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Prepared under the direction of 


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This work (Bulletin No. 49) is one of a series of papers intended 
to illustrate the collections belonging to the United States, and con- 
stituting the National Museum, of which the Smithsonian Institution 
was placed in charge by the act of Congress of August 10, 1846. 

The publications of the National Museum consist of two series— 
the Bulletins, of which this is No. 49, in continuous series, and the 
Proceedings, of which the eighteenth volume is now in press. A 
small edition of each paper in the Proceedings is distributed in pam- 
phlet form to specialists, in advance of the publication of the bound 

The Bulletins of the National Museum, the publication of which 
was commenced in 1875, consist of elaborate papers based upon the 
collections of the Museum, reports of expeditions, ete., while the 
Proceedings facilitate the prompt publication of freshly-acquired 
facts relating to biology, anthropology, and geology, descriptions of 
restricted groups of animals and plants, the discussion of particular 
questions relative to the synonymy of species, and the diaries of 
minor expeditions. 

Other papers, of more general popular interest, are printed in the 
Appendix to the Annual Report. 

Full lists of the publications of the Museum mav be found in the 
eurrent catalogues of the publications of the Smithsonian Institution. 

Papers intended for publication in the Proceedings and Bulletins 
of the National Museum are referred to the Committee on Publica- 
tions, composed as follows: Frederick W. True (chairman), Marcus 
Benjamin (editor), J. E. Benedict, Otis T. Mason, Leonhard Stej- 

neger, and Lester F. Ward. 

Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. 

WASHINGTON, D. C., August 1, 1896. 





Prepared under the direction of 

Ga ROW Nese O'O DE. 




Frontispiece—Portrait of Philip Lutley Sclater. é 
(CHOTAUREN AS ok te = pea tk ae Sele To eae aaa eee er Vv 
improdtictionmeiees nu ews. ela ae a oS eho Ese ece sea Shoe VII 
Bearer paiigally Rieter pee Ss J ES ek ne a ocho SS aes ook SS ibs 
Chronological catalogue of separate works, 1G44 1S 04a ober Cee eos 1 
Chronological catalogue of papers published in the memoirs, proceedings, 
and journals of learned societies and other periodicals___---.------------ 5 
ist of new families and genera described .._.-......--.--+-....---.-------- 75 
iamorerie wi Species Gescniped = 22>) <eee e ee oe nena Sanne eens seco esi ase 79 
LT SER GE TSESTSNSRSY 20 (20 aI Pe eo ee ee ee ee 105 
Index to the subjects of the separate works and papers catalogued in Parts 
Th ivy TNE oe, tae a SS a ee a ee hese MAE eee Meera ey ae eng 121 
Appendix—List of separate works and papers published subsequent to 
December, 1894, and not included in Parts I to VI_...-.----.---------.-- 133 


Many years ago the publication of a series of bibliographies of rep- 
resentative American naturalists was begun in the Bulletins of the 
United States National Museum. The series was intended to include 
analytical discussions of the writings of the men who have been espe- 
cially prominent in the study, classification, and naming of the animals 
and plants of America, with a view to facilitating the use of the very 
extensive, widely scattered, and very complicated literature which 
has grown up in connection with American systematic biology. 

Five bulletins have been published in this series: No. 20, The Pub- 
lished Writings of Spencer Fullerton Baird, 1843-1882, by G. Brown 
Goode; No. 23, The Published Writings of Isaac Lea, LL. D., by 
Newton Pratt Seudder; No. 30, Bibliography of Publications Relating 
to the Collection of Fossil Invertebrates in the United States National 
Museum, including complete lists of the writings of Fielding B. Meek, 
Charles A. White, and Charles D. Walcott, by John Belknap Marcou; 
No. 40, The Published Writings of George Newbold Lawrence, 1844— 
1891, by L. S. Foster, and No. 41, The Published Writings of Dr. 
Charles Girard, by G. Brown Goode. 

The scope of this series would seem appropriately limited to the 
work of the naturalists living and working in America, but there is 
one exception which no one can doubt the propriety of making—that 
in the ease of Mr. Philip Lutley Sclater, the secretary of the Zoological 
Society of London, who has confined his work for the most part to 
American ornithology, and whose contributions to the systematic 
ornithology of the American Continent have far exceeded in extent 
those of anyone working in this country. His opportunities have 
been almost unlimited, and his utilization of these opportunities has 
been wonderfully effective. 

The ornithology of Neotropical America was but little known when 
he began his work. Mr. George N. Lawrence, of New York City, 
also an indefatigable worker in the same field, has left an extensive 
record in his bibliography already published. His studies were 
earried on, however, in the intervals of an active business life, while 
Mr. Sclater has been able to devote his entire time for more than half 
a century to systematic work, and has given most of his attention to 
the bird fauna of Central and South America, with results the extent 
of which is well shown by the analytical catalogue of his writings now 



It is believed that this bibliography will materially lighten the 
labors of everyone engaged in the study of American birds or of the 
problems of geographical distribution. 

Since Mr. Sclater is not an ‘‘ American naturalist” in the same 
sense as the others whose bibliographies have already been published, 
the present work is not included in the series of ‘‘ Bibliographies of 
American Naturalists.” He is, however, in another and a broader 
sense, one of the most eminent and prolific of American naturalists. 

The plan adopted in the present volume is essentially different in 
its entirety from any previously used, although many of its features 
are familiar. The method of citation is essentially that of Coues, but 
the annotations to the titles are made as brief as possible. The object 
of such annotations is understood to be simply to describe each paper 
so that a person consulting the bibliography can determine without 
further research whether the paper cited is one which he needs to 
consult. The customary practice of analyzing the paper and enumer- 
ating under its title all the species, genera, and families which it 
describes is not followed. It is thought that a much more satisfae- 
tory plan has been adopted, namely, that of combining this enumer- 
ation of species with the alphabetical index, so that a person desiring 
an exact reference for use in synonymy, or indeed for immediate use 
in consulting the literature, can find in one alphabetical series all the 
names for which the author is responsible, each accompanied by an 
exact statement of place of description, the locality of the specimen, 
and the place where the type is to be found. 

A separate list of species figured, with an exact bibliographical 
citation for the plate and the page related to it,is also given. The 
reason for including a separate list of the species figured is obvious, 
since a large number of Mr. Selater’s figures relate to forms not for 
the first time described by hin. 

Much care has been given to the typography of this bibliography, 
with the purpose of securing compactness as well as clearness. The 
material here included, if printed in the same style as the bibli- 
ographies previously issued by the Museum, would have occupied 
at least four times the space. Notwithstanding this compactness of 
typography, the arrangement of the matter and the contrasts secured 
by the choice of type and by the system of spacing and indentation 
adopted has, it is believed, produced a page which is clearer and 
easier of reference than any previously used, at all events in the pub- 
lications of the Museum. 

Special acknowledgment is due to Mr. George Arthur Doubleday, 
clerk in the library of the Zoological Society of London, by whom the 
titles have been copied and arranged. Mr. Charles W. Richmond, of 
the National Museum, has done excellent service in reading proof and 
verifying the citations. 


Mr. Philip Lutley Sclater, secretary of the Zoological Society of 
London, is one of the best known of living zoologists. Few men 
have contributed so much as he to systematic ornithology, and none 
have done so much in the identification and description of new forms 
from the Western Continent. His work has been largely in connec- 
tion with the luxuriant fauna of Neotropical America, little known at 
the time when he began his researches. Nearly every year since he 
began work in 1853, his correspondents in tropical America have laid 
at his feet new wealth in the form of collections from regions hitherto 

He has characterized 1,067 new species (245 in collaboration with 
Osbert Salvin), 155 new genera (25 with Salvin), and two new fami- 
lies of American birds. 

Remarkable as has been his industry and his accuracy in diagnosis 
and deseription, the fact should be recognized that but for his energy 
and his skill as an organizer many regions now well known to the 
ornithologist would doubtless still remain unexplored. 

The labors of Mr. Selater have also resulted in great additions to our 
knowledge of the geographical distribution of vertebrates. Not only 
has he worked out many local faunas, but his generalizations upon the 
distribution of life and the division of the globe into zoogeographical 
regions have had great influence upon scientific opinion. He was 
one of the pioneers in this field of investigation, and his writings 
upon the subject have always been full of suggestion and have stim- 
ulated many others to engage in similar inquiry. His views as to the 
geographical distribution of birds are undoubtedly more widely 
accepted throughout the world than those of any other authority, 
and though, with increasing knowledge, modifications in the scheme 
proposed by him long ago will doubtless become more and more 
numerous, his studies of geographical distribution will always be 
considered as of fundamental importance, and the terms which he 
suggested for the principal divisions of the earth’s surface will doubt- 
less remain in ordinary use. 

For more than thirty years the chief executive officer of the most 
wealthy and vigorous zoological society in the world, his influence 
upon the progress of natural history exploration has been very great, 
and his relations with American naturalists have always been cordial 

and cooperative. 


Notwithstanding the great bulk of his technical publications, he 
has for four decades been prominent in the activities of scientific 
London and a noteworthy figure in the midst of every important sci- 
entific gathering. 

At the age of sixty-seven he is still productive and adding each 
year a number of titles to the already remarkable assemblage of 
papers which have been published under his name. 

It is the object of this bibliography to render thoroughly available 
to American naturalists all the results of the work of this eminent — 
scholar, who has done for the ornithology of Central and South Amer- 
ica what has been done by Nuttall, Wilson, Audubon, Baird, Allen, 
Merriam, Ridgway, and their associates for that of the Northern 

Philip Lutley Seclater was born November 4, 1829, at ‘‘ Tangier 
Park,” in Hampshire, the residence of his father, William Lutley 
Selater, Esq.; and his boyhood was passed chiefly at ‘‘ Hoddington 
House,” another estate in the same county, belonging to his father, 
who died there in 1885 at the age of ninety-seven. 

In beautiful Hampshire, close to the home of Gilbert White at 
**Selborne,” he acquired early in life a love for outdoor life and a 
taste for the study of birds. 

At the age of ten, he was sent to a well-known school at Twyford, 
near Winchester. In 1842 he went to Winchester College, and in 
1845 was elected scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Being 
at that time under sixteen years of age, he was not called into resi- 
dence at the University until Easter, 1846. 

At Oxford his attention was given principally to mathematies, 
though his spare time was occupied by the study of birds and of the 
excellent series of natural history books then in the Radcliffe Library. 

Hugh E. Strickland, the well-known ornithologist, who was at that 
time resident in Oxford as reader in geology, became interested in 
young Selater and took him under his protection. At Strickland’s 
chambers he met John Gould, shortly after his return from his great 
journey to Australia. From Strickland he received his first instrue- 
tion in scientific ornithology. He began his collection of bird skins 
at Oxford, making British skins for himself and buying foreign species 
at a shilling apiece, whenever he could get to London for a run among 
the bird shops. 

In December, 1849, he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts, 
obtained his first class in the mathematical school and a ‘‘ pass” in 
classics. At that time these were the only two recognized subjects 
for study in the university, no sort of encouragement being given to 
natural history. 

After taking his degree he remained at his college in Oxford for 
two years, devoting his time principally to natural history. He also 
gave much attention to modern languages, studying with masters at 


home and always visiting the Continent in vacation time, and thus 
soon made himself familiar with French, German and Italian. 

At this period of his life he was often in Paris, where he made the 
acquaintance of the great ornithologist, Prince Charles Bonaparte, at 
whose house, until his death in 1858, he was a frequent visitor. 

In 1851 he entered himself for the bar, becoming a student at 
Lincoln’s Inn, oceasionally visiting Oxford, and passing his leisure 
time at Hoddington, but always enthusiastically engaged in natural 
history pursuits. The winter of 1852-53 was given to travel in Italy 
and Sicily. 

In December, 1855, he was admitted fellow of Corpus Christi Col- 
lege, and having in the previous June completed his legal education 
and been called to the bar by the Honorable Society of Lincoln’s Inn, 
he went the Western Circuit for several years. 

In 1856 he made his first journey across the Atlantic, in company 
with the Rev. George Hext, a fellow colegian. Leaving England in 
July, they went by New York up the Hudson to Saratoga, and there 
attended the meeting of the American Association for the Advance- 
ment of Science. After that they went to Niagara, and thence 
through the Great Lakes to Superior City, at the extreme end of 
Lake Superior. Here they engaged two Canadian ‘‘ voyageurs” and 
traveled on foot through the backwoods to the upper waters of the 
St. Croix River. This they descended in a birch-bark canoe to the 
Mississippi. Mr. Sclater subsequently published an account of this 
journey in the third volume of ‘‘ Illustrated Travels.” (See paper 
No. 576.) 

Returning by steamboat and railway to Philadelphia, he spent a 
month in that city studying the splendid collection of birds belong- 
ing to the Academy of Natural Sciences, where he formed the 
acquaintance of John Cassin, Joseph Leidy, John Le Conte, and other 
then well-known members of that society. He returned to England 
shortly before Christmas, 1856. 

For some years after this he lived in London, practicing oceasion- 
ally at the bar, but always at work on natural history. He was a 
constant attendant at the meetings of the Zoological Society, of which 
he was elected, in 1850, a life member and in 1857 a member of the 
council. ; 

In January, 1859, he made a short excursion to Tunis and eastern 
Algeria, in company with Mr. E. C. Taylor and two other friends. 
They visited the breeding places of the vultures and kites in the in- 
terior and gathered many bird skins, returning to London at the end of 

At this time Mr. D. W. Mitchell, secretary of the Zoological Society, 
was about to vacate his post in order to take charge of the newly 
instituted Jardin d’Acclimatation in Paris. For this position Mr. 
Sclater was selected by Owen and Yarrell, then influential members 


of the council. He was formally elected to it on April 30, 1859, and 
he has been re-elected annually ever since. 

Ile found it necessary to devote himself entirely for three years to 
the reorganization of the affairs of the Society. The ‘‘ Proceedings” 
and ‘‘ Transactions” were at that time several years in arrears—they 
were brought up to date; the Garden Guide, which was out of print, 
was rewritten; the large staff at the gardens was rearranged and 
divided into departments under the superintendent, and various other 
reforms were introduced. 

For thirty-five years his life has been almost entirely spent in work 
eonnected with natuyal history. 

In 1874, when his brother (then the Right Hon. George Sclater- 
Booth, M. P., and afterwards Lord Basing) accepted office in Mr. 
Disraeli’s administration as president of the local government board, 
Mr. Selater became his private secretary, a position which he ocecu- 
pied for two years. But when subsequently offered a permanent 
place in the civil service he declined it, because he could not make 
up his mind to give up his dearly loved work in natural history. 

His most engrossing duties have been in connection with the 
Zoological Society of London, to which, as principal executive officer, 
he has, of course, devoted most of his time. It is conceded by all 
that its affairs have prospered well under his direction. The number 
of fellows of the society, in 1859 about 1,700, has increased to over 
3,000. The income of the society, which in 1858 was a little over 
£14,000, is now seldom under £25,000. Besides this, nearly all of the 
principal buildings in the society’s gardens have been rebuilt during 
the past thirty-five years and fitted up with every sort of modern 
convenience for animals. The old office building (No. 11 Hanover 
square) has been sold and a larger and more convenient one (No. 3 
Hanover square) bought in the same vicinity. A debt of £12,000 to 
the society’s bankers, originally secured upon its house, has been 
paid off, and this property is now entirely the property of the 
Society without any sort of incumbrance. 

The first floor of the society’s house is devoted to the accomodation 
of a large and very valuable zoological library, under the care of a 
librarian and his assistant, and is the constant resort of the working 
zoologists of the metropolis. This library has been almost entirely 
accumulated since 1859. 

The publications of the society, consisting of Proceedings, Trans- 
actions, Lists of Animals (of which eight editions have been pub- 
lished), the ‘‘ Garden Guide” and ‘Zoological Record,” are all issued 
from this office, with almost unfailing regularity. The scientific 
meetings of the society are held here during the eight months of the 
scientific session, and an abstract of their proceedings is always 
printed and issued within a week after each meeting has taken place. 

Mr. Sclater was selected by the British Onithologists’ Union as the 
first editor of ‘‘The Ibis,” in 1859. He finished the first series in 1864, 


Professor Newton took his place as editor of the second series, and 
Mr. Salvin as editor of the third. In 1877 he was associated with Mr. 
Salvin as joint editor of the fourth series, and in 1885 commenced the 
editorship of the fifth series, with Mr. Howard Saunders as co-editor. 
When the fifth series was completed, in 1888, he became sole editor of 
the sixth, which he finished in 1894. In 1895, having again obtained 
the assistance of Mr. Howard Saunders, he commenced work on the 
seventh series, of which two volumes are already complete. 

When the British Ornithologists’ Club was established in 1892, he 
joined heartily in the movement inaugurated by Dr. R. Bowdler 
Sharpe, and has usually had the honor of occupying the chair at its 
meetings and of delivering an inaugural address at the commence- 
ment of each session. 

With the British Association for the Advancement of Science-he 
has had a long connection, having become a member in 1847 at the 
second Oxford meeting, and having attended its meetings with few 
exceptions ever since. For several years he was secretary of Section 
D, and at the Bristol meeting in 1875 he was president of that section 
and delivered an address ‘‘On the present state of our knowledge of 
geographical zoology” (Paper No. 745). In 1876 he was elected one 
of the two general secretaries of the association, together with Sir 
Douglas Galton, and served in that capacity for five years, thereby 
becoming an ex officio member of the council, at the meetings of 
which he is a constant attendant. 

Ever since the scientific journal ‘‘ Nature” was started by Professor 
Lockyer in 1869, he has been a frequent contributor to that most 
important periodical. 

In 1886 he began the transfer of his private collection of American 
bird skins to the British Museum. This collection contained 8,824 
Specimens, representing 3,158 species, belonging to the orders Pas- 
seres, Picariz, and Psittaci. It may be remarked that when he 
began his collection at Oxford in 1847 he intended to collect. birds of 
every kind and from all parts of the world, but after a few years 
resolved to confine his attention particularly to the ornithology of 
South and Central America and to collect only in the orders just 
mentioned, which were at that time generally less known than the 
others and of which the specimens are of a more manageable size for 
the private collector. 

At the time of the beginning of this transfer, which was only com- 
pleted in 1890, he agreed to prepare some of the volumes of the 
British Museum ‘‘ Catalogue of Birds,” relating to the groups to which 
he had paid special attention. In accordance with this arrangement 
by the expenditure of fully two years of his leisure time for each vol- 
ume, he prepared the eleventh volume in 1886, the fourteenth in 
1888, the fifteenth in 1890, and half of the nineteenth in 1891. 

When the Challenger expedition started around the world in 1873, 
at the request of his friend, the late Sir Wyville Thomson, he agreed 


to work out all the birds. Soon after the return of the expedition in 
1877 the specimens of birds collected were placed in his hands, and 
with the assistance of his ornithological friends were speedily reported 
upon in a series of papers contributed to the Zoological Society’s 
**Proceedings.” The whole of these papers were reprinted with addi- 
tions and illustrations, and now form part of the second volume of 
the ‘‘ Zoology” of the Challenger expedition. 

Geography, being very closely connected with zoology, has always 
commanded Mr. Sclater’s hearty interest. He became a life mem- 
ber of the Royal Geographical Society in 1880, and has attended its 
meetings regularly ever since. He has also served two years on the 
council, and is a member of the Geographical Club. He has assisted 
in promoting many researches in foreign parts, chiefly, however, with 
a view to obtaining collections of natural history from strange places. 
Among these may be especially mentioned Sir H. H. Johnston’s expe- 
dition to Kilima-Njaro in 1884 and Professor Balfour’s visit to Soco- 
tra in 1880. He also took a leading part in sending out naturalists 
to Kerguelen Land and Rodriguez, along with the transit-of-Venus 
expeditions of 1874-75, and in many otler similar efforts to explore 
little-known parts of the earth’s surface. At the present time he is 
serving on two committees of this kind—one for the investigation of 
the fauna and flora of the Lesser Antilles, and the other for the fur- 
ther exploration of the fauna of the Hawaiian Islands. In both of 
these countries collectors are actively at work. 

