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3  1833  00731  1084 

LISTS         0.  S  . 


KESIDENT  IX   F.NGLA^^D  1G18-If>.s«. 

I'UO.M     KETURNS    IN    THE    STATE    PAPER    ( i  I' F  I  C  E. 


W\  DUrJlA>'T  COOPER,  F.S.A. 


NEWBERRNCl  \^  '       y 

LIBRARY     i  ^   -  -     ^^ 





Lack:     Canden  Society, Old  series 

Lists  of  foreign  £rote_stants  and 
gligris  resident  in  Eng]a  n'd  ,1618-1688; 
edited  hy   V/m.Durrant  Cooper.  "1362 


r.U-\-  MS,  -.■  /'"  -^'  '■'■"'■ 



[no.  i.xxxi 


FOR  Tili-    YKAR  lSC.-2-r,;!. 


\VILL1AA[  IIEXI;Y  RLAAUW,  ESQ.  M.A.,  F.S.A.   7V,.M»n; 
I'.EIUAII  liOTFJELl),   i;SQ.  M.V.  F.R.S.  F.S.A. 
JOHN  BRUCE,  ES(i.  J\S,A.  Direct,,,-. 
FRELMIUIU  OUVi;V,  ES(^  Trcas.S.A. 

e\-i:lyn  riuLiR  shirley,  esq.  m.r.  .m.a.  f.s.a. 

\VJLLLVM  JOHN  TIIUMS,  ESQ.  F.S.A.  Si'crdnnj. 




The  Council  of  tlio  Camden  Society  dusirc  it  to  be  ui: 
tooil  tliiit  tlioy  ftre  not  answerable  for  any  opinions  or  obsi 
.ions  tli.1t  mny  appear  in  tlio  Society's  publications;  tlie  Eil 
.1'  tlie  s^•ver.'!l  ^Vork^  being  alone  responsible  for  tlic  same. 


TuE  folliiwinp  pages  contain  lists,  liivt,  of  tlio  names  of  tin.'  I'rciidi 
and  otlicr  rotiiiiccs  wlio,  in  11122,  wero  resilient  in  St.  Atartiii's- 
l.-Onaul  in  J.on.lon,  or  were  engaged  in  the  trad-?  of  entlers  (ibr 
wliieli  tliev  niadr-  tlic  metropolis  famous,  as  it  still  remains),  joiners, 
ecelers,''  earvcrs,  and  tallu'.v-eluindlcrs;  and  also  of  the  foreigner,-- 
■\vho  were  then  resident  in  tlic  principal  places  of  refuge  in  England, 
viz.  Canterbury,  Maidstone,  the  Cinque  Ports,  Norwich,  and  Col- 
chester; and,  set'oi:dIy,  of  tlinse  refugees  who  came  into  this  country 
hctween  the  years  1G78  and  1GS8,  during  the  trouhles  precedlirj; 
and  Immediately  following  the  revocation  of  the  Edict  of  Xanles. 
and  to  whom  free  letters  of  denization  were  granted  hy  Charles  11. 
and  James  IT. 

It  is  a  matter  for  regret  that  we  liavc  not  in  Engla.nd  any  work 
giving  the  perso.i.d  history  and  particular^  (d'  the  rellige-es,  similar 
to  the  work  published,  betwe.m  the  years  i:s2-17t)y.  in  reference  to  who  fettled  in  l^'rnssia.^'  2\[any  circumstances  have  combiueii 
to  cause  the  number  in  England  to  be  le.-'s  than  in  Holland  and 
in  Prussia;  but  there  are  sullleient  in  numbers  and  in  importance 
to  render  such  a  volume  veiy  interesting.  Indeed,  as  the  pro[ior- 
tion  of  the  nobles,  gentr)',  and  other  commoners,  who  can  bo.i^t 
ofai'oyal  descent  IVoni  our   Edwards   is   very  large,  so   also   is   the 

»  Deuoratoi.-;.      Wainscoting  is  t■all^■a  ceiling  in  Cnivrn. 

"  ML..SWS.  J.  V.  Knn.m  .i)ul  l;eolani.  Mcniuiiv.s  [,„u.-  svrvir  i>  I'llisioiie  ties  Itnfnpipi 
Fran.;uis  ,Uins  Ic    Klats  .la  R..i.      IVilin.     0  vol.«.  Svn. 


proi.ortiou  of  the  eon)ni<jiiei-s  iti  tlie  nii.Mk-  and  working  classes  in 
wliosc  veins  Jlows  tlie  blood  of  the  rel'ugccs.  Mil.  J.  S.  L!l-un  has 
noticcil  a  few  in  his  History  of  tlie  rrotestant  Kefugees  settled  in 
England,  with  particulars  of  the  places  in  wliidi  tliey  sctth'd;  and 
the  contributors  to  the  Ulster  Jounud  of  Arclur-ology  have  f  .llowed 
lip  the  subject,  so  far  as  relates  to  the  setthanents  in  Ireland; 
but  the  settlers  in  Ireland  eau^e  principally  after  tli-  Krv^dution  ..I' 
IGSS,  and  the  cliie!' portion  arrived  from  Holland,  whilst  the  lists 
which  1  now  print  are  of  those  who  remained  alter  the  deatli  of 
Eh/.abeth,  or  lied  to  this  country  prior  to  the  reign  of  William 
and  i\I;,ry.  It  will  be  seen  that  several  fanill-s  still  ol'  note  here 
'ivere  founded  by  tliese  immigrants. 

The  circumstances  under  which  llic  first  portion  of  these  lists  was 
returned  were  these.  After  the  accession  of  James  I.  the  prose- 
cution of  tlic  Protestants  abroad  bad  very  much  abated,  and  those 
who  bad  found  an  asjdum  in  this  country  had  extended  tlieir  means 
of  livelihood  from  the  manudictories  they  bad  superintended  to 
many  retail  trades.  In  London  alone  in  1G21  there  were  stated 
to  be  10,000  strangers,"  and  they  had  been  carrying  on  121  dif- 
ferent trade.-.''  Several,  in  spite  of  the  statutes  of  1st  llich.  111.  ajul 
M  and  15  Hen.  A'l  II.  against  receiving  apprentices  and  servants, 
employed  more  tliau  two  journeymen  or  four  servants  who  were 
not  the  King's  subjects;  submitted  to  no  regulations  as  to  tlie 
nundjer  of  their  apprentices;  and  frequented  fairs  and  ma.ikets, 
paying  less  dues  than  the  frcemwi. 

The  complaints  made  against  the  industry  of  llv  aliens  and   their 

use  of  I 


INlliOUl'CTIOX.  ^  V 

"  Tlnjire  cliiel'jst  cause  of  L-nt'Ttaiiiinunt  hen!  of  lute  >vas  in  cliaiity  t(i 
sliroud  tliom  from  persecution  fur  religion;  and,  beinge  liere,  tliciro  ne- 
cessity became  tlie  mother  of  tlieire  ingenuitie  in  deviseiug  nianye  trades 
before  to  us  uuknowne. 

The  State,  noteing  their  diligence,  and  yet  preventinge  the  future 
inconvenience,  enacted  two  speciall  lawes: — 

Tliat  they  should  eutcrteine  Englishe  apprentices  and  servants  to  leaiiie 
these  trades,  the  neglect  whereof  giveth  them  advantage  to  keepe  theire 
misteries  to  themselves,  whiclu. liath  made  them  Lould  of  late  to  devise 
engines  for  workinge  of  tape,  lace,  ribbin,  and  such,  wherein  one  man 
doth  inoie  anionge  tliein  then  7  l-nglishe  men  can  doe;  soc  as  theire  eheM[ie 
sale  of  those  comoditics  beggereth  all  our  Eiigbslie  artificers  of  that  tiaile 
and  enricheth  them. 

Since  the  ninkeing  of  the  last  statute  they  are  thought  to  be  increased 
ten  for  one,  so  as  no  tenement  is  left  to  an  Englislie  artificer  to  iidial'ite 
in  divers  parts  of  tlie  cylio  and  suburbs,  but  they  take  them  over  their 
heads  at  a  greate  rate. 

Soo  their  numbers  causeth  the  enliaunciug  of  the  prises  of  vittells  and 
liousercnts,  and  mucli  furtheretli  the  late  disorderly  now  buildings,  which 
is  soe  burdonous  to  the  subject  that  his  iNIaJestie  hath  not  any  \s'orke  to 
performe  for  the  good  of  his  comous  (especially  in  citties  and  townes) 
then  by  the  taking  of  the  benefitt  of  the  law  upon  tbem,  a  thing  wdiich  is 
don  against  his  owne  subjects  be  comon  infjrmers.  But  their  daylie 
fiocking  hither  without  such  remedio  is  like  to  grow  scarce  tollorable." 

It  woukl  seem  liowever  tliat  the  comiilaints  wore  not  very  ve'l! 
founded;  fur,  tliouyli  the  trades  were  mimerous,  tlie  \veavcrs,  uier- 
chants,  tailurs,  slcavc-iuakcrs,  yhocmakers,  dyers,  brewers,  dianu'iid 
cutters,  jewellers,  and  goldsmiths  funned  the  niajorlty. 

Apothecaries  G  lirokers     for  nier-  r.lacksmitlics 

Arras  workers  2         chants  8  Bakers  f. 

Aukersmiths  1  Brewers  37  Brayesyers  2 

Button-makers  7  Boxcnudcers  2  Braslockmakers  1 












Gunstock  maker 











































Silke  throwsters 












Sleave  makers 








Carvers     - 
















Sugar  bakers 











•    ] 



DyainoiiJ  cutters 










Soueemaii  '' 


















"^  Sivumakers 






















Ordinary  keeper; 

i    14 



















'J'wisters  of  worst 

ed  3 








■robackoeselliT  1       Wat>-lniiak.-rs  2      Seller  of  lyniiun         1 

ThreJiiuikcrs  11        Weavers  31fi       Workman  ia  gold      1 

ThreJtwisters  ',)       Wiii.lster  1       Jilaryuers  •> 

Trusmaker  1       l-'il^suiitli  1       :\Iu.sicoiis  :i 

Tyermakers  2       Notary  piiMiq  2  

Violiiallers  -1      'I'eiinis  court  keepers        Trades  _      l-_'l 

Wyerdrawer  I  and  rackett  luak-         Of    the   several 

Woolcomkiers  2  ers  3  trades  13 1:; 

AVliitsters "  2 

The  coiiiplaiiils  had  coiniiiencod  early  in  tlie  Kiuij's  reign.  On 
22nd  July.  IGdJ,  it  was  alleged  that  tlic  English  merehaiits  were 
injured  because  llircigners  were  allowed  to  export  baize  auel  other 
goods  without  paving  doul>le  custom,''  and  the  Lord  Treasurer 
(Dorset)  tlioiight  tlie  granting  of  denization  to  sti-angers  so  pre- 
jtidlcial  to  the  crown  that  he  declined  making  out  thirty  deniza- 
tions till  he  had  eonsidtcd  with  the  Council.''  Sir  George  ^Valde- 
grave  suggested  to  Salisbury''  various  restrictions  to  l)o  laid  on 
aliens  and  recusants,  In_A]iril,  IGOG,  a  bill  was  jirejjared  tocjinpel 
merehaut  strangers  who  were  naturalized  to  employ  all  the  money 
received  in  imports  on  good?  Cor  exportation  ;|-'  a.nd  in  the  next  yeMr 
a  dotdde  duty  was  imposed  upon  baize  as  upon  eledh  ''  exported. 

At  the  same  time  encouragement  was  given  to  the  extension  ol 
manufactures  here.  The  "  >^ew  Drapery  "  was  set  u[i  at  Hatfield. 
Herts;  the  planting  of  mull:>erry  trees  for  the  sake  of  the  growth  ol' 
silk  was  especially  litvouredS;  wdiilst,  on  27lh  Nov.  IGIO,  a  licence 
was  granted  to  the  East  India  Company  ''  to  admit  merchant  strangers 

■>  Washers  cr  bleadicra  of  liiifn;  "C.Mjy  it   among  Uk'    „h!l:.t.-,-s    in    l.iak-iK't   n.cad." 

into  their  pociety  to  trail-'  and  have  the  same  privileL!:cs  as  nativ- 
of  England. 

Yet  the  citizens  of  London  were  strong  in  their  representations 
of  tlic  grievances  of  tlie  freemen  by  reasLUi  of  tlie  artlzans  and 
tradesmen  wlio  engrossed  the  Duteli  and  French  tra.le."  A  com- 
mittee was  appointed  in  Jidy  1G15  to  lonsidcr  tli^-  grievances 
caused  l>y  aliens;  and  the  ^^'eav(■rs'  Comjianv  of  Londnn '-' certilied 
that  the  strangers  employed  mon>  workmen  than  \vere  allowed  Ly 
statute,  and  then  concealed  them  when  search  was  made;  that 
they  lived  more  cheaply,  and  therefore  soLl  ni-ire  cheaply,  than  the 
English  ;  that  they  imported  silk  lace  contrary  to  law,  and  en- 
grossed the  custom  to  foreigners;  and  the  Company  suggested  ihai, 
the  wars  and  persecutions  which  drove  them  to  England  luangover, 
they  should  be  compelled  to  return ;'' whilst  others  (as  \vr  have  si'i-n) 
complained  tliat  they  multiplied  so  fast  as  to  enhance  tin'  price  of 
provisions,  lodging,  &c.,  ami,  by  their  ingenious  inarbincry, 
usurped  the  trade  from  the  English.'' 

To  enable  the  founeil  to  judge  of  these  complaints  an  Order  in 
Council  was  passed  i.n  Gtli  Sept.  1G18,  recpairing  a  return  of  thc- 
strangers  d^\•elling  in  London  and  its  liberties,  with  the  places  of 
their  birth  and  umler  what  sovereignty  they  depended;  and  we 
have  returns  made  b}'  the  City,  and  by  the  constables  of  Sr,  Saviiiur's, 
St.   Olave,    St.   George,   the   Cliidc.  and    St.   Mary  Magdalen    Her- 

'^  lb.  TGll,  vul.  Ixv.  .No.  .'10.  b   [b.  l.jlf,,  N„.  r,ij. 

■:  The  hostility  woit  so  far,  tliat,  in  lOlG  ([b.  Nu.  7t),  the  oouiu-il  nfus,..|  to  allow 
Paiill  Zimmerni.w,  a  ilunizcn,  to  oruct  a  liousu  within  thu  city  for  rcfiniiij,' .-nunr,  although 
there  were  few  En^li-ihliien  in  thi>  trade,  ami  his  appliealioii  was  »ui. ported  by  IheOroeers' 
Company,  the  .-Vttnniey-tbi'neral  bavin,-  .leei.Ie.l  Uiat  the  eveetion  of  sugar  houses  by 
aliens  would  prejudiee  the  r.liners  of  lb.,  i-ilv.      (lb.  vol.  l.<x.\\ili.  N'o.  !«.) 

■i    lb.  N<j.  112. 


niomlsey,  as  well  as  of  Xcwington  nnd  Lambeth."  These  returns 
resulted  in  no  good  to  the  eonijihiiuants,  v;]\o  renewed  in  1G21 
their  statement  of  tlie  inconveiiienee  arising  from  the  great  inllu.x 
of  strangers,  and  proposals  were  made  for  a  yearly  registry,  for 
exacting  quarterage  according  to  their  station,  i'or  forbidding  the 
use  of  retail  trades,  I'or  the  regulation  of  the  number  of  apprentices, 
and  lor  restrictiug  their  use  oC  fairs  and  markets;''  and,  on  oOth 
Julv,  IG21,  a  commission  was  issued  to  the  newly  appointed  Lord 
Keeper  (John  Williams),  the  Lord  High  Treasurer  (Lioucl  Lord 
Cranfield),  the  Attorney-General  (Sir  Thomas  Coventry),  Solicitor- 
General  (Sir  Fiohcrt  Lletitli),  and  others,  to  consider  of  tlic  statutes 
concerning  aliens,  and  either  to  induce  them  to  conform  with  the 
laws  already  in  force,  especially  regarding  not  selling  by  retail  and 
the  use  of  handicraft  trades,  or  to  modify  the  knvs  for  the  bettor 
convenience  of  strangers  and  good  of  the  suliject,  under  such  direc- 
tions as  his  ihijesty  should  from  time  to  time  prescribe.  And  l>u 
the  same  day  directions  were  given  liy  the  King  to  tlie  Commis- 
siouers  to  take  a  yearly  account  of  all  aliens  resident  iu  England, 
to  permit  all  wholesale  merchants  to  continue  their  trade,  hut  to 
restrain  all  retailers,  unless  thoy  would  submit  to  restrictions  as  to 
servants  and  apprentices,  and  pay  rpiarterage  as  the  Lnglish  in 
their  several  companies  did.  None  who  were  servants  to  the 
English  were  to  be  taxed,  except  for  registration,  but  all  were  to 
give  bond  to  keep  these  orders,  or  else  depart  the  realm;  and  all 
refractory  persons  were  to  be  dealt  with  according  to  law.  In 
January,  1G22,''  the  Goldsmiths'  Company  complained  of  183  alien 
Goldsmiths  for    making  counterfeit  jewels    and   engrossing    trade, 

»  lb.  vol.  xcix.  Nos.  -22-4,  42-7,  and  vol.  cxviii.     Tho  names   in   tlio    London  r(  turns 
in  lOlS  arc  ],rintod  i)i  the  Appendix  (post,  p.  GO),  to  uuike  tlie  lists  more  eoniplete. 

so  tlKit  tlie'lpinitlis  were  impoverislicil,  nnd  meaner  trades  liaJ 
crept  into  GoMsmitlis'  I'low  in  Clieap?lJe  and  Lombard  Street. 
Tlie  Coopers'  Conipany  ci^implaincd  of  tlic  nuinber  of  aliens  em- 
ployed as  coopers  by  loreign  brewers.  The  Cluekmak(;i-3  pressed 
upon  tlie  Council  tlie  number  and  deceitful  tricks  of  finviL'ners 
practising  tlicir  trade,  and  prayed  tliat  tliey  might  not  be  allowed 
to  work  except  fur  b^nglisli  masters,  and  that  no  fureign  clocks 
might  be  imported;  and  the'SM'rs  repre^rntrd  the 
injury  to  their  busine-s  liy  the  Dutch,  wdio  empl.ived  their  rounirv- 
mcn  to  work  as  journeymen  without  serving  an  a]ip'-riiticehhip. 
The  Brokers  and  Warehousemen  were  als.i  siuLiled  out  l'<i-  atta(;k, 
and  were  directed  to  attend  the  Cummissiijnors.  On  lltli  March 
the  Cutlers  wen^  summoned:  and  the  Clotlnvorkers  and  Dyers 
asserted  that  they  were  likewise  injured.  On  7tli  Se[)teinber  the  Com- 
missioners ordered  that,  as  the  retailing  of  English  goods  liy  stran- 
gers was  hurtful  to  home  trade,  all  strangers  selling  to  siiaiiL'ers 
English  goods  should  pay  half  tlie  duty  on  such  comiiiodities  as 
woidd  lie  paid  lor  custom  on  export;  and  that  all  strangeis  sellinr.- 
English  goods  to  any  person  should  pay  lialf  the  customs  th'^reon; 
but  little  further  took  place.  Any  restrictions  upon  the  reliigees 
were  unpopular  with  the  mass  ol'  the  people,  however  desiraljle 
they  might  appear  to  the  chartered  companies. 

One  of  the  consequences  of  the  appointment  of  tlie  Commission 
was  the  returns  made  in  March,  1021-2,  and  April  and  dune,  1G2-2, 
which  wc  now  print,  and  which  were  made  in  obedience  to  the 
orders  of  the  Attorney  and  Solicitor-General. 

The  ports  and  towns  in  which  Cecil  had  directed  an  examination 
of  strangers  in  Oct.  1.371  were  London,  in  which  there  were  40.'!1 
strangers,  Colchester,   Harwich,   Ipswich,  Yarmouth,  ,\orv,'i.-h,  the 


Clnr|uc  Ports,  incliKling  Rye,  in  wliloh  tliere  were  641  person?," 
Soutliani[iton,  and  Boston.  Canterliury  and  i\Iaidstone  were  not 
mentioned  in  Cecil's  order,  but  tliey  were  offsets  from  Sandwich 
or  Winclielsea— the  bay  and  say  trade  remaining  at  Sandwleli, 
wliilst  the  silk  went  to  Canterbnry  abont  l'>G\,  and  the  threa.l  to 
JIaidstone  soon  after.''  In  the  return?  now  printed  llarwieh,  1])S- 
wicli,'^  Boston,'' Yarmouth,  ani]  Southampton  do  not  appear.  Possi- 
bly no  permanent  settlements  had  been  then  made  in  the  three  lirsl- 
named  towns,  as  they  are  not  mentioned  by  Jlr.  Burn,  and  that  the 
residents  in  Yarmouth  and  Southampton  were  in  1()22  very  few. 
ilr.  Burn  has  given  fully  tlu-  account  of  the  settlement  in  the 
other  towns  which  made  returns. 

It  is  not  very  easy  to  trace  the  descendants  of  the  bulk  of  these 
settlers,  who  had  come  in  the  days  of  Elizabeth  and  her  predecessors; 
but,  by  the  kindness  of  T.  W.  King,  Es.p  P.S.A.  York  Herald.  1 
am  able  to  give  a  list  of  all  such  fanulles  as  had  their  pedigrees  or 
arms  recorded  in  the  A'isitaiiijus  of  LoiiiJon. 

In  the  Visitation  of  London,  1G34  (.MS.  Coll.  Arms,  0.  24), 
we  lind  the  following  person-^: — 

>;n:iioi..\.s  AiiKin.s  oi'  I...i„loii;  merchant,  grandson  of  >;icliolas 
A.  of  Rousclaer  in  Flanders,  farrier  to  the  Emperor  of  (iernniny. 
Ped.  and  arms  (p.  221). 

PlIILU'  B-VItLAM-VCLIE  of  London;  son  of  Michael  B.,  aiul 
grandson  of  Eranciseo  B.      Peil.  and  arms  (p.  41). 

rids  list,  Nsitholli.,1-  u 

r  the  rcriigeea  in 

Sl'.ssc.v,  lias  hcen 

:\  Arch.  Coll.  vol.  Niii.  p.  ISU.     i 

See  .ilso  llollow.-iv 

•s  Hist,  of  Kve. 

Burn,  pp.  33,  i;ii2. 

^  For  the  .^ettlemf 

lit  in  Ipswich,  see 

.\o  notice  is  male  of  Walloons  or 

Frcnoh  settlers   i 

n   Boston    by  Mr. 


AxTiiONV  Bassanooi"  London,  (rent.;  gramlson  of  Antliony  B. 
a  Venetian.     Pcil.  and  arms  (p.  15'2). 

AsPLAiJAir  1j1;e  of  London,  mercdiant;  son  of  Garlali  T>.  of  Aueon 
in  Gcrmanv.      Pod.  and  arms  (p.  28). 

Jacob  Blome  of  London ;  ^-mml-on  ol'  Xicliolas  B.  of  Anistevdam. 
Fed.  and  arms  (p   241). 

iL\ncus  BitAXiir  of  London,  nicrcliant;  son  of  IlLiuiel  B.  of 
LLimln-oiigli  in  Germany.     Ped.  and  arms  (p.  27li  1)). 

Peter  ]!ulteel  of  London,  mcvcliant;  son  of  dames  B.  of 
Tourney  In  Ilcnalt.     Pod.  and  arm.«  (p.  300). 

Peter  CiiAMnErj.Ai.vE  of  London,  doetor  in  phy.=iek:  elde.^t 
son  of  Puter  C.  of  London,  practitioner  in  pliysick,  son  of  AVilliani 
C.  of  P;iris  in  France,  who  iled  into  England  at  tlic  massacre;  a 
younger  son  of  ....  C.  of  Tankervile  in  Xornrancly,  wlio  liad 
twenty-two  sons  and  one  daugliter.  Ped.  and  arms  (p.  5.18).  The 
pedigree  is  continued  in  the  next  Visitation  of  London,  Kio-k  See 
also  :\Iunk's  Poll  of  tlie  Koyal  College  of  Pliysicions,  I.  458. 

^VTr.LiAJt  CoxuADU.S  of  London,  vintcner;  grandson  of  Fre- 
derick C.  of  Lubeek,  a   Hans  town   in   Germany.      Pod.  and  arms 

(p.  ;54<;.) 

'  Siu  TriOMAS  CoTEEL  of  London,  Knt. ;  grandson  of  Anthony 
C.  of  Antwerp,  niercliant,  who-'^e  evidences  were  burnt  at  tlie 
sacking  thereof,  about  a°  15G7.      Ped.  aird  arms  (p.  25S)). 

TT.Mf.vniY  Cnusn  (see  post,  p.  20)  of  London,  merchant,  son  of 
John  C.  of  Xorwich,  and  grandson  of  Henry  G.  of  Hownescoat  in 
Fhindcrs.-  Ped.  an.l  arms  (p.  427).  He  marric!  the  daughter  of 
John  Pyrot;  liy  wdiom  he  had  a  son,  John  (/ruso  (.if  Xorwicli,  Vidio 
married  Jane  daughtci-  of  Grilcs  A'erlincke;  and  by  her  he  liad  issue 
J(.)hn  his  eldest  son;  'J'imotby  Cruso  ol'  London,  merchant,  2nd  son, 


who  was  living  in  1634,  nnd  who  married  Katherine  daughter  ol' 
Charles  Planter  in  Flanders;  3,  Aquila;  4,  Antliony;  and  Troseilla. 
Timothy  had  issue,  Tinrothy  his  eldest  son,  John,  Petronella. 
Ecbecca,  and  Sarah.  In  Jones's  Brecknockshire,  vol.  ii.  p.  74(i,  a 
John  Cruso,  LL.D-,  is  mentioned  as  Chancellor  of  St.  David's  in 
16G5,  and  was  a  native  of  Yarmouth.  He  died  in  ir>81,  leaving  a 
widow  and  several  children,  lli-^  will  was  proved  at  L'rec.JU.  (  Kx 
inf.  T.  ^y.  King,  York  Herald.) 

J.VQUES  DE  Lest  of  London,  merchant;  son  of  Jaques  de  B.  of 
Bruges  in  Flanders.      Bed.  and  arms  (p.  333). 

JoilX  DE  LA  B.\RR  of  London,  merchant;  grandson  of  Loys  de 
la  B.  of  Mon7.  in  Ilena'lt  in  Flanders.      Bed.  and  arms  (p.  (]  !,). 

Jajies  Desm.VISTIUS  of  London;  son  of  John  1).  of  Ilollaml. 
Bed.  and  arms  (p.  2L'5). 

William  J)k  A^isiieu  of  London,  merchant;  grandson  of  Wil- 
liam Do  V.  of  Flanders.      Arms  and  jied.  (p.  27  h). 

Beteu  DU  Boys  of  Londum,  merchant;  grandson  of  GuyllJam  de 
Boys,  neere  Lido  hi  Flanders  (p.  371). 

Samei-.t.  Foetekie  of  London,  merchant;  grandson  of  John  F. 
of  Flannders.      Bed.  and  arms  (p.  222). 

Ani:AilA:M  Fortry  of  London,  merchant;  grandson  of  Nicholas 
de  la  Fortryc  of  Little  Flandia's.     Arms  and  pcd.  (p.  1.34  b). 

John  IIelut  of  London,  nicrch.ant;  son  of  Ilenneng  IL  of  Diet- 
marsch  in  Ilolsten,  and  of  llambrough.      Bed.  and  arms  (p.  270). 

AnRYAN  IIenrix  of  London,  merchant;  grandson  of  Henry  JL 
of  Antwerp  in  Brabant.     Arnrs  and  ped.  (p.  121). 

BiiiLiP  Jacoi!.son  of  St.  jMai-garet's  parish  in  Billingsgate  Ward 
in  Lond.,  one  of  the  King's  Jewellers;  son  of  Jacob  J.  of  Antwcrpe. 
Bed.  and  arms  (p.  77  b). 


AXGKLL  Keeumer  (if  London,  stranger;  son  of  AnL'ell  K.  of 
Itouremont  in  Giklorlaud.     PcJ.  and  arms  (p.  507). 

John  Kirr  o[  London,  mercliant;  son  of  Peter  K.  of  CuUud  in 
Germuny  (p.  121). 

Joiix  Lamott  of  London,  mercliant;  prnndson  of  Biv.vdwiu  L. 
of  Ipre  in  Flanders.      Ted.  and  arms  (p.  lilS). 

Tiio^tAS  Lx  To^iBE,  Lome  in  Xorwiche  a"  l.')7.'),  livii'u;  in  Lon- 
don 1G3-1;  son  of  Thomas  la  'r..mLe  <>i'  '['nn-nigne,  wh..  eame  into 
England  abont  lo5S,  at  sueli  tinv  as  the  Dldce  d'Alva  afllietcd 
those  parts;  and  lived  and  died  in  Xorwieh.  His  father,  Thomas  la 
T. -svas  of  Tnrcoigncnigh  Tourney  in  of  the  7  proviuees 


Peter  Lemakts  of  London,  lirewcr;  gr;indson  of  Leonard  L. 
of  the  dukedome  of  Gudiek  in  the  Netherlands  (p.  370). 

John  LE  Tiiieullier  of  London,  merchant;  grandson  of  John 
le  T.  of  A'allanclnc  in  Ilenolt.  Arms  and  ped.  (p.  2.1fi).  A  pedi- 
gree also  entered  at  the  A'isitation  of  London  in  1G.S7  Ijv  Sir  John 
LethieuUier,  Knt.  (p.  222). 

Ji'iAcnnr  ^Matthews;  son  of  a  hurgomnster  (^\^  the  to^^■n  of 
Helneu  in  ye  dnehie  of  Brabant      Arms  and  ped.  (p.  4^18). 

PiCHARD  Mico  of  London;  descended  from  Gilbert  ]\I.  a  second 
son  of  Jlieo,  als  I\Lcault:  originally  of  the  eonntye  caded  LiTe^de 
France;  came  into  Lng.  in  the  tynic  of  IL  7.  Arms  and  ped.  ([). 
GO.S  b). 

Jaques  Oi'LES  of  London,  merchant;  son  of  John  0.  of  IJrussils 
in  Brabant.      Arms  and  pciL  (p.  128). 

^V]ELIA^^  PahgenA  of  London,  brewer;  grandson  of  AVilliam 
Paggiu  of  .   .   .   n(;ere  Guliek  in  the  Low  Countries  (p.  278). 

Mathew    (>Ut:sTElt   of   London,   esquire   extraordinaiy   Ibr    tb.c 


hody  of  Kit\^'  Cliarlos,  aged  74,  lG3o;  grandson  of  IMathcw  Q.  of 
Brudgcs  in  Flanders.     Arms  :ind  ]ied.  (p.  IGS  h). 

Pkteu  ElCIIAUT  of  l.oinl.ii,  niLavluiiit ;  grandson  of  Pcjlcr  R.  of 
Erahand.     Arms  and  ped.  (IDS  b). 

Giles  A'aXDKUI'UTT  of  L'lndon,  mercliant;  son  ^f  Henry  V.  of 
Antwcrpe.  Arms  and  ped.  (j..  291  h).  redigree  continued  in  next 
Visitation  of  London.      Sir  Peter  was  sherilf  of  Loudon  in  I  (IS-l. 

AitxoLi>  Van  AVucici'.ui'Loot  of  Louvlon;  son  of  .Taeob  A'au 
W.  of  f'treeht.      Arms  and  ped.  (p.  2(i4). 

Sa:\iui:l  VasSALL  of  Lemdnn,  merchant;  grandson  of  Jolui  Y. 
wlio  was  sent  into  ICugiand  by  bis  father,  a  Frcncbiman  oi'  Pinart 
by  Cane  in  Xoraiandy,  by  reason  of  th(>  troubles  then  there  (['. 

SlU  CoitXKLlUS  A^Ei;^riTYDi:.\  of  ilatfield,  eo.  York,  and  of 
Lnndon,  KnI.;  son  oi:  Idles  V.  of  Seint  Martinsdike "  in  ZelainL 
Anns  and  pod.  (p.  4:5).  d'he  celebrated  engineer.  See  lluiiler's 
South  Yorkshire,  vol.  i.  i)p.  IGO  and  4'J(),  and  Smiles'  History  of 

Thomas  A'yolet  of  London,  goLlsmith;  grandson  ofPafell  \'.. 
borne  in  Antwei-p.     Arms  a.nd  ped.  (ji.  .'5,S2  b). 

TlI(>.-\iAS  "Wa'J'KHS  of  Lonilon,  gentleman;  grandson  of  John  De 
Water  of  Antwerp  in  Crabant.     Arms  and  ped.  (p.  20(1  b). 

Li  the  Visitation  of  London,  16G4  (]\IS.  Coll.  of  Arms,  D.  ID), 
there  are  these  additional  pedigrees,  but  without  arms: — 

Nicolas  Coucellis  of  London,  merchant;  son  of  Zcagar  C.  of 
Pusclier  in  Flanders  (p.  38).     James  C.  was  ILD.  Lcnvl.  1GG4. 

Daniel  Dutiiais;  son  of  Daniel  D.  of  St.  :ALirtin's  in  the  Isle  of 
Pee,  Gent.  (p.  134  b). 

«  In  the  Isle  of  Tliolun,  near  llie  iiioutli  uf  tlic  ScliiMt. 


Abraham. PIovKNKi:  of  London,  mei-cliLint;  flesccmled  iVom  tlie 
Low  Countries  (p.  59  1)). 

Jean  de  (sco  post,  p.  K)  of  London,  nicrdiant;  son  of 
Je:in  de  L.  of  Cantc-rbuiy  (p.  7). 

Jacob  Lucie  of  London,  niurcliant;  son  of  John  L.  of  London, 
mcrcliant,  and  of  Antwerp  (p.  23). 

IL  Tlic  first  tliree  pages  (27,  28,  2D)  of  the  seeond  class  of  lists 
refer  to  tliose  travellers  of  the  Koman  Catholic  faith  who  made 
returns  of  their  residences  to  the  Secretary  of  State  ])ursu:iiit  to  the 
following  amended  Order  in  Council,  made  on  lUth  Novend)cr, 
1G78,  in  consecjv.ence  of  the  former  proclamation  ol' 30th  October 
having  been  thought  to  deprive  mei'chant  strangers  carrying  on 
trade  in  London  and  Westminster  of  the  privileges  they  had  n]i 
to  that  time  enjoyed.  For  copies  ol'  this  minute,  and  of  the 
minute  of  28th  July,  IGSl,  I  am  ind(d>ted  t..  the  kindnc-s  of 
Eobei-t  Lemon,  jun.,  I'^sq. 

At  the  Coeax  at  W]1Iti;uau,,  Tuesday,  tl,c  lOiI,  of  Nuvembcr,  lt:7y. 
Present,  the  King's  Most  Excellent  .Ma'>-  in  Gunnel!!. 
Whereas  His  Ma'>\  by  Ids  late  lloyM  Proclamation,  bearing  datp  tli.. 
30"'  day  of  October  last,  did  strictly  charge  .and  coniniaud  .ill  poisons 
being  Popish  Recusants,  or  ,so  rcputcul,  to  depart  and  rclin'  tbcinsidvcs 
and  their  families  ou  or  before  the  7"'  day  of  this  iiist.ant  Novenilier  from 
His  Rfa'."  Reyall  Palaces  of  Whitcliall,  Somerset  House,  fit.  .bani^-s's,  tl„, 
Citys  of  London  and  AVestin^  and  from  all  other  places  within  'I'lai  mil.-s 
distance  of  the  same,  His  Ma'^,  upon  funhei'  oonsideracfm,  \vas  '^ra- 
cionsly  pleased  to  declare  in  Couiicill,  That  the  said  Proclamation  was 
not  meant  to  extend  to  any  Merchants  Strangers  of  tlie  JJonii.^li  Ilcligion 
residing  in  or  near  this  city  upon  account  of  Trade,  wdio  in  all  times  past, 
have  had  y''  freedome  of  rcmayning  here,  so  as  tliey  give  in  tlnir  names 
and  places  of  habitation  respectively  to  the  Lord  Mayor  of  the  Cily  of 
London  ^vithin  six  dayes  after  notice  uf  this  order-'  neither  to  stran<'ers 
"  Apprnvea  in  Ciunnll  tl,.-  20tl,.  .an,l  onl.-ivO  to  l,p  ,,ri„l,.,l  .-nul  n„l,ii.l„.,l 


(otlicr  tlien  Popisli  Priests  and  Jcsiiit.s),  wlio  out  of  ciivlosily  coiiu-  into 
tliis  Kingdoms  as  Tnivellers,  so  as  they  give  in  their  names,  together 
witli  the  Places  where  tliey  lodge,  within  six  dayes  after  the  date  of  these 
presents,  after  their  arrival  here,  to  one  of  His  .Ma"^  Priiudpall  Secretaries 
of  State.  Put  thai  sneh  Merchants  Strangers  and  Forraiiiers  as  al'.jre- 
said  have  the  same  Liherty  of  residing  at,  or  coining  to  the  Ph;ees  ahove 
mentioned,  as  if  the  albresaid  lY.claniation  liad  ne\  er  been  issued.  And 
of  this  His  Ma'"  pleasure  as  well  the  Lord  -Alayor  of  the  City  of  London 
for  y"  time  being  as  His  Ma'"  Princlpall  Sec'-"  of  State  are  to  lake 
notice,  and  to  enter  y"^  names  of  such  Mereh''^  Strangers  and  I'orrain" 
accordingl_y,  in  a  P)Ooke  to  be  kept  for  tlnil  purpose. 

The  remainder  of  the  lists  rcCers  to  the  Protestants  win-  lied  from 
France  during  the  years  ICiSl-lCSS,  in  conseqtieneo  of  the  troubles 

Ill  the  Correspondence  of  lIl'.MtV  .SAVii.l'.  (published  by  our 
Society  in  ISJS)  many  references  are  made  t<.>  the  renewed  per- 
secutions of  the  I'rotestants  in  h'ranee.  Un  otli  June,  1(170.  he 
told  his  brother.  Viscount  Halifax,  that  the  Fixmcli  Protestants 
trembled  for  fear  of  some  viob.'nt  persecution,  and  were  ready  to  "o 
to  Ihipland  in  sucli  vast  numbers  as  woidd  be  of  great  advantage  to 
the  nation,  if,  by  ready  naturalization,  it  could  be  made  ea.-^y  to 
them;  the  crowd  iind  the  nundier  talking  of  nothing  but  the 
necessity  of  the  King  declaring  himself  Protector  of  the  whole 
Protestant  religion,  and  living  in  hopes  of  seeing  that  glorious  day. 
On  :22nd  July,  1081,  he  pressed  the  matter  yet  more  strongly  on 
Secretary  Sir  Leoline  Jenkins,  and  declared  that,  with  the  hopes  of 
naturalization,  a  considcraljlc  number  of  wealthy  pcojile,  ready 
with  great  sums,  would  come  over,_  and  he  had  prepared  a  body  ol' 
men  that  would  have  brought  the  manufacture  of  Knll-rloili,  so 
much  wanted   in   England.      The  Ministers  warmly  supported  these 

CAMD.  SOC.  (/ 


proposals;  a  subscription,  under  I'oyul  letters,  \v:is  ope 
after  the  report  of  a  Coinniittce  to  the  King  in  Coinieil 
July,  IGSl,  the  I'oUowing  order  for  granting  free  letter 
zation  was  aiirced  to  by  tlie  Coiuieil: 

At  tlia  Covut  at  IlAMnoN'  CiU-i:t,  this  28th  day  of  July,  1081, 
Trusent,  tli<'  King's  Most  Kxcellent  ^Majesty  in  Council. 

His  TilaO-,  by  His  Or<K  in  Couucill  of  y=  2P'  of  July  instant,  having 
been  graciously  pleased  lo  referrc  a  Jileniorial  p'sented  to  His  IMa'>'  in 
behalf  of  y"^  distressed  Protestants  abroad,  to  y''  consideracon  of  y'-  h' 
Hon''''  y"  L'>^  Com"'"  of  this  Board  for  trade  and  plantacons,  av"'  direccous 
to  report  their  opinion  tliereupon;  and  their  Lo''*  having  this  day  made 
their  report  to  His  Ma'-^  in  Councill,  His  !Ma"'',  upon  duo  consideracon 
thereof  had,.was  plensed  to  declare,  that  he  holdes  hiniselfe  obliged  in  honour 
and  conscience  to  comfort  and  sujiport  all  such  alllicted  Protestants,  -who, 
by  reason  of  y'^'  rigours  and  severitys  which  are  vs''  towards  tliem  upmi  y" 
account  of  tlieir  religion,  shall  be  forced  to  quitt  their  native  coiuitry,  and 
shall  desire  to  shelter  themselves  under  His  JNIa'^'^  lujyall  protection  An- 
y'  prcservacOn  and  free  exercise  of  their  religion.  And  iu  order  henauito 
His  ]Ma"°  was  pleased  further  to  declare,  that  lie  will  grant  unto  every 
such  distressed  Protestant  wdio  shall  come  hither  for  rcl'uge,  and  resitle 
Iiere,  His  Letters  of  Denization  under  the  Greate  Scale  without  any 
charge  wdiatsuever,  and  likewise  such  further  privlledges  and  iuunutys, 
as  are  consistent  with  the  Laws,  for  the  liberty  and  free  exercise  of 
their  trades  and  handicrafis,  and  that  His  Ma"°  will  like\vise  recomend 
it  to  His  Parliam'  at  their  next  meeting  to  passe  an  Act  for  y<-'  Genei'all 
Naturalization  of  all  such  Protestants  as  shall  come  over  as  albres'' ;  and 
for  y"^  further  enlarging  their  Libertys  and  Franchises  granted  to  them 
by  His  ]\hi''"  as  reasonaljly  may  be  necessary  for  them;  and  for  their 
encouragement  His  M-J"-  is  likewise  pleased  to  grant  unto  them  that 
they  shall  pay  no  greater  dutyes  in  any  case  then  His  Ma''™  naturall 
borne  subjects,  and  that  they  sh'all  liave  all  the  privlledges  and  iniunilyes 
that  generally  His  Ma''""  native  sulijeets  have,  for  the  introduction  of 
their  children  into  sehooles  and  colled-es. 


And  llis  ?il:i"'-  -was  likewise  pleased  to  order,  and  it  is  hereby  ordered 
accordingly,  That  all  His  IMa''^  officers,  both  Civil!  and  Military,  doe 
give  a  kind  reception  to  all  such  Protestants  as  shall  arrive  within  any 
of  His  Ma"'"  Ports  in  this  Kingdomo,  and  to  furnish  them  -with  free 
Passe  Ports,  and  give  them  all  assistance  and  furtherance  in  their  journeys 
to  the  places  to  w'''  they  shall  desire  to  goe.  And  the  Pught  Hon'''-'  the 
Lords  Comm''»  of  His  J.ta'>'=  Treasury  are  to' give  orders  to  the  Comm" 
of  His  Mu"'''  Ciistomes  to  snfler  the  said  Protestants  to  passo  free  with 
their  goods  and  household  stuife,  -whether  of  a  greater  or  a  smaller 
value,  together  with  their  toolcs  and  instruments  belonging  to  their 
crafts  or  trades,  and  generally  all  what  belongs  to  thcni  that  may 
be  imported  according  to  the  Lawes  now  in  force,  without  exacting  any 
thing  from  tlieni. 

And  for  the  further  relief  and  encouragem'  of  y''  s''  necessitous  Pro- 
testants, His  Jla"'-'  hath  been  pleased  to  give  order  for  a  Genorall  brief 
through  His  Kingdome  of  England,  Dominion  of  Wales,  ami  Towne  of 
Berwicke,  for  collecting  ye  eliarity  of  all  well-disposed  persons  for  the 
reliefu  of  the  said  Protestants  who  may  stand  in  need  thereof.  And,  to  the 
end  that  when  any  such  come  over,  being  strangers,  they  may  know  where 
to  addrcsse  themselves  to  fitting  persons  to  lay  their  requests  and  com- 
plaints before  His  Ma"",  His  j\[at'°  was  graciously  pleased  to  appoint  the 
ilost  Peverend  Father  in  God  His  Grace  the  Lord  Arcli-liishop  of 
Canterbury,  and  the  P'  Peverend  Father  in  Cnd  the  Lord  Bishop  of 
London,  or  ritli.'r  of  them,  t<i  receive  all  ihe  .-aid  re.pie.-ts  .-nul  pclilions, 
and  to  presi'ut  the  same  to  His  Ma''",  to  the  ei;d  juch  order  may  liecgivi  u 
therein  as  shall  be  necessary. 

After  the  ov.lcr  had  been  made  li.  Savlle,  on  21.=t  Xov.  IGSI, 
introiKieed  to  Sir  L.  Jenkins  a  Proteftant  Ilncndra[ier  wlio  wuuld 
bo  able  to  give  him  some  liglits  into  the  method  of  briug'ing  the 
manufactuve  o\^  .■^utl-cloth  into  l-^ngland — "  the  project,"  he  adds,  "  I 
have  always  ;ippcared  so  fond  olV'  Tlie  lincndrapcr  was  no  doubt 
!N[.  Bonliomme,  and  under  liini  the  manufacture  was  most  prosper- 
ously established.      ])i   this  same  year  tlie   Company  of  Klders  and 


Deacons  of  TluTivlnoodlc  Street,  in  l.oiuli.n,  "  ?ii]iplicil  tlio  funds  for 
the  erection  of  a  linen  manufactory  at  Jpswieii,  wliere  a  great  of  Frcncli  Protestants  lia>l  colonised  ;  a  Ilngnenot  of  Paris, 
naniL.l  P.unhonune.  tan-lit  them  to  make  sail-elod.  ;  and  in  1GS.5 
till,-  iiianufLictiirc  was  in  lull  operation  in  that  ihiaving  town,  from 
wlu-ncc  it  spread  so  vapidly  Imh  in  England  and  Irtdand,  that, 
according  to  iMacjdicison,  the  importations  from  France  of  this 
article  were  redticed  i'rom  the  year  1G83  to  173:5  by  the  enormous 
iimount  of  50(),0li[i/.";''  and  England  was  relieved  from  her  depend- 
ence on  I'.rittany  and  Normandy  for  tliis  important  maritime  article. 

A  f'W  years  later  the  mamtliicture  of  l,il,:<t r'lmj  was  also  intro- 
duced into  Jpswich.  On  Xovendjer  '2Slh,  IC'j:;,  it  was  agreed  that 
fifty  families  of  "French  Protestants  that  maiuifacture  lutestring 
shall  be  admitted  iidiabitants  in  this  town;  and  they  shall  have  'Kh. 
each  fanuly;  and  the  charges  of  coming  to  tlie  town  shall  be  ibiind 
by  the  town;  and  they  shall  have  a  church  minded  lor  th.aii,  and 
an  allowance  fjr  their  ndnistm'  of  20/.  a  year  for  two  years;  and 
that  ihey  shall  not  be  rated  or  put  inl..>  any  odiee  for  seven  yeai's; 
and  that  iMr.  Snelling  sludl  go  to  London  to  treat  with  the  Fi-encb- 
men  about  this  Ini-duess." '' 

At  length,  in  Uctober  IGSo,  the  proclamation  known  ns  the  Picvo- 
cation  of  the  Edict  of  Xantcs  was  issued  :  and  the  Visitation  r,f 
London  in  1687  (.AIS.  Coll.  of  Arms,  K.  9),  which  has  some  later 
entries,  contains  particulars  <if  the  f)llowing  ailditional  families, 
who,  as  in  the  proceeding  visitations,  being  respectively  settU:d  and 
established  in  this  country,  were  summoned  before  the  LLjralds,  and 
had  their  pciligrees,  and,^ln  some  cases,  their  anus  recorded  or  dis- 
allowed, as  the  case  might  be:— 

^    tMster  Jouriol  of  Aivl,.  \.,.  7.  '■   C'tuke's  tlist.  ut  li.swifli,  IHSa.  p.  US. 


^ViUiAtlAM  Beake,  citizen  nnd  inevcluint  of  London;  grandson 
of  Francis  Bcuke,  who  was  l.iorn  in  Norwicli,  -whose  ancestors  canio 
out  of  Fhindeis.      Arms  '^  and  ped.  (p.  196). 

Jonx  Cauikin-ei.,  late  one  of  the  secretaries  to  Louis  XIA"., 
KingofFr;me-;   and 

William  Cauboxel,  of  London,  mercliaut  ;  grandsons  ol' 
Nicholas  Carbonel,  of  the  parish  of  ilarigni,  Viscontc  de  Constantin, 
O'cnt.  Their  fither  was  named  'Thonras,  and  was  a  merchant  at 
Caen  in  Xormandy.     Arms  and  ped.  (p.  232). 

Sii:  Joux  CiiAMPAXTE,  of  Dublin,  knt.,  and  of  St.  Andrew's, 
Holborn,  CO.  [Middlesex,  in  1(;<12.  He  was  Deputy  Vice  Treasurer, 
Treasurer  at  AVar,  :ind  Kcceiver-Oeneral  for  tlio  Kingdom  of  Lelaud, 
1G71  to  1G85.  lie  was  grcat-great-gran.Lon  of  Oregoiy  Ciampanii, 
wdiose  son  Peter  was  of  London.      Arms  and  peil.  (p.  -H)!]). 

SiK  i:i)WAi;n  Des  BorvEKiE,  (p  88)  of  St.  Dunstan's-in-thc- 
East,  Loudon,  Knt.,  son  of  Edward  jies  Bouveric,  who  was  born 
at  Canterbury,  and  grandson  ol'  Laurence  Des  Bouveric,  of  Lisle 
in  Flanders.  At  Sandwich,  in  LIOS,  Laurence  Des  Bouveryes  paid 
'20.".  to  till-  poor  for  selling  Bayes.''  Arras  and  ped.  (p.  219)  (from 
wl\om  the  K:\y\  of  Piadnor  descends).  The  name  appears  as  LJes- 
l)ouu)-ies  in  the  Canterbury  lietnrn  (post,  p.  8). 

Jame.^  LojtniOLL  of  Loudon,  merchant;  grandson  of  John  L., 
who  came  o^'er  I'rom  Flanders  upon  the  persecution  in  tlic  tnne  of 
the  Duke  d'Alva,  and  seated  in  England.  Arms  allowed  upon  a 
ccrtillcate  of  Brabant  King  of  Arms,  and  ped.  (p.  2). 

Su;    I'eteu    1'ai:uavicix,   Knt.,  jMderman  of  London;    son  of 

«  ITe  vouched  for  .irms  from  an  iscoclieon   used  :it  the  funeral  of  his  I 
Beake,  of  London,  meiehant,  but  it  does  not  ai.j.ear  that  they  were  allowe 


Peter  P.,  who  was  l>nm  in  the  A'altolin  nrar  Milan  in  Italy,  and 
came  and  settled  in  Lundon.and  died  about  tlic  year  1(^7.").  Aims" 
and  pcd.  (p.  207).  Peter  tlie  father  married  liaeliel  Albertini,  an 
Italian,  by  whom  he  had  two  sons;  James  the  eldest  died  about 
1622  unmarried;  Peter  the  second  married  Pebecea,  daughter  ol' 
Peter  Fountain  of  London,  merchant.  She  died  1GC9.  They  hail 
three  daughters,  Pebecea  unmarried  IGST,  Hester  died  an  infini, 
and  Jhiry.  Sir  Peter  died  29th  January,  IGDG,  xt.  o'J,  and  was 
liuricd  at  St.  Dunstan's-in-thc-East,  as  was  also  his  daughter  Mary, 
who  died  3rd  May,  1727,  a;t.  56  years." 

Francis  Tyssen  of  London,  merehant;  s..>n  ol'  I'raufis  T.  of 
Gant  in  Flanders,  afterwards  of  Ulysslng  in  Zealand.  Arms  and 
ped.  (p.  16).  Apollonia  the  wife  of  Daniel,  and  mother  of  th.; 
first  Francis  T.,  was  a  great-niece  of  Bislmp  Pidley.  The  lamily 
is  represented  by  Win.  George  Tyssen  Amhurst  of  Foulden,  eo. 
Xorfolk,  lord  of  the  manor  of  Ihickney.'' 

Sir  Edward  AYaldo,  second  sou  of  Danirl  W.,  eiii/m  and 
clothworker,  who  fined  for  Alderman  and  Sh. Till;  and  died  IGGl. 
(Ped.  p.  330.)  Sir  Edward  lia.l  six  brothers,  of  whom  .Fn^cph  was 
a  silkman  in  Loiuh'ii. 

When  these  Lists  were  proposed  to  the  Gounell  of  the  Camdem 
Society  to  be  printed,  my  late  friend   Peter  Levesquc,  Esq.  F.S.A., 

"  lIc!  allegeJ  tliat  his  father  was  an  Italian  lately  com«  into  England.  The  arris,  .i:,:,r, 
a  siraii  uri/ent,  were  from  .i  vellum  cscoeheon,  painted  in  London,  and  taken  fioni  a  sral, 
the  colours  heing  the  painter's  fancy ;  Sir  Peter  did  not  know  what  colours  Ijclonged 
to  his  coat  ;  and  the  arms  do  not  appear  to  have  hecn  allowed.  In  Hurl.  i\lS.  5ii)1, 
Le  Neve's  "  Knights'  Pedigrees,"  it  is  stated  that  Sir  Peti-r  was  knighted  at  Windsor 
Castle,  IPth  Juno,  1087,  and  that  ho  was  a  poor  lad  from  Italy,  and  had  been  bntlcr  to 
Charles  Torriano.     See  also  Notes  and  Queries,  3rd  series,  vol.  i.  pp.  110,  17'.»,  234. 

^  Murray's  Account  of  St.  Dun'stan  in  the  East,  p.  56. 

'   Burke's  l-andod  Gentry. 


find  a  ]\[embcr  of  the  Council  of  oiu-  Society,  was  kiiul  cnougli  \.o 
take  cliargo  of  tlicm  witli  tlio  view  of  giving  from  liis  own  peculiar 
sources  of  inlbrniation  a  soniewliat  extoncled  notice  of  such  oi' 
the  families  as  are  still  living  in  this  country.  Ills  illness  pre- 
vented him  from  carrying  L'Ut  his  purpose,  and  on  his  death  the  ■ 
papers  were  found  without  any  MS.  notes.  Other  cireunistar.ces 
have  since  arisen  which  render  the  inquiries  and  search  moi-e 
diflicixlt  than  they  would  have  been,  and  1  must  eonlent  myself 
with  some  very  short  particulars  which,  with  the  aid  of  Sir  Charles 
George  Young,  Garter,  and  of  Lancaster  and  York  Heralds,  I  have 
been  able  to  bring  together  with  lacility. 

AuBEiiTix,  ]^Iary  and  Mai;y  Anne  (p.  48).  Francis  A.  of  the 
city  of  ]Metz  in  Lorraine,  merchant  ;  married  Edune  Coustuiiei-,  and 
had  a  son,  Paid  A.  of  :\Ietz,  who  was  born  27th  July  1012,  which 
Paul  married  Judith  Pierson,  by  whom  he  liad  two,  Juhn,  who 
was  dead  in  1718,  and  Paul  A.  of  T^Ietz,  bom  7th  Xov.  1(3.10.  lie 
married  Judith  Flguier,  wlu.i  was  living  a  widow  in  1718.  The 
first-mentioned  Paul  had  also  two  daughters,  whose  names  arc  nut 
mentioned  in  the  pedigree  Tie  was  grandfather  of  Peter  A.,  ^\ho 
was  born  at  Neufchatcl;  he  was  for  many  years  a  merchant  in  tlie 
city  of  London,"  and  retiring  to  Banstead,  Surrey,  "  to  spend  the 
evening  of  his  days,"  died  there  12th  June,  1808,  in  the  8ord  year 
of  his  age,  leaving  Ann  his  widow,  who  also  died  there  31st  July, 
1825,  in  her  OOtli  year.  1^1.  I.  Banstead.)  Their  son,  the  Lev. 
Peter  A.,  vicar  of  Chipstead,  died  9th  Xov.  I8G1,  at  the  age  of  81, 
leaving  a  numerous  family. 

Auiiioi.,  John  (p.  .39),  and  Lsaac  (p.  57).  This  family  came 
from    Lyons,  and  is  still    Ibund  in    hhigland.     Henrietta,   daughter 

»  MSS.  C'nII.  Anns,  Anindfl  ir.  n.  i:,. 


and  lieire??  of  Peter  A.,  of  Celcniaii  Stvcet,  I-ondoii,  mevfliant,  niar- 
ricil  iJlst  Jan.  17-l.S.  tlie  lion.  llAu:vt  llay,  successively  iilAujp  of  ^t.  and  ArcM.i.-linp  ,d' Yovk;  xvl...  succeeded  as  'Jtli  I'.ar!  of  Kln- 
TiouU."  The  llev.  Edward  A.  is  rector  oi'  St.  Dunstan's  lu-ilM'-A\'rsi. 
BOSANQUET,  David  (p.  4!)),  was  son  of  Pierre  P..  Jle  eame 
from  Luuel  in  Languedoc,  and  was  anceslor  ol'  all  tlie  numerous 
branches  of  tlio   family  in   Enghmd,  of  whom    Sir   Juhn   Bernard 

B.  was  one  of  IL  IM.  jud-vs.  John,  the  hrotlior  of  David,  was 
naturalised  by  Act  o[  ]\uilament  in  ITO.'].  A  Cathulic  branch, 
which  remained  in  France,  became  extinct  about  20  years  since. 
{Kx  inf  S.  R.  Bosanquet,  Esq.)"' 

Cni-VALiEi!,  John  (p.  45) ;  Daniel  (p.  49  and  ,^7).     Samuel  l.e 

C.  was  minister  of  the  French  Cluireh  in  Loud^m  in  151)1,  and  in 
Canterbury  in  1595.  A  pedi.^ree  of  a  family  of  this  name  is  in  the 
Add.  MS.  Brit.  Mus.  l'J,12;5,  fol.  51.  Another  family  lias  bren  b.,,^ 
settled  at  Ipswich,  from  whom  in  the  female  line  the  prcseu!  IMeni- 
ber  d.  ChecoU.r  Cobbold,  .AI.P.  is  .Icscended.  The  name  is  well 
known  in  a-ricullure  I's  that  of  the  introducer  uf  the  (7/cre//,r  barlry. 

CoLTi:,  i\lAxnilLIAN  and  John  (p.  80).  I'he  l)irths  oj'  these 
.sculptors  at  Arras  are  not  mentioned  by  Walpole. 

D'Ar.AK,  JaCOI!  (p.  30)  ;  TlIEODORR  (p.  'M).  This  family  has 
givcai  the  name  to  Agar  Town  in  St.  Pancrns,  :\Iiddlese.\. 

Dansays,  FllANriS  (p.  [,-)).  The  family  were  residents  at  liyc. 
William  D.,  a  jurat  of  that  town,  died  in  1787  (i\b  P),  and  the 
family  arc  now  represented  Ijy  tlie  SloiiJunns." 

liiMPEKOR,  WiELiA.M  (p.  18).  In  1GG4  John  E.  of  Great  Yar- 
mouth issued  a  Ti'adesnian's  token.'' 

'  Dougl;.s,  vol.  ii.  p.  .51.  •■  Sol-  .-ilso  BurUe's  Landed  Gentry. 

"    .Suss.  Arch.  Coll.  xiii.  p.  -Jn".  ''   .Muiisliii.'s  V:inii,.ulli,  ed.  Palm,  r,  li.  i..  llMl. 

INIltdDUCrio.N.  xxv 

Gai;];f.t,  Makk  (p.  7!»).  wa^^  l.,jru  iu  ]',G\,  And  Alrd  ](',:',-,.  IT,- 
\v;is  paintci-  to  ()iircn  ElizaliL'tli  and  Aniv;  of  Denmark/' 

ClJKIMX,  FkaNCIS  ana  Xl(IU>LAS  (p.  51).  Til,'  HiniiW  long 
continui'd  at  Ilyo,  ami  aru  m.w  ivpivscntcd  in  Sussex  l.v  tlic  Ci'ofh}' 

11m\-i;.\A(;le,  Klka/.AI:  and  dolix  f  pp.  Ifi,  1 7).  Tlds  landly 
I'.ad  M'tllcd  In  Sandwieli  Icni]..  I'li/.al.ctli.  In  loCS  Mahiru  II. 
was  one  •,[  tlio  "dlacivs"  lor  nia kin-  collections  N.r  the  reilei'  ol' 
tlie    pMor,  and   lie  contributed  to  tli.dr  rellel' in  1571. 

IlL-(;n!;s.-.r,x,  J.v.mes  (p.  12),  a  native  of  Dunkirk,  settled  at 
Dover.  He  die.l  at  LIn  =  fd,  in  Kent,  at  tlie  lK.n~e  „r  Ids  son 
James  IT.,  and  was  buried  in  Lin-led  elnirch,  24i1l  .Maveli,  1C.;17, 
a^La'd  eiglily.  Their  pedigivc  and  mans  were  entered  at  tlie  A'isila- 
tion  of  Kent  anno  Kid:;  ;  and  tlie  pedigree  furtlier  continued 
in  Coll.  Ai-ni.  8  D.  14.  I.'m.  ddie  family  is  now  represented  liy 
Ivlward  Knatchbull-///',/,-....,'.,  .M.T. 

Jaxsskx,  TiiEODom;  (p.  .•Jd)  ;  A.vdkkw  (p.  51).  This  landly 
is  -till  lleairi.diing  in  and  elsewliere. 

\.x  Si:i:]:i:,  JonN  Tetku  (p.  52).  .lohn  La  Serre,  :\I.I).,  lied 
r.-oni  I'raiie,'  on  the  licvoeation  of  the  Kdiet  of  Xantes.  and  settled 
in  the  island  of  Guevns.'y.  Horn  at  ViUe  Magne,  in  Languedoc, 
in  1082;  died  10th  January,  1774;  and  was  buried  at  St.  1','ter's 
Tort,  <  iuernsey.  He  married  Esther,  daughter  of  Peter  AVhitehead. 
of  Guernsey,  ancestor  of  the  family  now  resident  in  Guernse}'. 

»  lie  i^  aljo  t-idloil  Garnu-a.  Cu-raHs.  Gn-anl,  Giierards,  Garrats.  a.i.l  GiTanlus..  In 
Walliolc's  Ancclutcs  of  I'aintcr.s  ihcrc  is  a  c.f  liiiii,  a..,l  it  is  .statc.l  tlial  "  the 
Sidney  Tapc-rs  at  Tenshuret  was  a  Irtter  IVom  Sir  Kol.ort  Sidney  to  hi;  lady,  ahout  ir.'.l", 
dcsiriii-  her  to  go  to  iMr,  GnrrnCx,  and  pay  liini  for  tlie  picture  of  licr  ami  llie  el.ildren, 
so  long  done  and  unpaid.-'  In  tlic  Ia^t  edition  of  liryan's  Dictionary  of  Painters  and 
Mngravcra  (1S19),  there  is  eonsiderahlo  .h.uht  e.ipressed  as  to  the  acoiiraey  of  these  dates, 
hnt  the  wiiter  was  evidently  not  aware  that  there  was  anotlicr  ^^(ld■  Gn-n'nl,  the  fatlier 
of  the  one  now  in  question,  who  was  also  an  artist,  and   witli  whom   lie   has  confounded 

(   A.MI1.   ^(K'.  (' 

Le  Ciievenix.  PniLir  (p.  34).  The  llunily  went  over  to 
Ireland,  and  were  at  rort;u-lhin;ton.  On  lotli  Jiuuiarv.  1745-0, 
liichard  Clicncvix,  Bishop  of  Killaloc,  was  translated  to  Waterford 
and  Lismorc." 

Le  Fevre  or  Lf,  Fei!Vi;e,  Joshua  (p.  H2);  Dakii.i.  (p. .'»!); 
Leavis  and  Samckl  (p.  55).  Tlic  name  was  originally  spelt  Le 
Febvrc.  The  family  have  been  of  long  standing  as  medical  men. 
On  15th,  IGGO,  Xicasius  Le  Febvre  was  appointed  chemist 
to  Charles  IL  with  a  lee  of  150/.  a  year.  Li  I)ecember  of  the  same 
year,  the  name  was  changed  to  Nicholas  Le  Fevre,  and  he  was 
granted  the  ollices  of  Chemist  and  Apothecary  hi  C'rdinary  to 
the  r.oyal  Family,  with  a  like  fee.''  Sebastian  Lc  F.  ALL.  ol'  Anjoii 
was  admitted  a  Licentiate  of  the  College  of  I'hysieians,  London, 
22nd  December,  1084.°  From  the  French  family  of  this  name,  long 
settled  in  Spitalficlds,  where  they  had  a  vaidt.  Lord  Lversley  is 
maternallv  descended.  His  mother,  TIelena,  the  only  daughter  of 
John  Le  !•.  of  Old  Ford  (who  ob.  1800),  mari-ied  Chailes  Shaw  of 
Lincoln's  Lm,  who  tonk  the  name  and  arms  of  Le  F.  in  July,  1780. 

Louz.vDA,  J.  C  (p.  52).  Jacob  Baruh  Lousada,  of  the  city  of 
London,  son  of  Ihnanucl  Baruh  Lousada,  of  the  island  of  Jamaica, 
died  in  October,  1753,  and  was  buried  at  :\Lle-Fnd.     lie  married 

"  Scu  Ulster  Journal  of  Avch.xology,  vol.  iii.  p.  223,  and  iv.  p.  21;'.. 

