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Academy of Natural Sciences 



VOL. ff. PART I. 








Orricers of the Academy of Natural Sciences, for the 
year 1821, ° . Page 

Description of a new Genus, and ievenil new species of 
fresh water Fish, indigenous to the United States. 
By C. A. Le Sueur. : 

Descriptions of two new species of nearer By C. 
A. Le Sueur, : . 

Descriptions of the Thysanoure of the United States. 
By Thomas Say. 

Observations on the Geological Siivetube of the V ilies of 
the Mississippi. By Thomas Nuttall. 

Notice concerning a new species of American Spider, 
whose web is used in medicine. By N. M. Hentz. 

Descriptions of some new Crystalline forms of Phosphate 
of Lime and Zircon. By Dr. G. Troost. 

Descriptions of the Arachnides of the United Siates. By 
Thomas Say. 

Analysis of the Blue Fea Earth ce Naty Jey. By 
Lardner Vanuxem. 

Descriptions of several new species of Cuttle- fish. By C. 
A. Le Sueur. 

Descriptions of the Myriapodse of the United States, 

By Thomas Say. 

Descriptions of some new species of Plants Pale intro- 


duced into the gardens of Philadelphia from the Ar- 
kansa Territory. By Thomas Nuttall. 

Observations on several Genera and species of Fish be- 
longing to the Natural Family of the Esoces. By 
C. A. Le Sueur. : : 

Analysis of some American Miferale wc Henry Sey- 

On two veins of rites: or Avpite in Neanite: By 
Lardner Vanuxem. 

Descriptions of Univalve Shells of the United States. By 
Thomas Say. 

Descriptions of Rare Plants receiitie fatrodueed att the 
gardens of Philadelphia. By Thomas Nuttall. 
Deseription and Analysis of the Table Spar, from the v:- 

cinity of Willsborough, Lake ee By Lard- 
ner Vanuxem. . . 
Geological and Mineralogical notte of a obit of the 
North-Eastern part of the State of New York. By 
Augustus E. Jessup. : 
Note by Publishing Committee. ° 









JANUARY, 1821. 

Lust of Officers for the Vear 18214. 

William Maclure. 
Vice Presidents. 
Zaccheus Collins, George Ord. 
Corresponding Secretary. 
Reuben Haines. 
Recording Secretary. 
Franklin Bache, M. D. 
Thomas Say, ©. A. Le Sueur, J. P. Wetherill, 
Thomas M‘Kuen. ae 
Jacob Giiliams. 
Jacob Peirce. 
Committee of Publication. 
Thomas Say, Thomas Nuttall, Joseph Dulles, 
Isaac Hays, M. D. Isaac Lea. 


Description of a new Genus, and of several new spe- 
cies of fresh water fish, indigenous to the United 
States. By C. A. Le Suzur.—Read, December 
149th, 120. 

Messrs. Maclure, Ord, and Say, from their voyage 
to Florida, and Mr. Nuttall, in his last journey up 
the river Arkansa, brought back with them se- 
veral species of fish, which it is my desire to commu- 
nicate to this society. Several of them are unde- 
scribed, and one of them appears to constitute a new 
genus, allied to Cyprinodon ; if we may admit for 
distinctive character the form of the body, that of the 
fins, their position, and particularly that of the anal 
one placed exactly between the ventral fins; the last 
of which characters appears to me of peculiar im- 
portance ; it has likewise four or five branchial rays, 
and the remarkable teeth of Cyprinodon, whether or 
not they exist in the pharynx, as in that genus, I 
have not been able to ascertain. 

‘The other species of fish which form the subject 
of this memoir appertain to the genus Peecilia, of 
Schneider, and Lebia of Cuvier. ) 

I would here observe generally, that all these spe- 
cles possess a form of body sufficiently similiar among 
themselves; that they are all of small magnitude, with 
the body and neck compressed and elevated anteri- 
orly; the tail compressed, and wide in proportion, but 
narrower than the anterior part of the body taken be- 
tween the back and the ventral fin ; the hea: is flat- 
tened and terminated by a cuneate snout, cleft cross- 
ways by the mouth, of which the jaws are protractile. 


Essential Character. 

Head flat; operculum large; branchial rays, or 
gills, four or five. Jaws flattened ; mouth horizontal, 
very small, furnished with small and slender teeth, 
anteriorly hooked, and with minute posterior ones 
resembling velvet. Body short, thick, and compress- 
ed. Anal between the ventral fins. 

Fish of small size indigenous to North America 
and inhabiting fresh water. 

M. *uatremnna. PI. 3, fig. 1. 

Descrretion.—Dorsal fin very large, longer than 
broad, prolonged behind, caudal fin arounded ; 
blackish spots upon the scales; anal fin situated ex- 
actly between the ventral, and originating immediate- 
ly under the dorsal. 

Body compressed, short, thick, and most elevated 
anteriorly. Head flat, horizontal ; snout short, cunei- 
form, opening of the mouth transverse ; jaws protrac- 
tile, furnished with small teeth, anteriorly hooked, 
posterior ones minute and resembling velvet. Four 
or five branchial rays. Scales upon the operculum ; 
the head, and the upper part of the body, large. Eyes 
situated near the summit of the head, distant, the 
color of a terra sienna yellow, with golden reflections. 

tT In honor of Monsieur Mollien, Freich Minister of Fi- 
nance, a man of science, and one of the patrons of the cele- 
brated Peron. 


Scales posterierly spotted with black, forming inter- 
rupted lines. Dorsal fin ornamented with black spots 
between the divisions of the rays, and with several 
longitudinal bands towards their base, 

The individual being in spirit of wine, I have not- 
been able to judge of the natural color, but Mr. Nut- 
tall, who saw and collected it living, says, that it 
exhibits a brilliant reddish golden tint. 

B. 4 or 5.—P. 16.—D. 14.—V. 16.—A. 6. 

Entire length two inches and half. Height taken 
from the base of the dorsal fin eight lines. Height of 
the tail five lines. Han. In the fresh-water ponds in 
the vicinity of New-Orleans. Very common. 

Genus.—PCXCILIA. Schneider. 

Jaws flattened horizontally, slightly cleft, furnish- 
ed with a range of. small and very slender teeth. The 
upper part of the head flat: operculum large, rays 3. 
The body somewhat elongated. Ventral fins a little 
distant, the dorsal under the anal. ) 

Small fish inhabiting the fresh waters of America, 

P. *muLTILINEATA, PI. 4. fig, 1. 

Dorsal fin small, longer than high, under the anal ; 
lines and black spots forming as many small bands 
and passing through the limits of each row of scales 3 
caudal fin straight. 

Description.—Total length about four times that 
of the head; the depth about one head. Body com- 

pressed, wider towards the operculum, and muck 


compressed towards the tail, which is high, with a 
‘short and truncated fin. Dorsal fin about twice its 
height in length. Pectoral middle sized, placed 
about mid-way between the eye and the abdomen. 
Eyes large, placed near the summit of the head, and 
approaching the point of the snout, which is cunei- 
form seen in profile, flat, and wide seen from above. 
Operculm large, and open in all its length as far as 
immediately under the eye. ‘The opening of the 
mouth very small. The teeth of the jaws small, 
curved, and closed, moveable, and forming a single 
range in each jaw; the upper jaw as in the Lebias, 
appearing to be formed by the intermaxillary bone. 
Inferior maxillary bones projecting forward, and dis- 
posed in an horizontal line. Head flat, and as well 
as the gill-covers, the snout, and the sides of the 
body, covered with large scales. The scales them- 
selves are middle sized, rounded, and concentrically 

Color a deep brown-red. 
B. 4 to 5.—A. 16.—D. 14.—V. 6.—A. 9.—C. 26. 
This small species, of which the individual above 
described, measured one and a half inches, was 
brought in the collections of Messrs. Maclure, Ord, 

and Say, from East Florida, and is indigenous to the 
rivers of that country. 

Genus.—LEBIA. Cuvier. 

Character similar to Peecilia, with the exception 
of branchia of 5 rays, and denticulated teeth. 


L. *evurpsorweEa. ~ Pl. 2, fig. 1—3. 

Body compressed and deep: dorsal fin higher than 
long, rounded above the ventral; a large scapular 

‘Total length of the body three and a half times 
that of the head, by one and a half indepth. Snout 
short, jaws very protractile and narrow, armed with 
compressed and curved teeth, each terminated by 
three or four points. Head flattened above, between 
the eyes; the greatest thickness of the body is be- 
tween the opercula, very compressed towards the 
tail. The opercula are large and strong, and with- 
out denticulation. Eyes large, approaching the end 
of the snout, and placed at the summit of the head. 
Anterior lamina of the operculum, scaly, poste- 
rior lamina even, perhaps deciduous. The scales 
which cover the body are large, and more truncated 
than arounded, marked with concentric lines. A 
large scale upon the head between the eyes, sur- 
rounded with lesser ones near to the point of the 
snout. Dorsal fin high, arounded, placed above the | 
ventral, abdominal fins very small, their extremity 
touching the anal; the anal fin small and round ; 
pectoral middle-sized, the extremity prolonged to 
half the length of the ventral ; caudal mostly unequal, 
enlarged and elongated posteriorly, and obliquely — 

Color a very deep brown. 

OxsserVATIONS —There is a membrane attached 
to the base of the scapular scale, and to the opercu- 


lum, closing the opening of the branchia to prevent 
their too widely separating. 

This small species appertains to the genus Lebia 
of Cuvier by its denticulated teeth, and by its pos- 
sessing four or five branchial rays. It was collected 
in Kast Florida, and brought by the party of Messrs. 
Maclure, Ord and Say. The figure represents the 
natural size. 

B. 4 to 5.—P.—D. 11.—V. 6.—A. 10.—C. 20. 

The small fish to which [ now call your attention. 
apparently occupies a place between the Genus 
Saurus and Scopeles of Cuvier. The individual 
here described, is from thirteen to fourteen lines in 
length, with the body compressed as in the herrings, 
and having in common with them, the argentine color 
of the abdomen, with the back of a deep blue. The 
snout, or terminating portion of the head, is very 
short, and truncated; the opening of the mouth 
oblique, the cleft not passing beyond the parallel of 
the eye; the maxillary bones long, and narrow, the 
inter-maxillary very small, set with minute teeth, the 
former, and the wings of the palate are equally fur-_ 
nished with them,as well as the rays which form the 
opening of the gorge; these rays are prolonged be- 
fore, in such a manner, that the lower ones appear to 
form the termination of the tongue; the opening of 
the gills are large, and continued almost to the in- 
sertion of the lower maxillary bones. 

According to the above character, this small fish 
ought apparently to be placed between the two genera 


already mentioned. By the vomer furnished with 
small teeth it cannot apperiain to Saurus nor to Sco- 
peles, in which the palate and tongue are smooth. 
The scales are large, particularly on the sides, 
and to the lateral line they are higher. Pectoral fin 
rather large, continued parallel to the half of the dor- 
sal; ventral small, situated between the abdominal 
and the pectoral; the dorsal fin placed between the 
pectoral and the anal; the anal between the two dor- 
sal, of which the second is very small and adipose. 
The tail long and slender, terminated by a slightly 
forked fin. Eyes rather large, silvery and gilded, 
situated contiguous to the maxillary bones and the 

B. 4.—P. 15.—V. 6.—First D. 10.—Second D. 
adipose.—A. 20.—C. 20. 

OxsseRVATIONS.—I have thought proper to offer 
some observations upon this small fish, as presenting 
traits of difference from the genus Saurus and Sco- 
peles; but I am inclined to think, that it may occur 
of a greater magnitude. The specimen was commu- 
nicated to me by Mr. T. Nuttall, the botanist, who 
obtained it in the river Arkansa. 

Description of two new species of Exocetus By C. A. 
Le Surur.—Read, December \9th, 1820. 

EXOCETUS. Lin. Cuvier. 

The Flying-fish are distinguished among the ab- 
dominals by the uncommon magnitude of their pec- 


toral fins, sufficient when extended to support the 
body for some seconds in the air. For the rest, the 
head and body is scaly, they have likewise a carina- 
ted longitudinal range of scales as in the Belonze and 
Hemiramphi, &c. The head is flattened above and at 
the sides ; the eyes are large, the maxillaries without 
pedicles and forming alone the border of the upper 
jaw; both jaws are furnished with small pointed 
teeth, and the os pharynx with teeth in pairs. 
They have ten rays in the gills; the natatory 
bladder is very-large, and the intestines straight and 
without coecum; the upper lobe of the caudal fin is 
the shortest. Their flight is never very long, and 
they elevate themselves in order to escape the pur- 
suit of voracious fish ; they immediately fall, because 
their wings merely serve the purpose of parachutes ; 
the birds also pursue them in the air, as the fish do in 
the water. They are found in all the temperate seas. 

Exocetus *fasciatus. 

Abdominal fins long and broad, somewhat trun- 
cated, scarcely attaining to the caudal; anal and 
dorsal, straight, low, and almost equal; pectoral fins 
not touching the anal; brown bands on the pectoral 
and ventral fins; the two first rays of the pectoral 
fins shorter; head destitute of beard. 

Descriprion.—The total length of this small spe- 
cies was three inches. The body is elongated and en- 



larged towards the head. The back a little flattened. 
Scales rather large, covering the whole body. The 
lateral line passes along the sides of the abdomen 
and touches the abdominal fins. Head flattened 
above, and slightly carinated to the throat. Eyes 
distant, at the summit of the head, large and silvery, 
placed obliquely. Anterior rays of the pectoral fins 
unequal, the three first simple, and shorter than the 
fourth and fifth, which are divided like the following. 
- Abdominal fins large, placed nearer to the tail than 
the head, their extremities rounded, with the first 
rays simple, and the others divided. The snout a 
little extended; the opening of the mouth much in- 

The two individuals which I have seen, the one 
dried, and the other in alcohol, had lost their color, 
which was then brownish. It is probable that they 
are of the same color as the Exocetus volitans, and 
the individuals which I have met with in the Gulf 
Stream, and in our traverse from the isle of St. Croix 
to the United States. I saw several of the length of 
three or four inches, leaping before our vessel, the 
color of the body of which was a deep blue, with 
blackish spots on the fins, which appeared very 
transparent; but I was not sufficiently fortunate to 
procure any of them. 

P. 18.—V. 16.—D. 12.—A. 10.—C. 20 rays. 

Exocrrus *Nuttallu. 
Two large, thick, fleshy, and trilobated appen- 


dages pendant from the extremity of the lower jaw ; 
pectoral fins broad and long, exceeding a little the 
base of the dorsal; ventral fins very long, originating 
near the middle of the body; dorsal and anal fins 
large and truncated ; the pectoral and ventral mark- 
ed with brown bands. 

OzseRVATIONS.—This species, as well as E. fas- 
ciatus, presents brown bands upon the pectoral and 
ventral fins ; the head is also equally flattened above, 
and carinated under the gorge. The under side of 
the body is, however, shorter, less elongated, with 
the third ray of the ventral fin longer; the anal fin 
smaller than the dorsal. ‘The caudal fin lunulated, 
with the lower lobe longer. Scales over all the 
body, along the lateral line, and on each side of the 
abdomen. Eyes large, situated at the summit of the 
head, and near the extremity of the mouth. Mouth 
transverse, and rather large. 

Color, blue upon the back, argentine and blueish 
along the sides. 

Has. In the Gulf of Mexico. Communicated to 
me by Mr. Nuttall. 

P.—V. 10.—D. 15. simple.—A. 8.—C. 17. 


Descriptions of the Thysanowree of the United States. 
By Tuomas Say.—Read Nov. 21st, 1820. 

Genus Macuitis, Latr. 
Kyes compound, occupying almost all the head ; 


abdomen beneath with an appendage for leaping ; 
tail with three styles of which one is above the others. 

Species.—M. *variabilis. Superior caudal pro- 
cess more than double the length of the others ; false 
fect bisetous at tip; colour cinereous or iridescent 
varied with black. 

Inhabits North America. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Body above cinereous, somewhat iridescent, varied 
with black: gibbous portion of the body not differently 
coloured; a more or less regular whitish vitta; false 

feet white, hirsute, setaceous at tip; superior caudal 
process more than double the length of the inferior 

Var. a. Body above unicolor, destitute of the 
white dorsal vitta. 

Var. b. Body. ferruginous, with dusky lateral 

Var. c. Body with several snowy spots each side. 

A common insect in many humid places, probably 
in almost every temperate part of North America. 
We observed it as far south as Kast Florida. It is 
subject to a great many variations. 


Antenne four jointed, filiform, terminal joint en- 
tire; body cylindrical ; trunk distinct. | 

Species.—1. P. *fasciata. Body yellowish-white 
with four distant black bands; tazl black; bands 


paler beneath; spring white; antenn@ blackish: 
eyes black. 

Length one-twentieth of an inch. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

In considerable numbers under the bark of decay- 
ing Live Oak, &c. in Georgia and East Florida. 

2. P. *bicolor. Body plumbeous ; feet with a few 
hairs, rather paler at base ; nails small, acute; spring 
large, white; eyes deep black. 

- Length from one-tenth to three-twentieths of an 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Our most common species, under stones, Xc. 

3. P. *iricolor. Body blackish, iridescent ; thorax 
with long hairs before; abdomen hairy at tip; feet 
hairy, whitish; head beneath and antenna hairy. 

Length nearly one-fifth of an inch. 

Cabinet of the Academy. : 

Tnhabits Pennsylvania, common. 

Genus—Smyntuurvus. Latr, 

Antenne attenuated towards the tip, four jointed, 
ultimate joint composed of many smaller ones ; trunk 
and abdomen united into a rounded mass. 

Srecies.—S. *guttatus. Body yellowish-white, 
with numerous reddish-brown, irregular spots, dis- 
posed in bands; numerous, sparse, white hairs, and 
two tubercles each side of the middle, which are 
truncated at tip; beneath white; antenne reddish- 
brown, hairy; face maculated, a line of irregular 


spots behind the eyes; eyes black; spring flesh- 

Length rather more than one-twentieth of an inch. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Found under the bark of the long leaved Pine, 
(P. palustris) in Georgia. 

— +e 

Observations on the Geological Structure of the Val- 
ley of the Mississippi. By Tuomas Nvutratt. 
Read, December 1820. 


The near approach which the calcareous and other 
strata west of the Alleghany mountains make to the 
horizontal line, considering their inherent character, 
has been a matter of surprise to those who are any 
way familiar with the geology of Europe. A number 
of hand specimens, which some years ago I compa- 
red with what is called the compact mountain lime- 
stone of Derbyshire, in England, presented not a 
single dissimilar feature, either in regard to compo- 
sition or organic reliquie ; and I am fully satisfied, 
that almost every fossil and shell figured and descri- 
bed in the “ Petrificata Derbiensia” of Martyn are 
to be met with throughout the great calcareous plat- 
form of the Mississippi valley. We everywhere, 
perceive the same host of Terebratulites, Alcyo- 

nites, and Encrinal vertebre’; the same zoophi- 


tic casts, and vegetable impressions, likewise attend 
the coal formations, and it is only the difference of 
their elevation above the horizon which in any man- 
ner distinguishes the same strata in one country from 
those of the other. Here, however, the difference is 
sufficiently obvious. In Derbyshire, and in every 
other part of England of which I possess any know- 
ledge, the beds of coal are never come at by any 
thing like an horizontal drift; indeed, the dip of 
such strata is often but little inferior to that of the 
primitive rocks, and expensive machinery is always 
necessary, both to raise the coal and drain the mine. 
In the western states of America, on the contrary, 
the coal is obtamed by an almost horizontal drift, 
and draining becomes unnecessary. If we are 
then to search for any transatlantic region simi- 
lar in its materials and in their horizontal stratifica- 
tion with the extensive plains of Ohio, of Michi- 
— gan, Indiana, Lllinois, Kentucky, West Tennessee, 
and a part of the territory of Missouri, it is to be 
found in those extensive plains or steppes of the 
Tartarian desert traversed by the Kuban, which 
have been described by Professor Pallas and 
Daniel Clarke. Here, I think, we find strata of the 
same materials, at least, as it regards calcareous rock, 
abounding with fossil reliquie, and also as nearly ap- 
proaching the horizontal level. As we pursue, 
however, our enquiry concerning the western and 
northern limits of this great calcareous platform, 
through Canada, and the territories of Missouri and 


Arkansa, we shall perceive that the same materials 
are also elevated into ranges of hills, dipping from 
the horizontal level, though still at a far inferior an- 
gle to that which prevails in those transatlantic 
countries above noticed. | 

In the summer of 1809, my attachment to the study 
of Botany, induced me to make a pedestrian tour 
round the greatest part of the southern shore of Lake 
Erie, to Detroit, from whence I proceeded in a canoe 
along the same coast of the Huron lake to the 
island of Michilimakinak, situated near its com- 
mencement. I then took a southwest direction along 
the coast ef Michigan, to Green Bay; thence to the 
banks of the Mississippi, by ascending Fox River, 
near to its source, and embarking on the Ouisconsin, 
which disembogues itself two miles below the vil- 
lage called Prairie du Chien. I then descended to 
the town of St. Louis. This route, and the subse- 
quent voyages which I made up the Missouri and 
Arkansa, afforded me an ample opportunity of in- 
struction, as to the extent and character of this vast 
platform of secondary formation. 

The coast of Lake Superior I was then prevented 
from examining, by the sinister regulations of the 
company of the north-western fur-traders. Some re- 
markable facts, however, concerning this lake, and 
the minerals of its southern coast, are detailed by the 
adventurous Captain Carver, and afterwards corro- 
horated by the relation of M‘Kenzie. Such are the 
accounts of the masses of native copper scattered 
along the shores of the bay, called Fond du Lac. 


The existence of this fact did not fail: to excite the 
avidity of adventurers, who were, however, disap- 
pointed in the pretended quantity and locality of this 
native metal. But although there is every reason to 
consider the masses of this metal, as well as others 
which were shown to me during this route by a chief 
of the Monomonies, collected near the outlet of the 
river St. Croix of the Mississippi, as entirely adven- 
titious in their relation to the surrounding strata, still 
even these insulated facts justify us in supposing 
them as strongly indicative of the approaching termi- 
nation of the secondary formation in this direction. 
We cannot yet indulge our inquiries to any advan- 
tage any further to the northward, as none of the 
other travellers in this quarter have favoured us with 
the smallest ray of geological information. Still we 
are led to suppose that the Falls of St. Anthony,* 
no less than the numerous portages and rapids 
of the Utowa river are occasioned by some con-" 
siderable deviation in the strata from that almost 
horizontal position which they otherwise present. 
This opinion, however, as itregards the Mississippi, 
amounts to nothing more than conjecture, for,.as in 
the beds of many other rivers, there is no possibility 
of deriving any information regarding the nature of 
its sources from the debris or gravel deposited along 
its banks, knowing, as we do, the wide extent of 

* According to the observations communicated to me by 
Major Long, testaceous lime-stone exists both above and below 

these falls. 


adventitious granitic gravel and bolders throughout 
the western states and territories. It is true, that 
around the Prairie du Chien, and many other places 
along the banks of the Mississippi, as well as those 
of the »issourl, and even to the berders of the Ar- 
kansa and Red Rivers, rounded debris occasionally 
appear, sufficiently distinct from any thing which we 
have met with either in the beds of the St. Lawrence 
and its lakes, or along the Ohio and its tributary 
streams 3 such are the different varieties of fine cal- 
cedony, far more resembling those of India than of 
Kurope, and which we term carnelian, sard, &c. as 
they vary in color and texture, being either red, hya- 
line and white, or different shades of yeilow; all 
these varieties, and possessing every requisite beauty 
for the lapidary, are to be met with im considerable 
abundance along the Missouri, less plentifully on the 
gravel bars of the Mississippi, while little more than 
their existence is ascertainable, along the banks of 
Red River and the Arkansa. ‘To what class of 
rocks or strata these were to be attributed, as they 
appear on the Mississippi and the Missouri, I never 
was able to ascertain; nor am [| still much better in- 
formed on the subject, although I have had an oppor- 
tunity of observing a singular granulated rock, in 
which they are occasionally imbedded, bassetting out 
from under the more recent testaceous lime-stone of 
Red river, about one thousand miles above its entrance 
into the Mississippi. My uncertainty as to the true lo- 
cality of these rounded chalcedonic debris, arises from 


the ambiguity inherent in all conglomerates, which 
merely mark the transition of one formation into that 
of another, and are thus almost intermediate betwixt 
every species of transition whether general or partial. 
There is, I think, reason to believe, that most of the 
finer chalcedonic geodes, which appear in the form 
of pebbles of various sizes, originate almost uniformly 
in those transition rocks which we term amigdaloids 
and conglomerates, and though porphyries, as ap- 
proaching more nearly to the class of rocks called - 
primitive, are artificially distinguished from them, 
there exists, in fact, no such natural precision of 
limit.* At all events, the presence of these chal- 
cedonic debris, if not more remotely adventitious, 
would appear to point out in this quarter, the termi- 
nation of the calcareous platform, somewhere below 
the sources of the Mississippi as well as those of the 

Descending the St. Lawrence, or rather- its chain 
of lakes, we perceive even along the southern coast 
of the Huron, very intelligible indications of the ap- 
proaching termination of this secondary formation, 
in the vast beds, as I may call them, of adventitious 
granitic rocks, which for more than one hundred 
miles in succession, continue to line its shores. 
Many of these blocks, which are in places collected 
and extended into the lake for ten or twelve miles 
together, are of a magnitude so enormous, as to have 

* One or two specimens of hyaline calcedony, I once found 
on the gravel bars of the Missouri, imbedded in a white Jasper 


long acquired the veneration of the Indians, and are 
justly considered as their perpetual land-marks. We 
cannot reasonably suppose that this enormous col- 
lection of adventitious rocks can have been very far 
conveyed from their original situation ; still from the 
existence of facts, it does not appear that the Huron 
lake constitutes a boundary betwixt these formations. 
If I mistake not, both Kalm and Carver inform us 
of the existence of fibrous gypsum or alabaster on the 
banks of the Utawas; a river, which by the aid of 
inconsiderable portages, affords a navigable commu- 
nication from Montreal to French river of lake Huron. 
In connection with this formation is found the softish 
brown-red argillaceous stone, so much esteemed and 
employed by the Indians in the manufacture of their 
pipes. By Carver, and others, it is improperly 
termed a serpentine, but appears to be merely a clay- 
stone, of which [ then obtained a specimen from the 
river in question. ‘There is also equal reason to cre- 
dit the existence of fibrous gypsum in that country, 
of which I received specimens during my stay at. 
the island of Michilimakinak. Hence it would ap- 
pear, that we are to search for the termination of the 
stratum we are tracing beyond the northern shores of 
the Huron, and that it in all probability ceases where 
the fibrous gypsum and red clay-stone commence. 
This calcareous platform is not even disturbed by 
a single elevated hill along the whole southern bor- 
der of lake Erie. The ridge, however, traversed by 
the cataract of Niagara, and the falls of Gennessee, 



generally marks the termination of this stratum 
throughout its course, which terminates westwardly 
near to the proper commencement of lake Ontario. 
In several parts of this ridge and its vicinity gypsum 
has been found, as at the falls of the Gennessee, at 
the outlet of Owasco lake, and also contiguous to the 
falls of Niagara. The Table- Rock, from whence visi- 
tors commonly view the stupendous cataract, is in great 
part a mass of gypsum; which, continually moisten- 
ed by the falling spray and the neighbouring springs, 
carries down a portion of the dissolved mass, which 
is afterwards deposited in rounded nodules in the 
cavities below. In these rocks we also discover small 
nodules of galena and the blende ore of zinc, which 
is more or less prevalent throughout this ridge as far 
as Grand River in Upper Canada. In the dark grey 
gypsum of Gennessee, employed in agriculture, there 
exists a considerable admixture of carbonate of lime. 
About fifteen or twenty miles west from Queenstown 
this ridge presents considerable beds of calcareous 
breccia, or dislocated angular fragments, again col- 
lected and cemented in a base of the same material. 
Mr. Maclure traced this calcareous stratum, with its 
concomitant accompaniment of shells and -hornstone 
nodules, as far as the borders of Lake Champlain, 
where it terminates in the immediate vicinity of the 
primitive on the west, and an elongated point of the 
transition on the east. 

‘The very imperfect knowledge which we yet pos- 
sess of the western regions of the Mississippi, pre-. 


vent us in a great measure from arriving at any very 
satisfactory results, while pursuing our enquiries in 
this direction. Before entering upon this part of the 
subject, it is necessary to make some remarks upon 
the anomalies which present themselves towards the 
western and north-western confines of the calcareous 
platform. Thus, on arriving at the banks of the 
Ousiconsin, instead of an almost imperceptible cur- 
rent, as that of Fox river and its lakes, we are car- 
ried along at the rate of three or four miles per hour, 
and have almost uninterrupted hills on either bank 
of the river ; still there is no very considerabie dip, 
but sufficient to bring into view a considerably lower 
portion of the stratum, in which veins of galena or 
lead-ore begins to make their appearance. Captain 
Carver, and afterwards Mr. Dickson, received from 
the Indians a grant of these lead-mines, which Mr. 
Dickson informed me, promised to be no less pro- 
ductive than those they gave to Monsieur Dubuque, 
situated on the western side of the Mississippi, and 
about 40 miles below the entrance of the Quis- 
consin. The same calcareous lead-hills are met 
with dividing the branches of the Meremek, about 
thirty miles below St. Louis, and continue in a south- 
west direction to the sources of the river St. Francis. 
They are again met with on the banks of White 
River, and galena has also been found near the 
banks of Grand river of the Arkansa. ‘The first oc- 
currence of secondary calcareous rock on the banks 
of the Arkansa, is towards the hase of the arenelitic 


hills of Lee’s-creek (called Papillon, in Pike’s map) 
and about eight miles below the garrison of the Pot- 
toe. Lime-stone is found along the banks of the 
Salais-eau, a few miles above the former, but we no 
where meet with any considerable quantity of calca- 
reous rock, in that part of the Arkansa territory 
which came under my notice, excepting on the banks 
of Grand river, whence the garrison was supplied 
with lime for building. As indications of coal, how- 
ever, appear in this quarter, on both sides of the river, 
and even near the garrison, along the banks of the 
Pottoe, accompanied by the usual fossil reliquie, 
we are not to suppose that the secondary calcareous 
stratum is so limited in its existence in this direction, 
but merely covered by the sand-stone with which the 
occurrence of coal is concomitant. This circumstance, 
again, almost independent of any collateral observa- 
tion, points out the extraordinary approach of these 
strata towards the horizontal level; for, from Lee’s 
creek to the northern branches of the Canadian, and 
from thence to the great Saline river of the Paunees, 
a distance, over land, of near 300 miles, on the 
southern side of the Arkansa, we were never able to 
discover a solitary specimen of calcareous. rock, be- 
ing every where covered by the sand-stone, and in 
no place presenting a derangement or dip sufficient 
to be exposed from beneath. [It is almost unneces- 
sary to add, that a country like this, presents little 
else than one uniform plain, in general destitute of 
arborescent vegetation, and that it is also very defi- 


cient in springs of water. While on the contrary, 
the calcareous country of the Salaiseau, of Grand- 
river, of the [llinois, of Arkansa, and also the undu- 
lated arenelitic lands towards the borders of the great 
Saline river, abound in springs, that continue to flow 
throughout the hottest months of the summer, and 
produce around them morasses, which from their de- 
ceiving depth, are dangerous to the approach of the 
larger quadrupeds. 

While ascending the Missouri in the summer of 
1810, I could not ascertain the existence of the com- 
pact calcareous rock, containing organic reliquie, 
beyond the confluence of the river Platte; yet the 
sand-stone hills, and woodless plains, in the rear of 
the Maha village, were precisely such as we met with 
along the northern borders of the Arkansa, within 
the limits of Pottoe, and the Saline rivers. In the ter- 
ritory of Arkansa we could no where distinctly ascer- 
tain the existence of those more ancient and deep beds 
of uniform argillaceous matter whichso often along the 
banks of the Missouri, bury out of sight the inferior 
rocky stratum, in such a manner, as at length entirely 
to conceal its character. This clay formation, en- 
tirely unconnected with that of the Mississippi, and 
the lower part of the Arkansa, is of a blueish-grey, 
abounding in pyrites and xylanthrax, and is the 
active seat of those pseudo-volcanoes and their re- 
mains existing in the upper part of the Missouri ter- 
ritory. Excepting wood, even whole trunks of trees, 
in every state of siliceous penetration and petrifac- 
tion, a fossil Ostrea or mya, and what my friend Mr. 


Thomas Say considered as an unknown species of 
baculite,* no other organic remains were noticed by 
us in this vast deposition of argillaceous matter, which 
often appeared near the bank of the river in black- 
ened sterile hills and cliffs of from two to three hun- 
dred feet elevation. It is highly probable that the 
fossil crocodile skeleton, or proteasaurus, mention- 
ed by Lewis and Clarke, was deposited in this argil- 
laceous bed, although I once found, on the loftiest 
summits of the gravel hills of White River of the 
Missouri, several fragments of large fossil bones, 
apparently vertebre, accompanied by some eburneous 
process partly transformed into silex. 

