  of  New-England 
fuffer  ?  If  it  woujd,  then  decidedly  it  is  not  the  religion  of  the 

Were  all  thefe  men  to  declare  open  war  againft  chriilianity,  its 
king  would  ride  forth  conquering  and  to  conquer,  and  the  caufe 
would  probably  flonrifh  more  than  it  has  done  fince  the  fettlement 
of  the  country.  This  rehgion  has  before  combated  more  powerful 
enemies,  and  has  been  mofl  triumphant,  when  its  oppofers  have 
been  in  the  open  field.  Thofe  men,  who  join  the  cry  of  the  church  is 
in  danger,  and  appoint  to  olhce  fuch  men  as  our  federal  leaders,  then 
cry,  the  church  is  out  of  danger,  are  unioniflts,  their  religion  may 
anfwcr  prefent  purpofes  ;  but  they  deceive  multitudes  of  honeft 
men — and  if  the  federalifls  of  New-England  are  fatisfied  with 
fiich  work,  it  is  for  want  of  real  refped  for  the  chriflian  caufe. 

The  religion  of  the  gofpel  breathes  a  fpirit  of  peace,  and  teach- 
es every  grace  and  virtue  ;  but  the  religion  of  church  and  flate 
breathes  diffenfiOB  and  encourages  every  pafTion.  From  it  afcend 
no  humble  afcriptions  of  praife  and  gratitude  ;  but  an  univerfal  fliout 
of  **  glory  to  man,  and  war  on  earth,*'  its  votaries  are  filling  the 
country  with  accounts  of  their  own  piety  and  the  great  immoral- 
ity  of  others,  and  are  publicly  revengeful,  implacable  and  un- 

Thofe,  who  fear  that  fuch  remarks  will  offend  thefe  great  men 
fhould  recollect,  that  if  thefe  men  fhould  refent  my  charges,  fuch 
refentment  will  prove  the  charges  well  applied  ;  for  chriflianity 
beareth  all  things  with  patience  :  Every  hypocrite  is  diftreffed  at 
a  charge  of  hypocrify,  efpecially  if  he  depends  on  it  for  a  living. 
Some  cool  men  fee  the  truth  of  thefe  charges  ;  but  judge  it  befl  to 
be  at  peace  for  the  prefent  :  Let  fuch  recoiled:  that  a  like  coolnefs 
and  fear  of  offending,  has  reduced  to  fervitude  whole  nations, 
and  that  it  has  cofl  miUions  of  lives  to  regain  what  might  have 
been  fecured  by  a  decided  attitude  at  the  outfet.     Some  republi- 


cans  fear  the  confequence  of  a  difclofure  of  the  truth  ;  but  do 
fuch  men  recoiled  any  moment,  when  a  tyrant  relaxed,  becaufe 
his  victims  were  lamb-like  ? 

'  I  do  not  contend  that  republican  civilians  are  fitter  than  federal 
civilians  to  manage  the  concerns  of  religion  :  but  I  contend  that 
if  all  the  federal  unionifts  were  to  remove  out  of  New-England, 
chriftianity  would  not  lofe  by  it,  and  if  it  be  really  hazardous  for 
republicans  to  exprefs  opinions  refpe<5ting  our  great  men,  we  need 
no  aftronomer  to  calculate  the  period,  when  our  rights  will  be  in 
a  narrower  compafs. 

I  would  not  levy  a  war  of  opinions  againft  a  man,  becaufe  he 
had  the  plague  ;  but  in  this  condition  he  fhould  not  be  phyfician  to 
my  family.  I  would  not  combat  our  clerical  politicians  and  their 
affociated  civilians,  becaufe  they  are  attacked  with  that  complica- 
tion of  political  depravity,  which  is  diilrudive  to  civil  and  reli- 
gious liberty;  (their  minds  are  as  liable  to  be  depraved  by  bad 
paffions  as  their  bodies  are  by  difeafe)  but  in  this  condition  they 
fhould  not  be  my  preachers  nor  lawgivers.  If  raving  with  their 
malady  they  attack  me,  and  in  the  fpirit  of  extermination  aim  to 
force  me  from  all  my  rights,  to  fmk  me  beneath  my  rank  in  being,, 
to  lord  it  over  my  confcience  and  my  peace,  I  muft  defend  my- 


O,  'tis  all  nothing,  fays  the  federalld.  Then  go,  federaliit, 
on  board  one  of  your  armed  fhips  and  fight  till  difmembered  hu- 
manity ftrews  the  deck,  then  fearch  for  thofe  limbs  with  which 
you  have  graced  the  fenate  houfe,  then  btefs  a  war  fyftem. — Go 
and  repofe  in  a  damp  dungeon  and  cry,  glory  to  a  fedition  adt — 
Be  for  a  few  months  viaim  of  your  own  laws — pay  taxes  in  a 
feafon  of  peace,  till  your  finews  crack. — See  a  holl  of  lordly 
fycophants,  rioting  on  the  fruits  of  a  feven  years  war,  fuftained 
by  hungry  foldiers    in    your    neighborhood — then  blefs  a  funding 

fyftem. See  what  you  believe  to  be  the  principles  of  the  revolution 

defpifed — what  you  regard  as  religion  negleded,  and  a  political 
religion  in  place  of  it,  enlifted  as  a  Swifs  mercenary  on  the  fide  of 

pQ-^ver. Sit  down  content   with  the   names  of    atheift   and 

anarchift  and  cry,  O,  tis  all  nothing. — Only  bear  for  a  few  weeks 
what  you  have  called  nothing  and  you  will  learn  that  you  never 
befove  conceived  of  that  precious  fomethlng,  a  perceptior.  of  hu- 
man rights  with  a  refolution  to  defend  them. 

Thofe,  who  confider  it  nothing  that  the  paftor  of  a  flock  fhould 
devote  Sabbaths  to  eledtioneering  fermons,  to  the  abufe  of  one  half 
of  his  hearers,  fhould  infult  with  the  title  of  Jacobins  men  who 
wifh  for  good  government  as  much  as  he  does,  and  with  the  name 
of  atheifts  men  who  have  as  much  reverence  for  a  fupreme  being 
and  as  high  a  fenfe  of  the  value  of  time  and  eternity  as  he  has, 
are  the  very  men  to  faffer  fuch  nothings. 

16  . 

Thofe,  who  confider  it  nothing  that  counfellors  (hould  choofe 
themfelves,  and  that  when  chofen  they  (hould  condud  with  more 
afTurance  than  if  the  people  had  chofen  them— that  thefe  men 
fhould  enlifl:  our  religion,  our  colleges,  prefTes  and  anniverfaries 
again rt  our  rights,  ought  to  change  places  with  thofe,  who  confid- 
er  thefe  things  as  fomething. 

The  root  of  thefe  things  is  deep  ;  the  parties  are  ferioufly  at 
HTue :  if  republicanifm  prevails,  religion  will  have  no  more  credit, 
'  than  the  lives  of  its  profeffors  can  gain  for  it — anceftral  piety  wil^ 
vanifh,  and  as  each  man  was  born  for  himfelf,  he  will  have  to  live 
and  die  for  himfelf— and  thofe,  who  have  traded  in  religion  and 
liberty  may  divide  the  profits,  for  there  will  be  an  eternal  end  of 
their  partnerfhip^ 

NO.   VL 

Confptracy  of  Church  and  State  againjl  the  policy  and  fpirit  of 


OT  many  wife,  not  many  mighty,  not  many  noble  are 
^*  called,  but  God  hath  chofen  the  foolifh  things  of  the  world  to 
**  confound  the  wife,  and  the  weak  things  of  the  world  to  con- 
**  found  the  mighty — and  bafe  things  and  things  which  are  defpi- 
"  fed ;  yea,  and  things,  which  are  not  to  bring  to  nought  things 
"  which  are,  that  no  flefli  fhould  glory  in  his  prefence.*^ 

The  wife,  the  mighty  and  the  noble  have  always  had  kingdoms 
enough.  Satan  underflood  his  title,  v/hen  he  offered  all  of  them 
to  the  Saviour.  Chriftianity  was  brought  forward  as  the  poor 
man's  kingdom,  and  the  fingMlarity  of  its  policy  is  not  confined  to 
the  mere  choice  of  fubjecfts.  Its  invariable  oppofition  to  men*^ 
pride  and  wifhes,  together  v/ith  the  occafions  and  means  which  the 
unionifts  have  improved  to  affimilate  this  to  their  ov/n  kingdoms  m.ay 
be  ufefully  traced.  If  we  divide  the  hiflory  of  man  into  three 
great  periods,  viz.  from  the  giving  of  the  law  at  Mount  Sinai  to 
the  coming  of  the  Saviour — from  the  death  of  the  apoflles  to 
the  reformation — and  from  that  to  the  prefcnt  day,  we  Ihall  find 
him  at  the  clofe  of  each  of  thefe  periods  poffefTing  the  fame  char- 
acter, originating  in  the  fame  palTions  and  in  an  uniform  caufe. 

Fondnefsfor  idol-worfhip  and  a  religion  confident  with  human 
depravity  are  noticeable  in  the  Jews,  to  whom  the  law  was  reveal- 
ed-, Thofe,  who  could  bow  to  the  v/orks  of  their  own  hands, 
muil  have  been  foiely  difappointed  at  receiving  a  law,  which  dft- 

^ i2_ 

mandedexclufive  worfliiptothe  only  invifible  God,  which  forbad 
every  vice  and  commanded  every  moral  virtue.  Following  their 
own  propenfities,  they  foon  changed  the  glory  of  the  incorruptible 
God  into  an  image  made  like  unto  corruptible  man,  and  at  the  be- 
gining  of  the  fecond  period  we  find  thera  abounding  in  fornis, 
but  deftitute  of  fubftance — having  a  convenient  religion  for  this 
world,  jull  fuited  to  the  ambition  of  the  rulers.  The  invifible  ob- 
jeft  of  worfhip  was  again  announced,  the  law  and  the  true  wor/hip 
revived,  anew  and  living  way  opened,  but  this  was  a  declaration 
of  war  againft  all  which  was  efteemed  great  and  good  in  that  day. 
The  new  religion  took  tffe£t  ;  but  at  the  opening  of  the  third  peri- 
od, v/e  find  it  wholly  changed,  and  the  wife,  mighty  and  noble  who 
were  not  called,  to  have  taken  the  ground,  which  was  to  have 
been  occupied  by  the  weak,  and  the'  poor.  The  reformation 
reftored  this  religion  to  its  firft  principles,  and  the  prefent  view 
exhibits  all  which  is  vifible  of  this  kingdom  under  the  control  of 
kings  and  their  courts,  high  priefh  and  rulers,  drawing  million? 
from  the  people  by  the  force  of  law,  difpofing  of  titles  and  atten- 
ding armies  in  the  field — the  forms  carefully  retained  ;  but  the 
fubftance  loft,  and  men  a^re  new  as  fond  of  images  made  like  unto 
corruptible  man  as  they  ever  were,  and  of  having  a  religion  of  their 
own  making. 

Our  unionills  have  not  only  formed  this  confpiracy  in  view  of 
all  thefe  preceding  ones,  but  with  actual  knowledge  that  fimilar 
unions  of  church  and  ftate  for  the  fame  fecular  purpofes  are 
operating  in  other  nations,  and  in  order  that  no  doubt  of  the 
exiftence  of  this  confpiracy  might  exift,  one  entire  political 
party  in  Nev/-England  forms  the  corporate  body  of  church  and 
Ilatc  iinion.  The  Jews  and  Catholics  claimed  that' they  had  all 
the  religion  of  the  day  :  Ours  put  in  the  fame  claim  with  equal  juf- 
tice — each  has  been  careful  to  retain  the  name  and  forms,  to  derive 
all  the  earthly  profits,  and  each  has  conftituted  a  great  political 
party.  It  was  not  neceiTary  for  admiffion  among  the  Jews,  that 
a  man  fhould  love  the  Lord  God  with  all  his  heart,  nor  among 
the  Catholics  that  he  Ihould  take  up  his  crofs,  nor  with  our 
unionifts  that  he  (houid  even  profefs  to  believe.  For  other  quali- 
fications of  admifiion  are  invented  by  our  great  worldly  churches. 
The  confpiracy  of  the  Jews  was  not  evidenced  merely  in  their 
having  changed  the  laws  of  the  true  religion  ;  but  they  had  givea 
the  higheft  honors  of  their  church  and  nation  to  men,  who  de- 
ferved  and  met  the  feverelf  reproofs  of  the  Saviour.  His  woes 
were  pronounced  on  thofe  who  fat  in  Mofes'  feat.  Thefe  bound 
heavy  burdens  on  the  people— did  th^ir  works  to  be  feen  of  men — 
loved  the  chief  feats  in  the  fynagogues — fhut  up  the  kingdom 
of  heaven  againfl  men,  neither  entering  themfelves,  nor  fuffering 
others  to  enter — devoured  widow^s  houfes — for  a  pretence  made 
loDg  prayers — compaiTed  fea  and  land  to  make  one  profelyte,  and 


then  made  him  two-fold  worfe  than  themfelves  ;  yet  thefe  conlpira- 
tors,  with  fuch  men  in  the  feat  of  Mofes,  were  fo  confident  of 
their  ftrength  that  they  ftoned  Stephen,  imprifoned  Paul  and 
Silas,  fcourged  and  perfecuted  the  faints.  The  Catholics  perverted 
the  true  religion  as  much  and  placed  as  bad  men  in  the  chair  of 
St.  Peter.  Our  unionifls  have  completed  the  firfl:  point  in  the 
confplracy  by  calling  the  wife,  mighty  and  noble  and  every  man, 
who  could  claim  an  inheritance  of  the  woes,  pronounced  in  the 
23  of  Matthew,  to  high  rank  in  the  church  :  whether  they  have 
fecured  the  fecond  point  by  confpiring  againft  the  fpirit  of  Chrift's 
kingdom  muft  be  decided  by  a  comparifon  of  the  fpirit  of  the 
gofpel  with  that  of  church  and  ftate  religion. 

The  fpirit  of  the  gofpel  is  firft  pure,  then  peaceable,  gentle  and 
eafy  to  be  intreated,  full  of  mercy  and  good  fruits,  without  par- 
tiality and  without  hypocrlfy.  It  takes  man  from  his  origin,  with 
every  propenfity  to  evil,  fhews  that  his  greateft  enemies  are  the 
lufts,  which  war  againft  the  foul — that  the  leader  of  thefe  enemies 
is  fubtle  in  the  work  of  deftru6lion — it  offers  him  armour  againft 
every  foe,  opens  to  him  a  kingdom  on  v/hich  he  may  rely  for  pro- 
tection, fortifies  him  againft  the  evils  of  life,  clothes  him  with 
humility,  grants  him  a  patient  endurance  of  injuries,  and  for  all 
his  facrifices  of  honor  and  wealth  offers  him  future  rewards.  The 
fame  fpirit  having  fhewn  him  his  worft  enemies,  next  points  him 
to  the  enemies  of  the  church  in  the  principalities  of  the  world, 
which  would  avail  themfelves  of  all  thefe  lufts,  and  of  the  fervice 
of  fatan  in  the  form  of  an  angel  of  light,  to  deceive  (if  poflible) 
the  very  eled,  and  inftrudls  him  how  he  may  aid  the  church  and 
the  world  by  oppofing  the  poHcy  of  the  gofpel  to  wars,  oppreffion, 
hatred,  revenge  and  cruelty.  The  diftinft  charafler  of  the  gofpel 
is  found  in  perfe<Sl  reverence  for  the  Father  of  the  univerfe,  in  af- 
fe<51:ion  for  the,  whole  human  race,  in  a  conftant  conflid  within, 
and  in  conftant  exertions  without,  to  promote  the  caufe  of  truth 
and  the  good  of  man,  even  by  means  moft  humiliating  to  perfonal 
pride.  "  Even  if  thine  enemy  hunger,  give  him  food — lay  not  up 
treafures  on  the  earth  :  Seek  not  the  honors  which  come  from 

As  chriftianity  aims  to  redeem  man  from  the  ruins  of  the  fall, 
fo  church  and  ftate  has  always  aimed  to  reftore  him  to  thefe  ruins  ; 
and  to  this  policy  are  the  kingdoms  of  the  world  and  the  armies 
and  navies,  which  fupport  them  indebted  for  their  majefty  and 

Let  this  propofitlon  in  all  its  relations  be  compared  with  that  of 
Robifon  and  Barruel  and  the  preachers  againft  infidel  philofophy, 
and  then  let  candid  men  judge  who  are  the  confpirators  againft 
chriftianity — whether  vifionary  philofophers  and  infidels,  feleded 
from  all  ages  and  nations,  connedled  with  the  republicans  of  the 
prefent   day — or  the  kingdoms  of  this  world,  which  muft  part 

^ 79 ' 

with  their  kings  and  their  lords  fpiritual  and  ten^poral,  with  their 
generals  and  admirals — with  their  courts  and  ambafTadors — with 
their  wealth  and  fplendor — with  their  weapons  of  war — with 
their  victories  and  revenge — with  the  fpoils  of  their  enemies— 
with  all  their  fchemes  of  national  glory,  before  they  can  bow  to 
the  fpirit  of  the  gofpel. 

In  this  number  I  have  taken  the  fpiritual  ground  of  the  New- 
Teftament.  He,  who  comes  to  this  ground  with  a  crown  on  his 
head,  muft  come  bowing  lowly  to  the  crown  of  thorns  on  the  head 
of  his  Saviour.  He,  who  comes  here  with  a  mitre  and  lawn- 
fleeves  mufl  acknowledge  the  fuperior  majefty  of  the  robes  of  the 
Redeemer's  righteoufnefs.  He,  who  comes  here  with  volumes 
of  his  own  wifdom,  mufl:  acknowledge  the  fuperior  wifdom  of  him 
who  was  wifer  than  Solomon.  Kings  muft  bow  before  the  king 
of  kings,  princes  before  the  prince  of  peace,  prelates  before  the 
high  prieft  of  the  church,  leaders  of  armies  before  the  captain  of 
falvation,  fathers  of  families  before  the  univerfal  Father,  and 
children  before  the  babe  of  Bethlehem. — Every  expectant  of  im- 
mortality muft  do  fincere  homage  to  him,  who  was  laid  in  the 
grave  and  who  arofe  from  the  dead,  and  captives  muft  look  for 
redemption  to  him  who  led  captivity  captive,  and  who  in  his 
triumphant  afcent  to  heaven  gave  gifts  unto  men. — The  riches  of 
this  world  muft  yield  to  the  treafures  laid  up  in  heaven  ;  the 
luxuries  of  earthly  tables  to  the  bread  and  water  of  everlafting 
life,  and  the  deareft  connections  on  earth  to  love  for  him,  who  is 
the  firft  born  among  many  brethren,  fairer  than  the  children  of 
men. — The  graves  muft  open  to  receive  our  departed  friends — our 
confidence  muft  be  placed  in  the  father  of  the  orphan  and  the 
huftjand  of  the  widow,  and  all  our  affeflions  iiipremely  centered 
in  that  world,  where  tears  (hall  be  wiped  from  every  eye. 

This  is  a  trancient  view  of  the  affedions,  which  muft  character- 
ize every  man,  who  is  moved  by  the  fpirit  of  the  gofgel.  He, 
who  feels  this  fpirit  will  not  be  loud  in  profeffions  nor  oftentatious 
in  fervices.  If  he  is  pious,  it  will  be  known  in  heaven  ;  if  he 
is  fincere,  it  will  be  recorded  ;  if  in  faith  he  gives  even  a  cup  of 
cold  water  to  a  difciple,  he  will  not  lofe  his  reward ;  if  he  is 
perfecuted,  his  feafon  of  rejoicing  is  at  hand  ;  if  men  defpife 
him,  if  poverty,  revilings,  and  perils  afTail  him,  he  goes  where 
he  will  be  held  in  honor  and  where  all  diftrefs  and  danger  are 
unknown. — Are  infidels  on  every  fide  ?  He  commends  them  to  the 
light  of  truth.' — Do  men  charge  him  with  hypocrify  ;  but  that  God, 
who  fcarches  the  heart  and  tries  the  reins  knows  his  fincerity  and 
will  lead  him  in  the  way  everlafting. — Are  there  feafons,  when 
the  powers  of  darknefs  prefs  hard  on  the  church,  but  his  Redeem.- 
er  liveth,  wonderful  in  counfei,  mighty  in  power,  and  will  fuftain 
his  caufe^ 


Compared  with  fuch  impreffions,  refulting  from  fuch  a  fplrit> 
what  is  thfc  religion  of  church  and  .ftate  in  New-England  ?  Ao 
exaoiination  of  this  queftion  will  occupy  the  niext  number. 


Con/piracy  of  the  Unionifls  againjl  the  Spirit  of  the  GofpeL 

O  credit  is  due  to  mere  forms,  becaufe  the  Jews  and 
catholics  had  them  in  abundance  of  the  moft  foiemn  and  impreflive 
kind,  merely  to  conceal  their  want  of  fmcerity.  The  bell  of 
prayers  and  fermons  may  proceed  from  the  worfl  of  men.  No 
credit  is  due  on  this  fubjeft  to  great  theological  fcience  and  artful 
difputation,  for  the  queilions  of,  where  is  the  wife  man  ?  where  is 
the  fcribes  ?  where  is  the  difputer  of  this  world  ?  are  forever  dif- 
pofed  of  by  the  gofpel.  If  the  boaft  of,  I  am  of  Paul  and  I  of 
Apollas  and  I  of  Cephas  were  of  any  avail,  the  unionifts  would 
abound  in  arguments.  If  the  building  of  houfes'  of  worfhip,  fet- 
tlement  of  paftors,  gathering  of  churches,  attendance  on  Sabbaths, 
and  all  thebufy  out-door  work  of  religion  were  proofs  of  piety, 
we  have  all  thefe  in  abundance  :  but  what  are  the  fubftantial  fads, 
by  which  our  conformiry  to,  or  variance  from,  the  true  church, 
may  be  decided  ? 

Our  revolution  was  managed  under  the  aufplces  of  profeflions, 
favorable  to  civil  and  religious  liberty,  and  it  then  appeared  to  the 
people  and  probably  to  many  of  the  leaders  that  this  was  an  open- 
ing of  great  triumphs  in  favor  of  true  religion  and  the  rights  of  men. 
The  chrgy  wifhed  for  the  downfall  of  papal  Babylon  and  protef- 
tant  hierarchies,  and  the  civilians  wifhed  for  an  end  of  oppreffion. 
Enthufiafm  often  bears  the  public  mind,  efpecially  in  a  feafon  of 
war,  above  all  felfifh  calculations  of  confequences  ;  but  the  enemy 
of  man,  who  watches  narrowly  the  kingdoms,  which  the  Saviour 
refufed,  improved  an  early  feafon  of  peace  to  addrefs  his  logic  to 
fome  of  the  leaders  of  the  revolution.  He  did  not  tell  them  that 
after  a  few  years  one  of  their  number  vjow\d  fucceed  to  the  prefiden- 
cy  and  that  under  his  adminiilration  the  old  order  of  things  and  the 
dodtrines  of  the  old  fchool  would  be  revived,  that  the  enemies  of  the 
revolution  would  rife  into  favor  ;  but  he  prefented  to  them  the 
reftive  temper  of  the  people,  the  danger-,  to  religion  and  order, 
from  an  extention  of  liberty,  the  hazard  of  innovation,  and 
promifed  them  perfonai  aggrandizement.  Our  unionifts,  thus 
(timulated,  eftabliOied  a  government,  in  which  every  pafTion  ope- 


rated  ;  man  was  exaiflly  reftored  to  his  onglnaF  depravity,  the 
church  became  a  virtual  hierarchy,  and  our  nation  affimilated  to 
the  kingdoms  of  the  world  in  every  article,  wherein  thofe  are 
oppofed  to  chriftianity.  New-England  federalifm  became  a  fyftem 
of  paflions  impetuous  for  war,  wealth,  revenge,  pride  and  national 
greatnefs.  The  complete  revolution,  which  thefe  men  have 
performed  fhews  the  extreme  variablenefs  of  the  human  charader, 
when  under  the  dominion  of  the  lufts,  which  war  againfl  the  foul. 
At  firft:  we  find  them  foremoft  in  the  ardors  of  a  conteft  for  liberty 
and  religion  ;  afterwards  full  of  the  fame  powers,  againft  which 
they  had  fought,  leagued  with  their  former  domeftic  and  foreiga 
enemies,  combating  their  former  friends,  adopting  the  very  mea- 
fures,  which  they  once  abjured,  and  courting  alliances  with  na- 
tions, which  they  once  profefled  to  abhor.  Next,  in  order  to 
retain  their  power,  we  trace  them  in  wide  fpread.  delujions  and 
falfe  alarms  of  danger,  and  (to  give  currency  to  thefe)  affuming 
the  impofing  title  of  friends  of  order  and  good  government,  and' af- 
ter the  lofs  of  their*  power  embodying  thcmfelves  in  a  confp'iracy 
againft  the  very  religion  and  liberty,  for  which  they  pledged  their 
all  at  the  outfet.  The  Jews  prefaced  the  evidences  of  their  con- 
fpiracy  with  charging  on  the  chriftians  the  fame  crime.  The 
Catholics  burnt  the  true  believers  as  confp'irators  againft  the  truth. 
Th€  republicans,  who  were  charged  with  confpiring  againft  religion 
and  government,  do  not  claim  to  rank  with  the  difciples  or  mar- 
tyrs ;  but  the  praftice  of  defigning  men  charging  confpiracy  on 
others  is  not  a  novel  artifice. 

The  confpiracy  under  this  head  is  diftin<rL  in  charader,  though 
complicated  in  formation.  It  involves  all  the  enmity  of  the  hu- 
man heart  againft  the  fpirit  of  the  gofpel,  and  under  the  name 
and  form  of  chriftianity  exhibits  a  religion  wholly  oppofite  in  all 
its  affeftions  and  objefts.  Its  firft  agents  are  the  political  clergy 
of  powerful  talents,  who  prefer  the  applaufes  of  men  to  the  favor 
of  God,  aided  by  another  clafs  of  clergy,  who  have  been  led  to 
believe  that  federalifm  and  chriftianity  are  fynonimous,  and  that 
republicanifm  and  infidelity  are  infeparable.  The  fecond  clafs  are 
our  federal  members  of  congrefs,  all  in  favor  of  the  extenfi^'e  plans 
of  the  laft  adminiftration  and  federal  governors  and  counfellors 
annually  drawing  their  political  breath  from  the  clergy.  The  third 
clafs  confifts  of  federal  lawyers,  ardent  feekers  of  rapid  gains  5 
but  willing  to  be  promoted  for  the  good  of  the  caufe  !  of  federal 
merchants  willing  to  be  rich  for  the  honor  of  the  country — of  fed* 
eral  printers  under  clerical  patronage — followed  by  all  under-feek- 
ers  of  office,  by  all  the  enemies  of  our  revolution — by  all  the  craftf- 
men,  who  gain  by  them,  and  by  multitudes  who  are  learnt  toccn- 
fider  this  combination  the  main-guard  of  the  church. 
.  This  is  a  ftatement  of  church  and  ftate  unionifts  in  their  prefent 
extent,  all  cemented  by  a  coincidence  of  thofe  worldly  interefts, 



ivhich  are  oppofed  to  the  fpiiit  of  the  gofpel,  all  profciTing  to  dc 
fend  the  church.  In  three  of  the  northern  ftates  this  union  com- 
mands the  weight  of  political  influence  and  on  its  continuance  are 
faid  to  reft  the  hopes  of  federalifm. 

The  exclufive  claim  of  this  union  to  piety,  order  and  peace,  its 
high  charges  againft  republicans,  its  hofHIe  array  againft  our  caufe 
render  it  important  that  we  colle<5l  our  premifes  at  this  point  6f  our 
charge.  Is  not  this  the  union,  which  has  availed  itfelf  of  the  paflion 
for  wealth,  honors  and  dominion,  ever  fince  the  fettlement  of  this 
country  ?  Has  it  not  always  boafted  of  anceftral  piety  ?  Has  it  not 
artificially  kept  up  the  ranks  of  its  leaders  and  followers  ?  Has  it 
not  dealt  largely  in  forms,  profellions,  myfteries  and  doctrines  ?  Sure- 
ly there  is  no  other  union  of  church  and  ftate  in  New-England — 
and  there  is  no  pretence  that  its  prefent  character  is  more  heavenly 
than  it  formerly  was.  If  then  the  kingdom  of  the  Saviour  has  not 
changed  its  policy  and  fpirit,  and  if  this  union  is  ferving  the  world 
under  pretence  of  ferving  this  kingdom,  furely  it  is  confpiring 
againft  chriftianity. 

In  every  advance  of  this  part  of  my  fubjeft  I  have  endeavored 
to  keep  your  attention  fixed  on  the  certain  oppofition  of  the  fpirit 
of  the  gofpel  to  the  fpirit  of  the  world — and  to  direct  your  fearch 
after  the  confpirators  againft  chriftianity  in  the  very  places,  where 
the  Saviour  faid  that  they  would  be  found,  and  in  the  place  where 
nature  and  reafon  would  teach  you  to  feek  them.  It  is  now  necef- 
fary  to  mark  out  the  line,  which  feparates  the  kingdom  of  the 
Saviour  from  the  governments  of  the  world. — The  fpirit  of  chrif- 
tianity extends  juft  fo  far  into  the  heart,  affeftions,  thoughts  and 
adtions  of  mankind  as  any  goodnefs  is  found.  It  increafes  as  faft 
as  this  goodnefs  increafes,  and  is  faid  to  have  prevailed,  wherever 
this  goodnefs  has  gained  the  afcendency  over  natural  depravity.  It 
meets  the  lufts  of  the  fiefh,  the  lufts  of  the  eye  and  the  pride  of 
life,  exadly  on  the  frontiers  of  the  kingdoms  of  this  world.  At 
this  line  the  armies  of  heaven  and  thofe  of  earth  have  their  ftrong 
fortrefTes.  Here  the  champions  of  both  fides  contend.  The 
chofen  troops  of  the  Captain  of  falvation  are  the  meek,  the  poor 
and  the  humble,  who  have  fignalized  themfelves  in  fingle  combat 
with  fatan.  The  chofen  troops  of  the  world  are  its  kings,  its 
mighty  captains,  its  rich  men,  its  proud  men — all  who  have  fignal- 
lled  themfelves  moft  in  vi(ftories  ever  their  own  confciences  and  the 
light  of  truth — in  fa<5t  thofe  who  will  lofe  moft,  of  what  the  world 

holds  dear,  if  chriftianity  ftiould  prevail Thus  juft  as  far  as  luft, 

pride,  avarice,  ambition  for  applaufe  or  any  other  fclfifii  paffion 
prevails,  church  and  ftate  are  fure  of  afiiftance.  Great  men  will 
not  join  the  armies  of  the  gofpel,  fo  long  as  the  combat  wears 
fuch  an  afpedt.  Men,  who  have  been  accuftomed  to  command  in 
the  high  places  of  the  field  and  to  be  called.  Excellency,  right  rev- 
erend  or  honorahky  are  not  zealous  to  join  an  army,  where  the 
higheft  officers  rauft  perform  the  humbleft  fervices. 


If  revelation  is  to  be  our  guide,  we  are  not  to  feek  the  fubje(5l& 
of  the  Saviour  within  the  limits  of  this  or  that  clafs  of  profef- 
fors  ;  but  in  every  nation  he,  who  feareth  God  and  worketh  right- 
eoufnefs,  will  be  accepted  of  him.  The  inviiible  power  of  the  goC- 
pel  of  the  kingdom  extends  far  and  wide,  producing  a  vifible  ef- 
fedl  in  ail  its  fubjeds,  which  effect  is  the  evidence  of  the  power. 
Church  and  ftate  abhors  the  fpirituality  of  the  gofpel :  it  delights 
in  hearing  that  religion  is  a  very  good  thing,  that  it  keeps  fociety 
in  order — that  refpefttothe  clergy  is  very  important,  and  that  ci- 
vil rulers  ought  to  fupport  their  influence.  It  is  charmed  to  hear 
learned  difcourfes  or  fpeculative  theology  ;  but  cannot  endure  the 
dulnefs  of  morality. 

When  the  governing  of  mankind  by  the  aid  of  the  clergy  is 
regarded  as  being  infinitely  eafier  than  to  govern  them  by  fabftan- 
tial  attention  to  their  interefts  ;  when  we  lee  all  the  paffions  ready 
to  enlift  under  fuch  rulers,  and  when  time  and  fenfe,  with  all  the 
arguments  of  wealth  and  honors,  court  our  acquiefcence  in  fuch 
government,  v/e  will  not  v/onder  at  finding  fome  of  the  clergy 
and  laity  joining  in  this  work.  A  fandified  man  will  have  noth- 
ing to  do  with  it :  a  pious  man  would  not  calmly  take  his  feat  in 
congrefs  or  at  the  council  board,  if  he  knev/  that  inftead  of  being 
chofen  by  unbiafled  votes,  he  v/as  chofen  through  the  influence  of 
falfe  alarms  about  religion  ;  a  pious  man  could  not  believe  that  a 
miferable  worm  of  the  duft  like  himfelf  was  important  to  the  true, 

If  our  ambitious  men  can  pafs  oft  profeiTions,  the  paper  curren- 
cy of  hypocrites,  and  receive  in  exchange  as  much  of  wealth  and 
honors  as  they  willi,  we  will  not  wonder  at  it.  If  by  preaching 
the  real  gofpel  a  clergyman  would  offend  the  great  men,  and  if 
preaching  fubtle  theology  he  can  pleafe  them,  it  can  at  kail  be 
faid  that  it  is  extremely  natural  for  him  to  choofe  the  laft:  courfe. 
His  falary  is  fecured  by  law,  but  the  heirs  of  the  kingdom  are 
often  very  deflitute  of  taxable  property,  fhall  he  offend  thefe  great 
men  by  telling  them  that  they  are  hypocrites  ?  perhaps  they  will 
return  the  compliment,  then  pride  is  to  fmart  for  a  feafon  :  per- 
haps the  card  of  invitation  to  partake  of  his  luxuries  will  be 
refufed  !  how  much  fafer  is  it  to  deal  in  dodrinal  religion.  If 
the  rich  and  luxurious  cannot  lead  godly  lives,  and  if  they  mujl 
appear  to  he  religious  in  order  to  fecure  their  objefts,  fome  fubftitute 
muft  be  invented.  If  they  cannot  worfhip  the  true  God,  an  im- 
age rauft  be  made  for  them,  and  this  mufl  be  called  God.  If 
they  cannot  pradlife  the  gofpel  morals,  they  mufl:  have  a  fet  made 
for  their  convenience.  If  they  cannot  believe  in  the  truths  of 
revelation,  fome  creed  muft  be  made  up  for  them,  to  which  they 
can  fubfcribe,  and  this  muft  be  called  revelation,  and  they  muft  be 
called  chriftians,  and  faid  to  belong  to  the  church  militant,  altho' 
they  are  officers  of  high  rank  in  the  oppofite  army.     The  church 


and  ftate  religion,  made  up  for  fuch  men,  confids  of  curiou,s> 
abflraft  propofitions  about  the  power  of  God,  the  agency  of  man, 
the  origin  of  evil,  and  the  myfteries  of  revelation.  Believing  in 
thefe  is  accepted  in  lieu  of  all  the  reft,  and  in  the  firfl  rank  of 
theories  and  profefTors  ftand  the  followers  of  metaphyfical  preach- 
ers. Good  men  may  have  come  out  from  this  clafs,  but  their 
goodnefs  never  began,  till  they  left  the  regioa  of  inconceivable 
theories  and  pra6tifed  plain  duties.  Nearly  all  our  fafhionable 
fcarlet  and  fjie  linen  believers  are  found  in  the  higheft  regions  of 
fpeculative  theology.  From  thefe  you  pafs  through  many  grades 
of  profefTors,  and  as  fad  as  this  theory  relaxes  and  gives  place  to 
pra6lice,  fo  faft  you  advance  to  the  ground,  which  I  firft  took, 
where  the  humble  believer  in  plain  truths  praiStifcs  plain  duties 
and  looks  for  a  future  reward.  The  firft  clafs  follow  an  ingenious 
learned  theorift  to  a  magnificent  houfe  of  wordiip,  and  are  charm- 
ed with  the  fine  polifh  of  his  fentences  and  the  gracefulnefs  of  his 
addrefs.  The  lad  refort  to  fome  lowly  cottage,  where  no  organ 
fwells  its  notes,  no  ornament  decks  the  room,  no  polifiied,  grace- 
ful preacher  charms  the  ear  ;  but  a  humble  man,  who  knows  his 
God  and  duty,  teaches  his  humble  hearers  the  road  to  a  heaven, 
where  the  miferai»le  diftindions  of  this  world  are  unknown. 

It  would  be  aftonifliing  that  fuch  a  fafhionable  religion  could  be 
received  as  chriftianity  by  a  people  having  the  bible  in  their  hands, 
did  we  not  refled  on  the  eternal  eagernefs  of  men  to  have  a  reli- 
gion of  their  own  making,  and  that  church  and  flaie  religion  is 
exa6lly  fitted  to  this  eagernefs.  Say  to  the  rich,  increafe  your 
wealth,  and  from  your  abundance  you  fhall  be  tranflated  to  infinite 
wealth  ;  fay  to  the  proud,  feek  the  honors  of  this  world,  and 
thus  fhall  youfecure  the  honors  of  heaven.  Lead  up  the  fafhion 
in  your  great  towns  to  appoint  the  richejl  men  officers  of  the  church  ; 
make  your  communion  tables  fplendid  and  your  houfes  of  worfhip 
magnificent ;  enlifl  the  pov/ers  of  beauty  and  mufic  ;  make  your 
Sabbaths  feafons  of  gallantry  and  fafhion  :  let  thofe  who  handle 
the  public  purfe  be  liberal  in  the  exclufive"^  fupport  of  fuch  a  reli- 

*  Our  unlonifls/^x  the  people  for  the  fupport  of  chriflianity.  More  than 
70,000  dollars  are  annually  coIlc6led  in  the  parifhes  of  Conne<5licut  for  this 
purpofe,  and  the  political  clergy  are  very  fevere  on  all  who  wifli  this  tax 
abolifhed.  They  are  willing  to  trull  their  Maker  for  rain  from  heaven  and 
fruitful  feafons  :  They  do  not  tax  the  people  a  vafl  fum  in  order  to  bring 
water  upon  the  meadows  in  cafe  of  drought ;  but  they  cannot  trufl  the 
Saviour  for  a  raia  of  grace  and  truth,  although  that  is  repeatedly  promifed. 
Republicans  have  fufFered  feverely,  becaufe  federalifts  prefer  their  own  to  the 
Divine  guidance.  Every  afTumption  of  civil  power  over  Chrifl's  church, 
whether  by  Buonaparte,  George  II!.  or  our  northern  unionifls,  is  a  decided 
overt-a6l  of  confpiracy  againfl  chriftianity. 

Thofe,  who  argae  that  fuch  tax  is  necejfary  to  the  fupport  of  the  gofpel  are 
as  deflitute  of  fkiU  as  they  are  of  grace.  If  our  religion  cannot  be  fapported 
without  fuch  a  tax,  it  foUowsthat  the  people  have  no  inclination  to  fupport 

^^ 85 

gion,  and  you  will  have  an  abundant  train  cf  leaders  and  foflou-- 
ers  ;  colleges  will  literally  make^lad  your  cities  with  a  fupply  of 
payors  after  j^'owr  own  hearts;  the  political  preacher  will  blels  you 
and  pray  for  your  proljierity,  and  the  office-feeking  lawyer  will 
fubfcribe  the  tithe  of  his  exadions  tor  your  fupport,  Thofe,  who 
have  cried  that  the  church  is  in  danger  have  aftually  done  all  this  ! 
and  if  the  gofpei  is  to  be  our  guide,  we  are  to  regard  them  as 
confpiring  againft  its  fpirit.  ^  r        n      - 

Moft  men  fear  to  look  at  truth  in  this  point,  becauie  molt  gam 
either  direftly  or  indiredly  by  fach  a  ftate.of  thmgs  ;  yet  the  gain 
of  all  is  far  lefs  than  what  religion,  truth  and  aggregate  _ foe iety 
lofe  by  it ;  but  there  is  great  hazard  in  appearing  on  the  minority, 
(as  every  man  muft  be  for  a  time)  on  this  fubjeft  ;  hence  this 
world  and  its  gains  and  honors  are  made  to  play  a  dreadful  game 
aj^ainft-  the  other,  and  too  often  through  the  inibumentality  of  that 
clafs  of  men,  who  are  exprefsly  employed  to  fight  the  battles  of 
heaven,  truth  and  eternal  righteoufnefs,  agamft  earth,  falfhood 
and  hell.  Finding  that  the  men  of  this  world  love  their  honors, 
pleafures  and  pelf,  and  that  they  are  wiUing  to  pay  for  any  accoai- 
modation  to  their  tafte,  fuch  clergy  leave  virtually  their  caufe 
and  turn  againft  their  Lord. 