>•  On  lOth  Oct.  1061,  tlicrc  arrivcfl  for  Nicliolas  Le  F.  36  i«u-ks  of  instruments,  drii^-s, 
anil  diemicil  matcri.ils,  which  were  to  be  discharged  at  .St.  .Tames,  free  from  f 'iistoins.  I  To 
did  not,  however,  oljtain  his  fees,  and  when  he  claimed  them  the  Board  of  Green  Clolh 
reported  that  there  \v;vs  hut  ono  apothecary  allowed  for  the  household,  and  the  place  was 
settled  on  John  Jones.  In  March  IG65  he  obtained  an  order  for  a  fee  of  iVl.  a  year,  and 
in  April  UOi  a  year  for  board  wages,  12/.  a  year  for  lovrhc  of  Court,  and  -U.  19s.  ed.  a 
month  for  fuel  for  laboratory;  yet  the  salary  was  paid  only  to  the  preceding  December,  and 
on  the  settlement  of  the  Household,  only  one  apotliccary  being  again  allowed,  no  pro- 
vision was  made  for  Lo  Fevre.  Again  his  arrears  were  paid,  and  in  Feb.  1604  he  was 
properly  added  to  the  Houseliold.— Mrs.  Green's  Cal.  Dom.  S.  1'.  0.   Charles  1!. 

"    Muni;,  Roll  of  the  College  of  Phvsicians,  vol.  i.  p.  4(i5. 

Aljii_'ail,  daiigliter  of  Is:mc   Lamego,  of  Jamaica,  by  whom  lie  luiJ 
a  fimily,  some  of  wliosc  descendants  are  living." 

3IAUTINEAU,  Gaston  (p.  5G).  In  the  French  cluirch  at  Xur- 
wich  is  a  talilet  in  memory  of  "  Gaston  il.  of  Dieppe,  surgeon,  who 
lelt  France  on  the  Fiovoeation  of  the  Edict  of  Xantes  in  1G85,  and 
setded  at  Norwich  in  1(195;  and  of  David  UAih  son,  lilccwise  a 
skilful  surgeon.  He  married  Elizabeth  Finch,  by  whom  he  left  one 
son  and  two  daughters,  and  died  29th  :\Iuy,  1729,  aged  thirty-two. 
And  also  of  Ids  son  David  }>I.  born  in  1720,  and  who  died  19th 
X'ovcmbcr,  17()8,  aged  forty-two,  also  a  surgeon.  He  married  Sarah 
Meadows,  who  died  in  1800."  They  were  all  buried  in  that  church. 
The  last-mentioned  David  II.  hud  five  sons,  Philip  .Aleadows 
(a  surgeon),  David,  Peter  Finch,  John,  and  Thomas;  and  from 
these  .Miss  Harriet  M  and  all  llie  present  liimily  of  I^Iartlneau  have 
descended.     (E.x  inf.  J.  Fred.  .Martineau,  Es,p) 

jMkxdez,  pEituiNANDO  (p.  52),  was  phy::ician  in  ordinary  to 
Catherine  the  Queen  Dowager  of  Charles  IL  He  was  created  a 
fellow  of  the  College  of  Physicians  in  London  by  the  charter  of 
James  II.,  and  was  admitted  12th  April,  1087.^ 

.Mi;tivii:i;,  John  (p.  -Hi).  A  lamily  of  this  name  is  of  note  in 
Guerusey,  and  one  mendjcr  is  connected  by  marriage  with  the  very 
ancient  lamily  of  Piil.vuLX  there. 

"  Grants  Coll.  of  Arms,  vol.  xiii.  ful.  2jj. 

I'  Jlunk,  vol.  i.  p.  431.  I''roin  tl.e  louiuL-ition  of  tho  College  of  Phjsichins  in  Luii.lun, 
ni;iny  furoi-iiers  wore  aamitteil,  .iiiJ  in  udiUlion  lo  tliu  names  given  Dr.  MuiiU 
HKiitions  the  following  among  tlic  admissions  between  lUSl  and  lUS'J  :— 

John  Dui-r.vt,  Jl.U.  of  Jtontpellier;   Lie.  1  Oet.  liiSS. 

Joii,v  tiuuENVELT,  .M.l).  of  Oavcnter  in  Ilollan.I,  Lie.  "2  April,  lGb3. 

l'iiu.u-  GuniK,  M.D.  of  Jlontpellier,  Lie.  Uie  same  day. 

JusiiLM  Le  [''LEUiti:,  created  a  fellow  by  cdiarler  of  James  IL.  admitted  12  April,  I'isT. 

Lkwis  Le  VAsr-ui:,  a  Pari.^ian  ;   Lie.  2  Oet.  1CS3. 

.lojiani  Macclei:!:,  M.I),  of  .MontpelUer;    Lie.  S  .lune,  lu-S'J. 

1'en'hv  .MuliltlXLI,  an  ;    Lie.  25  .hine,  lOSl. 

Joii.N  Peachi  of  Caen;  Lie.  2d  .July,  Li.'-G. 

MiXET,  Ajiiskosk  and  Isaac  (p.  oH).  Aml-nw  'M.  was  lu.m 
about  IGO.J  at  Corinon  Of  its  vleiuhy  In  I'icanly.  II.-  ^va-  a  Ih'vuum 
aii.l  iiilial.ltant  of  Calais,  aiul  dicJ  tliere  i]i  1(17.3.  II,'  inaiTir.l 
Susan  llallronguf,  by  whom  he  had  a  niinicrous  laniilv,  who  wciv 
dispersed  in  eonsequenee  of  the  Revocation  of  the  Kdiet  of  Nanti's. 
IJis  widow,  and  sons  Thomas  and  Isaac,  landeil  at  Driver  in  KiSd. 
Thomas  settled  at  (,'anterbury ;  and  Ixiae,  who  was  l)orn  at  Calais 
In  IGGO,  settled  in  London  with  his  bn.tbcr  Andjfoi--.  The 
pedigree  and  arms  of  thh^  family  were  reconled  iu  Coll.  Arm.  In 
tlie  latter  part  of  the  last  century/' 

iMoiiiLLox,  Jacou  and  Amuu:  fp.  8);  loniKitr  (p.  IJ );  doiix 
(p.  10).      The  family  have  continued   in  Kent  to  th,-  presou('  time. 

Ouvitl,  Ja.MI>,  (p.  39),  also  used  as  a  Chvi-lian  name  by  th.' 
Kensseau  fimily  (p.  ry.i),  became  settled  in  Spitalfields,  and  were 
owners  of  Ireeholds  thcie  in  the  early  part  of  the  last  century. 
IT-ederie  Ouvry,  b:s.p,  now  Treasurer  of  the  Suei.-ty  tif  Antiquaries, 
traces  his  desca,!  fi'om  John  Ouvry,  b.  1707  and  ub.  177-1,  who 
marri.'d  ?ilary  h.eauvoir,  and  had  two  daughters,  one  of  whoiu, 
3Iagdalen,  died  unmarried  in  \7r,5,  and  the  other,  ^lary.  married 
I'etcr  Saubcrgue;  an.l  one  son,  Peter,  who  married  Franei.<ea,  eldest 
daughter  ol'  Aime  (.iarnault,  of  Coleman  Street,  and  Tull's  Cros.--, 
Enlield,  a  proprietor  of  iu  Beds,''  and  granddaughter  of  Ayme 
C,  a  liimily  of  note  in  I'icardy,  hut  now  extinct,  in  the  male  line  in 
England.  The  father  of  Sir  Samuel  Eoudlly -^  married  Margaret, 
only  d.  of  vVyme  G.,  sen.,  and  aunt  of  Francisca  O.     The  eldest  son 

■■'  .MS.  C.n.  Ann.s,  Xoilnlk,  ii.  ,,.  12. 

Ingnun.     MS.  Coil.  Arms,  q.  1,  ful.  107. 

c  I'otCM-  Uoniiily,  tlie  liitli.T,  was  born  in  lGS-1  at  IMonlrc-llicr  in  France,  and  canu,  to 
England  from  Geneva,  wliicli  he  visiter!  in  1701.  (Jlemoirs  of  Sir,  .SamuH  Koinilly,  i. 
1)|,.  2-4.)  Tlie  Master  of  tlie  Rolls  is  not  therefore  a  dcscentUnit  of  oir.  of  il,e  refiiKi  ..s 
driven  out  of  Kran.'e  on  tl,e  leiocation  of  llie  Edict  of  Nantes. 


of  I'cter  uud  Fiancisca  0.  \v:is  I'ctrr  Aiiue  0.,  who  UKUTk'il  Surah 
Amelia  DcLinain,  and  lull  six  children:  the  I'lev.  IVtcr  ().,  miirrii-il, 
and  has  issue;  Lieat.-Col.  Henry  AiniJ  0.,  0.15.,  married;  l-rederie 
0.,  Trcas.S. A.,  married;  llcv.  Juhn  North  OiivryXorth;  Franelsea 
Ingram  0.;  and  Sarah  :\Iary  U.,  married  Francis  Sibson,  :\I.D.,F.U.S. 
The  name  still  continues  in  tlie  neighbourhood  of  I'ie[)pe. 

Paget,  C.'ESak  (p.  47).  A  French  family  of  this  name,  still 
flourishing  in  Leicestershire,  was  settled  there  in  the  time  of  Fli/.a- 
beth  by  A'alerian  P.  lie  liad  a  son  Leonard,  whose  descendant, 
Tlromas  P.  of  Ilunibcrstone,  is  the  present  head  of  the  family,  and 
Charles  P.,  one  of  the  younger  branch,  is  now  ]\L  P.  lor  Xotting- 
liam.     This  Ca:sar  was  Irowever  of  a  dillerent  lannly. 

Pallavicini,  J,  G.  (p.  28j.  A  portion  of  this  limiily  was  .settled 
in  London  as  early  as  L581,  wlien  Horatio  P.,  who  was  an  Italian 
of  tlic  state  of  Genoa,  was  returned  as  one  of  the  strangers  who  did 
not  go  to  cliureh,^ind  in  1.3HS  he  subscribed  .3U0/.  towards  tlie 
to  the  queen,''  Nicholas  de  (^oz7.\  Ijeing  the  oidy  other  stranger  who 
subscribed  so  large  an  amount.  Horatio  P.,  who  was  of  Pabraham, 
CO.  Gamb.  was  knighted,  and  was  of  considerable  Impurtance  in  the 
reign  of  h^li/.alietli.  .Many  particidars  of  him  are  given  in  i\Ial- 
eolm's  Londiuium  I'Lcdivivum,  vol.  i.  pp.  0-14-.3,  and  in  Hawkins's 
edition  of  Ignoramus,  p.  x."  His  I'uneral  achievements  are  displayeil 
in  the  MSS.  of  the  College  of  Arms,  I.  16,  and  there  is  an  elalio- 
rate  pedigree  of  the  family  in  Litta's  Celebrated  Italian  Fanulics, 
vol.  iii.  James  Grosljy,  l^sij.,  F'.S.A.,  has  kindly  sent  me  the  liil- 
lowin;:-  extracts  from  the  parish  registers  of  London : — 

es.  On  Jtury's  dcatli  lie  bfc';in\c  a  I'lotustimt,  jirocuruil 
pocketed  Uie  money  he  Ii;ul  rccelveil  for  tlie  Pope.  Tlii 
I  way  of  aeeountiiig  for  tlio  iiccuiiiary  trouliles  of  liis  ilcsoc 


St.  BoTOLi-ii,  nisiiopSGATF..  Biiptisiiis :  IGOO,  April  25,  Ifenry  tlic  soime 
of  Sir  Iloiiitio  raulavicino,  kn',  baptized.  Y*^  C'nuiites.s  ol'  SIii-osbiirlL', 
the  yconjrc,  dcputif  lor  y°  Quceues  Jlujc'Stio,  buliig  goJniotln.'!-;  tlie  Lord 
TrL';isurer  and  y"  Earlc  of  Shrosburic  godfathers. 

St,  Giles,  Ckii'I'leg.vte.  Baptisms:  1G12-3,  Jan.  12,  Kathoriiio, 
daughter  of  Edward  Paukivizcne,  gent. 

Sfveral  members  of  this  flunily  married  into  that  of  Cromwell. 

I'apillox,  D.vvid  (p  88).  The  family  were  till  lately  of  Aerisc 
Plaee,  Kent,  and  are  now  of  Crowhiirst,  Sussex;  having  intermarried 
v.dtli  an  heiress  of  the  Pelhams.  David  was  imprisoned  three  years 
at  Avranches  on  account  of  his  religion.  Thomas  1'.  sat  for  Dover 
temp.  Charles  II.,  and  for  Loudon  10th  Wm.  III.  Philip  0.  P.  is 
now  JI.P.  Ibr  Colchester.      Sec  also  P.urke's  Landed  Gentry,  p.  'JVC 

PiGOU,  John  (p.  35) ;  STKrnEX  (p.  40);  Jami:s  (p.  4  1).  The 
fitniily  have  continued  in  Sussex  and  Kent,  and  still  carry  on  tlie 
manufacture  of  gunpowder. 

EiCKEWAUD,  Jacol;  (pp.  15  and  16).  The  name  has  been 
slightly  corrupted,  but  tlie  family  remain  in  Sussex. 

PoussEL,  PowAi.N  (p.  30);  Jacoi!  (p.  53);  Isaac  ( p.  72). 
Through  the  favour  of  Joseph  Gwllt,  fiscp,  F.S.A.,  T  can  give  the 
following  particidars  of  this  family.  Laurens  K.  was  born  at  <.^uille- 
Lu:uf,  3rd  Oct.  159D.  Ills  direct  descendant,  Isaac  P.,  disenibarked 
in  London  in  1699,  from  whom  descended  a  P.  who  married  Sir 
Griffith  Jleredlth,  a  daughter  of  whom,  Jlary  Ca-iHitli,  born  June 
15th,  174L,  married  Jan.  16th,  1768,  Peter  Peuzevillu,of  Spltaifields. 
They  had  two  daughters, —  Susanna;  and  Bridget  P.  born  21st  Oct. 
1770,  who  married,  1795,  John  Curtis  Byles,  born  1777  :  she  died 
17ili  :\rareh,  1829,  and  he  in  1833.  Their  second  son,  John  Beuze- 
viUe  Pyles,  born  1801,  married  in  1827  JIartha  Soundy,  and  is  still 
living  at  Ilenley-on-Thames,  where,  as  at  Peading,  Pangbouriie,  and 
other  jdaces  on  the  banks  ol' the  Thames,  silk-mills  formerly  existed. 


ToRiN,  Daniel  (j>.  ?,a);  At.kaiiam  (p.. "-7);  F-LiZAr.r.Tn  (p.  .'J7): 
Samuel  (p.  5'J).     Tlic  dcsccnaaiUs  are  yet  living. 

TuKQUAND,  Peter  (p.  48).  The  family  were  of  Cluitel-liciaiilt, 
in  the  department  of  Viennr',  near  Poitiers,  and  arc  ttill  in  London. 

Varennes,  John  de  (p.  .JO).  The  family  ulll  remains  in 
Enrrland.  The  Rev.  G.  V.,  D.D.,  rector  of  AVertley-Waterlcs?,  cm. 
Cand.ridge,  left  an  only  danghter,  the  wife  of  the  Pev.  .Jos.  Gill, 
rector  of  StapleluirPt,  Kent,  who  took  the  name  of  "\'arcnne,  hv 
licence,  25i]i  April,  1816.     Ezcklcl  G.  Y.  is  now  a  snrgcon  in  F.sscx. 

In  the  days  when  these  returns  were  made,  the  sillc  manidacture 
in  England  existed  only  in  London  and  Canterbury.^  The  free- 
men of  the  city  o['  London  carrying  on  the  trade  of  Silk-throwers 
were  erected  into  a  fellowsliip  Ijy  an  order  of  the  Court  of  Alder- 
men in  the  reign  of  James  I.;  but,  finding  themselves  too  weak  to 
rectify  abuses  and  establish  ordinances  for  the  true  working  oi'  that 
trade,  by  which  6,000  or  7,000  poor  people  were  rclh'ved  or  sus- 
tained, they  petitioned  Charles  1.  for  a  charter  of  incm'poration, 
whicli  was  granted  23rd  jVjn-il  1G"29.  The  or-linances  were  allowed 
on  the  20th  July,  1G2'J.  After  the  Pcstoration  the  charter  was 
enlarged  by  Act  of  Parliament  in  1GG2  (1-1  Car.  11.  c.  15),  by 
which  it  was  enacted  that  no  person  in  England  should  use  the 
trade  except  after  a  seven  years'  apprenticeship,  under  a  penalty  of 
forty  shillings  a  month:  and  all  masters  then  using  the  trade,  and 
all  who  had  been  apprentices  for  seven  years,  and  were  within  Lon- 
don or  Westminster,  or  within  twenty  ndles,  were  before  the  25th 
December,  1G62,  to  be  admitted  into  the  Company.  At  this  time 
the  preamble  states  that  above  forty  thousand  persons  were  em- 
ployed by  the  company  in  and  about  London.  They  have  never 
enforced  their  compulsory  powers  against  persons  carrying  on  trade 

"  At  Norwich,  S.intl-.vicli,  ami  ColLlicstur,  stufla,  Ijaizes,  and  sayos  were  maimfacturutl. 


filwvc  twenty  miles  fruin  London.  Tlie  sUttute  pixiliilnts  lliciu  fi'om 
fixing  tni.le  prices  J' 

'['lie  Silkmou  of  London  also  once  ranked  as  a  City  Company. 
They  were  incorporated  by  letters  patent,  ."Otli  .May,  li'.:'.!,  and 
on  the  llitli  ^larch  following  a  proclamation  was  issued  IVoni  Ni'w- 
niarkct  for  the  well  onlerlng  of  the  silk  trade  tliroughont  Lngland," 
but  nothing  is  now  known  concerning  the  Coin])aiiy.° 

The  Silk-weavers  of  Canterbury  obtained  thc!li-  charter  in  KuO. 

It  was  not  until  1719  that  Mr  (afterwards  Sir  ThonKl^  W.ombe 
and  his  brother  erected  at  Derby  the  famous  silk-mill  bu-  throwing 
silk,  from  models  which  he  had  clandostinelv  obtained  li-(jm  Ital}'. 
From  that  time  the  manuflrcture  spread  itself  widely;  and  1  cannot 
conclude  this  Litroductlon  better  than  by  stating  that  in  a  list, 
prepared  by  Josiab  liolnnson,  l-'sq.,  of  the  places  in  bhigland  in 
which  the  tbrov.dng  is  now  carried  on,  thcj-e  are  enumerated  sixty- 
two  towns  or  places,  of  which  the  principal  arc;  I'ruton,  Sumeiset; 
Cogglc-hall;  Conglelon;  Coventry;  Derby;  Devizes;  I'^veshain; 
Fronre;  Gloucester;  Iluddersfiehl ;  Leek;  iMaeclesfield  ;  .Manchester; 
Xewcastle-nnder-Lyne;  Norwich;  Nottingham;  St.  Alban's;  Sand- 
bacb,  Cheshire;  Stroud,  Gh.ucester;  Sudbury;  Taunton;  Tewkes- 
bury;  Tiverton;  Tring,  Herts;  and  Watford. 

■'  lU-iu.rtol  Municipa!  Corponaion  Cummissiuners,  ISJi,  ]..  2;'l. 

»  Linico's  Cal.  S.  P.  0.  Doni.  vol.  oc.xiv.  In  the  next  tho  silk  dyers  ■>(  \.nn.U,u 
conipljiincd  tli:it  an  Act  iireinirecl  in  llic  invcBilinir  year  lor  iireventinL'  abnses  in  sill,  ilve- 


Among  the   State   Papers   (Domestic)   arc  the   I'oUowimi- 
returns  of  the  Eeign  of  James  I. : 

[Domestic  James  I.  vol.  131' art.  104.] 


The  howsehoMcrs  being  strangers  wltliin  the  libcrtie  of  Sf.  Martin's  h 
Granil,  London. 

Martin  Dructt. 

Garret  A'anbedber. 

Wyddowc  Mynues. 

Alexander  Wlllson. 

Gyllam  Pullin. 

Eogcr  Swarston. 

Jacob  Poyster. 

Anthony  Delysscley. 

Alexander  Murrye. 

Jeames  ]Mytchell. 

Nyeholas  Comersye. 

Nyeholas  Deport. 

John  Brando. 

Bonaventure  Lylle. 

Gyles  Seres. 

Antliony  Meryck. 

Alexander  AVilliamson. 

Jeames  Smythe. 

Lodwyek  Tusc. 

Harmon  De  Weman. 

Cornelis  Cloiepis. 

Xycholas  Blorae. 

Jessper  Frcdryck. 

William  Peterson. 

John  Coultryse. 

iVndryan  Dcblangyc. 

Elizabeth  Wyatt. 

Elyatt  Vanderheade. 

Jolin  Descharfe. 

Wynkin  Poyster. 

Matthias  Gylbi;rt. 

John  Seelye 

Piobert  Younge. 

Andryan  Vandermcr. 

Garret  Vandcrbg. 

Gyllam  Tyon. 

.John  Pookes. 

Gregory  Princell. 

Gabriel  Ilarrye. 

Henry  Tyon. 

Peter  Frlckall. 

Arnold  Murrye. 

Jeames  Detiic. 

Hanssc  Cornetis. 

Wyddowc  Rosinck. 

Fraunccs  Deryckson. 

Conrat  Rainoldes. 

Wydowe  Xpian.  ^ 

Andryan  Princell. 

John  Jeames. 

Gyles  Vangalin. 

{In  dorsv.)  S'  Martin's  Ice  graund,  London. 

»  There  remain  unly  portions  of  the  returns  from  London 

made  to  the  commissioners  ap- 

pointed  in  1S21,  and  I  have  tV 

icrcforc  printed  the  returns  of  1  CIS  in  the  Appendi.-i  (j.ost,  p.  CO). 

1.  Qucrc  Christian  ? 

r.v:\iD.  .soc. 

B     * 


[Uon.L'Stic,  J^ic.  I.  vol.  r2<,  art.  4G.] 

A  note  of  all  sucli  Allien  straunger<,  Frenehe  mv\  Duteli,  wliicli  v/orcke 

and  use  the  Cutler's  trade  in  and  al'out  Lomloit,  Wt'stmlntitiir, 

Strond,  SoiithwarcL-e,  and  East  Siiu/fJifelUk. 

Peter    Brockc,    denisen,  a    ni>-  of  Daltusar  Pheiglar,  )iu  denizeine,  a 

longc  tyme.  ^cr vaunt. 

Peter  Balse, no  denisen,  a  tervaunt-  Angle  Bret  Euans,  no  deni7,eine, 

Oudenall    Cratcli,    ilenizen,  a   ser-  a  servauut. 

vaunt.  Jonas   ;\lelshar,   denizeine,   a  ser- 

Gregory    Eves,  no   denizeine,   yet  vaunt. 

worckcth  as  a  JP  a  longe  tynie,  Adam   Faslovcn,    no   denizeine,  a 

beinge  olde  and  poore.  servaunl. 

George    Sca^e,    a    denizeine,    and  Peter  Spetzey,  denizeine,  a  ^P  of 

u  Sp.  late  tyme. 

John   Prcstwood,   no   denizein,    a  Peter  Garret,  denizeine,    a    M''  of 

servaunt.  longe  tyme. 

Lambert   Peterson,    no  denizeine,  Ilaunce  Spright,  (lenlzeinc,  a  "Si"' 

a  servaunt.  longe  tyme. 

Widowe  Lambert,  a  deiuzelne   a  Joliii  West,  no  denizeine,  a  jJ'  of 

longe  tyme.  late  tyme. 

William  Beillse,   no    denizeine,   a  Clem[eut]  Semp[er], no  denizeine. 

servaunt.  a  servaunt. 

]NLathew  ALirgren,  a  Frencheman,  John    Johnson,    no    dimizeine,    a 

no  denizein,  a  -\P'.  servaunt. 

John  PawU,  a  frenchman,  a  deni-  Jacob   Sliephard,   no   deniz.:-ine,  a 

z/iiic,  a  JP.  servaunt. 

Anthoney  Bone,  alias  Gilberdson,  Andrew  Frystell,  no   denizeine,  a 

no  denizeine,  a  servaunt.  iP. 
.lohu  llannce,  a  denizeine,  a  I\P  of  Henry  Lyskens, denizeine ;  havinge 
longe  tyme.  sword  blades  sent  him  by  mar- 
George   Chcrretrce,  no   denizeine,  ehauntcs  from  beyondo  the  seas, 
a  ]\P  of  lunge  tyme.  to  sell  by  grosse  as  all  other  mer- 



cliaunts  ilo  or,  lie  pclktli 
them  by  dozcinc  and  half  do7.einc, 
and  in  smaller nombor  by  rctayle, 
to  the  great  hurtc  and  damage  of 
the  company  hi  gencrall,  and 
some    other    particular    persons 

(//(  A  note  of  alliens  straungcrs  using  and  cxcrcisinge  the  art 
of  Cutluric  in  London,  AYcstminster,  Strond,  Sowthwarcke,  and  East 
Smythfeild,  tlii.-*  xj'"  of  I\hirchc,  1621. 

who  htiy  of  the  saidc  swordcs 
blades  of  others,  and  beinge  free- 
men do  retayle  the  same,  who, 
by  his  retaylinge  in  that  manner, 
ar  much  hyndered. 

[Dom.  Jiic.  I.  ' 

The  names  of  the 
Ccnwilnc.   Peter  Spit<j'n-, 

Gcrinaine.  Clement  Slampcare, 
James  Lanfiin, 
John  Dawson, 
Jacob  Shophousey, 

('t'eniu'iiic.  Jonas  Melcher, 

AMUiam  Vananwirk, 
Andrew  Fastihj, 
Teter  Garrett, 

John  Leonard, 


Leonard  Vandenboan, 
Gcrmainc.   Gyles  Eudd, 
John  Smith, 

Peter  Brock, 

.  128,  art.  47.] 

rangers  Cutleks. 

.S'  Andrewes  in   Holbornc, 

S'  Andrewes  in  Ilolborne. 
Allhallowes  Berking. 
Alhallowcs  great,  in  Thames 
Butt[olph's]  without  Algat( 
S'  Brides. 
S'  Brides. 
S'  Brides. 
S'  Brides. 
S'  Brides. 
S'  Giles  in  the  Feilds. 
S'  Giles  in  the  Feilds. 
S'  George  Southwark. 
S'  Georue  Southwark. 



Peter  Bai?d,  S'  George  Soutliwrirk. 

Ga-)ivinii.        George  Clieritree,  .Alargarctts,  AVestiuiuster. 

John  West,  Ohivcs,  Southwark. 

Antlionic  Gilderton,  Tlionias  Apostle,  Southwark. 

Richard  Loan,  Stepney,  in  KatclliVe  ILnnWett. 

OuJeuall  Cratch. 

Gregory  Evcrs,  in  Est  Smythi'eild,  very  pore. 

George  Scatc. 

John  Prestwood,  in  S'  Olaves,  by  the  Church. 

Widow  Lambert,  by  S'  Kathrens  Dock. 

EitijU.^h-hurn.  Lambert  Peterson,  att  il"-  Jenkcs,  upon  Tower  dock. 

AVilliam  Balse,  is  with  Lambert,  att  il'  Jenkes. 

I\Lithew  :\IargTcn,  in  Bhickfryers,  the  King's  servant, 
[Useth  not  tlio  trade,  but  is  the  King's  servaunt  or  uicsscngcr.] 

John  PawlL 

John  Haunse. 

Baltazcr  Pheiglcr. 

Angle  Brett  Euans. 

Oldam  Faslovcn. 

Haunse  Sprigh't,  by  ileet  Lane. 

John  Johnson,  ncre  the  pumpe  in  Est  sinythiciltl. 

Henry  Ll^kens. 

.     These  to  come  at  ton  of  the  Clock  on  Monday  morning  next. 

[19  ,^Llv.  1G21-2.   19  Jao.  L  Ibid.  :u-t.  GO,  On  i.] 

A  rcporte  made  by  the  JIaistor  and  Wardens  of  the  Compiiny  of 
,L)VNEi;s,  Ceeleks,  and  Caiiveus  w"'in  the  City  oC Loiii/"n,  of 
all  the  strangers  borne,  iuhabitinge  and  dwoUingc  w'""in  the 
city  of  London  and  liberties  thereof,  and  w"'in  the  Borougho_of 
Snut/„r,u-Lv  (so  nooro  as  they  can  be  collected),  which  .lue  use   the 


arte  or  mistcry  of  joyniiige,  ccelinge,  and  carvingc,  as  well  the 
iinii.^ters  as  the  servants,  by  -whoine  the  euU  Corporaclon  doe 
receive  grcate  detriment  and  losse  by  meaucs  of  theire  private  and 
seacrett  -woorkingc. 

Tm:  M^vsTEks.  Tin;  Seiivams. 

Ilannan  Jaspers.  Lucas  Scidke. 

Wilbert  Spere.  John  Ilenrlckson.  1792540 

r.arne  Wildrick. 

Charles . 

Anthony  ilyros. 
Nicholas  L)r_'rrani. 
John  Ctruell. 
Bartell  ToLde. 
John  Lovingsbone. 
John  AA'dand. 

The  Dukes  Place. 
retcT  Garlyson.  Mathyas  Jlurys. 

Joyce  Oger.  Ilaunce  KuUcr. 

Nicholas  Welters. 
Derrick  llcbdcn.  Ilance  Langraan. 

Erasmus  Ilenrvekson. 

Francis  Vanaburse  with  John 
Simon  Derrcall.  John  JJarnes. 

John  Buck. 
Thomas  Longc. 
John  Glorio.'' 

Ilaunce  llcrick. 

Francis  ilyros  with  -James  Sim 
Is  Araller,  of  the  puri.he  .,f  S'.  Androwes  in  Iluljjoi 


Diitcliman,  Ly  prolesslon   an   instrument  niaker,  and  noc  denizen 

iselti.'  rcportetli). 

:pet]i  a  lujiise  and  servantt 
William  Goslon,  'Mix 
Richard  Bowtoun, 

(Indorsed.)     To  tlie  rig! 

Erasnnis  Ilcndrlck, 
Jocc  Vtgar, 
Symon  de  Eyall, 
Newii'oton  Green.  Samuel 
Salomon  de  themps. 

Derrick  Holding, 
Ilauuce  Langman, 
Harmon  Ilendrick, 
Danicll  Gallcre, 
John  Glorye, 
Harm  an  Jasper, 
William  Xiningliurst 
John  Greenwell, 
John  Lovingston, 
•  -Vdani  Bold  ton, 
John  AVilland, 
Bartholomew  Powell, 
Wilbcrt  Speece, 

John  Hcndrick, 
Thomas  de  Longs, 
Peter  Gowatso. 

[Indorsed.)     Joyncrs. 

^  War 
lIor.ERTE  Linton,        i 

t  worshipful  Sir  Rob'  Heathe,  Knight 


Dukes  plaee. 
the  same. 
Kath.  Creechurch. 
A'anhan,      Kath.  Creechurch,  a  silver 
Kath.  Creechurch,  noc  trai 

Kath.  Creechurch. 
Kath.  Creechurch. 
Kath.  Creechurch. 
Leonards,  ShoreJitch. 
Olaves,  Hart  Street. 
The  same. 
The  same. 
The  same. 
The  same. 

The  same,  poor  and  left  tl 
The  same. 
The  same. 
The  same,  workes  n''  my  I. 

The  same. 
Trinity,  Mynories. 


^o.  of 

^funday  in  ye  afternoon 
Charles  y"  man  a  Baker  in  Southwark. 


[Dom.  Jac.  L  vol.  139,  art.  5?.] 
Endorsed  upon  ;m  undated  petition  of  Zucliarias  Paiyting,  Candle-maker 
of  London,  "  borne  in  tliis  kingdom  altlio'  of  Duteh  parents,  and 
married  unto  a  frecmans  widow  witli  many  small  cliildren." 

Tallow  Chandlers.  '    . 

liobcrt  Wilson. 

CoIqi^.  not  bound. 

Petes  Beard. 
Abral'.am  Mr 
Jacob  I'arkit., 
J'aseall  King. 
Susann  King. 
ISartliolomew  Yancrunbur 
Zacliary  Writing. 

Daniel  1  Robertes. 

Samuell  Clerk,  of  a  Duteli  funil 

born  in  England,  not  b'jinid. 
Leon'^  Vunderlind. 
John  van  Pean. 
Daniel  CIcmcnty,  in  S'.  George 

lane,  neere  Puddinn-e  lane. 

The  Catalogue  of  tl 
English,  borne 

Jean  du  Beuf. 
Philippe  deNeu  lev 
Philiin>e    de    Xeu    1 

[Don..  James  I.  vol.  131,  art.  100] 

le  Names  of  the  Artisans,  Strangers,  Denison? 
of  the  'Wallon  congregation  of  Cantcrbcri/. 


Gilles  Mottc. 
Oste  Messcman. 
Vincent  Fcrrot. 
Anthoine  do  Paehe, 
Anthoine  Pron. 
Anthoine  Mellon. 
Jean  Oudart. 
Esaje  de  Lobeau  I'ais 
Esaie  LoilVov 


Florcn  So 
Ja.jues  IP 
Andre  Pron. 
Pierre  du  Bos. 
Jaqus  Bultel. 
Jarpies  JMeuneche. 
Jean  Maton. 
ilartin  Fran9ois. 
Jacob  du  Bois. 
Roger  do  Salome. 
Francois  SI.x. 
:ne.   Jean  do  Beuer. 
Noe  Thierv. 

Jai"[ncs  du  Pi  en. 
Jean  Desmari'tz. 
Estienne  Daguc. 
Nicholas  Houque. 
Tilichiel  Lo  Clercq. 
Jean  Ilouze. 
Corneille  Sede. 
Jaques  Cardon. 
Jean  Ic  *_'lcrcq. 
Tonssain  Acart. 
Pierre  Mercher. 
Charles  Ou.lel. 
Anthoine  LaL;-aco. 


Jcnn  I.ousart. 
Pran^ois  Lcsngo. 
Jaqucs  Desbonuries. 
Pierre  jMarqurint. 
Dimiol  Lc  Yc^uQ. 
Alu'aliam  Masquiliere. 
Jaques  ChastL'au. 
Jean  lc  Elan. 
Simon  Bade. 
Jaqiics  le  Clcrcq. 
Daniel  Fer. 
Tiniotliee  Basure. 
Nicolas  Casset. 
Pierre  du  I'oi.-. 
Enoc  de  la  Jlarliere. 
Pierre  de  Lcspcnne. 
Joan  de  Vogliel. 
Jean  Le  Poultrc. 
Antlioinc  Muliieu. 
Jean  Doizo. 
Pierre  Pourtraiet. 
Simon  do  Linmcaux. 
Jean  Bnieart. 
Loiijs  Le  Clercq. 
Isaac  du  Buisson. 
Anthoinc  Jacquemont. 
FraiK^ois  Jacquemont. 
Charles  IMotti. 
Jean  Petit. 
Lauren  Beth. 
Louis  de  Piov. 
Jean  Cacli.'ui-. 
Jean  de  Lillers  I'aisne. 

Arnold  de  Lillcrs. 
Anthoine  Gurauelie. 
Jean  Cornette. 
Andre  de  Aloury. 
Pierre  Laurens. 
Auiand  Wijbaut. 
Pierre  Plorv. 
GiUes  Guenin. 
Jean  Messenian. 
Jaques  Pinehoii. 
Jaques  de  la  Marlierc. 
Jaques  Provost  I'aisne. 
Aiiiaud  Tauornier. 
(Pdle  du  \:d. 
Pierre  du  Hem. 
Pierre  Bogart, 
Pierre  Lausollo. 
Joan  Le  Plan. 
Pi.ljort  Le  Peburo. 
Xirolas  de  Parnacqucs. 
.Viitlioine  Canez. 
l'"ran(,'oi3  Puton 
Priie  du  l\Iiuy. 
Nicolas  Ca])pon. 
Jaques  du  Bos. 
Jaques  de  Lcspaul. 
Paul  de  Farnaequcs. 
Bouilacc  Lc  Fay. 
Joan  do  le  Bccque. 
Jean  IHi  Bos. 
Giiillame  Belengion. 
Philippe  Bcrtho. 
Nicolas  Francois. 
Phdippe  llennain. 

,   IN   KN(il.ANi). 

(tuontin  Gallemar. 
Anthoine  Ilorhaut. 
Claude  iMcignot. 
Joan  ]\hirtin. 
Daniel   Corauelle. 
Oste  DolYermout. 
Simon  Pcfa. 
Jacob  i\Iorlllon. 
Jean  Barquols. 
Iluben  Duuchemon 
Ba.tleu  Cand.ieu. 
Valentin  ;\laearel. 
Philippe  iVeart. 
Chrestophel  Ferrot. 
Andre  Cappon. 
Jesse  du  P.nt. 
Pierre  Cornart. 
Elie  Bonlengor. 
Nicolas  de  Santlnu-i 
Andre  du  Pion. 

Jean  i\Ieurissc. 
Anthoinc  Laoutro. 
Jean  Roiisollo. 
Nicolas  Ferrot. 
George  Balaine. 
Jaques  Cornart. 
Jaques  Jlotte. 
Andre  iMorilh.n. 
Joan  Piorriuin. 



Pierre  Cottin. 

AlullMiiio   ]\vh<r 


Gui'^bin  Gnllcmar. 

Francois  Dlondean. 

Fery  Lovedain. 

Sanuiel  dv  le  iluillcrc 

.    Pierre  Perrot. 

Miehic  Ilenneton. 

Robert  Morilloii. 

Alard  Daral. 

l-i-mj.-j  du    iilen. 

Jean  Donnaing. 

Jo;.-:e  Grimanport. 

Qucntin  Wijbaiif. 

Isaac  de  Wee. 

-Jean  de  ^'isme. 

Cliarles  Maue. 

Jean  Prime. 

Ostc  le  .Mart. 

Jean  .AL.nnoke. 

Jean  Martin. 

I'asquier  Poste. 

.Alichie  Lo  Puv.      • 

Jean  do  Ic  Porte  I'aisnc 

;   Denis  Wijbaut. 

.lean  de  Xcu. 

Jean  dele  Porte  lojeune 

!   Jean  Courteau. 

Jean  Snellaeri  I'ais)! 

Israel  Caron. 

Loujs  Ic  doux. 

-Miehie  de  le  Becqnc 

jVntlioine  Six. 

Pierre  le  Lieure. 

l-'rancois   de    Kiequ' 

Jean  AVanncscrt 

Thomas  Six. 


Lauren  de  rEspiuuc 

Jean  grcnier. 

Jaques   de    Rieqlie- 

Josse  le  Lon^. 

Da)iiL-l  Sottcau. 


Loujs  .lu  Mmiehoaii. 

Samael  Dellirnacque.-. 

,      Pierre 'de    Picque- 

Jean  AVibort. 

Jaques  Lasutre. 


Adam  P.ous.'Ilo. 

Adam  Patte. 

.Micliierde  Goudery, 

Jaques  Ilarduc. 

Francois  GodeiVoy. 


Anthoinc  Blondcau. 

Abraham  Tiery.  " 
English  bormc. 

Anthoinc  Cocquean. 

Paul  Picart. 

Daniel  Vcron. 

Abraham  Mnuni.T. 

.lames  le  Noble. 

John  Le  Ciere.p 

I'.lie  iJeseanqi^. 

.lolni  le  K'eux. 

James    Prevost    tlie 

Peter  Gastel. 

Salomon  d,.  rKspaul. 


John  Gucsquicre. 

i:iia-^  Cartel. 

Abraliam   Lovidant. 

\\'illiam  Graue. 

jMiebael  Piecjuart. 

Peter  Pegnard. 

I'etcr  le  Noble. 

James  Barel. 

Daniel  Fcrrot. 

Samuel  Du  Bois. 

Pbilipe  Clarlsse. 

.James  P)0ullcn. 

Henry  Pareit. 

Abel  Tiery. 

Isaac  le  Poultre. 

],)avid  I'areit. 

Esaje  de   Loboau  tlio 

Samuel  Dcscamps. 

Samuel  le  Poulti-c. 


:\IIehael  Pollet. 


Peter    du    I'ois    the  de  Lespaul. 

John  L.'.vidani. 


Jnhn  Gambien. 

IVter  Ponsellr. 

(■AMD.  SOC. 



Phillpo  Ilaiguercllc.  Jolm  It-  Mor.  -luinrs  du  Bols. 

John  Baudry.  I'llrazer  de  Jonguc.  Luc  Bcluc. 

Andrew  Dcspaigm:'.  SiunuL'l  du  I'dls.  Peter  rrcminciii 

Samuel  Scdt.  .1;iuies  ^lonnier.  John  Luignieh 

John    Snellaerd    tlic  do  Moucheau.  IMardoccu  llegii: 

yongcr.  Xne  dc  iloucheau.  Isaac  IIerh;iini.'. 

William  i\Iessoman  the  John  ]\Ionnier.  John  Freuleu. 

yongcr.  Jolm  le  Lou.  Jaeol)  de  Pin. 

Daniel  llcnncton.  Peter  Tiery.  John  le  Sage. 

James  le  Kcux.  Samuel  Chastcau.  Abraham  Jouel 

John  ilorillon.  Snnuiel  de  Ncu.  John  I\Iei^seman 

James  Guenin.  Ahraham  Snellaert.  Isaac  Sedt. 

Elie  Lesee.  John  du  Bois.  Isaac  Poutre. 

Abraham  Cavcttc.  Edwart  le  Kicux.  John  Despnignc 

Daniel  TVancourt.  Peter  Ic  Kieux.  Peter_du  Hot. 

Samuel  Pinchon.  Joel  d\i  Pirc.  John  le  Ileeguc 

John  du  ]\Iouclicau.  Isaac  dc  la  Aler.  Israel  de  Pin. 

James  Eousellc.  Jacob  de  la  Mer.  ,John  de  I'I^simh 

Jacob  Ponltrc.  Pieter  le  Sage.  John  Blniidean. 

]\Iovse  I'llondeau.  Jolm  Bccuc.  Jonas  Fossier. 

Adrian  van  Usse.  James  de  Xeu. 

'hese  arc  y"^  names  ol'y>-'  Masters  and  Journeymen  of  the  silk  weavt 
silkc  rashc  and  stuff  weavers,  woollcomors,  spinners,  (pnll  make 
and  of  the  Daycrs,  Taylors,  Ihdccrs,  Loonie  and  Wheelemal^r 
ibr  the  congregation. 

[//;  Jor.n.]      Cauntcrbnry 



[Uoni.  .lue.  I.  vol.  129,  nrt.  45.] 

.Maidstone,  1 9"  Aprilis,  1G22.— The  names  ol'  such  stian-ci-s  bdiiie  and 
tlicu'c  children  as  use  handycrofts  within  this  Towne. 

1.  John  Collaut,  trading  in  making  of  thrcade.  Abraham,  his  sonne, 
using  the  same,  borne  in  this  towne,  a  Irccman. 

2.  Gyles  Gierke,  using  that  trade  and  gardnyug.  Juhn  L'lerkc,  liis 
sonne,  borne  in  this  Towne,  and  liis  wife,  an  Engllshe  wuman,  u^e  no 
Trade  but  luisbondry.  Abraliam,  another  Sonne  oi'  the  said  Giles,  un- 
married, and  is  under  Ins  lather. 

3.  Naehin  Hills,  widowe,  using  Gardnyng  only.  Abraham  Hills, 
her  Sonne,  using  Gardnyng,  and  sometymc  making  threcd;  both  hee 
and  his  wife  Englishc  borne. 

4.  AVilliam  Gierke,  sive  maker,  and  sometymc  making  tlireed. 
Daniel,  his  sonne,  English,  as  is  also  his  wife,  threedmakcr. 

0.   Aryna    Heard,    a    poore    woman   using    Threedmaking.      Fvaiieis 
Beard,  her  sonne,  and  his  wilt',  Englishe  borne. 
l-liujlUi  born. 

(i.  Abraham  Goerley.  Borne  here,  and  a  freeman  of  the  towne,  as 
also  his  wife,  \ising  also  threed  making,  but  the  sonne  oi'  a  stranger. 

7.  Danlell  Beeekman.  B-ornc  in  this  towne  and  his  wile  also, 
Englishe:  ■I'hreedmaker,  his  lather  a  straungcr,  and  a  Irecman  of  the 

8.  James  Danens,  Threedmakcr. 

9.  Mary  Yanda,  widowe,  Threcdraaker. 

10.  William  Vandale,  Thrcedmaker. 

11.  Joanc  Goerly,  widowe,  Threedmakcr. 

The  better  sorte  of  these  wee  take  to  liee  but  of  meane  ability,  and  the 
most  of  them  poore,  but  by  their  trade  the  poore  both  of  the 
Towne  and  Gountry  adjoiiiing  are  ymployed  to  spynyng. 

Joiix  C!:".Mi'K,  Mayor. 

W-*^'  GmUUn  Beeorderand  T..wn  Glcrk. 


(/„  <lurs,K)  'Hic  'riu-cdmakci-s'  trade  much  dficayod  by  the  iui] 
'thrcd  IVuiu  l-'lauuilcrs,  as  tlio  strauu'nn-j  of  ^lavl.-rtouc  allinii 


'I'hL'  names  of  the  Iiihabitantes  of  the  Towne  and  port  of  /,',„•,.,■.  as  well 

beyiigu  straunguis  bonie  as  denizens,  and  the  names  of  sueh   that 

were  borne  in  Enghuid,  havuigo  a  filthcr  stranger,  and  what  trade 

and  profession  they  use  in  the  saidc  townc  and  port. 

James   Ilughcssen,   theldcr,   merchant;    borne  at  Dankirke;   having 

dwelled  in  the  said  towne  by  the  space  of  2-t  yeeres  at  the  least  is  a  free 


James  llughe?sen  theyonger,  Peter  Ilughesson,  Abraham  llughessen. 
Sonnes  oi'  tiie  said  James"  llughessen  thelder,  who  were  borne  in 
England,  and  use  trade  or  merchandize. 

Xlchoks  S]. ringer,  Sonne  of  Peter  Sjiringer,  alien;  winch  said  Xi- 
ehohis  was  buriie  hi  this  towne,  and  ])V  his  pn.fes^iou  a  w,.ll  cnnd.rr. 

Henry  1  .and.erd,  cowp.a-;  l,.,rne  n.'are  Rynebarg.',  and  hath  bene  a 
denizen  by  the  space  of  40  yeeres  or  therabout. 

Lewis  C.-nley,  I'.a-kett  maker;  borne  in  Artois;  who4iath  dwelled  in 
the  said  tnwne'of  Dov.n-  about  35  yeeres. 

Bartholomcwe  Planck,  cowper;"  borne  in  J-launders;  having  hore 
iuhabyted  about  3  yeeres. 

Cornelius  Lopper,  and  Joseph  Lopper  his  s.Mine,  marryners,  who 
have  bene  inhabytantes  here  1)y  the  space  of  diverse  yeres  pa^t. 

Cornelius  llughessen,  merchant;  a  sojornor  witli  the  said  James 

Peter  Adrianson,  marryner;  borne  in  Uollaud,  and  here  hath  dwelled 
by  the  space  of  diverse  yeres  past. 

Piogor  White,  Taylor,  sonne  of  John  A\'hlte.  Taylor,  borne  in 
Maunders,  as  his  said  soime  hath  heard;  the  said  Roger  was  borne-  al 
Kind-wold  iu  this  couuiv  of  Kent. 


The  names  of  tlicni  wl 

:-li  ol'liite  CLimc  out  of  France  by  reason  of 
trollies,  yet  contiucwinir. 


M'  ]\Ioyscs  Cartaiiet,  Minister  and 

preacher  of  Goclcs  word, 
JNI^  Aaron  Blondoll,  jMinister  and 

preacher  of  the  word  of  God. 
M''  Stephen  Chaven. 
David     Berville,     merchant     and 

M''  Phillip  Tiembronne,  phisician 

and  apothccavie. 
M'-  Michell   :\Iel,  advocate   in   the 

court  of  Nonnaiidie. 
Gabriell  de  Bi 
Charles  dc  Bures,  ) 
Piobert    dc     Ballerc,    grocer    and 

James  Danell,  merchant  chandler. 
Aaron  Davall,  merchant  draper. 
Charles  Chappe,  brewer. 
Jeremy  Ncpvcn,  suiyeou. 
James  le  Petit,  ( Ir.icer  and  mercer. 
John  La  Tellier,  Brasyer. 
John  de  la  I'lane,  Lvniieu  \veavcr. 
David   ihirsier,  marry ner,  theldor. 
David  ilarsier,  the  yoaUL^-er,  mar- 
ry ner. 
James  La  Cock,  niarryner. 
Nicholas  Dovaj-,  Lynnen  weaver, 
John  La  Kou.x,  marryner. 
John  Journcux,  marryner. 
Jane  la  Itowse,  Jane  La  T 

i\Liry  By  vault,  Jane  Cai'tt 

LoiJii  de  la  Bemcry,         Mary  Gcrj. 

John  Brome,  marryner. 
Francis  Bowland,  scolcmaister 
M"  James  de  Francs,  Advocat, 
Nicholas  EousignoU,  Scolemai: 
Ydevcrt  Provost,   wolcomlicr 


Peter    Savage,    John    de    Va 

Peter  le  Ccrf,   Isaack  le  Llai 

James  Billyard,  wolcombers 

weavers    sett    to    \vork    by 

aforenamed  M'  David  Bervi 

Isaack  1  lamed,  Butcher. 

Nicholas     La     Francios,    Bu 

Jolni  Pisotell,  marryner. 
Georg  Andrew,  marryner. 
John  Carraux,  marryner. 
William  de  Burgncy,  I'aylor. 
Peter  le  Pivoys,  marryner. 
Salomon  de  Briton,  mercer. 
James  Licton,  marryner. 
David  Menard,  joyner. 
James  JLincshall,  shipp  carpe 
Andrew  Arnanes,  shomaker. 
Vincent  Prymont,  surgeon. 
Peter  Ferrett,  marryner. 
David  Brlebant,  draper. 
John  de  Yonce,  draper. 
John  Volett,  gardener.    '-^' 
L'llier,  Avoy  Fierett, 

we,  Piretta  Uoulaud. 

elt,  .(akaiueu  Pakett, 






Susan  Jo  Parrice,  Katlierinc  Scoynctt,        Jlary  Ilayc, 

Susau  le  Clarlc,  Margarctt  Carpenter,       Elizabeth  IIoopcU, 

Mary  Uber,  Blanch  Musell,  ,Mary  ilellinc, 

Susan  La  Pastola,  Jane  Ovrys,  Lawrcncia  Bynctt, 

Jane  Dukett,  ]\Iartlia  dc  Grcsse,  INIary  de  la  Mdins, 

Elizabeth  Pojiar, — Widowes,  being  makers  of  bone  lace  and  spinster; 
Judith  Ic  Fever,  wile  of  John  La  ]\Icrsier,  Slieppard. 
iLiry  Tarrycr,  !Margarett  le  Moyne,  ]\[aydens,  and  makers  of  l.ione  lii 
and  spinsters. 

(In  dorsu.)  DoN-cr.— Strangers. 


[Dom.  Jut.  L  vol.  1-J;',  art.  G6.] 

[List  of  all  the  Strangers  inhabiting  Ihthe,  eomnnniicatod  in  a  Letter 
from  the  Mayor  and  Jurates  of  the  Towno  t'.>  thi'  Lieutenant  of 
Dover  Castle] 

John  Jacobb  afs  Van  dc  Stat,  whoe  professeth  pracktize  in  Phisick, 
plantinge  and  gardening;  also  he  occupieth  some  ]\Lushland  in  Itonmey 
Marsh,  and  mauureth  the  same  with  sheepe,  and  some  otlier  land  hee 
soweth  with  llax;  hee  had  a  stranger  fluher,  and  (as  he  saitli)  was  borne 
in  Elaunders. 

Phillip  Van  de  Wallc,  whoe  is  by  trade  a  Wolcomer.  and  professeth 
the  same;  hee  sum  tymes  deales  in  merchandize  and  keepcs  a  shop  of 
smale  wares  hcerc;  he  was  borne  of  strangers  parents  at  Sandwich. 

And  these  two  have  inhabited  heere  by  the  space  of  seaven  yeares 
together  last  past. 

Peter  ^lorter,  whoe  is  by  trade  a  cooper,  and  (as  he  saitli)  was  borne 
in  Flaunders,  and  aboute  nyne  yeares  of  his  age  came  over  into  Ihig- 
land,  and  he  hath  dwelt  heere  aboute  twentie-two  yeares  together  hist 



[n..m.  .T^if.  I.  vol.  liO,  .irt.  f-'i 

■andwicli  S.<.  Apr.  2;)"  1622.  Tlie  naiiK'S  of 
liulders,  aswcll  borne  in  the  Towne  nnd 
County  of  Kent,  as  clscwlicre  out  of  tlic 
Ijitelno-  in  the  said  Towiie  of  Sandwich 

Aliens  uornk. 

Nicholris  do  Cousser.  John  Ganne. 

Joes  \'erboucke.  John  Lecmaii. 

Peter  ]\Iartine.  Jacob  Eickeward. 

Peter  Smith.  Henry  dc  Backo. 

Israel  Vaiider  Slaert.  Oliver  Moonc. 

Daniel  Wcghe.  Gilles  Outremann. 

Xieliolas  Bruneol.  Peter  "\''an  Acker. 

Samuel  Vanden  Cdaze.  John  Laigneel. 

WillianiVanden  (^'daze.  George  Boccacrt. 

^Villiau^  Claesson. 
(iilles  Aunecp. 
George  Ren.lacrt. 
Lewes  Fleming. 
Peter  Ambroos. 
John  Kickasios. 
(_'ornelis  Hewn. 
Peter  Paigneel. 
Peter  Blankaert  sen^ 
Peter  Blankaert  jun'', 
Gilles  de  Toor. 
John  Verhure. 
Nicholas  de  Kinver. 
Michael  Witts. 
Lodowick  Posset. 

Daniel  Vander  Speijc 
Jacob  dc  Bever. 
Joos  Bossard. 
Paul  Scherrier. 
Lawrence  A'crbure. 
John  Venneeris. 
Joos  Vlnckord. 
Gelande  ^Mankie. 
David  Pyrrot. 
Peter  de^Turek. 
Peter  Caillet. 
Ilubiight  de  Cater. 
Lamlxrt  He^sell. 
John  de  Kunte. 
^Malbavd  Spilliaert. 

all  the  strangers,  house- 
port  oi'  Sit/iihrir/t  in  the 
Kingcs  dominions,  iidia- 
as  followetli,  viz. 

^hdicw  Yermeulen. 
John  Beliagle. 
Cornells  Lrmis. 
Ghelein  dc  Ilaue. 
Malliaert  Hobble. 
John  A^tinge. 
Peter  de  Toor. 
Carell  Rickasles. 
Gilles  Dijan. 
Engle  Annezon. 
]\Iartine  Bart. 
Gillis  Vanden  AVelde. 
Peter  J-Jeminge  seii"". 
Charles  dc  Radde. 
Francis  Florczonne. 
John  Vanden  Einde. 
I'eter  ATorardc. 
Franci.s  (jucecko. 
Oliver  dc  i\Iaster. 
Francis  Smith. 
Francis  de  Quceer. 
John  Olivier. 


Lambert  VamlcnGlaze. 
Xiitlianicl  du  Poudc. 
Jeremy  dc  Clapper. 
Peter  Wollcicay. 
Joos  Lovoet. 
Daniel  Bnmcel. 
John  Boeravc. 
John  Aecart. 
John  Bcnns. 
John  dc  Doornc. 
Elcazar  Piickasie?. 
John  Houckc. 
John  Pincklcr. 
Symon  Mcsdaoh. 
Samuel  Godsehalk. 
Charles  Yanden  Cvo 

Peter  de  Jlonier. 
Jacob  Valmaer. 
Jacob  Spilliaert. 
Abraham Vandcr  Esj)!. 
John  Kricket. 
Jacob  Kickcward. 
John  dc  A'incke. 
Samuel  Beerten. 
Jacob  de  Beer. 
Gcrsum  pLickasics. 
Auchell  Casicr. 
John  IlMcvenairlc. 
JMarke  de  Meester. 
John  Basset. 
Benjamin  Bocheljohn. 
John  Vandon  Iii-nucke. 

John  de  Backc. 
Peter  dc  Kacdt. 
Peter  Cricket. 
Jonas  Fcys. 
Jacob  Stampe. 
Jacob  dc  Ivauer. 
John  de  ITaue. 
Jai'ob  dc  IMcj'cr. 
Peter  ]\hirthie. 
Abraham   do    ^'vllck 

Abiraham  dc  Yinck 

Aust'nc  Boccaort. 
Peter  llessell. 
Isaac  A'andcn  Glaze. 
i\Ioscs  Bochcljoen. 
Elias  Johnson, 
-lacob  Smekacrt. 
Jacob  Wicke. 
John  Bruncel. 
Jacob  de  Clarke. 
John  Annezonu. 
Daniel  Brooders. 
Samuel  Walls. 
]\Iars  Clarebout. 
David  Bubba. 
John  Jooris. 
vVbraham  Van  Dale. 
Jacob  Buntc. 
Daniel  de  Toor. 
Jolm  Letten. 
Abraham  de  Pact. 

Peter  Joorl.^. 
Jlathcw  Clarebout. 
Peter  van  Boxcll. 
John  PanwcUe. 
Peter  Clacszoon. 
Peter  Spilliaert. 
Carell  dc  Yynck, 
jMathew  ]5ecrten. 
Peter  de  Pact. 
Isaac  Piickasles. 
Tobias  Dammacrt. 
I'Tcazar  Hovenaglc 
John  Loovoet. 
John  Jacob  sen''. 
John  Jacob  jun''. 
Jacob  IIcssclI. 
Peter  "de  Clopper. 
Jaqucs  dc  Bever. 
Daniel  de  Dome. 
Phillip  van  dalle. 
John  Stampe. 
Peter  Kickasies. 
Carell  Kricket. 
Abraham  Cambier. 
Peter  Burgrave. 
Peter  Fleming. 
Lawrence  de  Yos. 
John  Claes. 
Jacob  de  Meester. 
Jacob  dc  Clopper. 
.losliua  du  Pondt. 
John  IIcssclI. 
Francis  de  Pact  iui 


John  ITovenaglo.  Jolin  Calfc.  Jeremy  A'an.len  Ycl. 

Peter  Soodts.  John  Oliver  jun^  Jacob  de  Serf. 

John  de  Bus.  John  Bcuzze  sen"".  AnthonyA'andeA'yar 

Salomon  de  blaster.  John  Bcuze  jun''.  Laao  Brill. 

The  trades  and  professions  that  they  use  here,  arc  making  of  Bayi 
Sayes,  and  Lynsio  woolsics,  Gardiners,  Taylors,  Basketmake 
and  Whitesmiths. 


[S.  p.  O.  Dom.  Jm.  I.  Vol.  101,  nrt.  I'li.     Soc  also  Sussex  Aroli.  Cll 

Jennc  le  Prctix,  sa  nicpce,  et  deux  cnHms. 

Jcnnc  Ic  Bcrqucr,  vuefuc  dc  Pierres  le  guagncur,  ct  ei 

Jacques  Wiflaut,  sa  feme,  et  six  cnlims. 

IMarlc  Bisson,  et  ung  enfant. 

Silvcstre  dc  la.  Koquc,  sa  fenie,  et  unc  fille. 

Madaleinc ,  vuefuc  de  Jacques  boquin,  ct  ung 

Kicollas  Chapellc,  et  sa  iiiepcc. 

Jean  Yassaquc,  sa  feme,  sa  socur,  ct  quatre  enfans. 

]\Iichcl  Laudmiyn,  sa  feme,  ct  deux  enfans. 

Pa  fciTie  dWln-aham  Creation,  ct  deux  enfans. 

I\larie  Giicrart,  et  trois  enlans. 

jSIaric  ilu  Ventre,  vuefuc,  ct  une  lllle. 

Eachel  Xcs,  ct  trois  enfans. 

Marguerite  Prcvost,  vucfue  de  pierres  Guespin,  ct  ung 

Jcime  Guespin,  et  ung  enfant. 

Marie  A^lnccnt. 

(In  -A.rv'o.j— Pyc.      Stranger.s. 


[S.  P.  0.  Dum.  Jac.  I.  vol.  131,  an.  103.] 

A  certificate  of  the  names  and  professions  of  all  strangers  borne,  and 
of  all  such  as  are  borne  of  parents  strangers,  inhabitingc  in  the 

county  of  the  cit}'  o[  Xorwicli,  made  the  day  of  June  1G22, 

accordinge  to  letters  of  the  fourth  of  June  received  from  the  right 
\vori=hipfull  S"'  Thomas  Coventry,  Knyght,  his  ^lajcsties  Attorney 
general!,  and  S'' liubcrt  Ilcatli,  Knight,  his  .Ma''"  solicitor  generall. 

Borne  of  p.\rents  strangers.  Borne  i:eyond  the  seas. 

yor/h  Com'.sfonl  ]VarJ. 
Tobias  Barton,  gardyncr.  Bowyn  Porter,  gardyner. 

Daniel  Depute,  weaver.  Jacob  Tevell,  Aqua-vitc  stiller. 

"William  Emperor,    Gorier,   borne      Giles  Depute,  -^veaver. 
of  an  Englishwoman,  his  father      Tobias  Bagrnnt,  weaver. 
being  a  stranger. 

JJerstreie  and  Currowe. 

Roger  Symouds,  turner. 
William  Leborne,  weaver. 
Mallyard   "Wydoot,  husbondnian 
and  gardyner. 

St.  S/rplu;,',. 
Gedion  Izebrand,  labourer.  "William  Rottengoose,  gardyncr. 

Francis  ]\Ialbranke,  weaver. 
Solomon  Rottye,  weaver. 
Cornelius  ^^'yborne,  cutler. 

St.  J'ctrr's  of  Mancroft. 

Abraham  A^ervinke,  ho.=yer.  Jaqucs  Vanbarton,  Claspomakcr. 

Francis  Dackett,  niercliunt.  Toby  Plasabert,  jornyman  weaver. 

nnx   rUOTESTAXTS,  AXD  ALIK\S,   in  KXGI.AN'n. 

]\-c,t  in, 

Elizeus  Dcsbonnctt,  woiivcr. 
Nathan  Desbonnctt,  Aveavcr. 
Natlianlell  Dcput'.',  weaver. 
David  Fcevc,  jornymau  weaver. 
Tobias  Peskesoii,  jorny man  v.-eaver. 
John  de  lynne,  twistcrer. 
I'etcr  Cobnan,  weaver. 
SolomonDanell,  jornymau  weaver. 
Daniell  Dewytte,  twisterer. 
Solomon    Vervijike,   jornvman 

Abraham     Dewhytt,    jorniiuen 

Moyses  Whltebrcad,  Baker. 
Solomon  Waggener,  Baker. 
Jeremy  Lawes,  twisterer. 
Abraham  Lawes,  chayre  maker. 
James  Cove,  twisterer. 
Adrian  Petryns,  weaver. 
Al.raliani  Derriek,  husyer. 
John  Demay,  jorninian  weaver. 
David  Dam,  gardyner. 
Jacob  Tolleve,  jorniman  weaver. 
Josias  Brabant,  laborer. 
John  Head,  jornymau  weaver. 
John  Anton,  grocer. 
Gedion  Demay,  weaver. 
Francis  Vcgeslcr,  twisterer. 
Jacob  Levogge,  twisterer. 
Abraham  Balder,  jorniman  v/eaver. 
Isaak  Kecke,  woolcomcr. 

7HT  Wan/. 

Peter  Rottingoose,  gardyner.  he  h 

a  hosyer  likwise. 
ilathew  Bock,  twisterer. 
Nicholas  Face,  weaver. 
Fcrdinando  Dchone,  liosc  stamper. 
Wedow  BooJry,  maker  of  Sayis. 
Wedow  Clarke,  hosyer. 
George  Fox,  liosyer. 
.John  Yanixon,  sen^  hosyer. 
Paule  Deman,  jorniman  weaver. 
AbrahamDaniell,  jorniman  weaver. 
Andrew  Allard,  weaver,   he  is  a 

hosyer  likwise. 
IMiehaell  Darner,  jorniman  we;iver. 
John  Hagucr,  jorniman  weaver. 
Jasper  Bowdree,  weaver. 
Francis  Bonner,  weaver. 
Charles  Vandoylye,  usurer, 
George  Deboyse,  hosyer. 
John  Lctton,  hosyer. 
Giles  Sandeville,  hosj'er. 
Jacob  Doyeve,  weaver. 
David  Brooke,  twisterer. 
John  Benno,  twisterer. 
Nicholas  Doyfer,  tailor. 
Joise  Hecker,  jorniman  weaver. 

foim;ign  rnoTEST.\Nrs,  and  aliens 

Abraham  Appcrt,  dyer. 

GabraeU  Buske,  liosyer. 

John  Yanixon  jun''.  hosyer. 

Isaack  Clarke,  hosyer. 

John  jMyhell, grocer,  he  is  a  hosyer. 

Samuell  Decoer,  jorniman  weaver. 

Mordochc   Fromettell,    chayrc 

Abraham    Brooke,    iornirnan 

Borne  beyund  the  se.i 

John  Cropp,  chirurgian. 

Jolm  Cruso,  marchant  ami  hosyer. 

Philip  Andrewes,  marchant  and 

Jacob  Depute,  hosyer. 
Tobias  Dehem,  marchant. 
David  Culibrooke,  broker. 
Jacob    Culibrooke,   jorniman 

Peter  Debonc,  twisterer. 
Andrew  Pryme,  hosyer  and  draper. 
Samuel  Crekell,  sojorner. 
Jacob  Odcnt,  potseller. 
Danicll  Vanbarton,  jorniman  dyer. 
Marcus  Balden,  tailor  and  broker. 
John  Cunibrooke,  weaver. 
Jolm  Albus,  hosyer. 
Benjamin    Lcttow,  jorniman 

AbrahamDamar,  jorniman  weaver. 
Isaack  StockinLre,  turn'jr. 

I  ijmer. 

Jaipies  Dehem,  marehant. 
Andrew  Pryme,  hosyer. 
Aliraham  Cunibrooke,  weaver. 
^Nlathew  de  Boyce,  n)arcliant  and 

John  Van  Ilowte,  shonudier. 
Jliehael    CoUe,    Bay    and    Say 

George  Fox,  weaver. 
John  Lecclusc,  dyer. 
^N'lcholas  Clarke,  Baker. 
A\'ldow  Coclear,  weaver. 
Andrew  Wideben,  weaver. 
Michaell  Beme,  jorniman  aho- 

Bowdwyn  Burgar,  weaver. 
John  Johnson,  Pynner. 
^Malliard  Goose,  Comer. 
Oliver  dc  Kooe,  weaver. 
Francis  de  Katoire,  weaver. 
Jolm  Milshier,  brasier. 
Antonv  Ilauke,  tailor. 