In 1884 he took advantage of the opportunity of the visit of the 
British Association to Montreal to cross the Atlantic a second time, 
and after the meeting to visit the United States. He was not in 
good health at that period, and did little, if anything, in the way of 
zoology. But he had the pleasure of seeing several of his former 
friends, especially Lawrence and Baird, and of making the personal 
acquaintance of Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Allen, Mr. Brewster, Dr. Merriam, 
and many other naturalists. 

One of his closest friends was the late Professor Huxley, long a 
member of the Council of the Zoological Society, where he was one of 
Mr. Scelater’s most constant supporters. Professor Huxley, it may be 
said, was the chief advocate of the project of employing an anatomist 
at the society’s gardens, and invented the title ‘‘ prosector” for the 
new office. A. H. Garrod, who became prosector in 1871, and W. A. 
Forbes, who succeeded him in 1879—both very talented and promis- 
ing young naturalists,—were dear friends of Sclater, and the unfor- 
tunate death of Forbes during the excursion to the Niger in 1883 
was a most severe blow to him. Notable among his other friends 
was Charles Darwin, who frequently visited him in his office, bring- 
ing long lists of memoranda for conference. 

Mr. Selater married in 1862 Jane Anne Eliza Hunter Blair, daughter 
of the late Sir David Hunter Blair, baronet, of ‘‘ Blair quae in Ayr- 
shire. He has five children, of whom four are sons. The eldest, 


William Lutley Sclater, has inherited his father’s tastes: he was for 
four years an assistant in the Indian Museum in Calcutta, and after a 
short term of service as science master at Eton College was appointed 
director of the South African Museum at Cape Town, a position which 
he now occupies. 

The second son, Capt. Bertram Lutley Sclater, is an officer in the 
Royal Engineers, and is now on duty in British East Africa, con- 
structing a road to Uganda from the coast. 

The third son, Lieut. Guy Lutley Sclater, an officer in the Royal 
Navy, is a specialist in torpedo work; while the youngest, Arthur 
Lutley Selater, is a tea planter in Ceylon. 

In 1887, after a continuous residence of more than twenty-five 
years in London, he gave up his residence in Elvaston Place, where 
so many American naturalists visiting England have received a 
hearty welcome. He has since lived in Hampshire at his country 
house, ‘‘Odiham Priory,” about forty miles from town, taking a house 
for his family in London for three or four months at the beginning 
of each year. In summer he constantly visits the Continent, making 
excursions to see the various zoological gardens and museums. 

Mr. Sclater received the degree of doctor of philosophy honoris 
causa from the University of Bonn in 1860, and in 1861 was elected a 
fellow of the Royal Society, on the council of which he has twice 
served. As has already been said, he has long been an active mem- 
‘ber of the Council of the British Association for the Advancement of 
Science, as well as of that of the Royal Geographical Society. 

A list of the other scientific and learned societies of which he is a 
member is as follows: 

Fellow of Linnean Society of London (1856); member of Allgemeine 
deutsche ornithologische Gesellschaft (1856); corresponding member 
of Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (1856); corresponding 
member of Lyceum of Natural History, New York (1857); corre- 
sponding member of Dublin University Zoological and Botanical 
Association (1859); member of British Ornithologists’ Union (1859); 
member of Academia Germanica Nature Curiosorum, cognomine 
‘* Bechstein ” (1860); honorary member of Sociedad de Naturalistas 
Neo-Granadinos (1860); honorary member of Royal Zoological Society 
of Ireland (1861); member of k. k. zoologisch-botanische Gesell- 
schaft in Wien (1862); member of Philosophical Club (1862); honor- 
ary member of Zoologische Gesellschaft in Hamburg (1863); honorary 
member of Zoological and Acclimatization Society of Victoria (1865); 
honorary member of Rotterdamsche Diergaarde (1866); correspond- 
ing member of the Gesellschaft fiir vaterlindische Naturkunde in 
Wiirttemberg (1867); honorary member of the Sociedad de Ciencias 
Fisicas y Naturales of Caracas (1869); corresponding member of 
Academia Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis (1870); honorary mem- 
ber of Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap ‘‘ Natura Artis Magistra ” 
of Amsterdam (1871); member of Geologists’ Association, London 


(1873); corresponding member of Senkenbergische naturforschende 
Gesellschaft zu Frankfurt-am-Main (1873); fellow of American Phil- 
osophical Society of Philadelphia (1873); honorary member of New 
Zealand Institute (1876); member of Royal Society Club (1876); fel- 
low of Geological Society of London (1878); foreign honorary member 
of the Nuttall Ornithological Club (1878); corresponding member of 
the Verein fiir naturwissenschaftliche Unterhaltung in Hamburg 
(1879); honorary member of Hertfordshire Natural History Society 
and Field Club (1880); corresponding member of Academia Nacional 
de Ciencias, Reptblica Argentina (1880); honorary member of 
Sociedad Zoolojica Arjentina, Buenos Ayres (1881); foreign mem- 
ber of American Ornithologists’ Union (1883); honorary member 
of Ornithologischer Verein in Wien (1883); corresponding member of 
Biological Society of Washington (1884); honorary member of Zoolog- 
ical and Acclimatization Society of South Australia (1885); honorary 
member of Newport Natural History Society (1885); ordinary mem- 
ber of the Societas Caesarea Naturze Curiosorum Mosquensis (1885); 
corresponding member of Royal Academy of Turin (1885); honorary 
corresponding member of Geological Society of Australasia (1886); 
member of the Hampshire Field Club (1887); fellow of Imperial Insti- 
tute (1892); member of British Ornithologists’ Club (1892); honorary 
member of Societas Caesarea Nature Curiosorum Mosquensis (1894); 
honorary member of Bureau Central Ornithologique Hongrois (1894); 
corresponding member of Société Scientifique du Chili (1894); honor- 
ary fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford (1894); corresponding 
member of Boston Society of Natural History (1895); honorary member 
of Museu Paraense de Historia Natural e Ethnographia (1896). 

His prominence in zoology has received frequent recognition in the 
naming of new forms. Among the animals which bear his name are 
the following: Anabates Sclateri, Pelzeln (Sitz. Akad. Wien, XXXIV, 
p. 132); Attia Sclateri, Lawrence (Ann. Lye. N. Y., VII, 470); Barbus 
Sclateri, Giimther (Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus., VII, 93); Calliste Sclateri, 
Lafresnaye (Rev. Zool., 1854, 207); OCasuwarius Sclateri, Salvadori 
(Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov., XII, 422); Chetura Sclateri, Pelzeln (Orn. 
Bras., 16, 56); Chrysomitris Sclateri, Sharpe (Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 
XII, 200); Crax Sclateri, Gray (List Galline Brit. Mus., 14); Cyano- 
corax Sclateri, Heine (Journ. fiir Orn., 1860, 115); Doliornis Sclateri, 
Taczanowski (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1874, 136, 541, pl. xx); Hrinaceus 
Sclateri, Anderson (Proc. Zool. Soe., 1895, 420); Huchlornis Sclateri, 
Cornalia (Contr. Orn., 1852, 133, pl. 101); Hudyptes Sclateri, Buller 
(Birds New Zealand, I, 289, 1888); Huphonia Sclateri, Bonaparte (in 
Mus. Paris; Sundevall, Gifv. Vet. Ak. Forh., 1869, 596); Gowra 
Sclateri, Salvadori (Ann. Mus. Civ. Genoy., XII, 325); Heliomaster 
Sclateri, Cabanis and Heine (Mus. Hein., III, 54); Hirundinea Sclateri, 
Reinhardt (Fuglef. Camp. Bras., 147); Hirundo Sclateri, Cory (Auk, 
1884, 2); Icterus Sclateri, Cassin (Proe. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., 1867, 
49); Leptocalamus Sclateri, Boulenger (Cat. Snakes Brit. Mus., I, 



251, pl. xii, fig. 1); Lophophorus Sclateri, Jerdon (Ibis, 1870, 147); 
Loriculus Sclateri, Wallace (Proe. Zool. Soc., 1862, 336, pl. xxxviii); 
Loxigilla noctis Sclateri, Allen (Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V, 166); 
Megapicus Sclateri, Malherbe (Picide, I, 22, 156, 165, pl. viii, fig. 1; 
pl. xxxv, fig. 8); Micropygia Sclateri, Bonaparte (Compt. Rend., 
XLII, 599) Myiarchus Sclateri, Lawrence (Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., I, 
357); Myzomela Selateri, Forbes (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1879, 265, pl. xxv, 
tig. 2); Ornithion Sclateri, Berlepsch and Taczanowski (Proe. Zool. Soe., 
1883, 554); Penelope Sclateri, Gray (Proce. Zool. Soc., 1860, 270); Phile- 
mon Sclatert, Gray (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., V, 1870, 827); Picwmnus 
Sclateri, Taezanowski (Proce. Zool. Soc., 1877, 3827); Plectropterus 

_Sclateri, Sousa (Jorn. Ac. Sci. Lisb., Hl, 157); Poloptila Sclatera, 

Sharpe (Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., X, 449); Psittacula Sclateri, Gray (List 
Psittacide Brit. Mus., 86); Pternistes Sclateri, Bocage (Jorn. Ac. Sei. 
Lisb., I, 327, pl. vi); Synallaxis Sclatert, Cabanis (Journ. fiir Orn., 
1878, 196); Tanagra Sclateri, Berlepseh (Ibis, 1880, 112); Thripophaga 

—Sclateri, Berlepsch (Ibis, 1883, 490, pl. xiii); Thryothorus Sclatera, 

Taezanowski (Proe. Zool. Soc., 1879, 222); Triccus Sclatert, Cabanis 
and Heine (Mus. Hein., I, 51); Xiphocolaptes Sclateri, Ridgway (Proce. 
Dos. Nat: Mus:, XI, 6). 

In conclusion, I quote the brief appreciations of Mr. Sclater written 
by representative American naturalists whom I have invited to place 
upon record their judgment as to the value of his services to science. 

Dr. Clinton Hart Merriam, chief of the division of economic orni- 
thology and mammalogy of the United States Department of Agricul- 
ture, writes as follows: 

The value of Sclater’s contributions to American ornithology can hardly be over 
estimated. What Nuttall and Wilson and Audubon and Baird have done for the 
birds of North America, Sclater has done for those of Central and South America. - 
There is this difference in the method of treatment—that while the publications of 
North American ornithologists have been chiefly faunal or geographic, Sclater’s 
have been for the most part systematic, dealing with assemblages of species rather 

han with the ornithology of special areas, though he has made some important 
faunal contributions also. In the field of zoological geography he early attained 
distinction, and his primary regions, based on the distribution of birds, have been 
widely accepted. 

The excellent bibliography of his writings, prepared and published by the United 
States National Museum, is not only a model for this kind of work, but is also a 
most useful addition to the literature of systematic zoology. 

For half a century Sclater has given practically the whole of his time to the 
study of birds and mammals. For nearly forty years he has had charge of the 
principal zoological publication of the worid (the Proceedings of the Zoological 
Society of London), and the greater part of the time has edited the leading orni- 
thological journal (The Ibis), so that a large share of the literature of zoology has 
passed directly under his eye. During the whole of this long period he has been 
at the head of one of the best zoological gardens and the greatest zoological soci- 
ety ever established—the Zoological Society of London. Naturally his office came 
to be the meeting ground of naturalists from all quarters of the globe, and speci 

mens cf new and rare animals continually poured into his hands. For these 

reasons he has been in a position, more than any other man of his time, to keep 

415—No. 49 IT 


abreast of the progress of zoological science. That these opportunities have not 
been neglected is shown by the extraordinary array of titles, more than 1,200 in 
number, contained in his bibliography. The vast majority of these papers relate 
to the birds of tropical America, in which field the name of Sclater, like that of 
our own lamented Lawrence, will always occupy an exalted position. 

Sclater is a good type of the industrious, systematic naturalist. His offic:al 
position and personal energy brought him a wealth of new material. This he 
described in an endless series of papers on new species and new genera. Then, as 
additional specimens and additional species came in, he promptly published more 
comprehensive treatises in the form of synopses of genera or larger assemblages. 
And later, when still ampler material cast new light on the subject, he in numer- 
ous instances revised the same groups over again, correcting early errors, adding 
new species, and bringing the history of the groups down to date. These synon- 
ses and monographic revisions are the most important and useful of Sclater’s con- 
tributions to science. Their number is amazing. Among the groups treated cra 
the Orioles, Tanagers, Callistes, Pheasants, Cuckoos, Honey Creepers, Jacamars, 
Puff Birds, American Ant Birds (Formicariide), American Rails, and many others. 
In addition to all these, his Nomenc!ator Avium Neotropicalium and Argentine 
Ornithology have come to be indispensable to the student of South American 
birds. And finally, as a fitting climax to this remarkable series, he has lived to 
erect his own monument in the admirable volumes he has contributed to the 
British Museum’s Catalogue of Birds. 

But Sclater’s contributions to zoological science are not limited to birds. In 
the field of mammals he has published many important papers, illustrated by 
colored plates of high merit. Among the more useful of these are articles on the 
Deer, Rhinoceroses, and African Monkeys. He is now publishing, under joint 
authorship with Mr. Oldfield Thomas, a superb illustrated work on the antelopes 
and their allies, ‘‘ The Book of Antelopes,” the second volume of which is already 
well advanced. That the period of his activities may be continued far into the 
future is the earnest hope of his American friends. 

Prof. Joel Asaph Allen, of the American Museumsof Natural His- 
tory, New York City, writes: 

It is particularly fitting that the series of bibliographies published by the United 
States National Museum should include the writings of Philip Lutley Sclater, who 
has been for many years the most eminent authority and one of the most pro- 
lific writers on the ornithology of Central and South America. While Mr. Scla- 
ter’s writings cover a much wider field, including many papers relating to Old 
World birds and to general subjects in ornithology, and many valuable contribu- 
tions tomammalogy as well, American birds early became his chosen specialty, and 
it has engaged his chief attention for over forty years, and itis to be hoped will 
continue to Co so for many years to come. 

The bibliography of his writings, from their extent and authoritative character, 
forms, as already said, a most welcome addition to the National Museum series of 
bibliographies, which already embraces those of Baird, Girard, Lea, and Lawrence. 
The utility of such compilations is beyond question; they are at once a monument 
of respect to the author so honored and a convenience to all working naturalists 
engaged in the same fields of research. 

Mr. Robert Ridgway, Curator of Birds in the United States National 
Museum, writes as follows: 
The name of Sclater is so much a part of Neotropical ornithology that any 

knowledge of the latter withous equal familiarity with the former would be impos- 
sible. Certainly no other name occurs so frequently nor ranks more highiy in the 


literature pertaining to the birds of tropical America. Covering a period of more 
than forty years of unceasing activity, chiefly devoted to this, his favorite geo- 
graphical field, the importance of Mr. Sclater’s contributions to the ornithology 
of the Neotropical region can hardly be overestimated. Other ornithologists, it is 
true, have rendered important services so far as portions of America are concerned, 
as Salvin for Mexico and Central America, and Lawrence for the same area and 
the West Indies, while the former has been associated with Sclater in the prepa- 
ration of various monographic papers, the ‘‘ Nomenclator Avium Neotropicalium ” 
and other works; but only Sclater has covered impartially the Neotropical region 
as a whole. 

The subject of the geographical distribution of animals, with special reference 
to the birds, may be said to have first received serious attention from Mr. Sclater, 
who nearly forty years ago published a zoo-geographical scheme, which may fairly 
be regarded as the most satisfactory, in some respects, of those which have been 
proposed by various authors. Though not without its imperfections, the same 
may be said of all those proposed as improvements or substitutes, and none of the 
latter have received indorsement to the same extent as Mr. Sclater’s. 

Mr. Sclater’s treatment of ornithological subjects is concise and conservative— 
more so, frequently, than some of us would wish it to be. Some of us on this side 
of the Atlantic differ with himin nomenclatural matters and regarding the status 
and discrimination of subspecies or geographical races; but in these respects his 
methods are those of a particular school, which we are pleased to call the *‘ old,” 
and which few, if any, of his countrymen have forsaken. We fondly hope, how- 
ever, that the conservatism of our English brethren may sometime yield to the 
sound principles upon which the so-called ‘‘ American” school have based their 
“innovations,” and the complete harmony of methods between ornithologists of 
the two countries, so much to be desired, be thereby established. 

Although Sclater’s ornithological work has extended through so many years— 
far more than are allotted to most of us—neither his interest nor activity show 
sign of abatement, and it is sincerely hoped that a career so eminently useful may 
long be continued. 

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Ev Ac RD ck: 


A Synopsis of the Galbulide. Pp. 1-10, 
8 vo, 1853. [Reprinted, with additions, 
from the ‘‘ Contributions to Ornithology ” 
for 1852.) 

A review of the genera and species of the 
family Galbulide. The genera treated of are: 
Galbula, Jacamaraleyon,Jacamerops, Galbuloides, 

and Galbaleyrhynchus. Seventeen species are 

(See papers Nos. 43, 45, 46, 69.) 
Tanagrarum Catalogus Specificus. Pp. 
1-16, 8vo, Basingstoke, 1854. 

A catalogue of the known species of Tanagers, 
embracing 41 genera and 238 species. Diva is pro- 
posed for the name of a new genus, and the new 

species named areas follows: Arremon axillaris, | 

Ramphocelus dorsalis, Bp. MS., Buthraupis chlo- 
ronota, Huphonia concinna, and Huphonia hirund- 
inacea, Bp. MS. 


Synopsis of the Fissirostral Family 
Bucconide, accompanied by four coloured 
plates of hitherto unfigured species. Pp. 
3-24, pls. i-iv, London, 1854. [ Reprint, 
with additions, from the Ann. and Mag. 
Nat. Hist., ser. 2, 1854.] 

A review of the species (33 in number) of the 
family Bucconide. The genera treated of are: 
Bucco, Malacoptila, Monasa, and Chelidoptera. 
The following species are figured: Bucco rujicol- 

lis, B. bicinctus, B. lanceolatus, and Chelidoptera 

(See paper No. 66.) 
Synopsis Avium Tanagrinarum. A de- 
scriptive catalogue of the known species 
of Tanagers, 8vo, London, 1856. [ Reprint, 
from Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, pp. 64, 
108, 230. ] 
(See papers Nos. 86, 86a, 86.) 


A Monograph of the Birds forming the 
Tanagrine Genus Calliste; illustrated by 
coloured plates of all the known species. 
Pp. i-xviii, 1-104, pls. i-xly, 8vo, Lon- 
don, Van Voorst, 1857. 

A monograph of the genus Calliste, which em- 
braces the following 52 species: C. tatao, C. celi- 
color, OC. yeni, OC. tricolor, C. fastuosa, C. festiva, C. 
cyaneiventris, C. thoracica, C. schranki, C. pune- 
tata, C. guttata, C. xanthogastra, O. graminea, CO. 
rufigularis, C.aurulenta, C. sclateri, C. pulehra, 0. 
arthusi, C. icterocephala, C. vitriolina, C. cayana, 
C. eyanoleema, C. cucullata, C. flava, C. pretiosa, C. 
melanonota, C. cyanoptera, C. gyrola, C. gyroloides, 
CO. desmaresti, C. brasiliensis, C. jlaviventris, C. 
vieilloti, C. boliviana, O. atriccerulea, C. rujicervia, 
C. atricapilla, C. argentea, C. nigriviridis, C. cya- 
nescens, C. larvata, C.francesce, C. nigricincta, C. 
cyaneicollis, C. labradorides, C. rufigenis, C. par- 
zudakii, O. lunigera, C. chrysotis, C. xantho- 
cephala, C. venusta, and C. inornata. All the spe- 
cies are figured except C. eyanoleema, C. vieilloti, 
C. nigriviridis, and C. francesce. 

Guide to the Gardens of the Zoological 

Society of London, 47 editions, 8vo, 
London, 1859-93. 

A popular illustrated guide to the Gardens of 
the Zoological Society of London, giving a con- 
cise account of the animals exhibited therein. 


