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RETO Rees) LUNG Derren: 




ay 2:7 ms 

AND 527 TREMONT TEMPLE, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. 


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THE great majority of the papyri published in the following pages, 
including the chief literary pieces, were discovered in the season of 
1905-6; a few come from the finds of the years 1903 and 1904, and 
one or two in the non-literary section from those of 1897. 

In editing these texts I have unhappily lacked the co-operation 
of the friend and colleague with whom I have worked in partnership 
since the foundation of the Graeco-Roman Branch. The effects of his 
absence are, I fear, likely to be apparent to the readers of this book 
not only in its somewhat reduced size, which on the present occasion 
corresponds with our advertised intentions more closely than has 
frequently been the case. In particular, the principal novelty here 
produced, the Callimachus papyrus (1011), happens to abound in 
problems for the solution of which a second pair of eyes would have 
been more than usually valuable. In these circumstances it is a matter 
for much satisfaction that I have again been able to obtain the 
generous assistance of Professor U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, who 
has made important contributions to the reconstruction and interpreta- 
tion of the new classical fragments (1011-1015), especially of 1011. For 
some further helpful suggestions on the last-named text I am indebted 
to Professor Gilbert Murray; while Professor U. Wilcken has very 
kindly looked through the proofsheets of the non-literary documents, 
and they have naturally profited not a little from his criticism. 

I regret that the promised excursus on the excavations and topo- 
graphy of Oxyrhynchus has had to be postponed, and that 1 cannot 
undertake that it will be included in the volume for 1910, which will 
consist of another instalment of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri. But a plan 
of the site has been prepared, and I hope that its appearance will not 

be much longer delayed. 
Quren’s CoLLeGE, OxForp, 
DECEMBER, 1909. 


List or PLateEs Vili 
TasLe or Papyrti : 5 : F : ix 

I. ὙΤπηξοιοοιῖσαι, Fracments (1007-1010) : ; : I 
Ul. New Crassicat Texts (1011-1015) : 3 : : > το 
Ill. Exranr Crassicat Αὐτηοκβ (1016-1019) : : : : 5 ing 

1V.- Documents oF THE Roman aND ByZANnTINE Pertops : 
(a) Official (1020-1026) : é é het 
(4) Declarations to Officials (1027-1030) : : : ‘ τ τόρ 
(c) Petitions (1031-1033) _.. : 3 : : 5 nO 
(4) Contracts (1034-1043) . : ξ : : : , 175 
(e) Accounts and Lists (1044-1058) : . ; : LOL 
(f) Orders for Payment (1054-1057). : F : 5 . 209 
(g) Prayers (1058-1060) ; ; : : : 7 . 212 
(A) Private Correspondence (1061-- -1072) : ᾿ : : 5 ΠΝ, 

I. New Literary Texts: 

(a) 1011 (Callimachus, Ae/a and Zambc) ς ε ; : 7" 233 
(2) Other Texts 240 
Il. Emprrors ; ᾿ : : : f 5 A : : ae Ald 
11. Cownsuts, Eras, Τνδιοτίονς : : : : : ; 5 240 
IV. Montus anp Days . 246 
V. Prrsonat Names 247 
VII. Retieion 254 


OrriciaL AnD Minirary TitLEs 

Weicuts, Measures, Corns 

Taxes 5 Σ ; F : : 
Genera Inpex or GREEK AnD Latin Worps 
Inpex or Passacres DiscussEp 


1007 recto, 1010 recto, 1022 
1011 Fol. 1 recto 

1011 Fol. 2 verso 

1012 Frs. 1-3 

1016 Cols. v—vi . 

1017 Cols. xix—xx 

at the end. 










Genesis ii, iii : 

τ Corinthians vii—viii . 
Philippians iii, iv 

6 Ezra ‘ 

Callimachus, Aesa “ἢ Πρ; 
Treatise on Literary Composition 
Menander, Micovpevos . 

Historical Fragment 

Panegyrical Poem 
Plato, Phaedrus . 

Plato, Phaedrus . 
Xenophon, Cyropaedia i : 
Chariton, Chaereas and Callirrhoé 
Imperial Rescripts 

Notification of the Accession of Nec : 

Enrolment of Recruits 

Arrival of a Veteran : 
Order for a Grant of Seed . 
Engagement of Performers . 
Attestation of Agreement 

Denial of a Claim 

Selection of Boys ἘΠ; 
Return of Hieroglyphic Inscribers 
Notification of Death . 
Application for Grant of Seed 
Petition to the Epistrategus 
Petition to Riparii 

Draft of a Will . : 
Lease of ἃ Weaver’s Implement . 
Lease of a House 

Lease of an Evhedra . 

Late 3rd cent. 
4th cent. 
4th cent. 
4th cent. 
Late 4th cent. 
3rd cent. 
5th or 6th cent. 
3rd cent. 
3rd cent. 
grd cent. : 
Late 2nd or early 3rd cent. 
3rd cent. : 
Late 2nd or early las: 
198-201 . 
2nd cent. 
Late 3rd cent. 
5th cent. 
rst cent. 
2nd cent. 




Lease of Part of a House 
Contract of Deposit 

Loan of Wheat . 

Guarantee for a Loan . 
Loan of Money . 



List of Dues 

Account of a Praepositus 
Account of Corn-Freights 
Account of Transport 
Account for Games 
Inventory of Property 
Account of Revenues . : : : 
Account of Work on Dykes and of Expenditure 
Order for Delivery of Wine 
Order for Delivery of Wine 
Order for Delivery of Aracus 
Order for Payment 
Christian Prayer 

Christian Prayer 

Gnostic Amulet . 

Letter of Diogenes 

Letter of Marcus 

Letter to Amois 

Letter to Didymas 

Letter of Hephaestion 
Letter of Nemesianus . 
Letter of Helene 

Letter of Satornilus 

Letter of Troilus : 
Letter of Aurelius Demareus 
Letter of Pambechis 

Letter of Philoxenus 

NY N σι 

IT ON "μ᾿ 

173-4 Or 205-6 

About 205 

4th cent. : y 

Late 4th or early 5thcent. 

Late 2nd cent. 
2nd or 3rd cent. 
3rd cent. 

4th cent. 

Late 6th orearly 7thcent. 

NO ς : 
4th or 5th cent. 
5th cent. 

6th cent. 

B.C. 22 

2nd cent. 

2nd or 3rd cent. 
3rd cent. 

3rd cent. 

3rd cent. 

3rd cent. 

3rd cent. 

3rd cent. 

3rd cent. 

5th cent. 

5th or 6th cent. 

Ny NN N 
ee ee - 
wo Oa At HY WN 

nb NN " 
wr o 


THE general method followed in this volume is the same as that in 
Parts I-VI. Of the new literary texts, two, 1011 and 1018, are printed in a dual 
form, a literal transcript being accompanied bya reconstruction in modern style. 
In other cases, and in the fragments of extant authors, the originals are repro- 
duced except for division of words, capital initials in proper names, expansion of 
abbreviations, and supplements of lacunae. Additions or corrections by the 
same hand as the body of the text are in small thin type, those by a different 
hand in thick type. Non-literary documents are given in modern form with 
accentuation and punctuation. Abbreviations and symbols are resolved ; addi- 
tions and corrections are usually incorporated in the text and their occurrence is 
recorded in the critical apparatus, where also faults of orthography, &c., are 
corrected if they seemed likely to give rise to any difficulty. Jota adscript has 
been printed when so written, otherwise iota subscript is employed. Square 
brackets [ | indicate a lacuna, round brackets () the resolution of a symbol or 
abbreviation, angular brackets { ) a mistaken omission in the original, braces 
{ } a superfluous letter or letters, double square brackets [[ ]| a deletion in the 
original. Dots placed within brackets represent the approximate number of 
letters lost or deleted; dots outside brackets indicate mutilated or otherwise 
illegible letters. Letters with dots underneath them are to be considered 
doubtful. Heavy Arabic numerals refer to the texts of the Oxyrhynchus papyri 
in this volume and in Parts I-VI, ordinary numerals to lines, small Roman 
numerals to columns. 

The abbreviations used in referring to papyrological publications are 
practically those adopted in the Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung, viz. :— 
P. Amh. = The Amherst Papyri (Greek), Vols. I-II, by B. P. Grenfell and 
A. S. Hunt. 
Archiv = Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung. 
B. G. U. = Aeg. Urkunden aus den K. Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden. 
P. Brit. Mus. = Greek Papyri in the British Museum, Vols. I-II, by F. G. Kenyon ; 
Vol. III, by F. G. Kenyon and H. I. Bell. 



Ine), ‘qe) lao} 



P. R. = Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, Vol. I, by C. Wessely. 
Fay. = Fayiim Towns and their Papyri, by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and 
D. G. Hogarth. 

. Flor. = Papiri Fiorentini, Vol. I, by G. Vitelli. 
. Gen. = Les Papyrus de Geneve, Vol. I, by J. Nicole. 
. Goodsp. = Greek Papyri from the Cairo Museum, by E. J. Goodspeed 

(University of Chicago Decennial Publications). 

. Grenf. = Greek Papyri, Series I, by B. P. Grenfell, and Series II, by B. P. 

Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. 

. Heidelberg = Veroffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, 

Vol. I, by A. Deissmann. 

. Leipzig = Griech. Urkunden der Papyrussammlung zu Leipzig, Vol. I, by 

L. Mitteis. 

. Leyden = Papyri Graeci Musei Antiquarii Lugduni-Batavi, by C. Leemans. 
. Oxy. = The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Parts I-VI, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. 


. Reinach = Papyrus grecs et démotiques, by Théodore Reinach. 
. Strassb. = Griech. Papyrus der K. Universitatsbibliothek zu Strassburg im 

Elsass, Vol. I, Parts 1-2, by F. Preisigke. 

. Tebt. = The Tebtunis Papyri, Part I, by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and 

J. G. Smyly; and Part II, by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and E. J. 
Tor. = Papyri Graeci Regii Taurinensis Musei Aegyptii, by A. Peyron. 

Wilcken, Os¢. = Griechische Ostraka, by U. Wilcken. 


1007. GENESIS il, iii. 
5x16-2 cm. Late third century. Plate I (recto). 

These few verses from the second and third chapters of Genesis are 
contained on a fragment of a vellum leaf, which, like the Genesis papyrus from 
Oxyrhynchus already published (656), appears to be of an unusually early date. 
The text is in double columns, written in a medium-sized upright uncial which 
can hardly be later than the end of the third century, at any rate. A date 
anterior to the third century has been claimed for two vellum leaves, the Avre/es 
fragment at Berlin (Berl. Klassikertexte v. 2. 17), attributed to the first 
century, and a fragment in the British Museum of the De Malsa Legatione which 
Kenyon assigns to the second (Palaeogr. of Greek Papyri, p. 113). Of the 
latter no facsimile has been published, but the age of the former seems to have 
been considerably exaggerated, and it may be doubted whether either of them 
is to be separated from the present example by a very wide interval. The 
columns of 1007, which contained about 33 lines, may be estimated to have 
measured some 16:5 cm. in height, the leaf having been of a rather square 
shape, not much taller than it was broad, like that of the Avetes. No stops 
occur; a short blank space in 1. 25 marks the close of a chapter. θεός is 
contracted in the usual way, but ἄνθρωπος, πατήρ and μήτηρ are written out in full, 
and the only other compendium used is a most remarkable abbreviation of the 
so-called Tetragrammaton, which in the Septuagint is regularly represented by 
κύριος. This abbreviation consists of a doubled Yod, the initial of the sacred 
name, written in the shape of a Z with a horizontal stroke through the middle, 
the stroke being carried without a break through both letters ; the same form of 
Yod is found on coins of the second century B.c. This compendium exactly 
corresponds with that employed in Hebrew MSS. of a later period, “5, which, 



as Dr. Cowley informs me, occurs in the tenth century and no doubt goes back 
to a much earlier epoch. As is well known, it was a peculiarity of the version 
of Aquila to write the Tetragrammaton in the archaic Hebrew letters instead of 
translating it by κύριος ; but neither the earlier nor later Hebrew forms of the 
Tetragrammaton, nor the Greek imitation of the later form, IIIII, has previously 
appeared in the text of a Greek MS. of the LXX, except the Hexapla fragment 
published by C. Taylor, Cazro Palimpsests, p. 26. A decided tendency to omit 
the word κύριος was, however, observable in the early Oxyrhynchus papyrus (656), 
where in one passage a blank space was originally left in which the missing 
word was supplied by a second hand. Possibly the scribe of that papyrus or its 
archetype had Hebrew symbols before him which he did not understand, or 
the archetype had been intended to show the Hebrew symbols and they had not 
been filled in. At any rate, in the light of the present example, the question 
may be raised whether Origen’s statement (zz Ps. ii) that ‘in the most accurate 
copies the (sacred) name is written in Hebrew characters’ was intended to apply, 
as is commonly assumed, only to the copies of Aquila’s version. 

Apart from the substitution of the Tetragrammaton for κύριος, the text, 
though interesting, is not so far as it goes particularly notable. As usual, it 
evinces no pronounced affinities with any one of the chief extant MSS., but 
agrees here with one, there with another. In two passages, again (ll. 20 and 
28), it sides with some of the cursives against the earlier MSS. evidence, in one 
of them (I. 20) having the support of citations in the New Testament and in 

Col. i. Col. ii. 
: : 5 ; : : amo πᾶντος ξυλου του εν τω πα ii 16 
[εις τὸ προσωπον αὐτου mvony ii. 7 ραδεισω βρωσει payn απῖίο δὲ του 
[ζωης και εγενίετιο ὁ ἀνθρωπίος 10 ἕυλου Tou γεινωσκειν κ[αλον 
[ets] ψυχὴν ζωσαν και εφυτευσεν και πονῆρον οὐ φαγεσῖθε ἀπ av 
ΖΖ o Os παραδεισον ev Edep κ[α] του ἡ ὃ av ἡμερα φαγὴ [am αὐτου 
5 Ta ανατολας και εθετο εκει τον θανατω αποθῖ αἸνεισῖθε και εἰ 
[ανθρωποὶν ον ἐπλασεν και πεν ZZ ο Os ov κα[λ]οῖν εἰναι Tov 
[εἐξανετειλεν ο θς ETL εκ της yns 15 ἀνθρωπον μονοῖν ποιήσωμεν 

αὐτω βοηθον κίατ αὑτὸν και ε 
[πλ]ασεν o Os ετῖι 







Coli, Col. ii. 
αυτ]ης ἐληφθη αὑτὴ ενεκεν il. 23 κεν τω avdpt [auTns μετ αὑτὴς 
τουτοὴν καταλείψει ανθρωπος και εφαγοσαν Kale διηνοιχθὴ 
τον πατερα και τὴν μητερα Kal 30 σαν οἱ οφθαλμοι τωῖν δυο Kat ε 
προσἸκολληθησεται προς τὴν γνωσαν οτι γυμνοῖ noaly Kat Ep 
γυναικῖα αὐτου και εσονται οἱ δυο ραψαν φυλλα συκῆς και εποιὴ 
[ets σαρκα) μιαν Kat σαν οἱ δυο σαν eavTols περιζωματα και 
yupvo ο Tle Adan και ἡ γυνὴ ἤκουσαν τὴν φωϊν])]ηῖν του θυ 
[αὐτου και οὐ]κ noxvvovTo o Ge iii, 1 45 περιπατίουντος 
[ogis nv Ppo\vipwratos παν c c : : : ς 


Tov τῶν Onp\lov τῶν em τηΐς 

2. The letters are very faint and uncertain. Possibly the article was omitted, as in 
some cursives and other authorities. 

4. On the abbreviation of the Tetragrammaton cf. introd. 

12. pay (so E) suits the space better than φαγηΐσθε (AM). The 7 is directly beneath 
n of φαγη in |. 9, final ν of γεινωσκειν and eo of φαγεσθε, and so eight letters are the most 
that would be expected, whereas φαγηΐσθε would give ten. But as the ends of the lines are 
not kept very even and final letters are sometimes considerably compressed, such inferences 
have little security. 

18. αὐτὴ is omitted in E. 

20. πατερα avtov ... μητερα αὐτοῦ AEM. avrov after matepa is omitted in the citations 
of this passage in Philo, Matt. xix. 5, Ephes. v. 31, &c., after μητερα in one of Philo’s two 
quotations, Matt. xix. 5, Mark x. 7, Ephes. v. 31, &c., as well as by several cursives. 

21. πρὸς την [ἰγυναικια : 50 DEM ; τη γυναικι A, and the citations in Matt., Mark, and 
Ephes. ; cf. the previous note. 

26. ppo|vipwraros: φρονιμωτεΐρος] 1). 

28. και is added before rw avépe in AELM, but is omitted by some cursives as well as 
in the Armenian and Ethiopic versions. 

29. The form efayooay here seems to be peculiar to this MS. Such forms appear 
sporadically in the papyri from the second century B.c., e.g. P. Tebt. I. 24. 11 κατήλθοσαν : 
cf. Mayser, Grammattk, p. 322. 

34. τὴν φωϊνην!: so ALM; της φωνης E. 

του θυ: κυριου του θεου MSS., but the space seems too short for the abbreviation of the 
Tetragrammaton as well as του θεου. κυρίου is omitted in one of two citations of this passage 
by Theodoret. 

iil. 6 


1008. τ CORINTHIANS vii-viii. 

26-5 X14 cm. Fourth century. 

A fairly preserved leaf from a papyrus book, covering parts of the seventh 
and eighth chapters of the First Epistle to the Corinthians. The handwriting, 
a good-sized sloping uncial, may be assigned on its own evidence to the second 
half of the fourth century, and to this date the accompanying documents, which 
were of the late fourth or early fifth century, also point; 1009 and the 
Callimachus papyrus (1011) were discovered at the same time as this leaf. A 
rough breathing is occasionally used, and a mark of elision is found in 1. 7; 
a small comma, which is often not more than a dot, is sometimes employed to 
separate syllables when consonants occur in juxtaposition, and the same 
symbol is added after final consonants other than ν and s. Punctuation is 
effected by means of blank spaces, which, in the case of longer pauses, are 
exaggerated and accompanied by a marginal coronis, the next line being at the 
same time made to protrude slightly to the left (Il. 63 and 70). In addition to 
the common theological contractions that of κοσμος (Il. 36 and 40) is noticeable. 

The text is not without interest. On the whole it is a good one, generally 
agreeing with the earliest uncials BSA ; for some exceptions see notes on ll. 1, 
29,and 43. Noteworthy coincidences with B may be remarked in Il. 29 (punctua- 
tion), 41, and 61. A reading found in one cursive of the tenth century, πνεῦμα 
Χριστοῦ for πνεῦμα θεοῦ in vii. 40, reappears in 1. 68. There are also five peculiar 
variants, at Il. 5, 46, 49, 54, and 57; of these the last two are probably merely 
due to lipography. 

σπασθω εν ακροβυστια τις κεϊ λΊη vii. 18 
[ra] μη περιτεμνεσθω ῃ περιτ ο] 

μη] οὐδὲν εστιν Kat ἡ ακροβυστια 

ουδὴεν ἐστιν αλλα τηρῆσις εντολῶ 


[θυ] εκαστος εν τὴ κλήσει εν ἢ εκλη 
[On] εν ταυτὴ μενέτω δουλος εκλὴη 
[θη]ς pn σοι μελέτω αλλ᾽ εἰ και δυνα 
σαι] ελευθερὸς γενεσθαι μαλλον χρὴ 

ἴσαι] o yap εν κῶ KAnOes δουλος ἀπε 

10 [λεῖυθερος κυ εστιν ὁμοίως ὁ ελευ 





Oeplos κληθεις Sovdos ἐστιν Xu 

ἱτήμης nyopacOnre μὴ γείνεσθε 

ἰδοῖυλοι αν} θ]]ων ἐκᾶστος εν ὦ εκλὴ 


θη] ΠΩ εν τούτω μενέτω Tra [ 

a] θ πίερι) δῖε] των παρ θ]είνω]ν € > 
[wt]raynv κυ ἰουκ exw γ]νωμὴν δὲ du 
ἰδίωμι ὡς ηλ[εημεῖνος ὕπο κυ πιστοῖς 
[εἰναι νομιζω οὐν τοῦτο καλον ὃ 
malpxew διί[α] την eve στωσαν avaly 
κηῚν οτι κίαλ]ον av@ τίο] ουτως εἰναι] 
δε]δεσα[ι] γυναικὶ μὴ ζητει λυσιν 
λείλυσαι απίο γυναίκος μη ᾧητει 

Gps [και] ealy ynluy ἡ ape 
vjos ov’ nipalpziev θλειψιν δὲ τὴ 





ἰγυ]ναεκα εἰαν] δὲ [kat γ]αμησης ουχ᾽ 


[oalpxe εξουΐσιν οἱ τοιουἾτοι eyo de 
ἱυϊμων φείιδομαι του]το δὲ φημι 
[αδ]ελῴοι ο [Kalpos συνεϊσταλμενος 
[εἐσ]τιν λίοιπον wa και] οἱ εχίο]ντες yu 
[ν»]αικας als μὴ εχονῖτες wow και 

[οἱ] κλαιονίτες ὡς μη] κλαίοντες 

[κα]. οἱ χαιίίροντες ὡς] μὴ χαιρον 

[τε]. και οἱ [ayopagov|res ws μὴ κα 
[τεϊχοντες [Kat οἱ χρώμενοι Tov ko 

[σμ]ον ws ply καταχρίωμενοι παρα 
[γε]. yap to σίχημα του] Κμου τουτοῦυ 
[θεϊλω δὲ ὕμίας ἀαμεριμνους εἰναι 

ὁ ajyapos [μεριμνα ταὶ Tov κυ πῶς 

[apec|\n τω κω o δὲ γαμησας μερίιμνα 
[τα] του Κμοῦ πως ἀρεσὴ τὴ γυνίαικι 
και μεμερισται Και ἢ γυνὴ ἡ [aya 

μος Kat ἡ παρθενος μεριμνα [τα του 



ku iva ἡ ayla και σώματι Kat [πνατι 
ἢ δὲ γαμησασα μεριμνα ta τοῖυ Κμου 
πως ἀρεσὴ TH ανδρι TouTo ὃῖε προς 

το ὕμων συμῴορον Aeyw ουΐχ wa 
βροχον ὕμιν επιβαλω αλλα πῖρος 
To εὐσχήμον Kat εὐπαρ᾽ εδροῖν τω 

K® απερισπαστους εἰναι ee δὲ 

τις ἀσχήημονειν ἐπι τὴν παρίθενον 
αὐτου νομιζει εαν ἡ ὕπερ᾽ ακῖμος 
και ov7w οφιλει γεινεσθαι ο θίελει 
ἱποιεϊιτω ofvx] [apapralver γαμεζιτω 
σαν [os dle εστίηκεν τη] καρδιὰ αἴυτου 
edpatos μὴ €xov [avalyxny εξοίυσι 
av δὲ exet περι του ἵΐδ]ιου θεληΐμα 
[τοῖς καὶ τοῖυἾτο κεκρίικ]εν τη ἴδίια 
καρ δια τηρειν τὴν εαὐτου πίαρθε 

νον Kaos ποιησίει] wore Kale o ya 
μειζων τηῖν εἸαυΐτου πΊαρθενον [xa 
os ποιησεῖι και o [μὴ] γαμιζωϊν 
Κρεισ᾽σον πί[οιησΊει γυνὴ δείδεται 

“eh οσον χροῖνον] ζὴ [o ay\np αὐτίης 

eav δὲ κοϊιμηθὴ ο αν]ηρ᾽ ελευΐθε 

pa εστιν [ω θελει γαμ]ηθηνίαι po 

νον ev κίω μακαριωΐτερα de [eoriv 

eav οὑτῶως μίεινη κατ]α την εμίην 
γνωμὴν δίοκω δὲ kalyw mva Χίν ε 
xe πίερι de τωὶν ειδωλοίθυτῶ 

Ἰο΄οιδαμεν οτι παντες γ]νωσιν [exo 


μεν ἢ γνωΐσις φυσιοι] ἡ δὲ αγ[απὴ 
οἰκοδομεῖ [et τις δοκΊ]ει eyvalke 

vat Tt οὐπίω εἐγνὼω κ]αθως dele γνω 

ναι εἰ δὲ ts ayama τοῖν Oy ουΐτος 

εγνωσται ὑϊπ αὐτου | περι τίης 

viii. 1 


1. τις κείκλ tac: SO D*FG; κεκληται τις SAB, W(estcott)—H(ort), τις ἐεκληθη DeEKL, 

5. The addition of ev before 7 is peculiar to the papyrus. 

10. ομοιως: SO SAB, W—-H ; ὁμοίως καὶ KL, TR, opotws Se καὶ DEFG. 

11. N*FG place ἐστιν after Χριστου. 

12. The first ε of γεινεσθε has been converted from an ει. 

13-14. In DEFG αἀδελῴοι follows exactos. εκληθητε D*. 

14-15. παρα: so SBDEF, &c., W—H; but zalpa | τω] (A, T—R) would be an equally 
suitable reading. 

20. kadjov: D*FG add εστιν. 

23. γαμησης : 80 SB (γαμηση A), W—H ; γημης KL, T-R, λαβὴς γυναικα DEFG. 

24. γη μη: the papyrus may of course have had γαμὴ with D*FG. η before παρθένος is 
omitted by BFG, and bracketed by W—H. 

25. τη: εν τη D*FG. οὐκ should have been οὐχ before nyaprer, as in ]. 23. 

28. 0 |katpos: 50 NAB, &c., W—H ; ort 0 καιρος DEFG, T-R. 

29. ἰεσ͵τιν λίοιπον : so D*, but without interpunction ; ἐστιν τὸ λοιπὸν RAB (εστιν" B), 
ἐστιν" λοιπὸν ἐστιν FG, ro Aomov ἐστιν DEEKL. ἐστίν: τὸ λοιπὸν W-H with v. 1. ἐστὶν τὸ 
λοιπόν, (συνεσταλμενος") τὸ λοιπόν ἐστιν T—R, 

34. Tov Kolo ov : so NAB, W-H; τὸν κοσμον τουτον D*FG, τω κοσμω τούτω 

39. ἱαρεσ η: SO NABDEFG, W-H; apecee KLP, T—R. ‘The same variation occurs 
in ll. 40 and 45. 

41-2. kat μεμερισται : SO SABD: om. και DOEFGKL. 

Και 7: OM. Kat D*E. 

γυνὴ ἢ 'αγα μος καὶ ἡ παρθενος : So BP ; γυνὴ ἢ ay. καὶ ἡ παρθενος ἡ ay. ΑΕ, yum καὶ ἡ 
παρθενος ἡ ay. DEFGKL. 

The reading and punctuation of the papyrus coincides with that adopted by W-H 
(= B); μεμέρισται ἡ γυνὴ καὶ ἡ παρθένος. ἡ ἄγαμος κτλ. T—R, and so Tischendorf with the 
addition of και before and after μεμέρισται. 

43. και is read after ayia by NBFGKL; om. AD. [και] W-H. 

σωματι Kat ἱπν(ευμ)ατι: so DEFGKL, T-R > τὼ is added before both words by 
SAB, W-H. 

44. Ta τοῖυ κ(οσ)μου : om. B. 

45. apeon: cf. note on |. 39. 

40. UL@Y: υμὼν αὐτῶν MSS. συμῴορον is also the reading of N*ABD*, W-H; 
ouppepov NeDcEFGKL, T-R. 

48. εὐπαρεδροῖν: so NABDE, &c., W—H ; εὐπροσεδρον K, 'T-R. 

49- απερισπαστους eal: απερισπαστως MSS. 

50-1. D* places vouiger before ἐπὶ τὴν παρθενον. 

53- γαμειτω D*FG. 

54. ™\: εν τῇ MSS., but the inclusion of ev would make the supplement rather long 
for the lacuna, and its omission, which was easy after the preceding -ev, is supported 
by 1. 57. T—R omits αὐτου with KL. 

55. εδραιος is placed after eornxey in NCKL, T—-R. 

56. de: om. A. 

57. ™: ἐν τῇ MSS.; cf. |. 54, note. 

ia καρδια : SO NAB, W-H ; καρδια αὐτοῦ DEFGKL, T-R. 

58. τηρεῖν SAB, W—-H ; του τηρεν DEFGKL, T-R. 

59. Trout! : 50 SAB, W-H; ποιει DEFGKL, T-R. 


ya μ(ε)ιζων: so NABDE, W-H; exyapifov KLP, T-R. γα μιζων suits the papyrus 
better and is further confirmed by 1. 61. 

60. την εἰαυΐτου πίαρθενον : so NA, Wy; Thy. παρθενον ἑαυτοῦ BDE and W-H as ν. Ibs 
om. KL, T-R. , 

61. ποιησεῖι: so Β ; ποιει SADEKL, W-H (with ΜῊ ποιησει), T-R. 

και οἱ: 50 N*ABDEFG, W-H;; ὁ δὲ NeKL, T-R. 

γαμιζαΐν: so N*ABDEFG, W-H ; εκγαμιζων SCKL, T—-R. Cf. 1. 59. 

62. mlomole SAB, W—H; move DEFGKL, T—R. There is no room at the end of 
the line for vouw which is added after δέδεται by NCDbCEFGL (so T—R); vope is omitted 
by W-H with 8*ABD*. 

64. κιζιμηθὴ : και κοιμηθη DeL, κεκοιμηθὴ (= και κοιμ.) FG, ἀποθανη A. 

αν]ηρ: 80 NABK, W-H; ἀνὴρ avrys DEFGL, T-R. 

68. It is impossible to tell whether the papyrus had δὲ (RADEFGKL) or yap (B). 
W-H put the latter in the text and the former in the margin. 

Χ[(ριστοὺὴν : so the cursive 17; θεου other MSS. 

72. It is practically certain that the papyrus agreed with NAB (so W—H) in omitting 
δε after εἰ. δὲ is added by DEFGKL, T-R. 

εγνωΐ κε ναι: so NABDEFG, W-H; εἰδεναι KL, T—R. 

73. ουπίω : so NAB, W-H ; ουδεέτω DEFGKL, T-R. 

eyyw: the papyrus certainly omitted οὐδὲν which is added here by DbeEKL (T-R), and 
probably read eyyw with NABD*FG (W-H) rather than ἐγνωκε with DCEKL (T-R). 

75. mepetins: the papyrus did not agree with DcE in reading περὶ δὲ τῆς Bpwoews in 
place of the better supported περι rns βρώσεως ovy (περι δὲ τῆς γνωσεως D*). 

1009. PHILIPPIANS iii, iv. 

151 ΧΎΤΟ cm. Fourth century. 

Probably this fragment, containing parts of some verses from the Epistle to 
the Philippians, belonged to the same codex as 1008, with which it was found. 
At first sight it does not appear to do so, for the writing is rather smaller and 
the ink, instead of being black, is of a brown colour; but the formation of the 
letters is closely similar, the height and breadth of the column would be 
approximately the same, and punctuation is effected, as in 1008, by means of 
blank spaces, not stops. A rough breathing is also occasionally employed 
(l. 34; cf. 1008. 5); the supposed circumflex accent in 1. 26 is perhaps a 
misformed breathing. 

The textual qualities of this leaf bear also a general resemblance to those 
of 1008. Its tendency is to support the three chief MSS., though it does not 
agree at all consistently with any one of them, and occasionally strikes out a 
line of its own. A remarkable coincidence with the Sinaiticus occurs in ll. 25-6, 
but against this may be set discrepancies in Il. 2 and 16. Disagreements with B 

may be noted in II. 8 and ro. 



For the order of the names Ἰησοῦ Χριστῷ in |. 15 

a parallel is only to be found in tke versions, while the variants in Il. ro, 19, 
and 36 are apparently not otherwise recorded. 



[ewe τή πιστει TOV γνωΐναι avToV Kat ili. 9 

itnv δυναμιν τὴς αναστασεως αὑτοῦ 

ἵνατω αὐτου εἰ πως) καταντήησω εἰς 

και κοινωνίαν των] παθηματων 

αὐτου συνμορφιζοΊμενος τω θα 

[την εξαναστασιν TH εκ νεκρων 
[ουχ οτι δὴ ελαβον]Ἱ ἡ ηδὴ τετελει 

ίωμαι διωκω δὲ εἰ κατ]αλαβω ep ὦ 

[kat κατεληφθὴν ὑπο Xv αδελῴφοι ε 

ἵγω ovm@ λογιζομαι ε'μαυτον κατει 

ἱληφεναι εν δὲ Tla μεν ὁπισω 
[επιλανθανομενος τοις δὲ ἐμπρο 

ἴσθεν επεκτεινομεῖνος κατα σκο 
[mov διωκω els to [βρ]αβιον της a 

[ym κλὴ σεως του θυ ev Iv Xow οσοι 

ouvv τελΊειοι τοῦτο φροϊνωμεν καὶ 

[ec TL ετ]ερως φρονειτί εἶ] και [τΊουτοὸ 

jo 0s υμιὴν amokaduw| ec Ἰ πλὴν ets 
[ο εφθασ]ατε τω αὐτω ἵστ)οιχειν συν 

μιμηται] μου γινεσθε ἰαδ]ελφοι και 

ppovery ev Κῶ val EpwTw Kal σε iv. 


γνησιε συζίυγε συνλαμβανου avrais 
αἰτινες ev [tT@ ευὐαγγελίω συνὴ 

θλησαν μοι (wera και λημεντος 

25 και τῶν συνίεργων pov Kat των λοι 


πων ὧν Ta ovopata ev βιβλω ἕω 
ns χαίρετε [ev KO πάντοτε παλιν Epo 
χαιρετε το [ἐπιεικὲς ὑμων γνω 
σθητω πασῖιν avols ὁ KS eyyus 

30 μηδὲν μερίιμνατε αλλ εν πάαντι 
τὴ προσειΐχη και τὴ δεησει μετα 
εὐχαριστιαΐς τα αἰτηματα ὑμων 
γνωριζεσθίω)] mpols τον Ov και ἡ εἰ 
ρηνὴ τοῦ θυ] ἡ ὕπερ[εἸχοίυσα παν 

35 τὰ νοὺν φρου]ρησει τας. κίαρδιας ν 

pov και τία ν]οηματα κίαι Ta copa 

τα ὕμων [εν] Xo Iv TO λοΐιπον aded 
gor οσα εἷστι]ν adnOn οἷσα σεμνα 
ova δικαϊια] οσα ayta οσία εὐφημα 

1. The ὁ of γνωΐναι has the appearance of a τ, perhaps caused by the running of 
the ink. 

2. ἀνασ τασεως : γνώσεως δὰ . 

3. κοινωνίαν των! : κοινωνίαν SAB, my κι DEFGKL. τῶν is added in SCADEFGKL, 
but omitted in ἐδ ΒΒ. κοινωνίαν alone will not fill the lacuna, and the papyrus must have 
had either τὴν or των, but probably not both. Kxow@viay W—H, τὴν x. τῶν T—R. 

4. It is of course not certain that the papyrus did not read συμμορῴουμενος, with 
WeDcEKL, TR, or συνφορτειζομενος with FG. 

6. τὴν εκ νεκρων : SO NABDE, W-H; τῶν νεκρων KL, T-R. 

7. ἐλαβον]: D*EFG add ἡ ndy δεδικαιωμαι. 

8. The addition of καὶ after « would unduly lengthen the supplement. καὶ is omitted 
in &%*D*E*FG but added by AB and others, W—H, T-R. 

9. It is impossible to say exactly what stood in this lacuna, which is longer by the 
space of one letter than those of the preceding six lines. Some MSS. omit καὶ (DEF, for 
instance), others including SA have Χριστου Ιησου, and the spelling κατελημῴθην has better 
support than κατεληφθην. If καὶ be omitted, ἰκατελημῴθην ὑπὸ Xv I]v would suit the papyrus 
not less well than the reading adopted. W—H give καὶ κατελήμφθην ὑπὸ Χριστοῦ [Ἰησοῦ]: 
T-R has καὶ κατελήφθην ὑπὸ τοῦ (so KL) Χριστοῦ ᾿Ιησοῦ. 

10. ourw: SO SAD, W-H text, ov BDeEFGKL, W—H marg., T-R. The position of 
ἐμαυτον, Which ordinarily follows ἐγω, is peculiar. 

12. τοις de: εἰς de ra D* FG, 

14. es: so NAB, W-H ; em DEFGKL, T-R. 

15. I(yoo)v X(pior)w: 50 the Syriac and Aethiopic ; ev κυρίω ἴησου Χριστω D*EFG, ev 
Χριστω Inoov other MSS., W—H, T-R. 

16. | ρονωμεν: so most MSS., W-H, T-R; φρονουμεν SL (ovv dp. δ᾽). 

19. εφθασατε: εφθασαμεν MSS. The papyrus agrees with N*AB and W-H in reading 
simply τω QUT ἱστ]οιχειν. NKL add kavovt, To αὐτὸ φρονεῖν (so WIR), DEFG have τὸ αὐτὸ 
ppovew, τω αὐτῷ (α. kavove DcE) στοιχεῖν (συνστοιχειν FG), 


22. ymote συζίυγε: this order, which has much the strongest support, is inverted in KL, 
T-R. There are some faint marks above the ¢ which might be interpreted as an over- 
written v (συνζυγε), but they are not certainly ink. 

24. It is clear that xa, which is omitted in D*EFG, stood in the lacuna. 

25-6. The papyrus agrees with N* against other MSS., which read καὶ tov λοιπὼν 
auvepywv μου ων, 

20. A adds rots after πασιν. 

34. O(c0)\v): Χριστου A. 

36. και Ta ν οηματα kK at Ta σωματαὶ the ordinary reading here is καὶ ta νοήματα, but 

FG and some other minor authorities substitute σώματα for νοηματα. The papyrus is 
peculiar in having both, 

1010. 6 EZRA. 

8-4% 5:6 cm. Fourth century. Plate I (recto). 

Oxyrhynchus has already presented us with several fragments in the 
original Greek of theological works extant, entirely or in part, only in 
translations,—the Apocalypse of Baruch (403), the conclusion of the Shepherd of 
Hermas (404), Irenaeus, Contra Hacreses (405; cf. P. Oxy. iv. p. 264), the “εἰς 
of Peter (849); and there is now te be added to the list the following specimen 
of the Greek of 6 Ezra, as modern scholars call the apocalyptic writing which 
appears in the printed editions of the Vulgate as 4 Ezra, chapters xv—xvi. 

This specimen is but a short one, extending to three verses only (xvi. 57-9) 
which are inscribed on a vellum leaf comparable for its miniature dimensions to 
842, the fragment of a lost Gospel. There, however, the size of the writing was 
more in proportion with that of the leaf than is the case in 1010, where the letters 
are of medium size, so that ten or eleven are the usual complement of a line, and 
twelve lines fill the page. The upright and neat though rather heavily formed 
uncials may be attributed to the fourth century. No stops occur nor other 
signs beyond a diaeresis; the usual horizontal stroke above a vowel at the end of 
a line represents a ν. On the recto (flesh-side), which is numbered at the top p, 
the writing is well preserved, but on the other side of the leaf it is rubbed and 
sometimes indistinct, though only in one place (Il. 21-2) is there a real doubt 
about the reading. 

The sixth book of Ezra was written during a period of persecution, and 
James (Zexts and Studies, iii. 2, p. \xiv) following Gutschmid (Zedtschr. 7. 
wissensch. Theol. iii. 1860) places the date of composition about A.D. 268 ; 
Weinel, however (Newtest. Apokryphen, p. 312), holds that the time cannot be 
fixed more definitely than between A. Ὁ. 120 and 300. An Egyptian origin has 
often been postulated, and the discovery of this early fragment at Oxyrhynchus, 


though of course not conclusive, to some extent strengthens that hypothesis. 
That the Latin version which alone exists was made from Greek is evident 
from the use of such words as rumphea in the passage quoted below ; 
Dr. Charles believes, on the strength of certain Hebraisms, that some Jewish 
document lies behind, but that is a question which does not here arise. 
Resemblances to passages in 6 Ezra have been pointed out in Books xi (ix) 
and xii (x) of the Sibylline Oracles, but with that doubtful exception no traces 
of the document have been recognized in Greek, and there are very few early 
references in Latin. The oldest certain quotations are those of the English 
writer Gildas, who lived in the sixth century, though it has been supposed that 
there is an allusion to xvi. 60 in Ambrose, 2. xxix. 

Two recensions of the Latin version are to be distinguished, a French and 
a Spanish, of which the principal representatives respectively are the MSS. SA 
and ΟΜ. In 6 Ezra (=4 Ezra xv-—xvi), according to the conclusions of 
Dr. James (of. εἶδ, p. 1xxvii), the Spanish text, though it has often preserved 
right readings, is the less trustworthy on the whole; moreover in xv. 59-xvi. 32, 
of which the first verse figures on our leaf, S parts company with A and joins 
CM, but the text of A, which is supported by the quotations of Gildas, remains 
generally preferable. A comparison of the two versions with the Greek bears 
out this criticism. The text of SA may be said to be very literal, though it 
displays a tendency towards compression (58 ἐν τοῖς ὄρεσι καὶ μετεώροις = 21 
montibus, 59 πάλιν ἐκ δευτέρου = rursum) and variation of wording (57 
διαφθαρήσεται = interient, 58 διαφθαρήσονται = pertbunt). That of CM is marked 
by the same tendencies, but is also less faithful in other ways. Thus in v. 57 
ipse (ipsa) is not in the Greek, rumphea (SA) though not a Latin word, is closer 
than gladio (CM) which is used again later in the verse to translate μαχαίρῃ, and 
subvertentur is a much less exact rendering of συντριβήσονται than conterentur ; 
and in v. 59 manducabunt carnes suas retains the original order which in 
CM is made to conform to the commoner Latin usage. On the other hand the 
repetition of the possessive adjective in sem sanguinem must be placed to the 
credit of CM, and in v. 59, where S and CM coincide and there is a serious 
divergence from A, the Greek, though the reading is unfortunately uncertain, is 
evidently closer to the version of SCM than that of A, which is corrupt ; cf. note 
ad loc. 

A slight difficulty is raised by the occurrence mentioned above of the 
numeral μ᾽ at the top of the recto. Does this refer to the fortieth leaf or the 

1 Since the Bensly-James edition (1895), two valuable MSS. of the twelfth century have come to light, 

one at Brussels, described by Donatien de Bruyne in Aev. Aéuédictine, 1907, pp. 254-7, the other, which is 
being utilized by B. Violet for his forthcoming edition, at Leon. 


fortieth page? There is no sign of any figure in the corresponding position of 
the verso, but that may be due to the damaged condition of that side of the leaf: 
it was usual, at any rate when the numeral was placed, as here, in the centre of 
the upper margin, for each page to be numbered; cf. e.g. 656, 697, P. Amh. 1. 
Neither supposition, however, is quite satisfactory. The Greek contained on the 
two sides of the leaf corresponds with four lines of Bensly’s text; and since the 
preceding 56 verses occupy only 96 lines the fortieth leaf would not be expected 
so early. No doubt with a page of such small size an estimate of this kind can 
only be approximate ; a preliminary page or two may also be reckoned at the 
beginning of the book, and some allowance made for the compression which has 
been noted in the Latin. But these considerations combined would not account 
for a difference of 15 leaves out of 39 (96+4 = 24, 24 +15 = 39). On the 
other hand the fortieth page or twentieth leaf ought to have been passed; the 
forty-ninth page is what would be looked for. This discrepancy, however, may 
be explained without much difficulty by supposing that the writing was rather 
smaller at the beginning of the book and that it gradually increased in size. 

But on either hypothesis some modification of the ordinary view of these 
two chapters seems necessary. It is generally considered that they were written 
as an appendix to 4 Ezra (James, of. c7¢., p. 1xxviii, Weinel, of. cz¢., p. 311), and 
that they never circulated in any other guise or position. That view is now 
tenable only on the supposition that this pocket edition extended to more 
volumes than one; and it certainly does not appear at all probable that the form 
here exhibited would have been selected for a work on the scale of 4 Ezra and 
6 Ezra, which might easily have been reproduced in a small single volume by 
the employment of a somewhat larger page and a more compressed script. The 
present discovery therefore rather suggests that the sixth book of Ezra was 
originally current independently of the fourth. If the figure 40 is the number of 
the leaf, this would point to the existence of some prefatory matter no longer 
represented in the Latin. If, on the other hand, the numeration, as is more 
likely, refers to the page, the book began in the same abrupt manner that now 
characterizes it. 

Recto. Verso. 

po διαφθα 57 ev λείμω δια 
ρήσεται και φθαρησονται 
συ εν ρομῴαι 15 Καὶ εδονται ταῖς 

a πεσὴ Και αἱ σαρκας αὐτῶν 


5 πόλεις wou σὺ Kal TO alba av 

τριβησονται τῶν πίονται 

και παντες Gov 58 amo λειμου ap 

οἱ εν τοις πεδι 20 Tov και διψης 

OLS πεσοὺν ὕδατος τα 50 
10 Tal εν μαχαι μεν nKels τὰ 

pn Και ot εν τοις Aali\va Kale madi 

opeot και μετε εκ δευτερου 


‘(Thy children) shall die of hunger, and thou shalt fall by the sword; and thy cities 
shall be destroyed, and all thy people that are in the plains shall fall by the sword, and they 
that are on the mountains and highlands shall die of hunger and shall eat their own flesh 
and drink their own blood in hunger for bread and thirst for water. At first thou art 
reduced to misery (?) and again a second time (thou shalt receive woe).’ 

Latin Version of SA (Bensly, Liber Ezrae quartus xv. 57-9, in Texts and 
Studies, iti. 2%): 
57 Lt nati tui fame interient, et tu ruimphea cades, et civitates tuae conterentur, 
58 δέ omnes tut in campo gladio cadent; Et gui sunt in montibus fame 
peribunt, et manducabunt carnes suas et sanguinem bibent a fame panis 
59 ef siti aquae. Infelix primaria venties, et rursum accipies mala. 


57. famae A tut in SA‘, tuae in A 58. famae A (bis) manducabant ὃ 
bibent S'A, bibant 5 silt SA*, sttis A 59. m/felix ... mala S, propler priorem (-em in 

ras.) mise... ef tferum excipies mala A 

Latin Version of CM (Bensly, of. c7¢., p. 89): 

57 Lt filit tut fame interient et tu ipse gladio cades, et civitates tue subvententur 
58 e¢ omnes tut in campum gladio cadent. Et qui sunt in montibus fame 

disperient. et carnes suas manducabunt et sanguinem suum bibent a fame 
59 pants et sitt aquae. Infelix, primarta venies. et rursum accipies mala. 

57. ipsa M gladio cadent in campo M 59. om. primaria M 

1. The sentence is to be completed καὶ ra παιδιὰ σου ev λει[μω. 

21-2. It is unlucky that there is a doubt concerning the reading here. The 
termination of πρωτ- is quite uncertain; it may be πρωτὰ or πρωτῦ or πρωτη; the last would 
best account for przmarza in SCM, but mpora or rpwroy are more intelligible and give 
the expected antithesis to wadw ex Sevrepov. In μεν nxes the ν is the most doubtful point, 
the traces suggesting rather a or A. μελησεις OF με λησεις OF pe aweis Could be read, but none 


of these gives any good sense or explains either of the later versions, whereas πρώτα μεν 
nxeis, even if not very satisfactory, is not far from 7/felix primaria venies ; ἡξεις is unsuitable. 
The alternative in A however remains hardly accounted for. James, of. cé/., p. Ixxiii, 
proposes that propler priora miserrima should be restored, and that the Greek might have 
been ἐν πρώτοις ἐλεεινός, which would serve to explain the two versions. ‘The emendation may 
be right, but it is now seen that the ingenious suggestion for the Greek was mistaken. 
maserrima is corroborated by both z/é/ix and τάλαινα: propter priora is not a proper 
rendering of πρωταὰ (-rov) μεν ; it is an interpretation rather than a translation. 


1011. CALLIMACHUS, Aetia AND Jambi. 

Fol. 1 30x18 cm. 

Late fourth century. Plates II and III (Fol. 1 recto, Fol. 2 verso). 

It might reasonably have been expected that, among the many classical 
authors represented by the papyri of Egypt, an Alexandrian poet so celebrated 
and so prolific as Callimachus would not fail to find a prominent place. Hitherto 
that expectation has not been realized. A wooden tablet at Vienna has indeed 
supplied some considerable pieces of the /Yecale (edited by Th. Gomperz, 1893 ; 
cf. Wilamowitz, Gotting. Nachrichten, 1893, pp. 731-47) ; but the contributions 
of the papyri have consisted of a small fragment at Alexandria from the 
Hymns, and a scrap of scholia, also on the /7ymmns, in the Amherst collection 
(P. Amh, 20). The deficiency is, however, now amply made good by a dis- 
covery restoring to us substantial pieces of two important works, previously 
known only from short and disconnected citations, the Ae/ia and Jami; and 
by a fortunate chance the new fragments include what was probably the most 
popular passage of the Aedia, the famous love story of Acontius and Cydippe. 

As now reconstituted the find, which was made in the winter of 1905-6, 
consists of seven leaves from a papyrus book, with a few small pieces still 
unplaced. One of the leaves is nearly perfect and a second is only slightly 
broken; but the others are all more or less severely damaged. Even where 
the papyrus is intact, however, it is often extremely difficult to read, owing 
‘partly to the rubbed and discoloured state of the surface, partly to the fading of 


the ink, which is of the light brown kind frequently met with in the Byzantine 
period. Its ancient readers had already found the manuscript unsatisfactory in 
this respect, and letters or words, occasionally whole lines, have here and there 
been rewritten. In some parts of Foll. 6 and 7, moreover, the ink has run badly, 
and the papyrus is besides worm-eaten. Where there has been no deterioration 
the large and handsome script is of course legible enough. Though generally 
sloping it is sometimes erect, and in the size and quality of the writing, too, some 
variation is noticeable; an irregular appearance is also caused by the occasional 
exaggeration of certain letters, e.g. x. The coarse down strokes contrast strongly 
with the light horizontal lines, which are at times barely distinguishable from the 
fibres of the papyrus. o and » are commonly small; «and «narrow. Like that 
of 847, this hand seems to represent a transitional stage between the sloping oval 
style, predominant in the third century, and the squarer, heavier type of the fourth 
and fifth. Two further considerations assist in the determination of the date: 
(1) the semicursive notes and additions which have been occasionally inserted, 
in several cases by the original writer, and of which the age is more easily 
estimated than that of the more formal script of the text; (2) the fact that 
a small group of documents in the company of which the present papyrus was 
discovered (1088 is one of them) was dated about the year 400. On these various 
grounds the production of this codex is to be placed in the fourth century and, 
if greater precision is desired, the third quarter of it is perhaps the likeliest 
period ; 1008 and 1009, which were also found along with 1011, appear to belong 
to about the same epoch. 

The work of the original scribe has undergone a good deal of modification. 
To him are due the pagination and the stichometrical figures below the columns, 
some paragraphi, and frequently diaereses and marks of elision; but accents, 
breathings, and stops are to a large extent subsequent additions by one or other of 
the later hands which have introduced corrections or annotations. Two such 
hands, at least, are distinguishable, one writing in irregular uncials (e.g. the 
glosses at Il. 121, 123, 218), the other in semicursive (e.g. ll. 261-4), and both, 
but especially the latter, using an ink darker than that of the text. The 
accentuation of ll. 81-g has the appearance of being original, but this is excep- 
tional, and elsewhere the different shade of ink in the accents commonly shows 
a later hand, which, however, sometimes only renovated what was already there. 
Accents are not inserted at all systematically, some leaves (Foll. 2, 3, 4) being 
plentifully supplied, others (Foll. 1, 6, 7) having very few, while Fol. 5 shows 
many more on the verso than on the recto, From the same source come a few 
marginal signs, the significance of which is not always evident. The text as 
it originally stood was not a very accurate one ; and in spite of the efforts of the 


correctors the text sometimes remains inan unsatisfactory condition ; cf. notes on 
Il. 7, 39, 62, &c. 

It remains to consider the arrangement and subject-matter of the fragments. 
The position in the codex of three out of the seven leaves is fixed by the pagina- 
tion. Fol. 1, containing the conclusion of the story of Acontius and Cydippe, is 
numbered in the left-hand corner of the recto 152. It was already known from 
Callim. Fr. 26 that this elegy was part of the third book of the Ae/ia, and 
according to Schneider, Callimachea, ii. pp. 99 sqq., it stood early in the book, 
a view which, as will be seen, suits the data of the papyrus. The subject of the 
third book is supposed by Schneider to have been inventions and inventors, and 
Cydippe’s history was, he thinks, introduced in connexion with the art of writing 
as an illustration of the injurious results to which that art might lead. Acontius, 
a handsome youth, fell in love with the beautiful Cydippe; and seeing her one 
day in the temple of Artemis he wrote on a fine apple the words, ‘ By Artemis, 
I will marry Acontius,’ and unobserved rolled this in front of Cydippe. She 
picked it up and read the inscription, then threw it aside, and, thinking no more 
of Acontius, proceeded to wed another suitor. The preparations were all made 
when she suddenly fell ill. Three times the same obstacle to the marriage 
occurred, and at last her father betook himself to the oracle of Apollo and 
inquired the cause. Apollo informed him of the broken oath and of the anger 
of Artemis, and advised him to carry out his daughter’s undesigned engagement 
to Acontius. He accepted the advice, the nuptials were duly celebrated, and 
Acontius and Cydippe lived in happiness. Such in brief summary is the story 
as told with elaborate elegance by Aristaenetus, Hist. i. 10, whose debt to 
Callimachus has long been recognized; cf. Buttmann, 77γέλοί. 11. p. 115, and, 
more recently, Dilthey, De Callim. Cydippa. The papyrus, which preserves the 
latter part of the tale, including the illnesses of Cydippe, the visit of her father 
to the oracle, and the happy event (ll. 1-52), now enables us to see the extent 
of the debt. Aristaenetus follows Callimachus in the main outlines, and his 
prose frequently echoes the language of the poet: cf. Il. 20, 29-31, 42-3, 47-9 
with the excerpt from Aristaenetus quoted in the note on |. το: but he omits 
some details and introduces others of his own. The relation of the two Ovidian 
letters between Acontius and Cydippe (Z/7s¢. Her. 20, 21) to the Greek versions 
is comparatively remote. 

This discovery, however, not only displays the beauty of the model of 
Aristaenetus ; it reveals the source of Callimachus. He obtained the story, he 
says, from Xenomedes, an early historian of Ceos, whose true character now 
emerges for the first time ; cf. 1. 54 and the note ad loc. The legend, then, was 

a Cean one; and the fact that a similar tale is told by Antoninus Liberalis, 

18 ΠΕ MOXWACEL YAN GEMS ie Ale aren 

Metamorph. 1, on the authority of Nicander, concerning the Cean heroine 
Ctesylla, at once becomes more intelligible. Callimachus proceeds (Il. 56-74) to 
give a brief summary of the mythical history of Ceos as narrated by Xenomedes, 
several details of which are quite novel; and he expressly credits the historian 
with a love of the truth (1. 76). The last three verses of the page form the 
transition to another theme. 

Between Fol. 1 and Fol. 2 a large gap intervenes. The verso of Fol. 2 
contains the conclusion of the following book of the Aeza. In this epilogue 
Callimachus, after a reference to the meeting of Hesiod with the Muses at 
Hippocrene, an experience which he had in the proém to his work represented 
as having happened in a dream also to himself, takes a formal farewell of poetry, 
and declares that he will now devote himself to prose. The poet must then at 
this time have had in view a large and important prose work; and it is natural 
to suppose that he was here alluding to his Πίνακες, a kind of literary encyclo- 
paedia, which is said by Suidas to have extended to 120 books and must have 
occupied the author during a long period. But the Πίνακες were certainly written 
at Alexandria ; and it would hence follow that the Ae¢ia were not completed, as 
held by Schneider, of. c7¢. ii. p. 40, at Cyrene, and the choice would lie between 
the view of Merkel (Apollon. Rhod. p. xxi), that these poems, though begun were 
not published in youth, and that of Hecker, Com. Callim. p. 16, that they were the 
product of the poet’s maturity. At any rate the present passage is in thorough 
accordance with the view of Wilamowitz (Zexigesch. α΄. gr. Bukoliker, pp- 173-4, 
cf. Gétting. Nachr. 1893, pp. 745-6) that the poetical activity of Callimachus is 
to be assigned to the prior part of his career, and that his appointment at the 
Alexandrian library turned his energies into another channel. Below these 
final verses is inscribed the title of the foregoing book, ‘The fourth Book of 
the Aefia of Callimachus.’ From the fact that no number beyond four had been 
mentioned in the citations from this work, the inference had been drawn that 
it did not include more than four books; and this is now definitely confirmed 
by the papyrus. 

The fourth book of the Aetia is followed by the /amdz, with which the 
remainder of the leaves are occupied. ‘Their arrangement depends largely upon 
the view taken of the foliation of this codex: do the numbers refer to leaves 
or to pages? As has been remarked in connexion with 1010, in these early 
books both sides of a leaf often bear a figure, which is commonly set in the 
centre of the upper margin and gives the number of the column rather than 
that of the page; cf. e.g. 656, 697, P. Amh. 1, and, for the analogous numera- 
tion of columns in a roll, 657. In the present case the left-hand corner of the 
under side only of the leaf is foliated. Since, however, the three numbers which 


can be read with certainty (Foll. 1, 3 and 5) are all even, it is legitimate to 
suppose that they refer to pages which were numerated in the series 2, 4, 6, 
8, ἕο. An early parallel for such a method of pagination is, indeed, to seek ; 
while, on the other hand, an example of numeration of leaves as opposed to 
pages is probably to be recognized in Berliner Klassikertexte, v. 2. 18, where 
a leaf bears in opposite corners the figures 9 and 65. If the gatherings were, as 
seems likely, quaternions, the gth gathering would begin with the 65th leaf. 
But let us consider the consequences of the hypothesis that in 1011 leaves 
and not pages are meant. On the recto of Fol. 2 the critical figure is unfortu- 
nately illegible, but since Fol. 3 is numbered 188, and is no doubt either the next 
leaf or the next but one to Fol. 2, the defaced number on the latter would be 
either 186 or 187. Thirty-three leaves at least would therefore be lost between 
Fol. 1 (=152) and Fol. 2, i.e., on an average of 80 lines to the leaf, 2,640 lines. 
Foll. 1 and 2 themselves add 89 lines more; and the earlier portion of the 
story of Cydippe, if it bore about the same relation in bulk to the account of 
Aristaenetus as the latter part does, may be estimated at approximately 
ΤΙ5 verses. One more leaf, at least, must be added by way of preface; so 
that even if the Cydippe came at the beginning of the third book, the two last 
books of the Aetia will have extended to upwards of 3,0co lines, or, on the 
assumption that they were more or less equal in size, some 1,500 lines each. 
Evidently this is not a satisfactory result. There is the analogy of Apollonius 
Rhodius ; but poetical books other than dramatic works, whether in Greek or 
Latin, do not usually run to so great a length, and moreover we have some 
positive evidence that the “ἦα were no exception to the rule. Suidas relates 
that Marianus, who flourished in the fifth century, produced a μετάφρασις of 
the Hecale, Hymns, Aetia, and Epigrams of Callimachus in 6,510 iambic verses. 
Marianus is hardly likely to have effected a considerable reduction in the 
number of the lines; the tendency would rather be in the opposite direction. 
But the extant hymns and genuine epigrams of Callimachus amount to 
1,400 lines, and the Hecal/e appears to have been a lengthy poem; therefore, 
if the four books of the Aetia averaged some 1,500 lines, a much larger total 
than 6,810 iambics would be expected. If on the other hand the alternative 
view be adopted, that the foliation of this MS. referred to pages, and con- 
sequently the foregoing estimate of leaves and lines be divided by two, the 
difficulties disappear. Seven or eight hundred lines is the normal compass of 
a book, and the scope of Marianus’ metaphrase, with some allowance for hymns 
and epigrams no longer extant, becomes more natural. 

The /Jamdi open with a general prologue, extending to about 30 lines, of 

which the first three and a half had already been correctly reconstructed from 


scattered citations. At 1. 103 begins the story of Bathycles’ cup, which was to 
be given to the wisest man and went the round of the seven sages until it came 
a second time to Thales, by whom it was dedicated to Apollo of Didyma: cf. 
Diog. Laert. i. 28 ταῦτα δὴ ὁ Καλλίμαχος ἐν τοῖς ᾿Ιάμβοις ἄλλως ἱστορεῖ, παρὰ 
Μαιανδρίου λαβὼν τοῦ Μιλησίου: Βαθυκλέα γάρ τινα ᾿Αρκάδα φιάλην καταλιπεῖν καὶ 
ἐπισκῆψαι δοῦναι τῶν σοφῶν ὀνηΐστῳ. ἐδόθη δὴ Θαλῇ καὶ κατὰ περίοδον πάλιν Θαλῇ" ὁ 
ὃὲ τῷ Διδυμεῖ ᾿Απόλλωνι ἀπέστειλεν εἰπὼν οὕτω κατὰ τὸν Καλλίμαχον᾽ Θαλῆς με τῷ 
μεδεῦντι Νείλεω δήμου δίδωσι, τοῦτο δὶς λαβὼν ἀριστεῖον (Fr. 95). The sixteen 
verses on Fol. 2 are much obscured by mutilation, but Fol. 3 verso is in rather 
better case. Thales is discovered drawing geometrical figures by Bathycles’ son, 
who offers him the cup. The first two verses and the gist of part of the following 
passage were previously known from Diogenes Laertius and Diodorus Excerpt. 
Vat., by means of which attempts had been made at restoration (Fr. 83 a) with, 
as is now seen, indifferent success; cf. note on 1]. 124-8. The sequel is lost 
with the lower half of the leaf; but since Il. 121 sqq. apparently relate to the 
first visit to Thales, and the recto of Fol. 3 concerns a different subject, it follows 
that the story was finished off very briefly. The question then arises, what is 
the extent of the loss between Fol. 2 and Fol. 3? Does the latter follow 
immediately upon the former, or is there a leaf missing? The second alterna- 
tive appears to make the introductory part of the story rather disproportionately 
long: if the travels of the cup were narrated in about 40 verses, about 35 ought 
to have sufficed to explain the occasion of them. This Iambus then becomes 
a very short one, certainly; but that would be in accordance with the promise 
of brevity made at the outset (1. 103). A further slight advantage may be 
claimed for this view, that it is consistent with a gathering of six sheets, 
which is perhaps a more likely number than seven; cf. p. 22. The identity 
of the third figure on the recto of Fol. 2 is too doubtful to be urged as evidence 
on either side. Several verses from the missing later portion of the poem are 
preserved in the extant fragments ; cf. note on 1. 138. 

With the recto of Fol. 3, which is clearly numbered in the left corner 158, 
a fresh topic is reached. Some man who was the object of general aversion 
is introduced; but after the first few lines the subject is completely obscured 
by the mutilation of the papyrus. 

Fol. 5, which bears on the recto the number 192, was separated from Fol. 3 
by a single leaf, and the gap is certainly to be filled by Fol. 4. This is quite 
evident from the fact that the last few lines of the recto of Fol. 4 (Il. 211 sqq.) 
are the commencement of the story of the contest between the olive and the 
laurel, which is recounted in Fol. 5. Of the verso of Fol. 4 the first 15 verses 
are fairly preserved. They apparently relate to a legend of a reversal of the 


common order of nature in the reign of Saturn, when the spheres of men and 
beasts were exchanged. This story is referred in 1]. 171-3, a passage already 
known as an adespoton, to Aesop (cf. the citation in 1. 54 of Xenomedes), but 
is not found in the extant collection of Aesopian fables or in those of Babrius. 
The rest of the verso and the recto is severely damaged, and there is little 
that is intelligible until in 1. 211 the narrative of the dispute between the two 
trees is begun. If, as may well be the case, the preceding lines of the recto all 
belong to the preface of this, the fable would appear to have been narrated by 
one of the persons whose meeting is described in Il. 192 sqq. The first two and 
a half verses of the story itself were already extant (Fr. 93a), but nothing was 
known concerning the nature of the quarrel, or of Callimachus’ treatment of it in 
the poem of which a substantial portion is now happily recovered in Fol. 5. 
Schneidewin, Lvercit. Crit. ix. p. 57, suggested that the point resembled that of one 
of the fables of Aphthonius (Furia 212), where an olive-tree after deriding a fig 
for the loss of its leaves is broken by a snowstorm which left the fig unharmed. 
This conjecture, however, is not verified; the discussion is of a much more 
elaborate kind. In rhetorical speeches the rivals expatiate in turn upon their 
own respective merits and advantages, the laurel dwelling upon its ritualistic and 
ceremonial uses, and taunting the olive with the indignity of association with 
corpses (ll. 218-239). To this the olive replies at length (ll. 242 sqq.), priding 
itself on assisting to honour the dead, and, with regard to the pretensions of the 
laurel, pointing out that the olive-branch was the prize of victory at Olympia, 
which ranked before Delphi. The olive proceeds (ll. 260 sqq.) to claim 
superiority on the ground, first, of a more illustrious origin, secondly, of its 
serviceable qualities, and thirdly, of being the emblem of the suppliant. At 
ll. 291-6 another tree intervenes in the interests of peace, but with the result of 
making the laurel, which is getting the worst of the argument, the more angry, and 
the would-be peacemaker only meets with abuse. Here the papyrus fails us 
and, since the next leaf is missing, we cannot tell how the quarrel was brought 
to a termination. 

The position of Foll. 6 and 7 is less definitely determined. The latter, 
which is filled on both sides not with iambics but trochaic tetrameters, belongs 
to the same sheet as Fol. 5; but since the contents are quite different the pair 
must have been separated by at least two leaves. It is convenient to assign 
Fol. 6, which in outward condition rather resembles Fol. 7 (cf. p. 16), to the 
vacant position. But Fol. 6 does not contain the beginning of the trochaic poem 
and therefore cannot be the immediate predecessor of Fol. 7; neither does it 
appear to follow directly on Fol. 5, for there is no sign of any connexion with 
the story of the olive and laurel, which can scarcely have been brought to its 


conclusion in the course of the eight or nine lines which are missing at the top 
of Fol. 6. Hence, if Fol. 6 be placed here, it is best to suppose that four leaves 
intervened between Foll. 5 and 7, and that Fol. 6 was the second or third of 
them. On this theory, unless the unsatisfactory assumption be made that the 
disposition of the sheets was irregular, the gatherings in this codex will have 
consisted of six sheets at least. It is certain in the case of Foll. 2-5, of which 
the last three and probably all four were consecutive, that the verso preceded ; 
and either recto and verso should precede alternately (e.g. P. Amh. 1 and 
the Cairo Menander), or one should consistently come first in the left half 
of the gathering, the other in the right (e.g. P. Heidelberg 1; cf. Dziatzko, 
Buchwesen, p. 145). The gatherings of the present MS. were arranged on the 
latter method, Foll. 2-5, where the verso is consistently uppermost, belonging to 
the left-hand portion of the gathering; the recto would of course be upper- 
most in the opposite portion, to which Fol. 7 is referred. A difficulty, however, 
arises with regard to Fol. 1, which being divided from Fol. 2 by 34 pages or 
17 leaves would, if the gatherings uniformly consisted of six sheets, fall in the 
right-hand half of a gathering, where the recto should precede the verso. 
The reverse is actually the case; and we have therefore to suppose that some 
of the gatherings were of fewer sheets than six. 

To return to Fol. 6, it is doubtful which side of the leaf came uppermost, 
but the aspect of the two margins slightly favours the view that here too the 
verso preceded. Literary matters are the prevailing topic—tragedians (Il. 312, 
367), pentameters (Il. 313, 366), poetry (ll. 321-2), choliambics and Hipponax 
(ll. 334-5, cf. 1. 362), the Muses (ll. 357, 361); but the leaf is badly mutilated, 
and only here and there a complete verse emerges. No coincidences occur here 
with the extant fragments, though the latter include lines which may well 
have been derived from this poem, e.g. Fr. 84 οὐ πρῷν μὲν ἡμῖν ὁ tpaywdds 
ἤγειρεν, Fr. οὗ ς ἥ τις τραγῳδὸς μοῦσα ληκυθίζουσα. 

Of the contents of Fol. 7 there isnot much to be said. No verse on either 
side is complete, or, apparently, capable of successful completion. It is, however, 
something to learn that Callimachus, like other iambographers, wrote in trochaic 
tetrameters (trochaic pentameters are exemplified in Fr. 115); and the remains 
are sufficient to show that his use of the measure was marked by an unexpected 
freedom, Caesura in the middle of the verse is repeatedly neglected; cf. ll. 378, 
381, 390, 396, 418, 421, ἄς. Callimachus thus allows himself the same licence 
in this respect as the comedians. On the other hand, he must have been 
sparing of resolution, since no instance of it occurs in an equivalent of about 
30 verses. 

That the 7améz did not extend far beyond this point cannot of course be 


asserted, but it would hardly be expected, since the book is already of some 
length. Fol. 2 contained about 65 lines, and, if the argument above is correct, 
not less than seven more leaves, or 560 lines, preceded Fol. 7, making, with the 
addition of the latter, a total of some 700 lines. Extant fragments prove that 
the /ambi also included pure iambics, so that, unless these occurred on the leaves 
supposed to be missing between Fol. 5 and Fol. 7, a further considerable 
addition has to be made on their account. The minimum length of the book 
may thus be estimated at from 800 to goo lines. 

For the sake of clearness a brief summary of the disposition and contents of 
the leaves may here be added :— 

Fol. 1 verso and recto (pp. 151-2) = Aez. iii, story of Cydippe. 
Fol. 2 verso (p. 185?) = Aez. iv, conclusion, and /amé., prologue. 
recto (p. 186?) = conclusion of prologue, and story of Bathycles 
(Lamb. 1). 
Fol. 3 verso (p. 187) = story of Bathycles continued. 
recto (p. 188) : subject doubtful (/amé. 2). 
Fol. 4 verso [p. 189] = story of the reign of Saturn (continuation of Zam. 2 ?). 
recto [p. 190] = story of dispute between laurel and olive (Jam. 3). 
Fol. 5 verso and recto (pp. 191-2) = dispute between laurel and olive con- 
Fol. 6 verso and recto [pp. 195-6 or 197-8?] = a piece relating to poetical 
composition, especially tragedy (/amb. 4). 
Fol. 7 recto and verso [pp. 201-2 Ὁ] = trochaic poem (/amé. 5). 

In the reconstruction and interpretation of this difficult text I have received 
invaluable assistance from Professor U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, to whom 
is due in no slight degree such success as may have been attained. Many 
restorations and comments will be found expressly attributed to him in the 
notes below; but the frequency of these references is by no means the measure 
of my great obligations. The proofsheets were also seen by Professor Gilbert 
Murray, whom I have to thank for a number of acute suggestions and criticisms. 


Fol. 1 verso. 

5 Ovpecvy αεισηκαιταπερουχοσιὴη 




δειελινηντην δ᾽ εἰλ[Χ ]εκακοσχλοοσειλεδενουσοσ 

ψευδομενοιδ᾽ ἵερηνφημιζομεν.ητοτ᾽ aviypn 

15 τηνκουρηνᾳΐ. ᾿εωμεχρισετεξεδομων 



20 τετρατονΐ .Ἰυκετ᾿ ἐμεινεπατηρεσδελφιοναρὶ 
porBov-08 εννυχιοντουτεποσηυδασατο 
ουδεναμυκλαιωιθριονεπλεκενουδ᾽ αποθηρὴσ 

25 εκλυζενποταμωιλυματαπαρθενιωι 
δηλωδ᾽ ηνεπιδημοσακοντιονοπποτεσηπαισ 
ΤΡ ὅς υξαλλ᾽ ηνμεθελεισσυμφραδμοναθεσθαι 
[. -Γντατελευτησεισορκιαθυγατεροσ 

39 ἀργυρονουμολιβωιγᾳρακοντιοναλλαφαεινῶι 






Fol. 1 verso. 

ἤδη καὶ κούρῳ παρθένος εὐνάσατο 

τέθμιον ὡς ἐκέλευε προνύμφιον ὕπνον ἰαῦσαι 
(αὐτίκα) τὴν τᾶλιν παιδὶ σὺν ἀμφιθαλεῖ. 

“Hpnv γάρ κοτέ φασί.-- κύον, κύον, ἴσχεο, λαιδρέ 
θυμέ, σύ γ᾽ ἀείσῃ καὶ τά περ οὐχ dain: 

ὥναο κάρ(θν᾽ ἕνεκ᾽ οὔ τι θεῆς ides ἱερὰ φρικτῆς, 
ἐξενέπειν καὶ τῶν ἤρυγες ἱστορίην'" 

ἢ πολυιδρείη χαλεπὸν κακόν, ὅστις ἀκαρτεῖ 
γλώσσης" ὡς ἐτεὸν παῖς ὅδε μαῦλιν ἔχει. 

ἠῷοι μὲν ἔμελλον ἐν ὕδατι θυμὸν ἀμύξειν 
οἱ βόες ὀξεῖαν δερκόμενοι δορίδα 

δειελινήν, τὴν δ᾽ εἷλε κακὸς χλόος, εἷλε δὲ νοῦσος 
αἶγας ἐς ἀγριάδας τὴν ἀποπεμπόμεθα 

ψευδόμενοι δ᾽ ἱερὴν φημίζομεν, ἣ τότ᾽ ἀνιγρή 
τὴν κούρην αἰὐτ]έω(ν) μέχρις ἔτηξε δομῶν. 

δεύτερον ἐστόρνυντο τὰ κλισμία, δεύτερον ἡ παίϊ]ς 
ἑπτὰ τεταρταίῳ μῆνας ἔκαμνε πυρί. 

τὸ τρίτον ἐμνήσαντο γάμου κοτέ, τὸ τρίτον αὖτίις 
Κυδίππην ὀλοὸς κρυμὸς ἐσωκίσατο. 

τέτρατον ἰοἸὔκετ᾽ ἔμεινε πατὴρ ἐς Δέλφιον ἄρϊας 
Φοῖβον: ὁ δ᾽ ἐννύχιον τοῦτ᾽ ἔπος ηὐδάσατο' 

“Αρτέμιδος τῇ παιδὶ γάμον βαρὺς ὅρκος ἐνικλᾷ, 
Avydapw: οὐ γὰρ ἐμὴ Τῆνον ἔκηδε κάσις, 

οὐδ᾽ ἐν ᾿Δμυκλαίῳ θρ(ύγον ἔπλεκεν, οὐδ᾽ ἀπὸ θήρης 
ἔκλυζεν ποταμῷ λύματα Παρθενίῳ, 

Aino δ᾽ ἢν ἐπίδημος, ἀκόντιον ὁππότε σὴ παῖς 
ὦμοσεν, οὐκ ἄλλον, νυμφίον ἑξέμεναι 

α΄... .υξ' ἀλλ᾽ ἤν p ἐθέλ(ῃηγς συμφράδμονα θέσθαι 
ἱπάϊντα τελευτήσεις ὅρκια θυγατέρος. 

ἄργυρον οὐ μολίβῳ γάρ, ᾿Ακόντιον ἀλλὰ φαεινῷ 






κοδρειδησσυγ᾽ ανωθενοπενθεροσαυταροκειοσ 
yapBpocaptoraiov . . τιοσαμφΐερων 
ἐκμιονοισιμεμῖ. 'λενεπούρεοσαμβωνεσσιν 
πρηυνεινχαλί. πηνμαιρανανερχομενὴν 
αἰτεισθαιτοδ᾽ αημαπαραιδιοσωτεθαμεινοι 


ηθεοσαυταροναξονεβηπαλινειρετοδ᾽ αὐτὴν 

κουρηνηδ᾽ ανετωσπανεκαλυψενεποσ 
Knvavowoor . λοιπονακοντιεσί] εϊειομετελθει 


Fol--a recto. “Plate 11. 


Χηθεοσευορκειτοκαιηλικεσαυτικ᾽ εταιρησ 
oud ακεληνιτησεκτεατιστομιδησ 
δεξασθαιψηφουδ᾽ ανεμησεπιμαρτυρεσειεν 
δηγαρεθ᾽ vperepovpudrovakovTiadat 
κειετεον δ᾽ ἡμεισϊμερονεκλυομεν 
αρχ[[ο]]μενοσωσνυμφησι[. ἡναιετοκωρυκιησι 
υδρουσσαντωκαιμινεφημισανωστεκιρω.. .. 
ἴεἷο .. θυσί.Ἶτο. . ὠκεενενκαρυαισ 






ἤλεκτρον χρυσῷ φημί σε μιξέμεναι. 

Κοδρείδης σύ γ᾽ ἄνωθεν 6 πενθερός, αὐτὰρ ὁ Κεῖος 
γαμβρὸς ᾿ἀρισταίου λήζιτγος ἀμφ᾽ ἱερῶν 

‘Ikpiov οἷσι μέμ[η]λεν ἐπ᾽ οὔρεος ἀμβώνεσσιν 
πρηύνειν χαλ[ε]πὴν Μαῖραν ἀνερχομένην, 

αἰτεῖσθαι τὸ δ᾽ ἄημα παραὶ Διὸς ᾧ τε θαμινοί 
πλήσσονται λινέαις ὄρτυγες ἐν νεφέλαις. 

7 θεός: αὐτὰρ ὁ Νάξον ἔβη πάλιν, εἰρετο δ᾽ αὐτήν 
κούρην, ἡ δ᾽ ἄνεως πᾶν ἐκάλυψεν ἔπος. 

κὐἠναυσ(θλ)ώσ(ατο)" λοιπόν, ᾿ἀκόντιε, σεῖο μετελθεῖν 
ἐστ(ὼ) τὴν ἰδίην ἐς Διονυσιάδα. 

Fol. 1 recto. Plate II. 

χὴ θεὸς εὐορκεῖτο καὶ ἥλικες αὐτίχ᾽ ἑταίρης 
(η)δον ὑμηναίους οὐκ ἀναβαλλομένους. 
οὔ σε δοκέω τημοῦτος, ᾿Ακόντιε, νυκτὸς ἐκείνης 
ΕΣ 4 ~ 4 4 7 
ἀντί κε τῆς μίτρης ἥψαο παρθενίης 
’ Χ ᾽ ΄ ᾽ ͵ ᾽ ΄, 
οὐ σφυρὸν ᾿Ιφίκλειον ἐπιτρέχον ἀσταχύεσσιν 
οὐδ᾽ ἃ Κελ(αδνίτης ἐκτεάτιστο Μίδης 
δέξασθαι, ψήφου δ᾽ ἂν ἐμῆς ἐπιμάρτυρες εἶεν 
ig Ἷ “ ΄ ΄ ’ ~ 
οἵτινες οὐ χαλεποῦ νήιδές εἰσι θεοῦ. 
bd Ν , 7 yan} DA , , 
ἐκ δὲ γάμου κείνοιο μέγ᾽ οὔνομα μέλλε νέεσθαι: 
δὴ γὰρ ἔθ᾽ ὑμέτερον φῦλον ᾿Ακοντιάδαι 
ὴ μέτερ 
iA ‘ ΄᾿ ᾽ 4 4 
πουλύ τι καὶ περίτιμον ᾿Ιουλίδι ναιετάουσιν, 
Κεῖε, τεὸν δ᾽ ἡμεῖς ἵμερον ἐκλύομεν 
τόνδε παρ᾽ ἀρχαίου Ἐενομήδεος ὅς (κ)οτε πᾶσαν 
νῆσον ἐνὶ μνήμῃ κάτθετο μυθολόγῳ 
μνημῇ Ἁ γῴ; 
vo © , ᾽ ΄ ΄ 
ἄρχμενος ὡς νύμφῃσιν ἐϊναίετο Κωρυκίῃσι 
τὰς ἀπὸ Παρνησσοῦ λῖς ἐδίωξε μέγας, 
Ὑδροῦσσαν τῷ καί μιν ἐφήμισαν, ὥς τε Kipo... 
[.Jo.. θυσῖ το... ᾧκεεν ἐν Kapvais: 




60 [.Ἰστεμινεννασσαντοτεωναλαλαξιοσαίει 

καρεσομουλελεγεσσι.. ετουνομαδ᾽ αλλοβαλεισθ' 

ενδ᾽ ὑβρινθανατοντεκεραυνιονενδεγοητασ 

65 τελχινασμακαρωντουκαλεγονταί σἤθεων 
ηἡλεαδημωνακ αἸταγερωνενεθηκατοδελτὶ 
ασμουνασοτενησονανετρεπονεινεκ᾽ αλί. τ 

79 τεσσαρασωστεποληασομεντειχισσεμεγακ ]ησ 


καρθαιανχρεισουσευπὶ Ἰλοσημιθεὴησ 
εὐκρηνονπτολιεθρονϊουλιδοσαυταρακαι ae 

75 ξυνκραθενταυταισοξυνερωτασεθεν 
πρεσβυσετητυμιημεμελημενοσενθενοπᾳ .. | 

t . 
ουγαρτασπολιωνοικήσσασασομαιηδὴ 55 WAG 
A εστιγεπισαιουζὴνοσοπισπ᾽. .. ἐθην 

8ο αλλ᾽ι 50 UNG o LYON 6 ooo bob Od OU σ 

Fol. 2 verso. Plate III. 

[. . οἹαρινότ᾽ εμημοῦσατί. .. .. Ἰάσεται 
[- - .|rovkatyapitor|..... .|prapoad ανασσησ 
[. . ἡτερησουσεψευδονΐ. . . ... pare 

mavtT αγαθηνκαιπαντατί. .\ecpopoverme.... [..]. | 

85 κείνωτί ε]ϊμοῦσαιπολλανεμοντιβοτα 
συνμυθουσεβάλοντοπαρίχι᾽ .Ἰονοξέοσιππου 
χαιρεσυνεστοῖδ ἐρχεολωϊτέρη 

χαιρεζεθμεγακαισυσαωδῖ. -Ἰνοϊκονανάκτω 








[als τέ μιν ἐννάσσαντο τέων ᾿Αλαλάξιος αἰεί 
Ζεὺς ἐπὶ σαλπίγγων ἱρὰ βοῇ δέχεται 

Κᾶρες ὁμοῦ Λελέγεσσι, per οὔνομα δ᾽ ἄλλο (κ)αλεῖσθίαι 
Φοίβου καὶ Μελίης ins ἔθηκε Kéws- 

ἐν δ᾽ ὕβριν θάνατόν τε κεραύνιον, ἐν δὲ γόητας 
Τελχῖνας μακάρων τ᾽ οὐκ ἀλέγοντα θεῶν 

ἠλεὰ Δημώνακτα γέρων ἐνεθήκατο δέλτίοις, 
καὶ γρηῦν Μακελὼ μητέρα 4Δεξιθέης, 

ἃς μούνας ὅτε νῆσον ἀνέτρεπον εἵνεκ᾽ ἀλ[ ἡτ[ρῆς 
ὕβριος ἀσκηθεῖς ἔλλιπον ἀθάνατοι: 

τέσσαρας ὥς τε πόληας ὁ μὲν τείχισσε Μεγακλῆς 
Κάρθαιαν, Χρ(υ)σοῦς δ᾽ Εδπίυἱλος ἡμιθέης 

εὔκρηνον πτολίεθρον ᾿Ιουλίδος, αὐτὰρ ‘Axa . 
Ποιῆσσαν Χαρίτων ἵδρυμ᾽ ἐυπλοκάμων, 

ἄστυρον Ἄφραστος δὲ Κι(ογρήϊσ]ιον, εἶπε δέ, Κεῖε, 
ξυγκραθέντ᾽ αὐταῖς ὀξὺν ἔρωτα σέθεν 

πρέσβυς erntupin(s) μεμελημένος, ἔνθεν ὁ παιδός 
μῦθος ἐς ἡμετέρην ἔδραμε Καλλιόπην. [ 

οὐ yap τὰς πολίων οἰκήσιας ἄσομαι ἤδη: -. ddA. f 
ἔστι γε Πισαίου Ζηνὸς ὄπις π΄. . . ἰθην. 

ΛΔ νῆσ, KPOUTOV Gr oNs) stems ane ele = ᾿ς 

τό (?) leaves lost. 

Fol. 2 verso. Plate III. 
[...Japuy ὅτ᾽ ἐμὴ μοῦσα 7..... Ἰάσεται 
[- - που καὶ Χαρίτων |...... Ἰριαμοια δ᾽ ἀνάσσης 
[- . .Jrepns οὔ σε ψευδονί. .. . -- Ἰματι 
πάντ᾽ ἀγαθὴν καὶ πάντα τἰελἸεσφόρον εἰπὲ .. .. |. .].1 
κείνῳ τῷ Μοῦσαι πολλὰ νέμοντι βοτά 
σὺν μύθους ἐβάλοντο map ἴχν[ι]ον ὀξέος ἵππου" 
χαῖρε, σὺν εὐεστοῖ δ᾽ ἔρχεο λωιτέρῃ. 

χαῖρε, Ζεῦ, μέγα καὶ σὺ σάω δ᾽ ἰὅλοὶν οἶκον ἀνάκτων" 





καλλιμαχουΐ. . . .jovd 


ὡσυσοσοθώθον CACEOCACAL 

καλλιμαχοὺ » tapi. . .] 

—> >>> >>>>>>>>>>>> 5 au> >>> υσες τας ες 


ακούσαθιππώνακτοσί Ἰυγαραλλ᾽ ἥκω 

i » CH® εκτωνοικουβοῦνκολλυί. 
. an Ee 

εν Ἱτρησκουσιν — ag. Γ 

Ἴατ.. φέρωνϊαμβονουμάχηνϊ. - - «Ἰοντα [..-.] Lyra [ 

OF IIo ooo uni. . «Ἰειον[.]. vad. [.. . ἤνθρωποσ 

boon tad odo a5 0 6601010 0: ]. εἰν 
Fol. 2 recto. 

Οὐ ὁ [0 ο.α δ ὁ Ὁ Ἰσπαραιπόλωμῦϊαι 
2 ane See DELK EOS (on sana Ἰποθύματοσδελφ] 
ἐπιταχθειτα «- αἷμιν .Ϊ-. ee we Ἰυνῶεκάτηπλήθευσί 

σ᾽ οοά] 96. ὁ ΠΕ oss hte ὁ Ἰπνδηναναλώσει 
ΙΟΙ : 


v[... «|. λοντοντρίβ! οἸναγυμνώϊ 


oo Mab : 
ανηρβαθυκλησαρκασουμακρηναξω ----.ἷ 
ee. Go... [] |). . ἐΨφεκαιγαρουδ᾽ αὐτοσ 
105 μεγᾳσχολαζί. «Ἰειμιπαρμεσονδινειν 

5 ευαχεροΐ. | 

Niet Garo a TaN OTE ten tte cto iis 
εἐγενετοπαί.τα . εἰχενόίσιναν θρωποισ 
θεοιτελεν . [... . .] . ασεπίστανται' 
nonkadr...... aS 5 ὁ ΖΞ ὦ 5.) 5.0 
ANG! 9.9 6 CHIMP 9 0b 6c 

Ἰκαιγαρε. χ.. ἐζηθριὲ 



πιθανῶς τὸν 




τοι ee 



αὐτὰρ ἐγὼ Μουσέων πεζὸς [ἔϊπειμι νομόν. 

Καλλιμάχου [Alri lor ὃ. 

Καλλιμάχου Ιαμίβοι.] 

᾿ἀκούσαθ᾽ “Ἱππώνακτος" [ol γὰρ ἀλλ᾽ ἥκω 

ἐκ τῶν ὅκου βοῦν κολλύϊβου π᾽)ιπρήσκουσιν ασ.[ 
φέρων ἴαμβον οὐ μάχην [ἀείδ)οντα [-.-.1. [ντὰς [ 
[τὴν Βο]υπ[άλ]ειον [.1. νά. [. .. ἀϊνθρωπος 
ον ΣΧ ]- εἰν 

Fol. 2 recto. 

@moAdov .[...... Ἰς παρ᾽ αἰπόλῳ μυῖαι 
sno (CURE. (Ioeoes og peace ] ᾽πὸ θύματος Δελῴφίοῦ 

5 Ὁ CL TD bed ooo. oes |v ὦ ᾿᾽κάτη πλήθευς 
.. os &[.......) πνοὴν ἀναλώσει 
wees. ML... Aov τὸν τρίβωνα γυμνώϊσ .. 
σωπὴ γενέσθω καὶ γράφεσθε τὴν ῥῆσιν. ...0.f 
ἀνὴρ Βαθυκλῆς ᾿ἀρκὰς οὐ μακρὴν ἄξω BG 

.v.G.. |). [.].. we, καὶ yap οὐδ᾽ αὐτὸς 

μέγα σχολάζων) εἰμὶ πὰρ μέσον δινεῖν--- 

γα ἐρο GS Too 8 wt 6 NMG σι. 
ἐγένετο πάϊν]τα δ᾽ εἶχεν οἷσιν ἀνθρώποις 
θεοὶ τελεῦνϊτες.. .1. ας ἐπίστανται. 
ἤδη καθήϊ...... 1 σή: 66 ἥμε αὐ νέοι: 
3 Προ: καὶ γὰρ €.x.. ἔζη θρὶξ 




TOV πο τ Ἰτουσμενενθατουσδ᾽ενθα 




ἰ- - 

᾿ , 
. σδιεππα!- - -]:- πότησεπαγκωνα 

χες . OGk[. . 

-Jretpioe . 

€LT Gee 


Fol. 3 verso. 

120 τουσαστερισκουσηπλεουσιφοινικεσ 

ΡῈ ? ΄ ΄ ΄ 
J evpevd οπρουσέληνοϊ.]αισίωισίττη opveov 



εἐντουδιδυμεοστονγερὶ Ἰντακωνηω 

. Παναπρινπαγηνβλέψασ. 

ἐν [1.01 

Tepe. ve [ 

εραγαρλω. [ 
gup ἷ 

ξύοντατηνγηνκαιγράφοντατοσχῆμα γεομετρουνταῖ 
Tovgedp οφρυξεύφορβί. "οστισανθρώπων 




ὌΝ Ἱπρῶτοσέγρί }ψε 

τωνεμπνεόϊ. «Ἰωνεῖ 

+ - 
ουπάντεσαλλ'᾽ οὐσεῖχενί 

προσδη.Ἰινωδ᾽ ἔφησε. [ 

εκει[. Ἰτοὐλόχρυσονεξ . | 

ουμοῖ Ἰπατηρεφείτοτουϊ 




‘ Ν , r 


εξει[-Ἰετηνδόσινμὲν . . [ 

ave εἰ. 



.| . εὥνοσμηλόϊ 






CNG τσ ] τοὺς μὲν ἔνθα τοὺς δ᾽ ἔνθα 

ἔστησέ (k)ov κλωστῆρας" εἶχε γὰρ δεσμὸς 

μέλλοντας ἤδη παρθένοις ἀλινδεῖσθαι, eel ἽΝ 
μ....5 δ᾽ ἐπαί.. .] 5. πότης ἐπ᾽ ἀγκῶνα ἐρᾷ γὰρ Aw . [ 

[. JeeE.. ὃς kl... Java πρὶν πάγην βλέψας" oup.[ 

te oll eT ΡΠ ἢ 
[ἔπειτ᾽ ἐφί 

Fol. 3 verso. 
kai τῆς ἁμάξης ἐλέγετο σταθμήσασθαι 
τοὺς ἀστερίσκους, ἣ πλέουσι Φοίνικες. 
εὗρεν δ᾽ ὁ προυσέληνο[ς] αἰσίῳ σίττῃ ὄρνεον 
ἐν τοῦ Διδυμέος τὸν γέρ[ο᾽ντα κων(είγῳ 
ξύοντα τὴν γῆν καὶ γράφοντα τὸ σχῆμα γε(ω)μετροῦντα 
τοὐξεῦρ᾽ ὁ Φρὺξ ἘΕὔφορβϊ[ος,) ὅστις ἀνθρώπων 
τρίίγωνα καὶ σκϊαληνὰ] πρῶτος ἔγραψε 
καὶ κύκλον ἑπίταμήκε᾽, ἠδὲ νηστεύειν 
τῶν ἐμπνεύόϊντ]ων εἶπεν" οἱ δ᾽ ὑπήκουσαν 
οὐ πάντες ἀλλ᾽ οὺς εἶχεν [οὕτερος δαίμων. 
πρὸς δή [pw ὧδ᾽ ἔφησε . | 
ἐκεῖνο] τοὐλόχρυσον ἐξ. | 
οὑμὸ[9] πατὴρ ἐφεῖτο τουΪ 
δοῦν ὅσ]τις ὑμέων τῶν σοφ[ῶν ὀνήιστος 
τῶν ἑπτά: Kiyo σοὶ δίδωμί ἀριστεῖον. 
[Θάλης δὲ τῷ] σκίπωνι τοὔδαφος πλήξας 
[καὶ τ]ὴν ὑπήνην τἠὐτέρῃ [λαβὼν χειρὶ 
ἐξεῖ [mer τὴν δόσιν μὲν. .Ϊ 
σὺ δ᾽ εἰ. .]. εῶνος μὴ λόϊγ 
I3TICONS | pes cana - ὙἼΔἔει 







Fol. 3 recto. 

add’ ηνορητισουτοσαλκμεωνφήσει 
ἑκαστο.}} δ᾽ Παυτο . . [. .] - εχθρακηρυσσει 
ὠσεσ᾽- [.].. σινὸ .. KOT. - - τς «ὡς 
08 εξοπισθεκοί. υκασί.Ἰσε. . άσκει 


καιφῆσιταυτ᾽ε. ἷ. . . - -- Ἰσεκπλευσί. .] - Ἰγαξαντι 

ae ἀλεξανδρον 
ἌΡ Sias) Hig des ons oe ]. +. σηξεινΐ aac τ 
Ἐς AR 8 55 οα Ἰχηλαγυμνάζει ΠῚ pee i. 
[exes s Geet jaa ec eres apl.Juor yet 
Breisns Sah τὸ Ἰθανοντεσου ... Ga... "+++: BAe ῖ 
[3h ie eee ee }.. κονεύλ. . arn... [- . 
προ τς ea ΠΡ τ ai ον. . Eup. 
Bossa Aso Jour. p....aow.[.. εἷλον 
πος τ 35 7. ρμουνοσειλετα.. |. οἸυσδὲ 
ΓΞ ΕΣ: 1. οἰχλωρασῦκ ... [[.]Jevo . . voal 
Bours se Ἰλουκαιγελωτοσί 
ee ke oe Ἱτίθ ἢ σϑεκαιγαρη fal 
τ Ἰ. τατουκί Ἰφωνοσ᾽.... «Ὁ» 
ἄπ τ Sasa Ais ἰλυεκαποπλεῖνὼρη 
ΠΣ τς Joao... « - -- Ἰσωκυσω 

τἀπικρόνουτοισαντιτα .. οΤ.ἷ 
λεγουσικαικωσ᾽ ἣν. [ἡνημεναισ.. [ 
δίκαιοσ᾽. [. Ἰυσουδίκαϊ. .]. αἰσυμ. . νἱ 
τῶνερπετῶν .Ἰενεξεκοψετοῴθαϊί 
γενοσδετουταΐ. «Ἰρονῴσπερουκάρτοσ 

τ ἡψεσανδρῶνκαικενοσί.] . &. . ἡδημοσ 



150 j 



Fol. 3 recto. 

ἀλλ᾽ ἣν ὁρῇ τις “οὗτος ᾿Δἀλκμέων᾽ φήσει 

καὶ «φεῦγε. βάλλ᾽ (ἢ) getty) ἐρεῖ, “ τὸν ἄνθρωπον᾽. 

ἕκαστος] αὐτο... ἷ. .]. ἐχθρὰ κηρύσσει 
ὧν τα δ ὧν ee ee ee 

ὁ δ᾽ ἐξόπισθε κοί. Ἰυκασί.Ἶσε. . ἄσκει 

τὴν γλῶσσαν cider ὡς κύων ὅταν πίνῃ. 

καί ᾧησε ταῦτ᾽ ἐ.-ἶ...... Js ἐκπλευσῖ- .1. .Ἰ τάξαντι Γ΄ 
Ἐπ ἢ eee 1. ν joo 
ie ae ere τὰ τράϊχηλα γυμνάζει Sy ast τος 
ΒΞ νον το = αρὶ ἶμος ts eal . 
ἘΣΤΕ τ eta ] θανόντες ου. .. φαᾳ.. α«---. αρ- 
Ε΄ σππτ -- j-.Kxow GA..a7y.. @&. f. ἢ 
πέσ ce eles ππ --ς- ov... εὐ 
 -..-..- lous . p - agw@.j.. -ἰλον 
Εν Ἰ. ρ μοῦνος εἷλε τα. [. .wode 
Εν 1. οε χλωρὰ σῦκ .. evo. . ὕσαϊ 

ΕΠ Ὸ-Σ ov καὶ γέλωτος [ 

See ] πίθησθε καὶ yap 7 -{[ 

Pee aa ]- τατ᾽ οὐκ [ἄϊφωνος..... ν 
Se oe τ ee 1. Ave κἀποπλεῖν ὥρη 

Ε΄ eee Weoacd....... re κύσω 

Fol. 4 verso. 
τἀπὶ Κρόνου τοῖς avriza . . or . [ 
λέγουσι Kai κως [.ly . [ἴνημεναις. [ 
δίκαιος ἐϊκφὶὺς ov δίκα[ιαἹ δ᾽ αἰσυμνῶν 
τῶν ἑρπετῶν [μὲν ἐξέκοψε τὠφθαϊλμώ, 
γένος δὲ τοῦτ᾽ a. ρον ὥσπερ οὐ κάρτος 
ἡμέων ἐχόντων χἠτέροις ἀπάρξασθαι 
[. - ἅψες ἀνδρῶν καὶ κενὸς ΄.1. εἷ-. .1 δῆμος 





sli apirowporwirr axodde| 

ὃ ἡτραγωδοιτ' τωνθάλασσανοι 

εχοί.]σιφωνην" οιἰδεπάντεσ.. [ 

170 καιπουϊ .Ἰύμυθοικαιλαλοιπε.. Ϊ 

εκειθενωνδρόνικε'ταυταδ᾽ al. . Ἶποὸσ 



22 αἱδονταμῦθονουκαλωσεδέξαντο 


|. τ. map 

Ἰδοδα ΠΕ “tet. le cs [....Jee[. Ἰιτωναναγκαζομενωνδαλλωσῴαρμα 

1go [.. 

[- - κά 

«Ἰδεξιηνεδωκεκ . πανί. Ἰσπλαγχναᾳ 



Ἰθὴν “ [. «ὠπολλονηνικουκῆᾳ 

ΔΝ έν κκένα Ονά Ἰτισαὺτεπόιησεν" 
oO. BGS cuore hepedes Ἰνερθεδεικεΐ.1θαι 
ἌΝ ΣῊ ORCA onde Ἰλιστιδ᾽ οιἰκεῦμεν 
ἀπ ες λον ἈΠῈ Ἰἤϊω]Πημετἔστραπται enuesxeiy «| 
ὌΝ Ὁ Τὰ Ἰαφοιβεληκῆσαί .] ἜΠΕ: Ἷ ofl 
¥ - αἰ. .Jagl.... 
Στ τε δῖ ΤΣ ἀν ΡΝ ν᾿οὐντραφεισδυμν 
ἐπ ΠΥ  ατυ τ ΠΕΡῚ Ἢ δ Ἰεκειν οσωνΐἼθωποι 


Fol. 4 recto. 

..woo[....].. aemol[..] . εταιδ' κυριωσημενεπιτῶν, καλωσ 

Bede 7. peo]. μο.. nuntnp 
.| . aval. \yuvouderupevavovow 

σα ι 
ἐν gyn. [..|. a. λῶϊ. ναντήσασ 

εἸνεν ε[ιραισειπί.Ἰν[. « οἱρᾳισηκειν 





εἰν νὼ φίλοψον ψιττακοῦ δεῖ 

οἱ [.. .| τραγῳδοὶ τῶν θάλασσαν οἰ κεύντων 
ἔχουσι φωνήν" οἱ δὲ πάντες. [ 

καὶ πουϊλ)ύμυθοι καὶ λάλοι πε. [ 

ἐκεῖθεν, ὠνδρόνικε, ταῦτα δ᾽ Allcw|ros 

ὁ Σ'αρδιην(ὸὴς εἶπεν, ὅντιν᾽ οἱ Δελφοὶ 
ἄδοντα μῦθον οὐ καλῶς ἐδέξαντο 

. [1θὴν 1 [. .,] ὦπολλον, ἡνίκ᾽ οὐκ ἦα 
[-.ὔὺὰΣ ...Jau καὶ σὺ κάρτ᾽ ἐϊφο]ρμᾶσθε 

ΤΉ ας Ἐς Ὁ ie 

ΟΟΥ τ ΕΙΣ Ghote, cw atts Ἰ τις αὔτ᾽ ἐποίησεν" 

ΓΞ ΡΥ Υπερ). ἔνερθε δεῖ κεῖϊσ]θαι 
ΣΤ ΝΕΌΣΜΕΣ Ἰλιστι δ᾽ οἰκεῦμεν 
πο ον ΠΡ ἡ] ζόη μετέστραπται ἜΧΟΙΣ een 
Εν CRA OEE »...Ja Φοῖβε Ankjoale waif. slate oe 
ΠΡ cos τον ait tict s Ἰν: οὑντραφεὶς δ᾽ ὑμῖν 

ΠΟ ΔΑΝ ΑΘΓ τα ντ ὁ ] ἐκεῖνος, ὥνθρωποι 

ΓΈ τὸν ἘΠ τ νη 6 [ANAS 

Fol. 4 recto. 

]./.map..p....osa[....]..a émo[. .]. era 5(2) κυρίως ἡ μὲν ἐπὶ τῶν καλῶς 
ΠΣ ΣΕ ἢ WL.) .... (2...) δ᾽ ἐ[π]ὲὶ τῶν ἀναγκαζομένων ὃ ἄλλως φάρμα- 
κὸν |.v 

ἐν κεν κεν ee]. pevfo]]. wo. ἡ μήτηρ 
[- -.}1. ἀνα[.] νῦν οὐδὲ πῦρ ἐναύουσιν 
[... Ἱκᾶ .᾿. pun. [..). «ν΄. AO [συϊναντήσας 

ἱτὴν] δεξιὴν ἔδωκε κ΄. παν.) σπλάγχνα 

[. . oly ev ἱραῖς εἶπεν [ἡμέϊραις ἥκειν 


195 KatyapBpol. ἥπλωσε.. . . φιλί. Ἰνθέσθαι 

SOs - ὃ » . [Πνκρηγυωσεπαιδευθὴν 
β.1- 00 Ἰυ1.}. [Ἰουσατὼ᾽ γαθονβλέψα! 1 
[yo moo Gos ee καιθὲουσαπρηγευνται 
ΠΟ Ἐπ 1. μόχθηροσεξεκνήμωσεϊ.] 
ζοσσο΄οΨὍὁΠσὍιν-"-ς- ]-va. νευγανὴνονήισί. .]σ 

[J.-L -- βητηνκομηναναρίπτειν 

["Ἰρύπτου. .] . vAovntovnp ἀσελγαινιν 

ahof.| . εἰναιτησθεουτονάνθρωπον 

pn. €.. εἰν «οὐνκο.. αριοσεσμούσασ 
205 ενευσατοι . . [Ἰηνέμαξανενΐ. . . “ ow 

αἵ. . «1. yape.. [- Ἰων πονωνπὶ 

[ιν ΖΕ eee ἐπ ἢ 1 

Tuy’... pO«. TPL 
ΠΝ ΠΟ} 5. Ὁ 5 {Bo Ὁ [ 
tae map|...» dn 

210 ἢμὲνπείεινέκί 
άκουϊ .Ἰδητοναῖνον εἶ 

415. Ψ σεισασὶ ἡτουσόρπηκὶ 

off. «1... wn. nodal 

[.].--[-Jveov.. ovva . | 

Fol. 5 verso. 