Borne  of  i 



Daniell  Bunnell,  marchant. 
Jocll  Desurmeaux,  marchant. 
Jolm  Rocklnglium,  marchant. 
Peter  liiborne,  Barber  surgeon. 
Joyse  Ilouy,  twisterer. 
^Mordocheus  Mlelow,  grocer. 
I'etcr  LevJ^l,  hosycr. 
Peter  DecluFC,  dyer. 
James  AVinard,  weaver. 
Solomon  CamLv,  weaver. 

Borne  iiryond  the  seas. 

Oliver  Duckctt,  hosycr. 
Ann  Cobleyow,  wedow,  twister 
Lewis  Campion,brokerand  weav 
Joyse  Weston,  twisterer. 
Francis  Levyn,  tailor. 
Lawrence  Syc,  weaver. 
Erasmus  Freeman,  weaver. 
Audry  Powell,  wedow,  hosycr. 

Ccslau,'!/  Ward. 

Fseias  Letteyne,  twisterer. 
David  Sanniweil,  hosycr. 
Daniell  Lcttyno,  hosycr. 
Jolm   j\Ioncns,   factor  for  mar- 

chantes  aliens. 
Elezeus  Lnnglett,  weaver. 
Effra  ]\Iackrill,  weaver. 
IVter  Buskyn,  weaver. 
Daniell  Dover,  tailor. 
Zacbary  Lyon,  tailor. 
Peter  Boldin,  twisterer. 
A\'^e(.low  AVollowyn,  hosier. 
Daniell  AVollowyn,  grocer. 
Ferdinandus  Stone,  heartel  maker. 
Peter  Decort,  weaver. 
Abraham  Hacker,  phisician. 
Bowdwin  Dewill,  weaver. 
Jonas  De  wlndlc,  twisterer. 
Jacob  Boy,  gardyucr. 

Peter  Ilosbert,  Aqua-vite  stiller. 
Peter  A'auhova,  hosycr. 
liichard  Holfoote,  weaver. 
Andrew  Alyard,  hosycr. 
William  Tcryns,  baker. 
George  Hollowick,  hosycr. 
Nicholas  Blor,  weaver. 
Powill  Dewyndell,  twisterer. 
Nicholas  Furmase,  weaver. 
Llartha  Tayse,  weaver. 
John  Uncline,  twisterer. 
Joan  Dorpin,  wedow,  aijua-vite 

Martiu  Moonens,  hosycr. 
Peter  Becke,  marchant  and  hosycr. 
Peter  Wallowyn,  hosycr. 
Francis  Boy,  scholemaster. 
Francis  Callman,  weaver. 
John  Dc  more,  weaver. 


John  Harma,  Saywoavcr. 
John  Burgoio,  weaver. 
Joseph  Cock,  •weaver, 
James  Porter,  weaver. 
Noc  Headly,  weaver. 
John  Deremow,  twistevcr. 

Borne  bevonh  thf.  seas. 

Peter  Leskeny,  weaver. 
James  Do  Wattine,  weave! 
Antony  Fene,  twisterer. 
Arou  LamLerd,  tumor. 
Piichard  Vancurm,  hosyer. 
Eoger  Vcrpostc,  weaver. 
John  Curbcse,  weaver. 
Peter  Dcmee,  baker. 
James  Sticklyn,  weaver. 
Xoe  Leskaney,  weaver. 
James  Gryme,  weaver. 
Lewis  De  haire,  weaver. 

Colnaic   Ward. 

John  Denewe,  woolcomcr. 
Elizeus  Kowse,  tailor. 
Noc  de  Lowlor,  weaver,  jorniman. 
Peter  Lanow,  comer,  jorniman. 
Isaack  Ilavery,  jorniman  comer. 
John     Le    vine,    juu'',    j'iruiman 

Ueiijamin  Deprec,  jorniman  comer. 
John  Lewis,  jorniman  comer. 
Isaack  Mounte,  jorniman  weaver. 
James  Clarke,  jorniman  weaver. 
John  Angell,  jorniman  comer. 
Esay  Hop^ilow,  jorniman  comer. 
licctor  de  Kerry,  jorniman  comer. 
Daniell  Motten,  Combe  maker. 
James  De  Pree,  jorniman  comer. 
Samuell  De  Eoe,  jorniman  comer. 
Daniell  De  Koe,  jorniman  comer. 

Jeremy  Kyngc,  woolcomcr. 

John  Delatate,  Comer. 

John  Alarlere,  comer. 

John  Mllles,  comer. 

Peter  De  vine,  comer. 

Jolm  Le  vine,  ten'',  comer. 

John  Lamiow,  comer. 

YespLieian  Lamiow,  comer. 

]Michaell  Curple,  comer. 

Peter  Bucklowe,  comeinaker. 

Piowland  Deland,  tomemaker. 

John  Laquose,  twisterer. 

Jolm  Firmitine,  baker. 

Martin  Larow,  jorniman  weaver. 

Cornelius    de     Lowter,   jorniman 

Solomon  Lamperc,  jorniman  comer. 
Stephen  Javery,  jorniman  comer. 



Cliai'lcs  Plovy,  jorniman  weaver. 
Isuack  Budiy,  jorniman  comer. 
Danicll  Sheny,  jorniman  ■weaver. 
Peter  Fermitine,  baker. 
Noy  Yolue,  weaver. 
Peter  Coekc,  weaver. 
James  Lo  Fcaver,  weaver. 
Roger  Gug'lcr,  weaver. 
Abraham  Tayse,  slaymaker. 
Zaclicry  Dcbiiyse,  seller  of  small 

Simeon  Vanbonek,  cordyner. 
David  llonck,  seller  of  small  wares. 
Abraham  Fearkyn,  weaver. 
John  Flocke,  jorniman  comer. 
Peter  Frauncoye,  jorniman  comer. 
Abraham  PIector,jorniman  comer. 
Isaack  Dishlay,  jorniman  comer. 
Abraham  Dishlay, jorniman  comer. 
Peter  Lano,  jorniman  weaver. 
Jacob  Post,  jorniman  weaver. 
Peter  Counselor,  jorniman  weaver. 
Peter  Varderc,  jorniman  weaver. 
James  Vardere,  jorniman  weaver. 
Abraham  Castele,  jorniman  comer. 
John  Castcll,  comer. 
Jacob  Dole,  hose  skourer. 
John  Dishe,  turner. 
'\^    Elie  Flepoc,  Baker. 

Zachary  ilayhcw,  comer. 

John  Dcpree,  comer. 

John  Baync,  jorniman  comer. 

Borne  beyond  the  seas. 

Abraham    Deborshowe,   jorniman 

Peter  Pettite,  jorniman  comer. 
Martin  Loem,  jorniman  comer. 
John  Genile,  jorniman  comer. 
Griles  Carsay,  jorniman  comer. 
Jenkin  Lamion,  jorniman  conier. 
Robert  Lamion,  jorniman  comer. 
Jasper  Lamion,  jorniman  comer. 
Peter  Do  Rue,  jorniman  comer. 
Nicholas  Nathj',  jorniman  comer. 
Peter  Wyburne,  jorniman  weaver. 
Antony  Curpcll,  jorniman  comer. 
John  De  Cluse,  jorniman  comer. 
John  Lavcre,  jorniman  comer. 
Ayme  Cokclc,  jorniman  comer. 
Andrew  Frauncis,  jorniman  comer. 
James  Drue,  jorniman  comer. 
Francis  Soresay,  jorniman  comer. 
Lowe  Sharfc,  jorniman  comer. 
Nicholas  Dishlay,  comer. 
Philip  Formoy,  -weaver. 
Peter  Yardere,  sen"',  weaver. 
John  Cokele,  scholemaster. 
Robert  Dole,  jorniman  comer. 
James  Feaver,  jorniman  comer. 
Adrce  Lettere,  jorniman  comer. 



Job  JLiyhcw,  jorniman  comer. 
Peter  Depree,  joniiinan,  comer. 
Peter  C;i.stcll,  jorniman  comer. 
John  Dislilav,  iorninian  comer. 

Flhrifje   Ward. 

James  Verraoy,  weaver. 
Samuell  Debone,  'weaver, 
John  Depree,  comer. 
Adam  Vancoy,  comer. 
Peter  Dehare,  comer. 
James  Grenc,  weaver. 
Benjamin  Whitcbread,  baker. 
Peter  Harshew,  dver. 
Solomon  Curtis,  fuller. 
Andrew  Francis,  comer. 
John  Derec,  comer. 
Isaack  Reck,  comer. 
James  Vcrvack,  comer. 
Peter  Becne,  weaver. 
Peter  Tloto,  weaver. 
Elias  Depree,  weaver, 
ilathew  Trcwon,  weaver. 
David  Deport,  twisterer. 
Lodowick  Latho,  weaver. 
Henry  Garrard,  d3-er. 

Xames  in  all— 291. 

(In  dorso.)  XorwicJi.- — Strann^c 

Siprian  Larnay,  weaver. 
William  Debone,  weaver. 
Mersio  Thomas,  comer. 
John  Doe,  weaver. 
James  Vcrvack,  comer. 
John  Lc  poultcr,  comer. 
Dennys  Idcrmit,  comer. 
Xoe  Cockcdo,  comer. 
David  Dcwalne,  gardyner. 
Antony  Clarke,  comer. 
Francis  De  JIary,  weaver. 
William  Clarke,  dyer. 
John  Curat,  fuller. 
Peter  Peno,  weaver. 
Peter  Wood,  comer. 
Arnold  Sticklyn,  weaver. 
Nicholas  Mackcrcll,  comer. 
Christian  Vervinke,  gardyne: 
Micliacll  Blacktcr,  weaver. 
Charles  Parrishon,  comer. 
Peter  White,  weaver. 

FiiANCiS  Sjialpece,  IMai 


[Dom    Ja.-.  I.  vul.  12y,  art.  70,  III.] 

Dutch  alien  tailors  within  the  liberty  of  CoMn/.-ln: 
AVilliam  Tliegrunc.  Frances  Yu'^vv.  ^Vbraluuii  J'"anuen. 

Daniel  Estbeand.  Barnard  Hies.  Dnellener  CuUeawe 

Sebaseliic  I'illoe.  Samuel  Farmen.  &c.  l^c. 

[Dom.  Jac.  I.  vol.  120,  art.  70,  II.] 

CoLCilESTF.i;. — Complaints  of  the  Inglish  against  the  Dutch  strangers. 

ilichacll  Cock,  Allen  borne,  bay  and  saymaker;  buyeth  and  selleth 
saycs  to  fbrryncrs  besides  those  that  lie  makes. 

Frances  Toispill,  Alien;  doth  the  like. 

Isaackc  Size,  borne  here  of  Dutch  parentes;  apprentice  to  a  cardc 
maker,  and  doth  use  the  same  trade,  and  sellethe  Aliens' goodcs  brought 
from  beyoiidc  the  seas  as  a  factor  for  them. 

Samuell  de  Ileame,  borne  here  of  Dutch  paroites;  by  i)rol'ession  and 
trade  a  come  maker,  who,  upon  his  promise  to  deale  ^Yith  nothinge  but 
that  which  conccrnes  his  trade,  because  he  liadbccnc  troubled  by  in- 
formers, obteyned  to  be  a  free  man  of  this  townc,  yet  he  now  keepeth 
a  comon  shopp  in  his  house,  and  selleth  all  manner  of  lyniien  cloatli 
and  haberdashers'  wares  by  rotayle. 

Thomas  Benne,  borne  liere  o(  Dutch  ])arentes;  his  trade  a  liay  and 
saymaker  and  weaver,  he  is  now  a  beerebruer,  a  mahter,  a  farmer,  a 
maker  of  Bay  cheanes  and  seiides  them  [to]  Samlw"'',  and  iiirmctli 
landes  about  100"  per  ann. 

Jasper  Vanhulst,  an  Alien  borne;  a  sayuiakcr,  ami  is  a  marchant 
and  I'actor  for  strangers. 

CA.-\iu.  soc.  !•: 


Jolin  Vak'ndov,  bunio  liciv  of  Diitcli  parent. 's;  a  Daymakcr  by  liis 
pl■|)ll■^^l-ioll,  and  is  a  lactoi-  I'or  strangers. 

Ilugli  de  Lobcll,  an  alien  l-ornc;'  A  sayinakor;  lie  is  a  mareliant  and 
factor  for  strangers. 

Samuell  de  Gavake,  liurne  lierc  of  Dutcli  purentcs;  lie  liurn  erected 
and  sett  upp  a  new  Bnnvliuuse ;  he  niaketli  vinegar  and  aiiuevila  ;  lie  is  a 
dier,  a  marchant,  and  factor  for  strangers. 

Jolin  Miller;  he  is  by  pjrofcssion  a  sclioler,  brought  upp  in  the  uni- 
versitic,  and  is  now  a  marchant  and  factor  I'or  strangers. 

Josias  Snace,  a  I'ay  and  Say  niakrr;  his  wife  >ellrth  blacke.  broune, 
and  white  threadd,  all  sortcs  of  bone  lace,  v;dure  gardes,  and  other 
comodities  which  they  receive  out  of  Holland. 

Isaackc  Bowman,  an  xVlyen  l)ornc;  by  his  profession  a  cbirurgeon, 
and  useth  the  same;  lie  is  a  marchant  and  factor  for  strangers,  selleth 
in  his  house  all  maner  of  Lynnen  cloth,  stulfes,  bone  laces,  and  such 
like,  oyles,  hoppes,  antl  other  comodities,  to  the  great  grccvance  and 
hiudcrance  of  the  frec-btirgisscs. 

Charles  Toisj)ill,  an  alyen  borne,  and  a  single  man  aboute  the  age  of 
x.xij  yeares;  he  is  a  mai'cliant  and  (actor  lor  strangers. 

.Miehaell  dc  Groate,  an  Alien  borne;  useingc  the  'J'rade  of  a  fringe- 
maker  l)y  the  space  ol'i.J  yeres,  and  befjre  that  a  Jlayeinaker,  and  now 
a  r>eerebrewer,  a  mabter,  an<l  a  firmer. 

The  Knglishe  tailors  within  this  Corporacion,  bcinge  about  f  iwrescore, 
complaiue  that  divers  strangers  borne  doc  much  hinder  them  in 
useing  the  trade  within  this  towne,  contrarie  to  lawc,  and  doe 
ilesire  reibrnuiciou  by  suppressing  of  them. 

William  Mott,       1   ,  .  .  , 
Thomas  Thui;.ston,  J   ^'^' '   ""■ 

The  I'nglish  Wycrdrawers  complalno  that  they  are  much  himlred  in 
tJiere  trade,  and  cannott  sett  themselves  on  worcke  to  mainctaine 
themselves  and  fimelio  by  rcasone  the  strangers  doc  send  for  such 

liinnitelies    of   wvef    reiidii'    wi-min-lil     (>,iiii    lu^N'ondr'    lie'    -i"!.'^',   and 


tloc  woi-ekc  some  of  yt  into  Cardes,  iiuil  a  grcate  parte  tliey  sell  to 
others;  wlicreol'tliey  doe  luiinblle  desire  rel'ormaciou,  and  that  the 
strangei's  may  be  restrayued. 

\\'n,I.IAM  MoTT,  }  .,   ..... 

,  J >ailills. 
1  im.MAs  iiiru.siD.v,  ) 

Dtirlii^-  the  Ecign  oi'  Cii.vules  II.  avo  have  the  foll-.nviiii;' 
retui-ns  ol'  Poreiyncrs  in  England,  })iii'Siuint  to  the 
Ordev  in  Covtneil,  dated  19lh  Xovenilier,  KITS. 

[St.ite  Paper  Office,  Domestic,  Various,  No,  IJ94.] 

La  22  XvvcmLr,  1678.  Jlr.  Francois  Collet  venu  exprez  de  Paris 
a  Londres  depnis  dix  joiir.s,  y  avant  cste  appelle  pour  guarir  iin  JKin- 
ncste  homme  Anglols  nialadc  do  la  pierre.  Marie  ]\Iorcau  sa  feiMino, 
Mary  Anne  Collot  sa  fille,  Dominique  hurct  son  parent,  Noel  de  la 
JIara,  Chatirine  le  Nice,  ....  Des  jardins,  ....  Tieart,  ses  servi. 
tctirs.  II  doit  retourner  a  Paris,  avec  tout  son  monde,  sitost  qu'll  aura 
aeheve  pa  cure.      Loge  in  Ban  street,  ehcz  'Mr.  de  la  Piuh:-. 

jYor'.  25,  167.S.  ilargueritc  Baron,  als'  EUys,  being  here  up,.n  a 
journey,  lodges  at  one  Mr.  George  Wildmore,  an  Oyl-man  in  St. 
Jameses  Jlarket,  y'=  next  dore  to  Germaine's  Alley,  laxaight  in  liy  the 
gentlewoman  and  her  said  Landlord,  Xov'.  2.3,  IGTS. 

lYov'.  25,  1G78.  In  all  humble  obedience  to  his  JIa""  late  declara- 
tion, I,  Ka^ihaell  Tarbareau,  Esq.,  born  at  Brce,  in  the  kingdonie  of 
France,  of  the  lloman  Catholique  Religion,  doc  certily  whom  it  may 
concerne,  that  in  respect  of  my  long  infirmity,  and  a  suite  depending 
m  tlie  high  court  of  Chancery,  I  have  been  resident  in  the  house  of  the 
widdow  Bradford,  in  Ilamden  Yard,  in  Kings  Street,  Westminster, 
with  two  French   Servants   of  the    Poman  (/atholiqiie  Peligion,  (viz^) 


jSlcliolns  Lainlicrt  and  I'cnis  IV'autcnips,  in  wliieli  liousc  I  luiml)ly  bey 
the  llivour  of  the  Kings  most  ivxccllcut  ]\Iu'-"  th;it  i  may  conruiuo  willi 
my  siiid  Servants,  untill  I  shall  recover  my  health,  and  tlie  said  suite  in 
Chancery  shall  bo  determined. 

Tahbeueau  de  Ville  ]'>i;i:>sse. 

JVov.  23,  1G78.  S'.  Evremond,  cliasse  de  France  il  y  a  long  temps, 
est  venu  d'abord  en  Angleterrc,  de  la  11  est  alle  en  Flundrc,  dc  Flandro 
en  Allemagne,  d'Allemagne  en  Flollande,  de  Ilollande  il  est  reveuu  en 
vVngleterre,  on  il  est  presentement,  no  pouvant  retoui'ner  en  son  pais;  il 
n'a  (pi'un  valet  noinmc  Gaspnrd  Girrard,  llamand  de  nation.  Je  siiis 
logo  dans  St.  iVlbans  Street  au  coin. 


jVoc.  2-1,  1G78.  Simon  de  Villebresme,  Escuyer,  Siour  (]r.  rF]>ilnn- 
dioro,  Gendarme  de  la  Garde  du  Hoy  dc  Franco,  est  arrive  icy  an 
comencement  du  mnisdc  Novemb.  1678,  ct  denieuro  chcz  Jullen  I'Her- 
mineur,  qui  tlent  une  auberge  pour  les  Estrangers  depuis  10  ou  12  ans 
en  Castel  Street  derriorc  Leicester  fields.  Donne  lo  2-1  AWembro  1G78. 

De  A'n.].E]iUEs.^iE. 

Xov.  24,  1078.  Francois  de  !Montmignon  de  Calais,  est  icy  depnis 
drux  mois  et  demy,  pour  apprendrc  la  langue,  et  loge  cliez  le  dit  I'llcr- 
mineur.      Donne  l"e  24^  XoV.  1G78. 

Die  Mon:\iignon. 

Km:  24,  1(378.  Jean  Charles  Pallavicini,  Gentilliommc  Milanois, 
est  en  Angleterrc  depuis  dix  ou  douze  mois,  et  logc  chcz  le  dit  Sieur 
rilermineur.  T)e  Pallavicini. 

Ccrlifieatc  for  ifr.  r«lhiv{c'u,i  These  are  to  certify  all  whom  it  may 
conccrne,  that  Jean  Charles  dc  Pallavicini,  a  gentleman  of  j\Iilan,  did 
on  the  24tli  of  November  last  past  (according  to  the  Order  of  Councill 
ol  the_19th  of  the  same  moneth)  give  in  his  name  to  me  with  the  ])lace 
of  his  lodging,  which  is  at  the  hduse  of  Julien  I'llcrrnineur,  who  keeps 


an   ordinary   lor   Tiraincrs   in   C'astel    Street   behiml    Leicester    Fielib. 
Gevon  at  Wliiteliall,  the  Otli  .lay  of  December,  1G78. 


Xov.  27,  1G78.  I,  AYilliani  Gentllls,  als'  Guerrin,  a  lodger  ac  Mr. 
Tliomas  Francklings  house  in  little  Kussell  Stn_et,  next  the  sigac  of  the 
three  Horse  shoes,  being  and  (sic)  Allien  Traveller,  of  the  Uonian 
Catholiquc  Keligion,  doe  humbly  crave  the  benefit  of  his  ila'"^'-^  late 
declaration  made  on  the  behalf  of  foreigners  of  that  religion. 

L.  Gextii.z 

Decani.  Zrd.  1C78.  James  Courcy,  Gent.,  a  stranger  and  traveller 
who  is  going  into  France  in  three  weeks  or  a  moneth.  lie  lodges  at 
the  Earle  of  Peterborowcs  house,  at  the  Horse  ferry  in  Westminster. 


Antonio  Sarclu  de  Firenze,  arrivato  in  Londra  la  sera  de  quattro  dc 
fdjbraro  1679,  et  dimora  in  Diuk-street  by  Lincolnes  Inne  fields,  at  the 
AVhite  Perruke,  nel  allogiamento  di  Fran'^  Terriesi,  Agente  del  Gran 
Duca  de  Toscana. 

■     Questo  de  6  di  fibbraio.  1G7'J. 

AxToxio  Sakciii. 

■\Ionsr.  I'erriesi  came  along  with  this  gentleman. 

[S.  P    0.  noinestio.  Various,  Xo.  604.] 

French  refugees  during;  the  reign  of  CuATtLES  IT.  made 
free  denizens,  pursuant  to  the  Oi'der  in  Council,  dtited 
28th  July,  IGSl. 

Peter  de  Laim^,  Esq.  Denizen.  In  pursuance  of  our  Order  of  Couii- 
cill,  made  the  28th  day  of  July  last  past,  in  favour  and  for  the  relief 
and  support  of  poorc  distressed  protestants,  who  by  the  reason  of  the 
rigours  and  severities  which  arc  used  towards  them  upon  the  account  of 
their  Picligion,  shall  be  forced  to  quitt  their  native  country,  and  sliall 

M)  FoiiF.iox  pi;i»Ti:>TAN'rs,  and  A1.1KN<,  TN  KNGLAN'D. 

desire  to  plicltor  tlicmsclvep  uinlcr  our  Ivoyull  protoctiou  fur  tlie  prrscr- 
vatlon  and  IVec  exercise  of  tlielr  religion,  of  wliom  I'eter  de  Laine,  ]lsi|- 
French  Tutor  to  our  dearest  brother  James  Duke  of  York  his  childi'cn, 
is  one,  as  appears  hy  sufficient  Certificate  produced  to  one  of  our  priu- 
cipall  Secrctarys  of  State,  and  that  he  hath  rcceiced  the  Jfoli/  CoDiinn- 
■nion.  Our  will  and  pleasure  is,  that  you  prepare  a  Bill  for  our  royall 
signature,  to  passe  our  Create  Scale,  containing  our  grant  for  the 
making  of  him  the  sayd  Peter  de  Laine,  being  an  Alien  borne,  a  free 
denizen  of  this  oure  kingdomc  of  Ihigland,  and  that  he  have  and  oni(jy 
all  rights,  priviledgcs,  and  immunities,  as  ntlier  free  DeniziMis  do. 
Provided  he,  the  said  Peter  de  Laine,  live  and  continue  with  his 
hnnily  in  this  our  kingdomc  of  England,  or  elsewhere  within  our  Do- 
minions; the  said  denization  to  be  forthwith  past  under  our  great  Scale, 
wdthout  any  fees  or  other  charges  whatsoever  to  be  paid  by  him.  Lor 
wdiich  this'shall  be  your  warri'nt.  Dated  at  Wliitehall,  the  14tli  day 
of  October,  1G8L  Pv  his  i\[a''"  Command. 

L.  Jr.XKiNS. 
To  our  Attorney  or  Sollieitor  Gencrall. 

The  like  warrant  for  Denization  for  Jacob  D'Agar,  witli  ;\biL:derme 
le  Jcune  his  wife,  his  ehildi'en,  John  Pxirtheline  Charles  l/Agar, 
Gabriel  d'Agar,  and  Su-anne  D'Agar,  being  aliens  borne.  Dated  tlie 
1-1  th  of  October,  IGSl. 

Thclilce  for  Abraliam  D'Agar,  Esq.  and  Aln'aham  D'Agar  his  .-^on, 
dated  nt  snpra. 

The  like  f:)r  Isacq  D'Agar,  Esq.  an  alien  borne,  dateMJ  <:t  ,„j,r„. 

The  like  for  Theodore  D'Agar,  Es.p  an  alien  b.n-ne,  -laled  nl  .■:„/,>■„. 

The  like  warrant  of  Denization  fji-  Steplien  Peuehet,  Jndilh  his 
wife,  Catharine,  iMary,  Elizabeth,  James,  Stephen,  Petei-,  Francis,  and 
Isabella  Bouchct  his  children. 

Daniel  Garni.  nauld,     his     cliildren,      Anuidi 

Ilonore  Pelcrin.  P-uiehet  his    neiee,    Philip    Pe- 

James   Penanld,    Annali  his  wife,  nandeau    and    Judith    I'iat    his 

James,  Ilonore,  and  .ludith  Pe-  -.'rvants. 

;i(:;n  iMtOTicsrAXTs, 

haac  LUoivlet. 

ALuy  thowilb  of  Jolni:\[aithi. 

Catlierine    da    Pus,    the    wife  of 

Francis  du  I'us, 
.Tolm    Baudiy,  Joannuli  liIs   ^vife, 

Joannah    and    Frunucs    liis 

James  Tjoucliet. 
Juliannali  Bouclict. 

and    Janc'un.l    .Matl.uriii    their 

Anth-c  Cliaperon. 
Fct-r  Boiron. 
John    ]'ioncquet,    ?»[ary    liis    wife, 

and  John  Boucquet  their  son. 
John  Esteve. 
Joan  Coudainc,   Lcwlza  Ids   Avlle, 

Ehzabeth   and    Henrietta    Cou- 

daln  their  daughters. 
Francis   Gautie,   Joanna  liis  wile, 

Isahehi,    doanna,     and     Francis 

Gautie     tlielr    eldldren,    and 

Joanna  llLiutie  their  nrci-i'. 
Jolm   Boucliet,  and    Elizabeth  Ills 

John    Pelllsonneau,    Annah    his 

wife,  Lewis  and   ]\L'irgaret  Fel- 

llssoneau  their  children. 
John  Vegnault,  Elizabetli  his  wife,      Mathelln  Alart 

Annah   an-l  Ellzal.eth  Vi-nault      being  all  aliens 

Peter  Tlllon,  Anna  his  wife,  Su- 

zanna,  Francis,  and  JohnTillon 

their    children,    and    .Magdalen 

Bouquet  their  kinswoman. 
Stephen  Luzlinan.and  Martha  bis 

Francis  Bridon    junior,    Sir/.anna 

his  wife,  Francis  Biddon  liis  son, 

and  Ellas  Yallet  his  servant. 
Ellas,  du  Pus,  ilary  his  wife,  lilias, 

John,    ilary,    ami    Suzanna    du 

Pus  their  children. 
Anthony   Le   Roy,    l-:iizaljeth   his 

wife,    and    John    du     Pas     his 

John  Pioudin,  and  Ester  bis  wile. 
Jacob  Angelier,  Joanna  his  wile, 

and  Anne  Bourru 
Ellas  llauz6,   I'llzabetb   his    wife, 

Tihn-garet  and  J-ilias  Mauze   their 

Peter  A'lddau. 
Francis    \'inecnt,    Anna   bis  wde, 

Anna     and     Francis    A'lncent 

their  children. 
John  Hain. 
James  Target. 
Peter  JMorcier. 
John  Gerbler,  and 

Dated  the  14th  of  October,  IGyl. 


The  Certificate  of  all  these  sevcrall  ]iersons  afore  namcil,  and  enti-od 
in  tills  Boke,  were  given  to  ^Ir.  Cooke.* 

Denhatlon  h<  Peter  fnUisscau,  cvr.— Iii  pursuance  of  our  Onl.-r  in 
Councill,  made  the  28"'  day  of  July  last  past,  Xc,  :is  in  thj.-e  on 
the  other  side.     Of  "wImiq 

Peter  Falasseau,  (jcnt.,  Isaae  Adde  du  Petit  Val, 

John  dc  Gusehon,  Gent.,  IVter  du  Gua  and  Miiry  his  wife, 

Josua  le   Fevrc,   apothecary,   and      Urania  de  r(-)nne,  Gentlewoman, 

Henrietta  his  wife,  and     Susannah    and     Ivathorin 

John  ]\Iaximilian  de  I'Angle,  mi-  Danckrell,   Sisters,  and   Sonne, 

nister,  and  Goronefa  his  wife. 

as  appeares  by  suindent  certificate  produced  to  one  of  our  prlneipall 
Secretarycs  of  State,  and  that  they  have  receaved  the  Holy  Communion. 
Our  will  and  pleasure  is  that  you  prepare  a  Bill  for  our  lioyal  Signa- 
ture, containing  our  grant  for  the  making  of  them  the  sayd  I'eter 
Falaissean,  etc.,  being  aliens  borne,  free  denizens  of  this  our  kingdome 
of  England;  and  that  they  and  every  of  them  have  and  enjoy  all 
rights,  priviledges,  and  iminunityes,  as  other  free  Denizens  do,  pro- 
vided tliey  live  and  continue  with  their  fainilyes  (such  as  have  any)  in 
this  our  kingdome  of  fhigland,  or  elsewhere  within  our  dominions: 
the  sayd  Denization  to  be  I'orthwith  past  our  Great  Scale  without  any 
Fees  or  other  cliarges  whatsoever  to  be  payd  by  the  sayd  persons  in  the 
pasing  thereof.  Dated  at  Whitehall  the  19  of  October,  1G81. 
To  our  Attorney  or  Sollicitor  General!. 

6  Denizations  in  the  forme  cntrcd  at  large  on  tlie  other  sidi.t  for  tliese 
severall  persons  following : 

Jane  Berny,  and  Frances,    jMagdaline,    Susuuiia, 

Samuel  Tiersen,  Jueller.  and  Mary  Charas  their  children. 

IMoses  Charas,  ^lagdcline  his  wife,  Peter   Jla.ndon,   Taylor  liy  trade, 

Frederick,      Charles,      Sam-on,  and  ihiry  his  wllb. 


Peter  Villavs,  a  Ttiylor  In-  tra.le.  Anm^   wife,    Fr.nvAs    Sole- 

Chai-lcs  Godfrey,  a  PeriKiue  maker,  man,  Daiii.'l  Jainrs,and  Stephen 

and  Jlary  Lis  wife.                  •  John,  their  clii'.dien. 
Francis  I'Egare,  a  Jew'-ller,  and 

All  dat.Ml  the  KV"  Xovcnib.  IGSl. 

Denization  in  iisuall  lorine  before  cntred  at  large,  for 
Peter  Sibron,  master  of  a  sliiii;  Daniel  Regnier,  Saylemalccr; 

Ellas  Xandin,  ]\Lister  of  a  shij) ;  John  lilsquier.  Master  of  a  shl|> ;  an^.l 

James  Bandit,  keeper  of  a  ship;  Maiy  Blaekall,  spinster; 

Joshua  Urigncau,  ship  carpenter; 
being  aliens  borne.     Dated  at  Wliltehall',  the  17"'  of  Xoveiid-S  insi. 

A  warrant  of  Denization  according  to  the  forme  eiitri'd  in  lhi_'  llrst 
page  of  this  booke,  for 

John  Martin,  Andrew  Lortie,  and        Daniel  I'-ernard. 

Dated  the  4'"  ,pf  Deccmb'-,  1G81. 

The  like  for  Francis  Amonet  and  Jane  Cromiuellu  Ids  wife,  witli 
Francis  Adrian,  Susan  Jane,  and  Marth.  Amonet, Ids  chihlren;  Matliew 
Ainonnet;  John  Boiichet ;  Eeter  le  Clercq,  Jane  Kleanore  do  Chcrville, 
:Mary  Knddlin,  and  Katherine  Mallierb,  his  servants.      Dated  >,f  supra. 

The  like  for  Jolm  Girard  and  Judith  his  wilL'.  Dated  the  ;5'>'  of 
Decemb^  1G81. 

The  like  fbr  Symon  Grimault  and  Jlary  his  dangliter,  with  Samuel 
Joly.     Dated  the  4'"  December,  1681. 

The  like  for  John  Baptistc  and  Peter  Eosemond.  Dated  the  4"' 
Decend/,  1G81. 

The  like  for  Peter  Cluuiret.     Dated  4'"  Dccemb^  1G81. 

The  like  for  Charles  Angibant  and  Jlary  his  wife,  j\Iary  Jane  his 
daughter,  and  Charles  7\.ngibant  Ids  son.     Dated  the  .'5'"'  Decemb"',  IGSl. 

('AMD.   S0(\  1.- 


T.ikc  Denization  for  Lewis  Escart,  ^Mcrcliuut.  Dated  tlie  2'"'  March, 

Like  lor  Isaac  Clainle,  ^Minister,  and  James  Cliavet.  Dated  at 
Windsor,  the  12'"  June,  1(582. 

Like  for  Xathaniell  Chauret, 

Peter  Flournoys,  Paul  ]\Iinrielle, 

Daniel  Lcspiniore,  Xieliolas  Grigi-on,  Merchant, 

Luke  do  Beaulicu,  I\Iarge*    Petitot    liis   ^vife,    and 

Henry  Risley  and  Paul  Risley  his  Margaret,  Mary,  and  Magdalen 

son,  Grigron  his  children. 
Spiritto  Piuhatti, 

Dated  at  Windsor,  12'"  June,  1G82. 

Like  for  Peter  Harache, 

Daniell  Bernard,  Anna  the  wife  of  Peter  Harache. 
Alexander  Damascene,  and 

Dated  at  Whitehall,  the  2G'"  June,  1G82. 

Like  for  Lewis  Gcrwalse,  Jacqueline  his  wife.  Isaac  and  Lewis 
Gcrwaisc  his  sons,  and  Mary  Marguarittc  his  daughter. 

Also  John  Fallifer,  Paul  Fallill'r  his  son,  and  Mary  Anna  his  daughter. 
Date.l  at  Whitehall,  the  20'"  June,  1G82. 

Like  for  Daniell  Gruber,  Susanna  his  wif%  Francis,  John,  Henry, 
and  Nicholas  Gruber  his  sons,  Susaniui,  MarLMritta,  and  Fraiices 
Gruber  their  daughters. 

Philip  le  Chevenix  and  JIagdaalcna  Chevcnix. 
Dated  at  Windsor,  the  9'"  August,  1C82. 

Like  for  Lewis  Batchclier,  Anna  Augusta  his  wife, 
Anna  Batchclier,  Daniel     Pieniensseaux,    ]\rary    his 

Charlotte  Eosignell,  wife, 

:\Iary  de  Champs,  Peter  Lcnoult, 


Daniel  do  Pulvcvct,  John  Oliver, 

tfamcs  A'enars  Gervays,  Peter  Oliver,  ami 

James  A'alre,  riayniond  Gacliec. 
Dated  the  29'''  August,  1G82. 

Like  lor  Andrew  Lortie,  a  Minister,  Mary  his  wife,  Amh'ew  L 
his  son,  .Mary  iClizabeth  and  .Mary  Anna  Lortie  his  daughters.  1 
at  Whitehall  the  28"^  of  SeptenJ/,  16S2. 

Like  Denization  for  Lewis  do  Masseur,   Anna  Ills   wife.  James 
Lewis  A'aseur  his  sons,  and  Anna   Elizabeth  and  }iLiry  A'asscur 
Susanna  le  Xoble,  widow,  John,      Coelur  de  Beaulieu,  a  niinisti- 

Peter,  Henry,  and  James  Xoble      Stephen  la  Coste. 

her  sons,   and  Mary,    Susanna,      Peter  Delinas. 

]\Iagdalena,  Charlotte,  and  Anna 

Xoble  her  daughters. 
Ale.xamler  A'icvar  and    Islavy   his 

Florence  Lamero. 
'Thomas  le  Ferrc. 

Dated  tlie  1.3»<  Dccemb',  1G82. 

John  Thurct, 
Isaac  Thuret. 
Paul   Sange   and  Antli(.>niette 

wili:',  and 
Peter  Lule. 

de  Carron,  Suzanna  his  wi 
d  Charulotte,  his  dauglite 
John  Lehut. 

Like  I'enization  for  Balthazar  de  Carron,  Suzanna  his  wife,  Constn 
Suzanna,  Mary  Antionnett 
Peter  Bernard. 
Peter  de  la  Coel^,  and 

Dated  the  15'"  of  Decern]/,  ir,82. 

Like  Denization  for  Samuel  do  Paz, 
John  Pigou,  ]\Iary  his  wife,  John,      Rachel  Francois. 

Adrian,  and  j\Iarc  Antony,  their      Peter  TuUer,  Judith  his  wile,  J>.il 

sons,   Suzanna,   Catherina,    and  Baptist,   and    Peter    Paul   th 

]\Iaria,  their  daughters.  sons. 

Benjainin  Grcnot.  Alexander  Sasscrye,  Alary  his  wi 

F  2 


VC  th 

George   Guill,    Suzaniia  liis 
Jolm  tlieir  son,  Jane,  Suz; 
find  IMaitlia,  tlieir  dauglUei 

Anna  Lcstuigeon. 

Mary  Viel. 

Stephen  Soulart  and  Marv  Ills 

Anuiult  Pro^^■. 

I'aul  Mainvlellc  Lacoze. 

John  iHi  MaL-tre. 

Peter  Du  Four. 

James  lo  Sernirler. 

Peter  le  Serrurier. 

Paul  Chaille'. 

John  Durand. 

his  sons. 

John  Cavalier. 

James  Hardy, 

Jonas  Congnard. 

Cornelius  Denis. 

Theodore  Jan-scn. 

I'eter  Pieher. 

John  Plumicr. 

Peter  Pelerin. 

Isaac  Jamart. 

Jacob  Plison. 

Oliver  Tribert. 

Peter  Brison,  Cathcrina  his  w 

Peter  Tousseaunie,  Catherin:: 
wife,  Abraham  their  son, 
zanna,  Alary  Catheriiia,  anc 
zanna,  Cathcrina  their  dauah 


Gabriel  Pappe. 

Eliaz    .Moze,    Elizabeth   his    ^^•ife, 


I'diaz  their  son,  and  l\Iarguarlta 


their  daughter. 


Daniel  Toiln. 

I'eter  Terre. 

Lewis  Paijsant. 


Paul  du  Pin  and  Charl-tte  his  wil'e. 

Praneis  Fullin. 

Powuin  Kout;el. 

Thomas  Croehen 

l'(.'ter  le  Piort  and    Alagilalena  his 


Francis  Boureau,  Anna  his   wife. 

Anna    and    ]\lary    Anna    their 

daughters,    Philip   and    Francis 


their  sons. 

Francis  Carbat. 

John  de  la  Salle. 

Dame  du  Cloux. 

Isaac  ilessien  and  Anna  his  wll'o. 

Paul  Dhei-by. 

Peter  .Sauze". 

Sarah  iloreau. 

John  Rennys  wife. 

James  Gaudincau. 

James  Malivoire,  Suzanna  his  wiCe, 

and    Jacrpieline    Suzanna   their 



Magdalena  Boussi. 

a   his 

Peter  Keverdy  and  Pjenoni  his  son. 

,    Su- 

.John  Tetonand  iMary  his  daughter. 

d  Su- 

Mary  Acque. 


-bjhn  lie  liraves  wife. 


being   Alliens   borne.       Duted    nt  Hampton   Court,    the    IG"'   duy   ol' 
]\Liy,  1GS3. 

To  tlio  Attorney  or  Sollicitor  Gcncrall. 

Orders  similar  at  tlic  eommcnccment  for 

Jonas  Durand.  Isaac  Gamier,  John,  Jonas,  Daniel, 

James  Paisaut.  and   Paul,  liis   sons,   and   ^lary 

Abraham  Tesserati.  his  daughter. 

John  Key.  Abraham  Torin. 

Charles  Colinet.  Isaac  la  Koche,    Anna    his    wife, 

James  Sartres,  Clerk.  Isaac,   Daniel,   Ciprian,  Judith, 

Daniel  Pnirbaud,   Anne   his  wife,  and  Katherinc,  their  children. 

nnd  ilary  their  daughter.  Isaac  du  Bois,  Marguaritahis  wifci 

Peter  Aumosnier.  Jonas,    John,    and   Alexander, 

Isaac  du  Bourdeau.    _  their  sons. 

John    du    Bourdeau,     IMai-garitta  Joint  Henry  ]\Iarion. 

his  wife.  Elizabeth    .Seigler    and    Francis 

Peter  Isaac  Piomand.  Seigler. 

Gabriel  John  Armand.  Lewis  de  la  Faye,  jNIary  his  wile, 

John  Lewis   and  James  his  son,  and  Harry  their  son. 

and  Margareta  his  daughter.  Theodore  Dagar  and  Mary  Dagar 

Claudius  Kondeau,  Anna  his  wife,  his  wife. 

and  I\Iary  Ann  their  daughter.  Francis  Lumcau  du  Pont,  Clerk. 

John    PLondeau,    Anna    his    wife,  l\Iichael    David    and    Marguarita 

and  Henry  liis  son.  Daviil. 

Peter   Forccville    and    'Mary    his  John  I'Archevesque. 

wife.  Nicliolas  ilassey  and  Suzanna  his 

John  Jlobileau.  wilb,  Abraham,  Henry,  Nlcho- 

Isaac  dcs  Champs.  las,  and  Jacob,  their  sons, 

Samuel  Carnc-N,  Martha  his  wife.  Peter  Lambert. 

Paul  Vaillance  and  Mary  }>Iagda-  Joakim  Falek. 

lena  his  wile.  Henry  Iletz,  and 

Jeremiath  Majoii,  Clerk.  Joshua  ]\Ieochin  de  la  ilour, 
being  all  Aliens  borne,  free  Denizons  of  this  our  Klngdonic  of  England, 


and  that  they  Ikivc  and  enjoy  all  riglits,  piivlledges  and  imunityes  as 
other  free  denizens  do.  Provided  they  and  every  oi'  them  do  live  and 
continue  with  their  flimilyes  in  this  oure  realnic  of  England,  or  else- 
where within  our  Dominions.  And  you  are  to  i/iscrtui  the  saiil  Bill  a 
cl'insc,  iJiot  oil  those  of  the  jicrsons  above  noinnl  irho  orr  of  the  ai/c  of 
16  i/cinrs  aii'l  ujiwards  Jo  take  (he  oaths  of  Jllr,ii,,:i,r  onJ  Snjo-cnari/, 
at  some  Qitarter  Sessions,  vithin  one  yeare  after  iheilote  here,f,  and  that 
those  of  the  sayd  persons  vho  arc  rntder  the  aije  of  \G  yeares,  do  t<d:c  tlie 
sayd  oaths  icitliin  one  yeare  after  they  shall  attaine  the  sayd  aye,  j\n,l 
that  Certificates  tliereof  he  fled  in  the  I'etty  Ikujy  ofiee,  ieithi)i  o  nioneths 
after  the  takiny  the  sayd  oathe.  The  sayd  Denization  to  he  Ibrthwlth 
passed  under  our  great  sealc,  without  any  fees  or  other  charges  what- 
soever to  bo  payd  by  the  sayd  persons  in  the  passing  thereof.  For 
which  this  shall  be  your  warrant.  Given  at  our  Court  at  Windsor,  the 
2-lth  day  of  August,  IGS-i. 

By  his  I^la'"  Command, 

S.  GoDOLrniN. 
To  our  Attorney  or  Sollicitor  Gcnerall. 

Denization  in  the  iorm  before  going,  for  Alexander  Dalgrcsse,  a 
French  persecuted  ]\linistcr,  only  the  Clause  about  taking  the  Oath 
ommitted.      Dated  the  3 1  ft  day  of  October,  1G84. 

l>y  his  Ma"-'  Command. 




rrcncli  Refugees  made 

A  Warrant  according  to  the 
making    free   denizens.    SoIomk 
Henry  and  Peter  their  sons. 
I'eter  Lorrain. 
Judith  Fouljert,  wile  of  Xiclic 

Everct  Joliret. 
John  Henry  Lusan. 
Peter    Azire,    Susanna    his    w: 

Lewis,  Gaston,   Peter  and  J' 

nequv,   their    sons,   and    Sai 

their  daughter. 
Richard  Ic  Bass. 
Nicholas  Guerni. 
Robert  Guerni. 
-Jonas  le  Fort. 
Phillip  Collen. 
John  Pluet. 
Jlichael  Cadet. 
John  Caslaing. 
Daniel  Ic  Fort. 
Stephen  Mayer  Rose. 
Ruben  le  IMirdc. 
Peter  Martin. 
Isaac  le  Fort. 
Peter  Davall. 
Peter  Caveiron. 
Charles  Poizet. 
James  Gardien. 
Isaac  Gomar,  Clerk. 
Abraham  Faulton,  Clerk. 

free  denizens  nnder  Ja:mes  II. 

I'ormc  entreJ  in  the  foregoing  Pago,  to 
111    Foubert    and    Mugdalena    his  wile 

James  du  Fan. 

Thomas  (jueuault. 

John  Auriol. 

John  Chotard. 

Isaac  Gaillabocnt. 

Xoo  Royer. 

Isaac  Bertram. 

David  Raymendeu. 

Symon   TestefoUo,    Elizabeth    his 

■wife,  and  Mary  their  daughter, 

Claudius  and  Symon  their  sons. 
James  Saugcon. 
Denis    Ifotot,    Olimpe   his    wile, 

Francis  and  John  their  sons. 
Samuel    Jlasse,    and    Samuel   hi; 

John  Cailone. 
Danel  Yon. 
Daniel  Guy. 
Gabriel  Guy. 
Symon  Rolain. 
Thomas  Quarance. 
John  de  la  Fuye. 
Suzanna  de  la  Fuye. 
Jonas  Barill. 
James  Guvri. 
Abel  Raveau. 
Gideon  Mobileau. 

'10  FOr.EIliN  I'KOTF.STAN'TS,  AND  ALIEXS,   IN   KNfa.AXn. 

John  Gucyle.  Jolui  du  CIiav..l,  clerk,  tni-I  Jane 

Julin  Baptist  Estival.  liis  wife. 

John  do  Caux.  Mielinel  Mel■e!er,^rargavct  hiswife, 

Elias  Bovin.  find  Daniell  their  son. 

Philip  Guillandean.  Peter   Fauconier  and    ]\higdalena 

Paul  Bougrioux.  his  wife,  Lewis,  Peter,  and  Isaac, 

Francis  Sartoris.  their  sons. 

John  BiUovart.  William  Charpenclle,  Suzanna  his 

John  la  Vic.  wife,  Ecne  their  son,  ilnrgaret, 

Anthony  Chauvln.  Helena.  ;ind  Jane,  their  <liugh- 

James   Pcveeh,    Isal-ella    his  wife,  ters. 

David     their     son,    Antoinette,       Sanmel  Piavenel. 

Cathcrina,  IMargaret,  ^Vnna,  and      Anna  Joiry. 

Isabella,  their  danghters.  Lewis  dc  Cha-e  and  :\rary  liis  wife. 

With  the  Clauses  for  taking  the  Oaths  as  in  the  foregoing  wai-riuit. 
Dated  thc24"'of^Iarch,  IGSa. 

To  the  Attorney  or  SoUicitor  Generall. 

In  pursuance  of  an  order  made  by  our  late  dearc  Brother  King 
Charles  of  blessed  memory,  in  Councell,  the  28'"  day  of  July,  1G81,  in 
favour  and  for  the  relief  and  sujiport  of  poore  distressed  Protestimts, 
who,  by  reason  of  the  rigours  and  severities  which  arc  used  towards 
them  upon  account  of  their  Religion,  shall  bo  forced  to  quit  their  native 
country,  and  shall  desire  to  shelter  themselves  under  our  Royall  Pro- 
tection for  the  preservation  and  free  exercise  of  their  Religion,  of  which 
nujnbcr  arc  the  persons  hereafter  named,  as  appears  by  sufficient  certi- 
ficate produced  to  one  of  our  principall  secretarys  of  State,  arid  that 
they  have  received  the  Sacrantcnt  of  the  Lord's  Supper  according  to 
the  uscage  of  the  Church  of  I^ngland,  our  will  and  pleasure  is  that  you 
prepare  a  Bill,  &c.  containing  our  Grant  for  the  making  of 
Stephen  Pigou,  Alexander  Thcrec  Castagnier, 

Antony  Ilolzafell,  JMary  his  wife,      Abraham  Cardes, 

and  Antony  their  son,  Bartholomew  Pelissary, 

Antony  Sal.atics,  Charles     Ilayrault,     Suzaniia    his 


John  Lambert, 

Ccpluis  Tutct,  !Mavgaritta  liis  wife, 

John  Saiivago, 

]\Iark  Ccplias  tlirir  son. 

John   Pancicr,  Elizabeth  liis  wilb, 

John  licdoutet, 

John  Bourgcs, 

David  I'^vrc, 

John  Girardot, 

David  Jlinrcl, 

John  Barbot, 

David  Garric, 

John  Plastrier, 

Daniel  Pillort, 

John  Gcndron, 

Daniol  Avcline, 

John  llanet, 

Daniel  JVrdrcau, 

Isaac  Courallct, 

Daniel  Lalite, 

James  Gcndrault, 

Daniel  Eol'e, 

James  Licvrard,  Martha  his  wife, 

Stephen  Scigneurct,  lilizabcth  his 

Suzanna  and  Mary  their  daugh- 



Steplien  Da  l''on, 

Julia  Pelissary, 

Stephen  .Tourneau, 

Josias  IMervillcau, 

Stephen  Briyault,   Jane  his  wife, 

John  Xoguier, 

and  Stephen  their  son, 

Josua  Noguier, 

Stcplien    Ayrault    a;td    Mary    his 

Jane  Le  Boux, 

■  wife, 

James  Scheult, 

Stephen  Delancey, 

-Tohn  Sarazin, 

Klias  Cionrbiel, 

John  Ilerve,  Anna  bis  wile.  Jolin 

Angelica  Bibara, 

and  Sarah  their  chil.b-en, 

Ester  Dumoidin, 

John  Gallan,  jMary  his  wife,  John, 

Elias  Nczcrcau, 

I'aul,    Sansom,   Francis,    j\lary- 

Elias  Boudinot,  Peter,  Elias,  John, 

Anna,and  Judith  their  children, 

and  Mary,  his  children, 

Ecwis  Soullard, 

Francis    Mariettc,    Elizabeth    his 

Lewis  Boucher, 

wife,  Francis,  James,  Claudius, 

Lewis  Bebecourt,  Anna  his  wiCc, 

Elizabet,     and      Lcwisa,     their 

and  Suzanna  their  daugliter. 


i\Ioscs  Lamouche,  Ester  his   wife, 

Girardot  Diiperon, 

i\L:iscs,    Paul,    Lewis,    Suzanmi, 

Henry  Bruneau, 

and  Anna,  their  childi-en. 

CAMP.  soc. 




MathQw  1- avro,  Peter  Avnaul.l,  :\Iai-v  his  wife,  riwl 

]\Io_ysc  Aviceau,  Maw,   Kli/.ahetli,  Saimirl  tli-^'ir  r^on," 

Callievina,     and     "Mavtlia,     Lis  Pct-r  Paoqucirau, 

dauglUors,  Paul  Jinincai:. 

Niclioks  PilLivt,  Pliilli].s  PJ.llrv, 

Peter  do   Birexin,   :\Iag.lal.'na   his  .lohn  I'-araihcan, 

wile,  Peter,  :\[ary,  ami    Magda-  Pctrr  Durand,  Cliarlrs  his  s.jn, 

Icna,  their  children,              '"  P.ibcrt  P.a.lcnhop. " 

John  Pimquand,  Simon     Piq'Mit,    Slincn    and    Su- 

Peter   Lanze,  Dorothea   his  wife,  zanna  his  rhildren, 

Claudius,  James, Peter. Su/.anna,  Simon  T.ehlans, 

and  Dorothea,  their  ehildren,  Simon  Tristan, 

Peter  All)ert,  Suzanna  lierchere, 

Peter  Le  :\1  .teux,  Salomon  I'.ailly. 

Pe'ter  Ja.mi.'t,  M-irv  his  wife.  I'etcr,  Thomas  Satur.' Jane  his  wil'e.  Isaac, 

:\L,ry,  and   Suzanna,  tlieir  cliil-  Jonathan,  Thomas,   and  Ja.M.h, 

dreu,  Jane  Sarah, and  Jane.Mary  their 

Peter  Longuevill,  ehildren, 

being  Alliens  borne,  free  Denizens  of  this  our  kingdom  ol'  England, 
find  that  they  have  and  enjoy  all  rights,  priviledgcs,  and  immunityes 
as  other   li-eo  denizens  do,   provided  they  and   every  ol'  them   do  live 

wliere  within  our  Ddiidnions.  And  you  are  to  insei'L  in  tlie  sayil  Pill 
a  clause  that  all  those  ol' flic  sayd  Persons  above  named  who  are  of  the 
age  of  IG  yeares  and  upwards  do  take  the  oaths  of  Allegiance  and 
supremacy  at  some  quarter  Sessions  within  one  yeare  after  the  date 
hereof.  And  that  those  of  the  sayd  persons  who  arc  under  the  age  of 
IG  yeares  do  take  the  sayd  oaths  within  one  yeare  after  they  shall 
attaine  the  sayd  Age,  and  that  Certificates  thereof  be  fyled  in  the  petty 
bag  office  within  3  moueths  after  the  taking  of  the  sayd  Oaths.  And 
tliis  sayd  Denization  to  lie  forthwith  passed  under  our  Create  Scale, 
without  any  fees  or  other  charges  wdiatsocver  to  be  payd  by  the  sayd 
persons  in  the  passing  thereof.  For  which  this  shall  be  your  warrant. 
Dated  at  AVhdtehall,  \lie  .V"  day  of  :March,  IGS^ 
To  our  Attorney  or  SoJHcitor  Generall. 


binii'iar  wnvmnt  in  invoui-  ot 

1  Daniel  Albert. 

Francis  A.>elln. 

(iabriell  Aii-i.r. 

Jacob  Ausoll. 

Jamos  Arnaiulin. 

Francis  Andrea. 

Al-irt  F..41in. 

Anthony  JJoureau. 

Adam  Busquaiu. 

]  >anicl  Bordcric. 

Peter  Bellui  Bourryaii. 

Jaul  Busserau. 

Oliver  Besslj. 

I  'ctcr  Boisseaiix. 

•  lolm  Baudouin. 

Isaac    Buor,    Ayniec    Ins    wife, 

Francis  their  son 
Oabriell   lUior.  .Alargaret  his  wife, 

Gabriella    and    Tsraelita    their 

Julias    Bunherean,    Margaret    his 

wile,    lilias,    Bilchard,    Aniator, 

John,  Margaret,  Blandine,  and 

Magdalen,  their  children. 
Lewis   Brouart,   Aymeo  his  wife, 

and  Aymee  their  danghter. 
Samuel  Bourdet. 
Anthony  Barron. 
Isaac  Brian,  Clerk. 
llcni  Borthau,   Clerk,  Martha  his 

wife,    Charles  and  .Martha  their 


James  de  Brissae,  Clerk,  Rachel 
his  wife. 

Gabriel  Bernoii. 

]\'ter  Burtel. 

John  Boussac. 

David  Butel. 

Peter  Brateller. 

Isaac  Boufort,  Ann  his  wife. 

Jane  Bernard. 

John  Barbier  and  j\Iary  his  wife, 
James,  Theodore,  Oliver,  and 
Richard,  their  children. 

James  Bcnoist. 

■James  Badifle  des  Romanes,  Per- 
side  his  wife,  James,  Picne,  I'c- 
nina,  Isal^ella,  :\rai-y,  and  Ca- 
hrlelle,  their  cliildren, 

Daniel  Brlanceau  and  Elizalieth 
his  will-. 

Jacob  Coutris. 

Peter  Chastelier,  Mary  Sii-anua  his 

Abraham  Cossard. 

Peter  Caillard. 

Ilcnry  Coderk. 

Henry  Augustus  Chast;ugncr  de 

Abraham  Courson. 

Sampson  Chasses. 

James  Chivot,  Anna  his  wife, 
James  and  Susanna  tlieir  chil- 


)i!EiGN  ri;oTi:sT.v; 


John  Charles. 

Moses  Charles. 

Paul  Couraud. 

John  Chaigncau,  Marv  his  wile, 
Peter  and  Esther  th^-ir  eliildrcu. 

Elias  Cothonneou. 

Abraham  Carru. 

Daniel  Cliardin. 

Miehael  Chalopin. 

William  Cromelin. 

Mathi-is  Chaigneau,  :\Iarv  his  wife, 
.Alathias,  Peter,  a'..d  '  Suf;(ni,u, 
their  ehildren. 

Peter  Chardua. 

Peter  Corrcges. 

Abraham  Clary. 

Abraham  Costat. 

John  Constantin  and  Elizabeth  liis 

John  Chevalier,  Jane  his  wife, 
Jolin,  Daniel,  Pet.a',  ICIixabeth, 
and  Judith,  their  children. 

Eliiiz  Depuv,  Elizabeth  his  wile, 
illchael,  ".Mary,  Daniel,  Eliza- 
beth, Eliaz,  Erancis,  and  Joseph, 
tlieir  children. 

John  James  David. 

Joseplr  Ducasse,  Ann  Duvall, 
Maij,  JLagdalen,  diaries  and 
John,  their  children. 

Michael  dc  Caux,  Esther  his  wife, 
and  Judith  their  danghter. 

Peter  du  llamel. 

Steplien  Dueloss. 

EewisDe  A'eiU. 

James  De  Caux,  Elizabeth  Ids 
wife,  James,  Elizabeth,  and 
ihirv,  their  children.  l)e  Srne  and  John  his  son. 

Peter  de  Yaxix. 

James  L)'All(/magno  Demay,  Be- 
nin,; his  wife,  Eewis,  Jacob, 
and  Jane,  their  children. 

Paul  Douzain,  Esther  his  wile, 
.Alary  their  danghter. 

Samuel  du  P.ourdieu. 

Peter  de  la  Alarre. 

Abraham  Desessaras. 

James  De  Bourdeaux,  i\Iagdalen 
his  wilb,  Margaret,  Magdalen, 
Judith,  Janes,  and  .Judith,  tbeir 

Jacob  de  llanc. 

Jacob  dc  Millon. 

Lewis  de  Lansao. 

James  de  la  Barre. 

George  Lewis  Donnt. 

Jolm  Defray,  Catlierina  his  will.,  their  sou. 

Paul,  Carolina,  and  .Alary  Du  Pin. 

Charles  D'llerljy. 

Philip  Du  Pont,  Clerk. 

Jlargaret  de  Louvain. 

David,  Francis,  and  Peter  de  la 

Lewis  Emery. 

Paul  Emery. 

Lewis  iLseolIier. 


Peter  TIcnrum. 

Stephen  Guitan. 

AiiJixnv  Foucaut. 

Nicohis  Gaudies. 

Tctcr  r Innislal. 

Stephen  Galeherre,   Stephen.    Da- 

Benjamin Fanoril. 

vid,  and  Lewis,  his  children. 

Anthony  Favrc. 

Samuel  Ginguier. 

Lewis   Henry,   Clerk,    E-tlier 

Peter  Gloria. 

wife,   Philip,   Anuiury,    I'sthcr, 

Judith   Gascherie,  J(ihn  and    Ste- 

and Hilary,  tlicir  ehildren. 

phen  her  childivu. 

James    Fruschart,     Catlierina    his 

Peter    Guepin,    Paehel    his    wilb, 

wife,   James   and    Philip   their 

David,  Peter,  John,   and  Abra- 


liLim,  their  ehildren. 

Philip  F'erinent. 

Rene.  Guibert,  Clerk. 

Stephen  Foiiacc,  Clerk. 

John  Gerny  and  Ann  his  wife. 

Charles  Foliace. 

John   Gaudet,    Jaquette   his  wife, 

Stephen  Paget. 

Charles  and  John  their  cldldren. 

Caquas  Fresucau. 

Charles  Gauehe. 

Anna  Andrew, 

John  Gomar,  L'lcrk. 

I'^lizaheth  and  Gabrielle  Ferre. 

Jolni  Gayot  and  Jane  his  wife. 

William  Fret. 

JIoscs  Guillot. 

James   Fouquercl,    Martlia    Fane- 

Philip,  Peter,  and  Jane  Guesnard. 

shaw,    John,    Peter,   .Ah,o-,[alen, 

David  Guepin. 

and  Judith,  their  ehihhvn. 

John  Guepin. 

David    Godin,     Francis    his    wife. 

James  Goubert. 

David,    Benjamin,     -Maiy,    and 

Peter  Gourdin  and  Mary  his  wife. 

i\Lirtha,  their  ehildren. 

John  ILittanvillc. 

Ezekicl  Graszellier. 

James  Flebert. 

Laurence  Goldig. 

John  Ilervieu. 

Henry  Gardics. 

Arn-iand  llurdy. 

Peter  Gallet. 

Henry  Justcl." 

ilichacl   Garnicr,    JIary  his   wife. 

Daniel  Jamiaeau. 

James,  Daniel,  and  Samuel,  liis 

Claudius  Jamineau. 


Abraham  Jamain. 

Peter  Garnier. 

Lewis  dourdain. 

Philips  Guaoain. 

Fleurance  -loyau. 



Peter  Julieu   do    S'  Julien,  Jano 

his    will-,    Peter,    Lewis,    Paul, 

Aymec,  Carolina,  MarLraret,  ami 

Emilia,  their  chiklrcn. 
David  Lauroide. 
Denis  Lamhert. 
Jacob  le  Febvre. 
Daniel  Lc  Febvre. 
John  lc  Cordier. 
Oliver  Longuet. 
Peter  Laisise,  Ann  his  wife,  and 

Ann  and  Jane  their  da  lighters. 
Moses  la  Croix. 
James  Liege,  JLary  his  wile. 
John  Loqnin. 
Stephen  Lufoes. 
Jlathew  Lafittc. 
James  and  ]\[ary  Laml.iert. 
Rachel  le  Plastrler,  Cath<-rlna  and 

Anna  her  children. 
Charles  le  Cene,  Clerk. 
Peter  le  Blond. 
Andrew  and  Francis  Laiivau. 
John  Liovis. 
Vigor  Le  Cenc. 
Ililair  Lascur. 
Jacob  Lcquay. 
Peter  Laloiiele. 
Stephen    Le    Jloyne, 

wife,  and  Esther  his 
Mathew  Le  Cerf. 
Cffisar  lAL.zo. 
Peter  i\IoiJsnier. 
Stephen    IMazicq,    Sarah   his 

and  Stephen  their  so:i. 

Esther   his 



Gabriel   Marl 

and  Esther 
Abraham     ^\ 

wile,    Alir; 

Daniel  their  children. 
Peter  Micliou,  Catherine 
John  Metivier. 
Stephen  Ihuvt  an.l  Ann 
John  James  Martin. 
Francis  ^lacaire. 
James  .Alell. 

David  and  Samuel  .Alotte 
Claudius  r^Iazieres. 
Adam  Maintru. 
John    ]\Ienanteau,    John 

Jonas,    Peter,     Moses, 

and  Mt,ry,  his  children 
Peter  IMalcarto. 
Abraliam  .Martin. 
Guy  Mesniin,  Ann-Mary 

and  Guy  tlicir  son. 
Isatic  Maricq. 
Thomas  Michel. 
James  ]\Ioreau. 
Abel  l\Ielier. 
Francis  ilarchant. 
James  Martcl, 
James   ilisson,   Clerk,  Ju'J 

wife,  Maximilien,  James  I 

Henry  Peter,  and  Ann  j\L 

tlioir  chiMrcn. 
Martha     :\linuel    and    Dav 

Eliza  Xisbet. 
Claudius  Xobilleau.  Mar-a 


Ids  wilb 



wife.  Diiniel,  Ilenrv,  Klizaljctli,  C'Ksar  regorier,  Marv  his  wile. 

aiiJ  JuJith,  their  Jhikheii.  Peter  Perdrlaux,  EHzaLethhis  wile, 

Ellas-Xezereau,  ihipthileii  his  wife,  Peter  ami  John  tlieir  childreu. 

Elias  an,]  Jane  tlielr  chll.lreu.  Stephen  and  Ozee  Perdrlaux. 

James  Xcel.  Clement    Palllet,    JIary   his   wife, 

Nieholas  Xeel,  Hilary  his  wife,  and  Daniel  his  s.ui. 

JIary  their  daughter.  Charles  Picaut. 

Xiehohis  Oursel.  Paul    Paillct,  Anna  his   wife,  and 

Bai-tholomew  Ogelby.  IMary  their  daughter. 

Daniel  Perreau.  Jacob  Quesmes. 

John  Pare,  l\-ter,  John,  Mary,  and  Stephen    Eohlneau,     Judltli     liis 

Susanna  his  ehildren.  wile,  and  Mary  their  (hinghter. 

