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IN  SIX  V0LU31ES  : 

VOL.  L  — PART  IL 




H.   S.   BAYNES    AND    CO.,    EDINBURGH 







p^.  ^ 



Poppln's  Court,  neet  Street. 













The  Record  of  Card.  Adrixtn^s  Oath  of  Fidelity  to  Henry  VIl, 
for  the  Bishopric  of  Bath  and  Wells. 

(Treat.  Rolls.) 

Henricus  Rex,  &c.  Reverend,  in  Christo  Patri  Domino 
Sylvestro  Episcop.  Wigorn.  venerabili  viro  Domino  Ro- 
berto Sherbourn  Ecclesiae  Sancti  Pauli  London,  decano, 
nostris  in  Romana  curia  oratoribus,  ac  Magistro  Hugoni 
Yowng  Sacrae  Theologiae  Professori,  salutem.  Cum  omnes 
et  singuli  Archiepiscopi  et  Episcopi  hujus  nostri  inclyti 
Regni,  quorum  omnium  nominationes,  et  promotiones,  ad 
ipsas  supremas  dignitates,  nobis  attinent  ex  regali  et  pecu- 
liari  quadam  Praerogativa,  iureq;  municipali,  ac  inveterata 
consuetudine,  hactenus  in  hoc  nostro  Regno  inconcusse  et 
inviolabiliter  observata,  teneantur  et  astringantur,  statim 
et  immediate  post  irapetratas  Bullas  Apostolicas,  super  eo- 
rundem  promotione  ad  ipsam  nostram  nominationem,  co- 
ram nobis  et  in  praesentia  nostra,  si  in  hoc  Regno  nostro 
fuerunt,  vel  coram  Commissariis  nostris,  ad  hoc  sufficienter 
et  legittime  deputatis,  si  alibi  moram  traxerunt,  non  solum 
palam,  publice,  et  expresse,  totaliter  cedere,  et  in  manus 
nostras  renunciare  omnibus,  et  quibuscunq;  verbis,  clau- 
sulis,  et  sententiis  in  ipsis  Bullis  Apostolicis  contentis,  et 
descriptis,  quae  sunt,  vel  quovis  modo  in  futurum  esse  po- 
terunt,  praejudicialia,  sive  damnosa,  nobis,  hasredibusq;  de 
corpore  nostro  legittime  procreatis  Angliae  regibus,  Coronas 
aut  Regno  nostro,  juribus  vel  consuetudinibus  aut  Praero 
gativis  ejusdem  Regni  nostri,  et  quoad  hoc  totaliter  seipsos 
submittere  et  ponere  in  nostra  bona  venia  et  gratia :  sed 
Vol.  T,  Part  II.  R 


etiam  juramentum  fidelitatis  et  homagii  ad  Sancta  Dei 
Evangelia,  per  eosdem  respective  corporaliter  tacta,  nobia 
facere  et  preestare  :  Cumq;  nos  ob  praeclara  merita  eximi- 
asq;  yirtutes  quibus  Reverendissiraum  in  Christo  Patrem, 
Dominum  Adrianum  tituli  Sancti  Chrisogoni  Presbyterum 
Cardinalem,  abunde  refertum  conspicimus,  obq;  diutur- 
num  et  fidele  obsequium  per  ipsum  Cardinalem  nobis  fac- 
tum et  impensum,  eundem  ad  Ecclesias  Bathon.  et  Wellen. 
invicem  unitas  nominavimus  et  promovimus,  qui  idcirco  et 
ob  id  quod  in  curia  Romana  continue  moram  trahit,  non 
potest  commode  hujusmodi  renunciationem  et  juramentum 
coram  nobis  personaliter  facere  et  praestare  :  Hinc  est  quod 
nos  de  fidelitatibus  vestris  et  provida  circumspectione,  ad 
plenum  confidentes,  dedimus,  et  concessimus,  ac  per  prae- 
sentes  damus  et  concedimus,  vobis,  tribus  aut  duobus 
vestrum,  quorum  prsefatum  Episcopum  Wigorn.  unicum 
esse  volumus,  plenam  potestatem  et  autoritatem,  vice  et 
nomine  nostris,  hujusmodi  renunciationem  in  manus  ves- 
tras,  et  juramentum  ad  Sancta  Dei  Evangelia  corporaliter 
tacta,  juxta  formam  et  verum  tenorem,  de  verbo  in  verbum 
inferius  descriptum,  ab  eodem  Reverendissimo  Domino 
Cardinali  recipiendi,  exigendi,  et  cum  efFectu  prsestari  vi- 
dendi ;  ipsumqj-  Cardinalem,  ut  hujusmodi  renunciationem 
et  juramentum  per  ipsum  sic  ut  permittatis  fiendum,  et 
prsestandum,  manu  et  subscriptione  suis  signet,  et  muniat, 
requirendi,  et  ut  ita  fiat  cum  etfectu  videndi,  literas  quoq; 
et  instrumenta  publica  super  hujusmodi  renunciation^,  et 
juramento  fieri  petendi,  et  notarium  sive  notaries  publicos, 
unum  vel  plures,  ut  ipsa  instrumenta  conficiant :  Necnon 
testes  qui  tunc  praesentes  erunt,  ut  veritati  testimonium 
perhibeant  rogandi  et  requirendi,  ipsaq;  juramentum  vel 
instrumenta  taliter  fienda,  verum  ordinem  rei  gerendae,  et 
renunciationis  ac  juramenti  tenores  in  se  continens  vel  con- 
tinentia,  nobis  destinandi  et  transmittendi  :  Et  generaliter 
omnia  et  singula  faciendi,  gerendi,  et  exercendi,  quae  in 
praedictis  et  quolibet  praedictorum  necessaria  fuerint,  seu 
quomodolibet  opportuna,  ac  quae  rei  qualitas  exigit  et  re- 
quirit,  et  quae  nosipsi  facere  et  exercere  possemus  si  prae- 
sens  et  personaliter  interessemus,  etiam  si  talia  forent  quje 
de  se  mandatum  exigant  magis  speciale.  Tenor  Renuncia- 
tionis sequitur  et  est  talis  :  Ego  Adrianus  raiseratione  di- 
vina  tituli  Sancti  Chrisogoni  Presbyt.  Cardinalis  Episcopus 
Bathon.  et  Wellen.  coram  vobis  Reverendo  Patre  Epis- 
copo  Wigoin.  Domino  Roberto  Shurborno  decano  Sancti 
Pauli  London,  et  Hugone  Yowng  in  Theologia  Professore, 
Commissariis  ad  hoc  a  serenissimo  atq;  excellentissimo 
Principe  Domino  Henrico  Dei  Gratia  Rege  Angliae,  et 


Franciae,  et  Domino  Hibernias,  ejus  nominis  septimo,  Do- 
mino meo  supremo,  sufficienter  et  legittime  deputatis,  ex- 
presse  renuncio,  et  in  his  scriptis  manu  et  sigillo  meis  in 
praesentia  notariorum  et  testium  subscriptorura  munitis, 
totaliter  cedo  omnibus  et  quibuscunq;  verbis,  clausulis,  et 
sententiis,  in  buUis  Apostolicis  mihi  factis  de  praedict.  Epi- 
scopal. Bathon.  et  Wellen.  contentis  et  descriptis,  quae  sunt 
vel  quovis  modo  in  futurum  esse  poterint  praejudicialia  sive 
damnosa  prasfato  serenissimo  Regi,  Domino  meo  supremo, 
et  haeredibus  suis  de  corpore  suo  legittime  procreatis  Angl. 
Regibus,  Coronas  aut  Regno,  sive  iVIajestatis  Juribus  vel 
consuetudinibus,    aut    Praerogativis    ejusderri    Regni :    et 

Juoad  hoc  me  integraliter  submitto  et  pono  in  gratia  suae 
lelsitudinis  humiUime  supplicans  suam  Majestatera,  dig- 
netur  mihi  concedere  temporalia  dicti  Episcopatus  Bathon. 
et  Wellen.  quae  recognosco  tenere  a  sua  Maj estate  tan- 
quam  a  Domino  meo  supremo.  Tenor  Juramenti  sequi- 
tur  et  est  talis :  Et  ego  idem  Adrianus  Cardinalis  prae- 
dictus  Juro  ad  haec  Sancta  Dei  Evangelia  per  me  corpora- 
liter  tacta,  quod  ab  hac  die  et  in  antea,  vita  mea  natural! 
durante,  ero  fidelis  et  verus  ligens,  ac  fidelitatem  in  ligen- 
cia  mea  pure  et  sincere  servabo,  fideleq;  et  verum  obse- 
quium  secundum  optimum  posse  meum  faciam  et  impend- 
am  serenissimo  Principi  Henrico  ejus  nominis  septimo, 
Dei  Gratia  Angl.  et  Fran.  Regi  ac  Domino  Hiber.  Domino 
meo  supremo,  et  haeredibus  suis  de  corpore  suo  legittime 
procreatis  Angl.  Regibus,  contra  quascunq;  personas,  cu- 
juscunq;  status,  gradus,  praeeminentia;  aut  conditionis 
extiterint:  nee  quicquam  faciam  aut  attemptabo  fieri,  ne 
aut  attemptari  consentiam,quod  in  damnum,  incommodum, 
aut  praejudicium,  ipsius  serenissimi  Regis  aut  haeredum 
suorum  praidictorum,  jurium,  libertatum,  Praerogativarum, 
privilegiorum  et  consuetudinura  sui  incliti  Regni,  quovis 
modo  cedere  polerit ;  sed  omne  id  quod  jam  scio,  vel  im- 
posterum  cognoscam  inhonorabile,  damnosum  aut  praeju- 
diciale,  suae  Serenitati,  aut  Regno  suo,  seu  contrarium 
honori  aut  Serenitati  suae  Majestatis,  aut  haeredum  suo- 
rum  praedictorum,  non  solum  impediam  ad  extremum 
potentiae  meae,  sed  etiam  cum  omni  possibili  diligentia  id 
ostendam  et  significabo,  ostendive  aut  significari  faciam 
eidem  serenissimo  Regi,  omni  favore,  metu,  promisso  aut 
Jurejurando  cuicunq;  personae  aut  quibuscunq;  personij^ 
cujuscunq;  status,  gradus,  ordinis,  prseminentiae,  condv» 
tionisve  extiterunt,  quod  antehacperme  factum  aut  Interpol 
situm  seu  imposterum  fiendum  aut  interponendum,  penitus 
sublato  et  non  obstantibus.    Ilonoreminsupersvae  Majestaii 


ad  extremum  potentijE  meae  servabo,  Parliamentis  quoq; 
et  aliis  Consiliis  suae  Celsitudinis  cum  in  ejus  Regno  fuerc 
diligenter  attendam ;   Consilium  quod  sua  Serenitas  per  a 
ecu  literas  aut  nuncium  suum  mihi  manifestabit,  nemii 
pandam,  nisi  iis  quibus  ipse  jusserit :   et  si  consilium  meui 
super  aliquo  facto  Majestas  sua  postulaverit,  fideliter  sil 
consulam,  et  quod  magis  suae  Serenitati  videbitur  expedii 
et  conducere  juxta  opinionem  et  scire  meum,  dicam  et  ape 
liam,  atque  id  si  sua  Serenitas  mandaverit  pro  posse  me 
diligenter  faciam.    Causas  insuper  et  negotia  omnia  suj 
Serenitatis  mihi  commissa,  seu  imposterum  committenda 
in  Curia  Romana  prosequenda,  pertractanda  et  solicitanda^ 
fideliter,  accurate  et  diligenter,  cum  omnimoda  dexteritat" 
prosequar,  pertractabo  et  solicitabo :   Bullasq;  et  alias  Li- 
teras Apostolicas  validas  et  efficaces,  in  debita  Juris  forma, 
super  eisdem  causis  et  negotiis  impetrare  et  obtinere  absq; 
fraude,  dolo  aut  sinistra  quavis  machinatione  quantum  in 
me  erit,  cum  omni  effectu  enitar,  operam  dabo  et  conabor  : 
ac  easdem  taliter  expeditas,  cum  ea  quam  res  expostulat 
diligentia,  suae  Serenitati,  transmittana  aut  per  alios  trans- 
raitti,  tradi  et  liberari  curabo,  et  faciam.    Servitia  quoq; 
et  homagia  pro  temporalibus  dicti  Episcopatus,  quae  recog- 
nosco  tenere  a  sua  Celsitudine  tanquam  a  Domino  meo  su- 
premo, fideliter  faciam  et  implebo.    Ita  me  Deus  adjuvet  et 
haec  Sancta  Dei  Evangelia.     In  cujus,  &c.  T.  R.  apud 
Westm.  13  die  Octob. 

Per  ipsum  Reoem. 


Pope  Julms's  Letter  to  Archbishop  iVarham,  for  giving  King 
Henry  VIII  the  Golden  Rose. 

(Registrum  Warhami,  Fol.  26.) 

Julius  Secundus  Papa  venerabili  Fratri  Guilielmo 
Archiepiscop.  Cantuarien. 
Venerabilis  Frater,  salutem  et  Apostolicam  Benedic- 
tionem.  Charissimum  in  Christo  Filium  nostrum  Hen- 
ricum  Anglias  Regem  Illustrissimum,  quem  peculiari  cha- 
ritate  complectimur,  aliquo  insigni  Apostolico  munere  in 
hoc  R€gni  sui  primordio,  decorandum  putantes,  mittimus 
nunc  ad  eum  Rosam  Auream,  Sancto  Chrismate  delibu- 


tarn,  et  odorifero  Musco  aspersam,  nostrisq;  manibus  de 
more  Roraanorum  Pontificum  benedictam,  quam  ei  a  tua 
Fraternitate  inter  Missarum  solemnia  per  te  celebranda 
cum  caeremoniis  in  notula  alligata  contentis,  dari  volumus 
nostra  et  Apostolica  benedictione.  Datum  RomaB  apud 
Sanctum  Petrum  sub  Annulo  Piscatoris,  5  April.  1510. 
Pontificatus  uostri  Anno  septimo. 


The  Note  of  the  Ceremonies  of  deliuering  the  Rose,  referred  to  in 
the  Letter,  was  not  thought  worthy  to  beput  in  the  Register, 


A  Writ  for  Summoning  Convocations. 
(Tonst.  Regist.  Fol.  33.) 

Rex,  &c.  Reverendissimo  in  Christo  Patri  Cantuarien. 
Archiepis.  totius  Angliae  Primati  et  Apostolicae  sedis  Le- 
gato, salutem.  Quibusdam  arduis  et  urgentibus  negotiis, 
Nos,  defensionem  et  securitatem  EcclesiaB  Anglicanae,  ac 
pacem,  tranquillitatem,  et  bonum  publicum,  et  defensionem 
llegni  nostri  et  subditorum  nostrorum  ejusdem  concernenti- 
bus,  vobis  in  fide  et  dilectione  quibus  nobis  tenemini  ro- 
gando  mandamus,  quatenus  praemissis  debito  intuitu  atten- 
tis  et  ponderatis,  universes  et  singulos  Episcopos  vestrae 
Provinciae,  ac  Decanos  et  Priores  Ecclesiarum  Cathedra- 
lium,  Abbates,  Priores  et  alios  Electivos,  exemptos  et  non 
exemptos,  necnon  Archidiaconos,  Conventus,  Capitula,  et 
Collegia,  totumq;  Clerum,  cujuslibet  Dioceseos  ejusdem 
Provinciae,  ad  conveniendum  coram  vobis  in  EcclesiaSancti 
Pauli  London,  vel  alibi  prout  melius  expedire  videritis, 
cum  omni  celeritate  accommoda,  modo  debito  convocari 
faciatis  ad  tractandum,  consentiendum,  et  concludendum 
super  praemissis,  et  aliis  quae  sibi  clarius  proponentur,  tunc 
et  ibidem  ex  parte  nostra.  Et  hoc,  sicut  Nos  et  statum 
Regni  nostri,  et  honorem  et  utilitatem  Ecclesiae  praedictae 
diligitis,  nullatenus  omittatis.  Teste  meipso,  &c.  apud 
Westminst.  6  Feb.  Anno  Regni  14. 
Warham,  in  his  Writ  of  executing  this  Summons,  prefixes  the 
'2f)lh  of  April  for  the  day  of  their  meeting. 

B  3 



A  Writ  for  a  Convocation  mmmoned  by  Warham  on  an 
Ecclesiastical  Account, 


(Regist.  Fitz- Williams.) 

WiLLiELMus  permissione  divina  Cantuar.  Archiepiscopus 
totius  Angliae   Primas  et  Apostolicae  sedis  Legatus,   vene- 
.rabili  contratri  nostro  Domino  Ricardo  Dei  Gratia  London. 
Episcopo,  salutem    et   fraternara    in   Domino    caritatem. 
Cum    nuper  Ecclesia  Anglicana,    quae    majorum    nostro- 
rum  temporibus,  multis  ac  magnis  libertatibus  et  immu- 
nitatibus  gaudere  solebat,  quorundam  iniquorum  hominum 
malitiis,  et  nequitiis  fortiter  fuerit  inquietata  et  perturbata, 
qui  omnia  quae  a  majoribus  nostris  sancte  et  pie,  ob  tran- 
quillitatem  dictse  Ecclesiae,  fuerunt  ordinata  ac  sancita,  vel 
prava  et  sinistra  interpretatione  prope  subwrtentes,  vel 
personas  Ecclesiasticas  male  tractantes,  ac  eas  contemptui 
habentes,  dictam  Ecclesiam  pene  prostraverunt  ac  pedibus 
conculcarunt :    Ne  igitur  dicta  Ecclesia  Anglicana  ad  cala- 
mitatem  insignera  seu  ruinam  ac  jacturam,  et  quod  absit, 
desolationem  perveniat,  quas  diu  eadem  Ecclesia  Anglica- 
na per  diversas  personas,  ut  praefertur  prae  oculis  suis  Deum 
non  habentes,  nee  censuras  Sanctae  Matris  Ecclesiae  timen- 
tes,  sustinuit  et  sustinebat,  prout  de  verisimili  Reformatione 
non  habita  in  futurum  sustinere  debeat ;  Nos  prout  tene- 
mur,  con^ruum  remedium  in  hac  parte  providere  cupientes, 
et  ob  id  ipsum  Praelatos  et  Clerum  nostras  Cantuar.  Pro- 
vinciae  convocare  volentes ;  Fraternitati  vestrae  igitur  com- 
mittimus  et  mandamus,  quatenus  omnes  et  singulos  dictae 
nostrae  Cant.  EcclesisE   SufFraganeos  infra  nostram   Pro- 
vinciam  constitutes,  et  absentium  Episcoporum  si  qui  fue- 
runt Vicarios  in  Spiritualibus,   generales,   ac  Diocesium 
vacantium   Custodes   Spiritualitatis,    et    Officiales    citetis 
seu   citari  facialis,  peremptorie,  et  per  eos  Decanos  et 
Priores  Ecclesiarum    Cath.    ac    singula  Capitula    corun- 
dum, Archidiaconos,  Abbates  et  Priores,  Conventus  sub 
se  habentes,  et  alios  Ecclesiarum  Praelatos  exemptos,  et 
pon    exemptos,    Clerumq;   cujuslibet    Dioceseos   Provin- 
ciai   nostrae   antedictas,   citari   peremptorie   et   praemoneri 
volumus  et  mandamus.  Quod  iidem  Episcopi  Suffraganei, 
nostri  Vicarii  Generales,   Decani  et  Custodes  sive  Offici- 
ales, Abbates,  Priores,  Archidiaconi  ac  caeteri  Ecclesiarum 
Praelati,  exempti  et  non  exempti,  personaliter,  et  quodli- 
bet  Capitulum  Ecclesiarum  Cath.  per  unum  de  Capitulo 


graduatum,  vel  magis  idoneum,  dictiq;  singuli  Abbates, 
sive  Priores,  Conventus  sub  se  habentes,  nullo  obstante 
impedimento  legittimo,  per  unam  Religiosam  personam  de 
Conventu  graduatam  si  quae  sit,  ceu  alias  per  unam  magis 
idoneam  de  eodem  Conventu,  Cierusq;  cujuslibet  Dioc. 
Provincias  antedictae  per  duos  procuratores  graduato  ejus- 
dera  Dioc.  seu  alias  si  non  fuerunt,  per  duos  sufficientiores 
et  habiliores  Dioc.  in  eonim  Beneficiis  realiter  residentes, 
compareant  coram  nobis  aut  nostris  in  hac  parte  locumten- 
entibus,  vel  Commissariis  si  tios  tunc  (quod  absit)  impediri 
contigerit  in  Ecclesia  Cathed.  Sancti  Pauli  London,  die 
Sabbat,  viz.  26.  merxsis  Januarii,  &c.  Dat.  in  Manerio  nos- 
tro  de  Lambeth,  primo  die  mensis  Novembris  Anno  Do- 
mini millesimo  quingentesimo  nono,  et  nostras  Translat. 
Anno  sexto. 


Tlie  Preamble  of  the  Act  of  Subsidy  granted  by  the  Clergy. 

(Anno  Dom.  1523.  Regist.  Cuthberti  Tonstall.  Folio  40.) 

QuuM  lUustrissimus  et  Potentissimus  Dominus  noster  Rex 
Angliae  et  Franciae,  Defensor  Fidei  et  Dominus  Hibem. 
semper  extitit  constantissimus  Ecclesiae  Protector  et  Pa- 
tronus  optime  meritus,  atq;  superioribus  annis,  in  diebus 
fcelicis  recordationis  Julii  ejus  nominis  Papae  secundi,  grave 
Schisma  in  Ecclesia  Romana  exortum  pacavit  et  extinxit ; 
et  postea  ipsam  Ecclesiam  Romanam  contra  vim  et  poten- 
tiam  Gallorum,  qui  tunc  Italiam  et  Urbem  Romanam  in 
servitutem  redigere  moliebantur,  validissimo  excercitu  et 
bello  llonge  omnium  sumptuosissimo  foeliciter  defendit,  et 
securam  reddidit :  Ac  praeterea  postremis  his  diebus  Lu- 
theranas  Haereses,  in  Ecclesiae  Sacramenta  Ecclesiaeq;  sta- 
tum  furiose  debaccantes  doctissimo  et  nunquam  satis  laudato 
libello  contudit  et  superavit ;  vicissim  tam  gladio  quam  ca- 
lamo  hostes  Ecclesiae  strenuissime  profligans,  quibus  meritis 
suam  clarissimam  famam  immortali  gloriae  pariter  consecra- 
vit,  tales  laudes  et  gratias  sua  incomparabili  bonitate  ab 
Ecclesia  promeruit,  quales  nunquam  satis  dignas  quisquam 
mortalium  referre  poterit,  sed  Deus  affatim  persolvet  praemia 
digna.  Quumq;  idem  Rex  noster  et  Protector  illustrissi- 
mus  a  Rege  Gallorum  per  Mare  et  per  Terras,  incolas 
hujus  Regni  contra  percussum  fcedus,  promissam  fidera,  et 
suum  ipsius  salvum  conductum  assidue  infestante,  et  Scotos 
contra  Regnum  hoc  instigante  ac  suis  stipendiis  condu- 
cente,  atq;  ducem  Albaniae  in  perniciem  principis  Scota- 


rum  nostri  Regis  ex  sorore  Nepotis  impellente,  aliasq;  in- 
jurias  multas  et  graves  contra  Regiam  Majestatem  suos^;^ 
amicos  et  subditos  quotidie  multiplicante,  provocatur,  irn-«^l 
tatur  atq;  urgetur  ut  bellum  suscipiat,  suumq;  RegnurtpH 
tam  contra  Gallos  quam  contra  Scotos  ut  decet  imvictissi- 
mum  Principem  potenter  defendat ;  non  enim  ultra  pacem 
colere  vel  pacem  longius  expectare  convenit  postquam  Rex 
Gallorum  summum  Pontificem  bene  moventem,  et  quae 
pacis  sunt  suadentem,  audire  recusat,  exercitum  instruens 
et  belluoi  apparans,  fortassis  in  raultos  annos  duraturum : 
di  gnissimum  est  ob  praefata  tam  praeclara  facinora,  ut  sicut 
Rex  noster  illustrissimus  plus  caeteris  Regibus  antecessori- 
bus  fuis  pro  Ecclesiae  defensione,  utilitate  et  honore  insu- 
davit,  et  plus  expensarum  sustinuit ;  ita  ad  sustinenda  bello- 
rum  onera  imminentia,  pro  Ecclesiae  et  totius  Regni  hujus 
defensione,  per  Ecclesiam  tali  subsidio  adjuvetur  quale  an- 
terioribus  Regibus  nunquam  antehac  concessum  est,  nee 
fortassis  posterioribus  Regibus  unquam  simile,  nisi  ob  talia 
benefacta  vel  extremam  bellorum  necessitatem  postea  con- 
cedetur.  Quocirca  ut  Regia  Majestas  ad  fovendam  et  pro- 
tegendam  Ecclesiam,  et  Clerum  Angliae,  magis  indies  ani- 
metur,  et  ut  jura,  libertates  et  privilegia  Ecclesiae  concessa 
benigne  Ecclesiffi  servet,  et  ab  aliis  servari  faciat,  et  ne 
praefata  benefacta  in  ingratos  contulisse  videatur. 

Nos  Praelati  et  Clerus  Cant.  Provinciae  in  hac  Sacra  Sy-  • 
nodo  Provincial!  sive  Praelatorum  et  Cleri  ejusdem  Convo- 
catione,  in  Ecclesia  Cathed.  Divi  Pauli  London,  vicesimo 
die  mensis  Aprilis  Anno  Dom.  millesimo  quingentesimo 
vicesimo  tertio  inchoata,  ac  usq;  ad  et  in  decimum  quar- 
tum  diem  mensis  Augusti  proxime  -ex  tunc  sequentis  de 
diebus  in  dies  continuata,  congregati,  Illustrissimo  Domino 
Regi  perpetuo  et  potentissimo  Fidei  et  Ecclesiae  defensori, 
subsidium  dare  et  concedere  Decrevimus,  quam  nostram 
Benevolentiam  ut  gratam  et  acceptara  habeat  humillime 
deprecamur,  protestantes  expresse,  quod  per  praesentem 
concessionem,  quam  tanquam  novam  et  ante  insolitam  pro 
nostra  singular!  et  personali  in  Regiam  Majestatem  obser- 
vantia  sine  exemplo  donamus,  omnino  nolumus  Ecclesiae 
Anglicanae  aut  successoribus  nostris  in  aliquo  pragjudicium 
generari,  nee  casum  hunc  singularem  ad  sequen.  trahi : 
Quod  si  praesentem  Concessionem  pro  exemplo  et  (ut  vo- 
cant)  pro  Praesidente  ad  similes  unquam  Concessiones  exi- 
gendas  accipiendam  fore  praesentiremus,  certe  in  earn  omni- 
no consentire  recusassemus  ;  quandoquidem  subsidium  sub 
modis,  formis,  conditionibus,  exceptionibus  ac  provisioni- 
bus,  et  protestatione  super  et  infrascriptis,  et  non  aliter, 
neq;  alio  modo,  Damus  et  Concedimus,  viz.  Subsidium  se 


t-xtendens  ad  Medietatem  sive  mediam  partem  valoris  om- 
nium fructuum  reddituura,  et  proventuum,  possessionum, 
unius  anni,  omnium  et  singulorum  Episcopatuum,  E<'cle- 
siarum  Cathed.  et  Collegiatarum,  Dignitatum,  Hospita- 
lium,  Monast.  Abbaciaruin,  Prioratuum  aliarumq;  domo- 
rum  Keligiosarum,  necnon  quorumcunqj  beneficiorum  et. 
Possessionum  Ecclesiasticarum,  6cc. 


Bishop  TonsiaVs  Licence  to  Sir  Thomas  More  for  reading 
Heretical  Books. 

(Hegist.  Tonst.  Fol.  138.) 

CuTHBERTUs  permlssionc  Divina  London.  Episcopus  Cla- 
rissimo  et  Egregio  viro  Domino  Thomae  More  fratri  et 
amico  Charissimo  Salutem  in  Domino  et  Benedict.  Quia 
nuper,  postquam  Ecclesia  Dei  per  Germaniam  ab  haereticis 
intestata  est,  juncti  sunt  nonnuUi  iniquitatis  Filii>  qui  vete- 
rem  et  damnatam  h.aeresim  Wycliffianara  et  Lutherianam, 
etiam  haeresis  Wycliffianas  alumni  transferendis  in  nostra- 
tem  vernaculam  linguara  corruptissimis  quibuscunq;  eo- 
nim  opusculis,  atque  illis  ipsis  magna  copia  impressis,  in 
banc  nostram  Regionem  inducere  conantur;  quam  sane 
pestilentissimis  dogmatibus  Catholicae  fidei  veritati  repug- 
nantibus  maculare  atq;  inficere  magnis  conatibus  moliun- 
tur.  Magnopere  igitur  verendum  est  ne  Catholica  Veritas 
in  totum  periclitetur  nisi  boni  et  eruditi  viri  malignitati 
tam  praedictorum  hominum  strenue  occurrant,  id  quod  nulla 
ratione  melius  et  aptius  fieri  poterit,  quam  si  in  lingua  Ca- 
tholica Veritas  in  totum  expugnans  haec  insana  dogmata 
simul  etiam  ipsissima  prodeat  in  lucem.  Quo  fiet  ut  Sacra- 
rum  Literarum  imperiti  homines  in  manus  sumentes  novos 
istos  Haereticos  Libros,  atq;  una  etiam  Catholicos  ipsos  re- 
fellentes,  vel  ipsi  per  se  verum  discernere,  vel  ab  aliis  quo- 
rum perspicacius  est  judicium  recte  admoneri  et  doceri  po&- 
sint.  Et  quia  tu,  Frater  Clarissime,  in  lingua  nostra  ver- 
nacula,  sicut  etiam  in  Latina,  Demosthenem  quendam 
praestare  potes,  et  Catholicae  veritatis  assertor  acerrimus  in 
omni  congressu  esse  soles,  melius  subcisivas  horas,  si  quas 
tuis  occupationibus  suffurari  potes,  coUocare  nunquam  po- 
teris,  quam  in  nostrate  lingua  aliqua  edas  quae  siraplicibus 
et  ideotis  hominibus  subdolam  haereticorum  malignitatem 
aperiant,  ac  contra  tam  impios  Ecclesiae  supplantatores  red- 
daiit  eos  instructiores ;  habes  ad  id  exemplum  quod  imi- 
teris    praeclarissimum,   illustrissimi   Domini    nostri  Regis 


Henrici  octavi,  qui  Sacramenta  Ecclesise  contra  Lutherum 
totis  viribus  ea  subvertentem  asserere  aggressus,  immortale 
nomen  Delensoris  Ecclesiae  in  omne  aevum  promeruit.  Et 
ne  Andabatarum  more  cum  ejusmodi  larvis  lucteris,  igno- 
rans  ipse  quod  oppugnes,  mitto  ad  te  insanas  in  nostrate 
lingua  istorum  naenias,  atque  una  etiam  nonnullos  Lutheri 
Libros  ex  quibus  haec  opinionum  monstra  prodierunt.  Qui- 
bus  abs  te  diligenter  perlectis,  facilius  intelligas  quibus  lati- 
bulis  tortuosi  serpentes  sesse  condant,  quibusq;  anfractibus 
elabi  deprehensi  studeant.  Magni  enim  ad  victoriam  mo- 
menti  est  hostium  Consilia  explorata  habere,  et  quid  sen- 
tiant  quove  tendant  penitus  nosse  :  nam  si  convellere  pares 
quae  isti  se  non  sensisse  dicent,  in  to  turn  perdas  operam. 
Macte  igitur  virtute,  tam  sanctum  opus  aggredere,  quo  et 
Dei  Ecclesiae  prosis,  et  tibi  immortale  nomen  atq;  aeternam 
in  Ccelis  gloriam  pares  :  quod  ut  facias  atque  Dei  Eccle- 
siam  tuo  patrocinio  munias,  magnopere  in  Domino  obse- 
cramus,  atq;  ad  ilium  finem  ejusmodi  libros  et  retinendi  et 
legendi  facultatem  atq;  licentiam  impertimur  et  concedi- 
raus.  Dat.  7  die  Martii,  Anno  1527  et  nostras  Cons,  sexto. 



The  Bull  for  the  King's  Marriage  with  Queen  Katharine. 

(Cott.  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  12.) 

Julius  Episcopus  servus  servorum  Dei,  dilecto  Filio  Hen- 
rico Carissimi  in  Christo  Filii  Henrici  Angliae  Regis  il- 
lustriss.  Nato,  et  dilectae  in  Christo  Filiae  Catharinae, 
Carissimi  in  Christo  Filii  nostri  Ferdinandi  Regis,  ac  Ca- 
rissimae  in  Christo  Filiae  nostras  Elizabeth.  Reginae  Hispa- 
niarum  et  Siciliae  Catholicorum  natae,  illustribus,  salutem 
et  Apostolicam  Benedictionem.  Romani  Pontificis  prae- 
cellens  Autoritas  concessa  sibi  desuper  utitur  potestate, 
prout  personarura,  negotiorum  et  temporum  qualitate  pen- 
sata,  id  in  Domino  conspicit  salubriter  expedite.  Oblatse 
nobis  nuper  pro  parte  vestra  petitionis  series  continebat. 
Quod  cum  alias  tu  Filia  Catharina,  et  tunc  in  huraanis 
agens  quondam  Arthurus,  Carissimi  in  Christo  Filii  nostri 
Henrici  Angliae  Regis  illustrissimi  primogenitus,  pro  con- 
servandis  pacis  et  amicitiae  nexibus  et  fajderibus  inter  Ca- 
rissimum  in  Christo  Filium  nostrum  Ferdinandum,  et  Caris- 
simam  in  Christo  Filiam  nostrara  Elizabeth.  Hispaniarum 
et  Siciliae  Catholicos,  ac  praefatum  Angliae  Reges  et  Regi- 
nam,  matrimonium  per  verba  legi  time  de  praesenli  con- 
traxissetis,  illudq;  carnali  Copula  forsan  consummavissetis, 
Dominus  Arthurus  prole  ex  hujusmodi  Matrimonio  non 
suscepta  decessit ;  Cum  autem,  sicut  eadera  petitio  sub- 
jungebat,  ad  hoc  ut  hujusmodi  vinclum  Pacis  et  AmicitisB 
inter  praefatos  Reges  et  Reginam  diutius  permaneat,  cu- 
piatis  Matrimonium  inter  vos  per  verba  legitime  de  prae- 
senti  contrahere,  supplicari  nobis  fecistis,  ut  vobis  in  prae- 
missis  de  oppoitunae  Dispensationis  gratia  providere  de 
benignitate  Apostolica  dignareraur :  Nos  igitur,  qui  inter 
singulos  Christi  fideles,  praesertim  Catholicos  Reges  et 
Principes,  Pacis  et  Concordiae  amasnitatem  vigere  intensis 
desideriis  afFectamus,  vosque  et  quemlibet  vestrum  a  qui- 
buscunque  Excommunicationis,  Suspensionis  et  Interdict, 
aliisque  Ecclesiasticis  Sententiis,  Censuris,  Paenis,  a  jure 
vel  ab  homine,  quavis  occasione  vel  causa  latis,  si  qnibus 
ouomodolibet  innodati  existitis,  ad  effectum  praesentium 
duntaxat  consequendum,  harum  serie  absolventes,  et  abso- 


lutos  fore  censentes  hujusmodi  supplicationibus  inclinati, 
vobiscum,  ut  impedimento  affinitatis  hujusmodi  ex  prae- 
missis  proveniente,  ac  Constitutionibus  et  Ordinationibus 
Apostoiicis  casterisq;  contrariis  nequaquam  obstantibus, 
Matrimonium  per  verba  legitime  de  przesenti  inter  vos  coU' 
trahere,  et  in  eo,  postquam  contractum  fuerit,  etiamsi  ja 
forsan  hactenus  de  facto  publice  vel  clandestine  contra: 
eritis,  ac  illud  Carnali  Copula  consummaveritis,  lici 
remanere  valeatis,  Auctoritate  Apostolica  tenore  prassea 
tium  de  specialis  dono  Gratiaj  Dispensamus ;  ac  vos 
quemlibet  vestrorum  si  contraxeritis  (ut  praefertur)  ab  ex- 
cessu  hujusmodi,  ac  Excommunicationis  Sententia  quam 
propterea  incurristis,  eadera  Auctoritate  Absolvimus,  Pro- 
lem  ex  hujusmodi  Matrimonio,  sive  contracto,  sive  con- 
trahendo,  susceptam  forsan  vel  suscipiendam  legitimam 
decernendo.  Proviso  quod  tu  (Filia  Catharina)  propter 
hoc  rapta  non  fueris  ;  volumus  autem  quod  si  hujusmodi 
Matrimonium  de  facto  contraxistis,  Confessor,  per  vos  et 
quendibet  vestrum  eligendus,  psenitentiam  salutarem  prop- 
terea vobis  injungat,  quam  adimplere  teneamini.  Nulli 
ergo  omnino  hominum  liceat  banc  paginam  nostras  Absolu- 
tionis,  Dispensationis  et  voluntatis  infringere,  vel  ei  ausu 
temerario  contraire ;  si  quis  autem  hoc  attemptare  praB- 
sumpserit,  indignationera  Omnipotentis  Dei  ac  Beatorum 
Petri  et  Pauli  Apostolorum  ejus  se  noverit  incursurum. 
Dat.  Romae  apud  Sanctum  Petrum,  Anno  Incarnationis 
Dominicae  millesimo  quingentesimo  tertio,  septimo  Cal. 
Januarii,  Pontificatus  nostri  Anno  primo. 




The  King^s  Protestation  against  the  Marriage. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitell.  B.  12.) 

In  Dei  Nomine,  Amen.  Coram  vobis  Reverendo  in  Christo 
Patre  et  Domino,  Domino  Richardo  Dei  et  Apostolicae  sedis 
gratia  Episcopo  Wintoniensi,  Ego  Henricus  Walliae  Prin- 
ceps,  Dux  Cornubiae  et  Comes  Cestriae,  dico,  allego  et  in 
his  Scriptis  propono.  Quod  licet  ego  minorem  aetatem  agens, 
et  intra  annos  pubertatis  notorie  existens,  cuni  Serenissima 
Domina  Katharina  Hispaniarum  Regis  Filia,  Matrimo- 
nium de  facto  contraxerim,  qui  quidem  Contractus,  quam- 
vis  obstante  ipsa  minore  aetate  mea  de  se  jam  invalidus,  im- 
perfectus,  nullius  efficaciae  aut  vigoris  extiterit ;  quia  tamen 
annis  pubertatis  et  matura  aetate  jam  superveniente.  Con- 
tractus ipse  per  taciturn  Consensum,  mutuam  cohabitatio- 


nem,  munerum  aut  intersignium  dationem  seu  receptionem, 
yel  alium  quemcunq;  modum  jure  declaratum,  forsan  exist- 
iman  seu  videri  poterit  apparenter  validatus  aut  con- 
firmatus  ;  Ea-propter,  Ego  Henricus  Walliae  Princeps 
praedictus,  jam  proximus  pubertati  existens,  et  annos  pu- 
bertatis  attingens,  Protestor,  quod  non  intendo  eundem 
praetensum  contractum  per  quajcunq;  per  me  dicta  seu  di- 
cenda,  facta  aut  facienda,  in  aliquo  approbare,  validare, 
seu  ratum  habere,  sed  nunc  in  praesenti,  non  vi,  dolo,  nee 
prece  inductus,  sed  sponte  et  libere,  nullo  mode  coactus, 
contra  hujusmodi  Contractum  reclamo,  et  eidem  dissentio, 
voloq;  et  omnino  intendo  ab  eodem  contractu  Matrirao- 
niali  praetenso,  melioribus  modo  et  forma,  quibus  de  jure- 
melius,  validius,  aut  efficacius  potero  vel  possim,  penitus 
resilire,  et  eidem  expresse  dissentire,  prout  in  praesenti 
contra  eundem  reclamo,  et  eidem  dissentio.  Protestorq; 
quod  per  nullum  dictum,  factum,  actum,  aut  gestum  per 
me,  aut  nomine  meo  per  alium  quemcunque,  quandocunq; 
aut  qualemcunque,  imposterum  faciendum,  agendum,  ge- 
rendura,  aut  explicandum,  volo  aut  intendo  in  praefatum 
contractum  Matrimonialem,  aut  in  dictam  Dominam  Catha- 
rinam  tanquam  Sponsam  aut  Uxorem  meam  consentire. 
Super  quibus  vos  oranes  testimonium  perhibere  volo,  re- 
quiro,  rogo,  atque  obtestor. 

Per  me  Henricum  Walli.c  Principem. 

Lecta  fuit  et  facta  suprascripta  Protestatio,  per  praefatum 
Serenissimum  Principem  Dominum  Henricum,  coram  Re- 
verendo  in  Christo  Patre  et  Domino,  Donaino  Richardo 
permissione  Divina  Winton.  Episcopo,  Judicialiter  pro  tri- 
bunali  sedent.  Et  me  Notanum  infra  scriptum  ad  tunc 
praesentem  in  ejus  Actorum  Scribam  in  hac  parte  assu- 
mente,  et  Testium  infrascriptorum  praesentiis.  Anno  Dom. 
1505.  Indictione  octava,  Pontificatus  Sanctissimi  in  Christo 
Patris  et  Domini  nostri  Julii,  Divina  Providentia  eo  no- 
mine Papae  secundi  Anno  secundo,  Mensis  vero  Junii  die 
27  ;  quo  die  Dominus  Serenissimus  Princeps  proximus  pu- 
bertati, et  annos  pubertatis  attingens  erat,  ut  tunc  ibidem 
asserebat,  in  quadam  bassa  Camera  infra  Palatium  Regium 
Richemondiae,  in  parte  occidentali  ejusdem  Palatii  situat. 
Super  quibus  omnibus  et  singulis,  praefatus  Serenissimus 
Princeps  me  Notarium  praeraemorattim  Instrumentum  con- 
ficere,  et  testes  infra  nominatos  testimonium  perhibere  re- 
quisivit  instanter,  et  rogavit.  In  quorum  omnium  et  singu- 
lorum  fidem  et  testimonium,  praefatus  Serenissimus  Prin- 
ceps supra,  et  testes,  ut  praemittitur,  rogati   et  requisiti. 

Vol.  I,  Part  II.  C 


sua  nomlna  propriis  manibus  infra  scripserunt.  Ita  est  ut 
supra,  quod  ego  Joannes  Raed.  manu  et  signo  meo  manus  " 

Giles  Daubney,  C.  Somerset. 

Thomas  Rowthale. 

Nicholas  West. 

Henry  Marny, 


Cardinal  Wolsey's  first  Letter  to  Sir  Gregory  Cassali,  aboiU 
the  Divorce.     Taken  from  the  Original. 

(Cotton.  Libr.  Vitellius,  B.  9.) 

DoMiNE  Gregori,  Post  mcam  cordatissimam  Commen- 
dationem,  post  ultimum  vestrum  a  me  discessum  ex  Com- 
pendio  ad  vos  scripsi,  ut  ob  nonnullas  maximi  moraenti 
causas  procurare  difFerretis  quod  de  Regiae  Majestatis 
negotio  in  quibusdam  nobis  traditis  Commissionibus  con- 
tinebatur,  quoad  rursus  vobis  significarem  quid  ea  in  re 
fieri  vellemus.  Ubi  vero  ad  Regiam  Majestatem  rediissem, 
variis  crebrisq;  cum  ea  habitis  sermonibus,  adeo  abunde  ac 
distincte  illi  aperui  quam  ex  animo  ac  diligenter,  et  quain 
sincere  et  ex  fide,  diu  noctuque  exoptetis  eidem  Regiae 
Majestati  inservire  ;  neque  ullum  unquam  laborem,  peri- 
culum  aut  molestiara  vos  velle  recusare,  ut  omni  studio  ac 
viribus  id  fideliter  prsestare  possitis  quod  illi  gratum  aut 
acceptum  quoquo  modo  esse  posse  cognoveritis,  omnemq; 
industriam  vos  esse  adhibituros  quo  vestrae  fidei  curaeque 
commissa  optatum  finem  consequantur ;  quem  vestrum 
animum  propensissima  voluntate  sic  sub  mea  fide  Regiae 
Majestati  insinuavi,  ut  meara  banc  relationem  atque  spon- 
sionem  pectori  suo  constantissime  adfixerit,  certissimaque 
fiducia  concepit,  omnino  futurum  ut  nostras  tunc  expecta- 
tioni  quacunque  in  re  et  occasione  respondeatis :  Ex  quo' 
fit  ut  vestrae  operae,  curae  atque  prudentiae  ea  nunc  trac- 
tanda  et  procuranda  committat,  quibus  nihil  magis  cordi 
habeat,  nihil  ardentius  exoptet,  aut  majoris  sit  momenti 
vel  gravioris  successus,  nee  ullum  habet  Consiliarium,  ut- 
cunque  intimum,  cui  graviora  possit  committere.  Quum 
itaque,  me  intercedente  et  procurante,  nunc  vos  Regia 
Majestas  pras  caeteris  ad  hoc  fidei  adsciverit  et  elegerit,  ut 
in  re  tam  gravi  fidelissima  vestra  opera  ac  ministerio 
utatur,  fidemque  illi  meam  de  vobis  jam  ei  adstrinxerim, 
nihil  ambigens  quin  postquam  ejus  animum  ac  voluntatem 


cognoveritis,  fueritisque  abunde  instnicti  quam  maximi 
haec  quae  nunc  expono  sunt  momenti,  utpote  quae  potissi- 
mum  concernunt  Regiae  conscientiae  exonerationem  ani- 
maeque  suae  salutem,  vitae  conservationem  et  incolumitatem, 
Regii  Steramalis  continuationem,  publicumque  commodura 
et  quietem  subditorum  omnium,  eorum  pariter  qui  sub  ejus 
imperio  nunc  vivunt  vel  qui  postea  unquam  in  hoc  sue 
E«gno  VI vent ;  quuraque  perspiciam  sedulum  vestrum  Mi- 
nisterium  hoc  in  negotio  impendendum  omnino  redunda- 
turum  esse  in  praecipuam  vestram  exaltationem  et  utilita- 
tem,  postquam  infelices  istos  jam  passes  successus  occa- 
sionem  se  obtulisse  videtis,  qua  vestra  familia  hujusmodi 
operam  huic  Serenissimo  Principi  navare  possit,  quod 
statum  omnem  vestrum  in  longe  meliorem  quam  antea  sit 
baud  dubie  restituturus  et  adauclurus,  certissimum  com- 
pertissimumque  habeo,  quod  ob  has  tarn  urgentes  causas  et 
tam  graves  successuros  efFectus,  adeo  toto  pectore  vires 
omnes  vestras  industria  ac  studio  tantae  conficiendae  rei 
addicetis,  ut  omnia  queatis  ad  optatum  exitum  perducere  j 
atque  ita  promissum  fidemque  meam  praestabitis,  tam  opti- 
mum Regiae  Majestatis  institutum  juvabitis,  ejus  desiderio 
et  expectationi  omni  ex  parte  satisfacietis,  et  praeter  bene 
peractae  rei  honorem  et  laudera  comparandam,  mercedem 
quoque  reportabitis  tanti  Principis  liberalitate  dignam, 
quae  certissime  cedet  in  perpetuum  vestrum  totiusque  vestrae 
familiae  coramodum  et  incrementum  :  Et  quum  jam  mihi 
persuadeam  futurum  omnino  ut  officiis  actionibusque  ves - 
tris  sitis  promissis  sponsionib usque  meis  omnino  satisfac- 
turi,  ad  id  pluribus  verbis  neutiquam  adhortabor,  proinde 
ad  rem  nunc  ipsam  venio.  Ante  hoc  tempus  vobis  aperui, 
quemadmodum  Regia  Majestas,  partim  assiduo  suo  studio 
et  eruditione,  partim  relatu  ac  judicio  multorum  Theolo- 
gorum,  et  in  omni  Doctrinae  genere  doctorum  virorum 
asseveratione,  existimans  conscientiam  suam  non  esse  suf- 
ficienter  exoneratam,  quod  in  conjugio  existeret  cum  Regi- 
na,  Deumque  primo  et  ante  omnia  ac  animae  suae  quietem 
et  salutem  respiciens,  mox  vero  suae  Successionis  securi- 
tatem,  perpendensque  accurate  quam  gravia  hinc  mala 
provenirent,  aperte  sentit  quam  maxime  futurum  sit  Deo 
molestum,  inhonorificum  sibi,  et  ingratum  apud  homines, 
suisque  subditis  periculosum,  ex  hoc  non  sufficienti  con- 
jugio, si  deprehendatur  dicta  Majestas  sciens  ac  volens  in 
eo  perstare,  et  vivere  praeter  modum  debitum,  juxtaque 
ritum  et  legitima  Ecclesiae  Statuta  :  quibus  igitur  ex  causis 
longo  jam  tempore,  intimo  suae  conscientiae  remorsu,  sura- 
mique  Dei  rationem  habens,  existimat  animam  suam  laesam 
et  ofFensam,  adeo  quod,  quum  in  suis  conatibus  actionibus- 


que  quibuscunque  Deum  potissimum  sibi  semper  proponat 
ingenti  cum  molestia  cordisque  perturbatione  in  hoc  Ma'* 
trimonio  degit  j  super  qua  re  maturum  sanuraque  judiciui 
consuluit  clanssimorum  celeberrimorumq^ue ;  Doctorur 
aliorumq;  complurium  in  omni  eruditionis  genere  exct' 
lentiorum  virorum  ac  Praelatorum,  partim  Theologorui 
partim  Jurisperitorum,  tum  in  suo  Regno,  turn  alibi  ej^ 
istentium,  ut  aperte  vereq;  cognosceret,  an  Dispensatii 
antea  concessa  pro  se  et  Regina,  ex  eo  quod  Regina  f  ratri< 
sui  uterini  Uxor  antea  extiterit,  valida  et  sufficiens  foret 
necne ;  demumq;  a  variis  multisq;  ex  his  Doctoribi 
asseritur,  quod  Papa  non  potest  dispensare  in  primo  gradii 
affinitatis,  tanquam  ex  jure  Divino,  moraliter,  naturali- 
terq;  prohibito,  ac  si  potest,  omnes  affirmant  et  consen- 
tiunt  quod  hoc  non  potest,  nisi  ex  urgentissimis  et  arduis 
causis,  quales  non  subfuerunt,  Bulla  praeterea  Dispensa- 
tionis  fundatur  et  concessa  est  sub  quibusdam  rationibus 
falso  suggestis  et  enarratis,  in  ea  namq;  asseritur,  quod, 
haec  Regia  Majestas  Matrimonium  hoc  cum  Regina  percu- 
piebat,  pro  bono  pacis  inter  Henricum  septiraum  Ferdi- 
nandum  et  Elizabetham,  quum  revera  nulla  tunc  dissensio 
aut  belli  suspicio  esset  inter  dictos  Principes,  vel  Regiam 
JMajestatem  prsedictam,  quae  in  teneris  adhuc  annis,  nee  in 
discretione  aut  judicio  constitutis  agebat ;  nunquam  deinde 
assensit,  aut  quicquam  cognovit  de  hujusmodi  bullae  Impe- 
tratione,  nee  unquam  hoc  Matrimonium  optavit,  aut  aliquid 
de  eo  accepit  ante  bullee  Impetrationem.  Quocirca  ab  his 
omnibus  Doctoribus  atq;  Praelatis  judicatur  hujusmodi 
Dispensationem  non  adeo  validam  et  idoneam  esse  ac  effi- 
cacem,  ut  praedictum  Matrimonium  manifeste  justum  legi- 
timumq;  sit;  sed  potius  quod  multa  possunt  objici,  mag- 
nis  probabilibusq;  fundata  et  corroborata  rationibus,  in  non 
leve  periculum  Regiae  prolis,  totiusq;  Regni  ac  subdito- 
rum  gravem  perturbationem.  Adhaec,  postquam  Regia  Ma- 
jestas, qui  Walliae  Princeps  tunc  erat,  decimum  quartum 
annum  attigisset,  contractus  Revocatio  subsequuta  est,  Rege 
Patre  expresse  nolente  quod  hujusmodi  Matrimonium  ulio 
pacto  sortiretur  effectum.  His  causis  Rex  hie  Serenissi- 
mus,  tanquam  bonus  et  Catholicus  Princeps,  timens  ne  ob 
tam  diuturnam  cum  Regina  continuationem,  indignatus  et 
iratus  Deus  citius  ex  humanis  evocaverit  Masculam  e  Regi- 
na susceptam  prolem,  graviusq;  a  Deo  supplicium  expa- 
vescit  si  in  Matrimonio  hoc  non-legitimo  perseveraverit ;  ex 
hac  ideo  occasione,  intimis  praecordiis  nunc  Conscientiae 
scrupulum  concepit,  in  animo  nihilominus  habens,  pro 
animi  conscientiaeq;  suae  quiete  et  salute,  prolisq;  securi- 
tate,  ad  Sanctam  Domini  nostri  sedemq;  Apostolicam  coH' 


fugere,  tantae  rei  retnedium  impetraturus  confidens,  quod 
ob  complura  sua  erga  earn  merita  et  officia  turn  calamo 
ingeniiq;  viribus,  turn  armis  praestita,  subsidia  in  Ecclesise 
calamitatibus  prompte  subministrata,  Sanctissimus  Domi- 
nus  noster  non  gravabitur  sua  benignitate,  Authoritate  ac 
facultate,  inlimum  hunc  RegiaB  Majestatis  cordi  inhaerentem 
dolorem  amovere,  eumq;  modum  ac  rationem  inire  qua 
Regia  Majestas  praedicta  Uxorem  aliam  ducere,  et,  Deo 
volente,  masculara  prolem  in  suae  successionis  securitatem 
queat  ex  ea  suscipere,  et  tain  certain  quietera  in  sue  Regno 
constituere:  Quumq;  ejus  Sanctitas  ab  his  nunc  captiva 
detineatuf,  qui  pro  virih  sua  forsan  conabuntur  impedire, 
turbareq;  hoc  Regiae  Majestatis  desiderium  et  Statulum, 
ipsa  praeterea  cogitur  vias  omnes  excogitare,  quibus  dicta 
Sanctitas  de  hac  re  dexterius  et  commodius  instrui,  et  faci- 
lius  adduci  queat  ad  ea  concedenda,  quorum  medio  et  vigore 
Regiae  Majestatis  animus  et  desiderium  queat  optatum  sor- 
tiri  effectum :  Proinde  ipsa  Regia  Majestas  de  fide,  industria, 
dexteritate  prudentiaq;  vestra  plenissime  confidens,  vult  ut 
statim  his  literis  acceptis,  rebus  aliis  omnibus  quibuscunq; 
ab  eo  vel  a  quovis  alio  vobis  commissis  oranino  posthabitis, 
vias  modosq;  omnes  possibiles  excogitetis  quibus  potestis 
secretissime,  mutato  habitu  et  tanquam  alicujus  Minister, 
vel  tanquam  Commissionem  habens  a  Duce  Ferrariae  pro 
nonnullis  inter  Pontificem  et  eum  componendis  controver- 
siis,  vel  alia  qua  licuerit  secuiiori  via,  ad  Pontificis  prae- 
sentiam  et  colloquium  accedendi,  omnibus  arbitris  semotis, 
si  fieri  possit,  pro  vestris  obeundis  mandatis ;  quorum  ob- 
tinendorum  gratia,  si  ita  expedire  judicaveritis,  earn  mer- 
cedem  ac  pecuniarum  summam  proraittetis  ac  tradetis,  his 
qui  revera  volent  atq;  poterunt  hoc  negotium  ad  eflTectum 
pertrahere,  quam  summam,  et  ejus  limitationem,  judicio, 
prudentiaeque  vestrae  integram  Regia  Majestas  remittit ; 
etiam  si  his  danda  foret  qui  Pontificem  asservant,  vel  cui- 
cunq;  alio  qui  vos  tuto  ad  secretum  cum  sua  Sanctitate 
Sermonem  adducere,  in  locumq;  tutum  reducere  posset: 
Cujus  rei  gratia,  aliisq;  ad  hunc  finem  consequendnm  sus- 
tinendis  oneribus  necessariis,  pecuniae  ad  summam  decern 
mille  ducatorum,  per  Mensarios  Venetias  transmittentur, 
qui  illic  in  promptu  aderunt,  persolvendae  et  consignandae 
Prothonotario  Fratri  vestro,  Regio  illic  existenti  Oratorij 
per  eumq;  de  tempore  in  tempus  ad  vos  transmitti  ea  sum- 
ma  poterit  quam  huic  obtinendo  negotio  conducere  posse 
existimaveritis,  nihilq;  ambigo  quin  dictam  pecuniam  fide- 
liter  coUocetis,  ex  Regiae  Majestatis  utilitate,  expectatione 
atq;  sententia.  Atq;  ubi  ad  Sanctum  Dorainum  nostrum 
acccsseritis,  post  filiales  et  coidatissimas  Regiae  Majestatis 

C  3 


mes^;  devotas  et  humillimas  conmmendationes,  et  post 
exhibitas  a  Rege  Credentiae  literas,  in  quibus  in  negotii 
adjumentum  clausula  veheraens  est  propria  ejus  manu  con- 
scripta,  ut  ex  earum  exemplo  cognoscetis,  ejus  Sanctitati 
exponetis  quam  grave,  molestumq;  Regiae  Majestati  et 
mihi  sit,  audire  infaelicissiraos  eventus,  calamitatemq; 
miserandam,  in  qua  nunc  ejus  Sanctitas  cum  Reverendiss. 
Cardinalib.  versatur,  cum  gravissimo  detrimento  irrepara- 
biliq;  sedis  Apostolicae  illiusq;  Patrimonii  jactura,  ad  quas 
mala  sublevanda  et  corrigenda  nullum  in  Regia  Majestate 
officium  desiderabitur,  quod  ab  ullo  erga  Sanctam  Do- 
mini nostri  vel  sedem  Apostolicam  observantissimo  Prin- 
cipe queat  excogitari;  in  eoq;  omne  meum  ministerium  ac 
studium  non  minus  promptum  aderit,  quam  si  exea  re  solum 
possem  mihi  ccelum  comparare  :  quemadmodum  experien- 
tia,  aliqua  in  parte,  jamdocuit,  et  Deo  duce  posthac  uberius 
comprobabit :  quam  rem  copiosius  optimisq;  verbis  agetis, 
praesertim,  quum  sciatis  quanto  et  quam  sincere  affectu 
Regia  Majestas  ejus  Sanctitatem  prosequatur,  et  quanta 
mea  sit  in  ipsam  devotio,  in  bisque  sermonibus  insistetis 
prout  loci,  temporis,  negociique  ratio  videbitur  judicio 
vestro  postulare. 

Secundo,  Sanctissimo  Domino  nostro  solita  vestra  dex- 
teritate  aperietis  id  quod  in  his  ipsis  Uteris  ad  vos  scripsi 
concernens  hujus  Matrimonii  insufficientiam,  ab  hisq;  ra- 
tionibus  et  causis  fundamentum  capietis,  quae  superius 
enarrantur  integrumq;  discursum  ejus  Sanctitati  declara- 
bitis,  non  omittentes  intrinsecum  dolorem,  conscienti<-c 
scrupulum,  Dei  rationem,  Masculae  prolis  respectum,  hujus 
Regni  bonum,  et  alia  omnia  ut  superius  scripta  sunt :  ad- 
dentes  insuper,  nihil  vehementius  optari  a  tota  Regni 
Nobilitate,  subditisq;  omnibus  nuUo  discrimine,  quam  e 
Regiae  Majestatis  corpore  Masculum  haeredem  a  Deo  sibi 
dari,  in  perpetuam  consolationem,  gaudium,  quietem,  ac 
totius  Regni  securitatem,  posteritatisq;  firmissimuin  colu- 
men;  prudentiorumq;  opinionem  esse,  quod  Deus  omni- 
potens  a  tanto  bono  concedendo  divinam  suam  manum 
substrahit,  ob  errorem,  culpamq;  in  dicto  Matrimonio 
hactenus  admissam,  quae  nisi  matere  corrigatur,  graviora 
ex  hac  occasione  in  hoc  Regno  mala  succedent,  quam 
antea  unquam  fuerunt  audita ;  etenim  si  hoc  negotium  in 
suspenso  et  indiscussum  relinqueretur,  hujusmodi  possent 
quaestiones,  controversiae  et  contentiones  ac  factiones  post 
defunctum  Regem  exoriri,  ob  Regni  haereditatem,  quae  non 
possent  in  multorum  asvo-restingui,  ut  antea  olim  ex  causa 
longe  leviori  accidit,  neq;  ex  re  tam  ambigua,  tam  saevae 
olim  depopulationes,  bella,  intestinaeq;  controversiae  exor- 


t«,  et  ad  multum  tempus  continuatae  sunt,  in  extremum  et 
ferme  ultimum  Regni  excidium  ;  quae  quum  tam  gravia 
sunt,  Sanctissimus  Dominus  noster  veluti  pater  et  guberna- 
tor  Christianitatis  prospicere  ex  officio  debet,  et  quibus- 
cunq;  modis  potest,  pro  viribus  adniti  et  conari,  ut  haec 
Regna  ac  dorainia  quae  nunc  super-sunt  in  fide  et  obedien- 
tia  Ecclesiae  assidue  contineat,  inter  quae,  Deo  sit  laus,  hoc 
Regnum  baud  recensendum  est  inter  minima  sed  tanquam 
illud  quod  hactenus  juvavit,  et  posthac  pro  tuto  praesidio 
semper  haberi  poterit,  adversus  ea  quae  cedere  possent  in 
Ecclesiae  Catholicae  vel  sanctae  fidei  detrimentum. 

Tertio,  Sanctissimo  Domino  nostro  proponetis  praesentem 
Ecclesiae  statum,  rogabitisq;  ut  in  mentem  velit  redigere, 
quo  nunc  in  statu  suae  Sanctitatis  res  cum  Christianis  Prin- 
cipibus  versentur,  cumq;  privatae  contentiones,  quae  illi 
sunt  cum  magna  eorum  principum  parte,  addita  et  ambi- 
tione  immoderatoq;  regum  appetitu  et  ex  arbitrio  suo, 
Temporale  jus  omne  atq;  Spitituale  tractandi,  Ecclesiasti- 
camq;  Jurisdictionem  et  Authoritatem  invertendi,  eo  certe 
auimo  ut  sedis  Apostolicae  dignitatem  extinguant ;  his  om- 
nibus in  unum  connexis  ac  bene  consideratis,  ejus  Sanctitas 
manifeste  cognoscet,  Principem  nullum,  neq;  portum,  aut 
refugium  tam  tutum,  cui  in  omnem  eventum  queat  inhae- 
rere,  sibi  relictum  esse,  quam  haec  Regia  Majestas  est  quae 
nihil  sibi  vendicat,  nil  ambit,  quod  praejudicio  esse  possit 
dictae  Sanctitati,  sed  ejus,  Apostolicaeque  sedis,  semper  fuit, 
est,  esseq;  decrevit  firmissimum  scutum,  tutissimumq;  pro- 
pugnaculum,  ita  suas  actiones  cum  caeteris  Principibus  fir- 
mans et  connectens,  ut  semper  ex  ea  occasione  in  suam 
banc  optimam  sententiam  reliquos  possit  attrahere,  adeo 
quod  Regi  tam  optime  in  Sanctissimum  Dominum  nostrum 
aftecto  nihil  denegari  debeat,  utcumq;  maximum  quod 
possit  ab  ejus  Sanctitate  praestari  ordinaria  vel  absoluta  sua 
Authoritate  ;  nam  procul  dubio,  post  vias  modosq;  omnes 
tentatos,  omnino  perspicietur  omnia  alia  amicitiae  officia, 
si  huic  guod  petitur  comparentur,  esse  perquam  exigua,  et 
hoc  amicum  officium  hujusmodi  futurum,  ex  quo  reliqua 
queant  incrementum  capere,  sine  eo  futura  alioquin  parvi 
ac  nuUius  fere  momenti. 

Tertio,  probe  notandum  est,  quod  res  nunc  aperta  et 
petita,  a  Regiaqi  Majestate  tantopere  optata,  ex  tam  ma§- 
no  conscientiae  scrupulo,  cordisq;  remorsu  oritur,  ut  uni- 
cuiq;  debita  sit,  quantumcunq;  minori  quam  Regia  Ma- 
jestas sit  de  Sanctissimo  Domino  nostro  merito.  Quocirca 
judicat,  et  pro  re  comperta  sibi  persuadet,  quod  si  ulla 
rneritorum  vel  officiorum  ratio  habeatur,  nunc  ipsius  Sanc- 
titas huic   suo   desiderio   et  petition!  benignissirae  liber- 


rimeque  adjuvet,  nullo  prorsus  dubio,  difficultate,  contra- 
dictione  aut  mora  injecta.  Negotiumque  hujusrnodi  est,  ut 
cognita  Dispensationis  insufficientia,  quamvis  id  non  re- 
quisivisset  Rex,  ultro  proponi  offerrique  debuisset  ab  eadem 
Sanctitate  tanquam  a  Patre  Spiritual!,  in  ejus  salutis  etj 
conscientiaebeneficium,  3 

In  gratiam  igitur  et  contemplationem  praemissorum  om-  ' 
nium  instantissime  vehementissimeq;  a  Sanctissimo  Domino 
nostro  requiretis  et  contendetis,  ut  dubio,  metuq;  omni 
seposito,  respicere  velit  ad  causae  statum,  et  ad  ea  quae 
subsequutura  videantur,  rationemq;  habere  infinitorum 
commodorum,  quae  ex  hac  re  suae  Sanctitati  Apostolicaeq; 
sedi  inde  piovenient,  rem  banc  statim,  absq;  temporis 
tractu,  et  causae  circumstantia,  nemini  earn  aperiens,  li- 
bere  concedere  et  indulgere  nulliq;  communicata  specialem 
Commissionem  ad  hunc  effectum  et  finem  confectara  in 
forma  Brevis  concedere,  et  ad  me  dirigere,  Facultatem 
addens,  ut  mihi  liceat  quoscunq;  voluero  ad  me  vocare, 
mihiq;  asciscere  ad  procedendum  in  hac  causa,  et  inqui- 
rendum de  dictae  Bullae  ac  Dispensationis  sufficientia,  jux- 
ta  formam  ac  tenorem  expressum  in  quodam  libello  hujus 
rei  gratia  confecto  ;  quem  cum  his  ad  vos  mitto,  sic  in 
debita  forma  conscriptum  et  digestum  ut  non  sit  futurum 
opus  quo  denuo  ab  uUo  alio  exscribatur,  si  forsan  pericu- 
losum  putaretur  earn  rem  cuiq;  patefacere  vel  in  dubium 
aut  dilationem  protractum  iri  negotium,  si  ulli  ex  Sanctis- 
simi  Domini  nostri  officiariis  committeretur  rursus  conscri- 
bendum ;  sed  quod  in  hujusrnodi  periculi  eventum  poss't 
ejus  Sanctitas  sine  ullo  discrimine  vel  alicujus  cognitione 
earn  dicto  libello  signaturam,  sigillumq;  apponere,  ut  ap- 
erte  inde  constet,  Pontificis  meram  voluntatem  sic  esse, 
illiusq;  Signaturae  ac  Sigilli  vigore,  legitime  et  sufficienter 
possim  ego  procedere  ad  inquisitionem  de  dictae  Dispensa- 
tionis insufficientia,  cognitionem  et  aliarum  causarum  et 
rationum,  quae  adduci  possunt  pro  dicti  Matrimonii  inva- 

Item  cum  his  ad  vos  mitto  Dispensationem  in  debita 
forma  confectam  et  scriptam  in  modum  Brevis,  secreto 
impetr^andam  et  expediendam  eidem  Signaturam  vel  Sigil- 
lum  apponendo,  vel  alio  quovis  modo  valido  :  Et  quamvis 
ex  hac  re  multa  pendeant,  ob  quae  ista  requiruntur,  et  quae, 
Deo  favente,  neutiquam  timenda  sunt :  Attamen  Regia 
Majestas  exemplo  innitens,  et  recordationi  complurium 
rerum,  quae  olim  praeteritis  temporibus  fuerunt  injuste 
asserta,  vel  adducta,  in  animo  habens  causas  suas  omnes 
abso;  ulla  controversia  aut  difficultate  ad  perfectum  finem 
perducere,  et  ne  ullo  quovis  praetextu,  argument©  aut  co- 

OF  records;  21 

lore,  postraodum  emergente  perturbarentur,  hoc  a  Sanctis- 
simo  Domino  nostro  requirit,  veluti  rem  necessariam,  qua 
nullo  pacto  carere  queat ;  firmiter  confidens,  quod  Sanc- 
titas  sua,benigne  atq;  araanter  isti  ejus  desiderio  assentiet, 
et  concedet  sine  ullo  obstaculo  dictam  Commissionera, 
juxta  Ibrmam  quam  Regia  IMajestas  petit  et  eodem  tem- 
pore, atq;  haec  omnia  ita  benigne  ac  liberaliter  expedire, 
secretiori  et  validiori  quo  fieri  possit  modo,  quo  optatus 
finis  subsequi  possit  in  eum  efFectum,  laudabileque  propo- 
situm,  de  quo  superius  dictum  est ;  Qua  ex  occasione 
Sanctissimum  Dominum  nostrum  in  perpetuum  sibi  ad- 
stringet,  indissolubiliqj  amicitiae  vinculo  banc  Regiam 
Majestatem  sibi  alligabit,  quae  nulli  labori,  periculo,  opibus. 
Regno,  subditis,  nee  ipsi  sanguini  parcens,  ab  ejus  Sanc- 
titate  nunquam  divelletur  aut  eam  deseret,  sed  totis  suis 
viribus  constantissime  semper  illi  adhaerebit,  tum  in  sujb 
Sanctitatis  et  Cardinalium  liberationem,  turn  in  hostibus 
persequendis ;  ad  quem  finem,  magnam  jam  pecuniarum 
summam  ad  Regem  Christianissimum  misit,  pro  illo  Italias 
exercitu  continuando,  et  praeter  id  in  animo  statutum  habet, 
quod  nisi  Caesar  de  dicta  Sanctitate  liberanda  consentire,  et 
ad  pacera  devenire  voluerit,  bellum  gerere  adversus  has 
inferiores  Caesaris  Regiones  et  Dominia,  quo  vehementius 
urgeat  Sanctissimi  Domini  nostri  liberationem,  Ecclesiaeq; 
in  pristinam  suam  dignitatem  et  authoritatem  restitutionem, 
eaq;  de  se  indicia  exhibebit  ut  universo  orbi  manifestum 
sit  futurum,  dictam  suam  Majestatem  esse  solidum  perfec- 
tum  amicum,  filium  obsequentissimum  et  ejus  devotissi- 
mum ;  a  qua  pectoris  sui  sententia,  nullo  thesauro,  nuUis 
opibus,  nullis  Regnis,  seu  Ditionibus,  vel  occasione  qua- 
cunq;  unquam  adducetur,  sed  ex  filiali  sua  observantia  et 
in  Christianam  Religionem  zelo,  innatoq;  erga  sedem 
Apostolicara  studio,  et  praecipuo  quodam  afFectu,  quem 
Sanctissimo  Domino  nostro  gerit :  in  compensationem 
quoq;  gratitudinis,  quam  tam  avide  in  hoc  suo  negotio  ab 
ejus  Sanctitate  expectat,  decretum  prorsus  habet  in  con- 
stantissimo  hoc  et  indissolubili  amicitiae  et  conjunctionis 
vinculo  sincerissimo  perstare,  id  quod  dicta  Regia  Majestais 
Sanctissimum  Dominum  nostrum  vehementissime  rogat,  ut 
probe  velit  in  omnem  partem  librare,  vicissimq;  efficere, 
ut  ex  Regiae  petitionis  indulgentia  palam  constet  parem 
benevolentiam  et  humanitatem  a  Sanctissimo  Domino  nos- 
tro ex  mutuo  praestari. 

Hac  autem  causa  ipsius  Sanctitati  a  vobis,  ut  dictum  est, 
exposita  et  declarata,  neutiguam  dubitandum  est,  quin 
benevDle    atq;    libenter  statim  adnuat  Regiae   Majestatis 


expectationi  et  quod  huic  assentiet,  dictam  Commissioneni 
secreto  modo  ipsa  concedens,  neminem  de  ea  re  ut  dictum 
est,  participem  faciens ;  qui  modus  servandus  est,  si  vide- 
ritis  haec  effici  non  posse,  nisi  cum  periculo  quin  haec  res 
eis  communicetur,  qui  earn  sint  interturbaturi,  vel  si  id 
praestare  fuerit  in  Sanctissimi  Domini  nostri  arbitrio,  tunc 
ejus  Sanctitas  non  gravetur,  per  Brevia,  vel  per  BuUas, 
prout  validius  et  raagis  sufficiens  fore  judicaverit,  praemissa 
omnia  concedere,  ad  quod  vestram  omnem  industriam, 
prudentiam,  stadium,  diligentiamq;  adhibebitis  :  Sic  , om- 
nia prudenter  ac  circumspecte  agentes,  ne  in  discrimen 
deveniatur  negotium  hoc  his  detegendi,  qui  illud  vel  im- 
pedire  vel  retardare  forsan  voluerint  aut  potuerint,  sed. 
potius  quam  ad  id  periculi  res  deducalur  contenti  eritis  sola 
dictorum  libellorum  Signatura,  in  earn  formam  confecta, 
quum  ex  ea  palam  eonstet,  Pontificis  assensum  in  id 
actualiter  concurrisse,  qui  postea  recentioribus  scriptis,  si 
ita  opus  fuerit,  firmius  confirmari  corroborariq;  poterit. 

Et  quoniam  incertum  est,  utrum  ante  vestrum  ad  Pon- 
tificem  accessum,  ejus  Sanctitas  fuerit  in  suam  libertatem 
restituta,  necne,  quae  forsan  libera  non  tanti  faciet  Regiae 
Majestatis  amicitiam  et  conjunctionem,  vel  allegabit,  se 
nee  audere  nee  posse,  ex  suis  cum  Caesare  conventionibus 
ista  concedere,  nee  secreto  ullo  modo,  vel  ullo  colore,  quod 
ea  in  re  fecisset  apud  Caesarem  justificare,  et  potuisset 
antea  in  Regiae  Majestatis  auxilio  pro  sua  liberatione 
sperans,  dum  adhuc  detineretur  captivus ;  eo  casu  Sanctis- 
simo  Domino  nostro  in  mentem  redigetis,  quam  parum 
fidere  possit  uUis  sibi  factis  a  Caesara  promissis,  quum  nulla 
in  parte  redundare  possit  in  commodura  aut  securitatem, 
sed  solum  in  extremum  excidium  ac  detrimentum  sedis 
Apostolicae ;  et  licet  ad  breve  tempus  multa  videretur 
Caesar  in  ejus  Sanctitatis  gratiam  facturus,  compertissimum 
tamen  semper  Pontifici  esse  debet  Caesarianos  ea  facere, 
semperq;  facturos,  quae  Caesaram  possint  exaltare,  et  ten- 
dant  ad  usurpationem  potius  et  depressionem  status  Eccle- 
siastici,  quam  ad  ejus  continuationem,  vel  conservationem  ; 
et  quotiens  adversus  Ecclesiam  ista  tentarentur,  Regia 
Majestas  in  hac  sua  petitione  passa  repulsam,  quae  alioquin 
ejus  Sanctitati  in  omnem  eventum  firmissime  adhaesisset,  et 
alios  suos  confaederatos  in  eandem  sententiam  pertraxisset, 
quam,  ea  deficiente,  in  contrarium  facile  possent  allici,  quo 
a,nimo  futura  sit,  et  quam  bene  suum  affectum  et  observan- 
tiam  collocasse  existimatura :  summae  est  prudentiae  omnia 

Haud  incognitum  praeterea  est  Senctissimum  Dominum 



nostrum  ad  Caesaris  instantiam,  quum  non  multam  ab  ejus 
Sanctitate  gratiara  promeritus  esset,  ei  concessisse  Dispen- 
sationera  et  Absolutionem  a  jurejurandc  ab  illo  pra^stito, 
de  ducenda  in  Conjugem  Domina  Principissa,  nullo  ut  par 
fuisset  a  Regia  Majestate  habito,  seu  petito  consensu,  non 
obstante  quod  Caesar  in  validissima  forma,  non  solum  praes- 
tito  jurejurando,  sed  cautione  et  Ecclesiasticarum  censura- 
rum  et  paenarum  adhibita,  quod  perstringeretur  de  dicto 
Matrimonio  perimplendo,  ac  si  Pontifex  contentus  esse 
potuit,  tantam  ei  ostendere  gratitudinem,  quum  veluti  hos- 
tis  indies  certior  tunc  poterat  haberi,  et  qui  majora  parabat 
<iuam  juste  posset  optare,  suis  petitionibus,  Regia  Ma- 
jestate inconsulta,  neutiquam  parcens,  quanto  propensius 
ejus  Sanctitas  adnuere  debet  ejus  Principis  voto,  cujus 
fidem  et  observantiara  vere  filialem  saepe  experta  est.  Va- 
rum tamen  si  Sanctissimus  Dominus  noster  difficulter  vi- 
sus  fuerit  posse  adduci,  ut  in  meam  Personam  dictae  Com- 
missioni  assentiat,  allegans  quod  non  sum  indifferens,  cui 
ex  suae  Sanctitatis  honore  hoc  negotium  coramitti  possit, 
cum  Regiae  Majestati  sum  subditus  et  intimus  Consilia- 
rius,  tunc  tamdiu  persistetis  ea  in  re,  quoad  vobis  visum 
fuerit  conveniens,  negotii  expeditionem  non  ideo  protra- 
hentes,  aut  differentes,  sed  instantes  ut  hujusmrdi  Commis- 
sio  concedatur ;  affirmabitisq;  me  pro  re  nulla  quantum- 
libet  grandi,  nullo  favore,  aut  commodo,  quicquam  effectu- 
rum  esse,  quod  aversetur  officio  meo,  et  erga  Christum 
praestitae  professioni,  neq;  unquam  a  recto,  vero,  justoq; 
tramite  digressurum  ;  Et  quin  Cardinalis  sira  et  Aposto- 
licae  sedis  de  latere  Legatus,  ejus  Sanctitatis  honor,  integra- 

3ue  conscientia,  a  me  omnino  conservaretur,  ex  hujusmo- 
ique  concessa  Commissione,  omni  ex  parte  exoneraretur. 
Tandem  si  ad  hoc,  nullis  rationibus  Pontifex  potuerit  ad- 
duci, ab  ejus  Sanctitate  requiretis,  ut  dictam  velit  Commis- 
sionem  consedere  in  personam  Domini  Staphylei  Decani 
Rotae,  qui  et  vir  indifferens  est,  et  hujusmodi  rei  ob  erudi- 
tionem  accommodatus,  nullo  pacto  omittentes  Dispensa- 
tionis  expeditionem,  ut  dictum  est ;  et  hujus  rei  gratia  Com- 
missionem  nunc  ad  vos  mitto,  in  debita  forma  confectam  et 
paratam,  quas  signetur  ad  dictum  Dominum  Staphyieum 
directa,  quam  Santissimo  Domino  nostro  reddetis,  casu 
quo  alia  nequeat  obtineri,  rogabitisq;  ut  cum  dicta  Dispen- 
satione  eam  velit  concedere.  Et  quoniam  fieri  possit  quod 
dum  fieret  mentio  de  me  excipiendo,  forsitan  ejus  Sanctitas 
aliquem  alium  quam  Dominum  Staphyieum  nominaret,  ad 
quem  Commissio  hujusmodi  dirigeretur,  hoc  vero  in  loco 
tenacissime  insistetis,  firmiterq;   inharebitig  ei  rei,  nee  in 


alium  aliquem  vinim  exterum  ullo  pacto  consentientes, 
solum  pro  eodem  Domino  Staphyleio  instantes,  ejus  Sanc- 
titatem  sumniis  precibus  vehementissime  rogantes,  et  rati- 
onibus  omnibus  suadentes,  ne  alium  ullum  nominare  velit, 
asserentes  quod  quum  in  Instructionibus  vestris  non  conti- 
neatur,  nee  de  alio  ullo  fiat  mentio,  nisi  illo,  me  recusato, 
iterum  atq;  iterum  ab  eadem  Sanctitate  petetis,  ut  nomine 
hujus  Auditoris  Rotae  haec  fiat  et  expediatur  commissio,  vos 
nee  audere  nee  posse  vobis  praescriptos  fines  transgredi. 

De  Regii  vero  desiderii  ac  petitionis  frustratione  super 
dicta  Commissione  obtinenda,  dicetis  unum  et  idem  esse, 
banc  illi  denegare,  vel  alii  concedere  quam  in  vestris  In- 
structionibus contineatur,  non  quod  Regia  Majestas  de  ali- 
orum  rectitudine  aut  indifferentia  quicquam  suspicetur,  vel 
quod  judicet  eorum  aliquem  aflfectibus  obnoxium  ;  sed  quod 
pro  re  certissima  credidit,  quod  Sanctissimus  Dominus  nos- 
ter  in  neminem  tam  facile  condescenderet,  quam  in  dictae 
Rotae  Decanum,  ob  idque  de  eo  Instructionibus  vestris 
mentionem  fecit:  sed £!ommissiones  in  debita  forma  cum 
his  nominibus  fieri  et  conscribi  jussit,  quod  si  hie  credidis- 
semus,  Dom.  Staphileum  habitura  istic  iri  pro  suspecto, 
affirmare  potetis  me  fuisse  omnino  missurum  consimilem 
Commissionis  formulam,  spatio  relicto  pro  aliquo  alio  in- 
scribendo  nomine,  aliquamq;  aliam  super  ea  re  Instruc- 
tionem  me  daturum  fuisse,  et  hand  dubie  ;  si  de  nominibus 
duntaxat  fuerit  coatroversia,  hae  rationes  facile  poterunt 
Pontificem  attrahere,  ut  in  me  consenliat,  vel  in  Staphyle- 
um.  De  aliis  vero  neminem  admittetis,  nee  tamen  Pontifici 
aperietis  vos,  ne  id  faciatis  habere  in  mandatis,  sed  superius 
enarratas  Causas  in  vestram  excusationem  allegantes,  om- 
nino ut  vobis  injungitur  ea  in  re  insistetis. 

Quod  si  nullis  modis  dictam  Commissionem,  et  Dispen- 
sationem  impetrare  poteritis,  ad  idq;  nei'quiveiit  Pontifex 
adduci,  nisi  rem  prius  alicui  ex  Cardinalibus  vel  Officiariis 
communicaverit,  in  eo  tunc  casu,  ejus  Sanctitati  in  memo- 
riam  reducite,  quot  et  quam  gravia  mala  ex  hujus  negotii 
propalatione  possent  provenire,  si  ex  ea  occasione  aliquae 
contrarietates  vel  impedimcntum  suboriretur,  unde  Regiae 
Majestatis  expectatio  postmodum  frustaretur :  Quo  igitur, 
si  ullae  injiciantur  in  hac  re  tractandae  difficultates,  ut  Pon- 
tifex etiam  facilior  ad  R^gium  votum  concedendum  promp- 
tiorq;  reddatur,  alias  etiam  praeter  has  litexas  seorsim  ad 
vos  scripsi,  quas^una  cum  his  accipietis,  in  quibus  copiose 
aggessi,  quam  multas  magni  momenti  rationes,  ob  quas 
sententia  judiciumq;  meum  est,  ne  ullo  pacto  Pontifex 
banc  petitionem  Regiae  Majestatis  deneget;  quas  literas. 



quum  in  eis  argumenlum  vehemens  est,  nee  ob  prolixitatem 
taediosum  autmolestum  quod  legatur,  modum  aliquem  ipsi- 
us  Sanctitati  legendi  invenietis  ;  spemq;  ceitam  habeo,  si 
earum  summa,  tenor,  atq;  sententia  profunde  perpenda- 
tur,  quam  satis  id  esse  poterit  ad  omnera  tollendam  difficul- 
tatem,  quae  possit  obversari  in  dicta  Commissione  Dispen- 
sationeque  obtinenda,  in  eis  contenta  sigillatira  exponetis 
adeo,  quod  hoc  negotium  confici  queat,  Arbitris  aut  Consi- 
liaribus  ad  id  neutiquam  accitis,  si  fieri  possit :  si  tamen 
Pontifex  speraverit  se  posse  haec  omnia  eos  celare  qui  huic 
rei  forsan  voluerint  refragari,  et  omnino  decreverit  aliquos 
Cardinales  vel  Officiarios  istius  causae  participes  facere, 
omnem  tunc  industriam  statim  adhibebitis,  ut  his  cognitis 
eorum  gratiam  et  favorem  ea  in  re  vobis  comparetis,  par- 
tiin  eis  respectus,  et  causas  omnes  in  meis  literis  contentas, 
etiam  in  causae  commodum  facientes,  uberius  exponentes, 
partim  vero  earn  remunerationem  illis  dantes,  quae  judicio 
vestro  conveniens  habebitur,  dummodo  optatum  res  sortia- 
tur  efFectum.  Et  ut  omnia  queatis  praestare  commodius 
cum  his,  meas  literas  accipietis  quas  ad  Cardinalem  Sanc- 
torum Quatuor  et  Collegium  Cardinalium  scribo,  easque 
reddetis  ut  expedire  censueritis,  plane  confidens  nihil  a 
vobis  omissum  iri,  ut  hac  in  re  eorum  gratiam  atq;  favorem 
queatis  obtinere,  in  quern  eventum  ea  munera  oiferetis,  quae 
convenieotia  visa  fuerint,  Regiaq;  Majestas  quicquid  ejus 
nomine  promiseritis,  id  fidelissime,  uberrimeq;  praestabit, 

{iro  quarum  rerum  expeditione,  illis  pecuniis  uti  poteritis  per 
iteras  Cambii  Venetias  transmissis,  quousq;  sufFecerint, 
necessariumq;  vos  existimaveritis  rei  impetrandae.  Et  quum 
ambigxium  sit  an  vobis  licuerit  hoc  tempore  ad  Pontificis 
praesentiam  accedere,  hujusmodi  accessus  defeetus,  si  aliae 
rem  ad  bonum  exitum  perducendi  rationes  non  excogi- 
tarentur,  causa  esse  posset  longioris  morae,  et  totius  rei  im- 
pechmento  ;  proinde  Regia  Maiestas,  ut  modos  omnes  expe- 
riatuf ,  nee  uni  soli  inhaereat,  haec  eadem  in  mandatis  dedit 
Domino  Secretario,  quem  non  procul  ab  Urbe  esse  intel- 
leximus,  (juemadmodum  in  his  aliisq;  meis  brevioribus 
literis  continentur,  ita  quod  alter  vestrurn,  vel  uturque,  si 
fieri  possit,  ad  Pontificis  praesentiam  accessum  habeat ;  ni- 
hil tamen,  sub  spe  Domini  Secretarii,  vestrae  vos  diligen- 
tiae  aut  industriae  omittetis,  nee  ille  sub  spe  vestra,  in  re 
hac  raodis  omnibus  promovenda,  remissior  erit,  sed  nihil 
conjunctim  aut  divisim  intentatum  relinquetis.  Quod  si 
uterq;  vestrum  ad  Pontificem  admittatur,  alter  de  altero 
nescius,  id  non  oberit,  sed  multum  proficiet,  etiam  si  ante 
alterius  adventum  negotium  hoc  alter  impetrasset ;  sed  si 
aliquis  vestrum  cognoverit  causam  hanc  expeditam  esse. 
Vol.  I,  Part  II.  D 


omniaq;  pro  certo  impetrata  esse,  tunc  labori  et  sumpti- 
bus  Pontiticem  pro  eadem  re  accedendi  parcere  poteritis, 
neq;  in  earn  amplius  ingerere,  neq;  necessarium  aut  op- 
portunura  erit,  ut  pro  uUa  alia  re  in  praesentia  quam  pro 
hac  apud  Sanctissiraum  Dominum  nostrum  agatis,  sed  solum, 
nunc  procurabitis  de  Commissione  et  Dispensatione  juxta 
formam  ad  vos  missam  obtinenda,  necnon  de  profestina- 
tione  ilia,  quara  compendio  ad  vos  dedi,  in  quibus  omni- 
bus et  singulis  apte  tractandis  Regia  Majestas  magnam 
fiduciam  in  vestra  prudentia  coUocavit,  in  quibus,  cum  tarn 
magni  sint  momenti,  ex  Regiae  Majestatis  sententia  nunc 
vobis  maxime  elaborandum  est. 

Deniq;  quum  intelligam  Dominum  Lautrek  nonnihil 
mirari,  quod  Regiae  Majestatis  istic  agentes,  nullam  suo- 
rurn  mandatorum  partem  cum  eo  conferunl,  ad  eum  nunc 
scribo,  et  nonnulla  Domino  Roberto  Jernyngham  ei  expo- 
nenda  committo  concernentia  actiones  cum  Ferraria  Duce, 
€t  alia  quaedam  eodem  Domino  Lautrek ;  significans,  vos 
missos  esse  ad  dictas  causas  juvandos,  et  Pontificis  libera- 
tionem  promovendam,  queraadmodum  ex  literarum  ad  Do- 
minum Jernyngham  exemplo  cognoscetis :  ejpediens  itaq; 
fuerit,  ut  pree  se  feratis,  vos  dicta?  rei  gratia  missos  esse,  ne 
forsan  Dominus  Lautrek  in  falsam  aliquam  conjecturam 
aut  suspicionem  incideret,  quae  communibus  rebus  nocere 
posset,  et  in  vestrarum  quoq;  actionum  impedimentum  re- 

Illud  deinde  reticerenolui,  quod  si  ullo  pacto  vobis  liceat 
ad  Sanctissimi  Domini  nostri  praesentiam  accedere,  nihil 
omittatis  in  favorem  et  gratiam  Reverendi  Domini  Datarii, 
de  cujus  animo  nihil  dubitamus,  coniparandam,  eiq;  asse- 
retis,  quod  quum  in  nostris  omnibus  occurentiis  illius 
opera  ac  Patrocinio  semper  usi  fuerimus,  ipse  vero  tanta 
semper  fide  ac  sedulitate  omnia  effecerit  quae  nobis  grata  et 
optata  esse  cognovit,  ut  nostram  omnem  operam  suis  rebus 
reddiderit,  promptissimam,  et  suag  utilitatis  et  exaltationis 
cupidissimam.  Quocirca  haec  Regia  Majestas  hac  in  re, 
qua  nullam  magis  cordi  habet,  nee  gravioris  momenti  quic- 
quam  sibi  accidere  posse  judicat,  ex  animi  sui  sententia 
conficienda,  post  Sanctissimum  Dominum  nostrum,  in  Do- 
mino Datario  spem  omnem  coUocavit,  qui  ex  hac  occa- 
sione,  si  operam  suam  ad  opiatum  usq;  exitum  interponere 
non  gravetur,  Regiae  Majestatis  animum  et  pectus,  sic  omni 
ex  parte  promerebitur,  ut  dicta  Majestas  non  solum  omnia 
curatura  sit,  quae  ex  Domini  Veronensis  commodo  et  orna- 
meato  fuerint,  sed  eam  etiam  munificentiam  et  gratitudi- 
nem  addet,  quae  majorem  vel  integram  partem,  a  captivitate 
R«demtionis  persolvendae  compensabit ;  In  me  vero  non 

OF  llECORDS.  27 

aliam  fidem  et  amicitiam  experietur,  quam  ab  ullo  fratre 
posset  expectare.  Et  bene  valete.  Londini  ex  meis  ^di- 
bus.    Die  quinto  Decemb.  M.D.XXVIl. 

Vester  tanquam  frater  Amantiss. 
T.  Cardinalis  Eborac. 


Two  Letters  of  Secretary  Knight's  to  the  Cardinal  and  the  King, 
giving  an  account  of  his  Conference  with  the  Pope  about  hii 
Divorce.     Taken  from  the  Originals. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitell.  B.  10.) 

Rome,  Jan.  1,  1528. 

Please  it  your  Grace  to  understand.  That  immediately 
upon  the  receipt  of  your  Graces  Letters,  severally  directed 
unto  Mr.  Gregory  and  me  ;  he  and  I  resorted  unto  the 
Pope  his  Holiness,  making  congratulation  of  his  restitution 
unto  liberty  on  yours  and  his  behalf,  to  his  singular  comfort 
and  consolation  ;  and  so  much  the  more,  because  that  I  was 
the  first  that  made  like  salutation  in  any  great  Princes 
Name  ;  He  being  well  assured  that  I  spake  the  same  on  the 
behalf  of  his  two  chief,  sincere,  and  unfeigned  Eriends  : 
Wherefore  with  great  high  thanks,  and  long  discourse,  with 
rehearsal  of  the  King's  and  your  Merits  and  Acts,  in  most 
vertuous  and  Catholick  manner,  employed  for  his  restitu- 
tion, and  your  continual  and  effectual  study  how  the  See 
Apostolique  might  recover  the  pristine  Reputation  and 
Dignity ;  He  confirmed  as  much  as  I  had  spoken.  After 
this  Mr.  Gregory  and  1  entred  into  our  Charge,  shewing  at 
length  the  high  deserts  of  the  Princes  and  Realm  of  Eng- 
land, the  devotion  of  the  same  towards  the  Church  ;  how 
expedient  it  was,  as  well  for  the  See  Apostolique,  as  for 
the  said  Realm,  to  foresee  and  provide  that  all  occasions 
of  Dissension  and  War  were  extinct  and  put  away  ;  which 
for  lack  of  Heir  Male  of  our  Sovereign's  Line  and  Stem, 
should  undoubtedly  follow,  with  other  considerations  at 
length  contained  in  our  Instructions.  We  desired  his  Ho- 
liness to  commit  the  knowledg  of  the  Dispensation  that 
was  obtained  in  time  of  Julius,  of  famous  memory,  for 
Matrimony  to  be  had  between  the  King  and  the  Widow, 
Relict  late  of  Prince  Arthur ;  and  that  we  might  have  it 
in  form  as  that  was  that  your  Grace  sent  hither.  His 
Holiness  answered.  That  our  sayings  had  great  likelihood 
of  truth,  for  lacking  of  Issue  Male  of  the  King's  Stem, 
considering  the  nature  of  Men  being  prone  unto  Novelties, 


and  disposed  unto  Parties  and  Factions.  The  Realm 
of  England  would  not  only  enter  into  their  accustorfied 
Divisions,  but  also  would  owe  or  do  small  devotion  unto 
the  Church  ;  Wherefore  his  Holiness  was  right  well  content 
and  ready  to  adhibit  all  Remedy  that  in  him  was  possible, 
as  this  time  would  serve.  And  because  he  was  not  expert 
in  making  of  Commissions,  he  would  consult  with  the  Car- 
dmal  Sanctorxim  Quatuor,  and  use  his  advice,  which  we 
should  shortly  know. 

We  perceiving  that  the  obtaining  of  our  Charges  after 
the  King's  and  your  Graces  pleasure,  depended  much  upon 
the  Advice  of  Sanctorum  Quatuor,  did  prevent  his  going 
unto  the  Pope ;  and  delivering  your  Grace's  Letters  with 
Recommendations  accordingly,  we  desired  him  to  be  good 
and  favourable  unto  our  Requests  in  the  King's  behalf; 
and  for  the  better  obtaining  of  our  desires,  we  promised  to 
see  unto  him  with  a  competent  reward.  And  this  commu- 
nication had,  we  shewed  unto  him  the  Commission,  which 
he  said  could  not  pass  without  perpetual  dishonour  unto 
the  Pope,  the  King  and  your  Grace ;  and  a  great  part  of 
such  Clauses  as  be  omitted,  he  hath  touched  and  laid  rea- 
son for  the  same  in  a  Writing,  which  I  do  send  unto  your 
Grace  with  this.  Considering  his  great  Experience,  Wis- 
dom, Learning,  and  the  entire  affection  that  he  beareth 
unto  the  King  and  your  Grace  ;  and  that  it  was  far  from 
the  King's  desire,  and  nothing  for  your  purposes,  that  I 
should  first  have  sent  the  said  Cardinal's  Sayings  unto 
your  Grace,  and  abide  answer,  and  eft-soons  prevent  to  do 
the  same  :  Considering  also  that  the  said  King  desireth  a 
Commission  convenient  and  sufficient,  we  desired  him  to 
make  the  minute  of  one,  which  he  gladly  did  :  When  it  was 
made,  the  Pope  said.  That  at  his  being  in  the  Castle  of  St. 
Angelo,  the  General  of  the  Observants  in  Spain  required 
his  Holiness,  in  the  Emperor's  Name,  not  to  grant  unto 
any  Act  that  might  be  preparative,  or  otherwise,  to  Di- 
vorce to  be  made  between  the  King  and  the  Queen  :  and 
moreover  desired  an  Inhibition,  that  the  said  Cause  should 
not  come  in  knowledge  before  any  Judg  within  the  King's 
Dominions.  The  Pope  answered  that  Inhihitio  non  datur 
nisi  post  litem  moiam.  And  as  unto  the  first  his  Holiness 
was  content,  if  any  like  thing  were  demanded,  to  advertise 
the  Emperor  before  that  he  did  let  it  pass  ;  and  this  was 
in  a  manner  for  his  Holiness  being  in  Captivity.  But  his 
Holiness  being  yet  in  Captivity,  as  your  Grace  reports, 
and  esteemeth  him  to  be  as  long  as  the  Almaines  and 
Spaniards  continueth  in  Italy ;  he  thought  if  he  should 
grant  this  Commission,  that  he  should  have  the  Emperor 


his  perpetual  Enemy,  without  any  hope  of  reconciliation : 
Notwithstanding  he  was  content  rather  to  put  himself  in  evi- 
dent mine,  and  utter  undoing,  then  the  King,  or  your  Grace 
should  suspect  any  point  of  ingratitude  in  him,  heartily 
desiring  cum  suspiriis  &;  lachrimis,  that  the  King  and  your 
Grace,  which  have  always  been  fast  and  good  unto  him, 
will  not  now  suddenly  precipitate  him  for  ever  ;  which 
should  be  done,  if  immediately  upon  delivering  of  the  Com- 
mission your  Grace  should  begin  Process.  He  intendeth 
to  save  ail  upright  thus  :  If  Monsieur  de  Lautrech  would 
set  forwards,  which  he  saith  daily  that  he  will  do,  but  yet 
he  doth  not,  at  his  coming  the  Pope's  Holiness  may  have 
good  colour  to  say,  He  was  required  by  the  Ambassadour 
of  England  of  a  like  Commission.  And  denying  the  same, 
because  of  his  promise  unto  the  General,  he  was  eft-soons 
by  Monsieur  de  Lautrech,  to  grant  the  said  Commission, 
inasmuch  as  it  was  but  a  Letter  of  Justice.  And  by  this 
colour  he  would  cover  the  Matter,  so  that  it  might  appear 
unto  the  Emperor,  That  the  Pope  did  it  not  as  he  that 
would  gladly  do  displeasure  unto  the  Emperor,  but  as  an 
indifferent  Prince  that  could  not  nor  might  deny  Justice, 
specially  being  required  by  such  Personages !  and  imme- 
diately he  would  dispatch  a  Commission,  bearing  date  after 
the  time  that  Monsieur  Lautrech  had  been  with  him  or 
nigh  unto  him.  The  Pope  most  instantly  beseecheth  your 
Grace,  to  be  a  mean  that  the  King's  Highness  may  accept 
this  in  a  good  part,  and  that  he  will  take  patience  for  this 
little  time,  which  as  it  is  supposed  will  be  but  short,  and 
(in  nmvem  eventum)  I  do  bring  a  commission  with  me,  and 
a  Dispensation,  which  I  trust  the  King  and  your  Grace 
will  like  well. 

We  have  given  unto  my  Lord  Cardinal  Sanctorum  Quatuor 
4000  Crowns,  and  unto  the  Secretary  30  Crowns. 

With  this  Your  Grace  shall  leceive  a  Letter  from  the 
Pope's  Holiness,  Item,  a  Counsel  of  Oldrand,  that  giveth 
light  unto  the  King's  Cause.  1  shall  make  the  most  dili- 
gence homeward  that  I  can.  Our  Lord  Jesus  preserve  Your 

Your  most  humble  Servant 
At  Orvieto,  this  first  and  Chaplain, 

day  of  January.  W.  Knight. 


Rome,  Jan.  1,  1528. 
Please  it  your  Highness  to  understand.  That  as  soon  as 
the  Pope  was  at  liberty,  and  came  unto  Orvieto,  I  resorted 

D  3 


unto  his  Holiness  with  all  diligence ;  and  at  my  comin|^| 
unto  him,  did  make  congratulation  on  your  Highne^^"' 
behalf;  forasmuch  as  he  was  restored  unto  his  Liberty, 
which  he  accepted  very  joyfully  and  thankfully,  giving  unto 
your  Highness  manifold  and  high  thanks  for  your  great 
goodness,  as  well  proved  in  his  adversity,  as  when  he  was 
in  his  most  felicity.  After  this  he  rehearsed  my  being  at 
Home,  how  dangerous  it  was,  inasmuch  as  when  my  being 
there  was  detect,  espial  was  made,  and  1  was  not  passed 
out  of  Rome  by  the  space  of  two  hours,  or  two  hundred 
Spaniards  invaded  and  searched  the  House.  He  shewed 
also  that  he  had  received  all  such  Letters  as  I  at  my  being 
in  Rome  did  send  unto  his  Holiness  ;  whereby  he  did  per- 
ceive the  Effect  of  your  Highness  desire  concerning  your 
Dispensation  :  And  albeit  he  did  send  me  word  that  I 
should  depart,  and  his  Holiness  would  send  unto  me  the 
said  Dispensation  fully  speed.  Nevertheless  he  trusted 
that  your  Highness  would  be  content  to  tarry  for  a  time  : 
for  the  General  of  the  Observants  in  Spain  being  lately  in 
Rome',  had  required  him,  according  unto  his  Instructions, 
that  he  should  suffer  nothing  to  pass  that  might  be  prejudi- 
cial or  against  the  Queen,  directly  or  indirectly,  but  that 
the  Pope  should  first  advertise  thereof  certain  of  the 
Caesarians  here.  And  forasmuch  as  this  Dispensation 
might  encourage  your  Grace  to  cause  my  Lord  Legate 
Auctoritale  Legaiionis  to  hear  and  decern  in  the  Cause  that 
your  Highness  intendeth,  and  his  Holiness  standeth  as  yet 
in  manner  in  captivity  and  perplexity  :  His  Holiness  there- 
fore besought  your  Grace  to  have  patience  for  a  time,  and 
it  should  not  be  long  e'er  your  Highness  should  have,  not 
only  that  Dispensation,  but  any  thing  else  that  may  lie  in 
his  power.  I  replied  unto  this.  That  his  Holiness  had  once 
granted  it,  and  that  I  had  dispatched  a  Post,  and  made  re- 
lation thereof,  by  my  Writings,  unto  your  I^ghness  ;  so 
that  I  could  not  imagine  by  what  reason  I  might  per- 
swade  unto  you  that  he  would  perform  the  promise  that  he 
had  once  broken.  In  conclusion  ;  He  was  content  that 
your  Highness  should  have  it,  but  he  would  have  it  deli- 
vered with  this  condition  ;  That  the  Prothonotary  Gambora 
and  I,  should  beseech  your  Highness  not  to  attempt  any 
thing  in  your  Cause  against  the  Queen,  till  such  time  as  the 
Pope  were  frankly  at  his  Liberty  ;  which  could  not  be  as 
long  as  the  Almaynes  and  Spaniards  did  thus  reign  in  Italy ; 
and  promise  made,  we  should  deliver  the  Dispensation  :  and 
in  my  poor  judgment,  it  was  best  always  to  be  in  possession 
of  this  Dispensation.  After  this  he  showed  the  Minute 
unto  the  Cardinal  Sanctorum  QuatuoTy  willing  him  to  reform 


it  according  to  the  stile  of  this  Court ;    which  done,  he 
showed  it  unto  me,  and  after  said.  That  he  thought  good  I 
should  depart,  because  I  rode  but  competent  Journies,  and 
the  Prothonotary  Gambora  should  follow  by  Post  and  bring 
the  Bull  with  him,  which  is  of  the  same  form  and  substance 
that  your  Highness's  Minute  is  of:    And  if  there  be  any 
thing  omitted,  or  to  be  added,  his  Holiness  is  always  con- 
tent 10  reform  it,  and  to  put  it  under  the  same  date  that  the 
same  Dispensation  now  beareth  ;   the  Copy  whereof  I  do 
send  unto  your  Highness  with  this,  the  Commission  General, 
and  Protestation  being  void,  because  they  were  conceived 
durante  captivitate  only.     And  here,  on  my  behalf,  none 
other  thing  being  to  be  done,  I  took  my  leave  of  the  Pope 
and  departed.    At  my  coming  unto  Scarperii  near  unto  Bo- 
nony,  1  did  meet  with  Thadeus  this  Courier,  which  brought 
certain  Expeditions  Triplicat ;    the  one  unto  the  Prothono' 
tar  Gambora,  the  other  unto  Gregory  de  Cassali,  and  the 
third  unto  me;   among  which  was  a  general  Commissiou 
Triplicat,  the  one  to  be  committed  to  my  Lord  Legate  ;  and 
if  that  could  not  be  obtained,  because  my  Lord   Legate 
might  be  thought  partial,  then  the  same  ta  be  committed 
unto  Staphileius.    Item  ;  There  was  a  Copy  of  a  Dispensa- 
tion, where  I  perceived,  by  your  Grace's  Letter,  that  your 
pleasure  was  to  have  your  Dispensation  in  form,  after  the 
minute  that  Barlow  brought,  which  was  then  sped,   and' 
already  passed ;   so  remained  nothing  to  be  sped,  but  the 
Commission    your    Highness  pleases.      This    knowing,    I 
caused  my  Servants  to  continue  their  Journey,  and  with 
one  Servant  and  this  Courier,  I  returned  unto  Orvieto  with 
Post-Horses  ;  where  Mr.  Gregory  and  I,  with  much  Busi- 
ness, have  obtained  a  Commission  directed  unto  my  Lord 
Legate,  not  in  the  form  that  was  conceived  in  England,  but 
after  such  manner  as  is  sufficient  for  the  Cause,  and  as  t 
trust  shall  content  your  Highness  ;  wherein  the  Lord  Cardi* 
nal  Sanctorum  Quatuar,  hath  taken  great  pains  to  pen,  al 
well  your  Dispensation  as  the  Commission  ;  for  which,  and 
that  hereafter  he  may  do  unto  your  Highness  the  better 
service.  Mi.  Gregory  and  I  have  rewarded  him  with  4000 
Crowns,  of  such  Money  as  your  Highness  hath  caused  to  be 
made  unto  Venice  for  the  furtherance  of  your  Causes.    But 
albeit  that  every  thing  is  passed  according  to  your  Highness 
pleasure,  I  cannot  see,  but  in  case  the  same  be  put  in  exe- 
cution at  this  time,  the  Pope  is  utterly  undone,  and  so  he 
saith  himself.    The  Imperialists  do  daily  spoil  Castles  and 
Towns  about  Rome  ;  Monsieur  de  Lautrek  is  yet  at  Bonony, 
and  small  hope  is  of  any  great  Act  that  he  intends.    The 
Caesarians  have  taken  within  these  three  days,  two  Castles, 


lying  within  six  miles  of  thjs  :  and  the  Pope  being  in  this 
perplexity,  not  assured  of  any  one  Friend  but  of  your 
Highness,  that  lieth  too  far  off;  if  he  do  at  this  time  any 
displeasure  unto  the  Emperor,  he  thinketh  he  is  undone  for 
ever ;  wherefore  he  puts  his  Honour  and  Health  wholly 
into  your  Highness  Power  and  Disposition.  This  morning 
I  return  homewards,  and  Gregory  de  Cassali  goeth  in  my 
Company  as  far  as  unto  Florence  ;  and  from  thence  he 
goeth  unto  Monsieur  de  Lautrek,  to  sollicit  him  forwards, 
if  it  may  be.  The  Holy  Ghost  send  your  Highness  a  pro- 
sperous New  Year,  and  many. 

Your  most  humble  Subject, 
At  Orvieto,  the  first  Servant,  and  Chaplain, 

day  of  January.  W.  Knight. 

A  part  of  an  Original  Letter  from  the  same  Ferson  to  Cardinal 
Wolsey,  by  lohich  it  appears  tlmt  the  Dispensation  was  then 
granted  and  sent  over. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  10.) 

Rome,  10  Jan.  1528. 
Your  Grace  commandeth.  That  I  should  send  the  Com- 
mission and  Dispensation  with  diligence,  in  case  they  were 
sped,  before  the  receit  of  your  Graces  Letters  sent  at  this 
time.  Wherefore  the  Prothonotar  Gambora  and  I  being 
commanded  sub  poena  Excommunicationis  to  deliver  the 
same,  with  a  certain  Request  to  be  made  to  the  King's 
Highness  and  his  Grace,  at  the  time  of  delivery ;  I  send 
the  same  at  this  time  unto  Gambora,  requiring  him  in  any 
wise  to  make  diligence  towards  the  King's  Highness,  and 
not  to  abide  my  coming ;  the  Request  and  Cause  thereof 
your  Grace  shall  perceive  by  mine  other  Letters  adjoined 
herewith.  And  supposing  that  when  your  Grace  hath  seen 
my  Letters,  and  the  Dispensations,  and  considered  this 
time  well,  it  may  chance  that  the  King  and  your  Grace  will 
be  rather  well  content  with  that  that  is  passed,  without 
suing  for  any  other  thing  that  could  not  be  obtained  with- 
out long  tract,  and  peradventure  not  so.  Your  Grace  hath 
committed  as  much  unto  Gregory  de  Cassali  at  this  time, 
as  unto  me,  which  being  near  unto  the  Pope,  will  without 
fail  do  his  best  diligence  :  And  if  it  shalU  be  thought  good 
unto  the  King's  Highness,  and  your  Grace,  that  I  do  re^ 
turn  unto  Orvieto,  I  shall  do  as  much  as  my  poor  Carcase 
may  endure,  and  thereby  at  Turine  I  shall  abide  the  know- 


ledge  of  your  Grace's  pleasure.  The  Datary  hath  clean 
forsaken  the  Court,  and  will  serve  no  longer  but  only  God 
and  his  Cure.  The  Cardinal  Campegius  continueth  ia 
Rome  sore  vexed  with  the  Gout ;  The  Cardinals  Pisane, 
Triuulcis,  Ursine,  Gadis,  and  Cesis,  remaineth  for  Host- 
ages. The  Cardinals  Monte,  Sanctorum  Quatuor,  Ridulph, 
Ravenna,  and  Perusino,  be  with  the  Pope  ;  the  rest  abides 
absent.    Our  Lord  Jesus  preserve  your  Grace. 

Your  most  humble  Beadsman 
At  Aste,  the  10th  and  Servant, 

day  of  January.  W.  Knight. 


Gregory  CassalVs  Letter  about  the  Method  in  which  the  Pope 
deiired  the  Divorce  should  be  managed.  Taken  from  a  Copy 
xvritten  by  Cardinal  Wolsey's  Secretary. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  10.) 

Orvieto,  the  13th  of  January. 
Heui  et  hodie  ad  multam  diem  sum  alloquutus  Sanctum 
Dominum  nostrum  de  mittendo  legato,  insequens  ordinem  a 
Reverendissirao  Domino  Eboracen.  suis  liieris  27  Decemb. 
mihi  praescriptum.  Pontifex  ostendit  se  cupidissimum  sa- 
tisfaciendi  Regiae  Excellentia;,  cui  omnia  se  debere  fatetur 
et  nunc  habuit  mecum  longum  de  hac  re  colloquium,  ut  in- 
veniatur  modus  omnia,  bene,  firme  et  secure  faciendi,  quo 
facto  et  tueri  possit;  ideoq;  consulere  voluit  judicium 
Cardinalis  Sanctorum  Quatuor  et  Symonettae,  qui  excel- 
lentior  et  Doctior  Auditor  Rot?e  est,  cum  quibns  sub  sigillo 
Confessionis  egit,  ut  ex  eorum  consilio  inveniatur  modus, 
ad  moram  tollendam,  et  causam  secure  peragendam  :  Atq; 
ita  Pontifex  cum  illis,  in  hoc  quod  sequitur,  se  revolvit, 
videturq;  optimus,  verus  et  secuius  modus,  et  me  rogavit, 
ut  nullo  pacto  dicam  hoc  obtinuisse  ab  ejus  Sanctitate  si- 
cuii  revera  obtinui,  nam  Caesariani  eum  statum  pro  sus- 
pecto  allegarent,  sed  quod  dicam  me  habuisse  a  Cardinali 
Sanctorum  Quatuor,  et  a  dicto  Auditore.  Dicunt  quod 
Rex  deberet  committere  istic  causam  Cardinali,  ratione 
Commissionis  quam  attulit  Secretarius,  vel  propria  Au- 
thoritate  Legationis,  quod  facere  potest ;  et  ubi  causa 
fuerit  commissa,  si  Rex  conscientiam  suam  persentiat  co- 
ram Deo  exoneratam,  et  quod  recte  possit  facere  quod 
quaerit,  quia  nuUus  Doctor  in  mundo  est,  qui  de  hac  re 
melius  decernere  possit  quam  ipse  Rex,  itaq;  si  in  hoc  se 


resolverit,  ut  Pontifex  credit,  statim  caugam  committat^ 
aliam  Uxorem  ducat,  litem  sequatur,  mittatur  publice  pro 
Legato,  qui  Consistorialiter  mittetur,  ita  enim  maxime  ex- 
pediret :  nam  Cardinalis  Sanctorum  Quatuor  et  Symonetta 
dicunt  hoc  certum  esse,  quod  si  Regina  citetur  ilia  nihil 
volet  respondere,  nisi  quod  protestabitur  locum  et  judices 
suspectos  esse,  et  Caesariani  petent  a  Pontifice  per  viam 
Sigwaturse,  justitias  Inhibitionem,  qua  Rex  aliam  nullam 
possit  Uxorem  capere,  et  si  capiat  proles  non  sit  legitiraa 
donee  causa  non  definiatur,  et  petent  Commissionem  qua 
Causa  audiatur  in  Curia ;  de  Inhibitione  vero  Pontifex 
non  potest  negare,  neq;  et  Commissionem  nisi  injustitia  et 
mera  vis  inferatur,  adversus  quam  omnis  mundus  exclama- 
ret.  Quod  si  Rex  aliam  Uxorem  ceperit  hoc  non  possunt 
petere,  et  si  petant,  negabit  Pontifex  quod  jure  possit,  nee 
aliud  dicere  poterunt  vel  allegare,  nisi  quod  Cardinalis 
Eboracen.  et  Cardinalis  mittendus  et  locus  sit  suspectus,  et 
petere  quod  Causa  videatur  hie,  in  quo  si  deducatur,  statim 
feretur  sententia  quam  Pontifex  maturabit,  non  servatis 
terminis  propter  momentum  negotii  et  alias  rationes,  quas 
sciet  Pontifex  adducere,  et  ita  hie  obtinebuntur  sententiae 
quae  per  totum  Orbem  approbabuntur,  quibus  nullus  His- 
panus  aut  Germanus  poterit  contradicere,  et  mittentur  in 
Angliam  declarandae  per  Cardinales  prout  Rex  voluerit,  et 
hoc  etiam  non  obstante  Pontifex  mittet  Cardinalem. 

Tandem  hie  est  modus  rebus  omnibus  secure  medendi, 
ad  quem  sequendum  vos  Pontifex  hortatur,  et  rogat  ut  ni- 
hil dicatur  quod  ab  eo  procedat.  Iste  modus  non  videtur 
inutilis,  quia  hie  Auditor  asserit,  non  aliter  esse  faciendum 
si  bene  volumus  ;  et  quia  Reverendissimus  Cardinalis  Do- 
minus  Eboracen.  instat  pro  celeritate,  interim  accersiri 
poterit  qualiscunq;  Legatus  Rex  voluerit,  et  magis  satis- 
iiet  vulgo  in  raittendo  Legato,  veluti  ad  definiendam  cau- 
sam,  et  hie  etiam  ut  dixi  omnia  fient  quae  super  id  Rex 

Praeterea  Pontifex,  id  quod  fecit  ut  me  resolverem  ad 
has  literas  scribendum,  contentus  est  mittere  quemcunq; 
Cardinalem  ego  petiero,  sed  ait  oportere  ut  aliquis  mitta- 
tur habilis,  id  est  Doctor  in  Jure,  vel  in  Theologia,  qui 
sunt  isti  Campegius,  Caesarinus,  Senensis,  Caesis,  AraceJi, 
Monte,  qui  senex  est  et  immobilis ;  Caesis  in  obsidem  iyit 
jNJeapolim,  Caesarinus  Episcopatum  habet  in  Hispania, 
Araceli  podagra  laborat  et  Prater  est,  Senensis  est  Impe- 
rialis  et  non  valde  prudens,  Campegius  esset  maxime  ad 
proposilum,  sed  Romae  est  locum  tenens  Pontificis,  unde 
non  posset  discedere,  continuantibus  discordiis  inter  Ger- 
manos  et  Hispanos,  neq;  auderet  egredi  a  castro;  sed  hoc 

OF  RECOllDS.  35 

periculum  et  dubium  brevi  expedietur,  nam  intra  octo  dies 
Caesariani  cogentur  sibi  consuleie  ut  eant  in  Regnum,  si 
Dominus  Lautrek  eo  progrediatur,  vel  ibunt  Senas  per 
iter  Florentia3,  et  tunc  Campegius  poterit  exire,  et  si  Rex 
ita  jusserit  statim  accingetur  itineri.  Pontifex  jussit  ut 
scribam,  quod  nunquam  ingenio  aut  studio  deerit  in  exco- 
gitando  ut  adimpleat  desiderium  et  voluntatem  Regis,  et 
quod  solum  ista  proponit  pro  meliori  securitate,  ne  ista 
fiant  quae  postea  referri  debeant,  quod  pareret  dilationem 
et  dirficultatem,  et  quantum  ego  possim  conjicere  Pontifex 
exoptat  satisfacere  Regiae  voluntati.  Pontifex  denuo  re- 
plicavit  quod  se  totum  rejicit  in  Brachia  Regiae  Majesfatis, 
et  quod  certus  est  qu6d  Caesar  nunquam  hoc  illi  ignoscet, 
et  quod  ex  hac  occasione  vocabit  eum  ad  Concilium,  vel 
nihil  aliud  quaeret  nisi  ut  eum  omni  statu  et  vita  privet ;  et 
dicta  Sanctitas  parvam  spem  habet  in  Gallis,  nisi  quantum 
operabitur  per  Regiam  JVIajestatem  et  Reverendissimum 
Dominum  Eboracen.  Ad  quad  Respondi,  ilium  ex  prae- 
teritis  et  praesentibus  posse  judicare  futura.  Tandem  affir- 
mo,  quod  si  semel  tollatur  Cassarianorum  metus,  poteritis 
ex  arbitrio  vestro  disponere  de  sede  Apostolica. 

Cardinalis  Campegius  ad  Pontificem  scripsit,  quod  sunt 
tres  dies  ex  quo  frater  Generalis  communicaverat  secum 
negotium  Regiae  IMajestatis,  et  quod  dixerat  ut  ad  ejus 
Sanctitatem  scriberet,  ut  omnino  faceret  aliquam  Inhibi- 
tionem  ne  causa  istic  tractaretur.  Ad  quod  Pontifex  non 
respondit,  sed  respondebit,  se  nihil  de  eo  posse  facere,  quia 
non  pendet  causa. 


A  Duplicate.     The  King's  Letter  to  the  College  of  Cardinals ; 
from  which  it  appears  how  much  they  favoured  his  Cause. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  10.) 

Januar.  1528,  ad  Collegium. 
Henricus  Rex,  Reverendissimis  in  Christo  Patribus  Do- 
minis  Episcopis  Patribus  et  Diaconis  S.  R.  E.  Cardinalibus 
et  Amicis  nostris  Charissimis  salutem.  Nihil  unquam  tarn 
grande  esse  posse  putavimiis,  quin  de  ista  Sancta  sede, 
vestrarumq;  Reverendissimaium  Dominat.  summa  erga  nos 
benignitate,  illud  semper  audacter  nobis  fuerimus  polliciti. 
quod  certe  S.  Sanctum  istud  Collegium,  quotiens  ullam 
nobis  gratificandi  occasionem  oblatam  habuit,  cumulatis- 
sime  praffstitit :  Caeterum  benevolentiam  istam  vestram,  et 
singulare  in  nos  studium,  mine  longe  superavit,  alacritas, 


quam  in  nostra  omnium  gravissima  causa,  juvanda  ac  pro- 
movenda,  in  publico  Consistorio,  amantissime  omnes  exhi- 
buistis,  quo  certe  beneficio  sic  Sacro  isti  Collegio  Sanctis- 
simaeq;  isti  sedi  adstrictos  nos  fatemur,  ui  vehementissime 
optemus  gratiam,  vel  sanguine  ipso,  publice  ac  privatim 
Reverendissimis  Dominat.  vestris  quoq;  posse  referre. 
Quocirca  iterum  eas  impense  rogamus,  ut  in  suo  erga  nos 
aft'ectu  perseverare  non  graventur,  efficiemusq;  (Deo  bene 
juvante)  ut  brevi  perspiciant,  apud  gratum  et  memoiem 
Principem,  Sanctesq;  Rom.  Ecclaesiae  observantissimum, 
sua  se  beneiicia  et  officia  coUocasse.  Inteiim  vobis  quas 
possumus  ex  animo,  turn  his  literis,  turn  per  Oratorem 
istic  nostrum  immortales  gratias  Reverendissimis  vestris 
Dominis  agimus,  existimetisq;  quicquid  a  nobis  prsstari 
queat,  id  suo  oinamento  et  commodo  promptissimum  f'u- 


A  Duplicate  of  the  Cardinal's  Letter  to  the  Pope,  about  the 
Divorce  ;  corrected  with  his  own  hand. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  JO.) 

Febf.  10,  1528. 
Beatis&ime  Pater,  post  humillimam  Commendationem, 
et  Sanctissimorum  pedum  oscula,  doleo  atq;  gravissime  ex- 
crucior,  quod  ea  quai  tanta  solicitudine,  literis  et  nunciis 
apud  Beatitudinem  vestram  ago,  nequeam,  ut  unice  et  re- 
rum  omnium  maxime  vellem,  prius  tractare,  hoc  est,  nego- 
tium  Potentissimi  Domini  mei  Regis,  negotium  inquam 
rectissiraum,  honestissimum  ac  sanctissimum,  in  quo  pro- 
curando  non  aliter  me  interpono,  quam  in  ejus  Regiae  Ma- 
jestatis  salute  tuenda,  in  hoc  Regno  conservando,  in  pub- 
lica  tranquillitate  fovenda,  in  Apostolica  Autoritate,  in 
mea  deniq;  vita  et  anima  protegenda  debeo.  Beatissime 
Pater,  ad  vestrae  Sanctitatis  genua  provoluius,  obsecro  et 
obtestor,  ut  si  me  Christianum  virum,  si  bonum  Cardina- 
lem,  si  S.  Saneto  isto  Senatu  dignum,  si  Apostolicag  sedis 
membrum  non  stupidum  et  inutile,  si  recti,  justitiaeq;  cul- 
torem,  si  fidelera  Creaturam  suam,  si  demum  aeternze  salu- 
tis  cupidum  me  existimet,  nunc  velit  mei  Consilii  et  inter- 
cessionis  rationem  habere,  et  pientissimis  hujus  Regis  pre- 
cibus,  benigne,  prompteq;  adnuere  :  quas  nisi  rectas,  sanc- 
tas  ac  justas  esse  scirem,  omne  prius  supplicii  genus  ultro 
subirem,  quam  eas  promoverem,  pro  hisq;  ego  vitam  me- 
am  et  animam  spondeo.    Alioquin  vereor  (quod  tamen  ne- 


queo  tacere)  ne  Regia  Majestas  humano,  divinoq;  jure 
(quod  habel  ex  omni  Christianitate  suis  his  actionibus  ad- 
junctum)  freta,  postquam  viderit  sedis  Apostolicae  gratiam, 
et  Christ!  in  terris  Vicarii  clementiam  desperatam,  Caesaris 
intuitu,  in  cujus  manu  neutiquam  est  tam  Sanctos  conatus 
reprimere,  ea  tunc  moliatur,  ea  sua?  causae  perquirat  reme- 
dia,  quae  et  non  solum  huic  Regno,  sed  etiam  aliis  Chris- 
tianis  Principibus,  occasionem  subministrarent,  sedis  Apos- 
tolicae Autoritatem  et  Juiisdictionem  iraminuendi,  et  vili- 
pendendi,  non  absq;  Christianae  Reip.  perturbatione  :  Qui- 
bus  Doalis  potest  vestra  Sanctitas  sua  autoritate  et  prudentia 
mederi.  Haec  loquoT  ut  Christianus,  et  ut  devotissiraum 
istius  Sedis  membrum  sincere  suadeo  ;  non  afFectus,  non 
Principis  amor,  non  servitutis  vinculum  me  impellit,  sed 
sola  rectitudine  ad  id  adducor.  Caeterum  animi  solicitude 
non  sinit  plura  exprimere.  Vestra  Sanctitas  in  tam  justo 
Regis  voto  adnuendo,  sic  ejus  Majestatis  animum  sibi  devin- 
ciet  et  conservabit,  ut  non  solum  ipse  et  ego,  sedomnes  ejus 
subditi  sint  ad  obnem  occasionem,  opes,  vires,  et  sangui- 
nem  in  Sanctitatis  vestrae,  Apostolicae  Sedis  beneficium, 
libentissime  profusuri  Mitto  ad  Beatitudinem  vestramhujus 
rei  gratia,  Dominum  Stephanun^  Gardinerum,  Priraariura 
Secretissimorum  Consiliorum  Secretariura,  mei  dimidium, 
et  quo  neminem  habeo  cariorem ;  referet  ille  cuncta  dis- 
tinctius,  meum  pectus  aperiet.  Vestram  igitur  Sanctitatem 
humillime  rogo,  ut  eum  loquentem  me  loqui  existimares, 
et  eam  fidem  quam  praesenti  mihi  haberet,  illi  et  Domino 
Edward 0  Foxo  Regio  familiari  in  omnibus  praestare,  et  me 
a  tam  anxia  expectatione  liberare  dignetur. 

I         IX. 

Cardiyial  Wolsey's  Letter  to  Gregory  Cassali,  directing  him  to 
make  Presents  at  Rome. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitell.  B.  10.) 

Tanta  deinde  sunt,  tamq;  magna  officia,  quae  Reveren- 
dissimus  Dominus  Sanctorum  Quatuor,  turn  erga  Regiam 
Majestatem,  turn  erga  me,  nunquam  non  amantissime  exhi- 
buit,  ut  quum  ea  in  agendis  graiiis  assequi  conamur,  id 
animo  facilius  complecti,  quam  exteriori  uUo  propensae  nos- 
trae  in  eum  voluntatis  testimonio  indicare  queamus  :  ad  nos- 
triq;  in  eum  summum  studii  et  affectionis  cumulum,  nunc 
tantum  accessii,  quantum  vix  unquam  possit  a  nobis  ex- 
solvi ;  licetq;  de  ejus  Revereudissim.  Doniiuat.  ingenti 
Vol..  I,  Part  II.  E 


Regiae  Majestali,  et  mihi  gratificandi  ardore  nunquam  addu- 
bitaverira,  sic  tamen  pectus  suum,  in  Regiae  Majestatispro- 
movenda  juvandaq;  causa,  sic  in  meis  seorsim  curandis  ex- 
pediendisq;  negotiis,  operam,  fidem,  autoritatemq;  suam 
interposuit,  ut  non  minora  semper  efficeret,  quam  nos  op- 
tare  potuerimus :  quo  certe  nomine,  ita  utrumq;  nostrum, 
suo  suorumq;  omnium  commodo  et  ornamento  devinxit,  ut 
non  prius  conquieturi  sumus  quam  aliquo  indicio  rebus  ip- 
sis  nostram  vicissim  gratitudinem  fuerimus  testati ;  quot 
enim  modis  et  quanta  soUicitudine  Reverendissimus  Sanc- 
torum Quatuor  de  nobis  sit  optime  meritus,  res  praestita 
indicat,  et  Dominus  Stephanus  Secretarius  meus  suo  Ser- 
mone  ac  relatu  assidue  praedicat ;  et  quamvis  minusculum 
illud  olim  oblatum  recusaverit,  non  tamen  Regiae  Majestati 
satisfactum  esse  potest,  nisi  memoris  sui  animi  pignus  ali- 
quod  exhibuerit.  Quocirca  cum  eodemReverendissimo  Do- 
mino dexterime  agite,  ut  in  familiari  aliquo  coUoquio  elicia- 
tis,  quibus  rebus  ille  maxime  oblectetur,  mihiq;  quam  pri- 
mum  significate,  num  illi,  aulea,  Vasa  aurea,  autequi  maxi- 
me probentur,  efficiamq;  ne  putet  apud  Principem  inhuma- 
num  aut  ingratum  sua  se  officia  collocasse.  Intellexi  quoq; 
ex  eodem  Domino  Stephano,  quam  ardentur  idem  Dominus 
Sanctorum  Quatuor  cupiat  sedificium  Sancti  Petri  absolvi, 
veluti  monumentum  illud  Religionis  ac  pietatis  perpetuo  fu- 
turum,  quod  certe  ejus  animi  consilium,  ut  Sanctum  ita  dig- 
nissimum  censeo,  ut  Christianorum  Principium  liberalitatem 
quam  plurimum  mereatur ;  meo  igitur  nomine  affirmabitis, 
SIC  meam  me  esse  operam  apud  hunc  Serenissimum  Regem 
interpositurum,  ut  palam  constet  omnibus,  me  Ecclesiae 
membrum  non  omnino  inutile  aut  stupidum  esse. 

De  aliis  vero  rebus,  in  quibus  S.  D.  N.  benignitatem  et 
Reverendissimi  Domini  Sanctorum  Quatuor  opera  et  Patro- 
cinio  Regias  Majestati  et  mihi  in  p^sentia  est  opus,  per 
Dominura  Stephanum  copiose  vos  instruq,  iterum  atq; 
itemm  impense  rogans,  ut  solita  vestra  diligentia  et  sedu- 
litat'e  ex  nostra  expectatione  eas  curare  conficereq;  velitis. 

The  Decretal  Bull  that  was  desired  in  the  King's  Cause. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitell.  B.  12.) 

Rome,  Feb.  1527. 
DiLECTO,  &c.  Salutem  et  Apostolicam  Benedict.  Sedis 
Apostolica)  Suprema  Autoritas  potestatis  sua?  copiam  sic 
omnibus  exhibet,  ut  pro  causarum,  persoiiarum  et  tempo- 


rum  qualitate  remedia  singulis  ad  aedificationem  subminis- 
trare,  et  causas  ad  Canonum  Sanctiones  expensas  aequissi- 
ma  certissimaq;  lance  tnitinans,  laborantibus  conscientiis 
et  fluctuantibus  consulere,  sumraamq;  ipsis  tranquillita- 
tem  statuere  contendat.  Cum  itaq;  Clarissimus  in  Christo 
Filius  noster  Henricus  Octavus  Angliae  Rex,  Fidei  Defen- 
sor, et  Dominus  Hiberniae,  sua  nobis  conquestione  monstra- 
verat,  quod  cum  Annos  ab  hinc  decem  et  octo  nobilem  Mu- 
lierem  Catharinam  Ferdinandi  quondam  Hispaniarum  Re- 
gis Filiam,  Illustris  Principis  Arthuri  Fratris  sui  defuncti 
quondam  Uxorem,  hortatu,  suasu,  ac  consiliis  eorum,  qui- 
bus  se  totum  in  prima  Regni  sui  Administratione  credide- 
rat,  quadam  sedis  Apostolicae  Dispensatione  praetensa  sibi 
bona  fide  Matrimonio  copulasset,  ac  ab  eo  tempore  hac- 
tenus  cum  eadem  tanquam  cum  Uxore  cohabitasset,  prole 
interim  fcemina  suscepta  et  superstite  ex  eadem,  ac  jam 
tandem  post  desi>eratam  prolem  iNIasculam,  de  stabilienda 
et  confirmanda  ejusdem  Filiae  suae  successione  cogitaret, 
lustratisq;  Scriniis  dictam  super  ^Matrimonio  praefato  Dis- 
pensationem  faceret  proferri,  doctorumq;  Virorum  judicia 
examinari,  cujus  quidem  Dispensationis  tenor  sequitur,  et 
est  talis,  &c. 

Quidam  Sanctionum  et  Canonum  Ecclesiasticorum  con- 
sulti,  datam  dictae  cum  narratis  ejusdem  conferentes,  ali- 
asq;  nonnullas  circumstantias'  quae  tum  ante  dictae  Dis- 
pensationis impetrationem,  quse  etiam  post  eandem  impe- 
tratam  intervenerunt,  ponderantes,  tum  quod  causa  quae  in 
Bulla  pretensa  est  pacis  continuandae,  viz.  quae  ipsa  turn 
coaluerat,  foederibus  percussis  firma  constiterat,  mutuis 
etiam  populorum  commerciis  aucta,  nullum  suae  violationis 
timorem  incutiens,  qui  Justus  et  non  omnino  vanus  dici 
posset,  nee  urgentissima  proinde  nee  evidentissima  vide- 
retur,  qualem  prohibitionis  relaxatio  exigat  et  requirat ; 
tum  quod  preces  falsae  erant  dum  uarrabatur  Praedecessori 
nostro,  eundeni  Charissimum  Filium  nostrum  tum  cupere 
cum  dicta  charissima  Domina  Catharina  contrahere  Matri- 
monium,  ad  hoc  ut  pacis  fcedera  diutius  continuarentur, 
cum  eo  tempore,  ut  asserit,  impetrationem  prorsus  igno- 
raret,  et  per  atatis  immaturitatem,  duodjcimum,  viz.  an- 
num non  excedentis,  affectum  hujusmodi  inducere  non  po- 
tuerat ;  tum  quod  Protestatione  postmodum  interveniente 
et  vim  Renunciiationis  habente,  Dispensatio  tunc  per  Re- 
nunciationem  extincta  videretur;  Deniq;  quod  principes 
inter  quos  foedera  conservarentur,  ante  mandatam  execu- 
tioni  BuUam  fatis  concesserant ;  BuUam  ipsam,  tum  ex 
surreptionis  et  obreptionis  vitiis,  quam  aliis  etiam  de  Cau- 
sis  minus  validam  et  inefficacem  esse  renunciarunt  et 
retulerunt,  scrupulum  dicti  Regis  animo  conscientiajq;  gra- 


vein  injicientes,  eamq;  illi  opionem  inducentes,  ut  Matii- 
inonium  praedictum  non  consistere  neq;  hactenus  jure  con- 
stitisse  judicaret.  Porro  autem  cu!n  Irequentius  apud  se, 
ut  asserit,  animo  volveret  ac  meditaretur,  quales  exitus 
hujusmodi  nuptiai  praefatas  habuerunt,  ex  quibus,^ viz.  ali- 
quot partus  niasculi  impeifeeti  parumq;  vitales  prodiere, 
atq;  ideo  se  omni  spe  successoris  prorsus  destitui,  quo 
suara  farailiam  ad  paucos  redactam  conservaret,  occurente 
simul  memoriae  Divina  interminatione  quae  Fratris  sui  tut- 
pitudinem  revelanti,  et  illius  Uxorem  contra  S.  Sancta  Dei 
prajcepta  accipienti  inscribitur,  praesertim  ubi  Dispensatio 
non  interveniat,  quae  ex  omni  sua  parte  valeat  et  consistat, 
nonnullis  etiam  affirmantibus  nostram  non  eatenus  pro- 
testatera  patere  ut  in  ea  specie  gratiam  faciamus,  etiamsi  ut 
scribit  de  nostrae  potestatis  plenitudine  non  dubitet,  juste 
duntdxat  legitiraeq;  interpositae,  quam  summam  in  terris 
agnoscit  et  veneratur,  ad  improbandas  illas  nuptias  tantum 
undiq;  videt  consensum  ut  illas  animo  abhorreat,  nee  alio- 
rum  rationibus  posset  dissuaderi  quin  abominandas  eas 
judicet,  et  Divine  Majestati  odiosas.  Deniq;  idem  Caris- 
simus  Filius  noster  debita  cum  instantia  nos  precibus  solli- 
citaverit,  quatenus  personae  suae  et  Regni  nobis  semper  de 
votissimi  rationem  habentes,  mature  judicio  ab  angustiis 
llberemus,  quibus  se  usu  praesentis  Matrimonii  per  legem 
conscientiae  privatum,  nee  efd  aliud  per  leges  publicas  ante 
sententiam  adraissum,  vehementer  eonqueritur  comprehen- 
sum  esse.  Nos  igitur  considerantes  quot,  quanta,  turn  in 
Sedem  Apostolicam,  turn  in  fidem  Christianam  offieia  prae 
caeteris  exhibuerit,  promeritus  eo  nomine  ut  nostrae  vicis- 
sim  potestatis  gratiam  uberrimam  et  promptissimam  ref'e- 
rat,  aliamq;  illius  causam  atq;  privati  esse,  ex  qua  nimi- 
rum  pendeat  salus  plurimorum,  nee  posse  dictee  causae  de- 
cisionem  diutius  proferri  et  protelari  sine  gravi  discriminis 
periculo,  dicti  vero  Principis  cruciatu  maxima  quae  nos  ex 
gratitudinis  vicissitudine  minueret  debeamus,  qua  decet 
festinatione  procedi  facientes  ut  ad  finem  celerrime  per- 
ducatur,  de  Consilio  Fratrum  nostvorum,  quorum  in  hac 
causa  tam  gravi  atq;  urgenti  judicium  adhibuimus,  ac 
etiam  eorum  quos  et  Sacrae  Theologiae  peritissimos  et  juris 
Ecclesiastici  caflentissiraos  desuper  consulendos  audien- 
dosq;  putavimus,  quoniam  vitia  et  delectus  praedictos  ejus- 
modi  esse  comperimus,  quae  pensata  praefatae  Prohibitionis 
natura,  vires  ipsius  Bullae  merito  enervarent ;  quo  magis, 
viz..  attestemur  et  palam  faciamus,  quanta  animi  cura  et 
solicitudine  prffil'ati  Carissimi  Filii  nostri  conscientiam 
hujusmodi  scrupulia  et  difficultatibus  impediri,  implicari 
atq;  vexari  sustineamus,  cum  alioquin  te  dilectum  Filium 
nostrorum  Cardin.  Eboracen.  in  ilia  Provincia  et  Aposto- 


kics  Sedis  Legatum,  a  prsclaris  animi  tui  virtutibUs,  ad 
justitiam  vero  et  aiquitatem  propensissimo  sincerissimoq; 
aftectu  nobis  sic  commendatum  et  cognitum  habeamus,  ut 
tibi  merito  soli  omnem  nostram  Autoritatem,  cum  in  hac 
Causa  expedienda,  turn  etiam  in  reliquis  committendani 
putaverimus,  dignissimus  quidem  nobis  existimatus,  qui 
partes  nostras  tractes  et  vices  absentis  posses  supplere  :    Te 

tamen  Dilectum  Filium a  nobis  specialiter  istuc  destin- 

andum  duximus,  ut  conjunctim  in  hac  causa  procedere  pos- 
sitis,  ita  nihilomimus  propter  incertum  casuum  eventum 
mandatam  Authoritatem  temperantes,  ut  altero  vestrum 
nolente  aut  impedito  alter  omnia  exequi  et  causam  fi  e  de- 
bito  valeat  terminare.  Vobis  ut  praefertur  conjunctim  et 
ut  praefertur  divisim,  ad  cognoscendum  et  procedendum 
summarie  et  de  piano,  sine  strepitu  et  figura  judicii,  ac  de 
et  super  viribus  dictae  Bullae  sive  Dispensationis  inquiren- 
dum, ipsamq;  BuUam  sive  Dispensationem,  si  de  vitiis 
Eraedictis  aut  eorum  aliquo  tali  probatione  constiterit,  quaa 
cet  aliis  minus  clara  videatur,  animo  tamen  Religioso, 
conscientiaeq;  vestrse,  aut  ejus  vestrum  qui  in  hac  Causa 
processerit,  divisim  ut  praefertur,  satisfecerit,  et  verisimile 
apparuerit,  vel  pacem  quae  in  Bulla  praetenditur  sine  hujus 
Matrimonii  contractu  consistere  potuisse  et  continuari,  vel 
dictum  Charissimum  Filium  nostrum,  ut  allegabatur,  non 
cupiisse  contrahere  JNIatrimonium  ad  hoc  ut  pacis  fcedera 
conservarentur,  vel  deniq;  Principes  in  Bulla  nominatos, 
inter  quos  fcedera  per  illud  Matrimonium  continuatum  iri 
allegabatur,  ante  mandatam  executioni  Bullam  fatis  con- 
cessisse,  ipsam  nullam,  minus  validam,  ex  surreptione  et 
obreptione  inefficacem,  irritam  et  inanem  fuisse,  semper  et 
esse  pronuntiandam  et  declarandam ;  Matrimonium  autem 
prffidictum,  quod  ejusdem  virtute  consistere  videlur,  nul- 
lum simul  ac  minus  legitimum  esse,  ac  pro  nullo  minusq;  le- 
gitime haberi  deberi  decernendum ;  ipsos  porro  contrahentes 
ab  omni  contractu  Matrimoniali  hujusmodi  liberos,  a  con- 
sortio  conjugali  quod  hactenus  observarunt  separari  deberi, 
sententiendum  et  aiitoritate  nostra  separandum.  Deniq;  ut- 
rumque  ad  contrahendum  eum  alio  vel  alia,  novum  conjugi- 
um  ineundi,  licentiam  et  facultatem  tribuendum  et  conce- 
dendum,  citra  omnem  recusationem,  aut  appellationis  inter- 
positionem,  committimus  et  demandamus  vices  nostras  ;  ac 
yos  conjunctim,  et  altero  vestrum  nolente  ut  praefertur  aut 
impedito,  divisim,  ad  praemissa  exercenda  et  expedienda, 
plenae  finaliq;  executioni  deraandanda,  \  icarios  nostros  et 
nostrum  Vicarium,  aut  si  quo  alio  nomine  uti  poterimus, 
quod  demandatam  in  prajdictis  Autoritatem  ampliaret,  cum 
omni  potestatis  plenitudine  tarn  absolutaj  quam  ordinariae, 

E  3 


quatenus  vel  ad  praefati  Mafrimonii  coagiuain  dissolutw- 
nera,  vel  novi  contrahendi  firmam  Constitutionem,  expedive 
videbitur  aut  pertinere  ;   ita  etiam  ut  Autoritate  praesentis 
Commissionis  nostras,  cum  omnibus  illis  Canonibus,  ad  vali- 
diorera  efficacioremq;  processus  vestri  firmitatem  poteritis 
dispensare,  quaecunq;  eidem  obstare  putabuntur,  omnemq;, 
defectum  quacunq;  ex  causa  contingentem  nostras  Autorita- 
tis  interpositione,  Dispensatione  Apostolicasupplere  possitis 
et  valeatis,  tarn  prolem  ex  primo  Matrimonio  snsceptam 
propter  bonam  fidem  Parentum,  si  ita  expedire  visum  fu«rit, 
iegitimam    decernendo,    pronuutiando    et     promulgantlo', 
quam  ex  secundo  Matrimonio  suscipiendam  ;    legitimitatem 
etiam  utriusq;  prolis,  censuris  et  poenis  Ecclesiasticis  qur- 
buscunque,   per  modum  decreti  aut  Sanctionis  perpetuae 
munieado  et  vallando,  omnibus   validioribus   et    efficaci- 
oribus  modis  et  formis  quae  de  jure  concipi  et  excogitari 
poterunt,    facimus,    conslituimus  et  ordinamus  per  prae- 
sentes :    et  quicquid  per  vos  conjunctim,  ut  praefertur,  aut 
divisim  procedentes,  per  cognitionem  judiciariam  et  suni- 
mariam,  aut  extra  judiciariam,  processus  quoscunq;  faci- 
endo,  pronunciando  aut  promulgando,  eosdemve  executi- 
oni  mandando,   Dispensationes  quascunq;  aut  gratias  in 
praemissis  concedendo  et  faciendo,  et  generaliter  in  aliqui- 
bus  praedictorum  potestatem  nostram  vel  ordinariam  vel 
absolutam  exercendo,  ut  praefertur,  actum,  gestum,  decre- 
tura,  dispensatum,  pronuntiatum,  mandatum,  aut  executum 
fuerit,  id  omne  et  totum,  cum  primum  poterimus,  ratum, 
gratum  et  firmum  habentes,  in  validissima  et  efficacissima 
forma  confirmabimus,  nee  eorum  aliqua  unquam  infirma- 
bimus  aut  infringemus,  aut  eorem  alicui  contraveniemus, 
nee  interim  revocabimus  ;  declarantes  etiam  et  protestantes 
per  praesentes,  nostrae  intentionis  esse,  ut  praesens  Com- 
missio,  sive  Delegatio  Autoritatis  nostrae,  perpetuo  eff'ectu 
gaudeat,  et  usq;  ad  finalem   praedictorum    conclusionem 
extremumq;  terminum  duret  et  consistat,  non  obstantibus 
quibuscuncq;  decretis,  sententiis,  mandatis,  rescriptis,  Uteris 
aut  Brevibus  in  contrarium,  deinceps  per  nos  tanquam  irri- 
tatoriis,  derogatoriis  aut  revocatoriis praesentis  Concessionis 
nostrae,  emittendis,  destinandis  aut  promulgandis:    quibus 
omnibus  expresse  per  praesentes  derogantes,  et  ilia  omnia 
pro  nullis,  cassis,  irritis  et  inanibus  reputantes,  ac  talia  esse 
et  haberi,  istisq;  omnino  anteriora  judicari,  praesentia  vero 
semper  posteriora,  et  post  ilia  repetita,  emissa  et  destinata, 
censeri  ac  tanquam  ultima  et  posteriora  contrariis  sic  de- 
inceps emittendis  derogare  debere,  et  caeteris  contrariis  non 
obstantibus  quibuscunque. 



The  Cardinal's  Letter  to  John  Cassali  about  it ;  taken  from  a 
Duplicate  written  by  his  Secretary. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  10.) 

Reverende  Domine  Protonotari,  tanquam  Frater  Aman- 
tissime,  cum  aliis  meis  Uteris  copiose  ad  vos  perscripsi  Re- 
gias  Majestatis'  animura,  et  desiderium  super  his  rebus  quas 
vobis  in  praesentia  commisit,  suo  nomine  S.  D.  N.  decla- 

Nunc  vero  ob  humillimam  sinceramq;  meam  Devotio- 
nem,  quae  ex  jure  et  officio  non  solum  ejus  Sanctitati,  sed 
miseris  Ecclesiae  sublevandis  rebus,  dignitatiq;  Apostolicas 
restituendae  adstringor,  his  literis  vos  instruam  super  qui- 
busdam  rebus,  praecipue  et  accurate  notandis  et  consideran- 
dis,  quas  post  humillimam,  reverentissimamq;  meam  Com- 
mendationem  dictae  Sanctitati,  meo  nomine  sigillatim,  spe- 
ciatim  declarabitis;  et  cum  causam  concernant,  quam  Re- 
gia  Majestas  nunc  maxime  optat  et  requirit,  eandem  Sanc- 
titatem  veheraentissime  rogabitis,  ut  cuncta  legere  et  bene 
notare  non  gravetur. 

Primo  itaq;  indolens  infaelicem  adversumq;  praesentium 
rerum  successum,  in  quo  S.  D.  N.  Cardinaliumq;  Colle- 
gium versatur,  diuq;  ac  noctu  mente  volvens,  quo  pacto 
quibusve  modis,  totis  meis  viribus,  omni  sumptumolestiaq; 
neglecta,  et  cum  proprii  sanguinis  vitaeq;  effusione,  minis- 
teriura  aliquod  impendere,  tantaeq;  afflictioni  sClamen  af- 
ferre,  et  Ecclesiae  Sanctissimi  Domini  nostri  collapso  statui 
opitulari,  in  quam  rem  baud  dubie  quoadq;  vita  suppetet 
incumbam  ;  mihiq;  in  hac  cogitatione  versanti,  in  mentem 
recordationemq;  subiit,  minis  quidem  et  grandis  affectus, 
qui  Divina  sic  disponente  Providentia,  ex  instanti  assiduaq; 
mea  opera  provenit,  ut  hunc  optimum  Dominum  meum 
Regem  inducerem,  eique  persuaderem  quod  ad  arctissimam 
istam  intimamq;  cordis  et  animi  conjunctionem  deveniret 
erga,  S.  D.  N.  Ecclesiaeq;  et  sedis  Apostolicae  tutelam  ac 
patrocinium  suscipiendum,  memoriaeq;  succurrunt  innu- 
nierjE  rationes  a  me  adductse,  ut  Regiam  Maiestatem,  quae 
Caesari  tenacissime  inhaerebat,  adducerem,  ad  S.  D.  N.  de- 
fensionem,  rerumq;  Italicarum  tutelam  amplectendam,  ac 
inter  omnes  allegatas  rationes,  nulla  fuit  validior  aut  vehe- 
mentior,  vel  quae  Regiae  Majestatis  pectus  magis  permo- 
veret,  quam  intima  securitas,  perfectaq;  constantia,  quam 
ei  assidue  indesinenterq;  insinuavi  de  ejus  Sanctitatis  vera 
optimaq;  et  flagranti  correspondentia  in  amore  perpetuo  in- 


dissolubiliq;  amicitia,  animo  et  voluntate,  petitionibus 
semper  suae  R.  Majest.  et  desideriis  concedendis,  quoad 
Ecclesiae  Thesaurus  et  Autoritas  ejus  Sanctitati  Christi 
Vicario  concessa  permittit,  vel  quoad  se  extendit,  seu  possit 
extendere  :  super  idq;  omnia  uberrime  promisi,  meam  etiam 
salutem,  ndem,  honovem  animamque  adstringens,  quod 
omnia  ex  ipsius  Regiae  Majestatis  votis,  in  omne  tempus 
praestarentur,  absq;  uUa  prorsus  occasione  aut  scrupulo, 
ab  hujusmodi  indulgendis  petitionibus  djgrediendi,  adeo 
quod  Regia  Majestas,  ex  hoc  meo  asseveranti  relatu,  hunc 
propensum  S.  D.  N.  in  se  animum  peispiciens,  mihiq;  ejus 
Sanctitatis  nomime',  veluti  Legato,  et  Sedis  Apostolicaj 
membro  loquenti,  firmam,  certamq;  fidem  adhibens,  peri- 
culis  omnibus  posthabitis,  laboribus  sumptibusq;  spretis, 
nullaq;  sui  Regni  aut  subditorum  habita  ratione,  animum 
adfixit,  prorsusq;  statutum  et  decretum  in  omnibus  se  ad- 
jungere,  atq;  perpetuo  et  constanter  cum  S.  D.  N.  in  af- 
fectu  concurrere,  in  eoq;  certum  habeo  velle  decrevisseq; 
perstare,  ad  mortem  usque,  nisi  forsan  ex  eventibus,  longe 
diversis  a  meo  promisso  et  ejus  expectatione,  occasio  sub- 
ministretur  suam  Regiam  Majestatem  ab  hoc  animi  sui  de- 
creto  amovendi.  Id  si  illi  accideret  (quod  avertat  Deus) 
merito  mihi  posset  adscribere  perfidiara,  levitatem,  viola- 
tionemq;  promissionis,  quo  casu  quid  mox  officii  aut  mi- 
nisterii  possem  Sanctissimo  Domino  nostro  praestare,  aut 
quae  fides  in  Ecclesiae  Tebus  mihi  haberetur,  singular!  ejus 
Sanctitatis  prudentiae  judicandum  relinquo :  nunquam  enim 
meo  in  arbitrio  posthac  esset,  quicquam  alicujus  momenti 
hinc  effic(*re,  in  ejus  Sanctitatis  commodum,  hac  nunc 
in  re  Regiae  Majestatis  concepta  spe,  aut  expectatione  fius- 

Est  secundo  accurate  considerandum  quantopere  hoc  ne- 
gotium  Regiae  Majestati  intersit,  et  quanti  sit  momenti, 
unde  namque,  praeter  Conscientiae  Regiae  exonerationem, 
omnis  quoq;  Regiae  lineae,  et  stemmatis  continuati  pendet ; 
huic  adnectitur  totius  Regni  faelicitas,  vel  excidium,  hie 
securitas  et  salus  eorum  consistit,  qui  sub  Regis  sunt  Im- 
perio,  et  qui  ullo  unquam  tempore  nascentur  in  ejus  Regno, 
qua  ex  re  oriri  potest  occasio,  et  fomes  tranquillitatis 
perpetuae,  aut  discordiae  belliq;  atrocissimi  in  universum 
Christianum  orbem,  quae  omnia  majoris  sunt  momenti, 
et  vigilantius  prospicienda  quam  cujusq;  Principis  vel 
Principissae  gratia,  favor  et  expectatio. 

Tertio,  Causa  ex  se  est  hujusmodi  ut  in  animam  meam 
spondere  ausim,  ejus  concessionem,  futuram  non  solum  in 
conscientiae,  honorisq;  Pontificis  exonerationem  coram 
Deo  et  hominibus,  sed  in  Coclis  quoq;  gralam  acceptamq; 


extituram :  In  hae  deinde  re  secreta  insunt  nonnsUat  te^ 

creto  S.  D.  N.  exponenda,  et  non  credenda  literis,  ouas-ob 
causas,  morbosq;  nonnullos,  quibus  absq;  reinedio  Regina 
laborat,  et  ob  animi  etiam  conceptum  scrupulum,  Regia 
Majestas  nee  potest,  nee  vult  ullo  unquam  posthae  tem- 
pore, ea  uti,  vel  ut  Uxorem  admittere,  quodcunque  adve- 
nerit.  Non  exigua  praeterea  habenda  est  ratio  eorum, 
quae  aliis  meis  literis  eontinentur,  conceruentia,  quae  pro  in- 
genti  thesauro  S.  D.  N.  habere  queat,  tam  certam  Regiae 
Majestatis  amicitiam,  cum  ejus  Sanetitate  constantissime 
conjunctam  futuram  in  prosperis  et  adversis  in  quas  etiam 
partes  amicos  suos  omnes  pertraxit,  et  assidue  pertrahit  : 
ad  Ecelesias  defensionem,  Sanctissimi  Domini  nostri  con- 
servationem,  causas  omnes  suas  et  actiones  dirigens ;  pos- 
sentq;  hi  omnes,  Regia  Majestate  deficiente,  in  contra- 
rium  verti,  et,  ut  vera  loquar,  nullum  Principem  video  ia 
quo  S.  D.  N.  possit,  quam  in  Regia  Majestate  plenius  aut 
perfeetius  confidere,  vel  eujus  medio  Apostolicae  sedis  stat- 
us in  pristinam  suam  dignitatem  queat  certius  restitui,  cum 
absq;  ejus  subsidio,  nisi  solus  Deus  ex  immensa  sua  boni- 
tate  manum  eitissime  apponat,  omnino  imminutus  iri  videa- 
tur.  Quod  si  Sanetissimus  Dommus  noster  nunc  (quod 
absit)  in  his  Re^iis  petitionibus  durum  se,  aut  difficilem  se 
exhibuerit,  mihi  certe  raolestissimum  est  futurum  vivere 
diutius,  ob  innumera  mala,  quae  inde  subsecutura  videntur^ 
hoc  praesertim  firmo,  tutoq;  Regio  subsidio  tam  ingrate 
abjecto  ;  hocq;  solum,  et  certum,  et  salubre  remedium  vi- 
detur  tantae  corrigendae  calamitati  isuperesse,  quo  negleeta 
omnia  corruant  necesse  est.  Hac  autem  in  re  S.  D.  N.  sua 
erga  Regiam  Majestatem  animi  gratitudine  comprobata^ 
poterit  de  illius  amicitia  et  conjunctione  quaeeunq;  volet 
sibi  poUiceri,  adversus  eos  omnes,  qui  ejus  Autoritatem  aut 
dignitatem  voluerint  oppugnare.  Tandem  his  causis  ra- 
tionibusq;  omnibus  in  unum  congestis,  mecum  ipse  repu- 
tans,  quam  multa  gravissimi  momenti  in  hujus  conjugii  Dis- 
solutione  occurrant,  in  tanta  aequitate  justoq;  fundamento 
posita,  ob  quae  haec  Dissolutio  nee  possit  absq;  gravissimo 
detrimento,  nee  debeat  diutius  protrahi  aut  intermitti; 
videns  quoq;  quid  allegari  possit  et  allegabitur  omnino 
ad  Regiae  Majestatis  conscientiam  coram  Deo  purgan- 
dam,  etiamsi  id  a  S.  D.  N.  neutiquam  admittatur,  qua& 
in  hujusmodi  allegationibus  confisa,  vereor  ne  in  tanta  re- 
rum  extremitate  eonstituta,  potms  quam  ingentiarnala,  quae 
hine  apertissime  imminent,  suOTsdant,  dicta  Regia  Majes- 
tas ex  duobus  malis  minus  malum  eligat,  et  soli  suae  puraeq; 
conscienti.-B  innitens,  id  agat,  q\iod  nunc  tam  reverenter  a 
Sedis  Apostolicaj  Authoritate  exigit,  unde  Sedis  contempt- 


us  indies  gravior  excresceret,  hoc  prsesertim  tempore  ad-'^jj 
modum  periculoso :  quae  omnia  sunt  a  S.  D.  N.  summa  sua 
prudentia  alte  consideranda,  nullo  prorsus  dubio  aut  dif- 
ficultate  in  re  tarn  gravi  mature  concedenda  interjecta ;  nee 
earn  retardere  debet  cujusquam  mortalis  instantia,  con- 
templatio  vel  satisfactio,  praesertira  quum  in  multis  aliis  re- 
bus, forsan  non  tarn  manifestis  et  apparentibus,  Sanctitas 
sua  liberalem,  facilemq;  erga  alios  se  saepe  praestiterit ; 
cui  humillima  reverentia  praemissa  meo  nomine  dicetis, 
quod  haec  loquor  tamquam  fidele,  utcunq;  Ecclesiae  indig- 
num  membrum,  omnia  excogitans  quag  possent  in  Ecclesiae 
augmentum  et  existimationem  cedere,  ea  etiam  admovens 
et  consulens  ut  evitentur,  quae  cessura  videantur  in  contra- 
rium.  Quocirca  Sanctissimo  Domino  nostro  affirmabitis, 
quod  praemissis  omnibus  tam  mdximi  momenti  existentibus 
probe  consideratis,  non  veluti  Mediator  aut  Intercessor,  ob 
privatum  ilium  aft'ectum  (juem  Regiae  Majestatis  causis,  ut 
mei  juris  est,  promovendis  gero,  sed  tanquam  is  qui  in  re 
tanta  et  ex  tam  certa  scientia  et  cognitione,  velim  Sanctis- 
simo Domino  nostro  suadere,  ut  quod  nunc  petitur  omnino 
concedat,  idque  suaderem  etiam  si  in  hoc  Regnum  nunquam 
venissem,  neq;  hie  commune  quicquam  haberem  ;  rogoque, 
precor,  et  obtestor  ejus  Sanctitatem,  ut  omni  dubio,  re- 
spectu,  metuq;  deposito,  nullo  pacto  neget  aut  differat  ea 
concedere  aut  adnuere,  quae  Regia  Majestas  urgentissimas 
ob  causas  tanta  nunc  animi  soUicitudine  exposcit ;  sed  his 
potius  benignius  liberaliterq;  adnuat,  et  omnia'  concedere 
non  gravetur  in  pleniorem  modum  qui  hujus  rei  gratia  pos- 
sit  excogitari,  compertissimumq;  sibi  sua  Sanctitas  habeat, 
se  id  eflPecturum,  quod  coram  Deo  et  hominibus  justum  om- 
nino habebitur,'actissimeque  Regiam  Majestaiem  devinciet 
ad  suae  Sanctitatis,  Ecclesiae  Apostolicaeque  Sedis,  causas- 
que  omnes  pro  viribus  juvandas  protegendasque,  nee  ea  in 
re,  ulli  labori,  sumptui,  Regno  vel  subditis  parcet  nee  (si 
opus  fuerit)  propriam  Personam  exponere  recusabit,  in  ea 
opinione  constantissime  permansura,  in  eandemque  sen- 
tentiam  Gallorum  Regem  et  alios  confasderatos  attrajiet, 
turn  pro  suae  Sanctitatis  et  Cardinalium  liberatione,  turn 
pro  Sedis  Apostolicae  Authoritatis  et  dignitatis  restitutione  ; 
et  praeterquam  quum  dicta  Sanctitas  mei  humillimae 
suae  Creaturae  fidem  et  existimationem  conservabit,  quo 
in  omnem  eventum  et  necessitatem  ea  possim  hie  faci- 
lius  commodiusq;  tractare  quae  in  Ecclesiae  commodum, 
beneficium  et  securitatem  cessura  videbuntur,  in  quae  of- 
ficia  omnem  meam  industriam,  zelum,  studiumq;  adhibe- 
bo,  hunc  quoq;  Serenissimum  Regem  in  perpetuum  sibi 
lucrifaciet.    Quod  si  harem  rerum  rationem  non  habuerit. 


vereor  ne  sit  futurum  in  mea  potestate,  ut  ullo  mode  hanc 
Regiam  Majestatem  vel  alium  uUum  Piincipera  ad  ea  ad- 
ducam,  quae  Sanctissimo  Domino  nostro  solatio  aut  subsi- 
dio  esse  possunt.  Sed  confido  ab  ipsius  Sanctitate  tantam 
malorura  occasionem  sublatam  iri,  gratissimo,  benignissimo, 
liberrimoq;  animo,  omnia  ut  petuntur  concessuram  esse, 
nuUo  objecto  impedimento,  contradictione  aut  mora. 


Staphileus's  Letter  to  the  Cardinal,  that  shows  how  much  he 
was  persuaded  of  the  Justice  of  the  King^s  Cause,  7%e 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  10.) 

Romae,  Jan.  20,  1528. 
Reverendissime  et  illustrissime  Domine  D.  mihi  co- 
lendissime,  post  huraillimam  commendationem  D.  V.  Re- 
verend, dignabitur  intelligere,  qualiter  quintadecima  die 
post  recessum  nostrum  a  Londino  conscendimus  navem 
retenti  interim  in  portu  ob  tempestatem  Maris  et  contrarios 
ventos :  interim  in  itinere  fui  cum  Reverendo  Domino 
Roffen.  et  disputavimus  materiam  raultum,  copiose,  et  satis 
prolixe,  in  praesentia  Domini  Doctoris  Marmeduci,  qui  in- 
tellexifc  omnia  ex  utraq;  parte  ab  utroque  dicta  et  saepius 
replicata ;  penes  ^uem  autem  steterit  victoria,  vel  saltern, 
uter  nostrum  validius  certaverit,  D.  V.  Reverend,  perci- 
piet  ex  fideli  relatione  praefati  D.  Marmeduci.  Unum  cer- 
tifico  D.  V.  Reverend,  quod  pro  uno  mediocri  Episcopatu 
desiderassem  quod  huic  nostras  Disputationi  interfuisset 
Serenissimus  Rex  noster  et  D.  V.  et  Regina,  pro  intelli- 
gentia  veritatis  et  pro  modo  disputandi :  etenim  commendo 
humiliter  D.  V.  Reverend,  istum  bonum  virum,  bonum  ser- 
vitorem  ac  diligentem  Serenissimaj  Regiae  Majestatis  et 
D.  V.  Reverendiss.  Quibus  me  quoq;  humillimum  ac  ex 
toto  devotissimum  eorum  servum  quam  humillime  possum 
ex  toto  corde  meo  semper  commendo,  praestiturus  utriq; 
fideliss.  et  amantiss.  obsequiura  in  rebus  et  negotiis  mihi 
commissis  et  committendis.  Bene  valeat  D.  V.  Reveren- 
diss. quae  dignabitur  tenere  me  semper  in  bona  gratia  Sere- 
nissimi  Regis  nostri,  qui  est  decus  et  ornamentum  Regiae 
Dignitatis.  Ex  Bononia  20  Jan.  1528. 
D.  V.  Reverendiss. 

Huraillimus  Servitor  Episcopus 



The  Cardinal's  Letter  to  CampegiiLS,  taken  from  the  Draught 

of  it,  corrected  with  his  own  hand,  ^_l 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitell.  B.  10.)  ■ 

Reverendissime  in  Christo  Pater,  grata  semper  huic  Regiae 
Majestati  extiterunt  Vestras  Revei-end.  Dominat  officia, 
sed  gratissimum  omnium  illud  fuit,  quod  tanta  fide  et 
sedulitate  in  ipsius  promovenda  causa  ab  ea  fuisse  prae- 
stitum  ex  Reverendi  Domini  Jerdonen.  sermone  cognovit : 
quam  optimi  amoris  significationem  toto  pectore  amplexa- 
tur,  jussitq;  ut  suis  nominibus  ingentes  vestrae  Reveren- 
dissimae  D.  gratias  haberemus  :  Cui  ego  eo  quoq;  nomine 
maxime  quoq;  me  debere  fateor,  nulla  enim  in  re  magis 
obnoxium  me  sibi  potest  efficere,  quam  si  totis  suis  viribus, 
omni  gratia  et  Authoritate  adnitatur,  quo  negotium  hoc  ex 
Regiae  Majestatis  sententia  quam  citissime  conficiatur; 
hujusmodi  enim  est  ut  nullum  gravius  possit  accidere,  dila- 
tionem  nullam  patitur,  utpote  quod  totius  hujus  Regni  con- 
servationem  Regiae  sobolis  continuationem  et  ejus  animi 
salutem  in  se  contineat :  causa  quidem  manifestior  est  quam 
disputatione  egeat,  et  sanctior  quam  debeat  in  controver- 
siam  adduci,  banc  unam  gratiam  et  nunc  primum  a  Sede 
Apostolica  votis  omnibus  petit,  et  eam  turn  ex  rei  justitia, 
tum  ex  sua  in  S.  D.  N.  filiali  devotione,  spem  concepit,  ut 
nuUo  pacto  sibi  persuadeat  unquam  fieri  posse  ut  sua  ex- 
pectatione  frustretur,  quam  scit  vestrae  R.  D.  opera  ac  pio 
patrocinio  maxime  posse  juvari. 

Iterum  igitur  atq;  iterum  Reverendissimam  D.  vestram 
obsecro,  ut  postquam  recenti  et  claro  hoc  testimonio  pur- 
gavit  quicquid  antea  in  Regiam  Majestatem  fide  sinistre 
fuerat  ad  nos  delatum,  et  nostrum  animum  sibi  totum  de- 
vinxit,  non  gravetur  nunc  strenue  in  hoc  Regio  promo- 
yendo  negotio  ad  optatum  usq;  finem  perseverare,  quod 
ita  cor  nostrum  premit,  ut  vel  proprio  sanguine  id  velle- 
mus  posse  a  S.  D.  N.  impetrare.  Caetera,  vestra  Reveren- 
dissima  D.  uberius  ac  distinctius  cognoscet  ex  Reverendo 
Domino  Episcopo  Jerdonensi,  et  ex  Domino  Stephano 
Gardinero  intimo  meo"' servo,  et  Domino  Edwardo  Foxo 
Regio  familiar!,  quibus  rogo  ut  certissimam  in  omnibus 
fidem  velit  habere.    Et  faelicissirae  valeat. 

Ad  Campegium,  1528. 



The  CardinaVs  Letter  to  G.  Cassali,  desiring  a  Decretal  Bull 
to  be  sent  over,    A  Duplicate. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  10). 

Maii  7,  1528. 
Magnifice  Doraine  Gregori,  &c.  Ingentem  Serenissima 
Regia  Majestas  et  ego  laetitiam  concepimus,  quum  tuna 
ex  Domini  Stephani  Uteris,  turn  vero  ex  Domini  Foxi  re- 
latu  cognovimus,  quanta  fide,  industria,  ac  vigilantia  usi 
sitis  in  ejusdem  Regiae  Majestatis  conficiendo  negotio, 
quem  vestrum  animum,  etsi  saepe  antea  arduis  in  rebus  ex- 
ploratissimum  certissimumq;  habereraus,  hoc  tamen  tarn 
claro  testimonio  nihil  a  vobis  omissum  perspicimus,  quod 
votum  nostrum  utcunq;  juvare  potuisset.  Caeterum  quum 
nonnulla  adhuc  meo  aliorumq;  Doctiss.  virorum  judicio 
superesse  videantur,  ad  Regiag  Majestatis  causam  secu- 
rissime  stabiliendam  finiendamq;  de  quibus  ad  D.  Stepha- 
num  in  praesentia  perscribo  ;  A^os  iterum  atq;  iterura  rogo, 
ut  de  illis  impetrandis  apud  S.  D.  N.  una  cum  Domino 
Stephano  vestram  gratiam  et  Authoritatem,  quam  apud 
ejus  Sanctitatem  maximam  esse  et  audio  et  gaudeo,  pro 
viribus  interponatis,  maxime  autem  ut  in  Commissione 
ilia  Decretali  a  S.  D.  N.  nullis  Arbitris  seu  consultoribus 
admissis  concedenda,  et  secreto  ad  me  mittenda,  omnes  vires 
ingenii,  prudentize  diligentiaeq;  vestrae  adhibeatis,  affirma- 
bitisq;  et  in  salutem  animamq;  meam  eidem  S.  D.  N. 
spondebitis,  quod  dictam  BuUam  secretissime  nullis  mor- 
taliunl  oculis  conspiciendam  apud  me  asservabo,  tanta  fide 
et  cautione,  ut  ne  minimum  quidem  ex  ea  re  periculum, 
vel  periculi  metum  ejus  Sanctitas  sit  sensura  ;  non  enim 
eo  consilio  aut  animo  eam  Commissionem  impetrari  tam  ve- 
hementer  cupio,  ut  vel  illius  vigore  uUius  processus  aut  aliud 
praeterea  quicquid  ageretur,  vel  eadem  pub! ice  privatimve 
legere  ilia  uUi  exhiberetur,  sed  ut  hac  quasi  arrha  et  pig- 
nore  summae  paternaeq;  S.  D.  N.  erga  Regiam  Majestatem 
benevolentiae  apud  me  deposilo,  quum  videat  nihil  illi  de- 
negaturum  (juod  petiverit,  perspiciatq;  tantum  fidei  ejus 
Sanctitatem  in  me  reposuisse,  sic  mea  apud  dictam  Majes- 
tatem augeatur  Authoritas,  ut  quanquam  vires  omnes  suas 
opesq;  Apostolicae  Sedis  conservationi  et  in  pristinum  sta- 
lura  reparation!  sic  sponte  dicaverit,  me  tamen  suasore  et 
consultore  omnia  in  posterum,  et  in  sanguinis  effusionem 
Vol.  1,  Pakt  II.  F 


sit  concessura,  et  effectura,  quae  in  ejusdem  Sedis  et  suae 
Beatitudinis .  securitatem,  tranquillitatem  et  commodum, 
quaquam  ratione  cedere  potenint. 


The  Bi'eve  of  Pope  Julius  for  the  King's  Marriage  ;  suspected 
to  he  forged, 

(Cotton  Libr.  ViteL  B.  12). 

Julius  Papa  Secundus.  Dilecte  Fill  et  dilecta  in  Christo 
Filia,  salutem  et  Apostolicam  Benedictionem.  Romani 
Pontificis  prascellens  Authoritas  concessa  sibi  desuper  uti- 
tur  potestate,  prout  (personarum,  negotiorum  et  temporum 
qualitate  pensata)  id  in  Domino  conspicit  expedire.  Ob- 
latae  nobis  nuper  pro  parte  vestra  petitionis  series  continebat, 
quod  cum  alias  tu  Filia  Catharina,  et  tunc  in  humanis 
agens  quondam  Arthurus  Carissimi  in  Christo  Filii  nostri 
Henrici  Angliae  Regis  illustrissimus  primogenitus,  pro 
conservandisj  pacis  et  amicitiae  nexibus  et  foederibus  inter 
praefatum  Angliae  Regem,  et  Carissimirm  in  Christo  Fi- 
lium  nostrum  Ferdinandum  Regera,  et  Carissimam  in 
Christo  Filiam  nostram  Elizabeth.  Reginam  Catholicos 
Hispaniarum  et  Siciliae,  Matrimonium  per  verba  legitime 
de  praesenti  contraxeritis,  illudque  carnali  copula  consumma- 
veritis,  quia  tamen  Dominus  Arthurus,  prole  ex  hujusmodi 
Matrimonio  non  suscepta,  decessit,  et  hujusmodi  vinculum 
pacis  et  connexitatis  inter  praefatos  Reges  et  Reginam  ita 
firmiter  verisimiliter  non  perduraret,  nisi  etiam  illud  alio 
affinitatis  vinculo  confoveretur  et  confirmaretur,  ex  his  et 
certis  aliis  causis,  desideratis  Matrimonium  inter  vos  per 
verba  legitime  de  praesenti  contrahere :  Sed  quia  deside- 
rium  vestrum  in  praemissis  adimplere  non  potestis,  Dispen- 
satione  Apostolica  desuper  non  obtenta,  nobis  propterea 
humiliter  supplicari  fecistis,  ut  vobis  providere  in  prsmissis 
de  Dispensationis  gratia  et  benignitate  Apostolica  dignare- 
mur.  Nos  igitur  qui  inter  singulos  Christi  fideles,  prae- 
sertim  Catholicos  Reges  et  Principes,  pacis  et  concordiae 
amaenitatem  vigere  intensis  desidenis  aft'ectamus,  his  et  aliis 
causis  animum  nostrum  moventibus,  hujusmodi  supplica- 
tionibus  inclinati,  vobiscum,  ut  aliquo  impedimento  affini- 
tatis hujusmodi  ex  praemissis  proveniente  non  obstante  Ma- 
trimonium inter  vos  contrahere,  et  in  eo  postquam  contrac- 
tum  fuerit,  remanere,  libera  et  licite  valeatis,  Authoritate 
Apostolica  per  praesentes  Dispensamus  ;  et  quatenus  forsan 
jam  Matrimonium  inter  vos  de  facto  publice  vel  clandestine 


contraxeritis,  ac  carnali  copula  consummaveritis,  vos  et 
quemlibet  vestrum  ab  excessu  hujusmodi,  ac  Excommuni- 
catioriis  sententia  quam  propterea  incurristis,  eadem  Autho^ 
ritate  absolvimus,  ac  etiara  vobiscum  ut  in  hujusmodi  Ma- 
trimonio  sic  de  facto  contracto  remanere,  seu  illud  de  nova 
contrahere,  inter  vos  libere  et  licite  valeatis,  similiter  Dis- 
pensamus,  prolem  ex  hujusmodi  Matrimonio  sive  coutraclo 
sive  contrahendo  suscipiendam  legitimam  decernendo.  Vo- 
lumus  autera,  si  hujusmodi  Matrimonium  de  facto  contraxi- 
stis,  Confessor,  per  vos  et  quemlibet  vestrum  eligendus, 
paenitentiam,  quam  adimplere  teneamini  propterea  vobis 
injungat.  Dat.  Roma3  apud  Sanctum  Petrum  sub  annulo 
Piscatoris,  die  26  Decemb.  millesimo  quingentesimo  teitio. 
Pont,  nostri  Anno  primo. 



A  part  of  the  Cardinal's  Letter  to  G,  Cassali,  desiring  leave 
to  shew  the  Decretal  Bull  to  some  of  the  King's  Council.  A 

(Cott.  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  10). 

Illud  igitur  video  maxime  necessariura  superesse  ut  De- 
cretalis  Bulla,  quam  Reverendissimus  Uominus  Legatus 
secum  defert,  secreto  legenda  exhibeatur  nonnuUis  ex  Regis 
Consultoribus,  eo  quidem  consilio,  non  ut  in  judicium  pro- 
feratur^  vel  ad  causam  definiendam  adhibeatur,  sed  solum 
ut  perspicientes  illi,  quorum  prudentia  et  Autoritas  nou 
parva  est,  nihil  a  me  fuisse  omissum,  quod  causam  Regis 
possit  securissimam  redere  omniaq;  fuisse  a  S.  D.  N.  con- 
cessa,  quae  in  causae  iirmamentum  ullo  pacto  queant  exco- 
gitari  facilius,  ubi  Regiae  Majestatis  securitati,  Regni  qui- 
eti,  et  perpetuo  totius  rei  stabilimento  undiq;  consultum 
viderint,  in  sententiam  nostram  deveniant,  summaq;  cum 
diligentiain  Autoritate  Apostolicaad  Dei  gloriam  con^uncta 
rectissime  absolvantur.  Proinde,  Domine  Gregori,  iterum 
atq;  iterum  vos  impense  rogo,  quod  ad  S.  D.  N.  genua  de- 
voluti  ejus  Beatitudinem  meo  nomine  obsecretis,  ut  hoc  reli- 
quura  meae  tidei  meaq;  dexteritati  de  Bulla  Decretali  ostend- 
enda  committere  velit,  quam  rem  sic  moderabor,  ut  nullum 
prorsus  periculum,  nullum  damnum,  nullum  odium  queat 
unquam  sibi,  vel  Sedi  Apostolicac  provenire;  hocq;  tam 
instanter  precor,  ut  pro  salute  mea  conservanda  petere 
queam  ardentius  nihil. 



John  Cassalis  Letter  about  a  Conference  he  had  with  the  Pope. 

An  Original. 

(Cotton.Libr.Vitell.  B.  10.) 

Reverendissime  ac  lUustrissime  Domine  D.  ml  Colendis- 

sime,  &c. 

QuuM  Tabellarius  D.  Vestrae  Reverendissimae  cum  ejus 
mandatis  literisq;  die  2.  Novemb.  datis  Bononiam  ad  Equi- 
tem  fratrem  pervenisset,  neq;  ipse  tunc  posset  prae  debili- 
tate properatis  itineribus  Romam  venire,  ne  ad  earn  rem 
longioris  teraporis  moram  inteiponerit,  misit  per  dispositos 
equos  D.  Vicentium  Cassalium  fratrem  nostrum  patruelem, 
volens  ipsem  statim  subsequij  venit  igitur  D.  Vincentius 
Cassalius.  At  ego  Vestrae  Dominationis  Reverendissimae 
Uteris  lectis  ac  perpensis,  S.  D.N.  adivi,  et  ea  quae  D.  V. 
Reverendissima  scripserat,  diligenter  ejus  Sanctitati  expo- 
sui,  ipsasq;  etiam  literas  recitavi,  quae  prudentissime  et 
eificacissime  omnia  explicabant.  Atq;  hujusmodi  verbis 
sum  loquutus. 