L. Jeo 

ὠριστὲροσμενλεὺκοσυδρουγαστὴρ εἰδοσδρακοντοσ 
οδ᾽ nAcom ληξθστα[.Ἰολλαγυμνοῦται 
oul. .} ε 

’ + 
220 τισδ' οἰκοσουπερεγωπαραφλιη 
᾽ 4 ἈΝ \ t 
τισδ᾽ ουμεμάντισὴτὶσουθυτηρελκει 


δάφνηνδ᾽ αειδεικαιδάφνηνυπέτρωται 


195 καὶ γαμβροί. ἁπλῶς €... φίλ[.ν θέσθαι 


. uj. [] «Ὁ δὴ .. [ν κρηγύως ἐπαιδεύθην 
βοὸς Ἰυ[.1.ὄ [Ἰουσὰ τὠγαθὸν βλέψαι 
πεν ].. καὶ θεοὺς ἀπρηγεῦνται 
boxee alee ]. μοχθηρὸς ἐξεκνήμωσε 

ZOOL τ} ].va.vev y ἂν ἢν ὀνήισϊτο)ς 
[else [+ + Bn τὴν κόμην ἀναρ(ρ)ίπτειν 

Γ , Ί Ε 49 ᾽ ΄ 
[Ἰρύπτουϊσ .). υλον ἢ πονήρ ἀσελγαίνειν 
αλωΐ.]. εἶναι τῆς θεοῦ τὸν ἄνθρωπον 
pn .€l..ew..uvv ko. apios ἐς Μούσας 
wv a ’ ’ 

205 ἔνευσα τοι... [.1ν ἔμαξαν ἐν [...]. ow 
αἰ. . .]. γὰρ ue... .Jov πόνων πί 

7 ΚΠ. 

a. t 

210 ἡ μὲν πεϊσ]εῖν Ek) 
ἄκουε] δὴ τὸν αἶνον" ἔϊν κοτε Τμώλῳ 
δάφνην ἐλαίῃ νεῖκος οἱ πάλαι Λυδοὶ 
λέγουσι θέσθαι, καὶ yalp ἦν τανύπτορθον 
καλὸν τε δένδροϊν 

215 σείσασ[α)] τοὺς ὅρπηκίας 
06). .).. μη. 0 φηϊσὶ 
[.]..- [.] véov. . ova. [ 

Fol. 5 verso. 
ὡριστερὸς μὲν λευκὸς ὡς ὕδρου γαστήρ, εἶδος δράκοντος. 
ὁ δ᾽ ἡλιοπλὴξ ὃς τὰ [π]ολλὰ γυμνοῦται. 
220 τίς δ᾽ οἶκος οὗ περ οὐϊκ] ἐγὼ παρὰ φλιῇ; 
τίς δ᾽ οὔ με μάντις ἢ τίς οὐ θυτὴρ ἕλκει ; 
καὶ Πυθίη γὰρ ἐν δάφνῃ μὲν ἵδρυται, 
δάφνην δ᾽ ἀείδει καὶ δάφνην ὑπέστρωται. 







ὠφρωνελαίητουσδεπαϊῖδασουσβράγχοσ epopl. ..] . στοναπί 
τουστωνϊὠώνωνοϊσοφοΐβοσωϊ ΡΣ λον eee: ] Neve 
δάφνητεκρούωνκηποσοῦτο... [... .]. ὃ 

δὶσητρὶσεῖ. Ἰπωναρτεμέασεποίηϊ 

[-Ἰ)ὴγωμενη᾽ πιδαιτασὴ σχορονφῖ. «Ἰτέω 

ω ισ 
ope] η Ϊναπάκρωνκαιφέρουσινε[ σἸ]δελῴουσ 

ὠφρωνελα.]ηπη μαδ᾽ ουχιγινωσκω 

ουδ᾽ οἶδ᾽ ο΄. [. . ν ου]λαφηφοροσκαμπτει 
al. «Ἰηγαρειμικόυπατί ευ]εῦσιμ᾽ ανθρωποι 


ιρηγαρειμισοιδεχωποτ᾽ ἀννεκρον 
μελλωσικαιεινη. .Ἰφ{.Ἱπεριστέλλει 
αὐυτοιτ᾽ ἀνεστεψί. πον εἸὐποταπλευραᾳΐ 
τουμηπνεοντΐ. « «.. Ἰιταξῦπί. . τί 
ημενταδαυκευϊ Ἰαλλατηνδ᾽ amyl 
μαλ᾽ ατρεμεωσητεκουσατοχριμῖ 




ηεισασου.] .. . . ἠκαμοιμῖ 



[- -Jrovaptorewvoika...v...[.].. 

[- - - Πελευκηνηνικεσταφοντηθην 

pepo. ᾿Ἰπαιδεσὴγέροντατιθωνον- 

αὐτο. . «μαρτεωκηπιτηνοδονκεῖμαι: 
-.€... πλειονὴσυτοισαγινευσιν 


σευκαιγ᾽ Ἰρουγωηνουλυμπιημεζων 
ηντοῖ.Ἰσιδελφοισ'αλλ᾽ αριστονησωπη" 







ὥφρων ἐλαίη, τοὺς δὲ παῖδας ov Bpdyxos 
τοὺς τῶν ᾿Ιώνων, οἷς ὁ Φοῖβος ὠ[ργίσθη, 
δάφνῃ τε κρούων κῆπος οὐ το. .Ϊ....}.ε 
δὶς ἢ τρὶς εἰπὼν ἀρτεμέας ἐποίησε; 
[κ]Ἰηγὼ μὲν ἢ ᾽πὶ δαῖτας ἢ ᾿ς χορὸν φ[οιτέω 
τὸν Πυθαϊστήν, γίνομαι δὲ κάεθλον, 
οἱ Δωριῆς δὲ Τεμπόθεν με τέμνουσιν 
ὀρέων an’ ἄκρων καὶ φέρουσιν ἐς Δελφοὺς 
ἐπὴν τὰ τὠπόλλωνος ἱρὰ γίνηται. 
ὥφρων ἐλα[ί]η, πῆμα δ᾽ οὐχὶ γινώσκω, 
οὐδ᾽ οἶδ᾽ ὁκ[οίην οὑλαφηφόρος κάμπτει, 
ἁϊγν]ὴ γάρ εἰμι, κοὐ πατεῦσί μ᾽ ἄνθρωποι, 
ἱρὴ γάρ εἰμι: σοὶ δὲ χὠπόταν νεκρὸν 
μέλλωσι καίειν ἢ [τά]φίῳ] περιστέλλειϊν, 
αὐτοί 7 ἀνεστέψ[αντο χἸ]ὐπὸ τὰ πλευρὰ 
τοῦ μὴ πνέοντος κἠπ]τὰξ ὑπίέσ]τίρωσαν. 
ἡ μὲν τάδ᾽ αὐ(χ)εῦϊ σ᾽ ἀλλὰ τὴν ἀπήμ[υνε 
μάλ᾽ ἀτρεμαίως ἡ τεκοῦσα τὸ xpipfa: 
“ὦ πάντ᾽ ἄκυθε τῶν ἐμῶν τόκων δάφνη, 
ἐν τῇ τελευτῇ κύκνος [ 
ἤεισας ov. |... nka μοι μὶ 
ἐγὼ μὲν ἄνδρας ods "Apn[s ἀπόλλυσι 
σὺν ἔκ τε πέμπω χὐϊπὸ 
[. τῶν apicréwy of Ka... v...[.J...- 
[ἐγὼ dle λευκὴν ἡνίκ᾽ es τάφον τήθην 
φέρουσι) παῖδες, ἢ γέροντα Τιθωνόν, 
αὐτοῖς ὁἸμαρτέω κἠπὶ τὴν ὁδὸν κεῖμαι. 

ἐγ €... πλεῖον ἢ σὺ τοῖς ἀγινεῦσιν 
ἐκ τῶν σε Τεμπέων. ἀλλ᾽ ὅτευ γὰρ ἐμνήσθης 
καὶ τοῦτο κὠς ἄεθλον οὐκ ἐγὼ κρέσσων 
σεῦ, K(od) γίὰ!ρ (ὡγγών, ἢ ᾽ν ᾿Ολυμπίῃ μέζων 
ἢ ᾽ν τοῖσι Δελφοῖς ; ἀλλ᾽ ἄριστον ἡ σωπή. 


ἐρώμενος τοῦ ᾿Απ[όλ- 


265 | 



ᾳπηνεσουδεν᾿αλλαηθε ι]σόρνιθεσ 

[-Ἱντοισί. φυλλοισταυτατινθυριζουσαι of . . [ 

παλαικαθηνταικωτιὰλ οἷ. 0... εὐσαι- 

tad ευρεδαφνηνγαιαᾳ.. Ϊ. .] . .. [. . «Jol 

Fol. 5 recto. 

τισευρελαιηπαλλασημοσ.. [.1. ξ[. . .] 

τωφί ὦ Ἰκιοικωκηδικαζεναρχαιοισ 
ενηδαφνηπεπτωκεντωνδ᾽ αειζωων 

ὡσπρινονωσδρυνωσκυπειρονωσύλην πευκην 



τισ[ δ᾽ ευρ᾿ Πελαιηντισδεί. nvdagynvTipa 


ξυνοντοδαυτί οΠισθεουσγαρουδιακρινω 

τ᾿ Ἰτησδαφνησοκαρποσεστιχρήησομαι 

σ ε 
pnt εθεμητεπεῖνεμητ᾽ επιχρισῃσ 

οτησδ᾽ ελαιησεᾳαδεπολλεσωμασταξ 

woe... . . ἠνκαλευσινανδετοχριμα 
ev[....]. upBa . ἤνεπᾳ .. . χωθησεὺυσ 
[. . -Jev[. . «Ἰοντεθημιτηδαφνηπτωμα" 
Tevyap|. .|\pudAdAovouKkeTacm potty. |vor 

Tornoe Allacrarpel nBapyqeeras: 
Tevyap{.| . τοφυλλονονοιϊκεταιπροτεινουσι 
φευτωνατρυτωνοιακωτιλιῷ οἸυΐ. «| 

A... «]Ἰηκορωνηκωστοχειλοσουκαλγ εἰ. .] 

[. «. Παρτοπρεμνονδηλιοιφυλασσουσι 




ἐγὼ μὲν οὔτε χρηστὸν οὔτε σε γρύζω 
ἀπηνὲς οὐδέν, ἀλλ᾽ ἄηθες ὄρνιθες 
[ἐϊν rota] φύλλοις ταῦτα τινθυρίζουσαι ὀξ.. 

πάλαι κάθηνται KwTIX.. σ΄... εὗσαι. 

τίν δὲ etpe ddépynv; yaia.[..)...[.. Τὶ 

Fol. 5 recto. 

ὡς πρῖνον, ὡς δρῦν, ὡς κύπειρον, ὡς ὕλην. πεύκην 
τίς & εὗρ᾽ ἐλαίην); Παλλάς, ἦμος ἤϊρ]ι([ε 
~ 7 ΕΣ 4 > ~ 
τῷ φυκιοίκῳ κἠδίκαζεν ἀρχαῖος 
ἀνὴρ ὄφις τὰ νέρθεν ἀμφὶ τῆς ᾿Αἀκτῆς. 
ἕν ἡ δάφνη πέπτωκε. τῶν δ᾽ ἀειζώων 
τίς τὴν ἐλαίην τίς δὲ [τ]ὴν δάφνην τιμᾷ; 
δάφνην ᾿ἀπόλλων, ἡ δὲ Παλλὰς ἣν εὗρεν. 

> la > =~ ‘ Ν tJ 7 
ξυνὸν τόδ᾽ αὐταῖς, θεοὺς yap οὐ διακρίνω. 
T[és] τῆς δάφνης ὁ καρπός; ἐς τί χρήσωμαι: 

Fat ΄ - ἌΝ Ὁ 7 
μήτ᾽ ἔσθε μήτε πῖνε μήτ᾽ emypions. 

ὁ τῆς δ᾽ ἐλαίης ἕαδε πόλλ᾽, ἔσω μάσταξ 
SEE σ᾿ προ Ιν καλεῦσιν, ἂν δὲ τὸ χρῖμα 
ev[. . κοϊλυμβα. ἣν ἐπα... χὠ Θησεύς. 
[τὸ dlev[replov τίθημι τῇ δάφνῃ πτῶμα. 
τεῦ γὰρ [τὸ φύλλον οἱ ἱκέται προτείνουσι ; 
τὸ τῆς ἐλαίης. τὰ τρί᾽ ἡ δάφνη κεῖται. 
φεῦ τῶν ἀτρύτων, οἷα κωτιλίζουσι: 
λαιδρὴ κορώνη, κῶς τὸ χεῖλος οὐκ ἀλγεῖς ; 
ἱτεῦ ylap τὸ πρέμνον Δήλιοι φυλάσσουσι ; 








[. - ]ησελαιησήκ[. . - . «. Ἰετηνλήητω 
[....] . οἰπολιταικῖ. ... σιτωδημω 
[.. +. .JaTavouve .. ep. . ινηδαφνὴ 

bran ὅσ Ἰαθαλλωκαλλινικοσἠλαιη 
lleva: fence tetbor gece |. φαιεντεκἠπιτηνόπλων 

το. ΤῊΣ |. τερηντιναινεῖται 

ὡσειπετηδ᾽ ὁμυθοσαμφιτηρησει 
A ye 
ny . ησμεζονδ᾽ ητοπροσθενη . . |. 


[. οἸφευτολοιπονεικο.. εἐστονουτ.. [. .] - 

: are .[.].. onxuretye...Tp.. |. να 

ovk ὡταλαιναιπαυσομεσθαμηλειὴν 
γενομεθεχθραισμηλε.. ὠὡμεναλληλασ 
avo\Bavat.... αλλαταυτο.. μ. va 
τηνδ᾽ αγρι Ἰσφανεισαταυροσηδαφνῃ 

lb 0 oor ie σουμαφοιβονουμαδεσποιναν 
[... .JuuBadro.... eve... μᾳποκτί 

Fol. 6 verso. 

leo 5.5 Ὁ δ᾽ eu eno οἢ 

lwo oos lupakatypa . | 
[....luvove . Ὗ οβρ.]Ϊ 
loo ce ]. και. [. voce 
toast Ἰεκηνπαθηκί 

[. . «+ νδεπολληντυΐ 


280 [τὸ τ]ῆς ἐλαίης, ἣ K[abetole τὴν Μητὼ 

ΠΥ οἱ πολῖται κ|5 .). 0. Joe τῷ δήμῳ. 
ἰπῖ το ον: Ἰαταν οὖν €.. ep... ἡ δάφνη, 
ΓΕ Ια θαλλῷ καλλίνικος ἡλαίη. 
πσ:- 1. φαιεν τε κἠπὶ τὴν ὅπλων 
ΠΡΟ Ino dln ο ὁ Ὁ 0.0 olor |. τερὴν τιν᾽ αἰνεῖται 
το τὴν Ἰλικου τε Kol μάντεις 
νον ΡΥ ΕΥ, vy οὔτε πια[ί]νεις 
τ τον: φ]ημὶ τὴν δάφνην. 

ὡς εἶπε, τῇ δ᾽ ὁ θυμὸς ἀμφὶ τῇ ῥήσει 

290 (wd)noe, μέζον δ᾽ ἢ τὸ πρόσθεν ἤλγ[ησΊεν. 
[-.] φεῦ τὸ λοιπὸν eEtko . ἐστονουτ. Ϊ. .]. 
παλτὰ τὴ ir χε τ ἢ ρα 
ἔλεξεν, ἦν γὰρ οὐκ ἄπωθε τῶν δένδρων" 
«οὐκ, ὦ τάλαιναι, παυσόμεσθα, μὴ λίην 

205 γεν(ώγμεθ᾽ ἐχθραί; μὴ λέγωμεν ἀλλήλας 
ἄνολβα: vai .... ἀλλὰ ταῦτ᾽ ὁ... μ. va.’ 
τὴν δ᾽ ἀγριζοῆς φανεῖσα ταῦρος ἡ δάφνη 
ἔβλεψε καὶ τάδ᾽ εἶπεν: “ὦ κακὴ λώβη, 
ὡς δὴ μί᾽ ἡμέων καὶ σὺ μή με ποιῆσαι 

300 εὔστεκτον, ἢ γὰρ γειτονεῦσ᾽ ἀποπνίγεις. 

Ε- ].s οὐ μὰ Φοῖβον, οὐ μὰ δέσποιναν 
[... σ]υμβαλο. . .. eve... ἀποκτίειν.. .. 

Fol. 6 verso. 

-- WIG) 5. Bol 
ξς- Ἰυρα καὶ γρα.Ϊ 
805 [..-.Juvove... ofp .[ 
Eck oot 1. kal. [{Ἰνοισ εἶ 
[τ ets Je xiv πάθῃ Ki 

[- -««ἦνδὲ πολλὴν τυΐ 








[- «Ὁ Ἰοισαμ[.Ἰσθου.. . [ 
boo 1 Πα o Gall 
[- - - -Jouxepovovegn| 

[- . . υστραγωδουσαλλᾳκοΐ 

ἔν: Jevraperpovovy’'a...|[...].v 
πο: ἸΠ5᾽ ὁ 6.0. δ᾽ δδ᾽ονα ὁ ὁ | [. -Jkpouce 
Ε- Ἱτερων . . papi. .]..[. « «]ουσι 

love oO 15. poo... AVA... .« [.].. + aek[.|pdoo 
poo olos a esha . [μαι 

[....]. TayouvovKatx...... νεπλαᾳσθὴη 

[et Σ Ἰφερημενδε ὑπὸ ayap . |. «Ἰκεινουσ 
τς 1. ασηγαπησαναιτα ... αὐτὴ 

ΠΣ Ἰοιδουσεσκεραστεθυμωται 

ἢ Ἰναοιδαικαιμελη .. Ba nf. «| 

bo do Wacol = ηταιτηνξενηνανᾳκρινει 

κα ἡταυτερεισᾳ ...... ᾳτον βρᾳχιονμοιζει 
wotovkap..[.....-. 115 BC aac ὁ abl] Ὁ 
φαυλοισομ΄ .Ἰεἰ[. .. ... ]. νπἰ[:]Ἰρεέπτησαν 

καυταιτρομευΐ. .. κακ͵. σᾳκουσωσι 

Tovd’ovvekov .[......)--[..~-]- env 

EKAOTOTAKPOY. .- +--+ 22+ |xviger 
ὠὡστησελαιησῖ. . - «τ Ἰκητη 
hob ollaGdb aac Ase 1. . [. «]ειδωσ' 
ΠΥ ΠΡ oo Ὁ 9 Vo κα εν vou. [. σισυμμιξασ 







boos Jous ἀμ[ῆσθου.. . [ 

[ oillo ΠΡ καὶ 5 Giolll 

[.. ...] οὐχὶ μο(ῦγνον ἐξηϊ 

[- --]υς τραγῳδοὺς ἀλλὰ κοΐ 

εν πὶεντάμετρον οὐχ a... {...|.¥ 

[ooo Sood 5 Ὁ iG 908 Chor τὺ τ [. ἔκρουσε 
bocce |repov .. pap. .|.. |. . .|ovor 

[--...: ees pace Οον"- [.]... αἱ κ[έ]ρδος 
[- - - .] - -ν yap ἐντελὲς pexp - [μαι 

τ οἷον Kal, Xi nes (a veda On 
ois ord ] φέρῃ μὲν de. . a yap .[. .] κείνους 
Ἐπ τ css 7. ας ἠγάπησαν αἱ Ta... αὐτὴ 

[. «ον ἀ]οιδὸς ἐς κέρας τεθύμωται 

Wetvanesend Ἰν ἀοιδαὶ καὶ μέλη .. ἜΤ . 7. οἱ 
[eistenses s 1. O]. nrae τὴν ξένην avaxpiver 

ἣν δοῦλον εἶναί φησι καὶ παλίμπρητον, 

καὶ ἢ ταῦτ᾽ ἐρεῖ σα. ... . ατον βράχιον μ(ύγ)ζει 
@OT \OUKLEP eo \[secs «>< πο Κρ 
φαύλοις ὁμι[λ]εῖ... ... ]. ν πία]ρέπτησαν 

καὐταὶ τρομεῖσιν μ]ὴ κακῶς ἀκούσωσι. 
Touo owvex ov.[......|.-[... «| - “pny 

ἔκασπος ἄκρον." - > 1 | κνίζει 
OS τῆς ἐλαίης |b eoatoonebe.s \kn7n 
al) ME Al ci Gdibic om tn 71... [. .] εἰδὼς 


> r 7 
οὔτ᾽ [ἐσ .. 1. κα... νου. |. (σι συμμίξας 
Ἔφεσον ὅθεν πῦρ οἱ τὰ μέτρα μέλλοντες 

ρ μέτρα μ 

x SY ΄ ΑΝ - ᾽ , 
τα χωλὰ TLKTELVY μῖ) μαθῶς εναύυονται. 

Fol. 6 recto. 





lot στ ϑ 50. οὐ σι CC |. νισπλεὺσαι 

lp Sisto Grove-d GB dta.deo Ἰ. «λου.] . vnpd. . [ 
ΠΣ ο 34 δ 56 60 ὁ ato jurn . ομιμνὶ 
Πα σλος δ. τιχ . ovKol 
ecrotororciord in co o8o5ds0.d-du0 J. «- διίπηνεῖ 
σσ--- 1 ἀπὸ - 
ες. ἸΠ 5 5.6 ὁ ὑχρῆο α ο Ὁ Ἰυσισυμμιξασ 

εκ. Κρ}... τ θεωμᾳ.. [σεσ΄... opel 
οὐπεσ ποὺ ἘὸΠὸῆππρΠρΨσΠοΠέΠηῖη ΠῚ 
εφεσονοΐ. . .|. . ouf-Ja . - [- «Ἱρ[ Ἱμελλί 

ταχώωλατικ[ εἰν. ηαμαθωσεναυΐ 

adn ectiOup . [.ve . . γαστερᾳπνευσ.. [ 
errouver . . [.] . ᾳρχαιονειτ᾽ αμαρτηΐ 
τουτεμπῖ. ἡπλεκοσικαιλαλουσί 
τί.]. μεχριτ΄. . μ.. αἰφιλοισ. εδησί 
k[.| . vouve .. . . νεγχεουσιτηνΐ 
@... eweovdernixnpa . . [ler] 


“a 5 Sn7{[olleaoums w+ [J]... χΧαμοῦσαι 
OU. Vion τοι «| « [oll [ela QP me) [elt 

SHhS do 3 6 oils do onsen 1. ρηρησισ 
@hoona0000a06 loo one Ἰην . . τεσπαί.] . 
ouTeAA .[.... «J. [...- . .]. eracpovcac 
τ. KNPA[. «se tes ee Τ᾽... μετρονκοψασ 
Gio aillocos ooo ano ade 7. νερυκουσιν 
(LEINAPEI> 0 9 003600006 Jevpev . ται 

Tig . pevav.[...]. de... Epo... .Jn 






τ τ᾿ ida 506 1. vis πλεῦσαι 

ler SRP OAR τΠὸυτ τ: ]. adov [.]. vnp 6... [ 
boccsepeocagdoouc jury . ὁ μιμνΐ 

[ood ae eo: 6 0 bee Oe 18. τιχ - ουκοῖ 
τ One cane ].. - δ πηνεῖ 

Se Seite πο ἐν ΟΡ oe lo FOR co oD oll 
ξΞ-- WodoeGuloccs ουσι συμμίξας 

οι Ὁ 5 ὲ θεῷ μα. [«Ἰσεσ΄... . ape 

οὐτὰ ἐσ ὴ 5 - - τῶν. ΠῚ 

ἼΕφεσον ὅθεν mip οἱ ἱτ]ὰ μ[έτ]ρ' αἹ μέλλ(οντες 
τὰ χωλὰ τίκίτ]ειν μὴ ᾿μαθῶς ἐναύϊονται. 

ἀλλ᾽ εἴ τι Oup.[.ve.. γαστέρα mrevo . [ 

εἴτ᾽ οὖν ετ΄...[.]. ἀρχαῖον εἴτ᾽ ἁμαρτηΐ 

τοῦτ᾽ ἐμπίε]πλεκόσι καὶ λαλοῦσίι 

᾿Ιαστὶ καὶ Δωριστὶ καὶ τὸ σύμμικτον 

τί.) - μέχρι τ... μ.. at φίλοισ. εδησί 

κ[.}. νουν €....¥ ἐγχέουσι τὴν [ 

@...« νέου δὲ τηνίχ ἡψα.. [{ετί 

May Of GES ὡς ὑπ |dlloocac λα Μοῦσαι 
ταὶ κα ἡ 1» ΜΠ": 
= Glo Πα ΠὺΠΠπΠ π΄ -- |. pn ῥῆσις 

CIN) On AREA ED) ONO oto ood Inv. . τεσπαΪ:] - - 
OUTENN ρεοΠΕοῇ | cease 7 πἰτὰς ούσας 
Gre (GO Wooaooopome 6 oF ].. μέτρον κόψας 
CEO rig 6 oo Pa) Bupraliows byes feu |.» ἐρύκουσιν 
(HINED Glo oo cc oonoo noe Jw ῥεῦνται 

τισι LEV QUES 1 δὲ. -- εἐρὸϊ: -- ἢ 

σὺ πεντάμετρα συντιθεὶς ὑ ... ἴ.. .]. 

σὺ δὲ tpaywdo. .J...... ἐκληρω.. 

δοκέω μὲν ουΐ.]. ς ἀλλὰ καὶ τ... α΄... dat 











Fol. 7 recto. 

ον Ἰνγαρὶ Ἰβαινοιπολεισ 
lpcoace Ἰχουμοί 1. ουρεαβλεπει 

lod ooo Ἱμεσωκ. [ 7. στενησουσαλη οἷ 
--- Ἰευρειησκί |. - χθονοσί 

[. Ἰθετουχ᾽ υμειναΐ AY doa ceo Ὁ 

τωνδαναᾳξῖἸυδ᾽ οἱ. .].. νἱ 

pappaxol...J.. varo.. | 

εστινοικΐ. .|). 6. . αψει[.Ἰενλεγειν 
καιταφοΐ. . .|vx[.] . ιαγινωσκεινὶ 
φησικαιπατροΐ. .| . . υκτεινεινοῖ 
TovvekavTn .{.. . οἸπροναιθεαιλῖ 
τησδετησευχί. . .| . ναεισομαι .. [ 
δουσατημικκητιτη . . nvaipe . [ 
ηνικανΐ. .]. L.Jarnvye... vn . [ 
eBdounve .[.].. arpocka σόα ο [ 
nl. -Ἰνοιδ᾽ολυμπονῃτ. . οἷ 

Hose |. time ἢ 

τε. [.] . ατιμησεστὶ 

᾿ζευ[Ἱπατηρουφαυλ .. .. [- -«.- Ἰοκὶ 

πολλατεχνηενταποικΐ. .] . γλί 
παιχνΐ. «Ἰτριτωνισηνεγκενκορ . [ 

πολλαί.] . . . . τουσ᾿Ἰνλμοσαυχενοῖ 

ἘΚΤΕΤΉσ, -[- τ --- Ὁ: items ᾿ησαλοσὶ 

καιτοτυγῖ. 6 ee ee ee eee ho Go | 

c.Jzv...[- ]ην «1 

παιχνιρ .[. εἶνε. . « ἐσεκβαλλί | 
pup . [.| - voraripneo|.je . | ] 
pnidiwoa|...]. [.Jad...[-. ΝΠ! ] 
πολλακαί. 1... [1 - πὶ ἥν 
ησαβονμί.] - αὖἱ J--ef-A--¢ 
οἱ: Ἰσιτησμουφησί Ἰηπενδακρ. 

παιδοσηγυνηΐ Ἰληίστη . 1. . 











Fol. 7 recto. 

ΠΡ Ww yap [ \Baivor πόλεις 
ι-ὲ ‘xoupol ]. οὔρεα βλέπει 
τὸ ] μέσῳ k . [ |. στενησουσαλη . [ 
[Beenie ] εὐρείης κί 1. . χθονὸς [ 

[- .]Oer’ οὐχ ὑμεῖν αἱ 

καὶ θέμεν καὶ tral 

τῶν δ᾽ ἀναξ [od otf. .|. of 

ἐστιν otkl..].t.. aped.jev λέγειν [ 
kai tagof... «[.]. τα γινώσκειν [ 
φησὶ καὶ πατρὸϊς .]. .ν κτείνειν οἵ 
τοὔνεκ᾽ ἂν τη... . ἶπρον αἱ θεαὶ Af 
τῆσδε τῆς εὐχ[ῆς .]. ν ἀείσομαι... [ 
δοῦσα τῇ μικκῇ τι τη... ἡναιμε..Ϊ 
ἡνίκ᾽ ἀν. .1. [Ja τὴν γε...»ν ἡπ.ἴ 
ἑβδόμην σ΄. [.]. πατρὸς kKa..... [ 

nf. νοι δ᾽ "Ολυμπον nr... [ 

ile oo a6 lo GES πὰ τ 

τε. [.}. α τιμῆς ἐστί 

Ζεὺϊ9] πατὴρ οὐ φαῦλ... .. [. .....- Ἰοκί 

πολλὰ τεχνήεντα ποικίίλ ἀγλ[α 

παίχν[ιαἹ Τριτωνὶς ἤνεγκεν κόρη [ 

πολλὰ [.].... lov σ[κ]υλμὸς αὐχένοϊς 

Gs a6 GIS clodgocodoooc ].. ns ἁλὸς [ 

καὶ τὸ Tvy|xdvelv ... 2... Jo@all 

e[.jrv... [..lnv. [ 

maixvio.[..\ve... ες ἐκβαλλί ] 
pupinv .[.|. νοια τιμήεσ[σ᾽ €. [ ] 
pnoiws af...].[.Jad...[...J¢.[ ] 
πολλὰ καὶ [..].. [-]. ηἰ loo 
ἢ Σάβον pl.) . avi ᾽- - PlolAve-~ € 
οἷσι τῆς Μούσης [ Ἰηπεν δακρ. 
παιδὸς ἢ γυνὴ [ Ἰληιστη - [- - - .] 








παντακαΐ "αἰ 
εργαταισ. [ Jao . [ 
taco .[. .|ue 1. pe. 
ονπί Ἰαυμο.[ 

ππς-- le. 

Ἰοσοισικυΐ. . . |v 

Kael s 5 doc eGo Arc | 


Fol. 7 verso. 

Jovregop|.aorr . ὃ. [ 

Ἰηνωπολλονουδ᾽ ἐσκεῖ 
Ἱματωνεκειτ. ἷ 

lore... [ 


]. evpepl 






Ἰσοιδ᾽ υποροφοι 

Ἰεφί. .1. ξωτί.1δὲ 

τς ᾿ς Kolowavto. - .] 

Ἰωδ᾽ αλληντινοί.) . ησί.. 





Ἰφησωφοιβεπ.. [- .Jvny'.Jexyno 


αἰστε. .. V 



Ἰθενμυρμηκεσ.. [. «Ἰσιπτεροισ 


Ἰσαρχαιουσδ᾽ ατιμησείΐ. . «. 


σινκακηνδ... [1. 



].. ντεσανθρωποιπονὼω 


arepevdor . 


Ilo σοσ ας |]. . Κριθωμενὴν 



Ἰογοι[.Ἰχαιρωσιν Ἴρπα . 





. ἐστονκα.]τ. - -. 

pal.) + γαμαυρωσειχρὶ vor 

Tal. Ἰπαιδικαλλιστηδοσισί 






ἵππος ἀστεῖ 7. . vvKpo 

κῶς ἔχω Tad| ]. ve 

πάντα καὶ Jac lcalecoooors Je. [-Jov 
epyataic . [ lao . [ Ἰοσοισι Ku. . οἷν 

Tao. [. «Ἱμεῖ jo NEB ἢ σι oo anc -.- ] 

ονπῖ Ἰαυμο. [ 1 ἀλλήλοις ἕνης 

Fol. 7 verso. 

ovr ἔσω ple] ναῶν τ. ὃ. “νηΐ 

Ἰην ὥπολλον οὐδ᾽ ἔσκεϊν 

Ἰσοι Πύθωνος αρτὶ 
Ἱματων ἐκειτ. [ 
Ἰπῖ3 Ὁ ὁ ἃ} 

}. εὖ μερὶ 
Jom. .Ϊ 
ἵν morn] 
]ερ ἐστί σοι 
]rov γ᾽ εἰ τρίπους 
]s οἱ δ᾽ ὑπώροφοι 
jedi. .] . ἕω τί.]δὲ 

ἐν ον Κοίσιν αντοΐ. - .] . wv 

Ἰωδ᾽ ἄλλην τινοΐ.] . nol. . «ων 
Ἰφης, ὦ Φοῖβε, π΄. [. (ἸἾνην [τ᾿έχνης 



aoTe...v.[.]... Bora 

χρυσὸν pev[....|.. κύνες 

: ε ᾿ Α 
θεν μύρμηκες. |. ἶσι πτεροῖς 
lAvats καὶ φαῦλον οἰκήσει δόμον 



ἀρχαίους δ᾽ ἀτιμήσει..... Ἰς 
σιν κακὴν ὃ...[1.ν. α΄. αι 
].. ντες ἄνθρωποι πόνῳ 
]. ἐστον καἰ.]τί. .. .] 
Ἰστερεῖν dor . [ 
igdie aces 1. . κριθῶμεν, ἣν 
Ἰνπί. «.1...«Ἅ.» ἀμαυρώσει χρί[όἾνος 
7. ταῖ.] παιδὶ καλλίστη δόσις 
Jov γένειον ἁγνεύει τριχὸς 

λ]όγοι[5] χαίρωσιν [ρπα΄.. [. .]. 



Jreov..[..].[-..-.].[.. .Jaodac 

Tc sey asi Sol cae pened tees 

435 ..1 }-T- pra... on..[. .Jao 
- δὶ ]. νσενυμφῃ .. d..[..). 
οιδ᾽ εἰ σ᾿ aera. Buen 
ov .Ϊ 1π|.] «. νικατωταΐ. . .| 
aie ctl sk ρος Ἰεδ. .. [. .Jeov 
440 τεξ[ μαι J. eg. - ἀνῇ. .1... por 
εἰκ᾿ αναξηπί ]- εὐ .J.n. 
eee TO. πὶ 1. A. 1}... 
evxXoparg . - «εἷ Ixexautpope 
κρῃσιονκὰ οἷ τ 7. αἰπερι 
445 θησετί.]. [.] « «1 Se neo ee letkar . 
xpnkaral. - .Jol.]repl Ἰαθα.1 ].. Tew 
τουτον ἐν ν [Ἱππον σοῦ ifsc c 
oy. n+ Τισωντισ.Ϊ Wert οἱ lol 
μα 3 
Unplaced Fragments. 
Fr. 1 recto. Fr. I verso. Fr. 2 recto. Fr. 2 verso. 
war. «1 Ἰ. σαιπολί J. uo. Πα πο 
J... Ἰκαιλεῖ ; Ἰλᾳ Ἰχρίσινΐ 
1.11: «1 Ἰεισβου. [ )άγνον Ἰσεσειπί 
}-[ Ἰλεῖ J... Ἰχρείεσᾳ - | 
}-{ 54 ὋΣ Ὁ: 5 1ητ΄..η..1 
Fr. 3 recto. Fr. 3 verso. Fr. 4 recto. Fr. 4 verso. 

ii 180 τ; “joer 


(RO? πο do lb ooo dlalbc 

ARG 00 I ]-T-pra...op..[. .Jas 
Of ]-¥ σε νύμφη . - ὃ. .[: .] 
οἱ δ᾽ εἶ 1. σ. οἱσιν ἤεισαν oo... .] 
ων οἷ Ἶπί.] - - vixarw tal. - .] 

Τί". “1.1 ᾿ igi ei 6 c 5 τὸ ἴδ τ 

440 τέξ[ο]μαι | ig. . ay[..|. . pos 
dk ἄναξ ym ]. evgf. -| . ἢ 
Goo00 Mo πὶ ows |[ell ove 
ὧν xopoig... | lxe καὶ τροφέ, 
Κρήσιον κὰ.Ϊ 1. αἱ πέρι 

445 θήσε) [-].-[ Jet κατ. 
χρὴ καλάϊ. . .]ω.Ἰτερῖ Ἰαθα. ]. + Tew 
τοῦτον... [ἥππον [ |- cod. = [ en sus 

oy..7.. τισων τις .Ϊ Ἰκ᾿ ἐντ .[ 

Unplaced Fragments. 

Fr. I verso. Fr. 2 recto. 
] - σαιπολὶ ]- v0. 

] καὶ Ae λα 
jets Bou . [ ] ἄγνον 

lAe[ is 
5 φί 

Fr. 4 recto. 


Fr. 2 verso. 

| χρίσιν | 
loes εἰπὶ 
Ἰχρίς oa. | 
iro τῆι: ἢ 

Fr. 4 verso. 

luge την 

Fr. 7 recto. 

Fr. g recto. 

Fr, 11 recto. 

Tet.» doy. [ 


Je. [-]6. 
Jn . [Jeol 
5.1}. [-.]1σ΄.] 

Fr. 7 verso. 

Fr. 9 verso. 

Fr, 11 verso. 

Ἰκεπ οἱ 


Ἰλ 6. v8 -[ 

Fr. 6 recto. 

Fr. 10 recto. 


Fr. 6 verso. 
Jao . [ 

Ἰμ.. .1 

Fr. 8 verso. 

Fr. 10 verso. 

i 5 οἱ 


Fr. 12 verso. 

Ir. 5 recto. 

| γὰρ ηλί 

Fr, 11 recto. 



εν devo 
.. Aoy . [ 


Ἰιλ᾽ of. ud. [ Ἰ στό ον 

Τὺ. 6 verso. 
Jaw . | 

] νήσους [ 

Fr, 11 verso. 


Ao νύσοι 



Ἰουλεσθερεξωϊ Ἰσαπὸλλωνοσ hoo. ai 
Ἰυνθεοισικαι. | Ἰ. εἴτε ΡΥ: | 

5 οὶ 5 Je ὅ [καί 
ἡ ‘one hee ae ae ΤΣ 

τ τ τοϑείο: Fr. 13 verso. Fr, 14 recto. Fr. 14 verso. 
]. af Ἱπιοναί }-[ Ἱμηῖ 
Jef Jrae- . [ 1.1 tas 
Fr. 15 recto. Fr. 15 verso. Fr. τό recto. Fr. 16 verso. 
Jaca. ev. [ J... ef Ἰρᾳ - [ }.-[ 
Ἰανεμοσθ. [ ]- στον . [ Newel je[ 
Ἰσμενίκ . [ Jnoy . . [ 
]. - γουσνῖ Ἰαβέ:}ν .1 
Fr. 17 recto. Pie σείβου ἢ Fr. 18 recto. Fr. 18 verso. 
a blank iol uel 
Fr. 19 recto. Fr. 19 verso. Fr. 20 recto. Fr. 20 verso. 
x οἱ lel ool Ἱκ 
5 6 ses }-[ 5.0 


[β]ούλεσθε ῥέξω | 

[oly θεοῖσι καὶ . [ 
B [ee ol ol 


Fr. 15 recto. 

Ἰεισα. ev. [ 

Jav ἐμὸς O.[ 
Js μὲν ik .[ 


vous vy 


]s ‘AmcAd@vos 

]. εἴτε 

Fr. 15 verso. 


1g. “νων and already the maid had been couched with the youth in accord with the 
custom bidding the affianced bride forthwith rest in a pre-nuptial sleep with her all-favoured 
suitor. For they say that once Hera—” Cease, dog, cease: reckless heart, thou wilt sing 
what it is not lawful for thee to speak of ! Lucky indeed for thee that thou hast never seen 
the mysteries of the dread goddess, or thou hadst e’en begun to blurt out the tale of them. 
Verily much knowledge is a grievous ill for one who controls not his tongue; how truly is 
he a child possessed of a knife,’ 

1~4. In Aristaenetus i. ro the description of the sickness with which Cydippe was 
seized is immediately preceded by a long speech placed in the mouth of Acontius ; hence 
the words 75 . . . φασι may well be the conclusion of the corresponding monologue, though 
there is nothing in the paraphrase of Aristaenetus reflecting these particular verses. Acontius 
is apparently expressing his regret that Cydippe had not immediately followed up her 
(unintentional) declaration that she would marry him after the custom of the maidens of her 
own island, who copied the example of Hera. Cf. Schol. Townl. = 296 εἰς εὐνὴν φοιτῶντε 
φίλους λήθοντε τοκῆας"... διὸ καὶ μέχρι νῦν ὑπόμνημα φυλάσσεσθαι παρὰ Nagios καὶ τὸν ἀμφιθαλῆν 
τῇ τάλι (᾿Ἀμφιθαλῆν τῇ ᾿Ιτάλῃ Maass) συγκατατεθεῖσθαι" ἄλλοι τὸν Δία φασὶν ἐν Σάμῳ λάθρα τῶν 
γονέων διαπαρθενεῦσαι τὴν Ἥραν᾽ ὅθεν Σάμιοι ζήλῳ τῆς θεοῦ μνηστεύοντες τὰς κόρας λάθρα συγκοιμίζουσιν, 
εἶτα παρρησίᾳ τοὺς γάμους θύουσιν, where, as W(ilamowitz)-M(oellendorff) points out, the MS. 
reading ᾿Αμφιθαλῆν τῇ ᾿Ιτάλῃ is to be recognized as a citation of |. 3 and emended as above. 
This correction was not made in his previous discussion of the passage, Goéting. Nachr. 
Phil.-hist. K1. 1895, p. 236. A rather different explanation is proposed by Murray, who 
thinks that the reference in 1]. 1-3 is not directly to Acontius and Cydippe, but to the ritual 
ἱερὸς γάμος at Naxos, ἀμφιθαλεῖ having its technical sense of a youth with both parents living, 
i.e. haunted by no ghosts. But the lines seem to have less point on this view. 

3. = Callim. Fr. 210, from Schol. Soph. Azfig. 629 τᾶλις λέγεται παρ᾽ Alodedow ἡ 
ὀνομασθεῖσά τινι νύμφη. Καλλίμαχος" αὐτίκα τὴν τᾶλιν κτλ. Schneider prints τόν for τήν, but τήν 
is confirmed by the papyrus, which backs up the feminine form by substituting ἄρσενι for 
αὐτίκα; the latter, however, is distinctly the better reading, emphasizing προνύμφιον ὕπνον and 
bringing out the distinctive feature of the local practice. The line had already been 
referred to the story of Cydippe by Buttmann, who was followed by Dilthey and others. 
προνύμφιος is a New Compound. 

4. The poet interrupts himself; he was about to make some such statement con- 
cerning Hera as that in the Townley scholium cited above. 

6. κάρθ᾽ (kapr’) is only fairly satisfactory: the first letter must be either « or ν and the 
remains of the fourth best suit + or y; μάργ᾽, which W—M suggests, cannot be read. Cf. 
Theocr, xv. 55 ὠνάθην μεγάλως ὅτι κτλ. οὔ τι... φρικτῆς, i.e. ‘have not been initiated into 
the mysteries of Demeter.’ 

7. ἐξενέπειν ἤρυγες is perhaps a just possible expression for ‘began to tell’, but the 
construction is harsh and the infinitive rather suspicious, more especially as it has undergone 
some correction ; the first hand wrote egaveret. 

8-9. ἀκαρτεῖν is an otherwise unattested form of ἀκρατεῖν (itself a rare verb), formed on the 
analogy of κάρτος, &c.; but καρτεῖν does not occur. In the latter part of the pentameter a 
reference is to be recognized to the proverb μὴ παιδὶ μάχαιραν. 

10-49. ‘In the morning the oxen were about to chafe their spirit in the water, having 
before them the evening’s keen blade, when she was seized by a dread pallor, seized by the 
sickness that we send out into the wild goats, and falsely call sacred ; this it was that then in 
grievous wise wasted the girl to her very bones. A second time were the couches spread ; 


a second time the maiden lay ill seven months of a quartan fever, A third time they 
bethought themselves of the marriage: again for the third time a fearful chill laid hold of 
Cydippe. For a fourth time her father did not tarry, but set off to Apollo of Delphi, who in 
the night spake this oracle: “ A dread oath by Artemis breaks off the maiden’s marriage with 
Lygdamis. My sister was not troubling Tenos, nor plaiting rushes in Amyclae’s temple, nor, 
fresh from the chase, washing away her stains in the stream of Parthenius, but was sojourning 
at Delos, when your child vowed that she would have Acontius and none other for her 
husband ... ; but if you will take me for your adviser you will perform all your daughter’s 
pledges. For I say that you will not be mixing silver with lead, but in accepting Acontius 
will be mingling electrum with shining gold. You the father-in-law are of the stock of 
Codrus, while your Cean son is priest of the rites of Aristaeus Bringer of Rain, one whose 
duty it is to soften on the hill-top the fierceness of the rising Maera, and to ask of Zeus the 
wind by which the thronging quails are stricken in the hempen nets.” Thus spake the god : 
and the other returned to Naxos and questioned the maid herself, but she hid all the tale in 
silence. So he voyaged forth: it remained to fetch thee, Acontius, to his own Dionysias. 
And faith was kept with the goddess, and the maid’s fellows forthwith sang their comrade’s 
bridal songs which were no more delayed. Methinks, Acontius, thou wouldst then have 
taken for the maiden girdle which thou didst touch that night neither the foot of Iphicles 
speeding over the corn-tops nor the wealth of Midas of Celaenae, and all who are not 
ignorant of the grievous god would testify to my judgement.’ 

to 8544. The poet suddenly changes the scene from Acontius to Cydippe at Naxos. 
It will be convenient to transcribe here the parallel passage in Aristaenetus, Zp7s/. i. 10, 
which is often a close paraphrase of the language of Callimachus: τοιαῦτα μὲν τὸ παιδίον 
διελέγετο (SC. ᾿Ακόντιος), πρὸς TO σώματι μσραινόμενος Kai τὸν νοῦν" τῇ δὲ Κυδίππῃ πρὸς ἕτερον ηὐτρεπίζετο 
γάμος. καὶ πρὸ τῆς παστάδος τὸν ὑμέναιον ἦδον αἱ μουσικώτεραι τῶν παρθένων καὶ μελίφωνοι, 
τοῦτο δὴ Σαπφοῦς τὸ ἥδιστον φθέγμα' ἀλλ᾽ ἄφνω νενόσηκεν ἡ παῖς, καὶ πρὸς ἐκφορὰν ἀντὶ νυμφαγωγίας 
οἱ τεκόντες ἑώρων. εἶτα παραδόξως ἀνέσφηλε, καὶ δεύτερον ὁ θάλαμος ἐκοσμεῖτο" καὶ ὥσπερ ἀπὸ 
συνθήματος τῆς Τύχης αὖθις ἐνόσει. τρίτον ὁμοίως τιῦτα συμβέβηκε. τῇ παιδί, ὁ δὲ πατὴρ τετάρτην οὐκ 
ἀνέμεινε νόσον, ἀλλ᾽ ἐπύθετο τοῦ ἸΤυθίου τίς ἄρα θεῶν τὸν γάμον ἐμποδίζει τῇ κόρῃ. ὁ δὲ ᾿Απόλλων 
πάντα σαφῶς τὸν πατέρα διδάσκει, τὸν νέον, τὸ μῆλον, τὸν ὅρκον, καὶ τῆς ᾿Αρτέμιδος τὸν θυμόν, καὶ 
παραινεῖ θᾶττον εὔορκον ἀποφῆναι τὴν κόρην" “ἄλλως re, φησί, “ Κυδίππην ᾿Ακοντίῳ συνάπτων οὐ 
μόλιβδον ἂν συνεπιμίξειας ἀργύρῳ, ἀλλ᾽ ἑκατέρωθεν ὁ γάμος ἔσται χρυσοῖς. ταῦτα μὲν ἔχρησεν ὁ 
μαντῷος θεύς, ὁ δὲ ὅρκος ἅμα τῷ χρηστηρίῳ συνεπληροῦτο τοῖς γάμοις. αἱ δὲ τῆς παιδὸς ἡλικιώτιδες 
ἐνεργὸν ὑμέναιον ἦδον, οὐκ ἀναβαλλόμε: ον ἔτι οὐδὲ διακοπτόμενον νόσῳ᾽ καὶ ἡ διδάσκαλος ὑπέβλεπε τὴν 
ἀπάδουσαν, καὶ εἰς τὸ μέλος ἱκανῶς ἐνεβίβαζε χειρονομοῦσα {τὸν τρόπον, ἕτερος δὲ τοῖς ἄσμασιν ἐπεκρύτει, 
καὶ ἡ δεξιὰ τοῖς δακτύλοις ὑπεσταλμένοις ὑποκειμένην τὴν ἀριστερὰν ἔπληττεν εἰς τὸ κοῖλον, ἵν᾽ ὦσιν αἱ 
χεῖρες εὔφωνοι συμπληττόμεναι τρόπον κυμβάλων. ἅπαντα δ᾽ οὖν ὅμως βραδύνειν ἐδόκει τῷ ᾿Ἀκοντίῳ, 
καὶ οὔτε ἡμέραν ἐκείνης ἐνόμισε μακροτέραν ἑορακέναι οὔτε νύκτα βραχυτέραν τῆς νυκτὸς ἐκείνης, 
ἧς οὐκ ἂν ἠλλάξατο τὸν Μίδου χρυσόν, οὐδὲ τὸν Ταντάλου πλοῦτον ἰσοστάσιον ἡγεῖτο τῇ κόρῃ" καὶ 
σύμψηφοι πάντες ἐμοί, ὅσοι μὴ καθάπαξ τῶν ἐρωτικῶν ἀμαθεῖς" τὸν γὰρ ἀνέραστον οὐκ ἀπεικὸς ἀντίδοξον 

ro—12. The meaning is that it was already the morning of the day on which Cydippe’s 
marriage was to be celebrated when the sickness overtook her. θυμὸν ἀμύξειν is a Homeric 
phrase, A 243 σὺ δ᾽ ἔνδοθι θυμὸν ἀμύξει.. The oxen were to exhaust some of their high 
spirit in a morning bath, in order to come clean and quiet to the evening sacrifice. 

12. χλόος : cf. Apoll. Rhod. ii. 1216 ἐπὶ χλόος εἷλε παρειάς, iii. 298, iv. 1279: W-M 
notes also the variant κέχυτο χλόος (so a papyrus of the sixth or seventh century, besides 
several mediaeval MSS.) for κέχυτ᾽ ἀχλύς in Y 421. 


13-14. The words ψευδόμενοι δ᾽ ἱερὴν φημίζομεν are cited from Callimachus by Schol. 
Apoll. Rhod. i. to1g τὰ μεγάλα τῶν παθῶν εὐφήμως ἱερὰ καὶ καλά ῴαμεν, ὡς καὶ τὰς ’Epwias 
Εὐμενίδας καὶ τὴν λοιμικὴν νόσον ἱεράν, ὡς καὶ Καλλίμαχος" ψευδ. κτλ, (= Callim. Fr. 276). 
Schneider’s too confident reference to «{ελ i. 5 is now proved to have been mistaken. For 
the exorcism of the disease into wild goats cf. Hesychius κατ᾽ αἶγας ἀγρίας" παροιμία λεγομένη eis 
ἀγρίας αἶγας τρέπειν τὰς νύσους, μάλιστα δὲ τὴν ἱεράν, Philostr. Her. p. 148 Boisson. εὐχώμεθα οὖν 
᾿Απόλλωνι Λυκίῳ τε καὶ Φυξίῳ . . . τὴν νόσον δὲ εἰς αἶγας, φασί, τρέψαι, and Suid. s.v. κατ᾽ αἶγας ἀγρίας. 
The supposed connexion with goats comes out in the Hippocratean treatise περὶ ἱερᾶς νούσου 
ad init. where notice is taken of the popular belief that it was harmful to eat goats’ flesh and 
to wear or lie upon goat-skins; cf. also the references there to the καθαρμοὶ καὶ ἐπαοιδαί by 
which a cure was sought. 

15. An epithet of δομῶν is wanted, and aliréo(v), though involving an emendation, well 
suits the vestiges. δομή is used for the frame of the body, 6. g. in Apoll. Rhod. iii. 1395, 
Lycophr. 334; we speak similarly of a person’s ‘build’. The insertion of ἡ above the 
second ε of ετεξε is possibly due to the original scribe ; the e itself is untouched. 

16. κλισμία : the diminutive is not otherwise attested. 

18. W-M objects to κοτε as inconsistent with the context, since the preparations were 
made at the end of the seven months, and he would therefore substitute καί, But καί is 
certainly not to be read in the papyrus, where «or or κατ is fairly plain, and that an original 
και should be replaced by κοτε is not very probable. Hence the safer course appears to be 
to retain κοτε, which may be excused on the ground that the marriage would hardly take 
place immediately Cydippe rose from her bed of sickness. κατὰ τό would rather disturb the 
symmetry of ll. 16 and 18. 

avriis: ἃ horizontal stroke extending above av is apparently to be explained as 
belonging to a τ, which is sometimes so written at the end of a line in order to save space, 
e.g. in 844; but the stroke in this case is unusually long. 

20. The letters at the end of this line are very indistinct and doubtfully deciphered. 
Δέλφιον is unsatisfactory because the regular form of the adjective is either δΔελῴός or 
Δελφικός ; but the vestiges strongly suggest #, while with Δήλιον, which is the obvious alterna- 
tive, the vertical stroke which is apparently the tail of the ¢ is quite unaccounted for. It is 
also a slight argument in favour of Δέλφιος that Aristaenetus specifies the Pythian Apollo ; 
cf. too Ovid, Zprst. 21. 231-2 (Cydippe to Acontius) ope gua revalescere possim Quaerttur a 
Delphis fata canente deo. 

21. vin εννυχίον is obscured by a blot. 

22-3. An impersonal object is expected with ἐνικλᾷ, and it is therefore perhaps better 
to regard γάμον... AvySapw as a bold use of apposition than with Murray to take Λύγδαμιν 
as directly depending on the verb and γάμον as practically equivalent to γαμέτην, on the 
analogy of e.g. Eurip. Androm. 103-4 Πάρις οὐ γάμον... ἠγάγετ᾽ ... Ἑλέναν. The Naxian rival 
of Acontius is given a well-known Naxian name. Why the verb ἔκηδε (cf. Callim. 7. Dzan. 
231) is chosen with reference to Tenos is not clear, The sense of κήδεσθαι would seem 
more appropriate, but for this there is no parallel; an allusion to some local incident must 
therefore be assumed. A cult of Artemis at Tenos is attested by the name of the month 
᾿Αρτεμισιών, C.1.G. 2338; at Amyclae we hear from Pausanias iii. 18. 9 of a statue of 
Artemis Λευκοφρυηνή carved by Bathycles of Magnesia. The present passage points to 
a common cult of Artemis and Apollo in the great shrine of Amyclae, such as is frequently 
found elsewhere. Artemis was prominent in Laconia. 

24. For the confusion of 6piov with @pvov cf. 6. g. Theocr. xiii. 40. Reeds or rushes 
would be appropriate to Artemis as a river goddess. 

25. Παρθενίῳ: cf. Apoll. Rhod. ii. 936-9 and Schol., iii. 876-9, Steph. Byz. s. v. 


Παρθένιος. Parthenius was also an older name of the river Imbrasus in Samos according to 
Callim. Fr. 213 (Schol. Apoll. Rhod. ii. 867). The iota adscript was added by a later 
hand. λύματα (W-M) gives the required sense and suits the vestiges sufficiently well. 

26. δίήϊλῳ: cf. Callim. Fr. 30 af. Steph. Byz. s.v. δῆλος : Δηλίτης ὁ els Δῆλον ἐρχόμενος 
χορός, Καλλίμαχος τρίτῳ. This had already been referred to the Cyd/ppe by Dilthey. With 
ἦν ἐπίδημος may be compared Ovid, Lpzs/. 20. 19 Adfutt (sc. Diana) et praesens ul erat lua 
verba notavit. 

28. The commencement of this verse is a crux. Some reference to the stratagem 
of Acontius would be expected ; cf. Aristaenetus, /. c. τὸν νέον, τὸ μῆλον, τὸν ὅρκον. ‘There 
is no doubt about vé, and between this and the initial a, which is fairly certain, there 
are at most four letters, perhaps only three. -vé suggests either an adverbial phrase 
connected with what precedes or an independent verb in the aorist, but I have failed to find 
an appropriate reading. W-—M proposes αὐτόζυξ, but this cannot be reconciled with the 
papyrus; the v may be preceded by ἡ, ν, or perhaps yp or rp, but not ¢ A faint mark is 
discernible above the &, but it is not certainly ink and is higher up than a sign of elision 
would normally be. Inthe margin near the top of the supposed a a short oblique stroke in 
darker ink has no evident significance. Murray suggests ἄνει νύξ, and au is not impossible, 
but it is not really satisfactory as a reading, apart from the minor objections that εἰ is 
usually correctly written in this papyrus, and that dvew is not elsewhere used intransitively 
like ἀνύειν. 

30. There is a mark like a grave accent above the first « of μολιβωι and another 
resembling an acute-angled rough breathing above the w: in neither case is the intention 

33-4. The meaning here doubtless is that Acontius was the priest of Aristaeus-Icmius, 
which showed his high lineage. Hence some term meaning ‘priest of’, or ‘ occupied with’, 
is required before ἀμφ᾽; the difficulty is to find one agreeing with the testimony of the 
papyrus. W-M’s suggestion Ajeros (cf. Callim. Fr. 123 λήτειραι) cannot actually be read, 
but it gives just the sense wanted and involves only a slight alteration; and the very slight 
vestiges of the first two letters of the word in question are consistent, so far as they go, with 
An. μ Of age unaccountably has the appearance of having been crossed through; cf. 
note on |. 78. The genitive ἱερῶν with ἀμφί is abnormal and influenced perhaps by con- 
siderations of euphony. For Aristaeus and the Cean rites alluded to in these and the 
following lines cf. Apoll. Rhod. ii. 500 sqq. and especially Il. 519-27 :— 

6) Ξ Ξ 
λίπεν δ᾽ ὅγε (Sc. ᾿Αρισταῖος) πατρὸς ἐφετμῇ 

ae ; 

Φθίην, ἐν δὲ Κέῳ κατενάσσατο. .. 
. ‘ , D ταῦ ; 

καὶ βωμὸν ποίησε μέγαν Διὸς ᾿Ικμαίοιο, 

« , 3 > a ἣν £, > » > ΄ ΄ 

ἱερά τ᾽ εὖ ἔρρεξεν ἐν οὔρεσιν ἀστέρι κείνῳ 

Σειρίῳ αὐτῷ τε Κρονίδῃ Διί, τοῖο δ᾽ ἕκητι 
ἧς δ , ev » Ἢ > 

yatav ἐπιψύχουσιν ετησιαι εκ Διὸς αὐραι 

ἤματα τεσσαράκοντα" Κέῳ δ᾽ ἔτι νῦν ἱερῆες 

ἀντολέων προπάροιθε Κυνὸς ῥέζουσι θυηλάς. 

Ἴκμιος (= ᾿Ικμαῖος), which is properly an epithet of Zeus, is here transferred to Aristacus, 
or it may be applied to the latter in virtue of his equation to Zeus; cf. Pindar, Py/h. ix. 
1{1- 1 θήσονταί τέ νιν ἀθάνατον, Ζῆνα καὶ ἁγνὸν ᾿Απόλλων᾽. . . τοῖς δ᾽ ᾿Αρισταῖον καλεῖν. W—M 
notes that the spelling ἴκμιος is that of the MS. in Schol. Townl. = 19. 

34-7. οἷσι, 56. ἱεροῖς, may be instrumental and constructed with πρηύνειν, which depends 
on peépln)\er, or οἷσι may refer to λήιτος, the plural being used, as often, because a class is 


meant; cf. e.g. τ᾿ 40 θεὸς ἔνδον, of οὐρανὸν εὐρὺν ἔχουσιν, ‘The latter construction, which is 
preferred by Murray, is perhaps the easier. At the end of the line ἐπ᾿ οὔρεος ἀμβώνεσσιν 
coincides with a quotation in Etym. Magn. 81. 11 dpBov ... déyovrar δὲ καὶ of ὀρεινοὶ καὶ 
ὑψηλοὶ τόποι, οἷον ἐπ᾿ οὔρεος ἀμβ. (Schneider, of. εἴ. Frag. Anon. 70). ‘The spondaic ending is 
noticeable ; cf. Ludwich De hexam. spond. p. 19, Schneider, ii. p. 363. In 1. 36 708 is better 
treated as two words than as one, otherwise, unless πρηύνειν be altered, there will be an 
awkward asyndeton. W—M would substitute θαμειοί for θαμεινοι, but in view of the traditional 
θαμῖναί in the Homeric #7. Herm. 44 and the v. 1]. in Nicand. Zher. 239, where the Parisinus 
alone has χαμηλαί, and also the statement in Cramer, Amecd. Oxon. ii 180 ἰστέον ὅτι τὸ 
θαμεινὸς διὰ τῆς ev διφθόγγου γράφεται, to assert the impossibility of the form here is rather bold. 

The rising of the dog-star and the ἐτησίαι were midsummer phenomena, while the 
ὀρνιθίαι referred to in Il. 36-7 belonged to the period of early spring. Cf. Ps.-Geminus 
68 c-d (Lydus, ed. Wachsmuth, pp. 191-2) ἐν δὲ τῇ ὃ (Feb. 24) Anpoxpir@... καὶ τὰς ἑπομένας 
ἡμέρας ἃ βορέαι πνέουσι καὶ μάλιστα οἱ προορνιθίαι καλούμενοι... ἐν de τῇ oS (March 6) Δημοκρίτῳ 
ἄνεμοι πνέουσι Ψυχροΐ, οἱ ὀρνιθίαι καλούμενοι. It is in March that the quails begin to migrate 
north across the Mediterranean. But the north wind which brought the birds was the wind 
which later on cooled the summer heats, and there is no reason to suspect the poet of having 
confused the ἐτησίαι and the ὀρνιθίαι. 

39. ἄνεως : averws the papyrus, but this is plainly inconsistent with ἐκάλυψεν ; ‘openly ’ 
implies ‘declared’, not ‘concealed’. Since therefore one of the two words must be 
emended, it is preferable, as W-M remarks, to select the adverb, which could easily arise 
from dvews, rather than the verb, where a corruption is difficult to explain. A form of such 
dubious credentials as ἀκαλύπτειν, which is sometimes found as a v. 1. for ἀποκαλύπτειν, cannot 
be called in here. The transition to 1. 40, however, seems rather more abrupt if Cydippe 
refused to speak, though this consideration counts for little in the uncertainty regarding 
the reading of that line. For ἄνεως cf. Etym. Magn, ἄνεως" ὁ ἄφωνος κτλ. 

40-1. I adopt in this difficult couplet the ingenious emendations of W-M, though 
without full confidence that the right solution has been found, At the beginning of ]. 40 
a verb is necessary, and vavo can hardly be avoided: δ᾽ might be substituted for a, but that 
is quite unintelligible. κἠναυσθλώσατο therefore satisfies essential requirements, but it was 
certainly not written ; 6A must be inserted, and though the τ is probable, the remains of the 
termination do not suggest -aro: the final letter, at the top of which there is a spot of 
darker ink, looks more like ε than anything else. Above the preceding o there are some 
indistinct traces which might represent an interlinear addition by the first hand. κ is 
probable as the first letter of the line, but 8 is a possible alternative ; βῆ ναῦς would not be 
amiss, if a suitable continuation were forthcoming. More difficulties arise at the com- 
mencement of the next verse. If the meaning be, ‘it only remained to fetch Acontius to 
Naxos,’ some substantive like δέμας on which σεῖο may depend must be obtained, and ἐστώ 
for ecra is not a violent alteration, for which some slight support may be found in the fact 
that ἀπεστώ is quoted from Callimachus by Suidas (= Fr. 340). «ora, however, is far from 
being certain. The two last letters must apparently be αι, δὲ, or Ac; and they are preceded by 
the end of a horizontal stroke suggesting y, 7, or τ; ται is therefore indicated, and although 
the preceding letter is not a satisfactory o, if the initial « be right, there is practically no 
choice. Nor is the meaning which, with ἐστώ, has to be attributed to μετελθεῖν ἐς Διονυσιάδα 
quite a natural one. μετέρχεσθαί τινα ἐς would be expected to signify ‘to go after a person 
to’ a place rather than ‘to fetch to’; and on this account Acontius would be preferable 
to Cydippe’s father as the subject of μετελθεῖν. λοιπὸν σεῖο μετελθεῖν might possibly be inter- 
preted ‘it remains for thee to go’, but τὴν ἰδίην must then be separated from Διονυσιάδα and 
supposed to mean Cydippe, which involves an awkward ambiguity, apart from the difficulty 


of such a use of ἴδιος : Κυδίπζπνην is not to be read at the beginning of |. 41. If on the 
other hand the father be the subject, τὴν ἰδίην Διονυσιάδα is straightforward enough, ἰδίην 
having a point, as W-—M remarks, because on this occasion the ordinary practice was 
reversed and instead of the bride being brought to the home of the husband the husband 
was fetched to that of the bride. Neither the division σεῖο per’ ἐλθεῖν, suggested by Murray, 
nor the hypothesis that ., . Amv should be read for τὴν ἰδίην, seems to lead to any better 
result. For the name Διονυσιάς in application to Naxos cf. Diod. v. 52. 

The numeral μι below this line is a stichometrical figure referring to the number of the 
lines on the page, though this as a matter of fact only contains 39; cf. Fol. 7 verso, and 
P. Brit. Mus. 126 (Kenyon, Classical Texts, p. 82). 

42. No instance of the passive of εὐορκεῖν is cited in the lexica, but the transitive use 
is found in Schol. Apollon. Rhod. ii. 257 ἐκείνους ἢν μὴ εὐορκῶμεν. χ᾽ added above the line 
is in ink of the same colour as the body of the text and perhaps due to the original scribe. 

43. W-M is undoubtedly right in restoring ἦδον on the analogy of Aristaenetus i. 10 
ἐνεργὸν ὑμέναιον ἦδον, οὐκ ἀναβαλλόμενον ἔτι. For the interchange of εἰ and ἡ cf. Il. 28 and 
122. ὑμήναιος seems to occur only here, but has been proposed by Murray in Eurip. 
Fiippol. 552, a conjecture which is now much strengthened; the form ὑμήναος was used by 
Sappho 9. 3. 

45. τῆς μίτρης ἥψαο: τῆς, if right, = ἧς, and the antecedent is transposed, as often, to the 
relative sentence. But it is very questionable whether τῆς should not be emended to τῇ, as 
Murray suggests, ἀντί following its case as e.g. in Aesch. Ag. 1277; cf. Aristaenetus |. c, 
νυκτὸς ἐκείνης, ἧς οὐκ ἂν ἠλλάξατο, Where however ἧς is an emendation: the MS. has ᾿Ακόντιος 
οὐκ κτλ. 

46. Cf. Cramer, Anecd. Oxon. iv. p. 329. 6 (Herodian ii. p. 861 Lentz) διὸ καὶ μέμφονται 
τὸν Ζηνόδοτον ἐπειδὴ τὸ ἀρνῶν ἐκ κεφαλέων κτητικὸν ἔλεγε, καὶ τὸν Καλλίμαχον ‘ χεὶρ ἡ Πολυδζ(εγυκείη ’ 
καὶ “ σφυρὸν ᾿Ιφίκλειον᾿ (= Callim. Fr. 496). Schneider disagreeing with Gaisford and other 
critics attributed καί to Callimachus instead of the grammarian and so produced one 
fragment instead of two, " χεὶρ ἡ Πολυδευκεΐη | καὶ σφυρὸν ᾿Ιφίκλειον, but this view is now 
effectually disposed of. 

49. ov is of course to be constructed with vides, not χαλεποῦ ; cf, e.g. the familiar τί μ᾽ 
ov λαβὼν ἔκτεινας εὐθύς, Soph. O. ZT. 1391. 

50-79. ‘From that marriage a great name was to spring: for thy line the Acontiadae 
still dwells, Cean, numerous and honoured at Iulis; and this desire of thine we heard from 
old Xenomedes, who once lay up a memorial of the whole island’s lore, beginning with how 
it was taken for an abode by the Corycian nymphs whom a mighty lion drove from Parnassus, 
wherefore they named it Hydrussa; and how Ciro .. . dwelt at Caryae, and how the Carians 
and Leleges abode in the island, whose offerings Zeus, god of the battle-cry, ever receives 
to the trumpets’ sound, and then Ceos, son of Phoebus and Melia, caused it to be called by 
another name ; and the tale of insolence and death by lightning, and the sorcerers the 
Telchines, and Demonax who in his folly recked not of the blessed gods the ancient put 
in his tablets, and the aged Macelo, mother of Dexithea, whom alone the immortals left 
unscathed when for its wicked insolence they laid the island waste; and how of its four 
cities Megacles founded Carthaea, and Eupylus, son of the demigod Chryso, the fair- 
founted citadel of Iulis, yea and Acae . . Poeéssa, seat of the long-tressed Graces, and 
Aphrastus Coresus’ town, and joined with them the old man, friend of truth, told, Cean, 
of thy sore love; whence came the maiden’s story to my muse. I will not then now sing 
of the habitation of the cities. . . .’ 



52. περίτιμος is apparently novel. 

54. This reference by the poet to his authority is highly interesting and also provides 
some historical information of importance. Xenomedes is occasionally cited by gram- 
marians (Schol. Aristoph. Zyszs/r. 448, Schol. Townl. Π 328), but only in one passage is 
he more fully specified, Dion. Hal. De Thucyd. 5, where Ξενομήδης ὁ Χῖος stands in a list 
of local historians prior to the Peloponnesian war. It is now evident that Χῖος should there 
be emended with W—M to Κεῖος, and that Xenomedes is to be recognized as the Cean writer 
who was no doubt among the sources of Aristotle and, indirectly, of Heraclides in their 
accounts of the history and institutions of Ceos. Several points of contact with 1]. 56-63 
are to be found in the excerpts of Heraclides, Περὶ Πολιτειῶν ix, though with some 
discrepancies (Miiller, Arag. Hist. Gracc. ii. p. 214): ἐκαλεῖτο μὲν Ὑδροῦσα ἡ νῆσος" λέγονται 
δὲ οἰκῆσαι Νύμφαι πρότερον αὐτήν" φοβήσαντος δὲ αὐτὰς λέοντος εἰς Κάρυστον διαβῆναι. διὸ καὶ 
ἀκρωτήριον τῆς Κέω Λέων καλεῖται. Κέως δ᾽ ἐκ Ναυπάκτου διαβὰς ᾧκισε, καὶ am αὐτοῦ ταύτην 
ὠνόμασαν. No fresh light is thrown on these early traditions by the recently published 
inscriptions of Ceos. 

κοτε is substituted for more in this verse on the analogy of ll. 4 and 18. In the 
Flymns the forms in 7 are preferred, but the Ionic spelling occurs in some of the Zpzgrams. 

56. For ἄρχμενος ws cf. Callim, 4. Dian. 4 and Fr. 113 b, where the MSS. have the 
form ἀρχομ-, making the mistake which originally stood in the papyrus. The Corycian 
nymphs recur in Ovid, Zf7s/. 20. 221-2 (Acontius to Cydippe) Znsula Coryctts quondam 
celeberrima nymphis Cingitur Aegeo, nomine Cea, mart. 

57. According to the Heraclides excerpt quoted in the note on |. 54 the lion was the 
cause of the departure of the nymphs, not of their arrival. A colossal lion close to a spring 
of water (cf. 1. 72 εὔκρηνον) is still one of the features of the site of Julis. 

58-9. Who it was who lived at Caryae and what this has to do with Cean tradition 
remains a problem. Besides the well-known Laconian Caryae we hear of places so called 
only in Arcadia and Lycia, and there is no evident link between any of these and Ceos. 
W-M suggests that the name at the end of 1. 58 may be meant for Κάρυστος, which 
Callimachus might well derive from Kapva. Carystus, son of Chiron, was the reputed 
founder of Carystus in Euboea, and it is noticeable that in the Heraclides excerpt cited 
above (1. 54, note) that town is mentioned. The suggestion is thus so far plausible, 
but Καρυστος is not to be read and, in view of the mutilated condition of the passage and of 
the absence of confirmatory evidence, emendation is too speculative. The following p is 
very doubtful, but there seems to be no alternative to the « preceding it. Murray proposes 
Κιρώδης = Κιροάδας, and this would suit the papyrus well enough ; but no Κιροάδας is known 
except the king of the Odrysae conquered by Philip V (Anth. Plan. i. 5. 24 = Brunck iii. 
182). The remains of the first half of the pentameter would suffice to verify a conjecture, 
but hardly to provide a clue of themselves. 

60. τέων as a relative occurs also in Callim. H. Del. 185, where some explain it as 
equivalent to τάων on the analogy of αὐτέων, &c. But in the present passage τέων is 
masculine, as also in Nicand. Alex. 2, and the derivation from ris indicated by the scholia 
on Callimachus is therefore confirmed. Cf. Zpigr. 30. 2 οὐδὲ κελεύθῳ χαίρω τίς πολλοὺς ὧδε 
καὶ ὧδε φέρει. ᾿Αλαλάξιος is found as an epithet of Ares in Cornutus, /Va/. Deor. 21. 

61. Hdt. i. 171 attributes certain inventions in armour to the Carians, whose warlike 
proclivities are also indicated by the tradition that they were the first μισθοφόροι; but they 
do not appear to be elsewhere specially connected with σάλπιγγες, the introduction of 
which was claimed by the neighbouring Lydians. The custom referred to by Callimachus 
belongs not to Ceos but to the Carians proper, whose Ζεὺς Στράτιος (Hdt. v. 119, &c.) is 
here meant by Ζεὺς ᾿Αλαλάξιος, 


62. per seems to be the word intended before ovvopa, though this was perhaps not 
originally written. The remains of the first letter might represent a μ, but close beneath 
them is apparently another p, possibly inserted by the first hand though the ink is darker than 
usual. An alteration is normally made above the line, but since 1. 63 is quite complete and 
satisfactory, it can only be supposed that the first letter of per was somehow miswritten or 
defaced, and so repeated in this unusual position. At the end of the verse some emendation 
is required: βαλέσθαι would be difficult and καλεῖσθαι is a slight change which gives an 
excellent sense. 

63. Ceos is called the son of Apollo and Rhodoéssa in Etym. Magn. 507. 53. 

64-9. Cf. for this passage Pindar, Paeans iv. 42-5 ( = 841) χθόνα roi (sc. Zeus and 
Poseidon) ποτε καὶ στρατὸν ἁθρύον πέμψαν κεραυνῷ τριύδοντί τε ἐς τὸν βαθὺν Τάρταρον, ἐμὰν ματέρα 
(sc. Dexithea) λιπόντες καὶ ὅλον οἶκον εὐερκέα, and the passages from Nonnus, Dronys. xviii. 35-8, 
and the scholia on Ovid, /d¢s 475, referred to in the notes ad /oc. In three respects Ovid 
and his scholia are at variance with the version of the legend here given by Callimachus. 
The line in the Zécs is Ut Macelo rapidis icta est cum coniuge flammis, and the ancient 
commentators thereon represent Macelo not as Dexithea’s mother, but as an elder sister 
who was slain on account of the guilt of her husband, while Dexithea and other sisters were 
preserved ; moreover, the name of the sisters’ father, the chief of the Telchines, is given as 
Damo, who is obviously to be identified with the Demonax οἵ]. 66. According to one of 
the scholiasts the authority for that form of the story was Nicander; and Jebb (Bacchy/. 
p 444) was justified in regarding it as of a later growth. Nonnus writes Μακελλώ for 

In |. 66 ἠλεά is an adverb, as in Anth, Pal. vii. 639 ἠλεὰ μεμφόμεθα; cf. also Callim. 
Fr. 174 dea μὲν ῥέξας. There is, therefore, no need to substitute νηλέα. At the end of |. 68 
ἀλ  ἡτ  ρῆς (W—M) is very suitable, though the supposed mark of elision is quite doubtful, and 
5, e.g., may be read. in place of A. 

70-4. The names of the founders of the four towns of Ceos are not elsewhere 
recorded, nor is the nymph Chryso, if that be the true spelling, otherwise known, unless 
she be the δαίμων to whom Hesychius refers s. v. Χρύσω (Χρυσώ ἢ). The papyrus apparently 
has χρεισοὺυς (hardly χροισους), an unlikely form in place of which W—M suggests either Xpucois 
or Κρισοῦς. In]. 73 ἵδρυμ᾽ (W—M) is not very satisfactory, either as a reading or in itself. 
There is no example of this scansion of the word, though it may be supported by the 
Homeric shortening of the v of ἵδρυε (B 191, v 257) and similar liberties of later poets (e. g. 
ἐνιδρύσατο Anth, Pal. vii. 109). The initial letter may be a round one like ε or 6; and the 
supposed 8p are somewhat widely spaced. But no suitable alternative presents itself, 

76. The sense requires the genitive with μεμελημένος, for which cf. e.g. Soph. Az. 1184 
τάφου μεληθείς. At the end of this verse the letters δοσ have been interlineated by the first 
hand, and if those below are rightly read, δὸς may be interpreted as a repetition of the final 
syllable of παιδὸς which owing to the length of the line (it is the longest on the page) may 
have been thought insufficiently distinct. The wand a are fairly satisfactory, and the scanty 
vestiges following are consistent with wo. On the other hand, dos is placed somewhat farther 
to the left than would be expected, and it is not quite certain that nothing else followed ; 
moreover, ἔνθεν and the first half of the pentameter are too doubtfully deciphered to afford 
a safe basis for restoration. Still, the purport of the passage is probably not misrepresented 
by the readings adopted. 

78. The poet now turns to a fresh subject, a change to which the marginal sign (in 
darker ink) opposite this couplet may refer, though that interpretation will not suit |. 277, 
where a rather similar sign occurs: the connecting stroke between the two small circles is, 
however, in the present case a restoration. That οἰκήσιας was the word intended before 

F 2 


dooua was guessed by W-M, whose conjecture is probably right, if not very easily verified 
in the papyrus. The remains suggest μὲ rather than κη, and κοιμισσας, if that made sense, 
could well be read. But the κ and ἡ seem possible, and πολίων οἰκήσιας just fits the context, 
although as W-M remarks, οἴκισις would be a better term than οἴκησις : οἴκισσις lacks 
support. There is a distinct mark, which suits an iota quite well, above the first o of 
the syllable cac, though whether it should be referred to the original or a later hand is 
doubtful. The σ itself has not been deleted, while on the other hand there is an appearance 
of two diagonal dashes through « ; but this phenomenon occurs elsewhere in the case of 
essential letters (cf. ll. 33-4, note), and so may be disregarded. In the marginal note to 
the right of the verse μέλλει would not be inapposite and is possibly to be read, but the first 
two letters are very illegible. 

79. The reference to Zeus of Pisa is obscure. It has been supposed by some critics 
(e.g. Ὁ, Jahn, Rhein. Mus. iii. p. 620) that the principal subject of Book iii of the Ae/a 
was the origin of the Hellenic games, on the strength of Steph. Byz. p. 104. 13 ᾿Απέσας, 
ὄρος τῆς Νεμέας, ὡς Πίνδαρος καὶ Καλλίμαχος ἐν τρίτῃ ; and the present mention of Olympian 
Zeus may be held to support that view. The passage of Stephanus, as Schneider shows 
(op. cit. li, p. 138), cannot be considered a very solid argument, but a fresh indication 
of a similar nature is not to be lightly dismissed. How the story of Cydippe came to be 
introduced into such a book would remain a problem, though that is no fatal obstacle to the 
theory. It is very unfortunate that the papyrus is so defaced at this critical point, The 
end of this verse is hardly hopeless, but |. 80, it is to be feared, is beyond recovery. 

80. An ink spot near the top of the second a is perhaps a high stop after that letter ; 
two vertical strokes follow, which may belong to a π, and the next letter but one was 
probably p or v. Some faint marks below the end of this line might perhaps be taken for 
a stichometrical figure, but it is doubtful whether they are in ink. 

81-9. Conclusion of the Aefa, It is regrettable that the passage is marred by the 
mutilation of the first three lines. σε in 1. 83 is the deity to whom χαῖρε in 1]. 87 is 
addressed, but the identity of the deity and the connexion of this and the next verse with 
Il, 85-6 remain obscure. A restoration more ingenious than convincing of ll, 81-3 is 
offered by Murray : [ὀξέ]α piv’ ὅτ' ἐμὴ μοῦσά τ: κομπΊ]άσεται [καί] που καὶ Χαρίτων [τινὰ φω]ριάμ᾽" 
οἷα δ᾽ ἀνάσσης [ἡμε]τέρης οὐ σὲ ψεῦδον [ἐπ᾽ οὐνόματι κτλ. ὀξέα piv’, which would mean ‘severe 
taste’, could doubtless stand on the analogy of such combinations as ε 467 θῆλυς ἐέρση, 
Theocr. xx. 8 ἁδέα χαίταν, &c.; but the neuter φωριαμόν lacks authority, and the point of 
οἷα... οὐνόματι is hardly clear. 

81. |apw: the remains of the second letter suggest p rather than «; perhaps -pw is for 
-pew. The preceding letter seems to be a, δ, or . τ after μουσα is extremely uncertain, 

82, The end of this line is a troublesome problem. ρὲ after the second lacuna may 
be a single letter, perhaps v, though this is less suitable. a is more likely than ὃ before 
the p, and the letter following it, if not o, must be a. The supposed mark of elision after ὃ 
is uncertain, though probable ; 8 might be read instead of δ᾽. 

84. The adjectives may refer to σε in 1. 83 or to a substantive following εἶπε (εἰπέ ὃ), 
which apparently governs κείνῳ: but neither μοι εὐχήν nor χάριν μοι (Murray) nor τελευτήν, 
e.g., is suitable. Perhaps εἰπε τε o , . |. .|. [; or eves could easily be read, if a satis- 
factory combination with the context could be established. 

85-6. κείνῳ : sc. Hesiod, the legend of whose intercourse with the Muses goes back to 
Theogon. 22-3 αἵ νύ ποθ᾽ Ἡσίοδον καλὴν ἐδίδαξαν ἀοιδήν, ἄρνας ποιμαίνονθ' “Ελικῶνος ὕπο ζαθέοιο ; 
cf, Ovid, Mast. vi. 13-4 Ecce deas vidi, non quas praeceptor arandi Viderat, Ascraeas cum 
sequeretur oves, and Fronto, Ep. ad Marc. i, 2 Hesiodum pastorem ... dormientem poetam 
ars factum, at enim ego memint olim apud magistrum me legere : 


, a , > 4 > ΄ “ 
ποιμένι μῆλα νέμοντι παρ᾽ ἴχνιον ὀξέος ἵππου 
ε ἢ ΄ > ΗΠ a> > 4 
Ἡσιόδῳ, Μουσέων ἐσμὸς ὅτ᾽ ἠντίασεν. 

Magistrum in this later passage has been commonly taken to be Callimachus, and 
Schneider, of. εἰ, ii. p. 789, is inclined to agree with Bergk in referring the distich to the 
prologue of the Ae/a, where from an anonymous epigram in Anth, Pal. vii. 42 it appears 
that the poet represented himself as having been transported in a dream to Helicon and 
there holding converse with the Muses, But the close parallelism between the quotation of 
Fronto and 11. 85-6 here points rather to some later imitator, e.g. Parthenius, as W-M 
suggests. A reference at the close of the poem to Hesiod at Hippocrene is natural enough 
in the light of Anth. Pal. vii. 42 (cf. introd. p. 18), though the connexion of 1. 85 with 
what precedes is obscure. With regard to the reading, τε or ro was apparently first written 
before povoa, and was corrected by the original hand. If τῷ is right an antecedent is 
required, so that κείνῳ is very suitable; the first letter is more like « than x, but the ὦ is 
unconvincing and perhaps this also has undergone some alteration. 

88-9. Cf. introd. p. 18. 

90--ἰ. It is noticeable that in this MS. the titles of the different books preceded as well 
as followed them ; another example of the same system is found in e.g. the Berlin Nonnus, 
Klassthertexte, V. 2. 10. For the border of angular marks below the titles cf. e.g. 850. 
20-1, and P, Amh. 6. 3, &c.; that above them is composed of a series of small crosses 
joining their neighbours at the top and bottom, such as are sometimes found at the con- 
clusion of non-literary documents. 

92-5. This opening passage from the prologue of the Zaméz had been rightly recon- 
structed by Schneidewin, G67. ge/. Anz. 1845, p. 8, and others from three separate citations 
(Callim. Fr. 92 ἀκούσαθ᾽... ἥκω, 85 ἐκ. .. πιπρήσκουσιν, 90 φέρων... Βουπάλειον). Fr. 92 
is quoted, as an example of the choliambic metre, by Rufinus, De J/e/r. p. 368, and Plotius, 
pp. 270, 272 ed. Gaisf., in conjunction with another verse, ὦ Κλαζομένιοι, Βούπαλος κατέκτεινεν 
(re κἄθηνις, Bergk), and hence Kuster (Suidas, s. v. οὐ γάρ) referred it not to Callimachus but 
to Hipponax, notwithstanding the express attribution to Callimachus in the Schol. on 
Aristoph. Clouds 232, Frogs 58. The futility of the criticism which arbitrarily sets aside 
such ancient testimony is once more demonstrated by the papyrus. It is of course still 
possible, as was held by Meineke, with whom Bergk, Poe. Zyr. p. 755, agrees, that the line 
was really by Hipponax and was adopted from him by Callimachus ; Schneider, however, 
op. cit. ii. p. 257, rejects this compromise. 

93. οἰκου Was apparently written, but only the lower half of the «is preserved and the 
superfluous letter was presumably eliminated when the rough breathing was added, although 
there is no sign of the correction. The marginal notes on either side of these verses are 
mutilated beyond recognition. 

95. The word following Βο]υπί ἀλ]ειον does not seem to have been ἀλλά. 

96. A trace of ink on the edge of the papyrus slightly below this line to the right seems 
to indicate an interlineation. 

Among the verses lost with the lower part of this leaf may have occurred Callim. Fr. 
98 ἃ (Schol. Townl. = 172, Strabo ix. 5), which Schneider, of. εἴ]. p, 268, assigns to the 
prologue, and gives thus :— 

λίχνος εἰμὶ καὶ τὸ πεύθεσθαι 
καὶ πάντα τὸν βίον τοιαῦτα μυθεῖσθαι 

The reconstruction of the second and third lines, however, cannot be right, and their 
connexion with the first line is very questionable. 


97. On the number of the leaf, which is as much a matter of inference as of eyesight, 
cf. introd., pp. 19-20. The accent on ὠπολλον is preceded by a mark which looks more 
like a rough breathing thana sign of crasis, and above them both there seems to be a short 
horizontal stroke. In the margin to the left some illegible remains of an adscript are perhaps 
to be recognized. The supposed iota adscript inserted above aurodw is very small and may 
be meant for a high stop. 

98. Perhaps σφῆκες were coupled with the μυῖαι, but the passage is quite obscure. The 
exact point at which this and the two next lines begin is not clear; 1. 97 projects by one 
letter beyond Il. rozsqq. θῦμα Δελφόν was a proverbial expression used of persons who 
went to profitless expense; cf. Cod. Coisl. prov. 106 Δελφοῖσι θύσας αὐτὸς ob φαγῇ κρέας" ἐπὶ 
τῶν πολλὰ μὲν δαπανώντων, μηδενὸς δὲ ἀπολαυόντων, παρ᾽ ὅσον τοὺς ἐν Δελφοῖς θύοντας συνέβαινε διὰ 
τὸ πλῆθος τῶν ἑστιωμένων αὐτοὺς μηδενὸς γεύεσθαι. 

99. It is hardly possible to determine without the aid of the context whether the letters 
at the end of the line are rightly read and divided. The doubtful of exary may be σ, and 
av could be substituted for Ay, but the accent will then be out of its proper position; the 
final letter may well be ν instead of σ. A dot just above the line between ἐν and ὦ may 
represent a stop. In the marginal note emray@evra is not quite satisfactory, and there are 
perhaps two letters between «and a. There is a reference to Hecate in Callim. Fr. 82 d. 

100. we: OF Kd. 

102. The coronis below this line marks the end of the prologue. σωπή for σιωπή is 
found only here and in 1. 255 below, but σωπᾶν is used by Pindar, /s/hm. i. 63, ΟἹ. xiii. 91. 

103. οὐ μακρὴν κτὰ. is a parenthesis, of which the sense evidently is ‘I will not detain 
you with a long story, for I have not much leisure myself’. 

105. πὰρ μέσον dweiv seems to be a possible expression for ἐς μέσον ἀναστρέφεσθαι and is 
satisfactory enough palaeographically, though several of the letters might be otherwise read : 
o may be ὦ and em could be substituted for dw. Either δινεῖν or divew is possible: cf. Callim. 
Fr. 51 δινομένην πέρι βουσὶν ἐμὴν ἐφύλασσον Goa and Suid. dewoperny πατουμένην. 

107-8. Possibly π[αϊντα r was originally written, but the interlinear ὃ is far from certain. 
οἷσιν is apparently an instrumental dative going with τελεῦν τες, The Ionic form ἐπίστανται 
is unobjectionable. 

109. καθήϊ is very likely καθήϊκων, as W-M suggests. ‘When he reached old age’ 
seems to be the sense. 

113. This verse was identified by W-M in Etym. Magn. 64. 13 dAwda" τὸ κυλίω, οἷον' 
μέλλοντας ἤδη κτὰ. (= Bergk, Poet. Lyr. Fr. Adesp. 29). Lines 111 566: refer to precautions 
taken to obviate the designs indicated ; but the bearing of the passage on the story of the 
cup of Bathycles remains obscure. 

114. The first word does not seem to be μέσος. Before πότησ the rough breathing is 
clear and perhaps ὡς πότης should be read; ἱππότης is hardly suitable. ‘The marginal note 
to the right possibly extended to a fifth line. 

115. πριν: or perhaps tp. 

118. On the question of the extent of the loss between this line and 1. 119 see introd. 
p. 20. 
119-20. These two lines are quoted in Diog. Laert. i. 23 and also by Achilles Tatius, 
Arati Phaenom. 1, where the two preceding lines are added: ἔπλευσεν ἐς Μίλητον" ἦν yap ἡ 
νίκη | Θάλητος, ὅς τ᾽ ἦν τἄλλα δεξιὸς γνώμῃ καὶ τῆς ἁμάξης κτλ. (Callim. Fr. 94). Schneider, 
ad. loc., considers that the subject of ἔπλευσεν here is ἡ φιάλη, but it is much more likely to 
be the son of Bathycles (cf. 1. 131 below). In 1. 119 owing to a flaw in the papyrus an 
interval of two letters is left after ελε. 

121. mpovoéAnvo's| for mpooédnvols]| was recognized by W-M, who suggests that the form 


may be explained as a false Ionicism; but perhaps Callimachus favoured the derivation 
from προυσελεῖν which is noticed in Etym. Magn. 690, 11. αἰσίῳ σίττῃ means ‘ under happy 
auspices’; cf. Schol. Aristoph. Birds 704 Δίδυμος δέ, ἐπεὶ ἡ σίττη καὶ εἴ τι τοιοῦτον ὄρνεον δεξιὰ 
πρὸς ἔρωτας φαίνεται" ἐγὼ μέν, ὦ Λεύκιππε, δεξιῇ σίττῃ (Bergk, Poet. Lyr. Fr. Adesp. 27), and 
Callim. Fr. 173 ὁ δ᾽ ἠλεὸς οὔτ᾽ ἐπὶ σίττην βλέψας. The masculine form σίττης is not attested, 
though the forms σίττας, σίττος occur in Hesych.; but αἰσίῳ may be defended, even if σίττῃ 
is feminine, on the analogy of e.g. Pindar, Py/h. iv. 40, where the MSS. have αἴσιον... 
Bpovrdv.— Traces of darker ink to the left of the line may be the remains of a marginal note. 

122. κωνείῳ : cf. Hesych. κώνειον... νάρθηξ. 

124-8. Cf. Diog. Laert. i. 24 παρά τε Αἰγυπτίων γεωμετρεῖν μαθόντα (Sc. τὸν Θάλητα) φησὶ 
Παμφίλη πρῶτον καταγράψαι κύκλου τὸ τρίγωνον ὀρθυγώνιον καὶ θῦσαι βοῦν. οἱ δὲ Πυθαγόραν φασίν, 
ὧν ἐστιν ᾿Απολλόδωρος ὁ λογιστικός, οὗτος προήγαγεν ἐπὶ πλεῖστον, ἅ φησι Καλλίμαχος ἐν τοῖς 
᾿Ιάμβοις Εὔφορβον εὑρεῖν τὸν Φρύγα, οἷον σκαληνὰ καὶ (Schneider, who is followed by Diels, 
wrongly wished to delete καί) τρίγωνα καὶ ὅσα γραμμικῆς ἔχεται θεωρίας, and Diodor. x. 6 
(Excerpt. Vatic. p. 30) ὅτι Καλλίμαχος εἶπε περὶ Πυθαγόρου, διότι τῶν ἐν γεωμετρίᾳ προβλημάτων τὰ 
μὲν εὗρε, τὰ δὲ ἐκ τῆς Αἰγύπτου πρῶτος εἰς τοὺς Ἕλληνας ἤνεγκεν, ἐν οἷς ὅτ᾽ ἐξεῦρε Φρὺξ Εὔφορβος 
ὅστις ἀνθρώποις τρίγωνα καὶ σκαληνὰ καὶ κύκλον ἑπταμήκη δίδαξε (510) νηστεύειν τῶν ἐμπνεόντων, οἱ τάδ᾽ 
οὐδ᾽ ὑπήκουσαν πάντες. The reconstruction of these passages as printed by Schneider is as 
follows (Fr. 83 a) :-— 

προήγαγεν δ᾽ ἐπὶ πλεῖστον 

ἃ ᾿ξεῦρε Φρὺξ Εὔφορβος, ὅστις ἀνθρώπους 

τρίγωνά τε σκαληνὰ καὶ κύκλων ἑπτὰ 

μήκη ᾿δίδαξε κὴἠδίδαξε νηστεύειν 

τῶν ἐμπνεόντων" οἱ δ᾽ ἄρ᾽ οὐχ ὑπήκουσαν 

Various other attempts which have been made are not more successful, except that Hecker 
and Brink prove to have been right in combining with these lines Fr. 91 οὐ πάντες ἀλλ᾽ ods 
ἔσχεν οὕτερος δαίμων, a suggestion which Schneider emphatically rejected. By ὁ Φρὺξ 
Εὔφορβος is of course meant Pythagoras; cf. e.g. Diog. Laert. viii. 4. In ]. 126 κύκλον 
ἑπί ταμήκε᾽ is strongly supported by the passage of Diodorus, in spite of the obscurity of the 
phrase and the accented «. To the right of this accent, moreover, there is the appearance 
of a small \ in dark ink, which remains unexplained. Line 128 is quoted by the Schol. on 
Pindar, Py/h. iii. 64 καὶ τῶν γειτόνων, φησί, πολλοὶ ἀπέλαυσαν τοῦ κακοῦ τοῦ περὶ THY Κορωνίδα" 
λοιμὸς γὰρ ἐγένετο, αἴτιοι δὲ τοῦ λοιμοῦ ᾿Απόλλων καὶ ΓΆρτεμις. λοιμοῦ οὖν γενομένου συναπέλαυσαν καὶ 
οἱ μηδὲν αἴτιοι. (Ἡσίοδος: πολλάκι καὶ ξύμπασα πόλις κακοῦ ἀνδρὸς ἀπηύρα. Καλλίμαχος δέ φησιν" 
οὐ πάντες ἀλλ᾽ ods ἔσχεν ἕτερος δαίμων, εἶχεν, the reading of the papyrus, is preferable to ἔσχεν, 
and the alteration of ἕτερος is of course demanded by the metre. ‘The appositeness of the 
citation is not very evident, and Bentley was probably right after all in regarding it as 
merely a parallel for δαίμων ἕτερος in PyZh. iii. 62. 

130. For the absence of aspiration cf. 1, 108 ἐπίστανται, 1. 135 τἠτέρῃ, 1. 253 Kas. The 
letter following ξ was probably ἢ or « 

131. οὑμὸς πατήρ: cf. Diog. Laert. i. 29 6 δὲ περιενεγκὼν τὴν φιάλην τοῦ Βαθυκλέους παῖς 
Θυρίων ἐκαλεῖτο, καθά φησιν ἜἜλευσις ἐν τῷ Περὶ ᾿Αχιλλέως καὶ ᾿Αλέξων 6 Μύνδιος ἐν ἐνάτῳ Μυθικῶν. 
It may be inferred that no name was mentioned by Callimachus, W-M observes that οὑμός 
is more probably for ὃ ἐμός than ὁ ἐμός. 

132. ὀνήιστος, as remarked by W—M, may be supplied with certainty from Diog. Laert. 
i. 28 BaOukdéa . , . ἐπισκῆψαι δοῦναι τῶν σοφῶν ὀνηϊστῳ. Schneider, op. cit. ii. p. 246, here 
preferred the reading τῶν σοφῶν τῷ πρωτίστῳ, and did not accept τῶν σοφῶν ὀνηΐστῳ as a 
quotation from Callimachus. 


133. ἀριστεῖον here and λαβὼν χειρί in |. 135 are added exempli gratia; for the former 
cf. Callim. Fr. 95 quoted below in the note on 1. 138. 

134. The restorations are due to W-M. 

136. δόσιν is only fairly satisfactory. 6 is most probable as the first letter, but » could 
well be read in place of ov and the o must be supposed to have been rather larger and 
straighter-sided than usual; o of voc in the following line is however not dissimilar. The 
second letter of the line may also be ὃ or ¢ 

137. The doubtful letter before ὦ (0) may also be 8, 4, p, or o. 

138. 8 though broken at the bottom is practically certain, and in this context a refer- 
ence to the sage of Priene is most natural. The form Biys however, though printed by 
Cobet in Diog. Laert. i. 88 and sanctioned by Pape, Griech. Eigennamen, is abnormal and 
requires better testimony than that of the papyrus. 

It may be convenient to add here the four verses previously extant from the sequel of 
the story of Bathycles. They are :— 

Callim. Fr. 89 (Cramer, Anecd. Oxon. ii. p. 297): 

Σόλων" ἐκεῖνος δ᾽ ὡς Χίλων ἀπέστειλεν. 
Fr. 96 (Etym. Magn. 442. 10): 

ΤΙ Δεν τὸ Bapov es Oddyr’ avodicGev. 
Fr. 95 (Diog. Laert. i. 29): 

Θάλης pe τῷ μεδεῦντι Neihew δήμου 
δίδωσι, τοῦτο δὶς λαβὼν ἀριστεῖον. 

139. The subject has changed and ἃ new Iambus has commenced; cf. introd., p. 20. 

ὁρῇ (W-M) seems right and o is perhaps possible, though the remains do not suggest 
this letter. A flaw in the papyrus caused a slight interval to be left after ovroa: cf. note on 
Il. 119-20. ᾿Αλκμέων is better interpreted with W—M asa term of reproach than as the man’s 
actual name, Alcmaeon was a typical matricide; cf. the line af. Dio Cass. Ixi. 16 Νέρων, 
᾽Ορέστης, ᾿Αλκμέων μητροκτόνοι. 

140. Bade is clear, but can hardly stand, and W-M’s βάλλ᾽ # seems the easiest 
emendation. It is possible that something has been inserted above the line over the «. 
A mark of elision should perhaps be recognized after the second φευγ. 

141. The faint traces suggest αὐτὸ rather than avrw, and some compound of aéro- 
might have stood here; a dative depending on κηρύσσει is however more obvious, and may 
be right. δ᾽ was deleted by a later hand. 

143. εξοπισθε is very doubtful, the penultimate letter being more like 8 than anything 
else. No verb in the present or aorist seems to be obtainable, and ἐξοπασθείς is excluded, 
the « being certain. κοὐκ would not fill the space nor would that be suitable without 
a preceding verb. At the end of the line χάσκει, which W-M suggests, or even ἐγχάσκει, 
is possible, and would be apposite if the meaning is ‘those behind mockingly put out their 
tongues at him as he runs away’, 

144. ἑλὼν has perhaps been written for εἰλῶν or εἴλων ; such a mistake might easily 
occur. The remains of the supposed « could also be interpreted as a followed by the 
comma sometimes placed between two consonants, but there is no sign whatever of 
a preceding «. ἡ of muy seems to have undergone some alteration. 

147. The last half of this verse is no doubt to be identified with Callim. Fr. 98, quoted 
as an example of varying gender in Etym. Magn. 502. 27, Eustath. B p. 108. 22, Schol. A 
on /tad 1 312, &c, Schol. A has the infin. γυμνάζειν, which was preferred by Meineke, 


whom Schneider follows; Meineke was also mistaken in referring the phrase to the 
prologue of the Zaméz. 

153. |vode: or perhaps ὕυσασ. 

154-5. Some of the letters of these two lines have been renovated with darker ink ; cf. 
notes on Il. 357 and 395. 

158. The first letter may be o, i.e. (€)k|oAve. 

160sqq. On the subject of these lines see introd. pp. 20-1; animals are turned into 
men by Prometheus in an extant fable (Furia 320). Callim. Fr. 87 may well belong to 
this Iambus; cf. note on |. 217. At the end of |. 160 ra xpor .{ might be read, if it could be 
combined with what precedes: the letters between ro (or re) and 7 are very doubtful. 

162. αισυμνων is an attractive suggestion of W—M, but is not quite satisfactory, the vo 
being too cramped. The slight traces preceding are consistent with δ᾽ : d:xa\to\y might also 
be read. If a faint mark above υ of lve be regarded as an acute accent ‘the restoration 
ἐϊκφ]ύς would become more doubtful, since the accent expected would be a grave on the ε, 

163. ἑρπετῶν is essential, though the vestiges are not easily reconciled with a final ». 
At the end of the line, {ὀφθαλμός is the right. word, W—M’s correction τ(ὠγφθαϊλμώ seems 
necessary, since a r(e) would be superfluous. 

164-6. The construction and sense of this passage are obscure. In |. 164 pov may 
possibly be pev, i.e. another verb; but the remains of the letter after rovr, though indistinct, 
do not well suit an e. eo in 1. 166 is clear, but a verb in the second person seems quite 
out of place, and [. ..|y” ἐς is also difficult. There is perhaps not more than one letter 
between κενοσ and ἐ, which is preceded by a vertical stoke: μὲν e. g. might be read. 

168. Perhaps of [γὰρ] or οἱ [δὲ] τραγῳδοί : there is hardly room for οἱ ἱμέν],  oi[kedvrav 
(W-M) is highly conjectural, the traces after θάλασσαν being very faint and ambiguous. 

171. Andronicus was presumably a friend to whom the poem was addressed (cf. the 
Bpayxos of Babrius) ; Callimachus can hardly be supposed to be apostrophizing the tragedian 
of that name. 