Peter  Pascal  and  Hilary  his  wifj.  Francis  Robaln,IIcniietta  his  wife, 

James  Pellier.  and  Hester  their  daugliter. 

Elias  Prloleau,  Clerk,  Jane  his  wife,  John   Penaudot,  Cleik,"  .Magdalen 

Klias  and  Jane  their  children.  his   wile,   Joint,    1  )aniei, 'julia, 

David  Pringel  and  Isvaellte,  their  eldldivn. 

^^111iam   Pierre,  AVilliam,   Da.vid,  John  Piboteau,  ilag.lalen  Ids  wife, 

Gabriel,  :\Iary,  Rachel, and  .Ann,  Henry,    Magdalen,    and    Mary, 

his  children.  their  children. 

Elizabeth  Play.  Isaac  Pamband. 

Saniurl  Parinlh.m.       .  Peter  Ploulet. 

.Samuel  Pa.|uet  snd  Ann   his  wife.  Daniel  Puel. 

Joseph  Paulct.  Philip  Pousseau. 

ilartha   Pean,   Martha,  Elizabeth,  William  Poche. 

INIary,  and  Pene,  her  children.  Peter  Rondelet  and  Joseph  his  son. 

Alexander    Pepin,    IMagdalen    his  Lawrence  Sauvage. 

wH'e,  Paul,  and   Magdalen  tlieir  John  Sabaties. 

children.                     '^  John  Severin. 

Susanna    Pcrdiiaux,   Elias,    Eliza-  I'eter  Samson  and  Mary  his  wife. 

beth,  Esther,  llachel,  and  Hilary  l\Iary  Sterrell. 

Anna,  her  children.  ilatliew  Schut. 

Ca;sar  Paget.  Gabriel  Tahourdiu. 

Gabriel  Pepin.  Xicolas  Tourton. 


Benjamin  Tonrtelot.  John    A^Tger    ami    Gabrk^llc    liis 

Peter  Trinquan.l.  wile. 

Daniel  Thouvois  an.]  Paul  his  son.      Francis    Vaillaut,    Ja<niclln.-    liis 

James  Trittan  and -lane  Ills  wife.  -ivife,   Paul,  Praneis,   J-aae,  Sii- 

Antony  Vandcrhuht.  sanna,  and  Mary,  tlu'ir  eliiliU-en. 

Isaac  A^autliie.  Afagdalcn  A^mei-iuet. 

Peter  Videau,  Jane  ami  Elizabeth      Henry  VarelUc. 

his  daughters.  Abraham  Le  Conte. 

Without  the  elaiise  rei|uiriiig  oaths  of  allcgianee.     Dated  Wliltehall, 
the  9'''  of  Aprlll,  1GS7.  in  the  .T''  yeare  of  our  reigne. 

By  his  Ma'-  eonimand, 


To  our  jVttorney  or  Sollicltor  Generall. 

Denization  to  sevcrall  persons.*  Our  will  and  pleasure  is  that  you 
prepare  a  Bill  for  our  Poyall  Signature  to  our  Great  Seale  for  the 
makingc  the  persons  hereafter  named,  being  Aliens  borne,  iVec  Deni- 
zens of  this  our  kingdome,  viz'. : — 

Peter  Allix,  Clerk,  and  ^Margaret  Cliarles   Ardesoif,   Jane   liis   wili', 

hiswife,  John,  Peter,  and  James,  Peter,     John,     and    Jane,    his 

their  children.  children. 

Philip  Avbunot.  John    Barberie,    Peter    and    John 

John  Arlandy.  his  children, 

.lames  Asselin,  Clerk.    '  Jamas  Baillcrgeau, 

John   Aniaud,   Suzanna   liis  wife,  Paul  Boye. 

Ellaz,     Abraham,     John,      and  Ozee  Belin,  Ozce  his  son. 

Jane,  their  children  James  Breon,  Ann  IKireau,  Eliza- 
James  Aure.  betli,  and  Alary  jVnn  his  chil- 
Lewes  .iVUaize.  drcn. 

Alary  Aubertin.  Thomas  Bureau,  Ann  his  wife. 

Alary  Ann  .Anbertin.  Gabriel  and  Peter  Boulanger. 

Isaac  Abraham.  George  Boyd. 

Peter  Assailly.  7\.man  Bounin. 

FOKEKiN   PlKJTESrANTS,   A  MJ  AI.IM.NS,  IN    K.N(.  I.AM).  -U 

Peter  Eillon.  Al.mliam     Einet,     A[;igdalen     hi: 
Nlc:olus  r.oequct.  \v\lh,  and  Juditli  their  daughter 
James  Auguste  Blondcll.  John  Peter,  b.-.y. 
Mary  Bibid.  ,),,hn  I'.ou.leselieM.c. 
Samuel  l)Ou.=ae.  Abraham  Chrisiien.  .Mary  liis  wife, 
Francis  Bimiuemand  Martha    and      Magdalen    tlieii 
Jolm  Bornartl.  eliildrcn. 
Peter  Bernardeau.  Peter  Christien. 
John  Bruqiiier.  B.'ruard    Coudert.    Bernard,   Ben- 
James  Bruqnier.  jamin,  and  James,  his  ehildivn. 
Isaac  Buuniot,  Daniel,  Jame.s  and       David  Chasles. 

Bcnigno,  his  ehildreu.  Isaac  Couvers,  Ann  his  wile. 

Frederick  Blancait.  Jolm  Colum,  Ann  his  wife,  An- 

Heiiry  Bustin.  tony,  John,  Martlia,  and  ilaiy, 

Mathcw  Bustin.  their  children. 

Joseph  Bailhou.  James  CoUivceux,  .Tanc  Ids  wile. 

Ester     Bernou,     Gabriel!,      :\Iary,  and  Cliarlotte  his  daughter. 

Ester,  and  James,  lier  children.      Arnaud  Cazaubietli,  Jane  his  wife. 

James  Barbot.  Daniel  <Jhevalier,  Suzanmi  Ins  wile, 

Peter  Bourdct.  Daniel  and  James  their  children, 

John  Bourdet.  Jolm  B.aptist  Clionard. 

Stejihen  Bavathin.  Peter  Chasqueau. 

Lewis  Barathin.  Samuel  Cooke. 

Isaac  Beaidion.  Thomas     Chauvin,    Charloite    his 

Samuell  Brusseau.  wife,  Thomas,  Frrenis,  and  Ca- 

Jolin  Bcauiills.  therine,  their  children. 

David  Bosanquet.  John  Coiirtris. 

Theophilus  Bclkmgei'.  James  Crochon. 

luizcc  Badrei.  Peter,  Sare,  and  Ester  Chefdhatel. 
<ieorgc  Basmenil.  Clerk,  Mary  his      Peter  Caron. 

wife.  Peter  Chaseloup. 
Peter  Boytoult,  Cailierinc  his  wife.      Paid  Cliarron,  Ann  liis  wife. 

Catherine,    and     ]\Iagualen  Ins      Marquis  Calmels. 

children.  George  Chabot. 


Paul  dij  lirifac.  Jaeoli     Gedcoii     do      Sic(|iirvillr, 

Samuel  do  la  Couklre.   IMavy   his  Clerk. 

wilb,  Judith  and  ilai-arct  their  Ilcury  Ic  Gay  de  r,us>y. 

children.  Philips  <lc  la  Loo,  Clerk. 

.Tone  de  Varcnncs,  Peter  and  Jane  Alualuun  Pueno  Henri([ues. 

hid  children.  Al.raham     Duple.K,    Suzanna     his 

Daniel  du  Coudray,  :\Ia-dalen  his  wilb,    James,   (iadron,    Goorg.-, 

■wife,  Daniel  his  son.  and  Suzanna,  his  ehildren. 

Paul  do  pont.  Peter  Grerc. 

Gabriel  de  punt.  Francisco  Francia. 

James  iJiore.  JIary  dc  la  Fuye,  Catherin,  1-^liza- 

Abraham  and  Daniel  do  ^loavro.  both,  Magdalen,  .Mary,   Marga- 

Isaac  de  Hogltcl,  Raehcll  his  wife.  ret,  and  Ann,  his  children. 

Charles  am]  Isaac  his  children.  Moses  de  Ponnnarc,  Magdalen  his 

Josise  Duvall.  wife,    JIoscs    and    Suzanna    hi.s 

Peter  Dufliu.  children. 

Francis    Dcse,     iMary    his     wile,  John  Droilhet. 

Paymund  and  Peter  their  chil-  John  do  Cazalis. 

drcn.  Peter  Dtinias. 

John  Jlcndez  da  Costa.  Abraham    Diigr.rd    and    I.Iizabeth 

John  Do  la  Have,  John.  Thomas,  his  wife. 

Charley     :^I.".-es,    Adrian,     and  Girard  do  AVyrk. 

Peter,  his  chihlron.  Daniel  del  Maitre. 

James  Doublet,  i\Iartha  his  wi!b,  Solomas  Eynic. 

David,  James,  and  I\hiry,  their  Dionisius  Follcs. 

children.  John  Fennvill. 

Peter  Doudc.  Andro'W  Fanonio. 

Isaac  Delamcr.  Ariiau'l  Francis,  Ann  Ins  wife,  and 

John     Deconinq,     Catherin     and  Arnand  his  son. 

Martha  his  children.  Rene  Floury. 

Isaac  and  Mary  do  iloiintniayour.  Peter  Fountaine,   Clerk,   Suzaima 

John  dc  la  Place,  Lewise  his  wile.  his  wife. 

John  de  Peaulicu.  James  Lewis  Jjcnigno,  Ann,   Su- 

Jamcs  de  Bors  and  j\Iary  his  wife.  zanna,  and  lister,  his  ehildren. 


[N  E> 


Jolm  Fari^cou. 

Isaac  Farscy. 

Peter  Fleuriion 

Jolni  Fallot. 

Andrew  ami  Jc 

Daniel  Fleuriaii. 

Francis  Gueriii,  Magdalen 
Francis  and  Ann  his  el 

Xicliolas  Guerin. 

Lewis  Galdy. 

Paul  Graviset,  Clerk. 

Samuel  Georges. 

Eliaz  Griniard. 

Flenry  Gulclienet. 

Lewis  Galland,  Pachell  h 

Joseph  Guicherst. 

Claud  Grotiste,  Clerk. 

James  Garon. 

Isaac  Gamier. 

William  Guiltan. 

Daniel  Goi.sior. 

John  Gurzelier. 

Andrew  Gurzelier. 

Petro  Goilard. 

James  ilartell  Goulard. 

William  Gouy. 

John  Gravetot,  ('atlicrln 

Mathew  Gclien. 

Isaac  Haniond. 

John  Ilarache. 

John  Ilclien,  l':iizal,cth 
John,  Samuel,  I'dizab 
Mary,  his  chil.lren. 

Moses  Ilcrvieu,  Vm 
John  and  .Martha  1 

Antony  Hulin. 

Antony  Jnlien,  Jan 
Ann,  Suziinna.  Mar 
their  children. 

Henry  Jourdln. 

Lewis  Igon,  Ester  hi: 
aud  Mary  his  child 

Charlott  Justell. 

Andrew  Jansen.    • 

Antony  Juliot,  Anto; 
ham  his  children. 

Jacob  Jouset. 

Mary  Jolly. 

John  Lavie. 


yin-v  L 




Antony  L'lieureu 

Simon,  Peter,  aud 

James  do  Blond. 

James  Lewis,  -Vh' 

Fsay  Ic  Bourgei^iis 

Henry  Le  Conte. 

John  and  lloLert 

Ilelcne  le  Frank  do  .Maziero. 

John  Lombard,  Clerk,  Fi'an. 

wife,  DanicU  and   Phillip 

Daniel  tic  Febvrc. 
Adricn  Lernoult. 
Peter  le  Bas. 
John    Le    Plastrier,    ChaiF".; 

wife,    Abraham    and    d.ui 

Francis  Latam,  Clerk. 

IS  Ins 

52  i-iu;f,ign  pi'.c  i'i:stants,  and  ai.if.m--,  in  i'-xoland. 

Gnbrirl  lo  P.ovtoux-.  Peter  :\rontelz. 

Benjamin  lo  ilommolieu.  Midiucl    ^lan/y,    Micliml,    ,Iolin. 

Samuel   le   'Jondu,  Ana  li is  wife,  Peter,  liml  liubella,  lii^  rliiMi-cu. 

and  :\Iagdaleu  his  daugliter.  Stephen  I\rignau. 

Franeis  do  Sombre.  Isaae  ilurlin. 

Mieliaell   le  Tondu,  Ann  his  wifr,  Peter  and  [Mary  .Almcau. 

Tliomas,    .Alathe^-,    a.Rl     John,  Francis  Maymah 

their  children.  Paniol  Jlui-sard. 

James  Baruch  Louzada.  Peter  .Moidiallicr  de  la  Salle. 

John    Lcnglacdie,   :\larv  his   wile,  Daiiiel  M.-iii,  Margaret   Ids  ^^■\\\■. 

^hiry  and  JIartlia  thJir  ehildren.  Pohea-t  Mire 

John  Peter  la  Serre.  James  .Mani.etit,  Suzanna  Lis  wife. 

Ferdinaiido  Mcndcz.  ^lary  Miniies. 

Samuel  Jletaycr,  Clerk,   Suzanna  I'ete'r   ^lereier,  Siizmina  his  wile, 

.Aletayer,  Samuel,  Lewis,   Mary  IVter,     James,     Suzanna,     and 

Ann,"amll!ache!l,  their  ehildren.  Ann,  their  eliddivn. 

Phili]>p  .Marlines.  Lcwise  iMareh  and  Jolm  his  son. 

Jolm  :\larin,  .Clerk,   Elizabeth  his  Abraliam  P.arueh  Iba./ujue^. 

wife,  Martha  and  Suzanna  their  John  Noleau. 

children.  I'dias   Mezereau,   Judith   Ids  Nvilb. 
Peter   :Morean,    Frances    his  wll'e,  ll-ter,  Judith,  and  Helen,  tb.dr 

Daniel,    hdizabeth,    IMary-Ann,  children. 

and  .Mary,  their  ehildren".  John  Oriot. 

Charles    ^Moreau,    Mary   ^\nn    his  Solomon  Pages,  Clerk. 

wife,  Daniel  ajid  Henrietta  their  Daniel  Poyeaii. 

children.  I'cter  Phllipeau. 

Jonc    INlathias,    Judith    his    wdfe,  John  Papin. 

and  Isaac  their  son.  Franeis  I'apin. 

Amln'osc  and  Isaac  iMinct.  Aron  Pcreira. 

Nicolas    Montclz,    Magdalen    his  Peter  Pain,  JIargaret  his  wife. 

wife.  David  Papin,  Aim  his  wife',  1  )avld 
Peter  Marion.  and  Suzanna  their  ehildren. 

Solomon  M(jnnereau.  James  Pellisun. 

Judith  and  J-rances  ]\Ieres.  Adriano  Pereau. 


Samuel  Sa-poi-tas. 

IVlcr  Sauseau. 

IVt.a-  Sro-uin,  IVfr  Lis  son. 

diaries  Srufgat. 

Stcphm  Sel.rin.  Simnn,  IJachrll    his    \vi 

Malhow  his  son. 
Ah'xand.M-  Seiglcr. 
I'ranris  Sanseau,  Frances  his  \vi 
Ahrahani,     Daniel,     I'eter,    a 
,lareb,  liis  chil.hen. 
,!ehn  Sanlnicr. 
Ahilla'W  Savarv. 
Stephen  Savary,  Luce  an.nialh 

his  chlhU-en" 
Joshua  Soijart,  Elizabeth  his  w 
Paul  Scncot. 
]\[ary  Touschard. 
iJau'lol  Thibauld. 
MargaivtTernar,  Frances  an.lA 

her  eiiil.lren. 
John  Thierv. 
Peter  'I'hauret. 

Abraham      Tourtelot,      James, 
Thomas,    Jacoli,   Moses,   an, 
John,  their  children. 
John  Thomas. 
Aron  Testas,  Clerk. 
.Peter  Toussaint. 
Peter  Vatable. 

Francis  Urigneau and. lane  his  w 
.Mark  Vernons,  Clerk. 
11.  Antony  Yarcillcs. 

is  Puhert.  .lohn  Van  Feusteran. 

Simon  V 
■Jnhn  Pr 



i'eler  ]')■ 




and  C 

11   Page. 

ini, Francis,  Pk" 

abrielh  their  cl 


S  \', 


Jan,es  P 


.himes  I- 
Moyse  1 

'allot,  :\[artha  1 



.IdIiII     1   ■ 

^o   P.Hlriguez. 
1    lu'che.' 

.b.lm  an 
,l:,eoh  l; 
I'rler  r. 

<1  Peter  Pienle. 
sprit  luidisson. 




->)',  Suzannahis 
,'    Daniel,     ane 

I     Si 


I'aul    Ih 


i;oini>ie,    vVnm 
n,  James,  and 

.    hi 



Few  is  J 


Peymond  Picy. 
Paul  Key. 
Abraham  Kcmand. 

Antony     Peusseau,     1 
Frances,    and    Ouvi 


■ay  h 



Uiibriel  Vwigny.  Jumos  Jlongin.  A^ui?i-aud. 

Davia  Willmmin,.'.  Francis  .Ic    lleaulien,    Su/.anna  ck- 

Marv    Yvoimrt.    Jol.n,      Samson,  r.eaur..:u,  llrm'v  aud  1  [enri.Hta 

and  .Mary,  his  cliildivn.  liis  clilMren. 

j\[aiy  Lirpiiiicrc. 

And  that  they  have  and  enjoy  all  privilcd<,'i;'3  and  ininuinitvcs  as  other 
free  Denizens"  do,  provided'  they  and  'every  ol'  thein  do  live  and  .•uu- 
tinnc  witli  their  laniilyes  in  this  our  Kingdonie  of  England,  or  else- 
where within  cure  dominions,  and  this  sayd  JJenization  to  he  I'ortlnvith 
passed  under  our  threat  seale,  without  any  Fees  or  other  eharycs  what- 
soever to  l.>e  p;iyd  by  the  sayd  persons  in  the  passing  thereof.  And  for 
so  doing  this  shall  be  your  warrant.  (liven  at  our  Court  at  W'lutehall, 
the  16  of  December,  1G87. 
To  our  Attorney  or  SoUleitor  General!. 

Denization  to  sevei'all  French  rroiestaids.  Our  will  and  pleasure  is 
that  you  prepare  a  Bill  for  our  Royall  signature,  to  passe  our  great 
Seale,  for  the  making  of  the  persons  hereafter  named,  lieing  Aliens 
borne,  free  denizens  of  this  our  Kingdome,  viz.  : 
Paul  Colimcz,  Clerk. 
James  Amail  and  ^lary  his  wi 
IVler  Amelot. 
.Magdalen  AUote. 
Peter  Asselin.  • 
Lewis  Benet,  Martha  his  wife. 

Catlierina  their  daughter.  daughters. 

David  Boulanger.  jNIark  Barbat,  Clerk. 

James  Bcric  Samuel  Barbat,  Clerk. 

Ellaz  Brevet,  Clerk.  '  Catherine  Barbat. 

Isaac  Bonneval.  Ann  Bourdon. 

James  Brunei.  Elizabeth  Baraeliin,  Peter,  Daniel, 

Denis  Barqucnon.  and  John,  his  children. 

Clement  Boetrin.  John  Bailie. 

Cideon  Benoi 


Samuel  llinq 


Daniel  Bellet 

Andrew  Ben 


Michael    liru 



lAIarv    and 




F,cwls  Carre,   Proganse   lii 
I\Iary  and  Jane  tlieir  elii 

James    Clement,    Mary    li 
Peter  and  John  their  ch 

James  Chabossan. 

iloses  Cartier. 

David  Coupe. 

jMark-Henry,  Sanuiell,  and 

John    Chaboissan,    Cathai 
wife,  Julin,  Peter,   I^ai 
Jane,  and  Lcwisa,  tlieir 

Gaily  de  (iaujac,  Clerk. 

Bernard  Duvignau, 

John  de  Penna. 

Barnabe  Delabat. 

Alary  and  Suzanna  Durii. 

Henry  Duclos. 

John  de  la  Ileuse. 

JIagdalen  Dumas. 

Paul  Diifour,  ^Magdalen  : 

AhuT  Derby. 

dames  Dufay,  Suzanna  li 

Francis  I'ansays. 

John  Espinassc. 

John  Fauquier. 

Francis  Fauquier. 

Peter  Fasure. 

Eene  Fleurisson. 

]\Iathew  Forit. 

Solomon  Fauleon. 

David  Fauleon. 

Anthony  Guigcr. 

,Tobn  Gaultier. 


Ilonorat  Gervais,  Clerk. 

Gabriel  Guichard. 

Thomas  Gautier. 

John  Galinoau. 

Mary  and  Margaret  Ilolzafell. 

Abraham    Ilallee,     ilagdalen 

wife,  and  .fames  their  son. 
Thcophilus    Jarlan,     Paulina 

wife,  -Mark  and  :\Iagdalen  t 

:\ragdalen    Laurel 

i\Iichael  Le  Gros. 
Adrian  Lernoult. 
James  Lenart. 
Charles    le    .Seig: 



Andrew  Loilaud. 

John  Landcs. 

Lewis  Le  Felivre,    Ester  his 

Jacob,     Suzanna,     Alary, 

Ann,  their  children. 
Samuel  Le  Febvre. 
John  Lorniier,  Alagdalen  his 

John,  Mary,  and  Jlagdalci 

Guy  le  Bon  de  Bonncval. 
Jacob  Lope,  ALiry  his  wile. 
Kicholas   Lunel,   Alary    his 

Nicholas    and    Benjamin 

Jane    Alontelz,     .Margaret     1 

Fortin  Mavno. 

ot)             For.KiGX  ri;oi  r.sTANTS,  and  ai.ikxs,  in  kngland. 

Peter  Movcau,   Francis  and    I'etcr  Francis  Paulnicr. 

Ills  cliildrcn.  Mcliulas  Quc.ucl. 

Paul  ]\Iaricq.  Peter  Poguc. 

Daniel    I\Iotct,    Lewi-a    his    wife,  Daniel  Pebache. 

Jlartha,    Lewisa,    Jane,     Dina,  Peter  lailliat. 

Frances,    Daniel    and    Gabriel,  Matliew   Pcnaiidin,   Charlotte    his 

their  children.  wile,    Charlotte,     :\lLitliew,    und 

Dorothee  iMotet.  Esaj-e,  their  childr(Mi. 

Isaac  JMonnct.  Lewis    Pevnand,    Ann    Ins    wiCe, 

Gaston  ^hirlineau.  Lewis  and  .'^arah  tlieir  children. 

Benjamin  .Mallliquevrat.  Benjamin     Pegiiaud,      jAIary     his 

Phillips  Margas.       "  .  wil'e. 

James    ilonhoevil,     Suzanna    his  Peter    Kigaud,    Lewi^a    his    wife, 

wile,  James,   Jolm,    :\Iary,  and  Pacliell    an.l    Snzainia    their 

Jane,  their  children.  daughters. 

Peter  .Manvillain.  Daniel  Poussol. 

Peter  .Monnet,  Catharina  Ins  wifci  John  Pisteau,  Magdalen    his  wife, 

Peter  their  son.  Mary,   John,   Isaac,   Eliaz,   Su- 

James     Mcnil,     IMary     his    wile,  zannc,  and  Margaret,  their  ehil- 

Thomas,  James,  Vincent,  ilary,  dren. 

and  I^lizaheth,  their  cliihhvn.  P.ei'nard  Smitli. 

Peter  :Moulong,  Elizabeth  his  wif.,  Daniel  Streing.  Charlotte  his  wife, 

Andrew,   Elizabeth,    and    Paul,  Peter,    .Mathew,     Mary,     and  ' 

his  children.                           '  Ann,  then-  cliildrcn. 

Peter  Novel.  Peter  St.  Pu. 

Peter  Patot.  Stephen  Sarazin. 

James   Page,    Ann  his  wife,  Jane  John  Peter  Saint  Faret. 

their  daughter.  Peter  Sehriebcr. 

Samuel  Peres.  John  or  James  Theroude. 

Mark  Paillet.  I'et.'r  Tcstas,  Mary  his  ^\•if  ■,  Peter, 

John    Prerereau,    :\Iary   his    wife,  IMatliew,  Mary,  and  Jane,   their 

John,    Suzanna,   :Mozes,    Mary,  cliildrcn. 

Gaspart,  and  Sarah,   their   ehil-  Daniel  Taudin. 

dren.  Eliaz  Tessiei-. 


Eliaz  Traversiev,  Peter,  Jacob,  an<l      Daniel  Vautier,  ^far-aret  l,is  wile, 

John,  his  cluUixn.  '  Raehcl  their  daughter. 

Elizabeth  Torin.  John  Vcrpcr. 

TlMjmas  Alroot,  Joseph  Wildigos. 

And  that  tliev  and  cvcrv  of  them  have  and  enjoy  all  riohts,  privi- 
ledges  and  ininmnityes,  as  uth.-r  free  Denizens  do.  ^  Provided  tliey  live 
and  continue  wiili  their  iiimi'yep  in  this  our  kingdomc  of  England,  or 
elsewhere  Avithin  our  dominions.  ^Vnd  the  sayd  Denization  to  be  Ibrth- 
with  pas.=:ed  under  our  great  scale,  without  any  fees  or  other  charges 
whatsoever  to  be  pavil  by  the  sayd  persons  in  the  passing  thereof.  And 
for  so  doing  this  shall  be  your  warrant.  Given,  etc.  at  Whitehall,  the 
2,5th  day  Jf.AIarch,  1G8S. 

By  his  Ma'i«  comond. 


To  our  Att...rney  or  SoUicitor  Cienerall. 

]Jenization  to  severall  pei'S'.ms.  Our  will  and  pleasure  is,  that  v<"(u 

prepare  a  Bill  ibr  our  Itoyall  ."Signature,  to  passe  our  (jreate  Scale,  for 

the  making  of 

Daniel  Armand,  Clerk.  Abraham   Pound,   ^lary  his  y.K.; 

Jolni  and  William  Armand.  Samuel,  Abraham,  Peter,  j'aul, 

Isaac  Armand,  and  Henry  their  children. 

Daniel  Allotte.  Danel  Prion. 

[)aniel  xVudart.  Lewis  Bongrand. 

J^.lm  Ayland.  Lambert  Bosch. 

L^aae  Auriol.  Lewis  Brevet. 

John     Audebert,     Magdalen     his  Elizabeth  Chevalier. 

wife,  John,  Philipps,  and  Moses  Daniel     Chevalier,     Suzanna     his 

their  children.  wife,    James    and  Daniel  their 

Paul  Bussiere.  children. 

John  Bctrand.  John  Cazals. 

John  Bouteiller.  Janres  Coupe. 

CAMD.   SOC.  ' 



John  Castaing. 

Peter  Cabilel. 

Isciiath  Couturier,  Jacob  and  Da- 
niel liis  children. 

Kic.olas  Cliencu. 

Mathew  Collincau. 

Valentine  Cruger. 

Abraham  Cohen. 

David  Cashan. 

Stephen  Cadroy. 

Jacob  and  Andrew  D.mgiraid. 

Nicolas  du  ^Mouchcl. 

Nicolas  de  la  Gurene. 

Peter  de  Lanquetait,  Cathcriiia 
his  wife,  an'I  Catheriiia  their 

Paul  Durand. 

Benjamin  de  Jovx,  Clerk,  Mag- 
dalen Ids  wile,  Oliver  and  .Mary 
their  children. 

John  Darligues. 

Peler  Tranche. 

Peter  Duron. 

Peter  de  Piideau. 

Peter  Dapuy. 

Peter  de  Yivario. 

Isaiath  de  A\'alpergen. 

Christian  Breda. 

Margaret  Dumas. 

Francis  Estienne,  Jane  his  ■wife, 
and  Francis  their  son. 

Daniel  Estienne,  Catherina  his 
wife,  Daniel  and  Ger:on  their 

John    Farsey,     Frances   his   wife, 

and  James  their  son. 
James  and  Daniel  F'resnut. 
Ann  Faget,  and  Stephen  lier  son. 
DanelL    'Pleurlsson    and    Jane    his 

Jane  (Jarie,  Peter  her  soi;. 
Peter  Ganltier. 
Francis  Gabct. 
John  Peter  <  iairaud. 
John  James  Gaelics,  Clerk. 
Slarv  Groteste. 
Henry  Caches,  Clerk. 
liowland,  Abraham,   and    Samson 

Lewis  Jamia. 
Le^Yis   Igou,    Peter,    Jolin,   Isaac, 

Solomon,  and  Judith  liis   e'dl- 
-  dren. 
Cornelius  Johnson, 
ilai-y  Philips  luigelman. 
John  King. 
Elizabeth   le  M.dcux,  Judith  and 

Catherine  lier  daughters. 
Aron  le  Fourgeon,   Ann  his  wife, 

Ann  Frances,  Ann-:\Iary,  :\Iar- 

tha,     Magdalen,    and     Suzanna 

their  children. 
Jolm  Lofl'tiiig. 
Daniel  Lntra. 
Anthony  Laurent. 
James  Le  Blond. 
John  I\Iallcn-oc  de  la  Menaidiere. 
Gabriel  Minvieille. 


Peter  :\Iorui,  ]•' ranees  Ills  wife.  Peter   PLeynaud,    Sarah    Ills    wife, 
I'aiil  [Merlin.  Peter,     Lewis,    EstVier,    and 

James  ]*[atliia?.  IMarque-Franccs  tlieir  eliildreii. 

Paul   .Mousnier,    Paul  and  James  John  Kohert. 

his  ehildi-en.  James  llolas  and  John  his  son. 

Peter    Mi.s-oiieau,   John,    Lev.dsa,  I'liaz  Savoret. 

Ann,  .Marv,   Mar-arel,  and  Su-  Andrew  Stokey. 

■/anna  Ids  (■lilldren. 

Jolni  Stahelml. 

Pnrtlielmv  :\lidv. 

^[ary  Trstas. 

Lewi<a  ^lajou,  John, 

Ozee,  Fran- 

flames  'Jdiomas. 

eis,   ]\hui;:aret,  and 

Judith   his 

John  Tlran. 


Peter  Tardy,  ^lary  his  wife,  Peter. 

Danel  Peiugault. 

Esther,  and  ilary  tlielr  ehildre)i. 

Isaac  Puitiers. 

Ann  Van  Hattcn. 

Andrew  Perturspu. 

John  Van  ILitten. 

John  Pastre. 

John   dc   Cleve   and   Nlehele    his 

Jolin  Pelser. 

wife,  John,  Au.-tin,  .Vdrian,  and 

John  Poltals. 

Catluirina  their  ehlhheu. 

James  Kousscau. 

Gerard  X'nnderne'len,  Clerk. 

Leonard  Paehard. 

Andrew  Eoy,  ami 

David  Rowland. 

Samuel  Torhi. 

Brin-  all   Aliens  1: 

lorne,  Cree  Dei 

nl/ens  of  this  our  klnp;domc  of  Lng- 

laml.      And   ihat   th. 

jy  and    every 

of  them   have  and  enjoy  all  rights 

]ulvlledges  and  linmunltyes,  as  other  Freneh,  made  free  Denizens,  do 
ni^w  enjoy.  Provided  they  live  and  continue  with  their  Fanulys 
within  our  klngdomc,  or  elsewhere  within  our  Domivdons.  And  the 
sayd  Denization  to  be  forthwith  passed  under  the  Great  Scale,  without 
any  lees  or  other  charges  wduitsocvcr  to  be  payd  by  the  sayd  persons 
In  the  passing  thereof.  Ami  for  so  doing,  &c.  Dated  at  Windsor  the 
19th  day  of  August,  1G88. 

To  our  Attorney  or  Sollicltor  (Jenerall. 


A  TP.ui:  cf.i:tificat  of  tliu  names  of  the  strnungers  residing  and  dwellinge 
■witliin  the  city  of  Loudon  and  the  lilierties  thereof,  together  Avith  the 
phice  of  their  birtlie,  and  under  tlie  soveraignety  of  what  prince  they 
depende;  according  to  a  view  taken  in  the  time  of  the  inaiorahy  of  the 
riglit  honorable  Sir  George  Bolles,  Icnight,  Lord  JNIaior  of  the  city  of 
London,  liy  the  direccons  of  the  right  lionorable  tlie  Loides  and  others 
of  liis  Malesties  most  honorable  privye  councell,  signified  liy  their  honor- 
able letters  bearing  date  the  vj"'  of  Seiitendjer,  1 G18.  Li  which  certificate 
neither  the  borough  of  Southwark  nor  the  adiaccnt  partes  of  the  city  out 
of  the  liberties  thereof  are  conteiued,  in  both  ■\vhieli  many  strangers  are 
resident  and  dwelling,  of  wliosc  names  we  cannot  make  any  ecililicate." 

[Abbreviations:  f.  J.  free  denizen;  K.  S.  Kini;'s  soveriiigntv;  K.  K.  Iviii;,- of  ICn-Iim.l 
K.  F.  Km-  of  Krance;  F.  K.  Freiidi  Kin;;;  K.  Sp.  King  of  S[,:,iti  ;  A.  Arci.duKo;  f;.  ]■  niperor 
S.  Slates;  W'ch.  Dutch  cliureli.] 


Stcplicn  Sampson,  iiij/i/sui/M;  borne  in  Jlorles  Cliristi>fer  Duoksingcr;  1>.  in  Germany  (lorlgo 

in  Brittanic;    free    denizen,    dependeing  ingin  widow  lvaymonde'tiiiouse};ycA^i//ti\/t 

on  the  King's  Soveraignety.  K.  S. 

raule    Vanharbor;    b.   in    Midltborough    in  Henry  Scussetres;  b,  in  Antw.rpr,  under  tli 

Zclande;  a  jeweller;  f.  d.  K.  S.  Arclulul^e;  »  ll.n  :hn,'l.  r;   f.  d.  K.  S. 

David  Pcehere,  iHi^j-of/itrtr;  b.  in  Antwcrpe;  Jacob  Jolinson;  b.  at  Antwcrpc;  liux,,'udtr 

K.  S. 
John  Ricolt,</o/i^s«ii'(/<;  b.  in  Antwcrpe;  K.  S. 
Charles    Destinny    (jorncyman     with     John 

Kicliolde);  b.  in  Erussclles;  K.  S.       • 
Nicolas  PeUere;b.  in  Strasbrooko  in  Jermanv, 

uj:wdl,r;    f.  d.  K.  S. 

Charles  Meadow,  ^/c^i'smiV/, ;  b.    in   Gaunte, 
under  tlic  ArcliduKe;  K.  S. 

"  S.  P.  0.  Dom. 

Iv.  S. 
James  Droot,  f.  d.;  «  i.mrhaMt;  b.  in  Roan 

under  the  K.  of  h'raunce,  and  liath  for  li 

soveraine  tlio  K.  of  Englande. 
James  Flower,  a  wllJiitu;  f.  d.;  b.'in  Roan 

under  X.  F.,  and  hath,  etc.  K.  E. 
Peter  Clarice;  b.  in  Gencvy;  f.  d.;  v  JufdU 

K.  E. 

Al'l'ENmX.  (il 

lialtliasai-  dc  Moncamo;  h.  ■inik-r  the  st:,tc  of  (jLTiiiany,  f.  d.,  un.Ir-r  tlie  »i^l.upp  iI.ltc; 

Midluburowe;  <i«  /m?^,..r/„  „  ,■;   K.  E.;  .ind  K.  E. 

liotli  at  tho  Iiouso  of   Kcginuld  yr.'i;ur.Y,  ;i  Cnderadiis    Decroctes;    I.,    in    Nurcunparis, 

tailor.  uiulur  tl.'.-  iloininion  i.f  tliu   I'riiiLu  I'tiuls- 

Nicolas  Wier;  b.  under  the  Duke  of  Sox.Mi,  grave;  K.  E. 

in  theTowne  of  Cohrook;  ■!«  ;,„i..-o,/,a  r;  John   .Topcrto;    L.  at    jrainei-.v   in    Imtuu,co, 

K.  E.;  and  lietli  at  thu  house  aforesaid.  under  K.  F. 

John  Vandormore;«  Uiilo,;  f.  d.i  h.  in  Biv.ddo,  Isaaok  Lare,  Ercnclmian;  b.  in  I'awe,  under 

under  the  state  of  IToUande;  K.  K.  K.  F.;   K.  E. 

Oodfi-ey  Arnolde;  b.  in   Franekford   in  Jer-  Wiehaell  Ili-osant;  b.  at  Bros.sell   in  lliabant, 

many  :»>,«■/.,■;   ICE.  under  the  .\reh.Iuke;  K.  E. 

I'.t.r  Ue:u-d:  b.  in  Ilaw.4.rooke,f.  d.,  under  Jacob    Corneliua;    b.    in    Delfe,    under   the 

ihe  dominion  of  the  .\rchduUe;  (r  cL„,:nd-  Slates;  K.  E. 

/.  ,■;  K.  E.  William  Aiiten;  b.  in  Mant,  under  the  K.  F.: 

Fi-auncis  ]:)errickos;  b.    at    Antwerpe,  under  «  yubhrnllk. 

tlie  Arehduke;  f.  d.  K.  V..  Godfrey  Ranaircs;  at  .Muirmshani,  in  Geldcr- 

Eylliard  Vander  Ileydon;    b.  at   liiayman  iu  lande,  under  the  .Slates;   K.  E. 


Lewis  Jackson,  a  Portingall ;  b.  in  the  islande  Daiiiell  Mercer,  the  Sonne  of  a  siraunger;  b. 

of    .Madina,    under   tho    donunion    of  the  at  London ;«  ^M^'  K.J. 

King  of  Spainc;  his  soveraigne  the  King  Gillain  Winnis;  b.  in   Flaunders,  under  the 

of  Spaine.  A.;   K.J. 

I'eter  Arrious;  b.  in  Anwerpo,  in  the  Arch-  Suzan  Leniott;  b.  at  Sandwieh;  the  dau'r  of 

duke's    dominions;    bis   soveraigne    King  a  straunger;  K.J. 

James.  Amiu-ose  Kegomarters;  b.  in  Weselles,  under 

Tiinrnia  Uatlerina;  b.  in  Uurgony,  nmler  the  the  1).  of  Cleves;  K.  J. 

Ar,-hdnke;  her  sovcraignu  the  Ar.'h.luke.  Abraham  Villarde,  tho  sonnj    of  a  slrang.T; 

William  Grove;  b.   in  Antwe)-pe,  under  the  b.  in  Sandwieh;  K.  J.;  hce  hath  ludgeing 

Archduke's  dominion  ;  K.  J.  in  his  house, 

dairies  Yanstable;  b.  in    Flaunders,   under  John  Castello;  b.  in  Xorwieh,  the  sonne  of  a 

the  A.;   K.J.  straunger;  K.  J. 

Anthony  do  Coster;    b.   in    Lisborne  in    the  Lewes  Capell;    b.    in    Flaunders,   under  the 

kingdom  of  I'ortugall,  in   the  dominion  of  A.;  K.  J. 

K.  Sp.;   K.  J.  Katherino  Dewane;  b.  at  Brisselles   in    I3ra- 

Cornelms  Garat;    b.  in  Utrieke,  under  the  bant,  under  the  A.;    K.J. 

duniinions  of  the  prince  Orymes.  Dcbora  Tomer;   b.   at   Ariuarpe,   \inder   the 

M'-Lemot   li.ath  M"  Thunbing  lodgcing  in  A.;  K.J. 

her  house;  b.  at  Antwerpe;  K.  J.  John  Deway,  the  sonne  of  a  stranger;  b.  iu 

Ja-perTion;    b.  in   London;    tho  sonn  of  a  London;  IC.  J. 

f.  d.;    K.  J.  Jo],    Brewer;    b.    in    Brigges   in   Flaunders, 

James^Llsse;  Anwerpe,undertlieA.;K.J.  under  the  K.  S.;   K.  J. 


Tuscan  Laucnt;  b.  in  Fraunco,  i.n.I,[-  K.  F.;  in   Ikuk-;  !,.  in,   under  tlie 

K.  J.  S.;  K.  J. 

Elias  CuTnoTt.  tlie  Sonne  of  a   straungev;  b.  Jolin  DL-raucj;  b.  i)i  Franco  il,c  V.  K.; 

in  K.nt;   K.J.  K.J. 

PctLT  Yandall,   tlie  Sonne  of  a   f.    d.;  b.   in  Lazai-e  Ducbine;  b.  in  liui-os   in  Ibe  city  of 

London;  K.  J.  Ko,„e;  p.  K. 

JIary  Dcpiill,  tbe  dau'r  of  a  stranger;  b.  in  Gideon  Anglais;  b.  in  liurges  in    tlie  city  of 

London  ;   K.  J.  Koane-  V.  Iv 

Jaincs   Goodcall,  f.  d.;  1).    in    Fl.iunders   in  -L,n-  Hcbois;  b.   in    I'raiince,    undrr   I'.  K.- 

Mesen,  unilertlie  A.;    K.J.  K.  k", 

Uanicdl;   b.  in  Kent,  m   tbe  IVrt  of       (IdUit  ;  borne  in  tbe  citv  of   Parri.' 

Sanduieb,  eiti.enand,^,/,„„,/,,„f  Lon-  in  France;   F.  K. 

''""•  Robert  de  la  Darr;  b,  in  Ibe  cilv  of  :\Ions,  in 


d.  K.  J. 

tbe  county  of  1 

I'oinlo,  I'orli.i-all;   b.  in  I',    Tbreebinder;    b.    at    Kynebaek    at  under  K.  S.;  K. 

Colliue,  under  K.  Sp.;  K.J.  Robert   Howell,   f.    d.;    b.   in    St,    IVlers   in 

Nicolas   Vacoiidary  ;    b.  in    Fr.inucc,    under  Fiaunee,  under  1''.  K.;    F.  K. 

i<-  '■'•;    K.  J.  Martin  Drusliylde;   b.  in'urabant,  in  a  towne 

Niebohus  Miehell;  b.  at  Bridge.^  under  K.  Sp.;  called  Jlris-elles,  under  A.;    K.'j. 

i<-  J-  F.^cue  Deuey;  b.  in  Frauuee,'in  Ro;  ne,  under 

Leonard  Costerman  ;  b.  in  Antwerpe,   under  F.  K.;   K.  J. 

tl'^'  A.;   K.  J.  Peter  Lii-sell;  b.  in  Fraunee,  in  Lions,  under 

Jobn  Jolinson,  f.  d.;  b.  in  Antuerpe,   under  F.  K  ;  K.  J. 

ti'e  A.;    K.  J.  Jobn  Uonsey,  in  Flaiinders.  f.  d., 

Jobn  Loduiek;  b.  in   Antwerpe,  under  tbe  under  A.;  A. 

A.;   K.  J.  Pouell  Deeooke;  b.  in  Flauiiders,  in  Bridges, 

Abicoeke  l.erby  batb  Niebolas  More  lodgcing  vinder  K.  Sp.;   K.  S. 

in   bi.s  bouse;  b.  at  Franekforde   in    Jar-  ILircnan    Coller;  b.   in    lligb    Dutch   laude, 

many,  under  the  Emperour;  K.  J.  under  S. 

Cornelius  CTarrett;  b.   in   Utriek,  under   the  IL-irnian    Sioj-per;   b.   in   Cleauelan.le,    in   a 

dominion  of  tbe  prince  of  Ormes;  K.  J.  tou  ne  called  Calliear  ;   K.  J. 

Anthony  Trian,  f.  d,;  b.  in  l-lauuders,  under  Katberine  Gest;  b.   in   Antweipe,  uu.ler  A.; 

the  States;  K.  J.  K.  J. 

Abraham   Desart ;    b.    in   Flawuders,   under  John  Vanlowe;  b.   in,   in   Rostiek, 

the  S.;   K.  J.  under  the  IC;   K.  J. 

Jobni-doore;   b.  at    Fraunekford,   under  the  Nicholas   Erbin  ;    b.    in    I'rauuee,   in    Kuan, 

E.,  in  Germany;  K.  J.                   '  under  F.  K.;   K.  J. 

Arnold  Cappell;  b.  in  London,  the  sonne   of  Wary  Jouelm  ;    b.   in    Frauuee,   in   a   towne 

af.  d.;   K.J.  called  Barren  ty  ;    K.J. 

Jacob   Dein-ce;    b.   in   Jlidleborough,  under  Henry   Wetberall,   binglisbuian  ;  his  «ifo  b. 



Dolloina,  :in  Ittaliau  ;   I),  in  a  tuw.K-  callc.l  Flq.oue  Komcil..;  h.  in  Saint  Osay,  in  Franf..; 

Sichell;   K.  S.:  liis  wife  ami  two  rliil.livn  :  F.  K. 

and  also  LoJowick  Mo.lcnan ;  1..  in  a  lowno  John  Arc-li ;  borne  in  Fraunce,  in  Dcale;  F.  K. 

called  Jlillani;  K.  S.  tlloue  Le  :^Iaier;  b.  in  Bcauson,  in  Iligbbur- 

WilUam  JIoio  liatb  Andriso  Lin-,  a   !odg,,r;  guny,  under  the  E.;  IC.  J. 

b.  in  Denniarlce;  K.  J.  Peler  Marineer,  a  Frenchman  and  f.  d.,  a-cd 

Paul- Marco;  b.   in  Italy,  in  the  of  SOyecrs.ind  ui)wardcs,airKleing  in  Kn-land 

Lnca;  K.  .1 .  about  30  yecrs;  b.  at  Orleans,  un<ler  IC.  F., 

Thomas  Goucrs  bath  Cniiyers,  a  lodger;  b.  riulds,.,ill,;  liavcing  a  wife  and 

in  Fraunce,  in  Vily;  K.  J.  and  a  maid  servant,  and  Knglisli  borne. 

M''*  Fisher  bath  Wancot,  a  lodger;  Ilanns  Tan    Basile,   a    Dutchman,  aged    20 

b.  in  Antweri>e,  under  A,;    K.  J.  veers  and  upwardes,  about  half  a  jeer  in 

Jacob   de    He.';    b.    in    Ipers,   in    Flanndurs,  Knglan.l;  1).  at  Antwerpe,    in    Flaunders, 

under  Iv.  Sp.;  K.J.  under  the  A.,;  lodgcing  in   the 

Peter  Mun;  b.  in  Fraunce,  in  Dr.Je  ;    V.  K.  house  of  Chri=!opber  Hunt,  iMhwIhc.;,: 
Gdiam  Durt;  b.  i)i  Fraunce,  in  I'ont;    F.  K. 


Christian  Van  G'.adbeid.e,  «o  ,r/„,/-„f  ,■  b.  in  William   Bayarde,  ,w<v./u.»«?."  and  f.  d.;    b. 

the  towne  of  (iladliecke,  iu  the  dnkedonie  at  Eiper  in    Flanders;  K.  J.;  of  the    IJ''' 

ofJulycorlande;K.J.;oftbeDuclicl.ureli;  eh.;  dweller  heer  ai  yeers. 

and  dweller  beer  13  yeers.  Samuell   Derisher,    .u,,rlM„le  and   d. ;  b.  at 

Seager  Corcellis,  -.Hcnh.und  and  denizen;  b.  Enulcn  in   Fast  l''reezland;  K.  J.;  of  Ibe 

ill  Rouscaer,  in  the  dukcdome  of  Cleuc  in  U'"  eh.;  dweller  heer  13  yeers. 

Flaunders;  K.  J.;  of  tlio  D^l'  ch.;    dueller  Arnold  LuUer,  uu,;h,n,i;  b.  at  Antwerpe;  is 

beer  42  yeers.  ""»■  »'"  "''  tbiscity,  wherby  we  cannot  have 

John   Luiles,   iv.-ha,.l   and   deni.-on;   b.    at  his  aunswer;  of  t'ho  U'i>  ch. ;.  dweller  heer 

Anluerpe,  in   the  nukedome  of  Uiabnnt;  36 

K.  J.;  of  ilie  U'i'ch.j  dweller  beer  2  veers.  John  .Mountscy;  b.  beyonde  the  seas;  natoral- 

William   Dem.-ber,  of  London,  v„,,hl.  and  ized  by  Act  of  Parliam',  and  now  owt   of 

.1.;    b.    at    Emden,    in    East    Freezlande;  towne. 

K.  J.;  of  the  D^i'   ch.;   dweller  beer   13  John  Clant,  ■(HUv/inrt,,;,  straunger  and  f.  d.; 

_^co,s.  b.  at  Enskeden,  in  the  province  of  Twenty, 

Le'wmd  Agar,  (/,,v,/,/,'rr;b.  in  Gaunt,  under  under   the   A.;    K.  J.;    of   the    D'l'    eh.; 

A.;  K.  J.;    of  the   D*ch.;   dweller  beer  dweller  heer  37  yeers. 

•jl  yeers.  Jlichaell  Vaudcpitt,/«i(,»)t  c/iVr;  b.  at  Bridges 

Jlathias  Ilendrick,  U'llur;  b.  at   nnrbeek,  in  in  Flaunders,  under  the  A.j  K.  J.;  belongs 

the   dukedom  of  CTeuen;    K.   J.;    of  the  to  the   English   church;  dweller  heer   21 

D^i'  ch.;  dweller  heer  21  yeers.  veers. 

Cornelius  Mandarnecke,  iro/I-ir;  b.    in   Dort,  Petu-  Van    Peno,  /«'/o,v;    b.    in   Bridges  in 

in  the  goverment   of  the   Grane    Morris;  Flaunders;  K.  J.;  of  the  Engli>h  congre- 

K.  J. ;  of  the  D'l'  ch.;  dweller  beer  13  yeers.  gaeon  ;  dweller  heer  13  yeeres. 

G4  Ai'i'J-.xiux. 

J.ilinVamucnnn/U.teh,A»/!-,;l..iiiVlauii.lrr,s  I.,  in  FI.uiii.Ic.n;   K.  J. ;  l.tlong-^  to  tin..  D"' 

K.  .1.;  of  th."    D'-i'  conyiri;.;  .Iwc-Uor  ln;er  oil.;  .hveli.M-  lioio  41  jwrs. 

•2u  j-oercs.  dilei  lU'  liiiu,  ,ni,\f,.nu.t,'  ;nul  f.  .1.,  rcfu^nl. 

riiillipp  Jlc-iileman,  ./<7./.,-;    I.,    in    Ural.uiit;  tusul.sfril.cwilh  U3,  in  iTt-anl  asliccsaith 

K.  J.;   of   the   U'l'  ell.;    <lwulli.r  lacr  SI  1il-o  hath  siii.sciiijcd  at  IlncliiKV  liic 

yeere.  'hviiii-th;  Iil-u  liatli  suI'Scriiicd  uii'Ii-rncatli. 

Pctor  Bull,  merd'uniU;  stnuigcr  ami  f.  d.;  b,  !>'  nis  .MuslicU,  lUamon.k  callu-;  li.  at 

at  Collin  in  Germany,  the  K.;  IC.J.;  in  the  duhwlonic  of  GulioU;  K..I.:  heluiij;-. 

belonga  to  the  W^'  ch.;  dweller   heere    liJ  to  the  I)'''  eh.;  duellei-  heer  15  yrei-s. 

yeercs.  Giles   lie    I'ntt,   i.n  rthm,,,!    and    t'.  d.;  h.    in 

A  lod-er  of   .M'   Bull,    his    name    Lodwielie  Usteend  in  I 'launders;  K.  .1.;  durlh.rheer 

Ilarple,  ./,«(.,■  !..  in   SonieKele,  under   the  il  yeei-s. 

Duke  of  llulsten,  :ind  upon  the  \Villi:iin  Turter,  of  Duteh  parent.-;  h.  in  the 

same  U.  parishe  of  Si  Mary  Atiiill.  in   tlie  ward  of 

John  Deualfe,  /■•■(or,  straun-er;  I),  in  Klann-  Uillinsgate,  and  is  out  of  to«ne. 

der.s,  under   th.^  A.;   K.J.;  of  the  IJnteh  iMathew  dc  (iucster;  h.  at  Antwe.p;  naluial- 

English  eh.;  dweller  11  veers.  i/ed  by  Ael  of   I'arliam'  in  tj,  Lli/.-delli's 

FrauncLs  Penelewc,  }n,;h„„i,  straun.^cr;  h.  tini.'. 

in  ITolstCad;  K..T.;   of  the  U'l'  eh.;   dweller  Daniell  Vanbas,.„elt,  >,it, ,/,.,,.«/  and  d.;   1..  at 

heere  2iJ  ycors.  Uomesy    in    I'daniulers;  K.  J.;  belongs  tu 

Elizabeth  Vanstenu,  iivW.),-;  b.  in   Br.aborno;  the  1)'''  eli.;  dweller  heer  S,".  yeer>. 

K.  J.;  of  the   Kng.  ch.;  dweller   beer  3u  Abraham    Beelc.    ,!n:,vli,nn,t. ,    ('.    d.  ;    1..    at 

yecrs.  .Stobbe,  and  ueei-  the  city  ..f  Al  n  in  (ier- 

.Sinion   Johnson,   a   h.diier   at    the    aforesaid  nuuiy;  K.  J.;  .d' the  J)"' congr.g.;  dweller 

M"»  Vanstene'a;  b.   in   Dorle  in   IloUaml,  heer  IV  yeer:;. 

and   doth   now   depende   uppot.   the  same  Jaques  -le  AValle,  sojourner  with   .M"  Beeke; 

state  of  llollande.  1,.  ^t  Melgiluan  in  Flaunders;    K.  J. 

Mathias    Areler,    tnih.,-,     b.    in    Gorgam    in  Baldwin   Malhewe,  „.  i.7,. ,»„.'.    and    f.  d.;b. 

llollande;   K.J.;  of   tllel>"   eh.;   dweller  at    Gaunt    in     Flaunders;    K.    J.;     of    the 

heer  U  ycers.  D.i.  congreg. ;  dweller  heer  VI  ye.'res. 

Joes  Cupenbcry,  vienhauid,  stranger;  b.  in  Lewis  Van  IIobrool:e,  n,:  ,rl,iiiu,l-  ;  sojourner 

the  didtedome  of  Gulicko;  K.  J.;  belongs  with  the  s' Baldwin  JIathewe;  b.  at  Gaunt 

to  the  Eng.  eh.;  dweller  heer  40  yecrs.  in  Flaunders;  K.  J. 

Jacob  Dolle,  i.a'n-l,a«i,t,';  b.  at   NewbirUe   in  Garret  Van  IIobroohe,(/,,v(Z ,/;/,, ;  b.  at  Gaunt 

Flaunders;  K.  J.;  belongs  to  the  D'^''  eh.;  i„    Flaunders;    K.    J.;    <d'  the    U' i'    eh.; 

in  London  for  4.'i  yecrs.  dweller  heere  14  ycers. 

Peter  Hearnc,  iiHnhim.le,  born  a  denizen;  John  Dorper,  f,  d.;  'b.  at  Theilt  in  Flaun.Iers; 

b.  in  Romson  in  Flaunders;  K.  J.;  of  the  K.  J.;  of   the   1)"'   eh.;    dweller  heer  4(i 

D'i'ch.;  dweller  heer.  yeers. 

Miehaell  Ilurtcr,  maxlMunte  and  f.  d.;  b.  in  llaune   Hareauco,  vitn-lutual,  stranger;  b.  at 

Flaunders;  K.  J.;  belongs  to  the  D'''  ch.;  Antwerpe  in  Braborne;  K.  J.;  of  the  1)''' 

dweller  heer  37  ycers.  eh.;  dweller  heer  9  yeers. 

John  Bloomer,  Jre/.-(,-/cr;.,.i //.,<,  and   f.  d.;  Giles  Lyons,  thm' </,/i>-;  b.   in    Bii-selles    in 

Ai>iM;Nnix.  f>o 

Bralnint;  K..I.;  of  tho    I>'i'  cli.;  .Iu.-II.t  Jncol.  T.iiras,  wlio  is  out  of  Tnwn  tlio 

lieer  33  jecis.  s-as;  l,i.  %vif,..  vailh  tli:.t  li<'  is  a  f.  >!.;  1.   .a 

William    Crosse,    of   Dutch   p.irriits  ;    I.,    at  A.i,>t.M-amn ;  iluellor  lieer  2"  yoiTs. 

Croiilon,  i..  tl.e  CO.  of  Surrey.  I',i.-k    Vandc/.ant  :    h.    in    .Xruolian.    in 

John  Stepbon.s,  of  Dutfli    parents;  Ij.  in   the  Cielderlau.!.  umler  the  dominion  of  Oiaiins 

CO.  of  Kent.  Morris,  Prince   of  Orange,  and   hath  two 

John  Clements,  of  Dutch  i-arcnts;  h,  in  tlio  children;  heer  theis  :3ii  ycers. 

parishe  of  S'  George  in  Lon.lon.  Haunce  llomarde;  h.  in  Corlricke  in  Flaun.l- 

Peter  Jacohson,  i«civ/,«««(r  and  f.  d.;    h.  at  r-rs,    under,  tlio    Arclnluke    Albcrttis  ;    a 

Antwerpe,  in  tho  Dnijcdomc  of  Bralmnt;;  and  hccr  this  .vxix.  veers.     'I'liis 

K.  J.;  of  the  D'i<ch.;  dweller  lo.-orir.  veers.  Ilaune   Iloinard  h.iili  two   lodgers,  whn^c 

Lov.cs  Vandam,  v„  rr!,v,':.l,  ;    h.  at    CartrieK  names   are    Michell    Maerns   and    Uieh  .rd 

in    Flaundcrs  :    K.  J.  ;    of    tho    !>''    .■!,.;  Koserus. 

dweller  heer  It  veers. 


A\'illiam  VanDam;b.inGauntin  Flaunders,  an    Englishman,    and    free   of   the  city   ;I 

nmler  the  A.;  f.  d„  and   hath    t.dou    his  I.omlon. 

oath  to  the  King's  ."Majesty  of  lingland;  <■  Mary    Uussell,    waloic ;    h.    in    Antwerpi!   in 

ll,n,l,/;,,:  Flaun.lers,    under    the    A.;    her   hnsLaiol 

Christofer  Loues;  h.  in  Uoarcman  in  Gel.ler-  Simon  Russell,  deceased,  was  a  f  d. 

lande,   under  the  A.;  f.  U.   K.  K. ;  .•.>-/;,;  Peter    Van    vice;    h.    in    Mi.llelioroughe    in 

'lirostcr.  Zolan.le,  under  tho  dominion  of  the  ."ilate 

John  hones,  hrother  of  tho  s'  Chris;olVr;  in-  in   the  lowe    countryes,  to  whomo  hee  is 

mate  in  tlie  s''  house;  h.  in  Korenian  elorc-  sulijeeto;  and  is  a  w,',rhrn,le. 

s.ii.l,   and    is    under  the   ^.iVel■aigloty   and  Pliiliip  RurhTOaehi;  h.  in   Sedon   in   France; 

■      K"<er,ornluf  lie- Arehdul.e;  .«.<,/.;//.,■,..(-, ■.  naturalized      l,y      the      King's      Maj.sti.-'s 

Sara   Dneaine,    ,r„'wr  ;     b.    in    Antuerpe    in  graunte.    and    dependeingo    onely    of    bis 

Flaundcrs.  under   the   A.    her  soveraigne;  .Majestie's  favour. 

her  husbande  John  Dneaine,  deceased,  was 


John  Fohrc,  Frenchman;  b.  in  the  precinct  upon  noe   other  state   but   of  the   King's 

of  Guyand,  a  towne  of  Turnon;  who  hath  m.ajcsty  of  G'  Britaino. 

lived  in  this  city  of  London  thcis  five  years  Nicholas  Crowem;   h.  in  Lile  in  F'laundcrs; 

past,  pmpssMij  the  U<irluiiij  of  the  FreiLck  dwelt  in  London  theis  ]S  yner.s;  who  useth 

loniiae,  with  M'  Peter  Arundell,  professor  Merrhaddheinj;  K.  E. 

in  the  aforesaid  tongue.  Jano  Dccroo,  i/;Woi»  of  Michaell  do   Crewe, 

John  Hartau;  b.  in  Lille  in  Flaundcrs;  dwelt  deceitsed  ;    h.   at    Antwerpe;    hath    dwelt 

in  England  theis  30  years,  and  dotli  d-pend  heer  in  England  15  yceres. 



Gillian  LefToory,  inWo)f  of  Ltircory, 'loowiscd;       Anthony    Jacolis, 
h.  in   Flainnlcra.     ALraliani    l.efcory,   lier  irutoif;  b.  in  F 

IlISllorSCATi!:   W'AItDE. 

Paulo  Pattow,  ncfd/cmoh  ,;■  h.  in  FlauinlrT^  James  Dolce,  s;«,r,,av,-;  I.,  in  S'  Kallic  .■in^-'s 

in  Arlois;  an.l  Annis  my  wilV,  I.,  in  Tni n,-y  nec-r  LonJun  ;  K.  J. 

in  Flaunders;  K.  J.  Clurles  Malladry,s,V/,,n',iy,r;  b.  in  Flaun.lor-i: 

Anthony  Ri-llmy,  .<,7/.c'™.cv  1..  in  Turncy  in  an.l    Jane    his    «ifo,   of    Flaundors   als„; 

FlaUM.lors;    K.  J.  K.  J. 

Coni(jliu3\Villian,si'K«wiiri;b.inFlannaors;  Daniell  Vui-non,  i,7i,r.«iw;  b.  in; 

and  Judith  hiswife.thercborncalso;  K.  J.  and   Jaquos    Uausuro  and   his   wifo,  b.  in 

Johai;nosBuwdry,«7/«TOi'.r;b,inFlaundcr5;  England    (Ja.iucs  Basuro  an  innmtr);  ■>!' 

and    Elizabeth    his    wife,   b.    in    Lorulun ;  K.J. 

K-  J-  Peter  Prince,  ««-,.r.i  vci-  of  T.nh  l.,[h  (../.-■;  b.  in 

Plullip  Dauffiuy;  b.  in  Flannders;  and  Sara  Antwerpe;  and  Hester  his  wife,  of  Anwarpo 

hiswife,b.inFranehfordinJermany;K.J.;  botli;  K.J. 

inmates  with  the  aforesaid  Cornelius  Wil-  John    Beaton,   coKSolaler  to   th,.   s:<  k  of    ilie 

lian.  Fr.'neh   congreg.;    b.    in    Niuui.may;  .-unl 

Peir  Petit,  siUimiver;   h.  in   Flaunders;  and  Jane  his  wife  tl.ear;  K.  J. 

Jane  his  wife,  also  b.  in  Flaundors;  K.J.  James  Sellinger,  5iK«e««)v   b.    in    London; 

D.avid    Jouelin,  .ulLweuvcr;  h.   in    England;  K.J. 

and  Pcron  his  wife,  b.  in  Flaun.ler.s;  K.  J.  Franeis  Laneett,  sithivanr;   b.  in  Flaun.h  rs; 

Guilliam  Fovtersso,5i7/!vcf.i.-. -•;   b.  in  Flaund-  and     Mary    bis    wife,    b.     in      iXorwich ; 

cr.-.;   K.J.  K.J. 

John    Du.s.-arr,  s«-i..<.'r,'i-;  b.  in    Fhuinders;  Thonuas  Radulphus,  f/Kic.-n,-,  and  inniale  b. 

K.  J.  one    Edward    Dorington;    b.   in   the    Low 

Ely  Maurin,s/H«,„,u-;  b.  in  Fl.innders;  and  Countries,  under  the  S.;    K.  J. 

Jane  bis  wife,  also  thear  b.;   K.J.  jUc.-;andcr  ].'aith,   a  slann-d   tu    llie  Venice 

ScveraigneLeCrcw,ii7/,««!v,;  b.  ioFlaund-  Ambassadour  ;    b.    in    the    of 

ers;  K.J.  Florence;  K.J. 

Henry  de  Page,  sUtuvimr;  h.  in  Flaundors;  Franeis  Cordoner,  .s/H(n„,Y;-;  b.  in  Gernnmy; 

and    Marey    his    wife,   b.    in    Cantcrbuiy;  K.J. 

!•;■  J.  Joseph   Pettcs,    utdlcuiakcr;  b.  in  Ciernjany; 

PauleDuraell,.?<7/!mr,  Leig,  [under]  K.J. 

the  Archbishopp  of  Cullame;  and  Sara  his  Adrian   Sock,   sUtinaver;   b.   in    I'laundirs; 

wife,  b.  in  llidleborouglie;  K.J.  and  Mary  his  wife,  of  Leige;  K.  J. 

John  Saulcr  and    Peter  Sauler,  .«i7X  iwnc.  js;  Abetl  Mountaine,  s/«  («((/■«■,■  b.  in  Norwich; 

both   lodgers  with  Paulo    dc    Ruclle,  and  K.  J. 

b.  in  Flaunders;  K.J.  John    Dcwarehin,  senior,  .•:/«./,„,■.,■,•    b.    in 

Jehan  Dclbonc,  si7/.»f«c,r;  b.  in  Maunders;  Flaunders;    and   Ueiinis    his    wile,   b.   at 

.and  Julct  bis  wife,  b.  in  Lcigc;   K.  J.  Anwarpc;  K.  J. 

Al'I'ICN'liIX.  hi 

Jntm    Deuai-L'liiii,  junior,  iUhn.irrr:    h.  i.,  ami    Amu;    his    wifu,    1,.    ii>     Mamnlci-s ; 

I.'jn.lun;   K.  J.  K.,r. 

Ali.alKuii    ClKiuilron;    b.    in     London;   siV/.--  Jolin    Garret,   sUknvn-r ;    h.    in    tlio    Low 

!'i-cr„',,7  K.  J.  Countriea,  under  tl.e  S.;    K.  ,1. 

Jnlin  Fawconer,  s;«TOr«)7  1..  in  Klaunders;  Nicliolaa  Peacock,  .v,7/- ,!..,,, ,;  h.   in    Flauu- 

K.  .T.  dm  ;    and    Francos    liis    nmIV,    tUero    I..; 

I>a,N-  Louclifoanc,  .-i'/sn-avu-;  h.  in  Fnoiand;  K.  J. 