N  on  locus  hie  nee  tempus  postulat,  Beatissime  Pater,  ut 
ego  nunc  commemorem,  quanto  amore,  quanto  animi  af- 
fectu,  quibusq;  officiis  ilia  Regia  Majestas  Apostolicam 
Sedem  Sanctitatemq;  Vestram  sit  ubique  omni  tempore 
prosequuta,  quantaq;  observantia  et  fide  Reverendissimus 
JJominus  Eboracen.  semper  coluerit ;  nee  recensendum  hie 
videtur,  quot  labores,  quot  incomnfoda  subiverint,  quae  of- 
ficia,  quas  multoties  impensas  effecerint,  quaerentes  Eccle- 
siasticum  statum,  Christianam  Religionem,  et  Catholicam 
Fidem  protegere  ac  conservare :  Nee  vestra  Sanctitas  ig- 
norare  debet,  quibus  laboribus,  quantis  precibus,  quot  ta- 
bellariis,  quot  oratoribus  missis,  quot  non  dicam  Uteris, 
sed  voluminibus  conscriptis,  post  multa  insuper  Jurisperi- 
torum  consilia,  tum  ex  Anglia  allata,  turn  hie  etiam  for- 
mata,  fuerit  tandem  a  vestra  Sanctitate  impetratum,  ut  res 
eo,  quo  fuit  pacto,  componeretur  :  Qua  ratione  Regiae  Ma- 
jestatis  desiderio  indulgebatur,  et  Beatitudinis  vestrae  ho- 
nori  ac  conscientiae,  justitiaeq;  et  aequitati  consulebatur  : 
At  nunc  Sanctitas  Vestra  animadvertit  illos,  praeter  omni- 
um nostrum  spem  et  opinionem,  omni  auxilio  penitus  esse 
destitutes :  Reverendiss.  Campegius  non  modo  non  osten- 
dit,  se  adeo  urgentibus  precibus  Serenissimi  Regis  obtem- 
perare  velle,  sed  ut  primum  ad  Colloquium  venit,  rem  to- 
tam  pervertit,  Regiam  Majestatem  a  Divortio  dissuasit, 
perinde  ac  si  ei  Legatio  demandata  fuerit,  ut  Serenissimo 
Regi  ex  parte  Reginae  persuadere  debeat,  ut  se  a  Divortio 


abstineat,  adeo  ut  non  possit  Regia  Majestas  stimulum 
hunc  CoDscientiae  ex  suo  pectore  evellere,  semperq;  in  ea 
mentis    perturbatione  illi  sit  permanendum,  ut  omnibus 
horis  cogitet  successorem  sui  Re^ni  ex  suo  sanguine  defu- 
turum.    Neq;   adhuc  Reverendissimus   Campegius  uUam 
significationem  dedit,  velle  se  ad  id  exequendum  descen- 
dere,   quod  priore  ilia  generali  Commissione  continetur ; 
verum,  quod  pejus  etiam  est,  quum  multis  precibus  Bulla 
Decretahs  in  hac  causa  Regia  impetrata  fuerit,  promise- 
ritq;  Vestra  Sanctitas  se  permissurum  ut  Serenissimo  Regi 
ac  Reverendiss.  D.  Eboracen.  ostenderetur,  et  eorum  ma- 
nibus  crederetur,  quam  ipsi  aliquibus  ex  Secretissimis  Con- 
siliariis  ostenderent,  ut  Serenissimus  Rex  de  totius  negotii 
ffiquitate  instructior  fieret,  noluit  Reverendissimus  Cam- 
pegius eam  credere  Serenissimo  Regi,  aut  Reverendissimo 
Domino  Eboracen.  suo  in  ea  causa  Collegae.    Cur  autem 
velit  Vestra  Sanctitas  Regiam  Majestatem  in  eam  spem 
adduxisse,  ut  deinde  hoc  pacto  illam  frustretur  ac  deludat. 
Tunc  S.  D.  N.  injecta  in  meum  brachium  manu,  me  ulteri- 
us  loqui  prohibuit,  se  ira  accensum  non  abscondens,  dixit, 
Non  parum  sibi  de  D.  V.  Reverend issima  conquerendum 
esse,  atque  sub  ejus  fide  se  deceptiun  esse ;  Bullam  Decre- 
talem  dedisse,  ut  tantum  Regi  ostenderetur,  concreraare- 
turq;  statim  :  ad  hoc  me  (inquit)  multis  ille  magnisque  pre- 
cibus protraxit,  ostendens,  si  id  non  daretur,  manifestam 
sua3  saluti  ruinam  impendere ;   nunc  autem  eam  Bullam, 
quaB  debuit  esse  Secretissima,  vult  diyulgare,  neq;  unquam 
se  proraisisse  concessurum  ut  Consiliariis  ostendatur :  lite- 
ras  (inquit)  ipsas  Reverendissimi  Eboracen.  proferre  pos- 
sum, quibus  id  tantum,  quod  dixi,  petit,  et  ipsum  Equi- 
tem  Cassalium  testem  volo,  quod  Dominus  Stephanus  Gar- 
dinerus  et  ipse  nil  aliud  a  me  postulaverunt,  nee  si  postu- 
lassent,  quicquam  amplius  obtinuissent ;  atq;  utinam  aliter 
rem  petissent,  eam  namq;  facile  denegassem,  nee  ad  banc 
paenitentiam  venissem,  ex  qua  vel  unius  digiti  jactura  (mo- 
do  fieri  possit)   quod  factum  fuit  revocarem,  video  enim 
quantum  mali  ex  eo  mihi  subeundum  sit.    Quum  S.  D.  N. 
haec  et  similia  contra  suum  morem  dexisset,  ego  in  eam  sen- 
tentiam  subsequutus,  sciendum  esse,  quod  D.  V.  Reveren- 
dissima  petit,  non  esse  ab  eo,  quod  ejus  Sanctitas  constitu- 
tum  fuisse  dicit  alienum,  nee  D.  V.  Reverendissima  banc 
rem  divulgari  velle,  aut  secundum  eam  Bullam  senientiam 
ferri :  Caeterum  Regiae  Majestati  et  sibi  tradi,  ut  possent 
aliquibus  fidelioribus   carioribusq;   Consiliariis  ostendere, 
ut  ipsi  de  re  tota  fiant  instructiores,  quod  perinde  arcanum 
erit,  ac  si  in  nuUius  notitiam  devenisset.    An  non(inquam) 
Sanctitas  Vestra  plerosq:  habet,  quibus  quum  aliquid  area- 

F  3 

54  A  COLLECTION  _j 

num  crediderit,  putet  id  non  minus  celatum  esse,  quaxn  si  ^^H 
uno  tantum  pectore  contineretur,  quod  multo  magis  Sere- 
nissirao  Angliae  llegi  evenire  debet,  cui  singuli  in  suo  Reg- 
no sunt  subjecti,  neq;  etiamsi  velint,  possunt  Regi  non  esse 
fidelissimi :  Vas  namq;  illis  si  vel  parvo  momento  ab  illius 
voluntate  recederent,  quid  hoc  praeterea  obesse  potest  ?  an 
non  sic  petitum,  sic  constitutum  fuitl  quae  ratio  Sanctita- 
tem  Vestram  propositum  mutare  cogit  1  Ibi  Pontifex  ira- 
cundus,  et  concitatior  etiam  quam  paulo  ante ;  Haud  (in- 
quit)  ita  fuit  constitutum,  nee  me  latet,  quid  de  ea  Bulla 
facere  cogitent  et  cujusmodi  ex  eo  mihi  damnum  redunda- 
turum  sit;  firmum  igitur  illud  habeatis,  me  decrevisse, 
neq;  sententiam  muto,  nolle  quicquam-  amplius  hac  in  re 
permittere.  At  ego,  nolit  (queeso)  Vestra  Sanctitas  sic  ex 
certa  animi  sententia  loqui,  ac  potius  in  his  Uteris  Reve- 
rendissimi  Domini  Eboracen.  concideret  damna,  ruinas, 
haereses,  quae  Vestrae  Sanctitatis  culpa  in  illo  Regno  ori- 
rentur:  Regia  enim  Majestas  male  a  Vestra  Beatitudine 
tractata,  injuria,  et  ignominia  afFecta  studium  et  volunta- 
tem,  quam  semper  optimam  in  Sedem  Apostolicam  habuit, 
in  contrariam  partem  convertere  posset,  hoc  est  Domina- 
tioni  Vestrae  toto  pectore  considerandum.  Esto  quod  de 
hujus  negotii  aequitate  disceptatum  non  sit,  concedamus 
etiam  banc  rem  malam,  et  mali  exempli  futuram  (quod 
quidem  secus  esse  judicaverunt  omnes)  an  non  Vestra  Sanc- 
titas novit  pleraq;  quae  non  bona  sunt  praeferri  nonnun- 
quam  a  nobis  solere,  no  pejora  patiamur ;  atq;  hoc  tum 
aliis  in  rebus,  tum  imprimis  haeresium  evitandarum  causa 
providendura  est,  quas  videmus,  quum  semel  altiores  ra- 
dices egerint,  non  posse  amplius  extirpari ;  atq;  ibi  ad  illi- 
us pedes  genibus  flexis,  earn  precibus  omnibus  sum  obtes- 
tatus,  ut  amicitiam  potentissimi  Regis  conservare,  obser- 
vantiam  Dominationis  Vestrae  Reverendissimae  erga  ejus 
Sanctitatem,  nostramq;  servitutem  respicere  vellet;  re- 
licta  namq;  Regiae  Majestatis  amicitia,  religionis  immi- 
nutio  subsequeretur,  et  Regni  illius  a  tam  antiqua  cum 
Sede  Apostolica  conjunctione  dissolutio,  ac  Dominationis 
Vestrae  Reverendissimae  gratia  et  Autoritas  apud  Sereniss. 
Regem  non  suo  merito  deficeret  ejusq;  fortasse  salus  pe- 
riclitaretur ;  Nos  autem  qui  semper  Beatitudini  Vestrae 
inservivimus,  pro  qua  tot  bonis  officiis  functi  sumus,  et  tan- 
tum operai  perfecimus,  an  integram  amicitiam  inter  Re- 
giam  Majestatem  et  Vestram  Sanctitatem  conservandam, 
in  medio  nostrarum  actionum,  Regni  illius  damna  et  cala- 
mitatem,  nostramq;  certissimam  ruinam  conspiceremus. 
Ad  haec  S.  D.  N.  et  brachiorum  et  totius  corporis  agita- 
tione,   animum  commotum  ostendens,  Volo  (inquit)   ego 


ruinam,  quae  mihi  modo  immineat  considerare,  et  idipsum 
quod  feci  valde  me  angit ;  Si  haereses,  vel  alia  mala  ori- 
tura  sunt,  quaenam  in  eo  mea  culpa  eiit,  satis  meae  consci- 
eniiae  fuerit  me  vacassa  culpa,  cui  essem  obnoxius,  si  hoc 
etiam  quod  nunc  ex  me  petitur  concederem  :  Nee  Reve- 
rendissimus  Dominus  Eboracensis,  nee  vos  uUam  causam 
de  me  conquerendi  habetis,  quicquid  nunc  pollicitus  sum 
pragstiti,  neq;  aliud  unquam,  etsi  mihi  faciendi  esset  facul- 
tas,  Regia  Majestas  et  Reverendissimus  Dominus  Ebora- 
cen.  a  me  petierunt,  quod  non  promptissime  concesserim, 
ut  quisq;  facile  intelligat,  quanti  eos  semper  fecerim ;  ad 
aliqua  etiam  Vestri  causa  faciliorem  me  praebui.  Caeterum 
ubi  vertitur  meae  conscientiae  integiitas  omnia  posthabenda 
censeo,  agant  per  se  ipsi  quod  volunt,  Legatum  remittant 
eo  praetextu,  quod  in  causam  ulterius  procedi  nolint,  et 
deinceps  ut  ipsi  volent  rem  conficiant,  modo  ne  me  autore 
injuste  quicquam  agatur.  Tunc  ego,  Nonne  Vestra  Sanc- 
titas  vult,  ut  ex  vigore  Commissionis  procedatur?  quod 
quum  velle  affirmasset,  dixi,  igitur  Reverendissimus  Cam- 
pegius  Sanctitatis  Vestrae  voluntati  adversatur,  Divortium 
enim  Regi  dissuasit ;  At  Pontifex,  ego  (inquit)  illi  impo- 
sui,  ut  Divortium  Regi  dissuaderet,  persuaderet  Reginae ; 
quod  autem  ad  Commissionem  pertinet,  si  requiratur,  exe- 
quetur.  Sumusergo  (inquam)  Concordes,  Beatissime  Pater, 
quod  quum  ita  sit,  quid  nocere  poterit  Decretalem  BuUam 
aliquibus  secretissimis  ac  juramento  addactis  Consiliariis 
ostendisse  :  Tum  quassans  caput,  Scio  (inquit)  quid  de  ea 
facere  constituant,  verum  nondum  Campegii  literas  ex  An- 
glia  legi,  quapropter  die  crastino  ad  me  redibitis.  Hoc 
pacto  S.  D.  N.  primo  die  me  dimisit.  Adfuit  his  sermoni- 
bus  Dominus  Vincentius  Cassalius,  quern  ob  equitem  fra- 
trem  hue  missum  dixi,  qui  equitem  ipsum  excusavit,  quod 
quamvis  ille  animadverteret  negotium  hoc  tanti  momenti 
esse,  ut  etiam  cum  vitae  discrimine  Romam  per  dispositos 
equos  sibi  properandum  esse  videret,*nihiIominus  superse- 
disse  videns  quod  si  id  fecisset  necesse  sibi  futurum  domi, 
et  in  lectulo  permanere  potius,  quam  de  re  tanta  coram  ejus 
Sanctitate  agere.  Atque  interim  Dominus  Vincentius  mul- 
tas  ratione  ad  persuadendum,  equitis  Cassalii  nomine  ad- 
hibuit,  quas  eodem  pacto  ejus  Sanctitas  in  sequentem  diem 

Postride  ejus  dici  si^atura  habita  est,  cui  ego  tanquam 
referendarius  interfui,  in  vesperumq;  est  protracta,  nee  ju- 
dicavi  opportunum  Pontificem  signaturae  munere  defessum 
aggredi,  (juum  praesertim  ejus  Sanctitas  diceret  se  nondum 
Campegii  literas  perlegisse.  Res  igitur  iterum  in  diem 
proximum  rejecta  fuit,  quo  postea  horam  commodam  nac- 


tu8  Pontificem  adivi,  quumq^;  omnium  Capltum,  quae  D,  V. 
Reverendissimae  Uteris  continebantur,  quasi  summam  effe- 
cissem,  ne  quicquam  per  oblivionem  praeterirem,  ab  ea  pri- 
mum  parte  coepi,  in  qua  dicitur  suam  Sanctitatem  conces- 
sisse  Commissionem  generalem  in  amplissima  forma,  et  pre- 
misisse  ferendam  sententiam,  se  ratificaturum.  Pontifex 
hoc  verum  esse  affirmavit,  dicens  se  contentum  esse,  ut  ad 
sententiam  procedatur ;  Qua  vero  parte  est,  ejus  Sanctita- 
tem BuUam  Decretalem  concessisse,  ut  secretiores  Regiae 
Majestatis  Consiliarios  instrueret,  id  a  veritate  longe  re- 
motum  dixit,  posseq;  ad  id  se  literas  D.  V.  Reverendis- 
simsB  ostendere  :  Atque  ea  repetivit,  quae  priore  die  super 
hoc  dixerat,  viz.  Dominum  Stephanum  Gardinerum  et 
Equitem  Cassalium  se  testes  habere,  hunc  Bullam  non  ea 
conditione  petitam  fuisse  ut  ostenderetur  cuiquam,  praeter- 
quam  Serenissimo  Regi  et  D.  V.  Reverendissimae,  et  Cam- 
pegium  nunc  ad  se  scribere  tantundem  effecisse,  quo  fac- 
to ex  conventione  Bullam  comburi  debere,  promissurum 
quoq;  se  dixit,  ut  si  quae  allegantur,  probentur,  ad  sen- 
teutiam  ferendam  procedatur,  se  id  ratum  habiturum. 
Quumq;  ego  quaesissem  an  vellet,  quae  fierent  per  eam  Bul- 
lam comprobare,  minime  id  oportere  dixit  j  negavit  quoq; 
eam  Consiliariis  ostendendam  esse,  qui  tametsi  rem  bonam 
non  judicarent,  approbarent  tamen  super  ejus  Sanctitatis 
Conscientiam  ,  ac  saepius  interim  repetivit,  non  esse  ampli- 
us  in  ea  re  commorandum.  Ad  aliam  igitur  partem  deveni, 
in  qua  D.  V.  Reverendissima  dicit,  Reverendissimura  Cam- 
pegium  Divortium  inter  Regem  Serenissimum  et  Reginam 
conatum  dissuadere :  Turn  Pontifex  Campegium  scribere 
dixit,  eo  se  etiam  functurum  officio,  ut  Reginae  Divortium 
petsuaderet,  quam  ab  eo  alienam  invenerit ;  modeste  ta- 
men eam,  ait,  locutam  fuisse,  et  Consiliarios  petiisse,  qui 
ex  Hispania  denegati  fuerint,  ex  Flandria  autem  concessi. 
Dixit  etiam  S.  D.  N.  se  literas  ad  Regem,  Reverendissimo 
Campegio  ex  suo  Chirographo  dedisse,  ut  Regia  Majestas 
fidem  his  haberet  quae  Reverendissimus  Campegius  snss 
Sanctitatis  nomine  diceret.  Ad  illam  deinde  partem  deve- 
ni, ubi  est :  Causam  Regis  perinde  differt,  ac  si  nolit  ad 
judicium,  sententiamq;  in  partem  suae  Majestatis  ferendam 
descendere,  donee  S.  D.  N.  certiorem  prius  eifecerit,  de  his 
ad  banc  causam  concernentibus,  quae  ibi  vidit  et  audivit. 
Ad  haec  respondit,  Campegium  quandocunq;  requisitus 
fuerit,  processurum,  neq;  de  supersedendo  Commissionem 
habere;  se  tantum  injunxisse,  ut  quum  procedi  coeptum 
esset,  se  certiorem  faceret,  ne  tamen  interim  moras  aliquid 
interponeretur.  At  ubi  est  nuUo  pacto  adduci  vult,  ut 
mihi  suo  Collega;  Commissionem  hunc  Decretalem  credat  .• 


Dixit  verum  id  esse,  ideo  factum  ne  pluribus  palain  fieret, 
eaque  conditione  qua  petitum  fuit,  ostensam  nequicquara 
amplius  expectandum,  ea  repetens,  quae  prius  etiam  circa 
hoc  dixerat.  At  ego,  videat  Sanctitas  vestra  quod  ex  his 
verbis,  quae  hie  scripta  sunt  loquor,  quae  dicunt  Sanctita- 
tem  Vestram  Commissionem  Decretalem  concessisse,  ea 
conditione  ut  aliquibus  Regiis  Consiliariis  ostenderetur. 
Turn  Pontifex  iterum  excandescens ;  Ostendam  (inquit) 
literas  ipsius  Reverendissimi  Eboracen.  nee  loquor  menda- 
cia,  et  non  minus  meis  verbis,  literisq;  prioribus  Reveren- 
dissimi Eboracen.  fides  est  habenda,  quam  his  quas  nunc 
afFertis.  Tum  ejus  Sanctitatem  mitigari  qusesivi,  si  minus 
urgenter  mandata  exequerer,  quoniam  id  a  me  fieri  opor- 
tet.  Quod  ad  Regni  ruinas,  damna,  calamitates,  scandala, 
et  dimmutionem  Religionis,  multa  in  eandem  sententiam 
dixit,  in  quam  primo  die  locutus  fuit  ;  quum  diceret, 
Egregium  vero  decus  Serenissimo  huic  Regi  fuerit,  si  ipse, 
qui  Fidei  Defensor  et  sit  et  appelletur,  qui  libros  etiam 
pro  ejus  defensione  ediderit,  eandem  nunc  impugnare  co- 
gatur ;  Ad  haec  quam  recte  sint  venturi,  viderint  ipsi.  Eo 
autem  loco,  in  quo  dicebatur  aliquid  de  Regio  negotio,  in- 
ter Generalem  Fratium  de  observantia,  et  ejus  Sanctitatem 
convenisse,  et  eo  autore  foedus  inter  ejus  Sanctitatem  et 
Caesarianos  componendum.  Dixit,  id  ostendere,  quod  de 
Regio  negotio  nihil  promiserit,  quod  quicunq;  pollicitus 
sit,  et  quin  poterit  habita  ratione  suae  conscientiaa,  re  ipsa 
praestare  velit :  In  eo  autem  quod  de  Pace  tractanda  affertur, 
dixit,  se  nullum  modum  in  tuli  negotio  invenire,  neq;  se 
adhuc  scire,  quod  iste  Generalis  ullas  pacis  conditiones  sit 
allaturus ;  atq;  ea  insuper  addidit,  quae  meis  jliteris  die  15 
Novemb.  datis  D.  V.  Reverendissimae  significavi. 

Aliis  deinde  diebus  S.  D.  N.  saepissime  sum  alloquutus, 
qui  decrevit  cum  Reverendissimis  de  Monte  et  Sanctorum 
Quatuor  Cardinalibus  de  his  rebus  omnibus  loqui,  praeter- 
quam  de  Bulla  Decretali,  de  qua  cum  nemine  vult  ullam 
fieri  mentionem,  jussitq;  ex  omni  Scriptura  ejus  memo- 
riam  eximi.  De  reliquis  itaq;  rebus  omnibus  loquutus 
sum  cum  his  duobus  Cardinalibus  qui  dixerunt  Pontificem 
contentum  fore,  ut  ad  sententiam  procedatur,  tametsi  id 
plerisq;  alienum  videatur,  deque  eo  nonnulli  ex  Cardina- 
libus cum  obtrectatione  loquuntur, .  et  Caesaris  Orator  ne 
procedatur  Protestatur,  voluntq;  fieri  in  Curia  Causae  ad- 
vocationem,  Commissionemq;  cum  Inhibitione  ad  partes  ; 
dicuntq;  hi  duo  Reverendissimi,  quod  quae  postulant  illi, 
justa  sunt,  nee  minimo  cuiq;  denegari  possent,  nolle  tamen 
Regiae  Majestatis  causa  S.  D.  N.  quicquam  ex  eo  quod 
factum  sit  immutare. 


Quura  alio  etiam  die  Pontificem  otiosum  nactus  essem, 
multa  cum  ejus  Sanctitate,  de  rebus  praeteritis  disserui,  de- 
que eo,  quod  ego  ad  ejus  utilitatem  cum  Venetis  egissem, 
quoniam  scirem  Serenissimi  Regis,  et  D.  V.  Reverendissi 
maB  voluntatem  esse,  ut  quotiescunq;  occasio  daretur,  pro 
suae  Sanctitatis  commodo  omnia  fierent:  Exposui  deinde 
quantopere  elaborassem  pro  negotio  Cerviae  et  Ravennae, 
utq;  multa  Gallici  Oratores  egissent  a  D.  V.  Reverendis- 
sima  potissimum  instigati ;  Addidi  etiam  efficacissima  ver- 
ba, quibus  usus  est  Dominus  Stephanus  Gardinerus.  Ad 
omnia  S.  D.  N.  respondit,  ,se  ea  de  re  Regiae  Majestati,  ac 
D.  V.  Reverendissixnae  gratias  habere,  et  mihi  quoque  gra- 
tias  egit ;  dixitque,  non  tamen  omnes  simul  tantum  effi- 
cere  potuistis,  ut  mihi  meae  civitates  redderentur.  Scitis 
autem  conditiones  fcBderis  iu  quo  ego  quoque  eram,  fuisse, 
ut  quum  quis  nostrum  injuria  afficeretur,  ab  eo  caBteri  con- 
foederati  injuriam  propulsarent,  quod  multo  magis  pro  me 
faciendum  erat,  quum  qui  in  ipso  foedere  essent  mini  inju- 
riarentur ;  Et  inde  Caesariani  volunt  mihi  persuadere  Ve- 
netos  non  fuisse  id  facturos,  si  putassent  Regi  Angliae  aut 
Christianissimo  displiciturum  :  Neque  interim  desistunt, 
multa,  magnaq;  mihi  poUiceri,  unde  ego,  quod  alias  etiam 
dixi,  id  quod  affertur,  quum  aliter  facere  nequeam,  acci- 
pere  cogai.  Illudq;  etiam  vos  scire  volo  promissum  mihi 
fuisse,  si  legatus  hie  in  Angliam  mitteretur,  futurum  ut  mi- 
hi civitates  a  Venetis  restituerentur.  Tum  ego,  non  omnia, 
Beatissime  Pater,  adhuc  sunt  perfecta,  Rex  enim  poten- 
tissimus  omnino  operam  dabit,  ut  illae  (jivitates  Beatitu- 
dini  Vestrae  restituantur :  An  non,  quae  ejus  Majestas  scri- 
bit  Vestra  Sanctitas  animadvertit  1  Cui  videndum  impri- 
mis est,  ne  de  ipsa  Serenissimo  Regi  sit  conquerendum  ; 
et  ex  hac  occasione  iterum  ad  Regiam  Causam  redii.  At 
ejus  Sanctitas  dixit,  se  omnia  quas  potuisset  pro  Regia  Ma- 
iestate  et  D.  V.  Reverendissima  fecisse,  facturamq;  etiam 

Nonne  igitur  (inquam)  posset  ratio  aliqua  inveniii  qua 
concederetur  eam  Bullam  aliquibus  ex  Secretioribus  Con- 
siliariis  ostendi  posse  1  Turn  Pontifex,  non  (^inquit)  Non 
potest  lioc  fieri,  nee  a  me  impetrari ;-  quod  si  ullo  modo  fieri 
potuisset,  minime  tarn  multas  magnasq;  preces  a  Serenis- 
simo Rege,  et  Reverendissimo  Domino  Eboracen.  expec- 
tassem  ;  quumq;  quibusdam  validis  Argumentis  instarem, 
prohibuit  me  ulterius  de  hujusmodi  re  loqui.  Nolui  ego 
unquam  dicere,  equitem  fratrem  brevi  esse  venturum,  ne 
Pontifex  rem  in  illius  adventum  protraberet,  ea  tantum  de 
causa,  ut  moram  interponeret^ 

Omnibus  deinde  aliis  diebus  super  eodem  negotio  iostiti^ 


nunquam  tamen  Pontifex  sententiam  suam  ulla  ex  parte 
immutare  voluit ;  tantum  illud  decrevit,  Nuntium  mittere 
velle,  qui  suam  sententiam  verbis  explicaret :  quumq;  nul- 
la mihi  amplius  spes  relinqueretur  quicquam  amplius  impe- 
trandi,  turn  demum  dixi,  Equitem  fratrem  Romae  fuiurum 
sequenti  die,  qui  quum  adeo  gravis  momenti  rem,  cerneret, 
noluerit  suae  valetudini  consulere,  et  quod  is  minime  pu- 
tasset,  suae  servitutis  in  ejus  Sanctitatem  merita  hoc  mode 
male  tractanda  fuisse.  Gratum  sibi  dixit  Pontifex  Equitis 
adventum  fore,  quodq;  cum  ipso  et  constituerentur  omnia, 
negans  tamen  se  ullo  pacto  id  quod  nunc  petitur  conces- 
surum.  Venit  itaq;  Eques  frater,  qui  non  secus  ac  si  nun- 
quam  quisquam  de  hac  re  cum  Poniifice  egisset,  singula  de 
integro  tractavit,  omnibus  his  modis  et  ratiortibus  tentatis 
quae  excogitari  poterunt.  Quae  omnia  minutim  Dominus 
Vincentius  Cassalius  noster  patruelis,  quern  ad  ipsum  mit- 
timus, verbis  coram  explicabit,  egoque  ne  D.  V.  Reve- 
rendissimae  jam  nimis  molestus  sim,  de  hac  ulterius  non 

Quod  ad  Wintoniensem  Expeditionem  spectat,  multum 
hi  Reverendissimi  Domini  Cardinales  offendebantur,  nunc 
ab  ipsis  pecuniarum  remissiones  postulari,  quum  deprae- 
data  eorum  bona  sint,  ipsiq;  propter  id  ad  Paupertatem 
redacti.  Quibus  ego  ostendi,  majus  emolumentum  ad  ip- 
sos  venturum,  si  D.  V.  Reverendissima  unam  Ecclesiam 
acciperet,  alteram  deponeret,  quam  si  alter  tantum  Win- 
toniensis  Ecclesiag  expeditionem  faceret ;  neque  D.  V.  Re- 
verendissimam  nimis  banc  permutationemoptare  dixi,  quum 
Wintoniensis  non  multo  Ecclesiae  Dunelmensi  sit  ditior. 
Ad  haec  dixeixmt,  quod  libentius  D.  V.  Reverendissimae 
quam  cuiquam  alteri  erunt  gratificaturi,  quoniam  ipse  de 
sede  Apostolica  sit  semper  bene  merita,  non  tamen  se  ve- 
reri,  quin  D,  V.  Reverendissima  Wintoniensem  Ecclesiam 
illius  Regni  primariam  sit  acceptura.  Ego  quum  Ponti- 
ficem,  et  deinde  Cardinales  eos  qui  magis  rebus  nostris  stu- 
dent ambissem,  efFeciut  Pontifex,  de  ea  re  in  Consistorio  re- 
ferret,  quod  ejus  Sanctitas  effecit,  multis  etiam  additis  lau- 
dibus  D.  V.  lleverendissimae,  quibus  aliqui  Cardinales,  et 
maxime  Neapolitani,  responderunt  ea  quae  superius  dixi. 
Illud  tandem  decreverunt,  quod  quum  D.  V.  Reverendis- 
sima solvere  debeat,  pro  expeditione  Wintoniensis  Eccle- 
siae, et  pro  retentione  Ecclesiae  Eboracensis  et  Abbati® 
Sancti  Albani,  habita  ratione  totius  summae,  ejus  pars  di- 
midia  V.  D.  Reverendissimae  condonaretur,  et  ut  ad  13  vel 
14  millia  aurerorum  remittant,  et  non  multo  plus  eo,  quod 
pro  Wintonien.  tum  Ecclesia  deberet  solvere.  Id  Reve- 
rendissimis  Cardinalibus  ideo  displicebat,  quoniam  nollent 


res  hujusmodi  in  eXemplum  trahi,  quoin  praesertim  Mag- 
nus Franciae  Cancellarius,  ipse  quoque  in  magna  (juadam 
Expeditione,  idipsum  in  praesentia  flagitat,  quod  isti  conce- 
dere  nolunt. 

Caetera  ex  Domini  Vicentio  D.  V.  Reverendissima  co- 
piosius  coram  intelligat ;  Quae  bene  valeat.  Dat.  Romae  die 
17  Decemb.  1628. 

Humillimus  servus 

Jo.  Cass  A  Litis 


The  Pope's  Letter  to  the  Cardinal,  giving  Credence  to  Campana. 
An  Original. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitell.  B.  10.) 

Dilecto  Filio  nostro  Thomae  Sanctae  Ceciliae  Presbytero, 
Cardinali  Eboracen.  In  Regno  Angliae,  nostro  et  Sedis 
de  Latere  Legato. 

DiLECTE  Fili  noster,  salutem  et  Apostolicam  Benedic- 
tionem.  Existimavimus  non  tam  commdeo  per  literas  re- 
sponderi  posse  his,  de  quibus  postremo  Oratores  Carissi- 
mi  in  Christo  Filii  nostri  istius  Regis  nobiscum  egerunt ; 
Itaq;  propriura  hominem  Franciscum  Campanam  familia- 
rem  nostrum  istuc  mittimus,  ex  quo  sua  Serenitas  ac  Cir- 
cumspectio  tua  plenius  intelligent  quae  nobis  occurrant, 
tam  de  rebus  ad  pacem  et  publice  ad  universam  Christiani- 
tatem  spectantibus,  quam  super  privatis  Serenitatis  suae, 
de  quibus  nobis  per  literas  et  Oratores  vestros  significatis, 
quas  quidem  summopere  cordi  habemus.  Circumspectio- 
nem  tuam  hortamur,  ut  sibi  ac  Serenitati  suae  persuadeat 
nos  paternam  benevolentiam  atq;  animum  gessisse  et  ge- 
rere  erga  Serenitatem  suam,  ab  eodemq,  amore  proficisci 
omni  quaecunq  ;  illi  significamus,  ut  pluribus  Circumspec- 
tionem  tuam,  quam  merito  multum  amamus,  exponet  Di- 
lect.  Fil.  Card.  Campegius,  Legatus  una  tecum  noster,  ac 
dictus  Franciscus,  quibus  plenissimam  fidem  habebitis.  Da- 
tum Romae  15.  Decembris  M.D.XXVIII. 

Clemens  manu  propria. 




A  Fart  of  Peter  Vannes  his  Instructions,  directing  him  to 
threaten  the  Pope.    An  Original. 

Decemb.  1,  1528. 

And  Peter,  as  of  himself,  shall  a-part  say  unto  his 

Holiness  ;  Sir,  I  being  an  Italian,  cannot  but  with  a  more 
fervent  zeal  and  mind  than  any  other,  study  and  desire  the 
Weal,  Honour,  and  Safety  of  your  Holiness  and  the  See 
Apostolick  ;  which  compelleth  me  to  shew  unto  your  Holi- 
ness, frankly,  what  I  see  in  this  matter.  Surely,  Sir,  in  case 
your  Holiness  continuing  this  particular  respect  of  fear  of 
the  Emperor  do  thus  delay,  protract,  and  put  off  the  ac- 
complishment of  the  King's  so  instant  desire  in  this  Matter, 
and  not  impart  to  his  Majesty  therein  bounteously  of  the 
Treasure  and  Goods  of  the  Church,  and  the  See  Aposto- 
lick, quantum  potestis  ex  Thesauro  Ecclesi(e  et  ex  plenitudine 
Potestatis  ac  Atttoritate  a  Deo  vel  ah  Ecclesia  collata.  I  see 
assuredly,  that  it  will  be  a  means  so  to  alienate  the  fast  and 
entire  mind  which  his  Highness  beareth  to  your  said  Holi- 
ness, as  not  only  thereby  his  Grace,  Nobles,  and  Realm, 
but  also  many  other  Princes  his  Friends  and  Confederates, 
with  their  Nobles  and  Realms,  shall  withdraw  their  De- 
votion and  Obedience  from  your  Holiness,  and  the  See 
Apostolic,  studying  how  they  may  acquite  this  your  Ingra- 
titude, in  the  highest  cause  that  can  be  devised,  shewed, 
and  so  long  continued  with  the  semblable.  And  therefore. 
Sir,  at  the  reverence  of  Almighty  God,  cast  not  from  you 
the  heart  of  this  noble  virtuous  Prince,  who  finally  cannot 
fail,  the  Peace  had,  which  Christendom  may  not  long  for- 
bear, to  have  in  his  puissance,  such  a  stay  as  may  be  able, 
in  the  highest  and  largest  manner,  to  recompence  his 
Friends,  and  to  acquite  the  contrary. 

Henry  R. 


The  Cardinal's  Letter  to  the  Ambassadors  about  his  Promotion 
to  the  Popedom.    An  Original. 

(Cott.  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  10.) 

Magnifico  Equiti  Domino  Gregorio  Cassalio  ac  Domino 
Petro  Vanni,  Serenissimi  Domini  Aiigliae  et  Franciae 
Regis  in  Rom.    Curia  oratoribus. 

Magnifice  Domine  Gregori  et  Domine  Petre  salutem. 
Sicuti  incommodissimus  totius  Reipublica;  Christiana*,  ac 
Vol.  I,  Part  II.  G 


potissimum  Regis  Majestatis  negotiis  S.  D,  N,  obitusTacci- 
dit,  ita  etiam  vos  non  latere  puto  quantum  periculi  et  dis- 
criminis  hujus  Serenissimi  Regis  saluti  et  honori,  ac  Regni 
sui  quieti  ab  hac  futuri  Pontificis  Electione  immineat,  et 
quantopere  vobis  adnitendum,  ac  vestro  studio,  diligentia, 
industria  et  prudentia  occurrendum  et  obstandum  sit,  ne 
aliquis  eligatur  Pontifex  alienus  ab  hac  Regia  Maj estate ; 
et  quid  pro  me  promovendo  facere  ac  tractare  debeatis,  cu- 
mulate per  communes  meas  literas  vos  admonui :  nee  opor- 
tet  per  has  quicquid  aliud  replicare,  quas  solum  ad  vos  scri- 
bere  volui,  ut  significem  vobis  me  totum  hoc  gravissimum 
et  omnium  maximum  negotium,  de  quo  acturi  estis,  vestrae 
prudentiae,  fidei,  et  dexleritati,  quam  longo  tempori  usu 
exploratissimam  habeo,  committere  et  credere,  speroq;  vos 
spei  et  opinioni  meae  de  vobis  conceptae  oranino  responsuros, 
et  bene  valete.    Londini  die  6  Feb.  1528. 

Vester  amantissimus  Frater, 
T.  Cardin.  Eborac. 


An  Information  given  to  the  Pope  about   the  Divorce. 
An  Onginal, 

(Cotton  Libr,  ViteL  B.  n.) 

Adnotatio  Summaria  eorum  quae  aliis  libellis  ftisius  explicata 
S.D.  N.  tum  licere,  tum  expedire,  persuadent,  utin  Cau- 
sa Regiae  Majestatis  Sententiam  divortii  ferat. 

Primum  licet  atque  etiam  expedit  dirimere  hoc  Matrirao- 
nium,  quod  juri  tum  divino  turn  humano  repugnat. 

Divinura  enim  jus  duci  prohibet  Uxorem  fratris,  quin  hie 
fratris  Uxorem  ductam  fuisse  sit  notorium. 

Humanum  vero  jus,  duo  hujus  Matrimonii  impedimenta 
continet,  alterum  Affinitatis,  quod  divino  jure  inducturn  se- 
verissime  sancivit ;  alterum  publicae  Honestatis,  et  justitiaB, 
quod  promulgavit  Deus,  si  ex  definitione  Matrimonii,  di- 
vini,  humaniq;  juris  commutatio  interveniret,  quibusnam 
auspiciis  hoc  Matrimonium  constare  dicemus,  quod  utroque 
jure  adversante  ac  repugnante,  contractum  est,  coit,  et  ut- 
cumque  consistif? 

Sed  cessavit,  inquiunt,  in  hac  specie  juris  utriq;  prohibitio 
per  gratiam  eC  Dispensationem  summi  Pontificis. 

Respondetur  quidem  istis  multis  modis.  Primo  non  esse 
videri,  quod  nullum  est,  nullum  autem  haberi  quod  sine 
Autoritate  legitima  fiat ;  deniq;  Pontificis  Autoritatera  non 


eatenXis  pertiners,  ut  in  gradibus  divina  lege  prohibitis  dis- 
pensare  possit :  non  opinionibus  Scripturientium,  qui  Pon- 
tificis  Authoritatem  imminutam  velint,  sed  ipsius  Ponti- 
iicis  sententia  constat,  quem  suae  Jurisdictionis  modum,  et 
optirae  novisse  et  ampliare  velle  potius  quam  restringere 
credendum  est ;  quae  quum  ita  sint,  etiam  si  humani  juris 
prohibitio  per  Dispeiisationem  subiata  videatur,  manet  ni- 
hilominus  immotum,  quod  divinum  est,  si  ipsis  contra  seip- 
sos  credimus  Pontificibus.  ^ 

Deinde,  ut  posse  Pontifices  dispensare  fateamur,  et  in  ea 
parte  tribuaraus  plus  Authoritatis  quam  ipsi  sibiipsis  au- 
deant  arrogare,  tamen  non  passim,  non  quocunq;  mode, 
non  temere,  et  sine  omni  consideratione,  posse  eos  dispen- 
sare ;  atq;  fatendum  est  ne  suo  testimonio  Dissipatores 
verius,  quam  Dispensatores  appellentur.  Itaque  ut  cau- 
sam  urgentissimam  ei  evidentissimam,  turn  etiam  manifes- 
tissimam  debet  habere  Dispensatio,  precibus  deniqj  veris, 
non  ementitis  atq;  confictis  inniti. 

In  Dispensatione  autem,  quo  constat  hoc  Matrimonium, 
verbis  quidem  pacis  causa  proponitur,  sed  non  ideo  quia 
sic  refertur,  re  ipsa  subsistit,  Pontificis  facta  non  ad  verbo- 
rum  superficiem,  sed  rei  ipsius  solidam  veritatem  expendi 

Certum  est,  pacem  multis  modis,  turn  firraissimam  fuisse 
unoq;  Matrimonio  conciliatam,  pactorum  deniq;  ac  fcede- 
rum  vi  constantem,  istud  necessario  Matrimonium  non  de- 
siderasse,  et  jam  Dispensationem  sine  causa  intervenisse 
dicimus,  et  consequenter  nullam  esse,  manereq;  adhuc  di- 
vinam  prohibitionem  atq;  adeo  et  humanam. 

Porro  etiam,  si  aliqua  sit,  ei  causam  haberet,  tum  men- 
daciis  conflata  est,  subreptitia  et  obreptitia  raerito  appel- 
landa,  jure  tum  divino,  tum  humano  reprobata. 

Nam  quum  quod  alioqui  Canonibus  cautum  sit,  ipsius 
etiam  Dispensationis  proaemium  contineat,  "  Romani  Pon- 
tificis Autoritatem  concessa  sibi  desuper  uti  potestate, 
prout  personarum,  causarum,  et  temporura  qualitate  pen- 
sata,  id  in  "Domino  salubriter  conspicit  expedire  ;"  Quomo- 
do  potuit  S.  D.  N.  hujus  Serenissimi  Regis  qualitates  pen- 
sare  quas  ignoravitl  Neque  enim  de  aetate  quicquam,  quae 
in  contrahendo  hoc  Matrimonio  praecipua  qualitas  erat, 
narrabatur,  et  tamen  ilium  annum  eo  tempore  duodeci- 
mum  non  excessisse  notorium  est ;  et  tacita  ad  hunc  mo- 
dum aetate,  mendacium  pro  causa  su^gestum  est  manifestis- 
simum ;  Cupisse,  viz.  tunc  Serenissimum  Regem  contra- 
here  Matrimonium,  ad  hoc  ut  pacis  foedera  continuaren- 
tur :  facti  Veritas  est,  tum  quid  ageretur  ignorasse,  et  eti- 
amsi  tum  scivisset,  tamen  non  fuisae  verum  quod  cuperet 


ad  hoc  ut  pacis  fcedera  continuarentur,  aetas  ostendit,  quae 
per  communis  juris  dispositionem  discretionem  non  admit- 
tit;  cupere  quidem  affectus  est,  caeteruin  cupere  contrahere 
Matrimonium,  ad  hoc  ut  pacis  foedera  continuarentur,  ju- 
dicii  est  et  discretionis.  Porro  autem,  quum  de  continu- 
andis  inter  duos  Principes  foederibus  ageretur,  alter  ante 
mandatara  exequutioni  BuUam  fatis  concessit,  et  re  Inte- 
gra, causa,  si  quae  fuit,  cessauit. 

Sed  producitur  aliud*-Breve  tenoris  tam  efficacis  ut  istas 
Objectiones  non  admittat. 

Sed  manet  nihilominus  eorum  sententia,  qui  Pontificem 
non  posse  dispensare  affirmant,  secundum  quos  nee  Breve 
nee  Bulla  consistit;  deinde  Breve  falsum  esse,  et  pro  falso 
judicari  deberi,  multis  rationibus  convincitur  ;  denique  fal- 
sum cum  sit,  et  lamen  prioris  Bullae  errores  corrigat,  illara 
opinionem  merito  confirmet,  ne  prior  Dispensatio  efficax 
videatur,  vel  eorum  judicio,  qui  hoc  Matrimonium  defen- 
dere  studuerunt,  viz.  qui  veris  allegationibus  diffisi,  ad  fal- 
sas  et  confictas  Dispensationes,  vita  objecta  removentes 
confugere  coacti  sunt. 

Ista,  si  singula  minus  sufficiant,  saltern  collata,  obtineant 
et  persuadeant  licere.  Ilia  vero  opinio  multis  persuasa, 
Pontificem,  viz.  non  potuisse  dispensare,  ut  sola  infirmet 
Dispensationem,  non  petitur,  sed  habet  nihilominus  aliquid 
considerationis  ;  quanquam  enim  refellatur  a  quibusdam  et 
reprobetur,  manet  taraen  scripta,  atque  adeo  testimonio 
ipsius  Pontificis  comprobata.  Perpendatur  deinde  causa 
et  suggestionis  Veritas,  si  mendacium  intervenisse  apparet, 
et  quod  est  notorium,  illam  Dispensationem  adversariorum 
factis  in  novi  Brevis  fabricatione  tacite  reprobari,  quis  nou 
videt  ex  his  causis  licere  ut  sententia  Divortii  proferatur  1 

Postremo  expedit  ut  id  pronuntietur,  quod  in  omnium 
sententias  consentiat,  Reprobatio  autem  Dispensationiscum 
omnibus  convenit  opinionibus,  sive  quia  Authoritas  abfuit, 
sive  quia  non  recte  interposita  dicatur ;  Approbatio  vero 
cum  istis  dissentit  omnibus. 

Expedit  ut  firma  sit  et  inconcussa  Regni  Successio,  quae 
contra  has  opiniones  confirmari  non  potest. 

Expedit  ut  conscientia  Serenissimi  Regis  his  scrupulis 
impedita,  et  turbata,  expedita  et  tranquilla  reddatur. 

Breviter,  expedit  votis  Serenissimi  Regis  satisfieri,  qui 
pro  genuinis  et  innatis  suis  virtutibus,  non  nisi  optima  cu- 
pit,  et  modo  etiam  optimo  votorum  suorum  conipotem  effici 
laborat ;  si  non  virtutem  spectaret,  caetera  nihil  haberent 
difficultatis,  sed  omnium  virtutum  cogitationem  quandam 
esse  animadvertens,  suum  justitiae  decorum,'  quod  tempe- 


rantia  est,  quserit,  ut  justum,  justo  modo,  obtineat  et  asse- 
quatur.  Itaq;  expedit  neauxilium  denegetur,  vel  differatur 
ei  qui  id  juste  implorat. 

The  second  part  of  a  long  Dispatch  of  the  Cardinal* s  concerning 
the  Divorce,    An  Original, 
(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  11.) 

To  my  loving  Friends  Master  Stephen  Gardiner  Doctor  of 
both  Laws ;  Sir  Francis  Brian,  and  Sir  Gregory  Cassalis, 

;  Knights ;  and  Mr.  Peter  Vannes,  Secretary  to  the  King's 
Highness  for  the  Latin  Tongue ;  His  Grace's  Orators, 
Residents  in  the  Court  of  Rome. 

-^ — AxoTHER  part  of  your  Charge  consisteth  in  expedi- 
tion of  the  King's  great  and  weighty  Cause  of  Matrimony, 
whereupon  depend  so  many  high  Consequences,  as  for  no 
earthly  Cause  to  suffer  or  tolerate  tract  or  delay,  in  what 
case  soever  the  Pope's  Holiness  be  of  amendment  or  danger 
of  life ;  nor  as  is  aforesaid,  oweth  to  be  by  his  Holiness 
preteromitted,  whether  the  same  be  in  the  state  of  Reco- 
very, or  in  any  doubt  or  despair  thereof :  for  one  assured 
and  principal  fundamental  and  ground  is  to  be  regarded, 
whereupon  the  King's  Highness  doth  plant  and  build  his 
Acts  and  Cogitations  in  this  behalf,  which  is  from  the  rea- 
sonable favour  and  justice,  being  the  things  from  the  which 
the  Pope's  Holiness,  in  prosperis  nee  adversis,  may  lawfully 
and  honestly  digress  ;  and  when  the  plainness  of  his  Cause 
is  well  considered,  with  the  manifest  Presumptions,  Argu- 
ments, and  Suspitions,  both  of  the  insufficiency  of  the  Bull, 
and  falsity  of  the  Brief,  such  as  may  lead  any  Man  of  reason 
or  intendment,  well  to  perceive  and  know,  that  no  suf- 
ficiency or  assured  truth  can  be  therein ;  How  may  the 
Pope's  Holiness,  ex  cequo  et  justo,  refuse  or  deny  to  any 
Christian  Man,  much  less  to  a  Prince  of  so  high  merits, 
and  in  a  Cause  whereupon  depend  so  many  consequences, 
to  his  Holiness  well  known,  for  a  vain  respect  of  any  Per- 
son, or  by  excuse  of  any  Sickness,  justifie,  colour,  or  defend 
any  manner  refusal,  tract,  or  delay,  used  in  declaration  of 
the  truth  in  so  great  a  Matter,  which  neither  for  the  infinite 
conveniences  that  thereby  might  ensue,  admitteth  or  suf- 
fereth  to  be  delaied,  nor  by  other  than  himself,  his  Act  or 
Authority,  may  lawfully  be  declared.  And  well  may  his 
Holiness  know,  That  to  none  it  appertaineth  more  to  look 
unto  the  justness  of  the  King's  desire  in  this  behalf,  than  to 

G  3 


his  Highness  his  self,  whose  Interest,  whose  Cause,  withlBI 
the  same  of  his  Realm  and  Succession  resteth  herein ;  for 
if  his  Grace  were  minded,  or  would  intend  to  do  a  thing 
inique  or  unjust,  there  were  no  need  to  recur  unto  the 
Pope's  Holiness  for  doing  thereof.  But  because  his  High- 
ness and  his  Council,  who  best  know  the  whole  of  this  Mat- 
ter, and  to  whose  part  it  belongeth  most  profoundly  to 
weigh  and  ponder  every  thing  concerning  the  same,  be  well 
assured  of  the  truth  of  the  matter,  needing  none  other 
thing  but  for  observance  of  his  Duty  towards  God  and  his 
Church,  to  have  the  same  Truth  also  approbate  and  de- 
clared by  him  to  whom  the  doing  thereof  appertaineth  ;  his 
Grace  therefore  seeing  an  untruth  alleged,  and  that  so 
craftily  as  by  undue  and  perverse  ways,  the  same,  without 
good  reason  adhibited,  may  for  a  season  bring  things  into 
confusion,  doth  communicate  unto  the  Pope's  Holiness 
presumptions  and  evidences  enough,  and  suificient  to  in- 
form the  Conscience  of  his  Holiness  of  the  very  truth  : 
which  then,  if  his  Holiness  will  not  see,  but  either  for  af- 
fection, fear,  or  other  private  cause,  will  hearken  to  every 
dilatory  and  vain  allegation  of  such  as  led  upon  undue 
grounds  would  colour  the  Truth ;  What  doth  his  Holiness 
less  therein,  than  under  a  right  vain  colour  expressly  deny 
and  refuse  the  said  Justice,  which  to  be  done  either  in 
health  or  sickness,  in  a  matter  of  so  great  moment,  is  in  no 
wise  tolerable  1  But  for  the  same  reasons  that  he  before 
mentioned,  is  the  thing,  whether  the  Pppe's  Holiness  be 
in  hope  or  despair  of  life,  without  further  tract  to, be  ab- 
solved and  determined ;  for  if  Almighty  God  grant  his 
Holiness  life,  this  Act  is,  and  always  shall  be,  able  to  bear 
itself,  and  is  meet  to  be  an  Example,  a  President,  and  a 
Law,  in  all  like  Cases  emerging,  the  Circumstances  and 
Specialities  of  the  same  in  every  part  concurring  as  they  do 
in  this  ;  nor  can  the  Emperor  make  exceptions  at  the  same, 
when  he  best  knowing,  percase,  the  untruth,  shall  see  the 
grounds  and  occasions,  that  of  necessity  and  meer  Justice 
have  enforced  and  constrained  the  Pope's  Holiness  there- 
unto ;  which  he  could  not  refuse  to  do,  unless  he  would 
openly  and  manifestly  commit  express  injury  and  notorious 
injustice.  For  be  it  that  the  Pope's  Holiness  hearkning 
to  the  said  frivolous  and  vain  Allegations,  would  refuse  to 
declare  the  Law  herein  to  the  King's  purpose,  then  must 
his  Holiness,  either  standing  in  doubt,  leave  and  suffer  the 
Cause  to  remain  in  suspence,  to  the  extreme  danger  of  the 
King's  Realm  and  Succession  for  ever,  or  else  declare  the 
Bull  or  Breve,  or  both  to  be  ^ood,  which  I  suppose  neither 
his  Holiness  nor  any  true  Christian  Man  can  do,  standii>g 

OF  RECORDS.  .  67 

the  manifest  occasions,  presumptions,  and  apparent  evi- 
dences to  the  contrary.  Then  if  the  matter  be  not  to  be 
left  in  suspence,  no  judgment  can  be  truly  given  to  the  ap- 
probation of  the  Bull  or  Breve  ;  how  can  the  Pope's  Holi- 
ness of  Conscience,  Honour  or  Vertue,  living  or  dying, 
thus  procrastinate  or  put  over  the  immediate  finishing 
thereof,  according  to  the  King's  desire  1  or  how  may  his 
Holiness  find  his  Conscience  towards  God  exonerate,  if 
either  living  he  should  be  the  cause  of  so  rnany  evils  as 
hereof  may  arise ;  or  dying,  wilfully  leave  this  so  great  a 
Matter,  by  his  own  default,  in  this  confusion,  incertainty 
and  perplexity?  It  is  not  to  be  supposed,  that  ever  Prince 
most  devout  to  the  See  Apostolick,  could  so  long  tolerate 
so  high  an  Injury,  as  being  so  merited  towards  the  said 
See,  is  both  unacquitted  for  his  kindness  with  any  special 
Grace,  and  also  denied  upon  his  petition  of  that,  which  is 
evident  to  be  plain  Justice.  This  thing  is  otherwise  to  be 
looked  upon,  than  for  the  Pope's  Sickness,  where  most 
need  were  to  put  an  end  unto  it,  to  be  delaied,  seeing 
that  living  and  amending,  it  is  of  it  self  expedient  and  jus- 
tifiable, and  dying,  it  shall  be  an  act  both  necessary,  me- 
ritorious and  honourable.  For  this  cause  ye  now  knowing 
the  King's  mind  in  this  behalf,  shall,  if  ye  have  not  already 
before  this  time  spoken  with  the  Pope's  Holiness  at  length 
in  these  Matters,  as  the  King's  Grace  trusteth  ye  have  done, 
sollicite  as  well  by  the  means  of  Messiere  Jacobo  Salviati, 
as  by  the  bishop  of  Verone,  and  otherwise  as  ye  can  think 
best,  to  have  such  commodious  access  unto  his  Holiness,  as 
ye  may  declare  the  Premises  unto  him  ;  which  by  your  wis- 
doms, in  as  effectual  and  vive  manner  as  ye  can  open  it 
unto  his  Holiness.  It  is  undoubtedly  to  be  thought  the 
same  shall  rather  be  to  his  comfort  and  encrease  of  Health, 
than  to  any  his  trouble  or  unquietness  ;  and  that  his  Holi- 
ness hearing  these  Reasons  not  evitable,  will,  whether  he 
be  in  way  and  hope  of  amendment,  or  otherwise,  both  pro- 
ceed to  the  said  indication,  and  also  to  the  Declaration  of 
the  Law,  and  passing  of  a  sufficient  and  ample  Decretal, 
as  hath  been  devised  in  the  King's  said  Cause,  with  other 
such  things,  as  by  former  Letters  and  Instructions,  by  the 
Decrees  mentioned  in  the  same,  that  failing  have  been  com- 
mitted unto  you,  to  be  solicited  and  procured  there  ;  in 
the  labouring  whereof,  albeit  since  your  departures  from 
hence,  the  things  have,  by  reasons  of  the  Pope's  sore  sick- 
ness, otherwise  chanced  than  was  here  supposed,  by  means 
whereof  ye,  not  instructed  what  to  do  in  any  such  case, 
were  peradventure  not  over-hasty  or  importune  to  labour 
these  Matters,  till  the  Pope's  Holiness  might  be  better 


ameikled,  nor  could  percase  find  the  means  to  have  conve- 
nient access  unto  his  presence  for  the  same,  ye  must  never- 
theless adhibit  such  diligence,  as  howsoever  the  sickness  of 
his  Holiness  shall  cease,  amend,  or  continue,  these  things 
be  not  for  the  same,  or  any  other  cause,  tracted  or  left  in 
longer  suspense  ;  but  finding  possible  means  to  come  unto 
the  Pope's  presence,  to  declare  all  such  things  unto  the 
same,  mentioned  both  in  the  former  Letters  and  Instruc- 
tions given  unto  you,  and  also  in  these  presents,  as  may 
make  to  the  purpose :  and  failing  of  often  access  in  your 
own  Persons  to  his  Holiness,  ye  cause  the  Bishop  of  Verone, 
and  other  such  assured  friends  as  ye  can  attain,  being 
about  him  at  such  times  as  they  may  have  with  his  Holi- 
ness, to  inculcate  unto  him  the  said  Points  and  Consi- 
derations, and  all  other  that  ye  can  excogitate  and  devise  to 
the  furtherance  and  advancements  of  these  Matters,  not 
forbearing  or  sparing  also,  if  ye  shall  see  difficulty  at  the 
Pope's  hand,  or  in  audience  to  be  given  to  you  or  your 
Friends  there,  being  about  his  Person,  to  break  and  open 
after  a  good  fashion  and  manner  the  same  unto  such  of  the 
Cardinals,  as  ye  may  perceive  assuredly  and  constantly  to 
favour  the  King's  Highness  and  the  French  King  in  Elec- 
tion of  a  future  Pope,  in  case  (as  God  forbid)  the  Pope's 
Holiness  should  decease  ;  and  to  show  unto  the  same  Car- 
dinals, all  such  things  as  you  shall  think  meet  both  for 
their  more  ample  instructions  in  the  truth  and  specialities 
of  the  Matters,  as  well  concerning  the  Indication  of  Truce, 
as  the  King's  said  Cause,  and  the  presumptuous  Reasons, 
and  plainer  Evidences,  leading  to  the  insufficiency  of  the 
Bull,  and  apparent  falsity  of  the  said  Breve  ;  to  the  intent, 
that  as  many  of  the  said  Cardinals  as  ye  can  win,  made 
sure  in  those  Matters,  they  may,  both  in  time  of  sickness, 
and  also  of  amendment,  move  and  induce  the  Pope's  Holi- 
ness thereunto,  laying  before  him  as  well  the  Merits  and 
Honour  that  may  ensue  by  the  perfection  of  the  premises, 
as  the  danger  imminent  by  the  contrary :  and  semblably 
it  shall  be  expedient  that  ye  win  and  make  sure  to  the 
same  purpose,  as  many  of  the  Officers  of  the  Rota  and 
other  as  ye  can,  who  as  ye  write  be  not  accustomed,  nor 
will  give  counsel  to  any  Person  but  the  Pope's  Holiness ; 
for  albeit,  ye  caonot  have  them  to  be  of  the  King's  Coun- 
cil, yet  nevertheless  they  may  do  as  much  good,  or  more 
in  training  and  counselling  the  Pope's  Holiness,  upon  the 
great  Reasons  that  you  can  shew  unto  them,  to  hearken 
unto  your  Overtures  in  this  behalf.  To  which  purpose 
you  shall  adjure,  make,  and  win,  as  many  Friends  of  the 
Cardinals,  of  them,  and  other,  as  ye  possibly  may,  as  for 


the  thing  which  the  King's  Highness  and  I  more  esteem 
than  twenty  Papalities ;  and  amongst  other,  ye  shall  insist, 
by  all  means  and  good  persuasions  ye  can,  for  the  continu- 
ance there  of  the  said  Bishop  of  Verone,  so  as  he  may 
countervail  the  Arch-Bishop  of  Capuan  ;  who  as  it  seemeth, 
is  continually  about  the  Pope's  Person,  and  were  necessary 
to  be  met  with  in  the  labours  and  persuasions,  which  by 
likelihood  he  maketh  to  the  hindrance  of  the  King's  Pur- 
pose :  For  the  better  continuing  of  the  which  Bishop  of 
Verone,  not  only  the  King's  Highness  and  I  write  unto 
him  at  this  time,  as  by  the  Copy  of  the  same  several  Let- 
ters being  herewith  ye  shall  perceive,  but  also  the  French 
King  will  do  the  semblable.  And  furthermore  to  the  in- 
tent that  the  Pope's  Holiness  may  well  perceive,  that  not 
only  the  said  French  King  mindeth  the  King's  said  Cause, 
and  taketh  it  to  heart  as  much  as  it  were  his  own,  and  will 
effectually  join  and  concur  with  the  King's  Highness  there- 
in, but  that  also  he  is  and  will  be  conformable  to  the  said 
Indication  :  He  will  send  thither,  with  all  speed,  the  Bishop 
of  Bayon  to  further,  sollicite,  and  set  forth  the  same ;  who, 
before  his  departure  from  hence,  which  was  a  good  season 
passed,  was  and  is  sufficiently  and  amply  instructed  in  all 
things  requisite  to  this  purpose ;  and  not  only  in  these 
Matters,  but  also  in  such  other  as  were  written  unto  you 
by  Vincent  de  Cassalis,  and  Hercules,  upon  advertisement 
given  hither  that  the  Pope's  Holiness  was  deceased  ;  so  as 
ye  may  be  sure  to  have  of  him  effectual  concurrence  and 
advice  in  the  furtherance  and  soUicitation  of  your  Charges, 
whether  the  Pope's  Holiness  amend,  remain  long  sick, 
or  (as  God  forbid)  should  fortune  to  die;  trusting,  that 
being  so  well  furnished  by  all  ways  that  can  be  devised,  ye 
will  not  fail  to  use  such  diligence  as  may  be  to  the  conse- 
cuting  and  attaining  of  the  King's  Purpose :  wherein,  tho 
ye  be  so  amply  and  largely  instructed,  that  more  cannot  be, 
yet  nevertheless  having  lately  received  from  the  Bishop  of 
Worcester  a  Memorial  of  divers  great  things  to  be  well 
noted  and  considered,  for  trial  of  the  falsity  of  the  said 
Breve,  I  send  you  herewith  a  Copy  of  the  same  Memorial, 
to  the  intent  ye  substantially  visiting  and  perusing  the 
same,  may  follow  and  put  in  execution  such  part  thereof, 
for  better  trial  of  the  falsity,  as  is  to  be  done  there,  like  as 
the  rest  meet  to  be  done  here,  shall  not  fail  to  be  executed 
with  diligence  accordingly.  * 

Thus  be  ye  with  these,  and  other  former  Writings?-  suf- 
ficiently instructed  what  is  to  be  done  by  you  there,  whe- 
ther the  Pope's  Holiness  continue  long  in  his  sickness,  or 
whether  the  same  fortune  to  decease,  or  soon,  God  will- 


ing,  to  amend.  There  resteth  no  more,  but  that  ye  always-' 
take  for  a  perfect  grouud,  That  tho  to  every  new  chance 
not  before  krtown,  sufficient  Provision  and  Instruction 
could  not  be  given  to  you  at  your  departure,  ye  always 
note,  remember,  and  regard,  That  this  the  King's  Cause 
admitteth  nor  sufFereth  any  manner  negative,  tract,  or  de- 
lay ;  wherefore  knowing  that  so  well  as  ye  do,  and  also  how 
much,  the  Indiction  of  the  Truce  shall  be  commodious  and 
necessary,  both  to  the  King's  Highness  in  particular,  and 
to  all  Christendom  in  general,  by  means  whereof  his  Grace 
shall  avojd  Contribution,  and  other  Charges  of  the  War, 
ye  must  now,  if  ever  you  will  have  thanks,  laud  or  praise 
ior  your  Service,  employ  your  selves  opportune  et  impoi'- 
iune,  to  put  an  end  to  the  Points  to  the  King's  satisfaction 
and  desire ;  and  in  every  difficulty  to  study,  by  your  Wis- 
doms, the  best  and  next  Remedy,  and  not  always  to  tract 
your  doings,  till  upon  your  Advertisement  hither,  ye  shall 
have  new  knowledge  from  hence  :  For  thereby  the  matter  it 
self,  and  also  your  demur  there,  be  of  over-long  a  continu- 
ance, and  infinite  inconveniences  by  the  same?  may  ensue. 
I  therefore  require  you,  according  to  the  special  trust  and 
confidence  that  the  King's  Highness  and  1  have  in  you, 
now  for  ever  to  acquit  your  selves  fierein  with  all  effect 
possible,  accordingly  so  as  the  King's  Highness  be  not  lon- 
ger kept  in  this  perplexity  and  suspence,  to  his  Graces  in- 
tolerable inquietness,  and  the  great  heaviness  of  all  those 
that  observe  and  love  the  same. 

Furthermore,  tho  it  so  be  that  the  King's  Trust,  and  also 
mine  is,  Ye  will  by  your  Wisdom  find  such  good  means 
and  ways  as  ye  shall  not  fail,  God  willing,  to  open  and  de- 
clare unto  the  Pope's  Holiness,  the  whole  of  the  King's 
Mind,  and  all  and  singular  the  Premisses,  with  the  residue 
above  mentioned  in  your  former  Instructions  and  Letters 
sent  unto  you  :  Yet  nevertheless  considering  what  ye  wrote 
of  the  doubt  of  continuance  of  the  Pope's  sickness,  and  to 
make  sure  for  all  events  and  Chances,  in  case  his  Holi- 
ness (as  God  forbid)  should  long  remain  in  such  state,  as  he 
might  either  take  upon  him  the  naming  of  the  Peace, 
journying  and  repairing  to  the  sacre  Diet,  nor  also  hear 
the  whole  of  the  things  by  you  to  be  opened  and  pro- 
pounded touching  the  King's  said  Cause ;  It  hath  been 
thought  to  the  King's  Highness  convenient,  rather  than 
these  great  and  weighty  Matters  should  hang  in  longer  sus- 
pense, to  excogitate  some  other  good  means  and  way  how 
these  Matters,  so  necessary,  may  by  some  ways  be  con- 
duced and  brought  to  an  end :  And  it  is  this ;  That  the 
Pope's  Holiness  not  being  able  to  travel  to  the  place  de- 



vised,  where  the  Princes  may  be  near  him  for  Treaty,  and 
managing  of  the  Peace,  he  do  depute  me  and  ray  Lord  Car- 
dinal Campegius,  conjunctim  et  divisim,  as  his  Legats  for 
that  purpose^  to  do  and  execute  all  such  things  in  his  Holi- 
ness's  Name,  as  the .  same  should  do  in  that  behalf  if  he 
were  there  present ;  whereunto,  for  the  well  of  Christen- 
dom, we  shall  be  contented  to  condescend.  So  always, 
that  as  hath  been  written  heretofore  unto  you,  before  I 
pass  or  set  forth  to  any  Convention  or  Place,  to  the  intent 
before  specified,  the  King's  Highness  be  fully  satisfied  and 
pleased  in  his  said  matter  of  Matrimony,  without  which, 
neither  with  nor  without  the  Pope's  presence,  I  will  ever 
begin  or  take  that  voyage :  for  performance  whereof,  this 
Article  following  is  of  new  devised,  to  be  by  you  propounded 
unto  his  Holiness,  if  the  Decretals  cannot  be  obtained,  or 
some  other  thing,  that  ye  shall  well  know  and  perceive,  by 
advice  of  expert  Counsel  there,  to  be  better  to  the  Kings 
purpose  than  this  thing  now  devised,  and  that  may  without 
tract  be  passed  or  granted ;  that  is  to  say.  That  his  Holi- 
ness do  enlarge,  extend,  and  amplify  his  Commission  given 
to  me  and  my  Lord  Legate  Campegius,  whereby  we  jointly 
and  severally  may  be  sufficiently  furnished  and  authorized, 
to  do  as  much  in  this  cause  of  Matrimony,  with  all  the 
emergents  and  dependencies  upon  the  same,  as  his  Holi- 
ness may  do  of  his  ordinary  and  absolute  Power  with  suf- 
ficient and  ample  Clauses,  ad  Decemend,  et  Inteiyretand. 
jura,  leges,  et  Resci-ipla  quecunq;  hoc  Matrimonium  con- 
cernentia,  una  cum  omnibus  et  singulis  dubiis  in  eadem  causa 
einergentihus.  And  further,  to  make  out  Compulsories  to 
any  Princes,  or  Persons  of  what  preheminence,  dignity, 
state,  or  condition  soever  they  be,  Etiam  si  in  Impeiiali, 
Regali,  vet  alia  quacunque  dignitate  perfulgeant^  sub  quibuS' 
cunq;  pmnis,  and  in  what  countries  and  places  soever  they 
be,  to  exhibit  and  produce  any  marvaer  Witness,  Records, 
Originals,  Rescripts,  or  other  thing,  in  what  place,  or  time 
we,  or  the  one  of  us  shall  require  them,  or  any  of  tliem  in 
this  behalf,  with  all  and  singular  the  Circumstances  re- 
quisite and  necessary  to  sucn  a  Commission,  after  such 
ample  and  assured  manner,  as  the  same  once  had,  we  shall 
not  need  for  any  objections,  doubt,  or  other  thing  that 
might  infringe  or  lack,  to  send  of  new  to  the  Pope's  Holi- 
ness for  other  provision,  whereby  the  King's  said  Cause 
might  hang  in  any  longer  tract  or  delay.  In  which  case  of 
coming  to  this  Commission,  ye  Mr.  Stevins  must  havi?  spe- 
cial regard  to  see  the  same  sufficiently  and  substantially 
penned,  by  advice  of  the  most  expert  Men  that  ye  can  find 
to  that  purpose  ;  For  the  better  doing  whereof,  I  send  unto 


you  herewith  a  Copy  of  the  said  Commission  to  me  and 
my  Lord  Campegius,  with  certain  Additions  thereunto 
noted  in  the  Margin,  such  as  have  been  here  devised ;  and 
also  a  Copy  of  certain  Clauses  in  a  Bull,  to  the  intent  ye 
may  see  how  amply  the  same  be  couched,  to  avoid  appella- 
tions and  other  delays  in  Causes  of  far  less  moment  and 
importance  than  the  King's  is.  Nevertheless  ye  must,  if  it 
shall  come  to  the  obtaining  of  this  new  Commission,  see  to 
the  penning  and  more  fully  perfecting  thereof,  so  as  the 
same  may  be  in  due  perfection,  without  needing  to  send 
eftsoons  for  remedying  of  any  thing  therein,  as  is  aforsaid  ; 
looking  also  substantially  whether  the  Chirograph  of  Poli- 
citation,  being  already  in  your  hands,  be  so  couched,  as  the 
Date,  and  every  thing  considered,  it  may  sufficiently  oblige 
and  astringe  the  Popes  Holiness  to  confirm  all  that  we,  or 
one  of  us,  shall  do,  by  virtue  of  this  New  or  the  Old  Com- 
mission ;  and  if  it  be  not  of  such  efficacy  so  to  do,  then 
must  ye  in  this  case  see,  that  either  by  sufficient  and  ample 
words  to  be  put  in  this  new  Commission,  if  it  may  be  so 
had,  or  by  a  new  Chirograph,  the  Pope's  Holiness  may  be 
so  astringed  ;  which  Chirograph,  with  the  Commissions  be- 
fore specified,  if  ye  obtain  the  same,  the  King's  pleasure  is. 
That  ye  Sir  Francis  Brian  shall  bring  hither,  in  all  pos- 
sible diligence,  after  the  having  and  obtaining  thereof, 
solliciting  nevertheless,  whether  the  Pope  be  to  be  facilly 
spoken  with,  or  not,  the  immediate  Indication  of  the  Truce, 
as  is  aforseaid,  without  which  in  vain  it  were  for  me,  either 
with  or  without  the  Pope,  to  travel  for  labouring  and  con- 
ducing of  the  Peace.  And  so  by  this  way  should  the 
Pope's  Holiness,  with  his  merit  and  sufficient  justification, 
proceed  for  the  Truce,  as  a  fundament  of  Universal  Peace, 
satisfy  the  King's  desires,  and  avoid  any  doubt  of  the  Em- 
peror ;  forasmuch  as  his  Holiness  might  alledge.  That  being 
so  extremely  sick,  that  he  was  not  able  to  know  of  the 
Cause  himself,  he  could  no  less  do  of  justice,  than  to  com- 
mit it  unto  other,  seeing  that  the  same  is  of  such  import- 
ance as  suffereth  no  tract  or  delay.  And  finally,  the  King's 
Highnesss,  God  willing,  by  this  means,  should  have  an  end 
of  this  Matter.  One  thing  ye  shall  well  note,  which  is 
this  ;  Albeit  this  new  Device  was  now  for  doubt  of  the 
Pope's  long  continuance  of  sickness,  first  excogitate ;  yet 
is  it  not  meant,  nor  ye  be  limited  to  this  Device,  in  case 
ye  can  obtain  any  other,  nor  ye  be  also  commanded,  to  pre- 
fer this  before  all  the  other  Devices  :  but  now  that  ye  shall 
see  and  understand  what  this  Device  is,  and  knowing  what 
thing  is  like  or  possible  to  be  obtained  there,  without  long 
putting  over  of  your  pursuits,  expend,  consider,  and  regard 


well  with  yourself,  what  thing  of  tliis,  or  any  other  that 
may  best  serve  to  the  brief  and  good  expedition  of  the 
King's  Cause.  So  always  that  it  be  a  thing  sure,  sufficient, 
and  available  to  his  Grace's  Purpose,  that  may  without 
any  further  tract  be  there  had  ;  and  then  by  your  Wisdom 
taking  unto  you  the  best  Learned  Counsel  that  ye  can 
have  there,  leave  you  to  the  expedition  of  that  which  so 
may  be  most  meet,  as  the  times  require  and  suffer,  to  the 
brief  furnishing  of  the  King's  said  Cause  to  this  purpose, 
without  tract  or  delay,  and  that  ye  may  see  is  the  thing, 
which  as  the  matter  stands,  can  speedily  be  obtained  and 
sped,  as  is  aforesaid.  For  whether  the  Decretal  be  better 
than  this,  or  this  better  than  that,  or  which  soever  be  best, 
far  it  shall  be  from  Wisdom  to  stick,  and  still  to  rest  upon 
a  thing  that  cannot  be  obtained ;  but  since  ye  know  the 
King's  meaning,  which  is  to  have  a  way  sufficient  and  good 
for  the  speedy  finishing  of  this  Cause  to  his  Grace's  pur- 
pose, note  ye  now,  and  consider  with  your  self,  by  advice 
of  Learned  Counsel,  as  is  aforesaid,  how  ye  may  bring  that 
to  pass,  and  shall  ye  deserve  as  high  thanks  as  can  be  pos- 
sible. So  always  that  it  be  so  well  provided  and  looked 
upon,  that  in  it  be  no  such  limitations  or  defaults,  as  shall 
compel  us  any  more  to  write  or  send  for  reformation  there- 
of :  And  coming  to  this  Commission,  tho  percase  ye  can  by 
no  means  or  sticking  have  it  in  every  point  as  the  Copy, 
which  1  send  you  with  the  Annotations  do  purport ;  yet 
shall  ye  not  therefore  refuse  it,  but  take  it,  or  any  o*her 
thing  as  can  be  had,  after  such  form  as  may  substantially 
serve,  and  as  ye  can  by  your  wisdom  and  good  sollicitations 
obtain,  for  the  speedy  finishing  of  the  King's  Cause  to  his 
purpose,  as  is  aforesaid,  which  is  the  scope  whereunto  we 
must  tend  at  this  time ;  and  therefore  ye  be  not  limited  or 
coacted  within  any  such  bounds  as  ye  should  thereby  be 
compelled  or  driven,  for  lack  of  obtaining  any  thing  or 
point  mentioned  in  these  or  other  your  instructions,  or  for- 
mer Writings,  to  send  hither  again  for  further  knowledg 
of  the  King's  pleasure ;  but  ye  be  put  at  liberty  so  to  qua- 
lify, so  to  add,  detray,  immix,  change,  chuse  or  mend  as  ye 
shall  think  good ;  so  always  that  ye  take  the  thing  that  best 
can  be  had,  being  such  as  may  as  effectually  as  ye  can 
bring  about,  serve  to  the  King's  purpose,  and  to  put  inde- 
layed  end  to  it,  according  to  his  Grace's  desire,  without 
further  tract,  or  sending  thither,  which  is  as  much  as  here 
can  be  said  or  devised.  And  therefore  at  the  reverence  of 
Almighty  God,  bring  us  out  of  this  peiplexity,  that  this 
Vertuous  Prince  may  have  this  thing  sped  to  the  purpose 
desired,  which  shall  be  the  most  joyous  thing  that  this  day  in 
Vol  J,  Part  IL  H 


Earth  may  chance  and  succeed  to  my  heart ;  and  therefore  I 
eftsoons  beseech  you  to  regard  it  accordingly  :  Howbeit  if 
the  Pope's  Holiness  refusing  all  your  desires,  shall  make 
difficulty  and  delay  therein,  it  is  an  evident  sign  and  token, 
that  his  Holiness  is  neither  favourable  to  the  King's  reason- 
able Petitions,  nor  indifferent,  but  should  thereby  show 
himself  both  partial,  and  expressly  averse  unto  his  Grace  ; 
wherefore  in  that  case  finding  in  his  Holiness  such  unrea- 
sonableness, as  it  can  in  no  wise  be  thought  ye  shall  do, 
the  King's  pleasure  is,  that  ye  proceed  to  the  Protestations 
mentioned  in  the  first  Instructions  given  to  you  Mr.  Stevius, 
for  you  and  the  residue  of  your  Collegues ;  and  that  ye  not 
only  be  plain  and  round  with  the  Pope's  Holiness  therein, 
if  ye  come  to  his  speech,  but  also  ye  show  and  extend  unto 
the  Cardinals,  and  other  that  be  your  Friends,  which  may 
do  any  good  with  him,  the  great  peril  and  danger  immi- 
nent unto  the  Church  and  See  Apostolick  ;  thereby  exhort- 
ing them.  That  they  like  vertuous  Fathers  have  regard 
thereunto,  and  not  to  suffer  the  Pope's  Holiness,  if  he 
would  thus  ^vilfully,  without  reason  or  discretion  to  preci- 
pitate himself  and  the  said  See,  which  by  this  refusal  is  like 
to  suffer  ten  times  more  detriment,  than  it  could  do  for  any 
miscpntentment  that  the  Emperor  could  take  with  the  con- 
trary :  for  ye  shall  say,  sure  they  may  be,  and  so  1  for  my  dis- 
charge declare,  both  to  the  Pope's  Holiness  and  to  them.  If 
this  Noble  and  Vertuous  Prince,  in  this  so  gr^at  and  reason- 
able a  Cause,  be  thus  extreamly  denied  of  the  grace  and  law- 
ful favour  of  the  Church,  the  Pope's  Holiness  shall  not  fail 
for  the  same  to  lose  Him  and  his  Realm,  the  French  King  and 
his  Realm,  with  many  other  their  Confederates ;  besides  those 
that  having^ particular  Quarrels  to  the  Pope,  and  so  afore- 
said will  not  fail,  with  diverse  other,  as  they  daily  seek  oc- 
casions, and  provoke  the  King's  Highness  thereunto,  which 
will  do  the  semblable,  being  a  thing  of  another  sort  to  be 
regarded,  than  the  respect  to,  the  Emperor  for  two  Cities, 
which  nevertheless  shall  be  had  well  enough,  and  the  Em- 
peror neither  so  evil  contented,  nor  so  much  to  be  doubted 
herein,  as  is  there  supposed.  This,  with  other  words  men- 
tioned in  your  Instructions  concerning  like  matter,  ye  shall 
declare  unto  his  Holiness,  and  to  the  said  Cardinals,  and 
other  being  your  Friends,  if  it  come  to  that  point  ;  whereby 
'  it  is  not  to  be  doubted,  but  they  perceiving  the  dangers 
aforesaid,  shall  be  glad  to  exhort  and  induce  his  Holiness, 
for  the  well  of  himself  and  the  Church,  to  condescend  to  the 
King's  desire  ;  which  is  as  much  as  can  be  here  thought  or 
devised,  to  be  by  you  done  in  all  Events  and  Chances  : 
And  therefore  T  pray  you,  eft-soons,  and  most  instantly  re- 


quire  you,  as  afore,  to  handle  this  matter  with  all  efiecl 
possible.  Coming  to  this  new  Commission,  when  you  shall 
have  once  attained  such  thing  as  shall  be  sufficient  for  the 
King's  purpose,  as  is  aforesaid  ;  and  that  ye  have  it  in  your 
hands  and  custody,  and  not  afore,  lest  thereby  ye  might 
hinder  the  expedition  thereof,  ye  shall  by  all  ways  and 
means  possible,  labour  and  insist,  that  the  King's  High- 
ness, as  need  shall  be,  may  use  and  enjoy  the  benefit  of  the 
Decretal,  being  already  in  my  Lord  Cardinal  Campegius's 
hands,  wherunto  his  Highness  and  I  desire  you  to  put  all 
your  effectual  labour  for  the  attaining  of  the  Pope's  con- 
sent thereunto  accordingly. 

Ye  shall  furthermore  understand,  That  it  is  thought 
here,  in  case,  as  God  forbid,  the  Pope  should  die  before 
ye  should  have  impetrate  any  thing  that  may  serve  to  the 
absolution  of  the  King's  Matter,  That  the  Colledg  of  Car- 
dinals have  Authority,  Power,  and  Juiisdiction,  sede  va- 
cante,  to  inhibit,  avoke,  et  ex  consequenti,  to  pass  and  decide 
the  King's  matter,  seeing  that  the  same  is  of  so  high  mo- 
ment and  importance,  concerning  the  surety  of  a  Prince 
and  his  Realm,  as  more  amply  ye  shall  perceive  in  the 
Chapters  xibi  Periculum  de  Electione,  neRomani,  de  Jure- 
juraudo,  et  capite  primo  de  Scismaticis ;  Wherefore  the  King's 
pleasure  is.  That  ye  Mr.  Stevins  shall  diligently  weigh 
and  ponder  the  effect  of  the  said  Chapters,  not  only  with 
your  self,  but  also  with  such  the  King's  Learned  Counsel 
as  ye  and  your  Collegues  have  conducted  there  ;  and  what 
Jurisdiction,  sede  vacante,  the  Colledg  of  Cardinals  have, 
either  by  the  Common  Law,  usage  or  prescription,  which 
may  far  better  be  known  there  than  here  :  And  if  ye  find 
that  the  Cardinals  have  in  this  the  King's  Cause,  and  such 
other  like.  Authority  and  Jurisdiction  to  inhibite,  avoke 
and  decern,  then,  in  casu  mortis  Pontificis,  quod  Deus  uver- 
tut,  ye  shall  specially  forsee  and  regard  that  for  none  In- 
tercession or  pursute  made  by  the  Emperor  and  his  Adhe- 
rents, they  shall  either  inhibit  or  avoke  :  And  also  if  before 
such  Death,  ye  shall  not  have  obtained  such  thing  to  the 
King's  desire  and  purpose,  as  these  present  fitters  before 
do  purport,  his  Grace's  pleasure  is.  That  ye  shall  pursue 
the  effectual  expedition  of  the  same,  at  the  hands  of  the  said 
Colledg,  Sede  vacante,  ne  res  qutE  nullam  dilationem  eiposcit, 
tantopere  usque  ad  Eleclionem  novi  Pontificis  quoqnam  modo 
differatur  ;  using  for  this  purpose  all  such  Reasons,  Allega- 
tions, and  Persuasions  mentioned  in  those  Letters,  and 
your  former  Instructions,  as  ye  shall  see  and  perceive  to 
serve  to  that  effect  ;  and  so  to  endeavour  and  acquit  your- 
self, that  such  things  may  be  attained  there,  as  may  absolve 


this  the  King's  Matter,  without  any  further  tract  or  delay  ; 
whereby  ye  shall  as  afore  highly  deserve  the  King's  and  my 
special  thanks,  which  shall  be  so  acquitted,  as  ye  shall  have 
cause  to  think  your  pains  and  diligences  therein  in  the  best 
wise  imployed,  trusting  in  God  that  howsoever  the  World 
shall  come,  ye  shall  by  one  means  or  other  bring  the  King's 
Matter,  which  so  highly  toucheth  his  Honour  and  quiet  of 
Mind,  unto  the  desired  end  and  perfection. 

Finally  ;  Ye  shall  understand  that  the  French  King, 
among  other  things,  doth  commit  at  this  time  to  the  Bishop 
of  Bayon,  and  Mr.  John  Joachim  to  treat  and  conclude  the 
Confederation  heretofore  spoken  of  between  his  Holiness 
and  the  King's  Highness,  the  French  King,  the  Venetians, 
and  other  Potentates  of  Italy,  for  a  continual  Army  to  be 
entertained  to  invade  Spain  in  case  it  stand  by  the  Empe- 
ror, that  the  Peace  shall  not  take  effect :  Wherefore  the 
King's  pleasure  is,  That  ye  having  conference  with  them  at 
good  length  in  that  matter,  do  also  for  your  parts,  sollicite, 
procure,;  and  set  forth  the  same ;  entering  also  on  the  King's 
behalf  unto  the  Treaty,  and  conclusion  thereof,  after  such 
manner  as  your  former  Instructions  and  Writings  do  pur- 
port. So  as  like  as  the  French  King  is  determined,  that  his 
Agents  shall  join  and  concur  with  you  in  the  King's  Pur- 
suits and  Causes ;  So  ye  must  also  concur  with  them  in  ad- 
vancement of  their  Affairs,  the  successes  whereof,  and  of  all 
other  your  doings  there,  it  shall  be  expedient  ye  more  of- 
ten notify  hitherto  than  ye  do,  for  many  times  in  one  whole 
month  no  knowledg  is  had  from  you,  which  is  not  meet  in 
those  so  weighty  Matters,  specially  considering  that  some- 
time by  such  as  pass  to  Lyons,  ye  might  find  the  means  to 
send  your  Letters,  which  should  be  greatly  to  the  king's 
and  my"  consolation,  in  hearing  thereby  from  time  to  time, 
how  the  things  succeed  there  }  I  pray  you  therefore  to  use 
more  diligence  therein,  as  the  King's  and  my  special  trust  is 
in  you.  And  heartily  fare  you  well.  From  my  Palace  be- 
sides Westminster,  the  sixth  day  of  April. 

The  French  King  hath  sent  hither  an  Ambassiate,  Mon- 
sieur de  Langes,  Brother  to  the  said  Bishop  of  Bayon,  with 
certain  clauses  in  his  Instructions,  concerning  the  said 
Treaty  of  Confederation,  the  Copy  whereof  ye  shall  receive 
herewith,  for  your  better  carrying  on  that  Matter.  Pray- 
ing God  to  speed  you  well,  and  to  give  you  grace  to  make 
a  good  and  short  end  in  your  Matters.  And  eft-soons  fare 
ye  well. 

Your  Loving  Friend, 

T.  Cardin.  Eborac. 

'     OF  RECORDS.  77 


Attolhei-  Dispatch  to  the  Ambassadors  lo  the  Mine  purpose. 
A  Duplicate. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitell.  B.  11.)' 
Right  well  beloved  Friends,  I  commend  me  unto  you  in 
my  hearty  manner,  letting  you  wit,  that  by  the  hands  of 
Thadeus  bearer  hereof,  the  King's  Highness  hath  received 
your  several  Letters  to  the  same,  directed  with  the  Pope's 
Pollicitation  mentioned  in  the  same,  and  semblablie  1  have 
received  your  Conjunct  and  several  Letters  of  the  date  of 
the  J 8  and  29  days  of  March;  the  8,  19,  20,  and  22  of 
April,  to  me  directed,  wherein  ye  at  right  good  length  have 
made  mention  of  such  Discourses,  Conferences,  Audiences 
and  Communications  as  ye  have  had  concerning  your 
Charge,  since  the  time  of  your  foiiner  Advertisements  made 
in  that  behalf,  with  all  such  Answers  and  Replications  as 
have  been  made  unto  you  by  the  Pope's  Holiness,  and 
other  on  his  behalf  concerning  the  same.  In  the  Circum- 
stances whereof  ye  have  so  diligently,  discreetly,  and  sub- 
stantially, acquitted  your  selves,  as  not  only  your  firm  and 
fervent  desire,  to  do  unto  the  King's  Highness  special  and 
singular  service  in  this  his  great  and  weighty  Cause,  but 
also  your  Wisdom,  Learning,  and  perfect  dexterities,  here- 
tofore well  known,  hath  every  one  for  his  part  thereby 
been  largely  of  new  shewed,  comprobate  and  declared  to 
the  King's  good  contentment,  my  rejoice  and  gladness,  and 
to  your  great  laud  and  praise.  For  the  which  his  Grace 
giveth  unto  you  right  hearty  thanks,  and  I  also  for  my  part 
do  the  semblable  ;  assuring  you,  in  few  words,  though  the 
time  and  state  of  things  hath  not  suffered  that  your  desires 
might  at  this  time  be  brought  unto  effect,  yet  the  King's 
Grace  well  knoweth,  perceiveth,  and  taketh,  that  more 
could  not  have  been  done,  excogitated,  or  devised,  than  ye 
have  largely  endeavoured  your  self  unto  for  conducting  the 
King's -purpose,  which  his  Grace  accepteth,  as  touching 
your  merits  and  acquittal,  in  no  less  good  and  thankful 
part,  than  if  ye  finding  the  disposition  of  things  in  more 
direct  state,  had  consecute  all  your  pursuits  and  desires : 
!Nor  ye  shall  doubt  or  think,  that  either  the  King's  High- 
ness or  I  have  conceived,  or  thought  any  manner  negli- 
gence in  you  for  such  things  as  were  mentioned,  in  the  last 
Letters  sent  unto  you  by  Alexander,  Messenger,  but  that 
albeit  his  Highness  had  cause,  as  the  same  wrote,  to  mar- 
vel of  your  long  demor,  and  lack  of  expedition  of  one  or 

H  3 


other  of  the  things  committed  to  your  charge ;  yet  did  his 
Highness  right  well  persuade  unto  himself  the  default  not 
to  be  in  you,  but  in  some  other  cause,  whereof  his  Grace 
not  knowing  the  same,  might  justly  and  meritoriously  be 
brought  unto  admiration  and  marvel :  And  therefore  be 
ye  all  of  good^comfort,  and  think  your  perfect  endeavours 
used,  and  services  done,  to  be  employed  there,  as  it  can 
right  well,  in  every  part  regarded  and  considered. 

In  effect  coming  to  the  Specialities  of  the  things  now  to 
be  answered.  The  King's  Highness  having  groundly  noted 
and  considered  the  whole  continue  and  circumstances  of  all 
your  said  Letters  and  Advertisements,  findeth  and  per- 
ceiveth  evidently,  that  whatsoever  Pursuits,  and  Instances, 
and  Requests  have  been,  or  sliall  be  for  this  present  time, 
made  there  by  you  on  his  Grace's  behalf  to  the  Pope's  Ho- 
liness, for  the  furtherance  of  the  said  great  and  weighty 
Cause  ;  and  how  much  soever  the  necessity  of  Christendom 
for  the  good  of  Peace,  the  importance  of  the  Matter,  the 
justness  of  the  thing  itself,  reason,  duty,  respect  to  good 
Merits,  detecting  of  Falsities  used,  evident  Arguments  and 
Presumptions  to  the  same,  or  other  thing  whatsoever  it  be, 
making  for  the  King's  purpose,  do  weigh ;  the  Times  be 
now  such,  as  all  that  shall  be  done  in  any  of  the  Premisses 
there,  is  apparent  by  such  privy  Intelligence  and  promise  as 
is  between  the  Pope  and  the  Emperor,  to  hang  and  depend 
upon  the  Emperor's  Will,  Pleasure,  and  Arbitre,  as  whom 
the  Pope's  Holiness  neither  dare  nor  will  in  any  part  dis- 
please, offend,  or  miscontent,  nor  do  by  himself  any  thing 
notable  therein,  which  he  shall  think  or  suppose  to  be  of 
moment,  the  said  Emperor  first  inconsulted,  or  not  con- 
senting thereunto.  And  for  that  cause,  since  the  Em- 
peror not  only  is  the  Adversary  of  Universal  Peace,  Let- 
ter, and  Impeacher  thereof,  but  also,  as  hath  appeared  by 
sundry  Letters  heretofore,  and  now  of  new  sent  out  of 
Spain,  doth  shew  himself  adverse,  and  enterponing  him- 
self as  a  Party  against  the  King's  said  great  matter ;  It 
■were  in  manner  all  one  to  prosecute  the  same  at  the  Em- 
peror's hands,  as  at  the  Pope's,  which  so  totally  dependeth 
■upon  the  Emperor ;  and  as  much  Fruit  might  be  hoped  of 
the  one  of  the  other,  so  as  far  discrepant  it  were  from 
any  wisdom  in  a  thing  so  necessary,  and  which  as  ye  know 
must  needs  be  brought  unto  an  end  without  any  further  de- 
lay, to  consume  and  spend  the  time,  where  such  express 
contrariety  and  in  manner  dispair  appeareth  to  do  good 
therein,  and  where  should  be  none  other  but  continual 
craft,  colour,  abuses,  refuses  and  delays,  but  rather  to  pro- 
ceed unto  the  same  in  place,  and  after  such  form  as  may 


be  a  appearance  of  some  good  and  brief  effect  to  ensue. 
Wherefore  to  shew  you  in  Counsel,  and  to  be  reserved 
unto  your  selves.  The  King's  Highness  finding  this  ingra- 
titude in  the  Pope's  Holiness,  is  minded  for  the  time  to  dis- 
semble the  Matter,  and  taking  as  much  as  may  be  had  and 
attained  there  to  the  benefit  of  his  Cause,  to  proceed  in  the 
decision  of  the  same  here,  by  virtue  of  the  Commission 
already  granted  unto  me  and  my  Lord  Legate  Campe- 

And  for  because  that  ye  Mr.  Stevins  be  largely  ripened 
and  acquainted  in  this  Matter,  and  that  both  the  King's 
Highness  and  I  have  right  large  experience  of  your  entire 
zeal  and  mind  to  the  studying  and  setting  forth  of  such 
things  concerning  the  Lave,  as  may  be  to  the  furtherance 
hereof ;  considering  also  that  for  any  great  thing  like  to  be 
done  there  herein,  such  Personages  as  be  of  good  Autho- 
rity, Wisdom,  and  Experience,  tho  they  be  not  learned  in 
the  Law,  may  with  such  Counsel  as  ye  have  retained  there, 
right  well  serve  to  the  accomplishment  of  such  other  things 
as  shall  occur,  or  be  committed  unto  them  on  the  King's 
behalf,  tho  so  many  Ambassadors  do  not  there  remain  and 
continue  :  His  Grace  therefore  willing  and  minding  to  re- 
voke you  all  by  little  and  little,  except  you  Sir  Gregory 
being  his  Ambassadour  there  continually  residing,  willeth. 
That  after  such  things  perfected  and  done,  as  hereafter 
shall  be  mentioned,  ye  Mr.  Stevins.  and  you  Sir  Francis 
Brian  shall  take  your  leave  of  the  Pope's  Holiness,  and 
with  diligence  return  home.  For  if  ne  had  been  the  ab- 
sence of  you  Mr.  Stevins,  seeing  that  there  is  small  appear- 
ance of  any  Fruit  to  be  obtained  there,  the  King's  High- 
ness would  have  entered  into  Process  here  before  this  Whit- 
suntide :  But  because  his  Grace  would  have  you  here  pre- 
sent, as  well  for  the  forming  of  the  said  Process,  and  for 
such  things  as  be  trusted  that  ye  shall  obtain  and  bring  ■ 
■with  you,  as  also  for  the  better  knowledge  to  be  had  in 
sundry  Matters,  wherein  you  may  be  the  better  ripened  and 
informed  by  means  of  your  being  in  that  Court :  And  other- 
wise his  Highness  will  somewhat  the  longer  defer  the  com- 
mencement of  the  said  Process,  and  respite  the  same,  only 
for  your  coming;  which  his  Grace  therefore  desireth  you 
so  much  the  more  to  accelerate,  as  ye  know  how  necessary 
it  is,  that  all  diligence  and  expedition  be  used  in  that  Mat- 
ter. And  so  ye  all  to  handle  and  endeavour  your  selves 
there,  for  the  time  of  your  demor,  as  ye  may  do  the  most 
benefit  and  advantage  that  may  be  to  the  speedy  further- 
ance of  the  said  Cause. 

And  forasmuch  as  at  the  dispatch  of  your  said  last  Let- 


tere,  ye  had  not  opened  unto  the  Pope's  Holiness  the  last 
and  uttermost  Device  here  conceived,  and  to  you  written 
in  my  Letters  sent  by  the  said  Alexander,  but  that  ye  in- 
tended, as  soon  as  ye  might  have  time  and  access,  to  set 
forth  the  same  ;  wherein  it  is  to  be  trusted,  since  that  thing 
could  by  no  colour  or  respect  to  the  Emperor  be  reason- 
ably denied,  ye  have  before  this  time  done  some  good,  and 
brought  unto  perfection  ;  I  therefore  remitting  you  to  such 
Instructions  as  ye  received  at  that  time,  advertise  you  that 
the  King's  mind  and  pleasure  is,  ye  do  your  best  to  attaiii 
the  Ampliation  of  the  said  Commission,  after  such  form  as 
is  to  you,  in  the  said  last  Letters  and  instructions,  pre- 
scribed ;  which  if  ye  cannot  in  every  thing  bring  to  pass,  at 
the  least  to  obtain  as  much  to  the  King's  purpose,  and  the 
benefit  of  the  Cause  as  ye  can;  wherein  all  good  policy 
and  dexterity  is  to  be  used,  and  the  Pope's  Holiness  by  all 
perswasions  to  be  induced  thereunto ;  shewing  unto  the 
same  how  ye  have  received  Letters  from  the  King's  High- 
ness and  me,  responsives  to  such  as  ye  wrote  of  the  Dates 
before  rehearsed  ;  whereby  ye  be  advertised  that  the  King's 
Highness,  perceiving  the  Pope's  strange  demeanour  in  this 
his  great  and  weighty  Cause,  with  the  little  respect  that  his 
Holiness  hath,  either  to  the  importance  thereof,  or  to  do 
unto  his  Highness  at  this  his  ^reat  necessity,  gratuity  and 
pleasure ;  not  only  cannot  be  a  little  sorry  and  heavy  to 
see  himself  frustrate  of  the  future  hope  and  expectation 
that  his  Grace  had,  to  have  found  the  Pope's  Holiness  a 
most  loveing,  fast,  near  and  kind  Father,  and  assured 
Friend,  ready  and  glad  to  have  done  for  his  Grace,  that 
which  of  his  Power  Ordinary  or  Absolute,  he  might  have 
done  in  this  thing,  which  so  near  toucheth  the  King's  Con- 
science, Health,  Succession.  Realm,  and  Subjects ;  But 
also  marvelleth  highly.  That  his  Holiness,  both  in  Matters 
of  Peace,  Truce,  in  this  the  King's  Cause,  and  in  all  other, 
hath  more  respect  to  please  and  content  him  of  whom  he 
hath  received  most  displeasures,  and  who  studieth  nothing 
more  than  the  detriment  of  the  See,  than  his  Holiness  hath 
either  to  do  that  which  a  good  common  Father,  for  the  well 
of  the  Church,  Himself,  and  all  Christendom,  is  bounden, 
andxiweth  to  do,  or  also  that  which  every  thing  well  pon- 
dered, it  were  both  of  Congruence,  Kight,  Truth,  Equity, 
Wisdom,  and  conveniency  for  to  do.  Thinking  verily  that 
his  Highness  deserved  to  be  far  otherwise'  entreated,  and 
that  not  at  his  most  need  in  things  nearest  touching  his 
Grace,  and  where  the  same  had  his  chief  and  principal  con- 
fidence, thus  to  have  his  just  and  reasonable  Petitions  re- 
jected and  totally  to  be  converted,  to  the  arbitre  of  his 


Enemy,  ^vhich  is  not  the  way  to  win,  acquire,  and  conserve 
Friends  to  the  Pope's  Holiness  and  See  Apostolick,  nor 
that  which  a  good  and  indifferent.  Vicar  of  Jesus  Christ, 
and  common  Father  unto  all  Princes,  oweth  and  is  bound 
to  observe.  JNevertheless  ye  shall  say  the  King's  High- 
ness, who  always  hath  shewed,  andlargelycomprobate  him- 
self a  most  devout  Son  unto  the  See  Apostolick,  must  and 
will  take  patience ;  and  shall  pray  to  God  to  put  in  the 
Pope's  mind  a  more  direct  and  vertuous  intent,  so  to  pro- 
ceed in  his  acts  and  doing,  as  he  may  be  found  a  very  Fa- 
ther, upright,  indifferent,  loving  and  kind  ;  and  not  thus 
for  partial  respect,  fear,  or  other  inordinate  Affection,  or 
cause,  to  degenerate  from  his  best  Children,  showing  him- 
self unto  them  as  a  Step-Father,  nor  the  King's  Highness 
ye  shall  say  can  persuade  unto  himself,  that  the  Pope's 
Holiness  is  of  that  nature  and  disposition,  that  he  will  so 
totally  fail  his  Grace  in  this  Matter  of  so  high  importance, 
but  that  by  one  good  mean  or  other,  his  Holiness  will  per- 
fectly comprobate  the  intire  love  that  always  the  same  hath 
shewed  to  bear  towards  his  Highness,  wherein  ye  shall  de- 
sire him  now  to  declare  by  his  Acts  the  uttermost  of  his  in- 
tent and  disposition  ;  so  as  ye  Mr.  Stevins  and  Mr.  Brian, 
who  be  revoked  home,  do  not  return  with  void  hands,  or 
bring  with  you  things  of  such  meagerness,  or  little  sub- 
stance, as  shall  be  to  no  purpose  :  And  thus  by  these,  or 
like  words,  seconding  to  the  same  effect,  which  as  the  time 
shall  require,  and  as  he  shall  have  cause,  ye  by  your  Wis- 
doms can  qualifie  and  devise.  It  is  not  to  be  doubted,  but 
that  the  Pope's  Holiness  perceiving  how  the  King's  High- 
ness taketh  this  Matter,  and  that  two  of  you  shall  now  re- 
turn, will  in  expedition  of  the  said  Ampliation  of  the  Com- 
mission, and  other  things  requisite,  strain  himself  to  do 
unto  the  King's  Highness  as  much  gratuity  and  pleasure  as 
may  be;  for  the  better  attaining  whereof,  ye  shall  also 
shew,  how  heavy  and  sorry  I  with  my  Lord  Legate  Cam- 
pegius  be,  to  see  this  manner  of  proceeding,  and  the  large 
promises  which  he  and  1  so  often  have  made  unto  the 
King's  Highness,  of  the  Pope's  fast  and  assured  mind,  to 
do  all  that  his  Holiness,  etiam  ex  plenitudine  potestatis, 
might  do,  thus  to  be  disappointed  ;  most  humbly  beseeching 
his  Holiness  on  my  behalf,  by  his  high  Wisdom  to  consider, 
what  a  prince  this  is  ;  the  infinite  and  excellent  gratitudes 
which  the  same  hath  exhibited  to  the  Pope's  Person  in 
particular,  and  to  the  See  Apostolick  in  the  general ;  the 
magnitude  and  importance  of  this  Cause,  with  the  Conse- 
quences that  may  follow,  by  the  good  or  ill  entreating  of 
the  King's  Highness  in  the  same ;  wherein  ye  shall  say,  I 


have  so  largely  written,  so  plainly  for  my  discharge  tle- 
clared  the  truth  unto  his  Holiness,  and  so  humbly,  reve- 
rently, and  devoutly,  made  intercession,  that  more  can  1 
not  add  or  accumulate  thereunto,  but  only  pray  unto  God 
that  the  same  may  be  perceived,  understood,  and  taken,  as 
the  exigence  of  the  Case,  and  the  merits  of  this  Noble 
Prince  doth  require  ;  trusting  always,  and  with  fervent  de- 
sire, from  day  to  day  abiding  to  hear  from  his  said  Holiness 
some  such  thing  as  1  shall  now  be  able  constantly  to  justifie 
and  defend,  the  great  thing  which  I  and  my  said  Lord  Le- 
gate have  said  and  attessed  on  his  Holiness'  behalf. 

This,  with  all  other  such  matter  as  may  serve  to  the  pur- 
pose, ye  shall  extend  as  well  as  ye  can,  and  by  that  means 
get  and  attain  as  much  to  your  purpose  for  the  corroboration 
and  surety  of  all  things  to  be  done  here  as  is  possible, 
leaving  to  speak  any  more,  or  also  to  take  or  admit  any  re- 
scripts for  exhibition  of  the  Brief,  advocation  of  the  Cause, 
or  other  of  the  former  degrees,  seeing  that  all  which  shall 
or  can  be  done  or  attained  there,  shall  hang  meerly  upon 
the  Emperor's  Will,  Consent,  •  and  Arbitre  :  and  therefore 
nothing  is  now  or  hereafter  to  be  procured,  that  may  tend 
to  any  Act  to  be  done,  in  decision  of  the  Cause  or  otherwise 
there,  or  which  may  bring  the  adverse  Party  to  any  advan- 
tage to  be  taken  by  the  favour  or  partiality,  that  the  same 
may  have  in  that  Court ;  but  to  convert  and  employ  all 
your  suit,  to  that  thing  which  may  be  to  the  most  convalida- 
tion  and  surety  of  the  Process,  and  things  to  be  done  here, 
as  well  by  attaining  as  ample,  large  and  sufficient  words, 
clauses  and  sentences  as  ye  can  get,  for  ampliation  of  the 
new  Commission. 

As  for  the  defeating  of  any  thing  that  may  be  procured 
to  the  impeachment  of  the  Process  thereof,  and  the  corro- 
boration of  the  things  to  be  passed,  and  done,  by  virtue  of 
the  same.  And  amongst  other  things,  whereas  ye  with 
these  last  Letters,  sent  the  Pope's  Pollicitation,  for  the 
non- inhibition  or  avoking  of  the  Cause,  the  ratifying  and 
confirming  of  the  Sentence  by  us  his  Legates  herein  to  be 
given,  and  other  things  mentioned  in  the  same,  ye  shall 
understand,  that  the  said  Pollicitation  is  so  couched  and 
qualified,  as  the  Pope's  Holiness  whensoever  he  will  may 
resile  ;  like-as  by  certain  Lines  and  Annotations,  which  in 
the  Margin  of  a  Copy  of  tiie  said  Pollicitation  I  send  you 
herewith,  ye  shall  perceive  more  at  large  :  And  therefore 
after  your  other  suits,  for  the  ampliation  of  the  new  Com- 
mission, if  any  such  may  be  attained,  brought  unto  as  good 
a  purpose  as  ye  can,  ye  shall  by  some  good  way  find  the 
mean  to  attain  a  new  Pollicitation,  with  such,  or  as  many 


of  the  words  and  additions  newly  devised  as  ye  can  get; 
which  ye  may  do  under  this  form  and  colour,  that  is  to  say, 
to  shew  unto  the  Pope's  Holiness,  by  way  of  sorrow  and 
dolence,  how  your  Couiier,  to  whom  ye  committed  the 
conveyance  of  the  said  Pollicitation,  so  chanced,  in  wet 
and  water  in  the  carriage  thereof,  as  the  Pacquet  wherein  it 
was,  with  such  Letters  as  were  with  the  same,  and  amongst 
other  the  Rescripts  of  Pollicitation,  were  totally  wet,  de- 
faced, and  not  legible  ;  so  as  the  Pacquet  and  Rescript  was 
and  is  detained  by  him  to  whom  ye  direct  your  Letters, 
and  not  delivered  amongst  the  other  unto  the  King's  hands : 
and  unless  his  Holiness,  of  his  goodness  unto  you,  will. 
grant  you  a  double  of  the  said  Pollicitation,  ye  see  not  but 
there  shall  be  some  notable  blame  imputed  unto  you  for 
not  better  ordering  thereof,  to  the  conservation  of  it  from 
such  chance.  And  thus  coming  to  a  new  Pollicitation,  and 
saying,  ye  will  devise  it  as  near  as  ye  can  remember,  ac- 
cording to  the  former,  ye  by  your  Wisdoms,  and  namely  ye 
Mr.  Stevins,  may  find  the  means  to  get  as  many  of  the  new 
and  other  pregnant,  fat,  and  available  words  as  is  possible, 
the  same  signed  and  sealed  as  the  other  is,  to  be  written  in 
Parchment ;  the  politick  handling  whereof,  the  King's 
Highness  and  I  commit  unto  your  good  discretions ;  for 
therein,  as  ye  Mr.  Stevins  know,  resteth  a  great  strength 
and  corroboration  of  all  that  shall  be  done  there,  in  decision 
of  the  King's  said  Cause  ;  and  as  ye  write,  may  be  in  man- 
ner as  beneficial  to  the  King's  purpose,  as  the  Commission 

And  to  the  intent  ye  may  the  better  know  how  to  pro- 
ceed in  this  Business,  I  advertise  you  that  the  King's  High- 
ness hath  now  received  fresh  letters  out  of  Spain,  answer- 
ing to  those  sent  by  Curson  jointly  with  a  Servant  of  the 
Queen's,  for  exhibition  of  the  Original  Brief  here,  of  whose 
expedition  you  Mr.  Stevins  were  privy  before  your  departure. 
The  Letters  were  of  sundry  dates,  the  last  whereof  is  the 
21  of  April,  at  which  time  the  Emperor  was  at  Caesar 
Augusta,  upon  his  departure  towards  Barselona.  In  effect, 
the  Emperor  minding  by  his  departure  thither,  and  other 
his  Acts,  to  make  a  great  demonstration  of  his  coming  into 
Italy,  who  is  to  nothing,  as  the  King's  Ambassadours  write, 
more  unmeet  and  unfurnished  than  to  that  voyage,  not 
having  any  Gallies  there  but  three,  which  lay  on  dry  Land 
unrigged,  as  they  have  done  a  long  time  passed,  none  As- 
sembly of  the  States  of  that  Land,  none  order,  provision  of 
Victual,  towardness  in  conscription  of  Men  of  War,  or  ap- 
pearance of  such  thing,  but  that  his  going  to  Tiarselona  is 
thiefly  under  pretext  to  attain  certain  old  Treasure  there 


remaining,  and  to  give  the  better  reputation  to  his  Affairs 
in  Italy.  As  to  the  matter  of  Peace  and  Truce,  he  seemeth 
not  so  alien  from  it,  but  that  he  would,  under  colour  there- 
of, be  glad  to  separate  and  dis-join  other  from  the  sincerity 
of  confidence  that  is  between  them,  working  somewhat  with 
the  French  King,  which  he  himself  confesseth  to  be  but 
abuses.  On  the  other  side,  he  maketh  overture  of  Peace 
or  Truce  to  be  had  with  the  King's  Highness  apart ;  and 
in  the  mean  time  entertaineth  the  Popes  Holiness,  as  one 
whom,  won  from  the  residue  of  the  Confederates,  hethinketh 
himself  most  assured  of:  Howbeit  in  all  this  his  Business, 
ye  may  constantly  affirm,  that  his  Compasses  cannot  prevail 
in  any  thing  that  may  be  excogitate  to  the  separation  of  the 
King's  Highness  and  the  French  King,  who  so  entirely  pro- 
ceed together,  that  the  Emperor  coming  or  not  coming  into 
Italy,  the  said  French  King  intendeth  to  prosecute  him  in 
the  place  where  his  Person  shall  be.  To  whom  the  King's 
Highness  now  sendeth  the  Duke  of  Suffolk,  with  the  Trea- 
surer of  his  honourable  Houshold ;  who  if  the  Pope  will  not 
really  and  actually  intend  to  the  maintaining  of  the  Peace, 
coming  to  the  convention  of  his  Holiness,  moved  as  the  case 
shall  require,  shall  be  furnished  of  a  substantial  number 
of  Men  of  War  out  of  his  Re^lm  to  the  assistance  of  the  said 
French  King,  if  the  Emperor  happen  to  descend  in  Italy. 
So  as  his  things  there  be  not  like  to  be  in  such  surety  as 
might  bring  the  Pope's  Holiness  to  this  extremity  of  fear 
and  respect.  And  all  the  Premisses  touching  this  knowledg 
had  out  of  Spain,  and  the  French  King's  Interest  with  the 
King's  Concurrence,  as  afore  ;  It  shall  be  well  done  ye  de- 
clare to  the  Pope's  Holiness,  whereby  peradventure  the 
same  shall  be  removed  from  some  part  of  his  said  overmuch 
respect  to  that  part. 

As  to  sending  of  the  Brief,  the  Emperor  refusing  to  send 
it  into  England,  sheweth  some  towardness  of  sending  it  to 
Rome,  minding  and  intending  to  have  the  King's  Matter 
decided  there  and  not  here  ;  howbeit  all  be  but  vain  Collu- 
sions :  For  as  ye  shall  perceive  by  such  things  as  be  ex- 
tracted out  of  the  Letters  of  the  King's  Orators  Resident 
in  Spain,  a  Copy  whereof  I  send  you  herewith,  the  more 
the  said  Breve  cometh  into  light  and  knowledg,  the  more 
falsities  be  deprehended  therein ;  and  amongst  other,  one 
there  is  specially  to  be  noted,  making,  if  it  be  true,  a  clearer 
and  manifest  proof  of  the  same  Falsity  ;  which  because  if 
it  were  perceived  by  the  adverse  Party,  or  any  of  their 
Friends,  Counsellors,  or  Adherents,  it  might  soon  by  a 
semblable  falsity  be  reformed,  is  above  all  other  things  to 
be  kept  secret,  both  from  the  Pope,  and  all  other  there. 


except  to  your  selves :  for  in  computation  of  the  Year  of 
our  Lord  is  a  diverse  order  observed  in  the  Court  of 
Rome  in  Bulls  and  Breves;  That  is  to  say,  in  the  Bull  be- 
ginning at  the  Incarnation  of  our  Lord,  in  the  Brief  at  the 
Nativity ;  So  as  the  thing  well  searched,  it  is  thought  it  shall 
be  found,  that  the  date  presupposed  to  be  of  the  Breve, 
which  is '26  Decemb.  Anno  Doin.  1503.  Pontificatus  Julii 
anno  primo,  well  conferred  with  the  nfianner  and  usages  of 
of  that  Court :  He  that  counterfeited  the  Brieve,  nbt  know- 
ing such  diversity  between  the  date  of  the  Bull  and  Breves, 
and  thinking  to  make  both  Dates  of  one  day,  dated  the 
Breve  at  a  day  before  Pope  Julii  was  Pope  ;  which  ye 
shall  more  plainly  perceive  by  the  said  Copy,  and  specially 
if  under  some  good  colour  ye  ripen  your  selves  there,  whe- 
ther the  year  in  the  date  of  Breves  change  upon  Christ- 
mass  day,  or  upon  New-years  day,  wherein  the  King's  plea- 
sure is,  that  ye  ensearch  and  certifie  here  what  ye  shall 
know  and  perceive.  And  if  ye  shall  by  such  inquiry  find 
matter  making  to  the  purpose,  as  it  is  not  doubted  but  ye 
shall  do,. then  for  the  more  sure  justification  and  proof 
thereof  before  the  Judges  ;  It  shall  be  expedient  ye  in  writ- 
ing make  mention  of  such  a  doubt,  finding  the  means  that 
it  may  be  answered  and  declared  in  the  same  Writing,  by 
certain  expert  Persons  of  the  Secretaries,  and  other  Of- 
ficers of  tiiat  Court,  with  subscription  of  their  Answer  and 
Names ;  whereby  it  may  appear  here  before  us  as  Judges, 
as  a  thing  true  and  approved :  Howbeit,  great  dexterity  is 
to  be  used  for  the  secrecy  thereof ;  for  if  such  Exceptions 
might  come  to  the  knowledge  of  the  Adverse  Party,  they 
might,  as  the  said  Orators  write,  soon  reform  that  de- 
fault by  detrahing  one  Letter,  or  Title,  or  forging  a  new 
Brief,  alledging  error  in  the  Transumpts,  which  might  be 
the  total  disappointment  of  deprehension  of  the  falsity  in 
that  chief  and  principal  point.  I  pray  you  therefore  to  re- 
gard that  Matter  substantially,  and  to  order  it  by  your 
good  Wisdoms  accordingly. 


The  two  Legates'  Letter  to  the  Pope,  advising  a  Decretal  Bull, 
A  Duplicate. 

(CottonLibr.  Vitel.  B.  11.) 

PRionrBus  nostris  ad   Sanctitatera  Vestram    Uteris  quid 
hie  ageremus,  quove  in  statu  causa  haec  esset  exposuimus ; 
postea  quum,  et  res  ipsa,  et  desiderium  Regis  admodum  ur- 
VoL.  J,  Part  II.  I 


geret,  ut  ad  Causae  ipsius  raerita  agnoscenda  accingere- 
mur,  quando  in  suspense,  non  modo  horum  Regum  vota, 
sed  nee  hujus  Regni  firmandi  ratio,  diutius  haberi  potest, 
omni  suasionis  genere  horum  animis  prius  adhibito,  ut  al- 
terius  voluntati  alter  cederet,  eique  morem  gererent,  cum 
nihil  profecerimus,  ad  Judicii  institutionem  accedentes,  de 
modo  causam  ipsam  pertractandi,  multa  longioribus  collo- 
quiis  inter  nos  commentati  sumus ;  qua  in  re,  dum  quae  ne- 
cessaria  sunt  adornantur,  exhibitum  est  per  Reginam  exem- 
plum  Brevis  Julii  2.  eodem  tempore  quo  et  Bulla  super 
hac  materia,  dati  et  scripti,  sed  attentiore  cura  et  longe 
consideratiore  mente  confecti,  quod,  quia  in  substantiali- 
bus  etiam  abj  ipsa  Bulla  diversum  est,  non;,modo  Regium, 
sed  nostrum  quoq;  animum,  mire  suspensum  habuit,"usq; 
adeo  ut  de  ejus  veritate  plurimum  suspicari  libeat  5  nam 
praeter  insperatam  in  tanta  opportunitate  ejus  apparitio- 
nem,  incredibile  videtur,  ut  eodem  tempore  idem  author, 
eisdem  partibus,  in  eadem  Causa,  diversa  admodum  ra- 
tione  caverit,  et  permansuro  Diplomati  ejusq;  Decreto,  ad 
perpetuam  rei  memoriam,  proferendo,  etplumbeocaractere 
excudendo  dormitaverit,  brevioribus  vero  Uteris,  molli 
cera  communiendis  exactissimi  studii  et  sobriae  cogitationis 
speciem  impresserit :  ne  tamen  Majestas  hasc  rem  banc 
damnatam  priusquam  exploratam  habeat,  quippe  quae  ma- 
gis  inveritate  quam  in  voto  suo,  Causae  hujus  eventum  sus- 
ceptura  videtur,  ad  ipsius  Brevis  exhibitionem  instat,  quod, 
quia  honestum  et  ration!  consonum  videtur,  a  nobis  etiam 
probatur,  propterea  omni  studio  curamus,  ut  Breve  ipsuili, 
quod  in  Hispaniis  esse  dicitur,  et  a  quo  exemplum  hoc 
effigiatum  aiunt  proferatur ;  atque  ut  hoc  expeditiore  cura, 
et  majore  compendio  assequamur,  praeter  primam  et  sum- 
mara  illam  de  causa  cognoscendi  potestatem,  quam  a 
Sanctitate  Vestra  habemus,  aliam  quoque  ad  hunc  specia- 
liter  articulum  habendam  putamus,  per  quam  possimus 
etiam  per  censuras,  omnes  etiam  Regia  et  Imperiali  Au- 
thoritate  fulgentes,  monere  et  adigere  ut  dictum  Breve  no- 
bis exhibeant,  sine  quo  causa  haec  nedum  absolvi,  sed  nee 
commode  tractari  queat.  Atque  hoc  primum  est,  quod  Ma- 
jestas haec,  in  tanta  animi  fluctuatione  qua  nunc  aestuat,  a 
nobis  curandum  putat,  quo  impetrato,  Judicii  via  insi- 
stentes  ad  Causae  cognitionem  procedemus ;  quod  si  non 
proferatur,  vel  inutile  et  vitiatum,  et  fide  sua  facile  rejici- 
endum,  prolatum  fuerit,  nihil  prohibebit,  hoc  sublato  ob- 
ice,  'quin  ex  officio  nostro  jreliqua  prosequamur  :  sin  vero 
exhibeatur,  et  veritate  sua,  vel  adeo  scite  conficta  fallacia, 
ita  se  tueatur  ut  acriori  examine  id  inquiri  debeat,  pate- 
factojam  patronorum  cavillis  et  calumniis  foro,  quibus  un- 


dig  et  judicii  fluctibus  non  solum  arliculum  hunc  Brevis,  seJ 
universam  Causam  iraplicaturi  simus,  nullus  non  viderit ; 
neque  enim  deerunt  quai  suspectam  ipsius  Brevis  fidem  fa- 
ciant,  vel  ex  hoc  maxime,  quod  cum  maxime  Regis  et 
Regni  hujus  intersit,  niliil  proisus  de  eo  antehac  auditum  fu- 
erit,  nee  ejus  memoria  aut  ratio  ulla  extet  in  Scriniis  Re- 
giis,  in  quibus  etiam  minima  quaeque  ad  Regnum  spectan- 
tia  asservari  solent :  nam  verisimile  non  est  in  Hispaniis 
majorem  Anglicae  rei  curam  fuisse  quam  in  ipsa  Anglia, 
neq;  quempiam  solerti  et  acri  adeo  ingenio  fuisse,  qui  hu- 
juscemodi  dissidium  vigesimo  quinto  ab  hinc  anno  subori- 
turum,  et  hac  sola  ratione  sublatum  iri  posse  divinaverit, 
nulla  ut  dixiraus  apud  hunc  Regem,  et  in  hoc  Regno  talis 
rei  memoria  extante.  Porro  si  ex  Brevi  ad  Bullam,  et  ex 
Bulla  ad  Breve  transitus  fiat,  atque  illius  jejunitatem  et  ari- 
ditatem  insectemhr,  hujus  praegnantia  verba,  et  ad  omnes 
fere  exceptiones  tollendas,  superstitiosam  quodammodo  vi- 
gilantiam  conferamus,  et  quae  utrinq;  deduci  poterunt  in 
Rescriptis  Apostolicis  aequo  animo  audiamus,  perielitaturi 
certe  sumus,  ne,  quod  minime  cupimus,  Sedis  Apostolicae 
Authoritatem  patientia  nostra  in  discriraen  rapiamus,  at- 
que dum  Regno,  et  Regni  hinc  suppetias  ferre  volumus, 
rem  dignitatemq;  nostram  multo  minorem  faciamus,  cui 
turn  posita  etiam  anima,  favere  et  adesse  semper  cupimus 
et  debemus.  Propterea,  Beatissime  Pater,  non  solum  pro 
Regis  et  Causai  hujus  commodo,  sed  pro  dignitate  quoq; 
Ecclesiastica  et  Sanctitatis  Vestrae  Autoritate  hie  tuenda 
et  conservanda,  nuUo  pacto  committendum  ducimus,  ut  no- 
bis spectantibus  et  audientibus,  de  Potestate  Romani  Pon- 
tificis,  de  literarum  Apostolicarum  sub  plumbo  et  sub  an- 
nulo  scriptarum  fide,  et  repugnantia,  deque  juris  divini 
abrogatione  disceptetur,  maxime  in  Regum  causa  oppug- 
nanda  et  defendenda,  qui,  ut  sublimiore  sunt  fastigio  collo- 
cati,  ita  iniquiori  animo  patiuntur  Causaj  suae  casum,  cum 
qua  et  dignitatem  et  existimationem  suam  diminutam  iri 
intelligunt,  quae  si  ignobilium  etiam  animos  quosq;  exul- 
cerare,  ipsa  rerum  experientia  docti  cernimus,  qualiter 
quaeso  putamus  Regios  et  generosos  affectura.  Itaq;  quo- 
niam  hanc  carybdim  et  hos  scopulos  evitasse  semper  tutum 
erit,  propterea  hujusmodi  incommoda  quodammodo  praiter- 
vecti,  ubi  ad  litis  molestias  et  incertas  fori  fluctuationes 
causam  deducendam  perspicimus,  suadere,  rogare  et  sum- 
mis  precibus  pariq;  reverentia  contendere  non  desinenuis, 
ut  si  exhibito  Brevi  pura  Veritas  ita  latitaverit,  quod  rec- 
tumne  an  falsum,  vitiatum  ecu  adulterinum  fuerit  judicare 
ac  decernere  minime  valeamus,  Sanctitas  Vestra  Causam 
hanc  ad  se  avocet,  non  solum  ut  tanto  discrimine,  et  per- 


plexitate  nos  eximat,  sed  ut  paterno  affectu  Causae  et  Regi 
nuic  optimo  subveniat  et  opem  ferat,  atque  ex  Potestatis 
suae  plenitudine  et  summa  prudentia  finem  huic  rei  opta- 
tum  imponat,  quae  non  sine  magno  hujus  Regni  et  Eccle- 
siasticae  dignitatis  periculo  diutius  trahi  potest :  Speramus 
autem  Serenissimum  hunc  Regem  in  hujusmodi  avocandae 
Causae  consilio  facile  quieturum,  salebrosa  haec  litium  iti- 
nera et  labirinthos  evitaturum,  modo  in  fide  Sanctitatis 
,  Vestrae  chyrographo  manus  suae  testata,  cognoverit,  se  diu- 
tius suspense  in  hac  re  animo  detinendum  non  fore,  atq;  ab 
hujusmodi  Matrimonio  se  tandem  liberandum,  in  quo  nee 
humano  nee  divino  jure  perraanere  se  posse  putat,  ex  cau- 
sis  Sanctitati  Vestrae  forsan  notis,  et  per  bos  suos  nuntios 
longioribus  verbis  explicandis.  Quod  si  Sanctitas  Vestra  com- 
modius  existimaverit,  Avocatione  hujusmodi  posthabita,  per 
Decretalis  unius  concessionera  huie  causae  occurri  et  succurri 
posse,  in  banc  quoque  rationem^Regis  animum  paratum  da 
bimus  ;  et  propterea  concepto  quodam  Decretalis  modulo, 
eum  per  hos  ipsos  Majestatis  suae  nuntios  mittimus,  ex  qui- 
bus  abunde  intelliget,  quodque  non  absque  exemplo  istius- 
modi  auxilia  proponantur,  et^quam  non  temere  nee  absque 
ratione  Majestas  haec  desiderio  huic  suo  inhaereat :  interea 
yero,  dum  hac  vel  ilia  ratione  huic  rei  occuritur  et  Breve 
ipsum  perquiretur,  posset  utiq;  Sanctitas  Vestra  iterum 
Reginae  animum  tentare,  et  ad  Religionem  emollire,  cur- 
ando  (ut  quod  maxime  apud  earn  gratia  et  Autoritate  esse 
debeant)  et  Uteris,  et  precibus,  et  nuntiis,  omniq;  alia  ra- 
tione, hac  ipsa  via,  sibi,  suisq;  rebus  omnibus,  atq;  aliis 
optime  consulat.  Cujusmodi  multa,  pro  salute  Regni  et 
publica  cum  dignitate,  tum  tranquillitate  animo  agitamus, 
ut  tandem  optimo  Regi  praesidio  simus,  qui  incredibili  pa- 
tientia  et  humanltate,  nostram  et  Sanctitatis  Vestrae  opem 
expectat,  sed  tanta  obsessus  cura,  sollicitudine  et  anxi- 
etate,  ut  nullus  facile  explicare  possit,  vix  enim  in  hoc 
ipso,  oculis  et  auribus  nostris  credimus  ;  cuj us  usque  adeo 
nos  miseret,  ut  nihil  ingrato  magis  animo  audiamus  quam 
ejus  de  hac  re  verba,  querelas  et  cruciatum :  jure,  an  in- 
juria liceat  nobis  hoc,  Beatissime  Pater,  cum  Sanctitate 
Vestra  tacere,  ne  praejudicium  nobis  aut  aliis  faciamus,  sed 
quem  non  excitet  tot  annorum  Conscientiae  Carnificina, 
quam  ut  transversum  et  modo  in  has  et  modo  in  illas  partes 
agant  Theologoium  disputationes,  et  Patrum  decreta,  nul- 
lus noDu  videt ;  qua  in  re  enucleanda  ita  ambiguo  laboratur 
sensu,  ut  jam  non  doctioris  sed  melioris  hominis  lumine  et 
pietate  egeamus,  et  propterea  factum  est  ut  cum  ab  utraq; 
parte  stant  assertores  maximi,  in  illam  magis  Majestas  sua 
inclinat,  quae  ab  offensionibus  et  periculis  magis  remota  vi- 


detur.  Quera  praeterea  non  moveat  dulcis  ilia  insitaqiie 
sobolis  successio,  in  qua  morientes  et  animarn  exhalaturi 
conquiescere,  natura  ipsa,  videmur  omnes  ?  quem  insuper 
non  accendat,  Regni  atque  imperii  propagatio,  et  per  solos 
liberos  continuala  quaedam  fruitio?  quera  deniq;  populo- 
rum  fidei  ac  ejus  curae  commissorum  tranguillitas  et  secu- 
ritas,  quae  in  designatis  jam  regibus  et  principibus  nutritur 
et  vivit,  non  soUiciletl  ita  ut  tanti  adeoq;  communis  boni 
fundamenta  nulla  a  se  jacta,  non  doleat  et  suspiret,  cum 
in  extremis  ejus  diebus,  extrema  quoque  tempora  eis  ad- 
ventare  sentiat,  atq;  secum  omnia  quodammodo  in  ruinam 
trahi?  Majores  habet,  Beatissime  Pater,  Causa  ha;c  an- 
fractus  et  difficultates,  quam  superficie  tenus  inspectanli  • 
bus  ofFerantur,  in  quo  vel  hae  potissimae  sunt  quod  nee  mo- 
ram  patitur,  et  iu  alteram  partem  non  inclinat  quidem,  sed 
omnino  cogit,  ni  velimus  ab  ea  praecipites  et  maxima  cum 
privatas  tum  publicas  rei  jactura  cadere  ;  nam  qui  vel  Re- 
ginae  odio,  Vel  sperataj,  nee  dum  forsan  notae,  futura?  con- 
jugis  illecebra  et  titillatione  Regem  agi  putant,  ii  excordes 
plane  et  toto,  quod  aiunt,  ccelo  errare  videntur  :.  ut  enim 
credere  dignum  est,  nullis  illius  quamlibet  duris  moribus 
aut  injocunda  consuetudine,  vel  ulterioris  sobolis  spe  des- 
perata,  Regium  animo  tanto  periculo  ad  odium  impelli  posse  ; 
ita  nee  in  hominis  bene  sani  mente  cadere  debet,  Regem 
hunc  imbecillo  adeo  esse  animo,  ut  sensuum  suadela  eam 
abrumpere  cupiat  consuetudinem,  in  qua  adolescentiai  suae 
florentes  annos  exegerit  persancte  adeo,  ut  in  hac  quoq; 
fluctuatione,  non  sine  reverentia  et  honore  versetur.  I  nest, 
credite  omnes,  voluntati  ejus  non  modo  divinae  legis  timor, 
sed  humani  quoq;  juris  ratio  eximia,  hascq;  non  privata 
sed  publica,  ad  quam  cum  ejus  animum  trahant,  utriusq; 
juris  peritissimi,  et  Regni  hujus  sui  proceres,  et  primates 
omnes,  nihil  tamen  suo,  aut  suorum  tantum  arbitrio  consti- 
tutum  habere  cupit,  sed  Apostolicae  Sedis  judicio ;  qua  in 
re  quanta  sit  pietate,  maxime  ostendit,  quum  non  ex  mago- 
rum  carminibus,  et  circulatorum  imposturis,  aliisve  malis 
artibus,  sed  SanctissimaPontificis  manu,  tanto  huic  vul- 
neri  suo  opem  petat,  de  quo  vel  plura  forte  quam  licuisset 
Sanctitati  Vestra  subjecimus,  quoniam  haec  ipsa  ulcera 
manibus  nostris  contrectavimus,  et  quantum  vitales  spiritus 
exhalent  cognovimus:  proinde  Sanctitas  Vestra,  pii  patris 
et  peritissimi  medici  more,  dum  virtus  adhuc  stat,  dum  sa- 
lus  non  desperatur,  dum  aiger  ipse  scse  sustinet  et  legitima 
petit  auxilia,  Regem  de  se  at  Apostolica  sede  optime  me- 
ritum  in  pietatis  suae  sinu  foveat,  illudq;  ei  indulgeat  quod 
nee  disputationum  immortalia  dissidia,  nee  litium  immen- 
sum  chaos  unquam  dabit,  nee  sine  maximo  discrimine  un- 



quam  tractabitur ;  atque  illud  etiam  secum  reputet,  quatn 
injurium,  et  cum  privatis  turn  publicis  rebus  incommodum 
sit,  extreinos  juris  apices  consectari,  quanquam  non  expe- 
diat  ex  scripto  jure  semper  judiciari;  cui,  quia  Pontifices 
et  Principes  miro  omnium  consensu,  a  Deo  ipso  praefecti, 
censentur  Spiritus  et  animae  vice,  merito  in  ambiguis,  et 
ubi  multa  periclitatur  hominum  salus,  arbitrio  suo  ejus 
duritiem  moderarl  possunt  et  debent,  in  quo  Sanctitas  Ves- 
tra  et  Regem  et  Regnum  hoc  plane  servaverit.  Quod  si 
alia  ratione  vel  aliunde  paranda  sibi  fuerint  auxilia,  vere- 
mur  ne  de  Regno  et  Rege  hoc  actum  sit,  quicquid  enim 
alia  manu  huic  vulneri  impositum  fuerit,  nihil  minus  faciet 
quam  sanitatem,  seditionibus  enim  et  tttmultibus  omnia 
exponentur,  atq;  imprimis  Ecclesiastic  Dignitas  et  Apos- 
tolicae  Sedis  Authoritas  hinc  deturbabitur ;  quod  non  erit 
diflScile,  aut  ingratum  quibusdam,  qui  Rege  cum  Sancti- 
tate  Vestra  nunc  conjunctissimo,  impietatis  suae  venenum 
perbelle  dissimulant ;  Cujusmodi  jacturam  si  dura  haec 
tempora  nostra  fecerunt,  quod  deinde  superandum  sit,  non 
videmus.  Conservandus  itaq;  Rex  est,  ejusq;  eximia  in 
Apostolicam  Sedem  voluntas  et  fides,  ne  eq  a  nobis  abali  • 
enato,  non  modo  Angliae  Regem,  sen  Fidei  quoq;  Defen- 
sorera  amittamus,  cujus  virtutes  et  Religionem  tanto  plausu 
orbi  commendavimus.  Brevitati  studentes  multa  prae- 
terimus,  et  praesertim  quid  Regni  proceres,  Nobiles  aeque 
atque  ignobiles  dicant,  qui  fremunt  et  acerbissime  indig- 
nantur,  se  tamdiu  suspensos  haberi,  atq;  ab  aliorum  nutu 
et  voluntate  exspectare,  quid  de  fortunis  eorum  omnibus 
et  capitibus  statuant,  aut  decernant  :  atq;  hac  potissimum 
via  insistunt,  qui  nullam  aut  certe  diminutam  hie  Romani 
Pontificis  Authoritatem  vellent,  quorum  pleriq;  in  his  dis- 
ceptationibus,  quibus  alter  alteri,  ut  usu  venire  solet,  re  in 
ambiguo  posita,  adversatur,  ea  dicunt  quae  non  absq;  hor- 
rore  referri  queant ;  nam  inter  caetera  illud  maxime  in  ore 
obvium  habent,  et  praedicant,  se  nunquam  satis  demirari, 
aut  ridere  posse  quorundam  ignaviam,  qui  patienter  audi- 
unt,  Pontificibus  in  Jure  Divino  Agendo  et  refigendo  li- 
cere,  Pontifici  Pontificis  ceram  aut  plumbum  conflare  non 
permitti :  nos,  ut  hos  scopulos  et  has  syrtes  evitemus,  nihil 
non  agimus,  et  ne  praeceps,  hue  vel  illuc.  Rex  hie  ruat,  cu- 
ramus,  quem  in  officio  vix  contineri  posse  confidimus,  dum 
a  Sanctitate  Vestra  his  Uteris  rescribatur :  quibus  si  ut 
speramus  et  cupimus  aliquid  rescriptum  fuerit,  per  quod  et 
Regem  et  horum  omnium  animos  quietiores  reddere  vale- 
amus,  accedet  nobis  quoq;  vis  aliqua  caetera  felicius  perfi- 
ciendi ;  sin  minus,  omnia  in  deterius  itura  non  ambigimus. 
Quae  ut  celerius  Majestas  sua  cognoscat,  praesentes  hos 


nimtios  suos  per  dispositos  equos  ad  Sanctitatem  Vestram 
mittit,  ex  quorum  sermone  plura  quoque  intelligent  quam 
literae  ipsae  commode  capere  potuerunt.  Ignqscet  vero 
Sanctitas  Vestra  liteiarum  nostranim  prolixitati,  quae  ta- 
metsi  raodum  excedunt,  rei  tamen  hujus  difficultatem  et  pe- 
riculum  majori  ex  parte  minime  attingunt. 


Another  dispatch  to  Rome.    An  Original. 

May  25, 1521,  Richmont. 
Right  well  beloved  Friends,  I  commend  me  unto  you 
in  my  most  hearty  manner,  by  the  hands  of  Alexander, 
Messenger  ;  I  have  in  good  diligence  received  your  Letters 
of  the  4th  of  this  month :  and  semblably  the  King's  High- 
ness hath  received  your  other  Letters,  sent  by  the  same 
Messenger  unto  his  Grace  :  By  tenour  whertof  it  well  ap- 
peareth  that  the  King's  Highness  is  now  frustrate  of  the 
good  hope  and  expectation  that  his  Grace  and  semblably  I 
were  in  of  the  Pope's  determination,  to  have  done  for  his 
Highness  in  this  great  and  weighty  Cause  of  Matrimony, 
as  his  Holiness  by  his  Chamberlain  promised;  not  only 
that  which  might  be  done  of  power  ordinary,  but  also  of 
absolute  ;  and  that  ye  be  utterly  in  despair  to  consecute  or 
attain  any  thing  to  the  purpose  there,  to  the  benefit  of  the 
said  Cause,  with  the  strange  demeanour  that  hath  been 
used  in  calling  you  to  make  answer,  why  the  supplications 
presented  by  the  Emperor's  Ambassador  for  advocation  of 
the  Cause  should  not  proceed ;  and  how  discreetly  and  sub- 
stantially ye  have  answered  and  ordered  yourselves  therein  : 
Affirming  finally,  that  as  to  that  Matter,  ye  think  it  shall 
not  serve  to  any  purpose,  but  only  to  stop  your  suit  in  the 
obtaining  of  a  new  Commission,  and  desiring  to  be  ascer- 
tained of  the  king's  pleasure  touching  the  Protestation 
mentioned  in  your  Instructions,  and  how  the  same  is 
meant  and  understood,  with  many  other  things  comprised 
in  your  said  letters,  right  well  and  substantially  couched  and 
handled  ;  for  the  which  the  King's  Highness  giveth  you 
hearty  thanks,  and  I  also  thank  you  in  most  hfearty  manner 
for  my  part. 

Ascertaining  you  that  by  Thadeus,  Courier,  upon  receipt 
of  your  former  Letters  sent  by  him,  who  I  trust  be  ar- 
rived with  you  long  before  this  time ;  I  wrote  unto  you  the 
King's  mind  and  pleasure,  as  well  to  forbear  any  further 


pursuits  of  the  Degrees  committed  unto  your  charge,  except, 
only  the  expedition  of  a  new  Commission  and  Pollicitation 
mentioned  in  the  same.  As  also  that  you  Mr.  Stevins,  and 
Sir  Francis  Brian,  should  return  home,  like  as  my  said 
Letters  purported.  And  forasmuch  as  now  it  appeareth, 
that  there  is  no  hope  for  you  to  attain  the  said  Commis- 
sion and  Pollicitation,  the  King's  Highness  supposing  that 
ye  the  said  Mr.  Stevins  and  Sir  Francis  be  on  your  way 
homeward ;  and  perceiving  that  it  should  be  necessary  for 
his  Grace  to  have  there  a  substantial  Counsellor  of  his,  well 
learned  in  the  laws,  as  well  to  defend  all  such  things  as 
shall  be  procured  or  set  forth  by  the  Caesareans,  to  the 
hinderance  of  the  King's  Cause,  as  to  let  and  impeach  any 
Advocations,  Inhibitions,  or  other  thing  that  may  be  dam- 
mageable  thereunto,  hath  dispatched  thither  this  Bearer 
and  Mr.  Bennet,  who  hath  commandment  to  shew  unto 
you,  and  every  of  you,  wheresoever  he  shall  meet  with  or 
find  you,  his  whole  Instructions,  by  tenor  whereof  ye  shall 
be  advertised  of  the  King's  further  mind  and  pleasure  in 
that  behalf;  wherefore  this  shall  be  only  to  signifie  unto 
you,  how  his  Highness  will  that  ye  now  forbear  any  pursuit, 
either  for  Commission,  Pollicitation  or  Rescript  to  be  sent 
to  the  Emperor  for  exhibition  of  the  Brief,  either  here  or 
at  Rome,  but  that  following  irr  every  part  the  tenor  of  the 
said  Instructions,  ye  Mr.  Stevins  and  Sir  Francis  Brian  use 
all  the  diligence  possible  in  your  Voyage  homeward,  and 
the  residue  of  you  to  intend  to  such  things  as  be  mentioned 
in  the  said  Instructions  ;  ascertaining  you,  that  whereas  ye 
were  in  doubt  what  is  meant  by  the  Protestation  spoken  of 
in  ray  former  Letters  and  your  Instructions,  it  was  none 
other  thing  than  in  the  same  Instructions  was  plainly  spe- 
cified and  declared  ;  That  is  to  say.  Failing  of  all  your  Re- 
quests and  Pursuits  touching  the  King's  great  Matter,  to 
have  shewed  unto  his  Holiness  the  danger  that  might  ensue, 
by  losing  the  entire  favour  of  this  Prince,  by  mean  of  his  so 
strange  and  unkind  dealing  with  his  Grace  ;  howbeit,  con- 
sidering in  what  state  the  things  now  be,  and  how  much 
the  Pope's  Holiness  seemeth  to  be  inclined  to  the  Emperors 
part;  and  yet  as  appeareth  both  by  your  Letters,  and  by 
such  other  knowledg  as  the  King  hath,  his  Holiness  would 
gladly  conserve  the  King's  Love  and  Favour,  and  is  loth  to 
do  any  thing  to  the  prejudice  of  his  Cause  :  It  is  no  time  to 
come  to  any  rigorous  or  extream  words  with  his  Holiness, 
but  in  gentle  and  modest  manner  to  shew  himself  in  such 
words  as  be  mentioned  in  my  said  last  Letters  sent  by 
Thadeus  ;  and  so  without  irritation  of  him,  but  with  conser- 


ration  of  his  favour  to  entertain  his  Holiness  in  the  best 
manner  that  may  be,  without  medling  in  any  other  Protes- 
tation, but  only  to  look  what  may  be  done  touching  such 
Protestations  apart,  as  is  mentioned  in  the  said  Instruc- 
tions given  to  Mr.  Bennet,  which  with  these  Letters  shall 
be  a  sufficient  information  of  you  all  what  to  do  in  the 
Causes  to  you  committed,  not  doubting  but  in  all  other 
particular  suits  of  Bulls,  and  other  things  committed  unto 
you,  ye  Mr.  Stevins  and  Sir  Francis  Brian,  have  or  will  do 
your  best  to  bring  the  same  with  you  ;  the  expedition 
whereof,  if  they  be  not  sped  already,  the  King's  Highness 
comraitteth  to  the  Wisdoms  of  such  of  you  as  shall  fortune 
to  be  in  the  Court  of  Rome  at  the  Receipt  hereof;  wherein, 
and  in  all  other  things,  his  Highness  trusteth,  and  I  do 
the  semblable,  that  ye  will  order  your  selves  with  all  effec- 
tual diligence,  as  the  special  confidence  that  is  put  in  you 
doth  appertain. 

And  forasmuch  as  the  greatest  thing  that  is  to  be  looked 
unto  is  the  importune  Suit  of  the  Caesareans,  not  only  to 
stop  any  further  things  to  be  granted  to  the  King's  High- 
ness, but  also  to  revoke  the  Commission  given  to  the  Lord 
Legate  Campegius  and  to  me,  which  should  be  a  clear  dis- 
appointment and  frustration  of  the  King's  Cause ;  ye  shall 
therefore  look  substantially  by  all  politick  means  to  with- 
stand, that  no  such  thing  be  granted ;  assuring  the  Pope 
and  all  the  Cardinals,  and  such  other  as  have  respect  to  the 
well  of  the  See  Apostolick,  that  if  he  should  do  such  an 
high  injury  to  the  King  and  his  Realm,  and  an  Act  so  con- 
tumelious to  us  his  Legates,  and  so  contrarious  to  his  Faith 
and  Promise,  he  should  thereby  not  fail  so  highly  to  irritate 
the  King  and  all  the  Nobles  of  this  Realm,  that  undoubtedly 
they  should  decline  from  the  obedience  of  the  See  Apos- 
tolick, and  consequently  all  other  Realms  should  do  the 
semblable,  forasmuch  as  they  should  find  in  the  Head  of  the 
same,  neither  justness,  uprightness,  nor  truth  ;  and  this  shall 
be  necessary,  as  the  case  shall  require,  well  to  be  inculked 
and  put  in  his  head,  to  the  intent  his  Holiness  by  the  same 
may  be  preserved  from  granting,  passing,  or  condescending 
to  any  such  thing. 

After  these  Letters  perfected  hither,  and  read  unto  the 
King's  Highness,  albeit  that  mention  is  made  in  sundry 
places  heretofore,  that  as  well  ye  Mr.  Stevins,  and  Sir 
Francis  Brian,  if  ye  be  not  returned  from  the  Court  of 
Rome,  as  also  the  rest  of  the  King's  Ambassadors,  which  at 
the  arrival  of  Mr.  Doctor  Bennet  shall  fortune  to  be  there, 
shall  forbear  to  make  any  further  means  or  pursuit  for  the 


New  Commission  and  Pollicitation,  but  clearly  to  use  si- 
lence therein:  yet  nevertheless  regarding,  and  more  pro- 
foundly consiaering  the  effect  of  your  Letters  last  sent,  it 
doth  plainly  appear,  that  tho  after  the  overture  made  to  the 
Pope's  Holiness  of  the  said  New  Commission,  the  Business 
chanced  to  be  made  by  the  Emperor's  Ambassador,  upc 
preferring  a  Supplication  for  advocation  of  the  Cause ; 
which  thing  by  your  writing,  Mr.  Stevins,  to  Capisuke  was 
well  avoided  ;  yet  was  there  none  express  refusal  made  by 
the  Pope's  Holiness  to  condescend  unto  the  said  New  Com- 
mission, but  order  given  that  you  should  consult  and  confer 
with  the  Cardinal  Anconitane  and  Symonette  upon  the 
same ;  which  Conference,  by  mean  of  the  said  Business, 
was  deferred  and  disappointed,  without  any  final  conclusion 
or  resolution  taken  thereupon.  Wherefore,  inasmuch  as  yet 
there  appeareth  none  utter  despair  of  obtaining  the  said 
New  Commission  and  Pollicitation,  with  some  more  fat, 
pregnant,  and  effectual  Clauses  than  the  other  hath ;  The 
King's  pleasure  is,  that  notwithitanding  any  words  before 
mentioned,  both  ye  the  said  Mr.  Stevins,  and  Sir  Francis 
Brian,  if  ye  be  not  departed  from  the  Court  of  Rome,  do 
for  the  time  of  your  demur  there,  which  the  King's  pleasure 
is  shall  not  be  long,  but  only  for  taking  of  your  leave  ;  and 
also  the  rest  of  the  King's  said  Orators,  after  your  departure, 
shall,  as  ye  shall  see  the  case  require,  endeavour  your 
selves  as  much  as  may  be,  to  obtain  the  said  New  Com- 
mission and  Pollicitation,  foreseeing  always  that  you  handle 
the  matter  after  such  manner,  as  thereby  the  Pope  be  not 
the  rather  induced  to  hearken  and  incline  to  any  pursuites 
of  the  Imperials  for  advocation  of  the  Cause,  which  were 
a  total  frustration  of  all  the  King's  intent,  but  so  to  use 
your  selves,  as  ye  shall  see  to  be  the  benefit,  and  not  to  the 
hindrance  thereof:  Which  done,  the  King's  Grace  doth 
refer  the  good  handling  of  this  thing  to  your  wisdoms  and 
discretions,  neither  to  leave  the  pursuit  for  the  said  Com- 
mission and  Pollicitation,  if  it  may  without  dammage  be 
followed  ;  nor  to  follow  it,  if  thereby  you  shall  see  apparent 
danger  of  any  such  Advocation,  or  advantage  to  ensue  to 
the  purpose  of  the  Imperialists,  like  as  his  Highness  doubt- 
eth  not,  knowing  now  the  King's  mind  and  pleasure,  you 
will  with  wisdom  and  dexterity,  order  your  selves  herein 

And  furthermore,  you  shall  in  any  wise  dissuade  the 
Pope  for  sending  either  by  his  Nuntio,  to  be  sent  unto 
Spain,  or  otherwise,  for  the  Original  Brief.  And  if  the 
Nuntio  be   already  passed,  having  charge    to  speak  for 


sending  the  same  to  the  Court  of  Rome,  then  to  find  the 
means  that  a  Commandment  be  by  the  Pope's  Holiness  sent 
after  him,  not  to  make  any  mention  thereof:  Which  done  to 
you,  the  King's  said  Ambassador  shall  have  a  good  colour 
to  induce  the  Pope's  Holiness,  saying,  as  of  yourself.  That 
you  have  well  considered  your  own  pursuits  for  producing 
the  Brief  at  Rome  ;  and  because  the  Emperor  might  per- 
case  think  that  the  Pope  were  about  to  arect  unto  him  the 
falsity  of  the  said  Brief,  therefore  you  can  be  contented 
that  that  matter  be  put  off,  and  no  mention  to  be  made 
thereof  by  his  Nuntio,  or  otherwise  ;  whereunto  it  is  not 
to  be  doubted  but  the  Pope's  Holiness  will  have  special 
regard,  and  facilly  condescend  to  your  desires  in  that  be- 

Finally ;  It  appeareth  also  by  certain  your  Letters  sent, 
as  well  to  the  King's  Highness  as  to  me,  that  the  Pope's 
Holiness  is  much  desirous  to  study  and  find  a  mean  and  way 
to  satisfy  the  King's  Highness  in  this  behalf:  Amongst 
which  one  clause  in  his  Letters  to  me  is  this;  Tametsi 
enim  jiirisperitorem  consilium  quccdverimus,  sed  nihil  reperi- 
mus,  quod  bonis  oratoi-ibus  simul  et  justitiiB  ac  honori  nostra 
satisfaceret ;  sed  tamen  agimus  omnia,  et  tentamus  omnes 
nwdos  Regicc  su<b  Serenitati,  ac  circumspectioni  tuce  satis- 
faciendi.  (And  it  is  added  in  the  Margin,  with  Wolsey's 
hand  ; 

Mi  Petre,  referas  tuis  Uteris  pervelim  quid  tibi  et  mihi  Pon- 
tifex  dixerit  de  modis  eicogitandis,  et  quomodo  subridens  dicebat, 
hi  nomine  Patris,  &"c.) 

Wherefore  since  his  Holiness  so  plainly  declared,  that  h/s 
seeketh  the  ways  and  means  to  satisfie  the  King's  Highness, 
it  shall  be  in  any  wise  expedient,  that  you  the  said  Orators 
perceiving  any  towardness  of  Advocation,  lay  this  to  the 
Pope's  Holiness,  saying,  that  that  is  not  the  way  to  satisfy 
his  Grace  ;  and  yet  besides  that,  by  your  Wisdoms  to  find 
the  means  to  understand  and  know  of  his  Holiness  what  be 
the  ways  and  means,  which  his  Holiness  hath  studied  or 
can  study  to  satisfie  the  King  according  to  his  writing  in 
this  behalf,  whereof  they  shall  say  his  Grace  is  glad,  and  is 
very  desirous  to  know  and  understand  the  same  ;  and  as  you 
shall  perceive  any  towardness  or  untowardness  in  the  Pope 
in  that  behalf,  so  to  set  forth  your  pursuits  to  the  best  pur- 
pxjse  accordingly.  And  thus  heartily  fare  you  well.  From 
Richmond,  the  21  day  of  May. 

Your  loving  Friend, 

T.  Cardinalis  Eborac. 



A  Letter  of  the  Pope's  to  the  Cardinal.    An  Original. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  11.) 

May  31.  Romae  1529. 

Dilecto  Filio  nostro  Thomae  tituli  Sanctae  Ceciliae  Presbytero 

Cardinal!  Eboracensi,  nostro  et  sedis  Apostolicae  Legato 

de,  latere. 

Clemens  manu  propria. 
DiLECTE  Fili  noster,  salutem  et  Apostolicam  benedic- 
tionem.  Cum  Angliae  Rex  ac  Circumspectio  vestra,  Ve- 
tera erga  nos  et  Sedem  Apostolicam  merita  novis  officiis 
augeretis,  optabamus  occasionem,  in  qua  et  vos  nostrum 
amorem  cognoscere  possetis  ;  sed  molestissirae  tulimus  eam 
primum  esse  oblatam,  in  qua  circumsepti  angustis  terminis 
Justitiae,  non  possemus  progredi  quantum  vellemus,  studio 
vobis  gratificandi,  multis  ac  rationabilibus  Causis  deside- 
rium  vestrum  impedientibus,  quod  quidem  Regiis  Oratori- 
bus  istuc  redeuntibus  demonstrare  conati  tumus.  Sed  su- 
per his  et  publicis  negotiis  copiosius  vobiscum  loquetur 
Dilectus  Filius  noster  Cardinalis  Campegius.  Datum  Ro- 
mae die  ultima  Mali,  1529. 



The  King's  Letter  to  his  Ambassadors,  to  hinder  an  AvocU' 
tion  of  the  Suit.     An   Original. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  11). 


HENRY  REX,  April  6,  1529. 

Trusty  and  right  well-beloved  we  greet  you  well.  Since 
your  departure  from  hence,  we  have  received  sundry  your 
Letters  to  us  directed,  whereof  the  last  beareth  date  at 
Rome,  the  4th  day  of  the  last  month ;  and  have  also  seen 
such  other  as  from  time  to  time  ye  have  sent  to  the  most 
Reverend  Father  in  God,  our  most  entirely  well-beloved 
Counsellor  the  Lord  Legate,  Cardinal,  Archbishop  of  York, 
Primate  of  England,  and  our  Chancellour;  By  continue 
whereof  we  have  been  advertised  of  the  Successes  as  well 
of  your  Journey  thitherwards,  as  of  such  things  as  ye  to 
that  time  had  done  in  our  Causes  to  you  committed ;  for 
the  which  your  diligent  advertisement,  and  good  acquittal, 
we  give  unto  you  condiga  thanks :  ascertaining  you,  We  do 


not  a  little  marvel,  that  in  your  said  last  Letters  you  shew 
so  much  desperation  of  any  great  favour  to  be  had  at  the 
Pope's  hand  in  our  said  Causes ;  considering  that  neither 
ye  then  had  spoken  with  his  Holiness  in  the  same,  nor  by 
such  Conferences  as  ye  had  had  with  Mr.  Jacobo  Salviati, 
or  other  on  his  behalf,  we  can  perceive  but  all  good 
favour  and  towardness ;  tho  per-case  the  superiority  of 
the  Imperials,  and  the  common  fame,  led  you  to  think 
the  contrary  :  Howbeit  as  you  know  no  credence  is  to  be 
given  unto  such  common  report,  nor  we  trust  the  same 
shall  prove  more  true,  than  hath  done  the  Opinion  that  was 
of  the  Lord  Legate  Campegius  now  here  Resident,  whom 
we  find  and  certainly  know  to  be  of  a  far  other  sort  in  his 
love  and  inclination  towards  us,  than  was  spoken,  not 
having  such  affection  towards  the  Emperor,  as  in  him  was 
suspected.  And  to  be  plain  with  you,  if  ever  he  had  been 
of  other  mind,  we  have  said  somewhat  to  him  after  such 
manner  as  might  soon  change  that  intention.  So  that  little 
Faith  is  to  be  given  to  the  outward  Sayings  and  Opinions 
of  such  People  as  measure  every  thing  at  their  pleasure  : 
which  we  doubt  not  but  ye  right  wisely  do  consider,  ana 
that  ye  have  before  this  time,  by  your  diligent  soUicitation 
made  to  speak  with  the  Pope's  Holiness  for  declaration  of 
your  Charge,  proved  the  contrary.  Whereof  we  shall  be 
glad  and  joyous  to  hear ;  willing  and  desiring  you  there- 
fore, according  to  the  great  and  special  confidence  that  we 
have  in  you,  to  pretermit  no  time  in  the  diligent  handling 
and  execution  of  your  said  Charge,  but  by  one  good  way 
or  other  to  find  the  mean,  if  you  have  not  already  done  it, 
to  declare  the  same  unto  the  Pope,  wherein  the  good  advice 
and  address  of  the  Bishop  of  Verone  shall.  We  trust,  do  you 
great  furtherance;  and  by  whose  means,  if  ye  for  the 
Pope's  extreme  debility  or  sickness  might  in  no  wise  be 
often  admitted  unto  his  presence,  ye  may  signify  unto  him 
at  great  length,  our  whole  Mind,  Desire,  and  Intent,  after 
such  form  as  your  Instructions  and  Letters  given  and  sent 
unto  you  in  that  behalf  do  purport :  For  sure  ye  may  be,  it 
shall  highly  confer  unto  the  benefit  of  our  Causes,  that  ye 
have  there  present  one  so  fast  and  assured  Friend  unto  us 
as  we  trust  the  Bishop  of  Verone  is,  who  shall  be  able  right 
largely  to  countervail,  and  meet  with  the  malicious  prac- 
tices of  the  Archbishop  of  Capua,  who  is  thought  to  be  one 
of  the  chief  Authors  and  Contrivers  of  the  Falsities,  Crafts, 
and  Abuses,  set  forth  to  the  hindrance  of  our  said  Causes  ; 
which  no  Man  shall  mere  politickly  and  facilly  deprehend, 
than  the  said  Bishop  of  Verone  may  do  j  And  therefore  he 
is  by  you,  with  all  good  means  and  ways  possible,  to  be 
Vol.  I,  Part  n.  K 


entertained  ;  as  we  doubt  not  but  you  will  have  special  eye 
and  regard  to  the  making,  winning,  and  conservation  of  as 
many  Friends  to  our  purpose  as  ye  can  possibly  obtain  ;  so 
handling  your  self,  as  now  may  appear  your  dexterity  and 
perfect  endeavour  to  conduce,  with  your  diligent  labour  and 
policy,  our  Matters  to  the  speedy,  indelayed,  and  desired 
end  and  effect,  which  ye  may  be  sure  we  shall  not  put  in 
oblivion,  but  will  have  th^  same  in  remembrance  accord- 
ingly. Marvelling  nevertheless,  that  though  ye  Mr.Stevins 
could  not  bring  hitherto  our  great  Causes  to  perfection,  ye 
had  not  in  the  mean  season  advertised  us  what  is  done 
touching  such  Bulls  as  were  to  be  sped  for  our  other  par- 
ticular Matters,  whereof  no  mention  is  made  in  your  said 
Letters  ;  willing  and  desiring  you  therefore,  by  your  next 
Letters,  to  advertise  us  in  what  state  and  train  the  same 
be  ;  knowing  right  well  that  ye  being  not  only  by  the  for- 
mer Letters  and  Writings,  but  also  by  such  as  be  sent  unto 
you  at  this  time,  sufficiently  and  amply  instructed  of  our 
Mind  and  Pleasure,  will  now  so  acquit  your  self,  as  shall 
correspond  to  the  perfect  expectation,  and  firm  opinion  that 
we  have  of  you,  which  we  shall  not  fail  to  have  in  our 
tender  consideration  to  your  well,  as  is  aforesaid.  Ye  shall 
also,  in  your  Conferences  with  the  said  Bishop  of  Verone, 
understand  and  know  of  him,  by  what  ways  and  means  ye 
may  best  further  his  advancement  to  the  Cardinality  ;  ex- 
horting him,  for  the  manifold  good  effects  that  thereof  may 
ensue,  to  conform  himself  to  the  acceptation  thereof,  if  it 
may  be  obtained  ;  for  doubtless  his  A^ertue,  Wisdom,  Ex- 
perience, Fidelity,  and  other  great  and  commendable  merits 
well  considered,  we  think  no  man  more  meet  at  this  time  to 
be  preferred  thereunto  than  him :  And  therefore  our  express 
Mind  and  Pleasure  is,  that  ye  do  it  by  all  the  ways  and 
means  to  you  possible.  And  finally  we  will  that  ye  show 
unto  him  how  effectually  we  have  written  unto  you  in  that 
behalf,  to  the  intent,  being  advanced  thereunto,  he  may 
give  us  the  better  thanks,  and  in  every  way  bear  to  us  the 
more  perfect  affection.  And  by  your  next  Letters,  We  will 
that  ye  advertise  us  what  Advocates  ye  have  on  our  part, 
with  their  Names  and  Qualities  :  finding  the  means  also,  if 
it  be  possible,  to  retain  some  notable  and  excellent  Divine, 
a  Frier,  or  other  that  may,  can,  or  will  firmly  stick  to  our 
Causes,  in  leaning  to  that.  Quod  Pontifex  ex  Jure  Divino 
non  potest  dispensare,  &^c.  And  of  all  the  Successes  to  ad- 
vertise us,  as  our  special  trust  is  in  you.  Given  under  our 
Signet,  at  our  Mannor  of  Greenwich,  the  6th  of  this  April. 



The  King's  Letter  to  his  Ambassadors,  about  his  appearance 
before  the  Legates.     An  Origijial. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitell.  B.  11.) 

To  our  trusty  and  right  well-beloved  Counsellors,  Mr.  Wm. 
Bennet,  Doctor  of  both  Laws ;  Sir  Gregory  de  Cassalis, 
Knigtit;  and  Mr.  Peter  Vannes  our  Secretary  for  the 
Latin  Tongue,  our  Ambassadours,  resident  in  the  Court 
of  Rome,  and  to  every  of  them. 


HENRY  R.  June  23, 1529. 

Trusty  and  right  well-beloved,  we  greet  you  well.  By 
former  Letters  and  Writings  sent  to  you  Sir  Gregory  and 
Mr.  Peter,  with  other  of  your  Collegues  then  being  at 
Rome,  and  by  such  conference  as  was  had  with  you  Mr. 
Bennet  before  your  departure,  you  were  advertised  in  what 
state  then  stood  our  Cause  and  Matter  of  Matrimony,  and 
how  it  was  intended  that  the  Process  of  the  same  should 
with  diligence  be  commenced  before  the  Pope's  Legates 
here,  being  authorised  for  that  purpose.  Since  that  time, 
ensuing  the  deliberation  taken  in  that  behalf,  the  said 
Legates,  all  due  Ceremonies  first  observed,  have  directed 
Citations  both  to  us  and  to  the  Queen,  for  our  and  for  her 
appearing  before  them  the  18th  of  this  month  ;  which  ap- 
pearance was  duly  on  either  Party  kept,  performed,  and 
all  requisite  Solemnities  accomplished :  At  which  time  the 
Queen  trusting  more  in  the  power  of  the  Imperialists,  than 
in  any  justness  of  her  Cause,  and  thinking  of  likelyhood, 
by  frustratory  allegations  and  delays,  to  tract  and  put  over 
the  Matter  to  her  advantage,  did  protest  at  the  said  day, 
putting  in  Libels,  Recusatories  of  the  Judges  ;  and  also 
made  a  provocation,  alledging  the  Cause  to  be  avoked  by 
the  Pope's  Holiness,  el  litis  pendentiam  coram  eodem ;  de- 
siring to  be  admitted  for  probation  thereof  and  to  have  a 
term  competent  for  the  same  :  Whereupon  day  was  given 
by  the  Judges  till  the  21  of  the  same  month,  for  declaration 
of  their  minds  and  intentions  thereunto  ;  The  Queen  in 
Person,  and  we  by  our  Proctor  enjoined  to  appear  the  same 
day,  to  hear  what  the  said  Judges  should  determine  in  and 
upon  the  same.  At  which  time  both  we  and  the  Queen 
appeared  in  Person  ;  and  notwithstanding  that  the  said 
Judges  amply  and  sufficiently  declared,  as  well  the  since- 
rity of  their  minds  directly,  justly  to  proceed  without  fa- 
vour, dread,  affection,  or  partiality ;  as  also  that  no  such 


Recusation,  Appellation,  or  term  for  proving  of  Litis  pen- 
dentiam,  could  or  might  be  by  them  admitted  :  yet  she  ne- 
vertheless persisting  in  her  former  wilfulness,  and  in  her 
Appeal,  which  also  by  the  said  Judges  was  likewise  re- 
cused :  And  they  minding  to  proceed  further  in  the  Cause, 
the  Queen  would  no  longer  make  her  abode  to  hear  what 
the  said  Judges  would  fully  discern,  but  incontinently  de- 
parted out  of  the  Court ;  wherefore  she  was  thrice  precon- 
nisate,  and  called  eft-soons  to  return  and  appear  ;  which 
she  refusing  to  do,  was  denounced  by  the  Judges  Contu- 
max,  and  a  Citation  decerned  for  her  appearance  on  Friday 
next,  to  make  answer  to  such  Articles  and  Positions  as 
should  be  objected  unto  her:  So  as  now  it  is  not  to  be 
doubted,  but  that  she  will  use  all  the  ways  and  means  to 
her  possible,  to  impetrate  and  attain  such  things,  as  well  by 
her  own  pursute,  as  by  her  Friends,  as  may  be  to  the  im- 
peachment of  the  rightful  Process  of  this  Cause,  either  by 
Advocation,  Inhibition,  or  otherwise :  Wherefore  seeing 
now  in  what  state  this  our  Matter  standeth  and  dependeth, 
necessary  and  requisite  for  the  great  Consequences  hang- 
ing upon  the  same,  not  only  for  the  exoneration  of  our 
Conscience,  but  also  for  the  surety  of  our  Succession,  and 
the  well  of  this  our  Realm  and  People,  to  be  with  all  ce- 
lerity perfected  and  observed ;  It  was  thought  convenient 
to  advertise  you  of  the  Premises,  to  the  intent  ye  being 
well  and  sufficiently  instructed  in  all  things  concerning  the 
same,  shall  by  your  wisdoms  and  diligences  have  special 
regard  that  nothing  pass  or  be  granted  there  by  the  Pope's 
Holiness,  which  may  either  give  delay  or  disappointment 
to  the  direct  and  speedy  process  to  be  used  in  this  Cause, 
neither  by  Advocation  of  the  Cause,  Inhibition,  or  other- 
wise ;  but  that  if  any  such  thing  shall,  by  the  Caesareans, 
or  by  her  Agents,  or  other,  be  attempted,  or  desired,  the 
like  Men  of  Wisdom,  good  Zeal,  Learning,  and  Experience, 
diligently  procure  the  stopping  thereof,  as  well  upon  such 
Reasons  and  Considerations  as  before  have  been  signified 
unto  you,  as  by  inferring  the  high  and  extream  dishonour, 
and  intolerable  prejudice  that  the  Pope's  Holiness  thereof 
should  do  to  his  said  Legates ;  and  also  the  contrariety  both 
of  his  Bull  and  Commission,  and  also  of  his  Promise  and 
Pollicitation  passed  upon  the  same ;  beside  the  notable  and 
excellent  displeasure  thereby  to  be  done  by  his  Holiness  to 
us,  and  our  Realm,  clear  contrary  to  our  merits  and  deserts  ; 
extending  also  the  other  dangers  m^entioned  in  the  said  for- 
mer Writings,  apparent  to  ensue  thereby  to  his  Holiness, 
and  the  See  Apostolick,  with  the  manifold,  and  in  manner 
infinite  inconveniences  like  to  follow  of  the  same  to  all 

^  OF  RECORDS.  101 

Christendom,  and  all  other  such  reasons,  introductions  and 
perswasions  ye  can  make  and  devise  for  that  purpose  : 
putting  him  also  in  remembrance  of  the  great  Commodity 
coming  unto  his  Holiness  herein,  by  reason  that  this  Cause 
being  here  decided,  the-Pope  not  only  is  delivered  from  the 
pains  that  he  should  in  this  time  of  Disease  and  Sickness, 
to  the  extream  peril  of  his  Life  sustain  with  the  same,  seeing 
that  it  is  of  such  moment  and  importance,  as  suffereth  no 
tract  or  delay ;  but  also  his  Holiness  shall  by  such  decision 
here  eschew  and  avoid  all  displeasure  that  he  should  not  fail 
to  have,  if  it.were  or.should  be  passed  elsewhere  :  which  mat- 
ter is  no  little  wisdom  well  to  foresee  and  consider,  and  not 
only  to  forbear  to  do  or  pass  any  thing  derogatory  or  preju- 
dical  to  his  said  Commission,  but  also  by  all  means  possible 
to  corroborate  and  fortify  the  same,  and  all  such  Acts  judi- 
cial as  shall  pass  by  his  said  Legates  by  virtue  thereof. 
Like- as  we  doubt  not  but  that  the  Pope's  Holiness,  of  his 
Uprightness,  Vertue,  and  perfect  Wisdom  will  do ;  and 
rather  like  a  most  loving  Father  and  Friend,  tender  and  fa- 
vour our  good,  just  and  reasonable  Causes  and  Desires, 
putting  thereunto  all  the  furtherance  he  may  do,  than  to  do 
or  consent  to  be  done  any  thing  hurtful,  prejudical,  dam- 
mageable,  or  displeasant  unto  us,  or  this  our  said  Cause. 
And  finally  ;  If  need  shall  be,  we  will  ye  also  infer,  as  the 
case  shall  require,  how  inconvenient  it  were  this  our  Matter 
should  be  decided  in  the  Court  of  Rome ;  which  now  de- 
pendeth  totally  in  the  Emperor's  Arbitre,  having  such  puis- 
sance near  thereunto,  that,  as  hath  been  written  by  the 
Pope's  own  Letters,  their  State  and  Life  there  is  all  in  the 
Emperor's  hands,  whose  Armies  may  famish  or  relieve  them 
at  their  pleasure.  And  semblably  ye  shall  not  forget  the 
prerogative  of  our  Crown  and  Jurisdiction  Royal,  by  the 
ancient  Laws  of  our  Realm,  which  admitteth  nothing  to  be 
done  by  the  Pope  to  the  prejudice  thereof,  and  also  what 
danger  they  should  incur  that  would  presume  to  bring  or 
present  any  such  thing  unto  the  same,  as  in  our,  last  Letters 
sent  by  Alexander  was  touched  at  good  length.  Wherein 
since  ye  be  already  so  well  and  amply  instructed,  knowing 
also  how  much  the  Matter  imports  and  toucheth  us,  and 
what  profit  and  agreeable  service  ye  may  do  unto  us  herein, 
with  the  high  thanks  that  ye  may  deserve  for  the  same  : 
We  shall  not  be  more  prolix,  but  refer  the  substantial,  per- 
fect, and  assured  handling  hereof  to  your  circumspections, 
fidelities,  and  diligences,  not  doubting  but  that  ye  will  now 
above  all  other  things,  look  vigilantly  here  unto,  and  so  ac- 
quit your  selves  in  the  same,  as  it  may  well  appear  that 
your  Acts  shall  be  correspondent  to  our  firm  trust  aud  ex- 

K  3 


pectation,  and  no  less  tender  this  thing  than  ye  know  it  to 
be  imprinted  in  the  bottom  of  our  Heart,  nor  than  as  ye 
know  both  the  importance  and  high  moment,  and  also  the 
very  necessity  of  the  Matter  doth  require.  In  which  doing, 
beside  the  laud  and  praise  that  ye  shall  consecute  thereby 
of  all  good  Men,  we  shall  so  have  your  acquittals  in  our 
remembrance,  as  ye  shall  have  cause  to  think  your  travels, 
pains,  and  studies  herein,  in  the  best  wise  collocate  and  em- 
ploied.  Given  under  our  Signet,  at  our  Palace  of  Bridewel, 
the23dday  of  June. 


Doctor  Bennet's  Letter  to  the  Cardinal,  showing  how  little  they 
might  expect  from  the  Pope.    An  Oi'iginal. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  II.) 

Rome,  9  July,  1529. 
Please  it  your  Grace  to  understand,  that  the  6th  day  of 
this  month  the  Pope's  Holiness  send  for  us  :  Albeit  we  had 
made  great  sute  for  audience  before  to  his  Holiness,  soon 
after  that  we  had  understanding  that  his  Holiness  was  re- 
covered of  this  his  last  Sickness,  into  the  which  he  fell  the 
second  day  after  I  had  my  first  audience  of  his  Holiness, 
which  was  the  21  day  of  the  last  month :  And  after  our  long 
communication  and  reasoning  in  the  King's  Highness  Cause, 
which,  at  length,  we  have  written  to  your  Grace  in  our 
common  Letter,  for  a  confirmation  of  many  inconveniences 
and  dangers  which  we  perswaded  to  his  Holiness,  to  follow 
both  to  himself  and  to  the  See  Apostolick,  in  case  his  Ho- 
liness should  avoke  the  cause  ;  I  thought  much  convenient 
at  that  same  time  to  deliver  the  King's  familiar,  and  like- 
wise your  Grace's  Letter,  and  so  to  shew  your  Grace's 
Credence  to  his  Holiness.  After  the  foresaid  Letters  de- 
livered, and  by  his  Holiness  shewed  me,  that  he  perceived 
by  your  Grace's  Letters,  that  I  had  certain  Credence  to 
shew  unto  him  of  great  moment  and  importance,  concern- 
ing him  and  the  See  Apostolick.  I  showed  to  his  Holiness 
your  Grace's  Faith  and  observance,  his  Holiness  doth  best 
know  ;  most  humbly  besought  his  Holiness  to  believe  these 
undoubtedly  to  follow.  That  if  his  Holiness  should,  at  the 
labours  of  the  Caesareans,  avoke  the  Cause,  he  should  not 
alonely  offend  the  King's  Highness,  whith  hitherto  hath 
been  a  stay,  a  help,  and  a  defence  of  the  See  Apostolick, 
but  also  by  reason  of  this  injury,  without  remedy,  shall 

OF  RECORDS.  103 

alienate  his  Majesty  and  Realms,  with  others,  from  the  de- 
votion and  obedience  of  the  See  Apostolick.  This  I  shewed 
his  Holiness,  that  your  Grace  doth  evidently  perceive  to 
follow,  in  case  his  Holiness  should  incline  to  the  Caesa- 
reans  desire  on  this  behalf:  Yea  further,  1  said,  that  your 
Grace  most  clearly  perceiveth  also  by  that  Act,  the  Church 
of  England  utterly  to  be  destroyed,  and  likewise  your  Per- 
son ;  and  that  these  your  Grace,  with  weeping  tears,  most 
lamentably  committed  unto  me  to  shew  to  his  Holiness. 
Furthermore  I  shewed  to  his  Holiness,  that  your  Grace, 
howsoever  you  should  proceed  in  this  Cause,  did  intend  to 
proceed  so  sincerely,  indifferently,  and  justly,  that  you 
would  rather  suffer  to  be  jointed.  Joint  by  Joint,  than 
either  for  affection  or  fear,  do  any  act  either  against  your 
Conscience  or  Justice.  Furthermore  I  said,  that  seeing 
his  Holiness  may  be  so  well  assured,  that  your  Grace  will 
do  nothing  but  according  to  Justice  in  this  Cause,  he  may 
the  more  boldly  deny  Avocations  to  the  Caesareans,  seeing 
that  the  Queen  and  the  Emperor  can  desire  but  Justice, 
which  they  may  have  at  your  Grace's  hand,  and  my  Lord 
Cainpegius,  as  well  there  as  here ;  and  by  this  means  his 
Holiness  should  deliver  himself  from  great  pains  and  un- 
quietness  of  mind,  which  he  should  sustain  in  case  the 
Cause  should  be  known  here,  where  he  should  have  the 
King's  Highness  on  one  part,  and  the  Emperor  on  the  other 
side,  daily  calling  upon  his  Holiness.  To  this  his  Holiness 
most  heavily,  and  with  tears,  answered  and  said.  That 
now  he  saw  the  destruction  of  Christendom,  and  lamented 
that  his  fortune  was  such  to  live  to  this  day,  and  not  to  be 
able  to  remedy  it,  (saying  these  words)  For  God  is  my 
Judg,  I  would  do  as  gladly  for  the  King,  as  I  would  for 
my  self;  and  to  that  I  knowledg  my  self  most  bounden, 
but  in  this  case  I  cannot  satisfy  his  desire,  but  that  I  should 
do  manifestly  against  Justice  to  the  charge  of  my  Consci- 
ence, to  my  rebuke,  and  to  the  dishonour  of  the  See  Apos- 
tolick ;  affirming,  that  his  Counsel  shews  him,  that  seeing 
the  Caesareans  have  a  Mandate  or  Proxie  of  the  Queen,  to 
ask  the  Avocations  in  her  Name,  he  cannot  of  Justice  deny 
it,  and  the  whole  Signature  be  in  that  same  opinion ;  so 
that  though  he  would  most  gladly  do  that  thing  that  might 
be  to  the  King's  pleasure,  yet  he  cannot  do  it,  seeing  that 
Signature  would  be  against  him  whensoever  the  Supplica- 
tion should  be  up  there :  And  so  being  late,  we  took  our 
leave  of  his  Holiness,  and  departed.  Seeing  that  we  could 
obtain  nothing  of  the  Pope  for  stopping  the  Avocation,  we 
consulted  and  devised  for  the  deferring  of  it,  till  such  time 
as  your  Grace  might  make  an  end  in  the  Cause  there. 


And  so  concluded  upon  a  new  Device,  which  at  length  we 
have  written  in  our  common  Letter,  wherein  I  promise 
your  Grace,  Mr.  Gregory  has  used  great  diligence,  and 
taken  great  labours  at  this  time,  we  can  do  no  more  for  our 
lives  :  And  if  your  Grace  saw  the  importune  labour  of  the 
Ambassadors  of  the  Emperor's  and  Ferdinandoes,  you 
would  marvel,  I  promise  your  Grace  they  never  cease ; 
wherefore  in  staying  hitherto,  as  we  have  done,  it  is  mar- 
vel, as  God  knoweth,  whom  I  pray  to  preserve  your  Grace 
in  health  and  prosperity  ad  multos  annos.  I  beseech  your 
Grace  most  humbly  to  commend  me  to  the  King's  Highness  ; 
and  likewise  I  beseech  your  Grace  to  pardon  ray  ill  writing. 
At  Rome,  the  9th  day  of  July. 

Your  daily  Beadman 
and  Servant, 

W.  Benet. 


A  Letter  of  the  Fore's  to  the  Cardinal  concerning  the  Avoca- 
tion.    An  Original. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Viteir.  B.  11.) 

19  Julii,  1529. 
DiLECTE  Fill  noster,  salutem  et  Apostolicam  Benedic- 
tionem.  Difficile  est  "nobis  explicare  Uteris,  qua  nostra 
molestia  seu  potius  dolore  fuerimiis  coacti,  ad  Avocatio- 
nem  Causae  istic  commissae  concedendam:  nam  etsi  res  ita 
fuit  justa  ut  tanto  tempore  difFerri  non  debuerit,  tamen  nos 
qui  isti  Serenissimo  Regi  pro  ejus  singularibus  erga  nos 
et  Apostolicam  sedem  meritis  placere  in  omnibus  cupimus, 
sicut  consuevimus,  aegre  nunc  adducti  sumus,  ut  quamquam 
justitia  cogente,  quicquid  contra  ejus  voluntatem  concede- 
remus.  Kec  vero  minus.  Fill,  doluimus  tua  causa,  cui  rem 
banc  tantae  curaa  esse  perspeximus  quantum  tua  erga  dic- 
tum Regem  fides  et  amor  postulat ;  sed  tamen  quod  datur 
justitiae  minus  esse  molestum  debet,  cum  prsesertim  id  fue- 
rit  tarn  dilatum  a  nobis,  omniaq;  antea  pertentata  ne  ad 
hoc  descenderemus.  Itaq;  optamus  in  hoc  adhiberi  a  te 
illam  tuam  singularem  prudentiam  et  jequitatem,  persua- 
dereq;  te  tibi  id  quod  est,  nos,  qui  semper  vobis  placere 
quantum  nobis  licuit  studuimus,  id  quod  vestio  maximo 
merito  fecimus,  et  semper  facluri  sumus,  nunc  non  nisi  in- 
vitos  et  justitia  coactos  quod  fecimus  fecisse :  Teq;  omni 
studio  et  amore  hortamur,  ut  dictum  Regem  in  solita  erga 
nos  benevolentia  retinere  velis,  eique  persuadere,  nihil  ex 

OF  RECORDS.  105 

hoc  apud  nos  de  benevolentia  erga  se  veteri  imminutum  un- 
quam  fore,  quod  recipiemus  a  Circumspectione  tua  longe 
gratissimum.  Quemadmodum  plenius  dilectus  Filius  nos- 
ter  Cardinalis  Campegius  haec  Circumspectioni  tuae  expli- 
cabit.  Dat.  Romae  apud  Sanctum  Petrura  sub  annulo  Pis- 
catoris  die  19.  Julii  1529.    Pont,  nostri  anno  sexto. 



An  Act  for  the  releasing  unto  the  King  his  Highness  of  such 
Sums  of  Money  as  was  to  be  required  of  him,  by  any  his  sub- 
jects, for  any  Manner  of  Loan,  by  his  Letters  Missives,  or 
other  ways  or  manner  whatsoever. 

(Act  26.  Anno  Regni  21  Henr.  8.) 

Item  quaedam  alia  billa  formara  cujusdam  actus  in  se 
continens,  exhibita  es  praefato  Domino  Regi  in  Parlia- 
mento  praedicto,  cujus  quidem  billae  tenor  sequitur  in  haec 

The  King's  humble,  faithful,  and  loving  Subjects,  the 
Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons  in  this  present 
Parliament  assembled,  considering  and  calling  to  their  re- 
membrances, the  inestimable  Costs,  Charges,  and  Expences, 
which  the  King's  Highness  necessarily  hath  been  compelled 
to  support  and  sustain,  since  his  assumption  to  his  Crown, 
Estate,  and  Dignity  Royal ;  as  well  first  for  the  extinction 
of  a  right  dangerous  and  damnable  Schism  sprunc  and  risen 
in  the  Church  ;  which  by  the  providence  of  th6  Almighty 
God,  and  the  high  prudence,  and  provision,  and  assistance 
of  the  King's  Highness,  was  to  the  great  honour,  laud, 
and  glory  of  his  Majesty,  repressed ;  the  Enemies  then 
being  of  the  Church  reformed,  returned,  and  restored  to  the 
unity  of  the  same,  and  peace  over  all  componed  and  con- 
cluded, as  also  for  the  modifying  of  the  insatiable  and  inor- 
dinate ambition  of  those  which  do  aspire  unto  the  Monar- 
chy of  Christendom,  did  put  universal  trouble,  divisions 
in  the  same,  intending,  if  they  might,  not  only  to  have  sub- 
dued this  realm,  but  also  all  the  rest  unto  their  Power 
and  Subjection :  For  the  resistance  whereof,  the  King's 
Highness  was  compelled,  after  the  Universal  Peace,  by  the 
great  study,  labour,  and  travel  of  his  Grace  conduced,  and 
the  same  by  some  of  the  Contrahents  newly  violate  and  in- 
fringed; in  shewing  the  form  of  the  Treaties  thereupon 
made,  again  to  take  Armour.    And  over  and  besides  the 


notable  and  excessive  treasure  and  substance  which  his 
Highness  in  his  first  Wars  had  emploied  for  the  defence  of 
the  Church,  the  Faith  Catholick,  and  this  his  Realm,  and 
of  the  People  and  Subjects  of  the  same,  was  eft-soons 
brought  of  necessity  to  new,  excellent,  and  marvellous 
Charges,  both  for  the  supportation  of  sundry  Armies  by 
Sea  and  by  Land ;  and  also  for  divers  and  manifold  Con- 
tributions outward,  to  serve,  keep,  and  contain  his  own 
Subjects  at  home  in  rest  and  repose  ;  which  hath  been  so 
politickly  handled  and  conduced,  that  when  the  most  part 
of  all  religious  Christians  have  been  infested  with  cruel 
Wars,  Discords,  Divisions,  and  Dissentions,  the  great 
Heads  and  Princes  of  the  World  brought  unto  Captivity  ; 
Cities,  Towns,  and  Places,  by  force  and  sedition,  taken, 
spoiled,  burnt,  and  sacked ;  Men,  Women,  and  Children 
found  in  the  same  slain  and  destroyed;  Virgins,  Wives, 
Widows,  and  Religious  Women,  ravished  and  defloured ; 
Holy  Churches  and  Temples  polluted,  and  turned  unto 
prophane  use;  the  Reliques  of  the  Holy  Saints  irreve- 
rently treated;  Hunger,  Dearth,  and  Famine,  by  mean 
thereof  in  the  said  outwaid  Regions  insuing,  and  generally 
over  all  was  depopulation,  destruction  and  confusion  ;  the 
King's  said  subjects  in  cdl  this  time,  were  by  the  high  pro- 
vidence and  politick  means  of  his  Grace  nevertheless  pre- 
served, defended,  and  maintained,  from  all  these  inconve- 
niences and  dangers  :  and  such  provisions  taken,  by  one 
way  or  other,  so  as  reasonable  commodity  was  always  given 
unto  them  to  exercise  their  Traffiques  of  Merchandise,  and 
other  their  Crafts,  Mysteries,  and  Occupations  for  their 
living;  which  could  not  possibly  have  been  brought  about, 
unless  then  the  King's  Highness,  with  continual  studies, 
travels,  and  pains,  and  with  his  infinite  Charges  and  Ex- 
pences,  had  converted  the  peril  and  danger  of  the  Enter- 
prises and  Exploits,  set  forth  for  the  reduction  of  the 
Enemies  unto  Peace,  from  his  own  Subjects  unto  Stran- 
gers :  Whereof  finally  such  Fruit  and  Effect  is  ensued, 
as  by  the  king's  policy,  puissance,  and  means,  general 
and  universal  Peace  is  established  amongst  all  Chris- 
tian Princes;  and  this  Realm  now,  thanked  be  God,  con- 
stitute in  free,  better,  and  more  assured  and  profitable 
Amity  with  all  outward  Parties,  than  hath  been  at  any 
time  whereof  is  memory  or  remembrance.  Considering 
furthermore.  That  his  Highness,  in  and  about  the  Pre- 
misses, hath  been  fain  to  employ,  not  only  such  sums  of 
Mony  as  hath  risen  and  grown  by  any  manner  of  contribu- 
tion made  unto  his  Grace  J  by  his  said  loving  Subjects,  but 
also  over  and  above  the  same,  sundry  other  notable   and 

OF  RECORDS.  107 

excellent  Sums  of  his  own  Treasure,  and  yearly  Revenues, 
which  else  his  Grace  might  have  kept  and  reserved  to  his 
own  use  ;  amongst  which  manifold  great  Sums  so  employed, 
his  Highness  also,  as  is  notoriously  known,  and  as  doth 
evidently  appear  by  the  accompts  of  the  same,  hath  to  that 
use  and  none  other,  converted  all  such  Mony,  as  by  any  his 
Subjects  and  People,  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  hath  been 
advanced  unto  his  Grace  by  way  of  Prest  and  Loan,  either 
particularly,  or  by  any  Taxation  made  of  the  same,  being 
a  thing  so  well  collocate  and  bestowed,  seeing  the  said  high 
and  great  Fruits  and  Effects  thereof  ensued,  to  the  honour, 
surety,  well,  perfect  commodity,  and  perpetual  tranquil- 
lity of  this  said  Realm,  as  nothing  could  better  nor  more 
to  the  comfort  of  his  said  Subjects  be  desired,  studied,  or 
imagined  ;  Of  one  mind,  consent  and  assent,  and  by  Au- 
thority of  this  present  Parliament,  do  for  themselves  and 
all  the  whole  Body  of  the  Realm  whom  they  do  represent, 
freely,  liberally,  and  absolutely,  give  and  grant  unto  the 
King's  Highness,  by  authority  of  this  present  Parliament, 
all  and  every  Sum  and  Sums  of  Mony,  which  to  them,  and 
every  of  them,  is,  ought  or  might  be  due,  by  reason  of 
any  Mony,  or  any  other  thing,  to  his  Grace  at  any  time 
heretofore  advanced,  or  payed,  by  way  of  Prest  or  Loan, 
either  upon  any  Letter  or  Letters  under  the  King's  Privy 
Seal,  general  or  particular.  Letter,  Missive,  Promise, 
Bond,  or  Obligation  of  payment,  or  by  any  Taxation,  or 
other  Assessing,  by  virtue  of  any  Commission  or  Commis- 
sions, or  by  any  other  mean  or  means  whatsoever  it  be 
heretofore  passed  for  that  purpose,  and  utterly,  frankly, 
liberally  and  most  willingly  and  benevolently,  for  them, 
their  Heirs,  Executors,  and  Successors,  do  remit,  release, 
and  quit  claim,  unto  his  Highness,  his  Heirs  and  Succes- 
sors for  ever,  all  and  every  the  same  Sums  of  Mony,  and 
every  parcel  thereof,  and  all  and  singular  Suits,  Petitions, 
and  Demands,  which  they,  or  any  of  them,  their  Heirs, 
Successors,  or  Executors,  or  the  Heirs,  Executors,  or  Suc- 
cessors of  any  of  them,  have,  had,  or  may  have  for  the  same, 
or  any  parcel  thereof;  most  humbly  and  lovingly  beseech- 
ing his  Highness,  for  the  more  clear  discharge  for  the  same, 
that  it  may  be  ordained  and  enacted  by  the  King,  our  said 
Sovereign  Lord,  the  Ix)rds  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and 
the  Commons  of  this  present  Parliament  assembled,  and  by 
authority  of  the  same,  that  all  Promises,  Bonds,  Writ- 
ings, Obligatory  Letters,  under  the  King's  Privy  Seal  Sig- 
net, Sign  Manual,  or  Great  Seal  passed,  and  other  Bonds 
or  Promises,  whatsoever  they  be,  had,  or  made,  to  any 
Person    or  Persons,  Spiritual  or  Temporal,  Shiie,  City, 


Burrough,  Waxentale,  Tranship,  Hamlet,  Village,  Mona- 
stry.  Church  Cathedral  or  Collegiat,  or  to  any  Guild,  Fra- 
ternity, or  Body  Corporate,  Fellowship,  or  Company,  or 
other  whatsoever,  having  capacity  to  take  any  Bond,  espe- 
cially and  generally,  jointly  or  severally,  touching  or  con- 
cerning the  same  Brest  or  Loan,  or  every  of  them,  or  the 
repayment  of  any  Sum  or  Sums  of  Mony  for  the  same,  be 
from  henceforth  void  and  of  none  effect.  Cui  quidem  billet 
probe  et  ad  'plenum  intellecta:  per  dictum  Dominum  Regem 
ex  assensu  et  Authoritate  Parliamenti  prctdicti  taliter  est 
responsum.  Le  Roy  remercie  Les  Seigneurs  et  ses  communes 
de  leur  bonne  cueurs  ev  faifant  cest  graunt,  et  icelle  se  Majeste 
accepte  et  tout  le  contenu,  et  cest  escriture  a  graunt  et  etprove 
avecques  tous  les  articles  en  ceste  escripture  specifies. 


A  Letter  from  Gardiner  and  Fox,  about  their  Proceedings  at 
Cambridge.    An  Original. 

(Cott.  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  13.) 
Feb.  1530,  from  Cambridg  by  Stephen  Gardiner. 

TO   THE  king's   HIGHNESS. 

Pleaseth  it  your  Highness  to  be  advertised.  That  arriv- 
ing here  at  Cambridg  upon  Saturday  last  past  at  noon, 
that  same  night,  and  Sunday  in  the  Morning,  we  devised 
with  the  Vice-chancellour,  and  such  other  as  favoureth 
your  Grace's  Cause,  how  and  in  what  sort  to  compass  and 
attain  your  Grace's  Purpose  and  Intent ;  wherein  we  assure 
your  Grace,  we  found  much  towardness,  good  will,  and  di- 
ligence, in  the  Vice-Chancellour  and  Dr.  Edmunds,  being 
as  studious  to  serve  your  Giace  as  we  could  wish  or  desire  : 
Nevertheless  there  was  not  so  much  care,  labour,  study, 
and  diligence  employed  on  our  Party,  by  them,  our  self, 
and  other,  for  attaining  your  Grace's  Purpose,  but  there 
was  as  much  done  by  others  for  the  lett  and  erapeacbment 
of  the  same;  and  as  we  assembled  they  assembled,  as  we 
made  Friends  they  made  Friends,  to  lett  that  nothing 
should  pass  as  in  the  Universities  Name  ;  wherein  the  first 
day  they  were  Superiors,  for  they  had  put  in  the  ears  of 
them,  by  whose  Voices  such  things  do  pass,  multas  fabulas, 
too  tedious  to  write  unto  your  Grace.  Upon  Sunday  at 
afternoon  were  assembled,  after  the  manner  of  the  Univer- 
sity, all  the  Doctors,  Bat«hellors  of  Divinity,  and  Masters 

OF  RECORDS.  109 

of  Art,  being  in  number  almost  two  hundred :  In  that  Con- 
gregation we  delivered  your  Grace's  Letters,  which  were 
read  openly  by  the  Vice- Chancellor.  And  for  answer  to 
be  made  unto  them,  first  the  Vice-Chancellor  calling  apart 
the  Doctors,  asked  their  Advice  and  Opinion ;  whereunto 
they  answered  severally,  as  their  Affections  led  them,  et 
res  erat  in  mulla  confusione.  Tandem  they  were  content 
Answer  should  be  made  to  the  Questions  by  indifferent 
Men:  But  then  they  came  to  Exceptions  against  the  Ab- 
bot of  St.  Benets,  who  seemed  to  come  for  that  purpose ; 
and  likewise  against  Dr.  Reppes,  and  Dr.  Crome ;  and  also 
generally  against  all  such  as  had  allowed  Dr.  Cranmer's 
Book,  inasmuch  as  they  had  already  declared  their  Opi- 
nion. We  said  thereunto.  That  by  that  reason  they  might 
except  against  all ;  for  it  was  lightly,  that  in  a  Question  so 
notable  as  this  is,  every  Man  Learned  hath  said  to  his 
Friend  as  he  thinketh  in  it  for  the  time  ;  but  we  ought  not 
judg  of  any  Man  that  he  setteth  more  to  defend  that 
which  he  hath  'once  said,  than  Truth  afterward  known. 
Finally ;  The  Vice-Chancellor,  because  the  day  was  much 
spent  in  those  altercations,  commanding  every  Man  to  re- 
sort to  his  Seat  apart,  as  the  manner  is  in  those  Assem- 
blies, willed  every  Man's  mind  to  be  known  secretly,  whe- 
ther they  would  be  content  with  such  an  Order  as  he  had 
conceived  for  ansv/er  to  be  made  by  the  University  to  your 
Grace's  Letters ;  whereunto  that  night  they  would  in  no 
wise  agree.  And  forasmuch  as  it  was  then  dark  night,  the 
Vice-Chancellor  continued  the  Congregation  till  the  next 
day  at  one  of  the  Clock ;  at  which  time  the  yice-Chancel- 
lor  proponed  a  Grace  after  the  form  herein  inclosed ;  and 
it  was  first  denied:  When  it  was  asked  again,  it  was  even 
on  both  Parties,  to  be  denied  or  granted;  and  at  the  last, 
by  labour  of  Friends  to  cause  some  to  depart  the  House 
•which  were  against  it,  it  was  obtained  in  such  form  as  the 
Schedule  herein  enclosed  puiporteth  ;  wherein  be  two 
Points  which  we  would  have  left  out ;  but  considering  by 
putting  in  of  them  we  allured  many,  and  that  indeed  they 
shall  not  hurt  the  determination  for  your  Grace's  part,  we 
were  finally  content  tlierewith.  The  one  Point  is  that 
where  it  was  first,  that  quicquid  major  pars  of  them  that  be 
named  decreverit,  should  be  taken  for  the  determination  of 
the  University.  Now  it  referred  ad  duos  partes,  wherein' we 
suppose  shall  be  no  difficulty.  The  other  Point  is.  That 
your  Grace's  Question  shall  be  openly  disputed,  which  we 
think  to  be  very  honourable;  and  it  is  agreed  amongst  us, 
Ihat  in  that  disputation  shall  answer,  the  Abbot  of  St. 
Benets,  Dr.  Reppes,  and  I  Mr.  Fox,  to  all  such  as  will 
A'OL,  1,  Paht  U.  h 



object  any  thing  or  reason  against  the  conclusion  to  be  sus- 
tained for  your  Grace's  pari.  And  because  Mr.  Doctor 
Cliff  hath  said,  That  he  hath  somewhat  to  say  concerning 
the  Canon-Law ;  I  your  Secretary  shall  be  adjoined  unto 
them  for  answer  to  be  made  therein.  In  the  Schedule 
wlich  we  send  unto  your  Grace  herewith,  containing  the 
names  of  those  who  shall  determine  your  Grace's  Question, 
all  marked  with  the  Letter  A.  be  already  of  your  Grace's 
Opinion ;  by  which  we  trust,  and  with  other  good  means, 
to  induce  and  obtain  a  great  part  of  the  rest,  Thus  we  be- 
seech Almighty  God  to  preserve  your  most  Noble  and 
Royal  Estate.  From  Cambridge  the  day  of  February. 
Your  Highness's  most  humble 

Subjects  and  Servants, 

Stephen  Gardiner. 