The calcareous cliffs which border the Missouri, 
not far from the creek of the Maha village, more 
closely resembled chalk than any thing of the kind 
which I have heretofore seen or heard of in North 
America, but cannot by any means be identified with 
the same formation in the south of England and in 
France. We could not discover in it any organic 
reliquiz, nor any vestiges of flint. It is, neverthe- 
less, sufficiently white, meagre, and absyrbent, when. 
moistened, and marks with facility. Connected ap- 
parently with this anomalous formation of chalk, we 
observed considerable beds of what appeared to be 
stalactitial gypsum, but whether a more general de- 

* Published in Silliman’s Journal. vol. II. p. 41, under the 
name of baculites compressa. 



position, or a mere adventitious production formed 
by the partial agency of the decomposed pyrites so 
prevalent in the argillaceous bed above noticed, I 
am not prepared to ascertain. It occurred in seams, 
though divided into small and rounded masses, per- 
fectly white, but so devoid of the fibrous structure as 
{o be readily confounded with the chalk. The si- 
milarity of this secondary calcareous formation on 
its opposite confines in East Tennessee, as it appears 
immediately after crossing the Cumberland gap is 
deserving of attention; here again the calcareous 
rock puts on the appearance of chalk, and even con- 
tains nodules of flint, but bordering too much on chal- 
cedony to afford the character requisite for economi- 
cal purposes. 
Before taking leave of this part of our subject, and 
indeed not unconnected with it, is the anomalous de- 
position of salt, and the preduction of nitre. We all 
know that the impure nitre of the western states, of 
which the greatest abundance has been found in the 
neighbourhood of the Cumberland ridge of mountains 
on the confines of East Tennessee, is always connect- 
ed with the caverns of calcareous and arenilitic rocky. 
and that it is not an accidental! production, arising from 
the decomposition of animal and vegetable matter, is 
indeed proved by its gradual renewal in those caverns 
which have been exhausted. As 1 have been inform- 
ed, it exists in the calcareous and sandstone recks 
which are consequently attacked by the humidity of 
the air, and so falls into earthy fragments, which are 


collected for lixiviation, and that the solid stone it- 
self is also occasionally broken and submitted to the 
same process. I am not acquainted with the existence 
of many localities of nitre on the west side of the 
Mississippi, though it has been obtained in considera- 
ble quantity along the banks of the Meremek, and 
some of the streams emptying into the lower part of 
the Missouri. The Hirandel rocks on the banks of the 
Arkansa possess the only appearance of affording 
nitre which f have seen in that territory. 

{ have termed the production of salt in this forma- 
tion as anomalous, regarding any connection which it 
bears with the ordinary gypseous or red-clay forma- 
tion of the European geologists. No doubt numerous 
yemarks have been made upon this subject, which I 
now merely examine as a matter of fact. Every one 
knows the abundance of salt springs which exist in 
the valley of the Ohio and its tributary branches. 
The most productive among them are the springs of 
the Kenhaway and the Big Bone Lick. Those of 
Onondago Lake, in the western part of the state of 
New-York, are no less important. In my enquiries 
and personal examinations, I must confess myself 
to be generally at a loss to ascertain the proper ori- 
gin of these springs. In no instance is this salt met 
with ina solid form, nor in distinct connection with 
gypsum, or with red coloured clays. The argilla- 
ceous soils, indeed, which do occur, are dark gray 
or grayish blue. At the Big Bone or Mammoth 
Lick on the Ohio, and in many other places, where 

ve ‘ 


fossil bones have been found in their immediate 
neighbourhood, we should have been led to suppose 
these springs to be in connection with ancient alluvial 
deposits; while on the other hand, where the boring 
and obtaining of salt water has been continued 
through beds of coal and of limestone for some hun- 
dreds of feet, every idea of alluvial origin must va- 
nish, and we are led to consider the existence of 
these saline springs as coeval with the strata in 
which they originate, in common with the nitre, the 
petroleum, and the coal. ‘The occurrence of those 
remains of extinct quadrupeds which are found in 
their vicinity, may be considered as accidental, or 
merely connected with their relish for sait.* 
The extent of these salt springs is nearly as wide 
as that of the secondary rocks which they accompa- 
ny: thus they are found in several places along the 
banks of the Mississippi, from the Prairie du Chien 
to the confluence of the Ohio, wherever the: intersec- 
tion of streams have afforded them an outlet. They 
occur along the banks of the Meremek near to St. 
Louis, and along the Missouri to the Osage river ; 
they are met with on the banks of this river almost 
to its sources; they reappear along the borders of 


* These relics are the bones of the common mammoth or 
mastodon of the Ohio, the Siberian elephant, or true mam- 
moth, teeth of the rhinoceros, and in the caves have been found 
the bones of the megatherium, a very fine collection of which 
were in the cabinet of the late Mr, Clifford of Lexington. 


Grand River of the Arkansa, fifty miles up which 
river, one of the principal springs is now worked. 
This place [ have carefully examined. Here the 
springs, which are uncommonly clear, strong, and 
copious, distinctly and immediately issue through a 
bed of calcareous rock, and are accompanied by a 
stream of sulphuretted hydrogen gas, but occasion- 
ing only a minute deposition of sulphur. Other 
springs, equally productive, likewise occur in the 
distance of twenty-five miles further up this stream. 
The Cherokees have discovered springs of salt wa- 
ter on the banks of the Ilmois of Arkansa, but in 
this quarter as well as on the banks of Grand River, 
they do not happen to be accompanied by any re- 
mains of quadrupeds. 

Unconnected with this soil and strata, though 
scarcely with our subject, is the gypseous Red Clay 
formation, and the salt which it affords. Of the ex- 
istence of ‘this salt formation towards the sources of 
Red River, there is the most unequivocal evidence ; 
it is the abundance of this mineral, independent of 
that of the calcareous stratum, which so frequently 
communicates, particularly in the inundation of the 
Red water, a sensible brackishness to the whole 
stream of the Arkansa, and occasions its water to be 
preferred by all the wild and domestic animals. In- 
deed, in dry seasons, like that of the last autumn, 
(1819) a saline efflorescence was sufficiently visible 
over all its argillaceous deposits. The locality of 
this red clay soil is sufficiently attested by a slight 


attention to the color of the streams which empty inte 
the Arkansa; thus, all the rivers which enter from 
the north or north-west, bring down either water 
which is clear, or rendered turbid with grey colored 
earths and clays, while on the opposite side come in a 
number of streams which are charged with turbid 
water, always of a reddish brown color. Such are 
the Canadian, and the three Saline rivers, whose 
waters, except that of the former, are at all times im- 
potably saline. Still further tracing the locality of 
this production, we find that the red water of the Ca- 
nadian is the produce of its main southern branches, 
which all the hunters and traders assert to derive 
their sources with the head waters of Red river, and 
the Spaniards inform us, as a well known matter of 
fact, that Red river originates in the mountains of 
Santa Fe, of Rio del Norte. The northern branch of. 
the Canadian is said to proceed almost parallel with 
ihe Arkansa, and possesses clear water in common 
with its tributary the lesser North river, which 
sources in the immediate vicinity of the Arkansa, and 
makes a very near appreach to the great Saline river 
of the Paunees, already mentioned. It is in the im- 
‘mediate neighbourhood of the second river of Saline 
water, that Dr. Sibley was conducted by the Osages. 
. to what are commonly called the salt plains, where 
ihis mineral appears in place, and lies scattered over 
the surface of the ground. These beds of salt and 
clay very improperly and vaguely laid down in the 
maps as so many lakes of salt water, are nothing 


more than the neighbouring beds of red clay, which 

occasionally inundated, and washed by the winter 

rains, afterwards deposit a copious efflorescence of 

the dissolved mineral. 

Krom three experienced hunters who had spent a 
great part of their lives in this country, and pene- 
trated to the western mountains, I received accounts. 
of the prevalence of a mineral towards the sources of 
Red river, which, on producing specimens, timed 
out to be fibrous gypsum, similar to that of the 
Utawah river, in Upper Canada; it was said to be 
very abundant and continuous in its appearance. My 
guide, Mr. Lee, first observed it on the banks of what 

the French call the False Washita, one of the prin- 

. cipal northern branches of Red river. A river of 

saline water too brackish to drink, as I was informed, 
enters the river Platte from the south, about thirty 
miles above its confluence with the Missouri. ‘The 
Sioux river entering the Missouri from the north, 
according to the report of the interpreter (Dorion) 
who accompanied us in cur voyage up the Missouri, 
im 1810, informed us, that this river sources with the 
St. Peters, and after remaining navigable for upwards 
of two hundred miles, is then obstructed by a cataract. 
and that below the falls a creek enters from the 
eastward, after passing the cliffs of the red clay-stone 
employed by the Indians in the fabrication of their 

From what we can glean concerning this principal 
formation of salt and gypsum, it would appear to be 
situated in the vicinity of the primitive mountains, 


and at all events marks the termination of the se- 
eondary soil. ; 

The fluate of lime, so abundant and beautiful in 
the secondary calcareous rock of Derbyshire, in 
England, is not altogether wanting in the valley of 
the Mississippi. In 1810, Mr. J. Bradbury favoured 
me with very fine specimens of white, blue, and am- 
ber colored fluor, from a lead mine, at the Rock 
and Cave, in the vicinity of the Ohio. Another lo- . 
cality of this mineral was pointed out to me, also in 
1818, as existing near Centreville, in the county of 
Logan, in Kentucky. In the same locality with 
that described by Mr. Bradbury, Mr. Jessup found 
it in abundance on the surface for a space of thirty 
miles, accompanied by a vein of galena. In its 
vicinity, Mr. J. also met with nodules of argillaceous 
iron ore, containing blende. But fluor has never 
yet been found on the banks of Missouri, as. assert- 
ed by Mr. Claiborne. 

The floetz trap formation, or that variety of it, 
termed in Derbyshire, toad-stone, and which there 
so signally deranges the strata and metalliferous de- 
posits, in no form makes its appearance throughout 
this secondary platform, the only anomalous bed in 
any manner analogous to this, is the greenish, and 
apparently ferruginous arenilitic rock, with a sparry 
calcareous cement, and bordering on graawacke, 
which appears beneath the newer floetz lime-stone of 
Red River. 


Having thus taken a cursory, but imperfect view 
ef the great tabular formation of secondary calca- 
reous rock, which gives place to the immense plains 
and lakes of the western states and territories, we 
shall next proceed to offer a few remarks upon the 
ancient maritime alluvium, and a fletz formation 
apparently connected with it, which continues from 
Rhode Island to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, . 
principally with a view to ascertain its south-west- 
ern limits, and to observe the influence which it has 
had in producing the present character of that part 
of the Mississippi valley. The accurate and com- 
prehensive view of this formation, as well as of all 
the others composing the North American continent, 
by our absent president,* the result of observa- 
tions continued for many years in succession, leaves 
us little more to do than corroborate his assertions by 
additional details, and an extension of its limits into 
the remoter territories of the Union. 


The extent of the primeval ocean, and the vast 
agency which it has exercised over our globe, to ren- 
der it habitable, and thus to complete the plan of 
creation, is evinced by a vast proportion of its sur- 
face wherever our observations are directed. That 

* William Maclure, Esq. 


immense portion of the valley of the Mississippi, 
over which we have in the preceding section rapidly 
glanced, without entering into details, exhibits 
throughout all its extent unequivocal marks of a 
pelegian origin, its rocks are filled with marine pro- 
ductions. with bivalve shells, with Alcyonites, En- 
crinites, Madrepores, Millepores, Tubiporites, F'lus- 
tras, Trilobites, some species of Ammonites, Zoe- 
phytes, &c. &c. of which by far the greater part are 
now extinct, having disappeared with the ocean that 
gave them birth: indeed, several of their genera no 
longer possess any existing type. ‘The antiquity of 
this order of things, apparently anterior to the crea« 
tion of any other organized beings, is beyond our 
comprehension ; what occasioned the reflux and sub- 
sidence of these mighty waters, and the consequent 
elevation of the land, is a subject equally imvolved 
in mystery. It is sufficient for us to mark the 
different epochs of this reflux, so as to connect 
our remarks, and render them intelligible to those 
who wish to follow us in the course of ebserva- 
‘tion. Tes 

The pelagian calcareous rock which occupied 
our altention in the preceding section, and which” 
may correctly be termed a compact limestone, pre- 
sents to our view scarcely any of those shells and 
marine productions still existing in the present ocean. 
‘They are almost without exception bivalves, among 
which the terebratulites continually predominate. 
Coal, petroleum, fluor spar, blende galena, argilla- 


ceous iron ore, salt springs, and nitre, with several 
other materials of minor importance are almost con- 
comitant with this formation, and tend to character- 
ize aud distinguish it when it assumes an almost ho- 
rizontal stratification. It is greatly to the advantage 
of the miner and the mineralogist, as well as to seve- 
ral branches of public economy, that such geo- 
logical distinctions could be drawn betwixt the dif- 
ferent strata and formations of minerals, as might al- 
ways prevent the waste of money and labour. Yet, 
after all, it is to be regretted, that the ambiguity of 
certain strata is sometimes so great, as to adinit of 
considerable argument in ascertaining their differ- _ 
ence; such, in a great measure, is the character of 
the second’ calcareous formation which now claims 
our attention. 

In its geographical limits, it occupies a position 
universally to the east of the primitive and transivion 
formations. Its existence, as far as I know,. has not 
been ascertained to the north of the bay ef Chesa- 
peake; it here makes its appearance in the vicinity 
of Annapolis, and presents several features common 
to the transmontane stratum. It appears, however, 
to be destitute of the concomitant minerals, except- 
ing, indeed, it were possible to conceive i in con- 
nexion with the coal basins of Richmond, which F 
have found on examination to be actually underlaid 
with a calcareous rock of a peculiar appearance. 
Mr. Heath’s coal-mines, and, in fact, nearly all of 
them, except those which were in a state of combus- 


tion, are overlaid by a massive micaceous conglome- 
raie, or grit rock, containing crystals of felspar like 
‘porphyry, in which, besides gigantic culmarii,* oc- 
cur veins of the argentine calcareous spar of Kir- 
wan, similar to that of Cornwall, resembling silvery 
talc or steatite, in which are occasionally imbedded 
minute chrystals of blue and white fluor like those, - 
equally rare, in the gneiss of the Schuylkill, together 
with common calcareous spar and chrystals of sul- 
phate of lime. In the bituminous slate clay, which, 
as usual, accompanies this coal, besides impressions 
of ferns, and the supposed Equiseta, there are vesti- 
ges of some enormous flaccid leaved gramineous 
plant, leaves of one of the Scitaminee similar toe 
those of ginger, and fine casts of a palm, resembling 
the pennate fronds. of some species of Zamia, or 
Cycas. The apparent remains of fish, which alse 
occur together in such uncommon abundance, are ex- 
tremely ambiguous, inasmuch as the supposed fins 
alone, are found. ‘The coal in this formation, instead 
of that even continuity so obvious in that of the west- 
ern states, presents very limited beds, which, as they 
yecede or occupy the centre of the basin, vary from 
6 or 8, to that of 40 feet in thickness! The coal 
itself, highly bituminous and brittle, contains abun-— 
- dance of pyrites. What relation the breccias and 

* An assumed generic name for an assemblage of extinct 
Zoophytes? (one species of which, is the Phytolithus striaticul- 
mis, of Martyn’s Petrificata Derbiensia.) 



conglomerates of this vicinity have with the testa- 

ceous lime-stone, [ cannot pretend to say; they do 

not indeed ‘contain impressions of shells, though 

fragments of lignite, and silicised wood have been 

found imbedded in the siliceous conglomerate. On 

the high road to Richmond, in the exposed declivity: 
of the barren pine-hills, a few miles from the coal- 

mines, [ found fragments of transformed wood, pe-: 
netrated with quartz of an opaque white color, des- 

titute of the resinous fracture, and easily crumbling 
into an almost impalpable sand. These fragments, 

however, occurring in beds of disintegrated, and 
amorphous chrystalline quartz, in which also appears 

the oldest conglomerate* of cloudy and pale blue 
quartz, are more probably referable to the an- 

cient beds of the transition. Of the small impor- 

tance, however, which ought to be attached to the 
relative antiquity of transition rocks, and particu- 

larly to those which are so evidently mechanical in 
their structure as the conglomerates and sand-stones, 

we have an almost unexpected example, in the re- 

cent discovery of bones imbedded in the old red 
sand-stone of New-Haven, 35 feet below the surface ; 

a circumstance, in itself, sufficiently curious, without 
introducing the improbable conjecture of the remains 
being human. 

_ * As it regards the strata of the United States, and always 
eecurring from the state of New York to Georgia, imbedded 
in the mica-slate. 


- Although, there can remain but little doubt of the 
continuity of the floetz lime-stone we are endeavour- 
ing to trace towards the south, still, in consequence 
of the more recent alluvial deposits, it is not again 
discernable until we arrive in North Carolina. Here, 
Mr. Maclure remarks, that it runs “ parallel to, and 
within the distance of-from 20 to 30: miles of the 
edge of tae primitive, through South Carolina, Geor- 
gia, and part of the Mississippi territory.” That it 
continnes also eastwardly to the borders of the ocean, 
I have reason to believe, from discovering it in the 
immediate vicinity of Wilmington, North Carolina, 
where it appears from beneath the alluvial sand-hills 
of the town. There, though less compact than the 
older secondary formation, it alike contains terebra- 
iulits, flustras, millepores, caryophylites, gorgonias, 
as well as more recent shells, such as cardiums, pec- 
tinites and ostreas, not very dissimilar to the exist-— 
ing species of the coast. In 1816, while proceeding 
through North and South Carolina, to the city of 
Charleston, 1 remarked the first appearance of this 
floeiz lime-stone in the immediate neighbourhood of 
Statesburgh, in South Carclina, near the commence- 
ment of the hills of Santee. Here we observe a fine- 
grained slaty and ferruginous sand-stone, containing 
scales of mica, and rounded nodules of argillaceous 
iron-ore, basseting out from beneath a conglomerate 
made up of sea-shells and quartzose pebbles, cemented 
together with calcareous, as well as siliceous maiter, 
the latter of which often appearing in the form 



of hotryoidal agate. These marigenous beds are 
nearly horizontal, though here elevated into hills, 
and appear. as far as I could previously observe from 
anulogy, to be underlaid by a formation of trap and 
argillite. Krom hence, to the little town of Man- 
chester, there imfervenes a succession of coarse- 
grained and ferruginous sand-stone hills, washed 
into deep gullies, presenting a prevalence of red and 
very sandy clay, indicative of the decomposed: trap. 
Kighty miles from Charleston. along what is called 
the river-road, on the high and sandy banks of the 
stream produced by the Drowning Spring, I noticed 
scattered masses,of a stone, consisting in great 
part of flinty confluent silex, bordering on chalcedony, 
including seams of broken shells, as well as others 
which were imbedded and retained their calcareous 
substance. Some of them were spiral univalves, 
ethers cardiums, and pectinites resembling those of 
the present sea-coast. In some places this stone ap- 
pears to pass into a granulated quartz, resembling 
sand-stone, but of a very fine and drusy grain. 
This bed appeared to he about twelve inches in thick- 
ness, and sensibly compressed; beneath, it passes 
Into a sand-stone, which is again underlaid by a 
thick bed of light grey schistose and indurated mar- 
lite, containing also rounded nodules of the same 
substance. The Utaw spring is one of those large 
bodies of clear water which issue at once in consi- 
siderable streams from the bosom of this stratum. 
This formation is considerably allied to the siliceous 



lime-stone of the environs of Paris, and mill-stones 

have been made of it, but are found to be softer than 
those of France. In its seams have also been dis- 

covered depositions of hyalite, or the concretionary 

hyaline quartz of Hauy. 

At Nelson’s Ferry, on the south side of the San- 
tee, I again observed an horizontal ledge of the floetz 
lime-stone, of a whitish color, and fragile consistence, 
containing amidst innumerable masses of small shells, 
those of some Osirea, not very dissimilar to existing 
species, but of a remarkable thickness, and occasion- 
ally impressed with the forms of other shells. The 
copious and clear springs of this formation continue 
to within ten miles of the city of Charleston, where, 
with its overlay of ferruginous sand-stone. it forms 
the feundation of all the other alluvial deposits. 
Amorphous carbonaceous remains, connected pro- 
bably with lignite, sparingly appear in this soft 
sand-stone a few miles from Charleston. In a for- 
mer route, from Savannah'‘and Augusta, in Georgia, 
I repeatedly met with this calcareous bed, in which 
even occurs the trilobites paradoxus, and the ovate 
encrinal fossil, figured by Parkinson and described 
by Mr. Say in Silliman’s Journal, .under the 
name of Pentremite, hitherto found only in North 
America, and in connection probably with this for- 
mation.* In some parts of South Carolina, this 
calcareous rock appears of a friable texture, and > 

* This curious fossil occurs also, abundantly in the lime~ 
stone of Huntsville, in the Mississippi territory. 


passing into marl, or containing so much argillaceous 
earth as. to burn into a very indifferent lime. Its 
existence has been traced into part of the Missis- 
sippi territory,* and again found along the coast of 
Cape Florida, and the gulf of Mexico, by Mr. Ma- 
clure. Along the banks of the Mississippi, and 
towards the base of the hills of Fort Adams, it again 
presents its usual characteristics, being of a whitish 
color, of a soft and friable consistence, like calcareous 
tufa, and also in connection with an undurated marl. 
Ascending this river, without discovering its exist- 
ence decisively in the alluvial hills of Natchez, we, 
however, perceive its arenilitic'overlay in the basis of 
the cliffs known by the name of the Grand and Petit 
Gulf, where the obstruction of this stratum suddenly 
checks the meanders of the river, and produces two 
very powerful and dangerous eddies. ‘The last ap- 
pearance of this stratum on the banks of the Missis- 
sippi, as indicated by sand-stone, is in the bases of 
what are called the Walnut-hills, but its concomitant 
marigenous alluvium can be distinctly traced 10 the 
ferruginous cliffs, called the Paint-hills, or Mine au 
Fer, about 15 miles below the confluence of the Ohio; 
indeed Henderson, or the Red Banks, and the town 

* Marine shells, as Ostreas, &c. have been found at the 
“ Chickasaw Old Town,” 300 miles north-east of Natchez, 
as well as at the United States agency amongst the Choctaws, 
120 miles north north-east of the same place, according to 
Mr. E. Cornelius, in Silliman’s Journal. 



of Owensville, commonly called the Yellow banks, 
the latter about 120 miles below Louisville on the 
Ohio, still present traces of this extensive deposition, 
though unaccompanied by the sand-stone and calca- 
reous rock. On the west side of the Mississippi we 
also discover the same marine alluvial formation in 
‘the elevated banks of the Arkansa, on which the 
town of Arkansas is situated, and which terminates 
the great prairie, dividing the waters of this and 
the White rivers. Still more lofty, and better cha- 
racterized, are also the friable cliffs, called the Pine- 
bluffs, commencing about 120 miles higher up this ri- 
ver. Proceeding from hence in a southern direction, 
we again meet with this alluvium on the banks of the 
Washita, which gives rise to the Bovey-coal or lig- 
nite mentioned in the voyage of Dr. Hunter and. Mr. 
Dunbar. In the calcareous platform of Red River, 
which we found to constitute the basis of its. plains, 
both above and below the confiuence of the Kiamesha, 
we discover a great extention of this formation to the 
west, and in some degree parallel with the indention 
of the Mexican Gulf. This limestone presents all - 
the usual characters of friability, whiteness, argilla- 
ceous admixture, and more recent shells such as 
cardiums, pectinites and ostreas, as well as gry- 
phites, terebratulites, and alcyonites. In a few 
places along the immediate banks of Red River, it is 
partially overlaid by hillocks of a conglomerate 
abounding in horn-stone and other siliceous pebbles, 
cemented principally by ferruginous matter. A more 


remarkable aggregation, appears, by a dip, to basset 
out from beneath this calcareous platform, on the 
northern banks of the river, near the entrance of the 
Kiamesha. From its massive appearance, and ob- 
scure greenish-grey color, it strongly resembled a — 
trap, or grauwacke; it proved, however to be a calca- , 
reous sand-stone, with a crystaline cement, and like 
the grauwacke, as well as sand, occasionally includes 
adventitious pebbles, and angular debris, among 
which we observed the existence of chalcedony. 
How far this calcareous formation extends into the 
neighbouring province of Texas, and under what cir- 
cumstances, I have not been able to ascertain; but I 
may further add, concerning its north-western limits, 
that it appears to be essentially separated from the 
older secondary calcareous formation, by the inierpo- 
sition of a transition range of mountains, stretching 
‘towards the south-west, which separate the tributary 
streams of the Arkansa from those which flew into 
Red River; and that from hence to the gulf of Mex- 
‘ico in a south-east direction, traversing the plains of 
Opelousas and Attakapa and the maritime part of 
the province of Texas, no other chain of mountains 
are known to exist. Itis not necessary for us to trace 
the maritime alluviumof the Atlantic statesso well de- 
fined in the essay of Mr. Maclure, and we shall now 
merely add some remarks on its character as it ap- 
pears in the valley of the Mississippi. Along the 
immediate banks of this river, it is no where inter- 
sected on its western border; all the cliffs of reenter- 


ing high-land are confined to its eastern bank. The 
first of these, below the mouth of the Ohio, is the 
Mine au Fer or Iron-banks; and after a descent of 
several hundred miles, we again perceive an occur- 
rence Of the'same bank of friable materials in the four 
successive bluffs or cliffs of the Chicasaws. As this 
alluvium is here best developed, we shall attempt to 
describe its appearance. ‘These cliffs are elevated 
about 250 or 300 feet above the lower level of the 
river, and are a portion of the continuous high-lands 
which constitute the principal part of the territory. 
They are connected with the uplands of the Walnut- 
hills, of Natchez, Fort Adams, Grand and Petit 
Gulf, Ellis’s and Thomson’s cliffs, and finally ter- 
minate a few miles below Baton-rouge. The surface 
often presents a ferruginous clay or gravel ; and from 
the deep and friable nature of the materials, it is sub- 
ject in the vicinity of streams to be washed into deep 
and wide ravines. The soil is but moderately fertile, 
and requires .the aid of manures. The Chicasaw 
Bluffs, which from top to bottom, as well as at Nat- 
chez, present nothing but friable beds immediately 
below the surface, consist of sandy and ferruginous 
clays, lower down often purer and whiter; then suc- 
ceeds, with an almost unexpected uniformity, a band 
of bright pink-colored clay, which we also recognize 
at the Mine au Fer, as well as in the Pine-bluffs, 
about 180 miles up the Arkansa. ‘This clay is suc- 
ceeded by another bed nearly similar to the first; a 
carbonaceous appearance then succeeds, and com- 


monly a thin bed of lignite ; dark, greyish clays still 
follow, containing pyrites, and argillaceous iron ore, 
often lying at the base of the cliffs in corroded, flat- 
tened, and rounded masses; and at the very lowest 
level of the river, in low water, a second and much 
thicker bed of lignite succeeds, exhibiting every gra- 
dation from the state of wood, and also containing, 
amidst more friable materials, indurated sand-stone 
nodules, resembling those of argillaceous iron-ore, 
containing impressions of the leaves of existing oaks* 
as well as those of plants resembling species of Equi- 

We have to ascend the Arkansa 60 miles from its © 

outlet, through the recent alluvium, before we arrive 
at the commencement of the primitive soil. All the 
inferior space intervening betwixt the Mississippi, 
and White River, is so subjeet to inundation as to be 
rendered totally ith Habitable: How far the sup- 
posed ancient marine deposit extends into the Great 
Prairie, which is about 90 miles i in length, I have not 
been able satisfactorily to ascertain, though from the | 
extent of adventitious gravel over the neighbouring 
uplands, and the reappearance of its bed in the Pine- 
bluffs, 120 miles above Arkansas, we have no reason 
to suppose its termination short of the whole extent of 
the prairie. Amongst the least equivocal marks of ma- 
rine origin visible in this deposition, is the discovery 

* Such as those of Quercus phellos the Willow Oak and @. 
rubra or Q. coccinea the Red Oak. 


of shells, which accidentally came to my notice a few 
miles below the Pine-bluffs, picked up by the chil- 

dren of some of the French hunters resident in this 
country, and consisting of a species of ostrea, like 
that of the Santee, penetrated by seams of calcareous 
crystals, exhibiting marks of a former attachment to 
a softish ferruginous sand-stone, and containing frag- 
ments of lignite. On the same sand-bar was also 
found a small conch-shell,* which did not appear to 
have been imbedded. 

This massive deposit, in all probability, rakes an 
appearance at Alexandria on Red River, to which 
place the recent alluvium also extends; and the fer- 
ruginous conglomerate resembling that of New Jer- 
sey we have found to continue more than 1000 miles 
up this river. From a consideration of these circum- 
stances, and the direction of the transition chain of 
mountains, which traverse this territory. nearly from 
north-east to south-west, we are led to suppose the ex- 
istence of the more recent calcareous platform nearly 
to the sources of Red River, where it is probably suc- 
ceeded by the gypseous red clay and salt formation. 

The extraordinary breadth of that part of the al- 
luvial valley of the Mississippi, subject to inundation, 
from the mouth of the Ohio to the ocean, said to be 
of the extent of from 30 to 40 miles, is easily account- 
ed for, in the friable nature, and the magnitude of the 
marigenous deposit through which it fiows. Its bed 

: a ne A tet te eee 

* Strombus pugilis. 


appears continually to have encroached towards the 
east; and indeed all the larger rivers, except the 
Ohio, come in from the west, and possess currents 
considerably more rapid than that of the Ohio.* 
From a point, a few miles below Baton-rouge, © 
where the primitive soil terminates, we are to trace 
the commencement of the proper delta, or modern al- 
juvial formation of the Mississippi. From hence the 
river presents no more sinuous meanders; but, with- ' 
out any additional breadth, proceeds towards the 
ocean in flexuous lines ‘or stretches, disembogues 
much of its waters by receding channels or bayous, 
_ aud presents along its banks, which are of an uni- 
form and depressed elevation, a conformity of surface 
incompatible with the caprice of any formation of in- 
dependent origin. For several hundreds of miles in 
succession, to the city of New Orleans, no settlements 
are practicable beyond the border of the river; the 
agricultural plots, all defended in front from inunda- 
tion, by a levee or continued line of embankment, are 
constantly averaged at a depth of 45 arpens or acres, 
beyond which universally commences an undrainable 
swamp. The fertility of these lands is no where ex- 
ceeded, and without any kind of tillage, promise a’ 
perpetual harvest, and never-fajling source of wealth 
to the planter. 

* According to the observations of Major Long, the descent | 
of the Ohio is 8 inches per mile, that of the Mississippi 12, 

that of the Missouri and Arkansa 16, and of the river Platte 
18 inches, 


We shall now conclude this essay by a few re- 
marks on the transition chain of mountains which 
traverse the Arkansa territory. 


The first appearance of this formation, as well as 
the first rock which attracts our attention in ascend- 
ing the Arkansa, commences about 200 miles above 
the village or post of Arkansas. From the unusual 
appearance, and inconsiderable comparative eleva- 
tion which the hills here present, the place has re- 
ceived the name of the Little Rock. The strata 
which are schistose and destitute of organic reliquiz, 
dip at an angle of more than 45° to the north-east, and 
consist of dark-grey, or greenish-grey, argillaceous 
sand- stone, of a fine grain, and intermingled with 
mica; it appears to be a grauwacke slate, bordering on 
argillite, and is traversed by massive veins of quartz 
containing crystals. Itis here alternated with a soft 
and pale coloured slate clay, which decomposes into 
something resembling pipe-clay, and which the inha- 
iants have employed for white-washing the interior 
of their cabins. As we proceeded westward, those 
hills at length assumed the elevation of mountains. 
being schistose towards the base, and. arenilitic at 
the summit. "The sand-stone of a coarse grain, light- 
ish grey color, and lesser dip, is likewise destitute 
of organic remains. At Piatt’s settlement, we came 
in full view of a conic topped mountain, rising not: 
less than one thousand feet above the neighbouring 


plain. At first view it appeared to be insulated, but 
was actually connected with an adjoining ridge of 
inferior elevation. ‘This mountain, resembling a py- 
ramid, is known fo the French and Diener resi- 
dents and hunters, by the name of the Mammelle. It 
was distinctly visible from the hills of the Dardenai, 
a distance of more than 60 miles over land. From 
the same point of view, we could enumerate three 
principal ranges of mountains tending towards the 
south-west.* . 

In several places the schistose strata are almost 
vertically elevated, so as to present along the margin 
of the river, a smooth and even wall, occasionally pe- 
netrated with zig-zag seams of quartz. At the Ca- 
dron, three hundred miles from Arkansas, the slate 
exposes to view impressions of something related to 
the ramified Alcyonites, but fleruous and spirally 
grooved, also concave articulations of a species of Or- 

* The mountain, apparently laid down in Pike’s map as 
visible at the distance of three days journey, is situated about 
ten miles south of the Illinois bayou, and is a long ridged emi- 
nence, known to the French by the name of the Magazin 
mountain, connected with a chain which proceeds to the 
sources of the Pottoe, the Petit John, Le Fevre’s fork, and the 
Kiamesha of Red river; from hence; without ever touching 
Red river, the mountains proceed towards the sources of L’eau _ 
Bleu, and the Faux Washita, continuing in a direction towards 
the head springs of Red river, where they Esa y coalesce 
with the primitive range. 




thoceratite;* the same schist, at the Galley rocks (the 
commencement of the Cherokee settlement.) alse 
discloses organic reliquiz of the same class,t but no 
bivalve shells. A beautiful hone-slate appears te 
alternate with the other schistose formations, in the 
vicinity of the hot springs of the Washita, and: is 
‘noticed in the journal of Hunter and Dunbar. Lis 
pure whiteness, when recent, is a character quite pe- 
culiar: still, by its slaty texture, and inferior hard- 
ness, besides the abscence of organic reliquiz, it can. 
by no means be confounded with hornstone, which, 
in many respects, it resembles.{ From the neigh- 

* This shell appears to belong to the genus RaPHaNISTER 
of Montfort’s Conchyliologie Systematique, vol. I see p. 338, 
but very distinet from the species there figured. 

t One of them with a moniliform flexuous appearance and 
of the length of six or eight inches, bears some resemblance 
to the Ichthyosarcolite of Desmarest, figured in the Journal de 
Physique for July, 1817, in plate II. figure 9 and 10. 

{ To avoid ambiguity and confusion, it seems to me ne- 
cessary to designate the ‘ hone-stone” of the Washita by a 
particular name, as nothing similar to it appears hitherto de- 
scribed. I shall therefore, in reference to its prevailing color, 
give it the trivial name of GALACTITE. : 

This siliceous mineral, which in many respects resembles 
Hornstone or Chert, is distinguished by its remarkably even; 
slaty cleavage both in the large masses and minute fragments; 
its cross fracture is largely conchoidal, and destitute of lustre; 
fragments, about a line in thickness, are strongly translucent. 
Its hardness is such, when pure, as readily to give fire with 



‘bouring mountains of the hot springs, which originate 
in tuis formation, I have seen.specimens of magnetic 
iron-ore, like that of the Hudson and New Jersey. 
On the road to the springs, also, L have obtained spe- 
cimens of a dark grey amphibolic rock, strongly 
magnetic. when heated, of a very close grain, 

steel. Its color, very similar to that of Cacholong or porce- 
fain, is milk-white, acquiring a faint ferruginous tinge by ex- 
posure to the weather, it then more readily cleaves, and beconies 
somewhat absorbent. Its specific gravity is 2,60. Before the ' 

blow-pipe it is perfectly infusible, and unlike chalcedony and 
flint still retains its translucence. With potash it dissolves 
into a white enamel, but does not form glass. Analyzed in 
the manner described by Klaproth, which it is not here neces- 
sary to repeat, it afforded in the hundred parts, silex 86, 
alumine 1,50, lime 2, oxid of iron 5, and volatile matter with 
a trace of carbonic acid 4. 