K.J.  Oliver  Ginlet, /,-rt<»<.i  »,.I^:..•  b.  in    llritlan, 

John  Dcvillcrs,  sll/.evan-er;  h.  in  FlaumUrs;  nndcr  tl.e  K.  F.;   K.  J. 

and     Margaret     bis     wife,    ol'    Flaunder^;  John  Alman,  i/K.'W  ..,-,■   b     in    rai.UTbr.i>  ; 

K.  J.  a  lod-er  with  one  Tl.,.n,..»  K,  lll'ill;   K.  ,1. 

K'.bc-rt  Bumery,  siltinavtr;  b.  in  Flanndors;  Jehan  I.Hiiireall,  slik.ruuu-:   b.  in  l^'laundu-- 

K.J.  K.J. 

Nicholas  Kcignart, si7/!-»v«TCr;  Flanders;  Adrian  Sounle,  sill , run:  r:  b.  in  Flaundu--; 

and   IKUen  Ids  wile,  borcn   in  Flanndci^;  and  Mary  bis  wife ;   K.J. 

K.  J.  Jaiines  do  Uoudry,  sUktrut.u-;  b.  in  Zelande; 

Fnrning   G.lrret,  siM«-m,,,-;  b.   in    Amiens;  K.J. 

and  Mary  his  wife,  in  Cantorbnry;  K.  J.  Peter  Fromeau,  sUhmn",-;  b.  in  Flaun.lcrs  ; 

John  Del  Chambrc,  .n7/aw<,vjv  b.  in  Flann-  and     Jlarey    his    wile,    b.    in    Klaunder-; 

dors;  and  Judith  his  wife,  of  Antuerpe;  K.  J. 

K.J.  TlKMn.a.s  Hayes,  siV/.m.ii'.,;  b.   in    l.'l.iunders; 

Elny   Towroy,   s!lhtv„icr;  h.   in    b'launders;  and  Ann  ray  wife,  b.  there;  i:.  J. 

and  Mary  his  wife,  of  Flanndei-s;  K.J.  Jclian  Duboo,  S(7/;,'.. ..-,,;  b.   in    Flaunders  ; 

And)ro3c  Turret,  .y,inskr  of  silea-  l,',ro!;   h.  an.l  Sion  his  wife,  buriie  there;  K.  J. 

in  Millain;  and  Jane  his  wife,  of  Vlushe-  Miehaell  Allmoinl,  s,7/ .(v.-a,,-  b.  in    Canter- 

inye.  bury;  K.  J. 

AnI.artnonvers,  .v7;„-i.„ivr.-  b.  in  Flaundei's;  Malliew  Ilosemear,   tiiUor;  b.  in  AlUnaney  ; 

..nd  .-^..ra  l,i>  wile;    K.  J.  K.J. 

Jane  Man.b,  „  /.,/  ,;   1,.  in  I'laun.lers;  hatli  Abr.diani    Dartlcny,  s,7/:„r„,'f,';     b.    in    .\bl/ 

b.nne  dwelt  in  Knyland  ;    K.  J.  in  Lorraine  ;   K.  J. 

(iilesChandierlein,  .■./«,-■..,,•,,■;  b.   in   I'lann-  Ue.ijatnin    de    la    Knelle,    .s.7/«-  »r.,,-    b.   w 

ders;  and  Margret  his  wife,  thear  b.;  Pieardye   in   Fraunee;  and    Kalherine    bis 

K.  J.  wife,  b.  in  Flanndcrs;  K.  J. 

Julian  de  Ru.sier,  s/ttiMrnrr;  b.  inLomlun;  Peter  Lejiper,  «7/',!Y,a', -■;    b.   in    GnlieU    ni 

K.  J.  Cleveland;  K.J. 

Isaek  Rassell,  hroah'r;  li.  in  Fraun.'  ;    K.  J.  Abraham  Senion;  b.  in  London;  K.  J. 

J.-o|nes  Guyann,  5i7iiTO(mr;  b.  in  I'huinders;  Aur.dy   U:n-ty,  purscmuirr  ;    b.    in    Italy,   in 

K.J.                                                                     ,  Ln.'a;  K.J. 

Albert    Castle,  sJkmoci,-;   Flaund.^rs  ;  Jelian  Chamlicrlein,  .«i«-"v„,>  /  ;   li.   in    I'ian- 

K.  J.  ders;    and    K.athcrine   bis    wife,   tliear   b.; 

Charles  Lemot,s7/.im.-rt,-;    Flaundersj  K.J. 

K.J.  Gland   Dufoure,  sUIana,',,-;  b.   in    Klan.bis; 

John   Setall.  sillm.u-u- .    b.    in  Canleiburv;  and  Kalherine  his  wife,  there  1.,;   K.J. 

G8                                                                 AITEN-UIX. 

Abraham  Van.l./nd  Burse,   s:il.-nu.r;    b.    i„ 

Christofer  Darsncyo,   b.  in  C4ermaney;   sll':- 

M.-.i.lstnno  ill  Kent;   K.  .1. 

ic.vni-;    lodger    in    the    hou^e    of   Henry 

Daltluizur  do  Riiko,  ,111.:. ,'..,-,-.  ;•,•  b.  in  Fbum- 

Harvey  in  Ualle  Moone  Allry  ;    K.J. 

clers;   IC.  J. 

I.uKe  lleminay,  b.  in  .\„t»vn.  ;   K.  .1. 

Jolin  Dai.iell,  talhw-clmv,..ll.  r;   h.  in  Flaun- 

Fraunei-.  Trouly, ,.;//. u;r;   b.  iii  Fl.iun.lrrs; 

ders  :     and     Ilellen     lu,     '.vilo,     Ihnh  i„  ; 

K".  J. 

K.  .r. 

.M.ixainiliun  Lambert,  sJ/.,aea,-;  b.  in  Flauu- 

ders;  K.  J. 
Antliony  l''cilde,  s/Hvir,iti>,  r;  i..  in   Lisle   in 

Jehan    Ballien,   b.   in    Antwerp  ; 

and  .Mary  his  wife;    K.  ,1. 
Nicodame  Ur<.i;.-ir,  s,7/.  ./w„  u-;   b.  in  Flaiin- 

ders;    K.  J.;  and  Fii/.abeth  bis  wife. 

l^'launder-t ;  K.  J. 
Jaqnes  Russie,  silhiKai\r;  b.  in  Valentino; 

riiillip  Le  I'a^e,  s,7/,, ...,,-,  ,■;  b.  in  Flaunders; 


Lojs  (le  Creator,  si7/.-./'i.-.ri'..-;  li.   in    I'lann- 
iters;  and  Elizabeth  lii>  uife;   K.  J. 

Clement    de    Fouuluine,    j  7.'...,  ,.a, ;     b.    in 
Koanein  A'ormnndy;   K.  .1. 

Jelian  Forlorne,  silka:Mo  n  b.  in  Gaunte  in 

Nirhnla.H  Bousey,  s;ihr,,u:n  h.  in  Ileywanll, 
under  the -A.;  and  .\L,ry  his  w  iiV-;   K.J. 

ArtnsTiruine,  i,7/.,r.„,.,;  b.  ii,  Flaunders; 
and  Anne  his  wife;   both  IC.  .1. 

Adrian  Pliehon,  s.V/,-.../, ,  ;  b.  in  Flauiuh'rs; 
and  Sibille  his  wile;   K.  J. 

Flannders;  K.  J. 
John  Tisiwane,  s,lk,cear,r:   b.  in   Flaundera; 

I'eter    Lampo,s/Hv,i»,c,-;  b.  in   Canterbury; 
!C.  J. 

and  Sara  his  wife,  in  Antwerjie;  K.  J. 
Juhn   Sterlinc,  si7/.-,(™»7-,-  b.    in   Flaundors;   Lc  Calliett,  ,5,7/.,/-,  ,u'.,-;  b.  in  Canter- 
bury ;   K.J. 

and  Sara  his  wife,  of  Antwerpe;  K.J. 
Jolm  do  Cane,  silkwain'r;  h.  in  Flaundtrs  ; 

Elly  Bruinge,  SiV/.-wm-cr;  Wrasall;  and 
Katherinc  his  wife,  h.  in  h'laiiiidns;  K.  J. 

Jolm   .Marre,  sVHt  «■..„, vr;   b.    in    Norwieh;  a  J„l,„  Curnelius,  ..;«■,-•.„,■,  ,■.•  Flaunders; 

lod;.;,.r  with  Ambrose  Jl.dliu-ll;  K.  J.  K.  J.    lie.uiverty,    Feir  de    l.i    Tan,   Ja^ues  Ja.iucs    Caudeler   and    Peir    ^lalliera,   silt- 

Libert;  all   of  them   b.  under  tlio  A.;  nil  vcuyers;  and  lodgers  within   'I'liemas  Jor- 

!<■.  J.  den;  K.  J. 

Peter  Terry,  s!ll-„ranr;    b.   in    Southwarlc;  Anthony    de    Lo    Belle,    Jeban    Ferry,    and 

'■^•J-  Is.aacI;,  lodgers  within   the  housu  of  John 

Frauncis  PclnLin,  b.  in  Fraunhford;  Antony  Saunderson  ;  all  K.  .1. 

Delaumu  .and  Isaac  Fietoro,  both  b.  under  Peter  Terry,  siltmai-u- ;     b.   in    Flaunders; 

the    S.  ;   all  lodgers   with   Robert   Evans;  and  logeing  with   one   W  .Smilh,  iu  llalfe 

J"'-  J-  moone  Alley;   K.J. 

Jonas    de    la    Fountaine,^v.  r ;  h.    in  llauncc  de  ( Iraue,  ;.-H;,r,  ,r,rr;   b.inAnwerp; 

London;  and  Jane   his  wife,   b.    in    Nor-  lodger  will,    widuw    Hall,  in   II  df  .Muone 

nandy;  K.J.  alley;  and  one   N'ieholas,  ,<   t. 

iiuell  Van  Iberge,  sMimr.u-;  lodger  with  in  parte  of  Flaunders  ;  K.  J. 

ne  Jonas  de  la  Fountaine  ;   b.  in  Amster-  John  Lambeit,  ."Htmai-i  r;  b.   i 

am;  K.  J.  Normandy;   K.  .1. 


Al'l'ENldX.  (ill 

Muccrne  Curtdow,  silk,n,ivcr;  h.  in   I'lmiii-  John  dr  \u\co,slli,fou;r;   b.  m  Caiitorburv; 

(lere;  and  Katliwinc  liis  wile;  K.  J.  K.  J. 

I'lter  Le  Cane,  silkavtm,-;  h.  in  Caiitn^ury ;  Jnliii  Lambert,  sM.nurcr;  h.  in  FlauiLlLTs  ; 

K.J.  K.J. 

Andrew  Charles,  S!7/.i(<rt»)-;  b.  in  I'raun.lers  -Ntiell   Fanoicr,  sMuxa.-u-   li.  in  Flannder.; 

{.<;.■)■  and  Katlierine  liis  wife  ;   K.  J.  and  Mary  bis  wife;   K.  J. 

(iuillam  Dedamc,  si'Hira'i'.,-;  b.  in  Qninlons  Tobv  de  Suin,  sMuwc-a;-   b.  in   Flaunders; 

in  Picardye;  and  JIary  liys  wile;    K.J.  K.J. 

I'liillip  Le  Clarli,  s,'//!-,, ,■,.(",,■;  b.  in  I'h.unders;  Saniuell  Witte-I,  sHIhc,,,-.,-;  h.  in  Callis;  and 

and  Jano  liis  wile  ;   inmates  ;   K.  J.  Judith  liis  wife;  K.  J. 

James  Knight,  rtiLc/  maiu-;  b.  in  Antwerpo;  Garrett  Toulton,  s.Vfc  »  uirt/v  jornyman  and 

K.J.                                                              ■  iod-er  witlitlie  said  Wiltes;  1..  in  Hull. md; 

Ro.ack  Duforey,jW/io-;  b.  in  Flaund.  rs;  K.J.  K.  J.      . 

Abraham   Danger,  sil!:>fcac,r;  h.  in   White-  Jacob  Scribot;  b.  in  Franeldbrd;  jnin-«y«,(i« 

cliappcdl ;   K.  J.  with  the  Siiid  Wittcs;  K.  .1. 

John   Le  Drysurc,  (/iirt/m«fc  r;    b.  in    I'lailn-  David    Billiard,    silhiun-.r:    b.    in    Geneva; 

Abraham  Danger  ;    K.J.  Wittes;K.  J. 

I'aiil   I'lidlippe-s,  Wrtr7,i,„,V/,;    b.    in    Emden  ;  Peter  b'anponer./io.i^i.'-rM.,-;  b.  in  Flaunders; 

K.J.  Iv.  .L 

Joas    Maco,    r.e(!,i,ut.'r ;    b.   in    Gannto    i)i  Abraham  Lcnse,  jv'HrTOinr;   b.  in  Valentine 

Flannders;  K.  J.  i"  Flaumlera;  K.  J. 

John    Dcbert,  luncr;  h.  in  Colchester;  and  Augustine   Leiure,  s/H««,!.  i',-;  b.  in   Idaun- 

Elizabcth  his  wife,  b.  in  Iper  in  l.'lannders;  dels;  .and  Margaret  his  wife;   K.  J. 

K.J.  Giles  William,  iiV/aY..,,,;  b.    in   Flannders; 

Toby    Henry,    l.n-„cr;    h.    in    Fraunckford,  and  Ann  his  wife;   K.J. 

under  the  F.;  K.J.  Frauncis  Arisort,  silt  thrust,, ■;   b.  in  Flaun- 

K-,iyas,  .-.-/.  -f.'Viv;  b.   in  Antwerpe  ;  dors;  and  Charity  his  wife;  K.  J. 

K.J.  Jero    Legram,  i;a-,ci(l,,,v     b.   in    I'lannders; 

Ja^iues  Le  Bek,,-;   b.   in  Vellintun    in  K.  J. 

Flannders;  "who  lodgetU  and  wurkethwitli  John   Gaiicry,  j/Kicra-'cr;   b.    in    Flaunder>; 

the  .said  Lowire  ;  K.  J.  K.  J. 

John   Sugar,  siUmaver;  h.  in  Yallentine  in  Peter   Burd,  silhraiivr;    h.   in    Southwarii  ; 

Flannders  ;  who  lodgetU  and  worketh  with  K.  J. 

the  said  Lowire;  K.  J.  Allcxander  Le  Nor,  silhi-uivc)-;  h.  in  Flann. 

Guillam   hesstxus,  haupihxssa-;  b.  in  Flaun-  ders;  K.J. 

ders;  and  Anthoinet  his  wife,  b.  in  Uol-  Jolin   Tulley,   sia-amrey;    h.   in    Flannders; 

Ionia  J  K.  J.  K.  J. 

AhraliamdeLoe,st7i-iir,_„,',,vb.inFlaunders;  William  .Tacobson,  t,n;,cr;  b.   in   Embden  ; 

ami   Anthoinet  his  wife,    b.    in    Bollunia;  K.  J. 

K.  J.  John  Teflin;  b.  in  parte  of  Flannders;  K.  J. 

John  Sincoll,  siKcirenro-;  b.  in  Flannders;  John    Lawncell,  t,r,,iir:  b.   in   Canterbury; 

K.  J.  and  Hester  bis  wile;  K.  J. 

70  APl'KNDIX. 

Nicliulas  Jlicliel.roke;  I),  in  G:.nnt.-  in  Fhvun-       Liikr  Crcsin,  s/M  i 

ders;  K.J.  cnco;  l,..tli  1,.   i, 

rilillip  Buliglilluir,  Si7/:i''t,«',  >■;   li.   in   Fl.ani-  tliu  lions, 

dors;  K.  J. 
David  jMuttoii,5.7/.«v«!-eT;  h.  in  Holland  ;  an.! 

Jolm  Cremou,  silf.ncearer;  h.  in  Cleueland; 

and  Jacomanio  Iiis  wifo;  K.  J. 
D.-ricIi     DoniiscU,    sM.nrc,   and    Ilauncc 

Vtrniaunde,  also  sill<rai<  ■ ,-;  b.  in  .\11\ve17.0; 


witli  Jolm  Tillman, ill  three  toun  alloy;  K.J. 
Cliai-lus  Le  Roy,  5,7/ /'■.,, ,vr;  I.,  in  Flaundors; 

K.  J. 
Mi.-liaoU  de  la  Marr;  h.  in  Cantoiliury,  and 

Kutlioriiio  his  wifo;  K.  J. 
Jane  Sclirom,  teiJow;  h.  in  Flaundci-s;  hath 

an  inmate  one  Lyon  Cliattanie,  silkii-Kuxr; 

b.  in  Flaundersljoth;  K.  J. 
George  Cawny,  sllhran-n-;  h.  in   Turny   in 

FlaiuKlers;  and  Hester  his  wife;   K.  J. 
Claud  Juliet,  lilknare:;  h.  in   Barroys  noer 

BaiTunie;  and   Luey  his   «ifo,   1..  in  Lor- 
raine; K.  J. 
Adam  Uouer,(,:/M./W«  !.■,„,■,,■;  b.  in  Flauii- 

ders;  and  iilary  his  xvife;  IC.  J. 
Jaiiues  Los  Callil,  .«,V/.  ■■,,■,-,■   h.  in  Flaun- 

ders;  and  JLirgrot  hi,  wile;   IC,  J  . 
Peter    Robinson,    silkiramr;     I.,    in    Midol- 

boroiigli;  K.  J. 
Nicholas  Corque;  b.  in  Flaundors;  and  Jane 

his  wife;  K.  J. 
John   Le  Fence,  5i7/-«v,.r,T;  b.  in  Fiauncc; 

and  Anne  his  wife;  K.J. 
Godfiy  Van  Ilaselle,  si7/imiK,v  b.  in  Callice; 

and  Elizabeth  his  wife;  K.  J. 
Anthony  Desallicr,  silheeavcr;  b.  in  Flaun-  jiartncr,  and  dwcllinge  with  the  aforesaid 

ders;  and  Uetermame  his  wife;  K.  J.  Adam  Lawrence. 

Tcter  Patteer,  silkveavir;   b.  in  Canterbury  ;        Daniel  Van  Sheole;  b.  in  Antwerpc;  K.  E. 

and  Mary  his  wife;  K.J.  Paulus  VandeucUe,  ^>(((Vfcr;  b.  in  Ant\ver[ie; 

John  Lordoll,  sillnxaru;  b.  in  London ;  K.  J.  K.  E. 

*   lie  was  minister  from  liinS  to  Ilj-Jl. 

K.  J. 

Ja<iues  do  Lol.ell,  silhmtvcr;  \k  in 


in  Flaunders;  K.  J. 

Peir  Blanchart,  fitlcvw.irr;  b.  in   F 


K.  J. 

Jehan  .Maunise,  .i7/.r<..Ai-;  b.  in   1' 


K.J.;  lodgeth  will,  him  William 


James Corsoii,s/H«uiivr,-b. in  Flaun. 


Ja.incs  Le  Callclt;  b.  in  Norwi.'b; 

K.  J. 

John    Fortree,    «un/a<««(.';    b.    in 

Lilly    in 

Flaunders;   K.  J.;   hath   dwrlt   ii: 

,   the  eily 

of  London  50  veers. 

JohnNullcs;  b.  in  London;  K.J. 

John  Vanderbrugge,  ),„r(7..(«/,^;   b 

.in  .Maid- 

stone  in  Kente;  K.  J. 

John  de  Baker,  )Hur/.».(-,(<;  b.    in 

(-Tenl    in 

Flaunders;  K.  J. 

Leonard    .Sweeis,   ,n„Tlnn,nl;    b.   i 

n    Mi.lle- 

borough  in  Zolan.le  ;    K.  J. 

John  Minon,  ,„.:«■/„,«„(;   b.  in  Flai 

m.lers  in 

Newport;  f.  d.;    K.  J. 

John  LeChereh;!..  in  Antwerpe;    , 

„,  ,■,■/,„„, d 

,i,;,,..jn-:   K.J. 

Abraham  Anrelius,  Mi.iUtcr  of  the 

Fr.    ru„. 

ynii.  in  Lou.lon;  b.  in  Lon.lon; 

K.  J.* 

David  Slainere;  h.   in  Collonia  Ai 

;ripina;  a 

denizen;   K.  J.                         - 

James   Le  Tour;    b.    in    Lond.n,; 


6ln,a„.i.,;    whose    father    a-    be 

-aith    was 

f.  d.;    K.J. 


idon;  K.J, 

Aln-aham    Van    Oenlen,    marlw inu 

;;      b.    Ill 

Norwich  in  the  co.  of  Norfolke. 

Jo.:.3  de  Nceue;  b.  at ;   ,., 



Abraham    B:.kor,   !„ 

■.rrhna-iUj    I.,   in    Gciit, 

Liunell  ile  Renscy, 


;  K  i 

uu.Kt  the- A.  A  11k 

■rtuHi  K.  J. 

werpe;    K.  J. 



•Shcrard    Malline.s, 


b.     i 

Cli:irlu3  Lebon,    pr. 

.-.■/,.,;*    b.  inS^ndwicIi; 

Nverpe;  K.  J. 

K.  li. 

Adrian  de  Bee,  a  .« 

riulurr;   h. 

in  An 

Aliigail  Lofoes  ;  b.  i 

n  Flaunaers;  K.J. 

K.  E. 

rliai-lc-s  Hosier,  diict 

■;  h.  ill  Frauiice;  K.  J. 

Peter  .^r:lssian,  (/,n 

ihiall.e.-;    b. 

.  in  Se 

Jano  Williumsun,",.- 

:d.,H-:    h.   In    .Sandwieh  ; 

tlie  Duke  ol'  Bull 


K.  J. 

by  trade  a  )u,-,rA.. 

,nd.  ;  K.  J. 


Derieli   Hoast,  vurdniinl;  b.  in  tlu    county  .      in  his  liouse;  knighted  by   K.  .7.  of  Eng. 

ofZeland,  in  the  eitie  of  jMidl.buioushe ;  hmd,  Ids  dependaunt.    [See  Intvod.  xii.] 

made  a  denizen  the  2m  day  of  Ue.ernbor,  Henry  van  Ilouer;  b.  in  Dorte;  mc,vI„:u.i,: 

in  the  ii''  yecre  of  H.  M.'s  raigne  of  Eng-  M'  John  Syoy  and  his  wife,  Inmates.     M 

hinde;  a  householder,  and  has  noe  iiunates  Henry  Kee  now  beyond  sea. 

or  lodgers.  SiUis  Tiesse,  M£n7in«..A.v  b.  in  the  county  o 

Jaques   Oddes,  merchaiint;  h.  iu  the  county  Zelandc,   in   the    eity    Camplier;    doi..  : 

of  Hollando,  in  the  city  of  Amsterdam;  a  householder,  and  hatli  noe  inmates, 

den.  and  householder  with    his  sister  and  James    HobcU;    b.    in    Flaun.lers;    a    den. 

Joas  Calfe,  merclMunte :  b.  iu  tlic  county  of  Frauneis  Sayon;  b.  at  Bri.lges  iu  the  count; 

Flauiulers,  in  the  city  of  Caitriel  ;    a  den.  of   Flaunders;  mcrluiHid,   and   noe   den. 

and  householder;  has  noe  lodgers.  hath    lodgeing    in    his   house    his    luollic 

William    Kipp,    ■joahhmilh;    b.    in    Utrest ;  James   Sayon,   dUiMoiul  cullir;  b.    iu    thi 

dweller  heer  above  30  yeers,  and  is  no  de-  same  towne  or  eity. 

uizen;  hath  lodgeing  with  him  his  daughter  AUc.'cander  Vanende,   laerc/iuunle;  b.  at  -Ale 

and  her  husband,  who  was   b.    at    .Midle-  chely   in    Brabunt;    hath   kept  himself  i. 

b.nougbe;  a  young  man.  a  w_,rf,,,,„f,  ;  b.  tllis  country  under  his  .Majestio's  dominioi 

at  Uaud.orow.  thou  32  yeers,  and  doth  eiuleavonr  to  en. 

Stephen  La  Goiighe,  wmhaunk  ;  b.  in  Ant-  the  same. 

werpe;  no  denizen  ;    hath  lodgeing   with  Peter  Wivoe;  b.  in  Pectain   in  the  county  o 

him  Lawrence  Meaoher,  vien-hannt:  b.  in  Flaunders;  noe  den.,  haveiugo  beene  lien 

AVessell  in  Jermany;  and  Charles  Buecdl,  35  ycere;  K.  J. 

b.  in  Colley  in  Jermany;  all  K.  J.  Henry  Loiskins;  b.  in  the  Kingdome  of  CIcne 

i-Thomas  Cootclls,  knight  and  mtrcLuinte:  a  f.  d.;  hath  dwelt  in  Loudon  this  20  yeeres 


Robert  Detram.aged  about  72  yeers;  b.  in  the  under  P.  K.;  f.  d.  for  theis  40  yeers  las 

eity  of  Roane  in   Normandy,  in  Fraunce,  past;  a  /niihi'.ii/  muker;  hath   a   wife  an. 

♦  He  is  not  mentiuned  in  llr.  Burn's  list  of  Ministers, 

7^                                                                 APrKNDIX. 

family, and  two  sonnesIi^Kli  at  man's  cstato; 

Th.odorus  Deodate,  a  Dorlvr  m 

PkisU-lr,   b. 

Ij.  licerL'  in  Kn-lanile;  K.  J. 

in  tieneva;  hath  lived  in  En,i;l 

and  tlieis  20 

Clirislian  Jolinsun,  aged   31   ycers;  b.  in  the 

yeer.i;    hath    a    wile    an    En-l 

ish    won, an; 

city  of  Antwerpe,  under  tlie  A.  Albcrtuf ; 

K.  J.;    and  dwuHeth    in   the  I 

•arishe  of  S- 

noef.  d.  and   an  ■i,n!,ro..l.n,-;    liee  bath  u 

Mary  Jlayilalen  within  the  sai. 

le  warde. 

wife,    also    a    Dntchnuin;    bee    hath   been 

in  Kn-Iande  about  111  veers;  K.  J. 



Pol'rrt  Lfin    c  tnuncrr-  h    'it                       in 

under    the    A.    of   Austria;    a 


Can,ber/e>,  m  the  Dubedunie  of  Cambria, 

K.  J.,  an.ltuhimaehnowledgi 

ing  religion. 

underllie  A, of  Austria;  «  ,/an7«(/(.v^-  f.  ,1 ; 

David  lioonrll;  b.  in  Norwich, \ 

he  son  of  an 

K.  J. 

alien  ;    K.  J.;  ,-  me>r/iaui,l. 

Anthony  Iloulielon;  b.  at  Lille  in  Flano.brg, 



Adriivn  Ilarmansey.  v;do,n  b.    in   Turny   in 

John    FrancK-avill,  mnrhnu.t;  b 

.  in  Cambry 

Elaundors,  under  the  A.;    K.  J. 

in  I.'launders,  under  the  A.;   K 


John  Le  Ulon,  ti'fflnif,/,/  ,i:,n'i,:  h.  in  Turny, 

Harman  .Miehaell,  ,..■»,■/  j..„o:,; 

b.    in  lira- 

under  the  A.,  Ac.;    K.  .1. 

bant,  under  the  A.;    K.  J. 

Anthony  do, Veal, /uit-,',.:   ._/;   b.    in   Turnv 

Mary  .Mailer,  «•;,/„„•,■    a  lod-.-r   i, 

,    the   leuw.. 

under  the  A.;  K.J. 

of   the  s:,id  llaruuni    Mieliell; 

b.    in    Ant- 

Miehaell  Dcschalt,  t„:„„l-wu,(a-,  h.  in  Lile  in 

werj)  in  llrabant,  under  ihe  A. 

;    K.  J. 

Flaunders,   under   the   lOnnn-ror   Charles; 

Mary  I{,.n.y,  ,r;,J„n;-  b.  in  Mono  i 

„  Hannego. 

K.  J. 

under  the  A.;    K.  J. 

Peter  Doby,  i,wi's///.-)'-...i-  ,■;   1).   in    Cainbry 

James    Frutier,    ^».;V,„;;  ,„„■,„.■,, • 

;    ct  u\nr 

in  the  Lowe  Couiitrio-..  iiud.,-  the  A.;  IC.  J. 

wuh  the  iiaid  Mary  Uemy;  b.  ir 

.  Antwerp,.; 

Jacob  Sura,  io.r  ;/»i/i,;  b.  in  i  iixmiaelnoi  in 


in  Elaunders,  underthe  A.;  K.J. 

]Ja)uell  Ileringhooke,  weirhai^nl; 

b.  in  ,Sand- 

Elizabeth   lioury,    vulv.-;   b.    in    London   of 

wich  in  Kent  of  straungcrs;    K 

.  J. 

.straungcrs;  K.  E. 

Jane  Detallier,  vhloir;  b.   in  Ca 

nterbury  in 

Frauncis    Roublin,   laffdoff.tij   «rar>r;  b.   in 

England  of  straungcrs;  K.  J. 

Turny;  K.  J. 

David  Jlarishall,  ;;,(;■(■/«,),„(;  b.  i 

n  London  of 

Ja.nea  Wood,  merchaunt;  b.  at  Lile  in  Fiann- 

straungcrs;  K.  J. 

ders,  at  a  jdace  called  Tarhanie,  under  the 

Anthony   Le   Key,  JornJjnwn;  b. 

in  Wallon, 

dominion  oftheK.  of  Si.ain;  K.J. 

under  the  a!;  K.  J. 

Robert  Terry,   ti^Jilnfety  ii-.m  ■  r,    citizen   of 

Matbew    Auill,     .,'uf,:,-;    b.    in 

Sodant    in 

London;  b.  iuTurney;   K.  J. 

Fraunce;  K.J. 

Noo  Bartram,  tvlJUaffUy  n-aurr;  b.  in  Ilan- 

Katherinc  Sowth,  iralu,,-;  b.  at  > 

.'ewcastle  in 

nego  near  Tuniey,  under  the  A.;  K.  J. 

Picardy,  under  K.  F.;   K.  J. 

Isaaek  Rowsell,  wo,;hui;l:  b.    in   Sandsvieh 

Jane  Terry,  wUloir;   b.  at  Newca> 

•tie,   Turny, 

in  Kentofstrannaer.s  K.J. 

arores;,i,l;    K.  J. 

.luhii  Do.Niiiii.c,  l.ahbifily  ,'t".i-/;  \<.  :it  Itai.N ,  .,i,a  n..«  aopL-uddh  iii.oi,  ih.- g.ivi-i'n- 
Uoulrick  in  KI:uuiJurs;  K.J.  ini'iit  thcrenl'. 

Martin    V;in    Rose,  jo„r„,p,r,„;    h.   :U    Col-  Kli/alM.lli    .1?    lo    l.'ount.ainc,;     li.   in 

clicster  in  E.ssc.x  of  sti-aun-ore;   K.  J.  I..iii,l..n  lI' sinnn.i^rs;  K.  ,1. 

AVilliam  Ilnorf,  me, .■/,«««(;    1'.   in    l):,nlsicl;,  ,\n.livu-  M  illin.-,  <tcr,  .„ov/„,«„(;  b.  in  LunJon 

under  tlie  King  of  1Io11;uu1l-;   K.  .1.  ..f  .tr.inn-.  i-;  K.  .1. 

Mareaii   Bai-ty,   uHrchaautc;    h.   M   Luca   in  Mathcu  Bull ;  b.  in  I^unJon  byslian-crs;  K.  .1. 

c'dUDWKvxoit  w  Ai;i)i;. 

I'etor  Bulk-ll;   b.    in    London;  a^r  ."V  \x.'.t.-s;  .lolm  So,.ud  ;  b.    in   Nonv.cli;  :i30  o.-^yceis; 

mtn-Ia,n,.t;  K.  J.,   liath  ncitlici-  i.ini^Uo  nor  Ihr,. I :.:,'.. :   K.  J. 

servant  strant;er.  .-Vbrahuni  l''ran,bu,clv,  (/ ,■.  m',„„,,;  b.  .-.t  C;.u.nt, 

■  Pettr  Doboi.s;  b.   in  ilic  city  of  f  ,;,'-bnry;  Mn(b-r  ibu  A.;  a;4" -H  y^'t'r^;    liulb  d-,M-U  in 

age  4-2  ycois;  iio  ,•■;.. i»„/;   be-in-  llio  -^onno  Lon.Ion  .11  ycfrs;  K.  .1. 

of  Janus  I)l>  Uois,  win,  wan  ni..  Ir   den.  in  Stqdicn  Isbanc;  b.  at  Uou.l-;  a   frcr   citizen; 

tlie  8  yccrc  of  Q.  Eliz.;  K.  .1.,  and  lias  a  and  Candllo   Convunuly,  b.  at  Klorunc-e  in 

sen-ant  named  Jolm  Saiensoi.,  b  at  (;,"uint,  Italy,  an.l    dcpc-nd,    undgr    tlio    Unko    of 

under  the  A.  I'lurcnce. 

(•i)U\i:i;iLI,   WARDK. 

Frauncis  Vanaker,  Merchaiini.  ami   .Mar>  Id.s  Paul    de 

wife,    have  '  inhabited    the    |).:ri<lie    of   8'  now  in 

Mirhacdl   Cornehill   about  2S   y.-rs;  b.  in  In-rlure;  in  lOngland  about  l;-J  y.-er-s   K.  K. 

Belle  and    Lile    in    Klaunder^:   1M.^^  under  John  .A.sealler,  ago  'il   yc.-rs;  nowsrr,,,;,/  to 

the  Government  nf   Albei-ture   tin    A  ;  and  Paul  .le  Lob-ll;  b.  in  Au,'U>ta  in  fiern.any, 

Frauneis   l.od.Mek   bis  s.,v,n,r,  aUo   b.  n,  under  the  E. 
Belle;  K.  K. 

CKIl'LEGA'lT.   Wri'IHM. 

J.nine3  King;  a  Dutebman's  sonne;  b.  In  Lon-  .Micbaell  Aete,  skoe,„ah;:  b.  in  Ilolbud,  but 

don;  K.  E.  is   now    beyond    sea;  John  Xylingall,  </o(- 

Ezochicll    Snelling,   diamond   ciaio-;     b.    in  mnad  rullcr,   b.   in   :\lidleborou,nbo;  I'eler 

Augsbureh  in  Jcrmany;  K.  E.  Morden,  diamond  nil/,;-,  h.  in  Aiitweriie; 

Christofer    Meisener,    dlnnond   cutter:    Kin  all  K.  E. 

Germany;  K.  E.  Pasker  Kinge,  ra»(Hti«,(;(vr;   b.  in  Flauderes; 

Jasper  Meisener,  dwmond  cntlfr,  b.  in  Ger-  K.  E. 

many;   John   Paulsen,  diamond  cmur,   b.  John  Lawrenee,  diamond  cnllvr:   b.  in   En,,;- 

inHanborow;  Peter  Lacord,  b.  in  |-ranck-  lande,    but  a  strannger's   sonne,  and   now 

ford,  diamond  cutttr;  all  K.  E.  beyonde  the  seat;  K.  E. 




Clirislian   Multon,  l,Htlo,MaUr;  h.   in 

m.indy;  K.  E. 
Ann  llamlelt,  a  thei/sellcr;  b.  in   Bral 

K.  E. 
n.ilJwin    Blackeles,    diamond  cuttfr, 

Harris;  James  Tillian,  dian.  cvtler. 

Parris;  Roignold  de  la  Marr,  diam  :  cvtter, 

b.  in  Fraunoe;  all  K.  E. 
ClaudoCorder;  b.  in  Callicc;  di>nnond  ctU.r; 

K.  E, 
Phillip  Roger,  rtm?  dier;  a  Dutchman's  sen  ; 



Henry  Blanckau,  lailur;  b.  in  SutHen  in  Gi 
derland,  under  Grane  Morrice. 

Michaell  Dubunt,  hntlon  „„ihr;  h.  in  Pumj 
forse  in  Normandy,  under  K.  F.;  and  on 
of  the  elders  of  the  French  Church. 

John  Baptista  Roza,  rjoUhin'dh  spinner;  b.  i 
JliUaine  etaliane,  under  K.S. 

Michaell  Forhow,  spinster ;  b.  in  Sair 
Thoma  in  Artois,  under  K.  S.,  and  undi 
the  French  church. 

Askarat  Lawrenzo,yi'«f/i'»i(i/. ;  Italian,  undci 

the  Senore  of  Venice. 
Sacre  Fredrick,  £;o/(?snu'(A;  b.  in  Stuttene  in 

Germany,  under  the  E. 
John  VandonBenden,mLr,7,„„W;  b.  in  Bris. 

sels  in  Brabunt,  under  the  A. 
Frauncis  Cornelius,  yo!dspi,i,i, r;  h.  in  Jlil- 

laine,  under  K.  N.  ;  hee  is  an  Italian. 


William  Paggen;  b.  at  Ilcnsburge 

land;  f.  d.;  IC.  J. ; 
Denis  Houerd;  b.  in   Ilenslmrg 

land;  noe  f.  d.j   miller;  K.  J.; 

of       John  Le  Custer;  b.  at  Sit 

noe  f.  d.;  a  Uirmman; 

:of       Peter  Duusell;    b.   at   II, 

land;  noe  f.  d.;  K.  J. 

K.  J. 

Widow  Sandborne;  b.  at  Bruges  in  Flau 

ders,  underthe  A.;f.  d.;  K.  J. 
Garret  Deriek;  b.    in   CuUcn,  and   no   f.  . 

K.  J. 
Ilarnian    Daluin;  b.    in    the    Dukedome 

Gulickuland,  and  nue  f.  d.;    K.J. 
Edward  Iloltsweller;  b.  in  the  Dukedo 

Gulickelande,  and  noe  f.  d.;  K.  J. 
JohnDauson;  b.  in  CTildorland,  and  noe  f.  d.;       Peter  Camp,  fei'Zo-;  b.  in    Gilderlande;   n 

K.  J.;    and    hath   lodgeing  in   his  howse  f.  d.;   K.J. 

theis  two  men  ne.U  followeing  :  Hubbert    Francklin,    tln-ed   tln-vsUr ;     h. 

Adrian  Van  Ouerwall;  b.  in  Flaunders,  and  Mostreet  in  the  Bishoprick  of  Luke;  no  f.  < 

noe  f.  d.;  K.  J.  and  Jerannieha  his  wife,  h.  in  Flauntle 

Nicolas  Acare;  b.    in   Callis,   and    noe   f.  d.;  in   the  towne   of  Gaunte,    under  tin-   .' 

K.  J.  both  K.  J. 

Jeremy  Williams;  b.  in  Zeland  ;   f.  d.;   K.J.       Peter  Hartnian;  b.    ^.n   Brissell   in    Bra'iM 
Jacob  Witterongle,  irCMW;  b.   in  Gaunte  in  under  the  A.;    noe  f.  d.;    K.  ,1.;    In-,   ia 

Flaunders;  f.  d.  with  Ann  his  wife,  b.  in  thrcd  throster. 

Antwerpe  in  Brabunt;  both  K.  J.;  and  James  Cornet,  .«7/t  (/w,>..;. ;;  I,,  at  Bridges 
Flaunders,  under  the  A.;  hoiitkeeper;  n 
f.  d.;K.  J. 

hath   the 
in  his  ho 


Coijiel'  Cornel;  b.  in  Briilgcs  in  Fl:iunacios; 
nue  f.  a.;  K.  J. 

M'iiliin  Tlioni:i3  Rockwood  one  I'nuincis 
Formangpr;  b.  in  Antwerpe;  not  f.  d.\  in 
tlie  dominion  of  King  Pliiliip;  K.  ,1. 

Also  witliin  Tlioniaa  Roeliwood  is  KaHierin 
Fanewilk;  b.  in  Antwerpe,  in  the  domi- 
nion of  K.  Pl.ilip;  K.  J. 

n.mli.s  Staniph..u-e,  l,„I.-u-  and  lloiisokeeper ; 
iioe  f.  d.;  «ii!i  K.itlierine  his  wife;   Iv.  J. 

R.i.^'er  Ad.iny;  b.  in  Vnele,  under  tlie  liishop 
of  Callinc;  nurj,,-,-;  servant  to  M'  Ja.|uef ; 
noe  f.  d.;   K.  ,T. 

Arnoes  de  Febrice;  b.  in  Turny,  nnd.  r  the 



with  Suzanna  A'annher,  b.  in   Embriek   in 

Cleuekind;  both  K.J. 
John  WhardendorlTe;  b.  in  the  eit.v  of  Cullen; 

merchoht  and  housekeeper;  free  of  tlie  old 

llaunce;  not  f.  d.;  K.J. 
Cunradus  van  Uercnbat;  b.  under  the  E.  van 


f.  d.; 

I  la 

1 ;  b.  in  the  city  of  Ila 

Isaack  Askew;  b.  in  Amsterdam  ;  slH-  thnnter 
and  hou.sekceper;  noe  f.  d.;  K.  J. 

John  Mettcs;  b.  in  Gulick  in  the  Dukedome 
of  Clcueland  ;  lailcr  and  housekeeper; 
K.    J.;    and    baih    six  journymen    in    his 

Peter  Van  Cam;  b.   at  Antwerp;    noe   f.    d.; 

Frauncis  Rules;  b.  at   IIo.<;    noe   f.  d. ; 

K.  J.; 
Mates  Ingelberth;  b.   in    Tnrney,    under  the 

A.  of  P,r;d)unt;  noe  f.  d.;    K.  J.; 
Frauncis  de  Lotcll  ;  b.  in  Morgan,  under  ihe 

A.;  noo  f.  d.;  K.  J.; 
.Martin  Viman;  b.   in    Diseldorpe,  under  the 

Duke  of  Clouelan;  noe  f.  d.;   K.  J.; 
Ilumer  "Williams;    b.   in    Barganopson;    noe 

f.  d.;  K.  J. 
Roger  Stephen.s,  /,.rf<.,-;   b.  under  the   Duke 

of  Cleue;  noef.  d.;   K.  J. 
Giles    Lampc,   llmil   dkr\    noe    f.  d.;    b.  in 

Fraunce,  under  the  Duke  of  Guize;  K.J. 
John    Eli;v3,  lochmUh;  noo   f.  d.;    b.    under 

the  Duke  of  Barne,  in  Jermany;  K.  J. 
Ilarrnan    Johnson,    lorhmllh;   noe  f.    d.;    b. 

under  the  Duke  of  Barne,   in   Jermany  ; 

K.  J. 


K.  J.; 

f.  d.; 

Juhn  Heath;  b.  in  the  city  of   Ilambrow  in 

Jermany,  and  noef.  d.;  K.J. 
Henry  Easick;  b.  in  Ilambrow  in  Geri-iany; 

nof.  d.;  K.  J.; 
Jasper  Monsdan;  b.  in  Cleuel.and;  unnhinint 

of  the  auld  Haunc;  and  noe  f.  d.;  K.  J. 
Jasper  Hein;  b.  in  the  city   of  Cullinc;  im- 

l.roiUrer    and    liousekceper  ;     no    f.    d.  ; 

K.  J. 
John  Ilaiigerman ;   b.  in   Minnister  in  \Vest- 



Pet..r  Van  Mace;  b.  in  Gaunt  ;   an.l  Aiiti  li 

wde,  b.  .at  Bridges;  noef.  d.;  (n^-f  ,(>-..., 

K.  J. 
Giles  Bruggs,  v.nrh.und  and  f.  d.;  I,. 

Ilardlem;  K.  J. 
Jacob  Van  Bruggos,  serm^d:  b.  at  Hardier 

K.  J. 
John  Lewes,  and    Elizabeth    his   wife  ;   f.  .' 

b.  in  Antwerpe;   K.  J. 
Peter  Oste,  lijacn   ,erar,r;    nue   f.  d.;     b. 

Cortreke,    under    the    A.,    in    Flaunder 

K.  J. 

John  Pirping.,  .. 


S:iilUKll    Ccioocns,  , 
1,  j.iftll.r;   HOC  f.  (1.;  h.  bonmglie;  K.  J. 

(ianet    Dirickson,    &;c 
Uti-ick;  i.f    llie    n^i' 

Daiii.l    ].r    CluiU,  \c.;    1...    i 
A.;  o,-  ll,..    !)•'•; 

n    tl 

John   DoHrKson,  &e.;   b.    i. 
Amlerbmy,  uiulcr  ll.c    E 
l.oi'ouKli.',   in    Dutd.lan.U 

Uavia   Van    II 

the    connty  (if  iM-anckclonl 

ihr  of  111.'  O'l't- 

jnoj,  &!•.;   b.   in    CuUcn,   undo 
,of  Cullcn;  of  the  Untcb  cb.;  i; 

Antlioui-  Van  R,..i,  &e.;  b.  in    la-.i   in    LilT-  llenrieic    Veihuit,   &c-,    b.    in    Rtan   in   the 

lanl,  nniler  the  Kin-  of   I'.ilana.-;  uf  the  county  of  Utriek ;  of  llie  D'l'  eb.;   in  Imi;;- 

D'-l'  eon-.ry.;  in  Enylan.l  7  ir.onrlb^^.  land  4  mo. 

Dniitk  ll-iden,  f.c;    b.'  in   ll.-nsb,,n  u-lir  in  Henry    MidleJurpc,    &c.;   b.    in    Ki-le,  under 

Clnlii-ldand,  h  i- the  DnL' of  (_;  ulu-k  ;  ..f  the    Duke   of  Vandcnborouyb,    in    Dnteh- 

the  li'!'  e„n-n.-.;    in  Kh-land  :J.i  veers.  land;  of  tlie  D'-''  eb.;  in  England  a  yeer-i. 

Canel    (L.u-,    .Ve.  1    b.    in    the    eonnly    of  Gyles  Cosen,  &e.;  b.  in  Covtriek  in  I'lannders, 

ib.lland,   under  the    l')-ince    id'   Oiinge;  a  under  the  A.;   of  the  D^'<  eli.;   in  England 

protectant;  and    bath    been    in    England  2  .f  monelhe.,. 

yoere.  Ari\old  Artson,  &e.;  b.  at   Anwerpe,    under 

Krasuius    Ilenriek,   &e.;    b.   in   the    land  of  the  A.;   of  the    D'''  eh.;    in    England    2o 

Ilubt,  under  the  K.  of  Denniarke;    of  the  yeer.s. 

]|.-iieoni;ivg,;  in  lingland  lU  jeers.  John  de   l\mer,  &e.;  b.  in  Antwerpe,  under 

lJ:nll,.,-ar  r.-ne  r,  &e.;   h.   in   Cnllen,  under  the  A.;  of  the    I  i'''   eongreg,;   in  England 

the  Bi.cbup  of  C'ullen;  of  tho  I)"'  eb.;  in  2  inonelhes. 

England  2  yceres.  George  Burins,  &e.;  b.    in    Antwerp,    under 

Albert  VtUKin,  ito.;   b.  in  the  eounty  of  Bert  the  A.;  of  the    l^'  c'ongreg.;   in    iMigland 

in  Dntehl.Lua;  of  the  D'l'  cb.;  in  England  21  yeers. 

lUyeeres.  Jone  Vcgar,  &c.;  b.  in  Gaunt  in  Mauiub?r,s 

Samuel  Willigamo,  &c.;  b.  in  Midleborow  in  under   tlie   A.;    of  the    D'l'   eungreg.;    in 

Zeland;  repairelb  to  Hie  D'l'  eb.;    in  Eng-  England  43  yceres. 

land  1  \.  2  mo.  Westell    Johnson,    ki:.;    h.    in    Greetbein    in 


tl,el)'"L-li.;  in  Knybiul  2  .veers. 

under  ill.'  Prince  PalLi'lne:  of  the  D'S'h.; 

D:inifll   lie  Haiinali,  S;c.;  h.  in    IConi'Ion    in 

in  ICnr-lan.l  2  yeerus. 

Holland,  un.liT  the  S.  nf  Ilollan.!;   uf  tin' 

ArnoM    do  Ureiier,  is:e.  ;  h.  in  Arhlain.Us,  in 

D'l'ch.;   in  Ent'lan.l  H  «eel(c?.   ' 

the  Duliedoni  of  Gelder,  under  the  A.;  of 

Jois  Mooveman,  &.-.;   1..  in  L!ri.l-es  in  I'lann- 

the  IV  li  eh.;  in  England  28  yecrc-i. 

ders,  undei-  tln>  A.;  of  tlio   U'''  eun.^n-i;  ; 

IV-tor  Uurec,  f.  d.,  &c.;  b.  in  Licteron  in  the 

in  Englandc  15  vee.f. 

county  of  Artwaisc,  under  tlio  A  }  of  llic 

F.lias  IIud:.en>:i.i,  .•N;e.;   b.  in  t\w  eity  of  Uian- 

Fr.  eh.;   in  Englandc  21 

dU-l.oronylic,  liruler  llio  Dule  of  Urandcn- 

Janic3  Siicckniier.  cScc.;    h.    in    Ow.stenhrig. 

iM.ron-liu;  of  lli-   1)'"  rU.  ;  in  ICn-Iauile  1 

under  the  E.  of  Jerniany  ;  of  the  D'l'  eh,; 

in  England  li  yeers.    Sii.i-knKT,    !s:n.;    Ij.  in  We^iralling, 

John  Cooke.  &c.;  h.  in  Antwerpe  in  Brahen, 

und._i-   tl.e    Cirane   of  Teekenl.oronslie;  of 

under  the  A.;   of  tl.e  Er.  eh.;    in  England 

tl.e  \y''  cli.;  in  ICnghind  2  yeeres. 

2  yeeres. 

foD.eliufl  .lohnson,  &e.;   1..  in    Durl   in    llol- 

John    .Milt,    &c.;    h.   in    Poliain,   under  tin; 

IL;nry   Wean,    t^e.;   h     at   Di-t   in    lirahnnt,  Ahrahan.  Van   Bcnniek,    Slc.;   b.    in    Dansk, 

under  the  A.;    I.arh    u.-.l    t..    IVe.iuent.-  the  un.ler  K.  P.;    of  the   !>.-"   .-I,.;    in    England 

parish    ehur.d,    of    Saint    Ore.-  ti  ue.-k.s. 

churebe;  a'. out  theis  thirty  je-r-i   in    Eng-  Charles    Iftcnhall,    &c.;    h.    in   O wl.lens.^ale, 

Lewis  Lorcandus.  cVo.;  b.  in  Letliercn  in  the  congreg.;   in  England  1.5  yccres. 

province  of,  under  the  A.;  of  tlio  Peter  Lonekpnck,  See.;  Antwerpe,  under 

French  cb.;  in  Englan.l  theis25ye,irs.  the  A.;    of  the    D'^^''    eh.;    in    England    7 

Lucas  de   Feau.,ur.  \e.;   h.  in   Cha.-i....    in  n,onethe-i. 


■  the  A.:  of  th.    l-r.  eh.;       Doniinhk  Van  Cutwiek,    .Ve 

Jeroni    de   Feauniir,   &c.;  b.   in   ISotluvn    in  in  England  .30  yeeres. 

Fraunce  ;  of  the  Fr.  eh.;  in  Knglan.l  ■',  nn...  .San.uell  AUwin.  &e.;  b.   in   Antwerp,  un.ler 

Herman  Ileckera,  &e.;  b.    in    Guliek,  un.ler  the  A.;  of  the  !)«''  eongrcg.;   in  Engla.nlc 

the  Duke   of  Guliek;  of  the   1)^''  eh.;   in  IS  yoers. 

England  21  yeer«.  iMiehaell   Borgen,  &c.;  b.  in  Vcnionc,  un.ler 

John  Johnson,  &c.;  b.  in  An,Htcrdam.  under  the  A.;    of  the   D'^"  congreg.;   in  Englan.l 

the  S.;  of  the  D^l'  eh.;  S  nionetlii's  in  Eng-  S  nionethes. 

l^nd.  IIt'"i-y  Vanbeuenen,   &c.;    b.   in    Dunswiek, 

Henry  Friee,  &c.;  b.  in  Dotswie!;,  the  under  K.  P.;  of  the  D'-''  eh.;   in  Knglan.le 

King  of  Polande;  of  the  D'l'  eh.;   in  Eng-  '.I  ni..nethes. 

land  2  yeers.  Jobii    Vanbeuenen,    &e. ;    h.    in    Don.Mviek, 

Edward  Johnson,  &c.;  b.  in   Burchaughe   in  under  K.  P.;   of  the  D'^i'  eh.;  in  Fneliinle 

Gelderlan.le,  un.ler  the  .S.  of  I  l..lh.n.le  ;  of  'J  nionetlies. 

under  the  S.,  in  Zchinilo;  of  the  Fr.  cb.; 
in  Englando  G  monethes. 

John  Baptist,  &o.-,  h.  in  Antwerp,  under  the 
A.;  of  tlie  D'l'  eli.;  in  Knghi.ul  25  ywrcs. 

J.'hn  Ilornick,  &c. ;  h.  in  Kngleliam,  under 
tlie  I'rinue  I'allantine;  repaireth  to  tho 
English  and  Dutch  churclics;  in  England 
10  jx-eres. 

Frauneis  Vanderhrock,  &c.;  b.  at  Mecsen,  in 
the  west  parte  of  Flauiulers,  under  the  A.; 
niula-offU  D''tk.;  in  England  42  yeeres. 

DerieU  NYcsells,  &c.j  b.  in  Small  in  Gilder- 
land,  under  the  prince  of  Oring  ;  of  the 
D'l'  congreg.;  in  ICngland  22  veers. 

Garret  Garretson,  &c.;  b.  in  the  county  of 
Utrick,  under  V.  O.;  of  the  U'"  congreg. 

Albert  Johnson,  &c.;  b.  in  the  county  of 
Utriek,  under  1>.  O.;  of  the  1.1"' eh.;  in 
England  7  mo. 

John  Luca3,  Sec;  b.  in  Rodderdam  in  Hol- 
land, under  1'.  O.;  of  the  U'>'  eh.;  in 
England  G  mo. 

Peter  Garretson,  &e.;  b.  in  the  city  of  Utrick, 
under  I'.O.;  in  Englande  15  yeera. 

Christofer  Besener,  S:c.;  b.  in  Franekeford, 
under  the  E.;  of  the  Df'  eh.;  hath  been 
in  Enelande. 


John  Beaushau,  Frenchman;  b.  in  I'arris, 
under  the  sovcraignety  of  K.  J.,  and  is  the 
Prince's  servant. 

Adrian  Ruquine,  Frenchman,  hatli  in  his 
house  two  more;  all  b.  in  Normandy,  under 
II.  M's.soveraignty  of  England. 

Daniell  Fowbart;  b.  in  Bloisin  Fraunce;  K.J. 

Gcileon  de  Lawue,  Frenchman;  ,:p„lhia<rii 
to  hisMa'!;  K.J. 

Peter  Grauier,  Frenchman;  b.  in  Roan;  K.  J. 

Abr.duini  Ilarderct  hath  two  Frenchmen  in 
liis  rentes:  Peter  Uenoe,  b.  in  XormanJy, 
a  Roman  catholieque,  under  K.  F.;  and 
John  Count,  of  the  Fr.  cli.,  and  under  the 
same  Kinge, 

Widow  hath  in  her  house  five 
Frenchmen:  (1.)  Robert  Dardell,  s«r;/.o;<, 
communicate  of  the  Fr.  ch.;  (2.)  Bartho- 
lomew Denow,  tniki;  a.  Roman  Catholieq.; 
(3.)  Peter  Boy,  coraunicate  of  the  Fr.  ch.; 
(4.)  John  do  Pcssery,  tailer,  coniunicate  of 
the  Fr.  ch.;  (5.)  John  Auber,  taibr,  b.  in 
Normandy,a  Romishe  catholieque.  Dai-dell, 
Boy,  and  Pesscry,  under  K.  J.;  and  Denow 
and  Auber  under  K.  V. 

John  Umot;  b.  ,at  Roan  in  .\ormandv;  K.  J. 

Cornelius  Mellin;  b.  at  Dicpe/ni  Frai 
under  K.  E.,  and  is  of  the  Fr.  eh. 

Frauneis  Bargier,  Frenchman;  common 
of  the  Fr.  ch. 

Richard  Ude  hath  in  his  house  Thomas 
hit.  John  Miller,  and  iMathias  Ollnr> 
b.  in  Cierni.-iuy,  and  (niVera;  of  the  1)' 
under    K.    J.;    also   Peter   Fr.ncb'o, 

Barn.aby  Martinot,  chd;,uda-;  b.  in  I'a 

Roman  Calholicque. 
In  Tliomas  Price  his  house   two    Diiteh 

Thomas  A'ennon  and  IsaackPegle;  bi 

the  D'l-ch.;  K.J. 
Robert  Remshe;  b.    in    Carentine,  un.U 

Prince  of  Ostria;  of  th.>  D"'  ch.;    K.  . 
Daniell  Forman  witliin  II'  l.ardenois'  h 

h.  in  Fraunce;  K.  F. 
In   Robert  Ashwell's  house,  John  Thon 

Frenchman;  b.  in  Paris;  K.J. 
In  M'- Jacob  Hanlretto's  house,  Danielle 

a  Jerman;  K.J. 
In    M"-    Allen's     Rentes,    John    Tlirou 

Frenchman;    and  in  Througar.le's    h 

APPENDIX.                                                                79 

In   Cornelius  Mcllin'a  liouso,  IVr. 

Marcus   Garret;    b.  at  Bridges  in  Flaundors, 

roil,  Fi-cMiclim:ni;  Willium   Uol  la  V.  rrltr, 

noe    f.  A.;  pi,-tHrf-d,;iuYr   to  bis  Majesty; 

Frenchman;    I'eter    Moron,    Frenulinian; 

professing  the  apostolick  faith   taught  and 

John  Monsey,  William  Martinet,  Frcncli- 

held  by  the  eh.  of  England  ;  K.  J. 

man  ;  all  of  the  Fr.  ch.  ;   K.  J. 



John   Kemere,    Frenchman;  :i  >;rW,„  „.alcr; 

horse    alley,    (■"(/,)■;     b.    in    Antwerpe    in 

h.  in  SiJnnn  in    I'raunee,  under  the  Duke 

Brabant,  under  the  A.;   in  England  al)out 

of  Bullvn. 

20  yeeres;  K.  E. 

John  Saluauno^*,  a  S'-lwller  hy  profe.^sion  ;  b. 

Anthony  Lomozin,  an  inmate  in  the  house  of 

in  Germanic,  under  the   Duke  of  Maklen- 

one  Henshaw,    in   Hangeing-sword   alley; 


b.  at  Lemozin    in  Fr.aunce;  in    England 

Leonard  Vanderlen,  ci  Uiltou-  chni,llir;  b.  at 

.about  16  yeers;  marled  an  Englishwoman; 

Midleborouyhe,  underthcA. 


Leonard  Vanderlen;  a  young  man,  being  the 

Joha.i  Cosen  and  Abraham  Cozen,  brethren. 

aforesaid    his  iq.^.rcntin  :  b.  at  the  place 

inmates  in  the  hous  of  one  Hoskius,  rloak- 

aforesaid,  and  under  as  aforesaid. 

mnlxrs  ;  b.  in  Blois  in  Frannee  ;   in  Eug- 

Apoloma  ShoemaUer,  widow;  a  householder; 

land  above  26  yeers  ;   K.  E. 

b.    in   Drabunt,  under  the  S. ;  in  England 

Tristram  Hermite  do  llistock,  j,, ,,/.  ,■  a  lo.lgcr 

2S  yeers;  hath  ha.l  two  children  b.  in  the 

in  the  house  of  one  Thomas  Sherwod  ;   b. 

said  parish  ;   K.  E. 

in  Antwerp;   in  England  about  Hvc  yeers; 

John    Flessiers,  ■bnhyoihra-;  a  lodger  in  the 

K.  E. 

house  of  one  Thomas  Bignell,  uppon  Lud- 

■W.ih.mi    Ilanwick,  a  householder    m    .Shoe 

gate  Hill  ;    b.   in   the   Hage   in    Holland, 

lane,  huje  mcila-;  b.  in  Brabunt ;  in  Eng- 

under the  S. ;   in  England  2  yeeres  ;   K.E. 

land   about  40  yeers  ;  niaried  an  English- 

Margaret    Farcot,  vidon- ;  an   inmate  in  the 

^voman  ;  K.  E. 

house  of  Robert  Bower,  on  I.ndgate  Hill  ; 

Peter  Westbury   bis  sa-r„Hi  ■  b.  in  Selme  in 

b'.  in  Uone  in  Fraunco;  in  England  about 

Germany,  under  the  Duke  of    Brando..  ; 

4nyee.-s;   K.E. 

in  England  .about  3  yeers  ;   K.  E. 

Sara  Samoel,    mdnv,  daughter  of  the  said 

Richard  Helsham,  sa-noU  to  Richard  Anion, 

Margaret;  dwelling  with  ber  mother;  b 
in  Roan  aforesaid  ;  in  England  about  31 
yeers;   K.E. 

Sampson  des  Granger,  a  householder;  b.  ii 
Gobnczey,  mcrchani  gonUhmith  ;  in  Eng 
land  about  39  yeei-a  ;  K.  E. 

Edward  Nicholson,  a  bouseboldcr,  Uiitoi- 
i.  d.;  b.  under  P.  O.;  and  hi 
wife;  b.  in  Cleucland,  under  the  prin: 
Paulsgrave ;  in  England  about  17  yeers 
K.  E. 

Hanee  Vandestone,  a  householder  in  Black 

shochiidcr,  in  Shoe  lane  ;  b.  at  Emerick  in 

Cleueland;  in  England  above  10  yeer3;K.E. 
Rowland  Ilerme.s,  .!o7vi«(  to  the  sai.l  Kiehai-d 

Amon  ;  b.  at  Overy,  under  Graue  Maurice; 

in  England  almost  one  yeer ;  K.  E. 
Peter  .Spetsall,  scnn,d  to  John  Bushell,  tnife- 

nuihi-  in  Shoe  lane  ;  b.   in  Zaiing,  un<ler 

the  Duke  of  Brandenbarg;  in  3 

yeers;  K.  E. 
John  Gray,  sunuil  to  the  said  .Mr.  Bushell  ; 

b.  in  Arthois,  under   the  A. ;  in  England 

10  ye 

80                                                                 APPK 


Frauiicis  Gi-angell,  an  inmate  in  tlie  liuust  uf 

o|-  0-trea;   i„    linglan.l   about 

1-1    yeer.; 

Nii'liolas  Foster  in   SI. of  lane  ;  h.  at  Illiii 

K^  I'.. 

in    Fn.unce  ;   in    Knglan^l  al.out  7    veer.-  ; 

I'ctei-   Fonnan,  one  of  bis   Mat,s 

poites  for 

K.  1-. 

Fraunec;     b.    about    I'arns,     1, 

lee     beeillg 

Jolni    I'aiil,  a  loilRcr    in    tliu  liuuse  uf  Jolni 


Ilcpwortli  in  Slioe  lane,c  oif-Vf;  1,.  at  Lions 

Jobn    Hill,   a    Uutehnian  ;  sl„c,:,„ 

'./.<,;■   h.  in 

in  I'raunco;  in  KnglanJ  al.out   \j  jeei-s ; 

Barbara,  un.lrr  the  graue  -Maur 


K.  E. 

Tliomas    JIauler,   l,nii,n    „a,li<r;   ! 

,.  in   Cu9- 

Jarnas  Darumder,  a  houselioUler,  hnlo,- :  h. 

brieU  in  Jernianv,  un.Ur  (lie  F. 

in   Aniuwe  in   Fraunco ;  liatli    inariL'd   an 

Cliristofer  Swileber;  b.   at   Swerie 

k  in  Swit- 

Knylisll  woman  ;  iil  Knglaml  about  5  j'eera  ; 

ebeilanci,  un.ler  tlie 

;  of 

K.  F. 

Xieolas  Low,    a  Freneliniaii,   .■res... 

'.<ie',„. ,/.,■; 

Lewe^  Knisbt,    a    U.U.,,-;    .Uvcllii.i,-    on    M' 

b.  in    Frauiice,  nn.U-r  tbe  Duke 

of   J-;tllen- 

IhnnlVies  Kent  in  Slioe  lane  ;   h.  in  Calliee  : 


lialh  niaried  an   English   \Noinan;  in  Fng-  Durle   3ruknian,  a  Diichnian  ;  s,rm«i  unto 

lan.l  aliout  12  yeers.     K.  E.  Jolm  Keitlo,  .,.■'.""'/..■;  b.  in  Uhleiiburck, 

Abraliam  Bushell  ;  b.  in  the  oily  of  Hotehell  the  Duke  of  that  phiee. 

in   Frauiiee;  a  liou=cliuhler ;  bath    Uu../U  .Mathias  llalsbos,  ,i  iJuld,  j,/,,,:i:.,„  i   b.   in 

tU   J'ru.ih   loiujiie  ;  in    London  about  22  Souse,  a   fro  eity  in  aermany  ;  hath  been 

yeers,  ami  all  that  time  one  of  the  Fr.  eb.;  53  ycers  in  Englaiule. 

K.  E.  John  Colt,  „  sn-«j>lv,-   (.if.);    b.  in  Arouse   in 

Marcus  Stone,  a  hou-ehol.ler,  iHt-do-r;  h.  in  Arlois,  under  the  A. 

the  city  of  Crim]),  under  the  King  of  J)on-  i\laxaniilian  Colt,  of  the  same  [irnfession  ;  b. 

mark;  in  iMigland  about  7  yeers ;   K.  E.  as  before, 

Thcodorns    Vanderlaugh,  ^t,,/.;  a  lodger  in  Peter     Dei.iorten,     /<»,,/«•„,.■„,„/.,:,■,■      b.     at 

the  bouse  of  JP  llest ;  b.  in  Fieczland  in  Xauiites   in    Uritaiiy   in     Fr.iuuce,    under 

the    city   of  Leowardia,  un.ler   tbe  graue  K.  F. 

Manriec  Ciulielnuis  Mavsie  ;   hallid«rltin  fliarh'S  Ouler,    a /,,.,'„,„  !.r  ;   b.   iii   St.  Val- 

Engbiiid  about  some  7  yeeres  ;   K.  F.  lery  in  the  eouiity  of  Pickardy  ;    K.  F. 