Edward  Fox. 

the  Grace  purposed  and  obtained,  Feb.      1530. 
Placet  vobis  ut 
A.  Vicecancellarius.  Magistri  in  Theologia. 



A.  Salcot.     The  Abbot 
St.  Benet's. 

A.  Repps. 


Venetus,  de  isto  bene  spe- 
A.  Edmunds. 

A.  Crome. 
A.  Wygan. 
A.  Boston. 

A.  Heynes. 

Mylsent.  de  isto  bene  ipe- 
A.  Shaxton, 
A.  Latimer. 
A.  Simon. 

Longford.     De  isto  bene 



A.  Skip. 
A.  Goodrich. 
A.  Heth. 

Hadway,  de  isto  bene  spe- 


A.A,  Duo  Procuratores. 

Habeant  plenam  facultatem  et  Auctoritatem,  nomine 
totius  Universitatis,  respondendi  Literis  Regiae  Majestatis 
in  hac  Congregatione  lectis,  ac  nomine  totius  Universitatis 
definiendi  et  determinandi  quaestionem  in  dictis  literis  pro- 


positam :  ita  quod  quicquid  duae  partes  eonim  praesentium 
inter  se  decreverint,  respondendi  dictis  Uteris,  et  definierint 
ac  determinaverint  super  quaestione  proposita,  in  iisdem 
habeatur,  et  reputetur  pro  Responsione,  Definitione  et  De- 
terminatione  totius  Universitatis,  et  quod  liceat  Vicecan- 
cellario,  Procuratoribus  et  Scrutatoribus,  Uteris  super  dic- 
tarum  duarum  partium  definitione  et  determinatione  conci- 
pienda  sigillum  commune  Universitatis  apponere  :  sic  quod 
disputetur  Quaestio  publice  et  antea  legatur  coram  Univer- 
sitate  absq;  ulterori  gratia  desuper  petenda  aut  obtinenda. 

Your  Highness  may  perceive  by  the  Notes,  that  we  be  already 
sure  of  as  many  as  be  requisite,  wanting  only  three ;  and 
we  have  good  hope  four;  of  which  four  if  we  get  two,  and 
obtain  of  another  to  be  absent,  it  is  sufficient  for  our  purpose. 


A  Letter  from,  Crook  out  of  Venice,  concerning  the  Opinions  of 
Divines  about  the  Divorce.     An  Original. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitell.  B.  13.) 

July  1, 1530. 
Please  it  your  Highness  to  be  advertised.  That  as  this 
day  I  obtained  the  Common  Seal  of  the  Univertity  of  Pa- 
dua, in  substantial  and  good  form;  for  all  the  Doctors 
were  assembled  upon  Sunday,  and  the  Case  was  amongst 
them  solemnly  and  earnestly  disputed  all  Monday,  Tues- 
day, Wednesday,  and  Thursday,  and  this  present  Friday 
in  the  morning  again  ;  and  thereupon  they  concluded  with 
your  Highness,  and  desired  a  JS'otary  to  set  his  Sign  and 
Hand  unto  an  Instrument,  by  Leonicus  and  Simonetus  de- 
vised, in  corroboration  of  your  Cause,  and  thereby  to  tes- 
tify that  this  Instrument  was  their  Deed,  Device,  Act,  and 
Conclusion  ;  and  for  the  more  credence  to  be  given  to  the 
said  Instrument,  they  caused  the  Chancellor  of  the  Potes- 
tate  here  to  set  his  Hand  and  Seal  for  the  approbation  of 
the  Authority  of  the  Notary  :  A  Copy  of  all  the  which 
things  1  send  unto  your  Highness  by  this  Bearer,  in  most 
humble  wise  beseeching  the  same  lo  be  advertised,  that  the 
General  of  the  Black-Friers  hath  given  a  Commandment, 
That  no  Black-Frier  dispute  the  Pope's  Power:  Notwith- 
standing Prior  Thomas  Omnibonus  procureth  daily  new 
Subscriptions,  and  will  do  till  the  Brief  of  contrary  Com  • 
mandment  shall  come  unto  his  hands. 

My  fidelity  bindeth  me  to  advertise  your  Hidiness^  that 


ail  Lutherans  be  uUerly  against  your  Highness  hi  this 
Cause,  and  have  letted  as  much  with  their  wretched  Power, 
Malice,  without  Reason  or  Authority,  as  they  could  and 
might,  as  well  here,  as  in  Padua  and  Ferrara,  where  be  no 
small  Companies  of  them.  I  doubt  not  but  all  Christian 
Universities,  if  they  be  well  handled,  will  earnestly  con- 
clude with  your  Highness.  And  to  obtain  their  assent,  as 
well  through  Italy,  France,  Almagne,  Austrich,  Hungary, 
and  Scotland,  I  think  it  marvellous  expedient,  for  the  pre- 
ferment of  this  your  most  honourable  and  high  Cause ;  As 
from  the  Seigniory  and  Dominion  of  A'enice  towards  Rome, 
and  beyond  Rome,  I  think  there  can  be  no  more  done  than 
is  done  already.  Albeit,  gracious  Lord,  if  that  I  had  in 
time  been  sufficiently  furnished  with  Mony,  albeit  I  have  be- 
side this  Seal  procured  unto  your  Highness  an  Hundred 
and  ten  Subscriptions,  yet  it  had  been  nothing  in  compari- 
son of  that  that  I  might  easily  and  would  have  done ;  and 
at  this  hour  I  assure  your  Highness,  that  I  have  neither 
Provision  nor  Mony,  and  have  borrowed  an  hundred 
Crowns,  the  which  also  are  spent  about  the  getting  of  this 
Seal ;  of  the  which  my  need,  and  divers  impediments  in 
your  Highness's  Cause  here,  I  have  advertised  your  High- 
ness by  many  and  sundry  Letters,  and  with  the  same  sent 
divers'  Books  and  Writings,  part  to  Hierom  Molins  a  Ve- 
netian, and  factor  to  Mappheus  Bernardus,  by  the  hands  of 
your  Subject  Edmund  Herwell,  part  directed  to  Mr,  Tuke, 
whereof  I  am  nothing  ascertained  whether  they  be  exhi- 
bited unto  your  Highness  or  not,  to  no  little  discomfort 
unto  me  ;  notwithstanding  1  have  reserved  a  Copy  of  all 
things,  Letters,  and  other,  and  herein  enclosed  a  Bill  spe- 
cifying by  whom  and  to  whom  I  directed  my  said  Letters, 
in  most  humble  wise  beseeching  your  most  Royal  Cle- 
mency, to  ponder  my  true,  sure,  and  good  endeavours,  and 
not  to  suffer  me  to  be  destitute  of  mony,  to,my  undoing,  and 
utter  loss  of  your  most  high  Causes  here  ;  for  of  my  self  I 
have  nothing  whereby  to  help  my  self.  And  thus  the  most 
Bilessed  Trinity  keep  and  preserve  your  Highness  in  his 
most  Royal  Estate.  At  Venice,  the  first  day  of  July  at 
night,  Anno  —  30. 

R.  Crook. 




The  Judgment  of  the  Universities  concerning  the  King's  Mar^ 
riage*;  taken  from  the  Printed  Edition  of  them,  London, 

Censura  Facultatis  Sacrae  Theologiae  altnae  Universitatis 

Decanus  et  Facultas  Sacrae  Theologiae  almae  Universi- 
tatis Parisiensis,  omnibus,  ad  quos  praesens  scriptum  perve- 
nerit,  salutem  in  eo,  qui  est  vera  Salus.     Cum  nuper  subor- 
ta  magnae  difficultatis  controversia  super  invaliditate  Ma- 
trimonii, inter  Serenissimum  Henricum  Octavum  Angliae 
Regem,  Fidei  Defensorem,  et  Dominum  Hiberniae,  ac  II- 
lustrissimamDominam  Catharinara  Angliae  Reginam,  clara 
memorise  Ferdinandi  Regis  Catholici  Filiam  contracti,  et 
carnali  copula  consummati,  ilia  etiam  nobis  Qusestioin  jus- 
titia  et  veritate  discutienda  et  exarainanda  propc^ita  fue^ 
rat,  videlicet,  Anducere  relictam  fratris  mortui  sint  liberis 
sic  esset  jure  divino  et  naturali  prohibitum,  ut  interveni- 
ente  summi  Pontificis  Dispensatione,  non  posset  fieri  lici- 
tum,  ut  quis  Christianus  relictam  fratris  ducat,  et  habeat 
in  Uxorem  ;  Nos  Decaaus  et  Facultas  antedicta,  cogitan- 
tes,  quam  esset  pium  et  sanctum,  nec-non  debito  charitatis, 
et  nostrae  Professioni  consentaneum,  ut  his,  qui  in  lege  Do- 
mini secura,  tranquillaq;  conscieniia  vitam  banc  ducere, 
et  transigere  cupiant,  viam  justitiae  ostenderemus,  nolui- 
mus  tarn  justis  et  piis  votis  deesse.    Hinc  more  solito,  apud 
aedem  S.  Mathurini  per  juraraentum  convenientes,  et  so- 
lemni  Missa  cum  Invocatione  Spiritus  Sancti  ob  hoc  cele- 
brata,  nec-non  praestito  iuramento  de  deliberando  super 
praefata  quaestione,  secundum  Deum  et  Conscientiam  ;  Post 
varias  et  multiplices  Sessiones,  tarn  apud  aedem  S.  Mathu- 
rini, quam  apud  Collegium  Sobonae,  ab  octava  Junii  usq; 
ad  secundum  Julii  habitas,  et  continuatas,  perscrutatis  prius 
excussisq;  quam  diligentissime,  ac  ea  qua  decuit,  reveren- 
tia  et  Religione,  Sacrae  Scripturae  Libris  eorumq;  proba- 
tissimis  interpretibus,  nec-non  Sacrosanctae  Ecclesiae  gene- 
ralibus  ac  Synodalibus  Concilii  Decretis  et  Constitutioni- 
bus  longo  usu  receptis  et  approbatis  :  Nos  praedicti  Deca- 
nus  et  Facultas  de  praedicta  Quaestione  disserentes,  et  ad 
eam  respondentes,  sequentes  unanime  judicium  et  consen- 
sum  Majoris  partis  totius  Facultatis,  Asseruimus  et  Deter- 
minavimus,  prout  et  in  his  Scriptis  per  praesentes  Asseri- 
mus  et  Determinaraus,  quod  praedictae  nuptae  cum  Relic- 
tis  fratrum  decedentium  sine  liberis,  sic  naturali  jure  pariter 
et  divino  sunt  prohibitae,  ut  super  talibus  Matrimoniis  con- 

L  3 


tractis,  sive  contrahendis,  Summus  Pontifex  dispensare  non 
possit.  In  conjus  uostrae  Assertionis  et  Determinationis 
fidem  et  testimonium,  sigillum  nostrae  Facultatis  cum  sig- 
no  nostri  Notarii,  seu  Bedelli  praesentibus  apponi  curavi- 
mus.  Datum  in  generali  nostra  Congregatione  per  jura- 
mentum  celebrata  apud  S.  Mathurinum.  Anno  Dom.  Mil- 
lesimo  quingentesimo  trigesimo,  Mensis  vero  Julii  die  se- 

Censura  Facultatis  Decretorum  almae  Universitatis  Pan- 

In  Nomine  Domini  Amen.  Cum  proposita  fuisset  co- 
ram nobis  Decano  et  Collegio  Consultissimae  Facultatis 
Decretorum  Parisiensis  Universitatis  Quaestio ;  An  Papa 
possit  Dispensara,  quod  Frater  possit  in  Uxorem  ducere, 
sive  accipere  relictam  Fratris  sui,  Matrimonio  consummate 
per  Fratrem  praemortuum  1  Nos  Decanus  et  Collegium 
praefataa  Facultatis,  post  multas  Disputationes  et  Argu- 
menta  hinc  inde  super  hac  materia  facta  ac  habita,  cum 
magna  et  longa  librorum,  tarn  divini,  quam  Pontificii  et 
Civilis,  jurium  revolutione  consulimus,  et  dicimus,  Papam 
non  posse  in  facto  proposito  dispensare.  In  cujus  rei  testi- 
monium, has  preesentes  Sigillo  nostrae  Facultatis,  et  signo 
nostri  scribae  primi  Bedelli  muniri  fecimus.  Datum  in 
Congregatione  nostra  apud  Sanctum  Joannem  Lateranen- 
sem,  Parisiis  die  vicesima  tertia  mensis  Maii,  Anno  Dom. 
millesimo  quingentesimo  trigesimo. 

Censura  almae  Universitatis  Aurelianensis. 

Cum  abhinc  aliquod  tempus  nobis  Collegio  Doctorum 
Regentium  almae  Universitatis  Aurelianensis  propositae  fu- 
erint,  quae  sequuntur  Quaestiones,  videlicet ;  Si  jure  divine 
liceat  fratri  Relictam  fratris  (quam  Fratriam  vocant)  acci- 
pere Uxorem?  Item  si  hoc  sit  eo  jure  vetitum,  atrum  di- 
vinai  Legis  prohibitio  Pontificali  Dispensatione  rernitti 
possit?  Nos  praedictum  Collegium,  post  multas  ad  praedic- 
torum  dubiorum  Disputationem  (de  more  nostro)  factas 
Sessiones  et  Cougregationes,  postque  Juris  tum  Divini  turn 
Canonici  locos  (quod  facere  potuimus)  examinatos,  et  omni- 
bus mature  atque  exacte  pensatis  et  consideratis :  Defini- 
vimus,  praedictas  nuptias  citra  divjnae  legis  injuriam  atten- 
tari  non  posse,  etiamsi  summi  Pontificis  accedat  indulgen- 
tia,  vel  permissus.  In  cujus  rei  testimonium  praesens  pub- 
licum Instrumentum  a  Scriba  praefata^  almae  Universitatis 
Hsubsignari  fecimus,  ejusdemq;  Sigillo  communiri.    Actum 

OF  RECORDS.  115 

in  Sacello  Beatae  Mariae  Boninuncii  Aurelianensis.  Anno 
Dom.  Millesimo  quingentesimo  vigesimo  nono,  die  quinto 
Mensis  Aprilis. 

Censura  Facultatum  Juris  Pontificii  etlegum  Almas  Univer- 
sitatis  Andegavensis. 

Cum  certo  abhinc  tempore  nobis  Rectoii  et  Doctoribus 
Regentibus  in  Pontilicia  et  legum  disciplina  almae  Univer- 
sitatis  Andegavensis  sequentes  Qaaestiones  propositae  fue- 
rint,  scilicet,  Utrum  Jure  Divino  pariter  et  naturali  illi- 
citum  sit  homini  Christiano  Relictam  fratris  sui,  etiam 
absq;  libeiis,  sed  Matrimonio  jam  consummato  defuncti, 
duceie  Uxorem  1  Et  an  Summo  Pontifici  liceat  super  hu- 
jusmodi  nuptiis  dispensare  1  Nos  praefati  Rector  et  Docto- 
res,  post  plures  ad  Disputationem  hujusmodi  quaestionum, 
et  veritatem  coraperiendam  factas,  ex  more,  Congrega- 
liones  et  Sessiones,  postq;  varies  Juris  tam  Divini,  quam 
humani  locos,  qui  ad  earn  rem  pertinere  videbantur,  dis- 
cussos,  multas  quoq;  rationes  in  utramq;  partem  adductas 
et  examinatas,  omnibus  fideliter  consideratis,  et  matura  de- 
liberatione  praehabita,  Definimus  neque  Divino  neque  Na- 
turali Jure  permitti  homini  Christiano,  etiam  cum  Sedis 
Apostolicas  Authoritate  sen  Dispensatione  super  hoc  adhi- 
bita,  Relictam  fratris,  qui  etiam  sine  liberis  post  consum- 
matum  Matrimonium  decesserit,  Uxorem  accipere  vel  ha- 
bere. In  quorum  omnium  supradictorum  fidem,  praesens 
publicum  Instrumentum  a  Scriba  seu  Notario  praefatae  Al- 
mae L'niver.utatis  subsignari  jussimus,  ejusderaq;  Univer- 
sitatis  Magno  Sigillo  muniri.  Actum  in  aede  sacra  Divi 
Petri  Andegavensi,  in  CoUegio  nostro.  Anno  Domini  Mil- 
lesimo quingentesimo  tricesimo,  die  septimo  JMaii. 

Censura  almas  Universitatis  Bituricensis. 

Nos  cum  Decano  Theologize,  Facultas  in  Universitate 
Bituricensi  (ut  Doctoris  Gentium  Pauli  exemplo  plerisq; 
locis  auspiceniur  scriptum  nostrum  a  precatione)  omnibus 
dilectis  Dei  in  quibus  vocati  estis,  Lectores  Charissimi, 
quiq;  ad  quos  scribimus,  Gratia  vobis  ex  pax  a  Deo  Patre 
et  Domino  nostro  Jesu  Christo.  Dum  complerentur  dies 
inter  Octavas  Pentecostes,  et  essemus  omnes  pariter  in 
eodem  loco,  corpore  et  animo  congregati,  sedentesq;  in 
domo  dicti  Decani ;  facta  est  nobis  rursus  Quaestio  eadem, 
quae  saepius  antea,  non  quidem  parva,  hunc  in  modum :  An 
rem  facial  illicitam  necne,  fratre  accipiens  Uxorem  a  pras- 
mortuo  fratre  relictam,  consummato   etiam  Matrimonio 


Tandem  rei  ipsius  veritate  disquisita  et  perspecta,  multo 
singulorum  labore,  et  Sacrorum  iterata  atq;  iterata  revo- 
lutione  codicum,  unusquisq;  nostrum  non  facinatus,  quo 
minus  veritati  obediret,  caepit,  prout  Spiiitus  Sanctus,  de« 
dit,  suum  hoc  unum  arbitrium  eloqui,  absq;  personai'um 
acceptione,  in  veritate  comperi,  personas  memoratas  -in 
Capite  Levitici  octavo  supra  decimum  prohibitas  esse  jure 
ipso  naturali,  authoritate  humana  minime  relaxabili,  et  ve- 
titas,  ne  invicem  Matrimonium  contrahant,  quo  fit  fraternae 
turpitudinis  abominabilis  Revelatio.  Et  hoc  nobis  signum 
nostn  Bedelli  Notarii  publici,  cum  Sigillo  dictas  supra  nos- 
trae  Facultatis  praesentibus  appenso.  Die  decimo  Junii, 
Anno  vero  a  Christi  Nativitate,  Millesimo  quingentesimo 
tricesimo.  Ut  autem  nostras  scriptionis  pes  et  caput  uni 
reddantur  formee,  quemadmodum  sumus  auspicati  a  preca- 
tione,  ita  claudamus  illius  quo  utimur  exemplo.  Gratia 
Domini  nostri  Jesu  Christi,  charitas  Dei,  et  communicatio 
Sancti  Spiritus  sit  cum  omnibus  vobis.    Amen. 

Censura  Alm^  Universitatis  Tholosanae. 

Tractabatur  in  nostra  Tholosana  Academia  perquara 
difficilis  Quaestio,  Liceatue  fratri  cam,  quae  jam  olim  de- 
functo  fratri  Uxor  fuerat  (nullis  tamen  relictis  liberis)  in 
Matrimonio  sibi  conjungere  1  Accedebat  et  alius  scrupu- 
lus,  qui  nos  potissimum  torquebat.  Si  Romanus  Pontiiex, 
cui  est  commissa  gregis  Christiani  cura,  id  sua,  quam  voca- 
mus,  Dispensatione  permittat,  tunc  saltern  liceat?  Ad  ut- 
ramq;  Quaestionem  agitandam  Doctores  omnes  Regentes, 
qui  tunc  Tholosae  aderant,  coegit  Rector  in  Concilium,  ne- 
que  id  semel  tantum  sed  etiam  iterum :  Quippe  existimavit 
praecipitari  non  oportere  Consilia,  indigereq;  nos  tem- 
pore, ut  aliud  maturius  agamus.  Demura,  cum  in  unum 
locum  convenissent  omnes,  tum  Sacrarum  Literarum  dis- 
ertissimi  Interpretes,  tum  utriusq;  Censurae  Consultissimi, 
deniq;  qui  quavis  in  re  et  judicio  et  oratione  viri  fcelicibus 
ingeniis  non  mediocriter  exercitati  essent,  ac  sese  Sacro- 
sanctis  Conciliis  parere  velle,  Sanctorumq;  Patrum  baud 
quaquam  piis  animis  violanda  Decreta  imitari  jurassent,  et 
unusquisq;  suam  sententiam  protulisset,  atq;  in  utramq; 
partem  diffuse  decertatum  esset ;  tandem  in  eam  Senten- 
tiam sic  frequentius  itum  est,  ut  uno  omnium  ore  Alma 
nostra  Universitas  animis  sincerissimis  nulloq;  fermento 
vitiatis  censuerit.  Jure  Divino  pariter  et  Naturali  Uxorem 
relictam  fratris  sui  nemini  licere  accipere.  At  postquam 
id  lege  eadem  non  licet,  responsum  est,  non  posse  Ponti- 
ficem  aliquem  ea  lege  solvere.    Nee  huie  sententise  refra- 

OF  KEOORDS.  117 

gari  potest,  quod  cogeretur  olim  frater  Uxorem  demortui 
fratfis  accipere.  Nam  hoc  figura  erat,  atque  umbra  futu- 
rorum,  qua)  omnia  advenieate  luce  et  veritate  Evangelii 
evanuerunt.  Hsc  quoniam  iia  se  habent,  in  banc  formam 
redegimus,  et  per  Aotarium,  qui  nobis  est  a  Secretis,  sig- 
naii,  sigilliq,  autentici  ejusdem  nostrai  Alma;  Universita- 
lis  jussimus  Appensione  Commuuiri.  Tholosae.  Kal.  Octob. 
Ann.  a  Christo  nato  M.D.XXX. 

Censura  i'acultatis  Sacrze  Theologise  Universitatis  Bono- 

Cum  Deus  Optiraus  Maximus  veterem  Legem  ad  morum 
vitzeque  informationera  ac  institutionem  oie  suo  tradiderit, 
idem.,ue  humanitate  sumpta,  mortalium  Redemptor  Deus 
novum  condiderit  Testamentum,  sed  ad  dubia,  quae  in  mul- 
tis  emergebant,  toUenda  declarandaque  contulerit,  quae  ad 
hominum  perfectionem  elucidata  nonnihil  confuerunt ;  nos- 
tras partes  semper  fore  duximus  hujusmodi  sanctissima  Pa- 
tris  aeterni  documenta  sectari,  et  in  rebus  arduis  ac  dubita- 
bilibus,  superno  illustrates  lumine,  nostram  ferre  senten- 
tiam,  ubi  rausa  mature  consulta,  multisq;  bine  inde  ra- 
tionibus,  scriptisq;  Patrum  dilucidata  fuerii,  nihil  quod 
possumus,  in  aliquo  temere  ferentes.  Cum  itaq;  nos, 
praestantes  quidam  et  clarissimi  viri,  obnixe  rogarint,  ut 
subsequentem  casum  maxima  diligentia  perscrutareraur, 
nostrumq;  subinde  in  eum  judicium  ferremus  aequissime, 
soli  veritati  innitentes,  in  unum  omnes  Almae  Universi- 
tatis hujus  Doctores  Theologi  convehimus,  casu  prius  per 
unumquemq;  nostrum  sigillatim  domibus  propriis  examina- 
to,  sumraaq;  solertia  per  dies  plurimos  contracto :  Illud 
una  mox  vidimus,  examinavimus,  contulimus,  ad  amus- 
simq;  singula  quaeq;  pertractantes  ponderavimus,  rationes 

3uascunq;  contraiias,  quas  fieri  posse  censuimus,  in  me^ 
ium  afFerentes  atq;  solventes,  etiam  ipsius  Roverendis- 
simi  D.  D.  Card.  Cajetani,  necnon  Deuteronomicam  Dis- 
pensationem  de  fratris  suscitando  semine,  et  reliquas  tan- 
dem omnes  sententias  oppositas,  quae  ad  id  negotii  facere 
viderentur.  Quaesitum  est  igitur  a  nobis,  An  ex  sola  £c- 
clesiae  institutione  vel  etiam  Jure  Divino  prohibitum  fue- 
rii, ne  quis  Relictam  a  fratre  sine  liberis  in  Uxorem  du- 
cere  valeatl  Quod  si  utraq;  lege  ne  fieri  possit,  cautum 
est ;  An  quanquam  possit  Beatissimus  Pontifex  super  ejus- 
modi  contrahendo  Matrimonio  dispeusarel  Qua  diligen- 
tissime  (ul  diximus)  ac  exactissime  seorsim  palamq;  exa- 
minata,  ac  pro  viribus  nostris,  optime  discussa  Quaestione, 
Censemus,  Judicamus,  dicimus,  constantissime  Testamur 
fct  indubie  affirmamus,  hujusmodi  Matrimonium,  tales  nup' 


tias,  tale  conjugium  horrendum  fore,  execrabile,  detestan- 
dum,  viroq;  Christiano,  immo  etiam  cuilibet  infideli  pror- 
sus  abominabile,  esseque  a  Jure  naturae  divino  et  humano 
diris  paenis  prohibitum.  Nee  posse  Sanctissimum  Papain 
(qui  tamen  fere  omnia  potest)  cui  collatae  sunt  a  Christo 
claves  Regni  Coelorum :  Non  inquam  posse  aliqua  ex 
causa  super  huiusmodi  contrahendo  Matrimonio,  quenquam 
dispensare.  Ad  hujus  Conclusionis  veritatem  tutandam, 
omnes  in  omnia  loca  et  tempora  parati  sumus.  In  quorum 
fidem  has  scripsiraus,  almaeq;  nostras  Universitatis  ac  Saeri 
Venerabilium  Theologorum  Colle^ii  Sigillo  munivimus, 
solita  nostra  generali  subscriptione  Signantes.  Bononiae  in 
Ecclesia  Cathedrali,  decima  Junii,  Anno  Dom.  M.D.XXX. 
sub  Divi  dementis  7.  Pontificatu. 

Censura  Facultatis  Sacrae  Theologiae  Almae  Universitatis 


Testantur,  qui  Catholicam  fidem  astruunt,  Deum  Op- 
timum Maximum  legis  veteris  praecepta  filiis  Israel  ad 
exemplar  vitae  ac  morum  nostrorum  institutionem  ore  pro- 
prio  tradidisse,  eundemq;  trabea  humanitatis  indutum,  Re- 
demptorem  omnium  factum,  Novum  Testamentura  condi- 
disse>  et  nedum  propter  hoc,  sed  ad  dubia  quaecunq;  emer- 
gentia  removenda,  dilucidandaq;  nobis  misericorditer  con- 
donasse,  quae  ad  nostri  perfectionem  enucleata  fructus  ube- 
res  conferunt  et  salutares.  Nostrum  semper  fuit  eritq; 
per  saecula  (uti  Christicolas  decet)  hujufsmodi  celebratissi- 
ma  Summi  Pontificis  instituta  sectari,  et  in  quibusq;  du- 
bitationibus,  ac  arduis  Quaestionibus  supernaturali  lumine 
freti,  nostrum  proferre  Judicium,  ubi  res  ipsa  optime  con- 
siderata,  multisq;  hinc  inde  demonstrationibus,  atq;  Pa- 
trum  Authoritatibus  mature  declarata  fuerit,  temere  quoad 
possumus  nihil  omnino  judicantes.  Cum  igitur  nos,  qui-- 
dam  oratores  clarissimi,  suppliciter  exorarint,  ut  subse- 
quentem  casum  diligentissime  perscrutari  dignareinur,  atqj 
nostram  ferremus  exinde  sententiam,  soli  veritati  siippli- 
citer  attendentes  :  Qua  ex  re  omnes  hujus  Almae  Univer- 
sitatis Doctores  Theologi  in  simul  convenimus,  re  ipsa 
prius  per  nostrum  quemlibet  particulariter  propriis  domi- 
bus  examinata,  summaq;  cum  solertia  enucleata,  mox  in 
unum  redacti  cuncta  consideravimus,  examinavimus,  om- 
niaq;  sigillatim  ponderavimus,  Argumenta  qusecunq;  con- 
traria,  quae  fieri  quoquomodo  posse  putavimus,  adducentes, 
atq;  integerrime  dissolventes,  necnon  Deuteronomicam 
Dispensationem  de  Fratris  suscitando  semine,  et  reliquas 
oranes  rationes  atq;  sententias  oppositas,  quae  ad  id  facer© 

OF  RECORDS.  119 

videbantur :  Quaestio  igitur  talis  fuit  exposita,  An  ex  sola 
Sanctae  Matris  Ecclesiae  institutione,  vel  etiani  de  Jure  Di- 
vino  prohibitum  fuerit,  ne  quis  Relictam  fratris  absq;  li- 
beris  in  Uxorem  ducere  valeat?  Quod  si  utrobiq;  fieri 
nequeat  cautura  est,  An  Beatissiraus  Pontifex  super  hu- 
jusmodi  contrahendo  Matrimonio  quenquam  dispensare  le- 
gitime possit?  Quo  exactissime  (ut  dictum  est)  seorsim 
publiceq;  discusso,  ac  pro  viribus  dilucidato  quaesito,  Dici- 
mus,  Judicamus,  Decernimus,  Attestamur,  atque  veridice 
Affirmamus,  Matrimonium  hujusraodi,  tale  conjugium  et 
tales  nuptias  nuUas  esse,  immo  detestabiles,  atque  exe- 
crandas  Christiano  cuilibet  esse,  prophanas,  et,  ut  scelus 
abominandas,  crudelissimis  paenis,  jure  naturae,  divino  et 
humano,  clarissime  esse  prohibitas.  Nee  Beatissimum 
Pontificem,  cui  claves  Regni  ccelestis  a  Christo  Dei  Filio 
sunt  collatae,  uUa  ex  causa  posse  super  tali  Matrimonio 
con  trahendo  quenquam  juridice  dispensare.  Cum  ilia,  quae 
sunt  a  Jure  Divino  prohibita,  non  subsint  ejus  potestati, 
nee  in  ilia  gerit  vicem  Dei,  sed  solum  super  ea,  quae  sunt 
commissa  jurisdictioni  hominum.  Ad  cujus  Sententiae  ac 
Conclusionis  veritatem  tutandam  et  ejusdem  certissimam 
defensionem,  nos  omnes  unanimes  semper  et  ubique  pa- 
rati  sumus.  In  quorum  fidem  has  nostras  fecimus,  Almae 
Universitatis  nostrae,  ac  Sacri  Reverendorum  Theologo- 
rum  Collegii  Sigillo  solito  communivimus.  Datum  Pa- 
duae  in  Ecclesia  Hermitarum  S.  Augnstini,  dieprimo  Julii, 


The  Judgment  of  the  Lutheran  Divines  about  the  King's  Mar- 
riage, ex  MSS,  R.  Smith,  London' 

Ex  hac  CoUatione  in  qua  audivimus  Argumenta  de  Con- 
troversia  Divortii  Serenissimi  et  Illustrissimi  Regis  Ang- 
liae,  Franciae,  &c.  proposita  et  diligenter  agitata  a  Reve- 
rendo  D.  D.  Edwardo  Hereford.  Episcopo,  D.  Nicolao 
Archdiacono  et  D.  D.  Barnes,  intelleximus  Serenissimum 
Regem  maximis  et  gravissimis  Causis  adductum,  supera- 
tum  et  conclusum  esse,  ut  in  hoc  negotio  Matrimonii  sui 
faceret  quod  fecit :  Nam  hoc  manifestum  est  et  negare  ne- 
mo potest,  quod  Lex  Levit.  tradita  Lev.  18.  v.  20.  pro- 
hibet  ducere  fratris  Uxorem,  &c.  sed  Divina,  naturalis,  et 
moralis  Lex  est  intelligenda  tam  de  vivi  quam  de  mortui 
fratris  Uxore,  et  quod  contra  banc  legem  nulla  contraria 
lex  fieri  aut  constitui  possit,  sicut  et  tota  Ecclesia  semper 
lianc  Legem  retinuit,  et  judicavit  hujustnodi  nuptias  in- 


cestas  esse,  sicut  testantur  Synodonim  Decreta  et  Sanctis- 
simorum  Patrutn  Clarissimae  Sententiae,  et  has  nuptias  pro- 
hibent  et  vocant  incestas  etiam  jura  Civilia.  Proinde  et 
nos  sentimus,  et  banc  Legem  de  non  ducenda  Uxore  fratris 
in  omnibus  Ecclesiis  servandam  esse  veluti  divinam,  natu- 
ralem,  et  moralem  Legem ;  Nee  in  nostris  Ecclesiis  velle- 
mus  dispensare  aut  permittere,  praesei  tim  ante  factum,  ut 
ejusmodi  nuptiae  contraherentur,  et  banc  Doctrinam  pos- 
sumus  et  volumus  Deo  volente  facile  defendere.  Caeterum 
quantum  ad  Divortium  pertinet,  nondum  sumus  plene  per- 
suasi  ut  sententiam  nostram  ferre  possimus,  An  post  Con- 
tractum  Matrimonium  in  boc  casu  Serenissimi  Tlegis  de- 
buerit  fieri  Divortium.  Kogamus  igitur  Seren.  Regem  ut 
aequo  animo  ferat,  difFerri  nostram  Sententiam  in  bac  re 
donee  erimuscertiores. 


An  Abstruct  of  the  Grounds  of  the  Divorce. 

Written  in  the  beginning,  Thomas  Cantuarien.  with  his  otvn 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vesp.  B.  5.) 

Articuli  ex  quibus  plane  admodum  demonstratur  Divortium 
inter  Henr.  8.  Angliae  Regem  Invictiss.  et  Serenissimam 
Catbarinam  necessario  esse  faciendum. 

1.  Affinitas  quae  Divino  et  Naturali  Jure  impedit  ne 
Matrimonium  contrahatur,  et  contractum  dirimit,  solo  nup- 
tiali  foedere  inducitur. 

2.  Substantia  Matrimonii,  verum  perfectumq;  conjugium, 
sola  conjugali  pactione,  et  non  carnali  copula  efficitur, 

3.  Vir  et  Uxor  solo  fcedere  conjugali,  Deo  imprimis 
operante,  una  mens  et  una  caro  fiunt. 

4.  Carnalis  Copula  affinitatem  solo  Jure  Ecclesiastico 
repertam  inducit. 

5.  Affinitas  sola  Carnis  concubitu  orta  Sanctione  bumana 
solum  impedit,  ne  Matrimonium  contrahatur,  et  contractum 

6.  Carnalis  Copula  Matrimonium  necessario  reddit  con - 

7.  Potest  Matrimonium  Carnali  Copula  consummari, 
etiam  Uxoris  Virginitate  irrecuperabili  non  amissa. 

8.  Serenissimam  Catbarinam  ab  IHustrissimo  Principe 
Arthuro  relictam  Virginem  non  fuisse  aifirmamus. 

9-  Sereniss.  Catbarinam  ex  Judiciis  quam  pluriniis  attes- 
tantjbus,  et  violentam    praesumptionem  inducentibus,  ab 

OF  RECORDS.  121 

eodem  Illustrissimo  Principe  Arthuro  corruptam,  atque 
Matrimonium  inter  eos  consummatum  fuisse  non  dubita- 

10.  Serenissiraa  Catharina,  praBsuraptione  violenta  hu- 
jusmodi  constante,  Virginitatem  suam  Juramento  praesertiin 
publico  probare  nequit. 

11.  Judex  eandem  Serenissimam  Catharinam,  super  ea 
causa  jurare  volentem,  ad  juramentum  jure  quidem  admit- 
tere  non  potest. 

12.  Henrici  octavi  Angliae  Regis  Invictissirai  et  Serenis- 
simae  Catharinje  praetensum  Matrimonium,  lege  Diyina  et 
naturali  prohibente,  nullum  omnino  fuisse  neq;  esse  posse 


A  Bull  sent  to  the  Arclibishop  of  Canterbui'y,  against  the 
Statutes  of  Provisors, 

(Ex  MS.  D.  Petyti.) 

Martinus  Episcopus,  Servus  Servorum  Dei,  venerabili 
Fratri  Archiepiscopo  Cantuariensi  salutem  et  Apostolicam 
Benedictionem.  Si  quam  districto  Dei  Judicio  de  com- 
missis  tibi  ovibus  rationem  redditurus  es,  aliquando  cogi- 
tares,  si  memihisses  et  tu  quae  pastoralis  officii  cura  esse 
debet,  quantumq;  Ecclesiae  Romanae,  a  qua  dignitatem  et 
auctoritatem  vendicas,  jus  atque  honorem  tueri  obligatus 
es,  in  considerationem  duceres  ;  profecto  non  usque  adeo 
dormitares  neque  negligeres  :  Surrexisses  jamdudum,  et 
post  oves  jam  longe  aberrant  es  inclamares,  ac  pro  viribus 
resisteres  iis,  qui  jura  ac  privilegia  a  summo  Ecclesiarum 
capite  omnium  Christo,  Ecclesiai  Romanae  tradita,  sacri- 
lego  vel  ausu  violant"  atque  contemnunt.  Numquid  ideo 
Pontificalis  Dignitas  tibi  commissa  est  ut  hominibus  praesis, 
opes  cumules,  et  quae  tua  sunt  non  quae  Jesu  Christi  quae- 
rere  debeas?  Si  id  existimas  vehementer  erras,  et  a 
Christi  intentione  longe  abes,  qui  cum  Beato  Petro  oves 
suas  coramitteret,  nil  ei  aliud  nisi  ut  illas  pasceret  indixit, 
priusque  non  semel,  sed  bis  ac  tertio,  an  ab  eo  diligeretur 
expostulans.  Estne  haec  in  Christum  dilectio  quam  habes  1 
Estne  hoc  amare  as  pascere  oves  ?  Itane  debitum  quo  Ec- 
clesiae Romanae  astringeris,  recte  exsolvis  1  En  ante  ocu- 
los  tuos  ab  ovili  errantes  in  praecipitium  labuntur  oves,  nee 
illas  revocas  neque  reducis.  In  conspectu  tao  herbas  per- 
gunt  pestiferas  pascere,  nee  illas prohibes,  immo  (quodabo- 
minabile  est)  tuis  quasi  manibus  hujusmodi  praebes  morti- 
ferum  cibum.  Te  vidente,  lupus  illas  dispergit,  et  taces 
Vol.  LPabtII.  M 


tanquam  canis  rautus  non  valens  latrare.    Aspicis  simul  et 
Christi  et  Ecclesiae  et  sedis  Apostolicae  mandata,  auctori- 
tatem,  reverentiamque  contemptui  haberi,  nee  semel  unum 
murrauras  verbum,  clauculum  saltern,  si  nolles  palam.    An 
ignoras  ante  aeterni  tribunal  judicis  hujusmodi  reatus  et 
culpae  usque  ad  minimum  quadrantem  redditurum  te  rati- 
onera  1  num  credis,  si  qua  tuo  neglectu  perierit  ovium  (pe- 
reunt  aiitem  multae)  de  tuis  manibus  sanguis  earum  exige- 
turl    Quid  per  os  Ezechielis  Dominus  comrainatur,  me- 
mora  et  extimesce.     Ipse,  inquit,  Speculatorem  Domini 
posuit  te  Deus,  si  videris  gladium  venientem,  et  non  inso- 
nueris  buccina,  et  aliquis  perierit,  sanguinem  ejus  de  mani- 
bus tuis  requiram  ;  haec  dicit  Dominus.    Qualis  autem  et 
qualis  iniquitatis  et  abominationis  gladius  in  Angliae  Reg- 
num,  atque  oves  tuas  descenderit,  tuo  judicio  (si  ratione 
uteris)  relinquimus.    Perlege  illud  Statutum  Regium,  si  ta- 
men  Statutum,  si  tamen  Regium  dici  fas  est.    Nam  quomo- 
do  Statutum,  quod  Statuta  Dei  et  Ecclesiae  destruit  1    Quo- 
modo  Regium  1  quod  Instituta  peremit  1  contra  illud  quod 
scriptum  est.  Honor  Regis  Judicium  diligit.    Et  judica, 
venerabilis  Frater  et    Christiane  Episcope,  ac  Catholice 
Praesul,  si  justum,  si  aequum,  si  a  Populo  Christiano  ser- 
vari  est.    Imprimis  per  illud  execrabile  Statutum  ita  Rex 
Angliae  de  Ecclesia  cum  Provisionibus  et  Administrationi- 
bus  disponit,  quasi  Vicarium  suum  Christus  eum  instituis- 
set.    Legem  condit  super  Ecclesias,  beneficia,  Clericos  et 
Ecclesiasticum  statum,  ad  se  suamq;  laicalem  Curiam  non- 
nullas  causas  Spirituales  et  Ecclesiasticas  jubet  introduci ; 
et  ut  uno  verbo  concludamus,  ita  de  Clericis  statuit,  de 
Ecclesiis  et  Ecclesiastico  Statu,  quasi  Ecclesiae  claves  in 
manibus  haberet,  et  non  Petro,  sed  sibi  hujusmodi  cura 
commissa  foret.    Praeter  banc  nefandam  Dispositionem,  vi- 
pereaS  quasdam  contra  Clericos  adjecit  pcenas,  quae  ne  qui- 
dem  contra  Judaeos  vel  Saracenos,  per  uUum  de  Statutis 
suis,  promulgatae  inveniuntur.     Possunt  ad  Angliae   Reg- 
num  cujuslibet  generis  homines  libere  proficisci ;  soli  ac- 
ceptantes  beneficia  Auctoiitate  Summi  Pontificis,  Vicarii 
Jesu   Christi,  jubentur  exulari,   capi,  incarcerari,  omni- 
busq;  bonis  exui,  executoresq;    literarum    Apostolicarum, 
Procuratores,  Notarii,  ac  quicunq;  alii  Censuram  seu  Pro- 
cessum  ab  Apostolica  sede  in  Regnum  mittentes  aut  defe- 
rentes,  ultimo  supplicio  deputantur,   projectiq;  extra  pro- 
tectionem  Regis  exponuntur  ab  omnibus  cap tivandi.    Vide 
si  audita  est  unquam  similis  Statuti  iniquitas :  Consideret 
prudentia  tua,  si  Regem  aut  Regnum  hujusmodi  Statuta 
decent:  Cogita  si  te  talia  inspicientem  silere  oporteat,  et 
non  magis  clamare,  contradicere,  et  pro  viribus  resistere. 

OF  RECORDS.  123 

Estne  ista  filialis  Reverential    Estne  ista  Christiana  devo- 
tio  quam  Regnum  Angliae  suae  Matri  Ecclesiae  ac  Sedi 
Apostolicae  exhibef?    Potestne  Catholicum   Regnum  dici, 
ubi  hujusmodi   statuuntur  profanae   leges   et  observantur, 
ubi  prohibetur  adiri  Vicarius   Christi,  ubi  oves  suas  Suc- 
cessor Apostoli  Petri  pascere  juxta  mandatum  Domini  non 
permittitur  ?    Christus    dixit   Petro    suisq;  Successoribus, 
Pasce  oves  meas ;  Statutum  autem  Regni  pascere  ipsas  non 
sinit,  sed  vult  ut  Rex  ipse  pascat,  devolvendo  ad  eum  in 
certis  casibus  Apostolicam  Auctoritatem.  Christus  aedificavit 
supra  Petrum  Ecclesiam ;  sed  Regni  Statutum,  id  prohi- 
bet :  Nain  non  patitur  Petri  Cathedram  de  Ecclesia  prout 
judicaverit,  expedire,  ordinare  vel  disponere.    Christus  vo- 
luit  quod  quicquid  summus  Pontifex  in  terris  solverit  aut 
ligaverit,  solutum  ligatumve  erset  in  coelis ;  Statutum  huic 
divinae  voluntati  non  assentit :  Nam  si  quos  Sacerdotes  ad 
ligandum  solvendumq;  animas  Christi  Vicarius  in  Regnum 
contra  Staiuti  tenorera  destinaret,  non  modo  ipsos  non  ad- 
mittit  Statutum   sed   exulare   jubet,  bonis  privari,  aliis^; 
poenis  affligi,  et  censuram   sen  Processum  Apostolicum  in 
Regnum   deferens,    tanquam    Sacrilegius   capite   punitur. 
Quid  ad  hoc  tua  Discretio  respondebit  ?    Estne  hoc  Catho- 
licum Statutum  !     Potestne  sine  Christi  injuria,  sine  ±^van- 
gelii  transgresione,  sine   animae    interitu  tolerari  aut  ob- 
servari  ?    Cur  igitur  non  clamas,  et  quasi  tuba  exaltas  vo- 
cem  tuam,  annuncians  populo  tuo  peccata  sua,  Domui  Is- 
rael scelera  eorum,  ne  sanguis  eorum  de  manibus  tuis  re- 
quiratur.    Quod  et  si  omnes  quibus  populorum  cura  cora- 
missa  est,  iacere  teneantur,  quanto  magis  id  tibi  erit  ne- 
cessarium  exequi,  cui  populos  et  populorum  ministros,  oves 
et  ovium  pastores,  tuae  solicitudini  Romana  deputavit  Ec- 
clesia, a  qua  et  Primatum  et  Sedis  Apostolicae  legationem 
super  Anglicanas  Ecclesias  suscepisti,  et  ipsius  gloriosissi- 
mi  Martyris  Beati  Thomae  olim  Cantuariae  Archiepiscopi 
Successor  efFectus  es,  qui  adversus  similia  decertans  Sta- 
tuta.  holocaustum  se  Deo  ofFerens  pro  libertate  Ecclesias- 
tica  occubuit.    Tu  certe  ob  haec,  omnium  primus  qui  vex- 
illo  assurapto  in  aciem  prodire  deberes,  et  fratres  Co-epis- 
copos  tuos  tuo  exemplo  in  certamine  sistere,  primus  om- 
nium terga  vertis,  et  aliquos  qui  forte  resistendi  impetum 
caperent,  tua  sive  pusillanimitate,  sive  dissimulatione,  sive 
(ut  omnes  attestantur)  evidenti  praevaricatione  a  bono  pro- 
posito  dejicis.    Itaq;  si  de  te  queritur  Ecclesia,  si  in  te  om- 
nis  culpa  transfertur,  non  mirari  sed  dolere,  immo  potius 
teipsum  corrigere  debes,  et  debitum  quo  ovium   jure  as- 
trictus  es  audacter  exolvere  :  pro  qua  re  efficienda,  si  velis 
quam  potes  operam  adhibere,  non  raagnum  certamen  sub- 


eundum  est.  Persuade  tuo  pro  officio  et  Auctoritate  tua, 
secularibus,  et  eos  veritatem  instrue.  Ostende  eis  pecca- 
tum  quo  observantes  praBdictum  Statutum  illaqueantur : 
Et  erunt  (ut  omnes  asserunt)  prava  in  directa,  et  aspera  in 
vias  planas.  Ne  ergo,  si  tacueramus  et  nos,  tuam  alio- 
rumq;  desidiam  dissimulantes  similis  apud  omnipotentem 
Deum  culpaB  reos  efficiat,  neve  ovium  nostrarum  sanguis 
(si  neglexerimus)  de  manibus  nostris  exigatur,  tuam  frater- 
nitatem  qua  possumus  instantia,  toto  corde,  totoq;  afFectu 
hortamur,  monemus,  requirimtis,  et  in  virtute  Sanctae  obe- 
dientiae,  et  sub  Excommunicationis  poena  cui  (si  neglexeris) 
ipso  facto  te  subjicimus,  districte  praecipiendo  mandamus, 
quatenus  quamprimum  ad  locum  ubi  Consiliaiii  Charissimi 
in  Christo  Filii  nostri  Henrici  Angliae  Regis  Illustris  con- 
veniunt,  personaliter  accedas,  eosq;  tam  Ecclesisaticos 
quam  Seculares  pro  sapientia  tua,  quam  tibi  Dominus  in- 
spiraverit,  rationibus  ac  monitionibus  reddas  instructos,  ut 
praedictura  Statutum  in  proximo  Pailiamento  tollant  peni- 
tus  et  aboleant :  Cum  enim  Divinae  et  Humanze  rationi,  ve- 
teris  ac  Novi  Testamenti,  Conciliorum,  Sanctorum  Pa- 
trum,  Summorum  Pontificum  Decretis,  ipsius  denique 
Universalis  Ecclesiae  observantiae  evidentissime  contradi- 
cat,  nee  sine  interitu  salutis  aeternae  quovis  modo  servari 
possit.  Illudq;  inter  alia  dicere  non  oraittas,  qualiter  Ec- 
clesiasticae  libertatis  violatores,  facientesq;  Statuta  aut 
consuetudines  contra  libertatem  servari.  Officiates,  Rec- 
tores  et  Consiliarii,  locorum  ubi  hujusmodi  Statuta  yel  con- 
suetudines editae  fuerunt  vel  servatae,  Ac  etiam  qui  secun- 
dum praedicta  judicaverint,  ipso  jure  Excommunicationem 
incurrunt,  quae  quantum  sit  Christi  fidelibus  metuenda, 
ipsis  plene  poteris  declarare.  Idem  sub  poena  eadem  te 
facere  volumus  cum  Parliamentum  inchoabitur,  tam  erga 
praedictos  Consiliarios  quam  Communitates,  et  alios  qui 
vocem  in  ipso  habuerint  Parliamento.  Insuper  ut  pluribus 
viis  honori  Dei  et  Sanctae  Matris  Ecclesiae,  et  animarum 
saJuti  provideatur,  sub  simili  poena  mandes  ac  praecipias 
omnibus  tam  Rectoribus  Ecclesiarum,  quam  aliis  officium 
praedicationis  obtinentibus,  Secularibus  et  Religiosis,  ut 
frequenter  in  sermonibus  suis  populos  de  praedicta  materia 
instruere  non  omittant.  Volumus  autem  ut  quicquid  su- 
per praedictis  feceris  per  tuas  literas  (quibus  saltem  duae 
graves  personae,  qucB  ipsis  requisitionibus  per  te  faciendis 
interfuerint,  se  subscribant)  nos  certiores  efficias.  Dat. 
Rom.  apud  Sanctos  Apostolos  quinto  die  Decembris,  Pon- 
tificatus  nostri  Anno  decimo. 

OF  RECORDS.  125 


A  Letter  to  King  Henry  the  Sixth  for  Repealing  that  Statute. 

Martinis  Episcopus,  Servus  Servorum  Dei,  Charissimo 
in  Christo  lilio  Heniico  Regi  Anglise  Ulustri,  salutem 
et  Apostolicam  Benedictionem.  Quum  post  multos  nun- 
cios ad  tuam  Serenitatem  pro  abolitione  illius  detestabilis 
Statuti  contra  libertatem  Ecclesiasticam  editi  olim  trans- 
missos,  postremo  dilectum  filitim  Magistrum  Julianum  cau- 
sarum  curiae  Camerae  Apostolicae  Auditorem,  pro  eadem 
causa  destinassemus ;  per  ipsum  tua  Celsitudo  tunc  nobis 
respondit,  quod  quamprimum  commode  possit,  Parliamen- 
tum,  sine  quo  idem  nequit  aboleji  Statutum,  convocaret, 
et  in  eo  quod  sibi  possibile  foret  pro  nostras  requisitionis  im- 
plemento  faceret,  Protestans  quod  Sanctae  Romanae  Ec- 
clesiae  sedisq;  Apostolicae  Juribus  ac  Privilegiis  nullo  mo- 
do  detrahere  aut  derogare  intendebat :  Nos  ob  hoc,  sicut 
deinde  aliis  Uteris  tibi  significavimus,  usq;  ad  id  tempus 
cum  patientia  expectare  decrevimus,  sperantes  quod  in  Ver- 
bo  Regio  nobis  pollicitus  fueris,  id  tempore  suo  exequi  non 
difFerres ;  itaq;  quicquid  ex  parte  nostra  hactenus  facien- 
dum fuit,  omnem  mansuetudinis  et  patientiae  modum  ex- 
perientes  jam  fecimus,  Et  licet  gravibus  interim  per  ali- 
quos  de  Regno  tuo  lacessiti  sumus  injuriis,  volumus  tamen 
(ne  quid  contra  promissura  fieri  videritur)  usq;  ad  id  tem- 
pus (non  sine  rubore  Sedis  Apostolica;)  expectare,  utmerito 
illud  verbum  Evangelicum  jam  dici  possit,  Quid  debui 
huic  vineae  facere  et  non  feci  ?  Tu  vero,  Fili  Charissime, 
cum  ipsius  Parliamenti  jam  tempus  instet,  quod  ex  tua 
parte  agendum  restat,  juxta  promissionem  tuam  ac  verbum 
Regium  implere  non  omittas,  ad  quod  et  Jure  Divino  et 
Humano  tanquam  Christianissimus  Princeps  obligatus,  sine 
cujusvis  requisitione  pro  tua  et  tuorum  subditorum  salute 
et  honore  facere  teneris:  praesertim  quum  talia  obtulera- 
mus,  ob  quae  nee  tibi  nee  dicto  Regno  ex  praedicti  Statuti 
aboMtione  praejudicium  uUum  redundare  possit ;  providere 
enimiis  omnibus  quae  causam  Statuto  dedisse  dicuntur,  jam 
saepe  nostro  nomine  oblatum  est,  et  nunc  de  novo  offeri- 
mus.  Jam  igitur  cum  nulla  qujevis  contradicendi  occasio 
praetendi  possit,  speramus  in  dicto  Parliamento  tuam  Se- 
renitatem ita  facturam,  ut  praedictum  tam  execrabile  Statu- 
tum penitus  de  eodem  Regno  tollatur.  Quod  si  feceris, 
salvabis  primumtuam,  turn  vero  multorum  animas,  quae  ob 
dictum  Statutum  gravi  crimine  ilia  queatae  tenentur  :  Pro- 
videbis  deinde  tuo  et  ipsius  Regni  honori,  quod  utiq;  prop- 


terea  non  modicum  est  notatum  ;  Demum  nos  ac  sedem  ip- 
sam  semper  tuis  justis  desideriis  obligabis.  Super  iis  au- 
tem  omnibus  et  de  nostra  intentione  plene  per  literas  nos- 
tras instruct©,  dilecto  Filio  magistro  Joanni  de  Obizis  in 
dicto  Regno  ISuncio  et  Collectori  nostro,  dabis  credentiae 
fidem  plenam.  Dat.  Rom.  die  decimo  tertio  Octobris,  Pon- 
tificatus  nostri  Anno  decimo. 


A  Letter  to  the  Farliament  iipon  the  same  occasion. 

Martinus  Episcopus,  Servus  Servorum  Dei,  venerabi- 
libus  Fratribus  et  dilectis  Filiis,  Nobilibus  viris  Parlia-' 
menti  Regni  Anglige,  salutem  et  Apostolicam  Benedictio- 
nem.  Multis  nunciis  ac  frequentibus  exhortatiouibus,  pro 
debito  pastoralis  officii,  vos  ac  Regnum  vestrum  hactenus 
admonuimus,  ut  pro  salute  animarum  vestrarum,  et  ipsius 
Regni  honore,  quoddam  detestabile  Statutum  contra  Di- 
vinum  et  Humanum  Jus  editum,  quod  sine  interitu  salutis 
aeternae  nullatenus  servari  potest,  aboleretur.  Et  quoniam 
id  sine  Parliamento  tolli  non  posse,  ex  parte  Charissimi  in 
Christo  Filii  nostri  Henrici  Regis  Angliae  illustris,  Dilec- 
to Filio  Magistro  Juliano  Causarum  curiae  Cameras  Apos- 
tolicae  Auditori,  tunc  Nuncio  nostro,  responsum  extitit,  in 
quo  (quam  primum  posset)  convocato,  quod  sibi  possibile 
foret  pro  nostras  Requisitionis  executione  se  facturum, 
idem  Rex  pollicitus  est,  protestans  Juribus  ac  Privilegiis 
Sanctae  Romanaa  Ecclesiae  et  Sedis  Apostolicje  in  nullo 
velle  detrahere  aut  derogare.  Nos  volentes  solita  erga  vos 
mansuetudine  uti,  decrevimus  usq;  ad  ipsius  Parliamenti 
tempus  expcctare,  sperantes  quod  tam  Rex  juxta  suam 
Regiam  Promissionem,  quam  vos  pro  salute  animarum  ves- 
trarum, Sancte  ac  Catholice  secundum  nostram  Requisitio- 
nem  concludetis.  Itaq;  cum  Parliamentum  (ut  fertur)  jam 
instet,  vos  omnes,  quorum  animas  nostras  curae  Dominus 
noster  Jesus  Christus  commisit,  hortamur,  monemus  8bse- 
cramus,  ut  unanimes  vestrarum  animarum  salutem,  ac  con- 
scientiarum  puritatem  prae  casteris  rebus  amantes,  praedic- 
tum  abominabile  Statutum  (quod  qui  observat  vel  obser- 
vari  faciat  sal vari  non  potest)  penitus  toUatur,  et  de  Regno 
in  perpetuum  aboleatis.  Quod  si  quis  forsitan  vobis  con- 
trarium  persuadere  audeat,  quicunq;  ille  sit,  Saecularis  vel 
Ecclesiastici  Status  tanquam  hostem  animarum  vestrarum 
et  honorum,  nullatenus  audite;  nee  eum  viruni  Catholi- 
cum  repute tis,  qui  adversus  Romanae  Ecclesiae  Auctorita- 


tem,  Juraque  et  Piivilegia  Sedi  Apostolicaj  Divinitus 
concessa,  aliquid  machinari  praesumpserit,  quibus  ipse  Rex 
vester  lUustris  nolle  ullatenus  dorogare  publice  protestatus 
est.  Nos  quidem  ipsi  suraus  ab  omnipotenti  Deo  Jesu 
Christo  super  vos  et  L'niversalemEcclesiam  constituti,  cu- 
jus  Doctrinas  ac  persuasioni  sine  uUa  contradictione  omni- 
modam  fidem  vos  et  quilibet  Christianus  habere  debetis  ; 
Nos  tamen,  esti  indignos,  oves  suas  pascere  Christus  vo- 
luit,  clavesq;  aperiendi  ac  solvendi  Coelos  tradidit.  Et  si 
quis  nos  audit,  servi  Christi  testimonium  Christianum  au- 
dit; et  si  quis  nos  spernit,  Christum  spernere  convincitur. 
Et  quoniam  de  vobis  ac  singulis  Christianis  in  districto  Dei 
Judicio  rationera  reddituri  sumus,  ideo  vos  pro  salute  ves- 
tra  tam  saepe  samq;  efficaciter  admonemus  ;  et  ne  quis- 
quam  sub  alicujus  clarani  temporalis  praetextu  vos  ab  hac 
nostra  Catholica  Doctrina  submoveat,  ecce  nos  promptos 
paraiosq;  offerimus,  omnibus  causis,  propter  quas  dictum 
Statutum  condiium  esse  praetenditur,  salubriter  providere, 
ita  ut  nee  Regno  nee  cuiquam  privatae  personae  praejudi- 
cium  aliquod  ex  ipsius  Statuti  abolitione  possit  accidere. 
Super  his  omnibus  et  nostra  intentione  plene  instructo  di- 
lecto  Filio  Magistro  Joanni  de  Obizis,  in  dicto  Regno  Nun- 
tio  et  CoUectori  nostro,  dabitis  Credentiae  plenam  fidem. 
Dat.  Romae  apud  Sanctos  Apostolos  tertio  die  Octobris, 
Pontificatus  nostri  Anno  decimo. 


An  Instrument  of  the  Speech  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury 
made  to  the  House  of  Commons  about  it. 

Die  Veneris,  penultimo  mensis  Januarii,  Anno  Domini 
secundum  cursum  et  computationem  Ecclesias  Anglicanae 
millesimo  quadringentesimo  decimo  septimo,  indictione 
sexta,  Pontificatus  Sanctissimi  in  Christo  Patris  et  Domi- 
ni nostri  Domini  Martini  Divina  Providentia  Papag  quinti 
Anpo  undecimo,  Reverendissimi  in  Christo  Patres  et  Do- 
mini, Domini,  Henricus  Dei  Gratia  Cantuariensis  et 
Johannes  Eboracensis  Archiepiscopi,  necnon  Reverendiss. 
Patres  W.  Londinensis,  Benedictus  Menevensis,  Philippus 
Eliensis,  Jochen  et  W.  Norvicensis,  Episcopi,  et  cum  eis 
venerabiles  Patres  et  viri  religiosi  Westraonasterii  et  Ra- 
dingiai  Abbates  de  palatio  regio  Westmonasteriensi  de  Ca- 
mera, viz.  i  bi  tam  Domini  Spirituales  quam  Temporales 
in  Parliamento  adtunc  tento  negotia  Regni  tractaverint  et 
tractare  solebant,  recedentes,  et  dimissis  ibi  Dominis  Tem- 


poralibus,  in  simul  transierunt  ad  viros  illos  ^ui  pro  cdm- 
munitate  Regni  ad  Parliamentum  hujusraodi  venerant  in 
locp  solito,  viz.  in  Refectorio  Abbatiae  Westmonasteriensis 
praedictae  personaliter  existentes,  et  incontinenter  eisdem 
Dominis  Spiritualibus  cum  reverentia  debita,  prout  decuit 
a  viris  hujusraodi  communitateni  Regni  facientibus  et  re- 
praesentantibus,  receptis:   Praefatus  Reverendissimus  Pa- 
ter Archiepiscopus  Cantuariensis  causam  adventus  sui  et 
con-fratrum  suorum  ad  tunc  exponere  coepit  in  vulgari ; 
Protestando  primitus,  et  protestabatur  idem  Dominus  Can- 
tuariensis vice  sua    et    confratrum  suorum  praedictorum, 
quod  pro  dicendo  tunc  ibidem  non  intendebat  ipse  Reve- 
rendissimus Pater,  aut  aliquis  confratrum  suorum,  Domi- 
no Regi  Angliae  aut  Coronae  suae  vel  communitati  Regni  in 
aliquo  derogare,  et  sic  adhaerendo  Protestationi  suae  hujus- 
raodi, idem  Reverendissimus  Pater  prosequebatur  et  expo- 
suit  solemniter  causam  adventus  sui   et  confratrum  suo- 
rum, sumpto  quasi  pro  themate,  Reddite  quae  sunt  Cas- 
saris,  Caesari,  et  quae  sunt  Dei  Deo.    Super  quo  proceden- 
do, ea  quae  ad  Jurisdictionem  Ecclesiasticam,  et  ea  quae  ad 
Caesaream  pertinebant,  notabiliter  et  ad  longum  declara- 
vit,  materiam  Provisionis  et  pro  Statuti  illius  contra  Pro- 
visores  editi  abolitione,  cum  bona  et  matura  deliberatione 
prosequendo,  et  in  processu  declarationis  hujusmodi  jura 
nonnulla  et  Sacrae  Scripturae  Auctoritates  convenientes  al- 
legavit,  pro  jure  Domini  nostri  Papae  in  Provisionibus  ha- 
bendis,  sicut  Sancti  Pr?edecessores  sui  summi  Pontifices  in 
Regno  Angliae  et  alibi  per  Universalem  Christianitatem 
habuerunt,  ipseq;  Dominus  Papa  modernus  in  caeteris  Reg- 
nis  habet  et  possidet  in  praesenti :  Unde  praemissis,  Bul- 
lisq;  et  Uteris  Apostolicis,  quas  pro  hac  re  idem  Dominus 
Papa  jam  tarde  ad  Regnum  transmiserat,  diligenter  consi- 
deratis,  et  quod  dictus  Dominus  noster  Papa  tot  Ambas- 
siatas  et  nuncios  solemnes  ad  prosequendum  jus  suum  et 
Ecclesiae  libertatem  in  praemissis,  non  absq;  laboribus  mag- 
nis,  periculis  et  expensis,  de  Curia  Roraana  ad  Regnum 
Angliae  destinavit,  idem  Reverendissimus  Pater  Cantuar. 
Archiepiscopus,  nomine  suo  et  confratrum  suorum  ad  tunc 
ibidem  praesentium,  et  absentium  in  dicto  Pirliamento  per 
Procuratores  comparentium,  ad  quos  ut  asseruit  divisim  sal- 
tem  principalis  cura  animarum  totius  Communitatis  Reg- 
ni pertinere  dignoscitur,  dictos  viros   omnes  et    singulos 
tunc  praesentes,  Communitatem  (ut  praemittitur)  repraesen- 
tantes,  requisivit  et  in  Domino  exhortabatur,  quatenus  ob 
salutem  animarum  suarum  totiusq;  Regni  prosperitatem 
et  pacem,  materiam  praedictam  sic  ponderarent,  et  taliter 
in  eodem  Parliaraento  super  eadem  delibexarent,  ut  Sane- 

OF  RECORDS.  129 

tisslmus  Domlnus  noster  Papa  placari,  ac  Regis  zelum  ad 
Sedem  Apostolicam  totiusq;  Regni  devotionem  in  hac 
parte  habere  posset  materiam  commendandi.  Et  addidit  ul- 
tra hujusmodi  Requisitionem  et  Exhortationem  praefatus 
Keverendissimus  Paler  Archiepiscopus  Cantuariensis  ;  et 
ex  corde,  ut  apparuit,  exposuit,  lacrymando,  pericula  per 
censurarum,  viz.  Ecclesiasticarum  et  etiam  Interdicti  iul- 
minationem,  et  alias  tam  Regi  quam  Regno  (quod  absit) 
verisimiliter  eventura  alia,  in  casu  quo  responsio  Parlia- 
nienti  illius,  in  materia  tunc  declarata,  grata  non  foret  Do- 
mino Papae  et  accepta,  sic  dicendo  ;  Forte  videtur  quibus- 
dam  vestrum,  quod  haec  quae  Regni  Praelatos  potissime 
concernunt  ex  corde  non  profero,  Sciatis  pro  certo,  et  in 
fide,  qua  Deo  teneor  et  Ecclesiae,  affirmo  coram  vobis,  quod 
magis  mihi  foret  acceptum  nunquam  conferre  aut  etiam  ha- 
bere aliquod  beneficium  Ecclesiasticum  quam  aliqua  talia 
pericula  seu  processus  meo  tempore  in  Ecclesiae  Angli- 
canae  Scandalum  venirent.  Ulterius  idem  Reverendissimus 
Pater  expresse  declaravil,  qualiter  dictus  Dominus  noster 
Papa  in  diversis  BuUis  suis  obtulit  et  promisit,  se  et  Sedem 
Apostolicam,  ad  quascunq;  causas  et  occasiones  editionis 
Statuti  praedicti  rationabile,  remedium  apponere,  et  ma- 
terias  causarum  et  occasionum  hujusmodi  Statuti  in  toto 
tollere  et  abolere ;  et  sic  Requisitione,  Exhortatione  et 
periculorum  hujusmodi  expositione  finitis,  Reverendissimi 
Patres  Cantuar.  et  Eborac.  Archiepiscopi,  cum  confratri- 
bus  suis  Episcopis  et  Praelatis  praedictis,  recesserunt,  Regni 
Communitate,  seu  saltem  dictis  viris'  Communitatem  Reg- 
ni repraesentantibus  remanentibus,  et  circa  materiam  eis 
expositam  tractantibus,  praesentibus,  et  Declarationem,  Re- 
quisitionem, et  Exhortationem,  hujusmodiq;  periculorum 
expositionem  per  dictum  Dominum  Archiepiscopum  Can- 
tuaiiensem  (ut  praemittitur)  factas  audientibus,  venerabili- 
bus  viris  Richardo  Coudray  Archidiacono  Norwici  in  Ec- 
clesia  Norwicensi,  Magistro  Joanne  Forster  Canonico  Lin- 
colnensi,  &c.  et  Johanne  Boold  Notario  Publico  et  multis 


An  Act  concerning  Restraint  of  payment  of  Annates  to  the 
See  of  Rome. 

Act.  33.    Anno  Regni  vicesimo  tertio. 

FoRAflMVcn  as  it  is  well  perceived,  by  long  approved  ex- 
perience, that  great  and  iii«stimable  Sums  of  Mony  have 


been  daily  conveyed  out  of  this  Realm,  to  the  impoverish- 
ment of  the  same  •  and  specially  such  sums  of  Mony  as  the 
Pope's  Holiness,  his  Predecessors,  and  the  Court  of  Rome, 
by  long  time  have  heretofore  taken  of  all  and  singular  those 
Spiritual  Persons  which  have  been  named,  elected,  pre- 
sented, or  postulated  to  be  Arch-Bishops  or  Bishops  within 
this  Realm  of  England,  under  the  Title  of  Annates,  other- 
wise called  First-Fruits.    Which  Annates,  or  First  Fruits, 
have  been  taken  of  every  Arch-Bishoprick,  or  Bishoprick, 
within  this  Realm,  by  restraint  of  the  Pope's  Bulls,  for 
Confirmations,  Elections,  Admissions,  Postulations,  Pro- 
visions,   Collations,    Dispositions,    Institutions,    Installa- 
tions, Investitures,  Orders,  Holy  Benedictions,  Palles,  or 
other  things  requisite  and  necessary  to  the  attaining  of 
those  their  Promotions ;  and  have  been  compelled  to  pay, 
before  they  could  attain  the  same,  great  Sums  of  Mony,  be- 
fore they  might  receive  any  part  of  the  Fruits  of  the  said 
Arch-Bishoprick,    or    Bishoprick,    whereunto    they    were 
named,  elected,    presented,    or  postulated;   by  occasion 
whereof,  not  only  the  Treasure  of  this  Realm  hath  been 
greatly  conveighed  out  of  the  same,  but  also  it  hath  hapned 
many  times,  by  occasion  of  death,  unto  such  Arch-Bishops, 
and  Bishops,  so  newly  promoted,  within  two  or  three  years 
after  his  or  their  Consecration,  that  his  or  their  Friends,  by 
whom  he  or  they  have  been  holpen  to  advance  and  make 
paiment  of  the  said  Annates,  or  First  Fruits,  have  been 
thereby  utterly  undone  and  impoverished.    And  for  because 
the  said  Annates  have  risen,  grown,  and  encreased,  by  an 
uncharitable  Custom,  grounded  upon  no  just  or  good  title, 
and  the  paiments  thereof  obt-^ined  by  restraint  of  Bulls,  un- 
til the  same  Annates,  or  First-Fruits,  have  been  paied,   or 
Surety  made  for  the  same ;  which  declareth  the  said  Pai- 
ments to  be  exacted,  and  taken  by  constraint,  against  all 
equity  and  justice.  The  Noble  Men  therefore  of  the  Realm, 
and  the  Wise,  Sage,  Politick  Commons  of  the  same,  assem- 
bled in  this  present  Parliament,  considering  that  the  Court 
of  Rome  ceaseth  not  to  tax,  take,  and  exact  the  said  great 
Sums  of  Mony,  under  the  Title  of  Annates,  or  First-Fruits, 
as  is  aforesaid,  to  the  great  damage  of  the  said  Prelates, 
and  this  Realm ;   Which  Annates,  or  First-Fruits,  were 
first  suftered  to  be  taken  within  the  same  Realm,  for  the 
only  defence  of  Christian  People  against  the  Infidels,  and 
now  they  be  claimed  and  demanded  as  mere  duty,  only  for 
lucre,  against  all  right  and  conscience.    Insomuch  that  it  is 
evidently  known,  that  there  hath  passed  out  of  this  Realm 
unto  the  Court  of  Rome,  sithen  the  second  year  of  the 
Keign  of  the  most  Noble  Prince,  of  famous  memory,  King 

OF  RECORDS.  131 

Henry  the  Seventh,  unto  this  present  time,  under  the  name 
of  Annates,  or  First-Fruits,  payed  for  the  expedition  of 
Bulls  of  Arch-Bishopricks  and  Bishopricks,  the  sum  of 
eight  hundred  thousand  Ducats,  amounting  in  Sterling 
Mony,  at  the  least,  to  eightscoie  thousand  pounds,  besides 
other  great  and  intolerable  Sums,  which  have  yearly  been 
conveighed  to  the  said  Court  of  Rome,  by  many  other 
ways  and  means,  to  the  great  impoverishment  of  this 
llealm.  And  albeit,  that  our  said  Sovereign  the  King, 
and  all  his  natural' Subjects,  as  well  Spiritual  as  temporal, 
been  as  obedient,  devout,  Catholick  and  humble  Children 
of  God,  and  Holy  Church,  as  any  People  be  within  any 
Realm  christned ;  yet  the  said  exactions  of  Annates,  or 
First'Fruits,  be  so  intolerable  and  importable  to  this 
Realm,  that  it  is  considered  and  declared,  by  the  whole 
Body  of  this  Realm  now  represented,  by  all  the  Estates  of 
the  same  assembled  in  this  present  P^u-liament,  that  the 
King's  Highness,  before  Almighty  God  is  bound,  as  by  the 
duty  of  a  good  Christian  Prince,  for  the  conservation  and 
preservation  of  the  good  Estate  and  Common- Wealth  of 
this  his  Realm,  to  do  all  that  in  him  is  to  obviate,  repress, 
and  redress  the  said  abusions  aad  exactions  of  Annates,  or 
First-Fruits.  And  because  that  -divers  Prelates  of  this 
Realm  being  now  in  extream  Age,  and  in  other  debilities 
of  their  Bodies,  so  that,  of  likelyhood,  bodily  death  in  short 
time  shall  or  may  succeed  unto  them ;  by  reason  whereof 
great  sums  of  Mony  shall  shortly  after  their  deaths  be  con- 
veighed unto  the  Court  of  Rome,  for  the  unreasonable  and 
uncharitable  Causes  abovesaid,  to  the  universal  damage, 
prejudice,  and  impoverishment  of  this  Realm,  if  speedy 
remedy  be  not  in  due  time  provided :  It  is  therefore  or- 
dained, established,  and  enacted,  by  Authority  of  this  pre- 
sent Parliament,  That  the  unlawful  paiment  of  Annates, 
or  First-Fruits,  and  all  manner  Contributions  for  the  same, 
for  any  Arch-Bishoprick,  or  Bishoprick,  or  for  any  Bulls 
hereafter  to  be  obtained  from  the  Court  of  Rome,  to  or  for 
the  foresaid  purpose  and  intent,  shall  from  henceforth  ut- 
terly cease,  and  no  such  hereafter  to  be  payed  for  any  Arch- 
Bishoprick,  or  Bishoprick,  within  this  Realm,  other  or 
otherwise  than  hereafter  in  this  present  Act  is  declared ; 
And  that  no  manner  Person  nor  Persons  hereafter  to  be 
named,  elected,  presented,  or  postulated  to  any  Arch- 
Bishoprick,  or  Bishoprick,  within  this  Realm,  shall  pay 
the  said  Annates,  or  First-Fruits,  for  the  said  Arch-Bishop- 
rick, or  Bishoprick,  nor  any  other  manner  of  Sum  or  Sums 
of  Mony,  Pensions  or  Annates  for  the  same,  or  for  any 
other  like  exaction,  or  cause,  upon  pain  to  forfeit  to  our 


said  SovereigQ  Lord  the  King,  liis  Heirs  and  Successors, 
all  manner  his  Goods  and  Chattel?  for  ever,  and  all  the 
Temporal  Lands  and  Possessions  of  the  same  Arch-Bishop- 
rick,  or  Bishopriek,  during  the  time  that  he  or  they  which 
shall  offend,  contrary  to  this  present  Act,  shall  have,  pos- 
sess, or  enjoy,  the  Arch-Bishoprick,  or  Bishopriek  ;  where- 
fore he  shall  so  offend  contrary  to  the  form  aforesaid.  And 
furthermore  it  is  enacted,  by  Authority  of  this  present  Par- 
liament, That  if  any  Person  hereafter  named  and  presented 
to  the  Court  of  Rome  by  the  King,  or  any  of  his  Heirs  or 
Successors,  to  be  Bishop  of  any  See  or  Diocess  within  this 
Realm  hereafter,  shall  be  letted,  deferred,  or  delayed  at 
the  Court  of  Rome  from  any  such  Bishopriek,  whereunto 
he  shall  be  so  represented,  by  means  of  restraint  of  Bulls 
Apostolick,  and  other  things  requisite  to  the  same  ;  or  shall 
be  denied,  at  the  Court  of  Rome,  upon  convenient  suit 
made,  any  manner  Bulls  requisite  for  any  of  the  Causes 
aforesaid,  any  such  Person  or  Persons  so  presented  may 
be,  and  shall  be  consecrated  here  in  England  by  the  Arch- 
Bishop,  in  whose  province  the  said  Bishopriek  shall  be,  so 
always  that  the  same  Person  shall  be  named  and  presented 
by  the  King  for  the  time  being  to  the  same  Arch-Bishop- 
rick :  And  if  any  Persons  being  named  and  presented,  as 
aforesaid,  to  any  Arch-Bishoprick  of  this  Realm,  making 
convenient  suit,  as  is  aforesaid,  shall  happen  to  be  letted, 
deferred,  delayed,  or  otherwise  disturbed  from  the  same 
Arch-Bishoprick,  for  lack  of  Pall,  Bulls,  or  other  to  him 
requisite,  to  be  obtained  in  the  Court  of  Rome  in  that  be- 
half, that  then  every  such  Person  named  and  presented  to 
be  Arch-Bishop,  may  be,  and  shall  be,  consecrated  and  in- 
vested, after  presentation  made,  as  is  aforesaid,  by  any 
other  two  Bishops  within  this  Realm,  whom  the  King's 
Highness,  or  any  of  his  Heirs  or  Successors,  Kings  of  Eng- 
land for  the  time  being,  will  assign  or  appoint  for  the 
same^  according  and  in  like  manner  as  divers  other  Arch- 
Bishops  and  Bishops  have  been  heretofore,  in  antient  time 
by  sundry  the  King's  most  noble  Progenitors,  made,  con- 
secrated, and  invested  within  this  Realm  :  And  that  every 
Arch-Bishop  and  Bishop  hereafter,  being  named  and  pre- 
sented by  the  King's  Highness,  his  Heirs  or  Successors, 
Kings  of  EnglancL  and  being  consecrated  and  invested,  as 
is  aforesaid,  shall  be  installed  accordingly,  and  shall  be  ac- 
cepted, taken,  reputed,  used,  and  obeyed,  as  an  Arch- 
Bishop  or  Bishop  of  the  Dignity,  See,  or  Place  whereunto 
he  so  shall  be  named,  presented,  and  consecrated  requireth ; 
and  as  other  like  Prelates  of  that  Province,  See,  or  Dio- 
cess, have  been  used,  accepted,  taken,  and  obeyed,  which. 

OF  RECORDS.  133 

have  had,  and  obtained  compleatly,  their  Bulls,  and  other 
things  requisite  in  that  behalf  from  the  Court  of  Rorae. 
And  also  shall  fully  and  entirely  have  and  enjoy  all  the  Spi- 
ritualities and  Temporalities  of  the  said  Arch-Bishoprick 
or  Bishoprick,  in  as  large,  ample,  and  beneficial  manner, 
as  any  of  his  or  their  Predecessors  had,  or  enjoyed  in  the 
said  Arch-Bishoprick,  or  Bishoprick,  satisfying  and  yield- 
ing unto  the  King  our  Sovereign  Lord,  and  to  his  Heirs  and 
Successors,  Kings  of  England,  all  such  Duties,  Plights,  and 
Interests,  as  before  this  time  had  been  accustomed  to  be 
paid  for  any  such  Arch-Bishoprick,  or  Bishoprick,  accord- 
ing to  the  Ancient  Laws  and  Customs  of  this  Realm,  and 
the  King's  Prerogative  Royal.  And  to  the  intent  our  said 
Holy  Father  the  Pope,  and  the  Court  of  Rome,  shall  not 
think  that  the  pains  and  labours  taken,  and  hereafter  to  be 
taken,  about  the  writing,  sealing,  obtaining,  and  other 
businesses  sustained,  and  hereafter  to  be  sustained,  by  the 
Offices  of  the  said  Court  of  Rome,  for  and  about  the  Ex- 
pedition of  any  Bulls  hereafter  to  be  obtained  or  had  for 
any  such  Arch-Bishoprick,  or  Bishoprick,  shall  be  irremu- 
nerated,  or  shall  not  be  sufficiently  and  condignly  recom- 
pensed in  that  behalf ;  And  for  their  more  ready  expedi- 
tion to  be  had  therein,  it  is  therefore  enacted  by  the  Au- 
thority aforesaid.  That  every  Spiritual  Person  of  this  Realm, 
hereafter  to  be  named,  presented,  or  postulated,  to  any 
Arch-Bishoprick  or  Bishoprick  of  this  realm,  shall  and  may 
lawfully  pay  for  the  writing  and  obtaining  of  his  or  their 
said  Bulls,  at  the  Court  of  Rome,  and  ensealing  the  same 
with  Lead,  to  be  had  without  payment  of  any  Annates,  or 
First-Fruits,  or  other  charge  or  exaction  by  him  or  them  to 
be  made,  yielden,  or  paied  for  the  same,  five  pounds  Sterl- 
ing, for  and  after  the  rate  of  the  clear  and  whole  yearly 
value  of  every  hundreth  pounds  Sterling,  above  all  charges 
of  any  such  Arch-Bishoprick,  or  Bishoprick,  or  other  mony, 
to  the  value  of  the  said  five  pounds,  for  the  clear  yearly 
value  of  every  hundreth  pounds,  of  every  such  Arch-bishop- 
rick,  or  Bishoprick,  and  not  above,  nor  in  any  other  wise, 
any  thing  in  this  present  Act  before  written  notwithstanding. 
And  forasmuch  as  the  King's  Highness,  and  this  his  High 
Court  of  Parliament,  neither  have,  nor  do  intend  to  use  in 
this,  or  any  other  like  cause,  any  manner  of  extremity  or 
violence,  before  gentle  courtesie  or  friendship,  ways  and 
means  first  approved  and  attempted,  and  without  a  very 
great  urgent  cause  and  occasion  given  to  the  contrary,  but 
principally  coveting  to  disburden  this  Realm  of  the  said 
great  exactions,  and  intolerable  charges  of  Annates,  and 
First-Fruits,  have  therefore  thought  convenient  to  commit 
Vol.  I,  Pari  II.  N 


the  final  order  and  determinatiop  of  the  Premisses,  in  all 
things,  unto  the  King's  Highness.  So  that  if  it  may  seem 
to  his  high  wisdom,  and  most  prudent  discretion,  meet  to 
move  the  Pope's  Holiness,  and  the  Court  of  Rome,  amicably, 
charitably,  and  reasonably,  to  compound,  other  to  extinct 
and  make  frustrate  the  payments  of  the  said  Annates,  or 
First-Fruits;  or  ^se  by  some  friendly,  loving,  and  tolerable 
composition  to  moderate  the  same  in  such  wise  as  may  be 
by  this  Realm  easily  born  and  sustained  ;  That  then  those 
ways  and  compositions  once  taken,  concluded,  and  agreed, 
between  the  Pope's  Holiness  and  the  King's  Highness, 
shall  stand  in  strength,  force,  and  effect  of  Law,  inviolably 
to  be  observed.  And  it  is  also  further  ordained,  and  en- 
acted by  the  Authority  of  this  present  Parliament,  That  the 
King's  Highness  at  any  time,  or  times,  on  this  side  the 
Peast  of  Easter,  which  shall  be  in  the  Year  of  our  Lord  God, 
a  thousand  five  hundred  and  three  and  thirty,  or  at  any 
time  on  this  side  the  beginning  of  next  Parliament,  by  his 
Letters  Patents  under  his  Great  Seal,  to  be  made,  and  to 
be  entred  of  Record  in  the  Roll  of  this  present  Parliament, 
may  and  shall  have  full  power  and  liberty  ta  declare,  by 
the  said  Letters  Patents,  whether  that  the  Premises,  or  any 
part,  clause,  or  matter  thereof,  shall  be  observed,  obeyed, 
executed,  and  take  place  and  effect,  as  an  Act  and  Statute 
of  this  present  Parliament,  or  not.  So  that  if  his  Highness, 
by  his  said  Letters  Patents,  before  the  expiration  of  the 
times  above-limited,  thereby  do  declare  his  pleasure  to  be, 
That  the  Premises,  or  any  part,  clause,  or  matter  thereof, 
shall  not  be  put  in  execution,  observed,  continued,  nor 
obeyed,  in  that  case  all  the  said  Premises,  or  such  part, 
clause,  or  matter,  as  the  King's  Highness  so  shall  refuse, 
disaffirm,  or  not  ratifie,  shall  stand  and  be  from  henceforth 
utterly  void  and  of  none  effect.  And  in  case  that  the  King's 
Highness,  before  the  expiration  of  the  times  afore-prefixed, 
do  declare  by  his  said  Letters  Patents,  his  pleasure  and  de- 
termination to  be,  that  the  said  Premisses,  or  every  clause, 
sentence,  and  part  thereof,  that  is  to  say,  the  whole,  or  such 
part  thereof  as  the  King's  Highness  so  shall  affirm,  accept, 
and  ratifie,  shall  in  all  points  stand,  remain,  abide,  and  be 
put  in  due  and  effectual  execution,  according  to  the  purport, 
tenour,  effect,  and  true  meaning  of  the  same  ;  and  to  stand 
and  be  from  henceforth  for  ever  after,  as  firm,  steadfast,  and 
available  in  the  Law,  as  the  same  had  been  fully  and  per- 
fectly established,  enacted,  and  confirmed,  to  be  in  every 
part  thereof,  immediately,  wholly,  and  entirely  executed, 
in  like  manner,  form,  and  effect,  as  other  Acts  and  Laws  ; 
The  which  being  fully  and  determinately  made,  ordained. 


and  enacted  in  this  present  Parliament :  And  if  that  upon 
the  foresaid  reasonable,  amicable,  and  charitable  ways  and 
means,  by  the  King's  Highness  to  be  experimented,  moved, 
or  compounded,  or  otherwise  approved,  it  shall  and  may 
appear,  or  be  seen  unto  his  Grace,  that  this  Realm  shall  be 
continually  burdened  and  charged  with  this,  and  such 
other  intollerable  Exactions  and  demands,  as  heretofore  it 
hath  been ;  And  that  thereupon,  for  continuance  of  the 
same,  our  said  Holy  Father  the  Pope,  or  any  of  his  Suc- 
cessors, or  the  Court  of  Rome  will  or  do  or  cause  to  be 
done  at  any  time  hereafter,  so  as  is  above  rehearsed,  un- 
justly, uncharitably,  and  unreasonably  vex,  inquiet,  molest, 
trouble,  or  grieve  our  said  Sovereign  Lord,  his  Heirs  or  Suc- 
cessors, Kings  of  England,  or  any  of  his  or  their  Spiritual 
or  Lay-Subjects,  or  this  his  Realm,  by  Ex-communication, 
Excomengement,  Interdiction,  or  by  any  other  Process, 
Censures,  Compulsories,  Ways,  or  means  ;  Be  it  Enacted 
by  the  Authority  aforesaid,  That  the  King's  Highness,  his 
Heirs  and  Successors,  Kings  of  England,  and  all  his 
Spiritual  and  Lay-Subjects  of  the  same,  without  any  scruples 
of  Conscience,  shall  and  may  lawfully,  to  the  honour  of 
Almighty  God,  the  encrease  and  continuance  of  vertue  and 
good  example  within  this  Realm,  the  said  Censures,  Ex- 
communications, Interdictions,  Compulsories,  or  any  of 
them  notwithstanding,  minister,  or  cause  to  be  ministered, 
throughout  this  said  Realm,  and  all  other  the  Dominions  or 
Territories  belonging  or  appertaining  thereunto  ;  All  and  all 
manner  Sacraments,  Sacramentals,  Ceremonies,  or  other 
Divine  Services  of  the  Holy  Church,  or  any  other  thing  or 
things  necessary  for  the  health  of  the  Soul  of  Mankind,  as 
they  heretofore  at  any  time  or  times  have  been  vertuously 
used  or  accustomed  to  do  within  the  same  ;  and  that  no 
manner  such  Censures,  Excommunications,  Interdictions, 
or  any  other  Process  or  Compulsories,  shall  be  by  any  of 
the  Prelates,  or  other  Spiritual  Fathers  of  this  Region,  nor 
by  any  of  their  Ministers  or  Substitutes,  be  at  any  time  or 
times  hereafter  published,  executed  nor  divulged,  nor  suf- 
fered to  be  published,  executed,  or  divulged  in  any  manner 
of  ways.  Cui  quidem  Bill<t  VnrdicliB  etad  plenum  intellectce 
per  dictum  Dominum  Regem  ex  assensu  et  Autoritate  Parlia- 
meiiti  prcedicti  taliter  est  Responsum. 

Le  Roy  le  Volt.  Soit  Bailie  aux  comunes 

A  cest  Bille  Les  comunes  sont  assentes. 

Memouand.  quod  nono  die  Julii,  Anno  Regni  Regis 
Henrici  vicesimo  quinto,  idem  Dominus  Rex  per  Literas 
«uas  Patentes  sub  magno  sigillo  suo  sigillat.    Actum  prae- 


dictum  ratlflcavit  et  confirmavit,  et  actui  ilk)  assensum 
suum  regium  dedit,  prout  per  easdem  Literas  Patentes  cu- 
jiis  tenor  sequitur  in  haec  verba,  magis  apte  constat. 

Here  folloios  the  King's  Ratification,  in  which  the  Act  is 
again  recited  and  ratified. 


The  King's  last  Letter  to  the  Pope.    A  Duplicate. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  13). 

To  the  Pope's  Holiness,  1532. 

After  most  humble  commendations,  and  most  devout 
kissing  of  your  blessed  Feet.  Albeit  that  we  have  hitherto 
differed  to  make  answer  to  those  Letters  dated  at  Bonony, 
the  7th  day  of  October ;  which  Letters  of  late  were  deli- 
vered unto  us  by  Paul  of  Cassali :  Yet  when  they  appear 
to  be  written  for  this  Cause,  that  we  deeply  considering 
the  Contents  of  the  same,  should  provide  for  the  tranquil- 
lity of  our  own  Conscience,  and  should  purge  such  Scru- 
ples and  Doubts  conceived  of  our  Cause  of  Matrimony; 
We  could  neither  neglect  those  Letters  sent  for  such  a  pur- 
pose, nor  after  that  we  had  diligently  examined  and  per- 
pended the  effects  of  the  same,  which  we  did  very  dili- 
gently, noting,  conferring,  and  revolving  every  thing  in 
them  contained,  with  deep  study  of  mind,  pretermit  ne 
leave  to  answer  unto  them,  for  sith  that  your  Holiness 
seemeth  to  go  about  that  thing  chiefly,  which  is  to  vanquish 
those  Doubts,  and  to  take  away  inquietations  which  daily 
do  prick  our  Conscience  ;  insomuch  as  it  doth  appear  at 
the  first  sight  to  be  done  of  Zeal,  Love,  and  Piety,  we 
therefore  do  thank  you  of  your  good  will.  Howbeit  sith 
it  is  not  performed  in  Deed,  that  ye  pretend,  we  have 
thought  it  expedient  to  require  your  Holiness  to  provide  us 
other  Remedies  ;  wherefore  forasmuch  as  your  Holiness 
would  vouchsafe  to  write  unto  us  concerning  this  Matter, 
we  heartily  thank  you,  greatly  lamenting  also  both  the 
chance  of  your  Holiness,  and  also  ours,  unto  whom  both 
twain  it  hath  chanced  in  so  high  a  matter  of  so  great  mo- 
ment to  be  frustrated  and  deceived  ;  that  is  to  say.  That 
your  Holiness  not  being  instructed,  nor  having  knowledg 
of  the  Matter,  of  your  self,  should  be  compelled  to  hang 
upon  the  Judgment  of  others,  and  so  put  forth  and  make 
answers,  gathered  of  other  Men,  being  variable  and  repug- 
nant among  themselves.    And  that  we  being  so  long  sick, 

OF  RECORDS.  137 

and  exagitate  with  this  same  Sore,  should  so  long  time  in 
vain  look  for  Remedy ;  which  when  we  have  augmented 
our  aegritude  and  distress,  by  delay  and  protracting  of  time, 
ye  do  so  cruciate  the  Patient  and  Afflicted,  as  who  seeth  it 
should  much  avail  to  protract  the  Cause,  and  thorough 
vain  hope  of  the  end  of  our  desire  to  lead  us  whither  ye 
will.  But  to  speak  plainly  to  your  Holiness;  Forasmuch 
as  we  have  suffered  many  Injuries,  which  with  great  dif- 
ficulty we  do  sustain  and  digest ;  albeit  that  among  all 
things  passed  by  your  Holiness,  some  cannot  be  laid,  al- 
ledged,  nor  objected  against  your  Holiness,  yet  in  many  of 
them  some  default  appeareth  to  be  in  you,  which  I  would 
to  God  we  could  so  diminish,  as  it  might  appear  no  default ; 
but  it  cannot  be  hid,  which  is  so  manifest,  and  tho  we 
could  say  nothing,  the  thing  it  self  speaketh.  But  as  to 
that  that  is  affirmed  in  your  Letters,  both  of  God's  Law, 
and  Man's,  otherwise  than  is  necessary  and  truth,  let  that 
be  ascribed  to  the  temerity  and  ignorance  of  your  Counsel- 
lors, and  your  Holiness  to  be  without  all  default,  save  only 
for  that  ye  do  not  admit  more  discreet  and  learned  Men  to 
be  your  Counsellors,  and  stop  the  mouths  of  them  which 
liberally  would  speak  the  Truth.  This  truly  is  your  de- 
fault, and  verily  a  great  fault,  worthy  to  be  alienate  and 
abhorred  of  Christ's  Vicar,  in  that  ye  have  dealt  so  varia- 
bly, yea  rather  so  inconstantly  and  deceivably.  Be  ye  not 
angry  with  my  words,  and  let  it  be  lawful  for  me  to  speak 
the  Truth  without  displeasure ;  if  your  Holiness  shall  be 
displeased  with  that  we  do  rehearse,  impute  no  default  in 
us,  but  in  your  own  Deeds ;  which  Deeds  have  so  molested 
and  troubled  us  wrongfully,  that  we  speak  now  unwillingly, 
and  as  enforced  thereunto.  Never  was  there  any  Prince 
so  handled  by  a  Pope,  as  your  Holiness  hath  intreated  us. 
First ;  When  our  Cause  was  proponed  to  your  Holiness, 
when  it  was  explicated  and  declared  afore  the  same  ;  when 
certain  Doubts  in  it  were  resolved  by  your  Counsellors, 
and  all  things  discussed,  it  was  required  that  answer  might 
be  made  thereunto  by  the  order  of  the  Law.  There  was 
offered  a  Commission,  with  a  promise  also  that  the  same 
Commission  should  not  be  revoked  ;  and  whatsoever  Sen- 
tence should  be  given,  should  streight  without  delay  be 
confirmed.  The  Judges  were  sent  unto  us,  the  Promise 
was  delivered  to  us,  subscribed  with  your  Holiness's  hand  j 
which  avouched  to  confirm  the  Sentence,  and  not  to  revoke 
the  Commission,  nor  to  grant  any  thing  else  that  might  lett 
the  same ;  and  finally  to  bring  us  in  a  greater  hope,  a  cer- 
tain Commission  Decretal,  defining  the  Cause,  was  deli- 
vered to  the  Judges  hands.    If  your  Holiness  did  grant  u» 

N  3 


all  these  things  justly,  ye  did  injustiy  revoke  them ;  and  if  by 
good  and  truth  the  same  was  granted,  they  were  not  made 
irustrate  nor  annihilate  without  fraud ;  so  as  if  there  were 
no  deceit  nor  fraud  in  the  Revocation,  then  how  wrong- 
fully and  subtilly  have  been  done  those  things  that  have 
been  done!  Whether  will  your  Holiness  say,  That  ye 
might  do  those  things  that  ye  have  done,  or  that  ye  might 
not  do  them  ]  If  ye  will  say  that  ye  might  do  them,  where 
then  is  the  Faith  which  becometh  a  Friend,  yea,  and  much 
more  a  Pope  to  have,  those  things  not  being  performed, 
which  lawfully  were  promised  ?  And  if  ye  will  say  that  ye 
might  not  do  them,  have  we  not  then  very  just  cause  to 
mistrust  those  Medicines  and  Remedies  with  which  in  your 
Letters  ye  go  about  to  heal  our  Conscience,  especially  in 
that  we  may  perceive  and  see  those  Remedies  to  be  pre- 
pared for  us,  not  to  relieve  the  Sickness  and  Disease  of  our 
Mind,  but  for  other  means,  pleasures,  and  worldly  re- 
spects? And  as  it  should  seem  profitable,  that  we  should 
ever  continue  in  hope  or  despair,  so  always  the  Remedy  is 
attempted ;  so  that  we  being  always  a-healing,  and  never 
healed,  should  be  sick  still.  And  this  truly  was  the  chief 
cause  why  we  did  consult  and  take  the  advice  of  every 
Learned  Man,  being  free,  without  all  affection,  that  the 
Truth  (which  now  with  our  labour  and  study  we  seem 
partly  to  have  attained)  by  their  judgments  more  manifestly 
divulged,  we  might  more  at  large  perceive  ;  v^hose  Judg- 
ments and  Opinions  it  is  easy  to  see  how  much  they  differ 
from  that,  that  those  few  Men  of  yours  do  shew  unto  you, 
and  by  those  your  Letters  is  signified.  Those  few  Men  of 
yours  do  affirm  the  prohibition  of  our  Marriage  to  be  in- 
ducted only  by  the  Law  positive,  as  your  Holiness  hath  also 
written  in  your  Letters ;  but  all  others  say  the  prohibition 
to  be  inducted,  both  by  the  Law  of  God  and  Nature  : 
Those  Men  of  yours  do  suggest,  that  it  may  be  dispensed 
for  avoiding  of  slanders ;  The  others  utterly  do  contend, 
that  by  no  means  it  is  lawful  to  dispense  with  that,  that 
God  and  Nature  hath  forbidden.  We  do  separate  from 
our  Cause  the  Authority  of  the  See  Apostolick,  which  we 
do  perceive  to  be  destitute  of  that  Learning  whereby  it 
should  be  directed ;  and  because  your  Holiness  doth  ever 
profess  your  ignorance,  and  is  wont  to  speak  of  other  Mens 
mouths,  we  do  confer  the  sayings  of  those,  with  the  sayings 
of  them  that  be  of  the  contrary  Opinion  :  for  to  confer  the 
Reasons  it  were  too  long.  But  now  the  Universities  of 
Cambridg,  Oxford,  in  our  Realms  ;  Paris,  Orleance,  Bitu- 
risen,  Andegavon,  in  France  ;  and  Bonony  in  Italy,  by  one 
conBent;  and  also  divers  other  of  the  most  famous   and 

OF  RECORDS.  139 

Learned  Men,  being  freed  from  all  affection,  and  only 
moved  in  respect  of  verity,  partly  in  Italy,  and  partly  in 
France,  do  affirm  the  Marriage  of  the  Brother  with  the 
Brother's  Wife  to  be  contrary  both  to  the  Law  of  God  and 
Nature  ;  and  also  do  pronounce,  that  no  Dispensation  can 
be  lawful  or  available  to  any  Christian  Man  in  that  behalf: 
But  others  think  the  contrary,  by  whose  Counsels  your 
Holiness  hath  done  that,  that  sithenceye  have  confessed  ye 
could  not  do,  in  promising  to  us  as  we  have  above  rehearsed, 
and  giving  that  Commission  to  the  Cardinal  Campege 
to  be  shewed  unto  us ;  and  after,  if  it  so  should  seem  pro- 
fitable, to  burn  it,  as  afterwards  it  was  done  indeed,  as  we 
have  perceived.  Furthermore,  those  which  so  do  moderate 
the  Power  of  your  Holiness,  that  they  do  affirm.  That  the 
same  cannot  take  away  the  Appellation  which  is  used  by 
Man's  Law,  and  yet  is  avilable  to  Divine  Matters  every- 
where without  distinction.  No  Princes  heretofore  have 
more  highly  esteemed,  nor  honoured  the  See  Apostolick 
than  we  have ;  wherefore  we  be  the  more  sorry  to  be  pro- 
voked to  this  contention,  which  to  our  usage  and  nature  is 
most  alienate  and  abhorred.  Those  things  so  cruel  we  write 
very  heavily,  and  more  glad  would  have  been,  to  have 
been  silent  if  we  might,  and  would  have  left  your  Autho- 
rity untouched  with  a  good  will ;  and  constrained  to  seek 
the  verity,  we  fell,  against  our  Will,  into  this  contention ; 
but  the  sincerity  of  the  Truth  prohibited  us  to  keep  silence, 
and  what  should  we  do  in  so  great  and  many  perplexities'? 
For  truly  if  we  should  obey  the  Letters  of  your  Holiness, 
in  that  they  do  affirm  that  we  know  to  be  otherwise,  we 
should  offend  God  and  our  Conscience,  and  we  should  be  a 
great  slander  to  them  that  do  the  contrary,  which  be  a  great 
number,  as  we  have  before  rehearsed :  Also,  if  we  should 
dissent  from  those  things  which  your  Holiness  doth  pro- 
nounce, we  would  account  it  not  lawful,  if  there  were  not 
a  Cause  to  defend  the  Fact,  as  we  now  do,  being  com- 
pelled by  necessity,  lest  we  should  seem  to  contecnn  the 
Authority  of  the  See  Apostolick.  Therefore  your  Holiness 
ought  to  take  it  in  good  part,  tho  we  do  somewhat  at  large 
and  more  liberally  speak  in  this  Cause,  which  doth  so  op- 
press us,  specially  forasmuch  as  we  pretend  none  atrocity, 
nor  use  no  rethorick  in  the  exaggerating  and  encreasing 
the  indignity  of  the  Matter  ;  but  if  I  speak  of  any  thmg  that 
toucheth  the  quick,  it  proceedeth  of  the  meer  verity,  which 
we  cannot  nor  ought  not  to  hide  in  this  Cause,  for  it  touch- 
eth not  Worldly  Things  but  Divine,  not  frail  but  eternal  ; 
in  which  things  no  feigned,  false,  nor  painted  Reasons,  but 
only  the  Truth,  shall  obtain  and  take  place  :  and  God  ia 


the  Truth  to  whom  we  are  bound  to  obey  rather  than  io 
Men ;  and  nevertheless  we  cannot  but  obey  unto  Men  also, 
as  we  were  wont  to  do,  unless  there  be  an  express  cause 
why  we  should  not ;  which  by  those  our  Letters  we  now 
do  10  your  Holiness  :  and  we  do  it  with  charity,  not  intend- 
ing to  spread  it  abroad,  nor  yet  further  to  impugn  your 
Authority,  unless  ye  do  compel  us  ;  albeit  also,  that  that 
we  do,  doth  not  impugne  your  Authority,  but  confirmeth 
the  same,  which  we  revocate  to  its  first  foundations ;  and 
better  it  is  in  the  middle  way  to  return,  than  always  to  run 
forth  head-long  and  do  ill.  ^yherefore  if  your  Holiness  do 
regard  or  esteem  the  tranquillity  of  our  Mind,  let  the  same 
be  established  with  verity,  which  hath  been  brought  to 
light  by  the  consent  of  so  rnany  Learned  JNIen ;  So  shall 
your  Holiness  reduce  and  bring  us  to  a  certainty  and  quiet- 
ness, and  shall  deliver  us  from  all  anxiety,  and  shall  pro- 
vide both  for  us  and  our  Realm,  and  finally  shall  do  your 
Office  and  Duty.  The  residue  of  our  Affairs  we  have  com- 
mitted to  our  Ambassadours  to  be  propounded  unto  you,  to 
whom  we  beseech  your  Holiness  to  give  credence,  &c. 


A  Promise  made  for  engaging  the  Cardinal  of  Ravenna. 
An  Original, 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.) 

Rome,  Februar.  7,  1532. 
Ego  Willielmus  Benet  Serenissimi  Domini  mei  D.  Hen- 
rici  Octavi  Angliae,  &c.  Regis,  in  Romana  Curia  Orator, 
habens  ad  inscripta  ab  ipso  Rege  potestatem  et  faculta- 
tem,  prout  constat  per  ipsius  Majestatis  Literas  Patentes 
datas  in  Regia  sua  Greenewici  die  penultima  Decemb. 
M.D.XXXL  manu  sua  propria  suprascriptas,  et  secreto 
sigillo  suo  sigillatas ;  Quoniam  in  ipsius  Regis  arduis  ne- 
gotiis  expertus  sum  singularem  et  praeclaram  operam  Re- 
verendissimi  in  Christo  Patris  et  Domini  D.  Henrici  Sanc- 
ti  Eusebii  S.  R.  E.  Presbyteri  Cardinalis  Navennae,  quibus. 
et  deinceps  uti  cupio,  ut  eandem  semper  voluntatem  et  ope- 
ram sua  Dominatio  Reverendissima  erga  ipsum  regem  praB- 
stet,  libere  promitto  eidem  Cardinal!  nomine  dicti  mei  Re- 
gis, quod  sua  Majestas  provideri  faciet  eidem  Cardinali,  de 
aliquo  Monasterio  sen  Monasteriis  aut  aliis  beneficiis  Ec- 
clesiasticis  in  Regno  Galliae  primo  vacaturis,  usq;  ad  valo- 
rem annuum  sex  milliura  ducatorum :  Et  insuper  promitto 

OF  RECORDS.  141 

quod  Rex  Angliae  praedictus  praesentabit,  seu  nominabit 
feundem  Cardinalem  ad  Ecclesiam  Cathedralera  primo  quo- 
vis  modo  vacaturara,  seu  et  ad  praesens  vacantem,  ia  Keg- 
no  Angliae,  et  de  ilia  ei  provideri  faciei:  et  casu  quo  Ec- 
clesia  primo  vacatura  hujusmodi,  ceu  ad  praesens  vacans, 
non  fit  Ecclesia  Eliensi,  promitto  etiam  quod  succedente 
postea  vacatione  Ecclesiae  Eliensis,  Rex  Angliae  transferri 
faciet  eundem  Cardinalem,  si  ipsi  Cardinali  raagisplacuerit, 
ab  ilia  alia  Ecclesia  de  quaprovisus  erit,  ad  Ecclesiam  Elien- 
sem  :  et  diclorum  Monasteriorum  et  Beneficiorum  Ecclesia- 
sticorum  in  Regno  Galliae,  et  Ecclesias  Cathedralisin  Regno 
Angliae  possessionem  pacificam,  cum  fructuum  perceptione, 
ipsum  Cardinalem  assequi  faciet :  Et  haec  omnia  libere  pro- 
mitto, quod  Rex  mens  supradictus  plenissime  et  sine  ulla 
prorsus  exceptione  ratificabit  et  observabit  et  exequetur ; 
in  quorum  fidem  praesentes  manu  mea  propria  scripsi  et 
subscripsi,  sigilloq;  munivi.  Dat.  Rom.  die  septimo  Feb- 
ruarii,  M.D.XXXII. 

This  is  all  written  with  his  own  hand,  and  was  sent  over  by 
him  to  the  king. 


Bonnei-'s  Letter  about  the  proceedings  at  Rome.     An  Original. 
(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  13.) 

Rome,  April  29,  1532. 
Pleaseth  it  your  Highness  ;  This  is  to  advertise  the  same, 
that  sithen  we  William  Benet,  Edward  Karne,  and  Ed- 
mond  Bonner,  sent  our  Letters  of  the  7th  of  this  present  to 
your  Highness  ;  There  hath  been  two  Disputations  publick, 
the  one  the  13th  of  this,  the  other  the  20th  day  of  the  same, 
accordirig  to  the  order  given  and  assic;ned,  which  was  three 
Conclusions  to  be  disputed  every  Consistory ;  and  what 
was  spoken,  as  well  by  your  Highness's  Counsel,  for  the 
justification  of  the  Conclusion  purposed  the  said  13th,  as 
also  for  the  impugnation  thereof  by  the  Party  adverse,  with 
Answers  made  thereunto  by  your  Highness's  said  Counsel 
as  fully  as  were  any  wise  deduced,  your  said  Highness  shall 
perceive  by  the  Books  sent  herewithal  containing  the  same ; 
and  also  the  Justifications,  Objections,  and  Answers,  made 
m  the  6th  of  this  present,  according  as  1  Edward  Karne  in 
my  said  Letters  promised.  The  Copies  of  all  the  which  Jus-' 
tifications.  Objections,  and  Answers,  after  that  they  were 
luUy  noted  and  deduced  in  writing,  and  maturely  consi- 
dered by  your  Highness's    Learned    Counsel,  I  Edward 

142  A  COLLECnON 

Karne  did  bring  to  the  Pope's  Holiness,  and  to  the  Cardi- 
nals, for  their  better  information ;  and  likewise  did  of  th« 
first,  alwise  afore  the  Consistory,  according  to  the  order  as- 
signed at  the  beginning ;  looking  in  likewise  that  the 
Queen's  Counsel  should  do  this  same,  but  as  yet  they  have 
done  nothing  therein,  tho  your  Ambassadors  and  I  have 
called  upon  the  Pope  many  times  for  the  same.  And  a» 
concerning  such  things  as  were  spoken  and  done  for  either 
part  in  the  Disputation  of  the  20th  day,  it  is  not  possible 
for  us,  by  reason  of  the  shortness  of  time,  to  reduce  all  in 
good  order,  and  to  send  the  same  to  your  Highness  at  this 
time  ;  nevertheless  with  all  speed  it  shall  be  made  ready, 
and  sent  to  your  Highness  by  the  next  Courier.  After  the 
Disputation  done,  the  said  13th  day  of  this  present,  the 
Advocate  of  the  Party  adverse  did  alledg,  That  we  did 
seek  this  Disputation  but  only  to  defer  the  Process ;  pro- 
testing therefore.  That  the  Queen's  Counsel  would  dis- 
pute no  more  ;  and  desirmg  therefore  the  Pope's  Holiness, 
and  the  whole  Consistory,  to  make  Process  in  the  principal 
Cause.  Whereunto  I  Edward  Karne  said.  That  the  Pope's 
Holiness,  with  the  whole  Senate,  had  granted  the  Disputa- 
tions upon  the  Matters,  and  given  an  order  that  the  Con- 
clusions published  should  be  disputed  according  to  the 
same.  Whereupon  I  desired,  that  forasmuch  as  there  re- 
mained sixteen  Conclusions  not  disputed  (which  to  pro- 
pose and  justify,  with  your  Highness's  Counsel,  I  would 
be  ready  at  all  times),  that  if  the  Party  adverse  knowing  the 
Conclusions  to  be  Canonical,  would  not  confess  them,  and 
thereby  avoid  Disputations,  that  then  the  said  Party  should 
dispute  them,  and  upon  the  refusal  of  both  the  same,  the 
Matters  excusatories  to  be  admitted  by  his  Holiness,  espe- 
cially because  the  said  Party  adverse  hath  nothing  mate- 
rial that  could  be  perceived  to  lett  the  same.  The  Pope's 
Holiness  answered,  That  he  would  deliberate  upon  the  de- 
mand of  both  Parties.  The  I6th  of  this  present,  the  Da- 
tary  on  the  Pope's  behalf  sent  unto  me  Edward  Karne  an 
Intimation  for  disputation  of  the  Consistory  to  be  kept  the 
20  of  this  present,  and  that  I  should  send  the  Conclusions 
not  disputed,  that  they  might  be  in  the  said  Consistory  dis- 
puted ;  adding  tvithal,  that  the  said  Consistory  should  be, 
tiltimus  et  peremptorius  terminus  quoad  alias  Disputationes, 
Of  the  which  Intimation  your  Highness  shall  receive  a 
Copy  herewith.  Upon  this,  with  the  advice  of  your  Am- 
bassadors and  Counsel  here,  I  repaired  unto  the  said  Da- 
'tary,  and  brought  unto  him  three  Conclusions  to  be  dis- 
puted, with  a  Protestation,  De  von  recedendo  ab  ardine 
hactenus  observato,  according  to  the  Proem  of  the  said  Con- 
clusions, the  Copy  whereof  your   Highness  shall  receive 

OF  RECORDS.  143 

herewith.  Afterwards,  with  the  same  Conclusions  and 
Protestation,  I  v/ent  to  Cardinal  de  Monte,  who  said,  at 
the  beginning.  That  all  the  Consistory  crieth  out  upon  the 
Disputations,  and  that  we  had  been  heard  sufficiently,  and 
that  it  was  enough  that  we  should  have  the  fourth  Dispu- 
tation ;  adding  withal,  That  it  was  a  thing  never  seen  be- 
fore after  such  sort ;  and  that  it  stood  not  with  the  honour 
of  the  See  to  have  such  Disputations  in  the  Consistory,  to 
the  great  disquieting  of  the  Pope  and  the  Cardinals,  espe- 
cially considering  the  manner  that  is  used,  and  that  all  the 
Conclusions  be  touched  which  should  content  us.  To  this 
I  answered,  and  desired  his  most  Reverend  Lordship  to 
call  to  his  remembrance,  what  he  had  promised  to  your 
Highness's  Ambassadors  and  me,  in  the  Castel-Angel  upon 
Shrove- Sunday,  the  Pope  being  present,  and  allowing  the 
same,  contented  that  ail  the  Conclusions  should  be  dis- 
puted Ai?i^u/an(er;  and  that  I  should  at  my  pleasure,  from 
time  to  time,  chuse  the  Conclusions  to  be  disputed.  And 
how  also  afterward,  viz.  17  Feb.  the  Pope's  Holiness, 
Cardinal  Ancona,  and  his  Lordship,  not  going  from  that 
promise,  gave  direction  for  three  Conclusions  to  be  disputed 
every  Consistory ;  the  choice  whereof  to  be  at  my  liberty 
(according  to  the  Copy  of  the  said  Order  which  I  sent  to 
your  Highness  with  my  Letters,  of  the  date  of  the  22  of  the 
last)  :  And  furthermore,  that  what  time  the  order  to  dispute 
three  Conclusions  in  a  Consistory  was  sent  unto  me,  and  I 
required  to  send  the  Conclusions  first  to  be  disputed  accord- 
ing to  the  said  order  ;  I  did,  to  avoid  all  manner  of  doubts, 
protest  afore  I  would  accept  it,  and  in  the  deliverance  of  the 
said  Conclusions,  that  I  would  not  otherwise  accept  it,  but 
that  all  the  Conclusions,  according  to  the  order  promised  in 
Castel-Angel  should  be  disputed  and  examined  singnlariter; 
and  that  standing,  and  not  otherwise,  I  delivered  my  said 
Conclusions  according  to  the  Order  of  the  17th  of  February: 
which  Order  the  Pope's  Holiness  hitherto  had  approved  ana 
observed,  and  from  that  I  neither  could  nor  would  go  from  : 
And  where  he  said  that  we  had  been  heard  sufficiently  ;  I 
said,  that  Audience  and  Information  of  less  than  the  one 
half  of  a  Matter  could  not  be  sufficient  :  and  if  they  in- 
tended to  see  the  truth  of  the  whole,  every  point  must  be 
discussed.  And  as  for  the  crying  out  of  the  Cardinals, 
I  said.  They  had  no  cause  so  to  do,  for  it  was  more  for  the 
honour  of  the  See  Apostolick,  to  see  such  a  Cause  as  this  is, 
well  and  surely  tried,  so  that  the  Truth  may  appear,  and  the 
Matters  be  well  known,  than  to  proceed  pra-eipitantur,  as 
they  did  at  the  beginning  of  this  Matter,  afore  they  well 
knew  what  the  Matter  was.    And  as  touching  the  disquiet- 


ing  the  Pope's  Holiness,  and  the  said  Cardinals,  I  said,  your 
Highness  for  their  pains  was  much  beholden  unto  them  ; 
nevertheless,  1  said,  that  they  might  on  the  other  side  ponder 
such  pains  as  your  Highness  hath  taken  for  them,  in  part  de- 
clared by  me  ;  which  was  much  more  than  for  them  to  sit  in 
their  Chairs  two  or  three  hours  in  a  week,  to  hear  the  justice 
of  your  defence  in  this  cause.  And  as  touching  the  manner 
used  in  the  said  Disputation,  I  said,  his  Lordship  knew  well 
that  it  was  by  the  Party  adverse,  which  all  manner  of  ways 
goeth  about  to  fatigate  and  make  weary  the  Consistory  of 
the  Disputations,  specially  in  chiding,  scolding,  andalledg- 
ing  Laws  and  Decisions  that  never  were,  nor  spoken  of  by 
any  Doctor,  and  vainly  continuing  the  time,  to  the  intent 
that  the  Pope's  Holiiiess,  and  the  Cardinals,  dissolving  the 
Consistory,  and  not  giving  audience,  the  said  Party,  without 
Law,  Reason,  or  any  good  ground,  might  attain  their  desire, 
and  keep  under  the  Truth,  that  it  should  not  appear  ;  and  if 
any  thing  v/as  sharply  spoken  of  our  Party,  I  said  it  was 
done  only  for  our  defence,  and  to  shew  the  errors  and  falsity 
of  the  Queen's  Advocates  in  their  Allegations,  wherein, 
1  said,  they  should  not  be  spared.  And  forasmuch  as  on  the 
behalf  of  your  Highness  there  was  nothing  spoken  but  that 
which  was  grounded  upon  Law,  and  declared  in  what  place, 
so  that  it  cannot  be  denied  ;  I  desired  his  Lordship  that  he 
would  continue  his  goodness  in  this  Matter,  as  your  High- 
ness's  especial  trust  was  he  would  do ;  and  that  we  might 
always,  as  we  were  accustomed,  have  recourse  unto  the 
same  in  all  our  Business  for  his  good  help  and  counsel.  His 
Lordship  not  yet  satisfied,  said.  That  as  concerning  the 
Order,  the  Pope's  Holiness  might  interpretate  and  declare 
what  he  meaned  by  it ;  and  as  touching  the  Conclusions, 
they  were  superfluous,  impertinent,  and  calumnious,  only 
proposed  to  defer  the  Matter.  I  ansvvered,  and  said.  That 
to  interpretate  the  said  Order,  where  it  is  clear  out  of  doubt, 
the  Pope's  Holiness  considering  the  promise  made  on  Shrove- 
Sunday,  with  my  Protestation  foresaid,  and  the  execution 
of  the  said  Order  to  that  time,  in  divers  Consistories  ob- 
served, could  not  by  right  interpretate  the  said  Order,  ad- 
mitting disputation  upon  all  the  Conclusions;  and  of  this 
I  said,  That  if  such  alterations  were  made,  without  any 
cause  given  of  your  High ness's  Party,  there  was  little  cer- 
tainty to  be  reckoned  upon  amongst  them.  And  as  touching 
the  superfluity  and  impertinency  of  the  said  Conclusions,  I 
said.  That  that  was  the  saying  of  the  Party  adverse,  that 
did  not  understand  the  same  Conclusions.  And  further, 
that  such  Conclusions  as  were  clamorously,  by  the  Advo- 
cat«s  ©f  the  Partv  adverse,  ailedged  to  be  superfluous,  his 

OF  RECORDS.  145 

Lordship  in  the  Disputation  and  trial  thereof  in  the  Consis- 
tory, did  manifestly  perceive  that  it  was  not  so.  And  where 
it  was  alledged  the  said  Conclusions  to  be  calumnious,  and 
laid  in  to  defer  the  Process ;  I  answered,  That  we  might 
well  alledg  again  the  Counsel  of  the  Party  adverse  the 
thing  against  us  alledged,  and  say  truly,  that  we  were  ca- 
lumniously  dealed  withal,  seeing  the  matters  were  so  just 
and  clear,  and  yet  not  admitted.  Then  his  Lordship  went 
further,  and  said,  that  Impedimentutn  allegatum  erat  perpetuum, 
because  your  Highness,  ex  causa  reipublic(e,  could  not  come 
out  your  Realm,  and  quia  dignitas  vestra  est  perpetua  ;  and 
also,  quod  Causa  requirit  celeritatem.  To  this  I  said,  that  his 
Lordship  mistook  the  Matter,  for  we  said  not  in  the  Matters 
that  your  Highness  could  not  go  out  of  your  Realm  to  no 
place,  but  we  said,  that  the  same  could  not  go,  ad  loca  tarn 
remota,  as  Rome  is ;  so  that  it  was  not perpetuum  impedimen- 
tum.  And  to  the  other  I  shewed  him  a  Text,  and  the  com- 
mon opinion  of  Doctors  in  a  Cause  of  Matrimony,  being 
inter  Regem  et  Reginam,  which  took  away  the  thing  that  he 
had  said.  Then  his  Lordship  said,  That  it  was  enough  that 
the  place  were  sure  to  the  Procurator  by  the  Chapter,  Cum 
olim  de  testibus.  I  said.  That  that  Chapter  did  not  prove 
that  Allegation,  and  that  they  mistook  the  Text  that  so  did 
understand  it,  for  the  Alternative  that  is  in  that  Text  is  not 
referred  ad  locum  tutum,  but  ad  ordinem  Citalionis  inchoandtB 
in  persona  principati,  aut  ejus  procuratore  :  and  so  Petrus  de 
Anchorano  understandeth  that  Text ;  and  otherwise  under- 
standing the  same  it  should  be  against  the  Chapter,  Ex  parte 
de  appdlatione,  and  the  common  opinion  there.  Then  he 
said,  that  Aretine  saith.  Quod  sujgHcit  quum  locus  sit  tutus  pro- 
curatori.  1  said,  that,  under  his  favour,  Aretine  saith  the 
contrary,  for  he  saith.  Quod  partibus  debet  locus  tutus  assig- 
nari  sipoterit,  et  si  nan  poterit  partibus,  detur  procuratoribus. 
Then  his  Lordship  said  to  me.  That  I  knew  well  he  began  to 
set  forward  these  Disputations,  and  that  he  would  do  the 
best  he  could  for  the  furtherance  thereof. 

The  ISth  of  this  present  I  went  with  your  Highness's 
Ambassadors  to  the  Pope,  and  delivered  his  Holiness  in 
writing  those  things  that  were  done  in  the  Disputation  of 
the  13th  of  this  :  And  then  your  Ambassadors  were  in  hand 
with  the  Pope  to  alter  the  Intimation,  and  to  put  out  the 
term  peremptory,  and  other  that  were  exclusory  of  further 
Disputations  to  be  had  upon  the  same  Conclusions.  The 
Pope's  Holiness  said.  That  Disputations  was  no  act  Judi- 
cial requiring  to  be  in  the  Consistory;  and  therefore  he 
said,  he  would  call  certain  Congregations  of  Cardinals,  on 
Friday  and  Monday  following,  to  hear  the  Disputations. 

Vol.  I,  Part  II.  O 


Then  I  William  Benet  said,  That  that  could  not  stand  very 
well  with  the  Decree  of  the  Intimation,  which  was  peremp- 
tory for  any  further  Disputations  after  the  20th  of  this  pre- 
sent ;  and  therefore  I  spake  that  the  same  term  •peremptory 
might  be  put  out  of  the  Intimation,  alledging  withal,  that 
upon  the  said  Friday  or  Monday  it  was  no  time  to  hear  the 
Disputation,  being  so  nigh  after;  and  that  his  Holiness 
'hitherto  hath  observed  the  Consistory  for  the  Disputations, 
which  Consistory  cannot  be  unto  after  Easter,  if  the  man- 
ner of  the  Court  be  observed.  Then  the  Pope  said,  he  might 
call  a  Consistory  when  he  would,  as  he  hath  done  in  making 
of  Cardinals,  an  Act  much  more  solemn  than  a  Disputation. 
To  that,  I  said,  his  Holiness  might  so  do  if  he  would  ;  how- 
beit,  it  should  be  pr<Bter  solitum  morem  :  and  therefore  de- 
sired his  Holiness  to  consider  therein  the  order  before 
assigned,  and  that  this  term  peremptory  would  not  stand  with 
the  order.  His  Holiness  then  willed  we  should  inform  the 
Cardinals,  Anchona,  and  de  Monte,  and  so  we  did ;  An- 
chona  shewed  himself  somewhat  reasonable,  and  was  con- 
tented the  term  peremptory  should  be  put  out.  De  Monte 
said  that  the  Pope  would  promise  to  hear  the  Conclusions 
disputed  in  Congregations,  calling  thereto  certain  Cardi- 
nals, so  that  the  term  peremptory  should  not  be  prejudicial. 
Then  I  Edward  Karne  desired  him,  that  if  the  said  term 
should  not  be  prejudicial,  that  it  might  be  striken  out,  for  I 
told  him  plainly  that  I  would  not  stand  to  words,  the  writ- 
ing shewing  the  contrary  ;  adding  vnthal,  that  I  would  not 
dispute  in  this  term,  tanquam  peremptoHo,  but  would  mani- 
festly show  and  protest,  That  I,  with  other  your  Highness's 
Counsel,  were  ready  to  defend  the  Conclusions  published* 
according  to  the  order  given,  and  hitherto  observed  ;  al- 
ledging also,  that  the  Conclusions  being  justified,  the  Mat- 
ters ought  to  be  admitted  ;  and  that  if  the  Pope's  Holiness 
and  the  Cardinals  would  not  give  audience  to  me  and  your 
Highness's  said  Counsel,  for  the  manifest  trial  and  showing 
of  the  truth,  they  should  give  us  cause  to  complain  upon 
them,  and  to  cry  out,  usque  ad  Sidera,  your  Highness's  Am- 
bassadors all  affirming  the  same.  Then  the  said  Cardinal 
de  Monte  said,  that  the  Pope's  Holiness  would  provide  for 
the  Disputations,  notwithstanding  the  term  peremptory  as- 
signed, and  said  also,  that  in  the  Morning  he  would  speak 
with  the  Pope,  and  give  your  Ambassadors  and  me  an  an- 

In  the  morning,  which  was  the  20t.h  of  this  present,  the 
said  Cardinal  would,  that  nothing  of  the  Decree  of  Intima- 
tion should  be  manifested,  because  the  other  part  had  a 
Copy  thereof,  but  would  the  Pope's  Holiness  to  give  an  or- 

OF  RECORDS.  147 

der  that  the  word  peremptory  should  be  only  for  Disputations 
to  be  had  in  the  Consistory,  and  not  in  Congregations,  iii 
which  Congregations,  the  Conclusions  remaining  might  be 
disputed ;  and  tho  they  had  drawn  out  this  Order,  yet 
because  it  was  nothing  plain,  neither  certain  to  be  conform- 
able to  the  former  Order,  I  would  have  had  the  said  Cardi- 
nal to  speak  to  the  said  Datary  for  to  make  it  as  afore  :  and 
he  was  then  contented,  howbeit  the  Pope's  Holiness  com- 
manded all  the  Cardinals  to  their  places,  so  that  I  could 
not  have  the  said  Order,  and  was  driven  thereby  either  to 
dispute  and  accept  the  term,  tanquam  peremptorium,  or  else 
to  fly  the  Disputations,  giving  occasion  to  the  adverse  Party 
to  say,  that  I  diffided  in  the  justness  of  the  Matters,  and 
defence  of  the  Conclusions.  Whereupon  your  Highness's 
Ambassadors  and  we,  with  other  your  Learned  Counsel, 
concluded,  that  I  Edward  Karne  should  protest,  De  non 
mmentiendo  in  termino,  tanquam  peremptorio,  and  afterward 
to  proceed  to  the  proposing  of  the  Conclusions,  and  so  I  did 
by  mouth  according  to  the  tenour  of  a  Copy,  which  here 
withal  your  Highness  shall  receive.  When  I  had  protested, 
and  the  Pope  had  spoken  this  word  Acceptamus,  the  Queen's 
Advocate  began  to  protest  tliat  they  would  dispute  no  more, 
and  desired  his  Holiness  to  proceed  in  the  principal  Cause. 
Then  I  Edward  Karne  said,  That  the  Pope's  Holiness  did 
well  perceive,  that  the  Conclusions  were  published  and  pro- 
posed, not  only  for  them  to  dispute,  but  also  for  all  other, 
come  who  would,  for  the  information  of  his  Holiness,  and 
the  whole  Consistory.  And  therefore  1  said,  that  tho  they 
would  not  dispute,  yet  I  was  there,  with  other  your  High- 
ness's Learned  Counsel,  to  propose  the  Conclusions,  accord- 
ing to  the  Order  given,  justifying  them  to  be  Canonical,  and 
ready  to  defend  them  against  all  those  that  would  gainsay 
them  ;  and  thereupon  desired  the  Pope's  Holiness,  that  tho 
the  Counsel  of  the  Party  Adverse  would  not  dispute,  yet  I 
with  your  Highness's  Learned  Counsel  might  be  heard 
again ;  against  which  my  desire  the  Queen's  Advocate 
made  great  exclamations,  till  at  the  last  the  Pope  com- 
manded him  to  silence,  and  willed  us  to  go  to  the  Conclu- 
sions, which  we  did. 

And  here  now  it  is  determined,  That  we  shall  have  no 
more  Disputations  in  the  Consistory,  but  the  rest  of  the 
Conclusions  to  be  disputed  in  Congregations  before  the 
Pope,  purposely  made  for  the  same  ;  and  what  therein 
shall  be  determined  or  done,  your  Highness  from  time  to 
time  shall  thereof  by  us  be  advertised,  and  of  all  other  our 
doings  in  that  behalf. 

And  as  concerning  the  Letters  which  your  Highness  sent 


by  Francis  the  Courier,  of  the  last  of  February,  as  well  to 
the  Pope,  as  to  nie  Edward  Karne,  for  the  admission  of  me 
and  the  Matter  excusatory,  we  shall,  according  to  your 
Highness's  pleasure  and  order  assigned,  in  the  common 
Letter  sent  unto  us  by  your  said  Highness,  proceed  and 
do  therein  as  may  be  most  beneficial  and  profitable  for  the 

And  thus  most  humbly  we  commend  us  to  your  High 
ness,  beseeching  Almighty   God  to  preserve  the  same  in 
felicity  and  health  many  years.     At  Rome   the  28th 
March  1532. 

Your  Highness's  most  humble  Subjects, 
Servants,  and  Chaplains, 

William  Benet. 

Edward  Karne. 

Edmond  Bonner. 




Another  Letter  concerning  the  Process  at  Rome.    An  Original, 

(Cotton  Libr.  Vitel.  B.  13.) 

Pleaseth  it  your  Highness,  sithen  our  Letters  of  the 
23  of  March,  here  hath  been  great  labour,  and  soliciting, 
to  bring  the  Disputation  publick  out  of  the  Consistory  kept 
once  in  the  week  into  the  Congregations,  to  be  observed 
and  kept  before  the  Pope's  Holiness  and  the  Cardinals,  in 
such  place,  and  as  oft  as  should  please  them  ;  to  the  intent, 
as  we  perceived,  that  the  said  Disputation  might  be  the 
sooner  ended,  and  not  take  such  effect  as  it  was  devised  for. 
And  upon  this  great  importune  labour,  I  Edward  Karne 
wasmonished  oftentimes  to  send  Conclusions  to  be  proposed 
in  the  said  Congregations,  as  well  in  Palm- Sunday  week, 
as  in  Easter-week,  as  appeareth  by  the  Copies  of  the 
Intimations  sent  herewithal  to  your  Highness :  Upon  which 
Intimations  I  delivered  certain  Conclusions,  according  to 
the  order  taken  at  the  beginning,  with  a  Protestation  devised 
by  your  Grace's  Counsel  here,  De  non  recedendo  ab  eodem 
ordine,  et  de  proponendo  eusdem  Conclusiones  in  Consistorio, 
juxta  eundem  ordinein  et  non  aider.  That  notwithstanding 
the  Pope's  Holiness  caused  me  to  be  monished  again,  cum 
Comminatione,  that  if  I  would  not  come  in,  cum  Advocatis, 
the  third  day  of  April,  procederet  ad  ulteriora  protestatione  me 
a  prccvia  non  obstante.  Whereupon,  with  the  advice  of  your 
said  Learned  Counsel,  I  conceived  a  Protestation,  and  the 
same  delivered  to  the  Pope's  Holiness  the  said  third  day  in 

OF  RECORDS.  149 

the  morning,  protesting  as  it  was  therein  contained,  and 
causing  it  to  be  registered  by  the  Datary;  of  the  which 
Protestation  your  Highness  shall  also  receive  a  Copy  here- 
withall.  This  notwithstanding,  the  Pope's  Holiness,  the 
said  third  day  in  the  afternoon  made  a  Congregation,  where 
the  said  Protestation  was  examined ;  and  after  the  Treaty 
had  upon  the  same,  we  were  in  conclusion  remitted  again 
to  the  Consistory,  there  to  be  heard,  as  much  as  the 
Consistory  intendeth  to  hear,  upon  the  Conclusions  that  are 
published  ;  which  was  much  more  beneficial  to  us,  than  to 
have  had  aJl  proposed  in  Congregations  to  have  been  kept, 
as  is  afore.  And  by  this  means  the  Matter  was  shifted  off, 
and  deferred  unto  the  10th  of  this  month ;  at  which  time 
the  Pope's  Holiness  kept  the  Consistory.  And  one  Mr. 
Providal,  a  singular  good  Clerk,  which  came  from  Bonony 
for  the  furtherance  of  your  Highness's  Cause,  very  com- 
pendiously, and  after  good  fashion  and  handling,  to  the 
great  contentation,  as  appeared,  of  the  Audience  there, 
purposed  three  Conclusions,  of  the  which  two  concerned 
the  habilitation  of  me  Edward  Karne,  to  lay  in  the  Matters 
Excusatory :  And  the  third  was,  that  the  Cause  ought  to 
be  committed,  extra  curiam,  ad  locum  tutum  utrique  parti : 
Of  the  which  Conclusions,  and  also  his  Sayings,  the  said 
10th  day,  your  Highness  shall  receive  a  Copy  here-withal. 
And  forasmuch  as  at  the  said  Consistory,  neither  the  Im- 
perials, neither  yet  the  Queens  Counsel  did  appear ;  I, 
Edward  Karne,  with  the  advice  of  your  Highness's  Counsel, 
said  to  the  Pope's  Holiness,  after  the  Proposition  made  by 
Mr.  Providal,  that  his  Holiness  might  perceive  well,  that 
if  the  Party  adverse  had  any  good  matter  to  alledg,  against 
such  things  as  were  deduced  for  the  justification  of  the 
Conclusions,  and  matter  Excusatory,  and  did  not  diffide 
of  their  part,  they  would  not  have  absented  themselves, 
or  shrunken  from  the  Disputations,  which  they  afore  had 
accepted  and  taken  ;  wherefore  I  accused  their  contumacy 
and  absence,  desiring  that  it  might  be  enacted,  and  there- 
upon departed  from  the  Consistory,  for  that  day  dissolved. 

The  14th  of  this  present,  the  Pope's  Holiness  caused 
Intimation  to  be  made  unto  me,  of  the  Consistory  to  be 
kept  the  17th  of  the  same ;  willing  me  to  be  there,  cum 
Advocatis,  to  dispute  all  the  Conclusions  not  proposed  and 
disputed :  Upon  the  which  Intimation,  I  delivered  to  the 
Datary  three  Conclusions,  the  19,  the  20,  and  the  21  in 
order,  with  a  Protestation  devised  by  your  Learned  Coun- 
sel, sent  here-withal  to  your  Highness :  And  in  the  said 
Consistory,  Mr.  Providel  did  also  alledg  for  the  justification 
of  the  Matters  and  conclusions ;  and  over  that  answered 

O  3 


to  such  Objections  as  he  thought  the  Party  adverse  to 
make  foundation  upon,  and  that  very  compendiously,  being 
sorry  that  the  Imperials,  and  Queen's  Counsel,  did  not 
come  in  to  dispute  the  said  Conclusions  ;  and  the  sayings 
of  the  said  Mr.  Providel  in  the  said  Consistory,  with 
my  Protestation  also,  in  not  agreeing  to  the  term,  as 
peremptory,  your  Highness  shall  perceive  in  writing  sent 

As  concerning  the  seven  Conclusions  yet  remaining  un- 
disputed, we  think  the  Pope's  Holiness  will  hear  us  no 
further  in  the  Consistory :  saying,  that  the  Part  adverse  will 
not  abide  the  Disputations,  nor  come  in  to  the  same  : 
I^evertheless  to  take  otherwise  out  of  the  Consistory,  with 
the  Cardinals  Information,  his  Holiness  is  well  contented. 

And  verily,  Sir,  to  study,  labour,  set  forward,  and  call 
upon  such  things  as  may  confer  to  the  advancement  of  tHe 
Matter,  and  your  Highness's  Purpose,  there  shall  not  want 
nttlther  good  will,  neither  diligence  to  the  uttermost,  that 
we  can  excogitate  or  desire,  as  hitherto  surely  neither  Party 
bath  failed  ;  trusting  in  God  that  thereby,  if  Justice  be  not 
oppressed,  some  good  effect  shall  follow,  to  the  good  con- 
tentation  of  your  Highness.  With  these  Presents,  your 
Highness  shall  also  receive  a  Copy  of  all  things  that  were 
spoken  as  well  for  your  Highness's  behalf,  as  by  the  Party 
adverse,  in  the  Consistory,  the  20th  day  of  March. 

And  thus  most  humbly  we  commend  us  to  your  Highness, 
beseeching  Almighty  God  long  to  continue  the  same  in  his 
most  Royal  Estate.    At  Rome,  the  29  of  April. 

Your  Highness's  most  humble  Subjects, 
and  poor  Servants, 

Edward  Karne. 
Edmond  Bonner. 


A  Letter  from  Benet  and  Cassali  about  the  Process. 
An  Original. 

(Cotton.  Libr.  Vitell.  B.  13.) 

Serenissime  et  Invictissime  Domine  noster  Supreme, 
salutem.  Tribus  Superioribus  Consistoriis  ante  vacationes 
habitis,  de  Causa  Excusatoria  actum  fuit ;  sed  quid  illud 
fuerit  quod  in  primo  egerunt  rescire  non  potuimus,  quia 
Cardinales  poena  Excommunicationis  prohibiti  fuerant'quic- 
quam  revelare.  Secundo  etiam  aliquid  super  eadem  causa 
tractarunt,  quod  itidem  nos  celaverunt.  Sed  ultimo  illo, 
quod  die  octavo  Julii  Congregatttm  fuit,  ita,  ut  inferius  pa- 

OF  RECORDS.  151 

tebit,  constituerunt.    Quum  ergo  postero  die  Pontificem 
adivissemus,  ut  quod  decretum  foret  cognosceremus,  ab  eo 
sic  accepimus  ;  nolle  se  ore  suo,  propterea  quod  Jurisperi- 
tus  non  sit,  Consistorii  deliberalionem  pronunciare ;  quo- 
circa  die  sequenti  ad  ipsum  rediremus,    quoniam  vellet 
Cardinales  Montem  et  Anconitanum  id  ipsum  nobis  pro- 
ferre  :  Et  nihilominus  idem  quod  deinde  ex  ipsis  Cardinali- 
bus  audivimus  tunc  explicavit   noluit  lamen  nobis  esse 
Responsi  loco.    Igitur  sicut  dixerat,  redivimus,  et  nobis 
duo  illi  Cardinales  sic  retulerunt  summum  Dominum  et 
Cardinales  decrevisse,  literas  Exhortatorias  cum  a  Ponti- 
fice,  turn  a  CoUegio  Cardinalium,  Majestati  vestrae  scri- 
bendas  esse,  quibus  vestram  Majestatem  adhortarentur,  ut 
velit  hie   ad  Causam  Procuratorem  constituere,  idq;  per 
totum  Octobrem    proximum  facere.       Pontifex  praeterea 
suadebat  ut  ad  idem  nos  Majestatem  Vestram  cohortare- 
mur,  iidemq;  fecerunt  Cardinales,  volentes  omnes  ambi- 
guitates  et  dubitationes  tollere.    Respondimus,  velle  quod 
nobis  injungebatur  Majestati  Vestrae  scribere  ;  verum  illud 
non  posse  reticere  quod  erga  Majestatem  Vestram  inique 
actum  videbatur ;    quum  neq;  Excusator  admissus,  neq; 
ipsius  allegationes  forent  probatae  ac  receptae,  id  quod  tam 
saape  instantissime  petitum  fuerat.     Praeterea  non  posse 
nos  non  valde  mirari,  ac  etiam  summopere,  conqueri,  quod 
quum  pro  comperto  haberemus  juris  esse  id   fieri,    esset 
nihilominus  denegatum  ;  quum  praesertim  petendo  Manda- 
tum  procuratorium,  tacite  viderentur  rejicere  Excusatorem, 
et  per  ipsum  allegata.    Sic  autem  illi  nobis  Responderunt, 
neque  Excusatorem  fuisse  rejectum,  neq;  per  ipsum  alle- 
gata, sed  in  eodem,  quo  prius,  statu  permanere  ;  hoc  autem 
excusatorium  negotium  minime,  ut  nobis  judicibus  clarum, 
sed  dubium  videri.    Ibiq;    Anconitanus  quaedam   nostris 
contraria  adduxit,  quae  D.  Karne  suis  Uteris  recenset.    Di- 
cebant  quoq;  in  hac  re  favorabilius  nos,  quam  adversarios 
fuisse  Iractatos;  illud  etiam  addentes,  quod  si  procurato- 
rium mandatum  mittatur,  justitia  optime  ministrabitur,  ac 
etiam  quatenus  fieri  possit,  favorabiliter  ;  idque  et  Pontifex 
et  Cardinales  ambo  constanter  asseverabant.    Quum  vero 
nos  saipius  diceremus,  excusatorem  admilti  debuisse,  dixe- 
runt,  si  recte  considerare  velimus,  nos  idem  ipsum  re  habu- 
isse  ;  si  enim  (aibant).  Procurator  hie  constituatur,  literae 
Remissoriae  et  Compulsoriae  decernentur,  ad  testes  in  par- 
tibus  examinandos.    Itemq;  vir  aliquis  probus  ad  id  oele- 
gabitur  ad  utram^;  partem,  testesque  scil.   examinandos, 
'ita  ut  processus  in  partibus  fiat:  Atque  hoc  pacto  nos  id 
consequi  quod  desideramus,  quoniam  quod  ad  totius  causx 
decisionem  pertinet,  ex  eo  quod  de  Pontificis  potestate  cog< 


noscendum,  et  de  jure  Divino  disceptandum  sit,  ac  aliis 
etiam  de  causis,  ipsam  Decisionem  Pontifici  integram  sem- 
per reservari  nihilominus  oporteret,  quamvis  causam  alibi 
quam  Romae  cognosci  permissum  fuisset.  Nobis  certe  vi- 
som  est,  baud  parum  esse  quod  obtinuimus,  longe  enim 
pejora  tinaebamus,  quum  nemo  in  urbe  esset,  qui  non  crede- 
ret  Excusatorem  una  cum  suis  allegationibus  rejectum  iri. 
Hunc  quidem  eventum  rei  Csesariani  aegerrime  tuleiunt. 
Optime  valeat  Majestas  Vestra.  Romae  die  13  Julii  1532. 
Vestrae  Regiae  Majestatis 

Hier.  Episcopus  Wigornien.  i 

W.  Benet.  • 

Gregorio  Cassali. 


The  Sentence  of  Divorce.  n 

(In  an  Inspeximus  Rot.  Pat.  25.  Reg.  2d  Part.) 

Anno  Incarnationis  millesimo  quingentesimo  tricesimo  tertio, 
Indictione  sexta,  Clementis  Papa3  decimo,  mensis  Maii 
vicesimo  tertio,  in  Ecclesia  Conventuali  Monasterii  Sancti 
Petri  Dunstabliae^  Ordinis  Sancti  Augustini  Lincoln. 
Dioces.  nostri  Cantuarien.  Provinciae. 

In  Dei  Nomine,  Amen.  Nos  Thomas  Permissione  Di- 
vina  Cantuarien.  Archiepiscopus,  totius  Angliae  Primas,  et 
Apostolicae  Sedis  Legatus,  in  quadam  causa  inquisitionis  de 
et  super  viribus  Matrimonii  inter  Illustrissimum  et  Poten- 
tissimum  Principem  et  Dominum  nostrum  Henricum  Octa- 
vum  Dei  Gratia  Angliae  et  Franciae  Regem,  Fidei  Defen- 
sorem  et  Dominum  Hiberniae,  ac  Serenissimam  Dominam 
Catharinam  nobilis  memoriae  Ferdinandi  Hispaniarum  Re- 
gis Filiam  contracti  et  consummati,  quae  coram  nobis  in 
judicio  ex  officio  nostro  mero  aliquandiu  vertebatur,  et  ad- 
huc  vertitur,  et  pendet  indecisa,  rite  et  legitime  proceden- 
tes,  visis  primitus  per  nos  et  diligenter  inspectis,  articulis 
sive  capitulis  in  dicta  causa  objectis  et  ministratis,  una  cum 
responsis  eis  ex  parte  dicti  lUustrissimi  et  Potentissimi 
Principis  Henrici  Octavi  factis  et  redditis,  visisque  et  simi- 
liter per  nos  inspectis  plurimorum  Nobilium  et  aliorum 
testium  fide  dignorum  dictis  et  dispositionibus  in  eadem 
causa  habitis  et  factis,  visisq:  praeterea  et  similiter  per  nos 
inspectis,  quamplurium  fere  totius  Christiani  orbis  Princi- 
palum  Academiarura  Censuris  ceu  Conclusionibus  Magis* 
tralibus,  etiam  tarn  Theologorum  quam  Jurisperitorum  re- 
sponsis et  opinionibus,  utriusq;  deniq;  Provinciae  Augli- 

OF  RECORDS.  153 

canae  Consiliorum  Provincialium  assertionibus  et  affirma- 
tionibus,  aliisque  salutaribus  monitis  et  doctiinis  super 
dicto  matrimonio  desuper  respective  habitis  et  factis  ;  vi- 
sisq;  ulterius,  et  pari  modo  per  nos  inspectis,  pactis  seu 
fcederibus  pacis  et  amicitiae  inter  perennis  famae  Henricura 
septimura  nuper  Regem  Angliae,  et  dictum  nobilis  memoriae 
Ferdiuandum  nuper  Regem  Hispaniae  desuper  initis  et 
factis ;  visis  quoque  peraraplius,  et  diligenter"  per  nos  in- 
spectis, omnibus  et  singulis  actis,  actitatis,  Uteris,  proces- 
sibus,  instrumentis,  scripturis,  monumentis,  rebusq;  aliis 
universis  in  dicta  causa  quomodolibet  gestis  et  factis,  ac 
aliis  omnibus  et  singulis  per  nos  visis  et  inspectis,  atq;  a 
nobis  cum  diligentia  et  maturitate  ponderatis  et  recensitis, 
servatisq;  ulterius  per  nos  in  hac  parte  de  jure  servandis, 
necnon  partibus  praedictis,  videlicet  praefato  illustrissimo 
et  potentissimo  Principe  Henrico  Octavo  per  ejus  Procu- 
ratorem  idoneum  coram  nobis  in  dicta  causa  legitime  com- 
parente,  dicta  vero  Serenissima  Domina  Catharina  per  con- 
tumaciam absente,  cujus  absentia  Divina  repleatur  prae- 
sentia,  de  Consilio  Jurisperitorum  et  Theologorum,  cum 
quibus  in  hac  parte  communicavimus,  ad  sententiam  nostram 
definitivara  sive  finale  Decretum  nostrum  in  dicta  causa 
ferendam  sive  ferendum  sic  duximus  procedendum,  et  pro- 
cedimus  in  hunc  modum.  Quia  per  acta  actitata,  deducta, 
proposita,  exhibita,  et  allegata,  probata  pariier  et  confes- 
sata,  articulataque,  capitulata,  partis  responsa,  testium 
depositiones,  et  dicta  instrumenta,  monumenta,  literas, 
scripturas,  censuras,  conclusiones  Magistrates,  opiniones, 
consilia,  assertiones,  affirmationes,  tractatus  et  foedera  pa- 
cis, processus,  res  alias,  et  caetera  promissa  coram  nobis  in 
dicta  causa  respective  habita,  gesta,  facta,  exhibita  et  pro- 
ducta;  Necnon  ex  eisdem,  et  diversis  aliis  ex  causis  et 
considerationibus,  argumentisq;  et  probationum  generibus 
variis,  et  multiplicibus,  validis  quidem  et  efficacibus,  qui- 
bus animum  nostrum  hac  in  parte  ad  plenum  informavimus, 
plene  et  evidenter  invenimus  et  comperimus  dictum  Matri- 
monium  inter  praefatos  lUustrissimum  et  Potentissimum 
Principem  et  Dominum  nostrum  Henricum  Octavum,  ac 
Serenissimam  Dominam  Catharinam,  ut  praemittitur,  con- 
tractum  et  consumraatum,  nullum  et  omnino  invalidum 
fuisse  et  esse,  et  Divino  Jure  prohibente  contractum  et 
consummatura  extitisse  :  Idcirco  nos  Thomas  Archiepisco- 
pus  Primas  et  Legalus  antedictus,  Christi  nomine  primitus 
invocato,  ac  solum  Deum  prae  oculis  nostris  habentes,  pro 
nuUitate  et  invaliditate  dicti  Matrimonii  pronunciamus,  de- 
cernimus  et  declaramus,  ipsumcij  praetensum  Matrimonium 
fuisse  et  esse  nullum  et  mvaliaum,  ac  Divino  Jure  pro- 


hibente  contractum  et  consummatum,  nulliusq;  Valoris  aut 
momenti  esse,  sed  viribus  et  firmitate  juris  caruisse  et  ca- 
rere,  praefatoq;  lUustrissimo  et  Potentissimo  Principi 
Henrico  Octavo  et  Serenissimae  Dominae  Catharinse  non 
licere  in  eodem  prsetenso  Matrimonio  remanere,  et  pronun- 
ciamus,  decernimus  et  declaramus  ;  ipsosq;  Illustrissimum 
et  Potentissimum  Principem  Henricum  Octavum  ac  Sere- 
nissimatn  Dominam  Catharinam,  quatenus  de  facto  et  non 
de  jure  dictum  praetensum  Matrimonium  ad  invicem  con- 
traxerunt  et  consummarunt,  ab  invicem  separamus  et  divor- 
ciamus,  atq;  sic  separatos  et  divorciatos,  necnon  ob  omni 
vinculo  Matrimoniali  respectu  dicti  praetensi  Matrimonii 
liberos  et  immunes  fuisse  et  esse,  pronunciamus,  decerni- 
mus et  declaramus,  per  banc  nostrara  sententiam  definiti- 
vam,  sive  hoc  nostrum  finale  Decretum,  quam  sive  quod 
ferimus  et  promulgamus  in  his  scriptis.  In  quorum  prae- 
missorum  fidera  et  testimonium,  has  literas  nostras  testi- 
moniales,  sive  praesens  publicum  sententiae  vel  Decreti  in- 
strumentum,  exinde  fieri  ac  per  Notaries  Publicos  sub- 
scriptos,  scribas  et  actuaries  nostros  in  ea  parte  specialiter 
assumptos,  subscribi  et  signari,  nostriq;  sigilli  appensione 
jussimus  et  fecimus  communiri. 

He  likewise  passed  Judgment  {confirming  the  King's  Mar- 
riage with  Queen  An7i)  at  Lambeth,  May  28,  1533,  which 
is  in  the  same  Inspeximus. 


An  Act  concerning  the  Deprivations  of  the  Bishops  of  Salisbury  ^ 
and  Worcester. 

(Act  5,  Anno  Regni  25.) 

Where  before  this  time  the  Church  of  England,  by  the 
King's  most  noble  Progenitors,  and  the  Nobles  of  the 
same,  have  been  founded,  ordained,  and  established  in  the 
Estate  and  degree  of  Prelatic  Dignities,  and  other  Promo- 
tions Spiritual,  to  the  intent  and  purpose  that  the  said 
Prelates,  and  other  Persons,  having  the  said  Dignities  and 
Promotions  Spiritual,  continually  should  be  abiding,  and 
Reseants  upon  their  said  Promotions  within  this  Realm  ; 
and  also  keep,  use,  and  exercise  Hospitality,  Divine  Services, 
teaching  and  preaching  of  the  Laws  of  Almighty  God,  to 
such  Persons  as  were  and  have  been  within  the  precinct  of 
their  Promotions  or  Dignities,  for  the  Wealth  of  the  Souls 
of  their  givers  and  founders,  greatly  to  the  honour  of  Al- 
mighty God.    Of  the  which  said  Spiritual  Persons,   the 

OF  RECORDS.  165 

King's  Highness,  and  his  most  noble  Progenitors,  have  had 
right  honourable  and  well  learned  personages,  apt,  meet, 
and  convenient,  for  to  guide  and  instruct  his  Highness,  and 
his  most  noble  Progenitors,  in  their  Counsels,  concerning 
as  well  their  Outward  as  Inward  Affairs,  to  be  devised  and 
practised  for  the  utility  and  preservation  of  this  Realm  ;  by 
reason  whereof  the  Issues,  Revenues,  Profits,  and  Trea- 
sure, rising  and  coming  of  the  said  Spiritual  Promotions 
and  Dignities,  were  and  should  be  spent,  employed,  and 
converted  within  this  Realm,  to  the  great  profit  and  com- 
modity of  the  King's  Subjects  of  the  same.  And  where 
also  by  the  laudable  Laws  and  Provisions  of  this  Realm, 
before  this  time  made,  it  hath  been  ordained,  used,  and 
established,  that  no  Person  nor  Persons,  of  whatsoever 
Estate,  Degree,  or  Quality  he  or  they  were,  should  take  or 
receive  within  this  Realm  of  England,  to  Farm,  by  any 
Procuracy,  Writ,  Letter  of  Attorney,  Administrations,  by 
Indenture,  or  by  any  other  Mean,  any  Benefice,  or  other 
Promotion  within  this  Realm,  of  any  Person  or  Persons, 
but  only  of  the  King's  true  and  lawful  Subjects,  being  born 
under  the  King's  Dominions.  And  also  that  no  Person  or 
Persons,  of  what  estate  and  degree  soever  he  or  they  were, 
by  reason  of  any  such  Farm,  Procuracie,  Lettter  of  Attorney, 
Administration,  Indenture,  or  by  any  other  mean,  as  is  afore- 
said, should  carry,  conveigh,  or  cause  to  be  carried  and  con- 
veighed  out  of  this  Realm,  any  Gold,  Silver,  Treasure,  or 
other  commodity,  by  Letter  of  Exchange,  or  by  way  of 
Merchandise,  or  otherwise,  for  any  of  tne  Causes  afore- 
said, to  the  profit  or  commodity  of  any  Alien,  or  other  Stran- 
ger, being  born  out  of  this  Realm,  having  any  such  Promo- 
tion Spiritual  within  the  same,  without  license  of  the  King's 
Highness,  by  the  advice  of  his  Council,  as  by  the  same  Laws, 
Statutes,  and  Provisions,  more  plainly  at  large  it  may  ap- 
pear ;  which  said  laudable  Laws,  Statutes,  and  Provisions, 
were  made,  devised,  and  ordained,  by  great  policy  and 
foresight  of  the  King's  most  noble  Progenitors,  the  Nobles 
and  Commons  of  this  Realm,  for  the  great  profit,  utility, 
and  benefit  of  the  same,  to  the  intent  that  the  Gold,  Silver, 
Treasure,  Riches,  and  other  Commodity  of  the  same,  by 
the  occasion  aforesaid,  should  not  be  exhausted,  employed, 
converted,  and  otherwise  transported  out  of  this  Realm 
and  Dominions  of  the  same,  to  the  use,  profit,  and  com- 
modity of  any  Stranger  being  born  out  of  this  Realm,  or  the 
Dominions  of  the  same  ;  But  only  to  be  spent,  and  used, 
and  bestowed  within  the  same,  to  the  great  comfort  and 
consolation  of  the  Subjects  of  this  Realm.  Notwith- 
standing which  said  wholesome  Laws,  Statutes,  and  Provir 


sions,  the  King's  Highness  being  a  Prince  of  great  benignity 
and  liberality,  having  no  knowledg,  nor  other  due  informa- 
tion or  instruction  of  the  same  Laws,  Statutes,  and  Pro- 
visions, heretofore  hath  nominated,  and  preferred,  and 
promoted,  Laurence  Campegius  Bishop  of  Sarum,  with  all 
the  Spiritual  and  Temporal  Possessions,  Promotions,  and 
other  Emoluments  and  Commodities  in  any  wise  belonging 
or  appertaining  to  the  same :  And  also  hath  nominated, 
preferred,  and  promoted,  Hierome,  being  another  Stranger, 
born  out  of  the  King's  said  Realm  and  Dominions,  to  the 
See  and  Bishoprick  of  Worcester,  with  all  the  Spiritual  and 
Temporal  Promotions,  and  other  Emoluments . and  Com- 
modities, in  any  wise  belonging  or  appertaining  to  the 
same.  Which  said  two  Bishops,  and  namely  the  Bishop  of 
Sarum,  nothing  regarding  their  Duties  to  Almighty  God,  nor 
their  Cures  of  the  said  Bishopricks,  eversith  or  for  the  more 
part  of  the  time  of  their  said  Promotions  or  Profec- 
tions  into  the  same,  have  been,  and  yet  be  resident, 
dwelling  and  abiding  at  the  See  of  Rome,  or  elsewhere,  in 
other  parts  beyond  the  Sea,  far  out  and  from  any  of  the 
King's  said  Dominions ;  by  reason  whereof,  the  great 
Hospitality,  Divine  Service,  teaching  and  Preaching  the 
Laws,  and  Examples  of  good  living,  and  the  other  good 
and  necessary  effects  before  rehearsed,  have  been  many 
years  by-past,  and  yet  continually  be,  not  only  withdrawn, 
decayed,  hindered,  and  minished,  but  also  great  quantity 
of  Gold,  Silver,  and  Treasure,  to  the  yearly  sum  and  value 
of  £3000  at  the  least,  have  been  yearly  taken  and  conveighed 
out  of  this  realm,  to  the  singular  profit,  and  great  enriching 
of  the  said  Bishops,  and  daily  is  like  to  be  conveighed, 
transported,  and  sent,  contrary  to  the  purport  and  effect  of 
the  said  former  wholsome  laws  and  Statutes,  to  the  great 
impoverishing  of  this  Realm,  as  well  presently  as  for  to 
come,  if  speedy  remedy  be  not  had  therefore  in  brief  time 
provided.  In  consideration  whereof,  be  it  enacted  by  the 
Authority  of  this  present  Parliament,  that  the  said  two 
several  Sees  and  Bishopricks  of  Salisbury  and  Worcester, 
andeitherof  them,  from  henceforth,  shal]  be  taken,  reputed, 
and  accounted  in  the  Law  to  be  utterly  void,  vacant,  and 
utterly  destitute  of  any  Incumbent,  or  Prelate,  &c. 

OF  RECORDS.  157 


A  Letter  from  Cromwel  to  Fisher,  about  the  Maid  of  Kent, 
Anno  34,  or  end  of  35. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Cleop.  E.  4.) 

My  Lord,  in  my  right  hearty  wise  I  commend  me  to  your 
Lordship,  doing  you  to  understand,  that  I  have  received 
your  Letters  dated  at  Rochester,  the  18th  day  of  this 
Month  ;  in  tvhich  ye  declare  what  craft  and  cunning  ye 
have  to  persuade,  and  to  set  a  good  Countenance  upon  an 
ill  Matter,  drawing  some  Scriptures  to  your  purpose ;  which 
well  weighed,  according  to  the  places  whereout  they  be 
taken,  make  not  so  much  for  your  purpose  as  ye  alledge 
them  for  ;  and  where  in  the  first  Leaf  of  your  Letters  ye 
write,  that  ye  doubt  nothing,  neither  before  God  nor  be- 
fore the  World,  if  need  shall  that  require,  so  to  declare 
your  self,  whatsoever  has  been  said  of  you,  that  ye  have  not 
deserved  such  heavy  words,  or  terrible  threats,  as  hath  been 
sent  from  me  unto  you  by  your  Brother. 

How  ye  can  declare  your  self  afore  God  and  the  World, 
when  need  shall  require,  I  cannot  tell ;  but  I  think  verily  that 
your  declaration  made  by  these  Letters  is  far  insufficient  to 
prove  that  ye  have  deserved  no  heavy  words  in  this  behalf. 
And  to  say  plainly,  I  sent  you  no  heavy  words,  but  words 
of  great  comfort,  willing  your  Brother  to  show  you  how 
benign  and  merciful  the  Prince  was  :  And  that  I  thought  it 
expedient  for  you  to  write  unto  his  Highness,  and  to  recog- 
nize your  Offences,  and  desire  his  pardon,  which  his  Grace 
would  not  deny  you  now  in  your  age  and  sickness ;  which 
my  counsel  I  would  you  had  followed,  rather  than  to  have 
written  these  Letters  to  me,  excusing  your  self  altho  there 
were  no  manner  of  default  in  you.  But,  my  Lord,  if  it 
were  in  another  manner  of  case  than  your  own,  and  out  of 
the  Matter  which  ye  favour,  I  doubt  not  but  that  ye  would 
think  him  that  should  have  done  as  ye  have  done,  not  only 
worthy  heavy  Words,  but  also  heavy  Deeds ;  for  where  ye 
labour  to  excuse  your  self  of  your  Hearing,  Bribing,  and 
concealing  of  the  Maiden's  false  and  feigned  Revelations, 
and  of  your  manifold  sending  of  your  Chaplains  unto  her, 
by  a  certain  intent  which  ye  pretend  your  self  to  have  had, 
to  know  by  communing  with  her,  or  by  sending  your  Chap- 
lains to  her,  whether  her  Revelations  were  of  God  or  no, 
alledging  divers  Scriptures  that  ye  were  bound  to  prove 
them,  and  to  receive  them  after  they  were  proved.    My 

Vol.LPartII.  P 


Lord,  whether  ye  have  used  a  due  means  to  try  her  and  her 
Revelations,  or  no,  it  appeareth  by  the  Process  of  your  own 
Letters.     For  where  you  write  that  ye  had  conceived  a 
great  opinion  of  the  holiness  of  this  Woman,  for  many  con- 
siderations rehearsed  in  your  Letters,  comprised  in  six  Ar- 
ticles ;  whereof  the  first  is  grounded  upon  the  bruit  and 
fame  of  her ;  the  second,  upon  her  entring  into  Religion 
after  her  trances  and  diffiguration;  the  third,  upon  rehearsal 
that  her  Ghostly   Father   being  Learned   and    Religious, 
should  testify  that  she  was  a  Woman  of  great  holiness  ;  the 
fourth,  upon  the  report  that  divers  other  vertuous  Priests, 
Men  of  good  Learning  and  Reputation,  should  so  testify  of 
her,  with  which  Ghostly  Father,  and  Priests,   ye  never 
spake,  as  ye  confess  in  your  Letters;  the  fifth,  upon  the 
praises  of  my  late  Lord  of  Canterbury,  which  shewed  you, 
as  ye  write,  that  she  had  many  great  Visions ;  the  sixth, 
upon  the  saying  of  the  Prophet  Amos,  iVan  faciei  Dominus 
Deus   Verhum,  nisi  revelaverit  secretum  suum  ad  servos  stios 
Praphetas.    By  which  considerations  ye  were  induced  to 
the  desire  to  know  the  very  certainty  of  this  Matter,  whe- 
ther these  Revelations  which  were  pretended  to  be  shewed 
to  her  from  God,  were  true  Revelations  or  not.    Your  Lord- 
ship in  all  the  sequel  of  your  Letters,  shew  not  that  ye  made 
no  further  trial  upon  the  truth  of  her  and  her  Revelations, 
but  only  in  communing  with  her,  and  sending  your  Chap- 
lains to  her  with  idle  Questions,  as  of  the  3  Mary  Magda- 
lens,  by  which  your  communication  and  sending,  ye  tried 
out  nothing  of  her  falshood,  neither  (as  it  is  credibly  sup- 
posed) intended  to  do  as  ye  might  have  done,  in  any  wise 
more  easily  than  with  communing  with  her,  or  sending  to 
her ;  for  little  credence  was  to  be  given  to  her,  affirming 
her  own  feigned  Revelations  to  be  from  God ;  for  if  credence 
should  be  given  to  every  such  lewd  Person  as  would  affirm 
himself  to  have  Revelations  from  God,  what  readier  way 
were  there  to  subvert  all  Common  Weals  and  good  orders 
in  the  World? 

Verily,  my  Lord,  if  ye  had  intended  to  trace  out  the  truth 
of  her,  and  of  her  Revelations,  ye  would  have  taken  an 
other  way  with  you ;  first,  you  would  not  have  been  eon- 
verted  with  the  vain  Voices  of  the  People,  making  bruits 
of  her  Trances  and  Diffiguration,  but  like  a  wise,  discreet, 
and  circumspect  Prelate,  ye  should  have  examined  (as  other 
since)  such  sad  and  credible  Persons  as  were  present  at  her 
Traunces  and  Diffigurings,  not  one  or  two,  but  a  good 
number,  by  whose  testimony  ye  should  have  proved,  whe- 
ther the  Bruits  of  her  Traunces  and  Diffigurations  were 
true  or  not.    And  likewise  ye  should  have  tried  by  what 

OF  RECORDS.  159 

craft  and  persuasion  she  was  made  a  Religious  Woman  j 
and  if  ye  had  been  so  desirous,  as  ye  pretended,  to  enquire 
out  the  truth  or  falshood  of  this  Woman,  and  of  her  Reve- 
lations ;  it  is  to  be  supposed  ye  would  have  spoken  with  her 
good,  religious,  and  well- learned  Ghostly  Father  e're  this 
time,  and  also  with  the  vertuous  and  well-learned  Priest 
(as  they  were  esteemed),  of  whose  reports  ye  would  have 
been  informed  by  them  which  heard  them  speak:  or  ye 
would  also  have  been  minded  to  see  the  Book  of  her  Reve- 
lations, which  was  offered  you,  of  which  ye  might  have 
had  more  trial  of  her  and  her  Revelations,  than  of  a  hun- 
dred communications  with  her,  or  of  as  many  sendings  of 
your  Chaplains  unto  her.    As  for  the  late  Lord  of  Canter- 
bury's saying  unto  you.  That  she  had  many  great  Visions, 
it  ought  to  move  you  never  a  deal  to  give  credence  unto 
her  or  her  Revelations ;  for  the  said  Lord  knew  no  more 
certainty  of  her,  or  of  her  Revelations,  than  he  did  by  her 
own  report.     And  as  touching  the  saying  of  Amos  the 
Prophet,  1  think  verily  the  same  moved  you  but  a  little  to 
hearken  unto  her ;  for  sithence  the  Consummation  and  the 
end  of  the  Old  Testament,  and  sithen  the  Passion  of  Christ, 
God  hath  done  many  great  and  notable  things  in  the  World, 
whereof  he  shewed  nothing  to  his  Prophets  that  hath  come 
to  the  knowledg  of  Men.    My  Lord,  all  these  things  moved 
you  not  to  give  credence  unto  her,  but  only  the  very  matter 
whereupon  she  made  her  false  Prophesies  ;  to  which  matter 
ye  were  so  affected,  as  ye  be  noted  to  be  in  all  matters 
which  ye  enter  once  into,  that  nothing  could  come  amiss 
that  made  for  that  purpose.    And  here  I  appeal  your  Con- 
science, and  instantly  desire  you  to  answer.  Whether  if  she 
had  shewed  you  as  many  Revelations  for  the  confirmation 
of  the  King's  Graces  Marriage,  which  he  now  enjoyeth,  as 
she  did  to  the  contrary,  ye  would  have  given  as  much  cre- 
dence to  her  as  the  same  done,  and  would  have  let  the  trial 
of  her  and  her  Revelations  to  overpass  those  many  years, 
where  ye  dwelt  not  from  her  but  twenty  miles  in  thfe  same 
Shire  where   her   Traunces,    and   Diffigurings,   and   Pro- 
phesies  in    her   Traunces    were    surmised,   and  reported. 
And  if  percase  ye  will  say  (as  if  not  unlike  but  ye  will  say, 
minded  as  ye  were  wont  to  be)  that  the  matter  be  not  like, 
for  the  Law  of  God,  in  your  opinion,  standeth  with  the  one 
and  not  with  the  other  :  Surely,  my  I.ord,  1  suppose  there 
had  been  no  great  cause  more  to  trust  the  one  more  than 
the  other  ;  for  ye  know  by  Scriptures  of  the  Bible,  that  God 
may  by  his  Revelation  dispense  with  his  own  l^aw,  as  with 
the  Israelites  spoiling  the  Egyptians,  and  with  Jacob  to  have 
four  Wives,  and  such  other.    Think  you,  my  Lord,  thai  any 


indifferent  Man,  considering  the  quality  of  the  Matter,  and 
your  Affections,  and  also  the  negligent  passing  over  of  such 
lawful  Trials  as  ye  might  have  had  of  the  said  Maiden,  and 
her  Revelations,  is  so  dull,  that  cannot  perceive  and  discern 
that  your  communing,  and  often  sending  to  the  said  Maid, 
was  rather  to  hear  and  bruit  many  of  her  Revelations,  than 
to  try  out  the  truth  or  falshood  of  the  same.  And  in  this 
Business,  I  suppose,  it  vi^ill  be  hard  for  you  to  purge  your- 
self before  God,  or  the  World,  but  that  ye  have  been  in 
great  default  in  hearing,  believing,  and  concealing  such 
things  as  tended  to  the  destruction  of  the  Prince ;  and  that 
her  Revelations  were  bent  and  purposed  to  that  end,  it  hath 
been  duly  proved  afore  as  great  Assembly  and  Council  of 
the  Lords  of  this  Realm,  as  hath  been  seen  many  years  meet 
out  of  a  Parliament.  And  what  the  said  Lords  deemed 
them  worthy  to  suffer,  which  said,  heard,  believed,  and  con- 
cealed those  false  Revelations,  be  more  terrible  than  any 
threats  spoken  by  me  to  your  Brother. 

And  where  ye  go  about  to  defend,  that  ye  be  not  to  be 
blamed  for  concealing  the  Revelations  concerning  the 
King's  Grace,  because  ye  thought  it  not  necessary  to  re- 
hearse them  to  his  Highness,  for  six  Causes  following  in 
your  Letters  ;  afore  I  shew  you  my  mind  concerning  these 
Causes,  I  suppose  that  albeit  you  percase  thought  it  not  ne- 
cessary to  be  shewed  to  the  Prince  by  you,  yet  that  your 
thinking  shall  not  be  your  Trial,  but  the  Law  must  define 
whether  ye  oughted  to  utter  it  or  not. 

And  as  to  the  first  of  the  said  seven  Causes  ;  Albeit  she 
told  you  that  she  had  shewed  her  Revelations  concerning 
the  King's  Grace  to  the  King  her  self ;  yet  her  saying,  or 
others,  discharged  not  you,  but  that  ye  were  bound,  by  your 
fidelity,  to  shew  to  the  King's  Grace  that  thing  which  seemed 
to  concern  his  Grace  and  his  Reign  so  nighly :  for  how  knew 
you  that  she  shewed  these  Revelations  to  the  King's  Grace, 
but  by  her  own  saying,  to  which  ye  should  have  given  no 
such  credence,  as  to  forbear  the  utterance  of  so  great  Mat- 
ters concerning  a  King's  Weal  ?  And  why  should  you  so 
sinisterlyjudg  the  Prince,  that  if  ye  had  shewed  the  same 
unto  him,  he  would  have  thought  that  ye  had  brought  that 
tale  unto  him,  more  for  the  strengthening  and  confirmation 
of  your  Opinion,  than  for  any  other  thing  else.  Verily,  my 
Lord,  whatsoever  your  Judgment  be,  I  see  daily  such 
benignity  and  excellent  humanity  in  his  Grace,  that  I  doubt 
not  but  his  Highness  would  have  accepted  it  in  good  part,  if 
ye  had  shewed  the  same  Revelations  unto  him,  as  ye  were 
bounden  by  your  fidelity. 

To  the  second  Cause ;  Albeit  she  shewed  you  not  that  aay 

Of  RECORDS.  161 

Prince,  or  other  Temporal  Lord,  should  put  the  King's 
Grace  in  danger  of  his  Crown ;  yet  there  were  ways  enough 
by  which  her  said  Revelations  might  have  put  the  King's 
Grace  in  danger,  as  the  foresaid  Council  of  Lords  have  sub- 
stantially and  duly  considered :  And  therefore  albeit  she 
shewed  you  not  the  means  whereby  the  danger  should  ensue 
to  the  King,  yet  ye  were  nevertheless  bounden  to  shew  him 
of  the  danger. 

To  the  third ;  Think  you,  my  Lord,  that  if  any  Person 
would  come  unto  you,  and  shew  you,  that  the  King's 
destruction  were  conspired  against  a  certain  time,  and 
would  fully  shew  you  that  he  were  sent  from  his  Master  to 
shew  the  same  to  the  King,  and  will  say  further  unto  that, 
he  would  go  streight  to  tlie  King  ;  were  it  not  yet  your  duty 
to  certify  the  King's  Grace  of  this  Revelation,  and  also  to 
enquire  whether  the  said  Person  had  done  his  foresaid 
Message  or  no  1  Yes  verily,  and  so  were  ye  bound,  tho  the 
Maiden  shewed  you  it  was  her  Message  from  God  to  be  de- 
clared by  her  to  the  King's  Grace. 

To  the  fourth  ;  Here  ye  translate  the  temporal  duty  that 
ye  owe  to  your  Prince,  to  the  spiritual  Duty  of  such  as  be 
bound  to  declare  the  Word  of  God  to  the  People,  and  to 
shew  unto  them  the  ill  and  punishment  of  it  in  another 
World  :  the  concealment  whereof  pertaineth  to  the  Judg- 
ment of  God,  but  the  concealment  of  this  Matter  pertaineth 
to  other  Judges  of  this  Realm. 

To  the  fifth  ;  There  could  no  blame  be  imputed  to  you, 
if  ye  had  shewed  the  Maidens  Revelation  to  the  King's 
Grace,  albeit  they  were  afterward  found  false,  for  no  Man 
ought  to  be, blamed  doing  his  Duty  :  And  if  a  Man  would 
shew  you  secretly,  that  there  were  a  great  Mischief  intended 
against  the  Prince,  were  ye  to  be  blamed  if  ye  shewed  him 
ot  it ;  albeit  it  was  a  feigned  talk,  and  the  said  mischief 
were  never  imagined. 

To  the  sixth  ;  Concerning  an  Imagination  of  Mr.  Pary,  it 
was  known  that  he  was  beside  himself,  and  therefore  they 
were  not  blamed  that  made  no  report  thereof  ;  but  it  was 
not  like  in  this  case,  for  ye  took  not  this  Maiden  for  a  mad 
Woman,  for  if  ye  had,  ye  would  not  have  given  unto  her  so 
great  credence  as  ye  did. 

To  the  final,  and  seventh  Cause  ;  Where  ye  lay  unto  the 
charge  of  our  Sovereign,  that  so  hath  unkindly  entreated 
you  with  grievous  Words,  and  terrible  Letters,  for  shewing 
fiis  Grace  truth  in  his  great  Matter,  whereby  ye  were  dis- 
comforted to  shew  unto  him  the  Maiden's  Revelations  :  I 
believe  that  I  know  the  King's  Goodness,  and  natural 
Gentleness  so  well,  that  his  Grace  would  not  so  unkindly 



handled  you,  as  your  unkindly  writings  him,  unless  ye  gave 
him  other  Causes  than  be  expressed  in  your  Letters.  And 
whatsoever  the  King's  Grace  hath  said  or  written  unto  you 
heretofore,  yet  notwithstanding  ye  were  nevertheless 
bounden  to  utter  to  him  those  pernicious  Revelations. 

Finally ;  Where  ye  desire,  for  the  Passion  of  Christ,  that 
ye  be  no  more  twitched  in  this  matter,  for  if  ye  be  put  to 
that  strait,  ye  will  not  lose  your  Soul,  but  ye  will  spesdc  as 
your  Conscience  bindeth  you,  with  many  more  words  of 
great  courage.  My  Lord,  if  ye  had  taken  my  counsel  sent 
unto  you  by  your  Brother,  and  followed  the  same,  submit- 
ting your  self,  by  your  Letters,  at  the  King's  Grace,  for 
your  offences  in  this  behalf,  I  would  have  trusted  that  ye 
should  never  be  quykkrand  in  this  matter  more.  But  now, 
where  ye  take  upon  you  to  defend  the  whole  Matter,  as  ye 
were  in  no  default,  I  cannot  so  far  promise  you  :  And 
surely,  my  Lord,  if  the  Matter  come  to  trial,  your  own 
confession  in  this  Letter,  besides  the  Witness  which  be 
against  you,  will  be  sufficient  to  condemn  you  :  Wherefore, 
my  Lord,  I  will  eft-soons  advise  you,  That  laying  apart  all 
such  excuses  as  ye  have  alledged  in  your  Letters,  which  in 
my  opinion  be  of  small  effect,  as  I  have  declared,  ye  beseech 
the  King's  Grace,  by  your  Letters,  to  be  your  Gracious 
Lord,  and  to  remit  unto  you  your  negligence,  over-sight,  and 
offence,  committed  against  his  Highness  in  this  behalf ;  and 
I  dare  undertake  that  his  Highness  shall  benignly  accept 
you  into  his  gracious  favour,  all  matters  of  displeasure  past 
afore  this  time  forgotten  and  forgiven.  As  touching  the 
speaking  of  your  Conscience,  It  is  thought  that  ye  have 
written  and  have  spoken  as  much  as  ye  can,  and  many 
things,  as  some  right  probably  believes,  against  your  own 
Conscience  :  and  men  report,  that  at  the  last  Convocation, 
ye  spake  many  things  which  ye  could  not  well  defend  ;  and 
therefore  it  is  not  greatly  feared  what  ye  can  say  or  write  in 
that  Matter,  howsoever  ye  be  qukkrane  and  startled.  And 
if  ye  had  taken,  &c. 

A  Renunciation  of  the  Pope's  Supremacy  ;  signed  by  the  Heads 
of  six  Religious  Houses. 

QuuM  ea  sit  non  solum  Christianae  Religionis  et  pietatis 
ratio,  sed  nostras  etiam  obediently  regula,  ut  Domino 
nostro  Henrico  ejus  nominis  pro  Dominio  Regio  Octavo, 
cui  uni  et  soli  post  Christum  lesum  Salvatorem  nostrum 
debentur  omnia,  non  modo  omnimodam  in  Christo,  et  ean- 

OF  RECORDS.  163 

dem  sinceram  perpetuamq;  animi  devotionem,  fidem,  ob- 
servantiam,  honorem,  cultum,  reverentiam  praestemus,  sed 
etiam  de  eadem  fide  et  observantia  nostra  rationem  quo- 
tiescunq;  postulabitur  reddamus,  et  palam  omnibus  si  res 
poscat  libentissirae  testemur :  Norint  universi  ad  quos 
praesens  scriptum  pervenit,  quod  nos  Priores  et  Conventus 
fratrum,  viz.  praedicatoris  Langley  Regis  ordinis  Sancti 
Dominici,  Minorum  de  Ailsbury  Ordinis  Sancti  Francisci, 
praedicatorum  Dunstopliae  Ordinis  antedicti,  Minorum  de 
Bedford  Ordinis  Sancti  Francisci,  Fratrum  Carmelitarum 
de  Hechyng  Ordinis  Beatae  Mariae,  Minorum  de  Morea 
Ordinis  Sancti  Francisci,  uno  ore  et  voce,  atque  unanimi 
omnium  et  singulorum  consensu  et  assensu,  hoc  scripto 
nostro  sub  sigillis  nostris  communibus,  et  in  domibus  nos- 
tris  capitularibus  dato,  pro  nobis  et  successoribus  nostris 
omnibus  singulis,  in  perpetuum  profitemur,  testamur  et 
lideliter  promittimus  et  spondemus,  nos  dictos  Priores  et 
Conventus  et  Successores  nostros,  omnes  et  singulos,  inte- 
gram,  inviolatam,  sinceram  perpetuamq;  fidem,  observan- 
tiam  et  obedientiam  semper  praestituros  erga  Dominum 
Regem  nostrum  lienricum  Octavum,  et  erga  Serenissimam 
Reginam  Annam  Uxorem  ejusdem,  et  erga  castum  Sanc- 
tumq;  Matrimonium  nuper  non  solum  inter  eosdem  juste  et 
legitime  contractum,  ratum  et  consummatum,  sed  etiam  tam 
in  duabus  Convocationibus  Cleri,  quam  in  Parliamento 
Dominorum  Spiritualium  et  Temporalium  atq;  Commu- 
nium  in  eodem  Parliamento  Congregatorum  et  praesentum 
determinatum,  et  per  Thomam  Cantuarien.  Episcopum 
solenniter  confirmatum,  et  erga  quamcunq;  aliam  ejusdem 
Henrici  Regis  nostra  Uxorem,  post  mortem  praedictse  Annae 
nunc  Uxoris  suae  legitimae  ducendam,  et  erga  sobolem  dicti 
Domini  Regis  Henrici  ex  praedicta  Anna  legitime  tam  pro- 
genitam  quam  progignendam,  et  erga  sobolem  dicti  Domini 
Regis  ex  alia  quacunq;  legitima  Uxore  post  mortem  ejusdem 
Annae  legitime  progignendam,  et  quod  eadem  populo  notifica- 
bimus,  praedicabimus  et  suadebimus,  ubicunq;  dabitur  locus 
et  occasio.  Item,  quod  confirmatum  raturaq:  habemus 
semperq;  perpetuo  habituri  sumus,  quod  praedictus  Rex 
noster  Henricus  est  Caput  Ecclesiae  Anglicanag.  Item,  quod 
Episcopus  Romanus,  qui  in  suis  BuUis  Papae  nomen  ususpat 
et  summi  Pontificis  Principatum  sibi  arrogat,  nihilo  majoris 
neq;  Auctoritatis  aut  jurisdictionis  habendus  sit,  quam 
caeteri  quivis  Episcopi  in  Anglia  alibi  in  sua  cujusq; 
Diocese.  Item,  <juod  soli  dicto  Domino  Regi  et  Successori- 
bus suis  adhaerebimus,  atq;  ejus  et  Proclamationes,  insuper 
omnes  Angliae  leges  atque  etiam  Statuta  omnia,  in  Par- 
liamento et  per  Farliameutum  decreta,  confirmata,  stabilita 


et  ratificata,  perpetuo  manutenebimus,  Episcopi  Romattl 
legibus,  decretis  et  Canonibus,  si  qui  contra  legem  Divinam 
et  Sacram  Scripturam  esse  invenientur,  in  perpetuum  renun- 
ciantes.  Item,  quod  nuUus  nostrum  omnium  in  ulla  vel 
privata  vel  publica  concione  quicquam  ex  Sacris  Scripturis 
desumptum  ad  alienUm  sensum  detorquere  przesuraet,  sed 
quisquis  Christum  ejusq;  vera,  praedicabit  Catholice  et 
Orthodoxe.  Item,  quod  unusquisq;  in  suis  orationibus  et 
comprecationibus  de  more  faciendis,  primum  omnium 
Regem,  tanquam  Supremum  Caput  Ecclesias  Anglicanse, 
Deo  et  populi  precibus  commendabit ;  deinde  Reginam  cum 
sua  sobole,  tum  demum  Archiepiscopam  Cantuarien.  cum 
caeteris  Cleri  Ordinibus,  prout  videbitur.  Item,  quod 
omnes  et  singuli  praedicti  Priores  et  Conventus  et  Succes- 
sores  nostri,  Conscientiae  et  Jurisjurandi  Sacro  firmiter 
obligamur,  quod  omnia  et  singula  praedicta  fideliter  et  in 
perpetuum  observabimus.  In  cujus  rei  testimonium  huic 
Instrumento,  vel  scripto  nostro,  communia  sigilla  nostra 
appendimus,  et  nostra  nomina  propria  quisq;  manu  sub- 
scripsimus,  Sacris  in  Domibus  nostris  Capitularibus,  die 
quinto  Mensis  Maii,  Anno  Christi  millesimo  quingentesimo 
trigesimo  quarto,  Regni  vero  Regis  nostri  Henrici  Octavi 
vicesimo  sexto. 

Ego  Frater  Richardus  In-  Ego  Frater  Edwardus  Try- 

gerth   Prior    Conventus,    et  ley  SacraeTheologizeBacalau- 

Praedicator    Langley  Regis,  reus,  et  Conventus  Ailsbe- 

cum  consensu  omnium  Fra-  riae,   cum    assensu    omnium 

trum    Conventus     praedicti,  Fratrum  Conventus  praedicti, 

non  coactus  sed  sponte  sub-  non  coactus  sed  sponte  sub- 

scribo.  scribo. 

Ego  Frater  Joannes  Cot-  Ego  Frater  Joannes  Wyatt, 

ton,  Prior  Conventus  Prae-  SacraeTheologiae  Doctor  Con- 

dicatorum  Dunstabliae,  cum  ventus  Bed.  una  cum  assensu 

assensu     omnium     Fratrum  omnium  Fratium,  sponte  hoc 

Conventus     praedicti,      non  scribo  et  non  coactus. 
coactus  sed  sponte  subscribo. 

Ego  Frater  Joannes  Sut-  Ego  Frater  Joannes  Chap- 

ler.   Prior    Conventus    Car-  man,  Sacrae  Theolqgiae  Ba- 

melitarum     Hicchiae,     cum  calaureus,Magisterimmerito 

Assensu    omnium    Fratrum  Conventus  Mare,  cnm  assen- 

Conventus     praedicti,      non  su   omnium    Fratrum,    mea 

coactus  sed  sponte  subscribo.  sponte  subscribo. 
Another  Declaration  to  the  same  purpose,  Mutatis  Mutandis, 

is  rmde  by  the  Prioress  of  Bedford  hi  Kent,  of  the  Order  of 

St.  Dominick,  May  4,  1634.  Regn.  vicesimo  sexto.  Rot. 


OF  RECORDS.  166 


A  Mandate  for  the  Consecration  of  a  Suffragan  Bishop, 
(Rot.  Pat.  2.  par.  27  Regni.) 
Rex  Reverendissimo  in  Christo  Patri  et  perdilecto  Con- 
siliario    nostro    Thoraae    Canluariensi    Episcopo    salutem. 
Reverendus  Pater  et  dilectus  Consiliarius  noster  Richar- 
dus  Norvicensis  Episcopus  nobis  significavit,  quod  Diocesis 
sua  Episcopi  Suftraganei    solatio,    qui    suae  soUicitudinis 
partem  sustinere  consuevit,  destituta  est  et  existit ;   et  ideo 
reverendos  Patres  Gregoriura  Abbatem  Monasterii  Beatae 
Mariae  de  Leystone,  et  Thomam  Mannynge  Priorem  Mo- 
nasterii Beatae  Mariae  de  Butley,  Norvicen.  Dioc.  Ordine 
Sacerdotali  rite  insignitos,  et  legitimo  Matrimonio  natos, 
et  in  aetate  legitima  constitutes,  virosq;  in  Spiritualibus  et 
Temporalibus  multum  circumspectos,  quibus  de  Canonicis 
nihil  obviant  instituta,  q^uo  minus  (ut  asserunt)  ad  Episco- 
palem  SufFraganei  Dignitatem  admitti  possint  et  deberent, 
nobis  per  suas  literas  suo  magno  sigillo  munitas  praesenta- 
vit,  humiliter  et  devote  supplicans,  quatenus  nos  alteram 
ipsorum  sic  praesentatoram    ad    aliquam    sedem  Episcopi 
SufFraganei  infra    Provinciam    Cantuariensem  existentem 
nominare,  ipsique  sic  nominate  stylum,  Titulum  et  Digni- 
tatem hujusmodi  sedis  donare  dignaremur :   unde  nos  ex 
gratia  nostra  speciali  et  mero  motu  nostris,  dictum  Reve- 
rendum  Patrem  Thomam  Manynnge  Priorem  Monasterii 
Beatae  Mariae  de  Butley  praedicti,  alteram  ex  dictis,  Prae- 
sentamus  in  Episcopum  Suffraganeum  Sedis  Gips  vici  Nor- 
vicen. Dioces.  antedictae,  nominamus,  eique  Stilum,  Titu- 
lum et  Dignitatem  ejusdem    Sedis    Episcopi    SufFraganei 
damns  et  conferimus.    Atque  haec  vobis  tenore  praesenta- 
mus,  significamus,  req^uirentes  vos,  quatenus  eundem  Pa- 
trem sic  per  nos  nominatum,  in  Episcopum  SufFraganeum 
ejusdem  Sedis  Gips  vici  consecretis,  eique  Benedictionem 
ac  omnia  Episcopalia  Insignia  conferatis  ;  caeteraq;  omnia 
et  singula  quae  vestro  in  hac  parte  incumbunt  officio  pasto- 
rali,  juxta  modum  et  formam  Statuti  Parliamenti  in  vice- 
simo  sexto    Anno    Regni    nostri   apud    Westmonasterium 
nuper  editi  peragetis. 