The  preachers  of  myfteries  and  dark  faylngs,  and  the  dealers  m 
fmooth,  poliflied  fentences  are  equally  the  objeds  of  thefc  remarks. 
The  firft  gain  admiration  for  their  ingenuity  in  handhng  fubjeds, 
which  no  one  undeiftands,  and  the  other  charm  by  their  addrefs 
in  preaching  what  never  roufes  the  confcience,  touches  the  heart 
or  influences  the  life.  Thefe  are  not  the  preachers,  who  add  to 
the  church  of  fuch  as  fliall  be  faved  ;  but  under  them  are  ranged 
the  fcientific,  the  rich,  failiionable,  debonair  chriftians,  whofe  heads 
are  full  of  religion,  v/hole  hearts  are  full  of  the  world,  and  who 
take  good  caie  that  the  right  hand  ihali  never  know  what  the  left 
doth  in  aas  of  charity.  Thefe  are  the  chriftians,  who  hold  the 
keys  of  St.  Peter  and  the  keys  of  all  the  treafure  and  power  on 
earth.  Alas  !  how  little  do  fuch  myfterious  and  fuch  fmooth 
ecclefiaftics  and  their  followers  refleft  how  much  our  world  has 
been  afflifted  by.  their  pride,  their  pomp  and  their  hypocrify. 
Thefe  men  profefs  to  believe  in  the  humble  Jefus  of  Nazareth, 
but  pay  little  refpe^  to  thofe  true  difciples,  who  deftitute  of  wealth 
and  honors  are  humbly  feeking  their  way  to  him,  through  prayers, 
penitence,    humiliations  and  faith  ;  but  if  they  really  loved  him, 

it,  and  that  our  clergy  would  not  engage  In  preaching  without  this  fecurlty. 
It  is  true  that  church  and  ftate  have  been  fo  accullomed  to  an  artificial  reh- 
eion,  that  their  religion  would  go  to  ruin,  if  they  were  fuddenly  to  withdraw 
their  protei?ing  duties.  The  day,  when  chtiftianity  fliould  be  committed  to  the 
head  of  the  church  is  a  day,  which  our  unlonllls  wifh  may  never  be  num- 
bered among  the  days  of  the  year:  and  lliould  it  ever  arrive,  they  will,  m 
the  forenefs  of  their  afflictions  curfs   it,  as  Job  did  the  day  of  his  birth. 


they  would  love  his  family,  if  they  loved  him,  they  would  keep 
his  commandments  ;  but  they  neither  believe  in  nor  love  him  nor 
would  they  refped  him  or  his  likenefs  on  earth.  They  believe  in 
Pontius  Pilate  and  Herod  and  the  purple  robes,  and  in  the  great 
ones  of  this  world,  and  in  lofty  houfes,  fplendid  carriages  and 
beds  of  down,  and  would  fain  psrAiade  themfclves  that  in  this 
lolling,  eafy,  luxurious  attitude  they  may  repofe  on  hini  who  had 
not  on  earth  a  place  to  lay  his  head. 

To  retain  the  forms  of  chriftianity  Is  indifpenfible  to  the  polit- 
ical obje6ls  of  our  unionifts  ;  hence  they  avail  themfelves  of  a  fa6t, 
which  long  experience  has  eflabHfhed,  viz.  that  it  is  eafier  to  pri- 
fefs  to  believe  than  to  pra6life,  and  that  a  religion  of  faith  is  on  this 
account  the  mofl  popular  and  mod:  eafy  to  be  promoted.  Mea 
love  cheap  ways  of  gaining  honor  on  earth  and  glory  in  heaven. 
Hence  the  artful  unionift,  finding  that  his  neighbors  love  the 
■world,  forms  up  a  religion  apparently  on  the  gofpel,  but  in  no 
refpect  conformed  to  its  temper,  and  offers  this  as  chriftianity,  even 
joins  In  its  ordinances,  talks  loudly  of  its  excellence,  thunders 
againft  his  opponents,  and  thus  enlifts  a  great  portion  of  paffion  in 
its  favor — learns  its  votaries  to  curfe  inftead  of  blefling — to  per- 
fecute  inftead  of  convincing — to  talk  of  infidelity  rather  than  to 
pradife  morality — to  avenge  inftead  of  forgiving — and  thus  to 
ereft  a  fyftem  of  infidel  philosophy  on  the  benevolent  religion 
of  Jefus.  This  is  precifely  the  ftate  of  things  which  the  unionifts 
have  produced  in  New-England,  and  by  reafon  of  it  the  Saviour; 
of  the  world  looks  dov/n  on  a  clafs  of  chriftians,  far  unlike  to  hina 
in  charafter,  chriftians,  who  deal  largely  in  the  theories  of  his 
religion,  but  who  expend  all  the  fire  of  their  heavenly  zeal  with- 
in the  circuit  of  political  morality. 

Surely  when  we  reilea:  that  the  gofpel  of  the  kingdom  is  not 
of  this  world — but  that  it  is  invifible  and  fpiritual,  and  when  we 
caft  our  eyes  upon  the  vifible  religion  of  the  unionifts ;  when  we 
reileft  how  perfedly  natural  it  is  for  proud  prlefts  to  accommodate 
profeflions  to  ambitious  ftatefmen,  and  how  natural  it  is  for  thefe 
ftatefmen  to  fupport  fuch  clergy  :  when  we  reflecfl  how  natural  it 
is  for  thefe  united  to  avail  themfelves  of  a  very  accommodating 
religion  in  order  to  gain  dominion  over  the  people,  and  by  what  links 
their  paffions  and  gains  are  conneded  in  the  eftablifhment  of  this 
dominion,  we  cannoc  forbear  to  fee  ftrong  probabiHtles  of  a  con- 
fpiracy  againft  the  fpirit  of  the  gofpel.  Revelation  and  our 
experience  join  to  affift  us  in  drawing  fair  inferences.  We  never 
read  of  any  clafs  of  men,  fituated  as  thefe,  who  were  pious 
chriftians;  but  from  the  days  of  Conftantine  (anno.  323) 
who  firft  availed  the  Roman  empire  of  an  union  of  church  and 
ftate,  to  the  prefent  day,  every  nation  in  Chriftendom  has  led  up 
the  fame  policy,  and  in  New-England  the  rife,  progrefs  and  prefent 
ftate  of  fuch  a  union  are  as  vifible  as  any  portion  of  our  civil 


The  brightefl  feafon  of  chriftiaiiity  was  when  it  was  wandering 
aboTtit  in  fheep-flcins  and  goat-fi<ins,  perfecuted,  afflicted,  torment- 
ed, and  when  martyrs  were  fealing  the  truth  of  it  with  their  blood. 
Thofe  who  ^iih  to  fee  it  in  high  places,  furrounded  with  fpiendcr 
and  who  feek  to  find  its  friends  or  enemies  by  any  other  guide  than 
that  of  revelation  are  confpiring  againft  the  fplrit  of  the  gofpel. 

NO.   Fill. 

Account  current  on  this  charge  of  corifpiracy  Jlated  between  the 
Unionijis  and  Republicans, 


EVER  before  this,  fince  the  creation  of  the  world, 
could  fuch  a  charge  of  confpiracy  have  been  made  without  certain 
hazard  to  the  accufer.  Men  full  of  power  could  fafely  charge 
confpiracy  on  their  opponents  and  if  they  did  not  acquiefce  in  it, 
could  fend  an  army  with  tlie  logic  of  kings  to  enforce  it ;  but  at 
the  prefent  moment  the  ferpent  has  loft  his  fting,  and  the  devourer^s 
teeth  are  broken,  and  we  are  at  liberty  to  examine  thofc  accounts, 
which  ages  of  terror  have  fuppreffed. 

The  firft  article  for  adjuftment  refts  on  the  queftion,  why  feder- 
alills  as  fuch  fhould  confpire  againft  chriftianity,  and  why  republicans 
as  fuch  fhould  wifh  to  detcifl  and  repel  the  confpiracy  ?  I  have  anti- 
cipated, in  part,  the  folution  of  this  queftion,  but  it  remains  to 
remark  that  as  republicanifm  is  the  poor  man's  government,  fo 
chriftianity  is  the  poor  man's  religion — and  if  the  religion  will  not 
foften  the  heart,  yet  it  may  check  the  force,  and  in  any  cafe  it  will 
give  patience  to  endure  whatever  political  evils  the  powerful  ene- 
mies of  the  common  people  can  devife. 

It  has  been  natural  for  federalifts  in  every  age  of  the  chriftian 
church  to  retain  the  forms  of  chriftianity,  even  to  abound  in  them, 
becaufe  thefe  forms  would  turn  to  their  account,  but  to  confpire 
againft  the  fubftance,  becaufe  it  oppofed  their  policy,  and  thus 
doing  they  were  not  in  hazard  as  refpeded  the  concerns  of  this 
world,  becaufe  they  had  the  power  of  making  laws  and  could 
guard  their  claims  conclufively.  !^e,  who  has  the  control  of 
armies  and  baftilcs  can  difpenfe  with  the  laws  of  religion  ;  but  the 
poor  fubje^l,  whofe  all  depends  on  the  caprice  of  fuch  lords, 
is  willing  to  have  the  aid  of  religion,  becaufe  even  if  it  does  not 
protedl  his  rights,  it  will  punifti  his  opprefibr.  Our  federalifts 
when  full  of  power  muft  necefiarily  have  hated  that  fpiritual  influ- 
ence, which  was  oppofed  to  all  their  fyftems  of  war  and  wealth, 


\ =^       - 

and  if  powerful  clergymen  were  willing  to  combat  the  fubflance^ 
but  to  retain  the  forms,  and  then  to  enlift  thofe  forms  in  favor  of 
federalifm,  they  would  thereafter  earn  a  feat  on  a  fpiritual  bench  in 
the  fenate.  No  federalift  underftood  the  real  tendency  of  his  party, 
if  he  devoutly  wiflied  for  the  prevalence  of  pure  and  undefiled 

It  was  perfectly  natural  for  republicans  as  fuch  to  wifh  for  the 
deftrudion  of  falfe  religion,  for  the  humiliation  of  the  political 
clergy,  and  for  an  end  of  an  ariflocratic  government ;  but  let  me 
afk,  what  earthly  motive  could  they  have  for  wifhing  the  deflruc- 
tion  of  chriflianity  ?  Civil  power  was  wholly  in  federal  hands  and 
did  thofe  wifh  to  free  their  opponents  from  reftraint — and  that  thefe 
ihould  be  let  loofe  on  them  with  all  their  pallions,  efpecialiy  after 
having  feen  their  temper  ?  You  may  fuppofe  republicans  to  be  infidels 
or  atheifis,  yet  you  v/ill  allow  that  fome  of  them  underftood  well 
their  political  interefls,  and  could  it  be  their  interefl  that  a  reli- 
gion, which  is  faid  to  inculcate  peace,  humility  and  univerfal 
benevolence  fhould  be  aboliflied  ?  Could  a  republican  wifh  that  his 
federal  neighbors  fhould  feel  no  obligation  to  be  kind  and  affeftion- 
ate  to  him  and  to  relieve  him,  when  he  fhould  be  aiHidled  in  body, 
mind  or  eflate  ?  While  religion  fhould  be  in  force  he  would  have 
a  claim  on  them  to  do  to  him  as  they  would  wifh  him  to  do  to  them 
in  fimilar  circumflances,  and  is  it  common  for  creditors  to  pray 
that  their  debtors  may  be  releafed  from  their  bonds  ? — 

To  pretend  that  republicans  wifhed  the  deflru<51:ion  of  chriftianity 
in  order  that  they  might  fin  more  abundantly,  is  jufl  as  weak  as  to 
pretend  that  a  man,  wlio  wifhes  to  fin  againfl  as  much  light  as  he 
can,  would  pray  that  the  fun  and  every  other  fource  of  light  fhould 
be  extinguifhed.  If  a  man  wiflies  to  be  a  confpicuous  fmner  he 
will  not  take  pains  to  make^  all  neighboring  finners  confpicuous  any 
more  than  the  man,  who  wifhes  to  be  eminently  rich  would  wifh  to 
have  mines  of  filver  and  gold  opened  to  all  the  world.  The 
prifoner,  who  has  broken  his  bonds,  will  not  awaken  his  keeper, 
and  if  republicans  had  broken  loofe  from  reflraint,  y^t  they 
would  have  left  every  federalift  to  repofe  in  a  rel-igion,  which 
calmed  his  paffions  and  prevented  the  ardors  of  purfuit.  We  will 
not  be  thought  fo  tolerant  as  to  wifh  the  friends  of  order  to  be 
releafed  from  the  little  remnant  of  reflraints,  which  the  forms  of 
religion  impofed.  We  wifli  that  the  political  clergy  and  civilians 
were  real  chriflians. 

But  what  defperatlon  could  drive  republicans  to  wifh  that  after 
all  religion  fhould  be  dePiroyed,  there  fhould  be  an  end  of  govern- 
ment  l  Had  they  lofl:  all  ambition  to  rule  ?  Or  had  alien  and  fedi- 
tion  a6ts,  funding  and  war  fyftems,  imprifonment  and  conflant 
privation  of  rights  fo  deflroyed  their  faculties  as  to  deftroy  all  wifh 
for  pcrfonal  power,  all  regard  to  property  and  reputation  ?  Fed- 
eral meafure?  under  Mr,  Adams  were  calculated  to  perplex  and 


diftrefs  the  republicans ;  but  no  one  of  them,  who  was  reputed  to 
underfland  the  poHtics  of  his  party,  ever  breathed  a  wifh  that  all 
religion  and  government  might  be  deftroyed.  The  efiablifhment 
of  chriftianity  in  the  fpirit  and  power  of  it  would  have  fecured 
them  all  the  political  bleflings,  which  they  profefTed  to  wifii. 

But  another  queftion  arifes,  how  happens  it  that  our  governors 
and  counfellors  and  clergy  are  To  generally  in  favor  of  federalifm, 
and  that  thofe,  who  raife  this  charge  of  confpiracy,  have  no 
eminence  in  church  and  ftate  ?  This  happens  juft  as  the  fame  fet 
of  fadls  has  always  happened,  and  for  reafons,  which  have  been  partly 
explained  in  the  firft  part.  Give  to  us  the  command  of  the  wealth 
and  honors  of  fociety  and  allow  us  a  century  to  take  our  ground, 
let  us  make  our  own  friends  rich,  let  us  engage  clergymen  on  an 
implick  covenant  to  fupport  our  rulers,  and  choofe  our  rulers  of  thofe 
only,  who  explicitly  fupport  fuch  clergy,  let  us  admit  to  communion 
on  eafy  terms,  give  us  the  command  of  the  colleges  and  prefTes, 
let  us  ridicule  you  on  commencement  days,  mifreprefent  you 
through  the  week,  and  on  the  Sabbath  report  that  you  are  in  league 
with  infernal  fpirits,  let  us  pray  and  preach  for  our  fide,  and  bellow 
all  offices  in  church  and  ftate  on  thofe,  who  adhere  to  us,  and 
the  ftate  of  things  in  fuch  cafe  would  be  a  full  anfwer  under  this 

We  are  not  contending  that  federalifls  are  knaves  In  their  pri- 
vate concerns  :  it  is  not  their  intereft  to  be  fuch,  and  we  allow 
that  they  a<5t  naturally. — We  do  not  deny  that  the  political  clergy 
appear  to  be  as  devout  as  they  ought  to  be,  it  is  their  interell 
to  be  fo.  We  do  not  deny  them  the  credit  of  talents.  They 
have  doubtlefs  as  much  knowledge  of  ecclefiafticai  hiftory  and  as 
much  command  of  the  arts  of  imprefling  the  eyes  and  ears  of 
mankind  as  they  ought  to  have.  There  is  nothing  pious  or  impious 
in  all  this.  Any  man  of  talents  can  do  ail  this ;  but  a  man  may 
be  folemn  as  he  will,  may  condemn  his  fellow  men  ever  fo  much, 
thefe  forms  as  fuch  deferve  ho  refped  from  the  true  chriflian  ;  they 
do  not  conftitute  the  hidden  man  of  the  heart. 

But  the  unionifts  have  made  a  great  cry  about  infidel  philofophy, 
and  in  thefadl  of  its  exijlence  they  are  very  accurate.  A  fhort  recur- 
ence  to  ecclefiaftical  hiilory  will  lead  us  to  the  chara(5lers,  who 
ought  to  be  charged  with  it.  Between  the  years  1096  and  131 1 
were  eight  crufades  to  the  holy  land.  The  foundation  of  thefe 
was  a  fuperftitious  veneration  for  the  places,  where  the  Saviour  had 
performed  his  miracles.  With  a  pretence  of  driving  infidels  from 
thefe  places,  the  pope  and  many  princes  of  Europe  availed  them- 
felves  of  the  refpeft  of  the  multitude  for^  religion,  and  raifed 
immenfe  armies.  **  At  this  time  Europe  was  funk  in  the  moft 
**  profound  ignorance  and  fuperftition,^the  ecclefiaftics  had  gaine4 
i*  an  invincible  afcendency  over  the  human  mind  and  thofe  people, 
"  who  committed  the  moft  horrid  crimes  and  diforders^  knew  of 



**  no  other  atonements  than  the  obfervances  impofed  o,n  them  by 
"  their  fplrltual  paftors.  The  greateft  criminals  were  forward 
**  in  a  fervice,  which  they  confidered  an  expiation  for  all  crimes. 
♦*  The  nobles  were  moved  to  hope  for  opulent  eftablifhments  in 
**  the  eaftj  and  the  phrenzy  extended  even  to  many  aged  and  infirm, 
"  who  joined  the  expedition  in  hopes  of  breathing  their  lafl:  in 
**  fight  of  the  city  of  Jerufalem."  A  crofs  was  difplayed 
on  every  arm,  the  name  of  was  on  every  tongue  :  yet  never 
did  the  light  fliine  on  a  fet  of  men,  who  had  lefs  of  real  religion  ; 
they  committed  all  manner  of  depredations  and  cruelties  on  the 
route,  and  when  they  fucceeded  in  taking  Jerufalem  the  numerous 
garrifon  and  the  inhabitants  were  maflacred  without  difl:in<5lion,  and 
even  after  this  barbarity  they  marched  over  heaps  of  dead  bodies 
to  the  holy  fepulchre,  and  "  while  their  hands  were  yet  polluted 
**  with  the  blood  of  fo  many  innocents,  fung  anthems 
**  to  the  common  Saviour  of  mankind." — Such  was  the  chara(5ler 
of  man  in  the  ii,  12  and  13  centuries,  and  fuch  has  it  ever 
remained,  capable  of  being  deluded  by  (hadows,  and  of  being  led 
to  do  honor  to  the  Saviour  by  means  mod  difgraceful  to  his  caufe  ; 
and  there  have  never  been  wanting  leaders,  who  were  ready  to 
conduifl  not  only  the  credulous,  well  difpofed,  aged  and  infirm  ; 
but  the  moft  worthlefs  of  fociety,  faying,  'we  are  holy^  nve  are 
purcy  religion  depends  on  z/j,  nve  are  on  the  high  road  to  jferufahm. 

Our  unionilb,  with  no  more  apparent  fandity  and  with  no  bet- 
ter motives,  have  led  up  a  crufade  againfl:  republicans  under  a 
charge  of  infidel  philofophy,  and  though  they  have  not  put  arms 
into  the  hands  of  their  followers,  yet  they  have  put  purpofes  into 
their  heaits,  not  more  benevolent  than  thofe,  which  governed  the 
former  crufadcs.  I  have  already  prefented  the  motives  of  our 
unionifts  :  To  you  will  be  fubmitted  the  merits  of  a  comparifon. 
It  cannot  be  the  caufe  of  Chrift  which  excites  a  minifter  of  the 
gofpel  to  become  a  political  partizan  ;  It  cannot  be  the  caufe  of 
Chrift,  which  excites  infidel  civilians  to  profefs  chriftianity  :  but 
as  the  Pope,  by  haranguing  at  Placentia,  a  council  of  4000  eccle- 
fiaftics  and  30,00c  feculars  in  favor  of  the  crufades,  was  anxious 
to  extend  his  dominion — and  as  kings  and  princes  harangued  their 
fubjeds  in  order  to  fecure  great  pofl'eflions  in  the  eaft,  fo  it  is  with 
our  political  priefts  and  federal  rulers.  Human  nature  has  not 
changed  :  the  ftate  of  fociety  has  introduced  new  arts  of  deceit ; 
but  crufaders  againft  civil  and  religious  liberty  will  probably  be  found 
in  every  age,  and  they  will  always  come  prophefying  in  the  name 
of  the  Lord.  The  enemies  of  chriftianity  and  the  enemies  of 
all  the  opprefied  men  in  the  world  have  united  in  the  fame  char- 
acters, becaufe  chriftianity  demands  a  facrifice  of  thofe  paffions, 
which  caufe  oppreflion. 

The  found  oi  Injidel philofophy  wzs  exaftly  to  the  parpofe  of  our 
unionifts ;  it  was  too  late  in  the  day  to  talk  about  the  holy  land. 

Llfidel phllofophyt  exclaimed  Robinfon  and  Barruel,  Itifidel phllofo- 
pbyt  refponded  Drs.  Dwight  and  Morfe.  Infidel  phiiofophy, 
caught  through  the  country — fermons  againft  infidel  phiiofophy 
abounded,  and  what  was  the  great  news  about  it  ?  Why  thai  the 
men,  on  whom  the  Saviour  charged  this  crime,  on  whom  all  hif- 
tory  had  fixed  it,  and  who  would  moft  naturally  be  guilty  of  it, 
were  in  fadt  innocent,  and  that  Mr.  JefFerfon  and  his  party  were 
confpiring  againft  all  religion  and  all  government.  Republican? 
had  never  heard  a  word  about  this,  and  though  impojfihility  lay  at  the 
threfhold,  falfiood  in  every  ftage  and  the  ruin  of  toleration  and  ci- 
vil  liberty,  in  the  advance  ;  yet  infidel  phiiofophy  became  the  de- 
lightful theme  of  federalifts,  and  multitudes  of  Sabbaths  were  fpent 
in  hearing  artful  comparifons  between  fatan  and  the  republicans — 
bold  eulogiums  in  favor  of  the  meafures  of  the  friends  of  order,  and 
ingenious  fatires  on  the  principles  of  our  revolutioa.  If  it  be  pofii- 
ble  that  men  fliould  be  fpolled  "  through  phiiofophy  and  vain  de- 
*'  ceit,  after  the  tradition  of  men,  after  the  rudiments  of  this 
«  world,  and  not  after  Chrift,"  fuch  meafures  were  calculated  for 
fuch  efFe(51;. 

NO.  IX. 

Acfount  clofed  between  Clerical  Uniojiijls  and  Republicans. 

-  VV  HEN  men  have  loft  confidence  In  eacli  other  it  is 
lime  for  them  to  clofe  their  books  and  to  fettle  the  balances.  The 
clerical  unionifts  have  fufficiently  fhewn  their  want  of  confidence 
in  us  :  They  will  pleafe  to  accept  our  moft  unequivocal  alTurance 
that  we  have  none  in  them; 

This  account  is  of  long  ftanding  and  has  never  been  brought  to 
i/Tue,  becaufe  the  defendants  in  the  prefent  cafe  have  always  occu- 
pied the  bench,  and  the  triers  of  fads  have  been  packed  juries, 
confifting  of  oiFice-feeking  civilians,  obfcquious  to  the  nod  of  the 
court.  To  the  bar  of  public  opinion,  a  new  judiciary,  notereded 
by  a  midnight  law,  nor  created  to  fave  the  people  from  themfelves, 
but  to  protest  their  rights,  we  bring  our  caufe,  and  are  fure  of  an 
impartial  decinon. 

It  is  well  known  that  men,  who  keep  great  books  and  who  have 
many  clerks,  are  very  particular  in  their  charges,  and  fometimes 
arbitrary,  when  they  know  that  the  debtor  will  not  dare  to  difpute 
them.  Men,  who  keep  neither  books  nor  clerks  and  who  rely 
wholly  on  the  other  party,  are  in  the  habit  of  paying  all  which 


they  can  fpare  from  the  earnings  of  each  year,  to  be  careieCs 
about  feeing  whether  it  is  palfed  to  their  credit,  to  believe  that 
their  accounts  are  about  equal,  and  after  a  long  lapfe  of  time  their 
whole  eflates  are  infufficient  to  atone  for  their  credulity,  their  lib- 
erty is  taken  and  there  is  an  end  of  them.  The  certain  danger 
of  delay  and  the  rapidity  with  which  the  unionifts  are  adding  to 
their  charges   induces   us  to  clofe   the  account  at  this  time. 

On  Oyer  of  their  books  the  firft  charge  againft  the  republicans  is 
the  rebellion,  which  fatan  endeavored  to  excite  in  heaven,  which 
was  overpowered  by  Michael  and  his  angels.  Here  the  prince 
of  the  power  of  the  air  is  confidered  as  the  head  of  our  firm,  and 
we  are  charged  with  a  deCign  to  dethrone  the  king  of  kings,  to 
ufurp  his  dominion  and  to  make  pure  fpirits  fubmilTive  to  our  in- 
fernal wills.  TJiefe  are  the  very  words  of  the  charge,  and  our 
orrly  credit  is  the  lofs  of  heaven,  which,  confidering  our  tempers, 
the  unionifts  regard  as  of  fmall  account. 

Thefecond  charge  is  the  fall  of  man.  Here  we  are  reprefent- 
«d  as  in  the  form  of  a  ferpent,  ufing  fubtlety  to  deceive  the  woman. 
In  this  charge  the  unionifts  recognize  themfelves  in  the  perfon  of 
Adam,  made  in  the  likenefs  of  God  and  poffcfling  the  pureft 
principles,  previous  to  fedudion,  and  our  only  credit  is  the  lofs 
of  paradife. 

The  next  charge  is  the  death  of  Abel,  who,  becaufe  he  brought 
of  the  firftlings  of  his  flock  and  the  fat  thereof  and  offered 
unto  the  Lord,  is  claimed  to  be  of  their  number,  and  Cain  is  placed 
fecond  in  our  firm,  and  our  only  credit  is,  that  Cain  was  accurfed 
from  the  prefence  of  the  Lord  and  declared  a  fugitive  and  a  vag- 
abond on  the  face  of  the  earth. 

The  next  charge  is,  that  all  flefh  had  corrupted  its  way  on  the 
earth,  and  here  the  unionifts  find  themfelves  in  the  perfons  of 
Noah  and  his  family,  and  our  only  credit  is  that  we  were  over- 
whelmed by  the  waters  of  a  mighty  deluge.  Thefe  comprife  the 
charges  and  credits  in  the  firft  age  of  the  world.  In  the  five 
fucceeding  ages  between  that  and  the  chriftian  asra  thefe 
unionifts  recognize  themfelves  in  the  perfons  of  Abraham,  Jofeph, 
Mofes  and  Aaron,  David  and  Solomon,  exerting  themfelves  for 
religion,  order  and  good  government,  and  charge  the  republicans 
in  the  perfons  of  the  defcendants  of  Nimrod  with  building  the 
Tower  of  Babel,  in  the  perfons  of  Pharoah  and  his  hoft  purfuing 
thechofen  people,  and  in  the  perfons  of  all,  who  rebelled  againft 
God  in  the  exhibition  of  the  wickednefs  of  their  hearts.  Here 
we  are  credited  by  the  deftru^ion  of  the  tower  of  Babel,  by  being 
drowned  in  the  Red  Sea,  by  being  conquered  and  led  in:o  cap- 
tivity ;  but  in  the  midft  of  thefe  charges  ftands  confpicuou^  that 
of  the  Rev.  Azel  Backus,  (in  his  ele(51ion  fermon*)   that  Abfa- 

*  I  refer  the  reader  to  this  fermon,  as  it  is  a  jull  fample  of  New-England 
roliticai  preaching. 


lom  was  a  republican,  and  that  the  fame  principles,  which  influ- 
enced us  to  oppofe  the  friends  of  order,  were  the  fame  which  in-, 
fluenced  him  in  his  rebellion  againft  David,  and  that  our  arts  to 
win  the  people  were  like  to  Abfalom's,  when  he  faid,  «  O  that  I 
"  were  made  judge  in  the  land,  that  every  man  which  hath  any  fuit 
"  or  caufe  might  come  unto  me  and  I  would  do  him  juftice." 
Here  we  are  credited  by  having  our  heads  caught  in  the  boughs 
of  a  great  oak  and  being  taken  up  between  the  heavens  and  the 
earth,  and  being  deferted  by  the  mule  from  under  us,  and  beinw 
thruft  through  the  heart  by  the  hand  of  Joab. 

In  a  later  book  opened  by  the  clerical  unionifls  v/e  find  all  the 
old  charges  and  credits  brought  forward,  and  the  head  of  our  firm 
is  charged  with  the  ruined  ftate  of  man,  which  induced  the  necef- 
iity  of  an  atonement ;  with  attempting  to  bribe  the  Saviour  with  an 
offer  of  all  the  kingdoms  of  the  world  :  then  Judas  is  placed  fecond 
of  our  firm  in  the  room  of  Cain,  and  we  are  charged  with  betray- 
ing the  Saviour ;  with  perfecuting  his  followers,  and  oppofing  his 
church.  Here  the  unionifts  find  themfelves  in  the  charatflers  of 
the  holy  apoftles,  earneftiy  contending  for  the  faith  ;  and  car  only 
credit  is,  by  the  flings  of  confcience,  the  frowns  of  an  angry  God, 
and  the  reverfion  of  ceafelefs  torments. 

In  the  laft  book  of  the  unioniib  the  whole  account  is  brought 
forward,  and  they  appear  in  their  proper  perfons,  claiming,  under 
the  firm  of  Adams  &  Co.  to  charge  us  with  all  the  confufions, 
diftrefTes  and  expences  of  the  revolution  ;  with  oppofmg  the  faluta- 
ry  meafures  of  government ;  with  exciting  the  weilern  infurrec- 
tion  ;  with  enmity  to  order  and  fleady  habits,  and  with  confpiracy 
againft  all  religion  and  government.  Here  no  credit  is  given  us  for 
aay  fervices  in  the  revolution ;  for  any  lofTes  by  the  funding  fyftem  ; 
for  any  imprifonments  under  the  fedition  law,  nor  for  ail  which  we 
have  fuffered  under  the  ingenious  tortures  of  the  mild,  pious  and 
benevolent  unionifts  ;  but  we  find  the  balance  claimed  againft  us 
to  be  immenfe — and  that  thoufands  of  rams  and  ten  thoufands  of 
rivers  of  oil  will  be  as  infufticient  to  appeafe  the  wrath  of  the 
unionifts,  as  it  would  to  atone  for  offences  againft  the  Ruler  of 
the  Univerfe> 

On  every  ground  we  are  induced  to  make  our  defence,  and  though 
this  might  be  conclufively  done  by  pleading  that  we  were  all  born 
in  the  laft  century,  and  that  our  fphere  of  ad:ion  has  been  very- 
limited  :  yet  if  republicans  lived  in  the  remoteft  ages  of  time  and 
ought  to  have  been  thus  charged  by  thefe  unionifts,  we  affume  on 
ourfelves  the  refponfibility.  We  deny  generally  that  Satan,  Cain 
or  Judas  had  a  right  to  involve  us  in  debt,  or  that  the  clerical  union- 
ifts have  a  right  to  charge  us  with  thefe  crimes  which  are  common 
to  themfelves  and  us,  or  which  concern  only  the  commerce  between 
God  and  man.  What  connexion  can  be  fliewn  between  the  fallen 
angels  in  the  aft  of  their  making  war  in  heaven  and  the  republicans 


of  this  country,  who  took  a  ferious  part  in  the  revolution,  ex- 
pecHied  a-  governrnent  of  equal  rights,  failed  of  them,  and  for  ex- 
preffing  their  difappointment  were  configned  to  prifons  or  reproach  ? 
What  analogy  between  rebellion  againlt  the  Creator  and  oppolition 
to  Mr.  Adams'  adminiftration  ?  what  refemblance  between  Gen- 
eral Hamilton  and  his  army  and  Michael  and  his  angels  ?  Clerical 
unionifts  have  prefented  fuch  comparifons  !  Since  the  appointment 
of  Mr.  Jefferfon  has  deftroyed  the  application  of  the  event  of  that 
rebellion,  viz.  the  fall  from  heaven,  we  Oiall  be  certainly  releafed 
from  this  charge. 

As  to  the  fall  of  man  we  have  received  no  new  light  on  this 
fubjefl  from  all  the  doftrines  of  federal  reprefentation  in  Adam, 
and  of  imputation  of  fin.  We  can  only  fay  that  we  h*ad  nothing  to 
do  with  this  fall,  and  that  it  is  enough  for  us  to  bear  the  confequen- 
ces  of  it,  which  have  been  moft  dreadfully  experienced  from  the 
tyrants  of  the  world.  We  fee  nothing  in  the  character  of  Cain 
in  any  way  refembling  ours  :  for  we  profefs  to  be  enemies  to  the 
(hedding  of  blood  with  br  without  provocation.  Our  principles 
would  never  have  led  us  to  the  building  of  the  tower  of  Babel  ; 
we  are  oppofed  to  coflly  edifices.  We  could  gain  nothing  by  join- 
ing the  king  of  Egypt  in  purfuing  the  Ifraelites  ;  Republicans  are 
never  voluntarily  found  in  the  armies  of  kings,  efpecially  to  ar- 
refl:  thofe  who  are  flying  from  opprelfion.  As  to  the  refemblance 
between  Abfalom  and  the  republicans,  we  regard  it  as  a  mere  effort 
of  wit,  intended  to  fhew  that  the  fcriptures  might  mean  any  thing 
or  nothing.  It  was  high  time  indeed  that  judges  fhould  have  done 
the  people  juftice  ;  for  "  judgment  had  been  turned  away  back- 
ward, juftice  (lood  afar  off,  truth  had  fallen  in  the  ftreets  and  equi- 
ty could  not  enter.'*  The  reverend  ele<5lion  preacher,  who  had 
been  left  by  the  Governor  to  choofehis  fubjed and  to  w^/^f  his  fa(^s 
mufl  have  been  awkward  indeed  not  to  have  been  able  very  aptly 
to  refemble  Abfalom  to  any  man  or  fet  of  men,  whom  he  wiflied 
to  abufe.  We  claim  to  be  exempted  from  thefe  charges  becaufe 
no  refemblance  has  been  ftiewn  betv/een  the  agents  and  us  :  but 
furely  when  we  have  been  called  poor,  ignorant  and  depraved,  we 
cannot  be  fufpedled  of  any  agency  in  betraying  that  Saviour,  who 
came  exprefsiy  to  exalt  and  to  fave  jurt  fuch  a  clafs  of  chara<^ers, 
and  experienced  revilings,  perfecutions  and  crucifixion  from  men, 
reported  to  be  fuch  as  have  exhibited  thefe  charges  againft  us. 

In  expe<flation  of  a  releafe  from  fuch  charges,  we  offer  to  releafe 
the  credits,  which  they  have  given  us,  of  a  fail  from  heaven, 
of  the  lofs  of  paradife,  of  baniihment,  of  fudden  deftrudlion  and 
of  eternal  ruin. 

Thefe  unionifts  have  not  fought  us  in  ancient  hiftory,  where  we 
fhould  naturally  have  been  found.  They  fliould  have  fought  us 
among  a  clafs  of  poor  untitled  men,  paying  annually,  whatever  we 
could  gain,  to  the  order  of  imperious  mailers.     They  might  have 


found  us  in  prifon-fiiips,  or  chained  to  the  o^r  or  among  heaps 
of  (lain  in  the  field  of  battle.  Republicans  have  not  been  exalted 
among  the  nations.  You  may  find  them  among  the  fufFering  and 
opprefTed  of  every  language  and  people,  never  ceafing  to  endure, 
fo  long  as  political  evils  were  tolerable,  and  never  rifing  for 
redrefs,  till  refolved  to  meet  all  which  the  force  and  fubtlety  of 
their  oppreflbrs  could  prepare  for  them. 

As  all  the  laft  clafs  of  charges  will  be  fubje<fls  of  confideration 
in  the  3d  part,  our  fumraary  defence  here  Is,  that  ©ur  Intereft  has 
been  uniformly  oppofite  to  the  charadler,  which  we  are  faid  to 
deferve,  ^nd  that  the  charges  againft  us  are  of  fo  grofs  and  malignant 
an  afpedl  as  muft  leave  on  the  public  mind  no  other  impreffion 
than  that  our  accufers  have  not  been  reftrained  by  confiderations 
of  truth  or  reafon   in  their  attempts  to  compafs  our  ruin. 

Our  great  misfortune  has  been,  that  the  vital  enemies  of  repub- 
licanifm  have  been  our  accufers,  witneffes  againft  us,  our  judges 
and  executioners,  and  that  we  have  never  before  had  a  day  in 
court.  We  improve  the  firft  feafon  of  a  new  order  of  things  to 
exhibit  a  few  charges  :  and  though  we  might,  by  reference  to 
hiftory,  fliew  that  the  world  has  been  extremely  diftreifed  by  cler- 
ical unionifts  ;  yet  under  the  prefent  head  we  could  reiy  on  fuch 
reference  merely  as  proof  that  charges  like  ours  have  been  juftly 
made  againft  a  fimilar  clafs  of  men. 

We  find  a  number  of  m.en,  fettled  in  the  different  focieties  of 
New-England,  profeffing  to  be  preachers  of  the  gofpel  of  the 
kingdom,  to  be  fuccefibrs  of  thofe,  who  were  fent  forth  to  teach 
the  gofpel  to  every  creature,  profeffing  it  their  bufinefs  to  feed  the 
flock  of  God,  and  to  bring  home  loft  (heep  to  the  fhepherd  of 
fouls.  We  have  not  fuffered  them  to  be  deftitute  as  were  the  firft 
preachers,  nor  have-  we,  like  the  Catholic  church,  deprived  them 
of  the  comforts  of  domeftic  life.  They  and  their  families  are  as 
well  fituated  as  any  clafs  of  people  in  New-England,  and  they 
enjoy  a  greater  degree  of  refpeft,  in  proportion  to  their  talents  and 
labors,  than  any  other  clafs.  Theirs  are  the  firftlings  of  the  flock 
and  the  fat  thereof,  and  their  fupport,  fecured  by  law,  is  drawn 
from  all  claffes  of  men  in  proportion  to  their  rateable  property. 
If  they  would  preach  the  gofpel  intelligently  and  leave  the  politics 
of  this  world  to  civilians,  they  would  be  reprobated  by  no  man, 
they  would  improve  the  condition  of  focieiy,  the  eye  which  faw, 
would  blefs  them,  and  the  ear,  which  heard,  would  bear  witnefs 
of  their  fidelity  :  but  with  all  this  preparation  what  have  they, 
done  for  a  few  years  part  ? 

They  have  eftabliflied  miffionary  focieties  in  order  to  "  profelyte 
to  a  particular  faith,"  the  people  of  Vermont  and  of  the  northern 
{)arts  of  the  ftate  of  New-York  and  fome  Indian  tribes  ;  and  fever- 
al  federal  paftors,  contrary  to  folcmn  covenant,  have  left  their 
unconverted  flocks  in  order  to  attend  fuch  miiHons  and  have  then 


written  juft  fuch  letters  to  their  employers  as  all  fuch  miflionaries 
had  before  written  and  an  Evangelical  Magazine  has  been  publifhed 
containing  thefe  letters.  A  fingle  new  fa6t  has  appeared  of  late, 
viz.  that  one  of  the  miflionaries,  having  written  inftrudtions  as  to 
the  courfe  of  his  miflion,  thought  it  his  duty  to  vary  from  his  in- 
ftruftions,  and  being  in  great  doubt  and  after  imploring  divine  gui- 
dance, providentially  fell  in  company  with  the  honorable  and /iowj 
Uriah  Tracy,  whom  Mr.  Adams  had  fent  on  a  miflion  to  infpedl 
the  weftern  fortifications,  and  Mr.  Tracy  concluded  that  he  ought 
to  obey  God  rather  than  man.  Thus  gracioufly  inftruded,  he 
broke  his  orders.  This  forms  one  exception  from  the  general  re- 
mark ;  but  thefe  miflionary  focieties  with  us  are  made  up  wholly  of 
the  unionifts  and  if  they  are  not  vifibly  for  political  purpofes,  yet 
the  inftitution  of  them  is  not  more  rational  than  it  is  for  an  hufband- 
man  to  leave  his  farm  half  fown  in  feed-time  and  to  wander  abroad 
for  employment.  New-England  needs  the  unceafing,  undivided 
and  confcientious  fervices  of  all  its  clergy  ;  but  fuch  inflitutions 
infidioufly  court  the  chara<5ter  of  that  charity,  which  covers  a 
multitude  of  fins  and  are  therefore  popular.  Republicans  do  not 
hefitate  to  declare  that  they  have  no  lefyeOi  for  the  motives,  which 
originate  thefe  focieties  ;  they  find  civilians  rifing  into  office  on  the 
credit  of  them  :  their  political  afpedt  betrays  them.  The  gofpel 
has  no  blefTednefs  for  the  ihepherd,  who  leaves  his  own  flock  '*  to 
fcatter  on  the  mountains."  This  charge  applies  moie  generally  to 
the  clergy  than  any  other;  many  of  them  (who  are  really  confci- 
entious in  their  labors)  have  been  drawn  in  by  the  plaufibility  of  this 

Another,  next  in  political  artifice,  has  been  the  preaching  of 
fermons  againft  infidelity.  Thefe  originated  in  a  defign  to  hum- 
ble republicans.  Infidel  books  did  not  abound,  republicans  could 
not  have  wifhed  to  abolifli  chriftianity  and  not  an  infidel  would 
have  remained  on  earth,  provided  the  preachers,  inftead  of  fuch 
war-meafures,  had  fat  down  peaceably  with  their  hearers,  having 
the  teftimony  that  in  fimplicity  and  godly  fincerity  not  with 
fleflily  wifdom  they  had  their  coverfation  in  the  world.  Chriftian 
lives  are  the  only  conclufive  arguments  againfl:  infidel  writings ; 
chriftianity  has  fuffered  more  by  injudicious  attemps  to  defend  it 
tl'ian  by  all  attacks  againft  it.  The  watchman  of  Ifrael  is  abun- 
dantly able  to  guard  his  church  and  to  caufe  that  no  weapon 
formed  againft  it  ftiall  profper.  Thofe,  who  are  often  alarming 
his  followers,  pay  little  refped  to  his  vigilance  or  his  promifes. 