Angell  Dreiner,  a   householder,    tai/ur;  b.  at  I'-ter    Urbin  ;     b.   in    Flauii.Jers,    under   tlio 

Runnount  in  Gelderlaii.l,  under  the  Duke  Piinee  of  Any. 


Paul    Forey;  b.   in  Anwerp  in  the  Arch, Ink  Jaquos  de  Best  ;   li.  at  Hriggs   in  the    county 

dominion,  ami  free  of  the  entereourse,  and  of  Flaunders;  a;  and  subject  to 

am  the  A'i(/;/'s  scmuit/ur  i„krlai,LL,„j  (he  the  King  of  «■  Biittaine. 

e,„^asiVo,rivs  at  the  king's  charge,  and  do  John    Vanhessell  ;   i..    in    London;    f.  d.  ;    a 

hould  his  Ma'y  for  my  soveraigne.  ijuvUtsmdh  ;   K.  F. 

Peter  Ennis,  sonn  of  a  straunger  j  b.  in  this  Hubert  Yanhangen  ;   li.    in  Antweipe,  under 

parish;  a  m.rch'iuiit  ;  K.J.  the  A.  ;  a  i/ih/tr;  do  take  the  Archduke 

Walrand  Lodwiek  ;   b.  at  Bell  in  Flaundcrs,  for  my  soieraigne,  and  do  lodg  in  an  Eng- 

under  the  A.  of  Austndge;  „.t,rha„l!  K.E.  lish  bouse. 


Gilliam  Biisli;  b.  in  Domes  u.uler  tliu    A.;  .loos  Vandciiljusslie,  >;,cn/,<,!-„?  ;  I,,  in  I 
f.i.'iu,-/^rsl.i,f,..j,rs;   ICE.  i!,Ts  ;  in  l•:M^I;ula  5(i  \r,Ta  ;   K.  K. 

Isaadc  Vaniiuen  ;   I,,  in  LunaoM  ;  ruurh-nn.l  ;  -N'ic-olus  Lucatclla;   I,,  in  Ln,„|on;  i'.  d. 
K.Iv  rh.iunt  ;    K.  E. 

J^njurs  Kint;  li.  in  Antwcrpf,  uiidur  llio  A.;  Jolm  Vanfcasule;  1).    in   Ncwpurt,  nnd 
a  v,c,xl,„,,nt;   K.  1-..  A.;  lui^uing  in   an  Kngli,l,uon,an-. 

Philip  Scruier;  h.  in    Dunav,    un.l.r  tl.e  A.;  snl.irc;  to  tliL'  A. 

Mnxlvmnt;   K.K.  I'anl    Dunn-irius  ;  b.    in   London;    has 

AVilliani  Antbony;   I,,  in    iMiirick,  nndrr  Iho  tlurc  all  bis  lilVtin.c  ;  >,„,,/,., .o,( ;    K 

Uuobic    of    liranJonbiun^die;  u.r.L,.,„l:  Dcrick   Gcuors  ;    b.  in  Jonnanj,   nnd, 
K.  K.  E.  of  J.;  „  uurduniiU;   K.  K, 

I'.L-trrSand:  b.  in  Flannders,  unJc'.-tbo  A.;  Ilcnrv    Sanarlir-   b.    in  Tnwor^   in   Vv 

Antbony'lVreiuo;   b.  in  Uonssolaiv  in  Fl.iun-  Joai  Godskall  ;    b.    in    Flanndcrs  nn.Irr  tlo- 

dors,  undLTthe  A.;  ,«.,r/-»„„(;    ICE.  \.  ;  mcrhnnit ;   f.    d.  ;    K,  E.;    .I«.|ln,^r 

A.  ;  t.iU.jr  ;    IC.  E.  Conudiua  Ih-aico;  b.  undor  the  S.of  Holland; 

Jaquos  Dofi-es  ;  b.  in    Xorway,  under  the  K.  tail',,- ;  K.  E. 

of  Denmark;  a  i>.,n-lr;  f.  d.;  K.  E.  Garrett  Cosens  ;  b.  in  I'launders,  tbe 

Lieuen  Uandaert  ;  b.  in  Gannt  in  Flannders,  A. ;  f.  d.;  taUur;   K.  K. 

underA.;.t/.«»oii-«.i/vr;   K.  E.  Adrian  Ilonrickes ;   b.    in    Antwerpe    nnder 

Henry  I'owell;  b.atDuliceinlbeDnkudomc  the  A.;  , »,■,•<:/»,(/ w  ;  A. 

ofGnliek  in  Germany;   f.  d.;  K.  G'  U.  Peter  Vaidore  ;  b.   nnder  tbe  S.  of  IF.;   bnt 

'h.niut  ;     K.  E,  J'.'rtin  Cornclins ;  b.  iu  lir.ilnuit,   under  l!o- 

Lueas  Coreellis  ;  b.  in   London;    f.  .1.  ;   ,„n--  A.;    mmhuint  tailor;  I  A.;    K.'e. 

'/"""■(;   K.  K.  Thomas  Stalport;  b.    at   Samlwieh    in   Kent; 

Janu's  do  la  Key  ;  b.  in   London;  f.  d.;  m. ,-.  „„,r/,a„„i ;   K.  E. 

,/,««Wtraden,-a!to..;e!bertoKrannee;l<.E.  .Miebaell  Leman;  b.    in    l)rus,ell.,  n.ider  tl,e 

Arnobl     do     Eranekanell;    b.    in    Anwerja.,  A.  ;(„*)■  ;    K.  E. 

nnder  A. ;  mnrhavnl,   K.  E.  Ilenrick  Saues;  b.  in  Ilarlin;  in  Fre.lande; 

Cornelius  Pctei-s  ;  b.  in  Denmark ; sUl--iit'ani-;  lodgcing  at  -^l'  Pees  ;  S.  of  IL 

K-  U.  Abraham   Vandeldon  ;    b.    in    Antuerpe   in 

Garbrant  Peterson;  b.  in  Amsterdam,  under  tbe  provynce  of   JSrabant ;    beini;    of   Ibe 

the  S.;  lodging  at  iM'^Garrcttes:  do  acknow-  Intorcoursu,  having  dwelt  hoere  5(1  veers  ; 

ledge  the  States  of  Holland  for  my  s.jve-  n  mircLaiuil ;  K.K. 



Giles  Van  de  Put;  a  tii'dmiiat ;  b.  in  Elaun-  ho    hath    in  bis  bouse   Nicolas  l\Iaeley,   a 

ders,  in  tbe  towne  of  Per,  under  the  Arch-  lodger;  b.  in    Antwerp,    un.ler  tbe  same 

duke's  province,  naturalized,  who    is    now  province;  K.  E. 

bevond  .sea,  and  cannot  be  .sTM.ken  v.^lball; 

82  ■  AITKNOIX. 

Tl.oniM  r.iiys  in.rc/.tnr.,/;   1..    at  ( Invhain  in  1\;ICT   Ro^lwn^•k,    a   hrohn-  for  lnnrl.<nnil.'s: 

Ilollaiidc,  umliT  tlifS:  K.  J.                         •  i.    at   Ig.iiit;Iiaiu  in    FlamuUi-s,  un.l.  r  tla> 

Aiuli-cas  Joln.suu;  li.   at  l>aironi1ie  in   Gil-  A.;  K.  E. 

dcM-land,  undor  tin.-  gniuc  Morii..-c-;  tuU.,,-,  John  Jasjic-r,  l.nlor  ;    b.  iu  AVclborek,  lin.l.T 

f.  d.  bornu;  K.  E.  Ilic;  liisliop  ol'  .Munsttr  ;  K.  K. 

•I'obias    Van    IVnabcll,   Udlor;  b.   in  Uargon  .loliu  SuscT,  «  S,.o ,Usk    i„UQ;-'t,r;   I'a.-U-h 

by  Dm, 1. irk,  umlcr  tUu  Aicluluke  of  pin-  b.  liut  of  Dutc-li  paronts. 

vince;  K.  J:.  Frauncis  Mason,  ct  schol,Kasl.  r;  b.  in  lion,  n. 

Thomas    Allawnie,    hi.lor;  h.    in    Antwerp,  nndor  the  Duke  of -NV.nnandy  ;   K.  E. 

under  the  i>rince  of  Urabunt;  K.  E.  Aitlu-r.-  sl!l-,y,,t,-.  r  ;  a  V/alhuvno 

Jeronimo  de  S.ddo,   an  Italian  ;  b.  in  Ikuiia  b.  in  C'ambrick,  under   llic  A.V,/.- 

in  Lumbardia,  under  the  K.  of  Sp.'s  pro-  K.J. 

vinec;  b,j>,;i^aH  nr,li,:a,y  ,   IC.  E.  Clcorpe  Iluekett,  «   s!!;.-;r,,i,\,-;   b.  in  Ant. 

Jamc-sdo  Metiuis,  nurd-i uut ;  En-lish  borne,  worpo  ;  a  Wallon,  under  the  A.  ;   K.  E. 

but  of  Duteli  parents  out  of  Towne.  James    Cazer,  n>rt,«t    )'■..(.•,)•/    En-lisbo    b 

Abraham    de  Kindren,  „urcli,niHt :   En.di!:h  but  of  Krcneh  parents. 

b.,  but  of  Duteh  parents;   hoc  is  now  be-  JTartin  Sheraret,  b,Uir  /,„■   ,nt,,hn;  ,J.  i  b. 

yonde  Sea.  cxchaiunj;  b.  in  Bridges  in  Fbuind-rs  lu.xv 

Dominick    Dowei^,    n,crcl,.,«.<l;    b.    at  Ant-  under  the  A.;  in  England  about  f.i!  yecis 

werp  in  the  provi[iee  of  Draljunt ;  K.  E.  ;  and   f.  d.  IjS  yoers  an.l  upwardes  ;    K.E. 

hath    in    his   house    Jlarlin    Dowers,  i,:,  ,•-  LevinusMnnek,  y,-,(.;  b.  at  Drabnnt  in  Maun 

(haunt,  a  lodger;    b.  at    Antwerp  in  tbo  ders,  naturalized    by   Aet  of   Pari.  prim. 

same  iirovincc;  K.  ]■;.  Ue-is   Jaeobi;  K.  E.;  hee  is  d.u-1:  ;f  I,! 

William  Reane,  un  nj.olhirari,  ;  b.  in   Wes-  .V  ■'>'  s!'j..'l. 

sell,  in  the  Dnkedome  of  Clcues;    K,  ]•;.  blbazer  Tout,  a  sM-il.vosI,  r;  b.  at  Unnlcl 

John   Merchaunt,  sckoti.wlvr  (shocrnak...  :-);  in  Flaunders.  under  tlie  A.;   K'.  J. 

b,   nt  X.irric',  nf  Dnteb  pan  nU. 

Tcler    Uamark;  b.    at    Yalenehan  ;  a    W:x\.  b.  at    I.ildo  in   Ilollande;    beer  IT  yeers; 

lowno;  beer  80  veers:  and  Elizabeth  bis  •     protestautes  K.  E. 

wife;    b.   at    :\lidloborout;hn    in    Zeland;  Abraham  Carion,  v:„r,r;   b.   in   B..he,nia  in 

dweller  beer  40  veers;  protestautes;    K.  E.  Picardye;  heer  9  yeors  ;  protestante;  K.  E. 

Jlary  Lomar,  u-iiloic;  h.  at  Valenehan  afore-  Anthony  Cowlon,  ,!y«iv)-;  b.  at  Landrfssey  in 

said;    heer    :!n    yecrs  ;    dwelletb     within  Ilainalt;  heer  3  yecrs;   .«mi/i/ and  lodger 

the    .said    Peter   Parniarke;   a  protestant;  .at  Carion's;  a  protestant ;  K.  E. 

K.  E.  Ivatlierine  Dawson,  u-uluw  ;  b.  at  Aniions  in 

Abiaham  Wa'.lrane,  v;;j.;:rr;  b.  in  Bas-Ani-  Fraunce,    neer    Parris;   heer  40    yeers;  a 

sterdam  in    Jlollande;    heer  ]  1    yeeis;    a  iirotcst.ant ;   K.E. 

protestant;  K.  E.  K.atherino  A'anmetcr,  vndoir;  h.    at  Cooselle 

John  Deh.ay,  wcir.  r ;  b.  at   Ilanno,  iin.lcr  in  Flannders  j  heer  33  yeors;  a  protestant ; 

the  A. ;  heer  11  yeers  ;  and  8uzan  bis  wife;  K.  E. 

.r:.c|i.esLeMS,«r;.v-iH»/!uv  b.atBri.lgos;  l.rri-u        UMiino   Va;iborn,    - or;     I.,    in    l),-r.,swioh, 

SviTius;  u  proteFt:iilt  ;   K.  E.  lin.lcr  llic  U.  of  ISr.ui.l.Tln'uUMlif;    luil);,;!, 

iMargix-t,  the  wife  of  Joliri  I'rim  ;   h.  :lt  Al-n-^s.-i  :U  Wiiiilivd  I'.armisU-r's  in  ll,,n-ow  All.  v  ; 

in  Kl.uuivlm;   liccr  o7  vt-trs  ;  a  i.i-otp.uint;  ii  pi-uust-int ;   K.  E.;   of  t!ie  JJ'i' ch. 

K.  E.  Jnoul)    Vrilloy,   sill:   Ihn.ilu-;    b.  at    I|,|iui-    in 

Allan  Thomas,  I., ;/,„■;  lo.latr  at  John  INirn-'s  Klanh>lcrs  ;   beer  »()  jucrs  ;    a  ; 

in    Ilonns.litcb;    b.    at    Emb.Uni  ;     licii-  a;    of  the  U'^'' eh. 

VL-ai-andabalf;  ai.rot:..stant;    K.  K.  ({arret    JlagcncT,    mnj/,.,  u..  ;    b.    at    Ca>th. 

I'ctci-Trano,  J -"<,;i    ,«,//.,■;   b.  at    !JtM-,.iMe  Jor.l™  in  Ia-hin,l;   la-i- 2ii  vi-rs;  a   pio- 

iii'or  Paris;  htcr  3j  veeivs  ;  a  i> ;  tenant;   K.  E. ;  of  the  En-,  ch. 

K.K.                              '  I.V-n.lnekSn.ult,   .wV,;- (,.■;,>/,  r;   b.    atS.-an,!,.- 

ila.-lvt  Cabbilio,    wUUc;     b.    in    Gannt    in  boinc  ncyrllambrmi-li  ;hiH-r  Vjoli-s;  l...l.c>  i- 

Klaumlers;    and    John    hcT   Sonne,   M,v/  witli  J.-i.-ob  Ucnue;  a  protc-stant;  K.  E.;  uf 

-,',•.,■;  b.  at  Anister.hun  in  Holland;  .Iwelleis  the  D'l'  ch. 

lieor  15  jeers;  protestantcs;   K.  E.  I'eler  Lanionie,  .<.,!,r7,  ,„.il;r;  h.  at  S'  D.nis 

Thomas    Senicus,  (/(.((Z-dnW-r;    b.    at  Ant-  Lagard  in  Norm.andy;  IC.  E. ;  of  the  Er.  eh. 

WBi-pe;  heer  35  ycors  ;  a  protestant ;  K.  E.  Valentino  'Willis,    ;i:'«i'ir;    b.    at    Val.nrhan 

Henry  Edwardcs ;  b.  at  Sutwcen  in  Ciehier-  neer  Cambry;  and   Mandlin  Ids  \vire,  h.  at 

land;  Iieer  lU  yeers;  a  protestant;   K.  li.  Antwei-p,  K.  E.;  of  ihe  I'r.  eli. 

Jane,  the  wile  of  James  Mahuw,  .run:,-;  b,  Nicholas  Walsteer,    ,'o,,,  ,•;  b.   at   Antwerp; 

p.ote>tan!;   l-C.  E.                               "          '  ly<' ,■],.  '          ' 

Captain     DanicllVear;    b.     at    Naples,   of  John  Donncr,  ;A(n'm-i-;  h.  at  Monjitillry,  in 

English  parents  ;   a  protestant ;    K.  {■].  the  yirovinc   of    l-'raunce;  heer —  veers;  a 

Bartholomew    Aher,    m«itr;     servant    at.d  lodger  at  Bartholomew  i)anielles,  ,i  (//./•.,-, 

lodger    with  Tobias    Bolueth,   in    Harrow  in    tlic   Minors   street;    ll.t     Q.iuncs    ■j..,-- 

Lane  Ally;  b.  in  Arras  in  Artois  ;  a  dweller  dua.,: 

\.r.  >   :;.  y.  r,  .  a  p.ole-ianl  ;    K.  E.;  of  th,;  I'av.  e,.n.r;  b.  at   the   place  afinx-ai  I; 

iMViK-hel.uieh.  ami  lo.b.;er  uilh  the  said  D.ndcll. 

.Mary  I'eaeoek,  ("/.Vi.-;   b.  at  Dnnkard;  luer  Anne  Loridani,  ,c/,/e,.>;   b.  at  luunil  in  Elann- 

3U  yeers;  aprotestant;  K.  E.,  of  the  {■<:  eh.  ders;  heer  53  yeers;  a  protestant;  K.  E. ; 

Philip  Vandeplat;  b.  at  Cugan   in  ibaVmnt;  of  tlio  D>'' ch. 

ami  Ann  his   wife,  1>.  at  Briissells  in  lira-  John    Vanost,    n;:nrer ;    b.    at    Cortriek     in 

l.nnt;  heer  28  yeers;  protestantcs;   K.  E.;  Flaundors;    hcor   10   yeers;  protestant,  of 

of  the  Uci'eh.  the  U^l'ch.;   K.  E. 

Uavid  Victor,  H-«(r(r;  lodgcrat  the  said  Van-  John    Winers,   wallon  ;    b.    at    Antwerpc    in 

derpl.atcs;  b.  at  Utrick  ill  IloUando ;  heerc  Bral.unt;  heer  K  yeers;  proleslant;   K.  E.; 

llj  yeers;   a  protestant ;   K.  E.;  of  the  D'i>  of  the  IJ"'  ch. 

ch.  Tobias  Winers,  ircacer;  b.  at  Utrick  in  II ol. 

I'eter  Wodd.aman,  ('Yirrt-r;   b.   at   liriilges    in  land;  heer  30  yeers;    servant   and    lod.^^n- 

I'laun.lers  ;  heer  -J,';  yeeies  :   and  Jlary  his  with  John  Winers  aforesaid;  a  pi-otestanl  ; 

wife;   b.  at  O.ten.l  ;    heer  2U  yeers  ;  a  pro-  K.   K.;   of  the  D'-l'  eh. 

te,u.nt;    K.  E.;   of  the  U^''  eh.  S.imuell  Uarwiek,  «v  .'.y  r;  b.  at  Dnran  m  the 

Ouilikerlaii.i;    liucT    liah'   a    vi-rr;    sviv^ii't  ]:-.rr  ]\>,\<cvt.  .rnlvie;   h.  iit  Rims  in  Britain; 

iui.l    luAifvT  witll    tlio    sai.l  \Vin,,vs;   K.  I'',  ;  27  .\ccl>i;  !.  pn.tcst.uU ;    K.  l-',.;    c.f  tlio 

of  tlio  DC"  ell.  I'r.  eli. 

Jafob   Bi-iicc,  siViOnVir;    h.    nt    Laidon  in  Barllioloniew    Fluslioir,  «   //,„/«,■;  1..   at   tlu- 


lyeors;  a  protr.tant;   K.  K.  lla-^   in  irolland; 

Aljialiani  Johnson,  ,mivc,-;    h.  at   Otriuk   in  tcstant;  K.  E.;  of  tlio  ling.  cli. 

Itullanil;  licor  2  yocrs;  sonant  an,l  Imlgcr  William  Antlionv,  („//<!,■;    1..    at    IIuHam    in 

witll   the  said  John  Winers;  a  rrotistant;  Holland;  lieor  S  v.vis;  a  prutrstant;  K.  E.; 

ICE.;  ofti.eD'i'ch.  oftIiel>"ch. 

Eloanor  Soil;  1..  at  Amsterdam   in   Holland  ;  Peter  Casteel,  .r..virtr;  h.atTnninin  in  Fiaun- 

n-r,;n,i   and    lodger    with    thr    said    John  dors;  hcer  40  veois;  a   pruto-lant;    K.  K  ; 

Winers;  luer  12  jeers;  protestant;  Iv.  E. ;  ul'  of  the  Vw  ch. 

•lie  I''''  ch.  Jolin  Hill,  („//,,•;  b.  at  Deucntry  in  Gnild.r- 

Stephen  Dennisheo,  s/«' M,-,.?/,  ,■;  b.  at  Sausser  land  ;  heor  10  jeers;  a  protestant ;   K.  E.; 

in  Frannee,  noer  Lions;  heer  five   veers;  of  tlie  fi'''  eh. 

protectant;  K.  E.;  of  the  Fr.  eh.  Cornelins  Vanweipht,  va«i,, ;    b.   at    Daliste 

Alliee    Timlierman,    sometimes  the    wife    of  in  Hollande;  heer  It)  _veers;  and  .Mai  ^aret 

llarniau  Timberinan;  b.   at   Denoncry  be-  his  wife,  b.  at  Hensbury  in  tlie  Uuih  lur- 

twixt  Holland  and  Zeland;  heer  2u  yecrs;  land;  heer  7  jeers;  protestaiits;  K.  E.;  of 

a  prote.stant;  K.  E.;  of  the  D'''  cb.  the  D'l'  ell. 

John  Westhonse,  citlur;    h.   at   Zeolin   noer  Frauneis    Dcprec,  mur.r;    b.  at  in 

unto  Coillcn,  ill  lierri  laiides;  beer -1  veers;  Crniany;  here   1  !3   Veors:  and    I'.dith    his 

ajji-otestant;  K.  E.;  oftboD'"eli.  wife;  b.  tbear;  heer  7  je'ors  ;  protestaiits; 

I'eter  Daiiiar,  .sllh  Ucistu-;  b.   at    lirid-es    in  K.  E.;  oftlieFr.  eh. 

Flaunders;    heer    7    jeers;    a    pruttslant;  C!iri,tufer  Depester,  alias  Hates,  .-c.. .;   b.  at 

ICE.;  of  the  U'l-cll.  Gaunt  in    Flaunders;  heer  16   jeers:  and 

John  .Nieholas, /,.<■„„:«,•  b,  at  Asliwlueler  in  Suzan  Ids  wife,  b.  at  Bridges  in  Flaunders; 

(hiillikerland  ;   liet  r  HI  jeer.,;  [.ruleslanl  ;  beer  35  jeers;  prolestai.ts;  K.  E. 

K.  I-:.;  of  the  D'l'  eh.  John  Reignold,  i.-ctmr;  h.  in  Garrisie  ;  heer 

Wellaniinba    Vang.ird  ;    b.   at    liiussells    in  35  jeers;  protestant ;   K    E.;  of  the   lOn-. 


i  jeers;  pi 

of  the  D'l'  cb.  Katheriiie  Cronnell,  aUhnr  of  John  Cronnell ; 

Euert  Euerson,  silk  twister;  lodger  at  James  h.  at  Bonnell  in  Guelderland;  beer  S  jeers; 

Couellcs;  b.  at  the  Couudcrs,  neer  to  Am.  a  protestant;  K.  E,;  of  the  U^i'  eh.;  heer  one  ycer;  aprotestant;  K.  E.;  Juhn  Vanbarr,  vn'ra;-  h.  at  Sliattoii  Cliain- 

of  the  D'l'  ch.  bresej,  uppon  the  borders  of  Frauuee;  heer 

John   Iliiule;  b.  at  Monne;  awollon;    heer  10  jeers;  protestant;  K.  E.;  of  the  Fr.  ch. 

4yeers:  and  Katherinc  his  wife;  b.  .at  Aie;  John    Delatt,  u-caitr;    b.   at   Valencham;    a 

a  wallon;  heer  -J  jeers;  protestants;  K.  E.;  wallon;  heer  18  jeers;  protest.ant;  K.  E.; 

of  the  Fr.  eh,  of  the  Fr.  cb. 

Janakiu  Neweiibouso,   ici,h'w;  b    at   Outer-  Mieliaell  Canibreen,  iic»«? ;  b.  at  Turwino  in 

te>;   K.  E.;   oftheD'''eb.  K.l;.;   of  Ih.'  Fr.  eh. 


M:irtin;i  I.allailic,  ,c,V.,?iv  b.  ill  ArtoisinUni-  John    Coney,    woror;    h.    at    Pigbmiru    in 

bniit;  liLLT-lS  y.'fis;  a  pi-otestaiu  ;  K.  E.:  Argois;  witliin  tli.'  l^''  cli.  guv';  licr  13 

nftlie  Kr.  cli.  yuLTS;  a  i)roti;stant;  K.  I'..;  of  llio  I'"r.  <.'li. 

Cornelius  Van  Eaaon.J/ucfcwiV/,;  !>.  at  Ant-  Adiian    Fawcun,  i-L.a.  i-;    1).  at  Aboiiioymos 

werp;    licur    11   years;   iirotcstant  ;   K.  E.,  in    Artois,  under  the  A.;   lieer   11   yeei-s; 

of  the  »•"  eh.  protestant;  K.  K.;  of  the  Fr.  eli. 

David  (Jailanic,  ii;.ir.r;  h.  in  Mai-geis   neer  John  Trewcll,  ■inav.r;  h.  at  Caiul.rie,  under    in    |-rauiiee  ;  beer  24  yeers  :   and  the  A.;  liecr  10  yeei-s;  a  protestijut ;  K.  E.; 

Katherino    his    wife,    h.   at    Pranehfoit   in  of  the  Fr.  ch. 

Germany;     heer23    ycers  ;    prolestants  ;  Martin  Trewell, -.■■i«,n-;  b.  at  the  said  plaee; 

K.  !•:.;  of  the  Fr.  eh.  hcer  3  yeera,  with  JolmTrewell;  prolestant; 

Abraham   Garlanie,  imtitr;    b.   theare,   and  K.  K.;  of  the  Fr.  eh. 

eanio  hither  at  one  instant:  and  Anne  liis  Jcram.uie  King,  ..vVu«';  b.  at  Ippcr  in  Flaun- 

wife;  b.  at  Carmowe   neer   .Mountnell    in  der.-;  beer  till   yeer.s  a  iirotestant;  K.  K.; 

Fi-aunee;    beer    25    ycors  ;     protcslants  ;  of  the  D'"  eh. 

K.  !•:.;  of  the  l-T.  eh.  Jolin  Goddard,  e/oc/.-..„»/.< -■;  lodgeran.l  ,,..,r»«( 

John  Uepreell.    thr.,/  ,/,,,:,■;  h.  in    Gaunt   in  with  Isaeh  .Sunos  in  Hounsdileb;  b.  at  Talis 

Flaunders:    .and     Jlargaret    bis    wile;   b.  in  Frauiiee;  beer  3  yeers;  a  papist;  yet  bee 

thear;   beer  31  veers;  protestants;    K.  J.;  bath  taken   the  oath    of  allegianec  In    tin; 

of  tbeD'l'eb,  King's  supreniaey,  ami    d.itb   aeUnowb.dg 

John  Deboe,  ,r.,n'.,-;  b.  at  llarseer  in  Flaun-  the   King    lor  bis   soveraigne   dureing  bis 

ders  ;  beer  3  years;  servant  and  lodger  at  abode  in  England;  and    is  of  Ibc  Uomisii 

John  Coney;  a  protoslant ;  K.  E.;  of  the  ebmeb. 

D'l'  ch. 

(ji;i'..Ni:n!Tn  warde. 

l;,.^n,old  llrall,  of  tbe  parish  of  the  Tiinily,  wive's  name  is  Mary;  b.  in  England;  ami 

in  the  ward  aforesaide;  age  r,.'-,vreis;  b.  .it  they  have   thear   remained    about   a  year; 

Bridges  in  Flaunders,  and    ludb    remained  trade  «  ^oA/o-„lV,;    K.E. 

in  the  said  parish  of  tlie  Trinity  30  yeers  ;  Also  thear  is  a  single  man  named   Abral.ani 

ai/f-HWsm-V/-;  and   Suzan   bis   wife,  being  Walpery,    lodgeing    in    Wi.lovv    Goorde* 

G3  yoers  of  age   and  upward.s;  have  two  bouse  in  Trinity  parish  afcresai.l;  aged  2i> 

children,  both  b.  in  the  parish   aforesaid,  yeers;   b.   at  Midleborow  ;    a  silk  tl-udo-; 

one  named  Garret  Dr.all,  ago  2(i  yeers,  now  K.  E. 

atraxnikr   beyond    tbo  seas;  the  other  .a  And  also  there  is  in  the  parish   of  S'  Marey 

daughter  named   Hester,  married    to  one  iMagdalcn,  in  the  aforesaid  ward,  a  ulduw 

Savadg,  ad'Al.K-orhr;  being  a  freeman  of  woman  named  Mary  Luton;  b.  at  Bridges 

the  eity;  K.  E.  in  Flaunders;  67  yeers  of  age;  and   bath 

The  said  Ueignold  liatb  witb  liim  one  Nieolas  thear  remained  in  the  aforesaid  parish,  with 
Jaeob,  bis  kinsman;  1>.  at  lSaiganoi>liano  her  late  late  husband,  3G  yeers  or  there- 
in  Hrabunt;  beeiiig  30  yeiTS  of  age:   his  aboutes;  K.  E. 


T0\VI:K   WAliDK. 

Diiniel  Carproau,   ueirfwunt,   (.   d.,    hou.c-  Tliom.-is  Sinioni,  «,.,■./,.,«„(  .iiHniouseliol.lir. 

I.oWer;  agcJ  about  On ;  1,.  ii,  Tuuniey  in  iigeJ   about  38  ;  b.  in   KIoioul-c  in    Italy, 

Turny,  of  tbo  dominion  of  tlie  A.;  in  Enu;-  under  thu  1).   of    Floivnco  ;    in    En-land 

lanJe  aliout  tlii.'is  3S  yoors,  and  uniav  tlie  al>uut  15  jeers;  K.  K. 

sovcraigncty  of  Kngbmd  d"e  intondc  to  live  Conicliu3    Cannuior,    ,.i.  ,-.7„tc,._'   >Ov'i/ ;«)■  ; 

and  Jependo.  aged  about  00;  b.   in  Luca,  a  IVe  slate  in 

Dei-ioli  de  Slcwsen,  ttilUi;  i'.  d.,  liouscliolder;  Italy  ;  in  England  about  12  Jeers;    K.  I-;. 

aged  about  5(iycers;  b.iu  Eniricliin  Clenc  Andieas  Uonnu,  mtnlMUnt,  f.  d.,  an.l  buuse- 

land,  under  tbe   D.  of  Clcue;  in  England  holder;  :iged  about  tO  veers  ;  b.  in  Cointra 

31  veers;  K.  K.  in   Flaundeis,  under  the  A.;  in   England 

Jaeob  Herwin,  ,«i,-,7:«c,.t,  i.  d.,  householder;  about  4-J  yeers  ;  K.  ]•;. 

aged  about  3-2  yeers;b.  at  Brenie  in  Neither  Ja.iiies  de   Rea^ne,  -.,.,./,«,-„/,   housebold.-r; 

Saxnny,  under   the    E.    of  .1.;   in  England  aged  about  On  jeers;   b.  in  Uargan  horogn 

about  M  yeers;  K.  E.  in    Ilenaut,  under    tbe    A.;  in    En,-!aed 

EredeiiekShulenbrook,,;i<,v;n.K„(;ageabout  about  3u  yeers  ;   K.  E. 

ll>;  b.  at  Amsterdam    in    Holland,   under  John  Loreo,  „„n,',»»»l(.^^■<'".vr/,  r,  f.  d.,  honse- 

the  S.  of  the  United   Provinecs,  where  he  holder;  aged  about  SO  yeers;  b.  at  Digec.n 

inhabites  and  from  whenee  he  eame  to  visit  in    High    Burgeon,    in'  the    l.ingdome    of 

Ids  frindes  about  tj  vveelis  lust,  and  after  2  Frannee  ;    in    EngUmd    about    3u    veers; 

Jaeob    Ilerewin's  house  ;    and    dei,endc3  Ja^iues    Lenfant,    .■,.(/,,-,    household,  r ;    aged 

under  the  govcrmcut  of  the  said  States.  about  03  yeers;  b.  in  Audens  in  I'icardy  in 

Paule  Ganey,  ««■»/,«  with  Jaeob  Ilere« in;  the   kingdome    of    Eraunee;    in    England 

aged  about  30  yeers;  b.  at  Lai. leu  in  IIol-  ab.nit  11  yeers;  K.  E. 

lande,  under    the  S.  of  the    Unite.l    Pro-  liabhvin    Ilameus,    ,l,jdor    of  i.!.i-i,!: ;    a.l- 

vinees;  heere  about  9  veers;  int.  nds  \\  .ibin  milled  by  the  eolledg  of  the  Piiisiiians  of 

not  whether  he  shall  return  hither  ag..ine;  b.  at  Druges  in  tbe  county  of  Elauu.lers; 

whilst  beer  submitts  himself  to  Ihe  govern-  in  England  about  20  years;  K.  E. 

ment   of  England,  when  in  Holland  must  Raphiell    Eureiti,  Mtnhaaid,  lodgeing  witli 

John  Henckin,  appmdlce  with  Jacob   Here-  b.  at  Kayoiisa  in  i:>ahnalia,  a  free  stall;  in 

win  ;  aged  about  IG  yeers  ;  b.  in  Brcem  m  England  about  2  yeers;  of  the  calholie.iue 

Neither  Saxon,  under  the  E.;  in  ICngland  religion;  K.  E.  while  beer, 

about  2  yeers  ;  IC.  E.  Clement  Le   Roy,  o.otc,  householder  ;    aged 

Stcphano  Grady,  merclunuit:  aged  about  26  ;  about   40  yeers;  b.  at  Pois  in  Xormandy, 

b.    at    llaygusa   in    Uolmasio,    under   the  necr  Paris,  in   tbe  kingdome  of  Eraniicc; 

state  of   the    same;    in   England    about   3  beer  about  3  monethes;  of  tbe  Catholi.iue 

yeers;  a  householder;   K.  E.  whilst  beer.  Roman  religion;   K.  E. 
*   Born    ir.CS;    Lie.  Cell.    Pbjs.,   12  Jan.  IdO-",, :  ob.  10  Nov.  1(310.     See   Ur. 

Mnuk-s  ••   Roll  of  the  Royal  College  of  Phjsieians,-  ^ol.  i.  p.  113. 

Rt^lilicii  Keeps,  MCir/„'n,^l;  servant  willi   Sir  in   Kii^laml  :ibout  11  yocrs  ;  of  tlie  cli.  of 

J.ihn  Kt-q.c,  my  IirotlicT;  aged  al.out  2!  ;  Hni,'.  ;    Iv.  I-'.. 

I.,   at  Corlen  i.i  the  Rlicii,  a  free  stale  ;  in  Cipriau  GaLry,  merrj,„unl  sln,„„;ia;  houst- 

K\i,l:1.muI  about  G  ycciv.  ;  of  tl.e  ch.  of  IJi.,'.  holdor;  aged  about  tJl ;  b.  at  Aiitwuip  in 

K.  E.  lirabnnt,  under  the  A.;  in  i:n;,'land  about 

Te^tilics  also  for  Ids  brother  Sir  Jolin  Keepe,  So  yeers ;  of  the  eh.  of  En-.:   K.  V.. 

now   siek  in  Bedd,  to    bee  a  i,tL,-<ha,i,d  :  Peter  Johnson,  niavhanid  .«.'..!.!,,_'/./■,  liouse. 

aged  aljout  37;  b.  at  C'oHen  on  the  Kl.ine,  hoKler  ;  .aged  about  52  yocrs ;   b.  at  Corlon 

a  free  s:ate;  in  England  about  IS  veers;  of  in    Cleuekind,  under   the    D.  of  Cleue;  in 

the  ch.  of  En-;  K.  E.  England  about  2  veer;  of  the  eh.  of  Eng.; 

Henry  I'ilison,  s,7i,'-. «,v,-,  househohler  ;  age.l  subject  to  the  K.  of  E.    This  is  liad  by  tb. 

K.  v.;   in  England  about  5  veers  ;  of  the  the  river  to  Rheno  to  buy  Renish  wine. 

Catholieque  Roman  religion  ;   K.  E.  while  .Saniuell  Fortry,  menhinnt  stnw.njcr,  lioiise- 

lieer.  holder  ;  aged  about  Hi  ycers;  b.  in  Dene, 

Ja.jues  de  .■\Iaster,  suiiar  r.j!«. ,;  llou^ehohkr,  in  the  kingdonio  of  Frannee  ;   in  lingland 

aged  about  43;  b.  at  Antwerp  in  liiabnnt,  about  li  yeers  ;  of  tlic  eh.  of  Eng,;  K.  E. 

underthe  A.;in  Engl.andabout  ISyeer,  ;  Charles    Simore,    n,il„-od,,r,;     liouseholder; 

of  tiic  eh.  of  Eng.;  K.  E.  aged  43;  b.  at  Brien  in  Cbanipaine,  nmb-r 

Simon  I'ult,    i„i.  yj.rcic-  for  .wbU  „,,„,  house-  K.  F.;   in  England  about  15  yeers  ;  of  the 

holder;    aged   about    4-:    yeers;    b.   at   S'  eh.  of  Eng.;  IC.  K. 

Peter  liruke  in   Flaunders,   under  the  A. ; 


Jliebaell  Feaucr;   b.  in   Hence,  w  ithin  domi-  the    Earl  of  Flaunders  ;    „   lnll,,v-el.,ni„. 

nion  of  K.  Sp.  ;  o  siil:-.a.,c(,:  d.l.:,: 

.lobn   I..U);  b.    in    Gaunt,  undir    K.  Sp.;  „  Peter  Duon  ;  b.  of  Dutoh  parents,  in  the  pa. 

,-W.  ,•  ,;,■.-(„«. .-■./u,-;,  eW/.s.  ri>b  of  L'beeehnreh  in  London  ;  u  „llc,-  ,./ 

Georg  King  ;  b.  at  Eiklo,  uitbin  dnminu.n  of  r',:,!. 


John  Paine;    in   cliroachod    friers,   London;  Peter   Ricault,    merrhavnt    sinunigcr;  b.   in 

the   Sonne   of  John    Paine  of  Flaunders,  Antwerp,  under  the  A. 

under  the  A.;  n  lnllo,r-r!„i,nni/:  r.  John   Pollard,    nun-Ii,i»;'t ;  h.   in  Colchester 

Thomas    llelacombe;  b.    in   Norwich  in    the  in  the  county  of  Essex  ;  sonno  of  Frauneis 

county  of  Norfolk;  vxan-r;  of  London;  and  Pollard,  of  Flaunders,  nuder  the  A. 

the  Sonne  of  Thomas  Delacombo  of  Flaun-  Peter   Douau.'c,    alkis     de    Fo.x ;     mcivImuiH 

ders,  under  the  A.  stnnoiiia-;    b.    in    Flaunders,    under    tlie 

Peter  de  Buskar,  straunger  ;  b.  in  Flaunders,  A. 

under   the  A.;  a  vicnluuo,:    trading  be-  Cornelius  de  FoUingworlh,  straunger;  b.  in 

vond  seas.  Flaunders.  n  hnlor,  under  the  A. 

John  .le  Waters,  murhaHid  s(,;uni,jir;   1,.  in  IVtf-r  Vansonicbeco,  menlmvul  sinn.iia-  :  h.,  uiiJur  thu  A.  in  Flaunar,-s,  l,„lgotli  theiv. 

I'c'tcrSinion;  I),  in  Ulai-lifriLTS.  trailfing  be-  Ksawo    de    W-.iUvr-i,   i.,ca,il    tlicrf ;     li,    in 

.voiul  seas;  sonnu  of  Peter  .Siiu.n.  ;    b.   ii,  Ilollan.!,  nna^r  tlie  S. 

Roan,  tina.TF.  K.  .Marl;    CallounL-,  »  (,;;/;    (,,/,(„  w,.',;r;  h.   in 

Le\ve<    BoucT,  ),,e;r/,«!i7i(    shvi'i.i/.r;    h.    in  Soutlianiptun,  of  Lewes   uf  Klan- 

Flaundei-s,  under  the  A.  ders,  under  the  A. 


John  Do  Caine,  u.alu',>,,i;  h.  in  Ilencushe  SpernicI;,  dece.x^ed,  „ot,iri/  Z'"^-!'''-'.;  Jwell- 

in  Ath,  under  the  A.;  f.  d.  ;   K.  E.  i„^,  in  Londun  ;  b.  in  the  eiis  „r  jiri....rlles 

Peter  d'Caine,  vurrha.,,.,!,   sunn  of  the  said  ;,,  the  kinjcdome  of  Brahunt,  und.T  Phiilip 

Juh,.  .V  (Jaine  ;  b.  in  London,  dwelling  in  (,,(.  2d  ,    K.  E. 

the  Iionse  with  his  father;  K.  E.  Carohis  S'rnielc  [should  le  SpernieU],«f,/,n-./ 

John  Lamotj  b.   in  Colehester  ;   u^scin^   mer-  yul'!,;j„,;  the  sonne  of  the  said  Cornelius 

e!M.,Ji:dn^;  free  of  the  comiiany  of  wea-  deeeased,  and  Katherine  ;    b.  in   London  ; 

vers  in  London  ;   K.  E.  X.  E. 

James  Blanck,  KOftii-j/ ;  b.  in  London  ;  K.  E.  R^ph  de  la  Boc;    h.  in    Midh'I.urf;h   in    the 

PaulTipottes,    i,Mi<jke  hu(:i,-ii  :    b.  at  Diste  ileland;    f.    d.  ;     in     London     10    veers- 

in  Brabunt,  and  dwelleth  in  the  house  with  K.  E. 

Daniell  Le  Blanch;   K.  E.  David  Papillion  ;   b.  in  fl.e  city  of  Parri^  in 

Joaehim  JIathew,  imWci  notary;  b.  in  Bra-  France  ;   f.  d. ;   in  London  ;M  y.ers* 

doth  in  Brabant ;    K.  E.  Hapliaell  Tlioris, '/o.-(o)- o/'^;;,i'j,V7  ;  b.  in  Bal- 

N'atlianiell  Micchcll,   (the  sonne  of  a  straun-  lew  in  Flaunders ;  K.  E. 

ger;)  b.  in  Xorwich  ;  a  i.anlauint :  and  John  Emans,  ti./^ry^'V,'.'./,,, ;  b.  at  S- Kath- 

lietli    in    the   house  of    the  sahl  Joaehim  erine-s    neer    London,  the  soune  of  John 

Mathew  ;  K.  E.  Emans,  b.  in  Gelder;  K.  E.;   his  lather  a 

John  G.bson,  svlkUor  vj  t'u-  la,,< ;  the  Sonne  denizen  before  he  w;ts  bonie. 

ofastrnungcr;  b.  in   London;  K.  E.  Mary  Worlich,  wifeofSimon  Worlioh,«y!(/t,-,- 

Charles  Demetrius,  yiihtiiyi'C  „olaiy  ;  b.  in  b.  at  Brada  in  Brabunt. 

the  city  of  London,   whose  jarents  were    ''John  Luce,  marhuiott  stmun-i.  r;  b.  in  Ant- 

Xetherlandcrs  ;  K.  E.  worp,  in  the  Duhedome  of  Brabunt;  livetli 

Mary  Trion,  the  widoie  of  Peter  Trion,  de-  in  London  under  K.  E. 

ceased  ;  b.  in  Sandwich  in  Kent  ;   K.  E.  Victor  Chaunterell;  b.  in  the  city  of  Paris  in 

S'  Samuell  Trion,  Knight  (sonne  of  the  same  Fraunco;  K.  G'  B. 

Peter)  ;     b.   in    London  ;    his   said  father  Lewes  Le  Camlele  ;  b.  at  S'  Omer,  under  the 

wash,  astraunger;   K.  E.  A.;   K.  E. 

Peter  Le   Jlare,  «'•/((.,-  sonne   of  David  Lo  John  Van  a  Bcel,  MaxlMnt;  b.  in  \orwieli, 

Mare  ;   b.  in  Antwerp  ;    the  said  Peter  Le  but  of  Dutch  parents. 

Mare  b.  in  London.  Edward  Le  Bouuere  [Bouverie];  b.  in  Can- 

Katherine  Spernick,  f.  d.,  ?ri'c?o.c  of  Cornelius  terbury,   his   parents    straungeref 

*  See  tntrod..  p.  .xxi.x.  +  /i.  n. 


^f;ltllanit■ll  llarv,*  preader  to  ih,-  F,\  ro»;;n',i.  Jolm  (Jumiit,  !,:f(l„;r.  I, 

iu    LonJoii;    b.    in    B«uunolit   in    Leister  utuUt  tl.u  A. 

Towne  in  Leicester  ;   K.  E.  Ilarman    Deucluirt,   ,/, 

Simeon  RliJ-ting  ;   b.  ;it  Norwicli  (of  strangers  Antttei'iie  at  Biabiin 

liis  parents) ,  jin-iu-/ar  to  the  J)"'  .■„„,;,■, •/.;t  An-elo  HareaKiso,  <//./.<; 

JiUnKing.  puarh.r  to  t/a:    U"' coiuin ./ ;    b.  (.f  Venire,  uinbr  tlie 

in  London  of  parents  strangers.    '     '  Anllimiy  WaM-l,.,!! ,  /.,,; 

Cliarles  llnj,'ebert,  6.  o-t,  ,•/«)■  wur.',»„r,.s-    b.  Kull'e.  ne.  r  llie  Itiner 

in  Flaunaers  in  tlie  eity  of  (ianrit.  under  llio  ^tate  of  tli 

JaeobTraeb, I/.- ,„,.,■;  h.  inCallen  in<!erniany.  —Barnanlen,   .yA,  ni 

Jacob  Van   Leisncit,  /../.■,«;/.;//.-...-■-  „„'/.:,■;    h.  city  of  Veiiiee,  unclel 

in  tlie  eity  uf  Antwerp,  under  the  A.  Franneis  Uosse,  i/Iusm; 

Lutbar   de    Kcwbay,  (,;/./»/,  (.i  m,-.,  ,•;   I,,  at  undertbeD. 

Turnay,  under  tlie  A.  Frauncis    Booteso,  y/.i 

Nieolus  Duslcaine,  t.fU.iffda  wiv,.,  ;   b.  neer  ^ame  eity  ol  Ve.iice, 

Lilo,  under  the  A. 

[Duni.  Jae.  I.,  vol.  O^,  art. -22.] 

Sl'ki;:— A  vifw  of  all  StninL'er,s  as  well  lio\v.-;clioli.Iri-s  as  iiiiiiatus  ami  lotlp-ors, 
u-itliiii  tlio  Parishc  of  Xi.wix.rroN  and  libL-rtics  tlienvC.^: 


Catberine  Ni-3;b.iatbcfMniryof  l.uelJand;  uf   the    I'rineo  of    OiioKe:   lod-c^rs  in   tlic 

now  the  wile  of  Kiebeard  Gnbhin.-^,  iiowse-  boubc,— .Saniuell   Thunier  and    Lenjanune 

bolder  {vidualcr).    She  came  an  infant  int..  '1  l.onier.             [Mark  of  W"'  Tompson.] 

England,    and    knows    not    under   whose  [Jac.b  Elbers.] 

government  she  was  borne.       [K.  Nijs.]  Sopbere    Raymen,  iciV(/u!t'   uml   sin-nnyion; 

\v       e„         _  Vi,J  ''•   '"   ""'■'"'•"i"''"^'.   ^"'''■''    "i'^'   L'"'"'  of 

Urabaun;./",/,-/r/</iO«.      [Soffijya  Rumon.] 
Blaci;51.\n  StriiET. 
.I.acob  Alburtt  and  William  Tompson;    b.   in  Kent  Street. 

the  towne  of  Home,  within  the  soveivignety        Klliee  Flawsonn  ;  1,.  at  Sronhaven,  under  the 

*  Natluiniel  Marie  was  nunister  of  the  Freneb  Church  in  Lon.lon  from  1(101  to  liilb-. 
t  He  is  not  mentioned  in  Mr.  liurn's  list. 

t  In  the  following  returns  out  of  the  City  the  parties  have  signed  their  names,  and  iu  many 
cases  the  name  has  been  Anglicised  in  the  retnr.i. 

CAMn.  snc.  N 





Kinge  of  n. 


;  of  [ii.oiv 

■  ■m:\  uu- 

l.ra^an    1 

cuiiJition;  .( 

'  knire  ), 

[Elias  1 




Note  of  the  stnuigcrs  dwelling  witliin  tiic  Borough  of  SouTiiWAinc,  taken  If,"' 
orSeptenil.ei-,  1(118,  ."i'O. 

St.  SAVroUU'S  in  SOiri'II WAKK'IC. 

VAnA;  a  sniialahr;    lialli    (Kvi-ll   in    lioi-s-  of  liO  jt:are' ci.iitiiUKUirL'.     I'l  trr  Cn-r  liis 

head  all.vD  3  years:  and    Mario  Ida    wilV;  son-in-la^sc;  b.  at  Lull  in  I'lanndcra, !rr 

1>.  undcrtlie  Dultoof  Bronswiclio,  in  Higli  tlu;  Arclidukc;   a  ,l,.r;ui  11    \rais'  con- 

Gernianye;  tliey  are  poore  folks.  tinnance.                              [riuno  Chjjl-.] 

[Markof  Maric.l  Ito^l.ind    Vuncku  ;     I.,    in,^.,  l.Mol , 

■\VilIiani  Molcinc,  aFroncliniaii;  li.  at  iinll.Mi,  undor  tlir  Stat.,-,  of  i  lulland  ;»<//./•,  pai  tn.T 

undri-  tl.e   Frcncli    King;  <t  d:cr  li.v  trado;  «ill,  .M'  Til,l,ukin  ;  ]  :i  %fars'  c-ontinnancL-. 

of  [lore  o-^tati' ;   dwelling  in  tlte  Close,  con-  Jaeol.    nelcno;  li.    in    \\'uzell    in    Cleudand 

tinuaiice  tlierc  21  years:    also  Maudlin  his  iiore  Holland,  iindcr'tlie  donuidon  of  tlw 

wife,  a  h'reiieliwonian;  1..  at  Bullen  afore-  Dnko  of  Cleiic;  su-ca,..(  to  SI'  'ni,l,crk,n. 

-■iaid.                             [JIark  of  Maudlin.]  Nicholas    Lowy-;    h.    at    Sljerhucli    in    Xor- 

Noe  llloonie,   a  ^\■allon;  I.,  at  lliden  in    the  mandie,  nn,i.-f    the  French    Kii,;,-;  sa;-a.l 

l,o«  e  eonntries;  came  thence  when  a  child  ;  also  to  iM'  ■l.bhci  Lin. 

u  filkaranr  of  pore  estate;  dwelling  in  the  [Mark  of  Lowys.] 

Close,  of  continuance  there  ir.yars.  Croft   Castell   idias    Cassals;    b.   at   Qnillick, 

[Mark  of  Bloom.]  being  a  Dukedome  ncre  Germany;  «  j/H-- 

Mathcwo  Buens;    b.    in   ll:irlaiu  in  Holland,  m'liri:;-;  dwelling  in  Pepper  Alley;  tlO  ycares 

under  the   States;  asilbr,,,-;  dwelling  in  continuance. 

the  Close,  of  M  years'  continu:ince.   John  John  James  and  Il.arman  James,  brothers  and 

Crcnhe,  his  .*.)■,■«),/;  h.  in  Cullen  in  }ligh  twinnes;    b.  in    the  Unkedonio  aforesaid; 

tternianie.                       [Mathens  linens.]  sercauits  to  the  .said  Croft  Castell. 

[Maili  of  Creid.e.]  [IvrafL  Kassels.] 

DaidclTiberkm;  b.  .at  Franeliford   in    High  [Herman  Jacobs.     Jan  Jacobs.] 

[l),m,..I:.o.  I.,vol.  no,  art.  24.] 

A  iioleui'allllieSl!:iuiii,aTsas  ucH  luuiitors  as  strvaiito?,  as  :il=o  iniiKite?  and 
knhvvs  wall  drvyik-il  li.nvsr,,  i.i  the  Pari.sli  of  S'  Tliuiiias  in  youtliwark, 
ill  tlio  counlye  of  Siin-y ;   the  17'"  of  SL-pf,  1018.  ■* 

.•<r.  TIlll.MAS  SOUTinVAUK. 

lie  :ii..l  Ills  XN  ilV- 1,.  at  \V.-!li,uoinn  I'lMUTu'C; 

.\l,..rij  .le  Sn.iil,;    b.  in  A.,w.-„t,  ti.uKr  il,c  ,^^,|,  „,■  j,,,  ,,,._  ^.,,        ^,,„,.,,  „,.  ,^„,.^,|  j 

i-uhvinekcuftl.e  K.uf  Sii.;  .uiu^kr;  uf  tli,.  j„,,„  |),_,wa>.ll,  ,-.7, /!,.-.  ,tv,  mai.ler;  Uun- 
"'''  ^'u'l.Kroi;.  |,i,;^^  i„  l.'|.uinJci.s;  of  Iho  T/"  coi.^'ff-. 

r,:.ssill     n«K..licttls;    b.    ill,    of    the  [Mark  of  Dowddl.J 

l.ulluT's    .•oiiCTC-.  ;    /..ijliftk   --fi.-.i-;     s.  Aiulrbu  .McLllor,  an.l  Klliii    Mcdler  l.i.s  v,  ifc 
J'"'"'""-'"-  b.   at  AiigcT  in    Kl.m.ukT..-,  «    sIM.-,' ^  .-ir; 

i"  •^'■'■'-'-■■■""I  ■"< ;   ajoriKunaii.  bjlli  of  tlic  1)'''  i-h.      [Al.irk  of  .Mfill.'.'.  | 

..f   S„lun   io   Jlanlin;    „„..«-.,,;    a  co^^,.ant  b.  in  Spuro  in 'tl.u  I'aulgra'vcs  country ;  one' 

'iervaiit.  of's  cli.              [iM.ul;  of  liusbc] 

An.lrc«s  Wa.-bman;  b.  in  llio  Jarniin,  iurKt  Ji,l,„  Fawse,  jii7.-/c«v«rc-<-,  an.I  mai^tor ;   b.  in 

llio   I'rii.™   of  Bromcsbi-r;  imln.;/,,:,;,-;  a  .Shema;   a  ■Wallonn  of  tlie  Kr.  congivy.    ^  [Marie  of  KaWM..] 

K.    of   Sp.;  .<,•■;  ,.-,,r.c-;  a   ,■.ai^!..r•,  of  the  „,„i,.,  i,,^  k,   ^f  .Si,.;  of   tlio  V'K    ch.   ,,' 

Alarij    ll;.rris,  ,;//^ ./s    wilV;    b.   in    llio        !■  Vanoi^  lu„o  a,„l  Katbrin  L:nt.  ;  tliois  ^'.'-bil- 

.larn.iu;  of  tbo  W"  oongrog.  ,,ivn  b.  i„  Walton  in  Kla..„,ln-.. 

[Ilirmark.]  Tirre  .lo  la  1,    .<,'.,:.'.  .,.„   anuu-l.-r;    b. 

.sonncs  of  Marij  I  larris;   b.  both  i„  Ani.tcr-  Fr.  Congrcy.    "      "'    [.MaiY  of  .lo'l..'  !i.  j  "" 

Jainos  -l„.,o«  „  an.l  Coilott  Sliorou  n  hi.  «if,.;           i.  Sl^  Ton,;',;,'  u.a.-r'lh^'K.'of  Sp';  JJlS- 
bo  b.  at  Kv.r  i„    l-rain,oa;  ,-  i .c  L..-;  „■ ,-,  a  niai.lor.  an,!  >,hoo  a  servant;  l.tu 

the  K,-.  co,:g,vg.  „  .       _[-''■■"•='■' ^'"  '''■^■"■] 

anil  a  niaistor;  both  pcntionors  t  ,  the   b'r.  Ann    Manto   his    wife  ;   b.    in    Tiinie.v  in 

fuiiS"'y-  h'lauiulurs  under  ibc  K.  of  y|..;  l,-/i,. n./l.' 




Nicluilns    Browne,    hijhfile    .reaver;    h.    in 

Turnev  ;  oi"  the  Fr.  cli. 
St.  Toffiii,  an.l   Xicli.    Brown;  both  scrvaul:^ 

to  Hector "Manto  ami  liis  wvfe. 
Gilliam  Dnwys,  and  Barborey  his  wife;  both 

b.    in  Anwarp;  sUciinam;  maistcr 

of  th«  I- r.  congres. 
John    Dcwyse,   yongcr,    si'ldrvemw  ; 

Anwarpe;  of  the  I"r.  congreg. 
John    Steuencs;    b.    in    VanljranJanl 

Ratignc;  scrvante,  anil  jonaman  to 

UuK\!i<-'  iHrlirever;  of  the  Fr.  ch. 
William  Tii<..n;  Amee  suort   emlcr  S'li 

jf  ihi 

,  cli. 

Jm-ce  Lumbartson,  y,'W ,-,  ,■,,■;  b.  in  Cytriek 
in  Animerforth,  under  tlio  ijrane  Morris; 
servant  and /o.viimiu.  to  John  Dewyse;  of 
tlie  D'l'  congreg.     [Jlarlc  of  Lanibertson.] 

both  Gurratt  Vangleson;  b.  in  Oillam,  being 
Bushopriek   under  tlie   Emperuur  ;  j'^mc- 

K   in  u,„n  to  John   Dewyse,  s;U-cn\,-a- ;  of  the 

!)'•''  ch.  [.Mark  of  G.  V.] 

dgc,       Charles  de  .Man,  and  liis  wyfo  Edic  do  Man  ; 

-Vm.  b.   at  Bressill   in    Brabant;  hee   a   la,//vi; 

and  sliee  a  !>!'  /..//.(■;■,•  both  of  tlio  D'l'  eh. 

Sti;irigi.Ts  rcsick'iit  in  the  Parishe  of  St.  GEni:aE  in  .Soutii\vai:ke,  1G18 
(IS"'  oi'.St'ptuniber.) 

We   findu  dweliinge  in  tlie  street  side.-One       Lodging  in  the  same  house  :  James  JIasuro 
Anthony    Kavell;    b.   in    the    city    Arros;  |,.  in  Lill,  within    the  kingdon.o  of  ,Sp. : 

[Jacques  Ma^ure.] 

pendcs  upon   the  .■Jovcraigneliu  ami   king- 
dome  of  Kngland  ;  by  trade  »/..'..  ,,/,r../t,-       In   Maypolo  Alley.--In    the   house  of  "\Vi... 
o/s,,.„ll  vara,  and  of^t  eonversaeion  Glover,  one  Anthony  .N'attoe  (workelh  with 

"■^  " ■""•'  [Anthoine  Fauel.]  jp  Younge),  l.c.updrme,- ;  h.  at  iMonscnin- 

liowe  within  the  King.lome  of  Sip.;    K.  E. 

i:e.;   dwelt  with  his  maister  this  11  yeers. 
[Mark  of  A.  .v.] 

In  tlie  street  side.— John  Voung 

village   called    Vcntoe  in   the  eonntrv   i 
I.alewe  neere  Flaunders,  within   the  king 

don.eof.Sp.     K.E..\.:.;a/,u..pd,cs,.r.  Di;n.      In  the  street  sido.-l'eter   Brocke,  ,, 

[Jan  IcJeune.]  clla- ;  \<.   at   Berissland  in  Germany,  un- 

I-odgcrs   in  the   said   house:   John    Brewer;  der  the  Duke  of  Cleve-  K.  K     cS:c  •  att  this 

vorhl/,    j...,nn.,o,U;     b.     in      Artwaies,  present  in  Bathe. 

within    the  kingdom  of  Sp  ;    K'.  E.  &c.;   a  Lodging   in    his    house.— John    Brooke   his 

hempdnmr.               [Mark  of  Brewer.s.]  kinsman,  of  th,  .sam,  trade;  b.  at  the  place 

Lodging    in    the    same   house:    Martyn     de  aforcsaide;  K.  E.  .S:e.j  a  jcirnumuc  lo  hh 

Manne;  b.  in  tlic  eittie  of  Ameore,  hi   the  unckle.                              [Mark  of  J.  B  1 

kingdom  of  .Sp.;  K.  E.  &c.;  a  harpdrasa ,  Lodgeing   in   the  house  of  Nieliolas  Downe- 

and  newc  conu..    [Mark  of  ,!e  Manne  ]  ing,  vietualler.-Emanuell  Dolvero;  b.  at 

.U-!M'AM>I\.  93 

Br.isill  in  America;  marrhaunt;  K.  E.  &c.;  Titts  witliin  tlie  Diil;eilomo  uf  Clove;  lea- 

hiti.  prisuiiLM-  ill  tlie  Kiii.?s  BcdoIic.  tha-  dresser:   K.  E.  &e. 

[llanocl  n.ilucM".]  [Jaiin  Eissunkraott.] 

Di;v.   In  the  Myntc.— Ilance  Smitlic,  (■"(.'.■)■,•  In  tlie  same  strecte.— Abialiarn  Van  Gild.!- ; 

1..  at   Borissland  in   Germany,  under   tlie  li.  at  Antwerpc.  witliin  the  province  of  the 

Dnkc  ofCleve  ;  K.  E.  &e.  A.    ol'   Brahant;  lodgelh  in    the  lioiisr  uf 

In  the  Myntc.— Cornelius  Van  de    lloolle,  a  Hugh      Beeston,    victualler;   s/H.  «,(/ar  ; 

.<i'.l:,K.ur£r:  K.  E.  &e.  IC.  E.  &c.       [Aahrhani  Van  (ihele.Iun  ri.] 

[Cornclos  Van  d'hof.]  In  Longe  Lane.  — Gillani  FawUeneere;  b.  at 

In  the  Myntr.  — Arnold  Mearo  ;  b.  in  Colan,  Antwcrpe,  within  thoiirovincu  of  tlic  A.  of 

under  iU-  v..  of  Germ.;  slllxvavcn  IC.  K.  Brabont;  dwelleth  there;  jiark-ihraul  „,,,. 

[JIark  of  A.  M.]  Icr;  K,  E.  &o.                        [His  mark.] 

[Doni.  Jae.  I.,  vol.  99,  fol.  43.] 
]'ari~li  ot'  St.  Oi,.\vl's  SouniWAUi;,  parscll  of  thu  witrd  of  Rnu":;  without;   liUB- 

Skynneisalley.—«ar-  John   Growell,  joiimr:  h.  in  Valkenbonnve, 

vant  Kol,'.  Lawrence,   .,,    Uipc  wcc.r ;   h.  in  under   the  A.;   in  England   -10  yeres;  free 

Katerdanie;  hync  here  vj  yeers;  a  covenant  den.                                     [Jhon  Gruwell.J 

servant.      [.Mark  of  li.  L.]    [In  Iho  mar-ni  In  (ih  ue  all-y.— I  lance   Lohcngstowe,  ./i<y«- 

■•  //.'  ,sa,i  E.i.jlL.uanr  i.  e.  Lawrence.]  ".  r;   h.  in  Hie  Jarinanie;   here  11  yeres. 

■riie  sin^c!  sidc.-Gyllyam  Spease,;../,,.  r  ;   b.  Wary  DeHour,  the  wyfe  of  Sainmewcll  Tut- 

ni  Gnlli.'ke,  under  the  I),  of  Clea\e:   and  lanionday,  s/u  r, «,»!,  r;    h.   in  Valleu-en  in 

Ja:,n.ieay  Vacpcs;  h.  in;  herein  Artoys,  under  the  A.;  in  England  30  yere,-. 

England  1  3  yeers,  and  lii.s  wife  33   yeers;  [Mark  of  M.  D.] 

and  one  strmW.Lewcks  Alberts;  1).  in  over  [In    margin,  "/Ar  hnha,.,l.    ,s  „,,   E,„jlhh. 

Rissone  in  Frcesland;  in  England  3  yeers  ;  ;iici//."J 

[Wilbort  S],irs.     Lucas  Albert.]  John  IJews.sertt,  i.Vi.miiViv  h.  in  Tanterbery. 

Church  yard  alley— John  I'almer.y.,,,,.  ,■;  b.  Bcrener  Norman,  the  wyfe  of  Ezias  I'ontey, 

in  An«arpc  in   Brabant;  heere  .\viij  jcres.  iillxvercr;  b.  in  S'  Jlallcrs,  under  K.  E.; 

[John  Palmer.]  here  3(3  yeres.                  [.Mark  of  B.  N.] 

Wahiul  tree  lane.— Nychols  Uorrom,  ,;ay/,cr;  John  Elypoe,  siUxiricr;   b.  in  . 

b.  ill    Sii  Vallery,  under    K.  E.,   in   Eng-  Arnould  Xyohola.s,    .<,7/,  ./,.,,  ,•    b.    in    A-.sey 

land  12  yeres.                 [NicoUas  Doron.]  in  Jarmaney;   in    England    i    yeren  :    and 

In  Smythe's  Alley.  — Marry  Algood,  lodging  Jayne  his  wyfe  ;  b.    in  Tornney;   here   50 

at  Henry  Allen's,  a  thri.t  man;   b.   in   the  yeres. 

Lowe  countrys,  under  the  A.;  a  very  old  I.vmatt.  Jacklen  Lenney;  b.  in  Tornney ;  here 

woman;   b.T.-  I -1  yeres.  3U  yeres.      Aret  Colne.s,  In-r  inniat. 

94  APl'KMMX. 

Anthony'   Urssine,   bijr.lii   v,acir:   li.  iu  Val-  (Ivllyuui  .Magi'wc,  (,;(/Wy  ,r,  iv,  ,•  I.,  in 'I'nniui'v  ; 

EiiglriMd.                      [Atitliomio  Arsin.]  Abniliam  BIoj-lt,  tnjcti/verer:  h.  in  Antwarp; 

Allord  Linsdl,  (afdi/  vcrar;   h.  in  Turiiney  liere  311  jeres :  ami  Ik-stcr  lii^  wvIV  ;  1..  in 

ill  Plandros;  and  his  wyfe;  licre  31  ytTOs.  Aiitwarp;  lu-if  31)  yc-res. 