T.  R.  apud  Westm.  6.  die  Martii  27.  Regn. 


Instructions  for  the  General  Visitation  of  the  Monasteriei. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Cleop.  E.  4.) 

Articuli  Regiae  Inquisitionis,  in  Monasticam  vitam  agentes, 
exponendi,  et  praecipue  in  exemptos  a  jurisdictione 
Diocaesana,  jam  tantum  Regiae  Majestati  et  ejus  jurisdic- 
tioni  subditos  et  subjectos,  ac  hujus  inclyti  sui  Regni 
Statutis  et  legibus,  nullisq;  aliis  penitus,  obnoxios  et  as- 

1.  In  primis ;  Whether  Divine  Service  be  solemnly  sung, 
said,  observed,  and  kept  in  this  Monastery,  according  to  the 
Number  and  the  Abilities  thereof,  by  Night  and  by  Day,  in 
due  time  and  hours'?  and  how  many  be  piesent  commonly 
at  Mattins,  and  other  Service,  and  who  be  absent,  and  so 
accustomed  to  be,  without  cause  or  sickness  ? 

2.  Item ;  How  many  Monks,  Cannons  Regulars,  or  Nuns, 
be  within  this  Monastery,  and  how  many  there  ought  to  be, 
and  whether  the  number  be  compleat  according  to  the 
Founder's  Will,  or  the  Statutes,  Ordinances,  and  laudable 
custom  of  this  House  -,  and  whether  the  number  be  aug- 
mented or  diminished  now  of  late  ? 

3.  Item  ;  Who  were  the  first  Founders  of  this  House  1 
Fundationem  primam,  secundum,  tei-tiam,  et  quotquot  habent, 


4.  Item;  Whether  this  House  hath  had  any  encrease  of 
Lands  given  to  it  sithence  the  first  Foundation  thereof?  by 
whom  "J  by  how  many  ?  and  when  1 

5.  Item ;  To  what  Sum  of  Mony  those  Revenues  and 
Rents  of  this  House  do  extend  and  amount  unto  yearly  ? 

6.  Item ;  Whether  this  House  was  ever  translated  from 


one  habit  and  order  to  another?  by  whose  Authority?  and 
for  what  Cause  1 

Translationem  exhibeant. 

7.  Item ;  How  the  Lands  and  Possessions  appertaining 
unto  this  Monastery,  given  by  the  first  Founder,  and  all 
other  Lands  given  sithence  the  first  Foundation,  were 
granted,  given,  and  established,  and  so  first  brought  to 
Marte  main  ?  whether  by  the  only  Authority  of  the  Giver, 
or  by  the  Authorization  of  the  Prince  for  that  time  reigning, 
and  by  what  tenour  and  form  ye  hold  them  ? 

Donationem  et  Confirmationem  exhibeant. 

8.  Item ;  What  evidence  have  you  to  shew  for  all  and 
singular  your  Lands,  Manors,  Tenements,  and  other  your 
Possessions  Mortisate,  and  given  unto  you,  and  this  your 
Monastery  ? 

9.  Item;  Wherefore,  for  what  Causes  and  Considera- 
tions ye  were  exempt  from  your  Diocesan  1  and  what  was 
your  Suggestion  and  Motive  at  the  obtaining  of  your  said 
Exemption  1 

Exemptiojiem  exhibeant. 

10.  Item ;  Whether  ye  have  any  private,  peculiar,  or 
local  Statutes,  Confirmations,  Ordinances,  or  Rules,  made 
only  for  the  behoof,  good  order,  and  singular  weal  of  this 
House,  besides  the  Rules  of  your  Profession!  and  whether 
they  were  made  either  by  your  Founders  before  your  Ex- 
emption, or  by  the  good  Fathers  of  this  House,  with  the 
whole  consent  of  the  Brethren,  being  sithence  your  exemp- 
tion :  to  what  use  they  were  made,  and  how  ye  observe 

Statuta  ilia  localia,  et  alia  quotquot  habent,  exhibeant. 

11.  Item ;  By  what  way  and  form  the  Master  of  this 
House  was  elected  and  chosen?  And  whether  all  the 
Brethren  having,  or  ought  to  have  by  the  Law,  Statutes, 
or  laudable  custom  of  this  House,  Voices  in  the  Election, 
were  present  in  the  same  Election,  or  lawfully  called  or 
cited  to  it  ? 

12.  Item ;  Whether  any  Persons  Excommunicate,  Sus- 
pended, or  Interdicted,  did  give  Voices  in  the  same 

13.  Item ;  Within  what  time  after  the  Election  was  made 
and  done,  the  Master  of  this  House  was  confirmed?  and  by 

14.  Item ;  Whether  unto  the  Confirmation,  all  that  had 
Interest,  or  that  would  object  against  the  same,  were  law- 
fully cited,  monished,  and  called? 

Rxkiheat  Electionem,  Confirmationem,  et  Titulvm  snur 


15.  Item ;  What  Rule  the  Master  of  this  House,  and 
other  the  Brethren,  do  profess  ? 

16.  Item ;  How  many  be  professed,  and  how  many  be 
Novices  ;  and  whether  the  Novices  have  like  Habit,  or  use 
to  wear  an  Habit  distinct  from  the  Habit  of  the  Brethren 
professed  1 

17.  Item ;  Whether  ye  do  use  to  profess  your  Novices  in 
due  time,  and  within  what  time  and  space  after  they  have 
taken  the  Habit  upon  them  ? 

18.  Item ;  Whether  the  Brethren  of  this  House  do  know 
the  Rule  that  they  have  professed,  and  whether  they  keep 
their  Profession  according  to  that  their  Rule,  and  Custom 
of  this  House  ;  and  in  especial,  the  three  substantial  and 
principal  Vows,  that  is  to  say.  Poverty,  Chastity,  and  Obe- 
dience ? 

19.  Item;  Whether  any  of  the  Brethren  use  any  pro- 
priety of  Mony,  or  of  Plate,  in  their  Chambers  ;  or  of  any 
otlier  manner  thing  unwarre  of  the  Master,  and  without 
his  knowledg  and  license,  or  by  his  suiFerance  and  know- 
ledg  1  and  for  what  cause  ? 

20.  Item ;  Whether  ye  do  keep  Chastity,  not  using  the 
company  of  any  suspect  Woman  within  this  Monastery,  or 
without  1  And  whether  the  Master,  or  any  Brother  of  this 
House  be  suspected  upon  Incontinency,  or  defamed  for 
that  he  is  much  conversant  with  Women  ? 

21.  Item  ;  Whether  Women  useth  and  resorteth  much  to 
this  Monastery  by  back-ways,  or  otherwise  1  and  whether 
they  be  accustomably,  or  at  any  time  lodged  within  the 
Precinct  thereof? 

22.  Item ;  Whether  the  Master,  or  any  Brother  of  this 
House,  useth  to  have  any  Boys  or  young  Men  laying  with 

23.  Item;  Whether  the  Brethren  of  this  House  keep 
their  Obedience,  being  ready  at  their  Master's  Command- 
ment, in  all  things  honest,  lawful,  and  reasonable  1 

Sequuntur  Regular  Caremoniales, 

24.  Item ;  Whether  ye  do  keep  silence  in  the  Church, 
Cloister,  Fraitrie,  and  Dormitorie,  at  the  hours  and  time 
specified  in  your  Rule  ? 

25.  Item ;  Whether  ye  do  keep  Fasting  and  Abstinence, 
according  to  your  Rules,  Statutes,  Ordinances,  and  lauda- 
ble Customs  of  this  House  1 

26.  Item ;  Whether  ye  abstain  from  Flesh  in  time  of  Ad- 
vent, and  other  times  declared  and  specified  by  the  Law, 
Rules,  and  laudable  Customs  of  this  Housel 

27.  Item ;  Whether  ye  wear  Shirts  and  Sheets  of  Wool- 
len, or  that  ye  have  any  Constitution,  Ordinance,  or  Dis- 

OF  RECORDS.  169 

pensation,  granted  or  made  to  the  contrary,  by  sufficient 
and  lawful  Authority  1 

Profitentes  Regulam  Benedicti  quam  arctissime  tenentur 
ad  ■priedicta  Cizremonialia  observanda, 

28.  Item  ;  Whether  ye  do  sleep  altogether  in  the  Dor- 
mitorie,  under  one  Roof,  or  not  ? 

29.  Item ;  Whether  ye  have  all  separate  Beds,  or  any 
one  of  yon  doth  lay  with  an  other  1 

30.  Item;  Whether  ye  do  keep  the  Fraitry  at  Meals,  so 
that  two  parts,  or  the  least  the  two  part  of  the  whole 
Covent  be  always  there,  unless  the  Master  at  every  one 
time  dispense  with  you  to  the  contrary  1 

31.  Item;  Whether  ye  do  wear  your  Religious  habit 
continually,  and  never  leave  it  off  but  when  ye  go  to  bed  1 

32.  Item ;  Whether  every  Brethren  of  this  House  have 
lightly  departed  hence,  and  hath  gone  to  any  other  House 
of  like  Order  and  Profession,  without  special  Letters  and 
License  of  their  Master  1 

33.  Item ;  Whether  the  Master  and  Brethren  of  this 
House  have  received  and  admitted  any  Brother  of  another 
House,  without  special  License  and  Letters  of  his  Master 
and  Head  1 

34.  Item;  Whether  any  of  you,  sithence  the  time  of 
your  Profession,  hath  gone  out  of  this  House  to  his  Friends, 
or  otherwise  1 

35.  Item ;  How  oftimes  he  did  so,  and  how  long  at  every 
time  ye  tarried  forth  t 

36.  Item  ;  Whether  ye  had  special  license  of  your  Mas- 
ter so  to  go  forth,  or  not  1 

37.  Item";  Whether  at  every  time  of  your  being  forth,  ye 
changed  or  left  off  your  habit,  or  every  part  thereof? 

38.  Item ;  W'^hether  ye,  or  any  of  you  be,  or  hath  been,  in 
manifest  Apostasy,  that  is  to  say,  Fugitives  or  Vagabonds? 

39.  Item ;  For  what  cause  or  occasion  ye  have  so  gone 
forth  and  been  in  Apostasy  ?  and  whether  the  cause  of  your 
going  forth  was  by  reason  of  the  great  cruelty  of  your  Mas- 
ter, or  by  his  negligence,  not  calling  you  home  to  your 

40.  Item;  Whether  ye  be  weekly  shaven,  and  do  not 
nourish  or  suffer  your  Hair  to  be  long  ?  and  whether  ye 
•wear  your  Apparel  according  to  the  Rule,  not  too  exces- 
sive, nor  too  exquisite;  and  in  like  wise  the  trappo's  of 
your  Horses,  and  other  your  bearing  Beasts? 

41.  Item ;  Whether  the  Master  and  Head  of  this  House 
do  use  his  Brethren  charitably,  without  partiality,  malice, 
envy,  grudg,  or  displeasure  more  shewed  to  one  than  to 

Vol.  I,  Part  II.  Q 

170  A  C0LLECT10IS5 

42.  Item ;  Whether  he  do  use  his  Disciplines,  Correc- 
tions, and  Punishments  upon  his  Brethren,  with  mercy, 
pity,  and  charity,  without  cruelty,  rigorousness,  and  enor- 
mous hurt,  no  more  favouring  one  than  another? 

43.  Item;  Whether  any  Brother,  or  Religious  Person 
of  this  House,  be  incorrigible"? 

44.  Item  ;  Whether  the  Master  of  this  House  do  use  his 
Brethren  charitably  when  they  be  sick  and  diseased  1  and 
whether  in  time  of  their  sickness  he  do  procure  unto  them 
Physicians,  and  all  other  necessaries  ? 

45.  Item ;  Whether  he  make  his  Accompts  (as  he  ought 
to  do)  once  every  year  before  his  Brethren,  and  chiefly  the 
Seniors  and  Officers,  to  the  intent  they  may  be  made  privy 
to  the  state  and  condition  of  the  House,  and  know  perfectly 
the  due  administration  thereof? 

46.  Item ;  Whether  the  Prior,  Subprior,  Sellerar,  Kit- 
chener, Terrure,  Sacristen,  or  any  such-like  Officer,  having 
Administration  of  every  manner  Revenues  of  this  House, 
do  make  kis  whole  and  true  Accompt,  according  as  he  is 
bound  to  do,  not  applying  any  thing  by  him  received  to  his 
own  proper  use  or  commodity  ? 

47.  Item ;  Whether  any  Religious  Person  of  this  House 
do  bear,  occupy,  or  exercise  more  Offices  than  one,  for, 
and  to  his  own  singular  commodity,  advantage,  or  profit, 
by  the  partial  dealing  of  the  Master  ? 

48.  Item;  Whether  all  and  singular  the  Revenues  and 
Profits  of  this  House  be  converted  and  employed  to  the 
behove  and  use  thereof,  and  of  the  Brethren,  and  accord- 
ing  to  the  Founder's  mind  and  Giver  ? 

49.  Item ;  W^hether  the  Master  do  make  sufficient  repa- 
rations upon  his  Monastery,  as  the  Church  and  all  other 
housing  thereto  adjoined,  and  also  upon  all  other  the 
Lands,  Granges,  Farms,  and  Tenements  belonging  to  the 
same,  and  whether  *he  sufl'er  any  dilapidation,  decay,  or 
mine  in  any  part  of  them  ? 

50.  Item ;  Whether  there  be  any  Inventory  made  of  all 
and  singular  the  Moveables,  Goods,  which  from  time  to 
time  have  been,  and  yet  be  in  this  House,  as  of  Jewels,  Re- 
liques.  Ornaments,  Vestiments,  ready  Mony,  Plate,  Bed- 
ding, with  other  Utensils  ;  also  of  Corn,  Chattels,  and  other 
Commodities,  to  the  intent  the  state  and  condition  of  this 
House  may  be  always  known  ? 

51.  Item  ;  That  ye  express  truly  and  sincerely  the  whole 
state  and  condition  of  this  House,  as  Mony,  Plate,  Cattle, 
Corn,  and  other  Goods? 

52.  Item ;  Whether  this  Monastery  be  indebted  ?  to 
whom  ?  and  fot  what  cause  ? 

OF  RECORDS.  171 

63.  Item ;  Whether  any  of  the  Lands  be  sold,  or  mort- 
gaged 1  and  for  what  Sums  ? 

M.  Item, ;  Whether  any  be  lett  to  Farm  by  the  Master 
of  this  House  for  term  of  years,  and  for  how  many  years  1 
and  specially  whether  they  be  letten  for  small  Sums,  or 
for  less  Sums  than  they  were  wont  to  be  letten  for,  to  the 
intent  to  have  great  sums  of  ready  Mony  before  hand  1 

55.  hem ;  Whether  he  do  enforce,  compel,  or  constrain 
his  Brethren,  or  any  of  them,  to  consent  to  the  sealing  of 
any  Leases,  Grants,  Farm-Holds,  Annuities,  Corrodies,  or 
any  other  Alienations  1 

56.  Item ;  Whether  the  Plate  and  Jewels,  or  any  part 
or  parcel  thereof,  or  of  any  other  moveable  Goods  of  this 
House  be  laid  to  pledg,  sold,  or  alienated  for  a  time,  or  for 
ever?  for  what  cause,  and  to  whoml  or  otherwise  imbezled, 
or  consumed! 

57.  Item ;  Whether  the  Master  of  this  House  be  wont  to 
give  under  his  Seal  of  Office,  or  Covent-Seal,  Farms, 
Corrodies,  Annuities,  or  Offices,  to  his  Kinsfolk,  Alli- 
ances, Friends,  or  Acquaintance,  for  term  of  years,  or 
otherwise,  to  the  hurt,  hindrance,  dammage,  and  impover- 
ishment of  this  House  1 

58.  Item ;  Whether  he  be  wont  to  grant  any  Patent,  or 
Covent-Seal,  without  the  consent  of  his  Brethren  ? 

59.  Item;  Whether  the  Covent-Seal  of  this  House  be 
surely  and  safely  kept  under  three  Keys:  that  is  to  say 
one  remaining  and  being  in  the  custody  of  the  Master,  and 
the  other  two  in  the  custody  of  two  Seniours  1 

60.  Item;  Whether  the  Muniments  and  Evidences  of 
the  Lands,  Rents,  and  Revenues  of  this  House,  be  safely 
kept  from  Vermine  and  Moistness  ? 

61.  Item  ;  Whether  the  Master  do  keep  Hospitality  ac- 
cording to  the  ability  of  his  House,  and  in  like  manner  as 
other  Fathers  hereof  have  done  heretofore  1 

62.  Item ;  Whether  the  Master  of  this  House,  in  receiv- 
ing any  Novice,  being  of  willing  and  toward  mind  to  enter 
into  Religion,  hath  demanded  or  received,  or  convented  to 
receive  any  Mony,  Rewards,  or  any  other  temporal  Com- 
modities of  him  so  entring,  or  willing  to  enter,  or  of  any 
other  his  Friends  ?  and  whether  for  not  promising,  grant- 
ing, or  giving  such  Rewards  or  Gifts,  any  hath  been  re- 
pelled and  not  received? 

63.  Item  ;  Whether  the  Novices,  and  other  received  into 
Religion,  have  a  preceptor  and  Master  deputed  unto  them 
to  teach  them  Gramar  and  good  Letters  ? 

64.  Item ;  Whether  any  Seniour  of  this  House  be  de- 


puted  to  declare,  inform,  and  instruct  them  their  Rules, 
and  whereunto  they  shall  be  bounden  to  observe  and  keep, 
after  their  Profession  ? 

65.  Item  ;  Whether  any  of  you  have  taken  upon  him  the 
Habit  and  Profession  of  your  Religion,  chiefly  for  the  in- 
tent, hope,  or  trust  to  be  made  Head  and  Master  of  this 
House  1 

66.  Item ;  Whether  the  Master  of  this  House,  in  giving 
any  Advocation,  Nomination,  Presentation,  or  Collation  of 
any  Parsonage,  Vicarage,  Chapel,  or  Benefice  of  the  Pa- 
tronage and  Gift  this  House,  do  take,  or  use  to  take  any 
manner  Pension,  Portion,  or  other  Commodity  or  Gains; 
or  else  doth  make  any  Convention  or  Compaction,  whereby 
any  lucre  may  ensue  to  him  in  that  behalf? 

67.  Itein ;  Whether  he  do  receive,  or  use  to  receive,  the 
Fruits  and  Revenues  of  every  such  Benefice  vacant,  or  use 
to  borrow^  any  Money  of  him  to  whom  he  intendeth  to  give 
such  Benefice  unto,  expresly  covenanting  or  intending,  that 
he  so  obtaining  the  said  Benefice,  shall  freely  and  clearly  re- 
mit the  said  Mony  so  borrowed  1 

68.  Item;  What  and  how  many  Benefices  the  Master 
of  this  House  doth  occupy  and  keep  in  his  own  hands  1 

69.  Item ;  Whether  the  same  Benefices  be  appropriate 
and  united  to  this  house  by  sufficient  authority  1 

70.  Item ;  Whether  the  Master  of  this  House  doth  make 
distributions  amongst  the  Parishoners  of  the  Benefices  ap- 
propriate, and  doth  keep  and  observe  all  and  singular  other 
Provisions  and  Ordinances  specified  and  expressed  in  the 
Appropriations  of  the  same  Benefices'? 

Exhibeant  omnes  et  singulas  Appropriationes,  una  cum  Ordi- 
nationibus  et  Dotationibiis  Vicariatuum. 

71.  Item ;  Whether  he  do  promote  unto  such  Benefices 
as  be  of  his  Gift,  sufficient  and  able  Persons  in  Learning, 
Manners,  and  Vertue  1 

72.  Item ;  Whether  any  Brother  of  this  House  do  serve 
any  Parish-Church,  being  appropriate  and  united  to 
the  same,  and  how  many  Churches  appropriate  be  so 
served  1 

73.  Item ;  Whether  the  Master  of  this  House  hath  and 
possesseth  any  Benefice  with  Cure,  or  any  other  Dignity 
with  his  Abbey  ? 

Si  aliqiiod  tale  habet,  Dispensationem  exhibeat. 

74.  Item;  Whether  the  Master  of  this  House  at  any 
time  since  he  was  first  made  Abbot,  or  Master,  did  know 
or  believe  that  he  was  Suspended,  or  Excommunicate, 
either  by  the  Law,  or  by  any  Judg ;  and  whether  he  know- 

OF  RECORDS.  173 

ing  or  supposing  himself  so  to  be,  did  sing  Mass  in  the 
mean  time,  and  before  he  was  absolved  1 

In  Visitatione  Monialium  ad  PriEinissa  addantur  h(EC, 
75.  Item ;  Whether  this  Monastery  hath  good  and  suf- 
ficient Enclosure,  and  whether  the  Doors  and  Windows 
be  diligently  kept  shut,  so  that  no  Man  can  have  any 
entry  into  the  same,  or  any  part  thereof,  at  inconvenient 
times  1 

Procter  quod  necessarium  erit  Visitatori  cireumire  Me- 
nasterium,  ac  videre  et  rimare  dispositionem  etdificioi'um,  et 
an  sint  aliqiia  loca  pervia  per  quas,  secrete  intrari  possit  ;  ei 
una  secum  habeat  Abbatissam  cum  duabus  aut  tribus  seni' 
aribus  Monialibus,  a  quibus  turn  inteiroget,  an  ostia  Mo- 
nasterii  singulis  quibusque  noctibus  suh  clavibus  clausa  te- 
neantur,  et  quee  earum  Monialium  senio  confectarum,  vel 
an  Abbas  ipsa  clavium  custodiam  tempore  nocturne  habeant 
et  teneant :  nam  non  est  tutum  clavium  custodiam  Juniori' 
bus  committere. 

76.  hem ;  Whether  Strangers,  both  Men  and  Women, 
useth  commonly  to  have  communication  with  the  Sisters 
of  this  House,  without  license  of  the  Abbess  or  Prioress, 
specially  in  secret  places,  and  in  the  absence  of  their 
Sisters  1 

77.  Iteyn;  Whether  any  Sister  of  this  House  were  pro- 
fessed for  any  manner  of  compulsion  of  her  Friends  and 
Kinsfolks,  or  by  the  Abbess  or  Prioress? 

78.  Item;  Whether  any  of  the  Sisters  of  this  House 
useth  to  go  forth  any  whither  out  of  the  Precinct  ithereof, 
without  special  license  of  their  Abbess  or  Prioress  1 

79.  Item ;  Whether  any  Sister  doth  use  her  Habit  con- 
tinually out  of  her  Cell? 

80.  Item  ;  Wherein  every  one  of  you  occupieth  her  self, 
beside  the  time  of  Divine  Service  1 

81.  Item;  Whether  any  Sister  of  this  House  hath  any 
familiarity  with  Religion  Men,  Secular  Priests,  or  Lay- 
Men,  being  not  near  of  kin  unto  them? 

82.  Item ;  Whether  any  Sister  of  this  House  hath  been 
taken  and  found  with  any  such  accustomably  so  commun- 
ing, and  could  not  shew  any  reasonable  cause  why  they  so 

83.  Item ;  Whether  any  of  you  doth  use  to  write  any 
Letters  of  I^ove,  or  lascivious  fashion  to  any  Person,  or  re- 
ceive any  such,  or  have  any  privy  Messengers  coming  and 
resorting  unto  you,  or  any  of  you,  with  Token  or  Gifts, 
from  any  manner  secular  Person  or  other  ? 

84.  Item ;  Whether  any  of  you  doth  use  to  speak  with 



any  manner  of  Person,  by  night  or  by  day,  by  Grates  or 
back  Windows,  or  other  privy  Places  within  this  Monas- 
try,  without  license  of  your  Head  1 

85.  Item ;  Whether  the  Confessor  of  this  House  be  a  dis- 
creet Man,  of  good  learning,  vertue,  and  honest  behaviour, 
of  good  name  and  fame,  and  whether  he  hath  been  always 
so  taken  ? 

86.  Item ;  How  oftimes  in  the  year  the  Sisters  of  this 
House  useth  to  be  Confessed  and  Communicate? 

Restat pro  Ecclesiis  CoUegiatis,  Hospitalihus,  Ecclesiis  Ca- 

thedralibus,  Parrocldalibus,  Ecclesiis,  Episcopo,  et  Arch- 

iepiscopo,  pro  ordine  Jerosolomitarum  ? 

Exhibeant  omnia  scripta,  munimenta,  Inventaria,  Scedtilas 

quascunque,  unde  aliquin  cognitionis  eorum  refoi'mationi  Mo- 

nasteriarum,  sive  dammum  utilitati,  necessaricB  explicari,  aut 

quoquo  modo  colli gi  possit. 


General  Injunctions  to  be  given  on  the  King's  Highness'  be- 
half, in  all  Monasteries  and]  other  Houses,  of  whatsoever  Or- 
der or  Religion  they  be, 

(Cott.  Libr.  Cleop.  E.  4). 

First  ;  That  the  Abbot,  Prior,  or  President,  and  all 
other  Brethren  of  the  Place  that  is  visited,  shall  faithfully, 
truly,  and  heartily,  keep  and  observe,  and  cause,  teach,  and 
procure  to  be  kept  and  observed  of  oath,  as  much  as  in 
them  may  lie,  all  and  singular  Contents,  as  well  in  the 
other  of  the  King's  Highness'  Succession,  given  heretofore 
by  them,  as  in  a  certain  Profession  lately  sealed  with  the 
Common  Seal,  and  subscribed  and  signed  with  their  own 
hands :  Also  that  they  shall  observe  and  fulfil,  by  all  the 
means  that  they  best  may,  the  Statutes  of  this  Realm, 
made,  or  to  be  made,  for  the  suppression  and  taking 
away  of  the  usurped  and  pretensed  Jurisdiction  of  the 
Bishop  of  Rome  within  this  Realm :  and  for  the  assertion 
and  confirmation  of  the  Authority,  Jurisdiction  and  Pre- 
rogative of  our  most  noble  Sovereign  Lord  the  King,  and  his 
Successors ;  and  that  they  shall  diligently  instruct  their 
Juniors  and  Youngers,  and  all  other  committed  to  their 
Cure,  That  the  King's  Power  is  by  the  Laws  of  God  most 

OF  RECORDS.  175 

excellent  of  all  under  God  in  Earth  ;  and  that  we  ought  to 
obey  him  afore  all  other  Powers,  by  God's  Prescript ;  and 
that  the  Bishop  of  Rome's  Jurisdiction  or  Authority  hereto- 
fore usurped,  by  no  means  is  founded  or  established  by 
Holy  Scripture :  but  that  the  same,  partly  by  the  craft  and 
deceit  of  the  same  Bishop  of  Rome,  and  by  his  evil  and  am- 
bitious Canons  and  Decretals ;  and  partly  by  the  toleration 
and  permission  of  Princes,  by  little  and  little  hath  grown 
up  ;  and  therefore  now,  of  most  right  and  equity,  is  taken 
away  and  clean  expelled  out  of  this  Realm. 

Also,  that  the  Abbot,  Prior,  or  President  and  Brethren, 
may  be  declared,  by  the  King's  Supream  Power  and  Au- 
thority Ecclesiastical,  to  be  absolved  and  loosed  from  all 
manner  Obedience,  Oath,  and  Profession  by  them  heretofore 
perchance  promised,  or  made,  to  the  said  Bishop  of  Rome, 
or  to  any  other  in  his  stead,  or  occupying  his  Authority  ;  or 
to  any  other  Forreign  Prince,  or  Person  :  And  nevertheless 
let  it  be  enjoined  to  them,  that  they  shall  no^  promise  or  give 
such  Oath  or  Profession  to  any  such  Forreign  Potentate 
hereafter.  And  if  the  Statutes  of  the  said  Order  Religious, 
or  Place,  seem  to  bind  them  to  Obedience,  or  Subjection,  or 
any  other  Recognizance  of  Superiority  to  the  said  Bishop  of 
Rome,  or  to  any  other  Forreign  Power,  Potentate,  Person,  or 
Place,  by  any  ways ;  such  Statutes,  by  the  King's  Graces 
Visitors,  be  utterly  annihilate,  broken,  and  declared  void 
and  of  none  effect ;  and  that  they  be  in  no  case  bounden  or 
obligate  to  the  same,  and  such  Statutes  to  be  forthwith 
utterly  put  forth  and  abolished  out  of  the  Books  or  Muni- 
ments of  that  Religion,  Order,  or  Place,  by  the  President 
and  his  Brethren. 

Also,  that  no  Monk,  or  Brother  of  this  Monastery,  by  any 
means  go  forth  of  the  Precinct  of  the  same. 

Also,  that  Women,  of  what  state  or  degree  soever  they 
be,  be  utterly  excluded  from  entring  into  the  Limits  or 
Circuit  of  this  Monastery,  or  place,  unless  they  first  obtain 
license  of  the  King's  Highness,  or  his  Visitor. 

Also,  that  there  be  no  entring  into  this  Monastery  but 
one,  and  that  by  the  great  fore-gate  of  the  same,  which  dili- 
gently shall  be  watched  and  kept  by  some  Porter  specially 
appointed  for  that  purpose,  and  shall  be  shut  and  opened  by 
the  same  both  day  and  night,  at  convenient  and  accustomed 
hours ;  which  Porter  shall  repel  all  manner  Women  from 
entrance  into  the  said  Monastery. 

Also,  that  all  and  singular  Brethren,  and  Monks  of  this 
Monastery,  take  their  refections  altogether  in  a  place  called 
the  Misericorde,  such  days  as  they  eat  Flesh,  and  all  other 


days  in  tlieir  Refectory  ;  and  that  at  every  Mess  there  sit 
four  of  them,  not  of  duty  demanding  to  them  any  certain, 
usual,  or  accustomed  duty  or  portion  of  Meat  as  they  were 
wont  to  do ;  but  that  they  be  content  with  such  Victuals  as 
is  set  before  them,  and  there  take  their  Refections  soberly^ 
without  excess,  with  giving  due  thanks  to  God ;  and  that 
at  every  such  Refection,  some  Chapter  of  the  New  Testa- 
ment, or  Old,  by  some  of  the  said  Brethren,  be  read  and 
recited  to  the  other,  keeping  silence,  and  giving  audience 
to  the  same. 

Also,  that  the  Abbot  and  President  do  daily  prepare  one 
Table  for  himself  and  his  Guests  thither  resorting,  and  that 
not  over-sumptuous,  and  full  of  delicate  and  strange  Dishes, 
but  honestly  furnished  with  common  Meats  j  At  which 
Table,  the  said  Abbot,  or  some  Senior  in  his  stead,  shall 
sit  to  receive,  and  gently  entertain  the  Strangers,  the 

Also,  that  none  of  the  Brethren  send  any  part  of  his 
Meat,  or  the  leavings  thereof  to  any  Person,  but  that  there 
be  assigned  an  Almoner,  which  shall  gather  the  Leavings, 
both  of  the  Covent  and  Strangers  I'ables,  after  that  the 
Servants  of  the  House  have  had  their  convenient  Refections, 
and  distribute  the  same  to  poor  People  ;  amongst  whom 
special  consideration  be  had  of  such,  before  other,  as  be 
Kinsfolk  to  any  of  the  said  Brethren,  if  they  be  of  like 
power  and  debility  as  other  be ;  and  also  of  those  which 
endeavour  themselves,  with  all  their  will  and  labour,  to  get 
their  living  with  their  hands,  and  yet  cannot  fully  help 
themselves  for  their  chargeable  Houshold,  and  multitude  of 
Children  :  yet  let  not  them  be  so  cherished,  that  they  shall 
leave  labour  and  fall  to  idleness  ;  with  consideration  also 
specially  to  be  had  of  them,  which  by  weakness  of  theii 
Limbs  and  Body  be  so  impotent  that  they  cannot  labour ; 
and  by  no  means  let  such  Alms  be  given  to  valiant,  mighty, 
and  idle  Beggars  and  Vagabonds,  as  commonly  use  to  resort 
about  such  places;  which  rather,  as  drove-Beasts  and 
Mychers,  should  be  driven  away  and  compelled  to  labour, 
than  in  their  idleness  and  lewdness,  against  the  form  of  the 
King's  Graces  Statute  in  this  behalf  made,  cherished  and 
maintained,  to  the  great  hindrance  and  damage  of  the  Com- 

Also,  that  all  other  Almses  or  Destributions  due,  or  ac- 
customed to  be  made,  by  reason  of  the  Foundation,  Sta- 
tutes, or  customes  of  this  place,  be  made  and  given,  as 
largely  and  as  liberally  as  ever  they  were  at  any  time  here- 

OF  RECORDS.  -         177 

Also,  that  the  Abbot,  Prior,  or  President,  shall  find  Wood 
and  Fewel  sufficient  to  make  Fire  in  the  Refectory,  from 
Allhallow-even  to  Good-Friday. 

Also,  that  all  the  Brethren  of  this  House,  except  the 
Abbot,  and  such  as  be  sick,  or  evil  at  ease,  and  those  that 
have  fulfilled  their  Jubilee,  lie  together  in  the  Dormitory, 
every  one  by  himself,  in  several  Beds. 

Also,  that  no  Brother,  or  Monk,  of  this  House,  have  any 
Child  or  Boy  laying,  or  privily  accompanying  with  him,  or 
otherwise  haunting  unto  him,  other  than  to  help  him  to 

.Also,  that  the  Brethren  of  this  House,  when  they  be  sick, 
or  evil  at  ease,  be  seen  unto,  and  bie  kept  in  the  infirmary 
duly,  as  well  for  their  sustenance  of  Meat  and  Drink,  as  for 
their  good  keeping. 

Also,  that  the  Abbot,  or  President,  keep  and  find  in 
some  University,  one  or  two  of  his  Brothers,  according  to 
the  Ability  and  Possessions  of  this  House;  which 
Brethren,  after  they  be  learned  in  good  and  holy  Letters, 
when  they  return  home,  may  instruct  and  teach  their 
Brethren,  and  diligently  preach  the  Word  of  God. 

Also,  that  every  day,  by  the  space  of  one  hour,  a  Lesson 
of  Holy  Scripture  be  kept  in  this  Covent,  to  which  all,  un- 
der pain  by  this  said  President  to  be  moderated,  shall  resort ; 
which  President  shall  have  Authority  to  dispense  with  them, 
that  they,  with  a  low  and  treatable  voice,  say  their  long 
hours,  which  were  wont  to  be  sung. 

Also,  that  the  Brethren  of  this  House,  after  Divine 
Service  done,  read  or  hear  somewhat  of  Holy  Scripture,  or 
occupy  themself  in  some  such  like  honest  and  laudable 

Also,  that  all  and  every  Brethren  of  this  House  shall 
observe  the  Rule,  Statutes,  and  laudable  Customs  of  this 
Religion,  as  far  as  they  do  agree  with  Holy  Scripture  and 
the  Word  of  God.  And  that  the  Abbot,  Prior,  or  President 
of  this  Monastery,  every  day  shall  expound  to  his  Brethren, 
as  plainly  as  may  be,  in  English,  a  certain  part  of  the  Rule 
that  they  have  professed,  and  apply  the  same  always  to  the 
Doctrine  of  Christ,  and  not  contrariwise ;  and  he  shall 
teach  them,  that  the  said  Rule,  and  other  their  Principles 
of  Religion  (so  far  as  they  be  laudable)  be  taken  out  of 
Holy  Scripture  ;  and  he  shall  show  them  the  places  from 
whence  they  were  derived ;  and  that  their  Ceremonies,  and 
other  observances  of  Religion,  be  none  other  things  than  as 
the  first  Letters  or  Principles,  and  certain  Introductions  to 
true  Christianity,  or  to  observe  an  order  in  the  Church. 
And  that  true  Religion  is  not  contained  in  Apparel,  manner 


of  going,  shaven  Heads,  and  such  other  marks;  nor  in 
silence,  fasting,  up- rising  in  the  night,  singing,  and  such 
other  kind  of  Ceremonies,  but  in  cleanness  of  mind,  pure- 
ness  of  living,  Christ's  Faith  not  feigned,  and  brotherly 
Charity,  and  true  honouring  of  God  in  Spirit  and  Verity  : 
And  that  those  above- said  things  were  instituted  and  begun, 
that  they  being  first  exercised  in  these,  in  process  of  time 
might  ascend  to  those  as  by  certain  steps,  that  is  to  say,  to 
the  chief  point  and  end  of  Religion :  and  therefore  let  them 
be  diligently  exhorted,  that  they  do  not  continually  stick 
and  surcease  in  such  Ceremonies  and  Observances,  as  tho 
they  had  perfectly  fulfilled  the  chief  and  outmost  of  the 
v^hole  true  Religion  ;  but  that  when  they  have  once  past 
such  things,  they  endeavour  themselves  to  higher  things,  and 
convert  their  minds  from  such  external  Matters,  to  more  in- 
ward and  deeper  Considerations,  as  the  Law  of  God  and 
Christian  Religion  doth  teach  and  show.  And  that  they 
assure  not  themselves  of  any  Reward  or  Commodity  any 
wise,  by  reason  of  such  Ceremonies  and  Observances, 
except  they  refer  all  such  to  Christ,  and  for  his  sake  observe 
them ;  and  for  that  they  might  thereby  the  more  easily  keep 
such  things  as  he  hath  commanded,  as  well  to  them  as  to  all 
Christian  People. 

Also,  that  the  Abbot  and  President  of  this  Place  shall 
make  a  full  and  true  reckoning  and  accompt  of  his  Adminis- 
tration every  year  to  his  Brethren,  as  well  of  his  Receipts  as 
Expences ;  and  that  the  said  Accompt  be  written  in  a  great 
Book  remaining  with  the  Covent. 

Also,  that  the  Abbot  and  President  of  this  House  shall 
make  no  waste  of  the  Woods  pertaining  to  this  House,  nor 
shall  set  out  unadvisedly  any  Farmes  or  Reversions,  with- 
out the  consent  of  the  more  part  of  the  Convent. 

Also,  that  there  be  assigned  a  Book  and  a  Register  that 
may  copy  out  into  that  Book  all  such  Writings,  word  by 
word,  as  shall  pass  under  the  Convent-Seal  of  this  House. 

Also,  that  no  Man  be  suffered  to  profess,  or  to  wear  the 
Habit  of  Religion  in  this  House  e'er  he  be  24  years  of  Age 
compleat:  And  that  they  entice  nor  allure  no  Man  with 
suasions  and  blandymentsto  take  the  Religion  upon  him. 

Item,  that  they  shall  not  shew  no  Reliques,  or  feigned 
Miracles,  for  encrease  of  Lucre,  but  that  they  exhort 
Pilgrims  and  Strangers  to  give  that  to  the  Poor,  that  they 
thought  to  offer  to  their  Images  or  Reliques. 

Also,  that  they  shall  suffer  no  Fairs,  or  Markets,  to  be 
kept  or  used  within  the  limits  of  this  House. 

Also,  that  every  Brother  of  this  House  that  is  a  Priest, 
shall  every  day  in  his  Mass  pray  fy  the  most  hiaippy  and 

OF  RECORDS.  179 

most  prosperous  estate  of  our  Sovereign  Lord  the  King,  and 
his  most  noble  and  lawful  Wife  Queen  Ann. 

Also,  that  if  either  the  Master,  or  any  Brother  of  this 
House,  do  infringe  any  of  the  said  Injunctions,  any  of  them 
shall  denounce  the  same,  or  procure  to  be  denounced,  as 
soon  as  may  be,  to  the  King's  Majesty,  or  to  his  Visitor- 
General,  or  his  Deputy.  And  the  Abbot,  or  Master,  shall 
minister  spending  Mony,  and  other  Necessaries,  for  the 
way  to  him  that  shall  so  denounce. 

Other  Spiritual  Injunctions  may  be  added  by  the  Visitor, 
as  the  place  and  nature  of  the  Comperts  shall  require,  after 
his  discretion. 

Reserving  Power  to  give  more  Injunctions,  and  to  examine 
and  discuss  the  Comperts,  to  punish  and  reform  them  that 
be  convict  of  any  notable  Crime,  to  search  and  try  the 
Foundations,  Charters,  Donations,  Appropriations,  and  Mu- 
niments of  the  said  Places ;  and  to  dispose  all  such  Papisti- 
cal Escripts  as  shall  be  there  found,  to  the  Right  Honourable 
Mr.  Thomas  Cromwell  General  Visitor  to  the  King's  said 
Highness,  as  shall  seem  most  expedient  to  his  high  wisdom 
aad  discretion. 


Smne  Particulars  relating  to  the  Dissolution  of  Monasteries. 


The  Preamble  of  the  Surrender  of  the  Monastery  of  Langden. 

Omnibus  Christi  fidelibus,  &c.  Willielmus  Dyer,  Abbas 
Monasterii  Beatae  Marias  Virginis  et  S.  Thomae  Marty ris  de 
Langden,  in  Com.  Kent,  et  ejusdem  loci  Conventus, 
Ordinis  Praemonstrat .  capitulum  dictae  domus  plene  facientes, 
ejusdemq;  domus  (quae  in  suis  fructibus,  redditibus,  pro- 
venien.  even,  et  emolumen,  non  mediocriter  deteriorata  est, 
et  quasi  in  totum  diminuta,  ingentiq;  aere  alieno  obruta, 
oppressa,  et  gravata  extitit)  statum  usq;  adeo  matura 
deliberatione,  et  diligenti  tractatu,  consid^rantes,  pon- 
derantes,  et  pensantes,  quod  nisi  celeri  remedio,  regia  oro- 
visione  huic  Monasterio  sive  Prioratui  (quippe  quod  de 
ejus  fundatione  et  personatu  existit)  brevi  surcuralur  et 
provideatur,  funditus  in  Spiritualibus  et  Temporalibus  anni- 
hiletur,  per  pra;sentes  damus  et  concedimus,  &c. 

tents  were  of  new  founded  and  'preserved  from  tJie  dissoLution 


The  rest  follows  in  the  ordinary  form  of  Law  :  but  the  ordi- 
nary Preamble  in  most  Surrenders  is. 

Omnibus  Christi  fidelibus,  &c.  Nos — Salutem.  Sciatis 
quod  nos,  deliberate,  certa  scientia,  et  mero  motu,  nostris, 
ex  quibusdara  causis,  justis,  et  rationabilibus,  nos,  animas 
et  conscientias  nostras,  specialiter  moventibus,  ultro  et 
sponte  dedisse  et  concessisse,  .Domino  Hegi,  &c. 

But  it  seems  some  few  Houses,  though  they  were  pre- 
vailed with  to  surrender,  yet  would  not  do  it  with  such  a 
Preamble,  for  there  are  about  twenty  Surrenders  without 
any  Preamble  at  all,  made  to  John  London  Clerk,  ad  usum 
Domini  Regis. 


A  List  of  Religimis  Houses,  which  by  the  King's  Letters  Pa 
tents  were  of  new  fom 
4xf  Lesser  Monasteries. 

(Anno  Regni  28.) 

St.  Mary  of  Betlesden,  Buckinghamshire, ->^ 
Cistercians    I 

St.  Mary  of  Huntington,  Augustinians |  j«  * 

Chertsey,  Cambridg-shire,  Benedict.  Nuns  . .   v  ^' 

St.  Mary  in  Winton,  Southamp. -shire.  Bene-  I 
diet.  Nuns j 

Grace-dieu,  Leicester-shire,  August.  Nuns . .  J 

St.  Michael  Hull,  York- shire,  Carthusians  ....  27. 

St.  Clare  of  Denby,  Cambridg-shire..  Nuns. ...  28. 

Kymme,  Lincoln-shire,  Augustin 2  Sept. 

St.  Ann  Marrick,  York-shire,  Benedict.  Nuns      9. 

St.  Mary  of  Bindon,  Dorset-shire,  Cistercians     16  Nov. 

St.  Mary  Harpa,  Westmor.  Praemonstrat 16. 

St.  Mary  of  Hynnings,  Lincoln-shire,  Cist.  Nuns.  27. 

St.  Mary  de-la-Pray,  Northamp.-shire,  Nuns.    13  Dec. 

St,  Mary  of  Kelling,  York -shire.  Nuns. 14. 

St.  Maryof  Cockersand,  Lancash.  Praemonstrat. 
Nuns 19. 

De-la-val,  York-shire,  Carthus 2  Jan. 

St.  Mary  Newstead,  Nottinghamsh.  Aug.  Nuns,    2. 

Wormsley,  Herefordsh.  August 27. 

St.  Mary  of  Alnewick,  Northumb.  Praemonst. .  30. 

Bellalanda,  Yorksh.  Cisterc 30. 

St.  John  Bapt.  Egglestone,  Yorksh 30. 

St.  Mary  de  Nith,  Glamorgansh.  Cisterc 30. 

St.  Mary  Ulnestock,  Leicestersh. 30. 

St.  Mary  of  Dale,  Derbysb.  August 30. 

OF  RECORDS.  181 

St.  Katharine  of  Polesloo,  Devon.  Ben.  >iuns. .  30  Jan. 

St.  Mary  Lacock,  Wiltsh.  August.  Nuns 30. 

St.  Mary  Chester,  Nuns    30. 

St.  Mary  of  Studley,  Oxfordsh.  Nuns 30. 

St.  Mary  of  Canon  Leigh,  Devonsh.  Nuns 12  Feb. 

Cockhill,  Worcestersh.  August.  Nuns    5  March* 

St.  Bartholomew,  New-Castle,  Nuns   30. 

St.  Mary  of  VVallingwells,  Yorksh April. 

Tke  Grants  for  these  Houses  are  all  in  the '28th  year  of  the 
King,  to  be  held  in  perpetuam  eleemosynam,  ajid  are  en- 
rolled in  the  Ut,  2d,4t/i,  and  5th  parts  of  the  Patent  Rolls  for 
that  Year, 


A  lAtt  ofedl  the  Surrenders  of  Abbies,  which  are  yet  extant  in 
the  Augmentation  Office. 


Langden,  Praemonst.  signed  by  the  Abbot  and 

10  Monks,  Cora.  Kent 13  Nov. 

Folkeston,  Benedict,  the  Prior,  Kent  15. 

Dover,  the  Prior,  8  Monks,  Kent 16. 

Merten,  August,  the  Prior,  and 5  Friers,  Yorksh.     9  Feb. 
Hornby,  Premonst.  the  Prior  and  two  iNIonks.     23. 
Tilty,  Cisterc.  the  Abbot  and  5  Monks,  Essex.    28. 
Bilsington,  the  Prior  and  two  Monks,  Kent.  ..21. 

These  are  all  enrolled  Rot.  Claus.  Part  1st. 

(Regni  28.) 

Furnesse,  the  Abbot  and  30  Monks,  Lancashire.  9  April. 

Bermondsey,  the  Abb.  Surrey I  June. 

Bushlisham,  Bp.  of  St.  David's,  Commendator, 

Berk 5  July. 

The  Originals  of  these  tuo  last  are  lost,  but  enrolled  Rot. 
Claus.  Part  2d.  Regn.  28. 

(Regni  29.) 

Lanthony,  August,  the  Prior  and  21  Monks, 
Gloucestsh 10  May. 

Abbington,  Bened.  the  Abbot  and  25  Monks, 
Berksh 29. 

Charterhouse,  the  Prior,  London 10  June. 

Chertsey,—  the  Abbot  and  14  Monks 6  July. 

Vol.  I,  Part  II.  R 


Wardon,  Cisterc.  the  Abbot  and  14  Monks, 
Bedfordsh 4  Dec. 

St.  Austins  Canterb.  the  Abbey-Seal 5. 

Westacre,  August,  the  Prior  and  8  Monks, 
Norfolk 14  Jan. 

Kiugswood,  Cisterc.  Gloucestsh.  the  Abbot  and 

13  Monks IFeb. 

Coxhall,  Cisterc.  the  Abbot,  Essex 5. 

St.  Andrew,  Bened.  Northampt.  the  Prior  and 
12  Fr 2MaTcTi. 

Holmcultrin the   Abbot   and   25    Monks, 

Cumberland    6. 

Butley,  August,  the  Commend,  and  8  Monks, 
Suffolk 7. 

Stradford-Langthorn,  Cisterc.  the  Abbot  and 

14  Monks,  Essex    8. 

Southwick,  August.  Hampsh 7  April. 

Kennelworth,  Bened.  the  Prior  and  16  Monks, 

Warwicksh 14. 

Merton,  August,  the  Abbot  and  14  Monks, 

Surrey 16. 

Pont- Robert,  Cisterc.  the  Abbot  and  8  Monks, 

Sussex 16. 

Belloloco,  Cisterc.  the  Abbot  and  19  Monksj 

Hampsh 17. 

Besides  these,  the  following  Surrenders  are  enrolled. 

Lewes,  Cluniac.  Sussex,  the  Prior 16  Nov, 

Castle-Acre,  Cluniac.  Norfolk,  the  Prior 22. 

Titchfield,  Praemonst.  the  Commend.  South- 
amptsh 18  Dec. 

Muchelling,  Bened.  Somersetsh.  the  Abbot    . .     3  Jan. 

Boxley,  Cisterc.  Kent,  the  Abbot 26. 

Walden,  Bened.  Essex  the  Bpp.  Suffr.  of  Col- 
chester, Commend 22. 

Almost  all  these  Abbies  were  above  the  value  of  two  hundred 
pounds,  so  that  they  were  not  within  the  Statute  for  suppres- 
sing the  lesser  Abbies,  but  the  Abbots  were  prevailed  on  by 
other  Motives  to  surrender  their  Houses  to  the  King. 

(Regni.  30.) 

Batle,  Bened.  Sussex,  the  Abbot  and  16  Monks  27  May. 
Thurgarton,  August.  Yorksh.  the  Prior  and  8 

Frat 14  June. 

Bushlisham,  Bened.  Berksh.  the  Abbot  and  15 

Monks ..19. 

OF  RECORDS.  183 

Axiholm,  Caithus.  Liacolash.  the  Prior  and  8 
Monks 23  June. 

Rupa,  Cisterc.  Yorksh.  the  Abbot  and  17 
Monks 23. 

Walbeck,  Praemonst.  Nottingsh.  the  Abbot  and 

18  Monks 20. 

Huntington  Cannons,  Aug.  the  Prior  and  8 

Cannons 11  July. 

Lincoln,  Gilbertines,  the  Prior,  and  15  Monks.   14. 
Feversham,  Cluniac.  Kent,  the  Abbot  and  8 

Monks 8. 

Bordesley,  Cisterc.  VVorceslsh.  the  Abbot  and 

19  Monks 17. 

Curaberraore,  August.  Chesh.  the  Abbot 27. 

St.  Austins,  Canterb.  Bened.  the  Abbot  and  30 

Monks 30. 

St.  James,  Northamptonsh.  Bened.  the  Abbot 

Elect  and  5  Monks 25  Aug. 

Fordham,  Gilbertines,  Cambridgsh.  the  Prior 

and  3  Frat 1  Sept. 

Chateras,  Black-Nuns,  Cambridgsh.  the  Abbess 

and  10  Nuns   3. 

Val-royal,  Chesh.  the  Abbot  and  14  Monks    . .    7. 
Croxton,  Praemonst.  Leicestersh.  the  Abbot  and 

22  Monks 8. 

Haughmond,  Cannons,  Shropsh.  the  Abbot  and 

10  Monks 9. 

Tudburry,  Bened.  StafFordsh.  the  Prior  and  8 

Monks 14. 

De-la-pray,  no  Subscriptions,  only  the  Com- 
mon Seal 16. 

Rostiter,  August.  StafFordsh,  the  Abbot  and  8 
Monks 16. 

Crockesden,  Cisterc.  Staffordsh.  the  Abbot  and 
12  Monks 17. 

Hilton,  Cisterc.  StafFordsh.  the  Abbot  and  8 

Monks 18  Sept . 

Semperingham*,  Gilbertines,  the  Prior  and  8 
Monks 18. 

Sulby,  Praemonst.  Northampsh.  the  Abbot  and 

1 1  Monks 20. 

*  In  the  Houses  of  this  Order  there  were  Cloisters  foi 
both  Sexes.  St.  Gilbert  L.  of  Semperingham  founded  it  ; 
the  Bpp.  of  LandafF  was  at  this  time  Commendator  of  the 
whole  Order. 

< >..... £if' 

he  Prior  and  6  Frat "^ 

-)  The  Prior  and  10  Fra.  ..  I 
s,  J- The  Prior  and  11  Fr.  Nor.  f30. 
.  -^  The  Prior  and  14  Fra f 


Haberholm,  Gilb.  Lincolnsh.  the  Prior  and  6 

Cannons  24  S«pf . 

Betlesden,  Cisterc.  Bedfordsh.  Abbot  and  ll 

Monks 25. 

Cately,  Gilb.  Lincolnsh.  the  Prior    25. 

Bolington,  Gilb.  Lincolnsh.  the  Prior  and  9 

Monks 26. 

Thelsford,  the  Holy  Trinity,  Warwicksh.  Prior 

^  and  3  Mon 26. 

Sixhill,  Gilb.  Lincolnsh.  the   Commend,  and  8 

Monks 27. 

Thetford,  August.  Norfolk,  the  Prior    27. 

Alvinghame,  Gilb.  Lincolnsh.  the  Prior  and  27 

Monks 29. 

Ormesby,  Gilb.  the  Prior  and  6  Frat. 
Linn  Carmelites, 
Linn  Dominicans, 

Linn  August -'  The  Prior  and 

Linn,  Francisc.  the  Warden  and  9  Frat 1  Oct* 

Ailesbury,  Francisc    Buckinghamsh.  the  War- 

aen  and  6  Frat 1. 

Coventry,  Carm.  Warwicksh.  the  Prior  and  13 

Frat 1. 

Newstead,  Gilb.  the  Prior  and  5  Monks 2. 

Mattersey,  Gilb.  the  Prior  and  4  Monks 3. 

Coventry,  Franc.  Warden  and  10  Frat 5. 

Marmond,   Cannons,  Cambridgsh.  the    Prior 

and  1  Monk 5. 

Stamford,  August.  Lincolnsh.  the  Prior  and  5 

Frat 6. 

Stamford,  Dominic,  the  Prior  and  9  Frat 7. 

Grinsbey,  Francisc.  Lincolnsh.  the  Prior  and 

6  Frat 9. 

Miraval,  Cisterc.  Warvi^icksh.  the  Abbot  and  9 

Monks 13. 

Shouldham,  Gilb.  Norfolk,  the  Prior,  9  Monks, 

7  Nuns 15. 

Bray  wood,   Black-Nuns,   StafFordsh.  the  Pri- 
oress    16. 

Lilleshull,  August.  Shropsh.  the  Abbot  and  10 

Monks 16. 

Statford,  August,  the  Prior  and  5  Monks 16. 

Northampton,  Dominic,  the  Prior  and  7  Frat. .  16.^ 

Northallerton,  Carmel.  Yorksh.  the  Prior  and 

9Frat 17. 

Warwick,  Dominic,  the  Prior  and  6  Frat 2Q. 

OF  RECORDS.  185 

Noi  ihampton,  Carmel.  the  Prior  aud  8  Frat ....  20  Oct. 
Weatheral,  Dominic.  Cumberland,  the  Prior. .  20. 
Chicksand,  Gilb.  Bedfordsh.  the  Prior,  6  Monks, 

ISNuns   22. 

Darley,  August.  Derbysh.  the  Abbot  and  13 

Monks    22 

Dale,  Premonst.  Derbysh.  the  Abbot  and  16 

Monks 24. 

Repton,  August.  Derbysh.  the  Subprior  and  8 

Monks 25. 

Grace-dieu,   August.  Nuns,  Leicestersh.  the 

Prioress    27. 

Northampton,  Francisc.  the  Warden  and  10 

Frat 28. 

Northampton,  August,  the  Prior  and  9  Frat.  . .  28. 
Mallen  Nuns,  Kent,  the  Abbess  and  10  Nuns. .  29. 
Bardney,  Bened.  Lincolnsh.  the  Abbot  and  13 

Monks 1  Nov. 

Barnwell,  August.  Can.  Cambridg.the  Prior  and 

6  Monks   8. 

Leicester,  Francis,  the  Warden  and  7  Frat 10. 

Dominic,  the  Prior   10. 

August,  the  Prior 10. 

London,  Dominic,  the  Bp.  of  Rochest.  Com- 
mend, and  15  Frat 10. 

August,  the  Prior  and  12  Frat 12. 

Francis,  the  Warden  and  25  Frat 12. 

Cross-Friers,  6  Frat 13. 

Doncaster,  Carm.  Yorksh.  the  Prior  and  6  Fr. .  13. 
Werksop,    August.  Nottingsh.  the  Prior  and 

15  Friers 14. 

Pipewell  —  Lincolnsh.  the  Abbot  and  13  Monks  15. 
Wigemore —  Herefordsh.  the  Commend,  and  10 

Friers    18. 

York,  August,  the  Prior  and  7  Friers    18. 

Doncaster.  Francisc.  Guardian,  6  Friers,  3  No- 
vices   20. 

Monkbreton,  Bened.  Yorksh.  the  Prior  and  13 

Monks 21. 

St.  Helens,  Ix)ndon,  a  Nunnery,  no  hands,  only 

the  Seal 25, 

Pomfret,  Dominic.  York,  the  Prior,  7  Friers,  1 

Novice 26. 

York,  Carmel.  the  Prior,  9  Fi-iers,  3  Novices. .  27. 
Francis,  the  Guardian,  15  Friers,  5  No- 
vices   27. 

Dominic,  the  Prior,  6  Frier*,  4  Novices.  27. 

R  3 


York,  Gilbertines,  the  Prior,  3  Monks 28  Nov. 

August,  the  Prior,  9  Friers,  4  Novices  . .  28. 
Bellalanda,  Cisterc.  Yorksh.  the  Abbot  and  24 

Monks  30. 

Dunnington,  the  Order  of  the  Trinity,  Berksh. 

the  Minister 30. 

Ryeval,  Cisterc.   Yorksh.  the  Abbot   and  23 

Monks  3  Dec. 

St.  Albans,  Bened.  Herefordsh.  the  Abbot  and 

37  Monks 5. 

Ansham,  Bened.  Oxfordsh.  the  Prior  and  8 

Monks  4. 

Kirkham,  August.  Yorksh.  the   Prior  and   17 

Friers    8. 

Notely  — Yorksh.  the  Abbot  and  17  Monks..     9. 
Ellerton,    Gilber.  Yorksh.    the    Prior    and   4 

Friers    11. 

York,  the  H.  Trin.  the  Minister  and  10  Priests. 
Yarom,   Dominic,  the  Prior,  and  5  Friers,  6 


Darby,  Dominic,  the  Prior,  and  6  Friers 3  Jan. 

Semperingham,  Gilber.  the  Commend,  and  3 

Monks 6. 

Newcastle,  Francis,  the  Warden,  with  8  Friers, 

and  2  Novices ; 9. 

Newcastle,  August 9. 

Newcastle,  Dominic,  the  Prior  and  12  Friers  . .  10. 
Newcastle,  Carmel.  the  Prior,  7  Friers,  and  2 

Novices 10. 

Walknell,  Newcastle,  H.  Trin.  the  Prior 10. 

Tinmouth,  Bened.  Northumberl.  Prior,  15  Pre 

bend.  3  Nov 12. 

Warwick,  Bened.  the  Prior  and  12  Monks  ....   15. 

Coventry,  Carthus.  the  Prior  and  7  Monks 16. 

York,  August,  the  Prior  and  17  Fellows 17. 

Brednestock,  Wiltsh.  the  Prior  and  13  Monks. .   18. 
Richmond,  Yorksh.  Francis,  the  Prior  and  14 

Friers    '. 19. 

Lacock,  Wiltsh.  Nunnery,  the  Abbess 21. 

Combe,  Warwicksh.  Cisterc.  the  quondam  Ab- 
bot, 13  Monks , 21. 

Kenisham,  Sommer.-sh.  August,  the  Abbot,  and 

10  Monks 23. 

Bolton,  Yorksh.   August,    the    Prior    and    14 

Friers 29. 

Cockersand,  Premons.  the  Abbot  and 

22  Monks 29. 

OF  RECORDS.  187 

Pollsworth,  Warwicksh.  Nunnery,  no  Hands, 

only  the  Seal    31  Jan. 

Nottingham,  Carniel.  the  Prior  and  6  Friers. .     5  Feb. 

Francis,  the  Prior  and  7  Friers  . .     6. 
Athelny,  Bened.  the  Abbot  and  8 

Monks   8. 

Taunton,  August,  the  Prior  and  12 

Monks 10. 

Buckland,  Nunnery,  the  Prioress. .   10. 

Dunkeswell,  Cisterc 12. 

Polleslow,  Devonsh.  Nunnery,  the  Prioress. ...  14. 
With  am,  Carthus.  the  Prior  and 

12  Monks 15  Feb. 

Bushsham,  Devonsh 19. 

Cannonleigh,  Devonsh.  Nunnery,  no  Hands,  but 

the  Seal 19. 

Hartland,  Devonsh.  August,  the  Abbot  and  4 

Monks  21. 

Torry,  Premonst.  Devonsh.  the  Abbot  and  15 

Monks  23. 

Launceston,  Cornwal,  August,  the  Prior  and  8 

Monks 24. 

Buckfast,  Devonsh.  Cister.  the  Abbot  with  10 

Monks  25. 

Buckland,  Devonsh.  Cister.  the  Abbot 27. 

Bodmyn,  Cornwal,  August,  the  Prior  and  8 

Monks  27. 

Edingdon,  Wiltsh.  August,  the  Rector  and  12 

Monks 28. 

Plimptone,  Canons,  August.  Devonsh.  the  Prior 

and  18  Monks 1  March. 

St.  Germans,  Can.  Aug.  Cornwal,  the  Prior  and 

7  Monks    2. 

Ford,  Cister.  Devon,  the  Abbot  and  13  Monks.    8. 
Midleton,  Bened.  Devonsh.  Abbot  and  Bp.  Suif. 

of  Shafts.  12  Monks   11. 

Abbots-bury,  Bened.  Dorsetsh.  the  Prior  and 

10  Monks 13. 

Tarent,  Nunnery,  Dorsetsh.  the  Abbess  and  18 

Nuns 13. 

Bindon,  Cisterc.  Dorsetsh.  the  Abbot  and  7 

Monks  14. 

Cerne,    Bened.    Dorsetsh.  the  Abbot  and  16 

INIonks  15. 

Sherburne,  Bened.  Dorsetsh.  the  Abbot  and  16 

Monks 18. 


Montecute,  Cluniac.  the  Abbot  and  V 

13  Monks 20  March. 

Tavenstock,  Bened.  the  Abbot  and 
20  Monks 20. 

Shaftesbury  Nunnery,  Dorsetsh.  the  Abbess    . .  23. 

Willton  Nunnery,  Wiltsh.  the  Abbess 25. 

Hinton,  Carthus.  Sommersetsh.  the  Prior  and 
19  Monks 31. 

Brutton  Cannons- August.  the  Ab- 
bot and  14  Monks   1  ApriJ. 

Hide,  Bened.  Hampsh.  Bp.  Bangor  Commend, 
and  21  Mon.  in  April,  but  no  date. 

Without  date  there  are  four, 

Franciscans,  Cambr.  the  Guardian  and  23  Frat. 
Dominicans,  Cambr.  the  Prior  and  15  Fr. 
Thetford,  Dominic,  the  Prior. 
Sancta  Maria  de  Pratis,  the  Abbot  and  19  Monks. 

Hospitals  resigned  this  Year. 

St.  Thomas   Southwark,  the  Master   and    one 

Brother 25  July. 

St.  John  Wells,  the  Master  and  3  Brothers 3  Feb. 

Bridgwater,  the  Master  and  7  Brothers    3. 

St.  John  Exon,  the  Master  and  2  Brothers 20. 

All  the  fonnei-  Uesignations  have  the  Covent  Seals  put  to 
them,  except  those  of  some  few  Hotises  of  Begging  Friars, 
which  perhaps  had  no  Seals :  they  are  also  enrolled  in  the 
1st,  2d,  3d,  and  5th  Claus.  Rolls  of  that  Year.  There 
are  likewise  some  few  more  enrolled,  of  which  the  Originals 
are  lost,  which  follow. 

Hales-Owen,  Premonst.  Sallop.  the  Abbot  ....    9  June. 

Clattercott.  Gilbert,  the  Prior 22  Aug. 

Bedford,  Francis,  the  Warden 3  Oct. 

Stamford,  Francis,  the  Warden  8. 

Derleyghs,  Cisterc.  Stafford  sh.  the  Abbot 20. 

Pipeldeth,  Cisterc.  the  Abbot  ....     5  Nov. 
De-la-pray  Nunnery,  the  Abbess..  16  Dec. 

Northallerton.  Carmel.  Yorksh.  the  Prior 20. 

Pulton  Gilbert,  the  Prior 16  Jan. 

Newburg,  August.  Yorksh 22. 

Bath  Cathedral,  Bened 27. 

Brusyard  Nunnery,  Suffolk,  the  Abbess 17  Feb. 

Nevvham,  Cisterc.  Devonsh.  the  Abbot 8  March. 


OF  RECORDS.  189 

Here  follow  the  Resignations  made  in  the  31  Year  of  ih*  King's 
Reign,  of  which  the  Originals  are  yet  eitant. 

KiMME  Can.  August.  Liacolnsh.  the  Prior  and 

9  Monks    6  July. 

BevoU   Carthus.  the  Prior  and  7 

Monks 8. 

Irthforth  Nunnery,  Lincolnsh.  the  Prioress  and 

17  Nuns 9. 

Nuncotton  Nunnery,  Yorksh.  without  Subscrip- 
tions      11. 

Hynings  Nunnery,  Lincolnsh.  no  Subscriptions  11. 

Fosse  Nunnery,  Lincolnsh.  the  Prioress    11. 

Newstead  Premonst.  the  Prior  and 

11  Monks 21. 

St.  Osith,  Can.  August.  Essex,  the  Abbot  and  16 

Monks 28. 

Elistu  Nunnery,  Bedfordsh.  the  Abbess 26  Aug. 

Hamond,  a  Commission  to  the  Bp.  of  Chester  to 

take  the  Surrender  of  it 31 . 

Swine  Nunnery,  Yorksh.  no  Subscriptions  ....     3  Sept. 
Haughmond  Can.  August.  Sallop.  the  Abbot 

and  10  Monks •.••.•••     ^• 

Nunnkeling  Nunnery,  Yorksh.  no  Subscription, 

but  the  Seal 10. 

Nunniton  Nunnery,  the  Prioress,  27  Crosses  for 

Subscript 12. 

Ulnescroft,  Leicestersh.  the  Prior  and  11  Friers.  15. 

Marrick  Nunnery,  Yorksh.  the  Prioress    15. 

Burnham  Nunnery,  Bucks,  the  Abbess  and  9 

Nuns 19. 

St.  Bartholomew  Smithfield,  the  Prior 25  Oct. 

Edmundsbury  Bened.  Suffolk,  the  Abbot  and 

44  Monks 4  Nov. 

A  Commission  for  the  surrender  of  St.  Allbor- 

rough,  Chesh 7. 

Berkin  Nunnery,  Essex,  the  Abbess 14. 

Tame,  Oxfordsh.  Bp.  Reonen  *.  and  16  INIonks  16. 

Osney,  ibid.  id.  and  12  Monks 17. 

Godstow  Nunnery,  Oxfordsh.  subscribed  by  a 

Notary 17  Nov. 

Studley    Nunnery,     Oxfordsh.   signed    as    the 

former    19. 

Thelsford,  Norfolk,  the  Prior  and  13  Monks    . .   16  Feb. 
Westminster  Bened.  the  Abbot  and  27  Monks. .  16  Jan. 

•  Perhaps  Roanen  :    King,  Abbot  of  Osney,  had  the  title 
Episcopus  Roanansis. 


A  Commission  to  the  Arch-Bpp.  of  CanterL/^ 
for  talyng  the  Surrender  of  Christ-Church  I 
Canterbury >  20  March 

And  another  for  the  surrender  of  llochester,  j 
both  dated  \....J 

Waltham  Benedict.  Essex,  the  Abbot  and  17 
Monks   23. 

St.  Mary  Watte,  Gilber.  Bpp.  of  Landaffe  Com- 
mend. 8  Friers  and  14  Nuns. 


There  is  also  in  the  Augmentation- Office,  a  Book  concerning 
the  Resignations  and  Suppressions  of  the  following  Monas- 

St.  Swithins  Winchester 15  Nov. 

St.  Mary  Winchester 17. 

Wherewell,  Hampshire 21. 

Christ's  Church,  Twinham,  the  Commendator 

thereof  is  called  Episcopus  Neopolitanus 28. 

Winchelcomb  3  Dec. 

Ambrose  Bury 4. 

St.  Austins,  near  Bristol   9. 

Billesswick,  near  Bristol 9. 

INIalmesbury 16. 

Cirencester  19. 

Hales 24. 

St.  Peter's  Gloucesterwark  2  Jan. 

Teuksbury    9. 

There  are  also  several  other  Deeds  enrolled,  which  follow. 

St.  Mary-Overhay,  in  Southwark  14  Oct. 

St.  Michael,  near  Kingston  upon  Hull,  Carthus.    9  Nor. 

Burton  upon  Trent.  StafFordsh 14. 

Hampol  Nunnery,  Yorksh 19. 

St.  Oswald,  Yorksh 20. 

Kirkstall,  Yorksh 22. 

Pomfret,  Yorksh 23. 

Kirkelles,  Yorksh 24. 

Ardyngton,  Yorksh 26. 

Fountains,  Yorksh 26. 

St.  Mary  York 29. 

St.  Leonard  York  1  Dec. 

Nunnapleton  Nunnery,  Yorksh 6. 

St.  Gelmans  Selbe,  Yorksh 6. 

Melsey,  Yorksh 11. 

Malton,  Yorksh 11. 

Whitby,  Yorksh 14. 

Albalanda,  Northumb 18. 

OF  RECORDS,  191 

Montgrasse  Carthus.  Yorksh 18  Dec. 

Alnewick  Premonstrat.  Northumb 22. 

Gisburne  August.  Yorksh 22. 

Newshame,  Dunelme    29. 

St.  Cuthberts  Cathedral  of  Duresme 31. 

St.  Bartholomew  Nunnery,  in  Newcastle 3  Jan. 

Egleliston,  Richmondsh 5. 

St.  Mary  Carlile,  Cumber 9. 

Hoppa  Premonst.  Westmorland 14. 

St.  VVerburg.  Chester 20. 

St.  Mary  Chester,  a  Nunnery 21. 

St.  Peters  Shrewsbury  24. 

St.  Milburg  VVinlock,  Salop,  i 26. 


It  seems  there  was  generally  a  Confession  made  with  the 
Surrender:  Of  these  some  few  are  yet  extant,  though  un- 
doubtedly great  care  was  taken  to  destroy  as  many  as  could  be 
in  Queen  Mary's  time.  That  long  and  full  one  made  by  the 
Prior  of  St.  Andrews  in  Northampton,  the  Preamble  whereof 
is  printed  by  Fuller,  and  is  at  large  printed  by  Weaver,  is  yet 
preserved  in  the  Augmentation-Office.  There  are  some  few 
more  also  extant,  six  of  these  1  have  seen,  one  of  them  follows. 

Forasmuch  as  we  Richard  Green,  Abbot  of  our  Monas- 
tery of  our  Blessed  Lady  St.  Mary  of  Betlesden,  and  the 
Convent  of  the  said  Monastery,  do  profoundly  consider. 
That  the  whole  manner  and  trade  of  living,  which  we  and 
our  pretensed  Religion  have  practised  and  used  many  days, 
does  most  principally  consist  in  certain  dumb  Ceremonies, 
and  other  certain  Constitutions  of  the  Bishops  of  Rome,  and 
other  Forinsecal  Potentates,  as  the  Abbot  of  Cistins,  and 
therein  only  noseled,  and  not  taught  in  the  true  knowledg  of 
God's  Laws,  procuring  always  Exemptions  of  the  Bishops  of 
Rome  from  our  Ordinaries  and  Diocesans  :  submitting  our 
selves  principally  to  Forinsecal  Potentates  and  Powers, 
which  never  came  here  to  reform  such  disorders  of  ^living 
and  abuses,  as  now  have  been  found  to  have  reigned  amongst 
us.  And  therefore  now  assuredly  knowing,  that  the  most 
perfect  way  of  living  is  most  principally  and  sufficiently  de- 
clared unto  us  by  our  Master  Christ,  his  Evangelists  and 
Apostles,  and  that  it  is  most  expedient  for  us  to  be  governed 
and  ordered  by  our  Supream  Head,  under  God,  the  King's 
most  noble  Grace,  with  our  mutual  assent  and  consent, 
submit  our  selves,  and  every  one  of  us,  to  the  most  benign 
Mercy  of  the  King's  Majesty  ;  and  by  these  presents  do  sur- 
render, &c. 


The  Suti'ender  follows  in  common  form,  signed  by  the  Abbot, 
Subprior,  and  0  Monks,  25  Septemb.  Regni  30. 

There  are  others  to  the  same  purpose,  signed  by  the  Guardian 
and  seven  Franciscans  at  Alisbury,  the  1st  of  October.  By 
the  Franciscans  at  Bedford  the  3d  of  October.  The  Francis- 
cans in  Coventry  the  5th  of  October.  And  the  Franciscans  in 
Stamfoi'd  the  Qth  of  October.  And  the  Carmelites  in  Stamford 
on  the  same  day,  which  I  shall  also  insert,  the  former  four  agree- 
ing to  it. 

Forasmuch  as  we  the  Prior  and  Friers  of  this  House  of  Car- 
melites in  Stamford,  commonly  called  the  White  Friers  in 
Stamford,  'in  the  County  of  Lincoln,  do  profoundly  con- 
sider, that  the  perfection  of  Christian  living  doth  not  consist 
in  some  Ceremonies,  wearing  of  a  white  Coat,  disguising 
our  selves  after  strange  fashions,  dockying  and  becking, 
wearing  Scapulars  and  Hoods,  and  other-like  Papistical 
Ceremonies,  wherein  we  have  been  most  principally  prac- 
tised and  noseled  in  times  past ;  but  the  very  true  way  to 
please  God,  and  to  live  a  true  Christian  Man,  without  all 
hypocrisy  and  feigned  dissimulation,  is  sincerely  declared 
to  us  by  our  Master  Christ,  his  Evangelists,  and  Apostles ; 
being  minded  hereafter  to  follow  the  same,  conforming  our 
self  to  the  Will  and  Pleasure  of  our  Supream  Head,  under 
God,  on  Earth,  the  King's  Majesty;  and  not  to  follow 
henceforth  the  superstitious  Traditions  of  any  Forinsecal 
Potentate  or  Power,  with  mutual  assent  and  consent,  do  sub- 
mit our  selves  unto  the  Mercy  of  our  said  Sovereign  Lord,  and 
with  the  like  mutual  assent  and  consent  do  surrender,  &c. 
Signed  by  the  Prior  and  6  Friers. 


Of  the  manner  of  suppressing  the  Monasteries  after  they  were 
The  Reader  will  best  understand  this  by  the  following  ac- 
count* of  the  Suppression  of  the  Monastery  of  Teuksbury, 
copied  from  a  Book  that  is  in  the  Augmentation-Office, 
which  begins  thus : 

The  Certificate  of  Robert  Southwell  Esquire,  William 
Petre,  Edward  Kairne,  and  John  London,  Doctors  of  Law ; 
John  Ap-rice,  John  Kingsman,  Richard  Paulet,  and  Wil- 
liam Bernars,  Esquires,  Commissioners  assigned  by  the 
King's  Majesty,  to  take  the  Surrenders  of  divers  Monas- 
teries, by  force  of  his  Grace's  Commission  to  them,  6,  6,  4, 
or  3  of  them,  in  that  behalf  directed  ;  bearing  date  at  his 
Highness's  Palace  of  Westminster,  the  7th  day  of  Novemb. 



£.     .^.    d. 

in  the  31  year  of  the  Reign  of  our  most  dread  Sovereign 
Lord  Henry  the  Eighth,  by  the  Grace  of  God,  King  of 
England,  and  of  France,  Defender  of  the  Faith,  Lord  of 
Ireland,  and  in  Earth  immediately  under  Christ  Supreme 
Head  of  the  Church  of  England,  of  all  and  singular  their 
Proceedings,  as  well  in  and  of  these  Monasteries  by  his 
Majesty  appointed  to  be  altered,  as  of  others  to  be  dis- 
solved, according  to  the  tenour,  purport,  and  effect  of  his 
Graces  said  Commission  ;  with  Instructions  to  them  like- 
wise delivered,  as  hereafter  ensueth. 

Com.  Glocester. 
Surrendred  to  the  use  of  the  King's  Majesty,  and 
of  his  Heirs  and  Successors  for  ever  made,  bear- 
ing date  under  the  Covent-Seal  of  the  same  late 
Monastery,  the  9th  day  of  January,  in  the  31 
year  of  the  Reign  of  our  most  dread  victorious 
Sovereign  Lord  King  Henry  the  Eighth,  and  the 
said  day  and  year  clearly  dissolved  and  sup- 
pressed. .. 
^As  well  Spiritual  as  Tem- 
poral,  over  and  besides 
£13fi.  8s.  \d.  in  Fees,  An- 
nuities,   and    Custodies, 
granted  to  divers  Persons  \    1595  15    6 
by  Letters  Patents  under 
the   Covent-Seal  of    the 
said  late  Monastery  for 
term  of  their  lives. 

J.  Wich,  late  Ab-  £.   s.  dT" 

bot  there  266  13  4 

J.  Beley  late  Pri- 
or there  16  0  0 
J.    Bromesgrove, 

late     Prior    of 

Delehurst  13    6  8 

Robert   Circester 

Prior     of     St. 

James  13    6  8 

Will.      Didcote 

Prior  of  Cran- 

borne  10    0  0 

Rob.  Cheltenhem 

B.  D.  10    0  0 

Two  Monks  £8  a 

piece  16    0  0 

One  Monk  7    0  0 

27  Mon.  £6.  J3». 

4rf.  each 

bury   late 

The    clear 
yearly  value 
of  all  the  Pos- 
sessions be- 
longing to  said 
late  Monas- 

Pensions  as- 
signed to  the 
late  Religious 
dispatched  ; 
that  is  to  say, 

551    6    8 


Vol.  I.  Part  IL 

180    0  0 

And  so  remains  clear---1044 

8  10 



r  A  Remains  in  the  Treasury 

Tli>rnrH<*  nnrl     |  Belonging  to     I  there  under  the  Custody  of 

E^fdences       <  ^^e  late  Mo-      ^ohn  Whittington  Kt,  the 

I  nastery.  I  keys whereot  being  dehver- 

L  J  ed  to  E  " 





to  remain 



Paulet  Keceiver. 

Deemed  to  he  \ 

Leads  remain 
ing  upon 

The  Lodging  called  the  Newark, 
leading  from  the  Gate  to  the  late 
Abbots  Lodging,  with  Buttery, 
Pantry,  Cellar,  Kitching,  Lar- 
der, and  Pastry  thereto  adjoin- 
ing. The  late  Abbot's  Lodging, 
the  Hostery,  the  great  Gate  en- 
tering into  the  Court,  with  the 
Lodging  over  the  same  ;  the  Ab- 
bot's Stable,  Bakehouse,  Brew- 
house  and  Slaughterhouse,  the 
Almry,  Barn,  Derryhouse,  the 
great  Barn  next  Aven,  the  Malt- 
ing house,  with  the  Garners  in  the 
same,  the  "Oxhouse  in  the  Bar- 
ton, the  Barton-gate,  and  the 
Lodging  over  the  same. 

The  Church,  with  Chappels,"" 
Cloister,  Chapter -house.  Mi- 
sericord, the  two  Dormito- 
ries, the  Infirmary,  with 
Chappels  and  Lodgings 
within  the  same  ;  the  Work- 
hay,  with  another  House  ad- 
joining to  the  same,  the  Co- 
vent  Kitching,  the  Library, 
the  old  Hostery,  the  Cham- 
berers  Lodging,  the  new- 
Hall,  the  old  Parlour  adjoin- 
ing to  the  Abbot's  Lodging  ; 
the  Cellarers  Lodging,  the 
Poultry-house,  the  Gard- 
ner, the  Almary,  and  all 
other  Houses  and  Lodgings 
not  above  reserved. 

The  Quire,  lies,  and  Chap-' 
pels     annext    the     Cloister  | 
Chapter-house,    Frater,    St.  I 
Michaels    Chappel,     Halls,  f 

ted to  the 
\  custody  of 

ton, Knt. 


ted as 


Fermory,    and    Gate- house,  I 

esteemed  to 

Bells  remain- 

(Tn  the  Steple  there  ai 
poize  by  estimation 


1       14600 
j     weiglit. 

Jewels  reserv 
ed  to  the  use 
of  the  King 



Miters  garnished  with  gilt,  -x 
rugged  Pearls,  and  counter-  t 
feit  Stones.  J 



Plate  of  Silver  r  Silver  gilt 329  ounces.  -» 

reserved  to  the  <  Silver  parrel  gilt.  .605  ounces.  V     1431. 
same  use.  '-  Silver  white 497  ounces.  J 

Ornaments  re- 
served to  the 
said  use. 

Sum  of  all  the 
tels  belonging 
to  the  said  late 


the  ^ 
ate  (^ 


One  Cope  of  Silver  Tissue 
with  one  Clesible,  and  one 
Tunicle  of  the  same ;  one 
Cope  of  Gold  Tissue,  with 
one  Cles.  and  two  Tunicles 
of  the  same. 

Sold  by  the  said  Commission- 
ers, as  in  a  particular  Book  |     £.  s.  d. 
of  Sales  thereof  made  ready  >  194  8  0 
to  be  shewed,    as  more  at  j 
large  may  appear. 



To  the 
late  Re- 
ligious      J 
and  Ser-"^ 

fTo  38  late  Religious  Per 

I  sons  of  the  said  late  Mo 
nastery  of  the  King's  Mat 

80  13    4 

10  0 

To  an  144  late  Servants  of 
the  said  late  Monastery, 
for  their  Wages  and  Live 

To  divers  Persons  for  Vic- 
tuals and  Necessaries  of 
them  had  to  the  use  of  the 
said  Monastery,  with  £10 
paied  to  the  late  Abbot 
there,  for  and  in  full  pai- 
ment  of  £124.  5s.  4d.  by 
him  to  be  paid  to  certain 
Creditors  of  the  said  late 
Monastery,  by  Covenants 
made  with  the  aforesaid 

And  so  remains  clear — 19  12    8 

Then  folloia  a  List  of  tome  small  debts  owing  to  and  by  the 
said  MoTiastery. 

For  debts 
Pay-    J  owing  by 
ments.<  the  said 
late  Mo- 


18  12   0 

196  A  COLLECnON 

Then  follows  a  List  of  the  Livings  in  their  Gift. 

Com.  Glocest Four  Parsonages  and  10  Vicarages. 

Com.  Wigorn Two  Parsonages  and    2  Vicarages. 

Com.  Warwic Two  Parsonages. 

Com.  Will.  Bristol. . .  .Five  Parsonages  and     1  Vicarage. 

Com.  Wilts 2  Vicar. 

Com.  Oxon One   Pars,  and  2  Vicar. 

Com.  Dors Four  Pars,  and  2  Vicar. 

Com.  Sommers  . . .  .Three  Pars. 

Com.  Devon 1  Vicar. 

Com.  Corub 2  Vicar. 

Com.  Glamorg.|    5  Vicar. 

and  Morgan.  |    u  » i^a  . 

In  all  21  Parsonages  and  27  Vicarages. 


Queen  Anne  Boleyn's  last  letter  to  King  Henry. 
(Cotton  Libr.  Otho.  C.  10.) 

Your  Grace's  displeasure,  and  my  Imprisonment,  are  things 
so  strange  unto  me,  as  what  to  write,  or  what  to  excuse,  I 
am  altogether  ignorant.  Whereas  you  send  unto  me  (willing 
me  to  confess  a  Truth,  and  so  obtain  your  favour)  by  such  an 
one  whom  you  know  to  be  mine  ancient  professed  Enemy, 
I  no  sooner  received  this  Message  by  him,  than  I  rightly 
conceived  your  meaning;  and  if,  as  you  say,  confessing  a 
Truth  indeed  may  procure  my  safety,  I  shall  with  all  wil- 
lingness and  duty  perform  your  Command. 

But  let  not  your  Grace  ever  imagine  that  your  poor  Wife 
will  ever  be  brought  to  acknowledg  a  Fault,  where  not  so 
much  as  a  thought  thereof  proceeded.  And  to  speak  a 
Truth,  never  Prince  had  Wife  more  loyal  in  all  duty,  and  in 
all  true  affection,  than  you  have  ever  found  in  Ann  Boleyn, 
with  which  Name  and  Place  I  could  willingly  have  con- 
tented my  self,  if  God,  and  your  Grace's  pleasure  had  been 
so  pleased.  Neither  did  I  at  any  time  so  far  forget  my  self 
in  my  Exaltation,  or  received  Queenship,  but  that  I  always 

OF  RECORDS.  197 

looked  for  such  an  alteration  as  now  I  find ;  for  the  ground 
of  my  preferment  being  on  no  surer  Foundation  than  your 
Grace's  Fancy,  the  least  alteration,  I  knew,  was  fit  and 
sufficient  to  draw  that  Fancy  to  some  other  Subject.  You 
have  chosen  me,  from  a  low  estate,  to  be  your  Queen  and 
Companion,  far  beyond  my  desert  or  desire.  If  then  you 
found  me  worthy  of  such  honour,  good  your  Grace  let  not 
any  light  Fancy,  or  bad  counsel  of  mine  Enemies,  withdraw 
your  Princely  Favour  from  me  ;  neither  let  that  Stain,  that 
unworthy  stain  of  a  disloyal  heart  towards  your  good  Grace, 
ever  cast  so  foul  a  blot  on  your  most  dutiful  "Wife,  and  the 
Infant-Princess  your  Daughter  :  Try  me,  good  King,  but  let 
me  have  a  lawful  Trial,  and  let  not  my  sworn  Enemies  sit 
as  my  Accusers  and  Judges ;  yea,  let  me  receive  an  open 
Trial,  for  my  Truth  shall  fear  no  open  shame  ;  then  shall 
you  see,  either  mine  innocency  cleared,  your  suspicion  and 
Conscience  satisfied,  the  ignominy  and  slander  of  the  World 
stopped,  or  my  Guilt  openly  declared.  So  that  whatsoever 
God  or  you  may  determine  of  me,  your  Grace  may  be  freed 
from  an  open  censure  ;  and  mine  Offence  being  so  lawfully 
proved,  your  Grace  is  at  liberty,  both  before  God  and  Man, 
not  only  to  execute  worthy  punishment  on  me  as  an  unlaw- 
ful Wife,  but  to  follow  your  Affection,  already  settled,  on 
that  Party,  for  whose  sake  I  am  now  as  I  am,  whose  Name 
I  could  some  good  while  since  have  pointed  unto :  your 
Grace  being  not  ignorant  of  my  suspicion  therein. 

But  if  you  have  already  determined  of  me,  and  that  rwt 
only  my  Death,  but  an  infamous  slander  must  bring  you  the 
enjoying  of  your  desired  happiness ;  then  I  desire  of  God, 
that  he  will  pardon  your  great  sin  therein,  and  likewise 
mine  Enemies,  the  Instruments  thereof;  and  that  he  will 
not  call  you  to  a  strict  account  for  your  unprincely  and 
cruel  usage  of  me,  at  his  General  Judgment- Seat,  wheie 
both  you  and  my  self  must  shortly  appear,  and  in  whose 
Judgment  I  doubt  not  (whatsoever  the  World  may  think  of 
me)  mine  Innocence  shall  be  openly  known,  and  sufficiently 

My  last  and  only  request  shall  be,  That  my  self  may  only 
bear  the  burthen  of  your  Grace's  displeasure,  and  that  it 
may  not  touch  the  innocent  Souls  of  those  poor  Gentlemen, 
who  (as  I  understand)  are  likewise  in  strait  Imprisonmerit 
for  my  sake.  If  ever  I  have  found  favour  in  your  sight,  if 
ever  the  Name  of  Ann  Boleyn  hath  been  pleasing  in  your 
ears,  then  let  me  obtain  this  request :  and  I  will  so  leave  to 
trouble  your  Grace  any  further,  with  mine  earnest  Praycvi* 
to  the  Trinity  to  have  your  Grace  in  his  good  keeping,  anH 



to  direct  you  in  all  your  Actions.    From  my  doleful  Prison 
in  the  Tower  this  6th  of  May. 

Your  most  Loyal  and  ever  Faithful  Wife, 

Ann  Boleyn. 



The  Judgment  of  the  Convocation  concerning  General-Couw 
cils.    Published  by  the  L.  Herbert  from  the  Original. 

As  concerning  General-Councils,  like-as  we  (taught  by  long 
experience)  do  perfectly  know  that  there  never  was,  nor  is, 
any  thing  devised,  invented,  or  instituted  by  our  Fore- 
Fathers,  more  expedient  or  more  necessary  for  the  establish- 
ment of  our  faith,  for  the  extirpation  of  Heresies,  and  the 
abolishing  of  Sects  and  Schisms ;  and  finally,  for  the  reduc- 
ing of  Christ's  People  unto  one  perfect  unity  and  concord  in 
his  Religion,  than  by  the  having  of  General-Councils.  So 
that  the  same  be  lawfully  had  and  congregated  in  Spiritu 
Sancto,  and  be  also  conforin  and  agreeable,  as  well  con- 
cerning the  surety  and  indifFerency  of  the  Places,  as  all 
other  Points  requisite  and  necessary  for  the  same,  unto  that 
wholsome  and  godly  Institution  and  usage,  for  the  which 
they  were  at  first  devised  and  used  in  the  Primitive  Church. 
Even  so  on  the  other  side,  taught  by  like  experience,  we 
esteem,  repute,  and  judg.  That  there  is,  ne  can  be  anything 
in  the  World  more  pestilent  and  pernicious  to  the  Common- 
weal of  Christendom,  or  whereby  the  Truth  of  God's  Word 
hath  in  times  past,  or  hereafter  may  be  sooner  defaced  or 
subverted,  or  whereof  hath  and  may  ensue  more  contention, 
more  discord  and  other  devilish  effects,  than  when  such 
General-Councils  have  or  shall  be  assembled,  not  chiistianly 
nor  charitably,  but  for  and  upon  private  malice  and  ambi- 
tion, or  other  worldly  and  carnal  Respects  and  Considera- 
tions, according  to  the  saying  of  Gregory  Nazianzenus,  in 
his  Epistle  to  one  Procopius,  wherein  he  writeth  this  Sen- 
tence following ;  "  Sic  sentio,  si  verum  scribendum  est, 
omnes  Conventus  Episcoporum  fugiendos  esse,  quia  nullius 
Synodi  finem  vidi  bonum,  neque  habentem  magis  solutionem 
malorum,  quam  incrementum :  Nam  cupiditates  contentio- 
num,  et  gloria  (sed  ne  putes  me  odiosum  ista  scribentem) 
vincunt  rationem."  That  is  to  say — I  think  this,  if  I  should 
write  truly,  That  all  General  Councils  be  to  be  eschewed, 
for  I  never  saw  that  they  produced  any  good  End  or  Effect, 
nor  that  any  Provision  or  Remedy,  but  rather  increase  of 

OF  RECORDS.  199 

Mischiefs  proceeded  of  them.  For  the  desire  of  mainte- 
nance of  Men's  Opinions  and  ambition  of  Glory  (but  reckon 
not  that  I  write  this  of  malice)  hath  always  in  them  over- 
comed  reason. —  Wherefore  we  think  that  Christian  Princes, 
especially  and  above  all  things,  ought  and  must,  with  all 
their  wills,  power,  and  diligence,  foresee  and  provide;  "  Ne 
Sanctissima  hac  in  partr  '"^^-orum  Instituta,  ad  improbissi- 
mos  ambitionis  aut  malitiae  effectus  explendos,  diversissimo 
suo  fine  et  sceleratissimo  pervertantur :  Neve  ad  alium 
praetextum  possint  valere,  et  longe  diversum  efFectura  orbi 
producere  quam  Sanctissima  rei  facies  prae  se  ferat."  That 
is  to  say  —  Least  the  most  noble  wholsome  Institutions  of 
our  Elders  in  this  behalf  be  perverted  to  a  most  contrary 
and  most  wicked  end  and  effect ;  that  is  to  say,  to  fulfil  and 
satisfy  the  wicked  aflPections  of  Men's  Ambition  and  Malice ; 
T)r,  lest  they  might  prevail  for  any  other  colour,  or  bring 
forth  any  other  effect  than  their  most  vertuous  and  laudable 
countenance  doth  outwardly  to  the  World  shew  or  pretend. 
—  And  first  of  all  we  think  that  they  ought  principally  to 
consider  who  hath  the  Authority  to  call  together  a  General 
Council.  Secondly,  Whether  the  Causes  alledged  be  so 
weighty  and  so  urgent,  that  necessarily  they  require  a 
General  Council,  nor  can  otherwise  be  remedied.  Thirdly, 
Who  ought  to  be  Judges  in  the  General  ('ouncil.  Fourthly, 
What  order  of  proceeding  is  to  be  observed  in  the  same,  and 
how  the  Opinions  or  Judgments  of  the  Fathers  are  to  be 
consulted  or  asked.  Fifthly,  What  Doctrines  are  to  be 
allowed  or  defended,  with  diverse  other  things  which  in 
General  Councils  ought  of  reason  and  equity  to  be  observed. 
And  as  unto  the  first  Point,  We  think  that  neither  the  Bishop 
of  Rome,  nor  any  one  Prince,  of  what  estate,  degree,  or 
preh«?minence  soever  he  be,  may  by  his  own  Authority,  call, 
indite,  or  summon  any  General  Council  without  the  express 
consent,  assent,  and  agreement  of  the  residue  of  Christian 
Princes,  and  especially  such  as  have  within  their  own 
Realms  and  Seigniories,  Imperium  merum,  that  is  to  say,  of 
such  as  have  the  whole,  intire,  and  supream  Govermentand 
Authority  over  all  their  Subjects,  without  knowledging  or 
recognizing  of  auy  other  supream  Power  or  Authority.  And 
his  to  be  true,  we  be  induced  to  think,  by  many  and  sundry 
as  well  examples  as  great  Reasons  and  Authority.  1  he 
which,  forasmuch  as  it  should  be  over-long  and  tedious  to 
express  here  particularly,  we  have  thought  good  to  omit  the 
same  for  this  present.  And  in  witness  that  this  is  our  plain 
and  determinate  Sentence,  Opinion,  and  Judgment,  touch- 
ing the  Premisses,  we  the    Prelates   and  Clergy  under- 


written,  being  congregate  together  in  the  Convocation  of  the 
Province  of  Canterbury,  and  representing  the  whole  Clergy 
of  the  same,  have  to  these  Presents  subscribed  our  Names 
the  20th  of  July,  in  the  Year  of  our  Lord,  1538. 26.  Hen.  8. 

Signed  by 

Thomas  Cromwel,  Thomas  Cantuariensis, 
Johannes  London,  with  13 Bishops;  and 
of  Abbots,  Priors,  Arch-Deacons,Deans,. 
Proctors,  Clerks,  and  other  Ministers  49. 

There  were  then  hut  17  Bishops  in  the  Province  of  Canter- 
bury, and  Rochester  being  vacant,  of  the  other  16,  14  did  sign 


Instructions  for  the  King's  Commissioners,  for  a  new  Survey^ 
and  an  Inventoi'y  to  be  made  of  all  the  Demesnes,  Lands, 
Goods,  and  Chattels  appertaining  to  any  House  of  Religion  of 
Monks,  Canons,  and  Nuns  within  their  Commission,  accord- 
ing to  the  Articles  hereafter  following.  The  number  of  lohich 
Houses  in  every  County  limited  in  their  Commission,  being 
annexed  to  the  said  Commission.     An  Original. 

(Ex  MSS.  Nob.  D.  G.  Pierpoint). 

Henry  R. 
First  ;  After  the  Division  made,  one  Auditor,  one  particu- 
lar Receiver,  one  Clerk  of  the  Register  of  the  last  Visita- 
tion, with  three  other  discreet  Persons  to  be  named  by  the 
King  in  every  County  where  any  such  Houses  be ;  after 
their  repair  to  such  House,  shall  declare  to  the  Governourr 
and  Religious  Persons  of  the  same,  the  Statute  of  Dissolu- 
tion, the  Commission,  and  the  cause  and  purpose  of  their 
repair  for  that  time. 

Item;  That  after  the  Declaration  made,  the  said  Com- 
missioners shall  swear  the  Governors  of  the  Houses,  or  such 
other  the  Officers  of  the  same  House,  or  other,  as  ye  shall 
think  can  best  declare  the  state  and  plight  of  the  same,  to 
make  declaration  and  answer  to  the  Articles  there  under- 

Item ;  Of  what  Order,  Rule,  or  Religion,  the  same  House 
is,  and  whether  it  be  a  Cell  or  not ;  and  if  it  be  a  Cell,  then 
the  Commissioners  to  deliver   to   the  Governours  of  the 

OF  RECORDS.  201 

House  a  Privy  Seal,  and  also  to  injoin  him,  in  the  King's 
Name,  under  a  great  pain,  to  appear  without  delay  before 
the  Chancellor  of  the  Augmentations  of  the  Revenues  of  the 
King's  Crown  and  the  Council  ;  and  in  the  mean  time  not 
to  meddle  with  the  same  Cell,  till  the  King's  pleasure  be 
further  known. 

Item;  What  number  of  Persons  of  Religion  be  in  the 
same,  and  the  conversation  of  their  lives,  and  how  many  of 
them  be  Priests,  and  how  many  of  them  will  go  to  other 
Houses  of  that  Religion ;  or  how  many  will  take  Capaci- 
ties ;  and  how  many  Servants  or  Hinds  the  same  House 
keepeth  commonly,  and  what  other  Persons  have  their 
living  in  the  same  House. 

Item ;  To  survey  the  quantity  or  value  of  the  Lead  and 
Bells  of  the  same  House,  as  near  as  they  can,  with  the  ruin, 
decay,  state,  and  plight  of  the  same. 

Item;  Incontinently  to  call  for  the  Covent-Seal,  with  all 
Writings  andCharters,  Evidences  and  Muniments  concerning 
any  of  the  Possessions  to  be  delivered  to  them,  and  put  the 
same  in  sure  keeping,  and  to  take  a  just  Inventory  betwixt 
them  and  the  Governour,  or  other  Head  Officer,  by  Inden- 
ture, of  the  Ornaments,  Plate,  Jewels,  Chattels,  ready 
Mony,  Stuff  of  Houshold,  Coin,  as  well  signed  as  not  signed. 
Stock  and  Store  in  the  Farmer's  hands,  and  the  value 
thereof,  as  near  as  they  can,  which  were  appertaining  to 
the  same  Houses  the  first  day  of  March  last  past ;  and  what 
debts  the  House  doth  owe,  and  to  what  Person;  and  what 
Debts  be  owing  to  them,  and  by  whom. 

Item;  After,  to  cause  the  Covent,  or  Common-Seal,  the 
Plate,  Jewels,  and  ready  Mony,  to  be  put  in  safe  keeping, 
and  the  residue  of  the  Particulars  specified  in  the  Inven- 
tory, to  be  left  in  the  keeping  of  the  Governor,  or  some  other 
Head  Officer,  without  wasting  or  consumption  of  the  same, 
unless  it  be  for  necessary  expence  of  the  House. 

Item;  That  they  command  the  Governor,  or  other  re- 
ceiver of  the  same  House,  to  receive  no  Rents  of  their  Farms 
until  they  know  further  of  the  King's  pleasure,  except  such 
Rents  as  must  needs  be  had  for  their  necessary  Food  or 
Sustenance,  or  for  payment  of  their  Servants  Wages. 

Item ;  To  survey  discreetly  the  Demesnes  of  the  same 
House ;  that  is  to  say,  such  as  have  not  been  commonly  used 
to  be  letten  out,  and  to  certifie  the  clear  yearly  value 

Item ;  To  examine  the  true  yearly  value  of  all  the  Farms 
of  the  same  House,  deducting  thereof  Rents  reserved.  Pen- 
sions and  Portions  paied  out  of  the  same,  Synodals,  and 
proxies-,  Bailiffs,  Receivers,  Stewards,  and  Auditors  Fees» 


and  the  Names  of  them  to  whom  they  be  paied  and  due,  and 
to  none  other. 

Item ;  What  Leases  hath  been  made  to  any  Farmer,  of 
the  Farms  pertaining  to  the  same  House ;  and  what  Rent 
they  reserved,  and  to  whom,  and  for  how  many  years,  and 
a  Copy  of  the  Indenture,  if  they  can  get  it,  or  else  the 

Item;  To  search  and  enquire  what  Woods,  Parks,  For- 
rests.  Commons,  or  other  Profit  belonging  to  any  of  the 
Possessions  of  the  same  Houses,  the  Number  of  the  Acres, 
the  Age  and  Value,  as  near  as  they  can. 

Item;  What  Grants,  Bargains,  Sales,  Gifts,  Alienations, 
Leases  of  any  Lands,  Tenements,  Woods,  or  Offices,  hath 
been  made  by  any  the  said  Governors,  of  any  of  the  said 
Houses,  within  one  Year  next  before  the  4th  day  of  Febru- 
ary last  past,  and  of  what  things,  or  to  what  value,  and  to 
whom,  and  for  what  estate. 

Item;  If  there  be  any  House  of  the  Religion  aforesaid 
omitted  and  not  certified  in  the  Exchequer,  then  the  said 
Commissioners  to  survey  the  same,  and  to  make  Certificate 

Item;  That  they  straitly  command  every  Governor  of 
every  such  House  limited  in  their  Commission,  to  Sow  and 
Till  their  Grounds  as  they  have  done  before,  till  the  King's 
pleasure  be  further  known. 

Item;  If  there  be  any  House  given  by  the  King  to  any 
Person,  in  any  of  the  said  several  Limits  of  the  said  Com- 
mission, the  Names  whereof  shall  be  declared  to  the  said 
Commissioners,  Then  the  said  Commissioners  shall  imme- 
diately take  the  Covent  from  the  Governor,  and  take  an 
Inventory  indented  of  the  Lead,  Bells,  Debts,  Goods, 
Chattels,  Plate,  Jewels,  Ornaments,  Stock  and  Store,  to  the 
King's  use ;  and  to  make  sale  of  the  Goods,  Chattels,  and 
other  Im.plements,  Plate  and  Jewels  only  excepted. 

Item  ;  The  said  Commissioners  in  every  such  House,  to 
send  such  of  the  Religious  Persons  that  will  remain  in  the 
same  Religion,  to  some  other  great  House  of  that  Religion, 
by  their  discretion,  with  a  Letter  to  a  Governor  for  the 
receipt  of  them;  And  the  residue  of  them  that  will  go  to 
the  World,  to  send  them  to  my  Lord  of  Canterbury  and  the 
Lord  Chancellor  for  their  Capacities,  with  the  Letter  of  the 
same  Commissioners. 

Item ;  The  said  Commissioners  to  give  the  said  Persons 
that  will  have  Capacities,  some  reasonable  Rewards,  ac- 
cording to  the  distance  of  the  place,  by  their  discretions  to 
be  appointed. 

Item  :  The  said  Commissioners  to  command  the  Gover- 

Oh'  RECORDS.  203 

nour  to  resort  to  the  Chancellor  of  the  Augmentation  for  his 
yearly  Stipend  and  Pension. 

Item;  If  there  be  any  House  dissolved  or  given  up  to  the 
King  by  their  Deed,  then  the  Commissioners  shall  order 
themselves  in  every  point  and  purpose,  as  the  Houses  given 
by  the  King  to  any  other  Person  in  form  aforesaid. 

Item ;  Every  of  the  said  Commissioners  having  in  charge 
to  survey  more  than  one  Shire  within  the  Limits  of  their 
Commission,  immediately  after  they  have  perused  one  Shire, 
parcel  of  their  Charge,  in  form  aforesaid,  shall  send  to  the 
Chancellour  of  the  Court  for  the  Augmentation  of  the  Re- 
venues of  the  King's  Crown,  a  brief  Certificate  of  all  these 
Coniperts,  according  to  the  Instructions  aforesaid,  what 
they  have  done  in  the  Premisses,  and  in  every  County  so 
surveighed,  then  to  proceed  further  to  another  County ;  and 
so  as  tney  pass  the  said  Counties  to  make  like  Certificate, 
and  so  forth,  till  their  Limits  be  surveighed,  and  there  to 
remain  till  they  know  further  of  the  King's  pleasure. 

Item ;  If  the  said  Commissioners  have  but  one  County  in 
charge,  then  to  certifie  the  said  Chancellor  in  form  afore- 
said, and  there  to  remain  till  they  know  further  of  the  King's 


Injunctions  given  by  the  Authority  of  the  King's  Highness  to 
the  Clergy  of  this  Kealm. 

(Register,  Cranm.  fol.  47). 

In  the  Name  of  God,  Amen.  In  the  Year  of  our  Lord  God 
one  thousand  five  hundred  thirty  six,  and  of  the  most  noble 
Reign  of  our  Sovereign  Lord,  Henry  the  Eighth,  King  of 
England  and  France,  the  28  Year,  and  the  day  of 

I  Thomas  Cromwel  Knight,  Lord  Cromwel, 
Keeper  of  the  Privy -Seal  of  our  said  Sovereign  Lord  the 
King,  and  Vicegerent  unto  the  same,  for  and  concerning  all 
his  jurisdictions  Ecclesiastical  within  the  Realm,  visiting 
by  the  King's  Highness's  Supream  Authority  Ecclesiastical, 
the  People  and  Clergy  of  this  Deanery  of  by  my 

trusty  Commissary  lawfully  deputed  and  consti- 

tute for  this  part,  have,  to  the  glory  of  Almighty  God,  to 
the  King's  Highness's  honour,  the  publick  Weal  of  this  his 
Realm,  and  encrease  of  Vertue  in  the  same,  appointed  and 
assigned  these  Injunctions  ensuing  to  be  kept  and  observed, 
of  the  Dean,  Parsons,  Vicars,  Curates,  and  Stipendaries, 
resiant  or  having  cure  of  Soul,  or  any  other  Spiritual  Admi- 


nistrations  within  this  Deanery,  under  the  pains  hereafter 
limited  and  appointed. 

The  first  is,  That  the  Dean,  Parsons,  Vicars,  and  other, 
having  cure  of  Soul  any  where  within  this  Deanery,  shall 
faithfully  keep  and  observe,  and  as  far  as  in  them  may  lie, 
shall  cause  to  be  observed  and  kept  of  other,  all  and  singu- 
lar Laws  and  Statutes  of  this  Realm,  made  for  the  abolish- 
ing and  extirpation  of  the  Bishop  of  Rome's  pretensed  and 
usurped  Power  and  Jurisdiction  within  this  Realm ;  and 
for  the  establishment  and  confirmation  of  the  King's  Autho- 
rity and  Jurisdiction  of  the  same,  as  of  the  Supream  Head 
of  the  Church  of  England;  and  shall,  to  the  uttermost  of 
their  Wit,  Knowledg,  and  Learning,  purely,  sincerely,  and 
without  any  colour  or  dissimulation,  declare,  manifest,  and 
open,  for  the  space  of  one  quarter  of  a  year  next  ensuing, 
once  every  Sunday,  and  after  that  at  the  least-wise  twice 
every  quarter,  in  their  Sermons  and  other  Collations,  that 
the  Bishop  of  Rome's  usurped  Power  and  Jurisdiction, 
having  no  establishment  nor  ground  by  the  Law  of  God, 
was  of  most  just  causes  taken  away  and  abolished ;  and 
therefore  they  owe  unto  him  no  manner  of  obedience  or  sub- 
jection ;  and  that  the  King's  Power  is  within  his  Dominion 
the  highest  Power  and  Potentate,  under  God,  to  whom  all 
Men  within  the  same  Dominions,  by  God's  Commandment, 
owe  most  loyalty  and  obedience,  afore  and  above  all  other 
Powers  and  Potentates  in  Earth. 

Item ;  Whereas  certain  Articles  were  lately  devised  and 
put  forth  by  the  King's  Highness's  Authority,  and  conde- 
scended upon  by  the  Prelates  and  Clergy  of  this  his  Realm 
in  Convocation,-  whereof  part  are  necessary  to  be  holden 
and  believed  for  our  Salvation,  and  the  other  part  do  con- 
cern and  teach  certain  laudable  Ceremonies,  Rites,  and 
Usages  of  the  Church,  meet  and  convenient  to  be  kept  and 
used  for  a  decent  and  politick  order  in  the  same  ;  tne  said 
Dean,  Parsons,  Vicars,  and  other  Curates,  shall  so  open 
and  declare  in  their  said  Sermons,  and  other  Collations,  the 
said  Articles  unto  them  that  be  under  their  Cure,  that  they 
may  plainly  know  and  discern  which  of  them  be  neces- 
sary to  be  believed  and  observed  for  their  Salvation,  and 
which  be  not  necessary,  but  only  do  concern  the  decent  and 
politick  order  of  the  said  Church :  according  to  such  Com- 
mandment and  Admonition  as  hath  been  given  unto  them 
heretofore,  by  Authority  of  the  King's  Highness  in  that 

Moreover,  That  they  shall  declare  unto  all  such  as  be 
under  their  Cure,  the  Articles  likewise  devised,  put  forth, 
and  authorized  of  late,  for  and  concerning  the  abrogation  of 

OF  RECORDS.  205 

certain  superfluous  Holy-days,  according  to  the  effect  and 
purport  of  the  same  Articles:  and  perswade  their  Parish- 
ioners to  keep  and  observe  the  same  inviolable,  as  things 
honestly  provided,  decreed,  and  established,  by  common 
consent,  and  publick  Authority,  for  the  Weal,  Commodity, 
and  Profit  of  all  this  Realm. 

Besides  this,  to  the  intent  that  all  Superstition  and  Hy- 
pocrisie,  crept  into  divers  Mens  hearts  may  vanish  away, 
they  shall  not  set  sorth  or  extol  any  Images,  Reliques,  or 
Miracles,  for  any  superstition  or  lucre  ;  nor  allure  the  Peo- 
ple by  any  inticements  to  the  pilgrimages  of  any  Saint, 
otherwise  than  is  pennitted  in  the  Articles  lately  put  forth 
by  the  Authority  of  the  King's  Majesty,  and  condescended 
upon  by  the  Prelates  and  Clergy  of  this  his  Realm  in  Con- 
vocation ;  as  though  it  were  proper  or  peculiar  to  that  Saint 
to  give  this  Commodity,  or  that :  seeing  all  Goodness, 
Health,  and  Grace,  ought  to  be  both  asked  and  looked  for 
only  of  God,  as  of  the  very  Author  of  the  same,  and  of  none 
other,  for  without  him  it  cannot  be  given :  But  they  shall 
exhort,  as  well  their  Parishioners  as  other  Pilgrims,  that 
they  do  rather  apply  themselves  to  the  keeping  of  God's 
Commandments,  and  fulfilling  of  his  Works  of  Charity ; 
pers wading  them  that  they  shall  please  God  more  by  the 
true  exercising  of  their  bodily  Labour,  Travail,  or  occupar 
tion,  and  providing  for  their  Families,  than  if  they  went 
about  to  the  said  Pilgrimages  ;  and  that  it  shall  profit  more 
their  Souls  health,  if  they  do  bestow  that  on  the  Poor  and 
Meedy,  which  they  would  have  bestowed  upon  the  said 
Images  or  Reliques. 

Also  in  the  same  their  Sermons,  and  other  Collations, 
the  Parsons,  Vicars,  and  other  Curats,  aforesaid,  shall  dili- 
gently admonish  the  Fathers  and  Mothers,  Masters  and 
Governors  of  Youth,  being  within  their  Cure,  to  teach,  or 
cause  to  be  taught,  their  Children  and  Servants,  even  from 
their  Infancy,  their  Pater  Noster,  the  Articles  of  our  Faith, 
and  the  Ten  Commandments,  in  their  Mother  Tongue: 
And  the  same  so  taught,  shall  cause  the  said  Youth  oft  to 
repeat  and  understand.  And  to  the  intent  that  this  may  be 
the  more  easily  done,  the  said  Curats  shall,  in  their  Ser- 
mons, deliberately  and  plainly  recite  of  the  said  Pater 
Noster,  the  Articles  of  our  Faith,  and  the  Ten  Command- 
ments, one  Clause  or  Article  one  day,  and  an  other  another 
day,  till  those  be  taught  and  learnt  by  little ;  and  shall  de- 
liver the  same  in  writing,  or  shew  where  printed  Books 
containing  the  same  be  to  be  sold,  to  them  that  can  read 
or  will  desire  the  same.  And  thereto  that  the  said  Fathers 
and  Mothers,  Masters    and  Governors,  do  bestow    their 

Vol.  I,  Part  II,  T 


Children  and  Servants,  even  from  their  Childhood,  either 
to  Learning,  or  some  other  honest  Exercise,  Occupation,  or 
Husbandry :  exhorting,  counselling,  and  by  all  the  vv^ays 
aud  means  they  may,  as  well  in  their  said  Sermons  and 
Collations,  as  otherwise,  perswading  the  said  Fathers, 
Mothers,  Masters,  and  other  Governors,  being  under  their 
Cure  and  Charge,  diligently  to  provide  and  foresee  that  the 
said  Youth  be  in  no  manner- wise  kept  or  brought  up  in 
idleness,  lest  at  any  time  afterwards  they  be  driven,  for  lack 
of  some  Mystery  or  Occupation  to  live  by,  to  fall  to  begging, 
stealing,  or  some  other  unthriftiness ;  forasmuch  as  vte  may 
daily  see,  through  sloth  and  idleness,  divers  valiant  Men 
fall,  some  to  begging,  and  some  to  theft  and  murder  ;  which 
after  brought  to  calamity  and  misery,  impute  a  great  part 
thereof  to  their  Friends  and  Governors,  which  suffered  them 
to  be  brought  up  so  idely  in  their  Youth ;  where  if  they 
had  been  well  educated  and  brought  up  in  some  good 
Literature,  Occupation,  or  Mystery,  they  should,  being 
Rulers  of  their  own  Family,  have  profited,  as  well  them- 
selves as  divers  other  Persons,  to  the  great  commodity  and 
ornament  of  the  Common- weal. 

Also,  that  the  said  Parsons,  Vicars,  and  other  Curats, 
shall  diligently  provide  that  the  Sacraments  and  Sacra- 
mentals  be  duly  and  reverently  ministred  in  their  Parishes  : 
and  if  at  any  time  it  hapned  them,  either  in  any  of  the 
Cases  expressed  in  the  Statutes  of  this  Realm,  or  of  special 
license  given  by  the  King's  Majesty  to  be  absent  from  their 
Benefices,  they  shall  leave  their  Cure,  not  to  a  rude  and 
unlearned  Person,  but  to  an  honest,  well  learned,  and  ex- 
pert Curate,  that  may  teach  the  rude  and  unlearned  of  their 
Cure  wholsome  Doctrine,  and  reduce  them  to  the  right  way 
that  do  err ;  and  always  let  them  see,  that  neither  they, 
nor  their  Vicars,  do  seek  more  their  own  profit,  promotion, 
or  advantage,  than  the  profit  of  the  Souls  that  they  have 
under  their  Cure,  or  the  Glory  of  God. 

Also,  That  every  Parson,  or  Proprietary  of  any  Parish 
Church  within  this  Realm,  shall  on  this  side  the  Feasts  of 
St.  Peter  ad  Vincula  next  coming,  provyde  a  Book  of  the 
whole  Bible,  both  in  Latin,  and  also  in  English,  and  lay  the 
same  in  the  Quire,  for  every  Man  that  will  to  read  and 
look  therein,  and  shall  discourage  no  Man  from  the  Read- 
ing any  Part  of  the  Bible,  either  in  Latin  or  in  English ; 
but  rather  comfort,  exhort,  and  admonish  every  Man  to 
read  the  same  as  the  very  word  of  God,  and  the  Spiritual 
Food  of  Man's  soul,  whereby  they  may  the  better  know 
the  Dutys  to  God,  to  their  Sovereign  Lord  the  King,  and 
their  Neighbour  j    ever  gently  and   charitably   exhorting. 

OF  RECORDS.  207 

that  using  a  sober  and  a  modest  Haviour  in  the  Reading 
and  Inquisition  of  the  true  sense  of  the  same,  they  do  in 
no  wise  stiflBy  or  eagerly  contend  or  strive  one  with  another 
about  the  same,  but  refer  the  Declaration  of  those  Places 
that  be  in  Controversy  to  the  Judgment  of  them  that  be 
better  Learned. 

Also,  the  said  Dean,  Parsons,  Vicars,  Curats,  and  other 
Priests,  shall  in  no  wise,  at  any  unlawful  time,  nor  for  any 
other  cause  than  for  their  honest  necessity,  haunt  or  resort 
to  any  Taverns  or  Ale-houses  ;  And  after  their  Dinner 
and  Supper,  they  shall  not  give  themselves  to  Drinking  or 
Riot,  spending  their  time  idely,  by  Day  or  by  Night,  at 
Tables  or  Cards-playing,  or  any  other  unlawful  Game  ; 
but  at  such  times  as  they  shall  have  such  leisure,  they  shall 
read  or  hear  somewhat  of  Holy  Scripture,  or  shall  occupy 
themselves  with  some  other  honest  Exercise  ;  and  that  they 
alway  do  those  things  which  appertain  to  good  congruence 
and  honesty,  with  profit  of  the  Common-weal,  having 
always  in  mind.  That  they  ought  to  excel  all  others  in 
purity  of  life,  and  should  be  examples  to  all  other  to  live 
well  and  christianly. 

Furthermore ;  because  the  Goods  of  the  Church  are 
called  the  Goods  of  the  Poor,  and  that  these  days  nothing  is 
less  seen  than  the  Poor  to  be  sustained  with  the  same  ;  all 
Parsons,  Vicars,  Pensionaries,  Prebendaries,  and  other 
Beneficed  Men  within  the  Deanery,  not  being  resident  upon 
their  Benefices,  which  may  dispend  yearly  £20  or  above 
within  this  Deanry,  or  elsewhere,  shall  distribute  hereafter 
yearly  amongst  their  poor  Parishioners,  or  other  Inhabitants 
there,  in  the  presence  of  the  Church  Wardens,  or  some 
other  honest  INIen  of  the  Parish,  the  fortieth  part  of  the 
Fruits  and  Revenues  of  the  said  Benefices  :  lest  they  be 
worthily  noted  of  Ingratitude  ;  which  reserving  so  many 
parts  to  themselves,  cannot  vouchsafe  to  impart  the  fortieth 
portion  thereof  amongst  the  poor  People  of  that  Parish, 
that  is  so  fruitful  and  profitable  unto  them. 

And  to  the  intent  that  Learned  Men  may  hereafter 
spring  the  more  for  the  execution  of  the  Premisses  ;  Every 
Parson,  Vicar,  Clerk,  or  beneficed  Man  within  this  Deanry, 
having  yearly  to  dispend  in  Benefices,  and  other  promotions 
of  the  Church,  an  £100,  shall  give  competent  exhibition 
to  one  Scholar ;  and  for  as  many  hundred  pounds  more 
as  he  may  dispend,  to  so  many  Scholars  more,  shall  give 
like  exhibition  in  the  University  of  Oxford  or  Cambridg, 
or  some  Grammer-School ;  which  after  they  have  profited 
in  good  Learning,  may  be  Partners  of  their  Patrons  Cure 
and  Charge,   as  well    in  preaching  as  otherwise,  in    the 


execution  of  their  Offices;  or  may,  when  need  shall  be, 
-otherwise  profit  the  Common  Wealth  with  their  Counsel 
and  Wisdom. 

Also,  that  all  Parsons,  Vicars,  and  Clerks,  having 
Churches,  Chappels,  or  Mansions  within  this  Deanry, 
shall  bestow  yearly  hereafter  upon  the  same  Mansions,  or 
Chancels  of  their  Churches  being  in  decay,  the  fifth  part 
of  their  Benefices  till  they  be  fully  repaired ;  and  the 
same  so  repaired,  shall  always  keep  and  maintain  in  good 

All  which  and  singular  Injunctions  shall  be  inviolably 
observedof  the  said  Dean,  Parsons, Vicars,  Curats,  Stipendia- 
ries, and  other  Clerks  and  beneficed  men,  under  the  pain  of 
suspension  and  sequestration  of  the  Fruits  of  their  Benefices, 
until  they  have  done  their  duty  according  to  these  In- 


Cromweis  Letter  to  Shaxton,   Bishop  of  Sarum,  taken  from  a 
Copy  writ  by  Morison  his  Secretary. 

(Cotton  Llbr.  Cleop.  E.  4.) 

My  Lord,  after  hearty  Commendations,  I  cannot  but  both 
much  marvel  that  you  whom  I  have  taken  as  mine  trusty 
Friend,  should  judg  me,  as  I  perceive  by  your  Letters 
you  do,  and  also  be  glad  that  ye  so  frankly  utter  your  Sto- 
mach to  me.  I  would  thank  you  for  your  plain  writing 
and  free  monitions,  saving  that  you  seem  fuller  of  suspition 
than  it  becometh  a  prelate  of  your  sort  to  be  :  and  (to  say 
that  maketh  me  more  sorry)  much  worse  perswaded  of  me 
than  I  thought  any  of  your  Learning  and  Judgment  could 
have  been.  I  took  a  Matter  out  of  your  hands  to  mine  :  if 
upon  considerations  mine  Office  bind  me  to  do  so,  what 
cause  have  ye  to  complain  ?  if  I  had  done  this,  either  upon 
affection,  or  intending  prejudice  to  your  estimation,  you 
might  have  expostulated  with  me  ;  and  yet  if  ye  then  had 
done  it  after  a  gentler  sort,  I  should  both  sooner  have 
amended  that  I  did  amiss,  and  also  have  had  better  cause 
to  judge  your  writing  to  me,  to  be  of  a  friendly  heart  to- 
wards me.  If  ye  be  offended  with  my  sharp  Letters,  how 
can  your  testy  words  (I  had  almost  given  them  another 
Name)  delight  me?  I  required  you  to  use  no  extremity  in 
your  Office,  ditrus  est  hie  sermo,  ye  call  it ;  and  when  ye 
have  done,  ye  begin  again,  even  as  tho  all  being  said,  all 
were  still  behind.     If  ye  have  used  none  extremity,  I  am,  I 

OF  RECORDS.  209 

ensure  you,  as  glad  of  it  as  I-  ought  to  be  :  And  though  ye 
do  not,  yet  upon  a  complaint  my  office  bindeth  me  to  suc- 
cour him  that  saith  he  is  over-matched,  and  is  compelled  to 
sustain  wrong.  I  was  thus  informed,  and  by  Persons  to 
whom  I  gave  more  credit  than  I  intend  to  do  hereafter,  if 
they  have  abused  me,  as  ye  would  make  me  believe  they 
have.  They  thus  complaining,  could  I  do  less  than  grant 
unto  them  such  Remedies  as  the  King's  Highness  and  his 
Laws  give  indifferently  to  all  his  Subjects'?  Might  I  not 
also  somewhat  gather,  that  ye  proceeded  the  sorer  against 
the  Reader,  Roger  London,  when  I  had  seen  how  much 
you  desired  the  preferment  of  your  Servant  to  that  Reve- 
nue 1  My  Lord,  you  had  shewed  your  self  of  much  more 
patience,  I  will  not  say  of  much  more  prudence,  if  ye  had 
contented  your  self  with  their  lawful  Appeal,  and  my  law- 
ful Injunctions;  and  rather  have  written  somewhat  fully 
to  instruct  us  in  this  Matter,  than  thus  to  desire  to  conquer 
me  by  shrewd  words,  to  vanquish  me  by  sharp  threp  of 
Scripture,  which  as  1  know  to  use  travel,  so  I  trust  to  God 
as  great  a  Clerk  as  ye  be,  is  done  already.  Thus  out  of 
their  place,  it  becometh  me  not,  neither  yet  I  am  wont  to 
vaunt  my  self  of  well-doing,  I  know  who  worketh  all  that 
is  well  wrought  by  me  ;  and  whereas  he  is  the  whole  Doer, 
I  intend  not  to  offer  him  this  wrong,  to  labour,  and  I  to 
take  the  thanks ;  yet  as  I  do  not  cease  to  give  thanks, 
that  it  hath  pleased  his  Goodness  to  use  me  as  an  Instru- 
ment, and  to  work  somewhat  by  me,  so  I  trust  I  am  as 
ready  to  serve  him  in  my  Calling,  to  my  little  power,  as  ye 
are  prest  to  write  worse  of  me  than  ye  ought  to  think.  My 
Prayer  is,  That  God  give  me  no  longer  life,  than  I  shall 
be  glad  to  use  mine  Office  in  (Edification em  and  not  in  de- 
structionem,  as  ye  bear  me  in  hand  I  do.  God,  ye  say,  will 
judg  such  using  of  Authority,  meaning  flatly  that  I  do 
abuse  such  Power  as  hath  pleased  God  and  the  King's 
Highness  to  set  me  in  ;  God,  I  say,  will  judge  such  Judges 
as  ye  are,  and  charge  also  such  thoughts  as  ye  misuse  :  ye 
do  not  so  well  as  I  would  ye  should  do,  if  ye  so  think  of  me 
as  your  Letters  make  me  think  ye  do.  The  Crime  that  ye 
charge  me  withal  is  greater  than  I  may  or  ought  to  bear, 
untruer,  I  trust,  than  they  that  would  fainest,  shall  be  able 
to  prove.  It  is  a  strange  thing,  you  say,  that  I  neither 
would  write,  nor  send  you  word  by  mouth,  what  ye  should 
do  with  the  Popish  Monks  of  Abington  ;  and  that  the  Ab- 
bot of  Redding  could  get  streight-way  my  Letters  to  inhi- 
bit your  just  doings  :  That  was  not  my  mind  which  I  wrote, 
I  did  not  intend  to  lett  your  just  doings,  but  rather  to  re- 
quire you  to  do  justly ;  neither  1  was  swift  in  granting  my 



Letters  to  him,   albeit  I  am- much  readier  to  help  him  that 
complains  of  wrong,  than  prest  to  further  on  him  that  ue- 
sireth  punishment  of  a  person  whom  I  am  not  sure  hath 
offended.    I  made   you  no  answer,  a  strange  thing!    my 
Lord,  1  thought  ye  had  better  known  my  Business,  than  for 
such  a  matter  to  esteem  me  not  your  Friend  ;  you  might 
have  better  judged  that  I  was  too   much   cumbred  with 
other  Affairs  ;  that  those  which  sued  for  the  Abbot,  could 
better  espy  their  time  than  you  could.     Some  man  will 
think  it  rather  utter  displeasure  conceived  before,  than  that 
ye  have  any  urgent  occasion  here  to  misjudg  my  mind  to- 
wards you.    As  concerning  your  Manor  you  must  use  your 
Priviledges  as  things  lent  unto  you,  so  long  as  ye  shall  oc- 
cupy them  well,  that  is,  according  to  the  mind  and  plea- 
sure of  them  that  gave  you  them.    I  took  neither  the  monk's 
Cause,  nor  any  other,  into  my  hands,  to  be  a  bearer  of  any 
such  v/hcm  their  upright  dealings  is  not  able  to  bear.    No, 
you  know  I  think,  that  I  love  such  readers  of  Scripture  as 
little  as  ye  do  :  would  God  Men  of  your  sort  were  as  dili- 
gent to  see  that  in  all  their  Diocesses  good  were  made,  as 
I  am  glad  to  remove  things  when  I  know  them  ;    if  ye  had 
taken  even  then  but  half  the  pains  to  send  up  such  things 
against  him  as  ye  now  send,  neither  you  should  have  had 
cause,  no  nor  occasion  thus  easily  to  divine  of  my  good  or 
,  evil-will  towards  you,  nor  I  have  been  cumbred  with  this 
answer.   My  Lord  I  pray  you,  while  1  am  your  Friend, 
take  me  to  be  so  ;  for  if  I  were  not,  or  if  I  knew  any  cause 
why  I  ought  not,  1  would  not  be  afraid  to  show  you  what 
had  alienated  my  mind  from  you ;  so  you  should  well  per- 
ceive that  my  displeasure  should  last  no  longer  than  there 
were  cause.    I  pass  over  your  Nemo  l(sditur  nisi  a  seipso,  T 
pray  with  you  this  first  part.  Our  Lord  have  -pity  upon   me  ; 
the  other  part  is  not  in  my  Prayers,   That  God  should  turn 
my  Heart,  for  he  is  my  Judg,  I  may  err  in  my  doings  for 
want  of  knowledg,  but  I  willingly  bear  no  misdoers,  I  wil- 
lingly hurt  none  whom  honesty  and  the  king's  Laws  do  not 
refuse.     Undo  not  you  your  self,  I  intend  nothing  less  than 
to  work  you  any  displeasure.    If  hitherto  I  have  shewed  you 
any  pleasure,  I  am  glad  of  it:  I  showed  it  to  your  Quali- 
ties and  not  to  you  ;  if  they  tarry  with  you,  my  good-will 
cannot  depart  from  you,  except  your  Prayer  be  heard,  that 
is.  My  Heart  be  turned.     I  assure  you  I   am  right-glad  ye 
are  in  the  place  ye  are  in,  and  will  do  what  shall  lie  in  me  to 
aid  you  in  your  Office,  to  maintain  your  Reputation,  to  give 
you  credit  among  your  Flock,  and  elsewhere  ;  as  long  as  I 
shall  see  you  faithful  to  your  Duty,  according  to  your  Call- 
ing.   I  will  not  become  your  good  Lord,  as  your  desire  is, 

OF  RECORDS.  211 

I  am  and  have  been  your  Friend,  and  take  you  to  be  mine  j 
cast  out  vain  suspition,  let  rash  Judgment  rule  Men  of  less 
wit  and  discretion  ;  wilfulness  becometh  all  Men  better 
than  a  Bishop,  which  should  always  teach  us  to  lack  gladly 
our  own  Will,  because  you  may  not  have  your  own  Will. 
Here  is  Christus  paup.  facit  et  ditat,  cum  Dominus  dedit  et 
Dominus  abstuUl,  to  what  purpose  1  Sit  nomen  Domini  bene- 
dictnm,  c^n  never  lack  his  place,  it  becometh  alwise  in 
season  ;  or  else,  as  great  a  Divine  as  ye  are,  I  would  say,  it 
were  not  the  best  Placed  here,  except  you  wist  better,  you 
had  rather  lose  all  than  any  part  of  your  will.  I  pray  you 
teach  Patience  better  in  your  Deeds,  or  else  speak  as  little 
of  it  as  ye  can.  ^ly  Lord,  you  might  have  provoked  an  other 
in  my  piace,  that  would  have  used  less  patience  with  you, 
finding  so  little  in  you  ;  but  I  can  take  your  Writings,  and 
this  Heat  off  your  Stomach,  even  as  well  as  I  can,  I  trust, 
beware  of  Flatterers.  As  fur  the  Abbot  of  Redding,  and  his 
Monk,  if  I  find  them  as  ye  say  they  are,  I  will  order  them  as 
J  shall  think  good  ;  ye  shall  do  well  to  do  your  Duty,  if  you 
so  do,  ye  have  no  cause  to  mistrust  my  Friendship  ;  if  ye  do 
not,  I  must  tell  it  you,  and  that  somewhat  after  the  plainest 
sort.  To  take  a  Cause  out  of  your  hands  into  mine,  1  do  but 
mine  Office,  you  meddle  further  than  your  Office  will  bear 
you,  thus  roughly  to  handle  me  for  using  of  mine.  If  ye  do 
so  no  more,  1  let  pass  all  that  is  past,  and  offer  you  such 
kindness  as  ye  shall  lawfully  desire  at  my  hands.  Thus  fare 
you  well. 


The  Sentence  given  out  by  Pope  Paul  the  Third,  against  King 

(Cherubini  Bullarium,  Tom.  3.  p.  704.) 

Damnatio  et  Excommunicatio  Henrici  8,  Regis  Angliae, 
ejusque  Fautorum  et  Complicura,  cum  aliarum  poena- 
rum  adjectione. 

Paulus  Episeopus  Servus  Servonim  Dei  ad  perpetuam  rei 


Ejus  qui  immobilis  permanens  sua  providentia  ordine 
mirabili  dat  cuncta  moveri,  disponente  dementia,  vices,  li- 
cet immeriti  gerentes  in  terris,  et  in  sede  justitiae  consti- 
tuti,  juxta  prophets  quoque  Hieremiae  vaticinium  dicen- 
tis  :  Ecce  te  constitui  super  gentes  et  Regna,  ut  evellas  et 
destruas,  aedifices,  plantes,  praecipuum  super  omnes  Reges 


Universae  TerraB  cunctosq;  populos  obtinentes  principa- 
tum :  ac  ilium  qui  pius  et  misericors  est,  et  vindictam  ei  qui 
illam  praevenit  paratam  temperat,  nee  quos  impoenitentes 
videt  severa  ultione  castigat,  quin  prius  eomminetui,  in  as- 
sidue  autem  peccantes  et  in  peccatis  perseverantes,  cum 
excessus  misericordias  fines  praetereunt,  ut  saltern  metu 
poenae  ad  cor  reverti  cogantur,  justitiae  vires  exercet,  imi- 
tantes  ;  ex  incumbenti  nobis  Apostolicse  sollicitudinis  stu- 
dio per-urgemur,  ut  cunctarum  personarum  nostrae  curas 
caelitus  commissarum  salubri  statui  solertius  intendamus,  ac 
erroribus  et  scandalis,  quae  Hostis  antiqui  versutia  imminere 
eonspicimus,  propensius  obviemus,  excessusq;  et  enormia 
ac  scandalosa  crimina  congrua  severitate  coerceamus,  et 
juxta  Apostolum  inobedientiara  ovium  promptius  ulciscen- 
do,  illorum  perpetratores  debita  correctione  sic  compesca- 
mus,  quod  eos  Dei  iram  provocasse  poeniteat,  et  ex  hoc  aliis 
exemplum  cautelae  salutaris  accedat. 

Sane  cum  superioribus  diebus  nobis  relatum  fuisset,  quod 
Henricus  Angliae  Rex,  licet  tempore  Pontificatus  fael.  record. 
Leonis  Papae  X.  Praedecessoris  nostri  diversorum  haeretico- 
rum  Errores,  saepe  ab  Apostolica  Sede  et  Sacris  Conciliis 
praeteritis  temporibus  damnatos,  et  novissime  nostra  aetate 
per  perditionis  alumnum  Martinum  Lutherum  suscitatos  et 
innovates,  zelo  Catholicae  Fidei,  et  erga  dictam  Sedem 
devotionis  fervore  inductus,  non  minus  docte  quam  pie,  per 
quendam  librum  per  eum  desuper  compositum,  et  eidem 
Leoni  Praedecessori  ut  eum  examinaret  et  approbaret  ob- 
latum,  confutasset,  ob  quod  ad  eodem  Leone  Praedecessore 
ultra  dicti  libri,  cum  magna  ipsius  Henrici  Regis  laude  et 
commendatione,  approbationem,  titulum  Defensoris  Fidei 
reportaverit,  a  recta  Fide  et  Apostolieo  tramite  devians,  ac 
propriae  salutis,  famae,  et  honoris  immemor,  postquam 
Charissima  in  Christo  Filia  nostra  Catharina  Anglias  Regina 
illustri  sua  progenie  conjuge,  cum  qua  publice  in  facie 
Ecclcsiae  Matrimonium  contraxerat,  et  per  plures  annos 
continuaverat,  ac  ex  qua,  dicto  constante  Matrimonio, 
prolem  pluries  susceperat ;  nulla  legitima  subsistente  causa, 
et  contra  Ecclesia;  prohibitionem  dimissa,  cum  quadam 
Anna  Bolena,  Muliere  Anglica,  dicta  Catharina  adhuc 
vivente,  de  facto  Matrimonium  contraxerat,  ad  deteriora 
prosiliens,  quasdam  leges  ceu  generales  Constitutiones  edere 
non  erubuit,  per  quas  subditos  suos  ad  quosdam  haereticos 
et  schismaticos  Articulos  tenendos,  inter  quos  et  hoc  erat 
quod  Romanns  Pontifex  Caput  Ecclesiae,  et  Christi 
Yicarius  non  erat,  et  quod  ipse  in  Anglica  Ecclesia 
supremum  Caput  existebat,  sub  gravibus  etiam  mortis 
pcenis  cogebat,   Et  his  non  contentus,  Diabolo  sacrilegii 

OF  RECORDS.  •     213 

crimen  suadente,  quamplures  Praelatos,  etiam  Episcopos, 
aliasq;  personas  Ecclesiasticas,  etiam  Regulates,  necnon 
Saeculares,  sibi  ut  haeretico  et  schismatico  adhaerere,  ac 
Articulos  praedictos  Sanctorum  Patrum  decretis  et  Sacrorum 
Conciliorum  Statutis,  imo  etiam  ipsi  Evangelicae  veritati 
contrarios,  tanquam  tales  alios  damnatos  approbare,  et 
sequi  nolentes,  et  intrepide  recusantes,  capi  et  carceribus 
raancipari.  Hisq;  similiter  non  contentus,  mala  malis 
accamulando,  bonae  memoriae  Jo.  H.  S.  Vitalis  Presbyt. 
Cardinal.  Roft'en.  quem  ob  fidei  constantiam  et  vitae 
Sanctiraoniam  ad  Cardinalatus  dignitatem  promoveramus, 
cum  dictis  haeresibus  et  erroribus  consentire  nollet,  horenda 
immanitate  et  detestanda  saevitia,  publice  miserabili  sujj- 
pliciotradi  et  decollari  mandaverat,  et  fecerat,  Excoramuni- 
cationis,  et  Anathematis,  aliasq;  gravissimas  sententias 
censuras,  et  pcenas  in  Uteris  et  constitutionibus  recolendae 
mem.  Bonifacii  VIII,  Honorii  III,  Roman.  Pontificum 
praedecessorum  nostrorum  desuper  editis  contentas,  et  alias 
in  tales  a  jure  latas  damnabiliter  incurrendo,  ac  Re^no 
Angliae,  et  dominiis  qu^e  tenebat,  necnon  regalis  fastigii 
celsitudine  ac  praefati  tituli  praerogativa,  et  honore  se  indig  • 
num  reddendo. 

2.  Nos  licet  ex  eo,  quod  prout  non  ignorabamus,  idem 
Henricus  Rex  certis  censuris  Ecclesiasticis,  quibus  a  piae 
memoriae  Clemente  Papa  VII,  etiam  praedecessore  nostro, 
postquam  humanissimis  Uteris  et  paternis  exhortationibus, 
multisq;  nunciis  et  mediis,  primo  et  postremo  etiam  judi- 
cialiter,  ut  praefatam  Annam  a  se  dimitteret,  et  ad  praedictae 
Cathaiinae  suae  verae  Conjugis  consortium  rediret,  frustra 
monitus  fuerat,  innodatus  extiterat,  Pharaonis  duritiam 
imitando,  per  longum  tempusin  clavium  contem;  turn  insor- 
duerat,  et  insordescebat,  quod  ad  cor  rediret,  vix  sperare 
posse  videremus,  ob  paternam  tamen  Charitatem,  qua  in 
minoribus  constituti  donee  in  obedientia,  et  reverentia  Sedis 
praedictae  permansit,  eum  proseculi  fueramus,  utq;  clarius 
videre  possemus,  an  clamor  qui  ad  nosdelatus  fuerat  (quem 
certe  etiam  ipsius  Henrici  Regis  respectu  falsum  esse 
desidertmus)  verus  esset,  statuimus  ab  ulteriori  contra 
ipsum  Henricum  Regem  processu  ad  tempus  abstinendo, 
hujus  rei  veritatem  diligentius  indagare. 

3.  Cum  autem  debitis  diligentiis  desuper  factis  clamorem 
ad  nos,  ut  praefertur,  delatum,  verum  esse,  simulque,  quod 
dolenter  reterimus,  dictum  Henricum  Regem  ita  in  pro- 
fundum  malorum  descendisse,  ut  de  ejus  resipiscentia  nulla 
penitus  videatur  spes  haberi  posse,  repererimus  :  Nos 
attendentes  vetere  lege,  crimen  adulterii  notatum  lapidari 
mandatum.  ac  auctores  Schismatis  halitu  terrae  absorptos, 


eorumq;  sequaces  ccelesti  igne  consumptos,  Elimamq; 
Magum  viis  Domini  resistentem  per  Apostolum  sterna 
severitate  damnatum  fuisse,  volentesq;  ne  in  districto 
examine  ipsius  Henrici  Regis  et  subditorum  suorum,  quos 
secum  in  perditionem  trahere  videmus,  animarum  ratio  a 
nobis  exposcatur,  quantum  nobis  ex  alto  conceditur,  pro- 
videre  contra  Henricum  Regem,  ejusque  complices,  fautores, 
adhaerentes,  et  sequaces,  et  in  praemissis  quomodolibet 
culpabiles,  contra  quod  ex  eo  quod  excessus,  et  delicta 
praedicta  adeo  manit'esta  sunt  et  notoria,  ut  nulla  possint 
tergiversatione  celari,  absq;  ulteriori  mora  ad  executionem 
procedere  possemus,  benignius  agendo,  decrevimus  infra- 
scripto  modo  procedere. 

4.  Habita  itaq;  super  his  cum  venerabilibus  fratribus 
nostris  S.  R,  E.  Cardinalibus  deliberatione  matura,  et  de 
illorura  consilio  et  assensu,  praefatum  Henricum  Regem, 
ejusq;  complices,  fautores,  adhaerentes,  consultores  et 
sequaces,  ac  quoscunq;  alios  in  praemissis,  ceu  eorum  aliquo 
quoque  modo  culpabiles,  tarn  laicos  quam  Clericos,  etiam 
legulares  cujuscunq;  dignitatis,  Hiatus,  gradus,  ordinis, 
conditionis,  przeeminentiae,  et  excellentise  existant  (quorum 
nomina  et  cognomina,  perinde  ac  si  praesentibus  inserentur, 
pro  sufficienter  expressis  baberi  volumus)  per  viscera 
misericordiae  Dei  nostri  hortamur,  et  requirimus  in  Domino, 
quatenus  Henricus  Rex  a  praedictis  erroribus  prorsus 
abstineat,  et  constitutiones,  seu  leges  prasdictas,  sicut  de 
facto  eas  fecit,  revocet,  casset,  et  annallet,  et  coactione 
subditorum  suorum  ad  eas  servandas,  necnon  carceratione, 
captura,  et  punitione  illorum,  qui  ipsis  constitutionibus  seu 
legibus  adhaerere,  aut  eas  servare  noluerint,  et  ab  aliis 
erroribus  praedictis  penitus,  et  omnino  abstineat,  et  si  quos 
praemissorum  occasione  captivos  habeat,  relaxet. 

5.  Complices  vero,  fautores,  adhaerentes,  consultores,  et 
sequaces  dicti  Henrici  Regis  in  praemissis,  et  circa  ea  ipsi 
Henrico  Regi  super  his  de  caetero  non  adsistant,  nee  ad- 
haereant,  vel  faveant,  nee  ei  consilium,  auxihum,  vel  favo- 
rem,  desuper  praestent. 

6.  Alias  si  Henricus  Rex,  ac  fautores,  adhaerentes,  con- 
sultores, et  sequaces,  hortationibus  et  requisitionibus  hujus- 
modi  non  annuerint  cum  efFectu,  Henricum  Regem,  fauto- 
res, adhaerentes,  consultores  et  sequaces,  ac  alios  culpa- 
biles praedictos,  auctoritate  Apostolica,  ac  ex  certa  nostra  _ 
scientia,  et  de  ApostolicEB  potestatis  plenitudine,  tenore 
praesentium,  in  virtute  sanctae  obedientiae,  ac  sub  majoris 
Excommunicationis  lata  sententia,  a  qua  etiam  praetextu 
cujuscunq;  privilegii,  vel  facultatis,  etiam  in  forma  confes- 
sionalis,  cum  quibuscunq]   efficacissimis  clausulis  nobis  et 

OF  RECORDS.  215 

Sede  praedicta  quomodolibet  concessis,  et  etiam  iteratis 
vicibus  innovatis,  ab  alio  quam  a  Romano  Pontifice,  prae- 
terquam  in  mortis  Articulo  constituti,  ita  tamen,  quod  si 
aliquem  absolvi  contingat,  qui  postmodum  convaluerit,  nisi 
post  convalescentiam,  raonitioni  et  mandatis  nostris  hujus- 
modi  paruerit  cum  effectu,  in  eandem  Excommunicationis 
sententiam  reincidat,  absolvi  non  possint. 

7.  Necnon  rebellionis,  et  quoad  Henricum  Regem,  etiam 
perditionis  Regni,  et  Dominiorum  praedictqrum,  et  tarn 
quoad  eum,  quam  quod  alios  monitos  supradictos  supra  et 
infrascriptis  poenis,  quas  si  dictis  monitioni  et  mandatis,  ut 
praefertur,  non  paruerint,  eos,  et  eorum  singulos,  ipso  facto 
respective  incurrere  volumus,  per  praesentes  monemus ; 
eisq;  et  eorum  cuilibet  districte  prscipiendo  mandamus, 
quatenus  Henricus  Rex  per  se,  vel  procuratorem  legitimum 
et  sufficienti  mandato  suffultum,  infra  nonaginta,  complices 
vero,  fautores,  adhaerentes,  consultores,  et  sequaces,  ac  alii 
in  praemissis  quomodolibet  culpabiles  supradicti,  Saeculares 
et  Ecclesiastici  etiam  regulates,  personaliter  infra  sexaginta 
dies  compareant  coram  nobis,  ad  se  super  praemissis 
legitime  excusandum  et  defendendum ;  alia.s  videndum  et 
audiendum  contra  eos  et  eorum  singulos,  etiam  nominatim, 
quos  sic  monemus,  quatenus  expediat,  ad  omnes  et  singulos, 
actus,  etiam  sententiam  definitivam,  declaratoriam,  con- 
deranatoriam,  et  privatoriam,  ac  mandatum  executivum 
procedi.  Quod  si  Henricus  Rex,  et  alii  moniti  praedicti 
intra  dictos  terrainos  eis  ut  praefertur,  respective  pragfixos 
non  comparuerint,  et  praedictam  Excommunicatioi^s  sen- 
tentiam per  tres  dies,  post  lapsum  dictorum  termmorum 
aaimo,  quod  absit,  sustinuerint  indurato,  censuras  ipsas 
aggravamus,  et  successive  reaggravamus,  HenricMmq; 
ipsum,  privationis  Regni  et  Dominiorum  praedictorum,  et 
tam  eum  quam  alios  monit6s  praedictos,  et  eorum  singulos, 
omnes  et  singulas  alias  poenas  praedictas  incurrisse,  ab 
omnibusq;  Christi  fidelibus,  cum  eorum  bonis  perpetuo 
diffidatos  esse.  Et  si  interim  ab  humanis  decedat,  Eccle- 
siastica  debere  carere  sepultura,  auctoritate  et  potestatis 
plenitudine  praedictis  decernimus,  et  declararaus,  eosq; 
anathematis,  maledictionis,  et  damnationis  aeternae  mu> 
crone  percutimus. 

8.  Necnon  quae  praefatus  Henricus  Rex  quomodolibet,  et 
ex  quavis  causa  tenet,  habet,  aut  possidet,  Quamdiu  Henri- 
cus Rex,  et  alii  moniti  praedicti,  et  eorum  singuli  in  aliis  per 
dictum  Henricum  Regera  non  tentis,  habitis,  aut  possessis 
permanserint,  et  triduo  post  eorum  inde  recessum,  et  alia 
quaecunq;  ad  quae  Henricum  Regem,  et  alios  monitos  praft- 
dictos,  post  lapsum  dictorum  terminorum  declinare  con- 


tigerit,  Dominia,  civitates,  terras,  castra,  villas,  oppida, 
Metropolitanasque,  et  alias  Cathedrales,  cjeterasq;  in- 
feriores  Ecclesias,  necnon  Monasteria,  Prioratus,  Domos, 
Conventus,  et  loca  religiosa,  vel  pia  cujuscunque,  etiara 
S.  Benedict;  Cluniacen.  Cistercien.  Praemonslraten.  ac 
Praedicatorum,  Minorum,  Eremitarum  S.  Augustini  Carme-. 
litarum,  et  aliorum  Ordinum,  ac  Congregationum,  et 
Militiarum  quarumcunq;  in  ipsis  Dominiis,  Civitatibus, 
terris,  castris,  villis,  oppidis,  et  locis  existentia,  Ecclesiastico 
supponimus  Interdicto,  ita  ut  illo  durante  in  iis  etiam 
praetextu  cujuscunque  Apostolici  indulti,  Ecclesiis,  Mqnas- 
teriis,  Prioratibus,  Domibus,  Conventibus,  locis,  ordinibus, 
aut  personis,  etiam  quacunq;  dignitate  fulgentibus  concessi, 
praiterquam  in  casibus  a  jure  permissis,  ac  etiam  in  illis 
alias  quam  clausis  januis,  et  Excommunicatis  et  inter- 
dictis  exclusis,  nequeant  Missae,  aut  alia  divina  officia 

9.  Et  Henrici  Regis,  complicumque,  fautorum,  adhseren- 
tium,  consultorum,  sequaciam,  et  culpabilium  praedicto- 
rum  filii,  pcenarum,  ut  hie  in  hoc  casu  par  est,  participes 
sint,  omues  et  singulos  ejusdem  Henrici  Regis  ex  dicta 
Anna,  ac  sin^ulorum  aliorum  praedictorum  filios  natos,  et 
nascituros,  aliosq;  descendentes,  usq;  in  eum  gradum,  ad 
quem  jura  poenas  in  casibus  hujusmodi  extendunt  (nemine 
excepto,  nullaq;  minoris  statis,  aut  sexus,  vel  ignorantiae, 
vel  alterius  cujusvis  causae  habita  ratione)  dignitatibus,  et 
honoribus  in  quibus  quomodolibet  constituti  existunt,  seu 
quibusj^audent,  utuntur,  potiuntur,  autmuniti  sunt,  necnon 
privilegiis,  concessionibus,  gratiis,  indulgentiis,  immunita- 
tibus,  remissionibus,  libertatibus,  et  indultis,  ac  dominiis, 
civitatibus,  castris,  terris,  villis,  oppidis,  et  locis,  etiam 
Commendatis,  vel  in  Gubernium  concessis,  et  quae  in 
feudum,  emphyteusim,  vel  alias  a  Romanis,  vel  aliis 
Ecclesiis,  Monasteriis,  et  locis  Ecclesiasticis,  ac  seculari- 
bus  Principibus,  Dominiis,  Potentatibus,  etiam  Regibus  et 
Imperatoribus,  aut  aliis  privatis,  vel  publicis  personis  quo- 
modolibet habent,  tenent,  aut  possident,  caeterisq;  omnibus 
bonis,  mobilibus  et  immobilibus,  juribus  et  actionibus,  eis 
quomodolibet  competentibus privates,  dictaq;  bona  feudalia, 
vel  emphyteutica,  et  alia  quaecunq;  ab  aliis  quomodolibet 
obtenta,  ad  direct os  dominos,  ita  ut  de  illis  libere  dis- 
ponere  possint,  respective  devoluta,  et  eos  qui  Ecclesias- 
tici  fuerint,  etiamsi  religiosi  existant,  Ecclesiis  etiam 
Cathedralibus,  et  Metropolitanis,  necnon  Monasteriis  et 
Prioratibus,  praeposituris,  praepositatibus,  dignitatibus,  per- 
sonatibus,  Officiis,  Canonicatibus  at  Praebendis,  aliisq;  be- 
neficiis  Ecclesiasticis  per  eos  quomodolibet  obtentis  pri- 

OF  RECORDS.  217 

vatos,  et  ad  ilia  ac  alia  in  posterum  obtinenda  inhabiles 
esse,  similiter  decemimus  et  declaramus;  eosq;  sic  re- 
spective privates  ad  ilia,  et  alia  qusecunq;  sirailia,  ac  digni- 
tates,  honores,  administrationes,  et  officia,  jura,  ac  feuda  in 
posterum  obtinenda,  auctoritate  et  scientia,  ac  plenitudine 
similibus  inhabilitamus. 

10.  Ipsiusq;  Henrici  Regis,  ac  Regni  omniumq;  aliorum 
dominiorum,  civitatum,  terrarum,  castrorum,  villarum, 
fortalitiorum,  arcium,  oppidorura,  et  locorum  suorum,  etiam 
de  facto  obtentorura  Magistratus,  judices,  Castellanos, 
Custodes  et  Officiales  quoscunque,  necnon  Communitates, 
Universitates,  Collegia,  Feudatarios,  vassalios,  subditos, 
cives,  incolas,  et  habitatores  etiam  forenses,  dicto  Regi 
de  facto  obedientes.  tam  saeculares,  quam  si  qui  rationis 
alicujus  temporalitatis  ipsum  Henricum  Regem  in  su- 
periorem  recognoscant,  etiam  Ecclesiasticos,  a  praefato 
rege,  seu  ejus  complicibus,  fautoribus,  adhaerentibus, 
consultoribus,  et  sequacibus  supradictis  deputatis,  a  jura- 
mento  fidelitatis,  jure  vassallitico,  et  omni  erga  Regem,  et 
alios  praedictos  subjectione  absolvimus,  ac  penitus  liberamus. 
His  nihilominus  sub  Excommunicationis  pcena  mandantes, 
ut  ab  ejusdem  Henrici  Regis,  suorumq;  officialium,  judi- 
cum,  et  magistratuum  quorumcunq;  obedientia  pcenitus  et 
omnino  recedant,  nee  illos  in  superiores  recognoscant,  neque 
illorum  mandatis  obtemperent. 

11.  Et  ut  alii  eorum  exernplo  perterriti  discant  ab  Imjus- 
modi  excessibus  abstinere,  eisdem  auctoritate,  scientia,  et 
plenitudine,  volumus,  ac  decernimus,  quod  Henricus  Rex 
et  complices,  fautores,  adhajrentes,  consultores,  sequaces, 
et  alii  in  praemissis  culpabiles,  postquam  alias  pcenas  pr«- 
dictas,  ut  praefertur,  respective  incurrerint,  necnon  praefati 
descendentes,  ex  tunc  infames  existant,  et  ad  testimonium 
non  admittantur,  testamenta,  et  codicillos,  aut  alias  dis- 
positiones,  etiam  inter  vivos  concedere,  et  facere  non  pos- 
sint,  et  ad  alicujus  successionem  ex  testamento,  vel  ab  in- 
testato,  necnon  ad  jurisdictionem,  seu  judicandi  postesta- 
tem,  et  ad  Notoriatus  Officiura,  omnesq;  actus  legitimos 
quoscunq;  ita  ut  eorum  processus,  sive  instrumenta  atq; 
alii  actus  quicunque,  nullius  sint  roboris  vel  momenti,  in- 
habiles  existant,  et  nuUi  ipsis,  sed  ipsi  aliis  super  quocun- 
que  debito  et  negotio,  tam  civili,  quam  criminali,  de  jure 
respondere  teneantur. 

12.  Et  nihilominus  omnes,  et  singulos  Christi  fideles, 
sub  Excommunicationis,  et  aliis  infrasctiptis  poenis,  mone- 
mus,  utmonitos,  Excommunicates,  aggravates,  interdictos, 
privates,  maledictos,  et  damnatosprjedictos  evitent,  et  quan- 
tum in  eis  est,  et  ab  aliis  evitari  faciant,  nee  cum  eisdem, 

Vol.I,Paut11.  U 


»eu  praefati  Regis  Civitatum,  Dominiorum,  Terrarum,  Cas- 
trorum,  Comitatuum,  Villarum,  Fortalitiorum,  Oppido- 
rum,  et  locorutn  praediclorum  civibus,  incolis,  vel  habita- 
toribus  aut  subditis  et  vassallis,  emendo,  vendendo,  permu- 
tando,  aut  quamcunque  mercaturam,  seu  negotium  exer- 
cendo,  commercium,  seu  aliquam  conversationem,  seu  com- 
munionem  habeant :  aut  vinum,  granum,  sal,  seu  alia  vic- 
tualia,  arrr.»i,  pannos,  merces  vel  quasvis  alias  mercantias, 
vel  res  per  mare  in  eorum  navibus,  triremibus,  aut  aliis 
navigiis,  sive  per  terrain  cum  mulis,  vel  aliis  animalibus, 
deferre  aut  conducere,  seu  deferri  aut  conduci  facere,  vel 
delata  per  illos  recipere,  publice  vel  occulte,  aut  talia  faci- 
entibus  auxilium,  consilium,  favorem  publice  vel  occulte, 
directe  vel  indirecte,  quovis  quaesito  colore,  per  se,  vel 
alium,  seu  alios  quoquo  modo  praestare  praesumant.  Quod 
si  fecerint,  ultra  Excommunicationis  praedictae,  etiam  nulli- 
tatis  contractuum  quosinirent,  necnon  perditionis  mercium, 
victualium,  et  bonorum  omnium  delatorum,  quae  capien- 
tium  fiant,  poenas  similiter  eo  ipso  incurrant. 

13.  Caeterum  quia  convenire  non  videtur,  ut  cum  his  qui 
Ecclesiam  contemnunt,  dum  praesertim  ex  eorum  pertina- 
cia  spes  corrigibilitatis  non  habetur,  hi  qui  divinis  obse- 
quiis  vacant,  conversentur,  quod  etiam  illos  tuto  facere  non 
posse  dubitandum  est,  omnium  et  singularum  Metropoli- 
tanarum  et  aliarum  Cathedralium,  caeterarumq;  inferio- 
rum  Ecclesiarum  et  Monasteriorum,  domorum  et  locorum 
Religiosorum,  et  piorum  quorumcumque,  etiam  S.  Augus- 
tini,  S.  Benedicti,  Cluniacen.  Cistercien.  Prsemonstraten. 
ac   Praedicatorum,   Minorura,    Carraelitarura,    aliorumque 

^uorumcung;  ordinum,  et  Militiarum,  etiam  Hospitalis 
Lierosolymitani,  Praelatis,  Abbatibus,  Prioribus,  Praeo- 
ceptoribus,  Praepositis,  Ministris,  Custodibus,  Guardi- 
anis,  Conventibus,  Monachis  et  Canonicis,  necnon  Paro- 
chialium  Ecclesiarum  Rectoribus,  aliisq;  quibuscunq;  per- 
Sonis  Ecclesiasticis  in  Regno  et  Dominiis  praedictis  com- 
morantibus,  sub  Excommunicationis  ac  privationis  Admi- 
nistrationum  et  regiminum  Monasteriorum,  dignitatum, 
personatuum,  administrationum,  ac  officiorum,  Canonica- 
tuumque,  et  Praebendarum,  Parochialium  Ecclesiarum,  et 
aliorum  beneficiorum  Ecelesiasticorum  quorumcumq;  quo- 
modolibet  qualificatorum,  per  eos  (juomodolibet  obtento- 
rum,  pcenis  mandamus,  quatenus  infra  quinq;  dies,  post 
omnes  et  singulos  terminos  praedictos  elai)3os,  de  ipsis 
Regno,  et  Dominiis,  dimissis  tamen  aliquibus  Presby- 
teris  in  Ecclesiis  quarum  curam  habuerint,  pro  adminis- 
trando  baptismate  parvulis,  et  in  pcenitentia  decedenti- 
bus,  ac  aliis  Sacramentis  Ecclesiasticis,  quas  tempore  In- 

OF  RECORDS.  219 

terdicti  ministrari  permittuntur,  exeant  et  discedant,  ne- 
que  ad  Regnum,  et  Dominia  praedicta  revertantur ;  donee 
moniti,  et  Excommunicati,  aggravati,  reaggravati,  privati, 
maledici,  et  damnati  praedictis  monitionibus,  et  mandatis 
nostris  hujusmodi  obtemperaverint,  meruerint  a  censuris 
hujusmodi  absolutionis  beneficium  obtinere,  seu  Interdic- 
tum  in  Regno,  et  Dominiis  praedictis,  fuerit  sublatum. 

14.  Praeterea  si  praemissis  non  obstantibus,  Henricus 
Rex,  Complices,  fautores,  adbaerentes,  consultores,  et  se- 
quaces  praedicti  in  eorum  pertinacia  perseveraverint,  nee 
conscientiae  stimulus  eos  ad  cor  reduxerit,  in  eorum  forte 
potentia,  et  armis  confidentes,  omnes  et  singulos  Duces, 
Marchiones,  Comites,  et  alios  quoscunq;  tam  Seculares, 
quam  Ecclesiasticos  etiam  forenses,  de  facto  dicto  Henrico 
Regi  obedientes,  sub  ejusdem  Excommunicationis,  ac  per- 
ditionis  bonorum  suorum  (quae,  ut  infra  dicitur,  similiter 
capientium  fiant)  poenis,  requirimus  et  monemus,  quatenus 
omni  mora,  et  excusatione  postposita,  eos,  et  eorum  singu- 
los, ac  ipsorum  milites  et  stipendiarios,  tam  equestres  quam 
pedestres,  aliosq;  quoscumque,  qui  eis  cum  armis  fave- 
rint,  de  Regno  et  Dominiis  praedictis,  etiam  vi  armorum, 
si  opus  fuerit,  expellant :  ac  quod  Henricus  Rex,  et  ejus 
complices,  fautores,  adbaerentes,  consultores,  et  sequaces, 
mandatis  nostris  non  obtemperantes  praedicti,  de  Civitati- 
bus,  Terris,  Castris,  Villis  Oppidis,  Fortalitiis,  aut  aliis 
locis  Regni  et  Dominii  praedictorum  se  non  intromittant, 
procurent :  eis  sub  omnibus  et  singulis  pcenis  praedictis  in- 
hibentes,  ne  in  favorera  Henrici,  ejusque  complicum,  fau- 
torum,  adhaerentium,  consultorum,  et  sequacium  aliorumq; 
monitorum  praedictorum,  mandatis  nostris  non  obtempe- 
rantium,  arma  cujuslibet  generis  offensiva,  vel  defensiva, 
Machinas  quoq;  bellicas,  seu  tormenta  (artellarias  nuncu- 
pata)  sumantaut  teneant,  seu  illis  utantur,  aut  arma^os  ali- 
quos  praeter  consuetam  familiam  parent,  aut  ab  Henrico 
Rege,  complicibus,  fautoribus,  adhaerentibus,  consultori- 
bus,  et  sequacibus,  vel  aliis  in  Regis  ipsius  favorem  para- 
tos,  quomodolibet,  quavis  occasione  vel  causa,  per  se  vel 
alium  seu  alios,  publice  vel  occulte,  directe  vel  indirecte 
teneant,  vel  receptent,  aut  dicto  Henrico  Regi,  seu  illius 
complicibus,  fautoribus,  adhaerentibus,  consultoribus,  et 
sequacibus  praedictis,  consilium,  auxilium,  vel  quomodoli- 
bet ex  quavis  causa,  vel  quovis  quaesito  colore  sive  in- 
genio,  public  vel  occulte,  directe  vel  indirecte,  tacite  vel 
expresse,  per  se  vel  alium  seu  alios  praemissis,  vel  aliquo 
praemissorum  praestent,  seu  praestari  faciat  quoquomodo. 

15.  Praeterea  ad  dictum  Hemicum  Regem  facilius  ad  sa- 
nitatem,  et  praefatae  Sedis  obedientiam  reducendum,  omnei 


et  singulos  Christianos  Principes,  quacumq;  etiam  Imperi- 
ali  et  Regali  dignitate  fulgentes,  per  viscera  misericordiae 
Dei  nostri  (cujus  causa  agitur)  hortamur  et  in  Domino  re- 
quirimus,  eis  nihilominus,  qui  Imperatoreet  Rege  inferiores 
fuerint,  quos  propter  excellentiam  dignitatis  a  censuris 
excipimus,  sub  Excommunicationis  poena  mandantes,  ne 
Henrico  Regi  ejusq;  complicibus,  fautoribus,  adhaerentibus, 
consultoribus,  et  sequacibus,  vel  eorum  alicui,  per  se  vel 
alium  seu  alios,  publice  vel  occulte,  directe  vel  indirecte, 
tacite  vel  expresse,  etiam  sub  praetextu  confoederationum 
aut  obligationum  quocuniq;  etiam  juramento,  aut  quavis 
alia  firmitate  roboratarum,  et  saepius  geminatarum,  a  quibus 
quidem  obligationibus  et  juramentis  omnibus,  nos  eos  et 
eorum  singulos  eisdem  auctoritate  el  scientia  ac  plenitudine 
per  prajsentes  absolvimus,  ipsasq;  confoederationes  et  obli- 
gationes  tam  factas,  quam  in  posterum  faciendas,  quas  ta- 
men  (in  quantum  Henricus  Rex  et  complices,  f'autores, 
adhaerentes,  consultores,  et  sequaces  praedicti  circa  prae- 
missa,  vel  eorum  aliquod  se  directe  vel  indirecte  juvare 
possent)  sub  eadem  poena  fieri  prohibemus,  nullius  roboris 
"vel  momenti,  nullasque,  irritas,  cassas,  inanes,  ac  pro  in- 
fectis  habendas  fore  decernimus  et  declaramus,  consilium, 
auxilium,  vel  favorem  quomodolibet  prsstent,  quinimo  si 
qui  illis,  aut  eorum  alicui  ad  praesens  quomodolibet  assis- 
tant, ab  ipsis  omnimo  et  cum  afFectu  recedant.  Quod  si 
non  fecerint  postquam  praesentes  publicatae  et  execution! 
demandatae  fuerint,  et  dicti  termini  lapsi  fuerint,  omnes  et 
singulas  civitates,  terras,  c^pida,  castra,  villas,  et  alia  loca 
eis  subjecta,  simili  Ecclesiastico  Interdicto  supponimus, 
volentes  ipsum  Interdictum  donee  ipsi  Principes  a  Consilio, 
auxilio,  et  favore  Henrico  Regi  et  complicibus,  fautoribus, 
adhaerentibus,  consultoribus,  et  sequacibus  praedictis  prae- 
stando  destiterint,  perdurare. 

16.  Insuper  tam  Principes  praedictos,  quam  quoscumq; 
alios,  etiam  ad  stipendia  quoruracumq;  Cliristi  fidelium 
militanles,  et  alias  quascumq;  personas,  tam  per  mare, 
quara  per  terras,  armigeros  habentes,  similiter  hortamur  et 
requirimus,  et  nihilominus  eis  in  virtute  sanctae  obedientiaa 
mandates,  quatenus  contra  Henricum  Regem,  complices, 
fautores,  adhaerentes,  consultores,  et  sequaces  praedictos, 
dum  in  erroribus  praedictis,  ac  adversus  Sedem  praedictam, 
rebellione  permanserint,  armis  insurgant,  eosq;  et  eorum 
singulos  persequantur,  ac  ad  unitatem  Ecclesiae,  et  obedi- 
entiam  dicta;  Sedis  redire  cogant  et  compellant ;  et  tam  eos 
quaija  ipsorum  subditos  et  vassallos,  ac  civitatum,  terrarura, 
castrbrum,  oppidorum,  villarum,  et  locorum  suorum  incolas, 
©t  habitatores,  aliosque  omnes  et  singulas  personas  supra- 

OF  RECORDS.  221 

dictis  mandatis  nostris,  ut  praefertur,  non  obtemperantes,  et 
quae  praefatum  Henricum  Regem,  postquam  censuras,  et  poe- 
nas  praedictas  incurrerit,  in  Dominum  quomodolibet,  etiam 
de  facto  recognoverint,  vel  ei  quovis  modo  obtemperare  prae- 
sumpserint,  aut  qui  eum,  ac  complices,  fautores,^adhaeren- 
tes  consultores,  sequaces,  ac  alios  non  obtemperAntes  prae- 
dictos,  ex  Regno  et  Dominiis  praedictis,  ut  praefertur,  ex' 
pellere  noluerint,  ubicunq;  eos  invenerint,  eorumque  bona, 
mobilia  et  immobilia,  mercantias,  pecunias,  navigia,  credita, 
res,  et  animalia,  etiam  extra  territorium  dicti  Henrici  Regis 
ubilibet  consistentia,  capiant. 

17.  Nos  enim  eis  bona,  mercantias,  pecunias,  navigia, 
res,  et  animalia  praedicta  sic  capta,  in  proprios  eorum  usus 
convertendi,  eisdem  auctoritate,  scientia,  et  potestatis  ple- 
nitudine,  plenariam  licentiam,  facultatem  et,  auctoritatem 
concedimus,  ilia  omnia  ad  eosdem  capientes  plenarieper- 
tinere,  et  spectare,  et  personas  ex  Regno  et  Dominiis  prae- 
dictis originem  trahentes,  seu  in  illis  domicilium  habentes, 
aut  quomodolibet  habitantes,  mandatis  nostris  praedictis 
non  obtemperantes,  ubicunq;  eos  capi  contigerit,  capientium 
servos  fieri  decernentes  :  praesentesq;  literas  quoad  hoc  ad 
omnes  alios  cujuscunq;  dignitatis,  gradus,  status,  ordinis, 
vel  conditionis  fuerint,  qui  ipsi  Henrico  Regi,  vel  ejus  com- 
plicibus,  fautoribus,  adhaerentibus,  consultoribus,  et  sequa- 
cibus,  aut  aliis  monitionlbus,  et  madatis  nostris  hujusmodi 
quoad  commercium  non  obtemperantibus,  vel  eorum  alicui 
victualia,  arma,  vel  pecunias  subministrare,  aut  cum  eis 
commercium  habere,  seu  auxilium,  consilium,  vel  favorem, 
per  se  vel  alium,  seu  alios,  pubiice  vel  occulte,  directe  vel 
indirecte,  quovis  modo  contra  tenorem  praesentium  prae- 
strare  praesurapserint,  extendentes. 

18.  Et  ut  pr?smissa  facilius  iis  (juos  concernunt  inno- 
tescant,  universis  et  singulis  Patriarchis,  Archiepiscopis, 
Episcopis,  et  Patriarchalium  Metropolitan,  et  aliarum  Ca- 
thedralium,  et  Collegiatanim  Ecclesiarum  Praglatis,  Capi- 
tulis,  aliisq;  personis  Ecclesiasticis,  Saecularibus  ac  quo- 
rumvis  ordinum  Regularibus,  necnon  omnibus  et  singulis, 
etiam  mendicantium  ordinum  Professoribus,  exemptis  et 
non  exemptis,  ubilibet  constitutis,  per  easdem  praesentes 
sub  Excommunicationis  et  privationis  Ecclesiarum^Monas- 
teriorum,  ac  aliorum  Beneficiorum  Ecclesiasticorum,  gra- 
duum  quoq;  et  officiorum,  necnon  privilegiorum,  eir  indttj- 
torum  quorumcunq;  etiam  a  Sede  pradicta  quomod|plibet 
emanatorum  poenis  ipso  facto  incurrendis,  prascipim^tis  et 
niandamus,  quatenus  ipsi  ac  eorum  singuli,  si,  et  postqdam 
vigore  praesentium  desuper  requisiti  fuerint,  infra  tres  dies 
immediate  sequentes,    praefatum    Henricum    Regem,  om- 

U  3 


nesq;  alios  et  singulos,  qui  supradictas  censuras  et  poenas 
incurrerint,  in  eorum  Ecclesiis,  Dominicis  et  aliis  festivis 
diebus,  dum  major  inibi  populi  multitudo  ad  divina  conve- 
nerit,  cum  Crucis  vexillo,  pulsatis  campanis,  et  accensis,  ac 
demum  exlinctis,  et  in  terram  projectis,  et  conculcatis  can- 
delis,  et  aliis  in  similibus  servari  solitis  caeremoniis  serva- 
tis.  Excommunicates  publice  nuncient,  et  ab  aliis  nuntiari, 
ac  ab  omnibus  arctius  evitari  faciant  et  mandent,  necnon 
sub  supradictis  censuris  et  poenis,  picesentes  literas,  vel  ea- 
rum  transumptum,  sub  forma  infrascripta  confectum,  infra 
terminum  trium  dierum,  postquam,  ut  praefertur,  requisiti 
fuerint,  in  Ecclesiis,  ^Monasteriis,  Conventibus,  et  aliis  eo- 
rum locis,  publicari  et  affigi  faciant. 

19.  Volentes,  omnes  et  singulos  cujuscumq;  status,  gra- 
dus,  conditionis,  praeeminentiae,  dignitatis,  aut  excellentiee 
fuerint,  qui  quo  minus  praesentes  literae,  vel  earum  tran- 
sumpta,  copiae,  seu  exemplaria,  in  suis  civitatibus,  tei  ris, 
castris,  oppidis,  villis,^  et  locis  legi  et  affigi,  ac  publicari 
possint,  per  se,  vel  alium,  seu  alios,  publice  vel  occulta, 
directe  vel  indirecte  impediverint,  easdem  censuras  et  poe- 
nas, ipso  facto  incurrere.  Et  cum  fraus  et  dolus  nemini 
debeant  patrocinari,  ne  quisquam  ex  his,  qui  alicui  regi- 
mini  et  administrationi  deputati  sunt,  inl'ra  tempus  sui  re- 
giminis  seu  administrationis  praedictas  sententias,  censuras 
et  poenas  sustineat,  quasi  post  dictum  tempus  sententiis, 
censuris,  et  poenis  praedictis  amplius  ligatus  non  existat, 
quemcunqj  qui  dum  in  regimine,  et  administratione  exis- 
tens,  monitioni  et  mandato  nostris,  qitoad  prsemissa  vel 
aliquid  eorum  obtemperare  noluerit,  etiam  deposito  regi- 
mine, et  administratione  hujusmodi,  nisi  paruerit,  eisdem 
censuris  et  poenis  subjacere  decernimus. 

20.  Et  ne  Henricus  Rex  ejusq;  complices,  et  fautores, 
adhaerentes,  consultores,  et  sequaces,  aliiq;  quos  praemissa 
concernunt,  ignorantiam  earundem  praesentium  literarum, 
et  in  eis  contentorum  praetendere  valeant,  literas  ipsas  (in 
quibus  omnes  et  singulos,  tarn  juris,  quam  facti,  etiam  so- 
lemnitatum,  et  processuum,  citationumq;  ommissarum  de- 
fectus,  etiam  si  tales  sint,  de  quibus  specialis,  et  expressa 
mentio  facienda  esset,  propter  notorietatem  facti,  auctori- 
tate,  scientia,  et  potestatis  plenitudine  similibus,  supple- 
mus)  in  Basilicas  Principis  Apostolorum,  et  Cancellariae 
Apostolicae  de  urbe,  et  in  partibus  in  Collegiataj  B.  Mari^ 
Burgen.  Tornacen.  et  Parochialis  de  Dunikerke  oppido- 
rum  Morinensis  dioecesis,  Ecclesiarum  valvis  affigi,  et  pub- 
licari mandamus:  ]3ecernentes  quod  earundem  literarum 
publicatio  sic  facta,  llenricum  Regem,  ejusq;  complices, 
autores,   adhaerentes,    consultores,    et  sequaces,  omnesq, 

OF  RECORDS.  223 

alios,  et  singulos  qucs  literae  ipsae  quomodolibet  concern- 
unt,  perinde  eos  arctent,  ac  si  literae  ipsae  eis  personaliter 
lectffi,  et  intimatae  fuissent,  cum  non  sit  veiisimile,  quod 
ea,  quae  tarn  patenter  fiunt,  debeant  apud  eos  incognita  re- 

21.  Cffiterura  quia  difficile  foret  praesentes  literas  an  sin- 
gula quaeque  loca,  ad  quae  necessarium  esset  deferii,  sin- 
gula voiumus  et  dicta  auctoritate  decernimus,  quod  earum 
transumptis  manu  publici  Notarii  confectis,  vel  in  alma 
urbe  impressis,  ac  sigillo  alicujus  personae  in  dignitate  Ec- 
clesiastica  constitutas  munitis,  ubiq;  eadem  fides  adhibea- 
tur,  quae  originalibus  adhiberetur,  si  essent  exhibitae  vel 

22.  NuUi  ergo  omnino  hominura  liceat  banc  paginam  nos- 
tras monitionis,  aggravationis,  reaggravationis,  declaratio- 
nis,  percussionis,  suppositionis,  inhabilitationis,  absolutionis, 
liberationis,  requisitionis,  inhibitionis,  hortationis,  excep- 
tionis,  prohibitionis,  concessionis,  extensionis  suppletionis, 
mandatorum,  voluntatis,  et  decretorum,  infringere,  vel  ei 
ausu  temerario  contraire.  Si  quis  autem  hoc  attentare  prae- 
sumpserit,  indignationem  Omnipotentis  Dei,  ac  Beatorum 
Petri  et  Pauli  Apostolorum  ejus  se  noverit  incursurum. 

Datura  Romae  apud  Sanctum  Marcum.  Anno  Incar- 
nationis  Domini  1535.  3  Kal.  Sept.  Pont,  nostri 
Anno  1. 

Sequitur  suspensio  Executionis  dictae  Bullae,  et  tandem  ejus 
revocatio,  et  Executio. 

Paulus  Episcopus  Servus  Servorum  Dei,  ad  perpetuam 
rei  memoriam. 

Cum  Redemptor  noster  ideo  ilium  qui  ipsum  negaverat, 
Petrum,  viz.  Universae  Ecclesiae  praeficere  voluerit,  ut  in 
sua  culpa  disceret  aliis  esse  miserendum,  non  immerito 
Romanus  Pontif'ex  qui  ipsius  Petri  in  dignitate  Successor 
existit,  debet  etiam  in  Officio  exercendae  misericordiae  ip- 
sius esse  Successor.  Sed  cum  in  eum  dirigitur  misericordia, 
qui  ex  hoc  sit  insolentior,  et  obstinatior,  jdiosq;  secum  tra- 
hit  in  perditionem,  debet  ipse  Romanes  Pontifex,  postpo- 
sita  in  eum  misericordia,  omnem  severitatem  adhibere, 
quo  membrura  illud  putridum  ita  a  corpore  separetur,  ut 
reliqua  membra  absq;  metu  contagionis  salva  remaneant, 
praesertim  cum  pluribus  curis  adhibitis,  et  multo  tempore 
in  hoc  consumpto  morbum  quotidie  magis  invalescere,  ipsa 
experientia  comprobat. 

1.  Alias  cum  nobis  lelatum  fuisset,  quod  Henricus  Ang- 


liae  Rex,  pieeter  ea  quje  Matrimonium  de  facto,  et  contr* 
prohibitionem  Ecclesiae  temerarie  contractum  concerne- 
bant,  quasdam  leges,  seu  generales  constitutiones  subditos 
suos  ad  haeresim,  et  schisma  trahentes  ediderat,  et  bonae 
memoriae  Joann.  tit.  Sancti  Vitalis  Presbyterum  Cardina- 
lem  RofFen.  publice  damnari  et  capite  puniri,  ac  alios 
quamplures  Praelatos,  necnon  alias  personas  Ecclesiast, 
Haeresi  et  Schismati  hujusmodi  adhaerere  nolentes  carceri- 
bus  mancipari  facerat;  Nos,  licet  illi  qui  talia  nobis  retu- 
lerant  tales  essent,  ut  nullo  modo  de  veritate  suorum  dic- 
torum  ambigendum  esset,  cupientes  tamen  respectu  ipsius 
Henrici  Regis,  quem  antequam  in  has  insanias  incideret, 
peculiari  quadam  charitate  prosequebamur,  praedicta  falsa 
reperiri,  de  eis  informationem  ulteriorem  habere  procura- 
vimus,  et  invenientes  clamorem  ad  nos  delatum  verum  esse, 
ne  nostro  Officio  deessemus,  contra  eum  procedere  decrevi- 
mus,  juxta  forraam  quarundam  literarum  nostrarum,  qua- 
rum  tenor  sequitur.    Et  est  talis,  &c. 

Omittitur  insertio,  quia  bulla  ipsa  est  quae  praecedit. 

2.  Dum  autem  postea  ad  dictarura  literarum  executio- 
nem  deveniendum  esse  statuissemus,  cum  nobis  per  non- 
nullos  principes,  et  alias  insignes  personas  persuaderetur, 
ut  ab  executione  hujusmodi  per  aliquantum  lemporis  su- 
persederemus,  spe  nobis  data,  quod  interim  ipse  Henricus 
Rex  ad  cor  rediret  et  resipisceret ;  nos  qui,  ut  hominutn 
natura  fert,  facile  credebamus  quod  desiderabamus,  dictam 
executionem  suspendimus,  sperantes  (ut  spes  nobis  data 
erat)  ex  ipsa  suspensione,  correctionem  et  resipiscentiam, 
non  autem  pertinaciam  et  obstinationem,  ac  majorem  deli- 
rationem,  ut  rei  efFectus  edocuit,  proventuram. 

3.  Cum  itaq;  resipiscentia  et  Correctio  hujusmodi  quam 
tribus  fere  annis  expectavimus,  non  solum  postea  sequuta 
non  sit,  sed  ipse  Henricus  Rex  quotidie  magis  se  in  sua 
feritate,  ac  temeritate  confirmans  in  nova  etiam  scelera 
proruperit,  quippe  cnm  non  contentus  vivorum  Praelato- 
rum  et  sacerdotum  crudelissiraa  trucidatione,  etiam  in  mor- 
tuos,  et  eos  quidera  quos  in  sanctorum  numerum  relatos 
Universalis  Ecclesia  pluribus  saeculis  venerata  est,  ferita- 
tem  exercere  non  expavit,  Divi  enim  Thomas  Cantuarien. 
Archiepiscopi,  cujus  ossa,  quae  in  dicto  Regno  Anglias  po- 
tissimum,  ob  innumera  ab  omnipotenti  Deo  illic  perpe- 
trata  miracula,  summa  cum  veneratione  in  area  aurea  in 
Civitate  Cantuarien.  servabantur,  postquam  ipsum  Divum 
Thomam,  ad  majorem  Religionis  'contemptum,  in  judicium 
vocari,  et  tanquam  contumacem  damnari  ac  proditorem  de- 
clarari  fecerat,  exhumari,  et  comburi,  ac  cineres  in  ventum 

OF  RECORDS.  225 

spargi  jussit,  omnem  plane  cunctarum  gentium  crudelita- 
tem  superans,  cum  ne  in  bello  quidem  hostes  victores  saj- 
vire  in  mortuorum  cadavera  soliti  sunt ;  adhaec  omnia  ex 
diversorum  Regum  etiam  Anglorum,  et  aliorum  Principum 
liberalitate  donaria,  ipsi  areas  appensa,  quae  multa,  et  maxi- 
mi  pretii  erant,  sibi  usurpavit ;  nee  putans  ex  hoc  satis  in- 
juriae  religionis  intulisse,  Monasterium  Divo  illi  Augus- 
tino,  a  quo  Christianam  fidem  Angli  acceperunt,  in  dicta 
citivate  dicatura,  omnibus  Thesauris,  qui  etiam  multi  et 
magni  erant,  spoliavit,  et  sicut  se  in  belluam  transmutavit, 
ita  etiam  belluas  quasi  socias  suas  honorare  voluit,  feras 
videlicet  in  dicto  Monasterio,  expulsis  Monachis,  intromit- 
tendo,  genus  quidem  sceleris  non  modo  Christi  fidelibus, 
sed  etiam  Turcis  inauditum  et  abominandum. 

4.  Cum  itaq;  morbus  iste  a  nuUo  quantumvis  peritissimo 
medico  alia  cura  sanari  possit,  quam  putridi  membri  ab- 
scissione,  nee  valeret  cura  hujusmodi,  absq;  eo,  quod  nos 
apud  Deum  causam  banc  nostram  efficiamus,  ulterius  re- 
tardari,  ad  dictarum  literarum  (quas  ad  hoc  ut  Henricus 
Rex,  ejusq;  Complices,  i'autores,  adhaerentes,  consul- 
tores  et  sequaces,  etiam  super  excessibus  per  eum  novis- 
sime,  ut  praefertur,  perpetrates,  intra  terminum  eis,  quoad 
alia,  per  alias  nostras  literas  praedictas  respective  praefixas, 
se  excusare,  alias  pcenis  ipsis  literis  contentas  incurrant, 
extendimus  et  ampliamus)  publicationem,  et  deinde,  Deo 
duce,  ad  executionem  procedere  omnino  statuimus.  Et 
quia  a  fide  dignis  accepimus,  quod  si  ipsarum  et  praesen- 
tium  literarum  publicatio  Diep.  Rothomagen.  vel  Boloniae 
Ambianen.  Dicec.  Oppidis  in  Franciae,  aut  Civitate  Sancti 
Andreas,  seu  in  Oppido  Callistren.  Sancti  Andreae  Dioec. 
in  Scotiae  Regnis,  vel  in  Thuamien.  et  Antiferten.  Civita- 
tibus,  vel  Dicec.  Dominii  Hiberniae  fiat,  non  solum  tam 
facile,  ut  si  in  locis  in  dictis  literis  expressis  fieret,  sed 
facilius  ipsarum  literarum  tenor,  ad  Henrici,  et  aliorum  quos 
concernunt,  praesertim  Anglorum,  notitiam  deveniret ;  Nos 
volentes  in  hoc  opportune  providere,  motu,  scientia,  et  po- 
testatis  plenitudine  pracdictis  decernimus,  quod  publicatio 
literarum  superius  insertarum,  quaruae  insertioni  superius 
factae,  ac  ipsis  Originalibus  quoad  validitatem  publicatio- 
nis,  seu  exccutionis  prassentium,  fidem  adhiberi  volumus, 
in  duobus  ex  locis  praesentibus  literis  expressis,  alias  juxta 
supra  insertarum,  et  praesentium  literarum  tenore  facta, 
etiam  si  in  locis  extra  Romanam  Curiam  in  dictis  praein- 
sertis  literis  specificatis,  hujusmodi  publicatio  non  fiat,  per- 
inde  Henncum  Regem,  et  alios  quos  concernunt . praesertim 
Anglos  afficiat,  ac  si  Henrico  Regi  et  aliis  pracdictis  prae- 
sertim Anglis  personaliter  intimatae  fuissent. 

5.  Quodq;  pra;sentium    transumptis,    juxta  modum  in 


praeinsertis  Uteris  expressum  factis,  tarn  in  judicio  auam 
extra,  eadem  fides  adhibeatur,  quae  Originalibus  adnibe- 
retur,  si  forent  exhibitae,  vel  ostensae. 

6.  Non  obstantibus  Constitutionibus  et  Ordinationibus 
Apostolicis,  necnon  omnibus  illis,  quae  in  dictis  Uteris  vo- 
luiraus  non  obstare,  caeterisq;  contrariis  quibuscunque. 