We  next  charge  the  political  clergy  with  regulating  their  prayers 
and  other  Sabbath  exercifcs  by  the  politics  of  the  day,  and  with 
publicly  promoting  known  infidels  under  a  pretence  of  ferving  the 
church.  Under  this  head  we  do  not  blame  them  for  praying  gen- 
erally for  the  Prefident  and  adminiftration  of  the  government,  but 
for  their  partiality  in  this  feryice.   Surely  if  the  bleflings  and  frowns 


of  heaven  are  to  be  under  the  control  of  a  few  half-informed 
partizans,  -eur  rights  are  in  hazard.  We  blame  them  for  implor- 
ing blelTings  on  thofe  very  meafures,  which  were  manifeftly  hcfHIe 
to  chriftianity  ;  it  is  t-heir  duty  to  oppofe  the  fpirit  of  the  gofpei  to 
the  bad  paffions  of  fociety. 

Knowing  the  frailty  of  man,  we  will  allow  them  to  compli- 
ment the  jK)vernors,  lieut.  governors,  counfellors  and  members 
of  congrefs,  and  the  colleges,  and  the  fleady  habits  ;  but  they 
ought  to  premife  all  this  by  faying  that  they  are  afting  in  their 
political  capacities,  after  the  manner  of  men  and  not  after  Chrift. 
To  convert  that  flock  of  influence,  v/hich  the  people  had  laid  up 
for  the  good  of  their  fouls,  to  the  deilrudtion  of  their  civil  rights, 
cannot  be  a  trifling  violation  of  duty. 

The  eftablifhment  of  the  Palladium  combines  many  points  of 
the  political  characters  of  our  clerical  unionifts.  The  expofure  of 
thefe  has  been  done  mod  efFe(5lually  in  the  tenth  number  of  the 
Farmer.  The  falfliOods  and  intentional  mifreprefentations  of  the 
Palladium  deferve  lefs  notice  than  its  general  tendency  to  promote 
the  interefts  of  church  and  ftate  by  meafures  manifeftly  hoftile  to 
chriftianity.  If  that  paper  had  gained  its  object,  the  republicans 
of  New-England  would  have  been  laid  in  the  daft  ;  the  Prefident 
would  have  been  hurled  from  his  feat  as  an  ufurper,  and  we  fhould 
have  been  at  war  with  the  fouthern  ftates.  It  is  in  proof  before 
the  public  that  church  and  ftate  ereded  that  paper  as  a  grand 
refervoir  of  political  poifons  :  Church  and  ftate  have  dug  channels 
for  its  ftreams. 

We  know  that  the  deflc  is  a  ftrong  fortrefs,  and  that  the  clerical 
unionifts  have  garrifoned  it  with  the  fame  troops,  which  wciVe 
formerly  fighting  againft  the  Saviour ;  they  have  enlifted  all  the 
paflions.  We  know  that  they  can  fulminate  againft  us  ;  that  they 
can  defame  and  vilify  us,  and  that  as  their  troope  were  enemies 
of  the  Saviour,  their  weapons  will  be  *'  debates,  envyings, 
wraths,  ftrifes,  back-bitings,  whifperings  and  tumults  ;"  but  m 
this  we  will  rejoice  that  the  fame  gofpei,  which  has  denounced 
their  inftruments  and  their  means,  has  declared  that  their  triumph- 
ing will  be  ftiort. 

The  fame  glory  which  they  are  gaining,  has  been  before  gain- 
ed by  fuch  men  and  meafures.  The  art  of  fecuring  the  favor  of 
rich  and  proud  men  by  laying  the  gofpei  at  their  feet  is  not  an 
invention  of  the  prefent  day.  Thoufands  of  clerical  unionifts, 
who  kept  the  company  of  Dives  in  the  prefent  world  have  com- 
menced their  eternity  of  torments  v/ith  him,  and  thofe  New-Eng- 
land clergy,  who  have  facrificed  their  profefHons  in  order  to 
facrif^ce  the'peoiple's  rights,  will  ere  long  join  their  company. 
Thofe  men,  who  preach  of  torments  iox  political purpofcs  will  do 
well  to  hear  of  torments  for  the  fame  purpofes.  The  republicans 
of  New-England  do  not  difguife  their  fulleft  perfuafion  that  the 



xrkricai  unionifts  were  never  converted,  that  they  are  in  heart 
infidels  of  the  mod  dangerous  kind,  that  their  praying,  preaching 
and  examples  tend  to  infidelity,  and  that  not  one  of  them  has 
ever  be-en  improved  as  the  inftrument  of  making  a  fingle  convert. 

If  our  perfuafions  are  confidered  as  ill-founded,  let  the  political 
unioniftbe  named  (with  his  own  confent)  as  a  real  chriftiaB,  and 
we  offer  to  join  ifTue  on  the  point  of  his  charader,  and  if 
comparing  it  with  the  gofpel  and  making  all  fuitable  deductions  for 
remainders  of  corruption  and  evil  companions,  it  fhali  appear  that 
we  have  done  him  injuftice,  the  world  will  pronounce  on  us  a 
fentence  of  exemplary  feverity.  Charging  us  with  infidelity, 
atheifm  and  all  manner  of  crimes  will  not  be  relevant :  quotations 
from  Mr.  Jefferfon's  notes  will  not  fave  a  finking  hypocrite,  the 
queftion  is,  Are  you,  reverend  mortal,  a  fervant  of  the  king  of 
kings  or  of  the  politicians  of  the  day  ?  Where,  reverend  union- 
ifts,  v/as  chriftianity  under  the  laft  adminiftration  ?  Was  it  on 
board  of  a  navy  or  at  Union-camp  in  Jerfey,  or  was  it  eleftioneer- 
ing  in  New-England  againfl:  Mr.  JefFerfon,  or  was  it  at  Mr. 
Adams'  levee  or  at  our  council  board?  Where  did  the  uniofiifls 
exhibit  their  forces  during  thofe  four  years  ?  Pious  preachers  were, 
daring  this  time,  preaching  the  gofpel  ;  pious  chriftians  were 
pradifing  chriftianity  ;  but  the  clerical  unionifts  were  in  every 
political  conteft,  making  powerful  exertions  to  reftore  the  old 
order  of  things,  in  which  ignorance  was  to  take  the  lead,  fear  to 
follow  in  its  train — honors,  wealth  and  power  to  grace  the  rulers, 
energy  to  crufh  oppofition,  the  lords  fpiritual  and  temporal  to 
ride  the  whirlwind  and  dire<5l  the  ftorms  and  the  feafon  of  peace 
on  earth  and  good  will  to  men,  to  be  adjourned  to  another  century 
and  another  continent.  In  thofe  days  zeal  for  liberty  was  an 
offence  ;  zeal  for  toleration  a  high  crime  and  oppofition  to  the 
clerical  unionifts,  confpiracy  againft  God,  againft  all  religion 
and  government. 

We  fubmit  our  charges  againft  the  clerical  unionifts  with  a  few 
remarks  to  the  tribunal,  on  which  a  decifion  refts.  If  there  be 
any  of  your  number  with  whom  founds  and  faces  pafs  for  reli- 
gion, and  who  expeft  to  gain  heaven  by  the  teftimony  of  the 
political  clergy,  that  they  have  been  faithful  to  Adams  and  liberty  I 
and  that  they  have  conformed  to  the  whole  routine  of  federal 
rightcoufnefs,  to  fuch  nothing  can  be  addreffed  ;  but  let  others 
difpofe  of  the  firft  imprelTions  ^  thefe  charges  by  refleding  what 
the  Jews  thought  when  their  chief  priefts  and  rulers  were  de- 
nounced— what  the  Catholics  thought,  when  their  holy  father  and 
cardinals  were  denounced.  To  them  it  appeared  as  if  all  religion 
would  fuffer  by  the  convi<51ion  of  fuch  leaders  ;  yet  thefe  leaders 
with  all  their  ihew  of  fandtity,  were  h^^pocritcs.  After  every 
reformation  there  is  always  lefs  appearance  of  religion  than  there 
was  in  the  midft  of  impofture.     The  firft  momeRts  of  a  revohtien 


are  more  dlftreffing  than  the  t3'ranny  ;  the  fir fi:  pangs  of  amputation 
greater  than  the  pains  which  preceded  the  operation.  The  (late 
of  religion  requires  a  radical  application  and  if  you  value  your 
altars  and  your  fouls  more  than  you  do  the  offices  of  juftices  of 
the  peace,  reprefentatives,  counfellors,  &c.  you  will  be  in  earncft 
for  a  reform.  The  religion  of  the  unionifts  in  New-England  is 
worfe  than  none,  and  however  their  vengeance  may  be  directed 
againft  the  man  who  declares  this  ;  yet  the  declaration  is  not  lefs 
true.  He  calls  them  impoftors,  if  they  fell  the  crofs  for  offices 
or  favors.  Ke  takes  from  them  the  earthly  rewards  of  piety,  but 
prefents  a  future  crown. 

Thoufands  of  freemen,  who  know  their  rights,  wait  your  de- 
cifion  and  furely  if  our  opponents  have  left  their  God  and  doty, 
they  muft  expefb  to  abide  the  mild  decifions  of  reafon  and  com- 
mon fenfe,  efpecially  when  the  only  penance  to  be  infli(5ted  is  an 
injundion  to  pradife  hereafter  according  to  the  religion,  which 
they  profefs  to  teach". 

NO.  X. 

Combined  view  of  the  Utiionijls  in  the  aEl  of  their  cofifpiring 
*•  againji  Chrijlianity . 


HERE  powerful  caufes  eoincide,  their  natural  effe<5l  inevitable.  I  have  adverted  to  ancient  conne<flions  be- 
tween fimilar  caufes  and  efFeds,  and  for  the  purpofes  of  the  prefent 
difclofure  have  relied  on  the  natural  enmity  of  man  to  chriftianity, 
on  the  natural  courfe,  which  this  enmity  has  taken  in  New-Eng». 
land,  and  on  the  general  fafls  illuftrating  the  change  of  this 
enmity  into  con/piracy,  under  the  influence  of  poUtical  motives. 
The  names  of  all  the  unionifts  might  ealily  have  been  furniihedj, 
with  notes  under  the  head  of  each,  {hewing  his  connexion  with 
the  confpiracy,  and  the  feafon  and  motives  of  his  joining  it,  and 
the  profits,  which  he  has  received  from  it.  Should  republicans 
hereafter  furnifli  fuch  a  lift,  every  man  of  them  will  be  found  in 
New- England,  and  they  will  be  pledged  to  the  accuracy  of  any 
hiftory,  which  may  be  conne(5led  with  the  difclofure.  In  order  to 
fuch  a  taflc  we  (hould  reduce  them  to  their  fimple  elements  by  a 
procefs,  which  the  gofpel  has  dire(5ted  ;  we  fhould  regard  them 
diftind  from  their  titles  of  excellency,  honorable  and  reverend, 
and  nothing  more  of  them  would  remain  than  their  <worksy  evi- 
dencing the  fincerity  of  their  zeal  for  the  gofpel  of  the  kingdom  j 


**  for  every  tree,  which  bringeth  not  forth  good  fruit  fhall  be  hewn. 
down  and  cad  into  the  fire:   Not   every  one,  who  faith,  Lord, 
Lord,  (hail  enter  into  the  kingdom  of  heaven,  but  he  that  dceth 
the  wih'  of  my  Father."   Thefe  words  exprefs  the  only  legal  teft-a<ft 
in  Chriilendom  ;  by  them  are  to  be  tried  the  characters  of  men. 

It  is  not  our  v/iih  to  imprefs  the  public  with  any  perfuaficns  of 
our  own  faith  or  infidelity  :  wc  take  the  fcriptures  as  we  find 
them,  and  regard  them  as  a  faithful  expofition  of  this  religion, 
and  we  claim  that  thofe,  v/ho  profefs  this  religion,  (hall  praiftife  it, 
inftead  of  merely  ufing  it  as  an  inftrument  of  their  ov/n  glory  in 
the  d'.^llruftion  of  our  caufe. 

The  intruding  of  religion  to  federal  or  republican  rulers  is 
equally  antichriftian.  The  invifible  kingdoni  muft  be  in  the 
hearts  of  believers,  and  their  lives  mud:  fliew  that  the  gofpel  reigns 
within.  My  abfolute  knowledge  of  the  men  to  whom  I  allwde, 
ar.d  the  certain  hodility  of  the  political  temper  of  church  and  ftate 
to  the  temper  of  the  gofpel,  has  emboldened  me  to  expofe  my 
pages  to  thofe  exorcifms,  tvh'tch  tu'dl prove  my  charges  to  he  corred, 
Thefe  church  and  ftate  reiigioniiis  are  very  vindictive,  and  no 
man  ought  to  expofe  himfeif  to  their  arts  of  terror,  till  he  has 
learnt  that  their  power  like  that  of  death  is  limited. 

Having  hitherto  improved  fcrlpture  language  and  ailufions  in 
illuftration  of  my  fubjeit,  I  fl-iall  combine  the  different  views  of 
this  part,  by  regarding  fatan  as  the  grand  confpirator  again{t 
chriftianity,  and  as  availing  himfslf  in  the  prefent  cafe  of  the 
paffions  of  men  in  aid  of  his  confpiracy.  That  he  did  this 
under  the  firfl:  difpenfation  of  the  gofpel ;  that  he  purfued  the 
fame  policy  in  the  Catholic  church,  and  that  he  is  always  exerting 
himfeif  to  eftablifh  kingdoms  for  himfeif,  raufl:  be  unqueftioned. 

In  confideration  of  the  favor  of  heaven,  during  our  revolution 
wc  had  promifed  to  have,  in  this  new  world,  an  equal  govern- 
ment and  a  pure  religion.  .  Men  often  promife,  in  the  feafon  of 
a  ftorm,  what  they  forget  to  perform  after  the  danger  is  over  ; 
yet  at  the  feafon  of  promifing  they  do  not  forefee  the  temptations, 
which  will  prevent  their  compliance.  We  faw  a  powerful  con- 
fpiracy in  England  againlt  chridianity  and  the  rights  of  men  ; 
but  difcerned  not  the  power  and  wealth,  which  rendered  the 
deformity  of  this  confpiracy  invifible  to  their  unionifts.  Pafiion 
cloies  men's  eyes  againft  the  perception  of  their  own  characfters, 
and  fhuts  their  ears  againft  the  complaints  of  the  oppreffed. 
David  difcerned  not  the  application  of  the  parable  of  Nathan, 
and  Saul  verily  thought  that  he  was  doing  God  fervice,  while  he 
perfccuted  the  church.  The  defender  of  the  faith,  with  his 
apoftles  in  the  houfe  of  lords,  and  his  civil  and  military  officers, 
who  partook  ot  the  facrament  once  a  year  according  to  lanv  as  an 
atonement  for  exaftions  and  cruelties  during  the  red  of  it,  con- 
fidered  chriftianity  as  in   a  thriving  way :  they  were  in   full  pof- 

fejTion  of  all  the  benefits  of  it,  which  they  expefVed  in  this  and 
a  future  world.  We  faw  the  wi9kednefs  of  all  this,  and  regarded 
that  kingdom  as  eminent  among  the  dominions  of  fatan.  We 
prayed  and  fought  againfl:  it,  the  words  religion  and  liberti? 
were  in  capitals  on  the  helmets  of  our  foldiers.  We  fucceeded, 
and  the  feafon  arrived  for  the  trial  of  our  integrity. 

To  diipofe  pf  thofe  magic  words  was  difficult  ;  but  it  was  ab- 
folutely  impollible  to  fupport  chrifttanity  in  its  purity,  and  yet  to 
have  a  government,  poil'efling  eneroy  and  power  enough  to  ennoble 
and  enrich  the  leaders.  The  people  had  borne  and  fufFered  much  ; 
but  either  they  muit  be  facrificed  or  our  Sampfons  muft  become 
weak  as  other  men  :  Generals  and  ftatefmen  mufl;  retire  to  the 
ranks,  and  the  nvell-boriiy  and  thofe,  who  were  merely  born,  muft 
be  on  a  level.  Satan  faw  the  crifis,  favorable  for  the  introduaion 
of  thofe  fyftems  of  fedudion,  by  which  he  had  fubjugated  the 
other  continent.  This  fubfele  courtier  has  a  difcerning  eye,  which 
fuddeniy  comprehends  all  the  relations  of  things  capable  of  ad- 
vancing his  views.  He  faw  the  people  honeftly  and  quietly  refting 
after  the  fatigues  of  a  war,  few  of  them  difpofed  to  contemplate 
any  political  intereft,  except  what  immediately  affefled  them  or 
their  property,  and  ready  to  repofe  coaiidence  efpecially  in  thofe, 
who  had  led  them  in  the  revolution.  He  faw  the  opening  tu- 
mults of  Europe,  as  capable  of  aiding  his  views — the  ocean 
wafhing  our  fhores  and  commerce  offering  its  tribute.  To  change 
the  temper  of  the  leaders  was  his  firft  objea,  and  to  compafs  this 
he  taught  the  tendency^  of  liberty  to  anarchy,  of  toletation  to 
infidelity,  the  neceliity  of  halaiic'mg  all  the  pafiions  of  fociety  in 
political  fcales,  ir.flead  of  fubjugating  them,  the  inability  of  the 
people  to  govern  themfelves,  and  the  indifpenfible  importance  of 

Thus  prepared,  Satan,  who  is  always  ready  to  offer  his  kmg. 
doms,  propofed  to  have  a  kingdom  in  this  country,  the  corner 
ilonc  of  which  was  to  be  a  funding  fyftem.  This  v/as  quite  in 
character  for  a  beginning,  as  it  robbed  the  man,  who  had  earned, 
and  gave  to  the  man,  who  did  not  earn  ;  thus  throwing  into  the 
back-ground  our  revolution,  (the  fight  of  which  would  confound 
the  projeflors  of  kingdoms)  and  as  money  lightly  gained  is  gener- 
ally expended  in  luxury  and  vice,  it  would  give  a  further  advance  ; 
and  as  the  leaders  would  be  immediately  enriched,  it  would  make 
them  bold  in  projedts  of  wealth  and  magnificence. 

If  this  was  not  a  projea  of  f^itan,  it  mufl  have  been  of  fome 
one,  who  perfedly  underflood  his  art  of  making  kingdoms  :  for 
it  infuled  a  mafs  of  corruption  into  the  vitals  of  our  government, 
which  extended  to  its  extremities,  and  which  will  probably  be 
produdlive  of  evils  during  every  period  of  our  national  exiftence. 

It  wasmanifefl  that  it  would  be  neccffary  to  (juarrel  with  France, 
becaufs  her   revolutionary  principles  would  be  a  check  to  us,  and 


by  fuch  quarrelling  we  fhould  fhew  a  fpirit  of  ingraLiiude,  which 
is  a  kingly  attfibute.  We  could  then  infult  the  remains  of  our 
friends  by  a  treaty  with  a  nation,  which  had  eminently  flicceed- 
ed  in  a  {imilar  experiment  under  the  fame  aufpices  :  and  after 
every  thing  was  prepared,  we  could  raife  an  army  and  navy  ; 
then  make  laws  to  punilh  men,  who  fhould  deny  this  to  be  a  fair, 
equal,  chriftian  government. 

Thofe,  who  deny  that  Satan  works  in  the  hearts  of  the  children 
of  difobedience,  or  that  he  has  offered  his  temptations  to  thofe, 
who  were  far  more  holy  and  upright  than  our  leaders,  muft  deny 
at  once  the  truth  of  revelation.  His  direct  addreffes  are  never 
made  to  the  body  of  the  people,  but  to  the  great  men,  who  can 
forward  his  views  ;  he  always  bribes  them  plaufibly  with  wealth 
and  honors,  and  promifes  them,  in  cafe  of  acceptance,  they  (hall  be 
as  gods  ;  his  uniform  aim  is  to  have  kingdoms  of  his  own,  offi- 
cered by  proud  ecclefiaftics  and  ambitious  ftatefmen,  to  corrupt 
the  church  and  ruin  the  world.  His  plans  are  full  of  fubtlety, 
perfe6lly  tempting,  always  practicable,  and  it  will  hardly  be  pre- 
tended that  his  operations  here  were  under  any  reftraints  of  nature, 
grace  or  climate. 

His  plan  of  a  new  kingdom  here  was  fo  full  of  glory  for  the 
leaders,  for  the  old  tories,  for  every  military  man,  for  every  man 
anxious  to  be  rich,  that  it  was  moft  cordially  embraced  and  moft 
faithfully  carried  into  effed.  The  revolutionary  fpirit  was  gone  ; 
chriflianity  trampled  on  ;  our  capital  abounded  in  luxury,  and  the 
old  foldier  was  bankrupt.  New-England  church  and  ftate  was  an 
old  trading  houfe,  which  readily  faw  the  chances  of  gain,  adopt- 
ed the  new  fyftem,  and  powerful  meafures  were  concerted  and 
effected,  to  add  a  new  kingdom  to  the  lands  and  tenements  of  the 
enemy  of  man. 

Men  are  willing  to  hear  that  Satan  operated  fome  centuries  ago, 
or  that  he  is  at  work  in  other  countries,  or  in  the  hearts  of  their 
neighbors  ;  but  cannot  endure  to  hear  that  he  is  in  them  and  their 
aftions.  Federalifh,  efpecially  after  their  charges  of  his  domin- 
ion over  republicans,  will  not  patiently  fee  him  followed  into  their 
cardinal  plans  and  even  into  forae  of  their  churches  :  yet  fuch  is 
the  courfe,  which  the  analogies  of  my  fubjedt  demand. 

It  is  not  proveable  that  the  advocates  of  the  funding  fyftem 
knew  under  what  influence  they  were  ading.  They  might  flatter 
themfelves  that  their  ambition  for  wealth  and  honors  was  conliflent 
With  the  liberties  of  the  peojJe  :  but  charity  would  hardly  impel 
us  to  believe  that  they  confidered  themfelves  doing  right,  when 
they  took  from  the  foldier  his  earnings,  under  the  falfe  pretence 
that  it  was  impoflible  to  difcrimmate  between  the  original  holder 
and  the  purchafcr.  The  expreffes,  who  rode  day  and  night  with, 
letters  to  and  from  members  of  congrefs,  and  the  agents,  who 
purchafed   up   the  paper,  while  the  funding  bill  was  fufpended> 


had  raifed  up  arguments,  which  all  the  logic  of  fufferers  could 
not  confute.  As  all  the  progeny  of  that  fyftem  have  been  like  the 
fire.  It  is  unnece/Tary  to  trace  their  influences. 

I  contend  that  no  ordinary  impreflions  could  have  produced 
a  ftate  of  things  fo  antichriftian,  fo  antirepublican  as  the  maturity 
of  thefe  plans,  under  the  adminiftration  of  Mr.  Adams,  prefented. 
The  kingdom  was  full  in  view,  and  the  fcenes  of  the  dratjia  fuc- 
ceeded  each  other  fo  rapidly,  as  even  to  confufe  the  a6i:ors  :  yet 
the  names  of  chriftian  and  republican  were  retained,  even  though 
every  meafure  for  their  fupport  was  relinquifhed. 

As  the  deceiver's  procefs  is  always  to  change  the  leading  men 
from  the  charaSlers  under  luhich  they  gained  injlucnce.,  and  to  conceal 
this  change  from  thofe^  nvho  are  to  he  infuencsdy  he  contrives  to 
retain  their  power  after  their  integrity  is  gone.  Hence  the  meas- 
ures which  were  called  republican,  pajffed  as  fuch  among  the  peo- 
ple, till  our  government  had  afTumed  the  form  of  the  Britifh  gov- 
ernment, and  a  few  changes  of  names  would  have  made  it  in  fadl 
Britifh.*  This  was  an  American  kingdom  in  every  thing  but 
name  :  Republicans  would  endure  no  longer.  New- England 
church  and  ftate  found  its  energies  called  into  adion.  Thofe, 
who  fat  in  the  feat  of  Mofes  joined  the  political  clergy,  and  the 
confpiracy  was  embodied.  The  projedlis  of  Satan  never  difclofe 
their  true  characHier  at  once.  Of  the  monarchical  fpirit  of  our 
governtnent,  there  was  a  gradual  difclofure  from  the  firft  meafure 
to  the  reign  of  terror,  when  the  bitter  enemies  of  our  revolution 
were  projecting  or  approving  the  fevereft  meafures  for  our  humilia- 
tion. From  the  firft  dawnlngs  of  cl^urch  and  ftate  to  the  perfe<5t 
day  of  confpiracy,  there  was  a  gradual  difclofure.  Satan  had 
ample  materials  for  his  work  in  Nev/-England.  Their  boafted 
piety  was  the  leaft  of  his  concern.  Steady  habits  were  quite  to 
his  purpofe  ;  for  he  underftood  thefe  magic  words  to  mean  no  more 
than  ^^  Every  7nan  to  his  oivn  interefi.^^  He  knew  that  the  paper 
currency  of  religion  was  abundant  among  the  unionifts  ;  but  that 
the  fpecie  capital  was  wanting.  He  always  knew  the  value  of 
profeffions.  He  knew  that  the  rich  and  ambitious  were  in  a  ftate 
of  nature,  and  as  fuch  had  every  propenfity  to  his  caufe  :  He  was 
always  fure  of  their  aid,  whenever  he  wirtied  to  eftablifh  or  prote<5t 
any  of  his  kingdoms.  He  had  all  the  paffions  of  this  world  on 
his  fide,  and  nothing  oppofed  to  him  but  humility  and  poverty, 
rendered  more  humble  and  poor  by  reafon  of  the  long  continuance 
of  this  union. — 

My  account 'of  the  formation  and  character  of  this  union  has 
probably  led  to  a  perception  of  all  that  felfiftinefs,  which  combines 
itfelf  in  favor  of  the  kingdoms  of  this  world,  and  to  a  view  of 
the  paffions,  which  infured  the  aid  of  New-England  in  favor  gf 

*  See  Third 'Part. 


the  new  kingdom.  This  felfifhnefs  and  thefe  pafTions  v/ere  eX» 
prefsly  called  into  adlon  by  a  new  paper,  entitled  the  Palladium, 
in  which  every  real  motive  was  concealed  under  the  following 
mafque  of  church  and  ftate  : 

"  Should  the  injidel  JefFerfon  be  ele<f^ed  to  the  PrefidenCy,  the 
**  feal  of  death  is  that  moment  fet  on  our  holy  religion  :  our  churches 
**  will  be  proflrated ;  and  fome  infamous  proftitute,  under  the 
**  title  of  the  goddefs  of  reafon  will  prefide  in  the  fanftuaries,  now 
•*  devoted  to  the  mod  high.'' 

What  can  all  this  mean  ?  Are  the  editor  of  the  Palladium  and 
its  clerical  patrons  chriflians  ?  Was  the  invisible  kingdom  of 
Chriil  to  have  the  feal  of  death  fet  on  it  ?  No,  it  was  the  very 
mortal  religion  of  church  and  ftate,  on  which  the  eledlion  of  Mr. 
JefFerfon  would  fet  the  feal  of  death.  It  was  that  profitable 
church,  which  enfured  to  clergymen  influence  without  grace,  and 
to  lawyers  promotion  without  love  to  their  country.  It  was  the 
church  of  our  clergy-courting  fenators  and  members  of  congrefs, 
and  counfelJors.  If  religion  is  left  to  the  nurfing  care  of  fuch 
men,  it  could  only  have  been  fo  left  in  order  to  afford  a  confplcuous 
difplay  of  tliat  infinite  power,  which  has  promifed  it  an  everlalling 
fupport.  But  Mr.  JefFerfon  is  Prefident ;  the  gofpel  of  the  king-* 
dom  is  fafe  ;  the  churches  are  not  proflrated,  and  reafon  prefidcs 
in  our  councils  without  any  heathenifh  name  or  attribute  ;  and  it 
is  the  ardent  hope  of  republicans  that  a  rational  worfhip  will  be 
reftored  to  thofe  churches,  which  have  been  prolKtuted  to  political 
prayers  and  fermons. 

From  the  federal  cry  about  religion,  a  flranger  might  imagine 
that  in  Nev/-England  every  church  would  be  fupplied  with  a  paltor 
— that  the  people  v/ould  freely  part  with  their  temporal  goods  for 
inftruftion  in  rlghteoufnefs — that  focietles  would  be  united — that 
few  preachers  would  be  difmiffed — that  houfes  of  worfhip  would 
be  cron^^ed  by  humble,  adoring  federalifls,  devoutly  joining  in 
prayer  andpraife,  and  liflening  with  anxious  concern  to  the  words 

of  life and  that  at  a  diflance  from  fuch  occafions  of  grace, 

the  democrats  were  embodied  under  fome  prince  of  the  infernal 
legion,  bidding  defiance  to  the  heavenly  hofl,  and  flriving  to  drive 
the  Saviour  and  his  humble  followers  from  their  territories  ;  but 
none  of  thefe  imaginations  would  be  realized. — It  is  true  that  there 
is  no  want  of  expence  in  building  and  decorating  houfes  of  wor- 
fhip :  the  unioniils  are  ambitious  enough  in  thefe  points  for  very 
obvious  reafons  ;  but  in  fettlement  of  minifters  there  are  frequent 
difputes  about  his  theories  and  amount  of  falary.  This  laft  is 
often  poorly  paid,  and  not  unfrequently  diminifhed.  Rem.ovalsand 
exertions  to  remove  are  abundant.  The  abftrad  doflrlnal  preachers, 
who  generally  take  the  lead,  are  the  cocleft  of  all  cold  inftruft- 
ors.  Their  federal  hearers  do  not  appear  as  anxious  to  attend 
v/orfhip,  or  as  devout  in  it  as  they  do  in  their  purfuit  of  wealth. 

^Q5 ^ 

Poikical  fermons  fometimes  wake  them  to  a  fai  callic  grin  at  the 
obje<5t  of  the  preacher's  fatire,  and  they  open  their  ears  to  hear  a 
charadler  drawn,  which  is  to  fit  the  candidate  of  an  approaching 
eledtion  ;  bat  in  general  chrillianity  is  Teally  at  a  very  low  ebb  among 
the  (landing  and  privileged  orders — and  the  democrats  are  individ- 
ually injured  by  the  religion  of  church  and  ftate,  which  is  wholly 
aimed  at  their  rights  and  opinions.  Not  one  of  this  clafs  but 
would  ardently  wifh  to  be  furrounded  by  men,  fearing  God  and 
hating  covetoufnefs  ;  men  v/earing  the  charatfter,  as  well  as  bear- 
ing the  name  of  chriilians. 

This  ftate  of  religion  is  the  caufe  of  the  political  charader  of 
New- England-  The  rights  of  man  can  never  thrive,  where  men 
rely  on  a  Tyftem  of  wrongs  for  promotion  :  Republicanifm  cannot 
Jive  in  a  region  of  hypocrify  :  Ch'urch  and  flate  unions  poifon  reli- 
gion and  fociety. 

Do  any  fear  to  look  at  fuch  a  ftate  of  things,  let  them  fefle(5t 
that  an  important  ilTue  depends  on  knowing  the  truth.  If  the; 
unionifis  are  trees  of  righteoufnefs,  the  planting  of  the  Lord, 
then  republicans  are  briars  and  thorns  on  the  face  of  the  earth  ; 
if  the  unionids  are  faints,  republicans  are  infidels.  A  ftedfaft 
look  will  fecure  our  objed  :  fear  of  looking  at  the  truth  has  been 
the  caufe  of  half  the  error  in  the  world. 

After  thefe  remarks  the  unionifis  will  never  fay,  ^^  perhaps  iht^Q 
repubhcans  may  think  lightly  of  us  -,'*  they  may  red  alTured  that 
we  are  full  of  meaning,  when  we  call  thofe  hypocrites,  who  have 
often  called  themfelves  faints  ; — when  we  fay  that  fome,  who 
claim  to  be  throwing  fait  into  the  fountains  of  fcience,  have  em- 
poifoned  thofe  fountains  ;  when  they  fay  that  fome  of  you,  who 
entered  within  the  pale  of  the  fandluary,  never  took  that  ftep,  till 
you  had  loft  ail  confidence  ivlthout  ;  when  they  cliarge  you  with  ■ 
trafficking  in  altars  and  ordinances.  If  all  this  feems  to  you  like 
perfecution,  take  to  yourfelves  meekly  the  blefTednefs  promifed  to 
the  perfecuted,  and  live  the  lives  which  enfure  this  bleffednefs,  in 
fimplicity  and  godly  fincerity,  not  after  the  manner  of  this  ivorld. 
You  have  hitherto  had  a  fmooth  road  ;  pleafures  and  honors 
have  been  in  your  train,  and  the  temple  of  grace  has  appeared  like 
the  palace  of  an  eaftern  monarch,  full  of  luxuries  and  bounties  to 
thofe,  who  would  flatter  his  pride. 

If  perfecution  is  to  exalt  you,  edimate  the  attitude,  to  which 
my  perfecution  may  advance  you,  and  retain  that  till  another  fhali 
elevate  you  higher,  and  between  fuch  perfecutions  and  your  own 
jneek,  exemplary  lives,  you  may  expeft  high  rank  among  the 
children  of  God  and  great  progrefs  towards  heaven.  Alas ! 
lefpond  your  hearts,  *  that  is  not  our  courfc.'  Your  infinite  va- 
riance from  it,  at  a  feafon  when  profeflions  are  ceafing  to  be  a 
tendry  in  New-England,  forms  an  unfortunate  crifis  in  your 
political  and  private  hiftory. 



From  every  attempt  to  drag  you  from  your  ftrong  holds,  you 
fly  to  meeting-houfes,  ordinances,  church  mulic,  laws  againft 
Sabbath  breaking,  and  fafts  and  thankfgivings  ;  but  all  thefe  are 
not  reh'gion.  Your  life,  profeffor,  muft  (hew  that  you  are  govern- 
ed by  better  motives  than  you  were  born  with,  and  your  light  muft 
fliine  before  men.  The  life  of  one  pious  man  iheds  more  light 
on  the  truth  of  revelation  than  volumes  of  fermons  againft  infidel- 
ity ;  one  acfl  of  charity  ennobles  chriftianity  more  than  all  your 
noife  about  modern  philofophy.  Never  again  will  you  fucceed  in 
repelling  our  charges  againft  you  by  retorting  charges  againft  any 
of  us  :  perfonal  vindication  is  out  of  the  queftion.  More  than 
30,000  freemen  of  New-England  are  refolved  to  drive  wandering 
fliepherds  back  to  their  folds,  noify  profeflbrs  to  pradlicc,  and 
rulers  to  the  art  of  rifing  without  making  the  gofpel  their  footftool. 

In  the  viftory  over  Jewifh  church  and  ftate,  the  veil  of  the 
temple  was  rent  in  twain,  and  the  rocks  burft  afunder.  The  dreadful 
anathemas  of  Romifli  church  and  ftate,  at  the  feafon  of  the  ref- 
ormation, filled  with  terror  many  proteftants.  Your  laft  agoniz- 
ing efforts  to  fuftain  your  union  will  alarm  multitudes  ;  you  may 
for  a  feafon  diminifh  our  numbers  ;  but  the  minds  of  our  people 
will  be  emancipated,  and  the  New-England  union  of  church  and 
ftate  will  be  divided  into  two  unions,  each  equally  friendly  to  reli- 
gious and  civil  liberty. 

NO,  XL 

Review  of  the  pajl  NumherSy  addrejfed  to  the  People. 

\  OU  have  nothing  to  gain  by  impofture,  hypocrlfy  and 
church  and  ftate  union.  You  feek  no  promotion — you  wifh  your 
rights  fecure,  your  government  dire«5ted  to  this  objeft  and  your  reli- 
gion undifturbed,  and  you  do  not  covet  any  falfe  alarms  on  thefe 
fubjefts.  This  world  is  to  you  important  in  a  variety  of  concerns  ; 
the  other  infinitely  fo  :  religion  is  necefTary  fcr  your  well-being  in 
both,  and  hypocrify  is  the  moft  deadly  enemy  of  chriftianity, 
which  is  doubtlefs  the  religion  of  your  choice.  If  you  have  been 
ip  the  habits  of  obfervation  and  reiledtion  for  a  few  years  paft,  you 
will  know  that  what  I  have  written  is  true.  Hypocrify  and praBic- 
al  infiddity  have  chara8eri%ed  our  church  and  flat  e  union,  *which  has 
had  the  exclufive  gift  of  ojices,  and  the  entire  control  of  our  religious 
and  political  concerns.  You  have  feen  the  bafeft  of  men  bow  be- 
fore this  union  and  receive,  in  reward  for  their  homage,  offices 


propottioned,  not  to  their  religion,  but  to  their  ability  to  fervc  the 
league  againft  God  and  our  country.  You  have  feen  Sabbaths 
devoted  and  fandtuary  privileges  proftituted  to  thefe  men  :  and 
where  is  your  joy  or  hope  or  crown  of  rejoicing  !  How  long  can 
this  ftate  of  things  lafl  ?  Will  it  land  you  on  the  Ihores  of  heavenly 
reft  ?  Or  is  it  that  comfortable  broad  road  of  public  life  which 
leads  to  deftrudlion  ?  Paufe  well  and  confider  the  real  ftate  of  reli- 
gion in  your  country.  Infidelity  does  abound,  and  many  of  you 
have  been  nurfing  and  feeding  it  with  your  votes.  Say,  on  your 
oaths,  which  will  God  choofe  for  his  people,  thofe  humble  Meth- 
odifts,  Baptifts,  and  other  diffenters  from  privileged  orders,  who 
have  hardly  a  place  to  worfhip  God,  or  tliofe  proud  fultanlike 
profeflbrs,  who  demand  a  contribution  of  votes'  from  every  houfe 
of  worfhip  which  they  deign  to  vifit  ? 

Let  not  founds  nor  words  nor  faces  nor  drefs  deceive  you.  A 
little  praflice  will  enable  any  man  to  appear  gifted  in  prayer — to 
ufe  folemn  tones  and  words — to  look  gravely,  and  to  drefs  in  black. 
Thefe  do  not  all  conftitute  the  hidden  man  of  the  heart.  Habit 
has  a  great  effed  on  molt  minds  ;  but  never  carry  the  enthufiafm 
of  habit  as  far  as  did  a  devout  Catholic.  "  Take  from  us,"  fays 
he,  "  our  crucifixes,  our  images,  our  lights,  incenfe  and  the 
*'  folemn  exteriors  of  worfhip,  and  you  deftroy  our  religion." 
Never  let  it  be  faid  of  your  religion,  that  you  know  nothing  of  it, 
except  what  you  can  fee  of  it.  External  a(5ls  are  the  natural  ex- 
preflions  of  afFedions ;  but  mere  external  ads,  not  accom- 
panied with  practices,  demonftrating  the  exiftence  and  fincerity  of 
thofe  afFedions,  are  good  for  nothing  :  yet  on  the  deftru6tion  of 
thefe  externals  have  your  alarms  been  falfely  excited  by  political 
religionifts.  They  have  faid,  that  your  meeting-houfes  and  bibles 
would  be  burnt  ;  but  if  the  deftrudtion  of  places,  where  they 
might  difpofe  of  their  marketable  religion  would  ruin  them,  be  it 
your  confolation  that  nothing  can  deftroy  chriftianity.  It  ftands 
on  the  rock  of  ages. 

If  in  a  lapfe  of  years,  fome  inventions  of  men  have  been  added 
to  the  inftitutions  of  God,  be  not  offended  that  men  obferve  them  ; 
but  if  they  avail  themfelves  of  fuch  obfervances  to  infult  you, 
fet  this  down  as  an  evidence  of  their  hypocrify  and  facrilege. 
Pure  and  undefiled  religion  deferves  your  praftice,  homage  and 
refpe<a  j  but  hypocrify  and  double-dealing  defej  ve  your  abhorrence. 

If  you  have  any  prefent  wifh  for  public  confidence,  reprefs  it ; 
for  the  moft  perfect  charader  for  pure  chriftianity  will  not  bring 
you  nearer  to  it  than  the  moft  open  infidelity.  Thefe  church  and 
ftate  dealers  will  never  promote  you,  unlefs  you  turn  your  religion 
into  their  ftock.  That  righteoufnefs  which  flows  not  out  in  votes 
is  not  to  their  purpofe.  You  will  furvive  tliis  ftate  of  things. 
That  fpirit  of  toleration,  which  is  pervading  our  country  will  de- 
ftroy all  privileged  orders.     Young,  ambitious  infidels,  who  have 


lately  joined  church  and  Trate,  in  profped  of  the  temporal  glory 
to  be  revealed,  \vili  be  afronirned  at  the  overwhelming  of  the 
Tjnionifts  ;  and  whenever  this  crifis  (hall  arrive,  die  great  cry  of 
the  fhip-wrecked  adventurers  will  be,  that  chriftianity  is  ruined 
forever.  This  is  precifely  the  cry,  which  every  impoftor,  fince 
the  days  of  the  Saviour,  has  ufed,  when  his  impiety  was  deleted. 
Till  the  moment  of  dete(J^ion  he  contents  himfelf  with  crying, 
*'  the  church  is  in  danger  of  ruin."  Thefe  two  exclamations, 
neither  of  which  was  ever  ufed  by  a  true  chriftian,  and  neither 
of  which  is  or -ever  was  true,  will  defignate  the  artful,  deceitful 
hypocrites,  who,  after  robbing  men  of  their  rights  expire  with  a 
lie  in  their  right  hands. 

If  chriftianity  needs  the  (iipport  of  civil  Inftitmions,  it  has  not 
come  from  God.  If  the  head  of  the  church  delights  to  proteft 
it,  he  will  not  lofe  that  delight  for  the  political  promotion  of  our 
ofHcers  of  government.  The  men,  who  are  conflantly  crying^ 
"  w«  are  pious,  we  are  holy,  chriftianity  depends  on  us,  our  polit- 
ical opponents  are  vile,  wicked  and  depraved,'*  are  the  hft  men 
to  be  entrufted  wi|[\  the  defence  of  a  religion,  in  which  he,  who 
thought  moft  humbly  of  himfelf,  was  to  be  the  greateft  in  the 
kingdom  of  heaven. 