[Alar  do  Lins.]  "  [Al.raliani  Hluiart.  | 

Inmatt.  Adrian  Ostomo,  aill:   non-tr;   li.  in  '1  licudtr  Bryll;   I),    in   JarnitiKy,   uihIlt  tin: 

Turnncy;  in  England  15  yens.  ['aN^iave;      r/y.r;  lu-re  17  ycn-s. 

Gylyam   Bush,  l,ij\t;r,i-uvcer;  1..  in  Unhid;,  "           [Tliuuilovc  l!re\ill.  | 

11  bishopricUc  nero  Ilollaii.l;  hcri;  :2ilyrrcs,  John   ^\■altvlK•,  i.'f:t;i  v.c;,-:  h.   in  T..rnia'y; 

[WiUcm  Bosoh.]  in  Kn-land    IS   ycrrs.      1',  r./n    Bn\v,-n    his 

John    \Vyllana,  jui/.in.  ,■;    h.    in    Gullick   in  w^k■  ;  U.  \n  '\\.n,<n-y;  lieiv   11  yrus :  and 

Khmdurs.undcrtheA.:  and  Mary  liis  wyfc  ;  M.uUynr  l,is  inmhcr,  h.  iIilmv  a!-,,. 

h.  in  Klandi^rs;  Lore  Hi  ycrcs.  |  .Ian  dc  \Valini.,.| 

[Mark  of  wilV.]  Mary    U-    mair,    /-,.„,/,    >/'„/,„;,.v,v  ..■;    1,.    in 

Petur  I'apiKT,  l„;„n,„.  I.iid:.,-;   I,,  in  TornnMy,  Antnarp;   l.rro  -In  yy:-^. 

Margrett  his  wyfu  ;  I.,  in  Flauiulors;  hi-ic  IVtIor  CIocUl-;  1j.  in  Turnn.-y;  in   lOnRhuid  1 

•lOyca-s.                            [Mark  of  r.  P.]  yores:    and     his    wyh.,    unlW,,    ,:  c ,- :     2 

John   DL-eostur,  tl.rcol   IviU.r;  b.  in  (iantt,  children  bora>.  in  Tornnoy. 

nil. lor   the  A.;    33   yercs  here.     Mary  li is  [His  mark,  ] 

wife;   b.  in    BrisMdls   in  Brabant ;  liiur  35  Kalherinc    Dedeni,    silhio^mh  r  ;    b.  in   Val- 

yeies.                                   [Jan  ile  Coster.]  leneliia;  30  Veres  Iierc.  Jayne  I'lypoe;  b.  in 

John    Tewbee,   iiV/ami',  r;    b.    in    Rysell    in  [''landers;   here  30  yercs.     Aiv.yon  Cocco- 

Flamlers;  in  Kngland  M  yrres.  ln-1;  b.  in  Tornney;  hern  S  yeres. 

[Jehn  Tlenban.]  |  .Marks  of  Jane  and  Arrogr,,,.] 

Danm'U  Syx,  J.y/,  ,„r,;(i,v  b.  in  An«.,r!j ;  here  Kuiior   Dowrey,  .vY/.v  «■.■«■;    b.  by  Tnrney; 

2-  uns.                                   [l),,niel  Six.]  hire  ^\  yer.s :   and  Bavbrey  his  ^^^^e,  b.  in 

Jarmayne    Ueiunlh'n,  .'   ^.r^e^;./   ,  ,  ,;  / ;  b.  in  Anelt  in  the  Low  Countreys;  li-re  (i  ynvs. 

•J-oinmy;  in  En-land  32  yeres.  [lOeerar  Dure.  | 

[Mark  of  J.  D.]  Katberino  Lewbriek,  .^..V.-d,-;  b.  in  the  land 

John    Cassliewe,  ci  hqj\l^'  irt,-.  /  ;  b.  at  Xore-  f.uiguliek;  55  veres  in  liiiylan.l. 

Joyes    Vandalc.    5<7/.e    »cy/i(A,-;    b.    in    C)»cn  Tlle      stleel      sx  d .  -  -    ll    i  llmlomew      Powell, 

(Jrden  in  Kianders;  here  13  ye.irs.  j";/'i'i'r;   b.  in  the  land  l.m  <.inlyel>e;  beer 

[Mark  of  J.  v.]  ■I5yeers;  am.l   Ellen   liis  \vyfe  ;    b.    under 

John   Boskyne,  sllt.nn,-;  b.    in    Gant;  here  the  (juvcrmui  of  the  lande  of  bieke;  beer 

3"  yeres.  45  yeers. 

Addoin   Bowkonc,  Jo^;i>,cr;  b.  in  Clove  land  [Barthuloniens  P,iu«e!l.| 

in  Gullick;  here    45   yeres:  .ind  Alargrett  (iodfrcc  Cloyss,  ^o«/ie  s,ni/l!,;  b.    in    Swole, 

his  \vyfe;  h.  in  Owenncr  in  l.'landers;  here  beyeml  Amsterdam;  here  60  yecrs. 

Issaekc  Cm.',  by  trade  a  ■ ;    b.  in  ■  In  Tenter  Alley.-- Amies,   l)e-er,   ..„l,/v,i~  ; 


1).  in  Tornncv  in  Flnmlars  ;  here  Til"!  ycrus;  J:iniickyno  Rutland;  b.   in  Bridge  in  I'laun- 

aFn,.rh,J:oh„;.<lns.           [Ilcr  markc. ]  dcra  ■  l.ecr  3ij  jefr.-..         [Their  n.ark..] 

BamncTd  Jonsone,  s/u «■)«((/ 0-;  b.  in  Potter   Pcttersonc  ;  b.  in  Antwarp;  here- '211 

John   Golvcr,   .ulk   c/i/t,- ;     b.    in    Lcnre    n,  ycrcs,   (..//Vf-/ icciwi- ;  and  JIary  lu3  xv.vfe  ; 

Artoyse;  here  xvij.  yeres  :  and    Jiary   lii,  b.  in  Gullicl;.' ;  lic-re  21  yeres. 

wyfe.  b.  here.                     [.Jean  Galurr.|  [Peeter  I'eeters.] 

Jolin  Gardner,  ./<,//"'■■■'•.•  '■•    i"  Nurwiteh;  of  IKy   Dcane,   ..   i/y.,- ;    b.   in  Hie  Jarnianie; 

the  !■>.  congreg.  here  4  yccrs  :    Wyddylynnay,  liis  vxylc  ;   b. 

.Vychols  Watline,  siUn;.:  ,■;  b.  in  Turnney;  in  i,>„io„  in  Gelderland.      [His  nia"rk.] 

and  Judelli  liid  wyfe  ;   b.  tliere  tow;  liere  Edward  Waybornne,  (/j,i)- ;  b.  in  Grnning  in 

vij.  ycrcs;  one  of  tlic  chiKlrcn  b.  there  al-^.M'.  Frecsland;  lioer  15  "yecrs  ;  and  his  wyfe  ; 

DannellMagewe,  (,;;/■„(.,,,.■.,„•£,■;  b.  in  T,„n-  b.    in    Antwearp,    nnder    Ibe  A.;  beie  7 

ney;  here  9  ycres :  and  Margrett  liis  wyfe,  yercs.                                        [His  niarl^  1 

b.  in  Turnney  al.,oe.  Tliobyas  Jonsonu,  bis  wyfe  Jossynkyiie,  ././.,■,• 

[Daniel  Megien.J  b.  i„  Uullay,  in  Flanders;   here  -10  yeres. 

I'llisbeth    Demollcn,    wjd.low;  sy//«;,;;../,  ,■  ;  D^-jj,  Nyehols  Uyoc,  a  >i/«/H;-,  but  nowe  lie 

the  -Ala 

tlle  D.  ofClefe;    heer  till  yc 

Brabant;  in  Eii-land  17  yuos.  [His  marl..] 

[Ilibmarl..]  o,,.vj.       l'^.^^c,    Va-s,    /diar    dra^i,,-;     b.    ii 

.Ja.sper  Gabery,  ;(7/.«w«(/ii';  b.  in  Turnnty  :  Segerowe,   under  the  D.  of  Cleefe  ;   her 

and  Ellen  his  wyfe;  b.  in  tlie  wayte  ;   two  07  ycei-g                              [Peter  Vaerst  1 

clnldren   b.    in    Holland;    in    England    4  Jossyas  Ost,  t.ipe  mm- ;  b.  in  Gantt,  nnde 

niontbcs.                           [Gaspar  Gabry.]  the  A. ;  Synchae  liis  wyfe;  b.  in  Harllie\ 

Martyne  Pollen,  djo- ;  b.  in  a    towne  ealk-d  niider  the  A.;   he.r  in  EngUuiJ  oG  yeers. 

the   Wayc,  nere  unto  Turnney,  under  tbe  \,l„,.  uj.^.^j 

A.                                   [.Martin  Poulaii..]  Larenee    Hendrieke,  sMc  vo.vr ;  b.  rn  th 

.Inlin    Cnnnelt,    v:.,.l   CO:,..,-;  b.   in  Jb.r.-.t  ;  land  fan  gullieke  ;    in    England   20  yere. 

.ind    .M.iry   his   wyfe,   I.,   there  to;   here   :";  and  Wni.   Sings,  a  boy  ;    I.,  in  gullieke  1 

yeres.                                        [His  mark.]  Hie  Uutehland.     [Lawrene  Ileudriek. ) 

I'etter  Dnssant,   tjarduu- 1  b.   in  Ncwcareke  James  Sparren,   sH/.-ir.tcr ;  b.    in    the    lam 

in  Flandere  ;  here  3U  yeres  :  and  Kathairn  [^,„  lewcko;  here  I'J  yeers  :  and  Joan   hi 

his  wyfe  ;  b.  in  Antwarp.     [His  nuirk.]  „.yf,, .  ,,_  ,„  Crabantt ;  here  42  yeres. 

Danncll  V.ampey,  si'H«<  iy.- ;  b.  in  Antwarp,  [Their  marks.] 

under  the   A.;  here  30  yeres;  and   JIary  -\Vm.  Snelihige,  Mary  his  wyfe;   b.  in  Swan 

his  wife,  b.  in  Antwarp.       [His  mark.]  o^cr  in  Holland  ;  in  England  one  yen^. 

Stephen  Egbirtt,  si/k.n  nr  ;  b.  in  Endidone  in  Alexsander  Clcmment,  OM  nf  the  D«l.-/ij>o,'<i 

Jarmanie;  beer  15  yeres.      [His  mark.]  ,j.    i„ .    i,e    is    nowe    in    the    low 

CornncUis  Van  Hale,  .>/«■  >am- ;  b.  in  Val-  eontroy. 

lence ;  in  England  10  yeers.  Petter  Van  Merc,   /.'/'<■  "■'  '■• '':  ''■  '■>  tl'<^  '•'" 

Petter  Vannotle,  sil/j  ,-•.,■«■  ,■   b.   in  Aeeon  in  tan  gnli(d;e  ;   in  I'.ngland  11  yeres. 

.Tarmanie;  beer   11   yeers:  and  his  [His  mark.] 

wife;  b.  in  Aidwarp  .   bi'iv  r,3  yercs.  John  Hoogosa,  ;/..//,-,  /,..//  „„./.,,■,•   b.  in  .Mid 



borowe:  here  2  yocrs  ;   one  eliilJ  b.  Iliere  \V:irs(nv  Hart',   InJUi/  vcver  :  b. 

to  MaJIcyn,  wife  of  th.'  s.-ii.J  .lulm.  in  I  ■I.uiIith,  ;uiJ  his  ^ill'  there 

Nyeliolls   Dewtue,  silh  w,  ccr  :  b.  in  Parys  ;  bis  u.vfe  ;   h.  in  T.nune\  ;   here 

heurSycCM.                             [Ilis  murk.]  L^hii  i>  ..llVir 

Chrystyun  Lowest;  b.  in  Dellett  in  Hollan.l 
<j,<llk  yon  maUr  !  5  weel<s  lieere. 

Iley  Jonsono  ;  b.  in  Delict ;  hoor  i  a  yeor. 
[Sta  Rd  .liviM  Jansun.] 

Arnnohl  Allers,  IMcr  dresser  ;  b.  in  Ian. 
fan  guliek,  under  the  A.  of  Cleeve;  her 
17  yeors  ;  and  Janette  Bergen,  a  klrd  sa, 

[Ar'  Aulers.] 
Gossone  Smyth,  a  skew  viaker,   but  nowc 
loa-e  strini)   mvlxr ;  li.   in    Sitliart,  unJc 
the  D.  of  Cleeve;  in  KnglanJ  50  yers. 
[His  niark.J 
Jamea   Bellon,    a  d,jiT ;  h.    in    Darnnickh 

^Jullyan  Deeane,    d.j.r;   b    in  T.irnney  i 
lanJei-s  ;  here  i<K\  yen-. 

[Julian  ]Jn  ,|nesne,  | 
Xyches  Demollen, »■,■«■  »•,,.,,■;   I,,  in  lun 

lul  Julyan  fSanyber,  bis  \\\W  ;  li.thei 


Samewell  Vinscnt,  ,/,-/.r;  b.  in  Lun.lun.    II 

hath  a  .servant,  James  Ueeane,  b.  in  Calh 

in  France  ;   in  ICnKlunJ  2  yeres. 

Potter  Lepi.eper,  dijer  ;  b.  in   Aunianters  i 
Flaunders,  under   the    goveiunit.    of   tli 
Cont  E.-rmont;    in  England  15  Veres. 

under  the  A.;  here  Id  ye 
bis  wyfe;  b.  in  Hyo  Jar) 
yeers.  James  Dellahaye, 
Flanders  ;  here  3  yeres. 





Bollen.]  Ilendrioke    Ilarttbuian,    ,,    ,„,;./■".■     b.    in 

[Ja.iues  Ile.s.]  Urunswyeke,  in  Jarniany  ;   here  S  yeres. 

,Tohn    Ilarnian,   lunmj    v.  r<.r  ;   b.  in  Brill  in  [Ilenydr. 

Holand;   in  England  Id  yeres.  Edward  Tree,  a   slunmuh-r  ;  dell,    kepe    a 

Jaeob  Ilnefnian,  silha-cr,  r  ;  b.  in  Ciehlerluml;  victuling  house;  h.iit  Weeke  ncro  Untriek 

here  io  yeres.  in  Holland;  in  England  3S  yeres. 

Watters,  wyddow,   n  driji  nurse;  b.  in  [His  mark.] 

HoUond;  in  England  25  years.  James  Marshall;  b.  in   England;  by  trade  a 

[Her  mark.]  valL,ecr   v.uhr.    He  bath   a    servant,  his 

Roger  Addoney.   tirpieretli/slilhr ;    b.  in  the  name   is   Hanc    Bolee  ;  b.   in   Han.browe, 

land  Van  gulick  ;  in  England  50  yeres.  under  the  State  of  the  ICing  of  Ueninarke; 

Anthony  Morell ;  b.  in  Bylloy  nere  Artoyse ;  [His  mark.] 

heer  IJ- yeres;  a  i:oop;)C)-.     [His  mark.]  Chrystyan    Wyhelhamcs,    i/iille^/  poll  mahr, 

Pctter  Pettersone,   ares  imtver  ;  b.  in  Flan-  and  (iqinvllai/  sli/lcr  ;  b.  in  I'allsgraf  land: 

ders  ;  here  30  yeres  :  and  Annes  his  wyfe  ;  and  bis  wyfe,   and  Mary  Miller,  bis  wyfes 

b.  in  Brabant  in  Antwarp.   [Her  mark.]  sister;  both  b.  in  Daventery  in  gelderland; 

i\Iargrett,  the  wyfe  of  William  Cooke  ;   sill-  the  one  beer  2G  yeers,  and  her  sister  10. 

■wci'cr  ;  h.   in  Tornney  in  Flaunders ;  beer  [Christian  ■Welselm.] 

20yeer3.                                  [llerm.irk]  [  Marija  Muliner] 


K.iriai.ume  of  Ilo 


arm:in  Jeapen.J  ii/aiuT  ;  lojguil  iit  I'lioinaa 
Leaaiiis;    1).   at    \Ve:,t    Falau,    under    tlie 

Cloyddios  Sj-monds,    sl/l--Ji/€>-;  h.  in  I'arv^ 
in  Kraunce;   in  England  12  veers. 

[Claudius  Symona.J 


Tin-;  CLIVCK. 

Nicholas  Closson,  lookiiiff-fflass  muLr  ;  h. 
at  Amsterdam,  under  his  Exeleney  ;  fre- 
quenteth  the  parish  ch.  of  S'  Saviours  in 
Southwark,  and  doth  comonly  keep  -1  ser- 
vants, Englishmen.  [His  marlcl 

John  do  frees,  tiiffUiffety  weaver  ;  h.  in  tlio 
citty  of  Mjhell  in  Brabant,  under  Duke 
Albertus;  of  the  D'^"  ch.;  his  dwelling  in 
Rochester  House,  wherof  M'  Fyneli  is 
landlord.  [Jan  de  Vries.] 

Peter  Barnar,  professor  of  Phisskk ;  dwell- 
ing in  Rochester  house  ;  b.  in  Germany  ; 
of  the  D'^i'  ch. 

Peter  Fox,  basket  viakir;  b.  in  Sneak  in 
West  I''reezland,  under  Prince  Morris;  cf 
the  D'l'  ch.;  50  yeers  in  England,  aH.  78 
yeers.  [His  mark.] 

Christofer  Ilayninges,  luikei  innh  r  ;  b.  at 
Applingdam  in  Freezland,  under  Prince 
Jlorris  ;  of  tliu  D^^ch.;  a-t.  i\  ;  and  worketh 
nero  Maide  l.ane,  under  Henry  Adrianson 
of  Eastcheap  in  London.  [.Mark.] 

Peter  Maule,  luskel  milker;  h.  at  -\rcklus,  in 
Gelderland,  under  Prince  Morris  ;  of  the 
D'^li  ch.  and  a;t.  42  ;  in  England  22  yeres. 
[Peter  Mnll.] 

Peter  Wamus,  htsket  maker;  h.  at  Anwarpe, 
under  Duke  Albertus  ;  of  the  D''''  eh.  ; 
worketh  under  Mr.  Whcatlcy,  dwelling  in 
Ea-stcheap.  [Pieter  Wamuse.] 

Leif  Highway,  foutomote-;  b.  neare  (i.uint. 

under    tlie    A.;  of  3  years'  being    in    the 
Liberty;  of  the  D'--''ch.;  dwellulh  in 
Alley,  JPEdw.Hatton  being  his  landlord. 
[His  mark.] 

Peter  Walloone,  Ju.-;-d(m<ite- ;  a;t.  20;  b.  in 
Dort  in  Holland  under  Prince  Morricc;  of 
the  D'"  ch.  ;  worketh  in  Jlosses  .A.IIey, 
under  Mr.  Paxslon  of  Breadstrect  in  Lon- 
don. [Ills  murk.] 

John  Frances,  ict.  2o  ;  h.  at  Harlam  in  Hol- 
land, under  Prince  Morris;  of  the  D'l'  eh.; 
a  ttii>e  Ktaiiir;  worketh  with  the  widow 
Revell,  nere  the  B.anckside. 

[Jan  Fran-es.] 

Peter  .Moeup  ;  h     in    Ostend    in    Flaun.lers, 
under   Grave    Morris;    in    England  about 
XV  yen's  ;  of  the  D"'  ch.;  a  hrnkl.n/n: 
[His  mark.] 

Bartholomew  Glasse,  .xt.  22  ;  b.  at  in 
Saxony,  under  the  Duke  of  Saxon ;»;..';....  r; 
of  the  D'""  ch.  ;  worketh  at  Richard  Wat- 
ford  on  the  Banckside.  [His  mark.] 

Nicholas  Flowyn,  a;t.  26  years  ;  b.  at  Aiiwerp; 
marryed   to  a  woman,  b.  under  Duke  Al- 

the  D':!'  cli.  and 

worketh  at  -Mr.  Watford. 

[Niklaes  Flouwyn.] 
Garatt     H.aragoodes,  a    haskdMnLr ;    cimi 
minge  from  Gisborne,  under  the  K.  of  Sp, 
of  the  D'l'  eh.;  here  7  yeres. 

[Gliecraert  Hecrregodes.] 

S  P.O    Don 

ol.  PO,  art.  41. 

VinCTiitius  S.iijon,  blugcnsU  Flaiulrix-,  nunc  i,lute  in  lilic-rlv  of  I'ari-li  Cuii  .Icn,  nn  J 

teiLpori?  sub  clominio   Archidiisis  Au-tricc,  tlicr  dwelletli,  :[n<l  we  have  caiisc-,1  livin  to 

ndiriensi  adi 

ifje  witli  his  owno  liand  wbc 

[ipearcth    Ik 

Item,  tlioie  is  one  Mr.  Si-on,  a   dutclinian,  otlier  strann'j-er  we  have   nunc  inliabil 

tliat    bath   taken   a   hoviie  and  a  gar.lene  aniunest  U3.  ° 

Stninj.'cv.s  wltiiin  tlie  Parish  of  St.  Mauu:  M.\;ns  ix  BAioioNnsLr,'' as  wul! 

liouSL'lioMci-s  as  servants,  I81I1  S.jpti_-iiiln.-i',  ICIS. 

Judilb  Itutter,  irf*//.ominfr,  herservaii'es:—  John    Maebu;  b.    in    V;drnc;„u    u.    Ib.rtuis, 
Oohn  Ciaebenn,  a  wallon  ;   b.  in  Be.iuov,  under  the  A.;  J.cmjn'J.i.-sa: 

under  the  A.;  [His  mark.]  [Jubn  Manko.] 

Lowe   Luddow,  a  wallon;  b.   under  the  /jolin  Jolinsun  ;   b.  in  Claniatlieruiarkc  i.i 

.;  his  cheefe  abode  in  tliecityol'  Can-  S        Cleueland,  under  tlie  D.  of  C'lecue. 

|\     terbune  in  Kent ;        [Lnuij  Ledou.]  t  (  [Jan.en  Vandrusem.] 

clieefe  abode  in  the  city  of  Norwich.  '^  li    bant,  under  tlie  A.  [llis  mark.l 

[  [llis  mark.]  John  llardwyn  ;  b.  in    in   Klanden^ 

Jacob  Simimcr3,  silhrcaver,  bis  servants  ;—  under  tlie  A.  [Jan  Ilerdew.ven.] 

Stephen  .Smith    )  b.  in  Antweipe,  Corneli.s  Heard;  b.    in   Ardoy  in    l-ian.ler.s, 
.MntlKW.Vn.i;b    i     under  the  A.  under  the  A.  [Cornelia  I'.aert.] 

LTb,irn,a,ks.]  I'eter    Kempn  ;    b.  in    Andv.erpe,    und.T   tl,e 
llovSK,.o,.o,.KS.  A.;  In„.in;lns..r.  [I'eter  K,  mpe.] 

Antony  Ilanser,  or  Johnson,  b.  in. Andwerpe,  John  Iluke;   b.   at   Leyden   in  Holland,  un- 
nnder  the  A.;  u  hlachmlth.  der  (Jraue  Maurice;  sMukuo: 

["'S^  niark.]  [Jaen  Ilnueh.] 

Jaqucs  de  Cro,  a  wallon  ;    b.  in  'lorney,  un-  James  de  (ireate;   b.    in   Colvne     under    Bi'- 
dei'  the  A.;  a  stvft  iitvc:  shopp  of  Culyn  ;  s,y/ «■,;:,,■.,". 

[Ilia  mark.]  [Jaques  le  Grand.] 

Phillip  I.oton;   a  wallon,  umler  the  A.;  silte-  James  de  Groate,  liis  scrninis  :  — 

«■"""■■  [His  mark.]  Michael  Voydters ;  b.  in  Julia  or  Gulick, 

Cornelia   Tice  ;  b.   in   Dunhage   in  Holland,  under  the  Duke  of  Julia.        [His  maik.] 

under  the  Slates;  u  ta.ihr.  Jacob  Kittelhuuse  ;    b.  in  Julia,  or  Cluliek, 

[His  mark.]  nndur  the  said  sovi.-eignty.      [His  mark.]  ' 

■  S.I'.O.  Dom.  vol.  93,  No.  J5.  i-  lb.  No.  •!«. 


ruix.                                                  99 

n    HenJrick;    b.    in   Culvne,    under    the 

PetfrTrockter;  b.  in  Dcnmarke,   under  tho 

iishoppofCol.viie,  s.-«x"-..«ctr<. 

K.  of  Denmarke;  siUfaunr. 


cont  Uarnanl  ;  b.  in  Lorraine  in  F r.-mnoo, 

iM.lci-    Uie    D.    uf     Lorr;.it,e;    .-,7/,  ,.«,■,;.-. 

Cornolis   George;    b.    in    Julia    or    Gulick, 

[Vincant  B.rnaraj 

under  the  D.  of  J.  ;    housoholder. 

Us  sa-vanls  .— 

[Cornolis  Jorrs.] 

n>lriL-Ue  Slideron  ;  b.  in  Julia  or  Gulick, 

Teeter  Rubbius;  b.  in  Holland  in   llarlaii;.;, 

nuler  tbL-  D.ul' Julia;  s/,V,,avi- -■. 

under  the  S.;  ul!:,a.e,: 


[r.eter  Rubbeis.] 



JP  llaus    Livius,  i:i„h„l.Ur;  b.  at  Luarden  GarlitVe  Livaus,  single  man;  b.  in  Luardcn, 

in  West  Fresland,  under  the  S.;  nowc  ab-  in  West  fresland,  under  the  S. 

sent  in  the  Lowe  Countries.  [Gerlet  Livaus.] 

NicliolasIIendrieke,  anian^ednian,  sfiv,-n(  Garret    Van    llee,   y,rn/<  .cr;    b.    at   Gaunt, 

to  M'  Hans  Livius  ;   b.  in  Brabant,  under  under  the  A.;  f.  d. 

the  A. ;  he  is  now  beyond  the  seas.  C'hiade  Gillett,  glussiiMhr;  b.  in  Ilighu  Bur- 

Phillipp  Phillippes,  a  niarryed  man,  sermiit  gondie  ;  K.  F.                        [His  mark.] 

to  JP  Livius;  b.  in  West  Fresland,  in  the  S'  Nowcll   Caron,  Lord   aviUissailor  for  the 

towne  of  Uarlingan,  under  the  S.;  his  wile  States  of  the   United  Provinces,   inhabit- 

and  ehildren  are  beyond  tlie  inge  with  his  familye  within  this  parishe. 

•  3.P.O.  Dom.  vol.  9y,  No.  47. 


Aba^sa  S-^ 

A  mail,  5-1 

Arch,  03 


Al,ei.|s,'  x'i. 

Ambassadors,  GO,  99 

Arehdul;o,  00  tt  .vq. 

Aunees,  15 

Al.„,p,,vnu..,  S5 

Ambroos,  15 

Areher,  04 

Auie,  43 

Abnd.uM,,  JS 

AniL-ere,  Spain,  92 

ArelJus,  97 

Acarf,  71 

Amelot,  51 

Anlesoif,  4  3 

Auriol,  xxi 

Acart,  7,  3 

Amic™,  07,  82,  SO 

Arisurt,  09 

Arcart,  ll3 

Anihiirst.  xxii. 

Arlilandes,  77 

ll  Si'il' 

Act..,  73 

Amonct,  33 

Arlaudy,  4  8 

Aveline',  41 

A,l,l,.n.v,  &t! 

Amsterdam,  xii.  65.  et 

Armand,  37,  57 

Avieean,  1: 

A.luny,  7:. 


Arms,  Coll.  of  .M.SS.xi. 


AJriaiisoii,  12,  97 

Aueon,  xii. 

el  s^q. 

Ayland,  57 

Aclvooalo,  13 

Anderbury,  70 

Arnanea,  13 

Ayrault,  41 

Afiiue,  30 

Andreu,  43 

Arnaud,  48 

A/ire,  39 

Ai,-ar,  xxiv.  63 

Andrew,  -15 

Arnaudin,  43 

AL,-arT..un,  xxiv. 

Andrewes,  20 

Arnauld,  42 

Ai;.  r,  S3 

Angelier,  31 

Arnehaiii,  05 


Alart,  31 

Angell,  22 

Arnolde,  01 

Baelo,  3 

Alli.'it,  i-2,  -13 

Anger,  91 

Arras,  xxiv,  80,  83 

Baesuro  or 

All.CTtilli,   X.Mi. 

Angibant,  33 

Arras  Workers,   v.  83, 

Badiffe  des 

All.erts,  '.IS 

Anglais,  62 


Allicrtus,  AreluUiko, 

Anion.  79 

Arrieus,  61 

(15,  71 

Aniowe,  SO 

Arros,  Spain,  92 

Badrel,  49 

Allmrtt,  SO 

Anjou,  xxvi. 

Artliuis,  79 

Ba-rant,  1 

Allius  1:11 

Anl..r.,„iil,s,  y. 

Artois,  12,  85 

Ba'ilhou,  49„l,oroui;l.,   Earl 

Anneznu,  15 

Artois,  Prince  of,  80 

Uaill^,  54 

i.f,  76 

AnncMiin,  16 

Artson,  76 


AM-atu  Ward,  (30 

Ansoll,  43 

Arundell,  Co 


AKUr,;,-ate  Ward,  60 

Anthony,  SI,  84 

Ascaller,  73 

Baize,' duty 

Al-oud.  03 

Antiquaries    Soc.   of, 

Ashwell,  7S 

Bakers,  v. 

Allai/.o,  -IS 

Treas.  xxviii. 

Asliwlieeler,  84 

04,  cr  sai 

Allar.l,  l;i 

Anton,  19 

Askew,  75 

Bahii'ne,  8 

Allawiiic,  Si 

Antwerp,  xii.  xiii.  xv. 

Assailly,  4S 

Balden,  20 

AUcrs  [AukTs]  00 

xvi.   Oil  ,•(  i.  Y- 

Assehn,  43,  43,  64 

Balder,  19 

AUlialloweslkrking,  3 

Apotheearics,  v.13,32, 

Assey,  93 

Ballew,  88 

Alhallowea  the  Great, 

73  e(  ,eq. 

Aul,er,  78 

Ballien    OS 


Apotlieeary  to  Ch.  11. 

AubertiM,  xxiii.  48 

Balse,  2,  4 

Alliiia.iuv,  07 

Appcn,  20 

Audebe'rt,  57 


Alhnoii.l",  07 

Appl.nsdam,  97 

Augier,  43 


Allole,  r.l,  57 

Apprentices,  v.  ix. 

Au-sbur;,.!,,    73 


AlKviii,  77 


Augusta,  73 

Ban  Street 

Alman,  G7 

21,  20,  95,  90 

Auill,  72 


Alyanj,  21 

Arbunot,  48 

Aukin,  90 

Baptist,  78 

Uaptisto,  33 

Bay  and  Save   «caver, 

Bernard,  33,  34,    35, 

niomo,  xii.  1 

B:.riirllill,  :.4 


4  3.  49 

Blundeau,  9,  10 

IJaiaiMtju,  42 

Bay  and  Save  trade,  xi. 

Bei-nar.leau,  49 

Ulundell,  13,  49 

li:.r,,l,  •.' 

Xxi.  XXxi.    II.. 

lierne,  2U 

Bloiidet,  31,  49 

Bavarde,  03 

li..n.on,  54 

Uloon.e,  90 

H.irbara,  SD 

l!aVne,  23 

Bern-ju,  4  3,  49 

niuomer,  04 

liarbat,  30,  04 

Beako,  xxi. 

Bernv,  32 

Blor,  21 

HarlKiud,  37 

Beard,  7,  61 

Bersirete    and    Car- 

liluver  [Bloiartl,  94 

I'.arbcr-SurKOon,  21 

Beard  [Baert],  93 

rowe  Ward,  IS 

Boc'eaert,  15,  10 

I'.arl.eriL-,  4j 

Beaton,  00 

Bert,  70 

Bnelieljoeii,  10 

liarl.ier,  43 

Beauer,  82 

IkitI.e,  3 

Boelieljohn,  16 

Baii.ut,  41,  49 

BeautUls,  49 

Bertiara,  39 

Book,  19 

Itarcaluso.  Sy 

Bcaulion,  49 

Ber\ile,  13 

Bocquet,  49 

Bar^.,  iitj 

neaumont,  89 

Berville,  13 

Boerave,  16 

Har.l,  11 

Beaushau,   73 

Besener,  73 

Boetrin,  54 

Bav-i.,  horogn,  8l5 

Bcauson,  03 

Bissly,  43 

Bogart,  8 

Bar-anophane,  S5 

Bcantumps,  28 

Best,  xiii.  80 

Boken.ia,  Picardy,  82 

Barganoi>son,  75 

Beauverty,  OS 

Beth,  8 

Boiron,  31 

Bar,-.,,,  81 

Beauvor,  xxviii. 

Betram,  71 

Boisseaux,  43 

Ba,;;ier,  73 

Beck,  64 

Betrand,  57 

Bolce,  96 

Banll,  39 

Becke,  21 

Bcuzeville,  xxx. 

Boldin,  21 

Barlamaihe,  xi. 

Becuc,  10 

Beuzze,  17 

Bulle,  64 

Baniar,  97 

Beds,  xxviii. 

Bewcliart,  89 

Bollen,  96 

Bai-narJ,  ;>9 

Bee,  xii. 

Bibal,  49 

BoUos,  Sir  George.  00 

Ba,„arJon,  SP 

Beecknian,  11 

Biluira,  41 

Bolloina,  63 

Barnc-,  Duk.  of,  75 

Bcene,  24 

Bidlev,  42 

Bolognia,  69 

Ba,,„.,,  5 

Beerten,  10 

Bi-nell,  79 

Bolt,  73 

Ba,x.n,  27 

Bceston,  93 

B.guet,  y 

Bomersye,  1 

Barqueiion,  54 

Beliagle,  15 

B.lliard,  09 

Bone,  2 

Baiaiuois,  8 

Beillse,  2 

Billingsgate    Ward, 

Bone-laeemakers,  14, 

Ba,,un,  4  3 

Belengien,  8 



Barr.ivs,  70 

Bellanger,  49 

Billon,  49 

BungleHuir,  70 


Belle,  SO 

Billovart,  40 

Bongrand,  57 

■  '•■irl'aliv,  07 

Belin,  48 

Bdlyard,  13 


Uellet,  54 

Uinct,  4  9 

Bunhomme,  nIx. 

B.rlralH.  72 

Bellin,  43 

B.nqliemai.d,  49 

Bonne,  SO 

llartv    1.7    73 

Bellniy,  00 

Bi,slioiis..,'ate  Ward,  06 

Bunnell,  72.  84 


Bellow,  91 

B,.,ett,  02 

Bonner,  19,  83 

Ba5:-Aiiistcr(lam,  82 

Beluetl.,  83 

Bisson,  17 

Bonneval,  51 

Basket-makers,    vi. 

Beuce,  83,  84 

Blaekall,  33 

Bonvenuty,  73 

12—17,  97 

Bendaert,  15 

Blackeles,  74 

Bonvers,  07 

Baamcnil,  49 

Benden,  74 

Blai  klriara,  3,  83 

Boodry,  19 

Bassano,  xii. 

Benedictus,  91 

BLack-h&rse  Alley,  79 

Booteso,  89 

Basset,  16 

Benet,  54 

Blaekman  St.  93 

Borderie,  43 

Basure,  8 

Benne,  25 

Blaeksmiths,v.  09,  85, 

Borgon,  77 

Batclielicr,  34 

Benno,  19 


Burse,  03 

Batli,  92 

Benns,  16 

Blackter,  24 

Borikau,  43 

Batland,  95 

Benoist,  4.3,  54 

Blancart,  49 

Bosanquet,  xxiv.  49 

Baudit,  33 

Bequoy,  98 

Blanehart,  70 


Baudouin,  43 

Berehere,  42 

Blanck,  88 

Boskyno,  94 

Baudry,  10,  31 

Bergen,  96 

Blanckau,  74 

Busqiiain,  43 

Bay    and    Saye    Mea- 

Berie, 54 

Blankaett,  15 

Bussard,  15 

surer,  20 

Derissland,  92,  93 

Bleaclicrs  of    Linen, 

Boston,  xi. 

Bay  and   Saye  maker, 

Bermondbcv,     viii. 

Bothren,  77 



Bloisi  78,  79 

Boucher,  41 




1-,  1 






9    ^^ 




Brass- lock  maUera,  v. 

Brnsscaii,  49 

Bratelicr,  43 

Brussels,  xiv. 

Braymor,  Oi 


Bn/,  V. 

Bryan's  Diet 

Brazil ,  112 

Bainters,  x 

Brea.l  Strret,  97 

Bryll  [llrcnil 

Brecon,  xiii. 

Bubba,  10 

Breda,  53,  8S 

Buek,  5,75 

Bremc,  S(j 

Biielduwc,  32 

Bremen.  01 

Budry,  23 

Brcmias,  3 

Bu.-ns,  90 

Breon,  43 

Bull,  04 

Brevet,  51,  57 

Bull's  Cross, 

Brewers,  v,  x.  xiv.  13, 

Bultorl,  xii. 

25,  20,  til,  74,  02 

Bultei,  7 

Brian,  -K 

Bultell,  73 

Brianceau,  43 

Bu.nerv,  07 

BrieKlaver,  97 

Bunnell,  21 

Bri.l-e  ^\'ard 

Hunte,  10 


Buur,  43 

Bridun,  31 

BurI.eeli,  03 

Brieliant,  13 

Burehange,  7 

Burd,  09 

Bri-anit,  11 

Bureau,  4S 

BriK.^...  s„ 

Burgar,  20 

Brdl,  17 

Burgoie,  22 

Brisseuille,  S 

Brittan,  07 
Broad  silk-weaver, 
Broad  Street  AS-ar. 
Broeart,  3 
Brocli,  3 
Broeke,  2,  92 
Breeders,  16 
Broker,  20,  21 
Bioker  for  Jewels, 


V.  X.  O:;,  iiSfj 
Brome,  13 
Brooke,  19,  30 
Broukeman,  02 
Brouart,  43 
Hro«nc,  92 

Burius,  76 
Burke's  Landed  G( 
try,xxii.  «.  xxiv. 


Burlemachi,  65 
Burn,   J.   S.    Hist. 
Brot.    Refvigees, 

Burtel,  43 
Busb,  81 
Bush  [Bost 

Bvlloy,  90 
Bynett,  14 

Cabbilio,  S3 

Cabilel,  53 

Caebcur,  S 

Cadet,  39 

CadroY,  58 

Caen.'xxi.  xxvii.  „ 

Caillaboent,  39 

CaiUard,  43 

CaiUet,  15 

Cailone,  39 

Calais,  xx\iii.,  2S,  09, 


Calfe,  17,  71 
Callicar,  02 
Calline,  Bi-slio].)  of,  75 
Callman,  21 
oono,  S3 
Calraels,  49 
Canibergcs,  72 
Cambien,  8 
Canibicr,  1 0 
Cambr.ay,  72,  82,  85 
Cambreen,  84 
Caniby,  21 
Camp,  74 
Campher,  71 
Campion,  21 
Candle-maker,  7,  73 
Candlewick     Street 

Ward,  71 
Cancz,  8 


Capell,  01 
Cap,,ell,  02 
Cappon,  3 

Cliabrol,  :'■> 
Ch;iillc,  M 


C1kii-:is,  3i 
Cliurdiii,  li 
Chanlon,  U 
Cliarlcs,  41,  i 
irlcs  I.  XV 
Chuilc3    II., 

FieUU,  2y 

ager,  xwii, 
Cul.ohc;,. -vM, 
Caudolur,  h^ 
Cavaher,  Jo 
Caeirun,  .U,  'i 
C.  eka,  ■ 

Chiisik'n.  19 


Churchyard    Alley, 



Coleman  Street 

Sn'"u"""''.-^  iii.  xi. 

Cnl^.Ve  \\'.ard. 

C,pr..s  weaver,  ti'l 

Colla..t,  11 

Claes,  IG 

C„!k-,  20 

ClaessoM,  15 

Colleawe,  25 

Claes/oon,  IG 

Collen,  30 

Claiilathermarke,  OS 

C'jliiiiez,  51 

Clant,  ii:i 

Cllinea,.,  58 

Clarehout,  l(i 

Cuhn.-t.  37,  9 

Coller,  02 

Clarke,  111,  20,  2-2,  21, 

CuUev,  71 


CoUonia  Agrip 

mterrll,  S8 
rret,  33,  34 

Clink,  Liberty  of  tht 

Cloak' makers,     v.     j 

7S,  70,  85 

Cloth,  Dulv  on 
Cloyss  [Clos],  S 
Coaeh-nian,  .S3 

e,  4 

r,x.\iv.  44,45: 

ir  barley,  x.\iv 

Coney,  85 
Co"k.^lM;  3U 

Cooke,  40 
Cooke,  Se. 

Coeke,  '^3 


Coekede,  24 


Coelear,  2(i 


Cocquean,  9 


Coddy,  78 


Coderk,  43 

Coege,  90 


Cohen,  58 



Curlon,  S7 
Cormon.  xxviii. 
Cornart,  8 
Cornelis,  1 
Corn.?liu3,  61,  63,  V4, 

Cornel,  74,  75 
Con  Ltto    8 
C    riih  II  W  u-a,  73 
(  urnucllL,  b 
C  01  poiation, municipal, 

Coventry,  xwii  ,  H 
2  I  ,  Sir  T  attorney- 
pei  oral    ix    18 

CranfioM,   Lord    Iligll 

Treasurer,  bt. 
Cratch,  2,  i 

Crcsin,  70 
Crcsticn,  17 
Creube,  90 
CrewL.II  SfUer,  vi. 
Cricket,  liJ 
Crimp,  l')cnmarl(,  8 
Cripplc-ato    W'ithir,  73 
i-orlicn,  3l3 
Crocl.on,  19 
Crofts,  XXV. 

incliii,  41 
Cronipc,  11 
Crumwcll,     Oliver, 


II,  84 

Crosso,  fJ5 
wem,  C5 

Crutchcl  Fr 


,  83 

Culibrooke,  20 
CuUud,  xiv. 
'     lil.roulic,  20 
ii-til.crv,  64 
Curat,  24 
Curbosc,  22 
Curpcll,  23 

t.4ow,  69 
Curtis,  24 
Cusbrick,  80 
Cutlers,  ill.  vi.  x.  2,  3, 

18,79,  W.«fy. 
Cutter   of  Stones    for 

Dackett,  18 
Da  Costa,  50 
Dagar,  37 

D'Agar,  xxiv.  30,  37 
D.aguc,  7 
Dalgresse,  38 
D'Alleniagne  Demay, 

l>a     U    58 
Du    Inll    32 
D  .    11    H   IJ 
Dancns   11 

U  al      1  I 

De  Bacl  c 
Do  Bal  ci 
Do  Ballei 
De  Beaul 
50,  54 
De  Bee,  I 

Do  Beer,  1 1 
He  Beuer,  : 
De  Bert,  OS 
Do  I)<■^t,  XI 
De  Bever, 
He  Bin 

II,  -li 

Del)kn.-ve,  1 

De  Brisae,  43,  50 

De  Briton,  13 

Deboc,  85 

Debois,  02,  73 

Debone,  20,  24 

De  Bors  50 

Deborsliowe,  23 

De  Uou.lrv,  07 

De  Boiinllaux,  44 

De  Bovee,  20 

Debujs,.,  Ill,  23 

De  Bures,  13 

De  Burgnev,  13 

De  Bus;  17 

De  Buskar,  87 

De  Bussv,  50 

Do  Butt",  01 

De  Caine,  83 

Decamp,.,  73 

De  Cane,  08 

Deeane     [Duquesne], 

De  Carroll,  35 

De  Ca. 
De  Ca; 

De  Cl.( 
De  Cla 
De  Cln 


Deeort,  21 


Decorators,  i 

ite  63 

De  C,Mrv,  <: 



De  Creat.ui, 


Deereetes,  0 


De  Crew,  65 

u,    34,   35, 

De  Cro,  93 

Decroe,  05 

,  71 

De<lame,  69 

ah,  sr 

11,  bl 

no  la  Garcic  5S 
l\-  la  Have,  50 
Ue  la  Huajo,  <J1 
De  la  lleuse,  55 
)^o  Laino,  2'J 
Ue  la  Loo,  50 
Dclamain,  xxi.-c. 
D..  la  Mara,  -JV 
Do  la  Mailicrt.-.  S 
Dc  la  Marr,  T'l,  7 
Do  la  Manv,  41 

IJelanoov, -a 
U«  I'Angle,  32 
Do  Lanquetait, 
Uo  Lansac,  44 
Do  la  I'au,  OS 
Do  la  I'iulo,  27 
Do  la  I'laoo,  5i) 
l)r  la  riano,  1:! 
Do  U  Krn,r,v,  : 

UC    k    35 
1       111    ,4l,<!7 

I I  Cuuldre   50 

III  lit,  37 
Utountaine  0=(  73 

.  lal  mc,  ^1   oO 

L  VMD    SOL. 

Do  la  Ku^iio,  17 
Do  la  Uuy,  SI 
Do  la  Riiollo,  G7 
De  la  Salle,  36 
Dolatate,  22 
Dolatt,  S4 
Dolaunie,  08 
Do  Lawiie,  73 
Dolbuno,  06 
Dol  Chambro,  67 
Do  le  Hooiiuo,  S, 
Du  la  JIarlioro,  'J 
Dolono.  I'll 
Do  LontHMU^,  S 
Do  lo  I'urto,  ;i 
Do  Lospaul,  X,  0 
Do  Losi.onno,  S 
De  rEspinno,  0,  " 
Do  Lcsti-illo,  30 
Doir,  01 
Do  LiUcrs,  8 
De  LiUicra,  xvi. 
Dolinas,  35 
Dellahayo  [lies]. 
Dol  la  Veretoi-,  71 
DoUott,  OG 
Dol  Maitre,  60 
De  LoOoau,  7,  9 
De  LuhoU,  20,  71 
De  Lo  liolle,  08 
De  Loe,  O'.t 

Do  Loi,g3,  r, 
Do  rOrmn,  32 
Ue  Lotoll,75 
De  Louvain.  44 
Do  Louloi-,  22 
Uo  Lowtor,  22 

Do  I.v'nno,  I'.l 

Do  .Moii.ui-non,  23 
Do  .More,  21 
Doniurtcn,  80 
Ue  Mouoheau,  10 
Ue  Mountinayuur,  ! 
De  Moui-v,  S 
Doiiisher,  03 
Uonam,  S3 
Done,  87 
De  Xeeuo,  70 
Do  Xou,  7,  '.I,  10 

Donnislioe,  84 
Donuo,  78 
Doiio.iorv,  84 

Do  I'az,  35 
De  Ponna,  55 
Do  resscij,  78 
Donostor,  81 

:,  04 


DeQiiooer,  15 
Do  (inoster,  04 
De  Kaolie,  7 
De  RadJe,  15 
Do  Racdt,  10 
Do  Uaot,  10 
De  Rake,  03 
Uorl.v,  55 
Uoveo,  24 
Dereniow,  22 
De  Rensey,  71 
De  Rowbay,  89 
Derick,  74 
Deiiokson,  07 
Ue  Ricqucbourg,  9 
Do  Ubloau,  58 

Drn,ho'i-,  i;:3 

Ucriiokos,  01 


Uo  Rue,  23 

Anno    of, 

Ue  Rusior,  67 


Ue  Ryall,  0 


Ueryoksoii,  1 

1  Uoso,  50 

De  Seno,  -M 


Dounciiig,  92 

Do  Serf,  17 

I)..  W„„Ile,  21 

IMurey  [Dure],  9 


Uescssaras,  44 

]l.•■^-^r,lt.   93 

DoNo^e,  19 

Ues  Uranger,  79 

1).  wtne,  ;iO 

DoMer,  19 

De  Sic-queville,  50 

D.-  WmK,  ,-,0 

Dr.'.ke,  .'•l 

De3  JurJins,  27 

DlnvmlIcU,  21 

Di.ill,  ^5 

Do  Slcwsen,  Si5 

Desvittr,  19 

Dr.iiier,  13,  20,  f( 


Desnnustres,  xiii. 

I1ru\^,   92 

Drapery,  New,  vii. 

Desniaretz,  7 

He  Y.aiee,  13 

Do  Smitli,  91 

D'lleil.v,  3i;,  44 


Do  Soin,  09 

Diamond    rutters,    vi. 

Drort,  OO 

De  SoIJo,  82 


Drogeir,  03 

Despaigtio,  10 

Di..i,|.e,  xxvii.  73 

Druilliet,  50 

Destiuny,  00 

DiL-eO„,  86 

Drosant,  01 

DosMrnioaux,  21 

n.jan,  15 

Drue,  23 

Detallior,  72 

D.ore,  f.U 

Druett,  1 

Do  Tliumiis,  C 

Di.iclsn,,,  70 

Dru.l.ylde,  02 

DoTuor,  15,16 


Dry  nurse,  90  1 

Dishlav,  23,  21 

Du  Beuf,  7 

DeTurok,  15 

Dmt,  77 

Dublin,  xii. 

DciiahV-,  04 

Disto,  S3 

Duboe,  07 

Douawo,  1^7 

Distiller  of  a<nia  vitre, 

Du   Bois,  7,  8,  9, 


Doucy,  02 

18,  21,  26,  'jr>,  96 


Douill,  08 

Distilleri,  vi. 

Du  1J03,  7,  8 

Dcutel',  77 

Doby,  72 

Du  Bourdeau,  37 

De  Vandwmer,  76 

Doctors,  vi.  xxvii. 

Du  Bourdieu,  44 

Do  Va.c..nC3,  xx.Ni.50 

Dotlermont,  8 

Du  Buys,  xbi. 

De  Vaux,  44 

Doi/o,  S 

Du  Bu.sson,  8 

Do  Veal,  72 

Dole,  23 

Dubuiit,  74 


Dolxero,  92 

Dueaiue,  05 

Deventry,  84 

Donnains;,  9 

I)ueas-,e,  41 

Do  Villcbresme,  2S 

Du.m.LlI,  70 

Du  Cli.ivid,  40 

De  ViUe  Brosso,  28 

Donswiel;,  77 

Devillers,  07 

DoDllyton,  00 


De  V,«.l,er,  xiii. 

Doniav,  SI 

Ducksiuger,  00 

Do  VineUe.lO 

Di.roii,  58 

Dueloi.,  55 

Do  Vine,  22 

Dorpor,  04 

DueloHs,  14 

Do  Visnio,  9 

Durpin,  21 

Du  Cloux,  SO 

De  Vivario,  53 

Durron,  [Doron]  93 

Du  Coudrav,  50 

Devizes,  xNxii. 

Dorset,  Lii.  Treas.  vii. 

Dueii,  S7 

De  V„gh,.l,  8 

Dort,  O:;,  el  «y. 

Du  Fan,  i;9 

De  Vos,  16 

Dotswiok,  VolaiiJ,77 

Dufau,  5" 

De  Vcyce,  09 

Douav,  SI 

Di.fav,  55 

Do  Vyjiek,  16 

Doublet,  50 

lluf.irev,  69 

De  Wallo,  04 

Do.ichen.ont,  8 

Dufour,  55 

Do  Walpergen,  58 

Doude,  50 

Du  I'our,  36 

Dewane,  01'Scottisli  Peer. 

Dnfoure,  07 

Dcwarchin,  66,  67 

Dulr;iy,  xxvii.  n. 

Do  AVaters,  88 


Dugord,  50 

Do  AVatmes,  SS 

Doiisell,  74 

Du(iua,  32 

De  Wattine,  22 

Doiizain,  44 

Du  Ilaniel,  44 

Deway,  61 

Dovay,  13 

Dn  Ilem,  8 

De  AVee,  9 

Dover,  .XV.  XXX.  12, 

Dnbo,  CO 

De  'A'cman,  1 

Diilie     St. 


Dewliytt,  19 

DouV.cll,  91 

Ion,  29 

Du  Mnuelieau,  9,  ' 
Du  Monebel,58 
Dunbaqe,  98 

>u  Pundo,  16 
lu  r,.ndt,  10 
)u  Pont,  8,  44 

Duraell,  06 
Duraii,  83 
Diirand,   30, 

Duree,  77 
Durell,  39 
Du  li.-t,  10 

Du  Ventre,  17 
Duvignan,  55 
Dvers,  vi.   x.    10,    '. 

21,24,  71,f(sfj. 

Easick,  75 
Iv.slebeap,  97 
ICast    India   C'ompal 

vii.  91 
Ea^t  ^\'vmer^Vard, 
Kdwardl.n.  HI.;. 

n  00 

1      9     6 


kI    Dul 


E      1 

Fabre,  65 
Face,  19 

Factors,  21,25,  2G 

■\\       I     8 

r      t,do     ^\  it 

le     e   19 

r  II    0 

1    II  s      ) 

A      y  bb 
1  en  g  e     I 
Fett  r  La 
Foya,  10 
Fiat,  30 

Faith,  C(i 

rrs,  xi.  xiii. 
Gl,  t(,«9, 
01.  n,  S9  ■ 

Lane,  4 
„g,  15,  1.1 


FlMllLl.l'nrt,  CG 
Fi-anekli,,,  74 
Franv.i^  7,  8, 
FraMkiiia::lc,  7 
Kr.ii,l;f"]-I,  (il, 
l''r:iiiklin-,  29 

0,  23_ 

I'rearick,  74 

ian',  51 
i.^ni'i,  55,  5S 

F.eJrvck,  1 
Kre.Nnan,  21 
Frcmaux-,  8 

kolom  of,  C(j 


Fi-enclimau,  7£ 
Frer.cll  trade, 
Fresnau,  45 

Klusliin-,  G2,  G7 
Fl.v,H,e,  93,  94 
FurccvUle,  37 

Forlunic,  63 
Fonnaii,  78,  80 
Forrnanycr,  75 
Fornioy,  23 
Forterie,  xiii.  8 
Furtcrsae,  GC, 
l''oi-trce,  70 

I'urtrv    liii. 

Gabet,  58 

I'ossior,  1(1 

Gabry,  87 

FusI.T,  SO 

Gaelics,  53 

Fouace,  4  5,  35 

I'oubert,  39 

Gairaud,  58 

Foucav.t,  45 

r-ialclierrc,  45 

Foi.lden,  xx-ii. 

Galdy,  51 

Fountain,  xxii. 

Galinean,  55 

Fountaine,  50 

Galla.l,  41 

Fouquorel,  45 

Galland,  51 

Fowbart,  78 

Gallemar,  8,  9 

Fox,  19,  20,  97 

Gallere,  G 

Fraignoau,  51 

Gallet,  45 

Framl,oo..k,  73 

Gallon,  78 

France.    King  of, 


Gally-pot  maker,  9 

c(  se<i. 


Frances,  97 

Gan.bien,  9 

Francia,  50 

Ganey,  86 


1   n  1    ij, 

[I     r,],  97 
cl;c,  91 

Gl  .-v,  97 
Gl;izi,r-.  vi. 
GlewL.  All.'v,  93 
Gloria,  4;-,  " 
Glori.i,  5 
Gloryo,  0 

GIovtT,  92' 
Gul.nezoy,  79 
GoiUhird,  85 

Godfrev,  33 
Goddij.l.iii,  30 
Godsdiiill;,  lU 
Go.l:ik:ili,  SI 

GOLM-ICV.    1  1 
(ioil-l>  .    1  I 

Gnldhwiters,  vi. 
Golddn,>vers,  vi. 
Goldi-,  -15 

Goldsmith's  Conip.  i.y 
Goldsmith's  Row,  x. 
Goldsjiiiniers,  vi.  74. 
Goldworlcer,  vii. 
Golver  [Galucr],  95 
Gomar,  39,  45 
Goodcall,  (J2 
Goordn,  85 
Goose,  20 
Gorgam,  04 

Gi-i^re,  50 
Grewcll,  93 

i.-ir.l,  51 
umit,  33 
CTS,  13,  19,21 


Gubbiii3,  89 
Guenault,  39 
Guonin,  8,  10 
Guepin,  45 
Guerart,  17 
Guerin,  xxv.  51 


t,  4  5 
Mrt,  51 



9,  SI 

ll.ilf.monn  ,-VII,. 
II;.!!,  'J.s 
llalli',;.,  .-,.•; 
Ilallicalr.  93 

llni.huV..",,^,],,  X 

llaou'k'n'varJ,  ; 
llan,™s,  SO 
llamlett,  74 

111,  51 



IleaJ,  HI 
lU-iiJly,  -22 
Hearne,  6i 
Ileastcl-niaUcr,  21 
Heath,  75  ;    Sir   R., 

Solicitor-gcuciul,  i 

«,  18 
HebJun,  5 
Hobert,  45,  51 
Heckur,  19 
fleckers,  77 
Hector,  23 
1  Heel-maker,  SO 
Hcin,  75 
HelJen,  70 
HelJing,  6 
Ileblt,  xiii. 

"a  Ignoramus, 
oko,  Gl 

Ileiirick,  7li 
Hcnrickea,  SI 

TV.  -15,  by 

Henry  Vlll.,  Stat 

Henryckson,  5 
Hensborouah,  76 
Hensburgh,  74 
Henshaw,  711 
Hopworth,  8i] 

Herbaine,  10   " 
Herbaut,  8 
lloringhooke,  72 
Hermes,  7tt 
Hermit,  24 
Hcrvt.  41 

Hill,  So,  84 
Hills,  11 
Hinde,  84 

Holfuote,  21 
Holland,  refugees 

HoUiwull,  G8 
llulloway'3,   AV.    Rye, 

Holtswcllur,  74 
Uul/atell,  4!i,  55 
HiMuarde,  05 
Honio,  89 
Honck,  23 
Honde,  54 

Hups,  2(1 

Horniek,'  78 
Hobl.crt,  21 
Husbrooke,  75 
Huseniear,  67 
Hosc-souurer,  23 
Husc-stamper,  19 
Hosiers,  VI.  19,  22, 
Hoskins,  70 
Hoto,  21 

Hugebert,  89 
Hugliessen,  .x.xv.  1 
lUike  [llouchj  9i 

Ifetot,  39  ,-. 

Igon,  51-       •'-■>" 
Igou,  58 
Igsingham,  82 

Imbroi!lercr9,  vi.    CO, 

t(  scj. 
Ingtlberth,  75 
Ingram,  sxviii.  «. 

Inidiold'ers,  vi.  99 
Instrument-makers,  vi 

Isaaek,  7,  68 
Isacrueke,  93 
Isbane,  73 
Izcbrand,  18 

Jaekson,  61 
Jacob,  16,85 
Jacobb,  14 
.lacobs,  66 
Jacobson,  65,  69,  14 
Hayes,  67 


oin,  40 

ul.ra,  i  I 
oil},  33,51 

unci's   Bncuii'ilure, 

unsonp,  Oj,  00,  97 
niris,  16,,,  4  5 


La  Cofk,  10 

Jou,nciu'41,  73 

Jciuin,  u\    13 

La  35 

Juuni  )n»  ti,  regula- 

Lacozf,  :ji; 

ti  n  ljr,  i\ 

La  Croi.x,  4C 

Joj.u    45 

Lananic,  S5 

Juljci.rlinilc     Duke- 

Lafite,  41 

<lo[iie  ct   h3 

Latitte,  4(J 

Juhalu.^n,  5S 

La  Franeios, 

Julicn.  57 

Lagaco,  7 

Julien    do   St.  Julicn, 

Laignecl,  15 


Laigniel,  10 

Juliet,  70 

Laisise,  4  a 

Juliot,  51 


Kent, visitation  of,  s 
Kettle,  SU 
Killaloo,    Uisho])    ( 

King,   7,    53,  73, 

Kin.,'i  T.  W.,  Yc 

King  Street.  Wesl 
miiLster,  27 

King's  servant,  4 

Kingc,  73 

Kinnoul,  E.  of,  .\xi 

Kip].,  .X 


Lambert,  2,  4,  '«,  41, 

413,  lis,  «;i  I 

Lambeth  [Lauibehith] 

is.  09 
Lamego,  x.\vii. 
Laniero,  35 
Lainion,  23 
Lainiow,  22 
Lamonie,  83 
Lamot,  78,  83 
Laniouehe,  41 
Lam  lie,  75 

Lein].o,  (18 
Laueeit,  60 
Laiieut,  (J2 

Langbourno  Ward 
Lan^U-tt,  21 
Lan^,  6,  G 
Lano,  23 

La  I'a^tula.  14 
L.a,|ur,s,:,  22 

L'Areheve3.iue,  37 

Lare,  01 

Larnay,  24 

La  Ruche,  37,  53 

La  Kou.x,  13 

Larow,  22 

La  Uuuse,  13 

Lauroide,  4f 
Lau.selle,  3 
Lauvan,  40 

Lawes,  1 9 
Lawncell,  69 
Lawrence,  70,  73,  93 





















J  a 






Le  BrvMllv,  (. 
LeCa'illielt,  L 
Le  Calletl,  71 
Le  Candele,  1 
Le  Cane,  09 
LeCene,  4  6 
LeCerf,  13, 
Le  Chereli.  7 


Le  Curdi, 
1..-  C'.jstrr 
Le  Crew, 

Lf  furo,  GO 

Lejiper,  07 

Linsell  [<Io  Lins],  94 

Lortio,  33,  35 

h-K^:nt.  33 

Le  I'reux,  17 

Linsey-wool.iev  uialier, 

Losset,  15 

Le  (iou-ho,  71 



Lcgra.n,  r.'.l 

Lerby,  62 

Linbted,  XXV. 


Lo  (Jraii.l,  (18 

Ler.ioult,  51,  55 

Linton,  0 

Lnueb'feane,  07 

Le  U.n-iv,  13 

Le  Roux,  41 

Liovi.,  40 

Loues,  05 

Lu  ilccgue,  10 

LeRuy,  9,  31,  70,80 

Lirpiniere.  54 

Louis  XIV.  xxi. 

l.e  UoiiimclJcu,  52 

Lcsafje   8,  10 

Lisbon,  01 

Lousart,  8 

Le  Hut,  ;;i 

Les  Callit,  70 

Li.kens,  4 

Louzada,  xxvi.  5 

I.ek'L.steT   SO 

Lcsee,  HI 

Li-le,   xiv.   05,  d 

Luvedain,  9 

I.e  Jeune,  02 

Le  Sci-neur,  55 


Loveii,  :a 

I.f  K.-ux,  0,  10 

I.e  .Serruri.T,  30 

Lismore,    Bishop     of, 

Luvidant,  0 

1.0  K'lv,  7-J 

I.e^ka.e.y,  22 


Lovinu'.bone,  5 

I.e  Ki,ux,10 

Lesl;eiiv,  22 

Litta's   Italian    Kami- 

Lovingston,  0 

I.e    I.i.MHV,    0 

Le  Sonihre,  52 

lies,  xxix. 

Lovoet,  10 

I.e  Leu,  111 

Lespiniore,  34 

Little  Flanders,  xiii. 

Low,  80 

I.e  Maier,  03 

Lessage,  09 

Little  Russell  St.  29 

Lower,  09 

Le  ^L^i^e,  04 

Lcsturgcon,  30 

Liug,  03 

Lowest,  96,  SI 

Le  Thieullicr,  xiv. 

l.owys,  90 

Le  Mare,  S3 

Le  Tmulu,  52 

Livius,'09                   \ 
Lobengstowo,  03          \ 

l.uardon,  99 

Le  Mart,  0 

Lo  Tour,  70 

Lubeek,  xii. 

Le  Jhitee.x,  58 

LotLei,,  10,  19 

Lneksuuths,  vi.  75 

Luca,  78,  SO 

Le  .Ma:-,ere3,  51 

Lcttere,  23 

Lodwiek,  02,  73,  SO 

Lueas,  05.  78 

LeMinle,  30 

Lettcync,  21 

Loom,  23 

Lncatella,  81 

Lcnioisiii,  70 

Lettiee- maker,  90 

LolVrov,  7 

Luce,  88 

Leiii„n,  U.  Jr  xvi. 

Lottow,  20 

LelVting,  58 

Lueie,  xvi. 


Lettyno,  21 

Lolland,  55 

Lueliland,  SO 

Lemot,  01,  07 

Leuce,  95 

Loi.kin.s  71 

Luddow  XL.lou 

Lemoteux,  42 

Leuse,  09 

Loniar,  S2 

Ludgate  lliil,  7 

Leiiicitf,  01 

Le  Vaseur,  xxvii.  «. 

Lombard,  51 

Lufoe.s,  40 

Le  M,.,vne,  14,  40 

Le  Vcfue,  8 

Lwrnbe,  Sir  T.  xxxik 

Luke,  bishopric 

Lemu/M,,  70 

Levesque,  P.  xxiii. 

Lonekpeelc,  77 

Lule,  35 

Le     Xeve'a     Knights' 

Le  Vine,  22 

Luller,  03 

reO.  xxii.  «. 

Levoggo,  19 

xxxi.'l,  tt  seq.;  bi- 

Lulles, 63 

Lenart,  55 

Lovyn,  21 

shop  of,  xix.;  mayors, 

Lumeau  du  Pon 

l.eMlailt,  SO 

I.cwOrick,  94 

xvii.  00;  sherilVsof, 

l.>niel,.xxiv.  55 

Len^'iaelie,  52 

Lc»e_s,  75 

XV.  xxii. 

I.visan,  39 

Le,  27 

Lexvis.  22,37,51 

Long  Lane.  93 

Lutestring,  xx. 

Leiiiiarts,  xiv. 