7.  NuUi  ergo  omnino  hominum  Uceat  banc  paginam  nos- 
tri  Decriti,  et  voluntatis  infringere,  vel  ei  ausu  temerario 
contraire.  Si  quis  autem  hoc  attentare  praesumpserit,  in- 
dignationera  Omnipotentis  Dei,  ac  Beatorura  Petri  et  Pauli 
Apostoloruni  ejus  se  noverit  incursurum. 

Dat.  Romae  apud  S.  Petrum,  Anno  Incarnationis  Do- 
minicae  1538.  decimo  sexto  Kal.  Jauuaiii,  Pontifi- 
catus  nostri  anno  quinto. 


The  Judgment  of  some  Bishops  concerning  the  King's  Supre- 
macy.   An  Original. 

(Ex  MSS  D.  Stillingfleet.) 

The  words  of  St.  John  in  his  20th  Chap.  Sicut  misit  me 
Pater,  et  ego  mitto  vos,  8^c.  hath  no  respect  to  a  King's  or  a 
Prince's  Power,  but  only  to  shew  how  that  the  Ministers  of 
the  Word  of  God,  chosen  and  sent  for  that  intent,  are  the 
Messengers  of  Christ,  to  teach  the  Truth  of  his  Gospel, 
and  to  loose  and  bind  sin,  &c.  as  Christ  was  the  Messenger 
of  his  Father.  The  words  also  of  St.  Paul,  in  the  20th 
Chap,  of  the  Acts ;  Attendite  vobis  et  universo  gregi,  in  qua 
vos  Spiritus  Sanctus  posuit  Episcopos  regere  Ecclesiam  Dei, 
were  spoken  to  the  Bishops  and  Priests,  to  be  diligent 
Pastors  of  the  People,  both  to  teach  them  diligently,  and 
also  to  be  circumspect  that  false  preachers  should  not  se- 
duce the  People,  as  followeth  immediately  after  in  the  same 
place.  Other  places  of  Scripture  declare  the  highness  and 
excellency  of  Christian  Princes'  Authority  and  Power  ;  the 
which  of  a  truth  is  most  high,  for  he  hath  power  and  charge 
generally  over  all,  as  well  Bishops,  as  Priests,  as  other. 
The  Bishops  and  Priests  have  charge  of  Souls  within  their 
own  Cures,  power  to  minister  Sacraments,  and  to  teach 
the  Word  of  God  ;  to  the  which  Word  of  God  Christian 
Princes  knowledg  themselves  subject;  and  in  case  the 
Bishops  be  negligent,  it  is  the  Christian  Princes'  Office  to 
see  them  do  their  duty. 

T.  Cantuarien.  Thomas  Elien. 

Joannes  London.  Nicolaus  Sarisburien* 


OF  RECORDS.  227 


Injunctions  to  the  Clergy  made  by  Cromwell. 

(Regist.  Cranmer.) 

In  the  name  of  God,  Amen.  By  the  Authority  and  Com- 
mission of  the  excellent  Prince  Henry,  by  the'Grace  of  God 
King  of  England  and  of  France,  Defensor  of  the  Faith ; 
Lord  of  Ireland ;  and  in  Earth  Supreara  Head,  under  Christ, 
of  the  Church  of  England,  I  Thomas  Lord  Cromwell,  Privy 
Seal,  and  Vice-gerent  to  the  King's  said  Highness,  for  all 
his  Jurisdiction  Ecclesiastical  within  this  Realm,  do,  for 
the  advancement  of  the  true  honour  of  Almighty  God, 
encrease  of  Vertue,  and  discharge  of  the  King's  Majesty, 
give  and  exhibit  unto  you  these  Injijnctions  fol- 

lowing, to  be  kept,  observed,  and  fulfilled,  upon  the  pains 
hereafter  declared. 

First ;  That  ye  shall  truly  observe  and  keep  all  and  sin- 
gular the  King's  Highness  Injunctions,  given  unto  you 
heretofore  in  my  Name,  by  his  Graces  Authority  ;  not  only 
upon  the  pains  therein  expressed,  but  also  in  your  default 
after  this  second  monition  continued,  upon  further  punish- 
ment to  be  straitly  extended  towards  you  by  the  King's 
Highness  Arbitriment,  or  his  Vice-gerent  aforesaid. 

hem;  That  ye  shall  provide  on  this  side  the  Feast  of 
next  coming,  one  Book  of  the  whole  Bible  of 
the  largest  Volume  in  English,  and  the  same  set  up  in  some 
convenient  place  within  the  said  Church  that  ye  have  Cure 
of,  whereas  your  Parishioners  may  most  commodiously 
resort  to  the  same  and  read  it ;  the  charge  of  which  Book 
shall  be  ratably  born  between  you  the  Parson  and  the  Pa- 
rishioners aforesaid,  that  is  to  say,  the  one  half  by  you,  and 
the  other  half  by  them. 

hem;  That  you  shall  discourage  no  Man  privily  or 
apertly  from  the  reading  or  hearing  of  the  said  Bible,  but 
shall  expresly  provoke,  stir,  and  exhort  every  person  to 
read  the  same,  as  that  which  is  the  very  lively  Word  of 
God,  that  every  Christian  Man  is  bound  to  embrace,  be- 
lieve, and  follow,  if  he  look  to  be  saved ;  admonishing 
them  nevertheless  to  avoid  all  contention,  altercation 
therein,  and  to  use  an  honest  sobriety  hi  the  inquisition  of 
the  true  sense  of  the  same,  and  refer  the  explication  of  the 
obscure  places  to  Men  of  higher  judgment  in  Scripture. 

hem;  That  ye  shall  every  Sunday  and  Holy-day  through 
the  Year,  openly  and  plainly  recite  to  your  Parishioners, 
twice  or  thnce  together,  or  oftner,  if  need  require,  one  par- 
ticle or  sentence  of  the  Pater  Noster,  or  Creed,  in  English, 


to  the  intent  they  may  learn  the  same  by  Heart ;  And  so 
from  day  to  day,  to  give  them  one  little  lesson  or  sentence 
of  the  same,  till  they  have  learned  the  whole  Pater  Noster 
and  Creed,  in  English,  by  rote.  And  as  they  be  taught 
every  sentence  of  the  same  by  rote,  ye  shall  expound  and 
declare  the  understanding  of  the  same  unto  them,  exhorting 
all  Parents  and  Housholders  to  teach  their  Children  and 
Servants  the  same,  as  they  are  bound  in  Conscience  to  do. 
And  that  done,  ye  shall  declare  unto  them  the  Ten  Com- 
mandments, one  by  one  every  Sunday  and  Holy-day,  till 
they  be  likewise  perfect  in  the  same. 

Item  ;  That  ye  shall  in  Confessions  every  Lent  examine 
every  Person  that  cometh  to  Confession  unto  you,  whether 
they  can  recite  the  Articles  of  our  Faith,  and  the  Pater 
IVoster  in  English,  and  hear  them  say  the  same  particu- 
larly ;  wherein  if  they  be  not  perfect,  ye  shall  declare  to 
the  same.  That  every  Christian  Person  ought  vo  know  the 
same  before  they  should  receive  the  blessed  Sacrament  of 
the  Altar ;  and  monish  them  to  learn  the  same  more  per- 
fectly by  the  next  year  following,  or  else,  like-as  they  ought 
not  to  presume  to  come  to  God's  Board,  without  perfect 
knowledg  of  the  same,  and  if  they  do,  it  is  to  the  great 
peril  of  their  Souls;  so  ye  shall  declare  unto  them,  that 
ye  look  for  other  Injunctions  from  the  King's  Highness  by 
that  time,  to  stay  and  repel  all  such  from  God's  Board  as 
shall  be  found  ignorant  in  the  Premisses ;  whereof  ye  do 
thus  admonish  them,  to  the  intent  they  should  both  eschew 
the  peril  of  their  Souls,  and  also  the  worldly  rebuke  that 
they  might  incur  after  by  the  same. 

Item  ;  That  ye  shall  make,  or  cause  to  be  made,  in  the 
said  Church,  and  every  other  Cure  ye  have,  one  Sermon 
every  quarter  of  the  year  at  least,  wherein  ye  shall  purely 
and  sincerely  declare  the  very  Gospel  of  Christ,  and  in  the 
same  exhort  your  Hearers  to  the  Works  of  Charity,  Mercy, 
and  Faith,  especially  prescribed  and  commanded  in  Scrip- 
ture, and  not  to  repose  their  trust  or  affiance  in  any  other 
Works  devised  by  Mens  fantasies  besides  Scripture  ;  as  in 
wandering  to  Pilgrimages,  offering  of  Mony,  Candels,  or 
Tapers,  to  Images,  or  Reliques  ;  or  kissing  or  licking  the 
same  over,  saying  over  a  number  of  Beads,  not  under- 
standed  or  minded  on,  or  in  such-like  superstition  ;  for  the 
doing  whereof,  ye  not  only  have  no  promise  of  reward  in 
Scripture,  but  contrariwise  great  threats  and  maledictions 
of  God,  as  things  tending  to  Idolatry  and  Superstition, 
which  of  all  other  Offences  God  Almighty  doth  most 
detest  and  abhor,  for  that  the  same  diminisheth  most  his 
honour  and  glory. 

OF  RECORDS.  229 

Item ;  That  such  feigned  Images  as  ye  know  in  any  of 
your  Cures  to  be  so  abused  with  Pilgrimages  or  Offerings 
of  any  thing  made  thereunto,  ye  shall,  for  avoiding  of  that 
most  detestable  offence  of  Idolatry,  forthwith  take  down, 
and  without  delay :  and  shall  suffer  from  henceforth  no 
Candles,  Tapers,  or  Images  of  Wax  to  be  set  afore  any 
Image  or  Picture,  but  only  the  Light  that  commonly  goeth 
a-cross  the  Church  by  the  Rood-loft,  the  Light  before  the 
Sacrament  of  the  Altar,  and  the  Light  about  the  Sepulchre ; 
which  for  the  adorning  of  the  Church,  and  Divine  Service, 
ye  shall  suffer  to  remain :  still  admonishing  your  Pa- 
rishioners, that  Images  serve  for  none  other  purpose,  but 
as  to  be  Books  of  unlearned  Men,  that  ken  no  Letters, 
whereby  they  might  be  otherwise  admonished  of  the  lives 
and  conversation  of  them  that  the  said  Images  do  repre- 
sent ;  which  Images  if  they  abuse,  for  any  other  intent  than 
for  such  remembrances,  they  commit  Idolatry  in  the  same, 
to  the  great  danger  of  their  Souls :  And  therefore  the  King's 
Highness  graciously  tendering  the  weal  of  his  Subjects 
Souls,  hath  in  part  already,  and  more  will  hereafter,  travail 
for  the  abolishing  of  such  Images  as  might  be  an  occasion 
of  so  great  an  offence  to  God,  and  so  great  a  danger  to  the 
Souls  of  his  loving  Subjects. 

Item ;  That  in  all  such  Benefices,  or  Cures,  as  ye  have, 
whereupon  ye  be  not  your  self  Resident,  ye  shall  appoint 
such  Curats  in  your  stead,  as  can  both  by  their  ability,  and 
will  also  promptly,  execute  these  Injunctions,  and  do  their 
duty  otherwise,  that  ye  are  bounden  in  every  behalf  accord- 
ingly, and  may  profit  them,  no  less  with  good  Examples  of 
living,  than  with  declaration  of  the  Word  of  God,  or  else 
their  lack  and  defaults  shall  be  imputed  unto  you,  who  shall 
straitly  answer  for  the  same  if  they  do  otherwise. 

Item;  That  ye  shall  admit  no  Man  to  preach  within  any 
your  Benefices  or  Cures,  but  such  as  shall  appear  unto  you 
to  be  sufficiently  licensed  thereunto  by  the  King's  Highness, 
or  his  Grace's  Authority,  by  the  Arch- Bishop  of  Canterbury, 
or  the  Bishop  of  this  Diocess ;  and  such  as  shall  be  so 
licensed,  ye  shall  gladly  receive  to  declare  the  Word  of 
God,  without  any  resistance  or  contradiction. 

Item  ;  If  ye  have  heretofore  declared  to  your  Parishioners 
any  thing  to  the  extolling  or  setting  forth  of  Pilgrimages, 
feigned  Reliques,  or  Images,  or  any  such  superstitions,  that 
you  shall  now  openly  afore  the  same  recant  and  reprove 
the  same,  shewing  them  (as  the  truth  is)  that  ye  did  the 
same  upon  uo  ground  of  Scripture,  but  as  one  led  and  se- 
duced by  a  common  Error  and  abuse  crept  into  the  Church, 

Vol.  I,  Part  IF.  X 


through  the  sufTerance  and  avarice  of  such  as  felt  profit  by 
the  same. 

Item ;  If  ye  do  or  shall  know  any  Man  within  your  Pa- 
rish, or  elsewhere,  that  is  a  Letter  of  the  Word  of  God  to 
be  read  in  English,  or  sincerely  preached,  or  of  the  execu- 
tion of  these  Injunctions ;  or  a  favourer  of  the  Bishop  of 
Rome's  pretensed  Power,  now  by  the  Laws  of  this  Realm 
justly  rejected  and  extirped  ;  ye  shall  detect  and  present 
the  same  to  the  King's  Highness,  or  his  honourable  Council, 
or  to  his  Vice-gerent  aforesaid,  or  the  Justice  of  Peace  next 

Item ;  That  you,  and  every  Parson,  Vicar,  or  Curat 
within  this  Diocess,  shall  for  every  Church  keep  one  Book 
or  Register,  wherein  he  shall  write  the  day  and  year  of 
every  Wedding,  Christening,  and  Burying,  made  within 
your  Parish  for  your  time,  and  so  every  Man  succeeding 
you  likewise  ;  and  also  there  insert  every  Person's  Name 
that  shall  be  so  wedded,  christened,  and  buried  ;  and  for 
the  safe  keeping  of  the  same  Book,  the  Parish  shall  be 
bound  to  provide,  of  their  common  charges,  one  sure  Cof- 
fer with  two  Locks  and  Keys,  whereof  the  one  to  remain 
with  you,  and  the  other  with  the  Wardens  of  every  such 
Parish  wherein  the  said  Book  shall  be  laid  up  ;  which 
Book  ye  shall  every  Sunday  take  forth,  and  in  the  presence 
of  the  said  Wardens,  or  one  of  them,  write  and  record  in 
the  same,  all  the  Weddings,  Christenings,  and  Buryings, 
made  the  whole  week  afore  ;  and  that  done,  to  lay  up  the 
Book  in  the  said  Coffer,  as  afore ;  And  for  every  time  that 
the  same  shall  be  omitted,  the  Party  that  shall  be  in  the 
fault  thereof,  shall  forfeit  to  the  said  Church  3s.  4ci.  to  be 
employed  on  the  reparation  of  the  said  Church. 

Item ;  That  ye  shall  every  quarter  of  a  year  read  these 
and  the  other  former  Injunctions,  given  unto  you  by  the 
Authority  of  the  King's  Highness,  open  and  deliberately 
before  all  your  Parishioners,  to  the  intent  that  both  you 
may  be  the  better  admonished  of  your  duty,  and  your  said 
Parishioners  the  more  incited  to  ensue  the  same  for  their 

Item ;  Forasmuch  as  by  a  Law  established,  every  Man 
is  bound  to  pay  the  Tithes ;  no  Man  shall,  by  colour  of 
duty,  omitted  by  their  Curats,  detain  their  Tithes,  and  so 
redouble  one  wrong  with  another,  or  be  his  own  Judg,  but 
shall  truly  pay  the  same,  as  hath  been  accustomed,  to  their 
Parsons  and  Curats,  without  any  restraint  or  diminution ; 
and  such  lack  or  default  as  they  can  justly  find  in  their 
Parsons  and  Curats  to  call  for  reformation  thereof  at  their 

Of  RECORDS.  23i 

Ordinaries,  aird  other  Superiors  hands,  who,  upon  com- 
plaint, and  due  proof  thereof,  shall  reform  the  same  ac- 

Item  ;  That  no  Person  shall  from  henceforth  alter  or  change 
the  order  and  manner  of  any  Fastin.;-day  that  is  commanded 
and  indicted  by  the  Church,  nor  of  any  Prayer,  or  of  Di- 
vine Service,  otherwise  than  is  specified  in  the  said  Injunc- 
tions, until  such  time  as  the  same  shall  be  so  ordered  and 
transported  by  the  King's  Highness's  Authority ;  The 
Eves  of  such  Saints  whose  Holy- days  be  abrogated  be 
only  excepted,  which  shall  be  declared  henceforth  to  be 
no  fasting-days ;  excepted  also  the  commemoration  of 
Thomas  Becket,  some-time  Arch-Bishop  of  Canterbury, 
which  shall  be  clean  omitted,  and  in  the  stead  thereof,  the 
Ferial  Service  used. 

Item ;  That  the  knolling  of  the  Avies  after  Seivice,  and 
certain  other  times,  which  hath  been  brought  in  and  begun 
by  the  pretence  of  the  Bishop  of  Rome's  pardon,  hence- 
forth be  left  and  omitted,  lest  the  People  do  hereafter  trust 
to  have  pardon  for  the  saying  of  their  Avies,  between  the 
said  knolling,  as  they  have  done  in  times  past. 

Item;  Where  in  tiines  past  Men  have  used  in  divers 
places  in  their  Processions,  to  sing  Ora  pro  nobis  to  so  many 
Saints,  that  they  had  no  time  to  sing  the  good  Suffrages 
following,  as  Parce  iiobis  Domine,  and  Libera  nos  Domine,  it 
must  be  taught  and  preached,  that  better  it  were  to  omit 
Ora  -pro  nobis,  and  to  sing  the  other  suffrages. 

All  which  and  singular  Injunctions  I  minister  unto  you 
and  your  Successors,  by  the  King's  Highness  Authority  to 
me  committed  in  this  part,  which  I  charge  and  command 
you  by  the  same  Authority  to  observe  and  keen  upon  pain 
of  Deprivation,  Sequestration  of  your  Fruits,  or  such  other 
coercion  as  the  King's  Highness,  or  his  Vice-gerent  for  the 
time  being  shall  seem  convenient. 
These  are  also  in  the  Bp.  of  London's  Register,  Fol.  29,  30, 

with  Bonner's  Mandate  to  his  Arch-Deacons  for  observing 

them,  30  Sept.  1541.    Anno  Regn.  32. 


Injunctions  given  by  Thomas  Arch-Bishop  of  Canterbury,  to 
the  Parsons,  Vicars,  and  other  Curats  in  his  Visitation, 
kept  (sede  vacante)  within  the  Diocess  of  Hereford,  Anno 
Domini  1538. 

1.  FinsT  ;  That  ye,  and  every  one  of  you,  shall,  with  all 
your  diligence  and  faithful  obedience,  observe,  and  cause 


to  be  observed,  all  and  singular  the  King's  Highness  Injunc- 
tions, by  his  Graces  Commissaries  given  in  such  places  as 
they  in  times  past  have  visited. 

2.  Item;  That  ye,  and  every  one  of  you  shall  have,  by 
the  first  day  of  August  next  coming,  as  well  a  whole  Bible 
in  Latin  and  English,  or  at  the  least  a  New  Testament  of 
both  the  same  Language,  as  the  Copies  of  the  King's  High- 
ness Injunctions. 

3.  Item ;  Tliat  ye  shall  every  day  study  one  Chapter  of 
the  said  13ible,  or  New  Testament,  conferring  the  Latin 
and  English  together,  and  to  begin  at  the  first  part  of  the 
Book,  and  so  to  continue  until  the  end  of  the  same. 

4.  Item ;  That  ye,  or  none  of  you,  shall  discourage  any 
Lay-man  from  the  reading  of  the  Bible  in  English  or  Latin, 
but  encourage  them  to  that,  admonishing  them  that  they  so 
read  it,  for  reformation  of  their  own  Life,  and  knowledg  of 
their  Duty  ;  and  that  they  be  not  bold  or  presumptuous  in 
judging  of  JNIatters  afore  they  have  perfect  knowledg. 

5.  Item;  That  ye,  both  in  your  Preaching  and  secret 
Confession,  and  all  other  works  and  doings,  shall  excite  and 
move  your  Parishioners  unto  such  works  as  are  commanded 
expresly  of  God,  for  the  which  God  shall  demand  of  them 
a  strict  reckoning  ;  and  all  other  Works  which  Men  do  of 
their  own  Will  or  Devotion,  to  teach  your  Parishioners 
that  they  are  not  to  be  so  highly  esteemed  as  the  other ; 
and  that  for  the  not  doing  of  them  God  will  not  ask  any 

6.  Item;  That  ye,  nor  none  of  you,  suffer  no  Friar,  or 
Religious  Man,  to  have  any  Cure  or  Service  within  your 
Churches  or  Cures,  except  they  be  lawfully  dispensed 
withal,  or  licensed  by  the  Ordinary. 

7.  Item ;  That  ye,  and  every  one  of  you,  do  not  admit  any 
young  Man  or  Woman  to  receive  the  Sacrament  of  the 
Altar,  which  never  received  it  before,  until  that  he  or  she 
openly  in  the  Church,  after  Mass,  or  evening  Song,  upon 
the  Holy-day,  do  recite,  in  the  vulgar  Tongue,  the  Pater 
Noster,  the  Creed,  and  the  Ten  Commandments. 

VIII.  Item;  That  ye,  and  every  one  of  you,  shall  two 
times  in  a  quarter  declare  to  your  parishioners  the  Band  of 
Matrimony,  and  what  great  danger  it  is  to  all  men  that 
useth  their  Bodies  but  with  such  Persons  as  they  lawfully 
may  by  the  Law  of  God.  And  to  exhort  in  the  said  Times 
your  Parishioners,  that  they  make  no  privy  Contracts,  as 
they  will  avoid  the  extream  pain  of  the  Laws  used  within 
the  King's  Realm,  by  his  Graces  Authority. 

Of  RECORDS.  233 


A  Letter  of  Cromwell's  to  the  Bishop  of  Landaff,  directing  him 
how  to  proceed  in  the  Reformation.     An  Original, 

(Cotton  Libr.  Cleop.  E.  4.) 

After  my  right  hearty  Commendations  to  your  Lordship, 
ye  shall  herewith  receive  the  King's  Highness  Letters 
addressed  unto  you,  to  put  you  in  remembrance  of  his 
•Highness  travels,  and  your  duty  touching  order  to  be  taken 
for  Preaching,  to  the  intent  the  People  may  be  taught  the 
Truth,  and  yet  not  charged  at  the  beginning  with  over-many 
Novelties;  the  publication  whereof,  unless  the  same  be 
tempered  and  qualified  with  much  wisdom,  do  rather  breed 
Contention,  Division,  and  contrariety  in  Opinion  in  the 
unlearned  Multitude,  than  either  edify,  or  remove  from 
them,  and  out  of  their  hearts,  such  abuses  as  by  the  cor- 
rupt and  unsavoury  teaching  of  the  Bishop  of  Rome 
and  his  Disciples  have  crept  in  the  same.  The  effect  of 
which  Letters  albeit  I  doubt  not,  but  as  well  for  the 
honesty  of  the  Matter,  as  for  your  own  discharge,  ye  will  so 
consider  and  put  in  execution,  as  shall  be  to  his  Graces 
satisfaction  in  that  behalf :  Yet  forasmuch  as  it  hath  pleased 
his  Majesty  to  appoint  and  constitute  me  in  the  room  and 
place  of  his  Supream  and  Principal  Minister,  in  all  Matters 
that  may  touch  any  thing  his  Clergy,  or  their  doings,  I 
thought  it  also  my  part,  for  the  exoneration  of  my  Duty 
towards  his  Highness,  and  the  rather  to  answer  to  his 
Graces  Expectation,  Opinion,  and  Trust  conceived  in  me, 
and  in  that  amongst  other  committed  to  my  fidelity,  to  desire 
and  pray  you,  in  such  substantial  sort  and  manner,  to  travel 
in  the  execution  of  the  Contents  of  his  Graces  said  Letters  j 
namely,  for  avoiding  of  Contrariety  in  preaching,  of  the 
pronunciation  of  Novelties,  without  wise  and  discreet  qua- 
lification, and  the  repression  of  the  temerity  of  those,  that 
either  privily  or  apertly,  directly  or  indirectly,  would  ad- 
vance the  pretended  Authority  of  the  Bishop  of  Rome  ;  as 
I  be  not  for  my  discharge  enforced  to  complain  further,  and 
to  declare  what  I  have  now  written  unto  you  for  that  pur- 
pose, and  so  to  charge  you  with  your  own  fault,  and  to  de- 
vise such  remedy  for  the  same,  as  shall  appertain  :  desiring 
your  Lordship  to  accept  my  meaning  herein,  tending  only 
to  an  honest,  friendly,  and  Christian  Reformation,  for 
ayoidage  of  further  inconvenience,  and  to  think  none  un- 
kindness,  tho  in  this  Matter,  wherein  it  is  almost  more  than 
time  to  speak,  I  write  frankly,   compelled   and  enforced 



thereunto,  both  in  respect  of  my  private  Duty,  and  other- 
wise for  my  discharge ;  forasmuch  as  it  pleaseth  his  Ma- 
jesty to  use  me  in  the  lieu  of  a  Counsellour,  whose  Office 
is  as  an  Eye  to  the  Prince,  to  foresee,  and  in  time  to  pro- 
vide remedy  for  such  Abuses,  Enormities,  and  Inconve- 
niences, as  might  else  with  a  little  sufferance  engender  more 
evil  in  his  Public  Weal,  than  could  be  after  recovered, 
with  much  labour,  study,  diligence,  and  travails.  And 
thus  most  heartily  fare  you  well.  From  the  Rolls,  the  7th 
of  January. 

Your  Lordships  Friend, 

Thomas  Cromwell. 


The    Commission    by  which    Bonner    held  his  Bishopriek   of 
the  King. 

(Regist.  Bonner  fol.  primo.) 

Licentia  Regia  concessa  Domino  Episcopo  ad  exercendam 
Jurisdictionem  Episcopalem. 

Henricus  Octavus,  Dei  Gratia  Angliae  et  Franciae  Rex, 
Fidei  Defensor,  Dominus  Hiberniaj,  et  in  Terra  Supremum 
Ecclesiae  Anglicanae  sub  Christo  Caput,  Reverendo  in  Chris- 
to  Patri  Edmundo  Londonensi  Episcopo  Salutem.  Quan- 
doquidem  omnis  jurisdicendi  Autoritas,  atq;  etiam  juris- 
dictio  omnimoda,  tam  ilia  quae  Ecclesiastica  dicitur  quam 
Saecularis,  a  Regia  Potestate  velut  a  Supremo  Capite,  et 
omnium  infra  Regnum  nostrum  Magistratuum  fonte  et  sca- 
turigine,  primitus  emanavit,  sane  illos  qui  jurisdictionem 
hujusmodi  antehae  non  nisi  praBcario  fungebantur,  benefi- 
cium  hujusmodi  sic  eis  ex  liberalitate  Regia  indultum  gra- 
tis animis  agnoscere,  idq;  Regiae  Munificentise  solumrnodo 
acceptum  referre,  eique,  quotiens  ejus  Majestati  videbitur, 
libenter  concedere  convenit.  Quum  itaq;  nos  per  dilectum 
Commissarium  nostrum  Thomam  Cromwell  Nobilis  Ordinis 
Garterii  Militem,  Dominum  Cromwell  et  de  Wymolden  nos- 
tri  privati  Sigilli  Custodem,  nostrumq;  ad  quascunqj  causas 
Ecclesiasticas  nostra  Authoritate,  uti  Supremi  Capitis  dic- 
tae  Ecclesiae  Anglicanae,  quomodolibet  tractand.  sive  ven- 
tiland.  Vicem  gerentem,  Vicarium  Generalem  et  Officialem 
Principalem,  per  alias  Literas  Patentes  sigillo  nostro  Ma- 
jori  communitas,  constituerimus  et  praefecerimus.  Quia 
tamen  ipse  Thomas  Cromwell  nostris  et  hujusRegni  An- 
gliae tot  et  tam  arduis  negotiis  adeo  praepeditus  existit, 
quod  ad  omnem  jurisdictionem  nobis,  uti  Supremo  Capiti 

OF  RECORDS.  235 

hujusmedi  competentem,  ubiq;  locorura  infra  hoc  Regnum 
nostrum  prasfatum,  in  his  quae  moram  commode  non  pati- 
untur,  aut  sine  nostromm  subditorum  injuria  difFerri  non 
possunt,  in  sua  persona  expediend.  non  sufficiet.  Nos  tuis 
in  hac  parte  supphcationibus  humibbus  inclinati,  et  nos- 
tromm subditorum  commodis  consulere  cupientes,  Tibi 
vices  nostras  sub  modo  et  forma  inferius  descriptis  com- 
mittendas  fore,  Teq;  licentiandum  esse  decernimus,  ad 
ordinandum  igitur  quoscunq;  infra  Dioc.  tuam  London, 
ubicunq;  oriundos,  quos  moribus  et  literatura  praevio  dili- 
genti  et  rigoroso  examine  idoneos  fore  compereris,  ad  om- 
nes  etiam  Sacros  et  Presbyteratus  ordines  promovendum, 
praesentatosq;  ad  beneficia  Ecclesiastica  quaecunq;  infra 
Dioc.  tuam  London,  constituta,  si  ad  curam  beneficiis 
hujusmodi  imminentem  sustinend.  habiles  reperti  fuerunt  et 
idonei,  admittendum  ac  in  et  de  iisdem  instituendum  et  in- 
vestigandum;  Ac  etiam  si  res  ita  exigat  destituendum, 
beneficiaq;  Ecclesiastica  quaecunq;  ad  tuam  jcoUationem 
sive  dispositionem  spectantia  et  pertinentia  p^rsonis  ido- 
neis  conferendum,  atq;  approbandum  testamenta  et  ultimas 
voluntates  quorumcunq;  tuas  Diocaeseos,  bona,  jura,  sive 
credita  non  ultra  summam  centum  librarum  in  bonis  suis 
vitae  et  mortis  suarum  temporibus  habend.  necnon  adminis- 
trationes  quorumcunq;  subditorum  nostromm  tuae  Dioc. 
ab  intestato  decedend.  quomm  bona,  jura,  sive  credita  non 
ultra  summam  praedictam  vitae  et  mortis  suarum  tempori- 
bus sese  extendent,  quatenus  hujusmodi  testatorum  appro- 
batio  atq;  adminstrationis  commissio  sive  concessio  per 
praedecessores  tuos  aut  eomm  alicujus  respective  Commis- 
sarios  retroactis  temporibus  fiebat  ac  fieri  et  committi  po- 
tuit,  et  non  aliter  committendum,  Calculumq-,  ratiocinium 
et  alia  in  ea  parte  expedienda  causasq;  lites  et  negotia  co- 
ram te  aut  tuis  deputatis  pendend.  indecis.  necnon  alias  sive 
alia,  quascunq;  sive  quaecunq;  ad  fomm  Ecclesiasticum  per- 
tinentia ad  te  aut  tuos  deputatos  sive  deputand.  per  viam 
auerelae  aut  appellationis  sive  ex  officio  devolvend.  sive  de- 
ducend.  quae  extra  legum  nostrarura  et  statutomm  Regni 
nostri  offens.  coram  te  aut  tuis  Deputatis  agitari,  aut  ad 
tuam  sive  alicujus  Commissariorum  per  te  vigore  hujus  Com- 
missionis  nostrae  deputandorum  cognitionem  devolvi  aut 
deduci  valeant  et  possint,  examinand.  et  decidend.  Ad 
visitandum  insuper  Capitulum  Ecclesiae  tuae  Cathedral. 
London,  civitatemq;  London,  necnon  omnia  et  singula  Mo- 
nasteria,  Abbatias  et  Prioratus,  Collegia  et  alia  loca  pia, 
tam  Religiosa  quam  Hospitalia,  quaecunq;  clerumq;  et 
populum  diet,  Dioc.  Londen.  quatenus  Ecclesia),  Monas- 


terii,  Abbatiae,  per  te  sive  Praedecessorea  tugs  LondoQ. 
Episcopos  visitatio  hujusmodi  temporibus  retroactis  exer- 
ceri  potuit,  ac  per  te  sive  per  eosdem  de  legibus  et  statutis 
ac  juribus  Regni  nostri  exerceri  potuit  et  potest,  et  non 
aliter  :  Necnon  ad  inquirendum  per  te,  vel  alium  seu  alios 
ad  id  per  te  deputandum  sive  deputandos,  tam  ex  officio 
mero  mixto  quam  promoto  super  quorumcunq;  excessibus, 
criminibus  seu  delictis  quibuscunq;  ad  forum  Ecclesiasti- 
cum  spectantibus  infra  Dioc.  London,  ac  delinquentes  sive 
criminosos,  juxta  comperta  per  te  in  ea  parte  per  Licita 
Juris  remedia  pro  modo  culpae,  prout  natura  et  qualitas 
delicti  poposcerit,  coercendum  et  puniendum,  caeteraq; 
omnia  et  singula  in  Praemissis  seu  aliquo  praemissorum, 
aut  circa  ea  necessaria  seu  quomodolibet  opportuna,  ac 
alia  quaecunq;  Autoritatem  et  Jurisdictionem  Episcopalem 
quovismodo  respiciend.  et  concernend.  praeter  et  ultra  ea 
quae  tibi  ex  Sacris  Literis  divinitus  commissa  esse  dignos- 
cantur,  vice,  nomine,  et  Autoritate  nostris  exequendum, 
Tibi,  de  cujus  sana  doctrina,  conscientiae  puritate,  vitae^; 
et  morum  integritate,  ac  in  rebus  gerendis  fide  et  industria 
plurimum  confidimus,  vices  nostras  cum  potestate  alium 
vel  alios,  Commissarium  vel  Commissarios,  ac  praemissa 
seu  eorum  aliqua  surrogandi  et  substituendi,  eosdemq;  ad 

Elacitum  revocand.  tenore  praesentium  committimus,  ac 
beram  facultatem  concedimus ;  Teq;  licentiam  per  prae- 
sentes  ad  nostri  bene  placiti  duntaxat  duranturas,  cnm  cujus- 
libet  congruaB  et  Ecclesiasticae  coercionis  potestate  qua- 
cunq;  inhibitione  in  te  datam  praesentium  emanata  in  ali- 
quo non  obstante  Tuam  Conscientiam  coram  Deo  strictis- 
sime  onerantes,  et  ut  summo  omnium  judici  aliquando  ra- 
tionem  reddere,  et  coram  nobis  tuo  cum  periculo  corporali 
respondere  intendis :  te  admonentes  ut  mterim  tuum  offi- 
cium  juxta  Evangelii  normam  pie  et  sancte  exercere  stu- 
deas,  et  ne  quem  uUo  tempore  unquam  vel  ad  sacros  ordi- 
nes  promoveas,  vel  ad  curam  animarum  gerend.  quovis 
modo  admittas,  nisi  eos  duntaxat  quos  ad  tanti  et  tam 
venerabilis  Officii  functionem  vitae  et  morum  integritas  cer- 
tissimis  testimoniis  approbata,  literarum  scientiae  et  aliae 
qualitates  requisitae  ad  hoc  habiles  et  idoneos  clare  et  lucu- 
lenter  ostenderint  et  declaraverint ;  Nam  ut  raaxime  com- 
pertum  cognitumq;  habemus  morum  omnium,  et  Maxime 
Christianas  Ileligionis  corruptelam  a  malis  Pastoribus  in 
populum  emanasse,  sic  ut  veram  Christi  Religionem,  vitasq; 
et  morum  emendaiionem  a  bonis  Pastoribus  iterum  delectis 
et  assumptis  in  integrum  restitutum  iri  baud  dubie  spera- 
mus.    In  cujus  rei  testimonium  praesentes  Literas  nostras 

OF  RECORDS.  237 

inde  fieri,  et  Sigilli  nostri  quod  ad  Causas  Ecclesiasticas 
utimur  appensione  jussimus  Communiri.  Dat.  12.  die  men- 
sis  Novemb.  Anno  Dom.  1539.  et  Regni  nostri  Anno  31. 


The  King's  Letters  Patents  for  printing  the  Bible  in  English. 
(Rot.  Pat.  31  Hen.  8.) 

Henry  the  Eighth,  &c.  To  all  and  singular  Printers  and 
Sellers  of  Books  within  this  our  Realm,  and  all  other  offi- 
cers, INIinisters,  and  Subjects,  these  our  Letters  hearing 
or  seeing,  Greeting,  ^,\e  let  you  wit,  That  being  desirous  to 
have  our  People  at  all  times  convenient,  give  themselves  to 
the  attaining  the  knowledge  of  God's  Word,  whereby  they 
will  the  better  honour  him,  and  observe  and  keep  his  Com- 
mandments ;  and  also  do  their  Duties  better  to  us,  being 
their  Prince  and  Sovereign  Lord:  And  considering  that 
this  our  Zeal  and  Desire  cannot  by  any  mean  take  so  good 
effect,  as  by  the  granting  to  them  the  free  and  liberal  use 
of  the  Bible  in  our  own  natural  English  Tongue :  so  unless 
it  be  foreseen  that  the  same  pass  at  the  beginning  by  one 
Translation  to  be  perused  and  considered  ;  the  frailty  of 
Men  is  such,  that  the  diversity  thereof  may  breed  and 
bring  forth  manifold  Inconveniences ;  as  when  wilful  and 
heady  Folk  shall  confer  upon  the  diversity  of  the  said 
Translations.  AVe  have  therefore  appointed  our  right  tmsty 
and  well-beloved  Counsellor,  the  Lord  Cromwell,  Keeper 
of  our  Privy-Seal,  to  take  for  us  and  in  our  Name,  spe- 
cial care  and  charge,  that  no  manner  of  Person,  or  Per- 
sons within  this  our  Realm,  shall  enterprise,  attempt,  or 
set  in  hand  to  print  any  Bible  in  the  English  Tongue  of 
any  manner  of  Volum,  during  the  space  of  five  years  next 
ensuing  after  the  Date  hereof,  but  only  all  such  as  shall  be 
deputed,  assigned,  and  admitted  by  the  said  Lord  Crom- 

The  13  Novemb.  Iricesimo  prime  Regni. 



The  Attainder  of  Thomas  CromwelL 

(Parliament  Rolls,  Act  60,  Anno  Regni  tricesimo  secundo.) 

Item  quaedam  alia  petitio,  formam  cujusdam  actus  attincturae 
in  se  continens,  exhibita  est  suae  Regiae  Majestati  in  Par- 
liamento  praedicto,  cujus  tenor  sequitur  in  haec  verba. 

In  their  most  humble-wise  shewing  to  your  most  Royal 
Majesty,  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  all  your 
most  loving  and  obedient  Subjects,  the  Commons  in  this 
your  Most  High  Court  of  Parliament  assembled ;  That 
where  your  most  Royal  Majesty,  our  Natural  Sovereign 
Lord,  is  justly,  lawfully,  and  really  entituled  to  be  our  sole 
Supreme  Head  and  Governour,  of  this  your  Realm  of 
England,  and  of  the  Dominions  of  the  same;  to  v/hom 
and  to  none  other  under  God,  the  Kingly  Direction,  Order, 
and  Governance,  of  your  most  loving  and  obedient  Sub- 
jects, and  People  of  this  your  Realm,  only  appertaineth 
and  belongeth.  And  the  which  your  most  loving  and  obe- 
dient Subjects,  your  Highness  prudently  and  quietly,  with- 
out any  manner  of  disturbance,  by  a  long  time  most  gra- 
ciously hath  preserved,  sustained,  and  defended  :  And  your 
Highness,  for  the  Quietness,  Wealth,  and  Tranquillity  of 
your  said  humble  and  obedient  Subjects,  hath  made,  and 
ordained,  divers  and  many  most  godly,  vertuous,  and  whole- 
some Laws ;  and  for  due  execution  of  the  same,  hath  not 
desisted  to  travel  in  your  own  most  Royal  Person,  to  sup- 
port and  maintain,  as  well  the  Laws  of  Almighty  God,  as 
the  Laws  by  your  Highness  made  and  ordained,  by  due  and 
condign  execution  of  the  same  Laws  upon  the  Transgressors 
offending  contrary  to  the  same :  And  your  Majesty  hath 
always  most  vertuously  studied  and  laboured,  by  all  ways, 
and  all  means,  to  and  for  the  setting  forth  thereof,  in  such 
wise  as  it  might  be  most  to  the  Honour,  Glory,  and  Pleasure 
of  Almighty  God  ;  and  for  the  common  accord  and  wealth 
of  this  your  Realm,  and  other  your  Dominions  :  And  for  the 
true  execution  of  the  same,  hath  elected,  chosen,  and  made 
divers,  as  well  of  your  Nobles  as  others  to  be  of  your 
most  honourable  Council,  as  to  the  honour  of  a  Noble 
Prince  appertaineth.  And  where  your  Majesty  hath  had  a 
special  trust  and  confidence  in  your  said  most  trusty  Coun- 
sellors, that  the  same  your  Counsellors,  and  every  of  them, 
had  minded  and  intended,  and  finally  purposed  to  have  fol- 
lowed and  pursued  your  most  Godly  and  Princely  Purpose, 
as  of  truth  the  more  number  hath  most  faithfully  done ;  Yet 

OF  RECORDS.  239 

nevertheless  Thomas  Cromwell,  now  Earl  of  Essex,  whom 
your  JVIajesty  took  and  received  into  your  trusty  Service,  the 
same  Thomas  then  being  a  Man  of  very  base  and  low  degree, 
and  for  singular  favour,  trust,  and  confidence,  which  your 
Majesty  bare  and  had  in  him,  did  not  only  erect  and  ad- 
vance the  same  Thomas  unto  the  State  of  an  Earl,  and  en- 
riched him  with  many-fold  Gifts,  as  well  of  Goods,  as  of 
Lands  and  Offices,  but  also  him,  the  said  Thomas  Cromwell, 
Earl  of  Essex,  did  erect  and  make  one  of  your  most  trusty 
Counsellors,  as  well  concerning  your  Grace's  Supreara 
Jurisdictions  Ecclesiastical,  as  your  most  High  secret  Affairs 
Temporal.  Nevertheless  your  Majesty  now  of  late  hath 
found,  and  tried,  by  a  large  number  of  Witnesses,  being 
your  faithful  Subjects,  and  Personages  of  great  Honour, 
Worship,  and  Discretion,  the  said  Thomas  Cromwell,  Earl 
of  Essex,  contrary  to  the  singular  trust  and  confidence  which 
your  Majesty  had  in  him,  to  be  the  most  false  and  corrupt 
Traitor,  Deceiver,  and  Circumventor  against  your  most 
Royal  Person,  and  the  Imperial  Crown  of  this  your  Realm, 
that  hath  been  known,  seen,  oi  heard  of  in  all  the  time  of 
your  most  Noble  Reign  ;  Insomuch  that  it  is  manifestly 
proved  and  declared,  by  the  Depositions  of  the  Witnesses 
aforesaid.  That  the  same  Thomas  Cromwell,  Earl  of  Essex, 
usurping  upon  your  kingly  Estate,  Power,  Authority,  and 
Ofllice ;  without  your  Grace's  Commandment  or  Assent, 
hath  tjiken  upon  him  to  set  at  liberty  divers  Persons,  being 
convicted  and  attainted  of  Misprision  of  High  Treason ;  and 
divers  other  being  apprehended,  and  in  Prison,  for  Suspec- 
tion  of  High  Treason  ;  and  over  that,  divers  and  many 
times,  at  sundry  places,  in  this  your  Realm,  for  manyfold 
Sums  of  Mony  to  him  given,  most  traiterously  hath  taken 
upon  him,  by  several  Writings,  to  give  and  grant,  as  well 
unto  Aliens,  as  to  your  Subjects,  a  great  number  of  Licenses 
for  conveighing  and  carrying  of  Mony,  Corn,  Grain,  Beans, 
Beer,  Leather,  Tallow,  Bells,  Mettals,  Horses,  and  other 
Commodities  of  this  your  Realm,  contraiy  to  your  Highness's 
most  Godly  and  Gracious  Proclamations  made  for  the 
Common- Wealth  of  your  People  of  this  your  Realm  in  that 
behalf,  and  in  derogation  of  your  Crown  and  Dignity.  And 
the  same  Thomas  Cromwell,  elated,  and  full  of  pride,  con- 
trary to  his  most  bounden  Duty,  of  his  own  Authority  and 
Power,  not  regarding  your  Majesty  Royal ;  And  further, 
taking  upon  him  your  Power,  Sovereign  Lord,  in  that  behalf, 
divers  and  many  times  most  traiterously  hath  constituted, 
deputed,  and  assigned,  many  singular  Persons  of  your 
Subjects  to  be  Commissioners  in  many  your  great,  urgent, 
and  weighty  Causes  and  Affairs,  executed  and  done  iu  this 


your  Realm,  without  the  assent,  knowledg,  or  consent  of 
your  Highness.  And  further  also,  being  a  Person  of  as 
poor  and  low  degree  as  few  be  within  this  your  Realm : 
pretending  to  have  so  great  a  stroak  about  you,  our  and  his 
natural  Sovereign  Liege  Lord,  that  he  letted  not  to  say  pub- 
lickly,  and  declare,  That  he  was  sure  of  you  ;  which  is  de- 
testable, and  to  be  abhorred  amongst  all  good  subjects  in  any 
Christian  Realm,  that  any  Subject  should  enterprise  or 
take  upon  him  so  to  speak  of  his  Sovereign  Liege  Lord  and 
King.  And  also  of  his  own  Authority  and  Power,  with- 
out your  Highness's  consent,  hath  made,  and  granted,  as 
well  to  strangers  as  to  your  own  Subjects,  divers  and 
many  Pass-ports,  to  pass  over  the  Seas  with  Horses,  and 
great  Sums  of  Mony,  without  any  Search.  And  over  that, 
most  Gracious  Sovereign  Lord,  amongst  divers  other  his 
Treasons,  Deceits,  and  Falsehoods,  the  said  Thomas  Crom- 
well, Earl  of  Essex,  being  a  detestable  Heretic,  and  be- 
ing in  himself  utterly  disposed  to  sett  and  sow  common 
Sedition  and  Variance  among  your  true  and  loving  Sub- 
jects, hath  secretly  set  forth  and  dispersed  into  all  Shires, 
and  other  Territories  of  this  your  Realm,  and  other  your 
Dominions,  great  numbers  of  false  Erroneous  Books, 
whereof  many  were  printed  and  made  beyond  the  Seas, 
and  divers  other  within  this  Realm,  comprising  and  de- 
claring, amongst  many  other  Evils  and  Errors,  manifest 
Matters  to  induce  and  lead  your  Subjects  to  diffidence,  and 
refusal  of  the  true  and  sincere  Faith  and  Belief,  which 
Christian  Religion  bindeth  all  Christian  People  to  have,  in 
the  most  Holy  and  Blessed  Sacrament  of  the  Altar,  and 
other  Articles  of  Christian  Religion,  most  graciously  de- 
clared by  your  Majesty,  by  Authority  of  Parliament :  And 
certain  Matters  comprised  in  some  of  the  said  Books,  hath 
caused  to  be  translated  into  our  maternal  and  English 
Tongue  :  And  upon  report  made  unto  him  by  the  Translator 
thereof,  that  the  Matter  so  translated  hath  expresly  been 
against  the  said  most  Blessed  and  Holy  Sacrament  ;  Yet 
the  same  Thomas  Cromwell,  Earl  of  Essex,  after  he  had 
read  the  same  Translation,  most  heretically  hath  affirmed 
the  same  material  Heresie  so  translated,  to  be  good ;  and 
further  hath  said,  that  he  found  no  fault  therein  ;  and  over 
that,  hath  openly  and  obstinately  holden  Opinion,  and  said. 
That  it  was  as  lawful  for  every  Christian  Man  to  be  a  Mi- 
nister of  the  said  Sacrament,  as  well  as  a  Priest.  And 
where  also  your  most  Royal  Majesty,  being  a  Prince  of 
Vertue,  Learning,  and  Justice,  of  singular  Confidence  and 
Trust,  did  constitute  and  make  the  same  Thomas  Cromwell, 
Earl    of  Essex,  your   Highness's  Vicegerent  within  this 

OF  RECORDS.  241 

your  Realm  of  England  ;  and  by  the  same,  gave  unto  him 
Authority  and  Power,  not  only  to  redress  and  reform  all, 
and  all  manner  of  Errors,  and  Erroneous  Opinions,  insurg- 
ing  and  growing  among  your  loving  and  obedient  Subjects 
of  this  your  Realm,  and  of  the  Dominions  of  the  same, 
but  also  to  order  and  direct  all  Ecclesiastical  and  Spiri- 
tual Causes  within  your  said  Realm  and  Dominions  ;  the 
said  Thomas  Cromwell,  Earl  of  Essex,  not  regarding  his 
Duty  to  Almighty  God,  and  to  your  Highness,  under  the 
Seal  of  your  Vicegerent,  hath,  without  your  Grace's  assent 
or  knowledg,  licensed  and  authorized  divers  Persons,  de- 
tected and  suspected  of  Heresies,  openly  to  teach  and  preach 
amongst  your  most  loving  and  obedient  Subjects,  within 
this  your  Realm  of  England.  And  under  the  pretence  and 
colour  of  the  said  great  Authorities  and  Cures,  which  your 
Majesty  hath  committed  unto  him  in  the  Premisses,  hath  not 
only,  of  his  corrupt  and  damnable  Will  and  Mind,  actu- 
ally at  some  time,  by  his  own  Deed  and  Commandment, 
and  at  many  other  times  by  his  Letters,  expressly  written 
to  divers  worshipful  Persons,  being  Sheriffs,  in  sundry 
Shires  of  this  your  Realm,  falsly  suggesting  thereby  your 
Grace's  Pleasures  so  to  have  been,  caused  to  be  set  at  large 
many  false  Hereticks,  some  being  there  indicted,  and  some 
other  being  thereof  apprehended,  and  in  ward  :  and  com- 
monly, upon  complaints  made  by  credible  Persons  unto  the 
said  Thomas  Cromwell,  Earl  of  Essex,  of  great  and  most 
detestable  Heresies  committed  and  sprung  in  many  places 
of  this  your  Realm,  with  declaration  of  the  Specialities  of 
the  same  Heresies,  and  the  Names  of  the  Offenders  therein, 
the  same  Thomas  Cromwell,  Earl  of  Essex,  by  his  crafty 
and  subtil  means  and  inventions,  hath  not  only  defended  the 
same  Hereticks  from  Punishment  and  Reformation;  but 
being  a  fautor,  maintainer,  and  supporter  of  Hereticks,  divers 
times  hath  terribly  rebuked  divers  of  the  said  credible  Per- 
sons being  their  Accusers,  and  some  others  of  them  hath 
persecuted  and  vexed  by  Imprisonment  and  otherwise.  So 
that  thereby  many  of  your  Grace's  true  and  loving  Subjects 
have  been  in  much  dread  and  fear  to  detect  or  accuse  such 
detestable  known  Hereticks ;  the  particularities  and  speci- 
alities of  which  said  abominable  Heresies,  Errors,  and  Of- 
fences, committed  and  done  by  the  said  Thomas  Cromwell, 
being  over-tedious,  long,  and  of  too  great  number  here  to  be 
expressed,  declared,  or  written.  And  to  the  intent  to  have 
those  damnable  Errors  and  Heresies,  to  be  inculcated,  im^ 
pressed,  and  infixed  in  the  Hearts  of  your  Subjects,  as  well 
contrary  to  God's  Laws,  as  to  your  Laws  and  Ordinances, 
Most  Gracious  Soveraign  Lord,  the  same  Thomas  Cromwell, 
Vol.  I,  Part  II.  Y 

242  A  COLLECriON 

^arl  of  Essex,  hath  allured  and  drawn  unto  him  by  Retain- 
ours,  many  of  your  Subjects  sunderiy  inhabiting  in  every  of 
your  said  Shires  and  territories,  as  well  erroneously  perswad- 
ing  and  declaring  to  them  the  Contents  of  the  false  erroneous 
Books,  above- written,  to  be  good,  true,  and  best  standing 
with  the  most  Holy  Word  and  Pleasure  of  God  ;  as  other  his 
false  and  heretical  Opinions  and  Errors ;  whereby,  and  by 
his  Confederacies  therein,  he  hath  caused  many  of  your 
faithful  Subjects  to  be  greatly  infected  with  Heresies,  and 
other  Errors,  contrary  to  the  right  Laws  and  Pleasure  of 
Almighty  God.  And  the  same  Thomas  Cromwell,  Earl  of 
Essex,  by  the  false  and  traiterous  means  above-written,  sup- 
posing himself  to  be  fully  able,  by  force  and  strength,  to 
maintain  and  defend  his  said  abominable  Treasons,  Heresies, 
and  Errors,  not  regarding  his  most  bounden  Duty  to  Al- 
mighty God,  and  his  Laws,  nor  the  natural  Duty  of  Allegi- 
ance to  your  Majesty,  in  the  last  day  of  INIarch  in  the  30 
year  of  your  most  gracious  Ueign,  in  the  Parish  of  St.  Peter 
the  Poor,  within  your  City  of  London,  upon  demonstration 
and  declaration  then  and  there  made  unto  him,  that  there 
were  certain  new  Preachers,  as  Robert  Barnes  Clerk,  and 
other,  whereof  part  been  now  committed  to  the  Tower  of 
London  for  preaching  and  teaching  of  Lend  Learning  against 
your  Highness's  Proclamations  ;  the  same  Thomas  affirming 
the  said  preaching  to  be  good,  most  detestably,  arrogantly, 
erroneously,  wilfully,  maliciously,  and  traiterously,  expressly 
against  your  Laws  and  Statutes,  then  and  there  did  not  lett 
to  declare,  and  say,  these  most  traiterous  and  detestable 
words  ensuing,  amongst  other  words  of  like  matter  and  effect ; 
that  is  to  say,  that  "  If  the  King  would  turn  from  it,  yet  I 
would  not  turn ;  And  if  the  King  did  turn,  and  all  his  Peo- 
ple, I  would  fight  in  the  Field  in  mine  own  Person,  with  my 
Sword  in  my  hand,  against  him  and  all  others ;"  and  then, 
and  there,  most  traiterously  pulled  out  his  Dagger,  and  held 
it  on  high,  saying  these  words,  "  Or  else  this  Dagger  thrust 
me  to  the  heart,  if  I  would  not  die  in  that  Quarrel  against 
them  all :  And  I  trust,  if  I  live  one  year  or  two,  it  shall  not 
lie  in  the  King's  Power  to  resist  or  lett  it  if  he  would." 
And  further,  then  and  there  swearing  by  a  great  Oath, 
traiterously  affirmed  the  same  his  traiterous  saying  and  pro- 
nunciation of  words,  saying,  "  1  will  do  so  indeed,']  extend- 
ing up  his  Arm,  as  though  he  had  had  a  Sword  in  his  Hand  ; 
to  the  most  perilous,  grievous,  and  wicked  Example  of  all 
other  your  loving,  faithful,  and  obedient  Subjects  in  this 
your  Realm,  and  to  the  peril  of  your  most  Royal  Person. 
And  moreover,  our  most  Gracious  Soveraign  Lord,  the  said 
Thomas  Cromwell,  Earl  of  Essex,  hath  acquired  and  ob- 

OF  RECORDS.  243 

tamed  into  his  possession,  by  Oppression,  Bribery,  Extort, 
Power,  and  false  Promises  made  by  him  to  your  Subjects  of 
your  Realm,  innumerable  Sums  of  Mony  and  Treasure ;  and 
being  so  enriched,  hath  had  your  Nobles  of  your  Realm  in 
great  disdain,  derision,  and  detestation,  as  by  express  words 
by  him  most  opprobriously  spoken  hath  appeared.  And  being 
put  in  remembrance  of  others,  of  his  estate,  which  your  High- 
ness hath  called  him  unto,  offending  in  like  Treasons,  the  last 
day  of  January,  in  the  31  year  of  your  Most  noble  Reign,  at 
the  Parish  of  St.  Martin  in  the  Field,  in  the  County  of  Middle- 
sex, most  arrogantly,  willingly,  maliciously,  and  traiterously, 
said,  published,  and  declared,  that  "  If  the  Lords  would  han- 
dle him  so,  that  he  would  give  them  such  a  Break-fast  as  never 
was  made  in  England,  and  that  the  proudest  of  them  should 
know  ;"  to  the  great  peril  and  danger,  as  well  of  your  Majesty, 
as  of  your  Heirs  and  Successors :  For  the  which  his  most  de- 
testable and  abominable  Heresies  and  Treasons,  and  many 
other  his  like  Offences  and  Treasons,  over-long  here  to  be 
rehearsed  and  declared:  Be  it  Enacted,  Ordained,  and 
Established  by  your  Majesty,  with  the  Assent  of  the  Lords 
Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  the  Commons  in  this  present 
Parliament  assembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  same. 
That  the  said  Thomas  Cromwell,  Earl  of  Essex,  for  his 
abominable  and  detestable  Heresies  and  Treasons,  by  him 
most  abominably,  heretically,  and  traiterously  practised, 
committed,  and  done,  as  well  against  Almighty  God,  as 
against  your  Majesty,  and  this  your  said  Realm,  shall 
be,  and  stand,  by  Authority  of  this  present  Parliament, 
convicted  and  attainted  of  Heresie  and  High  Treason,  and 
be  adjudged  an  abominable  and  detestable  Heretick  and 
Traitor;  and  shall  have  and  suffer  such  pains  of  death, 
losses,  and  forfeitures  of  Goods,  Debts,  and  Chattels,  as 
in  cases  of  Heresie  and  high  Treason,  or  as  in  cases  of 
either  of  them,  at  the  pleasure  of  your  most  Royal  Majesty. 
And  that  the  same  Thomas  Cromwell,  Earl  of  Essex,  shall, 
by  Authority  abovesaid,  lose,  and  forfeit  to  your  Highness, 
and  to  your  Heirs  and  Successors,  all  such  his  Castles, 
Lordships,  Mannors,  Messuages,  Land,  Tenements,  Rents, 
Reversions,  Remainders,  Services,  Possessions,  Offices, 
Rights,  Conditions,  and  all  other  his  Hereditaments,  of 
what  names,  natures,  or  qualities  soever  they  be,  which  he 
the  said  Ihomas  Cromwell,  Earl  of  Essex,  or  any  other  to 
his  use  had,  or  ought  to  have  had,  of  any  Estate  of  Inheri- 
tance, in  Fee-Simple  or  Fee-Tail,  in  Reversion  or  Posses- 
sion, at  the  said  last  day  of  March,  in  the  said  thirtieth 
Year  of  your  most  Gracious  Reign,  or  at  any  time  sith  or 
after,  as  in  Cases  of  High  Treason.    And  that  all  the  said 


Castles,  Lordships,  Manners,  Lands,  Mesuages,  Tene- 
ments, Rents,  Reversions,  Remainders,  Services,  Posses- 
sions, Offices,  and  all  other  the  Premisses  forfeited,  as  is 
abovesaid,  shall  be  deemed,  invested,  and  adjudged,  in  the 
lawful,  real,  and  actual  possession  of  your  Highness,  your 
Heirs  and  Successors  for  ever,  in  the  same  and  such 
estate,  manner,  and  form,  as  if  the  said  Castles,  Lordships, 
Mannors,  Mesuages,  Lands,  Tenements,  Rents,  Rever- 
sions, Remainders,  Services,  Possessions,  Offices,  and 
other  the  Premisses,  with  their  Appurtenances,  and  every  of 
them,  were  specially  or  particularly  founden,  by  Office 
or  Offices,  Inquisition  or  Inquisitions,  to  be  taken  by  any 
Escheator,  or  Escheators,  or  any  other  Commissioner  or 
Commissioners,  by  virtue  of  any  Commission  or  Commis- 
sions to  them,  or  any  of  them,  to  be  directed  in  any  County 
or  Counties,  Shire  or  Shires,  within  this  your  Realm  of 
England,  where  the  said  Castles,  and  other  the  Premisses, 
or  any  of  them,  been,  or  do  lay,  and  returned  into  any  of 
your  Majesties  Courts.  Saving  to  all  and  singular  Person 
and  Persons,  Bodies  politick  and  corporate,  their  Heirs 
and  Successors,  and  the  Successors  and  Assignees  of 
every  of  them,  other  than  the  said  Thomas  Cromwell,  Earl 
of  Essex,  and  his  Heirs,  and  all  and  every  other  Person 
and  Persons,  claiming  by  the  same  Thomas  Cromwell,  and 
to  his  use,  all  such  Right,  Title,  Entrie,  Possession,  Inter- 
est, Reversions,  Remainders,  Lease,  Leases,  Conditions, 
Fees,  Offices,  Rents,  Annuities,  Commons,  and  all  other 
Commodities,  Profits,  and  Hereditaments  whatsoever  they 
or  any  of  them  might,  should,  or  ought  to  have  had,  if  this 
Act  had  never  been  had  nor  made.  Provided  always,  and 
be  it  enacted  by  the  Authority  aforesaid,  that  this  Act  of 
Attainder,  ne  any  Offence,  ne  other  thing  therein  contained, 
extend  not  unto  the  Deanery  of  Wells,  in  the  County  of 
Sommerset;  nor  to  any  Mannors,  Lands,  Tenements,  or 
Hereditaments  thereunto  belonging;  nor  be  in  any  wise 
prejudicial  or  hurtful  unto  the  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells, 
nor  to  the  Dean  and  Chapter  of  the  Cathedral  Church  of 
St.  Andrew  of  Wells,  nor  to  any  of  them,  nor  to  any  of 
their  Successors;  but  that  the  said  Bishop,  Dean,  and 
Chapters,  and  their  Successors,  and  every  of  them,  shall 
and  may  have,  hold,  use,  occupy,  and  enjoy,  all  and  singu- 
lar their  Titles,  Rights,  Mannors,  Lands,  Tenements,  Rents, 
Reversions,  and  Services,  and  all  and  singular  other  their 
Hereditaments,  Commodities,  and  Profits,  of  what  nature, 
kind,  or  quality,  or  condition  soever  they  be,  in  as  ample 
and  large  manner  and  form,  as  tho  this  Act  of  Attainder,  or 
any  Offence  therein  mentioned,  had  never  been  had,  com- 

Of  RECORDS.  246 

mitted,  nor  made;  and  that  from  hence- forth  the  Dean,  and 
his  Successors,  Deans  of  the  said  Cathedral  Church,  that 
hereafter  shall  be  perfected,  elected,  and  admitted  to  the 
same,  shall,  by  the  Authority  aforesaid,  be  Dean  of  the 
said  Cathedral  Church,  fully  and  wholly  incorporated  with 
the  Chapter  of  the  same,  in  as  ample,  large,  and  like  man-* 
ner  and  form,  to  all  intents  and  purposes,  as  the  Deans 
before  this  time  hath  been  and  used  to  be,  with  the  said 
Chapter  of  the  said  Cathedral  Church  of  Wells.  And  that 
the  same  Dean  and  Chapter,  and  their  Successors,  shall 
have,  occupy,  and  enjoy,  all  and  singular  their  such  Pos- 
sessions, Manners,  Lands,  Tenements,  Rents,  Reversions, 
and  Services,  and  all  and  singular  their  Hereditaments,  of 
what  nature,  kind,  name,  or  names  they  be  called  or  known, 
and  shall  be  adjudged  and  deemed  in  actual  and  real  pos- 
session and  season  of  and  in  the  same  Premisses,  to  all 
intents  and  purposes,  according  to  their  old  Corporation, 
as  tho  this  Act  of  Attainder,  or  any  thing,  clause,  or  matter 
therein  contained  had  never  been  had,  committed,  nor 
made,  this  said  Act  of  Attainder,  or  any  other  Act,  Pro- 
vision, or  any  thing  heretofore  had  or  made  to  the  contrary 
notwithstanding.  Cui  quidem  petitioni  cum  provisione  ■pre- 
dict, -prelect,  et  intellect,  per  dictum  Dominum  Regem  ex 
Authoritate  et  consensu  Parliamenti  prcedicti  sic  Responsum 

Soit  faict  come  il  est  desiro. 


Cromwell's  Letter  to  the  King  concerning  his  Marriage  with 
Ann  of  Cleve.    An  Originajj. 

(Cott.  Libr.  Otho,  C.  10.) 

To  the  King,  my  most  Gracious  Sovereign  Lord  liis  Royal 
Most  Merciful  King,  and  most  Gracious  Sovereign 
Lord,  may  it  please  the  same  to  be  advertised.  That  the 
last  time  it  pleased  your  benign  Goodness  to  send  unto  me 
the  Right  Honourable  Lord  Chancellor,  the  Right  Honour- 
able Duke  of  NorfF.  and  the  Lord  Admiral,  to  examine,  and 
also  to  declare  unto  me  divers  things  from  your  Majesty ; 
among  the  which,  one  special  thing  they  moved,  and  there- 
upon they  charged  me,  as  I  would  answer  before  God  at 
the  dreadful  day  of  Judgment,  and  also  upon  the  extreme 
danger  and  damnation  of  my  Soul  and  Conscience,  to  say 
what  I  knew  in  the  Marriage,  and  concerning  the  Marriage, 

Y  3 


between  your  Highness  and  the  Queen.    To  the  which  I 
answered  as  I  knew,  declaring  unto  them  the  Particulars, 
as  nigh  as  I  then  could  call  to  rememberance.  Which  when 
they  had  heard,  they,  in  your  Majesty's  Name,  and  upon 
like  charge  as  they  had  given  me  before,  commanded  me 
to  write  to  your  Highness  the  truth,  as  much  as  1  knew  in 
that  Matter ;  which  now  I  do,  and  the  very  truth,  as  God 
shall  save  me,  to  the  uttermost  of  ray  knowledg.    first ; 
After  your  Majesty  heard   of  the  Lady  Ann  of  Cleves 
arrival  at  Dover,  and  that  her  Journies  were  appointed  to- 
ward Greenwich,  and  that  she  should  be  at  Rochester  on 
New-years  Even  at  night,  your  Highness  declared  to  me, 
that  you  would  privily  visit  her  at  Rochester,  upon  New- 
years-day,  adding  these  words,  "  To  nourish  love  ;"  which 
accordingly  your  Grace  did  upon  New  years-day,  as  is 
above-said.    And  the  next  day,  being  Friday,  your  Grace 
returned  to  Greenwich,  where  1  spake  with  your  Grace, 
and  demanded  of  your  Majesty,  How  ye  liked  the  Lady 
Ann :  your  Highness  answered,  as  me  thought,  heavily,  and 
not  pleasantly,  "  Nothing  so  well  as  she  was  spoken  of;  " 
saying  further,  "  That  if  your  Highness  had  known  as  much 
before  as  ye  then  knew,  she  should  not  have  come  within 
this  Realm;"  saying,  asby  the  way  of  lamentation,  "  What 
Remedy?"    Unto  the  which  I  answered  and  said,  I  know 
none,  but  was  very  sorry  therefore  ;  and  so  God  knoweth  I 
was,  for  I  thought  it  a  hard  beginning.    The  next  day  after 
the  receipt  of  the  said  Lady,  and  her  entry  made  unto 
Greenwich,  and  after  your  Highness  had  brought  her  to 
her  Chamber,  I  then  waited  upon  your  Highness  into  your 
Privy-Chamber;  and  being  there,  your  Grace  called  me 
unto  you,  saying  to  me  these  words,  or  the  like,  "  My  Lord, 
is  it  not  as  I  told  you  1   say  what  they  will,  she  is  nothing 
so  fair  as  she  hath  been  reported  ;  howbeit  she  is  well  and 
seemly."    Whereunto  I  answered  and  said,  By  my  faith. 
Sir,  ye  say  truth  ;  adding  thereunto,  that  I  thought  she  had 
a  Queenly  manner;  and  nevertheless  was  sorry  that  your 
Grace  was  no  better  content :  And  thereupon  your  Grace 
commanded  me  to  call  together  your  Council,  which  were 
these  by  name  ;  The  Arch-Bishop  of  Canterbury,  the  Dukes 
of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  my  Lord  Admiral,  and  my  Lord  of 
Duresme,  and  my  self,  to  commune  of  these  Matters,  and 
to  know  what  Commissions   the  Agents  of  Cleves   had 
brought,  as  well  touching  the  peiformance  of  the  Covenants 
sent  before  from  hence  to  Dr.  Wotton,  to  have  been  con- 
cluded in  Cleves,  as  also  in  the  declaration  how  the  Mat- 
ters stood  for  the   Covenants  of  Marriage,  between  the 
Duke  of  Lorrain's  Son  and  the  said  Lady  Ann.    Where 

OF  RECORDS.  247 

upon  Olisleger  and  Hogeston  were  called,  and  the  Matters 
purposed ;    whereby  it  plainly  appeared,  that  they  were 
much  astonished  and  abashed,  and  desired  that  they  might 
make  answer  in  the  next  morning,  which   was  Sunday : 
And  upon  the  Sunday  in  the  morning  your  said  Counsel- 
lors and  they  met  together  early,  and  there  eft-soons  wa  s 
proposed  unto  them,  as  well  touching  the  Commission  for 
the  performance  of  the  Treaty  and  Articles  sent  to  Mr. 
Wotton,  as  also  touching  the  Contracts  and  Covenants  of 
Marriage  between  the  Duke  of  Lorrain's  Son  and  the  Lady 
Ann,  and  what  terms  they  stood  in.    To  which  things  so 
proposed,  they  answered  as  Men  much  pei-plexed,  That  as 
touching  Commission,  they  had  none  to  treat  concerning 
the  Articles  sent  to  Mr.  Wotton.    And  as  to  the  Contract 
and  Covenants  of  Marriage  they  could  say  nothing,  but 
that  a  Revocation    was  made,  and  that  they  were  but 
Spousals.    And  finally,  after  much  reasoning,  they  offered 
themselves  to  remain  Prisoners,  until  such  time  as  they 
should  have  sent  unto  them  from  Cleves  the  first  Articles 
ratified  under  the  Duke  their  Master's  Sign  and  Seal,  and 
also  the  Copy  of  the  Revocation  made  between  the  Duke 
of  Lorrain's  Son  and  the  Lady  Ann.    Upon  the  which  An- 
swers, I  was  sent  to  your  Highness  by  my  Lords  of  your 
Council,  to  declare  to  your  Highness  their  Answer ;  and 
came  to  you,  by  the  Privy  Way,  into  your  Privy-Chamber, 
and  declared  unto  the  same  all  the  Circumstances,  where- 
with your  Grace  was  very  much  displeased,  saying,  "  I  am 
not  well  handled ;"  insomuch  that  I  might  well  perceive 
that  your  Highness  was  fully  determined  not  to  have  gone 
through  with  the  Marriage  at  that  time,  saying  unto  me 
these  words,  or  the  like  in  effect ;    "  That  if  it  were  not 
that  she  is  come  so  far  unto  my  Realm,  and  the  great  Pre- 
parations that  my  States  and  People  have  made  for  her, 
and  for  fear  of  making  a  ruffel  in  the  World :  that  is,  to 
mean  to  drive  her  Brother  into  the  hands  of  the  Emperor 
and  the  French  King's  hands,  being  now  together,  I  would 
never  have  ne  married  her."    So  that  I  might  well  perceive 
your  Grace  was  neither  content  with  the  Person,  ne  yet 
with  the  Proceedings  of  the  Agents;  And  at  after-dinner, 
the  said  Sunday,  your  Grace  sent  for  all  your  said  Coun- 
sellors in,  repeating  how  your  Highness  was  handled,  as 
well  touching  the  said  Articles,  as  also  the  said  Matter  of 
the  Duke  of  Lorrain's  Son.    It  might,  and  I  doubt  not,  did 
appear  unto  them  how  loth  your  Highness  was  to  have 
married  at  that  time.  And  thereupon,  and  upon  the  Con- 
siderations aforesaid,  your  Grace  thought  that  it  should  be 
well  done  that  she  should  make  a  Protestation  before  your 


said  Counsellors  and  Notaries  to  be  present,  that  she  wss 
free    from  all    Contracts;    which   wjts  done  accordingly. 
And  thereupon  I  repairing  to  your  Highness,  declared  how 
that  she  had  made  her    Protestation.      W hereunto  your 
Grace  answered  in  effect  these  words,  or  much  like ;  "  Is 
there  none  other  Remedy,  but  that  I  must  needs,  against 
my  Will,  put  my  Neck  in  the  Yoke ; "  and  so  departed, 
leaving  your  Highness  in  a  study  or  pensiveness.    And 
yet  your  Grace  determined  the  next  morning  to  go  through  : 
and  in  the  morning,  which  was  Monday,  your  Majesty  pre- 
paring your  self  towards  the  Ceremonies ;  There  was  one 
question.  Who  should  lead  to  the  Church  1   And  it  was 
appointed  that  the  Earl  of  Essex  deceased,  and  an  Earl 
that  came  with  her,  should  lead  her  to  the  Church.    And 
thereupon  one  came  to  your  Highness,  and  said  to  you. 
That  the  Earl  of  Essex  was  not  come  ;   whereupon  your 
Grace  appointed  me  to  be  one  that  should  lead  her  :    And 
so  I  went  into  her  Chamber,  to  the  intent  to  have  done 
your  Commandment ;  and  shortly  after  I  came  into  her 
Chamber,  the  Earl  of  Essex  was  come :  Whereupon  I  re- 
paired back  again  into  your  Graces  Privy-Chamber,  and 
showed  your  Highness  how  he  was  come  ;  and  thereupon 
your  Majesty  advanced  towards  the  Gallery  out  of  your 
Privy-Chamber ;  and  your  Grace  being  in  and  about  the 
midst  of  your  Chamber  of  Presence,  called  me  unto  you, 
saying  these  words,  or  the  like  in  sentence  ;  "  My  Lord,  if 
it  were  not  to  satisfy  the  World,  and  my  Realm,  I  would 
not  do  that  I  must  do  this  day  for  none  earthly  thing ; " 
and  therewith  one  brought  your  Grace  Word  that  she  was 
coming  ;  and  thereupon  your  Grace  repaired  into  the  Gal- 
lery towards  the  Closet,  and  there  paused  for  her  coming, 
being  nothing  content  that  she  so  long  tarried,  as  I  judged 
then.    And  so  consequently  she  came,  and  your  Grace 
afterward  proceeded  to  the  Ceremonies ;  and  they  being 
finished,  travelled  the  day  as  appertained,  and  the  night 
after  the  custom.    And  in  the  morning,  on  Tuesday,  I  re- 
pairing to  your  Majesty  into  your  Privy-Chamber,  finding 
your  Grace  not  so  pleasant  as  I  trusted  to  have  done,  I  was 
so    bold   to  ask  your  Grace  how  you  liked  the  Queen? 
Whereunto  your  Grace  soberly  answered,  saying,  "That  I 
was  not  all  men  :  surely  as  ye  know,  I  liked  her  before  not 
well,  but  now  I  like  her  much  worse;  for,"  quoth  your 
Highness,  "  I  have  felt  her  Belly,  and  her  breasts,  and 
thereby,  as  I  can  judg,  she  should  be  no  Maid ;  which 
strook  me  so  to  the  Heart  when  I  felt  them,  that  I  had 
neither  will  nor  courage  to  proceed  any  further  in  other 
Matters  >"  saying,  *'  I  have  left  her  as  good  a  Maid  as  I 

OF  RECORDS.  249 

found  her : "  Which  me  thought  then  ye  spake  displeasantly, 
which  made  me  very  sorry  to  hear;  Your  Highness  also 
after  Candlemass,  and  before  Showstie,  once  or  twice  said, 
"  That  ye  were  in  the  same  case  with  her  as  ye  were  afore, 
and  that  your  Heart  could  never  consent  to  meddle  with 
her  carnally."  Notwithstanding  your  Highness  aliedged, 
that  ye  for  the  most  part  used  to  lay  nightly,  or  every  second 
night  by  her,  and  yet  your  Majesty  ever  said,  "  That  she 
was  as  good  a  Maid  for  you,  as  ever  her  Mother  bare  her,, 
lor  any  thing  ye  had  ministered  to  her."  Your  Highness 
showed  to  me  also  in  Lent  last  passed,  at  such  time  as  your 
Grace  had  some  communication  with  her  of  my  Lady 
Mary,  how  that  she  began  to  wax  stubborn  and  willful, 
ever  lamenting  your  fate,  and  ever  verifying  that  ye  never 
had  any  carnal  knowledge  with  her :  And  also  after  Easter, 
your  Grace  likewise,  at  divers  times,  and  in  the  \yhitsun- 
week,  in  your  Grace's  Privy-Chamber  at  Greenwich,  ex- 
ceedingly lamented  your  fate,  and  that  your  greatest  grief 
was,  "  That  ye  should  surely  never  have  any  more  Chil- 
dren for  the  comfort  of  this  Realm,  if  ye  should  so  con- 
tinue ;"  assuring  me,  "  that  before  God  ye  thoughtshe  was 
never  your  lawful  Wife."  At  which  time  your  Grace 
knoweth  what  answer  I  made;  which  was,  that  I  would 
for  my  part  do  my  utmost  to  comfort  and  deliver  your 
Grace  of  your  Afflictions  ;  and  how  sorry  I  was  both  to 
see  and  hear  your  Grace  God  knoweth.  Your  Grace  divers 
times  sithen  Whitsuntide,  ever  all  cadging  one  thing,  and 
also  saying,  "  That  ye  had  as  much  to  do  to  move  the  con- 
sent of  your  Heart  and  Mind  as  ever  did  Man,  and  that 
you  took  God  to  witness ;  but  ever,"  you  said,  "  the  ob- 
stacle could  never  out  of  your  JNlind."  And,  Gracious 
Prince,  after  that  you  had  first  seen  her  at  Rochester,  I 
never  thought  in  my  heart  that  ye  were  or  would  be  con- 
tented with  that  Marriage.  And,  Sir,  1  know  now  in  what 
case  I  stand,  in  which  is  only  the  Mercy  of  God  and  your 
Grace  ;  if  I  have  not,  to  the  uttermost  of  my  remembrance, 
said  the  Truth,  and  the  whole  Truth  in  this  Matter,  God 
never  help  me.  I  am  sure  there  is,  as  I  think,  no  Man  in 
this  your  Realm  that  knew  more  in  this  than  I  did,  your 
Highness  only  excepted.  And  I  am  sure,  my  Lord  Admi- 
ral calling  to  his  remembrance,  can  show  your  Highness, 
and  be  my  W  itness,  what  I  said  unto  him,  after  your  Grace 
came  from  Rochester,  yea,  and  after  your  Grace's  Mar- 
riage :  And  also  now  of  late,  sithence  Whitsuntide,  aad  I 
doubt  not  but  many  and  divers  of  my  Ix)rds  of  your  Coun- 
cil, both  before  your  Marriage  and  sithence,  have  right- 
well  perceived  that  your  Majesty  hath  not  been  well  pleased 


with  your  Marriage.  And  as  I  shall  answer  to  God,  1 
never  thought  your  Grace  content,  after  you  had  once  seen 
her  at  Rochester.  And  this  is  all  that  1  know,  most  gra- 
cious and  most  merciful  Sovereign  Lord,  beseeching  Al- 
mighty God,  who  ever  hath  in  all  your  Causes  counselled^ 
preserved,  opened,  maintained,  relieved,  and  defended  your 
Highness  ;  So  he  will  now  vouchsafe  to  counsel  you,  pre- 
serve you,  maintain  you,  remedy  you,  relieve  and  defend 
you,  as  may  be  most  to  your  Honour,  with  Prosperity, 
Health,  and  Comfort  of  your  Hearts  desire.  For  the 
which,  and  for  the  long  Life,  and  prosperous  Reign  of  your 
most  Royal  Majesty,  1  shall,  during  my  life,  and  whiles  I 
am  here,  pray  to  Almighty  God,  that  he  of  his  most  abun- 
dant Goodness  will  help,  aid,  and  comfort  you,  after  your 
continuance  of  Nestor's  Years  :  that  that  most  noble  Imp, 
the  Prince's  Grace,  your  most  dear  Son,  may  succeed  you 
to  reign  long,  prosperously,  and  feliciously  to  God's 
pleasure  :  beseeching  most  humbly  your  Grace  to  pardon 
this  my  rude  writing,  and  to  consider  that  I  a  most  woful 
Prisoner,  ready  to  take  the  Death,  when  it  shall  please 
God  and  your  Majesty ;  and  yet  the  frail  flesh  inciteth  me 
continually  to  call  to  your  Grace  for  Mercy  and  Grace  for 
mine  Offences ;  and  thus  Christ  save,  preserve,  and  keep 

Written  at  the  Tower  this  Wednesday,  the  last  of 
June,  with  the  heavy  Heart,  and  trembling  hand,  of 
your  Highness's  most  heavy  and  most  miserable 
Prisoner,  and  poor  Slave, 

Thomas  Cromwell. 

Most  Gracious  Prince,  I  cry  for  Mercy,  Meicy,  Mercy. 


The  King's  ovm^Declarcttion concerning  it.     An  OrigiimL 

(Cott.  Libr.  Otho,  C.  10.) 

First;  1  depose  and  declare.  That  this  hereafter  written 
ismeerly  the  verity,  intended  upon  none  sinister  affection, 
nor  yet  upon  none  hatred  nor  displeasure,  and  herein  I  take 
God  to  witnesse.  Now  to  the  Matter  I  say  and  affirm ; 
That  when  the  first  communication  was  had  with  me  for 
the  Marriage  of  the  Lady  Ann  of  Cleves,  I  was  glad  to 
hearken  to  it,  trusting  to  have  some  assured  Friend  by  it ; 
I  much  doubting  that  time,  both  the  Emperor,  France,  and 

OF  RECORDS.  251 

the  Bishop  of  Rome  ;  and  also  because  1  heard  so  much, 
both  of  her  excellent  Beauty  and  vertuous  Conditions. 
But  when  I  saw  her  at  Rochester,  the  first  time  that  ever  I 
saw  her,  it  rejoiced  my  heart  that  I  had  kept  me  free  from 
making  any  Pact  or  Bond  before  with  her  till  I  saw  her  my 
self;  for  then  I  adsure  you  I  liked  her  so  ill,  and  so  far 
contrary  to  that  she  was  praised,  that  I  was  woe  that  ever 
she  came  into  England  ;  and  deliberated  with  my  self,  that 
if  it  were  possible  to  find  means  to  break  oflT,  I  would  never 
enter  Yoke  with  her.  Of  which  misliking,  both  the  great 
Master,  the  Admiral  that  now  is,  and  the  Master  of  the 
Horses,  can  and  will  bear  record.  Then  after  my  repair 
to  Greenwich,  the  next  day  after,  I  think,  and  doubt  not, 
but  that  the  Lord  of  Essex  well  examined,  can,  and  will, 
or  hath  declared  what  I  then  said  to  him  in  that  case  ;  not 
doubting,  but  since  he  is  a  Person  which  knoweth  himself 
condemned  to  die  by  Act  of  Parliament,  will  not  damn 
his  Soul,  but  truly  declare  the  Truth,  not  only  at  that  time 
spoken  by  me,  but  also  continually  till  the  day  of  Mar- 
riage ;  and  also  many  times  after,  whereby  my  lack  of  con- 
sent, I  doubt  not,  doth  or  shall  well  appear ;  And  also  lack 
enough  of  the  Will  and  Power  to  consummate  the  same  ; 
wherein  both  he,  my  Physicians,  the  Lord  Privy  Seal  that 
now  is,  Hennage  and  Denny  can,  and  I  doubt  not  will  tes- 
tify according  to  truth,  which  is,  That  I  never  for  love  to 
the  Woman  consented  to  marry ;  nor  yet,  if  she  brought 
Maiden-head  with  her,  took  any  from  her  by  true  Carnal 
Copulation.  This  is  my  brief,  true,  and  perfect  Declaration, 

H.  R. 


The  Judgment  of  the  Convocation  for  annulling  of  the  Marriage 
with  Ann  of  Cleve. 

(Regist.  Cranmer.) 

Tenor  vero  Literarum  Testimonialium  hujusmodi  sequi- 
tur,  et  est  talis.  Excellentissimo  in  Christo  Principi,  &c. 
Thomas  Cantuarien.  et  Edwardus  Eboi*acen.  Archiepiscopi, 
ceteriq.  Episcopi  et  reliquus  vestri  Regni  Angliae  clerus 
Autoritate  Literarum  Commissionalium  Vestrae  Majesta- 
tis,  Congregati  ac  Synodum  universalem  repraesentantes, 
cum  obsequio,  reverentia  et  honore  debitis,  salutem  et  fce- 
licitatem.  Cum  nos  humillimi  et  Majestatis  Vestrae  devo- 
lissimi  subditi,  Convocati  et  Congregati  sumus  virtute 
Comraissionis  Vestrae  magno  sigillo  Vestro  sigillat.  dat.  6 


Julii  Anno  fcelicissimi  Regni  Vestri  tricesimo  secundo, 
quam  accepimus  in  haec  cjuae  sequitur  verba, 

Henricus  Octavus  Dei  Gratia  Angliae,  &c.  Archiepis- 
copis  Cantuarien.  et  Eborac.  ac  caeteris  Regni  nostri  An- 
gliae Episcopis,  Decanis,  Archidiaconis,  et  universe  Clero, 
salutem.  Egerunt  apud  nos  Regni  nostri  proceres  et  po- 
pulus,  ut  cum  nuper  quaedam  emerserint,  quae  ut  illi  putant 
ad  nos  Regniq.  nostri  successionem  pertineant,  inter  quae 

fjraecipua  est,  causa  et  conditio  Matrimonii  quod  cum  II- 
ustri  et  Nobili  Foemina  Domina  Anna  Clevensi  propter 
externam  quidem  conjugii  speciem,  perplexum  alioqui 
etiam  multis  ac  variis  modis  ambiguum  videtur ;  Nos  ad 
ejusdem  Matrimonii  disquisitionem  ita  procedere  dignare- 
mur  ut  opinionem  Vestram  qui  in  Ecclesia  nostra  Angli- 
cana  scientiam  Verbi  Dei  et  Doctrinam  profitemini  exqui- 
ramus,  vobisq;  discutiendum  Autoritatem  ita  demandemus, 
ut  si  animis  Vestris  fuerit  persuasum  Matrimonium  cum 
praefata  Domina  Anna  minime  consistere  aut  cohaerere  de- 
bere ;  nos  ad  Matrimonium  contrahend.  cum  alia  liberos 
esse,  Vestro,  Patrum  ac  reliquae  deinde  Ecclesiae  sufFragio 
pronuncietur  et  confirmetur.  Nos  autem  qui  Vestrum  in 
reliquis  EcclesiaB  hujus  Anglicanae  negotiis  gravioribus 
jjuae  Ecclesiasticam  Oeconomiam  et  Religionem  spectant 
judicium  amplecti  solemus,  ad  veritatis  explicandae  testi- 
monium omnino  necessarium  rati  sumus  Causae  hujusmodi 
Matrimonialis  seriem  et  circumstantias  vobis  exponi  et 
cornmunicari  curare,  ut  quod  vos  per  Dei  Leges  licere  de- 
creveritis,  id  demum  totius  Ecclesiae  nostras  Autoritate  in- 
nixi  licite  facere  et  exequi  audeamus.  Vos  itaq;  Convo- 
cari  et  in  Synodum  Universalem  nostra  Autoritate  conve- 
nire  volentes,  vobis  conjunctim  et  divisim  committimus 
atq;  mandamus  ut  inspecta  hujus  negotii  veritate,  ac  solum 
Deum  prae  oculis  habentes,  quod  verum,  quod  justum, 
quod  honestum,  quod  sanctum  est,  id  nobis  de  communi 
Concilio  scripto  annuncio  renuncietis  et  de  communi  con- 
sensu licere  definiatis  :  Nempe  hoc  unum  a  vobis  nostro 
jure  postulamus,  uttanquam  fida  et  proba  Ecclesiae  membra 
causae  huic  Ecclesiasticae,  quae  maxima  est,  in  justitia  et 
veritate  adesse  velitis  et  eam  maturime  juxta  Commis- 
sionem  vobis  in  hac  parte  factam  absolvere  et  expedire. 
In  cujus  rei  Testimonium  has  Literas  nostras  fieri  fecimus 
Patentes,  Teste  meipso  apud  Westmon.  sexto  die  Julii, 
Anno  Regni  nostri  tricesimo  secundo.  Nos  tenorem  et 
effectum  Vestrae  Commissionis  per  omnia  sequentes,  post- 
quam  matura  deliberatione  perpendimus  et  consideravimus 
omnes  Matrimonii  praetensi  inter  Vestram  Majestatem  II- 
lustrissimam  et  Nobilem  foeminam  Dominam  Annam  Cle- 

OF  RECORDS.  253 

vensem  circumstantias,  nobis  multis  modis  expositas,  cog 
nitas  et  perspectas,  tandem  ad  definitionem  et  determina- 
tionem  sequentem,  quam  communi  omnium  consensu  jus- 
torumq;  aniraorum  nostrorum  judicio  ac  recto  conscientiae 
dictamine  protulimus,  processimus,  in  hunc  modum  et 
(quod  tenor  Vestrae  Commissionis  exigit)  Vestrae  Nobilis- 
simae  Majestati  in  hoc  piaesenti  scripto  referend.  duximus, 
et  significamus  prout  sequitur. 

Primum  itaq;  comperiraus  et  consideravimus  Matrimo- 
nium  inter  Majestatem  Vestram  et  Nobilem  foeminam  Do- 
minam  Annam  Clevensem  praetensam  praecontracto  quo- 
dam  sive  sponsaliorum,  sive  Matrimonii,  inter  dictam  Do- 
minam  Annam  et  Marchionem  Lotharingiae  concluso  am- 
biguum,  plane  impeditum  et  perplexum  reddi ;  Annimad- 
vertimus  enim  quod  quamvis  Vestra  Majestas  in  prima 
hujus  Matrimonii  praetensi  tractatione  praecontractus  prae- 
dicti,  et  de  quo  tum  sermo  multus  habebatur,  discussionem 
et  declarationem  ante  solemnizandum  cum  dicta  Domina 
Anna  Matrimonium  tanta  instantia  exegerit,  ut  pro  condi- 
tione  contrahendi  deinde  ^Matrimonii  fuisse  meriio  existi- 
mari  possit,  qua  conditione  defecta  nihil  ageretur ;  atq; 
haec  cum  ita  se  haberent  tamen  neque  ante  solemnizationem 
ilia  de  prascontractu  ambiguitas  expedita  et  declarata  est, 
cum  id  ipsum  tum  temporis  Majestas  Vestra  denuo  expos- 
ceret  et  efflagitaret,  cui  clara  jam  et  expedita  esse  omnia 
falso  renunciabatur,  neq;  postea  quicquam  efficax  Tit  pro- 
missum  ab  Oratoribus  fuerat,  hue  transmissum  est,  quo 
scTupulus  ille  ex  praecontractu  natus  eximeretur,  tolleretwr 
aut  amoveretur,  adeo  quidem  ut  praetensum  Matrimonium 
inter  Majestatem  Vestram  et  Dominam  Annam  praedictam 
non  modo  ex  conditionis  defectu  corruerit,  sed  si  nulla 
conditio  hujusmodi  omnino  fuisset,  certe  quidem  Matrimo- 
nium hujusmodi  praetensum  ex  sola  praecontractus  hujus- 
modi causa  non  explicata  in  suspenso  manserit,  in  eum 
etiam  casum  nuUius  vigoris  omnino  ac  valoris  pronuncian- 
dum,  quo  praecontractum  ilium  verbis  de  praesenti  factum 
fuisse  constiterit,  id  quod  multis  de  causis  est  verisimilius 
et  merito  suspectum  haberi  potest. 

Consideravimus  praeterea  ex  his  qua;  allegata,  affirmata 
et  probata  nobis  fuerunt,  quod  praetensum  Matrimonium 
inter  Majestatem  vestram  et  Dominam  Annam  prasdictam 
internum,  purum,  perfectum  et  integrum  consensum  non 
habuit :  Imo  contra  quemadmodum  inter  ipsa  tractationis 
initia,  cum  de  hoc  iNIatrimonio  ageretur,  plurimus  illece- 
brarum  fucus  adhibitus  est,  et  raagnus  laudationum  acer- 
■vus  supra  fidem  cumulatus,  ut  hie  perduceretur  et  obtru- 
deretur  ignota,    ita  solemnizationis  actus  qui  instabat  a 

Vol.  I,  Part  II.  Z 


Majestate  Vestra  animo  reluctante  et  dissentiente  exortus 
est,  causis  maximis  et  gravissimis  urgentibus  et  prementi- 
bus  quaa  animura  invitum  et  alieuum  perpellere  merito 

Consideravimus  etiam  carnalem  Copulam  inter  Majesta- 
tem  Vestram  et  praedictam  Dominam  Annam  minime  secu- 
tam  esse,  nee  cum  ea  justo  impedimento  i,atercedente  con- 
sequi  deinde  posse.  Quje  omnia  ex  his  quas  audivimus 
probationibus,  vera  et  certa  esse  existimamus.  Postremo 
illud  quoq;  Consideramus,  quod  et  nobis  ab  aliis  proposi- 
tum  etiam  nos  verum  esse  fatemur,  agnoscimus  et  approba- 
mus,  viz.  ut  si  Majestas  Vestra  (modo  ne  fiat  divinae  jus- 
sioni  praejudicium)  in  libertate  contrahendi  Matrimonii 
cum  alia  esse  declaretur,  maxime  totius  Regni  boneficio  id 
futurum.  Cum  quidem  Regni  foelicitas  omnis  et  conser- 
vatio,  turn  in  Regia  Vestra  persona  ad  Dei  honorem  et  di- 
vinarum  legum  execuiionem  conservandam  consistit,  turn 
in  vitandis  etiam  sinistris  omnibus  opinionibus  et  scandalis 
quae  de  Majestatis  Vestrae  progenie  post  natam  nobis  ex 
praetenso  Matrimonio  sobolem  suborirentur,  si  prjecontrac- 
tus  ille  de  quo  diximus,  et  cujus  declaratio  nulla  secuta 
est,  praedictae  Dominae  Annae  objiceretur.  His  itaq;  de 
causis  et  considerationibus  aliisq;  multis  non  necessariis 
quae  exprimantur,  cum  separatim  singulis,  turn  conjunctim 
omnibus  consideratis  et  perpensis,  Nos  Archiepiscopi  et 
Episcopi,  cum  Decanis,  Archiadiaconis,  et  reliquo  hujus 
Regni  Clero  nunc  congregato,  circumstantias  facti  ejusq; 
veritatem  ut  antedictum  est  considerantes,  turn  vero  quid 
Ecclesia  in  hujusmodi  casibus  et  possit  facere  et  saepenu- 
mero  antehac  fecerit  perpendentes,  tenore  praesentium  de- 
claramus  et  definimus,  Majestatem  Vestram  praedicto  Ma- 
trimonio praetenso,  utpote  nuUo  et  invalido,  non  alligari, 
sed  alio  desuper  judicio  non  expectato  Ecclesiae  suae  Au- 
toritate  fretam  posse  arbitrio  suo  ad  contrahend.  et  consum- 
mand.  Matrimoniiim  cum  quavis  fcemina,  divino  jure  vobis- 
cum  contrahere  non  prohibita,  procedere,  praetenso  illo  cum 
Domina  Anna  praedicta  Matrimonio  non  obstante. 

Similiter  Dominam  Annam  praedictam  non  obstante 
Matrimonio  praetenso  cum  Majestate  Vestra,  quod  nuUo 
pacto  obstare  debere  Decernimus,  posse  arbitrio  suo  cum 
quavis  alia  persona  divino  jure  non  prohibita  Matrimo- 
nium  contrahere.  Haee  Nos  Clerum  et  doctam  Ecclesiae 
Anglicanee  partem  repraesentantes,  tum  vera,  justa,  honesta, 
et  sancta  esse  Affirraamus,  tum  eisdem  qui  perfectissime, 
integerrime,  et  efficacissime  ad  omnem  intentionem,  propo- 
situm  et  effectum  a  nobis  exigi  potest,  Consentimus  et  As- 
sentimur  per  praeseutes.    In  quorum  omnium  et  singulo- 

OF  RECORDS.  255 

1  um  testimonium  haBC  scripta  manuum  nostrarum  subscrip- 
tione,  communimus,  utriusq;  etiam  Archiepiscopi  sigillo 
apposite.  Dat.  Westmon.  nono  die  mensis  Julii,  Anno 
Dom.  1540. 


Ann  of  elevens  Letter  to  her  Brother. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Otho.  C.  10.) 
Brother  ; 

Because  I  had  rather  ye  knew  the  Truth  by 
mine  Advertisement,  than  for  want  thereof  ye  should  be 
deceived  by  vain  Reports,  I  write  these  present  Letters  unto 
you,  by  which  ye  shall  understand,  That  being  advertised 
how  the  TSobles  and  Commons  of  this  Realm  desired  the 
King's  Highness  here  to  commit  the  examination  of  the 
Matter  of  Marriage,  between  me  and  his  Majesty,  to  the 
determination  of  the  Clergy  :  I  did  the  more  willingly  con- 
sent thereunto,  and  since  the  determination  made,  have  also 
allowed,  approved,  and  agreed  unto  the  same,  wherein  I 
have  more  respect,  as  becometh  me,  to  Truth  and  good 
Pleasure,  than  any  worldly  Affection  that  might  move  me 
to  the  contrary.  I  account  God  pleased  with  that  is  done, 
and  know  my  self  to  have  suffered  no  wrong  or  injury  ;  but 
being  my  Body  preserved  in  the  integrity  which  i  brought 
into  this  Realm,  and  I  truly  discharged  from  all  band  of 
Consent,  1  find  the  King's  Highness,  whom  I  cannot  justly 
have  as  my  husband,  to  be  nevertheless  as  a  most  kind,  lov- 
ing, and  friendly  Father  and  Ikother,  and  to  use  me  as 
honourably,  and  with  as  much  humanity  and  liberality  as 
you,  I  my  self,  or  any  of  our  Kin  or  Allies  could  wish  or 
desire  ;  wherewith  I  am,  for  mine  own  part,  so  well  con- 
tent and  satisfied,  that  1  much  desire  ray  Mother,  You,  and 
other  mine  Allies  so  to  understand  it,  accept,  and  take  it ; 
and  so  to  use  your  self  towards  this  Noble  and  Vertuous 
Prince,  as  he  may  have  cause  to  continue  his  friendship 
towards  you,  which  on  his  behalf  shall  nothing  be  empaired 
or  altered  for  this  Matter :  for  so  hath  it  pleased  his  High- 
ness to  signify  unto  me,  that  like  as  he  will  shew  me 
always  a  most  fatherly  and  brotherly  kindness,  and  has  so 
provided  for  me  ;  so  will  he  remain  with  you,  and  other, 
according  to  such  terms  as  have  passed  in  the  same  knot  of 
Amity  which  between  you  hath  been  concluded,  this 
Matter  notwithstanding,  in  such  wise  as  neither  1  ne  vou 


or  any  of  our  Friends  shall  have  just  cause  of  miscontent- 
ment.  Thus  much  have  I  thought  necessary  to  write  unlo 
you,  lest  for  vi^ant  of  true  knowledge  ye  might  otherwise 
take  this  Matter  than  ye  ought,  and  in  other  sort  care  for 
me  than  ye  should  have  cause.  Only  I  require  this  of 
you.  That  ye  so  use  your  self,  as  for  your  untowardness  in 
this  Matter  I  fare  not  the  worse ;  where  unto  I  trust  you 
vv^ill  have  regard. 

This  Letter  was  drawn  by  Gardiner,  but  it  is  not  certain 
that  it  was  sent. 


The  Resolutions  of  several  Bishops  and  Divines,  of  some  Ques- 
tions concerning  the  Sacraments ;  by  which  it  will  appear 
with  what  maturity  and  cure  they  proceeded  in  the  Reforma- 
tion, Taken  from  the  Originals,  under  their  own  hands.  Only 
in  copying  them,  I  judged  it  might  be  more  acceptable  to  the 
Reader  to  see  every  Man's  Answer  set  down  after  every  Ques- 
tion ;  and  therefore  they  are  published  in  this  method. 

(Ex  MSS.  D.  Stillingfleet.) 

The  first  Question. 

What  a  Sacrament  is  by  the  Scripture  ? 

The  Scripture  sheweth  not  what  a  Sacrament  is,  neverthe- 
less where  in  the  Latin  Text  we  have  Sacramentum,  there 
in  the  Greek  we  have  Mysterium ;  and  so  by  the  Scripture, 
Sacramentum  may  be  called  Mysterium,  id  est,  res  occulta  sive 
arcana.—-  Canterbury. 

To  the  first ;  In  Scripture  we  neither  find  Definition  nor 
Description  of  a  Sacrament.  —  York. 

Without  prejudice  to  the  Truth,  and  saving  always  more 
better  Judgment,  Cum  factiltate  etiam  melim  deliberandi  in 
hue  parte. 

To  the  first  Question  ;  I  think  that  the  Scriptures  do  use 
this  word  Sacrament,  in  divers  places,  according  to  the 
Matter  it  treateth  upon,  Tobi.  12.  Rev.  1.  VVisd,  2.  6.  12. 
Dan.  2.  Ephes.  J.  3,  5.  Col.  1.  1  Tim.  10.  Rev.  17.  as  also 
it  doth  divers  other  words  :  Yet,  what  a  Sacrament  is  by 
definition,  or  description  of  Scripture,  I  cannot  find  it  ex- 
plicated openly.  Likewise  as  I  cannot  find  the  definition 
or  description  of  the  Tiinity,  nor  yet  such-like  things. 
Mary  what  other  Men  can  find,  being  daily  and  of  long  sea- 
son exercised  in  Scripture,  I  cannot  tell,  referring  therefore 
this  thing  to  their  better  knowledg.  —  London. 

OF  RECORDS.  257 

I  think  that  where  this  word,  SacrameiUum,  is  found  in  the 
Scripture  in  the  Latin  Translation,  there  in  the  Greek  is 
found  this  word  Mv(TTt]piov,  thalf  is  to  say,  a  Mystery,  or  a 
secret  thing.""—  Rochester. 

What  the  word  Sacrament  betokeneth,  or  what  is  the  de- 
finition, description,  or  notification  thereof,  I  have  found  no 
such  plainly  set  out  by  Scripture.  But  this  I  find,  that  it 
should  appear  by  the  same  Scripture,  that  the  Latin  word 
Sacr amentum,  and  the  Greek  word  Mysterium,  be  in  manner 
always  used  for  one  thing ;  as  much  to  say  as  Ahsconditum, 
OccuUatum,  vel  in  occullo.  —  Carlile. 

Thomas  Robertson.    Ad  Quaestiones. 

Ad  primam  Respondeo,  vocem  Sacramenti,  mihi  in  Sacris 
Literis  non  reperiri  in  hac  significatione,  nisi  quatenus  ad 
Matrimonium  applicatur  a  Paulo,  ubi  tamen  Graece  habetur 
Mysterium  :  et  proinde  ex  meris  Scripturis  expresse  definiri 
non  posse.  —  Dr.  Robertson. 

I  find  not  in  Scripture  the  definition  of  a  Sacrament,  nor 
what  a  Sacrament  is.  —  Dr.  Cox. 

I  find  no  definition  in  Scripture  of  this  word  Sacramentiim  ; 
howbeit,  wheresoever  it  is  found  in  Scripture,  the  same  is  in 
the  Greek  Mysterium,  which  signifieth  a  Secret,  or  Hid 
thing.  —  Dr.  Day. 

^  Kon  habetur  in  Scripturis,  quid  Sacramentum  proprie 
sit,  nisi  quod  subinde  Mysterium  dicitur  :  varia  enim,  et 
in  Scripturis,  et  in  Ecclesiastic  is  Scriptoribus  reperitur 
ejus  nominis  significatio  J  ideoq;  definiri  non  potest.  —  Dr. 

1  find  no  definition  of  this  word  Sacrament,  in  the  Scrip- 
ture ;  nor  likewise  of  this  word  Gratia,  or  Lex,  with  in- 
numerable more  ;  and  yet  what  they  signify,  it  is  known  ; 
so  the  signification  of  this  word  Sacrament  is  plain,  it  is 
nothing  else  but  a  secret  Hid  thing,  or  any  Mystery.  —  Dr. 

Like  as  Angelas,  Ccelum,  Terra,  be  spoken  of  in  Scrip- 
ture, yet  none  of  thera  defined  :  So  altho  Sacramentum  be 
spoken  of  in  Scripture,  yet  it  hath  no  definition  there,  but 
is  taken  divers  ways,  and  in  divers  significations.  —  Dr. 

This  word.  Sacrament,  in  Scripture  is  not  defined.  —  Dr. 

I  say  this  word,  Sacrament,  taken  in  his  common  signi- 
fication, betokeneth  a  Mystery,  and  hid,  or  a  secret  thing  : 
But  if  ye  understand  it,  in  his  proper  signification,  as  we 
use  to  apply  it  only  to  the  Seven  Sacraments,  the  Scripture 
sheweth  not  what  a  Sacrament  is.  And  yet,  lest  any  Man 
might  be  offended,  thinking,  that  because  the  Scripture 

Z  3 


sheweth  not  what  a  Sacrament  is,  therefore  the  same  is  a 
light  thing,  or  little  to  be  esteemed :  Here  may  be  reraem- 
bred,  that  there  are  some  weighty  and  godly  things,  being 
also  of  our  Belief,  which  the  Scripture  sheweth  not  ex- 
presly  what  they  are.  As  for  Example ;  We  believe  the 
Son  is  consubstantial  to  the  Father  :  Item ;  that  the  Father 
is  unbegotten :  yet  the  Scripture  sheweth  not  what  is  con- 
substantial,  nor  what  is  unbegotten,  neither  maketh  any 
mention  of  the  words.  Likewise  it  is  true.  Baptism  is  a 
Sacrament,  Pennance  is  a  Sacrament,  &c.  yet  the  Scripture 
sheweth  not  what  a  Sacrament  is.  — Dr.  Tresham. 
Responsions  unto  the  Questions. 

To  the  first  Question,  I  say ;  That  in  Holy  Scripture  I 
never  found,  and  I  think  there  is  no  Man  that  will  find  a 
definition  or  description  of  this  word  Sucramentum  ;  which 
is  as  much  as  to  say  in  English,  as,  a  Mystery,  a  secret,  or 
a  hid  thing.  — •  Edwardus  Leyghton. 

I  do  read  no  definition  of  this  word,  Sacramentum,  in 
Scripture ;  but  sometimes  it  is  used  in  Scripture,  to  signify 
a  thing  secret  or  hid.  —  Dr.  Coren. 

CoNVENiuNT.  —  In  primo  articulo  conveniunt  omnes,  non 
satis  constare  ex  Scriptura,  quid  sit  Sacramentum ;  Pleriq; 
tamen  dicunt  Graece  appellari,  Mysterium,  (i.  e.)  a  secret, 
or  a  hid  thing. 

Agreement.  —  In  the  Answer  unto  the  first  Question, 
They  do  all  agree,  that  it  is  not  evident  by  Scripture,  what 
a  Sacrament  is,  but  Mysterium,  that  is,  a  secret,  or  a  hid- 

The  agreement,  at  the  end  of  these  Questions,  is  in  Cranmer^s 
hand,  —  Cott.  Libr.  Cleopatra  E.  5. 

Question  2.  , 

What  a  Sacrament  is  by  the  Ancient  Authors  ? 


The  Ancient  Doctors  call  a  Sacrament,  Sacra:  rei  Signum, 
VIZ.  visibile  Verbum,  SymboknA,  atque  pactio  qua  sumus  ctjw- 
stricti. — Canterbury. 

To  the  second  ;  Of  St.  Augustin's  words,  this  Description 
following  of  a  Sacrament  may  be  gathered ;  Sacramentum 
est  intisibilis  grati(E,visibilis  forma.  And  this  thing,  that  is 
such  visible  form  or  sign  of  invisible  Grace  in  Sacraments, 
we  find  in  Scripture,  although  we  find  not  the  word  Sacra- 
ment, saving  only  in  the  Sacrament  of  Matrimony. — York. 

To  the  second;  I  find  in  Authors  this  Declaration,  6'a- 
cramentum  est  SacrcE  rei  signum.  Also,  Invisibilis  GratKC  Vi- 
sibilis  Forma,    Also,  Visibilis  Forma  Invisibilis  GraticE  ima- 

OF  RECORDS.  259 

ginem  ^erens  et  catisa  existens.  And  of  the  verity  and  good- 
ness ot  this  Descripiion  or  Declaration,  I  refer  me  to  the 
Divines,  better  acquainted  with  this  Matter  than  I  am. 
—  London. 

I  think  that  this  word  Sacrament,  as  it  is  taken  of  the 
Old  Authors,  hath  divers  and  sundry  significations,  for 
sometimes  it  is  extended  to  all  holy  Signs,  sometimes  to  all 
Mysteries,  sometimes  to  all  Alegories,  &c.  — Rochester. 

Thomas  Waldensis,  who  writeth  a  solemn  Work  de  Sa- 
cramentis,  causeth  me  to  say,  that  this  word,  Sacramentum 
in  Communi,  is  defined  of  the  Ancient  Authors;  who  after 
that  he  had  shewed  how  that  WyclifF,  and  before  him  Be- 
rengarius  hath  said,  that  Augustine  defineth  Sacramentum 
thus;  Sacramentum  est  sacrum  Si  gnum  ;  and  Si^nttm  in  this 
wise,  Signum  est  res  pra:ter  speciem  quam  sensibns  ingerit  ali- 
quid  aliud  ex  se  faciens  in  cogitationem  venire.  (De  Doctrina 
Christiana.)  He  himself,  with  Ancient  Authors,  as  he 
saith,  defineth  it  thus;  Sacramentum  est  invisibiliis  Grati(C 
visibilis  Forma,  vel,  Sacramentum  est  Sacree  rei  Signum:  Both 
these  Descriptions  (saith  he)  be  of  the  Ancient  Fathers. — 

Sacramentum  a  vetustioribus,  quemadmodum  fert  Hugo 
de  S.  Victore,  et  Thomas  Aquinas,  nondum  reperiri  defi- 
nitura,  nisi  quod  Augustinus,  interdum  vocet  Sacramenta, 
Sacra  signa  aut  signacula,  interdum  similitudines  earum 
rerum,  quarum  sum  Sacramenta.  Et  Rabanus,  Sacramen- 
tum dicitur,  quod  sub  tegumento  rerum  corporalium,  vir- 
tus Divina  secretins  salutem  eorundem  Sacramentorum 
operatur,  unde  et  a  secretis  virtutibus  vel  Sacris  Sacra- 
menta dicuntur.  —  Dr.  Robertson. 

The  Ancient  Authors  commonly  say.  That  a  Sacrament 
is,  Sacrc£.  rei  Signum,  or  Sacrosanctum  Signaculum ;  but 
they  do  not  utterly  and  properly  define  what  it  is.  —  Dr. 

The  Ancient  Doctors  take  this  word,  Sacramentum,  di- 
versly,  and  apply  it  to  many  things.  —  Dr.  Day. 

Ex  Augustino  et  aliis  colligitur,  Sacramentum  posse  dici, 
Sacrae  rei  Signum,  vel,  invisibilis  gratiae  visibilis  Forma, 
quanquam  h?ec  posterior  definitio  non  conveniat  omnibus 
Sacramentis,  scil.  tantum  septem  istis  usitatis ;  sed  nee  his 
quoq;  ex  aequo,  cum  non  aequalem  conferant  gratiam.  — 
Dr.  Oglethorpe. 

Generally  it  is  taken  to  signify  every  secret  Mystery, 
and  Sacramenta  be  called,  Sacrarum  rerum  signa,  or  sacra 
signacula  :  And  as  this  word  Sacrament  particularly  is  at- 
tributed to  the  chief  Sacraments  of  the  Church,  this  defi- 
nition of  a  Sacrament  may  be   gathered  of  St.  August. 


Jnvisihiiis  GratiiB  visibilis  Forma.  And  also  that  a  Sacra- 
ment is  a  mystical  or  secret  Work  which  consisteth  ex  Verba 
et  elemento.  And  Cyprian  saith,  Verborum  solemnitas  et  sacri 
invocatio  iwmiiiis,  et  signa  institutionibus  Apostoiicis  Sacerdo^ 
turn  Ministeriis  Attributa,  visibile  celebrant  Sacramentum, 
rem  vero  ipsam  Spiritus  Sanctus  format  et  efficit.  —  Dr.  Red- 
may  n. 

By  the  Ancient  Authors,  Sacramentum  hath  many  signi- 
fications, sometimes  it  is  called  a  Secret  Counsel.  Tob.  12. 
Sacramentum  Regis  abscondere  bonum  est.  Nebuchadnezar's 
Dream  was  called  Sacramentum,  Dan.  2.  The  Mystery  of 
Christ's  Incarnation,  and  of  our  Redemption,  is  so  called, 
Ephes.  3.  and  1  Tim.  3.  So  that  every  secret  thing  having 
some  privy  sense  or  signification,  is  called  Sacramentum, 
generally  extending  the  Vocable  :  Notwithstanding  in  one 
signification,  Sacramentum  accordeth  properly  to  them  that 
be  commonly  called  the  Seven  Sacraments  ;  and  hath  this 
definition  taken  of  St.  August,  and  others,  Invisibilis  gratia: 
visibilis  Form,a,  ut  ipsius  imaginem  gerat  et  quodammodo  causa 
existat.  —  Dr.  Edgeworth. 

The  Ancient  Authors  of  Divinity  use  this  word  Sacra- 
ment in  divers  significations,  for  they  call  it  Mysterium  ; 
and  so  the  Scripture  useth  it  in  many  places,  as  1  Tim.  3. 
Tobiel2.  Wisd.  2.  Dan.  2.  Eph.  1.  and  3.  The  word  Sa- 
crament is  also  used  for  a  Figure  or  a  Sign  of  the  Old  Tes- 
tament, signifying  Christ,  as  the  Paschal  Lamb,  and  the 
Brasen  Serpent,  and  divers  other  Holy  Signs.  It  is  also 
taken  of  the  Holy  Authors  to  be  an  Holy  Sign,  which 
maketh  to  the  sanctification  of  the  Soul,  given  of  God 
against  sin  for  our  Salvation,  as  it  may  be  gathered  of  them  ; 
for  this  word  Sacrament  is  called  by  them,  sacrum  signum  ; 
but  I  have  not  read  any  express  definition  common  to  all 
Sacraments.  —  Dr.  Symmons. 

This  word  Sacrament,  in  the  Ancient  Authors,  is  oft- 
times  used  in  this  general  signification,  and  so  (as  is  before- 
said)  it  is  a  Mystery,  or  secret  thing  ;  and  sometimes  the 
same  word  is  used  as  appliable  only  unto  the  Seven  Sacra- 
ments ;  and  is  thus  described,  A  visible  Form  of  an  invi- 
sible Grace  :  and  thus  also,  a  thing  by  the  which,  under 
the  covering  of  visible  things,  the  godly  Power  doth  work 
our  health. — 'Dr.  Tresham. 

To  the  second,  I  say  ;  That  Hugo  de  Sancto  Victore,  is 
one  of  the  most  Ancient  Authors  that  I  ever  could  perceive, 
took  upon  him  to  define  or  describe  a  Sacrament :  How- 
beit,  I  suppose,  that  this  common  description  which  the 
Schoolmen  use,  after  the  Master  of  the  Sentences,  viz.  Sa- 
d'amentum  est  invisibilii  Gratia:  visibilis  seii  sensibilis  Forma, 

OF  RECORDS.  261 

may  be  gathered  of  St.  Austin,  and  divers  other  Ancient 
Authors'  words  in  many  places  of  their  Works.  —  Dr. 

I  do  find  no  definition  plainly  set  forth  in  old  Authors  : 
notwithstanding  this  definition,  Invisibilis  Gratice  visibilis 
Forma,  may  be  gathered  out  of  St.  Augustine.  — ■  Dr.  Coren. 

Coy.  —  In  secundo  Articulo  conveniunt  omnes,  Sacra- 
mentum  esse  sacrae  rei  signum.  Tresham,  Oglethorpus,  et 
Edgworth,  dicunt  hanc  definitionem,  Sacramentum  est  in- 
visibilis gratiae  visibilis  Forma,  his  septem  convenire. 
Thurlebeus  ait,  non  convenire  omnibus  septem,  et  aeque 
pluribus  posse  attribui  atq;  septem. 

Agreement.  —  In  the  second  they  put  many  Descrip- 
tions of  a  Sacrament,  as  the  sign  of  a  holy  Thing,  a  visible 
Word,  iScc.  But  upon  this  one  definition,  a  Sacrament  is  a 
visible  Form  of  invisible  Grace,  they  do  not  all  agree  :  for 
Doctors  Edgworth,  Tresham,  and  Oglethorpe  say.  That 
"  it  is  applicable  only  and  properly  unto  the  word  Sacra- 
ment, as  it  signifieth  the  Seven  Sacraments  usually  re- 
ceived." My  Lord  Elect  of  Westminster  saith.  That  "  it 
agieeth  not  unto  all  the  Seven,  nor  yet  more  specially  unto 
the  Seven  than  unto  any  other." 

Question  3. 
H&w  many  Sacraments  there  be  by  the  Scripture  ? 


The  Scripture  sheweth  not  how  many  Sacraments  there 
be,  but  Incarnatio  Christi  and  Matrimonium,  be  called  in 
the  Scripture  Hysteria,  and  therefore  we  may  call  them  by 
the  Scripture  Sacramenta.  But  one  Sacramentum  the  Scrip- 
ture maketh  mention  of,  which  is  hard  to  be  revealed  fully, 
as  would  to  God  it  were,  and  that  is  Mysierhim  IniquitatiSf 
or  Mysterium  Meretricis  magna;  et  Bestice.  —  Canterbury. 

To  the  third  ;  In  Scripture  we  find  no  precise  number  of 
Sacraments.  — York. 

To  the  third ;  I  find  not  set  forth  the  express  number, 
with  express  declaration  of  this  many  and  no  more  ;  nor 
yet  of  these  expresly  by  Scripture  which  we  use,  espe- 
cially under  the  name  of  Sacraments,  saving  only  of  Ma- 
trimony. —  London. 

I  think  that  in  the  Scripture  be  innumerable  Sacraments, 
for  all  Mysteries,  all  Ceremonies,  all  the  Facts  of  Christ, 
the  whole  Story  of  the  Jews,  and  the  Revelations  of  the 
Apocalypse,  may  be  named  Sacraments.  —  Rochester. 

The  certain  number  of  Sacraments,  or  Mysteries,  con- 
tained within  Scripture,  cannot  be  well  expressed  or  as- 


signed ;  for  Scripture  containeth  more  than  infallibly  may 
be  rehearsed.  —  Carlile. 

De  istis  septem,  qufe  usitate  vocamus  Sacramenta,  nul- 
lum invenio  nomine  Sacramenti  appellari,  nisi  Matrimo- 
nium.  Matrimonium  esse  Sacramentum,  probat  Eckius, 
Homi.  73.  et  conferre  gratiam,  ibid.  —  Dr.  Robertson. 

There  be  divers  Sacraments  by  the  Scripture,  as  in  Tobie 
12.  Sacramentum  Regis,  the  King's  Secret.  Also  Nebu- 
chadnezars  Dream,  Dan.  2,  is  called,  Sacramentum.  In- 
carnatio  Christi,  Sacramentum,  Ephes.  3.  Matrimonium, 
Sacramentum. —  Dr.  Cox. 

Taking  for  Sacraments  any  thing,  that  this  word,  Sacra- 
mentum, doth  signify,  there  be  in  Scripture  a  great  number 
of  Sacraments  more  than  Seven.  —  Dr.  Day. 

Non  habetur  determinatus  Sacramentorum  numerus  in 
Scripturis,  sunt  enim  innumera  fere  illic,  quas  passim  vo- 
cantur  Sacramenta  ;  cum  omnis  allegoria,  oinneq;  Myste- 
rium,  dicatur  Sacramentum.  Quin  et  somnia,  ac  secreta, 
subinde  Sacramenta  vocantur,  Tobie  2.  Sacramentum 
Regis  abscondere  bonum  est ;  et  Dan.  2.  Imploremus  mi- 
sericordias  Dei  Coeli  super  Sacramento  isto,  et  somnio 
Paulus  etiam  Epist.  2.  vocat  Mysterium  Incarnationis 
Christi  Sacramentum  :  Et  in  Apoc.  1.  vocat  Sacramentum 
septem  Stellarum.  Ac  hoc  prsecipue  observandum  venit, 
nullum  a  septem  Sacramentis,  receptis  hoc  nomine  appel- 
lari, praeter  solum  Matrimonium.  —  Dr.  Oglethorpe. 

As  many  as  there  be  Mysteries,  which  be  innumerable  ; 
but  by  Scripture,  I  think,  the  Seven  which  be  named  Sa- 
craments, may  principally  bear  the  name.  — Dr.  Redmayn, 

Speaking  of  Sacraments  generally,  they  be  innumerable 
spoken  of  in  Scripture ;  but  properly  to  speak  of  Sacra- 
ments, there  be  but  Seven  that  may  be  so  called,  of  which 
Matrimony  is  expresly  called  Sacramentum,  Ephes.  5.  and 
as  I  think,  in  the  Germane  and  proper  signification  of  a  Sa- 
crament ;  so  that  the  indivisible  knot  of  the  Man  and  his 
Wife  in  one  Body,  by  the  Sacrament  of  Matrimony,  is  the 
Matter  of  this  Sacrament ;  upon  which,  as  on  the  literal 
verity  the  Apostle  foundeth  this  allegorical  saying,  Ego 
autem  dice  in  Christo  et  in  Ecclesia  ;  for  the  mystical  sense 
presupposeth  a  verity  in  the  Letter  on  which  that  is  taken. 
Six  more  there  be  to  which  the  definition  doth  agree,  as 
manifestlydoth  appear  by  the  Scriptures  with  the  exposi- 
tion of  the  Ancient  Authors. —  Dr.  Edge  worth. 

In  the  Scripture  there  is  no  certain  number  of  Sacramfints. 
—  Dr.  Symmons. 

I  find  no  more  of  the  seven,  called  expresly  Sacraments, 
but  only  Matrimony,  but  extending  the  name  of  Sacrament 

OF  RECORDS,  263 

in  his  most  general  acception,  there  are  in  Scripture  a 
great  number  of  Sacraments,  whereof  the  Apostle  saith,  Si 
noverint  Mysteria  omnia,  S^c.  —  Dr.  Tresham. 

To  the  third ;  I  say,  that  I  find  not  in  Scripture  any  of 
these  seven  which  we  commonly  call  Sacraments,  called 
Sacramentum ,  but  only  Matrimonium.  But  I  find  divers  and 
-many  other  things  called  Sacraments  in  Scripture,  as  in 
the  21  of  Tobie,  Sacramentum  Regis  abscondere  bonum  est. 
Item  Apoc.  17.  Dicamus  tibi  Sacramentum.  Item,  1  Tim.  3. 
Magnum  est  pietatis  Sacramentum,  &^c.  —  Dr.  Leyghton. 

I  cannot  tell  how  many  Sacraments  be,  by  Scripture,  for 
they  be  above  one  hundred.  —  Dr.  Coren. 

Con.' — Intertio  conveniunt  satis:  nonesse  certum numerum 
Sacramentorum  per  Scripturas.  Redmaynus  addit.  But  by 
Scripture  I  think  the  seven  which  be  named  Sacraments, 
may  principally  bear  the  name.  Idem  sentit  Edgworth,  et 
septem  tantum.  Matrimonium  in  Scripturis  haberi  sub  nomine 
Sacramenti  pleriq;  dicunt. 

Agreement.  —  In  the  third  they  do  agree,  That  there  is 
no  certain  number  of  Sacraments  by  Scripture,  but  even  as 
many  as  there  be  Mysteries ;  and  none  of  these  seven  called 
Sacraments,  but  only  Matrimony  in  Scripture. 

Question  4. 

How  many  Sacraments  there  be  by  the  Ancient  Authors? 

By  the  Ancient  Authors  there  be  many  Sacraments  more 
than  seven,  for  all  the  Figures  which  signifie  Christ  to 
come,  or  testifie  that  he  is  come,  be  called  Sacraments,  as  all 
the  Figures,  of  the  Old  Law,  and  in  the  New  Law ; 
Eucharistia  Baptismus,  Pascha,  Dies  Dominicus,  loiio  Pedum, 
signum  Crucis,  Chrisma,  Matrimonium,  Ordo,  Sabbatum, 
Impositio  manuum ,  Oleum,  Consea'atio  Olei,  Lac,  Mel,  Aqua, 
Vinum,  Sal,  Ignis,  Cinis,  adapertio  Aurium,  vestis  Candida, 
and  all  the  Parables  of  Christ,  with  the  Prophesies  of  the 
Apocalyps,  and  such  others,  be  called  by  the  Doctors, 
Sacramenta.  —  Canterbury. 

To  the  fourth  ;  There  is  no  precise  number  of  Sacraments 
mentioned  by  the  Ancient  Authors,  taking  the  word  Sacra- 
ment in  his  most  general  signification.  —  York. 

To  the  fourth  ;  1  find  that  St.  Austine  speaketh  de  Bap- 
tismo,  de  Eucharisti/i,  de  Matrimoiiio,  de  Ordinutione  clerico- 
rum,  de  Sacramento  Chrismulizet  Unctionis  :  Also  I  find  in  the 
said  St.  Austine,  that  in  the  Old  Law  there  were  many 
Sacraments,  and  in  the  New  Law  few.  —  London. 

I  think  that  in  the  Doctors  be  found  many  more  Sacra-r 


raents  than  seven,  viz.  Panis  Catechumenorum,  signum  Crucis, 
Oletim,  Lac,  Sal,  Mel,  6\c. — Rochester. 

That  Scripture  containeth,  by  the  same  Holy  Ghost  which 
is  Author  thereof,  the  Holy  Doctors,  and  Ancient  Fathers 
expoundeth ;  So  that  where  in  Scripture  the  number 
of  Sacraments  is  uncertain,  it  cannot  be  among  them 
certain.  — Carlile. 

Apud  Augustinura  lego  Sacramentum  Nuptiarum,  Sacra- 
mentum  Baptismi,  Sacramentum  Eucharistia),  quod  et 
altaris  sive  panis  vocat ;  Sacramentum  Ordinationls ;  Sacra- 
mentum Chrismatis,  quod  datur  per  manus  impositionem 
Baptizatis  ,  Sacramentum  Unctionis.  —  Dr.  Robertson. 

1  find  in  the  Ancient  Authors,  that  Baptism  is  called 
Sacramentum,  Eucharistia  Sacramentum,  Matrimoni^im  Sa- 
cramenlum,  Ordo  Sacramentum,  Chrisma  Sacramentum ,  Im- 
positio  Manuuin  per  Baptismum  Sacramentum,  Dilectio  Sacra- 
mentum, Lotio  pedum  Sacramentum,  Oleum,  Mel,  Lac,  Sacra- 
menta  ;  and  many  others.  —  Dr.  Cox. 

There  be  a  great  sort  of  Sacraments  found  in  the  Doctors, 
after  the  acception  above-said,  more  than  seven. — Dr.  Day. 

Apud  Scriptores  Ecclesiasticos  reperiuntur  multo  plura 
Sacramenta  quam  haec  septem.  —  Dr.  Oglethorp. 

Taking  this  word  Sacrament  universally  for  Mysteries,  or 
all  secret  Tokens,  there  be  more  Sacraments  than  can  be 
reckoned;  but  the  seven  by  old  Authors  may  specially 
obtain  the  name.  Lotio  pedum  is  spoken  of  in  old  Authors 
as  a  special  Sacrament  used  then  in  the  Church,  and  as  it 
appeareth,  having  a  great  ground  in  the  Scripture ;  and  I 
think  it  were  better  to  renew  that  again,  and  so  to  have  eight 
Sacraments,  rather  than  to  diminish  the  number  of  the 
seven  now  used. — Dr.  Redraayn. 

Even  like  as  to  the  next  Question  before.— Dr.  Edgeworth. 

The  ancient  Authors  acknowledg  many  more  than  seven  ; 
for  they  call  in  their  Writings  all  Rites  and  Ceremonies, 
Sacraments.  —  Dr.  Symmons. 

Generally,  as  many  as  Mysteries,  specially  seven,  and  no 
more  of  like  nature  to  them ;  for  although  I  find  not  express 
mention  where  Penance  is  called  a  Sacrament,  yet  I  think  it 
may  be  deduced  and  proved  by  Cyprian,  in  his  Sermon  de 
Passione  Christi,  in  these  words.  Deniq;  quicunq;  fiunt 
Sacramentorum  Ministri,  per  operationem  authoritas  in  figura 
Crucis  omnibus  Sacrumentis  largitur  affectum,  et  cuncta  peragit 
nobis  quod  omnibus  nominihus  eminet  a  Sacramentorum  vicariis 
invocutum:  At  licet  indigni  sint  qui  accipiunt,  Sacramentorum 
tamen  reverentia  et  propinquiorem  ad  Deum  parat  accessum,  et 
ubi  redierint  ad  cor  constat  ablutionis  donum,  et  redit  effectus 
munenim,  nee  alias  qntvri  aut  repeti  necesse  est  salutifenim 

OF  RECORDS.  265 

Sacramentiim  }  in  these  words,  redit  effectus  munerum  ;  and, 
nee  alias  repeti  necesse  est  salntiferum  Sacramentiim,  must 
needs  be  understood  Penance,  and  also  that  Penance  is  a 
Sacrament :  For  as  our  first  access  to  God  is  by  the  Sacra- 
ment Baptism,  which  Cyprian  there  following  called  Ahlu- 
tionem  primam  :  so  if  we  fall  by  deadly  sin,  we  cannot 
repetere  God  again,  but  by  Penance  ;  which  repeting  (i.e.) 
Penance,  Cyprian  calleth  Salutiferiim  Sacramentum. — 
Dr.  Tresham. 

To  the  fourth,  I  say  ;  That  I  find  in  ancienter  Authors, 
every  one  of  these  seven,  which  we  call  commonly  Sacra- 
ments, called  Sacramentiim  ;  as  in  Austin  every  one  of  them 
is  called  Sacramentiim.  but  only  Penance,  which  Cyprian 
calleth  Sacramentiim.  Also  I  find  in  the  ancienter  Authors 
divers  other  things  (besides  the  seven)  called  Sacraments, 
zsLotio  Pedum  in  Cyprian,  &c.  —  Dr.  Leyghton. 

More  Sacraments  be  found  in  old  Authors  than  Seven.  — 
Dr.  Coren. 

Con.  —  In  quarto  conveniunt,  plura  esse  Sacramenta  quam 
septem  apud  Authores :  Redman  addit ;  But  the  seven,  by  old 
Authors,  may  specially  obtain  the  name.  Idem  putat 
Edgworlh,  and  Tresham.  Lotio  pedum,  he  thinketh,  were 
better  to  be  renewed,  and  so  made  eight  Sacraments,  than 
the  number  of  the  seven  to  be  diminished.  Treshamus  citat 
Cyprianum  in  Serm.  de  Passione  Christi  pro  pirnitentia,  quod 
dicatur  Sacramentum,  cum,  alii  fere  omnes  nusquam  appellari 
aiunt  Sacramentum  apud  Authores,  et  hie  locus  aperte  agit  de 
Baptismo  quod  voeat  donum  ablutionis,  et  Sacramentum  Salu- 

Agreement.  —  In  the  fourth  they  agree.  That  there  is  no 
determinate  number  of  Sacraments  spoken  of  in  the  old 
Authors  ;  but  that  my  Lord  of  York,  and  Edgeworth,  Tre- 
sham, Redman,  Crayford,  and  Simmons,  say,  That  those 
-seven,  by  old  Authors,  may  specially  obtain  the  name  of 
Sacraments.  The  Bishop  of  St.  Davids  saith.  That  there  be 
but  four  Sacraments  in  the  old  Doctors  most  chiefly  spoken 
of,  and  they  be  Baptism,  the  Sacrament  of  the  Altar,  Matri- 
.mony,  and  Pennance. 

Question  5. 

Whether  this  word  Sacrament,  be  and  ougld  to  be  attributed  to 
the  seven  only  ?  and  whether  the  seven  Saci-aments  be  found 
in  any  of  the  old  Authors? 

I  know  no  cause  why  this  word,  Sacrament,  should  be 
attributed  to  the  seven  only  ;  for  the  old  Authors  never  pre- 
VoL.  I,  Part  II.  2  A 


scribed  any  certain  number  of  Sacraments,  nor  in  all  tbeir 
Books  I  never  read  these  two  words  joined  together,  viz, 
septem  Sacramenta.  —  Canterbury. 

To  the  fifth  ;  To  the  first  part  of  this  Question,  this  word. 
Sacrament,  is  used  and  applied  in  Scripture,  to  some  things 
that  be  none  of  the  seven  Sacraments.  To  the  second  part , 
The  seven  Sacraments  be  found  in  some  of  the  ancient 
Authors.  —  York. 

To  the  fifth,  I  answer ;  That  this  word,  Sacrament,  in  our 
Language  commonly  hath  been  attributed  to  the  seven 
customably  called  Sacraments,  not  for  that  yet  that  the 
word  Sacrament  cannot  be  applied  to  any  more,  but  for  that 
the  seven  have  been  specially  of  very  long  and  ancient 
season  received,  continued,  and  taken  for  things  of  such 
sort.  —  London. 

1  think  that  the  name  of  a  Sacrament  is  and  may  be 
attributed  to  more  than  seven,  and  that  all  the  seven  Sacra- 
ments be  found  in  the  old  Authors,  though  all  peradventure 
be  not  found  in  one  Author.  But  1  have  not  read  Pennance 
called  by  the  name  of  a  Sacrament  in  any  of  them. — 

Certain  it  is,  that  this  word  Sacrament,  neither  is  nor 
ought  to  be  attributed  to  seven  only,  for  both  Scripture  and 
ancient  Authors  otherwise  applieth  it,  but  yet  nothing  letteth, 
but  that  this  word  Sacrament  may  most  especially,  and  in  a 
certain  due  preheminence,  be  applied  to  the  seven  Sacra- 
ments, of  most  ancient  name  and  usage  among  Christian 
Men.  And  that  the  ancient  Authors  have  so  used  and 
applied  it,  affirmeth  the  said  Thomas  Walden,  convincing 
Wycliffe  and  Berengarius  who  enforced  the  contrary,  from 
Cyprian,  and  also  Augustine,  with  other  holy  Doctors,  they 
may  so  well  be  gathered.  —  Carlile. 

Vocabulum,  Sacramenti,  in  Sacris  Literis,  nulli  Sacra- 
mentorum  quod  sciam  tribuitur,  nisi  Matrimonio  :  a  vetus- 
tis  Scriptoribus  tribuitur  Ceremoniis  et  umbris  legis.  Incar- 
nation! Christi,  figuris,  allegoriis,  et  festivitatibus  :  Apud 
Paulum  legitur  divinitatis,  voluntatis  divinag,  et  pietatis 
SacramentuTO.  Caeterum  loquendo  de  Sacramentis  his, 
quae  sunt  invisibilis  gratiae  coUataB  in  Ecclesia,  Christi  visi- 
bilia  signa,  opinor  non  plura  quam  septem  inveniri,  hisq; 
magis  proprie  quam  reliquis,  sub  hac  ratione,  tribui  nomen 
Sacramenti. —  Dr.  Robertson. 

This  word  Sacrament  is  not,  nor  ought  not  to  be  attributed 

to  these  seven  only.    Those  that  we   call  seven  Sacraments 

be  found  in  old  Authors,  although  some  of  them  be  seldom 

found  called  by  this  name  Sacrament.  —  Dr.  Cox. 

This  word,  Sacr amentum,  neither  is,  nor  ought  to  be  so 

OF  RECORDS.  267 

attributed  unto  these  seven,  but  that  it  is,  and  may  be  attri- 
buted to  many  more  things,  and  so  the  ancienter  Doctors 
use  it.  The  seven  Sacraments  be  found  in  ancient  Doctors 
under  the  name  of  Sacrament,  saving  that  1  remember  not 
that  I  have  read  in  them  Pennance  called  a  Sacrament. — ■ 
Dr.  Day. 

Nomen  commune  est  multis  aliis  rebus,  quam  septem 
istis  usitatis  Sacramentis.  Septem  Sacramenta,  seorsim  et 
sparsim  reperiuntur  in  veterum  monumentis.  —  Dr.  Ogle- 

To  the  seven  specially  and  principally,  and  in  general  to 
innumerable  more.  But  I  cannot  tell  whether  in  any  old 
Author  might  be  found  these  two  words,  seven  Sacraments, 
or  this  number  limited  ;  but  every  one  of  the  seven  Sacra- 
ments, one  by  one,  be  found  in  the  old  Authors.- — Dr. 

Sacramentum  in  his  proper  signification,  is  and  ought  to  be 
attributed  to  the  seven  only  ;  and  they  be  all  seven  found  in 
the  Authors.  —  Dr.  Edgeworth. 

This  word.  Sacrament,  is  not  only  to  be  attributed  to  the 
seven,  but  that  the  seven  Sacraments  especially  conferreth 
Grace,  the  old  Authors  especially  accounteth  them  by  the 
number  of  seven  ;  and  these  seven  are  found  in  Authors  and 
Scriptures,  altho  they  be  not  found  by  the  name  of  seven. — 
Dr.  Symmons. 

I  say.  This  word.  Sacrament,  is  attributed  to  the  seven ; 
and  that  the  seven  Sacraments  are  found  in  the  ancient 
Authors.  —  Dr.  Tresham. 

To  the  fifth  I  say,  first  (as  before)  that  this  word,  Sacra- 
mentum, is  not  applied  or  attributed  in  Holy  Scripture 
to  any  of  the  seven,  but  only  to  Matrimony.  But  it  is  at- 
tributed in  Scripture  and  ancient  Authors  to  many  other 
things  besides  these  :  Howbeit,  taking  this  word,  Sacra- 
mentum, for  a  sensible  sign  of  the  invisible  Grace  of  God 
given  unto  Christian  People,  as  the  Schoolmen  and  many 
late  Writers  take  it ;  I  think  that  these  seven  commonly 
called  Sacraments,  are  to  be  called  only  and  most  properly 
Sacraments. —  Dr.  Leyghton. 

This  word,  Sacrament,  may  well  be  attributed  to  the 
seven ;  and  so  it  is  found  in  old  Authors,  saving  that  I  do 
not  read  expresly  in  old  Doctors,  Pennance  to  be  under 
the  name  of  a  Sacrament,  unless  it  be  in  Chrysostome,  in 
the  Exposition  ad  Hebr(E»  Homil,  20.  sect.  1.  cap.  10.  in 
principio. — Dr.  Coren. 

NoN.  Con.— In  quinto  praeter  Herfordens.  Roffens. 
Dayium,  Oglethorpum,  Menevens.  etCoxum,putantomnes 
nomen  Sacramenti  prajcipue  his  septem  convenire.  Symons 


addit.  The  seven  sacraments  specially  confer  Grace :  Eboracens.- 
Curren,  Tresham,  Symons,  aiunt  septem  Sacramenta  in- 
veniri  apud  veteres,  quanquam  Cunen  et  Symons  mox 
videntur  iterum  negare. 

Dissent. —  In  the  fifth  ;  The  Bishops  of  Hereford  and  St. 
David,  Dr.  Day,  Dr.  Cox,  say,  That  this  word.  Sacrament, 
in  the  old  Authors,  is  not  attributed  unto  the  seven  only, 
and  ought  not  to  be  attributed.  The  Bishop  of  Carlile 
alledging  Waldensis.  Doctors  Curren,  Edgworth,  Symons, 
Tresham  say,  That  it  is  and  may  be  attributed.  And  Dr. 
Curren,  and  Mr.  Symraons,  seem  to  vary  against  themselves 
each  in  their  own  Answers ;  for  Dr.  Curren  saith.  That  this 
word,  Sacrament,  is  attributed  unto  the  seven  in  the  old 
Doctors,  and  yet  he  cannot  find  that  it  is  attributed  unto 
Pennance.  Dr.  Symons  saith,  That  the  old  Authors  ac- 
count them  by  the  number  of  seven ;  and  yet  he  saith.  That 
they  be  not  found  there  by  the  name  of  seven. 

Question  6. 

Whether  the  determinate  number  of  seven  Sacraments  be  a 
Doctrine,  either  of  the  Scripture,  or  of  the  old.  Authors, 
and  so  to  be  taught  ? 


The  determinate  number  of  seven  Sacraments  is  no  Doc- 
trine of  the  Scripture,  nor  of  the  old  Authors. —  Canterbury. 

To  the  sixth;  The  Scripture  maketh  no  mention  of 
the  Sacraments  determined  to  seven  precisely;  but  the 
Scripture  maketh  mention  of  seven  Sacraments,  which  be 
used  in  Christ's  Church,  and  grounded  partly  in  Scripture  ; 
and  no  more  be  in  use  of  the  said  Church  but  seven  so 
grounded ;  and  some  of  the  ancient  Doctors  make  mention 
of  seven,  and  of  no  more  than  sevenj  as  used  in  Christ's 
Church  so  grounded ;  wherefore  a  Doctrine  may  be  had 
of  seven  Sacraments  precisely  used  in  Christ's  Church,  and 
grounded  in  Scripture.  —  York. 

To  the  sixth  ;  I  think  it  be  a  Doctrine  set  forth  by 
the  ancient  Fathers,  one  from  another,  taking  their  matter 
and  ground  out  of  Scripture,  as  they  understood  it ;  though 
Scripture  for  all  that  doth  not  give  unto  all  the  seven 
the  special  names  by  which  now  they  are  called,  nor  yet 
openly  call  them  by  the  name  of  Sacrament,  except  only 
(as  is  before-said)  the  Sacrament  of  Matrimony.  —  London. 

Albeit  the  seven  Sacraments  be  in  efiect  found  both  in 
the  Scripture,  and  in  the  old  Authors,  and  may  therefore  be 
so  taught;  yet  I  have  not  read  this  precise  and  deter- 

OF  RECORDS.  269 

minate  number  of  seven  Sacraments,  neither  in  the  Scrip- 
ture, nor  in  the  ancient  Writers. —  Rochester. 

By  what  is  here  before-said,  I  think  it  doth  well  appear, 
that  both  the  Scripture  of  God,  and  holy  Expositors  of 
the  same,  would  have  the  seven  Sacraments  both  taught, 
and  in  due  form  exhibited  to  all  Christian  People,  as  it  shall 
also  better  appear  by  what  followeth.  —  Carlile. 

In  Scriptura  tantum  unum  ex  istis  septem  Sacramentum 
vocari  invenio,  nimirum  Matrimonium  :  apud  veteres  re- 
periuntur  omnia  haic  septem,  a  nuUo  tamen,  quod  sciam, 
nomine?.  Sacramentorum  celebrari,  nisi  quod  Eras,  ait  7. 
a  veteribus  recenseri :  August,  loquens  de  Sacramentis  ad 
Januarium  Ep.  ,118.  ait  numerum  septenarium  tribui  Ec- 
clesiae  proprie  i'nstar  universitatis ;  Item  objectum  fuisse 
Husso  in  Concilio  Constantienti  quod  infideliter  senserit  de 
7.  Sacramentis.  De  perfectione  Num.  Septenarii,  vide 
August,  lib.  i,  de  Civ.  cap.  31.  — Dr.  Robertson. 

This  determinate  number  of  seven  Sacraments  is  no 
Doctrine  of  Scripture,  nor  of  the  old  Authors,  nor  ought  not 
to  be  taught  as  such  a  determinate  number  by  Scripture  and 
old  Authors.  —  Dr.  Cox. 

Neither  the  Scripture,  nor  the  ancient  Authors,  do  re- 
cite the  determinate  number  of  the  seven  Sacraments  :  but 
the  Doctrine  of  the  seven  Sacraments  is  grounded  in  Scrip- 
ture, and  taught  by  the  ancient  Authors,  albeit  not  alto- 
gether.—  Dr.  Day. 

Septenarius  Sacramentorum  numerus,  Doctrina  est  re- 
centium  Theologorum  ;  quam  illi  partim  ex  Scriptura,  pai-- 
tim  ex  veterum  scriptis,  argute  in  sacrum  hunc  (ut  aiunt) 
numerum,  coUegerunt.  —  Dr.  Oglethorpe. 

1  think,  as  I  find  by  old  Authors,  the  ancient  Church 
used  all  these  seven  Sacraments ;  and  so  I  think  it  good  to 
be  taught.  —  Dr.  Redmayn. 

The  determinate  number  of  seven  Sacraments  is  not 
taught  in  any  one  Process  of  the  Scripture,  nor  of  any 
one  of  the  old  Authors  of  purpose  speaking  of  them  al- 
together, or  in  one  Process,  as  far  as  I  can  remember ; 
albeit  they  all  seven  be  there,  and  there  spoken  of  in  Scrip- 
ture manifestly,  and  so  have  the  old  Authors  left  them 
in  sundry  places  of  their  Writings  ;  and  so  it  ought  to 
be  taught.  —  Dr.  Edgworth. 

Forasmuch  as  the  Scripture  teacheth  these  seven,  and 
sheweth  special  Graces  given  by  the  same,  the  which  are 
not  so  given  by  others,  called  Sacraments,  the  old  Au- 
thors perceiving  the  special  Graces,  have  accounted  them 
in  a  certain  number,  and  so  have  been  used  by  Doctors 

2  A  3 


to  be  called  seven,  and   without  inconvenience  may  so 
be  taught.  —  Dr.  Symmons. 

I  say.  The  determinate  number  of  seven  is  not  expresly 
mentioned  in  the  Scripture,  like  as  the  determinate  number 
of  the  seven  Petitions  of  the  Prayer  is  not  expresly  men- 
tioned ;  and  as  I  think  the  seven  Petitions  to  have  their 
ground  in  Scripture,  even  so  do  1  think  of  the  sev«n  Sacra- 
ments, to  be  grounded  in  Scripture.  —  Dr.  Tresham. 

To  the  sixth  I  say  as  before.  That  the  Old  Authors  call 
each  of  these  seven.  Sacraments ;  but  be  it,  I  cannot  re- 
member that  ever  I  read  the  determinate,  precise,  and 
express  number  of  seven  Sacraments  in  any  of  the  ancient 
Authors,  nor  in  Scripture.  Howbeit  we  may  find  in 
Scripture,  and  the  old  Authors  also,  mention  made,  and 
the  doctrine  of  each  of  these  seven,  commonly  called  Sa- 
craments. —  Dr.  Leyghton. 

The  determinate  number  of  seven  is  a  Doctrine  to  be 
taught,  for  every  one  of  them  be  contained  in  Scripture, 
though  they  have  not  the  number  of  seven  set  forth  there, 
no  more  than  the  Petitions  of  the  Pater  Noster  be  cal- 
led seven,  nor  the  Articles  of  the  Creed  be  called  twelve. — 
Dr.  Coren. 

Con.  —  Priori  parti  Quaestionis  negative  Respondent. 
Herfordens.  Menevens.  RofFens.  Dayus,  Dunelmens.  Ogle- 
thorpus,  Thurlby :  Posteriori  parti,  quod  sit  Doctrina 
cenveniens  respondent  affirmative,  Eboracen.  Roffen.  Car- 
liolen.  Londinen.  Dayus,  Edgworth,  Redmayn,  Symmons, 
Curren  :  Londinen.  et  Redmanus  non  respondent  priori 
parti  Quaestionis,  nee  Oglethorpns,  Tresham,  Robinsonus  ; 
Posteriori.  Eboracen.  Londin.  Symmons,  Curren,  voluut  6 
Scripturis  peti  Doctrinam  Septem.  Sacramentorum. 

Agreement.  —  In  the  sixth,  touching  the  determinate 
number  of  the  seven  Sacraments,  the  Bishop  of  Duresme, 
Hereford,  St.  David,  and  Rochester,  the  Elect  of  West- 
minster, Dr.  Day,  and  Dr.  Oglethorpe  say.  This  prescribed 
number  of  Sacraments  is  not  found  in  the  old  Authors. 
The  Bishop  of  York,  Drs.  Curren,  Tresham,  and  Symmons, 
say  the  contrary.  Concerning  the  second  part,  whether  it 
be  a  Doctrine  to  be  taught?  The  Bishops  of  Hereford, 
St.  Davids,  and  Dr.  Cox,  Think  it  ought  not  to  be  so  taught 
as  such  a  determinate  number  by  Scripture.  The  Bishops 
of  York,  London,  Carlile,  Drs.  Day,  Curren,  Tresham, 
Symmons,  Crayford,  Think  it  a  Doctrine  meet  to  be 
taught :  And  some  of  them  say.  That  it  is  founded  oa 

OF  RECORDS.  271 

Question  7. 

What  is  found  in  Scripture  of  the  Matter,  Nature,  Effect, 
and  Vei'tite  of  such  as  we  call  the  seven  Sacraments;  so 
as  although  the  Name  he  not  there,  yet  whether  the  thing 
be  nt  Scripture  or  no,  and  in  what  ^>ise  spoken  of? 

I  find  not  in  the  Scripture  the  Matter,  Nature,  and 
Effect  of  all  these  which  we  call  the  seven  Sacraments, 
but  only  of  certain  of  them,  as  of  Baptism,  in  which  we 
be  regenerated  and  pardoned  of  our  sin  by  the  Blood  of 
Christ :  Of  Eucharistia,  in  which  we  be  concorporated 
unto  Christ,  and  made  lively  members  of  his  Body,  nou- 
rished and  fed  to  the  Everlasting  Life,  if  we  receive  it  as 
•we  ought  to  do,  and  else  it  is  to  us  rather  Death  than  Life. 
Of  Peunance  also  I  find  in  the  Scripture,  whereby  Sinners 
after  Baptism  returning  wholly  unto  God,  be  accepted 
again  unto  God's  Favour  and  Mercy.  But  the  Scripture 
speaketh  cot  of  Pennance,  as  we  call  it  a  Sacrament,  con- 
sisting in  three  parts.  Contrition,  Confession,  and  Satis- 
faction ;  but  the  Scripture  taketh  Pennance  for  a  pure 
conversion  of  a  sinner  in  heart  and  mind  from  his  sins  unto 
God,  making  no  mention  of  private  Confession  of  all 
deadly  sins  to  a  Priest,  nor  of  Ecclesiastical  satisfaction 
to  be  enjoined  by  him.  Of  Matrimony  also  I  find  very 
much  in  Scripture,  and  among  other  things,  that  it  is  a 
mean  whereby  God  doth  use  the  infirmity  of  our  Concu- 
piscence to  the  setting  forth  of  his  Glory,  and  encrease  of 
the  World,  thereby  sanctifying  the  Act  of  Carnal  com- 
mixtion between  the  Man  and" the  Wife  to  that  use  ;  yea,  al- 
though one  part  be  an  Infidel :  and  in  this  Matrimony  is 
also  a  Promise  of  Salvation,  if  the  Parents  bring  up  their 
Children  in  the  Faith,  Love,  and  Fear  of  God.  Of  the 
Matter,  Nature,  and  Effect  of  the  other  three,  that  is  losay. 
Confirmation,  Order,  and  extreme  Unction,  I  read  nothing 
in  the  Scripture  as  they  be  taken  for  Sacraments. — 

To  the  seventh ;  Of  Baptism,  we  find  in  Scripture  the 
Institution  by  the  Word  of  Christ ;  we  find  also  that  the 
Matter  of  Baptism  is  Water,  the  Effect  and  vertue  is  Re- 
mission of  Sins.  Of  Confirmation,  we  find  that  the  Apo- 
stles did  confirm  those  that  were  baptised,  by  laying  their 
hands  upon  them,  and  that  the  Effect  then  was  the  coming 
of  the  Holy  Ghost  into  them,  upon  whom  the  Apostles  laid 
their  hands,  in  a  visible  sign  of  the  Gift  of  divers  Lan- 
guages, and  therewith  of  ghostly  strength  to  confess  Christ, 
ibllow^ing  upon  the  same.    Of  the  Sacrament  of  the  Altar, 


we  find,  the  Institution  by  Christ ;  and  the  Matter  thereof. 
Bread  and  Wine  ;  the  Effect,  Increase  of  Grace.  Of  the 
Sacrament  of  Pennance,  we  find  the  Institution  in  the  Gos- 
pel, the  Effect,  Reconciliation  of  the  Sinner,  and  the  union 
of  him  to  the  Mystical  Body  of  Christ.  Of  the  Sacrament 
of.  Matrimony,  we  find  the  Institution  both  in  the  Old  and 
New  Testament,  and  the  Effect  thereof.  Remedy  against 
Concupiscence  and  discharge  of  sin,  which  otherwise 
should  be  in  the  Office  of  Generation.  Of  the  Sacrament 
of  Order  we  find,  that  our  Saviour  gave  to  his  Apostles 
power  to  baptize,  to  bind  and  to  loose  sinners,  to  remit 
sins,  and  to  retain  them,  to  teach  and  preach  his  Word, 
and  to  consecrate  his  most  precious  Body  and  Blood,  which 
be  the  highest  Offices  of  Order  ;  and  the  Effect  thereof, 
Grace,  we  find  in  Scripture.  Of  extream  Unction,  we  find 
in  the  Epistle  of  the  Holy  Apostle  St.  James,  and  of  the 
Effects  of  the  same.  —  York. 

To  the  seventh,  I  find,  that  St.  Austin  is  of  this  sentence. 
That  "  where  the  Sacraments  of  the  Old  Law  did  promise 
Grace  and  Comfort,  the  Sacraments  of  the  New  Law  do 
give  it  indeed."  And  moreover  he  saith,  That  "  the  Sacra- 
ments of  the  New  Law  are,  factu  faciliora,  pauciora,  sahi- 
briora  et  fosliciora,  more  easier,  more  fewer,  more  wholsomer, 
and  more  happy." —  London. 

The  Scripture  teacheth  of  Baptism,  the  Sacrament  of  the 
Altar,  Matrimony,  and  Pennance  manifestly  :  There  be  also 
in  the  Scripture  manifest  examples  of  Confirmation,  viz. 
That  it  was  done  after  Baptism  by  the  Apostles,  per 
manuum  hnpositionem.  The  Scripture  teacheth  also  of  Or- 
der, that  it  was  done,  per  manuum  Impositicniem  cum  ora- 
tione  etjejunio.  Of  the  Unction  of  sick  Men,  the  Epistle  of 
St.  James  teacheth  manifestly. —  Rochester. 

I  think  verily.  That  of  the  Substance,  Effect,  and  Vertue 
of  these  seven  usual  Sacraments,  that  are  to  be  taken  and 
esteeemed  above  others,  we  have  plainly  and  expressly  by 
Holy  Scripture.  Of  Baptism,  That  whosoever  believeth 
in  Christ,  and  is  Christned,  shall  be  saved  ;  and  except 
that  one  be  born  again  of  Water  and  the  Holy  Ghost,  he 
cannot  come  within  the  Ktegdom  of  God.  Of  Matrimony, 
we  have  in  Scripture,  both  by  name,  and  in  effect,  in  the 
Old  and  New  Testament,  both  by  Christ  and  his  Apostle 
Paul.  Of  the  Sacrament  of  the  Altar  I  find  plainly,  ex- 
presly,  both  in  the  Holy  Gospels,  and  other  places  of 
Scripture.  Of  Pennance  in  like  manner.  Of  Confirma- 
tion we  have  in  Scripture,  that  when  the  Samaritans,  by 
the  preaching  of  Philip,  had  received  the  Word  of  God  and 
were  Christened ;  the  Apostles  hearing  of  the  same,  sent 

OF  RECORDS.  273 

Peter  and  John  unto  them ;  who  when  they  came  thither, 
they  prayed  for  them  that  they  might  receive  the  Holy 
Ghost :  then  they  laid  their  hands  upon  them,  and  so  they 
received  the  Holy  Ghost;  "  This,  (saith  Bede)  is  the  Office 
and  Duty  only  of  Bishops."  And  "  this  manner  and  form 
(saith  St.  Hierom)  as  it  is  written  in  the  Acts,  the  Church 
hath  kept,  That  the  Bishop  should  go  abroad  to  call  for  the 
Grace  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  and  lay  his  hands  upon  them,  who 
had  been  Christened  by  Priests  and  Deacons."  Of  the 
Sacrament  of  Orders,  we  have.  That  Christ  make  his  Apo- 
stles the  Teachers  of  his  Law,  and  Ministers  of  his  Sacra- 
ments, that  they  should  duly  do  it,  and  make  and  ordain 
others  likewise  to  do  it  after  them.  And  so  the  Apostles 
ordained  Matthias  to  be  one  of  their  number,  St.  Paul  made 
and  ordained  Timothy  and  Titus,  with  others  likewise.  Of 
the  Sacrament  of  Extream  Unction,  we  have  manifestly  in 
the  Gospel  of  Mark,  and  Epistle  of  St.  James.  —  Carlile. 

Materia  Sacramentorum  est  Verbum  et  Elementum,  vir- 
tus quam  Deus  per  ilia  digne  sumentibus  conferat  gratiam, 
juxta  suam  promissionem,  nimirum  quod  sint  Sacra  Sig- 
nacula,  non  tantum  signantia,  sed  etiam  sanctificantia. 
Unde  opinor  constare  hanc  Sacramentorum  vim  esse  in 
Sacris  Literis. —  Dr.  Robertson. 

I  find  in  Scripture,  of  such  things  as  we  use  to  call  Sa- 
cranients.  First,  Of  Baptism  manifestly.  Of  Euchariitia 
manifestly.  Of  Pennance  manifestly.  Of  Matrimony  ma- 
nifestly. Of  Ordering,  per  manus  Impositioiiem  et  Orationem 
manifestly.  It  is  also  manifest,  that  the  Apostles  laid  their 
hands  upon  them  that  were  Christened.  Of  the  Unction  of 
the  Sick  with  Prayer  manifestly. — Dr.  Cox. 

Albeit  the  seven  Sacraments  be  not  found  in  Scripture 
expressed  by  name,  yet  the  thing  it  self,  that  is  the  Matter, 
Nature,  Effect,  and  Vertue  of  them  is  found  there.  Of 
Baptism  in  divers  places  ;  of  the  most  Holy  Communion  ; 
of  Matrimony ;  of  Absolution ;  of  Bishops,  Priests,  and 
Deacons,  how  they  were  ordained  per  manuum  Imposi- 
tionem  cum  Oratione ;  Of  laying  the  Apostles  hands  on 
them  that  were  Christened,  which  is  a  part  of  Confirmation  ; 
Of  Unction  of  them  that  were  sick,  with  Prayer  joined 
withal.  —  Dr.  Day. 

Natura,  vis,  effectus,  ac  uniuscujusq;  Sacramenti  pro- 
prietas,  seorsim  in  Scriptura  reperitur,  ut  veteres  earn  in- 
terpretati  sunt.  —  Dr.  Oglethorp. 

As  it  appeareth  in  the  Articles  which  be  drawn  of  the 
said  seven  Sacraments.  —  Dr.  Redmayn. 

In  Scripture  we  find  of  the  Form  of  the  Sacraments,  as 
the  words  Sacramental ;  and  the  Matter,  as  the  Element, 


Oil,  Chrism ;  atid  the  Patient  receiving  the  Sacrament ; 
and  of  Grace  and  encrease  of  Vertue  given  by  them  as  the 
Effects.  —  Dr.  Edgeworth. 

The  things  are  contained  in  Scripture,  as  Baptism,  Con- 
firmation, Eticharistia,  Poenitentia,  Extrema  Unctio,  Ordo, 
al^ho  they  have  not  there  this  name  Sacramentum,  as  Matri- 
mony hath  ;  and  every  one  of  them  hath  his  Matter,  Nature, 
Effect  and  Vertue.  —  Dr.  Symmons. 

I  think  the  Thing,  the  Matter,  the  Nature,  the  Effect,  and 
Vertue  of  them  all  be  in  the  Scripture,  and  all  there  insti- 
tute by  God's  Authority,  for  I  think  that  no  one  Man,  nei- 
ther the  whole  Church  hath  pov*rer  to  institute  a  Sacrament, 
but  that  such  Institution  pertaineth  only  to  God.  —  Dr. 

To  the  Seventh,  I  say,  That  we  may  evidently  find  in 
Scripture,  the  substance  of  every  one  of  the  seven  Sacra- 
ments, the  Nature,  Effect,  and  Vertue  of  the  same  ;  as  of 
Baptism,  Confirmation,  Pennance,  Matrimony,  and  so  forth 
of  the  rest.  —  Dr.  Leyghton. 

Of  the  Matter,  Nature,  Vertue,  and  Effect,  of  such  as  we 
call  Sacraments,  Scripture  maketh  mention:  Of  Baptism 
manifestly ;  of  the  most  Holy  Communion  manifestly  ;  of 
Absolution  manifestly ;  of  Matrimony  manifestly  ;  of  Bi- 
shops, Priests,  and  Deacons,  Scripture  speaketh  manifestly ; 
for  they  were  ordered,  per  Impositiones  manuum  Presbyterii 
cum  Oratione  et  jejunio.  —  Dr.Coren. 

Con.  —  Conveniunt  praeter  Menevens.  naturam  septem 
Sacramentorum  nobis  tradi  in  Scripturis.  Eboracens.  effec- 
tus  singulorum  enumerat,  item  Carliolens.  Londinens.  non 
Respondet  Quaestioni.  Treshamus  ait  ideo  e  Scripturis 
tradi  nobis  Sacramenta,  quoniam  tota  Ecclesia  non  habet 
Authoritatem  Instituendi  Sacramenta. 

Agreement.  —  In  the  seventh  they  do  agree,  saving  this. 
That  the  Bishop  of  St.  David  says,  That  "the  Nature, 
Effect,  and  Vertue  of  these  seven  Sacraments,  only  Baptism, 
the  Sacrament  of  the  Altar,  Matrimony,  Pennance,  are  con- 
tained in  the  Scripture."  The  other  say,  "  that  the  Nature 
and  the  Vertue  of  all  the  seven  be  contained  in  the  Scrip- 

Question  8. 

Whether  Confirmation,  cum  Chrismate,  of  them  that  be 
Baptized  be  found  in  Scripture? 
Of  Confirmation  with  Chrism,  without  which  it  is  counted 
no  Sacrament,  there  is  no  mention  in  the  Scripture.  —  Can- 

OF  RECORDS.  275 

To  the  eighth ;  We  find  Confirmation,  cum  Impositione 
manuum'm  Scripture,  as  before;  cum  Chrismate  we  find  not 
in  the  Scripture,  but  yet  we  find  Chrismation  with  Oil  used 
even  from  the  time  of  the  Apostles,  and  so  taken  as  a  Tra- 
dition Apostolick.  —  York. 

To  the  eighth ;  I  find  in  Scripture,  in  many  places,  de 
Impositione  manuum,  which  I  think  (considering  the  usage 
commonly  and  so  long  withal  used)  to  be  Confirmation; 
and  that  with  Chrism,  to  supply  the  visible  appearance  of 
the  Holy  Ghost,  which  Holy  Ghost  was  so  visibly  seen  in 
the  Primitive  Church  ;  nevertheless  for  the  perfect  declara- 
tion of  the  verity  hereof,  I  refer  it  to  the  judgment  of  Men 
of  higher  knowledg  in  this  Faculty.  —  London. 

Altho  Confirmation  be  found  in  the  Scripture,  by  Ex- 
ample, as  I  said  before,  yet  there  is  nothing  written  de 
Chrismate.  —  Rochester. 

The  Imposition  of  Hands,  the  Holy  Doctors  take  for  the 
same  which  we  call  Confirmation,  done  upon  them  which 
were  christened  before,  whereof  is  written  in  the  Acts. 
And  as  for  Chrisma,  it  should  seem  by  Cyprian,  both  as 
touching  the  confection  and  usage  thereof,  that  it  hath  a 
great  ground  to  be  derived  out  of  Scripture,  tho  it  be  not 
manifestly  therein  spoken  of.  —  Carlile. 

Res  et  Efiectus  Confirmationis  continentur  in  Scriptura, 
nempe,  Impositio  manuum  per  Apostolos  Baptizatis,  per 
quam  dabatur  Spiritus  Sanctus.  De  Chrismate  nihil  illic 
legimus,  (^uia  per  id  tempus  Spiritus  Sanctus  signo  visibili 
descendent  in  Baptizatos.  Quod  ubi  fieri  desierit,  Eccle- 
sia  Chrismate  signi  externi  loco  uti  coepit.  —  Dr.  Robertson. 

I  find  not  in  Scripture  that  the  Apostles  laying  their 
hands  upon  them  that  were  baptized,  did  anoint  them 
Chriscnate.—  'Dx,  Cox. 

Confirmation  cum  CkrisTnate  I  read  not  in  Scripture,  but 
Impositionem  manuum  super  Baptizatos,  I  find  there  is, 
which  ancient  Authors  call  Confirmation;  and  Inunction 
with  Chrisma  hath  been  ttsed  from  the  Primitive  Church.  — 
Dr.  Day. 

De  Impositione  manuum  cum  Oratione,  expressa  mentio 
est  in  Scripturis,  quaj  nunc  usitato  nomine,  a  Doctoribus 
dicitur,  Confirmatio.  Sacrum  Chrisma,  traditio  est  Aposto- 
Jica,  ut  ex  veteribus  liquet. — Dr.  Oglethorpe. 

The  Question  is  not  simple,  but  as  if  it  were  asked. 
Whether  Euchuristia  in  infermentato,  be  in  the  Scripture,  or, 
baplismus  cum  sale.  Imposition  of  the  Apostles  hands,  in 
which  was  conferred  the  Holy  Ghost  for  Confirmation  of 
them  who  were  baptized,  is  found  in  Scripture.  Chrisma 
is  a  Tradition  deduced  from  tiie  Apostles,  as  may  be  ga- 


thered  by  Scripture,  and  by  the  Old  Authors,  and  the  Mys- 
tery thereof  is  not  to  be  despised. —  Dr.  Redmayn. 

This  Sacrament  is  one,  nnitate  integritaiis ,  as  some  others 
be  :  Therefore  it  hath  two  parts ;  of  which  one,  that  is 
Inipositio  manuum,  is  taken  Heb.  6.  and  Act.  8.  The  other 
part,  that  is,  Chrisme,  is  taken  of  the  Tradition  of  the 
Fathers,  and  so  used  from  the  Primitive  Church,  vid.  Cyp. 
Epist.  lib.  I.  Ep.  12.  —  Dr.  Edgeworth. 
'  Confirmation  is  found  in  Scripture,  and  Confirmation  cum 
Chrismate,  is  gathered  from  the  old  Authors. —  Dr.Symmons. 

I  say  Confirmation  is  found  in  Scripture,  but  this  addi- 
tament,  cum  Chrismate,  is  not  of  the  Scripture,  yet  is  it  a 
very  ancient  Tradition,  as  appeareth  by  Cyp.  de  Unci. 
Chrism.  —  Dr.  Tresham. 

To  the  eighth  Question,  I  say.  That  Confirmation  of  them 
tliat  be  baptized,  is  found  in  Scripture,  but  cum  Chrismate 
it  is  not  found  in  Scripture,  but  it  was  used  cum  Chrismate 
in  the  Church  soon  after  the  Apostles  time,  as  it  may  evi- 
dently appear  by  the  cited  Authors.  —  Dr.  Leyghton. 

The  laying  of  the  Bishops  hands  upon  them  that  be 
christened,  which  is  a  part  of  Confirmation,  is  plainly  in 
Scripture  ;  and  the  Unction  with  Chrisme,  which  is  another 
part,  hath  been  observed  from  the  Primitive  Church,  and 
is  called  of  St.  Austin,  Sacramentum  Chrismatis.  Unction 
of  the  Sick  with  Oil,  and  the  Prayer,  is  grounded  expresly 
in  Scripture.  —  Dr.  Coren. 

Con. — Conveniunt  omnes  Confirmationem  cum  Chrismate 
non  haberi  in  Scripturis.  Eboracens.  Tresham,  Coren, 
Day,  Oglethorpe,  Edgeworth,  Leighton,  Symmons,  Redman, 
Robinsonus,  Confirmationem  in  Scripturis  esse  contendunt ; 
caeterum  Chrisma  esse  traditionem  Apostolicam :  addit 
Robertsonus,  et  ubi  fieri  tiesierat  miraculum  Consecrandi 
Spiritus  Sancti,  Ecclesia  Chrismate  signi  externi  loco  uti 
coepit ;  Convenit  illi  Londinens.  Carliolens.  putat  usum 
Chrismatis  ex  Scripturis  peti  posse  ;  Putant  omnes  turn 
in  hoc  Articulo,  turn  superiori,  Impositionem  manuum  esse 

Agheement.  —  In  the  eighth  they  do  agree  all,  except  it 
be  the  Bishop  of  Carlile,  That  Confirmatio  cum  Chrismate  i& 
not  found  in  Scripture,  but  only,  Confirmatio  cummanuum  Im- 
positione.  And  that  also  my  Lord  of  St.  Davids  denieth  to- 
be  in  Scripture,  as  we  call  it  a  Sacrament.  My  Lord  of  Car- 
lile saith.  That  "  Chrisma,  as  touching  the  confection  and 
usage  thereof,  hath  a  ground  to  be  derived  out  of  Scripture  J' 
The  other  say.  That  "  it  is  but  a  Tradition." 

OF  RECORDS.  277 

Question  9. 

Whether  the  Apostles  lacking  a  higher  Power,  as  in  not  having 
a  Christian  King  among  them,  made  Bishops  by  that  neces- 
sity, or  by  Authority  given  by  God  ? 
All  Christian  Princes  have  committed  unto  them  immedi- 
ately of  God  the  whole  Cure  of  all  their  Subjects,  as  well 
concerning  the  Administration  of  God's  Word,  for  the  Cure 
of  Souls,  as  concerning  the  ministration  of  things  Political 
and  Civil  Governance :  And  in  both  these  Ministrations, 
they  must  have  sundry  Ministers  under  them  to  supply  that, 
which  is  appointed  to  their  several  Offices.  The  Civil  Mi- 
nisters under  the  King's  Majesty,  in  this  llealm  of  England, 
be  those  whom  it  shall  please  his  Highness  for  the  time  to 
put  in  Authority  under  him:  As  for  Example;  The  Lord 
Chancellor,  Lord  Treasurer,  Lord  Great  Master,  Lord  Privy 
Seal,  Lord  Admiral,  Majors,  Sheriffs,  &c.  The  Ministers 
of  God's  Word,  under  his  Majesty,  be  the  Bishops,  Parsons, 
Vicars,  and  such  other  Priests  as  be  appointed  by  his  High- 
ness to  that  Ministration :  As  for  Example,  the  Bishop  of 
Canterbury,  the  Bishop  of  Duresme,  the  Bishop  of  Win- 
chester, the  Parson  of  Winwick,  &c.  All  the  said  Officers 
and  Ministers,  as  well  of  that  sort  as  the  other,  be  appointed, 
assigned,  and  elected,  and  in  every  place,  by  the  Laws  and 
Orders  of  Kings  and  Princes.  In  the  admission  of  many  of 
these  Officers,  be  divers  comely  Ceremonies  and  Solemnities 
used,  which  be  not  of  necessity,  but  only  for  a  good  order 
and  seemly  fashion ;  for  if  such  Offices  and  Ministrations 
were  committed  without  such  solemnity,  they  were  never- 
theless truly  committed :  And  there  is  no  more  Promise  of 
God,  that  Grace  is  given  in  the  committing  of  the  Ecclesi- 
astical Office,  than  it  is  in  the  committing  of  the  Civil  Office. 
In  the  Apostles  time,  when  there  was  no  Christian  Princes, 
by  whose  Authority  Ministers  of  God's  Word  might  be  ap- 
pointed, nor  Sins  by  the  Sword  corrected,  there  was  no  Re- 
medy then  for  the  correction  of  Vice,  or  appointing  of  Minis- 
ters, but  only  the  consent  of  Christian  Multitudes  among 
themselves,  by  an  uniform  consent,  to  follow  the  advice  and 
perswasion  of  such  Persons  whom  God  had  most  endued 
with  the  Spirit  of  Counsel  and  Wisdom  :  And  at  that  time, 
forasmuch  as  the  Christian  People  had  no  Sword,  nor  Go- 
vernour  amongst  them,  they  were  constrained  of  necessity 
to  take  such  Curats  and  Priests,  as  either  they  knew  them- 
selves to  be  meet  thereunto,  or  else  as  were  commended 
Vol.  I,  Paht  II.  2B 


unto  them  by  others,  that  were  so  replete  with  the  Spirit  of 
God,  with  such  knowledg  in  the  profession  of  Christ,  such 
Wisdom,  such  Conversation  and  Counsel,  that  they  ought 
even  of  very  Conscience  to  give  credit  unto  them,  and  to 
accept  such  as  by  them  were  presented ;  and  so  sometimes 
the  Apostles  and  others,  unto  whom  God  had  given  abun- 
dantly his  Spirit,  sent  or  appointed  Ministers  of  God's 
Word;  sometimes  the  People  did  choose  such  as  they 
thought  meet  thereunto ;  and  when  any  were  appointed  or 
sent  by  the  Apostles  or  others,  the  People  of  their  own 
voluntary  Will  with  thanks  did  accept  them :  nor  for  the 
Supremity,  Empire,  or  Dominion,  that  the  Apostles  had 
over  them  to  command,  as  their  Princes  and  Masters,  but 
as  good  People  ready  to  obey  the  advice  of  good  Counsel- 
lors, and  to  accept  any  thing  that  was  necessary  for  their 
edification  and  benefit.—  Canterbury. 

To  the  ninth ;  We  find  in  Scripture,  that  the  Apostles 
used  the  Power  to  make  Bishops,  Priests,  and  Deacons ; 
which  Power  may  be  grounded  upon  these  words ;  Sicut 
misit  me  vivens  Pater  sic  ego  mitto  vos,  &c.  And  we  verily 
think,  that  they  durst  not  have  used  so  high  Power,  unless 
they  had  had  Authority  from  Christ ;  but  that  their  Power 
to  ordain  Bishops,  Priests,  or  Deacons,  by  Imposition  of 
Hands,  requireth  any  other  Authority,  than  Authority  of 
God,  we  neither  read  in  Scripture,  nor  out  of  Scripture.  — 

To  the  ninth  ;  I  think  the  Apostles  made  Bishops  by  the 
Law  of  God.  because.  Acts  22,  it  is  said.  In  quo  vos  Spiritus 
Sanctus  posuit :  Nevertheless,  I  think  if  Christian  Princes 
had  been  then^  they  should  have  named  by  Right,  and 
appointed  the  said  Bishops  to  their  Rooms  and  Places. — 

I  think  that  the  Apostles  made  Bishops  by  Authority 
given  them  from  God. —  Rochester. 

That  Christ  made  his  Apostles,  Priests,  and  Bishops,  and 
that  he  gave  them  Power  to  make  others  like,  it  seemeth  to 
be  the  very  trade  of  Scripture.  —  Carlile. 

Opinor  Apostolos  Authoritate  Divina  creasse  Episcopos 
et  Presbyteros,  ubi  Publicus  Magistratus  permittit.  —  Dr. 

Altho  the  Apostles  had  no  authority  to  force  any  Man  to  be 
a  Priest,  yet  they  (moved  by  the  Holy  Ghost)  had  authority 
of  God  to  exhort  and  induce  Men  to  set  forth  God's  Honour, 
and  so  to  make  them  Priests.  —  Dr.  Cox. 

The  Apostles  made,  that  is  to  say,  ordained  Bishops  by 
authority  given  them  by  God  ;  Joh.  20.  Sicut  misit  me  vivens 

OF  RECORDS.  279 

Pater,  ita  et  ego  mitto  vos.    Item  Joan.  ult.  et  Act.  20.  aad  1 

Tim.  4.  Pauius  ordinavit  Timotheum  et  Titum,  et  prcescribit 
quales  illi  debeant  ordinare.     1  Tim.  1.  Tit.  1.  —  Dr.  Day. 

ApostoU  autoritate  et  mandate  Dei,  ordinabant  ac  insti- 
tuebant  Episcopos,  petita  ac  obtenta  prius  facultate  a  Prin- 
cipe ac  Magistratu(utopinor)qui  turn  praserat.  —  Dr.  Ogle* 

Christ  gave  his  Apostles  authority  to  make  other  Bishops 
and  Ministers  in  his  Church,  as  he  had  received  authority 
of  the  Father  to  make  them  Bishops  ;  but  if  any  Christian 
Prince  had  then  been,  the  Apostles  had  been,  and  ought  to 
have  been  obedient  Subjects,  and  would  nothing  have  at- 
tempted, but  under  the  permission  and  assent  of  their 
Earthly  Governors :  yet  was  it  meet  that  they  which  were 
special  and  most  Elect  Servants  of  our  Saviour  Christ,  and 
were  sent  by  him  to  convert  the  World,  and  having  most 
abundantly  the  Holy  Ghost  in  them,  should  have  special 
ordering  of  such  Ministry  as  pertained  to  the  planting  and 
encreasing  of  the  Faith ;  whereunto  I  doubt  not,  but  a 
Christian  Prince,  of  his  godly  mind,  would  most  lovingly 
have  condescended.  And  it  is  to  be  considered,  that  ia 
this  Question,  with  other  like,  this  word  "  making  of  a 
Bishop,  or  Priest,"  may  be  taiken  two  ways:  for  under- 
standing the  Word,  to  ordain  or  consecrate,  so  it  is  a  thing 
which  pertaineth  to  the  Apostles  and  their  Successors  only  ; 
but  if  by  this  word  (Making)  be  understood  the  appointing 
or  naming  to  the  Office  ;  so,  it  pertaineth  specially  to  the 
Supream  Heads  and  Govemours  of  the  Church,  which  be 
Prmces. —  Dr.  Redmayn. 

The  Apostles  made  Bishops  and  Priests  by  authority 
given  them  of  God,  and  not  for  lack  of  any  higher  Power: 
Notwithstanding  where  there  is  a  Christned  King  or  Prince, 
the  Election,  Deputation,  and  Assignation  of  them,  that 
shall  be  Priests  or  Bishops,  belongeth  to  the  King  or  Prince, 
so  that  he  may  forbid  any  Bishop  within  his  Kingdom,  that 
he  give  no  orders,  for  Considerations  moving  him,  and  may 
assign  him  a  time  when  he  shall  give  Orders,  and  to  whom  : 
Example  of  King  David,  1  Chrou.  24.  dividing  the  Levites 
into  24  Orders,  deputing  over  every  Order  one  chief  Bishop, 
prescribing  an  Ordinal  and  Rule  how  they  should  do  their 
Duties,  their  Courses ;  and  what  Sacrifices,  Rites,  and 
Ceremonies,  they  should  use  every  day,  as  the  day  and  time 
required.  And  his  Son,  King  Solomon,  diligently  executed, 
and  commanded  the  same  usages  to  be  observed  in  the 
Temple,  after  he  had  erected  and  finished  it,  2Chron.  8.  — 
Dr.  Edgworth. 


The  Apostles  made  Bishops  and  Priests,  by  authority 
given  them  of  God.  — •  Dr.  Symmons. 

I  say,  That  the  Apostles  had  authority  of  God  to  make 
Bishops ;  yet  if  there  had  been  a  Christian  King  in  any 
place  where  they  made  Bishops,  they  would,  and  ought, 
to  have  desired  authority  also  of  him,  for  the  executing  of 
such  their  godly  Acts,  which  no  Christian  King  would  have 
denied.  —  Dr.  Tresham. 

To  the  ninth,  I  say,  That  the  Apostles  (as  I  suppose) 
made  Bishops  by  authority  given  unto  them  of  Christ : 
Howbeit  I  think  they  would  and  should  have  required  the 
Christian  Princes  consent  and  license  thereto,  if  there  had 
been  any  Christian  Kings  or  Princes.  —  Dr.  Leighton. 

The  Apostles  made  Bishops  and  Priests  by  authority 
given  them  of  God :  Notwithstanding  if  there  had  been  a 
Christian  King  at  that  time,  it  had  been  their  Duties  to 
have  had  his  License  and  Permission  to  do  the  same. — 
Dr.  Coren. 

Con.  —  Omnes  Conveniunt  Apostolos  Divinitus  accepisse 
Potestatem  creandi  Episcopos  ;  Eboracens.  addit,  non  opus 
fuisse  alia  authoritate  Apostolis  quam  divina :  Sic  Thirleby 
et  Edgworth,  Redmanus  distinguit  de  Institutione  Presby- 
teri,  Ordinationem  et  Consecrationem  tribuit  tantum  Apos- 
tolis et  eorum  Successoribus,  nominationem  et  electionem 
Magistratibus :  Sic  Londinens.  Leightonus,  Redman, 
Tresham,  Curren,  aiunt  petendam  fuisse  Potestatem  a  Ma- 
gistratu  Christiano,  si  tum  fuisset.  Robertsonus  non  res- ' 
pondet  Quaestioni,  concedit  enim  datam  esse  Apostolis 
Potestatem  creandi  Episcopos  ubi  Magistratus  permittit. 
Oglethorpus  putat  eos  impetrasse  potestatem  a  princi- 
pibus :  Carliolens.  RofFens.  Dayus,  non  respondent  ultimae 

Agreement.  —  In  the  ninth,  touching  the  Authority  of 
the  Apostles  in  making  Priests,  the  Bishop  of  York,  the 
Elect  of  Westminster,  Dr.  Edgeworth,  say.  That  "  the 
Apostles  made  Priests  by  their  own  Power,  given  them  by 
God,  and  that  they  had  no  need  of  any  other  Power."  The 
Bishop  of  St.  David  saith.  That  "because  they  lacked  a 
Christian  Prince,  by  that  necessity  they  Ordained  other 
Bishops."  Dr.  Leighton,  Curren,  Tresham,  and  Redmayn, 
suppose.  That  "  they  ought  to  have  asked  license  of  their 
t  christian  Governours,  if  then  there  had  been  any." 

OF  RECORDS.  381 

Question  10. 

Whether  Bishops  or  Priests  were  first  ?  and  if  the  Priests  itoere 

first,  then  the  Priests  made  the  Bishop  ? 


The  Bishops  and  Priests  were  at  one  time,  and  were  no 
two  things,  but  both  one  Office  in  the  beginning  of  Christ's 
Religion. —  Canterbury. 

To  the  tenth  ;  We  think  that  the  Apostles  were  Priests 
before  they  were  Bishops ;  and  that  the  Divine  Power 
which  made  ihem  Priests,  made  them  also  Bishops ;  and 
altho  their  Ordination  was  not  by  all  such  Course  as  the 
Church  now  useth,  yet  that  they  had  both  Visible  and 
Invisible  Sanctification,  we  may  gather  of  the  Gospel, 
where  it  is  written,  Sicut  misit  me  Pater  vivens,  et  ego  mitto 
vos:  et  cum  htzc  dixit,  insufflavit  in  eos  et  dixit,  accipite 
Spiritiim  Sa7ictum:  Quorum  remiseritis,  &c.  And  we  may 
well  think,  that  then  they  were  made  Bishops,  when  they 
had  not  only  a  Flock,  but  also  Shepherds  appointed  to 
them  to  overlook,  and  a  Governance  committed  to  them  by 
the  Holy  Ghost  to  oversee  both:  for  the  name  of  a  Bishop, 
is  not  properly  a  name  of  Order,  but  a  name  of  Office,  sig- 
nifying an  Overseer.  And  altho  the  inferior  Shepherds 
have  also  Cure  to  over-see  their  Flock,  yet  forsomuch  as 
the  Bishops  Charge  is  also  to  oversee  the  Shepherds,  the 
name  of  Overseer  is  given  to  the  Bishops,  and  not  to  the 
other  ;  and  as  they  be  in  degree  higher,  so  in  their  Conse- 
cration we  find  difference  even  from  the  Primitive  Church. 
—  York. 

To  the  tenth ;  I  think  the  Bishops  were  first,  and  yet  I 
think  it  is  not  of  importance,  whether  the  Priest  then  made 
the  Bishop,  or  else  the  Bishop  the  Priest ;  considering 
(after  the  Sentence  of  St.  Jerome)  "  that  in  the  beginning 
of  the  Church  there  was  none  (or  if  it  were,  very  small) 
difference,  between  a  Bishop  and  a  Priest,  especially  touch- 
ing the  signification."  —  London. 

1  find  in  Scripture,  That  Christ  being  both  a  Priest  and 
a  Bishop,  ordained  his  Apostles,  who  were  both  Priests 
and  Bishops ;  and  the  same  Apostles  did  afterwards  ordain 
Bishops,  and  commanded  them  to  ordain  others. —  Ro- 

Christ  made  his  Apostles  Exorcists,  as  it  appeareth  in 
the  10  Mat.  Deacons,  Priests,  and  Bishops,  as  partly 
there,  and  after,  in  the  20  of  St.  John,  Quorum  Remiseritis, 
&c. ;  and  where  he  said.  Hoc  facite  in  meam  Commemora-' 
tionem.     In  the  Acts,  Cceterorum  nemo  audebat  se  co7ijun- 



gere  illis.  So  that  they  were  all  these  together ;  and  so 
being  according  to  the  Ordinance  of  Christ,  who  had  made 
after  them  72  other  Priests,  as  it  appeareth  in  the  10  of 
St.  Luke  :  They  made  and  ordained  also  others  the  seven 
principal  Deacons,  as  it  is  shewed  in  the  6  of  the  Acts ; 
where  it  is  said,  That  they  praying  laid  their  hands  upon 
them.  In  the  13  of  the  Acts,  certain  there  named  at  the 
commandment  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  severed  Saul  and  Bar- 
nabas to  that  God  had  taken  them.  Fasting,  Praying,  and 
laying  their  hands  upon  them ;  the  which  Saul,  Ananias 
the  Disciple  had  baptized,  laying  his  hands  upon  him,  that 
he  might  be  replenished  with  the  Holy  Ghost.  And  Paul 
so  made,  ordained  Timothy  and  Tite,  willing  them  to  do 
likewise  as  he  had  done,  and  appointed  to  be  done  from 
City  to  City.  James  was  ordained  the  Bishop  of  Jerusalem, 
by  Peter,  John,  and  James.  So  that  Example  otherwise  we 
read  not.  —  Carlisle. 

Incertus  sum  utri  fuere  priores,  at  si  Apostoli  in  prima 
profectione  Ordinati  erant,  apparet  Episcopos  fuisse  pri- 
ores, nempe  Apostolos,  nam  postea  designavit  Christus 
alios  septuaginta  duos.  Nee  opinor  absurdum  esse,  ut 
Sacerdos  Episcopum  Consecret,  si  Episcopus  haberi  non 
potest. —  Dr.  Robertson. 

Although  by  Scripture  (as  St.  Hierome  saith)  Priests  and 
Bishops  be  one,  and  therefore  the  one  not  before  the  other  : 
Yet  Bishops,  as  they  be  now,  were  after  Priests,  and  there- 
fore made  of  Priests.  —  Dr.  Cox. 

The  Apostles  were  both  Bishops  and  Priests,  and  they 
made  Bishops  and  Priests,  as  Titus  and  Timotheus  made 
Priests.  Episcopatum  ejus  accipiat  alter,  Act.  1.  Fresby te- 
res qui  in  vobis  sunt  obsecro  et  ego  Compreshyter,  1  Pet.  5. 
And  in  the  beginning  of  the  Church,  as  well  that  word  Epis- 
copus as  Presbyter,  was  common  and  attributed  both  to 
Bishops  and  Priests.  —  Dr.  Day.' 

Utrique  primi  a  Deo  facti,  Apostoli,  Episcopi ;  Septuaginta 
discipuli  (ut  conjectura  ducor)  Sacerdotes.  Unde  verisimile 
est  Episcopos  praecessisse,  Apostoli  enim  prius  vocati  erant. 
—  Dr.  Oglethorp. 

They  be  of  like  beginning,  and  at  the  beginning  were  both 
one,  as  St.  Hierome  and  other  old  Authors  shew  by  the 
Scripture,  wherefore  one  made  another  indifferently. — Dr. 