171-3. This passage ταῦτα... ἐδέξαντο is cited without the name of the author by 
Apollon. Sophist. s. v. ἄειδε. Lachmann referred the lines to Babrius, but Schneidewin, Gove. 
gel. Anz. 1845, p. 7, and Ahrens, De Cras. ef Aphaer. p. 31, prove to have been right in 
crediting them to Callimachus ; Schneider, of. c7/. ii. p. 272, expressed no definite opinion. 
Lachmann and Schneidewin also proposed to add at a short interval another anonymus 
verse restored from Suidas s.v. ἔωσεν, καὶ περὶ τοῦ Αἰσώπου" οἱ Δελφοὶ ἔωσαν αὐτὸν κατὰ κρημνοῦ 
μάλα (ἔωσαν αὐτὸν μάλ᾽ ἀθέως κατὰ κρημνοῦ Schneider, 1. c.) of which there is no sign here, 
though the lacuna at 1. 177 would be a possible place for it. σαρδιήνευς in the papyrus 
requires emendation. The object of the sign in the margin opposite 1. 173 is not clear ; it 
was added or renovated by a later hand. 

174. ja: cf. Eustath. € p. 1789. 27 (ρακλείδης) λέγει ὡς καὶ ἀναλογώτερον τοῦ ἔα τὸ ἦα, 
γλώσσης μὲν ὃν ᾿Ασιανῆς, κείμενον δὲ καὶ παρὰ Καλλιμάχῳ (Fr. 3.42), 

175. ἐφο)ρμᾶσθε: the supposed mark of elision, the ε and the p are all very doubtful, 
and there is barely room for [go]. There are traces after 6e which suggest another letter 
(e.g. v or wr), but this is inconsistent with the accent on the a. 

179. avr seems to have been accented, but the nature of the accent is very uncertain. 

181, Ἰλιστι : or conceivably Ἰδιστι, 

182. επικεχειρίηται in the marginal note is an abnormal division, and there are traces of 
ink after the p, but perhaps ἡ was miswritten at the end of the first line owing to the narrow 
space and therefore repeated in front of τ. It is probable that the margin ‘did not extend 
farther to the right and that p .[ and »{ were the last letters of Il. 1 and 2. The note may 
have been continued in one or two more lines, 


185. ὠνθρωποι seems to have been intended, though what precisely was written is open to 
question. ὡπ is nearly certain, but the supposed deletion and interlinear p are unsatisfactory. 
Possibly there are more letters than one above the line. The speaker is perhaps Apollo. 

186. ψηφ᾽οἱις could be read. 

187--9. To what this note refers is obscure. The line with which it was to be 
connected was no doubt indicated by a marginal symbol (cf. 1. 265), and the marks opposite 
ll. 214-16 may denote its position, though they are at any rate partially in darker ink. 

192. λῶ; or δῶ, perhaps ὁδῷ, which would suit the context. The supposed interlinear 
iota adscript resembles that noted in |. 97, and might be interpreted as a high stop. At 
the beginning of the line x may be x, and it is uncertain whether the circumflex accent was 
intended for the a or the next letter, which would then be 1, Ἰκαῖ ὁ. ¢. 

193. καί in some shape no doubt followed ἔδωκε, but it is useless to restore this without 
the next word. κἀπάνω might be read. 

194. |...|y is presumably a participle, e. g. [ἰδώ]ν, if the subjects of εἶπεν and ἥκειν were 

196. The inserted letters may also be read as aio or oo. 

198. ἀπρηγεῦνται : the middle form occurs only here apparently. 

199. ἐξεκνήμωσε : Cf. Hesych. ἐξεκνημώθη" ἐξεφθάρη. 

200. The smooth breathing above » of nv is hardly certain. 

201. Only the tip of the supposed accent on αναριπτειν remains, and this might be the 
base of an inserted p (by a later hand). 

202. [ . ἰρύπτουϊ : the accent is again uncertain. ἀσελγαίν(ενιν (W—M) suits the remains 
of the letters, but is unsatisfactory owing to the rough breathing added above the initial 
letter, which is much more like a than 0; the termination may be -vy. 

204. There is perhaps some corruption here. japyos (or apyos) ες might be read, but 
the preceding letters are then unintelligible, and « after p is more suitable than y. There 
may be two letters between xo and ap. 

210. πε. Ἰεινέκ[ : OF e.g. To. [-|nved. 

211-13. At]. 211 begins the narrative of the quarrel between the laurel and the olive. 
ἄκου εἾ . .. θέσθαι = Callim. Fr. 93 a, from Ammonius, De Diff. Vocab. αἶνός ἐστι λόγος κατὰ 
ἀνάπλασιν μυθικὴν ἀπὸ ἀλόγων ζῴων ἢ φυτῶν... ἀπὸ δὲ φυτῶν, ὡς παρὰ Καλλιμάχῳ" ἄκουε κτὰ., and 
other grammarians and compilers. Bentley was evidently right in attributing to the same 
poem the quotation in Cod. Oxon. Περὶ τρόπων ποιητικῶν, ἀστεϊσμὸς ... παρὰ δὴ Καλλιμάχῳ ἀστεῖζο- 
μένη ἡ ἐλαία φησίν: ἐγὼ φαύλη πάντων τῶν δένδρων εἰμί. Critics have arranged the words in various 
ways, mostly vitiated by the fault that condemns Schneider’s ἐγὼ φαύλη | πάντων... τῶν 
δένδρων εἰμί, namely the presence of a spondee in the fifth foot. As the papyrus proves, 
Callimachus in his choliambics consistently avoids this; the version adopted by Schneider 
of Fr. 98a is again inadmissible on the same ground. Meineke’s ἐγὼ δὲ πάντων εἰμὶ δενδρέων 
φαύλη is metrically sound, but ἐγὼ φαύλη | δένδρων ἁπάντων εἰμί would be nearer to tradition. 

213. W—M’s suggestion for the completion of the verse is printed exempli gratia. 
The only objection is the presence over the line between y and a of a mark which does not 
suit an accent on γαῖρ and might be taken to denote an elision, καὶ y’. But that this is 
its purpose is by no means clear, and unmeaning ink-marks occur a little lower down between 
I]. 214 and 215; moreover, Callimachus is rather addicted to καὶ γάρ: cf. e.g. Il. 104 
and 110. 

214-15. The papyrus is imperfect and the form of the signs in the margin here is not 
quite certain. There seem to be three strokes, a vertical one above and a horizontal one 
below, with something of the nature of a curve between them. Possibly they had a con- 
nexion with the adscript at the top of the page. 


217. νέον δ᾽ οὖν or γοῦν will not account for the vestiges. νεόμεθ᾽ odv-might be read, 
but is not satisfactory. Schneider agrees with Meineke that Callim. Fr. 93 should be con- 
nected with Fr. 87, in which case the latter three verses, if φηΐσι in 1. 216 is correct, must 
have succeeded immediately here. They are 

> n a, 
ἦν κεῖνος οὑνιαυτός, @ TO τε πτηνὸν 

\ > , \ ‘ , “ 
Kat τοὺυν θαλάσσῃ και τὸ τετράπουν OUT@S 

ἐφθέγγεθ' ὡς ὁ πηλὸς ὁ Προμηθεῖος. 

But the first of these lines is not to be identified with 1. 217, and, as W—M remarks, the 
* passage may be referred with more probability to the Iambus partially preserved on Fol. 4 

218-239. ‘“... the left white as a snake’s belly, the other, which is oft uncovered, 
burnt by the sun. What house is there where I am not at the door-post ? What seer, what 
offerer of sacrifice does not take me with him? Yea, and the priestess of Pytho has her 
seat in laurel, of laurel she sings, of laurel makes her couch. O foolish olive, did not 
Branchus save the sons of the Ionians, when Phoebus was angry with them, by striking 
them with laurel and saying twice or thrice ...? I go to feasts and to the Pythian choral 
dance, I am made a prize of victory, and the Dorians cut me on the hill-tops at Tempe and 
carry me to Delphi whene’er the rites of Apollo are celebrated. O foolish olive, I am 
acquainted with no hurt, nor know I the path of the bier-carrier, for I am pure, nor do 
men trample me, for I am sacred; but with you whenever they are about to burn a corpse 
or lay it out for burial they crown themselves and also duly place you beneath the sides of 
the lifeless body ”, 

218-19. In ]. 218 above the « of λευκοσ there is a mark in dark ink like a large sign of 
elision, with some lighter cross-strokes through it. ὡς above the first v of vdpov has been 
written through a circular mark somewhat like a 6, from the pen of the original scribe; _ it 
is perhaps nothing more than a blot. 

The reference in these two lines is obscure. It can hardly be to the olive, with regard 
to which the distinctions of right and left would be inapposite ; nor do the olive’s leaves or 
fruit show any such variation of colour as is here indicated. Murray suggests that a person 
wearing an exomis is meant, perhaps Apollo, who is sometimes so represented. ἡλιοπλήξ is 
a new compound ; the accent was carelessly placed between the π᾿ and X, instead of on the o. 

223. ‘Sings of the laurel’ seems rather strange here, and W—M suggests ἀείρει ; but it 
is perhaps best to leave the text as it stands. The ὃ is clear. 

224-7. Cf. Clem. Alex. S/rom. v. 8. 48 ᾿Απολλόδωρος δ᾽ ὁ Κερκυραῖος rods στίχους τούτους 
ὑπὸ Βράγχου ἀναφωνηθῆναι τοῦ μάντεως λέγει Μιλησίους καθαίροντος ἀπὸ λοιμοῦ. ὁ μὲν γὰρ ἐπιρραίνων 
τὸ πλῆθος δάφνης κλάδοις προκατήρχετο τοῦ ὕμνου ὧδέ πως" μέλπετε, ὦ παῖδες, “Exdepyov καὶ “Εκαέργαν, 
ἐπέψαλλεν δ᾽ ὡς εἰπεῖν ὁ λαός" βέδυ, Cay, χθώμ, πλῆκτρον, σφίγξ' κναξζβίχ, θύπτης (κναξζβὶ χθύπτης 
cod. L), φλεγμό, δρώψ. μέμνηται τῆς ἱστορίας καὶ Καλλίμαχος ἐν ᾿Ιάμβοις (Fr. 75). In]. 224 the 
papyrus has ove before βράγχος, but a relative would leave τοὺς δὲ παῖδας suspended, an unlikely 
anacoluthon. The emendation of οὖς to ot and the restoration of ὠργίσθη are due to W-M, 
who in ]. 226 further proposes κῆπος οὐ τορὸν κναξζβί (cf. Clem. Alex.), but this does not suit 
the papyrus. That ov is for οὐ (not οὗ) is apparently indicated by the accent, but ro is followed 
by a vertical stroke which is not long enough for p and would suit «, x, A, μη or ν. Above 
the final letter of the line a later hand has added a curved mark which the printed text 
reproduces sufficiently nearly: it is not much like a circumflex accent, though possibly |e? 
might be read; |% is unsuitable. κῆπος must be right, though the remains of the final 


letter suggest ε rather than o. The sense of the gloss on 1. 224 is evident, but its precise 
form is not very certain ; if ἐρώμζεν]ος is right the bracketed letters were rather widely spaced. 
In ελαιη (1. 224) there is an (earlier) accent on a as well as one on « 

230-2. The allusion here is to the Delphic theoria sent every ninth year to Tempe, 
whence a laurel branch was carried back by a δαφνηφόρος παῖς. This solemnity com- 
memorated the purification of Apollo at Tempe (cf. 1. 232 τὠπόλλωνος ἱρά) after killing the 
Python ; see Steph. Byz. p. 223. 12, Plutarch, Aet. Gr. 12 (293c), Miiller, Dordans ii. τ. 2. 
Apparently the form Τεμπόθεν is not otherwise attested. In ]. 232 a faint mark above ἡ of 
ἐπὴν is probably not to be regarded as a grave accent. 

231. es, aS written originally, is the commoner form in the iambists; cf. 1, 248. 

233. The marginal mark is of the nature of a coronis, which however is not par- 
ticularly apposite here. 

234. The appearance of an acute accent (by the first hand?) on o:d is possibly due to 
the rubbing of a badly written circumflex. éx/oin|» was restored by W—M, who also aptly 
refers for οὑλαφηφόρος to Hesychius, οὐλαφηφορεῖ: νεκροφορεῖ. There seems to be no 
justification for the correctotr’s initial o: ὁ - οὐ = οὗ, 6. 5. τοὔνομα, Hdt. κάμπτει is similarly used 
absolutely e.g. in Eurip. Z. Z. 815 eyyis . . . κάμπτεις. 

235. οὐ πατεῦσί μ᾽ : cf. 1. 250. The correction of the dittography is by a later hand. 

236. The sign of elision was eliminated by a corrector; the original scribe took the 
words as σοὶ δ᾽ ἔχω. 

238. mdevpal: the penultimate letter looks like a 8, but this is probably due to some 
accident and πλευρά is doubtless the right word. 

239. κηπ]ιτάξ W-M, identifying Callim. Fr. 327 ap. Etym. Magn. 365. 25 ἐπιτάξ' παρὰ 
Καλλιμάχῳ ἐπίρρημα, παρὰ τὸν ἐπιτάξω μέλλοντα, and Helladius in Phot. 2221. p. 532. 36 ἃ τὸ ἐπι- 
τάξ παρὰ Καλλιμάχῳ καὶ ᾿Αράτῳ κείμενον... ὃ κατ᾽ ἐπίταγμα καὶ κέλευσιν πράττεται. This is 
attractive, though the καί could well be dispensed with. 1π may be read in place of |e, and 
εἰσαϊπαξ would yield a tolerable sense. 

240-59. ‘Thus boasting spake she ; but nothing daunted the producer of oil repelled 
her: “O laurel, utterly barren of that which I bear, you have sung like a swan at the end 

I help to carry to burial the men whom Ares slays and (am laid on the bier) of the 
heroes who (perish nobly); and when a white-haired grandmother or an aged Tithonus is 
borne to the grave by their children, I attend them and am laid upon the ground. I... 
more than you for those who bring you from Tempe; nay, even in that matter of which 
. you spoke, am I not also as a prize superior to you, for where is the greater festival, at 
Olympia or at Delphi? Yes, silence is best! I indeed say nought of you that is either good 
or ill, but the birds have long been sitting among my leaves unwontedly chattering thus ”.’ 

240. ad(x)ed[o’: sc. ἔφη: that 7= ἢ is less likely. The participial form here was 
suggested by W-M, to whom also the correction of τηνδ᾽ to τήν is due. τήνδ᾽ could stand as 
an internal accusative with e. g. ἀπημ[ εἰφθη, but this is precluded by the accented ἡ. υἱ may 
well be read instead of μ'. 

241. For ἡ τεκοῦσα τὸ xpipla cf, Callim. Aourp, Madd. 26 xpipara, τᾶς ἰδίας ἔκγονα φυταλιᾶς. 

242. The restoration of this verse is largely due to Murray. τόκζων is strongly sup- 
ported by τεκοῦσα in |. 241, and if rév ἐμῶν τόκ[ων be granted, ax... should be some adjective 
with privative a, The identity of this adjective is the problem. ax is certain, and the remains 
of the third letter suggest a or A, but axapre cannot be read and axAnpe is, to say the least, 
very unsatisfactory. Another possibility is axv, if the v be supposed to have had as deep 
a fork as e.g. the first v of υδρου in 1, 218, and of the few available words axvée would be 


consistent with the papyrus. To this, however, there is the serious objection that in 
Callim, H. Apoll. 53 the v is short. But in a derivative of κύειν an irregularity of quantity 
is not incredible; or perhaps dxv@{v)e might be written (cf. Hesych. s.v. κυθνόν). The 
oblique dash in the margin may be presumed to mark the commencement of the speech. 

243-4. ἐν τῇ τελευτῇ... ἤεισας : i.e, your words are a presage of defeat. W-M thinks 
that the point of this allusion to the κύκνειον μέλος is the mention by the laurel of funerals, 
which is accepted as a bad omen. 

246, Murray proposes χὐϊπὸ τῷ κάρᾳ κεῖμαι τῷ] τῶν ἀριστέων of καλὸν νέμουσ᾽ οἶτον. καλὸν 
ve might be read, but the remaining vestiges, though very slight, scarcely suit pou οἰτον. 

248, ex: the papyrus is broken, but there would hardly have been room for εἰσ. 

249. Τιθωνόν: cf, Aristoph. Acharn. 688 ἄνδρα Τιθωνὸν σπαράττων. 

250. For the accusative τὴν ὁδόν cf. e.g. Eurip. 7. 7: 620 εἰς ἀνάγκην κείμεθ, The 
letters are faint, but do not suit της odov. 

251. -eov followed by ἤ looks like a comparative, and πλεῖον, though unconvincing, may 
be right. τὸ θεῖον is a possible reading. ‘The vestiges of the first letter of the line suggest 
e.g. γ, Κρ ¥, Or τ, and the fourth is probably e or c. Murray thought of τελεῦσα πλεῖον, which 
may give the sense but cannot be read: possibly δὲ πλεῖον. 

252. ἀλλ᾽ ὅτευ is doubtfully deciphered and ἀλλά, τοῦ which W-M proposes, is not 
impossible ; but if the letter before τ was a, it was unusually upright, and that following τ is 
more satisfactory as ε than as 0; moreover, there is a faint mark after αλλ which may denote 
an elision. Another mark above ad might be taken for an accent. 

253. xoo is better interpreted with W—M as kas = καὶ ὡς than as κῶς = πῶς. It is hardly 
necessary to write (x)os: cf. 1. 130, ἄς, With κῶς, τοῦτο ἄεθλον might be taken to mean ‘in 
this contest ’ (cf. the πτώματα of ll. 265 sqq.), but since the reference clearly is to 1, 229, to 
give ἄεθλον one sense there and another here would not be at all satisfactory. 

254. There are several blunders in this line: a » was originally omitted, ουλυμπιη 
which will not scan was written for ᾿Ολυμπίῃ, and it also seems evident that ovyey (or -των) 
is for ὡγών. With these modifications the sentence might pass muster, but there can be no 
question that W—M’s emendation of καί to κοῦ distinctly improves it—unless, as Murray 
suggests, we read in ]. 254 ἦν, ‘always was.’ The remains of the y of γ[άϊρ are very slight, 
but with that exception the imperfect letters are fairly clear. 

256-9. Cf. ll. 277-8. There is a contrast between ἐγώ and ὄρνιθες, as is indicated 
by the stop inserted by a later hand after οὐδεν in |. 257, and ἄηθες must be taken adverbially : 
‘I neither praise nor blame ; it is the birds in my branches which chatter thus.’ The olive 
humourously attributes to the birds its unflattering remarks. An extensive use of the 
same motive is made in the Vienna fragments of the Heca/e, where a large part is taken by 
birds ; see Wilamowitz, Goring. Nachr., 1893, pp. 733-6. Above the o of ορνιθες a slightly 
curved stroke in black ink is unsuitable for an acute accent and is much more like a sign of 
elision ; but of ὄρνιθες should make οὕρνιθες, and though the space occupied by the ὁ is some- 
what large, v was certainly not written after it, nor, probably, an «. τινθυρίζουσαι in 
1. 258 is the Attic τονθορίζουσαι (or -ρύζουσαι), and the difference of spelling here may be 
due to corruption, though in the case of an onomatopoeic form it is unsafe to assume this. 
τονθρύζειν and τονθορυγεῖν also occur. ‘The adscript written in coarse and indistinct letters 
at some distance to the right of the line is perhaps a gloss on τινθυρίζουσαι, e.g. some com- 
bination with ὀξύ, though that would not be very apposite. In 1. 259 κωτιλοισ or 
κωτίλαισ can be read, but it is difficult to find a suitable word to follow in agreement with it; 
κωτιὰλ es o(e) would also serve. A vestige of the letter before εὖ suggests y, τ, p, or @. The 
letters after ev are very uncertain; ow or oa is possible, but the o in either case is not at 
all satisfactory, and the final letter may be «. Above the line a small 6 in black ink is 


clear, joined on the left by a horizontal stroke which could well belong to an «; and 
conceivably a third letter preceded. Another participle is not attractive, though perhaps 
easiest to reconcile with the remains. 

260-80. ‘Who found the laurel? the earth (produced it) just like the ilex, the oak, 
the galingale, or other timber. Who found the olive? Pallas, when she contended for 
Acte with him who dwells amid the seaweed, and the man of old who in the lower parts 
was a snake gave judgement. That is one fall for the laurel. Who of the immortals 
honours the olive, who the laurel? Apollo the laurel, Pallas her discovery the olive. In 
this they are even, for I distinguish not between gods. What is the laurel’s fruit? For 
what shall I use it? Neither eat it nor drink it nor anoint yourself with it! But that of 
the olive pleases in many ways: it is a morsel for food. .., and with it as an unguent one 
may dive as deep as Theseus(?). A second fall I set down to the laurel. Whose is the 
leaf that suppliants hold forward? The olive’s: for the third and last time is the laurel 
thrown. Oh, the tireless ones! how they chatter. Shameless crow, does not your beak 
ache? Whose is the trunk preserved by the Delians? The olive’s, which gave a seat to 

261 = 265. ὕλην is superior to the marginal variant πεύκην, which spoils the climax. The 
wavy mark above the v is a form of diaeresis. 

262-5 = 261-4. These four verses, originally omitted owing to the homoeoarchon 
tis . . . ἐλαίην, have been subsequently supplied at the top of the page, their position being 
marked by the symbol in the margin. In 1. 262 (261) the corrector has τις, but τις δ᾽, as 
written by the first hand in 1. 266, is preferable. At the end of the verse jj[p|¢je is restored 
with much probability by W—M, who also points out that this is the passage cited in Schol. 
A on P 54 Ποσειδῶν καὶ ᾿Αθηνᾶ περὶ τῆς ᾿Αττικῆς ἐφιλονείκουν" καὶ Toceday μὲν ἐπὶ τῆς ἀκροπόλεως 
τῆς ᾿Αττικῆς κρούσας τῇ τριαίνῃ κῦμα θαλάσσης ἐποίησεν ἀναδοθῆναι, ᾽Αθηνᾶ δὲ ἐλαίαν" κριτὴς δὲ αὐτῶν 
γενόμενος Κέκροψ 6 τῶν τόπων τῆς ᾿Αττικῆς βασιλεὺς τῇ θεῷ προσένειμε τὴν χώραν, εἰπὼν ὅτι θάλασσα 
μέν ἐστι πανταχοῦ, τὸ δὲ φυτὸν τῆς ἐλαίας ἴδιον ᾿Αθηνᾶς. ἡ ἱστορία παρὰ Καλλιμάχῳ (Callim. Fr. 
384, wrongly referred by Meineke to Λουτρ. Παλλ, 26, by Schneider to «46. i. 4); οἵ. 
Apollod. iii. 14. 1, &c. For ὄφις ra νέρθεν cf. e.g. Apollod. 1. ς. Κέκροψ αὐτόχθων, συμφυὲς 
ἔχων σῶμα ἀνδρὸς καὶ δράκοντος, Aristoph. Wasps 438 ὦ Κέκροψ ἥρως ἄναξ ra πρὸς ποδῶν Δρακοντίδη. 
W-M is obviously right in emending ἀρχαιοισ to ἀρχαῖος, The correction of de to pu was 
by a third hand. 

267. v of evpev was added by a corrector. 

268. ξυνόν Murray. αὐταῖς is put for ἡμῖν because the birds are supposed to be 
speaking ; cf. ll. 277-8. 

241-3. The general sense evidently is that the produce of the olive is good both as 
food and as an unguent, but a satisfactory restoration is still to be found. In]. 271 there is 
a slight break in the papyrus in front of the two interlineated letters, but if a third had been 
written it would have probably been partially apparent; underneath this, just below the 
supposed σ, a dot of black ink is visible, perhaps implying a deletion. But in a sentence 
contrasting the internal and external uses of the olive ἔσω, which was apparently originally 
written, would have a point, while the intention of the corrector is not clear: ἴτω seems 
unintelligible. μάσταξ may have the sense ‘ mouthful’, ‘morsel’, as in 1324, Theocr. xiv. 39 ; 
in both of those passages the word is used of birds and so is very appropriate here ; cf. ]. 277. 
In 1. 273 the employment of oil as an unguent is apparently traced back to Theseus. a is 
followed at a slight interval by a short vertical stroke which may be part of the next letter, 
6. g. ν, or possibly a sign of elision, Ba? . A verb is expected after ἥν, and therefore ἐπα... 



χὠ (or κὠ ὃ) is suitable; the alternative is ἐπ᾿ ad... » with a verb supplied from what precedes. 
The remains rather suggest a ᾧ at an interval of one letter from π, and εἐπεῴνε is not 
impossible; but a reference to one of the persons or animals slain by Theseus seems 
difficult to work in here, especially with the feminine ἥν. Moreover, the letter next to 7 
is more like a than the succeeding vestiges are like @, and both cannot be read; probably, 
therefore, the @ is to be rejected and if ἐπα is right the two following letters could well 
be Xr. At the beginning of the line the doubtful ν may be μ or o, and above it is a mark 
like a grave accent. A mention of the ἐλαία κολυμβάς (Athen. 56b) is hardly likely; on 
the other hand some form or derivative of κολυμβᾶν is not unattractive, and in front of the 
υ there is a tiny vestige visible which, if it is really part of a letter, is quite consistent with X. 
Hence it is rather tempting to suppose with Murray that the allusion is to the famous dive 
of Theseus described in Bacchyl. xvi. ἐσ[τὶν κο]λυμβᾶν ἣν ἐπᾶλτο would satisfy the palaeo- 
graphical conditions, but would be excessively harsh: the use of the preposition is abnormal, 
while if ἄν be emended to ἤν, a verb is still lacking and is not easily supplied ; moreover ἣν 
ἐπᾶλτο (SC, κολύμβησιν) is barely tolerable. Possibly e .[...] is a verb governing xpipa, and 
κοἸλυμβᾶς = κολυμβήσεις ; Or perhaps, in the last resort, refuge may be found in the hypothesis 
of a lacuna in the text. 

275-8. This passage was written twice over, and the superfluous four lines were 
bracketed by a corrector. It may be suspected that the dittography is to be connected 
with the omission of the four verses at the top of the page. The scribe, or a predecessor, 
may have been led by the stichometry to notice that he was four lines short, and accordingly 
may have made up the deficiency by the simple method of repetition. It is difficult to 
believe that he could write out four whole verses twice in immediate proximity without 
being aware of the error. There was some slip in |. 275 @ after yap. 

276. τὰ tpt: cf. τριάζειν, Eurip. Or. 434 διὰ τριῶν ἀπόλλυμαι, &c, ελλασ, not ehaac, was 
originally written, 

277. τῶν ἀτρύτων : 80. ὀρνίθων ; cf. ll. 256-9. The olive keeps up the fiction that it is 
the birds who are talking. κωτιλίζειν is novel. The marginal symbol (by a later hand) 
opposite this line was perhaps intended to call attention to the dittography. 

278. The crow is singled out as the chatterer par excellence. For χεῖλος of a bird’s 
beak cf. e.g. Eurip. 707: 1199. 

279-80. Cf. Callim. H. Del. 322 πρέμνον ὀδακτάσαι ἁγνὸν ἐλαίης χεῖρας ἀποστρέψαντας, ἃ 
Δηλιὰς εὕρετο νύμφη παίγνια κουρίζοντι καὶ ᾿Απόλλωνι γελαστύν. κ[αθεῖσ]ε in ]. 280 is suggested by 
W-M ; there is room for a slightly longer supplement. A or ν might be read in place of x, 
and the breathing on », though probable, is not certain. 

281. |ov: ΟΓ τι. 

282. ...wmn, if that be the reading, may of course*be a single word. ... pevy is 

286. It would be desirable to make οὔτε... εἰς parallel to οὔτε πια[ίνεις in the next line, 
if a verb were forthcoming; but it is difficult to avoid μάντεις, for which support may be 
found in |. 221. 

288. A slight interval is left before the two last letters of δαῴνην, probably owing to 
a flaw in the papyrus ; cf. note on |. 110. 

290. At the beginning of the line the first hand wrote something like ἡγρὴησ or ἡστησ, 
which the corrector apparently wished to convert into /Aynoe.. W-—M, however, points out 
that ὁ θυμὸς ἤλγησε is a rather tautologous expression; moreover 7Ayyoev is the word which 
seems best adapted to the remains at the end of the verse, where neither ηχθ᾽ εσἸθη nor 
ὠὡργ[ισἼθη nor προσθ εμηιΐισ]εν is suitable. He therefore proposes boldly to restore ᾧδησε, 
which is provisionally adopted. 


291. Perhaps εἴ kor’, possibly εἶχον ; but a partial restoration here is useless. 

292. This line describes the tree which here intervenes in the discussion. The 
doubtful σ may be p, but rpnxv seems unlikely. 

293. ἄπωθε is a necessary correction of arabev. 

294. λειην (W—M)is extremely doubtful ; it is not clear exactly how far the line extends. 

295. γενομεθεχθραισ is easily emended ; what follows is more open to question. Either 
μηδὲ Or py Ae may be read; and the accusative ἀλλήλας, if correct, indicates a verb of 
speaking. W-—M proposes μηδὲ φῶμεν which, however, is open to the objection that there 
seems to be no actual use of φημί in this sense. Hence it is simpler to read μὴ λέγωμεν, 
placing the note of interrogation either after παυσόμεσθα, or, to avoid the asyndeton, after 
ἐχθραί. Asa matter of fact neither μηδὲ φῶμεν nor μὴ λέγωμεν are palaeographically quite 
satisfactory, since the ε is slightly separated from the letter before it; and between them is 
a faint mark which may represent an elision. μηδ᾽ epovzey would be attractive, if the 
future were admissible here. οὐ ravodpecOa . . . μηδ᾽ ἐροῦμεν is logically parallel to e.g. οὐ 
σῖγ᾽ ἀνέξει μηδὲ δειλίαν ἀρεῖ, but an example of such a construction in the first person is lacking. 

296. The letter before ἀλλα seems to be a round one, ε, 6, or 7; ro is followed by 
a vertical stroke which would suit e.g.a v; the final a is very uncertain; the letter pre- 
ceding may be p, », or λ. 

207. νη in δαφνὴ is apparently written in the form of a compendium, the second 
upright of the ν serving as the first of the η. 

299. A trace of ink above « of μὲ may indicate some interlinear addition; it is not 
quite in the right place for an elision sign. 

299-300. ‘ Don’t you prescribe patience to me, as if you were one of us; your very 
presence chokes me.’ εὔστεκτος is unsupported, but seems a possible word in the sense of 
‘tolerant’ ; εὔστοργον is unsuitable. There might be another letter in front of the initial ε, 
which is not quite in a straight line with the beginnings of the preceding verses. A mark 
of elision should perhaps be recognized above the o of γειτονευσ. 

304. The very light vestiges of the last letter are not inconsistent with a φ. 

309. ἀμ[ίσθου : μυθου is hardly to be read. 

311. μοζῦγνον : W-M suggests the insertion of v; a tribrach however, though rare, does 
occur, e.g. Callim, Fr. 86. 

313. mlevtdperpoy: cf. 1. 366. The left hand portions of ll. 313-14 are contained on 
the detached fragment on which the preceding lines 303-12 are written. A crease down the 
recto proves that the fragment is the upper part of Fol. 6 and also shows its relative vertical 
position ; but it is not certain that the combination with |.» and Ἰκρουσε is correct. 

321. Cf. Eurip. Bacch. 743 ταῦροι δ᾽ ὑβρισταὶ κἀς κέρας θυμούμενοι, to which passage 
Callimachus is perhaps satirically alluding. 

322. Possibly the supposed y below the overwritten x has been crossed through. 

325. βράχιον, which must be scanned as a disyllable, with the Ionic short 4 is not 
very satisfactory, especially with τὸν preceding ; but τὸν need not be the article, and the 
remains suggest Spa. βραχῖον is impossible both on account of the following μ, which seems 
undeniable, and because the verse then becomes too long, even if epew, which is very 
doubtful, is wrong. The appearance of a o may be caused by a low circumflex accent 
(though there is no other sure instance of an accent on this leaf); in that case the two next 
letters might well be vt, ep .f vr. For μοιζει = μύζει cf. 1. 73, where χρεισοὺς may be a 
corruption of χρυσοὺς through an intermediate χροισους. ‘The termination is more like ζει 
than ζον, and μειζον would also be an inexact form in this dialect. 

329. An elision mark should perhaps be recognized after the « of ovvex: vin that word 
has been rewritten in darker ink. At the end of the line pnp . (μηρῷ ?) is possible. 


333-5. Lines 334-5 are repeated on the recto ll. 348-9, and 1. 333 also begins with 
the same word as ]. 347 while its conclusion apparently coincides with that of I. 345 ; cf. 
ll. 275-8 @, where a dittography of four lines has been cancelled by a corrector. Owing to 
the imperfect context no reason can be assigned for the present more complex repetition, 
nor can the right place of the verses be determined. When Callimachus says that 
choliambic poets should draw their inspiration from Ephesus he is of course again alluding 
to Hipponax (cf. ll. 92 sqq.), whose native city Ephesus was. 

346-7. The combination of ex .. p and ovr’ eo with what follows is uncertain; cf. note 
on |}. 313. 

ote: Cf. ll. 333-5 and note. Of the latter part of 1. 348 only slight vestiges remain, 
and the central portion of l. 349 would have been undecipherable without the aid of I. 335; 
but the dittography is sufficiently evident. 

352. Both aspirated and unaspirated perfect forms occur in later Ionic, and ἐμπίεἸπλεκόσι 
may therefore stand. ἐμπέπλεκε is found in three MSS. in Hippocr. ix. 192. This verse 
offers a pretty certain instance of a tribrach ; cf. note on]. 311. 

353: Δωριστί is a fairly suitable reading, and is a most likely word to be coupled with 
Ἰαστί, which was suggested by W—M. καἰϊολιστί is not possible. 

357- The last letter (ε, @?) before the lacuna in the middle of the line has been 
rewritten or altered in blacker ink. A similar modification has been made in the letter 
dividing the second and third lacunae in ]. 358. 

361. The remains after ἃ suggest a v, but this gives no word. 

364. It seems difficult to escape ῥεῦνται, with which may be compared Theocr, xxx. 
32 devpevov, Herodas vi. 77 ἐγχεῦσα. ν preceding the p is almost certain. 

366. συντιθεὶς ib. ..: OF συντίθει, ob... The line ends with a vertical stroke, which 
would suit 6. g. + or ἡ. 

368. The last word is possibly γράψαι, in which case there is a letter between y and the 
preceding a. 

869-73. That the detached fragment containing the ends of the lines belongs to this 
column is shown by the metre, but the number of letters lost in the middle cannot be 
estimated. Something must be wrong in I. 371. 

382. τη; or re. With ry there need not be more than one letter before ην. 

385. ἥϊμεῖνοι is proposed by W—M. The letters 8d have been rewritten in darker ink. 

389. Perhaps ἀγλίαΐσματ᾽, as W—M suggests ; but another adjective is also possible. 

390. παίχιια] : cf. 1. 395. ~The form is best left unaltered in view of the occasional 
interchange of y with x in Ionic; cf. Herodian ii. 252 = Etym. Magn. 151. 39 ἄρχμενος" . . 
ὥφειλε δὲ ἄργμενος" φύλαξαν δὲ τὸ χ δοκεῖ Ἰωνικὸν εἶναι, καθὸ καὶ τὸ ἔργμα ἔρχμα φασίν. Some 
examples are collected in Smyth, Zonic Dialect, p. 296. 

395 8564. The latter portion of these lines is again on a detached fragment, the position 
of which is fixed not only by the metre and the appearance of the papyrus, but also by the 
fact that Il. 400-2 have been to a large extent rewritten, and this renovation is carried out at 
the ends of the corresponding lines of the fragment. The width of the gap, however, cannot 
be measured. 

401. γυνὴ : OF your n? " 

404-7. There can be no doubt, owing to the appearance of the papyrus, that the small 
fragment containing the letters Ja{ &c. from the bottom of a column is to be placed here, 
though its relative distance from what precedes and follows is uncertain. It cannot be 
joined up so as to read πάντα καὶ [ in 1. 404. 

406. There are some traces of ink above the line in front of We. 

408. νηός is the Callimachean form, but ναός occurs in some Ionic inscriptions and so 



may be admissible. μίείλλων would be a possible reading, which it might be easier to 
combine with the following letters; but since, as l. 409 shows (unless wzoAXov there is an 
error for amodov), there is a loss of two syllables at the beginning of the verse, μ[ελλων 
would not be metrical. ; 

420-1. W-M points out the parallel in these two lines to Hd. iil. 102 ev δὴ ὧν τῇ 
ἐρημίῃ ταύτῃ καὶ τῇ ψάμμῳ γίνονται μύρμηκες μεγάθεα ἔχοντος κυνῶν μὲν ἐλάσσονα, ἀλωπέκων δὲ 
peCova’ . . . οὗτοι ὧν οἱ μύρμηκες ποιεύμενοι οἴκησιν ὑπὸ γῆν ἀναφορέουσι τὴν ψάμμον... ἡ δὲ ψάμμος 
ἡ ἀναφερομένη ἐστὶ χρυσῖτις. For another probable reminiscence of Herodotus cf. Callim. 
Fr. 209. 

‘425. πολις might be read instead of rove. 

427. Cf. note on Frs. 2-8. 

429. Cf. Soph. Fr. 868 χρόνος δ᾽ ἀμαυροῖ πάντα. 

Fr. 1. This fragment from the top of a leaf very likely belongs to Fol. 6; Fol. 7 is 
excluded by a difference in the width of the upper margin. 

Frs. 2-8 are likely to come from either Fol. 6 or Fol. 7, and Frs. 6 and 8 almost 
certainly do so. The former might be placed so that νησουσ immediately precedes orepew in 
]. 427; the second line of the recto would then coincide with 1. 387, but though there are 
several alternatives to λιπο, a suitable combination at that point has not been established. 
Fr. 8 might be turned the other way up and 1. 1 of the recto (which will then be 1. 2) read 
as |. @6. The letters of ]. 1 of Fr. 7 have been renovated in black ink, and in 1. x of Fr. 3 
also there was some addition by a later hand. 

Fr. 13. The recto possibly gives beginnings of lines. 

Fr. 15. The fragment should perhaps not be included here but referred to some other 
MS. The ink and the spacing of the lines is similar, but the letters are somewhat smaller 
and their formation in one or two cases looks different. 


Height 33-5 cm. Third century. Plate 1V (Frs. 1-3). 

The following fairly extensive fragments of a prose treatise of the Roman 
period proceed from the same large literary find to which we owe 841-4, 852-3, 
and, in the present volume, also 1016-17. How precisely the subject of the treatise 
is to be defined is not immediately clear. There is a considerable diversity of 
topics: an analysis of the characteristics of Lysias (A), observations on systems 
of Ethics (B), a collection of instances of omission and suppression of names 
or facts in various prose-writers (C), criticism of. ‘the orators’ for belittling the 
achievements of Philip (D), censure of the diction of Xenophon (F), a list of 
words having double meanings, which in Attic, though not elsewhere, were 
distinguished by different accents, and of other ‘ Atticisms’ and ‘ Hellenisms’ (G). 
This variety might be explained by supposing the work to be of the nature 


of a commentary, but if so, this could hardly fail to be more obvious, and the 
view does not seem tenable. At first sight, indeed, ἀληθές and ἀχρεῖον in Fr. 
16. 3 and 14 might be taken for lemmata; but it is hardly conceivable that 
ἄγροικος, ἀληθές, and ἀχρεῖον, all exemplifying the peculiar Attic accentuation, 
actually occurred in juxtaposition in some book, and the following fragment 
shows clearly that the writer was simply collecting Atticisms. Indentation of 
lines such as that in Frs. 21-2 is no doubt a usual feature in scholia (cf. 6. g. 853 
or the Berlin Didymus); but quotations of any kind and not only lemmata for 
comment were thus distinguished, and the nature of the small fragments in 
question is too doubtful for them to be taken as the basis of an argument. 
There is no real indication that the remains are not those of a connected treatise. 
Its scope would be more evident if the upper part of Fr. 1. Col. ii were in better 
preservation ; when, however, the writer there declares his intention of con- 
sidering what books (or parts of books) were good, and lays down that 6 Adyos 
has four divisions (Il. 5 566. ; cf. Fr. 13. 26 sqq.), the most natural conclusion is 
that he was a literary critic, and that his treatise related in a general way to 
composition or style, more particularly (though not exclusively ; cf. Frs. 18 and 
23) in prose, and perhaps with predominant reference to oratory. Discursive- 
ness is natural with such a theme; and the technical linguistic discussions of 
Frs. 14—17 are quite in keeping with it. 

With regard to the author, his date at any rate can be fixed within 
tolerably narrow limits. He refers to Didymus of Alexandria and probably to 
Caecilius Calactinus (Fr. 13. 24-5), who both flourished at about the beginning 
of the Christian era; on the other hand, the manuscript is hardly later than the 
middle of the third century (see below). Hence the two termini for the date of 
composition are approximately A.D. 50 and 200. Of his qualities, these dis- 
connected fragments scarcely provide the material for a fair estimate. He was 
sufficiently familiar with the classics, judging from the frequent references and 
citations, which include, besides the writers just mentioned, Herodotus (Fr. 9. 
ii. 56), Thucydides (Frs. 5. 3, 9. ii. 23, 36 sqq., iii. 37), Xenophon, Hellenica and 
Agesilaus (Fr. 14. 3, 9), Theopompus, Philippica (Fr. 9. ii. 13), Lysias (Fr. 1. 
ii. 20), Demosthenes, Jz Androt. &c. (Frs. 1. ii. 36, 9. ii..20, iti. 46, 12. 11. 17), 
Aeschines, / Timarch, (Fr. 9. ii. 6,14), ‘The orators’ (Fr. 11. ii. 4), Theophrastus, 
Περὶ καιρῶν (Fr. ο. ii. 27), Heraclides Ponticus (Fr. 9. ii. 1), Aristippus (Fr. 6. 13), 
Epicurus (? Fr. 6. 11), Aristophanes (Fr. 23. 3), and another comedian (Fr. 9. 
ii. 3); and he shows good knowledge of detail (cf. e.g. notes on Fr. 9. ii, 6-7 
and 14-22). Some inaccuracies in names (Fr. 9. ii. 43, 51, 55) are no doubt 
copyists’ errors. His brief estimate of Lysias is judicious, recalling the criticism 

of Dionysius of Halicarnassus, of which it might almost be a summary (cf. Fr. 1. 


ii. 20 sqq. and note); he had a correct appreciation of the greatness of Philip ; 
and his remarks on Xenophon’s vocabulary, so far as they can be followed, seem 
not unjustifiable. Modern critics too have fallen foul of πολυεπαινετώτατος. 
There is then some reason to regret that the treatise has been recovered in such 
poor preservation. 

Its fragments, which originally amounted to over one hundred, have been 
reduced by combination to nearly half that number; but efforts to find 
a connexion between the larger resulting pieces, designated by the letters 
A to G, have been unsuccessful. A roll of which the recto was already occupied 
by a cursive document was used, the writing proceeding in the contrary direction, 
i.e. the beginning of one text corresponding with the conclusion of the other. 
That on the recto is an official account, portions of which are printed under 1045, 
dating from the reign of Septimius Severus, and apparently after his thirteenth year. 
The literary text on the verso is therefore subsequent to A.D. 204~—5, while from the 
character of the handwriting it would be placed at no great distance from that 
date. It is written in tall columns in a medium-sized sloping hand, an elegant, 
and to all appearance by no means a late example of the oval type so frequently 
met with. A period of from thirty to fifty years will be sufficient to allow for 
the recto to become antiquated and useless, and the conditions will thus be welt 
satisfied if the manuscript on the back be assigned to about the middle of the 
third century. Lectional marks are scanty. There are no stops, but the more 
important pauses are denoted by paragraphi, sometimes accompanied by 
a blank space in the body of the text (Fr. 13. 26). A single instance of an 
accent apparently occurs (Fr. 13. 32), though not, where it would be most 
expected, in Frs. 16-17, where accentual differences are under discussion. The 
usual angular sign, which here not seldom assumes the shape of a comma, is used 
to fill the shorter lines, but with little consistency, and the ends of the lines are 
rather ragged ; with regard to their beginnings also the scribe was somewhat 
irregular, gradually advancing to the left and so giving his columns a considerable 
slope to the right. His occasional errors in copying have remained uncorrected. 

In default of any clear indications regarding the relative position of the 
main fragments, the arrangement adopted below is more or less arbitrary. 
A, which is much worm-eaten, is placed first on the strength of Col. ii, part 
of which seems to be of an introductory character ; but, of course, this may be 
merely the introduction of a fresh section, especially as analogous language 
occurs in Fr. 13. 26 sqq., which cannot be brought into close connexion with A. 
On the recto of A is part of an official letter in the same hand as the account, 
to which it presumably refers; cf. 1045. B, like A, has been damaged by worms, 
and possibly its first column is the bottom of A Col. iii; the recto contains only 


a few letters, but these so far as they go suit that supposition. The third 
portion, C, is the largest that has survived, including one nearly complete column ; 
on the recto of this are beginnings of lines from the account: cf. 1045. D con- 
sists of two small pieces, more decayed than the rest ; it has been put next to C 
because, like Col. iii of the latter, it relates to Philip; but the recto is incon- 
sistent with the hypothesis that Fr. 11 Col. ii is the top of C, Col. iii. E and F 
are two narrow strips, the former containing remains of two columns, the latter 
ends of lines from another. The shape of the upper part of Fr. 13, which 
resembles that of C, renders it likely that this fragment comes from near the top 
of a column. F, on the other hand, is not improbably from near the bottom. 
On the recto of both there are slight remains of a few lines, some of which in 
each case seem to be of the nature of headings or correspondence. The linguistic 
criticism of F smooths the transition to G (Frs. 16-17), the technical details of 
which may be suitably reserved for the final place. Fr. 17 probably succeeds 
Fr. 16, and perhaps belongs to the latter’s second column. The recto of Fr. 16 
contains a few letters from the tops of two columns, of which the second at any 
rate shows the same formula as the recto of C. In shape, the left-hand side 
of this fragment is similar to the upper portion of C and of Fr. 13. Perhaps A, 
on the strength of the contents of the recto, should be placed at the end instead 
of the beginning, and E and F be grouped along with that section. 

A. (Frs. 1-5). Plate IV. 

ἘΠ τ COlei: Col. ii. 
ἀν: ΠΠ 5. o boo ὦ Ὁ Ἰγω. [ 
‘ile, πον Ἰ. αρχαΐ 
ΠΡΌΣ flow cola 6 Ἰιδει 
5 τινα τροῖπον.. .]. ς ev Kale κα 

κως exovta τῶν βιβλιων τα μεν 
ow εὖ εἐχοντᾳ επισκεπίτεον τι 
va εστιν Ta [μ]ερὴ του Alo}you εὖ 
προθεμενίοις εἸστί ιν δὲ τείτ]τα 

το ρα Κατὰ |b lilo 6 6 00 00 He ἸΟ [5 5.5.6} Ὁ 
εὖ μερὶ ]. λαγί (Fr. 2) 
[jeder καί jus δεικί 





[.Ἰειοισί Ἰαυτα ὑπαρχέϊι 

nto... . Jal Ἰν ευρεσίιν (Ὁ) 
15 0 καιρος o πρὶ ] και το πί 

τοις προσωπίοις Ἰντοῖ 

touTo[.|s aval ].. doce [ 

[1- av ¢.Jral Ἰασαπί Ἰνί. 
[γα οἱ 5 [ele - Ke. [8 ὁ ὁ Ὁ οἱ 6 [εἰ [ἢ}ς 

20 ov μαλιστα πεφροϊντ]ικεναι Av 
σιας τω)ν ρητορων [κ᾽ αι ylap τὴς 
αποδ εἤξεως Tov πραγματων 
[εὐπορεῖ] μητε παϊ[ρ]αλιπίων) τι τῶν 

|e ἰχρησιμων μηϊτ]ε mepirroly] . [.] 
| AR loo noo Jov Kat Tov εκασίτο]υ ppov 
jaL. . ρων καιΐρον καὶ Tots ηθεῖσι των 
jo[.] . λεγοντὼν Kat Tov ακ[ου]οντῶν 
| e€op.olot τους oyous καὶ TO προς 
| αλλη TOUS αντιδικους καὶ TO προς τοὺς 
vet > 30 akpowpmevous κριτὰς ἡ δικαστας 
(?) τα]ραχον πρέπον εν πᾶσι τηρῶν καὶ τοὺ 
σι a lle 5 μέτρου μαλισταὰ φροντιζει και 
μεν [our|o[s] τῶν ρητορὼν σχεδὸν 
ἱπαντων πιθανωτατος ws duc 
35 ἱμειμητοτατος ear και] βουλο 
[μεν]ος καθαπερ και ο Ζημοῖσθε 
[yns] ev τοις πίλ]εισίτοις .. . .Ἱσί. 
poo je. [| - καὶ 
IPS dts lee, Bs Gol ii Plate) IV: 

.| τῶν προοι[μιων 

π]ρολαβων.. [ 

ε΄ 7 eorw [ πι (9) Dis ὁ 


5 Oavn και εικὶ 
pa εξενηνίεγκ 
κον ἡ Tape 
αἀλελυμενον | 
κριτικον ηλὶ 

Ἰρτων διηγί 
του πασχὴη | 

ο [. 
[αἹρμοζοῖ. .| - [ 
[. . 
[. - 

Jora γία]ρ [ 
..] mapal 
Sarat Ἰσκί 
5, lines lost 
ar χί 

Pe pavadbacnl + 

«ον ἵνα Tov ρητίορος 

«wes δια πολί 

Col. i. 


Ἰους ελ 



Ἰεθ. [ 


Boll Fr. 8. 


Slogal.} γέ. .] αλλί 
Ἰν και περι vo το of 
1 κατα τον βιον 9} 
5 ]Ἰ εἰναι λέγοντες το εὖἱ 
Ἰρας ο k[wAvope vBi[p 
vos ]. «νην ὕλην π | 
elivar δειν.. |. > 
lev οιδὲν ηχί. Al 
10 ] θεους ονταῖς of 
jew ὡς ἔπι 15 εν] 
κουρος (Ὁ) ] ηδονην τελος τεῖ 
εἰναι AleyovTes ὡς AplotiT αἱ 
C (Fr. 9). 
Col. i. Col. ii. 
[o Ποντικῖος δὲ Ἡραϊκλειδης 
ξ--- NYE ΖΠακ τ 6 5 Oo dc bo 
boo a oe ]s 0 kwpltkos...... 
ΕΣ Ἰῶν καὶ ἰδῆς, sent even aie. 
5 [ εν τέλεσι bo co onc os 

[...] εἰπὼν τὸ ονΐομα τῆς εν 
[πὴ Ipepa [tjeperafs....... 
[. .] ρηθηναι παΐλιν δὲ των πὸ 
[τ|ε παρα Φιλιπποίυ εἰς AOnvas 
το mpecBevoavTwy ἰουκ εἰρηκε 
Ta ονοματὰα σαν Ole Avtimatpos 
kat Παρμενίων και Evpvdoxos 
ws ἵστορει Θεοπομῖπος ev τὴ 
εἰκτη των Φιλιππίίκων Αι σχι 
Jo 15 νῆς δὲ To κατα γρίαμματειον 
] πορνευσαντος ονομῖία οὐκ nyvo 







noe μεν ὠκνῆσε Oe [εξειπειν de 
γων εἰναι αὐτοῖν των πίεπολι 
τευμενὼν ἣν δὲ Ανδίροτιων ὡς 
[4ηἹμοσθενης δηλοι [ely [τω κατα 
[Αν]δροτίωνος κατα γραμματέϊι 

ον αὑτον λεγὼν πεπορνευκεναι 
πραγματα δὲ ὡς Θουκυδιδης εἰ 
πὼν yap ort] Θεμιστοκλὴς nKev 
εἰς Κερκυίρ]αν φευγων o7[e nly av 
Ta|v| eviepye|tns τὴν εὐεργεσιαν 
[ove εἰπε tav|rnv Θεοῴφραστος 

[de ev τοῖς περ]ι καιρων φησί) δια 
[popav exely τους Kepxupaiolvs 
[Κορινθιοις] και διαιτητὴν γε 
ἰνομενῖον Kpewat atrodov 

viat ΚἸερκυρία ιοις τον Κορινθι 
οἷν δη]μον εἰκοσι ταλαντᾳ [... 

MAY) Ὁ ὁ:ό. 5 ἃ ὁ οἷο. 58 Jol. . . .17.] την 
συϊμμαχιαν πο]ιησίας κα]ταριθμου 
μενοῖυς οσα] A@nvaliolus evepye 
τησαν Σαμίους κολασθηναι Wn 
φισαμενοι και] προς Διγινηταις 
πολεμουσῖι ν]αυς παρασχ[ίο]ντες 
τὴν μεγιστὴν εὐεργεσιαν ov 

kK εἰπεν οτι Κλεομενους Imm 

αν Tov τυραννον καταγαγον 

τος εἰς ἄθηνας παλιν Κορινθι 

οἱ περι το Θριασιον ηδὴ Aakedac 
μονιῶν οντων πρῶτοι των 
συμμαχὼν αποσταντεῖς] αἰτιοι 
ἐγένοντο Tov διαλυθηναι τὴν 

στρατείαν Και μὴ καταχθηναι 






tov Immiav Kat οτι εν Aaxkedat 

pour tov Π[ιησιστρατιδων κα 

ταχθηναι δεομενων και Ke 

ομενους σ[υ]ναγορευοντος αὖ 

55 τοις αντειπε Σωκλης o Κοριν 

θιος ws ἵστορει Ηροδοτος αντι 

23 lines lost 




n εορίτη 
Kno οἷ 
νης τί 



41... » 
Aeyor [ 

ws OofuKvd.dn¢ (?) 
cas yalp 

Col. iii. 





της Ατίτικης 

ἐστι δὶ 

την πὶ 

petal a 
pikopl ev 
ται καὶ 
τὴ Tov | 
νης 6, 
Tew τί 
ἐπαθε | τον μεν 
οφθαλμίον περι την Μεθωνης πο 

τὴν de κίλειν ev ΪΙλλυριοις doy 
χη πληγέεῖις τον de μηρον ev Τρι 
βαλλοις Ϊ 

Π {Π7Ξ: τὸ Ξ Τὴ: 


Fr. 12. 

ΕἼ, 13: 


]. ot εἰσιν 

5 Bapal 



Le. [1 [δ- LJuets καί 

Los πεπραγμενων κΪ.. 

5 φυλαὶ 

ee) ew 

[pJev@v ἱπὲρ οἱ ρητορες πεῖποι 

5 ἥκασιν διαβαλλοντες Φιλιπ 

πον πραξαι ραΐδια] παντα gal 

τες avtov δωρ[οἸδίοκι)αις Kat emt 

opktats και] amlarats και] οὐκ aly 

Opera χρωΐμενον 

ro οὐ φρονοίυντες 

σιαν rad. | 



os ὁ δὶ 
εἰς au[T 

[vas κί 

E (Frs. 12-13). 
Col. ii. 
αν]δρες δὶ 



— υ- 


᾿Ξ 2 Ἢ 2S 
aS > 4 

. Ὁ = 





τον | 

νον Bi 

a erepel 
tous gl 

ταλω de 
Σικελίας | 
δὲ μετασί 
mov και 6. [ 
τ[ηγορει dial 
- . ρατουσῖ 
. 4 ημοσθενΐ 


γραφϊοντεῆς τε pl 

εἰρημενον ofl πε 

pt την εὐχὴν [ Καικι 
25 λιος και 4ιδυμῖος εν τοις περι An 

μοσθενους [ ε 

καστον βιβλιοῖν 

TO ειρημενοῖν 

ἐστιν ἡ adoyol 
30 εξω και εἰ αληΐθ 

μονωτινι εἶ 

τισι και πότε [| 

[. .] ἐτεροις εἰρη 

[- - .]0[.. . .Jrepou[ 


F (Frs. 14-15). 
[τ ja ομοίεἸα καιτοι ev 
een 1ὰ ἐστιν περισ΄. |. 
Ἰαι ja γεινεται οτί. . . 
Ἐ εἸνοῴφων 20 1 και e€@ Tov... 
las To ju ἡ δια το mI... 
5 Ἰασαν οἷταν κεκλαίσμε 
juTepo lv πἸειπτειν τραΐχει 
Ἰλε τις [α |] συνθεσις η.. 
|we > 25 |s εχουσα ola. . 
Jar Ἐϊεϊνοφίων) vo > lv τω συντι[θ. 
10 ἵνα καὶ τὰ 1... ᾿΄ ] (9) Alecornros av}. . 
Προς καὶ πολ[υεπαι (9) συγκρουοντα mf. . 
[νετώτατὸς ev Alynoikaw καὶ εν τὴ Ἰομεῖ 
[πρωτὴ των ΕἘλλΊ]ηνικων αἰτία leh UGS a : é 
[ζεται Kat αιτι]αζομενος nap 30 Ἰου] 
15 [τηκεν Kat αλλ]α τοιαυτα δόκει λι (0) συνήτιθεναι [. . 
[av (?) lt πολειτης πολει (9) μεΐτροις ὑπί.. 
G (Frs. 16-17). 
Fr. 16. Col. i. 
πὴ lov awypotkos προσπερι 
ἰσπωμενω]ς οἱ EdAnves tov ἴδιω 
την ομοιΐως αληθες ὁμοιως και 

ἰδιττας] δυναμεις ἐχει Tapa τοις 

5 [Δττικοιὴς τω δὲ τονω διαστελλεται 
το σημ]αινομενον οταν μεν > 
[yap συγ]κατατιθηται τοις ὕπο τινος 
λεγομενοις adnOes ερει ws cages 
οταν δὲ κατ ερωτησιν προῴφε 

10 ρητία]ι τοτε τοξυτατονως τὴν Tpw 


itTnv εἸξοισει συλλαβὴν adnOes 
ως εἴληθες οἱ ye μὴν Ελληνες 
ἱομοίως εἰωθασιν λεγειν αληθες 
ως σαῖϊῴες ἄχρειον καὶ τοῦτο 
15 ἰφασιὶν διττῶς οἱ Αττικοι] ἀχρεῖον 
Helv β]αρυτονως προφερομενοι 
ὡς al.|pevov τὸν axpnoroy aypet Col. ii. 
[ov de] mporrep|iom@pevas| τον : 
[....]. ov οἱ [de EdAnves opolos Ϊ = 

Fr. 17 (to Fr. 16, Col. ii?). 
eee iuist 
Ελλην[σμος [ 
1. LV Artikov [ 
Jeo EdAnvi [ 
5 Ajrttkoy [ 
|v Arri|Kov 
| Ἑλληνΐισμος 
ΑττικΊον [ 

Fr. 18. 

jew tov ev τοις βιβλι 

ous W καὶ ἡ τῶν ποιημα 

των ]. πολυ exov 

oa ἵνον kat To [..... 
5 εἸπικαλυπτί. ...- 

αἸληθη κακί 

Fr. 19. Fr. 20. Fr. 21-2. 
γε lel: - - Jel 
oul σἸκεψεσὶ Joa Bol 
μοσὶ Ἰγρεψί. Ἰ papal 
παρ γ]εινωσκο ] και ταί 
5 επαΐΪ 5 |e δὲ rns ΕΝ παραΐ 
φηνΐ alvayve To. ἢ 
σεις κί |rot των τροΐ 
δυν Ἰκαιον Kat ]:. yap κί 
ο ταυΐτ Ἰχειραί. . Ἰιστί 
10 τῆυγχαῖν .. 
Fr. 23. Fr. 24. Bir 25; 
\el Ἰρονος. εἰρη i 
Ja λεγομενα οἱ Jou ετεροις αἱ 7... orf 
|s καὶ Aptotopar|ns Ἰων αὐτων εἰρ]ρηθ[η Ἰυτου . [ 
Jou πεποιηκε yalp Je -[-]- - 
5 εἰμφαῖ 
Fr. 26. Br. 27: Fr, 28 Fr. 29 
Jnl Ἰολί Ἰνεί Je. [ 
Ἰυτου Jar . συν Ve}. L Ἰπρὶ 
yer d\rAa οτί Τ. pov wat 
Ἰδηλί 1 γυναῖικ Ἶγῳ 1 1θε 
5 |v ὕπο 5 jazrep| 5 Ἰαστί seh Pie 
Ἰτοισὶ Ἰστωνΐ oll Fr. 30. 
συἸκοφίαντ (?) Ἰσκί ΠΡ ΛΝ Ἀπ Is 
7. al 




Fr. 32. Ime AS. 
Jor μὶ \ral 
ρηἼτορὼν τὶ Ἰητοὶ 
oe |i ] - λο 
30: Lies BY] 
Jor Ἱνετεῖ 
Ἰν pel Ἰσγενΐ 
Ἰαρτυὶ Ἰστεῖ 
vou Val 
ἘΣ 1: 
Fr. 40. Fr. 41. 
}- cof \r-[ 
Jet] \k 
Ἰειτί Jer 
Ἰομί etl 
Fr. 44. Fr. 45 


Fr. 34. 

1 ψευδοί 

] φαινετῖαι 



Joo Ἱπαρῖ Jove Ἰδιδ 

- AL Jea[ 1. of 

Fr. 47 Fr. 48. Fr. 49. Fr, 50 Fr. 51 
Ἰν .. ν βὶ Jer Ἰγαῖ θεῖ pal 
Ἰον mapar . [ Ἰδει Je Ἰστ Ἱνατί 

Fr. 52. Br 53: Fr. 54. Fr. 55. 

Fr. 1. ii. 5.sqq. Cf. introd. p. 84. It is not clear what exactly is meant by τοῦ 
λ[οἤγου in 1. 8. According to Aristotle, 7Ae/. iii. 13, the usual parts of a δικανικὸς λόγος were 
προοίμιον, πρόθεσις, πίστις, and ἐπίλογος, and similar distinctions are made by later writers ; but 
though προοίμια are mentioned in iii. 2, the remains of Il. rosqq. here, even if Fr. 2 is 
wrongly placed (cf. the next note), do not lend themselves to terms of that kind, and the 
λόγος would appear to be of a more general character. 

11-18. That Fr. 2, containing parts of 8 lines from ] . λαγί to Ἰασαπῖ, is to be assigned 
to this position is very uncertain. The appearance of the papyrus on both sides is suitable, 
and moreover, on the recto, if the fragment be placed approximately as suggested, the 
word παρατίθεσθαι results. In ]. 16 the doubtful » may be a, and ll. r5-17 could be 
restored o καιρὸς ὁ πρίεπων] (Wilamowitz) καὶ τὸ πίρεπον] τοις προσωπἴοις κἾκι τοις ηθεσι (?)] 
τουτο[ ἢ. But the combination remains unconvincing. 

18-19. It is not certain that any letter is lost between ε and π᾿ of εἶπα or between 
oand s of vof.}s. 



20-35. ‘And of this, Lysias among the orators seems to have been especially careful. 
For he excels in the exposition of facts, neither omitting anything of value nor adding anything 
superfluous, but ever on the watch for the right occasion adjusts his words to the characters 
of the speakers and the audience, and observing always propriety towards his opponents 
and the judges or jury who are hearing him he above all aims at moderation; he is 
at once the most persuasive of almost all the orators and the most difficult to imitate.’ 

20 344. This characterization of the method of Lysias is to be compared with the 
criticism of Dionysius of Halicarnassus in the De Vet. Orat., Lys. §§ 4-10, where very 
similar phraseology is used; cf. 5 τοσούτου δεῖ τῶν οὐκ ἀναγκαίων τι λέγειν, ὥστε καὶ πολλὰ 
καὶ τῶν χρησίμων ἂν δόξειε παραλιπεῖν, ἢ κράτιστος γὰρ δὴ πάντων ἐγένετο ῥητόρων ... τὰ προσήκοντα 
ἑκάστοις ἀποδοῦναι πάθη τε καὶ ἤθη καὶ ἔργα, 8 τὴν λέξιν ἀποδίδωσι τοῖς ἤθεσιν οἰκείαν, 9. τὸ πρέπον 
ἔχειν τὴν Λυσίου λέξιν... πρός τε τὸν λέγοντα καὶ πρὸς τοὺς ἀκούοντας καὶ πρὸς τὸ πρᾶγμα... 
ἀρκούντως ἡρμησμένην, τὸ οὐδεὶς ἔστιν ὃς οὐχὶ... ὁμολογεῖ πάντων ῥητύρων αὐτὸν εἶναι πιθανώτατον. 
Photius, 2224. 262, speaks of Lysias’ σαφήνεια ἐν τοῖς πράγμασι, but otherwise his remarks 
have little in common with Dionysius and our author. In ll. 20-1, if ov is the relative, δόκει 
has to be supplied, unless Λυσίας is a mistake for Λυσίαν. 

23. [evmope:| Wilamowitz. 

24. Probably περιττοί») τι), but only the smallest vestige is visible at the end of 
the line. 

25. Some such participle as [erayay]ov or [ἐμβαλλΊων is to be restored. por[por is not 
very satisfactory, but suits the remains better than φυλατίτων, for which there is hardly room. 

33: [our]'s|: the broken letter seems to be o rather than o. 

34. ws may be an error for ὦν, as Wilamowitz suggests, or (wv) ὡς might be restored. 

iii. 1-3. These three lines are on a detached fragment (3), but its position here 
is strongly favoured by the peculiar colouring of the papyrus. 

10. Possibly [ya\p των διηγίησεων. The p is immediately under that in the previous 
line, so that only one letter would be expected in front of it, but the scribe has a tendency 
to advance the lines to the left as the column proceeds. 

11. ὁ Of |rov is very doubtful and τὺ could well be read, but {ac|rv seems unlikely, and 
there would not be room for [πλαΐτυ, and it would be difficult to find an alternative. 

Frs. 4-5. The attribution of these two small fragments to Fr. τ. iii is suggested by the 
occurrence on the recto of a junction between two selides, also found in Col. iii. If Fr. 4 
belongs to the column, not more than two or three letters are lost at the beginnings of 
ll. 2-4; in the case of Fr. 5 the initial loss would extend to five or six letters. In Fr. 4. 
1, 4 Ἵνεσαι ἀποδὶ may be read. 

Fr. 6. i. 6. κ[ω]λυομεῖνος : there is barely room for between the supposed « and Δ. 
io may be read in place of « and a for ἃ; the v also is very uncertain. Ὁ 
7. The trace of a diaeresis above v of vAny is very slight. 

Frs. 7-8 appear to belong to Fr. 6. ii, Fr. 8 being especially suitable; but there 
is no direct junction. 

Fr. 9. ii. τ. Cf. note on Il. 6—7. 

3. Cf. the reference to Aristophanes in Fr. 23. 

6—7. The allusion here, as was perceived by Wilamowitz, is to Aeschines 2. 10 καὶ τὸ 
τῆς ἱερείας ἐνύπνιον τῆς ἐν Σικελίᾳ διηγήσατο, explained by the scholiast as a reference to a story 
in Timaeus about a woman of Himera who had a dream concerning the approaching 
tyranny of Dionysius; cf. also Photius 5.2, ἱερείας ἐνύπνιον, Valerius Max. 1. 7. Moreover, 


Tertullian, De Anima 46, expressly refers this story to Heraclides (Ponticus): sed οἱ Dionysii 
Siciliae tyrannidem Himeraea quaedam somniavit: Heraclides prodidit ; hence the restoration 
of I. r. None of the authorities, however, mentions the name of the priestess, which our 
author implies was known, and which is perhaps given in 1. 2. 

9-14. This passage, containing a new citation of the sixth book of the PAzlppica, was 
utilized for the recent edition of the Theopompea in the Oxford Classical Texts (Fr. 64); 
but we there hesitated to restore the names of Antipater and Eurylochus owing to the 
apparent insufficiency of the space at the ends of Il. 11-12, where not more than eight letters 
would be expected. But the scribe is not very careful in keeping his lines even, and 
there can be little doubt that Philip’s three ambassadors to Athens, specified in the argu- 
ment to Demosth. /a/s. Zeg. 5, are really meant: ἤγαγον ἀπὸ τοῦ Φιλίππου τρεῖς πρέσβεις, 
᾿Αντίπατρον, Παρμενίωνα καὶ Etpvdoxov, ‘The passage where the names were omitted might 
be e. g. Aesch. 2. 55. The supplements of ll. 8—10 were suggested by Wilamowitz ; in 
1. 8 ποτῆε is very uncertain, the vestige at the beginning of ]. 9 not suggesting an e, though it 
is not inconsistent with that letter. 

14-2ώ2. The identification of this reference to Aesch. 1. 165 is due to Wilamowitz. 
Aeschines says: πόθεν οὖν ἴσχυκε καὶ σύνηθες γεγένηται λέγειν, ὡς κατὰ γραμματεῖον ἤδη τινὲς 
ἡταίρησαν, ἐρῶ. ἀνὴρ εἷς τῶν πολιτῶν (τὸ δ᾽ ὄνομα οὐ λέξω" τὰς γὰρ ἀπεχθείας φεύγω)... λέγεται 
κατὰ συνθήκας ἡταιρηκέναι. That the person there alluded to was Androtion is not mentioned 
in the scholia, and apparently has not been recognized, though the language of Demosthenes 
in the speech against Androtion (21-3) where the word γραμματεῖον recurs, might, as 
indicated by our author, have warranted the inference. 

23-56. ‘Or suppression of facts, as in Thucydides. For he says that Themistocles 
in his flight came to Corcyra because he was a benefactor of that people, but he does not say 
what the benefit was. Theophrastus, however, in his book “On Occasions ” states that the 
Corcyraeans had a quarrel with the Corinthians, and Themistocles being made arbiter 
decided that the people of Corinth should pay to the Corcyraeans twenty talents ... and 
when he describes the Corinthians as enumerating the benefits which they had conferred 
on the Athenians, in voting for the punishment of the Samians and providing the 
Athenians with ships when at war with the Aeginetans, he does not mention the greatest 
benefit of all, namely that when Cleomenes was restoring the tyrant Hippias to Athens 
it was again the Corinthians who, after the Lacedaemonians were already as far as the 
Thriasian plain, were the first of the allies to desert, and so caused the abandonment of the 
expedition and the failure of the restoration of Hippias; and that when at Lacedaemon 
the Pisistratidae were asking to be restored, and Cleomenes was supporting them, Socles 
the Corinthian opposed him, as is narrated by Herodotus.’ 

23 sqq. After considering instances of the suppression of names the author now turns 
to suppression of facts, of which he gives some cases from Thucydides. The first is from 
1, 136 ὁ δὲ Θεμιστοκλῆς προαισθόμενος φεύγει ἐκ Πελοποννήσου ἐς Κέρκυραν, ὧν αὐτῶν εὐεργέτης. 

26 544. The restorations are largely due to Wilamowitz, who compares the similar 
account in Plutarch, Zhemist. 24 γενόμενος γὰρ αὐτῶν (Sc. τῶν Κορκυραίων) κριτὴς πρὸς Κορινθίους 
ἐχόντων διαφοράν, ἔλυσε τὴν ἔχθραν εἴκοσι τάλαντα κρίνας τοὺς Κορινθίους καταβαλεῖν καὶ Λευκάδα κοινῇ 
γνεμεῖν ἀμφοτέρων ἄποικον. 

27-8. Citations of the now lost treatise of Theophrastus περὶ καιρῶν are scarce. It is 
otherwise called πολιτικὰ τὰ πρὸς καιρούς (Harpocration, s.v. ἐπίσκοπος) Or τὰ πρὸς καιρούς 
simply (Parthenius 9), and is said to have consisted of four books, 

H 2 


36sqq. Cf. Thucyd. i. 41. συ[μμαχίαν in 1. 37 of course means the proposed alliance 
between Athens and Corcyra which the Corinthians were opposing (i. 31). 

40. ]. Avywnras. 

43. Inmav here and in |. 51 is an error for ᾿Ισαγόραν ; cf, Hdt. v. 73. 

44. 1. καταγοντος, as Wilamowitz remarks. 

55. 1. Σωσικλης ; cf. Hdt. v. 92. 

iii. 37-40. The reference appears to be to Thucyd. ii. 22. There is no mention in 
Thucydides of any other Phrygia than the Attic village. Lines 41sqq. perhaps described 
its position, on which cf. 853. xiii. 16, note. 

48-55. This passage evidently relates to the three serious wounds received by Philip 
during his campaigns, on which subject the principal authority is now Didymus, De Demosth. 
xii. 40-Xiii. 7 περὶ μὲν yap τὴν Μεθώνης πολιορκίαν τὸν δεξιὸν ὀφθαλμ[ὸ]ν ἐξεκόπη τοξεύματι 
πληγείς, «.. τὴν δὲ κλῖν τὴν δεξιὰν ἐν Ἰλλυριοῖς λόγχῃ τὸν ᾿Ιλλυριὸν Πλευρᾶτον διώκοντα, . . . τἰρ]ΐτον 
τραῦμα λαμβάνει κατὰ τὴν εἰς Τριβαλλοὺς ἐμβολὴν τὴν σάρισάν τινος τῶν διωκόντων εἰς τὸν δεξιὸν 
αὐτοῦ μηρὸν ὠσαμένου καὶ χωλώσαντος αὐτόν. Cf. Schol. Demosth. De Cor. 67 ὅτι τὸν ὀφθαλμὸν 
ἐπλήγη ἐν τῇ Μεθώνῃ, τὴν δὲ κλεῖν ἐν ᾿Ιλλυριοῖς, τὸ δὲ σκέλος καὶ τὴν χεῖρα ἐν Σκύθαις, and Plutarch, 
De Alex. Virt. τ. 9 τοῦ δὲ πατρὸς Φιλίππου λόγχῃ τὸν μηρὸν ἐν Τριβαλλοῖς διαπαρέντος. If Anpo- 
σθεΊνης is rightly restored in 1]. 46 the allusion presumably was to De Cor. 67 ὑπὲρ ἀρχῆς καὶ 
δυναστείας τὸν ὀφθαλμὸν ἐκκεκομμένον, τὴν κλεῖν κατεαγότα, THY χεῖρα, TO σκέλος πεπηρωμένον, Perhaps 
as another case of suppressed facts. 

Frs.10-11. These fragments were found folded together, and are distinguished from the 
others by being much decayed and discoloured. Probably they belong to the same two 
columns, but their relation to each other is wholly uncertain. The recto prevents their 
being combined so that Fr. ro. i. 1 supplies the ν of αἰν]δρεια in Fr. rr. ii. 8, 

Fr. 11. 4sqq. rep: so apparently the papyrus; 1. οπερ. 

The oft repeated charge brought against Philip of bribery and unscrupulousness finds 
strong expression e.g. in Pausan. viii. 7. 5 στρατηγὸν δὲ ἀγαθὸν οὐκ ἄν τις φρονῶν ὀρθὰ 
καλέσειεν αὐτόν, ὅς ye καὶ ὅρκους θεῶν κατεπάτησεν ἀεί, καὶ σπονδὰς ἐπὶ παντὶ ἐψεύσατο, πίστιν τε 
ἠτίμασε μάλιστα ἀνθρώπων, and Diod. xvi. 54. 4 ἦν γὰρ πεῖραν εἰληφὼς ὅτι τὰ τοῖς ὅπλοις 
ἀδύνατα χειρωθῆναι τῷ χρυσῷ ῥάδιόν ἐστι καταπολεμῆσαι ; cf. e.g. Demosth. 2) 11]. iii. 37 sqq. 
Demosthenes, however, at least gives Philip credit for personal bravery ; cf. the passage 
quoted from the De Cor. in the note on Fr. 9. iii. 48-55. 

10. dpoveluvres is rather speculative, but seems more consistent with the papyrus than 
φρον τιζοντες (or -ra). 

Frs, 12-18. It is probable that not more than a few lines are missing at the top of 
Fr. 13. ii, and therefore, if Fr. 12 is the top of that column, which is far from certain, 
the gap between them is slight. 

Fr. 18. 24-5. The restoration of the name Caecilius here, i.e. Caecilius Calactinus, 
seems fairly secure. He was a contemporary of Didymus, and the titles of his works, 
which were largely concerned with oratory, include Σύγκρισις Δημοσθένους καὶ Αἰσχίνου, 
Σύγκρισις Δημοσθένους καὶ Κικέρωνος, Περὶ χαρακτῆρος τῶν δέκα ῥητόρων, Περὶ Δημοσθένους, ποῖοι 
αὐτοῦ γνήσιοι λόγοι καὶ ποῖοι νόθοι, and Περὶ τῶν καθ᾽ ἱστορίαν ἢ παρ᾽ ἱστορίαν εἰρημένων τοῖς 
ῥήτορσι. He is cited several times by Plutarch, for example, in the ΓΛ X Orat., 6. 5. 
832 E, 836 A, 840 B; cf. Dion. Hal. Zp. ad Cn. Pomp. -3 ἐμοὶ μέντοι καὶ τῷ φιλτάτῳ Καικιλίῳ 
δοκεῖ. For ev rots περι Δημοσθενους cf. the title at the end of the Berlin papyrus of 


Didymus, Διδύμου περὶ Δημοσθένους xn, Φιλιππικῶν γ΄. In |. 24 ὡς φασιν or the like ma 
ymus; pe Ane ἢ; γ 4 γ 
be supplied before Καικίλιος : what τὴν εὐχὴν refers to is obscure. 
31. Either -poy ᾧτινι or μόνῳ τινί. 

Fr. 14. 11-15. The ἅπαξ εἰρημένον, πολυεπαινετώτατος, occurs in Xen. Ages. 6. 8 πολυε- 
pagtéraros δὲ καὶ πολυεπαινετώτατος ὑπὸ πάντων ἀνθρώπων. It is apparently unnoticed in the 
grammarians and lexicographers. If |pos is another unusual word from the Ages¢/aus this 
may perhaps be ἀνεπικλητότερος (1. 5), which is the only example of the comparative of 
ἀνεπίκλητος. αἰτιάζεται and αἰτιαζόμενοι occur in Ζ7ε . i. 6. 5 and 12; the verb was also 
used by Cassius Dio, but no other writer is quoted for it in the Thesaurus of Stephanus. 

16. πολειτης looks like another citation from Xenophon, but he does not appear to 
have used the word in an abnormal sense, nor to have employed any strange compound 
of it. Our author can hardly be referring to the occasional equivalence of πολίτης to 
συμπολιτευόμενος, Which is regular; cf. e. g. Pollux iii. 51 πολίτης" ὁ δὲ συμπολίτης ob δόκιμον. 

18. Possibly περισσωΐ : the form περιττὸς would however be expected; cf. Fr. 1. ii. 9, 
2 ΠῚ LOnle Lise 

22. κεκλασμένος or some other part of κεκλάσθαι fits in with the context; cf. Long. 
De Sublim. 41 κεκλασμένος ῥυθμός, Demetr. De Loc. 189 κεκλασμένοις μέτροις. 

23. τραΐχεια, as Wilamowitz suggests, will make a suitable opposition to A]eoryros in 
1 27. 

27-8. Cf. for the suggested supplements Demetr. De Eloc. 299 ἡ δὲ λειύότης ἡ περὶ τὴν 
σύνθεσιν (Il. 24, 26) οἵᾳ κέχρηνται... φυλαξάμενοι τὴν σύγκρουσιν τῶν φωνηέντων γραμμάτων, 
In 1. 28 the doubtful π is possiby a γ, i. 6. γίραμ ματα. 

Fr. 15. Similarity of appearance makes the bottom of the foregoing column a suitable 
position for this fragment, and it may even be placed consistently with the recto so that 
its first line conicides with the last of Fr. 14, ομε[ν)ουΐ. 

Fr. 16. 1~3. For the variation in the meaning of ἀγροικος according to its accent 
cf. Ammonius s.v., ἀγροῖκος καὶ ἄγροικος διαφέρει. προπερισπωμένως μὲν ὁ ἐν ἀγρῷ κατοικῶν, 
προπαροξυτόνως δὲ ὁ σκαιὸς τοὺς τρόπους. ομοιΐως is due to Wilamowitz, who also suggests that 
ὁ σκαῖος | τὸν tpor|ov may on the analogy of the passage in Ammonius be restored in ], 1. 
προσπεριϊ σπωμενωΐς is a graphical error. 

3-14. “ἄληθες : this word also has two senses in Attic, the meaning being distinguished 
by the accent; thus when a man assents to what is stated by somebody he will say ἀληθές 
like σαφές, but when he utters it interrogatively he will pronounce the first syllable with an 
acute accent, ἄληθες, like Andes. The Hellenes in general, however, are accustomed to say 
ἀληθές just in the same way as σαφές.᾽ 

3 sqq. Cf, Ammonius ἀληθὲς μὲν γὰρ ὀξυτόνως τὸ ἐναντίον τῷ ψεύδει, ἄληθες δὲ προπαροξυτόνως 
τὸ κατ᾽ ἐρώτησιν λεγόμενον. 

4. [διττας]: cf. 1. 15. 

10. |, o€vrovas. 

12. [ws εἶληθες was restored by Wilamowitz. Instead of writing the word with its 
appropriate accent, our author compares another word having the same accent, ἔληθες to 
indicate ἄληθες, as above in |. 8 σαφές to indicate ἀληθές : cf. also 1. 17. 

14-19. Wilamowitz compares Arcadius, p. 116. 17 (ed. Barker) ἀχρεῖος ἀχρεῖον καὶ 
᾿Αττικῶς ἄχρειως ἄχρειων, interpreting ἄχρειως as the opposite of ὑπόχρεως. Authorities differ 
concerning the accentuation of ἀχρεῖος, for while elsewhere Arcadius states that ἀχρεῖος was the 


Atlic accent (p. 87. 6 ἄχρειος τὸ κοινόν, ἀχρεῖος δὲ τὸ ᾿Αττικόν), according to others, e. g. Schol. 
Ven. B 269, it was ἄχρειος. If, as our author says, the Attic accent varied with the sense, 
this would account for the conflicting evidence on the subject. It is unfortunate that the 
word in 1. 19 giving the second meaning is mutilated: the vestige of the letter before 
o suits ¢ or ν. 

17. That the small fragment containing the beginnings of 1], 16-17 is rightly placed 
is hardly to be doubted, but there seems to be no proparoxytone word af, |petos, and dpetos 
does not sufficiently fill the space ; the first letter might be Δ, but that is equally intractable. 
Possibly ἀχρεῖον was written again by mistake for ἄρειον: there are two other errors in this 

Fr. 17. This fragment cannot belong to Fr. 16. i on account of the writing on the recto, 
but it may well come from the column succeeding. The subject at any rate is similar, 

1. a.[.|.[ is probably the word characterized as a Hellenism; Arjr}xov is less likely, 
since the fourth letter is unusually long for an ε. 

6. A stroke is drawn above the final «, after which there is a short blank space. An 
abbreviation of Ἑλληνισμος is presumably intended, unless the stroke is to be regarded as 
accidental, in which case the « would be the last letter of the line and cpos followed at the 
beginning of the next. 

Fr. 18. In colour and texture this fragment from the top of a column resembles 
Frs. 14-15, but the recto is inconsistent with the supposition that they come from the same 
column, and their subjects are also quite different ; that of Fr. 18 appears to have affinities to 
Fr, τι ii or Fr. 13. 1]: 26 sqq- 

Fr. 19. The most probable place for this fragment, on account of its dark colour and 
blank recto, is the upper part of Fr. 9. iii. 

Fr. 20. 10. Fr. 36. 3 cannot be combined here. 

Frs. 21-2. Lines 1-3 are on a detached fragment, but its position here is practically 
assured by the recto. The reason for the indentation of 1]. 5-7 is doubtful. Perhaps the 
lines above and below are quotations, which were commonly distinguished in this manner, 
e.g. 220, 418, 853; or Il. 5-7 may be the heading of a section, In either case it is likely 
that there is no loss at the beginnings of Il. 2-4, and that not more than a narrow letter at 
any rate is missing in front of the two doubtful iotas in ll. 8-9; if they are read as etas no 
loss need be assumed, 

Fr. 28. 4. The cramped manner of writing yal suggests that the fragment contains 
ends of lines. 

Frs. 24-5. These two fragments both come from the bottom of a column and should 
perhaps be combined, Fr. 25 being placed to the right of Fr. 24, but with a gap between 
αἱ and jurov. The recto of Fr. 24 is covered with a strengthening strip of papyrus which 
it is undesirable to remove. In Fr. 24. 1. 2 between Jac and ecrepos there is a short blank 
space in which a letter may possibly have disappeared. 

Frs. 831-2 may well come from Fr. 1. iii. Fr. 31, in which there is apparently 
a junction of two selides, would be especially suitable in Col. iii ; cf. note on Frs. 4-5. 

Fr. 35. Similarity in colouring suggests that this fragment may belong to the upper 
part of Fr. 1. iii. 


Fr. 42. 2. Probably ρ]ητορί again. 
Fr. 48. 3. If the second letter is really a Φ (or ), this line protruded considerably. 

Frs. 54, 57-9. That these scraps belong to 1012 is somewhat uncertain, and Fr. 58 
should perhaps be turned the other way up and read ve . [. 


16-7 X 13-9 cm. Fifth or sixth century. 

Important contributions to the remains of Menander have already been 
made by the Oxyrhynchus papyri in substantial pieces of the Περικειρομένη (211) 
and the Κόλαξ (409), and to these are now to be added the following fragments from 
the Μισούμενος, which, if of much more modest compass, are still not without 
value. Their identification admits of practically no doubt. A clue is at once 
provided by the occurrence of the name Thrasonides, which was that of the 
principal character in this celebrated comedy. The name of his slave was Getas 
(Kock, Frs. 335, 345, Arrian, Diss. Epict. iv. τ. 19), and his father apparently also 
figured in the play; Getas and the father of Thrasonides duly appear in the papyrus. 
These, however, are not the only dramatis personae which here occur; three others 
are mentioned, Crateia (Il. 32, 39), Demeas (Il. 13 sqq.), and Kleinias (? Il. 12-3). 
But we know from Simplicius on Aristotle, P/ys., p. 384. 13 (Diels), that Crateia 
(a rare name) and Demeas were characters in a play of Menander. The passage 
is: ὅταν λέγωμεν ὅτι ἀπὸ τύχης ἦλθεν ὁ ξένος Kal λυτρωσάμενος TOV αἰχμάλωτον, ὡς 
ὁ παρὰ Μενάνδρῳ Δημέας τὴν Κράτειαν, ἀπῆλθεν. Meineke thought that Κράτην or 
Κράτητα was the correct reading, but C. Keil (P/z/o/. i. 552) proves to have been 
right in defending Kparetav,.—which Kock (Fr. 939) needlessly prints with a small 
x. That the play alluded to by Simplicius was the Μισούμενος was not known, 
but this is now evident, and the passage may henceforth be rescued from 
the position it has hitherto occupied among the “AénAa Δράματα. Finally, to 
clinch the argument, the phraseology and the situation disclosed in the papyrus 
are in striking accord with what is known of the plot of the Μισούμενος. 
Thrasonides was a soldier of an overbearing and repulsive type, in love with his 
slave (Crateia), who, as we may now add from Fr. 939, was also his captive ; 
cf, Libanius iv. 512. 1. . - ὡς ὑπέρογκόν τι Kal σοβαρὸν καὶ πολλή τις ἀλαζονεία 

1 Wilamowitz refers to Kaibel’s vindication in Hermes xxv. pp. 98-9 of Κράτεια ἢ Φαρμακοπώλης as 
the title of a play of Alexis against the suspicions of editors of Athenaeus, the name Κράτεια having been 
found on a Theban yase. 


στρατιώτης ἀνήρ. εἴ τις ὑμῶν φαντάζεται τὸν Μενάνδρου Θρασωνίδην, oidev ὃ λέγω" 
στρατιωτικὴν γάρ φησιν ἀηδίαν νοσοῦντα τὸν ἄνθρωπον εἰς ἀπέχθειαν αὑτῷ κινῆσαι τὴν 
ἐρωμένην" καὶ γέγονεν ἀμέλει προσηγορία τῷ δράματι τοῦ Θρασωνίδου τὸ μῖσος, and 
Kock, Fr. 338 παιδισκάριόν με καταδεδούλωκ᾽ εὐτελές, ὃν οὐδὲ) εἷς τῶν πολεμίων 
(οὐγπώποτε. The relation between the two was thus the same as that between 
Polemon and Glycera in the Περικειρομένη, and the resulting situation is closely 
analogous and seems to have had a very similar déouement. Thrasonides’ despair 
at the aversion of Crateia is described in Arrian, Diss. Epict. iv. 1. 19: ‘ First 
he goes out in the night, when Getas is afraid to do so. ... Next he demands 
a sword, and is enraged with the man who out of kindness refuses to give him 
one, and he sends presents to his disdainful mistress, and implores and weeps ; 
then a slight improvement elates him.’ Now this is just the attitude of the 
Thrasonides of the papyrus; cf. ll. 40 sqq.: ‘You will now prove me, father, 
of all men living the most happy or miserable ; for unless this man will accept 
me fully and give this woman to me, it is all over with Thrasonides: which 
heaven forbid!’ ‘This man’ is doubtless Demeas (evidently the father of 
Crateia: cf. 1. 39), who, as has been seen in Fr. 939, unexpectedly arrived on the 
scene and effected her release (λυτρωσάμενος ; cf. 1. 21 ἀπολυτροῦν). Hence it is 
clear that our fragments come from near the conclusion of the play. Further 
points of contact with the extant citations from the Μισούμενος are pointed out 
in the notes on II. 18 and 19. 

Whether the recto precedes the verso or vice versa is not immediately 

ΕΠ’ τ: Ὁ 

ἘΠ. Ὁ: Ἰπηνικαὶ 

Ἰ. οσίωνῴ.. [.] . [ 


7. ητοσεκτοπουΐ 
Ἰνητὸνήλιον : 

10 Ἰδησαυθαδίασ 


evident, for the extremity of the right margin of the recto though fairly 
straight is not cleanly cut, and the appearance of the edge might have been 
caused by a break where the crease in the quire came. But internal evidence 
provides a less equivocal clue. The verso is occupied by the conclusion of 
a dialogue between the soldier Thrasonides and his father (Il. 34, 40), the 
former, as has been seen above, being very eager that Crateia should be given 
to him (in marriage) by her father, i.e. Demeas (Il. 39, 42-3). Hence, since she 
was now in her father’s keeping, the rescue had already been effected. On the 
recto her release is the subject of a discussion between Cleinias and Demeas, 
who in the capacity of a parent demands her freedom (Il. 21-2). This scene 
must therefore have preceded that on the verso; and it is natural to identify 
Demeas’ interlocutor Cleinias as the father of Thrasonides. 

The papyrus is no more than a tattered leaf, of which only the lower part 
has survived, with four small detached pieces. It is of a comparatively late 
date. The hand isa rather coarse semicursive, which must be referred to the fifth 
or even the sixth century. Alternations in the dialogue are denoted as usual by 
paragraphi and double dots ; the name of the speaker is inserted to the left of 
the column at 1. 38, while at ll. 10-13 similar entries have been added in a ruder 
hand and darker ink in the right margin, as in the Cairo Menander. Stops in 
both the high and middle position occur, and accents, breathings, and marks of 
elision are plentifully supplied, mostly by the original scribe. The accents are 
sometimes rather carelessly placed, e.g. that intended for the a of αλλ inl. 44 
really falls over the second X. 

ἘΠΕῚ Me Ἰηκειμί 
| γείτοϊν 
Fr. 2. ] πηνίκα [ 
litres seal 
Br 3: 5 ]-. ociov @. [.].[ 

a\kovoopat σαφώϊς 
7. ητος ἐκτόπουϊΪ 
] νὴ τὸν ἥλιον. 
(Κλειν. 3) Ἰως, Γέτα, 
το Γέτας) Θρασωνί]δης αὐθαδίας 


]6|. ὠπουλαβεῖν 
|riA@Be : 


1: δημέασ 
15 Ἰῤδημέα 
71... ερᾶσεγὼ 
ἘΚΑ ΥΣ τ ἢ τ ἰτὸς |rno-pl.] . . [ἡταυτὶλέγει 
«7. ακλάωναντιβολῶνθνοσλύρασ : 
εν περιπατήσωκαυτὸσωσεμοϊδοκεῖ : 
20 . τοῦτοδ᾽ εἰρημετεῖ. .. αυτοῦσ᾽ αξιῶ 
. «Ἰωναπολυτροῦνθ᾽ ὠνπατήρ'εγὼδέγε 
ς Teoria ον τυ 35: 

irate 5 

Fr, 2. Jug... KA. [ 
Br 3 -- Xa ἢ 
[1Ἰεπονθαμεν : τί 
30 [- Ἰθασὶτοῦτοτί. [ 

ἐλοῦσαμιμο.. « [ 
Siatixpdread . pl 
35 ἅπαντ᾽ al 


θρ, ὥτουπαραΐ 


ἀνθ᾽ ρ)ώπου λαβεῖν 

Κλειν(ίας) τὶ λάβω. 
(Ver.) ] Κλεινίας) Anpéas 
vos οὐδὲ γρῦ 
15 γάρ, Anpéa, 
(Δημ.) 71... ἐερᾶς ἐγὼ 

Ἰγης ρί.] - - [ ταυτὶ λέγει 
1..α κλάων, ἀντιβολῶν, ὄνος λύρας. 
(Κλειν.) [συμ]περιπατήσω κἀυτός, ὡς ἐμοὶ δοκεῖ. 
20 (Δημ.) | τοῦτο δ᾽ εἴρημετεί. .]. αὐτοῦ σ᾽ ἀξιῶ 
lov ἀπολυτροῦν ὧν πατήρ. (Κλειν.) ἐγὼ δέ γε 
[μισἸῶ γυναῖκας ἐντετυχηκώς, Anpéa. 

Fr. 1. llooll 
7. mal 

25 |. πη! 
οὐϊκέτι.. | 

Pregl: yer: χη} 
[π]Ἰεπόνθαμεν. ([Κλειν. ?) τί 
30 [. Jace τοῦτο τί. [ 
ἑλοῦσα ptpo.. | 
(Op.) διὰ τί Kpdrea . pl 
(Kaew. ?) ὁ τοῦτο πράξας é. [ 
(Op.) ἀλλά, πάτερ, εἶ 
35. ἅπαντ᾽ al 
ζῆν εὖ πρέπει 
Θρίασωνίδης) ὦ τοῦ mapal 


πατὴρκρατειασὶ .Ἰὸνΐ. .|\Nagp. 

40 νῦνὴμακάριονῆτρὶσαθλιοί. πατεῖ 

ὁμὴγένοιτ᾽ «ἀλλ᾽ εἰσίωμεν". [κεν 

Fr. 4 recto. Fr. 5 recto. 

. . . . . . . - 

Ἶξ 5.9} rel 

᾿ὠστεπάνϊ ΡΝ 
Fr. 4 verso. Fr. 5 verso. 
Ἰρδωσει Ἰν) 
Ἰδελφου καὶ 

rey :[ llowoll 

. . . . . . 

Frs. 1-2. Corresponding dark-coloured fibres on the verso, and the tip of a stroke 
on Fr. 2 which may be the base of the 7 of xe: in Fr. 1, suggest the combination of these 
two fragments, and similar fibres on the main piece make it likely that Frs. 1-2 are to be 
placed at the top above Fr. 3, perhaps immediately; the letters μὸ would then be the 
beginning of the line and πηνίκα on the recto probably the end. 

9. yera is followed by some traces which may be ink; possibly there has been an 
erasure of a colon ΟΥ ἃ σι ‘The identity of the speaker of this line is quite doubtful; since 
it is addressed to Getas, the previous line is likely to belong to him. 

12. KAew(éas) seems to be the most probable expansion of the abbreviation KAew. No 
name beginning with these letters is attested for the New Comedy, but Κλεινίας (Kvavia(s) 
codd.) occurs in a fragment of Polyzelus (Kock, i. p. 791). τὶ may be | τί or του τί or 

13. The supposed double dots may be the extremities of ἃ o. 

16. εχθρᾶς is just possible, but the χ is unsatisfactory and the preceding letter is more 
like oor a thane. The remains of the first letter after the lacuna suggest 8 or 8. 1{]. 19 
is rightly assigned to Cleinias, Demeas must intervene either at |. 16 or |. 17. 

18, κλάων, ἀντιβολῶν : cf. the passage quoted from Arrian, Dzss. Epict., in the introduction, 
δῶρα τῇ μισούσῃ πέμπει Kat δεῖται καὶ κλάει. ὄνος λύρας Occurred also in Menander’s Ψοφοδεής 
(Kock, Ir. 527), according to Photius and Suidas, who add ἡ δ᾽ ὅλη παροιμία, ὄνος λύρας 


πατὴρ Κρατείας [.Jor[. .1λ᾽ adf 

40 νῦν ἢ μακάριον ἢ τρισάθλιοϊν,) πάτερ, 
δείξεις pe τῶν ζώντων ἁπάντων γενόμενον. 
εἰ μὴ γὰρ οὗτος δοκιμάσει με κυρίωϊς 
δώσει τε ταύτην, οἴχεται Θρασωνίδ[ης" 
ὃ μὴ γένοιτ᾽: ἀλλ᾽ εἰσίωμεν" . [κεν 

Fr. 4 recto. Fr. 5 recto. 

Fr. 4 verso. Fr. 5 verso. 
|p δώσειϊ ] 

ἀἹ]δελφουΐ ] καὶ 
ἐστιν. [(B) ] 

ἤκουε καὶ σάλπιγγος ὗς. λέγεται (δὲ) ἐπὶ τῶν μὴ συγκατατιθεμένων μηδὲ ἐπαινούντων. Heedless 
obstinacy is the quality apparently conveyed by the saying. 

19. ἰσυμ]περιπατήσω : this is probably a reference to the restlessness of Thrasonides, 
which is emphasized in Kock, Fr. 341 ὦ δυστυχής, τί οὐ καθεύδεις ; σύ μ᾽ ἀποκναίεις περιπατῶν, 
though of course Fr. 341 is not from the present scene. The attempt to indicate the 
number of letters lost at the beginnings of the preceding and following lines is based 
on the hypothesis that [συμὶ (Wilamowitz) is correct. 

20-1. These two verses ought to be restored without much difficulty, but the text 
appears to be at fault. Wilamowitz is surely right in emending ἀπολυτρουνθ᾽ (cf. introd., 
Ῥ- 104) to ἀπολυτροῦν, and in supposing that a change of speaker occurs at ἐγώ in spite of the 
single point in the papyrus; but what is εἰρημετεῖ ? εἴρῃ from εἴρειν is unlikely, and εἴρεσθαι 
for ἔρεσθαι is only an Ionic form; there remains εἴρημε = εἴρημαι, which is not easy to 
manage. The ε after τ can hardly be read otherwise; the letter before αὐτοῦ may well 
be x, p, or o. 

30. The letter following 6 seems to be a, not , and the accented ε is inconsistent with 
a subjunctive ; but [. .7λασί is difficult. 

31. μιμ: ΟΥ̓ xx, but not yeep. The first letter of the line may be a. 

34-6. There is no paragraphus below any of these lines, but a change of speaker must 


have occurred in their course, since 1. 34 evidently belongs to Thrasonides, who is again the 
speaker at 1. 38. 

37. The circumflex on εὖ precludes the restoration of εὐπρεπῶς. 

38. o of του has apparently been converted from an e. 

Fr. 4 verso 2. Some blurred marks above the first three letters may be accidental. 

Fr. 5 verso 2. The supposed a has apparently been corrected. 

15:6 x 8-8 cm. Third century. 

A fragment from a historical work, apparently not extant. It contains part 
of a description of a battle, which took place on the sea-coast and seems to have 
been attended with much loss of life; the identity of the combatants, however, 
is not made clear. The language suggests a writer of the Hellenistic period. 

Parts of twenty-six lines remain from the bottom of a column, written on the verso 
of the papyrus in a not very regular sloping hand of a medium size and common 
third-century type. Stops and other lection signs, except the diaeresis, are entirely 
absent; a second hand has made a correction in 1. 14. There is no complete 
line in the fragment, and the extent of the loss is uncertain. In the transcript 
below, 11. 8-10, where the supplements suggested are plausible, have been taken 
as the basis for an approximate estimate of the number of letters missing. 

On the recto are the beginnings of eighteen lines from the top of a column 
of a survey-list, drawn up in the second century, and giving the position and 
value of certain plots of land; a ἡλιαστήριον is mentioned. The writing proceeds 
in the same direction as that on the recto, relatively to which it is, therefore, 

upside down. 

50 TOY SCBAGOS on bao ce ooo oDe 
Ib o GrtoraaGio o boa 2G 900500u6 

8. θεν, πῆς KOUTS I cr eyatte ylation toe ge 
peyadn Kat πλατειὰ [..... οἱ δὲ τε 
ταγμενοι προς το εἶ. - .. « ἰδοντες 
ἴσιοντας Tous ποΐλεμιους ἐενπι 
πτουϊσ)]ιν ταχὺ πανίλεθρια de γει 

IO νετᾶι οἱ μὲν yap γείνομενοι κατα 


mpoowmov αφνω δι... ... «Ὁ. 
δὲ τας λογχας εγειραΐντες .. . .. «- 

τες εἰστρεχουσιν TO Ole... 2. ee ees 


nv Kat ὠνκωντ[αι]] pl... «- «Ὁ 50 
15 πανταχοθεν oldovo[a.......+-. 

ἐπεκλυζε TO Tay Tal....+..-.. ἢ 

θαλασσα ενπεσονῖΐτες δὲ οἱ. .. .. 

NOG ποὺς με κοέρρροορΕὁοᾶΨσΠὍΠΨὁοὍοιΨΠ,οὁὕ.’ὦὺκ -- 

Tov orTpaTnyov ἀπ. τ 51 5.- 
20 σὶν Tats Noyxats af...........- γε 

γονοτας Καὶ προς το adl........ TE 

τραμμενοὺυς τῶν δε addAj@v..... 

[. .]. nros θανατος nv οἱ μεν [yap... 

κ΄ Gao της συββολης τ 
A ροὁ΄ΨιΠ-....--: 7γες ταις aixpalis..... 

ξ------- Ole οὐ λάβοντες σχοίλην - - -- 

4. Some form of ἐποχετεύειν OF ἀποχετεύειν is to be restored. At the end of the line 
εξωἾθεν or ἐσωἾθεν is probable. 

7. Possibly ¢vervpor, but the narrative is too mutilated for satisfactory restoration. 

Io. γεζνομενοι κατα Wilamowitz. 

11. δι : or δρί. 

15. οιδουσΐα is commended by the context, though οἰδεῖν does not seem to be applied 
elsewhere to the sea; cf. however οἶδμα and Arat. 908 οἰδαίνουσα θάλασσα. 

16. The middle of ἐπικλύζειν is not used in the active sense, otherwise the division 
ἐπεκλυζετο πανταΐ might be adopted. 

17-18. Perhaps ψιίλοι, or λοι could be the termination of a name, e.g. Θετταῖλοι, Αἰτωΐλοι, 
23. |..|. ros: εἰ may be read in place of η, but is less likely. The vestige of the 
preceding letter suits y, τ, or v better than « or x, and ampoo|do|knros is not therefore 
satisfactory. amap|a|rnros, as Wilamowilz suggests, or ανείξι τῆτος (Hesych.) would give 
a good sense. 