Geological situation and locality.| It is found in the transi- 
tion mountains of the Washita, a few miles from the hot- 
springs, and in the Mazern mountains, at the sources of the 
Kiamesha of Red river, forming schistose beds, which alternate 
with slate-clay and grauwacke-slate. Passing apparently 
into a translucent hornstone, still retaining the slaty cleavage, 
and often breaking into rhombic fragments, similar to felspar. 
This mineral is the ‘“ hone-stone,” spoken of by Hunter and 
Dunbar, but sufficiently distinct from Novaculite, although 
when weathered or deteriorated by foreign admixture, it be- 
comes in some degree, suitable for that purpose. Its cleavage 
appears to be produced by the iron, which it essentially contains, 
and its milky color is probably derived from the carbonate of 


and containing imbedded prismatic chrystals of 
brown mica. Slate of various kinds, occasionally 
alternating with a peculiar novaculite on . 
hornstone, and dipping at an angle of not less than 
45 constitutes the principal part of this formation, 
and is overtopped as in the Alleghanys, by elevated 
ridges of sand-stone.* 

* In this chain of mountains, which continues north-east- 
ward towards the sources of the St. Francis, two miles north 
of the village of St. Michael, at the lead-mine of La Motte, 
Mr. Schooleraft observed, what he calls a vein of granitic rock, 
of a red color, and containing very little mica, he asserts it to 
be four or five miles wide, and traced its continuance for 
twenty or thirty miles; as he adds, at the same time; that it is 
used for mill-stones, I can scarcely doubt for a moment, its - 
identity with the transition conglomerate which Mr. Bradbury 
and myself examined, in 1810, employed for the same purpose, 
a few miles from St. Louis. What the green-stone porphyry 
may really be, I cannot pretend to say, though it may very pos- 
sibly exist in that quarter. Mr. Bradbury visited the spot and 
obtained specimens of the micaceous iron-ore, which is said to 
form a mountain mass near to Bellevue (Washington county.) 
These united facts, tend to prove the continuation of the tran- 
sition chain of mountains beyond the valley of the Mississippi, 
but they ought not to be confounded with the chrystalline gra- 
nitic formation of the sea-coast and the northern Andes. 


A Notice concerning the Spider, whose webb is used 
| in medicine. By N. M. Henrz. 

It has been found lately, that the webb of a species 
of spider, common in the cellars of this country, pos- 
Sesses very narcotic powers, and it has been admi- 
nistered apparently with success in some cases of 

. Having for some time past, studied with care, the 
genus Aranea of Linneus, I have been induced to 
write a description of this species; I therefore made a 
drawing taken from a large female, which accompa- 
nies the present notice. 

The genus Aranea of the first writers on Entomo- 
Jogy being composed of a very great number of spe- 
cies, it has been found necessary to divide it into smal- 
ler sections, or families. Gmelins’ edition of Linneus 
contains ninety. eight species; W alckenaer ennmerates 
nearly. three hundred, and the number may be carried. 
toa thousand. If the colour of the abdomen were 
the only character to find the species among several 
hundreds, it would be a very difficult task to assign 
with certainty a name to each separately, without 
any other description. Messrs. Latreille and Walck- 
enaer have rendered the history of this genus quite 
easy to study: they have left little undone in regard 
to the species known to them. It is to. be regretted 
that Mr. Walckenaer’s Tableau des a is not 
a more common work. 

I shall therefore give the generic characters of 


this spider, as if the work was unknown to the natu- 
ralists in this country. 5 3 

It belongs to the genus Tegeneria of Walckenaer, 
and to that of spiders, properly so called, of Latreille. 
Its characters are: eight eyes, farming two parallel 
lines, the upper being curved aad longer. Lip wider 
in the middle, cut straight .at its extremity. Max- 
iz inserted upright, not bent on the lip. Corselet 
nearly as large as the abdomen. The first pair of 
legs the longest, the fourth next, then the second, 
and the third the shortest. Manners, spiders form- 
ing an horizontal web, with a Eey lindrical tube, in 
the form of a funnel. ; 

This is sufficient to characterise the genus, contain- 
ing ‘the different species of spiders, which inhabit 
cellars and dark places. The species that makes 
its web in the fields, on bushes, does not belong 
io the same genus; it has been properly sepa- 
rated from it by Walckenaer. The last pair of legs is 
the longest in this, and the eyes differ essentially in 
their sitnation. ‘There is another species, very com- 
mon in Carolina, which, however, I have not yet ob- 
served here, making a web nearly similar to this, 
but very different in all its generic characters ; “it 
sught not to be taken for the other: 1 intend pub- 
lishing a description of the genus Aranea, in which 
this will form a separate section. But the charac- 
ters which E have given are sufficient to ascertain 
whether a spider belongs to the genus Tegeneria, se 
that with some attention, no mistake w ill occur. 



_ The species which I am treating of, is of a black 
colour, inclining to blue; the abdomen is marked 
with about ten livid pale spots, and a line towards its’ 
anterior extremity: Lhave seen specimens where the 
legs were marked with black spots. I think it ne- 
cessary to remark here, that spiders of the same spe- 
cies living in dark places, vary greatly in theit co- 
lonrs, according to the manner in which the light 
strikes upon them. The great point in this case I 
think, is to ascertain the genus, for it appears that the 
web of all s species belonging to it, has the same 
Virtnes, and this is distinct cota the Aranea Domes- 
_tica, whose web has been used. in Europe: we see 
an illustration of this in the genus meloe, where every 
species possess more or less the blistering power. 

The present American spider, [ Haat has not 
been as yet described: for the present I shall call it 
Tegeneria Medicioalis.—Pl. V. fig. 4. 
 a—organs of manducation. 

' b—position of the eyes. 

Description of some new crystalline forms of the 
minerals of the United States. By Dr. G. Troost. 

—Read March 6, 1821. 

As yet but litile attention has been paid to the 
crystalline forms of the minerals of this’ country, 
many of which have no analogies with those described 
by European crystallographers. Among this num- 
ber may be mentioned a variety of phosphate of lime, 
with the description of which, I have now the honor 

to present the Academy,’ and hope to continue the 


research by the examination of some others in my 

{. PuospHate or Lime (unitaire.) Plate V. Fig. 3. 

The representative signs of these crystals with the 
indications of the principle angles, are, 
[Inclination of M upon P 90° 
M upon M 126° 
x upon P 140° 47; 
x upon M 129° 13’ 

The faces x being formed by the decrement of a 
single range of molecules, I have termed it Phosphate 
of lime (wnifaire) according to the nomenclature of 
Mr. Hauy. 

2. PxospHate or Lime (unitaire compressed.) 

“The crystals are sometimes so much flattened or ~ 
compressed, as to put on the appearance of an eight 
sided table with bevelled edges. In this case the two 
opposite faces of the prism M offer square surfaces 
at the same time that the faces P P, and four of the 
faces of the hexaedral prism are linear. 

Besides these two varieties there occurs in the same 
matrix, crystals of the primitive form, varying from 
one tenth of an inch to an inch; as well as in rounded 
pieces. Indeed nearly. all the crystals present some 
of their edges rounded, and particularly the margins _ 
of the summits, so that they often have the appearance | 
of hexaedral prisms terminated by rounded summits. 


The phosphate of lime is slowly soluble in nitric 
acid ; and occasions no phosphorescence when its 
powder is thrown on burning coals. 

It is found at St. Anthony’s nose, near New York, 
in magnetic pyrites of a grey, sometimes bronze yel- 
low color. This ore is partly ina state of decompo- 
sition, having then the appearance of the brown 
oxide of iron, the crystals which occur in this part 
of the gangue have their edges generally blunted, 
which is not the case with those found in the un- 
altered pyrites; this would induce the belief that 
these crystals have been partly dissolved by the sul- 
phuric acid formed by the decomposition of the py- 
rites. The crystals found in that part have always 
a ferruginous color, while those in the undecomposed 
part of the ore, are of a blackish green color. This 
mineral, besides phosphate of lime, contains lamel- 
lar hornblende of a dark green, when in the unde- 
composed ore, and of a ferruginous color in the de- 
composed parts. 


Some well determined crystals of zircon occur on 
the York road, near Philadelphia, exhibiting modi- 
fications of the present known forms, which I shall 
endeavour to describe. 

~ Zircon, (primitive form.) Plate V. fig. 4. 

D 1.1 2K2 P 
Zircon pyramidal * i. ae 
Ps. 9 Pines 



The inclination of the different faces are 
1 upon gs 135° 
x e 142°:55' 
x P4150) 5% 

This variety which is one-fourth of an inch in 
length, is in the posséssion of Mr. John P. Wetherill, 
wiv found it in the place above-mentioned, The 
prism is composed of eight hexagonal faces termi- 
nated by pyramids of eight faces, the summits being 
replaced by four rhomboidal ones corresponding 
wiih the faces of the primitive octahedron. 

1 2 ” 
Ne DDE ’EeP 
Zircon (bisunitaire) * . : 
tus 2 Poop. Veaig® 

The inclinationof these faces are 
t upon uw 159° 17’ 

U . P452°" 8’ 
es tes b 142° 55’ 
Dis\ ett bao? a 
I $ 135°. 

This variety was found by Mr. Benjamin Say. 
The faces u are sometimes so much extended as to 
make the faces of the pyramid almost entirely dis- 

The gangue, in which these crystals are found, is. 
a granite composed of partly decomposed feldspar, 
sometimes of a greenish color, and quartz, contain- 
ing besides the zircon particles of magnetic iron ore. 


- An account of the Aracunines of the United States. 
_ By Tuomas Say. 

The following descriptions of the Arachnides of 
this country, which respire by means of trachea in 
the manner of insects, may be regarded as the con- 
tinnation of a series of essays, of which the “ account 
of the Crustacea,”’ &c. is the first, on the vast orders 
_ of articulated animals with articulated feet, (Anuu- 
losa of Cuvier) natives of this country. As the na- 
ture of the journal precludes the introduction of old 
matter or known facts, I shall confine myself in its 
pages, to the description of such of these animals 
only, as appear to be unknown to naturalists, or to 
the elucidation of such, as from their obscurity, are 
not understood. 

cenus *ANAPHITA.+ 
Pl. 5. fig. 7.—a Trophi. 

' Artificial Character—Mandibles longer than the 
rostrum, first joint longer than the second; palpi 
none ; nails single. 

Natural Character—Body very slender, com- 
posed of four segments bearing feet, and a small sub- 
oval caudal process ; head prominent, not percep- 
tibly contracted behind, and consisting of a prolonga- 
tion of the anterior segment of the body; eyes four, 

+ From a, without, and 49%, tactus the touch. 



inserted on a common tubercle, upon the top of the | 
head: mandibles robust, didactyle, inserted, at the 
extremity of the head, porected, parallel, two-jointed, 
longer than the rostrum, first joint elongated > attain- 
ing the tip of the rostrum; hand abruptly inflected 
upon the tip of the rostrum: rostrum porected, cylin- 
drical, trancated at tip, shorter than the body, and 
inserted beneath the first segment: palpi none; feet 
eight, filiform elongated, slender ; coave three-jointed, | 
the middle one longest; thighs one-jointed ; tibie 
two-jointed ; farsi two-jointed, the’ first very short; 
nails single, arcuated, capable of being inflected. 

Spectes.—A. *pallida. Body whitish ; ocular tu- 
bercle acute at tip ; eyes sanguineous ; hands suboval, 
slightly hairy, not dilated, inflected vertically, and 
with the fingers, hardly more than two‘thirds the 
length of the preceding joint; fingers arcuated, 
crosssing each other near the tip; a small, rather 
acute tubercle at the base of the anterior feet (proba- 
bly the rudiment of the egg-bearing organ:) cove 
second joint clayate ; tibie first joint rather shorter 
than the second. | 

Length of the body 1-4 of an inch. 

Span of the feet 4 1-2 inch. 

Inhabits the coast of South Carolina. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Of this new genus I found two specimens in the 
bay of Charleston, S. ©. upon the branches of the 
Gorgonia virgulata, and as they have not the egg- 
bearing organs, I suppose them to be males. This 


animal resembles Phoxichilus in being destitute of © 
palpi, but differs from it in having didactyle mandi- 
bles and simple nails. In the form of the mandibles 
it resembles Nymphon and Ammothcea but the want 
of palpi distinguishes it from those genera, its pro- 
per situation is probably next to the genus Phoxichi- 
lus. It, unquestionably, is generically the same with 
Phalangium aculeatum of Montague, (Trans. Lin. 
Soc. vol. 9, tab. 5,) which Dr. Leach, in the article 
Crustaceology of Brewster’s Encyclopedia, refers to 
the genus Nymphon, but which, as far as I can dis- 
cover, he has omitted in his subsequent works. It 
will of course be a second species of this new genus. 

Gemis BUTHUS. Leach. Scorpio, Latr. 

Palpi brachiform, didactyle ; eyes eight; abdomen 
terminated by a caudal process of six articulations, of 
which the terminal one is armed with a venomous 
aculeus. | 

Species.—B. *vittatus. Fuscous, with three ful- 
vous vitta; sides black. 

Inhabits Georgia and Florida. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Body above granulated, granules irregular, distant, 
three fulvous equal vitta, and an elevated, interrupted 
vertebral line ; sides black, rugose, beneath white ; 
thorax reddish brown, more scabrous before and be- 


hind, hardly marked by the vitta, snbemarginate 
before, and divided by a longiftidinal impressed line, 
region of the dorsal eyes blackish; palpi longer than 
the body, with granulated lines, carpus with three 
or four of the granules more conspicuous ; hand sub- 
ovate, greatest diameter about equal to that of the 
preceding joint;- fingers filiform, incurved, longer 
than the hand, reddish-brown, furnished with nu- 
merous minute teeth; feet paler than the palpi, mi- 
nutely grantlated above and beneath; caudal pro- 
cess colour of the palpi, longer than the body, with 
granulated costa, those of the penultimate segment 
not more conspicuous ; terminal segment subovate, 
slightly mucronate beneath the aculeus, the costal 
granule minute. 2 

Length from tip of the palpi to tip of the caudal 
process, 1 inch and 7-10ths. 

I found numerous specimens of this species on the 
sea islands of Georgia and in East Florida, hyber- 
nating beneath the bark of trees. : 

‘The wound inflicted by the puncture of their acu- 
leus, causes much pain and intumescence, but is rea- . 
dily cured by the topical application of the volatile 
alkali. . 

The species to which vittatus is allied, are the 
punctatus of Degeer and Americanus of Linné, but 
according to Lairielle (v. Sonninis’ Buffon) these 
are both spotted with brown, the caudal process of 
punctatus being of the length of the body and that 
of Americanus three times the leugth of the body. 


It is, however, very possible that our species may 
be a variety of punctatus. 

Genus CHELIFER. Geoff, Leach. 

Palpi brachiform, didactyle ; thorax with the first 
segment divided by a transverse indented line; eyes: 
two; niandibles short. 

Srecres.—1. C. *muricatus. Third joint of the 
- palpi nearly three times as long as the second, linear, 

gradually a little attenuated to the base ; thorax mu-. 

Inhabits North America. . 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Body ovate, narrowed before, rounded behind ; 
thorax black-brown opake, gradually narrowed from 
the base to the tip of the mandibles, armed with nu-. 
merous short, robust spines ; feet rufo-testaceous ; 
pal rufous, basal joints subglobular, gibbous be- 

‘hind, third joint cylindrical, nearly three times 
longer than the second, armed with short rigid hairs, 
and gradually attenuated to the base, fourth joint 
shorter but somewhat larger than the preceding one, 
and gradually much attenuated to its base; hand 
black-brown, above oblong-subovate, laterally linear, 
fingers as long as ‘he hand, paler, incurved and fur- 
nished with a few elongated, flexible hairs; abdo- 
‘men above black-brown, and with the feet furnished 
with minute, spinelike hairs, Het hal margined with 
obsolete pale-testaceous. 

Length rather more than 1-40th of an inch. 



Common in decaying wood, under bark, in houses, 
under stones, &c. I found a variety on ,the river 
St. John, in East Florida, of which the anterior por- 
tion of the abdomen and posterior part of the therax 
is rufous This species considerably resembles C. 
Hermann of Leach, (Zool. Misc. vol. 3, p. 49.) 

2. G. *oblongus. Second joint of the anter:or feet 
hardly twice as long as the first, rather larger to- 
wards the base; thorax polished. 

Inhabits North America. — 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Body oblong, sublinear ; thorax reddish-brown, 
polished, iestaeeous at Aue rather abruptly attenua- 
ted, from the middle to the tip, and with abbreviated 
flexible hairs, instead of spinules; feet pale, testa- 
ceous; palp reddish-brow n, with dilated, short 
joints, and furnished with numerous flexible hairs, 
second and ‘third joints snbequal, the latter rather 
shorter and dilated in the middle; hands ovate, 
almost truncated at base; fingers shorter than the 
hand, and with afew longer hairs; abdomen above 
brownish, slightly hairy, polished, margins of the 
incisures testaceous. Smaller than the last. 

Occupies the same situations as the preceding. It 
bears considerable resemblance, in the form of the 
palpi, to the C. Geoffroyi of Leach, (Zool. Mise. p, 
50.) This species, as well as the preceding, are 
readily distinguishable from the Phalangiwwm aca- 
roides of Linne, by the mutic antepenultimate seg 
ment of the palpi. 




Body rounded; feet elongated; tarsi with nume- 
rous joints; mandibles salient much shorter than 
the body: eyes two, supported on a common tubercle. 

Species. 1 P. *vittalum. Whitish, with a dor- 
sal fuscous vitta ; terminal joint of the palpi not pec- 
tinated with spines. 

Inhabits the Southern States. 

~ Cabinet of the Academy. 

Body whitish, truncated and fuscous behind, a 
dorsal fuscous vitta from the clypeus to the cloaca 
and lateral fuscous line, above with dense, obtuse 
granules, beneath with distant ones; three pro- 
foundly impressed lines before the middle, of which 
the anterior one is semicircular including the ocular 
tubercle, the intermediate one transverse, and the 
posterior one recurved; ocular tubercle prominent, 
slightly contracted at base, crowned’ with from four 
to six more conspicuous, acute spines; clypeus not 
elevated, concave beneath the obtuse tip; feet, se-— 
cond pair about fifteen times as long as the body; 
tarsi capillary, articulations not contracted. 

Length, female nearly one-fifth of an inch. Male 
much smaller. . 

The armature of the ocular tubercle is obsolete in” 
the male, and in this sex there are generally two 

3 9 


whitish lines, drawn from the base of the ocular 
tubercle to the tip of the clypeus, which are also 
sometimes visible in the female. 

I have not found these in coitu, but have consi- 
dered them of the same species, from their being as- 
sociated and somewhat similar in form and markings. 

2. P. *dorsatum. Whitish, with a dorsal fuscous | 
vilta, joints of the palpi armed with a series of spines. 

Inhabits the United States. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Body rounded behind, whitish, a dorsal fuscons 
vitta continued from the clypeus to the cloaca, and 
obsoletely punctured with whitish, a few submargi- 
nal, obsolete, irregular lines or spots; granules dense, 
obtuse, not prominent; ocular peduncle prominent, 
contracted at base, slightly muricated before, obso- 
letely granulated ; clypeus not elevated ; palpi rather 
long, robust ; second, third, and fourth joints pecti- 
nated on the exterior edge with acute, distant spines ; 
fifth joint more densely pectinated on the inner edge ; 
feet armed with minute distant spines; cox black- 
ish; pectus with distant very distinct, obtuse gra- 
nules ; radical supports of the feet with a moniliform 
line each side in the incisures; venter nearly gla- 
brous, granules indistinct; tergum not deflected. 

Length of the female one-fifth of an inch. 

Very similar in colour to the preceding, but suf- 

_ ficiently distinct by the spinulose palpi, &c. . 

3. P. *ngrum. Body ovate, blackish; clypeus 


prominent; radical joint of the three anterior pairs 
of feet armed with a spine; pectus and base of the 
feet white. 
inhabits the Southern States. 
Cabinet of the Academy. 
Body ovate, a little dilated each side behind the 
posterior feet, blackish, with a few obsoléte paler 
spots, above and beneath, above granulated, granules 
spherical, irregularly placed in somewhat reticulated 
lines ; ocular tubercle destitute of spines, with obtuse 
granules; clypeus prominent, somewhat elevated ; 
feet short, fuscous, whitish at base; second pair 
hardly four times as long as the body, and, with the 
first pair, armed with a prominent, cylindric, obtuse 
spine behind the basal joint ; third pair with a similar 
_ spine before ; pectus whitish; venter blackish. 
Length, female nearly one-fifth of an inch. 
A very distinct species, and not uncommon in the 
Carolina’s and Georgia. 

4. P. *grandis. Body oval, covered with short 
spines ; ocular tubercle spinous’; feet rather short. 

Inhabits the Southern States. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Body oblong-oval, scabrous, with approximated, 
robust, short, acute, spinules ; rufo-ferugineous, two 
impressed transverse lines before the middle ; ocular 
tubercle prominent, slightly contracted at base, 
crowned with numerous, robust, acute spinules ; cly- 
peus hardly elevated ; feet rather short ; pectus with 
numerous, minute, acute granules; venter with but few. 


Leneth, female nearly seven-twentieths of an inch. 
Much the largest species I have seen. 

cenus GONYLEPTES. Kirby. 

Fect moderate ; tarsi from six to ten jointed ; man- 
dibles chelate; maxillz none; palpi unguiculated. 

Species. G. *ornatum. Ocular tubercle hardly 
elevated, unarmed; hind feet remote; two erect 
spines behind. : 

Inhabits Georgia and Florida. 

Cabinet of | the Academy. 

Bod: y ovate reddish-ferruginous, destitute of gra- 
nules, edge slightly contracted over the insertion of 
the fourth and fifth pairs of feet, twe small acute tu- 
bercles on the middle of the disk, and two large, 
prominent, erect, acute spines on the hind margin, 
no impressed line before the middle, an anterior ar- 
cuated yellow transverse line connected to a poste- 
rior undulated one by a yellow line which is crossed 
near the middle by two obselete yellow bands ; ocu- 
lar tubercle slightly raised, unarmed ; distance be- 
tween the eyes much greater than their diameters, 
- orbits black ; clypeus abruptly somewhat acute in 
the middle of the tip; mandibles rather small, the 
fingers subequal, and crossing each other at tip; 
palm robust, and when at rest concealing the man- 

dibles : penultimate articulation dilated on the exte- 
‘rior side and elongated and depressed; terminal joint 
half as long as the preceding, cylindrical ; terminal ' 
‘nail elongated, moveable, capable of being inflected’'s 


Jeet short, not three times as long as the body, three 
anterior pairs before the middle, posterior ones be- 
hind the middle and remote from the others; fourth 
and fifth pairs with double nails ; abdomen, segments 
with a series of equidistant, minute tubercles. 

Length, one-fifth of an inch. 

This remarkably distinct species, we first disco- 
yered on Cumberland Island, Georgia, and subse- 
quently many specimens occurred in East Florida, 
where it appears to be common. It is not an inha- 
bitant of the Northern States. | 


Although I have a consider able number of descrip- 
tions of Araneides, which I think are new, yet, as I 
am not sufficiently well acquainted with the species 
- of this family, in their different ages, prudential iho- 
tives induce me to refrain from publishing them until 
further investigation shall qualify me for the task. 


Body consisting of a thorax and head united and 
distinct from the abdomen ; two anterior pairs of leet 
distant from the others; eyes pedunculated, lateral ; 
palpi with a moveable appendice beneath their tips. 

Species. 1.'T. *scabrum. Body ovate, broadest 
and very obtusely rounded before, pale reddish, mi- 
nutely scabrous, surface unequal, with numerous in- 


dentations, and with hardly perceptible hairs ; tho- 
rax obtriangular, short; eyes white; feet whitish. 
Cabinet of the Academy. 
In forests, on trees, &c. not uncommon. 

2. T. *sericeum. Body oblong-suboyate, broadest 
before, narrowing behind, densely covered with 
short, silken hair; thorax elongated, sublinear, 
slizhtly contracted before the middle, and with a 
darker, central line above; eyes white, placed in a 
transverse line ; feet paler, whitish. . 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Inhabits trees, in forests, under stones, &c. and is 
more common than the preceding. 


Body without division, the two anterior pairs of 
feet not distant from the others; eyes two, seasile; 
palpi conic, chelate. 

Species. EK. *mamuillatus. Body ovate, granu- 
lated, reddish-yellow, with a marginal impressed line, 
edge thickened, a robust, obtusely conic, granulated 
spine on the anterior lateral edge, before the middle 
of the disk.two indented punctures, a few distant 
hairs; eyes approximated, whitish ; mandibles gra- 
nulated, a rounded tubercle on each of the middle 
above; feet paler than the body, yellowish, with 
scattered hairs. 

Less than one-twentieth of an inch. 

Under bark of trees, Ke. Georgia and East Flo- 


cexnus GAMASUS. Lair. 

Mouth with mandibles ; palpi prominent, very dis- 
tinct, filiform ; pulvilli at the apex of the tarsi. 

Species. 41. G. *antennepes. Body ovate, ru- 
fous, somewhat narrowed before, hairy and coria- 
céous ; edge of the abdomen membranaceous, white ; 
feet, anterior pair filiform, antenneform, longer than 
the body, remaining pairs much more robust, sub- 
equal, posterior thighs tridentate near the inferior tip ; 
origin of the palpi with five or six acute spines above. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

1 have frequently observed this species, inhabiting, 
in considerable numbers, the body of Passalus cor- 
nutus. ‘The fore feet are, as their slender appear- 
ance indicates, used as antenne to feel the way, and 
not as feet to support the body. 

2. G. *spinipes. Body suboval, hirsute, rufous ; 
feet with rather longer distant hairs, second pair very 
robust, third- joint armed beneath with a large, pro- 
minent, acute spine, which is nearly as long as the 
transverse diameter of the joint, compressed, slightly 
_ serrated on its anterior edge, and with an accessary 
tooth or two at its base, fourth joint with an obtuse 
- tooth beneath, sixth joint with a robust spine before 
- its inferior middle, first and third pairs unarmed, 
fourth pair dentate beneath the third and fourth 
Cabinet of the Academy. 


Remarkable by the prominent spine of the second 
pair of feet. 

3. G. *musculus. Body pale, oval, with-seattered 
hairs more numerous each side: feet paler, with a 
few hairs above, two anterior pairs distant from the 
others, anterior pair longest, secund pair rather more 
robust. a 

An active little animal, found in great numbers on 
an anonymous species of Mus, which inhabits Kast 


4. G. *nidularius. Body oblong-oval, somewhat 
depressed, with a slightly elevated © argin, and with. 
scattered hairs, whitish with internal blackish clouds, 
and two impressed points in the middle of the back 5 
Jeet paler with a few hairs. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Less than one-fortieth of an inch. _ 

“Inhabits Hirundo viridis their nests and young.. 
I am indebted for specimens to Mr. Reynall Coates. 

5. G. *Juloides. Body oval, pale brownish, de- 
pressed, behind vesicular and whitish, the coria- 
ceous epidermis of the tergum terminating before the 
vesicular posterior margin in an emargination ; feet 
short and very robust; pulvilli dilated, very short. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

I obtained several specimens from the body of 
Julus marginatus. T haye also observed it on Poly- 
desmus Virginiensis. 7 


cenus ORIBITA. Lat. 

Body coriaceous, capitate or rostrated before, palpi 
and mandibles concealed within the mouth; feet ter- 
minated generally by three nails, without pulvillus. 

Srecres.—1. O. *concentiica. Black, opake; ter- - 
gum concentrically lineated ; venter plain. 

Inhabits Pennsylvania. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Body spheroidal, black, opake, rounded before 
and carinated behind, invested with a brown epi- 
dermis; disk with about four elevated concentric cir- 
cles, connected by numerous interstitial elevated 
lines ; posterior carina crenate in compliance with 
the concentric lines; head subtriangular, rugose ; 
oral aperture oval, closed by a valvular mentum; 
eyes two, minute, brownish, elevated on an elongated, 
slender filiform peduncle; orbifs elevated, rather 
large, placed near the base of the head above; feet. 
rather short, deep black, minutely granulated, ter- 
minated by three incurved nails; venter plain, gra- 
nulated, valves of the cloaca somewhat lineated. 

A rather common insect, if moves very slowly, and 
inhabits beneath the bark of trees. I have found it, 
most frequently, beneath the bark of the common 
Carya (Nuttall) tomentosa. 

2. O. *glabrata. Body glabrous, polished, globu-_ 

Yar-oval black. 

Inhabits Georgia and East Florida. 


Cabinet of the. Academy. 

Body sphercidal, somewhat oval. glabrous, po- 
lished, black; head longitudinally semi-oyal; eyes 
sessile, near the base of the head each side, remote 5 
feet hairy, pale testaceous, subequal, shorter than 
the body. 

I found this species several times under stones, 
&c. It is sluggish in its movements, like other spe- 
cies of this genus; when alarmed or in danger the 
feet are thrown forward together over the mouth, 
and the whole of the thorax is then deflected upon 
the anterior part of the body; in this state the gene- 
ral form is a solid oval. | 

cexus BDELLA. Latr. 

Palpi elongated, terminated by sete 5 rostrum 
conic; eyes four; posterior feet longest. 

_ Spectes.—B. *oblonga. Body oblong-oval, bright 
red, paler in the middle and beneath, with a few 
scattered hairs; rostrum nearly half as long as the 
body, with two or three pairs of stouter hairs; palpa 
four jointed, resembling arms; first joint destitute of 
hairs and longer than the others conjunctly ; second 
ard third joints very short; fourth joint longer than 
the two preceding ones, attenuated towards the base 
and truncated at tip, with several short hairs and 
two terminal sete longer than itseif, of which the ~ 
inner one is rather shorter; fect hairy, subequal, 
pale, the posterior ones rather longer. 


Length rather more than one-twentieth of an inch. — 
Found in Georgia, under stones, under bark of 
‘decaying, trees, &c. in rather moist situations. 

cexus IXODES. Lat. 

Palpi short, simple, valvular, forming with the 
haustellum a short rostrum; mandibles none; feet 
with a pedunculated pulvillus and two nails; eyes 
obsolete or wanting. ; 

Species—]. L. *annulatus. Body oval, pale red- _ 
dish-brown, tinged with sanguineous, particularly 
behind, and with several longitudinal and oblique, 
black, abbreviated lines, scattered punctures, and 
_ three abbreviated, longitudinal impressed lines be- 
hind; rostrum, with the palpi dilated, rather sud- 
denly contracted at base, and annulated more promi- 
nently beneath with about two elevated lines, which 
on the sides produce an angulated appearance, much 
shorter than the haustellum, rounded at tip; haustel- 
lum, the two superior organs emarginate at tip, ex- 
terior division dentate beneath, inferior organ with 
numerous resupinate teeth resembling fenestrate 
punctures ; posterior to the origin of the palpi above 
-is an orbicular, obscure assemblage of punctures re- 
sembling eyes ; black dorsal lines of the male some- 
~ what regular, consisting usually of a dorsal line di- 
varicating before, and behind, the middle, furnishing 
a branch each side, which at the tip of the abdomen 


is confluent with a lateral line, which also branches 
off in two or three short lines towards the feet ; feet 
witii a short robust nail, and a reclivate pedunculated 
pulvillus and nails. 

Found in considerable numbers on a Cervus Vir- 
ginianus, in East Florida. 

2. I. *orbiculaius. Body nearly orbicular, slightly 
narrower before. punctured, ten or twelve longitudi- 
nal, abbreviated, impressed lines on the posterior 
margin, marginal impressed line none, two longitu- 
dinal indented lines before the middie; head trans- 
verse subquadrate, posterior edge very obtusely 
rounded, the posterior angles complying with the 
general curve 5 palpi oblong, sublinear. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Found inhabiting Sciwrus capistratus of the South- 
ern States. 

3. I. *crenatus. Body -ovate, with distant deeply 
impressed punciures, posterior margin lobated by ten 
or twelve profoundly indented lines, which are abbre- 
via ed by an impressed submarginal ne, which be- 
comes gradually obsolete before thie lateral middle 5 
posterior’ edge crenulated; thorax none, distinct; 
head, posterior edge transversely rectiliear, angles 
slightly arquated backward and rounded at tip; 
palpi oblong, sublinear and regularly rounded at tip, » 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Found ia the Southern States, the colour is red- 


dish, sometimes slightly varied with whitish, parti- 
culurly behind, and the lobate divisions of the pos- 
terior margin are sometimes whitish above, and 
the disk is obsoletely lineated with black. 

4. I. *erraticus. Body oblong-ovate gradually nar- 
rowed before, sides hardly arquated, with distant 
punctures, those behind more deeply impressed, pos- 
terior margin with ten or twelve impressed lines which 
are abbreviated by a subwarginal impressed line, two 
abbreviated lines before ; head, posterior edge trans- 
versely rectilinear, angles extended backward ab- 
ruptly, and subacute ; rostrum rather short ; palpt 

Found in the Southern States; the colour is red- 
dish or ferruginous, with acute black lines. 

5. I. *variabilis. Body oblong-ovate, gradually 
attenuated before ; sides hardly arquated ; a few re- 
mote deeply impressed punctures not more numerous 
behind; posterior margin with about twelve im- 
pressed, abbreviated lines; a lateral, impressed, 
punctured, submarginal line, obsolete behind; two 
deeply indented, abbreviated lines before; head, 
hind edge rectilinear, angies abruptly a little ex- 

» tended backward, acute; rostrum rather short; palpi 

ovate; colour reddish or ferruginous varied with 
white, incisures of the feet white. 