Christ  our  chief  Priest  and  Bishop,  made  his  Apostles 
Priests  and  Bishops  all  at  once ;  and  they  did  likewise 
make  others,  some  Priests,  and  some  Bishops  :  and  that  the 
Priests  in  the  Primitive  Church  made  Bishops,  I  think  no 
inconvenience  (as  Jerome  saith)  in  an  Epist.  ad  Evagrium. 

OF  RECORDS.  283 

Even  like  as  Souldiers  should  choose  one  among  themselves 
to  be  their  Captain :  So  did  Priests  ckoose  one  of  themselves 
to  be  their  Bishop,  for  consideration  of  his  learning,  gravity, 
and  good  living,  &c.  and  also  for  to  avoid  Schisms  among 
themselves  by  them,  that  some  might  not  draw  the  People 
one  way,  and  others  another  way,  if  they  lacked  one  Head 
among  them.  —  Dr.  Edgeworth. 

Christ  was  and  is  the  great  High  Bishop,  and  made  all 
his  Apostles  Bishops ;  and  they  made  Bishops  and  Priests 
after  him,  and  so  hath  it  ever  more  continued  hitherto.  —  Dr. 

I  say,  Christ  made  the  Apostles  first  Priests,  and  then 
Bishops,  and  they  by  this  Authority  made  both  Priests  and 
Bishops  ;  but  where  there  had  been  a  Christian  Prince,  they 
they  would  have  desired  his  Authority  to  the  same.  —  Dr. 

To  the  Tenth.  —  Dr.  Leighton. 

The  Apostles  were  made  of  Christ  Bishops  and  Priests, 
both  at  the  first ;  and  after  them,  Septuaginta  duo  Discipuli 
were  made  Priests.  —  Dr.  Coren. 

Cox.  — Menevens.  Therleby,  Redmanus,  Coxus,  asserunt 
in  initio  eosdem  fuisse  Episcopos  et  Presbyteros.  Londinens. 
Carliolens.  Symons,  putant  Apostolos  fuisse  institutos  Epis- 
copos a  Christo,  et  eos  postea  instituisse  alios  Episcopos  et 
Presbyteros,  et  72  Presbyteros  postea  fuisse  Ordinatos  :  Sic 
Oglethorpus,  Eboracens.  et  Tresham  aiunt  Apostolos  primo 
fuisse  Presbyteros,  deinde  Episcopos  cum  aliorum  Presby- 
terorum  credita  esset  illis  cura.  Robertsonus  incertus  est 
Htri  fuere  priores,  non  absurdum  tamen  esse  opinatur,  ut 
Sacerdos  consecret  Episcopum,  si  Episcopus  haberi  non 
potest.  Sic  Londinens.  Edgworth,  Dayus,  putant  etiam 
Episcopos,  ut  vulgo  de  Episcopis  loquimur,  fuisse  ante  Pres- 
byteros.   Leightonus  nihil  Respondet. 

Agrekment.' — In  the  tenth  ;  Where  it  is  asked,  Whether 
Bishops  or  Priests  were  first  ?  The  Bishop  of  St.  David,  my 
Lord  Elect  of  Westminter,  Dr.  Cox,  Dr.  Redmayn,  say. 
That  "  at  the  beginning  they  were  all  one."  The  Bishops  of 
York,  London,  Rochester,  Carlisle ;  Drs.  Day,  Tresham, 
Symmons,  Oglethorp,  be  in  other  contrary  Opinions.  The 
Bishop  of  York,  and  Doctor  Tresham,  think,  "That  the 
Apostles  first  were  Priests,  and  after  were  made  Bishops, 
when  the  overseeing  of  other  Priests  was  committed  to 
them."  l\Iy  Lords  of  Duresme,  London,  Carlisle,  Roches- 
ter, Dr.  Symmons  and  Crayford,  think,  "  That  the  Apostles 
.  first  were  Bishops,  and  they  after  made  other  Bishops  and 
Priests."  Dr.  Coren  and  Oglethorp,  say,  "  That  the  Apos- 
les  were  made  Bishops,  and  the  72  were  after  made  Priests." 


Dr,  Day  thinks,  "  That  Bishops,  as  they  be  now-a-days 
called,  were  before  Priests."  My  Lord  of  London,  Drs. 
Edgworth  and  Robertson,  think  "  it  no  inconvenience,  if  a 
Priest  made  a  Bishop  in  that  time.'* 

Question  11. 

Whether  a  Bishop  hath  Authority  to  make  a  Priest  by  the  Scrip- 
ture, or  no  ?  And  whether  any  other  but  only  a  Bishop  may 
make  a  Priest  1 

A  Bishop  may  make  a  Priest  by  the  Scripture,  and  so 
may  Princes  and  Governours  also,  and  that  by  the  autho- 
rity of  God  committed  to  them,  and  the  People  also  by  their 
Election ;  for  as  we  read  that  Bishops  have  done  it,  so 
Christian  Emperors  and  Princes  usually  have  done  it,  and 
the  People  before  Christian  Princes  were,  commonly  did 
Elect  their  Bishops  and  Priests.  —  Canterbury. 

To  the  eleventh ;  That  a  Bishop  may  make  a  Priest, 
may  be  deduced  of  Scripture ;  for  so  much  as  they  have  all 
Authority  necessary  for  the  ordering  of  Christ's  Church, 
derived  from  the  Apostles,  who  made  Bishops  and  Priests, 
and  not  without  Authority,  as  we  have  said  before  to  the 
ninth  Question ;  and  that  any  other  than  Bishops  or  Priests, 
may  make  a  Priest,  we  neither  find  in  Scripture  nor  out  of 
Scripture.  —  York. 

To  the  eleventh,  I  think.  That  a  Bishop  duly  appointed, 
hath  authority,  by  Scripture,  to  make  a  Bishop,  and  also  a 
Priest :  because  Christ  being  a  Bishop  did  so  make  himself  j 
and  because  alive,  his  Apostles  did  the  like.  —  London, 

The  Scripture  sheweth  by  example,  that  a  Bishop  hath 
authority  to  make  a  Priest ;  albeit  no  Bishop  being  subject 
to  a  Christian  Prince,  may  either  give  Orders  or  Excommu- 
nicate, or  use  any  manner  of  Jtirisdiction,  or  any  part  of  his 
Authority,  without  Commission  from  the  King,  who  is  Su- 
pream  Head  of  that  Church  whereof  he  is  a  Member;  but 
that  any  other  Man  may  do  it  besides  a  Bishop,  I  find  no 
example,  either  in  Scripture,  or  in  Doctors.  —  Rochester. 

By  what  is  said  before,  it  appeareth,  that  a  Bishop  by 
Scripture  may  make  Deacons  and  Priests,  and  that  we  have 
none  example  otherwise.  • —  Carlisle. 

Opinor  Episcopum  habere  Authoritatem  creandi  Sacer- 
dotem,  modo  id  Magistratus  publici  permissu  fiat.  An  vero 
ab  alio  quam  Episcopo  id  rite  fieri  possit,  hand  scio,  quam- 
vis  ab  alio  factum  non  memini  me  legisse.  Ordin.  conferr. 
gratiam.  vid.  Eck.  homil.  60.  —  Dr.  Robertson. 
Bishops  have  authority,  as  is  afore- said,  of  the  Apostles-, 

OF  RECORDS.  285 

in  the  tenth  Question,  to  make  Priests,  except  in  cases  of 
great  necessity.  —  Dr.  Cox. 

Bishops  have  authority  by  Scripture  to  ordain-  Bishops 
and  Priests  ;  Joh.  20.  Hujus  rei  gratia  reliqui  te  Crette,  ut 
coiistituas  oppidatim  Preshyieros,  Tit.  1.  Act.  14.  — Dr.  Day. 

Autoritas  ordinandi  Presbyteros  data  est  Episcopis  per 
verbum,  nullisque  aliis  quos  lego.  —  Dr.  Oglethorpe. 

To  the  first  part,  I  answer.  Yea ;  for  so  it  appeareth  Tit. 
1.  and  1  Tim.  5.  with  other  places  of  Scripture.  But  whe- 
ther any  other  but  only  a  Bishop  may  make  a  Priest,  I  have 
not  read,  but  by  singular  priviledg  of  God ;  as  when  Moses 
(whom  divers  Authors  say  was  not  a  Priest)  made  Aaron  a 
Priest.  Truth  it  is,  that  the  Office  of  a  Godly  Prince  is  to 
over-see  the  Church,  and  the  Ministers  thereof;  and  to 
cause  them  do  their  duty,  and  also  to  appoint  them  spe- 
cial Charges  and  Offices  in  the  Church,  as  may  be  most  for 
the  Glory  of  God,  and  edifying  of  tbe  People  :  and  thus  we 
read  of  the  good  Kings  in  the  Old  Testament,  David,  Joas, 
Ezekias,  Josias.  But  as  for  Making,  that  is  to  say.  Ordain- 
ing and  Consecrating  of  Priests,  I  think  it  specially  belong- 
eth  to  the  Office  of  a  Bishop,  as  far  as  can  be  shewed  by 
Scripture,  or  any  Example,  as  I  suppose  from  the  beginning. 
—  Dr.  Redmayn. 

A  Bishop  hath  authority  by  Scripture  to  make  a  Priest, 
and  that  any  other  ever  made  a  Priest  since  Christ's  time  I 
read  not.  Albeit  Moses,  who  was  not  anointed  Priest, 
made  Aaron  Priest  and  Bishop,  by  a  special  Commission 
or  Revelation  from  God,  without  which  he  would  never  so 
have  done.  —  Dr.  Edgeworth. 

A  Bishop  placed  by  the  Higher  Powers,  and  admitted  to 
minister,  may  make  a  Priest ;  and  I  have  not  read  of  any 
other  that  ever  made  Priests.  — Dr.  Symons. 

I  say,  a  Bishop  hath  authority  by  Scripture  to  make  a 
Priest,  and  other  than  a  Bishop  hath  not  power  therein, 
but  only  in  case  of  necessity. —  Dr.  Tresham. 

To  the  eleventh  ;  1  suppose  that  a  Bishop  hath  authority 
of  God,  as  his  Minister,  by  Scripture  to  make  a  Priest ; 
but  he  ought  not  to  admit  any  Man  to  be  Priest,  and  conse- 
crate him,  or  to  appoint  him  unto  any  ministry  in  the  Church, 
without  the  Prince's  license  and  consent,  in  a  Christian  Re- 

fion.    And  that  any  other  Man  hath  authority  to  make  a 
•riest  by  Scripture,  I  have  not  read,  nor  any  example  there- 
of. —  Dr.  Leighton. 

A  Bishop,  being  licensed  by  his  Prince  and  Supream  Go- 
vernour,  hath  authority  to  make  a  Priest  by  the  Law  of 
God.  I  do  not  read  that  any  Priest  hath  been  ordered  by 
any  other  than  a  Bishop.  —  Dr.  Coren. 


Con.  —  Ad  primam  partem  Quaastionis  respondent  omnes, 
et  convenit  omnibus  praeter  Menevens.  Episcopum  habere 
autoritatem  instituendi  Presbyteros.  KofFens.  Leighton, 
Curren,  Robertsonus,  addunt,  Modo  Magistratus  id  permit- 
tat.  Ad  secundam  partem  Respondent  Coxus  et  Tresham 
in  necessitate  concedi  potestatem  Ordinandi  aliis.  Ebora- 
cen.  videtur  omnino  denegare  aliis  banc  autoritatem.  Red- 
mayn,  Symmons,  Robertson,  Leighton,  Thirleby,  Curren, 
Roffen.  Edg worth,  Oglethorp,  Carliolen.  nusquam  legerunt 
alios  usos  fuisse  hac  Potestate,  quanquam  (privilegio  quo- 
dam)  data  sit  Moysi,  ut  Redmanus  arbitratur  et  Edgeworth. 
Nihil  respondent  ad  secundam  partem  Quaestionis  Londi- 
nensis  et  Dayus. 

Agreement.  —  In  the  eleventh  ;  To  the  former  part  of  the 
Question,  the  Bishop  of  St.  Davids  doth  ansvi^er,  That 
*'  Bishops  have  no  authority  to  make  Priests,  without  they  be 
authorized  of  the  Christian  Prince."  The  others,  all  of  them 
do  say.  That  "  they  be  authorized  of  God,"  Yet  some  of 
them,  as  the  Bishop  of  Rochester,  Dr.  Curren,  Leighton, 
Robertson,  add.  That  '•  they  cannot  use  this  authority  with- 
out their  Christian  Prince  doth  permit  them."  To  the  se- 
cond part,  the  answer  of  the  Bishop  of  St.  Davids  is.  That 
"Laymen  have  other-whiles  made  Priests."  So  doth  Dr. 
Edgworth  and  Redman  say,  That  "  Moses  by  a  priviledg 
given  him  of  God,  made  Aaron  his  Brother  Priest." 
Dr.  Tresham,  Crayford,  and  Cox  say,  That  "  Laymen  may 
make  Priests  in  time  of  Necessity."  The  Bishops  of  York, 
Duresme,  Rochester,  Carlisle,  Elect  of  Westminster,  Dr. 
Curren,  Leighton,  Symmons,  seem  to  deny  this  thing  ;  for 
they  say,  "They  find  not,  nor  read  not  any  such  example,'* 

Question  12. 

Whether  in  the  New  Testament  be  required  any  Consecration 
of  a  Bishop  and  Priest,  or  only  appointing  to  the  Office  be 
sufficient  ? 


In  the  new  Testament,  he  that  is  appointed  to  be  a 
Bishop,  or  a  Priest,  needeth  no  Consecration  by  the  Scripture, 
for  election  or  appointing  thereto  is  sufficient. — Canterbury. 

To  the  twelfth  Question  ;  I'he  Apostles  ordained  Priests 
by  Imposition  of  the  H and ^with  Fasting  and  Prayer:  and 
so  following  their  steps,  we  must  needs  think  that  all  the 
foresaid  things  be  necessarily  to  be  used  by  their  Succes- 
sors: and  therefore  we  do  also  think,  that  Appointment 
only  without  visible  Consecration  and  Invocation  for  the 

OF  RECORDS.  287 

assistance  and  power  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  is  neither  conve- 
nient nor  sufficient;  for  without  the  said  Invocation,  itbe- 
seemeth  no  man  to  appoint  to  our  Lord  Ministers,  as  of 
his  own  authority :  whereof  we  have  example  in  the  Acts 
of  the  Apostles  ;  where  we  find,  that  when  they  were  ga- 
thered to  choose  one  in  the  place  of  Judas  they  appointed 
two  of  the  Disciples,  and  commended  the  Election  to  our 
Lord,  that  he  would  choose  which  of  them  it  pleased  him, 
saying  and  praying,  "  Lord,  thou  that  knowest  the  hearts 
of  all  Men,  shew  whether  of  these  two  thou  dost  choose  to 
succeed  in  the  place  of  Judas."  And  to  this  purpose  in 
the  Acts  we  read.  Dixit  Spiriti/s  Sanctus,  Segregate  mihi 
Barnabam,  ^"c.  And  again,  Quos  posuit  Spiritus  Sanctus 
regere  Ecclesiam  Dei.  And  it  appeareth  also  that  in  the 
Old  Testament,  in  the  ordering  of  Priests,  there  was  both 
Visible  and  Invisible  Sanctification ;  and  therefore  in  the 
New  Testament,  where  the  Priesthood  is  above  comparison 
higher  than  in  the  Old,  we  may  not  think  that  only  appoint- 
ment sufficeth  without  Sanctification,  either  Visible  or  In- 
visible. —  York. 

To  the  twelfth  ;  I  think  Consecration  of  a  Bishop  and 
Priest  be  required,  for  that  in  the  Old  Law  (being  yet  but  a 
shadow  and  figure  of  the  New)  the  Consecration  was  re- 
quired, as  appears  Levit  8.  yet  the  truth  of  this  I  leave 
to  those  of  higher  judgments.  —  London. 

The  Scripture  speaketh,  de  Impositione  manus  et  de  Ora- 
tione :  and  of  other  manner  of  Consecrations,  I  find  no 
mention  in  the  New  Testament  expressly;  but  the  Old 
Authors  make  mention  also  of  Inunctions.  —  Rochester. 

Upon  thisText  of  Paul  to  Timothy ;  Noli  negligere  gratiam 
qu(B  in  te  est,  qnce.  data  est  tibi  per  Prophetiam  cum  Impositione 
manuum  Presbyterii  ;  St.  Anselm  saith.  This  "  Grace  to 
be  the  Gift  of  the  Bishop's  Office,  to  the  which  God  of  his 
meer  goodness  had  called  and  preferred  him.  The  Pro- 
phesy (he  saith)  was  the  inspiration  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  by 
the  which  he  knew  what  he  had  to  do  therein.  The  Impo- 
position  of  the  hands  is  that  by  the  which  he  was  ordained 
and  received  that  Office :  *  And  therefore  (saith  St.  Paul) 
God  is  my  Witness,  that  I  have  discharged  myself,  show- 
ing you  as  I  ought  to  have  done.  Now  look  you  well  upon 
it  whom  that  ye  take  to  Orders,  lest  ye  lese  yourself 
thereby.'  "  "  Let  Bishops  therefore,  who  (as  saith  St.  Hie- 
rome)  hath  power  to  make  Priests,  consider  well  under  what 
Law  the  order  of  Ix:cle»iastical  Constitution  is  bounden ; 
and  let  them  not  think  those  words  of  the  Apostle  to  be  his, 
but  rather  the  words  of  Christ  himself." — Carlisle. 

Opinor  requiri  Consecrationera  quandam,  hoc  est  imposi- 


tionem  manuum,  Orationem  jejunium,  &:c.  tamen  nusquam 
hoc  munere  fungi,  posse,  nisi  ubi  Magistratus  invitet,  jubeat, 
aut  permittat. — Dr.  Robertson. 

By  Scripture  there  is  no  Consecration  of  Bishops  and  Priests 
required,  but  only  the  appointing  to  the  Office,  of  a  Priest, 
cum  Impositione  manuum. — Dr.  Cox. 

Consecration  of  Bishops  and  Priests  I  read  not  in  the 
New  Testament,  but  Ordinutio  per  manuum  Impositionem 
cum  Oratione  is  read  there,  as  in  the  places  above  ;  and  the 
only  appointment,  as  I  thihk,  is  not  sufficient. —  Dr.  Day. 

Praeter  vocatioaem,  ceu  designationem  externam,  quae 
vel  a  Principe  fiat,  vel  a  populo  per  electionem  et  suffragia, 
requiritur  Ordinatio  alia  per  manuum  impositionem,  idque 
per  Verbum  Dei.  —  Dr.  Oglethorpe. 

Besides  the  appointing  to  the  Office,  it  appeareth  that  in 
the  Primitive  Church,  the  Apostles  used  certain  Consecra- 
tion of  the  Ministers  of  the  Church,  by  imposition  of  Hands 
and  Prayer,  Acts  6,  and  with  Fasting,  Acts  14,  &c.  The  Of- 
fice of  Priesthood  is  too  dangerous  to  set  upon,  when  one  is 
but  appointed  only :  Therefore  for  the  confirmation  of  their 
Faith,  who  take  in  hand  such  charge,  and  for  the  obtaining 
of  farther  Grace  requisite  in  the  same.  Consecration  was  or- 
dained by  the  Holy  Ghost,  and  hath  been  always  used  from 
the  beginning. — Dr.  Redmayn. 

Deputation  to  the  Office  is  not  sufficient  to  make  a  Priest 
or  a  Bishop,  as  appeareth  by  David  and  Solomon,  who  de- 
puted the  24  above-mentioned  to  their  Offices,  yet  they  made 
none  of  them  Priests,  nor  any  other. — Dr.  Edgworth. 

The  appointing  to  the  Office  per  manuum  Impositionem, 
is  in  Scripture,  and  the  Consecration  of  them  hath  of  long 
time  continued  in  the  Church.  —  Dr.  Symmons. 

There  is  a  certain  kind  of  Consecration  required,  which  is 
imposition  of  the  Bishops  hands  with  Prayer,  and  the  ap- 
pointing only  is  not  sufficient.  —  Dr.  Tresham. 

To  the  twelfth ;  I  suppose  that  there  is  a  Consecration 
required,  as  by  Imposition  of  Hands ;  for  so  we  be  taught 
by  the  ensample  of  the  Apostles. — Dr.  Leyghton. 

In  the  New  Testament  is  required  to  the  making  of  a 
Bishop,  Impositio  manuum  cum  Oratione,  which  I  take  for 
Consecration,  and  Appoinment  unto  the  Office  is  not  suf- 
ficient; for  King  David,  1  Chron.  24,  did  appoint  24  to  be 
Bishops,  who  after  were  consecrated ;  so  that  both  the  Ap- 
pointment and'  the  Consecration  be  requisite.  —  Dr.  Coren. 

Con.  —  Respondent  Eboracens.  Londinens.  Carliolens. 
Leighton,  Tresham,  Robertsonus,  Edgeworth,  Curren,  Dayus, 
Oglethorp,  Consecrationem  esse  requisitam.  Redmanus  ait 
earn  receptam  esse  ab  Apostolis,  atque  Spiritu  Sancto  in- 

O*'  RECORDS.  289 

stitutam  ad  conferendam  gratiam.  Dayus,  Roffens.  Sym- 
mons,  aiunt  Sacerdotium  conferri  per  manuum  irapositionem, 
idq;  %  Scripturis  ;  Consecrationem  vero  diu  receptam  in 
Bk:clesia :  Coxus  Institutionem  cum  manuum  impositione 
sufficere,  neq;  per  Scripturam  requiri  Consecrationem.  Ro- 
bertsonus  addit  supra  alios  nusquam  lioc  munere  fungi  posse 
quempiam,  nisi  ubi  iNIagistratus  invitet,  jubeat  aut  per- 

Agreement.  —  In  the  twelfth  Question,  where  it  is  asked, 
Whether  in  the  New  Testament  be  required  any  Consecra- 
tion of  a  Bishop,  or  only  appointing  to  the  Office  be  suffi- 
cient? The  Bishop  of  St.  Davids  saith,  That  "only  the  ap- 
pointing," Dr.  Cox,  That  "only  appointing  cum  manuum 
Impositione,  is  sufficient  without  consecration."  The  Bishops 
of  York,  London,  Duresme,  Carlisle,  Drs.  Day,  Curren, 
Leighton,  Tresham,  Edgworth,  Oglethorp,  say.  That  "  Con- 
secration is  requisite."  Dr.  Redmayn  saith,  That  "  Con- 
secration hath  been  received  from  the  Apostles  time,  and 
institute  of  the  Holy  Ghost  to  confer  Grace."  My  Lord  of 
Rochester,  Dr.  Day,  and  Symmons,  say,  That  "  Priesthood 
is  given  per  manmim  impositionem ,  and  that  by  Scripture  ; 
and  that  Consecration  hath  of  long  time  been  received  in  the 

Question  13. 

Whether  (if  it  fortuned  a  Chrvstian  Prince  Learned,  to  conquer 
certain    Dominions  of  Infidels,   having   none  but  temporal 
learned  Men  tvith  him)  if  it  be  defended  by  God's  Law,  that 
he  and  they  should  Preach  and  Teach  the  Word  of  God  there, 
or  no  ?  And  also  make  and  constitute  Pnests,  or  no? 
It  is  not  against  God's  Law,  but  contrary  they  ought  indeed 
so  to  do  5  and  there  be  Histories  that  witnesseth,  that  some 
Christian  Princes,  and  other   f.aymen  unconsecrate  have 
done  the  same.  —  Canterbury. 

To  the  thirteenth;  To  the  first  part  of  this  Question, 
touching  Teaching  and  Preaching  the  W  ord  of  God  in  case 
of  such  need  ;  we  think  that  Laymen  not  ordered,  not  only 
may,  but  must  preach  Christ  and  his  Faith  to  Infidels,  as 
they  shall  see  opportunity  to  do  the  same,  and  must  endea- 
vour themselves  to  win  the  Miscreants  to  the  Kingdom  of 
G«d,  if  that  they  can ;  for  as  the  Wise  Man  saith,  *'  God 
hath  given  charge  to  every  Man  of  his  Neighbour  ;"  and  the 
Scripture  of  God  chargeth  every  Man  to  do  all  the  good  that 
he  can  to  all  men  :  And  surely  this  is  the  highest  Alms  to 
draw  men  from  the  Devil  the  usurper,  and  bring  them  to 
Voi.T.PartH.  2C 


God  the  very  owner.  Wherefore  in  this  Case  every  man 
and  Woman  may  be  an  Evangelist,  and  of  this  also  we  have 
example.  But  touching  the  second  part,  for  case  of  Neces- 
sity ;  As  we  neither  find  Scripture,  nor  Example,  that  will 
bear,  that  any  Man,  being  himself  no  Priest,  may  make, 
that  is  to  say,  may  give  the  Order  of  Priesthood  to  another, 
and  authority  therewith  to  minister  in  the  said  Order,  and 
to  use  such  Powers  and  Offices  as  appertaineth  to  Priest- 
hood grounded  in  the  Gospel :  So  we  find  in  such  case  of 
need,  what  hath  been  done  in  one  Df  the  ancient  Writers  ; 
altho  this  authority  to  ordain,  after  form  afore-mentioned, 
be  not  to  laymen  expressly  prohibited  in  Scripture ;  yet  such  a 
prohibition  is  implied,  in  that  there  is  no  such  authority 
given  to  them,  either  in  Scripture  or  otherways  ;  for  so  much 
as  no  Man  may  use  this  or  any  other  authority  which  cometh 
from  the  Holy  Ghost,  unless  he  hath  either  Commission 
grounded  in  Scripture,  or  else  Authority  by  Tradition,  and 
ancient  use  of  Christ's  Church  universally  received  over  all. 
~  York. 

To  the  thirteenth  and  fourteenth  following;  I  think  that 
necessity  herein  might  either  be  a  sufficient  Rule  and  War- 
rant to  determine  and  order  such  Cases,  considering  that 
tempore  necessitatis  mulier  haptizat,  et  Laiciis  idem  facit^  et 
audit  confessionem :  or  else  that  God  would  inspire  in  the 
Princes  heart,  to- provide  the  best  and  most  handsome  Re- 
medy therein  :  And  hard  were  it  pera-dventure  to  find  such 
great  necessity,  but  either  in  the  train  of  the  said  Prince,  or 
in  the  regions  adjoining  thereunto,  there  might  be  had 
some  Priests  for  the  said  purposes;  or,  finally.  That  the 
Prince  himself,  godlily  inspired  in  that  behalf,  might  for  so 
good  purposes  and  intents,  set  forth  the  Act  indeed,  referr- 
ing yet  this  thing  to  the  better  judgment  of  others.  —  London. 

To  the  thirteenth  and  fourteenth  following  ;  I  never  read 
these  cases,  neither  in  Scripture,  nor  in  the  Doctors,  and 
therefore  I  cannot  Answer  unto  them  by  Learning,  but  think 
this  to  be  a  Good  Answer  for  all  such  Questions,  viz.  Neces- 
sitas  lion  hahet  Legem.  —  Rochester. 

?  It  is  to  bethought  that  Christ  may  call,  as  it  pleaseth 
him,  inwardly,  outwardly,'  or  by  both  together :  So  that 
if  no  Priest  might  be  had,  it  cannot  be  thought,  but  that  a 
Christian  Prince,  with  others  learned,  inwardly  moved  and 
called,  might  most  charitably  and  godlily  prosecute  that 
same  their  Calling  in  the  most  acceptable  Work,  which  is  to 
bring  People  from  the  Devil  to  God,  from  Infidelity  to  true 
Faith,  by  whatsoever  means  God  shall  inspire.  —  Carlile. 

In  hoc  casu  existimarem  accersendos  verbi  et  Sacramen- 
torum  Ministros,  si  qui  forent  vicini ;  quin  si  nuUi  inveni- 

OF  RECORDS.  291 

rentur,  principem  ilium  Christiauum  haberemus  pro  Apo*- 
tolo,  tanquam  missum  a  Deo,  licet  externo  Sacramento 
non  esset  commendatus,  quum  Deus  Sacramentis  suis  nou 
sit  alligatus.  —  Dr.  Robertson. 

To  the  thirteenth  and  fourteenth  following  ;  It  is  not 
against  God's  Law,  that  the  Prince,  and  his  learned  tem- 
poral Men,  may  Preach  and  Teach,  and  in  these  cases  of 
extream  Necessity,  make  and  institute  jMinisters.  — Dr.  Cox. 

In  this  case  (as  I  think)  the  Prince  and  other  temporal 
learned  Men  with  him,  may  by  God's  Law,  Teach  and 
Preach  the  word  of  God,  and  Baptise  ;  and  also  (the  same 
Necessity  standing)  elect  and  appoint  Men  to  those  Offices. 
Dr.  Day. 

In  summa  necessitate  Baptizare  et  prasdicare  possunt  et 
debent,  haec  etenim  duo  necessaria  sunt  media  ad  salu- 
tem;  at  ordinare  (ut  conjectura  ducor)  non  debent,  sed 
aliunde  Sacriiicos  accersire,  quos  si  habere  nequeant, 
Deus  ipse  cujus  negocium  agitur,  vel  oraculo  admonebit, 
quid  faciendum  erit,  vel  necessitas  ipsa  (quae  sibi  ipsi  est 
Lex)  modum  Ordinandi  suggeret  ac  suppeditabit.  —  Dr. 

I  think  they  might,  in  such  case  of  Necessity;  for  in 
this  case  the  Laymen  made  the  whole  Church  there,  and  the 
authority  of  preaching  and  ministering  the  Sacraments,  is 
given  immediately  to  the  Church  ;  and  the  Church  may 
appoint  Ministers,  as  is  thought  convenient.  There  be 
two  Stories  good  to  be  considered  for  this  Question,  wl^ich 
be  written  in  the  10th  Book  of  the  History  Ecclesiastick ; 
the  one  of  Frumentius,  who  preached  in  India,  and  was 
after  made  Priest  and  Bishop  by  Athanasius.  And  the 
other  Story  is  of  the  King  of  the  Iberians,  of  whom  Ruffine 
the  writer  of  the  Story  saith  thus  ;  Et  nondum  initiatus  Sacris 
fit  sMffi  gentis  Apostolus.  Yet  nevertheless  it  is  written 
there,  That  "  an  Ambassad  was  sent  to  Constantine  the 
Emperor,  that  he  would  send  them  Priests  for  the  further 
establishment  of  the  Faith  there." —  Dr.  Redmayn. 

The  Prince  and  his  temporal  learned  Men  might  and 
ou^ht,  in  that  necessity,  to  instruct  the  People  in  the 
Faith  of  Chirst,  and  to  baptize  them,  ut  idem  rex  sit  et 
suet  gentis  Apostolus,  and  these  be  sufficient  for  the  Salva- 
tion of  his  Subjects.  But  as  concerning  other  Sacraments, 
he  ought  to  abide  and  look  for  a  special  Commission  from 
Almighty  God,  as  Moses  had,  or  else  to  send  unto  other 
Regions  where  Priests  or  Bishops  may  be  had,  and  else 
not  to  meddle.  Examples  in  Eccles.  Hist.  lib.  10.  cap.  1. 
de  Frumentio.  et  cap.  2.  de  Ancilla  captiva  qua-  convertil 
gentem    Iliberorum,   cujus  capiivce    jnonitis  ad   Imperaim-em 


Constantinum  tolius  gentis  legaiio  mittitur,  res  gesta  eiponitvr, 
Sacerdotes  mittere  exorantur  qui  cceptum  ergii  se  Dei  muntw 
implerent,  <Sfc.  —  Dr.  Edgeworth. 

I  think  that  in  such  a  necessity,  a  learned  Christian 
Prince,  and  also  temporal  Men  learned,  be  bound  to  preach 
and  minister  either  Sacraments,  so  that  the  same  Ministers 
be  orderly  assigned  by  the  High  Power  and  the  Congre- 
gation.— Dr.  Symons. 

I  say,  to  the  first  part.  That  such  a  King,  and  his  temporal 
learned  Men,  not  only  might,  but  were  also  bound  to  preach 
God's  Word  in  this  case.  And  as  to  the  second  part,  I  say. 
That  if  there  could  no  Bishop  be  had  to  Institute,  the  Prince 
might  in  that  of  necessity  do  it. —  Dr.  Tresham. 

To  the  thirteenth  :  I  suppose  the  Affirmative  thereof  to 
be  true  ;  Quamvis potestas  clavium  residet  priecipue  in  Ecclesia. 
—  Dr.  Leyghton. 

In  such  a  case,  I  do  believe  that  God  would  illuminate 
the  Prince;  so  that  either  he  himself  should  be  made  a 
Bishop,  by  internal  working  of  God  (as  Paul  was),  or  some 
of  his  Subjects,  or  else  God  would  send  him  Bishops  from 
other  parts.  And  as  for  preaching  of  the  Word  of  God,  the 
Prince  might  do  it  himself,  and  other  of  his  learned  Subjects, 
altho  they  were  no  Priests.  —  Dr.  Coren. 

Con.  —  In  prima  parte  Queestionis  Conveniunt  omnes, 
etiam  laicos,  tali  rerum  statu,  non  solum  posse  sed  debere 
docere.  Menevens.  Thirlebeus,  Leightonus,  Coxus,  Sym- 
mojQs,  Tresham,  Redmanus,  Robertsonus,  etiam  potesta- 
tem  Ministrandi  Sacramenta,  et  Ordinandi  Ministros,  con- 
cedunt  illis.  Eboracens.  banc  prorsus  potestatem  denegat. 
Coren  credit  Principem  Divinitus  illuminandum  et  conse- 
crandum  fore  in  Episcopum  interne,  aut  aliquem  ex  suis, 
Pauli  exemplo.  Simile  habet  Herefordensis  et  Carliolensis. 
Dayus  nihil  respondet  de  Ordinandis  Presbyteris  in  hac 

Agbeement. — In  the  thirteenth;  Concerning  the  first 
part,  Whether  Laymen  may  Preach  and  teach  God's  Word  t 
They  do  all  agree,  in  such  a  case,  "  That  not  only  they 
may  but  they  ought  to  teach."  But  in  the  second  part, 
touching  the  Constituting  of  Priests  of  Laymen,  my  Lord 
of  York,  and  Doctor  Edgworth,  doth  not  agree  with  the 
other  ;  they  say.  That  "  Laymen  in  no  wise  can  make 
Priests,  or  have  such  Authority."  The  Bishops  of  Duresme, 
St.  Davids,  Westminster,  Drs.  Tresham,  Cox,  Leighton, 
Crayford,  Symmons,  Redmayn,  Robertson,  say,  "  That 
Laymen  in  such  case  have  authority  to  minister  the  Sa- 
craments, and  to  make  Priests."  INIy  Lords  ©f  London, 
Carlisle,  and  Hejeford,  and  Dr.  Coren,  think,   "  That  God 

OF  RKCORDS.  293' 

in  such  a  case  Youid  give  the  Prince  authority,  call  him 
inwardly,  and  illuminate  him  or  some  of  his,  as  he  did  St. 

Question  14. 

Whether  it  be  forefended  by  God's  Law,  that  (if  it  so  fortune 
that  all  the  Bishops  and  Priests  of  a  Region  were  dead,  and 
that  the  Word  of  God  should  remain  there  unpreached,  and 
the  Sacrament  of  Baptism,  and  others  unministered)  that  the 
King  oftJiat  Region  should  make  Bishops  and  Priests  to  supply 
the  same,  or  no  ? 


It  is  not  forbidden  by  God's  Law.  —  Canterbury. 

To  the  fourteenth ;  In  this  case,  as  we  have  said  in  the 
next  Articles  afore,  Teaching  of  the  Word  of  God  may  be 
used  by  any  that  can  and  would  use  it,  to  the  Glory  of 
God  ;  and  in  this  case  also  the  Sacrament  of  Baptism  may 
be  ministered  by  those  that  be  no  Priests  ;  which  things 
although  we  have  not  of  Scripture,  yet  the  universal  Tra- 
dition and  practice  of  the  Church,  doth  teach  us:  And 
peradventure  contract  of  Matrimony  might  also  be  made, 
the  Solemnization  thereof  being  only  ordained  by  Law 
positive,  and  not  by  any  ground,  either  of  Scripture,  or  of 
Tradition  ;  although  for  very  urgent  causes,  the  said  Solem- 
nization is  to  be  observed  when  it  may  be  observed ;  but 
that  the  Princes  may  not  INIake,  that  is,  may  not  Order 
Priests  nor  Bishops  not  before  ordered  to  minister  the  other 
Sacraments,  the  ministry  whereof  in  Scripture  is  committed 
only  to  the  Apostles,  and  from  them  derived  to  their  Suc- 
cessors, even  from  the  Primitive  Church  hitherto,  and  by 
none  other  used,  we  have  answered  in  the  thirteenth  Ar- 
ticle.—  York. 

Ut  supra,  Quaest.  13. — London. 

Ut  supra,  Quaest.  13.  —  Rochester. 

Not  only  it  is  given  of  God  to  Supream  Governours, 
Kings,  and  Princes  immediate  under  them,  to  see  cause, 
and  compel  all  their  Subjects,  Bishops,  Priests,  with  all 
others,  to  do  truly  and  uprightly  their  bounden  Duties  to 
God,  and  to  them,  each  one  according  to  his  Calling :  but 
also  if  it  were  so,  that  anywhere  such  lacked  to  do  and 
fulfil  that  God  would  have  done,  right  well  they  might,  by 
the  inward  moving  and  calling  of  God,  to  suppiy  the  same. 
~  Carlile. 

Huic  Quaestioni  idem  Respondendum,  quod  priori,  arbl 
tror.  —  Dr.  Robertson. 

2  C  3 


r/£«ujpra,  Quaest.  13.  —  Dr.  Cox. 

To  this  case,  as  to  the  first,  I  answer  ;  That  if  there  could  no 
Bishops  be  had  to  order  new  Priests  there,  by  the  Princes 
assignation  and  appointment ;  then  the  Prince  himself 
might  ordain  and  constitute,  with  the  consent  of  the  Con- 
gregation, both  Priests  and  Ministers,  to  Preach  and 
Baptize,  and  to  do  other  Functions  in  the  Church.  —  Dr. 

Si  ab  aliis  Regionibus  Sacerdotes  haberi  non  poterint, 
opinor  ipsum  Principem  deputare  posse  etiam  Laicos  ad  hoc 
Sacrum  Officium  ;  sed  omnia  prius  tentanda  essent,  ut  supra. 
— Dr.  Oglethorpe. 

To  this,  I  think,  may  be  answered,  as  to  the  last  Ques- 
tion before  ;  howbeit  the  surest  way,  1  think,  were  to  send 
for  some  Ministers  of  the  Church  dwelling  in  the  next 
Regions,  if  they  might  be  conveniently  had. — 'Dr.  Red- 
may  n. 

Likewise  as  to  the  next  Question  afore.  —  Dr.  Edgworth. 

If  the  King  be  also  a  Bishop,  as  it  is  possible,  he  may  ap- 
point Bishops  and  Priests  to  minister  to  his  People  :  but  hi- 
therto I  have  not  read  that  ever  any  Christian  King  made 
Bishop  or  Priest.  —  Dr.  Symmonds. 

1  make  the  same  answer,  as  to  the  13th  Question  is  made. 
— Dr.  Tresham. 

To  the  fourteenth  ;  I  suppose  the  Affirmative  to  be  true, 
in  case  that  there  can  no  Bishops  nor  Priests  be  had  forth 
of  other  Countries,  conveniently.  —  Dr.  Leighton. 

In  this  case  I  make  answer  as  before, That  God  will  never 
suffer  his  Servants  to  lack  that  thing  that  is  necessary  : 
for  there  should,  either  from  other  parts.  Priests  and  Bishops 
be  called  thither,  or  else  God  would  call  inwardly  some  of 
them  that  be  in  that  Region  to  be  Bishops  and  Priests. — 
Dr.  Coren. 

Con. — Fatentur  ut  prius  omnes,  Laicos  posse  Docere. 
Eboracens.  Symmons,  Oglethorp  negant  posse  Ordinare 
Presbyteros,  tamen  concedit  Eboracens.  baptizare  et  contra- 
here  Matrimonia,  Edgworth  tantum  baptizare  posse ;  nam 
sufficere  dicit  ad  salutem.  Alii  omnes  eandem  potestatem 
concedunt,  quam  prius.  Roffens,  non  aliud  respondet  bis 
duabus  Quajstionibus,  quam  quod  necessitas  non  habeat 

Agreement.  —  In  the  fourteenth  they  agree  for  the  most 
part  as  they  did  before.  That  "  Laymen  in  this  case  may 
teach  and  minister  the  Sacraments."  My  Lord  of  York,  Dr. 
Symmons,  and  Oglethorp  say,  "  They  can  make  no  Priests, 
altho  Symmons  said  they  might  minister  all  Sacraments,  in 

OF  RECORDS.  296 

the  Question  before."  Yet  my  Lord  of  York ,  and  Edg worth , 
do  grant,  That  "  they  may  Christen."  The  Bishops  of  Lon- 
don, Rochester,  and  Dr.  Crayford,  say,  That  "  in  such  a 
case,  Necessitas  non  habet  Legem." 

Question  15. 

Whether  a  Man  is  bound  by  Authority  of  this  Scripture,  (Quo- 
rum Remiseritis)  and  such'like,  to  confess  his  secret  deadly 
sins  to  a  Priest,  if  he  may  have  him,  or  no  1 

A  man  is  nol  bound,  by  the  authority  of  this  Scripture, 
Quorum  Remiseritis,   and  such  like,  to  confess  his  secret 
deadly  Sins  to  a  Priest,  although  he  may  have  him.  —  Can- 

To  the  fifteenth ;  This  Scripture  is  indifierent  to  secret 
and  open  Sin ;  nor  the  authority  given  in  the  same  is  ap- 
pointed or  limited,  either  to  the  one,  or  to  the  other,  but  is 
given  commonly  to  both  ;  And  therefore  seeing  that  the 
Sinner  is  in  no  other  place  of  Scripture  discharged  of  the 
confession  of  his  secret  Sins,  we  think,  that  this  place 
chargeth  him  to  confess  the  secret  Sins,  as  well  as  the 
open. —  York. 

To  the  fifteenth  ;  I  think,  that  as  the  Sinner  is  bound  by 
this  authority  to  confess  his  open  sins,  so  also  is  he  bound 
to  confess  his  secret  sins,  because  the  special  end,  to  wit, 
Absolutionem  a  peccato  cujus  fecit  se  servum,  is  all  one  in  both 
cases :  And  that  all  sins  as  touching  God  are  open,  and  in  no 
wise  secret  or  hid. —  London. 

I  think  that  confession  of  secret  deadly  sins  is  necessary 
for  to  attain  absolution  of  them  ;  but  whether  every  Man 
that  hath  secretly  committed  deadly  sin,  is  bound  by  these 
words  to  ask  Absolution  of  the  Priest  therefore,  it  is  an  hard 
Question,  and  of  much  controversy  amongst  learned  Men, 
and  I  am  not  able  to  define  betwixt  them  ;  but  1  think  it  is 
the  surest  way,  to  say  that  a  Man  is  bound  to  Confess,  &c. — 

I  think  that  by  the  mind  of  most  ancient  Authors,  and 
most  holy  Expositors,  this  Text,  Quorum  Remisertis  peccata, 
^c.  with  other-like,  serveth  well  to  this  intent;  That 
Christian  Folk  should  confess  their  secret  deadly  sins  to  a 
Priest,  there  to  be  assoiled,  without  which  mean,  there  can 
be  none  other  like  Assurance.  —  Carlile. 

Opinor  obligare,  modo  aliter  conscientiae  illius  satisfieri 
nequeat.  —  Dr.  Robertson. 

I  cannot  find  that  a  Man  is  bound  by  Scripture  to  confess 
his  secret  deadly  sins  to  a  Priest,  unless  he  be  so  troubled  in 


las  Conscience,  that  he  cannot  be  quieted  without  godly 
Instruction. — Dr.  Cox. 

The  Matter  being  in  controversy  among  learned  Men, 
and  veiy  doubtful,  yet  I  think  rather  the  truth  is,  That  by 
authority  of  this  Scripture,  (^orum  Remiseritis,  &;c.  and 
such-like,  a  Man  is  bound  to  confess  his  secret  deadly  sins, 
which  grieve  his  Conscience,  to  a  Priest,  if  he  may  con- 
veniently have  him.  Forasmuch  as  it  is  an  ordinary  way 
ordained  by  Christ  in  the  Gospel,  by  Absolution  to  remit 
sins ;  which  Absolution  I  never  read  to  be  given,  siiie  Con- 
fe^sione  previa.  —  Dr.  Day. 

Confitenda  sunt  opinor,  etiam  peccata  abdita  ac  secreta 
propter  Absolutionem  ac  conscientias  tranquillitatem,  et 
prascique  pro  vitanda  desperatione,  ad  quam  plerumq; 
adiguntur  multi  in  extremis,  dum  sibi  ipsis  de  remissione 
peccatorum  nimium  blandiuntur,  nullius  (dum  sani  sunt) 
censuram  subeuntes  nisi  propriam. — Dr.  Oglethorpe. 

I  think,  that  altho  in  these  words  Confession  of  privy  Sins 
is  not  expressly  commanded ;  yet  it  is  insinuated  and 
shewed  in  these  words,  as  a  necessary  Medicine  or  Remedy, 
which  all  men  that  fall  into  deadly  sin  ought,  for  the  quiet- 
ing of  their  Consciences  seek,  if  they  may  conveniently 
have  such  a  Priest  as  is  meet  to  hear  their  Confession.  — 
Dr.  Redmayn. 

Where  there  be  two  ways  to  obtain  remission  of  Sin,  and 
to  recover  Grace,  a  Man  is  bound  by  the  Law  of  Nature  to 
take  the  surer  way,  or  else  he  should  seem  to  contemn  his 
own  Health,  which  is  unnatural.  Also  because  we  be  bound 
to  love  God  above  all  things,  we  ought  by  the  same  Bond 
to  labour  for  his  Grace  and  Favour  :  So  that  because  we  be 
bound  to  love  God,  and  to  love  our  selves  in  an  Order  to 
God,  we  be  bound  to  seek  the  best  and  surest  Remedy  to 
recover  Grace  for  our  selves.  Contrition  is  one  way  ;  but 
because  a  Man  cannot  be  well  assured,  whether  his  Con- 
trition, Attrition,  or  Displeasure  for  his  sin  be  sufficient  to 
satisfie  or  content  Almighty  God,  and  able  or  worthy  to  get 
his  Grace  :  Therefore  it  is  necessary  to  take  that  way  that 
will  not  fail,  and  by  which  thou  mayest  be  sure,  and  that  is 
Absolution  of  the  Priest,  which  by  Christ's  promise  will  not 
deceive  thee,  so  that  thou  put  no  step  or  bar  in  the  way  :  as, 
if  thou  do  not  then  actually  sin  inwardly  nor  outwardly, 
but  intend  to  receive  that  the  Church  intendeth  to  give  thee 
by  that  Absolution,  having  the  efficacity  of  Christ's  pro- 
mise. Quorum  Remiseritis,  S^c.  Now  the  Priest  can  give  thee 
no  absolution  from  that  sin  that  he  knoweth  not :  therefore 
thou  art  bound,  for  the  causes  aforesaid,  to  confess  thy  sia. — 
Dr.  Edgeworth. 

OF  RECORDS.  297 

This  Scripture,  as  Ancient  Doctors  expound  it,  bindetb 
all  Men  to  confess  their  secret  deadly  sins.  —  Dr.  Symmons. 

I  say.  That  such  confession  is  a  thing  most  consonant  to 
the  Law  of  God,  and  it  is  a  wise  point,  and  a  wholsome 
thing  so  for  to  do,  and  God  provoketh  and  allureth  us 
thereto,  in  giving  the  active  Power  to  Priests  to  assoil  in 
the  words.  Quorum  Remiseritis.  It  is  also  a  safer  way  for 
Salvation  to  confess,  if  we  may  have  a  Priest :  Yet  I  think 
that  confession  is  not  necessarily  deduced  of  Scripture,  nor 
commanded  as  a  necessary  precept  of  Scripture,  and  yet  is 
it  much  consonant  to  the  Law  of  God,  as  a  thing  willed,  not 
commanded.  —  Dr.  Tresham. 

To  the  fifteenth  ;  I  think  that  only  such  as  have  not  the 
knowledg  of  the  Scripture,  whereby  they  may  quiet  their 
Consciences,  be  bound  to  confess  their  secret  deadly  sins 
unto  a  Priest :  Howbeit  no  man  ought  to  condemn  such 
Auricular  Confession,  for  I  suppose  it  to  be  a  Tradition 
Apostolical,  necessary  for  the  unlearned  Multitude.  —  Dr. 

A  Man  whose  Conscience  is  grieved  with  mortkl  secret 
sins,  is  bound  by  these  words,  Quorum  Remiseritis,  &;c.  to 
confess  his  sin  to  a  Priest,  if  he  may  have  him  conveniently. 
—  Dr.  Coren. 

Con. — Eboracens.  Londinens.  Dayus,  Oglethorpus,  Coren, 
Redmayn,  asserunt obligari.  Coxus,Tresham,etRobertsonus 
dicunt  non  obligari,  si  aliter  Conscientiae  illorum  satisfieri 
queat ;  Menevens.  nullo  modo  obligari.  Carliolens.  et 
Symmons  aiunt,  secundum  veterum  interpretationera,  hac 
Scriptura  quemvis  obligari  peccatorem.  RofFens.  Here- 
fordens,  et  Thirleby  non  respondent,  sed  dubitant.  Leigh- 
tonus  solum  indoctos  obligari  ad  Confessionem.  Edge- 
worth  tradit  duplicem  modum  remissionis  peccatorum,  per 
Contritionem  sive  Attritionem,  et  per  Absolutionem  :  et 
quia  nemo  potest  certus  esse,  num  attritio  et  dolor  pro 
peccato  sufficiat  ad  satisfaciendum  Deo  et  obtinendam  gra- 
tiara,  ideo  tutissimam  viam  deligendam,  scilicet,  Absolu- 
tionem a  Sacerdote,  quae  per  promissionem  Christi  est 
certa  ;  Absolvere  non  potest  nisi  cognoscat  peccata ;  Ergo 
peccata  per  Confessionem  sunt  illi  revelanda. 

Agreement.  —  In  the  fifteenth  :  Concerning  Confession  of 
our  secret  deadly  sins.  The  Bishops  of  York,  Duresme,  Lon- 
don, Drs.  Day,  Curren,  Oglethorp,  Redmayn,  Crayford,  say. 
That  "  Men  be  bound  to  confess  them  of  their  secret  Sins." 
Drs.  Cox,  Tresham,  Robertson,  say,  "  They  be  not  bound, 
if  they  may  quiet  their  Consciences  otherwise."  The 
Bishop  of  St.  Davids  also  saith,  That  "  this  Text  bindeth 


no  Man."  Dr.  Leighton  saith,  That  "  it  bindeth  only  such 
as  have  not  the  knowledg  of  Scripture."  The  Bishop  of 
Carlisle  and  Symmons  say,  That  "  by  ancient  Doctors 
exposition,  Men  be  bound,  by  this  Text,  to  confess  their 
deadly  sins." 

Question  16. 

Whether  a  Bishop  or  a  Priest  may  excommunicate,  and  for 
what  Crimes?  And  ivhether  they  only  may  Excommunicate 
by  God's  Law  ? 


A  Bishop  or  a  Priest,  by  the  Scripture,  is  neither  com- 
manded nor  forbidden  to  Excommunicate,  but  where  the 
Laws  of  any  Religion  giveth  him  authority  to  Excommuni- 
cate, there  they  ought  to  .use  the  same  in  such  Crimes,  as 
the  Laws  have  such  authority  in  ;  and  where  the  Laws  of 
the  Region  forbiddeth  them,  there  they  have  no  authority 
at  all ;  and  they  that  be  no  Priests  may  also  Excommuni- 
cate, if  the  Law  allow  thereunto. —  Canterbury. 

To  the  sixteenth ;  The  power  to  Excommunicate,  that 
is,  to  dissever  the  Sinner  from  the  communion  of  all 
Christian  People,  and  so  put  them  out  of  the  Unity  of  the 
Mystical  Body  for  the  time,  donee  resipiscut,  is  only  given 
to  the  Apostles  and  their  Successors  in  the  Gospel,  but  for 
what  Crimes,  altho  in  the  Gospel  doth  not  appear,  saving 
only  for  disobedience  against  the  Commandment  of  the 
Church,  yet  we  find  example  of  Excommunication  used 
by  the  Apostles  in  other  Cases  :  As  of  the  Fornicator  by 
Paul,  of  Hymeneus  and  Alexander  for  their  Blasphemy  by 
the  same  ;  and  yet  of  other  Crimes  mentioned  in  the  Epistle 
of  the  said  Paul  writing  to  the  Corinthians.  And  again  of 
them  that  were  dissobedient  to  his  Doctrine,  2  Thess.  3. 
We  find  also  charge  given  to  us,  by  the  Apostle  St.  John, 
that  we  shall  not  commune  with  them,  nor  so  much  as 
salute  him  with  Ave,  that  would  not  receive  his  Doctrine. 
By  which  it  may  appear  that  Excommunication  may  be 
used  for  many  great  Crimes,  and  yet  the  Church  at  this 
day  doth  not  use  it,  but  only  for  manifest  disobedience. 
And  this  kind  of  Excommunication,  whereby  Man  is  put 
out  of  the  Church,  and  dissevered  from  the  Unity  of  Christ's 
Mystical  Body,  which  excommunication  toucheth  also  the 
Soul,  no  man  may  use,  but  they  only,  to  whom  it  is  given  by 
Christ.  —  York. 

To  the  sixteenth ;  I  think  that  a  Bishop  may  Excommu- 
nicate,  taking  example  of  St.  Paul  with  the  Corinthian ; 

OF  RECORDS.  2fl» 

and  also  of  that  he  did  to  xllexander  and  Hymeneus.  And 
with  the  Lawyers  it  hath  been  a  thing  out  of  Question, 
That  to  Excommunicate  solemnly,  appertaineth  to  a  Bishop, 
altho  otherwise,  both  inferior  Prelates  and  other  Officeis, 
yea  and  Priests  too  in  notorious  Crimes,  after  divers  Men's 
Opinions,  may  Excommunicate  semblably,  as  all  others  that 
be  appointed  Governors  and  Rulers  over  any  Multitude,  or 
Spiritual  Congregation.  —  London. 

I  answer  affirmatively  to  the  first  part,  in  open  and  mani- 
fest Crimes,  meaning  of  such  Priests  and  Bishops  as  be 
by  the  Church  authorized  to  use  that  power.  To  the 
second  part,  I  answer.  That  it  is  an  hard  Question,  wherein 
I  hdd  rather  hear  other  Men  speak,  than  say  my  own  Sen- 
tence ;  for  I  find  not  in  Scripture,  nor  in  the  old  Doctors, 
that  any  man  hath  given  Sentence  of  Excommunication, 
save  only  Priests ;  but  yet  I  think,  that  it  is  not  against 
the  Law  of  God,  that  a  Lay-ma^  should  have  authority  to 
do  it.  —  Rochester. 

Divers  Texts  of  Scripture  seemeth,  by  the  Interpretation 
of  ancient  Authors,  to  shew,  that  a  Bishop  or  a  Priest 
may  Excommunicate  open  deadly  sinners,  continuing  in 
obstinacy  with  contempt.  I  have  read  in  Histories  also, 
that  a  prince  hath  done  the  same.  —  Carlile. 

Opinor  Episcopum  aut  Presbyterum  Excommunicare 
posse,  tanquam  ministrum  et  os  Ecclesia?,  ab  eadem  man- 
datum  habens.  Utrum  vero  id  juris  nuUi  nisi  Sacerdotibus 
in  mandatis  dari  possit,  non  satis  scio.  Excommunican- 
dum  esse  opinor  pro  hujusmodi  criminibus,  qualia  re- 
censet  Paulus,  1  Cor.  5.  si,  is  qui  frater  nominatur,  est 
fornicator,  aut  avarus,  aut  idolis  serviens,  aut  maledicus, 
aut  ebriosus,  aut  rapax,  cum  hujusmodi  ne  cibum  su- 
mere,  &c.  —  Dr»  Robertson. 

A  Bishop  or  a  Priest,  as  a  public  Person  appointed  to  that 
Office,  may  excommunicate  for  all  public  Crimes  :  And  yet 
it  is  not  against  God's  Law,  for  others  than  Bishops  or 
Priests  to  Excommunicate.  —  Dr.  Cox. 

A  Bishop  or  a  Priest  may  Excommunicate  by  God's  Law 
for  manifest  and  open  Crimes  :  Also  others  appointed  by  the 
Church,  tho  they  be  no  Priests,  may  exercise  the  power  of 
Excommunication.  —  Dr.  Day. 

rson  solum  Episcopus  Excommunicare  potest,  sed  etiam 
tota  Congregatio,  idq;  pro  lethalibus  crimnibus  ac  publicis, 
e  quibus  scandalum  Ecclesiae  provenire  potest.  Non  tamen 
pro  re  pecuniaria  uti  olini  solebant.  —  Dr.  Oglethorp. 

They  may  Excommunicate,  as  appeareth  1  Cor.  5.  1  Tim. 
1.  and  that  for  open  and  great  Crimes,  whereby  the  Church 
is  nflfended  :  and  for   such  Crimes  as   the  Prince  and  Go- 


vernours  determine,  and  thinketh  expedient  Men  to  be  ex- 
communicate for,  as  appeareth  in  novellis  Constitutionibus 
Justiniani.  Whether  any  other  may  pronbunce  the  Sen- 
tence of  Excommunication  but  a  Bishop  or  a  Priest  I 
am  uncertain. —  Dr.  Redmayn. 

A  Bishop,  or  a  Priest  only,  may  excommunicate  a  noto- 
rious and  grievous  Sinner,  or  obstinate  Person,  from  the 
Communion  of  Christian  People,  because  it  pertaineth  to 
the  Jurisdiction  which  is  given  to  Priests,  Jo.  26.  Quorum 
Remiseritis,  8^c.  et  Quorum  retinetis,  S^c.  There  is  one' 
manner  of  Excommunication  spoken  of  1  Cor.  5.  which 
private  Persons  may  use.  Si  is  qui  frater  nominatur 
inter  vos  est  fornicator,  aul  avarus,  aut  idolis  serviens,  A'c- 
cum  hujusmodi  ne  cibum  quidem  capiatis.  Excluding  filthy 
Persons,  covetous  Persons,  Biaulers  and  Quarrellers,  out  of 
their  Company,  and  neither  to  eat  nor  drink  with  them. — 
Dr.  Edgeworth.  • 

Whosoever  hath  a  place  under  the  Higher  Power,  and 
is  assigned  by  the  same  to  execute  his  Ministry  given  of 
God,  he  may  Excommunicate  for  any  Crime,  as  it  shall 
be  seen  to  the  High  Power,  if  the  same  Crime  be  publick. 
—  Dr.  Symmons. 

A  Bishop  and  Priest  may  Excommunicate  by  Scripture  : 
as  touching  for  what  Crimes  ;  I  say,  for  every  open  deadly 
sin  and  disobedience.  And  as  touching,  Whether  only  the 
Priest  may  Excommunicate  ?  I  say,  not  he  only,  but  such 
as  the  Church  authorizes  so  to  do.  —  Dr.  Tresham, 

To  the  sixteenth,  I  say,  that  a  Bishop  or  a  Priest  having 
Licence  and  Authority  of  the  Prince  of  the  Realm,  may 
excommunicate  every  obstinate  and  inobedient  Person, 
for  every  notable  and  deadly  sin.  And  further,  1  say. 
That  not  only  Bishops  and  Priests  may  Excommunicate, 
but  any  other  Man  appointed  by  the  Church,  or  such  as 
have  authority  to  appoint  Men  to  that  Office  may  Excom- 
municate. —  Dr.  Leyghton. 

A  Bishop  or  a  Priest  may  Excommunicate  an  obstinate 
Person  for  publick  Sins.  Forasmuch  as  the  Keys  be  given 
to  the  whole  Church,  the  whole  Congregation  may  Excom- 
municate, which  Excommunication  may  be  pronounced  by 
such  a  one  as  the  Congregation  does  appoint,  altho  he  be 
neither  Bishop  nor  Priest.  —  Dr.  Coren. 

Con.  —  Menevens.  Heiefordens.  Thirleby,  Dayus,  Leigh- 
(onus,  Coxus,  Symmons,  Coren,  concedunt  authoritatem 
excommunicandi  etiam  Laicis,  modo  a  Magistratu  depu- 
tentur.  Eboracens.  et  Edgworth  prorsus  iiegant  datum 
Laicis,  sed  Apostolis  et  eorum  successoribus  tantum. 
Roffensis,  Redmanus,  et  Robertsonus  ambigunt,  num  detur 

OF  RECORDS.  301 

Laicis.  Londinens.  non  respondet  Quaestioni :  Oglethor* 
pus  et  Thirl eby  aiunt,  Ecclesiae  datam  este  potestatem 
Excommunicandi ;  Idem  rreshamus. 

Agreement.  —  In  the  sixteenth,  Of  Excommunication, 
they  do  not  agree.  The  Bishops  of  York,  Duresme,  and 
Dr.  Edgworth  say.  That  "  Lay-men  have  not  the  authority 
to  Excommunicate,  but  that  it  was  given  only  unto  the 
Apostles  and  their  Successors."  The  Bishops  of  Hereford, 
St.  Davids,  Westminster,  Doctors  Day,  Coren,  Leighton, 
Cox,  Symmons,  say  ,That  "  Lay-men  may  Excommunicate, 
if  they  be  appointed  by  the  High  Ruler."  My  Lord  Elect 
of  Westminster,  Dr.  Tresham,  and  Dr.  Ogiethorp,  say 
further.  That  "  the  Power  of  Excommunication  was  given  to 
the  Church,  and  to  such  as  the  Church  shall  institute." 

Question  17. 
Whether  Unction  of  the  Sick  with  Oil,  to  remit  Venial  Sins, 
as  it  is  now  used,  be  spoken  of  in  the  Scripture,  or  in  any 
ancient  Authors? 


Unction  of  the  Sick  with  Oil,  to  remit  Venial  Sins,  as  it 
is  now  used,  is  not  spoken  of  in  the  Scripture,  nor  in  any 
ancient  Authors.  T.  Cantuarien.  This  is  mine  Opinion 
and  Sentence  at  this  present,  ^hich  I  do  not  temerariously 
define,  but  do  remit  the  judgment  thereof  wholly  unto  your 

These  are  the  Subscriptions  which  are  at  the  end  of  every 
Man's  Paper. 

To  the  seventeenth  ;  Of  Unction  of  the  Sick  with  Oil, 
and  that  Sins  thereby  be  remitted,  St.  James  doth  teach  us  ; 
but  of  the  Holy  Prayers,  and  like  Ceremonies  used  in 
the  time  of  the  Unction,  we  find  no  special  mentijDU  in 
Scripture,  albeit  the  said  St.  James  maketh  also  mention  of 
Prayer  to  be  used  in  the  Ministry  of  the  same.  —  Edward, 

To  the  seventeenth  ;  I  think,  that  albeit  it  appeareth  not 
clearly  in  Scripture,  whether  the  usage  in  extream  Unction 
now,  be  all  one  with  that  which  was  in  the  begmning  of  the 
Church :  Yet  of  the  Unction  in  time  of  Sickness,  and 
the  Oil  also  with  Prayers  and  Ceremonies,  the  same  is 
set  forth  in  the  Epistle  of  St.  James,  which  place  commonly 
is  alledged,  and  so  hath  been  received,  to  prove  the  Sa- 
crament of  extream  Unction.  —  Ita  mihi  Edinundo  Lon- 
dinensi  Episcopo  pro  hoc  tempore  dicendum  videtur,  salvo 
judicio  melius  sentientis,  cui  me  prompte  et  humiliter 

Vor,.  I,  Part  II.  2  D 


Inunction  of  them  that  be  sick  v.'ith  Oil,  and  praying 
for  them  for  remission  of  Sins,  is  plainly  spoken  of  in  the 
Epistle  of  St.  James,  but  after  what  form  or  fashion  the 
said  Inunction  was  then  used,  the  Scripture  telleth  not.  — 

Written  on  the  back  of  the  Paper,  "  The  Bishop  of  Rochester's 

Extream  Unction  is  plainly  set  out  by  St.  James,  with 
the  which  maketh  also  that  is  written  in  the  6th  of  St. 
Mark,  after  the  mind  of  right  good  ancient  Doctors. — 
Robert  Carliolen. 

De  Unctione  Infirmorum  nihil  reperio  in  Scripturis, 
praeter  id  quod  scribitur.  Marc.  6.  et  Jacob.  6.  —  Thomas 
Robertson.  T.  Cantuarien. 

Unction  of  the  Sick  with  Oil  consecrat,  as  it  is  now  used, 
is  not  spoken  of  in  Scripture.  —  Richardus  Cox. 

Unction  of  the  Sick  with  praying  for  them  is  found  in 
Scripture.  —  George  Day. 

Opiniones  non  Assertiones.  De  Unctione  Infirmorum 
cum  oleo,  adjectaOratione,  expressamentio  est  in  Scripturis, 
quanquam  nunc  addantur  alii  ritus,  honestatis  gratis  (ut  in 
aliis  Sacramentis)  de  quibus  in  Scripturis  nulla  mentio.  — 
Owinus  Oglethorpus. 

Unction  with  Oil,  adjoined  with  Prayer,  and  having 
.  promise  of  Remission  of  Sins,  is  spoken  of  in  St.  James, 
and  ancient  Authors;  as  fof  the  use  which  now  is,  if  any 
thing  be  amiss,  it  would  be  amended.  —  J.  Redmayn. 

It  is  spoken  of,  in  Mark  6.  and  James  5.  Augustine 
and  other  ancient  Doctors  speaketh  of  the  same.  —  Edge- 

The  Unction  of  the  Sick  with  Oil,  to  remit  Sins,  is  in 
Scripture,  and  also  in  ancient  Authors.  —  Symon  Matthew. 

Unction  with  Oil  is  grounded  in  the  Scripture,  and  ex- 
presly  spoken  of;  but  with  this  Additament  (as  it  is  now 
used)  it  is  not  specified  in  Scripture,  for  the  Ceremonies 
now  used  in  Unction,  I  think  meer  Traditions  of  Man. — 
William  Tresham. 

To  the  seventeenth,  I  say,  That  Unction  of  the  Sick  with 
Oil  and  Prayer  to  remit  Sins,  is  manifestly  spoken  of 
in  St.  James's  Epistle,  and  ancient  Authors,  but  not  with  all 
the  Rites  and  Ceremonies  as  be  now  commonly  used.  — 
Per  me  Edwardum  Leyghton.  T.  Cantuarien. 

Unction  with  Oil  to  remit  Sins  is  spoken  of  in  Scripture. 
—  Richard  Coren. 

Con.  —  Menevens.  et  Coxus  negant  Unctionem  Olei  (ut 
jam  est  recepta)  ad  remittenda  peccata  contineri  in  Scrip- 
turis.    Eboracens.  Carliolens.  Edgworth.  Coren,  Redmayn, 

OF  RECORDS.  303 

Symmons,  Leightonus,  Oglethorp  aiunt  haberi  in  Scripturis. 
Roffens.  Thirleby,  Kobertsonus,  praeterquam  illud  Jacobi 
6.  et  Marci  6  nihil  proferunt.  Herefordensis  ambigit. 
Tresham  vult  Unctionem  Olei  tradi  nobis  e  Scripturis,  sed 
Unctionis  Caeremonias  traditiones  esse  humanas. 

Agreement.  —  In  the  last;  The  Bishop  of  St.  Davids, 
and  Dr.  Cox,  say.  That  "  Unction  of  the  Sick  with  Oil  con- 
secrate, as  it  is  now  used  to  remit  Sin,  is  not  spoken  of 
in  Scripture."  My  Lords  of  York,  Duresme,  Carlile,  Drs. 
Coren,  Edgworth,  Redman,  Symmons,  I^yghton,  and 
Oglethorp,  say.  That  "  it  is  found  in  Scripture." 


Dr.  BaiTies's  Renunciation  of  some  Articles  itifoimed 
against  him. 

Be  it  known  to  all  Men,  that  I  Robert  Barnes,  poctorof 
Divinity,  have  as  well  in  Writing,  as  in  Preaching,  over- 
shot my  self,  and  been  deceived,  by  trusting  too  much  to 
mine  own  heady  Sentence,  and  giving  judgment  in  and 
touching  the  Articles  hereafter  ensuing ;  whereas  being  con- 
vented,  and  called  before  the  Person  of  my  most  gracious 
Soveraign  Lord  King  Henry  the  Eighth,  of  England  and 
of  France,  Defender  of  the  Faith,  Lord  of  Ireland,  and 
in  Earth  Supream  Head  immediately  under  God  of  the 
Church  of  England ;  It  pleased  his  Highness,  of  his  great 
clemency  and  goodness,  being  assisted  with  sundry  of  his 
most  discreet  and  learned  Clergy,  to  enter  such  Disputation 
and  Argument  with  me,  upon  the  Points  of  my  over-sight, 
as  by  the  same  was  fully  and  perfectly  confuted  by  Scrip- 
tures, and  enforced  only  for  Truth's  sake,  and  for  want 
of  defence  of  Scriptures  to  serve  for  the  maintainance  of  my 
part,  to  yeeld,  confess,  and  knowledg  my  ignorance,  and 
with  my  most  humble  submission,  do  promise  for  ever  from 
henceforth  to  abstain,  and  beware  of  such  rashness  :  And 
for  my  further  declaration  therein,  not  only  to  abide  such 
order  for  my  doings  passed,  as  his  Grace  shall  appoint  and 
assign  unto  me,  but  also  with  my  heait  to  advance  and  set 
forth  the  said  Articles  ensuing,  which  1  knowledg  and  con- 
fess to  be  most  Catholick,  and  Christian,  and  necessary 
to  be  received,  observed,  and  followed  of  all  good  Christian 
People.  Tho  it  so  be,  that  Christ  by  the  Will  of  his  Father, 
is  he  only  which  hath  suffered  Passion  and  Death  for 
redemption  of  all  such  as  will  and  shall  come  unto  him,  by 
perfect  Faith  and  Baptism  ;  and  that  also  he  hath  taken 

304  A  collection: 

upon  him  gratis  the  burden  of  ail  their  sins,  which  as  afore 
will,  hath,  or  shall  come  to  him,  paying  sufficient  Ransom 
for  all  their  sins,  and  so  is  becomed  their  only  Redeemer 
and  Justifier  ;  of  the  which  number  I  trust  and  doubt  not 
but  that  many  of  us  now-a-days  be  of:  yet  I  in  heart 
do  confess,  that  after,  by  the  foresaid  means  we  become 
right  Christian  Folks,  yet  then  by  not  following  our 
Master's  Commandments  and  Laws,  we  do  loose  the  bene- 
fits and  fruition  of  the  same,  which  in  this  case  is  irrecupe- 
rable,  but  by  true  Penance,  the  only  Remedy  left  unto  us  by 
our  Saviour  for  the  same ;  wherefore  I  think  it  more  than 
convenient  and  necessary,  that  whensoever  Justification 
shall  be  preached  of,  that  this  deed  be  joined  with  all 
the  forepart,  to  the  intent  that  it  may  teach  all  true 
Christian  People  a  right  knowledg  of  their  Justification. — 
By  me  Robert  Barnes. 

Also  I  confess  with  my  heart,  That  Almighty  God  is  in 
no  wise  Author,  causer  of  Sin,  or  any  Evil ;  and  therefore 
whereas  Scripture  saith,  Induravit  Dominus  cor  Pharao- 
nis,  &;c.  and  such  other  Texts  of  like  sense,  they  ought  to 
understand  them,  quod  Dominus  permisit  eum  indurari,  and 
not  otherwise ;  which  doth  accord  with  many  of  the  an- 
cient Interpreters  also.  — By  me  Robert  Barnes. 

Further  I  do  confess  with  my  heart.  That  whensoever  I 
have  oflfended  my  Neighbour,  I  must  first  reconcile  myself 
unto  him,  e're  I  shall  get  remission  of  my  sins  ;  and  in  case 
he  offend  me,  I  must  forgive  him,  e'er  that  I  can  be  for- 
given ,  for  this  doth  the  Pater  Noster,  and  other  places  of 
Scripture  teach  me.  —  By  me  Robert  Barnes. 

I  do  also  confess  with  my  heart,  That  good  Works  limited 
by  Scripture,  and  done  by  a  penitent  and  true  reconciled 
Christian  Man,  be  profitable  and  allowable  unto  him,  as  al- 
lowed of  God  for  his  benefit,  and  helping  to  his  Salvation.  — • 
By  me  Robert  Barnes. 

Also  do  confess  with  my  heart,  That  Laws  and  Ordinances 
made  by  Christian  Rulers  ought  to  be  obeyed  by  the  Inferi- 
ors and  Subjects,  not  only  for  fear,  but  also  for  Conscience, 
for  whoso  breaketh  them,  breaketh  God's  Commandments. — 
By  me  Robert  Barnes. 

All  and  singular  the  which  Articles  before  written,  I  the 
foresaid  Robert  Barnes  do  approve  and  confess  to  be  most 
true  and  Catholick,  and  promise  with  my  heart,  by  God's 
Grace,  hereafter  to  maintain,  preach,  and  set  forth  the  same  to 
the  People,  to  the  uttermost  of  my  power,  wit,  and  cunning. 
By  me  Robert  Barnes. 
By  me  William  .Terome. 
By  me  Thomas  Gerarde. 

OF  KFXOPvDS.  305 


The  Foundation  of  the  Bishoprickof  Westminster, 
Rex  omnibus  ad  quos,  &c.  salutem.  Cum  nuper  caBnobiuin 
quoddam  sive  Monasterium,  quod  (dum  extitit)  Monaste- 
rium  Sancti  Petri  Westmon.  vulgariter  vocabatur,  omnia 
et  singula  ejus  Maneria,  Dominia,  Mesuagia,  Terrae,  Tene- 
menta,  H^reditamenla,  Dotationes  et  Possessiones,  certis 
de  causis  specialibus  et  urgentibus,  per  Willielmum  ipsius 
nuper  Csenobii  sive  Monasterii  Abbatem,  et  ejusdem  loci 
Conventum,  nobis  et  hacredibus  nostris  in  perpetuum 
jamdudum  data  fuerunt  et  concessa,  prout  per  ipsorum 
nuper  Abbatis  et  Conventus  cartam  sigilio  suo  com- 
muni  sive  conventuali  sigillatam  et  in  Cancellar.  nostram 
irrotulat  manifeste  liquet ;  quorum  praetextu  nos  de  ejus- 
dem nuper  Caenobii  sive  Monasterii  situ,  septu  et  prs- 
cinctu,  ac  de  omnibus  et  singulis  pra^dict.  nuper  Abbatis 
et  Conventus  Maneriis,  Dominiis  et  Mesuagiis,  Terris,  Te- 
nementis,  Haereditamentis,  Dotationibus  et  Possessioni- 
bus,  ad  praesens  pleno  jure  seisiti  sumus  in  dominico  nos- 
tro,  ut  de  feodo.  Nos  utiq;  sic  de  eisdem  seisiti  existen. 
divinaq;  nos  dementia  inspirante  nihil  magis  ex  animo  af- 
fectantes,  quam  ut  vera  religio  verusq;  Dei  cultus  inibi 
non  modo  aboleatur,  sed  in  integrum  potius  restituatur,  et 
ad  primitivam  sive  genuinae  sinceritatis  normam  reforme- 
tur,  correctis  enormitatibus  in  quas  ihonachorura  vita  et  pro- 
fessio  longo  temporum  lapsu  deplorabiliter  exorbitaverit, 
operam  dedimus,  quatenus  humana  perspicere  potest  infir- 
raitas,  ut  imposterum  ibidem  sacroium  eloquiorum  docu- 
menta  et  nostrae  salutiferae  Redemptionis  sacramenta  pure 
administrentur,  bonorum  morum  disciplina  sincere  obser- 
vetur,  Juventus  in  Uteris  liberaliter  instituatur,  senectus 
viribus  defectis,  eorum  praesertim  qui  circa  personam  nos- 
tram, vel  alioquin  circa  Regni  nostri  negotia  publice  bene 
et  fideliter  nobis  servierunt,  rebus  ad  victum  necessariis 
condigne  foveatur,  et  deniq;  eleemosinarum  in  pauperes 
Christi  elargitiones,  viarum  pontiumque  reparationes,  et 
caitera  omnis  generis  pietatis  officia  illinc  exuberanter  in 
ovinia  vicina  loca  longe  lateq;  diraaneant,  ad  Dei  omnipo- 
tentis  gloriam,  et  ad  subditorum  nostrorum  communem  uti- 
litatem  felicitatemque  :  Idcirco  nos  considerantes  quod  situs 
dicti  nuper  Monasterii  Sancti  Petri  Westmon.  in  quo  multa 
turn  percharissimi  patris  nostri,  tum  aliorum  Inclitorum, 
quondam  Regum  Angliae,  prauclara  monumenta  conduntur, 
sit  locus  aptus,  conveniens  et  necessarius  instituendi,  erigen- 
di,  ordinandi  et  stabijicndi  scdem  Episcopalem,  et  quandam 



Ecclesiani  Cathedralem  de  uno  Episcopo,  de  uno  Decano 
Presbytero,  et  duodecim  Praebendariis  Presbyteris,  ibidem, 
Omnipotenti  Deo  et  in  perpetuum  servitium,  ipsum  situm 
dicti  nuper  Monast.  Sancti  Petri  Westmon.  ac  locum  et  Ec- 
clesiam  ipsius  in  sedem  Episcopalem  ac  in  Ecclesiam  Cathe- 
dral, creari,  erigi,  fundari  et  stabiliri  decrevimus,  prout  per 
prajsentes  decernimus,  et  eandem  Ecclesiam  Cathedral,  de 
uno  Episcopo,  de  uno  Decano  Presbytero,  et  duodecim 
Praebendariis  Presbyteris,  tenore  praisentium,  realiter  et  ad 
plenum  creamus,  erigimus,  fundamus,  ordinamus,  facimus, 
constituimus  et  stabilimus,  perpetuis  futuris  temporibus  du- 
raturam,  et  sic  stabiliri  ac  in  perpetuum  inviolabiliter  ob  ■ 
servari  volumus  et  jubemus  per  praesentes.  Volumus  itaq; 
et  per  praesentes  Ordinamus  quod  Ecclesia  Cathedralis 
praedicta  sit,  et  deinceps  in  perpetuum  erit  Ecclesia  Cathe- 
dralis et  Sedes  Episcopalis,  ac  quod  tota  villa  nostra  West- 
mon. ex  nunc  et  deinceps  in  perpetuum  sit  Civitas,  ipsamq; 
civitatem  Westm.  vocari  et  nominari  volumus  et  decerni- 
mus, ac  ipsam  Civitatem  et  totum  Comit.  nostrum  Midd. 
prout  per  metas  et  limites  dignoscitur,  et  limitatur,  tota 
Parochia  de  Fulham  in  eodem  Comit.  de  Midd.  tantum- 
modo  except,  ab  omni  Jurisdictione,  Autoritate  et  Dioc. 
Episcopi  London,  et  successorum  suorum  pro  tempore  ex- 
isten.  separamus,  dividimus,  eximimus,  exoneramus,  et  om- 
nino  per  praesentes  liberamus:  ac  omnem  jurisdictionem 
Episcopalem  infra  eandem  Civitatem  et  Comit.  Midd.  ex- 
ceptis  praeexceptis,  Episcopo  Westmon.  a  nobis  per  has  Li- 
teras  nostras  Patentes  nominand.  et  eligend.  et  Successori- 
bus  suis  Episcopis  Westm.  ac  praedict.  Episcopat.  Westm. 
adjungimus  et  unimus,  ac  ex  dictis  Civitate  et  Com.  Dio- 
cesim  facimus  et  Ordinamus  per  praesentes,  illamq;  Dioce- 
sim  Westm.  in  perpetuum  similiter  vocari,  appellari,  nun- 
cupari  et  nominari  volumus  et  ordinamus.  Et  ut  haec  nos- 
tra intentio  debitum  et  uberiorem  sortiatur  efFectum,  Nos 
de  scientia,  moribus,  probitate  et  virtute  dilecti  nostri  Con- 
siliarii  Thomae  Thyrlebei  Clerici,  Decani  Capellas  nostrae 
plurimum  confidentes,  eundem  Thomam  Thyrleby  ad  Epis- 
copatum  dictae  Sedis  Westm.  nominamus  et  eligimus,  ac 
ipsum  Thomam  Episcopum  Westm.  per  praesentes  eligi- 
mus, nominamus,  facimus,  et  creamus,  et  volumus  ;  ac  per 
praesentes  Concedimus  et  Ordinamus,  quod  idem  Episcopa- 
tus  sit  corpus  corporatum  in  re  et  nomine,  ipsumq;  ex  uno 
corpora  declaramus  et  acceptamus,  Ordinamus,  facimus  et 
constituimus  in  perpetuum,  habeatq;  succesicrnem  perp>e- 
tuam,  ac  quod  ipse  et  successores  sui  per  nomen  et  sub  no- 
mine Episcopi  Westm.  nominabitur  et  vocabitur,  nomina- 
buntur  et  vocabuntur  in  perpetuum,  et  quod  ipse  et  succes- 


sores  sui  per  idem  nomen  et  sub  eo  nomine  prosequi,  claraare 
et  placitare,  ac  placitari,  defendere  et  defendi,  respondere 
et  responderi,  in  quibuscunq;  Curiis  et  locis  legum  noslra- 
rum,  ac  haeredum  et  successorum  nostrorum,  et  alibi,  in  et 
super  omnibus  et  singulis  causis,  actionibus,  sectis,  brevi- 
bus,  demand,  et  querelis,  realibus,  personalibus  et  mixtis, 
tam  temporalibus,  quara  spiritualibus,  ac  in  omnibus  aliis 
rebus,  causis  et  materiis  quibuscunque,  et  per  idem  nomen 
Maneria,  Dominia,  Terrae,  Tenementa,  Rectoiias,  Pen- 
siones,  Portiones,  et  ali  quaecunq;  Haereditamente,  Pos- 
sessiones,  proficua  et  emolumenta,  tam  spiritualia  sive  Ec- 
clesiastica,  quam  temporalia,  ac  alio  quaecunq;  per  Lite- 
ras  Patentes  praefato  Episcopo  et  Successoribus  suis,  per 
nos  seu  haeredes  nostros  debito  modo  fiend,  vel  per  quam- 
cunq;  aliam  personam  seu  quascunq;  alias  personas  secun- 
dum leges  nostras,  et  haeredum  sive  successorum  nostro- 
rum dand.  seu  concedend.  capere,  recipere,  gaudere  et 
perquirere  ac  dare,  alienare  et  dimittere  possit  et  possint, 
valeat  et  valeant,  et  generaliter  omnia  alia  et  singula  reci- 
pere, gaudere.  et  facere,  prout  et  eisdem  modo  et  forma 
quibus  caeteri  Episcopi  infra  Regnum  nostrum  Angliae  re- 
cipere aut  facere  possint,  aut  aliquis  Episcopus  infra  Reg- 
num nostrum  Angliae  recipere  aut  facere  possit,  et  non  ali- 
ter  nee  ullo  alio  modo.  Et  ulterius  volumus  et  ordinamus, 
quod  Ecclesia  Cathedralis  praedicta  sit,  et  deinceps  in  per- 
petuum  erit  Ecclesia  Cathedralis  et  Sedes  Episcopalis 
dicti  Thomae  et  successorum  suorum  Episcoporum  Westm. 
ipsamq;  Ecclesiam  Cathedralem  honoribus,  dignitatibus, 
et  insigniis  Sedis  Episcopalis  per  praesentes  decoramus, 
eandemq;  Sedem  Episcopalem  praefato  Thomae  et  succes- 
soribus suis  Episcopis  Westm.  damus  et  concedimus  per 
praesentes  habend.  et  gaudend.  idem  Thomae  et  successori- 
bus suisinperpetuum.  Ac  etiam  volumus  et  ordinamus  per 
praesentes,  quod  praefatus  Thomas  et  successores  sui  Epis- 
copi Westm.  praedict.  omnimodam  jurisdictionem,  potesta- 
tem  et  autoritatem  ordinarias  et  Episcopales,  infrasEcclesiam 
Cathedralem  Westm.  et  praedict.  Dioces.  exercere,  fa- 
cere, et  uti  possit,  et  debeat,  possint  et  debeant,  in  tam  am- 
plis  modo  et  forma,  prout  Episcopus  London,  infra  Dioces. 
London,  secundum  leges  nostras  exercere,  facere,  et  uti  so- 
let,  possit  aut  debet.  Et  quod  dictus  Thomas  Episcopus 
Westm.  et  successores  sui  Episcopi  Westm.  deinceps  in  per- 
petuum  habeat  sigillum  authenticum,  seu  sigilla  authentica 
pro  rebus  et  ncgotiis  suis  agendis  servitur,  ad  omnem  juris 
efFectum  simili  modo  et  forma,  et  non  aliter  nee  aliquo  alio 
modo,  prout  Episcopus  London,  habet  aut  habere  po- 
test.   Et  ut  Ecclesia  Cathedralis  praedict.  de  personis  con- 


gruis  in  singulis  locis  et  gradibus  suis  perimpleatur  et  dc- 
coretur,  dilectum  nobis  Willielmum  Benson  Sacrze  Theo- 
logiae  professorum  primum  et  originalem,  et  modernum  De- 
canum  dicta;  Ecclesiae  Cathedralis,  ac  Simonem  Haynes 
Sacrae  Theologiae  professorem  primum,  et  praesent.  Pres- 
byterum  Praebendarium,  ac  Joannem  Redman  secundum 
Presbyterum  Praebendarium,  ac  Edwardum  Leyghton  ter- 
tium  Presbyterum  Praebendarium,  ac  Antonium  Belasys 
quartum  Presbyterum  Praebendarmm,  ac  Willielmum  Brit- 
ten quintum  Presbyterum  Praebendarium,  ac  Dionysium  Da- 
lyon  sextum  Presbyterum  Praebendarium,  acHumphredum 
Perkins  septimum  Presbyterum  Praebendarium,  ac  Tho- 
mam  Essex  octavum  Presbyterum  Praebendarium,  ac  Tho- 
mam  EUforde  nonum  Presbyterum  Praebendarium,  ac  Joan- 
nem Malvern  decimum  Presbyterum  Praebendarium,  ac  Wil- 
lielmum Harvey  undecimum  Presbyterum  Praebendarium, 
ac  Gerardum  Carleton  duodecimum  Presbyterum  Praeben- 
darium, tenore  praesentium  facimus  et  ordinamus.  Per  prae- 
sentes  volumus  etiam  et  ordinamus,  ac  eisdem  Decano  et 
Praebendariis  concedimus  per  praesentes,  quod  praedictus 
Decanus  et  duodecim  Praebendarii  dicti  sint  de  se  in  re  et 
nomine  unum  corpus  corporatum.  habeantq;  successionem 
perpetuam,  et  se  gerent,  exhibebunt,  et  occupabunt  Sedem, 
ordinationem,  regulas  et  statuta,  eis  per  nos  in  quadam  In- 
dentura  in  posterum  fiend,  specificand.  et  declarand.  Et 
quod  idem  Decanus  et  Praebendarii  et  successores  sui, 
Decanus  et  Capitulum  Ecclesiae  Cathedralis  Sancti  Petri 
Westm.  in  perpetuum  vocabuntur,  appellabuntur ;  Et  quod 
praefatus  Decanus  et  Praebendarii  Ecclesiae  Cathedralis 
praedictae  et  successores  sui  sint  et  in  perpetuum  erunt 
Capitulum  Episcopatus  W^estm.  sitq;  idem  Capitulum  prae- 
fat.  Thomae  et  successoribus  suis  Episcopis  Westm. 
perpetuis  futuris  temporibus  annexum,  incorporatum  et 
unitum  eisdem  modo  et  forma  quibus  Decanus  et  Ca- 
pitulum Ecclesiae  Cathedralis  Sancti  Pauli  in  Civitate 
nostra  London.  Episcopo  London,  aut  sedi  Episcopali 
London,  annexa,  incorporata  et  unit,  exist,  ipsosq;  De- 
canum  et  Praebendarios  unum  corpus  corporatum  in  re  et 
nomine  facimus,  creamus,  et  stabilimus,  et  eos  pro  uno 
corpore  facimus,  declaramus,  ordinamus  et  acceptamus,  ha- 
beantq; successionem  perpetuam ;  Et  quod  ipse  Decanus 
et  Capitulum  eorumq;  successores  per  nomen  Decani  et 
Capitulum  Ecclesiae  Catheralis  Beati  Petri  W^estm.  prose- 
qui, clamare,  placitare  possint  et  implacitare,  defendere  et 
defcndi,  respondere  et  responderi,  in  quibuscunq;  tempore 
et  Curiis  legum  nostrarum  et  alibi,  in  et  super  omnibus  et 
singulis   causis,   actionibus,  Sectis,  demand,   brevibus  ^t 

OF  RECORDS.  309 

querelis,  realibus,  spiritualibus,  personalibus  et  mixtis,  et 
in  omnibus  aliis  rebus,  causis  et  materiis,  prout  Decanus 
et  Capitulum  Sancti  Pauli  London,  agere  aut  facere  pos- 
sunt :  Et  per  idem  nomen  Maneria,  Dominia,  Terrae,  Tene  • 
menta,  et  caetera  quaecunq;  Haereditamenta,  possessiones, 
proficua,  et  emolumenta  tam  Spiritualia  sive  Ecclesiastica 
quam  temporalia,  et  alia  quaecunq;  per  nos  per  literas  nos- 
tras Patentes,  haeredum  vel  successorum  nostrorum,  seu  per 
aliquam  personam  vel  personas  quascunq;  eis  et  successo- 
ribus  suis  vel  aliter  secundum  leges  nostras,  vel  haeredum 
seu  successorum  nostrorum  dand.  seu  concedend.  capere, 
recipere,  et  perquirere,  dare,  alienare,  et  dimittere  possint 
et  valeant,  et  generaliter  omnia  alia  et  singula  capere,  reci- 
pere, perquirere,  dare,  alienare,  et  dimittere,  ac  facere  et 
exequi,  prout  et  eisdem  modo  et  forma,  quibus  Decanus  et 
Capitulum  praedict.  Cathedralis  Ecclesiae  Sancti  Pauli  in 
praedicta  civitate  nostra  London,  capere,  recipere,  perqui- 
rere, dare,  alienare,  et  dimittere,  ac  facere  aut  exequi  pos- 
sint, et  non  aliter,  neq;  aliquo  alio  modo  :  Et  quod  Deca- 
nus et  Capitulum  Ecclesiae  Cathedralis  beati  Petri  Westm. 
et  successores  sui  in  perpetuum  habebunt  commune  Sigil- 
lum,  ad  omnimodas  cartas,  evidentias,  et  caetera  scripta, 
vel  facta  sua  fiend,  eos  vel  Ecclesiam  Cathedralem  prae- 
dict. aliquo  modo  tangen.  sive  continend.  sigilland-  Et  in- 
super  volumus  et  per  praesentes  concedimus  et  ordinamus, 
quod  praedict.  Episcopos  Westm.  et  quilibet  successorum 
suorum  pro  tempore  existen.  et  praedictus  Decanus  et  Capi- 
tulum Ecclesiae  Cathedralis  beati  Petri  Westm.  et  quilibet 
successorum  suorum  habeant  plenam  potestatem  et  facul- 
tatem  faciendi,  recipiendi,  dandi,  alienandi,  dimittendi,  ex- 
equendi  et  agendi  omnia  et  singula  quae  Episcopus  Lon- 
don, et  Decanus  et  Capitulum  Sancti  Pauli  London,  con- 
junctim  et  divisim  facere,  recipere,  dare,  alienare,  dimittere, 
exequi  aut  agere  possint.  Volumus  etiam  et  ordinainus, 
ac  per  praesentes  Statuimus,  quod  Archidiaconus  Midd. 
qui  nunc  est  et  successores  sui  sunt  deinceps  in  perpetuum 
separati  et  exonerati  et  prorsus  liberati  a  jurisdictione,  po- 
testate,  jure  et  authoritate  Episcopi  London,  et  successo- 
rum suorum,  ac  ab  Ecclesia  Cathedrali  Sancti  Pauli  Lon- 
don, ab  oraniq;  jure>  potestate  et  autoritale  ejusdera  ipsiusq; 
Archidiaconi,  et  successores  suos  per  praesentes  separamus, 
exoneramus  penitus  in  perpetuum  liberamus,  eundemq;  Ar- 
chidiaconum  et  successores  suos  decernimus,  Statuimus, 
Ordinamus,  ac  stabilimus  in  simili  Statu,  modo,  forma  et 
jure  esse,  ac  deinceps  in  perpetuum  fore,  in  praedicta  Ec- 
clesia Cathedrali  Westm.  quibus  ipse  aut  aliquis  praede- 
cessorum    suorum    unquam    fuit  in    Ecclesia    Cathedrali 


Sancti  Pauli  London.  Statuimus  etiam  et  ordinamus  ac 
per  praesentes  volumus  et  concediraus,  quod  praedictus 
Thomas  Episcopus  Westm.  et  successores  sui  Episcopi 
Westm.  habeant,  teneant  et  possideant,  in  omnibus  et  per 
omnia  autoritatem,  potestatem,  jus  et  jurisdictionem,  de  et 
super  Archidiaconatu  Midd.  et  Archidiacono  et  successo- 
libus  suis,  tam  plene  et  integre  ad  omnem  effectum  quam 
Episcopus  London,  qui  nunc  est  aut  aliquis  praedecesso- 
rum  suorum  habet  aut  habuit,  aut  habere  debuit  vel  usus 
fuit.  Volumus  autem  ac  per  praesentes  concediraus  tam 
praefato  Episcopo  quam  Decano  et  Capitulo,  quod  habeat 
et  habebit,  habeant  et  habebunt,  has  Literas  nostras  Pa- 
tentes  sub  magno  sigillo  nostro  Angliae  debito  modo  factas 
et  sigillatas,  absq;  fine  seu  feaed.  magno  vel  parvo  nobis 
in  Hanaperio  nostro  seu  alibi  ad  usum  nostrorum,  proinde 
quoquo  modo  reddend.  solvend.  vel  faciend.  eo  quod  ex- 
pressa  mentio,  et  caet.  In  cujus  rei,  &c.  Teste  Rege 
apud  Westm.  decimo  septimo  die  Decembris  Anno  Regni 
Regis  Henrici  Octavi  trigesimo  secundo. 


A  Proclamation  ordained  by  the  King's  Majesty,  with  the 
advice  of  his  Honourable  Council,  for  the  Bible  of  the  largest 
and  greatest  Volume  to  be  had  in  every  Church;  devised  the 
sixth  day  of  May,  the  33  year  of  the  King's  most  gracious 

(Regist.  Bonner.  Fol.  21.) 

Where  by  Injunctions  heretofore  set  forth  by  the  authority 
of  the  King's  Royal  Majesty,  Supream  Head  of  the  Church 
of  this  his  Realm  of  England,  it  was  ordained,  and  com- 
manded, amongst  other  things.  That  in  all  and  singular 
Parish-Churches,  there  should  be  provided,  by  a  certain 
day  now  expired,  at  the  costs  of  the  Curats  and  Parishion- 
ers, Bibles  containing  the  Old  and  New  Testament  in  the 
English  Tongue,  to  be  fixed  and  set  up  openly  in  every  of 
the  said  Parish  Churches ;  the  which  godly  Commandment 
and  Injunction,  was  to  the  only  intent  that  every  of  the 
King's  Majesties  loving  Subjects,  minding  to  read  therein, 
might,  by  occasion  thereof,  not  only  consider  and  perceive 
the  great  and  ineffable  Omnipotent  Power,  Promise,  Jus- 
tice, Mercy,  and  Goodness  of  Almighty  God,  but  also  to 
learn  thereby  to  observe  God's  Commandments,  and  to 
obey  their  Sovereign  Lord,  and  High  Powers,  and  to  ex- 
ercise Godly  Charity,  and  to  use  themselves  according  to 

OF  RECORDS.  311 

their  Vocations,  in  a  pure  and  sincere  Christian  Life,  with- 
out murmur  or  grudging  :  By  the  which  Injunctions,  the 
King's    Royal  Majesty  intended  that  his  loving  Subjects 
should  have  and  use  the  commodities  of  the  reading  of  the 
said  Bibles,   for  the   purpose    above    rehearsed,   humbly, 
meekly,  reverently,  and  obediently,  and  not  that  any  of 
them  should  read  the  said  Bibles  with  high  and  loud  Voices, 
in  time  of  the  Celebration  of  the  Holy  Mass,  and  other  Di- 
vine Services  used  in  the  Church  ;  or  that  any  his  Lay- 
Subjects  reading  the  same,  should  presume  to  take  upon 
them  any  common  Disputation,  Argument,  or  Exposition 
of  the  Mysteries  therein  contained ;   but  that  every  such 
Layman  should,  humbly,  meekly,  and  reverently,  read  the 
same  for  his  own  instruction,  edification,  and  amendment 
of  his  Life,  according  to  God's  Holy  Word  therein  men- 
tioned.   And  notwithstanding  the  King's  said  most  godly 
and  gracious  Commandment  and  Injunction,  in  form  as  is 
aforesaid,  his  Royal  Majesty  is  informed.  That  divers  and 
many  Towns  and  Parishes  within  this  his  Realm,  have  neg- 
lected their  duties  in  the  accomplishment  thereof;  where- 
of his  Highness  marvelleth  not  a  little  ;  and  minding  the 
execution  of  his  said  former  most  godly  and  gracious  In- 
junctions, doth  straitly  charge  and    command,  That   the 
Curats  and  Parishioners  of  every  Town  and  Parish  within 
this  his  Realm  of  England,  not  having  already  Bibles  pro- 
vided within  their  Parish  Churches,  shall  on  this  side  the 
Feast  of  All-Saints  next  coming,  buy  and  provide  Bibles 
of  the  largest  and  greatest  Volume,  and  cause  the  same  to 
be  set  and  fixed  in  every  of  the  said  Parish  Churches,  there 
to  be  used  as  is  aforesaid,  according  to  the  said  former 
Injunctions,  upon  pain  that  the  Curat  and  Inhabitants  of 
the  Parishes  and  Towns,  shall  loose  and  forfeit  to  tlie  King's 
Majesty  for  every  month  that  they  shall  lack  and  want  the 
said  Bibles,  after  the  same  Feast  of  All-  Saints,  40s.  the  one 
half  of  the  same  forfeit  to  be  to  the  King's  Majesty,  and  the 
other  half  to  him  or  them  which  shall  first  find  and  present 
the  same  to  the  King's  Majesties  Council.    And  finally,  the 
King's  Royal  Majesty  doth  declare  and  signify  to  all  and 
singular  his  loving  Subjects,  that  to  the  intent  they  may 
have  the  said  Bibles  of  the  greatest  Volumn,  at  ecjual  and 
reasonable  prices,  his  Highness,  by  the  advice  of  his  Coun- 
cil, hath  ordained  and  taxed,  That  the  Sellers  thereof  shall 
not  take  for  any  of  the  said  Bibles  unbound,  above  the 
price  often  shillings;  and  for  every  of  the  said  Bibles  well 
and  sufficiently  bound,  trimmed  and  clasped,  not  above 
twelve  shillings,  upon  pain  the  Seller  to  lose,  for  every  Bible 
•sold  contrary  to  his  Highness's  Proclamation,  four  shillings. 


the  one  Moiety  thereof  to  the  King's  Majesty,  and  the  other 
Moiety  to  the  finder  and  presenter  of  the  Defaulter,  as  is 
aforesaid.  And  his  Highness  straitly  chargeth  and  com- 
mandeth,  That  all  and  singular  Ordinaries,  having  Ecclesi- 
astical Jurisdiction  within  this  his  Church  and  Realm  of 
England,  and  Dominion  of  Wales,  that  they,  and  every  of 
them,  shall  put  their  effectual  endeavours,  that  the  Curats 
and  Parishioners  shall  obey  and  accomplish  this  his  Majes- 
ties Proclamation  and  Commandment,  as  they  tender  the 
advancement  of  the  King's  most  gracious  and  godly  pur- 
pose in  that  behalf,  and  as  they  will  answer  to  his  Highness 
for  the  same.  , 

God  save  the  King. 


An  Admonition  and  Advertisement  given  by  the  Bishop  of 
London,  to  all  Readers  of  this  Bible  in  the  English 

(Register.  Bonner.) 

To  the  intent  that  a  good  and  wholsome  thing,  godly  and 
vertuously,  for  honest  intents  and  purposes,  set  forth  for 
many,  be  not  hindred  or  maligned  at,  for  the  abuse,  default, 
and  evil  behaviour  of  a  few,  who  for  lack  of  discretion,  and 
good  advisement,  commonly  without  respect  of  time,  or 
other  due  circumstances,  proceed  rashly  and  unadvisedly 
therein ;  and  by  reason  thereof,  rather  hinder  than  set  for- 
ward the  thing  that  is  good  of  it  self:  It  shall  therefore  be 
very  expedient,  that  whosoever  repaireth  hither  to  read  this 
Book,  or  any  such-like,  in  any  other  place,  he  prepare  him- 
self chiefly  and  principally,  with  all  devotion,  humility, 
and  quietness,  to  be  edified  and  made  the  better  thereby  ; 
adjoining  thereto  his  perfect  and  most  bounden  duty  of 
obedience  to  the  King's  Majesty,  our  most  gracious  and 
dread  Soveraign  Lord,  and  supream  Head,  especially  in 
accomplishing  his  Graces  most  honourable  Injunctions  and 
Commandments  given  and  made  in  that  behalf.  And  ri^ht 
expedient,  yea  necessary  it  shall  be  also,  that  leaving  behind 
him  vain  Glory,  Hypocrisy,  and  all  other  carnal  and  cor- 
rupt Affections,  he  bring  with  him  discretion,  honest  intent, 
charity,  reverence,  and  quiet  behaviour,  to  and  for  the 
edification  of  his  own  Soul,  without  the  hindrance,  lett,  or 
disturbance  of  any  other  his  Christian  Brother ;  evermore 
foreseeing  that  no  number  of  People  be  specially  congre- 
gate therefore  to  make  a  multitude  ;  and  that  no  exposition 

OF  RECORDS.  813 

be  made  thereupon  otherwise  than  it  is  declared  in  the 
Book  it  self;  and  that  especially  regard  be  had  no  reading 
thereof  be  used,  allowed,  and  with  noise  in  the  time  of  any 
Divine  Service,  or  Sermon ;  or  that  in  the  same  be  used  any 
Disputation,  contention,  or  any  other  misdemeanour:  or 
finally  that  any  Man  justly  may  reckon  himself  to  be 
offended  thereby,  or  take  occasion  to  gnidg  or  malign 

God  save  the  King. 


Injunctions  given  by  Bonner,  Bishop  of  London,  to  his  Clergy. 

(Regist.  Bonner.  Fol.  38.) 
Injunctions  made  by  the  consent  and  authority  of  me 
Edmond  Bonner  Bishop  of  London,  in  the  Year  of  our  Lord 
God  1542,  and  in  the  34  Year  of  the  Reign  of  our  Sovereign 
Lord  Henry  the  Eighth,  by  the  Grace  of  God,  King  of  Eng- 
land, France,  and  Ireland,  Defender  of  the  Faith,  and  Su~ 
pream  Head  here  in  Earth,  next  under  God,  of  the  Church 
of  England  and  Ireland.  All  which  and  singular  Injunc- 
tions, by  the  Authority  given  to  me  of  God,  and  by  our  said 
Soveraign  Lord  the  King's  Majesty,  I  exhort,  require,  and 
also  command,  all  and  singular  Parsons,  Vicars,  Curats, 
and  Chantry  Priests,  with  other  of  the  Clergy,  whatsoever 
they  be,  of  my  Diocess  and  Jurisdiction  of  London,  to  ob- 
serve, keep,  and  perform  accordingly,  as  it  concerneth  every 
of  them,  in  vertue  of  their  Obedience,  and  also  upon  pains 
expressed  in  all  such  Laws,  Statutes,  and  Ordinances  of 
this  Realm,  as  they  may  incur  and  be  objected  against  them, 
now,  or  at  any  time  hereafter,  for  breaking  and  violating  of 
the  same,  or  any  of  them. 

First;  That  you,  and  every  of  you,  shall,  with  all  dili- 
gence, and  faithful  obedience,  observe  and  keep,  and  cause 
to  be  observed  and  kept,  to  the  outermost  of  your  Powers, 
all  and  singular  the  Contents  of  the  King's  Highness  most 
gracious  and  godly  Ordinances  and  Injunctions  given  and 
set  forth  by  his  Grace's  Authority  ;  and  that  ye,  and  every 
of  you,  for  the  better  performance  thereof,  shall  provide  to 
have  a  Copy  of  the  same  in  writing,  or  imprinted,  and  so  to 
declare  them  accordingly. 

Item ;  That  every  Parson,  Vicar,  and  Curat,  shall  read 
oyer  and  diligently  study  every  day  one  Chapter  of  the 
Bible,  and  that  with  the  gloss  ordinary,  or  some  other  Doc- 
tor or  Expositor,  approved  and  allowed  in  this  Church  of 

Vol,.  I,  Part  II.  2  E 


England,  proceeding  from  Chapter  to  Chapter,  from  the 
beginning  of  the  Gospel  of  Mathew  to  the  end  of  the  New 
Testament,  and  the  same  so  diligently  studied  to  keep  still 
and  retain  in  memory,  and  to  come  to  the  rehearsal  and 
recital  thereof,  at  all  such  time  and  times  as  they,  or  any  of 
them,  shall  be  commanded  thereunto  by  me,  or  any  of  my 
Officers  or  Deputies. 

Item ;  That  every  of  you  do  procure  and  provide  of  your 
own,  a  Book  called,  "  The  Institution  of  a  Christian  Man," 
otherwise  called  the  "  Bishop's  Book ;"  and  that  ye,  and 
every  of  you,  do  exercise  your  selves  in  the  same,  accord- 
ing to  such  Precepts  as  hath  been  given  heretofore  or  here- 
after to  be  given. 

Item;  That  ye  being  absent  from  your  Benefices,  in  cases 
lawfully  permitted  by  the  Laws  and  Statutes  of  this  Realm, 
do  suffer  no  Priest  to  keep  your  Cure,  unless  he  being  first 
by  you  presented,  and  by  me  or  my  Officers  thereunto 
abled  and  admitted.  And  for  the  more  and  better  assurance 
and  performance  thereof  to  be  had,  by  these  presents  I 
warn  and  monish  peremptorily,  all  and  singular  Beneficed 
Parsons  having  Benefices  with  Cure,  within  my  Diocess 
and  Jurisdiction,  that  they  and  every  of  them  shall  either 
be  personally  resident  upon  their  Benefices  and  Cures,  be- 
fore the  Feast  of  St.  Michael  the  Arch-Angel  now  next  en- 
suing ;  or  else  present,  before  the  said  Feast,  to  me  the  said 
Bishop,  my  Vicar-General,  or  other  my  Officers  deputed 
in  that  behalf,  such  Curats  as  upon  examination  made  by 
me,  or  my  said  Officers,  may  be  found  able  and  sufficient 
to  serve  and  discharge  their  Cures  in  their  absence ;  and 
also  at  the  said  Feast,  or  before,  shall  bring  in  and  exhibite 
before  my  said  Officers  their  suflicient  Dispensations  autho- 
rized by  the  King's  Majesty,  as  well  for  non-residence,  as 
for  keeping  of  more  Benefices  with  Cure  than  one. 

Item ;  That  every  Parson,  Vicar,  and  other  Curats,  once 
in  every  quarter,  shall  openly  in  the  Pulpit  exhort  and 
charge  his  Parishioners,  that  they  in  no  wise  do  make  any 
privy  or  secret  contract  of  Matrimony  between  themselves, 
but  that  they  utterly  defer  it  until  such  time  as  they  may 
conveniently  have  the  Father  and  Mother,  or  some  other 
Kinsfolks  or  Friends  of  the  Person  that  shall  make  such 
Contract  of  Matrimony ;  or  else  two  or  three  honest  Per- 
sons to  be  present,  and  to  hear  and  record  the  words  and 
manner  of  their  Contract,  as  they  will  avoid  the  extream 
pains  of  the  Law  provided  in  that  behalf,  if  they  presump- 
tuously do  or  attempt  the  contrary. 

Item;  That  in  the  avoiding  of  divers  and  grievous  Of- 
fences and  Enormities,  and  specially  the  most  detestable 

OF  RECORDS.  315 

sin  of  Adultery,  which  oft-times  hath  hapned  by  the  negli- 
gence of  Curats  in  marrying  Persons  together  which  had 
been  married  before,  and  making  no  due  proof  of  the  death 
of  their  other  Husbands  and  Wives  at  the  time  of  such 
Marriages,  I  require  and  command  you,  and  monish  pe- 
remptorily by  these  presents,  all  manner  of  Parsons,  V^i- 
cars,  and  Curats,  with  other  Priests,  being  of  my  Diocess 
and  Jurisdiction,  that  they,  nor  any  of  them  from  hence- 
forth, do  presume  to  solemnizate  Matrimony  in  their 
Churches,  Chappels,  or  elsewhere,  between  any  Persons 
that  have  been  married  before,  unless  the  said  Parson,  Vi- 
car, Curat,  or  Priest,  be  first  plainly,  fully,  and  suflBciently 
informed  and  certified  of  the  Decease  of  the  Wife  or  Hus- 
band of  him  or  her,  or  of  both,  that  he  shall  marry,  and  that 
in  writing,  under  the  Ordinaries  Seal  of  the  Diocess  or 
place  where  he  or  she  inhabited  or  dwelt  before,  under 
pain  of  Excommunication,  and  otherwise  to  be  punished 
for  doing  the  contrary,  according  to  the  Laws  provided  and 
made  in  that  behalf. 

Item;  That  ye,  and  every  of  you  that  be  Parsons,  Vi- 
cars, Curats,  and  also  Chauntry- Priests  and  Stipendiaries, 
do  instruct,  teach,  and  bring  up  in  Learning  the  best  ye 
can,  all  such  Children  of  your  Parishioners  as  shall  come 
to  you  for  the  same ;  or  at  the  least,  to  teach  them  to  read 
English,  taking  moderately  therefore  of  their  Friends  that 
be  able  to  pay,  so  that  they  may  thereby  the  better  learn 
and  know  how  to  Believe,  how  to  Pray,  how  to  live  to 
God's  pleasure. 

Item;  That  every  Curat  do  at  all  limes  his  best  diligence 
to  stir,  move,  and  reduce  such  as  be  at  discord  to  Peace, 
Concord,  Love,  Charity,  and  one  to  remit  and  forgive  one 
another,  as  often  and  howsoever  they  shall  be  grieved  or 
offended  :  And  that  the  Curat  shew  and  give  example 
thereof,  when  and  as  often  as  any  variance  or  discord  shall 
happen  to  be  between  him  and  any  of  his  Cure. 

Item ;  Where  some  froward  Persons,  partly  for  malice, 
hatred,  displeasure,  and  disdain,  neglect,  contemn,  and  de- 
spise their  Curats,  and  such  as  have  the  Cure  and  Charge 
jof  their  Souls,  and  partly  to  hide  and  cloak  their  leud  and 
naughty  living,  as  they  have  used  all  the  Year  before,  use 
at  length  to  be  confessed  of  other  Priests  which  have  not 
the  Cure  of  their  Souls  :  Wherefore  I  will  and  require  you 
to  declare,  and  show  to  your  Parishioners,  That  no  Testi- 
monials brought  from  auy  of  them,  shall  stand  in  any  ef- 
fect, nor  that  any  such  Persons  shall  be  admitted  to  God's 
Board,  or  receive  their  Communion,  until  they  have  sub- 
mitted themselves  to  be  confessed  of  their  own  Cuvats, 


(Strangers  only  except)  or  else  upon  arduous  and  urgent 
Causes  and  Considerations,  they  be  otherwise  dispensed 
with  in  that  behalf,  either  by  me  or  by  my  Officers  afore- 

Item ;  That  where  upon  a  detestable  and  abominable 
practice  universally  reigning  in  your  Parishes,  the  young 
People,  and  other  ill-disposed  Persons  doth  use  upon  the 
Sundays  and  Holy-days,  in  time  of  Divine  Service,  and 
preaching  the  Word  of  God,  to  resort  unto  Ale-houses,  and 
there  exerciseth  unlawful  Games,  with  great  Swearing, 
Blasphemy,  Drunkenness,  and  other  Enormities,  so  that 
good  and  devout  Persons  be  much  offended  therewith  : 
Wherefore  I  require  and  command  you,  to  declare  to  such 
as  keepeth  Ale-houses,  or  Taverns  within  your  Parishes, 
that  at  such  times  from  henceforth,  they  shall  not  suffer  in 
their  Houses  any  such  unlawful  and  ungodly  Assemblies  ; 
neither  receive  such  Persons  to  Bowling  and  Drinking  at 
such  Seasons,  into  their  Houses,  under  pain  of  Excommu- 
nication, and  otherwise  to  be  punished  for  their  so  doing, 
according  to  the  Laws  in  that  behalf. 

Item ;  That  all  Curats  shall  declare  openly  in  the  Pulpit, 
twice  every  Quarter  to  their  Parishioners,  the  seven  deadly 
Sins,  and  the  Ten  Commandments,  so  that  the  People 
thereby  may  not  only  learn  how  to  obey,  honour,  and  serve 
God,  their  Prince,  Superiors,  and  Parents,  but  also  to  avoid 
and  eschew  Sin  and  Vice,  and  to  live  vertuously,  following 
God's  Commandments  and  his  Laws. 

Item  ;  That  where  I  am  credibly  informed,  that  certain 
Priests  of  my  Diocess  and  Jurisdiction,  doth  use  to  go  in 
an  unseemly  and  unpriestly  habit  and  apparel,  with  unlaw- 
ful tonsures,  carrying  and  having  upon  them  also  Armour 
and  Weapons,  contrary  to  all  wholesome  and  godly  Laws 
and  Ordinances,  more  like  Persons  of  the  Lay,  than  of  the 
Clergy;  which  may  and  doth  minister  occasion  to  light 
Persons,  and  to  Persons  unknown,  where  such  Persons 
come  in  place,  to  be  more  licentious  both  of  their  Com- 
munication, and  also  of  their  Acts,  to  the  great  slander  of 
the  Clergy  :  Wherefore  in  the  avoiding  of  such  slander  and 
obloquy  hereafter,  I  admonish  and  command  all  and  sin- 
gular Parsons,  Vicars,  Curats,  and  all  other  Priests  what- 
soever they  be,  dwelling,  or  inhabiting,  or  hereafter  shall 
dwell  and  inhabit  within  my  Diocess  and  Jurisdiction, 
That  from  henceforth  they,  and  every  of  them,  do  use  and 
wear  meet,  convenient,  and  decent  Apparel,  with  their 
Trussures  accordingly,  whereby  they  may  be  known  at  all 
times  from  Lay-People,  and  to  be  of  the  Clergy,  as  they 
intend  to  avoid  and  eschew  the  penalty  of  the  Laws  or- 
dained in  that  behalf. 

OF  RECORDS.  317 

Item ;  That  no  Parson,  Vicar,  or  other  Beneficed  Man, 
having  Cure  within  my  Diocess  and  Jurisdiction,  do  suffer 
any  Priest  to  say  Mass,  or  to  have  any  Service  within  their 
Cure,  unless  they  first  give  knowledg,  and  present  them 
with  the  Letters  of  their  Orders  to  me  as  Ordinary,  or  to 
my  Officers  deputed  in  that  behalf;  and  the  said  Priest  so 
presented,  shall  be  by  me,  or  my  said  Officers,  found  able 
and  sufficient  thereunto. 

Item  ;  That  every  Curat,  not  only  in  his  Preachings,  open 
Sermons,  and  Collations  made  to  the  People,  but  also  at 
all  other  times  necessary,  do  perswade,  exhort,  and  monish 
the  People,  being  of  his  Cure,  whatsoever  they  be,  to  be- 
ware and  abstain  from  Swearing  and  blaspheming  of  the 
Holy  Name  of  God,  or  any  part  of  Christ's  most  precious 
Body  or  Blood.  And  likewise  to  beware,  and  abstain  from 
Cursing,  Banning,  Chiding,  Scolding,  Backbiting,  Slander- 
ing, and  Lyin^.  And  also  from  talking  and  jangling  in  the 
Church,  specially  in  time  of  Divine-Service,  or  Sermon- 
time.  And  semblably  to  abstain  from  Adultery,  Fornica- 
tion, Gluttony  and  Drunkenness :  And  if  they,  or  any  of 
them,  be  found  notoriously  faulty  or  infamed  upon  any  of 
the  said  Crimes  and  Offences,  then  to  detect  them  at  every 
Visitation,  or  sooner,  as  the  case  shall  require,  so  that  the 
said  Offenders  may  be  corrected  and  reformed  to  the  ex- 
ample of  other. 

Item  ;  That  no  Priest  frota  henceforth  do  use  any  unlaw- 
ful Games,  or  frequently  use  any  Ale-houses,  Taverns,  or 
any  suspect  place  at  any  unlawful  times,  or  any  light  Com- 
pany, but  only  for  their  Necessaries,  as  they,  and  any  of 
them,  will  avoid  the  danger  that  may  ensue  thereupon. 

Item;  That  in  the  Plague-time,  no  dead  Bodies  or 
Corpses  be  brought  into  the  Church,  except  it  be  brought 
streight  to  the  Grave,  and  immediately  buried,  whereby  the 
People  may  the  rather  avoid  infection. 

Item;  That  no  Parsons,  Vicars,  nor  Curats,  permit  or 
suffer  any  manner  of  common  Plays,  Games,  or  Interludes, 
to  be  played,  set  forth,  or  declared,  within  their  Churches 
or  Chappels,  where  the  Blessed  Sacrament  of  the  Altar  is, 
or  any  other  Sacrament  ministred,  or  Divine  Service  said 
or  sung ;  because  they  be  Places  constitute  and  ordained 
to  well  disposed  People  for  Godly  Prayer,  and  wholesome 
Consolation.  And  if  there  be  any  of  your  Parishioners, 
or  any  other  Person  or  Persons,  that  will  obstinately,  or 
violently,  inforce  any  such  Plays,  interludes,  or  Games  to 
be  declared,  set  forth,  or  played  in  your  Churches  or  Chap- 
pels,  contrary  to  this  our  forbidding  and  Commandment ; 
that  then  you,  or  either  of  you,  in  whose  Churches  or  Chap- 

2E  3 


pels  any  such  Games,  Plays,  or  Interludes  shall  be  so  used, 
shall  immediately  thereupon  make  relation  of  the  names  of 
the  Person  or  Persons  so  obstinately  and  disobediently 
using  themselves,  unto  me,  my  Chancellor,  or  other  my 
Officers,  to  the  intent  that  they  may  be  therefore  reformed 
and  punished  according  to  the  Laws. 

Item;  That  all  Priests  shall  take  this  order  when  they 
Preach ;  first,  They  shall  not  rehearse  no  Sermons  made 
by  other  Men  within  this  200  or  300  Years  ;  but  when  they 
shall  preach,  they  shall  take  the  Gospel  or  Epistle  of  the 
day,  which  they  shall  recite  and  declare  to  the  people, 
plainly,  distinctly,  and  sincerely,  from  the  beginning  to  the 
end  thereof,  and  then  to  desire  the  people  to  pray  with  them 
for  Grace,  after  the  usage  of  the  Church  of  England  now 
used :  And  that  done,  we  will  that  every  Preacher  shall 
declare  the  same  Gospel  or  Epistle,  or  both  even  from  the 
beginning,  not  after  his  own  Mind,  but  after  the  Mind  of 
some  Catholick  Doctor  allowed  in  this  Church  of  England, 
and  in  no  wise  to  affirm  any  thing,  but  that  which  he  shall 
be  ready  always  to  shew  in  some  Ancient  Writer ;  and  in 
no  wise  to  make  rehearsal  of  any  Opinion  not  allowed,  for 
the  intent  to  reprove  the  same,  but  to  leave  that  for  those 
that  are  and  shall  be  admitted  to  preach  by  the  King's  Ma- 
jesty, or  by  me  the  Bishop  of  London,  your  Ordinary,  or 
by  mine  authority.    In  the  which   Epistle  and  Gospel,  ye 
shall  note  and  consider  diligently  certain  godly  and  devout 
places,  which  may  incense  and  stir  the  Hearers  to  obedi- 
ence of  good  Works  and  Prayers :  And  in  case  any  nota- 
ble Ceremony  used  to  be  observed  in  the  Church,  shall 
happen  that  day  when  any  preaching  shall  be  appointed,  it 
shall  be  meet  and  convenient  that  the  Preacher  declare  and 
set  forth  to  the  people  the  true  meaning  of  the  same,  in 
such  sort  that  the  people  may  perceive  thereby,  what  is 
meant  and  signified  by  such  Ceremony,  and  also  know  how 
to  use  and  accept  it  to  their  own  edifying.    Furthermore, 
That  no  Preacher  shall  rage    or  rail  in  his  Sermon,  but 
coldly,  discreetly,  and  charitably,  open,  declare,  and  set 
forth  the  excellency  of  Vertue,  and  to  suppress  the  abo- 
mination of  Sin  and  Vice ;  every  Preacher  shall,  if  time 
and  occasion  will  serve,  instruct  and  teach  his  Audience, 
what  Prayer  is  used  in  the  Church  that  day,  and  for  what 
thing  the  Church  prayeth  specially  that  day,  to  the  intent 
that  all  the  people  may  pray  together  with  one  heart  for  the 
same  ;  and  as  occasion  will  serve,  to  shew  and  declare  to 
the  people  what  the  Sacraments  signifieth,  what  strength 
and  efficacy  they  be  of,  how  every  Man  should  use  them 
reverently  and  devoutly  at  the  receiving  of  them.    And  to 

OF  RECORDS.  3l9 

declare  wherefore  the  Mass  is  so  highly  to  be  esteemed  and 
honoured,  with  all  the  Circumstances  appertaining  to  the 
same.  Let  every  Preacher  beware  that  he  do  not  feed  his 
Audience  with  any  Fable^  or  other  Histories,  other  than  he 
can  avouch  and  justify  to  be  written  by  some  allowed 
Writer.  And  when  he  hath  done  all  that  he  will  say  and 
utter  for  that  time,  he  shall  then  in  few  words  recite  again 
the  pith  and  effect  of  his  whole  Sermon,  and  add  thereunto 
as  he  shall  think  good. 

Item ;  That  no  Parson,  Vicar,  Curat,  or  other  Priest, 
having  Cure  of  Souls  within  my  Diocess  and  Jurisdiction, 
shall  from  hence-forth  permit,  suffer,  or  admit  any  manner 
of  person,  of  whatsoever  estate  or  condition  he  be,  under 
the  degree  of  a  Bishop,  to  preach,  or  make  any  Sermon  or 
Collation  openly  to  the  people  within  their  Churches, 
Chappels,  or  else-where  within  their  Cures,  sinless  he  that 
shall  so  preach,  have  obtained  before  special  License  in 
that  behalf,  of  our  Sovereign  Lord  the  King,  or  of  me  Ed- 
mund Bishop  of  London,  your  Ordinary  ;  And  the  same 
License  so  obtained,  shall  then  and  there  really  bring  forth 
in  writing  under  Seal,  and  shew  the  same  to  the  said  Par- 
son, Vicar,  Curat,  or  Priest,  before  the  beginning  of  his 
Sermon,  as  they  will  avoid  the  extream  Penalties  of  the 
Laws,  Statutes,  and  Ordinances,  provided  and  established 
in  that  behalf,  if  they  presumptuously  do  or  attempt  any 
thing  to  the  contrary. 

hem ;  I  desire,  require,  exhort,  and  command  you,  and 
every  of  you,  in  the  Name  of  God,  That  ye  firmly,  faith- 
fully, and  diligently,  to  the  uttermost  of  your  powers,  do 
observe,  fulfil,  and  keep  all  and  singular  these  mine  In- 
junctions. And  that  ye,  and  every  of  you,  being  Priests, 
and  having  Cure,  or  not  Cure,  as  well  Benefice  as  not  Be- 
neficed, within  my  Diocess  and  Jurisdiction,  do  procure  to 
have  a  Copy  of  the  same  Injunctions,  to  the  intent  ye  may 
the  better  observe,  and  cause  to  be  observed  the  Contents 

The  Names  of  Booh  prohibited,  delivered  to  the  Curats  Anno 
1542,  to  the  intent  that  they  shall  present  them,   with  the 
Names  of  the  Owners,  to  their  Ordinary,  if  they  find  any 
such  within  their  Parishes. 
The  Disputation  between  the  Father  and  Son. 
The  Supplication  of  Beggars  ;  the  Author  Fish. 
The  Revelation  of  Antichrist. 
The  Practice  of  Prelates,  written  by  Tindall. 
The  Burying  of  the  Mass,  in  English  Rithme. 


The  Book,  of  Friar  Barnes,  twice  printed. 
The  Matrimony  of  TindalL 

The  Exposition  of  Tindall,  upon  the  7th  Chap,  to  the 

The  Exposition  of  Tindal  upon  the  Epistles  Canonick  of 
St.  John. 

The  New  Testament  of  Tindall's  Translation,  with  his 
Preface  before  the  whole  Book,  and  before  the  Epistles  of 
St.  Paul  dd  Rom. 

The  Preface  made  in  the  English  Prymmers,  by  Mar- 
The  Church  of  John  Rastall. 

The  Table,  Glosses,  Marginal,  and  Preface  before  the 
Epistle  of  St.  Paul  ad  Romans,  of  Thomas  Mathews  doing, 
and  Printed  beyond  the  Sea  without  priviledg,  set  in  his 
Bible  in  English. 

The  A.  B.  C.  against  the  Clergy. 

The  Book  made  by  Fryar  Roys,  against  the  Seven  Sa- 
The  Wicked  Mammon. 
The  Parable  of  the  Wicked  Mammon.    , 
The  Liberty  of  a  Christian  Man. 
Ortulus  Anim(E,  in  English. 
The  Supper  of  the  Lord,  by  G.  Joye. 
Frith's  Disputation  against  Purgatory. 
Tyndal's  Answer  to  Sir  T.  More's   Defence  of  Pur- 
Prologue  to  Genesis,  translated  by  Tindal. 
The  Prologues  to  the  other  Four  Books  of  Moses. 
The  Obedience  of  a  Christian  Man. 
The  Book  made  by  Sir  John  Oldcastle. 
The  Summ  of  Scripture. 
The  Preface  before  the  Psalter,  in  English. 
The  Dialogue  between  the  Gentleman  and  the  Plough- 
The  Book  of  Jonas,  in  English. 
The  Dialogue  of  Goodale. 
Defensorium  Paris  ;  out  of  Latin  into  English. 
The  Summ  of  Christianity. 
The  Mirror  of  them  that  be  Sick  and  in  Pain. 
Treatise  'of  the  Supper  of  the  Lord ;  by  Calwyn.    (The 
celebrated  reformer,  .Tohn  Calvin.) 
Every  one  of  Calwyn's  Works. 

OF  RECORDS.  321 


A  Collection  of  Passages  out  of  the  Canon  Law,  made  by 
Cranmer,  to  shew  the  necessity  of  reforming  it.  An  Ori- 


Dist.  22.     Omnes  de  Major,  et  obedien.  solit.  Extra. 
De  Majorit.  et  obedient.  Unam  Sanctam. 

He  that  knowledgeth  not  himself  to  be  under  the  Bishop 
of  Rome,  and  that  the  Bishop  of  Rome  is  ordained  by  God 
to  have  Primacy  over  all  the  World,  is  an  Heretick,  and 
cannot  be  saved,  nor  is  not  of  the  flock  of  Christ. 

Dist.  10.     De  Sententia  Excommunicationis,  Noverit  26.  q.  11. 

Princes  Laws,  if  they  be  against  the  Canons  and  Decrees 
of  the  Bishop  of  Rome,  be  of  no  force  nor  strength. 

Dist.  19,  20,  24.  q.  1.      A  recta  memor.  Quotiens  h(tc  est. 
25.  q.  1.  General,  violatores. 

All  the  Decrees  of  the  Bishop  of  Rome  ought  to  be  kept 
perpetually  of  every  Man,  without  any  repugnancy,  as  God's 
Word  spoken  by  the  Mouth  of  Peter  ;  and  whosoever  doth 
not  receive  them,  neither  availeth  them  theCatholick  Faith, 
nor  the  four  Evangelists,  but  they  blaspheme  the  Holy  Ghost, 
and  shall  have  no  forgiveness. 

35.  q.  1.  Generali. 

All  Kings,  Bishops,  and  Noblemen,  that  believe  or  suffer 
the  Bishop  of  Rome's  Decrees  in  any  thing  to  be  violate,  be 
accursed,  and  for  ever  culpable  before  God,  as  trangressors 
oftheCatholick  Faith. 

Dist.  21.  Quamvis,  et  24.  q.l.     A  recta  memor. 

The  See  of  Rome  hath  neither  spot  nor  wrinkle  in  it,  nor 
cannot  err. 

35.  q.  1.     Ideo  de  Senten.  el  re  judicata,  de  jurejurando  licet 
ad  Apostolic(E  li.  6.  de  jurejurando. 

The  Bishop  of  Rome  is  not  bound  to  any  Decrees,  but  he 
may  compell,  as  well  the  Clergy  as  Lay-men,  to  receive  his 
Decrees  and  Cannon  Law. 

0.  q.  z.  Jpsi  cuncta.  Nem4)  z.  q.  6.  dudum  aliorum.  17.  q.  4. 
Si  quis  de  Baptis.  et  ejus  effectn  majores. 

The  Bishop  of  Rome  hath  authority  to  judg  all  Men,  and 


specially  to  discern  the  Articles  of  the  Faith,  and  that  with- 
out any  Counsel,  and  may  assoil  them  that  the  Counsel  hath 
damned ;  but  no  Man  hath  authority  to  judg  him,  nor  to 
meddle  with  any  thing  that  he  hath  judged,  neither  Empe- 
ror, King,  People,  nor  the  Clergy  :  And  it  is  not  lawful  for 
any  Man  to  dispute  of  his  Power. 

Gr.  Duo  sunt  25.  q.  6.  Alios  Nos  Sanctorum  juratos  in  Clemen, 
de  Hdcreticis  aut  officium. 

The  Bishop  of  Rome  may  excommunicate  Emperors  and 
Princes,  depose  them  from  their  States,  and  Assoil  their 
Subjects  from  their  Oath  and  Obedience  to  them,  and  so  con- 
strain them  to  rebellion. 

De  Major,  et  ohedien.  solit.  Clement,  de  Sententia  et  rejiidicata. 

The  Emperor  is  the  Bishop  of  Rome's  Subject,  and  the 
Bishop  of  Rome  may  revoke  the  Emperor's  Sentence  in 
temporal  Causes. 

De  Elect,  et  Electi  potestate  Venerabilem. 

It  belongeth  to  the  Bishop  of  Rome  to  allow  or  disallow 
the  Emperor  after  he  is  elected ;  and  he  may  translate  the 
Empire  from  one  Region  to  another. 

De  Supplenda  Negligen.  prcslat.  Grand,  li.  6. 

The  Bishop  of  Rome  may  appoint  Coadjutors  unto 

Dist.  17.  Si  nodem  Regula.  Nee  licuit  multum.    Concilia.  96. 

There  can  be  no  Council  of  Bishops  without  the  Authority 
of  the  See  of  Rome  ;  and  the  Emperor  ought  not  to  be  pre- 
sent at  the  Council,  except  when  matters  of  the  Faith  be 
entreating,  which  belong  universally  to  every  Man. 

2.  q.  6. 

Nothing  may  be  done  against  him  that  appealeth  unto 

l.g.  3.    Aliorum  Dist.  ^.    Si  Papa.  Dist.  96.  Satis. 

The  Bishop  of  Rome  may  be  judged  of  none  but  of  God 
only ;  for  altho  he  neither  regard  his  own  Salvation,  nor 
no  Man's  else,  but  draw  down  with  himself  innumerable 
people  by  heaps  unto  Hell ;  yet  may  no  Mortal  Man  in  this 
World  presume  to  reprehend  him  :  forsomuch  as  he  is  called 
God,  he  may  not  be  judged  of  Man,  for  God  may  be  judged 
of  no  Man. 

OF  RECORDS.  323 

3.   z.   q.  5. 

The  Bishop  of  Rome  may  open  and  shut  Heaven  unto 

Dist.  40.  Noil  nos. 

The  See  of  Rome  receiyeth  holy  Men,  or  else  maketh  them, 

De  Paenitentia.    Dist.  1.  Sei'pens. 

He  that  maketh  a  lye  to  the  Bishop  of  Rome  committeth 


De  Consecra.  Dist.  1.      De  locorum  vrctcepta.      Eccksia  de 
Elect,  et  Electi  poiestate  Fundamenta. 

To  be  Senator,  Capitane,  Patrician,  Governour,  or  officer 
of  Rome,  none  shiall  be  elected  or  pointed,  without  the  ex- 
press license  and  special  consent  of  the  See  of  Rome. 

De  Electione  et  Electi  potestate  Venerabilem. 

It  appertaineth  to  the  Bishop  of  Rome  to  judge  which 
Oaths  ought  to  be  kept,  and  which  not. 

De  jurejurand.     Si  vero.  15.  q.  6.  Authoritatem. 
And  he  may  absolve  Subjects  from  their  Oath  of  Fidelity, 
and  absolve  from  other  Oaths  that  ought  to  be  kept. 

De  foro  competent.  Ex  tenore.  De  donat.  inter  Virum  et 
Uxor  em  dependentia.  Qui  Filii  sunt  legittime  per  venera- 
bilem. De  Elect,  et  Electi  proprietate  Fundamenta. 
Extravag.  de  Majorit.  et  Obient.  unam  Sanctum.  De 
judiciis  Novit. 

The  Bishop  of  Rome  is  judg  in  temporal  things,  and  hath 
two  Swords,  Spiritual  and  Temporal. 

De  Hccreticis  multorum. 
The  Bishop  of  Rome  may  give  Authority  to  arrest  Men, 
and  imprison  them  in  Manacles  and  Fetters. 

Eitrav.  de  Consuetudine  super  gentes. 
The  Bishop  of  Rome  may  compel  Princes  to  receive  his 
I  egats. 

De  Truga  et  Pace.  Trugas. 
It  belongeth  also  to  him  to  appoint  and  command  P«ace 
and  Truce  to  be  observed  and  kept  or  not. 


De  Prabend.  et  dig.  dilectus  et  li.  6.  licet. 

The  Collation  of  all  Spiritual  Promotions  appertain  to  the 
Bishop  of  Rome. 

De  Excessibus  ■pralatorum.     Sicut  unire. 

The  Bishop  of  Rome  may  unite  Bishopricks  together,  and 
put  one  under  another  at  his  pleasure. 

Li.  6.  de  poenis  Felicis. 

In  the  Chapter  Felicis  li.  6.  de  poenis,  is  the  most  partial 
and  unreasonable  Decree  made  by  Bonifacius  8.  that  ever 
was  read  or  heard,  against  them  that  be  Adversaries  to  any 
Cardinal  of  Rome,  or  to  any  Clerk,  or  Religious  man  of  the 
Bishop  of  Rome's  family. 

Dist.  28.  Consulendum    Dist.  96.    Si  Jmperator.  U.  q.  1. 
Quod  Clericus.  NcTno  nullus.  Clencum,  3fc.  et.  q.  2.     Quod 

vero  de  Sentent.  Excommunication.  Si  judex  q.  2  q.  5.  Si 
quis  de  foro  competent.  Nullus.  Si  quis.  Ex  transmissa. 
de  foro  compet.  in  6  Seculares. 

Lay-men  may  not  be  judges  to  any  of  the  Clergy,  nor  com- 
pel them  to  pay  their  undoubted  Debts,  but  the  Bishops 
only  must  be  their  Judges. 

De  foro  Competent.    Cum  sit  licet. 

Rectors  of  Churches  may  convent  such  as  do  them 
wrong,  whither  they  will,  before  a  Spiritual  Judg,  or  a 

Idem  ex  parte  Dilecti. 
A  Lay-man  being  spoiled,  may  convent  his  Adversaries 
before  a  Spiritual  Judg,  whether  the  Lords  of  the  Feod  con- 
sent thereto  or  not. 

Ibidem  Significasti,  et  11.  g.  1.  placuit. 

A  Lay-man  may  commit  his  Cause  to  a  Spiritual  Judg  ; 
but  one  of  the  Clergy  may  not  commit  his  Cause  to  a  Tem- 
poral Judg,  without  the  consent  of  the  Bishop. 

Ne  Clerici  vel  Monachi.    Secundum. 

Lay-men  may  have  no  Benefices  to  farm. 

De  Sententia  Excommunicationis.      Noverit  extra,    de  Pceni- 
tentiis  et  Remiss.  &;c.  etsi. 

All  they  that  make,  or  write  any  Statutes  contrary  to  the 

OF  RECORDS.  325 

Liberties  of  the  Church ;  and  all  Princes,  Rulers,  and 
Counsellors,  where  such  Statutes  be  made,  or  such  Customs 
observed,  and  all  the  Judges  and  others  that  put  the  same 
in  execution  ;  and  where  such  Statutes  and  Customs  have 
been  made  and  observed  of  old  time,  all  they  that  put  them 
•not  out  of  their  Books  be  excommunicate,  and  that  50  griev- 
ously, that  they  cannot  be  assoiled  but  only  by  the  Bishop 
of  Rome. 

De  Immunitate  Ecclesie.     Non  minus  adversus. 

Quia  Quum  et  in  6.  Clericis. 

The  Clergy,  to  the  relief  of  any  common  necessity,  can 

nothing  confer  without  the  consent  of  the  Bishop  of  Rome  ; 

nor  it  is  not  lawful  for  any  Lay-man  to  lay  any  Imposition 

of  Taxes,  Subsidies,  or  any  charges  upon  the  Clergy. 

Dist.  97.    Hoc  capitulc  et  63.    NuHus  et  qu<E  sequuntur. 

Non  alia:  cum  Laic. 
Lay-men  may  not  meddle  with  Elections  of  the  Clergy, 
nor  with  any  other  thing  that  belongeth  unto  them. 

De  jurejurando.    Nimis. 
The  Clergy  otight  to  give  no  Oath  of  Fidelity  to  their 
Temporal  Governors,  except  they  have   Temporalities  of 

Dist.  96.    Bene  Quidem.   12.  q.  2.  ApostoUcM,  Quisquis. 

The  Goods  of  the  Church  may  in  no  wise  be  alienated, 
but  whosoever  receiveth  or  buyeth  them,  is  bound  to  resti- 
tution ;  and  if  the  Church  have  any  Ground,  which  is  little 
or  nothing  worth,  yet  it  shall  not  be  given  to  the  Prince  ; 
and  if  the  Prince  will  needs  buy  it,  the  Sale  shall  be  void  and 
of  no  strength. 

13.  9.  2.  Non  lieeat. 
It  is  not  lawful  for  the  Bishop  of  Rome  to  alienate  or 
mortgage  any  Lands  of  the  Church,  for  every  n^^noer  of 
necessity,  except  it  be  Houses  in  Cities,  which   be  very 
chargeable  to  support  and  maintain. 

Dist.  96.  Qu's  nunquam,  3.  q.  6.   Accusatio  11.  7.8.  Continua 
nullus  Testimonium  ReLatum  ErperienticE.    Si  quisquam.    Si 
quee.     Sicut  StaluimuSf  nullus  de  persona.     Si  quis. 
Princes  ought  to  obey  Bishops,  and  the  Decrees  of  the 

Church,  and  to  submit  their  Heads  unto  the  Bishops,  and 

not  to  be  judg  over  the  Bishops  ;  for  the  Bishops  ought  to  be 

forborn,  and  to  be  judged  of  no  Lay-man. 
Vol.  I,  Part  U.  2  F 


De  Major,  et  obedien .  solite. 

Kings  and  Princes  ought  not  to  set  Bishops  beneath  them, 
but  reverently  to  rise  against  them,  and  to  assign  them  an 
honourable  Seat  by  them. 

IL  q.  1.      Qu(Bcunque.      Relatum.    Si  qui  omnes  volumus. 

All  manner  of  Causes,  whatsoever  they  be.  Spiritual  or 
Temporal,  ought  to  be  determined  and  judged  by  the 

Ibidem  Omnes. 

No  judg  ought  to  refuse  the  Witness  of  one  Bishop,  al- 
though he  be  but  alone. 

De  Hcereticis  ad  abolendam,  et  in  Clementinis  ut  officium. 

Whosoever  teacheth  or  thinketh  of  the  Sacraments  other- 
wise than  the  See  of  Eome  doth  teach  and  observe,  and 
all  they  that  the  same  See  doth  judg  Hereticks,  be  Excom- 

And  the  Bishop  of  Rome  may  compel  by  an  Oath  all 
Rulers  and  other  People,  to  observe,  and  cause  to  be  ob- 
served, whatsoever  the  See  of  Rome  shall  ordain  concerning 
Heresy,  and  the  Fautors  thereof;  and  who  will  not  obey,  he 
may  deprive  them  of  their  Dignities. 

Clement,  de  Reliq.  et  venerat.  Sanctorum.      Si  Dominus  ex- 
travag.  de  reliq.  et  venerat.  Sanctorum.  Cum  pre  excelsa : 
de  p(Bnite7it.  et  remis.  antiquorum,  et  Clemen,  unigenitus, 
■  Quemadmodum. 

We  obtain  remission  of  Sin  by  observing  of  certain 
Feasts,  and  certain  Pilgrimages  in  the  Jubilee,  and  other 
prescribed  times,  by  virtue  of  the  Bishop  of  Rome's  Par- 

De   panitentiis    et   remissionibus    extravag.    ca.    3.       Et    si 

Whosoever  ofFendeth  the  Liberties  of  the  Church,  or  doth 
violate  any  Interdiction  that  comeih  from  Rome,  or  con- 
spireth  against  the  Person,  or  Statute  of  the  Bishop,  or  See 
of  Rome  ;  or  by  any  ways  ofFendeth,  disobeyeth,  or  rebel- 
leth  against  the  said  Bishop,  or  See,  or  that  killeth  a  Priest, 
or  offendeth  personally  against  a  Bishop,  or  other  Prelate  ; 
or  invadeth,  spoileth,  withholdeth,  or  wasteth,  Lands  be- 
longing to  the  Church  of  Rome,  or  to  any  other  Church  im- 
mediately subject  to  the  same ;  or  whosoever  invadeth  any 

OF  RECORDS.  327 

Pilgrims  that  go  to  Rome,  or  any  Suitors  to  the  Court  of 
Rome,  or  that  lett  the  devolution  of  Causes  unto  that  Court, 
or  that  put  any  new  Charges  or  impositions,  real  or  personal, 
upon  any  Church,  or  Ecclesiastical  Person ;  and  generally 
all  other  that  offend  in  the  Cases  contained  in  the  Bull, 
which  is  usually  published  by  the  Bishops  of  Rome  upon 
Maundy  Thursday ;  all  these  can  be  assoiled  by  no  Priest, 
Bishop,  Arch-bishop,  nor  by  none  other  but  only  by  the 
Bishop  of  Rome,  or  by  his  express  license. 

2.  4.  q.  2. 

Robbing  of  the  Clergy,  and  poor  Men,  appertaineth  unto 
the  judgment  of  the  Bishops. 

23.  9.  q. 
He  is  no  Man-slayer  that  slayeth  a  Man  which  is  Ex- 

Dist.  63.     Tibi  Domino  de  sententia  Excommunicationis.    Si 


Here  may  be  added  the  most  tyrannical  and  abominat 
Oaths  which  the  Bishop  of  Bome  exacts  of  the  Emperors ; 
in  Clement,  de  jurejurando  Rvmani  dist.  6.  3,   Tibi  Domino. 

De  consecra  Dist.  1.  Sicut. 

It  is  better  not  to  Consecrate,  than  to  Consecrate  in  a 
place  not  Hallowed. 

De  Consecrat.  Dist.  5.  De  his  jnanus,  ut  jejuni. 

Confirmation,  if  it  be  ministered  by  any  other  than  a 
Bishop,  is  of  no  value,  nor  is  no  Sacrament  of  the  Church  ; 
also  Confirmation  is  more  to  be  had  in  reverence  than  Bap- 
tism ;  and  no  Man  by  Baptism  can  be  a  Christned  Man 
without  Confirmation. 

De  pocniten.  lyist.  1.     Multiplex. 

A  penitent  Person  can  have  no  remission  of  his  Sin,  but 
by  supplication  of  the  Priests. 



A  MandaU  for  'publishing  arul  using  the  Prayers  in  the  lurig' 
lish  Tongue, 

(Regist.  Bonner.  Fol.  48.) 
Mandatum  Domino  Episcopo  London,  direct,  pro.  publica- 

tione  Regiarum  Injunctionum. 
Most  Reverend  Father  in  God,  right  trusty  and  right  well  be- 
loved, we  greet  you  well,  and  let  you  wit.  That  calling  to  our 
remembrance  the  miserable  state  of  all  Christendom,  being 
at  this  present,  besides  all  other  troubles,  so  plagued  with 
most  cruel  Wars,  Hatred,  and  Dissensions,  as  no  place  of 
the  same  almost  (being  the  whole  reduced  to  a  very  narrow 
corner)  remainetn  in  good  Peace,  Agreement,  and  Concord; 
the  help  and  remedy  whereof  far  exceeding  the  power  of  any 
Man,  must  be  called  for  of  him  who  only  is  able  to  grant  our 
Petitions,  and  never  forsaketh  nor  repelleth  any  that  firmly  be- 
lieve and  faithfully  call  on  him ;  unto  whom  also  the  example 
of  Scripture  encourageth  us,  in  all  these  and  other  our  troubles 
and  necessities,  to  fly  and  to  cry  for  aid  and  succour ;  being 
therefore  resolved  to  have  continually  from  henceforth  gene- 
ral Processions,  in  all  Cities,  Towns,  Churches,  and  Pa- 
rishes of  this  our  Realm,  said  and  sung,  with  such  reverence 
and  devotion  as  appertaineth  :  Forasmuch  as  heretofore  the 
People,  partly  for  lack  of  good  Instruction  and  Calling,  and 
partly  for  that  they  understood  no  part  of  such  Prayers  or 
Suffrages  as  were  used  to  be  sung  and  said,  have  used  to 
come  very  slackly  to  the  Procession,  when  the  same  have 
been  commanded  heretofore;  We  have  set  forth  certain 
godly  Prayers  and  Suff'rages  in  our  Native  English  Tongue, 
which  we  send  you  herewith,  signifying  unto  you,  That  for  the 
special  trust  and  confidence  we  have  of  your  godly  mind, 
and  earnest  desire  to  the  setting  forward  of  the  Glory  of 
God,  and  the  true  worshipping  of  his  most  Holy  Name, 
within  that  Province  committed  by  us  unto  you,  we  have 
sent  unto  you  these  Suffrages,  not  to  be  for  a  month  or  two 
observed,  and  after  slenderly  considered,  as  other  our  In- 
junctions have,  to  our  no  little  marvel,  been  used ;  but  to 
the  intent  that  as  well  the  same,  as  other  our  Injunctions, 
may  be  earnestly  set  forth  by  preaching  good  Exhortations 
and  otherwise  to  the  People,  in  such  sort  as  they,  feeling  the 
godly  tast  thereof,  may  godly  and  joyously,  with  thanks,  re- 
ceive, embrace,  and  frequent  the  same,  as  appertaineth. 
Wherefore  we  will  and  command  you,  as  you  will  answer 
unto  us  for  the  contrary,  not  only  to  cause  these  Prayers 

OF  RECORDS.  329 

and  Suffrages  aforesaid  to  be  published,  frequented,  and 
openly  used  in  all  Towns,  Churches,  Villages,  and  Parishes 
of  your  own  Diocess,  but  also  to  signify  this  our  pleasure 
unto  all  other  Bishops  of  your  Province,  willing  and  com- 
mand them  in  our  name,  and  by  virtue  hereof,  to  do  and 
execute  the  same  accordingly.  Unto  whose  Proceedings, 
in  the  executions  of  this  our  Commandment,  we  will  that 
you  have  a  special  respect,  and  make  report  unto  us,  if  any 
shall  not  with  good  dexterity  accomplish  the  same  j  Not 
failing,  as  our  special  trust  is  in  you. 
At  St.  James's,  Junii,  Regni  45. 
Directed  to  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury. 


The  Articles  acknowledged  by  Shaxton,  late  Bishop  of  Sarum,, 

(Regist.  Bonner.  Fol.  100.) 
The  First;  Almighty  God,  by  the  Power  of  his  word,  pro- 
nounced by  the  Priest  at  Mass  in  the  Consecration,  turneth 
the  Bread  and  Wine  into  the  natural  Body  and  Blood  of 
our  Saviour  Jesus  Christ ;  so  that  after  the  Consecration, 
there  remaineth  no  substance  of  Bread  and  Wine,  but  only 
the  Substance  of  Christ,  God  and  Man. 

The  Second ;  The  said  Blessed  Sacrament  being  once  Con- 
secrate, is  and  remaineth  still  the  very  Body  and  Blood  of 
our  Saviour  Christ,  although  it  be  reserved,  and  not  presently 

The  Third ;  The  same  blessed  Sacrament  being  Consecrate, 
is  and  ought  to  be  worshipped  and  adored  with  godly  honour 
wheresoever  it  is,  forasmuch  as  it  is  the  Body  of  Christ  in- 
separably united  to  the  Deity. 

The  Fourth;  The  Church,  by  the  Ministration  of  the 
Priest,  offereth  daily  at  the  Mass  for  a  Sacrifice  to  Almighty 
God,  the  self-same  Body  and  Blood  of  our  Saviour  Christ, 
under  the  form  of  Bread  and  Wine,  in  the  remembrance 
and  representation  of  (!)hrist's  Death  and  Passion. 

The  Fifth ;  The  same  Body  and  Blood  which  is  offered 
in  the  Mass,  is  the  very  propitiation  and  satisfaction  for  the 
sins  of  the  World  ;  forasmuch  as  it  is  the  self-same  in  Sub- 
stance which  was  offered  upon  the  Cross  for  our  redemption  : 
And  the  Oblation  and  Action  of  the  Priest  is  also  a  Sacra- 
fice  of  Praise  and  Thanksgiving  unto  God  for  his  Benefits, 
and  not  the  satisfaction  for  the  Sins  of  the  World,  for  that  is 
only  to  be  attributed  to  Christ's  Passion. 

The  Sixth  ;  The  said  Oblation,  or  Sacrifice,  so  by  the 
Priest  offered  in  the  Mass,  is  available  and  profitable,  both 



for  llie  Quick  and  the  Dead,  although  it  lieth  not  in  the 
power  of  Man  to  limit  how  much,  or  in  what  measure  the 
same  doth  avail. 

The  Seventh  ;  It  is  not  a  thing  of  necessity,  that  the  Sa- 
crament of  the  Altar  should  be  ministred  unto  the  People 
under  both  kinds,  of  Bread  and  Wine :  and  it  is  none  abuse 
tliat  the  same  be  ministered  to  the  People  under  the  one  kind  ; 
forasmuch  as  in  every  of  both  the  kinds,  whole  Christ,  both 
Body  and  Blood,  is  contained. 

The  Eighth  ;  It  is  no  derogation  to  the  vertue  of  the  Mass, 
although  the  Priest  do  receive  the  Sacrament  alone,  and 
none  other  receive  it  with  him. 

The  Ninth ;  The  Mass  used  in  this  Realm  of  England 
is  agreeable  to  the  Institution  of  Christ ;  and  we  have  in  this 
Church  of  England  the  very  true  Sacrament,  which  is  the 
very  Body  and  Blood  of  our  Saviour  Christ,  under  the  form 
of  Bread  and  Wine. 

The  Tenth ;  The  Church  of  Christ  hath,  doth,  and  may 
lawfully  order  some  Priests  to  be  Ministers  of  the  Sacra- 
ments, although  the  same  do  not  preach,  nor  be  not  admit- 
ted thereunto. 

The  Eleventh ;  Priests  being  once  dedicated  unto  God  by 
the  Order  of  Priesthood,  and  all  such  Men  and  Women  as 
have  advisedly  made  Vows  unto  God  of  Chastity  or  Widow- 
hood, may  not  lawfully  marry,  after  their  said  Orders  re- 
ceived, or  Vows  made. 

The  Twelfth ;  Secret  auricular  Confession  is  expedient 
and  necessary  to^  be  retained,  continued,  and  frequented  in 
the  Church  of  Christ. 

The  Thirteenth ;  The  Prescience  and  Predestination  of 
Almighty  God,  although  in  it  self  it  be  infallible,  induceth 
no  necessity  to  the  Action  of  Man,  but  that  he  may  freely 
use  the  power  of  his  own  will  or  choice,  the  said  Prescience 
or  Predestination  notwithstanding. 

I  Nicholas  Shaxton,  with  my  Heart  do  believe,  and  with 
my  Mouth  do  confess  all  these  Articles  above-written 
to  be  true  in  every  part. 

Ne  despicias  hominem  avertentem  se  a  peccato,  neque 
improperes  ei :  memento  quoniam  omnes  in  corruptione 
sumus,  Eccles.  8. 

OF  RECORDS.  331 


A  Letter  vrrilten  by  Lethingtorif  the  Secretary  of  Scotland,  to 
Sir  William  Cecil,  the  Queen  of  England's  secretary,  touch- 
ing the  Title  of  the  Queen  of  Scots  to  the  Crown  of  England: 
By  which  it  appears  that  King  Henry's  Will  was  not  signed 
by  him. 

(Ex.  MS  D.  G.  Petyt.) 

I  CANNOT  be  ignorant  that  some  do  object  as  to  hex  Ma- 
jesties Forreign  Birth,  and  hereby  think  to  make  her  in- 
capable of  the  Inheritance  of  England.  To  that  you  know 
for  answer  what  may  be  said  by  an  English  Patron  of  my 
MistrissVCause,  although  I  being  a  Scot  will  not  affirm 
the  same,  that  there  ariseth  amongst  you  a  question ;  Whe- 
ther the  Realm  of  Scotland  be  forth  of  the  Homage  and 
Leageance  of  England  ?  And  therefore  you  have  in  sundry 
Proclamations  preceding  your  Wars-making,  and  in  sun- 
dry Books  at  sundry  times,  laboured  much  to  prove  the 
Homage  and  Fealty  of  Scotland  to  England.  Your  Stories 
also  be  not  void  of  this  intent.  What  the  judgment  of  the 
Fathers  of  your  Law  is,  and  what  commonly  is  thought 
in  this  Matter,  you  know  better  than  I,  and  may  have  bet- 
ter intelligence  than  I,  the  Argument  being  fitter  for  your 
Assertion  than  mine. 

Another  Question  there  is  also  upon  this  objection  of 
Forreign  Birth  ;  that  is  to  say.  Whether  Princes  inheritable 
to  the  Crown,  be  in  case  of  the  Crown  exempted  or  con- 
cluded as  private  Persons,  being  Strangers  bom  forth  of 
the  Allegiance  of  England?  You  know  in  this  case,  as 
divers  others,  the  State  of  the  Crown :  the  Persons  inherit- 
able to  the  Crown  at  the  time  of  their  Capacity  have 
divers  differences  and  prerogatives  from  other  Persons; 
many  Laws  made  for  other  Persons  take  no  hold  in  case 
of  the  Prince,  and  they  have  such  Priviledges  as  other 
Persons  enjoy  not :  As  in  cases  of  Attainders,  and  other 
Penal  Laws :  Examples,  Hen.  7.  who  being  a  Subject, 
was  attainted  ,  and  Edw.  4.  and  his  Father  Richard  Plan- 
tagenet  were  both  attainted ;  all  which  notwithstanding 
their  Attainders  had  right  to  the  Crown,  and  two  of  them 
attained  the  same.  Amongst  many  Reasons  to  be  showed, 
both  for  the  differences,  and  that  Forreign  Birth  doth  not 
take  place  in  the  case  of  the  Crown,  as  in  common  Per- 
sons, the  many  experiences  before  the  Conquest,  and  since, 
of  your  King's,  do  plainly  testify.  2.  Of  purpose  I  will 
name  unto  you  Henry  2d.  Maud  the  Empress  Son,  and 

332  A  C01.LECTI0N 

Richard  of  Bordeaux,  the  Black  Prince's  Son,  the  rather 
for  that  neither  of  the  two  was  the  King  of  England's  Son, 
and  so  not  Enfant  du  Roy,  if  the  word  be  taken  in  this 
strict  signification.  And  for  the  better  proof,  that  it  was 
always  the  common  Law  of  your  Realm,  that  in  the  case 
of  the  Crown,  Forreign  Birth  was  no  Bai* ;  you  do  remem- 
ber the  words  of  the  Stat.  25.  Edw.  3.  where  it  is  said,  the 
Law  was  ever  so  :  Whereupon,  if  you  can  remember  it, 
you  and  I  fell  out  at  a  reasoning  in  my  Lord  Leicester's 
Chamber,  by  the  occasion  of  the  Abridgment  of  Rastal, 
wherein  I  did  shew  you  somewhat  to  this  purpose ;  also 
these  words.  Infant  and  Ancesters  be  in  Pradicamento  ad 
aliquid,  and  so  correlatives  in  such  sort,  as  the  meaning 
of  the  law  was  not  to  restrain  the  understanding  of  this 
word  Infant,  so  strict  as  only  to  the  Children  of  the  King's 
Body,  but  to  others  inheritable  in  remainder;  and  if  some 
Sophisters  will  needs  cavil  about  the  precise  understand- 
ing of  Infant,  let  them  be  answered  with  the  scope  of  this 
word  Ancestors  in  all  Provisions,  for  Filii,  Nepotes  and 
Liberi,  you  may  see  there  was  no  difference  betwixt  the 
first  degree,  and  these  that  come  after  by  the  Civil  Law. 
Liberorum  appellatione,  comprehenduntur  mm  solum  Filiij 
verum  etiam  Nepotes,  Pronepotes,  Abnepotes,  &c.  If  you 
examine  the  Reason  why  Forreign  Birth  is  excluded,  you 
may  see  that  it  was  not  so  needful  in  Prince's  Cases,  as  in 
common  Persons.  Moreover  I  know  that  England  hath 
oftentimes  married  with  Daughters,  and  married  with  the 
greatest  Forreign  Princes  of  Europe.  And  so  I  do  also 
understand,  that  they  all  did  repute  the  Children  of  them, 
and  of  the  Daughters  of  England,  inheritable  in  succession 
to  that  Crown,  notwithstanding  the  Forreign  Birth  of  their 
issue :  And  in  this  case  I  do  appeal  to  all  Chronicles,  to 
their  Contracts  of  Marriages,  and  to  the  Opinion  of  all 
the  Princes  of  Christendom.  For  though  England  be  a 
noble  and  puissant  Country,  the  respect  of  the  Alliance 
only,  and  the  Dowry,  hath  not  moved  the  great  Princes  to 
match  so  often  in  marriage,  but  the  possibility  of  the 
Crown  in  succession.  I  cannot  be  ignorant  altogether  in 
this  Matter,  considering  that  I  serve  my  Sovereign  in  the 
room  that  you  serve  yours.  The  Contract  of  Marriage  is 
extant  betwixt  the  King,  my  Mistris's  Grandfather,  and 
Queen  Margaret,  Daughter  to  King  Henry  the  7th,  by 
whose  Person  the  Title  is  devolved  on  my  Soverign ; 
what  her  Father's  meaning  was  in  bestowing  of  her,  the 
AVorld  knoweth,  by  that  which  is  contained  in  the  Chro- 
nicles written  by  Polidorus  Virgilius,  before  (as  I  think) 
either  you  or  I  was  born ;    at  least  when  it  was  little . 

OF  RECORDS.  333 

thought  that  this  matter  should  come  in  question.  There 
is  another  Exception  also  laid  against  mv  Sovereign, 
which  seems  at  the  first  to  be  of  some  weight,  grounded 
upon  some  Statutes  made  in  King  Henry  8.  time,  (viz.) 
of  the  28th  and  35th  of  his  Reign,  whereby  full  power 
and  authority  was  given  him  the  said  King  Henry,  to  give, 
dispose,  appoint,  assign,  declare,  and  limit,  by  his  Letters 
Patents  under  his  Great  Seal,  or  else  by  his  last  Will 
made  in  writing,  and  signed  with  his  hand  at  his  pleasure, 
from  time  to  time  thereafter  the  Imperial  Crown  of  that 
Realm,  &c.  Which  Imperial  Crown  is  by  some  alledged 
and  constantly  affirmed  to  have  been  limited  and  disposed, 
by  the  last  Will  and  Testament  of  the  said  King  Henry 
8,  signed  with  his  hand  before  his  death,  unto  the  Chil- 
dren of  the  Lady  Francis ;  and  Elenor,  Daughter  to  Mary 
the  French  Queen,  Younger  Daughter  of  Henry  7.  and  of 
Charles  Brandon  Duke  of  Suffolk;  so  as  it  is  thought  the 
Queen  my  Soveraign,  and  all  others,  by  course  of  In- 
heritance, be  by  these  Circumstances  excluded  and  fore- 
closed :  So  as  it  does  well  become  all  Subjects  such  as 
I  am,  so  my  liking  is  to  speak  of  Princes,  of  their  Reigns 
and  Proceedings,  modestly  and  with  respect ;  yet  I  cannot 
abstain  to  say,  that  the  Chronicles  and  Histories  of  that 
Age,  and  your  own  printed  Statutes  being  extant,  do  con> 
taminate  and  disgrace  greatly  the  Reign  of  that  King  in 
that  time.  But  to  corae  to  our  purpose,  what  equity  and 
justice  was  that  to  disinherit  a  Race  of  Forreign  Princes 
of  their  possibility,  and  maternal,  right,  by  a  municipal 
Law  or  Statute  made  in  that,  which  some  would  term 
abrupt  time,  and  say,  that  that  would  rule  the  Roast,  yea, 
and  to  exclude  the  right  Heirs  from  their  Title,  without 
calling  them  to  answer,  or  any  for  them  :  well,  it  may  be 
said,  that  the  injury  of  the  time,  and  the  indirect  dealing 
is  not  to  be  allowed;  but  since  it  is  done  it  cannot  be 
avoided,  unless  some  Circumstances  material  do  annihilate 
the  said  limitation  and  disposition  of  the  Crown. 

!Now  let  us  examine  the  manner  and  circumstances  how 
King  Hen.  8.  was  by  Statute  inabled  to  dispose  the  Crown. 
There  is  a  form  in  two  sorts  prescribed  him,  which  he  may 
not  transgress,  that  is  to  say,  either  by  his  Letters  Patents, 
sealed  with  his  Great  Seal,  or  by  his  last  Will,  signed  with 
his  hand  :  for  in  this  extrordinary  case  he  was  held  to  an 
ordinary  and  precise  form  ;  which  being  not  observed,  the 
Letters  Patents,  or  Will,  cannot  work  the  intent  or  effect 
supposed.  And  to  disprove,  that  the  Will  was  signed 
with  his  own  hand ;  You  know,  that  long  before  his  death 
/he  never  used  his  own  signing  with  his  own  hand  ;  and  in 


the  time  of  his  Sickness,  being  divers  times  pressed  to  put 
his  hand  to  the  Will  written,  he  refused  to  do  it.  And  it 
seemed  God  would  not  suffer  him  to  proceed  in  an  Act  so 
injurious  and  prejudicial  to  the  right  Heir  of  the  Crown, 
being  his  Niece.  Then  his  death  approaching,  some  as 
well  known  to  you  as  to  me,  caused  William  Clarke,  some- 
times Servant  to  Thomas  Henneage,  to  sign  the  supposed 
Will  with  a  stamp  ^for  otherwise  signed  it  was  never) ; 
and  yet  notwithstanaing  some  respecting  more  the  satis- 
faction of  their  ambition,  and  others  their  private  commo- 
dity, than  just  and  upright  dealing,  procured  divers  honest 
Gentlemen,  attending  in  divers  several  Rooms  about  the 
King's  Person,  to  testifie  with  their  hand  writings  the  Con- 
tents of  the  said  pretended  Will,  surmised  to  be  signed 
with  the  King's  own  hand.  To  prove  this  dissembled  and 
forged  signed  Testament,  I  do  refer  you  to  such  Trials  as 
be  yet  left.  First ;  The  Attestation  of  the  late  Lord  Paget, 
published  in  the  Parliament  in  Queen  Mary's  time,  for  the 
restitution  of  the  Duke  of  Norfolk.  Next  I  pray  you,  on 
my  Sovereigns  behalf,  that  the  Depositions  may  be  taken 
in  this  matter  of  the  Marquess  of  Winchester,  Lord  Trea- 
surer of  England,  the  Marquess  of  Northampton,  the  Earl 
of  Pembroke,  Sir  William  Petre,  then  one  of  King  Henry's 
Secretaries,  Sir  Henry  Nevill,  Sir  Maurice  Barkley,  Doc- 
tor Buts,  Edmond  Harman  Baker,  John  Osborn,  Groom  of 
the  Chamber,  Sir  Anthony  Dennis,  if  he  be  living,  Terris 
the  Chirurgion,  and  such  as  have  heard  David  Vincent  and 
others  speak  in  this  case  ;  and  that  their  Attestations  may 
be  enrolled  in  the  Chancery,  and  in  the  Arches,  in  perpe- 
tuam  rei  memoriam. 

Thirdly  j  I  do  refer  you  to  the  Original  Will  surmised  to 
be  signed  with  the  King's  own  hand,  that  thereby  it  may 
most  clearly  and  evidently  appear  by  some  differences, 
how  the  same  was  not  signed  with  the  King's  hand,  but 
stamped  as  aforesaid.  And  albeit  it  is  used  both  as  an 
Argument  and  Calumniation  against  my  Sovereign  to  some, 
that  the  said  Original  hath  been  embezzled  in  Queen  Mary's 
time,  I  trust  God  will  and  hath  reserved  the  same  to  be  an 
Instrument  to  relieve  the  Truth,  and  to  confound  false  Sur- 
mises, that  thereby  the  Right  may  take  place,  notwithstand- 
ing the  many  Exemplifications  and  Transcripts,  which 
being  sealed  with  the  great  Seal,  do  run  abroad  in  England, 
and  do  carry  away  many  Mens  minds,  as  great  presump- 
tions of  great  verity  ancl  validity.  But,  Sir,  you  know  m 
cases  of  less  importance  than  the  whole  Realm  of  Eng- 
land, Transcripts  and  Exemplifications  be  not  of  so  great 
force  in  Law  to  serve  for  the  recovery  of  any  thing,  either 

OF  RECORDS.  335 

real  or  personal :  And  in  as  much  as  my  Soveraign's  Title 
in  this  case  shall  be  little  advanced,  by  taking  exceptions 
to  others  pretended  and  erased  Titles,  considering  her  pre- 
cedency, I  will  leave  it  to  such  as  are  to  claim  after  the 
issue  of  Hen.  the  7th,  to  lay  in  Bar  the  Poligamy  of  Charles 
Brandon,  the  Duke  of  Suffolk;  and  also  the  vitiated  and 
clandestine  Contract  (it  it  may  be  so  called)  having  no 
witness  nor  solemnization  of  Christian  Matrimony,  nor  any 
lawful  matching,  of  the  Earl  of  Hertford  and  the  Lady  Ka- 
tharine. Lastly  ;  The  semblably  compelling  of  Mr.  Key 
and  the  Lady  Mary,  Sister  to  the  Lady  Katherine. 

And  now,  Sir,  I  have  to  answer  your  desire  said  some- 
what briefly  to  the  Matter,  which  indeed  is  very  little,  where 
so  much  may  be  said  ;  for  to  speak  truly,  the  Cause  speaketh 
for  it  self.  I  have  so  long  forbom  to  deal  in  this  matter, 
that  I  have  almost  forgotten  many  things  which  may  be  said 
for  Roboration  of  her  Right,  which  I  can  shortly  reduce  to 
my  remembrance,  being  at  Edinburch  where  my  Notes  are  : 
So  that  if  you  be  not  by  this  satisfied,  upon  knowledg  from 
you  of  any  other  Objection,  I  hope  to  satisfy  you  unto  all 
things  may  be  said  against  her.  In  the  mean  time  I  pray 
you  so  counsel  the  Queen,  your  Soveraign,  as  some  effectual 
reparation  may  follow  without  delay,  of  the  many  and 
sundry  traverses  and  dis-favourings  committed  against  the 
Queen,  my  Sovereign :  as  the  publishing  of  so  many  ex- 
emplifications of  King  Henry's  supposed  Will,  the  secret 
embracing  of  John  Halles  Books,  the  Books  printed  and 
not  avowed  the  last  Summer,  one  of  the  which  my  Mistris 
hath  sent  by  Henry  Killigrew  to  the  Queen  your  Soveraign  ; 
The  Disputes  and  Proceedings  of  Linceln's-Inn,  where  the 
Case  was  ruled  against  the  Queen  my  Soveraign ;  The 
Speeches  of  sundry  in  this  last  Session  of  Parliament, 
tending  all  to  my  Soveraigns  derision,  and  nothing  said  to 
the  contrary  by  any  Man,  but  the  Matter  shut  up  with 
silence,  most  to  her  prejudice ;  and  by  so  much  the  more  as 
every  Man  is  gone  home  settled  and  confirmed  in  his  Error. 
And,  Lastly,  The  Queen,  your  Soveraign's  resolution  to  de- 
fend now  by  Proclamations,  all  Books  and  Writings  con- 
taining any  discussion  of  Titles,  when  the  whole  Realm  hath 
engendered  by  these  fond  proceedings,  and  other  favoured 
practices,  a  settled  opinion  against  my  soveraigns,  to  the 
advancement  of  my  Lady  Katherines  Title.  1  might  also 
speak  of  an  other  Book  lately  printed  and  set  abroad  in 
this  last  Session,  containing  many  untruths  and  weak 
Reasons,  which  Mr.  Wailing  desired  might  be  answered  be- 
fore the  Defence  were  made  by  Proclamation.  I  trust  you 
will  so  hold  hand  to  the  Reformation  of  all  these  things,  as 


the  Queen,  my  Soveraign,  may  have  effectual  occasion  to 
esteem  you  her  Friend ;  which  doing,  you  shall  never  offend 
the  Queen  your  Mistris,  your  Country,  nor  Conscience,  but 
be  a  favourer  of  the  Truth  against  Errors,  and  yet  deserve 
well  of  a  Princess  who  hath  a  good  heart  to  recognize  any 
good  turn,  when  it  is  done  her,  and  may  hereafter  have 
means  to  do  you  pleasure.  For  my  particular,  as  I  have 
always  honoured  you  as  my  Father,  so  do  I  still  remain  of 
the  same  mind,  as  one,  whom  in  all  things  not  touching 
the  State,  you  may  direct,  as  your  Son  Thomas  Cecil, 
and  with  my  hearty  commendations  to  you  and  my  Lady 
both  I  take  my  leave.  From  Strivelling,  the  14th  of  Ja- 
nuary, 1566. 









Those  who  intend  to  write  romances,  or  plays,  do  commonly 
take  their  plot  from  some  true  piece  of  history ;  in  which 
they  fasten  such  characters  to  persons  and  things,  and  mix 
such  circumstances  and  secret  passages,  with  those  public 
transactions  and  changes,  that  are  in  other  histories ;  as 
may  more  artificially  raise  these  passions  and  affections  in 
their  readers'  minds,  which  they  intend  to  move,  than  could 
possibly  be  done,  if  the  whole  story  were  a  mere  fiction  and 
contrivance  :  and  though  all  men  know  those  tender  pas- 
sages to  flow  only  from  the  invention  and  fancy  of  the  poet ; 
yet,  by  I  know  not  what  charm,  the  greatest  part  that  read 
or  hear  their  poems,  are  softened  and  sensibly  touched. 

Some  such  design  Sanders  seems  to  have  had  in  his  book, 
which  he  very  wisely  kept  up  as  lon^  as  he  lived  :  he  in- 
tended to  represent  the  Reformation  in  the  foulest  shape 
that  was  possible,  to  defame  Queen  Elizabeth,  to  stain  her 
blood,  and  thereby  to  bring  her  title  to  the  crown  in  ques- 
tion ;  and  to  magnify  the  authority  of  the  See  of  Rome, 
and  celebrate  monastic  orders,  with  all  the  praises  and 
high  characters  he  could  devise :  and  therefore,  after  he 
had  writ  several  books  on  these  subjects,  without  any  con- 
siderable success,  they  being  ail  rather  filled  with  foul  ca- 
lumnies and  detracting  malice,  than  good  arguments,  or 
strong  sense,  he  resolved  to  try  his  skill  another  way  ;*so 
he  intended  to  tell  a  doleful  tale,  which  should  raise  a  de- 
testation of  heresy,  an  ill  opinion  of  the  Queen,  cast  a 
«tain  on  her  blood,  and  disparage  her  title,  and  advance 

Vol..  I,  Part  II.  2  G 


the  honour  of  the  Papacy.  A  tragedy  was  fitter  for  these 
ends,  since  it  left  the  deepest  impressions  on  the  graver  and 
better  affections  of  the  mind ;  the  scene  must  be  laid  in 
England,  and  King  Henry  the  Eighth  and  his  three  chil- 
dren, with  the  changes  that  were  in  their  times,  seemed  to 
afford  very  plentiful  matter  for  a  man  of  wit  and  fancy, 
who  knew  where  he  could  dexterously  shew  his  art,  and 
had  boldness  enough  to  do  it  without  shame,  or  the  reve- 
rence due,  either  to  crowned  heads,  or  to  persons  that  were 
dead.  Yet  because  he  knew  not  how  he  could  hold  up 
his  face  to  the  world,  after  these  discoveries  were  made, 
which  he  had  reason  to  expect,  this  was  concealed  as  long 
as  he  lived  :  and  after  he  had  died /or  his  faith  (that  is,  in 
rebellion,  which  I  shall  shew  is  the  faith  in  his  style)  this 
work  of  his  was  published.  The  style  is  generally  clean, 
and  things  are  told  in  an  easy  and  pleasant  way  ;  only  he 
couJd  not  use  his  art  so  decently,  as  to  restrain  that  malice 
which  boiled  in  his  breast,  and  often  fermented  out  too 
palpably  in  his  pen. 

The  book  served  many  ends  well,  and  so  was  generally 
much  cried  up,  by  men  who  had  been  long  accustomed  to 
commend  any  thing  that  was  useful  to  them,  without  trou- 
bling themselves  with  those  impertinent  questions,  whether 
they  were  true  or  false ;  yet  Rishton,  and  others  since  that 
time,  took  the  pencil  again  in  their  hands,  and  finding  there 
were  many  touches  wanting,  which  would  give  much  life  to 
the  whole  piece,  have  so  changed  it,  that  it  was  afterwards 
reprinted,  not  only  with  a  large  continuation,  that  was 
writ  by  a  much  more  unskilful  poet,  but  with  so  many  and 
great  additions,  scattered  through  the  whole  work,  whereby 
it  seemed  so  changed  in  the  vamping,  that  it  looked  new. 

If  any  will  give  themselves  the  trouble  to  compare  his 
fable  with  the  History  that  I  have  written,  and  the  certain 
undoubted  authorities  I  bring  in  confirmation  of  what  I  as- 
sert, with  the  slender,  and  (for  the  most  part)  no  autho- 
rities, he  brings,  they  will  soon  be  able  to  discern  where  the 
truth  lies  :  but  because  all  people  have  not  the  leisure  or 
opportunities  for  laying  things  so  critically  together,  I  was 
advised  by  those  whose  counsels  directed  me  in  this  whole 
work,  to  sum  up,  in  the  Appendix,  the  most  considerable 
falsehoods  and  mistakes  of  that  book,  with  the  evidences 
upon  which  I  rejected  them.  Therefore  I  have  drawn  out 
the  following  extraction,  which  consists  of  errors  of  |wo 
sorts.  The  one  is,  of  those  in  which  there  is  indeed  no 
malice,  yet  they  shew  the  writer  had  no  true  information  of 
our  affairs,  but  commits  many  faults,  which  though  they 
leave  not  such  foul  imputations  on  the  author,  yet  tend 

,   APPENDIX.  399 

very  much  to  disparage  and  discredit  his  work.  But  the 
other  are  of  a  higher  guilt,  being  designed  forgeries,  to 
serve  partial  ends,  not  only  without  any  authority,  but 
manifestly  contrary  to  truth,  and  to  such  records  as  (in 
spite  of  all  the  care  they  took  in  Q.  Mary's  time  by  destroy- 
ing them,  to  condemn  posterity  to  ignorance  in  these  mat- 
ters) are  yet  reserved,  and  serve  to  discover  the  falsehood  ot 
those  calumnies  in  which  they  have  traded  so  long.  I  shall 
pursue  these  errors  in  the  series  in  which  they  are  delivered 
in  Sanders's  book,  according  to  the  impression  at  Colen, 
1628,  which  is  that  I  have.  I  first  set  down  his  errors,  and 
then  a  short  confutation  of  them,  referring  the  reader  for 
fuller  information  to  the  foregomg  History. 

I.  Sanders  says  (page  2),  "  Thatwhen  Prince  Arthur  and 
his  Princess  were  bedded,  King  Henry  the  7th  ordered  a 
grave  matron  to  lie  in  the  bed,  that  so  they  might  not  con- 
summate their  marriage." 

This  is  the  ground-work  of  the  whole  fable  ;  and  should 
have  been  some  way  or  other  proved.  But  if  we  do  not 
take  so  small  a  circumstance  upon  his  word,  we  treat  him 
rudely ;  and  who  will  write  histories,  if  they  be  bound  to 
say  nothing  but  truth  !  But  little  thought  our  Author  that 
there  were  three  depositions  upon  record,  point  blank  against 
this  ;  for  the  Dutchess  of  Norfolk,  the  Viscount  of  Fitzwater 
and  his  lady,  deposed  they  saw  them  bedded  together,  and 
the  bed  blessed  after  they  two  were  put  in  it ;  besides,  that 
such  an  extravagant  thing  was  never  known  done  in  any 

2.  Sanders  says  (ibid.),  "  Prince  Arthur  was  not  then 
fifteen  years  of  age,  and  was  sick  of  a  lingering  disease." 

The  plot  goes  on  but  scurvily,  when  the  next  thing  that 
is  brought  to  confirm  it  is  contradicted  by  records.  Prince 
Arthur  was  born  the  20th  of  September  in  the  year  1486, 
and  so  was  fifteen  years  old  and  two  months  passed  at  the 
14th  of  November  1501,  in  which  he  was  married  to  the 
Princess,  and  was  then  of  a  lively  and  good  complexion,  and 
did  not  begin  to  decay  till  the  Shrovetide  following,  which 
which  was  imputed  to  his  excesses  in  the  bed,  as  the  wit- 
nesses deposed. 

3.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  Upon  the  motion  for  the  marrying 
of  his  Brother  Henry  to  the  Princess,  it  was  agreed  to  by  all, 
that  the  thing  was  lawful." 

It  was  perhaps  agreed  on  at  Rome,  where  money  and 
other  political  arts  sway  their  counsels ;  but  it  was  not 
agreed  to  in  England  :  for  which  we  have  no  meaner  author 
than  Warham,  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  who,  when  ex- 
amined upon  oath,  deposed,  that  himself  then  thought  the 

340  APPENDIX.    . 

marriage  was  not  honorable  nor  well-pleasing  to  God,  and 
that  he  had  thereupon  opposed  it  much,  and  that  the  people 
murmured  at  it, 

4.  He  says  (p.  3),  **  There  was  not  one  man  in  any  nation 
under  heaven,  or  in  the  whole  church,  that  spake  against 

The  common  style  of  the  Roman  church,  calling  the  See 
of  Rome  the  catholic  church,  must  be  applied  to  this,  to 
bring  off  our  Author  ;  otherwise  I  know  not  how  1o  save  his 
reputation.  Therefore  by  all  the  nations  under  heaven  must 
be  understood  only  the  divines  at  Rome,  though  when  it 
came  to  be  examined,  they  could  scarce  find  any  who  would 
justify  it :  all  the  most  famous  universities,  divines,  and 
canonists,  condemned  it,  and  Warham's  testimony  con- 
tradicts this  plainly,  besides  the  other  great  authorities  that 
were  brought  against  it ;  for  which  see  Book  II,  from  page 
120  to  page  135. 

5.  He  says  (p.  4),  "  The  King  once  said.  He  would  not 
marry  the  Queen*" 

Here  is  a  pretty  essay  of  our  Author's  art,  who  would 
make  us  think  it  was  only  in  a  transient  discourse,  that  the 
King  said  he  would  not  marry  Queen  Katherine ;  but  this 
was  more  maturely  done,  by  a  solemn  protestation,  which 
he  read  himself  before  the  Bishop  of  Winchester,  that  he 
would  never  marry  her,  and  that  he  revoked  his  consent 
given  under  age.  This  was  done  when  he  came  to  be  of  age, 
see  page  47 :  it  is  also  confessed  by  Sanders  himself. 

6.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  The  Queen  bore  him  three  sons  and 
two  daughters." 

All  the  books  of  that  time  speak  only  of  two  sons,  and  one 
daughter ;  but  this  is  a  flourish  of  his  pen,  to  repr^ent  her 
a  fruitful  mother. 

7.  He  says  (p.  5),  "  The  King  had  sometimes  two,  some- 
times three  concubines  at  once." 

It  does  not  appear  he  had  ever  any  but  Elizabeth  Blunt ; 
and  if  we  judge  of  his  life  by  the  letters  the  popes  wrote  to 
him,  and  many  printed  elogies  that  were  published  then,  he 
was  a  prince  of  great  piety  and  religion  all  that  while. 

8.  He  says  (p.  6),  "  The  Lady  Mary  was  first  desired  in 
marriage  by  James  the  6th  of  Scotland,  then  by  Charles  the 
5th,  the  Emperor  ;  and  then  Francis  asked  her,  first  for  the 
Dauphin,  then  for  the  Duke  of  Orleans,  and  last  of  all  for 

But  all  this  is  wrong  placed,  for  she  was  first  contracted 
to  the  Dauphin,  then  to  the  Emperor,  and  then  treated 
about  to  the  King  of  Scotland;  after  that, it  was  left  to 
Francis's  choice,  whether  she  should  be  married  to  himself, 


or  his  second  son  the  Duke  of  Orleans :  so  little  did  our 
Poet  know  the  public  transactions  of  that  time. 

9.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  She  was  in  the  end  contracted  to 
the  Dauphin:"  from  whence  he  concludes,  *'  that  all  fo- 
reign princes  were  satisfied  with  the  lawfulness  of  the 

She  was  first  of  all  contracted  to  the  Dauphin.  Foreign 
princes  were  so  little  satisfied  of  the  lawfulness  of  the  mar- 
riage, that  though  she,  being  heir  to  the  crown  of  England, 
was  a  match  of  gi  eat  advantage  ;  yet  their  counsellors  ex- 
cepted to  it,  on  that  very  account,  that  the  marriage  was 
not  good.  ITiis  was  done  in  Spain,  and  she  was  rejected,  as 
a  writer  who  lived  in  that  time  informs  us  ;  and  Sanders 
confesses  it  was  done  by  the  French  Ambassador. 

10.  He  says  (p.  V),  "  Wolsey  was  first  bishop  of  Lincoln, 
then  of  Duresme,  after  that  of  VVinchester,  and  last  of  all 
archbishop  of  York  ;  after  that  he  was  made  chancellor,  then 
cardinal  and  legate." 

The  order  of  these  preferments  is  quite  reversed ;  for 
Wolsey,  soon  after  he  was  made  bishop  of  Lincoln,  upon 
Cardinal  Bembridge's  death,  was  not  only  promoted  to  the 
See  of  York,  but  advanced  to  be  a  cardinal  in  the  seventh 
year  of  the  King's  reign  :  and  some  months  after  that,  he 
was  made  lord  chancellor  ;  and  seven  years  after  that,  he 
got  the  bishoprick  of  Duresme,  which  six  years  after  he 
exchanged  for  Winchester.  He  had  heard  perhaps  that  he 
enjoyed  all  these  preferments ;  but  knowing  nothing  of  our 
affairs  beyond  hearsay,  he  resolved  to  make  him  rise  as 
poets  order  their  heroes,  by  degrees,  and  therefore  ranks  his 
advancement  not  according  to  truth,  but  in  the  method  he 
liked  best  himself. 

11.  He  says  (p.  8),  "  Wolsey  first  designed  the  divorce, 
and  made  Lon^land,  that  was  the  King's  confessor,  second 
his  motion  for  it." 

The  King  not  only  denied  this  in  public,  saying,  that  he 
himself  had  first  moved  it  to  Longland  in  confession;  and 
that  Wolsey  had  opposed  it  all  he  could :  but  in  private 
discourse  with  Grinaeus,  told  him,  he  had  laboured  under 
these  scruples  for  seven  years ;  septum  perpetuis  annis  tre- 
pidatio.  Which,  reckoning  from  the  year  1631,  in  which 
Grinaeus  wrote  this  to  one  of  his  friends,  will  fall  back  to 
the  year  1524,  long  before  Wolsey  had  any  provocation  to 
tempt  him  to  it. 

12.  He  says  (p.  9),  "  In  the  year  1526,  in  which  the  King 
was  first  made  to  doubt  of  his  marriage,  he  was  resolved 
then  whom  to  marry  when  he  was  once  divorced." 

But  by  his  other  story,  Anne  Boleyn  was  then  but  fifteei) 



years  old,  and  went  to  France  at  that  age,  where  she 
stayed  a  considerable  time  before  she  came  to  the  court  of 

13.  He  says  (ibid.),  *'  The  King  spent  a  year  in  a  private 
search,  to  see  what  could  be  found,  either  in  the  Scriptures, 
or  the  Pope's  bull,  to  be  made  use  of  against  his  marriage ; 
but  they  could  find  nothing." 

In  that  time  all  the  bishops  of  England,  except  Fisher, 
declared  under  their  hands  and  seals,  that  they  thought  the 
marriage  unlawful :  for  which  see  page  50,  and  upon  what 
reason  this  was  grounded,  has  been  clearly  opened,  page 
127,  &c. 

14.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  If  there  were  any  ambigiiities  in  the 
Pope's  first  letters  (meaning  the  bull  for  dispensing  with  the 
marriage)  they  were  cleared  by  other  letters,  which  Ferdi- 
nand of  Spain  had  afterwards  procured." 

These  other  letters  (by  which  he  means  the  breve)  bear 
date  the  same  day  with  the  bull ;  and  so  were  not  procured 
afterwards.  There  were  indeed  violent  presumptions  of 
their  being  forged  long  after,  even  after  the  process  had 
been  almost  a  year  in  agitation.  But  though  they  helped 
the  matter  in  some  lesser  particulars,  yet  in  the  main  busi- 
ness, whether  Prince  Arthur  did  know  his  Princess,  they 
did  it  a  great  prejudice  ;  for  whereas  the  bull  bore,  that  by 
the  Queen's  petition  her  former  marriage  was  perhaps  con^ 
summated,  the  breve  bears,  that,  in  her  petition,  the  marriage 
was  said  to  be  consummated,  without  any  perhaps. 

15.  He  says  (p.  9),  "  The  King  having  seen  these  second 
letters,  both  he  and  his  council  resolved  to  move  no  more 
in  it." 

The  process  was  carried  on,  almost  a  year,  before  the 
breve  was  heard  of :  and  the  forgery  of  it  soon  appeared, 
so  they  went  on  notwithstanding  it. 

16.  He  says  (p.  10),  "  The  Bishop  of  Tarby  being  come 
from  France,  to  conclude  the  match  for  the  Lady  Mary,  was 
set  on  by  the  King  and  the  Cardinal,  to  move  the  exception^ 
to  the  lawfulness  of  the  marriage." 