17 X 23-6 cm. Third century. 

This short poem of twenty-two hexameter verses is described in the title 
written both at the foot and in the left margin opposite to ll. 8-g as an 
Encomium on Hermes—‘Eppod ἐγκώμιον ; the name “Epyod has, however, in both 


places been washed out, and higher up in the margin the same hand has entered 
another endorsement, εἰς τὸν ἄρχοντα, which is a more exact description of the 
purpose of the piece. The first nine lines are, indeed, devoted to Hermes, who, 
in an elaborate invocation in which some of the principal attributes of the god 
are recited, is called on for inspiration. But the person really to be celebrated 
was the youth Theon (I. 12) who in 1. 1 is referred to as the ὑποφήτορα παῖδα of 
Hermes, and to whom the poet returns in 1. Τὸ sqq., where he is described as 
honouring the god in having supplied a fountain of oil for his fellow-citizens, 
apparently a poetical way of saying that he had made a benefaction to the gym- 
nasium. That gift, however, and another of corn (I. 15), had occurred previously, 
and he was now making to the youths a further presentation of a kind which 
could only come from one ‘learned in the lore of the Muses’ (1. 20), and did 
the donor still more credit, i.e. some endowment of the arts, which the allusive 
method of the writer does not allow to be further specified. Probably, as 
Wilamowitz suggests, Theon was a young man whose wealth had led to his 
early appointment to the office of gymnasiarch (cf. 1. 13 ἀρχεύοντα, and the title) ; 
but he is not recognizable among the known gymnasiarchs of Oxyrhynchus. 
The poem is written on a well-preserved sheet of papyrus in a medium-sized 
sloping hand somewhat similar in style to that of 223 (Part II, Plate 1), though 
not so well-formed and regular ; it may be assigned to the middle or latter half 
of the third century. Accents, elision marks and stops (high and medial) are 
plentifully supplied, marks of long quantity are also sometimes inserted, and 
there is one instance of the use of the curved stroke below a compound word 
(1. 14) ase. g. in the Bacchylides papyrus. Whether all these signs are due to the 
original writer is not evident ; a second hand has undoubtedly been at work on 
the text ; but since the ink employed by the latter did not differ appreciably 
in colour, responsibility for single strokes cannot be accurately determined. In 
one or two cases accents have been amended (cf. note on line 11), which suggests 
that the accentuation was original and was revised by the corrector, though 
this of course is not a necessary inference. The accentual system resembles 
that found in other papyri of the period (cf. 223 and 841), but it is somewhat 
loosely employed, e. g. 1. 5 πεσῶν, besides the above-mentioned errors which have 
been eliminated. The alterations introduced by the second hand at Il. 6-- 7, 10, 
and 10 are curious, and may even have come from the author’s own pen, if an 
amanuensis was employed for the body of the text. In any case the poem is 
probably little older than the papyrus; it is unlikely that effusions of this 
class would be long-lived, the subject and the style being alike undistin- 
guished, though the versification is correct enough. Some specimens of 
panegyrics, with which this may be compared, of a later period and more 


ambitious design, have been published in the Berliner Klassikertexte, I. 2. xi, 
and the inscriptions offer other parallels. 

εἰς TOV apXOVTa 







αὑτὸς μοι τὲον ἀέισαι ὑποφητορὰ Tada 

Ἑρμεια σπευσαιας. αοιδοπόλω δ᾽ επαρήγοις. 

ἑπτάτονον χειρεσσι λύδην πὸλὺηχέ κρόνων'" 
THY AUTOS τὰ πρωτὰ κάμες. Tapa ποσσι τεκόυσης 

ἄρτι πεσῶν: λύτρον δέ βοων πόρες Απολλωνι: 

σε eo. κλειουσι 
τουνεκα μουσοπόλον || jelly ανυμνειουσιν αοιδοι" 

αγρονόμοι de θεον νόμιον κλέιουσι βοτῆρες" 
Ερμην 6 εν σταδίοις evaywvioy αθλητηρες" 
γυμνασίων δὲ πόληες επίσκοπον ἀειδουσιν" 

LepwW ενι ω 
ev0a σε και mais ovros αναξ τιων [aval] δημ[ ον]} 

πέι[[ρ]]ακ᾽ εἰλ]αιόρυτον προχέων αστοισι γεράιρει: 
ov yap σε πρωτιστα Θέων μετὰ παισιν εταιροις 
apxevovTa νέον γεινωσκομεν' αλλ ETL τηλου" 
ἣμεν ἑλαὶϊοχυτοισιν αλειφόμενοι κοτύλησιν" 
noe και αινύμενοι δώρων Anpynrepos ayvns: 
kewa μὲν εσθλα φιλος δημω ropes: εσθλα δ᾽ ἐπ εσθλοις 
evOade νυν παιδεσσι διδοῖς καὶ ἀαμέινονα TavTa: 

nTOL μεν yap κεινα καὶ αφνὲιός πόροι avnp: 
κενεαυχεα δωρα 

πλουτοῦυ yap κενεοῖο πελει μειλίγματα κεινα" 
ταυτα δὲ Μουσᾶων σοφιης δὲδὰημένος avnp: 
τῷ σ᾽ επι τοισι μάλιστα γεράιρομεν ἢ περ εκεινοίς" 
ουνεκα κεινα πατὴρ σε διδάξατο: ταυτα de Μουσαι: 

[Βρμοὺ] ᾿ἐγκωμιον 

‘Hermes, do thou thyself hasten to sing for me of thy young interpreter, and help the 
bard, striking with thy hand the seven-stringed many-toned lyre, which thou thyself first 
madest new-dropped at thy mother’s feet and gavest to Apollo in ransom for his oxen ; 
therefore do latter-day bards celebrate thy service of the Muses, and herdsmen in the fields 
proclaim thee as pastoral god, while athletes in the stadium call on Hermes ruler of the 
games, and cities hymn thee as warden of the gymnasia. And here too this youth, O King, 




honours thee in thy hallowed folk, pouring a fount of oil for the citizens. For it is not 
newly that we know thee, Theon, holding chief office among thy youthful comrades, but 
of old, whether anointing ourselves with oil-distilling flasks, or partaking of the gifts of 
chaste Demeter. Such blessings didst thou of thy favour bestow on the folk; and blessings 
on blessings here givest thou now to the youths, yea more precious still. For those in truth 
a rich man too might bestow, since vainglorious are the gifts of vain wealth; but these 
come from a man learned in the wisdom of the Muses. Therefore we honour thee more 
highly for these than for them, because they were taught thee by thy father, and these by 

the Muses.’ 

1. Theon may be addressed as the ὑποφήτωρ of Hermes in virtue of his office of 
gymnasiarch (cf. ll. 9-10), though very likely there is a special reference to his musical 
or literary tastes. 

3. 1. λυρην. Cf. the converse interchange of 6 and p in |. 11. 

4-5. Ch. H. Herm. 17 ἠῷος γεγονὼς μέσῳ ἤματι ἐγκιθάριζεν. ‘The lengthening of the first 
syllable of AvoAXw follows the Homeric usage, A 14, &c.; cf. Il. 1 ἀεισαι, 9 ἀειδουσιν. 

λύτρον : there is perhaps in this word a deliberate reference to the fanciful etymology 
which connected λύρα with λύτρα or λύτρον, e.g. Bekker, Anecd., p. 752 εἴρηται δὲ λύρα, λύτρα 
τις οὖσα... εἰδὼς δὲ (Sc, Hermes) καὶ τοῦ θεοῦ τὸ μουσικόν, δέδωκεν ὑπὲρ ἑαυτοῦ τὴν λύραν λύτρον. 

7. Cleg. H. Herm. 570-1 καὶ μήλοισιν, ὅσα τρέφει εὐρεῖα χθών, πᾶσι δ᾽ ἐπὶ προβάτοισιι 
ἀνάσσειν κύδιμον “Ἑρμῆν. 

8. Cf. Pindar, Py/h, ii. 10 ἐναγώνιος Ἑρμᾶς, em. x. 52-3, &c.; the patronage of 
sport is not a Homeric attribute of Hermes. The initial ε has been corrected from «. With 
regard to the partially erased title in the margin here and below |. 22, Wilamowitz thinks 
that these entries refer not to the present poem but to an encomium on Hermes pro- 
nounced by Theon on the occasion of his entry upon office and of his gift to the state, and 
that the same event is alluded to in the epithet τεὸν ὑποφήτορα in]. 1. The more obvious 
view taken in the introduction, that the title was intended to apply to the contents of the 
papyrus and was recognized to be erroneous, seems to have advantages. 

11. ἐλαιόρυτος here and ἐλαιόχυτος in |. 14 seem to be otherwise unattested. The acute 
accent on πέιδακ᾽ is written over a circumflex ; similar corrections have been made in I. 17 
apéwova and 1. 21 γεράιρομεν, while in 1. 14 a circumflex is replaced by the second grave 
accent in ἐλαὶοχυτοισιν. 

13. tov is evidently temporal, in antithesis to veov, Cf. p 253 τηλοῦ ἀπώλετο νόστιμον 
ἦμαρ, Oppian, Ha. ii. 495. 

20. For the genitive with δεδαημένος cf. Φ 487 πολέμοιο δαήμεναι, 

21. pattora,.. ἢ: 80 Apoll. Rhod. iii, 91. 



1016. PLATO, Phaedrus. 
28 Χ 57:5 cm. Third century. Plate V (Cols. v—vi). 

Six columns in very fair preservation, containing the proem of the Phaedrus 
(pp. 227 a-230e). A coronis is placed at the bottom of the last column, and 
a broad margin follows, which shows that the dialogue was not continued on 
this sheet ; either, therefore, it was for some reason left incomplete or a fresh roll 
was begun, 

As with so many of the literary papyri belonging to the first large find 
of 1906, from which both 1016 and 1017 are derived, this text is on the verso 
of a cursive document, a register of landowners, part of which is printed later on 
in this volume (1044). The document was drawn up in the fourteenth year of an 
unnamed emperor, no doubt either Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 173-4) or Septimius 
Severus (A. D. 205-6). A date near the commencement or in the earlier decades 
of the third century is therefore indicated for the MS. of the Phaedrus, and this 
is the period which the hand itself would naturally suggest. It is a medium- 
sized uncial of the oval type, but upright, and written in a rather free and 
flowing style. The employment of iota adscript, though frequent, is irregular. 
Alternations of the dialogue are, as usual, marked by double dots, accompanied 
sometimes by paragraphi; but for the double dots a single high stop, which is 
also used for purposes of punctuation, is not infrequently substituted (e. g. Il. 95, 
115, 124, &c.), and conversely the colon sporadically appears where the single 
stop would be expected (Il. 53, 153). Ν at the end of a line is often written as 
a stroke over the preceding vowel. Accents (Il. 218, 227) and marks of elision 
(ll. τι, 59) are rare. Another occasional sign deserving remark is the comma 
placed between doubled mutes (11. 199, 232, 261), a use of which there appears 
to be as yet no instance earlier than the third century. That all these lection- 
marks proceed from the original scribe is not certain, but he no doubt was 
responsible for the majority of them. There is, indeed, scanty evidence of 
a second hand at all. In one or two places, however, alterations seem to be due 



to a diorthotes, who may also have introduced, for instance, such accentuation 
as occurs. 

The text is not uninteresting, showing a number of small variations from 
the mediaeval MSS. No doubt the scribe was liable to make mistakes (cf. Il. 40, 
85, 154, 187) and sometimes seems to have had a difficulty in reading his 
archetype (cf. notes on Il. 160 and 229). On the other hand good readings 
occur which have hitherto rested either on inferior evidence or modern 
conjecture ; such are 1. 21 ποιήσασθαι, 1. 74 πάνυ τι (so Schanz ; πάνυ τις MSS.), 
1. 239 σὺ δέ ye (so editors ; od δέ ye BT, &c., σὺ οὐ Par. 1812), 1. 253 σύ, 1. 258 
προσείοντες. These lend a certain colour to the variants the value of which is 
more questionable. As between the two principal MSS., the Bodleianus (B) 
and Marcianus (T), the papyrus shows, as usual, little preference, agreeing first 
with one and then with the other. The appended collation is based on Burnet's 
Oxford edition, of which B and T are the foundation; occasional references 
to other MSS. are taken from the edition of Bekker. 


[o pire Φ]αιδρε ποι δὴ και ποθεν: 227 ἃ 
παρα Δυ͵σιου ὦ Σώκρατες tov Ke 
[φαλου] πορεύομαι δὲ προς περι 


ἱπατοὴν εἕω χοὺς μ[[ε]ίκρον yap 

5 ἱεκε) διετριίψα χρονον καθημε 
[vos] εξ εωθινου" tar de owt και ε 
[uel] εταιρωι πειθομενος ἄκου 
ἱμείνωι κατὰ Tas odovs ποιου 

[μαι] τους περιπατοὺυς φησιν 

10 [yap| ακοπωτεροὺς εἰναι τῶν 

εν} τοῖς δρομοις : καλως γ᾽ epn 227 Ὁ 

[@ elraipe αταρ Λυσιας nv ὡς ε 

[οἶκεν εν aorer: vat παρ ἔπι 

[κρΊατει εν τὴηδὲ THL πλησιον 

15 [τ]η Μουρυχιαι οἰκιαι: τις ov 
[δ]η nv ἡ διατριβὴ ἡ δηλον οτι 
[πτἸων λογων vuas Avotas ἵστια 

ἰσχὶολὴ εἰ σοὶ προῖοντι akoveLy 








[te Slat: οὐκ av over pe κατα Iw 

ἰδαροὴν και ἀσχολιας ὑπερτερο 

[πραγ]μα ποιησασθαι τὸ σὴν τε 

[και Alvovov διατριβὴν ακ[ουσαι: 

[mpolaye δὴ: λεγοις av: και pH 227 C 
[@ Σωκρατες προσηκουσα γε 

ἴσοι ἡ] akon: 0 yap τοι λογος πε 

[pc ov] διετριβομεν οὐκ οιδ ον 

[τινα] τρόπον ερωτικος᾽ yeypa 
(pe μεν yap δὴ ο Δυσιας πειρω 
μενον τινα τῶν καλων ov 

[x um] εἐραστου δε: αλλ αὐτὸ δὴ 
[τουτ]ο και κεκομψευται: λε 

[yet ως Xaploteoy TH μὴ ερῶ 
ἴτε μαϊλλον ἡ τῶ EpwrTL: ὦ 
[γενν]αιος᾽ ede γραψειεν 

[ws χρη πενητι μᾶλλον ἢ 
ἱπλουσιωι και πρεσβυτερω 

[n νεωτερω]ι Kat οσα adda ε 

Ol TE προσεῖστιν Και τοις πολ 


λοις ἡμῶν ἢ] yap av ἄστει 
ΚΜ ρ 
ot λογοι Kat ἔγω 
[or και δημωφελειὶς εἰεν οὑτῶς ΎὙ“ 

[ἐπιτεθυμηκα αντων akov 
[oat wor εαν Badi\fov ποι 
[ne τον περιπατον] Meyapade 
[kat κατα Hpod.koy| mpooBas 
τωι τειχει παλιν alms ov > 
[μη σου απολειφήίθω: πως 
[Aeyets @ βελτιστε Yo|kpa 

Col. ii. 
Tes over pe a Avoias ev πολ 228a 
Awl xpovat κατα σχολὴν 

συνεθηκεν δεινοτατος 








ὧν τῶν vuy γραφειν TavTa 
ἴδιωτὴν οντὰ αἀπομνήμο 
νευσειν αξιως εκεινου : πολ 
ov ye dew καιτοι εβουλομὴ 
y ἂν μαλλον ἡ pot πολυ χρυ 
σιον γενεσθαι : ὦ Φαιδρε 
εἰ eyo Φαιδρον ayvow Kat 
ἐεμαυτου επιλελησμαι: ar 
λα yap ουδ᾽ ετερα ἐστιν Tov 
tov εὖ ὃ οιδα ott Avatov λο 
γον ακ[ο]υϊω]ν εκει[ν]ος ov plo 
νον ἀπαξ ηκουσεὶν αλίλ]α 
πολλάκις επαναλ[ζα]μβα[νω 
εκελευεν οἱ λέγειν ὁ δὲ ε 
πειθετο προθυμ[ως] τίω]ι δῖε 
οὐδὲ TavTa nv ἵκίανα ad 
λα τελευτων παραλα[βὼ 

To βιβλιον a μαλιστα επῖε 
θυμει ἐπεσκοπεῖι Kale [τοῦτο 
Spor εξ εωθινου καθημῖε 

νος ἀπειπὼν εἰς] περιπα 
TOV ἤει ὡς μεν EY@paL νὴ 
Tov Kuva εξεϊπι]σταμενος 

Tov Aoyov εἰ pln] πανυ τι 
nv pakpos εἱπο]ρευετο δὲ 
EKTOS TELXOU[S L]va μελέτω 
nt απαντησαΐς dle Tw νοσοῦ 
TL περι Aoywy ἀκοὴν iw 
μεν noOn οτι εξοι)] τον gv 
κορυϊβαντιωντα Kale m]p{o 
ayew [. . €lkedeve deol με 

vou δῖε λεΐγειν του τῶν Alo} 
yov ερ[αστΊου εθρυπτετὶ οἹ 

ὡς δὴ οὐκ επιθυμων λεγεῖ 




85 τελευτων δὲ ελεγεν Kat 






εἰ μὴ τις εκων ἀκούοι βιαι 
ερειν σὺ οὐν ὦ Φαιδρε av > 
του δεηθητι omep ταχα 

πίαν τως ποιήσει νυΐν n\n ποίι 
εἶν ἢ ἐμοι ὡς ἀληθως πολυ 
ἱκρατΊιστον ἐστιν ovTws ὁ 

mos εἰαν δυνωμαι λεγειν 

ως μοι δοίκεις σὺ [ο]συδαμως 

Col. iii. 
He αφησειν πριν αν εἰπῶ 

aos γε πως: Tavu yap σοι 
adnOn δοκω: ovTm νυν ποι 

now τῶι οντί yap ὦ Σίωκρατες 228d 
παντὸς μαλλον Ta γε pn 

μία]τα οὐκ εξεμαθον τὴν 

μεντοι διανοιαν σχεδὸν 

πίαντων os εφη διαφερει 

[τα] του ἐρωντος ἡ Ta Tov μὴ 

εν] Kepadatols ουν εκαστο 

[εἸἰφεξης δίειμι ἀρξαμενος 

[απ]ο του πρωτου: δειξας 

[γε πίρῇρωτον w φιλοτὴς o εν 

THL αρ᾿στερα ἐχειὶς ὑπὸ τωι 

ἵματιωι τοπαζω yap σε EXEL 

τον λογον avrov εἰ δὲ Tov 

To ἐστιν ουτωσὶ διανοοῦ πε 

[pc] ἐμου ὡς ἐγὼ σε Tavu μεν 

[φιλίω πίαϊροντος de Avatov 2286 
ἰεμαυτον σοι εμμελεταν 

[mlapexety ov πανυ δεδοκται 

[αλλ UOle δεικνυε: wave: εκκε 









[Kplovkas pe Τὼν ελπιδὸς [ν}} 
ἴω ΣἼωκρατες nv εἰχον ev 
[σοι] ὡς εγγυμνασομενος 
[αλλα] ποι dn βουλει καθιζο 
[μενο]ῖι avayvopev: Sevpo 

extplamopevo κατα tov I 
λ[ισοὴν ἴωμεν eta οπου 

εαν δοξη καθ ἡσυχίαν κα 
θιξζησομεθα: εἰς καιρον 

ὡς εοἰκεν ανυποδητος ὦ 
ετυχον σὺ μεν yap ae θασ 
σον ovy ἡμιν κατὰ το ὑυδατι 
ον βρεχουσι τοὺς ποδας te 
ναι καὶ οὐκ andes adds τε 
και τηνδὲ τὴν ραν του 
ετουϊ5] τε Kal τῆς ἡμέρας: 
προαγε δὴ και σκοπει οπου 
καθεδουμεθα : opas ουν 
εκεινὴν την υψηλοτατη 
πλατανον" τι pny: εκει 
σκια τε εστι καὶ πνευμαὰ 
μέτριον καὶ moa καθιζε 
σθαι ἡ εαν βουλωμεθα 

κατακλιθηναι: προαγοις a 

Col. iv. 

εἰπε μοι ὦ X(@|kpares οὐκ ev 
θενδὲ μεντοι ποθεν amo 

του ἵλισου λεγεται ο Βορεας 
την Ὠρειθυιαν ἀρπασαι: λε 
γεται yap: ap ουν καὶ ενθενδε 
χαρίεντα youv kat διαφανὴ 

και καθαρα ta ὕδατια φαινε 

229 a 







Tal και επιτηδεια Kopals παι 
(ely παρ αὑὐτα: οὐκ adda κα 
τωθεν οσον du ἡ τρια σταδι 229 C 
a nt προς to τῆς ἄγρας διαβαι 

νομεν καὶ ποὺ TL ἐστι βωμος 
αὐυτοθι Βορεου : ov mavu ev 
vevonka: αλλ εἰπε πρὸς Ac 

os ὦ Σώκρατες σε τοῦτο To pv 
θολογημα πειθει αληθες εἰναι 
αλλ εἰ απιστοιην ὠσπερ οἱ Toot 
οὐκ av ατοπος élnv εἰτὰ σοφι 
ζόμενος φαιὴν αὐτὴν 

πνευμα Βορεου κατα τῶν 
πλησιον πετρῶν οὐ ἡ Pap 
μακεια παιζουσαν ὡσαι και 
οὕτω δὴ τελευτήσασαν λε 
χθηναι ὑπο Βορεου avapra 229d 
στον yeyovevat ἡ εξ Apetou 
παγου λεγεται yap av και ov 
Tos ὁ λογος ws εκειθεν αλλ ov 
k evOevde ἡρπασθη: eyo 

de ὦ Paidpe αλλως μὲν τὰ 
τοιαυτα χαριεντα nNyoupat 
λειαν δὲ δεινίοῖν καὶ επιπονου 
και οὐ πανὺυ evtvxous ανδρος 
κατ ado μεν οὐδὲν οτι δὲ αὖ 
τῶι ἀναγ κὴ μετα τοῦτο TO τῷ 
Ἱπποκενταυρὼν εἰδος ema 
νορθουσθαι και autis To τὴς 
Χειμαιρὴης ἐπιρρει de οχλος 
τοιουτων Τοργονων καὶ II 
γασων Kat ἀλλων ἀμηχανῶ 

τερατολογὼν τινων φυσεων 










as εἰ τις απιστων προσβιβα 
κατα TO εἰκος EKAOTOV ἅτε 
αγροικωι τινι σοῴφιαι χρωμε 
vos πολλὴης avT@L σχολὴης 


δεησει" εμῖοι dle προς τα τοι 
auTa ουδαΐμ]ως ἐστι σχο 

An To de αἰϊτιοὶν w φιλε Tov 
τουτοῦ τοδε ov δυναμαι Tw 
kata τὸ 4ελῴικον γραμμα 
γνωναι ἐμαυτὸν γελοιο 

δὴ μοι φαινεται τοῦτο ε. 220 ἃ 
τι ayvoouvTa Ta αἀλλοτρι 

a σκοπειν οθεν δὴ χαι 

ρειν εασας Tavta πειθο 
μένος δὲ τῶι νομιζο 

μένω περι αὐτῶν ο VU 

δὴ ελεγον σκοπὼ ov 

TavTa αλλα εμαυτον 

εἰτε τι θηριον τυγ᾽χανω 
Τυῴωνος πολυπλοκω 

τερον Kat μαλλον επι 
τεθυμμενον εἰτε ἢ 

μερωτερον τε καὶ αἀπλου 
στερον ζωον θειας τι 

νος καὶ ατυφου loll μοιρας 
φυσει μετεχὸν αταρ 

ὦ eTalpe μεταξυ τῶν do 

γῶν ap ov τοδε ἣν TO 
δενδρον eh omep nyes 

NaS: τοῦτο μὲν ουν 220 Ὁ 
αὐτο: νὴ την Ἦραν 







Καλὴ γε ἡ καταγωγὴ 

ἡ τε) yap πλατανος av 
™ para αμφιλαφὴης τε 
Kat υὑψηλη" Tov τε αγνου 
TO ὑψος και TO συσκιον 
παγκαλον Kal ὡς ἀκμὴ 
ἔχει της ἄνθης ws av εὖ 
ὠδεστατον παρέχοι 

τον τόπον ἢ τε av πὴ 
γὴ Χχαριεστάτη ὑπὸ τῆς 
πλατανου ρει μαλα ψυ 
χρου υδατος ws γε τῶι πὸ 
δι τεκμηρασθαι Νυμ 

gov τε τινων και A 

χελωίου Lepov amo τῷ 

Col. vi. Plate V. 

κορῶν τε [Kat ay|a\patov 
εοικεν εἶναι εἰ δεῖ av βουλει 
eumvouy [του τοποὺ ὡς 
ἀγαπητον ἷκα)ι σφοδρα ἢ 
δὴ θερινον 'τ]ε Kat Avyupo 
υφηχει τῶ 'τωὶν TET τιγῶ 
Xolplor παντί aly δὲ κομψο 
ταϊτοὴῖν τὸ τὴς Toas οΤι Ev ἢ 
ρεμα προσαντει ἵκανὴ πε 
φυκεν κατακλινεντι TH 
κεφαλὴν παγκάλως εχει 
ὥστε AploTa σοι εξενα 
γῆηται ὦ φιλε Φαιδρε' ov de 
ye ὦ θαυμασιε ατοπωτὰ 

τος τις φαινει ατεχνὼς 

yap o λέγεις ξεναγουμε 






νῶι τινι καὶ οὐκ επιχώρι 

ὧι εοικας οὕτως εκ TOU a 
245 στεῶς OUTE ES τὴν UTEP 230d 

ορίαν αποδημεις οὔτε 

εξω τειχοὺς εἐμοιγε δοκεις 

To παραπαν εξιεναι : συγ 

γιΐνωσκε μοι ὦ αἀριστε' φιλο 
250 padns yap εἰμι: Ta μεν ov 

χώρια καὶ ta Sevdpa ουδὲ 

μ᾽ Bere διδασκειν οἱ ὃ ev 

τῶι ἀστει ἀνθρωποι συ μὲ 

τοι γε δοκεις τὴς ἐμὴς ε 
255 ἕοδου To φαρμακον ευρη 

κεναι ὥσπερ Yap οἱ Ta πινῶ 

Ta θρεμματα θαλλον ἡ 

τινα καρπον προσειον 

τες αγουσι' οὑτω σὺ μοι Ao 
260 yous προτινων ev βιβλι 

os τὴν τε ATrikny pat 

vel Teplagew aTacay 230e 

Kal omn av αλλοσε βουλὴ 

νυν © ovy ev τῶι παροντι 
265 devpo αφικομενος eyw pe 

μοι δοκω κατακεισεσθαι" 

συ δὲ εν οπωι oxnpall.]|re over 
ραιστα αναγνωώσεσθαι τουθ ε 

λομενος αναγιγνωσκε 

4. μικρον : συχνόν MSS. ‘The deletion of the « was probably due to the corrector. 
5. [exer] διετριψα: or perhaps {exec erpufa, which, however, is not a known variant. 
18a ts y ecpy : yap MSS. 

12. elratpe: ἑταῖρε λέγει MSS. 

15. [τ ἡ Μουρυχιαι οἰκιαι : τοῦ ᾿Ολυμπίου οἰκίᾳ τῇ Μορυχίᾳ MSS. 

16. [57: so Β΄: om. T. 

18. ox Jody εἰ σοι : πεύσῃ εἴ σοι σχολή MSS, 


19. djac: so B corr., Vat. 225, Ven. 189; δέ T and other MSS. ε of pe was converted 
from a, 

21. ποιησασθαι: so Burnet with Par. 1811; ποιήσεσθαι BT. 

aie so BT; τεὴν G, which is accepted by Burnet. 

θ᾽ Noyes; λόγος ἢν MSS. 

ἘΠ plev: om. MSS. 

31-2. Neyer: MSS. λέγει yap, for which there is not room in the lacuna. τῶ before μὴ 
in 1. 32 and before ερωντι in |. 33 is omitted in the ordinary text. 

40. The insertion above the line (apparently by the first hand) brings the papyrus 
into conformity with the usual text, except that καὶ eywye appears here in place of ἔγωγ᾽ οὖν. 

41. alvray : om. MSS. 

55. πολυ: SO B; πολύν T. 

60. ev ὃ: so T; om. & B. 

72. eyopar: the MSS. have ἐγὼ οἶμαι without crasis. 

74. πανυ τι; so Burnet with Schanz: πάνυ τις MSS. 

78-9. ἰδὼν μεν : so T corr., Hermann, Schanz; ἰδὼν μέν, ἰδών Β and the majority of the 
MSS. (vv. ll. ἰδὼν μὲν ἰδὼν μέν, ἰδὼν μὲν toy) and so Burnet. 

81. εἤκελευε does not fill the space. Possibly there was a flaw in the papyrus (cf. 1. 158), 
or a particle like δή or ye may have been added. 

85. εἐλεγεν : MSS. ἔμελλε which is required by the following ἐρεῖν, 

87. A stop may be lost after epew. 

92. lay δυνωμαι: δύναμαι MSS. For εἰαν cf. e.g. 1. 123. 

96. ovr: οὑτωσί MSS., which agree with the contented reading τοινυν. 

ΤΟΙ. πίαϊντων : ἁπάντων MSS. There is but a tiny vestige of the π, but this combined 
with the short space is a sufficient indication. 

103. ow: om. MSS. οὖν here implies the removal of the usual punctuation after 
ἐξέμαθον, upon which verb, with the papyrus reading, τὴν διάνοιαν must depend. exagrov is 
omitted in Β. 

τού. 0: τί dpa B, ri ἄρα ὃ T. 

112. Avowv: so T ; καὶ Λυσίου B, Burnet. 

116. «Amdov was originally written, but was altered by the first hand to «Amos which 
is required by ἣν in the next line. 

110. ποι: mov MSS. καθιζόμενοι is also the reading of BT; καθεζόμενοι Vind. 80, 

123. καθ ἡσυχίαν : ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ MSS. 

126. yap: so Ven. 184. γὰρ δή BT, &c. 

θασσον : ῥᾷστον MSS. 

132. σκοπεῖ: σκόπει ἅμα MSS. 

133. καθεδουμεθα: καθιζησόμεθα BT, &c., καθεζησόμεθα Par. 1826. καθεδεῖται is used by 
Plato in Theaet. 146 ἃ. 

139. κατακλιθηναι : SO BT ; κατακλινῆναι Burnet. B has βουλόμεθα for βουλώμεθα. 

144. καὶ : om. MSS. 

145. διαφανη καὶ καθαρα: so Ven. 189; καθαρὰ καὶ διαφανῆ other MSS. The ὃ of 
διαφανη has been converted from a x, i.e. the scribe presumably began to write καθαρα. 

150. τῆς Aypas: so BT, &c.; év”Aypas Burnet (τὰ ev”Aypas Bratuscheck). The p is not 
certain, having at first sight rather the appearance of anc; but this is probably due to the 
scaling of the ink. 

51. The interlinear s may have been inserted by the original hand, τίς Burnet with 
T, τί B. π of που has apparently also been altered from a τ (i.e. roure was originally 


written), and there is a diagonal stroke through τ of τις as though that letter was to be 
deleted. Perhaps the corrector, whoever he was, intended to rewrite the whole word and 
then changed his mind and inserted s. 

152. evvevonka: νενόηκα MSS. 

154, ce: ov MSS., with πείθῃ or πείθει. σε was due to meer having been taken for the 
active instead of the middle. 

158. Owing to a flaw in the papyrus the syllable @ac and ἣν are separated by a 
considerable interval. 

160. ov ἡ is apparently due to a misreading of ow; cf. note on |. 229. 

163. Bopeouv: τοῦ Βορέου MSS. 

165. λ of λεγεται was converted from a y. 

175. auris: αὖθις MSS., more correctly. 

176. Χειμαιρης: ε was first written in place of a; the alteration may be by the 
original scribe. ‘The Ionic genitive is a vulgar form, like ἐάν in |. 92, &c. 

ἐπιρρει : καὶ ἐπιρρεῖ MSS. 

179. πληθει... ατοπιαι (= ἀτοπίᾳ): so Par. 1811, 1812 corr., Athenaeus ; πλήθη... 
ἀτοπίαι BT, &c., Burnet. Why θερμὴν was written at the end of this line is rather a mystery. 
In addition to the dots by which the word is cancelled a stroke is drawn through the p. 
The inserted « is placed after the 6, and if it was written by the original scribe he no doubt 
also deleted θερμην. 

185. τα τοιαυτα : αὐτά B, ταῦτα T. 

187. τουτουτου : 1. τούτου. 

191, δη: so BT; δέ Vind. 80. 

199. θηριον : so B; θηρίον ὄν T (Burnet), θηρίον ὧν vulg. 

201. επιτεθυμμενον : SO BT, &c. ; ἐπιτεθυμένον vulg. 

223. ws ye: so Aristaenetus and vulg.; ὥστε ye BT, Burnet. 

225. Φ αἱ the beginning of the line is blotted. 

229. to is omitted before εὐπνουν, before which word a short blank space was left. 
Presumably the archetype was defective or illegible ; cf. the scribe’s failure to read σὺν 
in |. 160. 

230. non: so B; ἡδύ T, Burnet. 

232. udnxe: |. ὑπηχει. B has ὑπηχεῖτο (om. τῷ). 

235. mpooarrer: So 'T ; mpooavre B. The first three letters of the word are smudged. 

239. ov de ye: so edd.: οὐ δέ ye BT, &c., σὺ οὐ Par. 1812. Cf. ]. 253. 

244. aotews: ἄστεος MSS. 

248. The third y of συγγιγνωσκε was apparently intended to be cancelled by the dot 
placed above it; cf. ll. 116 and 179. In 1. 269, however, a similar spelling remains 

253. ov: 80 Par. 1809, edd.; οὐ BT, ἄς. Cf. 1. 230. 

254. ye: om. MSS., but Par. 1809 has ye above the line after ov. 

Soxeis: δοκεῖς μοι T ; δοκεῖ μοι B. 

euns: so Τ; om. Β. 

258. mpoceiovres: SO Vat. 173 ; προσιόντες BT, ἕο. 

259. ovrw σὺ pot Aoyous: σὺ ἐμοὶ λόγους οὕτω MSS. 

263. om: so Coisl. 155, Ven. 8, 184, and others; ὅποι BT, Burnet. 

264. dow: so T, Burnet; οὖν B. 

266. κατακεισεσθαι: so T, Burnet ; κατακεισθαι B, &c. 

267. ora was originally written for omow, which is the reading of the MSS.; the 
alteration seems to have been made by a different hand. 


1017. PLATO, Phaedris. 
Height 27:5 cm. Late second or early third century. Plate VI (Cols. xix—xx). 

The following remains of a fine copy of the Phaedrus extend from p. 238 ὁ 
to p. 251b, with considerable lacunae, a gap of as much as eleven columns 
occurring after Col. vii. This text and 1016 were found together, but they are 
two quite distinct manuscripts, and differ markedly both in the quality of the 
materials and the character of the hands. In 1017 the papyrus is thinner and 
of superior texture (in several places supporting strips were added at the back), 
and the recto only is used, while the writer was a calligrapher of no mean order. 
His script is a handsome example of the oval type, regular and graceful, slightly 
inclined, and rather above the medium size. A few accents, breathings, and 
marks of elision occur, but these are mainly, if not entirely, due to a second 
hand, which has made certain corrections and inserted a number of alternative 
readings either in the text above the line or opposite in the right margin. In 
one case at least (xxxv. 5) a third hand is to be recognized. The punctuation, 
however, for which stops in three positions are employed (a low point, e.g in 
xxi. 9, 27), is original. Paragraphi seem to have been used only where there 
was a change of speaker, in combination with the usual double dots ; a coronis 
marks the end of a section at xxi. 29. Iota adscript is irregularly written ; & not 
σ, usually appears in compounds of ξυν (συν- in Col. iv. 8). In order to preserve 
the evenness of the column the last two or three letters of a line are some- 
times considerably compressed, and for the same reason a final N is occasionally 
represented by a stroke above the preceding vowel. The scribe is so skilful in 
his spacing that the angular sign used for filling out a short line is rarely called 
into requisition. This MS. is probably rather earlier in date than 1016, and may 
go back to the end of the second century. 

The text is on the whole accurate and good, and the double readings, which 
have been referred to above, give it a particular interest. One of them supports 
a conjecture of Heindorf (iv. 3), some reappear in the MSS. (cf. i. 1, iii. 6, iv. 24, 
vii. I, XX, 31-2, xxii. 31, xxvi. 9), others are new (iv. 6, τό, 25, 31, ν. 15; 16, 
Vil. 32, ΣΙΝ 29, 33, XX. 5, 29, ΣῈ 17, 23, xxii. 20, 24, xxvi. 14, xxxii). New 
readings without variants are also not infrequent, and though seldom of much 
importance they may sometimes be correct; cf. e.g. vi. 9, vii. 30, Xx. 2, IT, 
xxi. 26, 29, xxti. 18, 23, xxvi. 10, 29, 31, xxvii. 4, 29, Xxxiv. 13, XXXv. 3, 4, 12, the 
last confirming a correction of Cobet. Moreover, the papyrus shows its good 




quality by frequently preserving the superior reading when one of the two chief 

authorities, B and T, goes astray, sometimes (e. ¢ 

. XXi. 4, ΧΧΙΪ. 13) against them 

both. As in the commentary on 1016, it is to ane evidence of those two MSS., 
as given by Burnet, that the collation appended below is for the most part 
confined ; some additional information has been supplied from Bekker’s edition. 

Col. ii. 
Ools πεπονθεναι : mavu 
μεν [ovy ὦ Σώκρατες ma 
ρα τίο ειωθος ευροια τις σε 
εἰληῴφεν [: σιγὴ τοινυν 
pov akove [rw οντι yap θει 
os [εο]ικεν ο τίοπος εἰναι 
[ωσ]τε εαν apa πἰολλακις 
[νυἹμφολημπτίο]ς προιον 
[τος του λογου γενωμαι > 
[μη Olavpacn|s| ta νυν yap 
ἰουκΊετι πορρω διθυραμ 
[βΊων φ[θεἼγγομαι : 
[τατ]α λεγεις : 
τοι ou ali|rtos ἀλλα τα λοιπα 



Col. iv. 

[ερωἹμενωι avayKn ylyvo 
[Hevlwv τε και φυσει ενον 

[των]: των μεν ἡδεσθαι τα 

ΘΟ. ὦ 

238 ς 






Opposite Col. ii. 5. 

Col. iii. 
ἐρωΐμενον ws [ἡδιστον 238 e 
εαυΐτωι mapack|evacew 



[νοἸσουντι δὲ παν ndv 

[το] μη αντιτΐεινον Κρειτ] 

τοῖν δε και ἵΐσον ex Opov] 

οὔτε δὴ κρείττῶι ουτε [1] 230 ἃ 
ἰσουμενον εἰκ]ω[ ν] ερα[στΊης 

[παι]δικα ἀνε[ξε]τα[] η[τ] 

τὼ δε και υπο] δε]εσ[τ]ερον 

αει ἀπεργαζεται ἡττῶὼ 

de ἀμαθὴς copov: δειλος 

ανδρειου αδυνατος εἰπεῖ 

ρητορικου βραδὺς αγχ[ ε]}{ν}} 
νου τοσουτῶν κακων καὶ 

€TL πλειονων κατὰ τὴν 

ἰδ]ιαϊνο]ιαν ἐραστὴν [| epo]| 

Col. v. 
Kew: Oet pera τίαϊ]ντα ¢ 
dev οφθησεται de war 
θακον τινα Kat ov στερεὸν 

διωκων- ovd ev ἡλίω κα 






[de mlapackevagew. ἡ στε 
ἱρεσθ)αι του παραυτικα de 

[os φ᾽θονερον δὴ avaykn 
jewale καὶ πολλων μεν ad 
ἱλων] συν[ο]υσιων ἀπειργον 230 Ὁ 
[Ta kale ὠφελιμὼν οθεν 

(av μαλιστα ανὴρ γιγνοι 

το με͵γαλὴς αἰτίον εἰναι 

βλαβΊης" μεγίστης δὲ τὴς 

[οθεν] αν φρονιμωτατος 




[en τοῖυτο de ἡ θεια φιλοσο 
[pla τυγχάνει ον ns ἐεραστὴ 
[waid\tka αναγκὴ πορρω 
[θεν εἴργειν περιφοβον ον 
Ta του) καταφρονηθηναι 

Ta τίε] a\Aa μηχανασθαι > 
οπῶὼς [ανἹ] ἡ TavTa αγνο 

ὧν kat πα͵ντα [am οβλε 
mov [ets τον εἰρ[αστἼην" > 
oLos aly Tat μὶεν ἡδιστος | 

εαὐταίι δὲ πες [ 

ειἰηι Ta [pev ο]υν κατα δια [..... Juv 
vio|av επ]ιτρίοπος τε) και" 
κίοινωνος ουδαμηι] Avot 

TE Ans ανὴρ €xlov ερωτα' 
τηΐν δὲ τοῖν σωματος εξιν 

τε κίαι θε]ραπειαν olay τε 

kat [ως] θεραπευσει ov av γε “PETE 

νη[ται] κυριος os ἡδὺ προ] ς]} 
αἰγαθου)] ἡναγκασται διω 








θαρω τεθραμμενον ar 

A ὕπο συμμιγει σκ ε]!ια πὸ 
νῶν μὲν ανδρειων Kat 
ἵδρωτων Enpwy απειρον 
εἰμίπειρον δε απαλὴς Και a 
νανδρου διαιτης αλλοτρι 

ols χρώμασιν και κοσμοις 
XNTEL OLKEL@Y κοσμουμε 
νον" ona τε ἀλλα τούτοις 
ETETAL πανταὰ επιτηδευ 
[ον]τα" a δηλα και οὐκ αξιο 
'περ᾽ αιτερὼ προβαινειν 
[αἷλλα ev κεφαλαιον ορισα 
᾿'μ]ενοὺυς em αλλο ἵεναι: τὸ 
.γα]ρ TolovTo σωμα εν πολε 
μὼ τε και αλλαῖις χρειαις oO 
σαι μεγαλαι οἱ μεν εχθροι 
θαρρουσιν οι de φιλοι και 

αὐτοι ot ἐρασται φοβουνται" 

TOUTO μεν ovy ws δηλον ε 
ατεον" τὸ ὃ εφεξης ρητεον 
τινὰ ἡμιν ὠφελιαν ἡ τι 
va βλαβὴην περι τὴν KTH 
σιν ἢ του ερωντος ομιλι 
α τε και επιτροπειὰα παρε 
ξεται σαφες δὴ τουτο γε 

παν μεν" μαλιστα Oe τωι 
εραστὴ oTl των φιλτατῶ 
και ευνουστατῶν Kat θει 



a δη δηλα 










Col. vi. 

[οτ]ατων KTnpatev [op 

dlalvov προ mavros [evgat 

τ [aly εἰναι Tov ερωμεῖνον 
πατρος [yap] και μητρ[οῆς και 
ξυγγεν[ω]ν και [φ]ίλων [ore 
ρεσθαι αν αὑτον] δεξαιῖτο 
διακωλυΐτας Kale emits 

μητας nyouplelvos της n[de 
στίης mplos εαὐτον ομειλίιας 2408 

ἰαλλα μην ου]σιαν y ἐχοντία 

ἰχ]ρυῖσο! [νυ n τινος adAns κίτη 
σεαΐς] ovre ευαλίω]τον ομίοι 

ὡς ουἷτε ἀλοντα ευἸμεταΐχει 
ριστοῖν ἡγ]ησετίαι)] εξ ὧν [wa 
σα avaykn εραστην παιίδι 

κοι ς στο γον οὐσιαν [KE 
κτημενοις: απολλυμείνης 

de χαιρε[ι]ν [εἶτι τοινυν αγία 

μον αἰπαι]δα: aotkoy ort 
πλειστον) χρονον πίαιδικα 
ἐραστίης εὐξαι)τ αν yever Oat 

το  υ]]} ἀυΐτου γλυκυ] ὡς πλειστοῖν 
xporloly καρίπουσθ)αι επί! 
θυμω[ν] εσῖτι μεν δὴ και 

adda κία]κα" αἷλλα τις δαιμὼν 240b 
eperge τοις ἱπλειστοῖς εν 

τω παραυτικία ἡδονὴν 

οιον κολακι [δεινω θηριω 

και βλ[αβ]η μίεγαλη ομως 
ἐπεμειξεν ἡ [φυσις ηδὸ 



Col. vii. 

πων θρεμἸμᾳίτων τε Kat] θρεμμίατων και 
[ἐπιτηδε]υματων" ois Τὸ 
[γε καθ ηἹμεραν ηδισίτοις ηδιήστοισιίν 
[evar υὑπαρχΊει: παιΐδικοις 
[de ἐεραστης προς τω Aida 
[βερω και εἰς το συ]νημερεὺ 
[ew παντων αἸηδεστα 
[Tov ηλικα yalp και οἶπα 
ἴλαιος λογος τερπΊειν τίον 
[ἡλίκα ἡ yap οἢμαι χρίονου 
[ἰσοτης ἐπ toas ηδονα9] 
αγοΐυσα δια ομοιοτητα pt 
λιαν παΐρεχεται αλλ ομὼς 
κορον γίε και ἡ τουτων σὺν 
[ουσΊια [yer 

10 lines lost. 
[ndjovals] afer didovs αγει 
[ορ]ωντι αἰκἸουΐοντι amo 
[μενωι" και πίασαν αισθη 
[σιν] αισθαν[ οἹμίενω Tov ε 
[ρωμενου [ware μετα] nolo 
[ν]ων αὐἴτω ἀραροτΊως ὑπηΐ 

[perew Tlor de dn ἐρωμε 
[yw ποῖον παρα]μυθιον 
[ἡ τῆινας ηΐδονας διδοὺς 
[πο]ιησει [Tov ἰσὸν χρονον 








νὴν τινὰ οὐκ ἀμουσον 
και τί. ls εταιραν ws Bra 
βερον ψεξείιεν av Kat ad 

λα πολλα τίων τοιουτοτρο 

Gol. xix. Plate VI. 

[Tous επιγιγ]νομενΐους 245 a 
[maidelver os ὃ αν avev μα 

[vas Movowy emt ποιητι 

[las Oupas αφικηται: πει 

ἰσθ]εις ws alpla εκ Texvns tka 

[vos ποιητὴς ecopevos. 

[a]reAns avros τε Kat ἡ ποι 

[lots ὑπο τὴς των patvo 


μῖενων ἡ Tov σωφρονοῦ 
τοὺς ηφανισθη: τοσαυτα 
Hey σοι και ετι πλειωι μα 245 Ὁ 
νι]ας €x@ γιγνομενὴς 

αἸπίο θήεων λεγειν Kaha 

[eplya: ware TovTo ye αὐτο 
[Hin φοβωμεθα μη δῖε] τι[5] 
[n]uas λογος θορυβειτω de 
ἰδήττομενος ὡς προ Tov 
ἱκεϊκεινημενου Tov ow 
[ppolva dec προαιρεισθαι 
[φιλῖον: adda τοδὲ προς ε 
᾿Κείίνω δειξας φερεσθω 

[7a ν]ικητηρια" ὡς οὐκ ε 
[π᾿ οἸφεΐλια o] epws τωι ε 
[pov re [κ]αι τωι ἐρωμενῶωι 
[εκ θεϊων επίπεμπεται 
[nei de αποδεικτεον 

[av το)]υναϊντιοὴῖν ws em ev 


Col. xx. Plate VI. 

[ανθρωπινης ἴδοντα 
[παθὴ τε Kale epya και εἰδὴ 
ἱταληθες νοϊησαι ἀρχὴ δε 
[amolOldgleos η18ε] ψυχη 
5 [mace αθαἰν]αΐτος το] γίαρ] αὖ 
τίοκ]εινητον αθανΐα Ἰηοἦν 
τίο ὃ aXXo] κεινουν Kat v 
π᾿ αλλ[ου] κί ενουμενον 
παυλαν εχ ec]]] κεινησίεως] 
10 παυλαϊν)] exer {[ὠ]ης por{o] 
δὴ το €alvro κεινουν [a 
τε οὐκ ἰαἸπολειπον εαυΐτο 
οὐποτε λη[γ]ει κείνουμε 
νον ἀλλα και τοις αλλΊοις 
15 οσα κεινειται τουτ]ο)] πηγὴ 
και ἀρχὴ κεινησεως ap 
x7 δε ἀγενητον e€ apxns 
yap avaykn πᾶν To yvyvo 
μεν γίιγνεσθαι αὐτὴν 
20 de μηδ εξ ενος" [εἰ yap «|x 
του ἀρχὴ γιγνοιτο οὐκ αν [ 
[εξ aplyns yleyvot|ro- ere: 
én δε ayev|n}rov ἐστιν. 
και αδιαφθορον αὐυτίο 
ἀρχης yap 
δὴ απολομενη])ς ovre αὖ 

25 αἀναγκΚῆὴ εἰναι" 


To yap [act]ker 




υχι]α τη! μ]εγιστηι πὰ 

pa θεῆου ἢ τοιαυτηὴ μανια θεων 

30 [διδο]ται: ἡ δὲ δὴ αποδει 2456 

πιστοῖς σοῴοις δὲ πιστὴ 

X75 περι θειας 
τε Ἵν, 

φυσεωὴῆς περι θειας τε Καὶ φύσεως ἀνθρωπι 

[ξις eclra{c] δεινοις μεν α 
[dec oluy mpwrov ψυχὴης 


Ta TE oUpavoy παΐσαν τε 
γένεσιν ξυμπεσίο)υσαν 
στηναι: Και μηποτ αὖ 
τις exe οθεν κε ἥνηθεν 
5 Ta γενησεται" αθ]αἼνατου 

δὲ πεφασμενου Tov um av 
του κεινουμενου Ψυχὴς 
ουσιαν τε Και λογον τοῦτο 
αυτον τις λεγων. οὐκ aL 

10 σχυνειται' παν yap σαϊμὶὰ 
w μεν εξωθεν To κεινει 
σθαι ἁψυχον" ὦ δὲ ενδοθ[ε 
auto. εἕ αὐτίοἷν εμψίυ]χο[ν) 
ὡς ταυτὴης ovans φυσε 

15 [ws ψ]υχης εἰ ὃ εγει TOUT 
[ουτω]ς exov μὴ ἀλλο το εἰ 
[ν]αι τί ο] avro εαυτο κεινοῦ 

[η] ψυχήν] εξ ἰαἸναγκης α 



q ] 
ylevntiov τε και ab\ava 


446 ἃ 

20 [τοὴν Ψίυχη αν ety πεῖρι 
[μεν ουἹν [αἸ]θανασΊιας av 

245 εἰ 

TO GUTO κει 




τὴ ποτε εκ [του] OUTE AA 

No εξ εκεινηΐς ylevnce 

ται εἰπίερ εἸξ αρίχηΞ) dec πᾶ δῖει τα παντα 
τα γιγνεσθαι ουτίω δΊη κει 
νήσεως μεν ἀρχίη] τὸ αὖ To αὐτο κεινοῦ 
TO εαὐτοὸ κεινοὺυν τοῦτο 

δ[ ε] οἵυτεῖ ἁπολλυσθαι ουτε 

γίγνεσθαι δυνατὸν ἡ παν 

Col. xxii. 

τῶν ἰαλλων μεμεικται και 246 Ὁ 
πρωτῖον μεν ἡμῶν ὁ ap 

xov ξϊυνωριδος ἡνίο 

χει εἶτα των ἱππὼν o μὲν 
αἰυἸτίω καλος τε Kat αγαθος 
[kat εκ τοιουτων] o δε [εξ 
ἱεναντιων τε και] ενανΐτι 

os χαλεπὴ dn και] δυσκο 
λοίς εξ αναγκης ἡ περι ἡ 
μας ηϊνιοχ]ησιφ᾽ πίη δὴ 

ουν θνητον τε Kat αἶθα 
vialrov ζωον [εἰ κληΐθη 
πειρατεον ειπί εν: ψίυχη 
πασα πὶ αἷντος επιμεΐλει 

ται του αἰ ψ)υχοῖυ πα᾿ντα [de 
ovpavoly] περ[ιπἼολει: ad 
Nore ev [a]AAas εἰδεσι [γι 
yrfoluer[n] τελεία [pe 
ovoa Kale εἡπτερωμενὴ 246 ¢ 


μετεωρϊ οἸπί οἰλειται και 
λει τε 

παντα [roy κοσμον δὲ 
otxet ἡ Ole] πτί εἸρρί οἹρυησί αἹ 
[σα] πὼς φίερεται εω)ς av 






τὴς UK\aves περι δὲ 
ἰτη]ς eas ὧδε λεκτεον ιδεας αὐτης 
[oltov μεν ἐστι παντίη] 

πὶ αν]τί ὡς] θειας [εὐναι και 
μακαριας διηγησεωϊς 

ὦ δ᾽ coker. ανθρωπι 

νης τε] και ελ[αττονος" 

ταυτὴ ουν ἰδ)η λεγωμεν:" 

εοικετὼ ὅδ η) ξυμῴφυτω 
δυναμει ὑποπτερου [fev 
yous τε και nvLoxou θἤεων 
μεν ouy ἱπποίι] τε Kat ἡνῖι 

οχοι πάντες αὐτίο)ι τε aya 

5 θοι και εξ ayabov: το de 


[ylals ἡγεμὼν ev ουρᾶνω Zeus 

τίαυτη οὖν 



[π|]τερρίου τινος αν]τιλαὰ στερεου [ 

25 βηται οἷυ κατοικισήθεισα 


σωμα ynilvov| λαβουσα 
αὐτο ἄυτο δοκουν κειΐνει 
ἰδια την εκειΐνης duva 
μιν [ζωον] το ξυίϊμπ]αν 
ἰεἸκλίηθη ψυἸχίη και] ow 
[ele παϊγεῖν [θἸνητον τε θνητίην 
[eclyev επωνυμιαν: aba 

[ν]ατ[ον] de ovd εἕ ε 

εἶνος λΊογου 


“46 ς 

ελαυΐνων πτηνον appa πρω 

Col. xxvi. 
[ro προσηκΊον deEerO ax] 247d 
[ἰδουσα dija xpovov To ον 
[ayaa τε Kale Oewpovola| 
[ταληθη τρεϊφίεῖται και 
Γεὐπαθει ews αν κἸυκίλω ἡ 
[περιφ᾽ορα εἰς ἱταυΐτον ἵπε 
[ριεν]εγκη:1 εἰν δὲ τη]! 
ἱπερίοδωι καΐθο]ρα μ[εῖν 
[αυτΊην δικαιοσυνὴν" αὖ τηνδ 
[. « 1. δικαιοσυνη" καθ[ο] 
[pa δὴε σωφροσυνὴν nae 

[pa ὃ εἸπιστημην. ovy’ ἢ γῖε] 



Col. xxvii. 
xou [κεφαλην" Kale συμπε 
ριηνεϊχ]θη την πίεριφορᾶ 
θορυβουΐϊμ]ενη ὑπο [των 
ἱππὼν Kat μολις ἰκαθορω 
σα Ta ovTa ἢ δε τοτΐε μεν 
npev τίοἾτε δ᾽ ov βιαίζομε 
vey δῖε των ἱππίων τὰ 
μεν ede [τα δ᾽ ov aft de δὴ 
αλλαι [γλιχομεναι μεν a 
πασαῖι του aly επίονται 

αδυνϊατουσαι de υἱποβρυ 

χίαι συμπερ)ιφερίονται 



[veot|s προσεστιν" οὐδὲ ἢ 


πατουσία)ι αλληλαΐς και 

ίεστι που eTEpa εν ετερῶι ae επιβαλλουΐσ]αι: ετεῖρα προ 
[- «-.«ὧὐν ἡμεῖς νυν ον 2476 15 τῆς [ετ]εραΐς πειρ]ωϊμενὴ 
ἊΣ καϊλοίυ]μί εν] αλλα τὴ γενεσθαι θορυβος ἴουν και 
[εν Tw ο εἶστιν ovT@S ε ἀμιλλα Kat ἴδρως [erya 
[πιστημ]ην olvjoav: κ[αι τος γιγνίεἶται OD δίη κα 
ταλλα ωὡσ᾽ αὐτίως τὰ ον κιαι ἡνιόχων ποῖΐλλαι 
J x L 
[τα οντως θ]εασαμεΐνη και 20 μεν ἴχωλε νονται [oN 
ἱεστιαθειῖσα ἰδυσ]α παΐλιν λαι δῖε moda] πτερα [Opav 
[εις TO εἰσω του Olvpay ov οντίαι πῖασαι δε πίολυν 
[οικαδε) ηλθεν: ελθουσηΐς € xolvoat ἱπονοὴν ατίελεις 
[δε avrn|s ο ἡνίοχος προς της Tov [οντοὶς θεας | amep 
τὴν φα͵τνην τοὺς tr 25. χονται: και αἰπελθουσαι 
Χ ἥ 
ἵπους στησας | a|peBade τροφὴ δ οξαίστη χραΐν 
αμβροσιΐαν τε και επῖι ταῖι ov δὲ ενείκα ἡ πίολ 
Pere pO Cie J 
[αὐτὴ vek|rap εποτισεῖν An σπίουδη To αληθειας 
και ουτοὶς μεν δὴ θεωΐν ἵδειν ου ἐστι πεδιον 
βιος αι δε] αλλαι ψυχαι 248a 30 ἢ Tle] dn πΙροσηκουσα Wu 
χαι ἡ 1 7p 
[μεν αρισ͵τα θεοϊ ιὶς ἐπομ[ε χηΐς τω αἱριστω νομὴ εκ 
[vn υπεῖρηρεν {elts τον | [Tov exet λειμωνος TUY 
[eEw romlov τὴν τίου nvLo χαίν]ει ovlala [ἡ τε Tov mre 
Col. xxxii. 

Opposite Col. xxiii. 17. 


Opposite Col. xxxiii. 19. 

Col. xxxiil. 
[τ]μ[ια] ψυΐχαις οὐκ ενεστι 250 Ὁ 
[φ]εγγος ουἷδεν ev τοις Τὴ 
[δ]ε ομοιωμίασιν adda δι a 

μυδρῶν o|pyavey μογις 

. TAB]. | 

Col. xxxiv. 
[Aous ὡσπερ εἰπομεν ὃ με] 
[7 εκεινων τε] ἐλαμπεν ον 
[δευρο τ᾽ ελθο]ντες κατει 
Anpapev αυτο) δια τὴς € 

248 b 

248 ¢ 

250 d 


5 αὐτῶν Και ολιγοι ἐπι Tas 5 ἱναργεστατης αἸισθη τα] σε 
etkovas ἵΐοντες θεωνται ως τῶν ἡμετερ)ων στιλ 
To Tov εικαΐσθεντος γενος [Bov ἐεναργεστ]ατα οψις yap 
[kadA os δὲ τίοτ nv wey [ἡμιν οξυτατὴ τωὴν δια 
λίαμπρον [του σωματος epxeTjat αἰσθη 

4 lines lost. 10 ἰσεὼν ἡ φρονησιΞς) οὐχ o 

τε κίαι ETENOUYTO των τελετῶ [ραται δεινους yap] av ma 

5 nly θεμις Aeyery pakapio ἰρειχεν Epwras εἰ TL ToL 
ταΐτην nV ὠργιαζομεν 250 6 ἴουτον evapyes εαυτης 

ολίοκληροι μεν αὑτοι ον 
τεῖς και ἀπαθεις κακων 
οσία ἡμὰς εν voTEpw χρονὼῶ 

20 ὑἱπεμενεν 

᾿ Col, xxxv. 

ται Tapa puow ηδοϊνην 251 a pavias dogav. Ovo av 
διωκων o de aprite Ans ws ἀγαλματῖι) kat θεω [rJors 
ἢ τῶν τοτε πολυθίεαμων 15 παιδικοις ἴδοντα δὲ αὖ 
οταν τι θεοειδες ἵδη προ Tov olov εκ τὴς φρικὴς 

: μεταβολὴ τε και idpos 

5 σωπον καλλος ev μίεμι και θερμοτὴης αηθης λαμ 25 

pnpevov ἡ τινα σωμῖα [Blaver- deEaplevo|s yap τίου 
Tos ἴδεαν. πρωτον μεν 25 [κ]αλλοὺς την [απο]ρ ροη] 
εφριξεν" και τι τῶν το [δι]α tov ομμίατων εθερ 

τε ὕπηλθε αυτον det [μ]ανθὴ ne ἡ τίου πτεροῦ 
10 ματων" ELTA προσορων [φυΊσις αρδϊεῖται [θερμαν 
ὡς θεὸν σεβεται και εἰ pln [θεντος] de εταϊκη 

εδεδιει τὴν [τ]ὴς σφοδρία 

Unidentified fragments. 
(a) (0) (c) (d) 
δ Ἱναν ἐ Ἢ 
Tol 7ηδε [ εἶ 


K.[ 1. ἐμὴ Bi k[ 
oy | "ΕΣ [ 

5 Ve [ (e) oO (zg) 
εκΐ 6 (f) 
το εἶ ]Ἰ- ταί a: 15} 
επί Jel ἀϊ Ἰαΐ 

Ae θ 1θεῖ 

(7) (ἢ (ὦ) (2) 
jal | |ragn[ τε 
]ετὶ Ἰμ Ἰοτὶ Jarl 
Pool y ; 
(mm) (1) (0) (2) 
Ἰποῖ Ἰετὶ Ἱντί }-[ 
Ἰτοθῖ led Jol }- mol 
(9) (7) 6) (η (7) 
Vel Jeck[ Ἰεκί Ἰατί Jarl 
(v) (w) (x) (9) (2) 
]αυΐ Jul kel J. αἱ lel 

i. x. lex is part of a marginal variant. ‘The tenth line from the bottom of this column 
would fall near the beginning of 238 b, and Ἰεκ may therefore well refer to κεκλημένον, for 
which Vat. 225 has κεκτημένον, 6. 8. τουτὸ k Jex|Anpevor | with κεκτημένον in the body of the text. 


There is a similar confusion in the MSS. regarding κεκτημένον just below and κεκτῆσθαι in 
the previous sentence. The division κεκίλη is however unusual. 

iii. 4. py so T, edd.; om. B. 
6. Se, which is here entered as a variant, is found in Vat. 225; cf. iv. 6. 
13. The alteration in the spelling and division of ayyiwov is by the second hand. 

iv. 3. τῶν, v. 1. roi: τῶν, the original reading, is that of BT and Stobaeus; ros was 
conjectured by Heindorf. Burnet prints rey within brackets. 

6. de for dy does not occur in the MSS. 

16. The marginal πορρί ωἸτατία is peculiar to the papyrus. 

24. βἸλαβερωτερος, the alternative reading, is that of Vat. 225, Ven. 185, 189, and four 
Paris MSS. The margin after this word is lost, but the line is completely filled, and it is 
not likely that av or ἃ followed; ay is omitted in BT. rw (so B) is still more unlikely to 
have been added at the end of |. 23. 

25. The marginal entry seems to have been some variant on ra μεν ovy, but none is 
known ; | av would not be satisfactory. The object of the short horizontal strokes at the 
end of this line and the next is not evident. In eu the second ¢ is perhaps a later 

26. It is not at all certain that the detached fragment containing the letters |irp{ is 
rightly placed here. 

31. No variant θεραπευσειεν occurs elsewhere, nor can it be defended. 

32. A oat the end of this line has apparently been crossed through, by which hand 
cannot be’determined. προς for προ is found in Ven, 185. 

v. 1. pera: B has the haplography με. 

2. δε: so MSS.; δή Burnet with Hirschig. 

5. There may be a high stop after re@pappevoy, but there are several accidental ink-spots 
at the end of this line. 

11. κοσμοις : 580 MSS.; σχήμασιν Plutarch. 

15. a δὴ δηλα for a δηλα is not otherwise recorded. 

17. The MSS. support the reading in the text, ορισαΐμίενους (ὁρισαμένοις two Paris 
MSS.) ; ορισαμενον is new. 

IQ. TolovTo: τοίουτον MSS. 

31. de: so T; ye B. 

33. Kat; τε και MSS, 

vi. 4. μητρ[οἷς και : so T Stobaeus ; om. καί B, 

g. eavrov: αὐτόν MSS. ; either may be right. 

11. χρυσον seems to have been originally written by mistake for χρυσου. It is impossible 
to be sure which hand made the correction. 

1g. οἶκον B, 

22. The deletion of the superfluous v is perhaps to be assigned to the second rather 
than to the first hand. 

23-4. The letters |v καρ and | eo{ are on a detached fragment, the position of which is 
hardly certain. 

32. τις: τινος was possibly written originally. 

vii. 1. The variant in the margin is presumably καὶ for re και, as in Ven. 8 and 189. 
3. T and Stobaeus have ἡδίστοις, B the marginal ἡδίστοισιν (so Burnet). 


7. There would be room for two or three more letters in this line, the lacuna being 
of the same length as in ll. 5-6, but there is no known variant. amavrwv for παντῶν is not 
a very satisfying remedy. 

8. yalp: so MSS. ; yap δή Burnet with Stobaeus and Aristaenetus. 

11-30. The division of the lines is conjectural ; it is not at all clear that in Il. 12-14 
αγοΐ, &c., are beginnings of lines, the margin being lost. 

30-1. ἡδονων seems to have stood in place of ydorns: wy is certain, and the vestiges 
suit the following av| and in the previous line 78. ἡδονῆς ἀραρότως αὐτῷ MSS. 

32. Above the ὦ οἵ rj a letter has been written (by the second hand ?) which can 
hardly be read otherwise than as λ, and after it another letter may be lost. No variant 
occurs here, and the insertion is not easily accounted for. 

35: |oloe: the scribe began to write a instead of ε. 

xix. 11. [lev σοι: so T Aristides, Burnet ; μέντοι Β. 

23. wlpeAa: Or o|pe dea: there would be room for o before epas in either case. 

29. @elov: the MSS. have only the marginal reading, θεων. 

33-4. According to the insertion in the margin the order of the words was to be 
Woxns περι θειας φυσεως te avOpwruns, which is intelligible though not convincing. ‘There 
is no variation in the MSS. 

XX. 2. και edn: om. MSS. 

5. avrokewnroy is not a known variant on aetkewnrov, which here stood in the margin, 
but it suits the vestiges and is in itself likely enough; cf. τὸ αὑτὸ κινοῦν in the next sentence 
and αὐτοκίνητον in Hermias, ad Phaedr., pp. 115 566. 

ΤΊΣ εἶἰαἾυτο: αὑτό MSS. 

22. [εξ αρίχης: so BT Simplicius Stobaeus; ἔτι ἀρχή Burnet with Buttmann (and 
Iamblichus ?); ἀρχή Vind. 89 and apparently Cicero, 

24. αδιαφθορον : so Τ᾿ Proclus and edd. ; ἄφθορον Stobaeus, ἀδιάφορον B. 

29. mavra, V.1. ta παντα : the MSS. all give the article. 

31-2. The best MSS. support the reading in the text (with αὑτὸ for cavro); τὸ αὑτὸ 
κινοῦν, as in the margin here, is however found in Par. 2011 and Ven. 8, 184. Cf. xxi. 17. 

Xxi. 2. yeveow: so BT Syrianus Stobaeus ; γῆν t in marg. 

3. avris: the MSS. all have the regular Attic form. Cf. 1016. 175. 

4. €xew: 50 Stobaeus, Burnet ; ἔχειν στῆναι BT. 

6. δε: so T Alexander Stobaeus; om. B. 

Only the tail of the over-written is preserved, and it is therefore difficult to 
distinguish the hand; the has not been crossed out. The MSS have ἑαυτοῦ, 

15. δὲ ere was Originally written: the correction is likely to be by the second hand. 

17. For the variant cf, xx. 31-2; the MSS. are here unanimous except that some have 
avré for ἑαυτό. 

23. The MSS. support the adscript wWeas avrys. 

26. μακαριας : μακρᾶς MSS. 

29. [δ᾽η : om. MSS. The crossbar of ἃ τ in the margin points to the insertion of the 
ordinary reading as a variant. 

30. cotxerw δ η]: so rightly t Hermias Stobaeus, though of course it is impossible to 
be certain that the scribe intended the words to be so divided ; ἐοικε τῳ δή T, ἔοικε τῷ δή B, 
ἔοικε δή τῳ Vind, 109, ἔοικε δὴ τῇ vulg. 

34. mavres avtiolt τε: so Τ᾽, Burnet; καὶ πάντες αὐτοί Β, 

Xxii. 11. τε; so T, Burnet; om. Β. 


13-14. Ψίυχη] maca: so Burnet with Simplicius ; πᾶσα ἡ ψυχή B, ἡ ψυχὴ πᾶσα 1, ψυχὴ yap 
πᾶσα Eusebius. Ψυχὴ amply fills the line. 

16. ovparev]: so BT, Burnet ; ἄνθρωπον Vind, τοῦ, οὖν Herwerden, 560]. Badham. 

18. τέλεια : τελέα MSS. It seems likely that the papyrus agreed with B and many 
other MSS, in omitting οὖν (T, Burnet) after μὲν, which sufficiently fills the space, though 
ουν if written ov would not take much room. 

20. perewpolmo|der te, the marginal adscript, is the reading of Syrianus, μετεωρῖο π᾿ o|- 
λειται is NEW; μετεωροπορεῖ τε BT and the majority of the MSS., ν,]. μετεωροπορεῖται, 

21. mavta: SO B, Burnet ; ἅπαντα T. 

221: πτερορρυησασα. ; 

23. mos: om. MSS. Only the barest vestige remains of the letter preceding ὦ and it 
does not particularly suggest π᾿ but since τέως would be too long ws seems inevitable. 

24. The MSS. support the marginal orepeov (the usual Platonic form: στερροτέρου 
Tim. Locr. ror a), not oreppov. It is probable that the second rather than the original hand 
substituted o for 7. 

29. A fragment containing the letters μιν is rather doubtfully placed here. 

31. θνητί in the margin was doubtless θνητὴν, which is found instead of the better 
supported θνητόν in Ven, 8, Par. 2011. 

ΧΧΥΪ. I. defeoO a: soB; δέξασθαι T, Burnet. 

8. καίθο!ρα plely: so T ; καθορῶμεν B. 

9. The reading αὖ τὴν δικαιοσύνην, indicated by the writer of the adscript, is found in 
Coisl. 135 and was considered favourably by Heindorf. 

το. |... . δικαιοσυνη does not occur in any MS. The letter before 6 is represented 
by a vertical stroke which would suit ἡ, «, or v, and it is immediately below the second 
upright of the ἡ in [avr Perhaps [ὁ eor} may be restored; cf. Parm. 133 ἃ αὐτοῦ 
δεσπότου δήπου, ὃ ἔστι δεσπότης. 

13. οὐδὲ η: SO Β (οὐδ᾽; οὐ δή T, οὐδ᾽ 7 vulg. 

14. εν ἐτερω οὐσα (so MSS.) in the margin shows that something other than ουσα stood 
in the text, but there is no known variant. Of the ν of wy there remains only the top of the 
second upright stroke. 

17. ovtas: ὃν ὄντως MSS. 

29. 67: om. MSS. 

31. θεοίεςς : θεῷ MSS. (θεῶν Coisl. 155). 

ἐπομίενη : ἑπομένη καὶ εἰκασμένη MSS, One more letter might have been expected in the 
lacuna at the beginning of the next line. 

ΧΧΥΪΪ. 4. pods: μόγις MSS. 

6. δ᾽ ov: δ᾽ ἔδυ MSS. δ᾽ ov was presumably due to the influence of I. 8. 

27. The papyrus of course may have read δὴ with T instead of δε. B here has οὐδὲν 
ἔχει for οὗ δ᾽ ἕνεχ᾽ ἡ. 

20. οἷν cor πεδιον : πεδίον οὗ ἐστιν MSS. 

XXxiii. A slight difficulty arises concerning the gap between the remains of this column 
and Col. xxvii. A column of this papyrus corresponds elsewhere to approximately fourteen 
lines of the Oxford text; there are sixty-five printed lines lost between xxvii. 33 and 
xxxiii., 1, giving an average of only thirteen lines for the five columns, which would therefore 
appear to have been written larger or to have been rather shorter than their neighbours, 
This irregularity makes it the less easy to explain the remains of the two marginal adscripts 
which are all that survive of Col, xxxii. In the second of them ] oray διε | τι τών is 


a possible reading, with a reference to p. 250a 6 αὗται δέ, ὅταν (v. 1. ὁπόταν) τι τῶν ἐκεῖ κτλ. ; 
but the stroke before + is somewhat straight for an o, and the words in question would 
be expected to have occurred two or three lines lower in the column: moreover ὅταν δέ, 
which would imply the omission of αὗται, is quite unsupported. On the other hand there 
is nothing else in the neighbourhood suggesting -rav, and that Il. 14-20 of Col. xxxiii, which 
are on the same fragment as the two marginal insertions, are rightly identified can hardly 
be doubted. 

xxxiii. 1. This line is most probably the first of the column, but the margin above it is 
14. te, Which was originally omitted, was added by the second hand. 

XXXiv. 1. o: om. MSS. Possibly z(e) was omitted in 1. 3. 
13. evapyes eau|rns : ἑαυτῆς ἐναργές MSS. 

XXKXV. 3. ἡ (=7): 6 MSS. 

4. τι Oeoedes (dn προ σωπον : θεοειδὲς πρόσωπον ἴδῃ MSS., omitting τι. 

5. » was added above the line by ἃ hand different from that to which the majority at 
any rate of the insertions are due. The MSS. agree with the original reading. 

12. ededvec confirms the correction of Cobet ; δεδιείη B, δεδίει T. 

22. nn: so T and edd.; ἣ B. 

Fr. (4). This fragment cannot be referred to Col. xxii. 7-9. 

Fr. (c). Neither Col. ii. 10-12 nor Col. xxxv. 18-20 seems to be the right position for 
this fragment. 

Fr. (4) possibly belongs to Col. xxxiii. 

Fr. (7). The breathing over the is doubtful. 

Fr. (4). It is hardly certain that the fragment belongs to 1017. 
Fr. (m). Col. ii. 2-3 is an unsuitable position for this fragment. 
Fr. (7) cannot be assigned to Col. xxvii. 8-0. 

Fr. (2). Not Col. xxvii. 19-20 or 22—3. 

Fr. (0). The combination with Col. xxii. 5 is unconvincing. 

1018. XENOPHON, Cyropaedia i. 

25:6 X 10-7 cm. Third century. 

Two columns, containing part of the sixth chapter of the Cyropaedia, Book i. 
The recto of the papyrus is occupied by a second-century money-account ; the 
literary text on the verso, written in rather coarse and irregular uncials, may be 
attributed to the first half of the third century. Stops in the high and medial 
position are inserted, besides double dots marking a change of speaker ; as in 
1016, a single point is sometimes used where two would be in place, and vice versa. 



Accents have been added occasionally. These lectional signs as well as a few 
corrections may all be due to the original scribe. 

Textually this papyrus is of considerable interest, standing in very close 
relationship to the family of MSS. represented by D, the Bodleianus, and 
Stobaeus. Witness to the early influence of this family had already been found 
in a Vienna papyrus (ed. Wessely, A/¢¢thetlungen vi) and in 697; and the same 
conclusion is emphasized by 1018, whose agreement with DBod. is still more 
marked. In fact, there is here only one noticeable discrepancy from those two 
MSS. to set against the considerable number of coincidences, namely at 1. 39 
where instead of their tives the papyrus has the commonly accepted τίέ) εἰσι. 
Editors may be right in regarding this as the generally inferior family ; but 
there can be no doubt that it embodies an ancient and strongly established 

In the collation below I am able to supplement the information given by 
Dindorf (Oxford, 1857) with that of the apparatus to the edition of the Cyro- 
paedia about to be published by Mr. E. C. Marchant, who has kindly allowed me 
the use of his proofsheets. C= Parisinus, Bod. = Bodleianus Bib. Canon. 39 
(Marchant’s D), H = Escorialensis T iii. 14; the other sigla correspond with 
those of Dindorf. 

Col. i. Col. ti 
[π]λεονεκτὴν των πὸ δ. 27 35 τινος MeL [7 [επειρασθε 
ἰλεϊμιων: καὶ o Kupos ε αγωνιζεσθίαι προς αὖ 
[πήἤγελασας εἰπεν : ὦ H τα' ἢ ov γιγίνωσκεις 
ἱρακλεις: οἷον σὺ λεγεις B a 

οτι TavTd Ταϊυτά κακουρ 
5 [@ πΊατερ δειν ανδρα pe 

ylat τ εἰσι και ἀπαται 
γείνεσθαι : οἷος αν edy Ε 
40 και δολωσίεις Kat πλε 
@ mat δικαιοτατος τε 

Ἔ ονεξιαι" vale pa Ae ε 29 
[kau] νομιμωτί εἶίτος ἀνὴρ on ο Kupos θἴηριων γε 
[etn]: πὼς μὴν edn 28 ανθρωπων ὃ ἴει Kat 
10 [παι]δὰς ovtas ἡμᾶς δοξαιμι βουΐλεσθαι ε 
[και] εφηβους ταναντι 45 ξαπατησάι [twa πολ 
[a το]υτων εδιδασκετε" λας πληγας oda λαμ 
[var] pa Ac εφη και νυν Bavev: ovde [yap το 

[ye mlpos rous φιλοὺυς τε ξευειν εφη οἷιμαι ov 






s moAeTas 

en roulls Gidous]] ees δ᾽ ἀκοντιζειν [ανθρω 

(Desa) τῶν, Tokens ὃν 80 Tov επετρεποῖμεν ὑμιν 

: αλλ emt σκοπίου εδιδὰ 
[ναισ]θε κακως Trove 

ἔαμεν: ἵνα ye νὺν 
μὲν μη κακοϊυργοιὴ 
τε τοὺς φιλουΐς εἰ δε 

ἰκουργας : οὐ δητα εγωγίε βόες 
; 55 ποτε πολεμῖίος yevor 

jovk οὐισθα μανθανον 

[Tas υἱμας πολλαΐς)] κα 

[edn ὦ] πατερ: τινος 

[env ely eveka ἐμὰν 
[θανετὶε τοξευειν. τι 

To: δυναισθε [kat αν 
θρωπων [σ]τοχαΐ ζεσθαι 

: δε και 
vos ὃ ενεκα ακοντιζειν SEE SUITED ἃ c 

Ἐ = mAeovek|Tletv ἰουκ εν 
ἱτινοςὶ δ evexa Sovdodv: [τ] [ 

fos scgplevs caNey pant 60 avOpwr o.|s emalidev 
[Kat opulypact τί] ὃ ε ΠΟΙ ΘΝ ΟῚ 
Ξ Ἶ plots. [iva μ]ηδ εἶν του 

λαφο)υς ποδαγραις 
Page) a [τοις τοὺς φιλΊους βλα 

[kat ap\medovais: τι ; 
πτοιτε εἰ Oe] ποτίε πὸ 

δε λεου]σι και ἀρκτοις | 
65 [Ae“os γενοΊιτο pln 

kat παρ]δαλε[σιὶν ov 
: a ὦ δὲ τουτων αἸγυμῖνα 
[k εἰς τὸ ἵ)σον [κ᾽αθιστα τῆν 

μενοι] ἐμαχεσθε' ad 

[Aa μετα πλεο)νεξιας 

6. av: ἂν (ὧν) Hertlein, Hug, Marchant. 
8. νομιμωτατος : the second τ was converted from a p, i. €. νομιμωτερος was first written. 
9. [em]: on the analogy of the preceding and following lines not more than three 

letters should be lost, and hence it is likely that the papyrus agreed with DBod. and Stobaeus 
in reading « for ems. The supposed double dots might possibly be the tips of ἃ σ, but 
some kind of stop at any rate is expected. 


14. The papyrus evidently had ye before πῆρος, agreeing with DBod.; om. other MSS. 
15. τοὺς πολειτας : SO Stobaeus ; πρὸς τοὺς πολίτας DBod., πολίτας other MSS. _ It is not 
whether the removal of the dittography is due to the original or another hand. 

16. δυΐναισἾθε suits the space better than διζνασ]θε (CAD, δύνασθαι Bod.). 

. ἐγωγίε εφη: so DBod.; ἔφη ἔγωγε other MSS. 

e|py evexa: So DBod.; ἕνεκα ἔφη other MSS. 

. εἤνεκα : om. C, 

. δουλοῦν ; so most MSS.; δολοῦν HR. ‘The original reading of D is doubtful. 

.« πλεγμασι: SO DBod. (-σιν) ; καὶ πλέγμασι other MSS. 

. ἐμαχεσθε; μάχεσθε CAGH. 

«ἀεὶ : αἰεί CAGH. The letter following ae is covered by a blot and a dot signifying 


Won bh ww HN 

σιὼ Ans tv 

deletion is also placed over it; perhaps the ink ran when the scribe was writing the e of 


36. av|ra : Or ταῦτα, as in DBod. 

37-8. γιγνώσκεις ὅτι ταῦτα πάντα is the reading of DBod., and no doubt the same order 
was indicated by the marks above |. 38, the oblique dashes showing the number of letters 
to be transposed and the figures a and # the desired arrangement; cf. e.g.16. 26. The 
alteration may be by the first hand. πάντα γιγνώσκεις ταῦτα ὅτι other MSS. 

39. DBod. have τινες for r(é) εἰσι. 

42. 0 Kupos: so DBod.; om. other MSS. 

48. py ofyac: so Bod., οἶμαι ἔφη D and a later hand in G; om. ey other MSS. 

51. emt σκοπίου edidalfauev: so DBod.; ἐπὶ σκοπὸν βάλλειν ἐδιδάσκομεν other MSS. 
A blot covers the a of αλλ. 

58. [Se: so DBod.; om. CAGRH. 

65. μίηδε: μηδέποτε AGH. 

1019. CHARITON, Chaereas and Callirrhoé. 
17 X 17-5 cm. Late second or early third century. 

Two fragments of the Chacreas and Callirrhoé have already been obtained 
from Egypt, one a Fayim papyrus of about the end of the second century 
(P. Fay. 1), the other a vellum palimpsest bought by Wilcken at Luxor, of the 
later Byzantine period (Archiv i. pp. 227 sqq.). Fresh evidence for the early 
popularity of Chariton’s romance is now supplied by a papyrus from 
Oxyrhynchus. This contains parts of two columns, from the third and fourth 
chapters of Book ii, written in a clear semi-cursive hand of, apparently, much the 
same date as P. Fay. 1; it may be assigned to the close of the second century, or, 
at latest, to the opening decades of the third. An oblique dash is used as a stop 
inl. 55; cf. e.g. 418 verso. 

The text of the Chaereas and Callirrhoé, apart from the two small fragments 
recently discovered, depends upon a single Florentine MS. of the thirteenth 
or fourteenth century (F). Compared with this, 1019 shows characteristics very 
similar to those of the Faytim papyrus, except that the latter is more accurate. 
As would be anticipated in copies so much closer to the author, both papyri 
sometimes supply what is evidently a better reading. Thus, e. g., in 1019, ποδῶν 
in 1. 1 confirms an emendation of D’Orville (ποθέν F); in 1. 25 the sense, which 
in F is obscured, was rightly given, though the exact wording is uncertain; 
ὀνομάζων for εἶναι νομίζων and in 1. 54 the omission of ὅτι are other patent gains. 
There are also a number of small variations with regard to which the choice is 
less easy, though naturally the older authority deserves every consideration and 
is likely to be more often right than not. On the other hand, confidence is 


disturbed by such errors as those in ll. 33, 38, 44, and 48-9. A noteworthy 
agreement of the papyrus with F in a probable corruption is found in 1], 29. 

Col. i. 
veov Ψψοφου δὲ ποδων αἰσθο ii. 3 
μενὴ Kad\\tpon προς avrov [e 
πεστραφὴη] θεασάμενος olvy o 
Atovvaios] εἰλεως ey ὦ Aldpo 
dirty και em ἀγαθω μοι halve 

On Acwvals ὑπελαβεν και 
αὐτὴ φησιν) ἐστιν ὦ δεσποτία 

ἢ νεωνητοὶς μηδὲν ταραχθίης 






[ns καταπιίπτοντα δὲ αὐτῖον 




[kat συ δὲ w| γυναι προσελθε 

[7m κυριω K]adXAtpon μὲν ovy 
προς τουνοῖμα τοῦ κυριου KaTw 
[κυψασα πηγην αφηκε δακρυων 
lowe μεταμανἼθανουσα τὴν 

15 [ελευθεριαν] ο δὲ ΖΔιονυσιος πλὴη 

[gas τὸν Δεω]ναν ἀσεβεστατε 

ἰειπεν ὡς αν͵θρωποις διαλεγὴ 

[τοις θεοις ταυΐτην λέγεις ap 

ἰγυρωνητον δικαίως ovy οὐχ εὖ 


20 [pes Tov πιπρασκοντα οὐκ ἠκου 
ἴσας ovde Opn|pov διδασκοντος 
[nas Kat ye οἱ θεοι ξεινοισιν coi, 
[Kores αλλοδαποισιν ανθρωπων 
[υβριν τε Kat ευνομιην εφορωσιν 
ΣῊ ταν νος Καϊλλιροὴ παύυσαι 

[mov καταγελίων και θεαν ovo 

[μαζων την] οὐδὲ ἀνθρωπον 

[ευτυχὴ λαλουσης [δ]ς alulrns 


Col. ii. 

τῶν εστωτῶν EKEL καὶ KEKAN 

30 μενων συνῆκεν ὁ Aewvas 
Kal αφεικομενος εἰς TO TELE 
vos εξηγαγε την Καλλιροὴν 
τους ὃ nv ἵἴδειν ore φυσει γεινον 
ται βασιλεις womEep ο εν TH σμὴη 

35 vel τῶν μελισσὼων ἠκολουθὸο 
vy yap avTopfatws ἀπαντες 
αὐτὴ καθαπερ ὑπο του καλλο 
us δεσποινὴ κεχειροτονημενοι 
ἢ pev ovv amndOev εἰς την οἱ 

40 Know τὴν συνηθη Διονυσιος ὃ [ε il, 4 
TeTpwTo μεν To δε Tpavpa πεΐρι 
στελλειν ἐπείρατο ora On πεπῖαι 
δευμενος avnp Καὶ εξαιρετωΐς 
apeTns αντεποιουμενος μ[η 

45 δὲ τοις οἰκεταις θελων EvKaTa 
φρονητος δοκειν pyre μειρακίι 
wdns τοις φιλοις διεκαρτερει | 
Tapa ολὴν τὴν εσπεραν ποιοῖίυ 
μενος yap λανθανειν καταΐδη 

50 Aos δὲ γεινομενος μαλλον [εκ 
της σιωπὴς μοιραν de τινα [Aa 
βων απο του δειπνου ταυτὴν φη 
σι κομισάτω τις τὴ ξενὴ μὴ extn [ 
δὲ mapa Tov κυριου adda παρα Ato 

55 νυσιου / Tov μεν ovy ποτὸν προ 
η[γ]αγεν emt πλείστον ἠπίστατο 

1. ποδὼν : D’Orville’s ἡγε λα coniectura (Cobet, Mnemos. 8, p. 256) is confirmed ; ποθέν 
F, ὄπισθεν Cobet. ποδῶν was accepted by Hercher. 
2. ΚαλἼλιροη : this is the regular spelling in this text as well as in P. Fay, 1 and in 

Wilcken’s fragments. 


4. εἰλεως εφη : ἀνεβόησεν ἵλεως eins Ἐ. εἴης is superfluous. 

8. ἐστιν : om. F. 

12-13. In F πηγὴν ἀφῆκε δακρύων precedes κάτω κύψασα. 

18. There is not room in the lacuna for σύ which precedes ταύτην in F. 

19. διϊκαιως ovy οὐχ : καὶ ws οὐχ F. Since αρίγυρωνητον alone does not fill the space, the 
restoration of δικαιως seems certain and gives a preferable reading. 

20. ἡκουΐσας : so the Didot edition and Hercher ; ἀκούσας previous editors. 

22. Nine letters will hardly fill the lacuna, which is of the same length as in Il. 20 and 
23, and the papyrus therefore seems to have agreed with F. Hercher restores the usual 
reading in p 485 καί τε θεοί. 

25. F has τὸ γοῦν λοιπὸν παῦσαι κτὰ., which has been generally recognized to be defective. 
The papyrus has the name Καλλιροη, which is obviously needed, and this was of course 
preceded by some such verb as εἶπεν or ἔφη ; but there is not room for so much as τὸ γοῦν 
λοιπόν as well, and how the lacuna should be filled remains doubtful. 

26. ονοϊμαζων : this is clearly superior to F’s εἶναι νομίζων. Callirrhoé’s point is that 
Dionysius did of think so, but only pretended that he did. 

29. καὶ κεκλημένων : SOF; ὡς κεκηλημένων Jacobs, whom Hercher follows. 

30. 0: om. Ἐς On the other hand after Λεωνᾶς F has τὸ γεγονός which is omitted in 
the papyrus. 

33. τοὺς is an evident clerical error; τότε rightly F. 

34: 0¢: om.oF, 

35. The divisions ἠκολουθοίυν here and καλλοίυς in 1. 37 are very unusual. 

36. avropates: om. F. 

34. αὐτη : om. F. 

38. KEXELPOTOYNMLEVOL + if κεχειροτονημένῃ with F. 

42. 6): 6€F. Cf. P. Fay. τ. ii. 17 and for the asyndeton ibid. i. 16, note. 

44. 1. αντιποιουμενος. μήτε for μίη]δε rightly F. 

45. θελων : ἐθέλων F. 

48--0. ποιοζυμενος yap: οἰόμενος μέν F, no doubt correctly. 

50. paddov: om. F. 

51. [λαΐβων : λαβόμενος F, 

53. em: εἴπητε F. The papyrus is broken away after the η, but the line is of full 
length and it is unlikely that -re followed. The 3rd person singular is quite correct after 
κομισάτω τις. 

54. παρα... παρα: mapa... ὅτι παρά F, ἩΘΙΌΠΕΙ inserts another ὅτι before the first 
παρά, but ὅτι can well be spared altogether. 

1090. OFFICIAL 147 




10-8 X 20 Cm. A.D. 198-201. 

A fragment from the bottom of a column, giving two short rescripts of the 
Emperors Septimius Severus and Caracalla, directing that the praefect should 
hold a new trial if the persons to whom the rescripts are addressed were under 
full age. This is the well-known Jz integrum restitutio, regularly allowed by 
Roman law to minors; cf. Cod. Just. 2. 21, Dig. 4. 4. The only novelty lies in 
the phrase used to express the praefect’s procedure, ἀγῶνα ἐκδικεῖν : as is remarked 
by Professor Mitteis, to whom I am indebted for some suggestions on this 
papyrus, ἐκδικεῖν here apparently has the sense of ἐκδικάζειν. One of the two 
cases related to release from an obligation of some kind (ἄφεσις), in the other 
there was an accusation of fraud (ἀπάτη). These rescripts are preceded by the 
remains of two lines from another official response referring an applicant, who 
had complained of some injustice, to the epistrategus. The papyrus seems to 
contain a collection of such decisions, though whether they were all concerned 
with the 7 integrum restitutio is not clear. Perhaps they were here cited by 
a petitioner as precedents supporting his claim. 

πόρεν αν ἀσνγλι jas’ εἰ περιγραφὴ | 

1.07... τῷ ἐπιστρατήγῳ ἔντυϊΪχε. 

Αὐτοκράτωρ Καῖσαρ Λούκιος Σεπτίμιος Σεουῆρος [Εὐσεβὴς ΠΊερτίναξ 
Σεβαστὸς ᾿ἀραβικὸς ᾿Αδιαβηνικὸς ; 
Παρθικὸς Μέγιστος καὶ Αὐτοκράτωρ Καῖσαρ Μάρκοϊς Αὐρήλιος ‘Avjro- 
νῖνοῖς Εὐσεβὴς Σεβαστὸς 
5 Οὐάρῳ Δαμασαίου. εἰ τὴν ἐκ τῆς ἡλικίας ἔχεις β[οήθιαν,) ὁ ἡγούμενος 
τοῦ ἔθνους 
τὸν ἀγῶνα τῆς ἀφέσεως ἐκδικ[ήσει.] πρίοετέθ(η} ἐν ᾿ἀλεξανδ(ρείᾳ) [ 
L 2 


Προκόνδῃ ‘Eppaiov δι’ ᾿Επαγάθ[ο]υ ἀπελευθέρου. εἰ τὴν ἐκ τῆς ἡ[λικίας 
ἔχεις βοήθιαν, 

τὸν ἀγῶνα τῆς ἀπάτης ὁ ἡγούμενος τοῦ ἔθνους] ἐκδι[κ]ήσει. πρ[οετέθί(η) 
ἐν ‘AdeEavd(peia) 

7. ἡ Of προκονδὴ corr. from ὦ : the name is preceded by a marginal cross. 8. εἰ of 
εκδι[κίησει corr. from ἡ. θῖνο of eAvor{s] blotted. 

ll. 3-8. ‘The Emperor Caesar Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus 
Arabicus Adiabenicus Parthicus Maximus and the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius 
Antoninus Pius Augustus to Varus son of Damasaeus. If you can claim the assistance 
due to immature age, the praefect of the province shall decide the suit for release. Published 
in Alexandria... 

To Procunda daughter of Hermaeus through Epagathus, freedman. If you can claim 
the assistance due to immature age, the praefect of the province shall decide the suit for 
fraud. Published in Alexandria...’ 

1-2. These two lines seem to be the decision of a local official rather than another 
imperial rescript. Jas in 1. 1 may be the termination of a proper name; or ].«, e.g. εἶπε, 
might be read. 

5. β[οήθιαν] Mitteis. ἡ ἐκ τῆς ἡλικίας βοήθεια is aefatis auxilium, for which cf. e. g. Cod. 
Just. 21. 2 Zo tempore, quo soror tua auxilio tuvabatur aetatis. ἔχεις means ‘is rightly 
yours’, i.e. if your years justify the res/é/u/io. For ὁ ἡγούμενος τοῦ ἔθνους (cf. 1. 8) as a 
synonym for ἡγεμών, praeses provinciae, cf. e.g. Cass. Dio Ixxix. 18, and for the use of ἔθνος, 
Archiv iy. p. 380. This line is somewhat short as compared with 1. 7, but the sentence 
appears to be complete. 

6. ’Adefav8(peia) was no doubt followed by a date. 


13:5 X59 cm. A.D. 54. 

The following unaddressed notice of the decease of the emperor Claudius 
and the accession of Nero seems to be a rough draft for an official circular or 
a public proclamation. It is written in a small cursive hand, and several 
corrections and modifications show the absence of finish. A closely analogous 
document is B. G. U. 646, a circular from the praefect to the strategi of the 
Heptanomia enclosing a copy of his order to the people of Alexandria for 
the celebration of the accession of Pertinax; cf. also the fragmentary Berlin 
letter, quoted in the note on Il. 14-16, announcing the nomination of G. Julius 
Verus Maximus as Caesar, and the curious Giessen papyrus published by 

1021. OFFICIAL 149 

Kornemann in Kio vii. p. 278 (Archiv v. p. 249), referring to the accession of 

The papyrus is dated on the 21st (?) of the month Neos Sebastos (Hathur), 
i.e. November 17, thirty-five days after the death of Claudius. Oxyrhynchus 
was thus considerably in advance of Elephantine, where, as Wilcken, Osv. i. 13, 
shows, the news was still unknown on November 28. 

Ὃ μὲν ὀφειλόμενος [Mey:o]] τε πάντων 
τοῖς προγόνοις καὶ ἐν- ἀγαθῶν Νέρων 
φανὴς θεὸς Καῖσαρ εἰς Καῖσαρ ἀποδέδεικται. 
αὐτοὺς κεχώρηκε, διὸ πάντες ὀφείλομεν 
ὁ δὲ τῆς οἰκουμένης 15 στεφανηφοροῦντας 
καὶ προσδοκηθεὶς καὶ ἐλπισ- καὶ βουθυτοῦντας 
θεὶς Αὐτοκράτωρ ἀποδέ- θεοῖς πᾶσι εἰδέναι 
δεικται, ἀγαθὸς χάριτας. (ἔτους) a Νέρωνος 
δαίμων δὲ τῆς Κλαυδίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ Γερμανικοῦ 
οὐκουμένης [ἀρ]χὴ ὧν 20 μη(νὸς) Νέ(ου) Σ᾿ εβα(στοῦ) κα. 
7. Ges added above the line. 8. ε of δεικται above the line. 10. |. οἰκουμένης. 
ὧν above the line. 15-16. |. στεφανηφοροῦντες καὶ βουθυτοῦντες. 19. σεβαστου γερμανικου 

added in front of κλαυδιου. 

“The Caesar who had to pay his debt to his ancestors, god manifest, has joined them, 
and the expectation and hope of the world has been declared Emperor, the good genius 
of the world and source of all good things, Nero, has been declared Caesar. Therefore 
ought we all wearing garlands and with sacrifices of oxen to give thanks to all the gods. 
The 1st year of the Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, the 21st of the 
month Neos Sebastos.’ 

8-13. Perhaps there is an intentional antithesis here between Καῖσαρ and Αὐτοκράτωρ in 
l. 7; but the repetition of οἰκουμένης and ἀποδέδεικται is clumsy, and 1]. 8-13 look like an 
alternative version of J]. 5-8. For ἀγαθὸς δαίμων τῆς οἰκουμένης as applied to Nero cf. 
Dittenberger, Orcentis Gr. Inscr. ii. 666 [Νέρων] Κλαύδιος... ὁ ἀγαθὸς δαίμων τῆς οἰκουμένης, 
σὺν ἅπασιν οἷς εὐεργέτησεν ἀγαθοῖς (Wilcken). ‘The reading in Il. ro—11 is very uncertain, but 
probably does not misrepresent the sense, for which Wilcken compares the prophetic papyrus 
discussed by him in Hermes xl. pp. 544 sqq., Col. ii. 6-7 ἐπὰν... παραγένηται βασιλεὺς 
ἀγαθῶν Sornp (ἀγαθὸν δαίμονα occurs three lines above) ; cf. also σὺν dracw . . . ἀγαθοῖς in the 
inscription already quoted. [ἀρ]χή in 1. ro is not at all convincing: the final letter is more 
like ν than η, and [. .|zevo» could be read; moreover in |. τι, instead of supposing that the 
writer began the word μεγίστων, it would be possible to regard the deleted letters as 
a mistaken repetition of the syllables -μενων. A participle, however, gives a less satisfactory 
construction and sense, and no suitable substantive ending in τῶν seems to be obtainable ; 
ἡγεμών is not satisfactory. 


14-16. The construction is confused, the accusative being employed as if δεῖ or some 
similar word and not ὀφείλομεν were written. Cf. for the phraseology B. G. U. 646. 19-24 
[ἀἸκόλουθόν ἐστιν, [ὦ ἄνδρ]ες ᾿Αλεξανδρεῖς, πανδημεὶ [θ]ύο[ ν]τας καὶ εὐχομένους... στεφαϊνηφ]ορῆσαι 
ἡμέρας πεντεκαίδεικα. It may be convenient to add here the text of the letter in the Royal 
Library at Berlin, published by Parthey in Wemorze dell? Instituto di Corrisp. Arch. 2, Ὁ. 440, 
and reprinted with improvements by Deissmann, Lich/ vom Osten, p. 267: ἐπεὶ yoloz[ns 
ἐγενόμην τοῦ] εὐανγελ[ίο]υ περὶ τοῦ ἀνηγορεῦσθαι Καίσαρα τὸν τοῦ θεοφιλεστάτου κυρίου ἡμῶν Αὐτοκρά- 
τορος Καίσαρος Ταίου ᾿Ιουλίου Οὐήρου Μαξιμίνου Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχυῦς Σεβ[αστο]ῦ παῖδα Ῥάιον Ἰούλιον 
Οὐῆρον Μάξιμον Σεβαστόν, χρή, τιμιώτατε, τὰς θεὰς κωμάζεσθαι. ἵν᾽ [υ]ὖν εἰδῇς καὶ παρατύχῃς .. . 

19. Some very cursive letters just below the line in front of Κλαυδίου are probably to be 
interpreted as Σεβαστοῦ Γερμανικοῦ, which was originally omitted. The words have been 
transferred in the text to their proper posilion. Καίσαρος too is very cursive. 

20. καὶ the second figure is very uncertain ; it could also be 6 or «. 


36-8 Χο cm. AUD 105, ΒΙΑΙΘῚ: 

This is a letter in Latin addressed by the praefect of Egypt, C. Minicius 
Italus, to Celsianus, praefect of the third Ituraean cohort, announcing the 
addition to the cohort of six recruits, whose names, ages, and distinguishing 
marks, if any, are given. At the foot is a note of the receipt of the letter and of 
its entry in the archives of the cohort. The document, which is in excellent 
preservation, is written in a clear cursive: dots are placed usually after 
abbreviated words and in some cases also after numerals, rarely elsewhere. 

[(ἡ Minicius [talu\s Clelstano suo 
tivones sexs probatos a 716 71 
5 cohk(orte) cut praees 771 nume- 
ros veferrt iube ex xt 
kalendas Martias : 1107711- 
na eorum et tcon\t\smos 
huic episteélae subiect. 
10 vale frater karissimie. 
C. Veturium Gemellum 
annor(um) xxi sine i(conismo), 
C. Longium Priscum 
annor(un) xxii, i(conismus) supercil(to) sinistr(o), 

1022. OFFICIAL 151 

15 C. Lulium Maximum ann(orum) xxv 
sine i(conismo), 
[.| Luctum Secundum 
annor(um) xx sine t(conismo), 
C. Lulium Saturninum 
20 annor(um) xxiti, (conismus) manu sinistr(a), 
M. Antonium Valentem 
annorum) xxii, i(conismus) frontis 
parte dextr(a). 

and hand. accepta vi k(alendas) Martias ann(o) vi 
25 Impleratoris) Traiani n(ostrt) per 
Priscum singul(arem). 
Avidius Arrianus cornicular(ius) 
coh(ortis) 111 Ituracorum 
scripst authenticam 
30 epistulam in tabulario 
cohortis esse. 

15. maximum- Pap. 30. eprstulam- Pap. 

‘C. Minicius Italus to his dear Celsianus, greeting. Give orders that the six recruits 
who have been approved by me in the cohort under your command be included in the 
ranks from Feb. 19: I append to this letter their names and descriptions. Farewell, dearest 

C. Veturius Gemellus, aged 21, without description, 

C. Longius Priscus, aged 22; description, a mark on his left eyebrow, 

C. Julius Maximus, aged 25, without description, 

[.] Lucius Secundus, aged 20, without description, 

C. Julius Saturninus, aged 23; description, a mark on his left hand, 

M. Antonius Valens, aged 22; description, a mark on the right side of his forehead. 

Received on Feb. 24 in the 6th year of our emperor Trajan through Priscus, orderly. 
I, Avidius Arrianus, adjutant of the third cohort of the Ituraeans, have written out the 
original letter for the archives of the cohort.’ 

1. The meaning of these letters in the middle of the upper margin is obscure. The 
second is pretty certainly e, the first c or s. There is no sign of anything further, but the 
papyrus is at this point worn as well as broken, and it is possible that one or two more 
letters followed. Οε[ 21] on the analogy of 720. 15 (if that be the right reading’) is not very 

2. Feb. 24, a.p. 103 (Il. 24-5) is the latest date so far known for the praefecture of 
Minicius Italus, who was succeeded in this year by Vibius Maximus. The papyrus 

1 Wilcken’s suggestion /eg? (Archiv iii. 313) is hardly suitable; the first letter may be ὁ but the third 
does not seem to be g. 


confirms the view of the date of Italus expressed in P. Amh. 64, and the corrected reading 
of B. G. U. 908. 9, ε (ἔτει), in Archiv ii. p. 137. 

4. Probatus is the technical term for ‘passed’, ‘examined’ by the praefect, corresponding 
to the Greek ἐπικεκριμένος (e.g. 1023. 5); cf. B. G. U. 696. i. 28 “rones probati and MZé. 
darch. de l’éole francaise de Rome, 1897, p. 450 prob jato in tt Gallica. The spelling sexs is 
found in inscriptions. 