If  you  have  the  leaft  propenfity  ftill  to  adhere  to  thefe  men, 
recollca:  that  the  fame  propenfity  in  the  Jews  to  refpea  a  clafs  of 
men,  juft  like  your  leaders,  brought  your  Saviour  to  the  crofs  j 
that  a  mifguided  zeal  delayed  for  centuries  the  reformation  ;  that 
impofture  is  flow  in  letting  go  its  hold  of  its  fubjeds,  and  that  if 
you  wifti  for  religious  iind  civil  liberty,  you  mivft  make  one  fpirited 
effort.  What  though  the  ecclefiaftical  and  poHtical  affociates  of 
ihis  church  and  ftate  union  be  povv^erful  in  talents  ;  and  fuftained 
by  their  deceived  followers,  appear  as  a  mighty  foreft,  yet  rejoice 
in  this, 

**  That  an  axe  is  laid  unto  the  root  of  the  trees,  and  that  every 
**  tree,  which  bringeth  not  forth  good  fruit  ihall  be  hewn  down 
**  and  caft  into  the  fire.'* 

Had  the  members  of  this  union  contented  themfelves  with  the 
ordinary  profits  of  hypocrify,  they  might  have  been  unnoticed  ; 
but  when  our  rights  are  attacked  ;  when  the  country,  in  which  we 
are  to  fpend  a  part  of  our  being,  is  to  be  gradually  fubjugated,  as 
others  have  been,  it  becomes  our  duty  to  drag  the  monfter  of  hy- 
pocrify however  ferocious,  into  open  day,  and  to  rifque  prefent 
cafe  and  fafety  for  the  certain  benefit  of  expofmg  him  in  all  his  de- 
formity to  the  public.  To  reafon  coolly  with  the  members  of  this 
Tsnion  and  to  pray  them  for  the  fake  of  religion  and  the  good  of 
man  to  defi{t  would  anfwer  no  purpofe.  A  war  of  opinions  muft 
be  raifed  againft  them  :  you  muft  take  from  them  the  public  confi- 
dence  and  the  public  honors.  No  man  ought  to  regard  this  fubjed): 
With   indifference  j  or  to  ftay  his  hand,  becaufe  the  friends  c^ 


church  and  flate  cry  let  us  alone.  This  is  the  cry  of  the  incautious 
patient  whofe  wound  unlefs  faithfully  probed  will  coft  his  life. 
Rdigion  is  in  a  miferable  condition  in  New-England,  worfe  than 
in  parts  where  there  is  lefs  fhew  of  it.  You  fee  few  of  its  energies, 
except  in  political  llorms,  and  this  ftate  of  things  is  produced  by 
its  worft  enemies,  in  the  garb  of  its  beft  friends  ;  and  their  wick- 
ednefs  is  aggravated  by  their  attempts  to  charge  this  ftate  of  things, 
on  that  very  clafs  of  men,  whofe  ruin  is  attempted  to  be  compafT- 
ed  by  it.  Detach  politics,  offices,  applaufe  and  honors  from  New- 
England  religion  !  then  fee  what  would  remain  of  it :  jfujl  as 
much  true  religion;  but  very  little  of  external  fhow  and  profelHon. 

In  opening  this  fubjeifl  I  purpofely  burft  through  the  exteriors 
and  led  you  at  once  to  the  real  charader  of  thefe  men — and  ftript 
of  exteriors,  let  me  afk  you,  do  the  clerical  politicians  appear  to 
be  ambaffadors  of  Chrift,  or  do  the  political  fanatics  appear  as 
the  followers  of  the  lamb?  You  know  well  that  neither  are  true 
chriftians  in  deed  and  in  truth.  Are  you  then  paid  for  this  ftate  of 
hypocrify  by  the  afcendency,  which  is  thereby  gained  over  our 
I'outhern  brethren,  •  by  the  unity  of  aftion,  which  it  gives  to  the 
underlabourers — or  by  any  profpeft  of  profit,  which  you  expe<5l 
hereafter  to  gain  by  it  ?  If  you  are  willing  to  barter  yoWr  rights  in 
this  v/orld  and  your  chance  for  heaven  on  fuch  miferable  exchan- 
ges, you  alone  will  be  the  fufferers. 

The  zeal  to  advance  this  church  and  ftate  union  difclofed  itfelf 
early  under  our  prefent  government.  Our  iirft  prefident  was  forced 
to  yield  to  it.  The  fecond  was  one  of  its  nurfmg  fathers. 
When  the  third  was  advancing  they  faw  in  him  a  firm  unbending 
man,  who  believed  in  toleration,  and  abhorred  the  interpofition  of 
ecclefiaftical  power  in  political  concerns.  You  faw  the  vengeance, 
with  which  he  was  attacked  from  federal  pulpits  and  prefles. 
Every  falfe,  bitter  and  malicious  crimination  ilTued  againft  him  from 
the  aftbciated  members — republicans  were  reprcfented  as  in  alliance 
with  the  powers  of  darknefs  and  every  principle  and  fentiment  was 
abjured,  which  omened  well  to  the  improvement  of  civil  and  reli- 
gious liberty.  Every  word  in  our  language,  which  exprefles  any 
portion  of  rights,  was  ridiculed  by  the  unionifts.  They  could  not 
even  conceal  their  love  for  royalty,  and  their  diftrefs  when  vidory 
crowned  the  republican  arms.  They  did  conceal  their  love  of 
papal  dominion  till  his  holinefs  was  driven  from  the  Vatican — then 
their  prayers  for  his  downfall  ceafed,  and  their  tears  of  commifer- 
ation  burft  forth.  New-England  was  awfully  prepared  for  the 
reign  of  terror  in  1798,  and  for  a  number  of  pubUc  meafures, 
which  will  be  remembered  by  republicans,  only  as  an  evidence, 
how  depraved  men  will  become,  whe^n  they  are  not  reftrained  by 
fear  of  God  or  man.  Monarchiits  have  been  careffed  here, 
books,  written  by  the  fycophants  of  tyrants,  circulated  with  avid- 
ity— republicans,    who  felt,  can  beft  tell,  the  honors  of  thx>fe 

■ I mmM. 

days,  when  a  dark  cloud  threatened  to  overfpvead  the  morning  of 
our  national  exiftence.  See  with  what  rage  thefe  men  retain  all 
the  power,  which  they  can  hold  ;  how  they  avenge  the  removal  of" 
their  adherents  ;  how  they  decry  and  oppofe  the  will  of  the  nation, 
how  they  even  threaten  their  fouthern  brethren — talk  of  civil  war 
and  difmemberment,  and  all  this  in  the  name  of  order,  which  they 
defpife,  and  of  Jefus,  whofe  caufe  they  have  wounded. 

The  zeal  in  one  clafs  of  men  to  have  dominion  over  the  reft  has 
appeared  in  every  country.  It  is  infeparable  from  the  hearts  of 
proud  men.  Thofe,  who  feek  this  dominion  will  always  deny  it. 
Call  them  monarchifts  or  hierarchs,  they  difclaim  your  terms  ; 
but  in  every  nation,  where  there  are  men,  this  fpirit  walks  in  dark- 
nefs  as  a  peftilence — and  though  its  operations  are  fubtle,  yet  in 
every  country  you  may  as  furely  find  its  origin  in  an  union  of 
church  and  ftate,  as  you  may  trace  vegetation  to  the  earth. 

Caft  your  eyes  through  the  country  and  difcern  by  the  true  light, 
•whether  my  views  are  corre<5l:.  Do  you  fee  any  violently  inveigh- 
ing againft  infidels  and  infidelity  ?  Such  have  never  been  in  tlie 
way  with  Jefus,  for  he  wept  even  over  Jerufalem,  the  citadel  of 
his  enemies,  and  would  have  gathered  its  inhabitants,  as  a  hen 
gathereth  her  chickens  under  her  wings ;  he  ate  with  publicans  and 
finners,  and  on  his  crofs  prayed  for  his  enemies. — Do  any  talk 
loudly  about  their  own  holinefs,  virtue  and  piety  ?  So  did  the 
Fharifees  :  But  Paul,  in  humility,  faid  "  I  am  not  meet  to  be  an 
apoftle.'*  Do  preachers  become  bufy-bodles  in  political  concerns  ? 
Butthe  Saviour's  diredion  was,  **  Go  preach  the  gofpel."  Are 
any  working,  with  over-heated  zeal,  in  church  concerns,  and 
driving  to  humble  their  chriftian  brethren  ?  But  the  Saviour  direiSl- 
ed  that  he,  who  was  without  fin,  fhould  throw  the  firft  ftone,  let 
fuch  fet  their  own  houfes  in  order.  Wherever  you  purfue  your 
enquiries  you  will  find  that  now,  as  formerly,  the  proud  and 
boafting,  the  elevated  and  confpicuous  feekers  of  power  have  no 
teligion  ;  they  wafh  carefully  the  outfide  of  the  cup  and  platter, 
and  make  a  fair  (hew  to  be  feen  of  men  ;  but  the  meek  will  in* 
herit  the  earth,  and  the  poor  and  perfecuted  will  be  heirs  of  the 

This  charge  of  confpiracy  againft  chrlftianity  will  bear  your 
ftrideft  fcrutiny  ;  your  convidion  of  its  truth  will  be  ftrengthened 
by  every  enquiry  into  its  merits.  Such  convidtion  will  difclofe 
the  duties  which  devolve  on  yon  as  men  and  chriftians,  which 
duties  you  will  have  the  virtue  to  aflume  and  the  fortitude  to  dif- 
charge.  Never  will  you  make  the  place  of  your  own  feet  glorious, 
till  you  take  from  thefe  unionifts  the  earthly  profits  of  profeflions. 
"  Never  will  your  vines  increafe  their  fruit,  nor  your  olives  their 
"  fatnefs,  till  the  paths  of  their  feet  be  covered,  and  the  work  of 
**  their  hands  dcftroyed." 


•<<»"^5-o-<^S>o-^»- '<>••>•■>•• 


NO,  L 

Introducfory    Ttew   of  this  Con/piracy, 

JL  AKING  nature  for  our  guide  we  {hall  find  the  unionifts 
confpiring  againft  the  poor  man's  government  under  the  influence 
of  the  fame  paffions,  which  led  them  to  confpire  againft  the  poor 
man*s  religion.  . - 

The  hiftory  of  the  world  prefents  two  claffes  of  men,  as  dil- 
tin<a  in  their  motives  and  means,  as  if  they  were  of  an  entire 
different  fpecies  of  being,  and  formed  of  different  materials. 

ift.  The  body  of  mankind,  honed  and  induftrious,  contented 
with  a  little,  laboring  hard  to  fupport  a  clafs  of  men,  who  are 
always  promifing  to  bring  them  to  a  degree  of  happinefs  and  inde- 
pendence, which  they  have  never  feen  and  never  will  fee,  if  they 
truft  fuch  promifes  ;  fighting  when  they  are  told  that  religion  or 
their  rights  are  in  danger  ;  trembling  before  court-martials  ;  mount- 
ina  the  fcafFcld,  when  the  pride  of  a  courtier  or  the  petulance  of 
a  midfhipman  requires  it ;  dying  when  they  are  bid  to  die  ;  drawn 
by  the  force  of  fraud,  falHiood  and  pafTion,  from  the  mild  govern- 
ment of  their  heavenly  Father,  under  the  dominion  of  men,  who 
fear  no  power  but  that  of  death,  and  no  enemies  but  the  intrepid 
afTerters  of  the  eternal  rights  of  men.  _ 

2d.  The  lordly  tyrants  of  the  world,  known  by  different  titles  ; 
the  'z^eMorn,  fcorning  the  lowly  tafi-.  of  the  Saviour,  who  had  a 
feeling  of  human  infirmity,  becaufe  he  took  upon  him  our  natures. 
Thefe  great  men  know  not  the  value  of  labor  nor  the  Itings  of 
poverty,  nor  the  fenfe  of  danger,  nor  the  tendernefs  of  affedion, 
which  binds  together  thofe,  whofe  fphere  of  aaion  is  limited. 
Thefe  tyrants  bind  heavy  burdens  on  the  people  ;  talk  ot  millions 
of  debt  with  as  little  concern  as  the  people  do  of  pence  ;  declare 
war  with   perfea  compofure,  and  affame  on  themfeives  to  an.wer 


for  the  blood  of  the  flain,  as  if  they  confidered  the  books  of  rec- 
ord to  be  forever  clofed,  and  as  if  a  feafon  would  never  arrive, 
when  the  fea  would  give  up  its  dead.  They  enter  peaceable  fami- 
lies and  drag  their  hopes  into  the  field  ;  defolate  villages  and  deftroy 
their  thoufands,  and  when  vengeance  fays  it  is  enough,  they  pray 
that  fwords  may  be  turned  into  ploughfhares  and  fpears  into  pruning- 
hooks,  and  that  nations  may  learn  war  no  more.  The  war  ferves 
as  an  apology  for  an  Increafe  of  taxation,  and  having  before  taxed 
all  which  the  labor  of  man  produces,  they  tax  the  light  which 
heaven  beftows,  and  if  difcontent  arifes  by  reafon  of  oppreifion, 
another  war  ia  declared  in  order  to  hufh  the  tumult. 

Thus  wars  are  excited  under  pretence  of  ferving  the  kingdom 
of  peace,  and  all  the  rights  of  mankind  are  violated  under  a  pre- 
tence of  advancing  thofe  rights.  Everything  has  always  been  in 
danger  ;  thefe  men  have  affedled  to  avert  the  danger,  and  the 
ftate  of  things  has,  under  their  management,  been  always  growing 
woiTe  :  yet  thefe  pilots,  who  are  always  fteerlng  among  the  rocks, 
are  ftill  at  helm,  and  multitudes  of  liftlefs  men,  whofe  all  is  at 
flake,  fay,  "  let  the  fhip  fink,  we  are  only  paffengers" — and  this 
ftupid  confidence  is  among  the  ^^Jleady  habitSy^  which  receive  the 
conftant  eulogy  of  the  great  men. 

Such  is  the  hiftory  of  the  world — on  the  one  hand  an  eafy, 
unfufpicious  confidence,  and  on  the  other  a  bold  and  daring  af- 
fumption  of  all  power,  human  and  divine  ;  and  through  thefe  two 
caufes  the  earth  has  been  filled  with  artificial  miferies,  and  the 
fouls  of  thofe,  who  have  been  flain,  have  been  crying,  "  How 
**  long,  O  Lord,  dofl:  thou  not  judge  and  avenge  our  blood  on 
"  them  that  dwell  on  the  earth  ?'* 

When  our  declaration  of  independence  was  penned,  all  thefe 
fa<5ls  were  known  and  recognized  by  our  people,  and  Britain  was 
exprefsly  charged  with  tyranny,  and  we  called  ourfelves 
the  opprefied.  In  that  day  we  were  refolved  to  be  free  and  to 
liave  a  republican  government,  in  which  the  people  were  for  once 
to  be  fovereign,  and  to  take  in  charge  their  own  rights.  By  the 
government,  againft  which  I  claim  that  the  unionifts  have  confpir- 
ed,  is  intended  the  government  for  which  our  revolution  was 
effeded  ;  not  that  republic,  whioh  under  Mr.  Adams,  meant 
any  thing  or  nothing  ;  nor  any  particular  fet  of  men,  compofing 
an  adminiftration  ;  but  that  pjl'iiical fyjlem,  ivhich  has  been  alivays 
denominated  republican. — By  the  conlpiracy  charged  is  intended 
that  portion  and  kind  of  enmity  a^ainft  fuch  a  government,  (arif- 
ing  from  tlie  fame  motives,  and  conduced  by  as  infidious  means) 
which  animated  the  court  of  St.  James  and  the  Britifh  army  to 
coufpire  againft  our  independence. 

My  charge  will  be  occafionally  illuftrated  by  brief  references  to 
meafures  ;  but  my  principal  reliance  will  be  on  the  operations  of 
n^urc  and  the  fyftem  of  paffions,  which  have  always  fudained  the 


«moni{ls  of  former  ages.  I  difclaim  all  middle  ground  between 
the  parties  ;  they  are  on  different  fyilems,  variant  as  the  charadlers, 
which  have  been  defcribed,  and  a  yielding  of  each,  fo  as  to  har- 
monize in  meafures,  would  be  as  great  a  violence  to  nature  and  to 
their  beings  as  for  the  two  poles  to  meet  on  the  equator. 

Conciliation  is  the  darling  theme  of  federalids  ;  conciliation 
refponds  every  neutral  man,  and  fome  republicans  are  pleafed  with 
a  calculation  that  the  eminent  fed^ralifts    are  lowering  their  tone, 
and  will  foon  lead  all  the  reft  into    our  fyftem.     It  is  extremely 
popular  to  fay,  "  Both  pai  ties  are  honeft  ;  we   are   both  feeking 
the  beft  good  of  the  country,  hut  happen  to  differ  in  the  means  :" 
But  what  is  meant  by  this  ?  Is  any  man   hardy  enough  to  charge 
both  parties  in  the  country  with  hypocrify   and  the  bafeft  of  falfe- 
hoods  ?  Has  nothing  been  intended  by  the  collifions  of  party  for 
feveral  years  ?  Did  the  republicans  mean  nothing  when  they  charg- 
ed the  fedcralifts    with  tendencies  to  monarchy  ?  Did  federaiifts 
mean  nothing  when  they  charged  us   with  tendencies  to  anarchy^ 
Have  the  violent  difputes  in  our  newfpapers  and  in   our  congrefs 
been  about  nothing  ?  And  did  each  regard  the  other  as  honeft  men, 
anxious  for  the  beft  good  of  the  country  ?  Was  the  reign  of  terror 
in  1798  excited  for  «o/^^i/2^ /*  Have  republicans  been    imprifoned 
for  nothing  ?  Were  the  Britifli  treaty  and  the  maritime  war  with 
France,  and  the  alien  and  fedition  a6ls,  and  the  new  army  all  foi 
nothing  ?  Was  the  oppofition  to  Mr.  JefFerfon's  eledion  for  nothing  ? 
Really  if  federalifts   meant  nothing  by  all   this,  we  fincerely  wifh 
that  they  had    done  nothing :    and  if  republicans    really  meafii 
nothing  by   all  their  prefent  meafures,  it  is  beft  to  look  into  Mr. 
Adams'  fample  of  balanced  governments,  and  as  foon  as  we  find 
one,  which   appears  to  be  the   moft  ftupenduous   fabric  of  human 
invention,  it  will  be  beft  to  adopt  it,  and  to  place  fome  one  at  the 
helm  of  it,  who   will  be/z///  of  meaning  m  all  his  meafures. 

Great  premiums  are  offered  in  the  papers  for  any  man,  who 
will  invent  a  mode  to  conciliate  parties,  which  premiums  are  as  fafe 
in  the  hands  of  thofe,  who  propofe  them,  as  premiums  for  difcoy- 
ery  of  perpetual  motion.  There  is  but  a  right  and  a  ivrong  on  all 
fubjedts,  and  is  it  the  order  of  providence  that  they  fhould  ever 
meet  ?  Did  revelation  advance  any  fuch  propofal  of  corapromife 
between  faints  and  finners  ?  But  what  middle  ground  do  thefe  mild 
men  contemplate  ?  Is  it  that  federalifls  fhall  acknowledge  that  they 
have  been  in  the  wrong  in  ail  their  leading  meafures,  and  that 
they  cordially  approve  of  the  prefent  adminiftration  ?  Will  they 
loath  themfelvcs  for  the  alien  and  fedition  adls,  and  abhor  them- 
felves  for  the  eftablifhment  of  a  new  judiciary  to  fave  the  people 
from  their  worft  enemies  themfehes,  reprefented  in  the  perfons  of 
their  Prelident,  Vice  Prelident,  heads  of  departments  and  leg- 
iflature  ?  What  difpofition  have  they  fhewn  towards  fuch  concil- 
iation ^  Shall  Bavard,  Tracy,  Henderfon  or-  Dana,  anf^^er  thefe 



queflions  or  will  you  refer  it  to  the  mild  editor  of  the  church  and 

ftate  paper,    the   Palladium  ? Or  is  it  expe<5ted  that   thirteen 

repubiican  States  (hall  yield  to  three  federal  States,  and  acknowl- 
edge themfelves  wrong  in  all  their  oppofition  to  federal  meafures  ? 
Will  they  reftore  the  favorite  meafures  of  the  laft  adminiftration  ? 
And  will  they  acknowledge,  that  their  principles  led  to  anarchy, 
and  to  confpiracy  againft  all  religion  and  all  government  ? 

I  fee  no  middle  ground,  where  the  parties  can  meet  without 
loling  their  political  exiftence.  If  no  principle  diflinguiihed 
them,  and  the  only  conteft  was  about  words,  both  are  too  deftitute 
of  integrity  ever  to  truft  or  be  trufted. 

The  greateft  zealots  for  conciliation  are  generally  a  clafs  of  men, 
•who  would  not  yield  a  fmgle  point  of  opinion  to  be  at  peace  with 
the  whole  world.  All  nature  muft  bend  to  them  and  they  will 
be  conciliated.  There  is  a  fmall  number  of  our  unionifts,  who, 
though  they  feel  all  this  impreflion,  yet  have  the  addrefs  to  win, 
by  iTifinuating  manners  and  fmooth  language-,  the  people  into  a  pcr- 
fuafion  that  they  would  yield  and  facrifice  every  thing  to  harmony 
and  the  federal  union  :  but  if  you  pufh  thefe  men  a  little  beyond 
their  fpeed  on  any  cardinal  point,  they  will  (hew  that  they  are 
among  our  moft  dangerous  enemies.  They  betray  with  a  kifs— - 
I  like  no  fuch  blandifhments.  Republicanifm  can  never  thrive  by 
acceffions  of  men,  merely  dKTatisfied  with  a  few  meafures,  nor 
by  acceflions  of  doubtful  men,  nor  by  men  afFefting  to  yield  up 
their  federal  principles  on  motives  of  conciliation.  It  muft 
reft  on  its  own  bafis  and  depend  for  force  on  this  fa6t,  that  the  body 
of  mankind  in  every  country  are  radically  republicans  •,  and  that  they 
nvill  ahuays  aB  as  fuch,  nvhenever  they  are  redeemed  from  the  terror 
or  impojlureSf  nvith  ivhich  the  unionifls  have  invefled  them. 

If  it  be  true  that  republicans  are  confpiiing  againft  all  govern- 
ment— or  if  the  federal  leaders  are  confpirlng  againft  our  govern- 
ment, the  idea  of  conciliation  is  out  of  the  queftlon,  until  one 
party  (hall  come  forward  and  avow  that  they  have  been  purfulng, 
with  the  worft  of  nations,  the  worft  of  ends. 

But  the  obje6l  to  be  gained  by  conciliation  is  an  incorporation 
of  3- 1 6th  of  federalifm  with  1 3-1 6th  of  republicanifm,  and  with 
fuch  a  difcordant  mixture  all  is  to  be  right,  and  there  are  to  be  no 
more  parties  !  Can  any  man  calculate  that  there  will  ever  be  more 
unanimity  in  the  country  than  there  now  is  ?  The  federalifts  roar 
like  lions  and  fay  that  there  is  great  confufion  ;  but  can  we  expedl 
that  more  than  1 3-1 6th  of  the  United  States  will  be  in  favor  of 
any  adminiftration  ?  Unanimity  is  gained  as  far  as  could  have  been 
expeded  ;  but  a  coDciliation  with  men,  who  employ  daily  their 
tongues,  pens  and  fer vices  to  promote  diffention  ;  to  vilify  the 
Prefident ;  to  abufe  the  republicans,  is  neither  to  be  expeded  nor 
deiired.  *'  Let  them  eat  of  the  fruit  of  their  doings  and  be  filled 
with  their  own  deyices." 


Forgetting  and  forgiving  the  offences  of  the  penitent  ^as  excel* 
lent  efFeds  in  private  life  ;  but  extend  it  to  imperious  nations  and 
you  bid  a  bounty  on  every  kind  of  violence.  If  Great-Britain, 
after  burning  our  towns  and  flaughtering  our  brethren,  had  no  other 
arguments  to  offer  for  our  forgivnefs,  but  the  finenefs  of  her  cloths 
and  the  generofity  of  her  credit,  and  y«t  thefe  were  accepted  by 
our  leaders,  it  was  a  cheap  way  of  fettling  for  blood.  There  is 
much  of  diplomatic  dignity  in  fuch  work  ;  but  what  is  the  confe- 
quence  to  the  world  ?  Difmal  wars  and  commercial  treaties  at  the 
end  of  them  !  The  common  people  blieed  by  thoufands,  and  their 
leaders  clofe  the  account  by  a  treaty.  If  the  m^aking  of  offenfive 
war  had  outlawed  Britain  among  all  nations  ;  if  no  nation  would 
afterwards  have  dealt  with  them,  far  different  would  have  been  the 
condition  of  the  world  ;  but  the  great  ones  of  a  nation  muft  have 
accefs  to  the  firft  markets,  and  commerce  mufl  annihilate  the  prin- 
ciples of  a  righteous  defence  againft  oppreffion. 

It  was  politically  glorious  to  invite  thofe  Americans,  who  had 
aflifted  the  Britifli  in  diftrefilng  us,  to  fettle  in  our  towns  with 
their  ill-gotten  gains  ;  but  it  was  a  cruel  infijlt  on  thofe,  who  had 
fuffered  !  it  was  bidding  a  bounty  on  treachery  !  it  was  fowing 
the  foil  of  freedom  with  the  feeds  of  monarchy  1  It  may  be  glori- 
ous to  cheriihthe  adherents  of  the  laft  adminiftration,  who  ceafed 
not  day  and  night  to  diftrefs  us ;  glorious  to  embrace  thofe,  who 
imprifoned  us,  and  to  love  thofe,  who  charged  us  with  th6  tempers 
of  aflallins,  and  who  ilill  continue  to  oppofe  us  ;  but  to  others  be 
this  glory ;  every  true  republican  will  regard  them  as  "  monuments 
of  the  fafetyy  tv'itJj  which  error  of  opinion  may  be  tolerated,  ,*where 
reafon  is  left  free  to  combat  it*'* 

NO.    11. 

Hijlory  of  the  Confplracy  of  the  Unionl/ls  againfl  cur  Govern' 



.T  the  acceflion  of  Mr.  Jefferfon  to  the  prefidency, 
twenty  lix  years  had  elapfed  fince  the  commencement  of  our  revo* 
lution,  and  during  this  period  the  whole  of  the  human  character 
had  difcovered  itfelf,  and  fome  of  our  felf-Jl'iled  holy  men,  and 
many  of  omv  felf-Jllkd  federal  civilians  had  performed  the  routine 
of  all  their  artifices  upon  a  well-difpofed  people.  We  will 
take  a  view  of  the  unionifts  from  each  noticeable  point  of  the  above 
period.  In  my  feventh  number  of  the  firft  part,  it  was  remarked 
that  church  and  (late  was  once  m  a  fmail  w^y   of  traffic.     This 


was  the  cafe  at  the  opening  of  our  revolution.  Their  little  arts  had 
been  played  over  and  over  again,  without  affording  much  profit  or 
amufement.  The  idea  of  going  to  heaven  or  leading  others  there 
without  taking  a  good  portion  of  this  world  on  the  road  never 
occurred  to  our  unionifts.  Had  Britain  offered  them  as  much  of 
wealth  and  honors  as  they  could  calculate  to  gain  by  a  revolu- 
tion, our  weapons  of  war  would  have  continued  to  be  inftruments 
of  hufbandry  and  we  fbouldhave  been  under  the  moderate  domina- 
tion of  maflers  abroad,  inftead  of  having  been  under  the  fevere 
dcminion  of  our  own  brethren.  The  unionifts  pourtrayed  in 
glowing  colors  the  intolerance,  irreligion  and  tyranny  of  the 
Britiili — the  public  temper  was  excited  ;  yet  the  burdens  com- 
plained of  were  laid  on  by  a  legitimate  government,  which  pro- 
te<51:ed  us,  and  they  bore  no  proportion  in  point  of  weight  to  thofe» 
which  we  fince  endured  ;  but  liberty  of  confcience  was  to  be  gain- 
ed and  poHtical  liberty  and  a  thoufand  other  blefTmgs,  which  have 
only  lived  in  political  fermons  and  fongs.  The  events  of  the  war 
were  various,  and  the  unionifts  were  forward  enough  in  praying  and 
in  giving  words  of  command,  and  the  people  who  were  to  be  eleva- 
ted to  the  rank  of  freemen  were  brave  enough  in  fighting. 

Had  the  unionifts  told  our  army  at  the  northward,  "  In  a  few 
years  you  will  have  new  ftamp-afts  and  excife,"  Burgoyne  might 
have  marched  with  5000  men  through  the  country.  Had  they 
faid  to  our  brave  army  at  the  Ciege  of  York-Town,  "  In  a  few 
years  ftockjobbers  will  be  rioting  on  the  fruits  of  your  labors,"  the 
fiege  would  have  been  raifed,  and  Cornwallis  might  have  taken 
pofTeffion  of  the  country.  Had  the  country  anticipated  a  treaty 
with  Britain,  a  quarrel  with  France  or  the  diplomatic  mafquerade 
of  1798,  they  would  have  laid  down  their  arms — or  had  one  of 
the  numerous  exprefles,  who  rode  the  country  with  tidings  to  an 
anxious  people,  have  fald,  "  In  a  few  years,  men,  who  publicly 
deride  the  very  term  of  republicanifm,  and  who  treat  with  adhor- 
rence  the  rights  of  men,  will  be  at  the  head  of  your  affairs ;  the 
C'plomatic  fops  of  all  nations  will  throng  your  courts  ;  tories  will 
be  in  your  fenate,  and  the  liberties  for  which  you  are  now  coti- 
tending  will  he  bartered  for  filks  and  broadcloths  ;"  the  friends  of 
fuch  an  exprefs  might  have  fought  him  and  not  a  hair  of  his  head 
would  have  been  found.  The- little  dealers  in  fcraps  of  Barruel  and 
G-odwin  (the  waiters  of  our  great  men)  conceive  not  of  the  ardors 
of  that  day,  when  the  inhabitants  of  an  extended  country  refolved 
on  freedom  or  death  ;  nor  do  they  conceive  of  the  inteMigent 
force  v/ith  which  fijch  ardors  will  be  diredled  againft  thofe,  who 
have  put  their  machinery  in  motion. 

During  our  revolution,  church  and  date'  did  not  fieep  ;  all  its 
paffio^ns  were  operating  for  future  advantage  :  little  indeed  did  it 
dream  of  Zion  or  of  the  liberties  of  mankind.  Church  and  ftate 
emboforaed  atthat  Aioment  all  thofc  propenfities,  which  impeded 

^ 5_|2 

the  conpletion  of  our  revolution,  and  produced  all  our  political 
diflenfions,  and  from  the  known  and  vifibie  members  of  it  they 
have  all  proceeded. 

At  the  peace  of  1783  we  had  completed  the  firfl  point  of  our 
revolution,  viz»  an  eftablifhment  of  our  independence,  and  at 
this  moment  it  was  natural  to  refle<5l  on  the  advantages,  which,  as 
a  nation,  we  might  derive  from  it.  We  were  far  diilant  from  the 
kingdoms  of  Europe,  thofe  theatres,  where  religion  and  humani- 
ty had  been  always  outraged  by  civil  and  ecclefiaftical  tyrants  ; 
thofe  theatres,  where  the  common  people  had  been  made  to  ad 
the  part  of  beads  of  burden,  where  ribbons  were  efteeraed  more 
than  lives,  where  men  were  boa/ling  of  their  pedigree,  where 
rank  depended  on  birth,  and  where  heaven  v/as  baniihed  from 
earth,  as  much  as  the  depravity  of  man  could  banifli  it.  We  were 
redeemed  from  crowns  and  the  pageants  who  wear  them,  and  had 
■  an  extended  country,  to  which  we  might  invite  the  oppreffed  of 
the  old  world.  I'his  was  a  feafon  of  enthufiafm,  and  (as  the 
event  has  proved)  of  ftrong  illuiions.  Man  is  never  more  ennobled 
than  when,  reilciHing  on  his  virtuous  ilruggles,  he  refoives  that 
the  world  fhall  enjoy  the  benefit  of  them,  and  is  never  in  greater 
danger  of  difappointment,  than  when  he  entrufts  the  execution  of 
his  benevolent  projedls  to  thcfe,  who  defpife  his  motives. 

In  the  feafon  which  we  are  contemplating,  much  was  faid  of 
the  majejiy  of  the  people y  a  fet  of  terms,  which  the  unionifts  then 
defpifed,  and  which  one  of  their  number  (a  clergyman)  lately 
termed,  the  majefty  of  the  mob  ; — but  in  thofe  days  it  was  under- 
itood  that  the  people,  who  had  gained  all  the  power,  who  did  all 
the  labor,  and  on  whom  would  depend  the  whole  fupport  of  gov- 
ernment, ftiould,  in  their  corporate  capacity,  be  regarded  with 
refpeft.  They  never  conceived  in  that  day  that  a  being  of  their 
own  creation*  Ihould  talk  of  "  humbling  them  in  duft  and  afiles'' 
—that  little  beings  of  their  creation  f  fhould  vote  away  their 
money  by  millions,  contrary  to  their  known  mind  and  will,  and 
call  it  "  a  trifle" — that  beings  of  their  creation  fhould,  without 
any  reference  to  them,  draw  them  into  alliance  with  all  the  aban- 
donment againfl  which  they  had  been  fighting  for  years — :that  the 
aliens,  whom  they  had  invited,  fliould  be  baniflied,  and  that  they' 
Ihould  be  imprifoned  for  queftioning  the  propriety  of  fuch  condud. 
Nor  did  they  conceive  that  their  reprefentatives,  after  pofitively 
knowing  their  choice  of  a  Prelident,  fhould  under  the  foleninity 
of  an  oath,  deprive  themfelves  of  fleep,  in  order  to  counterad  the 
people,  and  prevent  a  fair  experiment  of  their  government.  Had  the 
people  conceived  the  pofHbility  of  fuch  things,  they  would  have 
fettled  their  powers  before  they  laid  down  their  arms.  The 
anionifls  had  gained  their   great  point  in  gaining  the  power  o5 

*  Mr,  Adaras,  ^:  The  Northern  Unionifts  in  Congrefs. 


government  on  this  fide  of  the  water,  and  as  they  had  been  the 
leaders,  they  led  the  people  no  further. 

Had  a  government  been  formed  at  this  feafon,  it  would  have 
involved  all  the  principles  of  the  revolution — no  tory  nor  monarch- 
id  would  have  had  a  feat  in  the  convention — no  plan  of  a  limited 
monarchy  would  have  been  brought  forward — no  provifion  would 
have  been  made  for  diplomadc  agencies— no  great  national  plans 
provided  for ;  but  the  ftates  being  fecured  in  their  feparate  fove- 
reignties,  the  general  concerns  would  have  been  left  in  a  general 
depofuory.  It  is  impoilible  to  decide  what  form  it  would  have 
a/Tumed,  it  is  enough  that  it  would  have  been  the  iegitiniate  child 
of  its  parent.  How  would  a  legiflature,  fitting  at  that  time,  have 
fucceeded  in  eftablilhing  a  funding  fyftem,  to  deprive  the  foldier, 
whofe  wound  was  yet  bleeding,  of  his  hard  earnt  commutation  ? 
How  would  the  propofal  of  a  Britifh  treaty  have  been  received  ? 
Our  unionifts  well  knew  that  the  ardors  of  the  revolution  muft 
abate,  before  they  could  advance  with  their  fyftems.  The  pre- 
tence that  the  country  v/as  not  prepared  for  a  regular  government 
is  idle  :  they  were  prepared  for  peace,  for  order,  for  economy, 
for  political  equality,  for  toleration,  and  for  fupport  of  an  ad- 
minidration,  which  was  ferioufly  in  favor  of  fuch  a  government ; 
but  they  were  not  prepared  to  facrifice  at  a  llroke  the  fruits  of 
a  revolution.  They  were  not  prepared  to  bid  an  eternal  adieu  to 
the  hopes,  which  had  fuftained  them  through  an  eight  years 

The  people,  whom  the  federal  leaders  have  fince  called  and 
treated  as  a  miferable  rabble,  who  needed  a  corps  of  judges  to» 
fave  them  from  their  word:  enemies,  themfehes,  were  then  their  own 
beft  friends.  The  revolution  had  given  a  keennefs  to  their  per- 
ceptions :  they  faw  the  arts,  by  which  foreign  courts  held  in  fub- 
jeftion  their  people,  and  they  had  no  calculations  but  of  lofs  by 
any  great  plans  which  might  be  led  up  here.  They  did  not 
wifh  for  them.  A  private  man,  who  does  not  expedt  promotion, 
and  who  is  willing  to  admit  domeftic  and  fecial  happinefs  among 
the  articles,  which  compofe  the  aggregate  of  political  bleffings, 
never  wiilies  to  fee  his  country  the  richeft,  moft  populous,  moft 
warlike  and  powerful  nation  on  earth.  Every  thing,  which  con- 
(litutes  national  greatnefs,  finks  the  citizen :' he  pays  for  every 
article  of  this  greatnefs  more  than  his  dividend  of  it  is  worth.  Can 
the  navies  of  his  nation  fpread  terror  on  the  ocean  ?  Can  its 
armies  fpread  defolation  through  the  earth  I  Are  its  minifters 
highly  refpedted  at  foreign  courts  >  Are  its  counfellors  eloquent  ? 
Does  its  prefident  keep  a  fplendid  levee  ?  What  then  >  We  the 
people  are  neither  admirals  nor  generals — our  money  muft  fupport 
cur  great  men,  and  our  fons  mud  fupply  thofe  armies  and  navies. 
Had  our  declaration  of  independence  exprefled  our  zeal  for  fuch 
2  courfe,  the  war  would  have  been  indantly  at  an  end.     But  in 


the  midft  of  all  thefe  great  plans,  in  what  o-bfcure  corner  of  the 
country  is  the  religion  of  us  common  people  to  be  marfed  ?  Surely 
not  in  our  hearts^  if  we  approve  fuch  meafures  ;  and  as  furely  cur 
clergy  are  not  to  nurfe  it,  if  they  pray  for  men,  who  advance 
fuch  meafures.  Why  were  we  placed  fo  diftant  from  Europe,  if 
by  treaties  we  are  to  ftretch  our  arms  acrofs  the  Atlantic,  and  to 
embrace  her  courts  and  her  vices  ? 

At  the  feafon  which  we  contemplate,  our  people  knew  all  thefe 
things,  and  the  imprejdions  of  the  people  were  known  to  the  lead- 
ers J  but  -.heir's  was  a  courfe  of  national  glory,  and  the  feafon  had 
not  arrived  for  laying  the  foundation  of  it.  If  a  pure  republic 
is  ever  eftabliflied,  it  muft  be  at  a  time,  when  the  public  mind  is 
not  corrupted  ;  when  it  has  virtue  enough  to  facrifice  the  tempting 
baubles  of  prefent  fplendor  to  the  fubftantial  intereft  of  the  pref^ 
ent  and  future  generations.  The  principle  of  virtue  may  be  gen- 
erated in  a  (ingle  mind  by  reafon  of  refleftion  ;  but  public  virtue 
refults  from  fome  occafion  powerful  enough  to  overwhelm  the 
pallions,  and  this  virtue  will  abate,  as  it  advances  from  its  pro- 
ducing caufe.  To  the  revolutionary  eye  of  the  people,  it  was 
clear  that  to  a  nation  the  avoidance  of  evil  communications,  the 
habits  of  economy,  peace  and  humanity,  with  moderate  wifhes, 
were  as  necelTary  as  to  an  individual  :  that  the  plans  of  monarchs 
and  the  principles  of  republicanifm  could  not  coincide,  and  that 
any  attempt  to  enjoy  the  bleflings  of  the  laft,  under  the  aufpices 
of  the  firft,  muft  be  unfuccefsful. 

The  unionifts  well  knew  that  the  public  memory  foon  fails  ; 
that  public  paflion,  when  ceafed  to  be  blown,  foon  expires,  and 
that  a  few  years  would  change  the  afped,  and  therefore  delayed  to 
come  forward  with  the  great  plans,  which  were  to  annihilate  the 
principles  of  the  revolution  ;  to  domefticate  the  power  vv^hich  we 
had  acquired  j  to  reduce  the  people  to  the  European  ftandard  of 
dependence,  and  to  elevate  thsmfelves  above  ail  contrc^,  except 
the  nominal  power  of  elections,  in  which  their  management  was 
to  deprive  the  people  of  vohtion  and  choice. 

In  this  connexion  you  will  not  fail  to  fee  the  line,  which  dif- 
tingulfhes  between  the  interefts  of  the  common  people  and  thofe  of 
their  leaders — the  advantages,  which  thefe  laft  may  take  of  the 
firft — and  the  cautious  manner  in  which  the  unionifts  watched 
the  relapfe  of  public  ardor  in  order  to  compafs  their  ends.  The 
lion  crouching  for  his  prey,  was  the  attitude  of  church  and  ftate 
dtring  the  five   years  fucceeding  our  revolution. 



Htftory  of  the   Ccnfpiracy  of  the  Unknijls,  continued. 


N  my  laft  number  I  have  fpoken  freely  of  the  unionlfts, 
as  having  interefts  diftin(ft  from  the  body  of  *the  people.  For 
this  I  might  rely  on  former  explanations  ;  but  it  may  be  well  to 
notice  definitely  this  diftinftion  of  interefts,  becaufe  it  forms  the 
bafis  of  this  confpiracy. 