Lev.len,  SI,  SO 

Longc,  5 

Lutheran       cou 

Lenilev,  0:5 

L'ilermineur,  2S 

Longuet,  40 

tion,  01 

Le  Noble,  0,  35 

L'lleureux,  51 

Longuevill,  42 

Luton,  85 

Le  Nur,  00 

Libert,  OS,  71 

Loo,  87 

Lutra,  53 

Lenuult,  :J4 

Licteran  in  Artois,  77 

Looking-glass  makers, 

Lu.iman,  31 

Lens,  y.i 

I.ietun,  13 


Leonanl,  3 

Liege,  40,  GO 

Loome-makcrs,  10 

r.yons,"  xxiii.    C 

Le„«arOia,  Friezland, 

LievrarO,  41 

Lope,  55 

SO,  37 

LiUle,  82 

Lopper,  12 

Lyskens,  2 


Lill,  Spain,  92 

Lo!,S„„,  40 

L'Kpihnulierc,  28 

Limber,  84 

Loreandus,  77 

Maoaire,  46 

LelVut,  13 

Lineoln-s  Inn,  xxvi. 

Lordell,  xxi.  70 

Jlaearel,  8 

Le  Livep,  13 

Linen-draper,  xix. 

Lores,  SO 

.MaeelesOehl,  XX 

Le  I'la.-trier,  40,  51 

Linen-seller,  vi. 

Loridam,  83 

M.u:e,  00 

Le  I'oulter,  24 

Linen,  washersof.vii.w 

Lormicr,  55 


Le  Puultre,  8,  9 

Linen-weavers,  13,  75, 

Lerrain,  30 

Lerpei.or   [Le  Pipre], 


Lorraine,  99 

Maekerell,  24 


Hi's   YarmoiUli 

.IS  51 
run,  ■!,  i 


Maricq,  46,  5 G 

Mcclielev,  71 

Marifttc,  41 


Marigni,  xxi. 

of,  7D 

Jlarin,  52 

Mecup,  97 

Marineei-,  CS 

JI,..lcalfo,  (_;2 

Mariners,  vii.  12 

,  13 

Mi'.liiia,  til 

Marion,  37,  62 

Mcllor,  91 

Marishall,  72 

Mco.'n,  78 

Marl;fts,  iv. 

M,--iuu,  95 

Mailero,  22 

Meigi.ot,  3 

Marquant.  8 

M.M.CK.r,  73 

Ma,-rc,  GS 

Mel,  13 

Marsliall,  'M 

MolcluT,  3 

JIa,-»ic.r,  13 

Mol.or,  46 

Martinot,  79 
Jlartiiiot,  78 
Mary,  89 
Mason,  82,  91 
Masipiilicre,  8 
Masse,  39,  til 
Jhissc-y,  37 


Maslricli,  93 
Masun-,  92 


Matl.ias,  52,  59 
Maton.  7 
Mattlie«3,  xiv. 
Maltun,  7lJ 

m,  (jlj 

Majliew,  23,  24 
Maynial,  52 
Maync,  55 
Mavpolc  Alley,  92 
Mazieii,  46 
Maziercs,  46 
Mea.Iow.  GO 
Meadows,  xxvii. 
Jlealeman,  64 
Meare,  93 
Meayn,  98 



■z,  xx\ 






r,  01 






aiits   V 


2.J,  2 

Merveli,  1 
MesJach,  16 
Mesrn,  61 
Mesmin,  46 
Mesisien,  36 
MesseuKin,  7,  8,  10 
Metayer,  52 
Metivier,  xxviii.  46 












Mieo,  X 




CO,    i( 

Mill, lie 

m,  h 

,  38,  48, 


Mid. He 


r  Ward, 


Midv,  5 




1,  8S 




.  52 

MiUoa,  22 

Milliner,  60 

Mill  master. 


Milshier,  2U 

Milt,  77 

.■Minet,  xxvii 



Minister    c.f 




on,  7 



Mi.son,  46 
Mitel.sniith,  91 
Jlobileau,  37,  39 
Jlodenan,  03 
Mogin,  52 
Moleine,  90 
.Moliner,  96 
Monl.alliurde  la  Salle, 

Monboevil,  66 

.UouiRTcau,  b-J. 

ilu.ister,  llish.  Ill,  7ti 

of,  C 

Owler,  SO 

-Muniutr,  :>,  10 

in-thc-liast,  xxii.  .i. 

Norway.  81 

Owstenbrig,  77 

Mums  Aiii.  (;2 

.Murryc,  1 

Norwich,   iii.  x.   xii. 

Gyles,  xiv. 

.Mo„.,Ian.  75 

Mury-s,  5 

xiv.      xxi.     x.xvii. 

Muiisc-ninhuwc,  i'2 

.Musell,  14 

XXxi.     ;l.    .XX.I.ilS, 


61,  06,  c(.w/. 

Mo„t,.U,  :-r2,  55 


Notaries  public,  vii.  8S 


Montprllier.    xxvii.   „. 

Mu.t.cU,  01 

Notes  and    (lucries, 

Pacpiereau,  42 

xxi\.  ;'. 

.Mvl.oll,  '2",  97 

.xxii.  n. 

l'adloek-niaker.s,  vi. 

MuuuL-,  15 

,Mlnnc«,  1 

Nottingham,  x.xxii. 

Page,  53,  50 

Muuucns,  111 

Mvros,  5 

Novel,  50 

Pages,  52 

.MnuruIlKUl,    77 

Mytohfll,  1 

Nulles,  70 

Paget,  xxix. 

M.irai.l,-,  15 

Nurcunparis,  01 

Paggcn,  74 

.Moivh.T,  31 

Nurse,  drv,  90 

Paggens,  xiv. 

MuiV.ou,  73 

Nan.lin,  33 

Nvel.olas,  93 

PaiUet,  47,  53,  00 

More,  &>,  .33 

.N'antes,  Si) 

Nytingall,  73 

Pain,  52 

MorL.aii.oU, -16,  52,50 

Nantes,  Edict,  Revoca- 

Paine, S7 

Murcll,  Ot! 

tion  of,  iii.  XX. 

Painters,  xsv.  70,  7 

Mursan,  75 

Naples,  S3 

Oddes,  71 

Painter,  portrait,  sxv 

Morillon,  .xxviii.  S.  i<, 

Na:toe,  92 

Odent,  20 

Paisant,  37 


Naturalization,    vii. 

Oselby,  47 

Paisible,  53 

M.)rin,  59 

Oser,  5 

Paissant,  30 

Murlaix,  ilO 

Natliy,'  23 

Oils,  20 


.Mon-uUi,  xxvii.  «, 

NcedleniaUcrs,   vi.  CC, 

Uldenburh'li,  80 

Pallavicini,.xx;x.  23 

Mort.r,  1  1 

1 1  ser/. 

t)M  Ford;  xvvi. 

Pallot,  53 

.Mr..-v,  llcnno,  01 

Neel,  47 

I  dli-rv,  7S 

Palmer,  93 

.Mass's  Alley,  'J7 

Nes,  17 

()!iv'r',  15,  17,  35 

Pancier,  41 

M.,  59 

.X.pven,  13 

Mostroot,  74 

Neufcliatel,  xxiii. 

Un;erwoo'd,  SI 


Matot,  5i; 

Newliirke,  01 

Oranjtc  I'rineo  of,  70, 

Papilhon,  88 

Mutt,  ii!, -27 

Ncvvcarcke,  95 

ti  S„J. 

Papillon,  xx.\. 

Moito.  7,  S 


Orders  in  Council,  viii. 

Papin,  52 

Motion, '22 

■  Lyno,  xxxii. 

xvi.  xviii.  27,  29,  00 

P.apper,  94 

MoiiiMix,  10 

Newcastle,  l'ieardv,72 

Ordinary  Keepens,   vi. 

Paquet,  47 

Moiti,  s 

Newcnhouse,  S  1 


Pare,  47 

Mon-in,  54 

NewiuKton,  ix.  S9 

Oriot,  52 

Parcit,  9 

JIoHlonR,  50 

Newin-lon  Green,  0 

Orleans.  03 

Pariolleau,  47 

Mi.untainc    0(5 

Newkirke,  91 

Onnes,  Prince  of,  62 

Paris,  xii.  xxvii.  u.,  2 

Mountc,  22 

Xewmarket,  xxxii. 


02.  d  «.7. 

Monntollry,  S3 

Newport,  si 

0.,t  [lloste],  95 

Parish  Garden,  93 

Mountsoy,  03 

Nezereau,  41,47 

Oste,  75 

Parkitc,  7 

Mousnier,  10,  59 

Niclmlas,  CS,  S4 

Ostend,  04,  S3 

Parravicin,  xxii. 

-Moutt,  95 

Nicliolson,  79 

Ostonie,  94 

Parrenty.  62 

Moze,  30,46 

Niningliurat,  G 

Oudart,  7 

Parrlshon,  24 

Muirnisham,  01 

Nisbet,  46 

Oudel,  7 

Pascal,  47 

M  ulliorrv  trees  planted, 


Oursel,  47 

Pastre,  59 


NobiUeau,  40 

Onsburgh,  72 

Paton,  S 

Multon,  74 

Nuguier,  41 

Outreniann,  15 

Patot,  56 

Man,  63 

Noteau,  52 

Ouvri,  39 

Patte,  9 

Munok,  S2 

Norman,  93 

Ouvrv,  xxviii. 

I'atteer,  70 

MunkV   KoU   of  Coll. 

North,  xxix. 

Overv,  79 

Pattow,  60 

of     I'hysiciaui.,    xii. 


Ovrvs,  14 

Pan, 01 

xxvi.  xxvii. 


1  Owdenfre,  76 

Paul,  SO 



1  itrcc 

no      ^ 

itts  ^3 
.'ch,  -JO 
ri.uighir,  2 
Pliei-kT,  4 
PI,ili',K.„i,  52 

ut,  -JT 

Pierre,  17 
Piersoii,  xxiii, 
Pigboure,  85 
•igou,  XXX.  3, 



Peruquc-makcT,  33 

1,  2.  4,  S 

Pinuiumid,  45 

Pinchon,  S,  1 

iuu,  53 

Plow,  23 
Pluct,  39 
Plumier,  3 

PoU.-iin,  Poland,  77 
Pollard,  87 
Pollc-u  [Poulain],  95 
Pol  let,  y 
Poltais,  59 
Punt,  03,  S2 
Pontcy,  93 
Pookcs,  1 
Poiiar,  14 

Porter,  18,  22 


Portsuken  ■\VnrJ,  S2 


Post,  23 

Qn..,,  vi.  Sii,  95 


Pot-Eiiakers,  vi. 


l'ot3-l|.T,   2U 


Pott.  S7 

Qui  I 

Puulo,  5 

Poulton,  09 

Puultre,  10 


PoiinraiL-t,  S 


Poutre,  10 


Powell,  0,21,81,  94 


Pnm,  83 
Prime,  9 
Prince,  OC 
Prince  Palatine 

Pdncell,  1 
Pringel,  47 

Pryrnont,  13 
PulTevell,  91 
Pu.Mint;  Lane,  7 
Pullin,  1 
Punipforce,  74 
Purse-niakcr,  67 

Quambersey,  77 
Quarance,  39 
Quarterage,  ix. 
Queeeke,  15 
Queenlutlio  Ward,  85 
Quennt,  89 

Rainoldes,  1 
Uambaud,  47 
Rame,  53 
Raniondon,  53 
Uanaires,  ol 
Rai.illan,  53 


,  30 


Raymatt,  99 
Raynien  [Rumon], 

Rebache,  5G 
Kebecourt,  41 
Reck,  24 
Redoutet,  41 
Uee,  Isle  of,  xs 

Rc-nie,  53 

Romilly,  xxix 

Runnv9,  35 

John,     M. 


Reussi.uu.  xxviiL  C3 

lloin'son,  G-i 

Rl-v,-11,  V7 

Rondeau,  37 

Ueverc\y,  36 

Rondfllot,  47 


Ronsov,  62 

R.y",  53 

Roososa,  05 

KLVTmud,  59 

Roauino,  73 

Rluucberguc,  12 

Rosbanck,  S2 

Ribbon  woiKors,  v 

Rose,  3U 

Ribott-aii,  4" 

Rose  Alley,  Si7 

Ribovileau,  53 

Rosemont",  3," 

Ricault,  87 

Roxerus,  65 

Ril-bara,  5J 

RusiLtnell,  34 

Richard  III.  statute  of. 

ItoMnek.  1 


Rosse,  ^9 

Riib'aut,  XV. 

Rnstic'k,  62 

Richer,  36 

Koterdaiu,  !>3 

Richinan,  5 

Uottengoose,  1 

Uicka-ics,  15,  IG 

liottingoose,  1 

Riclvrward,  15,  16 


Ri.  kman,  75 

Roui.lin,  72 

RiekulJc,  60 

Rouen,  6n,  61. 

Rind-wold,  M 
Rines,  Brittan 
Riunlet,  47,  3i,  93 
R.sle.n,  5r, 
R^.baiu,  47 
Robert,  53.  5< 

Rousell,  53 
R..useUe,  9,  10 
Rousi-noU,  13 

Rociio,  47 

Roza,  74 

Roehel,  SO 

Rubatti,  34 


louse,  97 

Rubhius    [ 

Rockingham,  21 




Rudd,  3 



Ruel,  47 

Rofe,  41 

Rulfe,  89 

Roger,  74 

Rulfiat,  56 

Rogue,  56 

RuHay,  95 


Rus.sell,  65 

kol.u,,  59 

Russie,  6S 

Rvsell,  94 
Ry  vault,  1£ 

Sabatles,  40,  47 
Sack  weaver,  69 
.Saijon  [Syo„],  93 
Sail-clotll,  .xvii. 
Sail-makers,  vi.  33 
St.  Albans,  xxXii. 
St.  Alban's  .Street,  28 
.St.  Andrew's  Ilolborn, 

St.  Asai'b,  Bishop    of, 

St.    liotolph    Bishops- 

St.  (icrgc  Lane,  Pud. 

dingo  Lane,  7 
St.    George    Soutli- 

wark,  3,  4,  92 
St.  (tiIcs   Cripidegate 


Fields,  3 
St.  James,  xvi.  xxvl.  n. 
St.  James's  Market,  27 
St.  Kath.   Crecchurcli, 

6,  77,  87 
St.  Kathcrine's,  G0,S3 
St.  Katharine's  Dock,  4 
St.  Leonard's   Sliore- 

St.  Mai'garet's  Bil- 

St.  .Mary  Magdalen, 
Queenhithe,  85 

St.  Michael  Cornhill, 

St.  Olave,  viii.  4,  93 

St.  Olave's  Hart-st.  6 

St.  Olave's  Soutlnvark, 

St.  Omor,  S3 

St.  Osay,  63 

St.    Rancras,     Middx. 

St.  I'iJ.'oO 

St.  Peter's,  France,  62 
St.    Peter's  of   Man- 
croft,  10 
St.  Saviour's,  viii.    90, 

St.  Thoma; 

St.     Thomas 

St.  Toman,  9 
St.  Vallerv,  8 
Salenson,  73 



Sand,  81 
Sandbach,  xxxi 

S.mdborne,  74 

25,  61,£/,»cy. 
S.angt,  35 
Sanniwell,  21 

Soiiey:it,  f.3 
Sunicus,  S3 

SL.n.i,T,  SI 


;t,  S2 
ek,  yo 
■n,  yi 

vei-s,  10 
,  spinster 

.r's  Allrv,  'J3 
.•:iiv,  3 
.uukur,  23 
■makers,  vi. 

Ship  keepur,  33 
Sliipwrih'lits,  vi. 
Slioc  Lane,  7^  «(  jcy. 

hoplniusey,  3 
liotinakers,   vi.    93, 
Slirewsljury,     E.    and 

Count  of,  .\xx. 
Shulenbrook,  SO 

Sibson,  xxi.t. 
Sichell,  «3 

Sidney  Papers,  xxv.  n. 
Sidney,     Sir     Itobert, 

Sniitlie,  93 
Smitl.s,  95 
Sniitlilield,  Ea 

SoucenuMi,  vi. 
SoulHet,  7 
Soulart,  30,  53 
Soullard,  41 
Sourde,  07 
.Souse,  SO 

Suutllanipton,  xi.  ? 
Soutliwavl;,  viii.  2, 

5,  GO,  OS,  90 
Suwth,  72 
Spain,  Kin-  of,  GO 

Speokmicr,  77 
Speece.  G 
Spero,  5 
Spcrnielc,  S3 
Spiers.  91 
Spetsall,  79 
Spetzcy,  2 
SpiUiaert,  1  .-i. 
Spinners,  10 

Spiteer,  3 
Sprigbt,  2,  4 
Springer,  ]  2 
Stahelmi,  59 
Stainere,  70 
Stalport,  SI 



Stan.poll,  75 
Stapleliurst,  xxxi. 
Stepliens,  05,  75 

Sterlino,  OS 
Sterreil,  47 
Steuenes.  92 
.Steward     to    Venet 
Arnbassa'ior,  00 
Stieklyn,  22,  24 
Stuekiii-,.,  20 

Siir-uons,    vi.    13,  ' 

■n,  20,  78,  89 
Sussox  Arch.  Coll. 


7,  08,  7'J,  87 
■TankL-rville,   Norn 

d.v,  xii. 
Tanterbcrv,  ll3 
Tape  weavcTs,  75, 

ys,  y; 

Taray,  59 
Target,  31 

Taudin,  58 
raueriiier,  3 

Tiholes,  95 
Ticc,  9S 

l-aui.ton,  xxxii. 
I'ayse,  21,  23 
readier      of     French 

Langiiage,    05,    8il, 

94,  95 
Teffin,  09 
Tennis   court  keepers, 

Tierv,  9,  1(1 
Ticr'sen,  32 
Ti.s:ie,  71 
Tillian,  74 
Tillman,  70 
Tillon,  31 

Tenter  Alley,  94 
Terence,  81 
Ternar,  53 
Terra,  30 

Tion,  01 
Tipottes,  S3 
Tiran,  59 

Tevfll,  IS 

Tewbee  [Tieubau],74 
Tewkesbury,  x.vxii. 
Thauret,  53 

Thefit,  04 
Theroude,  56 
Thibanld,  53 
Thierv,  7,  53 
Tholen,  Isle  of,  xv. 
Thomas,  24,    43,    59, 

Thomer,  89 
Tliompson's   (P.)  Dos- 


Thouvois,  48 

Thread  dyer,  03,  <•/  s.  7 

20,  60,  09 
Threadseller,  74,  87 
Thread  throwsters,  74 
Thread  twisters,  vii. 
Thrcadncedle     Street 

chnrch  in,  xx. 
Threebin.ler,  02 
Three  Horseshoes,  29 
Three  Tun  Alley,  7U 
Througarde,  78 
Tlmret,  35 


70  '    '  '    "  ' 
Tours,  81 
Tuurtelot,  48,  53 
Tourton,  47 
Tuusehard,  53 
Toussaint,  53 
Tousseau...e.  36 
Tower  Duck,  4 
Tower  M'ard,  80 
Towrey,  07 
Traeh,  89 
Tradesman's       tol 

1,  20,  27 

'J'rewell,  S5 
Trewon,  21 
Tribert,  30 
TnuK,  XNxii. 
Trinity,  Mynories,  0 
Trinity,  parish,  85 
Trion,  S3 
Tristan,  42 
Trittan,  43 

Trockter,  99 

ruller,  35 
I'ullry,  09 

U  her,  14 

Ulster  Jot 

Urbin,  SO 
Urignean,  33,  53 



94,  95 
Valenqon,  I 

Valeuder,  1 

VJIienhorowo,  03 

Vnndcrbrugge,  7i> 

Van  Mere,  95 

Vernons,  53 

Vallft,  ai 

Vanderburf,  1 

V„n  Meter,  82 

Veron,  9 

Valkwur-m.ik«r,  90 

Vander,  10 

Vannetlc,  95 

Verposte,  22 

Vallry,  sa 

Valub-rbradr,    1 

Vannlier,  75 

Vervack,  24 

Valn.acT,  10 

Vandur  Il.'vdon,  10 

Van  <V-nlen,  70 

Vervinke,  18,  19,  2 

Valuis,  13 

Vanderluils't,  43 

Van  OS.-.C,  10 

Victor,  83 

Vaire,  0.-. 

Vandcrlen,  79 

Vann.t,  S3 

Victuallers,  vii.  89 

Yaltuli.,,  .xxii 

Vanderlind,  7 

Van  Onerwall,  74 

Viddau,  31 

VanuK-nan,  C^l 

Vandernier,  1 

Van  I'can,  7 

Videau,  48 

Vam,,t.v.  95 

Vandermere,  61 


Viel,  36 

Van  a  Ikul,  SS 

Vanderncden,  59 

Vievar,  30 

Yanal.urgc,  5 

Vandcrputt,  xv. 

Van  Rca,  70 

Villarde,  01 

Van  Acker,  15 

VanderSlaert,  15 

Van  Rose,  73 

Villars,  33 

Vanakur,  73 

Vander  Speije,  15 

Vanseruebccc,  83 

Ville  Magne,  xxv. 

Vanawirk,  3 

Van  de  Stat,  14 

Van  Slicelo,  70 

Vincent,"]  7,  31 

Vanliarr,  SI 

Vandestone,  79 

Van^tablc,  01 

Vinekord,  15 

Vanl.artun,  IS,  20 

Vandeuolle,  70 

Vanstone,  04 

Vincar  inanufactu 

Van  UaaiU ,  C3 

Van  de  Vvane,  17 

Van  Vice,  05 


Vanhf.U.LT,  I 

Van  du  Walle,  14 

Vanweigbl,  34 

Viroot,  67 

Van  LSfnnidc,  77 

Vandezant,  05 

Van  Wiickcrtloot,  xv. 

Vinscnt,  90 

Van  Ikrcnhat,  75 

Vandoylve,  19 

Vardere,  23 

Vintrj  Ward,  87 

Vanbni-nen,  77 

V.andru3cn,  98 

Vareille,  48 

Vncle,  75 

Vanborn,  s3 

Van  Eason,  85 

Vareillcs,  53 

Vnger,  25 

Vanbran.Ianbri.l^e,  02 

Vanende,  71 

Varennes,  xxxi.  50 

Volelt,  IS 

Van  liru--c,,  75 

Vangalin,  1 

Vas3  [Vaerst],  95 

Voluc,  23 

Van  Cam,  75 

Vangard,  84 

Va..:,ll,  XV. 

Vnvdters,  98 

VanekL-,  :><) 

Vangasele,  81 

Vays.iiiue,  17 

Vtgar,  6 

Vancov,  2i 

Van      Gilder       [Van 

Vatalib',  53 

Vtinge,  15 

Vancpiet.  4S 

Gholedoren],  93 

Vaun^-au.l,  54 

Vvolet,  XV. 

Var.fTunburK,  7 

Van  Gladbeckc,  03 

Vautbic,  4  8 

Vanglcson,  92 

Vautiur,  57 

Waggoner,  19 

V;,n  CutJvick,  77 

Van  Hale,  95 

Vcar,  S3 

Wainscoting,  iii.  « 

Vanda,  11 

Vanhan,  0 

V,-gar.  77 

Walbrook  Wanl,  S 

Vandalr.,  ll.Hi,  9i 

Vanliangcn,  SO 

Vegcslcr,  19 


Vandall,  62 

Vanliarbur,  CO 

Vcgnault,  31 

Wabb.,  xx:i. 

Van  Dalle,  10 

Van  lla^cllc,  70 

Venetian  An.b.  66 

Walls,  10 

Van  Ua.n,  05 

Vanbascuolt,  04 

Venetian   United  Pro- 

Wallon,  72.  82 

Van  do  llooire,  93 

Van  Ilatt.n,  59 

vinecs,  99 

Walloor,e,  97 

Vanduldun,  SI 

Van  IIco,  99 

Venice,  xii.  89 

Wallo«yn,  21 

Van  Denabcdl,  82 

Vanhes.cll,  SO 

Venlone,  77 

Wallraiie,  S2 

Vandonboan,  3 

Van  Hobrooke,  04 

Vcnnc-eris,  15 

Walnut  Tree  Lano 

Vandenboroupjb,  Duke 

Vanhonok,  23 

Vcnnon,  73 

Walpery,  85 

of,  70 

Van  Houer,  71 

Ventne,  (i2 

Walpulc'a  Anecdot 

Vanden  Bronckc,  16 

Vanhova,  21 

Verbouclce,  15 

xxiv.  XXV. 

Vandenbnssho,  81 

Van  Howte,  70 

Verbure,  15 

WalHtcer,  S3 

Vanden  Crokette,  16 

Vanliulst,  25 

Verger,  43,  57 

Walton,  91 

Vanden  Eindo,  15 

Van  Husse,  76 

Verliuit,  70 

Wanuis.  97 

Vanden  Glaze,  15,  16 

Van  Iberge,  OS 

Verignv,  54 

Waneot,  93 

Va,.den  Vcldi!,  17 

Vanixon,  19,  20 

Verlincke,  xii. 

Waneourt,  10 

Vanden  Welde,  15 

Van  Leisnelt,  89 

Vern.aundc,  70 

Wanncscrt,  9 

Vandepitt,  63 

Van  Leustcran,  63 

Vermeulen,  15 

V.'arebousiMnrn,  X 

Vandeplat,  83 

Vanlore,  81 

Vermo.v,  24 

Wascboir,  89 

Van  de  Put,  31 

V,inlowe.  02 

Vernuivden,  xv. 

Wasbers  of  linen. 

Vanderbrock,  7» 

Van  Mace,  75 

Vernon,  60 


xxii.  97 

■IS,  i,i,  :.7 

Wliilsters,  vii 

■Wijbaiit,  8,  9 
Wii^ina,  6 
W.IJigos,  57 
Wililmoie,  27 
Wildrick,  5 
Willand,  G 
William,  69 
William  and  M,i 
Williamms,  54 

William^  Ld.  Keeper, 

wvi,,  il 
fl,"A'.   W. 

V2,  13,  14,   IP 
95,  98 
jrlicli,  88 

Wyatt,  1 

Yacopes,  93 
Yarmouth,  x. 

Vurli,  Areh.  of, 





ELECTED  3rd  MAY,   18G1. 

The  Council  of  the  Canuleii  Society,  elected  on  tlic  3rd  M;iy,  ISfU, 
refers  witli  pleasure  to  the  Report  of  the  Auilitors  fur  evidence  of  the  sa- 
tisfactory state  of  the  Society's  finances,  but  rei^rets  to  state  that,  during 
the  past  year,  tlie  numbers  of  the  Society  have  Ijcen  reduced  by  tlie  deaths 
of  many  most  valuable  and  influential  Meml)ers. 

In  comnuin  \vitli  every  other  Institution  in  the  countrv  which  lias  fur 
its  ulijects  the  encouraL;emeiit  of  Literature,  Science,  or  Art,  the  Camden 
Society  lias  to  deplore  tlie  loss  of  one  Member,  distinguished  not  more  by 
exalted  position  than  by  extensi\-e  acquirements,  and  by  the  enlightened 
spirit  in  which  he  exercised  the  intlucnce  derived  from  those  circum- 
stances, for  the  welfare  of  all  classes  of  the  community.  The  Council 
feels  that  in  thus  acknowledging  the  high  merits  of  the  Illustrioi's 
Prince,  whose  loss  has  been  so  deeply  and  earnestly  lamented,  and  its 
sympathy  with  Her  Majesty  under  this  heavy  trial,  expression  is  only 
given  to  the  feelings  by  which  the  whole  Society  is  animated. 

The  Council  has  also  to  regret  the  death  of  one  of  the  original  founders 
of  the  Society,  Joseph  Hunter,  Esq.,  lately  a  Vice-President  of  the 
Society  of  Antiquaries,  and  one  of  the  Assistant  Keepers  of  the  Public 
Records.  Mr.  Hunter  not  only  gave  the  Council  for  many  years  the  ad- 
vantage of  his  extensive  antiquarian  learning,  but  also  edited  for  the 
Society  the  volume  of  Ecclesiastical  Documenis  iniblished  in  lSo9-40,  and 
the  Diiinj  of  T/iouiax  Car/iivii/hl,  Lord  Bishop  of  Chester,  pui:ilislicd  in 
18-1 2-3. 

The  Council  has  further  to  deplore  the  loss  u{  the  following  Members  : — 

His  Grace  the  Duke  of  Bedford,  K.G. 

Thomas  Broadwood,  Esq. 

The  Right  Hon.  Loud  Campbell,  Lord  Hi^h  Chancellor. 

Rev,  Edward  Cardwkll,  D.D.  Camden  Professor  of   Historv 
at  Oxford. 

Rev.  John  Cahr,  \LA. 


James  Dearden,  Esq.,  F.S.A. 
John  Goatk  Fisiiek,  E^fj. 

Sir  Isaac  Lyon  Goldsmid,  Bart.  F.R.S.  F.S.A. 
Rev.  Edw.  Craven  HawtIvEY,  U.U.  F.S.A.  Provost  of  Eton. 
David  Irving,  Esq. 
Charles  Lever,  Esq. 
John  Shank  More,  Esq. 
The  Hon.  Sir  John  Patteson,  M.A. 
Edward  John  Rudge,  Esq. 
Samuel  Leigh  Sotiiei!v,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
Adam  Urquiiaut,  Esq. 
Alex.  Maconochie  ^^'ELL^vooD,  Esq. 
During  the  present  year  tlie  following  Pulilie.itioiis  have  been  issued  to 
the  Members  : — 

Letters  of  John  Charabcrlaiii,  Ksq  to  Sir  Du.llov  Cai-lL-tuii.  ilnrln-  the  reign  of 
Elizabeth.      Edited  by  Miss  Sarah  Williams. 

I'l-oceedino-s  in  the  County  of  Kent  in  l(;4t)  Edited  bv  tlie  Rev  La.mbekt  B. 
Lakkinc,  M.A. 

Parliamentary  Debates  in  IGIO.  From  the  Notes  of  a  Member  of  the  House  nf 
Commons.  Edited  by  Samuel  Rawson  Gahdin'kh,  late  Student  of  Christchurch. 
The  first  is  a  volume  of  very  amusing  character,  abounding  in  gossij) 
and  personal  allusions;  and,  from  the  care  with  which  it  is  edited,  the 
Society  will  feel  the  loss  wliich  liistorical  literature  has  sustained  by  the 
early  death  of  its  accomplished  Editor. 

The  rroccedhigs  in  tite  Coinitij  of  Kent  contril)ute  a  vast  amount  of 
nev.-  and  valuable  information  upon  a  very  important  period  of  our  history  ; 
and  the  same  may  well  be  said  of  the  volume  oi  the  Pai'llamentanj  Dcbaits 
in  IGIO,  ill  which  is  detailed  at  far  greater  length  than  has  hitherto  been 
recorded  the  commencement  of  the  great  struggle  between  the  Crown  and 
the  House  of  Commons. 

The  following  Articles  have  been  added  to  the  List  of  Suggested  Puldi- 
cations  during  the  past  year: — 

A  Collection  of  Letters  from  Sir  Robert  Cecil  to  Sir  George  Carev;.  To  be 
edited  from  the  Originals,  in  the  library  at  Lambeth,  bv  John  ALvclkan,  Esq. 

Narrative  of  tlie  Services  of  'SI.  Dumont  Bostaquet  in  Ireland.  To  be  edited  bv 
Rev.  Jo;iN  Webis,  M.A.,  F.S.A. 

A  Collection  of  Letters  of  Margaret  of  Anjou,  Bishop  Beckington,  t^c.  From  a 
MS.  formerly  belonging  to  the  Puleston  Family.  To  be  edited  by  Cecil  IMonuo, 

The  Council  has  further  the  pleasure  of  announcing,  that  Mr.  Way, 
whose  labours  on  the   Promptorium  were  interrupted   by  his  removal  iiilo 

REPORT  OF  THE   COl'NCIL,.    1  Sf)2.  •'> 

the  country,  has  kindly  taken  advantage  of  a  temporary  visit  to  London  to 
resume  his  task.  Tlie  Council  trusts  tliat,  in  the  course  of  the  jM-csent 
year,  tlie  Members  will  receive  the  conclusion  of  this  important  work; 
unquestionul)ly  the  most  valuable  contribution  to  philological  knowledge 
which  has  l)een  published  for  many  years. 

The  endeavours  so  frequently  made  by  former  Councils  to  procure  in- 
creased facilities  for  searches  for  literary  purposes  among  the  Uegisters  of 
Early  Wills  in  the  Prerogative  Court  are  doubtless  in  the  recollection  of  the 
Members.  Those  endeavours  have  not  proved  in  vain.  A  small  room 
for  literary  inquirers  has  now  been  set  apart  at  Doctors'  Commons. 
Literary  persons  are  indebted  to  Sir  Cresswell  Cresswell,  the  Judge  of 
the  Prerogative  Court,  for  this  valuable  concession,  which  it  may  reason- 
ably be  hoped  will  contribute  to  the  greater  accuracy  of  all  future  genealo- 
gical and  historical  publications. 

The  present  Council  has  shared  the  anxiety  of  all  former  Councils  to 
maintain  unimpaired  the  high  character  of  the  Society's  publications.  In 
this. respect  the  Council  deems  that  all  friends  of  the  Society  have  mueli 
reason  to  be  jiroud.  The  eighty-one  volumes  which  have  now  been 
[uiblished  by  the  Society*  contain  many  works  of  singular  and  tirst-rate 
historical  importance;  among  them  are  of  course  some  of  mure  value  and 
some  of  less,  but  there  are  none  which  can  be  pronounced  to  have  been 
unworthy  of  publication.  The  literary  future  of  tiie  Society  seems  equally 
full  t)f  hope.  Some  of  the  recent  volumes  are  among  the  most  interesting 
and  the  best  edited  ;  Editors  in  every  way  competent  [)resent  themselves 
whenever  needed,  whilst  the  store  of  unpublished  materials  applicable  to 
the  purposes  of  the  Society  seems  inexhaustible.  Under  such  circum- 
stances all  future  Councils  will,  no  doubt,  feel  deeply  the  responsibility 
which  rests  upon  them,  and  sedulously  endeavour,  as  the  present  Council 
has  dene,  to  maintain  the  high  standard  of  publication  which  has  been 
set  before  them. 

By  order  of  the  Council, 

Joiix  Bkuce,  Director. 

William  J.,  Secretarv. 
lG^/(  April,  ISG'2. 

*  Elglify  vohuuos  ave  enuun;rat(_Ml  in  Mr.  XieUols's  "  Descri[itive~C';italoijue  of  tin: 
"W^orks  oC  tlie  CaiuJeu  Society."  Tlie  v-hiublc  work  edited  by  Mr.  Gardiiiei-  has  since 
been  i)iibli=licd. 


^VE.  tlie  Auditors  appointed  (o  audit  tlie  Accounts  of  tlic  Camden  Society,  report 
to  the  yocielv,  that  the  Treasurer  has  exhibited  to  us  an  aecuunt  of  the  Receipts  and 
I'^xpenditure  from  the  1st  of  April,  IRf^l,  to  the  81st  of  March,  \^Cr2,  and  that  we 
have  examined  the  said  accounts,  with  tlie  vouchers  relating  thereto,  and  find  the  same 
to  he  correct  and  satisfactor)-. 

And  we  further  report  that  the  following  is  an  xVlistract' of  the  Receipts  and 
Expenditure  during  the  period  wc  have  mentioned. 

RijCEirxs.  £.     ,v    ./. 

By  r.,,!ancec>tlcisty,ar'»account..  71)  0  1 
Ri-efiveil    on  account  yf  .Meniljers 

whose  Subscriptions  were  in  ar- 

rear  at  llielastAu.lit 8-10     0 


tiw;  on  lstor.\Tay  last  (Ir-Gl)  ..  308  0  0 
TI.L-hkeoii  apc-oiint  of  Subscriptions 

due  on  1st  of  May  next IG     0     0,divi(len(loni.iUIG3i-.l,/. 

.'1  per  Cent.  Consols,  sfaiulii,^  in 

tbe  names  of  tbe  Truslee.s  ■  f^lbe 

Sodetv,  df.tuct;ni;  li.comcTaN..  2'.)  6  10 
P.y  S.,!c'ottl,e  I'  of  past 

v.ur.  to  ^!..nlb.•r^   of  tbe  .Sucictv     ■Jl      0     0 

l^iil  for  I.I  iutiiif;(iOO  copies  of  t 

James  VI.  anil  Sir  Koljeit  Ce 

Tlie  hive  of  "  Cbaniberbi.i's  Letters  ■' 

I'aicl  for  printing  ami  paiu-r  of  GOO 

Correspondence  of 


Gl     9 
14-:  IG 



I'.iia  for  Engravins,  ?«•.,  of  I'urtrait  of  Sir  Kdward 

I'aid  for  Transcripts     

I'aiJ  for  delivery  and  transmission  ol  .500  copies  ot 
tlie   books   al/ove  named,    with  paper  for  wrappeis, 

Paid  lor  binding  500  cojiies  of  "  Corresponuencc  of 
James  VI."  and  "  Cliambeilnin's  Letters,"  and  for 
bindin-  small  numbers  of  pa^t  years'  books 

Paid  lor  Insurance 

Paid  for  .Advertisements     














And  we_.  the  .Auditors,  further  state,  that  the  Treasurer  has  reported  to  us,  that 
over  and  above  the  present  balance  of  £'!G  Is.  10c/.  tlicre  are  outstanding  various  sub- 
scriptions of  Foreign  Members,  and  of  Members  resident  at  a  distance  from  Lundon, 
which  the  Tre.xsurer  sees  no  reastm  to  doubt  will  shortlv  be  received. 

iVifiiiuu  AsniTPEL. 
Henry  St(jne  Smi'I'i 

1G(;,  Apiil,  lSu-2 


JUXE  1  ,    18C2. 

o.«  .Vemheys 
The  Mimic 

names  (c.)  is  prefixed  han  compounded  for  the!: 
'limes  are  j^rniled  in  Small  Ca/^Unlsan:  o>l  thi 

■d  Suhscn 
of  the  y> 


Dr.  Echvaril  Adamson,  Uvc- 

(cK  Rev.  James  Adcock,'  M.A. 

William  Alciam,  Esq. 

Robert  Henry  Allan,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

Franklin  Allport,  Esq. 

Richard   Almack,    Esq.    F.S.A.    Lon> 

Melford,  SulVulk.     Local  Sccrctar:/ 
W.  S.  Appleton,  Esq. 
Arthur  Ashpitkl,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
Algernon  Svdney  AsplanJ,  Esq. 
The  Riglit  Hon.  Lord  Bagot 
Joseph  Chaniberlaine  Barker,  Esq. 
(c.)  George  Barlow,  Esq.  Oldliam 
E.  C.  Gee  Barnard,  Esq. 
Keith  Barnes,  Esq. 
Ven.  John  Bartholomew,  M.A.  Areb 

deacon  of  Barnstaple 
The  Most  Hon.  the  Marquess  of  Ball- 


James  Bell,  Esq. 

Ri.bcrt  Bell,  Esq. 

Thomas  Bell,  Esq.  F.R.S. 

Samuel  Beltz,  Esip 

Rev.  Samuel  Benson 

Richard  Bentley,  Esq. 

(c).  The  Rev.  John  Eesly,  D.C.L. 
Vicar  of  Benton,  Northumberland. 
Local  Secretary. 

Richard  Bethell, Esq.  Rise.near  Beverley 

Leonard  Shelford  Bidwell,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

(c.)  John  Billing,  Esq.  Reading 

Wdliam  Bird,  Esq. 

fc.)   John  Birkbeck,  Esq. 

fc.)   James  Bladon,  Esq.,  Pontypool 

W.  H.  Blaauw,  Esq.  M.A., 
F.S.A.  Treasurer,  Becchland,  Uck- 

(c.)  Rev.  Joseph  William  Blakesley, 
I\LA.  Local Secretanj at  Ware, Herts. 

Venble.  George  Bland,  M.A.,  Archdea- 
con of  Lindisfarne 

Charles  Blandy,  Esq,  Reading 

(c.)  John  Jackson  Blandy,  Esq.  Local 

Secretanj  at  Readhto: 
William  r.landy,  Esq.  Reading 
Robert  Willis    Blencowe,    Esq.    M.A. 

The  Hooke,  near  Lewes 
Octavian  Blewitt,  esq.  Secretary  of  the 

Royal  Literary  Fund 
Edward  Blorc,  ICsq.  D.C.L.,  F.S.A. 
Miss  Bockett,  Southcote  Lodge,  Berks 
Henry  G.  Bohn,  Esq. 
B.  W.  Booth,  Esq.  Manchester 
John  Booth,  Esrp  Barton  on  IrwcU 
Rev.  Joseph  Boswerth,  LL.D.,  F.R.S., 

F.S..\.     Local  Secretanj  at   Oxford 

and  Bnrkinsham. 
(c.)      BiiUiAH    BOTFIEI.D,   Esq.  M.P., 

F.R.S.,  F.S.A. 
Miss  Bower,  Doncastcr 
Sir  George  Bowycr,  Bart.  M. P.  D.C.L. 

Robert  Greene  Bradley,  Esq.  Bencher 

of  Cray's  Inn.     Local  Secretary  at 

William  .1.  rJone  Braikenridgc,  Esq. 
TliMi  ,,     'V    r:  :  n,-(-.n,  Esq.  M.P. 

Fiancis  Clipper    lirooke,   Esq.    Ufford 

Place,  Suftblk 
The  Right  Hon.  Lord  Brougham   and 

Vaux,  F.R.S. 
William  lb  PI'    !'■  '■■■■'  ■  .  '  "|.  Chester 
Rt.  Hon.  s  ,   ■   :,       1,  Bruce, 

Vice-Cbr  .        ',  i    :'  -  .  r.S.A. 
(c.)  Jour:  1;  .  -     ,  1      !  !    ^  A.  Director 
Rev.  Guy  Bryan,  iSI.A.,  I'.S.A.  Rector 

of  Woodham  Walter,  Essex.     Local 

Secretary  at  Maldon. 
Wm.  Gascoigne  Earlc  Bulwer,  Esq. 

Ven.  Charles  Parr  Burnev,  D.D,, 
F  R.S.,  F.S.A.  Aveiidcacon  of  Col- 

Henry  Burrell,  Esq. 

Deeimus  Burton,  Esq.  F.R.S.,  F.S.A. 

Benjamin  Bond  Cabbell,  Esrp  M.P., 
F.R.S.,  F.S.A. 

Frederick  Caldwell,  Esq. 

Rev.  William  M.  Campion,  M.A. 
Local  Secretary  at  Camhridj^e. 

W.  Henry  Pole  Carew,  Esq.  Anthony 

(c.)  Peter  Stallbrd  Carey,  E«q.  M.A. 

George  Alfred  Carthew,  F;sq.  East 
Dereham,  Norfolk.    Local  Secretanj. 

(c.)  Cornelius  Cartwright,  Esq.  Dudley 

William  Chapman,  Esq.  Richmond 

(c.)  William  ChappcU,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

I.adv  Cbattcrton 

The  Right  Hon.  Lord  Chelmsford 

Kt.  Rev.  the  Lord  Bishop  of  Chichester 


Charles  Clark,  Esq.  Middle  Temple 

William  Clark.  M.D.  Professor  of 
Anatomy,  Cambridge 

(c.)  Rev.  AllVed  r.uth  r  Clough,  B.D., 

fc.)   Rev.    .l-i!,ii    (■.. ,    M.A.  Blad- 

lield  Hall,  li  ■ik^ine 
William  Henry  Cooke,  Esq.  Barrister 

at.Law,  Temi-le 
Charles  Henry  Cooper,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

Town  Clerk,  Cambridge 
Charles   Purton    Coo|)er,   Esq.    Q.C. 

D.C.L.,  F.R.S.,F.S  A. 
Rev.  James  Cooper,  M.A. 
Lieut.-Colonel    Edw.    Henry   Cooper, 

Gren.  Guards 


George  Richard  Corner,  Esq.  F.S.A. 


ic.)  Bolton  Corney,  Esq.  M.R.S.L. 
John  Ross  CouUliart,  Esq.  F.S..\.  Scot. 

Crofl    Uousp,    .A.slitoii-under-Lyne. 

Local  St'crt'titn/. 
Right  Hon.  tlie  Countess  Cowpcr 
(c.)  James   T.    Gibson    Craig,  Esq. 

Tlie  Right  lion.  Lord  Cranworth 
James  Crauford,  Jun.  Esq.  W.S.  Edin- 
Pir  x\icher  Dc-nman  Croft,  Bait. 
J.VMES  CnosBY,  Esq.  E.S.A. 
James  Crosslcv,  Esq.   Lucril  Serretarij 

at  Manchester. 
J.  Sidney  Crosslcy,   Esq.   Local  Secre- 

lanj  at  Leicester. 
(c.)   George    Cubitt,   Esq.    M.P.  The 

Denhies.  Surrey 
F.dward  Cuhlill'e,  Esq. 
Tlie    Rev.   Henry  Curwen,   Rector  of 

'Clie  Hon.  Eilward  Cecil  Cnrzon 
Edward    Dalton,    Esq.    LL.D.    F.S.A. 

Dnnliirk    House    near    Nailsworth, 

Local  Secretary  for  Otmicestrrshire. 
Tliomas  Dalton,  Esq.  Cardiff 
I'rancis  Roliert  Davies,  Esq.  Dublin 
R.bcrt  navies,  Esii.  F.S.A.  York 
Rev.  J.   Sdvcstcr  Uavies,  M.A.  Wool- 

stoii,  Southampton 
Rt.  Hon.  Earl  de  tirev  and  of  Ripen 
ri.ilip  Chilv.cll  De  la  Garde,  Ebq. 
W.  V.  De  la  Rue,  Escp 
His    Grace    the    Duke  of  Devonshire, 

K.G.,  n.c.L. 

Francis  Ilciuy  Dickinson,  Esq. 

Sir      C.      Wentworth      Diike,      Bart. 

(c.)  George  Dodd,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
Charles    Dorricn,    Esq.    Senuicots, 

((j.)  Charles  Downes,  Esq. 
Sir  David  Dundas,  M.A. 
The  Right  Hon.  Lord  Viscount  Dun- 

Rev.  Jonathan  Eastwood,  Eckington 
Sir   Philip  de  Mal|)as   Cirey  Egerton, 

Bart.  H. P.,  F.R.S.,  V.P.G.S. 
Rev.  H.  T.  Ellacombe,  M.A.,  F.S.A., 

Clyst  St.  George,  Topsham,   Local 

Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  EUcsmere 
(c.)  G.  Stevenson  Ellis,  Esq. 
Joseph  Ellis,  Esq.  Brighton 
The  Rt.  Hon.  Thomas  Erskine 
(c.)  Rt.  Hon.  T. II.  Solheron  Estcourt 
John  Evans,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
(c.)  John    Leman   Ewen,    Esq.    Vale- 
wood,  Haslcmcre,  Sussex 
George  Edward  Eyre,  Esq. 

(c  )  Joseph  Walter  King  Eyton,  Esq. 

F.S.A.  Lond.  and  Scot. 
The   Right   Hon.  the    Lord  Viscount. 

The  Right  Hon.  Lord  Farnham 
(c.l  Sir  Walter  Farquhar,  Durt. 
James  William  Farrer,  Esq.  F.S  A. 
Tarver  R.  Fearnside,  Esq. 
Paul  Hawkins  Fisher,  Esq.  The  Castle, 

The  Right  Hon.  Earl  FitzWilliam 
(c.)  Thomas    William    Fletcher,    Esq. 
JI.A..  F.R.S.,  F.S.A.  Local  Hecretanj 
at  Slouriruh^c. 
John  For.sTF.n,  Esq.  LL.D. 

Matthew  Forster,  Esq.  Uelsize 

Hon.  George  M.  Fortescue 

Eii'.vard  Foss,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

Clunks  B.  Fox.  Esq. 

Charles  Larkin  Francis,  Esq. 

Thomas  Frewen,  Esq. 

(c.)  John  Lewis  Ffjtche,  Esq.  Line. 
Coll.  Oxf.  Thorii  Hall,  Louth 

Sir  Thomas  Rokewodc  Gage,  Bart. 

Henry  II.  Gibbs,  Esq. 

John  Gidley,  Esq.  E.icter 

.Mrs.  Gilbert 

Sir  Stephen  R.  Glynne,  Bart.  F.S.A. 

lleurv  Godwin,  Esq.  F.S.A.  Newbury 

G.  J.  R.  Gordon,  F.sq. 

Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  Gosford 

James  Robert  Gowcn,  Esq.  F.G.S. 

Mr.  Lewis  Grave 

ISerijamin  Wyatt  Greenfield,  Esq.  Baf- 
ri'iter-at-Law,  Shirley,  Southampton 

Charles  Caveiulisli  Greville,  Esq. 

J.  G.  Guillaume,  Esq. 

Ihuiiel  (UiTiiev,  E>q.  F.S.A. 

;c!.l  1  hulson  Gurnev,  Esq. F.S.A.  F.R.S. 

Russell  Gumev,  Esq.  l)arrister-at-law 

Frederick  Gwatkin,  Esq. 

.Miss  Haekett,  Clapton  Square 

Edward  Hailstone,  Esq.  F.S.A.  Lou 
don  and  Edinb.  Horton  Hall.  Local 
Secretary  at  lirad/onl,  Yorltshire. 

(c.)  Thomas  Henry  Hall,  F.R  S. 

(c.)  James  Orchard  Halliwcll,  Esq, 
F.R.S.  F.S.A. 

W.  Douglas  Hamilton,  Esq. 

John  Hampden,  Esq.  Leamington 

Lady  Frances  Harcourt 

(c.)  J.  A.  Hardcastle,  Esq.  Ilatcliair 
House,  New  Cross 

Rev.  William  Harness,  M.A. 

William  Henry  Hart,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

John  Ilarward,  Es.i. 

Rev.  Edward  Hawkins,  D.D.  Provost 
of  Oriel  College,  O.xford 

Edward  Hawkins,  Esq.  F.R.S.  F.S.A. 

Sir  Joseiili  Hawlev,  Bart. 

R.  W.  Heslop,  Esq.   Local   Secretary 

t  [Upon. 
Thomas  Hewitt,  Esq.  M..\.  Cork 

homas  Heywood,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
Thomas  Hevwood,  Esq.  IManchcster 

rv  Hill,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
(c.)   ilev.  Herbert   Hill,  T.I.A.     Local 

Secretary  at  U'ara-ick. 
Matthew  D.  Hill,  Esq.  Q.C. 
John  Hodgson  Ilinde,  Esip 
(c.)   Robert  Hollond,  Esii.  .M.A.,  M.P. 


A.  J.  Beresford  Hope,  Esq.  M.A.,  M.P. 

Charles  Hopkinson,  Esq.  M.A. 

Edmund  Hopkinson,  Esq.  Edgewortli 
House,  Cirencester 

William  Hopkinson,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
Local  Secretary  at  Stamford. 

Clarence  Hopper,  F.sq. 

Edward  Howes,  Esq.  M.P. 

John  Hunter,  Esip  jun.  W.S.  Edinb. 

(c.)  Richard   llussey,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

(c.)  Rev.  Robert  llussey.  B.D.  Stu- 
dent of  Christ  Church,  Oxford 

(c.)  Cosmo  Innes,  Esq.  Advocate, 

Edward  Inskip,  Esq.  Bristol 

The  Hon.  James  Ivory,  one  of  the 
Lords  of  Session  in  Scotland 

Henry  Jackson,  Esq.  Local  Sccrftarq 
at  SheJJieUl. 

Rev.  William  Jacobson,  M.A.  Vice- 
Principal  of  Magdalen  Hall,  O.xford 

(c.)  Rev.  L.  W.  JelVrav,  Preston 

James  Jones,  F.s<i. 

(c.)  Joseph  Jones,  jun.  Esq.  Local 
Secrelanial  OHham. 

Hon.  Sir  Richard  T.  Kindersley,  Vice- 

Thomas  William  King,  E^q.  F.S.A. 
York  Herald 

The  Right  Hon.  Lord  Kingsdown 



David  Laing,  Esq.  F.S.A.  L.  and  Sc. 

Henry  Eyres  Landor,  Esq. 

J.  Newton  Lane,  Esq.  King's  Bromley 

Manor,  Lichfield 
William  Lang,  Esq.  Bristol. 
Right  Hon.  Lady  Laiigdale 
J.     B.     Laughorne,    Esi|.     Richmond, 

Yorkshire.     Local  Secretary. 
(c.)  Dr.  J.  M.  Lappeiiberg,  For.  Menih. 

Soc.  Ant.  Local  Sec.  at  Hamburgh 
Rev.  Lambert  B.  Larking,  M.A. 
Charles  Lawson,  Jun.  Esq. 
Captain  Layton,  11.  M.  2Jth  Rcgt. 
Robert  Lcadbitter,  Esq.  Newcastle 
Thomas  Lee,  Esq. 
George  Cornwall  Legli,  Esq.  M.P. 
Henry  Leigh,  Esq.  Manchester 


Hon.  SirG.  Cornew 

}s,  Dart. 


Rt.  Rev.  Lovil  Bishop  oC  Liclififld 
IlL-iiry  Liddc'll,  Esq.  liomliav 
Allied  Lilliiigston,  Esq.  Sou'tliwold 
(c.)  James  Lucas,  Esq.  Stirling. 
■Ilie    Risht    Hon.     Lord    Lvndhurst, 

Jolin    David    Macbride,    Esq.   D.C.L. 

Princiial  of  INIagdalen  Hall,  Oxf. 


F.S.A.,  Keiiiier  of  tlie  MSS.  in  tlie 

I'.ritisli  Museum 
Rev.   Samuel   Rolley  Maitland,   D.D. 

F.U.S.,  F.S.A.  Gloucester  Heywood  Markland.  Esq.  F.R.S. 

F.S.A.     Lnvnl  Secretar'j  iit  Buth. 
Rev.  B.  R.  Marsham.  D.C.L.,  Warden 

of  Merton  College,  Q.vford 
Rev.    Robert    JIauin,    M.A.    Anstey 

Fustures,  near  Leicester 
(c.)    David  Melville,  E.sq.  B.A. 
(c.)   John  Miland,  Esq. 
(c.)  Andrew  Miller,  Esq.  CardiU' 
Very  Rev.  Henrv  Hart  Miliiiaii,  M..V. 

Dean  of  St.  Fa\d's 
Right  Hon.  Lord  Monson 
Rev.  W.  Moore,  D.D.  Spalding 
Rev.   James   Morton,    B.D.    Preb.   of 

Lincoln.  LovalSfcri'lurij ittUulbcach 
Rev,  .'    ;    1,.  M'  ■    ;  ,  llalh 
CI.'-   ;:        I'  -       ■  .M  1)11  ay,  F.sq.  F.S.A. 
(r.>  ■!..■:  ..Chelmsford 

Rlelr,,   1    >:,,,.,,.•,      ,-,    l-,,q. 

Alexander  N\-,liitt,  l^sq.  Kidbroolc 

(c.)  G.  \V.  Nieholl,  Esq. 

Iltyd  Nieholl,  Esq.  Usk 

J.  Bowyer  Nichols,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

John  Gough  Nichols,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

Treasurer  of  the  Surtees  Society 
Robert  Cradock  Nichols,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
(c.)   Rev.  William  L.  Nichols,  ^LA. 
Hon.  Charles  Nicholson 
George  Ormerod,  Esq.  D.C.L.   F.R.S. 

Rev.  Sir  Fred.  A.  Gore  Ouscley,  Bart. 
Fredeiuc  Ouvry,  Esq.  Treas.  S.A. 
Samuel  Alexander  Pagan,  INLD.  Edin- 

Rev.   Arthur  Paget,   Cranmore  Hall, 

Shepton  Mallet 
William  Dunkeley  Paine,  Esq. 
Charles   John     Pal.ncr,    Esq.     F.S.A. 

Local  Secreianj  at  Vanunuth. 
Rev.   Fielding    Palmer,    Fclmersham, 


John  W.  Parker,  Esq.  West  Strand 

Kenvon  S.  Parker,  Esq. 

Joseph  ParUes,  Esq. 

Anthony  Parkjn,  h^sq.  Cheltenham 

Colonel   Charfes   Frederick  Parkmscn 

Epph-ton  Hall,  Durham 
Rev.  Dr.  Parkinson,  Ravendale,  Great 

John  Parsons,  Esq.  O.xford 
George  Peel,  Esq.  Brooklicld  House 

Cheadle,  Cheshire 
Colonel  The  Hon.  E  G.  Douglas  Pen 

nant,  M.P. 
The  Rev.  Louis  Hayes  Petit,  F  S  A 
Lewis  Pocock,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
fc.)  John  Innes  Pocock,  Esq 
James  Prince  Pollard,  Esq. 
Rev.  William  Poole,   Henthnd     neir 

Ross,  Herefordshire 
Robert  Porrett,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
Right  Hon.  the  luirl  of  Powjs 
Osmond  De  Bcauvoir  Priaul.s,  Esq 
^rarlborou?h  Pryor,  Esq. 
S.  E.  Bouverie  Puscy,  Esq  Pusey.Btrks 
Han;ilion  Pyper,  Esq.  Advoc  itc   Llm 

Frederick  John  Reed,  Esq. 
Henrv  llcevc,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
The  Hon.  S.  E.  Spring  Kice 
(c.)    Edward  Priest  Richards    Esq 
(c.)     Kal|.h     Richardson,    1  sq     MD 

Greenfield  Hall,  Holywell 
Charles  Rickards,  Esq. 
Samuel  Rickards,  Esq. 
Edward  Widdrington  Riddell   E'-q 
George  Robertson,  Esq.  Melb  urnc 
Henry  Robinson,  Esq. 
Henrv  Crahb  Robinson,  Esq   F  S  A 
Rev.  Daniel  Rock,  D.D. 
Rt.    Hon.   Sir   John    Uomillj,    Mastei 

of  (he  Rolls 
Rt.  Rev.  the  Lord  Bishop  of  St  David's 
The  Most  Hon.  the  Marquess  ot  Sahs 

burv,  D.C.L. 
William  Salt,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
Thomas  Bush  Saunders,  Esq    M  V 
Edward  Sehoindd,  RLU.  D.  ncastcr 
The  Lady  Charlotte  E.  Sclueiber 
James  John  Scott,  Esq. 
James  R.  Hope  Scott,  Esq. 
(C.)  Rev.  Robert  Scott,  M  A  ,  Fellow 

of  Balliol  Coll.  O.vford 
William  Scott,  Esq. 
Frederick  Sedley,  Esq.  Malta 
EVEI-YN  Pnii.ip  SiiiiiLEV,  Fsq    MA 

Rev.   Thomas  Short,  B.D    Fellow  oi 

Trinitv  Coll.  Oxford 
Mr.  Skeet 

Sir  Robert  Smirkc,  R  1  ,  F  S  A 
Sjdnej  Smiike,  Esq    1  S  \ 


Willnm  Sm^thL    L  q  Meth\eu  Ci  stle, 

Rev   \\    Sneyd,  M  V    Christ  CI  uieh, 

Chalks  bpcnce   Esq   Adm  i  ilt\ 
\n(licw  S)  Jtlibw    ode    J   q 
fc)  JohnSittti=    oode,  Lsq    of  Spot 

Prolcssor  Ste 
lUni V  Stevens   Esq 
(c  )    Re\     Charles   ' 

D  D    Diajtot  RcetoiJ,  stone 
MissM    S    Stokes 
(c  )Rev   jLseihSti  md    M 
Hm   Su  John  sunt,  \  C 
Edward  Swaine,  F  q    FN  S 
Clement  Tudw  ij  S\\  mston    E  q  (i  C 

1  S  \ 
Join    SUvCS    r«q    M  D    Doncas  el 
lU  Ri,lt  H   n   Loi  J  Taunton 
Llwaid   Tiyloi     F    i     CiCoham   Pio- 

tessoi  ot  M  isic 




J   hn  Godliey    Iced 

Fsq    Bencher  of 

G  ai  s  Inn 

Jo  cih  I  laneis  Tempest   Fsq   I   SA 

Rev      Robt       lenj 

I        Ibe      Liehe, 


R  UitThackthwait 


\\UU\M      J      luo 

IS      L    q       1    S    \ 

C   rresponhngMe 

mbu     1  tl       s  c 

of  \nt   ef  St   thn 

1       S,-  ;-(;    / 

Rev    W    H    Thoni 

u,    ^I   \    UUow 

of  limit)  C    llc„ 


Mis  Ihornlill    Kjd 

Isle  ol  \\ igl  t 

Su  Robert  Huoekmoiton  Lart 

Joseph  Wm    Thrnii 


(C)\A.I.LIA.,    i,TL 

I    q    M  P     IPS 

\   PSA 

ft  )  Rev    IxmcsHc 

thoinTodd  D  D 

M  R  I  A      Fellow 

of    Irinitv    Coll 

D  bhn   Sec   lush 

AiUieol    So< 

W  111   m  lookc  Fsq 

1  R  &    M  R  S  L  , 

\  P   ot  Soc  ot    \ 

rts,  heas   ol  Roy 

Soc   I  It   and  Rov 

al  I  It    Fund 

CbulesTownelt^    Esq   FSA 

Sii  Charles  E  Tilvl 

Uan   KCB 

Sir  Walter  Calverlc)   Tievelyan,  Bait 

1   SA   Newe 

Fiancis  i  irnei    Fsq 

Pan  stei  at  law 

Pebert  Samuel  Til 

cr,  F.q 

Samuel  T\mns     1 

sq     ISA      Tocut 

s  a  ft  I  J  at  Bii 

St   Finn    Is 


(c.)  Edward    Tyrrell,   Esq.    City  Re- 

mombrancer,  Guilcihall 
(c.)  J.  R.  Daniell-Tyssen,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
George  Vacher,  Esq. 
A.  A.  Vaiisittiirt,  Esq.   Bisham  Abbey 
(c.)    Sir   Harry  Verney,    Bart.   M.P. 

Claydon  Mouse,  Bucks 
The  Right  Hon.  Lord  Vernon 
Gabriel  Vrignon,  Esq. 
Tliomas  Wallbrd,  Esq. 
Rev.  H.  A.  Walker 
William  Elyard  Walmisley,  Esq. 
Charles  Walton,  Esq. 
Reginald  Ward,  Esq. 
Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  Warwick 
John  Hoo|ier  Watlington,  Esq. 
Albert  Way,  Esq.  M.A.  F.S.A. 
Rev.  Thomas  William  Wcare,  M.A. 
Rev.    John    Webb,    M.A.,   F.S.A., 

M.R.S.L.,  Tietire.  Herefordshire 
Rev.  Montagu  Webster,  Nethcrseale 
Rev.  Arcliibald  Weir,  Enfield 

John  Weld,  Esq. 

Rt.  Hon.  Lord  Wensleydale 

(c.)  The  Most  Hon.  the  Marquess  of 

His   Excellency  M.  Van   du  Weyer, 

Belgian  Minister 
John  Welchman  Whateley,  Esq. 
William  Whateley,  Esq.  Q.C. 
James  Whatman,  Esq.  M.A.,  F.R.S., 

F.S.A.,  M.P.    Vinters,   near  Maid- 
Rev.  William  Whewcll,  D.D.,  F.R.S., 

F.S.A.,  Master  of  Trinity   College, 

Sir  James  Whitelock 
Alexander  Whytock,  Esq. 
Right  Hon.  Sir  James  Wigram,  M.A., 



Bodtarv.  Denbigh 
harlcs  M.  Willich,  Esq. 

(c.1    Rev.  John   Wilson,  D.D.    Master 

of  Trinity  College,  O.-iford 
Joshua  Wilson,  Esq. 
(c.)    Lea  Wilson,  Esq.  F.S.A. 
(c  )  Lestock  Peach  Wilson,  Es(|. 
Benjamin  Godfrey  Windus,  Esi]. 
Charles  Winn,  Esq.  Nostcl  Priory 
William   Winthrop,   Efq.  La   Valetla, 

Rev.    Thomas     Woodhouse,     Mansel 

Francis  Worship,  Esq. 
Rev.  Thomas  Worsley,  M.A.,  Master 

of  Downing  College,  Cambridge 
Rev.    John    Revnell     Wrcford,   D.D. 

F.S.A.    Locil  Siu-reliir:,  at  Bristol 
Francis  John  Wright,  I'^q. 
Rev-  Godfrtv  Wright,  Billiam  House 
Wm.  Battle  Wrightson,  Esq.  MP. 
Sir   Charles    George  Young,    Garter, 

L I  B  E  A  r.  I  E  S. 


American  Antiquarian   Socictv,  Wor- 
cester, Massachusetts 
Athemcum  Club 
Australian  Public  Library 
Bank  of  England  Library 
Berlin  Royal  Library 
Birmingham  Pulihe  Library 
Boston  Library,  U.S. 
Bradford  Subscription  Library 
Bristol,  Bishop's  College 
Cambridge,  St.  John's  College 

King's  College 
Canterbury,  Dean  and  Chapter  Library 
Copenhagen  Royal  Library 

,,  University  Library 

Dover  Proprietary  Library 
Dublin  Royal  Irish  Acaden.y 

Glasgow  University 

Gray's  Inn,  Hon.  Society  of 

N..W  ^oik     \stoi  Iibrirs 

Harvard  University,  United  States 

AUr  ai  tile  I  lb 

House  of  Commons  Library 

FiM  del  CL  CI 

Hull  Subscription  Library 

NDr\Mch,  Dnn    nd  1 1    it 

Inner  Temple  Library 

lit  rir\  Ii     itut 

Leeds  Library 

Oxf  idUi  1   1    society 

Leicester    Literary   and  Philosorhir  1 

Oxf  r!  aid  C   n  brid„c  C 


I  111    kl|l    a(     mmereul 

Lincoln  Permanent  Library 

1    Urn  C!    5 

Lincoln's  Inn,  Hon.  Society  of 

R   \al  Inst  tjtion 

London  Library,  St.  James's  Square 

s  credHaim    nic  Society 

,,     City  of,  Library,  Guildhall 

St   Andrew  s  Ui  iversity 

,,      Institution 


Malta  Garrison  Libr; 
Manchester,  Chetham  Library 

„  Exchange  Street  Library 

,,  Free  Library 

Massachusetts  Historical  Society,  Bos 

tun,U.  S. 
Munich  Royal  Library 
Newcastle   Literary   and  Philosoj  liiea 

Arcl  L 
•a  1  in„ 