8. zcon{z|smos: the word may have its ordinary sense if in 1. 14, &c., some term 
signifying a mark or scar be understood ; otherwise it must be supposed that the proper 
meaning ‘description’ here passes into that of the features constituting the description, 
sine tconismo being practically equivalent to ἄσημος. Cf. τ 245-6 μυθήσομαι οἷος ἔην περ, 
yupos ἐν ὥὦμοισιν, pedavdxpoos, οὐλοκάρηνος, On Which the scholiast remarks that ὁ τρόπος 

11. This man recurs forty years later as a veteran in 1088. 2. 

25. n(ostrz) is unexpected, though it may stand. The letter could be 7, but this is no 
easier. august’) cannot be read. 

24. Arrianus: or perhaps Zrazanus. 

28. The third Ituraean cohort is mentioned as being in Egypt in the year 83 in 
C.1. L. iii. p. 1962. From the fact that this letter was found at Oxyrhynchus it may be 
inferred that the cohort was at this period stationed in that district. That a son of one of 
the recruits subsequently appears there (1035. 1-3) well accords with such a conclusion. 


8-3 X Second century. 

A brief note recording the presence, at Oxyrhynchus no doubt, of a veteran 
soldier, with particulars of his entry upon the praefect’s list. The document is 
unaddressed, and is no more than an occasional memorandum. It is inscribed 
on the verso of 1085, and presumably belongs, like that papyrus, to the reign of 
Antoninus, in spite of the formula of 1]. 8-9, which was probably taken over 
from an earlier document. Lines 6-9 supply a new date for the praefecture 
of Ὁ. Rammius Martialis, which is shown to go back to the first year of Hadrian. 

Πόπλιος Τ]ετρώνιος 

Κέλερ ἀπολύσιμος 

στρατιώτης, πρώτως 

παρεπιδημήσας, δηλω- 
5 θεὶς ἐπικεκρίσθαι 

ὑπὸ Κοείντου ‘Pap- 

O23 OR GICA LE 153 


μί[ογυ Μαρτιάλις 
τῷ α (ἔτει) Ἁδριανοῦ 

τοῦ κυρίου. 

‘Publius Petronius Celer, discharged soldier, now for the first time residing, declared 
to have been placed on the list by Quintus Rammius Martialis in the first year of Hadrianus 
the lord.’ 

4. παρεπιδημήσας : record of the place of residence chosen by the veterans was kept in the 
epikrisis-lists ; cf. B. G. U. 113. 12 βουλόμενος παρεπιδημεῖν πρὸς καιρὸν [ev νομῷ *Apowoletry (so 
too 265. 19, 780. 14), and for παρεπιδημεῖν e.g. P. Tor. 8. 13 τῶν παρεπιδημούντων καὶ κατοι- 
κούντων ἐν ταύταις ξένων. On the subject of the epikrisis of the veterans see P. Meyer, 
Hleerwesen, p. 125. 

6sqq. The earliest date hitherto recorded for the praefecture of Ὁ. Rammius Martialis 
was Pharmouthi 28 of the second year of Hadrian (23 April 118), inC. I. G. 4713 f = Ditten- 
berger, Orzentis Gr. Inscr. ii. 678 ; he is now shown to have entered upon his office before 
the end of Hadrian’s first year, i.e. before 29 August, 117. His predecessor, M. Rutilius 
Lupus, was still praefect on the fifth of January of that year (B. G. U. 114. 5). 


3074 X 6-5 cm. A.D. 129. 

An authorization from the strategus and basilicogrammateus of the nome to 
a local sitologus for a grant of seed-corn to a cultivator. The document is closely 
parallel to P. Brit. Mus. 256 recto (e) (Catalogue ii. p. 96). an earlier authorization 
of a similar character, though differing in detail, conveyed from the strategus and 
basilicogrammateus by a son of an imperial slave; and in one or two places 
it helps to establish the text of that interesting but imperfect papyrus. Cf. 
Wilcken, Archiv iii. pp. 236-7 ; Goodspeed, Papyrt from Karanis, p. 10. 

AckAnmiddns στρατηγὸς 
᾿Οξυρυγχείτου Ηρακλᾷ τῷ 
καὶ Ηρακλείδη σιτολόγωι 
ἀπηλιώτου τοπαρχίας 11α- 

5 Képkn τόπων χαίρειν. μέτρη- 
σον συνεπιστέλλοντος 
‘Tépaxos βασιλικοῦ γραμματί(έως) 
ἐκ τοῦ καλλίστου δείγμα- 


τος ἀπὸ γενήματος τοῦ 

10 διελθόντος vy (ἔτους) εἰς κατα- 
σπορὰν τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ιδ (ἔτους) 
Ἁδριανοῦ Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου 
εἰς σπέρματα δάνεια ᾿Απολ- 
λωνίου ᾿Ηλιοδώρου τοῦ ᾿Δ4πολ- 

15 λωνίου μητρὸς Θαΐδος 
ΧΙαιρήμονος ἀπ᾽ ᾿Οξυρύγχα(ν) 
πόλεως ὡς (ἐτῶν) 08 ο(ὐλὴ) ὀφρί(ύι) 
δεξίιᾷ), ὃν καὶ γνωριεῖς 
ἰδίῳ κινδύνῳ, ἣν ἥρηται 

20 Ot αἰτήσεως εἰς ἣν γεωργεῖ 
περὶ κώμην “Udi ἐκ τοῦ 
Ἀπολλωνίου ᾿Αλθαιέως 
σὺν τῷ Πυρρίου καὶ Πυσιμάχο(υ) 
κλήρων (ἄρουραν) ad πυροῦ 

25 καθαροῦ ἀδόλου ἀβώλου ἀκρί- 
θου κεκοσκινευμένου μέ- 
τρῳ δημοσίῳ μετρήσει τῇ 
κελευσθείσῃ ἀρτάβην 
μίαν τέταρτον, / (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) αδ΄, 

30 μηδενὸς ὑπολογουμένου 
εἰς ὀφειλὴν ἢ ἕτερόν τι 
ἁπλῶς, ἣν καταθήσεται 
εἰς τὴν γῆν ὑγιῶς ἐπακο- 
λουθούντων τῶν εἰωθό- 

35 τῶν, καὶ ἐκ νέων ἀποδώσει 
τὰς ἴσας ἅμα τοῖς τῆς γῆς 
δημοσίοις: παρ οὗ καὶ λήμψῃ 
τὴν καθήκουσαν ἀποχὴν 
δισσήν, ὧν τὴν ἑτέραν ἐμοὶ 

4o ἀναδώσεις. (ἔτους) ιδ Αὐτοκράτορος 
Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ Ἁδριανοῦ 
Σεβαστοῦ Ἁθὺρ ις. 

1024, OFFICIAL 155 

and hand. ‘Iépag βασιλ(ικὸς) ypap(pareds) {[. .]] διαδεχόμενο(ς) 
καὶ τὰ κατὰ τὴν στρ[ατ]ηγίαν, pe- 
45 τρήσατε τὴν τοῦ πυϊρο]ῦ ἀρτάβην 
μίαν τέταρτον, | 7% | (πυροῦ ?) ad’, ὡς πρόκ(ειται). 

24. 1]. κλήρου. 32. ἡ of ἣν corr, from a, i.e. the scribe began to write ἅς or a. 

‘ Asclepiades, strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, to Heraclas also called Heraclides, 
sitologus of the district of Pakerke in the eastern toparchy, greeting. Measure out, with the 
authorization also of Hierax the basilicogrammateus, from the best sample, of the produce 
of the past 13th year, for the sowing of the present r4th year of Hadrianus Caesar the 
lord, as a loan of seed for Apollonius son of Heliodorus son of Apollonius, his mother 
being Thais daughter of Chaeremon, of the city of Oxyrhynchus, aged about 78, with a scar 
on the right eyebrow, whom you are to recognize at your own risk, as requested by him 
for the 14 arourae of land which he cultivates near the village of Ophis in the holding 
of Apollonius of the Althaean deme with those of Pyrrhias and Lysimachus, one and one 
quarter artabae of wheat, pure, unadulterated, unmixed with earth and sifted, according to 
public measure and regulation measurement, total 14 art. wheat, without any deduction for 
debts or any other purpose; and he shall sow it on the land in good faith under the 
observance of the usual officers, and shall repay an equivalent amount out of the new crop 
together with the government dues upon the land; and you shall take from him a proper 
receipt in duplicate and shall give one copy to me. The 14th year of the Emperor Caesar 
Trajanus Hadrianus Augustus, Hathur 17. 

From Hierax, basilicogrammateus and deputy-strategus: measure out the one and 
a quarter artabae of wheat, total 12 wheat, as above.’ 

τ. The authorization is nominally issued by the strategus although, as the signature in 
ll. 43-6 shows, the basilicogrammateus was discharging the duties of the superior office. 
Some traces of ink above 1]. 1 near the edge of the papyrus are perhaps due to accidental 

6-7. Cf. P. Brit. Mus. 256 recto (e) 2-3 ἀκολο[ύθ]ως τοῖς ὑπὸ Οἴακος στρ[ατ]ηγοῦ . . . [καὶ] 
᾿Ασκληπιάδου βαϊσἡλικοῦ γραμματέως] ἐπὶ εσἸταλμένοις καὶ ἐπεσφραγἠ σμέϊνοις δίγμασι. 

22. ᾿Αλθαιέως : at this period the name of an Alexandrian deme was regularly accom- 
panied by that of the tribe (cf. Schubart, Archzv v. pp. 83 sqq.) ; the absence of the latter 
here is of course due to the fact that the name of the κλῆρος dates from an earlier time. 

32-3. This passage makes it clear that in]. 7 of the Brit. Mus. papyrus ... α ὑγιῶς 
καταθήσεσθαι is to be read instead of ἐϊνι]αυσίως καταθήσεσθαι. “The possibility of y in place of σ 
had already been observed by Grenfell. ὑγιῶς is equally certain in P. Flor. 21. 13. 

33-4. ἐπακολουθούντων τῶν εἰωθότων : the officials meant probably coincided at least 
partially with those specified in P. Brit. Mus. 256 recto (d) 1-4 as concurring in the 
authorization of the grant to which 256 recto (6) refers, namely the jyovper[os κώμης (?)], the 
toparch, the comogrammateus and the scribe of the public cultivators. 

38. The papyrus confirms ἀποχήν in ]. τὸ of the Brit. Mus. text, as restored by 
Wilcken, Archiv, /. c. in place of χειρογραφίαν. 

43. There seems to be some correction in front of διαδεχόμενος. Perhaps a yp is deleted, 
i.e. the writer began the word μετρήσατε. 

46. [ / | (πυροῦ) αδ' : or perhaps simply .,ὄ «δ΄. 



25°9X 7-2 cm. Late third century. 

An order from the municipal officials of Euergetis to an actor and 
a Homeric reciter to come and perform on the occasion of a festival. The 
document is analogous to P. Grenf. II. 67, in which the president of a village 
council engages the services of two dancing-girls, and which belongs, like 1025, 
to the third century; cf. also 475, 781, Brit. Mus. 331, P. Flor. 74, and 519 
and 1050, which record payments made to a mime and a reciter, no doubt on 
some such occasion as the present. 

Αὐρήλιοι “Ayabos yu(uvacidpxns) 
ἔναρχος πρύτανις καὶ 
ἹἙρμανοβάμμων ἐξηγ(ητὴϑ) 
καὶ Δίδυμος ἀρχιερεὺς 

5 καὶ Κοπρίας κοσμητὴς 
πόλεως Evepyéridos 

Αὐρηλίοις Εὐριπᾷ βιολό- 
γῳ καὶ Σαραπᾷ ὁμηριστῇ 


10 ἐξαυτῆς ἥκετε, καθὰϊς 
ἔθος ὑμῖν ἐστιν συνπα- 
νηγυρίζειν, συνεορτάσον- 
τες ἐν τῇ πατρώᾳ ἡμῶν 
ἑορτῇ γενεθλίῳ τοῦ Κρόνου 

15 θεοῦ μεγίστου ἀναν .. .. [. 
τῶν θεωριῶν ἅμ᾽ αὔϊρ]ιον 
ἥτις ἐστὶν ι ἀγομ[έν]ων 
ἐπὶ τὰς ἐξ ἔθους ἡμίέρ]ας, 
λαμβάνοντες τοὺς] μισ- 

20 θοὺς καὶ τὰ τείμια. 

and hand. “Ερμανοβάμμων ἐξηγ(ητὴς) 
ἐρρῶσθαι ὑμᾶς εὔχομί(αι). 

1025. OFFICIAL 157 

ard hand. Δίδυμος ἀρχιερ(εὺς) ἐρρῶσθαι); ὑμᾶς εὔχομί(αι). 
4th hand. 25 Κοπρίας ἐρρῶσθαι ὑμᾶς 


‘Aurelius Agathus, gymnasiarch, prytanis in office, and Aurelius Hermanobammon, 
exegetes, and Aurelius Didymus, chief priest, and Aurelius Coprias, cosmetes, of the city of 
Euergetis, to Aurelius Euripas, actor, and Aurelius Sarapas, Homeric reciter, greeting. 
Come at once, in accordance with your custom of taking part in the holiday, in order 
to celebrate with us our traditional festival on the birthday of Cronus the most great god, 
The spectacles will begin to-morrow the roth and be held for the regular number of days ; 
and you will receive the usual payment and presents. Signed. I, Hermanobammon, exegetes, 
pray for your health.’ Similar signatures of Didymus and Coprias follow. 

3. Hermanobammon is a compound of the names of three deities, Hermes, Anoubis, 
and Ammon. Ἑρμανοῦβις and Ἑρμάμμων are already familiar (B. G. U. 332. 9, P. Leipzig 
15. 3; &c.). 

4-5. The order in which the ἀρχιερεύς and κοσμητής here stand is the reverse of that 
assigned them by Preisigke, S/ad/. Beamtenwesen, pp. 31 sqq., and the signatures in 1]. 22-6 
prevent any supposition of a lapse on the part of the writer. In P. Flor. 21. 1-2, on the 
other hand, the cosmetes is given precedence. Apparently the rank of ἀρχιερεύς was liable 
to some fluctuation. 

6. Euergetis is mentioned in 814, a papyrus of the first century; it was evidently 
a considerable place. 

7. βιολόγῳ : this word occurs in an epigram found at Aquileia (Jacobs, Amfh. Pai. iii. 
P- 970) τὸ λαλεῖν σοφὸς “Hpakdetdys μειμάδι Βασίλλῃ στήλην θέτο βιολόγος φώς. It meant much 
the same as μῖμος, no doubt; cf. 519. 3-4 and 1050. 25-6, where a μῖμος and ἃ ὁμηριστής 
stand in close proximity. 

15. The remains at the end of the line do not suit ἀνανεουμένων or ἀναγκαίως. 

19-20. The scale of payment was high, as is shown by 519, where a pipos receives 496 
and a ὁμηριστής 448 drachmae. It appears from that papyrus that the municipal officials 
made considerable contributions towards such entertainments. 


28:8 Χ 17-8 cm. Fifth century. 

The compact recorded in this papyrus is not very clearly expressed, but the 
main points are sufficiently evident. The principals are Gerontius and John, the 
latter apparently being in Gerontius’ debt. It is directed that certain personal 
effects should be sold and the debt paid ; and that any surplus should be given 
to John’s children. A list is appended of the property, with the prices obtained 
for the articles already sold: as often happens in such lists, some rare or 


unknown words occur. The document was drawn up by two πρεσβύτεροι, who 
seem to have been to some extent mediators as well as witnesses; cf. note on 
1. 2. No date is given, but the character of the handwriting and the nature 
of the sums mentioned fix the period fairly definitely. 

Μεταξὺ ἐλάβομεν Γεροντίου xlali ᾿Ιωάννην ὥστε 
λαβεῖν ᾿Ιωϊάνννην τὰ ἱμάτια καὶ τὰ λινούδια σὺν μα- 
φορίοις καὶ φακιαλίων ὥσίτ]ε πραθῆνα[ι) αὐτὰ καὶ δοῦναι 

τὼ δάνιον τῶν τριῶν ὁλοκοττίνων, δεδώκαμεν δὲ 


αὐτὰ Γεροντίῳ πραθῆναι τιμῆς, τί ἀποδοθῆναι ὅρκον 
ροντίῳ πραθῆναι τιμῆς, ἦναι ὅρκον, 

~ peor, 2 
τὰ δὲ καταλιπόμενα ἀποδοῦναι) ᾿Ιωάννει εἰς ἀναλώματα 

τῶν τέκνων αὐτοῦ. ἔστι δὲ 
τὰ πραθέντα εἴδη οὕτως" 

το δελματίκιον ὀνύχινον (δηναρίων) μ(υριάδων) γτοε, 
ὁμοίως ἄλλο Ἐοΐτιον (δηναρίων) μί(υριάδων) γ, 
λινού δ)ιον παραπύλιον σὺν φακιαλίῳ βιλλαρικὸν νο(μισματίου) a, 
φακιάλιον (δηναρίων) μ(υριάδων) yr, 
βαλανάριον καὶ λινούδιον (δηναρίων) μίυριάδων) ad. 

15 τὰ δὲ μὴ πραθέντα εἴδη οὕτως" 

δελμάτιον α, 
ve > 4 
μαφόριον ὀνύχί(ινον) a, 
ms ., , 
FolTloy pagoplov a, 
μουθονάλιον μαφόριον a, 
20 κάδιον γυν[α]ικῖον, 
πανθιωϊν]άριον μυροθήκη" ταῦτα πραθῆναι 
διὰ Θεοδώρου καὶ Γεροντίου τιμῆς. καὶ τὰ ἀναλωθέντα 
διὰ Γεροντίου (δηναρίων) μ(υριάδες) αωξ. 
‘Avdpéas καὶ Τριάδελφος πρεσβύτεροι μαρτυροῦμεν. 
2. ἴωϊα ννὴν Pap.; 1. ᾿Ιω[ά νου. 3. ἵματια Pap. 4. 1. φακιαλίοις. 5. 1. τό, 

1. ᾿Ιωάννῃ. 11. ξοΐτιον Pap.; so in |. 18. 12. 1]. βιλλαρικῷ, 17. ονυχ: Pap. 21. 
1. πανθειο[ ν]άριον. 


‘We have mediated between Gerontius and John to this effect :—John shall take the 
cloaks and the linen with the veils and the kerchiefs to be sold, and shall pay the loan of 
the three solidi; and we have given them to Gerontius to be sold for their value, as to the 

1026. OFFICIAL 159 

amount of which an oath shall be taken(?); and the remainder shall be paid to John for 
the expenses of his children. The articles sold are as follows :—an onyx-coloured Dal- 
matian vest at 33,850,000 denarii; another likewise of the Xoite kind at 30,000,000 ; 
a... linen cloth with a common kerchief at 1 solidus; a kerchief at 7,500,000; a towel 
and a linen cloth at 15,000,000 denarii. The unsold articles are as follows :—r small 
hide, r onyx-coloured veil, 1 Xoite veil, x. . . veil, a woman’s box, a little shrine to hold 
unguents ; these are to be sold through Theodorus and Gerontius for their value. Expenses 
through Gerontius amount to 18,600,000 denarii. We, Andreas and Triadelphus, presbyters, 
are witnesses.’ 7 

τ. There are vestiges of a short heading, apparently not yy. 

2. μεταξὺ ἐλάβομεν : cf. e.g. P. Tebt. 433 διαλήμψεται μετοξὺ ὑμῶν ὁ στρατηγός. Perhaps 
the two πρεσβύτεροι should be regarded simply as μεταξυμεσῖται who witnessed an agreement 
independently arrived at; cf. e.g, C. P. R. 19. 7-8 ouvebéuny. . . ἐπὶ παρουσίᾳ Διοσκουρίδου 
πρεσβυτέρου τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἐπὶ ὅροις ὥστε κτὰ., 23 ὁ μεταξυμεσίτης, Mitteis, Adh. Berl. Akad. 
1905, ii. p. 56. But the whole form of the present document, as well as Il. 5-6, may be 
taken to imply a more active part in the negotiation; cf. P. Brit. Mus. 113. (1) 

3. μαφόριον, not μαφύρτιον, is the usual form in Byzantine Greek; see Du Cange, s.z. 

4-5. δοῦναι τὸ δάνειον might mean to lend, not to repay; but the whole transaction 
seems more intelligible if the words are construed in the latter sense. 

6. ti... dpxov: the meaning appears to be that an oath was to be taken by Gerontius 
as to the amount realized, but the construction of τί is harsh and the asyndeton awkward. 

το. On the numismatical peculiarities of this period cf. the data collected by Wessely 
in his article on Philogelos, S7/zungsber. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Ween, Phil.-Hist. ΑΔ cxiix. 
The thousands in ll. ro, 11, and 14 are denoted, as is usual at this date, by oblique strokes 
at the bottom of the figure. The symbol for μυριάδες is a semicircle open at the base and 
having a dot beneath it. 

II. Ξοΐτιον is formed from Ξοΐτης and some speciality of Xois or the Xoite nome is meant ; 
cf. B. G. U, 927. 6 ἐρίων Ξοϊτικῶν. 

12. παραπύλιον is difficult, but the alternatives seem to be no better; ya, yA, ra or τὰ 
could be read in place of the π, and ὃ instead of ἃ (-vov is unlikely). βιλλαρικόυ = villaricum, 
but that form does not occur. 

14. βαλανάριον : cf. 921. 18, 1051. 22. 

16. δελμάτιον = δερμάτιον ; but perhaps deApari(«:)ov should be read. 

19. μουθονάλιον is unknown; the syllable μουθ suggests that the word may indicate 
a local product like Ξοΐτιον. 

21. The novel πανθειονάριον was evidently a casket of special shape, modelled perhaps 
on that of the Roman Pantheum. 

24. πρεσβύτεροι : cf. P. Brit. Mus. 113. (1) 104 sqq. (i. p. 204), where two πρεσβύτεροι 
καὶ οἰκονόμοι τῆς ἁγίας ἐκκλησίας τῆς ᾿Αρσινοϊτῶν πόλεως Subscribe to a deed of arbitration, and 
C. P. R. το. 7-8, quoted above. 




8-7 Χ 16-7 cm. First century. 

This document, of which the beginning and end are missing, is an applica- 
tion, addressed no doubt to the βιβλιοφύλακες, from a creditor whose security 
was threatened. Money had been lent to two brothers, Theon and Pekusis, on 
the security of some house-property. In default of payment the creditor desired 
to foreclose upon the property, when he learnt that in order to prevent this the 
father of the debtors had sent in a declaration that the property had been mort- 
gaged to himself. The applicant seeks to prove that this declaration was 

The papyrus may be assigned on account of the character of the handwriting 
to about the middle of the first century. 

δ ὑμίῶν.. .φί τῶν ὑ- 
ποχρέϊω]ν μου Θέωνοϊς καὶ Πεκύσιος ‘Aupoviov, τοῦ μὲν 
Θέων[οὶς ἡμίσους οἰκ[ίας] μονοστέγου Kali αὐἸλίῆς τοῦ δὲ 

Πεκύϊσι)ος ὀγδόου μέροϊυὶς ἑτέρας οἰκίας καὶ αὐλῶν καὶ αἱ- 


θρίου, [ἐφ᾽ ἧς ἄλλαις τὸ πίεἸρὶ τῆς ἐνεχυρασίας ὑπόμνημα 
περἰιεῖχεϊν διαστολαῖς. ἐξ οὗ καὶ ἐξεχομένου μου τῆς 

τῶν] ἠνεχυρασμένων προσβολῆς προσέπεσέν μοι [fe .}] 

τὸν τῶν ὑποχρέων πατέρα Apupodviov Appoviov 

ἐπιδεδω[κέϊναι ὑμῖν ὑπόμνημα ἀφ᾽ οὗ ἔδοξεν δυνή- 

το σασθαι ἐμποδισθῆναί μου τὴν πρᾶξιν, St οὗ ματαίως 
εἱστορεῖ περί τε τοῦ ἀγνοεῖν αἰὐ]τὸν τὴν τῶν ἐμοὶ γεζγελ)νη- 
[μένων] ἀσφαλιῶν θέσιν καὶ ὅτι ὑπόκειται αὐτῶι 

[ 30 letters [ello oo po Oc 


5. |. {ἐφ᾽ αἷς. 6. Second ε of εξεχομενου corr. from o (7). το. ὃ of εμποδισθηναι 
corr. from p and δὲ ov corr. from & oy, 


‘...of my debtors Theon and Pekusis sons of Ammonius, Theon of the half of 
a one-storeyed house and court, and Pekusis of an eighth part of another house and courts 
and yard, with the other conditions contained in the memorandum of transfer. When 
I therefore pursued my right of entry upon the transferred property, I found that the father 
of the debtors, Ammonius son of Ammonius, had presented to you a memorandum by 
means of which he hoped that my execution might be prevented, wherein he vainly relates 
that he was ignorant of the securities which had been given to me, and that he has had 
hypothecated to himself...’ 

1. The construction may have been something like ἀπεγραψάμην or παρεθέμην) δι᾿ ὑμῶν 

5. ἧς is evidently a slip for ais; cf. e.g. 286. 12 ἐφ᾽ οἷς ἄλλοις ἡ ἀσφάλεια περιέχει, 
P. Strassb. 40. 14 ἐφ᾽ ais περιέχει διαστολαΐῖΐς πάσαις. 

7. προσβολῆς: cf. P. Flor. 55. 25, 56. 11 ἐνεχυρασίας καὶ προσβολῆς, B. G. U. 1132. 17, 
23. The word here seems to be closer in meaning to ἐμβαδεία than to ἐνεχυρασία (Manigk, 
Z. Savigny-St. xxx. p. 289; cf. Eger, Grundbuchwesen, p. 47, Rabel, Verfiigungsbeschrank- 
ungen, Ὁ. 29). At the end of the line the scribe perhaps began to write ἐπιδεδωκέναι, 

1028. SELECTION OF BOYS (ἐπίκρισι:ς). 

24-4 X 7-3 cm. A.D. 86. 

Application from a woman, whose husband was dead, for the registration of 
their fourteen-year-old son in the list of privileged persons paying a reduced 
poll-tax of 12 drachmae. The document, which is written in a very cursive 
hand, is directed to a board of officials resembling that addressed in 714, not, 
like 478, to the βιβλιοφύλακες ; cf. besides those two papyri 257-8. 

and hand(?). Κλαυδίῳ Μακεδονίῳ στρα(τηγῷ) 
καὶ Γαίῳ βα(σιλικῷ) γρα(μματεῖ) καὶ Διον(υσίῳ) 
καὶ Φιλίσκωι γ(υμνασιαρχήσασι) καὶ ᾿Απολλω(νίῳ) 
5 καὶ Θέωνι γρα(μματεῦσι) πόλ(εως) 
παρὰ Ταορσέως τῆς Θομψήμιο(ς) 
τοῦ Θοώνιος τῶ ν) am ᾿Οξυρύγχ(ωνῚ 
πόλεως μετὰ κυρίου Θομ- 
ψήμιος τοῦ Θοώνιος. κατὰ τὰ 
10 κελευσθέντα περὶ τοῦ ἐπι- 
κριθῆναι τοὺς προσβαίνοντ(ας) 


els τοὺς (τεσσαρεσκαιδεκαετεῖς) εἰ ἀμφοτέρω(ν) 
γονέων μητροπολειτῶν 
(δωδεκαδράχμων) εἰσίν, προσφωνῶι 
Ἀ iva ὅς 
15 τὸν υἱόν μου Χαιρήμονα 
᾿Οννώφριος τοῦ Σόιτος 
παστοφόρον Σ᾽ αράπιδος 
θεοῦ μεγίστου ἀπογρα(ψάμενον) ἐπ᾽ ἀμ- 
la c , 
φόδου “Ιπποδρόμου προσ- 
20 βεβηκέναι τῷ ἐνεσ- 
“ Ψ AY ἬΝ Joa 
T@TL ε (ἔτει) καὶ εἰναι αὐτὸν 
(δωδεκάδραχμον) καὶ τὸν αὐτοῦ μὲν πα- 
τέρα ἐμοῦ δὲ γενόμε- 

νον ἄνδρα ᾿Οννῶφριν 


5 Σόιτος παστοφόρον τοῦ α(ὐτοῦ) 
θεοῦ ἀπογρα(ψάμενον) ἐπὶ τοῦ α(ὐτοῦ) 
ἀμφόδου ἐν (δωδεκαδράχμοις) τετελε(υτηκέναι) 
τῷ α (ἔτει) Aopitiavod 
τοῦ κυρίου καὶ τὸν πατέρα 
30 μου Θομψῆμιν Θοώνιο(ς) 
ἀπογρα(ψάμενον) ἐπὶ Θοηρείου Θενέ- 
πλωι ἐν (δωδεκαδράχμοις) τετελε(υτηκένα!) 
τῷ β (ἔτει) θεοῦ Τίτου, 
καὶ ὀμνύω Αὐτοκράτορα 
35 Καίσαρα Δομιτιανὸν 
Σεβαστὸν Γερμανικὸϊν 
μὴ ψεί(ύσασθαι).. (ἔτους) ε Αὐτοκράτορος 
Καίσαρος 4Δομιτιανοῦ 
Σεβαστοῦ Γερμανικοῦ 
40 ᾿Επεὶφ a. (3rd hand). Ταορσος 
[.]..[-]... 9 ἐπιδέδα(κα) 

40. 1. Taopoevs. 

“To Claudius Macedonius, strategus, and Gaius, basilicogrammateus, and Dionysius 
and Philiscus, ex-gymnasiarchs, and Apollonius and Theon, city-scribes, from Taorseus 


daughter of Thompsemis son of Thodnis, of the city of Oxyrhynchus, with her guardian 
Thompsemis son of ThoGnis. In accordance with the orders concerning the selection of 
boys approaching the age of 14 when their parents on both sides are residents of the 
metropolis rated at 12 drachmae, I declare that my son Chaeremon son of Onnophris son of 
Sois, pastophorus of Sarapis the most great god, registered in the quarter of the Hippodrome, 
has reached the age in the present 5th year and that he is a person rated at 12 drachmae, 
and that his father my late husband Onnophris son of Soi's, pastophorus of the said god, 
registered in the same quarter among those rated at 12 drachmae, died in the rst year of 
Domitian the lord, and that my father Thompsemis son of Thodnis, registered at the 
Thoéreum (Theneplon) among those rated at 12 drachmae, died in the 2nd year of the 
deified Titus; and I swear by the Emperor Caesar Domitianus Augustus Germanicus that 
I have made no false statement.’ Date, and signature of Taorseus. 

1. A large cross or x in the upper margin is presumably some official mark. 

6. That Ταορσεύς (or Ταορσεῦς) not Tadpors (P. Brit. Mus. II, index) is the nominative 
is indicated by P. Tebt. 311. 29; the two genitives Ταορσεῦτος and Ταορσέως correspond 
to the two masculine forms Ορσεῦτος and ᾽Ορσέως, from ᾿Ορσεῦς and ᾽Ορσεύς. 

17. παστοφόρον: cf. P. Tebt. 292, where application for priestly circumcision is made 
for a boy of only seven years ; in P. Gen. 260. 22 (Nicole, 1909) the age is still earlier. 

18. ἀπογρα(ψάμενον) : avaypa(pésuevov) would be more usual, but there is no doubt about 
the reading here or in ll. 26 and 31. 

19. προσβεβηκέναι: SC. εἰς τοὺς τεσσαρεσκαιδεκαετεῖς ; the age is similarly omitted in 
ἘΣ ΡΑΥΣ 27: Ὁ. Ε. lebta4204c- 

31. Θοηρείου : οἵ, 48. versoiv. 14, 16. Θενέπλῳ is another name defining the locality 
more closely ; cf. 478. 15. 

41. Θομψήμιος would be expected at the beginning of this line, but there is hardly room 
for so much, and it is difficult to recognize the indistinct vestiges. As Taopaos shows, a 
misspelling is quite probable. The signature is in rude uncials. 


31-7 X 10-9 cm. A.D. 107. 

A list, addressed to the basilicogrammateus, of the carvers of hieroglyphics 
at Oxyrhynchus in the τας year of Trajan. These ἱερογλύφοι are classified 
according to the district in which they lived ; and they declare on oath that the 
list is exhaustive and that there were no apprentices or strangers versed in their 
art. Few references occur in papyri or inscriptions to the ἱερογλύφοι (cf. P. 
Leyden Ὁ. i. 2, iv. 2, C. 1. G. 4716 d 14, and the Cairo inscription edited by 
Spiegelberg, Die demot. Inschr. pp. 69-70) and little is known concerning their 
position ; but it is evident from 1]. 15-16 below that some of them were definitely 
attached to the service of the temples, and there is a close analogy between the 
present return and the lists (γραφαί) of priests and temple-revenues annually 
supplied to the strategi or basilicogrammateis, on which cf. P. Tebt. 298. 

M 2 


Κλαυδίῳ Μενάνδρῳ βασιλικῷ γραμματεῖ 
παρὰ Τεῶτος νεωτέρου ᾿Οννώφριος τοῦ Τεῶτος 
μητρὸς Τασεῦτος καὶ ᾿ἀσκλᾶτος ᾿Οννώφριϊο ς 
τοῦ ᾿Οσμόλχιος μητρὸς Τεσαύριος ἀμφοτέρων 

5 ἀπ᾿ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως ἱερογλύφων τῶν κε- 
χειρισμένων ὑπὸ τῶν συνιερογλύφων: yp a- 
φὴ ἡμῶν τε καὶ τῶν αὐτῶν συνιερογλύ- 
pov τοῦ ἐνεστῶτοίς ἑνδεκάτου ἔτους 
Τραιανοῦ Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου. 

10 ὧν εἶναι" 
Teas ᾿Οννώφριος ὁ προγεγραμμένος, 
᾿Οννῶφρις ἀδελφός, 
᾿Ασκλᾶς ᾿Οννώφρις ὁ προγεγραμμένος, 

15 ᾽Οσμόλχις ἀδελφὸς ὧν καὶ ἱερογλύφοϊς 

Ζ ᾿᾽Οσείριος θεοῦ μεγίστου. 
"Απιίδος ) δρόμον Θοήριδος" 
Πτολεμαῖς Πετοσοράπιος τοῦ Πετοσοράπιος. 
- ἀνδίρες) ε. 

20 καὶ ὀμνύομεν Αὐτοκράτορα Καίσαρα 
Νέρουαν Τραιανὸν ᾿ Σ]εβαστὸν Γερμανικὸν 
Δακικὸν ἐξ ὑγιοῦς καὶ ἐπ᾽ ἀληθείας ἐπι- 
δεδωκέναι τὴν προκειμένην γραφὴν 
καὶ πλείω τούτων μὴ εἶναι μηδὲ ἔχειν 

25 μαθητὰς ἢ ἐπιξένους χρωζω) μένους 
τῇ τέχνῃ εἰς τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἡμέραν, 

ἢ ἔνοχοι εἴημεν τῷ ὅρκῳ. (ἔτους) [11ὰ Αὐτοκράτορος 
Καίσαρος Νερούα Tpatavod Σεβαστοῦ 
Γερμανικοῦ Δακικοῦ Φαῶφι κθ. 

5. Ἱερογλυφων Pap.; so in 1]. 6 and 7. The final ν of των and κεχειρισμενων added above 
the line. 16. Second o of ovetpios above the line. 

«To Claudius Menandrus, basilicogrammateus, fiom Teos, younger son of Onnophris 
son of Teos, his mother being Taseus, and Asklas son of Onnophris son of Osmolchis, his 
mother being Tesauris, both of the city of Oxyrhynchus, hieroglyphic carvers, who have 


been delegated by their fellow-carvers: the list of ourselves and the said fellow-carvers of 
hieroglyphics for the present 11th year of Trajanus Caesar the lord, as follows :— 

In the quarter of the Tenth, Teos son of Onnophris, the aforesaid, Onnophris his 
brother, Asklas son of Onnophris, the aforesaid, Osmolchis his brother, who is also a hiero- 
glyphic carver of Osiris the most great god. 

In the quarter of the square of Thoeris, Ptolemaeus son of Petosorapis son of Petosorapis. 

Total 5 men. And we swear by the Emperor Caesar Nerva Trajanus Augustus 
Germanicus Dacicus that we have honestly and truthfully presented the foregoing list, 
and that there are no more than these, and that we have no apprentices or strangers 
carrying on the art down to the present day, otherwise may we be liable to the consequences 
of the oath. The rrth year of the Emperor Caesar Nerva Trajanus Augustus Germanicus 
Dacicus, Phaophi 29.’ 

11. Aexdrys, since it stands parallel to δρόμου Θοήριδος in |. 17, must be the name of 
an ἄμφοδον or λαύρα at Oxyrhynchus ; it has not occurred previously in the local papyri. 

15-16. Cf. 579 ἱεροτεκτόνων ᾿Αθηνᾶς Θοή[ριδος. This special description of Osmolchis 
as a ἱερογλύφος of Osiris seems to indicate that the other four occupied a more or less 
independent position and were not connected with any particular temple or cult. In the 
margin opposite this line there is a dash and, just below, the letters am, apparently intended 
to modify or supplement in some way the statement of the text. Perhaps the meaning is 
that Osmolchis was associated with the cult of Apis as well as that of Osiris. 


26-2 X 9-6 cm. A.D. 212. 

This notice of the death of a slave follows the usual formula (cf. e.g. 262), 
and its chief point of interest lies in the address. The report, which is dated in 
the year 212, is directed to the ‘ ἀμφοδογραμματεύς of the first tribe and the second 
circuit’, showing that at the beginning of the third century the inhabitants of 
Oxyrhynchus were divided off into numbered tribes which were subdivided into 
numbered circuits (περίοδοι). It was already clear from e.g. 86. 11 and P. Leipzig 
65.7-8 that the municipal reorganization introduced by Severus included a tribal 
division on the Greek model; but the present is so far much the earliest allusion 
to this arrangement, and the περίοδοι seem to be novel. 

and hand. Σερήνῳ ἀμφοδογραίμματεῖ) a φυλ(ῆς) β περιόδιου) 
παρὰ Διογένους (3rd hand) Παποντῶτος 
τοῦ Σπαρτᾶ μητρὸς Τερεῦτος 
5 ἀπ᾿ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως. ὁ 


ἐμοῦ καὶ τῆς ὁμοπατρίας μου 
ἀδελφῆς Θαήσιος δοῦλος “Ἰστόρη- 
τος ὑπερετὴς ἀτεχίνος) ἀναγραφό- 
μενος ἐπ᾿ ἀμφόδου Παμμένους 

10 Παραδείσου ἐτελ(εύτησε) τῷ διελ(θόντι) ἔτει" 
διὸ ἐπιδίδωμι τὸ ὑπόμνημα 
ἀξιῶν αἰὐϊτὸν ἀναγραφῆναι ἐν 
τῇ τῶν [ὁ)μοίων τάξει, καὶ 
ὀμνύω τὴν τοῦ κυρίου Μάρκου 

15 ΔΑὐρηλίου {> Σ)]εουήρου ‘Avravivov 
τύχην μὴ ἐψεῦσθαι. (ἔτους) Ka 
Αὐτοκράτίο]ρος Καίσαρος Μάρκου 
Αὐρηλίου [Σ᾿ εἸἰουήρου ᾿ἀντωνίνου 
Παρθικοῦ Μεγίστου Βρεταννικοῦ 

20 Μεγίστου Εὐσεβοῦς Σεβαστοῦ 
[μηνὸς Ἁδριανοῦ] κ- (4th hand). Διογένης 
Παποντῶτος ἐπιδέδωκα καὶ ὀμώ- 
μεκα τὸν ὅρκον. 

ist hand (Ὁ). Sepjvos ἀμφοδογρα(μματεὺς) ἔσχον τού- 
25. του τὸ ἴσον. 
‘No. 85. 

To Serenus, district-scribe of the first tribe, second circuit, from Diogenes son of 
Papontos son of Spartas, his mother being Tereus, of the city of Oxyrhynchus. The slave 
belonging to me and Thaésis, my full sister on the father’s side, Historetus, who was past 
age, had no handicraft, and was registered in the quarter of Pammenes’ Garden, died in the 
past year: I therefore present this memorandum begging that he be registered in the list of 

such persons, and I swear by the fortune of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus 
that I have made no false statement.’ Date, and signatures of Diogenes and Serenus. 

2. ἀμφοδογρα(μματεῖ) : cf. B. G. U. 1062. 3, P. Brit. Mus. 935. 1, 936. 1, and P. Tebt. 
436, where no doubt ἀμφοδο(γραμματέων) should be read. All these instances date from the 
earlier part of the third century, at which period the office would seem to have been 
instituted. For a φυλ(ῆς) cf. P. Leipzig 65. 7-8 ε φυλ(ῆς). 

3. A different hand continued the document from the name Παποντῶτος. There are 
some similarities in the first line and a half to the signature of Diogenes in Il. 21-3, but 
probably the writers were distinct. 

8. ὑπερετής : i.e. past the age of 60, after which liability to poll-tax ceased; cf. P. Brit. 
Mus. 259. 64 and Wilcken, Archiv iii. pp. 232-3. 

21. The name of the month has for some reason been washed out. 

22. ὀμώμεκα : SO 6,5. 251. 30. 

1081. PETITIONS 167 


15:4. X 9-4 cm. A.D. 228. 

A request for a grant of 30 artabae of corn as seed for 30 arourae of 
government land, of which the applicant was the sub-lessee. The document is 
addressed to two members of the senate of Oxyrhynchus who were the local 
commissioners for such grants. Cf. 1024 and P. Flor. 21. 

Αὐρηλίοις Δημητρίῳ τῷ Kai ᾿Αλεξάνδρῳ ap- 
χιερατεύσαντι καὶ Διοσκόρῳ ἀγορανόμῳ 
ἀμφοτέροις βουλευταῖς τῆς Οξυρυγχειτῶν πό- 
λεως αἱρεθεῖσι ὑπὸ τῆς κρατίστης βουλῆς 
5 ἐπὶ ἀναδόσεως σπερμάτων τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος 
7 (ἔτους) ἄνω τοπίαρχίας) 
παρὰ Αὐρηλίου Βιαίου Βιαίου μητρὸς Ταϊόλλης 
ἀπὸ τοῦ ᾿Επισήμου ἐποικίου. αἰτοῦμαι ἐπιστα- 
λῆναι εἰς (σγπέρματα δάνεια ἀπὸ πυροῦ γενήμαί(τοΞ) 
10 τοῦ διελθόντος ¢ (ἔτους) εἰς κατασπορὰν τοῦ ἐνεστῶ- 
τος ἡ (ἔτους) εἰς ἣν γεωργῶ δημοσίαν γῆν οὐκ ἔλατ- 
τον διαρτάβου περὶ κώμην Ko ὀνόμαί(τι) 
Δουκίου Αὐρηλίου ᾿ἀπολλωνίου καὶ τοῦ υἱοῦ Aov- 
κίου Αὐρηλίου Ματραίου τοῦ καὶ ᾿Ηραΐσκου ἐκ τιοῦ) 
15 ᾿Ωδέου κλήρου (ἀρούρας) Kz (ἥμισυ) καὶ ἐκ τίοῦ) Παιδιέως 
κλήρου (ἀρούρας) y (ἥμισυ), γ(ίνονται) ἐπ(ὶ τὸ αὐτὸ) (ἄρουραι) A, (ἀρτάβας) 
λ, ἅσπερ κοκκολογή- 
σας ἀπὸ κριθῆς καὶ αἴρης καταθήσω εἰς τὴν 
γῆν ὑγιῶς καὶ πιστῶς ἐπακολουθούντων 
τῶν εἰς τοῦτο προκεχειρισμένων καὶ ἐκ νέ- 
20 ὧν ἀποδώσω τὰς ἴσας σὺν τοῖς ἑπομένοις 
ἅμα τοῖς τῆς γῆς τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ἡ (ἔτους) γνη[σ]ίοις 
τελέσμασι μέτρῳ δημοσίῳ ἡμιαρτάβῳ 

ἥσει TH κελευσθεί. i ὀμνύω τὴν 
μετρήσει τῇ σθείσῃ, καὶ ὀμνύω τὴ 


Αὐ)ρηλίου Σεουήρο[υ] ᾿41λ᾽ εξάνδρου EvoeBois 
ΕὐἸ)τυχοῦς Σεβαστοῦ Χοίακ. (2ndhand). Δὐρήλιος 



[(erovs) ἡ “Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου 


|Biaols Βιαίου ἐϊπ)ιδέδωϊ κα 

7. ταϊολλης Pap. 11. ἐλατ᾽ Pap. 13. viov Pap. 14. 1, Marpeov. ηραΐσκου Pap. 
15. |. Πεδιέως. 16. kox’ko Pap. 

©To Aurelius Demetrius also called Alexander, ex-chief priest, and Aurelius Dioscorus, 
agoranomus, both senators of the city of Oxyrhynchus, elected by the most high senate to 
superintend the distribution of seed of the present 8th year in the upper toparchy, from 
Aurelius Biaeus son of Biaeus and Taiolle, from the village of Episemus. I request that 
there be assigned to me as one of the loans of seed from the wheat crop of the past 7th year 
for the sowing of the present 8th year, for the public land which I cultivate at a rent of not 
less than 2 artabae near the village of Sko in the name of Lucius Aurelius Apollonius and 
his son Lucius Aurelius Matreas also called Heraiscus, in the holding of Odeas 264 arourae 
and in the holding of Pedieus 3% arourae, total 30 arourae, a loan of 30 artabae, which 
I will clear of barley and darnel and plant upon the land honestly and in good faith under 
the cognizance of those appointed for that duty, and I will repay out of the new crop an 
equivalent amount with the accompaniments at the same time as the regular dues upon the 
land for the present 8th year by the public half-artaba measure and according to the 
measurement ordered; and I swear by the fortune of Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander 
Caesar the lord that I have made no false statement. Date and signature of Aurelius 

5. Cf. P. Flor. 21. 2-4, where |. σπερμάτων ἀναδόσεως or διαδόσεως. 

8. ᾿Επι(σήμου) τόπ(ων) should perhaps be restored on this analogy in 518. 4. In 
P. Flor. 21. 9 ἐπισταλῆναι εἰς δάνεια May safely be read. 

11. The nature of the distinction between δημοσία and βασιλικὴ γῆ is still doubtful ; 
cf. Wilcken, Archiv v. pp. 248-9, Mitteis, Z. d. Savigny-S/, xxx. pp. 400-1. 

12. διαρτάβου must refer to γῆ and the meaning be that the annual rent per aroura 
was in no case less than two artabae. There may have been some restriction on loans of 
seed for land of inferior quality. 

16. κοκκολογεῖν occurs in the glossaries of Dositheus Magister. 

18. Cf. 1024. 33-4. 

20. ἑπομένοις : cf. e.g. 518. 12. What exactly these ἑπόμενα are in the case of loans of 
seed is not clear; it is unlikely that the additional payments mentioned in P. Brit. Mus. 193 
are on account of such loans; cf. P. Tebt. 11. p. 342. In P. Flor. 54 of a.p. 314 loans of 
seed are to be repaid μετὰ τῆς ἡμιολίας : cf. 1040, introd. 

21-2. γνη[σ]ίοις τελέσμασι: cf. 740. 14 γ]νησίων δημοσίων, P. Amh. 86, 10, P. Strassb. 
2. 13. The γνήσια τελέσματα here no doubt included the rent; οἱ, 138, 18, 1024, 36-7. 

ἡμιαρτάβῳ : ἡμιαρταβίῳ might also be read, but cf. 1. 12, 

1082. PETITIONS 169 

38-8 x 14-2 cm. A.D. 162. 

A petition to the epistrategus Vedius Faustus from a brother and sister, 
asking for a decision in a dispute which had arisen out of some irregularity in 
the registration of a vineyard. The cage had been delegated to the epistrategus 
through the dioecetes, and the facts are recounted in a copy of a long petition to 
the praefect Volusius Maecianus (cf. note on 1. 5) who had been appealed to in 
the first instance (Il 5-42). In A.D. 147-8 a small piece of land owned by the 
petitioners had been converted into a vineyard, in accordance with a permit 
which it now appears was requisite in such cases, and a certain sum of money 
was paid to the government for the right to make the change (cf. note on I. 8). 
But some formalities of declaration or registration (παράθεσις) were omitted, 
and nine years afterwards the praefect Sempronius Liberalis ordered these to be 
carried out without delay. According to an entry made by an assistant of the 
strategus of the nome, this order was communicated to Diogenes, a deceased 
brother of the petitioners; but they assert that not only was there no evidence 
of the communication, but Diogenes had died long before the order was made, 
and accuse the assistant of bad faith. At the end of June or the beginning 
of July A.D. 161 the praefect referred the matter to the dioecetes Vonasius 
Facundus (ll. 43-8), who, in the absence of the accused assistant, sent it on to be 
dealt with by the epistrategus (ll. 48-54). An endorsement at the bottom of 
the document (Il. 58-60), dated at least nine months later, declares the readiness 
of the latter to hear the case. 

Some of the main sections of the document are marked off by means of 
short blank spaces. It is rather difficult to read in parts owing to the dis- 
colouration of the papyrus. The verso contains 1049. 

Οὐηδίῳ Φαύστῳ τῶι κρατίστω ει, ἐπιστρατήγωι 
παρὰ ‘Aupewviov καὶ Μαρθεῖτος ἀμφ᾽ οτέρῚων Διογένους ἀπ᾽ ᾽Ο- 
ξυρύγχων πόλεως. οὗ ἐπέδομεν Οὐολουσίίῳ Μ]αικιανῷ τῷ 
ἡγεμονεύσαντι βιβλειδίου καὶ ἧς ἐτύχομεϊν) ὑπογραφῆς 

5 ἐστὶν ἀντίγραφον: Aovkiw Οὐολουσίῳ Μαικιανῷ ἐπάρχῳ 
Αἰγύπτου παρὰ ᾿Αμμωνίου καὶ Μαρθεῖτος τῆς καὶ Ἡρακλείας 
ἀμφοτέρων Διογένους τοῦ Διογένους ἀπὸ] τῆς μητροπόλεως τοῦ ᾽Ο- 
ξυρυγχείτου. ἔτι ἀπὸ ca (ἔτους) θεοῦ Αἰλίου ᾿Αν[τ]ωνίνου ἀνήξαμεν ἀπὸ 

ἂν ey ΩΣ ; Ξ , 
ἰδίων οἰκοπέδων ἀρχαίων πρότερον τοῦ μετηλλαχότος κ[α- 






‘ » ς ~ ΄ », Ν Ἢ ΄ ‘ 
τὰ πατέρα ἡμῶν πάππου Διογένους μητρὸς Lewapiov περὶ Σε- 

‘ ~ ᾽ “ , , « 4 ὴ ᾽ ΄ 3 4 
νεψαὺ τοῦ αὐτοῦ ᾿Οξυρυγχείτου ws συνεχωρήθη ἀμπέλου apov- 

4 BY € , τῇ Ν ? ΄ s 
pns τέταρτον dydwov ἑκκαιδέκατον, ov τὸ ὀφειλόμενον πρόσ- 
τειμον παραγραφὲν διεγράφη, καὶ περὶ τούτου προ σεφώνησεν ὁ 
τῶν τόπων κωμογραμματεὺς συμφώϊνως γεγ᾽)ονέναι 

Ν 3 Ν Ψ Ν Σ᾽ > ᾽ 
τὴν ἀναγραφὴν ἀπὸ ἰδίων οἰκοπέδωϊν .. .. .. «. ἥτουμ... 
[...w καὶ dilaypalpns τοῦ ὑπολόγου περι .ἷ. «-« «1.« «εἰν: ἐπεὶ οὖν 
νῦν ἔγνωμεν ἐπί τε τούτου καὶ ἑτέρου [ἢ Ἰχθαι εἶδος δι᾿ [οὗ δηλ[οῦ- 
ται τοὺς ἐμφερομένους κτήτορας ἐνγράφως παρανγελέν- 

Ν - ‘ x ΄ = ? ΄ Ων Ν 
τας μὴ παρατεθεῖσθαι τοὺς δὲ τόπους εἶναι ἐν φυτείᾳ, διὰ τὸ 
Σεμπρώνιον Λιβεράλιον τὸν ἡγεμονεύσαντα τῷ γενα- 
μένῳ ἐπ᾽ αὐτοῦ διαλογισμῷ τοῦ νομοῦ [To κ (ἔτει) θεοῦ Αἰλίου 
’ / € ΄ Xr Ν ᾽ Ν » 

[4Ἰντωνίνου ὑπογεγραφέναι “" ἐὰν μὴ ἐντὸς διμήνου πα- 

ΓΖ Oe - « ΄ " . 9 > 

ἱρά)θωνται ἐνέχεσθαι τοῖς ὡρισμένοι[ς,] ἐκ δὲ ὧν viv 

;, , , on » 5 lee ~ ~ 
ἐϊπ]εσκέψαμεθα παρακειμένων τῴ εἴδει παρὰ τῷ [TOU νομοῦ 
βασιλικ(ῷ) γραμμα(τεῖ) ἐμάθαμεν Διονύσιόν τινα γενόμενον τῷ KY 

ὑπηρέτην τοῦ τοῦ ᾿Οξυρυγχείτου στρατηγοῦ ὑπογεγραφέναι 
μεταδεδωκέναι Διογένει υἱωνῷ τοῦ σημαινομένου ἡ- 
μῶν πάππου, τοῦτον δὲ τὸν 4ιογ[ένη]ν © φησι μεταδε- 
δωκέναι γενόμενον ἡμῶν ἀδελφὸν [τετ]ελευτηκ[ένα]. ἐν 
[Θὼθ] τοῦ . [(Erovs)| θεοῦ ᾿Αδριανοῦ, ὡς ἐκ τούτίου ἐλέγχεσθαι 

τὴν ἐκ : 
ἱτοῦ ὑπηρέτου Διονυσίου γενομένην ἐπὶ [παραγραφῇ ἡμῶν 

ἐφ ‘ A UA > Ν © 2 tA 

[κακ]ουργίαν, μὴ yap δύνασθαι αὐτὸν ὡς ἐκελεύσθη 
r? ~~ - ~ ΄ I ~ ’ 4 
[ἐπενεγκεῖν γράμματα τοῦ μετειληφότος ἐκ) τῆς ἀληθείας 
[μεταδεδωϊκέναι, ἀλλὰ ὡς ἐπάνω δηλοῦται πρὸ πολλοῦ χρό- 
[vou ἧς πεποίηγται ὑπογραφῆς τετελευτηκέναι τὸν ἀδελφ ὃν 
[ἡμῶν Διογ]ένην: ἀναγκαίωϊς οὖν, ἡγεμὼν κύριε, κατε- 
φύϊγο]μεν [ἐπὶ σὲ τὸν πάντων σωτῆρα καὶ εὐεργέτην καὶ ἀ- 
rn eae x7 “ ΄ , ΄ ~ -~? ΄ 
ξιοῦμεν, ἐάν σου τῇ τύχῃ δόξῃ, γράψαι τοῖς τοῦ ᾿Οξυρυγχείτου 
στρατηγῷ καὶ βασιλικ(ῷ) γραμμαί(τεῖ) ὅπως ἡμῶν παρατιθεμέ- 

yo ᾽ ~ ᾽ ΄ κ᾿ ᾽ a ᾽ ΄ 
νων τὰ ἐξ ἀρχῆς ἐπιζητηθέντα μηδὲν ἐκ τῆς οὐ δεόν- 

τως γενομένης ὑπίὸ)] τοῦ ὑπίη)ρέτου ὑπογραφῆς καθ᾽ ἡ- 

10325" PETITIONS 171 

(MEP ci oo OS δοῦν οἶος of] iv ope εὐεργετημένοι. διευϊτ)ύχει. 
ai Ν᾽ «. ~ ᾽ “- ᾽ 4 . ~ / 
ἔστι de ὑπογραφῆς αὐτοῦ ἀντίγραφον: of ταῦτα δόντες 
Ἀ ’ Ug a , ’ 4 , 7 
τὰ βιβλείδια ἀϊρ]ιθμῷ δέκα ἐντύχετε Οὐωνασίῳ Pa- 
, = 4 “ τ ΝΕῸΣ Ἂν. ᾽ ΄ ΄ ” 

45 κούνδῳ τῷ κρατίστῳ διοικητῇ, ᾧ τὰ ἴσα ἐπέμφθη. πρόθες. (ἔτους) a 
Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου ‘Avtwvivov Σ᾿ εβαστοῦ 
καὶ Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Aovkiov Αὐρηλίου Οὐήρου Σεβαστοῦ 
᾿Επεὴφ . [προ]ετέθη ᾿Επεὶφ ιδ. ἐπεὶ οὖν, κύριε, ὁ κράτιστος διοι- 
[κητὴς ἐντε]υχθεὶς ὑφ᾽ ἡμῶν καὶ μαθὼν τὸν Διονύσιον 

ΓΞ ΄ Ν Al ᾽ fe ‘ ~ > ‘ Ν lA ᾽ 4; 5 

50 ἰτότε μ]ὴ παρ[όϊντα ἀνέπεμψεν καὶ τοῦτο ἐπὶ σὲ οὕτως ἀποφηναίμενοΞ) 
.Οὐωνά]σιος Φακοῦντος εἶπεν: “τὸν ὑπηρέτην αἰτιᾶς, [κ]αὶ δεῖ 

[Διονυσίου ἐξετασθῆναι τὸ πρᾶγμα. ἔντυχε οὖν τῷ Kpatio- 
τῳ ἐϊπισίϊτρα]τήγῳ, ὃς παρόντος αὐτοῦ πίερὶ τ]οῦ πράγματος δια- 
[γν]ώσετί α]ι,᾿ ἀξιοῦμεν, ἐάν σου τῇ ἱτύχ]ῃ δόξῃ, διαλαβεῖν 
55 [πε]ρὶ τοῦ πράγματος, iv’ ὦμεν εὐερ[γε]τημένοι. δι[εἸυτύχει. 
and hand. Ἀμμώνιος καὶ Μαρθῖον ἀμφότεροι Διογένους διὰ τοῦ ἑνὸς ἡμῶν 
Ἀμμωνίου ἐπιδεδώκαμεν. 
3rd hand. (ἔτους 9) [β ἢ] Φαρμίοῦθι) x. 

a , 5 3 
τῇ τάξει: ἀκου- 

60 σθήσεται. 
g. ἰδίων Pap.; 50 ἴῃ ]. 15. 19. μη added above the line. 26. ὕπογεγραῴφεναι Pap, 
51. |. Φακοῦνδος. 55- ἵν Pap. 

‘To his highness the epistrategus Vedius Faustus from Ammonius and Martheis, both 
children of Diogenes, of the city of Oxyrhynchus. The following is a copy of the petition 
which we presented to Volusius Maecianus, ex-praefect, and of the endorsement upon it which 
we received: “Τὸ Lucius Volusius Maecianus, praefect of Egypt, from Ammonius and 
Martheis also called Heracleia, both children of Diogenes son of Diogenes, of the metropolis 
of the Oxyrhynchite nome. As long ago as the rrth year of the deified Aelius Antoninus we 
converted out of our own ancient plots which formerly belonged to our deceased paternal 
grandfather Diogenes, whose mother was Sepsarion, near Senepsau in the said Oxyrhynchite 
nome, as was conceded to us, τε of an aroura of vine-land, on which the sum owing as 
apportioned was paid, and concerning this the local comogrammateus reported that 
the registration had been carried out accordingly out of our own plots . . . Whereas 
then we have now discovered that in the time of this comogrammateus and another 
a report was made whereby it is declared that the owners concerned when warned 
in writing to do so had not sent in a statement, and that the land was planted (because 
Sempronius Liberalis the ex-praefect in the circuit of the nome held in his time in the zoth 
year of the deified Aelius Antoninus had made an endorsement ‘If they fail to present 
a statement within two months they shall be liable to the prescribed penalties’), and since 


from the remarks which we have now seen appended to the report in the hands of the 
basilicogrammateus of the nome we have learnt that a certain Dionysius, who was assistant 
of the strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome in the 23rd year, has made an endorsement that 
he had given information to Diogenes the grandson of our aforesaid grandfather, and this 
Diogenes to whom he says he gave information and who was our brother died in Thoth 
of the . . . year of the deified Hadrian, so that from this fact the malice of the assistant 
Dionysius with intent to defraud us is proved, for he could not in accordance with the 
order produce the acknowledgement of the recipient that he had in truth given the informa- 
tion, but, as stated above, our brother Diogenes died long before the endorsement which 
has been made: therefore, lord praefect, we have perforce taken refuge with you, the 
saviour and benefactor of all, begging you, if your fortune sees fit, to write to the strategus 
and basilicogrammateus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, in order that, on our presenting the 
statement originally required, we may suffer no damage in consequence of the endorsement 
wrongly made by the assistant, and so may obtain relief. Farewell.” And of his endorse- 
ment this is a copy: “Let those who have presented these documents, ten in number, 
apply to his highness the dioecetes Vonasius Facundus, to whom copies have been sent. 
Make this public. The rst year of the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus 
and the Emperor Caesar Lucius Aurelius Verus Augustus, Epeiph ... Published Epeiph 
14.” Since therefore, sir, his highness the dioecetes, being appealed to by us and learning 
that Dionysius was not then present, referred this matter also to you in the following terms : 
“Vonasius Facundus gives sentence: You accuse the assistant and the case must be 
investigated in the presence of Dionysius; apply therefore to his highness the epistrategus, 
who, when Dionysius appears, will give judgement in the case,” we request you, if it seems 
good to your fortune, to decide about the case, so that we may obtain relief. Farewell. 

(Signed) Ammonius and Marthion, both children of Diogenes, have presented this 
petition through one of us, Ammonius. 

(Endorsed) The 2nd year, Pharmouthi 20. To the administration: he shall be heard.’ 

4. βιβλειδίου: cf. Archiv v. pp. 262 sqq., where Wilcken shows that βιβλίδιον was the 
regular term for ‘petition’ till the end of the third century, when βιβλίον and λίβελλος 
displaced it. The papyri of the present volume, so far as they go, bear out that result; 
cf. ll. 44 below, 10665 introd., 1070. 32, and, for λίβελλος, 1088. 14. 

5. Lucius Volusius Maecianus occurs in 653, B. G. U. 613. 9 and P. Gen. 35, but the 
precise date of his praefecture remained uncertain (cf. Avchzv iii. p. 392). It is now fixed 
with probability by Il. 45 sqq. in the year a. ἢ. 161. 

8. ἀνήξαμεν: cf. 707. 23 γῆν ἀνάξαι ἀμπέλῳ, P. Brit. Mus. 921. 2sqq. ἐπὶ συνεχωρήθη 
ὁ πατήρ pov... ἀναγαγεῖν... (ἀρούρας) ς .. .» ἐϊπιζη]τοῦντί σοι εἰ ἄλλοτε ἦσαν ἐν ἀμπέλῳ. ‘The 
present passage does not necessarily come into conflict with Wilcken’s view (Archiv iv. 
p- 548) that ἀνάγειν in P. Brit. Mus. 921 cannot be used absolutely and that some phrase 
like εἰἰς ἀμπέλον must be restored, since here too the descriptive genitive ἀμπέλου in J. 11 
serves to define the meaning of the verb; that ἀμπέλου is not to be altered to ἀμπέλῳ seems 
clear from the order of the words. Wilcken was however mistaken in assuming that 
the land in question necessarily belonged to the domains. Apparently even in the case 
of private property (cf. 1. 9 ἰδίων οἰκοπέδων) a special permit was necessary for turning 
any part of it into a vineyard (cf. 1. 11 ὡς συνεχωρήθη, as in P. Brit. Mus. 921); and 
a πρόστιμον was exacted for the privilege. The scale of this πρόστιμον is indicated by B. G. U. 
929 Ὁ 2- ἀπὸ παραδείσου [ef] ᾿Αριστονείκου κλήρου εἰς ἀμπέλ(ων) φυτείαϊν.... .| (ἀρούρης) α(ἡμίσους) 
προστίμου ὡς τῆς (ἀρούρης) (δραχμὰς) μβ. A new light is thus thrown upon certain other instances 
where a πρόστιμον was imposed on land, e.g. P. Amh. 31 (Β. 6. 112), where a woman who 

103255 PELTON S 173 

had planted palm-trees on a piece of desert is mulcted in the sum of 1200 copper drachmae. 
It may now be suggested that this money was held to be due not so much on account 
of the enclosure of the land as on account of the nature of the crop; cf. B. G. U. 563. ii. 6-8 
ἀπὸ νεοφύϊτων τς 1 ἀπὸ σιτικῶν, ἐξ ἐπισκ(έψεως) ε (ἔτους) φοι(νικῶνος) φο(ρίμου) ee : 1] ὧν 
πρόστειμ(ον) τελεῖσθαι (ἀρούρης) i> διαί. .., and I]. 18-19 φοι(νικῶνος) ἀπ[ὸ] σιτικ(ῶν 
ἀνηγί(μέν. .) ... If the planting of palms no less than of vines was as such subject to special 
restrictions, the theories which have been put forward with regard to P. Amh. 31 (cf. Archiv 
ii. p. 119-21) would need considerable modification. 

10. SeWapiov: cf. 608. 4. The village Σενεψαύ has not previously occurred; it is not 
likely to be the same as Σενέπτα. 

16. περι. [: or γειζομεν.. «ἢ The first letter is more like y than x, but the third is more 
like p than « 

17. [ἦχθαι εἶδος : cf. P. Tebt. 287. 12 ἤχθη περὶ τούτου εἶδος and the note ad Joc. 

18. ἐμφερομένους : cf. P. Amh, 68. 62 τοὺς δὲ enbepop(e)vors 7(as) παραδείξεις μὴ 
ἐνενηνοχ(έναι), P. Brit. Mus. 359. 4-5 τῶν ἐμφερομένων μὴ ἀκουσάντων, 974. il. 4-5 εἰδῶν 
ὀπωριμαίων πάντων τῶν ἐνφερομένων τῇ αὐτοῦ χρείᾳ, 1008. 090-10 πᾶσι τοῖς eee αὐτῇ 
(sc. Αὐρηλίᾳ) κεφαλαίοις, B. G. U. 390. 7 πρεσβύτεζρ)ι δέ εἰσιν οἱ ἐμφερόμενοι τῷ πράγματι, 
ΟἹ5. 7 εἰ φανήσεται τοὺς ἐμφερομένους κωμουγραμματεῖς petada(vac). A comparison of these 
passages indicates that οἱ ἐμφερόμενοι are the persons involved or concerned in the matter 
in hand. ‘The neuter in P. Brit. Mus. 974 and 1008 is best translated ‘relating to.’ 

1g. μὴ παρατεθεῖσθαι: i.e. had not made a proper declaration, or registration of the 
change; cf. e.g. 718.1, note, drchzv i. p. 196, Eger, Aeg. Grundbuchwesen, p. 135, Lewald, 
Grundbuchrecht, p. 38. ἐνγράφως probably qualifies παρανγελέντας rather than παρατεθεῖσθαι. 

19-23. διὰ τό κτλ. is added to explain the ground of the εἶδος. The παράθεσις was 
ordered by the praefect and the εἶδος noted that the order had not been complied with. 
For ἐὰν μὴ ἐντὸς διμήνου κτλ. cf. e.g. P. Amh. 68. 71-2 ἐὰν μὴ ἐν διμήνῳ τὰς παραδείξεις evel vé|- 
γκωσι, ἀπαιτεζίἸσθωσαν.... 

26. The serving of official notices on the persons concerned was one of the functions 
of the ὑπηρέται ; οἵ, 6. g. 485. 49, 712. 16-17. 

28 sqq. The oblique construction is illogically continued. 

30. [906] is probable on account of the short space. 

31. |zlapaypapy : περιγραφῇ would be expected but cannot be read; the letter before y 
is almost certainly a. Perhaps there was a clerical error, though cf. 488. 29-30 μὴ κακῶς 
με παραγράφεσθαι. 

33. The meaning appears to be that Dionysius could not prove his assertion about 
the μετάδοσις by producing the receipt of Diogenes. Cf. e.g. 485. 41-2, where an 
acknowledgement of receipt is endorsed upon a document of which the μετάδοσις had been 
duly authorized. There is not room for ἐπὶ] τῆς. 

41-2. If xa’ + ἡ[μ]ῶν i is right something like ἄδικον or βλάβος γένηται followed ; Tpok | € εἾι ene 
might be read, but this does not combine with καθ᾽ ἡ μῶν, κ of καθ is doubtful, but a π 
seems impossible. 

43-5. Cf. B. G. U. 613. 4-6 of raijra ἐπιδόντες (Ὁ ]. δόντες, which would appear to suit 
the space better) τ]ὰ βιβλ(ίδια) ἀριθ(μῷ) ιθ ἐντύχετε Φαβρικιανῷ [ἐπάρχῳ εἴλ(ης) καὶ ἐπὶ τῶν 
ἱκεκριμέν(ων) ... |... ᾧ τὰ ἴσα ἐδόθη. B.G.U. 1085. iii. 25-6 should be restored on the same 
lines, with τρία | rather than τριάϊκοντα. The figure of the year in]. 45 is not clear, but a 
seems to be right. 

56. Μαρθῖον : in ll. 2 and 6 the name was given as Μαρθεῖς. 

59- τῇ τάξει means the official department concerned; cf. e.g. 1042. 15, and P. Fay. 
35: 9-10 βιβλείων τῆς τάξεως. 





28-3 x 18-9 cm. A.D. 392. 

A petition to two rzpari of the Oxyrhynchite nome from two νυκτοστράτηγοι, 

complain of the dangerous character of their duties and request either to 

be allowed proper assistance or to be relieved of their responsibilities. On the 
office of 77farius, who was a police magistrate not met with before the fourth 
century, see note on 904. 3. The νυκτοστράτηγοι were an earlier institution 
(cf. 938. 24 and note ad /oc., Archiv i. p. 479); this is the first definite mention 
of them at Oxyrhynchus, and it is evident that they occupied a comparatively 
subordinate position. 

On the verso is an account (1048). 

Ὑπατίας τοῦ δεσπότου ἡμῶν ‘Apxadiov αἰωνίου Αὐγούστου τὸ B καὶ 
Φλαί(ουίου) ‘Povdivov 
τοῦ λαμπροτάτου Φαῶφι κα. 
Σεπτιμίῳ Παύλῳ καὶ Κλαυδίῳ Τατιανῷ ῥιπαρίοις ᾿Ο ξυρυγχίτου 
A ϑ, ΄ » Ν , 9. ᾽’ 4 ~ ’ ~ 

παρὰ Αὐρηλίων Γαΐου καὶ O€wvos ἀμφοτέρων νυκτοστρατήγων τῆς αὐτῆς 
va ~ ’ ~ A ’΄ 9 4 Ν > , 
πόλεως. τῶν εἰρηνικῶν τὴν φροντίδα ἀναδεδοιημένοι καὶ ἀμέμ- 
mTws ὑπουργοῦμεν τοῖς δημοσίοις ἐπιτάγμασι ἐπανέχοντες δὲ 

Ν oe Κι ~ , ᾽ la Ν “- 
καὶ τῇ παραφυλακῇ τῆς πόλεως, ἀναγκαζόμεθα δὲ συνεχῶς 
ἕνεκεν τῆς παραστάσεως διαφόρων προσώπων κατὰ πρόσταγμα 
τῶν κυρίων μου τῶν ply} ζόνων ἡμῶν ἀρχόντων, καὶ μὴ ἐχόντων 

ΩΣ ν᾿ ΄ » δ᾽ ‘ 7 ‘ ‘ 2 ‘ 
ἡμῶν τὴν βοήθειαν εἴτ᾽ οὖν τοὺς δημοσίους καὶ τοὺς ἐφοδευτὰς 
πολλάκεις σχεδὸν εἰπε(ίὴν εἰς ψυχὴν ἐκεινδυνεύσαμεν διὰ τὸ 
τούτους Tap ἡμῶν ἀπεσπᾶσθαι μόνοι περιερχόμενοι 

‘ la Ν , A ~ « ‘ ’ ΄ 
τὴν πόλιν καὶ κατοπτεύοντες. διὰ τοῦτο ἑαυτοὺς ἀσφαλισζόμενοι 
τούσδε τοὺς λιβέλλους ἐπιδίδομεν ἀξιοῦντες 7 τὴν προσήκουσαν 

€ ~ + 4 ‘4 ‘ A 2 ἈΝ « ΄ 
ἡμῖν βοήθιαν τούς τε δημοσίους καὶ τοὺς ἐφοδευτὰς ὡς προείπαμεν 
παραδοῦναι ἢ τὸ ἀνενόχλητον ἡμᾶς ἔχειν περί τε τῆς παραφυλακῆς 
τῆς πόλεως καὶ περὶ τῆς παραστάσεως τῶν ζητουμένων προσώ- 

πων, ἵνα μὴ ὑπαίτιοι γενώμεθα κινδύνῳ 
᾽ μη γένωμ De 

I, ὕπατιας Pap. 4. μ οἵ αμήοτερων corr. 6. ὑπουργουμεν Pap. 16. a of avevo- 

xAnrov corr. 18. ὕπαιτιοι Pap. 

10338. PETITIONS 175 

‘In the 2nd consulship of our sovereign Arcadius, eternal Augustus, and of Flavius 
Rufinus the most illustrious, Phaophi 21. To Septimius Paulus and Claudius Tatianus, 
riparii of the Oxyrhynchite nome, from Aurelius Gaius and Aurelius Theon, both night- 
strategi of the said city. Being entrusted with the care of the peace we are irreproachable 
in our obedience to public orders, and also intent upon the guardianship of the city. We 
are often called upon for the production of various persons in accordance with the 
command of our lords the superior officials, but having no assistance either of public 
guards or inspectors we often run the risk almost of our lives because these assistants have 
been taken fou us and we go about the city on the watch all alone. Therefore to 
safeguard ourselves we present this petition requesting either that we should be given the 
proper assistance of the public guards and the inspectors as aforesaid or that we should 
have no concern for the guardianship of the city or the production of persons who are 
wanted, in order that we may not incur risk.’ 

5: ἀναδεδοιημένοι is a curious form ; there is no doubt about the reading. 

8. Cf. 897, a declaration addressed to two réparz denying knowledge of the where- 
abouts of a person whom it was required ἀναζητῆσαι καὶ παραστῆσαι. 

το. epodevrai do not seem to be mentioned elsewhere in the papyri. 

ΓΙ, σχεδὸν eire(i)v: apparently a mixture of σχεδόν and ὡς εἰπεῖν. 



10-8 x 13 cm. Second century. 

Commencement of a will in draft, giving the proposed provisions, but not 
specifying names, which are either replaced by the word τις or simply omitted. 
There are three heirs, a daughter, her foster-brother (σύντροφος), and a third 
person, and the property devised, so far as the papyrus goes, consisted of houses. 

On the verso is part of an account, of which the first few lines are well 
preserved : Λῆ(μμα) (apa) Ζωίλ(ου)" εἶναι μεθ᾽ ἃς ἔδωκεν τῷ Μεσορὴ τοῦ διελθ(όντος) 
ἔτους ἀπὸ κεφαλαίου (δραχμὰς) φ [[ws ec] ({er{s} above the line) εἰς πλήρωσιν (δραχμῶν) 
᾽Β (τοῦ κεφαλ(αίου) above (δραχμῶν) ᾽Β) ὡς ἐστάθη (ἔδοξε τῷ κοινῷ above ἐστάθη) 
ἐπὶ διαλύσει τῶν προοφειλομένων [τ ΕΣ 9} ὑπ᾽ αὐτοῦ (corr. from -των) εἰς Πότου 
(I. Πόθου ?) Σισοιτου (1. -ros) κεφαλ(αίου) (δραχμὰς) ᾿Αφ, καὶ ἀνεδόθη αὐτῷ εἰς ἀκύρωσιν 


τὰ χι(ρόγραφα) ἐπὶ τῷ αὐτὸν συντελέσαι κατὰ μῆνα π(υροῦ Ὁ) (ἀρτάβας ἢ) ve. Parts of 
five lines of another paragraph follow, beginning in the same way: λῆ(μμα) 
m(apa) Zwid(ov). 

Κληρονόμους καταλείπω τὴν θυγατέρα 
A ‘ Ν 4 , ~ 
μου τινὰ καὶ τὸν {Tov} σύντροφον αὐτῆς 
τινὰ καί τινα, τὸν μέν τινα ἧς προῦπήλ- 
Ν Ν ᾽ ~ tS ots LSE AY a 
λαξα πρὸς τὴν ἐπενεχθεῖσαν αὐτῷ ἐπὶ τῇ 

γυναικὶ αὐτοῦ κειμένην αὐτοῖς γαμικ(ὴν) 


συνγραφῆς ἐπ᾽ ἀμφόδι(ου) οἰκίας καὶ αὐλῆς, 
[τ]ὴν δὲ θυγατέρα μου καὶ τὸν σύντροφο(ν) 
αἰὐ)τῆς κοινῶς ἐξ ἴσου ὧν ἔχω οἰκιῶν 
[δύο ] 

10 [.....+. THS] μὲν em’ aluddd(ov) . . [ol τῆς δὲ 
[ αἱ 

‘T leave as my heirs my daughter x and her foster-brother y and 2, z of the house and 
court in the quarter which I previously mortgaged in security for the (dowry) 
brought to him upon his wife (in accordance with) the contract of marriage drawn up 
between them, and my daughter and her foster-brother jointly in equal shares of the two 
houses owned by me... one in the. . . quarter and the other in the quarter, . 

2. For this use of τις cf. 6. g. 509, P. Brit. Mus. 1157 verso iii. 

3-6. Cf. 907. 18 προὐπαλλαγείσας αὐτῇ ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ πρὸς τὴν προσενεχθεῖσάν μοι ἐπ᾽ αὐτῇ 
τί. ον φερνήν, and the note ad /oc., Β. G.U. 970, 15 sqq. The construction of Il. 5--6 is 
confused and incomplete ; φερνήν must be supplied after γυναικὶ αὐτοῦ, and this should be 
followed by something like κατὰ τὴν κειμένην αὐτοῖς γαμικ(ὴν) συνγραφήν. 

g-1o. The lacuna may be filled e.g. [δύο καὶ αὐλῶν καὶ τῶν συνκυρόντων | πάντων. 


8-3 x 7-5 cm. A.D. 143. 

Fragment of a lease, for a period of five years, of a ζεῦγος κτενιστικόν, an iron 
instrument of some kind used in wool-combing or cloth-weaving, perhaps a pair 
of shears. The lessor was the son of a veteran, C. Veturius Gemellus, who is 
no doubt to be identified with the /7-o of 1022. 11. 

1085. CONTRACTS 177 

On the recto of this papyrus is 1028, which relates to another veteran 

Ἐμίσθωσεν Γάιος Οὐετούριος 
Γέμελλος υἱὸς Γαΐου Οὐετου- 
ρίου Γεμέλλου οὐετρανοῦ 
) , 
Ἐπαγάθῳ ἀπελευθέρῳ Πτολε- 
5 μαίου Πτολ[εμαίου ἀπ᾽ ᾽Ο ξυρύγ- 
’ la ~ 5] ‘ 
xov πόλεως Ilépon τῆς ἐπι- 
γονῆς ἐπὶ χρόνον ἔτη πέντε 
ἀπὸ νουμηνίας τοῦ ἑξῆς μηνὸς 
Φαμενὼθ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος 
cd " Ἴ ᾽ , 
το ἕκτου ἱέτους AvT7wveivov 
Καί A , ee, 
aicapos τοῦ κυρίου τὸ ὑπάρ- 
zi ko ~ 
Xov αὐτῷ (ζεῦγος κτενιστι- 
Ἂς “- , 
κὸν σιδηροῦν τέλειον και- 
Qa » , ἈΝ 
νὸν ἰσακμον φόρον» κατὰ 
“ 3 Ν ~ , ~ \ 
15 μῆνα ἀπὸ τοῦ αὐϊτοῦ Plapevad 

I. yaios Pap. ; so in |. 2. 11. ὕπαρχον Pap. 14. ἴσακμον Pap. 

‘Gaius Veturius Gemellus son of Gaius Veturius Gemellus, veteran, has let to Epagathus, 
freedman of Ptolemaeus son of Ptolemaeus, of the city of Oxyrhynchus, a Persian of the 
Epigone, for a period of five years from the first day of the next month Phamenoth of 
the present sixth year of Antoninus Caesar the lord, the combing-instrument belonging 
to him, made of iron, in perfect condition, new and with an even edge, at a monthly rent 
from the said month Phamenoth .. .’ 

12. Both κτενιστικόν and ἴσακμον in J. 14 seem to be new. 


33:2 X 8-7 cm. A.D. 273. 

A lease of a house for two years at a yearly rent of 400 drachmae ; cf. 502, 
911, 912. For the date see P. Strassb. i. pp. 32-34. 

᾿Εμίσθωσαν Τίτοι Μάλιοι Σ᾽ ερῆ- 25 μήνου τὸ ἥμισυ καὶ χράσθω 
vos καὶ (A)AéEavdpos ἀμφότεροι τῇ προκειμένῃ οἰκίᾳ 


Τίτου Μαλίου ᾿Ηρακλᾶ διὰ ἐπὶ τὸν χρόνον ἀκαϊλύ- 
τοῦ ἑνὸς Σερήνου τως, μεθ᾽ ὃν παραδ᾽ότω 

5 Αὐρηϊλίῳ "Ηρακλήῳ Σ᾽αραπᾶ τοῦ καθαρὰν ἀπὸ κοπρίων 
Μο. [.]. os μητρὸς Σ᾽ τεφανοῦ- 20 καὶ δείσης πάσης καὶ ἃς ἐὰν 
τος ἀπὸ τῆς λαμπρᾶς καὶ λαμ- παραλάβῃ θύρας καὶ κλεῖδας, 
προτάτης ᾿Οξυρυγχειτῶν γεινομένης THIS] mpl ξεως 
πόλεως ἐπὶ χρόνον ἔτη δύο παρά τε τοῦ μεϊμ)ισθωμένου 

10 ἀπὸ [το]ῦ OO τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ὡς καθήκει. κυρία ἡ μίσθωσις 
ὃ (ἔτους 2?) τῶν ὑπαρχόντων αὐτοῦ 35 περὶ ἧς ἀλλήλους ἐπερωτή- 
ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ πόλει ἐπ᾽ ἀμφό- σαντες ἀλλήλοις ὡμολόγη- 
δίο]υ Παμμένους Παραδείσου σαν. (ἔτους) ὃ Αὐτοκράτορος 
οἰκίαν καὶ αἴθριον καὶ αὐ- Καίσαρος Λουκίου Ζομιττίου 

15 λὴν καὶ τὰ ταύτης] χρη- Αὐρηλιανοῦ ΤΊ ο]υϊνθ]ικοῦ 
στήρια πάντα, πἰλὴ]ν τόπου 40 Μεγίστου Εἰὐ[σ᾽εβο[ῦς] Εὐτυχοῦς 
ἑνὸς ὄντος ὑπὸ τί ὃ]ν [.]. . . νον ᾿Ἀνεικήτου Σεβαστοῦ Φαῶφι vy. 
καὶ τῶν ἐξ ἀπηϊλιώ]του [τ]ῆς and hand Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ηράκλη[ος) μεμί 
οἰκίας οἰκοπέδίων,] ἐνοικίου σθωμαι τὴν οἰκ[[)αν καὶ ἀποδώ. 

20 κατ᾽ ἔτος ἀργυρίου [δρ)αχμῶν ow τὸ ἐνοίκιον ὡς πρόκ εἸιτί αι, 
τετρακοσίων, βεβαιουμέ- 45 καὶ [ἐπερωτηθεὶς] ὡμολόγησα. 
νης δὲ τῆς μισθώσεως Αὐρήλιος Σερῆνος ἔγραψα 
ἀποδότω ὁ μεμισθωμένος ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ μὴ εἰδότος γράμματα. 

ον 2 wv ’ (- » € 
τὸ κατ᾽ ἔτος ἐνοίκιον Ot ἑξα- 
ΤΠ τ τ Κὸ ΒΘΠ: 

‘Titus Manlius Serenus and Titus Manlius Alexander, both sons of Titus Manlius 
Heraclas, through one of them, namely Serenus, have let to Aurelius Heracleus son of 
Sarapas son of Mo ..., his mother being Stephanous, of the illustrious and most illustrious 
city of Oxyrhynchus, for a term of two years from Thoth of the present 4th year, from his 
property in the said city in the quarter of Pammenes’ Garden a house and yard and 
court and all the appurtenances with the exception of one room beneath .. . and the plots 
on the east of the house, at an annual rent of 400 drachmae. When the lease is guaranteed 
the lessee shall pay the annual rent in half-yearly instalments of half the sum, and shall 
use the aforesaid house without hindrance for the term, after which he shall restore it free 
of filth and dirt of all kinds together with such doors and keys as he has received, right of 
execution lying against the lessee, as is just. The lease is valid, and we have put the 
question to each other and consented to each other. The 4th year of the Emperor Caesar 
Lucius Domitius Aurelianus Gothicus Maximus Pius Felix Invictus Augustus, Phaophi 13. 
(Signed) I, Aurelius Heracleus, have leased the house and will pay the rent as aforesaid. 

1086. CONTRACTS 179 

and in answer to the question have given my consent. JI, Aurelius Serenus, wrote for 
him, as he was ignorant of letters.’ 

17. The vestiges hardly suit [κ]άμινον. 
33. The τε is anticipatory of the usual adjunct καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων αὐτοῦ πάντων, which 
is here omitted. 

1037. LEASE OF AN exhedra. 

21-6 X 16-6 cm. A.D. 444. 

Lease of an ex/edra or hall of a house for an indefinite period at the rent of 
24,000,000 denarii (cf. 1026. το, note), the lessor being empowered to resume 
his property when he chose to do so. 

ΧΙ ]γ. 

(“Mier τὴν ὑπατίαν Φλαουίων Μαξίμου) τὸ [8] 
καὶ Πατερίου τῶν λαμπρ(οτάτων) Μεσορὴ ιη. 
Αὐρηλίῳ Φιλοξένῳ «ωρᾶτοϊς) 



5 [ἀἸπὸ τῆς λαμπρᾶς καὶ λαμπροτίά]της ᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν 
[πόλεως παρὰ Αὐρηλίου “Τέρακ[οὶ]ς [4]ν αἸστ[αἸτιανοῦ 
[ἀπὸ] τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως. ἑκουσίως ἐπιδέχομαι μισθώ- 
ἰσασθαι] ἀπὸ νεομηνίας τοῦ ἑξῆς μηνὸς Θὼθ 
ἱτῆς παρούσης [βασιλείας τῆς τρισκαιδεκάτης 

10 [ἰνδικτίωνος τὴν δ]ιαφέρουσάν σοι ἀπὸ οἰκίας 
ἱτῆς κ]αλουμένηϊς .|apouvs οὔσης ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ ᾿Οξυρυγχιτ(ῶν) 
[πόλει] ἐπ᾿ ἀμφόδου ‘Ayopas (Σ)κυτέων ὁλόκληροϊν 
ἐξέδραν σὺν χρηστηρίοις πᾶσι, καὶ τελέσϊω 
σοι ὑπὲρ ἐνοικίου ἐνιαυσίως ἀργυρίου μυριάδας 

15 δισχιλίας τετρακοσίας, καὶ ἐπάναγκες ἀποδώσω 
τὸ ἐνοίκιον ἀνυπερθέτως, καὶ ὁπόταν βουληθῇς 
[π᾿αραδώσω σοι τὴν αὐτὴν ἐξέδραν [καθαράν. 
ἱκυρία ἡ μίσθωσις ἁπλῆ γραφῖσα καὶ [ἐπερωτηθὶς 



On the verso 
20 μίσθωσιϊς ἐξέδραϊς. 

4. 1]. φορβιοπώλῃ. 
N 2 


‘The year after the consulship of Flavius Maximus for the 2nd time and Flavius 
Paterius. the most illustrious, Mesore 18. To Aurelius Philoxenus son of Doras, seller 
of phorbium, of the illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, from Aurelius 
Hierax son of Anastatianus, of the said city. I undertake of my own free will to lease 
from the first day of the next month Thoth of the present reign and the 13th indiction, 
the hall belonging to you in the house called . . . which is in the said city of Oxyrhynchus in 
the quarter of the Cobblers’ Market, complete with all its appurtenances, and I will pay 
you for rent 2,400 myriads of silver yearly, and I will perforce pay the rent with no delay, 
and whenever you wish I will hand over to you the hall in a clean state. This lease, of 
which a single copy is made, is valid, and in answer to the question I have given my consent.’ 

I. χίμγ: cf. 940. τ, note. 

4. πορβιοπώλῃ, if that is the right reading, is for φορβιοπώλῃ, a seller of phorbium or 
perhaps, more generally, a seller of fodder. φόρβιον is mentioned in Galen, vol. xii, p. 152 
(Kiihn) φορβίου τῷ σπέρματι πρὸς λευκώματα χρῶνται, Arcadius, p. 120. 9 (Barker) τὸ σίλφιον καὶ 
φόρβιον προπαροξύνεται: cf. εὐφόρβιον and εὐφορβία, the latter form perhaps occurring in 
P. Goodsp. 30. xxxi. 22 (Cr6nert, Svud. 5. Paliogr. iv. 99). 

g. The reign was that of Theodosius II and Valentinian III. 

12. ὁλόκληρον : Cf.1088. 23. οἰκίας ὅλον 1 κλήρου should evidently be read in P. Strassb. 
A τας 

17. καθαράν : Or €.g. ὁλόκληρον, as in], 12. For ὁπότ αν βουληθῆς cf. e. g. 1088. 31. 


30:5 X 10-3 cm. A.D. 568. 

A lease of a ground-floor room (τόπος) in a house, at the annual rent of 
1o keratia, the lease to be determinable, as is common at this period, at the 
pleasure of the owner. Other good examples of late leases of house-property 
are P. Brit. Mus. 113. 6 (a) (τόπος), (ὁ) (τόποι δύο in a house), 871 (rpixAwos) and 
1023, P. Flor. 13 and 73, P. Strassb. 4. 

+ Βασιλείας καὶ ὑπατίας 
τοῦ θειοτάτου καὶ εὐσεβεστάτου 
ἡμῶν δεσπότου Φλαουίου 

3 7 ~ > 7 ᾽ ΄ 
Ἰουστίνου τοῦ αἰωνίου Αὐγούστου 


καὶ Αὐτοκράτορος ἔτους y 

Μεσορὴ B ἰνδ(ικτίωνος) a. 
Φλ(αουίᾳ) Εὐφημίᾳ τῇ ἐνδόξί(ῳ) θυγατρὶ 
τοῦ τῆς ἐνδόξί(ου) μνήμης 



1038. CONTRACTS 181 

Μουσαίου γεουχούσ(η) καὶ ἐνταῦθα τῇ 
a? col , 
λαμπρᾷ Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλει 
διὰ σοῦ PXaoviov) 'Avastaciov τοῦ περιβλί(έπτου) 
> ~ ~ \ a ἢ 4 ~ 
αὐτῆς διοικ(ητοῦ) καὶ σοῦ “]ερημίου τοῦ 
θαυμ(ασίου) ἐνοικολόγου Αὐρήλιος 
Στέφανος ἀρτοκ(όπος) υἱὸς ᾿Ηρακλάμμωνο(Ξ) 
VAN ’ > Ν ~ ’ ~ 

μητρ(ὸς) Νόννας ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς 
πόλεως χαίρειν. ἑκουσίως ἐπιδέχομαι 
μισθώσασθαι ἀπὸ νεομηνίας 

“- \ ‘ ~ ἂν Lal 
τοῦ OHO μηνὸς τῆς σὺν θεῷ 
δευτέρας ἰνδί(ικτίωνος) ἀπὸ τῶν ὑπαρχί(όντων) τῇ 
« ΄“ bd , > a 252. 4 
ὑμῶν ἐνδοξ(ότητι) ἀπὸ οἰκίας νευούσης 
’ Ν a , > A ’ 
ἐπὶ νότον διακειμ(ένης) ἐπὶ ταύτης 
τῆς πόλεως ἐπ᾽ ἀμφόδου 
τῆς ἁγίας Εὐφημίας ὁλόκληρί(ον) 
ἐπίπεδον τόπον νεύοντα καὶ 
αὐτὸν ἐπὶ νότον σὺν χρηστηρίοις 

~ A a Σ μὲ ~ > , 
πᾶσιν καὶ δικαίοις ἐξ ὅλης τῆς οἰκίας, 

. , Opn 5D 4 ΄ 
καὶ τελέσω ὑπὲρ ἐνοικί(ίου) τούτου 
2 4 4 / ΄ 
ἐνιαυσίως κεράτια δέκα νομιτ(ευόμενα), 
γί(νεται) κερ(άτια) ι νομ(ιτευόμενα), ὅπερ ἐνοίκιον ἀπο- 
δώσω κατ᾽ ἔτος δ ἑξαμήνου τὸ ἥμισυ, καὶ 
ὁπόταν βουληθείης ἀντιπαραδώσω 
τὴν ἐμὴν (νγομὴν τοῦ τόπου ὡς καὶ παρείληφία). 
κυρ(ία) ἡ μίσθ(ωσις) ἁπλί(ῆ) γραφί(εῖσα) καὶ ἐπερ(ωτηθεὶς) ὡμολί(όγησαλ). 
Στέφανος υἱὸς Ηρακλάμμωνος 
στοιχεῖ ἡμῖν ἡ παροῦσα μίσθ(ωσις) ὧς] πρόκί(ειται). 
᾿Ιωάννης ἀξ(ιωθεὶς) e yp se ὑ(πὲρ) ἀγρί (αμμάτου) 6 ν]τί(ος). 
[+di emu Toannu..\...+. + 

On the verso 
+ μίσθ(ωσις) Στεφάνου υἱοῦ ᾿Ἡρακλάμμωνος ἀπὸ τῆς ᾿Οξυρυγχί(ιτῶν) Aoy.@) 
ἐνοικ(ίου) κερ(ατίων) t 


4. τουστινου Pap. 18. θεῶ Pap. 1g. wd Pap. 


‘The 3rd year of the reign and consulship of our most godly and pious sovereign 
Flavius Justinus, eternal Augustus and Imperator, Mesore 2, rst indiction. To Flavia 
Euphemia, the honourable daughter of Musaeus of honoured memory, landholder at this 
illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, through you, Flavius Anastasius, her noble agent, and you, 
Jeremias, her admirable collector, Aurelius Stephanus, baker, son of Heraclammon and 
Nonna, of the said city, greeting. I undertake of my own free will to lease from the first 
day of the month Thoth of the coming D.V. second indiction, from your honour’s property 
out of a house facing south situated in this city in the quarter of St. Euphemia, a complete 
room on the ground floor also facing south with all appurtenances and the rights attaching 
to all the house, and I will pay annually as rent for this ten carats of current coinage, total 
rocarats current, which rent I will pay every year in half-yearly instalments of half the 
sum, and whenever you wish I will surrender my possession of the room just as I received 
it. This lease, of which one copy has been made, is valid, and in answer to the question 
I have given my consent. Signature of Stephanus written for him by the scribe John, 
signature of John, and title on the verso. 

1-6. Cf. 199 = P. Brit. Mus. 778, which is dated on Mesore 4 of the same year. In 
]. 3 of that papyrus the 2nd indiction is specified, and since in 1088 the rst indiction was 
still current (cf. also Il. 18-19 τῆς σὺν θεῷ δευτέρας ἰνδ(ικτίωνος}) it is evident that, as Kenyon 
suggests, a change of indiction-year was just taking place when 199 was written, and 
probably 1. 3 there should be read ἐνδ(ικτίωνος) a dpx(js) 8. The month of Mesore is 
unusually late in the year for the commencement of an indiction, though cf. P. Grenf. roo. 4. 

9. yeovxova(n): cf. 188. 5, &c. γι εουχ[ οἹῦντε looks probable in P. Strassb. 40. 7. 

13. ἐνοικολόγου = ἐνοικιολόγου (e.g. B.G. U. 3. 7); cf. 1048. 1, P. Strassb. 15. 1, and the 
analogous ἐποίκου, &c., for ἐποικίου, e.g. P. Goodsp. 15. 3. 

20. vevovons: cf. P. Brit. Mus. 1023. 12 Kol ir |avos οὐ νε[ὑ]οντοίς] εἰς βορρᾶ. ἀνεῳγμένος εἰς 
and βλέπων εἰς are similarly used, e.g. P. Brit. Mus. 113. 6 (4) 14, (6) 20. 

31. ὁπόταν βουληθείης : this misuse of the optative is common at this period. 

32. The reading at the beginning of this line is rather uncertain, The formation of 
the first letter suggests y rather than τ, but γῆν is inappropriate here. τήν must be followed 
by a substantive meaning ‘possession’ or something of the sort, and it ends either in 
-vopnv Or, conceivably, in -νομιαν. There seems, however, to be no suitable compound, and 
hence the choice lies between τὴν ἐμὴν (νγομήν with a lipography of ν or simply τὴν νομήν with 
a dittography of ogy. For νομή cf. e.g. P. Tebt. 286. 7 νομὴ ἄδικος = rntus/a possessio, and 
the fifth-century contract of sale published by de Ricci in Wessely’s S/ud. 5. Paldogr.1. p. ἢ. 
18-19 ἡμίσους μέρους οἰκίας... οὗ τὴν νομὴν ... ἐντεῦθέν σοι παραδέδωκα. 

37. Loannu was most likely followed by eée/vothe, but this is not easily reconciled with 
the strokes that remain. 


33:2 X 10-6 cm. A.D. 210. 

Acknowledgement of a deposit (παραθήκη) of 600 drachmae repayable on 
demand; cf. e.g. P. Tebt. 387, P. Brit. Mus. 943, B.G. U.729. The name of the 
emperor Geta has been deleted in the date formula, as in 54, 56 and elsewhere. 

1089. CONTRACTS 183 

᾿Αποϊλλώνιος Σαραπίωνος [τοῦ Yapa- 
πίωνος μητρὸς Σινθεῦτίος ἀπ᾽ ’Ogv- 
ρύγχων πόλεως Θέωνι Κ΄. [...... 
~ ‘ 4 x , ΄ ΟΞ ΑΝ 
τοῦ καὶ Χαιρήμονος μητρὸς Απίϊας ἀπὸ 
a » ~ ΄ ’ ε 
5 τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως χαίρειν. [ὁμολο- 
γῶ ἐσχηκέναι παρὰ σοῦ διὰ χ[ειρὸς 
᾽ P. , ‘4 r “- 
ἐν παραθέσει ἀργυρίου Σ᾽ εβασίὶ τοῦ 
7 A « ’΄ 
νομίσματος δραχμὰς ἑξακοσίας, 
ἅσπερ ὁπηνίκα ἐὰν αἱρῇ ἀπίοκα- 
το ταστήσω σοι ἄνευ πάσης ὑπεῖρθέ. 
σεως [Kai] εὑρησολογ[ία]ς, εἰ δὲ μή, 
ἐκτείσίω σοι κατὰ τὸν τῶν παρῖα- 
θηκῶϊν νόμον,] γεινομένης ἴσοι 
Lot , » 2 - \ 2 
τῆς πρίά ξεϊως)] ἔκ τε ἐμοῦ Kal [ἐκ 
15 τῶν ὑπαρχόντων μοι πάνταϊν. 
κύρια τη τῆς παραθήκης γράϊ[μ- 
\ , 0 ἢ a 
ματα δισσὰ γραφέντα in ἐμ[οῦ 
τοῦ ᾿Απολλωνίου πανταχῆ ἐπιφίε- 
ρόμενα καὶ παντὶ τῷ ὑπὲρ aod 
20 ἐπιφέροντι. (ἔτους) ιθ Αὐτοκρατόϊρων 
Καισάρων Aovkiou Σ᾽ επτιμίου Σ' εουήϊρου 
Περτίνακος ᾿Αραβ[ἠκοῦ ᾿Αδιαβηνικοῦ 
Παρθικοῦ Βρεταννικοῦ Μεγίστοϊυ 
καὶ Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου ‘Avrwvivou 
5 [καὶ Πουβλίου Σεπτιμίου Τέτα]] 
Βρεταννικῶν Μεγίστων Εἰὐσεβῶϊν 
Σεβαστῶν Φαῶφι vy. 

11. |. εὑρησιλογίας. τό. |. τά for τη. 


‘ Apollonius son of Sarapion son of Sarapion, his mother being Sintheus, of the city of 
Oxyrhynchus, to Theon son of C ... also called Chaeremon, his mother being Apia, of 
the said city, greeting. I acknowledge the receipt from you from hand to hand on deposit 
of 600 silver drachmae of the imperial coinage, which I will restore to you whenever you 
choose without any delay or excuse, otherwise I will forfeit them to you in accordance with 
the law of deposits, and you shall have the right of execution upon me and upon all my 
property. This deed of deposit, written by me, Apollonius, in duplicate is valid whenever 
produced and whosoever produces it on your behalf” Date. 



4. Anijas: cf. 76. 2, 249. 3, 1046. 8. 

7. ἐν παραθέσει: so P. Brit. Mus. 948. 5, P. Flor. 31. 4, P. Strassb. 54. 4. 

is the commoner term in this sense. 

An acknowled 

an addition (διάφορον) of one-half. 

interest for the ac 

is printed ; cf. 988. 





31-3 X 20cm. 