Zoological Sketches by Joseph Wolf. 
Made for the Zoological Society of Lon- 
don, from animals in their vivarium, in 
the Regent’s Park. Edited, with notes, 
by P. L.Sclater. Vol. I, pls. i-l (1861); 
Vol. II, pls. i-l (1867), with letterpress 
to each plate, Folio, London, 1861-67. 

The following species are figured and remarked 

upon: (Vol. 1) Troglodytes niger, Cercopithecus 
pluto (stangeri on plate), Felis leo, F’. leopardus, F, 


picta, F. eyra, F. macroscelis, F. serval, F. chaus, 
F. caracal (2 plates), F. canadensis, F. jubata, 

Bassaris astuta, Mephitis humboldtii, Canis azare, | 

Ursus syriacus, Trichecus rosmarus, Cervus cana- 
densis, C. leueurus, Oreas canna (jr.), Gazella 
subgutturosa, Oryx leucoryx, Ovis_ eycloceros 
(vignai on plate), Capra jemlaica, Auchenia pacos, 
Hippopotamus amphibius, Potamocherus ofrica- 
nus, P. penicillatus, Myrmecophaga jubata, Thyla- 
cinus cynocephalus, Phascolomys wombat, Falco 
sacer, F. greniandicus, F. islandicus, Gypohierax 
angolensis, Phasianus. torquatus, P. versicolor, 

Gallophasis horsjieldii, Tetraogallus caspius, Gallo- | 

perdix lunulosa, Rhea americana, Casuarius ben- 
nettii, Apteryx mantelli, Otis tarda, Grus montig- 
nesia (japonensis on plate), Mycteria australis, 
Cygnus nigricollis, Chloephaga poliocephala (Berni- 
cla magellanica on plate), and Xiphosoma cani- 
num. (Vol. 11) Macaeus ocreatus, Lemur nigri- 
frons, Chiromys madagascariensis, Canis cerdo, 
Felis yaguarundi, F.lyna, F. viverrina (on plate 
bengalensis), Viverricula malaccensis, Mellivora ca- 
pensis, M. indica, Arctictis binturong, Otaria hook- 
eri, Cervus maral (on plate C. wallichti), C. mant- 

torquatus, Elephas africanus, Bradypus tridacty- 
lus, Macropus rufus, Phascolomys latifrons (lasio- 
rhinus on plate), Ptilonorhynchus holosericeus, 
Buceros bicornis, B.rhinoceros, Aquila neevia, 
Phasianus semmerringii, P. reevesii, Euplocamus 

throphthalmus, EB. preelatus (Gallophasis hors- | 1 ‘ | : 
Bure latey prelate. et is | logical Society of London prior to the year 1883. 

fieldi on plate), 2. vieilloti, E. swinhoti, E. lineatus, 
Ceriornis satyra, Talegalla lathami, Struthio came- 
lus, Ocydromus australis, Ciconia senegalensis 
(Myeteria senegalensis on plate), Baleeniceps rex, 
Rhinochetusjubatus, Tantalusibis, T. leucocephalus, 
Chloephaga magellanica, Anas scutulata (Casarea 
leucoptera on plate), and Clotho nasicornis. 


Catalogue of a Collection of American | 

Birds belonging to P. L. Sclater. Pp. 
i-xvi, 1-368, pls. i-xx, 8vo, London, 1862. 

A synonymic catalogue of the American species 
(2.170 in number, represented by 4,100 specimens) 
of the orders Passeres, Fissirostres and Scansores, 
in the collection of Mr. Sclater. The new genera 
Hemidacnis, Hyetornis, Curceus, Morococeyz, 
Microchelidon (changed to Neochelidon), Oncos- 
toma, and Pseudoleistes are created; 6 new sec- 
tional namesare founded, viz, Microcerculus (sect. 
of Cyphorinus), Chlorura (sect. of Embernagra), 
Microrhopias (sect. of Formicivora), Potamop- 
sar (sect. of Quisealus), Tabara (= Taraba, Less., 
sect. of Thamnophilus), and Thryomanes (sect. of 
Thryothorus); and the following MS. names are 
adopted: Heterocercus (Hartl.), Ancistrops (Scl.), 
Ommatornis (Scl.) (as asynonym of Acropternis ), 
and Thripadectes (Scl.). Four new species are 
named, viz, Glyphorhynchus major, Momotus 
swainsoni, Chelidoptera brasiliensis, and Chloro- 
nerpes malherbii, and the following species, for 
which only MS. names had previously been em- 
ployed by the author, are recognized as valid and 
the names adopted: Yachyphonus cristatellus, 
Paroaria cervicalis, Chrysomitris uropygialis, Icte- 
rus xanthomus, Quiscalus cequatorialis, Q. assim- 
ilis, Thamnophilus  strenuus, Pachyrhamphus 
cinereiventris, P. dorsalis, Bucco napensis, Che- 
tura cinereiventris, and Conwrus propinquus. The 
specific names of Thawmastura fanny (Less.), 
T. enicurus (Vieill.), and Synallaxis elegans Sel. 
are emended to francesie, henicura aud elegantior, 
respectively, and several other similar alterations 
aremade. The species figured are: Turdus pini- 
cola, Cinclus leuconotus, Campylorhynchus jocosus, 
Thryothorus pleurostictus, Hylophilus ochraceiceps, 
Diglossa indigotiea, Dacnis egregia, &, 2; D. pul- 
cherrima, Calliste eyanotis, Chlorospingus casta- 
neicollis, Embernagra chrysoma,. Sclerurus mext- 
canus, Synallaxis castanea, Anabazenops subalaris, 
Myrmotherula ornata, &, 2; Formicivora bou- 
cardi, 0, 2; Platyrhynchus coronatus, Onecostoma 
cinereigulare, Todirostrum schistaceiceps, Masius 
coronulatus, and Chiroxiphia regina. 




List of Vertebrated Animals living in 
the Gardens of the Zoological Society of 
London, 1862. Pp. i-vi, 1-100, 8vo, Lon- 
don, 1862. 

The same. 2d ed., pp. i-vi, 1-120, 8vo, 
London, 1863. 

The same. 1865. 
1-148, 8vo, London, 

The same. 1866. 4th ed., pp. i-viii, 
1-204, 8vo, London, 1867. 

Revised List of the Vertebrated Ani- 
mals now or lately living in the Gardens 
of the Zoological Society of London. 
Pp. i-viil, 1-399, 8vo, London, 1872. 

List of the Vertebrated Animals now 
or lately living in the Gardens of the 
Zoological Society of London. 6th ed., 

3d ed., pp. i-viii 
1865.” ; 

| 1877, pp. i-x, 1-519, 8vo, London, 1877. 
churicus, C. taivanus, 0. sika, O.rusa, C.swinhoti, | 
O. humilis, Oryx leucoryx (jr.), Capra megaceros, | 
Ovis tragelaphus, Sus andamanensis, Dicotyles | 

The same. Tth ed., 1879, pp. i-xii, 
1-579, 8vo, London, 1879. 

The same. 8th ed., 1883, pp. i-xvi, 
1-682, 8vo, London, 1883. 

_ Systematic catalogues of the species and of the 
individual specimens of vertebrated animals that 
have been exhibited in the Gardens of the Zoo- 

List of the species of Phasianide, with 

| remarks on their Geographical Distribu- 

tion. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, 8vo, 
London, 1863. [Reprint, with additions, 
p. 113; pp. i-iii, 1-15; pls. 1-12.] 

A list of the 56 known species of Pheasants, 
with remarks upon them and tables of their geo- 
graphicaldistribution. The following species are 
figured: Phasianus reevesii, P. semmerringii, 
Thaumalea amherstic, Crossoptilon tibetanum, C. 
auritum, Euplocamus prelatus, E. vieilloti, EB. ery- 
throphthalmus, E. lineatus, Ceriornis melanoce- 
phala, C. temminekii, and Polyplectron bicaleara- 
tum. The genera included are the following: 
Lophophorus, Pucrasia, Phasianus, Thawmalea, 
Orossoptilon, Euplocamus, Gallus, Ceriornis, Pavo, 
Polyplectron, Argus, Meleagris, Numida, Phasidus 
and A gelastus. 

(See paper No. 285.) 

Nitzsch’s Pterylography, translated 
fromtheGerman. Edited by P. L. Sclater. 
Pp. i-xii, 1-181, pls. i-x, folio, Lon- 
don, 1867. [Published by the Ray So- 
ciety. | 


Exotic Ornithology, containing figures 
and descriptions of new or rare species of 
American Birds. By P. L. Sclater and O. 
Salvin. Pp. i-vi, 1-204, pls.i-c. Lon- 
don, 1869. [Issued in two sizes, small 
folio and large folio. ] 

Figures and descriptions of 104 species, belong- 
ing to 51 different genera, of birds of the Neotrop- 
ical Region, with notes on their habits and distribu- 
tion. Onenew genus—Centropelma—and one new 
species—Porzana hauxwelli—are described, and 
the species of each genus, illustrations ofrepresen- 
tatives of which are given, are enumerated and 
diagnosed. Figures are given of the following 
species: Lipaugus unirufus, L. subalaris, D. rufes- 
cens, J, 9; Furnarius torridus, Xipholena atropur- 
purea, 3o, 9; Ptilogonys caudatus 3, 2; Vireo- 

lanius melitophrys, Vireolanius pulchellus, 3, 2; 


Phlogopsis macleannani, Cinclocerthia rujicauda, 
C. macrorhyncha, C. gutturalis, Accipiter ventra- 
lis, A. chionogaster, 2; Rupicola sanguinolenta, 
Porzana rubra, Accipiter erythrocnemis, A. casta- 
nilius, Cichlopsis leucogonys, Nyctibius bracteatus, 
Cyvhorhinus lawrencii, C. pheocephalus, Troglo- 
dytes solstitialis, 7. brunneicollis, Icterus pustula- 
tus, ¢, 9; Myiadestes obscurus, M. wnicolor, M. 
ralloides, ad. and young; M. elisabeth, Hylactes 
castaneus, Edicnemus superciliaris, Lunio awran- 
tius, 3, 9; L. leucothorax, ¢, 2; Tachyphonus 
pheeniceus, S, 9; T. delattrii, S, 2; Xiphoco- 
luptes emigrans, X. major, Accipiter chilensis, 3, 
Q ; Leucopternis superciliaris, Geotrygon chiriquen- 
sis (= albifacies), G. bourcieri, Chlorophonia fron- 
talis, C. longipennis, C. occipitalis, 3, 9 ; Melan- 
otis hypoleucus, ad. and young Tinamus robus- 
tus, Crypturus sallei, ¢, 9; C. boucardi, 3, 2; 
C. meserythrus, Tigrisoma cabanisi, ad. and 

oung; Leucopternis palliata, Scops flammeola, 8S. 
arbarus (in normal and abnormal plumages), 
Chetura semicollaris, Porzana hauxwelli (n. sp.), 
P. melanophea, P. albigularis ¢, 9; P. leuco- 
purrha, Fulica ardesiaca, F. armillata, F. leu- 
copyga, F. leucoptera, Leucopternis semiplumbea, 
Geotrygon chiriquensis, Cardinalis pheniceus ¢, 
2; Pyrgisoma rubricatum, P. leucote, P. cabanisi, 
P. kieneri, Oxyrhamphus frater, female ad. and 
young; Thyrorhina schomburgki, Chlorophonia 
calophrys, 3, 9; Accipiter bicolor, f and Q jr.; 
Turdus gigas, T. albicollis, T. leucomelas, T. croto- 
pezus, T. albiventris, T. pheopygus, ad. and jr.; T. 
gymnophthalmus, Buceo striolatus, 2; Porzana 
castaneiceps, Attagis chimborazensis, Formicivora 
strigilata, 3, 2 ;Conurushofmanni, Rallusantare- 
ticus, Rallus semiplumbeus, Pitylus humeralis, 
Accipiter guttatus, Ampelion arcuatus, 3, 2; As- 
turina nattereri, f ad. and jr.; A.7vuficauda, ad. and 
jr.; A. pucherani, ad. and jr.; A. plagiata, ad. and 
jiz.; Botaurus pinnatus, Tigrisoma fasciatum, 
imm.; Thripadectes flammulatus, Icterus abeillei, 
3, 2; Centropelma (gen. nov.) micropterum, Cen- 
trites oreas, 3, 2; Gallinago imperialis, G. no- 
bilis, Querquedula puna, and Merganetta turneri, 


Nomenclator Avium Neotropicalinm 
sive Avium que in Regione Neotropica 
hucusque reperte sunt nomina system- 
atice disposita, adjecta sua cuique speciei 
patria: accedunt generum et specierum 
novarum diagnoses. Auctoribus Phi- 
lippo Lutley Sclater et Osberto Salvin. 
Pp. i-viii, 1-163. Small folio, Londini, 

A systematic list of the orders, families, genera, | 

and species of the birds of the Neotropical 
Region. Nine new genera, viz, Uropsila, Phlogo- 
thraupis, Porphyrospiza, Olibanornis, Microbates, 
Nesoceleus, Gymnopelia, Nothoprocta, and Calo- 
dromas, and the following new species are de- 
scribed: Basileuterus leucopygius, Hylophilus 
muscicapinus, Cyclorhis albiventris, Chlorophanes 
purpurascens, Kuphonia chaleopasta, Chlorospin- 
gus semifuscus, Arremon wuchereri, Haplospiza 
uniformis, Cnipolegus pusillus, FEuscarthmus 
wuchereri, Serpophaga subjlava, S. peecilocerca, 
Phyllomyias platyrhyncha, Lipaugus immundus, 
Casiornis fusca, Furnarius agnatus, Philydor 
erythronotus, Margarornis stellata, Picolaptes 
puncticeps, Thamnophilus tristis, Myrmotherula 
pyrrhonota, Microbates torquatus, 

color, Querquedula andium, Leptoptila rujinucha, 
Odontophorus hypospodius, Psophia napensis, 
Tinamus ruficeps, and Nothoprocta curvirostris. 
List of the Zoological Works and 
Memoirs of P.L. Sclater, 1850-75. Pp. 
1-32, 8vo, London, 1876. 

A Monograph of the Jacamars and Puff- 
birds, or families Galbulide and Buccon- 

from the ‘‘Tsis.” 

Cercomacra | 
carbonaria, Rhinoerypta fusca, Dendrocygna dis- | 

ide. Pp. i-liv, 1-171, pls. i-lv, 4to, Lon- 
don, 1882. 

A monograph of the Galbulide and Bucconide, 
including general remarks on the families, their 
structure, history, habits, classification and 
geographical distribution, with descriptions and 
synonyms of and notes on the genera and species. 
Sixty-two species are enumerated, viz, Urogalba 
paradisea, 3; U. amazonum, Galbula viridis, 3%, 
2; G. rufo-viridis, J, 2; G. ruficauda, J, 9; G. 
melanogenia, J, 2 ; G.tombacea, J, 9; G. albiros- 
tris, 0, 29; G. euaneicollis, Jo; G, leucogastra, ¢, 
2; G.chalcothorax, 3 ; Brachygalbalugubris, &, $i 
B. goeringi, ¢,2; B. salmoni, B. albigularis, 
melanosterna, %; Jacamaraleyon tridactyla, ¢; 
Galbaleyrhynchus leucotis, 3, 9; Jacamerops 
grandis, 3,9 ;Buceo collaris, 9 ; B. macrorhynchus 
B. dysoni, B. hyperrhynchus, B. swainsoni, B. pec- 
voralis, B. ordi, B.tectus, B. picatus, B. subtectus, g ; 
B. macrodactylus, ¢; B.ruficollis, B. bicinetus, B. 
tamatia, ¢; B.pulmentum, B. maculatus, B. stria- 
tipectus, B. chacuru, B.striolatus, 2 ; B. radiatus, 3, 
9 ; Malacoptila fusca, ¢;M. rufa, M. torquata, M. 
panamensis, 3, 9;M. inornata, 3, 2;M. fulvigu- 
laris, M. substriata, Micromonacha lanceolata, Non- 
nula rubecula, N.cineracea, N. rujicapilla, N. fron- 
talis, N.brunnea, Hapaloptila castanea, Monacha 
nigra, M. flavirostris, M. morpheus, M. peruana, M. 
grandior, 2 ; M. pallescens, M. nigrifrons, 3 ; Cheli- 
dopteratenebrosa (bird and egg), and C.brasiliensis. 
All the above-named species are figured (in many 
cases both sexes) except Bucco picatus and Non- 
nula frontalis. The genera treated of are Uro- 
galba, Galbula, Brachygalba, Jacamaraleyon, Gal- 
baleyrhynchus, Jacamerops, Bucco, Malacoptila, 
Micromonacha, Nonnula, Hapaloptila, Monacha 
and Chelidoptera. 


Forster’s Catalogue of the Animals of 
North America or Faunula Ameriéana. 
[Reprint, by the Willughby Society. ] 
Edited by P. L. Sclater. Pp. i-iv, 1- 
43, pl. 1, 8vo, London, 1882. 


Forster’s Animals of Hudson’s Bay. 
[Reprint, by the Willughby Society.] 
Edited by P. L. Sclater. Pp. i-iv, 382- 
433, 8vo, London, 1882. 


Wagler’s Six Ornithological Memoirs 
[Reprint, by the Wil- 
lughby Society.] Edited by P. L. Sclater. 
Pp. i-iv, 1-138, 8vo, London, 1884. 


Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or 
Perching Birds, in the Collection of the 
British Museum. Fringilliformes. Part 
II, containing the families Cerebidea, 
Tanagride, and Icteride. Pp. i-xvii, 1- 
431, pls. i-xviii, 8vo, London, 1886. (Cat. 
Bds. Brit. Mus., Vol XI.) 

A descriptive catalogue of the known species 
(575 in number, referable to 100 genera, repre- 
sented in the British Museum collection by 5,494 
specimens) of the families Carebide, Tanagride, 
and Icteride. ‘Three new genera are proposed, 
viz, Pseudodaenis, Delothraupis, and Gymnosti- 
nops, and the following new species are described : 
Dacnis salinoni, Thlypopsis anazonum, Arremon 
nigrirostris, and Ageleus forbesi. Figures are 
given of Diglossa mystacalis, Conirostrum fraseri, 
3g; Dacnis salmoni, 9 ; D. cerebicolor, 3,2; Chlo- 
rophanes purpurascens, & ; Certhiola martinicana, 
C. dominicana, Chlorophonia roraime, 3 ; C. flavi- 
rostris, 9; Euphonia coneinna, 3, 9; FE. finschi, 
o; E.saturata, 3; H.melanura, 3, 2 ; E. vittata, 
J; Phenicothraupis gutturalis, 3; Nemosia albi- 
gularis, J, 2; Thlypopsis ornata, 3; T. inornata, 
o¢; Buarremon leucopis, B. comptus, B. tricolor, 
Arremon wuchereri, 3, and Icterus hauxwelli. 



Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or 
Perching Birds, in the Collection of the 
British Museum. Oligomyode, or the fam- 
ilies Tyrannide, Oxyrhamphide, Pipride, 
Cotingide, Phytotomide, Philepittide, Pit- 
tide, Xenicide, and Eurylemide. Pp. i- 
xix, 1-494, pls. i-xxvi, 8vo, London, 1888. 
(Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., Vol. XIV.) 

A descriptive catalogue of the known species of 
the above-mentioned families. The species enu- 
merated are 665 in number. referred to 142 genera, 
and represented in the collection of the British 
Museum by 7,360 specimens, each one of which is 
catalogued with the locality whence it came. 
Threenew generaare created, viz, Ochthornis, Ow- 
notriccus and Coracopitia; the new term Calopitta 
is adopted for a section of Pitta; Bonaparte’s MS. 
name Lathriosoma is published as a synonym of 
Aulia; Reichenbach’s genus Ilicurais emended to 
Helicura, and the two species HLmpidochanes 
salvini and Chloropipo holochlora are described. 
The following species are figured: Agriornis pol- 
lens, A.insolens, A. solitaria, Teenioptera holospo- 
dia, Ochthodieta fusco-rufus, Ochtheca leucome- 
topa, O. citrinifrons, O. pulchella, Platyrhynchus 
flavigularis, P. albigularis, Euscarthmus russatus, 
BE. impiger, Leptopogonerythrops, Tyranniscus cin- 
ereiceps, T. gracilipes, Hlainea olivina, Rhyncho- 
cyclus fulvipectus, Sirystes albocinereus, Muscivora 
occidentalis, ¢,9; Cnipodectes subbrunneus, Myi- 
obius flavicans, M.roraime, Ceratopipra ira- 
cunda, Heteropelma wallacii, H. flavicapillum, H. 
igniceps, Heterocercus aurantiivertex, Hadrosto- 
mus homochrous, 3,2, Pachyrhamphus spodiurus, 
3, 9, and Iodopleura leucopygia. 