There  is  no  reason  to  believe  this ;  for  that  Bishop, 
though  afterwards  made  a  cardinal,  never  published  this : 
which  both  he  ought  to  have  done  as  a  good  catholic,  and 
certainly  would  have  done  as  a  true  cardinal,  when  he  saw 
what  followed  upon  it,  and  perceived  that  he  was  tre- 
panned to  be  the  first  mover  of  a  thing,  which  ended  so 
fatally  for  the  interests  of  Rome. 

17.  He  says  (p.  11),  "  The  Bishop  of  Tarby,  in  a  speech 
before  the  King  in  council,  said,  that  not  he  alone,  but  al' 
most  all  learned  men,  thought  the  King's  marriage  unlawful 


and  null :  so  that  he  was  freed  from  the  bond  of  it,  and  that 
it  was  against  the  rules  of  the  gospel ;  and  that  all  foreign 
nations  had  ever  spoken  very  freely  of  it,  lamenting  that 
the  King  was  drawn  into  it  in  his  youth." 

It  is  not  ordinary  for  ambassadors  to  make  speeches  in 
King's  councils :  but  if  this  be  true,  it  agrees  ill  with  what 
this  Author  delivers  in  his  third  page,  that  there  was  not  a 
man  in  the  whole  church,  nor  under  heaven,  that  spoke 
against  it ;  otherwise  the  Bishop  of  Tarby  was  both  an  im- 
pudent and  a  foolish  man. 

18.  He  says  (p.  13),  "  Upon  the  Pope's  captivity,  Wolsey 
was  sent  over  to  France  with  300,000  crowns  to  procure  the 
Pope's  liberty." 

Hall,  Hollingshead,  and  Stow,  say,  he  carried  over 
240,000  pounds  sterling,  which  is  more  than  thrice  that 

19.  He  says  ^p.  13),  "  Two  Colleagues  were  sent  in  this 
embassy  with  the  Cardinal." 

His  greatness  was  above  that,  and  none  are  mentioned  in 
the  Records. 

20.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  Orders  followed  him  to  Calais,  not 
to  move  any  thing  about  the  King's  marriage  with  the 
French  King's  sister,  the  King  having  then  resolved  to 
marry  Anne  Boleyn." 

This  agrees  ill  with  what  he  said  page  9,  that  a  year  before 
the  King  was  resolved  whom  to  marry. 

21.  He  says  (ibid.),  King  Henry,  that  he  mrght  have  freer 
access  to  Sir  Thomas  Boleyn's  lady,  sent  him  to  France ; 
where,  after  he  had  stayed  two  years,  his  lady  was  with 
child  of  Anne  Boleyn  by  the  King." 

This  story  was  already  confuted,  see  pages  61,  52 ;  and  in 
it  there  are  more  than  one  or  two  lies. 
'  1.  Sir  Thomas  Boleyn  went  not  ambassador  to  France  till 
the  seventh  year  of  the  King's  reign  :  and  if  two  years  after 
that  Anne  was  borne,  which  was  the  ninth  of  his  reign,  she 
roust  then  have  been  but  ten  years  old  at  this  time. 

2.  Though  he  had  sent  him  upon  his  first  coming  to  the 
crown,  this  could  not  be  true  ;  for  two  years  after,  admit  her 
to  be  born,  that  is  anno  1511,  then  a  year  before  this,  which 
was  anno  1526,  she  was  fifteen  years  old :  in  which  age", 
Sanders  says,  she  was  corrupted  in  her  fatner's  house,  and 
sent  over  to  France,  where  she  stayed  long.  But  all  this  is 
false  :  for, 

3.  She  was  born  two  years  before  the  King  came  to  the 
crown,  in  the  year  1507,  and  if  her  father  was  sent  to  France 
two  years  before,  it  was  in  the  year  1505. 

4.  The  King,  being  then  Prince,  was  but  fourteen  year* 


old,  for  he  was  born  the  28th  of  June,  in  the  year  1491  :  in 
which  age  there  is  no  reason  to  think  he  was  so  forward  as 
to  be  corrupting  other  men's  wives,  for  they  will  not  allow 
his  brother,  when  almost  two  years  elder,  to  have  known 
his  own  wife. 

As  for  the  other  pieces  of  this  story,  that  Sir  Thomas 
Boleyn  did  sue  his  lady  in  the  Spiritual  Court ;  that  upon 
the  King's  sending  him  word  that  she  was  with  child  by 
him,  he  passed  it  over  ;  that  the  King  had  also  known  her 
sister,  and  that  she  had  owned  it  to  the  Queen  ;  that  at  the 
fifteenth  year  of  Anne's  age,  she  had  prostituted  herself 
both  to  her  father's  butler,  and  chaplain  ;  that  then  she  was 
sent  to  France,  where  she  was  at  first  for  some  time  con- 
cealed, then  brought  to  court,  where  she  was  so  notori- 
ously lewd,  that  she  was  called  a  Hackney  ;  that  she 
afterwards  was  kept  by  the  French  King  ;  that  when  she 
came  over  into  England,  Sir  Thomas  Wiat  was  admitted 
to  base  privacies  with  her,  and  offered  to  the  King  and  his 
council,  that  he  himself  should  with  his  own  eyes  see  it; 
and,  in  fine,  that  she  was  ugly,  misshaped,  and  monstrous, 
are  such  a  heap  of  impudent  lies,  that  none  but  a  fool, 
as  well  as  a  knave,  would  venture  on  such  a  recital.  And  for 
all  this,  he  cites  no  other  authority  but  llastal's  Lite  of  Sir 
Thomas  More,  a  book  that  was  seen  by  none  but  himself; 
and  he  gives  no  other  evidence  that  there  was  any  such 
book  but  his  own  authority.  Nor  is  it  likely  that  Rastal 
ever  writ  More's  Life,  since  he  did  not  set  it  out  with  his 
works,  which  he  published  in  one  volume,  anno  1556.  It  is 
true,  More's  son-in-law.  Roper,  writ  his  life,  which  is 
since  printed,  but  there  is  no  such  story  in  it.  The  whole 
is  such  a  piece  of  lying,  as  if  he  who  forged  it  had  resolved 
to  outdo  all  who  had  ever  gone  before  him ;  for  can  it  be 
so  much  as  imagined,  that  a  King  could  pursue  a  design  for 
seven  years  together,  of  marrying  a  woman  of  so  scandal- 
ous a  life,  and  so  disagreeable  a  person ;  and  that  he  wha 
was  always  in  the  other  extreme  of  jealousy,  did  never  try 
out  these  reports,  and  would  not  so  much  as  see  what  Wiat 
informed]  Nor  were  these  things  published  in  the  libels 
that  were  printed  at  that  time,  either  in  the  Emperor's 
court,  or  at  Rome.  All  which  shew,  that  this  was  a  des- 
perate contrivance  of  malicious  traitors  against  their  So- 
vereign Queen  Elizabeth,  to  defame  and  disgrace  her.  And 
this  1  take  to  be  the  true  reason,  why  none  made  any  full 
answer  to  this  book  all  her  time.  It  was  not  thought  for 
the  Queen's  honour  to  let  such  stuff  be  so  much  considered 
as  to  merit  an  answer.  So  that  the  13,  14,  15, 16,  17,  anil 
18th  pages  are  one  continued  Re. 

.APPENDIX.  345 

22.  He  says  (p.  16),  "  Sir  Thomas  Boleyn,  hearing  the 
King  intended  to  marry  his  supposed  daughter,  came  over 
in  all  haste  from  France,  to  put  him  in  mind  that  she  was 
his  own  child ;  and  that  the  King  bade  him  hold  his  peace 
for  a  fool,  for  a  hundred  had  lain  with  his  wife  as  well  as  he, 
but  whosesoever  daughter  she  was,  she  should  be  his  wife  : 
and  upon  that  Sir  Thomas  instructed  his  daughter  how  she 
should  hold  the  King  in  her  toils." 

Sir  Thomas  must  have  thought  the  King  had  an  ill 
memory,  if  he  had  forgot  such  a  story :  but  the  one  part  of 
this  makes  him  afraid  that  the  King  should  marry  his 
daughter,  and  the  other  part  makes  him  afraid  they  should 
miss  their  hopes  in  it :  not  to  mention  how  little  likely 
it  is,  that  a  King  of  such  high  vanity,  would  have  done  that 
which  the  privatest  person  has  an  aversion  to,  I  mean,  the 
marrying  the  daughter  of  one  whom  they  know  to  be  a 
common  prostitute. 

.23.  He  says  (p.  19),  "  Wolsey,  before  his  return  from 
,  France,  sent  Gambara  to  the  Pope,  desiring  him  to  name 
himself  Vicar  of  the  Papacy,  during  his  captivity." 

This  was  not  done  till  almost  a  year  after  this  :  and 
the  motion  was  sent  by  Staphileus,  dean  of  the  Rota, 
for  which  see  page  66. 

24.  He  says  (p.  20),  "  None  but  ill  men  and  ignorant 
persons  wrote  against  the  marriage,  but  all  learned  and 

,good  men  wrote  for  it." 

The  whole  doctors  of  the  church,  in  all  ages,  were  against 
it;  and  no  doctor,  ancienter  than  Cajetan,  could  ever 
be  found  to  have  writ  for  it. 

25.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  That  though  great  endeavours  were 
used  to  persuade  Sir  Thomas  More  of  the  unlawfulness 
of  the  marriage,  all  was  in  vain." 

Is  it  probable  that  the  King  would  have  made  him 
lord  chancellor,  when  he  was  so  earnest  in  this  business,  if 
he  had  not  known  that  he  would  have  gone  along  with  him 
in  it  ?  By  one  of  his  letters  to  Cromwell  out  of  the  Tower,  it 
appears,  that  he  approved  the  divorce,  and  had  great  hopes 
of  success  in  it,  as  long  as  it  was  prosecuted  at  Rome,  and 
founded  on  the  defects  in  the  bull.  And  in  the  twenty- 
second  year  of  the  King's  reign,  when  the  opinions  of 
the  universities,  and  the  books  of  learned  men  were  brought 
to  England  against  the  marriage,  he  carried  them  down  to 
the  House  of  Commons,  and  made  read  them  there  ;  after 
which  he  desired  they  would  report  in  their  country  what 
they  had  heard  and  seen  ;  and  then  all  men  would  openly 
perceive  that  the  King  had  not  attempted  this  matter  of  his 
will  and  pleasure,  but  only  for  the  discharge  of  his  con 


science.  JVIore  was  a  man  of  greater  integrity  than  to  have 
said  this,  if  he  had  thought  the  marriage  good  ;  so  that  he 
has  either  afterwards  changed  his  mind,  or  did  at  this  time 
dissemble  too  artificially  with  the  King. 

26.  After  a  long  flourish  about  the  King's  secret  fears 
and  apprehensions,  and  the  perplexities  the  Cardinal  was 
in,  which  must  pass  for  a  piece  of  his  wit,  that  is  to  say, 
lying,  for  he  knew  none  of  their  thoughts  ;  he  says  (p.  22), 
"That  Gardiner  and  Sir  Francis  Brian  were  sent  to  the 
Pope  together,  Gardiner  being  then  secretary  of  state." 

In  this  there  are  only  three  gross  mistakes.  First,  Gar- 
diner was  not  sent  with  the  first  message  to  the  Pope  ;  Secre- 
tary Knight  carried  it. 

2.  Sir  Francis  Brian  went  never  to  Rome  with  Gardi- 
ner. It  is  true,  a  year  after  the  commencing  the  suit.  Sir 
Francis  Brian  was  sent  to  Rome,  and  about  a  month  after 
him  Gardiner  was  also  sent ;  so  though  tliey  were  both 
together  at  Rome,  yet  they  were  not  sent  thither  together. 

3.  Gardiner  was  not  secretary  of  state,  but  was  Wol- 
sey's  secretary,  when  he  went  first  to  Rome,  and  was  made 
a  privy-counsellor  when  he  was  sent  thither  the  second 
time  ;  and  was  not  secretary  of  state  till  some  months  after 
his  return  from  his  journey  the  last  time. 

27.  He  says  (p.  23),  "  They  made  the  Pope  believe  that 
the  Queen  would  willingly  retire  into  a  monastery.'? 

This  was  on  the  contrary  a  contrivance  of  the  Pope's, 
who  thought  it  the  easiest  way  to  bring  the  matter  to  a 
good  issue ;  but  in  England  they  had  no  hopes  of  it,  and 
so  always  diverted  the  motion  when  it  was  proposed  by  the 

28.  He  says  (ibid.),  "The  Pope  said  he  would  consult 
with  some  cardmals  and  divines,  and  do  all  that  he  could 
lawfully  do  to  give  the  King  satisfaction." 

Upon  the  first  motion  of  it,  the  Pope  frankly  granted  the 
King's  desire ;  and  gave  a  bull  with  a  commission  upon 
it :  and  only  consulted  some  cardinals  about  the  methods 
of  doing  it ;  and  did  assure  the  King,  that  he  would 
not  only  do  every  thing  that  could  be  granted  in  law  or 
justice,  but  whatsoever  he  could  grant  out  of  the  fulness  of 
his  power.  It  is  true,  afterwards,  when  the  Pope  changed 
his  measures,  and  resolved  to  agree  with  the  Emperor, 
he  pretended  he  understood  not  these  things  himself,  but 
would  needs  turn  it  over  upon  the  cardinals  and  divines. 

29.  He  says  (p.  24),  "  All  the  cardinals  were  of  a  mind 
that  the  marriage  was  good." 

Cardinal  Sanctorum  Quatuor,  by  the  force  of  that  mighty 
argument  of  4000  crowns,  changed  his  mint!.    All  the  other 


cardinals  were  forward  in  granting  the  King's  desires,  for 
which  he  wrote  them  a  letter  of  thanks. 

30.  He  says  (p.  26),  "  The  Pope  granted  the  commission 
to  the  two  Legates,  not  doubting  but  it  was  true,  that 
had  been  told  him,  of  the  Queen's  readiness  to  go  into  a 

The  Pope  knew  she  would  not  yield  to  any  such  thing ; 
but  when  he  granted  that  commission,  he  sent  with  Cam- 
pegio  a  decretal  bull,  annulling  the  marriage :  and  sent 
afterwards  a  promise  never  to  avocate  the  process,  but 
to  confirm  what  sentence  the  Legates  should  give  ;  though 
soon  after  he  broke  his  promise  most  signally.  And  since 
he  had  often  dispensed  with  others  for  breaking  their  faith, 
he  might  think  that  it  was  hard  to  deny  him  the  same 
privilege  for  himself. 

31.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  The  Pope  understanding  that 
the  Queen  did  not  consent  to  the  propositions  that  were 
made,  and  that  he  had  been  abused,  sent  after  Campegio, 
when  he  was  on  his  journey,  that  he  should  not  proceed  to  a 
sentence  without  a  new  order." 

The  Pope  sent  Campana  to  England  after  Campegio, 
to  assure  the  King  he  would  do  every  thing  for  him  that  he 
could  do  out  of  the  ftdiiess  of  his  power ;  and  ordered  the 
same  person  to  charge  Cardinal  Campegio  to  burn  the 
decretal  bull,  which  he  had  sent  by  him  ;  in  all  which  the 
Pope,  as  appears  by  the  original  letteis,  was  only  governed 
by  politic  maxims,  and  considered  nothing  but  the  dangers 
himself  was  like  to  fall  in ;  though  Sanders  would  persuade 
us,  he  was  ready  to  run  the  hazard  of  all  these. 

32.  He  says  (p.  30),  "  The  King,  by  his  letters  to  the  Pope, 
did,  at  the  same  time  that  he  was  moving  scruples  about  his 
own  marriage,  transact  about  a  dispensation  for  a  marriage 
betwixt  his  own  natural  son  the  Duke  of  Richmond,  and  his 
daughter  the  Lady  Mary." 

Though  the  whole  dispatches  at  that  time,  both  to  and 
from  Rome,  be  most  happily  preserved,  there  is  not  the  least 
mention  of  any  such  design :  and  can  any  body  think 
tlhat  if  any  such  motion  liad  been  made,  the  Pope  would  not 
have  taken  great  advantages  from  it,  and  that  these  letters 
would  not  have  been  afterwards  published?  But  this 
Sanders  thought  was  a  pretty  embellishment  of  his  fable ; 
and  of  a  piece  with  this  is  his  next. 

33.  He  says  (p.  30),  "  The  King  did  under  his  own  hand 
confess,  he  had  known  Anne  Boleyn's  sister  Mary,  and 
desired  the  Pope  would  dispense  with  his  marrying  Anne 
notwithstanding  that." 

The  falsehooa  of  this  appears  from  the  recital  of  it :  and 


how  came  it  that  these  letters  were  not  published  1  Nor  is" 
there  any  mention  of  this  in  all  the  dispatches  I  have  seen. 
And  it  is  not  possible,  that  in  so  many  conferences  which 
the  English  ambassadors  had  with  the  Pope,  these  two 
things  should  never  have  been  discoursed  of.  And  can  it  be 
thought  credible,  that  at^the  same  time  when  the  King 
pretended  such  scruples  and  troubles  of  conscience,  he 
could  be  guilty  of  so  much  folly  and  impudence,  as  to  put 
himself  thus  in  the  Pope's  mercy,  by  two  such  demands'? 
This  was  a  forgery  of  Cardinal  Pole's,  which  Sanders 
greedily  catched  to  dress  up  the  scene. 

34.  From  page  34  to  42,  there  is  a  trifling  account  given 
of  the  reasons  brought  against  the  marriage,  which  Sanders, 
answers  manfully,  and  fights  courageously  against  the  man 
of  straw  he  had  set  up.  But  if  that  be  compared  with 
what  has  been  opened  in  the  History,  it  will  appear  how 
lame  and  defective  his  account  is. 

35.  He  says  (p.  42),  "  Clark,  bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells,. 
Tonstal,  bishop  of  London,  and  West,  bishop  of  Ely,  writ 
for  the  lawfulness  of  the  King's  marriage." 

All  the  bishops,  except  Fisher,  had  a  year  before  this 
given  it  under  their  hands  and  seals,  that  the  King's^^ 
marriage  was  unlawful :  and  in  all  the  memorials  of  that 
time,  Fisher  is  the  only  bishop  I  find  mentioned  to  have  writ 
for  it.  Tonstal  was  also  soon  after  translated  to  Duresme, 
which  none,  that  have  considered  that  King's  temper,  will 
think  could  have  been  done,  if  he  had  interposed  in  so  ten- 
der a  point,  against  what  the  King  so  vehemently  desired. 

36.  He  says  (p.  42),  "  That  Abell,  Powel,  Fetherston,  and. 
Ridley,  also  writ  for  the  marriage." 

This  is  not  likely  of  the  second  and  third,  for  they  being 
afterwards  attainted  of  treason,  no  such  books  were   ob^ 
jected  to  them ;   but  the  crime  charged  on  them  was  only 
that  they  said,  the  King's  marriage  with  Queen  Katheiine . 
was  good. 

37.  He  says  (p.  43),  "All  things  appeared  clear  in 
the  trial  before  the  Legates,  in  behalf  of  the  marriage^ 
so  that  they  couH  give  no  sentence  against  such  full  evidence 
as  was  brought  for  it." 

This  is  said  without  any  regard  to  truth;  for  all  the 
matter  of  fact  that  had  been  alleged,  was  clearly  proved  for 
the  contrary  side.  It  was  proved  that  Prince  Arthur  mar- 
ried the  Queen  :  violent  presumptions  appeared  of  his  con- 
summating the  marriage.  It  was  also  proved  that  the  King 
was  under  age  when  the  bull  was  obtained,  and  that 
the  petitions  given  in  his  name,  upon  which  the  bull  was 
granted,  were  false  :  that  the  King  had  not  desired  it,  but 


when  he  came  of  age  he  had  protested  against  it :  and  that 
there  was  no  hazard  of  a  war  between  Spain  and  England, 
the  preventing  which  was  the  chief  reaison  set  down  in 
the  bull  that  permitted  it.  So  that  all  that  had  been  in- 
formed at  Rome,  as  lo  matter  of  fact,  was  fully  proved  before 
the  Legates,  by  clear  instruments,  and  many  and  noble 

38.  (Ibid.)  He  puts  along  bold  speech  in  Campegio's 
mouth,  who  was  far  from  assuming  such  freedom  ;  but  lived 
licentiously  in  England,  in  all  manner  of  disorders,  of  which 
both  he  and  his  bastard  son  were  guilty.  And  by  dissem- 
bling, and  other  arts,  persuaded  the  King  to  delay  the  pro- 
cess from  day  to  day,  giving  him  full  assurances,  that  in 
conclusion  he  should  obtain  what  he  desired  :  and  by  such 
means  he  gained  time,  and  drew  out  the  trial,  till  the  Pope 
had  ended  his  treaty  with  the  Emperor ;  and  then  he  served 
him  an  Italian  trick,  by  adjourning  the  court. 

39.  He  says  (p.  48),  "  Some  doctors,  being  corrupted  with 
the  King's  money,  declared  for  him ;  but  those  were  none  of 
the  most  learned." 

The  King  ordered  those  he  sent,  not  to  give  or  promise  any 
thing  to  any  person,  till  they  had  delivered  their  opi- 
nion freely  :  upon  which  some  of  them  wrote  to  him,  that 
they  would  answer  upon  their  heads,  that  they  had  followed 
his  orders  in  that  particular. 

40.  He  says  (p.  48),  "These  determinations  were  pub-- 
lished  in  the  names  of  the  universities,  to  deceive  the  world 
by  a  false  representation  of  so  great  authorities." 

Were  the  public  seals  of  the  universities  put  to  their  de- 
terminations, after  a  long  debate,  all  being  required  to  de- 
liver their  consciences  upon  oath,  and  done  with  the  una- 
nimous consent  of  the  whole  faculty  in  some  places,  false 
representations!  This  was  done  in  Italy,  in  Padua,  Bono- 
nia,  Ferrara,  and  Milan,  under  the  Pope  and  the  Emperor's 
eye,  and  within  their  dominions. 

41.  He  says  (p.  50),  "  Endeavours  were  used  to  corrupt, 
the  University  of  Colen,  and  some  others  in  Germany,  for 
which  great  sums  were  offered,  and  that  the  King  was  at  a ; 
vast  expense  in  it." 

Crook's  accomptsshew  that  his  expense  in  Italy  was  very 
inconsiderable.  And  who  can  imagine,  that  when  Paris, 
Padua,  and  Bononia,  had  declared  for  the  King,  he  would 
be  much  concerned  for  Colen,  or  any  other  university  in 
Germany  1  Those  who  will  believe  Sanders,  and  such  au- 
thors as  he  quotes,  Cochleus,  and  an  unknown  bishop  of 
Brazil,  may  if  they  will, 

42.  He  says  (p.  51),  "  In  Oxford,  the  King  not  being  able 
Vol.  I,  Part  II.  2  H 


to  obtain  a  satisfactory  answer  in  that  matter,  eight  stu- 
dents of  the  University  broke  into  the  place  where  the  seal 
was  laid,  and  put  it  to  an  answer,  which  passed  for  the  de- 
termination of  the  University." 

The  Ivord  Herbert  says,  there  was  an  original  instrument 
passed,  which  he  saw;  by  which  the  University  did  ap- 
point a  committee  of  thirty-three  doctors  and  bachelors  of 
divinity  to  examine  the  questions  proposed  by  the  King, 
and  to  set  the  seal  of  the  University  to  any  answer  that  they 
should  agree  on  :  and  these  did  afterwards  give  a  resolu- 
tion against  the  lawfulness  of  the  marriage. 

43.  (p.  52)  "  He  tells  a  long  story  of  the  King's  endea- 
vours to  gain  Reginald  Pole,  and  that  he  came  over  to  Eng- 
land ;  and  being  much  pressed  by  his  kindred  to  comply 
with  the  King,  he  went  to  him,  fully  purposed  to  have  done 
it :  but  could  not  speak  a  word  to  him,  till  he  resolved  to 
talk  to  him  in  another  style  ;  and  then  he  found  his  tongue, 
and  spake  very  freely  to  the  King,  who  put  his  hands  some- 
times to  his  poniard,  intending  to  have  killed  him  ;  but  was 
overcome  with  the  simplicity  and  humility  of  his  discourse : 
and  so  the  King  continued  his  pension  to  him,  and  gave 
him  leave  to  go  back  to  Padua." 

This  is  another  pretty  adventure  of  one  of  the  heroes  of 
the  romance,  but  has  this  misfortune  in  it  —  that  it  is  all 
without  any  proof:  for  as  none  of  the  books  of  that  time 
ever  mention  it,  so  neither  did  Pole  himself  pretend  to  have 
carried  so,  in  his  book,  though  written  with  the  most  pro- 
voking insolence  that  was  possible.  In  it  he  mentions  his 
going  over  to  England,  but  not  one  word  of  any  such  dis- 
course with  the  King.  And  King  Henry  was  not  a  man  of 
such  a  temper,  as  to  permit  one  of  Pole's  quality  to  go  out 
of  England,  and  live  among  his  enemies,  and  continue  his 
pensions  to  him,  if  he  had  to  his  face  opposed  him  in  a  mat- 
ter he  laid  so  much  to  heart. 

44.  He  says  (p.  53),  "  Fisher  of  Rochester,  and  Holman, 
bishop  of  Bristol,  wrote  for  the  marriage." 

There  was  no  bishopric,  nor  bishop  of  Bristol  at  that  time, 
nor  thirteen  years  after. 

45.  (ibid.)  "  Many  are  reckoned  up  who  wrote  for  the 
marriage  in  all  nations." 

These  are  neither  to  be  compared  in  number,  nor  autho- 
rity, to  those  who  wrote  against  it ;  a  hundred  books  were 
shewed  in  parliament,  written  by  divines  and  lawyers  be- 
yond sea,  besides  the  determinations  of  twelve  of  the  most 
celebrated  universities  in  Europe.  The  Emperor  did  in- 
deed give  so  great  rewards,  and  such  good  benefices,  to 
those  who  wrote  against  the  King,  that  it  is  a  wonder  there 
were  not  more  writers  of  his  side. 


46.  He  says  (p.  56),  "That  upon  Warham,  archbishop 
of  Canterbury's  death,  the  Earl  of  Wiltshire  told  the  King 
that  he  had  a  chaplain,  who  was  at  his  house,  that  would 
certainly  serve  the  King  in  the  matter  of  his  divorce  ;  upon 
which  Cranmer  was  promoted." 

Cranmer  was  no  stranger  to  the  King  at  this  time  :  be 
was  first  recommended  by  the  King  to  the  Earl  of  Wilt- 
shire, to  be  kept  in  his  house  ;  but  was  in  Germany  when 
Warhara  died,  and  made  no  haste  over,  but  delayed  his 
journey  some  months.  It  is  true,  he  was  of  the  mind  that 
the  King  ought  to  be  divorced  ;  but  this  was  not  out  of  ser- 
vile compliance,  for  when  the  King  pressed  him  in  other 
things  that  were  against  his  conscience,  he  expressed  all 
the  courage  and  constancy  of  mind  which  became  so  great 
a  prelate. 

47.  He  says  (p.  56),  "  That  Cranmer  being  to  swear  the 
oath  of  obedience  to  the  Pope,  before  he  was  consecrated, 
did  protest  to  a  public  notary,  that  he  took  it  against  his 
will ;  and  that  he  had  no  mind  to  keep  his  faith  to  the  Pope, 
in  prejudice  to  the  King's  authority." 

He  did  not  protest  that  he  did  it  unwillingly,  nor  was  it 
only  to  a  notary,  but  twice  at  the  high  altar  he  repeated 
the  protestation  that  he  made ;  which  was  to  this  effect, 
that  he  intended  not  thereby  to  oblige  himself  to  any  thing, 
contrary  to  the  law  of  God,  the  King's  prerogative,  or  the 
laws  of  the  land ;  nor  to  be  restrained  from  speaking,  ad- 
vising, or  consenting  to  any  thing  that  should  concern  the 
reformation  of  the  Christian  faith,  the  government  of  the 
church  of  England,  and  the  prerogative  of  the  crown  and 

^.  He  says  (p.  57),  "  Cranmer  did  in  all  things  so  com- 
ply with  the  King's  lusts,  that  the  King  was  wont  to  say  he 
was  the  only  man  that  had  never  contradicted  him  in  any 
thing  he  had  a  mind  to." 

Cranmer  was  both  a  good  subject,  and  a  modest  and  dis- 
creet man,  and  so  would  obey  and  submit  as  far  as  he 
might,  without  sin  :  yet  when  his  conscience  charged  him 
to  appear  against  any  thing  that  the  King  pressed  him  to, 
as  in  the  matter  of  the  six  Articles,  he  did  it  with  much  re- 
solution and  boldness. 

49.  He  says  (p.  58),  "  The  King  going  over  to  Calais, 
carried  Anne  Boleyn  secretly  with  him." 

He  carried  her  over  in  great  state,  having  made  her 
Marchioness  of  Pembroke  ;  and  in  the  public  interview  be- 
tween him  and  Francis,  she  appeared  with  all  possible 

50.  He  says  (p. 59),    "After  the   King's    return  from 


Prance,  he  brought  the  action  of  premunire  against  all  the 

This  is  an  error  of  two  years,  for  so  long  before  this  voy- 
age to  France  was  that  action  begun  :  and  the  clergy  about 
eighteen  months  before  had  made  their  submission,  and 
obtained  their  pardon  in  March  1531,  which  appears  by  the 
printed  statutes,  and  the  King  went  over  to  France  in  Sep- 
tember, 1532;  so  that  it  is  clear  Sanders  never  looked  for 
any  verification  of  what  he  wrote. 

51.  He  says  (p.  59),  "The  King  by  an  unheard-of  ty- 
ranny, and  a  new  calumny,  brought  this  charge  against  the 

These  laws,  upon  which  the  charge  was  founded,  had 
been  oft  renewed :  they  were  first  made  under  Edward  the 
First,  by  reason  of  the  papal  encroachments,  that  gave  the 
rise  to  them;  they  were  oft  confirmed  by  Edward  the  Third, 
Richard  the  Second,  Henry  the  Fourth,  and  Henry  the 
Fifth,  with  the  concurrence  of  their  parliaments ;  so  the 
charge  was  neither  new  nor  tyrannical. 

52.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  The  clergy  submitted  to  the  King, 
being  betrayed  by  their  metropolitans  Cranmer  and  Lee." 

The  submission  was  made  two  years  before  Cranmer  was 
archbishop,  in  March  1531,  and  Cranmer  was  consecrated 
in  March  1533 ;  but  at  that  time  Warham  sat  in  Canter- 
bury.   As  for  Lee,  he  opposed  it  for  some  time. 

53.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  The  whole  clergy  petitioned  the 
King,  to  forgive  their  crime,  according  to  that  supreme 
power  which  he  had  over  all  the  clergy  and  laity,  within 
this  kingdom  :  from  whence  the  King's  counsellors  took 
occasion  afterwards  to  call  him  Supreme  Head." 

The  clergy  did  in  the  title  of  their  submission  call  the 
King  in  formal  terms.  Supreme  Head  of  the  Church  and 
Clergy  of  England,  as  far  as  by  the  law  of  Christ  is  lawful : 
to  which  Fisher,  with  the  rest  of  the  convocation,  subscribed. 
And  all  this  was  done  when  More  was  chancellor. 

54.  He  says  (p.  62),  "When  the  King  went  to  marry 
Anne  Boleyn,  he  persuaded  Rowland  Lee,  made  soon  after 
bishop  of  Coventry  and  Litchfield,  to  officiate  in  it,  assur- 
ing him  he  had  obtained  a  bull  for  it  from  Rome,  which 
was  then  lying  in  his  cabinet.  Upon  which  Lee,  giving 
credit  to  what  he  said,  did  marry  them." 

This  is  another  trial  of  Sanders's  wit,  to  excuse  Lee,  who, 
though  at  this  time  he  complied  absolutely  with  the  King, 
yet  did  afterwards  turn  over  to  the  Popish  party  ;  tliere- 
fore,  to  make  him  look  a  little  clean,  this  story  must  be 
forged.  But  at  that  time  all  the  world  saw  that  the  Pope 
and  the  Emperor  were  so  link«4  together,  that  Lee  eould 


not  but  know  that  no  such  thing  was  possible.  And  he  was 
so  obsequious  to  the  King,  that  such  arts  were  needless  to 
persuade  him  to  any  thing  the  King  had  a  mind  to. 

55.  For  five  pages  he  runs  out  in  repetition  of  all  those 
foul  lies  concerning  Anne  Boleyn,  by  which  he  designed 
both  to  disgrace  the  reformers,  who  were  supported  by  her, 
and  to  defame  her  daughter  Queen  Elizabeth,  which  have 
been  before  confuted  :  after  that  he  says  (p.  66),  "  Queen 
Katherine,  with  three  maids  and  a  small  family,  retired  into 
the  country." 

She  had  both  the  respect  of  a  princess  dowager,  and  all 
the  jointure  contracted  to  her  by  Prince  Arthur ;  so  she 
could  not  be  driven  to  that  straitness :  but  this  must  go  for 
an  ornament  in  the  fable. 

56.  He  says  (p.  71),  "  It  was  concluded,  that  Cranmer 
might  be  more  free  to  pass  sentence,  that  there  should  be  ' 
an  oath  imposed  on  the  clergy,  for  paying  the  same  obedi- 
ence to  the  King  that  they  had  paid  the  Pope :"  upon 
which  he  tells  a  long  formal  story,  for  two  pages,  that  "  it 
was  resolved  to  draw  Fisher  into  it,  to  swear  obedience  to 
the  King  in  all  ecclesiastical  causes,  with  that  exception,  as 
far  as  is  lawful,  accordiiig  to  the  word  of  God  ;  which  he  did 
and  persuaded  others  to  do  it ;  and  upon  this  Cranmer, 
taking  the  new  oath,  went  and  pronounced  judgment  for 

There  is  not  one  tittle  of  this  true,  for  there  Wcis  no  oath 
sworn  about  the  King's  supremacy  at  this  time.  The  story 
of  Fisher  is  that  which  was  done  by  the  convocation  two 
years  before  Cranmer's  preferment,  nor  was  there  any  oath 
taken  then,  or  at  this  time.  It  is  true,  two  years  after  this, 
Gardiner,  Stokesley,  and  many  other  bishops,  did  of  their 
own  accord  take  such  an  oath  ;  but  there  was  no  law  for  it 
till  the  twenty-eighth  year  of  the  King's  reign. 

57.  He  says  (p.  72),  "  One  Richard  Risey  (or  Rouse, 
according  to  the  Records)  was  hired  by  Anne  Boleyn  to 
poison  Fisher." 

Rouse  was  boiled  alive  for  poisoning  the  Bishop's  family, 
but  did  not  discover  any  that  set  him  on  it :  which  none 
can  think  but  he  would  have  done,  if  the  Queen  had  hired 
him  to  it,  and  had  then  deserted  him  to  perish  in  so  horrid 
a  manner. 

58.  He  says  ^p.  73),  "  Cranmer  being  by  authority  of 
parliament  freed  from  his  oath  to  the  Pope,  and  bound  by 
a  new  one  to  the  King,  went  now  confidently  to  pronounce 

The  parliament  did  not  put  down  the  Pope's  authority 
for  eight  months  after  this,  and  appointed  no  new  oath  till 

2  H  3 


•three  years  after  ;  for  Cranmer  sat  in  judgment  as  Primate 
of  England,  and  Legate  of  the  Apostolic  See. 

59.  He  says  (p.  73),  "  Cranmer  carried  some  bishops 
with  him,  and  having  cited  the  Queen,  without  hearing  her, 
he  gave  sentence  against  the  marriage." 

•  Gardiner,  Stokeslfey,  Clark,  and  Longland,  the  Bishops 
of  Winchester,  London,  Bath,  and  Lincoln,  went  with  him. 
He  could  not  hear  the  Queen,  when  she  would  not  appear  : 
t)ut  he  examined  all  the  instruments  and  evidences  that  had 
been  brought  in  the  whole  process. 

60.  He  says  (p.  75),  "  The  Pope  would  not  proceed 
against  the  King,  till  he  met  with  the  French  King  at  Mar- 
seilles ;  but  that  the  English  Ambassadors  did  there  carry 
so  insolently,  that  Francis  was  ashamed  of  their  behaviour ; 
and  desired  the  Pope  to  proceed  against  the  King  as  he 
thought  fit,  and  that  he  should  never  defend  him  more,  but 
should  be  against  him." 

Here  the  romance  goes  on  too  grossly,  for  the  Pope  and 
the  French  King  agreed  at  Marseilles  to  bring  this  matter 
to  an  issue.  The  Pope  declared  he  thought  the  King's 
cause  was  just  and  right ;  and  promised,  if  the  King  would 
send  a  full  submission  to  Rome,  he  would  give  sentence  in 
his  favour.  Upon  which  the  French  King  sent  over  the 
Bishop  of  Paris,  who  prevailed  with  the  King  to  do  it ; 
though  this  afterwards  came  to  nothing.  It  is  true,  Bonner, 
who  was  always  officious  and  forward  when  there  was  any 
thing  to  be  got  by  it,  being  sent  to  Marseilles  by  the  King, 
to  deliver  an  appeal  in  the  King's  name  to  the  Pope,  to  the 
next  general  council ;  and  perhaps  knowing  nothing  of  the 
private  transactions  between  the  Pope  and  the  French 
King,  it  being  a  secret  of  too  great  importance  to  be  com- 
municated to  such  a  hot-brained  man,  did  deliver  his  mes- 
sage to  the  Pope  in  such  provoking  language,  that  the  Pope 
talked  of  throwing  him  into  a  boiling  cauldron  ;  and  he  was 
fain  to  fly  for  it. 

61.  He  says  (p.  76),  "  The  Pope  returning  to  Italy, 
after  he  had  again  most  carefully  reviewed  the  whole  cause, 
gave  sentence." 

This  was  so  precipitated,  that  they  would  not  stay  six 
days  beyond  the  time  which  they  prefixed,  for  the  return 
of  the  messenger  that  was  sent  to  England  :  but  dispatched 
that,  which  by  the  forms  of  their  court  should  have  been 
done  in  three  consistories,  all  in  one  day. 

62.  He  says  (p.  78),  "  Upon  this  sentence,  the  King, 
being  enraged,  did  command  Queen  Katherine  to  be  only 
called  Princess,  and  declared  her  daughter  the  Lady  Mary 
a  bastard." 


Both  these  were  done  five  months  before  the  Pope's  sen- 
tence, and  soon  after  the  sentence  was  pronounced  by  Cran- 
mer.  And  these  were  the  natural  consequences  of  it ;  for 
the  marriage  being  annulled,  neither  could  she  be  longer  a 
Queen,  nor  her  daughter  Princess  any  more. 

63.  He  says  (ibid.),  "The  King  imprisoned  F.  Forest,  a 
Franciscan  observant,  a  most  holy  and  learned  man,  for  con- 
tradicting Latimer,  when  he  was  inveighing  against  the 
Pope's  authority." 

Concerning  this  Forest,  I  have  seen  an  original  letter  of 
one  List,  a  triar  of  the  same  house,  a  year  after  this,  that 
says  Forest  was  a  great  scandal  to  their  house,  and  was 
very  ignorant ;  and  that  though  he  had  been  much  against 
the  King  in  his  marriage,  yet  he  had  then  insinuated  him- 
self into  his  favour,  of  which  many  of  the  house,  who  were 
for  the  King's  cause,  had  great  apprehensions.  In  the  sanie 
letter  he  writes,  how  cruel  they  were  against  any  of  their 
brethren,  who  they  thought  discovered  any  thing  that  was 
done  among  them ;  and  that  one  Rainscroft,  a  brother, 
whom  they  suspected  to  have  informed  what  passed  among 
them,  was  cruelly  used,  and  kept  in  prison  till  he  died; 
which  he  chiefly  imputes  to  Forest.  This  friar  swore  the 
King's  supremacy,  and  yet  at  the  same  time  was  penuad- 
ing  others  not  to  do  it;  and  being  questioned  upon  it,  said, 
•he  took  the  oath  only  with  his  outward,  but  not  with  his 
inward  man  ;  and  for  that,  and  his  denying  the  Gospel,  he 
was  burnt  as  an  obstinate  heretic. 

64.  He  says  (p.  79),  "Abell,  Powel,  and  Fetherston, 
were  put  in  prison  because  they  consulted  witli  the  Maid  of 

This  is  only  charged  upon  the  former  of  these,  but  the  two 
latter  are  not  accused  of  any  such  thing. 

65.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  Elizabeth,  being  born  the  8th  of 
September,  but  five  months  after  the  King  had  publicly 
married  her  mother,  could  not  be  the  lawful  issue  of  that 

This  is  a  malicious  lie,  for  himself  confessed  that  the 
King  was  married  to  her  mother  the  14th  of  November, 
the  former  year  ;  between  which  and  the  8th  of  September, 
there  were  ten  months;  nor  was  the  King  ever  after  that 
married  publicly  to  the  Queen.  For  what  he  calls  a  public 
marriage,  was  only  the  shewing  her  openly  as  Queen.  But 
the  design  of  this  lie  is  so  visible,  that  it  needs  not  be 

66.  He  says  (p.  79),  '*  The  King's  daughter  Mary,  who 
was  then  present,  could  never  be  induced  to  think  she  was 
the  King's  child/' 


In  the  former  page  he  said  Mary  was  sent  to  her  mothej, 
and  now,  forgetting  himself  too  soon,  he  says,  she  was  pre- 
sent when  Elizabeth  was  born.  What  Mary's  thoughts 
were,  none  can  tell,  but  she  publicly  acknowledged  her  to 
be  her  sister,  though  she  did  not  use  her  as  one. 

67.  He  says  (p.  80),  "Elizabeth  Barton,  who  was  famed 
for  her  sanctity,  and  six  with  her,  who  thought  she  was  in- 
spired by  the  Holy  Ghost,  were  accused  in  parliament." 

Those  six  knew  that  she  was  not  inspired;  and  that  all 
that  was  given  out  about  her  |was  a  contrivance  of  theirs, 
who  had  instructed  her  to  play  such  tricks ;  as  was  proved 
by  their  own  confessions  and  other  evidences. 

68.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  They  all  died  very  constantly ;" 
and  on  the  margent  calls  them  "  seven  martyrs." 

The  Nun  herself  acknowledged  the  imposture  at  her 
death,  and  laid  the  heaviest  weight  of  it  on  the  priests  that 
suffered  with  her,  who  had  taught  her  the  cheat ;  so  that 
they  died  both  for  treason  and  imposture.  And  this  being 
Sanders's  faith,  as  appeared  by  his  works,  they  were  indeed 
martyrs  for  it. 

^.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  More  and  Fisher,  having  examined 
her,  could  see  no  ground  to  think  she  was  acted  by  a  fanati- 
cal spirit,  as  it  was  given  out." 

It  was  not  given  out  that  she  was  acted  by  a  fanatical 
spirit,  for  that  had  been  more  honest ;  but  her  spirit  was 
cheating  and  knavery.  More  cleared  himself,  and  looked 
on  her  as  a  weak  woman,  and  commonly  called  her  the  Silly 
Maid.  But  Fisher  did  disown  her  when  the  cheat  was 
discovered,  though  he  had  given  her  too  much  encourage- 
ment before. 

70.  He  says  (p.  81),  "The  thing  she  prophesied  came  to 
pass;  which  was,  that  Mary  should  be  Queen  of  England." 

The  thing  for  which  she  and  her  complices  were  attainted 
of  treason,  was,  that  she  said.  If  the  King  married  Anne  Bo- 
leyn ,  he  slionld  not  he  a  King  a  month  longer,  and  not  an  hour 
longer  in  the  sight  of  God,  and  should  die  a  villain's  death. 
But  it  did  not  serve  Sanders's  ends  to  tell  this. 

71.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  The  day  she  suffered,  many  of  the 
nobility  came  and  swore  to  the  succession  of  the  issue  of  the 
King's  marriage  with  Queen  Anne,  before  the  Archbishop 
of  Canterbury,  the  Lord  Chancellor,  and  Cromwell." 

Both  Houses  of  Parliament  did  in  the  House  of  Lords 
take  that  oath,  on  the  day  of  their  prorogation,  which  was 
the  30th  of  March,  as  appears  by  the  second  act  of  the  next 
session:  and  the  Nun,  with  her  complices,  did  not  suffer 
till  the  21st  of  April  after. 

72.  He  says  (ioid.),  "  The  Franciscans  of  the  observance. 


chiefly  two  fathers  in  London,  Elston  and  Payton,  did,  both 
in  their  sermons  and  public  disputes,  justify  the  King's  mar- 
riage with  Queen  Katherine." 

Elston  and  Payton  were  not  of  London,  but  of  Green- 
wich. They  compared  the  King  to  Achab,  and  said,  in  the 
pulpit,  to  his  face,  The  dogs  should  lick  his  blood  ;  with  many 
other  such  virulent  expressions.  But  to  rail  at  a  Prince 
with  the  most  spiteful  reproaches  that  could  be,  was  a  part 
of  Sanders's  faith ,  and  so  no  wonder  those  pass  for  confes- 
sors, when  Elizabeth  Barton,  and  her  complices,  are  rec- 
koned martyrs. 

>  73.  He  says  (p.  82),  "  Tonstal,  bishop  of  Duresme,  vyas 
ordered  by  the  King's  messengers  not  to  come  to  the  session 
■of  parliament  26  regni,  in  which  the  King's  supremacy  was 

In  this  he  is  safer  than  in  some  other  stories,  for  the 
journals  of  that  session  are  lost,  so  the  falsehood  of  this 
t;annot  be  demonstrated  :  yet  it  is  not  at  all  likely,  that  he 
who  justified  all  that  was  done  in  the  former  session,  in 
which  the  Pope's  power  was  put  down,  the  nomination  of 
bishops  annexed  to  the  Crown,  a  reformation  of  ecclesi- 
astical laws  appointed  to  be  made,  in  defence  of  all  which 
he  wrote  afterwards,  was  now  so  scrupulous  as  to  be  or- 
tlered  to  stay  at  home.  But  Tonstal  suffering  imprison- 
ment in  Edward  the  Sixth's  time,  it  was  fit  to  use  some  art 
to  shew  that  he  was  unwillingly  brought  to  comply  with  the 

74.  He,  to  shew  God's  judgments  on  the  chief  instru- 
ments that  served  the  King,  says  (ibid.),  "  That  the  Duke 
of  Norfolk  was  by  the  King  condemned  to  perpetual  impri- 

This  betrays  palpable  ignorance,  since  he  was  attainted 
of  high  treason  the  very  day  before  the  King's  death,  and 
should  have  suffered  the  next  day,  if  the  King's  death  had 
not  prevented  it.  But  since  he  will  descant  on  the  provi- 
dence of  God,  he  should  rather  have  concluded  that  his 
escaping  so  narrowly  was  a  sign  of  God's  great  care  of  him. 

75.  In  the  session  of  parliament  that  met  the  3d  of  No- 
vember (as  he  describes  it,  which  was  the  26th  year  of  the 
King's  reign),  he  says  (ibid.),  "  Mary  the  King's  daughter 
was  illegitimated,  and  all  her  honours  were  transferred  on 
Elizabeth,  and  the  Pope's  power  put  down." 

This  shews  he  never  looked  on  our  public  statutes ; 
otherwise  he  had  seen  that  these  acts  passed  in  the  former 

76.  He  says  (p.  84),  "  When  the  King  sent  his  ambassa- 

368  APPEN01X. 

dors  to  the  French  court,  Francis  would  not  so  much  as  hear 
them  give  a  justification  of  the  King's  proceedings." 

How  true  this  can  be,  the  world  may  judge,  since  these 
two  Kings  continued  in  a  firm  alliance  eight  years  after 
this.  And  Francis  did  often  treat,  both  with  him  and  the 
Princes  of  Germany,  about  these  things,  and  was  inclined 
to  do  almost  all  that  he  did. 

77.  He  says  (ibid.),  "The  Lutherans  did  so  abominate 
the  grounds  of  his  separation  from  Rome,  that  they  could 
never  be  induced  to  approve  it ;"  for  which  he  cites  Coch- 
leus,  an  author  of  his  own  kidney. 

They  did  condemn  the  King's  first  marriage  as  unlawful, 
and  thought  the  Pope's  dispensation  had  no  force  ;  and  so 
far  they  approved  it.  But  they  had  this  singular  opinion, 
that  he  should  have  continued  unmarried  as  long  as  Queen 
Katherine  lived.  Yet  in  that  they  were  so  modest  that 
they  only  desired  to  be  excused,  as  to  the  second  marriage  : 
which,  considering  that  Queen  Anne  favoured  their  doc- 
trine, and  that,  by  an  absolute  compliance  with  what  the 
King  had  done,  they  might  have  secured  his  protection  to 
themselves,  whom  otherwise  they  provoked  highly,  is  an 
evidence  of  a  strict  adhering  to  what  their  consciences  dic- 
tated, that  cannot  be  sufficiently  commended. 

78.  He  says  (p.  85},  "  The  King  made  many  write  apolo- 
gies for  what  he  did :  which  some  did  willingly,  being 
tainted  with  heresy,  others  unwillingly,  and  for  fear,  as 
Gardiner  and  Tonstal." 

In  this  he  shews  how  little  judgment  he  had  of  the  nature 
of  things,  when  he  thinks  to  excuse  their  writing  for  the 
King,  as  extorted  by  force.  To  have  done  it  through  error 
and  mistake,  was  much  the  softer  excuse ;  but  to  make 
them  men  of  such  prostituted  consciences,  as  not  only  to 
subscribe  and  swear,  but  to  write  with  learning  and  zeal, 
and  yet  against  their  consciences,  represents  them  guilty  of 
inexpressible  baseness.  Indeed  Gardiner  was  a  man  like 
enough  to  write  any  thing  that  might  please  the  King  ;  but 
Tonstal  was  a  man  of  greater  probity  than  to  have  done  so 
unworthy  a  thing  upon  any  account  whatsoever.  But  since 
he  mentioned  writers,  he  should  have  named  Longland, 
bishop  of  Lincoln,  Stokesley,  bishop  of  London,  and  above 
all,  Bonner,  who  did  officiously  thrust  himself  into  the  de- 
bate, by  writing  a  preface  to  Gardiner's  book,  with  the 
greatest  vehemence  that  could  be.  But  the  blood  he  shed 
afterwards  did  so  endear  him  to  this  author,  that  all  past 
faults  were  forgiven,  and  to  be  clean  forgotten. 

7&.  He  says  (p.  86),  "  Five  martyrs  suffered  because  they 


would  not  swear  the  King's  supremacy  according  to  the  law 
that  was  then  passed." 

There  was  no  such  law  made  at  that  lime,  nor  could  any 
such  oath  be  then  put  to  them.  The  only  oath  which  the 
parliament  had  enacted  was  the  oath  of  the  succession,  and 
the  refusing  it  was  only  misprision  of  treason,  and  was  not 
punishable  by  death.  But  it  was  for  denying  the  King's 
supremacy,  and  for  writing  and  speaking  both  against  it, 
and  his  marriage,  that  they  suffered  according  to  law. 

80.  He  says  (p.  87),  "  Cromwell  threatened  the  jury  in 
the  King's  name  with  certain  death,  if  they  did  not  bring 
them  in  guilty." 

Every  body,  that  knows  the  law  of  England,  will  soon 
conclude  this  to  be  a  lie:  for  no  such  threatenings  were  ev^r 
made  in  trials  in  this  nation.  Nor  was  there  any  need  at 
this  time  ;  for  the  law  was  so  plain,  and  the  facts  so  clearly 
proved,  that  the  jury  could  not  refuse  to  bring  them  in 

81.  He  says  (p.  88,  89),  The  three  Carthusians  that  suf- 
fered, were  made  to  stand  upright  and  in  one  place  fourteen 
days  together,  with  irons  about  their  necks,  arms,  and  legs, 
before  they  died :  and  then  with  great  pomp  he  describes 
their  death  in  all  its  parts,  as  if  it  had  been  a  new-devised 
cruelty,  it  being  the  death  which  the  law  appoints  for  trai- 
tors. He  tells,  that  Cromwell  lamented  that  others  of  them 
had  died  in  their  cells,  and  so  prevented  his  cruelty.  He 
also  adds  a  long  story  of  the  severities  against  the  Fran- 

All  this  he  drew  from  his  learning  in  the  legend.  The 
English  nation  knows  none  of  these  cruelties,  in  which  the 
Spanish  inquisitors  are  very  expert.  I  find,  by  some  origi- 
nal letters,  that  the  Carthusians  who  were  shut  up  in  their 
cells,  lived  about  a  year  after  this;  so  if  Cromwell  had  de- 
signed to  take  away  their  lives,  he  wanted  not  opportuni- 
ties :  but  it  appears  from  what  More  writ  in  his  imprison- 
ment, that  Cromwell  was  not  a  cruel  man,  but,  on  the  con- 
trary, merciful  and  gentle.  And  for  the  Franciscans,  though 
they  had  offended  the  King  highly,  two  of  them  railing 
spitefully  at  him  to  his  face,  in  his  chapel  at  Greenwich, 
yet  that  was  passed  over  with  a  reproof :  from  which  it  ap- 
pears that  he  was  not  easily  provoked  against  them.  So  all 
that  relation  which  he  gives,  being  without  any  authority, 
must  pass  for  a  part  of  the  poem. 

82.  He  says  (p.  91),  "  The  Bishop  of  Rochester  was  con- 
demned, because  he  would  not  acknowledge  the  King's  su- 
premacy in  ecclesiastical  matters." 

He  was  never  pressed  to  acknowledge  it,  but  was  con- 


demned  for  denying  it,  and  speaking  against  it ;  for  had  he 
kept  his  opinion  to  himself,  he  could  not  have  been  ques- 
tioned. But  the  denying  the  King's  titles,  of  which  his  be- 
ing supreme  head  was  one,  was  by  the  law  treason  ;  so  he 
was  tried  for  speaking  against  it,  and.  not  for  his  not  ac- 
knowledging it. 

83.  He  (p.  93)  runs  out  in  a  high  commendation  of  Fisher, 
and  among  other  things  mentions  his  *'  episcopal  and  apos- 
tolical charity." 

His  charity  was  burning  indeed.  He  was  a  merciless 
persecutor  of  heretics,  so  that  the  rigour  of  the  law,  under 
which  he  fell,  was  the  same  measure  that  he  had  measured^ 
out  to  others. 

84.  Sanders  will  let  the  world  see  how  carefully  he  had  . 
read  the  legend,  and  how  skilfully  he  could  write  after  that 
copy,  in  a  pretty  fabulous  story  concerning  Moie's  death; 
to  whom  I  will  deny  none  of  the  praises  due  to  his  memory, 
for  his  great  learning,  and  singular  probity  :  nor  had  he  any 
blemish,  but  what  flowed  from  the  leaven  of  that  cruel  re- 
ligion, which  carried  him  to  great  severities  against  those 
that  preached  for  a  reformation.  His  daughter  Roper  was  a 
woman  of  great  virtue,  and  worthy  of  such  a  father,  who 
needed  none  of  Sanders's  art  to  represent  her  well  to  the 
world.  His  story  is  (p.  100),  "  That  the  morning  her  father 
died,  she  went  about  distributing  all  the  money  she  had  in 
alms  to  the  poor :  and  at  last  was  at  her  prayers  in  a  church, 
when  of  a  sudden  she  remembered  that  she  had  forgot  to 
provide  a  winding  sheet  for  his  body  ;  but  having  no  more 
money  left,  and  not  being  well  known  in  that  place,  she 
apprehended  they  would  not  give  her  credit :  yet  she  went 
to  a  linen  draper's  shop,  and  calling  for  so  much  cloth,  she 
put  her  hand  in  her  pocket,  knowing  she  had  nothing  in  it, 
but  intending  to  make  an  excuse,  and  try  if  they  would 
trust  her.  But  by  a  miracle  she  found  the  price  of  the 
sheet,  and  neither  more  nor  less,  was  conveyed  into  her 
pocket."  This  is  such  a  lively  essay  of  the  man's  spirit  that 
invented  it,  that  I  leave  it  without  any  further  commentary. 

85.  He  says  (p.  1Q5),  "  Lee,  that  was  not  in  orders,  was 
sent  to  visit  the  monasteries,  who  solicited  the  chastity  of 
the  nuns." 

He  does  not  mention  Leighton  and  London,  the  two  chief 
visitors,  for  Leighton  brought  in  Lee  :  but  they  were  of  the 
Popish  party,  and  Lee  was  Cranmer's  friend,  therefore  all 
must  be  laid  on  him.  He  was  in  orders,  and  soon  after  was 
made  dean  of  York.  1  have  seen  complaints  of  Dr.  Lon- 
don's soliciting  the  nuns,  yet  I  do  not  find  Lee  complained 
of,    But  since  London  was  a  persecutor  of  heretics,  such  a 


small  kindness  as  the  concealing  his  name,  and  the  turning 
the  blame  over  on  Lee,  was  not  to  be  stood  on  among  friends, 
especially  by  a  man  of  Sanders's  ingenuity. 

86.  (p.  107)  For  the  correspondence  between  Q.  Kathe- 
rine  and  Father  Forest,  and  the  letters  that  passed,  since 
Sanders  tells  us  not  a  word  how  he  came  by  them,  we  are 
to  look  on  them  as  a  piece  of  the  romance. 

87.  He  says  (p.  114),  "Anne  Boleyn  bore  a  monstrous 
and  a  mis-haped  lump  of  flesh,  when  the  time  of  her  bearing 
another  child  came." 

"  She  bore  a  dead  child  before  the  time,"  says  Hall ;  but 
there  was  no  great  reproach  in  that,  unless  made  up  by  San- 
ders's wit. 

88.  He  lays  out  the  business  of  Anne  Boleyn  with  so 
much  spite  and  malice,  that  we  may  easily  see  against 
whom  he  chiefly  designed  this  part  of  his  work.  He  says 
(p.  115),  "  She  was  found  guilty  of  adultery  and  incest." 

There  was  no  evidence  against  her,  but  only  a  hearsay 
from  the  Lady  Wingfield:  we  neither  know  the  credit  of 
that  lady,  nor  of  the  person  who  related  it  in  her  name.  It 
is  true,  Mark  Smeton  did  confess  his  adultery  with  the 
Queen  :  but  it  was  generally  thought  he  was  drawn  into  it 
by  some  promises  that  were  made  to  him,  and  so  cheated 
out  of  his  life  :  but  for  the  Queen,  and  the  other  four,  they 
attested  their  innocency  to  the  last :  nor  would  any  of  those 
unfortunate  persons  redeem  their  lives  at  so  ignominious  a 
rate  as  to  charge  the  Queen,  whom  they  declared  they 
knew  to  be  innocent ;  so  that  all  the  evidence  against  her 
was  a  hearsay  of  a  woman  that  was  dead,  the  confession  of 
a  poor  musician,  and  some  idle  words  herself  spake  of  the 
discourses  that  had  passed  between  her  and  some  of  those 

89.  He  says  (p.  116),  "Foreigners  did  generally  rejoice 
at  her  fall  ;"  and  to  prove  this,  he  cites  Cochleus's  words, 
that  only  shew  that  author's  ill  opinion  of  her. 

The  Germans  had  so  treat  a  value  of  her,  that  all  their 
correspondence  with  the  King  fell  to  the  ground  with  her  : 
but  he  may  well  cite  Cochleus,  an  author  of  the  same  ho- 
nesty with  himself,  from  whose  writings  we  may  with  the 
like  security  make  a  judgment  of  foreign  matters,  as  we  may 
upon  Sanders's  testimony  believe  the  account  he  gives  of  En- 
glish affairs. 

90.  He  tells  us,  among  other  things  done  by  the  King,  and 
picks  it  out  as  the  only  instance  he  mentions  of  the  King's 
injunctions  (p.  1 17),  "  That  the  people  should  be  taught  in 
churches  the  Lord's  Prayer,  the  Ave,  the  (reed,  and  the 
Ten  Commandments  in  English.'' 

Vol..  I,  Part  II.  2  X 


It  seems  this  author  thought  the  giving  these  elements  of 
religion  to  the  people  in  the  vulgar  tongue  a  very  Jieinous 
crime,  when  this  is  singled  out  from  all  the  rest. 

91.  "  That  being  done,"  he  says  (ibid.),  "there  was  next 
a  book  published,  called  Articles,  appointed  by  the  King's 
Majesty,"  which  were  the  Six  Articles. 

This  shews  that  he  either  had  no  information  of  English 
affairs,  or  was  sleeping  when  he  wrote  this:  for  the  Six  Ar- 
ticles were  not  published  soon  after  the  Injunctions,  as  he 
makes  it,  by  the  same  parliament  and  convocation,  but 
three  years  after,  by  another  parliament :  they  were  never 
put  in  a  book,  nor  published  in  the  King's  name ;  they  were 
enacted  in  parliament,  and  are  neither  more  nor  less  than 
twenty-five  lines  in  the  first  impression  of  that  act ;  so  far 
short  come  they  of  a  book. 

92.  He  reckons  up  very  defectively  the  differences  be- 
tween the  Church  of  Rome  and  the  doctrine  set  forth  by 
the  King's  authority  :  but  in  one  point  he  shews  his  ordinary 
wit;  for  in  the  sixth  particular,  he  says  (p.  119),  "  He  re- 
tained the  sacrament  of  order,  but  appointed  a  new  form  of 
consecrating  of  bishops." 

This  he  put  in  out  of  malice,  that  he  might  annul  the  or- 
dinations of  that  time  :  but  the  thing  is  false,  for  except  that 
the  bishops,  instead  of  their  oaths  of  obedience  to  the  Pope, 
which  they  formerly  swore,  did  now  swear  to  the  King,  there 
was  no  other  change  made  ;  and  that,  to  be  sure,  is  no  part 
of  the  form  of  consecration. 

93.  He  resolved  once  to  speak  what  he  thought  was 
truth,  though  it  be  treasonable  and  impious :  and  says 
(p.  120),  "  Upon  these  changes,  many  in  Lincolnshire,  and 
the  northern  parts,  did  rise  for  religion,  and  the  faith  of 

This  was  indeed  the  motive  by  which  their  seditious 
priests  misled  them  ;  yet  he  is  mistaken  in  the  time,  for  it 
was  not  after  the  Six  Articles  were  published,  but  almost 
three  years  before  it.  Nor  was  it  for  the  Faith  of  Christ, 
which  teaches  us  to  be  humble,  subject,  and  obedient ;  but 
because  tbe  King  was  removing  some  of  the  corruptions  of 
that  faith,  which  their  false  teachers  did  impiously  call  the 
faith  of  Christ. 

94.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  The  King  did  promise  most  faith- 
fully that  all  these  things  of  which  they  complained  should 
be  amended." 

This  is  so  evidently  false,  that  it  is  plain  Sanders  resolved 
dexterously  to  avoid  the  speaking  of  any  sort  of  truth  :  for 
the  King  did  fully  and  formally  tell  them,  he  would  not  be 
directed  nor  counselled  by  them  in  these  points  they  com- 


plained  of,  and  did  only  offer  them  an  amnesty  for  what 
was  past. 

95.  Then  he  reckons  up  thirty-two  that  died  for  the 
(p.  121)  "  defence  oi  the  faith." 

They  were  attainted  of  treason,  for  being  in  actual  rebel- 
lion against  the  King  :  and  thus  it  appears  that  rebellion 
was  the  faith  in  his  sense  ;  and  himself  died  for  it,  or  rather 
in  it,  having  been  starved  to  death  in  a  wood,  to  which  he 
fled  after  one  of  his  rebellious  attempts  on  his  Sovereign,  in 
which  he  was  the  Pope's  nuncio. 

96.  He  says  (p.  122),  "  The  King  killed  the  Earl  of  Kil- 
dare,  and  five  of  his  uncles." 

By  this  strange  way  of  expressing  a  legal  attainder,  and 
the  execution  of  a  sentence  for  manifest  treason  and  re- 
bellion, he  would  insinuate  on  the  reader  a  fancy,  that  one 
of  Bonner's  cruel  fits  had  iaken  the  King,  and  that  he  had 
killed  those  with  his  own  hand.  The  Lord  Herbert  has 
fully  opened  that  part  of  the  history,  from  the  Records  that 
he  saw  ;  and  shews  that  a  more  resolved  rebellion  could 
not  be  than  that  was,  of  which  the  Earl  of  Kildare  and  his 
uncles  were  guilty.  But  because  they  sent  to  the  Pope 
and  Emperor  for  assistance,  the  Earl  desiring  to  hold  the 
kingdom  of  Ireland  of  the  Pope,  since  the  King  by  his  heresy 
had  fallen  from  his  right  to  it,  Sanders  must  needs  have  a 
great  kindness  for  their  memory,  who  thus  suffered  for  his 

97.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  Queen  Jane  Seymour  being  in  hard 
labour  of  Prince  Edward,  the  King  ordered  her  body  to  be 
so  opened  by  surgeons,  that  she  died  soon  after." 

All  this  is  false,  for  she  had  a  good  delivery,  as  many 
original  letters  written  by  her  council  (that  have  been  since 
printed)  do  shew  ;  but  she  died  two  days  after  of  a  distem- 
per incident  to  her  sex. 

98.  (P.  124)  He  sets  down  some  passages  of  Cardinal 
Pole's  neroical  constancy  5  which  being  proved  by  no  evi- 
dence, and  not  being  told  by  any  other  writer  (whom  I  ever 
saw),  are  to  be  looked  on  as  the  flourishes  of  the  Poet  to  set 
off  his  hero. 

99.  (P.  125)  He  would  persuade  the  world,  that  the 
Marquis  of  Exeter,  the  Lord  Montacute,  and  the  rest  that 
suffered  at  that  time,  died,  because  they  were  believed  to 
dislike  the  King's  wicked  proceedings  ;  and  that  the  Coun- 
tess of  Sarum  was  beheaded  on  this  single  account,  that  she 
was  the  mother  of  such  a  son,  and  was  sincerely  addicted  to 
the  catholic  faith :  and  that  she  was  condemned,  because 
she  wrote  to  her  son,  and  for  wearing  in  her  breast  the 
picture  of  the  five  wounds  of  Clirist. 

The  Marquis  of  Exeter  pretended  he  was  well  satisfied 


with  the  King's  proceedings,  and  was  lord  steward  when 
the  Lords  Darcy  and  Hussy  were  tried,  and  he  gave  judg- 
ment against  them.  But  it  being  discovered  that  he  and 
other  persons  approved  of  Cardinal  Pole's  proceedings, 
who  endeavoured  to  engage  all  Christian  princes  in  a 
league  against  the  King,  pursuant  to  which  they  had  ex- 
pressed themselves  on  several  occasions,  resolved,  when  a 
iit  opportunity  offered  itself,  to  rebel ;  it  was  no  wonder  if 
the  King  proceeded  against  them  according  to  law.  And  for 
the  Countess  of  Sarum,  though  the  legality  of  that  sentence 
passed  against  her  cannot  be  defended,  yet  she  had  given 
great  oftence  :  not  only  by  her  correspondence  with  her 
son,  but  by  the  bull  she  had  received  from  Rome,  and  by 
her  opposing  the  King's  injunctions,  hindering  all  her  te- 
nants to  read  the  New  Testament,  or  any  other  book  set 
out  by  the  King's  order.  And  for  the  picture,  which  was 
found  among  her  clothes,  it  having  been  the  standard  of 
the  rebellion,  and  the  arms  of  England  being  found  on  the 
other  side  of  it,  there  was  just  ground  to  suspect  an  ill  de- 
sign in  it. 

100.  He  says  (p.  129),  "  The  images  which  the  King  de- 
stroyed, were,  by  many  wonderful  works  of  God,  recom- 
mended to  the  devotion  of  the  nation." 

All  the  wonder  in  these  works  was  the  knavery  of  some 
juggling  impostors,  and  the  simplicity  of  a  credulous  multi- 
tude, oi  which  see  the  History,  which  being  so  openly  disco- 
vered, nothing  that  had  shame  in  it  could  speak  of  them  as 
our  Author  does- 

101.  He  says  (p.  131),  "  Six  and  twenty  carts,  drawn 
with  oxen,  were  loaded  with  the  riches  taken  from  Thomas 
Becket's  shrine  ;"  whom  he  makes  a  most  glorious  martyr, 
that  died  for  the  defence  of  the  faith,  and  was  honoured  by 
many  miracles  after  his  death. 

Other  writers  have  sufficiently  shewed  what  a  perfidious, 
ungrateful,  and  turbulent  priest  he  was.  AH  these  were 
virtues  in  our  Author's  opinion,  and  ingredients  in  his  faith. 
But  he  has  in  this  account  of  the  riches  of  that  shrine  gone 
beyond  himself,  having  by  a  figure  of  speech  very  faniiliar  to 
him  (called  lying),  increased  two  chests  (see  the  History), 
to  twenty-six  cart-loads. 

102.  He  says  (p.  132),  •*  The  sentence  which  Pope  Paul 
gave  out  against  the  King  was  affixed  in  some  towns,  both 
in  France,  Flanders,  and  Scotland  :"  from  which  he  infers, 
that  both  the  Emperor,  the  French,  and  the  Scotch  King  did 
consent  to  that  sentence. 

In  this  he  designed  an  eminent  piece  of  service  to  the 
Apostolic  See,  to  leave  on  record  an  evidence  that  three 
sovereign  Princes  had  acknowledged  the  Pope's  power  ot 


(leposing  kings.  But  he  did  ill  to  name  the  proofs  of  his 
assertion,  and  had  done  better  to  have  said  simply  that  it 
was  so,  than  to  have  founded  it  on  so  ill  grounds  :  as  if 
the  affixing  papal  bulls  in  a  place  were  an  evidence  that 
the  princes,  in  whose  dominions  it  was  done,  consented  to 
it.  He  might  with  the  same  reason  have  concluded,  that 
Queen  Elizabeth  consented  to  the  sentence  against  herself, 
which  it  is  very  like  will  not  be  easily  believed,  though  the 
bull  was  affixed  in  London.  But  all  those  very  Princes 
whom  he  names,  continuing  to  keep  up  their  correspondence 
with  the  King,  as  well  after  as  before  this  sentence,  is  a 
much  clearer  demonstration  that  they  despised  the  Pope's 

103.  He  says  (p.  134),  "  The  King,  by  his  own  authority, 
threw  all  the  begging  orders  out  of  their  houses." 

The  falsehood  of  this  ha?  appeared  already,  for  they  re- 
signed their  houses  to  the  King  :  and  of  these  resignations, 
though  many  were  destroyed,  yet  near  a  hundred  are  still 

104.  He  says  Cibid.),  "  The  parliament,  in  the  year  1539, 
gave  the  King  all  the  great  monasteries." 

The  parliament  passed  no  such  act;  all  that  they  did, 
was  only  to  confirm  the  grants  made,  or  to  be  made,  by 
these  houses  to  the  King.  It  was  their  surrenders  that 
clothed  the  King  with  the  right  to  thern.  All  the  tragical 
stories  he  tells  us  that  followed  upon  this,  are  founded  on  a 
false  foundation. 

105.  He  sets  down  a  form  of  a  resignation,  which  he  says 
(p.  135),  "  All  the  Abbots,  and  many  religious  persons 
were  made  to  sign  and  set  their  seals  to  it." 

Among  all  their  resignations  which  are  yet  extant,  there  is 
not  one  in  this  form  ;  for  which  see  the  History. 

106.  He  says  (p.  136),  "  The  King's  commissioners,  who 
went  about  getting  hands  to  that  form,  made  them  believe  in 
every  house,  that  all  the  rest  had  signed  it ;  and  so  by  that, 
and  other  persuasions,  prevailed  with  many  to  set  their 
hands  to  it." 

If  all  the  subscriptions  had  been  procured  about  the 
same  time,  such  arts  might  be  suspected;  but  in  a  thing 
that  was  three  years  a-doing,  these  tricks  could  not  have 
served  their  turn. 

107.  He  says  (ibid.),  "  They  told  the  monks,  that  though 
the  King  might,  by  virtue  of  the  act  of  parliament,  seize  on 
their  houses  and  rents,  yet  he  desired  rather  to  do  it  with 
their  good- will." 

In  this  there  are  two  errors;  first,  most  of  these  houses 
were  resigned  to   the  King  before  the  act  of  parliament, 

2  13 


(see  the  History),  and  next,  the  act  of  parliament  only 
confirmed  their  deeds,  but  did  not  give  their  houses  to  the 

108.  He  says  (p.  137),  "  The  Abbots  of  Glassenbury,  Col- 
chester, and  Reading,  suffered  martyrdom  because  they  re- 
fused to  set  their  hands  to  that  writing." 

There  was  no  such  writing'  ever  offered  to  them  ;  nor 
was  there  any  law  to  force  them  to  resign  :  so  they  could 
not  sufl'er  on  that  account :  but  they  were  martyrs  for 
Sanders's  faith,  for  they  were  attainted  by  a  legal  trial  of 
high  treason. 

109.  "  He  tells  a  long  story  (p.  138),  of  Whitting  abbot 
of  Glassenbury's  being  brought  up  to  London,  to  be  pre- 
vailed with  to  set  his  hand  to  the  surrender.  Which  he  still 
refusing  to  do,  was  sent  back  ;  and  though  a  book  against 
the  King's  divorce  was  found  among  his  papers,  which  was 
laid  there  by  those  who  searched  for  it,  yet  that  was  passed 
over  in  a  chiding  :  but  as  he  went  home,  hearing  there  was 
a  meeting  of  the  county  at  Wells,  he  went  thither;  and  as 
he  was  going  up  to  his  place  on  the  bench,  he  was  called  to 
the  bar,  to  answer  some  things  that  were  to  be  objected  to 
him  :  he  was  amazed  at  it,  and  asked  what  the  matter  was  t 
But  one  told  him  he  needed  fear  nothing,  for  somewhat  was 
only  to  be  done  for  form,  to  terrify  others  :  upon  which  he 
was  condemned  and  sent  away  to  his  abbey,  little  thinking 
he  was  so  near  his  end  ;  but  when  he  came  near  it,  a  priest 
was  sent  to  him  to  take  his  confession,  for  they  told  him  he 
must  die  immediately  ;  he  begged  a  day  or  two's  respite,  but 
in  vain  :  so  they  hanged  him  up  in  his  habit,  on  the  top  of 
the  hill  near  his  abbey,  and  quartered  him  ;  and  all  this  was 
done  in  one  day." 

This  book  came  out  in  foreign  parts,  and  was  printed  at 
Eome,  in  the  reign  of  Sixtus  the  fifth,  who  took  great  plea- 
sure in  such  executions  as  he  describes  this  to  have  been  ; 
which  may  fall  oft  out,  where  the  lives  of  the  subjects  are 
wholly  at  the  prince's  mercy  :  but  to  tell  such  tales  of  Eng- 
land, which  is  so  famed  over  the  world  for  the  safety  and 
security  the  subjects  enjoy,  and  for  the  regular  and  legal 
proceedings  in  all  trials,  especially  of  life  and  death,  was  a 
great  enor  in  the  Poet ;  for  the  decorum  of  the  laws  and 
customs  of  a  place  must  be  observed,  when  any  nation  is 
made  the  scene  of  a  fable.  Put  as  nothing  like  this  can  be 
done  by  the  law  of  England,  so  there  was  nothing  of  it  in 
this  case  :  the  jury  that  sat  on  him  were  men  of  great  credit 
in  the  county  :  when  he  died,  he  acknowledged  his  of- 
fences ;  and,  with  appearance  of  repentance,  begged 
God's  pardon,  and  the  King's  (see  the  History), 


110.  After  many  bitter  invectives  against  Cromwell,  for 
which  I  could  never  see  good  evidence,  though  I  cannot  dis- 
prove them  by  any  convincing  arguments,  he  says  (p.  145), 
"  That  he  advised  the  King  to  make  a  law,  that  persons 
might  be  convented  and  condemned  in  absence,  and  with- 
out being  heard  :  and  that  this  law  first  of  all  fell  upon 

There  was  no  such  law  ever  made,  only  the  parliament, 
by  their  supreme  authority,  did  attaint  some  in  that  manner, 
but  no  other  court  might  d.o  it.  Nor  was  this  first  applied  to 
Cromwell ;  for  a  year  before  his  attainder,  the  Countess  of 
Sarum,  with  a  great  many  more,  were  so  attainted,  though 
she  did  not  suffer  till  a  year  after  him. 

111.  He  tells  many  reasons  (p.  145)  why  the  King  had  a 
mind  to  put  away  Anne  of  Cleve  :  but  in  this,  as  in  other 
things,  he  betrays  a  profound  ignorance  of  that  time  ;  for 
every  body  knew,  that  the  King,  from  the  first  time  he 
saw  her,  disliked  her,  and  that  he  never  consummated  the 

'Jhis  is  a  subject  not  fit  to  be  long  dwelt  on  :  but  if  any 
will  compare  the  account  I  give  of  this  matter  from  the  Re- 
cords with  Sanders's  tale,  they  will  see  that  he  wrote  at 
random,  and  did  not  so  much  as  know  public  transactions. 

112.  lie  says  (p.  146),  "  The  King  had  promised  to  the 
Emperor,  that  he  would  no  longer  continue  in  the  Srnal- 
caldick  league  ;  but  Cromwell  c6unterfeited  the  King's 
hand  to  a  new  confirmation  of  it ;  which  coming  to  the 
Emperor's  knowledge,  he  challenged  the  King  of  it :  ajad 
sent  him  over  a  copy  of  it ;  upon  which  the  King  disowned 
it,  and  cast  it  on  Cromwell,  and  that  this  was  the  cause  of 
his  fall." 

This  1  believe  is  one  of  Sanders's  dreams  :  there  is  not  one 
word  of  it  in  Cromwell's  attainder  ;  nor  do  I  find  the  least 
shadow  of  this  in  some  original  letters  which  he  wrote  to 
the  King  for  his  pardon,  in  which  he  answers  many  of  the 
things  laid  to  his  charge.  Nor  is  it  likely  he  would  adven- 
ture on  so  bold  a  thing  with  such  a  King,  nor  could  the  Em- 
peror have  that  writing  in  his  power,  as  lone  as  the  King 
lived  :  for  it  is  not  to  be  imagined  how  he  could  come  by  it, 
till  he  had  taken  the  Duke  of  Saxony  prisoner,  which  was 
after  this  King's  death. 

113.  He  says  (p.  148),  "  When  Cromwell  was  put  to  death, 
the  King  proceeded  to  the  divorce  of  Anne  of  Cleve." 

The  divorce  was  judged  by  the  convocation  eight  days  be- 
fore Cromwell's  death,  and  confirmed  in  parliament,  which 
was  dissolved  before  he  suffered. 

114.  lie  says  (p.  148),  "  The  King  sent  to  her,  to  tell  her 


he  had  a  mind  to  be  separated  from  her  ;  and  though  he 
could  proceed  more  severely  against  her,  since  he  knew  she 
was  an  heretic  ;  yet,  for  her  family's  sake,  he  left  it  to  her- 
self to  devise  any  reason  for  their  divorce :  upon  which  she 
came  next  day  to  the  senate  (which  may  be  either  the 
King's  council  or  the  parliament)  and  confessed  she  had 
been  married  to  another  before  she  was  married  to  the 
King  ;  and  thereupon,  by  the  authority  of  parliament,  he 
was  divorced,  and  within  eight  days  married  Katherine 

There  are  but  six  gross  errors  in  this  period.  1.  The 
King  sent  not  any  message  to  her,  nor  came  there  any  an- 
swer from  her  till  the  sentence  of  divorce  was  quite 
I>assed.  2.  In  the  original  letter  which  those  he  sent  to  her 
wrote  to  him  from  Richmond,  it  appears  that  they  used  no 
threatenings  to  her,  but  barely  told  her  what  was  done  ;  to 
which  she  acquiesced.  3.  She  never  came  from  Richmond  in 
all  that  process,  and  so  made  no  such  declaration  in  the 
senate.  4.  She  did  not  say  that  she  was  married  to  another, 
but  only  that  she  had  been  contracted  to  the  Prince  of  Lor- 
rain  when  she  was  under  age.  5.  The  parliament  did  not 
dissolve  the  marriage,  but  only  confirmed  the  sentence  of  the 
convocation.  6.  The  King  did  not  marry  Katherine  Howard 
before  the  8th  of  August,  and  the  divorce  was  judged  the 
10th  of  July,  a  month  wanting  two  days. 

115.  He  says  (p.  149),  "  the  King  had  consummated  the 
marriage  for  seven  months  together. 

There  were  but  six  months  between  his  marriage  and  the 
divorce  ;  and  in  all  that  while,  as  they  bedded  but  seldom, 
so  there  were  very  clear  evidences  brought,  that  it  was  not 

116.  He  says  (p.  151),  "  The  King  sent  the  Bishop  of 
Winchester,  and  Sir  Henry  Knevet,  to  the  diet  of  the  em- 
pire ;  who  were  ordered  to  propose  to  the  Emperor,  that  the 
King  might  be  again  reconciled  to  the  see  of  Rome;  to 
which,  he  adds,  his  conscience  did  drive  him  :  but  since 
the  King  would  not  confess  his  past  crimes,  nor  do  penance 
for  them,  nor  restore  the  goods  of  the  church,  it  came  to 

This  is  another  ornament  of  the  fable,  to  shew  the  Poet's 
wit ;  but  is  as  void  of  truth  as  any  passage  in  Plautus  or 
Terence  is.  For  the  King  was  all  his  life  so  intractable  in 
that  point,  that  the  Popish  party  had  no  other  way  to  main- 
tain their  interest  with  him,  but  to  comply,  not  without 
afFectation  in  that  matter :  and  when  an  information  was 
given  against  Gardiner,  for  his  holding  some  correspond- 
ence with  the  Pope's  kgate  at  the  diet,  he  got  the  man  who 


had  innocently  discovered  it,  to  be  put  in  prison  ;  and  said, 
it  was  a  plot  against  him  to  ruin  him,  which  he  needed  not 
be  so  solicitous  about,  if  his  instructions  from  the  King  had 
allowed  bim  to  enter  on  such  a  treatj-. 

117.  (p.  153)  He  runs  out  in  a  long  digression,  upon  the 
King's  assumin-  the  title  of  King  of  Ireland  ,  to  shew,  that 
the  icings  of  England  only  hold  Ireland  by  the  Pope's  do- 

In  this  Sanders  shews  his  art,  he  being  to  carry  the 
standard  of  rebellion  in  that  kingdom,  to  blast  the  King's 
right  to  it.  He  acknowledges  the  Crown  of  England  had 
the  dominion  of  Ireland,  with  the  title  of  Lord  of  Ireland, 
about  four  hundred  years :  and  certainly  if  so  long  a  pos- 
session does  not  give  a  good  title,  and  a  prescription  against 
all  other  pretenders,  most  of  the  r  yal  families  in  Christen- 
dom will  be  to  seek  for  their  rights.  But  he  says,  it  was 
given  by  the  Pope  to  King  Henry  the  Second  ;  and  yet  he 
confesses  that  he  had  conquered  some  parts  of  it  before 
that  grant  was  sent  him  by  Hadrian  the  Fourth.  Certainly 
King  Henry  the  Secontl  had  as  good  a  right  to  take  it  as 
Pope  Hadrian  had  to  give  it :  nor  was  the  King's  accepting 
the  Pope's  donation  any  prejudice  to  his  title  ;  for  things 
extorted  or  allowed  upon  a  public  error  can  have  no 
force,  when  that  is  openly  discovered.  If  then  the  su- 
perstition of  those  ages  made,  that  the  Pope's  donation 
was  a  great  help  to  any  pretender,  it  was  no  wonder  that 
kings  made  u=-,p  of  it  ;  but  it  were  a  wonder  indeed  if  they 
should  acknowledge  it,  after  the  trick  is  known  and  seen 
by  all. 

1 18.  After  this  (p.  162),  and  a  satire  against  Queen 
Elizabeth  for  assuming  the  title.  Defender  of  the  Faith,  and 
a  long  enumeration  of  the  exactions  in  the  last  years  of  this 
reign ;  in  which,  though  there  is  matter  enough  for  severe 
complaints,  yet  many  of  the  particulars  he  mentions  are 
without  any  proof,  and  must  rest  on  the  Author's  credit ; 
■which,  by  this  time,  the  reader  will  acknowledge  is  not  very 
great ;  —  another  long  discourse  of  some  length  follows,  of 
the  misfortunes  of  the  Duke  of  Norfolk,  and  of  all  that 
served  the  King  in  his  divorce,  and  in  the  following  actions 
of  his  life  :  from  which  he  infers,  that  these  were  effects  of 
a  curse  from  Heaven  upon  all  that  he  did,  and  on  all  those 
that  assisted  him  ;  but  as  the  inference  is  bad,  so  he  forgot 
to  mention  those  noble  families  that  were  raised  in  his 
time,  and  have  continued  since  in  great  honour;  as  the 
Seymours,  from  whom  the  Dukes  of  Somerset  are  de- 
scended ;  the  Paulets,  from  whom  the  Marquis  of  Win- 
chester   derives:     the    Russels,    Wriothslies,    Herberts, 


Riches,  and  Cromwells,  from  whom  the  Earls  of  Bedford, 
Southampton,  Pembroke,  Essex,  and  Ardglass  have  de- 
scended ;  and  the  Browns,  the  Petres,  the  Pagets,  the 
Norths,  and  the  Montagues,  from  whom  the  Vice-Count 
Montague,  the  Barons  Petre,  Paget,  North,  and  Montague, 
are  descended.  These  families  have  now  flourished  in  great 
wealth  and  honour  an  age  and  a  half ;  and  only  one  of  them 
has,  and  that  but  very  lately,  determined  in  the  male  line: 
but  the  illustrious  female  branches  of  it  are  intermixed  with 
other  noble  families.  So  that  the  observation  is  false,  and 
the  inference  is  weak. 

119.  He  says  (p.  164),  "When  the  King  found  his 
strength  declining,  he  had  again  some  thoughts  of  recon- 
ciling himself  to  the  Church  of  Rome  ,  which  when  it  was 
proposed  to  one  of  the  bishops,  he  made  a  flattering  answer. 
But  Gardiner  moved  that  a  parliament  might  be  called  for 
doing  it :  and  that  the  Kin^,  for  the  quiet  of  his  own  con- 
science, would  vow  to  do  It;  of  which  God  would  accept 
in  that  extremity,  when  more  was  not  possible  to  be  done. 
But  some  of  his  courtiers  coming  about  him,  who  were  very 
apprehensive  of  such  a  reconciliation,  lest  they  should  have 
been  made  restore  the  goods  of  the  church,  diverted  the 
King  from  it :"  and  from  this  our  Author  infers,  "  that 
what  the  King  had  done  was  against  his  conscience,  and 
that  so  he  sinned  the  sin  against  the  Holy  Ghost." 

I  shall  not  examine  this  theological  definition  of  the  sin 
against  the  Holy  Ghost,  for  my  quarrel  is  not  at  present 
with  his  divinity,  but  with  his  history  :  though  it  were  easy 
to  shew  that  he  is  alike  at  both.  But  for  this  story,  it  is  a 
pure  dream ;  for  not  only  there  is  no  evidence  for  it,  nor 
did  Gardiner  in  the  reign  of  Queen  Mary  ever  own  any  such 
thing,  though  it  had  been  then  much  for  the  credit  of  their 
cause,  especially  he  being  often  upbraided  with  his  com- 
pliances to  this  King,  for  which  the  mention  of  his  repent- 
ance had  furnished  him  with  a  good  answer :  but  as  the 
tale  is  told,  the  fiction  appears  too  plainly,  for  a  parliament 
veas  actually  sitting  during  the  King's  sickness,  which  was 
dissolved  by  his  death,  and  no  such  proposition  was  made 
in  it.  The  King,  on  the  contrary,  destroyed  the  chief 
hopes  of  the  Popish  party,  which  were  founded  on  the 
Duke  of  Norfolk's  greatness,  by  the  attainder  which  was 
passed  a  day  before  he  died.  And  yet  Sanders  makes  this 
discourse  to  have  been  between  the  King  and  Gardi- 
ner after  his  fall,  and  his  son's  death  ;  between  which, 
and  the  King's  death,  there  were  only  nine  days :  bui 
besides  all  this,  Gardiner  had  lost  the  King's  favour  a  con- 
siderable time  before  his  death. 


120.  He  says  (p.  166),  "  The  King,  that  he  might  not 
seem  never  to  have  done  any  good  work  in  his  whole  life,  as 
he  was  dying,  founded  Christ's  Church  Hospital  in  Lon- 
don ;  which  was  all  the  restitution  he  ever  made  for  the 
monasteries  and  churches  he  had  robbed  and  spoiled." 

If  it  had  not  already  appeared,  in  many  instances,  that 
our  Author  had  as  little  shame'as  honesty,  here  is  a  suffi- 
cient proof  of  it.  I  will  not  undertake  to  justify  the  King, 
as  if  he  had  done  what  he  ought  to  have  done,  in  his  new 
foundations :  but  it  is  the  height  of  impudence  to  deny 
things  that  all  England  knows.  He  founded  six  bishopricks ; 
he  endowed  deans  and  prebendaries,  with  all  the  other 
offices  belonging  to  a  cathedral,  in  fourteen  several  sees, 
Canterbury,  Winchester,  Duresme,  Ely,  Norwich,  Roches- 
ter, Worcester,  and  Carlisle ;  together  with  Westminster, 
Chester,  Oxford,  Gloucester,  Peterborough,  and  Bristol, 
where  he  endowed  bishopricks  likewise.  He  founded  many 
grammar-schools,  as  Burton,  Canterbury,  Coventry,  Wor- 
cester, &c.  He  founded  and  endowed  Trinity  College  in 
Cambridge,  which  is  one  of  the  noblest  foundations  in 
Christendom.  He  also  founded  professors  in  both  Uni- 
versities, for  Greek,  Hebrew,  law,  physic,  and  divinity. 
What  censure  then  deserves  our  Author,  for  saying,  that 
the  Hospital  of  Christ's  Church  was  all  the  restitution  he 
ever  made  of  the  church-lands  1 

121.  He  gives  a  character  of  the  King,  which  suits  very 
well  with  his  history,  his  malice  in  it  being  extravagantly 
ridiculous.  Among  other  things,  he  says  (p.  166),  "  The 
King  promoted  always  learned  bishops,  Cranmer  only  being 
excepted,  whom  he  advanced  to  serve  his  lusts." 

Cranmer  was  a  man  of  greater  learning  than  any  that 
ever  sat  in  that  see  before  him,  as  appears  in  every  thing 
that  he  writ :  Tonstal  was  a  learned  man,  and  Gardiner 
was  much  esteemed  for  learning  ;  yet  if  any  will  compare 
Cranmer's  books  of  the  sacrament,  with  those  the  other  two 
writ  on  the  same  subject,  there  is  so  great  a  difference  be- 
tween the  learning  and  solidity  of  the  one  and  the  other, 
that  no  man  of  common  ingenuity  can  lead  them  but  he 
must  confess  it. 

122.  He  says  (p.  170),  "  When  the  King  found  himself 
expiring  he  called  for  a  bowl  of  white  wine,  and  said  to  one 
that  was  near  him,  We  have  lost  all :  and  was  often  heard 
repeating  Monks,  Monks,  and  so  he  died." 

This  was  to  make  the  fable  end  as  it  had  gone  on,  and 
it  is  forged  without  any  authority  or  appearance  of  truth. 
The  manner  of  his  death  was  already  told,  so  it  needs  not  be 


123.  He  says  (p.  172),  "  The  King  by  his  will  appointed 
the  Crown  to  go  to  his  righteous  heirs  after  his  three  chil- 
dren, and  commanded  his  son  to  be  bred  a  true  catholic  : 
but  his  will  was  changed,  and  another  was  forged,  by  which 
the  line  of  Scotland  was  excluded,  and  they  bred  his  son  a 

There  was  no  such  will  ever  heard  of;  and  in  all  the 
debates  that  were  managed  in  Queen  Elizabeth's  reign 
about  the  succession,  those  that  pleaded  for  the  Scottish 
line  never  alleged  this  ;  which,  had  it  been  true,  did  put  an 
end  to  the  whole  controversy.  It  was  indeed  said,  that 
the  will,  which  was  given  out  as  the  King's  will,  was  not 
signed  by  his  hand,  nor  sealed  by  his  order,  but  it  was  never 
pretended  that  there  was  any  other  will ;  so  this  is  one 
of  our  Author's  forgeries. 

The  Coiclusiou. 

Thus  I  have  traced  him  in  this  history,  and  I  hope  I  have 
said  much  more  than  was  necessary  to  prove  him  a  writer 
of  no  credit,  and  that  his  book  ought  to  have  no  authority, 
since  he  was  not  only  a  stranger  to  the  public  transactions, 
printed  statutes,  and  the  other  authentic  registers  of  that 
time,  but  was  a  bold  and  impudent  assertor  of  the  grossest 
and  most  malicious  lies,  that  ever  were  contrived.  1  have  not 
examined  all  the  errors  of  his  chronology,  for  there  is  scarce 
any  thing  told  in  its  right  order,  and  due  place;  nor  have 
I  insisted  on  all  the  passages  he  tells  without  any  proof, 
or  appearance  of  truth  ;  for  as  I  could  only  deny  these 
without  any  other  evidence  but  what  was  negative,  so 
there  are  so  many  of  them,  that  I  must  have  transcribed 
the  greatest  part  of  his  book,  if  I  had  considered  them  all. 
I  have  therefore  only  singled  out  these  passages,  which  I  had 
in  the  former  History  demonstrated  to  be  false  :  and  these 
are  both  so  many  and  so  important,  that  I  am  sure  enough 
is  said  to  destroy  the  credit  of  that  Author,  and  of  his  book, 
which  has  too  long  deceived  the  world.  And  what  is  per- 
formed in  this  first  part,  will  I  hope  dispossess  the  reader  of 
any  ill  impressions  the  following  parts  of  that  work  have 
made  on  him,  concerning  the  succeeding  reigns,  of  which  an 
account  shall  be  given,  as  soon  as  it  possibly  can  be  made 

I  shall  esteem  my  time  to  have  been  well  employed,  and 
my  pains  rightly  placed,  if  my  endeavours  have  so  good 
an  effect  as  to  take  off  the  unjust  prejudices  which  some 
may  have  conceived  at  the  changes  that  were  then  made  in 
religion  :  or  at  the  beginnings  of  them,  which  being  repre- 


sented  by  this  Author,  and  upon  his  testimony  by  many 
other  writers,  in  such  odious  characters  to  the  world,  are 
generally  so  ill  looked  on. 

The  work  itself  was  so  good,  done  upon  so  much  rea- 
son, managed  with  such  care,  directed  by  such  wisdom, 
and  tempered  with  so  great  moderation,  that  those  who  in- 
tended to  blast  it,  did  very  wisely  to  load  it  with  some 
such  prejudices  :  for  if  without  these  the  thing  itself  be 
examined  by  men  of  a  candid  temper  and  solid  judgment, 
the  opposers  of  it  know  well  where  the  truth  lies  ;  and  on 
whose  side  both  the  Scriptures  and  the  best  ages  of  the 
primitive  church  have  declared.  But  it  was  not  fit  to  put  a 
question  of  such  importance  on  so  doubtful  and  so  dan- 
gerous an  issue  :  therefore  it  was  well  considered  by  them, 
that  some  popular  and  easily  understood  calumnies,  to  dis- 
grace the  beginnings  of  it,  and  the  persons  that  were  most 
employed  in  it,  were  to  be  fastened  on  them  :  and  if  these 
could  be  once  generally  received,  then  men  might  be  alie- 
nated from  it  by  a  shorter  way  than  could  be  done  by  the  , 
dull  and  unsuccessful  methods  of  reason.  Therefore,  as 
the  cause  of  our  church  hath  been  often  vindicated,  by 
the  learned  books  that  have  been  published  in  it ;  and  never 
with  more  success,  and  a  clearer  victory,  than  of  late,  in 
the  elaborate  writings  (which  are  never  to  be  mentioned 
but  with  honour)  of  the  renowned  Dr.  Stillingfleet ;  so  I 
judged  it  might  not  be  an  unuseful  and  unacceptable  work 
(which,  though  it  be  of  a  lower  form,  and  so  most  suitable 
to  my  genius,  yet  will  be  of  general  use)  to  employ  the 
leisure  1  enjoy,  and  the  small  talent  committed  to  me,  in 
examining  and  opening  the  transactions  of  those  times  : 
and  if  those  who  read  it  are  dispossessed  of  their  preju- 
dices, and  inclined  to  consider  things  as  they  are  now  set 
before  them,  in  a  truer  light,  1  have  gained  my  end  in  it. 

The  truths  of  religion  need  no  support  from  the  father 
of  lies.  A  religion  made  up  of  falsehoods  and  impos- 
tures, must  be  maintained  by  means  suitable  to  itself :  so 
Sanders's  book  might  well  serve  the  ends  of  that  church, 
which  has  all  along  raised  its  greatness  by  public  cheats 
and  forgeries  ;  such  as  the  donation  of  Constantine,  and 
the  book  of  the  Decretals ;  besides  the  vast  number  of 
miracles  and  visions,  that  were  for  many  ages  made  use  of  by 
them;  of  which  even  the  most  disingenuous  of  their  own 
writers  begin  to  be  now  ashamed.  But  the  reformation  of 
religion  was  a  work  of  light,  and  needs  none  of  the  arts  of 
darkness  to  justify  it  by.  A  full  and  distinct  narrative  of 
what  was  then  done,  will  be  its  apology,  as  well  as  its  his- 
tory.   There  is  no  need  of  artifice,  but  only  of  industry  and 

Vol..  I,  Part  II.  2  K 


sincerity,  to  gather  together  all  the  remains  of  that  time,  and 
put  them  in  good  order. 

I  am  now  beginning  to  look  towards  the  next,  and  in- 
deed the  best  part  of  this  work  :  where,  in  the  first  reign, 
we  shall  observe  the  active  endeavours  of  those  restorers 
of  religion.  The  next  reign  affords  a  sadder  prospect  of 
that  work  laid  in  ruins,  and  the  authors  of  it  in  ashes  ;  but 
the  fires  that  consumed  them,  did  rather  spread  than  ex- 
tinguish that  light  which  they  had  kindled.  And  what  is 
fabled  of  the  phcenix  will  be  found  true  of  our  church, 
that  she  rose  new  out  of  those  ashes  into  which  she  seemed 

Towards  the  perfecting  this  History,  I  hope  all  that 
love  the  subject  of  it  will  contribute  their  endeavours,  and 
furnish  every  thing  that  is  in  their  powfer,  which  may  make 
it  fuller  or  clearer :  so  I  end  with  that  desire  which  1  made 
in  the  Preface,  that  any  one,  who  have  in  their  hands  any 
papers  relating  to  these  times,  will  be  pleased  to  communi- 
cate them ;  and  whatever  assistance  they  give  to  it,  shall  be 
most  thankfully  owned  and  acknowledged. 


Articles  about  Religion,  set  out  by  the  Convocation,  and  pub- 
lished by  the  Kiiig's  Authority.     An  Original. 

(Cot.  Libr.  Cleop.  E.  9.) 

Henry  the  Eight,  by  the  Grace  of  God,  King  of  England, 
and  of  France,  Defender  of  the  Faith,  and  Lord  of  Ireland, 
and  in  Earth  Supreme  head  of  the  Church  of  England,  to  all 
and  singular  our  most  loving,  faithful,  and  obedient  Subjects, 

freeting.  Amongst  other  cures  committed  unto  this  our 
'rincely  Office,  whereunto  it  hath  pleased  God  of  his  infi- 
nite mercy  and  goodness  to  call  us,  we  have  always  es- 
teemed and  thought  (as  we  also  yet  esteem  and  think)  this 
to  be  most  chief,  most  ponderous,  and  of  most  weight,  that 
his  Holy  Word  and  Commandments  may  sincerely,  without 
let  or  hinderance,  be  of  our  Subjects  truly  believed  and  re- 
verently kept  and  observed ;  and  that  unity  and  concord  in 
opinions,  namely,  in  such  things  as  d'-es  concern  our  Reli- 
gion, may  encrease  and  go  furthward,  and  all  occasion  of 
dissent  and  discord  touching  the  same  be  repressed,  and 
utterly  extinguished ;  for  the  which  cause  we  being  of  late  to 
our  great  regret  credibly  advertised  of  such  diversity  in  opi- 
nions, as  have  grown  and  sprongen  in  this  our  Riealm,  as 
well  concerning  certain  Articles  necessary  to  our  Salvation, 
as  also  touching  certain  honest  and  commendable  Ceremo- 
nies, rites,  and  usages  in  our  said  Church,  for  an  honest  po- 
licy and  decent  order,  heretofore  of  long  time  used  and  ac- 
customed :  minding  to  have  that  unity  and  agreement  esta- 
blished through  our  said  Church  concerning  the  premisses  ; 
and  being  very  desirous  to  eschew  not  only  the  dangers  of 
Souls,  but  also  the  outward  inquietness  which  by  occasion 
of  the  said  diversity  in  opinions  (if  remedy  had  not  been 
provided)  might  per  chance  have  ensued ;  have  not  only 
m  our  own  person  many  times  taken  great  pain,  study,  la- 
bour, and  travails,  but  also  have  caused  our  Bishops  and 
Other  the  most  discreet  and  best  learned  men  of  our  Clergy  of 

376  ADDENDA. 

this  our  whole  Realm  to  be  assembled  in  our  Convocation, 
for  the  full  debatement  and  quiet  determination  of  the 
same  :  where  after  long  and  mature  deliberation  and  dis- 
putations, had  c.f  and  upon  the  premisses,  finally  ihey  have 
concluded  and  agreed  upon  the  said  matters,  as  well  those 
which  be  commanded  of  God,  and  are  necessary  to  our 
Salvation,  as  also  the  other  touching  the  honest  ceremo- 
nies and  good  and  politick  order,  as  is  aforesaid  ;  which  their 
determination,  debaternent,  and  agreement,  forasmuch  as 
we  think  to  have  proceeded  of  a  good,  right,  and  true  judg- 
ment, and  to  be  agreeable  to  the  Laws  and  Ordinances  of 
God,  and  much  profitable  for  the  establishment  of  that  cha- 
ritable concord  and  unity  in  our  Church  of  England,  which 
we  most  desire,  we  have  caused  the  same  to  be  published, 
willing,  requiring,  and  commanding  you  to  accept,  repute, 
and  take  them  accordingly ;  most  heartily  desiring  and 
praying  Almighty  God,  that  it  may  please  him  so  to  il- 
lumin  your  hearts,  that  you,  and  every  of  you  may  have 
no  less  desire,  zeal,  and  love  to  the  said  unity  and  concord, 
in  reading,  divulging,  and  following  the  same,  than  we 
have  had  and  have,  causing  them  to  be  thus  devised,  set 
forth,  and  published.  And  for  because  we  would  the 
said  Articles,  and  every  of  them,  to  be  taken  and  under- 
standen  of  you  after  such  sort,  order,  and  degree  as  ap- 
pertaineth  accordingly  ;  We  have  caused,  by  the  like  as- 
sent and  agreement  of  our  said  Bishops  and  other  Learned 
men,  the  said  Articles  to  be  divided  into  two  sorts,  that 
is  to  say,  such  as  are  commanded  expresly  by  God,  and 
are  necessary  to  our  Salvation,  and  such  other,  as  although 
they  be  not  expressly  commanded  of  God,  nor  necessary 
to  our  Salvation ;  yet  being  of  a  long  continuance  for 
a  decent  order  and  honest  policy,  prudently  instituted,  are 
for  that  same  purpose  and  end  to  be  observed  in  like 
manner;  which  ye  tbllowing,  after  such  sort  as  we  have 
prescribed  unto  you,  shall  not  only  attain  that  most  cha- 
ritable unity  and  loving  concord,  whereof  shall  ensue  your 
incomparable  commodity,  profit,  and  lucre,  as  well  spiri- 
tual as  other  ;  but  also  ye  conforming  yourselves,  and  using 
these  our  said  Articles  as  is  aforesaid,  shall  not  a  1  ttle  en- 
courage us  to  take  further  travel,  pains,  and  labours  for  your 
commodities  in  all  such  other  matters,  as  in  time  to  come  may 
happen  to  occur,  and  as  it  shall  be  most  to  the  honour  of 
God  and  ours,  the  profit,  tranquillity,  and  quietness  of  all 
you  our  most  loving  Subjects. 

The  Articles  of  our  Faith. 
First,  as  touching  the  chief  and  principal  Articles  of  our 

ADDENDA.  37f 

Faith,  sith  it  is  thus  agreed  as  hereafter  followeth  by  the 
whole  Clergy  of  this  out-  Realm,  we  will  that  all  Bishops 
and  Preachers  shall  instruct  and  teach  our  people  by  us  com- 
mitted to  their  spiritual  Charge,  that  they  ought  and  must 
most  constantly  believe  and  defend  all  those  things  to  be 
true,  which  be  comprehended  in  the  whole  body  and  Canon 
of  the  Bible,  and  also  in  the  three  Creeds  or  Symbols,  whereof 
one  was  made  by  the  Apostles,  and  is  the  common  Creed 
which  every  man  useth,  the  second  was  made  in  the  Holy 
Council  of  Nice,  and  is  said  daily  in  the  Mass,  and  the 
third  was  made  by  Athanasius,  and  is  comprehended  in  the 
Psalm  Quicunque  vult ;  and  that  they  ought  and  must  take 
and  interpret  all  the  same  things  according  to  the  self- 
same sentence  and  inteipretation,  which  the  words  of  the 
selfe-same  Creeds  or  Symboles  do  purport,  and  the  Holy 
approved  Doctors  of  the  Church  do  intreat  and  defend  the 

Item,  That  they  ought  and  must  repute,  hold,  and  take  all 
the  same  things  for  the  most  Holy,  most  sure,  and  most  cer- 
tain and  infallible  words  of  God,  and  such  as  neither  ought 
nor  can  be  altered  or  convelled  by  any  contrary  opinion  or 

Item,  That  they  ought  and  must  beheve,  repute,  and  take 
all  the  Articles  of  our  Faith  contained  in  the  said  Creeds 
to  be  so  necessary  to  be  believed  for  Man's  Salvation,  that 
whosoever  being  taught  vnll  not  believe  them,  as  is  afore- 
said, or  will  obstinately  affirm  the  contrary  of  them,  he  or 
they  cannot  be  the  very  members  of  Christ  and  his  Spouse 
the  Church,  but  be  very  Infidels  or  Heretics,  and  mem- 
bers of  the  Devil,  with  whom  they  shall  perpetually  be 

Item,  That  they  ought  and  must  most  reverently  and  re- 
ligiously observe  and  keep  the  self-same  words,  accord- 
ing to  the  very  same  form  and  manner  of  speaking,  as  the 
Articles  of  our  Faith  be  already  conceived  and  expressed 
in  the  said  Creeds,  without  altering  in  any  wise  or  varying 
from  the  same. 

Item,  That  they  ought  and  must  utterly  refuse  and  con- 
demn all  these  opinions  contrary  to  the  said  Articles,  which 
were  of  long  time  past  condemned  in  the  four  Holy  Councils, 
that  is  to  say,  in  the  Council  of  Nice,  Constantinople,  Ephe- 
sus,  and  Chalcidonense,  and  all  other  sith  that  time  in  any 
point  consonant  to  the  same. 

The  Sacrament  of  Baptism. 
hecondiy,  As  touching  the  Holy  Sacrament  of  Baptism, 
we  will  that  all  Bishops  and  Preachers  shall  instruct  and 

2  K  3 

378  ADDENDA. 

teach  our  people  committed  by  us  unto  their  Spiritual  Charge, 
that  they  ought  and  must  of  necessity  believe  certainly  all 
those  things,  which  hath  been  always  by  the  whole  consent 
of  the  Church  approved,  received,  and  used  in  the  Sacrament 
of  Baptism;  that  is  to  say,  that  the  Sacrament  of  Baptism 
was  instituted  and  ordained  in  the  New  Testament  by  our 
Saviour  Jesus  Christ,  as  a  thing  necessary  for  the  attaining  of 
everlasting  life,  according  to  the  saying  of  Christ,  Kisi  quis 
renatus  fuerit  ex  aqua  et  Spiritu  Sancto,  non  potest  intrare  in 
Hegnum  coelorum. 

hern,  That  it  is  offered  unto  all  men,  as  well  Infants  as 
such  as  have  the  use  of  Reason,  that  by  Baptism  they  shall 
have  remission  of  sins  and  the  grace  and  favour  of  God,  ac- 
cording to  the  saying  of  St.  John,  Qui  crediderit  et  Baptiza- 
tus  fuerit  SaLvus  erit. 

Item,  That  the  promise  of  Grace  and  everlasting  life, 
which  promise  is  adjoyned  unto  the  Sacrament  of  Baptism, 
pertaineth  not  only  unto  such  as  have  the  use  of  reason, 
but  also  to  Infants,  innocents  and  children  ;  and  they  ought 
therefore  and  must  needs  be  Baptised  :  and  that  by  the 
Sacrament  of  Baptism  they  do  also  obtain  remission  of  their 
sins,  the  grace  and  favour  of  God,  and  be  made  thereby  the 
very  sons  and  children  of  God,  insomuch  as  Infants  and  Chil- 
dren dying  in  their  Infancy  shall  undoubtedly  be  saved 
thereby,  or  else  not. 

Item,  That  Infants  must  needs  be  Christened  because 
they  be  born  in  Original  Sin,  which  sin  must  needs  be  re-  • 
mitted  ;  which  cannot  be  done  but  by  the  Sacrament  of 
Baptism,  whereby  they  receive  the  Holy-Ghost,  which  ex- 
erciseth  his  Grace  and  efficacy  in  them,  and  cleanseth  and 
purifieth  them  from  sin  by  his  most  secret  vertue  and 

Item,  That  Children  or  men  once  Baptized,  can,  ne  ought 
ever  to  be  Baptized  again. 

Item,  That  they  ou^ht  to  repute  and  take  all  the  Ana- 
baptists and  the  Pelagians  opinions  contrary  to  the  premisses, 
and  every  other  man's  opinion  agreeable  unto  the  said  Ana- 
baptists or  the  Pelagians  opinions  in  this  behalfe,  for  detest- 
able Heresies,  and  utterly  to  be  condemned. 

Item,  That  men  or  children  having  the  use  of  reason,  and 
willing  and  desiring  to  be  baptized,  shall  by  the  vertue  of  that 
holy  Sacrament  obtain  the  grace  and  remission  of  all  their 
sins,  if  they  shall  come  thereunto  perfectly  and  truly  repent- 
ant and  contrite  of  all  their  sins  before  committed,  and  also 
perfectly  and  constantly  confessing  and  believing  all  the 
Articles  of  our  faith,  according  as  it  was  mentioned  in  the 
Article  before,  or  else  not. 

ADDENDA.  379 

And  finally,  if  they  shall  also  have  firm  credence  and 
trust  in  the  promise  of  God  adjoyned  to  the  said  Sacrament, 
that  is  to  say,  that  in  and  by  this  said  Sacrament  which 
they  shall  receive,  God  the  Father  giveth  unto  them  for  his 
Son  Jesus  Christ's  sake  remission  of  all  their  sins,  and  the 
Grace  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  whereby  they  be  newly  regene- 
rated and  made  the  very  C  hildrenof  God,  according  to  the 
saying  of  Christ  and  his  Apostle  St.  Peter,  Foenitentiam  agite 
et  Buptizetur  unusquisque  vestrum  in  nomine  Jesu  Chrigti  in 
remissionem  peccatoriun,  et  accipietis  donum.  Spiiitus  Sancti, 
and  according  also  to  the  saying  of  St.  Paul  ad  Titum  3. 
lion  ex  operihus  justitia  que  fecimus  nos,  sed  secundum  suam 
misericordiam ,  salvos  nos  fecit  per  lavacrum  regenerationis  et 
renovutionis  Spiritus  Sancti,  quem  effudit  in  nos  apulenter  per 
Jesum  Christum  servatorem  tiostrum,  ut  justificati  illius  gratia 
hicredes  efficiamur  juita  spem  vitcc  atteme. 

The  Sacrament  of  Penance. 

Thirdly,  Concerning  the  Sacrament  of  Pennance,  We 
will  that  all  Bishops  and  Preachers  shall  instruct  and  teach 
our  people  committed  by  us  unto  their  Spiritual  charge, 
that  they  ought  and  must  most  constantly  believe,  that  that 
Sacrament  was  instituted  of  Christ  in  the  New  Testament 
as  a  thing  so  necessary  for  man's  Salvation,  that  no  man 
which  after  his  Baptism  is  fallen  again  and  hath  committed 
deadly  sin,  can  without  the  same  be  saved  or  attain  ever- 
lasting Life. 

Item,  That  like-as  such  men  which  after  Baptism  do  fall 
again  into  sin,  if  they  do  not  Pennance  in  this  Life,  shall 
undoubtedly  be  damned ;  even  so  whensoever  the  same 
men  shall  convert  themselves  from  the  said  naughty  Life, 
and  do  such  Pennance  for  the  same  as  Christ  requireth  of 
them,  they  shall  without  doubt  attain  remission  of  their  sins 
and  shall  be  saved. 

Item,  That  this  Sacrament  of  perfect  Pennance,  which 
Christ  requireth  of  such  manner  of  persons,  consisteth  of 
three  parts,  that  is  to  say  Contrition,  Confession,  with  the 
amendment  of  the  former  Life,  and  a  new  obedient  recon- 
ciliation unto  the  Laws  and  Will  of  God,  that  is  to  say,  ex- 
teriour  Acts  in  works  of  Charity,  according  as  they  be  com- 
manded of  God,  which  be  called  in  Scripture, /rwctu*  digni 

Furthermore,  as  touching  Contrition,  which  is  the  first 
part,  We  will  that  all  Bishops  and  Preachers  shall  instruct 
and  teach  our  people  committed  by  us  unto  their  Spiritual 
charge,  that  the  said  Contrition  consisteth  in  two  special 

380  ADDENDA. 

parts,  which  must  always  be  conjoined  together  and  cannot 
be  dissevered ;  that  is  to  say,  the  penitent  and  contrite  man 
must  first  knowledg  the  filthiness  and  abomination  of  his 
own  sin,  whereunto  he  is  brought  by  hearing  and  consider- 
ing of  the  will  of  God  declared  in  his  Laws,  and  feeling  and 
perceiving  in  his  own  conscience  that  God  is  angry  and  dis- 
pleased with  him  for  the  same ;  he  must  also  conceive  not 
only  great  sorrow  and  inward  shame  that  he  hath  so  griev- 
ously offended  God,  but  also  great  fear  of  God's  displeasure 
towards  him,  considering  he  hath  no  works  or  merits  of  his 
own  which  he  may  worthily  lay  before  God  as  sufficient 
satisfaction  for  his  sins  ;  which  done,  then  afterwards  with 
this  fear,  shame,  and  sorrow  must  needs  succeed  and  be 
conjoyned  the  second  part,  viz.  a  certain  faith,  trust,  and 
confidence  of  the  mercy  and  goodness  of  God,  whereby  the 
penitent  must  conceive  certain  hope  and  faith  that  God  will 
forgive  him  his  sins,  and  repute  him  justified  and  of  the 
number  of  his  Elect  children,  not  for  the  worthiness  of  any 
merit  or  work  done  by  the  Penitent,  but  for  the  only  merits 
of  the  blood  and  passion  of  our  Saviour  Jesus  Christ. 

Item,  That  this  certain  faith  and  hope  is  gotten  and  also 
confirmed,  and  made  more  strong  by  the  applying  of  Christ's 
words  and  promises  of  his  grace  and  favour  contained  in 
his  Gospel,  and  the  Sacraments  instituted  by  him  in  the 
new  Testament ;  and  therefore  to  attain  this  certain  faith, 
the  second  part  of  Pennance  is  necessary,  that  is  to  say. 
Confession  to  a  Priest  if  it  may  be  had ;  for  the  Absolution 
given  by  the  Priest  was  institute  of  Christ  to  apply  the  pro- 
mises of  God's  grace  and  favour  to  the  Penitent. 

Wherefore  as  touching  Confession,  We  will  that  all 
Bishops  and  Preachers  shall  instruct  and  teach  our  people 
committed  by  us  to  their  spiritual  charge,  that  they  ought 
and  must  certainly  believe,  that  the  words  of  Absolution 
pronounced  by  the  Priest  be  spoken  by  the  Authority  given 
to  him  by  Christ  in  the  Gospel. 

Item,  That  they  ought  and  must  give  no  less  faith  and 
credence  to  the  same  words  of  Absolution  so  pronounced 
by  the  Ministers  of  the  church  than  they  would  give  unto 
the  very  words  and  voyce  of  God  himself  if  he  should  speak 
unto  us  out  of  Heaven,  according  to  the  saying  of  Christ, 
QMorum  remmritis  peccata,  &c.  et  qui  vos  audit  me  audit. 

hem,  That  in  no  ways  they  do  contemn  this  Auricular 
Confession  which  is  made  unto  the  Ministers  of  the  Church, 
but  that  they  ought  to  repute  the  same  a  very  expedient 
and  necessary  mean,  whereby  they  may  require  and  ask 
this  Absolution  at  the  Priest's  hands,  at  such  time  as  they 

ADDENDA.  381 

shall  find  their  consciences  grieved  with  mortal  sin,  and 
have  occasion  so  to  do,  to  the  intent  that  they  may  thereby 
attain  certain  comfoit  and  consolation  ol"  their  consciences. 

As  touching  the  third  part  of  Pennance,  We  will  that  all 
Bishops  and  Preachers  shall  instruct  and  teach  our  people 
committed  by  us  to  their  spiritual  charge,  that  although 
Christ  and  his  death  be  the  sufficient  oblation,  sacrifice, 
satisfaction,  and  recomoence,  for  the  which  God  the  f  athei 
forgiveth  and  remitteth  to  all  sinners  not  only  their  sin,  but 
also  Eternal  pain  due  for  the  same;  yet  all  men  truly 
penitent,  contrite,  and  confessed,  must  needs  also  bring  forth 
the  fruits  of  Pennance,  that  is  to  say,  Prayer,  Fasting,  Alms- 
deeds,  and  must  make  Restitution  or  Satisfaction  in  will 
and  deed  to  their  neighbour,  in  such  things  as  they  have 
done  them  wrong  and  injury  in,  and  also  must  do  all  other 
good  works  of  mercy  and  charity,  and  express  their  obe- 
dient will  in  the  executing  and  fulfilling  of  God's  Com- 
mandments outwardly,  when  time,  power,  and  occasion 
shall  be  Minstred  unto  them,  or  else  they  shall  never  be 
saved  ;  for  this  is  the  express  precept  and  commandment 
of  God,  Agile  fructiis  dignos  posnitentia  ;  and  St.  Paul  saith, 
Debitores  siimus,  and  in  another  place  he  saith,  Castigo  carjms 
meum  et  inservilutem  redigo. 

Item,  That  these  precepts  and  works  of  Charity  be  ne- 
cessary works  to  our  Salvation,  and  God  necessarily  re- 
quireth  that  every  penitent  man  shall  perform  the  same, 
whensoever  time,  power,  and  occasion  shall  be  ministred 
unto  him  so  to  do. 

Item,  That  by  Pennance  and  such  good  works  of  the 
same,  we  shall  not  only  obtain  everlastisjg  life,  but  also  we 
shall  deserve  remission  or  mitigation  of  these  present. pains 
and  afflictions  in  this  \\  orld,  according  to  the  saying  of  St. 
Paul,  Si  nos  ipsi  judicaremus,  non  jndicaremur,  a  Domino; 
and  Zacharias,  Concettimitii  ad  meet  ego  convenar  ad  vos ; 
and  Esaias  58, /range  esurienti  panem  tuum,  S^c.  tunc  eris  ve- 
lut  hortiis  irriguus.  Hctc  sunt  inculcanda  ecctesiis  et  vt  eier- 
citeiitur  ad  bene  operundum,  et  in  his  ipsis  operihus  eierceant  et 
confirment  fidem,  petentes  et  expectantes  a  Deo  mitigationem 
■prccsentium  calamitatum. 

The  Sacrament  of  the  Allar. 
Fourthly,  as  touching  the  Sacrament  of  the  Altar,  We 
will  that  all  Bishops  and  Preachers  shall  instruct  and  teach 
our  people  committed  by  us  unto  their  spiritual  charge,  that 
they  ought  and  must  constantly  believe,  that  under  the  form 
and  figure  of  bread  and  wine,  which  we  there  presently  do 
»ee  and  perceive  by  our  outward  senses,  is  verily,  substan- 

382  ADDENDA. 

tially,  and  really  contained  and  comprehended,  the  very 
selfe-same  body  and  blood  of  our  Saviour  Jesus  Christ  which 
was  born  of  the  Virgin  Mary  and  suffered  upon  the  cross  for 
our  Redemption,  and  that  under  the  same  form  and  figure  of 
bread  and  wine,  the  very  self-same  body  and  blood  of  Christ 
is  corporally,  really,  and  in  the  very  substance  exhibited, 
distributed,  and  received  of  all  them  which  receive  the  said 
Sacrament ;  and  that  therefore  the  said  Sacrament  is  to  be 
used  with  all  due  reverence  and  honour,  and  that  every  man 
ought  first  to  prove  and  examine  himself,  and  religiously  to 
try  and  search  his  own  Conscience,  before  he  shall  receive 
the  same,  according  to  the  saying  of  St.  Paul,  Quisquis  ederit 
panem  hunc  out  biberit  de  poculo  Domini  indigne,  reus  erit 
corporis  et  sanguinis  Domini ;  probet  autem  seipsum  homo,  et 
sic  de  pane  ilLo  edat  et  de  poculo  illo  bibat :  nam  qui  edit  aut 
bibit  indigne,  judicium  sibi  ipsi  manducat  et  bibit,  non  dijudi- 
cans  corpus  Domini. 


Fifthly,  As  touching  the  order  and  cause  of  our  Justifica- 
tion, we  will  that  all  Bishops  and  Preachers  shall  instruct 
and  teach  our  people  committed  by  us  unto  their  spiritual 
charge,  that  this  word  Justification  signifieth  remission  of 
our  sins,  and  our  acceptation  or  reconciliation  into  the  grace 
and  favour  of  God,  that  is  to  say,  our  perfect  renovation  in 

Item,  That  sinners  attain  this  Justification  by  Contrition 
and  Faith  joyned  with  Charity,  after  such  sort  and  manner 
as  we  before  mentioned  and  declared  ;  not  as  though  our 
Contrition,  or  Faith,  or  any  works  proceeding  thereof  can 
worthily  merit  or  deserve  to  attain  the  said  Justification; 
for  the  only  mercy  and  grace  of  the  Father,  promised  freely 
unto  us  for  his  Son's  sake  Jesus  Christ,  and  the  merits  of 
his  blood  and  his  passion,  be  the  only  sufficient  and  worthy 
causes  thereof;  and  yet  that  notwithstanding  to  the  attain- 
ing of  the  said  Justification,  God  requireth  to  be  in  us  not 
only  inward  Contrition,  perfect  Faith,  and  Charity,  certain 
hope  and  confidence,  with  all  other  spiritual  graces  and 
motions,  which  as  we  said  before  must  necessarily  concur 
in  remission  of  our  sins,  that  is  to  say,  our  Justification  ; 
but  also  he  requireth  and  commandeth  us,  that  after  we  be 
justified  we  must  also  have  good  works  of  charity  and  obe- 
dience towards  God,  in  the  observing  and  fulfilling  out- 
wardly of  his  Laws  and  Commandments;  for  although  ac- 
ceptation to  everlasting  life  be  conjoyned  with  Justification, 
yet  our  good  works  be  necessarily  required  to  the  attaining 
of  everlasting  Life,  and  we  being  justified  be  necessarily 

ADDENDA.  383 

bound,  and  it  is  our  necessary  duty  to  do  good  works,  accord- 
ing to  the  saying  of  St.  Paul,  Debitores  sumus  nati  carni  ut 
secundum  carnem  vivamus,  nam  bi  secundum  carnem  viaerimtis 
moriemur,  sin  autem  spiritu  facta  co^yoris,  mortificaverimuSf 
vivemus ;  etenim  quicunque  spiritu  Dei  ducuntur  hi  sunt  filii 
Dei ;  and  Christ  saith,  si  vis  ad  vilam  ingredi  serva  mandata  : 
and  St.  Paul  saith,  de  malis  crperibns,  qui  talia  ogiint  Regnum 
Dei  71011  possidebunt.  Wherefore  we  will  that  all  Bishops  and 
Preachers  shall  instruct  and  teach  our  people  committed  by 
us  unto  their  spiritual  charge,  that  God  necessarily  re- 
quireth  of  us  to  do  good  works  commanded  by  him,  and  that 
not  only  outward  and  civil  works,  but  also  the  inward  spiri- 
tual motions  and  graces  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  that  is  lo  say,  to 
dread  and  fear  God,  to  love  God,  to  have  firm  confidence 
and  trust  in  God,  to  invocate  and  call  upon  God,  to  have 
patience  in  all  adversities,  to  hate  sin,  and  to  have  certain 
purpose  and  will  not  to  sin  again,  and  such  other  like  mo- 
tions and  vertues  ;  for  Christ  saith,  Kisi  abundaverit  justicia 
vestra  plusquam  scribarum  et  Pharistzorum,  non  intrabitis  in 
regnum  cxlorum,  that  is  to  say,  we  must  not  only  do  outward 
civil  good  works,  but  also  we  must  have  these  foresaid  in- 
ward spiritual  motions  consenting  and  agreeable  to  the  Law 
of  God. 

Of  Images. 
As  touching  Images,  truth  it  is  that  the  same  have  been 
used  in  the  Old  Testament,  and  also  for  the  greater  abuses 
of  them  sometime  destroyed  and  put  down,  and  in  the  new 
Testament  they  have  been  also  allowed,  as  good  Authors  do 
declare  ;  wherefore  we  will  that  all  Bishops  and  Preachers 
shall  instruct  and  teach  our  people  committed  by  us  to  their 
spiritual  charge,  how  they  ought  and  may  use  them.  And 
First,  that  this  may  be  attributed  unto  them,  that  they  be 
representers  of  vertue  and  good  example,  and  that  they  also 
be  by  occasion  the  kindlers  and  firers  of  men's  minds,  and 
make  men  often  remember  and  lament  their  sins  and  of- 
fences, especially  the  Images  of  Christ  and  our  Lady  ;  and 
that  therefore  it  is  meet  that  they  should  stand  in  the 
Churches,  and  none  otherwise  to  be  esteemed  ;  And  to  the 
intent  the  rude  people  should  not  from  henceforth  take  such 
superstition,  as  in  time  past  it  is  thought  that  the  same 
hath  used  to  do,  we  will  that  our  Bishops  and  Preachers 
diligently  shall  teach  them,  and  according  to  this  Doctrine 
reform  their  abuses ;  for  else  there  might  fortune  Idolatry 
to  ensue,  which  God  forbid.  And  as  for  Censing  of  them, 
and  kneeling  and  oflFering  unto  them,  with  other  like  wor- 
shippings, although  the  same  hath  entred  by  devotion  and 

384  ADDENDA. 

fallen  to  custorae  ;  yet  the  people  ought  to  be  diligently 
taught,  that  they  in  no  ways  do  it,  nor  think  it  meet  to  be 
done  to  the  same  Images,  but  only  to  be  done  to  God  and  in 
his  honour,  although  it  be  done  before  the  Images,  whether 
it  be  of  Christ,  of  the  Cross,  or  of  our  Lady,  or  of  any  other 
Saint  besides. 

Of  Honouring  of  Saints. 
As  touching  the  honouring  of  Saints,  we  will  that  all 
Bishops  and  Preachers  shall  instruct  and  teach  our  people, 
committed  by  us  unto  their  spiritual  charge,  that  Saints 
now  being  with  Christ  in  Heaven  be  to  be  honoured  of 
Christian  people  in  Earth ;  but  not  with  that  confidence 
and  honour  which  are  only  due  unto  God,  trusting  to  attain 
at  their  hands  that  which  must  be  had  only  of  God,  but 
that  they  be  thus  to  be  honoured,  because  they  be  known 
the  Elect  persons  of  Christ,  because  they  be  passed  in  Godly 
Life  out  of  this  transitory  World,  because  they  already  do 
Reign  in  Glory  with  Christ ;  and  most  specially  to  laude 
and  praise  Christ  in  them  for  their  excellent  vertues  which 
he  planted  in  them,  for  example  of  and  by  them  to  such  as 
are  yet  in  this  World  to  live  in  vertue  and  goodness,  and 
also  not  to  fear  to  dye  for  Christ  and  his  cause,  as  some  of 
them  did  ;  and  finally  to  take  them,  in  that  they  may,  to  be 
the  advancers  of  our  prayers  and  demands  unto  Christ. 
By  these  ways  and  such  like  be  Saints  to  be  honoured  and 
had  in  reverence,  and  by  none  other. 

Of  Praying  to  Saints. 
As  touching  Praying  to  Saints,  We  will  that  all  Bishops 
and  Preachers  shall  instruct  and  teach  our  people  com- 
mitted by  us  unto  their  spiritual  charge,  that  albeit  grace, 
remission  of  sin,  and  Salvation,  cannot  be  obtained  but  of 
God  only  by  the  mediation  of  our  Saviour  Christ,  which  is 
only  sufficient  mediator  for  our  sins  ;  yet  it  is  very  laudable 
to  pray  to  Saints  in  Heaven  everlastingly  living,  whose 
charity  is  ever  permanent,  to  be  intercessors  and  to  pray 
for  us  and  with  us  unto  Almighty  God  after  this  manner,: 
All  holy  Angels  and  Saints  in  Heaven  pray  for  us  and  with 
us  unto  the  Father,  that  for  his  dear  Son  Jesus  Christ's  sake, 
we  may  have  grace  of  him  and  remission  of  our  sins,  with 
an  earnest  purpose,  not  wanting  Ghostly  strength,  to  ob- 
serve and  keep  his  holy  Commandments,  and  never  to 
decline  from  the  same  again  unto  our  lives  end :  And  in 
this  manner  we  may  pray  to  our  Blessed  Lady,  to  St.  John 
Baptist,  to  all  and  every  of  the  Apostles,  or  any  other  Saint 
particularly,  as  our  devotion  doth  serve  us ;  so  that  it  be 

ADDENDA.  385 

done  without  any  vain  superstition,  as  to  think  that  any 
Saint  is  more  mercilul,  or  will  hear  us  sooner  than  Christ, 
or  that  any  Saint  doth  serve  for  one  thing  more  than  an- 
other, or  is  Patron  of  the  same.  And  likewise  we  must 
keep  Holy-days  unto  God  in  memory  of  him  and  his  Saints, 
upon  such  days  as  the  Church  hath  Ordained  their  memo- 
ries to  be  celebrated  ;  except  they  be  mitigated  and  mode- 
rated by  the  assent  or  comirandment  of  the  Supreara  head, 
to  the  Ordinaries,  and  then  the  Subjects  ought  to  obey  it. 

Of  Rites  and  Ceremonies. 

As  concerning  the  Kites  and  Ceremonies  of  Clirist's 
.Church,  as  to  have  such  vestments  in  doing  God  service  as 
be  and  have  been  most  part  used,  as  Sprinkling  of  Holy- 
Water  to  put  us  in  remembrance  of  our  Baptism  and  the 
blood  of  Christ  sprinkled  for  our  redemption  upon  the 
Cross  ;  Giving  of  holy  bread  to  put  us  in  remembrance  of 
the  Sacrament  of  the  Altar,  that  all  Christen  men  be  one 
body  mystical  of  Christ,  as  the  bread  is  made  of  many 
grains  and  yet  but  one  Loaf,  and  to  put  us  in  remembrance 
of  the  receiving  the  holy  Sacrament  and  body  of  Christ,  the 
which  we  ought  to  receive  in  right  Charity;  which  in  the 
beginning  of  Christ's  Church  men  did  more  often  receive 
than  they  use  now  a-days  to  do ;  Bearing  of  Candles  on 
Candiemas-day  in  memory  of  Christ  the  spiritual  light,  of 
whom  Simeon  did  prophesie,  as  is  read  in  the  Church  that 
day  ;  Giving  of  ashes  on  Ash-Wednesday,  to  put  in  remem- 
brance every  Christen  man  in  the  beginning  of  Lent  and 
Penance,  that  he  is  but  ashes  and  earth,  and  thereto  shall 
return,  which  is  right  necessary  to  be  uttered  from  hence  • 
forth  in  our  mother  tongue  always  on  the  same  day  ;  Bear- 
ing of  Palms  on  Palm-Sunday  in  memory  of  receiving  of 
Christ  into  Jerusalem  a  little  before  his  death,  that  we  may 
have  the  same  desire  to  receive  him  into  our  hearts ;  Creep- 
ing to  the  Cross  and  humbling  our  selves  to  Christ  on  Good- 
Friday  before  the  Cross,  and  offering  there  unto  Christ 
before  the  same,  and  kissing  of  it  in  memory  of  our  Re- 
demption by  Christ  made  upon  the  ('ross  ;  Setting  up  the 
Sepulture  of  Christ,  whose  body  after  his  death  was  buried  ; 
the  Hallowing  of  the  Font,  and  other  like  Exorcisms  and 
Benedictions  by  the  Ministers  of  Christ's  Church  :  and  all 
other  like  laudable  Customs,  Rites,  and  Ceremonies,  be  not 
to  be  contemned  and  cast  away,  but  to  be  used  and  continued 
as  things  good  and  laudable,  to  put  us  in  remembrance  of 
those  spiritual  things  that  they  do  si^nifie,  not  suffering  them 
to  be  forgotten,  or  to  be  put  in  oblivion,  but  renuing  them  in 
our  memories  from  time  to  time  :  but  none  of  these  Ceremo- 

Voi..  I,  Part  II.  2L 

386  ADDENDA. 

nies  have  Power  to  remit  sin,  but  only  to  stir  and  lift  up  our 
minds  unto  God,  by  whom  only  our  sins  be  forgiven. 

Of  Purgatory. 
Forasmuch  as  due  order  of  Charity  requireth,  and  the 
book  of  Maccabees  and  divers  ancient  Doctors  plainly  shew- 
ing, that  it  is  a  very  good  and  charitable  deed  to  pray  for 
Souls  departed,  and  forasmuch  also  as  such  usage  hath  con- 
tinued in  the  Church  so  many  years  even  from  the  beginning. 
We  will  that  all  Bishops  and  Preachers  shall  instruct  and 
teach  our  people  committed  by  us  unto  their  spiritual  charge, 
that  no  man  ou^ht  to  be  grieved  with  the  continuance  of  the 
same,  and  that  it  standeth  with  the  very  due  Order  of  Cha- 
rity, for  a  Christen  man  to  pray  for  Souls  departed,  and  to 
commit  them  in  our  prayjer^to  God's  mercy,  and  also  to  cause 
others  to  pray  for  them  in  Masses,  and  Exequies,  and  to 
give  Alms  to  others  to  pray  for  them,  whereby  they  may  be 
relieved  and  holpen,  of  some  part  of  their  pain  :  But  foras- 
much as  the  place  where  they  be,  the  name  thereof,  and  kind 
of  pains  there,  also  be  to  us  uncertain  by  Scripture  ;  there- 
fore this  with  all  other  things  we  remit  to  God  Almighty, 
unto  whose  mercy  it  is  meet  and  convenient  for  us  to  com- 
mend them,  trusting  that  God  accepteth  our  prayers  for 
them,  referring  the  rest  wholly  to  God,  to  whom  is  known 
their  estate  and  condition  ;  wherefore  it  is  much  necessary 
that  such  Abuses  be  clearly  put  away,  which  under  the 
name  of  Purgatory  hath  been  advanced,  as  to  make  men  be- 
lieve that  through  the  Bishop  of  Rome's  Pardon  Souls  might 
clearly  be  delivered  out  of  Purgatory,  and  all  the  pains  of  it, 
or  that  Masses  said  at  Scala  cccli,  or  otherwhere,  in  any 
place,  or  before  any  Image,  might  likewise  deliver  them  from 
all  their  pain,  and  send  them  streight  to  Heaven,  and  other 
like  Abuses. 


Thomas  Cromwell. 

T.  Cantuarien.  Joannes  Bathonien.'  ' 

Edvardus  Ebor.  Thomas  Elien. 

Joannes  London.  Joannes  Lincoln.  Nomine 

Cuthbertus  Dunelmen.  procuratorio    pro    Dom. 

Joannes  Lincoln.  Rowlando     Coven,     et 

Joannes  Lincoln    Nomine  Lichfielden. 

procuratorio    pro    Dom.  Joannes  Bangoren. 

Joan.  Exon.  Nicholaus  Sarisburien. 

Hugo  Wygornen.  Edvardus  Hereforden. 

Joannes  RofFen.  Willielmus  Norwicen. 

Richardus  Cicestren.  Willielmus  Meneven. 



Robertas  Assaveu. 
Kobertus    Abbas     Sancti 

Willielmus   Ab.   Westntio- 

Joannes  Ab.  Burien. 
A  Richardus  Ab.  Glasconise. 
A  Hugo  Ab.  Redying. 
Robertas  Ab.  Malniesbur. 
Clemens  Ab.  Eveshamen. 
.lohannes  Ab.  de  Bello. 
Willielmus  Ab.    S.    Petri 

Richardus    Ab.  VVinchel- 

Joannes  Ab.  de  Croyland. 
Robertas  Ab.  de  Thorney. 
Robertas  Ab.  de  W  altham. 
Joannes  Ab.  Cirencest. 
Joannes  Ab.  Teuxburen. 
Thomas  Prior  Coventr. 

Joannes  Ab.  de  Osney. 
B  Henricus  Ab.  de  Corariis. 
Anthonius   Ab.    de    Eyn- 

liobertus  Prior  Elien. 
Robertus  Prior    sive  Ma- 

gister  ordinis    de    Sem- 

Richardus  Ab.  de  Notley. 

Hugo    Prior  de  Hunting- 

Willielmus  Ab.  de  Strat- 
Gabriel  Ab.  de  Buchfes- 

Henricus  Ab.  de  Warde- 

Joannes  Prior  de  Merton. 
Richardus    Pr.   de    Wal- 

B  Thomas  Ab.  de 
Thomas  Ab.  de  Stanley. 
Richardus  Ab.  de  Bytles- 

Richardus    Pr.   de    Lan- 

Robertas  Ab.  de  Thame. 
B  Joannes  Prior  de  Helveu- 

Radulphus       Prior       de 

B  Richardus  Ab.  de  Brueza. 
Robertus    Ab.    de    Wel- 

Bartholamaus  Pr.  de  Over- 

W^illielmus  Pr.  de  Burga- 

Thomas  Ab.  de  Abendon. 

Inferior  Domus. 

C  R.  Gwent  Archidiaconus 
London,  et  Breck. 

Robertas  Alridge  Ar- 
chid.  Colecestr.  et  Pro- 
curator ('leri  Coven,  et 

Thomas  Bedyl  Archid. 

Richardus  Street  Archid. 

David  Pole  Ar.  Salop. 

Richardus  Doke  Archid. 

Edmundus  Bonner  Ar- 
chid. Leycestriai. 

Thomas  Baghe  Archid. 

Richardus  Rawson  Ar- 
chid. Essex. 

Edmundus  Cranraer  Ar- 
chid. Cant. 

Polidorus  Virgilius  Ar- 
chid. Wellen. 

Richardus  Coren  Archid. 



Henricus  IMorgan  Procu- 
rator Cleri  Lincoln. 

Petrus  Vannes  Archid. 

Georgius  Hennage  Deca- 
nus  Lincoln. 

Nilo  Spencer  Procurator 
Cleri  Norwicen. 

Guilielraus  Knight  Archid. 

Gamaliel  Clyfton  Deca- 
nus  Hereford,  et  Proc. 

Joannes  London  Decanus 

Ilichardus  Layton  Archid. 

Hugo  Coren  Proc.  Cleri 

Richardus  Sparaheford 
Proc.  Cleri  Hereford. 

Mauritius  Griffith  Proc. 
Cleri  Roffen. 

Gulielmus  Buckniastr.Pro- 
curator  Cleri  London. 

Ilichardus  Shelton  Mag. 
Colleg.  de  Melyngham. 

Per  me  Willielmum  Glyn. 
Archi.  An-glessen. 

Robertus    Evans    Decan. 

VValterus  Cretying  Ar.  Ba- 

Thomas  Bagard  Procura- 
tor Cleri  Wygornen. 

Joannes  Nase  Proc.  Cleri 
Bathon  et  Wellen. 

Georgius  Wyndham  Ar- 
chid. Norwicen. 

Nicolaus  Metcalfe  Archid. 

Gulielmus   Hedge    Procu- 
rator Cleri  Norwicen. 
Adam      Traves     Archid. 

Ricardus   Woleraan    Dec. 

Tho.  Brerewood  Archidia- 
can.  Bar.  Procur.  Capi- 
tuli  et  Cleri  Exon. 
Georgius    Carew    Archid. 
Tottea  Proc.  Capituli  et 
Cleri  Exon. 
Thomas  Bennet  Proc.  Cle- 
ri et  Capit.  Sarum. 
Richardus     Arche     Proc. 

Cleri  et  Capit.  Sarum. 
Petrus  Lighman  Proc. Cleri 

Edmundus   Stewart  Proc. 

Cleri  Winton. 
Joannes  Rayne  Proc.  Cleri 

Leonardus    Savile     Proc. 

Cleri  Archid.  Lewen. 
Simon     Matthew      Proc. 

Cleri  London. 
Linfrid  Ogle  Archid. Salop. 
Gulielmus     Maye     Proc. 

Cleri  Elien. 
Rol.  Philips  Proc.  Eccles. 

St.  Pauli  London. 
Joannes  Bell  Ar.  Glocest. 
Joannes  Chambers  Dec.  St. 
Stephani  Archid.    Bed- 
Nicolaus  Wilson. 

Some  Observations  on  the  former  Subscriptions. 
The  Abbots  of  Glossenbury  and  Reading  subscribe  with 
the  rest :  by  which  it  appears  that  they  complyed  in  the 
changes  that  were  made  as  readily  as  others  did. 
The  Abbots  writ  generally  so  ill  that  it  is  very  hard  to 
read  their  Subscriptions.  Some  of  them  1  could  by  no 
means  know  what  to  make  of. 

ADDENDA.  389 

There  are  50  of  the  lower  house  of  Convocation:  of 
those  there  are  25  Archdeacons,  4  Deans  of  Cathedrals, 
3  Deans  of  CoUegial  Churches,  17  Procurators  for  the 
Clergy,  and  one  Master  of  a  Colledge. 


Some  Queries  put  by  Cranmer  in  Order  to  the  Correcting 
of  several  Abuses. 
(Cott.  Libr.  Cleop.  E.  5.) 
First,   What  causes,  reasons,  or  considerations  hath    or 
might  move  any  man  to  desire  to  have  the  Bishop  of  Rome 
restored  in  any  point  to  his  pretended  Monarchy,  or  to  re- 
pugn against  the  Lavv^s  and  Statutes  of  this  Realm  made 
for  the  setting  forth  of  the  King's  Title  of  Supream  Head  ? 

2.  hem.  Whether  a  man  offending  deadly  after  he  is 
Baptized,  may  obtain  remission  of  his  Sins,  by  any  other 
way  than  by  Contrition,  through  grace  1 

3.  hem,  If  the  Clergy  know  that  the  common  sort  of  men 
have  them  in  a  higher  estimation,  because  they  are  per- 
swaded,  that  it  lyeth  in  the  will  and  Power  of  Priests  to 
remit,  or  not  remit  sins  at  their  pleasure  ;  whether  in  such 
case  the  said  Clergy  offend  if  they  wink  at  this,  and 
voluntarily  suffer  the  people  to  continue  in  this  Opinion  ? 

4.  hem,  Whether  a  sinner  being  sorry  and  contrite  for  his 
sins,  and  forthwith  dying,  shall  have  as  high  a  place  in 
Heaven,  as  if  he  had  never  offended? 

5.  hem,  Whether  any  and  what  difference  may  be  As- 
signed betwixt  two  men,  wherof  the  one  being  very  sorry 
and  contrite  for  his  sins  dieth  without  Absolution  of  the 
Priest,  and  the  other  which  being  contrite  is  also  absolved 
by  the  priest  and  so  dieth  ? 

6.  Item,  If  it  may  appear  that  the  common  people  have  a 
greater  affiance  or  trust  in  outward  Rites  or  Ceremonies 
than  they  ought  to  have,  and  that  they  esteem  more  vertue 
in  Images  and  adorning  of  them,  kissing  their  feet  or  offer- 
ing Candles  unto  them,  than  they  should  esteem,  and  that 
yet  the  Curates  knowing  the  same,  and  fearing  the  loss 
of  their  offerings,  and  such  other  temporal  commodities,  do 
rather  encourage  the  people  to  continue  after  this  sort,  than 
leach  them  the  truth  in  the  premisses  according  to  Scrip- 
lure  ;  what  the  King's  Highness  and  his  Parliament  may  do, 
and  what  they  are  bound  in  conscience  to  do  in  such 

7.  Tteyn,  Whether  now  in  time  of  the  new  Law  the  Tithes 
or  tenth  be  due  to  Curates  by  the  Laws  of  God,  or  of  man  ; 

2L  3 

390  ADDENDA. 

and  if  the  same  be  due  by  the  Lav^s  of  man,  what  mans 
Laws  they  be  1 

8.  Item,  Whether  the  Clergy  only,  and  none  but  they 
ought  to  have  voices  in  general  Councils  1 

9.  Item,  Whether  the  19th  Canon  in  the  Council  of  Calce- 
don,  vs^herein  is  contained  that  one  Clerk  may  not  sue  an 
other  before  any  secular  Judge,  but  only  before  his  Bishop, 
and  such  ether  Canons  of  like  effect,  have  been  generally 
received  or  not?  and  whether  the  same  be  contrary  to  the 
King's  Prerogative  and  Laws  of  this  Realm  ;  and  whether 
it  be  expedient  that  it  were  declared  by  the  Parliament 
that  the  said  Canons  being  at  no  time  received,  especially 
within  this  Realm,  be  void  and  of  none  effect  ? 

10.  Item,  Of  the  24th  Canon  of  the  said  Council,  wherein 
is  contained  that  Monasteries  once  consecrate  by  the 
Bishop,  may  not  after  be  made  dwelling  houses  for  Lay- 
men, whether  that  Canon  have  been  received  and  observed, 
and  whether  the  same  be  against  the  Power  of  the  King 
and  Authority  of  his  Parliament  1 

11.  Item,  If  it  may  appear  that  the  Bishops  have  not, 
ne  yet  do  maturely  examine  and  diligently  inquire  of  the 
Conversation  and  Learning  of  such  as  be  ordered  or  admit- 
ted to  Cures  by  them,  but  rather  without  examination  or 
inquisition  indistinctly  admit  persons,  unable,  whereof 
ensueth  great  peril  of  Souls,  and  innumerable  inconveniences 
otherways,  what  the  King's  Highness  or  his  Parliament 
ought  to  do,  or  may  do  for  reformation  in  the  premisses  1 

12.  Item,  If  such  as  have  Deanries,  Arch-Deaconries, 
Chanterships,  and  other  Offices  or  promotions  of  the  Clergy, 
use  not  themselves  in  their  own  persons  after  such  sort  as 
the  primary  institution  of  these  Offices  or  Promotions 
require,  and  according  to  the  Wills  of  them  that  endowed 
the  same,  what  the  King  and  his  Parliament  may  do  or 
ought  to  do  in  this  case  1 

13.  Item,  For  what  causes  and  to  what  ends  and  purposes 
such  Offices  and  promotions  of  the  Clergy  were  first  insti- 
tuted ? 

14.  Item,  If  Curates  having  Benefices  with  cure,  for  their 
more  bodily  ease,  refuse  to  dwell  upon  any  of  their  said 
Cures,  and  remain  in  idleness  continually  in  Cathedral  or 
Collegial  Churches,  upon  their  Prebends,  whether  it  be  in 
this  case  expedient,  that  the  King's  Highness  or  his  Parlia- 
ment take  any  Order  for  the  redress  of  the  same  ? 

15.  Item,  Of  the  Sacraments  of  Confirmation,  Order,, 
Matrimony,  and  extrea  n  Unction,  what  the  external  Signs 
and  inward  graces  be  in  every  of  the  said  Sacraments,  what 
promises  be  made  to  the  receivers  of  them  by  God,  and 
of  what  efficacy  they  be  of  and  energy  of  themselves  ? 

ADDENDA.  391 


Home  Queries  concerning  Confirmation,  with  the  Answers 
which  were  given  to  them  by  Cronmer,  and  Stokesley  Bishop 
of  London.     An  Original. 

(Written  with  Cranmer's  hand.  Cott.  Libr.  Cleop.  E.  5.) 

Whether  Confirmation  be  Instituted  by  Christ  ? 

Respon.  There  is  no  place  in  Scripture  that  declareth  this 
Sacrament  to  be  instituted  of  Christ. 

First,  For  the  places  alledged  for  the  same  be  no  Insti- 
tutions, but  Acts  and  deeds  of  the  Apostles. 

Secondly,  These  Acts  were  done  by  a  special  gift  given  to 
the  Apostles  for  the  tonfirmation  of  God's  Word  at  that 

Thirdly,  The  said  special  gift  doth  not  now  remain  with 
the  Successors  of  the  Apostles. 

What  is  the  External  Sign  ? 
The  Church  useth  Chrisma  for  the  exterior  Sign,  but  the 
Scriptur  maketh  no  mention  thereof. 

What  is  the  Efficacy  of  this  Sacrament? 
The  Bishop  in  the  name  of  the  Church  doth  invocate  the 
Holy  Ghost  to  give  strength  and  constancy,  with  other  spi- 
ritual gifts,  unto  the  person  confirmed  :  so  that  the  efficacy 
of  tliis  Sacrament  is  of  such  value,  as  is  the  Prayer  of  the 
Bishop  made  in  the  name  of  the  Church. 

H(£c  respondeo,  salvo  semper  eruditiorum  et  EcclesitB  ortho' 
dox(C  judicio. 

Stokesley's  Paper. 

The  first  Question,  Whether  the  Sacrament  of  Confirma- 
tion be  a  Sacrament  of  the  New  Testament  institute  by  Christ  7 

To  this  I  answer.  That  it  is. 

The  second  Question,  What  is  the  outward  sign,  and  the 
invisible  graces  which  he  conferred  in  the  same  1 

To  this  I  answer,  That  the  Words  Signo  te  Signo  Sanctce. 
crucis  et  confirmo  te,  S^c.  with  the  consignation,  with  the 
Creame,  imposition  of  hands  of  the  Prelates,  be  the  Signs  : 
and  the  increase  of  the  gifts  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  and  espe- 
cially of  fortitude,  to  speak,  shew,  and  defend  the  Faith,  and 
to  suffer  for  the  same  in  case  need  be. 

The  third  Question ,  What  promises  he  made  of  the  suid  graces? 

392  ADDENDA. 

1  answer,  That  the  facts  and  deeds  that  be  expressed  in 
the  Books  of  the  Apostles,  with  the  effects  ensuing,  by 
the  imposition  of  their  hands,  upon  them  that  before  had  re- 
ceived Remission  of  their  sins,  joyned  with  the  promises 
of  Christ,  made  to  his  Church,  and  the  continual  belief 
of  the  university  of  the  same  Catholick  Chur .h  from  the 
time  of  the  Apostles  hitherto,  without  contradiction  of  any 
man  (ignorants  and  suspects  of  Heresie  only  excepted), 
maketh  us,  and  in  my  opinion,  without  prejudice  of  other 
men's  opinions,  ought  to  suffice  to  make  all  men  that  hath 
promised  to  believe  the  Catholick  Church,  assuredly  to 
think  that  God  hath  made  the  promises  of  the  said  grace. 
Ego  Joannes  London,  sic  respondeo,  fretus  autorltate  et  Tes- 
timonio  antiquissmorum,  eorumque  Doctissimoriim  ■pariter  ac 
Sanctissimorum  virorum,  et  'prcccijme  Sanctte.  matris  nostree 
Ecclesiec  Catholicce,  crii  etiam  in  non  expressis  in  sacra  Scrip- 
tura,  non  multo  minus  qtiam  scriptis,  fides  adhibendu  est ; 
jiisi  tarn  debaptismo  parvulorum,  quam  deperpetna  Deipara: 
virginis  integritate,   et  id  genus  complurihiis,   quibus  sine 
salmis  periculo  nemo  discrepat,  licebit  salva  fide  contradicere. 


Some  Considei-atiotis  offered  to  the  Ki7ig  by  Cranmer,  to  induce 
him  to  proceed  to  a  further  Reformation. 

(Cott.  Libr.  Cleop.  E.4.) 
Pleaseth  it  your  Highness  graciously  to  consider,  deeply 
to  ponder  and  weigh  by  your  high  wisdom  these  Consi- 
derations following. 

rirst,  How  no  great  thing  is  to  be  determined,  princi- 
pally matters  of  Christ's  Religion,  without  long,  great,  and 
mature  deliberation. 

Secondly,  How  evil  it  hath  succeeded  when  in  Provin- 
cial, yea  or  yet  in  General  Councils,  men  have  gone  about 
to  set  forth  any  thing  as  in  the  force  of  God's  Law,  without 
the  manifest  Word  of  God,  or  else  without  apparent  rea- 
sons, infallibly  deduced  out  of  the  Word  of  God. 

Thirdly,  How  all  Christened  Regions  are  now  full  of 
Learned  men  in  the  Scripture,  which  can  well  espie  out  and 
judge  how  things  that  be,  or  shall  be  set  forth,  are  agreeable 
with  Scripture  or  not. 

Fourthly,  Of  what  Audacity  men  be  of  now  a-days,  which 
will  not  spare  to  write  against  high  Princes,  as  \yell  as 
against  private  persons,  without  any  respect  to  their  high 
Estates,  only  weighing  the  equity  or  the  iniquity  of  the 

ADDENDA.  393 

Fifthly,  How  not  only  men  of  the  New  Learning  (as 
they  be  called)  but  also  the  very  Papistical  Authors,  do 
allow,  that  by  the  Word  of  God  Priests  be  not  forbidden  to 
Marry,  although  they  were  not  ignorant  that  many  ex- 
pounders of  Scripture  were  of  the  contrary  judgment. 

Sixthly,  How  that  it  is  not  possible  that  all  Learned 
men  should  be  of  one  mind,  sentence,  and  opinion,  as  long 
as  the  cockle  is  mingled  with  the  wheat,  the  Godly  with 
the  ungodly,  which  certainly  shall  be  so  long  as  the  World 

Seventhly,  How  variety  of  Opinions  have  been  occasion 
of  the  opening  of  many  verities  heretofore  taken  for  Heresie, 
yea  and  yet  so  esteemed  and  taken  of  many,  in  other 
Regions  ;  as  namely  the  usurped  Authority  of  the  Bishop 
of  Rome  hath  by  that  oc  asion  come  into  Light,  with  the 
effusion  of  the  blood  not  of  a  few,  such  as  were  the  first 
stirrers  up  thereof. 

Lastly,  There  be  also  other  opinions  not  spoken  of,  which 
have  made,  and  yet  will  make  as  much  variance  in  your 
Grace's  Realm  as  any  of  them  treated  of;  namely.  Whether 
the  Holy  Scripture  teacheth  any  Purgatory  lo  us  after  this 
Life,  or  notl  Whether  the  same  Scripture  teacheth  the 
Invocation  of  dead  Saints'?  Whether  there  be  any  unwritten 
verities  necessary  to  be  believed,  not  written  in  Scripture, 
nor  deducted  by  infallible  Arguments  out  of  the  open 
places  of  Scripture?  Whether  there  be  any  satisfactions 
beside  the  satisfaction  of  Christ?  Whether  free  will  by 
its  own  strength  may  dispose  itself  to  grace  of  a  conveniency 
(as  it  is  s^'id)  de  congruo?  Whether  it  be  against  Scripture 
to  kiss  the  Image  of  Christ  in  the  Honour  of  him?  And 
generally,  whether  Images  may  be  used  any  other  way  than 
your  Grace  setteth  forth  in  your  Injunctions? 

Wherefore  in  consideration  of  the  premisses  it  may  please 
your  Highness  to  suspend  your  judgment  for  a  time,  and 
not  to  determine  the  Marriage  of  Priests  to  be  against 
Scripture,  but  rather  to  put  both  parts  to  silence,  com- 
manding them  neither  to  preach,  dispute,  nor  openly  to 
talk  thereof  under  pain  of,  &c.  And  in  case  these  pre- 
misses do  not  move  your  Highness  to  stay,  that  then  it 
may  please  the  same  to  grant  that  the' Article  of  Priests 
Marriage  may  be  openly  disputed  in  both  Universities, 
under  indifferent  Judges,  before  it  be  determined.  All  the 
Arguments  of  the  contrary  party  first  to  be  delivered  in 
writing  to  the  defenders  twelve  days  before  the  disputation  • 
to  the  intent  they  may  the  more  maturely  and  deliberately 
make  answer  to  the  same  ;  and  they  that  shall  enter  as  de- 
fenders into  this  disputation,  to  do  it  under  this  condition, 
that  if  their  Judges  decern  them  to  be  overcome,  they 

394  ADDENDA. 

be  right  well  contented  to  suffer  death  therefore  :  And 
if  their  adversaries  cannot  prove  their  purpose,  their  desire 
is  no  more  but  that  it  may  please  your  Highness  to 
leave  your  most  humble  Subjects  to  the  liberty  that  God's 
Word  permitteth  them  in  that  behalf;  and  your  said  hum- 
ble Subjects  shall  pray  unto  Almighty  God  for  the  preser- 
vation of  your  most  Royal  Estate  long  to  continue  to  God's 
Glory  and  Honour, 


A  Declaration  made  of  the  Functions  and  Divine  Institution  of 
Bishops  and  Priests.    An  Original. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Cleop.  E.  5.) 

As  touching  the  Sacrament  of  the  Holy  Orders,  we  will 
that  all  Bishops  and  preachers  shall  instruct  and  teach  our 
people  committed  by  us  unto  their  Spiritual  charge. 

First,  How  that  Christ  and  his  Apostles  did  institute  and 
Ordained  in  the  New  l  estament,  that  beside  the  Civil 
Powers  and  governance  of  Kings  and  Princes,  which  is 
called  in  Scripture,  potestas  gladii,  the  Power  of  the  Sword, 
there  should  be  also  continually  in  the  Church  Militant, 
certain  other  Ministers  or  Officers,  which  should  have  Spi- 
ritual Power,  Authority,  and  commission  under  Chri^.t,  to 
Preach  and  teach  the  Word  of  God  unto  his  people,  and 
to  dispence  and  administer  the  Sacraments  of  God  unto 
them  ;  and  by  the  same  to  confer  and  give  the  grace  of  the 
Holy  Ghost,  to  consecrate  the  blessed  body  of  Christ  in  the 
Sacrament  of  the  Altar,  to  loose  and  absoil  from  sin  all  per- 
sons which  be  duly  penitent  and  sorry  for  the  same  ;  to  bind 
and  excommunicate  such  as  be  guilty  in  manifest  crimes 
and  sins,  and  will  not  amend  their  defaults  ;  to  order  and 
consecrate  others  in  the  same  room,  Order,  and  Office, 
■whereunto  they  be  called  and  admitted  themselves ;  and 
finally  to  feed  Christ's  people  like  good  Pastors  and  Rec- 
tors, as  the  Apostles  calleth  them,  with  their  wholsome  doc- 
trine, and  by  their  continual  exhortations  and  monitions  to 
reduce  them  from  sin  and  iniquity,  so  much  as  in  them  lyeth, 
and  to  bring  them  unto  the  perfect  knowledg,  the  perfect 
love  and  dread  of  God,  and  unto  the  perfect  charity  of  their 

Item  ;  That  this  Office,  this  Ministration,  this  Power  and 
Authority,  is  no  tyrannical  Power,  having  no  certain  Laws 
or  Limits,  within  the  which  it  ought  to  be  contained,  nor  yet 
none  absolute  Power,  but  it  is  a  moderate  Power,  subject, 
determined,  and  restrained  unto  those  certain  Limits  and 

ADDENDA.  395 

ends  for  the  which  the  same  was  appointed  by  God's  Ordi- 
nance ;  which,  as  was  said  before,  is  only  to  administer  and 
distribute  unto  the  members  of  Christ's  Mystical  body,  spi- 
ritual and  everlasting  things  ;  that  is  to  say,  the  pure  and 
heavenly  doctrine  of  Christ's  Gospel,  and  the  graces  conferred 
in  his  Sacraments  :  And  therefore  this  said  Power  and  ad- 
ministration is  called  in  some  places  of  Scripture,  donum  et 
Gratia,  a  gift  and  a  grace  ;  in  some  places  it  is  called  Claves 
sive  potestas  Clavium,  that  is  to  say,  the  keys,  or  the  Power 
of  the  keys,  whereby  is  signified  a  certain  limited  Office  res- 
trained unto  the  execution  of  a  special  Function  or  Minis- 
tration, according  to  the  saying  of  St.  Paul  in  his  first  Chap, 
of  his  Epistle  to  the  Romans,  and  in  the  fourth  Chap,  of  his 
first  Epistle  to  Timothy,  and  also  in  the  fourth  Chap,  of  his 
Epistle  to  the  Ephes. ;  where  he  writes  in  this  Sentence; 
Quum  ascendisset  Christus  in  altum,  captivam  duxit  capti- 
vatem,  et  dedit  dona  hominibus,  dedlt  autem,  alios  quidem  Apos- 
tolos,  alios  vera  Prophetas,  alios  vero  Evangelistas,  alios  autem 
pastor esac  doctores,  ad  instaurationem  sanctorum,  in  opus  ad- 
ministrationis,  in  (cdificationem  co)-poris  Christi,  donee  perve- 
niamus  omnes  in  unitatem  fidei  et  ugnitionis  filii  Dei,  in  virum 
perfectum,  in  mensuram  cctis  plene  adult<t  Christi.  That  is  to 
say,  "  when  Christ  ascended  into  Heaven,  he  subdued  and 
vanquished  very  captivity  her  self,  and  led  or  made  her 
thrall  and  captive,  and  distributed  and  gave  divers  heavenly 
gifts  and  graces  unto  men  here  on  earth  ;  and  among  all  he 
made  some  the  Apostles,  some  Priests,  some  Evangelists, 
some  Pastors  and  Doctors,  to  the  intent  they  should  execute 
the  work  and  office  of  their  administration,  to  the  instaura- 
tion,  instruction,  and  edyfying  of  the  members  of  Christ's 
Mystical  body  :  And  that  they  should  also  not  cease  from 
the  Execution  of  their  said  Office,  untill  all  the  said  members 
were  not  only  reduced  and  brought  unto  unity  of  the  Faith, 
and  the  knowledg  of  the  Son  of  God,  but  also  that  they  were 
come  unto  a  perfect  state,  and  full  age  therein  ;  that  is  to 
say,  untill  they  were  so  established  and  confirmed  in  the 
same  that  they  could  no  more  afterwards  be  wavering  therein, 
and  be  led  or  carryed  like  children,  into  any  contrary  doc- 
trine, or  opinion,  by  the  craft  or  subtle  perswasion  of  the 
false  Pastors  and  Teachers,  which  go  about  by  craft  to  bring 
them  into  erroneous  opinions,  but  that  they  should  constantly 
follow  the  true  Doctrine  of  Christ's  (iospel,  growing  and 
encreasing  continually  by  charity  unto  a  perfect  member  of 
that  body,  whereof  Christ  is  the  very  head,  in  whom  if  the 
whole  body,  that  is  to  say,  if  every  part  and  member  be 
grown  and  come  unto  his  perfect  estate,  not  all  in  like,  but 
every  one  according  to  the  gift  and  quality  which  is  deputed 

396  ADDENDA. 

unto  it,  and  so  to  be  compacted,  united,  and  corporated  to- 
gether in  the  said  body,  no  doubt  but  that  whole  body  and 
every  part  thereof  shall  thereby  be  made  the  more  perfect  and 
the  more  strong,  by  reason  of  that  natural  love  and  charity, 
w^hich  one  member  so  united  in  the  body  hath  unto  the 
other  :"  by  which  words  it  appeareth  evidently,  not  only  that 
St.  Paul  accounted  and  numbered  this  said  Power  and  Office 
of  the  Pastors  and  Doctors  among  the  proper  and  special 
gifts  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  but  also  it  appeareth  that  the  same 
was  a  limited  power  and  Office,  ordained  especially  and 
only  for  the  causes  and  purposes  before  rehearsed. 

Item,  That  this  Power,  Office,  and  Administration  is 
necessary  to  be  preserved  here  in  Earth  for  three  special  and 
principal  causes.  Pirst,  for  that  it  is  the  Commandment  of 
God  it  should  be  so,  as  it  appeareth  in  sundry  places  of 
Scripture.  Secondly,  for  that  God  hath  instituted  and  or- 
dained none  other  ordinary  mean  or  instrument,  whereby  he 
makes  us  partakers  of  the  reconciliation  which  is  by  Christ, 
and  confers  and  gives  the  graces  of  his  Holy  Spirit  unto  us, 
and  makes  us  the  right  inheritors  of  everlasting  Life,  there 
to  Reign  with  him  for  ever  in  glory,  but  only  his  words  and 
Sacraments;  and  therefore  the  Office  and  Power  to  Minister 
the  said  Word  and  Sacraments  may  in  no  wise  be  suffered 
to  perish,  or  to  be  abolished,  according  to  the  saying  of 
St.  Paul,  Quomodo  credent  in  eum  de  quo  non  audierunt  1  quo- 
modo  autem  audient  sitie  prddicante  ?  quomodo  autem  predica' 
bunt  nisi  missi  fuerunt  ?  nicut  scripliim  est,  quam  speciosi  super 
montes  pedes  Evangelizantium  pacem,  annunciantium  bona ! 
Thirdly,  because  the  said  Power  and  Office  or  Function  hath 
annexed  unto  it  assured  promises  of  excellent  and  inesti- 
mable things  ;  for  thereby  is  conferred  and  given  the  Holy 
Ghost  with  all  his  graces,  and  finally  our  justification  and 
everlasting  life,  according  to  the  saying  of  St.  ^faul,  Non  me 
pudet  Evangeiii  Jesu  Christi,  potentia  si  quidem  est  Dei  ad 
salutem  omni  credenti ;  that  is  to  say,  I  am  not  ashamed  of 
the  room  and  Office  which  I  have  given  unto  me  by  Christ ; 
to  preach  his  Gospel,  for  it  is  the  power  of  God,  that  is  to 
say,  the  elect  Organ  or  Instrument  ordained  by  God,  and 
endued  with  such  vertue  and  effcacy,  that  it  is  able  to  give 
and  Minister  effectually  everlasting  Life  unto  all  those  that 
will  believe  and  obey  unto  the  same. 

Item,  That  this  Office,  this  Power  and  Authority,  was 
committed  and  given  by  Christ  and  his  Apostles  unto  cer- 
tain persons  only,  that  is  to  say,  unto  Priests  or  Bishops, 
whom  they  did  elect,  call,  and  admit  thereunto  by  their 
Prayer  and  Imposition  of  their  hands. 

Secondly,  We  will  that  all  Bishops  and  Preachers  shall 

ADDENDA.  397 

instruct  and  teach  our  people  committed  unto  their  Spiritual 
charge,  that  the  Sacrament  of  Order  may  worthily  be  called 
a  Sacrament,  because  it  is  a  holy  Rite,  or  ceremony,  insti- 
tuted by  Christ  and  his  Apostles  in  the  New  Testament,  and 
doth  consist  of  two  parts,  like  as  the  other  Sacraments  of 
the  Church  do  ;  that  is  to  say,  of  a  spiritual  and  an  invisible 
grace,  and  also  of  an  outward  and  a  visible  Sign.  The  in- 
visible gift  or  grace  conferred  in  this  Sacrament  is  nothing 
else  but  the  Power,  the  Offices,  and  the  Authority  before 
mentioned :  the  visible  and  outward  Sign  is  the  Prayer 
and  Imposition  of  the  Bishop's  hands,  upon  the  person 
which  receiveth  the  said  gift  or  grace.  And  to  the  intent 
the  Church  of  Christ  should  never  be  destituted  of  such  Minis- 
ters as  should  have  and  execute  the  said  power  of  the  keys,  it 
was  also  Ordained  and  commanded  by  the  Apostles,  that 
the  same  Sacrament  should  be  applyed  and  ministered  by 
the  Bishop  from  time  to  time,  unto  such  other  persons  as 
had  the  qualities,  which  the  Apostles  very  diligently  de- 
scry ve  ;  as  it  appeareth  evidently  in  the  third  Chap,  of  the 
first  Epistle  of  St.  Paul  to  Tim.  and  his  Epistle  unto  Titus. 
And  surely  this  is  the  whole  vertue  and  efficacy,  and  the 
cause  also  of  the  institution  of  this  Sacrament,  as  it  is  found 
in  the  New  Testament ;  for  albeit  the  Holy  Fathers  of  the 
Church  which  succeeded  the  Apostles,  minding  to  beautifie 
and  ornate  the  Church  of  Christ  with  all  those  things,  which 
were  commendable  in  the  Temple  of  the  Jews,  did  devise 
not  only  certain  other  ceremonies  than  be  before  rehearsed, 
as  Tonsures,  Rasures,  Unctions,  and  such  other  observances 
to  be  used  in  the  administration  of  the  said  Sacraments,  but 
did  also  institute  certain  inferiour  orders  or  degrees.  Janitors, 
Lectors,  Exorcists,  Acolits,  and  Subdeacons,  and  deputed 
to  every  one  of  those  certain  Offices  to  Execute  in  the 
Church,  wherein  they  followed  undoubtedly  the  example  and 
rites  used  in  the  Old  Testament ;  yet  the  truth  is,  that  in 
the  New  Testament  there  is  no  mention  made  of  any  degrees 
or  distinctions  in  Orders,  but  only  of  Dejicons  or  Ministers, 
and  of  Priests  or  Bishops  :  nor  is  there  any  word  spoken  of 
any  other  ceremony  used  in  the  couferrmg  of  this  Sacra- 
ment, but  only  of  Prayer,  and  the  imposition  of  the  Bishop's 

Thomas  Cromwell.  Joannes  Bathoniens. 

T.  Cantuarien.  Thomas  Elien. 

Edwardus  Ebor.  Joannes  Bangor. 

Joannes  London,  Nicholaus  Sarum. 

Cuthbertus  Dunelmensts.  Edwardus  Hereforden, 

Joannes  I  incoln.  Hugo  Wygorn. 
Voi,.  I,  Part  IL  2  M 

396  ADDENDA. 

Joannes  Roffen.  Richardus  Smith. 

Rich.  Cicestr.  Simon  Matthew. 

\  Richardus  Wolman.  Joannes  Prynn. 

Joannes  Bell.  Gulielmus  Buckmastre. 

•   AVillielmus  Clyffe.  Willielmus  Maye. 

Robertus  Aldridge.  Nicolaus  Wotton. 

Gilfridus  Downes.  Richardus  Cox. 

Joannes  Skip.  Joannes  Edmondes. 

Cuthbertus  Marshall.  Thomas  Robertson. 

.  Marmaduke  Waldeby.  Thomas  Baret. 

Robertus  Okihg.  Joannes  Nase» 

Nicholaus  Heyth.  Joannes  Barbar. 

Rodolphus  Bradford. 

(Some  other  hands  there  are  that  cannot  be  Read.) 
Sacra  Theologia,  Juris  Ecclesiastici  et  Civilis  Professores, 


A  Letter  of  Melanthmi's,  to  persuade  the  King  to  a  further 
Reformation.    An  Original. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Cleop.  E.  5.) 
S.  D.  Serenissime  et  Inclyte  Rex,  Etsi  audieramus  Ro- 
manuum  Episcopum  omnibus  artificiis  incendere  Caesaris 
Caroli  et  Regis  Gallici  animos  adversus  Britannos  et  Ger- 
manos,  tamen  quia  spero  Deum  haec  pericula  gubernatu- 
rum  esse,  et  defensurum  trahquillitatem  tuam,  scripsi  in 
alteris  Uteris  de  Ecclesiarum  emendatione,  quam  si  tempora 
sinent  rogo  ut  Regia  Majestas  tua  suscipiat.  Postea  adjeci 
banc  Epistolam,  non  impudentia,  sed  optimo  studio,  et  amore 
cum  Ecclesiarum,  cum  Regiae  Majestatis  tuae  incitatus: 
quare  per  Christum  obtestor  Regiam  Majestatem  tuana  ut 
meam  libertatem  boni  consulat.  Saepe  cogito  Britannicae 
Ecclesiae  primordia,  et  caeteras  laudes  :  hinc  enim  propagata 
est  doctrina  Christiana  in  magnam  Germaniae  et  Gallize 
partem;  imo  Britannicae  EcclesiaB  beneficium  fuit,  quod 
primum  Romanae  Provinciae  liberatae  sunt  persecutione. 
Haec  primum  nobis  Imperatorem  pium  Constantinum  dedit  ; 
magna  haec  gloria  est  vestri  nominis.  Nunc  quoque  Regiai 
Majestas  tua  primum  heroica  magnitudine  animi  ostendit  se 
veritati  patrocinaturum  esse  excussit  Romani  Episcopi  ty- 
rannideni,  quare  veterem  puritatem  Ecclesias  vestrae  maxima 
optarim  restitui  integram.  Sed  animadverto  istic  esse  quosdam 
qui  veteres  abusus  ortos  aut  confirmatos  a  Romano  Episcopo 
adhujc  mordicus  tenent.  Mirum  est  autem  Autore  abusuum 
ejecto  ipsa  tamen  veaena  retineri:  quam  in  re  illud  etiam 

ADDENDA.  399 

periculi  est,  quod  illi  ipsi  aut  eorum  imitatores  aliquandd 
revocaturi  posestatem  Romani  Episcopi  videntur,  si  populus 
hunc  putavit  esse  Magistrum  Ecclesiarum,  incurrunt  enim 
ritus  in  oculos  et  admonent  de  autore,  ut  Solonis  memoria 
cum  legibus  Athenis  et  propagata  et  jucunda  fuit. 

Gaudebam  igitur  in  Edicto  recens  istic  proposito  de 
Religione,  promitti  publicam  deliberationem  et  emenda- 
tionem  de  Ecclesiarum  ritibus  et  legibus,  eaque  sententia 
mitigavit  Decreti  acerbitatem  :  quanquam  enira  laudo  pie- 
tatem,  quod  errores  prohibentur,  qui  pugnant  cum  doc- 
trina  Catholicze  Ecclesias  quam  et  nos  profitemur ;  tamen 
doleo  ad  eas  causas  adjectura  esse  articulum,  in  quo  pre- 
cipitur  omnium  rituum  usitatorum  et  caelibatus  observatio. 
Primum  enim  multi  transferrent  Edicti  Autoritatem  ad  sta- 
biliendos  abusus  Missae.  Deinde  in  universum  confirmatur 
pertinacia  eorum  qui  Doctrinae  nostraB  sunt  iniquiores,  et 
debilitantur  studia  piorum.  Augustinus  queritur  sua  aetata 
jam  duriorem  fuisse  servitutem  Christianam  quam  Judaicam, 
quanto  erit  asperior  servitus,  si  superstitiosiores  ineptiae, 
ut  reptafio  ad  crucem  aut  res  similes,  munientur  corporum 
suppliciis  1  Gerson  scribit  prodesse  piis,  qui  tamen  super- 
stitiosius  observant  ritus,  ut  invitentur  ad  eos  violandos,  ut 
usu  et  exemplo  dediscant  superstitionem. 
_  Sed  munio  tranquillitatem,  dices,  et  nolo  dissimilitudine 
rituum  excitari  discordias.  Ego  de  piis  et  modestis  lo- 
quor  qui  humanas  traditiones  sine  tumultibus  violant,  non 
de  his  qui  in  castu  publico  seditiose  tranquillum  populum 
aut  concitant  aut  perturbant.  Extant  autem  antea  leges 
de  seditiosis,  nee  statim  violatio  inepti  et  non  necessarii 
ritus  judicanda  est  seditiosa,  attamen  hac  in  re  non  solum 
tranquillitatis,  sed  etiam  piarum  conscientiarum  ratio  ha- 
benda  est :  est  enim  tenera  res  conscicntia,  facile  langues- 
cit  perculsa  potentum  judiciis. 

Nee  ignoro  quosdam  novo  jam  uti  genere  sapientiae,  ex- 
cusant  abusus  et  leniunt  eos  astute  affictis  interpretationi- 
bus  ut  habeant  speciosam  causam  cur  eos  retineant ;  sicut 
nefarios  abusus  excusat  Autor  reform ationis  Coloniensis, 
ut  campanarum  consecrationem  et  similes  imposttiras. 
Quam  multa  sunt  in  fabulosis  historiis  sanctorum,  ut  Chri^- 
tophori,  Georgii,  quae,  ut  poemata,  continent  venustissimas 
Allegorias  ;  nee  tamen  propter  has  cogendae  sunt  Ecclesiae 
ut  illas  poeticas  personas  colant. 

Erat  in  Egypto  sacrum  cum  fici  maturuissent,  populus 
enim  in  templo  edens  recentes  ficus,  addebat  canticum  his 
verbis,  Dulcis  veritas.  Huic  ritui  facile  est  bellam  signi- 
ficationem  addere,  cumq;  accommodare  ad  laudem  Verbi 
Dei,  nee  tamen  propterea  hie  mos  in  Ecclesia*  revocandus 

400  ADDENDA. 

est;  atqui  hzuiG  novam  sophisticam  exoriri  passim  vidc- 
mus.  Sic  in  Italia  dicuntur  abusibus  patrocinari,  .Con- 
tarenus,  Sadoletus,  et  Polus  Cardinalis;  nam  hi  praecipue 
susceperunt  sibi  jam  has  partes  defendendae  Romanae  im- 
pietatis,  et  hanc  ducunt  esse  magnam  ingenii  laudem  fucos 
illinire  vitiosis  ritibus,  putantq;  se  his  ineptiis  Dionysii 
Theologiam  Mysticam  renovare.  Haec  Sophistica,  nisi 
prudentes  gubernatores  Ecclesiarum  obsistent,  pariet  hor- 
ribilem  confusionem  religionum,  et  rursus  obruet  verita- 
tem.  Donee  flagitantur  humani  ritus  tanquam  necessarii, 
confirmatur  prava  opinio  de  cultu  ^  idee  Paulus  tam  vehe- 
menter  non  modo  opinionem,  sed  ritus  ipsos  Leviticos  insec- 
tatus  est,  praevidebat  enim  non  excuti  posse  superstitionem, 
si  ritus  manerent,  quare  gravissime  inquit,  si  circumcidiminiy 
.  Christus  vobis  nihil  proderit. 

Retineatur  er^o  simplex  et  perspicua  sententia  de  liber- 
tate  in  adiaphoris,  et  doceant  concionatores  quae  scandala 
vitanda  sint ;  retineantur  ritus  divinitus  instituti,  et  aliquae 
humanae  traditiones  utiles  ad  bonum  ordinem,  ut  Paulus 
loquitur,  et  sit  modus  caeremoniarum  quae  habeant  con- 
junctam  gravitatem  et  elegantiam ;  decet  autem  abesse  ab 
Ecclesiis  barbariem :  Caeteri  inutiles  et  inepti  ritus  non 
duriter  flagitentur. 

Deinde  quantum  periculi  adfert  conscientiis  prohibitio 
conjugii,  nee  ignorat  Regia  Majestas  tua,  legem  de  caeli- 
batu  perpetuo  lantum  Romae  natam  esse :  extant  Epistolae 
Episcopi  Tarraconensis  defendentes  conjugia  Presbytero- 
rum  in  Hispania  contra  Romanum  Episcopum.  In  Ger- 
mania  ante  annos  quingentos  adhuc  Sacerdotes  fuerunt 
mariti,  adeoque  a°gre  tulerunt  sibi  eripi  hanc  libertatem,  ut 
in  Episcopum  Moguntinum  recitantem  edictum  Romanum 
tumultuantes  impetum  fecerint,  quare  Episcopus  fugere 
coactus  recitationem  omisit.  Erat  Autor  Edicti  Gregorius 
Septimus  qui  cuilibet  tyrannorum  veterum  audacia  et  im- 
pietate  par  fuit.  Hie  cum  longo  et  funesto  bello  civiH 
nostros  Germanicos  imperatores  implicuisset,  simul  etiam 
Ecclesias  Tyrannide  oppressit.  Audio  et  in  Anglia  Sacer- 
dotes fuisse  maritos :  deniq;  notae  sunt  Historiae,  quae  ex- 
empla  satis  multa  continent,  quare  miror  in  Edicto  citari 
Epistolam  ad  Corinthios,  cum  haec  longe  aliud  tradat  de 
conjugio,  ac  praecipiat  conjugium  iis  qui  non  sunt  idonei  ad 

Nee  objicienda  sunt  vota  quae  et  expresse  pugnant  cum 
divinis  mandatis,  et  trahunt  secuin  multiplicem  supersti- 
tionem et  morum  corruptionem ;  videmus  enim  qualis  sit 
vita  multorum  Sacerdotum  caelibura  :  itaq;  non  sine  dolore 
aliquo  legi  in  Edieto,  quod  hi  qui  Uxores  duxerunt  accu- 

ADDENDA.  401 

santur  Levitatis,  nam  hoc  convicio  causa  nostra  praegra- 
vari  videtnr,  quae  tamen  Ecclesia^  necessaria  est,  ut  con- 
jugii  dignitas  clarius  couspiciatur,  ut  superstitiosi  cultus 
votorura  reprehendantur,  ut  arceantur  libidines.  Non  enim 
impurus  coelibatus,  sed  honesta  et  pia  conjugum  consue-~ 
tudo,  est  castitas  Deo  grata,  sicut  Christus  sua  voce  divi- 
nam  conjunctionem  appellat  conubium,  inquiens,  Quos 
Deus  conjunxit,  &c.  Discamus  Dei  Ordinationem  in  natura 
magnifacere,  eaque  reverenter  uti,  non  fingamus  ipsi  novos 
cultus  sine  Verbo  Dei;  de  quo  genere  Paulus  nominatiiA 
concionatur,  cum  ad  Timotheum  scribens  duriter  reprehendit 
eos  qui  prohibent  nuptias. 

Propheta  Daniel  insignes  notas  addidit  Antichristo  duas, 
cum  ait,  colet  Deum  INIaosim  argento  et  auro,  et  Deum 
patrum  suorum  non  intelliget,  et  mulieres  non  curabit. 
Heec  quadrant  maxime  ad  llomanos  mores :  Missarum 
abusus  et  Sanctorum  cultus  pepererunt  immensas  opes  et 
Regiam  potentiam.  Nova  nuraina  confecta  sunt,  adoran- 
tur  aureae  et  argenteae  statuae,  et  auro  atque  argento  ornan- 
tuT.  Deinde  ascedit  Lex  de  coelibatu,  unde  magna  cor- 
ruptio  morum  orta  est.  Hae  notae  cui  genti,  cui  Regno 
usquam  competunt  nisi  factioni  Episcopi  Romanil  qui 
cum  sit  Antichristus,  pio  et  forti  animo  ipsius  autoritati  et 
legibus  adversandum  est. 

Porro  faeliciter  coepit  Regia  Majestas  tua  quasdam  emen- 
dare,  sustulit  aliquu  idola  quae  impie  colebantur :  Obtestor 
ergo  Regiam  Majestatem  tuam,  ut  reliquam  impietatem 
Romanam  etiam  ex  Ecclesiis  toUat.  Exempla  testantur 
ingentibus  victoriis  ornatos  esse  Reges  qui  sustulerunt 
Idololatriam,  ac  saepe  testatur  Deus  quantopere  requirat 
hunc  cultum  ut  removeantur  superstitiones,  et  pro  hoc 
officio  ingentia  praemia  poUicetur :  quare  Deus  etiam  de- 
fendet  Regiam  Majestatem  tuam,  si  ut  Ezechias  et  caeteri 
pii  Reges  impios  ritus  sustuleris.  Audit  Regia  jNIajestas 
tua  in  Belgico  et  alibi  immanem  saevitiam  exerceri  adver- 
sus  pios  ;  et  haec  Tyrannis  gignit  alia  multa  vitia,  stabili^ 
idololatriam,  delet  veram  invocationem,  extinguit  penitus 
veram  Religionem ;  cumq;  desint  borii  Doctores,  multi 
in  populo  fiunt  palam  aOeot.  Constat  enim  pajne  Ethnicam 
licentiam  esse  in  Belgico,  alii  superstitiosi  natura,  alii 
fanaticas  opiniones  Anabaptistarum  amplectuntur.  Talis 
est  in  Belgico  status,  quod  quidem  floret  pace,  otio,  opi- 
bus ;  adfluunt  luxu  ditiores,  ita  se  beatos  esse  putant,  nee 
iuterea  prospiciunt  quot  poenae  ipsis  imdendeant :  Deus 
autem  baud  dubie  tantam  impietatem  et  crudelitatem  atro- 
citer  puniet.  NoUem  igitur  in  Regno  tuo  renovari  asperi- 
tatem  adversus  pios,  quam  ita  prohibebit  Regia  Majes- 

402  ADDENDA. 

tas  tua  si  Edictum  leniet  et  Ecclesias  constiturare  p^get. 
Deinde  ut  etiam  ad  posteritatem,  animi  abhorreant  a  Ty- 
rannide  Romani  Episcopi,  plurimum  refert  illas  leges  tolli, 
quae  sunt  nervi  autoritatis  ipsius ;  magna  vero  adrainicula 
potentiae  Romanorum  Episcoporum  fuerunt,  Missarum 
abusus,  et  Caelibatus,  C[uae  si  durabunt  aliquando  poterunt 
praebere  occasionem  iis  qui  depravatae  sunt  opinionis  Ro- 
manae  Aulae,  ut  ad  earn  ruisus  inclinationem  faciant.  Id 
caveri  quantum  referat,  si  doctrinae  puritas  conservanda 
est,  satis  intelligit  Regia  Majestas  tua.  Verum  adhuc 
est  quod  Juvenalis  de  Romana  aula  scripsit,  hie  fiunt  ho- 
miues,  &^c.  imbuti  eo  loci  malis  artibus,  contumaciam  sin- 
gularem  adversus  Reges  inde  referunt,  ut  multa  exempla 
testantur.  Hanc  Epistolam  loquaciorem  ac  liberiorem  ut 
Regia  Majestas  tua  boni  consul  at  oro.  Precor  autem  Deum 
et  Dominum  nostrum  lesum  Christum,  ut  Regiam  Majesta- 
tem  tuam  servet  et  defendat,  ac  gubernet  ad  salutem 
Ecclesiae.  Bene  et  feliciter  valeat  Regia  Majestas  tua. 
Ex  Francofordia, 

Regiae  Majestatis  tuae 


Philippus  Melanthon. 

Directed  thus  on  the  Back  ; 

Serenissimo  et  Inclyto  Anglic  et  Fran- 
ciae  Regi  D.  Henrico  Octavo  Wal- 
lize  et  Cornubiae  Principi,  Capiti  An- 
glicae  Ecclesiae  post  Christum  Su- 

Principi  Glementissimo. 


A  Letter  written  by  the  German  Ambassadois  to  the  King, 
against  the  taking  away  of  the  Chalice,  and  against  pri- 
vate Masses,  and  the  Celibate  of  the  Clergie,  ^r.  An  Ori- 

(Cotton  Libr.  Cleop.  E.  5.) 