5 BAR 

gement of a loan of four artabae of wheat, to be repaid with 

This addition is to be regarded simply as 

commodation, as in P. Flor. 54, where government loans of 
seed are to be repaid pera τῆς ἡμιολίας ; cf. 1042. 28, where διάφορον practically 
means interest. In P. Tebt. 110 and P. Amh. 147 the ἡμιολίαι should probably 
be similarly explained rather than as fines incurred in connexion with previous 
transactions. The deed is written out in duplicate (δισσὰ γραφέντα 1. 31) on 
a single sheet, in two columns, of which the second, being the better preserved, 

Δυρήλιοι ΠΕεκῦσις ΠἊαυσειριος μη- 

τρὸς Σοήριος καὶ ὁ τούτου υἱὸς Πετε- 
νοῦφις μητρὸς Σινθεῦτος ἀμφό- 
τεροι ἀπ᾿ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως Αὐρηλίῳ 
Θέωνι Διδύμου ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πό- 
λεὼς χαίρειν. ὁμολογοῦμεν ἀμφο- 
τέροιΐ ς) ἐξ ἰσου ἐσχηγέναι καὶ παρα- 
μεμετρῆσθαι παρὰ σοῦ πυροῦ γενή- 
ματος τοῦ διελθόντος ὃ (ἔτους) ἀρτάβας 
, ᾽ ΜΝ / « lA 
τέσσαρας ἐπὶ διαφόρῳ ἡμιολίας, 
ὡς εἶναι ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ πυροῦ σὺν δια- 

΄ 3 4 “ ee > 4 
pope ἀρτάβας ἕξ, ἅσπερ ἀποδώ- 

x 3 4 oN -~ 

om σοι ἐξ ἀλληλενγύης τῷ Παῦνι 
μηνὶ ἐφ᾽ ἅλω κώμης Τερύθεως 
[πυ]ρ[ὸϊν νέον καθαρὸν ἄδολον ἄβω- 

[λον] ἄκρειθον καικοσκεινευμένον 




- 40 



[ὡς εἰ] δημόσιον μετρούμενον pé- 
Tp@| παραλημπτικῷ σου ᾧ καὶ παρα- 
[με]μετρήμεθα, τῶν παρὰ σοῦ 

τὴ]ν μέτρησιν ποιουμένων. ἐ- 

v] δὲ μὴ ἀποδῶ καθὰ ἐγράψαμεϊθα 

τὰἸς προκειμένας τοῦ πυροῦ σὺν δι- 
αφόϊρῳ ἀρτάβας ἕξ, ταύτας {(c)o} ἐκτεί- 
σω clot μεθ᾽ ἡμιολίας καὶ διάφορον 







[{Stjapopov} τοῦ ὑπερπεσόντος χρόνου 
[ὁμοίως ἐξ ἡμιολίας παρά τε ἡμῶν 
ἰἀλλ]ηλενγύων ὄντων εἰς ἔκτεισιν 

[ἢ map οὗ ἐὰν ἡμῶν αἱρῇ καὶ ἐκ τῶν 
[ὑπ]αρχόντων ἡμεῖν παντοίων 
[πάϊντων, καθάπερ ἐκ δίκης. κύρια 
[τὰ γ]ράμματα δισσὰ γραφέντα ὡς ἐν 
[δ]ημοσίῳ κακακείμενα, περὶ δὲ 

[τ]οῦ ταῦτα ὀρθῶς (Kal) καλῶς γείνεσθαι 
[ἐπηρωτηθέντες ὑπὸ σοῦ ὡμολογή- 
σαμεν. (ἔτους) ε Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος 
Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Σ᾽ εουήρου ᾿Αλεξάνδρου 
Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς Σεβαστοῦ 

Aédp ἡ. (2nd hand.) Αὐρήλιοι Πεκῦσις 
Παυσείριος καὶ ὁ υἱὸς Πετε- 

νοῦφις παραμε(με)γτρήμεθα 

παρὰ τοῦ Αὐρηλίου Θέωνϊος 

τὰς τοῦ πυροῦ ἀρτάβας 

τέσσαρας ἐπὶ διαφόρῳ 

ἐξ ἡμιολίας καὶ ἀποδώσομεν 

τὰς ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ τοῦ πυροῦ 

ἀρτάβας e€ ἐξ ἀλληλεγγύ- 

ns τῇ δηλουμένῃ προθε- 

σμίᾳ, καὶ ἐπερωτηθέντες 

ὡμολογήσαμεν ὡς πρόκι- 

ται. Αὐρήλιος Πετρώνιος 

Μάρκου ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν 
φαμένων μὴ εἰδέναι γράμ- 

On the verso of Col. i 
3rd hand χι(ρόγραφον) Πεκύσιος (ἀρταβῶν) ὃ. 

4. οξυρυγ᾽χων Pap. ἡ. ἴσου Pap. 28. a of atpy corr. from e. 29. παντοίων 
corr. from πάντων. 232. |. κατακείμενα. 34. ]. [ἐϊπερωτηθέντε. 41. w Of παρα corr. 45. 
ο Οἵ αὐτὸ corr. a of πυρίου rewritten. 52. ν of edeva corr. 

Collated with this text Col. i shows the following variants: 1. 6 ἀμφότεροι, 1. 10 ἡμιολίᾳ, 
]. 12 ἀποδώσωμεν, 1. 14 Τερύθεω, 1]. 23-4 ταύτας ἐκτείσῳμέν σοι, -μεν being corrected from σοι 
and σοι added above the line. 1. 25 om. διαφορον. 1. 33 Perhaps καὶ καλῶς (lacuna). 1. 34 ἐπε- 
ρωτηβ] ἔϊντες. 1. 40 παραμεμετρήμεθα. 1. 49 πρόκειται. 

‘ Aurelius Pekusis, son of Pausiris and Soéris, and his son Aurelius Petenouphis whose 
mother is Sintheus, both of the city of Oxyrhynchus, to Aurelius Theon son of Didymus, of 
the said city, greeting. We acknowledge both equally that we have received and 
had measured out to us from you of the crop of the past 4th year four artabae of wheat at 
the interest of one-half, making a total, with the interest, of six artabae of wheat, which we 
will repay to you on our mutual security in the month of Pauni at the threshing-floor οἵ 
the village of Teruthis, in wheat that is new, pure, unadulterated, without earth or barley, 
and sifted, as measured into the public granary, by your own receiving measure by which 
the measurement has been made to us, the measuring to be done by your agents. If I do 
not repay according to our written agreement the aforesaid six artabae of wheat including 
the addition, I will forfeit them to you with an increase of one-half and interest for the 
overtime also of one-half, (and you shall have the right of execution) upon us as mutual 
securities for the payment or upon whichever of us you choose and upon all our property 
of every kind, as in accordance with a legal decision. This bond, which is written in 
duplicate, is valid as if publicly registered, and in answer to your question whether this is 
rightly and fairly done we have given our consent.’ Date, signature of Pekusis and 
Petenouphis written for them by Aurelius Petronius, and title on the back. 

7. ἐσχηγέναι : Col. i shows the same spelling. 

το. For διαφόρῳ cf. 988, 1041. 9, 1042. 28, P. Leipzig 97. xix. 1, &c., 102.1. 1, 
21. eypaWdpue Oa: the termination is assured by the duplicate copy. 

26. παρά τε ἡμῶν : SC. THs πράξεώς σοι οὔσης. 

24-7 15:7 cm. A.D. 381. 

In this deed Aurelius Plutarchus (Ὁ) takes upon himself the responsibility 
for the repayment of a loan which had been made through his intervention to 
a friend, Philonicus. The transaction was connected in some way with another 

1041. CONTRACTS 187 

agreement in which Plutarchus was concerned, but the reference to this (Il. g-10) 
is rather obscure. 

[ὙἹπατίας Φλ]αουίων Evyatpiov kali Συαγρίου τῶν 
[ λ]αμπροτάτων Παῦνι te. 

[4 ὐρήλιος Πλούταρχος Ψεναμούνιος μητρὸς Τ εδ᾽ Ἰμης 

5 Δὐρηϊλίῳ.. .1. @ ‘Hpaxda ἀπὸ τῆς [αὐτ]ῆς πόλεως βαφΐ χαίρειν. 
᾽ \ \ Qe ΤΊ =, ΤΙ ΄ ΓΖ) ΄Ἁ 
ἐπεὶ [πισθεὶς) ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ ἐγράψω Φιλονί κῳ Βησάμμωνος 
ἀπὸ τῆϊς αὐτῆς πόλεως εἰς ἀπόδοσιν ἀργ[υ]ρίου δηναρίων 
μυριάδίων τε]τρακισχιλίων διακοσίων χρεωστουμένων 
αὐϊτ᾽ῶ [ὑπὸ σοῦ ἀπὸ λόγου διαφόρων ἀκολούθως οἷς ἐθέμην 

τοὶ Gfalelene - a: rane ols καὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ σε ἔχειν τὸ ἀσφαλὲς παρ᾽ ἐμοῦ 
ig ~ , ᾽ la « ~ », 2 Ἀν 
[€ws τῆς] τούτωϊν ἀποδόσεως ὁμολογῶ ὀφίλειν σοι καὶ ἔχειν 
‘map ἐμαυ]τῷ τίὰ)ς αὐτὰς τοῦ ἀργυρίου δηναρίων μυριάδας 
ἱτετρακισϊχιλίας διακοσίας, / (δηναρίων) p(upiddes) do, ἐπεὶ τῷ με 

ταύτας σοι ἀπο- 

ἱκαταστῆσ]αι ἐν τῇ διὰ τοῦ γεγενίν)ημένου ὑπὸ σοῦ αὐτῷ τῷ 

15 1 Φιλονίκ]ῳ γραμματίου, τοῦτ᾽ ἔστιν τῇ νεομηνίᾳ τοῦ Μεσορ(ὴ) 
[μηνὸς το]ῦ ἐνεστῶτος ἔτους ιὃ ς B τῆς παρούσης ἐνάτης 
[ἐνδικτίωνο]ς, καὶ [ἀνακομίσασθαι map αὐτοῦ τὸ τούτων 
γενόϊμενον αὐτ]ῷ ὑπὸ σοῦ γραμματῖον καὶ ἀναδοῦναί σοι 
εἰς ἀκ[ύρωσιν, γινομένης σοι τῆς πράξεϊω)ς παρά τε ἐμοῦ 

20 καὶ ἐκ [τῶν ὑπαρχ)όντων μίο]ι πάντων. κύριον τὸ γραμματῖον 
ἁπλοίῦν γραφὲν] καὶ ἐπερ(ωτηθεὶς) ὡμολόγησα. 

and hand Αὐρ[ήλιος Πλούταρχος Ψεναμούνιοϊς ὁ] προκίμενος 

dors Ν wy ᾽ 3 “ ν a ᾽ 4 
ὀφίϊίλω σοι καὶ ἔχω Tap ἐμαυτῷ Tals το]ῦ ἀργυρίου 
δηϊναρίων μυριάδας τετρ]ακισχιλείαϊς διαϊκοσίας 

25 Καὶ ταύτας σοι ἀποδώσω ἐν τῇ ἱπροθεσἸμίᾳ als πρ]ό- 

EGER og oa os ccvcccodlhslboa0ac Πα [etal 
[ 28 letters le 
τ. 1. Εὐχερίου. 5. χαιρεῖ Pap. 6. tm Pap. 9. ot of ots corr. from ῃ. TGs 
peoop Pap. 

‘In the consulship of Flavius Eucherius and Syagrius the most illustrious, Pauni 15. 
Aurelius Plutarchus, son of Psenamounis and Ted[.]me, of the village of Phoboou in the 


5th pagus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, to Aurelius... us son of Heraclas, of the said city, 
dyer, greeting. Whereas owing to my persuasion you have drawn up an agreement with 
Philonicus son of Besammon, of the said city, for the repayment of four thousand two 
hundred myriads of denarii of silver which have been lent to him by you on account 
of extra payments in accordance with the contracts of . .. made by me, in order that you 
may have security from me until the repayment of this sum I acknowledge that I owe and 
myself have the said four thousand two hundred myriads of denarii of silver, total 42,000,000 
denarii, on the condition that I restore them to you on the day specified in the agreement 
made by you with the said Philonicus, that is the first day of the month Mesore of the 
present 14th =the 6th=the 2nd year and the current gth indiction, and that I shall 
recover from him the agreement for this sum made by you with him and shall hand it over 
to you for annulment; and you shall have the right of execution upon me and all my 
property. This agreement, of which one copy has been made, is valid, and in answer to 
the question I have given my consent.’ Signature of Aurelius Plutarchus. 

3. Πλούταρχος of course is uncertain, but it was a common name at Oxyrhynchus. At 
the end of the line e8{c|uns for Φαιδὶ {ἴμης cannot be read ; the initial letter is perhaps 6 or A, 
and the second may be a. 

4. Φοβώου : the occurrence of this name shows that Φοβόου is the right reading in 978, 
though perhaps Φοβώου should be restored, since P. Leipzig 116. 2, according to Wilcken’s 
revision in Archiv iv. p. 485, supports the spelling of 1041. 

6. |mGeis| is commended by the sense and the size of the lacuna. 

9. διαφόρων : cf. 1040. ro and introd. 

το, [.}{.]e could be read in place of af.|¢ , but there is hardly room for [r\{or]¢os. In 
the previous line the relative has been corrected andit is not quite clear what was originally 

14. τῇ : SC., Of course, προθεσμίᾳ, which is expressed in I. 25 below. 

16. The regnal years are those of Gratian, Valentinian II, and Theodosius. 

26-7. These two lines very likely specified the writer of the foregoing signature on 
behalf of Plutarchus. 


31 X 8-3 cm. A.D. 578. 

An agreement for a loan of one-third of a solidus, to be repayed on demand 
with some addition as interest, but the rate is not defined. 

+ Baowrelas τοῦ θειοτάτου 
αν } 4 ς = 
καὶ εὐσεβεστάτου ἡμῶν 
δεσπότου μεγίστου εὐεργέτου 
Φλ(αουίου) ᾿Ιουστίνου τί οὔ αἰωνίου] 

5 Αὐγούστου καὶ Α[ὑ]τοκράτορος 


wv Ἀν ‘ 4, 
ἔτους ty, μετὰ τὴν δευτέραν 
ὑπατίαν τῆς αὐτῶν γαληνότητί(ος) 
ἔτους ta, καὶ Φλ(αουίου) Τιβερίου τοῦ 
καὶ νέου Κωνσταντίνου τοῦ 
10 εὐτυχεστάτου ἡμῶν 
Καίσαρος ἔτους Ὑ 
ΠΠαχὼν te ἰνδ(ικτίωνος) ια. 
ὕ ‘ ΄“ ᾽ ΄ 
Φλαουίῳ PIB τῷ εὐδοκιμωτ(άτῳ) 
σουβαδιούβᾳ τῆς ἡγεμον(ικῆς) 
15 τάξεως τῆς Apxddwy ἐπαρχίίας) 
υἱῷ τοῦ τῆς λαμπρ(ᾶς) μνήμ(ης) 
ἀπὸ τῆς νέας ᾽᾿Ιουστίνου 
πόλεως Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ιωάννης 
μυλοκόπος υἱὸς Avoda μητρ(ὸς) 
20 Κυράναν τῶν ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς 
΄ ΄ f μὲ 
πόλεως χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ 
ἐσχηκέναι παρὰ τῆς σῆς λαμπρ(ότητος) 
ἐν χρήσει εἰς ἀναγκαίας μου 

χρείας χρυσοῦ νομισματίου 

25 τρίτον ἰδίιωτικῷ) νομ(ιτευόμενον), γί(νεται) χρίυσοῦ) νο(μισματίου) γ΄ ¢(vy@) 

καὶ τοῦτο ὁμολογῶ παρασχεῖν 
αὐτῇ ὁπόταν βουληθ(ῃ) 
μετὰ τοῦ διαφόρου ἀνυπερθί(έτω»). 
κύρ(ιον) τὸ γρα(μματῖον) ἁπλί(οῦν) γραφί(ὲν) καὶ 
30 ἐπερ(ωτηθεὶς) ὡμολ(όγησα). + «Αὐρ(ήλιος) ᾿Ιωάννης υἱὸς 
᾿Δνοὺπ ὁ προγεγραμμίένος) πεποίημί(αι) 
τοῦτο τὸ γρα(μματῖον) ὡς πρόκ(ειται). Σ ερῆνος 
ἔγραψα ὑ(πὲρ) αὐτοῦ ἀγρ(αμμάτου) ὄντος. 
adi emu Serhnu ctelioth. 

On the verso 

35 + γρα(μματῖον) ᾿Ιωάννου μυλοκόπίου) υἱοῦ Avolr amd τῆς ᾿[Ιουστίνου 

πόλ(εως) χρ(υσοῦ) νο(μισματίου) γ΄ ζυγῷ) ἰδιιωτικῷ). 


4. tovorwov Pap.; so in Il. 17, 35. 6. ty Pap. ἡ. ὕπατιαν Pap. 8. ἴα Pap. 
12. ivd ia Pap. 13. φλαουΐω Pap. 16. vio Pap.; so in ll. 19, 30, 35. 18. twavyns 
Pap.; soin ll. 30, 35. 25: ἐδ bape 50 1ΠΠ}: 20: 

‘The 13th year of the reign of our most godly and pious sovereign and greatest 
benefactor Flavius Justinus, eternal Augustus and Imperator, the rrth year after the second 
consulship of his serenity, and the 3rd year of Flavius Tiberius also called Novus Con- 
stantinus, our most fortunate Caesar, Pachon 15, 11th indiction. To Flavius Phib, the 
most esteemed assistant in the praefect’s office in the province of Arcadia, son of of 
illustrious memory, from the new city of Justinus, Aurelius John, millstone-maker, son of 
Anoup and Kuranan, an inhabitant of the said city, greeting. I acknowledge that I have 
received from your magnificence as a loan for my pressing needs one-third of a gold solidus 
on the private standard of current coin, total 4 gold solidus, private standard, and this 
I agree to produce to you whenever you choose, together with the extra payment, 
without delay. This deed, of which one copy has been made, is valid, and in answer to the 
question I have given my consent.’ Signature of John written for him by Serenus, the 
scribe who penned the contract, signature of Serenus, and title on the back. 

8-11. Tiberius was appointed Caesar in 574; cf. Chron. Pasch. p. 376 a μηνὶ Σεπτεμ- 
βρίῳ τῆς η΄ ἰνδικτίωνος ἠσθένησεν ᾿Ιουστῖνος Αὔγουστος καὶ ἐποίησεν Τιβέριον Καίσαρα μετονομάσας 
αὐτὸν Κωνσταντῖνον. 

14-1τ5. σουβαδιούβᾳ = subadiuvae. On the province of Arcadia, which corresponded to 
the earlier Heptanomia, cf. Gelzer, Leepziger hist. Abhandl. xiii. pp. 8-9. 

17. A blank space was left for the name, which was never filled in. For νέας ᾿Ιουστίνου 
πόλεως Cf. 126. 5. 

25. A solidus on the private standard was slightly inferior in value to a solidus on the 
public or the Alexandrian standard ; cf. 154. 13, note. 

1043, RECEIPT. 

6-6 X 33:5 cm. A.D. 578. 

A receipt, dated by the eras of Oxyrhynchus, for three sextarii of oil. The 
writing is across the fibres of the papyrus. 

+ ᾿Εδόθ(ησαν) διὰ ΣἸερήνου ἐνοικολόγ(ου) Μακαρίῳ καὶ ᾿Ηλίᾳ καὶ 
Καμοὺλ ovppax(ots) παραμέ(νουσι) 
τῷ ἐνδόξῳ) ο[Πκίῳ) λόγῳ ἀναλωμάίτων) τῶν ἀπὸ pnlvds) Φαμενὼθ ts 
ἕως X τοῦ αὐτί(οῦ), ἡμερ(ῶν) ιε, ἐλαίου ξέστ(αὺ 
τρεῖς, yi(vovrat) ἐλαί(ου) ξέ(σται) y μό(νοι). (2nd hand) γίίνονται) 
ἐλαί(ου) ξίέσται) τρῖς μί(όνοι). 
Ist hand (ἔτους) ovd oxy Φαμενὼθ 10 ἰνδ(ικτίωνος) ἑνδεκάϊτης. 

I. ouppayx/ mapapj./ Pap. 2. ἡμερρ΄ Pap. 

1043. CONTRACTS 191 

‘Received through Serenus, collector, by Macarius and Elias and Kamoul, assistants 
attending on the honourable house, on account of expenses from the 16th of the month 
Phamenoth to the 30th of the same month, 15 days, three sextarii of oil, total 3 sextarii of 
oil, and no more. (Signed) Total three sextarii of oil and no more. The 254th = the 
223rd year, Phamenoth 19g, 11th indiction. 

I. evorxoddy(ov): οἵ, 1038. 13, note. 

2. The ἔνδοξος οἶκος of the Apion family is probably meant; cf. P. Oxy. I. p. 206, and 
133. 8, 16, 1385. 16, &c. 


28 Χ 57-5 cm. A.D. 173-4 or 205-6. 

On the verso of this papyrus are the six columns from the commencement 
of the Phaedrus printed under 1016. The recto contains three columns, of which 
the first is well preserved, of an alphabetical register of landholders, with the 
amounts due upon their holdings. The second column is much effaced, and of 
the third only the beginnings of lines remain ; but Col. i, which follows below, is 
a sufficient specimen of the whole; some few points of interest occurring in the 
later part of the document are incorporated in the notes. The date is about the 
end of the second century; the reign, of which the past 13th year is mentioned 
in ]. 4, is perhaps more likely to be that of Marcus Aurelius than that of 
Septimius Severus. 

The personal names are accompanied by various items of land and wheat, 
those of the latter being added up at the end of the several entries as the amount 
payable. Ina number of cases the land is assigned to no definite class ; some- 
times, however, it is described as βασιλική, and another common category is 
a (dprdBys), i.e. land paying a tax of 1 artaba on the aroura. A similar com- 
bination of βασιλική and a (ἀρτάβης) is found in P. Brit. Mus. 604, and from 
P. Tebt. 576 it is known that a tax of 1 artaba per aroura was paid by catoeci ; cf. 
ibid. 346. 5, note. In the present case it is noticeable that the amounts attached 


to the land specified as a ee) are reckoned not at 1 artaba but at 1 per 
aroura (in |. 5 a fraction of τς aroura is ignored, and in ll. 24 and 27, 21 choenices 
are treated as 3, but pene ise the rate of 14 is correctly calculated). In one or 
two instances (ll. 9, 27) the land is stated to have been purchased. 

Besides the dues coupled with definite plots of land, there occurs not 
infrequently an independent item called οἰκοπί ), i. e. οἰκοπέδου or -δων, the amount 
being usually 3 choenices ; in one case, however (I. 11), it is 6 choenices, and 
a second charge of 3 choenices is made under this head to the same individual 
(1.12). An impost προσόδ(ων) οἰκοπ(έδω") occurs in a few papyri of the Roman 
period (Wilcken, Ost. i. p. 390; cf. P. Fay, 42 (a). ii. 15, B. ἃ. U. 761) and is 
supposed to have been levied on incomes derived from building-sites,—a kind of 
tax on ground-rents. But that impost is regularly paid in money, whereas the 
payments for οἰκοπ(έδου) here are in kind; moreover, the property concerned in 
1044 is clearly agricultural ; and the constancy of the amount shows that it can 
have stood in no very exact relation to income. Perhaps we have to do with 
a single tax, which was assessed in money upon land that was built over and in 
kind upon agricultural land ; but it will be well to wait for further evidence. 

An interesting point resulting from the arithmetic of this document is that 
the artaba in which the calculations are made contained 40 choenices; cf. e.g. 
Il. 12 and 21, and notes. An artaba of 40 choenices is found in the Oxy- 
rhynchus metrological fragment (9 verso 8), and the survival of this measure in 
the Roman period had been inferred from the occurrence of fractions of fifths 
and tenths of an artaba (cf. P. Tebt. 61 (6). 386, note), but the present is the 
clearest example of its official use. 

my ἢ 20 letters Iho ll 18 letters ] 
Rano ah mica Ata ἐκ 7(00) TEED NS ἀπὸ) (ἀρουρῶν ?) bis’ (ἄρουραι) 


εδή AB ῥκή Π sn καὶ ἐκ τί(οῦ) Ν᾽ εικομάχου (πρότερον) 

EW ΠΣ ΜΈΡΕΣ cor .] . (ἀρταβῶν) BS, γίίνονται) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) 
ηἰδ΄ η΄.) ἀἄλλ(ο) ὀνόμα(τος) “Dpov Πετσείριος ἐκ τί(οῦ) ᾿Ανδ᾽ ρο]νείκου 
hee, 4 (ἀρτάβης) 2 χί(οινίκων) γ, 

a ARGU rte τὴ ΦΈΡΕ ΚΣ Ἰ τῷ διελ(θόντι) ty (ἔτει) ἀπὸ μ[ητ]ροπόλ(εως) ὀνόμα(τος) 
Σαραποῦτος τῆς καὶ Ταδιογᾶτος | Atjoyévovs τοῦ καὶ Παυσανίου 

ΠΡ τς ᾿ς. ἐκ τίοῦ) Σωτάδους a (ἀρτάβης) (ἄρουραι) yiB’ (ἀρταβῶν) 
yon’, γ(ίνονται) ὀνόμα(τος) πυροῦ (ἀρτάβαι) vy χί(οίνικες) γ. 











ἰκληρονύ(μοι)) ΠΤ αυσειρίωνος Παυσειριώνος μητρὸϊΐς . . .|\nunodros Παλώσεως 
ἐκ 7(00) Χεριγένους ἀπὸ (ἀρουρῶν) β (ἄρουρα) a ((ἀρτάβων) .. .", 

ἱδρύο]υ ἀπὸ (ἀρουρῶν) δ΄ η΄ (ἄρουραι) δ΄ η (β΄ ((ἀρτάβη»ς) . . .), οἰκοπ(έδου) 
(ἀρτάβης) χίοίνικες) γ, γ(ίνονται) [...]. (ἀρτάβαι) € χί(οίνικες) δ. 
aZ ἐκ 7(00) Μενεμάχου (πρότερον) Iavoeipios ἴάπιτος 

[(ἄρουραι) . (ἀρταβῶν)] βεδ΄, τὸ γ΄ (ἀρτάβα) aLn’, γίίνονται) (πυροῦ) 
(ἀρτάβαι) {ι}α 4 χίοίνικες) ε, ἀλλ(ο)ὴ δρύου ἀπὸ (ἀρούρης) bn’ τὸ 
γ΄ (ἀρούρης) η΄ (ἀρτάβης) 2, γ(ίνονται) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ¢ χ(οίνικες) 
θ, αἱ διὰ τῆς 

ἰἀγ]ορα(σάσης) τὸν πόρον Θαϊσοῦτος ΠΙετσείριος διὰ τῶν ἉἉρψήμιος καὶ 

τῶν ἀδελ(φῶν) καὶ τῶν λοιπί(ῶν) ἀντιπί(οιουμένων) τοῦ πόρου. 

[Πε]τσειρίων Σειρίωνος μητρὸς Μαρθοῦτος ἐκ τίοῦ) Ἄνδρωνος σὺν τίφ) 
Μενεσθέως βαί(σιλικῆς) (ἀρούρης) 2 (ἀρταβῶν) α:δ΄ y(owixwv) ¢, 

Νεικοστρά(του) (ἀρούρης) 4 (ἀρταβῶν) aZ& χί(οινίκων) ¢, οἰκοπίέδου) 
(aptaéBns) x(otvixes) ς, Μενεμάχου (ἄρουρα) a (ἀρταβῶν) an’, Πολέ- 
μωνος βασιλ(ικῆς) (ἀρούρης) Ζη΄ (ἀρταβῶν) BS χί(οινίκων) η, 

οἰκοπ(έδου) (ἀρτάβης) χί(οίνικες) γ, γί(ίνονται) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ἐδ χίοί- 
vies) ς, δρύου ἀπὸ (ἀρούρης) Sy τὸ L (ἀρούρης) η΄ ς΄ (ἀρτάβης) 
4δ΄. γίίνονται) πυροῦ ηδ΄ χ(οίνικες) ς. 

αἱ διὰ τῶν ἀντιπί(οιουμένων) τοῦ πόρου. 

Παυσειρίων Ψεναμούνιος οἰκοπ(έδου) (ἀρτάβης) χί(οίνικες) >, Νεικοστρά(του) 
(ἀρούρης) δ΄ (ἀρτάβης) δ΄ χ(οινίκων) B, γ(ίνονται) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη:) 
On’, καὶ ἐκ τίοῦ) Μενεμάχου 

βασιλ(ικῆς) (ἀρούρης) ς΄ (ἀρτάβης) 2 χί(οινίκων) η. 

Τετσεῖρις Ἁρψήμειος γυνὴ τοῦ προγεγρα(μμένου) ἐκ Tod) λοιπίοῦ) Meve- 
σθέως a (ἀρτάβη:ς) (ἄρουρα) a (ἀρταβῶν) an’, οἰκοπ(έδου) (ἀρτάβης) 
χίοίνικες) γ, (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) an’ χί(οίνικες) y. 

Πενῦρις Πετρωνίου τοῦ καὶ “Ὠρίωνος ἐκ τίοῦ) Μενεμάχου a (ἀρτάβης) 
(ἄρουραι) B (ἀρταβῶν) BS, καὶ εἰς τὸν α(ὐτὸν) νετίρῳ ?) Toroéws 
βασιλ(ικῆς) ἐκ τίοῦ) Χεριγένους (ἄρουραι) an’ (ἀρτάβης) χ(οινίκων) ς. 


19 Πετσεῖρις Ηρακλήου μητρὸς Yorjpios δι(ὰ) KAnpor[d(uwr)| Παλώσεως ἐκ 
τί(οῦ) Νεικομάχου βασιλ(ικῆς) (ἀρούρης) δ΄ (ἀρτάβη:ς) 26 χ(οινίκων) θ, 

20 Kopaéws (ἀρούρης) ἐδ pky (ἀρτάβης) χί(οινίκων) 6, καὶ ἐκ τί(οῦ) Πολέ- 
μωνος (ἀρούρης) 4 (ἀρταβῶν) aL χί(οινίκων) >, ἄλλ(η) ἐκ τίοῦ) 
α(ὐτοῦ) (ἄρουρα) a (ἀρταβῶν) γεδ΄ χί(οινίκων) δ, ἄλλ(αι) 

21 ἐκ τίοῦ) α(ὐτοῦ) (ἄρουραι) yZ (ἀρταβῶν) OZ χί(οινίκων) ἡ, ἀλλ(ο) ἐκ τίοῦ) 
α(ὐτοῦ) (ἀρούρης) 4 (ἀρταβῶν) aZd’ χ(οινίκων) ᾧ, γίίνονται) πυροῦ 
(ἀρτάβαι) tn χί(οίνικες) η. 

22 ΠΙνεφερσόις ᾿Οννώφριος γυνὴ ‘Apaxvy( 1) ἐκ τίοῦ) Ἄνδρωνος σὺν τίῷ) 
Μενεσθέως a (ἀρτάβης) (ἄρουραι) «ι (ἀρταβῶν) iad’, νετρῳ 

23 [....Je@dvopos καὶ Παραμόνου (ἀρούρης) Ln (ἀρτάβης) 2 χί(οινίκων) θ, 
βασιλ(ικῆς) (ἀρούρης) λ΄ β΄ (ἀρτάβης) η΄, γ(ίνονται) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβης) 
4δ΄ χί(οίνικες) δ, καὶ ἐκ τ(οῦ) Ἄνδρωνος 

24 ἰσὺν 7(@)| Μενεσθέως a (ἀρτάβης) (ἀρούρης) 2 (ἀρτάβης) 4 χί(οινίκων) γ, 
καὶ ἐκ 7(00) λοιπίοῦ) Μενεσθέως a (ἀρτάβης) (ἄρουρα) a (ἀρταβῶν) 
an, καὶ ἐκ τ(οῦ) ᾿Ανδρονείκ(ου) 

25. [(apovpns)| 2 (ἀρτάβης) 2 χί(οινίκων) γ, καὶ ἐκ τί(οῦ) Πολέμωνος (ἄρουρα) 
a (ἀρταβῶν) an’, γί(ίνονται) ἐπὶ τὸ α(ὐτὸ) πυροῦ (aprdBat) ιεξ. 

26 [L ἐσωμα(τίσθησαν) ἐπὶ πόλεως Αρσινόῳ καὶ Διονυσίῳ ᾿ἀπολλοφάνους a 
(apraéBns) (ἄρουραι) ε (ἀρταβῶν) εξη΄, ἄλ(λο) a (ἀρτάβη»ς) 

27 [(ἀρούρης) 2 (ἀρτάβης)) 4 χί(οινίκων) γ, γί(ίνονται) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ¢ 
x(otvixes) η, ἀγορα(στῶν) δικαίῳ Aprepeite μητ(ρὸς) Πενπαυσείριος 
ἐκ τί(οῦ) “Avdpwvos 

28 [σὺν 7(@) Μενεϊσθέως a (ἀρτάβης) ἀπὸ (ἀρουρῶν) τ (ἄρουραι) ε (ἀρταβῶν) 
εξ[η΄.] γίίνονται) ἐπὶ τὸ α(ὐτὸ) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) tad χ(οίνικες) 
γ; Alolm(at) (ἀρτάβαι) γε χίοίνικες) ¢. 

8. 4 after (ἀρτάβης) corr. from γ (?). 9. θαΐσουτος Pap. 10. τ Of μαρθουτος added 
above a 6. 16. Final χ(οίνικες) y written immediately below αη΄. 22. 6 corr. from a, 
2. ἐκ τ(οῦ) Σωτάδους : sc. κλήρου. A holding mentioned in Col. ii but not in this 

column is ἐκ τ(οῦ) Στρόμβου. 

5. The stroke over the fraction «8 covers also the preceding y, but that was doubtless 
unintentional. The total cy exceeds the sum of the items by 3 (884+4+4 33 = 121). It is 
unlikely that these 3 occurred in the lacuna at the beginning of the line, since neither xalé 
nor & can be read before ek; pyr(pds). ... |s is more likely. 


6. κληρονό(μοι) is supplied on the analogy of several entries in Cols. ii and iii. At the 
end of this line an amount of artabae is missing; cf. |. 7. 

7. ἰδρύο]υ : cf, 1. 8 ἄλλ(ο) δρύου and |. 12. The word is unknown: is it a form of 
δρυμός ἢ 

An amount of artabae is again missing before οἰκοπ(έδου); οἵ, 1. 6. It is doubtful what 
followed γῴ(ίνονται) ; neither πυροῦ nor (πυροῦ) suits the papyrus. The meaning of the aZ after 
x(oiuxes) 8 is also obscure. In Col. ii aZ occurs in connexion with ἰδιωτικὴ γῆ : γίίνονται) 
(ἄρουραι) yn’ (ἀρταβῶν) «8 χ(οινίκων) 8, ἰδιω(τικῆς) aZ καὶ a (ἀρτάβης) ἐκ τ(οῦ) Θέωνος κτλ., from 
which it appears that (ἀρταβῶν) is to be supplied and a new category of land paying 14 art. 
is meant ; cf. the Ptolemaic διαρταβία (P. Tebt. 5. 15, note). 

8. At the beginning of the line either 828’ or αζΖη΄ must be wrong, and since the latter 
figure is corroborated by the addition, the fault is shown to lie with 8Z8, which should 
be δΖδη. Another mistake occurs in the number ἰαΖ χ(οίνικες) ε, for this exceeds the later 
total 7 art. 9 choen., and it is evident that the « should be omitted and that (ἀρτάβαι) aZ 
χί(οίνικες) ε is another way of expressing the previous number (ἀρτάβαι) aZy ; cf. 1. 23. The 
final total is then correct : 5 art. 4 choen. (I. 7) +13 art. 5 choen. +4art. = 7 art. 9 choen. 
That the artaba contained 40 choenices is confirmed by Il. 12, 21, &c. 

9. ἀντιπ(οιουμένων) : in one place in Col. ii the word is written in a less abbreviated 
form, ai δι(ὰ) τῶν ἀγοραστῶν καὶ ἀντιποιουμ(ένωνῚ κτλ. 

ΓΙ. Νεικοστρά(του) : i.e. ἐκ τ(οῦ) N. 

12. The items in ll, ro-12 add up to 6% art. 31 choen., and the total is given 
in |], 12 as 7% art. 6 choen., i.e. 25 choen. are reckoned as § art., implying an artaba of 
40 choen. 

14. x(oivxes) s should no doubt be χ(οίνικες) y, which, with the exception of I. 12, is the 
regular amount for οἰκοπ(έδου). With this correction the equation 5 choen. = } art. results, 
as in ll. 8, 23, and 27. 

17. ver(p@): cf. 1. 22 and also an entry in Col. ii τῆς “Eppiou ἀκολούθως χρημα(τίζοντος) 
πί ) wrpee..[. In both these places the » is clear and μέτρῳ certainly cannot be read, 
nor does μέτρῳ seem suited to the context. verp» however is an unknown word and the 
sense is obscure. 

21. An artaba of 40 choenices again follows from the addition of the items, which 
amount to 173 art. 38 choen. The total as given is 18 art. 8 choen.; therefore 30 choen. 
= j art. 

22. ‘Apaxvy( ): other uncommon names occurring in Col. ii are Παρδαλᾶς and Πενπαυ- 
λῆμις (fem.). 

23. The total 3 art. 4 choen. is the sum of the two preceding items, 5 choen. being 
reckoned, as before, as Σ art. 

25. 114 ἘΞ ΈΣ ΕΙΣ ἘΣ 14 art. and ro choen. = 152 art. and ro choen., = 154 art. 

26. [L ἐσωμα(τίσθησαν) : two similar entries occur in Col. ii, e.g. L ἐσωμα(τίσθησαν) 
Ραβεινίᾳ “lowdadpa . . . λοιπ(αὶ) (πυροῦ) (dprdBacr).. . Οὐ σωματισμός cf. P. Fay. 33. 18-19, note, 
and Eger, Aeg. Grundbuchwesen, p. 188, Lewald, Rém.-Aeg. Grundbuchrecht, p. 79, who 
both support our view. It may be suggested that in P. Brit. Mus. 604. 3 κατ᾽ «ld[os 
σωματισμοῦ should be restored in place of κατ᾽ εἴδίη σπερ]ματισμοῦ. 


1045. LIST OF DUES. 

Height 33-5 cm. About a.p. 205. 

The following much mutilated fragments are given as specimens of the 
document on the recto of 1012. C contains part of a list of property-owners, of 
whom many bear Roman names and several are women; their property is 
frequently stated to be in the territory of Alexandria, and the sums mentioned 
are large. The column printed was preceded by another of which only one or 
two letters remain. A is occupied with some official correspondence, written in 
the same large hand as the list, to which it no doubt refers, though whether by 
way of general preface or otherwise is uncertain ; τῶν ὀφειϊλομένων κεφαλαίων in 
1, 49 may well refer to the amounts detailed in C. Two other fragments, E and 
F, appear to contain matter of a kind somewhat similar to that of A ; the former 
mentions |s ὁ διοικητής. 


προστεβθ]είσας (δραχμὰς) δη- 
[μ]οσίου υἱ ἐν τῇ 
[Ἀλ]εξί(ανδρέων) χώζ(ρᾳ) ὑπαρχ( ) 
[- - .(]Ἰ. mpool 

5 [Σαρ]απίων ὁ [καὶ ἐν τῇ 
᾿ἀλεξ(ανδρέων) χά(ρᾳ) ὑϊπαρχί ) μετὰ τὰς προσ- 

τεθείσας [(δραχμὰς) 
[Σ᾿ τ]ατιλλία ᾿ἀντίπατίρα 
τῶν Μενελάου τί 
10 (ταλαντ ) κα (δραχμ ) Aka ἀπὸ τοῦ of 
Κλαυδία Χαιρημονὶς Ϊ ἐν τῇ ᾿ἀλεξ(ανδρέων) 
χώρᾳ ὑπάρχί( ) (ταλαντ ) ιὃ [ μετὰ τὰς προσ- 
τεθείσας (δραχμὰς) ᾽άχις [ 
Μάρκος Κόλαινος ‘Ape 
ι5 ᾿[Ιουλίου ᾿Αἰλ]εξάνδρου ε.Ϊ 
(radkavr ἡ 1B af....].[... .Jval 
᾿Αντώνιοϊς ἐν τῇ 

᾿Αλεξί(ανδρέων) xdpa . |... .]απί 


Αἰλία Εἰρήνη ἡ [κα]ὶ Σερηΐν 

ὁ [5 ὁ τσ δ. ὁ σὰ α Ὁ ] (ταλαντ ) ta [ 
Maj. .jadl..... ἐϊκ mpo. [ 

(ταλαντ ) pd ἀπὸ τῶν συνα[γομένων 


Μαρκία Σ᾿ ουλπικία εἰς Ndyor(?) 
ὑπαρχί ) αὐτοῦ (ταλαντ ) a (δραχμ ) ᾽Γχί 
25. Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Νικαιΐ 
ἡ καὶ Ἡράκλεια τῶν [ 

ἐν τῷ Ἁδριανῷ γραμί ἀπὸ 
τῶν συναγο(μένων) (ταλαντ ) B (δραχμ ) us [ 
τὸ ty (ἔτος) (δδαχμ ) ᾽Δυ [ 
30 Νεμεσιανὸς ὁ καὶ “Ηρα! 
τοῦ καὶ Taiavod ἐν τῇ [Αλεξί(ανδρέων) χώ(ρᾳ) ὑπαρχί ) ἀπὸ τῶν 

συναγ[οἸμ(ένων) [(δραχμ ἢ]. xis μείτὰ τὰς προστεθ(είσας) (Spaxpas) (3) 
Πούπλιος] Τιτιαν[ὸς 

A (Frs. 1-2). 
Remains of 3 lines. 
] μέρος μὲν a.f[....J|ns πρὸς] τοὺς κοινῷ! ς 
(ταλαντ ) ja (δραχμ ) ᾿Ενθ καὶ πρός. φρόντι[σ]ον οὖν τὴν | 
(?) ποιήσασθαι ἐὰν |... .Jraf...... le ἐκ Tod | 
40 pO linge dl μὴν sOb ΠΟΥ ol 
[kB a|bocoe πὸ rofl... .].. Tour . [ 
alkoaoe | παρατ[(θ]εσθαι ravral 

]- οὐκ .[.. ΓΞ of.Juorl. Jer 
Σεπτιμίου)] Σ᾽ εἸουήρου Evce[Bojis Περτίνακος Σεβαστοῦ 

45 δ]ηλωθεῖσι ὑπὸ τοῦ τῆς πίόλεω]ς γραμματέως 
] νομοῦ πραγματικῶϊν .. «Ἰνη 
κλ]ηρονόμοις τοῦ Εἰρηνίωνος Σαραϊπ 
Ἰητρια ἐπέστειλα ὅπως ἐξαυτῆς τί 
τῶν ὀφειλομένων κεφαλαίων ὑπὸ τοῦ . [ 
50 rae εἰδόσιν εἰ δί ὑπερτί. . ow | 

ypalpetor ἐσόϊμ]ενα καὶ τί 


Ἰξι ὅπως πα]ντὸς τοῦ k{ 


15. Ἰουλίου Pap. 

I. pera tas is probably to be restored before προστεθείσας here and in ll. 6 and 12; 
cf. 1. 32. For προστεθείσας cf. e.g. Β. Ὁ. U. 8. ii. 15 sqq. 

3. [᾿Αλ᾽εξ(ανδρέων) yal (pa) : cf. 1]. 6 and18. Wilcken reminds me that according to the 
edict of Julius Alexander (Dittenberger, Orzentis Gr. Inscr. 669. 59-60) the ἀρχαία γῆ in the 
᾿Αλεξανδρέων χώρα was free of land-tax, so that the plots mentioned in this papyrus may have 
belonged to some other category. 

44. This line gave the date of the foregoing letter, (grovs) . Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος 
Λουκίου Σεπτιμίου] Σ[εἸουήρου κτὰλ., 1.€. A.D. 193-198. 

48. Probably Δημ]ητρίᾳ, as one of the κληρονόμοι ; but the division 7) τρία is of course 
also possible. 

50-1. The sense no doubt is that neglect of the instructions will be punished: but 
δι’ ὑπέρθ[ εἰσιν cannot be read. 


24°5 Χ 9 cm. A. D. 218-219. 

Conclusion of an account of payments for various taxes and dues. The 
verso contains a letter (1064). 

TYLA(S) χλωρῶν) (Spaxpai) vpe (ὀβολὸς) χ(αλκοῦς) a, 
TOK(ov) διοική(σεως) (Spaxpat) pig (πεντώβολον) χ(αλκοῖ) γ, 
προσόδιων) ἀμπελ(ώνων) (δραχμαὶ ρκθ, 
ἱερατ(ικῶν) χλωρώ(ν) (Spaxpat) €, 

5 σεντάξεως (Spaxpat) πῴ (τριώβολον) χ(αλκοῖ) γ, 
/ (δραχμαὴ ᾿Βρμη. 
καὶ διεγρά(φησαν) ἐπὶ τὴν δημοσί(αν) tpd(refav) 
ὑπὸ Κλαυδίίας) ᾿Ισιδώρα(ς) τῆς κ(αὴ ‘Arias 

ἀπομοίρη(9) (δραχμαὴ pis, 
10 καὶ ὑπὸ Αὐρηλίου ᾿Αχιλλέως τοῦ κ(αὶ) ᾿Ισιδώρο(υ) 
ἀπομοίρη(ς) (Spaxpai) As, 

/ (δραχμαὴ ρνβ. 


JY emi τὸ αὐτὸ) τῆς διαστολ(ῆς) (δραχμαὶ) ᾿Βτ. 
(ἔτους) B Αὐτοκρατόρος Καίσαρος 
15 Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου ᾿Αντωνίνου 
Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς Σεβαστοῦ 

5. |. συντάξεως. 

I. Tyun(s) χλωρῶ(ν): cf. P. Brit. Mus. 171 (@), a receipt for 36 drachmae paid to 
a πράκτωρ σιτικ(ῶν) διοικήσ(εως) κώμης Soxvoraiov Νήσου On 243 arourae ἀπὸ τιμῆ(ς) χλωρῶν, 
Line 4 below records another payment for χλωρά on some temple-land, ἱερατ(ικῶν) χλωρῶ(ν). 

3. Taxes on ἀμπελῶνες are well known under various names, but this particular form 
προσόδ(ων) ἀμπελ(ὠνων), which recalls the προσόδων φοινίκ(ων) (Wilcken, Ost. No. 276, A.p. 186-- 
187), appears to be novel. Wilcken in Os/ i. p. 310 regards the impost ὑπὲρ προσόδων 
φοινίκ(ων) as an income-tax ; that however is uncertain, 

5. For the priestly σύνταξις, which is here appropriately placed next to ἱερατ(ικῶν) 
xAepa(v), cf, P. Tebt. 302. 5, B.G.U. 707. το, Otto, Priester und Tempel, i. pp. 366 sqq. ; 
. ἱερατικ(αὶ) συντάξεις also occurs in an unpublished Hawara papyrus. 

9. aropoipy(s): in P. Brit. Mus. 195. 9-10 ἀπόμοιρα is calculated at a rate of ro dr. per 
aroura of ἀμπελῶνες, and 5 dr. per aroura of παράδεισοι ; a rate of 5 drachmae is also found in 
B.G.U. 915. x. 

13. τῆς διαστολ(ῆς) : cf. e.g. B.G. U. 552 A. iii. 5, 553 A. iii. το. 

25:8 x 12-8 cm. Fourth century. 

A short account of two payments to a pracpositus (castrorum), one for 
stipendium, the other as a donativum. At the other end of the papyrus, written 
in the opposite direction, there are Io lines of a calculation of days according to 
the Roman calendar, preceded by a heading |. ov, e.g. 11. 7-10 [Adyou ἀπὸ 
τῆς [ πρὸ ll καλανδ(ῶν) ᾿Οκτομβρίων ἕως τῆς mpd a ἰδῶν τῶν α(ὐτῶν), ἡμερ(ῶν) ιδ. 
λόγου ἀπὸ τῆς [[ mpd ιζ καλανδῶν Νοεμβρίω»]) ἰδῶν Ὀκτωμβρίων (vd. οκτ. above the line) 
ἕως τῆς νωνῶν (vw corr. from προ) Νοεμβρίων, ἡμερ(ῶν) κβ. 

Aéyos τοῦ κυρίου μου πραιποσίτου. 
στιπενδίου καλανδῶν 
Σεπτεμβρίων (δηναρίων) μ(υριάδες) y ς, 
δωνατίουον πρὸ ὀκτὼ καλ(ανδῶν) ᾿ 

5 «Αὐγούστων (δηνάρια) Bd. 
72 ὁμοῦ μί(υριάδες) y | η}φ. 


‘Account of my lord the praepositus: for the stipend of September 1, 36,000 denarii, 
a present on July 25, 2,500 denarii, making together 38,500 denarii.’ 

3. The abbreviation of μ(υριάδες) here takes the form of a large uncial M, above which 
the y is written, 


28:3 Χ 18-9 cm, Late fourth or early fifth century. 

The following account is written on the verso of 1033. It is a list (βρεούιον) 
of freights of corn carried by boats which are classified as λουσωρίαι (dusoriae) 
and πλοῖα, with the names of the owners of the boats and their captains. For 
the dusortae see Cod. Theod. vii. 17 de lusoriis Danuvit, where they are styled 
wudictariae and agrarienses, and it is also ordained that gwaecumaque ex veteribus 
Juerint veformatae transvectiont speciet annonariae secernantur; cf. Theod. 
Novel. 23. The freights here are presumably to be connected with the eméola. 
Lines 8-15 are in ink of a different colour from that used for the first seven lines 
and were probably written at a different time, but the hand is perhaps the same. 
Oblique dashes occur in the left margin against Il. 2-7, and there are some 
obscure marginal annotations.— Cf. P. Flor. 75, &c. 

Aovowp(ia) Πακίου πολ(ιτευομένου) ὑπὸ Θεόδωρον Ilapir 
(ἀρτάβαι) ὠκγ, 
πλ(οῖον) τοῦ αὐτοῦ ὑπὸ Εὐδαίμονα Σαρατᾶ (ἀρτάβαϊ!) υιεξ, 
πλί(οϊον) ‘Aetiov πολ(ιτευομένου) ὑπὸ Τιμόθεον Κιχῦτος 
(ἀρτάβα) βχκ, 
Pes ) πλί(οῖον) ᾿Αθανασίου πολ(ιτευομένου) ὑπὸ Πλούταρχον Πανίωίνος ?) 
᾿ (ἀρτάβαι) γχλ, 
πλί(οϊον) τοῦ αὐτοῦ ὑπὸ ᾿Αλέξανδρον Κοπρέως (ἀρτάβαι) δυιζ, 


i ) λου(σωρία) Σατορνίλου λαμίπροτάτου ?) ὑπὸ Νεμεσίωνα δι(ὰ) 
ITa@ros (ἀρτάβαι) Buée, 
Ἰχοι(. ) πλί(οῖον) Σ᾽ ατορνίλου λαμίπροτάτου) ὑπὸ Ad€~a . pov Διδύμου 
ἰῷ (ἀρτάβαι) ψοΐξδ 
κριθῶν (ἀρτάβαι) αψυβ, 

10 mA(otov) Οὐαλερ(ίου) πολ(ιτευομένου) ὑπζὸ Πγ)αῦλον Yapamiwvos 

(ἀρτάβαι) βρυς, 


MaxkpoBiov πλίοῖον) ὑπὸ O€(w)va ᾿4γάθου (ἀρτάβαι) nz, 

καὶ πέμπτης (ἀρτάβαι) Bz, 
ca ἄλλαι τῆς ( ) €f . nv (ἀρτάβαι) AB, 
1.» 'Μακροβίου mX(otov) ὑπὸ Aidvpoy Πλᾶ (ἀρτάβαι) ατὰς, 
15 Aevxadiov πλί(οῖον) ὑπὸ ‘Amgots Evdaipovos (ἀρτάβαι) TZ. 
8. 1. ᾿Αλέξανδρον. du of διδυμου corr. 15. ]. ᾿Απφοῦν. 

2. πολ(ιτευομένου) : this expansion of the abbreviation πολί )) is indicated by a fragment 
of a similar list, which was found along with this, headed δι(ὰ) τοῦ νομικοῦ and containing the 
titles ἀπὸ πρ(εσβυτέρων) and σχολ(αστικοῦ) in the same position as πολ(ιτευομένου). 

5. The margin does not seem to be quite complete, but the loss before xo) &c. 
in the marginalia on 1]. 5-8 is in any case small. For Uaviw(vos) cf. C. P. R. 34. 1 Παννίωνι. 

8. ᾿Αλέξανδρον was doubtless intended, but cannot be read; the letter before p looks 
most like another a. 

10. ὑπ(ὸ Πγαῦλον is suggested by the fragment mentioned in the note on 1. 1, ὑπὸ Παῦλον 
occurring there. 

12. πέμπτης is apparently the name of a tax, and may be the same as the πέμπτη which 
occurs in P. Brit. Mus. 1107 in connexion with λιμένος Μέμφεως and emorareias ; that papyrus, 
however, is of the third century. 

13. This line is obscure. The top of the s of ys is brought down to a level of its base 
and followed by two oblique dashes; and there are some slanting flourishes between εἰ and 
nv. probably stands for πέμπτης : cf. e.g. P. Brit. Mus. 1107, where πέμπτης is written ε 2 
after its first occurrence ; but τῆς α(ὐτῆς) is unsuitable. 


30-6 X 14:2 cm. Late second century. 

An account of expenses incurred in connexion with the transport of χόρτος 
to the village of Ophis. Hire of donkeys is at the rate of 2 drachmae a day, 
of donkey-drivers 1 drachma 5 obols and 2 dr. 4 ob., of workmen employed 
in tying up bundles 3 dr. 3 ob. The account is written on the verso of 1082. 

[A]éy(os) μεταφο(ρᾶς) χόρτ(ου) μετανελθίόντος) 
εἰς τίὴν) ἅλω τῆς ᾿Ὥφεως Παχών. 
in. ὄνο(). θ φο(ρτία) n, 7 μα(νδάκαι) οβ ἐξ ἀνκαλ(ῶν) py, ἀγώ(για) κδ. 
μισθ(ὸς) ὄνο(ι5) θ. ἐκ (δραχμῶν) B (δραχμαὶ) ιη, 
5 ὀνηλί(άταις) ὁμ(οίως) y ἐκ (δραχμῆς) a (πεντωβόλου) 
(δραχμαὶ ε (ὀβολός), 


ἀλ(λφ) α ὀνηλ(άτῃ) ὁμί(οίως) (δραχμαὴ β (τετρώβολον), 
ἀλ(λοις) β ἐργ(άταις) δεσμ(εύουσι) μανδίάκας) (δραχμαὶ y (τριώβολον). 
/ (δραχμαὶ κθ (ὀβολός). 
ιθ. dp(otws) ὄνο(ι) εβ φο(ρτέα) ἡ, ,, μα(νδάκαι) ας, ἀγά(για) AP. 
το μισθὸς) dvo(is) ιβ ex] (δραχμῶν) β (δραχμαὴ [kd,] 
ὀνηλ(άταις) ὁμί(οίως) > ex] (δραχμῆς) a (πεντωβόλου) 
(δραχμαὶ « (δυόβολοι), 
ἀλί(λοις) β ἐργ(άταις) δεσμ(εύουσι) μα(νδάκας) (Spaxpal) γ (τριώβολον). 
/ (δραχμαὴ λέ (πεντώβολον). 
k. ὁμ(οίως) ὄνο() δ᾽ go(pria) 0, 4 μα(νδάκαι) As, ἀἸγώ(για) cy. 
15 μισθ(ὸς) dvo(is) ὃ ex (δραχμῶν) B (δραχμαὶ) ἴη,] 
ὀνηλ(άταις) ὁμ(οίως) β ἐκ (δραχμῆς) a (πεντωβόλου) 
(δραχμαὶ y (τριώβολον), 
ἄλ(λῳ) ἐργ(άτῃ) α δεσμίεύοντι) μαί(νδάκα:) (δραχμὴ) a (πεντώβολον). 
/ (Spaxpat) ty (6Borés). 
ka]. op(otws) ὄνο(ι) ¢ φο(ρτία) ἡ, [AK μ]α(νδάκαι) μη, ἀγά(για) [ι5. 
20 μισθ(ὸς) ὄνο(ι5) 5 ἐκ (δραχμῶν) β (δραχμαὴ [ιβ.] 
[ὀϊνηλί(άταις) ὁμ(οίως) y ἐκ (δραχμῆς) a (πεντωβόλου) 
[δραχμαὶ ε (ὀβολός) 
aA) ἐργ(άτῃ) a δεσμίεύοντι) μ[α(νδάκας) [(δραχμὴ) a] (πεντώβολον). 
JS (Spaxpai) [ιθ. 
Y ἐπίὶ τὸ αὐτὸ) ἀγώ(για) πἰε) [(δραχμαὴ 8. 

5. The sign for (δραχμῆς) was inserted after a was written. 

Lines 1-13: 

‘ Account of the transport of hay transferred to the threshing-floor of Ophis in Pachon. 

The 18th. 9 donkeys, 8 loads, making 72 trusses from 43 bundles, 24 cart-loads. 
Wages for 9 donkeys at 2 drachmae, 18 dr., likewise for 3 drivers at 1 dr. 5 obols, 5 dr. 
1 ob., likewise for another driver 2 dr. 4 ob., for 2 more workmen binding trusses 3 dr. 3 ob. 
Total 29 dr. 1 ob. 

The roth. Likewise 12 donkeys, 8 loads, making 96 trusses, 32 cart-loads. Wages 
for 12 donkeys at 2 dr., 24 dr., likewise for 6 drivers at 1 dr. 5 ob., 10 dr. 2 ob., for 2 more 
workmen binding trusses 3 dr. 3 ob. ‘Total 37 dr. 5 ob.’ 

3. po ) can hardly be anything but ¢o(pria); the constancy of the figures with 
φο(ρτία), 8 thrice, 9 once, indicates that they represent the number of journeys to the ἅλως 
performed in the day. These φορτία are equated to μανδάκαι, and three pavdaxa are 
reckoned as an ἀγώγιον. Cf. P. Brit. Mus. 131. 585 sqq. where μανδάκαι, ἀγκάλαι, and ἀγώγια 


are found together, as here, 1166. 12-13, and the Oxyrhynchus ostracon referred to in the 
note on 935. το. 

5. The drachmae are throughout on the silver standard, seven obols being the equivalent 
of a drachma. 

7. δεσμ(εύουσι) μανδ(άκας) : cf. P. Brit. Mus. 131.426 ἐργάτηι δεσμεύοντι ἀγκάλας (πεντὠβολον). 

24. It is doubtful what followed ἐπ(ὶ τὸ αὐτό). The total of the ἀγώγια would hardly be 
expected to be given here, but neither dpyu(piov) [(δραχμαὶ) 94 nor ἀγω(γῆς) [(Spaxpat)| 44 is 
suitable. The letter after’a may well be A, and perhaps some form or derivative of ἅλως 
occurred; cf. 1. 2. 


20-4 X 15:5 cm. Second or third century. 

A fragment of an account of expenditure for the purposes of the public 
games at Oxyrhynchus. Cf. 519, part of an account of the same character, 
where several of the items that are found here recur, and 1025. 

Col. i. 
Ady(os) (δραχμῶν) v. σφαιρομάχί(οις) [ 
ἱερεῦσι (δραχμαὴ &, ἄλ(λῳ) ἐεύγί(ει) παν[κρατ(ιαστῶν) 
Νείλῳ (δραχμαὶ κ, 15 Κώφῳ πύκί(τῃ) Ϊ 
θρόνῳ (δραχμαὶ κ, φύλ(αξι) θεάτρου 
5 ἱπποκόμί(οις) (δραχμαὴ ., pavralis 
κήρυκι [ παν .Ϊ 
ξυστάρχί(ῃ) [ μανγανᾳ . [ 
‘DQ pelove [ 20 αὐλητίῇ 
Σεουήρῳ [ iepod|ovAots 
10 Βελλαρείνῳ ΐ ερὶ 
βραβευταῖς ΐ τί 
πανκρατ(ιαστῶν) (ε[ύγ(ει) 
Col. ii. 
28 μείμω | 

2. ἵερευσι Pap. 5. ἵπποκομ Pap. 6. First x of κηρυκι corr. from ic. 21. ἵεροδί Pap. 


‘Account of 400 drachmae. To the priests 60 dr., to Nilus 20 dr., for a chair 20 dr., 
grooms .. dr., a herald . . dr., the master of the games .. dr., Horion . . dr., Severus . . dr., 
Bellarinus . . dr., umpires . . dr., a pair of pancratiasts . . dr., boxers armed with the ball 
εν dr., another pair of pancratiasts . . dr., to Cophus the boxer . . dr., guards of the theatre 
.. dr. sprinklers .. dr.,... conjurer .. dr., flute-player . . dr., temple-slaves .. dr.,... an 
actor... dr., a Homeric reciter... dr.’ 

3. Cf. 519. 10, where 20 dr. are paid κωμασταῖς Νείλ(ου). 

10. Βελλαρείνῳ : or possibly βελλαρείνῳ, from dellarza; but dellarinus does not occur, 
and the word would hardly be in place in this context. 

15. Κώφῳ: cf. P. Tebt. 283. 8, 406. 26, P. Goodsp. 30. ili. 26 υἱῷ Κώφης (not κωφ.). 

17. paras: cf. B.G. U. 185. 10 ῥεάντης, and Wessely’s note in S/udien 2. Paldogr. il. 25. 

19. An unfamiliar derivative of μάγγανον seems to have occurred here; μανγανευτῇ, 
which would be expected, cannot be read. 


15:3 X Third century. 

A list of articles, chiefly of dress, belonging to a woman whose name is 
given at the end; cf. 921, where the vocabulary is very similar, and also 741, 
P. Tebt. 405-6, P. Gen. 80, &c. 

Δελματίκιν [..... α, τριν πορφύρας ῥιζί- 
δελματίκιν λινοῦν ov, κολόβιν γυνεκῖοϊν 
ῥιζόσημον α, [ἀναβο- 15. Ψευδοπόρφυρον α, 
λάδιν ἰσνεν a, [κολό- δελματικὴ λινᾶ α, 
5 βιν δίσημον ἴα, ῥιζό- μαπὶν αφρεν α, 
σημον a, φ[ιβλατώ- ὀξύβαφον Kali) πινά- 
pw a, στιχάρίιν λιν- κιν, ἀργυρᾶ μαπα ε, 
ody a, κολόβ[ιν λιν- 20 ἢ ] σά- 
[οἹῦν τριβακὸν [α,... γος λευκὸς α, 
10 |. .Javov ἀναβολ[άδιν Badavapw a. 
[α,] φιβλατώριν a, Κυριλ(λγοῦτος. 
[σινδόνιν a, ἱμιλί- 
4. ἴσνεν Pap. 12. ἵμιλιτριν Pap.: 1. ἡμιλίτρι(ο)ν, τ4. 1. yuvacx(e)iofr. 16. 1]. λινῆ. 
κα Dalmatian vest, 1 linen Dalmatian vest with vegetable-purple stripe, 1 ... shawl, 

1 shirt with double stripe, 1 with vegetable-purple stripe, 1 band with buckle, r linen tunic, 
τ linen shawl, worn, 1... shawl, 1 band with buckle, 1 cambric, half a pound of vegetable- 


purple, r woman’s shirt of false purple, 1 linen Dalmatian vest, 1... napkin, a saucer and 
plate, 5 silvered napkins (?), 1 white blanket, 1 towel. The property of Cyrillous.’ 

3. ῥιζόσημον : a new compound ; cf. 1. 13 πορφύρας ῥιζίου. 

6. φ[ιβλατώ]ριν : cf. 1.11. It is the Latin fibulatorium. 

7. στιχάριον occurs also in P, Gen. 80. 3, 6.8. 

15. Wevdoréppupov : i. e., presumably, dyed with πορφύρα prcias. 

17. It is doubtful how the letters should be divided. pamw may be for μαππίον, but 
appev is puzzling. At the end of the line above a there is no sign of the horizontal stroke 
which usually accompanies numerals in this list, but it may have disappeared with some of 
the fibres of the papyrus, or have been omitted, as was apparently the case in I. 3. 

19. pana: 1. μαππία) Cf.1.17. But ἀργυρᾶ is an unexpected epithet. 

20. The upper fibres of the papyrus are missing where this line would naturally have 
stood, but possibly this had happened before the list was written and there is nothing missing 
before adyos. The letters σὰ are below the lacuna caused by the detachment of the fibres, 
and their position cannot be accounted for by the mere slope of the line. But it is curious 
that, if there is no loss, the word should have been begun at this point. 

22, Badravapw: cf. 1026. 14. 


24-7 X 10-2 cm. Fourth century. 

A list of amounts, which are associated with various Oxyrhynchite villages, 
of balsam valued in money, and of wool and woad (ἰσάτις) estimated by weight. 
Several names occur among the villages which have not previously appeared in 
the papyri. The account is written on the verso of 1057, and is therefore later 
than the year A.D, 362. 

Κερκεύρων τι(μῆς) Bapodpolv| (δηναρίων) p(vpiddes) vv, 

Σερύφεως (δηναρίων) p(upiddes) sp 
Σενεκελεὺ (δηναρίων) [p(vpiddes)| ατν, 
Μουχινάξας (δηναρίων) μ(υριάδες) χλ, 

5 Σύρων (δηναρίων) pupiddes) Bp 
᾿Αλεξοῦτος (δηναρίων) μ(υριάδες) tv, 
ἐποικ(ίου) Mep..s (δηναρίων) μίυριάδες) py. 

Κερκεύρων λίτραι) ιβ, 
10 Βαφέϊων Te] wai?) ε, 

Σενεκελεὺ λί(τραι) η, 


Bagléwv) μί(ναϊ) ε, 

Σερύφεως λίζτραι) KB μίναϊ) 1, 

Μουχινάξας λί(τραι) B μ(ναϊ) y, 
15 Κερκεθύρεως di(rpa) β, 
᾿ἀλεξοῦτος λί(τρα) a μ(νᾶ) a, 
Σύρων A(rpat) ιβ μ(ναῖ) ιβ, 
Πετεμούνεως λίζτραι) y p(vat) y. 


[Σ]ερύφεως δί ) κεντ(ηνάρια) ἡ λίτραι) re, 



[Σ]Ἰενεκελεὺ κεντ(ηνάριον) a λί(τραι) x, 
[Mjovyxwagéas κεντίηνάριον) a, 
[ΚἸε[ρἸκεθύρ(εως) λίζτραι) Ky, 

25 [.. ἤκουλι,. ov κεντ(ηνάριον) a λίτραι) ki 

In the left margin, at right angles 
Πέτνη κεντ(ηνάρια) B, Περεινούεως a λίτραι) v, Πετεμούνεως λί(τραι)) v, 
Σύρων κεντ(ηνάρια) ε, Adre~odros κεντ(ηνάριον) a, Κερκεύρων κεντ(ηνάρια) 
y {xevt(nvdpia)} λίτραι) π. 

τ. ]. βαλσάμο[υ]. 20. of xevr corr. from λι(τραι). 

1. βάλσαμον occurs in B.G. U. 953. 6 and ὀποβάλσαμον in B. G. U. 34. v. 13. 

7. Not Meppép6a. 

το. The third letter of the name is most probably a ¢, and the other vestiges suit 
Bagel|v ; cf. 1. 12, where the abbreviation Βαφί. 2) is more natural if the same name had 
just occurred. On the other hand there is no other instance in the list of the name of 
a village being repeated under the same heading. With regard to the μναῖ the only 
objection is that these consistently follow the λίτραι, instead of preceding them as would be 
expected; cf. e.g. P. Brit. Mus. 1254, where the normal order is observed. But it is 
difficult to perceive what else can be meant, and in |. ro μν(αῖ), or even μνα(), may be read ; 
in the other cases the word is written simply as » with a wavy flourish after it. 

20. In the abbreviation of κεντ(ηνάριον) the vis slurred, so that there sometimes appears 
to be only «er: the ν is clearest in 1. 27 after ᾿Αλεξοῦτος. The preceding abbreviation, 
which consists of ὃ and a waved flourish, is obscure. 

21. Kroiowy (?) appears to be a village-name, the amount corresponding to which has 
not been filled in. 



24:4 Χ 27-8cm. Late sixth or early seventh century. 

This papyrus was briefly and not quite accurately described in Part I, 191. 
Both recto and verso contain accounts connected more or less directly with the 
dykes. That on the recto refers to repairs carried out on an estate at Tarousebt (cf. 
998), and is important as showing that the naubion, or as it is here called ναούιον, 
was at this period a cubic ξύλον, thus confirming our restoration of 669.' The 
Ptolemaic naubion is now known to have beena cube of two royal cubits (Comptes 
Rendus de 0 Acad. des Inscr. 13 Juillet 1906), and since the ξύλον contained three 
cubits it is clear that the naubion, at any rate in the later Roman and Byzantine 
periods, had gained in size. Fifty such naubia are here valued at one solidus. 
The account on the verso gives particulars of the expenditure of 2273 solidi, 
which were received from a superintendent of dykes and disbursed for various 
purposes. Both these documents most probably belong to the papers of the 
Apion family (cf. P. Oxy. I. pp. 206 sqq.), with which several of the villages 
named on the verso are known to have been connected. 

+ Adyos ] τοῦ κτήμ(ατος) TapovotBr γεναμέ(νης) ἐπὶ μη(νὸς) ᾿Επεὶφ 
Ks ivd(t)k(tiwvos) ε ὀχυρώσε(ως) > ἰν(δικτίωνος) 

1 δ(ιὰ) ᾿Ιωάννου ποταμίτί(ου) καὶ καιν(οποιοῦ ?) otr(ws): 
μήκ(ους) ξύλ(α") α πλάτους) ξύλ(α) ps BaO(ous) ξύλ(α) as εἰς ναούι(α) dod, 
μήκ(ους) ξύλ(α) KE πλά(τους) ξύλ(α) ιβ βάθους) ξύλ(ου) y εἰς ναούι(α) pn, 

5. μήκ(ους) ξύλ(α) Kn πλά(τους)) ξύλ(α) us βάθ(ους) ξύλ(ου) 5 εἰς ναούι(α) σκδ, 
μήκί(ους) ξύλ(α) Ay πλάζτους}) ξυλ(α) KB βαάθ(ους) ξύλ(ου) γ΄ εἰς ναού((α) σξδ, 
μήκ(ους) ξύλ(α) ιη mdd(rovs)| ξύλ(α) ι( βάθ(ους) ξύλ(ου) γ΄ εἰς ναούι(α) ρβ, 

| γίνεται) ναούι(α) epkn εἰς νο(μισμάτια) pic, 


νο(μισμάτια) KEL, 
10 ] 7 νο(μισμάτια) prs. 
] ναούι(α) TY εἰς νο(μισμάτια) ᾧ, γ(ίνεται) 
ὁ(μοῦ) νο(μισμάτια) ρμγ. 
1 Dr. Kenyon informs me that P. Brit. Mus. 1785, of the Byzantine period, shows that the mutilated 

adjective in 669. 4 is ἱερατι]κόν. With 1053 recto cf. now P. Giessen 42 (ed. P. Meyer 1910), where in 1. 5 
read Ba@(os) σ΄, i.e. % ξύλον, 



+ Anpplata) τοῦ χωματεπίκτ(ου) νο(μισμάτια) σκίβ΄, 

L δίδετ(αι) εἰς γεουχικ(ὸν) λόγί(ον) οὕ(τως)" 

Oa) τῶ(ν) ἀπὸ Σ΄ πανίας νο(μισμάτιαλ) 4, 

15 δ(ιὰ) τῶ(ν) ἀπὸ Ταπέτι νο(μισμάτια) ιβ, 
δ(ιὰ) τῶν ἀπὸ Takéva ἐνεχθ(έντων) νοίμισμάτια) κ. 
O(ta) τῶν ἀπὸ Ταρουθίνου νο(μισμάτια) λέ, 
O(a) τῶ(ν) ἀπὸ Μεσκανούνεως νο(μισμάτια) β, 
O(a) τῶ(ν)ὺ ἀπὸ Σ᾿ εφὼ νο(μισμάτια) β. 

290 ,΄ νο(μισμάτια) my, ,“΄ ἀρ(ιθμοῦ) π(αρὰ) τῶ(ν) χωμ(α)τεπικτ(ῶν) 
νο(μισμάτια) ρμδβ΄. 

ἐξ (ὧν) ἐδόθ(η) τοῖς ἀπὸ Νεσμίμεως νο(μισμάτιαλ) ι, 
τοῖς ἀπὸ ᾿Ισίου ΠΠαγγᾶ νο(μισμάτια) γ, 
εἰς τὴν ἐκκλ(ησίαν) ἀββᾶ “Ιερακίωνος νο(μισμάτια) γ, 
τῷ χωμί(ατεπίκτῃ) ὑ(πὲρ) μισθ(οῦ) νο(μισμάτια) ς, 

25. τοῖς ταρθωτί(αϊς) ὑ(πὲρ) συνθ(έματος ?) τῶν χωμ(ατεπικτῶν) 
νο(μισμάτια) OL. 
JS νο(μισμάτια) (καὶ) τούτ(οις) ἱνο(μισμάτια)} KZ, ὡς 
Jf ἀρ(ιθμοῦ) νο(μισμάτια) pins. ἐξ ὧν ἐδόθ(η) 

‘tots (ἀγπὸ Ταμιτί ) Teas νο(μισμάτια) ἕ, 
(kal) τοῖς ἀπὸ Ἄμηντος νο(μισμάτια) ς, 
80 τοῖς (ἀγπὸ Tap . [Jed . [.ὕε[- «| νο(μισμάτια) β 
2. twavvov Pap. 3. over an erasure. 8. pi Pap. The figures xy and pZ, and 
xeZ in 1. 9, are over an erasure. 14. i Pap.; soin ll. 15, 21, and 27. 19. o of 
σεῴφω rewritten, 21. e Pap. 22. iovov Pap. 23. ἵερακιωνος Pap, 

3. ποταμίτ(ου) : cf. e.g. B. G. U. 14. ii. 19 sqq., 295. 8, 11, P. Reinach 52 dvs. 

8. Line 11 gives the valuation 1 solidus for 50 naubia. In 1. 8 the ratio would be 
identical if the total of the naubia were 5525 instead of 5528; the odd 3 naubia were thus 
ignored in the calculation. 

12. χωματεπίκτ(ου) : cf. P. Brit. Mus. 1246-8, where, as I had already pointed out 
(Archiv iv. p. 557), χωματεπ(ε)ῖκται should be read. 

13. dider(ac); analogous forms occur already in the Roman period, e.g. 121. 23, 
Β. G, U. 261. 21 δίδω, B. G. U. 38. 19 δίδι ; so B.G. U. 326. i. 16 παρακατατίθομαι, &c. 

20. ἀρ(ιθμοῦ) : the analogy of |. 27 points to this reading, though the abbreviation is 
rather differently written. Only one χωματεπίκτης is mentioned in |, 12, and the plural here 

is perhaps a slip. 


25. tapOwr(ais) seems to be another form of rapowrais; cf. the Ptolemaic παραφρυ- 
yaviruss. For συνθ(έματος) cf. B.G. U. 809. 10; συνθ(ηκῶν), or συνθ(έσεως) τῶν χωμ(άτων) 
are other possibilities. 

28. Ταμιτί ) Te@s: so apparently rather than Tapir’rews ; not only is the crossbar of the 
τ brought down just as e.g. in τούτ(οις) in 1. 26, but there is also a dot above, which is 

used with many of the other abbreviations. 


18-5 X 9:8 cm. A.D. 263. 

An order for a payment of 65 keramia of wine. This papyrus was found 
with 1055, which is from the same person, but written in a different hand. For 
the date cf. introd. to 1055. 

Πέκυλλος Πολυδεύκι 
παράδοϊς] Θέωνι φρίοντιστῇ) Σ᾿ ατύ- 
ρου ᾽Ονεχ[.]. ς ἀπὸ τῶν 
5 κεραμίων ρα λοιπὸν 
οἶνον ἐν κεραμίίοις) ἑξήκοντα 
πέντε. ἔρρωσο. 
(ἔτους) ι2 Παῦνι κδ. 

‘Pecyllus to Polydeuces, greeting, Deliver to Theon, agent of Satyrus son of Onech.., 
from the rox jars the remainder of the wine in 65 jars. Farewell. The roth year, 
Pauni 24. 

4. Ovex{.] . s seems to be a proper name. ον- might be for oiv- (cf. 1055. 2 οἰνεμπόρῳ), 
but this gives no likely word, and the spelling in the document is otherwise correct. The 
third letter may well be o instead of ε, but ὀνοχεύς is unknown. 




9-3 X 12-2 cm. A.D. 267. 

Another order from Pecyllus (cf. 1054) for a delivery of wine. The docu- 
ment is on the verso of the papyrus, the recto containing the ends of 8 lines of 
an account of payments in artabae, preceded by parts of two lines of a letter 
mentioning ἱππέως Κομάρου Σερήνίου and dated in the 18th year, probably of 
Septimius Severus. 1054 and 1055 therefore apparently belong to the reign 
of Gallienus. 

Πέκυλλος Θέαϊν)ι: χαίρειν. 

παράδος “Ἡρακλείδῃ οἰνεμπόρῳ τε- 

τάρτης ληνοῦ ἱκε]ράϊμ]ια διακόσια (τρία), πέμ- 

πτης κεράμια ἑκατόν, σζυϊμφωνηθέν- 
5 Ta ὡς τῶν pa δραχμῶν χειλίων ἑκα- 

τόν, ὧν ἡ τειμὴ χωρεῖ εἰς ἐπιθήκην 

᾿Εμβητίωνος ταλάντων πέντε. (2nd hand) δὸς τὰ τοῦ 

οἴνου κερά(μια) τριακόσια 
6. ὧν Pap. 

‘Pecyllus to Theon, greeting. Deliver to Heraclides, wine-merchant, 203 jars from 
the fourth vat, and 100 jars from the fifth, of which the price has been agreed upon at the 
rate of 1,r00 drachmae for ror jars and the cost goes to make up the five talents of 
Embetion. (Signed) Pay the 303 jars of wine. The r4th year, Pauni 17.’ 

3. τρία has presumably dropped out after διακόσια owing to the homoeoteleuton ; 
cf. ll. 8-9, and the figure pa in |. 5, which suits 303 but not 300. 

7. The signature is probably in the hand of 1054, which will then be the autograph 
of Pecyllus; hence the absence of signature there. 


12-7 X21 cm. A.D. 360. 

An order to deliver 40 artabae of aracus, which are valued at 72,000,000 
denarii, and were in payment for 500 pounds of meat. The date is by the eras 
of Oxyrhynchus. 


Παρὰ) Πτολεμίνου Θωνίῳ προνοητῇ Νίγρου χαίρειν. 
παραμέτρησον Awpobewm ἀδελφῷ ὑπὲρ τιμῆς κρέως 
΄ 4 2 “Ὁ « ta er 
λιτρῶν πεντακοσίων μέλλοντι λημματίσαι TO ἡμετέρῳ ὀνόματι 
τέως δίιὰ) “Lepovik(ov) ἄρακος ἀρτάβας τεσσεράκοντα, / dpak(os) 
(ἀρτάβαι) μ, 
« κ- > ΄ ͵΄ , ᾽ , , 
5 ὡς τῆς ἀρτάβης μίας λογισζομένης ἐκ δηναρίων μυριάδων 
ἑκατὸν ὀγδοήκοντα, ὡς εἶναι τοῦ ἐπιστάλματος 
δηναρίων μυριάδας ἑπτακισχιλίας διακοσίας, / (δηναρίων) μ(υριάδες)᾽ Ζο. 
and hand σεσημίομαι ἄρακος ἀρτάβας τεσ(σ)γεράκοντα. 
ist hand (ἔτους) A¢ (ἔτους) = (ἔτους) Φαῶφι cy. 
On the verso 
το εἷς θεός. ἄρακος Φαῶφι. 
3. πεντακοσίων added above χιλίων, which is crossed through. 4. (ua) tepovix( ov) 
added above reas; cepovxou is abbreviated tepack. 8. 1. σεσημείωμαι. 

‘From Ptoleminus to Thonius, steward of Nigrus, greeting. Measure out to my 
brother Dorotheus, who is about to collect payments on my account, hitherto paid (?) 
through Hieronicus, for the price of 500 pounds of meat, forty artabae of aracus, total 
40 art. aracus, a single artaba being reckoned at one hundred and eighty myriads 
of denarii, making the order seven thousand two hundred myriads of denarii, total 7,200 
myriads of denarii.’ Signature and date. Endorsed on the verso ‘There is one God: 
aracus, Phaophi’. 

4. τέως δ(ιά) : so P. Brit. Mus. 984. 5, &c., also of the fourth century. There are two 
oblique dashes against this line, and a single shorter one against |. 5. 

10-2 X 27-7 cm. A.D. 362. 

An order for the payment of 7,500,000 denarii which were owing to the 
writer for a hide. The writing is across the fibres of the papyrus. The verso 
contains 1052. 

Παπνοῦτις Τράκον ἀδελφῷ χαίρειν. , 
παράσχου Παπνουτίῳ ὑπηρέτῃ στρατηγοῦ ἀφ ὧν μοι χρεωστῖς ἀπὸ τιμῆς 
βύρσας ἀργυρίου δηναρίον μυριάδας ἑπτακοσίας πεντήκοντα, γίίνονται) 
(δηναρίων) plupiddes) Wr povat). 

(ἔτους) An (ἔτους) ¢ (ἔτους) 2 Μεχεὶρ te. ὁ αὐτὸς Παπνοῦτις σεση(μείωμαι). 
1. ], Δράκοντι ? (Wilcken). 2. Umnpetn Pap. 3. 1. δηναρίων. 



‘Papnoutis to his brother Dracon, greeting. Pay to Papnoutius, the assistant of the 
strategus, from the money which you owe me for the price of a hide seven hundred and 
fifty myriads of denarii of silver, total 750 myriads of denarii, and no more. Date and 

2. A mention of the strategus at this late date is noticeable; cf. 66,and Wilcken, Hermes 
XXvil. pp. 297 sqq., Gelzer, Leipziger hist. Abhandl. xiii. pp. 51-2. 

4. The signature was more rapidly written than the body of the text, but does not 
seem to be by a different hand. 

‘(g) PRAYERS. 

g:2 X 11-9 cm. Fourth or fifth century. 

A short prayer, inscribed in large rude uncials. On the verso are.a few 
words, written in different directions, apparently to try a pen. 

‘O θί(εδ)ς τῶν παρακει- 
μένων σταυρῶν, 
βοήθησον τὸν δο- 
Dov σου ᾿ἀπφουᾶν. 
5 ἀμήν. 
ὁ Kad. [ 
1. 60 Pap. 3. v of δουλον added in front of the line. 
Ὁ God of the crosses that are laid upon us, help thy servant Apphouas. Amen.’ 

1-2. θεὸς τῶν παρακειμένων σταυρῶν is a curious phrase, though of course the meta- 
phorical use of σταυρός is as old as the Gospels, e. g. Luke ix. 23 ἀράτω τὸν σταυρὸν αὐτοῦ καθ' 
ἡμέραν. God is apparently thought of as at once the sender and mitigator of trials, 


6-1 X 12-2 cm. Fifth century. 

A prayer written in a rude hand and in illiterate Greek, across the fibres 
of the papyrus. This is on the verso; the recto contains the first four lines 

1059; PRAYERS 213 

of a list of χλανίδια with their values, e.g. χλανίδια τρία λευϊκὰ vo(uicpatlwr)| ε, 
χλανίδιον λευκὸν... « ov το(μισματίων) va. 

Κύ(ριε) θ(ε)έ μου καὶ ὑ ἐρπίς μου, 
ὦψε Θέκλα καὶ τοῖς τέκνοις 
αὐτῆ(ο), Oye ‘Avyna καὶ τῆς δού- 
Ans αὐτῆς, ὦψε ᾿ἀπφοῦς, de Sa- 
tA ” 72 A ~ 
5 καύων, ὦψε 4ιωνυσίου καὶ τῶν 
τέκνον αὐτοῦ, ὦψε ᾿Ελλαδίου, wpe 

Πτολεμέου, ὦψε κατ᾽ ὄνομα. 

1. και 2 Ῥαρ. 1. ἡ ἐλπίς. 2. 1. ὄψαι Θέκλαν κτλ. ς Of τοῖς above the line. 5. 1. Ανναν ὃ 
4. 1. Saxdova? Cf. e.g. P. Brit. Mus. 250. 24. 

‘OQ Lord my God and my hope, look on Thecla and her children, look on Anna and 
her servant, look on Apphous, look on Sakaon, look on Dionysius and his children, 
look on Helladius, look on Ptolemaeus, look on each one of them, 

2. we is apparently for ὄψαι from ὄπτεσθαι, ‘look upon’ implying ‘protect’; cf. 6. g. 
Ps. xxxii. 18 of ὀφθαλμοὶ Κυρίου ἐπὶ τοὺς φοβουμένους αὐτόν. But there seems to be no parallel 
for the imperative form. 

4. κατ᾽ ὄνομα is familiar in the phrase ἀσπάζεσθαι kar’ ὄνομα - it practically means 
“severally ’, ‘each and all’. 


9:2 Χ 6-3 cm. Sixth century. 

A charm against reptiles and other ills. The first three lines are occupied 
by a formula showing the gradual diminution by cutting off letters which is 
frequent in texts of this class (cf. e.g. B. G. U. 956), then follows a mystical 
invocation of the familiar kind including the names Iam (Jehovah) σαβαὼθ ἀδωναί, 
then the petition proper ‘Free this house from every evil reptile and thing, 
quickly, quickly ’, and finally a reference to St. Phocas. Cf. 924 and P. Tebt. 275. 

Τὴν θύραν τὴν Adpodirny 
φροδιτηὴν podirny οδιτὴην 

διτὴην itny τὴν τὴν ἣν. wpop 
φωρῴφωρ ᾿Ιαὼ σαβαὼθ ἀδονὲ 


5 δενοσε σκορπίε ἀρτερῆσιε, 
ἀπάλλαξον τὸν οἶκον τοῦτον 
ἀπὸ παντὸς κακοῦ ἑρπετοῦ 

(καὶ πράγματος ταχὺ ταχύ. 

ὁ ἅγιος Φωκᾶς ὧδέ ἐστιν 
το Φίαϊμενὼθ wy ἰνδ(ίικτίωνος) τρίτης 

3. ἴτην Pap. 4. taw Pap. 1. ἀδωναί, 10, ty ivd Pap. 

3. τὴν τὴν ny Should be τὴν yp ν. 

4. poppop: cf. P. Brit. Mus. 121. 684-5, 658-60. 

5. σκορπίε is suitable in a charm against ἑρπετά: the other words in this line appear 
to be meaningless. 

g. Since the amulet was designed to ward off reptiles this Phocas must evidently be 
the Syrian martyr who is mentioned by Gregory of Tours, Zz Glor. Afart. 98, and whose 
tomb was the resort of persons suffering from snake-bites: s7 2 guempiam in his locis 
coluber morsum stringens venena diffuderit extemplo qui percussus est ul tanuam atrid quo 
martyr quiesctt athigerit...salvatur. But the date given in 1. 10 does not quite correspond 
with St. Phocas’ day of celebration, which is Mar. 5 (cf. the Acéa Sancéorum under this 
day); Phamenoth 13 corresponds to Mar. 9. 



29 X 16-4 cm. ΒΓ: 2.25 

A letter asking for assistance with regard to the measurement of certain 
unirrigated land and the payment of the dues upon it. The hand is of a quite 
early type, and the 8th year in 1. 26 is more likely to refer to the reign of 
Augustus than of Tiberius. 

Atoyér[n|s Διονυσίωι τῶι ἀδελφῶι πλεῖστα 
χα(ίρειν) καὶ ὑγιαίνειν. ἐπειδὴς καὶ ἄλλοτέ σοι 

ἐγράψαμεν καὶ οὐ διήτησαι ἡμᾶς καὶ ᾿ἀπολλω- 


4 ~ > ας A ~ 3 4 »ἤ 
νίωι τῶι ἀδελφῷ σου τὰ νῦν ἀνάγκην ἔσχον 
5 παρακαλέσαι Πτολεμαῖον ΤΠΙτολεμαίου νεώτε(ρον) 
ὅπως συντύχηι Aw καὶ Διογένει Anpnt(piov) 
“ » a ε » « i> 
ἕως ἂν μετρηθῆι ἡ ἄβροχος He ἐν ταῖς 
¢ (ἀρούραις) καὶ μετρη(θῃ) τὸ ὑπὲρ α(ὐτοῦ) δη(μόσιον) διὰ τοῦ Διονυσίς(υ) 
καὶ τὸ κατάλοιπον ἀποδοθῆι τῶι Πτολε- 
το μαίωι. ἐρωτηθεὶς οὖν συνπροσέσηι τῶι 
Ττολεμ[αἸΐίωι καὶ ᾿Απολ[λ]ώνιος ὁ ἀδελφός σου 
“ ~ , 4 ἈΝ 
ἕως μοι τοῦτο τελέσητε, διαφέρετε γὰρ 
τοῦ Πτολεμαίου ἐμπειρίᾳ, κἂν δέον ἢν 
Πτολεμαίῳ τῶι ἄλλωι ἀδελφῶι τοῦ Π|τὸο- 
Ξ) δ ων, Fae 7 ~ Ν 
15 λεμαίου mpecBurép'w| συντυχεῖν περὶ 
τούτου, συντύχηι καὶ σπουδάσει ἕως 
ὅτου τελεσθῆϊι. ἐὰ]» οὖν σοι φαίνηται 
XN « Ν 4 Ν « Ν ἊΝ Ψ 
Kal ὕπερ τούτων καὶ ὑπερ ὧν ἄλλων 
σε διὰ γραπτοῦ ἠρώτησα ἀντιφωνῆ- 
20 gal μοι, ἔσῃ μοι κεχαρισμένος, καὶ σὺ 
X f: ¢ A e IA 4 Ν a 
de γράφε ὑπὲρ ὧν ἐὰν θέλῃς καὶ ἥδιστα 
, vy Ν ‘ 4 lal ~ 
ποιήσωι. ἔγραψα δὲ καὶ Aim τῷ τοῦ χι- 
ριστοῦ περὶ τούτου, ᾧ καὶ συντεύξηι. 

2 , x ΝΥ 4 > 4 
ἀσπάζου τοὺς σοὺς πάντας. ἀσπάζε- 


5 ταί σε ᾿Αθηναροῦς καὶ τὰ παιδία τὰ λοιπά. 
ἐπιμελοῦ σεα(υτοῦ) ἵν᾿ ὑγι[α(ίνῃς). ἔρρωσίσ!ο. (ἔτους) ἡ ᾿Επεὶφ. 
μ για(ίνῃς). ἔρρ 
On the verso 

’ A ? 
Διονυσίωι τῷ καὶ Apéite Πτολεμαίου ἀδελφῶι ᾿Απολλωνίου 

κωμογραμμάτεως Θώλθεως παρόντος ἐχομέϊίνως) O€wvo(s) ᾿Ισχυρίω(νοτ). 

3. « of second καὶ corr. from ν. 11. a Of adeAgos corr. from ὃ, 22. σ Of ποιησωι 
corr. from «. 

‘Diogenes to his brother Dionysius, many greetings and wishes for good health. 
Since I have written to you at other times and you have not brought about an agreement 
between us, and also to your brother Apollonius, I have now been obliged to urge 
Ptolemaeus the younger, son of Ptolemaeus, to meet Dius and Diogenes son of Demetrius 
until the unwatered land in the seven arourae and the government dues on it be measured 
through Dionysius and the remainder paid over to Ptolemaeus. I therefore beg that you 
will interview Ptolemaeus, both you and your brother Apollonius, until you effect this for 


me, for you are superior to Ptolemaeus in experience, and if it is necessary to meet the 
other Ptolemaeus, the elder brother of Piolemaeus, about this, that he may meet him and do 
his best until it is effected. If then it please you to reply to me about this and about the 
other subjects which I asked you about by letter I shall be obliged to you; and do you write 
to me about anything that you wish and I will most gladly do it. I have written also to 
Dius, the son of the agent, about this; whom you will meet. Salute all your house- 
hold; Athenarous and the rest of the children salute you. Take care of your health. 
Good-bye. The 8th year of Augustus, Epeiph.. (Addressed) To Dionysius also called 
Amois, son of Ptolemaeus and brother of Apollonius the comogrammateus of Tholthis, who 
is staying near Theon son of Ischyrion.’ 

3. διήτησαι : δεδιήτησαι would be the normal form, but since the single augment is used 
in the imperfect and aorist an analogous form of the perfect causes little difficulty. 

16. The third person was employed perhaps because the writer was thinking primarily 
of Apollonius. 


271 X 13-2 cm, Second century. 

A letter referring to the purchase of some fleeces which the writer was 
expecting his correspondent to procure on his behalf. 

Μάρκος Marpéa τῶι φιλτάτωι 
περὶ τῶν πόκων σου ἐπαγγελλ[οἸμένου 
καλὰ ἀγοράσαι προσθεὶς ὅτι τὰ θέρειά 
᾽ \ , ν Ἴ ΄ 
5 ἐστιν τὰ κρείσσονα aol πίρ)᾽οσεταξά- 
4“ a »\ 7 [4 
μὴν ὅτι ὅταν καλὰ γένηται τότ]ε 
ἀγόρασον, καὶ ἔγραψά σοι ὅτι οὐκ ἐπένε[γ- 
kav ἕως Μεσορή, ὕστερον δέ μοι [ἔγρ)αϊ as 
ὅτι ἀγοράσας πέπρακα καὶ ..... 1.1]. tol. - 
το γράφωι μοι ἐπιστολὴν ἔγραψας, [..]... - 
δὲ δέ 2 4 Sap 
Tos δὲ οὐδέποτε ἐγενάμην: αὐϊτ)ὴν 
δέ σοι τὴν ἐπιστολὴν πέμψω διὰ Σύρου 
ov ~ ~ 
ἵνα αὐτὴν ἀναγνοῖς νήφων καὶ σαυτοῦ 
καταγνοῖς. εἰ δὲ τοῦτό σοι βάρος φέρει 
Ν Ν 
15 καὶ μήπω ἠγόρασας, τὸ ἀργύριον δὸς 
Ζωίλωι τῶι φίλωι, εἰ δὲ ἠγόρασας 


τοὺς πόκους, παράδος τῶι αὐτῶι 
v4 er ~ 
σφραγίσας [iva pole κομισθῶσι. 
ἔρρωϊσο. ] 

20 | Μεσορὴ x. 
On the verso 
ἀπὸ Μάρκου Ματρέαι a..... Τρυφᾶ. 
4. Second a of ayopagat COIT. from ο. ], προσθέντος. 16. ζωΐλωι Pap. 

‘Marcus to his dearest Matreas, greeting. About the fleeces, since you offered to buy 
some good ones, adding that the summer ones were the best, I bade you buy them whenever 
they were good, and I wrote to you that they had not brought any to me up to Mesore, 
and you afterwards wrote and said you had bought some and sold them again, and... 
you wrote me a letter, and I was never. ..; I will send you the very letter by Syrus 
in order that you may read it in a sober mood and be self-condemned. If it is troublesome 
and you have not yet bought them, give the money to my friend Zoilus; if however you 
have bought them, deliver them to him under seal, in order that they may be conveyed 
tome. Good-bye.’ Date, and address on the verso. 

9. ἅμα [τ]ῶι oly γράφωι would be a possible reading, [τῶι σ[υγ]γράφωι referring to the 
sale; but o[vylypapj would be expected. 
13. dvayvois: this form of the subjunctive is common in the κοινή. 


19-6 X 12-2 cm. Second or third century. 

The writer of this letter, who does not give his own name, commissions his 
son to deliver a message to Herodes, the son of a gymnasiarch, with regard to 
an appointment to the office of ἀρχέφοδος. Herodes himself seems to have held 
no official position, and it was presumably as his father’s son that he was 
concerned in the matter. 

Χαίροις, τέκνον "Amor. 

σύμβαλε Ἡρώδῃ τῷ υἱῷ ᾿Απίωνος τοῦ 
γυμνασιάρχου ἐξ ὀνόματός μου καὶ 
εἶπον αὐτῷ ὅτι σήμερον ὅτε ἔδωκά 

5 σοι ὀνόματα τρία ὡς εἰς ἀρχεφοδεί. 


Ν a enn ᾽ ~ , 
av καὶ τῇ ἑξῆς ἐμ[ο]ῦ cov πυθομέ- 
a4 » 02 ᾽ ΄ 
νου τί ἔπραξας εἶπας οὐδένα ἐκεί- 
νων εἰς τὴν χρείαν ἔδωκα ἀλλὰ τὸν 
εἰπόντα πρὸς ὑμᾶς, τοῦτ᾽ ἔστιν 
10 ἄντᾶν Διονυσίου. τὸ ὄνομα οὖν 
τοῦτο συντήρησον: Αρσᾶν Λέοντος 
τοῦ Λέοντος μ[η)τρὸϊ9] Ταβόνφιος. 
and hand ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι. 
a 4 3 A Ν, ᾽ “ 
τὸ πιττάϊκ)ιον ἀναγνοὺς μὴ ἀναδῷς 
15 τῷ Ἡράϊδ]ῃ. 
On the verso 
ἀπόδος Audit. πὸ [-] 

10. διονυσιουί Pap. 

‘Greeting, my son Amois! Go and see Herodes, the son of Apion the gymnasiarch, 
in my name and say to him “the other day I gave you three names for the office 
of archephodus, and the next day when I asked you what you had done you said ‘I have 
not given in any of them for the office but the man who told you of them, that is, Antas 
son of Dionysius. So keep this name: Harsas son of Leon son of Leon, his mother 
being Tabonphis”. I pray for your health. When you have read the letter do not give 
it to Herodes. (Addressed) Deliver to Amois.. .’ 

4. εἶπον is the imperative of εἶπα. That σήμερον is not to be taken literally is shown 
by 1. 6. 

11. The writer apparently wished the name of Harsas to be substituted for that of 
Antas ; but συντήρησον is rather ambiguous. 


24:5 ΧῸ cm. Third century. 

This letter is on the verso of 1046, and is therefore later than A.D. 218-9, 
though probably not later by very many years. The writer requests the good 
offices of his correspondent on behalf of a local revenue-collector. 

Διογένης Διδυμᾶτι τῶι 
ἀδελφῷ χαίρειν. 
γενόμενος πρὸς Αχιλλᾶν 


πυνθανόμενος περὶ σοῦ 


5 ἔφη ὅτι ev τῇ Ψώβθει ἐστίν. 
΄ ΠΝ "ἃ 2 x 
γράφω σοι οὖν εἰδώς σου τὸ 
σπουδαῖον ὅπως συνλά- 
a wt ᾽ “-“ 

βῃς τῷ “Aree ἀπαιτοῦντι 

τὰ λήμματα τῆς Τακόνα, 
10 ξενίαν δὲ αὐτῷ ποιήσῃς 

7 ) 

Ν > J » Le. 
πρὸς τὸ ἐπανελθόντα αὐτὸν 
μαρτυρῆσαί μοι. 


1. 6 σοι added above the line. 


‘Diogenes to his brother Didymas, greeting. I went to Achillas and inquired about 
you and he said “ He is at Psobthis”. So knowing your goodness I write to you that you 
may assist Apis, who is collecting the revenues of Takona, and may show him hospitality, 

so that on his return he may bear witness of it to me. Good-bye.’ 

3-5. γενόμενος... ἔφη : a mixed construction of a common type. 
10. Τακόνα : this village must have been in the vicinity of Psobthis. 


9X 9:5 cm. 

Third century. 

The following short letter is written on the verso of a fragment from 
a petition, addressed probably to the strategus (1. 4 ὑπὸ σοῦ δι᾿ ὑπηρέτου ἐκ 
βιβλειδίων ἐπιϊδοθέντων) and complaining of injury by a brother in connexion 

with a division of land at Kerkethuris. 

, ἍΝ), e ᾿ , 
Στεφάνῳ παρὰ ᾿Ηφαιστίωνος. 
λαβὼν τὰ γράμματα τοῦ υἱοῦ 

, , ~ 4 « 
μου Θέωνος ἐξαυτῆς πάντα ὑπερ- 
θέμενος ἐλθέ μοι εἰς τὸ ἐποίκιον 

5 διὰ τὰ συμβάντα μοι. ἐὰν δὲ 

) 4 . t \ ’ 2 
ὀλιγωρήσῃς, ὥσπερ [olf θεοὶ οὐκ €- 


‘To Stephanus from Hephaestion. 


7-8. Cf. the letter published by Vitelli in A/ene e Roma, vii. p. 124, ll. 11-13 οὔτ᾽ 


φίσαντό ploly οὕτως κἀγὼ 
θεῶν! οὐ φί[σ]ομαι. 


2. ὕϊου Pap. 3. ὕπερθεμενος Pap. 

On receipt of the letter from my son Theon put 
off everything and come at once to me at the village because of what has happened to me. 
If you neglect this, as the gods have not spared me so will I not spare the gods. 

ἐἸλουσάμην (cf. 528. 10) [οὔτε προσεκύνησα θεοὺς φοβουμένη σου τὸ μετέωρον, a reference which 

I owe to Wilcken, who further quotes an unpublished Bremen papyrus, ἴσθι δὲ ὅτι od μέλλω 
θεῷ σχολάζειν, εἰ μὴ πρότερον ἀπαρτίσω τὸν υἱόν pov. 
tendency in the popular religion to regard the relationship between gods and men as one 
If the gods neglected their duty and afflicted their devotees, the 

of strict reciprocity. 

sufferers retaliated by turning their backs on the gods. 


26-8 X II cm. 

These three passages illustrate the 

Third century. 

A letter concerning a file, which was to be procured of a certain size 
and other articles which the correspondents were forwarding to each other. 



ΝΙε]μ[εσ]ιανὸς [Σ᾿ α]ρ[αἸπάμμωνι 
ἀδελφῷ πλίσ]τα χαίρειν. 

καλῶς μὲν ἐπ[ο]ίησας ἀποστίλας 

μοι τὴν ῥίνην, ἀλλὰ ἀπέστιλάς 

μοι αὐτὴν μᾶλλον λεπτοτέραν. εἰ- 
διο]ὺ οὖν ἀπέστιλά σοι αὐτὴν dt ᾿4πόλ- 
λωνος καὶ τὸ ἐξονπλάριν εἴς 

va πρὸς αὐτὸ ποιήσῃς. ἔγραψάς 
μοι διὰ τῆς [ἐπιστολῆς ὅτι ἀπέστιλά 
σοι λινούδ[ι)ν παιδικόν, καὶ οὐδὲν 
εἴληφα. ἔλεγέν μοι ᾿Απόλλων ὅτι 

οὐδέν μοι ἔδωσεν. ἔπεμψά σοι τὸ 


τρισκελίδιν [δ] ᾿ἡπόλλωνος, εἴ τινος 
δὲ χρήφεις ἀντίγραψόν μοι διὰ 
~ ? a? , oe 3 
15 τοῦ αὐτοῦ Απόλλωνος Elva σοι ἀ- 
ποστίλω, σπούδασον δὲ γενέσθαι 
.᾽» Ν . ta la 2 ‘ 
plot ῥίνην καὶ ἀπόστιλόν μοι αὐτὴν 
[δι ᾿πόϊλλωνος, καὶ ἀναζήτησον 
«7 > ia ε , A 4 
[ῥίνην οὐ povoly ῥινίζουσαν τὰ ξύ- 
20 (Aa, ἀλλὰ ἣ τὰ σι]͵δήρια ῥινίζει ἐξε- 

τ a O90 Ja, καὶ ὑποδίκνυ εἴ σοι 

᾽ WR 6 ͵ " 
ερρωσσαι σε εὐχοόμαι 

ποϊλλοῖς χρόνοις. 

21. ὕποδικνυ Pap. 

‘Nemesianus to his brother Sarapammon, many greetings. You did well to send me 
the file, but you sent me one which is too fine. So I send it to you by Apollon with 
the pattern in order that you may go by that. You write to me in the letter “I send you 
a boy’s linen cloth”, and I have received nothing. Apollon told me, “ He gave me nothing.’ 
I send you the tripod by Apollon; and if you want anything reply to me by the said 
Apollon, so that I may send it you, and do your best to get me the file, and send it by 
Apollon ; and look for a file which files not only wood but iron tools... and indicate. . 
I pray for your lasting health. 

7. ἐξονπλάριν = exemplarium. 

12. ἔδωσεν : this is a rather early instance of the sigmatic form which is occasionally 
found in writers of the decadence, 6. g. προδώσας in Hesychius, s. τ. προέμενος. 

1g-20. The supplements adopted are in the main due to Wilcken. ν of povoly is 
represented by.a vertical stroke which is somewhat tall for a y and may well be anv At 
the end of |. 20 ἐξε- is perhaps ἐξετάσας or ἐξέτασον, and the doubtful a at the beginning of 
]. 21 could be σ, 6. g. eéé[racoy δὲ καλῶ: -ς. 


22:3 X 6-7 cm. Third century. 

A very ungrammatical letter from a woman reproaching her brother for 
neglecting another brother's funeral, and giving him sundry commissions. Their 
father, in a postscript, asks for a present of fish. 