Argentine Ornithology. <A descriptive 
catalogue of the Birds of the Argentine 
Republic. By P. L. Selater, with notes 
on their habits by W. H. Hudson. Vol. 
I, pp. i-xxiv, 1-208, pls. i-x (1888); Vol. 
IJ, pp. i-xv, 1-251, pls. xi-xx (1889). 
Royal 8vo, London, 1888-89. 

A history of the birds of the Argentine Repub- 
lic, containing their descriptions, notes on their 
habits, and some of their synonyms. The total 
number of species assigned to the Argentine Avi- 
fauna is 434, of which the following are figured: 
Mimus triurus, Cinclus schulzi, Cyclorhis ochro- 
cephala, C.altirostris, Stephanophorus leucocepha- 
lus, Saltatricula multicolor, Molothrus badius, M. 
rufoaxillaris,pull. ; Tenioptera rubetra,Phytotoma 
rutila, 7, 9; Homorus lophotes, Drymornis brid- 
gesi, Cheetocercus burmeisteri, Hydropsalis furci- 
fera, Coccyzus cinereus, Conurus moline, Bolbo- 
rhynchus aymara, Buteo swainsoni, Ardetta invol- 
ucris, Cygnus nigricollis, Rallus maculatus, and 
Nothuradarwint. Lists are appended of the prin- 
cipal authorities upon the Ornithology of the 
Argentine Republic, and the principal localities 
mentioned in the work where collections were 


Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or 
Perching Birds, in the Collection of the 
British Museum. Tracheophona, or the 
families Dendrocolaptide, VFormicariide, 
Conopophagida, and Pteroptochide. Pp. 
i-xvii, 1-871, pls. i-xx, 8vo, London, 
1890. (Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., Vol. XV.) 

A descriptive catalogue of the known species 
of the above-mentioned families, embracing 531 
species, referred to 92 genera, represented in the 
collection of the British Museum by 4,482 speci- 
mens. The genus Thamnocharis and the two 
species Cercomacra hypomelena and Liosceles 
erithacus are described as new. The following 
species are figured: Geositta crassirostris, Furna- 
rius torridus, Synallaxis adusta, Siptornis suberis- 
tata (Synallaxissubcristataon plate), Phacelodomus 
rufipennis, Automolus holostictus, A. rubidus, 
Philydor erythronotus, P. consobrinus, Dendrornis 
polystictus, Thamnophilus cthiops, $, 9; 7. ni- 
griceps, T. insignis, 7, 9; T. albinuchalis, o. 9; 
Myrmotherula erythrura, 3. 2 ; Hypoenemis lepi- 
donota, %, 2, Grallaria haplonota, G. erythrotis, 
G. rufo-cinerea, and G. fulviventris. 


The Geographical Distribution of Birds; 
an address delivered before the Second 
International Ornithological Congress at 
Budapest, May, 1891. Pp. 1-45, 8vo, 
Budapest, 1891. 

An address on the recent advances in our 
knowledge of the geographical distribution of 
birds, being a review of the principal additions 
made to the literature of geographical ornithol- 
ogy since 1875. 

(See paper No. 1128.) 

Catalogue of the Picariz in the Collec- 
tion of the British Museum. Scansores 
and Coccyges, containing the families 
Rhamphastide, Galbulide, and Bucconide. 
8vo, London, 1891. (Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 
XIX, pp. 122-208, pls. vi-x.) 

A descriptive catalogue of the known species 
of Rhanupnastide, Galbulide and Bucconide, com- 
prising 18 genera and 123 species, represented in 
the national collection by 1,385 specimens. Each 
specimen is catalogued with the locality where it 
was obtained. Brachygalba fulviventris is de- 
scribed as anew species, and the following species 
are figured: Pieroglossus didymus, Aulacorham- 
phus erythrognathus, A. calorhynchus, A. whitelya- 
nus, and A. cyanoleemus. 


Anew List of Chilian Birds. Compiled 
by the late Harry Berkeley James, with 
a preface by P. L. Sclater. Pp. i-vii, 1- 
15, royal 8vo, London, 1892. 

A list of 255 species and their native names, by 

the late H. B. James, with a preface containing an 
obituary notice of the author by Mr. Sclater. 


The Book of Antelopes. By P. L. Scla- 
ter and Oldfield Thomas. Illustrated by 
Joseph Wolf and J. Smit. Part I, pp. 
1-57, 4to, 1895. 

An illustrated monograph of the antelopes, in- 
cluding their synonymy, characters, history, and 
habits. The species treated of are: Bubalis bus- 
eiaphus, B. major, B. tora, B. swaynet, B. cokei, B. 
caama, B.jacksoni, B. lichtensteini, and Damaliscus 
hunteri. ‘The following species are figured: Bub- 
alis buselaphus, B. swaynei, B. cokei, B. caama, B. 
lichtensteini, and Damaliscus huntert. Part I in- 
cludes the genera Bubalis and Damaliscus. 

(For list of publications subsequent to December, 1894, see APPENDIX.) 

PAO. Eee: 



Note on the Water Rail. 
Zoologist, II, 1844, p. 669. 
Note on the Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus) 
breeding near Odiham, in Hampshire. 

Marten killed in Wales. 
Zoologist, LILI, 1845, p. 1018. 

Note on a specimen of the Marten Cat (Martes 
foina) taken in a trap near Odiham, Hampshire, 
with reference to a specimen killed in Wales by a 
pack of hounds. ' 

Arrival of Summer Birds near Odiham 
in 1845. 
Zoologist, III, 1845, p. 1067. 
A list of 9 migratory birds, with dates of their 
arrival near Odiham in the summer of 1845. 
Occurrence of Aquatic Birds near Odi- 
Zoologist, III, 1845, p. 1077. 
Note on the occurrence near Odiham of Oidemia 
nigra, Chenalopex ceegyptiacus and Anas sponsa. 
. 31 
Early appearance of the Tufted Duck. 
Zoologist, LV, 1846, p. 1214. 

Note on aspecimen of the Tufted Duck (Fuligula 
cristata) shot on the Ichen, in Hampshire, on Oc- 
tober 13, 1845. 

Occurrence of Sabine’s Snipe in Hamp- 
Zoologist, LV, 1846, p. 1300. 
Note on the occurrence of aspecimenof Sabine’s 
Snipe (Scolopax sabini) near Basingstoke. 
Description of an apparently new 
species of Calliste. 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1850, p. 50. 
Calliste chrysonota is described. 


On some new species of Calliste. 

Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, pp. 21-25, pl. 

Calliste virescens (p. 22, pl. lxix, fig.1), C. xan- 
thogastra (p. 23) and OC. chrysophrys (p. 24, pl. lxix, 
fig. 2) are described, and a description of C. pune- 
ata (Linn.) is also given. 


Synopsis of the Tanagrine genus Cal- 

Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, pp. 49-69, pl. 

Characters are given of 48 species of Calliste, of 
which the following are described as new: Calliste 
castaneoventris, C. rujficapilla, C. lunigera, C. lam- 
protis, OC. celicolor, C. leucotis and C. castanonota. 
C. wterocephala and C. lunigera are figured. 


Synopsis of the genus Huphonia, with 
descriptions of new species. 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, pp. 81-92, pl. 

Twenty-three species of the genus Huphoniaare 
characterized, of which the following are described 
as new: Euphonia melanura, BE. frontalis (Bp. 
MS.), and #. pyrrhophrys. The last-named species 
and #. nigricollis are figured. ‘Three other species 
of doubtful status are considered. 


Remarks on the Prinee of Canino’s 
‘“Note sur les Tangaras.” 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, pp. 93-96. 

Observations to correct what appear to be errors 
in the synonymy of the paper. The generic 
names Huschemon and Euprepiste are proposed, 
and Chlorophonia is emended to Chloreuphonia. 


On the genus Tanagrella, Swainson. 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, pp. 97, 98, pl. 

Remarks on the three species, T. velia, 7’. cyano- 
melas and JT. calophrys, of which T. calophrys is 


On the genus Chlorochrysa, Bp. 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, pp. 99-101, pl. 
C.calliparea and O.phenicotis are remarked 
upon and figured. 
On the genus Dacnis, Cuvier, with de- 
scription of a new species. 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, pp. 105-110. 

A synopsis of the genus Dacnis. Six species 
are enumerated, of which D. cwrebicolor is de- 
scribed as new, and remarks are added upon other 
species of doubtful status. 



On a new species of Manakin. 
Oontr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 148. 
Pipra flavicollis is described. 
On two new species of Birds of the 
genus Tenioptera. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1851, pp. 193, 194, 
pls. xli, xlii. 

Tenioptera erythropygia and T. striaticollis are 
described and figured. 

(See Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 77.) 
Synopsis of the genus Galbula,. 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 29-33. 

A synopsis of the genus Galbula; eleven species 
are enumerated, of which G. maculicauda and G. 
inornata are described as new. 

(See also Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp- 
61, 93, and paper No.1.) 
On a new species of the genus Nigrita. 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 34, pl. lxxxili. 
Nigrita bicolor is described and figured. 

On a new species of Galbula. 

Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 61. 

G. melanogenia is described. 
(See also Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 
29, 93, and paper No. 1.) 

Further remarks on the Galbulide. 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 93-95, pl. xe. 
Notes on the genera of the family Galbulide. 
Galbula melanogenia is figured. 

(See also Conir. to Ovyavithology, 1852, pp: 
29, 61, and paper No. 1.) 


On certain species of Dacnis. 

Oontr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 101, 102, pl. 

Observations on D. speciosa (which is figured as 
D.analis) and D.plumbea. D.cerebicolor is also 


List of a collection of Birds made by 
James Daubeny, esq., on the coasts of 
the Red Sea in 1851. 

Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 123-126. 

A catalogue of 76 species, with critical remarks 
upon some of them. 


Description de six Oiseaux nouveaux 
appartenant & la collection du Muséum 
@Histoire Naturelle de Paris. 

Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1852, pp. 8, 9. 

Arremon mysticalis, Pipilopsis jflavigularis, 
Pipreidea albiventris, Pipra isidorei, P. flavi- 
capilla and P. pyrocephala are described. 

Description d’une nouvelle espéce de 
Cotinga provenant de l’expédition de MM. 
Castelnau et Deville dans VAmerique 
du Sud. Par E. Deville et P. L. Sclater. 
Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1852, pp. 226, 227. 
Cotinga porphyrolema is described. 



Description of some new species of 
Birds from the Parisian collections. 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 129-132, pls. 

Reprint of the two preceding papers. Figures 
are given of the following species: Cotinga por- 
phyrolema, Arremon mysticalis, Pipilopsis flavi- 
gularis, Pipraeidea albiventris, Pipra isidorei, P. 
flavicapilla and P. pyrocephala. 


List of a collection of Birds procured 
by Mr. C. T. Andersson in the Damara 
country in southwestern Africa, with 
notes. By H. E. Strickland and P. L. 

Oontr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 141-160. 

A list of 111 species, with remarks upon them. 
Fourteen new species are described by Strick- 
land, and one by Sclater, viz., Sphenceacus pyc- 


On two new species of South American 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1852, p. 34, pls. xlvii, 
Oulicivora boliviana and Pipra jlavo-tincta are 
described and figured. 
On a new species of Dendrocolapies. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1853, pp. 68, 69, pl. lii. 
Dendrocolaptes eytoni is described and figured. 


Descriptions of new species of Bucconi- 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1853, pp. 122-124, 
pls. 1, li. 

A new generic name, Vonnula, is proposed, and 
the following new species are described: Bucco ra- 
diatus, B. striatipectus, Malacoptila fulvogularis, 
M. substriata and M. aspersa. Bueco radiatus and 
Malacoptila substriata are figured. 


Description de deux nouvelles espéces 

Rev. et Mag. de Zoologie, 1853. p. 480. 

Dacnis pulcherrima and Formicivora ornata are 


Note sur deux nouvelles espéces du 
genre Momot (Momotus). 

Rev. et Mag. de Zoologie, 1853, pp. 489, 490. 

Momotus semirufus and M. subrufescens are 


Characters of some new or imperfectly 
described species of Tanagers. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, pp. 95-98, pls. 
lxiv, Ixv. 

The following species are characterized: Arre- 
mon axillaris, Ramphocelus dorsalis, Bp. MS., 
Buthraupis chloronota, Euphonia concinna and E. 
hirundinacea, Bp. Buthraupis chloronota, Eupho- 
nia concinna and L. hirundinacee are figured. 

List of a collection of birds received by 
Mr. Gould from the Province of Quijos, 
in the Republic of Ecuador. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, pp. 109-115, 
pls. Ixvi. lxvii. 
A list of 69 species, with remarks upon them. 
The following species are described as new: Gal- 


bula chalcothorax, Tyrannula phoenicura, and Ar- 
remon spectabilis. Tyrannula phenicura, T. or- 
nata, and Arremon spectabilis are figured. 
Descriptions of two new Tanagers in 
the British Museum. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, pp. 157, 158, 
pls. Ixviii, lxix. 

Chlorospingus melanotis and Tachyphonus xan- 
thopygius are described and figured. 

Description of a new Tanager of the 
genus Calliste. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 248. 
Calliste venusta is described. 


Description of a second species of the 
genus Procnias. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 249. 
Procnias occidentalis is described. 

On two new species of Dacnis, and on 

the general arrangement of the genus. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, pp. 251, 252. | 

Dacenis hartlaubi and D. egregia are described, 

and a list of the species of Dacnis is given. 


Descriptions of six new species of | 
Birds of the subfamily Formicariine. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, pp. 253-255, | 

pls. Ixx-Ixxiv. | 


Myrmeciza leucaspis, M. margaritala, Hypoe- | 
nemis melanolema, H. melanosticta, Formicivora | 
caudata and Pithys erythrophrys are described | 
and figured, 

On a new species of Tanager in the 
British Museum. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, XIII, pp. 
24, 25 (1854). 

Remarks on the three known species of Phe- 
nicothraupis, of which P. gutturalis is described 
as new. 

A synopsis of the Fissirostral family 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, XIII, pp. 
353-365, 474-484 (1854). 

A review of the species of the family Buccon- 
ide. Malacoptila frontalis is described as new. 
The genera treated of are: Bucco, Malacoptila, 
Monasa and Chelidoptera. 

(Also printed separately with plates added. 
See paper No, 3.) 
List of Birds exposed for sale in the 
market at Rome in January, 1853. 
Zoologist, 1854, pp. 4160-4164. 
An annotated list of birds exposed for sale in 
the Piazza della Rotonda, Rome. 


On the genus Culicivora of Swainson | 

and its component species. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, pp. 11, 12. 

The generis term Polioptila is proposed in the 
place of Culicivora, and the four known species of 
the genus are characterized. 


Remarks on the arrangement of the 
Jacamars (Galbulide), with descriptions 
of some new species. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, pp. 13-16, pl. 

Additional information concerning the ar- 
rangement of the Galbulide and descriptions of 
the following new species: Galbula fuscicapilla, 
Urogalba amazonum, and Brachygalba melanos- 
terna, the first named of which is figured. A 
table showing the distribution of the 20 known 
species is appended. 

(See Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 29, 61,93, 
and paper No. 1.) 


Characters of six new species of the 
genus Thamnophilus. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, pp. 18, 19, pls. 

Thamnophilus transandeanus, T. leuchauchen, T. 
albinuchalis, T. melanonotus, T. nigrocinereus and 
T. cesius are described. 1’. leuwchauchen, T. melan- 
onotus, T. nigrocinereus and T, ceesius are figured. 


Note on the sixteen species of Texan 
Birds named by Mr. Giraud, of New York, 
in 1841. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, pp. 65, 66. 

Critical remarks on the species described in Mr. 

| J. P. Giraud’s work, ‘‘ Descriptions of sixteen 

new species of North American birds, collected 
in Texas, 1838."’ New York, 1841. Folio. 


On a new species of the genus Todiros- 
trum of Lesson. 
Proc. Zool, Soe. London, 1855, pp. 66, 67, pl. 
Todirostrum nigriceps is described and figured. 
T. spiciferum, Lafr., is also figured, and notes are 
added on other species of the genus. 


On some new or little-known species of 
Birds in the Derby Museum at Liverpool. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, pp. 74-77, pls. 

xx xv-Ixxxviii. 

Remarks on the new and rare species in the 
Derby Museum. The following new species are 
described and figured: Conirostrum ferruginei- 
ventre, Synallaxis erythrothorax, Ramphocenus 
cinerewventris, and Cyphorinus albigularis. A list 
of the known species of Conirostrum is given. 


Descriptions of four new or little- 
known Tanagers. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, pp. 83-85, pls. 

Descriptions and figures are given of Arremon 
erythrorhynchus (n.sp.), Tachyphonus xanthopy- 
gius, Tanagra notabilis, and Saltator arremonops. 

: 75 

Descriptions of some new species of 
Ant Thrushes (Formicariine) from Santa 
Fé di Bogota. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, pp. 88-90, pls. 

The generic name Psilorhamphus is proposed in 
the place of Leptorhynchus, Ménét. The follow- 
ing species are described: Grallaria hypoleuea, 
G. modesta, Chamceza mollissima, Formicivora 
callinota, Dysithamnus semicinereus, and Pyriglena 
tyrannina. All except Grallaria hypoleuca are 



Descriptions of some new species of 
Birds from Santa Fé di Bogota. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, pp. 109, 110, 
pls. xeix—cii. 

Descriptions and figures are given of the fol- 
lowing species: Nemosia albigularis, Pyriglena 
ellisiana, Anthus bogotensis, and Otocorys pere- 
grind. ; 


On the Birds received in collections 
from Santa Fé di Bogota. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, pp. 131-164, 
pls. ciii, civ. 
A list of 435 species, with remarks upon some 

of them. The name Heterocnemis is proposed in | 

the place of Strickland’s genus Holocnemis, and 
the species Heterocnemis marginata and Todiros- 
trum gracilipes are described as new. Vireolanius 
icterophrys and Ampelion cinctus are figured. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p.25; | 

1857, p. 15.) 
Characters of some apparently new 
species of Bucconidw, accompanied by 
a Geographical Table of the Family. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, pp. 193-196, 
pls. ev, evi. 

The following species are characterized and 
remarked upon: Bucco hyperrhynchus (Bp.), B. 
dysoni, Gray, MS.; B. pulmentum (Bp. et Verr. 
MS.), Monasa peruana, Bp. et Verr. MS.; Bucco 

picatus, sp. nov., and Malacoptila nigrifusca, sp. | 

nov. B. hyperrhynchus and B. pulmentum are fig- 
ured. <A geographical table of the Bueconide is 
Note on the genus Legriocinclus, Lesson, 
and its synonyms. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, pp. 212-214. 

Remarks on the genus Legriocinclus, with a 
list of its synonyms, and adoption of the name 
Cinclocerthia in its stead. 


Description of a newly discovered Tan- 
ager of the genus Buarremon. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 214, pl. cix. 
Buarremon leucopterus (Jard.) is characterized 
and figured. 
Characters of two new species of Tana- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, pp. 227, 228, pl. 

Lesson’s name Iridosornis is emended to Iri- 
dornis, and the species Dubusia auricrissa and 
Iridornis porphyrocephala are described; the lat- 
ter is figured. 


A draft arrangement of the genus Tham- 
nophilus, Vieillot. 

Edinburgh New Phil. Jour., n. 8.,1, pp. 226-- 
249 (1855). 