It  will  not  be  pretended  that  the  union  of  church  and  ftate,  as 
it  exifted  when  our  revolution  commenced,  could  have  any  fyftem- 
atic  calculation  oi  fpecifc  benefits,  or  that  every  member  of  them 
contemplated  individual  intereft  ;  but  nature  will  adt  itfelf.  The 
young  lion  roars  after  his  prey,  even  before  he  knows  what  branch 
of  bufinefs  he  is  to  follow,  and  before  he  has  ftrength  enough  to 
fecure  his  prey,  if  it  was  in  his  reach.  We  have  multitudes  of 
young  union ifts,  who  roar  about  religion  and  fteady  habits^  and 
jacobinifm  and  anarchy,  who  have  no  ideas  attached  to  their 
words.  They  make  a  great  noife  about  national  ftrength  and 
the  maral  force  of  fedsraltfm.  They  have  learnt  thefe  notes  from 
fome  one,  and  they  ferve  as  difcordant  expreffions  offome  inward 
feelings.  They  have  no  meaning  in  all  this,  except  that  they 
intend  to  gain  advantage  of  mankind,  as  others  have  done  before 
them,  and  that  when  they  gain  their  ftrength  they  will  do  their 
portion  of  mifchief. — Some  men  are  born  with  greater  conceptions 
of  themfelves  than  others  ;  they  conceive  themfelves  to  poiTefs 
fuperior  mental  or  perfonal  accomplifhments,  which  entitle  them 
to  a  Benjamin's  mefs  of  political  bleffings.  Some  boaft  of  fu- 
perior lineage  and  affe(5t  to  be  ivellhorn.  Some  are  difcended 
from  opulent  parents.  Some  have  been  in  the  habit  of  receiving 
more  than  their  fliare  of  refpect.  V'^arious  caufes  confpire  to  raife 
a  certain  fet  of  men  in  their  own  eftimation  above  the  level  of 
mankind.  Thefe  are  unionifts,  and  they  alTociate  together  for  the 
purpofe  of  fecuring  that  fuperiority,  which  they  claim. — Death 
fettles  all  thefe  accounts  with  infinite  exadnefs,  and  jjlaces  on  a 
k'uel  in  the  earth  thofe,  who  ought  to  have  been  on  a  level  upon 
its  furface. 

This  was  a  revolutionary  fentiment  and  by  it  was  intended  that 
political  equality^  ixjh'ich  balancci  many  of  the  artifcial  and  unavoid^ 
able  eneqitaltt'ies  of  Ife.  Imperceptible  as  may  be  the  point  of  dif- 
tindtion  to  be  taken  on  this  fentiment ;  yet  at  this  point  the  friends 
and  enemies  of  our  revolution  took  their  departure  from  each' 
other.  The  people  did  not  contend  that  the  man,  who  was  pof- 
felTed   of  an  ample  property,  ftiould   dirlde  it  ejjualiy  with   one 


who  had  none,  nor  that  all  men  were  born  equal  in  natural  capaci- 
ty, or  that  their  acquired  knowledge  had  been  equal,  or  that  there 
was  or  ought  to  be  an  equality  of  ftature  or  ftrength.     The  ftiipid 
ideas  of  kvelifm  imputed  to  them  never  exifted  :  but  they  had  no 
refpe6l  to  birch  nor  noble  blood,  nor  profeffional  claims  to  homage. 
They  regarded  every  man,  who  v/as  born,  as  having  a  right  to 
exift  among  others,  who  were  born,  and  if  any  man  v/as  wifer 
than  the  reiF,  they  allowed  him  all  the  advantages,  which  he  could 
fairly  reap  from  his  wifdom.     They  believed  that  every  man,  who 
was  taxed,  had  a  right  to  a  vote,  and    that  life  and   liberty  were 
qualifications    preferable    to   property,  and  that    the  laft  was  not 
evidence  of  fuperlor  merit  or  claims.     Thefe  fentiments  not  only 
deflroyed    artificial   diftincftions,    v;hich  had  no  foundation,  but 
they  opened  the  way  to  greater  freedom  of  thinking  and  judging, 
both  of  men  and  fubje<5ls.      Before  this  one  cJafs  of  the  unionilts 
had  held  by  immemorial  ufe  the  right  of  thinking  for  the  people 
on  religious  fubjects,  and  another  clafs  of  thinking  for    the  people 
on  political  and  legal  fubjeds,  and  each  clafs  of  eftimating  its  own 
weight  in  the  fcale  of  beings.      Nov/  if  thefe  weights  were  to  be 
thrown  into  other  fcales  and  the  people  were  to  hold  the  balance, 
it  might  produce  too  m.uch  revolution.     The  new  order  of  things 
was  not  relilhed  by  the  unionifts  ;  but   we  were  in   the  midft  of 
a  revolution,  and  it  was 'no  feafon  for  difcuffion.     Will    any  man 
believe   that  the   pride    of   fuperiority,     which   was    confpicuous 
enough  in  New-England  before  our   revolution,  and  which  now 
exifts  in  great  force,  had   at  that  time  refoived  itfelf  into  perfeft 
humility — that  the  paffions  had  become  pafiive,  and  that  our  cler- 
ical and  civil  unioniils  ever  contemplated  being  reduced  to  a  fingie 
fiiare    in   a  divifion    of  political  rights  ?  Or  to    be  on  a  political 
level  with  the  people  ?  It  is  as  incredible  as  that  rivers  will  afcend 
the  mountains.      What  would  have  been  to  them  the  confequence, 
if  the  revolutionary  fpirit  had  gained  a  rational  effect  ?  Or  indeed 
how    have  they  received  that  portion   of  fuch   effects,  which  has 
arrived  to  them  under  the  prefent  adminiftration  ?  An  anfwer  to 
the  firft  of  thefe  queftions  will  occupy  the  next  number. 

NO,   IV. 

View  of  the  national  effeti  of  the  Revolutionary  Spirit. 

JL  Hx^Tthe  man  vv'ho  earned  bread  should  eat 
IT*'  was  a  plain  proportion  (early  afTumed  by  mankind)  difclaiming 
all  fophifra,  and  on  the  face  of  it  fo  rational  that  it  would  feem  as  if 
no  doubt  could  arife  ?bont  it  ;  yet  difputes  about  this  have  diftref- 



fed  the  body  of  the  people  in  every  age,  and  the  bload  of  millions 
has  been  (bed  in  conteft  about  it.  When  the  curfe  was  pronounced 
on  Adam  that  the  earth  fhould  bring  forth  ttiiflles  and  thorns,  and 
that  in  the  fweat  of  his  face  he  fliould  eat  his  bread,  he  doubtiefs 
confidered  it  a  hard  cafe  ;  but  his  was  a  blelTed  condition,  compared 
with  that  of  millions  of  his  pofterity,  who  in  the  fweat  of  rheir 
faces  have  been  obliged  to  gain  bread  for  others  to  eat :  they  have 
fown  that  others  might  reap,  and  their  wine  and  their  oil  have  made 
the  hearts  of  others  glad,  and  the  faces  of  others  to  Ihine,  while 
they  have  been  left  to  hunger,  fadnefs  and  defpair. 

Early  and  mod  ferioufly  did  the  enemies  of  the  common  people, 
(whom  heaven  has  in  wrath  fent  abundantly  iRto  every  nation)  . 
undertake  to  contend  that  he^  <wko  earned  bread,  Jhould  not  eat  it, 
and  at  the  opening  of  our  revolution  they  had  completely  gained 
their  point  in  every  nation  of  Europe.  The  common  people  had 
indeed  the  crumbs,  which  fell  from  their  mailer's  tables  and  paid 
moil:  feverely  for  the  indulgence.  The  original  curfe  had  defcen- 
ded  exclufiveiy  on  the  common  people  and  no  part  of  it  reached 
their  lords.  Thefe  took  the  bread  and  left  the  thiftles  and  thorns 
to  the  laborers,  and  had  even  formed  fyflems,  on  which  they  reft- 
ed  the  righteoufnefs  of  this  diitribution.  The  body  of  the  peo- 
ple, which  term  includes  9-ioths  of  them,  originally  polTeffedthe 
foil  as  tenants  of  the  great  Proprietor,  and  with  a  knowledge  of 
their  rights  might  have  kept  thefe  lords  under  fuch  allowances  of 
bread,  as  would  have  tamed  their  natural  imperioufnefs ;  but 
through  various  caufes  thefe  lords  claimed  the  foil,  either  in  virtue 
of  conquefl:  or  artifice,  or  becaufe  they  had  the  honor  to  delcend 
from, an  illullrious  race  of  anceftors,  who  owed  their  firft  glory  to 
the  extent  of  impofitions,  which  they  had  pradifed  on  mankind. 
Thefe  lords  gave  portions  of  the  people's  bread  to  fuch  of  their 
number  as  would  join  them  in  arms,  and  thus  completed  by  force, 
vvhiit  had  been  begun  in  fraud,  and  the  glorious  fyflem  of  feudal 
tenures  was  a  declaration  of  the  rights  of  the  lords  in  confequence 
of  a  boundlefs  fylkm  of  wrongs. 

The  body  of  mankind  once  humbled  and  difarmed,  lofe  their 
r.atural  force,  forget  that  tliey  were  made  but  a  little  lower  than 
the  angels,  take  their  rank  among  the  brutes,  and  afTume  that  very 
atthude  that  gives  keennefs  to  the  contempt,  which  their  mafters 
feel  for  them.  After  fuch  premifes  we  are  not  to  wonder  at  the 
(late  of  oppreffion  in  Europe — at  the  vaft  power,  wealth  and  mag- 
nificence of  their  kings,  princes  and  hierarchs,  nor  at  the  readi- 
nefs  with  which  thefe  obfequious  flaves  look  up  to  the  will  and  plea- 
fure  of  their  mailers.  What  ambitious  men  would  join  luch  a 
fervile,  contemptible  grou|)  ?  Who  would  advocate  the  rights  of 
thofe,  who  had  no  fpirit  to  affert  their  rights  and  who  would  foon- 
er  join  an  army,  whofe  objed  was  their  own  total  humiliation, 
than  to  join  a  band  of  men  refolved  on  death  or  liberty  ?  Who 


would  plead  for  men,  who  would  reply  the  arguments  of  their  maf- 
ters  ?  When  man  fmks  below  his  being,  he  fmks  lower  than  any 
other  animal.  A  man,  born  free  and  who  tamely  fubmits  to  flave- 
ry,  is  unfpeakably  contemptible. 

But  the  height  of  this  ftate  of  things  did  not  appear  at  firft.     The 
father,  who  loft  his  freedom,  felt  through  life  as  if  he  had  fuffered 
wrong.     The  fon  had  heard  of  the  oppreffion  from  his   father  : 
he  fek  fomething  of  it ;  but  what  the  eye  does  not  fee,  the  heart 
does  not  diftinaiy  feel,  the  impreflion  abates,  and  after  a  few  gen- 
erations the  heir  apparent  of  the  miferies  of  fociety  comes  into  the 
world  a  (lave,  he  looks  like  a  flave  in  every  feature,  he  feels  like  a 
fiave,  his  firft  impreffion  is  that  he  came  into  the  world   to  labor 
in  the  fcrvice  of  others,  to  obey  his  mafters  and  to  return  to  duft 
when  he  is  ordered  to  do  fo.     He  patiently  repairs  to  that  part  of 
his  lord's  lands,  where  he  is  to  have  the  honor  to  encounter  thirties 
and  thorns,  and  as  patiently  leaves  his  labor  to  follow  his  lord  into 
the  field  of  battle.     Through  thick  ranks  of  needy  dependants  on 
royal  favor,  he  feldom  fees  fo  far  as  to  his  majefty's  throne,  and 
through  ranks  of  proud  prelates  he  never  fees  to  heaven.     As  his 
body  is  under  the  dominion  of  fyftems,  fo  is  his  mind.     He  never 
dreams  of  toleration  :  the  height  of  his  ambition  is  to  know  what 
he  is  to  believe,  and  if  the  creed  comprehends  thirty-nine  articles 
or  ten  times  that  number,  it  is  all  of  a  piece  to  him  ;  he  believes 
the  whole  of  it.     As  to  liberty  he  has  no  conception  of  it.     In 
fuch  aviewof  things,  the  ^^ord% political  equality  and  the  majejly  of 
the  people  2Xt  ridiculous.     There  is  neither  equality  nor  majeity 
predicable  of   a  fet  of  beings,  who  have  no  power,  no  will,  no 
choice,  and  who  have  loft  the  fpirit  to  affert  their  right  to  bread, 
founded  in  the  a<51:  of  earning  it. 

Such  was  the  condition  of  England  at  the  opening  of  our  revo- 
lution, and  predicated  on  this  condition  were  all  the  fyftems  oF 
poHcy,  legiflation,  ecclefiaftical  and  legal  relations,  which  inform- 
ed  the  minds  of  that  clafs  of  our  people,  who  become  learned  by 
knowing  what  other  men,  fallible  as  tRemfeives,  had  pubhflied, 
and  fuch  is  the  bafis  of  the  European  political  trads,  out  of  which 
our  young  unionifts  now  learn  their  kffons,  Britain  was  above 
the  reft  of  Europe  by  reafon  of  occafionai  revolution,  remnants 
of  charters,  the  eloquence  of  patriots  and  the  fuperior  Ivgl^t  of 
philofophers,  who  could  difcern  through  the  gloom  fome  poflibility 
of  a  republican  government ;  but  their  ideas  were  regarded  as  viU 
ionary.  Though  free  from  monkifh  darknefs  ;  yet  with  a  weight 
of  debt  the  poifon  of  fyftems  had  wrought  throughout  the  frame 
of  Britain,  and  the  remnant  of  her  religion  and  liberties  were  un- 
der  the  control  of  men,  who  hate  both  in  4)roportion  as  each  is 
hoftlle  to  all  their  pride.  Thus  Britain,  exhibited  the  two  clafles 
of  lords  2Sid.  peopky  though  the  charaderiftic  difference  was  iels 
diftina  than  in  the  kingdoms  on  the  continent. 


When  Erltain  offered  us  the  wager  of  battle-  on  tlie  qiieftioi*, 
**  Whether  he  who  earnt  bread  fiiould  eat  it,"  the  people  of 
America  deUberately  decided  to  accept  itj  and  it  was  the  people, 
reprefented  in  congrefs,  who  declared  our  independence,  and  the 
title  of  an  American  republic  will  always  be,  "  We  the  people  of 
the  United  States."  By  that  revolution  the  people  recovered  from 
the  contempt  and  humiliation  in  which  they  had  been  held,  regain- 
ed their  raajedy  and  aiTumed  to  tranfmit  this  charafter  to  pofterity. 

The  eftabiifhment  of  the  fimple  propofition,  "  that  he  who 
earnt  bread  fhould  eat  it,"  changed  the  whole  face  of  fociety, 
and  the  people  were  to  iffue  the  allowances  inftead  of  receiving 
them  from  their  lords.  The  conf.-quence  ot  experiment  on  it 
would  have  been  the  ruin  of  all,  who  calculated  to  live  and  be 
wealthy  v/ithout  rendering  fervices  to  fociety.  Before  it  would 
have  fied  ail  excellive  emoluments — much  of  the  expences  of  liti- 
gation, and  inftead  of  looking  up  to  the  heights  for  wealth,  and 
for  fplendor  among  men  exalted  above  fervice,  we  fhould  have 
fought  for  competence  among  the  people.  No  inordinate  taxes, 
to  fupport  ufelefs  expences,  would  have  driven  the  citizen  to  be 
anxious  for  high  prices  at  the  expence  of  other  nations.  The 
idolatry  of  wealth  and  magnificence,  and  the  contempt  of  poverty 
and  plainnefs,  which  ftimulate  courts  to  impoverifh  a  country, 
demoralizes  a  people  and  enfures  their  degradation,  and  whenever 
the  great  men  can  command  all  the  wealth  of  a  country  the  peo- 
ple will  be  ilaves,  and  a  fet  of  artificial  principles  will  take  place 
of  thofe  derived  from  nature  and  reafon. 

But  our  people  had  difcovered  that  the  great  men,  who  in  other 
nations  had  robbed  men  like  themfelves  and  continued  to  opprefs 
them,,  had  no  fuperior  claims  to  refpe<5t,  and  that  dukes,  earls 
and  even  kings  rather  deferved  the  execration  than  the  homage  of 
the  multitude.  They  ceafed  to  eftimate  men  by  their  titles  or 
wealth,  and  high  birth  and  low  birth  were  of  equal  rank.  Mur- 
ders and  robberies  appeared  to  them  as  dreadful  in  high  life  as  ia 
low  life,  and  they  faw  no  extenuation  of  crime  in  a  commiffioa 
to  commit  it.  Strip  our  world  of  its  rattles  and  ribbons  and  where 
is  all  its  grandeur  ?  And  if  thefe  conflitute  the  nobility  of  man, 
v/hat  is  he  I 

Aa  experiment  on  fjch  an  unfafhionable  revolutionary  fentiment 
would  have  fhocked  every  delicate  nerve  and  alarmed  every  man, 
who  dreaded  equality  with  his  fellow-mortals  as  a  premature  death. 

But  mere  perfonal  freedom  was  not  the  only  objeft :  the  mind 
of  man  had  been  enflaved  for  centuries,  and  its  ilrongeft  fetters 
had  been  put  on  by  the  clergy.  Toleration  became  a  favorite 
theme  and  the  people  refolved  that  religion  was  a  conneftion  be- 
tween God  and  man  ;  that  as  every  man  was  to  render  account 
for  himfelf  he  ought  to  think  and  decide  for  himfelf,  and  that  the 
niind  onght  always  to  be  balanced  by  the  greatefl  weight  of  evi- 

dence. — This  was  a  point  of  refolution,  which  church  and  ftate 
could  not  endure.  An  experiment  of  this  would  have  dedroyed 
all  dignities  in  the  church,  have  exploded  all  eftablilhments,  and 
have  reduced  even  the  moll  powerful  of  the  clergy  to  the  fimple 
elements  of  fenfe  and  ufefulnefs.  Hard  lot  indeed  that  a  domin- 
ion over  the  confcience,  which  had  been  gained  by  the  labor  of 
a  century,  fliould  be  wholly  loft:,  and  that  common  people  Ihould 
read  and  expound  their  bibles  !  This  would  be  lowering  the 
ambafTadors  af  once  and  dedroying  a  kind  of  influence,  v/hich 
our  American  nobles  would  need  for  the  re-eftablifhment  of  the 
old  order  of  things  ;  for  amidft  all  the  ardors  of  the  revolution 
every  fubtle unionift  kept  fight  of  the  do<5trines  of  the  old  fchooi, 
and  refolved  that  when  a  proper  feafon  fliould  arrive,  the  people 
of  this  country  fhould  be  as  the  people  of  other  countries,  the 
nation  fhould  be  as  great  as  other  nations,  and  our  leaders  in  church 
and  (late  like  thofe  of  other  countries. 

The  people  had  feen  that  religion  and  liberty  had  always 
been  in  danger,  and  that  this  danger  arofe  nvholly  from  the 
fact  that  thofe,  who  excited  alarms  about  them,  had  their  exclu- 
live  management,  and  that  neither  could  exift:  within  the  region 
of  their  examples  and  power — and  to  the  dodlrines  of  paiTive 
obedience  and  non-refiftance  they  oppofed  the  manly  fentiment, 
'*  That  rebellion  against  tyrants  is  obedience  to 

Such  revolutionary  fentiments  appeared  rational  in  the  days  of 
the  revolution  ;  they  v/ere  well  underflood  by  the  people  ;  they 
were  all  fufceptible  of  pradice ;  but  the  application  of  them 
would  have  been  ruin  to  our  unionills,  the  champions  of  the  throne 
and  the  altar.  They  hated  fuch  fentiments  with  a  cordial  hatred, 
and  from  this  hatred  they  were  led  to  thofe  meafurts,  which  have 
degraded  the  people  moie  rapidly  than  their  mod:  fanguine  hopes 
could  have  calculated,  and  thefe  meafures  have  aiTumed  the  form 
of  a  confpiracy  in  that  very  union  of  church  and  ftate,  where  the 
pafnons  of  the  country  have  concentered  their  ftrengtho 

NO.    V. 

View  of  the  natural  Impediments  to  a  Republican  Government^ 
ivhich  the  JJniomJls  have  improved  to  aid  their  Confpiracy* 

k_5  OCIETY  being  made  up  of  individuals  each  member  turns 
into  flock  his  private  pafTions  and  prejudices,  and  hence  there 
is  the  fame  want  of  firmnefs,  and  the  fame  defeat  of  reliance 
on  experience,  attached  to  nations  as  are  found  in  the   majority 


of  men  cotripofing  them.  When  experience  Is  oppofed  to  our  paf- 
fions,  we  reafon  and  praflife  againft  its  precepts,  vainly  calculating 
that  our  fuperior  wifdom  or  good  fortune  will  guide  us  clear  of  tha 
evils,  to  which  the  fame  practices  have  expofed  others.  Nations 
will  haz'ird  political  experiments,  which  have  uniformly  deftroyed 
other  nations.  The  firft  article  of  notice  under  this  head  will  be, 
the  devotion  of  our  people  to  great  men. 

All  hiftory  had  fliewn  that  the  intereft  of  thefe  was  wholly  op- 
pofed to  that  of  the  people.  Refledlion  taught  that  with  every 
check  and  reftraint  they  would  gain  more  than  their  Ihare  of  power 
and  wealth.  The  whole  providence  of  God  (hewed  that  there  was 
no  particular  conneflion  between  great  talents  and  goodnefs,  and 
the  hiftory  of  redemption  taught  that  there  never  would  be.  Great 
men  will  do  well  enough,  if  they  are  not  overfed  ;  but  fuch  is  tha 
conftitution  of  man  that  if  you  overload  him  with  wealth  or  power, 
you  ruin  him.  You  may  always  trace  not  only  the  calamities  but 
the  ruin  of  nations  to  great  men,  and  no  man  would  look  among  the 
common  people  for  the  fource  of  political  mifchiefs  ;  but  oftr  great 
men  were  better  than  thofe  tvho  had  gone  before  them.  This  impref- 
fion  has  been  the  bane  of  all  before  us.  What  nation  ever  dared  to 
think  lightly  of  its  great  men  ?  Will  the  French  people  dare  to 
think  lightly  of  Buonaparte  and  his  aflbciates  in  the  confulate  \ — 
No  !  in  full  confidence  that  his  goodnefs  is  equal  to  his  bravery, 
they  will  eftablifh  him  for  life.  He  will  then  fhew  them  fome  fam- 
ples  of  greatnefs,  and  they  v^ll  fhew  him  in  return  free  accefs  to  a 
country,  where  there  are  no  confulsybr /i/>. 

The  fervility  of  the  human  character  under  this  head  has  been  a 
dreadful  impediment  to  freedom.  A  man  cannot  be  fovereign  who 
feels  like  a  flave  ;  a  people  cannot  be  fovereign,  who  feel  as  if  they 
ought  to  have  mafters.  An  intelligent  firmnefs  refting  on  principle, 
muft  accompany  afenfe  offovereignty  in  any  people,  and  this  firm- 
nefs can  never  be  gained  but  in  the  feafon  of  a  revolution.  When 
men  begin  to  reafbn  themfelves  into  fortitude,  their  fears  rife  more 
rapidly  than  their  arguments  A  fhort  hiftory  of  this  refped  for 
great  men  will  fhew  at  every  ftage  of  it  the  extent  of  this  impedi- 
ment to  republicanifm. 

Our  anceftors  had  fcen  enough  of  great  men  in  the  events  which 
drove  them  from  their  native  country,  and  furely  could  not  refpedt 
their  motives  ;  but  when  the  minions  of  his  majefty  came  over 
here  with  their  ftars  and  garters,*  they  were  treated  as  a  fuperior 
order  of  beings  :  The  records  of  that  day  fhew  a  fervility  tow.ards 
his  majefty  and  his  majefty's  minifters,  and  his  majefty's  gov- 
ernors, inconfiftent  with  republicanifm.  Our  great  men  (for 
we  had  a  few  of  them  in  that  day)  fpoke  with  great  reverence  of 

*  The  bed,  on  which  Sir  Edmond  Andrus  lodged  in  New-Haven,  and  the 
chiir,  in  which  he  fat,  have  been  prefcrved  with  great  care,  while  chairs 
and  beds;  which  have  contained  better  men  have  gone  to  decay. 

1 27 

thofe  men,  whofe  fyfliems  they  abhorred,  and  the  common  people 
treated  them  with  a  kind  of  homage.  The  bibles  in  ufe  were  dedi«> 
cated  to  the  2:)resls  ©o^ercign,  moCt  fjtg^  anti  migfjt^  prince  Siemens : 
the  prayers  were  full  of  compliments  to  the  royal  family,  and  it 
was  not  unfrequent  to  recite  all  their  names  in  a  petition  to  the 
throne  of  grace  :  the  magna  charta  was  efteemed  a  moft  gracious 
boon,  and  charters  were  received  with  the  profoundeft  fubmiflion. 
Rivers  paid  tribute  to  the  ocean  ;  but  in  fociety  all  was  reverfed, 
the  people  paid  tribute  to  the  lords,  and  thofe,  who  were  the  fource 
of  all  power,  and  who  might  have  granted  a  commiflion  to  the  king 
to  ferve  them,  fo  long  as  he  behaved  well,  or  during  their  good 
pleafur^,  very  humbly  received  charters  from  him,  and  moft  obfe- 
quioufly  bowed  themielves  to  the  earth  in  thanks  for  the  privileges, 
which  he  had  graciouily  condefcended  to  beftow. 

That  power  which  raifed  Lazarus  from  the  grave,  was  alone 
able  to  raife  our  people  from  this  fervility  and  to  place  courage  in 
their  hearts  to  affert  their  eternal  rights  againft  thefe  great  ufurpers- 
It  ftands  on  o\ir  records  that  this  power  produced  the  courage, 
dire<5led  our  armies  and  fecured  our  independence,  for  purpofes, 
infinitely  variant  from  thofe,  which  have  been  purfue4  by  our  great 
men.  The  fame  records  give  no  intimation,  that  we  were  redeem- 
ed from  foreign  to  domeftic  opprefTion  ;  from  Britifh  armies,  Ba- 
vies,  feditioH,  alien  and  ftampa6ts,  to  umilar  meafures  of  our  own  ; 
from  Britifh  balances  to  the  miferable  balances  of  Zug,  Appenzel 
and  St.  Marino  ;  *  from  the  abufes  of  juftice  in  Englilh  courts,  to 
exceffive  expenfes  and  delays  in  our  own  ;  f  from  Britifti  to  Ame- 
rican hierarchies  ;  but  we  were  to  be  a  people,  "  faved  of  the  Lord, 
zealous  of  good  works."  When  a  republican  contemplates  what 
Americans  expe<5led  to  have  been,  and  reileds  on  the  ufe  to  which 
their  great  men  applied  their  revolution,  he  will  difcern  their  cha- 

But  the  great  men  faid-that  it  was  high  time  for  a  revolution  ; 
the  people  faw  no  more  of  evils  than  they\iow  do  :  (the  reftraints 
of  civil  and  religious  liberty  are  invifible)  the  people  faught,  paid 
and  bled  ;  but  the  great  men  contemplated  objeds,  wholly  incon- 
fiftent  with  the  fovereignty  contended  for.  If  their  after  condud: 
did  not  prove  this  to  be  true,  the  man,  who  charges  them  with 
confpiring  againft^  republicanifm,  deferves  public  execration.  This 
after  conduft  will  be  noticed  in  its  place  ;  but  at  prefent  we  will 
leave  the  people  ftruggling  for  emancipation  from  perfonal  and 
mental  fervility,  and  will  contemplate  a  collateral  impediment,  viz. 
the  concealed  pafiions  of  cur  unionifts.  Thefe  did  not  die  ;  they 
only  flept  during  the  revolution,  and  they  had  confufed  dr.eams 
of  future  national  greatnefs.  The  fleeping  lion  has  loft  none  of 
his  powers  of  deftruftion. 

*  See  Mr.  Adams'  Defence  of  the  American  Conllitutlons. 
f  If  any  lawyer  W'ifhes  to  cajl  n^ic  gut  on  tbisiubjetft,  he  wiil  findxne  per- 
fedjy  at  home. 


Where  in  that  day  was  the  ariftocracy  of  thofe  clergy,  whofe 
influence  balanced  the  overbearing  democracy  of  Conneifticut  I* 
Where  was  the  ariftocracy  of  the  bar  and  the  compting-houfe  ? 
At  a  feafon,  when  the  univerfal  cry  throughout  the  continent  was, 
"  Where  liberty  dwells,  there  is  my  country,'*  the  felfifh  paflions 
were  prudently  filent,  political  equality  prevailed,  and  a  general 
government,  iiTuing  from  the  revolution,  was  contemplated  :  but 
what  was  the  cafe  afier  the  fpirit  of  the  war  had  fubfided  ?  It  was 
foon  difcovered  that  God  had  made  diftindions  among  men, 
which  focieties  muft  recognize,  that  the  artificial  refpe6l  of  the 
clergy  mud  be  reftored,  that  liberty  of  confcience  was  dangerous 
to  religion,  and  that  civil  liberty  tended  to  infurre6tions.f  The 
ardors  of  the  revolution  had  abated,  prrfeffional  influences  had 
begun  to  operate,  a  convention  of  the  ilates  was  raifed  to  form  a 
conltitution,    and    here  the  foverei^n   people  were  called  to  fee 


AUGUST  CONCERNS  OF  EMPIRES.  The  addreffcs cxpreffing  thefe 
ideas,  and  even  reftingthe  merits  of  their  meafures  on  thefe  augvjl 
fads,  v/ere  a  lucid  commentary  on  the  dodtrinc  of  political  equal- 
ity.— Angels^view  Newton  and  Locke  as  we  view  an  ape  ;  proba- 
bly their  views  are  corred ;  and  if  fuch  be  the  correct  vrews  of 
fuperior  beings  ;  if  revelation  confirms  fuch  views  ;  if  experience 
teaches  that  in  the  midft  of  great  knowledge  are  great  errors,  and 
if  thefe  men  had  convened  to  eftabliili  the  metes  and  bounds  of 
their  own  future  greatnefs,  we  ought  to  fufpend  a  little  of  our 
idolatry  on  this  avguji  fubjefl. 

Several  of  the  men  were  torles,  publicly  known  as  fuch  through 
the  war,  feme  were  monarchies,  fome  ariftocrats,  and  there  were 
feme  republicans.  They  debated  on  famples  of  conftitutions, 
differed  much,  and  finally  prefented  a  conlHtution,  in  which  the 
great  men  were  balanced  under  the  heads  of  executive,  iegifla- 
tive  and  judicial,  and  a  power  of  balancing  them  all  by  elections 
was  rcferved  to  the  people  ;  which  balance,  if  carefully  kept  en- 
tire, would  be  competent  to  the  purpofe  ;  but  the  beftowmcnt  of 
enormous  powers  to  the  three  balances  and  leaving  the  counterpoife 
only  the  duft  of  a  balance  heavier  than  the  reft,  expofed  this  iafl 
to  a  diminution  of  its  powers  and  to  an  eventual  difufe.  The 
recognition  of  an  ariftocratic  principle  was  diftin6l  in  the  fix  years 
term  of  the  fenate.  The  appointmer.^  of  prefident  was  left  to  ac- 
cident, not  to  the  choice  of  the  ptlople.j;     Surely  it  will  not  be 

*  See  the  Encyclopedia  under  the  title,  "  Connedicut,"  cxtra<fled  from 
Dodtor  IVIorft^^s'  Geoo^raphy 

f  Shays'  infurredion  gave  rife  to  this  idea,  and  the  enemies  of  the  revo- 
lution were  fexpert  enough  in  their  management  of  it. 

\  Electors  vote  for  Prefident  and  Vice-Prtfident  without  dcfignating, 
which  is  Intendt  d  as  the  firft  cfficcr,  in  confequence  of  which  it  may  happen 
that  the,  who  bad  not  one  vote  as  Prefident  may  become  Prefident,  At 
the  lafl  eledion  the  candidates  were  equal,  each  having  fcventy-three  vyt^^.s. 


contended  that  citizens  would  have  a  free  choice,  provided  an 
e{e<5lIon  of  mayor  and  of  port  phyfician  were  to  be  made  at  the 
fame  time,  and  that  the  one  which  happened  to  have  the  greateft 
number  of  votes  fhould  be  mayor.  In  fuch  mode  each  candidate 
might  be  placed  in  a  fituation,  inconvenient  to  himfelf  and  ufelefs 
to  the  people,  and  neither  would  be  the  choice  of  the  ele6tors  ;  yet 
as  widely  different  are  the  qualifications  and  offices  of  the  prefi- 
dent  and  vice-prefident — extremely  important  the  event :  a  difap- 
pointment  of  the  people  for  four  years  on  fuch  a  fubjecl  would  pro- 
bably caufe  a  convuiiion,  yet  our  northern  unionifls  are  oppofed  to 
any  amendment.  They  hope  to  gain  by  this  defecl:  in  the  confH- 
tution  a  fifth  balance,  viz.  the  power  of  the  minority  over  all  the 
reft,  which  balance,  if  once  fuffered  to  turn  thefcales,  would  in- 
ftantly  deflroythe  government. 

In  the  houfe  of  reprefentatives  was  repofed  the  people's  (Irength, 
and  here  it  is  fafe  fo  long  as  their  elections  are  uncorrupted,  and 
fo  long  as  their  prcfident  and  his  adminiftration  are  republican  ; 
but  with  an  ariftocratic  preliderit,  the  majority  in  the  houfe 
will  forget  their  conftituents,  and  Britifh  treaties  and  flamp 
adls  will  rgife  their  detefled  heads  againil:  the  fpirit  of  t^e  revolu- 
tion. When  conflltutions  are  made  by  thofe,  who  are  to  conjiitufe 
the  three  firft  balances,  we  are  not  to  wonder  that  any  amendment, 
which  the  people  may  wifn,  fhall  run  the  gauntlet  of  t^uo  thirds  o£ 
the  fenate,  t<wo  thinh  of  the  houfe  of  reprefeatatives  and  the 
iegiflatjires  or  conventions  of  three  fourths  of  the  Hates.  Since 
it  has  not  pleafed  the  minority  in  the  fenate  to  accede  to  the  ob- 
vious amendment  in  the  choice  of  our  firfl:  officers,  we  are  not  to 
expert  any  yielding  to  the  people.  The  conftitution  is  the  bed, 
which  we  could  obtain  under  fuch  aufpices,  the  firmnefs  of  the 
people  may  obviate  its  defeds  ;  but  the  manner  of  its  produ6tion, 
its  ariftocratic  balances,  and  the  refufals  to  amend  it  are  fo  many 
arguments  that  the  object  of  our  unionifts  was  not  a  deftru6tion  of 
the  power,  which  had  ruiaed  other  nations,  but  a  transfer  of  it  to 
ihemfehes.  The  conftitution  is  a  title-deed  drawn  by  their  owrn 
hands,  ftandin^  on  record,  fubfcribed  by  feveral  men,  who  were 
the  public  enemies  of  our  revolution,  and  by  others,  who  are 
now  known  to  be  monarchifts  and  the  adherents  of  Britain.  The 
aiTent  of  the  people  was  drawn  from  them  by  the  prayers  and. 
eloquence  of  men,  who  had  fworn  eternal  fidelity  to  the  people  I 
And  the  day  of  its  final  adoption  was  the  firft  day  of  glory, 
which  church  and  ftate  had  feen  (ince  the  opening  of  the  revolu- 

aiid  the  choice  devolved  on  the  houfe  of  reprefentatives.  Prefident  Jcfferfon 
vfas  interidcd  for  the  iirft  office.  The  Vice-Prefident  (Burr)  declined  com- 
petition,; yet  for  more  than  thirty  times,  the  friends  of  order,  our  nortbem 
unionifts,  iliewed  their  contempt  for  the  only  republic?n  balance  in  the  coniH- 
tution  :  an  honeji  evidence  of  theli'  willingnefs  to  fee  a  fair  experiuient  of  rc- 
publicanifir.  [ 


^3^  ■^ 

tion.     Tfiat  conftltution  is   the  property  of  a  republican  people* 
and  the^r  will ;  but  from  that  <3£/^?^ afTemblage  of  wlfdom 
they   could  have  wiflicd  for  more  wifdom  and  for  greater  refpedt^ 
to  the  mare  augujl  afretiiblage  of  a  free  people. 

The  refolution  of  the  great  men  to  avail  themfelves  of  the 
habitual  fervility  of  man  and  to  deprive  the  people  of  their 
independence  only  originated  in  this  occafion.  Its  details  are 
vifible  at  every  advance. 

To  deflroy  the  balance  of  the  people  all  the  fciences  of  gov- 
ernment were  introduced  in  ou*r  national  councils  ;  rapid  difcov- 
eries  of  the  wifdom  of  European  governments  were  made  ;  long 
fpeeches  were  the  order  of  the  day,  and  the  people,  who' 
iinew  nothing  of  Latin  and  Greek  and  little  of  ancient  and 
modern  hiftory,  and  who  had  no  conception  o^  a  republican  goV' 
trnmenff  managed  by  monarchical  machinery  and  operated  for  the 
chief  henejit  of  the  governors i  were  not  qualified  for  a  feat  in  our 
councils.  'X'he  language  to  them  was,  "Be  quiet,  truft  to  us, 
"  we  have   all   knowledge,  and  thofe,  who  teach   you  to   diftruft 

A  Rranje  (late  of  things  was  introduced,  the  people  underftood 
nothing  about  it ;  but  they  retained  their  honeft  confidence ;  the 
poHtical  clergy  of  New-England  made  rapid  converfions  to  the 
do6lrine  of  pafTive  obedience,  and  the  age  of  poUtical  myfteries 
commenced.  To  aid  the  opening  fcene  COnnedicut  fent  to  con- 
grefs  a  fenator,*  whofe  politics  were  fo  hoftile  to  their  revolution, 
that  he  had  been  fent  to  refide  at  a  diftance  from. the  fea  coafl. 
The  pcr:ple  ha^  no  want  of  rtfpei5t  for  his' talents  or  integrity; 
biu  could  not  then  conceive  how  their  great  men  in  the  legiflature 
ftiould  eled  him  to  carry  into  efFe6t  a  republican  government.  The 
funding  fyftem  and  Britifh  treaty,  and  quarrel  with  France,  were 
all  ailonifhing  to  the  people :  they  had  no  conception,  why  gov- 
ernment fliould  be  fupported  at  an  enormous  expence  and  why  we 
Aiould  court  foreigh  alliances,  nor  could  they  fee  lefs  deformity  in 
an  American  than  in  a  Britifh  excife  ;  but  the  language  was,  "  Be 
**  quiet,  gictit  men  are  at  the  helm,  your  blcfiings  will  arrive,  if 
"  you  have  patience  to  wait."  .  . 

But  feveral  new  difcoveries  were  made,  viz.  that  the  objed:  of 
our  revolution  was  vifionary — that  a  reprefentative  of  30,000 
people  is  not  in  fa<St  their  reprefentative,  but  that  he  reprelents  ail 
the  United  States,  and  that  religion  was  very  ,cIofely  conneded 
with  the  exifting  order  of  things.  The  firft  of  thefe  propofitions 
was  a  grofs  infult  on  the  people^ — the  fecond  was  a  vital  aim"  at  the 
only  power,  which  the  people  retained,  and  the  third  was  wholly 
'myfterious  ;  but  the  argument  was,  "  Be  quiet,  great  men  are  at 
lielm."     The  men,  who  called  the  revolution  viiiqi>ary,  tr-e-Ated  it 

*  Dr. '  William  S.  Johnfoti. 

as  fuch,  ridiculed  its. principles,  outraged  its  advocates  and  adopt- 
ed every  meafure,  which  could  impoverifh  and  humble  \p  friends. 
When  the  patriotic  republicans  were  oppofing  the  Britifh  treaty, 
our  northern  unionifts  confidered  it  a  glorious  manoeavre  in  one  ot 
their  number*  to  let  loofe  the  Savages  ^fuddenly  in  favor  of  the 
treaty  and  to  carry  by  a  war  of  words  a  mealure,  which  a  world 
of  woes  had  been  indured  to  prevent.  Patiently  did  ovir  people 
hearthemfelves  called  a  mob  !  a  rabble  !  deftitute  of  fenfe,  their 
own  worft  enemies,  ignorant  of  their  rights  and  having  only  dif- 
cretion  enough  to  feledfor  their  rulers  the  rn;en,  who  defpifedand 
abufed  them. 

This  was  a  glorious  height  of  character  for  a  people,  who  were 
but"  a  few  years  before  founding,  "  death  or  liberty."  They  had 
efcaped  a  natural  death  in  their  conteds  with  Britain,  and  had  the 
honor  to  meet  a  political  death  and  the  lofs  of  liberty  from  men, 
v/ho  affefled  to  fupport  republicanifm.  The  point  wis  gained  by 
the  New-England  unionilts,  that  the  great  men  fhouid  deal  oui- 
allowances  to  the  people,  and  the  fervility  of  the  people,  which 
the  revolution  had  for  ^  moment  removed,  was  reilored  under 
circumiUnces,  promiling  its  perpetual  duration  : — BiA  there  were 
other  impediments  to  a  republican  government,  whichfthe-northern 
unionifts  more  particularly  improved  for  the  fubjugation  of  the 
people.     Thefe  will  be  the  fubje(5t  of  the  next,  number. 

NO.   FL 

Further  hnpecUments  to  RepubUcanifmy  confahved. 