Very much resembles the preceding in form; the 
white of the back is more or less reticulated, and the 


feet are white above, or only their joints. May not 
this be i. lineatus, if so, my name must of course be 
rejecied. | 

6. L. *punctulatus. Body oblong-ovate, gradually 
attenuated before, sides hardly arquated, crowded | 
with impressed confluent punctures ; thoraa destitute — 
of punctures, but with two impressed undulated 
lines; abbreviated lines of the posterior margin not 
deeply impressed, almost obsolete ; lateral submar- | 
ginal line deeply impressed, obsolete behind; head, — 
hind edge rectilinear, angles abruptly a little pro- 
jected backward, acute; rastrum rather short; palpi 
oval; eyes distinct, impressed ; colour ferruginous, 
thorax white lineated or varied with ferruginous; in- 
cisures of the feet white. 

Considerably like the preceding. 

7. 1. *scapularis. Body red, with a few short 
whitish hairs; thorax blackish-red, well defined, 
with numerous punctures; tergum, punctures spar- 
sate, and four or five blackish, obsolete, dilated radii 
onthe disk; a deeply indente:! submarginal line; no 
abbreviated marginal lines behind ; ‘edge rounded 5 
head beneath and above blackish, posterior edge rec- 
tilinear, angles abruptly projected backward, very 
short, acute; eyes distinct. deeply impressed 3 ros- 
trum slightly canaliculate above, paler than the 
head: feet blackish-red, ciliate beneath, terminal 
joint reclivate near the tip on the anterior edge; ori- 


gin of the anterior ones, armed behind with a large 
acute spine. 

Rather common in forests, and ritalin found 
attached to different animals. 

8. I. *fuscous. Body fuscous, ovate, punctured 5 
tergum with a few black, obsolete lines, and a pro- 
foundly indented submarginal line, posterior mar- 
ginal impressed line none; no distinct thorax; edge 
rounded ; head, posterior edge rectilinear, alislas not 
prominent beyond the rotnscae edge ; eyes not vi- 
sible; palpi suboval, terminal joint rather longer 

than the preceding one. : 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

A common species. 

cenus HYDRACHNA. Mull. Latr. 

Rostrum advanced, conic ; mandibles none 3 palpi 
projecting, terminated by a moveable appendage ; 
body subglobular ; feet natatory. 

Srecies.—H. *triangularis.. Body white; eyes 
two, sanguineous; tergum with a black triangular 
spot near the eyes, posterior portion black, with a. 
white dorsal line terminating in the cloaca. 

The specimen, from which this portion ofa de- 
scription was taken, I found in Unio cariosus, in 
which, possibly, it had adventitiously effected a 
lodgement. - 



Rostrum hardly prominent; palpi incurved, sim- 
ple; mandibles none ; feet natatory. 

Srecies.—L. *extendens. Body ovate, red, mi- 
nutely lineated ; fergum witha few indented points; 
beneath, origin of the feet paler red; feet, second 
and third pairs ciliate with very fine and long hairs, 
posterior pair destitute of cilia. 

Length nearly three-twentieths of an inch. - 

A common species, inhabiting stagnant pools, &c. 
in forests, and shady places. ‘The posterior feet 
being destitute of cilia, are only useful in walking 5 
when the animal is swimmiug, they are extended 
behind, without distinct motion. The eggs are glo- 
bular, surrounded by a white gluten, and are deposi- 
ted on almost any object indifferently, from two hun- 
dred to three hundred in number, arranged some- 
what symetrically in parallel, rectilinear, or undu- 
lated series. I have found them about the middle of 


Feet six ; trophi forming a capitate body; palpi 
conic, quadriarticulate ; an obtuse tube, subconic, 
advanced ; body soft. 

Species.—1. L. *aranevi. Body oval, red, with 
short, distant hairs; head whitish, somewhat rounded, 


contracted at base and acute at tip; paly white, a 
little hairy, rather surpassing the tip of the head; 
iergum with a deeper red eye on each side over the 
interval between the anterior and second pairs of 
feet, anteriorly indented, and with two lines each of 
four or five indented points. 

Length one-thirticth of an inch. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Of this species, I have found a specimen adhering 
near the base of the palpi of an Aranea ; 

The head-like process, is sometimes retracted so 
as to be not prominent, but is not long withheld in 
this position. The body is somewhat contractile, 
noi perceptibly as regard lis length, but in its breadth, 
by an irregularly undulated motion of the edge. 

2. L. *hispidus. Body suboval; head with a dis- 
tinct neck ; palpi more robust at base; feet elonga- 
ted, much longer than the body, filiform and fur- 
nished with numerous robust, incumbent, flexible 
sete, about twice the diameter of the leg in length. 

My Cabinet. 

I took no less than ten of these animals from a 
Phalangium, to which they adhered very strongly ; 
when feeding, they often are supported only by the 
rostrum and palpi, the body and feet being elevated 
so as to be sometimes perpendicular to the support- 
ing surface. 



cenus OCYPETE. Leach. 

Feet six ; mouth rostrated, porrected, with man- 
dibles; palpi elongate-conic, with a moveable ap- 
pendage at base; body soft; eyes two. 

Species.—C. *comata. Body subtriangular, very 
obtusely rounded behind, hirsute, and narrowed by 
an arquated line to the rostrum; rostrum short, nar- 
rowed and emarginated at tip: posterior feet longer 
than the bedy, and with much longer hairs than those 
of the body. 

Inhabits several species of Tipula. 

This is readily distinguishable from the O. rubra 
Leach, by the elongated hairs of the feet. The spe- 
cimens in my possession, are so disposed that the 
trophi cannot be examined, I therefore refer them to 
this genus by analogy, drawn from habit, &c. 


Analysis of ithe Blue Tron Earth of New Jersey, 
made at the School of Mines at Paris, in the year 
1819, by Larpner Vanuxem.—Read, March 
13th, 1824. | 

This is the same mineral that was examined by 
Judge Cooper, and an account of which was published 
by him in the first volume, (second series) of the 
Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Phila- 
deJphia. He considered it to be an Hydrate of the 


Protoxide of Tron, The means which the Judge 
used were insufficient to shew the existence of Phos- 
phoric acid, which is one of its essential constituents. 
For a description of this mineral the reader is referred 
to the above work, and to the mineralogy of Professor 

This mineral was analysed as an hydrated proto- 
phosphate of Iron, a preliminary examination having 
shewn that it contained no other substances, 

A. 5 Grammes of the mineral were dissolved in 
nitro-muriatic acid with heat. Water was then added 
to dilute the liquor, and the iron was thrown down 
by ammonia, in union with the phosphoric acid ; the 
precipitate separated from the liquor by filtering was 
washed and calcined: the resulting liquor was set 
by for future examination, 

B. In order to decompose the ferruginous phos- 
phate, it was treated with three times its weight of 
caustic potash, at a red heat, in a silver crucible, the 
mixture was constantly stirred and maintained at that 
temperature for half an hour ; after cooling, it was 
diluted with water and filtered. As one fusion does 
not always free the oxide of iron from phosporic acid, 
it was again fused with another portion of that alkali, 
again diluted and filtered. The oxide of iron was 
well washed with water acidulated with acetic acid, 
to separate it from the potash, then dried and cal- 
eimed, It weighed 2.42 grammes. As the iron in 


this mineral is in the minimum state of oxidation, the 
difference being eight per cent. the real quantity con- 
tained in it will be 2.227 grammes of Protoxide. 

C. To the liqnor, from which the oxide of iron 
had been separated, nitric acid in excess was added, 
and boiled to expel the carbonic acid that might have 
united with the potash during its fusion, &c. .Am- 
monia was then added in excess which gave a slight 
precipitate having the appearance of alumine. it 
weighed, after calcination, 0.02 gramme 

D. The above liquor by the addition of muriate 
of lime gave an abundant precipitate of phosphate of . 
lime which separated as usual by filtering and being 
calcined weighed 2.60 grammes. 

E. Supposing that the ammonia in the liquor A 
had decomposed a part of the phosphate of iron, it 
Was examined as in © and D; thus treated it gave 
0.21 gramme of phosphate of lime, making together 
2.81 grammes ; as this salt is composed of 54 parts 
of base, and 46 parts of acid, the quantity of phos- 
phoric acid will be 1.2926 grammes. 

F. To ascertain the quantity of water contained 
in this mineral, 5 Grammes were dissolved in nitric 
acid evaporated to dryness, and calcined to expel all 
the nitric acid. This was repeated a second time, to 
be certain that all the protoxide of iron was converted 


into peroxide. It weighed 3.78 grammes: as no other 
volatile matter exists in the blue iron earth but water, 
the quantity of it.ought to equal this loss, (1.22 
grammes) and the difference between the protoxide 
of the mineral and the tritoxide obtained by the ana- 
lysis, which is 0.193 gramme; together 41.4143 
Hence we have for result, 
grammes or per ct. 
Protoxide of Tron . . 2.2270 . . 44.54 
Phosphoric Acid . . 1.2926 . . 25.85 

Water eae a 4a Os: Rig 
Alumine . . . . 0.0200 -*+ 0.40 
Logs 8G 7G eI QIOAZaRS 2920.95 

5.0000 100.00 
To show that the precipitate obtained with the mu- 
riate of lime, really contained an acid with a base of- 
phosphorus, it was dissolved in nitric acid, then de- 
composed by oxalate of ammonia, which threw down 
the lime; this product was removed by filtering, the 
liquor was evaporated to dryness, then calcined at a 
red heat in a platina crucible; nothing remained but a 
vitreous matter, slightly soluble in water, of an acid 
taste, and reddening litmus paper; it resembled 
glacial Phosphoric acid. This acid, exposed to a 
red heat with charcoal in a coated glass tube, gave 
Phosphorus; henee, no doub{f can-exist as to this 
mineral being a phosphate of iron. 
Lately this mineral has been re-examined, with 


the assistance of Judge Cooper, in the laboratory of 
the College of South Carolina, in Columbia, with the 
same results. 

Descriptions of several new species of Cutile-fish. 
Read March 20, 1821. By ©, A. Lesvevr. 

Having observed many species of the class Ce- 
phalopoda, and being desirous to arrange them agree- 
ably to the new systematic distribution of this class, 
which Dr. Leach has published, (in the Journal de 
Physique for May, 1818,) I experienced much diffi- 
culty in disposing of one of my species. ‘This spe- 
cies corresponds with those of his first erder Octopo- 
da, by having eight arms, similar to those of the 
Eledona, &c. and with those of his second order, by 
the form of the body, and the position of the fin, 
being similar to those of the species of the Genus 
Loligo. With these characters a ought to form an 
antermediate section, between these two orders. 

Dr. Leach has appropriated the na me _  Ocio- 
poda to those animals of this class, that have 
eight arms, and a body destitute of a fin; and the 
name of Decapoda to such as are furnished with ten 
arms, and with fins which margin the body (or sac} 
entirely, or partially. 

The latter, constituting his second order, are in 
part referred to a family which he names Sepudea 
and which is composed of the Genera Sepia and 


Lohgo of Lam, and he places the latter after the 
‘Sepia. ) 

But the characters which he assigns to this family, 
do not appear to me to harmonize with those of the 
genus Sepia of Lamark, of which the body is oval, 
short, sub-cbtuse, furnished with fins throughout its 
whole length; sustained by a very distinct, thick, 
sub-obiuse bone, which is sometimes armed with a 
spime posteriorly, is hard and solid towards the 
back, tender and cellular beneath, and is “ composed 
of calcareous, very thin, parallel lamina, connected 
together by thousands of very smail, hollow columns, 
which are perpendicular to their surfaces, (Cuv. 
Regne Animal.) Are not these last characters suf- 
ficient te distinguish and to separate entirely the 
genus Sepia from that of Loligo? inasmuch as this 
latter genus, on the contrary, has a body enclosed in 
a sheath, which is long, cylindrical, subulate, nar- 
row, with the fins terminal, united or separate; a 
very thin, feeble bone, which is often narrow, trans- 
parent, sometimes partially gelatinous; this bone or 
cartillage, which belongs also to the Sepiola, appears 
to me to present a character which ought to approxi- 
mate the Loligos to the Sepiola, as Mr. Cuvier has 
done, (Regne Animal, t. 2, p. 364,) and which will 
not admit of the interposition of the genus Sepia, as 
in the arrangement of Dr. Leach. 

It may then be proper to establish a distinct family 
for the reception of the genus Sepia, to be distin- 
guished by the name given to it by Dr. Leach, of 


Sepiidea, with the characters which Mr. Cuvier has 
assigned to the genus (Regne Animal, p. 365.) 
For there is good reason to believe, that when the 
species of the Mediterranean and the other seas, 
shall be more critically examined, that many species 
will be discovered, that will require new divisions to 
be made in this family, as well as in the present 
genus Loligo. 

It may also be proper to consider the Loligos as 
forming a separate family. It is of little consequence 
what characters we select for the distribution of these 
animals into families and genera, if our arrangement 
is the most convenient, and exhibits, as near as pos- 
sible, a gradual transition from one to the other. 

The order in which Mr. Cuvier arranged them is- 
very natural, he places the Polypus of Aristotle, the 
Eledona, the Loligo and the Sepia in succession 3 
and the new genus which I shall propose in this 
essay, may be readily intercallated in the series. 

If we observe the form of the body; that of the 
fins, and their position; the form and the number of — 
the arms; the disposition, the number, and the form 
of the suckers, their corneous circles either entire or 
divided, their detentations; the arms svhich haye 
these suckers regularly or irregularly armed ; in fine, 

those which have nails, either naked or covered by 
" amembrane, upon the longer arms; and those which 
have nails and suckers; together with the form of 
the bone; we shall then have characters sufficient 
for the formation of new divisions. 


A careful examination of all the species which | 
exist in the cabinets, and which, from the general 
form of the body, are regarded as the same, would 
_ prove that many distinct kinds have been associated 
under one specific denomination. 

Thus I regarded the species described in this 
paper, from the collection of the academy, and that 
from the Philadelphia Museum, as specifically the 
same, with one of which I made a drawing at Sandy- 
bay ; but upon comparing them with each other, 
they all proved distinct. 

In the following arrangement I have considered 
the form of the body, ie: number of the arms and 
their armature. To the family L apply the name of 
Lolhigoidea, of which the genera may be divided into 
those which have not long arms; and those which * 
have long arms, and finally, those which have simple 
nails; those which have nails and suckers; and 
those which have suckers only. 


Cuaracters.—Body enclosed in a sac, which is 
elongated, narrow, cylindrical, subulate posteriorly ; 
fins terminal, united or separate; bone very thin, 
more or less transparent, sometimes partially gelati- 
nous; arms as in the Sepia, with or without long arms. 

* Arms sub-equal. 

cENus (st, LEACHIA. 

Eight unequal arms, the third pair longer and 
more robust. 


L. *cyclura.. Terminal fin orbicular ; head small 
eyes large, prominent: body coniform., 
Inhabits the Pacific Ocean. 

Total length from the extremity of the fcnisetea {0s 

the tip of the fin five and a half inches; body three 
inches; tail one.inch; the long tentacula one inch 
and a half. The first pair of tentacula very short, 
second pair longer, third pair still longer and more 
robust; inferior pair nearly equal to the superior 
ones: terminal fin orbicular, slightly embracing the 
tip of the body; color, tentacula and superior portion 
oi the head light blue; bedy and tail tinged with 
bluish and red, irrorate with red points, ornamented 
with several irregular spots of a deeper red, and 
with remote, transverse, black, abbreviated lines, 
two large light brown, suboval, dorsal-spots behind 
the middie, preceded by a black spot, and with a 
red one posteriorly. 

This description is taken from a drawing made by 
Mr. Petit, from a specimen obtained in the Pacific’ 

Ocean, in lat. 37° South, and long. 33° East. 

** Having long arms, furnished with suckers. 

cEeNnus 2nd, LOLIGO, Pliny. Lam. 
Fins, united, pointed at the base. 
Species.—1. L. *Bartramii. Arms sub-com- 
pressed, with a large membrane at their inner angles. 

The sac in this species is very firm, cylindric to 
the base of the fin, where it contracts, and terminates 


in a point; fins united, entire, forming the third part 
of a circle, of which the center is the extremity of 
the tail, they are superposed, terminated each side by 
an angle, thick upon the posterior side, very thin and 
pellucid on the anterior; head cylindric, truncated be- 
hind, so as to enable it to close the sac; neck on each 
side furnished with three smail, rounded, compressed 
appendices, placed longitudinally ; eyes free in their 
orbit, of which the aperture is small, with an ante- 
rior lacrymal emargination; no membrane annexed 
to the orbit for covering the eye. Ten arms, fur- 
nished with suckers, which, on the extremity of the 
jong arms, are disposed in four series, with the larger 
ones central; the other eight arms have but two 
series, Which extend from the base to the extremity. 
These eight arms are unequal, the first pair smallest s 
second pair longer than the first; third longer than 
the second, much compressed, and furnished with a 
large membrane interiorly and towards the anterior 
extremity; the fourth and inferior pair, as long as 
the second, the suckers oblique, elevated on the ex- 
terior, and depressed on the interior side, armed with 
a corneous, denticulated circle, the peduncles of the 
suckers repose upon the base of the transverse ver- 
miform muscle, with which the interior lateral mem- 
brane is furnished ; the two long arms feeble, slightly 
compressed, dilated at their extremity, which is mar- 
gined on each side by an undulated membrane, and 
towards the superior extremity opposite to the suck- 
ers by another membrane; beak concealed and co- 


vered by a folded sphincter, which is furnished with 
six very short appendices, hardly surpassing the 
folded membrane of the mouth; bone very narrow, 
corneous, feeble, transparent, enlarged a little ante- 
riorly, gradually diminishing, cylindrical, and ter- 
minated by a small hollow cene posteriorly, mar- 
gined each side by tivo strong lines, in the middle 
by a single line ; color violet-blue, passing into pur- 
pleish on the back, head and tail; a narrow, longi- 
tudinal, yellowish band on each side of the back; 
sides of a pale blue; beneath white; brown points 
disseminated over all the body, but more numerous 

2. L. *Pealeit. This species, which appertains to 
the fine collection of the Philadelphia Museum, was 
politely confided to my care, for examination, by the 
manager of that interesting and superb establishment 
Mr. R. Peale. It appears to me, not referible to 
any of the species figured by Seba, nor of those pub- 
lished by Montfort. 

The sac is solid, firm, cylindrical, sda at- 
tenuated to a point, and furnished with a flat appen- 
dice anteriorly ; fin terminal, more than half as long 
as the body, united in a point posteriorly, lateral 
angles rounded, lateral and posterior sides thickened, 
anterior side thin, surface with transverse strie, 
formed by small muscles; head small, compressed, 
with a small transverse membrane each side below 
the eyes; neck small, short; eyes covered by a mem- 


brane; arms eight, of which six are subtriangular, 
the two superior ones a little shorter than the second 
pair, which are equal to the inferior pair, third pair 
very strong, rounded, and depressed, longer than the 
others, furnished with a membrane at their exterior 
part; all the arms furnished with two series of suck- 
ers, which are hemispherical, alternate and. peduncu- 
lated; the disks are bliquely truncated, most ele- 
vated on the exterior side, beneath indented for the 
attachment of the conic peduncle, they are armed 
with six horny brown teeth above, of which two su- 
perior ones are narrow and pointed, and the four 
others broader ; inferiorly and upon the narrow side 
of the disk is a long, horny, brown lamina; the two 
long arms, are subcylindric, dilated at their extre- 
miiy, margined on each side by an undulated mem- 
brane, upon which the peduncles of the suckers re- 
pose; four series of suckers, of which the middle 
series are largest, and terminated at each extremity 
by smaller suckers; disks hemispheric, transversely 
truncated, armed with a corneous circle, and having 
strong remote teeth, with two or three smaller inter- 
vening ones, in the central disks; but I have not 
been able to determine the number of intermediate 
teeth in the lateral disks; besides the thin lateral 
membrane, . 1ere is another thicker one, placed ob- 
liquely upon the enlarged extremity of the long 
arms; the opening of the mouth, has three concen. 
tric folds, the exterior one of which is furnished 
with a much folded membrane, which is terminated 


by six small appendices, or false arms, furnished | 
with several suckers at their extremities, the two in- 
feriour appendices shorter. 

The bone is broad, naviculiform, terminated in a 
point at each extremity, thin at the margin, carina- 
ted, and a little more robust at the anterior extremi- 
ty, which is narrowest. 

The superior part of the head, of the teutacula and 
of the back covered with reddish-brown points, which 
are less numerous upon the sides and abdomen. 

Coast of South Carolina ? 

When Mr. Maclure and myself were at Sandy 
Bay in 1816, we saw a great number of Loligos col- 
lected by the fishermen, and held in reserve as bait 
for Cod-fish, which they catch in great numbers on 
the banks of Newfoundland. The beautiful color 
with which they were ornamented, induced me to 
take a drawing of one immediately, but not then hay-_ 
ing leisure to completeit, I took a specimen with me 
to finish the drawing at my leisure. But recently — 
upon comparing this specimen with my drawing, I 
was much surprized to perceive that I had brough; 
with me a very distinct species from that which [had 
observed. I mention this circumstance to explain 
the cause of the brevity of the following description, 
taken from my drawing. 


8. Loxtco *illecebrosa. The body of this 
species is rather short, narrow, subequal anteriorly, 
terminated acutely posteriorly ; fins approximated at 
their origin, terminated in a point, and taken together 
rhombiform ; the two longer arms are narrow, dilated 
at their extremity, and furnished with two series of 
suckers, the eight arms are almost equal and provided 
throughout their whole length with two ranges of suc- 
kers; the arms are long, and with the head they mea- 
sure two-thirds of the length of the sac; the bone is 
very narrow in the middle, dilated at each extremity, 
and terminated at the inferiortiy by a hollow invert- 
ed cone. . 

Colors vivid and beautiful, passing from a brilliant 
red to a deep and clear blue, upon the back, the head, 
arms, tail, and fin, which are covered with deeper 
points of the same color, the under part of the body 
is paler, region of the eyes finely tinted with yellow. 

This species is known by the name of Squid at 
Sandy Bay, and is made use of by the fishermen as 
bait in the Cod-fishery. 

4 Loxico *Bartlingu. Lateral arms compres- 
_ sed, and with the inferiorpair, furnished with a 
membrane upon all their exterior length. 

This species for which we are indebted to captain 
Bartling, who obtained it in the Gulf Stream, forms 
part of the collection of the Academy. It differs 
from the preceding by its arms, which are generally 
longer, filiform at the extremity; a broad, thin and 


softer fin is situated at the superior part of the 
tail; its body also is larger. ‘i he bone presents a 
still greater difference, in being very much compres- 
sed at the base, and a little dilated at the opposite 

Color, deep blackish brown; the four superior 
arms being very much compressed, have their inte- 
rior surface very narrow and destitute of a lateral 
membrane ; the suckers are very small and crowded, 
and seem to form but a single range, though in reali- 
ty they are disposed in two series and are alternate; 
the eight arms are furnished with suckers through- 
out all their length, and are unequal, the inferior 
ones being longest, and the others diminishing gradu- 
ally. The long arms, the extremities of which had 
been cut off by the fishermen, appear to have been 
very long; suckers hemispheric, placed upon a short 
peduncle; corneous ring, broad and mutic; the body 
is inserted very deep in the sac, which renders it 
very free at the superior part; eyes free in their 
orbit, which is dilated, rounded, destitute of nictita- 
ting membrane, and furnished with a lachrymal 
emargination anteriorly; budy, back and tail co- 
vered with reddish brown points; a slightly depres- 
sed line on the superior part of the sac. 

5. L. *Pavo. Sac much elongated, rounded ; 
eyes very large; arms very short, depressed; fin 
cordate, terminated in a point; bone very narrow 
anteriorly, somewhat dilated posteriorly, and subge- 


‘This species is remarkable by its elongated, point- 
ed, and very soft sac; by its bone, which is sub-equal 
in its greater length anteriorly, and enlarged towards 
the base, where it is terminated in an obtuse point. 
The fins are united and oblong-cordate, entire at 
base, and spreading from the sac, which is narrow, 
smooth, and, as well as the head and arms, covered 
on every part with very large ocellations, which are 
connected together by smaller intermediate ones. 
General colour, deep carmine-brown; head small; 
eyes large, prominent, and directed more forward 
than laterally; neck narrow, short; arms very short, 
furnished with two series of suckers, supported by 
narrow pedicles, which are fixed upon the margin 
at the base of the membrane and towards the narrow- 
est side of the sucker, which is truncated very ob- 
liquely, the larger side being exterior, and the nar- 
rower interior; they are also distant from each other; 
the arms are destitute of lateral interior membranes; 
the large arms are thin. 

I have not been able to ascertain whether this spe- 
cies is armed with hooks er suckers. The tips of the 
small arms, as well as the greater portion of the 
larger arms, had been cut off by the fishermen; an 
operation which they perform upon all they capture, 
for fear of receiving injury from them. 

_ Length of the sac 10 inches. The figure repre- 

sents the animal half its natural size; it was a female, 

the oviduct of which was exserted and pendant, as 

represented in the plates itis an aggregation ef small, 


white globules, attached and sustained by a men? 

Sandy-Bay, 1816. 

*** Having long arms, furnished with nails, with 
or without suckers. 

cENus 3d. *ONYKIA. 

O. *Carribea.—Arms eight, unequal; tentacula 
two, elongated, and armed near their extremity with 
suckers, and with corneous hooks, concealed, each 
in a membranous sac; fin truncated. 

Inhabits, amongst fuci, in the Gulf of Mexico, and 
in the Gulf Stream. 

Head rounded, short, crowned by eight arms and 
two tentacula; eyes large, lateral, and but little pro- 
minent, pupils black, iris blue; body enclosed in a 
sack, cylindric anteriorly, conic posteriorly, and 
terminated at this extremity by a sub-triangular fin, 
of which the inferior angle is truncated and rounded; 
the space between the origins of the wing which 
forms this fin is 2 lines long; their extent from one 
angle to the other, is 8 lines, their length is 6 lines; 
the diameter of the sack anteriorly 6 lines, 

The eight arms are, in all their length, each fur- 
nished with two series of suckers; the two superior 
arms are the shortest, being only 10 lines in length; 
the six others are 9 lines long; the tentacule are one 
inch and an half long, and are armed at their ex- 
tremity with two series of incurved hooks, which al- 
ternate with suckers at their bases; the series of suck- 


ers extend further towards the head, than those of 
the hooks. These curved horny nails are each cover- 
ed by a membrane when at rest, which resembles a 
small pocket. ‘he inferior arms are furnished with 
a small longitudinal natatory membrane upon their 
- exterior side, and at their base; the lateral arms have 
also a membrane towards their extremity and above. 
Colour, as usual in the species of this family, vary- 
ing from a blue to a purple, or yellow, &c. 

Total length from the extremity of the tentacule to 
the tip of the fin, 3 inches. 

Head 5 lines; tentacule 4 inch and an half; body 
4 inch. 

OxssEeRvATIONS.—I have had for some time in my 
possession, a drawing ef a Loligo, which was obtain- 
ed during a voyage from the Canary Islands to the 
Isle of France, in latitude 36° 40’ south, and longi- 
tude 29° east. This drawing, which was executed 
by Mr. Petit, is very finely coloured; but as it is not 
sufficiently detailed, it was regarded as inadequate to 
establish the certainty of the existence of the species 
» which it represented. All doubts, however, are now 
dissipated by our observations upon the species of 
the Gulf Stream, and by those recently published by 
Dr. Leach upon a species of the coast of Africa. 
Although Mr. Petit’s drawing is not calculated to 
exhibit minute characteristics, yet the following dif- 
ferential traiis are remarkable. ‘The hooks are but 
slightly curved, and destitute of suckers at their base, 
the fin is rhombvidal, prolonged to a point at the 


extremity. "To this species 1 have applied the name | 
of O. Angulatus. It has eight unequal tentacula, the 
two superior ones shortest. ‘Fotal length from the ex- 
tremity of the tentaculz to the tip of the fin, 10 inches; 
body 5 inches; head very small, 8 lines long; the two 
superior tentacula 4 inch and 9 lines; the long tenta- 
cula 5. inches. 

Serious cardioptera. Peron. 

Peron has left no description of this species, which 
we saw in latitude 31° south, and longitude 48° east; 
the species appeared to belong to the genus Sepiola, 
and perhaps even to the unguiculated ones. The habit 
of living in many seas, amongst the fucus which floats 
upon the surface of the waters, is similar to that of 
the Gulf Stream, which is furnished with horny nails 
upon the long arms, as described above. 


OxnseRVATIONS.—I subjoin the names of the spe- 
cies that Peron and myself observed in New Hol- 
jJand, in order to note their existence. I have sent de- 
scriptions of them to France. 

Peron designated them by the followmg names: 

1. Srepra sepiola. Peron. Very small. 

Inhabits the coast of, Endrach, in New Holland. 

As this species does not appear to be the sepiola of 
Lin. I propose for at the name of minima, as it is very 


Family of Seriepea. Leach. 

2. Serra octopa. Peron. Very small. 

Inhabits the island of Dorre, Shark Bay. 

This species can hardly be the octopus of Lin. I 
propose, therefore, the name of Peronii for it. 

3. Sepia rugosa. Bosc.—1 do not think that our 
species is the same with that described by Bosc; I 
therefore propose for it the name of that naturalist, 

4. Sepra varietas. Peron. 

Inhabits the small island of Dorre. 

The shores of King’s island were covered with 
Sepiz, many of which were living. We there obser- 
ved also many. groups of their eggs. 


Plate 7. LoLico BARTRAMII. 
fig. 1. lateral view. 
“* 2. dorsal view. 
“" a. 6. sections of the arms magnified, exhibiting front 
and lateral views of the suckers. 
“* ¢. a portion of the skin of the body magnified, 
«© d. beak. 
aires DONE: 
« f. transverse section ‘of the bone. 
Plate 8, Loxico PEALEII!. 
fig. 1. dorsal view. 
«2. side view. 
“© a. bone—front view. 
‘© 6. bone—side view. 
“* ce. beak, sphincter, and appendices. 
“* d.dd. sackers, magnified 
Plate 9. fig. 1. OnyKr1a CaRRIBzA<, dorsal view. 
<< 2x dot do. lateral view. 
“« a.6. bone—profile, and front views. 
‘* c. transverse section of the bone. 
‘* d, extremity of one of the long arms magnified. 
‘© e. hook and sucker, magnified. 


Descriptions of the Myriapode@ of the United States. 
By Tuomas Say. Read November 21st, 1820. 


cenus JULUS. 

Body serpentiform, cylindrical ; antenne inserted 
on the anterior margin of the head, second joint long- 
est, terminal one minute; eyes distinct; feet many. 

Species. 1. J. *impressus. Brown, a series of 
lateral black dots, beneath yellowish white ; ulti- 
mate segment mucronate. 

My Cabinet. 

Body cylindrical, immarginate, above brownish, 
beneath yellowish-white appearing glabrous; seg- 
ments each with a lateral black spot, whitish limes — 
and dots sometimes obsolete, a transverse series of 
longitudinal abbreviated obsolete impressed lines, 
and beneath the stigmata with impressed, more 
distinct ones, ultimate segment mucronate, spiracles 
not prominent ; eyes rather large, conspicuous, black ; 
fabrum yellowish white; anienne brownish. 

A common species inhabiting under stones, and in 
humid situations, a variety occurs with a very distinct, 
acute, longitudinal, dorsal line, and variegated head. 

2. J. *punctatus. Body brownish, with an impress- 
ed dorsal line, impressed white dots and spots, ulti- 
mate segment unarmed. 

My Cabinet. 


Body cylindrical, immarginate, above dark brown, 
glabrous, an obsolete, dorsal, whitish, slightly im- 
pressed, acute line; segments each with a white dot 
on either side above, and a larger transversely oblong 
lateral one, which is gradually more completely bi- 
sected on the posterior segments into two distinct 
dots, which on the terminal segments resemble the 
dorsal ones, ultimate one abruptly narrower than 
the preceding and truncated, anterior segments at- 
tenuated to the head, which is wider than the ante- 
rior one, anterior segment as long as the second and 
third ones conjunctly ; spiracles somewhat promi- 
nent; eyes very distinctly granulated, subtriangular, 
black; head dark-brown, labrum white. 

Inhabits the same situations, and is similar in gene- 
ral form to the preceding species, but is less common 
and rather smaller. The dots, spots and lines are 
for the most part slightly impressed. 

3. J. *annulatus. Body with numerous, elevated, 
obtuse lines, ef which four are above the stigmata: 
ultimate segment glabrous, unarmed. 

Inhabits the southern States. 

My Cabinet. 

Body cylindrical, immarginaie, above brownish 
with a slight tint of red, immaculate, beneath yellow- 
ish white; segments each with about fifteen elevated 
obtuse lines, of which four are equal dorsal, a pyri- 
form, larger, oblique one on the stigmata, and about 
ten decreasing in size to the feet, anterior segment 


as long as the three succeeding ones conjunctly and 
glabrous, posterior one glabrous reddish brown, as 
long as the two preceding ones, united and obiusely 
rounded at tip; head whitish before; antenne white ; 
eyes transverse linear, black; veriex not distinctly 

A rather common species in the southern states, 
inhabiting with the preceding and in decaying wood. 

4. J. *lactarius. Body fuscous with a rufous dor- 
sal line, numerous elevated lines, of which about fif- 
feen are above the stigmata, ultimate segment un- 

My Cabinet. 

Body cylindrical, above fuscous, with a dorsal 
rufous vitta and an-obsolete one each side; beneath 
yellowish white ; segments each with numerous, ele- 
vated, longitudinal lines, of which about fourteen are 
above the sigmata and about fourteen below, becom- 
ing smaller to the origin of the feet, line of the stig- 
mata geminate, anterior segment as long as the se- 
cond and third conjunctly, and glabrous on the anteri- 
or half, posterior segment not so long as the two pre- 
ceding ones united, widely rounded at tip; head 
glabrous; antenn reddish-brown; eyes triangular, 
granulated, deep black. 