᾿Ελένη Πετεχῶντος ὅτι εἰ μέλλεις ἐλθεῖν 
τῷ ἀδελφῷ χαίρειν. ἐλθέ, Διόσκορος γὰρ 
οὐ καλῶς ἔπραξας μὴ ἐλ- λειτουργεῖ ὑπὲρ σοῦ" 
θεῖν χάριν τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ 20 εἰ οἷδες ὅτι οὐ μέλλεις 
5 σου ἀφῆκες αὐτὸν μὴ ἐλθεῖν, πέμψον μοι 
κηδεῦσαι αὐτόν. μάθε τὸν ἀδελφόν σου 
οὖν ὅτι ἀλλοτρίαν γυ- Κάστορα. 
ναῖκαν ἐκληρονόμη- ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχο(μαι). 
σεν αὐτόν. γενοῦ οὖν 
10 πρὸς Θέωνα καὶ εἰπὲ. 25 κἀγὼ ᾿Αλέξανδρος ὁ πῖα- 
αὐτῷ περὶ τῆς κέλλας τὴρ ὑμῶν ἀσπάζομαι 
a Ὁ» Ν « ~ ’ ᾽ ΄ ΄ὔ 
ὅτι ἐσφραγίσθη τὴν ὑμᾶς πολλά. ἀγόρασόν 
κέλλαν αὐτοῦ μη- μοι ὀψαρίδιον ἐκ τῆς 
δὲν ὀφείλων, καὶ θαλάσσης, πέμψον [δὲ 
> A ~ ἊΝ Ν 3, A r 
15 εἰπὲ Ilerex@vte τὸν 30 διὰ ἀνθρώπου ai... 
υἱὸν Πολυδεύκης ἡμεί.]ου € . [ 
1. 1]. Πετεχῶντι. 7. 1. ἀλλοτρία γυνή. 12-13. θ οἵ ἐεσφραγισθὴ corr. from a. 
]. ἡ κέλλα. 14. 1. ὀφείλοντος. 15-16. ]. τῷ υἱῷ Πολυδεύκους. υἷον Pap. 20. ov added 

above the line. 

‘Helene to her brother Petechon, greeting. You did not do well not to come on 
account of your brother; you have allowed his burial to be neglected. Know then that 
a strange woman is made his heir. Go to Theon and tell him about his cellar, that 
it has been sealed up although he owes nothing; and say to Petechon the son of 
Polydeuces, ‘Come if you are coming, for Dioscorus is labouring on you behalf. If you 
know that you are not coming, send me your brother Castor.” I pray for your health.’ 

‘T also, your father Alexander, send you many salutations. Buy me a little fish from 
the sea and send it bya man...’ 

5. ἀφῆκες : 50]. 20 οἶδες, 9OB. 30 δέδωκες, &c. 

25. There is no change of hand, and it is likely that both Helene and her father 
employed an amanuensis. 

30. Perhaps π[αρ]ημένἼου. 


241 Χ 9:0 cm, Third century. 

Satornilus, the writer of this letter, was engaged with some assistants in the 
conveyance of a corpse from the Arsinoite nome to Alexandria. Delays occur- 
ring in the Arsinoite nome, his companions had temporarily gone away, pro- 
bably back to the Oxyrhynchite nome, and Satornilus now asks his correspondent 
to give them any assistance they needed. 

Σατορνῖλος κυρίῳ μου ᾿Απολλωνίου 
μὴ εὐπορήσας πλοῖον ἐν τῷ Apoevoe(dy 
ἔγραψα τῷ κυρίῳ μου KAnpatio τῷ ἀρχῴάι)ε- 
γρ κυρίῳ μ NOTED. Τῷ SPX 
ΕΣ Ξ ; ᾽ 
5 pt εἵνα μοι πλοῖον διαπέμψεται εἵνα δὺυ- 
a ἂν , -~ d 
νηθῶ τὸ σωμάτιν κατενενκῖν ev ‘Ade- 
ξάνδριαν, καὶ διαπέμψετό μοι σκαφίδι- 
ον ἀρταβῶν ἑξήκοντα. οἱ ἀδελφοὶ οὖν 
« 3 4 1} ss wv \ Ἂ 
οἱ ἐνέγκαντες αὐτὸ ἔλαβαν καὶ yp(d)p- 
10 ματα ἀπ᾽ αὐτοῦ Κληματίου ἐφ᾽ ᾧ μη- 
δὶς ἐνοχλήσι αὐτῷ κατὰ τόπον. 
ἀνελθόντες οὖν ἐν τῷ Ἀρσενοεί- 
Τῇ εὗρον τὸ σωμάτιν μήπου δυνά- 
μενον κηδευθῆναι, ἀλλὰ ἡμερῶν 
> Ν » a > ᾽ »- 
15 ἀνοχὴν ἔχω. ἔδοξεν οὖν αὐτοῖς 
χάριν ἀναγκέας χρίας γενέσθαι 
εἰς. Τοού. παρακαλῶ οὖν, κύριέ μου, ὑπάρ- 
fe αὐτοῖς καὶ τὰ τῆς σῆς σπουδῆς, 
εἵνα μοι μαρτυρήσουσιν ἀνελθόν- 
\ δ δὴ ᾽΄ ~ 
20 τες, Kal εἴ TL ἂν ἄλλου σου χρίαν σκῶ- 
σιν Σιμίου χάριν---ὅτι ἔπεμψας ἐπὶ 
τὸν ὄνον καὶ κατέσχον αὐτὸν--- ἕως 
΄ x Τὰ ᾽ , ον UA 
γένωμε πρὸς σέ. ἀξιώσω οὖν, KUpE μου, 

εἵνα δῷς αὐτοῖς γράμματα εἵνα μη- 


΄ > 
25 δὶς ἐνοχλήσι αὐτοῖς καθ᾽ ὁδόν, 
[ἢ ~ 4 AQ 4 
εἵνα δυνηθῷ κηδεύσας τὸ σωμά- 

τιν ἐλθῖν πρὸς σέ. 

ἐρρῶσθαί σοι εὔχομαι 
πολλοῖς χρόνοις. 

On the verso 
30 ἀπόδος ‘ArodAwviov παρὰ Σατορνίλου. 

τ. 1. ᾿Απολλωνίῳ ; so in 1. 30. Beale ᾿Δρσινοΐτῃ ; so in], 12. 6. 1. ᾿Αλεξανδρίᾳ or 
εἰς ᾿Αλεξάνδριαν. ἡ. διεπέμψατο. 9. evey'kavtes Pap. ε οἵ ἐλαβαν. corr. from A. 
11. x Of evoyAnor corr. from x. . αὐτοῖς ἡ 16, avayxeas Pap. 1. ἀναγκαίας. ΤῊ: 
ὕπαρξε Pap.; v corr. from a. 1]. ὑπάρξαι. 20. v of αλλου added above the line; 1. ἄλλο. 
Ἰ. σχῶσιν. 22. κ Of κατεσχον corr. from τ. 23. 1. γένωμαι. ll. 24-5 are blotted. 

‘Satornilus to my lord Apollonius, greeting. Finding no boat available in the Arsinoite 
nome I wrote to my lord Clematius the chief priest that he might send me a boat and so 
I might be able to carry the body down to Alexandria; and he sent me a skiff of sixty 
artabae burden. The brethren who brought it received letters also from Clematius to the 
intent that no one in the neighbourhood should trouble them (Ὁ). So on going up to 
the Arsinoite nome they found the body not yet ready to be buried, and I have a delay of 
some days. They therefore determined on account of a pressing need to go to Toou. 
So I urge you, my lord, to supply them with the marks of your good will, that on their 
return they may testify of it to me, and with anything else they may need from you 
for Simias’ sake (for you sent for the ass and they kept it), until 1 come to you. I beg 
you then, my lord, to give them a letter in order that no one may trouble them on the 
road, and so I may be able to bury the body and come to you. I pray for your lasting 
health. (Addressed) Deliver to Apollonius from Satornilus,’ 

13. μήπου is for μήπω : so P. Tebt. 423. 12 οὔπου μοι ἐδήλωσας. 
17. Toov: this name occurs in Hermopolite papyri, e.g. B.G. U. 892. 8, P. Leipzig 

99. 19. 
21. Σιμίου : apparently the name of the dead man. 
23. Wilcken suggests that afiwo is for ἀξιῶ σου (ce ἢ). 


26-6 x 12 cm. Third century. 

A letter from a man to his sister, concerning chiefly a tunic which was to be 
made for him. The writer was a man of some means, but this letter, which is in 
a large uncultivated hand, is in the vulgarest of Greek; the form πρὸ σέν for πρὸς 
σέ, and the use of ὃ for ¢ are especially noticeable. 





Τρωίλος Mag τῇ ἀδελφῇ χαίρειν. 
καλῶς ποιήσεις ἀναγκάσε 

γενέστε μου τὸ κειθώνε[ιν τὸ λευ- 
Ν ‘ 4 oe a 

kov κατὰ taxof{u}s efi]va ev- 


po αὐτὼ yevdpevoy [leva ερθω]} 
2X » Ν , ᾽ x x Ν 
ἐὰν ἔρθω πρὸ σέν. εἰδοὺ γὰρ καὶ 
Ἡρακλείδῃ ἔγραψα εἴϊν]α λά- 

Ἂ ᾽» ΄ ‘ Ν 
βῃς τὰ σύνεργά μου kali] τὸν 
μεισθὸν τῶν γερζενῶν. θέ- 
λω δὲ εἰδένε πῶς σπουδάδεις 

᾽ ἊΝ , ᾽ AY Ν Ν 
αὐτὼ γενέστε. εἰδοὺ γὰρ καὶ 

x JA \ ~ Γ 2 
τὸ πορφύρειν μετὰ τῶν συϊν)έργων 
κεῖντε. σπούδασον δὲ πέμ- 
ψε τὸ ἐπειστολείδειν Θερμου- 
θείῳ εἰς ᾿ἀλεξάνδρειαν, 
τάχα γὰρ δυνασθῶμεν φο[ρ)υ- 

4 4 4 ~ 
τρείσε σοι δύω καμήλους [πυ]ροῦ 

ἣν ye Ν ia ‘ 
καὶ πέμψε πρὸ σέν. τὴν 
πεδείσκην μου δὲ πρὸ λόγον 
3 4 - 
ἀνάγκασον φειλοπονεῖστε, 
ἐὰν γὰρ τέκῃ ἡ Ταμοὺν ἀ- 

i“ > ‘ Ἂν , 
νάγκασον αὐτὴν τὸ βρέ- 
gos φειλοπονῆσε. σπούδα- 
σον γὰρ τὸ κειθώνειν μου 

, S\ 4 ‘4 

γενέστε πρὸ λόγον, καὶ κ[α- 
λὰ μέτρα αὐτῷ βαλέτωσαν 

Ν ΄ Μ 2 ‘ 
καὶ μεγάλε ἔστωσαν ἐπεὶ 
«4, ᾽ - > s 
ῥείδης αὐτοῦ. ἀγόρασον 
τῷ Νεικήτῃ ὄνον εἵνα dv- 
νασθῇ σου τὰ πράγματα 
δειεξερτεῖν: ἤ τινος 

δὲ xpydes ἀντείγραψόν μοι. 
ἀσπάζομαι δὲ “Hpar. 

ἐρρῶσ(θγαί σε εὔχ(ομαι). 



In the left margin, at right angles 
35 εἰδοὺ yap ἔγραψα Ἡρακλείδῃ εἵνα δῇ τῇ Tapody (δραχμὰς) ᾽Γ. 

On the verso 

mapa) Τρωίλου Mag ret 
1. tpwidos Pap.; so in]. 36. The first stroke οἵ ἡ in τὴ is twice written. 2. avay Kace 
Pap. 1. ἀναγκάσαι. 3. 1. γενέσθαι... κιθώνιν. 5. 1. αὐτό. 6. 1. ἔλθω. 9. |. γερ- 
διαινῶν. 10. |. εἰδέναι... σπουδάζεις. 11. |. αὐτὸ γενέσθαι. 13. 1]. κεῖται... πέμψαι. 
16. 1. φο[ρ]ετρίσαι. 18. 1. πέμψαι. 19. |. παιδίσκην. Doyo Pap. 20. avay Kagov 
Pap.; soin]. 22. 1. φιλοπονεῖσθαι. 23. |. φιλοπονῆσαι. 25. 1]. γενέσθαι. 24. 

1. μεγάλαι (?). 28. J. ῥίζης. 31. 1. διεξελθεῖν" εἰ, 32. 1. χρήζεις. 36. 1]. τῇ. 

‘Troilus to his sister Maz, greeting. You will do well to have my white tunic made 
quickly in order that I may find it made if I come to you. I have written to Heraclides 
also so that you may receive my tools(?) and the wages of the weavers ; and I wish to 
know how you are hurrying on the making of it. The purple is put with the tools. 
Be careful to send the letter to Thermouthion at Alexandria, for we may be able to load 
two camels with wheat for you and to send them to you. Make my slave-girl be properly 
industrious; and if Tamoun bear a child make her be assiduous with it. Be careful to have 
my tunic made properly, and let them put good measure into it, and be large-handed in the 
colouring. Buy a donkey for Nicetes in order that he may be able to accomplish your 
business; and reply to me if you want anything. I salute Heras. I pray for your health. 
P.S, I have written to Heraclides to give Tamoun 3,000 drachmae. (Addressed) From 
Troilus to his sister Maz. 

6. πρὸ oev: cf. 1. 18, and πρὸ (= πρὸς) λόγον in Il. 19 and 25. σέν and ἐμέν are common 
in mediaeval Greek; the latter occurs e.g. in C. I. G. 3440, which is of about the same 
period as the papyrus. The dropping of final s is common from an early period; cf. 
Mayser, Grammattk, pp. 205-7, and for πρό = πρός, e.g. P. Strassb. 4. 18. 

8. τὰ σύνεργα seem to be implements to be used in the weaving of the κιθώνιον. 
Du Cange quotes a similar use from Damascenus Studita, Homzl. 25 Baoravres .. . παιδευτικὰ 
σύνεργα, ἄλλος σπατίον ἄλλος μαχέριον κτλ. 

9. γερζενων, if right, is for γερδιαινῶν (cf. 1. 10 σπουδάδεις, 1. 32 χρήδεις); but the supposed 
v is not very satisfactory and may be a z, and a letter may be lost between this and ων. 
Cf. note on ]. 24. 

16. δυνασθῶμεν is equivalent to δυνησόμεθα : so e.g. P. Amh. 144 ἐὰν εὕρω πλοῖον Alo. 
For the converse use of the future indicative for the subjunctive cf. 6. g. 1068. 19 «iva μοι 
μαρτυρήσουσιν. At the end of the line φορετρίζειν seems to be the verb intended, but I can 
find no other instance of it. 

21-3. This may be no more than a warning against any neglect; perhaps however, as 
Wilcken suggests, the meaning is that the child was not to be exposed (cf. e. g. 744. ro). 

27. If peyade is for μεγάλαι the feminine would confirm γερζενῶν in 1. g and the meaning 
must be ‘ generous’, ‘unstinting’; otherwise peyade = μεγάλα, 80. μέτρα. 

28. pedys is doubtless for ῥίζης ; cf. the adjective ῥιζώσημος, e.g. 1051. 3. Perhaps 
a [δέ is lost at the end of the line. 



221 X 12cm. Third century. 

This is a verbose and rather pompous epistle sent apparently from Alexan- 
dria by a husband to his wife whom he addresses as his sister. The writer 
expresses much solicitude for his home and reproaches his wife in an ironical 
strain for neglecting to write to him. 

Αὐρήλιος Anpaped|s Αὐρηλίᾳ ᾿ἀρσιν[όῃ τίῇ 


aden ~ 4 4 , 2 “ 
φῇ χαίρειν. ἡ προάγουσα map ἐμοῦ πα- 
ρὰ πᾶσι θεοῖς εὐχὴ ἡ περί τε τῆς σωτηρί- 
ας σου καὶ τοῦ τέκνου ἡμῶν καὶ τοῦ ἀδελ- 
5 pov σου καὶ τοῦ πατρός cov καὶ τῆς μητρός 
‘ ar € ~ 4 Ν Ν Ε 
σου καὶ τῶϊν] ἡμῶ[ν] πάντων καὶ πολὺ ἔτι 
μεῖζον ᾿ν]ῦν ἐν τῷ μεγάλῳ Σαραπείῳ 
προσκυνεῖ, τὸν μέγαν θεὸν Sapamw πα- 
ρακαλῶ περί τε τῆς ζωῆς ὑμῶν καὶ τῶν 
το ἡμῶν πάντ]ων καὶ τῶν χρηστῶν ἐλπί- 
dev τῶν ἐν ἀνθρώποισι νεΐϊ σνομισμέ- 
νων. τὸ μὲν οὖν γράφειν σοι περὶ 
τῶν πραγμάτων ἡμῶν ἢ καὶ τῶν ἔργων 
ὅπερ καὶ φθάνω πολλάκις σοι γράψας 
15 διὰ ἐπιστολῶν πολλῶν οὐχ ἧττον δὲ καὶ κατ᾽ ὄψιν 
[[Se]] σοι ἐνετειλάμην περιττὸν νῦν 
ς / Ν Ἁ \ ᾽ Ν 4 
ἡγησάμην, καὶ yap od αὐτὴ μήτηρ 
τυγχάνουσα τοῦ τέκνου ἡμῶν μᾶϊλ- 
λον ἐμοῦ θελήσεις τὴν τούτων πρόν[ο]ι- 
20 {νοιὶαν καὶ ἐπανώϊρθ]ωσιν γ[εϊνέσθαι 
μετὰ τῆς ἀνυπεϊρ]βλήτου κ[η]δεμονίας. 
Ν Ν ~ a 2 7 Ν 
περὶ δὲ τῆς σεαυτῆς ἐπιμελείας καὶ 
φροντίδος ἀντὶ παντὸς προνόησον, 
Li 4 \ A ΄ Ψ, 
ὅπερ καὶ περὶ τούτου πολλάκ[ι]ς σοι ἔγρα- 
χ ΩΣ » Sys 
25 wa, μηδενὸς ὧν ἔχομεν αὐτῶν 


φειδομένη. ἔπεμψά σοι διὰ Διονυ- 
σίου Too ...[.].. ντος ἢ ἐν [.]. νομῳ 
ἢ ἐν τῇ σεῖ. - - - - .]1Ἷα τοῦ γείτονος τῆς 
οἰκίας Told ᾿Απολλ]ωνίου ἐλαίου Sec 
~ 4 a > ᾽ ΄ « 
30 ρητικοῦ [κοτύλαἸ]ς ἐξ ἐν ἀνγείῳ ἡμι- 
4 Ν γΖ. (δ 
Xow καὶ τραγηϊμ]άτων σφυρίδαν 
μεστὴν μίαν. βιβλίδια δύο ἐκ Ξει- 
~ > 
νοφᾶ δοθέντα [amo τε AmrodXo- 
4 ~ ta ~ va Ἂν; “ 
νίου τοῦ υἱοῦ Tod Σκόπα καὶ τοῦ 
35 yap]. «]]βροῦ αὐτοῦ Σ΄ τεφάνου τοῦ 
κατὰ βόλιν κατὰ τοῦ πατρός 
σου καὶ τῆς μητρός σου καὶ τούτων 
τὰ ἀντίγραφά σοι διεπεμψάμην 
ἐν τῷ ἀποδέσμῳ τῶν ἐπιστολῶν" 

ἰσυἹντύχητε καὶ δόξῃ 

I’ > 
40 ἐὰν οὖν 
In the left margin, at right angles 
τι ὑμεῖν περὶ αὐτῶν, ταχέως μοι δηλώσατε, 6 TL Edy] ἐπιδημῶν τοῖς ἐνθά- 
τ » ΄ \ ΄ \ ᾽ ΄ν ‘ \ “ ’ « - 
δὲ oflols ᾧμην ποιεῖν περὶ τούτου μὴ ἀμελήσω. περὶ δὲ τοῦ καθ᾽ ἡμᾶς 

μέΐχ]ρι τούτου of δὶ ὑδὲν ἐγένετο. ἐρρῶσθαΐί σε εὔχομαι... |. . 

Προ. A SECICIG Fi 5 as on to 
On the verso 
45 μηδέν μοι ἐν τῷ παρόντι [δι] ἐπιμηνιδίων διαπέμψησθαι ἔστ᾽ ἂν ὑμεῖν πε- 
pt τούτου δηλώσω ἢ καὶ γράψω. τοὺς ἡμῶν πάντας κατ᾽ ὄνομα προσ- 
αγόρευε καὶ ἄσπασε. πάνυ δὲ ὑμεῖν εὐχαριστῶ ὅτι πολλάκις ἐμοῦ γρά- 
Wavros ὑμεῖν ὑμεῖς οὐδὲ ὅλως ἐγράψατε οὐδὲ ἐμνήσθητέ μου περὶ τῆς 
ἀσφαλείας τῆς οἰκίας ἡμῶν, ὡς καὶ πολλάκις διὰ γραμμάτων καὶ ἐπιστο- 
50 λῶν καὶ κατ᾽ ὄψιν παρὼν ἐνετιλάμην. μὴ ἀμελήσῃς μὴ ἄρα ποτὲ θέ- 
Ans μ[ε]τὰ σίοἹῦ [Hp]acide τὴν τήρησιν τῆς ὅλης οἰκίας παραδιδόναι ἀ- 
χρήστου οὔσης αὐτῆς καί, ὃ μὴ εἴη, ANA) ἐξ ἄλλων γένηται. τοῦ παιδα- 
ρίου ΤΙτἰοἸἹλεμαίου τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ “Ἑρμογένους ἐξερχομένου εἰς τὴν Adegav- 
δρειαν πολλάκις ἐλθόντος πρὸς ἐμὲ οὐ τεθελήκατε αἰὐτῷ διδόναι ἐπιστο- 



55 Ads οὐδ᾽ ὅλας αἰὐτὸν] προσήκατε, ἀλλὰ καὶ Evdlaipar| αὐτῷ ἀπετάξατο 
ἰλϊέγων ὅτι ἐν τῷ παρόντι οὐ σχολάζομεν ἑτέροις ἐξερχόμενοι. 

ἀπόδ(ος) ᾿ἀρσινόῃ ἀδελφῇ πίαρὰ) Anpapéas. 

10. τ Of των corr. from x. 15. An ε is added above a of δια, i.e. the writer perhaps 
intended 8¢ ἐπιστολῶν. οὐχ ηἡττον δὲ inserted above the line. 16. περιτ᾽τον Pap, 
18. tuy xavovoa Pap. 20. |. emavd[pO|oow. 27. corr, from e. 36. 1]. πόλιν. 
37-8. rour®. . . ἐπεμψαμὴ Pap. 45. 1. διαπέμψησθε. 47. 1. ἄσπασαι. 

‘Aurelius Demareus to his sister Aurelia Arsinoé, greeting. The prayer which 
I previously made to all the gods for the preservation of yourself and our child and your 
brother and father and mother and all our friends now goes up to them with far 
greater force in the great Serapeum, and I beseech the great god Serapis for your life and 
that of all our friends and for the good hopes that are held by mankind. I think it 
superfluous to write to you about our business and affairs concerning which I have written 
to you often before in many letters and have equally given you instructions in person ; for 
you yourself as the mother of our child will be more eager than I am that those affairs 
should be studied and advanced with unsurpassed sollicitude. But before all study the care 
and regard of yourself, as I have often written to you about this also, sparing nothing that 
we have. I send you by Dionysius, who... either in...or in the... the neighbour of 
the house of Apollonius, six cotylae of Siretic (?) oil in a half-chous jar, and one basket full 
of sweetmeats, Two petitions which were presented by Xenophas from Apollonius son 
of Scopas and his son-in-law Stephanus, who is at the city, against you father and mother— 
of these too I send copies in the bundle of letters. If therefore you meet and come to any 
conclusion about them let me know quickly, and anything that I thought I could do, being 
here, I will not neglect (?). Nothing has happened up to now about our affairs. I pray 
for your health. ... Do not at present send me any supplies until I let you know or write 
to you about this. Greet and salute all our friends severally. I thank you very much for 
this that, although I have often written to you, you have not written at all nor remembered 
me in regard to the safety of our house, as I often by notes and letters and when with you 
in person enjoined on you to do, Do not neglect this, lest indeed you choose to hand over 
the keeping of the whole house to Herai’s, who is unworthy, along with yourself, and, what 
heaven forbid, we find ourselves at sixes and sevens. ‘The slave of Ptolemaeus, the brother 
of Hermogenes, has been journeying to Alexandria and has often come to me, but you have 
not been willing to give him letters and have not sent him to me at all, but Eudaemon 
parted with him saying “At present we are not at leisure and are visiting others.” 
(Addressed) Deliver to my sister Arsinoé from Demareus.’ 

8. τὸν μέγαν Σαρᾶπιν may belong to both verbs, In any case a conjunction is 

29-31. ἐλαίου... καὶ τραγη[μ]άτων σφυρίδαν : cf. 529. 4sqq. The adjective Σειρητικοῦ 
apparently indicates the place of manufacture. 

41-2. If the decipherment is correct the construction has become very much confused. 
It seems difficult to avoid ἐάν]; ὃ or « would be possible instead of a, but these give no 
suitable word. The vestiges appear irreconcilable with ἐγώ], so that ὅτι ἐγ[ὼ].. .. οἵω] is 
excluded. In 1. 43 there would be room for two letters between of and Ἰς : of[o]s is not at 


all likely. μὴ ἀμελήσω can perhaps be connected with δηλώσατε, bul more probably this 
is a case of the use of μή where ov would be expected, or we may write τούτου (ov) μή. 

43. The superfluous 6 is only partially preserved and was possibly deleted. 

52. ἄλλ᾽) ἔξ ἄλλων, if the letters are rightly so interpreted, seems to be a phrase 
meaning ‘out of harmony,’ one person doing one thing and another another. ᾿Αλεξάνδρου 
cannot be read, nor, if it could, would it give a satisfactory sense. 


15:6 X 31:6 cm. Fifth century. 

Letter to a captain (1. 10) requesting him to give orders concerning the dis- 
posal of 100 artabae of corn. The writing is across the fibres of the papyrus. 

Καθὼς καὶ κατὰ πρόσωπον παρεκλήθης map ἐμοῦ Kai παρὰ τοῦ κυρίου 
μου τοῦ ἐλλογιμοτάτου 
Κύρου σχολαστικοῦ ἕνεκεν τῶν ἑκατὸν σίτου ἐκ τοῦ παλαιοῦ γενήματος, 
καταξίωσον οὖν 
τελείοσον τὴ(ν) χάριν, ἀντίγραψον τοῖς ναύτοις σου τὸ τί ὀφίλουσιν ποιή- 
σουσιν. ἐὰν 
5 Κελεύεις ἵνα ποιήσουσιν αὐτὰ ψωμία ἐνταῦθα κία]ὶ πέμψουσιν αὐτὰ εἰς 
τὴν ᾽Ἴβιονος, 
γράψον αὐτοῖς, ἐὰν πάλιν κελεύεις ἵνα πέμψουσιν τὸν σῖτον εἰς τὴν 
Ἴβιονος, πάλιν 
γράψον αὐτοῖς: καὶ γὰρ ἤδη ἔλαβεν ‘Avodm τὰς πεντήκοντα αὐτοῦ καὶ ὁ 
ἄλλος ἔλαβεν 
τὰς πεντήκοντα αὐτοῦ. καταξίωσον οὖν γράψον αὐτοῖς διὰ τοῦ γραμμα- 
τὸ τί ὀφίλουσιν ποιήσουσιν, δέσποτα. 
On the verso 
10 + ἐπίδ(ος) τῷ κυρίῳ μου τῷ ἀδελφῷ 'Aokadas ναυκλήρου 
map) Παμβήχις πρ. [: - «-«. 
3. & Of evexey incompletely formed. ν οἵ ovy rewritten. 4. 1. reAcl@oov . .. ναύταις. 

5. wa Pap.; soin |. 6. ἴβιονος Pap.; so in |. 6. 1. ᾿Ιβιῶνος. 7. ὃ addos Pap. 10. dw 
of αδελῴω written as a monogram, ὦ through the tail of f. 1. ᾿Ασκαλᾷ ναυκλήρῳ. 

‘As you were urged in person by me and by my lord the most distinguished Cyrus, 
advocate, on account of the hundred artabae of corn from the old produce, vouchsafe 
to perform this favour and write to your sailors what they ought to do. If you order them 
to make the bread here and send it to the village of Ibion, write to them; or if you order 
them to send the corn to Ibion, again write to them. For Anoup has already taken his 
fifty, and the other man his fifty. Vouchsafe then to write to them by the letter-carrier 
what they ought to do, sir. (Addressed) Deliver to my lord and brother Askalas, captain, 
from Pambechis . . .’ 

1. 7: cf. 941. 1, note. 

3. Κύρου is best regarded as a proper name since κυρίου precedes in 1. 2. For. the 
σχολαστικοί cf. 902. 1, note, Gelzer, Leipziger hist. Abhandl. xiii. p. 34. 

4. ὀφίλουσιν ποιήσουσιν is a parataxis like καταξίωσον τελείωσον,. 


20:0 X 5:3 cm. Fifth or sixth century. 

A short letter, written in a very narrow column, relating to a pond which 
was in process of construction. 

Φιλόξενος ἐν τῷ κτήματι 
» 7 ε , 
ama Μαρτυρίου ἱερέων, 
πρεσβυτέρου. 15 μέλλω ya 
’ ~ 
δεχόμενος ὁρκῶσε 
5 τοῦτό μου περὶ τοῦ 
ΝΠ Δ 4 > , 
TO γράμμα ἀναλώματος 
’ a 7 
σπούδασον ὅτι τί 
’΄ > 4 
φροντίσαι 20 ἀνήλωσαν 
τοῦ νέου εἰς αὐτόν. 
10 λάκκου 
τοῦ γιγνομένου €pp(@ao). 
ἢ = 
σὺν θεῷ 
2--2. 1. Μαρτυρίῳ πρεσβυτέρῳ. 14. ἵερεων Pap. 
3 ρτυρίῳ πρεσβυτέρᾳ 4. icp 

‘Philoxenus to Apa Martyrius, elder. On receipt of this my letter hasten to give heed 
to the new pond which is being made by the help of God in the priests’ estate, for I am 
about to take an oath of them as to the expense, what they have spent upon it. 

19. ὅτι τί: on the analogy it will be better to write τί καὶ τί than τι καί τι in 
937. 22, as was preferred by Wilcken, Archiv v. p. 272. 

* hy Alot νὸν 

a = i: Ve DIS IY Sy 

ae nr Ly ick. ᾿ 4 ba 
i ᾿ Le Dp ἱ 7 ἡ. 

i wal oe » ed ae 7 ; a 

͵ 4 eas 
i b «ὦ a 
Ηἰ Pi 
᾿ 2. 
¥ ‘ ba he 
δ ν alas 
᾿ ‘ 
~d Pan δ᾽ 
᾿ a 
% , je 

ἀγαθός 84, 197. 

ἀγαπᾶν 320. 
ayew 103. 
ἀγινεῖν 251. 
ἀγκών 114. 
ayha... 380. 
ἁγνεύειν 431. 
ἁγνός 235. 

ἄγνος ΕἾ. 2 recto 3. 

ἀγριάς 13. 
ἄγριος 297. 
ἀγών 254. 

See ἀείδειν. 
ἄεθλον 220, 253. 
ἀείδειν 5, 94, 173; 


ΠΝ 1) 1 CES 


(a) 1011 (CALLIMACHUS, Aefia and /ambdz). 

225, 217. 

381, 437. ἄδειν 43, 78. 

ἀείζωος 265. 
ἄηθες 257. 
ἄημα 36. 
ἀθάνατος 69. 
aici 60. 

αἰνεῖν 285, 
aivos 211. 

αἴξ 13. 
αἰπόλος 97. 
αἱρεῖν 12, 153. 
αἴρειν 20. 
αἴσιος 121. 
αἰσυμνᾶν 162. 
Αἴσωπος 171, 
αἰτεῖσθαι 36, 

Αἴτια go. 
ING 5 0 1 Gf 

ἀκαρτεῖν 8, 

᾿Ακοντιάδαι 51. 

᾿Ακόντιος 26, 30, 40, 44. 

ἀκούειν 02, 211, 328. 

ἄκρος 231, 330, 400 (7). 

᾿Ακτή 264. 

ἄκυθος 242. 

᾿Αλαλάξιος 60. 

ἀλγεῖν 278, 290. 

ἀλέγειν 65. 

᾿Αλέξανδρος 145 Marg. 

ἀλινδεῖσθαι 113. 

ἀλιτρός 68. 

᾿Αλκμέων 139. 

ἀλλά 28, 30, 80, 125, 139, 
240, 252, 255, 257, 296, 
312, 351, 368. ov yap 
ἀλλά 92. 

ἀλλήλων 295, 407. 

ἄλλος 27. 62, 416. ἄλλως 188. 

ἅλς 302. 

ἀμαθῶς 335, 349. 

ἅμαξα 119. 
ἁμαρτάνειν 351. 
ἀμαυροῦν 420. 
ἄμβων 34. 
ἄμισθος 309. 
᾿Αμυκλαῖον 24. 
ἀμύσσειν το. 
ἀμφί 33, 264, 289. 
ἀμφιθαλής 3. 

ἄν 48, 200, 380. 
ἄν = ava 272. 
ἀναβάλλειν 43. 
ἀναγκάζειν 188. 

avakpive 323. 
ἀναλίσκειν 100. 

| ἄναξ 88, 375, 441. 

ἀναρρίπτειν 201. 

ἄνασσα 82. 

ἀναστέφεσθαι 235. 

ἀνατρέπειν 68, 

ἁνδάνειν 271. 

᾿Ανδρόνικος 171. 

ἀνέρχεσθαι 35. 

ἄνεως (ἀνέτως Pap.) 39. 

ἀνήρ 103, 166, 245, 264. 

ἄνθρωπος 05, 107, 124, 140, 
185, 203, 235, 425. 

ἀνιγρός 14. 

ἄνολβος 296. 

ἀντί 45. 

ἄνωθεν 32. 

ἀοιδή 322. 

ἀοιδός 321. 

ἄπαις 146 marg. 

ἀπαμύνειν 240. 

ἀπάρχεσθαι 165. 

ἀπηνής 257. 

ἁπλῶς 195. 

ἀπό 24, 57; 98, 231. 

ἀποκτείνειν 302, 

᾿Απόλλων 97, 174, 224 Marg., 
252; 20). 100, δ᾽. τι 
verso 3. 

ἀποπέμπεσθαι 13. 

ἀποπλεῖν 158. 

ἀποπνίγειν 300. 

| ἀπρηγεῖσθαι 198. 


ἅπτεσθαι 45, 356 (?). 

arabe 203. 

ἄργυρος 30. 

“Apns 245. 

᾿Αρισταῖος 33. 

ἀριστερός 218. 

ἀριστεύς 247. 

ἄριστος 255. 

᾿Αρκάς 103. 

ἄρσην 3 (I. αὐτίκα). 

ἀρτεμῆς 227. 

λρτεμις 22. 

ἀρχαῖος 54, 263, 351, 423. 

ἄρχεσθαι, ἄρχμενος 50. 

ἀσελγαίνειν 202. 

ἀσκηθής 69. 

ἄσταχυς 40. 

ἀστερίσκος 120. 

ἄστυρον 74. 

ἀτιμᾶν 423. 

ἀτρεμαίως 241. 

ἄτρυτος 277. 

αὐδᾶσθαι 21. 

αὐτάρ 32, 38, 72, 80. 

αὐτίκα 3 (ἄρσενι Pap.), 42. 

αὖτις 15, 

αὐτός 15, 38, 75, 104, 141, 
179, 238, 250, 268, 328. 

αὐχεῖν 240. 

αὐχήν 391. 

ἔλφραστος 74. 

ἄφρων 224, 233. 

ἄφωνος 157. 

Βαθυκλῆς 103. 

βαίνειν 538, 369. 

βάλλειν 140. 

βαρύς 22. 

Βίας 138. 

βλέπειν 115, 197, 298, 370. 
Bon 61. 

βοτόν 85. 

Boul Fr. 1 verso 3. 
βούλεσθαι Fr. τι recto 3. 
Βουπάλειος 95. 

βοῦς 11, 93. 

Bpayxos 224. 

βράχιον 325. 


γαῖα 260, 
γαμβρός 33, 195. 

| γάμος 18, 22, 50. 

γάρ 4, 23, 30, 51, 78, 92, 
104, 110, 112, 114 marg., 
156, 206, 213, 235; 
236, 252, 254, 268, 275, 
279, 293, 300, 317, 319, 
360, Fr. 5 recto 2. 

yaornp 218, 350. 

γε δ, 325 79, 200, 318, 413. 

γειτονεῖν 300, 

γέλως 155. 

γένειον 431. 

γένος 164. 

γέρων 66, 122, 249. 

γεωμετρεῖν 123 Marg. 

γῆ 123. 

γίνεσθαι 102, 107, 229, 232, 

γινώσκειν 233, 378. 

γλῶσσα 9, 144. 

γόης 64. 

γράφειν 123, 125. γράφεσθαι 

ypnus 67. 

γρύζειν 256. 

γυμνάζειν 147. 

γυμνοῦν ΤΟΙ, 210. 

γυνή 401. 



δαίμων 128. 

dais 228, 

δάκρυ 400 (?), 

δάφνη 212, 222, 223, 226, 
260, 265-7, 269, 274, 
276, 282, 288, 297. 

δειελινός 12. 

δεῖν 180. 

δέλτος 66. 

Δέλφιος 20. 

Δελφοί 231, 255. 

Δελφός 98, 172. 

δένδρον 214, 293. 

δεξιή 103. 

Δεξιθέη 67. 

δέρκεσθαι τι. 

δεσμός 112. 

δέσποινα 301. 

δεύτερος 16, 274. 
δέχεσθαι 48, 61, 173. 

δή 51, 129, 211, 299, 5357. 
Δήλιοι 279. 

Δῆλος 26. 

δῆμος 166, 281. 
Anpavaé 66. 

διακρίνειν 268. 

διδόναι 132, 133, 193, 382. 
Διδυμεύς 122. 

δικάζειν 263. 

δίκαιος 162. 

Owe 105. 

Διονυσιάς 41. 

δίς 227. 

διώκειν 57. 

Διώνυσος Fr. ΤΙ verso 2. 
δοκεῖν 44, 368. 

δομή 15. 

δόμος 422. 

δορίς τι. 

δόσις 136, 430. 

δοῦλος 324. 

δράκων 218 marg. 

Opis 261. 

Δωριῆς 230. 

Δωριστί 353. 

ἕβδομος 384. 

ἐγχεῖν 355. 

ἐγώ 28, 80, 133, 220, 221, 
228, 230, 235, 244, 245, 
248, 253, 256, 279, 302, 
408. ἡμεῖς 53, 165, 299. 

ἔδαφος 134. 

ἐθέλειν 28. 

εἰ 350, 413. 

εἰδέναι 234, 332. 

εἶδος 218 marg. 

εἴκειν 441. 

εἰλεῖν 144. 

εἶναι 26, 48, 49, 79, 105, 
174 (ja), 200, 203, 235, 
236, 293, 324, 377, 400 
(ἔσκεν), 412. 

εἵνεκα 68, 

εἰπεῖν 74, 84, 124, 172, 194, 
227, 280, 298. 

εἷς 265, 299. 


εἴτε 351. 

ἐκ 50, 93, 252, 

εκαστος I41, 335 

ἱἙκάτη 99. 

ἐκβάλλειν 305. 

ἐκεῖ 4τι (ἢ). 

ἐκεῖθεν 171. 

ἐκεῖνος 44, 

ἐκκνημοῦν 100. 

ἐκκόπτειν 163. 

ἐκπέμπειν 246 (ἔκ τε π.). 

ἐκπλεῖν 145. 

ἐκπλέκειν 352. 

ἐκφύειν 162. 

cAainh 212) 224: 223; 202: 
266, 271, 276, 280, 283, 

ἐλαφηφύρος 234. 

ἕλκειν 221. 

ἐλλείπειν 60. 

euos 23, 48, 81, 131, 242, 
Fr. 15 recto 2. 

ἐμπνεῖν 127. 

ἘΠῸ ΒΡ (διε 

€v 10, 24, 37, 64, 122, 194, 
211, 222, 243, 254, 255, 
258, 263. ἐνί 55. 

evavew 101. ἐναύεσθαι 345, 

ἕνεκα 6. 

ἔνερθε 180. 
ἔνθα 111. 
ἔνθεν 76. 
ἐνικλᾶν 22. 
ἐνναίεσθαι 60. 
ἐννύχιος 21. 
ἕνος 407. 
ἐντελής 317. 
ἐντίθεσθαι 66. 
ἐντρέφειν 184. 
ἐξειπεῖν 130. 
ἐξενέπειν ἢ. 
ἐξευρίσκειν 124. 
ἐξόπισθε 143. 
ἐξ. 130. 
ἔπειτα 117. 
ἐπήν 232. 
ἐπί 34, 61, 114, 160, 187, 

188, 228, 250, 284. 


Cf. νέρθεν. 

ἐπίδημος 26. 

ἐπιέναι 80. 

ἐπιμάρτυς 48. 

ἐπίστασθαι (= ἐφίστ.) 108. 

ἐπιτάξ 230. 

ἐπιτάσσειν 00. Marg. 

ἐπιτρέχειν 40. 

ἐπιχειρεῖν 182 marg. 

ἐπιχρίειν 270. 

ἔπος 21,-39, 226. 

ἑπτά 17, 133. 

ἑπταμήκης 126, 

ἐρᾶν 114 Marg., 224 marg. 

ἔργον (or ἐργάτης) 405. 

ἐρεῖν 140, 325. 

ἔρεσθαι 58. 

ερευγειν 7. 

ἐρίζειν 262. 

ἑρπετόν 163. 

ἐρύκειν 363. 

ἔρχεσθαι 87. 

ἔρως 75. 

ἐς 13, 20, 41, 77, 204, 228, 
231, 248, 269, 321. 

ἔσθειν 2 70°. 

ἐσοικίζεσθαι το. 

ἐστώ 41 (9). 

ἔσω 271, 408. 

ἑταίρη 42. 

ἐτεόν Q. 

ἕτερος 128, 135, 105. 
ἐτητυμίη 76. 

ἔτι 51. 

εὐεστώ 87. 
εὔκρηνος 72, 

evA ... 150. 
εὐνᾶσθαι τ. 

εὐορκεῖν 42. 
εὐπλόκαμος 73. 
Εὔπυλος 71. 
εὑρίσκειν 121, 260, 
εὐρύς 372. 
εὔστεκτος 300. 

262, 267. 

Εὔφορβος 124. 
εὐχή 381. 

Ἔφεσος 334, 348. 

ἐφίεσθαι 131. 
ἐφίστασθαι (ἐπίστ.) 108, 
ἐφορμᾶσθαι 175. 


ἔχειν 9, 27 (ἐἑξέμεναι), 107, 
112, 128, 165, 169, 392, 

ἐχθρός 141. 205. 

Ζεύς 36, 61 (Διός), 79 (Ζηνύ:). 
88, 388. 
(on 182. 

ἢ 140 (Ὁ), 187, 202, 221, 
iy 225, 257, BAG; 251) 
254, 258; 290, 399, 401. 

ἢ 8, 300. 

ἢ = ἔφη 38. 

7) 120. 

ἠδέ 126 (?). 

ἤδη 1, 78, 109, 1138. 

ἥκειν 92, 146, 194. 

ἠλεά 66. 

ἤλεκτρον 31. 

ἧλιξ 42. 

ἡλιοπλήξ 210. 

ἡμέρα 194. 

ἡμέτερος 7. 

ἡμιθέη 71. 

ἦμος 262. 

ἤν 28, 139, 307. 

ἡνίκα 174, 248, 383. 

Ἥρη 4. 

n@os 10. 

θάλασσα 108. 

Θάλης 134 (?). 

θαλλός 283. 

θαμινός 36. 

θάνατος 64. 

θεά 6, 380. 

θεός 38, 42, 49, 65, τοῦ, 198, 
203, 268, 346, Fr. 11 
recto 4. 

θήρη 24. 

Θησεύς 273. 

θνήσκειν 140. 

θρίξ ττο, 431. 

θρύον 24. 

θυγάτηρ 29. 

θῦμα οὗ. 

θυμός 5, 280, 350. 


θυμοῦσθαι 321. 
Ournp 221. 

ἴαμβος 91, 94. 

Ἴαστί 353. : 

ἰαύειν 2. 

ἰδεῖν 6. 

ἴδιος 41. 

ἱδρύειν 222. 

ἵδρυμα 73. 

ἱερός 6,14, 33. 
232, 236. 

(κί Fr. 15 recto 3. 

Ἴκμιος 3.4. 

ἵμερος 53. 

ins 63. 

ἵππος 86, 402, 447. 

Ἱππῶναξ 92. 

ἱστάναι 112. 

ἱστορίη ἢ. 

ἴσχεσθαι 4. 

᾿ἸΙουλίς 52, 72. 

Ἰφίκλειος 46. 

ἴχνιον 86, 

Ἴωνες 225, 

ipds 61, 194, 

καθήκειν τοῦ (?). 

καθῆσθαι 250. 

καθίζειν 280. 

καὶ γάρ 104, 110, 156, 
213, 222. καὐταί 528. 
κἠγώ 133, 228, κηδίκαζεν 
263. κῆν 307. κὴηναυσθλώ- 
σατο 40(?). κὴἠπί 250, 284. 
κἠπιτάξ 239. κῆπος 220. 


koi 286. κοὺ 235. kas 
253. x 42. χητέροις 
165. χὐπό 238, 246. χὠ 

273. χὠπόταν 236. 

καίειν 237. 

κακός 8, 12, 298, 424. 

καλεῖν 62 (βαλεῖσθαι Pap.), 

Καλλίμαχος 90, 91. 

Καλλιόπη 77. 

καλός 214, 364, 446. καλῶς 
173, 188, κάλλιστος 430. 

καλύπτειν 30. 



κάμνειν 17. 

κάμπτειν 234. 

Kapes 62. 

Κάρθαια 71. 

καρπός 269. 

κάρτα 6, 175. 

κάρτος 164. 

Kapva 59. 

κάσις 23. 

κατ. 445. 

κατατίθεσθαι 55. 

ke 45. 

κεῖνος 50, 85, Cf. 

Κεῖος 32, 53, 74. 

κεῖσθαι 180, 250, 276, 411(?). 

Κελαινίτης 47. 

κελεύειν 2. 

κενός 166, 

κέρας 321. 

κεραύνιος 64. 

κέρδος 316, 

Κέως 63. 

κήδειν 23. 

κῆρ 362. 

κηρύσσειν τ41. 

Κερω... 58. 

κληροῦν 367 (?). 

κλισμίον τό. 

κλύειν 53. 

κλύζειν 25. 

κλωστήρ 112. 

κνίζειν 330. 

Κοδρείδης 32. 

κόλλυβος 93. 

κολυμβᾶν 273 (?). 

κόμη 201. 

κόπτειν 362. 

κόρη 390. 

Κορήσιος 74. 

κορώνη 2478. 

κοτέ 4, 18, 54 (ποτέ Pap.), 

κοῦ 254. 

κου Τ12. 

κούρη 15; 39. 

koupos I. 

κρέσσων 253. 

κρηγύως 196. 


κούρη 15, 39. 

κόρη 300. 

Κρήσιος 444. 
κρίνειν 428. 
Κρόνος 160. 
κρούειν 226, 314. 
κρυμός το. 
κτεατίζεσθαι 47. 
κτείνειν 370. 
Κυδίππη 10. 

κύειν 150. 

κύκλος 126. 
κύκνος 243. 
κύπειρος 261. 
κυρίως 187. 

κύων 4, 144. 
κώνειον 122. 
Κωρύκιαι νύμφαι 56. 
κῶς 278, 403. 
κως τότ. 
κωτιλίζειν 277. 
κωτίλος 250. 

λαιδρός 4, 278. 

λαλεῖν 352. 

λάλος 170. 

λαμβάνειν Fr, 15 verso 4. 

λέγειν 119, ΤΟΊ, 213, 293, 
295, 377: 

Λέλεγες 62. 

λευκός 218, 248. 

λήιτος 33 (?). 

Anke 183. 

Λητώ 280. 

λίην 294. 

Niveos 37. 

Nis 57. 

λόγος 137 (?), 432 (?). 

λοιπός 40, 201. 

Λύγδαμις 23. 

Λυδοί 212. 

λῦμα 25. 

λύσις 422. 

λώβη 298. 

λωίτερος 87, 

μά 301. 
Maipa 35. 
μάκαρ 65. 
Μακελώ 67. 
μακρός 103. 

μάλα 241. 

μάντις 221, 286. 

μάσσειν 205. 

μάσταξ 271. 

μαῦλις 9. 

μάχη 94. 

Μεγακλῆς 70. 

μέγας 50, 57, 105. μέζων 254, 

μέλειν 34, 76. 

Μελίη 63. 

μέλλειν 10, 50, 113, 237, 334; 

μέλος 322. 

μεμνῆσθαι 18, 252. 

μέν 0, 11, 70, 136, 163, 187, 
210, 218, 222, 228, 240, 
245, 256, 319,368, 420(?), 
Fr. 15) recto 3. 

μένειν 20. 

μέρος 409. 

μέσος 105, 371. 

μετά 62. 

μεταστρέφειν 182. 

μετέρχεσθαι 40. 

μέτρον 334, 348, 362. 

μέχρι 354. μέχρις T5. 

μή 137, 239, 294, 295, 299, 
328, 355, 349. 

μήν ΤΩΣ 

Byte 270, 

μήτηρ 67, 190. 

μίγνυσθαι 31. 

Midns 47. 

μικκός 382, 

μίμνειν 341. 

μιν 58, 60, 129. 

μίτρη 45. 

μνήμη 55. 

μόλιβος 30. 

μοῦνος 68, 153, 211 (μόνος 

μοῦσα 81, Μοῦσα, Μοῦσαι 85, 
89, 204, 357, 361, 400. 

μοχθηρός 199. 

μύζειν 325 (?). 

μυθολόγος 55. 

μῦθος 77, 86, 173. 

μυῖα 97. 


μυρίος 396. 
μύρμηξ 421. 

vai 206. 

ναίειν 56. 

ναιετᾶν 52. 

Νάξος 538. 

vads 408. 
ναυσθλοῦσθαι 40 (?). 
νέεσθαι 50. 

νεῖκος 212. 

νεκρὸς 236. 

νέμειν 85. 

νέος 217, 356. 
νέρθεν 264. Cf. ἔνερθε. 
νεύειν 205. 

νεφέλη 37. 

νῆις 40. 

νῆσος 55, Fr. 6 verso 2. 
νηστεύειν 1206. 
νικᾶν 438. 
νομός 80. 
νοῦσος 12. 
νύμφη 56, 436. 
νυμφίος 27. 

νῦν ΤΟΙ. 

νύξ 44. 

Ξενομήδης 54. 
ξένος 323. 
ξυγκεραννύναι ἢ 5. 
ξύειν 123. 

ξυνός 268. 

ὅ, ἡ, τό. ἡλαίη 2832. οἱ ἱκέται 
275. οὗλαφηφόρος (adr, 
Pap.) 234. οὗμός 131. 
οὗντραφείς 184. οὕτερος 128. 
τἀπί 160. τητέρῃ 135. 
τοὔδαφος 134. τοὐλόχρυσον 
130. τὠγαθόν 197. τὠπόλ- 
λωνος 232. τὠφθαλμώ 163. 
ὡριστερός 218. 

6, ἡ, τό (demonstr.), ὁ 38, τήν 
12, 240. τῷ (=therefore) 
58. τῶν 7,93. ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ 


21, 39, 70, 1ῚῚ, 127, 143, 
169, 210, 219, 240, 289, 
297, 375: 

6, ἥ, τό (relat.), τό 124. 
13. τῆς 45. 7@85. τάπερ 
5. τάς 54. 

ὅδε 9, 54, 240, 268, 298, 320, 
381, 415. 

686s 250. 

ὅθεν 334, 348. 

οἰδεῖν 290 (?). 

οἰκεῖν 59, 168 (?), 181, 422. 

οἴκησις η8. 

οἶκος 88, 220. 

οἶνος 318. 

οἷος 277. 

ὁκοῖος 234. 

ὅκου 93. 

ὁλούς 1. 

ὅλος 88. 

ὁλόχρυσος 120. 

᾿Ολυμπίη 254. 

ολυμπος 5385." 

ὁμαρτεῖν 250. 

ὁμιλεῖν 327. 

ὀμνύναι 27. 

ὁμοῦ 62. 

ὀνήιστος 132, 200, 

ὀνίνασθαι 6. 

ὀξύς 11, 75, 86, 258 marg. (?), 

ὄπις 79. 

ὅπλον 284. 

ὁπόταν 236. 

ὁππότε 26. 

ὀργίζεσθαι 225 (?). 

ὁρεῖν 139. 

ὅρκιον 20. 

ὅρκος 22. 

ὄρνεον 121 Marg. 

ὄρνις 257. 

ὄρος 231. 

ὅρπηξ 215. 

ὄρτυξ 31. 

ὅς 14, 34, 47, 54, 68, 
II5, 128, 188, 219, 
245, 247, 267, 273, 292, 
324, 400, 428, 443. ὅς 
περ 220. Os τε 56. 

ὁσίη 5. 


οὖρος 34, 370. 


Goris 8, 49, 124, 132, 172, 

ὅταν 144. 

ὅτε 68, 81. 

ov, ovk 5, 6, 23, 27, 30, 43, 
44, 46, 49, 65, 78, 83, 92, 
ὍΔ᾽ 103,128, 157, 162; 
Τό, 173, 174, 1220,) 221, 
224, 226, 235, 253, 268, 
278, 293, 294, 391, 313, 
326, 373, 388. οὐχί 233, 

οὐδέ 24, 47, 104, 162 (οὐ... 
δέ), 191, 234, 375, 490. 

οὐδείς 257. 

οὐκέτι 20. 

οὖν 282, 351. 

οὕνεκα 320. 

οὔνομα η0, 62. 

οὖρος 34, 370. 

οὔτε 256, 287, 333, 
361 (?). 

οὗτος 21, 139, 145, 164, 171, 
253, 258, 296, 325, 352; 

ὀφθαλμός 163. 

ὄφις 264. 

ὄρος 231. 

πάγη 115. 

παιδεύειν 196. 

mais 3, 9, 16, 22, 26, 76, 224, 
249, 401, 430. 

παίχνιον 390, 395. 

πάλαι 212, 259. 

παλίμπρητος 324. 

πάλιν 58. 

Παλλάς 262, 267. 

mapa 54, 86, 97, 220. 
105. παραΐ 40. 

παραπέτεσθαι 327. 

Παρθένιος 25. 

παρθένιος 45. 

παρθένος τ, 1132. 

Παρνησσός 57. 

πᾶς 29, 39, 54, 68, 84, 107, 
128, 169, 242, 404. 

πάσχειν 307. 

πατεῖν 235. 

πατήρ 20, 131, 379, 384, 388. 



παύεσθαι 204. 

πεζός 80. 

πείθεσθαι 156. 

πενθερός 52. 

πεντάμετρον 313, 366. 

περ 5, 220. 

περί 444. 

περιστέλλειν 237. 

περίτιμος 52. 

πεύκη 201 marg. 

πῆμα 233. 

πιαίνειν 287. 

πιθανῶς 98 marg. 

πίνειν 144, 270. 

πιπρήσκειν 03. 

πίπτειν 210, 265. 

Πισαῖος 79. 

πλάσσειν 318. 

πλεῖν 120, 339. 

πλεῖον 251. 

πλέκειν 24. 

πλευρόν 238, 

πλῆθος 90. 

πλήσσειν 37. 

πνεῖν 239, 350. 

πνοή 100. 

ποιεῖν 170, 227, 299. 

Ποιῆσσα 73. 

ποικίλος 389. 

πόλις 70 (πόληας), 78 (πολίων), 
369 (πόλεις). 

πολίτης 281. 

πολυιδρείη ὃ. 

πολύς 85, 219, 271, 308, 389, 
391, 398. πουλὺς 52. 

mov... 411. 

πονηρός 202. 

πόνος 206, 425. 

ποταμός 25. 

πότης 114. 

πουλύμυθος 170. 
πουλύς 52. Cf. πολύς. 
πούς 433. 

πρέμνον 270. 
πρέσβυς 76. 
πρηύνειν 35. 
πρίν 1158. 
πρῖνος 261. 
προνύμφιος 2. 

πρός 120. 
πρόσθεν 290. 
προτείνειν 275. 
προυσέληνος 121. 
πρῶτος 125. 
πτερόν 421. 
πτολίεθρον 72. 
πτῶμα 274. 
Πυθαιστής 220. 
Πυθίη 222. 
Πύθων 410. 

mip 17, 191, 334, 348. 

ῥέζειν Fr. 11 recto 3. 
ῥεῖσθαι 364. 
py dios 307. 
ρησις 102, 

182 marg., 289, 

SaBos 399. 

σάλπιγξ O1. 

σαοῦν, caw 88. 

Σαρδιηνός 172. 

σείειν 215. 

σίττη (-της ἢ) 121. 

σκαληνόν 125. 

σκίπων 1534. 

σκυλμός 5301. 

σός 26. 

σοφός 132. 

σπλάγχνον 193. 

σταθμᾶσθαι 11g. 

lorepetv 427. 

στρωννύναι 16. 

σύ 5, 31, 32, 40 (σεῖο), 44, 
15 (σέθεν), 83, 88, 133, 
137, 175, 236, 251, 252, 
254 (σεῦ), 256, 299, 306, 
367, 412, 430. ὑμεῖς 132, 
184, 373- 

σῦκον 154. 

oun... 363. 

συμβάλλειν 302 (2). συμβάλ- 
λεσθαι (σὺν ete ἐβάλοντο) 86. 

συμμιγνύναι 333, 345. 

συμμικτὸς 353. 

συμφράδμων 28. 

σύν 3, 87, 246, Fr. rr recto 4. 

συναντῶν 192. 


συντιθέναι 360. 
σφυρόν 46. 
σχῆμα 123. 
σχολάζειν 105. 
σωπή 102, 258- 

τάλας 204. 

τᾶλις 3. 

τάσσειν 145 Marg. 

ταῦρος 297. 

τάφος 237, 248, 378 (?). 

τε 36 (ds τε), 58, 60, 64, 65, 
70, 214, 226, 238, 246, 
284, 392. 

τέθμιον 2. 

τειχίζειν 70. 

τελεῖν 108, 

τελεσφύρος 84. 

τελευτᾶν 29. 

τελευτή 243. 

Τελχῖνες 65. 

τέμνειν 230. 

Τέμπη 252. Τεμπόθεν 230. 

Teds 53. : 

τέσσαρες 70. 

τεταρταῖος 17. 

τέτρατον 20. 

τέχνη 417. 

τεχνήεις 380. 

τήθη 248. 

τήκειν 15. 

τημοῦτος 44. 

τηνίκα 3506. 

Τῆνος 23. 

τιθέναι 28, 195, 213, 
374 (θέμεν), 4.45. 

Τιθωνός 240. 

τίκτειν 241, 335, 349, 440. 

τιμᾶν 260. 

τιμή 387. 

τιμήεις 396. 

τίμιος ττό. 

τινθυρίζειν 258. 

τίς 60 (τέων relat.), 220 
260, 262, 266, 269 
(red), 279 (τεῦ). 

τις 6, 52, 139, 179(?), 207 



marg. (?), 285, 286, 350, 
3571» 382, 416(?), 448. 

Ὑμῶλος 211. 

τόκος 242. 

τότε 14. 

τοὔνεκα 5380. 

τραγῳδός 168, 312, 3067. 

τράχηλος 147 (τράχηλαλ. 

τρεῖς 270. 

τρέχειν 7 (ἔδραμε). 

τρίβων ΤΟΙ. 

τρίγωνον 125. 

τρίπους 412. 

τρίς 224. 

τρίτος 18, 207 marg. 

Τριτωνίς 390. 

τρομεῖν 328. 

τροφός 443. 

τυγχάνειν 393- 

ὕβρις 64, 69. 

ὕδρος 218. 

᾿γδροῦσσα 58. 

ὕδωρ το. 

ὕλη 261. 

ὑμέτερος 51. 

ὑμήναιος 43. 

ὑπακούειν 127. 

ὑπήνη 135. 

ὕπνος 2. 

ὑποστρωννύναι 223, 239. 

ὑπώροφος 414. 

φαεινός 30. 

φαίνεσθαι 297. 

φάναι 4, 31, 129, 139, 145; 
216, 288, 324, 379- 

φάρμακον 188, 376. 

φαῦλος 327, 388, 422. 

φέρειν 94, 231, 249, 319, 390. 

ped 277, 291. 

φεύγειν 140. 

φημίζειν 14, 58. 

φίλος 195, 354: 

φίλοψος 167. 

φλιή 220. 

Φοῖβος 21, 63, 183, 225, 301, 


Φοίνικες 120. 
φοιτεῖν 228. 
φρικτός 6. 

Φρύξ 124. 
φυκίοικος 263. 
φυλάσσειν 279. 
φύλλον 258, 275. 
φῦλον 51. 

φωνή 169. 

χαίρειν 87, 88, 432. 
χαλεπός 8, 35, 49. 
Χάριτες 73, 82. 

xAdos 12. 

χλωρός 154. 

χορός 228, 442. 

χρή 416. 

χρῆσθαι 209. 
χρηστός 250. 

Ἰχρίειν Fr. 2 verso 4. 
χρῖμα 241, 272. 
χρῖσις Fr. 2 verso 2. 
χρόνος 429. 

χρυσός 31, 420. 
Χρυσώ 71 (?). 

χυτός 292. 

χωλός 335, 349. 

ψεύδειν 83 (ἢ). 
ψῆφος 48. 
ψιττακός 167. 

ψεύδεσθαι τ4. 

ὦ 99, 242, 294, 298, 417. 

ὠνδρόνικε 171. ὥνθρωποι 
185. ὦπολλον 0907, 174, 
409. appar 224, 233. 
ὧδε £29. 
ὥρη 158. 

ws 2, 9, 56, 58, 60, 70, 142, 
144, 182 marg., 218, 253, 
261, 272, 299, 331, 357- 

ὥς 289. 

ὥσπερ 164. 

ὥστε 326. 




(Numbers in thick type refer to papyri.) 

ἀγνοεῖν 1012. C ii. τό. 

ἁγνός 1015. 15. 

ἄγροικος 1012. Fr. τό. τ. 

ἀγρονόμος 1015. 7. 

ἀδελφός 1018. Fr. 4 verso 2. 

ἀείδειν 1015. I, 9. 

᾿Αθῆναι 1012. C ii. 45. 

᾿Αθηναῖοι 1012. C ii. 38. 

Αἰγινῆται 1012. C ii. 40. 

ἀθλητήρ 1015. ὃ. 

αἷμα 1010. 17. 

αἴνυσθαι 1015. 15. 

aipew 1013. 31. 

αἰτιάζεσθαι 1012. F 13, 14. 

αἴτιος 1012. ( ii. 48. 

αἰχμή 1014. 25. 

ἀκούειν 1012. A ii. 27; 1018.6. 

ἀκροᾶσθαι 1012. A ii. 30. 

ἀλείφειν 1015. 14. 

ἀληθής 1012. Fr. 13. ii. 30, 
1m τὸ. 5, Gh ἘΠ 15, Ihe 
18. 6. 

ἀλλά 1018. 34, 44; 1015. 13. 

ἄλλος 1012. A i. 6, F 15; 
1014. 22. 

ἄλογος 1012. Fr. 13. il. 29. 

ἁμαρτάνειν 1012. F 14. 

ἀμείνων 1015. 17. 

ava 1015. 10. 

ayayr[ 1012. Fr. 39. 2. ἀναγνω͵ 
1012. Fr. 20. 6. 

ἄναξ 1015. το. 

ἀνδρεία 1012. Fr, τα. 11. 8. 

᾿Ανδροτίων 1012. ( 19, 21. 

ἀνήρ 1012. Fr. 12, 1 (?); 1015. 
18, 20. 

ἄνθρωπος 1013. ΤΙ. 

ἀντειπεῖν 1012. C ii. 55. 

ἀντιβολεῖν 1018. 18. 

ἀντίδικος 1012. A ii. 29. 

᾿Αντίπατρος 1012. C ii. τι. 

ἀνυμνείειν 1015. 6. 

ἀξιοῦν 1018. 20. 

ἀοιδοπόλος 1015. 2. 

ἀοιδός 1015. 6. 

ἅπας 1018. 35, 41. 

ἀπάτη 1012. Fr. 11. ii. 8. 

ἀπό 1010. το. 

ἀπόδειξις 1012. A ii. 22. 

ἀποδιδόναι 1012. C 1]. 31. 

᾿Απόλλων 1015. 5. 

ἀπολυτροῦν 1018. 21. 

ἄρειος 1012. Fr. τό. 17 (?). 

᾿Αρίστιππος 1012. B i. 13. 

᾿Δριστοφάνης 1012. Fr. 23. 3. 

ἁρμόζειν 1012. A iii. 12. 

ἄρτι 1015. 5. 

ἄρτος 1010. 10. 

ἄρχειν 1015. 4. 

ἀρχεύειν 1015. 13. 

ἀστός 1015. 11. 

᾿Αττική 1012. C iii. 40. 

*Arrixds 1012. Fr. τό, 
Fr. 17. 3, 5) 7) 9: 

αὐθαδία 1013. το. 

αὐτός 1010. τό, 17; 1012. B 
is 2; (Cosh iis 22. 255 δὴ; 
Brearley ἢ, 15.) ΒΓ 2:2; 
1013. 19; 1015. 1, 4. 

ἀφικνεῖσθαι 1012. C ili. 43. 

ἀφιστάναι 1012. C ii. 48. 

ἀφνειός 1015. 18. 

ἄφνω 1014. τι. 

ἀχρεῖος 1012. Fr. 16. 14, 15, 

ἄχρηστος 1012. Fr. τό. 17. 

5, 15, 

βαρυτόνως 1012. Fr. 16. τό. 

βιβλίον 1012. A ii. 6, Fr. 13. 
il. 24, Fr. 18. 2. 

Bios 1012. B i. 4. 

Bornp 1015. 7. 

βούλεσθαι 1012. A ii. 35. 

| γάρ 1012. A ii. 21, iii, 13, C 
ΙΖ, 30: 111. 538: rer Onze 
Fr. 21. 8, Fr. 23.4; 1018. 

15,42;1014. 10, 23; 1015. 
12; Γ8: ΤῸ: 

γε 1012. ΕἾ. τό. 12. 

γείτων 1013. 2. 

γεραίρειν 1015. 11. 

| Τέτας 1018. 9, 1ο. 

γίνεσθαι 1012. C ii. 30, 49, 
F 19; 1013. 41, 44; 1014. 
9, 10, 20. 

γινώσκειν 1012. Fr. 20. 
1015. 13. 

γραμματεῖον 1012. ( ii, 15, 21. 

γράφειν 1012. Fr. 13. il. 22. 

ypv 10138. 14. 

γυμνάσιον 1016. 9. 

γυνή 1012. Fr. 27. 4: 1019. 




δαῆναι 1015. 20. 

deck] 1012. A ii. 12. 

δεικνύναι 1018. 41. 

δεῖν 1012. Β 1. 8. 

δεῖσθαι 1012. C ii. 53. 

δεύτερος, ἐκ δευτέρου 1010. 24. 

δηλοῦν 1012, C ii. 20. 

Δημήτηρ 1015. 15. 

Anpeas 1018. 13, 15, 22. 

δῆμος 1012. C ii. 33; 1015. 
10, 16. 

Δημοσθένης 1012. A ii. 36, C 
il, 20, 111. 46, Fr. 13. ii. 17, 

διά OTR Ἐπ 4: 2. ΒΝ 21: 
1018. 32. 

| διαβάλλειν 1012. Fr. 11. ii. 5. 
διαιτητής 1012. C ii. 30. 

| διαλύειν 1012. A ili. 7, Cil. 49. 
διαστέλλειν 1012. Fr. τό. 4. 

βουλεύειν 1018. 30. 
βοῦς 1015. 5. 

διαφθείρειν 1010. 1, 13. 
| διαφορά 1012. C ii. 28. 


διδάσκειν 1015, 22. 

διδόναι 1018. 44, Fr. 4 verso 

Δίδυμος 1012. Fr. 13. ii. 25. 

διηγί 1012. A iii. το. 

δικαστής 1012. A ii. 30. 

διπλοῦς 1012. Fr. 27. 3. 

διττός 1012. Fr. τό. 4. 
1012. Fr. 16. 15. 

δίψα 1010. 20. 

δοκεῖν 1012. A ii. 17, F 15. 

δοκιμάζειν 1018. 42. 

δόξα 1012. B i. 2 (?). 

δύναμις 1012. Fr. 16. 4. 

δυσμιμητότατος 1012. A ii. 34, 

δωροδοκία 1012. Fr. rr. ii. Fe 

δῶρον 1015. 15, 19. 


ἐγείρειν 1014. 12. 

ἐγκώμιον 1015. 9, 23. 

ἐγώ 1018. 16, 19, 21, 41, 42; 
1015. τ. 

ἔθειν 1012. Fr. 16. 13. 

εἰ 1012. Fr. 13. ii. 30; 1013. 

εἰδέναι 1012. B i. ο. 

εἴκοσι 1012. C ii. 33. 

εἶναι 1012. A ii. 8, 9, 35, iii. 
AD ieree Sato G1 TT, 
235 τὸ, 25, 47, il. 40, ΕἾ: 
HOW Ib By ΠῚ ΤῊ hh 20; 1 || 
18; 1018. 21, Fr. 4 verso 
3; 1014. 23. 

εἰπεῖν 1012, C ii. 6, 23, 43, 
ili. 48 (?), 

eis 1012. ( 1]. 25, 45; 1015. 4. 

εἰσιέναι 1013. 44; 1014. 8. 

εἰστρέχειν 1014, 13. 

ἐκ 1010. 24. 

ἕκαστος 1012. A ii, 25, Fr. 13. 
li, 26. 

ἐκεῖνος 1015. 21. 
16, 18, 19, 22. 

ἔκτοπος 10138. 7. 

ἕκτος 1012. C ii. 14. 

ἐκφέρειν 1012. A iii. 6, Fr. 16. 

ἐλαιόρυτος 1015. 11. 

ἐλαιόχυτος 1015. 14. 

κεῖνος 1015. 

| ἐν 1010. 3, 8, | 
1012. A ii. 31, 37, C ii. 6, 

| Ἕλληνες 1012. Fr. 16. 2, 12, 

Ἑλληνικά 1012, F 13. 
Ἑλληνισμός 1012. Fr. 17. 2, 
4, 6, 8. 
ἐμπίπτειν 1014. 8 (?), 17. 
ἐμφα[ 1012. Fr. 23. 5. 
19. ΤΙ, 

153; 20, 28, 54, lil. 53; 54, 

ἘΠ: i 

: 13 1018, 8. 

. 10. 

ἐναγώνιος 1015. 8. 

ἔνθα 1015. το. 

ἐνθάδε 1015. 17. 

ἐντελής 1012. C ii. 5 (?). 

ἐντυγχάνειν 1013. 22. 

ἐξομοιοῦν 1012. A ii. 28. 

ἔξω 1012. Fr. 13. ii. 30, F 20; 
1014. 24 (?). 

ἔξωθεν 1014. 4 (?). 

ἑορτή 1012. C iii. 28. 

ἐπαρήγειν 1015. 2. 

ext 1015. 16, 21. 

ἐπικαλύπτειν 1012. Fr. 18. 5. 

ἐπικλύζειν 1014. τό. 

᾿Επίκουρος 1012. Bi. ττ. 

ἐπιορκία 1012. Fr. rt. ii. 7. 

| ἐπισκέπτεσθαι 1012. A ii. 7. 

ἐπίσκοπος 1015. 9. 
ἐποχετεύειν 1014. 4 (?). 

ἑπτάτονος 1015. 3. 

ἐρεῖν 1012. C ii. 8, Fr. 13. ii. 
25 bls, 32 (δ ἘΠ: Τὸν 83: 

Bre 27. τὸ. 5: 
Ἑρμείας 1015. 2. 
8, 23. 
ἐρώτησις 1012. Fr. τό. 9. 
ἐσθίειν 1010. 15 (ἔδεσθαιν). 
ἐσθλός 1015. τό. 
ἑταῖρος 1015. 12. 
ἕτερος 1012. Fr. 13. ii. 8, 33, 
Fr. 24. 2. 
ἔτι 1015. 13. 
εὖ 1012. A ii. 5, 7, 8, 11; 
1013. 37. 
εὐεργεσία 1012. C ii. 26, 42. 
εὐεργετεῖν 1012. ( ii. 38. 


Ἑρμῆς 1015. 

135 | 

Hey ἼΠ iy ID 2 ΠΗ] 
evi | 


εὐεργέτης 1012. C ii. 26. 
εὕρεσις 1012. A ii, 14 (0). 
Εὐρύλοχος 1012. C ii. 12. 
εὐχή 1012. Fr. 13. ii. 24. 
ἔχειν 1012. A 11. 6, 7, C ii. 29, 
B25) bra τοὶ 1: ἘΠῚ 18.5. 
ἐχθρός 1012. Fr. τι. ii. 1. 

ζῆν 10138. 37, 41. 

7 1012. A ii. 30, Fr. 13. ii. 
8 (?), 29(?); 1018. 40; 
1015. 21. 

ἠδέ 1015. 15. 

| ἤδη 1012. C ii. 46. 

ἡδονή 1012. B i. 12. 

ἦθος 1012. A ii. 26. 

ἥκειν 1010. 22; 1012. C ii. 

ἥλιος 1018. 8. 

ἠμέν 1015. 14. 

“Ἡρακλείδης ὁ Ποντικός 1012. 
ΘΠ τὸ 

Ἡρόδοτος 1012. C ii. 56. 

ἤτοι 1015. 18. 

θάλασσα 1014. 17. 

θάνατος 1014. 23. 
Θεμιστοκλῆς 1012. C il. 24. 
Θεόπομπος 1012. C ii. 13. 
Θεόφραστος 1012. C ii. 27. 
θεός 1012. Bi. το; 1015. 7. 

| Θέων 1015. 12. 

Θουκυδίδης 1012. Fr. 5. 3, C 
ii. 23, ill. 37 (°?). 

Θρασωνίδης 1018. 10, 37, 43. 

Θριάσιον (πεδίον) 1012. C ii. 

ἰδιώτης 1012. Fr. τό. 2. 

ἱέρεια 1012. C ii. 7. 

ἱερός 1015. το. 

᾿Ἰλλυριοί 1012. C iii. 53. 

Ἱμέρα 1012. C ii. 7. 

Ἱππίας (1. ᾿Ισαγόρας) 1012. C 
li, 43, 51. 

ἸΙσαγόρας (Ἱππίας Pap.) 1012. 
(Ca ABS Bite 

| ἱστορεῖν 1012. C ii. 13, 56. 


καθάπερ 1012. A ii. 36. 

καὶ yap 1012. A ii. 21. 

Καικίλιος 1012. Fr. 13. il. 24. 

καιρός 1012. A ii. 15, 26, C 
ii. 28. 

καίτοι 1012. F 17. 

κακ' 1012. Fr. 18. 6. 
1O12. A 11: 5. 

κάμνειν 1015. 4. 

κατά 1012. A ii. το, Bi. 4, 
ΟὟ We Boh Birdie, ΤῸ, Ὁ. 

κατάγειν 1012. Cil. 44, 50,52. 

καταριθμεῖσθαι 1012. C 1]. 37. 

κατηγορεῖν 1012. Fr. 13. ii. 14. 

κεῖνος 1015. 16, 18, 19, 22. 
ἐκεῖνος 1015. 21. 

κενεαυχής 1015. 19. 

κενεός 1015. 19. 

Κέρκυρα 1012. C ii. 25. 

Κερκυραῖοι 1012. ( ii. 29, 3 

κλάειν 1013. 18. 

kdav 1012. F 22. 

κλείειν (= κλεῖν) 1015. 6, 

Κλεινίας 1018. 12, 13 (?). 

κλείς 1012. C iii. 53. 

Κλεομένης 1012. C ii. 43, 53. 

κλήζειν 1015. 7. 

κολάζειν 1012. C ii. 39. 

Κορίνθιος 1012. C ii. 30, 32, 
45, 55- 

κοτύλη 1015. 14. 

Κράτεια 1018. 32, 30. 

κρίνειν 1012. ( ii. 31. 

κριτής 1012. A ii. 30. 

κριτικός 1012. A iii. 9. 

κρούειν 1015. 3. 

κυρίως 1018. 42. 

κωλύειν 1012. B i. 6. 

κώμη 1014. 5. 

κωμικός 1012. C il. 3. 




had} 1012. Fr. 11. ii. 11. 

ne 1012. C ii. 2. 

Λακεδαιμόνιοι 1012. C 11. 46. 

Λακεδαίμων 1012. C ii. 51. 

λαμβάνειν 10138. 11, 12; 
1014. 26. 

λέγειν 1012. A ii. 2 lesa, ist 

13, Cil. 2, 17, 22, iii. 36, | Ξενοφῶν 1012. F 3, 9. 

| An@ew 1012. Fr. τό. 12. 


Ie τὸς 8; ney ΕΠ 25. Ae 
1018. 17. 
λειότης 1012. F 27 (?). 

λίαν 1012. F 15 (?). | 

λιμός 1010. 1, 13, 10. 

Adyos 1012. A ii. 8, 28. 

λόγχη 1012. C ill. 54; 1014. 
12, 20. 

λύρα 1018. 18; 1015. 3. 

Λυσίας 1012. A ii. 20. 

λύτρον 1015. 5. 

μακάριος 1018. 40. 
μακρός 1012. Fr. 21. 3. 

1015. 21. 

μάχαιρα 1010. το. 

μέγας 1014. 6. μέγιστος 1012. 
Cii. 42. 

Μεθώνη 1012. C iii. 51. 

μείλιγμα 1015. 19. 

μέν 1010. 22; 1012. Cii. 17, 
111. 50, Fr. 16. 16; 1014. 
ΤῸ} 18, 23; 1015. 6, 16, 
18. μὲν οὖν 1012. A ii. 6, 
Fr. 16. 6. 

μερί 1012. A ii. 11. 

μέρος 1012. A ii. 8. 

pera 1015. 12. 

μετέωρος 1010. 12. 

μέτρον 1012. A ii, 32, F 32 (9). | 

μή 1012. C ii. 50; 1018. 42, 
44, Fr. 4 recto 3 (?). 

μήν 1012. Fr. 16. 12. 

μηρός 1012. C iii. 54. 

μήτε 1012. A ii. 23, 24. 

μισεῖν 1018. 22. 

Μοῦσα 1015. 20. 

ναῦς 1012. C il. 41. 

νέος 1015. 6, 13. 

νή 1018. 8. 

νόμιος 1015. 7. 

νῦν 1013. 40; 1015. 17. 

6 (demonstr.) 1015. 
6 (relat.) 1015. 4. 

ὀγκοῦν 1014. τ4. 

οἰδεῖν 1014, 15. 

οἷος 1012. F 25. 

οἴχεσθαι 1018. 43. 

| ὀκνεῖν 1012. C ii. 17. 
| Ὀλυμ[π 1012. C iii. 31. 

ὅμοιος 1012. F 17. ὁμοίως 
LOZ: Fr. 16. 3, 152, τὸ: 

ὄνομα 1012. C ii. 6, 1, 16. 

ὄνος 1018. 18. 

ὀξυτόνως 1012. Fr. 16. το. 

| ép[4. . 1012. Fr. 35. 2 (2). 
| ὄρος 1010. 12. 

| 1 | ὅς 1012. A ii. 20; 1018. 44. 
μάλιστα 1012. A ii. 20, 32; | 

ὅσπερ 1012. Fr. 11. ii. 4. 

| ὅταν 1012. F 22, Fr. τό. 6,9. 

ὅτι 1012. C ii. 24, 25, 43, 51. 

ov, οὐκ 1012. C ii. 16, 42, Fr. 
II. ii. 8, 10; 1014. 26; 
1015. 12. 

οὐδέ 1018. T4. 

οὐκέτι 1018. 26 (?). 

οὖν 1012. A ii. 7. 

οὕνεκα 1015. 22. 

οὗτος 1012. A ii. 
Cth AG INS τό: 
19.9; 1018. 20, 30; 33, 
AZ) ΠΟΤ ΟΣ ΤΟ; i762 O.a2. 
ταυτί 1013. 17. 

ὀφθαλμός 1012. C ili. 51, 

παῖς 1015. 1, 10, 12, Τῇ: 

πάλιν 1010. 23; 1012. C ii. 
8 (?), 45. 

πανΐ 1018. Fr. 4 recto 2. 

πανταχόθεν 1014. 15. 

πανωλεθρία 1014. 9 (?). 

mapa 1012. C ii. 9, Fr. 16. 4; 
1015. 4. 

παραλείπειν 1012. A ii. 23. 

παρέχειν 1012. C ii. 41. 

Παρμενίων 1012. C ii. 12. 

πᾶς 1010. 7; 1012. A ii. 31, 
34, Fr. 11.1.6; 1014. 16. 

πάσχειν 1012. A iii, 11, C iii. 
50; 1013. 29. 


πατήρ 1018. 21, 34, 39, 40; 
1015. 22. 

πεδίον 1010. 9. 

Πεισιστρατίδαι 1012. C ii. 52. 
πέλειν 1015. το. 
περί 1012. B i. 3, C 

16: brs) τ. τ 
35: 5: 
περισσός 1012. A ii. 24. 
πηνίκα 1013. 3. 
πῖδαξ 1015. τι. 
πίνειν 1010. 8. 
πιθανός 1012. A iii. 4 (0). 
πιθανώτατος 1012. A ii. 34. 
πίπτειν 1010. 4; 1012. F 23; 
1015. 5. 
πλατύς 1014. 6. 
πλεῖστος 1012. A il. 37. 
πλήσσειν 1012. C iil. 54. 
πλοῦτος 1015. το. 
ποιεῖν 1012. C ii. 37, Fr. 11. 
ig Zip ἘΠ 253, ἡ: 
ποίημα 1012. Fr. 18, 2. 
πολεμεῖν 1012. C ii. 41. 
πολέμιος 1014. 8. 

It. il. 7 

προλαμβάνειν 1012. A iii. 3. 
προοίμιον 1012. A 11]. 2. 

| προπερισπωμένως 1012. Fr. 16. 

] ῥητῶὼρ 1012. A ii. 21, 33, Fr. | 
Ais 5: We, ΤῊΣ ἃ, Ibs 53:0. 

Tig) πιο) 

πρός 1012. A ii. 28, 29, συ 
40; 1014. 7, 21. 

πρόσωπον 1012. A ii. 
1014. τι. 

προτιθέναι 1012. A il. 9. 

προφέρεσθαι 1012. Fr. 16. 9, 

προχεῖν 1015. 11, 

πρώτιστος 1015. 12. 


πρῶτος 1010. 21 ; 1012. Cii. | 

47, EF Fr. 16. 

1015. 4. 

13, 10; 

ῥάδιος 1012. Fr. 11. ii. 6. 

2. IM 52: Be 

| Σάμιοι 1012. A 11. 39. 

πόλις 1010. 5; 1012, Fr. rr. | 

ii. 13; 10165. 9. 
πολιτεύεσθαι 1012. C ii. 18. 
πολίτης 1012. F τό. 
πολυεπαινετώτατος 1012. F 12. 
πολυηχής 1015. 3. 
πολύς 1012. Fr. 18. 3. 
πόνος 1018, Fr. 4 recto 4. 
Ποντικός, Ἡρακλείδης ὁ Π. 

1012. C ii. τ. 
πορεῖν 1015. 5, 16, 18. 
πορνεύειν 1012. C ii. 16, 22. 
πότε 1012. Fr. 13. 1]. 32. 
ποτέ 1012. C ii. 8. 
πούς 1015. 4. 
πρᾶγμα 1012. A ii. 22, C ii. 


πράσσειν 1012. Fr. 11. ii. 3, 
6; 1013. 33. 

πρέπειν 1012. A 11. 15 (?), 31; 
1013. 37. 

πρεσβεύειν 1012. C ii. το. 

σάρξ 1010. τό. 
σαφής 1012. Fr. 16. 8, 14. 
σαφῶς 1013. 8. 
σημαίνειν 1012. Fr. τύ. 6. 
Σικελία 1012. Fr. 13. ii. 12. 
σκεψεσὶ 1012. Fr. 20. 2. 
σοφία 1015. 20. 
σπεύδειν 1015. 2. 
στάδιον 1015. 8. 
στρατεία 1012. C ii. 50. 
στρατηγός 1014. 19. 
av 1010. 3, 5, 7; 1013. 20; 
VOWS NGS ΤΟΣ Τ2; 21; 22: 
συγκατατίθεσθαι 1012. ΕἾ. 16. 7. 
συγκρούειν 1012. F 28 (?). 
συκοφάντης 1012. Fr. 26. 7. 
συλλαβή 1012. Fr. τό. 11. 
συμβολή 1014. 24. 
συμμαχία 1012. C ii, 37. 
σύμμαχος 1012. C ii. 48. 
συμπεριπατεῖν 1018. το (?). 
συναγορεύειν 1012. Aili. 54. 
σύνθεσις 1012. F 24. 
συντιθέναι 1012. F 26 (?), 31 (?). 
συντρίβειν 1010. 5. 
R 2 


σχεδόν 1012. A ii. 33. 
σχολή 1014. 26. 

| Σω(σιδκλῆς 1012. C ii. 55. 

τάλαντον 1012, C ii. 33. 
τάλας 1010. 22. 
τάραχος 1012. A i. 8. 

| τάσσειν 1014. 6. 

ταχύ 1014. 9. 
te 1018. 43. 

| τέλος 1012. Bi. 12. 

reds 1015. τ. 

τέσσαρα 1012. A ii. 9. 
τηλοῦ 1015. 13. 

τηρεῖν 1012. A ii. 31. 

| τίειν 1015. το. 
τίκτειν 1015. 4. 

τῷ 1015. Avie ἢ, Er. 15. i 
32; 1018. 30, Fr. 4 recto 
3. διὰ τί 1018. 32. 

τις LOU. A ii. 5, 23, ἢ ἢ. 
Fr. τό. ἡ. 

τοιοῦτος 1012. F Τρ. 

τόνος 1012. Fr. 16. 5. 

τότε 1012. Fr. 16. το. 

τοὔνεκα 1015. 6. 

τραχύς 1012. F 23 (?). 

τρέπεν 1014. 21. Ἰτρεψὶ 
1012. Fr. 20. 3. 

Τριβαλλοί 1012. C iii. 54. 

τρισάθλιος 1013. 46. 

τρόπος 1012. A ii. 5. 

τυγχάνειν 1012. Fr. 20. ro. 

τύραννος 1012. Cii. 44. 

ὑβρί 1012. B ii. x1. 
ὕδωρ 1010. 21. 

ὕλη 1012. Bi. 7. 
ὑπάρχειν 1012. A ii. 13. 

| ὑπό 1012. Fr. 16. 7. 
| ὑποφήτωρ 1015. 1. 

| φαίνεσθαι 1012. Fr. 34. 2. 
| φάναι 1012. C ii. 28, Fr. τι. 

ne Cy Iie, 10. ΤΩ 

| φέρειν 1012. Ἐτ. 35. 3: 


φεύγειν 1012. C ii. 

| Φιλιππικά 1012. (11. 14. 


Φίλιππος 1012. C ii. 9, ili. 48, | χείρ 1015. 3. ψηφίζεσθαι 1012. C ii. 39. 
1Bics ihe, why is, Ἰχειρωΐ 1012. Fr. 20. 9. 

φίλος 1015. τό. χρήσιμος 1012. A ii. 24 (0). ὦ 1018. 58. 

φρονεῖν 1012. Fr. r1.ii. τὸ (9). | χρῆσθαι 1012. Fr. τ1. il. 9. ὡς 1012. A ii. 34, Bi. 11, 13, 

φροντίζειν 1012. A ii. 20, 32. | χῶμα 1014. 3. Cyl S35) 25. hon dues ze 

φρουρεῖν 1012. A ii. 25. ἘΠ τ6.. 8. 04st LOLS: 

Φρύγια 1012. ( iii. 30. 19. 

φυλαί 1012. Fr. το, il. 5. ψευδοῖ 1012. Fr. 34. 1. ὥστε 1013. Fr. 4 recto 2. 


θεὸς Καῖσαρ 1021. 3. 


Νέρων Κλαύδιος Καῖσαρ Σεβαστὸς Γερμανικός 1021. 18. 
Νέρων 1021. 12. 

θεὸς Tiros 1028. 33. 

Αὐτοκράτωρ Καῖσαρ Δομιτιανὸς Σεβαστὸς Γερμανικός 1028. 34, 37. 
Δομιτιανὸς ὁ κύριος 1028. 28. 


Αὐτοκρ. Kato. Nepovas Τραιανὸς Se/3, Τερμ. Δακικός 1029. 20, 27. 
Τραιανὸς Kaic, ὁ κύριος 1029. 9. Z 
Imperator Traianus noster 1022. 25. 


Αὐτοκρ. Kaito. Ῥραιανὸς ‘“Adpravos Σεβ. 1024. 40. 
“Adptavos Καῖσ. ὁ κύριος 1024. 12. 

“Adptavos ὁ κύριος 1023. 8. 

beds ᾿Αδριανός 1082. 30. 

Antoninus Pius. 

᾿Αντωνῖνος Καῖσ. 6 κύριος 1085. το. 
θεὸς Αἴλιος ᾿Αντωνῖνος 1082. 8, 21. 


Avroxp. Kato. Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντωνῖνος Σεβ. καὶ Αὐτοκρ. Kato. Λούκιος Αὐρήλιος Οὐῆρος 
Σεβ. 1082. 46. 


Srptimius SEVERUS. 

Δύτοκρ. Καῖσ. Λούκιος Σεπτίμιος Σεουῆρος Εὐσεβὴς Περτίναξ Σεβ.| 1045. 44. 


Αὐτοκρ. Kato. Λούκιος Σεπτίμιος Seounpos Εὐσεβὴς Περτίναξ Σεβ. ᾿Αραβικὸς ᾿Αδιαβηνικὸς Παρ- 

θικὸς Μέγιστος καὶ Αὐτοκρ. Καῖσ. Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντωνῖνος Εὐσεβὴς Σεβ. 1020, 3. 

Αὐτοκρ. Kaicapes Λούκιος Σεπτίμιος Seovnpos Περτίναξ ‘ApaB. ᾿Αδιαβην. Παρθ. Βρεταννικὸς 
Μέγιστ. καὶ Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντωνῖνος καὶ Πούβλιος Σεπτίμιος Τέτας Βρεταννικοὶ Μέγιστ. 
Εὐσεβεῖς Σεβαστοί 1039. 20. 


A’roxp. Καῖσ, Μάρκος Δὐρήλιος Σεουῆρος ᾿Αντωνῖνος Παρθ. Μέγιστ. Βρεταν. Μέγιστ. Εὐσεβ. 
Σεβ. 1080. 17. 

ὁ κύριος Μάρκος Δὐρήλιος Σεουῆρος ᾿Αντωνῖνος 1080. 14. 

Atroxp. Kato. Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντωνῖνος Εὐσεβὴς Εὐτυχὴς 28. 1046. 14. 

A’roxp. Kato. Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Σεουῆρος ᾿Αλέξανδρος Εὐσεβὴς Εὐτυχὴς 28. 1081. 26 ; 
1040. 35. 

Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Seounpos ᾿Αλέξανδρος Καῖσ. ὁ κύριος 1081. 24. 


Avroxp. Καῖσ. Λούκιος Δομίττιος Αὐρηλιανὸς Τουνθικὸς Μέγιστ. Ἐὐσεβ. Εὐτυχ. ᾿Ανίκητος Σεβ, 
1036. 37. 

ἔτος ιδ > 8 1041, τό. 

Justi II. 
ὁ θειότατος καὶ εὐσεβέστατος ἡμῶν δεσπότης Φλαούιος ᾿Ιουστῖνος ὁ αἰώνιος Αὔγουστος καὶ 
Αὐτοκρ. 1088, 2. 
Justix Il anp Trserivs. 

ὁ θειότ, καὶ εὐσεβέστ. ἡμῶν δεσπότης μέγιστος εὐεργέτης Φλ. ᾿Ιουστῖνος ὁ αἰώνιος Avy. καὶ 
Αὐτοκρ. καὶ Φλ, Τιβέριος ὁ καὶ νέος Κωνσταντῖνος ὁ εὐτυχέστ. ἡμῶν Kaio, 1042. τ. 

Αὐτοκράτωρ 1021. 7. 
Καῖσαρ 1021. 13. 



ὑπατείας Φλαουίων Τὐχερίου καὶ Svaypiov τῶν λαμπροτάτων (381) 1041. τ. 
ς , - , Sues ; ee, Ao Wes rite ; a 
ὑπατείας τοῦ δεσπότου ἡμῶν ᾿Αρκαδίου αἰωνίου Αὐγούστου τὸ β' καὶ Φλαουίου “Poudivou τοῦ 
λαμπροτάτου (392) 1088. 1. 
μετὰ τὴν ὑπατείαν Φλαουίων Μαξίμου τὸ β΄ καὶ Πατερίου τῶν λαμπροτάτων (444) 1087. 2. 
ὑπατείας τοῦ θειοτ. καὶ εὐσεβεστ. ἡμῶν δεσπότου PA. ᾿Ιουστίνου τοῦ αἰωνίου Avy. καὶ Αὐτοκρ. 
ἔτους y (568) 1088. 1. 

μετὰ τὴν δευτέραν ὑπατείαν τῆς αὐτῶν (A, ᾿Ιουστίνου) yadnvdrnros ἔτους ta (578) 1042. 6. 

Eras or OxyYRHYNCHUS. 

ἔτος hy ς (360) 1056. 9. 
ἔτος hyn € (362) 1057. 4. 
ἔτος avd oxy (578) 1048. 


Ist (568) 1038. 6. 

2nd (568-9) 10388. το. 

grd (6th cent.) 1060. το. 

5th (late 6th or early 7th cent.) 1053. τ. 
gth (381) 1041. τό. 

ττιἢ τ 1042. 12; 1048. 4. 

13th (444) 1087. 9. 

(a) MONTHs. 

‘Adptards (Choiak) 1080. 21 ; 1045. 27 (?). 
Νέος Σεβαστός (Hathur) 1021. 20. 

(2) Days. 

εἰδοὶ ᾿᾽οκτώβριαι 1047. introd. 
καλάνδαι Αὔγουσται 1047. 4. 
kalendae Martiae 1022. 7, 24. 
καλάνδαι Νοέμβριαι 1047. introd. 
καλάνδαι ᾿Οκτώβριαι 1047. introd. 
καλάνδαι Σεπτέμβριαι 1047. 2. 
νῶναι Νοέμβριαι 1047. introd. 



ἤλγαθος f. of Theon 1048. 11. 

ἤλγαθος, Αὐρήλιος ΓΛ. gymnasiarch 10265. τ. 

“Αδριανός 1045. 27 (?). 

᾿Αέτιος decurion 1048. 4. 

᾿Αθανάσιος decurion 1048. 5. 

᾿Αθηναροῦς 1065. 25. 

Aida Εἰρήνη also called Seren .. . 10465. το. 

᾿Αλέξανδρος, Αὐρήλιος Δημήτριος also called A., 
ex-chief priest, &c. 10381. τ. 

᾿Αλέξανδρος 5. of Copreus 1048. 6. 

᾿Αλέξανδρος 8. of Didymus 1048. 8. 

᾿Αλέξανδρος, Ἰούλιος ’A. 1045. 15. 

᾿Αλέξανδρος f. of Petechon, Castor and Helene 
1067. 25. 

᾿Αλέξανδρος, Tiros Μάλιος A, 5. οἵ Titus Man- 
lius Heraclas 1086. 2. 

"Ane f. (?) of Marcus Colaenus 1045. 14. 

᾿Αμμώνιος f. of AMmonius 1027. 8. 

᾿Αμμώνιος 5. of Ammonius and f. of Theon 
and Pekusis 1027. 2, 8. 

᾿Αμμώνιος 5. of Diogenes 1082. 2, 6, 56, 57: 

᾿Αμόις 1068. τ, τό. 

᾿Αμόις also called Dionysius, s. of Ptolemaeus 
1061. 1, 27. 

᾿Αναστάσιος, Φλαούιος A, 1088. τι. 

᾿Αναστατιανός f. of Aurelius Hierax 1087. 6. 

᾿Ανδρέας presbyter 1026. 24. 

᾿Ανδρόνικος 104.4, 24. 

“AvSpov 1044. 10, 22, 23, 27. 

"Avva 1059. 3 (0). 

᾿Ανούπ 1071. 7. 

᾿Ανούπ f. of Aurelius Johannes 1042. 19, 31, 

*Avras 5. of Dionysius 1068. το. 

᾿Αντίπατρα, Στατιλλία ᾽Α. 1045, ὃ. 

᾿Αντώνιος 1045. 17. 

Antonius, M. Ant. Valens 1022. 21. 

᾿Απία 1089. 4. 

Ania, Κλαυδία Ἰσιδώρα also called A. 1046. 7. 

"Ams 1064. 8. 

ams god 1029. 17 marg. (?). 

"Ams f. of Pauseiris 1044. 7. 

᾿Απίων f. of Herodes 1063. 2. 

᾿Απολλοφάνης f. of Arsinous and Dionysius 
1044, 26. 

᾿Απόλλων 1066. 6 ef saep. 

᾿Απολλώνιος 1034. 22; 1068. 1, 30; 1070. 

᾿Απολλώνιος city-scribe 1028. 4. 

᾿Απολλώνιος COMOgrammateus 1061. 3, 11, 27. 

᾿Απολλώνιος f. of Heliodorus 1024. 14. 

᾿Απολλώνιος 5. Of Heliodorus 1024. 13. 

᾿Απολλώνιος, Λούκιος Αὐρήλιος A, f. of L. Aure- 
lius Matreas 1081. 13. 

᾿Απολλώνιος 8. Of Sarapion 1089. 1, 18. 

᾿Απολλώνιος 5. Of Scopas 1070. 33. 

᾿Απφουᾶς 1058. 4. 

᾿Απφοῦς 1059. 4. 

᾿Απφοῦς 5, of Eudaemon 1048. 15. 

“Apaxuy( ) 1044. 22. 

Arrianus, Avidius A. cornicularius 1022. 27. 

“Αρσᾶς s. of Leon 1068, τι. 

᾿Αρσινόη, Αὐρηλία A. 1070. 1, 57. 

᾿Αρσίνοος 85. of Apollophanes 1044. 26. 

᾿Αρτεμεῖς 8. of Penpauseiris 1044. 27. 

«ἁρψῆμις 1044. 9. 

«Αρψῆμις f. of Tetseiris 1044. τό. 

᾿Ασκαλᾶς 1071. 10. 

᾿Ασκλᾶς 85. of Onnophris 1029. 3, 14. 

Αὐρηλία ᾿Αρσινόη 1070. 1, 57- 

Αὐρήλιος... 5. of Heraclas 1041. 5. 

Αὐρήλιος ἔλγαθος gymnasiarch 1025. 1. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αχιλλεύς also called Isidorus 1046, 

Αὐρήλιος Βίαιος 5. of Biaeus 1081. 7, 28. 

Αὐρήλιος Γάιος night-strategus 1033. 4. 

Αὐρήλιος Anuapevs 1070. 1, 57. 

Αὐρήλιος Δημήτριος also called Alexander, ex- 
chief priest, &c. 10381. τ. 

Αὐρήλιος Δίδυμος chief priest 1025. 4, 24. 

Αὐρήλιος Διόσκορος agoranomus 10381. 2. 

Αὐρήλιος Ἑρμανοβάμμων exegetes 1025. 3, 22. 

Αὐρήλιος Εὐριπᾶς mime 1025. 7. 

Αὐρήλιος Ἡράκληος 5. of Sarapas 1086. 5, 42. 

Αὐρήλιος Θέων s. of Didymus 1040. 4, 41. 

Αὐρήλιος Θέων night-strategus 1033. 4. 

Αὐρήλιος Ἱέραξ 5. of Anastatianus 1037. 6. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ιωάννης 5. of Anoup 1042. 18, 30. 

Αὐρήλιος Kompias cosmetes 1025. 5, 25. 

Αὐρήλιος, Λούκιος Αὐρ. ᾿Απολλώνιος f, of L. Aur. 
Matreas 1081. 13. 

Αὐρήλιος, Λούκιος Avp. Marpéas also called 


Heraiscus, 5. of L. Aur. Apollonius 1081. 

ΔΌΛΟΣ Πεκῦσις 5. of Pauseiris and f. of 
Petenouphis 1040. 1, 38. 

Αὐρήλιος Πετενοῦφις 5. of Aurelius Pekusis 
1040. 2, 39. 

Αὐρήλιος Πετρώνιος 5. of Marcus 1040. 50. 

Αὐρήλιος Πλούταρχος 5. of Psenamounis 1041. 

Αὐρήλιος Saparas reciter 1025. 8. 

Αὐρήλιος Σερῆνος 1086. 46. 

Αὐρήλιος Στέφανος 5. of Heraclammon 1088. 
13, 34, 38. 

Αὐρήλιος Φιλόξενος 5. Of Doras 1087. 4. 

Avidius Arrianus cornicularius 1022. 27. 

᾿Αφροδίτη 1060. τ. 

᾿Αχιλλᾶς 1064. τ. 

᾿Αχιλλεύς, Αὐρήλιος ‘A, also called Isidorus 
1046. το. 

BeAAapeivos 1050. 10. 

Βησάμμων [ of Philonicus 1041. 6. 

Bias f. of Aurelius Biaeus 1081. 7, 29. 
Biawos, Αὐρήλιος B. 5. of Biaeus 1081. 7, 28. 

C. Tulius Maximus 1022. 15. 

C. Iulius Saturninus 1022. ro. 

C. Longius Priscus 1022. 13. 

C. Minicius Italus praefect 1022. 2. 

C., Veturius Gemellus 1022. 11, Cf. 1085. 2. 
Celsianus praef. cohortis 1022, 2. 

TaBwia ᾿Ισιδώρα 1044. 26, note. 

Taiavés 1045. 31. 

Γάιος, Αὐρήλιος V. night-strategus 1033. 4. 

Taos basilicogrammateus 1028. 3. 

Γάιος Οὐετούριος Γέμελλος f. of Gaius Veturius 
Gemellus 1085. 2. Cf. 1022. τι. 

Γάιος Οὐετούριος Τέμελλος 8. Of Gaius Veturius 
Gemellus 1085. 1. 

Τέμελλος. See Taos. 

Gemellus, C. Veturius G. 1022. τ Cf. 
1035. 2. 

Γερόντιος 1026. 2, 6, 22, 23. 

Aapacatos f. of Varus 1020. 5. 

Δημαρεύς, Αὐρήλιος Δ. 1070. 1, 57. 

Δημήτριος, Αὐρήλιος A. also called Alexander, 
ex-chief priest, &c. 10381. 1. 


Δημήτριος f. of Dius and Diogenes 1061. 6, 

Διδυμᾶς 1064. τ. 

Δίδυμος f. of Alexander 1048. 8. 

Δίδυμος, Αὐρήλιος A. chief priest 1025. 4, 24, 
49; 52. 

Δίδυμος f. of Aurelius Theon 1040. 5. 

Δίδυμος 5. of Plas 1048. 14. 

Διογένης 1061. 1; 1064. τ. 

Διογένης 5. of Demetrius 1061. 6. 

Διογένης f. of Diogenes 1082. 7, το. 

Διογένης 8. of Diogenes 1082. 27, 28, 36. 
Διογένης 8, of Diogenes and f. of Ammonius, 
Diogenes and Martheis 1082. 2, 7, 56. 