T  has  been  already  remarked  that  the  unionlfts  hate 
chriftianity  and  confj^ired  again!!:  it  becaufe  it  was  hoftile  to 'their 
pafTions  and  political  plans,  and  that  they  did  this  under  pretence  of 
regard  to  it.  There  is  a  great  confiilency  in  thefe  unionilh  ;  they 
hated  republicanifm,  becaufe  it  v/as  oppofed  to  their  religious  fyf- 
tems  and  to  that  domination  of  the  clergy,  which  had  always  been 
fubfervient  to  their  advancement. 

To  the  natural  fear  of  great  men  was  fuperadded  that  of  the 
clergy,  and  this  laft  kind  of  terror,  if  it  is  ingrafted  into  the  young 
ftock,  will  bud  and  blofTom  through  life.  The  greateft  fcience  of 
a  clergyman  confifts  in  his  having  realized  the  depravity  of  man, 
his  nothingnefs,  his  duty  to  be  huoible  and  his  deftitutioa  of  claim 

*  Mr.  Ames. 

to  the  mercy  oF  God  or  the  hamage  of  man.  IF  feeling  thefe 
things  he  is  perfonally  humble,  uniolicitous  of  applaule,  ardent 
for  the  fphitual  good  of  man,  and  fenfibie  ot  his  unfitnefs  to  guide 
their  political  concerns :  in  fact,  if  he  has  modelled  his  character 
after  the  fafnion  of  the  New-Teftament,  he  will  fecure  a  kind  of 
refpe^t ;  but  how  many  of  them  in  New-England  have  been  po- 
litical preachers,  zealous  for  war,  for  trixes,  for  impriionment  and 
for  every  thing,  which  could  humble  the  common  people. 

If  chriftianity  is  the  fame  as  it  v/as  in  the  days  of  the  Apoftles, 
and  if  republicanifm  is  what  it  was  in  the  days  of  our  revolution, 
church  and  ftate  is  neither  chriltiaw  or  republican  ;  yet  they  have 
the  names  and  forms  of  both  and  affe(5t  to  praftice  them  as  far  as 
the  ftate  of  the  fociety  and  their  own  tempers  will^jermit  ;  but 
this  is  a  kind  of  conformity,  which  the  fpirit  of  both  of  them 

Previous  to  our  revolution  there  were  fome  thoufands  of  men 
in  New-England,  who  had  a  religion  of  the  Ji?yi  day  of  the  iveek, 
and  who  believed  !r>  what  the  clergyman  faid  on  that  day.  Their 
children  were  early  brought  forward  to  believe  and  the  out-door  re- 
ligion was  ^JDundant  ;  but  if  any  layman  undertook  to  believe  for 
himfelf  or|b  doubt  what  he  was  told,  they  were  air  ready  to  leave 
their  work  in  order  to  calf  him  out  of  the  fynagogue.  With  fuch 
impreffions,  we  began  the  revolution,  and  let  the  world  theori:^e  as 
they  v/ill,  ^he  llavery  thus  induced  is  never  entirely  worn  oC  A 
man,  v/hoSs  early  told  that  he  muff  believe  certain  things,  and  that 
lie  muft  do  it  at  this  moment  or  the  door  of  grace  wiii  be  forever 
fliut,  is  very  apt  to  believe  ;  yet  his  belief  under  a  threat  that  eter- 
nal mifery  will  be  the  confequence  of  his  doubting,  is  no  better 
than  a  promife  made  under  durefs  or  a  confeflion  with  a  bayonet  at 
the  breafl.  The  man,  who  beheves  a  few  times  in  this  way  lofes 
the  freedom  of  his  mind,  and  he  who  makes  him  believe,  becomes 
his  mafter.  Men  may  call  this  an  infidel  fentiment ;  but  in  my 
view  the  man,  who  profeffes  to  bdieve,  and  yet  his  mind  has  not 
prevailing  evidence  of  the  truth  or  exigence  of  what  he  believes  is 
both  hypocrite  and  infidel.  In  an  atbmipt  to  deceive  others  he, be- 
trays himfelf. — Bwt  the  people  were  not  united  in  their  faith  :  they 
had  ail  forts  of  creeds  ;  bu.t  agreed  in  tliis  one  point,  that  the  cler- 
gy of  all  denominations  mud  be  revered,  and  the  clergy  of  all 
differing  denominations  appeared  to  unite  in  .approving  this  fenti- 

No  harm  could/follow  from  this  reverence,  provided  it  extend- 
ed no  farther  than  to  a  rational  refpeft  for  them  in  their  profeffions  ; 
but  when  a  kind  of  infallibility  was  attached  to  them  even  in 
fpiritual  concerns,  chriifianity  muft  have  fuffered  by  it  :  the  liber- 
ty of  the  Son  of  God  is  never  gained  by  any  obfequioufnefs  of 
confcience  :  but  when  this  infallibility  extended  to  men  and 
meafures  of  government,  it  was  dangerous  to   civil  liberty — and 


when  fubtle  civilians,  willing  to  gain  promotion  on  any  bafe 
terms,  availed  themfelvcs  of  this  intallibility  for  thlir. benefit,  it 
was  defi:ru6llvc.  Yet  under  thefe  inaufpicious  impecllments  v/e 
began  the  revolution,  and  when  we  ref}e(5l  what  our  condition  was 
at  that  time,  and  what  it  now  is  in  refped  to  thefe  unionifts,  we 
may  form  fame  eftimate  of  the  fincerity,  with  which  the  unionills 
prayed  or  fought  for  the  religious  and  civil  liberty  of  ike  people. 
They  were  fincere  fo  far  as  refpe<fted  foreign  domination  ;  but  all 
ctheir  pad  lives  and  fyftems  v/ould  have  been  loft  to  tli^fm  had  they 
fought  to  leave  men  to  purfue  religion  as  a  perfonal  cpncern  be- 
tween themfelves  and  their  Maker,  or  had  they  aimed  to  depend 
for  political  confequence  on  talents  and  fervices,  inftead  of  relHng 
on  the  artificial  and  long  eftabliflied  influence  of  church  and  ftate. 

Viable  intolerance  had  abated  in  New-England  ;  there  was  no 
written  law  in  force  that  none  but  church  members  Ihould  be  free 
burgefTes ;  yet  the  avowed  charge  of  Chrift's  chuvgk  was  in  our 
law-books,  fonie  nice  points  of  theology  were  ^tled  in  our 
llatutes,  and  the  common  law  of  church  and  ftate  was  in  full 
force.  No  man  could  tell  what  this  was,  any  more  than  our  lav/- 
yers  can  tell  what  the  common  law  of  this  countrj  is  ;  yet  the 
general  operation  of  both  thefe  common  laws  was,  3^at  the  craftf- 
men  underftood  the  profit  of  thera,  and  that  they  operated  great 
mifchief  to  the  people.  There  was  no  vifible  pope  with  his 
council  of  cardinals  ;  yet  in  many  of  our  parifhes^was  a  great 
infallible  and  feveral  little  infallibles,  who  pronounce^  with  great 
wifdom  on  the  divine  counfels,  which  had  been  hid  from  ages, 
and  who  decided  with  raagifterial  certainty  on  controverfial  points 
which  had  been  difputed  by  the  ableft  men  for  centuries.  Civil 
ofhces  were  fubordinate  to  this  ftate  of  things,  and  the  fpirit  of 
church  and  ftate  was  really  more  dangerous  to  civil  liberty  and 
toleration,  than  the  policy  of  Britain  was.  A<flions  fpeak  louder 
than  words  ;  the  conduct  of  our  unionifts  fince  the  revolution 
ihews  that  their  objedl  was  to  redeem  the  people  from  one  ftate  of 
intolerance,  o/ily  to  bind  themfajler  in  another ;  and  in  order  to 
gain  this  objciSt  it  was  irnportant  for  our  leaders  to  acquire  that 
power,  which  Great-Britain  pofiefted,  and  having  gainci  this 
power,  they  have  conv^erted  the  whole  of  it  to  the  ftrengthening 
of  their  union,  and  in  return  have  diredltd  the  acquired  ftrengfh 
to  the  deftruftion  of  the  liberty'-,  profefted  to  be  aimed' at  in  the  revo- 
lution. Thus  the  people,  after  their  fucceftes,  repofing  on  church 
and  ftate,  have  leaned  on  a  reed,  which  has  pierced  them  through. 

A  precife  knowledge  of  the  chara6ler  of  New-England  under 
this  head  is  as  neceftary  to  a  civilian  as  a  knowledge  of  anatomy 
is  to  a  furgeon.  Were  you  to  difTedl  a  New-England  man,  ycu 
would  find  about  him  kraps  of  undigefiied  creeds,  in  which  his 
own  reafon  had  no  kind  of  agency.  Our  New-England  mem- 
bers  of    congrefs  talk   in  fcripture  dialed  :  our  lay  theologians 


quote  catechifms  as  found  theology  ;  our  urtionifts  talk  of  grace 
by  rote,  and  even  our  paragraph  v/ritcrs  fill  infenfibly  into  tefta- 
ment  allufions,  witliout  the  lead  intention  of  paying  court  to  the 
clergy.  We  learn  from  our  cradles  a  number  of  prejudices, 
whlcti  our  mature  exertions,  added  to  the  ableft  reafonings,  are 
unable  to  abate.  With  thefe  ideas  in  view,  we  (hall  fee  the  por- 
tion of  church  and  ftate  religion,  which  was  \voven  into  the  web 
of  our  1  evolution,  and  hence  the  impediments  to  civil  and  reli- 
gious libeity,  and  the  eafe  with  which  our  unionifts  could  always 
oppofe  tha  advances  of  a  republican  government. 

This  impediment  being  explained,  it  remains  to  remark  in  this 
numbtr  a  lubftantial  and  durable  impediment  connected  with  it, 
which  operates  with  great  force,  viz.  the  refcmblance  of  the  gov- 
ernment, for  which  we  profefTed  to  fight,  to  the  religion,  which 
we  profeffed  to  approve.  ■     .     , 

Pure  rept|||ficaaifni  is  as  perfeftly  fuited  to  trie  political  interefts 
orthecomnPn  people,  as  chriAianity  is  to  their  i]iritual  con- 
cerns: but  it  demands  fuch  a  facrifice  of  the  pafiions,  fuch  a 
devotion  to  the  public  good,  fuch  undeviating  regard  to  judiccand 
peace,  that  ttven  the  common  people  cannot  long  preferve  it  in  its 
purity.  Rq^ablicanifm  **  deligius  in  the  region  of  civil  and  do- 
meftic  quiet,  extends  its  bleffings  to  the  fields  of  labor,  and  vifits 
thofe  moft,  who  moft  approve  it.''  Revolutions  produce  a  feafon 
of  political  virtue  in  the  oppreffed,  and  conceal  thofe  paffions, 
which  are  liereafter  to  attempt  the  defl:ru6tion  of  their  natural 
effe«5ls.  The  eafe  of  turning  this  impediment  to  federal  account 
will  be  readily  conceived. 

But  we  had  been  under  Englifh  dominion,  and  had  imbibed 
Tqany  aixtirepublican  maxims  of  government,  which  were  fo  en- 
twined with  our  other  knowledge,  ^that^it  was  next  to  impolTibie 
to  detach  them.  It  is  eafier  to  conquer  well  difcinlined  troops 
than  old  prejudices,  and  the  talk  is  rendered  more  hopelefs,  pro- 
vided at  the  moment  of  our  attempting  to  reduce  them  a  pov/erful 
clafs  of  men  advance  to  their  aid.  I'he  Joveretgnty  of  the  people., 
■which  is  indilpenfible  to  republicanifm,  was  a  principle  too  mighty 
to  be  adopted  in  its  full  force  by  the  people,  unlefs  their  leaders 
would  precede  them  in  it ;  but  the  leaders  fecretly  abhored  the 
•principle,  while  in  public  they  affcded  to  idolize  it.  The  world 
had  fo  long  kept  f:;rvants  in  chariots  and  mafters  on  foot,  that  to 
.change  this  courfe  required  a  powerful  effort  in  the  public  mind. 
The  principle  was  nominally  ertablidied  ;  but  its  mod  vital  enemies 
were  the  ftewards  of  its  own  houfehold.  Connedlicut  had  a  repub- 
lican government  of  a  very  fimple  conflrudion  :  ele<51ions  were 
fcmiannual  and  the  people  enjoyed  u  kind  of  fovereignty  j  but  all 
the  power  in  operation  was  fo  trifling,  that  the  fenfe  of  fovereign- 
ty was  hardly  fufccptible.  A  popular  fovereignty  to  be  extended 
■throughout  the  continent,  balancing  the  jaring  interefls  of  the 


flates  and  fiabduing  ailftocracies  of  talents,  wealth  an4  ptofefFiOug, 
prefented  eiiibarraffments,  not  alarming  in  the  feafon  of  the  revo- 
lution, but  formidable  when  this  fovereignty  was  committed  to 
men,  whofe  political  exiftence  depend  on  its  deftruflion. 

To  thefe  impediments  may  be  added  the  zeal  of  our  northern 
people  for  wealth,  for  enterprize  and  for  comparative  .weight  in 
political  fcales.  •  More  of  their  paffions  were  filenced'than  fub- 
dued.  Every  bkffing  of  the  revolution  depended  on  good  man- 
agement afterwards.  A  vidory  is  worfe  than  notJung,  if  you 
leave  the  fortreffes  which  you  have  taken  to  be  garrifoned  by  the 
troops  which  you  have  recently  conquered. 

Our  artful  unionifts  knew  this  to  be  the  ftate  of  the  public  mind  : 
they  faw  the  facility  of  tiirning  it  to  their  account :  they  felt  a 
cordial  enmity  to  the  principle  of  popular  fovereignty.  Hence 
the  pailions,  defcribed  in  the  laft  number  of  the  lirft  part,  were 
let  loofs  on  the  principles  of  the  revolution,  zr\0:z  fyftem  of 
meafures  was  commenced,  a  fummary  view  of  VWlich  will  (hew- 
that  our  unioni/is  iven  as  hojlile  to  our  independence  as  nvas  the 
Brhifh  courts 

■    ■  •  ■  i 

m.  Fii. 

View  of  the  fiijl  overt- a  Els  of  the'    Unionifts  after  the   Revo- 



AM  not  in  the  habit  of  believing  that^the  foil,  climate 
and  manners  of  this  country  are  fo  peculiarly  acceptable  tQ  the 
Supreme  Being  that  he  has  fet  his  afFe<5iions  upon-  it  excfufively^ 
but  had  this  been  the  cafe,  are  we  to  believe  that  he  woul^  have 
delighted  in  making  us  the  greateft  and  richeft  nation  on  #anh  ? 
The  majefty  of  this  world  has  yielded  fo  little  homage  to  his'  Di- 
vine M^jefty  thaJ:  he  could  take  no  intcreO:  in  fuch  an  event.  He 
doubtlcfs  leaves  nations  as  he  does  individuals  with  paffions,  capa- 
ble of  yielding  good,  with  reafon  to  dired  thofe  paffions,  and  has 
left  them  to  all  the  evils  which  refu'c  from  giving  them  a  wrong 

Partiality  for  our  own  country  fhould  not  exclude  an  admiffion 
that  in  all  feafons  we  have  had  a  clafs  of  men,  whofe  feelings  and 
interefts  -^tx^  from  various  caufes  oppofed  to  thofe  of  the  people, 
and  that  the  rights'  of  the  people  committed  tl  this  clafs  wi^l  bc'in 
danger.      Reading  and  reflexion  are  ufeful  in  teaching  us  to  avoid 


evils,  but  it  did  not  require  the  forefight  of  Locke  or  Newton  to 
difcern  that  if  at  any  future  day  the  tories,  the  monarchifls,  the 
political  clergy  and  the  civihans  dependant  on  them  fhould  harmo- 
nize in  meafures,  thofe  meafures  would  be  antirepublican. 

As  there  were  two  clafTes  of  men  in  our  country,  different  in 
obje6ts,  fo  there  were  two  paths  to  purfue.  One  was  the  narrow 
and  hiHnl>lls  path  of  rehgion,  competence  and  peace,  the  delega- 
tion of  thj^^  moderate  powers,  neceffary  to  fuch  a  condition,  and 
the  beftownjint  of  confidence  on  men,  "  who  like  the  fun  would 
ihine  not  for  their  own  good,  but  for  that  of  the  fyrtem  ;"  a  per- 
petual pledge  on  the  part  of  the  rulers  to  refpeft  the  fovereignty 
of  the  people  and  the  principles  of  their  revolution — and  an  unde- 
viating  firmnefs  in  the  people  to  employ  none,  who  refufed  to  ac- 
cept of  truft  on  fuch  terms.  The  other  was  the  high  and  broad 
road  of  national  glory.  The  courfe  of  the  firO:  was  not  found  in 
any  map  of  ilM  world  nor  any  page  of  hiftory.  The  other  was 
in  every  mapPand  every  hiftory.  The  firft  led  to  the  fields  of 
labor,  where  gains  are  flow  and  fure,  and  the  laft  condudled  to  a 
lottery,  where  an  enormous  prize  and  feveral  great  prizes  conceal 
from  the  adveaturers  the  great  multitude  of  blanks  and  the  chances 
of  lofs.  It  was  eafy  to  fee  that  the  day,  on  which  the  lafl:  of 
thefe  paths  fhould  be  decided  on  would  be  a  dark  day  for  the 
friends  of  the  revolution  :  and  fuch  it  has  proved,  *'  a  morning 
of  clouds  andlncreafing  in  gloom  to  the  clofe  of  it." 

The  advopatcs  of  national  glory  are  full  of  dignity  :  they  fcorn 
the  low  region  of  the  afFeftions  ;  they  annihiliate  revolutions  by 
deftroying  their  infant  eflTedts.  The  work  of  conciliation  with  the 
domeftic  enemies  of  our  caufe  conftituted  the  funeral  obfequies  to 
our  departed  brethren.*  This  was  the  firft  overtax  of  our  union- 
ids.  I  call  it  tbeir  ad,  becaufe  in  this  policy  as  well  as  in  every 
general  meafure,  which  has  been  combated  by  the  friends  of  the 
prefent  adminiftration  they  have  been  united.     Had  this  concilia- 

*  Do<5lor  Stiles,  in  a  fcrmou  preached  in  1783,  exprtfles  the  fenfe  of  the 
country.  After  reciting  the  names  of  the  heroes,  whom  we  had  loft,  and 
the  diftseffes  of  the  war,  he  fays,  "  Can  relatives  forget  the  cruel  mock- 
"  ings,  Icourgings,  aflVlTinations  of  their  deareft  connedtions  ?  Can  they 
"  forget  the  thoufands  of  their  captivated  countrymen  configncd  to  deilruc- 
"  tion  ?  Were  thefe  the  kindncfles  American  brethren  received  from  the 
"  hands  of  loyalifs  ?  Can  w^c  ever  love  Biitain  again  ?"  This  ardent  patriot 
lived  to  hear  a  mortifying  anfwer  to  his  quellions ! — Fedcraliih  regard  as 
puerile  fuch  feRtimenis  ;  but  theirs  are  not  puerile;  they  exhibit  an  alarm- 
ing -maturity.  They  were  mature  in  the  courts  of  kings  long  before  they 
adopted  them.  A  marriao^e  union  between  the  leaders  of  nations,  which 
had  exhaufted  each  other's  blood  and  trea'fure,  has  ciofed  with  a  feftival,  the 
defolation  of  war,  and  the  uiiftrable  pantomimes  of  courtiers  haye  fuc- 
ceeded  to  tragedies,  whofe  imprtflioris  ought  never  to  have  been  loft.  A 
treaty  of  peace-  Is  neccffary  to  clofe  the  horrors  of  war  ;  but  the  firft  figner 
to  a  treaty  of  fiieudfl:ip,  ihould  be  the  man,  whofc  wcunds  have  be#u  the 
deepeft  ! 

tfon  been  preceded  by  any  confeffion  of  error,  had  it  refulted 
from  mere  humanity:,  it  would  have  deferved  praife ;  but  it  was, 
as  events  have  proved,  an  union  of  complacency,  not  of  forgive- 
nefs.  The  manner  in  which  the  convention  was  compofed,  illuf- 
trates  this,  and  every  cardinal  meafure  of  the  government  was  a 
frefh  declaration  to  the  people  in  favor  of  the  do<ftrines  of  the  old 

Having  prefented  confiderations  enough  to  lead  you  to  contem- 
plate the  extreme  probability  that  your  rights  would  be  violated  by 
the  men  firfl:  in  power,  and  having  in  view  the  fa<5t  that /or  attempt- 
ing fuch  violation  the  'voice  of  the  people  has  deprived  them  of  confi- 
dence,  I  fliall  proceed  to  exhibit  the  progrefs  of  thefe  violations, 
difpofing  in  my  advance  of  the  confiderations,  calculated  to  pre- 
vent your  impartial  decifion. 

The  leader  of  our  armies  was  placed  at  the  head  of  our  councils. 
His  name  was  a  hoft  in  fiivor  of  that  party,  which  could  avail 
themfelves  of  it,  and  though  this  name  was  the  property  of  the 
people,  who  had  aflifled  to  gain  it ;  yet  the  leaders  feized  on  it, 
and  with  this  advantage  thty  eftablifhed  the  funding  fyftem.  I 
have  already  adverted  to  this  :  but  as  it  was  th?  radical  caufe  of 
our  evils,  the  political  fail,  which  fubjeded  us  to  the  lofs  of  an 
American  Eden  arid  to  innumerable  curfes,  it  deferves  recurrence. 

It  has  never  been  pretended  that  the  prefident  faw  all  the  ten- 
dency of  this  meafure,  or  that  he  had  any  conception  that  much  of 
the  paper  had  been  artfully  and  wickedly  drawn  into  the  hands  of 
Britifti  agents,  tories,  rich  capitalifts  and  (in  many  confpicuous 
inftances)  of  men  high  in  office  !  furely  he  had  not  forgotten  (he 
could  never  forget)  the  interefting  moment,  when  bidding  adieu  to 
the  brave  officers  and  foldiers,  whom  he  commanded,  he  pledged 
to  them  his  facred  honor  that  their  fervices  fhould  be  faithfully 
remunerated.  Thofe,  who  pretend  that  he  underftood  this  mea- 
fare,  would  deprive  him  of  a  claim  to  the  gratitude  of  his  coua^ 

What  did  the  ftrong  advocates  of  that  fyftem  contemplate  ?  Na- 
tional glory  ?  And  how  were  they  to  compafs  it  but  by  the  fame 
means,  which  experience  had  taughf  I  There  was  in  this  bufmefs 
no  Machiavel,  no  Sully,  Richlieu  or  Mazarin.  All  was  plain 
work.  Europe  was  full  of  copperplate  copies  on  this  fubjedt.  A 
man  of  fix  feet  in  height  could  as  well  plan  a  funding  fyftem  as 
one  of  fi5cty  :  a  boy  can  copy  :  but  it  required  more  than  the  or- 
dinary fortitude  of  a  man  to  refolve  to  deprive  the  army  of  their 
hard  earned  reward,  to  ftab  the  vitals  of  the  revolution,  to  fink, 
in  the  duft  the  hopes  of  millions,  to  eftabHffi  in  power  the  enemies 
of  the  revolution,  and  to  lay  the  foundation  of  numerous,  cruel 
ariftocracies.     This  required  nerves  probably  more  than  any  Amer«  • 


'38    - 

itan  pofleiTed.  A  foreigner*  was  prime  leader  of  the  funding 
lyftem.  In  thofe  days  It  ivas  not  criminal  to  have  a  foreigner  at  the 
head  of  the  treafury.  It  required  ftrong  nerves  to  drive  fuch  a 
meafure  againft  the  whole  force  of  fouthern  eloquence,  againft 
manifeft  equity,  and  againft  the  temper  of  the  people.  The 
magic  v/ords  of  "  national  honor^^  were  founded  in  vain,  and  the 
meafure  was  not  carried,  till  the  monied  ariftocracy,  intended  to  be 
created  by  the  fyftem,  became  powerful  enough  to  give  itfelf  a 
being.  A  funding  fyftem  is  an  engine  of  prodigious  powers,  it 
creates  as  many  ariftocracies  as  can  be  fubfervient  to  it,  and  has 
the  complete  control  over  them  all.  Thus  among  the  firit  fruits 
of  this  meafure,  America  was  to  eftablifh  a  credit  in  Europe, 
fjounded  on  our  having  purchafed,  at  feventy  millions,  paper  not 
worth  in  market  fifteen  ;  by  our  having  violated  an  eternal  obliga- 
tion of  paying  it  to  the  nien^  who  earned  it,  and  having  afTumed 
the  legal  and  precife  idea  of  paying  it  to  the  men,  who  merely- 
held  the  evidences  of  its  having  been  earnt  :  in  fadt,  ly  a  great 
political  frauds  we  were  to  become  great  among  tliC  nations. 

This  gave  glorious  occafion  to  raife  a  diplomatic  ariftocracy  by 
fending  to  the  courts  of  Europe  American  monarchifts,  who  with 
great  outfits  and  falaries  were  to  perfuade  them  how  much  we  re- 
Ipefted  them,  and  how  anxious  we  were  to  receive  in  return  their 
Hammonfds  and  Liftons  to  expedite  us  in  following  their  fteps. — 
Under  this  monied  ariftocracy  were  foon  ranged  all  its  advocates 
in  the  fubordinate  ar!,ftocracies  of  the  compting-houfe,  the  bar,  the 
delli  and  the  fword.  For  all  thefe  no  balance  was  provided  by  the 
cohftitution.  New-England  church  and  ftate  was  forward  and 
vilible  in  all  this  bufmefs,  and  through  its  influence  the  murmurs  of 
the  people  were  huflied. 

When  the  moral  faculty  of  a  nation  has  been  depraved,  every 
deftru6tive  confequence  will  follow.  The  funding  fyftem  took 
the  place  of  the  energies  which  it  deftroyed,  appointed  members 
of  congrefs,  devifed  plans  of  expence,  enlifted  the  preftes,  and 
managed  all  the  appeals  to  the  fears  of  danger,  and  luft  of  wealth, 
which  influence  the  multitude.  It  gave  the  alarm  of  the  weftern 
infurre*Sion,  and  fent  an  army  of  governors,  and  hot-bed  patriots 
to  quell  it,  and  exhibited  in  miniature  all  the  little  arts,  which 
were  thereafter  to  appear  in  full  life.  All  was  yet  on  too  fmall  a 
fcale. — No  army  nor  navy,  nor  land-tax,  nor  fedition  law  !  fonie 
men  had  the  effrontery  to  talk  of  the  fpirit  of  1 776.     The  Britilh 

*  Alexander  Hamilton.  As  it  is  cuftomary  to  pay  a  turnjiike  toll  of 
complinients  at  paffing  the  name  cf  this  man,  and  as  he  is  decidedly  and 
ciiiincritly  the  head  and  plan  founder  of  the  federal  party,  I  take  occalion  to 
icmark,  that  he  is  probably  a  brave  man,  and  doubtlcfs  a  man  of  fuperior 
t?.leiits.  All  his  plans  have  an  ingeniovs  io)rplkation  of  jiruBme  about  them, 
vhich  detaches  the  curfoi'y  obferver  from  a  view  of  tlicir  interior  movements. 
'1  he  fame  charadler  attaches  to  his  writings,  as  may  be  fcen  by  reference  to 
his  *'  amours  with   Mrs.  Reynolds,"  aod  "  his  lattr  to  John  Adunis." 


treaty  was  fet  on  foot.  •  This  was  favorable  to  all  the  ariftocracies, 
and  promifed  to  cut  the  knot  of  alliance  between  France  and  us. 
Had  the  Britifli  miniftry  been  commiffioned  to  manage  our  con- 
cerns,  they  would  have  adopted  the  fame  meafures. 

This  treaty,  made  in  1794,  was  entitled  a  treaty  of  amity, 
commerce  and  navigation,  and  the  firft  article  provided  that  there 
ihould  be  a  firm,  inviolable  and  univerfal  peace,  and  a  true  and 
ftncere  friendfiip  between  his  Britanic  majelty,  his  heirs  and  fiic 
cefiors,  and  the  United  States  of  America,  and  between  their 
refpeaive  countries,  territories,  cities,  towns  and  people  of  every 
degree  J  nvithrmt  exception  of  per fons  or  places.  If  the  funding  lyl- 
tem  wJls  the  warning,  this  was  the  ftroke  of  death  to  our  inde- 
pendence. But  a  few  years  before,  this  fame  king  had  *'  plunder- 
"  ed  our  feas,  ravaged  our  coafts,  burnt  our  towns  and  deftroyed 
"  the  lives  of  our  people;  He  had  tranfported  large  armies  of 
"  foreign  mercenaries  to  complete  the  works  of  death,  defolation 
<*  and  tyranny,  fcarcely  paralleled  in  the  moft  barbarous  ages,  and 
"  totally  unv.'orthy  the  head  of  a  civilized  nation.  He  had  con- 
"  ftrained  our  fellow-citizens  taken  captive  on  the  high  feas  to 
"  bear  arms  again  ft  their  country,  to  become  the  executioners  of 
«*  their  friends  and  brethren,  or  to  fall  themfelves  by  their  hands. 
"  He  had  excited  domeftic  infurreftions  among  us,  and  had  en- 
"  deavored  to  bring  on  the  inhabitants  of  our  frontiers  the  merci- 
«  lefs  Indian  favages,  whofe  known  rule  of  warfare  was  an  undif- 
^^  tinguiflied  deftruftion  of  all  ages,  fexes  and  conditions."  On 
fuch  fa6ls  our  declaration  of  indepenbe'nce  pronounced 
him  to  be  a  tyrant ;  yet  v/ith  this  tyrant,  Mr.  Jay  in  the  year 
1794,  under  truly  federal  aufpices,  united  you  in  the  bands  of 
true  and  fmcere  friendfhip  !   ! 

Had  this  king  changed  his  charader,  or  what  were  his  new 
claims  on  us  ?  He  had  lent  his  minions  and  corrupted  our  political 
integrity  :  he  was  at  open  war  with  France,  with  whom  we  were 
in  alliance  of  amity  and  commerce,  made  in  order  to  guarantee 
each  other  again  ft  the  well  knov/n  tyranny  of  Britain.  At  the 
feafon  of  making  this  treaty,  governor  Monroe  was  our  minifter 
i/i  France,  pledging  liis  reputation,  by  order  of  our  government, 
that  our  fidelity  and  friendfliip  for  that  nation  was  unabated.  He 
had  no  fufpicion  that  federalif  n  was  mature  enough  for  fuch  diplo- 
matic work.  He  appeared  to  be  the  refpeded  and  well  chofen 
envoy  of  a  republic  ;  but  was  in  fad  deftined  to  be  the  vidim  of 
federal  policy,  and  to  footh  the  court  of  France  with  fmooth 
profeflions,  while  we  were  contracting  (article  23d)  to  receive, 
at  all  times  hofpitably  the  fliips  of  war  of  Britain  !  I  forbear  to 
comment  on  further  violences  to  the  French  or  to  ourfelves  in  that 
treaty.  It  was  oppofed  by  the  republicans  in  congrefs,  and  has 
never  ceafed  to  be  abhored  by  them  throughout  the  union.  It 
vas  approved  by  the  federalifts  in  congreft,  iigned  with  reludance 

by  the  PreCdent,  admired  by  the  tories,  Britifh  agents,  all  the 
ariftocracies,  and  New-England  church  and  ftate  has  never  failed 
to  give  it  a  cordial  fupport. 

After  reading  this  treaty,  we  need  not  wonder  at  finding  in  the 
next  page  a  treaty  of  amity  with  the  Dey  of  Algiers,  in  which 
the  proiHtuted  affedlions  of  Americans  were  offered  to  Haffan 
Bafhaw,  his  Divan  and  fubjeds,  and  on  other  occafions  they  were 
at  the  fervice  of  every  petty  prince,  who  had  a  J'eaport.  Thus 
under  the  management  of  a  clafs  of  men,  who  always  hated  re- 
publicanifm,  the  United  States,  which  in  1776,  declared  inde- 
pendeince  with  a  folemn  appeal  10  the  Supreme  Judge  of  the  world 
for  the  reditude  of  their  intentions,  took  early  occafion,  in  pre- 
fence  of  that  Judge,  to  violate  plighted  vows,  to  commit  abom- 
inations with  the  kings  of  the  earth,  and  to  embrace  thofe  very 
principle,  which  had  always  enflaved  mar*  and  delolated  the 


View  of  fome  overt-aEls  of  the  TJniomJls  under  the  adminifii-a- 
t'lon   of  Mr*   Adams, 

\_  RESIDENT  Adams,  who  is  a  confpicuous  member  of 
the  New-England  church  and  (late  union,  was  placed  at  the  head 
of  our  government,  under  circumifances,  peculiarly  aufpicious  for 
an  experiment  of  his  balances  of  government.  The  majority  of 
votes  by  which  he  was  chofen,  was  indeed  fmall,  and  there  was 
fome  queftion  whether  fair  management  would  not  have  given  Mr. 
JefFerfon  the  chair  ;  but  Mr.  Adams  was  the  conftitutional  preli- 
dent  for  four  years,  and  having  been  a  confpicuous  patriot  through 
the  revolution,  having  held  high  confidential  trulls  in  Europe,  and 
having  been  vice-prefident  for  eight  years,  he  took  his  feat  with 
a  weight  of  charafter  and  influence. 

The  revolutionary  fpirit  was  gone,  our  union  with  Britain  was 
eftabiilhed,  the  funding  fyflem  was  in  full  operation,  all  the  ariftoc- 
racies  were  fubordinate  to  cabinet  meafures,  New-England  church 
and  flate  was  organized  and  ready  to  pray,  preach  or  fight  for 
lederal  meafures,  the  public  offices  were  principally  filled  by  men 
cbfequious  to  the  court,  republicans  were  humbled  on  every  fide, 
and  the  idea  of  popular  fovcrcignty  was  treated  with  foveicign 


Our  intrigues  in  Europe  had  drawn  us  into  a  delicate  fituation 
with  France,  and  ftrong  fufpicions  were  entertained  by  that  nation 
that  our  afFe(5lions  were  fet  on  Britain — that  we  wifhed  to  quarrel 
with  France — that  our  great  men  defpifed  her  revolution,  and 
that  multitudes  of  our  people  were  in  heart  oppofed  to  the  policy 
of  our  court.  Nothing  on  earth  was  more  true.  Our  leading 
men  had  been  laboring  with  all  their  might  to  produce  a  rupture 
with  France.  Mr.  Monroe  had  pledged  enough  of  his  charudkr 
on  ailurances  of  our  cordial  friendfhip  tor  France  :  it  was  thought 
expedient  to  fend  a  ncv/  minifler  with  frelh  afTurances.  Every 
American  knows  that  tJiis  was  the  finefle  of  a  court  ;  for  previa 
ous  to  this  time,  inflammatory  reflections  agsinft  France  had  been 
frequent  in  congrefilonal  debates,  and  from  the  feat  of  government 
had  been  ifTued,  in  reports  and  pamphlets,  tht  moft  daring  infultss 
on  the  French  nation.  The  new  minifter,  (Mr.  Pinckney)  was 
known  both  here  and  in  France  to  be  hodile  to  the  French  char- 
aderand  revolution,  and  republicans  have  never  doubted  that  this 
was  the  reafon  of  his  being  felecled  for  that  m^flion.  I'he  French 
refufed  him  cards  of  hof])itaKty.  He  wrote  difpatches.  The 
prefident  called  a  meeti»g  of  congrefs  on  the  15th  of  May,  1797, 
and  in  his  opening  fpeech,  after  lamenting  the  caiife  of  this  meet- 
ing, after  giving  a  varnifli  to  the  charad:er  of  Mr.  Pinckne)^,* 
and  after  opening  the  heinous  condua  of  France,  be  fays,  '*  Such 
"  attempts  ought  to  be  repelled  with  a  decifion,  which  fhail  con- 
**  vince  France  and  the  world,  that  we  are  not  a  degraded  peo- 
"  pie,  fitted  to  be  the  miferable  inftruments  of  foreign  influence, 
"  and  regardlefs  of  national  honor.^'  He  then  recommends  war 
meafures,  (to  be  called  meafures  of  defence)  and  engages  "  to 
*'  inftitute  a  frefa  attempt  at  negociation,*'  in  fadf  to  handle  the 
olive  branch,  while  they  (liould  be  preparing  for  hoftility. 

This  fpeech  excited  a  war  fever  in  congrefs  and  throughout  the 
country.  At  that  feflion  the  exportation  of  all  military  imple- 
ments v/as  prohibited,  and  the  importation  of  brafs  cannon,  mmlv- 
ets,    piftols,  fvvords,  lead,  gun-powder,  Sec.    into    this    land    of 

peace,  religion  and  order,    was  exempted  from  duty 115,000 

dollars-  were  appropriated  for  fortifying  certain  ports — the  prelident 
was  authorized  to  require  of  the  executives  of  the  feveral  ftates 
to  take  effedlual  meafures,  ai  fuch  time  as  he  Jhould  deem  necejfaryy 
to  organize,  arm,  equip,  and  hold  in  readinefs  to  march  at  a  mo- 
ment's warning,  80, ©00  effective  militia— provifion  v/as  made  for 
a  naval  armament — the  odious  flamp.a(5t  was  pafTed— an  ad- 
ditional duty  of  eight  cents  per  builiel  was  laid  on  the. article  of 
SALT  ! — the  prefident  was  authorized  to  borrow  8oo,oco  dollars 
— tOi^oo  dollars  were  added,  to  former  appropriations  for  defray- 


*  Mr.  i\ Jams'   declaration  refpeding  the   monarch'ifm   of  Mi*.  Pinckney 
.ds  whilt  the  lall  eiedion  was  pending,  will  not  be  readily  forgotten, 


ing  the  expences  of  foreign  intercourfe — 8co  dollars  for  the  fala- 
ries  for  two  extra  clerks  in  the  'war  department — 200,000  dollars 
for  completing  and  equipping  three  frigates — 100,000  dollars  for 
the  pay  and  fubfiibnce  of  the  officers  and  crev/s — 39,000  dollars  for 
repairs  and  fabrication  of  arms  and  cannon-carriages,  and  5000 
dollars  for  the  hofpital  department  ! 

O  !  how  we  loved  the  French  !  and  what  blefTed  teftlmonies  of 
afFecSlion  were  we  preparing  for  Mr.  Adams*  new  envoys  to  carry 
to  France  ! 

At  this  extraordinary  feffion  was  brought  forward  the  famous 
confpiracy  of  Blount,  which  being  traced  to  the  Britifh  minifter, 
Liifton,  was  not  in  point  for  the  politics  of  the  day. 

The  prefident  difpatched  Meffrs.  Marfhal  and  Gerry  to  join 
Mr.  Pinckney,  on  a  miflion  of  explanation  and  conciliation  with 
France  ;  but  the  plain  Englifh  of  his  fpeech  on  the  i6th  of  May, 
and  th^  ftibfequent  mcafures  had  reached  France  before  them, 
and  they  were  not  received.  The  (;onfequent  pantomime  of  X, 
Y  and  Z  need  not  be  related  ;  the  meafures,  which  followed  the 
difpatches  fiiew  conclufively  the  objeft  of  it.  Every  thing  tended 
to  a  rupture  with  France,  and  to  the  fortifying  of  our  adminiftra- 
tion  againfl;  the  jud  complaints  which  would  follow  Uie  operiing  of 
their  new  fyftems. 

The  fubfequent  feHion  of  congrefs  was  opened  with  a  long 
fpeech,  followed  by  long  debates  and  a  humble  echo,  in  which  the 
houfes  had  the  honor  to  think  jufl  as  the  prefident  had  condefcend- 
ed  to  fpeak.  At  this  feflion  was  appropriated  a  further  fum  of 
115,000  dollars  to  equip  for  fea  the  frigates  ;  216,000  dollars  tor 
pay  and  fubfiftence  ;  60,000  dollars  for  expenditure  of  ammuni- 
tion, &c. — The  prefident  was  authorized  to  caufe  to  be  built, 
purchafed  or  hired  twelve  velTels  of  twenty-two  guns  each  to  be 
armed,  fitted  cut  and  manned  under  his  direclion,  and  950,000 
dollars  were  appropriated  to  this  purpofe — provifion  was  made  to 
raife  an  additional  regiment  of  artilierifts  and  engineers — a  navy 
department  was  eftablilhed — 250,000  dollars  were  added  to  former 
appropriations  for  defence  of  our  harbours — 800,000  dollars  were 
appropriated  to  enable  the  prefident  to  purchafe  cannon,  fmall 
arms,  &c. — 8o,coo  dollars  for  fmail  gallies. 