Not uncommon under stones &c, and when irritated 
discharges a lacteous globule from the lateral portion 
of each segment, diffusing a strong and disagreeable 


5. J. *marginatus. Body cylindric glabrous, 
blavkish, segments with a rufous margin; ultimate 
segment unarmed. 

My Cabinet. 

Body cylindric, glabrous, polished, blackish, be- 
neath pale reddish ; segments margined behind with 
rufous, anterior segment as long as the three 
succeeding ones conjunctly and entirely margined 
with rufous, second segment slightly, and obtusely 
angulated at the lateral tip of the anterior one, ulti- 
mate segment as long as the two preceding ones united 
narrowed to the tip which is rounded ; head with an 
impressed line which is obsolete on the front ; labrum 
pale, deeply and widely emarginated at the tip, with 
a submarginal, infracted series of ten or twelve 
punctures furnishing hairs, tip ciliated, reddish, ob- 
soletely dentate. 

Length more than three inclies. 

A very large species inhabiting decaying wood, &c. 
when irritated it diffuses an odor like that of muriatic 
acid, and is infested by Gamasus Juloides. It varies 
in colour; the margin of the segments and all beneath 
are sometimes white, the ultimate segment is some- 
times almost acutely angled at tip, and there is a dis- 
tinct lateral series of black dots. 

6. J. *pusillus. Body with a lateral series of 
black spots, terminal segment unarmed. 
Inhabits the middle States. 
My Cabinet. 
. 14 


Body cylindrical, immarginaie, above pale, obso- 
ietely reticulate, and varied with reddish; a lateral 
series of large black spots, numerous longitudinal, 
parallel, impressed, acute lines beneath the stigmata 
becoming gradually shorter to the origin of the feet; 
beneath whitish ; head white beneath the antenne : 
antenne two joints preceding the last somewhat di- 
lated, not attenuated at their bases, nor separa- 
ted by a contraction; eyes black, longitudinally 
sublunate; ultimate segment unarmed, longer than 
the penultimate one, rounded at tip and blackish. 

Length nearly half an inch. 

Resembles J. impressus in the character of lateral 
impressed lines, but is distinct by the unarmed termi- 
nal segment; I found it rather common on the Fast- 
ern shore of Virginia under the bark of Pinus varia- 
bilis. ; 

Genus POLYDESMUS, Lair. 

Body elongated, linear depressed, segments with 
a prominent margin ; eyes obsolete; feet many 5 an- 
tenne, second joint shorter than the third. 

Species. 4. P. *serratus. Segments with a dou- 
ble transverse series of slightly raised squamiform 

My Cabinet. 

Segments depressed above, with four minute ser- 
vatures each side, first segment transversely oblong 
oval, somewhat angulated on each side behind, second, 
third and fourth segments with but three serratures, 


first rather longer than the second, and with a single 
obsolete serrature near the posterior angle, each seg- 
ment with a double transverse series of twelve slight- 
ly elevated, squamiform divisions, anterior segment 
with but a single series; head glabrous, an impressed 
longitudinal line on the vertex; antenn, feet and 
terminal segment hairy; colowr, above reddish-brown, 
beneath yellowish white. 

Common in similar situations with the preceding. 

Julus Virginiensis of Drury, is also rather com- 
mon, it appears to be synonymous with J. tridentata 
of authors. I have found specimens double the usu- 
al size, in the southern States. It seems also to va- 
ry in having only the second joint of the feet mucron- 
ate, and in being destitute of the robust ventral spines 
between the feet. 

2. P. *granulatus. Segments granulated, granules 
subequal, arranged in four series. 

My Cabinet. 

Body with short hair, pale tinged with red be- 
neath, and feet paler; head dusky with short dense 
-hairs; labrum whitish; segments somewhat convex, 
granulated, granules rounded, or longitudinally ob- 
long-oval, elevated, obtuse, approximate and arran- 
ged transversely in about four nearly regular series, 
anterior segment transversely oval, narrower than the 
head or second segment; stigmata elevated, 

Found in Pennsylvania. 


Genus POLLYXENUS, Larn. 

Body membranaceous, pennicillate with sete at 
tip; antenne inserted under the anterior margin of 
the head. 

Sreecies. P. *fasciculaitus. Body pale brown,. 
linear, incisures ciliated, fasciculated each side; 
head deeply ciliated before. 

Inhabits the Southern States. 

Segments smooth, ciliate at the incisures and fas- 
ciculate with brown setz each side, terminal pencil 
cinereous ; head semiorbicular, depressed, deeply 
and densely ciliated on the edge with sete; eyes 
small, oval, prominent, placed obliquely in the middle 
of the lateral margin; antenne very short, thick 
reddish-brown; feet white. 

Length rather more than one tenth of an inch. 

Beneath stones &c. in humid situations, not very 

Orver 2. SYNGNATHA, 
Genus LITHOBIUS, Leach. 

Antenne conico-setaceous ; dorsal scuta alternate- 
ly much shorter and concealed. 

Species. L. *spinipes. Joints of the feet with 

short spines at tip, and a single much longer one 
beneath the tips. 


My Cabinet. 

Body chesnut brown, polished, impunctate, with 
short sparse hairs; segments with reflected latera! 
edges, first one shortest, transverse, the second quad- 
rate with rounded angles, five or six posterior ones 
each narrowed behind and emarginate on the hind 
edge, the posterior angles of those near the caudal 
segment more acute, caudal segment truncate conico- 
cylindric; antenne pale testaceous, with dense, very 
short, rigid hair, terminal joint as long as the twe 
preceding ones conjunctly; feet pale testaceous, 
joints spinous at tip, an elongated spine at the tip of 
each beneath, anterior pair shortest, posterior longest 
and more robust; labiwm longitudinally indented, 
impunctate, teeth of the tip black. 

Length, more than one inch. 

Very common under stones &c. The specimen 
from which this description was taken has but thirty 
joints to the antenne. 


C. coleoptrata, Villiers. Is an inhabitant of the 
Southern States; we observed it both in Georgia and 
Kast Florida. It is probable, that, like a vast num- 
ber of the insects now common in our country, it has 
been introduced by our shipping from abroad. 


Antennz conico-setaceous ; dorsal scuta subequal ; 
eyes, four each side, hemispherical. 


Species. 1. S. *marginata. Body obscure oli- 
vaceous green; segments margined with dark green; 
head castaneous. * 

inhabits the Southern States, 

My Cabinet. 

Body obscure olivaceous green, beneath whitish 
ev fuivous; segments impunctured, margined each 
side and behind with black-green, first, third, and 
fourth shortest, five or six terminal ones more dis- 
tinctly margined; head chesnut colour; antenne green; 
Jeet pale, tipped with blueish green, nails blackish ; 
posterior feet hardly longer than the three terminal 
segments of the body conjunctly; length of the joints 
hardly equal to double their breadth; first joint spi- 
nous beneath and within, and armed with an acute, 
strong, projecting angle at the tip. 

Length more than two and an half inches. 

Rather common in Georgia and East Florida; it is 
aiso found in the West Indies, but dees not occur se 
far north as Pennsylvania. 

2. S. *viridis. Body blueish green; base of the 
feet and all beneath, whitish. 

Unhabits Georgia aud East Florida. 

My Cabinet. | 

Body above blueish green immaculate; posterior 
segments margined with pale yellowish; mandibles 
yellowish-white; feet whitish at base, terminal joints 
pale blueish-green, pesterior pair pale yellow. 

Length, about twe inches and an half. 


i have not known this species to inhabit so far 
north as Pennsylvania. 

Genus CRYPTOPS. iach 

Anterior edge of the labium not denticulated, hard- 
ly emarginate; eyes obsolete; posterior pair of feet 
longest, basal joint unarmed. 

. « 

Species. 1. ©. *hyalina. Body much depressed, 
white, with a double blackish internal line; hind feet, 
with the third joint five toothed. 

* Inhabits Georgia and East Florida. 

My Cabinet. 

Head reddish-brown polished, impunctured, with 
scattered hairs, no impressed clypeal line; antenne 
reddish-brown hirsute, joints sessile, cylindric, termi- 
nal ones rounded; body white, polished, two black in- 
ternal lines, a few sparse hairs, impunctured ; feeé 
with a few hairs; posterior feet reddish-brown, first 
joint not so long as double its breadth, and, with the 
second joint, armed with numerous short rigid setz, 
with an iadented line above, third joint four or five 
toothed within, fourth joint about two toothed. 

Length three-fifths of an inch. 

Numerous specimens of this species occurred be- 
neath the bark of a decaying Live Oak (Q. viens) 
on the river St. John, East Florida. . The appear- 
ance of the posterior feet approximates it to Scolopen- 


dra; but the eyes exclude it from that genus, as the 
number of feet does from Lithobius. 

2. C. *sexspinosa. First joint of the posterior feet 
two spined. 

My Cabinet. 

Body reddish-ferruginous, punctured; second seg- 
ment shortest, then the fourth and sixth, terminal one 
indented at tip, ane armed beneath with a double, 
prominent, robust spine; antenne with very short 
dense hair, joints oval, separated by a very short 
peduncle; feet, two moveable short spines at the ex- 
terior tip of the fourth joint, fifth joimt with one bes 
yond the middle and one at tip; posterior feet, the 
base beneath a conspicuous, elevated, compressed, 
acute, sub-triangular spine, and a smaller one on the 
inner side above, nearer the middle. 

Not uncommon in decaying wood. It varies in ' 
being impunctured beneath. I have a fortuitous va- 
riety, of which the antenne are clavate and five- 

3. C. *postica. ‘Terminal segment of the body 
longest; posterior feet very short and robust. 

Inhabits Georgia and East Florida. 

My Cabinet. 

Body rufous, paler beneath, punctured ; segments 
with two impressed, longitudinal lines above, and a 
deeply impressed one beneath; ultimate segment long- 
er than the two preceding ones conjunctly, with two 


obsolete impressed abbreviated lines at base, and an 
intermediate more distinct continued one; posterior 
Jeet remarkably robust, hardly longer than the ulti- 
mate segment; nail very robust, as Jong as the two 
preceding joints conjunctly. 

A very remarkable species, distinguished at once 
from all others, by the very thick and short posterior 
pair of feet, the nails of which cross each other, and. 
are much used by the animal in its defence. 


‘Posterior pair of feet not remarkably longer than 
the others ; eyes obsolete. 

Species. 1, G. *rubens. Body attenuated be- 
fore and behind; terminal pair of feet hardly longer 
than the preceding pair. 

My Cabinet. 

Body broadest inthe middle, impunctured, red, with 
short hairs more numerous on the antennz and feet; 
segmenis with tWo longitudinal impressed lines, and 
a transverse acute one near the base of each, ultimate 
segment somewhat longer than the preceding, nar- 
rowed and rounded at tip; head beneath, with a 
blackish spot each side at the base of the mandibles, 
and another at base of the terminal joint; labium 
with a profound fissure, not dentated 5 antenna, ter- 
minal joint longer than the preceding ones, and of 
equal diameter, not attenuated ; feet subequal. | 

Very common in decaying wood, under stones, &¢. 



2. G. *attenuatus. Body attenuated from the 
head, posterior feet longer than the others. 

Inhabits the Southern States. 

Body broadest before and gradually attenuated to 
the tail, reddish-brown, with a few hairs; head and 
base of the mandibles above punctured; antenne 
setaceo-filiform, with numerous short hairs ; feet 
paler than the body, posterior ones longer than the 

Found under stones, &c. 


A Description of some new species of Plants, recently 
introduced into the gardens of Philadelphia, from 
the Arkansa territory. By ‘Tuomas NutTa.w. 
Read, August 7th, 1821. 

4. Coreopsis *tinctoria, foliis radicalibus pseudo- 
bipinnatis, foliolis subovalibus integris glabris, supe- 
rioribus pseudopinnatis laciniis linearibus; floribus 
binatis ternatisve; calicibus exterioribus brevissimis; 
radiis bicoloribus; seminibus nudis immarginatis. 

Habitat. Throughout the Arkansa territory to 
the banks of Red river, chiefly in the prairies which 
are subjectto temporary inundation.—F lowering, from 
June to October. 

Descrietion. Annual and biennial, stem erect, 
smooth, and much branched, extremely variable in 
magnitude, being from one to five feet high. ‘The 


feaves, in common with the genus, are somewhat thick 
and succulent, the primary ones simple, radical pseu- 
dobipinnate, the segments also occasionally pinnate, 
oblong-oval, commonly smooth, and entire, the ulti- 
mate divisions largest. Fiowers often terminating 
_the branchlets by pairs, with the peduncles unusually 
short. Exterior calix, minute, much shorter than the 
interior, and in common with it, and the number of 
rays mostly eight-leaved. Rays three-lobed at the 
extremity, of a bright orpiment yellow and brown to- 
wards the base; disk brown, and rather small. Re- 
ceptacle paleaceous, the leaflets deciduous. Seed 
small, blackish, immarginate, curved, and naked at 
the summit. | 

Economical Use. 'The flowers of this species af- 
ford a yellow dye, in common with those of the C, 

As an ornamental plant, of easy culture and un- 
common brilliance, it promises to become the favour- 
ite of every garden where it is introduced. 

2. HeLiantuus *petiolaris, annuus; foliis alternis 
ovatis acutis integriusculis, longissime petiolatis sca- 
bris; caule erecto ramoso; floribus longe pedunculatis: 
seminibus villosis. | 

Habitat. On the sandy shores of the Arkansa. 
Flowering in August. 

Description. Annual, and with the stem much 
branched from the base. Leaves mostly alternate, 
ovate, or ovate-lanceolate, and somewhat undulated, 


produced upon petioles of an extraordinary length, 
rather small, and as usual scabrous and three-nerved, 
appearing somewhat shining and almost destitute of 
serratures. Peduncles solitary, also of great length. 
Segments of the calix, linear-lanceolate, acute; leaf- 
lets of the receptacle mostly three-toothed. Rays 
of the flower numerous, bright yellow, the disk dark. 
Seeds small, and spotted, covered with a silky and 
fulvous down. . 

This curious species, so readily distinguished at 
the first sight, is an ornamental annual of easy cul- 
ture, remarkable for the smallness of its leaves, and 
the length of their petioles. The flowers are about3 . 
or 4 inches in diameter, and the stem low, with 
apreading branches. 

3. AsTER *graveolens, viscosus; caule pumilo ra- 
mosissimo recurvato rigido; foliis crebris consimilibus 
lineari-oblongis acutis subamplexicaulibus integerri- 
mis; ramulis exsertis unifloris; calicibus squarrosis. 

A. oblongtfolius. Nuttall’s Genera, 2. p. 156. 

Habitat. On tke shelvings of rocks, on the banks 
of the Arkansa and Missouri—F lowering time, from 
August to December. 

about a foot high; under cultivation more than double 
that altitude, its texture somewhat woody below, and 
very brittle, the main branches are commonly recur- 
ved, and very copiously and regularly sub-divided 
so as to form a roundish annual bush of an almost 


even contour. The leaves are somewhat crowded, 
and similar in appearance, covered with a minute and 
viscid pubescence, communicating tothe plant a strong 
and somewhat balsamic odour, very similar to that of 
Gnaphalium americanum. ‘The rays of the flow- 
er are of a violet blue, and the disk yellow: 

This is a very elegant, hardy, and ornamental 
perennial, decorating the gardens with a profusion of 
flowers at a season when all the others are generally 
destroyed by the frosts. [have altered the unmean- 
ing name, which | had first bestowed from the in- 
spection of an imperfect specimen. 

—B. Subgenus Puryeia. 

4. CENTAUREA *americana, annua; caule prxalte 
parcé ramoso, sulcato; foliis sessilibus, inferioribus 
oblongo-ovatis repando-denticulatis, superioribus lan- 
ceolatis acutis; pedunculis apice incrassatis; folio- 
lis calicinis ovalibus appendiculato-pennatis recur- 

Habitat. On the banks of streams, and in denu- 
dated alluvial situations, throughout the plains or 
prairies of the upper part of Arkansa territory.— 
Flowering time, July and August. j 

Descriprive opservATION. Stem 4 to 6 feet 
high, smooth; leaves a little scabrous when dry. The 
calix is large and partly globular, its segments fur- 
nished with pennate, recurved, sphacelous, and shi- 
ning appendages, thé internal ones purplish. Rays 
of the flower very long, and tinged with red. Recep- 
tacle copiously pilose; the seed also furnished with the | 


usual unequal pappus. This species appears scarcely 
distinguishable from C. austriaca. Like most of the 
genus, itis a hardy annual, or biennial. 

5. Donita *eiliata, foliis oblongis obtusis subam- 
plexicaulibus ciliato-serratis; laciniis calicinis lineari- 
bus planis seto acuminatis; caule herbaceo. 

Habitat. Gn the alluvial banks of the Arkansa, 
and Great Salt River.—F lowering time, from August 
io October. 

DescrirTIve OBSERVATION. Biennial. The whole 
plant smooth and shining, with the calix less resin- 
ous than in D. squarrosa, the segments not fili- 
formly reflected, and the receptacle partly paleaceous. 
The serratures of the leaves are somewhat distant, 
and obtuse, but setaceously pointed as in Carthamus 
finctorius. Each branch and branchlet, as in the 
other species, is terminated by a subsessile flower. 

There are few more desirable ornaments for the 
autumnal flower garden than this and No. 3. The 
flowers are large and of a bright golden yellow. The 
plant also attains the height of 4 or 5 feet, and is per- 
fectly hardy. 

Locality.—Cultivated in the garden of the Uni- 
versity of Pennsylvania. 

6. CEnorsera *friloba, acaulis; foliis interrupte 
pinnatifidis dentatis glabris; petalis apice trilobis; 
capsulis quadrialatis magnis. 

Habitat. In the arid and partly denudated prairies 
of Red river. A 


OsservaTion. Annual and perennial; its dura- 
lion, like G4. ceespilosa, being checked or extended by 
the incidents of its mode of growth. The leaves 
are larger and more deeply divided than is usual in 
this genus, the segments are directed upwards, are 
acute, and denticulated, the terminal portion being 
the largest. Flowers pale yellow, vespertine; petals 
three-nerved, and slightly three-lobed at the ex- 
iremity. The capsules, which are large, are collected 
together in such dense clusters, as commonly to stifle 
the vegetative vigor, and render the plant annual. 

This species, more curious than beautiful, but 
hardy, begins to flower about May, after surviving 
the winter, but somewhat later as an annual. The 
flowers appear toward sunset, and die at sunrise. 

7. CHNoTHEra *speciosa, puberula; foliis oblon- 
go-lanceolatis dentatis subpinnatifidis ; racemo nudo, 
primo nutante; capsulis obovatis angulatis ; caule 

Habitat. Onthe plains of Red River.—Flower- 
ing in June and July. 

OxsservATions. Root perennial, and running; 
the stem, by protection suffruticose. Lower leaves 
oblong, entire, and irregularly denticulate, succeeded 
by others which are pinnatifid towards the base. 
Racemes mostly dichotomal and naked, the flower- 
buds nodding. Flowers very large and white, be- 
coming rose red on withering; the petals cbcordate ; 
stamina exserted ; stigmas very long and divaricated. 


This very beautiful and ornamental species, opeus 
towards evening, and endures nearly throughout the 
day ; the period of inflorescence is, however, remark- 
ably evanescent compared with that of the rest of the 
genus, but it is a perennial of easy propagation, 

Cultivated Locality—The garden of the Univer- 
sity of Pennsylvania. 

8. CEnotuerA *linifolia, foliis integris, radicalibus 
janceolatis, caulinis linearibus confertis ; raceme nu- 
do terminali; capsulis obovatis angulatis pubescen- 
tibus; petalibus obcordatis staminibus longioribus : 
stigma quadrilobo. 

Habitat. On the summits of arid hills and the 
shelvings of rocks, near the banks of the Arkansa. 
—F lowering from May to July. 

OzservatTions. A remarkably small and bien- 
nial species, somewhat allied to G2. pusilla of Mi- 
chaux. The whole plant, except the capsule, is com- 
monly smooth, the radical and stem leaves are very 
dissimilar in appearance, the flowers scarcely two 
lines broad, and yellow; the bractes of the raceme — 
are ovate, the seeds very small, and the valves of 
the capsule, as is usual in this section of the genus, 
open by partial involution from the summit. 

9. CEnoruerRa serrulata, foliis linearibus spinu- 
loso-serratis acutis; floribus axillaribus ; calyces 
foliolis carinatis ; stigma quidrilobo ; ap cylin- 
dricis erectis ; caule suffruticosa. 

K. serrulata, Nutiall’s Gen. Am. Pl. 4. p. 246. 


9. Srevra *callosa, annua; foliis linearibus confer- 
tis crassiusculis, apice callosis, superioribus alternis ; 
floribus divaricatis subcorymbosis ; pappus subocto- 
phyllus erosus brevissimus. 

Habitat. On the gravelly banks of the Arkansa’s 
 vare.—-Flowering iin September to October. 

OxzservaTions. Annual. Somewhat scabrous ; 
stem divaricately branched, brittle. Leaves mostly 
alternate, sessile, and somewhat succulent, constantly 
terminating ina yellowish sphacelous or callous point. 
Peduncles and flowering branchlets glandularly pu- 
bescent ; the flowers reddish and dispersed, tending, 
however, to a corymb ; the calix cylindric, consisting 
of about 8 linear leaflets disposed in a single series. 
Florets from 10 to 12? quite similar to those of Mar- 
shallia and Hymenopappus, bearing a slender tube 
and a funnel formed five-cleft border. Anthers 

Habitat. On the summits of hills, on the plains of 
Red River and the Missouri. 

OxsservATions. ‘This species which is low, pe- 
rennial and suftruticose, is remarkable in the structure 
of the calix, the shortness and peculiar disposition 
of the stamina, and the almost undivided stigma, in 
all which characters it approaches the genus Epilo- 
bium, its flowers also expand in the morning in 
place of the evening. The present variety produces a 
stigma which is nearly black ; and a stem consider- 
ably branched. It continues to flower nearly through- 
out the summer, experiencing only a temporary ces- 
sation of vigor in the month of August. 

Cultwated Locality.—T he A of the Univer- 
sity of Pennsylvania. 



blackish. Stigma bifid. Receptacle naked. Seed 
conic, pentangular, terminated by a short eroded pa- 
leaceous pappus. This species, excepting in the ca- 
lix, does not essentially differ from Hymenopappus. 

Cultwated Locality.—Garden of the University of 

44. AsTrRAGALUS *micranthus, decumbens ; folio- 
lis ellipticis emarginatis glabris ; pedunculis subbiflo- 
ris, petiolo longioribus ; leguminibus falcatis bica- 
rinatis glabris ; seminibus truncatis. 

Habitat. On the plains of Red River.—F lowering 
from May to August. 

CerservATIon. Root apparently both annual and 
perennial, (perennial by cultivation.) Stems nume- 
rous and decumbent, a little pubescent, scarcely ex- 
ceeding a span in length. Stipules subulate, ad- 
hering to the stem. Leaflets five to eight pair, smooth, 
and often deeply emarginated above. Peduncles 
producing mostly two flowers, sometimes three, which 
are also unusually small, and of a pale blue color. 
The divisions of the calix are subulated. The le- 
zumes curving upwards, are at length black, and of a 
thinnish substance, broad and fiat beneath, present- 
ing two carinated or angular margins, distinctly twe 
celled. The seeds flattish, and situated so near te 
each other as te be mutually truncated at the extre- 

Cultivated Locality —The garden of the Univer- 
sity of Pennsylvania. 


12. Versena, (subgenus Glandularia.) Genus 
GLanpDuLariA, Gmelin. 

Calix tubulosus, quinquedentatus, dentibus seta- 
ceis inequalibus. Corolla limbus quinquefidus sub- 
equalis, lobus emarginatus, ore villoso. Stigma bila- 

Foliis trifidis laciniatis oppositis ; spica solitaria, 
pedunculata. Corolla Buchnere. 

— Gl. *bipinnatifida, suberecta, hirsuta, foliis 
irifidis bipinnatifidis, laciniis linearibus ; seminibus 

Habitat. On the open calcareous hills of Red 
River.—F lowering in May and June. 

OxservATion. Perennial. Leaves trifid, divi- 
sions trifidly pinnatifid, somewhat hirsute. Bractes 
subulate, longer than the calix. Calix tubular, den- 
tures subulate, unequal, the lowest segment very 
short.» ‘Tube of the corolla nearly straight, longer 
than the calix; border large and flat, five-cleft, the 
lobes obcordate and emarginate, and with the orifice 
villous, Stamina fertile, didynamous and included. 
Style at length exserted, stigma bilabiate, the lobes 
unequal. Corolla lilac blue, with the border equal 
and similar to that of V. dubletia, which species the 
whole plant strongly resembles. ‘These two similar 
species appear to justify a subgeneric separation 
from Verbena, which had formerly been attempted by 

Cultivated Locality —Garden of the University of 
Pennsylvania. A hardy perennial, increasing by 
cuttings. | 


eenera and species of fish, 

Observations on several 
family of the Esoces. By 

belonging to the natural 
C. A. Lesveur. 

On the Genus BeLona of Currer- 

My observations on this genus inclin® Me to be- 
lieve, that the Esow Belona, described byDr- Mit. 
chell, is not, as he supposed, the same witlrthat of 
Europe. The drawings of several species whieh i 
have made in the West Indies and the United Stai®* 
gave rise to this doubt, to all of which is alike ap 
plicable the short description given us by the Doctor, 
and it can therefore be merely regarded as a notice 
of the existence of one of these species in the northern 
atlantic, and on the coasts of the United States. 

Mr. Cuvier observes, that the species of this ge- 
nus are not yet well distinguished,t that they re- 
semble each other so much, and present at the first 
view so little difference, that they all might apparent- 
ly be embraced in the same description; that those 
who had observed them had been deceived by neg- 
lecting to obtain drawings, by which it would have 
been easy to observe their differences in a manner 
more sensible and more exact. It is from descrip- 
tions, and the comparisons of four different drawings 
from nature, made in different places, that I now con- 
sider myself authorized to distinguish three new spe- 


+ Regne Animal, Vol. II. p. 186. 


cies, Which no doubi have been previously observed | 
and considered as one and the same, existing through- 
out Various seas. 

Essential Characier. 

In these fish the maxillary bone forms the whole 
border of the upper jaw, which, as well as the infe- 
rior, is extended into a long snout; they are both like- 
wise armed with small teeth. The mouth has no other 
teeth than those of the pharynx, which are as it were 
paved. ‘The body is elongated and covered with 
scales, which are not very apparent, excepting a lon- 
gitudinal carinated range on each side, near the lower 
border. The back is remarkable for its colour, which 
is of a fine green. ‘The species of this genus differ 
also somewhat from the Esoces in their intestines. 

B. *argalus. 

Dorsal and anal fins unequal, their posterior ex- 
tremities directly opposite, the anterior part of the 
anal more advanced ; tail deeply forked, lobes ar- 
rounded, the inferior longer; the lamina of the oper- 
culum equal; the head depressed. 

Body subquadrangular, attennuated to more than 
three times the length of the beak, the tail laterally 
carinated. Lower mandible a little longer than the 
_superior. Eyes very large, a little oblong, the pu- 
pil somewhat depressed above. Lateral line very 
low, interrupted by the ventral fins, and beginning 
to rise above the base of the anal, are then continued 


along the middle of the tail upon the carina. Anal 
and caudal fins falciform, posteriorly narrowed, high 
and terminating in points anteriorly. Pectoral fins 
small, longer than the half of the space which i 
rates their base from the tail. 

Color of a fine blue upon the back, the under side 
and the opercula silvery ; the iris bluish and argen- 
tine. Scales very small. 

P. 18.—V. 6,.—A. 19.—D. 16.—©. 26. 
Collected near the Island of Guadaloupe, in 1816. 

B. *truncata. 

Lower mandible longer than the upper; caudal 
fin obliquely truncated, ventral small, lateral line 
passing above and prolonged to the base of the anal 
fin into its posterior part, where it rises to pass along 
the carina to the base of the caudal fin. 

Description. Body almost quadrangular, more 
than three times the length of the mandibles, wider 
upon the back, which is flat and sleping on either 
side, so as to form a groove along its middle. 

On each side towards the back there is a line with 
an elongated point, and a little lower a small deep 
blue band, which is continued almost to the base of 
the dorsal line. Jaws long and pointedly terminated, 
the inferior a little longer than the superior, armed 
with fine conic teeth, of which some are longer and 
distant with small ones between them: teeth of the 
throat collected upon tubercles, Head flat above ; 


throat edged ; eyes large at the summit of the head, 
silvery ; nostrils before the eyes, in a triangular ca- 
vity. Base of the caudal fin depressed and carinated 
as in‘the preceding species ; caudal fin truncated, 
lobes arrounded. Anal and dorsal fins as in the pre- 
ceding. First rays of the pectoral and ventral fins 
flatand edged. Pectorals small, pointed. Ventrals 
smaller truncated, situated between the tail and the 

Color, a deep blue on the back, with a deeper co- 
lored band on each side. Scales very fine, silvery 
upon the head and abdomen. 

B. —P. 16.—V. 6.—D. 16.—A. 19.—C. 20. 

Collected at New-York in October 1816; at Phi- 
jadelphia, and at Newport in Massachusetts. 

Ozservarions. At New-York this species is 
called Gar-fish or Bill-fish. I have also seen it some- 
times in the market of Philadelphia. 

B. *carribea. 

Mandibles equal, slender, and pointed ; dorsal fin 
continued further backward than the anal, the last 
rays also longer; caudal fin scalloped, lobes arround- 
ed, the inferior twice as long as the superior. 

Body almost cylindric, more than four times the 
length of the snout. Head depressed, long and 
wrinkled above. Eyes large, at the summit of the 
head, iris blue and silvery, pupil black and notched 
above. Nostrils large, near to the eyes. Opercula 


smooth and flat, the lamina silvery, not very distinct. 
Both jaws armed with cenic pointed distant teeth, 
producing between them small velvet like teeth, with 
which the jaws are furnished on each side throughout 
their whole length. Pectoral fins in a line with the 
eyes, as long as the space which separates them; the 
first rays of the pectoral, ventral, and the second of 
the anal, are flat, strong and edged. The anal and 
the dorsal fins are narrow posteriorly, and very high 
and pointed anteriorly, in the form of a sickle. Ven- 
tral fins rather leng, situated between the eye and 
the base of the caudal fin. The lateral line com- 
mences beneath the origin of the pectoral fins, its 
base touches the ventral and continues along the ab- 
domen to the base of tke anal, where it rises and 
continues along the carina, so as equally to divide the 
tail. Seven rays of the tail on each lobe are very 

Color, deep blue upon the back, the head, tail, 
and whitish silvery beneath. Scales as in the pre- 
ceding species, small, and rounded. 

P. 13,—V. 6.—D. 24.—A. 22.—C. 307 flat. 

Inhabits the Carribean s:a at Basseterre, near the 
island of Guadaloupe. Collected in 1816. Flesh 
good and firm. 


4. Bevona *Crocodila. Peron and Lesueur. 

If we might judge from the imposing aspect of 
the individual which we saw, this species appears to 
attain a very considerable magnitude. It is distin- 
guished from Esox Belona and the other species de- 
signated and described byavery strong conic straight 
pointed snout, the bony plates of which are strongly 

radiated in order to protect the head. The body 
is less elongated and thicker, more elevated and not 
-carinated towards the tail, the terminating fin of 
which is lunulated with the lower lobe much longer 
than the upper. ‘The dorsal and anal fins are falci- 
form, and long, the anterior part elevated, termina- 
ting in a point, and equally placed, the posterior very 
low and straight, more prolonged to the dorsal than 
the anal fins, ventral rather long and pointed, lunu- 
lated, situated nearer the eyes than the tail, pectoral 
fin small, elevated, placed near to the angle of the 
operculum. Jaws strong, straight and equal, form- 
ing an elongated cone, pointedly terminated and 
scattered, all armed with strong conic straight and 
scattered teeth, between the bases of which there are 
numerous other smaller ones which cover the maxil- 
lary bones throughout their length. The scales 
which cover the body are small. The lateral line 
commences at the gorge, is undulated under the pec- 
toral fins, passes above the ventrals, and rises a little 
to continue along the middle of the tail. The color 
is similar to the preceding species. 



P. 14.—V. 6.—D. 22-—A. 21. Caudal 28. 

The total length of this individual was thirty-one 
and a half inches, the head alone was nine and a half 
from the beak to the termination of the operculum, 
with a height of about two and a half inches, and 
nearly two wide between the eyes. 

The armature of its jaws renders it dangerous and 
deservedly feared by those who swim or bathe in 
the places which it frequents. This was the species 
in all probability which had been observed by Re- 
nard and which is spoken of by Monsieur Delace- 
pede, which had been confounded with the Esox 

Collected on the coast of the Isle of France. In 
the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, marked R. R. 
No. 4. 

5. Berona *Indica. ‘This species observed by 
Perron and myself, makes a near approach to that of 
Gaudaloupe, and I shall here endeavour to present 
the characters by which they differ. ‘This species 
sas well as B. carribea, has jaws which are equal, 
but in this they are more robust, obtuse, and thicker 
at their extremity while in that they are slender and 
terminated by a flexible point, it is further recog- 
nisable by its obliquely truncated caudal fin, slightly 
scolloped with arrounded lobes, and the lower one 
longer : the dorsal and anal fins are likewise similar 
in form, placed exactly opposite each other, they are 
also elevated anteriorly, very low and straight, pos- 


teriorly. Anal fin narrower. Ventral long pointed. 
Pectoral longish. Lateral line originating from the 
throat, passing above the ventrals and almost a- 
long the middle of the tail. Scales very small. 
Teeth as in the preceding species. 

P.14.—V. 5.D . 19.—Caudal 14. 

OxzserVATioNS. Body subquadrangular larger to- 
wards the head, and attenuated towards the tail, 
where there is no visible keel. The back, head and 
tail blue, sides and abdomen silvery, a clearer colour- 
ed band towards the back. 

We never observed more of this species than the 
individual which is now preserved in the Museum of 
Natural History at Paris, and the figure in my col- 
lection of drawings. 

Inhabits the Indian Ocean. 