Descriptions of and remarks upon 39 species 
of Thamnophilus, of which 2. ventralis and 7. 
maculipennis are described as new. 

Note on the Zoological Appendix to the 

Report of the U.S. Naval Astronomical | 

Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, 
and on the Geographic Range and distri- 
bution of the Tanagrine Genera Calliste 
and Euphonia. 

Proc. Zool, Soc, London, 1856, pp. 18, 19. 


Note on the correct habitat of Oalliste cyanei- 
collis, O. gyroloides, and Huphonia rusiventris, to- 
gether with a table showing the geographical dis- 
tribution of the genus Calliste. 


On some additional species of Birds 
received in collections from Bogota. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, pp. 25-31, pls. 

A list of, and remarks upon. 23 additional 
species from Bogota. The following new species 
are described: Synallagxis elegans, S. meesta, Ana- 
bates erythropterus, Margarornis brunnescens, 
Orthoéca fumicolor, Euscarthmus agilis, Pipra 
coracina, Verr. MS.; Conopophaga cucullata, 
Chlorospingus xanthophrys, C. lichtensteini, Galli- 
nago nobilis, and Rallus semiplumbeus. Figures 

| are given of Murgarornis brunnescens, Orthoéca 

Sumicolor, Euscarthmus agilis, and Conopophaga 

| cucullata. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 
131; 1857, p. 15.) 

Note on Psaltria flaviceps, a third Amer- 
ican species of the Parine genus Psaltria. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1856, pp. 37, 38. 

Agithalus flaviceps of Sundevallis here referred 
to the genus Psaltria. 

Synopsis Avium Tanagrinarum. A de- 
scriptive catalogue of the known species 
of Tanagers. Part I. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1856, pp. 64-94. 

Part I contains the following genera: Pitylus, 
Orchesticus, Diucopis, Saltator, Psittospiza, Lam- 
prospiza, Cissopsis, Oreothraupis, Arremon, Phe- 
nicophilus, Buarremon and Chlorospingus. 

Two new generic names are proposed: Ovreo- 

| thraupis and Carenochrous (a new sectional name 

of Buarremon), and the following new species 
are described: Arremon d’orbignii, A. devillii, 
Buarremon pheopleurus, and Chlorospingus jlavi- 


Synopsis Avium Tanagrinarum. A de- 
scriptive catalogue of the known species 
of 'Tanagers. Part II. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, pp. 108-132. 

Part II contains the following genera: Pyrrho- 
coma, Nemosia, Cypsnagra, Tachyphonus, Tricho- 
thraupis, Bucometis, Lanio, Phenicothraupis, Lam- 
protes, Orthogonys, Pyranga aud Ramphocelus. 

The generic name Hucometis is proposed, and 
the following new species are described: Nemosia 
guirina, N. insignis, N. auricollis, and Rampho- 
celus unicolor. 

86 b 

Synopsis Avium Tanagrinarum. A de- 
scriptive catalogue of the known species 
of Tanagers. Part III. 

Lroe. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, pp. 230-281. 

Part III embraces the following genera: Spin- 
dalis, Tanagra, Dubusia, Compsocoma, Buthrau- 
pis, Stephanophorus, Peecilotnraupis, Lridornis, 
Calliste, Diva, Pipridea, Chlorochrysa, Tanagrella, 
Glossiptila, Chlorophonia and Buphonia. 

The uew generic term Glossiptila is proposed; 
Swainson’s genus Pipreidea is emended to Pipri- 
dea, and the following new species are described: 
Calliste vieilloti, 0. cyanescens, Piprideavenezuelen- 
sis, Huphonia fulvicrissa, and FE. crassirostris. A 
table showing the geographical distribution of the 
Tanagride is subjoined, Altogether 272 species 
of Tanagers are treated in this and the two pre- 
ceding papers. 

(The Synopsis Avium Tanagrinarum as a 
whole was also printed separately. See 
paper No. 4.) 


Note on Buglodytes albicilius. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 97. 
Remarks on Buglodytes albicilius, Bp., and its 
On some new or imperfectly known 
species of Synallaxis. 
f Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1856, pp. 97-99. 
Synallaxis rujicapilla, Vieill.; S. spizi, and S. 
caniceps, spp. nn., are characterized and remarked 
upon. = 

List of Mammals and Birds collected 
by Mr. Bridges in the vicinity of the 
town of David, in the Province of Chiri- 
qui, in the State of Panama. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, pp. 138-143. 

Five species of mammals and 46 species of birds 
are enumerated and remarks made upon them. 
Two new birds are described, viz, Thamnophilus 
bridgesi and Geotrygon chiriquensis. The name 
Aglaia fanny, Latr. (Calliste fanny, Gray) is 
changed to Calliste francisce. 


Note on some Birds from the Island of 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, pp. 144, 145. 
A list of six species with remarks upon them. 


On the species of the American genus 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, pp. 282, 283. 
The characters are given of five species of the 

genus Parra, two of which are new, viz, P. inter- 
media (Verr. MS.), and P, melanopygia. 


Catalogue of the Birds collected by 
M. Auguste Sallé in southern Mexico, 
with descriptions of new species. 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1856, pp. 283-311, 
pls. xx, @xxi. 

A list of 233 species, with remarks upon them. 
The following species are described as new: Cer- 
thiola mexicana, Anabates rubiginosus, A. cervini- 
gularis, Anabazenops variegaticeps, Xenops mexi- 
canus, Sclerurus mexicanus, Scytalopus prosthe- 
leucus, Parus meridionalis, Formicarius moniliger, 
Todirostrum cinereigulare, Muscivora mexicana, 
Tyrannula sulphureipyga, Elainea variegata, Pi- 
pra mentalrs, and Myiadestes unicolor. Pheethor- 
nis adolphi is adopted for Sallé’s MS. name Pyg- 
mornis adolphi. Granatellus salleiand Pipra men- 
talis are figured. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soe, London, 1857, pp. 
81, 201, 226; 1858, p. 294.) 

On a new Tanager of the genus Cal- 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 311. 
Calliste rufigenisis described. 


Descriptions of eight new species of 
Birds from South America. 

Ann.and Mag. Nat. Hist., 
466-470 (1856). 

The characters are given of anew genus (Diglos 
sopis) and eight new species viz, Synallaxis cas- 
tanea, Diglossopis cerulescens, Diglossa indigotica, 
Verr. MS.; Anabates infuscatus, A. lineaticeps, 
Myiadestes venezguelensis, Pipreola melanolema, 
and Chiroxiphia regina (Natt. MS.). 

ser. 2, XVII, pp. 


Description of anew species of Tanager 
of the genus Saltator. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1856, p. 261. 
Saltator atripennis is described. 
96 ° 
Characters of an apparently unde- 
scribed Bird belonging to the genus 
Campylorhynchus, of Spix, with remarks 
upon other species of the same group. 

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1856, pp. 263- 

Campylorhynchus hwmilis is described and a 
list of the species of the genus Campylorhynchus 

The Palombiére of Bagnéres de Bigorre. 
Zoologist, 1856, pp. 4948, 4944. 
An account of the method of capturing pigeons 

at Bagnéres de Bigorre in the Department of the 
Hautes-Pyrenées, France. 

Notes on the Birds in the Museum of 
the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phil- 
adelphia and other collections in the 
United States of America. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 1-8. 

Notes on the specimens of birds observed dur- 
ing a visit to several museums in the United 
States. The new genus Neocorys is proposed for 
the reception of Alauda spraguii of Audubon, 
and Glaucidium californicum is suggested as the 
name of a new species of Owl. Icterus wagleriis 
described. . 

Further additions to the list of Birds 
received in collections from Bogota. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 15-20. 

An additional list of 52 species from Bogota, 
with remarks upon them. <Anabates striaticoltis, 
Lafr. MS., and Sclerwrus brunneus are described. 
as new. 

(See also «Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 
131; 1856, p. 25.) 
Characters of some apparently new 
species of American Ant Thrushes. 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 46-48. 

The following new species are described: 
Formicarius trivittatus, Conopophaga castanei- 
ceps, Hypocnemis elegans, Myrmeciza hemimelena, 
and Formicivora hematonota. 

Description of a new Tanager of the 
genus HMuphonia. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 66, pl. exxiv. 
Euphonia gouldi is described and figured. 
Review of the species of the South 
American subfamily Tityrine. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1857, pp. 67-80. 

A synopsis of the species (22 in number) of Tity- 
vine, embracing the genera Zityra and Pachy- 
ramphus. Pachyramphus albo-griseus is described 
asnew. A table showing the geographical distri- 
bution of the species is appended. The text is 


On Parus meridionalis and some other 
species mentioned in the Catalogue of 


Pirds collected by M. Sallé in southern 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 81, 82. 
Notes made on M. Sallé’s collection from Mex- 

ico after comparison with other specimens from 
the same locality. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 283.) 


On three new speciesof the genus Todi- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 82-84, pl. 

Todirostrum calopterum, T. capitale, and T. exile 
are described and figured. <A list of the known 
species of Todirostrum is given. 


List of Birds collected by Mr. Thomas 
Bridges, corresponding member of the 
Society, 1n the Valley of San José, in the 
State of California. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 125-127. 

A list of 33 species, with remarks upon some of 
them. The name Glaucidium californicum is 
adopted for G. infuscatum, Cassin. 

Note on the Upland Goose. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 128. 
Note pointing out that Chloephaga magellanica 
is the correct name for the true ‘‘ Upland Goose.” 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 
= Altos 

Descriptions of twelve new or little- 
known species of the South American 
Family Formicariide. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 129-133, pl. 

Characters are given of the following species: 
Grallaria ferrugineipectus, G. loricata, Hypoene- 
mis melanopogon, Formicivora melena, F. uro- 
sticta, F. hauaxwelli, F. cinerascens, Herpsilochmus 
pectoralis, and Thamnophilus melanothorax (nn. 
spp.), Formicivora brevicauda, Sw., Dysithamnus 
zanthopterus, Burm., and Thamnophilus melano- 
ceps, Spix. Formicivora urosticta and F. hauz- 
welli are figured. 


List of additional species of Mexican 
Birds obtained by M. Auguste Sallé from 
the environs of Jalapa and §. Andres 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 201-207. 

An additional list of 62 species obtained by M. 
Sallé in Mexico, with notes on many of them. 
Camptostoma imberbe (gen. et spec. nov.) is de- 
scribed. Figure in text. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 
283; 1857, pp. 81, 226; 1858, p. 294.) 


On a collection of Birds made by Si- 
gnor Matteo Botteri in the vicinity of 
Orizaba in Southern Mexico. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 210-215. 

A list of 88 species, with remarks upon them. 
Neochhoe brevipennis, gen. et sp. nov., and Zono- 
trichia botterti, sp. nov., are described. 


Notes on an unnamed Parrot from the 
Island of Santo Domingo, now living in 


the Society’s Gardens; and on some other 
species of the same family. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 224-226, pl. 

Chrysotis sallei is proposed as the name for a 
new species of Parrot, aud remarks are made on 
other species of Psittact. The new genus Polych- 
lorus is proposed for the reception of Psittacus 
Holyehionge, Scopoli, and Psittacodis westermanni, 


On a collection of Birds received by 
M. Sallé from southern Mexico. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 226-230. 

Remarks on a third list, consisting of 29 species, 
obtained by M. Sallé from Mexico. Diplopterus 
excellens is described as new. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 
283; 1857, pp. 81, 201; 1858, p. 294. ) 


Review of the species of the Fissirostral 
Family Momotide. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 248-260, pl. 

The family name Momotide is proposed instead 
of that of Pionitide, Lliger. A synopsis of the 
family is given, with descriptions of two new 
genera, viz, Prionirhynchus and Humomota, and 
two new species, Momotus microstephanus and M. 
nattererit. A table of the geographical distribu- 
tion of the family is added. Prionirhynchus ear- 
inatus is figured. The genera included are Mo- 
motus, Hylomanes, Prionirhynchus and Eumo- 


On a collection of Birds transmitted 
by Mr. H. W. Bates from the Upper 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 261-268. 

An annotated catalogue of 79 species, of which 

Eubucco aurantiicollis is described as new. 

Descriptions of eleven new species of 

Birds trom Tropical America. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1857, pp. 271-277, pl. 

The genus Melanoptila (illustrated in text) and 
the following new species are characterized: 
Campylorhynchus pardus, C. striaticollis, Anaba- | 
zenops guttulatus, Synallaxis multo-striata, Turdus 

fulviventris (Verr. MS.). T. ignobilis, Cinclus leu- 

conotus, Tyrannus atrifrons, Melanoptila glabri- 
rostris, Lipaugus rufescens, and Tinamus casta- 
neus. Anabazenops guttulatus is figured. 


Notes on Californian Birds. By Thomas 
Bridges, corresponding member. Com- 
municated, with remarks by Philip Lut- 
ley Sclater. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 1-3, pl. 

Notes on 11 species. Melanerpes rubrigularis 
(described in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, I, 
p. 127, 1858) is figured. 

(See paper No. 135.) 
Notes on a collection of Birds received 
by M. Verreaux, of Paris, from the Rio 
Napo in the Republic of Ecuador. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 59-77, pl. 

A list of 174 species, with remarks upon them. 

Three new genera—Agathopus; Creurgops, Verr. 

| MS.; Bucheetes, Verr.MS, ;—and the following new 


species are characterized: Anabates melanopezus, 
va pulvericolor (Lafr. MS.), Synallaxis brunneicau- 
dalis (Latr. MS.), S. albigularis (Lafr. MS.), Mala- 
cocichla maculata, (Verr. MS.), Lhamnophilus 
aethiops, T. capitalis, Dysithamnus leucostictus, 
Pyriglena serva, Heterocnemis albigularis, Con- 
opophaga torrida, Grallaria flavirostris, G. fulvi- 
ventris, Todirostrum picatum, Cyclorhynchus equt- 
noctialis, Platyrhynchus coronatus, Verr. MS.; 
Elenia luteiventris, Agathopus micropterus, Creur- 
ops verticalis, Verr. MS.; Euchcetes coccineus, 

err. MS., and Ooleopicus verreauxi, Malh. 
Eucheetes coccineus and Creurgops verticalis are 

Notes on some Birds of southern Mex- 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 95-99. 

Notes on 14 species, with a résumé of the num- 
bers of species of birds inhabiting southern 


On some new or little-known species of 
Accipitres in the collection of the Nor- 
wich Museum. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 128-133. 

Remarks on certain species of Accipitres in the 
Norwich Museum with descriptions of two new 
ones, viz, Buteo zonocercus and Scops usta. Syr- 
nium albitarse, Gray, is also characterized. 

(See Trans. Zool. Soc. London, LV, pp. 261- 
266, pls. 58-61.) 

On some new or little-known species of 
Accipitres in the collection of the Nor- 
wich Museum. 

Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, pp. 261-266, 
pls. 58-61. 

Buteo zonocereus, Syrnium albitarse, Gray ; Scops 
usta, and Urubitinga schistacea (Sund.), are de. 
scribed, remarked upon, and figured. 

(Reprint from Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, | 

pp. 128-133, with plates added.) 

Note on the variation of the form of the | 

Upper Mandible in a Rapacious Bird. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 150. 

Note on, with illustration of, an abnormal varia- 
tion in the form of the upper mandible of Uru- 
bitinga unicincta. 


Synopsis of the American Ant Birds 
(Formicariide). Part I, containing the 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 
Cxxxix, cx. 

A review of the species of the subfamily Tham- 
nophiline. Anew genus—Pygiptila—is proposed, 
and Thamnophilus amazonicus is given as a new 
name for TY. ruficollis, Spix, which had been 
applied to the female of the species. TZ. amazoni- 
cus and Dysithamnus leucostictus are figured. The 
Eotern treated of in this part are, Cymbilanius, 

atara, Thamnophilus, Pygiptila, Dysithamnus 
and Thamnomanes. 

202-224, pls. 


Synopsis of the American Ant Birds 
(Formicariide). Part II, containing the 
Formicivorine or Ant Wrens. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1858, pp. 232-254, pls. 
exli, exlii. 

A review of the species of the subfamily Formici- 
vorine, with descriptions of two new genera, Myr- 
motherula and Cercomacra, and five new species, 
Myrmotherula multostriata, Formicivora erythro- 


cerca, Cercomacra nigricans, Pyriglena maculicau- 
dis and Hypocnemis schistacea. Figuresare given 
of Myrmotherula surinamensis, M. mullostriata, 
and Formicivora erythrocerca. Part IL includes the 
following genera: Herpsilochmus, Myrmotherula, 
Formicivora, Psilorhamphus, Rhamphocenus, Cer- 
comacra, Pyriglena, Heterocnemis, Myrmeciza and 

Synopsis of the American Ant Birds 
(Formicariide). Part ILI, containing the 
third subfamily, Formicariinw or Ant 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 272-289, pl. 

A review of the species of the subfamily Formi- 
caritine. Four new genera are characterized, 
viz, Gymnocichla, Myrmelastes, Grallaricula 
(figure in text), and Phlogopsis (nom. emend. pro 
Phlegopsis, Reich.), and descriptions are given of 
Myrmelastes plumbeus and M. nigerrimus, nn. spp. 
Myrmelastes plumbeus is figured. The following 
genera are treated of in Part III: Pithys, Gym- 
nocichla, Myrmelastes, Ikhopoterpe, Phlogopsis, 
Formicarius, Chameza, Grallaria, Grallaricula, 
Conopophaga and Corythopis. 


Additional note on the Upland Goose 
(Chloephaga magellanica. ) 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 290, 291. 
An additional note on the Upland Goose, stat- 

| ing the difference in the colour of the legs of both 

sexes; also a note pointing out that the Ashy- 
headed Goose should bear the name of Chloephaga 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 
On some new or little-known species of 
Tanagers from the collection of M. Ver- 
reaux, of Paris. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 2938, 294. 

Descriptions of Chlorospingus castaneicollis and 
Calliste cyanotis, nn. spp., and remarks on Buarre- 
mon rufinuchus, Chlorospingus albitemporilis, 
and Calliste xanthocephala. 


On a collection of Birds received by M. 
Auguste Sallé from Oaxaca in southern 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1858, pp. 294-305. 

A list of 86 species, with remarks upon them. 
A new genus (Chameospiza) and the foliowin 
new species are described: Troglodytes brunnet- 
collis, Formicivora boucardi, Empidonax bairdi, 
Pipilo albicollis, and Petrochelidon swainsont (new 
name tor Hirundo melanogaster, Sw.). 

(See also Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 
283; 1857, pp. 81, 201, 226.) 

Description of a new species of the 
genus Luteo from Mexico. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 356. 
Buteo fuluginosus is described. 
(See Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 267, 
pl. 62.) 
Description of a new species of the 
genus Buteo from Mexico. 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 267, pl. 62. 
Buteo fuliginosus is described and figured. 

(Reprint from Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, 
p. 356.) 


List of Birds collected by Geo. Caven- 
dish Taylor, esq., inthe Republic of Hon- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 356-360. 
A list of 39 species, with remarks upon them. 
Characters of five new species of Amer- 
ican Birds. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1858, pp. 446-449. 

The following species are characterized: Pu- 
chlornis frontalis, Turdus leucauchen, Geothlypis 
speciosa, Cyclorhis flavipectus, and Cinclodes bifas- 


List of Birds collected by Mr. Louis 
Fraser at Cuenca, Gualaquiza and Za- 
mora, in the Republic of Ecuador. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 449-461, pl. 

A list of 88 species, with remarks upon them. 
The following new species are described: Coni- 
rostrum fraseri, Phrygilus ocularis, Synallaxis 
antisiensis, and Tyrannulus chrysops. Phrygilus 
ocularis is figured. 


On two species of Ant Birds in the col- 
lection of the Derby Museum at Liver- 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 540, 541. 

Remarks on Myrmeciza exsul, sp. nov., and 
Dysithamnus vlivaceus. 

Note on the genus Cichlopsis of Cabanis. 
Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 541-543. 

Note on the genus Cichlopsis, with the descrip- 
tion and synonyms of C. leucogonys. The new 
genus Phainopepla is proposed for the reception 
of Swainson’s Ptilogonys nitens. 