Thefe  were  among  the  preliminary  war  m^fures  of  Mr, 
Adams'  adminiftration,  all  advocated  by  the  New -England  federal 
members^  approved  by  the  tories  and  Britifh  merchants,  all 
publicly  hoftiJe  to  the  French  nation.  Yet  our  political  clergy 
were  praying  for  them,  preaching  againfl  the  French,  charging 
them  with  a  fpirit  of  atheifm  and  anarchy,  and  attaching  thefe 
charges  to  all  the  republicans,  who  oppofed  thefe  meafures.  The 
country  was  filled  with  Robifon's  proofs  and  BarruePs  memoirs, 
and  the  fealon  had  arrived  for  flriking  a  decifive  blow  at  the  root 
of  republicanifm.     The  federal  papers  announced  that  all  piety, 


virtue,  patrlotifm  and  talents  were  on  the  federal  fide  ;  but  tht 
aliens  were  troublefome  and  ret^ublican  papers  queftioned  the  policy 
and  integrity  of  adminiftradon, 
■  To  meet   ihls  itate  of  things,  to  exalt  church  and  (late,  and 
to  humble  republicans,  not  to  defend  ourfdves  againjl   the  French, 
the  prefident  was  authorized  to  raife  an  army,  in  the   event  ot  a 
declaration  of  war  again  ft  us,  or   of  aflual    invafion,  or  of  immi- 
nent  danger   of  fuch  hroafian   difcovered  in  his  opinion  to  exiji,  and 
provifion  was  made   for  the  appointment  of  a  lieutenant  general, 
infpeaor  general,  major    generals,  and  great  men  enough  to  rum 
a  nation,  and  for  caps,  fwovds,  piftols,  labres,  &c.   and  200,000 
dollars  were  appropriated  for  the  firft  exigencies  of  this  bufinels. 
Here  was  a  modeft  opening  for  patronage,  and  a  wide  field  ot 
rlory.     This  was  a  day  of  clues  and  plots,  and  the  prdidcnt  iaw 
danger  clearly  enough,  and    appointed   the    late  preGdent  to  be 
norrdnal  lieutenant  general,    Mr.  Hamilton   to    be  r../ infpeftor 
general,    federal    pockets    were   foon    lined   with     commifiions, 
and    recruiting  officers    were    like    locufts    about  the    country. 
The  body  of   the  people    regarded  this- meafure     with    abhor- 
rence;  the   veil,    in  which    this    bufmefs    had    been    wrapped, 
was  too  thin.     The  unionifts  boldly  advocated  the  meaure  even 
on  its  real  bafis,  and  Mr.  Webfter  has  been  fatd  to  fay  th^t  Gen. 
Hamilton  declared  the  impoflibility  of   governing    this   country 
v/ithout  a  military  force  to  aid  the  executive      This  ^  ^^f 
the  true  ground.     That  army  was  raifed  on  the  ftrength  of , artificial, 
well  concerted  difpatches,  and  was  intended  for  the   humihat.on 
of  republicans  and  for  no  other  purpofe.      If   o...r    envoys  were 
honeft,  the  figure  dancers,  under  the  names  ol  X,  \  and  Z,  de- 
fcrve  death  for  impofiDg  on  them. 

On  the  day,  when  the  prefident  approved  this  army  biU,  he 
approved  another,  empowering  himfeli;  to  grant  letters  ot  marque 
and  reprifal  to  American  veffels  agamit  the  French.^Immenf. 
•appropriations  were  made  for  a  war  eftabhfhn^nt-~the  commerciai 
intercourfe  between  France  and  the  United  States  was  fufpenckd-^ 
the  alien  aa  was  pafiid,  fubjcaing  the  perfons  of  aliens,  who  haa 
fled  here  for  refuge,  to  the  arbitrary  control  of  the  prefident 
and  to  crown  this  energetic  work,  an  aft  was  pafTed,  decknng  the 
treanes  heretofore  concluded  with  Francr,  no  longer  obligatory  en 
the  United  States,  and  Mr.  Adams  folemnly  approved  our  ex- 
oneration  by  our  own  a^  from  ftipuIations,(olemnIy  entered  into 
bXfelf.S^his  was  a  daring  (Iroke,  confidenngal  which  had 
rrcc  ded;  but  federal  nerves  were  ilrong.  Next  followed 
a  declaration  of  a  maritime  war  with  France,  which  nation  then 
was  ad  has  always  fmce  been  at  peace  with  us,  and  th^  prefident 
Tas  impov-ed  ti  commiffion  private  armed  velTcIs  to  f.-.ze.  u. 
due  and  capture  the  armed  vefTels  of  France. 

O^  hoi  lincereiv   we  loved  France,  when   our  ei.^.    .^^ 
fcnnhci^  !  ^^d  hov/  dcftitute  of  aifcerament  were  the  Frencu  ! 


In  the  capture  of  the  frigate  Infurgent  we  gave  them  a  key  to  aU 
this  bufinefs,  and  fliewed  them  by  a  little,  what  a  great  deal  of 
federalifm  means  ! 

The  vaft  appropriations  made  at  this  feflion  required  extraordi- 
nary funds  and  mod  extraordinary  ones  were  invented. — An  a6l 
was  pafTed  for  the  valuation  and  taxation  of  lands,  dwelling-hou- 
fes  and  Haves,  in  the  ninth  fc6Hon  of  which  provifion  was  made 
for  a  future  window  tax  and  in  the  lafl:  feflion  an  appropriation  of 
150,000  dollars  for  the  expence  of  this  ufelefs  and  unequal  tax, 
which  fum  fell  fhort  more  than  80,000  dollars  of  its  aflual  amount. 
The  confequence  of  this  was  an  immenfe  patronage  of  the  prefident, 
the  country  was  filled  with  commiflioners,  aflefibrs,  ftirveyors  &c. 
and  our  real  property  was  mortgaged  for  the  annual  payment  of  fuch 
fums  as  admJniftratlon  fiiould  be  difpofed  to  lay  on  them.  This  was 
in  faft  feizing  the  fee  of  our  lands  and  placing  us  in  the  condition  of 
lefTees  tmder  our  liege  lords  of  the  federal  cabinet.  This  corps  of 
officers  might  filence  fome  doubts  about  the  wifdom  of  meafures  ; 
but  left  they  might  not  eifed:  it — the  infamous  fedition  ad  was  ap- 
proved on  the  fame  day,  the  proceedings  under  which  will  be  re- 
membered with  horror  by  every  republican. 

Several  ads  for  augmenting  the  army  were  made  in  order  to  rife 
in  adion,  as  the  federal  fever  rofe,  and  on  eftimate  of  the  expences 
it  appeared  that  the  two  millions  to  be  raifed  on  the  valuation  would 
be  inadequate — the  prefident  was  therefore  impowered  to  borrow, 
on  fuch  terms  as  he  fhould  judge  moft  advantageous,  five  millions 
cf  dollars.  His  judgement,  always  equal,  decided  on  eight  per- 
cent and  at  that  intereft  it  was  effeded.  He  was  alfo  impowered 
to  borrow,  at  fix  per-cent  (of  the  bank)  two  millions  to  be  refun- 
ded from  the  avails  of  the  dired  tax,  whi<;h  tax  was  never  likely 
to  be  colleded,  except  it  was  from  ftates  fubjed  to  federal  rigours. 
Church  and  (late  paid  it  cheerfully  and  beftowed  its  bleiHng  on  the 
objeds  to  which  it  was  to  be  applied. 

The  laft  ad  of  this  war  feflion  provided  that  10,000  copies  of 
the  inllrudions  to  our  envoys  and  of  the  X,  Y  and  Z  bufinefs 
fliould  be  printed  and  diftributed  gratis  in  the  country — and  this  is 
all,  which  tiie  people  ever  received  for  millions  of  their  money 
expended  in  the  deftrudion  of  their  principles  and  in  the  eftabhfli- 
ment  of  a  reign  of  terror,  which  if  continued  through  another 
prefidential  term  would  have  entailed  on  themfeives  and  pofterity 
p-;rpetual  flavery. 

Thefe  meafures  give  the  length  and  breadth  of  Mr.  Adams'  ad- 
miniftranon.  The  next  feflion  opened  with  a  law  to  punifh  men, 
who  ihould  (as  Dodor  Logan  had  done)  improve  their  private  in- 
£uence  and  wealth  to  obtain  from  foreign  governments  the  political 
or  ccmmercial  relations,  wliich  our  government  profeffed  to  wifli — 
the  Englifli  tranflation  of  which  was,  "  we  were  not  finc'iere  in  our 
wilh  to  adjuft  all  diffeiences  with  France  :  fuch  adjuflment  would 


have  hazarded  federalifm  and  you  (Doftor  Logan)  are  a  diforgan. 
izer  and  a  jacobin  for  attempting  to  effect  luch  conciliation."  Mr. 
JefFerfon  was  greatly  abufed  in  the  debates  on  this  a<5t. — Further 
meafurcs  were  taken  to  fufpend  cur  intercourfe  with  France — a  mil- 
lion of  dollars  was  appropriated  for  building  fix  feventy-fours.  and 
fix  floops  of  war — 50,000  dollars  for  docks — 200,000  dollars  for 
fhip-timber — laws  were  made  for  the  government  of  the  navy — 
provifion  was  made  to  augment  the  army — the  falarles  of  the  pub- 
lic officers  were  raifed  to  the  fame  f urns,  ivh'ich  are  now  allowed  to 
them — two  millions,  one  hundred  and  two  thoufand  dollars  appro- 
priated for  the  navy — one  million,  five  hundred  and  forty  feven 
thoufand  dollars  for  the  military  eftablifi.ment,  and  more  than  two 
millions  for  the  additional  army  and  imraenfe  additional  appropria- 
tions for  other  military  and  naval  purpofes.  Federal  New-Eng- 
land was  cordial  in  all  thefe  meafures  and  the  political  clergy  fuf- 
tained  regular  nominations  of  lawyers  and  feleded  the  moft  tho- 
rough-going of  them  to  fuftain  the  admlniflration.  We  will  not 
be  told  that  they  did  this  in  order  to  ferve  the  kingdom  of  Chriil 
or  to  fuftain  the  government,  contemplated  by  the  revolution. 

It  is  unnecefTary  to  purfae  the  meafures  through  another  feflion. 
The  traits  of  this  adminiftration  were  friendfkip  to  Britain,  enmity 
to  France — duplicity  in  management — tendencies  to  inordinate  ex- 
pence — to  increafing  the  burdens  of  taxation  and  the  weight  of  pub- 
lic debt — finking  the  people  into  a  fubmiffive  dependance  on  the  ru- 
lers— fondnefs  for  a  war  fyftem — eagernefs  for  national  wealth  and 
greatnefs  at  the  expence  of  principle  and  a  determination  to  com- 
pafs,  by  a  reign  of  terror,  fyftems  of  meafur---?.  which  republicans 

It  is  notorious  that  the  unionlds  of  New-England  have  been  in 
the  fleady  habit  of  fuftaining  both  at  home  and  abroad  men,  who 
boldly  and  ftrenuoufly  advocated  fuch  meafures,  and  the  quefiion  to 
a  candidate  was  not,  are  you  a  chriftian  and  a  republican .''  But 
are  you  in  favor  of  federal  meafures  ? 

NO.  IX. 

Further  view  of  the  overt-acts  of  the  Unionijl:, 

X  HE  outdoor  work  of  the  federalifts  during  the  reign  of 
terror  deferves  confideration. 

While  the  prefident  was  balancing  ariftocracies  here  and  playing 
the  piiflioiis  of  the  great  men  againft  the  interefts  of  the  commoji 



people,  his  fon  was  expending  his  outfits  of  9000  dollars  and  annual 
falaries  of  9000  dollars  in  learning  to  ballance  kingdoms  in  Europe. 

Regardiefs  of  his  own  loud  outcry  againft  France,  that  ihe  had 
endeavoured  to  alienate  the  afFe<5lions  of  our  people  from  cur  rulers, 
Mr.  Adams  coolly  made  a  treaty  with  Touiffant,  as  governor  of 
St.  Domingo,  in  which  the  Britifh  were  a  party^,  and  one  fecret 
obje<5l  was  a  difraemberment  of  that  valuable  colony  from  France. 
That  treaty  is  now  in  the  polTs'ffion  of  the  fecretary  of  ftate,  to- 
gether with  the  correfpondences  between  Mr.  Pickering  and  Mr. 
S.  Mayer.     This  was  a  fample  of  political  integrity. 

The  agency  of  Lifton  in  the  confpiracy  of  Blount  did  not  coft 
him  a  momentary  hiding  of  the  Prefident's  face,  though  a  condu^l, 
lefs  infidious  and  dangerous,  of  a  French  envoy,  had  nearly  con- 
vulfed  two  nations. 

The  Vice-Prefident  (Mr.  Jefferfon)  was  conftantly  vilified  and 
calumniated  in  the  federal  papers  and  toafts  ;  but  Mr.  Adams  was 
guarded  by  a  fedition  aft.  Federal  printers  rioted  on  the  fpoils  of 
republican  reputation  ;  but  republican  printers  were  the  vidims  of 
abufes,  of  legal  perfecutions  and  often  of  prifons.  Benjamin  Frank- 
h'n  Bache,  editor  of  the  Aurora,  whofe  fcience  and  political  integ- 
rity would  have  done  honor  to  any  cavife,  was  the  inceflant  fubjedt 
©f  perfecution  not  only  from  the  truly  federal  Porcupine  and  the 
hireling  Fenno,  *  but  from  every  rank  of  federalifts.  His  fuccef- 
for,  William  Duane,  whofe  talents  and  afliduity  have  made  him 
for  years  the  terror  of  the  terrorifls,  has  been  in  one  inftance  af- 
jTaulted  by  a  band  of  armed  federalifts,  had  his  office  inverted,  and 
fuffered  the  fevereft  perfonal  abufe — has  been  haraffed  in  the  law 
by  a  multitude  of  federal  profecutions  at  an  expence  of  feveral 
thoufaads  of  dollars,  and  his  higheft  crime  was  an  ardent  zeal  for 
the  principles  of  the  revolution,  and  a  peculiar  faculty  of  infufing 
that  zeal  into  the  body  of  the  people,  f     The  perfecution  of  Ly- 

*  Fenno,  the  elder,  was  eflabliftied  in  Philadelphia  by  Mr.  Adams,  and 
patronized  by  Mr  Hammond,  the  Britifli  miniiler.  Fenno,  the  fon.  defert- 
cd  Mr.  Adams ;  but  was  retained  by  a  new  federal  intcrcft  and  thus  became 
printer  to  the  Sen'itc. 

f  As  the  unionifts  have  infilled  that  Mr.  Duane  was  born  in  Ireland,  I 
take  occafion  to  mention  another  country,  where  he  was  born. —  He  was  born 
in  Clinton  county,  in  the  {late  of  New- York,  in  May  1760.  His  father  died 
there.  In  May  1765,  his  mother  removed  with  him  to  Albany.  About  the 
year  1774,  he  went  with  her  to  Ireland,  where  he  was  married,  and  for 
fome  time  edited  a  paper  as  a  means  of  fupport.  In  July  1787  he  landed  in 
Calcutta,  having  been  previoufly  engaged  as  the  editor  of  the  Calcutta  Gaz- 
ette. He  acquired  about  ^T.  10,000  fterling  in  a  few  years.  Being  too  ardent 
a  republican  for  that  country,  he  was  (in  Dec  1794)  treacheroufly  feized, 
put  on  board  an  armed  fhip  and  carried  to  St.  Helena,  the  governor  of  which 
would  not  fufFer  him  to  land,  buaufe  he  •was  not  a  Britijb  fuhjeSi.  In  England 
he  gained  no  reftitution  of  his  property,  which  had  been  taken  ;  he  came  to 
America,  and  is  now  the  editor  of  the  Aurora,  to  the  great  annoyance  of  the 
federalifts  ;  and  he  furnilhes  fome  flationary  for  a  republican  Congrefs,  which 
-ieems  to  be  an  afflidlion  to  diem,— 'Such  is  the  fliort  hijftory  of  a  man  who  has 
ieen  born  in  two  countries. 


en,  Cooper,  Holt  and  others  is  well  within  the  public  recolkc- 
tioB.     Thefe  were  the  days  of  conciliation  I  ! 

From  every  quarter  were  pouring  in  the  nioft  fulfome  addrefles 
to  the  Prefident,  which  were  gracioufly  anfwered.  Wherever  he 
faffed,  a  fervile  croud  of  poHtical  clergy,  tories,  Britifli  merchants 
and  thorough-going  federalifts  hailed  his  triumphal  entries  and 
were  ready  to  kifs  the  hem  of  his  garments.  This  was  a  proud 
day  for  every  man  who  hated  the  revolution.  All  the  power  and 
wealth  of  the  country  were  in  federal  hands  :  we  had  an  army,  a 
navy,  a  land-tax,  a  fedition  a6t,  an  enflaved  prefs,  and  church 
and  flate  faw  its  beft  days. 

The  eledtion  of  ftate  officers  in  Pennfylvania  gave  the  fir  ft  alarm 
to  federalifm.  Republicans  had  loft  their  patience  ;  their  latent 
energies  were  brought  into  action  ;  glooms  hung  over  the  fcHion 
of  Congrefs  in  1799 — i8co  :  but, it  was  too  late  to  retreat:  Mr. 
Pinckney  was  to  be  fupported  as  Prefident ;  Mr.  Adams  as  Vice- 
Prefident ;  but  this  arrangement  was  to  be  concealed.  Mr.  JeiFer- 
fon  was  the  republican  candidate  for  the  Prefidency.  The  elec- 
tion ball  was  opened,  and  the  church  and  ftate  unionifts  rang  all 
their  changes  upon  modern  philofophy,  iliaminatifm,  atheifni  and 
anarchy  againft  Mr.  Jefferfon — and  upon  order,  religion,  fteady 
habits  and  good  government  in  favor  of  Mr.  Pinckney.  They 
faw  fo  much  horror  in  having  government  return  iato  the  hands  of 
the  right  owners,  that  they  wrought  themfelves  into  a  frenzy  of 
zeal,  and  though  all  the  meafures  of  the  paft  adminiftration  ftared 
them  in  the  face,  though  religion  had  been  outraged,  though  econ- 
omy had  been  defpifed,  though  order  had  been  deftroyed  ;  yet  for 
great  men  to  retire  to  private  life  is  like  annihilation ;  for  great 
plans  to  become  abortive  diftrefiing.  Thofe  political  clergy,  whofe 
only  hope  was  in  this  life,  forefaw  that  of  all  men  they  would  be 
the  moft  miferable,  if  the  influence  of  church  and  ftate  fliould  be 
leflened.  Could  civilians  bear  to  have  their  favorite  fchemes  of 
war,  wealth  and  taxation  fail  ?  Could  the  tories  and  Britifti  mer- 
chants bear  to  fee  a  republican  Prefident  in  the  chair  ? 

The  army  and  navy  felt  the  fhock  of  this  crifis,  efpecially  after 
the  refult  of  the  New-York  ele^ion  was  announced.  Mr.  Adams 
faw  the  cloud  gathering,  and  refolved  on  an  effort  to  conciliate 
France.  He  appointed  envoys  contrary  to  the  advice  of  his  min- 
ifters  :  the  treaty  was  effeded  ;  but  it  was  too  late  to  turn  the  tide 
of  the  people.  Mr.  McHenry  fecretary  at  war,  retired  from 
oiEce  :  Mr.  Pickering  was  difmiffed  ;  but  it  v;as  too  late  !  the 
meafures  of  1798  could  not  be  forgotten  nor  forgiven. 

Church  and  ftate  in  New-England  continued  to  deferve  well  of 
federalifm  even  in  its  laft  moments  ;  for  at  the  fucceeding  con- 
grefs, after  it  was  known  that  the  republican  candidates  had  fuc- 
ceeded,  its  friends  eftablifhed  a  new  judiciary,  which  they  coafider- 
ed  irremoveable  :  Mr.  Adams  continued  to  make  appointments  of 


ofHcers,  who  were  never  to  ferve  under  him — and  in  the  conteft 
of  eleftion  the  unionifts,  who  pofitively  knew  that  Mr.  Jefferfon 
had  feventy  three  votes  as  Prejident  and  that  -Mr.  Burr  had  not 
one  as  Prefident,  refolved  that  the  voice  of  the  people  fhould  not 
be  heard  and  that  a  fair  experiment  of  republicanifm  fliould  not 
be  made,  voted  more  than  thirty  times  for  Mr.  Burr  !  Thefe 
v/ere  friends  of  order  and  good  government  !  friends  of  rehgion 
and  fteady  habits,  and  fuch  were  the  aufpicious  and  melting  over- 
tures of  conciliation,  which  were  to  ufher  in  the  morning  of  a 
republican  admlniftration. 

Mr.  JefFerfon's  inaugural  fpeech,  which  was  principally  inten- 
ded as  an  expofition  of  his  political  creed,  was  conceived  in  terms 
of  perfeft^conciliation.  He  did  not  even  notice  the  calumny  and 
abufe,  which  he  had  fuftered  more  than  any  other.  The  unionills 
afFeded  to  confider  this  fpeech  as  a  bond  on  his  part  to  place  full 
confidence  in  them — to  remove  none  of  their  number — to  difturb 
none  of  their  plans  ;  but  he  was  to  be  the  nominal  prefident  "and 
they  had  made  up  their  minds  to  be  conciliated,  if  he  fhould  con- 
dudl  according  to  this  expofition.  Thefe  are  the  only  ideas  of 
conciliation,  which  they  ever  exhibited  and  as  foon  as  he  made  a 
few  removals,  they  called  him  the  negro  prefident,  the  mammoth 
philofopher,  renewed  their  railings  and  eifayed  a  reign  of  terror  ; 
but  without  an  army  and  navy,  with  no  weapons  but  the  tongue 
and  pen,  their  power  was  fmall.  The  appointmient  of  Mr.  Gal- 
latin increafed  their  ravings — every  advance  of  the  prefident  in  his 
labors  diftreffed  them.  The  majority  againft  them  appeared  for- 
midable ;  yet  they  continued  to  roar  that  federalifm  was  increafing, 
and  in  a  fliort  time  its  increafe  v/as  from  eight  (tates  down  to  three. 

The  firfl:  congrefs,  under  the  new  adminiftration,  prefented  a 
republican  majority  in  both  houfes  ;  the  main  force  of  federalifm 
was  concentered  in  the  ftates  of  MafTachufetts,  New-Hampfliire 
and  Connecticut,  and  in  thefe  it  would  iniliantly  have  periihed, 
were  it  not  for  the  nurting  care  of  the  political  clergy.  On  the 
repeal  of  the  judiciary  every  unionirt  raifed  his  voice,  profelTing 
.zeal  for  the  Conltitution,  and  a  federaiift  was  heard  for  onceto  ex- 
claim, "  Spare,  O  fpare  my  country.'*  Thefe  worft  enemies  of 
the  people,  tbemfehes,  have  taken  the  power  into  their  own  hands 
and  unlefs  we  federalilts  keep  up  the  bar,  v/hich  we  mercifully 
raifed  at  the  laft  feffion,  they  are  ruined  forever.  To  prevent 
the  dreaded  crifis  the  heroes  of  conciJiation  abufed  the  prefident, 
Teflc6led  on  the  republican  members,  even  Bayard  fpoke  of  them 
as  unprincipled  inlidels,  in  whofe  hands  nothing  was  fafe  and  the 
party  claimed  for  themfelves  that  integrity,  intelligence  and  pa- 
triatifm,  which  the  decifion  of  their  country  had  loudly  denied 

They  had  been  in  the  habit  of  fpeaking  contemptuoiifly  of  re- 
piiblicanifc^,  of  profcribing  every  term,  which  exprelfes  any  per 


tion  of  our  rights  and  of  ridiculing  the  principles,  for  which  our 
fathers  bled.  To  them  a  free  government  appears  like  anarchy, 
public  economy  diftradion— removal  of  themfelves,  tyranny,  re- 
peal of  ufelefs  eilablifliments,  breach  of  conftitution.  They  mourn, 
when  freemen  rejoice.  They  fee  perfe<5t  order  in  the  confufion 
of  nations,  harmony  in  the  horrors  of  war  and  n&tional  v/eaith  in  a 
funded  debt.  To  them  the  finger  of  heaven  feems  to  point  to  war, 
when  univerfal  providence  invites  to  peace.  They  can  difcern 
a  free  American  government  in  Mr.  Adams'  balances,  morality 
in  Hamilton's  confeflions,  patriotifm  in  Governeur  Morris,  piety 
in  Bayard  and  chriftianity  in  the  northern  phalanx.  After  fuch 
vifions  we  are  not  to  wonder  at  their  abufe  of  the  prefident,  their 
abhorrence  of  Mr.  Gallatin,  their  zeal  for  taxation  and  their  ven- 
geance againft  republicans.  Search  you  a  new  diftionary,  where 
words  fhall  have  changed  their  meaning — Search  you  a  new  bible, 
where  men  are  taught  to  love  themfelves  fupremely,  to  profefs 
what  they  do  not  feel  and  to  perfecute  all  who  will  not  bend  to 
ihem  and  you  will  then  underft and  more  of  federalifra. 

The  judiciary  law  was  repealed — the  federalifts  talked  of  civil 
war,  and  our  church  and  ftate  papers  echoed  the  threat ;  but  the 
power  of  "  humbling  in  duft  and  afhes"  had  deferted  them. 
Nothing  remained  for  federalifts  but  to  improve  the  prefles  to  regain 
the  ground,  which  their  meafiires  had  loft.  Thefe  publiftied,  as 
the  prefident^s  meflage,  a  grofs  forgery — they  mifreprefented  every 
republican  fpeech  and  meafure,  talked  of  the  prowefs  of  Bayard 
and  Grifwold,  and  the  confufion  of  Gen.  Smith  and  Mr.  Giles, 
(which  was  a  grofs  fabrication.)  It  would  be  endlefs  to  follow 
them  through  their  ftories  of  French  demands  and  railing  falaries, 
and  the  multitude  of  artifices,  by  which  they  endeavored  to  prop 
the  fpirits  of  their  party  and  to  aflift  elections.  In  order  to  con- 
traft  their  accounts  with  the  fads  and  to  contraft  our  adminiftration 
with  their's,  I  fliall  prefent  in  the  next  nifmber,  (from  the  Na- 
tional Intelligencer)  the  proceedings  of  the  laft  congrefs.  If 
thefe  fliall  appear  to  you  a  fair  expolition  of  the  principles  of  our 
revolution,  as  far  as  the  prefent  ftate  of  things  would  admit,  you 
will  pronounce  this  to  be  the  legitimate  government  of  the  United 
States,  and  knowing  the  hoftility  and  conftant  exertions  of  cur 
unionifts  againft  it,  you  will  readily  pronounce  them  to  he  con- 
i't'irators  againji  it. 

NO.  X. 

View  of  the  proceedings  of  the  loft  Sefjion  of  Congrefs, 


T  is  the  Tight  and  the  duty  of  the  citizens  of  a  free  flate 
to  acquire  and  communicate  a  corre(5t  knowledge  of  all  the  pro- 
ceedings of  its  government,  and  as  far  as  poffible,  of  the  princi- 
ples which  produced  its  various  afts. 

Whenever  a  portion  of  the  people  are  induced  by  the  reprefent- 
ations  of  influential  perfons  to  deny  their  confidence  to  the  confti- 
tuted  authorities,  it  is  peculiarly  neceflary  for  the  friends  of  the 
government  on  its  part  to  give  publicity  to  its  principles  and  meaf- 
-^res,  and  for  the  people  on  their  part  to  become  acquainted  with 
the  nature,  defign,  extent  and  operation  of  the  raeafures  ;  that 
Ihey  may  he  enabled  to  judge  from  the  fyftem  and  meafures  them- 
felves,  not  from  ill-natured  and  bitter  invedlives,  what  is  the  true 
character  of  the  adminiflraiion. 

The  people  at  the  lad  national  eletflion  repofed  their  confidence 
in,  and  elevated  to  office,  men  whofe  political  principles  are  ma- 
terially different  from  the  principles  of  thofe  gentlemen  who  com- 
pofed  the  laft  adrainiftration. 

Government  is  inftitutcd  to  fecure  and  increafe  the  happinefs  of 
the  people  governed.  It  is  the  right  and  property  of  the  public, 
not  of  its  adminiftrators.  Therefore  whenever  the  public  with- 
hold their  confidence  from  one  man  and  repofe  it  in  another  it 
becomes  the  duty  of  every  good  man,  as  it  will  be  the  praftice  of 
every  good  citizen,  to  yield  the  fame  ready  obedience  to  the  laws 
and  ordinances  of  the  exifHng  authorities  as  heretofore  while  the 
perfons  in  authority  were  the  men  of  his  choice. 

The  decided  majority  which  appeared  in  congrefs  during  the 
Jafl  feflion  prove  clearly  a  greater  unity  oi  fentiment,  views  and 
opinions,  than  has  exiiled  at  any  other  period  for  the  iaft  ten  years. 
Although  the  federal  government  and  thirteen  out  of  fixteen 
of  the  ftate  governments  are  united  in  a  fyftem  of  meafures 
•which  they  believe  beft  calculated  to  promote  public  profperity  and 
national  happinefs,  ftill  a  difference  of  opinion  and  of  political 
views  and  principles  exifts.  This  difference  produces  an  oppofition 
to  government,  headed  by  difappointedpartizans  and  fupported  by 
perfons  well-intentioned  but  mifinformed.  An  oppofition  which 
attempts  to  diftradl  the  councils  of  the  nation  and  palfy  the  efforts 
of  adminiftration  ;  which  circulates  with  incredible  induftry  the 
n)oft  unfounded  calumnies  and  fallhocds  ;  which  while  in  power 
heretofore  fecured  itfelf  from  fober  invefiigation  by  affuming  as  a 
h&.  charged  the   inference   or  opinio.i   of  another,  and  inilided 

fevere  punlfhment  for  the  pretended  crime  o£  fedt f ion,  vrhich  en- 
hances  the  public  expenditures  by  retarding  the  progrefs  and  opera- 
tions of  government,  and  protrads  the  fcfTion  of  congrefs  by  pre- 
fenting  every  obftacle  in  its  power  with  a  view  to  render  the  gov- 
ernment odious  to  the  people.  An  adminiftration  which  labors  to 
fubditute  order  for  confufion,  economy  for  iavifh  expenditures, 
^nd  the  miid  reign  of  principle  for  the  intolerance  of  defpotifm, 
courts  inveftigation  and  defpifes  calumny.  It  does  not  fear  but 
admires  the  plain  language  of  truth.  It  never  will  entrench  itfelf 
behind  the  palings  of  a  fedition  a^,  Confcious  that  it  fupport^ 
thejuft  principles  of  our  government,  and  moves  v/ithin  itsconfti- 
tutional  orbit,  it  believes  that  its  views  and  meafures,  when  fairly 
underftood,  will  be  applauded. 

To  remove  all  jealoufies  from  the  uninformed,  and  to  furnifli 
the  public  with  a  jiift  knowledge  of  the  prefent  improved  (late  qf 
the  nation,  the  following  view  of  the  proceedings  of  the  firfi: 
felTion  of  the  feventh  congrefs,  with  fuch  executive  ads  as  are 
naturally  conneifted  with  the  fubjea  and  the  remarks  thereon,  is 
fubmitted  to  the  public. 

The  feffion  of  Congrefs  commenced  on  the  27th  of  December  ; 
on  the  8th  the  Prefident's  meiTage  was  delivered  to  both  houfes. 

By  this  mefTage,  after  giving  a  general  view  of  the  ftate  of  our 
foreign  relations  and  the  profperity  of  the  nation,  he  recommend- 
ed : 

Aredudion  of  expenditures  in  the  civil  department,  and 

In  the  army  and  navy  departments  ;  _    ,       ^ 

And  particularly  to  abolifh  ufelefs  offices  :  aa  operation  which 
he  had  commenced  where  the  exidence  of  the  office  depended  on 
executive  difcretion. 

A  repeal  of  the  internal  taxes — comprehending,  the  excife  on 
domeftic  diftilled  fpirits — the  (lamp  tax — tlie  tax  on  fales  at  auftion 
— -on  licences  to  retail — on  carriages — on  domeftic  refined  fugars, 
and  the  portage  of  nevvfpapers. — 

A  careful  attention  to  ths  intereds  of  Agriculture,  Manufac- 
tures, Commerce,  Navigation,  efpeciaily  of  the  carrying  trade, 

A  revifion  of  the  laws  on  the  fubjed  of  naturalization. — 

A  revifion  of  the  judiciary  fydem,  with  a  peculiar  reference  to 
the  late  judiciary  act,  pafTed  on  the  i3th  day  of  February,  1801  5 
and  provifion  for  an  impartial  feledion  of  Jurors. — 

The  man  who  devotes  his  talents  and  attention  to  a  redu<5lion 
of  public  expenditures — to  the  abolition  of  ufelefs  offices — to  the 
diminution  of  public  bufmefs — to  aid,  encourage  and  promote, 
agriculture,  manufactures,  commerce  and  navigation — topreferve 
a  due  adminiftration' of  juftice  at  a  reafonable  expence,  and  to 
provide  for  an  impartial  felefliion  of  iurors,  richly  merits  the  confi- 
dence of  the  Dation. 


Among  the  nations  of  the  earth,  it  was  referved  for  America  . 
to  exhibit  to  the  world  a  government  devoted  to  the  intereft  of 
of  the  people  ;  a  government  which,  inftead  of  increafing  public 
burthens,  removed  many  of  thofe  heretofore  impofed  ;  which,  in- 
llead  of  enlarging  the  powers  already  enjoyed,  reftores  to  the  peo- 
ple thofe  not  effential  to  be  retained  ;  at  the  head  of  which 
prefides  a  man,  who  for  the  promotion  of  the  public  good  and 
prefervation  of  civil  liberty,  folicits  the  limitation  of  his  own 
powers,  the  redudlion  of  his  own  privileges,  and  the  exercife  of 
every  conftitutional  check  to  limit  the  executive  will. 

The  two  hoyfes  of  congrefs  united  with  the  executive  in  the 
great  works  of  reformation  and  improvement. 

They  have  reduced  the  army  to  little  more  than  3000  men, 
who  are  confidered  fufficient  to  take  charge  of,  and  to  keep  in  re- 
paix  the  various  forts  of  the  United  States,  and  hereby  have  made 
an  annual  faving  to  the  nation  of  522,000  dollars. 

They  have  reduced  a  part  of  the  navy  eftablifliment,  yet  retain- 
ed in  fervice  a  fufficient  force  to  humble  the  Barbary  pirates.  By 
this  redu6lion  they  have  ieflened  the  public  expenditures  200,000 
dollars  annually. 

Proceeding  on  the  principle  of  giving  efficient  fupport  to  na- 
tional credit,  and  of  maintaining  the  national  faith  and  honor  in- 
violate, they  have  carefully  compared  the  amount  of  every  demand 
againfl:  government  ;  the  terms  of  payment  ftipulated  ;  and  the 
current  expenditures  as  reduced,  with  the  annual  revenue.  They 
have  found  that  the  annual  revenue,  exclufive  of  the  internal  tax- 
es, exceeds  the  wants  of  the  nation.  They  have,  therefore,  re- 
pealed all  the  internal  taxes. 

As  the  repeal  of  thefe  taxes  has  been  attributed  to  a  defign  to 
pronwte  the  interefts  of  one  fedion  of  the  union,  at  the  ex- 
pence  of  another  ;  a  few  moments  may  be  well  employed  in  con- 
sidering this  fubjedt. 

Excife  is  a  tax  always  odious  to  a  free  people,  from  the  extent 
of  power  which  is  neceffarily  given  to  enforce  an  obedience  to  the 
law:  It  feems  hardly  compatible  with  the  temper  of  a  free  na- 
tion. It  was  fo  abhorrent  to  the  feelings  of  the  people  of  Eng- 
land, that  the  houfe  of  commons  once  voted  to  bring  to  condign 
punifhment  certain  perfons  who  charged  them  with  a  defign  to  in- 
troduce it.  It  was,  however,  afterwards  introduced  into  the 
nation,  firft  levied  on  a,  few  articles,  from  time  to  time  extended 
to  others  as  the  people  were  found  to  fubmit  to  the  impofition,  un- 
til at  lad  it  embraced  almoft  every  article  of  convenience  and  many 
of  neceffity. 

So  here  it  commenced  with  a  duty  on  d^ftilled  fpirits  ;  but  in 
the  cpurfe  of  four  years  was  extended  to  the  ordinary  fales,  for 
confamption,  of  all  fpirits,  brandies  and  wines  ;  to  all  fales  at 
audlion  :  to  all  carriages  for  the  conveyance  of  perfons^  and  ail  re- 


finers  of  Cigar.  Had  it  been  continued  and  the  fame  fyftem  of 
policy  purfued,  in  a  few  more  years,  as  in  England,  the  paper  for 
our  ■  fchool  books,  the  dyes  for  our  clothing,  the  lights  for  o»r 
rooms,  the  beer  for  our  tables  and  the  fhoes  for  our  feet  would 
have  been  laid  under  contribution.  As  it  refpeds  its  effe<5ts  on  do- 
meftic  diftilled  fpirits  it  operates,  in  the  firft  inftance,  upon  two 
defcriptions  of  perfons  : 

I  ft.  The  people  who  have  emigrated  from  the  old  fettlements  into 
the  interior,  who  encounter  all  the  evils  and  hardfhips  of  opening 
the  wildernefs,  are  deprived  of  the  convenience  of  market  towns 
or  markets,  and  who  are  incapable  of  fypplying  themfelves  from 
foreign  market,  or  vending  their  furplus  grains.  With  them  a 
circulating  medium  is  fcarcely  known  ;  their  neceffides  enforce 
them  to  refort  to  the  procefs  of  diftillation  to  prevent  the  iofs  of 
their  furplus  crops  and  furnifh  a  comfortable  beverage. 

The  emigrants  are  highly  ufeful  to  the  nation  ;  they  form  a 
barrier  againft  favages  ;  they  extend  the  fphere  of  aftion  ;  their 
emigration  prevents  a  too  denfe  population,  which  increafes  the 
comforts  of  thofe  left  behind.  To  levy  this  tax  on  them  is  unjuft 
and  cruel.  They  require  the  foftering  hand  of  a  parent,  not  the 
grafping  hand  of  a  tyrant  or  tax  gatherer. 

The  middle  and  eaftern  ftates  have  uniformly  cherifhed  and  aided 
infant  fettlements,  by  freeing  them  wholly  from  taxation  for  a 
confiderable  time.  The  wifdom  and  policy  of  the  meafure  have 
never  been  doubted. 

2d.  Perfons  principally  refiding  in  our  large  towns  who  enter 
upon  diftiliation  for  the  purpofe  of  acquiring  property.  The  fpirits 
with  which  they  furnifh  the  market,  are  derived  either  from  mo- 
lafTes,  or  from  grains,  cider,  and  the  like,  purchafed  of  our  far- 
mers. So  far  as  they  are  derived  from  the  diftiliation  of  molaffes, 
the  government  derives  a  revenue  from  the  article,  by  a  duty  on 
its  importation.  So  far  as  the  fpirits  are  derived  from  articles  pro- 
duced in  the  country,  the  excife  reduces  the  price  of  the  article, 
and  throws  the  tax  upon  the  farming  intereft.  When  the  diftiller 
pays  government  ten  cents  per  gallon  on  the  fpirits  he  diftillj,  he 
will  dedudt  that  tea  cents  from  the  price  he  pays  for  the  portion 
of  grain  or  of  liquor  it  requires  to  produce  the  fpirit.  By  remov- 
ing the  excife  on  diftilled  fpirits,  government  does  the  moft  efficient 
a<51:  in  its  power  to  furnifti  the  farmer  with  a  reafonable  market. 

The  demand  of  bread  in  Europe  has  of  late  years  enabled  the 
farmer  to  fell  his  produce  at  a  high  price,  but  let  peace  once  vifit 
that  quarter  of  the  globe  he  will  find  an  increafed  proportion  of  the 
monied  capital  applied  to  the  diftiliation,  and  by  that  the  price  of 
the  various  kinds  of  grain  will  be  principally  regulated. 

The  charge  that  it  favors  Virginia  and  other  agricultural  ftates, 
to  the  injury  of  Maftachufetts  and  other  ftates,  is  not  trus  j  the 

icport  of  the  fccretary  of  the  treafury,  lately  publifhed,  evinces 
the  falfhood  of  the  allegation. 

,  Indeed  when  the  excife  on  diftillcd  fpirits  was  laid,  it  was  con- 
fidered  as  particularly  injurious  to  the  intereft  of  MafTachufetts. 
Mr.  Daltcn  and  governor  Strong  both  voted  againfl  the  bill. — 
Thus  it  appears  by  the  journals  of  the  fenate. 

Congrefs  were  induced  to  repeal  thefe  taxes,  from  the  following 
confiderations  : — That  the  remaining  revenues  of  government 
were  equal  to  its  neceffities  ;  that  it  would  be  an  equal  and  great 
relief  to  the  people,  not  only  as  it  enabled  them  to  apply  the 
amount  of  the  monies,  fay  900,000  dollars,  yearly  to  their  private 
life  ;  but  as  it  would  free  them  from  the  lofs  of  time  and  expence 
which  was  neceflarijy  required  in  travelling  to  and  from  the  vari- 
ous offices  to  furnifli  them  with  licenfes  and  (lamp  paper,  and  to 
make  their  payments.  The  difference  in  the  confumption  of  the 
citizens'  time  and  money  in  the  colledion  of  the  external  and  in- 
ternal revenues  is  immenfe.  The  firfl:  is  limited  to  a  very  few  com- 
mercial ports  where  the  merchants  and  officers  refide.  The  latter 
extends  to  every  portion  of  the  union.  It  operates  more  or  lefs 
in  every  town,  village  and  fettlement.  The  fyftem  itfe.lf  creates 
an  embarraffment  on  bufinefs  ;  not  unfrequently  the  expence  of 
procuring  the  licenfe  on  paper  is  equal  to  the  whole  revenue  de- 
rived from  it. 

That  the  expence  of  fjpporting  the  various  officers  employed 
in  coliefting  it,  confumes  more  than  twenty  dollars  out  of  every 
hundred  dollars  collefted,  and  amounts  to  180,000  dollars  yearly, 
every  cent  of  which  is  faved  to  the  people  by  abolifhing  the  fyftem  : 
While  the  duties  on  imported  articles  do  not  require  an  expence 
of  more  than  five  dollars  on  a  hundred  dollars  paid. 

That  the  fyftem,  by  creating  a  vaft  number  of  officers,  had  a 
tendency  to  increafe  the  power  and  patronage  of  the  executive  fo 
far,  that  it  might  become,  'if  i(  had  not  already  heen^  dangerous  to 
the  liberties  of  the  country. 