In this genus the structure of the snout is similar 
to that of Belona; the appearance of the fish itself 
the same and covered with similar scales, having a 
earinated range along the venter ; but the latter rays 
of their dorsal and anal fins are detached into false 
ones as in the mackerel. 

Monsieur Cuvier remarks that he had only seen 
a single species from the Mediterranean and the 
ocean. (The Scombresoces camperien. of Lacepede, 
v. VI. 3. Esox Saurus. Schneider 78.) 


ScoMBERESOX *equirostrum. Five false fins above 
and below the tail ; jaws equal and flexible. 

Body fusiform, about six times the length of the 
jaws. Head narrow, rather deep, pointed, eye small. 
The operculum prolonged behind. Pectoral fins situa- 
ted a little further back and somewhat higher than the 
middle of the operculum and slightly arrounded. 
Dorsal and anal fins equal, low, opposite each other, 
ventral fins triangular, truncated. Caudal a little 
notched, with equal lobes.—The color of this indivi- 
dual appeared to me nearly the same as that of the 

P. 14, the first flat and broad. V. 6.—D. 11.— 
A. 14.—C, 20 rays. 

The above notice is taken from an individual pre- 
served and dried in the cabinet of the Linnean So- 
ciety of Boston, under the name of Saurus. It can- 
not be regarded as sufficiently complete, but may 
serve to call the attention of others who may have 
a better opportunity of completing its description. 

Scomprresox *scutellatum. Upper jaw very 
short, the inferior about twice its lengih; pectoral 

fins very short, situated towards. the upper part of 
the opercula ; six false fins above, and seven below ; 
the body compressed and edged beneath. 
Oxzservations. The body of this small indivi- 
dual was compressed so as to resemble the blade of a 
knife. It is distinguishable from the preceding alse 


by the very small pectoral fins placed very high, and 
near the opercula. ‘he depti of the head was more 
than twice the diameter of the eye. The ventral 
fins very small, approaching the anal. and situated a 
little more towards the head than the dorsal, all of 
them of the same form, a little elevated anteriorly 
aud somewhat lower posteriorly. The tail is long 
and narrow, terminated by a lunulated fin. The 
lateral line was scarcely apparent. ‘The upper and 
lower maxillar bones were furnished with small 
teeth, the upper maxiliar the shortest, placed in a 
groove formed by the junction of the two inferior, 
and leaving a space betwixt them towards the angle 
of the mouth. 

The back was blue, the sides silvery and blueish, 
and the abdomen argenteous. 

P. 13.—D 11.—A. 12.—V. 6.—A 15 

The individual here noticed, i found in the sto- 
mach of afresh codfish which had been brought to 
Boston from the Bank of Newfoundland ; it was still 
fresh, and had no appearance of putrefaction. Per- 
haps it might be referred to the Scombresoces Cam- 
perien, but that this has much longer jaws, a forked 
tail, and the pectoral fins placed over the middle of the 
opercula, which forms the distinctive mark between 
the Sc. camperii and the present species. 

Another individual discovered by Peron and my- 
self, bears also a considerable affinity to the Sc. 
camperii, in the form of the body and the jaws ; but 
a distinctive character presents itself in the 6th and 


jth false fins which are distant from the dorsal and 
anal fin, which are re-united by a membrane. 


In these the intermaxillary bones form the border 
of the upper jaw, the margin of the lower one is also 
furnished with small teeth, but its symphysis is pro- 
longed into a long point, or half beak, destitute of 
teeth. In their general aspect, their scales and vicera, 
they still resemble the Belona. 

They are found in the seas of both hemispheres ; 
and their flesh, although oily, is agreeable to the taste. 

While Mr William Maclure and myself were 
passing the islands of the Antilles, we had occasion 
to observe two species of fish, appertaining to the 
new genus Hemiramphus of Cuvier. These no less 
than the Belonas and Scombresoces appear to have 
been confounded together without sufficiently appre- 
ciating the species which consequently still remain 
uncertain. One of these which came under my ob- 
servation, appears to be that described under the 
name of Esox Brasiliensis. Lin. and Brock, 391,_ 
which is also the Esoxr Marginatus of Lacrepxbe, 
vy. VIE. 2. The other appears to be new; but for 
the sake of more accurate distinction, I have consi- 
dered it useful to give the comparative descriptions 
which I made at different places as at Martinique, 
Guadaloupe, Dominique, &c. where these species 
are the object of a particular fishery, sufficiently in- 
teresting by the manner ‘in which it is conducted. 


The mode of procuring these fish whose flesh is so 
much esteemed, is with a large seine taken out into 
the deep water by a company of boats, when the 
weather is fine. On discovering a shoal of the balao, 
they amuse them by throwing some light body on the 
water, such as the leaves of the sugar cane, round 
which they delight to play and j jump; the boats out- 
side the fish then let fall the nets, by which they sur- 
round, and while drawing the net towards the land, 
perogues, each occupied by a single negro, follow the 
net outside, making a noise and throwing stones, in 
order to chase the fish towards the shore, and to 
prevent them from leaping over the net and escaping, 

HemrraMpPuvs marginatus. Body three times the 
length of the lower jaw ; pectoral fins shorter than the 
half of the lower jaw ; posterior fins almost equal. 

Descrirtion. Body subquadrangular, short, equal 
_ from the head to the tail as far as the commencement 
of the anal and dorsal fins. Tail short, terminated. 
by a deeply cleft fin, the lobes slightly arrounded, the 
inferior a third part longer than the superior. Pec- 
toral fins pointed. Ventral small, and lunulated, 
pointed interiorly, placed more towards the tail than 
the head. Dorsal fin longer by a third part than 
the anal, their form considerably similar, straight, a 
little elevated anteriorly, the rays separated and free 
about a third of their length, these two fins also cor- 
respond posteriorly. The upper beak is shorter than 


the semidiameter of the eye. The inferior very 
long and flexible. ‘The eye is nearly black, with the 
upper part of the iris silvery. The scales large. The 
blue coler is mest prevalent, particularly upon the 
upper part of the body, paler along the sides, and ar- 
gentecous upon the abdomen, the head of a clear blue, 
and silvery, the tail yellow and bluish; beak brown 
and deep blue. 

P. 10.—V.6.—D. 14.—A. 12.—Caudal 20 to 24. 

Has. near Guadaloupe and Martinique, where it 
is called Balao. 

Henmirampuus *balao. Body four times the length 
of the lower jaw, pectoral fin a third part shorter than 
the lower mandible ; anal fin half as long as the dor- 
sal fin. 

It is sufficient to cast an eye over the two figures to 
recognize their diiference, although the two species 
seem tobe thesame. In this the body is more elon- 
gated and less equal, more elevated upon the back, 
and more attenuated towards the tail, in this also the 
fins are longer, the lobes divided by a longer notch 
are pointed, narrower, and the inferior more elonga- 
ted ; the pectoral, dorsal, anal and ventral fins also 
more develeped, the interior point of the ventral more 
prolonged ; the snout shorter, and lower towards the 
throat, the lower mandible likewise shorter, but with 
the upper nearly as in the preceding species. The 
Jateral line commences directly from the gorge, con- 
tinues along the abdomen as far as the ventral fins, 


where it is interrupted, and then proceeds to the tail, 
passing a little beneath the anal, as in the preceding 

The colour is nearly the same as in the preceding, 
only a little deeper, and the caudal fin bluish. The 
fins contain the same number of rays. Not having 
time to open the species, I am unacquainted with 
its sex. It inhabits the Caribbean sea, near Gua- 
daloupe, Martinique, and Domingo, where in com- 
mon with the other species, it is known by the name 
of Balao. 

Hemirampuus *erythrorinchus. 

Dorsal and anal fin equal in length and height ; 
upper beak about the length of the diameter of the 
eye; pectoral fins half the length of the lower jaw ; 
a blue and argentine band on each side continued 
from the pectoral to the caudal fin. 

OzseRvATIONS. Body four times the length of 
the lower beak from the angle of the mouth to the ex- 
tremity of the tail. The form of this species differs 
little from that of the preceding, The dorsal and 
anal fins, equal in length and height, are perfectly 
opposite, elevated anteriorly, and at the base poste- 
teriorly. Pectoral fins poinied ; the ventral small 
and truncated ; the caudal forked, the lobes pointed, 
the inferior lobe longer. The lateral line, more ele- 
vated, passes above the ventral and anal fins, but is 
not as in the preceding species interrupted by the 
ventral fin. ‘The eyes are large, and a little obloug, 



with an argentine iris. The scales large. Its color 
the same as the preceding. 

P. 13.—Y. 6.—D. 16.—A. 18.—C. 21. 

In the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, marked R. 
R. No 3, wth a note, by Peron, under the above 
name, and No. 2568 of his Journal, he afterwards 
considered it as a new genus, which has now been 
established by Monsieur Cuvierin his Regne Animal. 

B A variety of H. erythrorinchus. 

Near to Timor and the Isle of France, we met 
with a species which differs a little from the prece- 
ding in the form of its body, its color, and the argen- 
tine band on the side, but the form of whose dorsal 
and anal fins were, excepting some difference in the 
number of the rays, the only distinctive characters 
which could be remarked. The length of the body, 
moreover, was in this only three times that of the 
lower jaw. The dorsal fin is falciform, high, point- 
ed anteriorly, and very low and straight posteriorly- 
The anal is as long as the dorsal fin, perfectly oppo- 
site to it, and almost straight, being only a little ele. 
vated anteriorly. "The pectoral fins are shorter than - 
the half of the lower jaw. The ventrals small and 
truncated. Caudal fin deeply forked, the lobes une- 
qual, with the inferior longer. 

P. 11.—V. 6.—D. 15.—A. 15.—C. 20. rays. 

In the Cabinet of the Museum d’ Histoire Naturelle, 
at Paris: marked R. R. No. 2. 

One or other of these two individuals probably ap- 
pertains to the species observed by Commerson, or 
the Esoce Gambaru of Lacepede, Vol. V. p. 3138, 
tab. 7. fig. 2. 


Analyses of American minerals, by Henry Seypert, 
of Philadelphia. 

Of an Amphibole. 

The specimen submitted to analysis was found at 
the Hagley powder mills on the Brandywine, near 
Wilmington, in the State of Delaware ; it is associa- 
ted with Quartz, and on some specimens, minute 
portions of pyrites were observed, although this mi- 
neral, in iis external aspect, bears a strong resem- 
blance to the Hypersthene and from that circumstance 
was generally believed, by our mineralogists, to be- 
long to that species. Lam inclined to consider it an 
Amphibole, because it is fusible, and differs essen- 
tially, from the Hypersthene, in its chemical compo- 

The colour of this mineral in the mass, is dark 
brown, approaching to brownish black ; when pul- 
verized, it is grey; lustre metallic. Slightly trans- 
lucent on the edges. Form indeterminate. Lamel- 
lar. Scratches glass, and gives sparks with steel, 
Magnetic. Specific gravity, 3. 250. Fusible be- 
foré the blow-pipe into an opaque black glass. 


A. 3Grammes of the pure mineral, finely pulver- 
ized, were exposed to a red heat; after the calcina- 
tion, the powder was of a brownish red colour, and 
it weighed 2.97 grammes; then the diminution ef 


weight amounts to 0. 03 grammes; but as the Deut- 
oxide of Iron, contained in the mineral must have 
absorbed 0.008 grammes of oxygen, in passing to 
the state of peroxide, the luss due to water, there- 
fore, amounts to 0. 038 grammes on 3 grammes, or 
1. 266 per 100. 

B. The calcined mineral (A.) was heated to red- 
ness in a silver crucible, during 30 minutes, with 9 
grammes of caustic potash; the mixture on cooling 
assumed a pale green colour; it was treated with wa- 
ter, to which it likewise communicated a greenish 
hue ; this indicated a trace of manganese. Muriatic 
acid, in excess, was added to it, the solution was 
complete and of a yellow colour; it was then evapo- 
rated toa dry gelatinous mass, then treated with 
water, acidulated with muriatic acid, and again mo- 
derately evaporated; more water was then added, 
and it was filtered; on the filter there remained S¢- 
lex, which, after being washed and calcined, weigh- 
ed 1.565 grammes on 3 grammes, or 52. 166 per 100. 

©. The filtered liquor (B.) was neutralized with 
caustic potish, when treated with the hydro-sulphate 
of potash, it yielded a black precipitate ; this precip- 
itate was well washed und calcined, in a porcelain 
vessel, to expel the greater part of the sulphur; 
it was then treated with a small portion of nitric 
acid, and exposed to a strong red heat, in a platina 
crucible. ‘The Alumine and per-oxide of iron, thus 
obtained, weighed 0.45 grammes; they were treated 
repeatedly with caustic potash, until the Alumine 
was completely separated, the per-oxide of iron then 


weighed 0. 33 grammes; as the mineral is of a black- 
ish colour and magnetic, the iron exists in the state 
of a Deutoxide, and the 0. 33 grammes of per-oxide 
are equivalent to 0. 322 grammes of Peutoxide on 3 
grammes, or 10.733 per 100. Then, by difference, 
we have Alumine 0. 12 grammes on 3 grs. or 4 
per 100. 

D. The liquor (C.) when treated with the oxalate 
of potash, gave rise to an abundant precipitate, which 
when washed and exposed to a high temperature, 
yielded Lime 0. 60 grammes, on 3 grammes, or 20 
per 100. 

EK. After the separation of the lime, the liquor (D.) 
when treated with caustic potash, produced a preci- 
pitate of magnesia, which being washed and strong- 
ly calcined, weighed 0.54 grammes on 3 grammes, 
or 11. 323 per 100. 

According to the above analysis, 100 parts of this 
amphibole consist of 

A. Water, 01 266 containing oxygen. 
B. Silex, 52 166 26. 239 
B Manganese, a Trace, — —- -_-— 
€. Deutoxide of Iron, 10. 753 : 03 028 
C. Alumine, 04 000 01. 868 
D. ‘Lime, 20. 000 05 618 
FE. Magnesia, 11. 333 04. 387 
99 498 
100. 000 

000 502 Loss. 



2. Of a Ferruginous Oxydulated Copper Ore. 

This ore occurs in Lebanon County, Pennsylva- 
nia, accompanied by oxydulated Iron ore ; occasion- 
ally by minute portions of pyrites, and is frequently 
incrusted with green carbonate of copper. Its co- 
lour, both in the massive and pulverulent state, is 
redish brown. It possesses little or no lustre. O- 
paque. Amorphous. Fracture, irregular. Frag- 
ments, indeterminate. Strongly magnetic. ‘The 
specific gravity of a piece containing some slight 
traces of carbonate, was 4. 554. 


A. 5 Grammes, of the pulverized ore, were expo- 
sed to ared heat, and it was stirred in order to allow 
the copper and iron to pass to the state of per- 
oxydes. After the calcination, the powder was 
black, and the loss of weight was 0.10 grammes; 
but the quantity of oxygen absorbed by the deutoxide 
of iron and the protoxide of copper, was found by 
calculation to amount to 0. 249 grammes ; therefore, 
the loss in water amounts to 0. 349 grammes, on 4 
grammes, or 6. 98 per 100. ' 
_ B. The calcined ore (A.) was boiled with nitro- 

muriatic acid, to which it soon imparted a deep green 
colour, when the argilaceous residue appeared flaky 
and colourless ; the solution was evaporated to dry- 
ness, to expel the excess of acid, the residue of a 
green colour, was treated with water, and the solu- 
tion was filtered: the argil remaining on the filter, 


when washed and calcined, weighed 0. 19 grammes 
on 5 grammes, or 3.80 per 100. 

C. The liquor (B.) was treated with an excess of 
ammonia, an abundant precipitate was formed, part 
of which was immediately re-dissolved by the am- 
monia, and communicated to it a beautiful dark blue 
colour, the residue appeared red, and afier 24 hours 
digestion it was separated from the ammoniacal li- 
quor by filteration, when washed and exposed to red 
heat, it weighed 2.16 grammes. A _ portion of this 
precipitate was re-dissolved in muriatic acid, and 
treated with an excess of ammonia, the copper was 
thus found to have been completely separated. Ano- 
ther portion was fused with caustic potash, but hay- 
ing obtained no mineral cameleon, it was ascertain- 
ed that the ore contained no manganese. Therefore, 
the 2. 16 grammes were pure per-oxide of iron, but 
as the mineral was magnetic, the iron must be esti- 
mated in the state of a deutoxide, and the 2. 16 
grammes of tritoxide are equivalent to 2. 108 gram- 
mes of deutoxide, on 5 grammes, or 42. 16 per 100. 

D. The ammoniacal liquor .(C.) was boiled to 
drive off the greater part of the excess of alcali, a 
slight excess of sulphuric acid was then added to it 
and a polished bar of iron, was allowed to remain in 
it, until the liquor, when tested with sulphurated hy- 
drogen, was found to contain no more copper. ‘The 
metallic copper thus precipitated, when well washed 
and expeditiously dried, weighed 1.95 grammes, 
but from the colour of the ore, the copper must be 
considered to exist in the state of a protoxide, and 
the 1.95 grammes of metallic copper, are equivalent 


to 2 194 grammes of protoxide, of copper on 5 
grammes, or 43. 83 per 100. 

E. A portion of the liquor (D.) was found to con- 
tain neither lime nor magnesia, therefore, neither of 
these substances existed in the ore. 

The constituents of this mineral, are 

Per 100 parts 

A. Water, 06 98 
B_ Argile, 03.80 
C. Deutoxide of Iron, 42 16 
DPD. Protoxide of Copper, 43. 88 
96 &2 
100 00 

00318 Loss. 


3. Of a Green Phosphaie of Lime (Aspara- 
gus Stone.) 

This mineral was found in London-grove town- 
ship, Chester county, Pennsylvania, Externally it 
is incrusted with an opaque yellowish white matter ; 
when broken, it is of a beautiful asparagus green 
colour; in the state of powder it is white. Lustre 
vitreous. "Transparent. Chrystalized in six sided 
prisms; the specimens handed to me, presented no 
well defined terminations. Longitudinal fracture 
uneven ; the transverse fracture, lammellar. Scratch- 
es glass. It does not phosphorize by heat. Speci- 
fic gravity 3.207. Infusible before the blowpipe. 


From preliminary essays it was ascertained, that 
this mineral contained neither silex, alumine, magne- 
Sia, oxide of iron, nor oxide of manganese. 

A. 5 grammes underwent no alteration from the 
action of heat. 

B. 5 grammes treated with nitric acid, yielded an 
entire and colourless svlution. Oxalic acid was 
added to the liquor, it occasioned an abundant pre- 
cipitate, which, washed and strongly calcined, af- 
forded, lime 2.565 grammes, on 5 grammes, or 51. 
30 per 100. 

C. The liquor (B.) after the separation of the 
lime, was evaporated to perfect dryness; towards 
the close of the evaporation, the matter became black, 
owing to the decomposition of the oxalic acid; when 
the entire decomposition of the acid was supposed. 
to have been effected, the resi:tue was treated with 
water, and the liquor, after being filtered, was treat- 
ed with ammoniac, which occasioned a colourless 
precipitate of phosphate of lime ; this being a portion 
of the mineral, that resisted decomposition by the 
oxalic acid, it weighed 0.29 grammes on 5 gram- 
mes, or 5. 80 per 100. 

D ‘The liquor (C.) when treated with the muriate 
of barytes, afforded phosphate of barytes, equiva- 
lent to phosphoric acid 2.042 grammes on 5 gram- 
mes, or 40. 84 per 100. 



According to the preceding results, we have 

Per 100 parts. 

B. Lime, $1. 30 
D. Phosphorie Acid, 40. 84 
€. Phosphate of Lime, 05. 80 
* 97 94 
100. 00 

602.06 Loss. 

ee eee 

If the undecomposed phosphate of lime be omii- 
ted, the composition of this mineral will be 

Per 106 parts. 

Lime, 55. 67 
Phosphoric Acid, 44. 33 

This mineral was discovered by Doctor R. Alison, on Alison’s 
Farm, London-Grove Township, imbedded in mica slate. 

On two veins of Pyroxene or Augite in Granite. 

By Larpner VANvuxem. 

“‘ The substratum of the soil of Columbia (S. C.} 
and its vicinity, consists of Granite, the kind which 
is commonly considered to be primeval. This rock 
commences at Richmond in Virginia, and is visible 
to this place in most of the rivers and streams which 
cross the main road between these two towns. It is 
the only primitive rock known to exist east of this 
road. Its usual colour is grey, sometimes it presents 
very beautiful red varieties as on the Saluda river. 


fi is very barren in extraneous minerals; no marks 
of stratification appear in it, but itis every where di- 
vided by cracks and fissures breaking it up into irre- 
gular masses, of no great extent; very often it is 
traversed by small veins, of an extremely fine grained 
granite, of a light flesh or pink colour. Like most gra- 
nite, itis snacapubne of decomposition, and varies very 
considerably in different parts of the same mass, 
whether expesed to the surface, or covered with ve- 
getable or other soil; thus along the lower canal of 
the Saluda, whole fields of it are in a decomposed 
state, here and there presenting among its ruins some 
masses, which from unknown causes have escaped 
uninjured. As commonly observed of this rock, it 
presents large masses rounded upen the surface, 
ascribable either to the progress of decomposition 
which commences with the angles and edges or as 
some have supposed to a species of concretionary ar- 
rangement of its minerals, during its consolidation. 
Last year my attention was attracted by two pa- 
rallel black veins in a mass of granite, occurring by 
the side of Rocky branch,* just below Dr. Fishers 
milldam. The surface of the rock protrudes but a 
little above the ground. These veins lie near to each 
other, of from one to two inches in thickness, nearly 
vertical in their position, and of an unknown length 
aud depth. The substance of these veins scarcely 

* A small creek passing within a few hundred yards of 
the South Eastern boundary of Columbia, and emptying 
inte the Congaree. 


adheres to the granite, and breaks with ease into ir- 
regular fragments, whose sides are slightly changed 
or soiled, as we so often observe in the trap rocks. 
In the other fracture, the rock is extremely tough, 
presenting a very fine scaly texture, of a bluish black _ 
colour, opaque, excepting on the edges of the frag- 
ments, and enveloping as a base, numerous small im- 
perfect crystals, of a dark green colour: sometimes 
also, though rarely, fragments of granite are also con- 
tained in it. By exposure to the air, the basis be- 
comes of a light dirty olive green colour, whilst the 
crystals assume an ochery appearance. Examined, 
whenin minute fragments,with a powerful microscope, 
it presents a confused mass of silvery particles. I was 
not able to ascertain with this instrument, if it con- 
sisted of more than one mineral species. It feebly 
attracts the magnet. Before the blowpipe, it fuses 
into a black globule, whuse fragmeuts, when viewed 
by transmitted light, are of a dark green colour. 
As a part of the rock, which encloses these veins, has 
lately been removed by blasting, I collected a consi- 
derable quantity of their substance, and on breaking 
it, I succeeded in obtaining some perfect crystals of 
the dark green substance above mentioned, which on 
examination, proved to be Pyrozene, or augite, pre- 
senting the well known form the triunitaire of 
Hauy, so abundant in the lavas of Auvergne, Italy, 
Sicily, &c. ‘ihe hemitrope or macle of the same 
form also exists in it. 

These veins appear to be almost entirely com- 


posed of Pyroxene, more or less confusedly crystal- 
lised, and varying considerably in the size of its crys- 
taline particles. It is probable that there is an in- 
termixture of a small quantity of Feldspar, from the 
difference of colour, which the perceptible and 
imperceptible particles exhibit when ina state of de- 
composition. From the general character of these 
veins, their total dissimilarity with all rocks of the 
class to which the granite belongs, from their being 
composed of Pyroxene and of the triwnitaire form 
so common in almost all lavas, I think in the present 
state of our knowledge, (as to the origin of rocks,) 
that we are in some measure authorized in consider- 
ing them to be of Volcanic, rather than of Neptunian 

Descriptions of Univalve shells of the United States. 
By Tuomas Say. 

The terrestrial and fluviatile shells which form 
the subject of the following pages, were chiefly ob- 
tained on the late expedition to the Rocky Moun- 
tains, under the command of Major Stephen H. 
Long. They are now deposited in the Phiiadelphia 
Museum, and constitute, in the collection of that in- 
stitution, a distinct arrangement. 

A few descriptions are added to this essay, of 
shells discovered in East Florida, Alabama, Penn- 
sylvania, and New-York. 

Type and Class. 
Genus Heurx. : 
+ Umbilicus none ; labrum reflected. 

1. H. *multilineata. Shell thin, convex, imper- 
forated ; of a brown colour, with numerous dark-red 
revolving lines, which are minutely and irregularly 
undulated ; whorls six, with elevated, subequidistant 
lines, forming grooves between them ; aperture luna- 
ted, not angulated at the base of the column, but 
obtusely curved; labrum contracting the mouth 
slightly, reflected, white, more or less distinctly 
stained by the termination of the spiral red lines, and 
adpressed to the body whorl near the base; umbili- 
cus covered with a white callus. 

Inhabits Mlinois and Missouri. 

Length of the columella about three-fifths; great- 
est width rather more than one inch. 

ANIMAL granulated; granule large, whitish, in- 
terstices blackish ; foot beneath black. 

An exceedingly numerous species in the moist fo- 
rests on the margin of the Mississippi near the Ohio, 
and the Missouri as far as Council Bluff. The red 
revolving lines are numerous, varying from four or 
five to twenty-five or thirty and perhaps still more; 
they are sometimes confluent into bands; when 
viewed within the mouth, they appear sanguineous. 


2, H. *appressa. Sheil depressed, brownish horn 
colour; whorls five, depressed, forming an angle on 
the external one, more acute near the superior angle 
of the labrum, with numerous transverse, elevated, 
equidistant lines, with interstitial grooves; umbili- 
cus covered over with calcareous matter, but con- - 
cave within; aperture moderate; labrum dilated, 
reflected, white, margined with brownish; near the 
base, appressed to the body whorl, and covering the 
umbilicus ; a slight projecting dentiform angle on the 
inner middle; labrum with a strong, prominent, ob- 
lique, compressed, white tooth, which gradually 
slopes and becomes obsolete towards the umbilicus. 

Var. a. Labrum with two projecting angles. 

Breadth, three-fifths of an inch. 

AnimaL—foot pale; neck above and each side 

Inhabits the banks of the Ohio and Missouri. 

This species is very common on the banks of the 
Ohio below Galiopolis: I also found it near Council 
Bluff. 1t very much resembles H. tridentata, but 
the umbilicus is covered over; the outer lip at base 
is flattened upon the shell; and there is but a single 
angle upon it. In Lister’s conch. pl, 93, fig. 93, is 
the representation of a shell, which is most probably 
intended for this species. Lister’s figure is quoted 
in the books, for H. punctata, but as the figure of a 
different species (Born mus. pl. 14, fig. 17 and 18) 


is also referred to as the same, I conclide that two 
distinct species have been confounded together under 
the common name of punctata; certainly the charac- 
ter from which this name was taken, is never present 
on our shell. Specimens have been subsequently 
found by Dr. Thomas M‘Kuen, near the Falls of 


3. H.* palliata. Shell depressed, with elevated 
lines, forming grooves between them; epidermis fus- 
cous, rugose with very numerous minute tubercu- 
lous acute prominences; volutions five, depressed 
above, beneath rounded, forming an obtuse angle 
exteriorly, which is more acute near the termination 
of the labrum; wmbzilicus covered with a white cal- 
lous ; aperture contracted by the labrum; labrum re- 
flected widely, white, two profound, obtuse, sinusses 
on the inner side above the middle, forming a promi- 
nent distinct tooth between them, and a projecting an- 
gle near the middle of the lip; labium with a large, 
prominent, white teoth, placed perpendicularly to tie 
whorl, and obliquely to the axis of the shell, and 
nearly attaining the umbilical callus. 

Inhabits Hlinois. 

Length of the column 7-20 of an inch. 

Greatest breadth, four-fifths of an inch. 

Var. a. A very prominent acute carina; destitute 
of minute prominences. Inhabits Ohio. Breadth 
nearly 1 inch. 


This shell is found on the banks of the Mississip- 
pi in moist places. It verymuch resembles H. triden- 
tata but is destitute of umbilicus, has a rugose epider- 
mis, and ismuch larger. Itisstillmore closely allied 
fo appressus but its superior magnitude, teeth and 
epidermal vesture, distinguish it from that species, 
Specimens have subsequently been found by Dr. 
Thomas M‘Kuen near the falls of Niagara. 

4. H. *inflecta. Spire convex; volutions five; 
wrinkled across; suture not profoundly impressed ; 
aperture strait; labrum reflected, bidentate, teeth se- 
parated by a profound sinus, the superior teeth in- 
flected, behind the lip a profound groove, which ab- 
rubtly contracts the aperture in that part, so that 
although the lip is reflected, yet its edge is not more 
prominent than the general exterior surface of the 
body whorl, at base the lip is adpressed and covers 
the umbilicus ; labrum with a large prominent ob- 
lique lamelliform tooth; umbilicus closed. 

Greatest transverse diameter nearly 9-20 of an 

Inhabits Lower Missouri. 

The teeth of the labrum somewhat resemble those 
of tridentata ; but in the form of the groove behind 
the labrum, and the pillar tooth, it resembles H. hir- 
suta, several specimens were found, but all dead 
shells, and destitute of their epidermis. 



5. H. *clausa. Shell fragile, slightly perforated, 
subglobular, yellowish horn-colour, above convex; 
whorls four or five; aperture slightly contracted by 
the lip; lip reflected, flat, white, nearly covering the 

Tnhabits Mlinois. 

Greatest breadth, from one-half to three-fifths of 
an inch. 

A small and handsome species, which somewhat 
resembles albolabris, but is much smaller, more 
rounded, and is sub-umbilicate. This shell also oc- 
curs though perhaps rarely in Pennsylvania. 

6. H. *obstricta. Shell depressed, with elevated 
lines forming grooves between them; epidermis pale 
brownish, naked; volutions five, depressed above, 
beneath rounded, with an acute projecting carina; 
umbilicus covered with a white callus, indented ; 
mouth resembling that of H. palliata. 

Tnhabits Ohio. 

Breadth nearly one inch. 
This species is very closely allied to Hehax pal- 
liata, but the epidermis is not covered with small ele- 
vations as in that shell, and the carina is very pro- 

minent and remarkable. 

7. H. *elevatq. Shell pale horn colour, spire 
elevated; whirls seven, regularly rounded; umbilicus 


none; aperture somewhat angulated; labrum dilated, 
reflected, pure white, at base adpressed to the body 
whirl, abruptly narrowed on the inner edge beneath 
the middle, and continuing thus narrowed to the su- 
perior termination, leaving a projecting angle behind 
the middle; labium with a large, robust, very ob- 
lique, sub-arquated, pure white tooth. 

Greatest breadth, 7-8 of aninch. Column, 9-16. 

Found rather common in the vicinity of Cincinnati, 
Ohio, it seems to be distantly related to thyroidus, 
by the tooth on the labium, but this tooth is much 
more robust; it differs more essentially by the much 
more elevated spire, and by the superior half of the 
dilated lip being abruptly narrowed so as to form a 
prominent angle near the middle. Itis also a much 
thicker shell. 

tt Unbilicus closed ; labrum simple. 

8. H. *interna. Shell yellowish-red; volutions 
six or eight; whorls with regular, equidistant, ele- 
vated, obtuse lines across them separated by regular 
grooves; lines obsolete beneath; spire convex, little 
elevated; aperture very strait, transverse less than 
one half of the longitudinal diameter; labrum not re- 
flected; within, upon the side of the labrum, two pro- 
minent lamelliform teeth, of which the superior one 
is largest, and neither of them attain the edge of 
the lip; region of the base of the columella much in- 
dented; umbilicus obsolete or wanting. 


Transverse diameter more than 3-10. 

Height ofthe columella above 3-20. 

Inhabits Lower Missouri. 

Of two specimens which I obtained, the larger one 
had six volutions, and the smaller one had eight; the 
superior tooth in the larger was concave towards the 
base of the shell. tis a remarkable and very dis- 
tinct species. 

9. H. *chersina. Shell subglobose-conic, pale 
yellowish-white, pellucid, convex beneath; volutions 
about six, wrinkles not distinct; spine convex-ele- 
vated; suture moderate ; body whorl slightly cari- 
nated on the middle; mouth nearly transverse, un- 
armed, the two extremities nearly equal; labrum 
simple; wmbilicus none. 

Inhabits the Sea Islands of Georgia. 

Breadth 1-10 of an inch. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

A very small species. But one specimen occurred 
in a Cotton field. It is rather larger than H. laby- 

10. H. *gularis. Shell subglobose, pale yel- 
lowish-horn colour, polished. pellucid, beneath near 
the aperture whitish-yellow opake; volutions six or 
seven, with prominent somewhat regular wrinkles; 
spire convex, a little elevated; suture moderate; la- 
brum not reflected; throat far within upon the side of 
the labrum bidentate, teeth lamelliform, of which one 


is oblique and placed near the middle, and the other 
less elongated placed near the base; wmbilicus none. 

Breadth more than 1-4 of an inch. 

Inhabits Ohio and Pennsylvania. 

In general form it resembles H. lhigera, but may 
be distinguished by the absence of umbilicus, and 
upon particular examination, by the teeth which are 
situated far within the aperture. In the collection of 
the Academy. 

ttt Umbilicated ; labrum simple, 

11. H. *ligera, Shell subglobose, pale yellow 
horn colour, polished ; body whorl, pellucid, yellow- 
ish-white, opake beneath near the aperture; volu- 
tions rather more than six, all excepting the apicial 
one wrinkled across 5 spire convex, a little elevated; 
umbilicus very small; suture not deeply impressed ; 
labrum not reflected. 

Inhabits Missouri. 

Greatest length 3-10. Oblique length less than 
9-20. Transverse diameter less than 11-20. 

Approaches nearest to H. glaphyra, but is readily 
distinguished by the greater convexity of the spire, 
and the smaller umbilicus. Rather common. In 
Lister’s conch. on pl. 81, fig. 82, a shell is represent- 
ed which may be intended for this species. 

12. H. *solitaria. Shell subglobose, with two or 
three revolving, rufous lines; spire Cconico-conyex ; 


volutions five and a half, wrinkled across and 
rounded; suture rather deeply impressed; aperture 
wide, embracing a rather small portion of the penul- 
timate whorl; labrum not reflected; umbilicus large. 
distinctly exhibiting all the volutions to the apex. 