On the Birds collected by Mr. Fraser in 
the vicinity of Riobamba, in the Republic 
of Ecuador. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, pp. 549-556, pl. 

A list of 59 species, with remarks upon them, 
and descriptions of the following new species: 
Troglodytes solstitialis, Catamenia homochroa, 
Agriornis solitaria, Elainia griseigularis, and B. 
stictoptera. DBlainia griseigularis and L. stictop- 
tera are figured. 


Description of a new species of Wood- 
pecker discovered by Mr. Thomas Bridges 
in northern California. 

Ann. and. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, I, p.127 

Melanerpesrubriguilaris is described. 

(A figure of this bird is given in Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1858, pl. exxxi.) 

Description of a new species of Bird 
from Palestine. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, LI, pp. 
465,466 (1858). 

Amydrus tristramii is described. 
On the general Geographical Distribu- 
tion of the members of the class Aves. 

Journ. of Proc. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 
II, pp. 130-145 (1858). 


A scheme for dividing the earth’s surface into 
six zoologic-geographical regions from an or- 
nithological point of view, with lists of the char- 
acteristic forms belonging to each region. 


On the Zoology of New Guinea. 
Journ. of Proc. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 
II, pp. 149-170 (1858). 

General remarks on the zoology of New Guinea, 
with a list of 10 species of mammals and 170 
pecies of birds; also a note on the correct zoo- 
geographical position of New Guinea. Melano- 
charis is proposed as a new genus for the recep- 
tion of Diceum nigrum, Less., and Pucheran’s 
generic name Trugon is emended to Eutrygon. 
Cracticus personatus, Temm. MS., is described. 


Descriptions of new species of the 

American family Tyrannide. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, pp. 40-46. 

The new generic names Mitrephorus and Lega- 
tus are proposed; Bonaparte’s genus Miozeta is 
emended to Myiozetetes, and the following species 
are characterized: Attila citriniventris, Myiody- 
nastes nobilis, Contopus mesoleucus, C. sordidulus, 
Mitrephorus pheocerceus, Pyrocephalus mexicanus, 
Elainea placens, Mionectes assimilis, nn. spp., and 
Myiodynastes luteiventris, Bp. The known spe- 
cies of the genera Attila, Myiodynastes and Con- 
topus, are enumerated. 


Description of a new species of Ow] of 
the genus Ciccaba. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 13). 
Ciccaba nigrolineata is described. 

(See Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 268, pl. 


Description of a new species of Owl 
of the genus Ciccaba. 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 268, pl. 63. 
Ciccaba nigrolineata is described and figured. 

(Reprint from Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, 
p. 131, with plate added.) 


Note on the Spur-winged Geese (Plec- 
tropterus) now living in the Society’s Gar- 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, pp. 131, 132, 
pl. cliii. 

Plectropterus riippellii is proposed for the name 
of a new species, and the points in which it differs 
from P. gambensis are given. Both species are 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 


List of the first collection of Birds 
made by Mr. Louis Fraser at Pallatanga,. 
Ecuador, with notes and descriptions of 
new species. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, pp. 135, 147, pl. 

A list of 102 species, with remarks upon them. 
The following new species are characterized: 
Vireo josephee, Nemosia ornata, Anabates subala- 
ris, A. temporalis, Dysithamnus unicolor, Formi- 
civora caloptera, Pachyrhamphus homochrous, and 
Cephalopterus penduliger (named and figured in 

the ‘‘Ibis,” 1859, p. 114, pl. iii). Vireo josepheis 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, p. 


On some new species of Synallaxis, and 
on the Geographical Distribution of the 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, pp. 191-197. 

Synallaxis pudica, S. stictothorax and S. scutata 
are described as new, and the 41 known species 
(including S.l@mosticta,n.sp.) of the genus are 
enumerated. A table showing the distribution of 
Synallaxis is given. Pye 

[Exhibition of two rare species of Arc- 
tic Birds, Colymbus adamsi and Eurino- 
rhynchus pygmeus. | 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 201. 

A record of the number of days of incu- 
bation of Birds which breed in the Soci- 
ety’s Gardens. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, pp. 205, 206. 

A table giving the period of incubation of 
18 species of birds which breed in the Zoological 
Society's Gardens. 


Remarks on exhibiting specimens of 
two species of Divers (Colymbus) from 
Mr. Gurney’s collection. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, pp. 206, 207. 

Remarks on Colymbus adamsi, G. R. Gray, and 
0. pacificus, Lawrence, and observations as to 
their deserving specific rank. 


On a collection of Birds from Vancou- 

ver’s Island. t 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, pp. 235-237. 
A list of 35 species, with remarks upon them. 

A synopsis of the Thrushes (Turdide) 

of the New World. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, pp. 321-347. 

A synopsis of the Turdide of America. The 
generic name Margarops is proposed in the place 
of Cichlalopia, Bp.; Semimerula and Mimocichla 
are proposed for new sections of Tudus and Gale- 
oscoptes, respectively, and Turdus pinicola and 
Catharus occidentalis are described as new species. 
A table showing the geographical distribution of 
the Thrushes in America is added. The genera 
treated of are: Catharus, Turdus, Cichlerminia, 
Margarops, Galeoscoptes, Melanoptila, Melanctis, 
Rhamphocinelus, Cinclocerthia, Harporhunchus, 
Oreoscoptes and Mims. 

[Exhibition of an Egg laid by the Ap- 
teryx (A. mantelli), which had been living 
in the Gardens since 1852. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 350. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 

[Exhibition of Eggs of Grus montigne- 
sia, G. virgo and G. cinerea; also of an 
Egg of Baleniceps rex. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 353. 

On a series of Birds collected in the 
vicinity of Jalapa, in Southern Mexico. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, pp. 362-369. 

A list of 226 species, with observations on the 
more remarkable ones. Three new species are de- 
scribed, viz, Cotyle fulvipennis, Dendrornis ery- 
thropygia, and Piaya thermophila. 



List of Birds collected by M. A. Bou- 
eard, in the State of Oaxaca, in south- 
western Mexico, with descriptions of new 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, pp. 369-393, 

A list of 238 species, with remarks upon them, 
Dendromanes is proposed as a new generic name, 
and the following new species are described: 
Campylorhynchus jocosus, Thryothorus felix, Cy- 
phorinus pusillus. Tylophilus ochraceiceps, Cereba 
carnetpes ?, Oryzoborus funereus, Spermophila cor- 
vina, Dendromanes homochrous, Lipaugus uniru- 
fus, Columba nigrirostris, Tinamus boucardi, Sallé 
MS., and 7. meserythrus. 


On some new or little-known Birds 
from the Rio Napo. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1859, pp. 440, 441. 
Buarremon castaneiceps and Grallaria nuchalis 

are described as new, and remarks made upon 
seven other little-known species. 


On some Hybrid Ducks bred in the So- 
ciety’s Gardens. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 442, pl. elviii. 

Remarks on a hybrid between Zadorna vulpan- 
ser, f, and Casarea cana, 9, and on other cases of 
hybridisation in the Zoological Society’s Gardens. 
A figure of Yadorna vulpanser X Casarca cana is 


On the Ornithology of Central Amer- 
ica. By Philip Lutley Sclater and Osbert 

Ibis, 1859, pp. 1-22. 

Part I opens with a summary of the present 
knowledge of Central American Ornithology. 
Fourteen families are covered in this installment, 
containing 121 species, of which Cistothorus cle- 
gans, Vireolanius pulchellus and Cereba lucida 
are described as new. 

156 a 

On the Ornithology of Central Amer- 
ica. By Philip Lutley Sclater and Osbert 

Ibis, 1859, pp. 117-138, pls. iv, v. 

Part Ii. This part embraces fifteen families, 
with 129 species, of which Xiphocolaptes emi- 
grans, Sayornis aquatica, Empidonax albigularis, 
and Llainia vilissima are described as new, and 
the last, with HZ. placens, is figured. Eggs of the 
following species are also figured: Tanagra vica- 
rius, Pyryisoma biarcuatum, Pitangus derbianus, 
Tyrannus melancholicus, Myiozetetes texensis, 
Cyanocitta melanoeyanea, and Turdus grayit. 

156 b 
On the Ornithology of Central Amer- 
ica. By Philip Lutley Sclater and Osbert 
Ibis, 1859, pp. 213-234. 

Part III. Twenty-five families are treated of 
in this part, embracing 132 species. Lophostrix 
stricklandi is described as new. 

The three installments composing the paper 
‘“‘On the Ornithology of Central America,” enu- 
merate 382 species occurring in that country, eight 
of which are here described for the first time. 

Characters of an undescribed species 
of Hawk from New Caledonia. 
Ibis, 1859, pp. 275, 276, pl. viii. 
Accipiter haplochrous is described and figured. 


[Recent Ornithological Publications. ] 
Ibis, 1859, pp. 318-329. 

A record of Ornithological literature, with an 
abstract of the contents of each work mentioned. 
The new genus Pheornis is proposed for the re- 
ception of Cassin’s Tenioptera obscura. 

A lst of the Tyrant Birds of Mexico, 
with descriptions of some new species. 
Ibis, 1859, pp. 486-445, pl. xiv. 

A list of 43 species of Tyrannide from Mexico; 
with remarks upon them. Empidonax brachy- 
tarsus, Oyclorhynchuscinereiceps, and Todirostrum 
schistaceiceps are described as new, and Camp- 
tostoma imberbe and Mitrephorus pheeocercus are 

[Recent Ornithological Publications. ] 
Ibis, 1859, pp. 454-461. 

A list of Ornithological works, with short ab- 
stracts of their contents. A new genus, Nesop- 
sar, is described. 


Descriptions of two new species of 

American Parrots. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, IV, pp. 
224-226 (1859). 

Conurus holochlorus and OC. xantholemus are | 

described, and lists given of the Parrots inhabit- 
ing Mexico and certain islands in the West 

Further evidence of the distinctness of 
the Gambian and Riippell’s Spur- winged 
Geese (Plectropterus gambensis and P, 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 38-42. 
Further remarks on the distinctness of Plec- 

tropterus gambensis and P. riippellii on compari- | 

son of their internal structures, with tables of 
their correct synonymy. Figures of the skulls 
and trachez of the two species are given in the 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 

List of additional species of Birds col- 
lected by Mr. Louis Fraser at Pallatanga, 
Ecuador, with notes and descriptions of 
new species. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 63-73. 

Remarks on a second collection obtained by Mr. | 

Fraser at Pallatanga, consisting of 64 species, 
including 19 from Chillanes. The term Pupsilos- 
toma is proposed as a new generic name, and the 
following new species are described: Thryothorus 

mystacalis, Synallaxis erythrops, Grallaria regu- | 
lus, Myiarchus nigriceps, Platyrhynchus albogu- | 
laris, Eupsilostoma pusillum, Tyrannulus flavidi- | 

frons and T. cinereiveps. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 

List of Birds collected by Mr. Fraser in | 

the vicinity of Quito and during excur- 
sions to Pichincha and Chimborazo, with 
notes and descriptions of new species. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 78-83, pl. 
A list of 52 species, with remarks upon them. A 

new genus, Oreomanes, is made (figure in text), | fa See a 
and the following new species are described: | Latham (Pavo nigripennis). 

Thryothorus euophrys, Oreomanes fraseri, Cinclo- 


des excelsior, C. albidiventris, Agriornis andicola 
and Attagis chimborazensis. Oreomanes fraseri is 


List of Birds collected by Mr. Fraser 
in Keuador, at Nanegal, Calacali, Peru- 
cho, and Puellaro, with notes and de- 
scriptions of new species. 

Pras Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 83-97, pl. 

An annotated list of 130 species, of which the 
following are describedas new: Thryothorus nigri- 
capillus, Basileuterus semicervinus, Oryzoborus 
ethiops, Pipreola jucunda, Pipra deliciosa (figure 
in text), Masius coronulatus, Cyclorhynchus fulvi- 
pectus and Myiobius villosus. Pipreola jucundais 
figured (called Huchlornis jucunda on plate). 

[Exhibition of a large Horned Owl 
(Bubo maximus, var.) from Paéangkéng 
Lake, Thibet. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, p. 99. 
Note on the Punjab Sheep living in the 
Society’s Gardens. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 126-130, 
pls. Ixxix, Ixxx. 

Notes on the differences between Ovis vignit and 
O. cycloceros (both of which are figured), and ob- 
servations on the distinguishing characters of the 
other two Indian species of wild sheep, O. hodg- 
soni and O. nahoor. 

(Cuts of skulls of first two mentioned 
species in text.) 

[Additions to the Menagerie during the 
months of January and February. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, p. 183. 
[Exhibition of Oreophasis derbianus; and 
announcement of the addition of Sieboldia 
maxima and Baleniceps rex to the Society’s 
Menagerie. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 184. 
[Exhibition of the Egg of the King 
Vulture (Gyparchus papa). } 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 193, 194. 

Believed to be the first well-authenticated egg 
of this species known. 

[Exhibition of a second specimen of 

the Egg of the Apteryx (4. mantelli).] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 194. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 


On the Rheas in the Society’s Menagerie, 
with remarks on the known species of 

| Struthious Birds. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, pp. 207-211. 

Remarks on Rhea americana and R. darwinii, 
and description of a new species, R. macrorhyn- 
cha, with a summary of the state of knowledge of 
the Struthious Birds. Figures are given in text 
of the heads of the three species of Rhea. 

(See papers Nos. 177, 276.) 
On the Black-shouldered Peacock of 

Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1860, pp. 221, 222. 


Remarks pointing out thatthe Black-shouldered | 
Peacock of Latham differs from the two other 
species of Pavo, and must therefore bear a differ- 
entspecificname. Pavo nigripennis is proposed. | 

On the species of the genus Prioniturus, 
and on the Geographical Distribution of 
the Psittacide in the Eastern Archipelago. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 223-228. 

Remarks on the three known species of Prioni- 
turus and their synonymy, and a list of the Psit- 
tacide inhabiting the Eastern Archipelago, and 
their Geographical Distribution. A new generic | 
name, Opopsitta, is adopted. 

[Additions to the menagerie during the 
months of March and April. | 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, pp. 242, 243. 


List of mammalia collected by Mr. J. 
Monteiro in Angola, 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 245-247. 
A list of nine species, with remarks upon them. 

Oolobus angolensis is described as new, and the 
five known species of Colobus are enumerated. 


Notes on two Struthious Birds now 
living in the Society’s Gardens. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 247-250. 

Notes on Dromeus irroratus, Bartl., and Oasu- 
arius bicarunculatus, n. sp. Cuts of the throat- 
wattles of both species are given in the text. | 

(See also Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1861, 
Pt.I, pp. 176-178; Pt. II, pp. 158,159; 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1V, p. 353, 1862). 

(See also paper No. 172.) 

Notes on a collection of Birds from the 
vicinity of Orizaba and neighbouring | 
parts of southern Mexico. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 250-254, 
pl. elxiii. 

A list of 44 species, with notesonthem. Cocco- 
thraustes maculipennis is described, and Basileu- 
terus mesochrysus, Thamnophilus melanocrissus, 
and Tinamus robustus are named. Coccothraustes 
maculipennis is figured. 


[Exhibition of a specimen of a new 
form of Dormouse (Platacanthomys lasi- | 
urus Blyth.).] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 260. 


List of Birds collected by Mr. Fraser 
at Babahoyo, in Ecuador, with descrip- 
tions of new species. | 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, pp. 272-290, | 
pl. elxiy. 

A list of 134 species, with remarks upon them, 
and descriptions of the following new species: 
Geothlypis semijflava, Cyclorhis virenticeps, Saltator 
Jlavidicollis, Embernagra chrysoma, Spermophila 
ophthalmica, Oryzoborus occidentalis, Cassiculus 
Jlavicrissus, Xiphorhynchus thoracicus, Formici- 
vora consobrina, Cercomacra maculosa, Pachy- 
rhamphus spodiurus, Attila torridus, Fluvicola 
atripennis, Megarhynchus chrysogaster, Tyrannus 
niveigularis, Myiarchus pheocephalus, Cyclorhyn- 
chus subbrunneus, Muscivora occidentalis, Bucco 
leucocrissus, Piaya nigricrissa and Dryocopus 
fuscipennis. Cyclorhis virenticeps is figured, and 


Xiphorhynchus pusillus, from New Granada, is 
described in a footnote on page 278. 


A list of Birds collected by Mr. Fra- 
ser at Esmeraldas, Ecuador, with descrip- 
tions of new species. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 291-298. 

An annotated list of 94 species, of which Cy- 
phorinus pheeocephalus and Bucco subtectus are 
described as new. 

Characters of eleven new species of 
Birds discovered by Osbert Salvin in 
Guatemala. By Philip Lutley Sclater, 
M. A., Secretary to the Society, and 
Osbert Salvin, M. A., F. Z. 58. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 298-301. 
The genus Thamnistes and the following spe- 
cies are characterized: Polioptila albiloris, Den- 
dreca chrysoparia, Hylophilus cinereiceps, Gly- 
phorhynchus pectoralis, Thamnistes anabatinus, 
Platyrhynchus eancrominus, Tyrranulus semifla- 
vous, Heteropelma vere-pacis, Lipaugus holery- 
thrus, Pionus hematotis and Corethrura rubra. 

Note on the Skull of the Red River- 

| bog (Potamocherus penicillatus). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 301, 302. 

Note on the generic differences of Potamoche- 
rus and Sus, a8 observed on comparing the skull 
of Potamocherus penicillatus with that of Sus 
indicus. An illustration of the skull of the for- 
mer species is given in the text. 

Description of a new species of Mana- 
kin from northern Brazil. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, pp. 312, 3138. 
Pipra heterocerea is described. 
Description of a new Tyrant-bird of 
the genus Elainea, from the Island of Saint 
Thomas, West Indies. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 313, 314. 
Elainea riisii is described. 
[Exhibition of a drawing of a species 
of Rock Kangaroo just received by the 
Society from Australia. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 323. 

Exhibition to the Zoological Society of London 
of a drawing of Petrogale xanthopus, and list of 
11 species of Macropodide living in the Society’s 


[Additions to the Menagerie during the 
months of May and June. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 371, 372. 
Note on the Japanese Deer living in 
the Society’s Menagerie. 
Proc. Zool. Sec. London, 1860, pp. 375-377. 
Notes on Cervus sika and its synonyms. 
Catalogue of the Birds of the Falkland 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 382-391, 

pl. elxxiii. 
A list of 57 species, with remarks upon them. 
Chloephaga rubidiceps is described as new, and 


figured, and Sterna meridionalis, Cassin, is re- 
named SN. cassint. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 
45; 1864, p. 73.) 

[Additions to the Menagerie during the 
months of July, August, September, and 
October. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 415-417. 

[Exhibition of Bird Skins from Port 
Churchill, Hudson’s Bay. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 418, 


Notice of some rare species of Quadru-. 

mana now living in the Society’s Menag- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 419-422, 
pl. Ixxxii. 

Remarks on Macacus ocreatus, M. maurus, Cer- 
copithecus rufo-viridis and Cynocephalus anubis, 
with a catalogue of the quadrumana living in the 
Zoological Society’s Gardens, and a list of those 
that have bred there. 

[Additions to the Menagerie during the 
month of November. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 442. 


[On the Babirussa and other Suide liv- 

ing in the Zoological Society’s Gardens. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 443, pl. 

Note on and figure of Babirussa alfuruws, and 
alist of the Swide living in the Zoological Society’s 


Note on Ovis politi of Blyth. 

Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 443, 444. 

Note on a pair of horns of Ovis polit and their 
dimensions, with illustration of same in text. 


Xeport on the Indian Pheasants bred in 
the Society’s Menagerie during the years 
1858, 1859, and 1860. 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, pp. 444, 445. 

Remarks onthe breeding of the five species of 
Himalayan Pheasants in the Zoological Society’s 
Gardens, with a tabular list showing the results 
of the breeding seasons of 1858, 1859 and i860. 

Characters of ten new species of Amer- 
ican Birds. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 461-467. 