That  experience  had  fnewn  governments  to  have  been  expenflve 
and  extravagant  in  proportion  to  the  means  they  pofllffied.  It  was 
therefore  both  juft  and  politic  to  furrender  and  yield  up  to  the  peo- 
ple, that  portion  of  revenue  which  was  not  neceifary  to  the  govern- 
ment. That  this  furrender  ought  to  confilt  of  thofe  taxes  which 
were  moft  obnoxious  ;  which  nioft  embarrafled  the  ordinary  pur- 
fults  of  the  people,  and  which  were  of  political  afpeft  the  moft 
fufpicious  :  and  that  the  hiftory  of  the  nations  who  have  gone  be- 
fore us  evinces  this  truth.  That  a  fyftem  of  excife  when  once  ef- 
tablifhed  is  ufually  extended  from  article  to  article,  until  it  is 
applied  to  all  the  comforts  and  conveniencies  of  life  and  moft  of 
its  neccflities,  when  it  finks  the  body  of  the  nation  into  wretched- 
nefs  and  poverty.  Confidering  the  conditions  of  the  perfons  upon 
whom  the  carriage  tax  operated,  it  appears  in  fome  meafure  defira- 

ble  to  continue  that  tax  ;  but  when  it  was  confidered  that  it  pro- 
duced only  77,874  dollars  and  41  cents,  that  it  could  not  be  con- 
tinued without  employing  a  vaft  corps  of  officers  at  an  expenfe 
equal,  or  nearly  equal  to  the  tax,  thereby  preferving  the  feeds  of 
another  general  excife  fyftem,  the  policy  of  the  government  forbade 
its  continuance.  It  has  been  faid  by  oppofition,  that  the  repeal  of 
thefe  taxes  only  operated  to  relieve  the  more  wealthy  ;  leaving  the 
poor  under  the  whole  prefTure  of  all  their  former  bur'Miens  :  That 
if  the  finances  of  the  nation  admitted  a  rediicflion,  the  duty  on 
fait,  bohea  tea,  and  brown  fugar,  ought  to  be  diminifhed.  Yet 
they  and  their  friends  were  the  perfons  who  levied  the  duties  on 
thefe  articles,  two  years  before  they  levied  any  excife.  They  have 
from  time  to  time  increafed  the  duties  on  the  fame  articles.  The 
ftrft  duty  on  fait  was  fix  cents  per  bufhel  ;  they  increafed  it  to 
twelve  cents  ;  on  tea  it  was  ten  cents  per  pound  ;  they  increafed  it 
to  twelve  cents.  It  was  one  cent  per  pound  on  fugar,  they  increaf- 
ed it  to  two.  Thefe  duties  they  made  perpetual,  that  is  to  fay, 
to  continue  until  a  majority  of  both  houfes  of  congrefs  and  the 
prefident  or  two  thirds  of  both  houfes  agree  to  remove  them. 

The  internal  taxes,  whatever  might  be  their  wifhcs,  they  did  not 
venture,  until  after  the  eledion  of  Mr.  Jefferfon,  to  make  pei^- 
petual.  Thefe  taxes  were  temporary,  and  moft  of  them  would 
have  expired  before  this  day,  had  not  the  defire  of  the  party  to 
preferve  the  trappings  of  monarchy  induced  them  to  pafs  the  law 
of  the  25th  of  February,  1801,  by  which  they  were  made  perpet- 
ual. To  fatisfy  the  public  that  the  defign  of  the  oppofition  in 
objeaing  to  the  repeal  of  the  internal  taxes  was  folely  to  embarrafs 
government,  and  not  to  relieve  the  poor  (who  while  they  ufe  it 
with  moderation,  are  as  much  comforted  by  fpirits  as  by  tea  or 
fugar)  ;  it  is  proper  to  examine  their  condu<5l  while  in  power,  a 
little  more  minutely.  Inftead  of  lefTening  the  duties  on  thefe 
articles,  in  the  month  of  February,  1797?  when  they  had  the 
benefit  of  the  knowledge  of  the  operation  of  the  duties  for  more 
than  fix  years,  they  increafed  them.  Every  member  of  congrefs 
fiom  Connedicut,  (including  Grifwold  and  Dana)  every  member 
from  New-Hampfhire,  and  every  member  prefent  from  Maffachu- 
fetts  (excepting  William  Lyman)  voted  in  favor  of  that  meafure. 
At  the  fame  feilion  a  law  was  paffed  granting  relief  to  diftillers, 
by  removing  the  duties  from  the  amount  of  fpirits- and  fixing  it  on 
the  capacity  of  the  flill.  Every  member  from  the  ftates  of  New- 
Hampfhire,  Maffachufetts,  and  Connedicut  voted  in  favor  of 
this  law.     Thefe  fa6ts  appear  from  the  journals  of  congrefs. 

Here,  people  of  New- England,  is  a  juft  view  of  your  repre- 
fentatives,  who  would  induce  you  to  believe  that  the  government 
of  the  country  was  facrificing  its  intered  at  the  {hrin.e  of  Vir> 
ginia's  ambition. 


It  has  been  faid  that  found  policy  required  the  application  o( 
thefe  taxes  to  the  difcharge  of  the  national  debt.  To  this  it  is 
anfwered  ;  maintain  the  prefent  economical  eftablifhment,  the  fur- 
plus  funds  arifing  from  the  remaining  revenues  will  pay  the  debt  as 
foon  as  congrefs  have  by  law  a  right  to  pay  it,  and  the  exorbitaDt 
expence  of  colle6ling  the  excife  will  be  avoided. 

It  has  been  faid  by  the  oppofition,  that  thefe  taxes  are  repealed 
and  the  duties  on  imported  articles  continued  with  a  view  to  deftroy 
commerce.  Let  the  commercial  intereft  reflect.  There  is  not 
an  additional  cent  impofed  on  commerce.  As  the  taxes  of  the 
nation  are  lefTened,  the  ability  of  the  people  to  pay  is  increafed. 
Let  it  be  reminded  with  what  promptitude  the  trade  of  the  Medi- 
terranean was  protected.  That  government  has  completed  a 
treaty  with  Great- Britain  whereby  our  merchants  are  enabled  to 
recover  their  loil  property,  and  continue  in  the  enjoyment  of  com- 
mercial enterprize  ;  above  all,  that  government  relying  folely  on 
commerce  for  her  revenue,  (lands  pledged  by  intereft,  the  ftrong- 
efl:  of  all  ties,  to  cherifli  and  fupport  it.  The  removal  of  the  in- 
ternal taxes,  fo  far  from  evincing  hoftility  to  commerce,  furnifhes 
proof  next  to  demonflration  of  a  determination  on  the  part  of 
the  government  to  fupport  it. 

To  clofe  the  remarks  on  this  fubjed,  it  has  been  faid,  the  re« 
peal  of  thefe  taxes  was  defigned  as  a  blov/  to  the  funds,  and  was 
^prelude   to  extinguifhing  the  national   debt  with  a  fpunge. 

Nothing  can  be  more  unfounded  than  this  afperfion.  The  pay- 
ments are  made  with  punfluality. 

The  government  has  by  a  law  of  this  feflion  appropriated 
7,300,000  dollars  annually  towards  the  difcharge  of  her  debts  : 
the  funds  in  the  market  are  worth  twelve  per  cent,  more  than  they 
were  during  the  laft  adminiftration. 

Does  the  creditor's  confidence  in  his  debtor  increafe  in  propor- 
tion, to  the  debtor's  extravagance  and  diffipation  ?  Does  a  man's 
living  beyond  his  income  furniili  the  belt  evidence  of  his  renxaining 
able  to  pay  his  debts  ?  Does  a  debtor  forfeit  all  claims  to  confi- 
dence by  uniting  rigid  economy  with  a  conftant  attention  to  bufi- 
nefs  ? 

Congrefs  have  repealed  the  adl  pafTed  in  February,  1801,  ef- 
tciblifhing  fix  new  circuit  courts  and  limiting  the  labours  of  the 
judges  of  the  fupreme  court  to  the  holding  of  two  feflions  in  a 
year  at  the  feat  of  government ;  and,  by  another  afl,  have  rem- 
edied the  evils  of  the  former  fyftem,  by  fpeci Tying  the  diftridts  in 
which  each  judge  of  the  fupreme  court  (liould  hold  a  circuit  court, 
and  difpenfing  with  one  fefiion  of  the  fupreme  court :  by  this  they 
have  effected  an  annual  faving  of  33,000  dollars  and  abolifhed  fix- 
teen  ufelefs  offices. 

The  meafure  was  objected  to,  both  as  unconftitutional  and  im- 
politic.    As  10  the  coniUtutionality  of  the  meafure,  the  diflinvt'on 

exi/ls  between  the  fupreme  and  the  fubordlnatc  eourts.  The  for- 
mer is  created  by  the  conftltution  ;  the  latter  by,  and  fubje<5t  to, 
Jegiflative  difcretion.  One  may  be  abohflied — the  other  cannpt. 
The  objedion,  that  this  dodrine  deftroys  the  judicial  department, 
by  engulphing  it  in  the  vortex  of  party,  is  unfounded.  The  judg- 
es are  not  fubjed:  to  the  will  of  the  executive,  or  even  of  the  ler 
giflature.  No  new  fyftem  is  eftablifhed,  by  which  a  new  corps  of 
judges  is  created.  The  adminiflration  of  juftice  is  entrufted,  as  it 
has  heretofore  been,  to  the  judges  of  the  fupreme  court,  whoi^ 
independence  has  not  been  affeded,  or  ever  controverted.  The 
right  to  create  and  abolifli  inferior  courts  has  heretofore  been  aer 
knowledged  by  the  legiflatures  of  New-Hampfhire,  MafTachufetts, 
Pennfylvania,  Maryland  and  Virginia,  who  have  fimilar  conftitUr 
tions  ;  and  no  legiflature  ever  adopted  a  contrary  conftru<^ion. 
As  to  the  policy  of  the  meafure,  the  only  queftions  are,  whether 
the  fix  judges  will  be  able  to  perform  the  fervice  ;  and  whether  an 
anfiual  feffion  of  the  fupreme  court  is  fufficient. 

To  decide  upon  the  ability  of  the  judges  to  perform  the  fervice, 
let  us  confider  the  labours  of  one  judge  ;  judge  Cufhing,  for  in- 
ftance.  The  law  requires  him  to  hold  annually,  in  conjunction 
with  the  diftriil  judges,  two  feffion s  of  a  circuit  court  in  each  of 
the  dates  of  New-Hamplhire,  MafTachufetts,  and  Rhode-Ifiand. 
Ten  days  may  fairly  be  computed  the  full  length  of  a  feffion.  The 
courts  will  then  require  fixty  days.  His  travel,  in  going  to  and 
returning  from  thofe  courts,  cannot  exceed  430  miles  ;  which, 
allowing  one  day  for  each  twenty,  amounts  to  twenty-four  days 
more.  A  feffion  of  the  fupreme  court  will  not  require  more  thaa 
twenty-one  days.  His  refidence  does  not  exceed  480  miles  dif- 
tance  trom  the  feat  of  government.  As  the  above  moderate  rat* 
of  travelling,  there  mull  be  added  48  days  more,  making  the 
whole  time,  while  on  expence  and  in  public  fervice,  153  days,  or 
a  little  over  five  months  ;  for  which  he  receives  3500  dollars  in 
each  year  :  A  lefs  portion  of  time  than  he  devoted  to  the  public 
fervice  while  a  judge  of  the  ftate  courts  of  MafTachufetts.  As  to 
the  fufficiency  of  an  annual  fupreme  court,  it  cannot  be  doubted, 
when  it  is  known  that,  for  ten  years,  that  court  decided  but  forty- 
three  caufes  :  and  that,  at  its  laft  feffion,  the  dockets  confifted  of 
eight  only  ;  three  of  which  were  decided. 

AfTuming  the  faft,  that  there  will  be  neither  a  greater  or  lefs 
number  of  caufes  before  the  fupreme  court,  for  ten  years  to  come, 
than  there  was  for  the  firfl  ten  years  after  its  eftabliflinient :  and 
there  appears  no  reafonable  ground  on  which  to  calculate  for  an 
increafe  of  bufinefs  ;  It  is  eafy  to  fee  what  the  comparifon  was, 
between  the  fervices  to  be  rendered,  and  the  compenfation  made 
according  to  the  provifions  of  the  ad  repealed  at  the  laft  feffion  of 

The  falaries  allowed  by  law  to  the  judges  of  t-iat  court  amount 


annually,  to  21,500  dollars  ;  of  courfe,  in  ten  years,  10215,000 
dollars.  The  falaries  of  the  clerks,  for  the  fame  time,  is  2300 
dollars.  Total  amount  of  falaries,  for  ten  years,  is  217,300  dol- 
lars. In  the  courfe  of  ten  years,  43  caufes  only  were  decided,  as 
appears  by  the  reports  of  Dallas.  By  this  it  is  manifefl;,  that  un- 
der the  laft  federal  judiciary  fyftem,  which  was  repealed  at  the  laft: 
feffion  of  congrefs,  the  people  of  the  United  States  would  pay 
more  than  5053  dollars  for  each  decifion.  Does  that  man  tx'iil 
who  will  fay,  the  public  money  (hould  be  thus  fquandered  ? 

A  revifion  of  the  laws  relating  to  naturalization  has  alfo  taken 
place.  The  aft  of  1798  is  repealed,  and  the  former  law  revived; 
by  which  a  refidence  of  five  years  ffntitles  a  foreigner,  of  good 
conduct  and  reputation,  to  the  rights  of  citizenfhip. 

The  juftice  due  to  a  large  number  of  people,  who  emigrated 
under  the  faith  of  exifting  laws,  and  the  policy  of  opening  the  wil- 
deriiefs  and  acquiring  the  arts  and  manufactures  of  Europe,  requir- 
ed this  revifion.      It  is  only  a  revival  of  the  WalTiington  fyllem. 

Gongrefs   have  continued  to  the  officers,  refiding  at  the  feat  of 
government,  the  compenfation  they  enjoyed  under  the  a<5l  of  1 799. 
This  has  been  the  fubjed  of    much  newfpaper  abufe  ;  it  has  been . 
falfely  reprefented  as  an  augmentation  of  falaries. 

The  government  has  been  charged  with  a  departure  from  eco- 
nomical principles  ;  and  thofe  gentlemen  who  fupported  the  mea- 
fure  but  oppofed  the  grant  in  1799,  have  been  charged  with  incon- 
fiffency.  Thefe  charges  will  not  be  accredited,  when  it  is  known 
that  the  expence  of  living  is  confiderably  higher  at  the  feat  of  gov- 
ernment   than  at  Philadelphia. 

To  prove  the  fafl,  it  is  only  neceffary  to  refort  to  the  ads  of  the 
late  federal,  and  of  the  laft  feflion  of  congrefs. 

The  ad  of  1799  afcertained,  as  well  the  compenfation  of  the 
clerks  as  of  the  officers.  When  the  offices  were  removed  to 
Wafhington,  the  increafed  expence  of  living  rendered  it  neceffary 
to  augment  the  compenfation  of  the  clerks.  They  were  accor- 
dingly increafed  fifteen  per  cent.  The  adl  allowing  them  fifteen 
per  cent  expired  laft  winter  :  it  was  revived.  Here  is  the  con- 
current teftimony  of  both  parties  uniting  in  this  propofition,  there 
is  a  difference  of  fifteen  per  cent,  in  the  price  of  livmg.  To  cov- 
er this  difference  of  expenditure,  the  falaries  of  1799  were  eftab- 
lifhed  for  two  years.  In  fad,  there  was  not  a  member  of  the  op- 
pofition  who  contended  that  the  falaries  were  too  high. 

To  facilitate  the  progrefs  of  information  and  private  intercourfe, 
an  increafed  expenditure  of  the  revenue  of  the  general  poff-office 
has  been  authorized  ;  both  to  enfure  the  more  fafe  and  expeditious 
tranfportation  of  the  mail,  and  to  extend  the  benefits  of  the  edab- 
lifliment  to  the  inhabitants  refiding  upon  or  near  almoft  fixty  new 
effablifhed  pofi-roads.  It  was  propofed  to  remove  the  poffage 
from  newfpaptrs.     The  danger  of   retarding  the  progrefs  of  the 


inalls,  and  deftroying  country  preiTes,  prevented  the  adoption  of 
this  meafure.  This  poftage  is  not  a  tax.  It  does  not  amount  to 
one  fourth  part  of  the  monies  expended,  in  their  conveyance^  by 

In  addition  to  thefe  meafurjes,  the  compenfations  of  the  collec- 
tors of  the  revenue  have  been  reduced.  This  has  efFedled  an  an- 
nual faving  of  about  17,000  dollars. 

The  prompt  and  ready  payment  of  the  public  monies,  and  the 
eventual  refponfibility  of  the  officers  of  government,  have  been  fe- 
cured  by  an  adl  declaring,  that  each  bond  ftiall  be  a  lien  on  tlie  real 
eftates  of  both  principal  and  furety,  and  (hail  be  renewed  once  in 
four  years. 

The  objed  of  every  grant  of  money  has  been  fpecified  with  ac^ 
curacy  and  precifion,  to  enfure  its  juft  application,  and  to  limit 
the  powers  of  executive  officers^  as  far  as  poiTible. 

The  danger  of  war  with  the  favages  has  been  removed,  by  provi- 
ding for  a  general  ellablifhment  of  our  boundary  lines  and  for  a  due 
regulation  of  the  intercourfe  between  this  nation  and  the  tribes. 

And  lajlly^  The  people  of  the  territory  northweft  of  the  river 
Ohio  have  been  elevated  co  the  rank  of  freemen  and  the  confe- 
quent  blellings  of  felf  government,  by  an  ait  authorizing  them  to 
call  a  convention,  form  a  conftitution,  organife  a  government,  and 
become  a  member  of  the  union. 

Having  concilely  dated  the  important  a<fts  pafTed  by  the  leglfla- 
ture,  it  only. remains  to  give  the  pubKc  a  general  view  of  the  re- 
dudion  of  national  expenditure,  fince  the  change  of  adminiftration. 

Tliele  redudions  are  of  two  kinds,  ift.  Of  expenditures  which 
are  cafual  or  temporary,  and  which  ought  not  to  be  brought  into 
the  eftimate,  in  afcertaining  our  yearly  burdens,  or  in  forming  an 
opinion  of  the  different  fyftems  contended  for.  Of  thefe  are,  the 
ereding  and  repairing  fortifications,  the  appropriations  for  the  fup- 
port  of  feamen,  and  the  like.  The  expenditures  of  this  kind  for 
the  current  year  have  been  kffencd  about  170,000  dollars. 

2d.  Thofeexpences  which,  according  to  the  latefyfteni  of  poli- 
tics, were  permanent  and  annual,  and  may  be  fairly  taken  into 
view,  to  determine  which  political  party  is  beft  entitled  to  national 
confidence.  ~  . 

Of  thefe  expenditures,  from  the  peace  eftablilhrnent  of  the  late 
administration  the  following  redudtlons  have  been  made,  by  the  ex- 
ecutive, and  by  Congrcfs,  at  its  lad  felTion. 

By    the    executive,   in    reducing  various    offices,      Dolls.     Cts. 
whofe  exiftence   depended  on   his   will,  and  other 
economical  arrangements,  made  before  the  feffion  of 
Congrefs,  was  effeded  an  annual  faving  of  161,695  9-' 

By  a  further  redudllon  of  the  marine  corps,  juft 
ordered  with  a  view  to  pay  only  thofe  who  are 
actively  employed,  has  been  produced  »  funhei' iav- 
ing  of  39jOoo 


By  Congrefs,  by  reducing  a  part  of  the  army 

By  reducing  a  part  of  the  navy 

By  repealing  the  whole  fyfteni  of  internal  taxa- 
tion, there  has  been  faved  to  the  people,  out  of  the 
fees  of  the  excife  officers,  I35,ooq  dollars,  over 
and  above  the  fum  necefTary  to  defray  the  colle<5lions 
of  impofts,  to  an  amount  equal  to  the  whole  revenue 
derived  from  internal  taxation  ;  it  being  the  differ- 
ence between  the  expences  of  the  two  fyftems 

By  abolifhing  the  late  judiciary  fyftem,  and  eftab- 
lifhing  the  former  fyftem 

By  reducing  the  commiffion  of  the  colledlors  of 
cuftoms,  fay 





Annual  favings. 

Dolls.     1,107,695  91 

The  benefit  of  the  reduction  of  expenditure  will  be  more  felt 
and  appreciated  by  all  clafTes,  when  they  know  that  thefe  annual 
favings  exceed  the  whole  expence  of  all  the  ftate  governments  in 
the  Union  ;  fo  that,  in  a  pecuniary  point  of  view,  they  are  more 
than  equal  to  beftowing  upon  the  people,  free  from  expence,  the 
whole  benefits  of  ftate  government. 

The  following  is  ^  ftatement  of  the  annual  expenditures  of  the 
feveral  ftates  : — 

















North  Carolina, 






New- York, 














Which,  deduced  from  the  aforefaid  redudions,  leaves  the  fumi 
of  47,695  dollars  and  91  cents  ;  the  excefs  of  the  redudions  be- 
beyond  the  whole  expence  of  the  ftate  governments.  The  ftatement 
of  the  ftates'  expenditure  is  not  accurate  ;  it  is  fubftantially  true  ; 
and  it  is  believed,  that  the  grofs  amount  is  equal  to  the  expendi- 
ture of  all  the  ftates.  The  reader  will  reiiefl,  that  in  thofe 
ftates  where  the  expenditures  are  fmall,  the  relief  to  the  people  is 
annually  much  greater  than  the  expence  of  their  ftate  government. 

Purfuing  the  fame  fyftem  of  policy  for  twelve  years,  the  period 
of  time  between  the  commencement  of  the  prefent  government 
and  Lhe  clofe  of  Ada.m'?'  adminiftration,  would,  upon  the  princi- 


pie,  that  money  Is  worth  an  annual  intered  of  fix  per  centumy 
lefTen  the  amount  of  monies  drawn  from  the  people,  by  taxation, 
the  fum  of  18,686,760  dollars  ;  which,  divided  among  the  peo- 
ple of  the  feveral  ftates,  in  the  fame  proportion  as  they  pay  the 
land  tax  of  two  millions  of  dollars,  would  within  that  time,  be 
a  relief  to  the  people  of  the  feveral  ftates,  of  the  following  fums  : 






New- York, 






9 1 9/268 















To  an  average  ftate  confiding  of  100  towns,  it  is  equal  to  a 
grant  to  each  of  thofe  towns  of  more  than  12,124  dollars. 

All  this  has  been  effeded  by  the  prefent  adminiftration  in  a  little 
more  than  one  year.  The  citizens  have  been  left  in  the  enjoyment 
of  their  civil  and  religious  liberties.  The  nation  has  been  refpec^- 
ed  abroad,  acd  quiet  and  happy  at  home.  The  laws  have  been 
duly  executed.  The  ties  of  morality  remain  in  full  force ;  and 
as  perfe<5l  order  has  been  preferved,  as  was  ever  enjoyed  on  this 
fide  heaven. 

Here  is  a  juft  pidure  of  the  republican  adminiftration,  whicFi 
many  have  been  taught  to  believe  would  deftroy  your  civil  and 
religious  inftitutions,  burn  your  temples,  remove  all  diftindtions 
between  virtue  and  vice,  rend  afunder  your  conjugal  ties,  and  fub» 
ftitute  diforderand  confufion  for  an  odedience  to  law,  and  the  due 
regulation  of  government. 

7h'is  tenth  number  is  extraSied  literally  from  the  NATIONAL  iNTELtlGENCER, 
(publijhed  at  Wajbington  by  Samuel  Harrifon  Smith)  tf^e  candor^  correSinefs  and 
valuable  contents  of  ivhich  paper  -will  fecure  t»  it  the  confidence  of  our  people. 
^he  prefent  adminijiration  -zvill  maintain  its  ground,  fo  long  as  its  principles  and 
meafures  are  fo  ably  illtijirated. 

NO,  XL 

Review  of  the  paji  Numbers y  addrejfed  to  the  People* 


N  this  part  have  been  prefented  two  clafTes  of  men  and 
two  fpecies  of  governments,  with  (hort  views  of  two  adminiftrations, 
A  doubt  cannot  reft  in  the  public  mind  which  of  thefe  has  con- 
formed to  the  fpirit  of  our  revolution*     The  prefent  government 



is  not  To  perfedly  republican,  as  it  would  have  been  under  the 
fame  men,  provided  their  adminiftration  had  immediately  fucceed- 
ed  the  revolution.  The  evils  of  part  ariftocratic  meafures  will  at- 
tend us  to  the  laft  moment  of  our  national  exiftence. 

If  the  principles  of  a  republican  government  are  in  their  nature 
oppofed  to  the  tempers  of  our  unionifts,  we  will  not  be  furprized 
that  their  meafures  have  difcoversd  their  abhorrence  of  them,  and 
in  return  they  will  not  be  furprized  that  we  charge  them  with  con- 
fpiring  againif  fuch  a  government.  They  did  every  thing  but  levy 
a  civil  war  againft  republicans.  Franklin  could  eafier  fnatch  the 
lightning  from  heaven  and  the  fceptre  from  tyrants,  than  he  could 
extrad  from  the  unionifts  any  portion  of  their  vengeance  againft 
our  caufe.  Jefferfon  could  eafier  enlighten  a  world  with  moral 
and  political  fcience  than  he  could  turn  the  heart  of  one  of  our 
unionifts.  The  invincible  obftinacy  and  bltternefs  of  northern  fe- 
deralifm  have  never  been  thoroughly  realized  by  men,  who  have 
lived  in  countries  where  reafon  and  toleration  have  a  reftdence.  Re- 
ligious bigotry,  entwined  for  centuries  with  family  ariftocracies, 
produces  powerful  effefts. 

I  had  intended  to  have  prefented  all  the  names  of  our  leading 
unionifts,  with  fafts  ftiewing  their  conne<5tion  with  the  union  and 
the  profits  which  each  derived  from  the  connection — and  to  have 
entertained  the  reader  with  fome  extra(5ts  from  political  fermons  and 
federal  orations — with  the  toafts  given  during  the  reign  of  terror—. 
with  extracts  of  abufes  on  republicanifm  from  the  Centinel  o( Ruf- 
fcl,  Palladium  of  Dutton,  Connedicut  Courant  of  Hud/on  i^ 
Goodwin f  Spedator  of  JVebJIery  Gazette  o{  Broiunfon  ^  Chauncey, 
Antidqmccrat  of  Prentis  and  fome  other  federal  papers,  as  far 
fouthward  as  Uie  New-England  unionifts  had  fent  their  editors  to 
poifon  the  public  mind ;  but  thefe  would  have  incumbered  my 
work,  and  if  my  pofitions  fliould  be  judged  corred,  New-England 
is  full  of  illuftrations. 

Federalifts  attempt,  in  every  falfe  and  inCdIous  mode,  to  mif- 
reprefent  our  motives,  meafures  and  objedls.  They  aim  to  make 
imprellions,  contrary  to  known  truth.  It  is  often  queftioned, 
whether  this  or  that  charge  againft  Preftdent  Jefferfon  is  well 
founded.  Is  it  not  enough  that  he  has  ftood  like  a  rock  againft 
every  attack,  and  that  all  the  force  of  church  and  ftate  was  unable 
to  deprive  him  of  his  election  ?  Is  it  not  enough  that  he  has  conti- 
nued for  more  than  a  year  to  offer  the  olive-branch  to  men,  who 
were  aiming  to  wound  him  mortally  ?  When  you  hear  merchants* 
and  attornies'  clerks  calling  him  names  and  abufmg  him,  can  it  be 
worth  your  while  to  exert  yourfelves  to  perfuade  their  mafters  that 
he  deferves  his  ftation  ?  His  charatfter  is  not  put  in  iffue  to  a  federal 
jury  :  it  is  fubmitted  to  the  decifion  of  an  impartial  public.  The 
political  clergy  and  their  affociates  cannot  aad  willjlQti  tell  Uie  truth 
;ibout  him,  hcau/e  tUy  hak  him  (fad  hk  caufe. 


rU  fer^eralifts  would  prejudiee  republicanifm,  becaufe  Biiona- 
pW  is  concentering  the  powers  of  ariftocracies  in  a  confulate  for 
life  ;  but  does  this  prove  their  cafe  ?    He  has  ouly  done  on  a  large 
fcale  fuddenly  what  they  did  on  a  fmall  fcale  gradually.      He  is 
trying  conciliation  with  the  Pope  of  Rome,  with  the  emigrants,  with 
the  kings,  and  he  will  foon  have  a  funding  fyftem  and  treaties,  and 
^vill  go  the  grand  round  of  the  paffions  ;  but  as  foon  as  the  people 
{hall  difcover  that  the  ir  revolution  is  defpifed  and  that  the  leaders 
are  feeking  perfonal  glory  at  their  2xpence,  they  will  have  a  new 
adminiftration,  and  the  French  repubUc  will  be  the  wonder  of  the 
world.       Their  unionifts,  civil  and  ccclefiaftlcal,    who  are   now 
rifing  up  like  the,  plagues  of  Egypt,  will  oppofe  the  new  order  of 
things,  will  call  it  atheifm  and  anarchy  ;  but  their  defeat  will  be  as 
certain  as  that  the  great  God  never  caufed  a  million  of  men  to  b  eed 
in  order  to  produce  fuch   a    miferable  effea:  as  placing  ><apoIeon 
Buonaparte  on  the  throne  of  France  in  the  room  of  Lewis  Capet.  ^ 
Men,  who  play  their  liitle  paffions  againft  the  manireft  order  ot 
thincTs,  againft  the  ftate  of  fociety,  and  againft  the  temper  and  m- 
terefts  of  a  fovereign  people,  may  be  full  of  brilliant  profpefts  for  a 
feafon  ;  but  will  be  as   furely  defeated  as  infeds,    who  fliould  at- 
tempt to  retard  the  revolution  of  the   earth.     Small  portions  of 
earth  may  be  eafily  conveyed  from  eaft  to  weft  ;  but  the  great  globe 
will  revolve,  and   republicans  (who  have  been  called  athCifts)  as 
fully   expea  that  this  country  will,  under  divme  guidance,  conti- 
nue to  be  a  republic— that  France  will  be  a  republic— that  the  re- 
publican  principle  will  prevail— that  kings  will  lofe  their  crowns— 
that  civil  and  religious  liberty  are  to  prevail,  and  that  the  work  ot 
emancipation  is  begun,  as  that  the  earth  will  contmue  to  revolve. 

After  a  revolution  the  patriot  paufes  to  lament  over  the  wa  te  ot 
blood  and  treafure,  and  over  the  fate   of  his  friends,  who  did  not 
live  to  enioy  the  bleffings,  which  his    ardent  mind   contemplatt:s, 
and  before  he  can  realize  them,  in  ftep  the  fubtle  courtiers,  who 
hated  his 'caufe,  join  hands  with  his  enemies,  enflave  him   anew, 
and  often  years  elapfe  before  he  collets  himfelf  fufficiently  to  iid 
himfelf  of  thefe  new  tyrants.      It  muft  be  confoling  to  republicans 
that  fuch  tyrannies  foon  expire  hy  reafon  of  their  cwti  energies.  1  hey 
rife  artfully  and  advance  eafily,  becaufe  not  oppofed.     Succels  am- 
mates  them,  and  as  foon  as  all  the   enemies  ot  a  revolution  have 
formed  an  alliance  offenfive  and  defenfive,  the  fpirit  of  a  free  peo- 
ple rifes  and  fcatters  them  to  all  the  winds  of  heaven  :  but  they  will 
rally  again,  and  the  only  fecurity  for  republicans  is,  that  the  princi- 
ples of  popular  fovereignty  and  political  equality  be  well  underftood 
by  the  people,  that  the  claffes  of  men,  who  are  hoftile  to   them, 
fhould  be  diftinaly  known,  and  that  the  arts  of  delufion,  by  which 
they  maybe  defeated,  be  thoroughly  apprehended. 

FederaHfts  pretend  that  we  are  oppofed  to  colleges,  merely  be- 
caufe  we  are  unwilling  to  have  tho  poifon  ot  fcderaUfm  mfufed  iuta 

the  minds  of  youth,  who  are  preparing  for  p^iHic  (Vations — that  we 
are  oppofed  to  rich  men,  becaufe  we  are  unwilling  to  have  ariftocra- 
cies  of  wealth,  politically  afTociated  for  our  ruitt — that  we  are  oppo- 
fed to  all  the  clergy,  merely  becaufe  we  are  unwilling  to  nurfe  a 
clerical  ariftocracy— -that  we  are  oppofed  to  great  men,  becaufe  we 
are  unwilling  to  have  them  formed  into  folid  columns  to  deftroy  the 
body  of  the  people.  Here  it  may  be  proper  to  explain.  We  haye 
great  men  in  our  adminiftration  ;  but  their  greatnefs  is,  during  their 
continuance  in  office,  depofited  with  the  people,  to  be  forfeited,  in 
cafe  they  violate  their  trufts.  They  came  into  office  on  terms  and 
profeffions,  and  they  are  bound  to  the  whole  amount  of  their  great- 
nefs to  be  true  to  republican  principles.  This  was  not  the  cafe  with 
the  iaft  adminiftration  :  without  any  profeffions  to  the  people,  they 
were  bound,  to  the  amount  of  all  their  pride  and  paffions,  to  make 
great  treaties,  to  adopt  great  plans,  to  incur  enormous  expenfes,  to 
glorify  themfclves  and  to  himible  in  duft  and  afl-^es  the  people — and 
never  did  a  clafs  of  men  work  more  faithfully.  The  annals  of  1 798 
will  bear  witnefs  of  their  induftry  ! 

But  what  is  New-England  church  andflate  now  doing  ?  They 
are  fending  a  regular  fupply  of  miffionariestocongrefs  to  oppofe  eve- 
ry raeafure  of  admioiftration,  and  in  this  way  to  make  a  fair  experi- 
ment of  a  republican  government  I  and  they  have  decided,  previous 
to  fuch  experiment,  that  republicanifm  is  deteflable  and  th?.t  the 
old  order  of  things  is  to  be  refloied,  and  from  this  they  pretend 
to  exped  religion.  Surely  if  it  be  tjiat  religion,  which  was  exhib- 
ited under  Mr.  Adams'  adminlftiaticn,  not  one  chrilVian  ever  wi(h- 
ed  to  fee  it.  But  who  are  the  leading  agents  in  fending  thefe  men  ? 
THE  POLITICAL  CLERGY  ?  And  what  pIous  feleftlon  of  men  have 
thefe  felf-ftiled  ambafTadors  of  the  Prince  of  Peace  made  for  thefe 
honeft  purpofes  ?  That  very  clafs  of  men,  who  have  uniformly  ad- 
vocated war  and  every  thing  elfe,  which  the  Saviour  declared  hof- 
tile  to  his  kingdom-— that  clafs  of  men  who  have  been  fo  notorious 
for  infidelity  in  all  countries  that  if  one  really  appeared  to  be  pious, 
the  fa(5l  was  the  fabjedt  of  an  epitaph — that  clafs  of  men,  who  moft 
difturb  the  peace  of  fociety,  who  expofe  the  people  to  fevere  ex- 
pences  in  order  to  obtain  ju-ftice — federal  lawyers,  of  whom  if 
your  impreffion  is  not  inftant,  that  they  are  the  lajl  men  in  the  luorld 
to  he  entrujied  ijcith  the  concerns  of  religion  and  liberty y  a  volume  of 
arguments  would  be  ufelefs. 

But,  fay  the  multitude  of  con^regationalids  (who  are  the  (landing 
privileged  order  in  New-England)  "  We  do  not  approve  of  thefe 
*'  men  and  meafures  ;  but  if  we  fufFer  our  ranks  to  be  broken,  the 
*^  epifcopalians,  the  baptilh,  me.tho'lirrs  and  other  diffienters  will  be 
"  in  the  midftofus.  Biffiop  Bafs  *  will  be  (ex  officio)  one  of  the 
•'  governors  of  Harvard  college,  and  bilh'jp  Jarvis  f  oae  of  the  cor- 

*  Of  Maffachufats.  |-  Of  Conncdl'cut. 


**:poration  of  Yale  college,  and  all  denominations  will  get  in^tooup 
"  council  and  congrefs,  and  who  knows  but  a  baptlft  will  be  on  the 
'*  bench  of  the  fuperior  court.  All  will  be  confufion  if  our  ranks 
«*  are  broken.  We  have  no  folid  ground  but  federalifm.  Guaran- 
**  tee  to  us  our  privileges  and  we  will  be  republicans."  Ye  are  a 
very  pious  fet  of  chriftians  !  "  You  calculate  well.  If  your^s  was 
not  the  (landing  order,  the  numerous  difturbances  among  ymi  would 
drive  off  multitudes  to  churches,  where  the  prayers  would  be  at 
leaft  unexceptionable,  and  where  there  is  no  hazard  of  being  infult- 
ed  by  political  profanations  of  the  Sabbath.  Ep'Tcopal  churches 
and  baptift  meeting  houfes  would  abound,  and  political  clergy 
would  afFed  to  wonder  at  the  figns  of  the  times. 

The  different  orders,  which  have  always  been  humbled  in  New- 
England,  have  a  right  to  afTert  their  corporate  {landing,  and 
united  with  the  republicans  they  have  ftrength  enough  to  do  it. 
Thefe  lad  profefs  to  wifh  fuch  an  event,  becaufe  this  union  has 
been  deftrudive  to  free  fuffrage,  to  liberty  and  to  that  portion  of 
reai  religion,  which  they  have  the  grace  to  wifli  that  the  congrega- 
tional federalifts  pofleffed. 

But  another  clafs  of  men  is  ftrongly  Interefted  in  this  fubjedl, 
viz.  the  tens  of  thoufands  of  our  brethren,  who  have  no  more 
voice  in  our  councils  than  the  black  flaves  in  the  Indies  ;  men  of 
full  age  and  capacity,  Induftrious,  intelligent,  ufeful  members  of 
fociety,  who  hap}:»en  not  to  have  property  enough  to  entitle 
them  to  a  vote.  Thefe  the  bleilings  of  our  independence 
have  never  reached.  They  never  enjoyed  a  reprefentative  govern- 
ment. They  have  no-  prefident,  no  governor,  no  legiflature. 
They  are  aliens  in  a  republican  country,  becaufe  they  are  not  rich 
enough  to  vote ;  but  they  are  rich  enough  to  do  military  duty,  to 
be  warned  to  labor  on  highways  and  to  pay,  in  proportion  to  their 
means,  a  greater  portion  of  taxes  than  any  other  clafs  in  the  com- 
munity I  The  federallfts  will  not  lighten  the  burden  of  their  poU- 
t.^ix  by  laying  on  carriages  the  fame  tax,  which  congrefs  relin- 
ruiflied  to  the  flares,  although  one  argument  for  fuch  relinquifh- 
•lent  was,  that  the  fiatcs  fnight  by  thu  aid  he  enabled  to  lighten  the 
:ixcs  on  heads  and  lands.  The  ariftocracy  of  our  colleges  can 
burft  through  the  forms  of  law,  and  diplomas  take  rank  of  labor  ; 
but  the  cunning  federaliil  will  be  careful  never  to  raife  an  ariftocra- 
cy from  the  plough  and  the  hammer. 

Thofe  mafons  in  New-England,  who  a6l  with  the  unionifts,  are 
not  doing  great  honor  to  their  craft  by  aflociating  with  the  Robifon 
and  Barruel  terrorills.  ^ 

Thofe  chrgy,  who  wifli  to  lead  their  people  Zionwards,  would 
do  well  to  leave  federal  tracks,  becaufe  in  every  nation  thev  have 
led  to  another  couritvy. 

There  is  but  a  fmall  number  of  men  in  New-England,  whofe 
intereft  is  tven  partially  on  ^he  ffdera!  fide.     Thef-  are  the  politic- 


■ -'  ■■■     ^■'  '—^ 

al  clergy  and  federal  civilians,  whofe  unmefciful  abufe  of  repub- 
licans has  led  them  beyond  retreating  ground-  We  Jhould  anchor 
ihefe  at  head  andjlern,  lejl  they  come  round  to  our  fide  y  for  their  de- 
pravity is  total,  their  influence  is  ivholly  undejirable.  To  thefe  men 
are  joined  a  clafs  of  worldly  chriftians,  who  fee  no  chance  of 
profit  or  promotion  but  by  their  infliience  :  add  to  thefe  their  fub- 
alterns  and  the  leaders  of  thofe  ariftocracles,  which  always  aim 
at  the  deftrudlion  of  freedom.  Tyranny  is  uniform,  its  favorites 
are  few  and  none  but  the  leaders  even  of  arillocracies  can  boaft 
of  its  fmiles. 

Church  and  ftate  are  fubtle :  they  will  pretend  that  they  are 
gaining  ftrength  even  in  the  midft  of  debility :  but  their  ftrength 
will  be  that  of  convulfions.  They  will  precede  your  ele6lions 
with  falfe  reports  of  forced  loans  and  augmented  falaries  or  fome 
others  equally  falfe  and  to  their  pfrpofe — they  will  abufe  republi- 
can candidates — they  will  intimidate  the  weak — they  may  reduce 
us  for  a  feafon  :  but  we  begin  to  work  with  folid  capital — the  re- 
publicans, who  a<5l  with  us  openly,  will  be  conftant — thofe,  who 
are  oppofed  to  us.,  mud  be  knowingly  oppofed  to  the  government  of 
a  majority  and  to  every  general  principle,  which  their  leaders  for- 
merly taught". 

Their  caufe,  their  pafl:  means,  their  certain  duplicity  are  fo  ma- 
ny  arguments    that  they  mud  fail.      The   political   clergy 


This  declaration  is  not  the  fentiment  of  one  man  only,  but  of 
many  thoufands  in  New-England,  whofe  united  force  and  refponii- 
bility  will  be  competent  to  its  defence. 


Page  24.  wary/sr  weary. 

105.  altitude /or  attitude. 
114.  motives y^r  nations. 
17,1,  rational  for  national 

H    91 

^0     4 


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