Greatest transverse diameter, nearly one inch and 
one fifth. 

Inhabits Lower Missouri. 

But a single specimen was found; it wasa dead 
shell, destitute of its epidermis. It is avery dis- 
tinct species. 

13. H. *jejuna. Shell subglobular, glabrous, 
pale reddish-brown; volutions five, slightly wrin- 
kled, regularly rounded; spire convex; suture rather 
deeply impressed; aperture dilate-lunate; labrwn 
a little incrassated within, not reflected; umbilicus 
open, small; 

Breadth rather more than 4-5 of an inch. 

Inhabits the Southern States. 

AnimaL—light reddish-brown, with a granular 
surface, longer than the breadth of the shell; oculi- 
‘ferous tentacula elongated, and rather darker than 
the body. 

This shell is very closely allied to H. sericea, of 
Southern Europe, but it differs from that species in 
being destitute of the hirsute vesture. I found se- 
veral specimens of jejuna, during an excursion some 


time since into East Florida, at the Cow fort, on St. 
John’s river. It is in the collection of the Academy. 

14. H. *coneava. Shell much depressed; sub- 
orbicular, horn colour, or whitish, immaculate; vo- 
lutions five, irregularly wrinkled across, more con- 
vex beneath; suture distinctly impressed; wmbzilicus 
yery large, exhibiting all the volutions to the sum- 
mit distinctly; aperture large, short; labrum to- 
wards the base very slightly and inconspicuously 

Inhabits Tlinois and Missouri. 

Greatest width 7-10 of an inch. 

Found in moist places near the Mississippi river, 
onthe Missouri as high as council bluff, and on the sea 
islands of Georgia. It is a much depressed shell. 

15. H. *dealbata. Shell conical, oblong, thin 
and fragile, somewhat ventricose; volutions 6-7, 
wrinkled across, wrinkles more profound and acute 
on the spire; spire elongated, longer than the aper- 
ture, subacute; aperture longer than wide, labrum 
not reflected; umbilicus small, profound. 

Length more than 3-4 of an inch, 

Breadth 9-20 of an inch. 

In the Cabinet of the Academy and Philadelphia 

Inhabits Missouri and Alabama. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

In outline it resembles a Bulimus. Four speci- 


mens of this species were sent to the Academy from 
Alabama, by Mr. Samuel Hazard; and a single de- 
pauperated specimen was found by myself on the 
banks of the Missouri. 

+ttt Umbilicated ; labrum reflected. 

16. H. *profunda. Shell pale horn-colour ; 
spire convex, very little elevated; whorls five, regu- 
larly rounded, and wrinkled transversely ; body 
whorl with a single revolving rufous line, which is 
almost concealed upon the spire by the suture, but 
which passes for a short distance above the aper- 
ture; aperture dilated; labrum reflected, white, and 
excepting near the superior angle flat, a slightly pro- 
jecting callus near the base on the inner edge; 
umbilicus large, profound, exhibiting all the volu- 
tions to the apex. | 

Transverse diameter 19-20 of an inch. 

Var. a. Mutilineated with rufous. 

Var. Bs. Rufous line obsolete. 

Inhabits Ohio, Mississippi and Missouri banks. 

A pretty shell, neatly ornamented by the rufous 
zone; the spire is very much depressed. Specimens 
occurred near Cincinnati on the Ohio, and at En- 
gineer Cantonment near Council Bluff, on the Mis- 

Besides the above new species, I have observed 
in the western regions, the following known species, 


which I described in the American edition of Ni- 
eholson’s Encyclopedia, and in the Journal of the 

Helix albolabris common, as far as Council Bluff. 
H. thyroidus, on the banks of the Ohio, Mississippi 
and Missouri. ‘The Animal is of a pale whitish o 
yellowish colour, immaculate. 

H. alternata. On the banks of the Ohio, Missis- 
sippi, and Missouri rivers; this species varies in being 
somewhat larger, and in having a rather more eleva- 
ted spire. The Animal is ofa dirty yellowish-orange 
colour, the foot obtusely terminated behind, head and 
tentacula pale bluish, eyes blackish. Shell 9-10 
of an inch in breadth. 

H. hirsuta, common, as far as Council Bluff. 

H. labyrinthica ditto ditto. 

H. minuta ditto ditto. 

H. perspectiva, occasionally occurs on the banks of 
the Missouri, and other western streams,and in some 
parts common. 

Genus Potuicyra. 

P. *plicata. Shell convex beneath, depressed 
above, spire slightly elevated; whorls five, compres- 
sed, crossed by numerous raised equidistant lines, 
which form grooves between them; aperture sub- 
reniform, labru: . reflected, regularly arquated, de- 
scribing two-thirds of a circle, within two-toothed, 
teeth not separated by a remarkable sinus; labrum 

with a profound duplicature, which terminates in an. 


acuté angle at the centre of the aperture; beneath, ex- 
hibiting only two volutions, of which the external one 
is slightly grooved near the suture. 

Breadth 1-4 of an inch. 

Inhabits Alabama. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

This species is about the same size with P. avara, 
but, besides other characters, it is sufficiently dis- 
tinguished by the acute fold of the labrum. It was 
sent to the Academy by Mr. Samuel Hazard. 

Genus Pupa. 

14. P. *armifera. Shell dextral; oblong-oval or 
somewhat obtusely fusiform; suture distinct; whirls 
six, obsoletely wrinkled; aperture longitudinally 
subovate ; exterior lip reflected, but not flattened, in- 
terrupted above by the penultimate whirl, and with 
five teeth, of which the superior one, and that which 
precedes the basal one, are smallest; labrum with 
an undulated lamelliform tooth, its anterior extremity 
little elevated, but elongated, so as almost to join the 
superior extremity of the exterior lip. 

Length, 3-20 of an inch. 

Inhabits Upper Missouri. 

Var. A. The two smaller teeth obsolete or want- 

Var. 8. The basal tooth obsolete or wanting. 

Very distinct from corticaria in being a much 
Jarger and proportionally more dilated shell,and with 
that species, and the next, seems to belong more pro- 


perly to the genus Curychium of Muller and Fer- 


2. P. *rupicola. Shell dextral, attenuated to an 
obtuse apex, white; whorls six, glabrous; suture 
deeply impressed ; labium bidentate ; superior tooth 
lamiform, emarginate in the middle, and at the ante- 
rior tip obsoletely uniting with the superior termina- 
tion of the labium; inferior tooth placed upon the 
columella, and extending nearly at a right angle with 
the preceding ; labrum tridentate, teeth placed some- 
what alternately with those of the labium, inferior 
tooth situated at the base and immediately beneath 
the inferior tooth of the labium. 

Length, about 1-10 of an inch. 

Inhabits Kast Florida. 

I formerly found it abundant on the banks of St. 
John’s river, in EK. Florida, and more particularly 
under the ruins of Fort Picolata, under stones, &c. 

It is about the size of P. corticaria, and conside- 

~rably resembles that species, but is sufficiently dis- 
tinguished by the circumstance, of its gradually de- 
creasing in diameter from the body whirl, to its 
obtuse tip, and in the character of the mauth, it is 
widely distinct. 

Genus SuccingEA. 

S. ovalis. (Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, vol. 4. 
p- 15.) A large variety of this species, is found very 
eommon on the Missouri, of the length of about 4-5 


of an inch. Iobserved one specimen, which was 
upwards of an inch long. 


4. P. *armigerus. Shell dextral, brownish-horz 
colour, wrinkles obsolete 5 spire perfectly regular, 
slightly concave; suture well impressed ; umbilicus 
profound, exhibiting the volutions; whorls four, 
longer than wide, obtusely carinated above, carina 
obsolete near the aperture, a carina beneath conti- 
nued to the aperture; aperlure longitudinally sub- 
obovate, oblique; labrum blackish on the edge ; 
throat armed with five teeth, placed two upon the 
pillar side, of which one is large, prominent, per- 
pendicular,lamelliform, cblique, and rounded abrupt- 
ly at each extremity; near the anterior tip, Is & 
small prominent conic acute one ; on the side of the. 
labrum, is a prominent lamelliform tooth near the 
base, and two slightly elevated, oblique, lamelliforn 
ones above. 

Length, 1-4 of an inch nearly. 

Inhabits Upper Missouri. 

Remarkable by the teeth; but these are only dis- 
coverable by the microscopical examinatiou of the 
mouth, and they are situated far within it. 

P. trivelvis b carn ‘tus and parvus inhabit ponds 
of water, in the vicinity of Council Bluff. 

2. P. *parallellus. Shell dextral, with very mi- 
ante transverse wrinkles, and regular, revolving, 



equidistant, parallel, slightly elevated lines; spire 
a little convex ; volutions four; aperture longer thaw 
wide ; umbilicus exhibiting all the volutions. 

Breadth, less than 3-20 of an inch. 

Inhabits Upper Missouri. 

This shell has evidently the habit of a Helix, and 
may probably belong more properly to that genus, 
but having found it only ina dried up pond, in com- 
pany with a vast number of aquatic shells, I refer 
it for the present to this genus. 

8. P. *exacuous. Dextral, depressed, with an 
acute edge. 

Inhabits Lake Champlain. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Shell depressed; whorls four, striated across, 
wider than long, not elevated above the suture, but a 
little flattened, sides obliquely descending to an acute 
lateral ede, below the middle ; spire not impressed; 
suture not profoundly indented; beneath, body whirl 
flattened, on the inner edge rounded; umbilicus re- 
gular, extibiting all the volutions to the apex ; aper- 
ture transversely sub-triangular ; labrum angulated 
in the middle, arquated near its inferior tip, the su- 
perior termination just including the acute edge of 
the penultimate whorl. 

Greatest Breadth, rather less than 1-4 of an ero 

This species was found in Lake Champlain by 
Mr. Augustus Jessup, who deposited it in the col- 
lection of the Academy. Only two specimens ec- 


curred. It may be readily distinguished from P. 
parvus, by its more convex form above, the spire 
not being impressed, and by its very acute lateral 
edge. It appears to be pretty closely allied to Pla- 
norbis nitidus of Europe, but it is larger, the umbili- 
cus much more dilated, and the aperture does not 
embrace the penultimate whorl so profoundly. 

4. P. *campanula tus Sinistral; whorls longer 
than wide; aperture sub-campanulate. 

Inhabits Cayuga Lake. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

Shell sinistral, not depressed ; whorls four, slightly 
striate across, longer than wide; spire hardly con- 
cave, often plane; body whirl abruptly dilated near 
the aperture, and not longer behind the dilatation 
than the penultimate whirl; suture indented, well 
defined to the tip, the summits of the volutions being 
rounded; aperture dilated; throat narrow abruptly; 
umbilicus profound, the view extending by a mi- 
nute foramen to the apex. 

Greatest length of the body whorl, 1-4 of an inch. 

Breadth from tip of the labrum, 1-2 inch; at 
right angles to the last; 2-5 inch. 

This shell abounds in some of the small streams, 
which discharge into Cayuga lake, where it was 
collected by Mr. Jessup, who presented specimens 
to the Academy, and to me. Itis readily distin- 
guished from our other species, by the sudden dila- 



tation of the outer whirl, near the aperture in the 
adult shell, forming a large oval chamber. The sum- 
mit of the outer whirl, behind the dilated portion, 
is not, or hardly elevated above the summits of the 
_ other volutions. 

Genus Lymneus. 

1. L. *elongatus. Shell horn colour, tinged with 
reddish-brown; spire elongated, tapering, acute; 
whirls six or seven, slightly convex, wrinkled across; 
body whirl, measured at the back, more than half the 
total length; suture moderately indented ; aperture 
less than half the length of the shell; labiwm with 
ealcareous deposit. 

Length, one inch and three-tenths. 

inhabits in considerable numbers, the ponds and 
tranquil waters of the Upper Missouri. It is very 
distinct from L. catascopium, by the much greater 
proportional length of the spire. 

2. Lymneus columellus. (Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci- 
iences, vol. ]. p. 14.) Var. a. Small, black—from 
Cold water creek of the Missouri. This is most 
probably a distinct species, we obtained but a single 
specimen of it. 

3. L. *reflecus. Shell fragile, very much elon- 
gated, narrow, honey-yellow, tinctured with brown- 
ish, translucent, slightly reflected from the middle; 
volutions six, oblique, wrinkled transversely-; spire 
more than one and an half times the length of the 


aperture, acute, two or three terminal whirls vitre- 
ous: body whirl very little dilated; aperture rather 
narrow: labrum with a pale margin, and dusky red 
or blackish sub-margin. 

Inhabits Lakes Erie and Superior. 

Total length, 13-10—of the aperture 11-20 of an 

This shell is remarkable for its narrow and elon- 
gated form, and for the consequent, very oblique re- 
yolution of its whirls. Vi hen viewed in profile, it 
has a slightly reflected appearance. It was kindly 
sent to me for examination by my friends Messrs. S. - 
B. Collins and D. H. Barnes of New York, and was 
found in Lake Superior by Mr. Schoolcraft. 1 re- 
collect to have seen a specimen two or three years 
since brought from Lake Erie, by James Griffiths. 
It is proportionally longer than elongatus. 

4. L. *appressus. Shell elongated ventricose ; volu- 
tions six; spire regularly attenuated to an acute tip, 
rather shorter than the aperture; body whirl dilated, 
proportionally large; aperture ample; columella 
with the sinus of the fold profound, callus perfectly 
appressed upon the shell, to the base. 

Inhabits Lake ‘Superior. 

This shell exhibits very much the appearance of 
L. stagnalis, but its body whirl is less proportionally 
dilated. The callus of the labrum is perfectly ap- 
pressed to the surface of the whorl even to the base, 
exactly as in stagnalis. I have seen but a single 
weathered and broken specimen, which was sent me 


for examination by my friends Messrs. Collins and 
Barnes, of New York. It was found in Lake Supe- 
rior, by Mr Schoolcraft. 

Since writing the above, Mr. Jessup presented me 
with several specimens, which he collected in Ca- 
nandaigua and Cayuga lakes. 

5. L. *elodes, Shell oblong conic, gradually acu- 

minated, reticulate with transverse lines and longitu- 

dinal wrinkles; whirls rather more than six; spire 
acutely terminated; sutwre moderately impressed ; 
aperture shorter than the spire ; labrum, inner sub- 
margin reddish obscure ; labium, calcareous deposit 
rather copious, not appressed at base, but leaving a 
linear umbilical aperture; body whirl on the back 
longer than the spire. 
Inhabits Canandaigua Lake. 

Var. a. Whirls simply wrinkled across, the cal- 
careous deposit at base, appressed to the surface of 

the whirl. } 

This species was found by Mr. A. Jessup ; it bears 
the most striking resemblance to L. palustris. 
The variety was found by the same enterprising 
mineralogist at Morristown, New-Jersey. I have 
subsequently received specimens from Mr. S. B. 
Collins, of New-York, who procured them in a 
marsh near the Saratoga springs. 

6. L. *desidiosus. Shell oblong sub-conic ; whirls 
five, very convex, the fourth and fifth very small, the 
second rather large; suture deeply indented ; aper- 
ture equal to or rather longer than the spire; la- 


bium, calcareous deposit copious, not perfectly ap- 
pressed at base, but leaving a very smal! umbilical 

Inhabits Cayuga Lake. 

Length 7-20 of an inch. 

Found by Mr. Augustus Jessup. It is closely 
allied to E. elodes, but the whirls are more convex, 
one less in number, and the two terminal ones are 
proportionally smaller; the callus of the labium, 
also, near its inferior termination, is applied still 
more closely to the surface of the body whirl. 

7. L. *macrostomus. Shell sub-oval; whirls five, 
body whirl somewhat reticulated; suéwre not pro- 
foundly indented; spire about two-thirds of the 
length of the aperture, acute ; aperture much dilated ; 
labrum not thickened on the inner sub-margin. 

Inhabits Cayuga Lake. 

Length one half of an inch, and upwards. 

Imperfect specimens of this shell were found on 
the shore of Cayuga Lake by Mr. A. Jessup, but they 
are sufficiently entire, tuexhibit considerable similari- 
ty to some varieties of L. auricularius of Europe. 
It may readily be distinguished from L. catascopium, 
by its much more dilated aperture. 

8. L. *emarginatus. Shell rather thin, translu- 
cent; volutions four, very convex ; bedy whirl large; 
suture deeply impressed; spire somewhat eroded ; 
mouth two-thirds of the length of the shell. 

Length nearly 4-5 of an inch; of the mouth half 


Inhabits Lakes of Maine. 

This species was discovered by Mr. Aaron Stone. 
It is a rather larger, and considerably wider shell 
than L. catascopiwm, and the emargination visible on 
a profile view of the umbilical groove, is far more 

Genus Puysa. 

1. P. *gyrina. Shell heterostrophe, oblong; 
whirls five or six, gradually acuminating to an acute 
apex ; suture slightly impressed ; aperture more than 
one half, but less than two-thirds of the length of the 
shell; labrum a little thickened on the inner margin. 

Length rather less than one inch. 

Inhabits waters of the Missouri. 

Of this species, I found two specimens at Bowyer 
creek, near Council Bluff. It differs from P. hete- 
rostropha in magnitude, in having a more elon- 
gated spire, and less deeply impressed suture. 

2. P. *elongata. Shell heterostrophe, pale yel- 
lowish, very fragile, diaphanous, oblong; whirls six 
or seven; spire tapering, acute at the tip: suture 
slightly impressed; aperture not dilated, attenuated 
above, about half as long as the shell; columella 
much narrowed near the base, so that the view, may 
be partially extended from the base towards the 

Inhabits shores of Illinois. 
~ Length 7-10 inch. 

Greatest breadth 3-10 nearly. 


Anima deep black, immaculate, above and be- 
neath; tentaeula setaceous, a white annulation at 

in the fragility, of the shell, this species ap- 
proaches nearest to columella. It is very common 
in stagnant ponds on the banks of the Mississippi. 
When the shell includes the animal, it appears of a 
deep black colour, with an obsolete testaceous spot 
near the base on the anterior side. Its proportions 
are somewhat similar to those of P. hypnorum. 

P. heterostropha (Nicholson’s Encyc.) Is very com- 
mon in ponds of the Missouri as far as Council 

Genus CyciostToma, 

€. *marginata. Shell turreted, pale hora colour, 
or dusky, obsoletely wrinkled across; suture rather 
deeply impressed; volutions six; aperture mutic, 
sub-oval, truncated transversely above by the penul- 
timate whirls, nearly 1-3 the length of the shell; 
labium nearly transverse, colour of the exterior part 
of the shell; labrum equally and widely reflected, 
thick, white ; wmbilicus distinct. 

Inhabits Upper Missouri. 

Length 1-5 of an inch. | 

Size of Paludina lapidaria. Lister represents a 
species on plate 22 fig. 19, which, although rather 
larger, may possibly be intended for this species ; he 


denominates it “ Buccinum exiguum Rufum quing 
orbium.” This shell does not perfectly correspond. 
in character with Cyclostoma ; it is most probably a 
Pupa, and if so the specific name must be changed, 
as the present name is pre-occupied in that genus. 


V. tricarinata (Nicholson’s Encyc.) occurs in 
considerable numbers in ponds, in the vicinity of 
Council Bluff. 

Genus PALuDINA. 

1. P. *ponderosa. Shell somewhat ventricose, 
much thickened, olivaceous or blackish; spire not 
much elongated, much shorter than the aperture, 
eroded at tip, but not truncated ; whirls five, slightly 
wrinkled across ; suture profoundly impressedi; aper= 
ture sub-ovate, more than half the length of theshell ; 
Jabium with much calcareous deposit, and thickened 
into a callosity at the superior angle; within tinged 
with blue. 

Inhabits Ohio River. 

Greatest length one inch and 11-20. 

Transverse diameter one inch and 1-10. 

This shell is common at the falls of the Ohio, and 
is a very remarkably thick and ponderous species. 
It bears a striking resemblance to P. decisa, and has 
without doubt, been generally considered as the same ; 
but it differs from that species in being much more 


incrassated and heavy ; and although much decorti- 
cated and eroded upon the spire, the tip is not trun- 
cated. In the labrum also is a distinctive character ; 
by comparison this part will be perceived to be less 
arquated in its superior limb, than the corresponding 
part in decisa. 

2. P. *integra. Shell olivaceous, pale, conic ; 
whirls six, wrinkled across ; spire rather elongated, 
entire at the apex; suture profoundly indented ; 
aperture sub-ovate, less than half of the length of the 

Inhabits the waters of the Missouri. 

Length 1-4 inch. 

Very much resembles P. decisa, the spire how- 
ever is more elongated, and never truncated at the 
apex, but always: acute. 

3. P. *porata. ‘Shell obtusely-conic or subglo- 
bose; volutions four, convex, obsoletely wrinkled 
across; spire obtuse; labrum and labium equally 
rounded, meeting above in a sub-acute angle; the 
upper edge of the latter appressed to the preceding 
whirl; wmbilicus very distinct. 

Inhabits Cayuga Lake. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

This species which was found by Mr. Jessup, is 
rather larger and more globose than P. limosa to 
which it is allied, and has a more distinct umbilicus. 
It resembles P. decipiens of Ferrussac, but is much 
less acute, and rather smaller. 3 


4. P. *lustrica. Shell conic; whwls slightly 
wrinkled, convex: sufure profoundly indented; aper- 
ture oval nearly orbicular ; labrum with the superior 
edge not appressed to the preceding whirl, but sim- 
ply touching it; wmbilicus rather large, rounded. 

Length less than 1-10 of an inch. 

Cabinet of the Academy. 

The smallest species I have seen.. The aperture 
somewhat resembles that of a Valvata, to which ge- 
nus it may probably be referrible. Mr, Jessup ob- 
tained two specimens, on the shore of Cayuga Lake. 


1. M. *canaliculata. Shell tapering, born-colour ; 
volutions about seven, slightly wrinkled; spire to- 
wards the apex much eroded, whitish; body with a 
large obtuse groove, which is obsolete upon the 
whirls of the spire, in consequence of the revolution 
of the suture on its inferior margin; this arrange- 
ment permits the superior margin of thegroove, only, 
to be seen on the spire, in the form of an obtuse ca- 
rina on each of the volutions; aperture bluish-white 
within, with one or two obsolete revolving sangui- 
neous lines; labrum slightly undulated by the 
groove, and with a distinct sinus at the base of the 

Inhabits Ohio River. 

Length one inch and one tenth. 

Breadth 3-5 of an inch. 

_ Greatest transverse diameter more than 2-5, 


Very common at the Falls of the Ohio River. Tt - 
is probably the largest_species of this genus in the 
United States, and may be readily distinguished from 
its congeners by its broad groove. 

2. M. *elevata. Shell gradually attenuating to 
the apex, slightly and irregularly wrinkled, oliva- 
ceous ; suture not deeply impressed ; volutions nine 
or ten, with several more or less elevated revolving 
lines, of which one being more conspicuous gives the 
shell a carinated appearance; aperture oblique, 
equalling the length of the second, third, and fourth ~ 
yolutions conjunctly. 

Length one inch. 

Breadth two-fifths. 

Tnhabits Ohio River. 

Distinct from our other species, by the elevated re- 
volving lines. 

3. M. *conica. Shell conic, rapidly attenuating 
to an acute apex, very slightly wrinkled, olivaceous ; 
suture not deeply impressed; velutions seven or 
eight; aperture oblique, equalling the length of the 
second, third, and fourth whirls conjunctly. 

Var. a, With from one to three, revolving, rufus 
or blackish lines. 

Length nearly 3-5 inch. 

Of the aperture 1-4 inch. 

TInhabits Ohio River. 

May be readily distinguished from 4. virginica 


by the much more rapid attenuation of the spire, and 
in the proportional difference in the length of the 
aperture, which in the virginica is not more than 
equal to the length of the second and third whirls. 

4. M. *prerosa. Shell subglobular, oval, horn 
colour; volutions three or four, wrinkled across; 
spire very short, much eroded, in the old shell, so 
much so as to be sometimes not prominent above the 
body whirl, body whirl large, ventricese, with a very 
obtuse, slightly impressed revolving band; aperture 
suboval, above acute and effuse; within on the side 
of the exterior lip about four revolving purplish lines, 
sometimes dotted, sometimes obsolete or wanting; 
tabium thickened, particularly at the superior termi- 
nation near the angle, and tinged with purplish ; 
base of the columella somewhat elongated and in- 
curved, meeting the exterior lip at an angie. 

Length about 4-5.inch. 

Inhabits Ohio River. 

Found in plenty at the falls of the Ohio, the spire 
is remarkably carious in the older shells, and the 
penultimate whirl, between the aperture and the 
spire is also remarkably ereded in many older shells. 
The spire in the young shell is entire, and but little 
prominent though acute, and the bands are distinct on 
the exterior of the shell. This shell does not seem 
to correspond with the genus to which L have for the 
present referred it, and owing to the configuration of 

the base of the columella, if itis nota Melanopsis, 


it is probable its station will be between the genera 
Melania and Acathina. 1 propose for it the generic 
name of ANCULOSA. 

5. M. *armigera. Shelltapering, brownish-horr 
colour; volutions about six, slightly wrinkled ; spire 
near the apex eroded, whitish; body whirl with a 
revolving series of about five or six distant, promi- 
nent tubercles, which become obsolete on the spire, 
and are concealed by the revolution of the succeeding 
whirls, in consequence of which arrangement there 
is the appearance of a second, smaller, and more ob- 
tuse subsutural series of tubercles on the body whirl; 
two or three obsolete revolving reddish-brown lines ; 
aperture bluish-white within 5 a distinct sinus at the 
base of the columella. 

TInhabits Ohio River. 

Length about one inch. 

Distinguished from other N. American species, by 
the armature of tubercles. 


B. fluviatilis. Shell sub-oval, pellucid, pale yel- 
lowish white, finely wrinkled; volutions three ; body 
whirl large with a prominently carinated shoulder 
bounding the spire; spire perfectly flat or slightly 
concave, giving to the shell.a perfectly truncated ap- 
pearance in that part; aperture longer than the co- 
lumella, oblong-ovate, extending beyond the tip of 
the spire; umbilicus profound, edged by a slight 


Length of the aperture 1 5 of an inch. 

Greatest breadth somewhat less. 

Inhabits the River Delaware. 

This species seems te be rather rare; it was dis- 
covered by Mr. Aaron Stone, deeply imbedded im 
the mud; Mr. William Hyde of this city, has since 
found specimens of it, amongst some dead shells of 
other genera assembled in a small inlet of the river. 

Descriptions of rare plants recently introduccd inte 
the gardens of Philadelphia. By Tuomas Nut- 
TALL. Read March 5, 1822. 


Calix decemfidus, laciniis exterioribus reflexis. 
Corolla subcamparulata quinquelobata, lobis emar- 
ginatis, ad basin foveolis marginatis staminiferis. 
Stamina brevia, filamentis nudis. Capsula carnosa 
‘unilocularis bivalvis. Semina quatuor. 

Herba succulenta annua, caule triquetro; foliis al- 
ternis pinnatifidis, pedunculi longissimi uniflori op- 
positifolii et terminali subracemosi, racemis incurvis, 
fructibus deflexis. Corolla ezstivatione convoluta. 

Hydrophyllum affinis. — 
N. Phacelioides. 
Description. Root fibrous annual, but -more 
‘commonly biennial. Stem fragile, smooth, some- 

+ From yn0¢, a grove, and @asa, I leve, a plant peculiar to 
Shady woods. 


what tender and diaphanous, plano-convex, 12 to - 
18 inches long, branching from the base and decum- 
bent, possessing a tenaceous and elastic centre. 
Leaves alternate, pinnatifid, somewhat succulent, 
and on the upper surface a little scabrous, seg 
ments 5 or 6 pair, subovate, or lanceolate, acute, 
partly falcate, and presenting a few incisions; petiole 
ciliated, its internal base lanuginous. Peduncles one- 
flowered, terete, very long, sometimes near upon a 
span, and attenuated towards their extremities, at 
lirst remote, and coming out opposite the leaves, but 
at length, as the period of inflorescence advances, ap- 
proximating into a kind of raceme, which is prima- 
rily curved. Calix campanulate, ten-cleft, the seg- 
ments ovate and acute, ciliate, the larger connivent 
and erect, the exterior much smaller and reflected. 
Corolla pelviform-campanulate, flax flower blue, the 
lobes oval and naked, obliquely emarginated, before 
expansion convolute, the exterior base producing 10 
purple spots, the internal base furnished with five 
foveolate nectariferous cavities, with tomentose mar- 
gins, bearing the stamina. Stamina about half the 
length of the corolla, the filaments filiform and 
smooth; anthers sagitate-oblong, brownish-yellow. 
Style one, bifid, below hirsute. Capsule oval, co- 
vered by the connivent calix, somewhat hirsute, one- 
celled, four-seeded, the seeds by pairs alternately 
immersed in a fleshy succulent receptacle occupying 
the whole cavity of the capsule. 

Has. Inthe shady woods of Cedar prairie, ten 
miles from Fort Smith, and from thence in similar 


situations to the sources of the Pottoe. Flowering 
in May. 

It is a hardy biennial, the seeds germinate in au- 
tumn, and the seedlings after surviving the winter, 
flower in the succeeding spring. 


Calix simplex, quinquefidus. Capsule plurime 
monosperme in annula congestz. 

Habitu Sida cousimilis. 

C. digitata, glauca, foliis inferioribus pseudo- 
digitatis, subpeltatis, laciniis linearibus subdivisis 
glabriusculis, supremis tripartitis simpliciusque, pe- 
dunculis subracemosis longissimis. 

Has. In the open prairies near Fort Smith, in 
bushy places, not very common. Flowering in May 
and June. 

Description. Root tuberous, somewhat fusiform 
and perennial. Stem simple or sparingly branched, 
smooth and glaucous, about three to four feet high. 
Radical and lower leaves like those of a Delphinium 
- but the divisions partly peltate, the segments 8 or 9 
in number, 3 or 4 inches long, linear, simple, bifid 
and trifid, the primary radical ones occasionally 
somewhat hispid, the succeeding foliage smooth. 
Branchlets merely floriferous, naked, the peduncles 
a foot or more in length, attenuated and articulated a 
little below the calix, which is simple and 5-cleft, 
attenuated at its base, the segments ovate, acumi- 
nate. Flowers carmine red, about the size of those 


of the common cultivated Mallows; the petals ere- 
_nulate and distinctly unguiculate. Capsules one 
seeded, and roughened with depressed punctures, not 
spontaneously opening, and as in Malva and Althea 
disposed in a ring. : 

This genus, of which the species are hardy orna- 
mental and perennial, appears to afford an additional 
link of connection between the genera, Sida and 

Cultivated by Mr. William Dick in the garden of 
the University of Pennsylvania, by whom it has been 
dedicated to the author. 

Description and Analysis of the Table Spar, from 
the vicinity of Willsborough, Lake Champlam. 
By Larpner VanuxemM. Read March 5, 1822. 

This mineral, which by some was considered to be 
Ichthyopthalmite, and by others Grammatite, ap- 
pears in masses, composed of imperfectly tabular 
crystals, irregularly grouped together, of a white 
colour, and presenting a slight pearly lustre in al- 
most every direction in which it is viewed. ‘The 
crystals present natural joints, parallel toa quadran- 
gular prism, with a rhombic base, whose angles are 
about 94 and 86°; other cleavages again divide this 
prism according to the diagonals of its base; all the 
joints are easily separated with a knife, and all of 
these apparently presenting the same degree of 
smoothness and lustre: no joints are perceptible in 
the direction of the base. Itis fusible inte a transparent 


colourless glass. Hardness between common glass 
and carbonate of lime. Specific gravity 2. 89. Ac- 
companying this mineral are small grains.of cocce- 
lite, whose colour is brown and green; the former 
ones, no doubt belong to Garnet, the latter, from pos- 
sessing natural joints, seems to be a distinct sub- 

The mineral in question, forms a jelly with muri- 
atic acid: loses nothing by calcination, although 
maintained for half an hour at a red heat: on ex- 
amination, I found it to consist of Silex, of Lime, and 
a small quantity of oxide of Iron. Its analysis was 
made in the following manner. 

150 grains were boiled with muriatic acid, as long 
as any part appeared to be unattacked; water was 
then added and the solutionfiltered, the Silex an in- 
soluble part when calcined, weighed 77 1-2 grains. 
That no uncertainty should exist with respect to the 
quantity of Silex, it was a second time repeated upon 
another portion of the mineral, with precisely the 
same result. 

To the liquor from which the Silex had been se- 
parated, carbonate of ammonia was added until it 
ceased to give any further precipitate; this was se- 
parated by filtering, when well dried, it weighed 
424 grains; and consisted of carbonate of lime, 
slightly coloured with oxide of Iron. It was set aside 
for further examination. The ammoniacel liqnor 
was evaporated to dryness, then calcined; nothing 
remained but 4:1-2.grains of muriate of Lime, which 
had escaped decomposition. 


Sulphuric acid was added to the Carbonate of 
Lime, which converted it into Gypsum and dissolved 
the Iron mixed with it. It was filtered and the Iron 
so held in solution, was thrown down by ammonia 
thus separated and calcined, it weighed 2 grains. 

The result of this Analysis, gives us on estimating 
the quantity of lime by difference, 

Silex - - 77. 5 or percent. 61. 67 
Lime - heey (1 Mes, - - 47. 00 
Oxide of Iron - 2.0 - “ - 1. 35 

100. O 100. 00 

But as the Iron appears to be an accidental ingredi- 
ent in this mineral, the real composition of it will be, 

Silex 52. 362 Containing according to this § 26. 71 2 of oxi- 
Lime 47. 64§ presumed composition, 13. 38§ gen. 

100. 00 

Hence this mineral is a bisilicate of Lime, if the 
oxygenous composition of these earths be correct; 
the quantity of oxygen in the Silex being twice that 
contained in the Lime. 