The name Neopelma is proposed for a new sec- 
tion of Heteropelina. The species characterized 
are the following: Campylorhynchus nigriceps, 
C. gularis, Vireo modestus, Vireosylvia cobanensis, 
Myiobius flavicans, M. pulcher, M. erypterythrus, 
M. eryptoxanthus, Heteropelma amazonum and 
H. jflavicapillum. The known species of the 
genera Myiobius and Heteropelma are enumerated. 

On the Eggs of two Raptorial Birds 
from the Falkland Islands, 
Ibis, 1860, pp. 24-26, pl. 1. 

Remarks on and figures of the eggs of Buteo 
erythronotus end Milvago austratis. 

(See Ibis, 1860, p. 432.) 

Note on Wallace’s Standard-wing, Semi- 
optera wallacit. 
Ibis, 1860, pp. 26-28, pl. ii. 

Remarks on and figure of Semioptera wallacii, 
discovered by Mr. Wallace in the Island of 

Contributions to the Ornithology of 
Guatemala. By Osbert Salvin and Philip 
Lutley Selater. Part I. 
Ibis, 1860, pp. 28-45, pl. iii. 

Part I contains notes on 80 species collected in 
Guatemala by Mr. Salvin, of which Thryothorus 
pleurostictus, HElainia subpagana, Malacoptila 
verepacis, and Chrysotis guatemale, Harti. MS., 
are described as new. Chetura rutila is figured. 

200 a 
Contributions to the Ornithology of 
Guatemala. By Osbert Salvin and Philip 
Lutley Sclater. Part II. 
Ibis, 1860, pp. 272-278. 

Part II contains a list of 39 species not pre- 
viously known from this country, with notes 
upon them. 

Contributions to the Ornithology of 
Guatemala. By Osbert Salvin and Philip 
Lutley Sclater. Part III. 
This, 1860, pp. 396-402, pl. xiii. 

Part III contains a list, with notes, of 52 spe- 
cies additional to those already recorded from 
Guatemala. Pionus hematotis is figured. 

Five hundred and three species are known to 
occur in this country, of which number 171 are 
treated in this and the two preceding parts. 

On an undescribed species of Hawk 
from New Granada. 
Ibis, 1860, pp. 147-149, pl. vi. 
Accipiter collaris (Kaup MS.) is described and 
Note on the Egg and Nestling of the 
Californian Vulture. 
Ibis, 1860, p. 278, pls. viii, ix. 
Remarks on and figures of the egg and nestling 
of Cathartes californianus. 

Note on the Birds of Prey of New 
Ibis, 1860, pp. 322, 323, pl. x. 

Note on the raptorial birds inhabiting New 
Guinea; the eight known species are enumerated, 
of which Accipiter poliocephalus is figured. 


[Announcement of the transfer by Her 
Majesty the Queen of a specimen of Pha- 
cocherus wliani to the care of the So- 
ciety. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 30. 

[Exhibition of a specimen of the Amer- 

_ican Meadow Starling (Sturnella ludovic- 

iana). | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 30. 



{Exhibition of a specimen of a Capri- 
mulgine Bird, closely allied to Cosmetor- 
nis vexillama, from the collection of E. 
Gabriel, esq. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 44. 
[Exhibition of the hoof of a Bull (Bos 
taurus, var. domesticus) from the Falk- 
land Islands, belonging to Captain Ab- 
bott. ] 
Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 44. 

Additions and corrections to the list of 
the Birds of the Falkland Islands. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 45-47. 

Corrections are made of the ‘‘ Catalogue of the 
Birds of the Falkland Islands’’ (Proe. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1860, p. 882) and 10 additional species 
enumerated. A list of the Penguins inhabiting 
the Falkland Islands is also given. 

(See also Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 73.) 

[Additions to the Menagerie during the 
month ot December, 1860. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 59. 
[Exhibition of a living specimen of a 
Water Tortoise (Chelodina longicollis) 
from South Australia. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 59. 


Note on the reproduction of the Red 
River-hog (Potamocherus penicillatus) in 
the Society's Menagerie. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 62, 63, pl. 
Report on the breeding of Potamocherus peni- 

cillatus in the Zoological Society's Gardens. The 
female and young are figured, 


List of a collection of Birds made by 
the late Mr. W. Osburn in Jamaica, with 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 69-82, pl. 

An annotated list of 92 species. Daletes and 
Siphonorhis (woodcut in text) (nn. gg.), and 
Laletes osburni and Elainea fallax (nn. spp.), are 
described. Vireo modestus and Laletes osburni 

are figured. The head of Nesopsar nigerrimus is 
figured in text. 

[Exhibition of an example of Pentacri- 
nus caput-meduse, | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 87. 

{Additions to the Menagerie during 
the months of January and February, 
1861. ] 

Proe. Zool, Soc. London, 1861, p. 101. 
Characters of some new species of 
American Passeres. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1861, pp. 127-131. 

_ The following species are characterized: Pos 
Hioptila buffoni, Troglodytes hypaédon, Basileuteru 

415—No, 49-2 


uropygialis, Hylophilus insularis, Ohlorophanes 
guatemalensis, Chlorophonia flavirostris, Euphonia 
nittata, Tanagra subcinerea, Ramphocelus ephip- 
pialis and Saltator isthmicus. 

On a new species of the genus Copsy- 
chus from Borneo. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 185-187. 
Oopsychus suavis is described, and a list of the 
10 known species of Copsychus is given. 
[On the addition to the Menagerie of 
some Three-toed Sand-gronse and some 
rare Australian Finches. | 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1861, pp. 196, 197. 

: 218 
[List of Animals presented to the So- 
ciety by H. E. Sir George Grey, K.C.B., 
le Ze foe 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 208, 209. 

This collection comprised specimens of 10 spe- 
cies of mammals, 3 species of birds (one of which 
is named Gallinula nesiotis, n. sp.), and 10 species 
of reptiles. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 

* 219 
On anew Bird of the genus Lipaugus 
of Boié. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 209-212. 

Lipaugus subalaris is described, and the nine 
known species of the genus Lipaugus are enu- 

[Additions to the Menagerie during the 
months of March and April, 1861. ] 
Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 233, 234. 

On the Island-hen of Tristan d’Acunha. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 260-263, pl. 
SKK y 

Gallinula nesiotis is characterized and figured. 

[Additions to the Menagerie during the 
month of May, 1861. ] 
Proce. Zool, Soe. London, 1861, pp. 264, 265. 

[Report on some specimens of animals 
forwarded by Captain Speke. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 268, 

224 4 
[Exhibition of a cast of the skull of 
the Aye-Aye (Chiromys madagascarien- 
sis). | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 306, 

[Report of thereturn of Mr. Benstead 
from the Cape with a second collection 
of animals, presented to the Society by 
Sir George Grey. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 307. 
This collection consisted of specimens of four 
species of mammals and three species of birds. 
(See also Proce, Zool. Soc, London, 1861, 
p. 208), 


[Additions to the Menagerie during 
June, July, August, September, and Oc- 
tober, 1861. ] 
Proc. Zool..Soc, London, 1861, pp. 365-368. 

[Exhibition of original drawings by 
Mr. Vigne of Ovis cycloceros and O. vignii. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 368, 369. 

On a new species of Finch, of the genus 
Sycalis, from Mexico. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 376, 377. 
Sycalis chrysops is described. 


Descriptions of twelve new species of 
American Birds of the families Dendro- 
colaptide, Formicariide, and Tyrannide. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 377, 383, pl. 

A new genus—Sphenopsis—and the following 
new species are described: Leptasthenura para- 
nensis, Philydor subfuluus, Xenops littoralis, 
Sphenopsis ignobilis, Thamnistes cequatorialis, 
Ramphocenus sancte marthe, Grallaria mexi- 
cana, Copurus fuscicapillus Platyrhynchus flavi- 
gularis, Phyllomyias griseocapilla (Latr. MS.), 
P. semifusca, and Tyrannus tinea, Licht. MS. 
Phyllomyias griseocapilla, and P. semifusca are 
4igured. The knownspecies of the genera Phil- 
ydor, Copurus and Grallaria, are enumerated. 


[Exhibition of the skins of an Otter 
from Amoy and a Hare from the Island 
of Formosa, forwarded by Mr. Swinhoe. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 389, 390. 
[Report on a collection of Skins shipped 

by Mr. Swinhoe on board the Harkaway.} | 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 390, 391. 

This collection contained specimens of mam- 
mals, reptiles, and fishes; one of the last is de- 
scribed as new by Dr. Giinther, under the name 
e Tropidonotus orientalis, and a figure is given 
of it. 

Note on the Ocellated Turkey of Hon- 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 402, 403, pl. 
Meleagris ocellata is remarked upon and the 
heads of the two sexes are figured. 


Index generis Hlainew ex familia Tyran- 
nidarum additis novarum specierum diag- 

pvee. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 406-408, pl. 

The 17 known species of Hlainea are enumer- 
ated, of which EH. semipagana, LE. pallatange, EB. 

subplacens and H. implacens are described as 
new. L. pallatange is figured. 

Note on Milvago carunculatus and its 
allied species. 
Ibis, 1861, pp. 19-23, pl. i. 

The description, synonymy and figure of Mil- 
vago carunculatus (Des Murs), and a list of its 
allied species. 



Notice of the occurrence of the Ameri- 
can Meadow Starling (Sturnella ludovici- 
ana) in England. 

Ibis, 1861, pp. 176-180. 
_ Note on the occurrence of Sturnella ludeviciana 
in England, and a summary notice of the geo 
graphical distribution of it and its allies. 
On the American Barbets (Capitonida). 
Ibis, 1861, pp. 183-190, pl. vi. 

A synopsis of the American Capitonide (genera 
Tetragonops anil Capito). Capito tschudii and C, 
melanotis, Hartl. MS., are characterized, and Tet- 
ragonops ramphastinus is figured. 


_ Remarks on the Geographical Distribu- 

tion of the genus Turdus. 
Ibis, 1861, pp. 277-282, pl. viii. 

Remarks on the geographical distribution of 
the Thrushes of the genus Turdus. Turdus fulvi- 
ventris is figured. 

On a rare species of Hawk, of the genus 
Accipiter, from South America. 
Tbis, 1861, pp. 313, 314, pl. x. 

Accipiter pectoralis (Cuv. MS.) is characterized 
and figured. 

Note on the Hypotriorchis castanonotus 

| of Dr. Heuglin. 

Ibis, 1861, pp. 346, 347, pl. xii. 
Hypotriorchis castanonotus, Heuglin. is re- 
marked upon and figured. 
Characters of eight new species of 
American Birds. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, VII, p. 
327-330 (1861). 
Reprint of a portion of the paper entitled 
‘Characters of ten new species of American 
birds,” published in Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, 

| p.461 

On two new species of Heteropelma. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser.3, VII, p. 487 

Reprint of a portion of the paper mentioned 
in the description of the preceding title. 

Habits and Nest of the Pichincha Hum- 
ming Bird. 
Zoologist, 1861, pp. 7313, 7314. 

Remarks on the habits and description of the 
nest of the Pichincha Humming bird. <A figure 
of the nest is given in the text. 


Note upon the northern limit of the 
Quadrumana in the New World. 
Nat. Hist. Review, 1861, pp. 507-510. 
Remarks on the errors in the geographical 
limits of the range of the Quadrumana in Amer- 

ica, as laid down in Johnston’s and other physical 


Report on the present state of our 
knowledge of the birds of the genus Ap- 


teryx living in New Zealand. By Philip 
Lutley Sclater and Ferdinand von Hoch- 

Rep. Brit. Assoc, Adv, Sci., 1861, pt. 1, pp. 176- 
Remarks upon the four known species of the 
genus Apteryx inhabiting New Zealand. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 247; 
Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1861, Pt. II, p. 158; 
Trans, Zool. Soc. London, LV, p. 358, 1862.) 


Remarks on the late increase of our 
knowledge of the Struthious Birds. 

Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1861, pt. 2, pp. 158, 

Additional information on the Struthious 
birds, with a list ot the known species. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 247; 
Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1861, Pt. I, p. 176; 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, LV, p. 353, 1862.) 

A Naturalist’s Impressions of Spain. 
Galton’s Vacation Towrists in 1861. 


[Exhibition of a tracing of the outline 
of a skull of the adult male Rhinoceros 
sumatranus, on behalf of Mr. E. Blyth, 
corr. memb. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 1. 

[Remarks on some specimens forwarded 
by Captain Speke. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1862, pp. 12, 13. 

This collection consisted of six specimens of 
mammals, four skins of birds, and two skins of 
fishes, forwarded by Capt. J. H. Speke from Du- 
thumi, East Africa. 

On some Birds recently collected by 
M. Boucard in southern Mexico. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1862, pp. 18-20, pl. iii. 
A list of 16 species, with remarks upon them. 
Harporhynchus ocellatus is described and figured. 
[Additions to the Menagerie in Novem- 
ber and December, 1861. ] 
Proe. Zool, Soc. London, 1862, p. 22. 


{Remarks on some Snakes received from 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 23. 
A list of five species of snakes received from 
Dr. Wucherer, of Bahia. 

[Extracts from Dr. G. Bennett’s letter 
respecting the Kagus intended to be sent 
by him to the Society, etc.] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pp. 84-86. 



On anew species of Malacoptila from 
western Ecuador. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pp. 86, 87, pl. 
Malacoptila poliopis is described and figured. 



[Extracts from a letter from Dr. G. 
Bennett, I. Z. 8., announcing the ship- 
ment of a living Kagu for the Society, 
etc. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 107. 

Characters of nine new species of Birds 

received in collections from Bogota. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1862, pp. 109-112, 
pl. xi. 

The genus Hmpidochanes and the following 
new species are described: Vurdus ephippialis, 
Hylophilus ferrugineifrons, Chlorospingus olea- 
gineus, Philydor panerythrus, Leptopogon ery- 
throps, L. peecilotis, Myiobius bellus, Empido- 
chanes peecilurus and Urochroma_ stictoptera. 
Urochromea stictoptera is figured. 


On two new species of Tyrant Birds 
from Ecuador. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 113. 

Mecocerculus is proposed as a new genus, and 
the new species Ochthoéca citrinifrons and Meco- 
cerculus gratiosus are described. 

{Announcement of the arrival of two 
living Paradise Birds ( Paradisea papuana) 
purchased for the Society by Mr. A. R. 
Wallace. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 123. 
[Additions to the Menagerie during 
the months of January, February, and 
March, 1862. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1862, pp. 139, 140. 
[Report on the arrival of a living 
Kagu, presented to the Society by Dr. 
George Bennett, F. Z. S., of Sydney, and 
of several other specimens of living ani- 
mals. | 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 141, pl. xiv. 
Cacatua ducorpsii is figured, 
Note on the Deer of Formosa. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pp. 150-152, pls. 
XVi, XVi1l. 
The four species of deer inhabiting the coasts of 
China and Japan are enumerated. Cervus swin- 
hoet is described as a new species, and the difter- 

ences between C. sika and C. taévanus are pointed 
out. O. swinhoei and OC. taévanus are figured. 

[Exhibition on behalf of Capt. J. W. 
P. Orde, F. Z.8., of a specimen of a black 
variety of the Water-Vole (Arvicola am- 
phibius?) and of a Red-crested Duck 
(Branta rufina).] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 163. 

[Exhibition of Drawings representing 
the four known species of Wild Asses. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pp. 163, 164. 

Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- 
ety of London of drawings of Asinus hemionus, 
A. indicus, A. hemippus and A. teniopus, with 
remarks on their geographical distribution and 

distinctive characters, 


[Additions to the Menagerie during the 
months of April and May, 1862.] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pp. 184-186. 
[On some interesting additions to the 
Menagerie. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pp. 186, 187. 

Remarks on two Spider Monkeys, Ateles fron- 
talus and A. hybridus, and two young bears from 
Japan, for which the name Ursus japonicus is 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 
[Extracts from a letter from Dr. Lamp- 
rey, dated Shanghai, July 31, 1862. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pp. 220, 221. 

Notes on some species of Pheasants, Partridges 
and Quails of China. 

[Notice of a living Aye-Aye (Chiromys 
madagascariensis) in the Society’s Menag- 
erie. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 222. 

{Extracts from letters from Dr. G. Ben- 
nett, F. Z. S.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pp. 246-250. 
[Letter from Sir Robert Schomburgk, 
H.M. consul for Siam, respecting a Diar- 
digallus crawfurdi. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pp. 250, 251, 
Note on the Japanese Bear. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 261, pl. xxxii, 
_ Additional observations on and figure of Ursus 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 
[Additions to the Menagerie during the 
months ef June, July, August, Septem- 
ber, and October, 1862. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pp. 321-325, 


Notes on the Incubation of Python seba, 
as observed in the Society’s Gardens. 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1862, pp. 365-368. 

Notes on the incubation of the West African 
Python, and observations on the difference in its 
temperature during that period and in the nor- 
mal state, 

(See also Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, 
IX, p. 310, 1862.) 

On some Birds to be added to the Avi- 
fauna of Mexico. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pp. 368, 369, pl. 

A list of eight species, not before known, from 
Mexico. Vireo hypochryseus is described as new 
and figured. 

[Additions to the Menagerie during the 
month of November, 1862. ] 

Proc, Zool, Soc, London, 1862, p, 376, 


Additional notes on the American Bar- 
Ibis, 1862, pp. 1, 2, pl.i. 
Additional notes on the Capitonide, with de- 

scription and figure of Capito maculicoronatus, 

(See also Ibis, 1861, p. 182. ) 


Note on Falco circumeinctus, a rare Bird 

of Prey from South America. 
Ibis, 1862, pp. 23-25, pl. ii. 

Falco cirewmcinctus (Kaup) is figured and re- 
marked upon. 


On the Struthious Birds living in the 
Society’s Menagerie. 

Trans. Zool. Soc. London, LV, pp. 353-364, pls. 
Ixviia-lxxvi (1862). 

A general account of the Struthious birds liv- 
ing in the Zoological Society’s Gardens, and an 
enumeration of the existing Struthiones. The 
following species are figured : Struthio camelus, 
Rhea americana, R. macrorhyncha, R. darwinii, 
Casuarius galeatus, C. bicarunculatus, C. uniap- 

pendiculatus, O. bennettii, Dromeus nove-hollan- 
dic, and D. irroratus. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 
207, 247; Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1861, Pt, 
I, p. 176; Pt, II, p.158.) 

Note on the Temperature of the female 
Python sebe during incubation. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser.3, 1X, pp. 310, 
311 (1862). 
A table of temperatures taken during the in- 

cubation of the West African Python in the Zoo- 
logical Society’s Gardens. 

(See also Proc. Zoot. Soe. London, 1862, p. 

[On two rare Fruit Pigeons living in 
the Society’s Menagerie. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 1. 

Remarks on Carpophaga microcera and Ptilopus 


[Additions to the Menagerie during 
the month of December, 1862. ] 
Proce, Zool, Soc. London, 1863, p. 47. 


[Exhibition of a collection of insects 
and fresh-water shells from Madagascar, 
transmitted by Mr. J. Caldwell, and 
notes respecting them communicated by 
Mr. Caldwell.] 

Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 48, 49. 


On a new species of the genus Pipra 
from New Granada. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 63, 64, pl. x. 
Pipra leucorrhoa is described and figured 


[Exhibition of a skin of the female of 
Diardigallus prelatus, transmitted by Sir 
R. Schomburgk. ] 

Proc, Zool, Soe, London, 1863, pp. 76, 77, 



On the American Spine-tailed Swifts of 
the genus Chitura. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 98-102, | 

pl. xiv, fig 1. 

A synopsis of the American species of the genus | 

C. cinereiventris is figured. 


{Announcement of the arrival of a col- | 

lection of Indian Pheasants. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 104. 

This collection consisted of specimens of seven 
species of Pheasants and one species of Hornbill. 

List of the species of Phasianide, with 
remarks on their Geographical Distribu- 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 113-127, 
pl. xvi. 

A list of the 56 known species of Pheasants, 
with remarks on them and tables of their geo- 
graphical distribution. Huplocamus nobilis is 
described as new and figured. 

(Also separately published with additional 
plates. Seepaper No. 10.) 