Διογένης 5. of Papontos 1080. 3, 21. 

Διογένης also called Pausanias, f. of Sarapous 
also called Tadiogas 1044. 4. 

Διονύσιος 1059. 5; 1061. 8; 1070. 26. 

Διονύσιος also called Amois, 5. of Ptolemaeus 
1061. 1, 27. 

Διονύσιος f. of Antas 1063. το. 

Διονύσιος 8. of Apollophanes 1044. 26. 

Διονύσιος assistant of strategus 1082. 25, 31. 

Διονύσιος ex-gymnasiarch 1028. 3. 

Aios 1061. 22. 

Aios 5. of Demetrius 1061. 6. 

Διόσκορος 1067. 18. 

Διόσκορος, Αὐρήλιος Δ. agoranomus 1081. 2. 

Δράκων 1057. τ (?). 

Awpas f. of Aurelius Philoxenus 1087, 4. 

Δωρόθεος 1056. 2. 

Εἰρήνη, Aidia Εἰ, also called Seren... 1045. 

Εἰρηνίων s. of Sarap... 1045. 47. 

“Ἑλένη d. of Alexander 1067. τ. 

᾿Ἑλλάδιος 1059. 6. 

"Ep Bnriov 1055. 7. 

᾿Επάγαθος freedman 1035. 4. 

*Endyaos imperial freedman 1020. 7. 

Ἑρμαῖος f. of Procunda 1020. 7. 

“EppavoBdpnpor, Αὐρήλιος Ἑ, exegetes 1025. 3, 

‘Eppias 1044. 17, note. 

“Eppoyevns 1070. 53. 

Εὐδαίμων 1070. 55. 

Εὐδαίμων f. of Apphous 1048. 15. 

Εὐδαίμων 5, of Sarapas 1048. 3. 

Evpuras, Αὐρήλιος Ev, mime 1025. 7. 


Εὐφημία saint 1088. 23. 
Εὐφημία, Φλαουία Εὐ. ἃ. of Musaeus 1088. 7. 

Ζωίλος 1084. introd.; 1062. 16. 

"Has assistant 1048. τ. 

Ἡλιόδωρος 5. of Apollonius and f. of Apol- 
lonius 1024. 14. 

Ἥρα! also called Nemesianus 1045. 30. 

Ἡραΐς 1070. 51. 
“Hpatckos, Λούκιος Αὐρήλιος Ματρέας also called 
H., 5. of L. Aur. Apollonius 1081. 13. 
“Hpax\appor f. of Aurelius Stephanus 1088. 
14, 34, 38. 

Ἡρακλᾶς f. of Aurelius... 1041. 5. 

Ἡρακλᾶς also called Heraclides 1024. 2. 

Ἡρακλᾶς, Tiros Μάλιος Ἢ, f. of Titus Manlius 
Serenus and Titus Manlius Alexander 
1036. 3. 

Ἡράκλεια 1045. 26. 

Ἡράκλεια, Μαρθεῖς also called H., d. of Dio- 
genes 1032. 2, 6, 56. 

Ἡρακλείδης 1069. 7, 35. 

Ἡρακλείδης, Ἡ ρακλᾶς also called H. 1024. 3. 

“Ἡρακλείδης wine-merchant 1058. 2. 

Ἡράκληος, Δὐρήλιος Ἢ. 5, of Sarapas 1086. 
5: 42. 

Ἡράκληος f. οἵ Petseiris 1044, το. 

Ἡρᾶς 1069. 33. 

Ἡρώδης s. of Apion 1068. 2, 15. 

Ἡφαιστίων f. of Theon 1065. τ. 

Θαῆσις d. of Papontos 10380. 7. 

Θαΐς ἃ. of Chaeremon 1024. 15. 

Θαϊσοῦς d. of Petseiris 1044. 9. 

Θέκλα 1059. 2. 

Θεόδωρος 1026. 22. 

Θεόδωρος 5. of Parit 1048. 2. 

Θερμούθιον 1069. 14. 

Θέων 1044. 7, note; 1055. 1 ; 1067. το. 

Θέων 8. of Agathus 1048. τι. 

Θέων 5, of Ammonius 1027. 2, 3. 

Θέων, Αὐρήλιος Θ. 5, of Didymus 1040. 4, 41. 

Θέων, Αὐρήλιος Θ. night-strategus 1083. 4. 

Θέων city-scribe 1028. 5. 

Θέων 5. of Hephaestion 1065. 3. 

Θέων 5, of Ischyrion 1061. 28. 

Θέων 5, of C . .. also called Chaeremon 
1039. 3. 


Θέων φροντιστής 1054. 3. 

Θομψῆμις 5. of Thodnis 1028. 8. 

Θομψῆμις 5. of Thodnis and f. of Taorseus 
1028. 6, 30. 

Θοῶνις f. of Thompsemis 1028. 7, 9, 30. 

Θώνιος mpovontns 1056. 1. 

ἸΙαώ 1060. 4. 

‘Iépaé, Αὐρήλιος ‘I. s. of Anastatianus 1037. 6. 

Ἱέραξ basilicogrammateus 1024, 7, 24. 

Ἱερημίας 1088. 12. 

Ἱερόνικος 1056. 4. 

᾿ἸΙούλιος ᾿Αλέξανδρος 1045. 15. 

᾿Ισιδώρα, Ταβινία I. 1044. 26, note. 

Ἰσιδώρα, Κλαυδία “I, also called Apia 1046, 7. 

᾿Ισίδωρος, Αὐρήλιος Ἀχιλλεύς also called 1.1046. 

Ἱσστόρητος 1080. 7. 

ἸΙσχυρίων f, of Theon 1061. 28. 

Italus, C. Minicius I. praefect 1022. 2. 

lulius, C. I. Maximus 1022. 15. 

lulius, C. I. Saturninus 1022. το. 

Ἰωάννης 1026. 2, 3, 7; 1088. 36. Toannes 
1088. 37. 

᾿Ιωάννης Αὐρήλιος “I. 5, of Anoup 1042. 18, 30, 

᾿Ιωάννης ποταμίτης 1053. 2. 

| Kapova assistant 1049, τ. 

Κάστωρ 5. of Alexander 1067. 23. 

| Κέλερ, Πόπλιος Πετρώνιος K, 1028. τ. 
| Κιχῦς f. of Timotheus 1048. 4. 
| Κλαυδία ᾿Ισιδώρα also called Apia 1046, 7. 

Κλαυδία Χαιρημονίς 1045. τι. 

Κλαύδιος Μακεδόνιος strategus 1028, 2. 
Κλαύδιος Μένανδρος basilicogrammateus1029.1. 
Κλαύδιος Τατιανός riparius 1089. 3. 
Κλαύδιος, Τιβέριος K, Νικαί 1045. 25. 
Κλημάτιος chief priest 1068. 4, 10. 

Κόιντος Ῥάμμιος Μαρτιᾶλις praefect 1028, 6. 
Κόλαινος, Μάρκος K. 5. of Ame| 1045. 14. 
Kéyapos 5. of Serenus, ἱππεύς 1055. introd. 
Kompevs f. of Alexander 1048. 6. 

Komptas Αὐρήλιος K., cosmetes 1025. 5, 25. 
Kopaevs 1044. 20. 

Kupavay 1042. 20. 

Κυριλλοῦς 1051. 23. 

Κῦρος scholasticus 1071. 2. 

Kaos 1050. 15. 


Λευκάδιος 1048. 15. 

Λέων f. of Leon 1068. 12. 

Λέων 5. of Leonard f. of Harsas 1068. 11. 

Διβεράλιος, Σεμπρώνιος A. praefect 1082. 20. 

Longius, C. L. Priscus 1022. 13. 

Λούκιος Αὐρήλιος Ἀπολλώνιος f. of L. Aur. 
Matreas 1081. 13. 

Λούκιος Δὐρήλιος Ματρέας also called Heraiscus, 
s. of L. Aur. Apollonius 1081. 13. 

Λούκιος Οὐολούσιος Μαικιανύός praefect 1082. 3, 5. 

Lucius Secundus 1022. 17. 

Λυσίμαχος 1024. 23. 

Μαί. .|ad| 1045. 21. 

Md¢ 1069. 1, 36. 

Μαικιανός, Λούκιος Οὐολούσιος M. praefect 1082. 
3» δ’ 

Μακάριος assistant 1048, 1. 

Μακεδόνιος, Κλαύδιος Μ. strategus 1028. 2. 

Μακρόβιος 1048. ΤΙ, 14. 

Μάλιος, Τίτος Μ. Ἀλέξανδρος 5. of Titus Manlius 
Heraclas 1086. 1, 4. 

Μάλιος, Tiros Μ. Ἡρακλᾶς f. οἵ Titus Manlius Se- 
renus and Titus Manlius Alexander1036. 3. 

Μάλιος, Tiros M. Σερῆνος 5. of Titus Manlius 
Heraclas 1086. 2. 

Μαρθεῖς also called Heraclia d. of Diogenes 
1082. 2, 6; called Μαρθῖον 1032. 56. 

Μαρθῖον also called Heraclia d. of Diogenes 
1032. 56; called Μαρθεῖς 1082. 2, 6. 

Μαρθοῦς 1044. το. 

Μαρκία Σουλπικία 1045. 23. 

Μάρκος 1062. 1, 21. 

Μάρκος f. of Aurelius Petronius 1040. 51. 

Μάρκος Κύλαινος 5. of Ame| 1045, 14. 

M. Antonius Valens 1022. 21. 

Μαρτιᾶλις, Κόιντος ράμμιος M. praefect 1023. 6. 

Μαρτύριος, ἄπα M. πρεσβύτερος 1072. τ. 

Ματρέας 1062. I, 21. 

Marpéas, Λούκιος Αὐρήλιος M. also called He- 
raiscus, 5. of L. Aur. Apollonius 1081. 13. 

Maximus, C. Iulius M. 1022. 15. 

Μένανδρος, Κλαύδιος M. basilicogrammateus 
1029. τ. 

Μενέλαος 1045. 9. 

Μενέμαχος 1044. 7. 

Μενεσθεύς 1044. 10 e/ Saep. 

Minicius, C. M. Italus praefect 1022. 2. 

Μουσαῖος f, of Flavia Euphemia 1038. 9. 


Νεῖλος 1050. 3. 

Νεμεσιανός 1066. 1. 

Νεμεσιανὸς “Hpal 1045, 30. 

Νεμεσίων 1048. 7. 

Niypos 1056. τ. 

Nexai{, Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος N. 1045, 25. 
Νικήτης 1069. 29. 

Νικόμαχος 1044. 2 ef saep. 
Νικόστρατος 1044, 11, 14. 

Νόννα 1088. 15. 

Ξεινοφᾶς 1070. 32. 

Ovex .. 1054. 4. 

᾽οΟννῶφρις 5. of Onnophris 1029. 13. 

᾿οννῶφρις 5. of Osmolchis and f. of Asclas 
and Osmolchis 1029. 3, 14. 

᾿Οννῶφρις f. of Pnephersois 1044, 22. 

᾿Οννῶφρις 5. of Sois and f. of Chaeremon 
1028. 16, 24. 

᾿οΟννῶφρις 5. of Teos and f. of Teos and 
Onnophris 1029. 2, 12. 

᾽οσμόλχις f. of Onnophris 1029. 4. 

᾽Οσμόλχις 5. οἵ Onnophris 1029. 15. 

Οὐαλέριος decurion 1048. το. 

Οὐᾶρος 5. of Damasaeus 1020. 5. 

Οὐετούριος, Taos Ov. Τέμελλος f. of Gaius 
Veturius Gemellus 1085. 2. Cf. 1022. τι. 

Οὐετούριος, Τάιος Ov. Τέμελλος s. of Gaius 
Veturius Gemellus 1085. τ. 

Οὐολούσιος, Λούκιος Ov. Μαικιανός praefect 
1082. 5, 5. 

Οὐωνάσιος Φακοῦνδος dioecetes 1082. 44, 51. 

Πάκιος decurion 1048. 2. 

Παλῶσις 1044. το. 

Παλῶσις f. of .. . emeous 1044. 6. 

Παμβῆχις 1071. τι. 

Πανίων (?) f. of Plutarchus 1048. 5. 

Παπνοῦτις 1057. 1, 4. 

Παπνούτιος assistant of strategus 1057. 2. 

ἸΠαποντῶς 5. of Spartas and f. of Diogenes 
and Thaésis 1080. 3, 22. 

Παράμονος 1044, 23. 

Παρδαλᾶς 1044. 22, note. 

Παρίτ f. of Theodorus 1048. 2. 

Παῦλος (?) 5. of Sarapion 1048. το. 

Παῦλος, Σεπτίμιος Π. riparius 1088. 3. 

Παυσανίας, Διογένης also called P., f. of Sara- 
pous also called Tadiogas 1044. 4. 


Παυσεῖρις s. of Apis 1044. 7. 

Παυσεῖρις f. of Aurelius Pekusis 1040. 1, 39. 

Παυσειρίων ἴ, of Pauseirion 1044. 6. 

Παυσειρίων 5. of Pauseirion 1044. 6. 

Παυσειρίων 5. of Psenamounis 1044. 14. 

Παῶς 1048. 7. 

Πεδιεύς 1081. 15. 

Πέκυλλος 1054. τ; 1055. τ. 

Πεκῦσις 5. of Ammonius 1027. 2, 4. 

Πεκῦσις, Αὐρήλιος Π. 5, of Pauseiris and f. of 
Petenouphis 1040, 1, 38, 53. 

Πενπαυλῆμις 1044, 22, note. 

Πενπαυσεῖρις 1044, 27. 

Πενῦρις 5. of Petronius also called Horion 
1044. 17. 

Πετενοῦφις, Αὐρήλιος I, 5. of Aurelius Pekusis 
1040. 2, 37. 

Πετεχῶν s. of Alexander 1067. τ. 

Πετεχῶν s. of Polydeuces 1067. 15. 

Πετοσορᾶπις f. of Petosorapis 1029. 18. 

Πετοσορᾶπις 5. of Petosorapis and f. of Ptole- 
maeus 1029. 18. 

Πετρώνιος, Αὐρήλιος Π. 5. of Marcus 1040. 50. 

Πετρώνιος, Πόπλιος I, Κέλερ 1028. τ. 

Πετρώνιος also called Horion f. of Penuris 
1044. 17. 

Πετσεῖρις 5. of Heracleus 1044. το. 

Πετσεῖρις f, of Horus 1044. 3. 

Πετσεῖρις f. of Thatsous 1044. 9. 

Πετσειρίων 8. of Seirion 1044. το. 

Πλᾶς f. of Didymus 1048, r4. 

Πλούταρχος, Δὐρήλιος Π. 5, of Psenamounis 
1041. 3, 22. 

Πλούταρχος 5. οἵ. Panion (?) 1048. 5. 

Πνεφερσόις d. of Onnophris 1044. 22. 

Πνεφερῶς 1044, 2. 

Πόθος 1084. introd. (°). 

Πολέμων 1044, 11, 20, 25. 

Πολυδεύκης 1054. τ, 

Πολυδεύκης f. of Petechon 1067. 16. 

Πόπλιος Πετρώνιος Κέλερ 1028. 1. 

Πούπλιος Τιτιανός 1045. 33. 

Priscus, C. Longius P. 1022. 13. 

Priscus singularis 1022, 26. 

Προκόνδα d. of Hermaeus 1020. 7. 

Πτολεμαῖος 1059. 7; 1070. 53. 

Πτολεμαῖος f. of Dionysius also called Amois 
1061, 27. 

Πτολεμαῖος 5. of Petosorapis 1029. 18. 

Πτολεμαῖος f. of Ptolemaeus 1035. 5; 1061. 5. 

Πτολεμαῖος 5. of Ptolemaeus 1085. 4; 1061. 
5 ef saep. 

Πτολεμῖνος 1056. τ. 

Πυρρίας 1024. 23. 

“Papyscos, ἹΚόιντος ‘P. Μαρτιᾶλις praefect 10238. 6. 

Σακάων 1059. 4. 

Sapan| f, of Kirenion 1045. 47. 

Σαραπάμμων 1066. τ. 

Σαραπᾶς, Αὐρήλιος Σ. reciter 1025. 8. 

Σαραπᾶς f. οἵ Eudaemon 1048. 3. 

Σαραπᾶς 5. of M... and f. of Aurelius 
Heracleus 1086. 5. 

Σαρᾶπις, god 1028. 17; 1070. ὃ. 

Σαραπίων also called ... 1045. 5. 

Σαραπίων f. of Paulus (?) 1048. το. 

Σαραπίων f. of Sarapion 1089. 1. 

Σαραπίων 5. of Sarapion and f. of Apollonius 
1039. τ. 

Σαραποῦς also called Tadiogas, d. of Diogenes 
also called Pausanias 1044. 4. 

Saropvitos 1048. 7, 8; LOGS. 1, 30. 

Saturninus, C, Iulius S. 1022. 19. 

Σάτυρος 1054. 3. 

Secundus, Lucius S. 1022. 17. 

Σειρίων f. of Petseirion 1044. το. 

Σεμπρώνιος Λιβεράλιος, praefect 1032. 20. 

Zeounpos 1050. 9. 

Σεπτίμιος ΤἸΤαῦλος riparius 1088. 3. 

Σερηΐν.. ., Αἰλία Εἰρήνη also called S.1045. το. 

Σερῆνος 1042. 32. Serenus 1042. 34. 

Σερῆνος amphodogrammateus 1080. 2, 24. 

Σερῆνος, Αὐρήλιος >. 1086. 46. 

Σερῆνος collector 1048. 1. 

Σερῆνος f. of Comarus ἱππεύς 1055. introd. 

Σερῆνος, Τίτος Μάλιος Σ. 5, of Titus Manlius 
Heraclas 1086. 1, 4. 

Σεψάριον 1082. το. 

Σιμίας 1068. 21. 

Swheds 1039. 2; 1040. 3. 

Σισόις 1034. introd. (?). 

Σκόπας f. of Apollonius 1070. 34. 

Σοῆρις 1040. 2; 1044. το. 

Σόις f. of Onnophris 1028. 16, 25. 

Σουλπικία, Μαρκία Σ. 1045. 23. 

Σπαρτᾶς f. of Papontos 1080. 4. 

Στατιλλία Ἀντίπατρα 1048. 8. 


Στέφανος 1065. 1; 1070. 35. 

Στέφανος, Αὐρήλιος =. son of Heraclammon 
1038. 13, 34, 38. 

Στεφανοῦς 1086. 6. 

Στρόμβος 1044. 2, note. 

Σύρος 1062. 12. 

Σωτάδης 1044. 2, 5. 

Ταβόνφις 1068. 12. 

Ταδιογᾶς, Σαραποῦς also called T., d. of Dio- 
genes also called Pausanias 1044. 4. 

Ταϊόλλη 1081. 7. 

Ταμούν 1069. 21. 35. 

Ταορσεύς d. of Thompsemis 1028. 6, 40. 

Τασεῦς 1029. 3. 

Τατιανός, Κλαύδιος T. riparius 1088. 3. 

Τεδί μη (?) 1041. 3. 

Tepevs 1080. 4. 

Τεσαῦρις 1029. 4. 

«Τετσεῖρις ἃ. of Harpsemis 1044. τό. 

Teas f. of Onnophris 1029. 2. 

Teds 5. of Onnophris 1029. 2, 12. 

Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Nixa 1045. 25. 

Τιμόθεος 5. of Kichus 1048. 4. 

Τιτιανός, Πούπλιος T. 1045. 33. 

Τίτος Μάλιος Ἀλέξανδρος 5. of Titus Manlius 
Heraclas 1086. 2. 

Tiros Μάλιος Ἡρακλᾶς f. of Titus Manlius Sere- 
nus and Titus Manlius Alexander 1086. 3. 

Tiros Μάλιος Σερῆνος s. of Titus Manlius Hera- 
clas 1086. 1, 4. 

Toroevs 1044. τῇ. 

Τριάδελφος presbyter 1026. 24. 

Tpupas 1062. 21. 

Tpwiros 1069. 1, 36. 



Valens, ΔΙ. Antonius V. 1022. 21. 
Veturius, C. V. Gemellus 1022. τι. Cf. 
1035. 2. 

Φακοῦνδος, Οὐωνάσιος Φᾧ. dioecetes 1082. 44, 51. 
Φίβ, Φλαούιος &, subadiuva 1042. 13. 
Φιλίσκος ex-gymnasiarch 1028. 4. 

Φιλόνικος 5. of Besammon 1041. 6, 15. 
Φιλόξενος 1072. τ. 

Φιλόξενος, Αὐρήλιος Φ, 5. οἵ Doras 1087. 4. 
Φλαουία Εὐφημία d. οἵ Musaeus 1088. 7. 
Φλαούιος ᾿Αναστάσιος 1088. 11. 

Φλαούιος Φίβ subadiuva 1042. 13. 

Φωκᾶς saint 1060. 9. 

Χαιρημονίς, KAavdia X. 1045, τι. 

Χαιρήμων also called C ..., f. of Theon 
1039. 4. 

Χαιρήμων 5, of Onnophris 1028. 15. 

Χαιρήμων f. of Thais 1024. τό. 

Χεριγένης 1044. 6, 18. 

Ψεναμοῦνις f. of Aurelius Plutarchus 1041. 3, 
Ψεναμοῦνις f. of Pauseirion 1044. 14. 

᾿Ωδέας 1081. 15. 

‘Opiav 1050. 8. 

“Ὡρίων, Πετρώνιος also called H., f. of Penuris 
1044. 17. 

“pos s. of Petseiris 1044. 3. 

... ἡμηοῦς 1044. 6. 
. εθάνωρ 1044, 23. 



Αἴγυπτος 10382. 6. 

᾿Αλεξάνδρεια 1020. 6, 8; 1068. 6; 1069. 
15; 1070. 53. 

᾿Αλεξανδρέων χώρα 1045. 3 e/ saep. 

᾿Αρκάδων ἐπαρχία 1042, 15. 

"Apowoirns (νομός) 1068. 3, 12. 

ἔθνος 1020. 5, 8. 
ἐπαρχία ᾿Αρκάδων 1042. 15. 

| Εὐεργέτις πόλις 1025. 6. 


᾿Ιουστίνου νέα πόλις 1042. 17. ᾿Ιουστίνου πόλις 
1042. 35. πόλις 1042. 21. 
Ituraei 1022. 28. 

μητρόπολις τοῦ ᾿Οξυρυγχίτου 1082. 7. 
πολις 1044. 4. 


νομύς 1032. 21, 24; 1045. 46. 
Ξοΐτιος 1026. 11, 18. 

᾿Οξυρυγχίτης (νομός) 1024. 2; 1082. 7, 11, 26, 
38; 1033. 3; 1041. 4. 

᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλις 1081. 3; 1038. 58, λαμ- 
πρὰ ᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν π. 1088. το. λαμπρὰ καὶ 
λαμπροτάτη ᾽Οξ. π. 1086. 7; 1087. 5. 

(ὁ) VILLAGES, ἐποίκια, 

᾿Αλεξοῦτος 1052. 6, 16, 27. 
"Apnvros 1058. 29. 

Βαφέων 1052. 10, 12. 
᾿Επισήμου ἐποίκιον 1081. 8. 
Θῶλθις 1061. 28. 

Ἰβιών 1071. 5, 6. 
‘Iotov Παγγᾶ 1053. 28. 

Κερκεθῦρις 1052. 15, 24; 1065. introd. 
Κερκεύρων 1052. 1, 9, 27. 
Κτοίσων 1052. 21. 

Μερ .. ς ἐποίκιον 1052. 7. 
Μεσκανοῦνις 10538. 8. 
Μουχινάξα 1052. 4, 14, 23. 

Νεσμῖμις 1053. 21. 
Πακέρκη τόποι 1024, 4. 

Περεινοῦις 1052. 26. 
Πετεμοῦνις 1052. 18, 26. 




᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλις 1024. 16 ; 1028. 7 ; 1029. 
5; 1080. 5; 1082. 2; 1035. 5; 1087. 
Ir; 1089. 2; 1040. 4. 

mayos πέμπτος 1041]. 4. 

Πέρσης τῆς ἐπιγονῆς 1085. 6. 

πόλις = νέα ᾿Ιουστίνου π. 1042. 21. = Oxy- 
rhynchus 1088. 5, 7, 13, 17; 1086. 12; 
1037. 7; 1088. 16, 22; 1089. 5; 1040. 
5; 1041. 5, 7; 1044. 26; 1070. 36 (?). 
πόλις Evepyeris 1025. 6. 

Σειρητικός 1070. 28. 

τοπαρχία, ἄνω τ. 1081.6. ἀπηλιώτου τ. 1024. 5. 

τόποι (Oxyrhynchite). 
Πέτνη 1052. 26. 

Σενεκελεύ 1052. 3, 11, 22. 
Σενεψαύ 1082. το. 
Σερῦφις 1052, 2, 13, 20. 
Σεφώ 1053. το. 

Σκώ 1081. 12. 

Σπανία 1058. 14. 

Σύρων 1052. 5, 17, 27. 

Τακόνα 1053. 16; 1064. 9. 

Tap . [-:φ . [. |e. | 1053. 30. 
Tapur( ) Teds 1058. 28. 

Ταμπέτι 1058. 15. 

Ταρουθίνου 1058. 17. 

Ταρουσέβτ 1058. τ. 

Τερῦθις 1040. 14. 

Τοού 1068. 17 (? Oxyrhynchite). 

Φοβώου 1041. 4. 

ψῶβθις 1064. 5. 

Ἶφις 1024. 21 ; 1049. 2. 

(c) ἄμφοδα of Oxyrhynchus. 

*Ayopas Σκυτέων 1087. 12. 
Δεκάτης 1029. 11. 
Δρόμον Θοήριδος 1029. 17; cf. 1028. 31. 

| Εὐφημίας τῆς ἁγίας 1088. 22. 
| Ἱπποόδρόμου 1028. το. 
| Παμμένους Παραδείσου 1080. 9; 1036. 



(4) DEME (Alexandrian). 
᾿Αλθαιεύς 1024. 22. 

(e) κλῆροι. 

᾿Ανδρονίκου 1044. 24. 

ἔΑνδρωνος 1044. 10, 22, 23, 27. 
᾿Απολλωνίου ᾿Αλθαιέως 1024. 22. 
Θέωνος 1044. 7, note. 

Κοραέως 1044. 20. 

Λυσιμάχου 1024, 23. 

Μενεμάχου 1044. ἢ. 

Μενεσθέως 1044. 10 εὖ saep. 
Νικομάχου 1044. 2 e/ saep. 

Νικοστράτου 1044. τι, 14. 
Πεδιέως 1081. 15. 

Πολέμωνος 1044. 11, 20, 25. 
Πυρρίου 1024. 23. 

Στρόμβου 1044. 2, note. 
Σωτάδους 1044. 2, 5. 
Χεριγένους 1044. 6, 18. 
᾿Ωδέου 1081. 15. 


Θοηρεῖον Θενέπλῳ 1028. 31. 
περίοδος 1080. 2. 


| Σαραπεῖον 1070. 7. 


(1) PAGAN. 

(a) Gods. 

ἀγαθὸς δαίμων τῆς οἰκουμένης (Nero) 1021. 8. 

“Ams 1029. 17 marg. (0). 

᾿Αφροδίτη 1060. 1. 

θεός 1021. 3, 17; 
1070. 3. 

1028. 26; 

1065. 6, 8; 

Θοῆρις 1029. 17. 

Κρόνος θεὸς μέγιστος 1025. 14. 

‘Oceipis 1029. 16. 

Σαρᾶπις θεὸς μέγιστος 1028. 17. 
1070. ὃ. 

(ὁ) Temples. 

Θοηρεῖον 1028. 31. 

| Sapareiov 1070. 7. 

(c) Priests, &c. 

apxteparevoas 1081. τ. 

ἀρχιερεύς 1025. 4, 24; LOGS. 4. 
ἱερατικὰ χλωρά 1046. 4. 

ἱερεύς 1050. 2; 1072. 14 (?). 

ἱερογλύφος 1029. 5. 
ἱερόδουλος 1050. 21. 

συνιερογλύφος 1029. 6, 7. 

μέγας θεὸς 

παστοφόρος Σαράπιδος 1028. 17, 25. 


ἱερογλ. ᾿Οσείριος 1029. 15. 





ἀββᾶς Ἱερακίων 1058. 23. 
ἁγία Εὐφημία 1088. 23. 
ἀμὴν 1058. δ: 

ἐκκλησία ἀββᾶ ἹἹερακίωνος 1058. 23. 
Εὐφημία ἡ ἁγία 1088. 23. 

ἅγιος Φωκῆς 1060. ο. 

ἀδωναί 1060. 4. 
aprepnote 1060. 5. 
᾿Αφροδίτη 1060. τ. 
δενοσε 1060. 5. 
‘Ia 1060. 4. 

θεός 1058. τ. εἷς θεός 1056. το. κύριος Beds 
1059. 1. σὺν θεῷ 1038. τ8 ; 1072. 12. 

ἱερεύς 1072. 14 (Ὁ). 

πρεσβύτερος 1026. 24; 1072. 3 (?). 

Φωκᾶς ὁ ἅγιος 1060. 9. 

| χμγ 1087. τ. 

(3) Macic. 
| σαβαώθ 1060. 4. 

σκορπίος 1060. 5. 
φωρφωρ LOGO. 4. 
opop 1060. 3. 


ἀγορανόμος 1081. 2. 

ἀμφοδογραμματεύς 1080. 2, 24. 

ἀνάδοσις σπερμάτων, οἱ αἱρεθέντες ἐπὶ τῆς ἀν. σπ. 
1031. 4. 

ἀπολύσιμος στρατιώτης 1023. 2. 

ἀρχεφοδεία 1088. 5. 

ἀρχιερατεύσας 1081. 1. 

ἀρχιερεύς 1025. 4, 24; 1068. 4. 

ἄρχοντες 10338. 9. 

βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς 1082. 25, 39. Τάιος 
(a.D. 86) 1028. 3. Κλαύδιος Μένανδρος 
(a.p. 107)1029. 1. ‘Iepak, διαδεχόμενος καὶ τὰ 
κατὰ τὴν στρατηγίαν (A.D. 129) 1024. 7, 43. 

βουλευτής 10381. 3. 

βουλή, ἡ κρατίστη 8. 1081. 4. 

γραμματεύς, βασιλικὸς yp. See βασιλικός. yp. 
πόλεως 1028. 5; 1045. 45. 

γυμνασιάρχης 1025. 1; 1063. 3. 

γυμνασιαρχήσας 1028. 4. 

cohors 1022. 5, 31. cohors iii Ituraeorum 
1022. 28, 

cornicularius 1022. 27. 


δημόσιοι 1038. το, 15. 

διοίκησις 1046. 2. 

διοικητής, ὁ κράτιστος ὃ. 10382. 48. Οὐώνασιος 
Φακοῦνδος 6 κράτιστος δ. (A.D. 161) 1082. 
44, 51. 

ἐξηγητής 1025. 3, 22. 

ἐπαρχία ᾿Αρκάδων 1042. 15. 

ἔπαρχος. See ἡγεμών. 

ἐπιστράτηγος 1020. 2. ὁ κράτιστος ἐπ. 1082. 
52. Οὐήδιος Φαῦστος ὁ κράτιστος ἐπ. (A.D. 
162) 1082. τ. 

ἐφοδευτής 1088. 10, 15. 

ἡγεμών 1082. 36. C. Minicius Italus (a.p. 
103) 1022. 2. Κόιντος “Pdpptos Μαρτιᾶλις 
(A.D. 117) 1023. 6. Σεμπρώνιος Λιβεράλιος 
ἡγεμονεύσας (A.D. 156-7) 1032, 20. Λούκιος 
Οὐολούσιος Μαικιανὸς ἔπαρχος Δἰγύπτου (A.D. 
161) 1082. 5. Οὐολ. Μαικ, ἡγεμονεύσας 
1082. 3. 

| ἡγούμενος τοῦ ἔθνους 1020. 5, 8. 

| ἱππεύς 1055. introd. 


κοσμητής 1025. 5. | σπερμάτων, of αἱρεθέντες ἐπὶ τῆς ἀναδόσεως on. 
κωμογραμματεύς 1032. 14; 1061. 28. 1031. 4. 

στρατηγία, Ἱερὰξ βασιλικὸς γραμματεὺς διαδεχό- 
νομικός 1048. 2, note. μενος καὶ τὰ κατὰ τὴν στρ. (A.D. I 29) 1024. 43. 

νυκτοστράτηγος 1088. 4. | στρατηγὸς ᾿Οξυρυγχίτου 1082. 26, 39; 1057. 2. 

Κλαύδιος Μακεδόνιος (A.D. 86) 1028. 2. 

eiepaves LOSES: ᾿Ασκληπιάδης (A.D. 129) 1024. τ. Cf. 


ΐ Ξ 2 | στρατιώτης ἀπολύσιμος 10238. 2. 
πολιτευόμενος 1048. 2, 4, δ, 10. | σχολαστικός 1048. 2, note; 1071. 2. 
ποταμίτης 1053. 2. 

UR Sh 1045. 40. τάξις 1082. 59. τ. ἡγεμονική 1042. 14. 
πραιπόσιτος (κάστρων) 1047. τ. | tiro 1022. 4. 

πρεσβύτερος 1048. 2, note ; 1072. 3(°). | 
πρύτανις evapxos 1025. 2. 

ὑπηρέτης 1065. introd, ὑπ. στρατηγοῦ 1032. 
26, 31, 41, 51. 

ῥιπάριος 1088. 3. 
φύλακες θεάτρου 1050. τό. 

singularis 1022. 26. ] 

σιτολόγος 1024. 3. χειριστής LOBL. 22. 

σουβαδιούβας τῆς ἡγεμονικῆς τάξεως 1042. 14. χωματεπείκτης 1058. 12, 20, 25. 



ἄρουρα 1081. 15, 16; 1082. 11; 1044. 2 ε΄ λίτρα 1052. 9 e/ saep.; 1056. 3. 
saep.; 1061. 8. | 

aptaBn 1024. 28, 29, 45; 1031. 16; 1084. | μέτρον 1069. 26. μ. δημόσιον 1024. 26. 
introd. ; 1040. 9 ε΄ saep.; 1044. 2 εἴ saep.; μ. ἡμιάρταβον δημόσιον 1081, 22. μ. παρα- 
1048. 2 εἶ saep.; 1056. 4, 5,8; 1068. 8. λημπτικόν 1040. 17. 

μνᾶ 1052. 10 εὖ saep. 

ἡμιλίτριον 1051. 12. 
ἡμίχοος 1070. 30. 


ναούιον (ναύβιον) 1058. 3 εὖ saep. 

ξέστης 1048. 2, 3. 

κεντηνάριον 1052. 20 ef saep. ξύλον 1053. 3 ef saep. 

κεράμιον 1054. 5; 6; 1055. 3, 4, 8. 

κοτύλη 1070. 30. χοῖνιξ 1044. 3 ef saep. 
(ὁ) COINS. 

ἀργύριον 1086. 20; 1087. 14; 1057. 3; | e/ saep.; 1087.14; 1041. 7, 12, 13, 24; 
1062. 15. apy. Σεβαστοῦ νομίσματος | 1047. 3,6; 1052.1 ef sacp.; 1056. 5, 
1039. 7. Or nLOS 7-3: 

| (δυόβολοι) 1049. τι. 

δηνάριον 1047. 5. δηναρίων μυριάς 1026. το | δραχμή 1084. introd.; 1086. 20; 1089. 8 

1045. τ e/ saep.; 1046. 1 e/ saep.; 1049. 
4 ef Saep.; 1050. 1 ef saep.; 1055. 5; 
1069. 35. 
ζυγὸν ἰδιωτικόν 1042. 25, 35. 
κεράτιον 1038. 28, 29, 38. 
νόμισμα 1039. 7. 

νομισμάτιον 1026. 12; 1042. 24, 25, 35; 
1053. 8 εὐ sacp.; 1059. introd. 



(ὀβολός) 1046. τ; 1049. 6, 8, 18, 21. 
ὁλοκόττινος 1026. 5. 

(mevt@Bodov) 1046. 2; 1049. 5 ef saep. 
τάλαντον 1045. 10 ef Saep.; 1055. 7. 
(τετρώβολον) 1049. 6. 

(τριώβολον) 1046. 5; 1049. 7, 12, 16. 

χαλκοῦς 1046. 1, 2, 5. 

| χρυσός 1042. 24, 25, 35. 

δι, PACES: 

a ἀρτάβη 1044. 5 e/ saep. al 1044. 7. 
ἀμπελώνων πρόσοδοι 1046. 3. 
ἀπόμοιρα 1046. 9g, 11. 

γνήσια τελέσματα 1031]. 21. 
δημόσια 1024. 37; 1061. 8. 

ἑπόμενα 1081. 20. 


a 1022. 4. 

ἀββᾶς 1058. 23. 

aBpoxos 1061. 7. 

ἄβωλος 1024. 25; 1040. 15. 

ἀγαθός 1021. 8, 12. 

ἀγγεῖον 1070. 30. 

ἄγειν 1025. 17; 1032. 17. 

ἅγιος 1038. 3; 1060. 9. 

ἀγκάλη 1049. 3. 

ἀγνοεῖν 1027. 11. 

ἀγοράζειν 1044. 9; 1062. 4 εἰ saep.; 1067. 
27; 1069. 28. 

ἀγορανόμος 1081. 2. 

ἀγοραστής 1044. 9 note, 27. 

οἰκοπ(έδου) 1044. 7 ef saep. 
πέμπτη 1048. 12, 13(?). 
πρόσοδοι ἀμπελώνων 10 46, 3. 
πρόστιμον 1032. 12. 
σύνταξις 1046. 6. 

τελέσματα γνήσια 1031. 21. 


ἀγράμματος 1088. 36 ; 1042. 33. 

ἀγώγιον 1049. 3 ef saep. 

ἀγών 1020. 6, 8. 

accipere 1022. 24. 

ἀδελφή 1080. 7; 1069.1, 37; 1070. 1, 57. 

ἀδελφός 1029. 13,15 3 1032. 29, 35; 1056. 
2; 1057.1; 1061. 1 ef saep.; 1064. 2; 
1066. 2; 1087.2, 4,22; 1068.8; 1070. 
Anh 3) LOW LO: 

ἄδολος 1024. 25; 1040. 15. 

adwvai 1060. 4. 

αἴθριον 1027. 4; 10386. 14. 

atpa 1081. 17. 

atpev 1024. το; 1081. 4; 1089. 9; 1040. 28. 


αἰτεῖσθαι 1081. ὃ 

αἴτησις 1024. 20. 

αἰτιᾶν 1082. 51. 

αἰώνιος 1088. 1; 1088. 4; 1042. 4. 
ἀκολούθως 1041. 9 ; 1044. 17, note. 
ἀκούειν 1082. 59. 
ἄκριθος 1024. 25 ; 
ἀκύρωσις 1084. introd. ; 
ἀκωλύτως 1036. 27. 
ἀλήθεια 1029. 22; 1082. 33. 

ἀλληλεγγύη 1040. 13, 46. 

ἀλληλέγγυος 1040. 27. 

ἀλλήλων 1086. 35, 36. 

ἄλλος 1026. 11; 1027. 5; 1044. 3 ef sacp.; 

1040. 16. 
1041. 19. 

1048. 13; 1050. 14; 1061. 14, 18; 
1068. 20; 1071. 7. ἄλλ᾽ ἐξ ad\dwr(?) 1070. 

ἄλλοτε 1061. 2. 

ἀλλότριος 1067. 7. 

ἅλως 1040. 14; 1049. 2. 

ἅμα 1024. 36; 1025. 16; 1081. 21. 

ἀμελεῖν 1070. 42, 50. 

ἀμέμπτως 1088. 5. 

ἀμήν 1058. 5. 

ἄμπελος 1082. τι. 

ἀμπελών 1046. 3. 

ἄμφοδον 1028. 18, 27; 1080. 9; 1084. 6, 

10, 11; 1086. 12; 1037. 12; 1038. 

ἀμφότεροι 1028. 12; 1029. 4; 10381. 3; 
1082. 2, 7, 56; 1086. 2; 1040. 3, 6. 

ἀναβολάδιον 1051. 3, 10. 

ἀνάγειν 1032. 8, 

ἀναγινώσκειν 1062. 13; 1068. 14. 

ἀναγκάζειν 1088. 7 ; 1069. 2, 20, 21. 

ἀναγκαῖος 1042. 23; 1068. 16. ἀναγκαίως 

1032. 36. 
ἀνάγκη 1061. 4. 
ἀναγράφεσθαι 1080. 8, 12. 
ἀναγραφή 1082. 15. 
ἀναδιδόναι 1024. 40 ; 1083. 5; 1084. introd. ; 
1041. 18; 1061. 9; 1063. 14. 
ἀνάδοσις 1081. 5. 
ἀναζητεῖν 1066. 18. 
ἀνακομίζεσθαι 1041. 17. 
ἀναλίσκειν 1026. 22 ; 1072. 20. 
ἀνάλωμα 1026. 7; 1043. 2; 1072. 8. 
ἀναπέμπειν 1082. 50. 
ἀνενόχλητος 1033. 16. 


ἀνέρχεσθαι 1068. 12, 10. 

ἄνευ 1089. το. 

ἀνήρ 1028. 24; 1029. 10. 

ἄνθρωπος 1067. 30; 1070. ττ. 

annus 1022. 12 e/ saep. 

ἀνοχή 1068. 15. 

ἀντιγράφειν 1066. 14; 1069. 32; 1071. 3. 

ἀντίγραφον 1082. 43; 1070. 38. 

ἀντιπαραδιδόναι 1088. 31. 

ἀντιποιεῖσθαι 1044. g and note, 13 

ἀντιφωνεῖν 1061. 19. 

ἀνυπέρβλητος 1070. 21. 

ἀνυπερθέτως 1037. 16; 1042. 28. 

ἄνω 1081. 6. 

ἀξιοῦν 1080. 12; 1082. 37, 54; 1083. 14; 
1038. 36; 1068. 23. 

ἀπαιτεῖν 1064. 8. 

ἀπαλλάσσειν 1060. 6. 

ἀπάτη 1020. 8. 

ἀπελεύθερος 1020. ἡ ; 1085. 4. 

ἀπηλιώτης 1024. 4; 1036. 18. 

ἁπλοῦς 1037. 18; 1088. 33; 1041. 21; 
1042. 29. ἁπλῶς 1024. 32. 

ἀπογράφεσθαι 1028. 18, 26, 31. 

ἀποδεικνύναι 1021. 7, 13. 

ἀπόδεσμος 1070. 39. 

ἀποδιδόναι 1024. 35; 1026. 6, 7; 1081. 20; 
1036. 23, 43; 1037. 15; 1038. 29; 
1040. 12, 21, 44; 1041. 25; 10638. 16; 
1068. 30; 1070. 57. 

ἀπόδοσις 1041. 7, 11. 

ἀποκαθιστάναι 1089. 9 ; 1040. 13. 

ἀπολύσιμος 1028. 2. 

ἀπόμοιρα 1046. 9, 11. 

ἀποσπᾶν 1033. 12. 

ἀποστέλλειν 1066. 3 ef saep. 

ἀποτάσσεσθαι 1070. 55. 

ἀποφαίνεσθαι 1082. 50. 

ἀποχή 1024. 38. 

ἄρα 1070. 50. 

Gpakos, ἄραξ 1056. 4, 8, το. 

ἀριθμός 1082. 44; 1058. 20, 27. 

ἀργύριον. See Index IX (4). 

ἀργυροῦς 1051. 19. 

ἄρουρα. See Index IX (a). 

ἀρτάβη. See Index IX (a). 

ἀρτερήσιος (magic) 1060. 5. 

ἀρτοκόπος 1088. 14. 

ἀρχαῖος 1082. 9g. 


ἀρχεφοδεία 1063. 5. 

ἀρχή 1021. 10. ἐξ ἀρχῆς 1082. 40. 

ἀρχιερατεύειν 1091. 1. 

ἀρχιερεύς 1025. 4, 24; 1088. 4. 

ἄρχοντες 1088. 9. 

ἀσπάζεσθαι 1061. 24; 1067. 26; 1069. 33; 
1070. 47. 

ἀσφάλεια 1027. 12; 1070. 49. 

ἀσφαλής, τὸ ἀσφαλές 1041. το. 

ἀσφαλίζεσθαι 1038. 13. 

ἄτεχνος 1080. 8. 

αὐλή 1027. 3, 4; 1084. 6 ; 1086. 14. 

αὐλητής 1050. 20. 

αὔριον 1025. τό. 

authenticus 1022. 29. 

αὐτός, ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ 1081. 16 ; 1040. 11, 45; 
1044. 25, 28; 1046. 13; 1049. 24. 

ἄφεσις 1020. 6. 

ἀφιέναι 1067. 5. 

αφρεν (?) 1051. 17. 

ἄχρηστος 1070. 51. 

βάθος 1058. 3 ef saep. 

βαλανάριον 1026. 143; 1051. 22. 

βάλλειν 1069. 26. 

βάλσαμον 1052. I. 

βάρος 1062. 14. 

βασιλεία 1087. 9 ; 1088. τ; 1042. τ. 

βασιλικός, βασιλικὴ (yn) 1044. 10 ef saep. 
β. γραμματεύς. See Index VIII. 

βαφεύς 1041. 5. 

βεβαιοῦν 1036. 21. 

βιβλίδιον 1082. 44; 1065. introd.; 1070. 32. 

βιλλαρικός 1026. 12. 

βιολόγος 1025. 7. 

βοηθεῖν 1058. 3. 

βοήθεια 1020. 5, 7; 1088. 10, 15. 

βουθυτεῖν 1021. τό. 

βούλεσθαι 1087. τό ; 1088. 31; 1042. 27. 

βουλευτής 1081. 3. 

βουλή 1081. 4. 

BpaBeutns 1050. τι. 

βρεούιον 1048. 1. 

βρέφος 1069. 22. 

βύρσα 1057. 3. 

γαληνότης 1042. 7. 
γαμβρύς 1070. 35. 
γαμικός 1084. 5. 



γείτων 1070. 28. 

γενέθλιος 1025. 14. 

γένημα 1024. 9; 1081.9; 1040.8; 1071. 2. 

yeouxew 1038. 9. 

γεουχικός 1053. 13. 

γερδίαινα 1069. 9 (?). 

γεωργεῖν 1024. 20; 1081]. τι. 

γῆ 1024. 33,36; 1031.18, 21. ἄβροχος (γῆ) 
1061. 7. βασιλική (γῆ) 1044. 10 ef saep. 
δημοσία yy 1081. 11. διάρταβος γῆ 1081. 
12. ἰδιωτική (γῆ) 1044. 7, note. 

γίνεσθαι 1027. 11, 23; 1081. 16; 1082. 14 
et saep.; 1033. 18; 1086. 32; 1038. 29; 
1039. 13; 1040. 33; 1041. 14, 18, 19; 
1042. 25; 1043. 3; 1044. 3 ef saep.; 
1053. 1, 8, 11; 1057. 3; 1062. 6, 11; 
1064. 3; 1066. 16; 1068. 23; 1069. 3, 
5, 11, 25; 1070. 20, 43, 52; 1072. 11. 

γινώσκειν 1032. 17. 

γνήσιος 1081. 21. 

γνωρίζειν 1024. 18. 

yovevs 1028. 13. 

γράμμα 1082. 33; 10386. 47; 1039. 16; 
1040. 31, 52; 1065. 2; 1068. 9, 24; 
1070. 49; 1072. 16. 

γραμματεῖον 1041. 15, 18, 20; 1042. 29, 32, 

γραμματεύς. See Index VIII. 

γραμματηφόρος 1071. 8. 

γραπτόν 1061. 19. 

γράφειν 1032. 38; 1086. 46; 1037. 18; 
1038. 33, 36; 1039. 17; 1040. 21, 31, 
51; 1041. 6, 21; 1042. 29, 33; 10465. 
Bias LOGINS  ΖΙ 22; ἸΟΘΩ 7 5: ΤῸ} 
1064. 6; 1066. 8; 1067. 9; 1068. 4, 
16; 1069. 7, 35; 1070. 12 ¢é saep.; 
ΤΟΙ Ote as 

γραφή 1029. 6, 23. 

γυμνασιαρχεῖν 1028. 4. 

γυμνασιάρχης 1025. 1; 1069. 3, 

γυναικεῖος 1026. 20; 1051. 4. 

γυνή 1084. 5; 1044. τό, 22; 1067. 7. 

ce (?) 1022. r. 
cohors 1022. 5, 28, 31. 
cornicularius 1022. 27. 

δαίμων 1021. 9. 
δάνειον 1024. 13; 1026. 5; 1081. 9. 



δεῖγμα 1024. 8. 

δεῖν 1032. 51; 1061. 13. 

δεῖσα 1086. 30. 

δελματική 1051. τό. 

δελματίκιον 1026. 10; 1051. 1, 2. 
Sevoce (magic) 1060. 5. 

δεξιός 1024. 18. 

δεόντως 1032. 40. 

δερμάτιον 1026. τό. 

δεσμεύειν 1049. 7, 12, 17, 22. 
δεσπότης 1071. 9. Cf. Indices II, III. 
δέχεσθαι 1072. 4. 

dexter 1022. 23. 

δηλοῦν 1028. 4; 1082. 17, 34; 1040. 47; 

1045. 45; 1070. 41, 46. 

δημόσιος 1088. 6; 1045. τ. (ra) δημόσια 
1024. 37; 1061. 8. δημόσιοι 1088. το, 
15. τὸ ὃ. 1040. 17, 32. ὃ. y7 1081]. 11. 
6. μέτρον 1024. 27; 1031. 22. ὃ. τράπεζα 
1046. 7. 

δηνάριον. See Index IX (2). 

διά, τέως διά 1056. 4. 

διαγινώσκειν 1032. 53. 

διαγράφειν 1082. 13; 1046. 7 

διαγραφή 1032. τό. 

διαδέχεσθαι 1024. 43. 

διαιτᾶσθαι 1061. 3. 

διακεῖσθαι 1088. 21. 

διαλαμβάνειν 1032. 54. 

διαλογισμός 1032. 21. 

διάλυσις 1084. introd. 

διαπέμπεσθαι 1068. 5, 7; 1070. 38, 45. 

διάρταβος 10381. 12. 

διαστολή 1027. 6; 1046. 13. 

διαφέρειν 1037. 10; 1061. 12. 

διάφορος 1083. 8. διάφορον 1040. 10 ef saep. ; 
1041. 9 ; 1042. 28. 

διδόναι 1026. 4, 5; 1082. 43; 1084. introd. ; 
10438. 1; 1053. 13, 21, 27; 1055. 7; 
1062. 15; 1063. 4, 8; 1066. 12; 1068. 
24; 1069. 35; 1070. 33, 54. 

διεξέρχεσθαι 1069. 31. 

διέρχεσθαι 1024. το; 1080. το; 1081. το; 
1084. introd.; 1040. 9; 1044. 4. 

διευτυχεῖν 1082. 42, 55. 

δίκαιον 1088. 26; 1044. 27. 

δίκη 1040. 30. 

δίμηνος 1082. 22. 

διό 1021. 14; 1080. 11. 


διοίκησις 1046. 2. 

διοικητής 1082. 45, 48; 1088. 12. 

δίσημος 1051. 5. 

δισσός 1024. 39 ; 1089. 17; 1040. 31. 

doxetv 1027.9 ; 1082. 38,54; 1034. introd.; 
1068. 15; 1070. 40. 

δούλη 1059. 3. 

δοῦλος 1080. 7; 1058. 3. 

δραχμή. See Index IX (4). 

δρύον (?) 1044. 7, 8, 12. 

δύνασθαι 1027. 9; 1082. 32; 
26; 1069. 16, 29. 

δυόβολοι 1049. 11 

δωδεκάδραχμος 1028. 14, 22, 27, 32. 

δωνατίουον 1047. 4. 


1068. 5, 

ἑαυτοῦ 1033. 13. 

ἐγγράφως 1032. 18. 

ego 1022. 4. 

ew 1024, 34. 

ἔθνος 1020. 5, 8. 

ἔθος 1025. ΤΙ, 18, 

εἴ τις ἄν 1068. 20 

εἰδέναι 1021. 17; 1086. 47; 1040. 52; 
1045. 50; 1064. 6 ; 1067. 20 ; 1069. το. 

εἶδος 1026. 9, 15 ; 1082. 17, 24. 

εἰπεῖν 1082. 51; 1088. 11; 1068. 4, 7, 9; 
1067. το, 15. 

εἰρηνικός 1088. 5. 

εἷς, ὁ εἷς 1082. 56; 1036. 4. 

εἴτ᾽ οὖν 1088. Io. 

ἐκδικεῖν 1020. 6, 8. 

ἐκεῖνος 1068. 7. 

ἐκκλησία 1058. 23. 

ἑκουσίως 1087. 7; 1038. 16. 

ἐκτίνειν 1039. 12; 1040. 23. 

ἔκτισις 1040, 27. 

ἔλαιον 1048. 2, 3; 1070. 29. 

ἐλάσσων 1081. τι. 

ἐλέγχειν 1082. 30. 

ἐλλογιμώτατος 107]. 1. 

ἐλπίζειν 1021. 6. 

ἐλπίς 1059. 1 ; 1070. το. 

ἐμαυτοῦ 1041. 12 25: 

ἐμός 1088. 32. 

ἐμπειρία 1061. 12. 

ἐμποδίζειν 1027. το. 

emu 1088. 37; 1042. 34. 

ἐμφανής 1021. 2 


ἐμφέρειν 1032, 18, 

évapxos 1025. 2. 

ἔνδοξος 1038. 7, 8; 1043. 2. 

ἐνδοξότης 1038. 20. 

ἕνεκεν 1088. 8; 1071. 2. 

ἐνέχειν 1032. 23. 

evexupacery 1027, 7. 

evexupacia 1027. 5. 

ἐνθάδε 1070. 41. 

ἐνιαυσίως 1037. 14; 1038. 25. 

ἐνιστάναι 1024. 11; 1028. 20; 1029. ὃ, 26; 
1081. 5, 10, 21; 1035. 9; 1036. 10; 
1041. 16. 

ἐνοίκιον 1086. 19, 24, 44; 1037. 14, 16; 
1038. 27, 29, 38. 

ἐνοικολόγος 1088. 13; 1043. τ. 

ἐνοχλεῖν 1068. ΤΙ, 25. 

évoxos 1029. 27. 

ἐνταῦθα 1088. 9; 1071. 5. 

ἐντέλλεσθαι 1070. 16, 50. 

ἐντός 1032. 22. 

ἐντυγχάνειν 1020. 2; 1032. 44, 49, 52. 

é£apnvos 1036. 24; 1038. 30. 

ἐξαυτῆς 1025. το; 1045. 48; 1065. 3. 

ἐξέδρα 1087. 13, 17, 20. 

ἐξεμπλάριον 1066. 7. 

ἐξέρχεσθαι 1070. 53, 56. 

ἐξετάζειν 1082. 52; 1066. 20(?). 

ἐξέχεσθαι 1027. 6. 

ἐξηγητής 1025. 3, 22. 

ἑξῆς 1085. 8; 1087. 8 ; 1063. 6. 

ἑορτή 1025. 14. 

ἐπαγγέλλεσθαι 1062. 3. 

ἐπακολουθεῖν 1024. 33 ; 1031. 18. 

ἐπάναγκες 1037. 15. 

ἐπανέρχεσθαι 1064. 11. 

ἐπανέχειν 1033. 6. 

ἐπανόρθωσις 1070. 20. 

ἐπάνω 1032. 34. 

ἐπαρχία 1042. 15. 

ἔπαρχος 1032. 5. 

ἐπεί 1082. τό, 48; 1041. 6. 

ἐπειδή 106]. 2. 

ἐπερωτᾶν 1086. 35, 45; 1037. 18; 1088. 33 ; 
1040. 34, 48; 1041. 21; 1042. 30. 

ἕπεσθαι 10381. 20. 

ἐπὶ τῷ 1084. introd. ; 1041.13. ἐφ᾽ 51068. 

ἐπιγονή 1035. 6. 



ἐπιδέχεσθαι 1087. 7; 1038. τό. 

ἐπιδημεῖν 1070. 41. 

ἐπιδιδόναι 1027. 9; 1028. 41; 1029. 
10380. 11, 22; 10381. 29; 1032. 3, 
1033. 14; 1065. introd. ; 1071. το. 

ἐπιζητεῖν 1082. 40. 

ἐπιθήκη 1055. 6. 

ἐπικρίνειν 1023. 5; 1028. το. 

ἐπιμέλεια 1070. 22. 

ἐπιμελεῖσθαι 1061. 26. 

ἐπιμηνίδιον 1070. 45. 

ἐπίξενος 1029. 25. 

ἐπίπεδος 1038. 24. 

ἐπισκέπτεσθαι 10382. 24. 

ἐπίσταλμα 1056. 6. 

ἐπιστέλλειν 1081. 8; 1045. 48. , 

ἐπιστολή 1062. 10, 12; 1066.9; 1070. 
39, 49; 55- 

ἐπιστολίδιον 1069. 14. 

See Index VIII. 




| epistula 1022. 9, 30. 

ἐπίταγμα 1088. 6. 
ἐπιφέρειν 1082. 33; 1034. 4; 1039. 8, 2 
1062. 7. 

| ἐποίκιον 1081. 8; 1052. 7; 1065. 4. 

ἐργάτης 1049. 7, 12, 17, 22. 

ἔργον 1070. 13. 

ἔριον 1052. 8. 

ἑρπετόν 1060. 7. 

ἔρχεσθαι 1065. 4; 1067. 3, 17, 18, 
1068. 27; 1069. 6; 1070. 54. 

ἐρωτῶν 1061. το, 19. 

esse 1022. 31. 

ἔστε 1070. 45. 

ἕτερος 1024. 31, 39; 1027. 4; 1032. 17; 
1034. 10 ; 1070. 56. 

ἔτι 1032. 8; 1070. 6. 

ἔτος, κατ᾽ ἔτ. 1086. 20, 24; 1038. 30. 

εὐδοκιμώτατος 1042, 13. 

εὐεργετεῖν 1032. 42, 55. 

εὐεργέτης 1032. 37 ; 1042. 3. 

εὐπορεῖν 1068. 3. 

εὑρησιλογία 1039. 11. 

εὑρίσκειν 1068. 13; 1069. 4. 

εὐσεβής. See Index IIL. εὐσεβέστατος 1038. 
2; 1042. 2. 

εὐτυχής. See Index III. 

εὐχαριστεῖν 1070. 47. 

εὐἰτυχέστατος 1042. 


εὐχή 1070. 3. 

εὔχεσθαι 1025. 23, 24,26; 1063.13; 1066. 
23; 1067. 24; 1068. 28; 1069. 34; 
1070. 43. 

ἐφοδευτής 1033. 10, 15. 

ἔχειν 1020. 5, 7; 1030. 24; 1098. 9, 16; 
1034. 8; 1089. 6; 1040. 7; 1041. Io, 
II, 23; 1042. 22; 1061. 4; 1068. 15, 
20; 1070. 25. ἔχεσθαι 1061. 28. 

ex 1022. 6. 

ἕως 1041. 11; 1043. 2; 1061. 7, 12, 
1062. 8; 1068. 22. 

frater 1022. 
frons 1022. 22. 


ζεῦγος 1085. 12; 1050. 14. 
ᾧγεῖν 1033. 17. 

ζυγόν 1042. 25, 35- 

ζωή 1070. 9. 

ἤ 1029. 25, 27; 1083. 14, τό; 1040. 28; 
1070. 13, 28, 46. 

ἡγεῖσθαι 1020. 5, 8; 1070. 17. 

ἡγεμονεύειν 1082. 4, 20. 

ἡγεμονικός 1042, 14, 

ἡγεμών. See Index VIII. 

ἤδη 1071. 7. 

ἥδιστα 1061, 21. 

ἥκειν 1025. Io. 

ἡλιαστήριον 1014. introd. 

ἡλικία 1020. 5, 7- 

ἡμέρα] 25. 18; 1029. 26; 1043. 2; 1068. 14. 

ἡμέτερος 1056. 3. 

ἡμιάρταβος 1081. 22. 

ἡμιλίτριον 1051. 12. 

ἡμιολία 1040, 10, 24, 26, 44. 

npixoos 1070. 30. 

ἧσσον 1070. 15. 

θάλασσα 1067. 29. 

θαυμάσιος 1088. 13. 

θέατρον 1050. τό. 

θειότατος 1038, 2; 1042. i. 

θέλειν 1061. 21; 1069. 9; 1070. το, 50, 54. 
θεός. See Indices II, VIL. 

θέρειος 1062. 4. 

θέσις 1027. 12. 

θεωρία 1025. τό. 


θρόνος 1050. 4. 
θυγάτηρ 1084. 1, 7; 1038. 7. 
θύρα 1086. 31; 1060. 1. 

hic 1022. 9. 

iconismus 1022. 8 εὖ saep. 

ἴδιος 1024. το ; 1082. 9, 15. 

ἰδιωτικός 1042. 25,35. ἰδιωτικὴ (γῆ) 1044. 7, 

ἰδού 1066. 5; 1069. 6, 11, 35. 

ἱερατικός 1046. 4. 

ἱερεύς 1050. 2; 1072. 14. 

ἱερογλύφος 1029. 5, 15- 

ἱερόδουλος 1050. 21. 

ἱμάτιον 1026. 3. 

in 1022. 5, 30. 

wa 1082. 42, 55; 1033. 18; 1061. 26; 
1062. 13; 1066. 7, 15; 1068. 5, 19, 
24, 26; 1069. 4, 7, 29, 36; 1071: 5, 6. 

ἰνδικτίων. See Index III. 

ἱππεύς 1055. introd. 

ἱπποκόμος 1050. 5. 

is 1022. 8. 

ἴσακμος 1085. 14. 

ἰσάτις 1052. το. 

ἴσος 1024. 36; 1081. 20. ἐξ ἴσου 1084. 8; 
1040. 7. τὸ ἴσον 1080. 25 ; 1032. 42. 

covey (?) 1051. 4. 

ἱστάναι 1084. introd. 

ἱστορεῖν 1027. τι. 

iubere 1022. 6. 

κάδιον 1026. 20. 

καθά 1040. 21. 

καθάπερ 1040. 30. 

καθαρός 1024. 25; 1086. 29; 1040. 15. 

καθήκειν 1024. 38; 1086. 34. 

καθώς 1025. το; 1071. 1. 

καινοποιός 1053. 2. 

καινός 1035. 13. 

κακός 1060. 7. 

κακουργία 1082. 32. 

καλάνδαι 1047. introd., 2, 4. 

καλεῖν 1087. τι. 

kalendae 1022. 7, 24. 

καλός 1062. 4, 6; 1069. 25. καλῶς 1040. 
33; 1066. 3; 1067. 3; 1069. 2. . κάἀλ- 
Acoros 1024. 8. 


κάμηλος 1069. 17. 

κἄν 1061, 13. 

karissimus 1022, ro. 

καταγινώσκειν 1062. 14. 

κατακεῖσθαι 1040. 32. 

καταλείπειν 1026. 7; 1034. 1. 

κατάλοιπος 1061. 9. 

καταξιοῦν 1071. 2, 8. 

κατασπορά 1024. το; 10381. Io. 

κατατιθέναι 1024. 52 ; 1031. 17. 

καταφέρειν 1068. 6. 

καταφεύγειν 1082. 36. 

κατέχειν 1068. 22. 

κατοπτεύειν 1033. 13. 

κεῖσθαι 1034. 5; 1069. 13. 

κελεύειν 1024. 28 3 1028. 
1082. 32; 1071. 5, 6. 

κέλλα 1067. ΓΙ, 13. 

κεντηνάριον 1052. 20 ef saep. 

κεράμιον. See Index IX (a). 

κεφάλαιον 1084. introd.; 1045. 49. 

κηδεμονία 1070. 21. 

κηδεύειν 1067. 6; 1068. 14, 26. 

κῆρυξ 1050. 6. 

κιθώνιον 1069. 3, 24. 

κινδυνεύειν 1098. τι. 

κίνδυνος 1024. 19; 1033. 18. 

κλείς 1086. 31. 

κληρονομεῖν 1067. ὃ. 

xAnporduos 1084. τ; 1044. 6, 19; 1045. 47. 

κλῆρος 1024. 24; 1031. 15, τό. 

κοινός 1084. introd. κοινῶς 1084. 8; 1045. 

το; 1091: 23); 

κοκκολογεῖν 1081]. 17. 
κολόβιον 1051]. 4, 8, 14. 
κομίζειν 1062. 18. 
κόπριον 1036. 29. 
κοσκινεύειν 1024. 26; 1040. 16. 
κοσμητής 1025. 5. 
κοτύλη 1070. 30. 
κράτιστος 1081. 4; 1032. 1, 45, 48, 52. 
κρέας 1056. 2. 
κρείσσων 1062. 5. 
κριθή 1081. 18; 1048. 9. 
κτενιστικός 1035. 12. 
κτῆμα 1053. 1; 1072. 13. 
κτήτωρ 1032. 18. 
κύριος (‘guardian ’) 1028. 8. 
κύριος (title) 1032. 36, 48; 1088. 9; 1047. 



τ} 1059: τ, 1068: τ 4 D7 LOVES, 
10. κύρος 1068. 23. Cf. Index II. 
κύριος (‘valid’) 1086. 34; 1087. 18; 1038. 
33; 1039. 16; 1040. 30; 1041. 20; 
1042. 29. 
κώμη 1024. 
1041. 4. 

21; 10381. 12; 1040. 


λάκκος 1072. το. 

λαμβάνειν 1024. 37 ; 1025. 19; 1026. 2, 3; 
1065. 2; 1068. 11; 1068. 9; 1069. 7; 
1071. 7. 

λαμπρός 1042. 16; 1048. 7, 8. Cf. Index 
IIL and Index VI s. v. ᾽Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλις. 

λαμπρότης 1042. 22. 

λέγειν 1066. 11 ; 1070. 56. 

λειτουργεῖν 1067. Το. 

λεπτότερος 1066. 5. . 

λευκός 1051. 21; 1059. introd.; 1069. 3. 

λῆμμα 1084. introd. ; 1053. 12; 1064. 9. 

λημματίζειν 1056. 3. 

ληνός 1055. 3. 

λίβελλος 1033. 14. 

λινούδιον 1026. 3, 12, 14; 1066. το. 

λινοῦς 1051. 2, 7, ὃ, τό. 

Nrpa, See Index IX (a). 

λογίζεσθαι 1056. 5. 

λόγος 1088. 38; 1041. 9; 1048. 2; 1045. 
23 (?); 1047. 1; 1049. 1; 1050. 1; 
1053. 13. πρὸς λόγον 1069. 19, 25. 

λοιπός 1044. 9, 16, 24, 28; 1054. 5; 1061. 

λουσωρία 1048. 2, 7. 

payyava .{ 1050. 19. 

μαθητής 1029. 25. 

μᾶλλον 1066. 53 1070. 18. 

μανδάκης 1049. 3 ef saep. 

μανθάνειν 1032. 25, 49 ; 1067. 6. 

manus 1022. 20. 

μαππίον 1051. 17 (2), το (?). 

μαρτυρεῖν 1026. 24; 1064. 12; 1068. το. 

ματαίως 1027. το. 

μαφόριον 1026, 3, 17, 18, 19. 

μέγας 1069. 27; 1070. 8. μεῖζων 1033. 9 ; 
1070. 7. μέγιστος 1025. 15; 1028. 18 ; 
1029. 16; 1042. 32. Cf. Index II. 

μέλλειν 1056. 3; 1067. 17, 20; 1072. 15. 

μεμνῆσθαι 1070. 48. 


μὲν οὖν 1070. 12. 

μέρος 1027. 4; 1045. 37. 

μεστός 1070. 32. 

μεταδιδόναι 1082. 27, 28, 34. 

μεταλαμβάνειν 1032. 33. 

μεταλλάσσειν 1082. 9. 

μετανέρχεσθαι 1049. τ. 

μεταξύ 1026. 2. 

μεταφορά 1049. τ. 

μετρεῖν 1024. 5, 44; 1040.17; 1061. 7, 5. 

μέτρησις 1024. 27; 1031. 23 ; 1040. 20. 

μέτρον 1024. 26; 1081. 22; 1040. 17; 
1069. 26. 

μέχρι 1070. 43. 

μηδείς 1024, 30; 1067. 13; 1068. 10, 24; 
1070. 25, 45. 

μῆκος 1053. 3 ef sacp. 

μήν 1021. 20; 1080. 21; 1084. introd.; 
1085. 8,15; 1037.8; 1038.18; 1040. 
14; 1041. 16; 1048. 2; 1058. 1. 

μήπω 1062, 15 ; 1068. 13 (μήπου Pap.). 

μήτηρ 1024. 15; 1029. 3, 4; 1080. 4; 
1031. 7; 1032.10; 1036. 6; 1088. 15; 
1039. 2, 4; 1040.1, 3; 1041. 3; 1042. 
19; 1044. 6, Io, 19, 1063. 12; 
1070. 5, 17, 37- 

μητρόπολις 1082. 7; 1044. 4. 

μητροπολίτης 1028. 13. 

μῖμος 1050. 25. 

μισθύς 1025. 19; 1049. 4, 10, 15, 
1053. 24; 1069. 9. 

μισθοῦν 1035.1; 1036.1, 23, 33,42; 1087. 
1098. τῇ" 

μίσθωσις 1086. 22, 34; 1087. 18, 20; 1088. 
33, 35, 38. 

μνᾶ 1052. 10 ef Saep. 

μνήμη 1088. 8; 1042. τό. 

μόνος 1088. 12; 1048. 3; 1057. 3. 

μονόστεγος 1027. 3. 

μουθονάλιος (?) 1026. το. 

μυλοκόπος 1042. 19, 35. 

puptas. See Index IX (4). 

μυροθήκη 1026. 21. 



ναούιον 1058. 3 ef saep. 

ναύκληρος 1071. το. 

ναύτης 1071. 3. 

veounvia, νουμηνία 1085. 8; 1087.8; 1088. 
17; 1041. 15. 


νέος 1024. 35; 1081.19; 1040. 15; 1042. 
9; 1072. 9. νεώτερος 1029. 2; 1042. 
17; 106]. 5. 

νετρῳ (?) 1044. 17, 22. 

νεύειν 1088. 20, 24. 

νήφειν 1062. 13. 

νομή 1038. 32. 

nomen 1022. 7. 

νομίζειν 1070. τι. 

νόμισμα 1099. 8. 

νομιτεύειν 1088. 28, 29; 1042. 25. 

νόμος 1099. 13. 

νομός 1032. 21, 24; 1041. 4; 1045. 46, 

νότος 1088. 21, 25. 

vuxtootpatnyos 1088. 4. 

numeri 1022. 5. 

νῦν 1032. 17, 23; 
1061. 4. 

1070. 7, 16. τὰ νῦν 

fevia 1064. το. 

ξέστης 1048. 2, 3. 

ξύλον 10538. 3 ef saep.; 1066. 19 (Ὁ). 
ξυστάρχης 1050. 7. 

ὀβολός. See Index ΙΧ (6). 

ὅδε 1088. 14. 

ὁδός 1068. 25. 

οἴεσθαι 1070. 42. 

οἰκία 1027. 3, 4; 1084. 6, 8; 1088. 14, 10, 
26, 43; 1087. 10; 1088. 20, 26; 1070. 
29, 49, 51- 

οἰκόπεδον 1082. 9,15; 1086. το; 1044. 7 εἰ 

οἶκος 1048. 2; 1060. 6. 

οἰκουμένη 1021. 5, Io. 

οἰνέμπορος 1055. 2. 

oivos 1054. 6; 1055. 8. 

οἷος 1070, 42. 

ὀλιγωρεῖν 1065. 6. 

ὁλόκληρος 1087. 12; 1088. 23. 

ὁλοκόττινος 1026. 5. 

ὅλος 1088. 26; 1070. 51. ὅλως 1070. 48, 55. 

ὁμηριστής 1025. 8; 1050. 26. 

ὀμνύειν 1028. 34; 1080. 14, 22; 1081. 23. 

ὁμοίως 1026. 11; 1030. 13; 1040. 26; 
1049. 5 ef saep. 

ὁμολογεῖν 1036. 36, 45 ; 1087. 19; 1088. 33; 
1039. 5; 1040. 6, 34, 49; 1041. 11, 
21; 1042. 21, 26, 30. 


ὁμοπάτριος 1080. 6. 

ὁμοῦ 1047. 6; 1058. τι. 

ὀνηλάτης 1049. 5 ef saep. 

ὄνομα 1081. 12; 1044. 3, 4, 5; 1056. 3; 
1063. 3, 10. κατ᾽ ὄνομα 1059. 7; 
1070. 46. 

ὄνος 1049. 3 ef saep.; 1068. 22 ; 1069. 20. 

ὀνύχινος 1026. 10, 1: 

ὀξύβαφον 1051. 18. 

ὁπόταν 1087. 16; 1038. 31; 1042. 27. 

ὁπηνίκα 1039. 9. 

ὄπτεσθαι 1059. 2 εἰ saep. 

ὅπως 1082. 39; 1045. 
1064. 1. 

ὀρθῶς 1040. 33. 

ὁρίζειν 1032. 23. 

ὅρκος 1026. 6; 1029. 27 ; 1030. 23. 

ὁρκοῦν 1072. 16. 

ὅς, ἐξ οὗ 1027. 6. 

ὅσπερ 1081. 16; 1088. 29; 1039. 9; 1040. 
12; 1070. 14, 24. 

ὅστις 1025. 17; 1061. 17 (ὅτου). 

ὅταν 1062. 6. 

ὅτε 10638. 4. 

ὅτε 1062. 4, 6, 7, 9; 1068. 4; 1064. 5; 
1066. 9, 11; 1067. 7, 12, 17, 20; 1068. 
21; 1070. 47, 56; 1072. 19. 

οὐδὲ ὅλως 1070. 48, 55. 

οὐδείς 1063. 7; 1066. το, 12; 1070. 43. 

avdénore 1062. 11. 

οὐετρανός 1035. 3. 

οὐλή 1024. 17. 

οὖν 1082. τό, 36, 48, 52 ; 1088. το ; 1045. 
38; 1061. 17; 1063. 10; 1064. 6; 
1066. 6; 1067. 7, 9; 1068. 8 ef saep.; 
LOZO> 123 405) LOW 2; 8: 

οὕτως 1026. 9, 15; 1032. 50; 1058. 2, 13; 
1065. 7. 

ὀφείλειν 1021. 1, 14; 1082. 12; 1041. 11, 
23; 1045. 49; 1067. 14; 1071. 3, 9. 

ὀφειλή 1024. 31, 

ὀφρύς 1024. 17. 

ὀχύρωσις 1058. τ. 

ὀψαρίδιον 1067. 28. 

ὄψις 1070. 15, 50. 


48, 52; 

παγκρατιαστής 1050. 12, 14. 
πᾶγος 1041. 4. 
παιδάριον 1070. 52. 



παιδικός 1066. το. 
παιδίον 1061. 25. 
παιδίσκη 1069. το. 
παλαιός 1071. 2. 

πάλιν 1071. 6. 
πανθειονάριον 1026. 21, 

| πανταχῆ 1089. 18. 

| παραμετρεῖν 1040. 7, 18, 40; 1056. 

παντοῖος 1040. 29. 
πάνυ 1070. 47. 
πάππος 1032. το, 28. 
παραγγέλλειν 1082. 18. 
παραγράφειν 1032. 13. 

; | mapaypady 1082. 31. 

παραδιδόναι 1038. 16; 1036. 28; 1087. 17; 
1054. 3; 1055. 2 ; 1062.17; 1070. 51. 

παράθεσις 1039. 7. 

παραθήκη 1039. 12, τύ. 

παρακαλεῖν 1061. 5; 1068. 17; 
1071. τ. 

παρακεῖσθαι 1032. 24 ; 1058. τ. 

παραλαμβάνειν 1036. 31 ; 1088. 32. 

παραλημπτικός 1040. 18. 

παραμένειν 1048. τ. 

1070. ὃ; 


παραπύλιος (?) 1026. 12. 

παράστασις 1038. 8, 17. 

παρατιθέναι 1032. 19, 22, 39; 1045. 

παραφυλακή 1033. 7, τό. 

παρεῖναι 1082. 50, 51, 53; 1087.9; 1038. 
35; 1041.16; 1061. 28; 1070. 45, 50, 56. 


| παρεπιδημεῖν 1023. 4. 

παρέχειν 1042. 26; 1057. 2. 

pars 1022. 23. 

πᾶς 1021. ΓΙ, 14, 17; 1082. 37; 1086. 16, 
30; 1087. 13; 1038. 26; 1089. Io, 15, 
19; 1040. 30; 1041. 20; 1045. 52; 
1060. 7; 1061. 24; 1065. 3; 1070. 
3 ef saep. 

παστοφόρος 1028. 17, 25. 

πατήρ 1027. 8,22, 29; 1082. 10; 1067. 25; 
1070. 5, 36. 

| πατρῷος 1025. 13. 

πέμπειν 1082. 45; 1062. 12; 1066. 12; 
1067. 21, 29; 1068. 21; 1069. 13, 18; 
LO7O: 26: ΤΟΥ 5, 6. 

πέμπτη 1048. 12, 13. 

πεντώβολον. See Index IX (4). 

per 1022. 25. 

περίβλεπτος 1088. II. 


περιγραφή 1020. τ. 

περιέρχεσθαι 1088. 12. 

περιέχειν 1027. 6. 

περίοδος 1080. 2. 

περισσός 1070. τύ. 

πινάκιον 1051. 18. 

πιπράσκειν 1026. 4 e/ sach.; 1062. 9. 

πιστῶς 1031. 18. 

πιττάκιον 1068. 14. 

πλάτος 1058. 3 ef Sacp. 

πλήν 1096. τό. 

πλήρωσις 1084. introd. 

πλοῖον 1048. 3 ef sacp.; 1068. 3, 5. 

ποιεῖν 1082. 35; 1040. 20; 1042. 31; 
1045. 39 (?); 1061. 22; 1064.10; 1065. 
3; 1066. 8; 1069. 2; 1070. 42; 1071. 
3» 45 9- 

πόκος, 1062. 3, 17. 

πόλις. See Index VI (a). 

πολιτεύεσθαι 1048. 2, 4, 5, 7- 

πολλάκις 1083. 11 ; 1070. 14 ef Saep. 

πολύς 1082. 34; 1066. 24; 1087. 27; 
1068. 29; 1070. 6,15. πλείων 1029. 24. 
πλεῖστος 1061. 1; 1066. 2. 

πόρος 1044. 9, 13. 

πορφύρα 1051. 13. 

πορφύριον 1069. 12. 

ποταμίτης 1058. 2. 

ποτέ 1070. 50. 

πρᾶγμα 1032. 52, 53, 55; 
30; 1070. 13, 42. 

πραγματικός 1045, 46. 

praeesse 1022. 5. 

πραιπόσιτος 1047, 1. 

πρᾶξις 1027. 10; 
1041. το. 

πράσσειν 1063. 7; 1067. 3. 

πρεσβύτερος (title) 1026. 24; 1072. 3. 

πρεσβύτερος (‘older’) 1061. 15. 

mpoayew 1070. 2. 

probare 1022. 4. 

πρόγονος 1021. 2. 

προγράφειν 1029. 12,14; 1042.31; 1044. 

προειπεῖν 1088. 15. 

προθεσμία 1040. 47; 1041. 25. 

προκεῖσθαι 1024. 46; 1029. 23; 1036. 26, 
44; 1088. 35; 1040. 22, 49; 1041. 22, 
25; 1042. 32. 

1060. 8; 1069. 

1086. 32; 1039. 14; 

mpovoew 1070. 23. 

mpovontns 1056. 1. 

πρόνοια 1070. 19. 

προοφείλειν 1034. introd. 

πρός, kat πρός 1045. 38. 

προσαγορεύειν 1070. 46. 

προσβαίνειν 1028. 11, 19. 

προσβολή 1027. 7. 

προσδοκᾶν 1021. 6. 

προσήκειν 1088. 14. 

προσιέναι 1070. 55. 

προσκυνεῖν 1070. 8. 

πρόσοδος 1046. 3. 

προσπίπτειν 1027. 7. 

πρόσταγμα 1038. 8. 

προστάσσεσθαι 1062. 5. 

πρόστιμον 1082. 12. 

προστιθέναι 1045. 1, 6, 12; 1062. 4. 

προσφωνεῖν 1028. 14 ; 1082. 13. 

πρόσωπον 1033. 8, 17; 1071. τ. 

πρότερον 1082. 9; 1044. 2, 7. 

προτιθέναι 1020. 6, 8 ; 1082. 45, 48. 

προῦὐπαλλάσσειν 1084. 3. 

προχειρίζειν 1081. 19. 

πρύτανις 1025. 2. 

πρώτως 1029. 5. 

πύκτης 1050. 15. 

πυνθάνεσθαι 1068. 6 ; 1064. 4. 

πυρός 1024. 24, 29, 45, 46; 1031.9; 1084. 
introd.; 1040. 8 ef saep.; 1044. 3 ef Sacp.; 
1069. 17. 

πῶς 1069, Io. 

qui 1022. 5. 

pavrns 1050. 17. 

referre 1022. 6. 

ῥίζα 1069. 28. 

ῥιζίας 1051. 13. 

ῥιζόσημος 1051. 3, 5. 

ῥίνη 1066. 4, 17. 

ῥινίζειν 1066. 19, 20. 

purapws 1088. 3. 

povviva, ἔρρωσο 1054.7; 1061. 26; 1062. 
19; 1064. 13; 1065.9; 1072. 22. ἐρ- 
ρῶσθαί σε (ὑμᾶς) εὔχομαι 1025. 23, 24, 25; 
1063. 13; 1066. 23; 1067. 24; 1068. 
28; 1069. 34; 1070. 43. 


σαβαὼθ 1060. 4. 

σάγος 1051. 20. 

salus 1022. 3. 

scribere 1022. 20. 

σεαυτοῦ 1061. 26 ; 1062. 13; 1070. 22. 

Σειρητικὸν ἔλαιον 1070. 29. 

sex 1022. 4. 

σημαίνειν 1032. 27. 

σημειοῦσθαι 1025. 21; 1056. 8; 1057. 4. 

σήμερον 1068. 4. 

σιδήριον 1066. 20. 

σιδηροῦς 1035. 13. 

sine 1022. 12, 16, 18. 

σινδόνιον 1051. 12. 

singularis 1022. 26. 

sinister 1022. 14, 20. 

σιτολόγος 1024. 3. 

σῖτος 1071. 2, 6. 

σκαφίδιον 1068. 7. 

σκορπίος 1060. 5. 

σός 1061. 24. 

' covBadiovBas 1042. 14. 

σπέρμα 1024. 13; 1081. 5, 9. 

σπουδάζειν 1061. 16; 1066. 16; 
15. 297; 1071.2: ἢ: 

σπουδαῖος 1064. 7. 

σπουδή 1068. 18. 

σταυρός 1058. 2. 

στεφανηφορεῖν 1021. 15. 

στιπένδιον 1047. 2. 

στιχάριον 1051. 7. 

στοιχεῖν 1088. 35. 

στρατηγία 1024. 44. 

στρατηγός. See Index VIII. 

στρατιώτης 1023. 3. 

subicere 1022. 9. 

συγγραφή 1084. 6. 

συγχωρεῖν 1032. 11. 

συλλαμβάνειν 1064. 7. 

συμβαίνειν 1065. 5. 

συμβάλλειν 1068. 2. 

σύμμαχος 1048. τ. 

συμπανηγυρίζειν 1025. 11. 

συμπροσεῖναι 106]. το. 

συμφωνεῖν 1055. 4. 

συμφώνως 1082. 14. 

συνάγειν 1045. 22, 28, 32. 

συνεορτάζειν 1025. 12. 

συνεπιστέλλειν 1024. 6. 

1069. το, 



σύνεργον 1069. 8, 12. 
συνεχῶς 1033. 7. 
σύνθεμα 1058. 25 (?). 
συνιερογλύφος 1029. 6, 7. 
σύνταξις 1046. 5. 
συντελεῖν 1084. introd. 
συντηρεῖν 1063. τι. 
σύντροφος 1084. 2, 7. 
συντυγχάνειν 1061. 6, 15, 
supercilium 1022. 14. 
suus 1022. 2. 
σφαιρομάχος 1050. 13. 
σφραγίζειν 1062. 18 ; 1067. 12. 
σφυρίς 1070. 31. 

σχεδόν 1033. 11. 

σχολάζειν 1070. 56. 
σχολαστικός 107]. 2. 

σωματίζειν 1044. 26 and note. 
σωμάτιον 1068. 6, 13, 26. 
σωτήρ 1082. 37. 

σωτηρία 1070. 3. 

16, 23; 1070. 40. 

tabularium 1022. 30. 

τάλαντον, See Index IX (6). 

τάξις 1080. 13; 1082.59; 1042. 15. 

ταρσωτής 1053. 25 (ταρθ. Pap.). 

τάχα 1069. 16. 

ταχὺ ταχύ 1060. 8. 

τάχος 1069. 4. 

te 1021. 11; 1027. 11; 1082. 17; 1088. 
16; 1036. 33; 1039. 14; 1041. 19. 

τέκνον 1026. 8; 1059. 2,6; 1063.1; 1070. 
4, 18. 

τελεῖν 1037. 13 ; 1038. 27 ; 1061. 12, 17. 

τέλειος 1085. 13. 

τελειοῦν 1071. 3. 

τέλεσμα 1081. 22. 

τελευτᾶν 1028. 27, 32 ; 1080.10; 1082. 20, 

τεσσαρεσκαιδεκαετής 1028. 12. 

τετρώβολον. See Index IX (6). 

τέχνη 1029. 26. 

τέως διά 1056. 4. 

τήρησις 1070. 51. 

τίθεσθαι 1041. 9. 

τίκτειν 1069. 21. 

τιμή 1026. 6,22; 1046.1; 1052.1; 1055. 
6; 1056: 2; 1057. 2. 

τίμιος 1025, 20, 

ταχέως 1070. 41. 

etelioth 1042. 34. 


tiro 1022. 4. 

τίς 1068. 7; 1071. 3, 9; 1072. το. 

τόκος 1046. 2. 

τοπαρχία 1024. 4; 1081. 6. 

τόπος 1024. 5; 1032. 14, 19; 
1038. 24, 32; 1068. 11. 

τότε 1062. 6. 

τράγημα 1070. 31. 

τράπεζα δημοσία 1046. 7. 

τριβακός 1051. 9. 

τρισκελίδιον 1066. 13. 

τριώβολον. See Index IX (é). 

τυγχάνειν 1070. 18. 

τυχή 1080. 16; 1081. 25; 1032. 38, 54. 

1036. 16; 

ὑγιαίνειν 1061. 2, 20. 

ὑγιής, ἐξ ὑγιοῦς 1029. 22. 
1031. 18. 

vids 1028. 15; 1091. 13; 1035. 2; 1088. 
14, 34, 38; 1040. 2, 39; 1042. 16, Το, 
9, 35; | 1063.2); 1065.12; 106}: 167; 
1070. 34. 

υἱωνός 1032. 27. 

ὑπαίτιος 1038. 15. 

ὑπάρχειν 1085. 11; 1086, 11; 1098. το; 
1059. 15; 1040.29; 1041. 20; 1045. 3 
ef Saep.; 1068. 17. 

ὑπατείας. See Index III. 

ὑπερετής 1030. 8. 

ὑπέρθεσις 1039. το. 

ὑπερπίπτειν 1040. 25. 

ὑπερτί.. «σις 1045. 50. 

ὑπερτίθεσθαι 1065. 3. 

ὑπηρέτης 1082. 26, 31, 41, 51; 1057. 2. 

ὑπογράφειν 1032. 22, 26. 

ὑπογραφή 1082. 35, 41, 43. 

ὑποδεικνύναι 1066. 21. 

ὑποκεῖσθαι 1027. 12. 

ὑπολογεῖν 1024. 30. 

ὑπόλογος 1082. τό. 

ὑπόμνημα 1027. 5,9; 1082. 1“. 

ὑπουργεῖν 1098. 6. 

ὑπόχρεως 1027. 2, 

ὕστερον 1062. 8. 

ὑγιῶς 1024. 33; 


valere 1022. 9. 

φαίνεσθαι 1061. 17. 

φακιάλιον 1026. 4, 12, 12. 


φάναι 1082. 28; 1040. 52; 1064. 5. 
φείδεσθαι 1065. 6, 8; 1070. 26. 

| φέρειν 1053. 16 ; 1062. 14; 1068. 9. 

φθάνειν 1070. 14. 

φιβλατώριον 1051, 6, 11. 
φιλοπονεῖν 1069. 21, 23. 

φίλος 1062. 16. φίλτατος 1062. 1. 
φορβιοπώλης 1037. 4 (?). 
φορετρίζειν 1069. τύ (9). 

φόρος 1085. 14. 

φορτίον 1049. 3, 9, 14, 19. 
φροντίζειν 1045. 38; 1072. ὃ, 
φροντίς 1058. 5; 1070. 23. 
φροντιστής 1054. 3. 

φύλαξ 1050. τό. 

φυλή 1080. 2. 

φυτεία 1032. 19. 

φωρφωρ (magic) 1060. 4. 

χαίρειν 1024. 5; 1025.9; 1038.16; 1039. 
5; 1040. 6; 1041. 5; 1042. 21 ; 1054. 
2; 1055.1; 1056.1; 1057.1; 1061. 2; 
1062. 2; 1063. 1; 1064. 2; 1066. 2; 
1067. 2; 1068. 2; 1069. 1; 1070. 2. 

χαλκοῦς 1046. 1, 25. 

χαρίζεσθαι 1061. 20. 

χάρις 1021. 18; 1071. 3. 
1068. 16, 21. 

χείρ, διὰ χειρός 1039. ὁ. 

χειρίζειν 1029. 5. 

χειριστής 1061. 22. 

χειρόγραφον 1034. introd. ; 1040. 53. 

χλανίδιον 1059. introd. 

χλωρός 1046. I, 4. 

χμγ 10387. τ. 

xoimé 1044. 3 e/ sacp. 

χόρτος 1049, 1. 

χρεία 1042. 24 ; 1068. 8; 1068. 16, 20. 

χρεωστεῖν 1041. 8; 1057. 2. 

χρήζειν 1066. 14; 1069. 32. 

χρηματίζειν 1044, 17, note. 

χρῆσθαι 1029, 25; 1036. 25. 

χρῆσις 1042. 23. 

χρηστήριον 1036. 1535 1037. 13; 1038. 25° 

χρηστός 1070. το. 

χρόνος 10382. 34; 1035. 7; 1036. 9, 27; 
1040. 25; 1066. 24; 1068. 29. 

χρυσός 1042. 24, 25, 35- 

χωματεπείκτης 1053, 12, 20, 25: 

χάριν 1067. 4; 


χώρα 1045. 3 ef saep. | ὧδε 1060. 9. 
χωρεῖν 1021. 4 ; 1055. 6. ὡρὼρ (magic) 1060. 3. 
ὡς = ὥστε 1082. 30; 1040. 11; 1058. 26; 
ψεύδεσθαι 1028. 37; 1080. 16; 1081.25. 1056. 6. 
Ψψευδοπόρφυρος 1051. 15. ὥσπερ 1065. 6. 
ψυχή 1033. τι. | ὥστε 1026. 2, 4. 

ψωμίον 1071. 5 




Acta Sanctorum, Mar. 5 . : . 214 | Callimachus Frag. 384. : es 
Aeschines i. τόδ : : : 5 χη Frag. 406. ‘ a (OF 
Anth. Pal. vil. 42. : 7 Ogn|| Diogsleacrt is 24)5 7. ἢ ᾿ ay TE 
Apollon. Sophist. s. 2. dade : 5 ΠΣ 12 OM 0 ας Opi 
Arcadius, p. 87.6 . 5 : 1o1-2 | Dionys. Hal. De Thucyd. 6 : OG 
fob ταῦ: 17) 5 C 1o1—2 | Etym. Magn. 81. 11 Ἂ Ἶ ως OR 
Aristaenetus i, τὸ. δ᾿ ΠΝ 690. IT : : a ὙΠ 
Arrian, Diss. Epict. iv. τ. 19 oss 4, 108 | Euripides, Bacchae 743. : = 80 
Bergk, Poe?. Lyr. Fr. Adesp. 29 TO Ποῖ. 552 . ὃ 65 
Callimachus, 27. De/. 185. : . 66 | Fronto, Zp. ad Marcumi.2  . ς 63" -ο 
Braces ἥπο: : . 75 | Gregorius Turon. Zz Glor, Mart.98 214 

Frag. 80 . . . 69 | Heraclides, Περὶ Πολ. ix. . : OG 

Frag. 83a . : . 471 | Herodotus iii. 102 ΄. : : es2 

Frag. 84 - : . 22 | Hesychius 5. v. Χρύσω 3 δ . ὧδ 

Frag. 87 j : πὶ omen Y 420 : : : : 5 On 

Frag. 89 5 : . 42 | Libaniusiv. 512.1 . < 5 7 τὸ3 

Brag.or) Σ : . γι | Menander Frag. 335 ᾿ : . 104 

Frag. 92) ὃ ἂν (00 Frag. 338 Ἴ A » oq 

Frag. 93a, Ὁ : ΕΣ Frag. 341 : 8 LOO 

Frag.94 . : 5 9 Frag. 345 : Ἶ 5 1B} 

Frag. 95. - ; 69, 72 Frag. 939 : 103-4 

Frag. 96 . δ ὃ 2 | Schol. Aristoph. Clouds 232 : . 69 

Frag.98 . ; 5 Frogs 58 : a Oe) 

Frag. 98a . : . 74 | Schol. Homer B 269 : 5 ᾿ ἸΟ2 

Εταρ. 98c . 3 ee 22) ETON. . - Oe 

Frag. 98d . : - 69 Ξ 296 : : - 60 

Frag. 210. : . 60 | Schol. Ovid, Zdzs 475 : ὃ -ς OF 

Frag. 276 . ο . 62 | Suidass.v. ἔωσεν . : : 5 GR} 

Brace 32/7 Ξ . 5. ὃ. Maptavés . 5 ᾿ LO 

Ἐχαρὶ 942 - : 5 yey 



iP JAG Bite 5 : : 5 a} 
64. 2 , : τι 152 
TA ies 5 5 ὃ . 184 
B. G. U. II. 563. ii. 6-8 . 6 Ὁ ὙΠ 
613. 4-6 3 5 0 3073} 
Ole ‘ i - ὙΠ3 
III. 696.i.28  . 6 5 WD 
929b2-4 . 3 eye 
IV. 1085. iii. 25-6 : 13 
Berliner Klassikertexte v. 2. 17. : Ι 
P. Brit. Mus. 11. 256 recto (e) i το ΡΟ 
ΠῚ ΘΟ 2" . 195 
448 ὃ - - 182 
DRI Ὁ ὁ : ΤΣ 
1246-8 . 208 

CHG: 4731 (Ditenberger, Orientis 
Gr. Inscr. 618) . 153 
P. Flor. 21. 1-2 : ὃ 5 ΤΡ 
4,9 : : 2 - 168 
13 : : : ο΄ ΠΣ 
Gens Gee Ἴ . ο ΤΠ 
P. Giessen 42. 5 ; : : bs Bey 
P. Goodsp. 30. iii. 26 5 : = 204 
ἘΣ ἹΞΕΙΡΖΙΡ τα: ΣΦ Ὁ ὃ : . 188 

PAOxy. ΤῈ ror 


WI. 518. 4 

IV. 656 
669 . 
420. 15 

1 0537: 22 

P. Strassb. 4. 11 
40. 7 
ΒΟ ΠΕΡΙ: ae 
II. 4 :- 
P. Vitelli Cine ὁ Roma vii. p. 124) 

P. Brit. Mus. 1785 
Hawara . 5 



ὶ Ἂς: ng 4 ες a = 

ῳ πον ςττήλῖοςς, (( 

ὌΝ Sree 
7 7k ag ἊΝ Rar = ἢ 
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No. τοῖο recto 

,, ἸῺ , ae x ὟΣ + ᾿ Ao ‘ j= ! < 

᾿ς TNwcANS 
_ prendre ben enon 

No, 1007 recto 


. PLaTE [1 

DE EGE Lie RI LL LOT AOL σι 12: 
oe Ayer iegrterier? CREE) Foe 

. ae aye ai Ss Soe ES Lae να, νίκα δ τ- ἘΞ: 

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No. rorr. Fol. 1 recto 


2 verso 


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πο μος, aie: TARs 
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— ἂν ἜΠΟΣ 
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(eer τ Ff ost fla 
9 ὝΕΣ ae 
TAL Tale" ὦ gees 
Pea eR. cea -- «Δ ι ὦ ΩΝ Ἔ 
4 “ἈΝ. ae 
2 aor δε 
é nape on 
: «τι Mab tong ο: μεν 
᾿ te — peal s Se aed “ὧν r 
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Pe ara ER sect ls nineteen SES 
Se “ εἶδες “oy eI mre ΓΈ AW : ᾿ 
. “ρ΄ eee whe Fd eR Τ ὃ 2 δ; IF a 
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reper Taree vi oe 
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γτερ τι et yATr aaecrrrr 
mAs Ant on f ΕἸ ΡΣ 21Σ ; 
25 fey Yeo" pecrpeypey 
a errart Δ. οὶ γί 
Οτα ἐπὶ = 
SCE VT EPO ni Sree | | 

priesrt EA - "i - 




τρι ο “τῷ 
do» | mb 1 sit, Fee 
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FE Armee γακτ  Ἐ “νὴ 
ἔχετ aT λεκεκι τι τὸ 

che sprit AeA RO OF rea 

Pee apy rebel eae eT 2: 



τ] τ -- Ἐν 

ον, τ ESE 

τόρ [42 ει Στ ea 
: ort Ss prt are SS 5: 
Neon | KA ever race }} 

ad faa | KA ert BE Teo , cores 
OT ber OME Ee THY TT ἡ 
ee ry Ar Apco dere ΕΓ oye 

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pepe} rlacscrenelaat 

ies tec, θ9 ὅπ 

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aed 4 

i ee 


No. ror6, 

1!» pte nie pili 
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: a neers EASE (E74 
“τυ ΓΕ ΣΤ Ik ΜΑΣ} 
re eqrvepl Ameya cbse 
515 γι.) τ εξ oy. 
Mynineyr Te |t »- seat 
[45 ΤΥ δε a 
pol bee spe, Fe 2 
~e-e-st¢ Cache ΕΣ 
ae paars! ae eo ce cot! Taye 
er pricciniaArirr® ἌΝ = 


Cols. v—vi 

Pirate VI 
eee, τ Δ ταν Pele 
“/ Cre: 4 ας Ss) fe 
th ἯἘΠῚῸ Ἐς ie Pind 
EMEA eT eA hry ἢ » : 

‘NONE, pe τος hea vatTe A 
ΤΊ ΓῚ ἜΝ πῆι 
Teeter i ate ἃ a ὭΣ ΤΟΣ, 
“ose Feta κ τῇ 4 £ Σ δον hae age 

oe PY Tee es SS ae LARKAK ATE OAN 
Pe " ἐξ 8 1" m4 rl ek ee: TOT oe PRT 
TMPERIC FOFips pe ae x ALAPERE Ton! ἐπ ἴρχο. 

᾿ ; Σ = ΠΩΣ 4 : SE wane HL TKN riche 
ii Peels μὰς Se MEN ῬΑ i ECORI AYTHN 
mee Hag. Ἔκ] δ᾽ < 
pew k 

ἄν ; po ΓΊΕΙ 

fom "ae Ἂ 
εν Bie ᾿Α xl APN ΓΞ “ibs, it 

= 5 met KX 
va danipeaom ἃ oe aae | τι ἐγ, 
: “4 ~ Ἕ 
SAL EP ΠΈΜΥ͂ PEAS a ee" ΛΕ ΚΉ FIND: “Apt “rap 

NAPA Tbr κα ΤῈ ἡ ΒΕ. ἘΠῚ aoa eo¥y sty 

“a peterny 2a = go 

‘TH EFieT IFA ‘taf ἃς ἘΣ. ἢ A ACES 

yA: ΤΥ λαμ, ἢ (TAI ΕἸ ΣᾺ; ΔῈ ΓΛ: τὴν 

wal 47 Seam τἀπὶ | ΤΑ Γ΄. rae 
ra este} er 2a a NHCE: ἔς ἢ ἄν. Py THAT Ke 

LONE ner SESS 20) Pet Ἂν, YT 

were tyxne se cS danger Uey7 
“λέγει, PIFN. Cen YN ARN. 11M 

aa ses 
4 - 
tae ἰ 

No. ror7. Cols. xix-xx 



THE EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND, which has conducted Archaeological research 

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V. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part III. For 1902-3. By B. P. GrenreLy 
and A.S. Hunt. Six Collotype Plates. 255. 

and A.S. Hunt, Eight Collotype Plates. 255. 

ΝΠ. THE HIBEH PAPYRI, Part I. Double Volume for 1904-5 and 1905-6. By 
B, P. GRENFELL and A. 5, Hunt. Ten Collotype Plates. 45s. 

and A.S. Hunt. Seven Collotype Plates. 255. 

and A. 5. Hunt. Six Collotype Plates. 255. 

X. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part VII. For r908—9, By A. S. Hunt. 
Six Collotype Plates. 255. 

XI. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part VIII. For rgo09-10. (/n preparation.) 


(Yearly Summaries by F. G. Kenyon, W. E. Crum, and the Officers of the Society, with Maps.) 
Edited by F. LL, GRIFFITH. 
THE SEASON’S WORK. For 1890-1. By Epovarp Navitte, Percy E. Newserry, and 
G, W. FRASER. 25. 6d. 
For 1892-3 and 1893-4. 2s. 6d. each. 
», 1894-5. 35. 6d. Containing Report of D. ἃ. HoGARTH’s Excavations in Alexandria. 
»» 1895-6. 3s. With Illustrated Article on the Transport of Obelisks by EDOUARD NAVILLE. 
»» 1896-7. 25.6d. With Articles on Oxyrhynchus and its Papyri by B. P. GRENFELL, and a Thucydides 
Papyrus from Oxyrhynchus by A. 5. Hunt. 
» 1897-8. 25. 6d. With Illustrated Article on Excavations at Hierakonpolis by W. M. F. PETRIE. 
» 1898-9. 25.6d. With Article on the Position of Lake Moeris by B. P. GRENFELL and A. 5. Hunt. 
1899-1900. 25. G@. With Article on Knossos in its Egyptian Relations by A. J. EVANS. 
And nine successive years, 25. 6d. each. 

AOTIA ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ : ‘Sayings of Our Lord,’ from an Early Greek Papyrus. By B. P. Grenrecy 
and A.S. HuNT. 25. (with Collotypes) and 6d. net. 
B. P. GRENFELL and A. 5. Hunt. Is. net. 


HunNvT. 15. net. 

ATLAS OF ANCIENT EGYPT. With Letterpress and Index. (κέ of print.) 
GUIDE TO THE TEMPLE OF DEIR EL BAHARI. With Plan. (Out of print.) 
COPTIC OSTRACA. By W.E. Crum. τος, 6d, net. 

Slides from Fund Photographs may be obtained through Messrs. Newton & Co., 3 Fleet Street, E.C.; 
and Prints from Mr. R. Ὁ. Murray, 37 Dartmouth Park Hill, NW. 

Offices of the Egypt Exploration ‘Fund: 



PA The Oxyrhynchus papyri 