Serenissime  et  Potentissime  Rex,  Domine  Clementissime, 
Etsi  Serenissimam  Regiam  Majestatem  vestram  maximo- 
Tum  negotiorum  mole,  turn  ad  Regnum  ac  Provincias  pro- 
prias  Majestatis  Vestrae  pertinentium,  turn  etiam  extero- 
Tum  Regum,  Prinoipum,  et  Potentatuum  gravissimis  causis, 

ADDENDA.  403 

qua*  ad  Regiam  Majestateia  Vestram  paene  quotidie  de- 
volvuntur,  obrui  non  ignoremus ;  nosque  pro  nostra  erga 
Regiam  Majestatem  Vestram  debita  observantia  ut  par  est, 
nihil  minus  volimus  aut  cogitemus,  quam  Serenissimam  Re- 
giam Majestatem  Vestram  vel  mittendis  Uteris  crebrioribus, 
vel  uUa  alia  re  interturbare  et  a  Reipublicae  curis  impedire, 
taraen  certis  quibusdara  de  causis,  quas  Seienissimae  Regiaj 
Majestati  Vestrae  probaturos  nos  speramus,  duximus  iterum 
ad  Serenissimam  Regiam  Majestatem  Vestram  literas  dan- 
das  esse,  nihil  dubitantes  quin  Vestra  Serenissima  Regia 
Majestas  eas  pro  sua  ingigni  bonitate,  sapientia,  doctrina, 
atque  favore  sincerioris  Religionis,  benigne  acceptura  sit. 
Cum  enim  ab  Illustrissimis  Principibus  nostris  nobis  injunc- 
ta  mandata  Vestrae  Serenissimae  Majestati  jampridem  expo- 
suerimus,  et  praeterea  postulante  Majestate  ^^estra  cum  qui- 
busdam  ejusdem  Reverendissimis  et  eruditissirnis  Episcopis 
et  Theologiae  Doctoribus,  de  articulis  Religionis  Christianae 
per  duos  paene  menses  sermones  contulerimus,  ac  Dei  bene- 
ficio  res  eo  perducta  fuerit,  ut  nihil  ambigamus,  quin  inter 
Serenissimam  Regiam  Majestatem  Vestram  et  Principes 
nostros,  ac  eorum  in  causa  religionis  confcederatos  utrorumq; 
Episcopos,  Theologos  et  Subditos  firma  atq;  perpetua  Con- 
cordia in  sinceriore  Evangelii  Doctrina,  in  laudem  Dei  Op- 
timi  Maximi,  salutem  Ecclesiae  Christianae,  ac  perniciem 
Romani  Antichristi,  secutura  sit,  nosque  reliquam  disputa- 
tionem  de  abusibus  non  expectare  queamus,  existimavimus 
non  esse  alienum  ab  officio  nostro,  ut  ante  discessum  nostrum 
Serenissimae  Regiae  Majestati  Vestrae,  quae  per  Dei  Gratiam 
indefessa  cura  et  diligentia  sinceram  Evangelii  Doctrinam 
promotam  cupit,  debitam  observantiam,  atque  perpetuum 
studium  nostrum  Uteris  nostris  testatum  relinqueremus,  et 
Majestati  Vestrae  nostrorum  etiam  sententiam  de  quibusdam 
Articulis  abusuum,  de  quibus  Majestas  Vestra  post  abitum 
nostrum  haud  dubie  curabit  eosdem  Ejpiscopos  et  Theologos 
pro  inquirenda  veritate,  sermones  conferre  et  disputare,  de- 
clararemus  :  nihil  ambigentes,  quin  ea  etiam  in  re  Serenis- 
sima Regia  Majestas  Vestra  pro  Christi  gloria  id  praestitura 
sit,  ut  non  tantum  doctrinam  puram  habeat,  verum  etiam 
abolitis  aliquando  impiis  cultibus  et  abusibus  per  Romanum 
Episcopum  in  Ecclesiam  introductis,  cultus  ac  caeremonias 
consentaneas  Verbo  Dei  constituat :  facile  enim  Serenissima 
Regia  IMajestas  Vestra  pro  sua  summa  sapientia  perspicit, 
non  posse  unquam  Doctrinae  puritatem,  vel  constitui,  vel 
conservari,  nisi  toUantur  e  medio  etiam  hi  abusus,  qui  pror- 
sus  et  ex  diametro,  ut  dici  solet,  cum  Verbo  Dei  pugnant,  et 
Romani  Antichristi  tyrannidem  ac  idolatriam,  turn  pepere- 
runt,  turn  etiam  hactenus  conservarunt ;  nam  ut  radicibus 

404  ADDENDA. 

deraunl  resectis,  necesse  est.arbores  et  herbas  penitus  ex- 
arescere  et  perire,  ita  dubium  non  est,  quin  impiis  Rdmani 
Episcopi  abusibus  et  idololatria,  ut  fundamento  stabilitatis 
ipsius,  labefactis  et  eversis,  etiam  Tyrannis  ejusdem  prorsus 
ruitura  et  interitura  sit ;  quod  nisi  fiat  perpetuo  metuendum 
est,  ne  levi  aliqua  occasione  iterum  repullulescat  et  tanquam 
a  radice  reviviscat. 

Sunt  vero  haec  tria  paene  capita  et  fundamentum  Tyranni- 
dis  et  Idololatriae  Pontificiae,  (juibus  stantibus,  neque  Doc- 
trina  Religionis  integra  permanere,  neque  unquara  Romani 
Episcopi  improbissimus  dominatus,  penitus  extirpari  poterit : 
nempe,  Probibitio  utriusque  speciei  Sacramenti  in  coena  Do- 
mini, Missa  Privata,  et  Interdictio  conjugii  Sacerdotura,  qure 
quidem  usque  adeo  Dei  Verbo  adversantur,  adeoque  etiam 
honestati  publicae  repugnant,  ut  vel  ex  his  solis  apertissime 
intelligi  possit  Romanum  Pontificem  verum  Antichristum, 
et  omnis  idololatriae,  impietatis,  erroris,  et  tuipitudinis,  in 
Christi  Ecclesiam  introductae  auctorem  esse  ;  de  quibus  sane 
articulis  nos  pauca  quasdam  SerenissimaB  Regias  Majestati 
VestrjE  optimo  studio  scribemus,  et  ejusdem  ut  Regis  summa 
sapientia.  acerrimo  judicio,  et  excellenti  doctrina  praediti, 
censurae  committemus,  persuasissimum  nobis  habentes  Ves- 
tram  Majestatem  Illustrissimam  Principum  nostrorum,  et 
Statuum  confcederatorum  consilium  et  institutum,  in  hisce 
articulis  non  improbaturam  esse. 

De  utraque  specie. 
Primura  enim,  Serenissirae  ac  Potentissime  Rex,  non 
existimamus  quenquam  inficias  iturum,  quin  Christi  Doc- 
trina, mandata,  et  ordinationes  omnibus  aliis  praeceptis, 
traditionibus  aut  caeremoniis  humanis  praeferri  debeant ; 
hie  enim  cum  ipse  sit  vita  et  Veritas,  errare  non  potest,  hu- 
mana  vero  omnia,  praecipue  in  rebus  divinis,  incerta  et 
dubia  sunt.  Porro  constat  Christum  ipsum  utramq;  spe- 
ciem  instituisse,  cum  ait,  Bibite  ex  hoc  omnes  ;  et  Paulum 
idem  docuisse,  cum  inquit,  2  Cor.  11,  probet  seipsum  homo, 
et  sic  de  pane  comedat  et  poculo  bibat.  Quibus  sane  locis, 
non  de  una  parte  Ecclesiae,  id  est,  de  Sacerdotibus  tantum, 
sed  de  tota  Ecclesia  mentio  fit :  Nam  quod  quidam  ita 
Argumentantur  solis  Apostolis  Christum  id  dixisse,  eaque 
de  causa  utramq;  speciem  ad  solos  Sacerdotes  pertiuere, 
infirmum  admodum  est  argumentum ;  quia  eadem  ratione 
sequeretur,  quod  Laicis  ne  altera  quidem  species  danda 
esset ;  neque  enim  alio  loco  Christus  raandavit  solum  cor- 
pus laicis  dari,  et  utramque  speciem  pro  Sacerdotibus  in- 
stituit :  sed  hoc  fatendum  est,  quod  illud  mandatum  Christi 
de  Sacramento,  aut  ad  omnes,  hoc  est,  Laicos  et  Sacei- 

ADDENDA.  405 

dotes  pertineat,  aut  Laici  prorsus  a  Sacramento  Corporis 
etiam  arcendi  fuerint,  cum  nusquam  alibi  in  Evangelio, 
nisi  tunc  cum  dedit  Apostolis  simul  corpus  et  sanguinem, 
Sacraraentum  pro  Laicis  institutum  reperiatur ;  idque  ad 
omnes  pertinere  Paulus  declarat,  cum  addit,  et  de  poculo 
bibat,  &c.  Quod  enim  dicunt  Sacramenti  divisionem,  ur- 
gentibus  quibusdam  causis,  ab  Ecclesia  institutam  esse,  et 
sub  una  specie,  non  minus  quam  sub  utraque  contineri, 
non  raultum  ad  rem  facit :  Quis  enim  non  intelligit  hie  de 
Christi  instituto  et  mandato  agi,  idque  humanae  auctoritati 
et  opinionibus  longe  praeferendum  esse  ;  neque  enim  Ec- 
clesia sumit  sibi  banc  libertatem  ex  Christi  Ordinationibus 
res  indifferentes  constituendi ;  et  rationes  illae  vel  de  dis- 
crimine  ordinum,  seu  dignitate  Sacerdotali,  vel  periculo 
efFusionis  et  similes,  nullo  modo  tantam  queunt  vim  habere, 
ut  propterea  Divinae  Ordinationes  mutandae  sint ;  neque 
uUa  etiam  consuetude  contra  mandata  Dei  introducta, 
ipsis  canonibus  Pontificiis  attestantibus,  probanda  est. 
Constat  vero  usum  utriusque  speciei,  et  clarum  habere 
mandatum  Christi,  et  adprobationem  Sanctorum  Patrum, 
ac  consuetudinem  veteris  Ecclesiae  ;  sic  enim,  inquit  Divus 
Hieronymus,  Sacerdotes  qui  Eucharistiae  serviunt,  et  san- 
guinem Christi  populis  distribuunt :  et  Gelasius  Pontifex, 
Sacramenti  Corporis  et  Sanguinis  Domini  divisionem  pro- 
hibet,  eamque  giande  Sacriiegium  adpellat. 

Adhaec,  durat  hodie  hie  mos  Communionis  utriusque 
speciei  in  Graecis  Ecclesiis,  quae  hac  in  re  Romani  Pontifi- 
cis  tyrannidi  semper  restiterunt,  neque  ejus  jugum  recipere 
voluerunt,  et  testantur  Historias  turn  in  Germania,  turn  in 
multis  aliis  regionibus  ac  provinciis,  verum  Communionis 
usum  diu  conservatum  fuisse,  sed  tandem  fulminibus  Ro- 
mani Antiehristi,  quibus  totum  pcene  orbem  terrarum  con- 
terruit  et  subjugavit,  homines,  ut  verisimile  est,  victi  verum 
Eucharistae  usum  mutarunt,  ad  quem  tamen,  per  singula- 
rem  Dei  Gratiam,  agnita  iterum  veritate  Evangelica  cum 
Principes  nostri,  tum  alii  Evangelii  Doctrinam  profitentes, 
jam  redierunt,  et  sese  ac  suos  in  re  Universae  Ecclesiae 
maxime  salutifera,  tanquam  in  libertatem,  excusso  jugo 
Pontificio,  vendicarunt  et  adserverunt.  Nam  quae  causae 
Pontificem  perraoverint,  ut  contra  Christi  mandatum  et  in- 
stitutum, contra  sententiam  Sanctorum  Patrum,  contra 
consuetudinem  Universas  Ecclesiae  Christianae,  Sacramen- 
tum  divideret,  et  Laicos  Sanguine  Domini  nefarie  spolia- 
ret,  facile  serenissima  Regia  Majestas  Vestra  perspiciU 
Verisimile  quidem  videtur,  eum  voluisse  suam,  suique  or- 
dinis  auctoritatem  ac  dignitatem,  ea  ratione  augere,  et  hoc 
discrimen   inter   Laicos    et   Sacerdotes  ronstituere ;    nam 

406  ADDENDA. 

etiam  nunc  clamitant  adversarii,  laicos  debere  esse  altera 
specie  contentos :  quasi  regnum  aliquod  possideant,  et  ita 
imperare  ipsis  lioeium  sit,  ut  etiam  Christi  beneficium  ho- 
minibus  eripere  queant,  ad  quod  potius,  si  suo  officio  fungi 
vellent,  omnes  iuvitare  et  pellicere  deberent.  Sed  quid 
Christo  cum  Belial?  quid  Pontifici  cum  Christi  institute, 
cujus  ipse  se  summum  adversarium  esse  satis  declarat, 
ideoque  turn  in  hoc,  tum  aliis  salutaribus  Religionis  Chris- 
tianee  Articulis  oportuit  ipsum  a  scriptura  discedere,  imo 
Doctrinam  Evangelio  consentaneam  damnare,  ut  manifes- 
tum  fieret,  eum  esse  Antichristum,  de  quo  passim  Scriptura 
talia  praedixit. 

De  Missa  Privata. 

Potto  in  altero  Articulo,  De  Missa  Privata,  adhuc  magis 
adparet  a  Romano  Pontifice  Religionem  Christianam  adeo 
oppressam  et  obscuratam,  ut  Christi  Beneficium  qui  sua 
morte  nos  redemit,  solusque  est  hostia  et  satisfactio  pro 
peccatis  nostris,  pcenitus  sustulerit,  et  in  ejus  locum  idolo- 
latricum  cultum  pro  abolendis  peccatis  in  Ecclesiam  in- 
vexerit  eamque  suis  erroribus  et  prophanationibus  mise- 
rabiliter  implicaverit,  turbaverit  et  deformaverit.  Cum 
enim  Missa  nihil  aliud  sit,  nee  esse  debeat,  quam  commu- 
nio  sive  Synaxis,  ut  Paulus  adpellat,  neque  etiam  alius  ejus 
usus  fuerit  tempore  Apostolorum  et  veteris  Ecclesiae,  que- 
inadmodum  hoc  clare  exS.Patribus  probari  potest,  plane 
diversum  quoddam  opus,  prorsus  pugnans  cum  communione 
et  vero  Missae  usu  inde  factum  est,  quod  docent  ex  opere 
operato,  ut  loquuntur,  mereri  gratiam,  et  tollere  peccata  vi- 
vorum  et  mortuorum. 

Hasc  opinio  quantopere  distet  a  Scripturis,  ac  gloriam 
Passionis  Christi  laedat,  Sereniss.  Regia  Majestas  Vestra 
facillime  judicabit.  Si  enim  hoc  verum  est,  quod  Missa  pro 
aliis  applicari  potest,  quod  peccata  tollit  et  prodest  tarn 
vivis  quam  mortuis,  sequitur  Justificationem  ex  opere  Mis- 
sarum  contingere,  non  ex  fide  ;  verum  hoc  omnino  Scrip- 
turae  repugnat,  quae  tradit  nos  gratis  propter  Christum  per 
fidem  juslificari,  ac  peccata  nobis  condonari,  et  in  gratiam 
nos  recipi,  atque  ita  non  alieno  opere,  sed  propria  fide 
propter  Christum,  singulos  justos  fieri :  At  illi  docent  alie- 
num  opus  pro  remittendis  peccatis  alteri,  quod  quidem 
merum  est  somnium  et  figmentum  humanum,  repugnans 
Evangelicae  Doctrinae  ;  nam  tunc  demum  adplicatur  gratia 
per  Verbum  et  Sacramentorum  usum,  cum  ipsi  utimur  Sa^ 
cramentis,  sed  isti  pro  aliis  utuntur,  quod  perinde  est  ac  si 
pro  aliis  Baptizarentur.  Neque  vero  potest  dici  quanto- 
pere deformet  Christi  Gloriam  opinio  ilia  de  Missa,  quee 

ADDENDA.  407 

ex  opere  operato  conferat  gratiam,  aut  applicata  pro  aliis 
mereatur  eis  remissionem  venialium  et  mortaliura  peccato- 
rum  culpae  et  poenae  ;  idque  aperte  adversari  Scripturae,  et 
a  vero  usu  Missae  sive  communionis  longe  discedere,  vel 
inde  liquet,  quia  Missa  sive  Synaxis  ideo  est  instituta,  ut 
fidelis  qui  utitur  Sacramento  recordetur  quae  beneficia  ac- 
cipiat  per  Christum  et  erigat  ac  soletur  pavidam  conscien- 
tiam ;  ideoque  ibi  porrigi  debet  Sacramentum,  his  quibus 
opus  est  consolatione,  sicut  Ambrosius  ait,  quia  semper 
pecco,  semper  debeo  accipere  Medicinam.  Atque  hie  us- 
que ad  tempora  Gregorii  in  Ecclesia  Missae  usus  fuit,  neque 
antea  privatae  Missae  cognita?  fuerunt;  quod  quidem  cum 
multis  aliis  Patrum  Sententiis  palet,  turn  Chrysostomi,  qui 
inquit,  Sacerdotem  stare  ad  altare  et  alios  ad  Communio- 
nem  accersere,  alios  arcere :  Et  ex  veteribus  Canonibus 
constat,  unum  aliquem  celebrasse  Missam,  a  quo  reliqui 
Presbyteri  et  Diaconi  sumpserunt  corpus  Domini,  sic  enim 
inquit  Canon  Nicenus,  Accipiant  Diaconi  secundum  Or- 
dinem  post  Presbyteros  ab  Episcopo  vel  Presbytero,  Sa- 
cram  Communionem.  Et  scribit  Epiphanius,  in  Asia  Sy- 
naxim  ter  celebratam  singulis  septimanis,  nee  quotidianas 
fuisse  Missas,  eumque  raorem  ab  Apostolis  traditum  esse  , 
qui  quidem  Missae  usus  etiam  hodie  in  Graecis  Parochiis 
durare  dicitur,  nam  tantum  singulis  dominicis  diebus  et 
festis,  fit  ibi  una  publica  Missa,  privatas  vero  ndn  habent : 
fuitque  Graeca  Ecclesia  hoc  nomine  longe  fcelicior  quam 
Latina,  quae  melioiem  usum  coenae  Domini,  Synaxis,  sive 
Missae  retinuerit,  neque  vel  Sacramentum  Corporis  et  San- 
guinis Domini,  contra  claram  Evangelii  Doctrinam  diyise- 
rit,  ut  paulo  ante  diximus,  neque  etiam  privatas  Missas 
Sacrse  Scripturae  acerrime  repugnantes,  receperit ;  cujus 
quidem  rei  banc  potentissimam  causam  fuisse  arbitramur, 
quod  Graeca  Ecclesia  Romanum  Episcopum  auctorem 
perversae  et  Idololatricae  Doctrinae,  et  omnium  poene  abu- 
suum  qui  in  Ecclesiam  introducti  sunt,  pro  summo  Eccle- 
siae  Universalis  sive  Catholicae  capite,  nunquam  agnoverit. 

Sed  concedunt  quidam  adplicationes  quae  fiunt  in  Missa 
pro  vivis  et  mortals,  et  item  opiniones,  quod  ex  opere  ope- 
rato gratiam  merer i  traduntur,  non  esse  probandas,  et  dis- 
putant abolitis  illis  opinionibus  impiis,  alia  ratione  Missas 
privatas  retinendas,  nempe  quia  wint  gratiarum  actiones, 
qua  possint  ab  uno  vel  a  pluribus  fieri.  Haec  sane  ratio 
videtur  aliquam  habere  speciem,  estque  cro<p6v  <papfxaK6v,  ut 
inquit  Sophocles,  quo  in  causis  invalidis,  et  ut  ipse  ait, 
morbidis,  utendum  sit.  Si  Missa  tantum  esset  gratiarum 
actio,  possit  fortassis  tali  aliquo  praetextu  coloran  ;  verum 
coastat  earn  principaliter  institutam  esse,  ut  sit  Sacramen- 

408  ADDENDA. 

turn  quod  per  ministrum  alteri  exhibeatur,  ut  accipiens  et 
credens  consequatur  gratiam.  Et  hoc  quidem  principali 
fine  posito,  accedit  alter  de  gratiarum  actione  ;  quare  nullo 
modo  ab  institutione  Christi  recedere,  sed  raodum  et  for- 
mam  illius  Institutiones,  et  exemplum  veteris  Ecclesiae  se- 
qui  et  retinere  debemus  :  Nulla  enim  novitas,  praesertim  in 
Sacramentis,  reci.pienda  est,  contra  form  am  a  Christo  tra- 
ditam,  et  contra  exempla  veteris  Ecclesiae. 

Porro  constat  privatas  Missas  esse  recentes,  et  a  Ro- 
manis  Pontificibus  introductas,  et  ne  hodie  quidem,  utpaulo 
ante  dictum  est,  in  Grzecis  Ecclesiis  esse,  nisi  Parochiales 
diebus  festis,  cum  quibus  adhuc  manet  vestigium  Commu- 
nionis :  Cum  igitur  contra  Dei  Verbum  Missa  privata  in- 
troducta  sit,  eamque  humanum  tantam  et  commcntitium 
cultum  esse  adpareat,  quis  dubitat  quin  talis  Missa,  sine 
ullo  periculo  oraitti  possit,  imo  debeat,  cum  repugnet 
Evangelio?  Estque  pium  et  sanctum  opus  verum  MissaB 
sive  Synaxis  usum  Ecclesiae  restituere  ac  reddere,  quo  per 
Romanum  Pontificem,  hoc  est  Antichristum,  multis  jam 
annis  miserabiliter  privata  fuit,  qui  quidem  adhuc  mordicus 
privatas  Missas  tenet,  adserit,  et  defendit.  Neque  id  im- 
merito,  facile  enim  sentit  quod  labefactata  Missa  privata, 
labefactetur,  imo  ruat  Univers  umejus  Regnum  et  Tyran- 
nis,  quae  Missis  illis  nititur  ;  ut  enim  in  seminibus  causa 
est  Arborutn  et  stirpium,  ita  hujus  luctuosissimi  domina- 
tus,  imperii,  tyrannidis,  nundinationis  et  idololatriae  Ponti- 
ficiae  semen  fuit  superstitio  Missarum  privatarum :  Nam 
hae  pepererunt  et  sustinuerunt,  veluti  Atlas  quidam,  totum 
Papatum ;  ad  harum  normam  omnia  redacta  sunt,  siquidem 
nihil  fuit,  quod  non  Missa  aliqua  expiari  posse  creditum 
est.  His  aucupatus  Pontifex  Romanus  indulgentias,  qui- 
bus immensam  pecuniam  ex  toto  orbe  terrarum  praedatus 
est ;  hae  Monachorum  turbas  infinitas  coacervarant,  cum 
eorum  nullus  alius  esset  usus,  quam  demurmurandi  Missas 
privatas,  et  alioquin  inutile  terrae  pondus  forent.  Hae  sunt 
et  fuerunt  universa  pietas,  quam  Pontifex  Romanus  profi- 
tetur,  banc  solam  novit  ille  Religionem,  quae  in  Missis 
privatis  consistit ;  Doctrinam  enim  Evangelii  non  modo 
non  habet,  verum  acerrime  odit  et  prosequitur,  et  in  summa 
his  Missis  ipsam  praedicationem  Verbi  Divini  Pontifex 
externainavit,  ut  per  omnia  Antichristi  munere  fungeretur  : 
Nam  in  loco  unius  concionis  Verbi,  amplius  mille  Missae 
privatae,  hoc  est,  humani  et  commentitii  cultus,  contra  Di- 
vinum  Verbum  successerunt ;  cum  non  Missas  fieri  sed 
Evangelium  praedicare,  et  Sacramenta  rite  distribuere  et 
administrare,  Christus  Apostolis,  quorum  illi  volunt  esse 
successores,  mandaverit.  ' 

ADDENDA.  409 

Curarunt  igitur  lUustrissimi  Principes  nostri,  et  alii 
Evangelii  Doctrinam  profitentes,  Principes  et  Status,  pri- 
vatas  Missas  penitus  aboleri,  et  verum  Missae  usum  sive 
Synaxim  Christi  institutioni,  exemplo  Apostolorum,  vete- 
ris  E 'clesiae  ac  Patrum  sententiis  conformem,  in  Ecclesiam 
revocarunt  et  restituerunt.  Quae  quidem  Missa  sive  Sy- 
naxis  surama  cum  reverentia  celebratur,  servatis  poene  om- 
nibus usitatis  Caeremoniis,  quae  non  repugnant  pietati ;  et 
admiscentur  Germanicae  sive  vernaculae  cautiones  ad  do- 
cendum  populum,  praecepit  enim  Paulus,  in  Ecclesia  uti 
lingua  intellecta  a  populo.  Porro,  quia  propter  commu- 
nionem  sive  usum  Sacramenti  Missa  instituta  est,  hi  qui 
sunt  idonei  et  antea  explorati,  sacramento  utuntur  ;  ac  dig- 
nitas  et  usus  Sacramenti,  summa  diligentia  ac  cura  ex 
Verbo  Dei  populo  commendatur,  ut  sciant  et  intelligant 
homines,  quantam  consolationem  pavidis  conscientiis  ad- 
ferat,  ac  discant  Deo  credere,  et  optima  quaeque  ab  eo  ex- 
pectare  et  petere. 

Et  hunc  quidem  Sacramenti  et  Missae  usum,  Scripturae 
consentaneum,  Deo  gratum,  et  pietati  conducibilem  esse, 
Serenissima  Regia  Majestas  Vestra  facile  agnoscit ;  neque 
enim  hie  aliquid  contra  Dei  Verbum  admittitur,  imo  secun- 
dum Christi  mandatum  et  ordinationem,  qui  banc  Sacram 
Coramunionem  ad  hunc  finem  instituit,  omnia  geruntur  : 
Nulla  est  hie  admixta,  prava,  aut  impia  opinio,  ut  in 
Missa  privata  Papistica,  cujus  finis  et  institutio  cum  Evan- 
gelio  pugnat.  Nihil  hie  etiam  absque  summa  reverentia, 
ordine,  et  decoro,  digno  Ecclesiae,  fieri  cernitur.  Audem- 
usque  adfirmare,  majore  Religione  hunc  verum  Missae 
usum  exhiberi  appd  nos,  quam  hactenus  unquam  sub  Pa- 
patu  privatae  MissaB  celebratae  fuerint,  provocamusque  ad 
testimcnia  doctissiraorum  virorura,  qui  a  Majestate  Vestra 
missi  in  illis  locis  fuerunt,  et  haec  omnia  coram  fieri  vide- 
runt  et  audierunt. 

Quod  enim  Adversarii  clamitant,  Nostros  omnes  cultus 

Divinos,  omnes  Caeremonias,  omnem  denique  Religionem 

abolere  et  labefactare,  ea  in  re  Principibus  nostris,  et  aliis 

Evangelii  Doctrinam  profitentibus,  injuriam  faciunt ,  et  haec 

^  eos  insigiii  quadam  malevolentia  et  odio  plusquam  Vatini- 

'  ano,  ut  dici  solet,  confingere  et  comminisci  clare  adparet, 

cum  ex  Doctrina  nostrorum,  quam  consentientem  Sacris  Li- 

teris  in  lucem  ediderunt,  et  Scriptis  suis  universo  orbiChris- 

tiano  i)romulgarunt,  tum  etiam  exemplis  nostrarum  Ecclesi- 

aium,  in  quibus  nolint  velint  coguntur  fateri,  omnia  religio- 

sius  et  sanctius  fieri,  quam  apud  ipsos  ;  immo  Dei  benencio 

universus  populus  non  tantum  in  templis  est  religiosior,  sed 

in  tota  disciplina  publica  modestius  se  gerit,  raajoremque 

You  I,  Part  II.  2  N 

410  ADDENDA. 

erga  Magistral  urn  civilem,  et  eos  qui  Ecciesiis  praesunt  re- 
verentiam  et  honorem  exhibet,  quam  unquam  antea  factum 
fuerit ;  et  hoc  sinceraj  Evangelii  Doctrina)  acceptum  referre 
debemus,  quae  singulos,  rectius  omnibus  Pontificiis  consti- 
tutionibus,  sui  officii  admonet,  et  sola  in  quibus  re  vera  pie- 
tas  ac  cultus  divinus  consistat,  tradit  ac  docet. 

Porro,  quod  Missae  collocatae  ad  quaestum,  ut  sub  Papatu 
accidit,  turpiter  prophanentur,  quodque  hie  abusus  in  omni« 
bus  poene  templis  latissime  pateat,  non  est  obscurum  :  Nam 
Christi  beneficium  qui  nos  precioso  suo  sanguine  redemit, 
idque  gratuito  pro  vili  stipe  et  mercede  vendere,  et  tale 
etiara  opus  iude  constituere  velle,  quod  ex  sui  natura,  hoc 
est  ex  opere  operato,  mereatur  gratiam,  et  possit  adplicari 
pro  peccatis  aliorum,  mortuorum  et  vivorum,  quis  non  videt 
summam  esse  impietatem  ]  Quid  enim  est  corpus  Domini 
indigne  tractare  et  sumere,  si  hoc  non  esset  1  An  potest 
etiam  magis  impium  quidquam  dici,  quam  illi  deJMissis  istis 
docuerunt  ]  Nempe  quod  Christus  sua  passione  satisfecerit 
pro  peccatis  Originis,  et  instituerit  Missam,  in  qua  fieret 
Oblatio  pro  quotidianis  delictis  mortalibus  et  venialibus  : 
cum  Christus  pcenitentiam  et  remissionem  peccatorum  prae- 
dicari  mandaverit :  ^lissam  vero,  hoc  est  Synaxim,  ad  alium 
plane  finem  instituerit,  viz.  ut  porrigatur  Sacramentum  his 
quibus  opus  est  consolatione,  et  ut  per  Verbum  et  Sacramen- 
tum credentes  gratiam  recipiant,  et  remissionem  peccatorum 
consequantur,  non  ut  ipsi  suura  opus,  quod  quale  quale  sit, 
humanum  figmentum,  humanus  cultus  est,  contra  Scriptu- 
ram  Deo  ofFerant  ac  sacrificent.  Hoc  enim  non  placat  De- 
um,  ut  Christus  ipse  inquit,  se  frustra  coli  mandatis  homi- 
num  :  Nam  Missam  non  esse  tale  opus  sive  Sacrificium, 
quod  mereatur  gratiam  et  prosit  etiam  aliis,  inde  adparet, 
quia  Missa  stve  Synaxis  ad  hoc  est  instituta,  non  ut  Deo 
aliquid  ofFeratur,  sed  ut  communicantes  consolationem  hau- 
riant,  et  veluti  pignus  seu  certum  signum  gratiae  ac  bonae  vo- 
luntatis Dei  erga  se  recipiant,  atque  ita  recordentur  mortis 
Christi,  hoc  est,  beneficiorum  quae  per  Christum  accipiunt, 
qui  quidem  pro  nobis  mortuus  est,  solusque  pro  peccatis  nos- 
tris  satisfecit,  idque  probant  Verba  ipsa  quibus  et  Christus 
et  Paulus  de  Missa  sive  Synaxi  usi  sunt. 

Primum  enim  inquit  Christus,  hoc  est  Corpus  Meum, 
quod  pro  vobis  traditur.  Haec  sunt  Verba  promissionis  Di- 
vinae  quae  solam  fidem  exigunt,  quibusque  offertur  nobis 
gratia  et  remissio  peccatorum,  ergo  non  est  Sacrificium,  hoc 
est,  opus  quod  Deo  offeratnr  et  quidem  pro  abolendis  pecca- 
tis. Item  Paulus  ait,  Annunciantes  mortem  Domini :  An- 
nunciare  autem  non  est  Sacrificare,  hoc  est  tale  opus  Deo 
reddere,  quo  peccata  deleantur.    PrsBterea  Evangelii  textus 

ADDENDA.  411 

Ita  sonat,  Fregit  et  dedit  DiscipuKs,  inquiens,  accipite  et  co- 
medite,  &c.  item  bibite  ex  hoc  omnes,  &c.  accipere  autem, 
comedere  et  bibere,  non  est  sacrificare,  quia  base  opera  ex 
opere  operate  non  delent  peccata. 

Neque  mandatur  hisce  verbis,  ut  nos  Deo  aliquid  offera- 
mus,  sed  potius  ut  ab  eo  accipiamus,  quia  addit,  pro  vobis 
traditura,  et  sanguis  qui  pro  vobis  effunditur  ;  quae  Verba 
ostendunt,  non  exhiberi  a  sumentibus  Eucharistiam  Deo 
Sacrificium,  sed  donum  horainibus  datum.  Praeterea  vero 
nemo  dicit  Laicos  cum  sumunt  Sacr amentum,  Sacrificare  : 
at  quantum  ad  banc  Sacram  Communionem,  Missara,  sive 
Synaxim  pertinet,  nulla  est  ratio  diversitatis,  cum  idem 
Ciiristus  uno  eodemque  tempore  ac  momento,  propter  eun- 
dem  finem  et  usum,  hoc  Sacramentum  absque  differentia 
utentium  Sacerdotum  vel  Laicorum  instituerit.  Et  quemad- 
modum  prohibitio  utriusque  speciei,  humanum  tantiim  com- 
mentum  et  mandatum  est ;  ita  quod  de  Sacrificio  Missae  ex 
opere  operato  gratiam  promerente  traditur,  humana  tantum 
opinio  est,  contra  Verbum  Dei,  a  quo  in  rebus  maximis, 
nempe  ad  remissionera  peccatorum,  salutem  animarum,  et 
vitam  aetemam  pertinentibus,  nullo  modo  est  discedendum  : 
Non  enim  frustra  Paulus  inquit  et  bis  repetit,  si  nos  aut  An- 
gelus  de  Ccelo  Evangelizet  vobis  praeter  id  quod  Evangeliza- 
vimus  et  accepistis,  Anathema  sit. 

Praeterea  nee  potest  ratio  diversitatis  adsignari  ex  Sacris 
Literis,  cur  magis  dicant  eos  qui  Sacramento  Eucharistia; 
fruuntur  Sacrificare,  quam  illos  qui  alio  Sacramento,  ut 
Baptismo,  utuntur,  cum  utrumque  nil  aliud  sit,  quam  Sa- 
cramenta,  quae  Christus  horum  institutor  et  auctor  prorsus 
ad  alium  finem,  quam  ut  sint  talia  Sacrificia,  qualia  illi  com- 
miniscuntur,  ordinavit.  Sed  oportuit,  Romanum  Pontificem 
Missas  privatas,  ad  opprimendam  Christi,  cum  ipse  hostis 
est,  gloriam  attollere,  ut  populum  Christianum  a  veritate 
Evangelica  et  agnitione  Christi,  et  Sacramentorum  legitimo 
usu,  prosus  abduceret,  Christique  bonitatem  et  misericor- 
diam  obliteraret.  Qui  enira  Missam  tale  Sacrificium  esse 
cogitant,  quo  Deus  placetur,  hi  non  queunt  Christi  benefi- 
cium  expendere  pro  dignitate,  et  in  terroribus  ac  doloribus 
irae  et  judicii  Dei  non  habebunt  refugiura,  neque  bona  con- 
scientia  poterunt  dona  et  signa  amoris  divina  agnoscere,  si 
alieno  opere  Deum  placari  et  peccata  remitti  sibi  persuasum 
habeant :  Nam  illi  ipsi  qui  nituntur  impias  opiniones  de 
Missa  privata  excusare,  hoc  praetextu,  quasi  Missa  ideo  vo- 
cetur  Sacrificium,  quia  sit  ^ratiarum  actio  et  sacrificium 
laudis,  hi  convincuntur  propnis  ipsorum  testimoniis  et  Scrip- 
tis  quae  de  Missis  extant,  haeque  persuasiones  hominum  ani- 
mis  etiam  hodie  de  Missis  pnvatis  inhaerent :  sic  enim  Tho- 

412  ADDENDA. 

masinquit  in  Opusculo  de  Sacramento  Allaris,  cur  Missa 
mstituta  sit  ?  Corpus  Domini  semel  oblatum  est  in  cruce, 
pro  debito  originali,  sic  offeratur  jugiter  pro  quotidianis 
delictis  in  Altari,  ut  habeat  in  hoc  Ecclesia  raunus  ad  pla- 
candum  sibi  Deum  super  omnia  legis  Sacrificia  preciosum  et 

Alexander  Papa,  nihil  in  Sacrificiis  Ecclesiae  majus  esse 
potest,  quam  Corpus  et  Sanguis  Christi,  nee  ulla  oblatio  hac 
potior  est,  sed  omnes  pragcellit :  item  ipsa  Veritas  nos  in- 
struit,  Calicem  ac  Panem  in  Sacramento  ofFerre,  quando  ait, 
accipite  et  comedite,  nam  crimina  atq;  peccata,  oblatis  his 
Domino  Sacrificiis,  delenlur.  Et  rursns,  inquit,  talibus  hos- 
tiis  delectabitur  et  placabitur  Deus,  et  peccata  dimittet 
ingentia.  Gabriel  de  Canon.  Missae,  Sacramentum  Eucha- 
ristiae  veluti  Sacrificium  summo  patri  oblatum,  nedum  ve- 
niale  sed  etiam  mortale,  non  dico  sumentium  sed  omnium 
eorum  pro  quibus  ofFertur,  et  quantum  ad  reatum  culpse  et 
pcenae,  plus  vel  minus  secundum  dispositionem  eorum  pro 
quibus  oflTertur,  tollit:  unde  Thomas  in  Quarto  Dist.  1,  2. 
q.2.  Eucharistia  in  quantum  est  Sacrificium,  habet  effec- 
tum  etiam  in  aliis  pro  quibus  oflfertur,  in  quibus  non  prae- 
exigit  vitam  spiritualem  in  actu,  sed  in  potentia,  et  ideo  si 
eos  dispositos  inveniat,  eis  gratiam  obtinet,  virtute  illius  veri 
Sacrificii  a  quo  omnis  gratia  in  nos  fluxit,  et  per  consequens 
peccata  mortalia  in  eis  delet,  non  sicut  causa  proxima,  sed 
in  quantum  gratiam  contritionis  eis  impetrat. 

His  et  similibus  omnes  libri  Scholasticorum  pleni  sunt, 
quibus  uno  ore  docent,  Missam  tale  esse  Sacrificium,  quo 
gratiam  homines  mereantur  ex  opere  operato,  quod  ad  delen- 
da  aliorum  peccata  adplicari  possit.  Quae  Doctrina  aut 
potius  perversum  et  impium  figmentum,  an  pugnet  cum 
Sacris  Literis  necne  1  An  verum  Missae  seu  communionis 
usum  tradat  necne  ?  An  Christi  beneficium  non  magis  ob- 
scuret  quam  illustret,  imo  etiam  prorsus  tollat  ?  Vestrae  Se- 
renissimae  Regiae  Majestati  dijudicandum  relinquimus  quae 
pro  sua  sapientia,  et  non  tantum  in  rebus  politicis,  sed 
etiam  Sacris  et  in  omni  genere  doctrinarum  acerrimo  judicio, 
facile  censebit,  justissimam  causam  habuisse  Principes  nos- 
tros  et  alios  Evangelii  Doctrinam  profitentes,  Missas  priva- 
tas  abrogandi,  et  verum  Missae  sive  Communionis  usum,  pro 
Christi  gloria  et  consolatione  totius  Ecclesiae  Christianse,  re- 
stituendi  et  revocandi,  postquam  ex  Dei  Verbo  cognoverunt, 
quantum  privatae  Missae  a  veritate  Evangelica  distent,  quan- 
tumg;  in  iis  insit  impietatis  et  idololatriae  :  fuit  enim  unicum 
Sacrificium  propitiatorium  in  mundo,  viz.  Mors  Christi,  qui, 
ut  Paulus  inquit,  semel  est  pro  nobis  oblatus,  et  factus  hos- 
tia  pro  peccatis  nostris,  quod  caetera  legis  Sacrificia  propitia- 

ADDENDA.  410 

toria  significarunt,  quae  similitudine  quadam,  erant  satisfac- 
tiones  redimentes  justitiam  legis,  ne  ex  politia  excluderentur 
illi  qui  peccaverant,  eaq;  cessaverunt  post  Revelatum  Evan- 
gelium  :  in  Novo  Testamento,  necesse  est  cultum  tantum 
esse  Spiritualem,  hoc  est,  justitiam  fidei  et  fructus  fidei, 
quia  adfert  justitiam  et  vitam  spiritualem  et  aBternam,  juxta, 
Dabo  legem  meam  in  cordibus  eorum  ;  et  Christus  ait,  veri 
ado  atores  adorabun  Patrem  in  spiritu  et  veritate,  id  est, 
vero  cordis  adfectu,  qua  de  causa  abrogati  sunt  Levitici  cul- 
tus,  quod  debeant  succedeie  cultusSpirituales  mentis,  et  ho- 
rura  fructus  ac  signa,  ut  in  Epistola  ad  Habraeos  manifeste 

Ex  quibus  omnibus  sequitur  Missam  non  esse  Sacrifieium, 
quod  ex  opere  operato  raereatur,  faciente  vel  aliis  remissio- 
nem  peccatorum,  ut  illi  docuerunt.  Et  quocunq;  quidam 
fuco  nitantur  excusare  Missas  privatas,  semper  eis  refraga- 
tur  et  reclamat  Doctrina  ipsorum  de  Missa,  qua  eam  aliis 
posse  adplicari  tradiderunt,  et  peccata  delere  hominibus 
persuaserunt.  Haec  opinio  nisi  restituto  vero  Missae  usu, 
nunquam  ex  animis  hominUln  delebitur,  sed  perpetuo  manet 
et  redit  is  error,  quod  oporteat  talem  esse  cultum  in  Eccle- 
sia,  quo  Deus  placetur. 

Et  ut  videatur  fictione  juris  ;  ut  Jureconsulti  loquuntur, 
Missam  posse  vocari  sacrifieium  memoriale  sive  laudis  :  at 
cum  id  non  sit  satisfactorium  pro  facientibus,  vel  adplicabile 
pro  aliis,  quo  quis  mereatur  remissionem  peccatorum,  quor- 
sum  attinebit,  relicto  vero  ejus  usu  et  institutione,  id  in  Ec- 
clesiam  introducere,  ubi  propter  nullam  humanam  rationem, 
commentum,  aut  opinionem,  a  Christi  mandato  "et  ordina- 
tione,  est  discedendum  1  Eadem  enim  ratione  ;  Natalis  Do- 
mini et  similia  festa,  quae  in  Christi  memoriam  celebrantur, 
sacrificia  memorialia  sive  Eucharistica  dici  possent ;  imo  ta- 
lia  Sacrificia  verius  sunt,  Evangelii  praedicatio,  fides,  invo- 
catio,  gratiarum  actio,  adflictiones,  aut  adplicationes  pro' 
aliis  ;  et  Missae  principalis  finis,  ut  supra  disseruimus,  is  est, 
ut  sit  Sacramentum,  quod  per  ministrum  alteri  exhibeatur, 
quare  non  potest  dici  Sacrifieium  ;  cum  nemo  ignoret  mag-' 
num  inter  Sacrificia  et  Sacramenta  discrimen  esse,  his  enim 
nos  dona  a  Deo  oblata  accipimus,  illis  vero  nostrum  Deo 
reddimus  et  offerimus. 

Neque  vero  habent  privatae  Missae  alios  auctores  quam 
Pontifices,  qui  a  tempore  Gregorii,  nunc  banc,  nunc  illam 
caeremoniam,  cantionem,  aut  orationem,  singuli  pro  sua' 
sanctitate  et  opinione  adjecerunt,  ut  historiae  uno  consensu 
testantur,  donee  eandem,  egregium  illud  opus,  dignum  istis 
auctoribus  exacdificarunt,  et  relicto  vero  Missae  sive  Com- 
munionis  usu,  ac  obliterata  doctrina  de  Christo,  Univeiia 


414  ADDENDA. 

Ecclesia  Missis  privatis  in  qua  sola  omn^n  pzene  sanctita- 
tem  posuerunt,  repleta  et  obruta  fuit. 

Haec  Serenissime  ac  Potentissime  Rex,  nostrorum  Princi- 
pum  et  aliorum  Imperii  ordinum,  Evangelicam  Doctrinam 
profitentium,  Theologi  et  Doctores,  justis  voluminibus  expli- 
carunt,  quae  quidem  hac  Epistola  nos  breviter  adtingenda 
duximus  ;  non  quod  Serenissimam  Regiam  Majestatem  Ves- 
tram  haec  latere  penitus  putemus,  neque  enim  ignoramus  Se- 
renissimae  Regiae  Majestati  Vestrae  et  veterum  et  recentium 
scripta,  de  his  et  aliis  Controversiis  Ecclesiasticis  diligentis- 
sime  cognita  esse,  de  quibus  etiam  Majestas  Vestra  sapien- 
tissime  eruditissime  saepe  cum  doctis  viris  conferre  et  dispu- 
tare  solet :  Sed  haec  ideo  fecimus  ut  Majestati  Vestrae  quam 
posset  fieri  brevissime,  occasionem  et  causas  quasdam  aboli- 
tarum  privatarum  Missarum  apud  nos,  summa  cum  obser- 
vantia  ut  decet  exponeremus  ;  et  adversariorum  calumnias, 
quibus  cum  apud  Regiam  Majestatem  Vestram  turn  alias, 
undecunque  quaesita  et  arrepta  occasione,  variis  technis  et 
figmentis,  doctrinam  sinceriorem  gravare  et  in  odium  om- 
nium perducere  conantur,  declinaremus. 

Neque  vero  ambigimus  quin  Majestas  Vestra,  ut  Rex  eru- 
ditissimus  et  veritatis  EvangelicaB  amantissimus,  facillime 
judicabit,  quod  non  temere  privatae  Missae  apud  nos  abro- 
gatae  sint,  sed  justissimis  et  firmissimis  rationibus,  ex  Dei 
Verbo  quod  solum  errare  non  potest,  sincere  et  absque  so- 
phistica  deductis,  pro  conservanda  et  illustranda  Christi  Glo- 
ria, et  hominum  salute  id  factum  esse  :  Et  opponantur  qua- 
lescunque  excogitari  possint  cavillationes  et  sophismata,  ta- 
men  adparebit  nostros  hoc  agere  quod  sit  tutius,  dum  reti- 
nent  modum  et  formam  institutionis  Christi.  Ac  maxima 
pars  Sacerdotum  sua  sponte  apud  nos  desiit  Missas  privatas 
celebrare,  posteaquam  intellexerunt  ex  Evangelica  Doctrina, 
quantam  in  iis  erroris  et  impietatis  esset ;  et  plurimi  ac  doc- 
tissimi  quique,  qui  Sacerdotia  aut  Parochias  sub  Magistrati- 
bus  alienis  a  sincera  Evangelii  Doctrina  tenebant,  eas 
deseruerunt,  ne  cogerentur  facere  contra  suas  conscien- 
tias,  seque  ad  ea  loco  in  quibus  Evangelii  Doctrina  libera 
praedicatur  contulerunt ;  gravissimum  enim  est  quenquam 
in  re  praesertim  tali,  quae  Dei  gloriam  laedit,  ac  Divino 
Verbo  repugnat,  tanquam  ad  cultum  divinum  adigi,  et  com- 

Sed  ne  Serenissimae  Regiae  Majestati  Vestrae  prolixitate 
literarum  simusmolesti,  desinemus  plura  de  hoc  articulo  in- 
praesentiarum  disserere. 

De  Conjugio  Sacerdotum. 

:  Bcstat  tertius  locus  instituti  Argumenti,  viz.  de  Conju- 


gio  Sacerdotum,  quod  itidem  Romanus  Episcopiis  contra 
Scripturara,  contra  leges  naturae,  et  contra  omnem  hones- 
tatem  prohibuit,  ac  multorum  peccatorum,  scelerum  et  tur- 
pitudinis  occasionem  praebuit :  sed  fortassis  ne  possit  du- 
bitari  eum  esse  Christi  adversarium,  de  quo  cum  illam  ip- 
sam  prohibitionem,  turn  alia  quaedam  quae  in  ilium  solum 
adperte  quadrant,  Scriptura  clare  praedixit,  oportuit  eum 
talem  legem  Caelibatus  Sacerdotalis  sancire,  ut  sicut  leo 
ex  unguibus,  ita  Papa,  hoc  est  Antichristus,  ab  hac  probi- 
bitione  Sanctissimi  et  in  omnibus  honorabilis  conjugii,  ag- 
nosceretur ;  sic  enim  Paulus  inquit,  Spiritus  autem  mani- 
feste  dicit,  quod  in  novissimis  temporibus  discedent  quidam 
a  fide,  attendentes  Spiritibus  Erroris  et  Doctrinis  Daemo- 
niorum,  in  hypocrisi  loquentium  mendacium,  cauteriatam 
habentium  conscientiam  suam,  prohibentium  nubere  :  haec 
si  non  in  Eomanum  Episcopum  congruunt,  in  quern  alium 
convenient  1  nemo  enim  alius  quam  ipse  conjugiura  Sacer- 
dotibus  injusiissime  eripuit,  et  caelibatum  impurissimum 
sub  specie  Sanctitatis,  et  ut  Paulis  ait  in  Hypocrisi  et  per 
mendacium  introduxit. 

Scriptura  non  minus  Sacerdotibus,  quam  alterius  sortis 
homimbus  matrimonium  liberum  permittit,  sunt  enim  de 
eadem  came,  quae  totum  genus  humanum  vestit  et  continet, 
nati :  non  possunt  igitur  naturam  suam  mutare,  non  pos- 
sunt  carnem  abjicere,  nee  absque  singulari  Dei  dono  caeli- 
bes  vivere,  nam  non  quilibet,  ut  Christus  inquit,  capit  Ver- 
bum  hoc :  et  Paulus,  propter  Fornicationem  unusquisque 
suam  Uxorem  habeat ;  et  peculiariter  de  Sacerdotibus  ait, 
constituas  per  civitates  Presbyteros  sicut  disposui  tibi,  si 
quis  sine  criraine  est,  unius  Uxoris  vir,  Filios  habens  fide- 
les,  non  in  accusatione  luxuriae  ;  item,  oportet  Episcopum 
esse  irreprehensibilem,  unius  Uxoris  virum :  patet  igitiir 
hanc  prohibitionem  non  ex  jure  Divino,  sed  potius  contra 
Sacram  Scripturam  decretum  esse. 

At  solet  a  quibusdam  Pontificiis  defensoribus  opponi, 
quod  licet  conjugium  Sacerdotum  non  videatur  vetitum  Di- 
vinis  Literis,  tamen  Sacerdotes  a  veteribus  temporibus  in 
hunc  usque  diem  in  caelibatu  vixisse,  eaque  de  causa  ad- 
dunt  non  esse  discedendum  hac  in  re  a  tali  exemplo,  neque 
permittendum  conjugium  Sacerdotibus.  His,  Serenissime 
ac  potentissime  Rex,  adperte  refraganlur  historias,  tum  Ec- 
clesiasticae  tum  aliae,  ex  quibus  clare  patet,  Episcopos  et 
Sacerdotes  veteribus  temporibus  conjugatos  fuisse. 

Primum  enim  Spiridion  Cyprius  Episcopus,  vir  unus  ex 
ordine  prophetarum,  ut  Historia  Ecclesiastica  ait,  Uxorem 
habuit  ex  qua  filiam  nomine  Irenen  suscepit ;  deinde  ordine 
pene  omnes  Episcopi  Uxorati  fuerunt,  quorum  plurimi  Fi- 

4l€  ADDENDA. 

lii  poslea,  turn  Romani,  turn  alii  Episcopi  creati  sunt :  f\ii( 
enim  Sylverius  Papa  HoimisdaB  Episcopi  Filius,  Papa 
Theodorus  Theodori  Episcopi  Hierosolyraitani,  Papa 
Adrianus  secundus  Talari  Episcopi,  Joannes  decimus  Pa- 
pa Sergii  Papae,  Gelasius  Valerii  Episcopi,  Papa  Joannes 
decimus  quintus  Leonis  Presbyteri  Filius ;  et  ne  omnes 
enumeremus,  patet  vel  unica  historia  Polycratis,  ex  cujus 
parentibus  septem  fuenint  per  ordinem  Episcopi,  ipse  vero 
fuit  octavus  :  at  non  est  credibile  omnes  illos  ex  illegitimis 
nuptiis  prognatos  esse,  cum  ipsi  canones  et  decreta  Syno- 
dorum  doceant,  conjugia  Sacerdotum  esse  licita  ;  sic  enim 
inquit  Canon  Apostolorum,  si  quis  docuerit  Sacerdotem 
sub  obtentu  Religionis  propriam  Uxorem  contemnere, 
Anathema  sit. 

Item  extat  praeclarum  exemplum  de  Paphnutio  confes- 
sore,  qui  universae  Synodo  Nicenae  prohibitionem  conju^ii 
dissuasit,  et  obtinuit  ne  hac  ex  parte  sancitum,  sed  hoc  in 
uniuscujusque  voluntate  non  necessitate  permissum  fuerit. 
Quae  Historia  etiam  in  jure  Pontificio  recensetur,  extatque 
decretum  quoddam  sextae  Synodi,  in  quo  palam  damnatur 
prohibitio  conjugii  Sacerdotalis. 

Sed  objicitur  iterum,  propter  votum  castitatis,  quod  Sa- 
cerdotes  praestiterunt,  no  posse  eis  permitti  nuptias.  Hoc 
quale  votum  sit,  quamque  obligatorium,  quod  sine  peccato 
servari  non  potest,  Serenissima  Regia  Majestas  Vestra  pro 
summa  sapientia  et  Doctrina,  facile  aestimabit :  neque 
enim  donum  castitatis  omnibus  datum  est,  idque  caelibatus 
ipse  Sacerdotum,  et  quotidiana  experientia  etiam  nunc  tes- 
tatur  ;  et  quid  de  tali  veto  sentiendum  sit.  Sanctorum  Pa- 
trum  sententia  declaravit,  sic  enim  Augustinus  ait,  quidam 
nubentes  post  votum  adserunt  adulteros  esse,  ego  autem 
dico  vobis  quod  graviter  peccant  qui  tales  dividunt.  Et 
Cyprianus  de  virginibus  qui  continentiam  voverunt,  sic  in- 
quit,  si  perseverare  nolunt,  vel  non  possunt,  melius  est  ut 
nubant,  quam  ut  in  ignem  delitiis  suis  cadant. 

Censent  itaque  praedicti  Sancti  Patres,  tale  votum  non 
debere  impedire  Matrimonium,  sicut  revera  etiam  non  po- 
test obstare  quo  minus  hi  quibus  donum  continentiae  non 
contigit,  matrimonium  contrahant :  nam  melius  est  nubere 
quam  uri,  ut  inquit  Paulus  ;  Quid  autem  est  impurius  coe- 
libatu  illo  Sacerdotali?  quam  pauci  vero  continent  1  quam 
plurimi  in  fornicationibus,  adulteriis,  et  id  genus  similibus 
ac  gravioribus  peccatis  et  flagitiis  pene  quotidie  deprehen- 
duntur,  contra  quod  si  leges  severe  animadverterent,  non 
habituri  essent,  quo  de  illo  ficto  et  hypocritico  ccelibatu 
adeo  gloriarentur? 

Ac  trad  unt  Historia;  in  Germania  triennium  aut  amplius' 


Sacerdotes  acerrinae  restitisse  Sanctioni  Pontificis  Hilde- 
brandi  de  cjelibatu,  qui  summa  vi  eis  Uxores  adimere  co- 
natus  est,  hique  justissimas  causas  contra  illam  constitu- 
tionem  ac  tyrannidem  Pontificiam,  pro  Matrimonii  defen- 
dendo  allegarunt,  in  qua  re  cum  nihil  asqui  obtinere  potue- 
rint,  tandem  ingens  orta  est  seditio  contra  Archiepiscopum 
Moguntinum,  qui  decretum  pontificium  detulat,  adeo  ut  is 
ab  incaepto  destiterit ;  et  vix  tandem  Papa  post  multas  di- 
ras  execrationes  et  bullas,  quibus  etiam  ccelum  ipsum  ex- 
pugnare  conatus  est,  miseris  Sacerdotibus  facultatem  libe- 
ram  conjugii,  contra  divina  et  humana  jura  abstulerit,  et 
omnis  generis  libidinis  et  impuritatis  exercendae  occasionem 
praebuerit :  Extat  quoque  Epistola  ad  Nicolaum  Episcopum 
Komanum  1.  Divi  Udalrici  Episcopi  Augustensis,  qua  is 
grayissimis  et  optimis  argumentis  dissuadet  et  damnat  pro- 
hibitonem  conjugii  Sacerdotum. 

Cum  igitur  Principes  nostri,  et  alii  profitentes  EvangeHi 
Doctrinam,  patefacta  per  Dei  Gratiam  iterum  veritate,  in- 
tellexerint  quid  de  prohibitione  ilia  pontificia  conjugii  f  a- 
cerdotalis  sentiendum  esset,  et  palam  viderent  et  experi- 
renlur,  quod  non  posset  ccelibatus  ille  sine  peccatis  et 
scandalis  consistere,  ruperunt  in  ea  etiam  vincula  pontifi- 
cia, ac  Matrimonium  Sacerdotibus,  sicut  hoc  Scriptura 
Sacra  et  exempla  Sanctorum  Patrum  ac  veteris  Ecclesi» 
exigunt  et  testantur,  liberum  permiserunt.  Existimarunt 
enim  hoc  quoque  ad  suum  officium  pertinere,  ut  infinitorum 
scandalorum  et  scelerum,  quae  necessario  secum  trahit  cae- 
libatus  Sacerdotalis,  occasienem  et  materiam  praescinde- 
rent  et  auferrent,  publicaeque  honestati  hac  quoque  in  re 
consulerent ;  maxirae  cum  animadverterent  quantae  etiam 
abominationes,  et  in  ordine  Sacerdotali,  et  in  Monasteriis 
Vestalium  ac  Monachorum  evenerint,  in  quibus  comper- 
tum  est  saepe  infantes  crudeliter  necatos,  pharmacis  foetus 
depulsos,  et  similia  nefaria  crimina  commissa,  quos  solos 
fructus  caelibatus  ille  protulit :  ideoque  plurimi  nunc  sunt 
conjugati  Sacerdotes  apud  nos,  multi  etiam  caelibes,  idque 
cujusque  conscientiae  ut  vel  ducat  uxorem,  vel  a  conjugio 
abstineat,  permittitur ;  modo  ita  vivat  ne  sit  alii s  off endi- 
culo,  alioqui  enim  non  minus  in  Sacerdotes  quam  reliquum 
vulgus,  hac  quoque  parte,  secundum  leges  polilicas  ani- 
madvertitur.  Ac  per  Dei  Gratiam,  hoc  inde  secutum  est, 
quod  eorum  conscientiis,  quibus  continentiae  donum  non 
contigit,  consultum  fuerit,  plurimorum  flagitiorum  et  sce- 
lerum occasio  cessaverit,  matronis  ac  puellis  quibus  ple- 
rique  istorum  sub  specie  pietatis  saepissime  inhiabant,  et 
laqueoa  nectebant,  nihil  ejusmodi  periculi  sit  -,  et  in  summa. 

418  ADDENDA. 

quod  quum  turn  Officia  Ecclesiastica  turn  politica  majoie 
reverentia  et  honestate  iractentur,  quodque  ab  universis 
in  majore  honore  et  favore  habeantur  Sacerdotes,  quara 
antea  in  illo  pleno  scandulis  caelibatu  acciderit,  id  quoque 
magna  ex  parte  honestum  conjugium  Sacerdotum  praestat. 

Adhaec,  nulli  acrius  et  constantius  oppugnant  Komanum 
Pontificem,  et  turn  Matrimonii  libertatem,  turn  sanam 
Doctrinam  ab  illo  obscuratam  et  oppressam  defendunt, 
quam  hi  qui  ab  ejus  jugo  impuri  illius  caelibatus  liberati 
sunt :  et  honeste  etiam  suos  liberos,  quos  ex  conjugio  sus- 
cipiunt  educare  solent,  quibus  baud  dubie  Deus  etiam  post 
mortem  parentum,  ubi  in  timore  Domini  aliti  et  edocti 
fuerint,  prospiciet ;  gravissimum  enim  esset,  Sacerdotes 
ideo  a  conjugio  arceie,  quia  sua  munia  sive  officia  tantum 
ad  vitam  suam,  non  autem  jure  haerediiario  tenent ;  eadem 
ratione  multis  aliis  qui  sunt  aut  in  publicis  muneribus,  aut 
in  privatis  Ministeriis,  Matrimonium  interdicendum  foret. 
Quod  quidem  si  fieret,  Reip.  plus  incommodi  quam  boni 
allaturum  esset :  cum  et  Sacrarum  Literarum  Auctoritatie, 
Sanctissiraorum  Patrum  Sententiis,  legum  naturae  et  gentium 
testimonio,  et  omnium  sapientissimorum  virorum  judicio  ac 
suffragriis  constet,  Matrimonium  semper  iis  qui  caelibes  vi- 
vere  non  queant,  ad  vitanda  graviora  pericula,  concessum 
et  liberum  esse  debere. 

HiEC,  Serenissime  ac  invictissime  Rex,  coram  Serenissi- 
ma  Regia  Majestate  Vestrae,  breviter  disserenda  duximus,  ut 
Majestati  Vestrae  rationes  quasdam  commemorareraus,  cur 
lllustrissimi  Principes  nostri,  et  alii  Evangelii  Doctrinam 
proiitentes  Principes  et  Status  Imperii,  in  his  tribus  Arti- 
culis  adeo  dissentiant  a  Romano  Pontifice,  ut  sicut  in  re- 
liquis  Doctrinae  Christianae  partibus,  a  veritate  vel  latum 
digitum  non  discedendum  esse  existiment,  ita  in  his  etiam 
decreverint,  abjecta  ejus  tyrannide,  pro  Gloria  Evangelii, 
et  ad  vitanda  infinita  scelera,  perdurare  :  neque  vero  hrc 
dicemus  de  aliis  abusibus  a  Romano  Pontifice  introductis, 
in  quos  imprimis  Confessio  Auricularis  recenseri  meretur, 
qua  ille,  et  Potestatem  clavium  tentum  ad  turpissimum 
qusestum  et  tyrannidem  redegit,  et  Confessionem  ipsam, 
quae  informandarum  et  consolandarum  conscientiarum  gra- 
tia salubriter  instituta  fuit,  carnificinam  tantum  Conscien- 
tiarum reddidit,  perque  earn  turn  omnes  Reges,  Principes, 
et  Potentatus  sub  suo  jugo  tenuit,  tum  multorum  malorum 
auctor  extitit ;  de  qua  quid  nostri  sentiant,  ac  qua  reverentia 
in  Ecclesiis  retineant,  edita  ipsorum  scripta  testantur. 

Ac  gratulamur  nobis  datam  occasionem  haec  Serenis- 
simae  Regiae  Majestati  Vestrae  exponendi,  ejusq;  censurac 

ADDENDA,  4i9^ 

committendi :  Cum  enim  Majestas  Vestra  et  summa  Doc 
trina,  sapientia  ac  studio  veritatis  praedita  sit,  et  Romani 
Episcopi  tyrannidem  (haud  sine  mente  deum,  sive  numine 
divum,  et  Poeta  inquit)  itidem  ex  suis  amplisslmis  Regnis 
exterminari  curaverit,  neque  amplius  per  Dei  Gratiam  illius 
impiis  opinionibus  captiva  teneatur  ;  persuasissimum  no- 
bis habemus  Vestrae  Serenissimae  Regise  Majestatis  hisce 
de  rebus  maximis,  quae  ad  Dei  Gloriam,  salutem  Ecclesiae, 
et  perpetuam  profligationem  Romani  Antichristi  pertinent, 
aequissimum  ac  liberrimum  fore  judicium,  quod  sane  ii, 
quibus  vel  Doctrina  aut  veritatis  studium  deest,  vel  ani- 
raum  habent  addictum  Pontificiis  Opinionibus,  vel  metu 
interdum  prohibentur,  aut  etiam  ab  affectibus  diverse  tra- 
huntur,  non  adeo  facile  praestare  possunt ;  et  plurimi  inter- 
dum inservientes  tempori,  fingunt  se  odiisse  pontificem,  si- 
mulantque  studium  veritatis,  quibus  tamen  revera  aliud  est 
cordi,  hi  vero  quum  non  possint  nee  debeant  de  hisce  con- 
troversiis  ferre  sententiam,  Serenissima  Regia  Majestas 
Vestra  nequaquam  ignorat. 

Non  autem  dubitamus,  quin  ut  quisque  est  eruditissimus, 
et  veritatis  Evangelicae  amantissimus,  ita  facillime  eum 
causam  nostram  immo  Christi  et  Ecclesiae  adprobaturum 
esse,  neque  enim  ea  ullum  commodum  aut  emolumentum 
privatum  quaeritur,  sed  solum  agitur  de  abolendis  impiis 
abusibus  in  Christi  Ecclesiam  per  Antichristum  invectis, 
et  Christi  Gloria  illustranda,  ac  veris  cultibus  restituendis, 
et  ut  hominum  Conscientiae  jugo  ac  tyrannide  pontificia 
liberentur,  ac  scandala  publica,  quantum  fieri  possit  e  me- 
dio tollantur.  Quarum  quidem  rerum  studium  quo  jure 
reprehendi  queat,  ut  etiam  magis  favore  et  imitatione 
dignum  censendum  sit :  Cum  enim  omnium  bene  constitu- 
tarum  Rerumpub.  hie  praecipue  finis  et  scopus  esse  debeat, 
ut  et  Dei  Gloria  ornetur,  et  publica  salus,  honestas,  pax, 
et  tranquillitas  conservetur,  quis  dubitat  eos  qui  sedent  ad 
gubernacula  Rerumpub.  et  ad  haec  tanquam  ad  Cynosurara 
ut  dici  solet,  cursum  suum  et  omnem  rationem  regendi 
Rempublicam  instituunt,  maximis  laudibus  dignos  esse! 
Et  quoniam  Serenissima  Regia  Vestra  Majestas,  ut  Rex 
sapientissimus  et  eruditissimus,  hunc  quoque  scopum  in 
gubernandis  amplisslmis  et  laudatissimis  Regnis  et  Pro- 
vinciis  suis,  ob  oculos  habere  luce  meridiana  clarius  ad- 
paret,  non  possumus  non  nobis  ipsis,  quam  in  hac  honestis- 
sima  causa  promovendae  Christi  gloriae  et  publicae  utilitatis 
ad  jferenissimam  Regiam  Majestatem  Vestram  Oratores 
missi  sumus,  non  graturali :  non  possumus  etiam  non  fae- 
lices  judicare  universos  subditos  Majestatis  Vestrae,  qui- 
bus divina  bonitate  talis  Rex  et  Princeps  contigerit,  qui  - 

420  ADDENDA. 

cum  aliis  regiis  virtutibus  excellit,  turn  studio  verae  pic 
tatis  et  veritatis  Evangelicae  omnibus  modis  admirandus 

Sunt  quidein  ilia  maxima  Remp.  certis  et  justis  legibus 
civilibus  constituere,  bonos  tueri  et  juvare,  improbos  pce- 
nis  adficere,  arcere  injurias,  pacem  et  concordiam  subdi- 
torum  conservare  ;  quis  enim  non  tanquam  Deum  aliquem 
talem  Principem  amplectendum  et  honorandura  putet,  a 
quo  ista  praestentur  :  sed  adhuc  sunt  majora,  si  vera  pietas 
accesserit,  si  Christi  Gloria  ornetur,  si  Dei  Verbum  in 
pretio  habeatur,  si  cultas  Divinas  voluntati  consentanei  in- 
stituantur,  si  homiuum  conscientiis  consulatur,  et  publica 
scandala  e  media  toUantur  ;  ilia  enim  tantum  banc  civilem 
vitam  attingunt,  quam  unumquemq;  quum  tempus  praefi- 
nitum  advenerit,  deserere  oportet ;  haec  vero  ad  aeternam 
salutem  pertinent  quae  bonos  et  pios,  cessante  hac  misera 
conditione  humanae  vitae,  expectat,  quibusq;  et  in  hoc,  et 
in  futuro  saeculo,  maxima  praemia  proposita  sunt.  Hoc  est 
cur  Deus  Reges  honore  sui  nominis  ornat,  cum  ait,  ego 
dixi  Dii  estis,  maxime  ut  res  divinas  intelligant,  et  veram 
Religionem  in  mundo  conservent ;  hue  praecipue  Scriptura 
hortatur,  cum  inquit,  nunc  Reges  intelligite,  et  erudimini 
qui  judicatis  terram,  servite  Domino,  &c.  hue  invitant  ex- 
empla  praestantissimorum  regum  in  Sacris  Literis,  qui 
summa  cura,  opera,  ac  studio  veram  Religionem  promo- 
verunt,  et  impios  cultus  abrogarunt:  hoc  David,  hoc  Jo- 
sias,  hoc  Josophat,  hoc  Ezechias,  et  deinceps  omnes  Sanctis- 
simi  Reges  praestiterunt.  Eadem  cum  Sereniss.  R.  M. 
Vestra  baud  dubie  etiam  cogitet,  imo  jam  nunc  in  hoc  totis 
viribus  incumbat,  et  sincera  Evangelii  Doctrina  Papae  Ty- 
rannide  oppressa  restituatur,  Gloria  Christi  itidem  a  Pon- 
tifice  obscurata  iterum  illustretur,  et  impii  abusus  ab  illo 
ipso  Antichristo  in  Ecclesiam  tanquam  vennum  quoddam 
pestilentissimum  sparsi  et  introducti  aboleantur,  ac  veri  et_ 
Divinis  Literis  consentanei  cultus  et  caeremoniae  consti- 
tuantur,  non  dubitabimus  quin  Deus  Opt.  Max.  Sereniss. 
R.  Majestatis  Vestrae  conatus  et  consilia,  in  hisce  rebus 
Sanctissimis  et  Honestissimis  fortunaturus  sit,  et  pro  sua. 
bonitate  clementer  eiFecturus,  ut  inter  Sereniss.  R.  M. 
Vestram  et  Principes  nostros,  ac  eorum  in  causa  Religionis 
confaederatos,  talis  concordia  constituatur,  quam  et  in 
laudem  Evangelii,  et  publicam  totius  Christiani  Orbis  uti- 
litatem  cessuram,  et  majori  exitio  Romano  Antichristo 
futuram  esse,  minima  ambi^imus ;  estque  optima  spes,  ut 
volente  Deo,  plures  Reges,  Principes,  et  potentatus,  ad  banc 
Sanctissimam  causam  accedant,  ac  Evangelicae  veritatis 
Doctrinam  agnoscant  et  recipiant,  sicut  etiam   hactenua 


per  Dei  Gratiam,  maximi  progressus  facti  sunt,  et  non  tan- 
tum  in  Germania,  venim  etiam  extra  Germaniam,  Potentis- 
simi  Reges,  Principes  et  civitates,  Divini  Verbi  Doctrinam 

Adparetque  homines  passim  agnita  veritate,  ex  Scriptis 
eorum  qui  Evangelii  Doctrinam  profitentur  et  docent,  per 
totum  pene  orbem  terrarum  sparsis,  sanioris  Doctrinae  ad- 
modum  cupidos  esse,  quorum  preces  aliquando  Deus  pro 
sua  benigmtate  exaudiet,  ac  suum  Verbum  illurainatis  men- 
tibus  Regum  et  Principum  latissime  propagabit,  ut  sit  unus 
pastor,  hoc  est  Dominus  noster  lesus  Christus,  et  unum 
ovile  quod  est  Ecclesia  Catholica,  quae  profitetur  sincerum 
Christi  Evangelium,  etilli  consentaneura  usura  Sacramento- 
rum  retinet,  non  Papistica  aut  Romana,  quae  utrumque  re- 
probat,  odit,  et  oppugnat. 

Quod  reli^uum  est,  Serenissime  ac  Potentissime  Rex, 
Domine  Clementissime,  precamur  et  optamus  ut  Sereniss. 
Regia  Majestas  Vestra  in  caepto  negotio  veritatis  Evange- 
licas  pro  illustranda  Christi  Gloria  et  salute  publica,  per 
Dei  Gratiam  fortiter  pergat,  quod  quidem  Majestatem  Ves- 
tram,  ut  Regem  verae  pietatis  et  omnis  virtutis  ac  Doctrinae 
amantissimum,  facturam  nihil  dubitamus :  Oramusque 
ut  Serenissima  Regia  Majestas  Vestra  dato  benigno  responso, 
ad  Illustrissiraos  Principes  nostros,  quam  primum  fieri 
queat,  ne  commodam  praesentis  Navigationis  occasionem 
negllgamus,  clementer  nos  dimittat ;  et  ut  Serenissima  Regia 
Majestas  Vestra,  erga  quam  nostra  debita  officia  atque. 
servitia  summa  cum  observantia  perpetuo  constabunt,  has 
nostras  literas  pro  sua  insigni  humanitate,  bonitate  ac 
dementia,  in  optimam  partem  accipiat,  nosque  etiam  cle- 
menter commendatos  habeat.  Bene  valeat  Serenissima 
Regia  Majestas  Vestra,  quam  Deus  Opt.  Max.  pro  illustranda 
€t  propaganda  nominis  sui  Gloria  et  publica  salute,  diu 
servet  incolumem.  Datae  Londini  quinto  die  Augusti  Anno 
Dom.  1538. 

Vestra  Serenissimae  Regiae 
Addictissimi  et  obsequentissimi^ 
Franciscus  Burgratus 
Georgius  a  Boyneburgh 
D.  Oratores. 
Friderichus  Myconius 
Ecclesiastes  Gothanus. 

Vot.T,pARTn.  2  0 

422  ADDENDA. 


The  King's  Answer  to  the  former  Letter. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Cleop.  E.  5.) 

LiTERAs  Vestras,Egregii  ac  praestantissimiOratoies,  per  minis- 
trum  vestrum  nuper  ad  nos  missas  summa  humanitate  plenas, 
atque  ingentem  erga  nos  benevolentiam  spirantes,  turn 
libenter  accepimus,  turn  magna  cum  voluptate  legimus; 
quibus  significatis  vos,  post  exposita  nobis  mandata,  cum 
quibusdam  Episcopis  et  Theologias  Doctoribus  a  nobis  de- 
signatis  de  Christianae  Religionis  nonnullis  articulis  per 
duos  menses  contulisse  ;  non  dubitare  quoque  quin  inter 
Principes  vestros  et  nos,  atq;  utrorumq;  Episcopos  Thec- 
logos  et  subditos,  firma  perpetuaq;  concordia  in  Evangelii 
Doctrina  ad  laudem  Dei,  et  Romani  Antichristi  perniciem 
sit  sequutura:  Verum  quia  reliquam  dispucationem  de 
abusibus  expectare  non  potestis,  cum  jam  naves  appulerint 
vos  in  patriam  deportaturae,  ante  discessum  vestrum  existi- 
matis  vestri  officii  esse  ut  sententiam  vestram  de  quibusdam 
abusuum  articulis  nobis  declaretis,  de  quibus  nos  post  dis- 
cessum vestrum  cum  Episcopis  et  Theologis  nostris  conferre 
posseraus.  Et  quia  tria  capita  praecipua  putatis  quae  funda- 
ment um  Pontificiae  Tyrannidis  sustentare  videntur,  nempe 
Prohibitionem  utriusque  speciei  in  caena  Domini,  Missas 
privatas,  et  Prohibitionem  Conjugii  Sacerdotem ;  de  his 
articulis  sententiam  vestram  ingenue  aperitis,  atque  earn 
judicio  nostro  quantumcunq;  id  sit,  et  censurae  committitis  : 
Quis  non  banc  vestram  benevolentiam,  Egregii  Oratores, 
summopere  amplectatur,  Quis  non  banc  Vestram  gratitudi- 
nem  modis  omnibus  admiretur  1  Qui  nobiscum  ea  communi- 
care  studetis,  quae  non  modo  ad  praegentem  vitam  trasigendam  ■ 
sed  ad  futuram  quoque  assequendam  conferunt  ?  Enimvero' 
si  illos  non  abs  re  existimamus  amicos,  qui  in  Regionum 
commerciis  ea  quae  sunt  grata  atque  commoda  important, 
ne  quid  usquam  desit  quod  ad  praesentem  vitam  degendam 
pertinet,  quanto  magis  illi  sunt  amici  judicandi,  qui  quae  ad 
aeternam  vitam  conferunt  impertiri  non  gravantur  !  nam  quae 
praesentis  vitae  subsidia  parantur  durabilia  diu  non  sunt, 
quae  vero  ad  aeternam  promovent  aunquam  intermoriuntur  ; 
quinimo  amicitia  ipsa  terrena,  quantumvis  ingens,  quan- 
tumvis  firma,  finem  habet  e  vita  excessura,  charitas  vero 
quae  nunquam  excidit  post  banc  vitam  splendescit  magis. 
Et  quia  nostrum  judicium  non  aspernari  videmini,  quod  nos 
ipsi  indignum  existimamus,  ut    de  rebus ,  tam  arduis  j,u- 


dicemus,  atgue  ea  proponitis  quse  putatis  inprimis  amplec- 
tenda,  qua  in  re  non  vulgarem  sea  ingentem  vim  erga  nos 
amoris  ostenditis,  ne  nos  non  respondere  huic  vestrae  tantae 
gratitudini  videremur,  si  quae  nobis  ad  praesens  videntur 
vobiscum  non  communicaremus,  decrevimus  itidem  de  his 
tribus  Articulis  nonnihil  attingere,  et  pectus  nostrum  ingenue 
vobis  aperire :  Quo  fiet  ut  mutuus  inter  nos  et  Principes 
vestros  amor  eo  magis  augescat,  eo  diutius  foveatur,  si  nihil 
occultum  inter  amicos  retentetur,  sed  summa  sinceritate 
gerantur  omnia,  id  quod  nos  cum  omnibus  amicis  semper 
facere  consuevimus  ;  quod  nostrum  perpetuum  institutum  in 
praesentia  apud  Amicissimos,  eosque  quos  habemus  charissi- 
mos,  mutare  nequaquam  libuit.  Verum  de  Articulis  ipsis 
tandem  agaraus. 

l)e  utraque  Specie. 

Quod  inprimis  sub  utraq;  Specie  semper  Eucharist' am 
populis  secundum  primariam  Christi  institutionem  dandam 
esse  existimetis,  et  nullo  pacto  sub  altera  tantum,  non 
possumus  quovis  pacto  adduci,  egregii  et  prjestantissimi 
Oratores,  ut  putemus  vos  id  ferio  affirmasse,  sed  forsan 
probandi  causa  nobis  id  protulisse,  ut  quid  sentiamus  in- 
telligeretis  ;  nam  ipsa  opinio  tam  aliena  est  a  recta  Scrip- 
turfe  intelligentia,  ut  vix  quivis  id  serio  aifirmare  praesu- 
raeret,  quod  latius  in  hac  Epistola  declarabimus.  Nee 
nobis  persuadere  possumus,  etsi  occasio  sit,  vos  non  no- 
biscum  credere,  quod  sub  specie  Panis  sit  reahter  et  sub- 
stantialiter  verum  et  vivum  Corpus  Christi,  et  una  cum 
Corpore  Sanguis  verus;  alioqui  fatendum  esset  Corpus  ibi 
exsangue  esse,  quod  nefas  esset  dicere;  cum  Caro  ilia 
Christi  non  modo  viva,  sed  et  vivificatrix  sit ;  et  quod  sub 
specie  vini  non  modo  vivus  et  verus  Christi  Sanguis  sit, 
sed  etiam  una  cum  vero  Sanguine  viva  et  vera  etiam  Cor- 
poris sit  Caro.  Quod  cum  ita  sit,  necessario  consequetur 
etiam  eos  qui  sub  altera  specie  communicant,  et  solum  sub 
specie  Panis  Corpus  Christi  sumunt,  non  fraudari  Coni- 
munione  Sanguinis  Christi,  atque  eos  etiam  qui  sub 
specie  vini  Communicant  non  fraudari  communione  Cor- 
poris Domini  5  Quocirca  cum  sub  alterutra  specie  utrumq; 
contineatur,  viz.  et  Corpus  et  Sanguis  Christi,  utravis  so- 
lum species  porrigatur  populis,  utrumque,  id  est  tarn  San- 
guis quam  Corpus  Christi,  per  hoc  eisdem  exhibeatur. 
Nam  Christus  ipse  sub  altera  specie  dedisse  legitur  in 
Evangelio  Lucac  Discipulis  duobus  in  Emaus  euntibus, 
quando  agnitus  est  in  fractione  Panis  ;  scribitur  enim,  quod 
cum  recumberet  cum  eis,  accepit  jpanem  et  bene<lixit,  ac 
fregit  et    porrigebat   illis,  et   aperti   sunt   oculi  eonun,  et 

424  ADDENDA. 

cognoverunt  eum  fractione  panis.  Ubi  de  Eucharistia  eura 
locum  vetustissimi  Authores  Chrysostomus,  Theophylac- 
tus,  et  Aujustinus  intelligunt,  et  tamen  de  vini  poculo  nulla 
ibi  fit  mentio :  Unde  Christus  qui  in  altera  specie  minis- 
travit  Eucharistiam,  libertatem  Ecclesiae  sponsae  suae  re- 
liquisse  videtur,  ut  imitetur  sponsi  sui  vestigia,  ac  similiter 
sub  altera  specie,  sicut  sub  utraque,  communicare  libere  pos- 
sit.  Nam  Christus  qui  sub  utraq;  specie  Communionem 
docuit,  etiam  de  Communione  sub  altera  ipse  exemplum 
reliquit,  qui  secum  tamen  nusquam  vel  in  praeceptis,  vel  in 
exemplis  dissidet. 

Simile  idem  Lucas  in  Actis  Apostolorum  citat,  quando 
post  adventum  Spiritus  Sancti,  praedicante  Petro,  appo- 
sitae  sunt  aniniEe  circiter  tria  millia,  inquiens,  Erant  autem 
perseverantes  in  Doctrina  Apostolorum  et  Comraunicatione 
et  fractione  panis  et  orationibus ;  Ubi  similiter  de  Eucha- 
ristiaeum  locum  intelligunt  veteres,  et  de  poculo  nulla  fit 
ibi  mentio.  Jam  si  Christum  ipsum  Autorem,  si  Apostolos  ab 
eo  ad  docendum  orbem  missos  patronos  habet,  Commu- 
nio  sub  una  specie  nempe  Panis,  usitata  in  Ecclesia  non 
est  tanquam  Evangelicis  praeceptis  contraria,  statim  repu- 
dianda;  nam  A.postoli,  qui  per  adventum  Spiritus  edocti 
sunt  omnem  veritatem,  nunquam  in  fractione  Panis  Com- 
munionem dedissent  popuio,  si  utraq;  species  depraecepto 
Christi  semper  necessario  fuisset  porrigenda,  ne  Christi 
jubentis  parum  memores  institutum  ejus  mutasse  vide- 

Porio  ipsa  Christi  Verba,  quae  post  Evangelistas  Paulus 
totam  coenam  dominicam  Corinthiis  enarrans  citat,  nos 
admonent  Chrisrum  separatim  de  allerutra  specie  locutum 
esse  ;  ait  enim,  Dominus  lesus  in  qua  nocte  tradebatur, 
accepit  panem  et  gratias  agens  fregit,  et  dixit,  accipite  et 
manducate.  Hoc  est  Corpus  meum  quod  pro  vobis  traditur, 
hoc  facite  in  mei  commemorationem.  Ecce  Christus  de 
Corpore  suo  sub  specie  panis  sumendo  separatim  locutus 
est,  inquiens.  Hoc  facite,  priusquam  ullam  de  poculo  faceret 
mentionem.  Postea  autem  de  Calice  ait  Paulus,  Similiter  et 
Caliceni  postquam  coenavit  accepit  dicens.  Hie  calix  No- 
vum Testainentum  est  in  meo  sanguine,  hoc  facite  quolies- 
cunq;  bibetis  in  mei  commemorationem  :  Nee  dixit  sicut  de 
corpore  dixerat  simpliciter.  Hoc  facite  in  mei  commemora- 
tionem, sed  dixit,  Hoc  facite,  cum  hac  adjectione,  nempe 
quotiescunq;  bibetis  in  mei  commeniorationem,  per  hoc  nobis 
indicans,  non  semper  sub  specie  vini  sumendum  esse 
sanguinem  una  cum  corpore  sub  specie  Panis,  sed  quoties- 
cunq;  sumeretur  Sanguis  sub  specie  Vini  in  Commemwa- 
tionera  CSiristi,  id  faciendum. 

ADDENDA.  42& 

Ecce  lursum  Christus  post  distributionem  corporis  sui, 
peracta  coena  in  qua  corpus  suum  sub  specie  Panis  sepa- 
ratim  prius  dederat;  iterum  separatitn  sub  specie  Vini  San^ 
guinem  suum  oftert,  inquiens,  Hoo  facite  quotiescunq; 
bibeds  in  mei  commemorationem,  significans  nobis  et  se- 
orsum  nonnunquam  alterum  porrigi  posse,  et  tamen  cum  ita 
sit,  utriusq;  vim  integram  populis  dari,  alioqui  suffecisset 
semel  duntaxat  de  utroqj  fuisse  dictum,  Hoc  facite,  nee 
de  Calice  adjecisset  Hoc  facite  quotiescunque  bibetis,  cum 
prius  de  specie  Panis  sirapliciter  dixisset  Hoc  facite,  nisi  se- 
paratim  ea  sumi  posse  judicaret. 

^leque  quisquam  negare  potest  Discipulos  in  coena  sub 
specie  panis  sumpsisse  Cprpus  Christi,  nam  coenantibus 
illis,  accepit  panem  et  benedixit  ac  fregit  deditq;  illis, 
dicens,  Hoc  est  Corpus  meum  ;  Calicem  autem  non  nisi 
post  intervallum  ac  peracta  coena  porrexit,  nisi  quis  adeo 
stupidus  esset,  ut  crederet  post  sumptionem  speciei  panis 
non  prius  eos  sumpsisse  Coi-pus  Christi,  quum  postquam 
ccenavit  porrexisset  Calicem;  quasi  vero  priora  Verba 
Christi  irrita  fuissent,  cum  de  specie  panis  diceret  Hoc  est 
Corpus  meum,  aut  ipsa  distributio  facta  Discipulis  nullam 
vim  habeiet,  priusquam  de  Calice  peracta  Coena  bibis- 
sent ;  Quod  cum  impium  sit  sentire,  turn  ipsum  Verbum 
et  factum  Christi,  proh  nefas!  evacuat.  Denique  ipse 
Paulus,  postquam  etiam  de  utraque  specie  conjunctim  lo- 
cutus  est,  rursum  de  ipsis  speciebus  disjunctim  infert,  in- 
quiens teiiTTe  Of  an  eaOUi  Tov  &prov  rovrov,  n  irorripiov  tov  Kvpiov 
avaf  t'wy,  evoxoi  eo-ri  rov  (roinaro^  nai  aV^uTO?  tov  Kvpiov. 

Quae  verba  latine  sic  transtulit  Erasmus,  Itaq;  quisquis 
ederit  panem  hunc  aut  de  Calice  biberit  indigne,  reus  erit 
corporis  et  sanguinis  Domini ;  ubi  ex  Pauli  verbis  aperte 
liquet,  Quisquis  indigne  panem  hunc  sumpserit,  reum  esse 
Corporis  et  Sanguinis  Domini,  aut  siquis  de  Calice  biberit 
indigne,  similiter  reum  esse  Sanguinis  et  Corporis  Domini, 
quod  tamen  nullo  modo  crimini  daretur,  nisi  seorsum  sub 
specie  panis  esset  et  Corpus  et  Sanguis  Christi,  atq;  itidem 
sub  specie  vini  seorsum  esset  et  Corpus  et  Sanguis  Christi : 
nee  disjunctim  de  specie  panis  locutus  fuisset  Paulus,  si 
nunquam  nisi  conjunctim  cum  Calice  sumeretur :  Neq; 
rursum  disjunctim  de  Calice  dixisset,  si  nunquam  nisi 
conjunctini  cum  specie  panis  esset  sumendus.  Quorsum 
enim  ea  disjunxisset  si  nunquam  nisi  conjuncta  esse  pos- 
sent?  At  Verba  ipsa  Scripturaj  singula  sunt  attendenda, 
nam  Propheta  inquit,  Inclinate  aurem  vestram  in  Verba 
oris  mei ;  et  Moises  in  Deuteronomio  aut,  Ponite  corda 
vestra  in  omnia  verba  quaj  ego  testificor  vobis  hodie,  quia 
non  incassiim  pracepta  sunt  vobig.    Et  iterum,  non  addetiit 


426  ADDENDA. 

ad  verbum  quod  vobis  loquor,  nee  auferetis  ab  eo.  Verba 
igitur  Domini  atque  ipsius  Pauli,  et  separatim  de  alterutra 
specie  priraum  posita,  et  post  utriusque  conjunctionem 
etiam  iterum  disjuncta,  sigmficare  nobis  videntur,  et  posse 
alterutram  speciem  seorsum  porrigi  secundum  Verbum 

Nee  per  hoc  quod  Christus  dixit,  Bibite  ex  hoc  omnes, 
statim  consequetur  Christum  jussisse  Communionem  cuili- 
bet  de  populo  semper  sub  utraq;  specie  et  nunquam  sub 
altera  dandam  esse :  Nam  illorum  Verborum  sensum  non 
alium  esse  apparet,  quam  quem  ipse  Dorainus  Apostolum 
suum  Paulum,  qui  a  Domino  de  hoc  Sacramento  omnia  se 
accepisse  testator,  edocuit,  nempe  quod  quotiescunq;  de 
Calice  hoc  quisquam  biberet,  id  in  Christi  memoriam  fa- 
ceret,  sicut  fecerunt  Discipuli,  qui  tunc  aderant  praesentes 
et  de  eo  biberunt  omnes :  Itaque  quotiescunque  Sanguis 
Christi  bibendus  a  quoquam  esset.  in  memoria  Passio 
Christi  recordanda  est ;  sicut  similiter  quisquis  Corpus 
Christi  sumpserit,  ad  memoriam  passionem  ejus  revocare 
debet :  Neque  ex  praecepto  Christi  toties  bibendum  esse 
de  hoc  Calice,  quotiescunq;  Corpus  Christi  sumendum  est, 
apparet  per  ea  quae  de  verbis  et  de  exemplo  Christi  su- 
pradicta  sunt.  Certe  quicquid  Christus  omnino  observari 
praecepit,  non  posse  ulla  humana  sanctione  prohiberi  pu- 
tamus,  cum  humana  lex  divinam  abolere  non  possit.  Simi- 
liter etiam  existimamus,  nee  morem  uUum,  nee  ullara  con- 
suetudinem  tantopere  apud  homines  valere  debere,  ut  Dei 
Verbum  expugnet  et  Christi  praeceptum  subvertat. 
■  Verumtamen  cum  Christus  nobis  libere  reliquerit  ut  eura 
tribus  modis  corporaliter  sumere  possimus,  et  quarto  spi- 
ritualiter,  nerape  primo,  sub  utraque  specie,  secundo,  sub 
Panis  specie  tantum  ;  tertio,  sub  Vini ;  quarto,  voluntate 
et  desiderio  solo  cum  aliter  necessitate  coacti  eura  sumere 
nequimus ;  existimamus  pro  primo,  ut  siquis  fidelis  ar- 
denti  in  Deum  amore  flagrans,  pietateq;  ingenti  aestuans, 
magnopere  desideraret  Sacramentuni  sub  utraq;  specie 
sumere,  si  nullum  vel  valetudinis  vel  imbecillitatis  obstaret 
iropedimentum,  ei  sub  utraq;  specie  Communio  praeberi 
possit,  dummodo  neq;  postulans  neq;  ministrans  Sacra- 
mentum  in  scandalum  populi,  aut  in  contemptum  Ecclesiae 
id  faciat,  neque  suo  jure  leges  religionis  in  qua  degit  sive 
Ecclesiasticas  sive  laicas  infringere  praesumat. 

Pro  secundo  et  tertio  sic.  Quod  si  impedimentum  ali- 
quod  hujusmodi  intervenit,  ut  in  utraque  specie  absq; 
periculo  sumi  non  possit,  ut  si  quis  Paralysi  correptus,  aut 
ab  alio  quovis  naturae  aut  morborum  impedimento  utramqj 
speciem   recipere  commode   non   possit,  hie  si   desiderct 


Sacram  Communionem  sumere,  ei  sub  altera  tantum  specie 
porrigatur.  Pro  quarto  autem,  Quod  si  quis  nausea,  vel 
alia  corporis  molestia  adeo  sit  infestatus,  ut  nihil  in  sto- 
machum  receptura  non  rejectet,  huie  si  id  petat,  Sacramen- 
tum  saltern  ostendi  posset,  ut  viso  eo  mortem  Christi  re- 
demptoris  sui  citius  revocans  in  memoriam  compunctus 
corde  spiritualiter  communicet. 

Plurimum  igitur  demiror,  quod  hi  qui  Christianas  Liber- 
tatis  assertores  et  acerrimi  propugnatores  viceri  volunt, 
libertatem  banc  nostram  in  hoc  uno  Corporis  et  Sanguinis 
Domini  Sacramento,  quo  nihil  superexcellentius,  nihil 
celebrius,  nihil  incomparabilius,  nihil  deniqj  ad  conso- 
landos  fidelium  animos  solidius,  Christus  bine  abituius 
Ecclesiae  suae  reliquit,  nobis  tollere  velint ;  Quid  enim 
majus  donare  potuit  Christus  in  hoc  Sacramento  sumea- 
dum  quam  seipsum  1  Deinde  cum  ipse  omnino  liberum 
nobis  reliquerit,  et  posse  aliquos  sub  utraq;  specie  Com- 
munionem accipere,  et  posse  alios  sub  altera,  nonnuUos 
quoq;  morborum  necessitate  impeditos,  saltern  in  conspec- 
tum  prolato  Corpore  Domini  compuncto  corde  posse  Spi- 
ritualiter communicare,  quanta  immodestia,  quanta  incle- 
mentia  esset,  libertate  hac  fraudare  Christianos  ^  Ut  qui- 
bus  sub  utraq;  specie,  ob  impedimenta  quae  sunt  innumera, 
Communio  praeberi  non  posset,  his  summi  boni  fruitione 
privatis  sub  neutra  daretur?  Nee  adhuc  fatentur  et  si  non 
corporaliter  sumater,  saltem  Spiritualiter  capi  posse.  Qua 
non  servitute  durior  esset  haec  conditio,  ut  Christi  redemp- 
toris  nostri  corpus,  quod  ille  a  fidelibus  sumi  voluit,  nobis 
id  summopere  desiderantibus  violenter  eripiatur  ;  quis  in- 
genue Christianus  libertatem  fruitionis_hujus  sibi  extortam 
non  omni  morte  intolerabiliorem  putaret?  Itaq;  libertas  haec 
a  Christo  nobis  relicta  omni  conatu  retinenda  est,  omnibus 
viribus  amplectenda,  nee  ipsis  mea  opinione  fidendum  est, 
qui  eam  nobis  tollere  velint. 

Praeterea,  quid  fiat  apud  septentrionales  populosl  quid 
apud  populos  Aphricai  et  qui  intra  Tropicos  habitant? 
apud  quos  non  ea  vini  copia  est  ut  populis  omnino  sub 
specie  vini  praeberi  possit,  (nam  his  populis  cervisia  ex 
frugibus  est  potui)  an  ideo  quia  sub  utraq;  specie  his  minis- 
trari  Sacramentum  non  potest,  ab  utraq;  arcendi  essentl 
aut  sub  una  non  iutegrum  Christum  capere  possentl  id 
quod  absit. 

Quando  autem  primum  populus  priscura  morem  de- 
serere,  et  sub  altera  tantum  panis  specie  Communionem 
sacram  sumere  cocpit,  nobis  est  incompertum  ;  credibile 
est  raajores  nostros  auctoritate  Scripturai  motos,  quae  al- 
teram  nonnunquara  speciem  per  Christum   et   Apostoloa 

428  ADDENDA. 

datajn  memorat,  propter  periculum  efFusionis  in  terrain. 
Sanguinis  Christi,  cum  hquida  omnia  levi  membrorum 
trepidante  motu  facile  effundantur,  religiosa  quadam  et  pia 
reverentia,  non  mediocriq;  Dei  timore  abstinuisse  in  Sacra- 
mento a  vini  specie,  nee  Christum  qui  se  cum  Ecclesia 
usque  in  finem  omnibus  diebus  mansurum  promisit,  tot 
sa?culis  eam  deseruisse,  ut  si  necessarium  praeceptum  de 
utrac[;  specie  semper  ab  omnibus  sumenda  dedisset,  in  re 
tanti  momenti  eam  permississet  turpiter  labi ;  sed  magis 
EcclesizB  suae  liberum  reliquisse  videtur,  ut  cum  in  alterutra 
specie  totus  et  integer  Christus  contineatur,  sub  altera  etiam 
sumi  possit. 

Qui  vero  sit  mos  hodie  de  utraq ;  specie  in  Ecclesiis 
Graecis,  quas  Romans  Ecclesiae  Tyrannidem  nunquam  ad- 
niiserunt,  non  satis  nobis  est  compertum,  cum  Graecia  tota 
Turcarum  subsit  imperio,  nee  liberam  habeant  facultatem 
Christum  ut  libet  profitendi,  quando  nee  V^erbum  Dei  pub- 
lice  praeditare,  nee  ad  Campanarum  sonitum  populum  con- 
vocare,  nee  publicas  Litanias  crucis  vexilio  praeeunte  facere, 
his  ullo  pacto  est  concessum. 

lUud  quoq;  inprimis  est  observandura,  nempe  quod  in 
Universis  Ecclesiis  in  die  Parasceves  Sacerdos  et  omnis 
populus  sub  una  tantum  specie  panis  communicant,  non 
sub  specie  Vini,  ut  cum  is  dies  repraesentat  mortem  Christi 
in  qua  sanguis  ejus  pretiosus  pro  nostra  salute  efFusus  est 
et  separatus  a  corpore,  separatim  illo  die  sub  altera  solum 
specie  communicarent  omnes  sive  Sacerdos  sive  populus ; 
qui  mos  per  universam  Ecclesiam  nunquam  fuisset  admis- 
sus,  nisi  sub  altera  tantum  specie  integer  Christus  contine- 
retur,  atq;  nisi  sub  altera  Sacramentum  populis  ministrari 

De  Missa  Privata. 

Per  Missas  autem  privatas  multos  abusus  introductos 
esse  dicitis,  quas  velut  Atlantem  quendam  Papatum  susti- 
nuisse,  indulgentias  invexisse,  orbem  expilasse,  utpote  quae 
ad  quaestum  pateant,  monachorum  turbas  coacervasse,  Ver- 
bum  Dei  exterminasse  asseritis,  atq;  ideo  Germanos  Prin- 
cipes  Synaxim  veteri  more  reduxisse  quam  lingua  vernacula 
facere,  ritu  satis  decoro  aque  decenti  commemoratis  ;  priva- 
tas vero  Missas  apud  vos  in  totum  abolitas  esse,  quae  tot 
pepererunt  abusus  et  foetus  malignos.  Qua  de  re  nobiscum 
diu  multumq;  cogitantes,  consideramus  inprimis  nihil  un- 
quam  in  Ecclesia  sua  Christum  ordinasse  quo  malignus 
serpens  aliquando  non  sit  abusus,  neque  tamen  propterea 
rejiciendum  est  quicquid  sancte  est  ordinatum,  alioqui  Sa- 
cramenta  omnia  antiquanda  essent;  quin  magis  reputavi: 


mus  longe  satius  esse  abusus  omnes  in  totum  removere,  quae 
vero  Sancte  et  pie  introducta  sunt  in  Ecclesiam,  ilia  ipsa 
stabilia  manere. 

Nam  si  ideo  Missae  privatae  abolendae  sunt  in  totum, 
quia  de  illis  Thomas  Aquinas,  Gabriel,  atque  alii  Doc- 
trinas  ut  diciti«  impias  induxerunt,  viz.  Missas  ex  opere 
operato  gratiam  mereri,  et  tollere  peccata  vivorum  et  mor- 
tuorum,  et  applicari  posse  alienum  opus  ad  alterum,  Quic- 
quid  sit,  quod  iili  asserunt,  hoc  de  omni  Missa  asserunt, 
non  de  privata  duntaxat ;  Qua  propter  si  ad  tollendas  illas 
opiniones  qualescunque  Missa  privata  esset  abroganda, 
eadem  ratione  abroganda  esset  Synaxis  et  iMissa  publica, 
quam  vos  ipsi  retinetis  nee  censetis  abolendam,  quicquid 
de  ea  alii  opinentur.  Missa  vero  privata,  velut  privata 
quaedam  est  Coramunio  et  Synaxis,  quse  si  recte  atque  ut 
decet  fiat,  quicunque  fideles  illi  interesse  decreverit,  si 
poenitentes  convenerint  contriti  de  peccatis,  Deiq;  implo- 
rent  misericordiam  cum  filio  prodigo  dicentes,  Pater  pec- 
cavi  in  Coelum  et  coram  te,  baud  dubie  quin  ipsi  Spiritua- 
liter  cum  Sacerdote  communicant,  offerentes  se  et  animas 
suas,  hostias  vivas  et  acceptabiles  Deo,  tametsi  pauci  fue- 
rint,  atq;  a  corporali  Sacramenti  sumptione  abstinuerint : 
ac  per  hoc  Missa  privata  Ecclesize  adeo  non  obest,  ut  non 
parum  et  ad  vitam  corrigendam,  et  ad  fidem  in  Christum 
corroborandam  prodesse  videatur;  quippe  Christiani  per 
hoc  peccatores  se  agnoscunt  quotidie  delinquentes,  quotidie 
veniam  postulant,  quotidie  per  peccatum  m  salebroso  vitae 
hujus  cursu  cadentes,  quotidie  pcenitentes  resurgunt,  et 
velut  alacriores  redditi,  devicto  saepius  hoste,  fiunt  ad  pug- 
nam  audentiores. 

Porro  statim  in  exordio  omnis  Missae  privatae  publica  est 
peccatorum  omnium  generalis  Confessio,  venia  postulatur  a 
Deo,  absolutio  impartitur  a  Sacerdote  secundum  Dei  Ver- 
bum,  quemadmodum  in  Missa  publica. 

Et  si  in  Missa  publica  et  quantumcunq;  solenni  nemo 
adsit  alius  praeter  Sacerdotem  qui  Communicare  velit  in 
esu  Sacramenti,  quid  quaeso  dift'eret  Missa  publica  a  pri- 
vata 1  An  Sacerdos  in  solemni  die  populo  ad  Sacra  con- 
veniente,  si  nemo  alius  communicare  velit,  abstinet  a 
Missa  publica?  atque  inter  Greecos  ipsos,  ubi  singulis 
dominicis  diebus  fit  una  Missa  publica  uti  asseiitis,  raro 
admodum  coramunicat  in  esu  Sacramenti  quisquam  e  po- 
pulo, uti  a  fide  dignis  accepimus,  qui  ipsi  Graecorum  Sacris 

Quod  vero  Epiphanium  citatis  qui  singdlis  septimanis 
ter  celebratam  Synaxim  in  Asia  asserit,  eumq;  morera  ab 

4a0  ADDENDA. 

Apostolis  inductum,  cum  jam  tantum  in  Grjecia  singulis 
Dominicis  fiat  populi  conventus  ad  Sacra,  si  mutari  mos 
potuit  ab  Apostolis  inductus,  ut  rarius  quam  statuerunt 
Aposioli  populus  congregaretur,  cur  non  etiam  mutari  po- 
tuit ut  saepius  conveniret,  quando  per  hoc  celebrior  fit  mor- 
tis Christi  memoria,  id  quod  in  Missa  fit  etiam  privata. 

Jam  vero  si  Sacramentum  hoc  a  fidelibus  exerceri  Chris- 
tus  in  mortis  suae  memoriam  praecepit,  inquiens.  Hoc  fa- 
cite  in  meam  commemorationem,  ne  mors  ejus  raro  admo- 
dum  commercorata  in  oblivionem  transiret,  quo  crebrius, 
quo  frequentius,  memoria  ejus  in  Sacramento  repetitur,  eo 
mandatum  ejus  servatur  magis:  Etenim  sicut  raro  admo- 
dum  memorata  oblivioni  sunt  obnoxia,  ita  crebro  frequen- 
tata  radices  in  mente  agunt  altius,  ne  obliterari  unquam 
possint ;  itaq;  ut  mors  Christi  crebra  memoria  illustretur, 
Missa  etiam  privata  non  parum  confert. 

Certe  Paulns  Apostnlus  singulas  domos  privatas,  ubi 
credentium  numerus  aliquis  erat,  Ecclesias  vocat,  membra 
Majoris  Ecclesiae,  civitatis  illius  in  qua  essent,  sicut  raa- 
jores  ipsas  civitatum  Ecclesias,  membra  Catholicae  et  uni- 
versalis Ecclesiae  appellat,  scribens  ad  Corinthios  ;  at  quae 
Ecclesia  arcenda  est  a  Communione  Corporis  Domini? 
Christus  etiam  ipse  instituendo  Sacramentum  hoc  Corporis 
et  Sanguinis  sui,  inquit.  Hoc  quotiescunq;  facitis,  facite 
in  meam  commemorationem ;  nee  tempus  nee  locum  ul- 
lum  cohibuit,  quo  fieri  id  non  posset,  quonam  modo  igitur 
arcebimus  quenquam  a  Missis  privatis  ?  Et  ad  dies  festos 
publicamq;  Synaxim  eum  relegabimus  ?  Cujus  arbitrio 
Christus  liberum  reliquit,  quando  et  ubi  id  vellet  decenter 
exequi,  dum  inquit  quotiescunque  1  nam  si  certa  tempora 
servanda  essent,  non  indefinite  locutus  fuisset  Christus 
ipsum  Dei  Verbum,  ipsa  sapientia  Patris. 

Jam  vero  ab  initio  nascentis  Ecclesiae  per  singulas  do- 
mes ubi  erant  fideles  fiebat  communio,  atq;  id  quotidie, 
teste  Luca  in  Apostolorum  Actis,  ubi  ait,  Quotidie  quoq; 
perdurantes  unanimiter  in  templo,  et  frangentes  circa  domos 
panem  j  quem  locum  etiam  de  Communione  veteres  inter- 
pretes  intelligunt,  et  tamen  singulis  diebus  non  agebant 
publice  dies  festos,  sed  privdtim  per  domos  corrimunica- 
bant :  Etsi  teirenorum  regum  atq;  principum  ministri  pie- 
riq;  omnes  nullum  diem  transigere  cupiunt,  quo  non  frii- 
antur  vel  solo  aspectu  sui  Domini,  tametsi  propior  con- 
gressus  non  contingat,  quis  fidelis  Christianus  non  omnibus 
optabit  votis,  ut  quando  m  hac  vnta  Christum  Hegem  Regum, 
et  Dominum  Dorainantium,  in  Majestate  gloriae  regnantem 
cernere  mortales  oculi  non  possunt,  saltem  per  ndem  in 

ADDENDA.  431 

Sacramento  Corporis  Domini,  quod  ille  fidelibus  in  memo- 
riam  sui  frequentandam  reliquit,  interim  quotidie  llegem 
gloriiB  videat? 

Quod  vero  Chrysostomus  Sacerdotem  ad  altare  stare,  et 
alios  ad  Comraunionem  accersere,  alios  arcere  scribit,  enar- 
rat  morem  pubiicae  Communionis,  qui  in  initio  nascentis 
Ecclesiae  crebrius  quam  nunc  sit  frequentabatur  ;  qui  mos 
nunc  in  Peischate,  quando  ubiq;  communicat  populus,  apud 
omnes  servatur  Ecclesias :  Caeterum  ille  ipse  expostulat 
cum  fidelibus  sui  temporis,  quod  rarius  communicent,  quam 
vel  oporteret,  vel  yetus  mos  erat ;  caeterum  nusquam  is  pri- 
vatas  Missas  vetui. 

At  Canon  iSicenus  Diaconis  in  Communione  publica 
suum  locum  designat  post  Presbyteros  ;  caeterum  nee  is 
Canon,  nee  ullus  alius  Missas  privatas  abrogat. 

Sacramentum  autem  Eucharistiae  SacriHcium  non  esse 
arbitramini,  quod  unum  Sacrificium  sit  propitiatorium  mors 
Christi,  et  cum  is  ultra  noa  moritur,  qui  semel  tantum  pro 
nobis  oblatus  est,  nullum  restat  ultra  Sacrificium,  nisi  cul- 
tus  Spiritualis,  hoc  est,  justitia  fidei  et  fructus  fidei.  Quid 
sibi  velit  justitia  quae  ex  fide  est  scimus,  quippe  quam 
Paulus  opponit  Justitiae  quae  est  ex  lege :  Caeterum  qui 
sunt  fructus  fidei,  nobis  ex  Scripturis  non  satis  liquet,  ip- 
sam  fidem  sicut  charitatem,  et  multas  alijis  virtutes  scimus 
esse  fructus  Spiritus.  Verum  enim  vero  non  satis  miramur, 
cur  quispiam  aegre  ferat  Missam  Sacrificium  vocari,  quan- 
do omnis  vetustas  et  Graecorum  et  Latinonim  sic  earn  ap- 
peliare  consuevit,  quum  ibi  fiat  consecratio  Corporis  et 
Sanguinis  Domini  in  memoriam  mortis  ejus,  qui,  ut  inquit 
Paulus,  pro  peccatis  ofi'erens  hostiam,  in  sempiternum  se- 
det  ad  dextram  Dei,  una  enim  oblatione  consummavit  in 
sempiternum  sanctificatos ;  itaq;  si  Christus  et  Sacerdos 
asset,  et  Sacrificium,  et  hostia,  ubicunq;  est  Christus,  ibi 
est  hostia  nostra,  ibi  est  sacrificium  nostrum  ;  at  si  in  Sa- 
cramento altaris  est  verum  Corpus  Christi,  et  verus  San- 
guis Christi,  quo  pacto  manente  veritate  Corporis  et  San- 
guinis Domini,  non  est  ibi  Sacrificium  nostrum  ^ 

Porro  quia  in  Missa  est  Christus  Sacrificium  nostrum, 
qui  ipse  ultra  non  moritur,  ibiq;  cum  ipso  capite  nostro, 
uos  illi us  Corpus  et  membra  nosmet  ipsos  Deo  hostiasvi- 
V2LS  oflerimus,  Gracci  id  totum  uiaiVxa/troi/  Ovalav,  id  est,  Sa- 
crificium incruentum  vocant ;  ita  veteres  omnes  intrepide 
Missam  Sacrificium  nostrum  in  Sacraniento. 

Sic  Basilius,  sic  Chrysostomus,  sic  Hieronymus,  sic 
Augustinus,  eam  appeliare  non  dubitavit ;  Quocirca  quid 
vetat  Missam,  in  qua  consecratur  Panis  in  Corpus  Chnstijj^ 
et  Vinum  in  Sanguineni  ejus,  qui  vere  est  Sacrificium  nds- 


trum,  et  hoc  fieri  in  memoriam  sui  jussit,  vocari  Saciifi- 
clum :  alioqui  si  id  negabimus,  non  panim  verendum  est, 
ne  cum  Sacramentariis  quos  nunc  vocant,  qui  veritatem 
Corporis  et  Sanguinis  in  Sacramento  negant,  et  cum  Ana- 
baptistis  consentire  videamur,  a  qua  suspicione  sicut  in 
animo  nostro  nqs  profitemur  longe  abesse,  ita  quoq;  cupi- 
mus  calumniantibus  adversariis  omnem  obtrectandi  ansam 
auferri :  Atqui  cum  in  Missa  turn  Sacerdos,  tum  populus 
contritus  de  peccatis  se,  ut  hortatur  Paulus,  hostiam  vivam, 
sanctam  atq;  Deo  placentem  exhibeat,  laudes  quas  Deo 
canat  et  in  gratiarum  actione  versetur,  quis  dubitare  po- 
test, ea  quoq;  ratione,  Missam  jure  Sacrificium  nomi- 
nari,  cum  Propheta  appellat  Sacrificium  laudis,  et  Paulus 
omnes  hortetur,  ut  se  hostias  vivas  exhibeant,  id  quod  fit 
in  Missa.  Malachias  etiam  Propheta  inquit,  Ab  ortu  solis 
usq;  ad  occasum,  magnum  est  nomen  meum  in  gentibus, 
et  in  omni  loco  Sacrificatur,  et  ofFertur  nomini  meo  oblatio 
munda,  quia  magnum  est  nomen  meum  in  gentibus,  dicit 
Dominus  exercituum.  At  quae  alia  oblatio  munda  in  omni 
loco  inter  gentes,  nisi  solus  Christus,  aut  quod  aliud  Sacri- 
ficium Christianorum,  nisi  Missa,  ubi  Commemoratio  mor- 
tis Christi  agitur '?  Nam  aut  aliquod  inter  gentes  Christia- 
norum oportet  esse  Sacrificium,  aut  mentitus  est  Propheta : 
quaenam  qua;so  est  oblatio  munda,  nisi  solus  Christus  hos- 
tia  nostra,  qui  in  Sacramento  altaris  est  sub  Panis  et  Vini 
speciebus  1  quippe  quantumcunq;  nos  ipsi  nos  Deo  ofFer- 
amus,  hosiiae  mundae  non  meremur  nomen  quorum,  omnis 
justitia  velut  pannus  est  menstruatie  :  Itaq;  constat  Mis- 
sam Sacrificium  vocari  ex  Verbo  Dei  per  Malachiam  enun- 
ciate, quod  cum  ita  sit,  cur  Missae  invidemus  nomen  Sa- 
crincii,  quod  Propheta  praedixit,  et  in  qua  Christus  in  Sa- 
cramento praesens  est  ipse  mundi  Sacrificium  1 

De  Conjugio  Sacerdotum. 

Coelibatum  Sacerdotum  contra  Scripturam,  contra  leges 
naturae,  contra  honestatem,  per  Pontificem  Romanum  as- 
seritis  introductum,  cum  Scriptura  Sacerdotibus,  sicut  caj- 
leris  hominibus,  conjugium  permittat,  nee  possint  naturam 
snam  mutare,  nee  absq;  smgulari  dono  ccelibes  vivere : 
nam  non  omnes  capiunt  verbum  hoc,  et  Paulus  inquit, 
propter  fornicationem  unusquisq;  Uxorem  suam  habeat. 

Hie  priroum  ordiri  juvat,  ut  locum  ilium  Evangelii  de. 
tribus  Eunuchorum  generibus  consideremus,  quandoqui- 
dem  Christus  alios  a  natura  Eunuchos  esse  asserit,  alios 
per  vim  factos,  quorum  neutrum  genus  continentiae  virtute 
splendet;  quoniam  alteros  ad  geaerandum  natura,  alteros 
violentia  reddidit  inutiles.    Tertium  vero  genus  eorum  est. 

ADDENDA.  433 

qui  quanquam  ferrena  generatione  uti  possunt,  malunt  con- 
tinere,  et  se  castrare  propter  Regnum  Ccelorum;  de  quo 
genere  Christus  statim  infert,  qui  potest  capere,  capiat,  id 
quod  nee  de  primo,  nee  de  secundo  Eunuchorum  genere 
inteJligi  potest,  quibus  continentiae  palma  negata  est,  cum 
descendere  in  cerlamen  nequeunt :  tertium  vero  genus  eo- 
rum  est,  qui  continentiae  student,  et  a  licitis  nuptiis  absti- 
nere  malunt  propter  Regnum  Ccelorum,  quo  Christum  libe- 
rius  atq;  expeditius  sequantur,  ne  terrenis  nuptiis  impli- 
cati,  cogitare  cogantur,  ut  inquit  Paulus,  quae  sunt  mundi ; 
ad  quod  genus  Christus  virgin! latis  author  homines  sapien- 
tissime  invitat,  inquiens.  Qui  potest  capere,  capiat:  per 
hoc  quod  inquit,  capiat,  homines  adhortans  ad  capescen- 
dum  certamen  ut  palmam  arripiant,  nempe  Regnum  Cce- 
lorum, ad  quod  neminem  hortaretur,  si  nemo  carnem  pos- 
sit  vincere  ;  per  hoc  vero  quod  ait,  qui  potest  capere, 
posse  capi  palmam  indicans  ;  alioqui  si  impossibile  esset 
carnem  sftperare,  quorsum  attineret  dicere,  Qui  potest,  si 
nemo  id  posset. 

Praeterea  per  ea  verba,  Qui  potest  capere,  quosdam  etiam 
esse  declarat,  qui  non  facile  possunt,  nam  nisi  aliqui  non 
facile  possent  capere,  cur  secerneret  eos  qui  possunt ;  itaq; 
considerandas  animi  vires  admonet,  priusquam  certamen 
aggrediare,  ne  temere  arrepto  certamine  turpiter  succum- 
bas :  Nee  dixisset  quosdam  esse,  qui  se  castraverunt  prop- 
ter Regnum  Ccelorum,  si  caro  esset  insuperabilis,  et  nemo 
se  castrare  posset.  Nee  dubitandum  est  quin  is  qui  hor- 
tatur  ad  subeundum  certamen,  gratiam  suam  sine  qua 
nihil  possent,  his  non  defuturam  demonstrat,  qui  nomrna 
sua  in  militiam  ei  dederunt,  quorum  ille  ipse  dux  futurus 
est,  qui  non  modo  in  periculis  suos  milites  invocatus 
nunquam  deserit,  sed  stat  ante  Januam  et  pulsat,  paratus 
semper  ad  succuirendum,  siquis  ei  aperiat :  Nam  Paul  us 
tentationes  superari  posse  nos  admonet,  modo  Dei  auxi- 
lium  imploremus,  inquiens,  Tentatio  vos  notr  apprehendit 
nisi  humana,  fidelis  autem  Deus  qui  non  patietur  vos 
tentari  supra  id  quod  potestis,  sed  faciet  etiam  cum  ten- 
tatione  proventum  ut  possitis  sustinere.    Quamobrem  his 

3ui  continentiam  semel  profitentur,  et  eam  postea  turpiter 
eserunt,  etiam  atq;  etiam  considerandum  est,  ne  nomen 
Dei  blasphemare  videantur,  Christum  accusantes  deserti 
auxilii,  cum  sint  ipsi  desertores  militiae,  et  primo  statim 
congressu  terga  dantes  hosti :  itaq;  quod  Paul  us  libe- 
rum  cuiq;  facit,  ut  propter  fornlcationem  Uxorem  suairi 
habeat,  id  de  his  inteiligi,  qui  continentiam  non  sunt  pro- 
fessi,  Paulus  ipse  nos  docet,  inquiens,  de  viduis  adoles- 
VOL.  I,  Part  II.  2  P 

434  ADDENDA. 

centioribus,  quae  cum  luxuriatae  fuerunt  in  Christo  nubere 
voluat,  habentes  damnationem  quia  primam  fidem  irritam 
fecerunt.  Augustinus  Pauli  Doctrinam  secutus,  Psal.  83, 
inquit,  alius  ex  Dei  munere  majus  aliquid  vovit,  statuit 
nee  nuptias  pati,  qui  non  damnaretur  si  duxisset  Uxorem  ; 
post  votum  quod  Deo  promisit  si  duxerit  damnabitur :  sic 
virgo  quae  si  nuberet  non  peccaiet,  Sanctimonialis  si  nup- 
serit  Lhristi  adultera  reputjibitur,  respexit  enim  retro  de 
loco  quo  accesserat,  exemplo  Uxoris  Loth,  et  sicut  canis 
reversus  ad  vomitum  reputatur. 

Itidem  Augustinus,  PsaU  75,  ample  asserit  votum  semel 
cmissum  servandum  esse.  Hieronymus  etiam  adversus 
Jovinianum  inquit,  virgo  quae  se  Deo  dicavit,  si  nubat, 
damnationem  habet ;  atq;  alio  loco  adversus  eundem,  Yir- 
gines  tuae  quas  prudentissimo  consilio  (quod  nemo  un- 
quam  legerat,  nee  audierat  de  Apostolo)  docuisti,  melius 
esse  nubere  quam  uri,  oecultos  adnlteros  in  apertos  verte- 
runt  maritos ;  non  suasit  hoe  Apostolus,  non  Electionis 
vas  Virgilianum  consilium  est,  conjugium  vocat,  hoe  prae- 
texit  nomine  culpam.  Verbum  ipsum  Dei  palam  adversa- 
tur  ubique  ne  rumpantur  vota.  Propheta  inquit,  vovete 
et  reddite  Domino  Deo  Vestro ;  in  Deuteronomio  quoq; 
scribitur,  cum  votum  voveris  Domino  Deo  tuo,  non  tarda- 
bis  reddere,  quia  requiret  illud  Dominus  Deus  tuus,  et  si 
moratus  fueris,  reputabitur  tibi  in  peccatum ;   si  nolueris 

fioUiceri  absq:  peccato  eris,  quod  autem  egressum  est  de 
abiis  tuis,  observabis  et  facies,  sicut  promisisti  Domino 
Deo  tuo  et  propria  yoluntate  et  ore  locutus  es.  Ecclesi- 
astes  etiam  inquit,  siquid  vovisti  ne  moreris  reddere,  sed 
quodcunq;  voveris  redde  :  Et  in  Numerorum  libro  scribi- 
tur, siquis  virorum  votum  Domino  voverit,  aut  se  con- 
strinxent  juramento,  non  faciat  irritum  Verbum  suum,  sed 
omne  quod  promisit  implebit.  Quocirca  Ecclesia  a  princi- 
pio  sicut  conjugatos  Sacerdotes  et  Episcopos,  qui  sine  cri- 
mine  essent  unius  Uxoris  viri  propter  necessitatem  admi- 
sit,  cum  tot  alii  quod  possent  ad  edocendum  orbem  suffi- 
cere  tunc  non  reperirentur  idonei,  et  taraen  Paulus  ipse  Ti- 
motheum  ccelibem  elegit ;  ita  quoq;  siquis  ad  Sacerdo- 
tium  ccelebs  accersitus,  postea  Uxorem  duxerit,  semper  a 
Sacerdotio  deponebatur,  secundum  Canonem  Neocaesari- 
ensis  Concilii,  quod  fuit  ante  Nicenum.  Simili  in  Cal- 
cedonensi  Concilio,  in  cujus  prin  o  capite  prio'-a  Concilia 
confirmantur,  statuitur  ut  Diaconissa,  si  se  nuptiis  tradat, 
maneat  sub  Anathemate,  et  Virgo  Deo  dicata  et  Monachus 
jungentes  se  nuptiis,  maneant  excommunicati. 

Hoc  quoq;  observandum  est,  quod  in  Canonibus  Apos- 


tolorum  habetur,  tantummodo  Lectores  cantoresq;  non 
conjugatos  posse  Uxores  ducere,  caeteris  yero  in  clerum 
admissis  postea  Uxorem  ducere  nunquam  licuit. 

Qui  vero  conjugati  ad  Sacerdotium  admissi  erant,  Ux- 
ores suas  prastextu  Religionis  abjicere  nequaquam  pote- 
rant,  ut  docet  Canon  Apostolicus ;  cumque  in  Niceno  Con- 
uilio  proponeretur  de  Presbyterorum  jam  ductis  Uxoribus 
abjiciendis,  restitit  Paphnutius  ne  legitimae  Uxores  pelle- 
rentur,  cujus  sententiara,  cum  Canone  Apostolorum  de  non 
abjiciendis  Uxoribus  concordantem  omnes  sunt  secuti. 

Caeterum  in  Niceno  Concilio  nihil  unquam  propositum 
fuit,  ut  Sacerdotes  post  Sacerdotium  Uxores  ducerent,  quod 
jam  ante  sic  erit  prohibitum,  ut  siquis  contrarium  auderet, 
ducens  postea  Uxorem,  deponeretur  a  Sacerdotio,  ut  supra 
dictum  est;  itaq;  Paphnutius  de  non  abjiciendis  jam  duc- 
tis ante  Sacerdotium  Uxoribus,  non  autem  deducendis  post 
Sacerdotium  aperte  locutus  est. 

Itaq;  neq;  Canon  aliquis  Apostolicus,  neq;  Concilium 
Nicenum  quicquam  habet  ejusmodi  ut  in  Sacerdotium  ad- 
missi, postea  Uxores  ducant,  sicut  vos  allegatis. 

His  concordat  sexta  Synodus  in  qua  sancitum  est  quod 
siquis  e  clero  vellet  Uxorem  ducere,  ante  subdiaconatum 
id  faceret,  postea  nequaquam  liceret,  nee  uUa  usquam  liber- 
tas  Sacerdotibus  in  sexta  Synodo  datur  post  Sacerdotium 
Uxores  ducendi,  sicut  vos  asseritis. 

Itaq;  a  principio  nascentis  Ecclesiae,  plane  compertum 
est  nullo  unquam  tempore  licuisse  Sacerdoti  post  Sacerdo- 
tium Uxorem  ducere ;  atq;  ubicunq;  id  fuit  attentatum, 
id  non  fuit  impune,  nam  tantum  nefas  ausus  deponebatur  a 
Sacerdotio.  Paulus  Apostolus  iuquit,  de  conjugibus  lo- 
quens,  nolite  fraudare  invicem  nisi  forte  ex  consensu  ad 
tempus,  ut  vacetis  orationi.  Hieronymus  in  Apologia  ad 
Pammachium  ait,  Paulus  Apostolus  dicit,  Quando  coimus 
cum  Uxoribus  nos  orare  non  posse,  si  per  coitum  quod  mi- 
nus est  impeditur,  id  est  orare,  quanto  plus  quod  majus  est, 
id  est  Corpus  Christi,  prohibetur  acipere :  idque  late  pro- 
sequitur exemplo  panuin  propositionis,  qui  non  dabantur 
nisi  continentibus  Davidi  et  ministris,  ut  scribitur  in  libro 
Regum  ;  Panes  enim  Propositionis,  quasi  Corpus  Christi, 
de  Uxorum  cubilibus  consurgentes  edere  non  poterant,  ut 
inquit  Hieronymus,  atque  exemplo  dationis  legis  veteris, 
ante  cujus  dationem  filii  Israel  in  Exodo  triduo  abstinere 
sunt  jussi  ab  Uxoribus. 

Hieronymus  etinm  adversus  Jovinianum  inquit,  si  Lai- 
cus  et  quicunq;  fidelis  orare  non  potest,  nisi  careat  officio 
conjugali,  Sacerdoti  cui  semper  pro  populo  offerenda  sunt 
Sacrificia,  semper  orandura  est:    si  semper  orandum  est, 

436  ADDENDA. 

semper  ergo  carendum  Matrimonio.  Idem  asserit  Ambro* 
sius  ample  in  Epistola  ad  Timotheum  prima,  cum  quo  con- 
sentit  Augustinus. 

Paul  us  Timotheum  Discipulum  in  Sacerdotali  Officio 
erudiens,  admonet  seculaiia  negotia  fugenda  esse,  inqui- 
ens,  Laboio  ut  bonus  miles  Chri&ti  Jesu,  nemo  ^militans 
implicat  se  uegotiis  stculaiibus,  ut  ei  pJaceat  cui  se  proba- 
vit ;  et  si  Saceido'.es  IJxores  acciperent,  cv.ris  secularibus 
necesse  est  involvanlui,  nam  teste  Paulo,  qui  cum  Uxore 
est,  soliciius  est  quae  sunt  mundi,  quomodo  placeat  Uxori ; 
qui  vero  sine  Uxoie  est,  soliciius  est  quae  Domini  sunt, 
quomodo  placeai.  Deo  :  Ideoq;  euxidem  ad  coel'batum  hor- 
tatur,  q\iiindo  ait,  Teipsum  castum  custodi,  nom  castitas, 
ubi  deconjugaiisnonfitsermo,  coelibatus  inielligicur,  suum 
enim  Discipulum  sui  siinilem  leddere  ci'piebat ;  atque 
quodam  in  loco  C'oiinthiis  scribens,  omnes  homines  horta- 
tur  ad  continenliaoT,  ait  eaim,  volo  omnes  hoiniiies  esse 
sicut  melpsum,  et  rursus  dico  non  nuplis  et  vidiiis  bonum 
est,  si  sic  permanscrint  sicut  et  ego.  Alio  in  loco  scribens 
eisdem,  miuistros  EcclesJce  sui  offlci  admonei,  adhortans 
ne  in  vacuum  Gratiajn  Dei  recipiant,  et  subdit,  IS'emini 
dantes  ullom  ofi'ensionem,  ut  non  vilupcretuv  ministerium, 
sed  in  omnibus  exhibeavnu-.  nosmetipsos  sicut  Dei  Miuis- 
tros, &c.  in  vigiliis,  in  jejuniis,  in  casiiiate,  in  scienlia,  in 
verba  vevitatis.  Quae  omnia  ad  miuistros  Ecclesias  perti- 
nent quos  casiitatem  maxime  sectari  convenit,  ut  impuri 
non  appropinquent  aliarii)us,  a  quibus  salaces  omnino  ar- 
ceri  decet :  ]\am  non  nisi  de  Sacerdoiibus  ea  intelligi  pos- 
sunt,  quando  scientia  divinae  legis  et  populi  institutio  sd 
603  spectat,  ut  inquit  Malachias,  Labia  Sacerdotis  cuslodi- 
unt  scientiam  et  le:^em  lequimnt  ex  O'C  ejus.  Et  Paulus 
Timotheum  vult  se  exhibeie  operaiium  inconi'usibilein, 
recte  tractantcm  veibum  verihitls,  viz.  in  Doctrina  populi  j 
igitur  Sacerdotes  Domiiii,  qui  se  Deo  jampiidem  dedica- 
venznt,  qui  se  castravenint  propter  Pvcgnum  Ccelorum,  qui 
pro  suis  et  popuii  peccatis  o-are  assidue  debent,  quo- 
na'n  pacio,  deserto  coslibatus  vexilliiero  Christo,  novis 
nuptiis  operam  daie  seculaiibusq;  mo'e.Uiis  qi'ibus  scatu- 
riunt  se  implicare  decet?  quid  enim  est  ad  aratrum  ma- 
num  miiteie,  retroq;  recipere  exemplo  Uxoris  Loth,  ai 
hoc  non  est!  cujusreodi  homines  non  aptos  esse  Regno 
Dei,  Christus  ipse  pronunciat,  etenira  si  nemo  potest  Uxori 
pariter  et  l^hilosophiae  operam  dare,  ut  mundana  pradentia 
docet,  quaolo  ma^is  is  qui  se  Deo  dicavit,  duobus  Dominis 
servire  non  poterit,  nempe  Deo  pariter  et  mundo,  quorunv 
uterq;  totum  hominem,  non  dimidiatum,  ad  se  raptat? 

Quanquam  autem  et  conjugati  et  ccelibes  in  initio  Ec- 

ADDENDA.  4i37 

clesiae  admittebantuir  ad  Sacerdotium,  id  tamen  non  ubiq; 
ita  servabatur  teste  Hieronymo  adversus  Vigilantura,  ubi 
inquit,  quid  facient  Orientis  EcclesiaD,  quid  Egypti,  et 
Sedis  Apostolicae,  quae  aut  Yirgines  clericos  accipiunt,  aut 
continentes,  aut  si  Uxores  habuerint  mariti  esse  desistuntl 
Atque  ad  Pammachiura  Hieronyraus  inquit,  Christus  Vir- 
go, Virgo  Maria,  utriusq;  sextus  virginitatem  dedicave- 
runt,  Apostoli  vel  Virgines,  vel  post  nuptias  continentes, 
Episcopi,  Presbyteri,  Diaconi,  aut  Virgines  eliguntur,  aut 
vidui,  aut  certe  post  Sacerdotium  in  aeternumpudici,  in  mo- 
rem  Ecclesiae  veierem,  cujus  autor  est  baud  dubie  Paulus 
et  Scriptura  ipsa.  Jam  vero  uti  Augustinum  citatis,  qui 
ait,  quidam  nubentes  post  votum  asserunt  adulteros  esse, 
ego  dico  vobis  quod  graviter  peccant  qui  tales  dividunt :  at 
ille  ipse  Augustinus  asserit,  lapsus  et  ruinas  a  castitate 
Sanciiori  quae  vovetur  Deo  adulteriis  esse  pejores,  neq; 
statim  legitimum  est  quicquid  tolerat  Ecclesia. 

Cyprianus  quoq;  ipse  quem  citatis,  in  ilia  ipsa  Epistola 
de  Virginibus  quae  continentiam  voverunt,  ubiinquit,  si 
perseverare  nolunt,  vel  non  possint,  melius  est  ut  nubant, 
quam  ut  in  ignem  delitiis  suis  ruant ;  ex  quo  infertis  tale 
votum  non  impedire  Matrimonium,  longe  aliud  sentit: 
nam  consultus  a  Pompouio  Sacerdote,  quid  sibi  videretur 
de  Virginibus  his,  quae  cum  semel  statum  suum  continenter 
et  firmiter  t^nere  decreverint,  detectae  sunt  postea  in 
eodem  lecto  pariter  mansisse  cum  Masculis  ;  ca  de  re  altius 
repetens  Sermonem,  periculosamq;  essse  Virginum  et  Mas- 
culorum  cohabitationera,  confirmans  per  Scripturas  ac 
graves  multorum  ruinas  ex  hoc  enatas,  asserens  generaliter 
de  omnibus  Virginibus  inquit,  quod  si  ex  fide  Christo  se 
dicaverint  caste  et  pudice  sine  uUa  fabula  perseverent,  ita 
foi-tes  et  stabiles  praemium  Virginitatis  expectent ;  si  au- 
tem  perseverare  nolunt,  vel  non  possunt,  melius  est  ut  nu- 
bant,  quam  ut  in  ignem  delitiis  suis  cadant,  certe  nullum 
fratribus  aut  sororibus  scandalum  faciant,  cum  scriptum 
sit,  &c.  Et  paulo  post  infert,  Christus  Dominus  et  judex 
noster,  cum  virginem  suam  sibi  dicatamet  sanctitati  suae  de- 
stinatam  jacere  cum  altero  cernat,  quam  indignatur  et  iras- 
citur,  et  quas  poenas  incestis  hujusmodi  conjunctioaibus 
comminatur !  Deinde  ad  quaesitum  respondens,  jubet  obste- 
trices  adhiberi  ut  videatur  an  Virgines  illse  sint  corruptee, 
ubi  inquit,  si  autera  aliquae  ex  eis  corruptze  fuerunt  depre- 
hensae,  agant  poenitentiam  plenam,  quia  quae  hoc  crimen 
admisit,  non  mariti  sed  Christi  adultera  est,  et  ideo  aesti- 
mato  justo  tempore  et  ex  homologesi  facta  ad  Ecclesiam 
redeant ;  quod  si  obstinatas  perseverent,  nee  se  ab  invicem 
separent,  sciant  se  cum  hac  sua  irapudica  obstinatione  nun- 


.438  ADDENDA. 

quam  a  nobis  admitti  in  Ecclesiam  posse,  ne  exempkm 
caetei'is  ad  ruinam  delictis  suis  facere  incipiant.  Ecce  quid 
sentit  Cyprianus  de  votis  ruptis,  incestuosos  et  Christi 
Adulteros  hujusmodi  flagitiosos  appellat,  et  nisi  separen- 
tur,  nunquam  adraittit  in  Ecclesiam ;  quomodo  eigo  talia 
vota  non  impediant  Matrimonium,  aut  quis  ad  tale  Matri- 
monium  quenquam  hoitari  audebit,  quod  sine  violatione 
voti  et  transgressione  divini  niandati,  ideoq;  sine  gravis- 
simo  scelere  contrahi  non  possit?  Atqui  quod  Pnncipes 
Gcvmania;,  scribitis,  cum  viderent  multa  flagitia  de  coeli- 
batu  Sacerdotum  provenire,  Matrimonia  Saceidotibus  li- 
bera permisse,  si  meura,  Egregii  Oratores,  consilium  re- 
quisissent  vestri  Principes,  priusquam  tot  Sacerdotes  apud 
vos  ruptis  vinculis  ad  nuptias  convolassent,  ad  id  consilii 
dedissem  quod  vestri  Principes  ariipuerunt  haesilo  magno- 
pere;  nam  si  Sacerdotes  qui  continere  nollent,  erumpere 
ad  nuptias  omnino  voluissent,  quanto  satius  forte  fuisset, 
exempio  veterum  deposuisse  tales  a  Sacerdotio,  suaeq;  de 
caetero  Conscientiae  quenquam  reliquisse,  ac  deinde  puri- 
ores  altaribus  admovisse,  quam  libere  omnia  permittendo 
peccatis  alienis  auctores  videre,  alq;  ea  ratione  aliena  pec- 
cata  nostra  facere  :  Veruntamen  nos  qui  in  aliena  Repub. 
curiosi  nunquam  fuiraus  nee  esse  voluimus,  omnia  Princi- 
pum  vestroium  acta  atq;  gesta  in  optimam  partem  inter- 
pretamur,  non  dubitantcs,  quin  ad  tollendos  abusus  omnes 
sincerus  liis  animus,  atq;  ad  repurgandam  Dei  Ecclesiam 
appositus  non  desit. 

Porro  nos  qui  in  Regno  nostro  Roraani  Episcopi  Tyran- 
nidem  profligare  magna  industria  studuimus,  et  Christi 
Gloviam  sinceriter  piomovere  curabimus  Deo  propitio, 
quantum  humano  consilio  fieii  potest,  ne  quis  abusus  sive  a 
Romano  Episcopo  sive  a  quovis  alio  inductus  non  abolea- 
tur,  et  si  quos  comperiemus  tempori  inservientes,  fingen- 
lesq;  se  odisse  Romanura  Episcopum,  atq;  in  Sermone 
simulare  veritatem,  quam  corde  non  amplectuntuj,  ejus- 
modi  viris  consilia  nostra  de  rebus  Sacris  non  communica- 
bimus,  nee  eorum  vel  de  Sacris  vel  de  Prophanis  expecta- 
bimus  sententiam. 

Quae  vero  Christi  puram  atq;  sinceram  Doctrinam  pro- 
movere,  quae  Christi  Evangelium  dilatare,  quae  ad  repur- 
ganda  Ecclesiae  Anglicanae  vitia  tendere,  quae  ad  extirpan- 
dos  abusus  atq;  errores  omnes  spectare,  quae  deniq;  Ec- 
clesiae  candorem  exornare  posse  videbuntur,  ea  totis  viri- 
bus  soctabimur,  his  studebimus,  his  Deo  volente  in  perpe- 
tuum  incumbemus. 

De  Articulis  vero  quos  jam  disseruimus  maturius  cum 
Theologisnostris  quamprimum  vacabit  agemus,  atq;  cade 

ADDENDA.  439 

mum   statuemus   quae    ad   Christ!    Gloriam    EcelesisBque 
sponsse  ejus  decoiem  conducere  existimabimus. 

Vobis  autem,  Praestantissimi  Oratores  qui  tot  labores 
terra  marique  perpessi  estis,  ut  nos  inviseretis,  qui  cum 
Theologis  nostris  taradiu  contulistis,  qui  ob  Evangelii 
negotium  a  Patria  abfuistis  mullis  mensibus,  immensas 
atq;  innumeras  habemus  gratias;  nee  miramur  si  dulcis 
amor  Patriae,  post  diuturnam  absenliam  vestram,  ad  redi- 
tum  vos  invilat.  Itaque  post  expleta  Principum  vestro- 
rum  mandata,  post  absoluta  in  totum  negotia  vestra,  si 
non  gravabimini  nos  invisere,  vaster  ad  nos  accessus  admo- 
dum  gratus  erit,  vosque  in  Patriam  non  modo  libenter  di- 
mittemus  cum  bona  venia,  sed  ad  Princepes  etiam  vestros, 
literas  dabimus  summae  diligentiae  vestrae  in  exequenda  le- 
gatione  testimonium  perhibentes.    Valete. 


A  Letter  written  by  the  King  to  his  Bishops,  directing  them  how 
to  instruct  the  People.    An  Original. 

(Cotton  Libr.  Cleop.  E.  5.) 

by  the  king. 
Henry  R. 
Right  Reverend  Father  in  God,  right  trusty  and  well-be- 
loved, we  greet  you  well :  And  whereas  for  the  Vertue, 
Learning,  and  good  qualities  which  we  saw  and  perceived 
heretofore  in  you,  judging  you  thereby  a  Personage  that 
would  sincerely,  devoutly,  purely,  and  plainly  set  forth  the 
Word  of  God,  and  instruct  our  People  in  the  truth  of  the 
same,  alter  a  simple  and  plain  sort,  for  their  better  instruc- 
tion, unity,  quiet,  and  agreement  in  the  points  thereof,  we 
advanced  you  to  the  room  and  office  of  a  Bishop  within  this 
our  Realm ;  and  so  endowed  you  with  great  Revenues  and 
Possessions  ;  perceiving  after,  by  the  contrariety  of  preach- 
ing within  this  our  Realm,  our  said  People  were  brought 
into  a  diversity  of  Opinion,  whereby  there  ensued  conten- 
tion amongst  them ;  which  was  engendred  by  a  certain 
contemptuous  manner  of  speaking,  against  honest,  laud- 
able, and  toleiable  Ceremonies,  Usages,  and  Customs  of 
the  Church  ;  we  were  enforced,  by  our  sundry  letters,  to 
admonish  and  command  you,  amongst  others,  to  preach 
God's  Word  sincerely,  to  declare  abuses  plainly,  and  in  no 
wise  conteniiously  to  treat  of  matters  indifferent,  which  be 
neither  necessary  to  our  Salvation,  as  the  good  and  vertuous 
Ceremonies  of  Holy  Church,  ne  yet  to  be  in  any  wise  con- 

440  ADDENDA. 

temned  and  abrogated,  for  that  they  be  incitements  and 
motions  to  Vertue,  and  allurements  to  Devotion :  all 
which  our  travail  notwithstanding,  so  little  regard  was  by 
some  taken  and  adhibited  to  our  advertisements  therein, 
that  we  were  constrained  to  put  our  own  Pen  to  the  Book, 
and  to  conceive  certain  Articles,  which  were  by  all  you 
the  Bishops  and  whole  Clergy  of  this  our  Realm  in  Con- 
vocation agreed  on,  as  Catholick,  meet,  and  necessary  to 
be  by  our  Authority  for  avoiding  of  all  contention  set  forth, 
read  and  taught  to  our  Subjects,  to  bring  the  same  in  unity, 
quietness,  and  good  concord  :  supposing  then  that  no  Per- 
son having  Authority  under  us,  would  either  have  pre- 
sumed to  have  spoken  any  word,  that  might  have  offended 
the  sentence  and  meaning  of  the  same,  or  have  been  any 
thing  remiss,  slack,  or  negligent  in  the  plain  setting  forth 
of  them  as  they  be  conceived,  so  as  by  that  mean  of  absti- 
nence such  quiet  and  unity  should  not  grow  thereupon  jas 
we  desired  and  looked  for  of  the  same  ;  and  perceiving  eft- 
soons,  by  credible  report,  that  our  labours,  travail,  and  de- 
siie  therein,  is  nevertheless  defeated,  and  in  manner  by 
general  and  contemptuous  words  spoken,  by  sundry  light 
and  seditious  persons,  contemned  and  despised,  so  that  by 
the  abstinence  of  direct  and  plain  selting-forth  of  the  said 
Articles,  and  by  the  fond  and  contentious  manner  of  speak- 
ing, that  the  said  light  Personages  do  still  use  against  the 
honest  Rites,  Customs,  Usages,  and  ceremonial  Things  of 
the  Church,  our  People  be  mticll  more  offended  than  they 
were  before  ;  and  in  a  manner  exclaim  that  we  will  suffer 
that  injury  at  any  Man'4  hand,  whereby  they  think  both 
God,  us,  and  our  whole  Realm  highly  offended,  insomuch 
that  principally  upon  that  ground,  and  for  the  Reformation 
of  those  Follies  and  Abuses,  they  have  made  this  commo- 
tion and  insurrection,  and  have  thereby  grievously  offended 
us,  dammaged  themselves,  and  troubled  many  of  our  good 
Subjects:  We  be  now  enforced,  for  our  discharge  towards 
God,  and  for  the  tender  love  and  zeal  we  bear  unto  the 
tranquillity  and  loving  unity  of  our  said  People  and  Sub- 
jects, again  to  readdress  these  our  Letters  to  all  the  Bi- 
shops of  our  Realm,  and  amongst  other  unto  you,  as  a  pe- 
remptory warning  to  admonish  you,  to  demean  and  use 
your  self  for  the  redobbying  of  these  things  as  shall  be 
hereafter  declared,  upon  pain  of  deprivation  from  the  Bi- 
shoprick,  and  further  to  be  punished  for  your  contenipt,  if 
you  shall  offend  in  the  contrary,  as  Justice  shall  require  for 
your  own  Trespass. 

And  first,  we  straitly  charge   and  command  you,  that 
plainly  and  distinctly,  without  any  additions,  ye  shall  every 

ADDENDA.  441 

Holy  day,  wheresoever  ye  shall  be  within  your  Diocess,' 
when  ye  may  so  do  with  your  health  and  convenient  cona'- 
modity,  openly,  in  your  Cathedral  Church,  or  the  Parish 
Church  of  the  place  where  ye  shall  for  time  be,  read  and 
declare  our  Articles ;  and  in  no  wise,  in  the  rest  of  your 
words  which  ye  shall  then  speak  of  your  self,  if  you  speak 
any  thing,  utter  any  word  (hat  shall  make  the  same,  or  any 
word  in  the  same,  doubtiul  to  the  People. 

Secondly  ;  We  will  and  command  you,  That  you  shall  in 
your  Person  travel  fiom  place  to  place  in  all  your  Diocess, 
as  you  may  wilh  your  commodity,  and  endeavour  your 
selves  every  Holy-day  to  make  a  Collation  to  the  People, 
and  in  the  same  to  set  Ib/th  plainly  the  Texts  of  Scripture 
that  you  shall  treat  of;  and  with  that  also  as  well  to  de- 
cla'e  the  obedience  due  by  God's  Laws  to  their  Prince  and 
"SoverDij^n  Lord,  against  whose  commandment  they  ought 
in  no  wise,  though  the  same  were  unjust,  to  use  any  vio- 
lence, as  to  commend  and  praise  honest  Ceremonies  of  the 
Chuich  as  they  be  to  be  praised,  in  such  plain  and  reverent 
so't,  that  the  People  may  perceive  they  be  not  contemned, 
and  yet  learn  how  they  were  ioslitutecl,  and  how  they  ought 
to  be  observed  and  esteemed;  using  such  a  tempeiance 
therein,  as  our  said  People  be  not  conupted,  by  putting 
over-much  affiance  in  them,  which  a  part  should  more  of- 
fend, than  the  clear  silencing  of  the  same,  and  that  our 
People  may  thereto  the  better  know  their  duties  to  us,  being 
their  King  and  Soveraign  Lord. 

Thirdly  ;  We  siraiily  charge  and  command  you,  That 
neither  in  your  private  communications  you  shall  use  any 
words  that  may  sound  to  the  contrary  of  this  our  Com- 
mandment, ne  you  shall  keep  or  retain  any  Man  of  any 
degiee,  t'oat  shall  in  his  woius  privately  or  openly,  directly 
or  indirectly,  speok  in  these  matters  of  the  Ceremonies, 
conteutiously  or  contemptously  ;  but  we  will  that  in  case 
ye  have,  or  shall  have  towards  you  any  such  Person  that 
will  not  better  temper  his  Tongue,  you  shall,  as  an  Ofiender 
and  a  Seductor  of  our  People,  send  the  same  in  sure  custody 
to  us  and  our  Council,  lo  be  punished  as  sliall  appertain  ; 
and  semblably  to  do  with  other  Strangers  whom  ye  shall 
hear  to  be  notable  offenders  in  that  part. 

Fourthly  ;  Our  pleasure  and  commandment  is.  That  you 
shall  on  your  behalf,  give  stiait  commandment  upon  like 
pain  of  deprivation  and  further  punishment,  to  all  Parsons, 
Vicars,  Curais,  and  Governors  of  Religious  Houses,  Col- 
ledges,  and  other  places  Ecclesiastical  within  your  Diocess, 
that  they  and  every  of  them  shall,  touching  the  indifferent 
praise  of  Ceremonies,  the  avoiding  of  contentious  and  con- 

442  ADDENDA. 

temptous  Communication,  concerning  any  of  the  same,  and 
the  distinct  and  plain  reading  of  our  said  Articles,  observe 
and  perform,  in  their  Churches,  Monasteries,  and  other 
Houses  Ecclesiastical  aforesaid,  the  very  same  order  that  is 
before  to  you  prescribed.  And  further,  that  you  permit 
nor  suffer  any  Man,  of  what  degree  soever  in  learning, 
Strangers  or  other,  to  preach  in  any  place  within  your  said 
Diocess  out  of  his  own  Church,  by  virtue  of  any  License 
by  us,  or  any  other  of  our  Ministers,  granted  before  the 
fifteenth  day  of  this  month,  neither  in  your  presence  nor 
elsewhere,  unless  he  be  a  Man  of  such  honesty,  vertue, 
learning,  and  judgment,  as  you  shall  think  able  for  that 
purpose,  and  one  whom  in  manner  you  dare  answer  for. 

finally  ;  Whereas  we  be  advertised  that  divers  Priests 
have  presumed  to  marry  themselves,  contrary  to  the  cus- 
tom of  our  Church  of  England,  our  pleasure  is.  Ye  shall 
make  secret  enquiry  within  your  Diocess,  whether  there  be 
any  such  resiant  within  the  same  or  not :  And  in  case  ye 
shall  find  that  there  be  any  Priests  that  have  so  presumed  to 
marry  themselves,  and  have  sithence  nevertheless  used  and 
exercised  in  any  thing  the  Office  of  Priesthood,  we  charge 
you,  as  ye  will  answer  upon  the  pains  aforesaid,  not  to 
conceal  their  doings  therein,  but  rather  to  signify  their  de- 
meanour to  our  Council,  or  to  cause  them  to  be  apprehended, 
and  so  sent  up  unto  us  accordingly.  Given  under  our  Signet 
at  our  Castle  of  Windsor,  the  19th  day  of  November,  in  the 
28th  Year  of  Our  Reign. 


TonstalVs  Arguments  for  the  Divine  Institution  of  AuHcular 
Confession  ;  with  some  Notes  written  on  the  Margin  by  King 
Henry's  oicn  Hand,     An  Original. 

(Cotton  Lib.  Cleop.  E.  5.) 

Quod  Covfessio  Aurictdaris  sit  de  Jure  Divine. 

Probari  videtur  ex  illo  loco  Matthaei  3.  ubi  Joanne  Bap- 
tista  in  deserto  praedicante  pcenitentiam,  exibat  ad  eum 
Hierosolyma  et  omnis  Judaea,  et  baptizabantur  ab  eo  in 
Jordane  confitentes  peccata  sua  ;  quem  locum  Chrysostq- 
mus  ita  exponit,  inquiens,  Confessio  peccatorum  est  testi- 
monium Conscientiae  confitentis  Deum,  qui  enim  timet  Ju- 
dicium Dei  peccata  sua  non  erubescat  confiteri ;  qui  autem 
erubescit  non  timet,  perfectus  enim  timor  solvit  omnem  pu- 
dorero  ;  illic  enim  turpitude  confessionis  aspicitur,  ubi  fu- 

ADDENDA.  443 

turi  judicii  poena  non  creditur.  Nunquid  neseimus  quia 
Confessio  peccatorum  habet  pudorem,  et  quia  hoc  ipsum 
erubescere  poena  est  gravis,  sed  ideo  magis  nos  jubet  Deus 
confiteri  peccata  nostra,  ut  verecundiam  patiamur  pro  poe- 
na? nam  et  hoc  ipsum  pars  est  Judicii,  O  misericordia 
Dei !  quern  toties  ad  iracundiam  excitavimus  sufficit  ei  * 
solus  pudor  pro  poena. 

t  Si  verecundia  pro  poena  est  apud  Denm,  ea  autem  non 
continget  ex  confessione  facta  soli  Deo,  nam  nemo  ratio- 
nis  compos  ignorat  etiam  absque  Confessione  Deum  pec- 
cata nostra  scire,  de  Confessione  facta  homini  necesse  est 
intelligantur.  Praeterea  ipsa  Verba  demonstrant  quod  Jo- 
anni  Baptipta;  confessi  sunt  peccata  sua,  nam  dixit  eis,  fa- 
cite  ergo  fructum  dignum  pcenitentia,  quod  apte  dicere  non 
poterat,  nisi  poenitentes  eos  ex  confessione  sibi  facta  resci- 

Beda  Marci  L 

Et  Baptizabantur  ab  illo  in  Jordane  fluraine,  confitentes 
peccata  sua.  t  Exemplum  confitendi  peccata  ac  meliorem 
vitam  promittendi  datur  eis,  qui  Baptisma  accipere  deside- 
rant,  sicut  etiam  przedicante  §  Paulo  in  Epheso  multi  cre- 
dentium  veniebant,  confitentes  et  annunciantes  actus  suos, 

?uatenus  abdicata    vita   veteri,    renovari    mererentur    in 

llScribitur  quoq;  in  Evangelio  Joannes  21.  Quorum  re- 
miseritis  peccata,  remittuntur  eis  et  quorum  retinueritis, 
retenta  sunt:  et  Matth.  18.  Quajcunq;  ligaveritis  super 
terram,  erunt  ligata  in  Ccelo,  et  quajcunq;  solveritis  super 
terram,  erunt  soluta  in  Coelo.  Remittere  autem  et  solvere 
nemo  potest  id  quod  ignorat,  occulta  autem  peccata  praeter 
peccantem  novit  nisi  solus  Deus,  quare  nisi  peccata  aperi- 
antur  Sacerdoti,  nee  ea  ligare  nee  solvere  posset.  Et 
IT  quemadmodum  Sacratissima  tua  Majestas,  si  commissio- 
nem  aliquibus  dedisset  audiendi  et  terminandi  negotium 
aliquod,  non  possent  judices  rem  ignorantes  nisi  negotio 
coram  eis  patefacto  causam  finire,  viz.  propter  culpam  liti- 

f;atorum  non  comparentium  coram  eis  ;  sic  nee  Sacerdotes 
igare  et  solvere  possunt  peccata  quae  ignorant.  Itaq;  cum 
Deus  iSacerdotem  velut  mediciura  Spiiitualem  Ecclesiae  de- 

•  Nota  bene  de  solo  pudorc.  t  Fallax. 

X  Exempium  dicit  non  prseceptum.  i  Non  praeceplo. 

II  Huic  respondendum  est.  A'  solutic  ddtur  in  remedium  peccntorom 
petentibus  tantuni,  nam  si  nou  petiero. 

^   Kxemplum  bene  declanit  rem,  scA  noa  perlte  posituni. 

444  ADDENDA. 

derit,  siquis  enim  sua  vulnera  celat,  ipse  sua  culpa  pent, 
cum  tamen  de  salute  sua  deberet  esse  sollicitus,  sicut  Pau- 
lus  ad  Phil.  2.  adraonet,  inquiens,  cum  metu  et  tremore 
Salutem  vestram  operamini. 

Ongenes  in  Levit.  Homilia  2.  loquens  de  Remissionibus 

*Est  adhuc  et  septima,  licet  dura  et  laboriosa,  per  poeni- 
tentiam  remissio  peccatorum,  cum  lavat  peccator  lachrimis 
stratum  suum,  et  fiunt  ei  lachrimsB  suae  panis  die'et  nocte, 
et  cum  non  erubescit  Sacerdoti  Domini  indicave  peccatum 
suum,  et  quaerere  medicinam  secundum  eum  qui  ait,  t  Dixi 
pronunciabo  adversum  me  injustitiam  meam  Domino,  et 
tu  remisisti  impietatem  cordis  mei,  in  quo  impletur  et  illud 
quod  Jacobus  Apostolus  dicit,  Siquis  auiem  iufirmatur, 
vocet  Presbyteros  Ecclesiae,  et  imponant  ei  manus  t  un- 
^entes  eum  oleo  in  nomine  Domini,  et  oratio  fidei  salvabit 
lofirmum,  et  si  in  peccatis  fuerit  remittentur  ei. 

Ovigenes  Homilia  2.  in  Psal.  37. 

Intelli|e  mihi  fidelem  quidem  hominem  sed  tamen  infir- 
mum,  qui  etiam  vinci  ab  aliquo  peccato  potuit,  et  propter 
hoc  mugieutem  pro  delictis  suis  et  omni  modo  curam  vul- 
neris  sui  sanitatemq;  requirentem,  licet  praeventus  sit  et 
lapsus,  volentera  tamen  medelam  ac  salutem  reparare  ;  §  si 
ergo  hujusmodi  homo  memor  delicti  sui,  confiteatur  quae 
commisit,  et  humana  confusione  parvi  pendat  eos,  qui  ex- 
probrant  eum  confitentem,  et  notant  vel  irrident,  ille  au- 
tem  intelligens  per  hoc  veniam  sibi  dari,  et  iu  die  Resur- 
rectiouis  pro  his  quibus  nunc  confunditur  coram  homini- 
bus,  tunc  ante  Angelos  Dei  coufusionem  atq;  opprobria 
evasurum,  ut  nolit  tegere  et  occultare  maculam  suam,  sed 
pronunciet  delictum  suum,  nee  velit  esse  Sepulchrum  deal- 
batum,  quod  deforis  quidem  appareat  hominibus  specio- 
sum,  id  est  ut  videntibus  se  quasi  Justus  appareat,  intus 
autem  sit  repletus  omni  immunditie  et  osbibus  mortuo- 

Et  Paulo  post,  Quoniam  iniquitatem  meam  pronuncio. 
Pronunciationem  iniquitatis,  id  est,  confessionem  peccati, 

•  De  sua  opinione  loquens. 

t  Male  sentit  qui  abutitur  Scriptura. 

t  Namquam  is  modus  uuctionis  in  Confessione  utcbatur. 

i  Non  ait,  iiecesse  est  ut  confiteantur,  jam  de  contemptu  loqaitar. 

ADDENDA.  445 

frequentius  diximus,  vide  ergo  quid  edocet  nos  scriptura 
divina,  quia  oportet  peccatum  non  celare  intrinsecus ; 
fortassis  enim  sicut  ii  qui  habent  intus  inclusam  escam  in- 
digestam,  aut  humoris,  vel  flegraatis  stomacho  graviter  et 
moleste  imminentem,  sivomuerunt  relevantur  ;  ita  etiam  hi 
qui  peccaiunt,  si  quidem  occultant  et  retineut  intra  se  pec- 
catum intrinsecus  urgentur,  et  propemodum  sufFocantur  a 
phlegmate  vel  humore  peccati :  Si  autem  ipse  sui  accusa- 
tor  fiat,  dum  accusat  seinetipsum,  simul  evomit  et  delectum, 
atque  omnem  morbi  digerit  causam.  Tantummodo  circum- 
spice  diligentius  cui  debeas  confiteri  peccatum  tuum,  proba 
prius  medicum  cui  debeas  causam  languoris  exponeie,  qui 
sciat  infirmari  cum  infirmante,  Acre  cum  flente,  qui  condo- 
lendi  et  compatiendi  noverit  disciplinam,  ut  ita  demum  si- 
quid  ille  dixerit,  qui  se  prius  et  eruditum  medicum  osten- 
derit  et  misericordeni,  siquid  consilii  dedeiit,  facias  et  se- 
quaris,  si  intellexerit  et  prjevideret  talem  esse  languorem 
tuum,  qui  in  conventu  totius  Ecclesiae  exponi  debeat  et 
curari,  ex  quo  fortassis  et  caeteii  aedificari  poterunt,  et  tu 
ipse  facile  sanari,  multa  hac  deliberatione  et  satis  perito 
medici  illius  coDsUio  procurandum  est. 

Cyprianus  in  Sermone  de  Lapsis. 

*Denique  quando  et  fide  majore  et  timore  meliores  sunt, 
qui  quamvis  nullo  Sacrificii  aut  iibelli  facinore  constricti, 
quoniam  tamen  de  hoc  vel  cogitaverunt,  hoc  ipsum  apud 
Sacerdotes  Dei  dolenter  et  simpliciter  coniitentur,  exomo- 
legesin  conscientiae  faciunt,  animi  sui  pondus  exponunt, 
saiutarem  medelam  parvis  licet  et  modicis  vulneribus  ex- 
quirunt,  scientes  scriptum  esse,  Deus  non  deridetur  ;  deri- 
deri  et  circumvenin  Deus  non  potest,  nee  astutia  aliqua 
fallente  deludi :  plus  imo  delinquit  qui  secundum  hominem 
Deum  co^itans  evadere  se  poenam  criminis  credit,  si  non 
palam  crimen  admisit.     Cnristus  in  praeceptis  suis  dicit, 

?ui  confusus  me  fuerit,  confundet  eum  filius  hominis,  et 
Ihristianum  se  putat  qui  Christianus  esse  aut  confunditur 
aut  veretur :  Quomodo  potest  esse  cum  Christo  qui  ad 
Christum  pertinere  aut  erubescit  aut  metuit  ?  minus  plane 
peccaverit  non  videndo  idola,  nee  sub  oculis  circumstantis 
atq;  insultantis  populi  sanctitatem  fidei  profanando,  non 
polluendo  manus  suas  funestis  Sacrificiis,  nee  sceleratis 
cibis  ora  maculando  ;  hoc  eo  proficit  ut  sit  minor  culpa, 
non  ut  innocens  conscientia ;  facilius  potest  ad  veniam  cri- 
minis pervenire,  non  est  tamen  iramunis  a  crimine,  nee  ces- 

•  Fateor  Cyprianus  Confessioneni  auricularein  nobis  non  phis  prse- 
cipi  quam  virjfinitatem. 

V  OL.  I,  Part  II.  2  Q 

446  ADDENDA. 

set  ia  agenda  poenitentia,  atq;  in  Domini  misericordia  de- 
precanda,  ne  quod  minus  esse  in  qualitate  delicti  videtur, 
in  neglecta  satisfactione  cumuletur.  *  Confiteantur  singuli, 
quaeso  vos  fratres,  delictum  suum,  dum  adhuc  qui  deliquit 
in  saeculo  est,  dum  admitti  confessio  ejus  potest,  dum  sa- 
tisfaciio  et  remissio  facta  per  Sacerdotes  apud  Dominum 
grata  est ;  convertamur  ad  Dominum  mente  tota,  et  poeni- 
tentiam  ciiminis  veris  doloribus  exprimentes  Dei  miseri- 
cordiam  deprecemur  ;  illi  se  aniraa  prosternat,  illi  moestitia 
satisfaciat,  illi  spes  omnis  incumbat;  rogare  qualiter  de- 
beamus  dicit  ipse,  Bevertimini,  inquit,  ad  me  ex  toto  corde 
vestro,  simulq;  et  jejunio,  et  fletu,  et  planctu,  et  scindite 
corda  vestra  et  non  vestimenta. 

t  Praeterea  Esaias  peccatorem  admonet  Cap.  42.  secundum 
70.  inquiens,  Die  tu  prior  iniquitates  tuas  ut  j ustificeris ; 
et  Solomon  Prov.  18.  ait,  Justus  prior  est  accusator  sui, 
atq;  ideo  ne  Satan  nos  in  judicio  coram  omnibus  accuse!, 
nos  ilium  in  hac  vita,  per  priorem  confessionem  delicti  nos- 
tri  factam  aliis  pr?B venire  debemus,  nam  Deum  praevenire 
in  nosiri  accusatione  nequimus  qui  omnia  facta  nostra  jam 
novit,  imo  vero  anteqaam  fierent  ea  praescivit;  quare  Con- 
fessio ilia  necesse  est,  intelligatur,  de  extranea  confessions 
facta  Dei  ministro  qui  id  ignoravit,  nam  Deum  nihil  unquam 
latuit  non  modo  jam  factum,  sed  ne  futurum  quidem  quic- 

I  Circa  personas  vero  rainistrorum  quibus  fieri  deberet 
Confessio,  atq;  circa  tempora  Ecclesiae  nonnunquam  ali- 
quid  immutarunt,  et  varie  pro  regionibus  statuerunt. 

Et  ne  tuam  solicitudinem,  Sacratissima  Majestas,  circa 
publicam  Regni  tui  tranquillitatem  stabiiiendam  sanctissi- 
me  occupatam,  longa  multorum  lectione,  quae  praeter  ista 
afferre  possem,  remorari  videar,  plura  adjungere  superse- 
debo,  illud  tantummodo  precatus,  et  meam  banc  scribendi 
temeritamen  boni  consulat,  quam  ego  totam  perspicasissimo 
atq;  eruditissimo  Majestatis  tuae  judicio  considerandam 
pensitandamq;  committo.  Atq;  ita  foelicissime  valeat  Sa- 
cratissima tua  Majestas,  cujus  Regnum  et  prosperrimum 
et  in  saeculum  diuturnum  vobis  fore  precamur. 

*  Si  praeceptum  haberet  non  persuaderet. 
t  Hi  omnes  suadent,  sed  nou  prsecipiunt. 

t  Cum  nee  cui  nee  tempora  designantur  non  firraum  prKceptum 

ADDENDA.  447 


A  Letter  of  King  Henry^s  to  Tonstall,  Bistwp  of  Duresme, 
against  Auricular  Confeision  being  of  Divine  Institution. 
An  Original. 

(Cott.  Libr^eop.  E.  6.) 

Since  me  thought  (my  Lord  of  Durham)  that  both  the 
Bishops  of  York,  Winchester,  and  your  Reasons  and  Texts 
were  so  fully  answered  this  other  day,  in  the  House,  as  to 
my  seeming  and  supposal,  the  most  of  the  House  was 
satisfied ;  1  marvelled  not  a  little  why  eft-soons  you  have 
sent  to  me  this  now  your  writing,  being  in  a  manner  few 
other  Texts  or  Reasons  than  there  were  declared  both  by 
the  Bishop  of  Canterbury  and  me,  to  make  smally  or 
nothing  to  your  intended  purpose  :  but  either  1  esteem  that 
you  do  it  to  prove  my  simple  judgment  alone,  which  indeed 
doth  not  much  use  (tho  not  the  wisest)  1o  call  in  aid  the 
judgments  of  other  learned  men,  and  so  by  mine  ignorant 
answer,  seem  to  win  the  Field ;  or  else  that  you  be  too 
much  blinded  in  your  own  fansy  and  judgment,  to  think 
that  a  Truth,  which  by  learning  you  have  not  yet  proved, 
nor  I  fear  me  cannot  by  Scriptures,  nor  any  other  Directors 

{irobable  grounds,  though  I  know  mine  unsufficiency  in 
earning,  if  the  matter  were  indifferent,  and  that  the  bal- 
lance  stood  equal,  since  I  take  the  verity  of  the  Cause 
rather  to  favorize  the  part  I  take  than  yours ;  it  giveth  me 
therefore  great  boldness,  not  presuming  in  Learning,  but  in 
justness  of  the  Cause,  ceeing  by  writing  you  have  provoked 
me  to  it,  to  make  answer  to  your  Arguments  :  Therefore  I, 
beginning  now  to  reply  to  your  first  Allegation,  shall  essay 
to  prove,  if  I  can,  that  your  own  Author  in  place  by  you 
alledged,  maketh  plain  against  your  Opinion  ;  for  as  you 
alledg  him,  St.  Chrysostom  saith.  Quod  sufficit  solus  pudor 
pro  poena,  then  Auricular  Confession  is  not  by  command- 
ment necessary  ;  for  if  it  were,  this  word  (Solus)  is  by  your 
Author  ill  set ;  therefore  your  Author  in  tnis  place  furder- 
eth  you  but  little.  To  your  Fallax  Argument,  I  deny  your 
consequent,  founded  only  upon  small  Reason,  which  is  the 
ground  of  your  Fallax  Argument :  which  Reason  I  need 
not  take  away,  for  your  alledged  Author  doth  shew  too 
plainly,  in  his  5  Homily,  Tom.  5.  that  you  gather  wrong 
sense  upon  his  words  ;  for  he  saith,  with  much  more  touch- 
ing this  matter,  these  few  v/ords,  Non  hominihus  peccata  de- 
tegere  cogo ;  then  this  other  Text  before  rehearsed,  is  not 
to  be  understood  as  you  will  by  writing  it.  Further,  nie 
thinketh,  I  need  not  (God  thank  you)  too  greatly  study  for 


Authors  to  conclude  your  wrong  taking  of  Texts,  for  those 
your  self  alledg  serveth  me  well  to  purpose :  for  all  your 
labour  is  to  prove  that  Auricular  Confession  were  by  God 
commanded,  and  both  your  Authorities  of  Bede  and  Paul, 
sheweth  nothing  but  that  they  did  confess  their  sins,  and 
yet  do  not  they  affirm  that  it  was  by  commandment;  where- 
fore they  make  for  mine  Arguni^int  and  not  for  yours.  Your 
other  Texts  of  John  21,  and  Matthew  10,  were  so  tho- 
roughly answered  this  other  day,  and  so  manifestly  declared 
not  to  appertain  to  our  grounded  Argument,  that  1  marvel 
you  be  not  ashamed  eft-soons  to  put  them  in  writing,  and 
to  found  your  Argument  now  so  fondly  on  them  ;  for  what 
fonder  Argument  can  be  made  to  prove  therby  a  necessity 
of  Confession,  than  to  say.  If  you  confess  not,  I  cannot 
forgive'?  Would  a  Thief  which  commitleth  Felony,  think 
himself  obliged  by  the  Law  to  disclose  his  Felony,  if  the 
Law  say  no  more,  but  if  thou  confess  not  I  cannot  forgive 
thee?  or  would  theft  the  sooner  therefore  be  forgiven"! 
This  is  matter  so  apparent,  that  none  can  but  perceive  ex- 
cept he  would  not  see.  As  touching  Origens  places  by  you 
alledged  ;  as  the  first,  in  Leviticum,  sheweth  that  we  be  as 
much  bound  lavare  straUtm  Lacrimis,  as  dicei-e  Sucerdoti, 
which  no  man,  I  think,  will  affirm  that  we  be  bound  to  do  ; 
and  yet  he  aifirmeth  not  that  any  of  them  is  commanded  : 
the  Text  also  whereby  ye  would  approve  his  so  saying, 
doth  not  yet  speak  giiod  pronuuciaho  justiiiam  meam  Sacer- 
doti,  but  Domiao :  The  other  of  James  seemeth  better  to 
make  for  extream  L  action,  than  for  Confession  ;  for  when 
was  ever  the  use,  that  Folk  coming  only  to  Confession, 
were  wont  to  be  anointed  with  Oil,  therefore  this  makes 
nothing  to  your  Argument.  As  touching  Origen  in  Psal. 
37,  he  saith  not,  quod  ohligamur  dicere  Sacerdoti,  but  si 
confiieantur ;  and  seemeth  rather  to  perswade  Men  that 
they  should  not  iparvi  pendere  Confes&ionem,  (as  all  good 
Folk  would)  than  that  they  were  obliged  to  confess  them  to 
a  Priest.  Though  Cyprian  de  Lapsis,  doth  praise  them 
which  do  confess  their  Faults  to  priests,  yet  doth  he  con- 
fess that  we  be  not  bound  to  do  so  ;  for  he  saith  in  the 
highest  of  his  praise  these  words,  "  How  much  be  they  then 
higher  in  Faith,  and  better  in  fear  of  God,  which  though 
they  be  not  bound  by  any  deed  of  Sacrifice,  or  Book,  yet 
be  they  content  sorrowfully  to  confess  to  the  Priest  sins  !" 
He  knowledgeth  no  bond  in  us  by  neither  fact  of  Sacrifice 
or  Libel,  why  alledg  you  (tho  he  praise  Auricular  Confes- 
sion) that  we  should  be  bound  by  God  and  Law  thereto! 
This  is  no  proof  thereof,  neither  by  Reason  nor  by  Scrip- 
ture, nor  any  good  Authority.    And  whereas  he  saith  fujp» 

ADDENDA.  44§ 

ther,  Confiteantur  singuli,  qu<Eso  vos  fraires,  delictum  mum; 
this  doth  not  argue  a  precept :  nor  yet  the  saying  of  Esay, 
cap.  43.  secundum  Septuaginta ;  nor  Solomon  in  the  Pro- 
verbs 10,  for  these  speak  rather  of  knowledging  our  Offence 
to  God  in  our  Heart,  than  of  Auricular  Confession ;  after 
David  the  Prophets  saying  and  teaching,  when  he  said, 
Tibi  soli  peccavi,  that  was  not  to  a  Priest.  By  the  text 
also  which  you  alledg,  beginning,  circa  personas  vero  mi~ 
nietrorum,  ^c.  you  do  openly  confess  that  the  Church  hatli 
not  accepted  Auricular  Confession  to  be  by  God's  Com- 
mandment ;  or  else  by  your  saying  and  Allegation,  they 
have  long  erred  :  for  you  confess  that  the  Church  hath 
divers  times  changed  both  to  whom  Confession  should  be 
made,  and  times  when ;  and  that  also  they  have  changed 
divers  ways  for  divers  Regions  ;  if  it  were  by  God's  Com- 
mandment they  might  not  do  thus:  Wherefore,  my  Lord, 
since  I  hear  no  other  Allegations,  I  pray  you  blame  not  me 
tho  I  be  not  of  your  Opinion  ;  and  of  the  both,  I  think  that 
I  have  more  cause  to  think  you  obstinate,  than  you  me, 
seeing  your  Authors  and  Allegations  make  so  little  to  your 
purpose.    And  thus  fare  you  well. 


A  Definition  of    the  Church,    corrected  in  the  Margin  by 
King  Henry's  own  hand.    An  Original. 

(Cotton.  Lib.  Cleop.  E.  5.) 
De  Ecclesia. 
EccLEsiA  praeter  alias  acceptiones  in  Scripturis  duas  habet 
prscipuas :  Unam,  qua  Ecclesia  accipitur  pro  Congrega- 
tione  Sanctorum  et  vere  fidelium  qui  Christo  capiti  vere 
credunt,  et  sanctificantur  Spiritu  ejus  haec  autem  una  est, 
et  vere  Sanctum  Corpus  Christi  sed  Soli  Deo  *  cognitum, 
qui  hominum  corda  solus  intuetur.  Altera  acceptio  est, 
qua  Ecclesia  accipitur  pro  Congregatione  omnium  Hominum 
qui  baptizati  sunt  in  Christo,  et  non  palam  abnegarint 
Christum,  nee  suntt  excommunicati :  :t  quae  Ecclesiae  ac- 
ceptio congruit  ejus  Statui  in  hac  vita  duntaxat,  ubi  habet 
malos  bonis  simul  admixtos,  $  et  debet  esse  coguita  per 
Verbum  et  legitimum  usum  Sacramentorum  ut  possit  audiri ; 

•  Sponsa  Christi  cognita.  t  Juste.  t  Aut  obstinati. 

§  Et  cognitiohiijus  Ecclesiffi  pervenit  per  usum  Verb!  et  Sacramen- 
torum, acceptione,  perfecta,  nnitate,  ac  unanimi  consensu  acceptata. 


450  ADDENDA. 

sicut  docet  Christus,  Qui  Ecclesiam  non  audierit.  Porro  ad 
veram  unitatem  Ecc]esiae,requiriturut  sit  consensus  in  recta 
Doctrina  Fidei  et  administratione  Sacramentorum. 

Traditiones  vero  et  ritus  atq;  Cjeremoniae  quae  vel  ad 
decwem,  vel  ordinem,  vel  Disciplinam  Ecclesiae  ab  ho- 
minibus  sunt  institulae,  non  oranino  necesse  est,  ut  eadem 
sint  ubiq;  aut  prorsus  similes :  has  enim  et  variae  fuere 
etvariaii  possunt*  pro  regionum  atq;  raorum  diversitate 
et  commodo,t  sic  tamen  utjsint  consentientes  Verbo  Dei : 
et  quamvis  in  Ecclesia  secundum  posteiiorem  acceptionem 
mali  slnt  bonis  admixti,  atq;  eiiam  Ministeriis  Verbi  et 
Sacramentorum  nonnunquam  praesiut,  tamen  cum  ministrent 
non  suo  sed  Christi  nomine,  mandato  et  authoritate,  licet 
eorum  ministerio  uti  tam  in  verbo  audiendo  quam  recipien- 
dis  Sacramentis,  juxta  illud.  Qui  vos  audit  me  audit;  nee 
per  eorum  malitiam  imminuitur  effectus  aut  gratia  donorum 
Christi  rite  accipientibus,  sunt  enim  efficacia  propter  pro- 
missionem  et  ordinationem  Christi  etiamsi  per  malos  exhi- 

*  Modo  rectoribasplaceantquibus  semper  obtemperandam  est,  tamen 
ut  eorum  institatio  alq;  Lex  Verbo  Dei  non  adversetur. 

t  Ista  est  Ecclesia  nostra  Catliolica  et  Apostolica,  cum  qua  nee 
Pontifex  Romanus,  uec  quivis  aliquis  Prselatus  aut  Pontifex,  habet 
quicquid  agere  prseterquam  in  suas  Dioceses. 






With  which  the  Places  in  the  History  to  which  they  relate  are 
marked.  The  First  Number,  with  the  Letter  C,  is  the  Page 
of  the  Collection;  the  Second,  with  the  Letter  H,  is  the 
Page  of  the  History. 

BOOK  I.  ♦ 

C.    H. 

1.  The  record  of  Cardinal  Adrian's  oath  of  fide- 

lity to  King  Henry  VII,  for  the  Bishop- 
rick  of  Bath  and  Wells 1       15 

2.  Pope  Julius's  letter  to  Archbishop  Waiham, 

for  giving  King  Henry  VIII  the  golden 

rose    4      25 

3.  A  writ  for  summoning  convocations 5      27 

4.  A  writ  for  a  convocation  summoned  by  War- 

ham  on  an  ecclesiastical  account   6      ib. 

6.  The  preamble  of  an  act  of  subsidy  granted  by 

the  clergy 7      28 

6.  Bishop  Tonstal's  licence  to  Sir  Thomas  More 

for  his  reading  heretical  books    9      43 


1.  The  bull  for  the  King's  marriage  with  Queen 

Katherine U      46 

2.  The  King's  protestation  against  the  marriage     12      47 

3.  Cardinal  Wolsey's  first  letter  to  Griegory  Cas- 

sali  about  the  divorce 14      60 



4.  Two  letters  of  Secretary  Knight's  to  the  Car- 
dinal and  the  King,  giving  an  account 
of  his  conferences  with  the  Pope  concern- 
ing the  divorce    27      62 

6.  A  part  of  a  letter  from  Knight  to  Cardinal 
Wolsey,  that  shows  the  dispensation  was 
then  granted  and  sent  over 32      64 

6.  Gregory  Cassali's  letter  concerning  the  method 

in  which  the  Pope  desired  the  divorce 

should  be  managed 33      65 

7.  The  King's  letter  to  the  College  of  Cardinals, 

from  which  it  appears  how  much  they  fa- 
voured his  cause 35      ()8 

8.  The  Cardinal's  letter  to  the  Pope  concerning 

the  divorce 26      ib. 

9.  Cardinal  Wolsey's  letter  to  Cassali,  directing 

him  to  make  presents  at  Rome   37      69 

10.  The  decretal  bull  that  was  desired  in  the 

King's  cause    38      ib. 

11.  The  Cardinal's  letter  to  John  Cassali  concern- 

ing it # 43      70 

12.  Staphileus's  letter  to  the  Cardinal 47      71 

13.  The  Cardinal's  letter  to  Campegio 48      ib. 

14.  The  Cardinal's  letter  to  Cassali,  desiring  a 

decretal  bull  might  be  sent  over 49      74 

15.  The  breve  of  Pope  Julius  for  the  King's  mar- 

riage, suspected  to  be  forged 50      76 

16.  A  part  of  the  Cardinal's  letter  to  G.  Cassali, 

desiring  leave  to  show  the  decretal  bull 

to  some  of  the  King's  council 51      77 

17.  John  Cassali's  letter  concerning  a  conference 

he  had  with  the  Pope , 52      ib. 

18.  The  Pope's  letter  to  the  Cardinal,  giving  cre- 

dence to  Campana  60      79 

19.  A  part  of  Peter  Vannes'  instructions,  directing 

him  to  threaten  the  Pope 61      ib. 

20.  The  Cardinal's  letter  to  the  ambassadors,  con- 

cerning his  promotion  to  the  popedom  . .     ib.      83 

21.  An  information  given  to  the  Pope  concerning 

the  divorce  62      85 

22.  The  second  part  of  a  long  dispatch  of  the  Car- 

dinal's concerning  the  divorce 65      86 

23.  Another  dispatch  to  the  same  purpose 77      88 

24.  A  letter  from  the  two  Legates  to  the  Pope,  ad- 

vising a  decretal  bull 85      89 

25.  Another  dispatch  to  Rome  concerning  it  ... .    91      91 

26.  A  letter  from  the  Pope  to  the  Cardinal 96      92 


C.     H. 

27.  The  King's  lettertohisambassadors  to  hinder 

an  avocation  of  the  suit   ib.     ib. 

28.  The  King's  letter  concerning  his  appearance 

before  the  Legates 99      95 

29.  Dr.  Bennet's  letter  to  the  Cardinal,  showing 

how  little  they  might  expect  from  the 

Pope 102     98 

30.  A  letter  from  the  Pope  to  the  Cardinal  con- 

cerning the.  avocation    104    100 

31.  An  act  releasing  to  the  King  sums  of  money 

that  were  raised  by  a  loan '.,,  105    109 

32.  A  letter  from  Gardiner  and  Fox,  conceining 

their  proceedings  at  Cambridge 108    113 

33.  A  letter  from  Crook  out  of  Venice,  concerning 

the  opinions  of  divers  about  the  divorce  111     119 

34.  The  judgments  of  the  Universities  concerning 

the  King's  marriage 113    120 

35.  The  judgment  of  the  Lutheran  divines  abouc  it  119    124 

36.  An  abstract  of  the  grounds  of  the  divorce 120    127 

37.  A  bull  sent  to  the  Archbishop  of  Canteibury 

against  the  statutes  of  provison 121    145 

38.  A  letter  to  King  Henry  Ml,  for  repealing  that 

statute 125    146 

39.  A  letter  to  the  parliament  upon  the  same  oc- 

casion   126    147 

40.  An  instrument  of  the  speech  the  Archbishop 

of  Canteibury  madelo  the  Houseof  Com- 
mons concerning  it 127      ib. 

41.  An  act  restraining  the  payment  of  annates  to 

the  see  of  Rome 129    155 

42.  The  King's  last  letter  to  the  Pope 136    157 

43.  A  promise  made  to  the  Cardinal  of  llavenna, 

for  engaging  him  to  procure  the  divorce  143     159 

44.  Bonner's  letter  concerning  the  proceedings  at 

Home    141    160 

45.  Another  letter  about  the  same  pi  ocess 148    161 

46.  Another  letter  concerning  the  progress  of  the 

process  at  Rome 150      ib. 

47.  The  sentence  of  divorce  given  by  Cranmer. .  152    174 

48.  An  act  for  the  deprivation  of  the  Bisiiops  of 

Salisbury  and  Worcester 154    196 

49.  A  letter  from  Cromwell  to  Fisher  concerning 

the  Maid  of  Kent 157    203 

50.  A  renunciation  of  the  Pope's  supremacy,  signed 

by  the  heads  of  six  religious  houses 162    205 

51   A  mandate  for  the  consecration  of  suffragan 

bishops 165    208 



C.    H. 

1.  Instructibns  for  the  general  visitation  of  the 

monasteries 166    240 

2.  General  injunctions  sent  by  the  King  to  all  the 

monasteries 174    242 

3.  Some  particulars  relating  to  the  dissolution  of 

Sect.  1.  Of  the  preambles  of  some  surrenders  179    250 

2.  A  list  of  religious  houses  that  were  of 

new  founded  by  the  King,  after  the 

act  for  their  dissolution 180    291 

3.  A  list  of  all  the  surrenders  of  monas- 
teries which  are  extant 181    309 

4.  The  confessions  made  by  some  abbots  191    307 

5.  Of  the  manner  of  suppressing  the 
monasteries  after  they  were  sur- 
rendered      192    347 

4.  Queen  Anne  Boleyn's  last  letter  to  King  Henry  196    268 

5.  The  judgment  of  the  convocation  concerning 

general  councils 198    285 

6.  Instructions  for  a  visitation  of  monasteries,  in 

order  to  their  dissolution    200    288 

7.  Instructions  given  by  the  King  to  the  clergy. .  203    293 

8.  A  letter  from  Cromwell  to  Shaxton,  bishop  of 

Sarum    208    311 

9.  The  sentence  given  out  by  Pope  Paul  III, 

against  King  Henry   211    318 

10.  The  opinion  of  some  bishops  concerning  the 

King's  supremacy   226    322 

11.  Injunctions  to  the  clergy  made  by  Cromwell..  227    323 

12.  Injunctions  made  by  Archbishop  Cranmer  ..  231    330 

13.  A  letter  of  Cromwell's  to  the  Bishop  of  Lan- 

daff,  directing  how  to  proceed  in  the  Re- 
formation    233    331 

14.  The  commission  by  which   Bonner  held  his 

bishopric  of  the  King 234    345 

15.  The  King's  letters-patents  for  printing  the 

Bible  in  English 237    349 

16.  The  attainder  of  Thomas  Cromwell 238    359 

17.  Cromwell's  letter  to  the  King  concerning  his 

marriage  with  Anne  of  Cleve    245  362,  363 

18.  The  King's  own  declaration  about  it 250    362 

19.  The  judgment  of  the  convocation  annulling  it  251    363 

20.  Anne  of  Cleve's  letter  to  her  brother 255    364 


C.    H. 

21.  The  resolutions  of  several  bishops  and  divines 

concerning  the  sacraments 256    373 

22.  Dr.  Barnes's  renunciation  of  some  articles  in- 

formed against  him 303    382 

23.  The  foundation  of  the  bishopric  of  Westmin- 

ster  305    387 

24.  A  proclamation  for  the  English  Bible  to  be 

set  up  in  all  churches 310    390 

25.  An  admonition  set  up  by  Bonner  for  all  that 

came  to  read  the  Bible 312      ib. 

26.  Injunctions  given  by  Bonner  to  his  clergy    . .  313    406 

27.  A  collection  of  passages  out  cf  the  canon-lav.?, 

made  by  Cranmer,  to  show  the  necessity  of 
reforming  it 321    425 

28.  A   mandate  for  publishing    and    using    the 

prayers  in  the  English  tongue .  .^ 328    426 

29.  Articles  subscribed  by  Shaxton,  the  late  bi- 

shop of  Sarum 329    438 

30.  A  letter  from  Lethington,  the  Scottish  secre- 

tary, to  Cecil,  secretary  to  Queen  Elizabeth, 
by  which  it  appears  that  King  Henry's  will 

wasforged    331    449 

An  Appendix,  concerning  some  errors  and  false- 
hoods in  Sanders's  book  of  the  English 
schism   , 337 


1 .  .Articles  about  religion,  set  out  by  the  convoca- 

tion, and  published  by  the  King's  autho- 
rity.....   375    466 

2.  Some  queries  put  by  Cranmer,  in  order  to  the 

correcting  of  several  abuses    389      ib. 

3.  Some  queries  concerning  confirmation,  with 

the  answers  that  were  given  to  them  by 
Cranmer,  and  Stokesley,  bishop  of  London  391      ib. 

4.  Some  considerations  offered  to  the  King  by 

Cranmer,  to  induce  him  to  proceed  to  a 

further  reformation    392    467 

5.  A  declaration  made  by  some  bishops  and  di- 

vines, concerning  the  functions  and  Divine 
institution  of  bishops  and  priests 394      ib. 

6.  A  letter  of  Melancthon's,  to  persuade  the 

King  to  a  further  reformation 398    470 


C.    H. 

7.  A  letter  written  by  the  German  Ambassadors 

to  the  King,  against  the  taking  away  of  the 
chalice,  aad  against  private  masses,  and 
the  celibate  of  the  clergy 402    471 

8.  The  King's  answer  to  the  former  letter 422      ib. 

9.  A  letter  written  by  the  King  to  his  bishops, 

directing  them  how  to  instruct  the  people..  439    472 

10.  Arguments  given  by  Tonstal  to  the  King,  to 

prove  auricular  confession  to  be  of  a  Divine 
institution  ;  wilh  some  notes  on  the  margin 
written  with  the  King's  own  hand 442    473 

11.  A  letter  of  the  King's  to  Tonstal,  in  answer  to 

the  former  paper 447      ib. 

12.  A  deftnition  of  the  Catholic  Church,  corrected 

with  the  King's  own  hand    449    474 



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