From the external and other characters of this mi- 
neral, and from its chemical composition, it appears 
to be identical with the rare mineral called Schaal- 
stein or Table Spar, althongh according to the Ana- 
lysis of Klaproth, this mineral contains 5 per cent. 
ef water. But Berzelius in his new system of mine- 
ralogy published in 1819, at Paris, says, “ from ex- 


periments which I have had occasion to make with 
this mineral, L am induced to consider the water as 
accidental. I have examined very pure specimens 
of Table Spar, which did not contain any at all.” 


Geological and Mineralogical notice of a portion of 
the North-Eastern part of the State of New-York. 
By Avueustus E. Jessup. Read March 19, 1822. 

On the eastern, and a considerable part of the west- 
ern shore of Lake Champlain, as far north as Bur- 
lington in Vermont, shell Limestone is the only rock 
that appears; hence, I am induced to believe, that 
the bed of the lake rests on the Secondary or Fletz 
formation. ‘This rock extends in some places four 
and five miles from the lake on the eastern side, but 
is seldom found to extend more than a few paces from 
its western shore: it abounds with fossil reliquie ; 
such as Terebratulites, Encrinites, Orthoceratites, 
and Corallines. Its colour is generally biuish-gray. 
To the west, it appears to rest on the Primitive, and 
IT think, also tothe east. My reasons for supposing 
it to rest on the primitive, on the Vermont shore of 
the lake, are the following: 1st. That many of those 
minerals which occur in the vicinity of the western 
shore of the lake, are also found imbedded in the 
same rocks near the eastern shore. 2nd. Near 
Crown Point in New-York, are very extensive beds 
of magnetic oxide of iron, ana the same variety is 

also found north-east of this, near Vergennes in Ver- 

186 GEOLOGY, &c. OF A 

mont. I think that the Transition, does not inter- 
pose between the Primitive and Secondary forma- 
tions in this vicinity; or, if it does, but partially so. 
The hills in the vicinity of Lakes George and Cham- 
plain, extend in a line nearly north and south; they 
consist of detached masses, the tops of which are either 
rounded, er extend nearly in a horizontal line of 
greater or less extent; their sides are generally very 
abrupt; their height varies from five to fifteen hun- 
dred feet above the level of the adjacent lakes. 

At Essex in New-York, the hiils of Lake Cham- 
plain, retire from its western shore, about six miles ; 
their usual height at this place, is about eight hun- 
dred feet. Nine miles north-west of Essex, in the 
town of Willsborough is a detached mountain mass, 
which extends from east to west: on its northern 
face, near its base; is a bed of Garnet-resinite, in pri- 
mitive Trap: the bed is from six to ten feet in 
width ; it extends from South-east, to North-west, 
and dips towards the North-east, making an angle 
of inclination with the horizon, of about thirty-five 
degrees. ‘The Garnet resinite is accompanied by 
Tabular Spar, common massive, and granular Gar- 
net, and Pyroxene. ‘This locality was first visited 
in 1810, by Doct. William Meade ; by whose direc- 
tions | was enabled to find it. The Garnet resinite 
is also found imbedded in primitive Trap, at Char- 
lotte, in Vermont, eight miles east of Essex. 

Three miles south of the upper falls of Lake 
George, is an abrupt acclivity, the eastern face of 
which, presents a surface composed apparently of 


an entire rock, destitute of herbage, and constituting 
about three-fourths of the whole height of the moun- 
tain; which I suppose to be about twelve hundred 
feet. ‘The foot of this rock terminates abruptly at 
the margin of the lake, and extends along its shore 
for more than half a mile: it is commonly known by 
the name of Roger’s Rock. Near the northern ex- 
tremity of this reck, a spur sets out towards the east, 
which is apparently about two-thirds as high as the 
main body of the mountain: it is on this spur, that 
the following minerals occur either in veins, or im- 
bedded in primitive Trap, Sienite, or Carbonate of 
Lime; viz, Augite; Coccolite (Pyroxene-granuli- 
forme of Hauy); Sphene; granular and massive 
Garnet; and Plumbago. 

The primitive Trap is well characterised, the 
Hornblende being in distinct crystalline laminz, not 
unlike that which occurs in many places in the vicini- 
ty of Philadelphia, particularly at the head of the 
old canal road, on the Schuylkill, and onthe Brandy- 
wine, near Wilmington. The rock which I have 
called Sienite, is composed of Hornbleude, and com- 
pact Feldspar; it therefore differs from the common 
Sienite in as much, as the Feldspar does not possess 
a crystalline structure: the colour of the Hornblende 
is black, and greenish-black, that of the Feldspar is 
white and reddish-white, or flesh coloured: the pro- 
portion of the Hornblende is very small: this is the 
most abundant rock in the neighbourhood of this part 
of lake George. 

188 GEOLOGY, &c. OF A 

The Carbonate of Lime is white; its structure is 
coarse-grained, crystalline: the grains, which are 
generally about the size of a pea, after having been 
exposed to the action of the atmosphere, for a consi- 
derable length of time, are easily separated between 
the fingers. In one place I saw a bed of reddish- 
brown Serpentine, throughout which small specks 
of Bronzite were thickly interspersed; it was ap- 
parently situated in Sienite. It was impossible to 
ascertain the order of the strata; they appear to dip, 
towards the north-east and north, and were much 
interrupted and broken. 

Garnet Resinite. - 

This mineral, constitutes almostthe whole of the 
large bed in the primitive Trap at Willsborough, 
mentioned in the preceding Geological sketch ;_ its 
colour in the mass, is brownish-black and reddish- 
brown; by transmitted light, byacinth-red, inclining 
to crimson ; by exposure to the air, many specimens, 
become beautifully iridescent ; external lustre, semi- 
metallic ; internal, resinous : translucent: form, inde- 
terminable: fracture, slightly conchoidal: structure, 
coarse, and fine grained, and compacts grains feebly 
adhering. Specific Gravity 3. 52. 

Common Garnet. 

This accompanies the preceding: colour light hy- 
acinth-red: lustre, resinous: transparent: struc- 
ture, granular; in some specimens indistinctly la- 


mellar; grains, less than in the preceding variety : 
this is not abundant. 

Tabular Spar. 

This is found interspersed in small beds, in the 
bed of Garnet resinite, with which it is more or less 
intimately mixed. Colour, pure and greyish-white ; 
by exposure to the air, it becomes more opaque, than 
When first taken from the bed; lustre, pearly: the 
tables are semi-transparent: it occurs in tables con- 
fasedly intermixed ; a few of which have a tendency 
to the hexagonal form; this was noticed by Karsten 
in some of the European specimens of this mineral : 
the tables are longitudinally striated. It possesses 
a double cleavage, parallel to the sides of a slightly 
rhomboidal prism, its angles by the common gonio- 
meter are 93° and 87°; longitudinal fracture fibrous; 
transverse, uneven: scratches glass: moderately 
frangible: structure, crystalline: specific gravity 
2.98. Phosphoresces by friction and heat. 

Augite. First Variety. 

This accompanies the Garnet resinite and Tabu- 
lar Spar, among which it is sparingly interspersed, 
in grains, of about the size of a small pin’s head. 
As the term, Coccolite, has been applied to granular 
Pyroxene, it is probable, that this mineral ought to 
be classed under that name. Its colour in the grains 
is emerald green, in powder, greenish white: exter- 


nal lustre, dull; internal, glistening: semi-transpa- 
rent: scratches glass: cleavage, distinct. 

Augite Second Variety. 

This variety occurs at Roger’s Rock, near Ticon- 
deroga, associated with Feldspar, crystallized 
Sphene, and Plumbago. Colour of the mass, light 
blackish-green, by long exposure to the atmosphere, 
it becomes dark blackish-green; colour of the pow- 
der, greenish-white ; lustre, dull: opaque, in mass * 
in thin fragments, slightly translucent: form, regu- 
lar, octagonal prisms, generally without distinct ter- 
minal faces: I have one specimen on which there are 
two terminated crystals; but [ do not know that the 
form is described: it is an octagonal prism termi- 
nated by four faces, two of which correspond with 
the two principal faces of the Pyroxene sexoctagone 
of the Abbe Hauy ; the two other faces may be con- 
sidered as the result of a decrement upon the edges, 
formed by the junction of the third terminal face of 
the sexoctagone with the two principal ones above 
named: its cleavage, is imperfect: transverse and 

longitudinal fracture, splintery : fragments, angular: 
seratches glass: tough: structure, crystalline: the 

crystals vary from a few lines, to near three inches 
in diameter. Specific Gravity, 2. 33. 

Coccolite, (Pyrowene granuliforme of Hauy.) 

The geological position of this, is the same, as the 
preceding mineral; of which (both from its physical 


and chemical characters.) it may be considered as be- 
ing only avariety. ‘The south face of the bluff near 
Roger’s rock, presents an entire mass, which is com- 
posed principally of this mineral; its height is about 
fifty feet, and length eighty. 

Colour, light blackish-green, and black: lustre, 
generally feeble, sometimes resinous: semi-transpa- 
rent: fracture in mass, fine grained: scratches glass : 
structure, granular: the grains, which are small; in 
some specimens, adhere firmly, in others, feebly. It 
is accompanied by Sphene, Garnet, Carbonate of 
Lime, and Feldspar. 


This accompanies the Pyroxene and Coccolite. 
Tits colour is reddish and yellowish-brown: lustre 
resplendent: nearly transparent: crystalline: form 
dioctaedre of Hauy: that which occurs with the 
coccolite has no regular form. 

Granular Garnet. 

This accompanies the Coccolite ; and is also found 
in large masses unmixed with any other mineral: Ii 
has been called by some mineralogists, red Coc- 

Its colour is red, of various shades: grains small. 
and feebly adhering. 

Massive Garnet. 

This is found in large masses: it passes into the 
preceding variety. 


The Publishing Commitiee have great pleasure in 
acknowledging the very valuable donation lately re- 
ceived by the Academy from their president, Wil- 
liam Maclure, Esq. 

This donation includes many very rare, costly and 
splendid works on Natural History, which in addi- 
tion to those previously in the possession of the Aca- 
demy, many of which have likewise been presented 
by Mr. Maclure, constitute one of the most valuable 
and extensive Libraries of Natural History in the 
United States. 

The succeeding catalogue includes a part only of 
Mr. Maclure’s recent donation, the publication of the 
remainder is unavoidably postponed for the present. 
It will appear at the end of the volume, together 
with a list of donations to the Museum. 






(Continued from vol. Ist, page 493.) 

Acuarius (E.) Methodus qua omnes detectos Li- 
chenes, secundum organa carpomorpha, ad genera, 
species, varietatesque, redigere atque observationi- 
bus illustrare tentavit. Stockholm, 1803, 8vo. 

Aublet (F.) Histoire des plantes de la Guiane fran- 
Gaise rangées suivant la methode sexuelle, &Xc. 
Londres, 1775, 4 vols. Ato. 

Akerly {S.) The Geology of the Hudson river and the 
adjacent regions, &c. New York, 1820, 12mo. 
Audebert (I. B.) Histoire Naturelle des Singes et des 

Makis. Paris, 1800. Folio, (planches enluminées.) 

Albinus (F. B.) De Natura Hominis libellus. Lug- 
dini Batavorum, 1775, 8vo. 

Aldrovandus (U.) Monstrorum historia. Bononie, 
1642, fol. 

Bichoz (P. I.) Dictionnaire universel des Plantes, 










arbres et arbustes de la France. Paris 1770, 4vols. 

Buchoz (P. I.) Traité historique des plantes, qui croissent 

dans la Lorraine et les trois Evechés. Nancy, 1762, 
10 vols. 12mo. 

Histoire universelle du Regne Vegetal ou 
Nouveau Dictionnaire physique et economique, &c. 
Paris, 1775, 8 vols. fol. 

Barton (B. S.) Elements of Botany. 2d edition. Phi- 
ladelpbia, 1812, 2 vols. 8vo. 

Broom (I. M.) An address before the Philad. Society 
for promoting Agriculture, &c. Jan’y. 16, 1821, 

Bellevue (Fleuriaude) Memoire sur l’action du feu dans 
les voleans, &c. &c. Paris, an XIII. 

Bloch (M. E.) Ichthyologie, ou Histeire Naturelle, 

‘generale et particuiiere des Poissons, avec figures 
enluminées. Berlin, 1795, 12 vols. folio. 

Buffon (Leclerc de) et Daubenton. Histoire Natu- 
relle et particuliere avec la description du cabinet du 
Roy. Paris, 1749, 39 vols. 4to. . 

Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. Paris, 1770, 
10 vols. 4to. Planches enluminées. 

Brisson (_ ) Ornithologie, ou methode contenant la divi- 
sion des Oiseaux en ordres, &c. Paris, 1760, 6 vols. 

Belon ( ) U’Histoire de la Nature des Oyseaux avec 
leurs descriptions et naifs portraits. Paris, 1555, 

Blaine (D.) Notions Fondamentales de art vétéri- 
naire, traduit de anglais. Paris, 1803, 3 vols. 8vo. 

240, Beaujour (F. de.) Apercu des Etats Unis, au com- 

mencement du xixsiecle, Paris, 1814, 8vo. 


241. Boyle (R.) Philosophical works, &c. London, 1725, 
3 vols. Ato. : 

242, Bache (F.) System of Chemistry, &c. Philad. 1819, 
8vo. ; 

243. Casserius (I.) De vocis auditusque organis. Ferrarie, 

1680, fol. 

24%. Cleaveland (P.) An elementary treatise on Mineralogy 
and Geology, &c. Boston, 1816, 8vo. 

245. Cabanis (P. I. G.) Rapports du Physique et du moral 
de Vhomme. 2de Eslition, Paris, 1805, 8vo. 

246. Cloquet (I.) De la Squelétropée, ou de la preparation 
des os, des articulations, et de la construction des 
squelettes, &c. Paris, 1819, ato. 

247. ——-——— Recherches sur les causes et |’ anatomie des 
Hernies abdominales. Paris, 1817, Ato. 

248 Dodoneus (P.) Historie Frumentorum, Leguminosum, 
palustrium et aquatilium Herbarum &c. Antwer- 
plz, 1569, 8vo. 

249. Dioscoridis (P.) De Medicinali- Materia libri sex, 
Johanne Ruellis, Suessonienti interprete. Ed. 2a. 
Lugdini, 1552, 8vo. 

250. Desfontaines (R.) Flora Atlantica, &c. Parisiis, 1799, 
2 vols. 4to. 

251. Dreves et Hayne. Choix de Plantes d’Europe, &c. 
Leipzig, 1802, 5 vols. 4to. 

252. D’Agoty (G ) Collection des plantes usuelles, curieuses, 
et étrangéres, &c. Paris, 1767, folio. 

253. ————— Histoire naturelle, ou exposition generale de 
toutes ses parties, &c. re partie, Regne mineral. 
Paris, 1781, 4to. 

25% Duhamel( ) Traité des arbres et arbustes que l’on cul- 
tive en France en pleine terre, 2de. ed. Paris, $ 
vols. and2 nos. vol. 4. 








Dubourg, (J. D.) Essai sur les jardins avec les gravures 
lavées au bistre. Paris, 1791, pl. 

Dillenio (I. I.) Horti Elthamensis, &c. Lugdini Batavo- 
rum, 1774. Tomus secundus, fol. (1 vol. wanting.) 

Desmarets (A. G.) Histoire Naturelle des Tangaras, 
des Manakins et des Todiers. Paris, 1805, fol. 

———— Monographie des Mammiferes du genre des 
Phoques. Extrait du Nouv. Dict. d’Histoire Nat. 
Paris, 1818, 8vo. 

Daudin (F. M.) Traité elémentaire et complet d’ Or- 
nithologie, &c. Paris 1800, 2 vols. 4to. 

Histoire naturelle des Rainettes, des Gre- 
nouilles et des Crapauds. Paris, 1803, 4to. 

Dillwyn (L. W.) A descriptive catalogue of recent 
shells, &c. London, 1817, 2 vols. 8vo. 

Decandolle (A. P.) Plantarum Historia succulenta- 
rum ou Histoire des Plantes grasses, &c. Paris, 
1799, 26 livraisons, fol. 

Dambourney (I. A.) Recueil de procédés et d’experi- 
ences sur les teintures solides que nos vegetaux 
communiquent. Paris 1784, 4to. 

Destutt Tracy, (A. L. C.) Elémens d Idéologie. Paris, 
180%, 3 vols. 8vo. 

Du Buat (Chevalier) Principes d’Hydraulique verifiés, 
Paris, 1786, 2 vols, 8vo. 

D’Auteroche(C.) Voyage en Siberie fait en 1761. Paris, 
1768, 2 vols. folio. 

Eaton (A.) Index to the Geology of the northern states, 
2d edition. Troy, 1820, 12 mo. 

Férussac(Baron de) Concordance systematique pour les 
mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de la Grande Bre- 
tagne. (Extrait du Journal de Physique) Paris, 4to. 

Fer (N. de) Introduction 4 la Fortification. Paris, 1690, 









Fléchier (E’sprit) Recueil des Oraisons funebres, 
Paris, 1734,12mo 

Grew (N.) Anatomy of Plants, witha philosophical history 
of plants and several other lectures. London, 1682, 

Gmelin (I. G.) Flora Siberica, &c. Petropoli, 1747, 4 
vols. 4to. and 4 vol. folio plates. 

— Systema Nature per regna tria secundum 

classes, &c. Ed. 13a. Lipsia, 1788. 

Geoffroy-St.-Hilaire (E.) Philosophie Anatomique, 

Paris,1818, 1 yol. 8vo. et atlas. 

et F. Cuvier, Histoire Naturelle des Mam- 
miferes avec des figures enluminées, &c. — Paris, 
1519-20, 19 livraisons fol. 

Geoffroy ( ) Histoire Abregée des Insectes, dans laquelle 
ces animaux sont rangées suivant un ordre methodi- 
que. Paris, 1764, 2 vols. 4to. 

Gouan (A.) Histoire des Poissons, contenant la dés- 
cription anatomique de leurs parties externes, 
Strasbourg, 1770, 4to. 

Guyot (l’Abbé de) Histoire de France, representée par 
figures graveés par David. Paris 1787, 5 vols. 4to. 

Hoffman (G. F.) Deutschlands Flora oder betanisches 
taschenbuch fiir das jabr 1791, Erlangen, 18mo. 

Haller (A. von) Nomenclator ex historia plantarum indi- 
genarum Helvetie excerptus. Berne, 1769, 3vo. 

Hedwig (I.) Theoria generationis et fructificationis plan- 
taram cryptogamicarum Linnzi, Petropoli, 1784, 

Descriptio et adumbratio microscopica ana- 
lytica muscorum frondosorum necnon aliorum ve- 
getantiume classe cryptogamica, &c. Lipsiz, 1787, 
2 vols. fol. 







Hayden (H. H.) Geological essays, &c. Baltimore, 
1820, 8vo. 

Hamilton (Sir W.) Campi Phlegrcei, ou observations 
sur les volcans des deux Siciles. Paris, 1799, folio. 

D’Hancarville (__) Antiquités Etrusques, Grecques et 
Romaines gravées par David. Paris, 1785, 4 vols. 

Hassenfratz (I. H.) La Sidérotechnie, etc. Paris, 1812 
4 vols. 4to. 

Jacquini (N. J.) Hortus Vindobonensis, No. 1, 2, 3, 

Miscellanea Austriaca, etc. Vindobonz, 
1778, 2 vols. Ato. 
Jussieu (A. L.) Sur la famille des plantes Rubiacées 
Paris, 1820, 4to. 
Jefferson (T.) Description d’une oreille de Charrue. 
Paris, 4to. 

Jablonsky (C. G.) Natursystem aller bekannten in-und 
aus-landischen Insekten. Berlin, 1785, 3 vols. 8vo. 

Klein (I. T.) Historia Piscium naturalis. Gedani, 1740, 
Ato. . 

Kirby (W.) Monographia Apum Anglie, &c. Ipswich, 
41802, 2 vols. 8vo. 

Krafft (I. C.) Plans des plus beaux jardins pittoresques 
de France, d’Angleterre, xc. Paris, 1809, fol. 
L’Héritier (C. S.) Sertum Anglicum, seu plantz rari- 
ores, qué in hortis juxta Londinum &e. excoluntur ; 
ab anno 1786 ad 1787 observate. Parisiis, 1788, 


Specimen Botanicum, sistens descriptiones et 
icones specierum corni minus cognitarum. Parisiis, 
1788, folio. 

L’Arreatigui (1. D.) Description Botanique du Chiran- 
thodendron, &c. Paris, 1505, 4to. 


298 Le Vailliant (F.) Histoire Naturelle des oiseaux 
d’ Afrique, Paris, 1799—1805, & vols. folio. 

— HistoireNaturelle des Oiseaux de Paradis et 
Rolliers, suivie de celle des Toucans et des Barbus. 
Paris, 1806, 2 vols. fol. 

300 Laurentius (J.N. Specimen medicum, exhibens synopsin 
Reptilium. Vienna, 1768, 8vo. 

301 Leach W. E. Descriptions of the new species of ani-. 
mals discovered by his majesty’s ship Isabella on a 
voyage to the Arctic regions. (From the Wernerian 
Society trans. 8vo. 

302; —— Descriptions of some new genera and species, 

of animals discovered in Africa by T. E. Bowdich. 
(from the Wernerian soc. trans.) Svo. 

On the genera and species of Eproboscideous 
Insects, and on the arrangement of Oéestrideous in- 
sects, ‘from the Wernerian soc. trans.) 1817, Svo. 

304 ————— On the classification of the natural tribe of 

Insects Notonectidea with descriptions of the British 
species, (from the Linnean soc. trans.) 1815, 4to. 



305 Article Annulosa (from 1st vol. supplement 
to Encyclop. Brit.) 1816, 4to. 
306 ——-—— Zoological Miscellany, &ce. London, 1815 

3d vol. 

307 Lesueur (C. A.) Notice de quelques Poissons decouverts 
dans les Lacs du Haut Canada durantl’ été de 
1816, (extrait des Annal du Mus.) Paris, 4to. 

808 Legrand I G.) Monumens dela Grece ou collection des 
chefs d’ceuvres d’architecture, &c. Paris, 1808, fol. 

309. Lenoir (A’ Musée des Monumens Frangais, &c. Paris, 
1800, 3 vols. 

340 Laborde (A. de)Voyage pittoresque et historique de 
l’Espagne. Paris, 1806, folio, (imperfect. ) 



311 Lacépéde et Cuvier, La Menagerie du Muséum Nationaf 








d’ Histoire Naturelle, etc. Paris,;1801 , 24 livraisons, 
Lévesque (C.) Spectacle historique gravé par Godefroy, 
Paris, 3 livraisons, fol. 
Linné (C) Systema vegetabilium, &c. cura I. I. Gmelin. 
Lugdini, 1796, 2 vols 8vo. 
Genera Plantarum, &c. curante J. C. D. 
Schreber, editio octava. Francofurti ad Moenum, 
1789, 2 vols. 8vo. 
Systema Nature cura I. I. Gmelin, ed. 
13a. (the botanical portion only) Leipsic, 1791, 
2 vols. 8vo. 
— Systema Vegetabilium, &c. curante J. A. 
Murray, editio. 15a. Paris, 1798, 8vo. 
Species plantarum, fc. curante C. L. 
Willdenow, editio quarta post Reichardinianam 
quinta.: Berolini, 1800, 3 vols. 8vo. 
Ameenitates Academica, &c. editio tertia. 
Erlange, 1787, 9 vols. 8vo. 

Amenitates Academice volumen decimum. 
Accedunt C. Linné filii Dissertationes Academice 
Collect, &c. curante, J. C. D. Schreber. Erlange, 

1790, 8vo. 

Systeme sexuel des vegetaux, &c. Ie edition 

Francaise par N. Jolyclerc. Paris, 1798, 8vo. 

Philosophie Botanique dans laquelle sont 
expliqués les fondements de la botanique, traduit du 
Latin par F. A. Quesné, Paris, 1788, 8vo. 

Milbert (M. I.) Voyage pittoresque @ Isle de France,. 
au cap de Bonne Esperance et 4 I’ Isle de Teneriffe. 
Paris, 1812, 2 vols. 8vo. and4 vol. of plates. 

Marshall (H.) The American Grove, Philada. 1785, 


324 Michaux (A.) Flora boreali Americana, &e. Parisiis, 
1803, 2 vols. 4to. 

325 Malpighi (M. Opera omnia, figuris elegantissimis. Lon- 
dini, 1687, &e. Londini, 1697, Folio. 

326 Menard de la Groye (F. I. B.) Mémoire sur un nouveau 
genre de Coquille bivalve-equivalve, de la famille 
des Solenoides. Paris, 1807, 4to. 

327 Mertins (C. H.) Anatomiz Batrachiorum prodromus, &c. 
Hale, 8vo. 

328 Muller (O. F.) Zoologia Danica. Haunie, 1788-9, 
Folio. . 

329 Martin (W.) Petrificata Derbiensia, or figures and de- 
scriptions of Petrifactions, collected in Derbyshire. 
Wigan, 1809, 4tto. 

330 Moor (K.) The Hindu Pantheon. London, 1810, 4to. 

331 Marmontel ( ) Contes moraux. Paris, 1778, 3 vols. 

332 Oudry ( ) A quarto volume, containing 39 plates of 
animals engraved from the designs of Oudry. 

333 Ozanne ( ) Nouvelles vues perspectives des ports de 
France, &c. Paris, Folio. 

. 334 Pulteney (R.) Historical and Biographical sketches of 
the progress of Botany in England from its origin to 
the introduction of, the Linnean system. London, 
1790, 2 vols. 8vo. 

335 Pallas (P. 8.) Species Astragalorum, &c. Lipsiz, 1800, 

Ilustrationes plantarum imperfecte vel non- 
dum cognitarum, &c. Lipsiz, 1803, folio. 

337 Pomier ( ) Traité sur la culture des mutiers blancs, 
la maniere d’elever les vers a soie, &c. Orléans, 

1763, 8yo. 




Panza (G. W. F.) Faune Insectorum Germanice ini- 
tia. Nurnberg, 1796, 65 fasciculi, 42mo. 

Perrault () Memoires pour servir a Phistoire naturelle 
des animaux. Paris, 1671, folio. 

Piranesi () Statues Antiques et Ecole Italienne (vols. 
18 and 22 of his great work) folio. 

Paré (.A.) Discours sur la mumie, les venins, &e. Paris, 
1582, 4to. 

Priestley (1.) Experiments and observations on different 

kinds of air, Xe. Birmingham, 1790, 3 vols. 8vo. 

Parkes (S.) The Chemical Catechism. London, 1819, 
9th ed. 8vo. 

Roxburgh (W.) Flora Indica, edited by W. Carey M. 
D. with descriptions of plants recently discovered 
by N. Wallich M. D, vol. Ist, Serampore, 1820, 8vo, 

Réaumur (R. A.) Pratique de art de faire éclérre et 
Welever en toute saison des oiseaux domestiques de 
toutes especes. Paris, 1751, 42mo. 

Redouté (P. I.) Les Liliacés. Paris, 1802, 2 vols. folic. 

Rebentisch (I. F.) Index Plantarum circum Berolinum 
sponte nascentium, &c. Berolini, 1805, 8vo. 

Rizzi (F.) Memoria sull’abuso di cuocere il mosto, 1841, 

— Memoria sul prati artificiali. Napoli, 1818, 


Observazioni statistici sul cilento. Napoli, 
1809, 8vo. 

Memoria sul tempo della potatura delle viti. 
Napoli, 1810, 8vo. 
Sulle patati instruzione pratrichi composte 
della R. Soc. Economica di Principe Ulteriore per 
suo. de contadini. Avellino, 1847, 8yo. 


353 Rondelet (G.) L’Histoire entiere des Poissons. Lyons, 
1558, folio. 

354 Richerand (A.) Nouveaux elémens de Physiologie. 
Paris, 1801, 8vo. 

355 Sturm (I.) Deutschlands Flora in albindungen, nach der 
natur mit beschreibungen. Nurnberg, 1798, 
3 vols. 18mo. 

356 Scheeffer (I. C.) Fungorum qui in Bavaria et Palatinatu 
circa Ratisbonum nascuntur, &c, Ratisbone, 1762, 
4 vols. 4to. 

357 Spalding (L.) History of the Introduction and use of the 
Scutellana Laterifolia, as a remedy in preventing 
Hydrophobia. New-York, 1819, 12mo. 

358 Swartz (O.) Dispositio systematica muscorum frondosorum 
Suecia, &c. Erlange, 1798, 8vo. 

359 Scheidius (C. L.) Summi polyhistoris G. G, Leibnitii 
Protogea. Gottinge, 1749, 4to. 

360 Smith (W.) Stratigraphical system of organised fossils 
&c. London, 1817, 4to. 

361 Sonnini (C. 8S.) Histoire Naturelle génerale et particu- 
liere, par L. De Buffon. Paris, 1800, 129 vols. 

362 Seba (A) Locupletessimi rerum naturalium thesauri 
accurata descriptio, &c. Amsterdam, 173%, 8 vols. 

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365 Sowerby. (I.) The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, 
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366 Solvens (I, B.) Les Hindous. Paris, 1808, fol. 









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Encyclopédie Méthodique, ou par ordre des matieres; 
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D. C. H. Persoonii synopsi methodica, &c. London, 
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les nations, &c. Paris, 1790, #to. 

Histoire des Ordres monastiques, religieux et militaires 
et des congrégations séculaires. Paris, 1714, 8 vols, 

Galerie du Palais Royal, gravée d’apres les tableaux des 









differentes Ecoles qui les composent, &c. Paris, 1756, 
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Voyage Pittoresque de la Syrie, de la Phonicie, ke. 
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Recueil de Combats et Pexpéditions maritimes, conte- 
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Gravures historiques des principaux evenements depuis 
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Tableaux, Statues, Bas reliefs et Camées, de la Galerie 
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Munster Farmers Magazine, &c. Cork, 1842-18, 
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La petite maison rustique, ou cours théorique et pratique 
@agriculture, &c, Paris, 1805, 2de edition, 2 vols, 

Agriculture théorique et pratique. Paris, 1796, 4 vols. 

The Rural Socrates, or an account of a celebrated phi- 
losophical farmer, lately living in Switzerland and 
known by the name of Klyogg. Hallowell (Maine), 
1800, 8vo. 

Voyage minéralogique et physique de Bruxelles 4 Lau- 
ganne a travers le Luxembourg, &c. fait en 1782, 
par M. le Comte Grégoire de R.. «Lausanne, 1783, 

Taxidermy, or the art of collecting, preparing, and 
mounting Objects of natural history. London, 1820, 

Transactions of the Entomological society of London. 
Ist vol. London, 1812, 8vo. 

Galerie de Rubens, dite du Luxembourg, &c. avec 




explication historique et allégorique de chaque 
sujet. Paris, 1809, rolio. 

Antique Statues, 100 plates, 1638, folio. 

Port Folio, containing 24 coloured drawings of views 
in Italy. folio. 

Two Port Folios, containing 45 coloured drawings of 
antique figures. folio, 

Modes de France. folio. 

Recueil de Sculptures Antiques, Greeques, et Romaines. 
1754, Ato. 

Collection Universelle des Mémoires particuliers relatifs 
4 Phistoire de France. Londres, 1785-88, 48 vols. 

Les crimes de la Philosophie. Paris, 1804, 8vo. 

Lettres Greeques par le Rhéteur Aleiphron, ou anecdotes 
sur les moeurs et les usages de la Gréce, Amster- 
dam, 1785, 3 vols, 12mo. 

Lettres de Platon. Paris, 1797, 12mo. 

Les Lettres de Pline le jeune. Paris, 1760, 2. vols, 

Ald Répertoire, ou Almanach historique de la revolution 




Frangaise. Paris, 1798, 5 vols, 12mo. 
Principes de la Philosophie Naturelle. Geneve, 1787, 
2 vols. 8vo. 
Séances des Ecoles Normales., Paris, 9 vole. 8vo. 
Deébats Paris, 3 vols, 8vo. 
Dictionnaire portatif de Medecine, Paris, 1771, 12mo. 
Abregé du Dictionnaire Universel, Frangois et Latin. 
Paris, 1762, 3 vols. dato. 
American Journal of Sciences and Arts, by Benjamin 
Silliman, 4 vols, 8yo, 






With references to the numbers affixed in the foregoing Cata- 
logue to the books presented by them respectively. 

William Maclure, 222, 223, 225, 228, 229, 230, 234, 235, 236, 
237, 238, 239, 240, 245, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 
256, 257) 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 269, 270, 271, 272, 
275, 276, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 284, 285, 287, 288, 
290, 294, 295, 296, 298 299, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 
314, 315, 316, 317, 319, 320, 321, 324, 326, 328, 331, 
332, 333, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 345, 346, 347, 
353, 354,355, 356, 358, 361, 362, 366, 367, 368, 370, 
371, 372, 374, 375, 276, 377, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 
384, 385, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 397 
398, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412 
A138, 414, 415, 416,417, 418. 

American Philosophical Society, 265. 

Lyceum of Natural History, New York, 386. 

Cork Institution, 396. 

His Excellency, M. Correa de Serra, 401. 

James Sealy, Dublin, 293, 334, 373, 402. 

W. E. Leach, MD. London, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 363 

C. A. Le Sueur, 307. 

.G. Troost, MD. 313. 



M. J. Milbert, 322. 

N. Wallich, MD. Calcutta, 344, 378. 
Thomas Gilpin, 369. 

Benjamin Warner, 388. 

John Vaughan, 399. 

R. P. La Roche, MD. 297. 

F. Rizzi, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352. 
Z. Collins, 360, 364, 400. 

S. Calhoun, MD. 325. 

C. H. Mertins, 327. 

‘R. Harlan, MD. 330. 

J. Pierce, 342. 

S. Parkes, London, 343. 

J. Cloquet, Paris, 246, 247. 

F. Bache, MD. 242. 

Samuel L. Mitchell, New York, 224, 357. 
_J. Speakman, 82, 231. 

Thomas Say, 232, 323. 

A. G. Desmarets, Paris, 258. 
Amos Eaton, 267. 

Baron de Ferussac, 268. 

E. Geoffroy-St-Hilaire, Paris, 274: 
H. Hayden, Baltimore, 283. 

J. H. Hassenfratz, Paris, 286. 

A. L. Jussieu, Paris, 289. 

J. Eberle, MD. 291. 

Benjamin Silliman, 420. 

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