On the Mammals and Birds collected in 
Madagascar by Dr. Charles Meller. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 160-165. 

are enumerated and remarked upon. 



Note on the occurrence of the European 
Sea Eagle in North America. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 251-253. 

Note on the supposed occurrence of Haliaétus 
albicilla in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 
[Announcement of Mr. James Thomp- 

son’s departure for India to bring home 
collections of living animals which had 
been offered to the Society. | 

Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 370, 371. 

On some new and interesting Animals 
recently acquired for the Society’s 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 374-378, pls. 

Remarks on Lagothrix humboldtii, Galago alleni, 

| Nycticebus tardigradus, Bubo fasctolatus, Phloge- 

nas bartletti (sp. noy.), Chauna chavaria and 

| Tropidonotus ferox. Lagothriz huriboldtii, Galago 

alleni, Bubo fasciolatus and Phlogeenas bartletti 

| are figured. 

[Exhibition of some variegated wool 

| from Ohio. ] 

Two species of mammals and 40 species of birds | 

On anew Spine-tailed Swift from west- | 

ern Africa. 

fig. 2. 
Chetura cassini is described and figured, and 

the characters in which it differs from C.sabini 
are pointed out. 

Observations on the Birds of south- 
eastern Borneo, by the late James Mott- 
ley, esq., of Banjermassing, with notes 
by P. L. Sclater. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 206-224. 

A list of 134 species, with notes upon them. 


[Observations on some of the Animals 
in the Zoological Gardens of Amsterdam, 
Rotterdam, and Antwerp. ] 

* Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 224, 225. 

Notes on some of the interesting species of ani- 
mals seen during a visit to the above-mentioned 


Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 438. 

Note on the breeding of Bennett’s Cas- 

| sowary in the Society’s Gardens. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 205, pl. xiv, | 

Record of the period of gestation of | 

certain Ruminants which breed in the | 

Society’s Gardens. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 230, 231. 

A list of the ruminants which breed in the 
Zoological Society’s Gardens, with their periods 
of gestation. 


Notes on the method of Incubation | 

among the Birds in the order Struthiones. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 233-235. 
Notes on the different manners in which certain 
birds of the families Struthionide and Aptery- 

gide hatch their eggs and the periods taken by 
each of them. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, pp. 518, 519, pl. 
Remarks on the breeding of Casuarius bennet- 
tii in the Zoological Society’s Gardens, with a fig- 
ure of the young bird. 

(See also Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 
Note on the Harrier of Bourbon (Circus 
maillardi, Verreaux). 
Ibis, 1863, pp. 163-165, pl. iv. 
Circus maillardi is remarked upon and figured. 


Note on the Eastern-Asiatic Thrushes 

of the genus Turdus. 
Ibis, 1863, pp. 195-198. 

Turdus hortulorum is described as new, and a 
table of the geographical distribution of the 
thrushes of the genus Z'urdus in eastern Asia is 


Synopsis of the known species of Dac- 

This, i863, pp. 311-317, pl. vii. 

A synopsis of the 12 known species of Dacnis, 
of which Dacnis venusta is figured. 

List of recent additions to the genus 

Tbis, 1863, pp. 450-452, pl. xii. 

A list of, with remarks upon, five additional 
species of Calliste described since the publication 
of the ‘‘Monograph of the birds forming the 
Tanagrine genus Calliste.” O, dowii is figured. 



Note on the Wombats living in the 
Gardens of the Zoological Society. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, X11, p. 78 

Note on the distinctness of certain species of 

Note on Pallas’s Sand Grouse. 
Zoologist, 1863, p. 8721. 

Note on the occurrence of Pallas’s Sand Grouse 
(Syrrhaptes paradoxus) in England in 1859. 

List of a collection of Birds from Hua- 
heine, Society Islands. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 8, 9. 
A list of 10 species, with remarks upon them. 

On some additions to the list of the 
Birds of the Falkland Islands. 
Pre. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 73. 
The occurrence of Lgretta leuce and Prion tur- 
tur in the Falkland Islands is recorded. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 
382; 1861, p. 45.) 
On the species of the genus Chauna. 

The diagnoses of the three species Chawna cha- 
varia, C.derbiana and C. nigricollis are given, of 
which the last is described as a new species and 
figured. 5 

(See paper No. 389.) 


Onthe Mammals collected and observed 
by Capt. J. H. Speke during the East- 
African expedition. With notes by Capt. 
J. H. Speke. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 98-106) | 

pls. xii, xiii. 
A list of 39 species, with Captain Speke’s field 
notes. Tragelaphus spekii and Oreas livingstonii 


{Announcement of the arrival of a liv- 
ing Didunculus and of other additions to 
the Society’s Menagerie. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 158. 
On two new species of Birds from New 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 166, 167. 

Basileuterus cinereicollis and Thripophaga gut- 
tuligera are described. 

[Announcement of Mr, James Thomp- 
son’s (the Society’s head keeper) safe 
arrival at Calcutta. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 168. 

* [Exhibition of a series of bird skins 
collected by the Rey. H. B. Tristram’s 
expedition in Palestine. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, pp. 169, 170. 
Exhibition to the Zoological Society of London 

_ of a series of bird skins from Palestine, of which 

Passer moabiticus and Caprimulgus tamaricis are 

List of a collection of Birds procured 
by Mr. George H. White in the vicinity 

_ of the City of Mexico. 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 74-76, pl. xi. | 

are described as new species, of which the former | 

and Golunda pulchella are figured, 

On the Birds collected by Capt. J. H. 
Speke during the East-African expedi- 
tion. With notes by Capt. J. H. Speke. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 106-115, 
pl. xiv. 
A list of 62 species, with remarks upon them. 
Psalidoprocne albiceps is described and figured. 

On the species of the American genus 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 119-122. 
The eight known species of Ooccyzus are enu- 
merated, and their synonomy and geographical 
ranges given. O. bairdi is described as a new 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 
[On some important additions to the 
Menagerie.] , 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 138, 189. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 172-179. 
An annotated list of 156 species. 

On a new spevies of White Cockatoo 
living in the Society’s Gardens. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 187, 189, 
pl. xvii. 

Cacatua ophthalmica is described, and a list of 
the species of Cacatwa, with their diagnoses, giv- 
en.» Cacatua ducorpsii is figured. C. ophthalmica 
was figured as C. ducorpsii (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1862, pl. xiv). : 


Notes on the species of Tadorna in the 
Society’s Menagerie. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 189, pls. 
XVili, xix. 

A diagnosis of the six species of Tadorna, with 
remarks upon their habits, variation in the col- 
ouring of the sexes, and geographical distribu- 
tion. Tadorna tadornoides and 1’. variegata are 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 
299; 1866, p. 148.) , 

Characters of a new species of Falco 
discovered by the late Dr. Dickinson, of 
the Central African Mission, on the River 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 248. 

Falco dickinsoni is described, and the new sub- 
genus Dissodectes is proposed, to include this 
species, together with Falco ardesiacus and F. 


Note on the species of Cuckoos of the 
genus Neomorphus. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 249, 250. 

Neomorphus geofroyti and N. rufipennis are 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 59.) 


[Remarks on the Breeding of Bennett’s 
Cassowary in the Society’s Gardens. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 271. 

Remarks on Bennett's Cassowary (Casuarius 
bennettit) breeding in the Zoological Society's Gar- 
dens, and exhibition of the skeleton of the origi- 
nal typical example of this species. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 


Characters of three new American Par- 

pl. xxiv. 

Conurus rhodogaster, Natt. MS., Brotogerys | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 297, 298, | 

chrysosema, Natt. MS., and Ohrysotis jfinschi are | 

described. Conurus rhodogaster is figured. 

Note on the Geographical Distribution 
of the Ducks of the genus Dendrocygna. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 299-301. 

the genus Dendrocygna is given, and remarks 
made upon them. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, p. 

189; 1866, p. 148.) 


Notes on a collection of Birds from the 
Isthmus of Panama. By P. L. Sclater and 
Osbert Salvin. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 342-873, 
jibe ee. 

An annotated list of 272 species collected by 
Mr. James M’Leannan on the Isthmus of Panama. 
The following species are described as new: Cas- 
siculus microrhynchus, Myrmeciza timmaculata, 
Camptostoma flaviventre and Conurus ocularis. 
Eucometis cassinit is figured, 


{Announcement of Mr. James Thomp- | 
son’s return from Calcutta with a valu- | 

able collection of animals. | 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, pp. 373, 374. 

[Notice of additions to the Menagerie. | 
Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 374, 375. 


[Exhibition of a series of specimens of 
birds’ eggs collected in the vicinity of 

Barrackpore and presented to the Soci- | 

ety by Lieut. R. C. Beavan, with notes 
on their nesting habits. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 375. 
A list of 24 species is given, with notes by Lieu- 
tenant Beavan on their nesting habits. 

Description of a new species of Duck 
from Madagascar. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 487, 488, pl. 

Anas melleri is described and figured. 

[On some additions to the Menagerie. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, p. 587. 



Descriptions of seven new species of 
Birds discovered by the late Dr. John 
Natterer in Brazil. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 605-611, pls. 

The new genus Liosceles (figured in text) is 
proposed and the following species are described: 
Granatellus pelzelni, Tanagra olivina, Natt. MS., 
Spermophila pileata (Natt. MS.), Poospiza oxy- 
rhyncha (Natt. MS.), Hypoenemis flavescens (Natt. 
MS.), Pteroptochus thoracicusand Pipra natterert. 
The three known species of Granatellus are diag- 
nosed, and figures are given of Granatellus pel- 
zelni, G. venustus, Pteroptochus thoracicus and 
Pipra nattereri, 


Note on the Quadrumana living in the 
Society’s Menagerie. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 709-712, pls. 
od bed be 

A systematic list of the species of Quadrumana 
living in the Zoological Society’s Menagerie, with 

| notes upon the following: Macacus speciosus, M. 

The geographical distribution of the species of | CIN COE ag Ce 

Galago garnetti and Pithecia satanas are figured. 

Note on the Caprimulgine genus Cosme- 
tornis. | 
Ibis, 1864, pp. 114, 115, pl. ii. 
Notes on Cosmetornis vexillarius and C. burtont, 
of which the former is figured. 
331 ! 
On the Birds of the Comoro Islands. 
This, 1864, pp. 292-301, pl. vii. 
General remarks on the Comoro Islands and an 
annotated list of 23 species of birds. Acciviter 
francest is figured. 


On the Rapacious Birds collected by 
the late Dr. Dickinson in the Zambesi 

I bis, 1864, pp. 301-307, pl. viii. 3 

A list of 22 species, with remarks upon them. 

| Falco dickinsoni is figured. 

On anew species of Tetragonops. 
I bis, 1864, pp. 371, 372, pl. x. 
Tetragonops frantzii is described and figured. 

Note on the Great Auk. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, XIV, p. 320 

Note calling attention to the existence of speci- 
mens of the skins and eggs of the great auk 
omitted from Mr. Champley’s list. (Ann. and 
Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, XTV, p, 235.) 


The Mammals of Madagascar. ' 

Quart. Journ. Sci., London, 1, pp. 2138-219, 

pl. ii (1864). 
A summary view of the mammal fauna of Mad- 
anes and arguments, from the evidence thus 
adduced, as to the former connection of this island 

| with the continents of Africa, Asiaand America, 

and its present position in zoological geography. 
The name Lemuria is proposed for this supposed 
submerged continent. A plate of the typical 
mammals of Madagascar is subjoined. 


[Notice of a Mantchurian Deer received 
from Mr. Swinhoe. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 1, 2. 

Note on the Mantchurian Deer which had been 
sent to the Gardens of the Zoological Society of 
London by Mr. Swinhoe. 

[Notice of a Prong-horned Antelope 
added to the Society’s Menagerie. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 60, pl. iii. 

Note, accompanied by a figure, on the acquisi- 
tion, by the Zoological Society of London, of a 
young male specimen of Antilocapra americana. 

[Remarks upon a stuffed specimen of 
a Water-Pipit (Anthus spinoletta) from the 
collection of the Bishop of Oxford. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 60. 

Remarks upon, and exhibition to a meeting of 
the Zoological Society of London, of a stuffed 
specimen of Anthus spinoletta (Linn.), which had 
been shot near Brighton. 

[Exhibition of the type specimen of 
Galago monteiri and remarks on Galago 
crassicaudata and G. crassicaudata var. 
kirkii. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 60, 61. 

Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological So- 
ciety of London of the type specimen of Galago 
monteiri, and remarks pointing out the differen- 
tial characters of the species, G. crassicaudata 
and G. crassicaudata var. kirkii. 

Note on the Breeding of a Ground- 
Pigeon in the Society’s Menagerie. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 238-240. 

Note on Phiogenas crinigera breeding in the 
Zoological Society’s Gardens, and remarks on the 
separation, by Bonaparte, of the Ground Pigeons 
of America from those of the Old World. 

On a new species of the genus Basileu- 
terus of Cabanis, with a synopsis of the 
known species of the genus. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 282-286, pls. 
ibe < 

Basileuterus mesoleucus is described as new, 
and a synopsis of the 15 known species of the 
genus Basileuterus is given. The following spe- 
cies are figured: B. mesoleucus, B. cinereicollis, B. 
semicervinus and B. uropygialis. 

[Notice of several additions to the So- 
ciety’s Menagerie. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc, London, 1865, p. 318. 

Description of a new species of Pas- 
serine Bird from Madagascar. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 326, 327, pl. 

Hylophorba ruticilla (gen. et sp. nov.) is de- 
scribed and figured. 


Description of a new species of Indian 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 352-356, pl. 


Hystrix malabarica, Day, is described and fig- 
ured, and alist of the known species of Hystriz 
and their localities added. 

[Remarks upon a collection of Bird 
Skins formed by the Society’s corre- 
sponding member, M. Adolphe Boucard, 
in the vicinity of Vera Cruz, Mexico. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 397. 

Exhibition of, to a meeting of the Zoological 
Society of London, and notes upon, a collection 
of bird skins obtained near Vera Cruz, Mexico, 
by M. A. Boucard. 

Description of a new Accipitrine Bird 
from Costa Rica. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 429, 430, 
pl. xxiv. 

Leucopternis princeps is described and figured. 
[Remarks on a rare Parrot from Do- 
minica. | : 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 437, 438. 

Remarks on a young specimen of OChrysotis au- 
gusta which had been sent by Mr. Bernard from 
Dominica, West Indies, to the Gardens of the 
Zoological Society of London. 

[Exhibition of a photograph of a pair 
of Gayals intended for the Menagerie. ]. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 465. 
[Exhibition of a drawing of Paradisea 
calva, lately discovered in the Island of 
Waigion. | 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 465. 
[Notice of recent additions to the Me- 
nagerie. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 466. 
[Exhibition of specimens of Heliomas- 
ter angele, and notes thereupon by Pro- 
fessor Burmeister, For. Memb. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 466, 467. 


Report on a collection of Animals from 
Madagascar, transmitted to the Society 
by Mr. J. Caldwell. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 467-470, 
pl. xxvii. 

Thiscollection consisted of two species of mam- 
mals (Nyctinomus (Mormopterus n. subg.) jugula- 
vis, D. sp.,and Mus, sp.?) determined by Dr. W. 
Peters, five species of reptiles determined by Dr. 
Ginther, and one crayfish (A stacuscaldwelli n. sp.) 
determined by Mr. Spence Bate, The crayfishis 


[Announcement of the arrival of a 
young male African Elephant in the So- 
ciety’s Gardens. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 510. 
Notes on the genera and species of 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 593-617, 
pls. xxxiii, xxxiv. 


Observations on the correct position in the nat- 
ural system of the Cypselide, as evidenced by the 
form of the sternum and the number of the pha- 
langes of the toes, together with a synopsis of 
the family. Hirundinapus and Nephecetes are 
revised from Hirundapus and Nephoceles as sec- 
tional names of Chetura and Oypsetoides, respect- 
ively, Cypselus infumatus and Cheetura biscutata 
are described as new species, and Oypselus squa- 
matus and Chetura biscutata are figured. The 
genera treated of are: Cypselus, Panyptila, Che- 
tura, Cypseloides, Collocalia and Dendrochelidon. 

[Exhibition of bird skins collected by 
Mr. Henry Whitely in Japan. | 
Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 618. 

On anew Parrot of the genus Nasiterna. 

Proc. Zoot. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 620-622, 
pl. xxxv. 

Nasiterna pusio is described and figured. 
[On recent additions to the Menagerie, 
with notes. | 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 675, 676. 
[Notices of Animals observed in several 
Continental Zoological Gardens. } 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 676, 677. 

Remarks on the animals observed during a visit 
to the Zoological Gardens of Hamburg, Rotter- 
dam and Amsterdam. 

On the structure of Leptosoma discolor. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1865, pp. 682-689. 

Remarks on some peculiar points in the struc- 
ture of Leptosoma discolor, and a suggestion that 
this species should form the type of anew family, 
near the Coraciide in the natural system. LIlus- 
trations in text. 

[Correction of some previous remarks 
on the supposed occurrence of Haliaétus 
albicilla in America. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 731. 

The supposed occurrence of Haliaétus albicilla 
in America is stated to be an error, and the two 
specimens captured in Nova Scotia and Newfound- 
land (Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 251) are 
here referred to H. leucocephalus. 


Note on two rare species of the Ameri- 

can genus Dendreca. 
Ibis, 1865, pp. 87-89. 

Note on Dendreca chrysoparia and D. occident- 
alis, with diagnosis of the four closely allied spe- 
cies, D. virens, D. occidentalis, D. townsendi and 
D. chrysoparia. 


Notes on Kriiper’s Nuthatch and on the 

other known species of the genus Sitta. 
Ibis, 1865, pp. 306-311, pl. vii. 

A description and figure of Sitta krueperi, Pelz. 
and remarks upon the twelve other known spe 
cies of the genus Sttta. 


Description of a new species of Tana- 

ger of the genus Jvidornis. 
Ibis, 1865, pp. 495, 496. 
Tridornis reinhardti is described and figured. 



Note on the so-called ‘‘ Japanese” Pig 
(Centuriosus pliciceps, Gray; Ptychocharus 
plicifrons, Fitzinger). 
Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, XV, pp. 
154, 155 (1865). 

Note pointing out that the so-called ‘‘ Japan- 
ese’’ pig is probably only a domesticated variety, 
and that its true home is China. 


On the birth of a young Hippopotamus 
in the Zoological Society’s Gardens at 

Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1865, pt. 2, p. 93. 

Note on the birth of a young hippopotamus in 
the Zoological Society’s Gardens at Amsterdam, 
which was believed to be the first successful in- 
stance of the reproduction of this animal in 


The Mammals of Australia. 
Quart. Journ. Sei., London, II, pp. 13-19 
(1865). With a plate. 

A summary view of the mammal-fauna of Aus- 
tralia, which serves to show that this fauna dif- 
fers in a most marked degree from that of every 
other part of the world. A plate of the typical 
mammals of Australia is given. 


The Mammals of South America. 

Quart. Journ. Sei., London, II, pp. 605-621 
(1865). With a plate. 

A general outline of the mammal-fauna of South 
America, and a summary of its principal charac. 
teristics, which distinguish this region from the 
othér regions of the world’s surface. <A plate of 
the typical mammals of South America is given- 

° 368 
[Notice of the addition of a Gayal 
(Bos frontalis) to the Society’s Menage- 
rie. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 1, pl. i. 

Notice of the addition of a young male Gayal 
to the Zoological Society’s Gardens, which had 
been presented to the Society by Babu Rajendra 
Mullick. A figure of the animal is given. 


[Remarks on Lemur leucomystax, Bart- 

lett. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 1, 2. 

Note pointing out that Lemur leucomystaz, 
Bartlett, is probably only the female of Lemur 
macaco, Gm. 


Report on Birds collected at Windvo- 
gelberg, South Africa, by Captain G. E. 
Bulger, C.M.Z.S8. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 21-23. 

A list of 44 species, determined by Dr. Hart- 
laub, of which Hemipteryx immaculata is de- 
scribed as new. 


[Remarks on the American Lepidosiren 

(Lepidosiren paradoxa). | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 34,35. 

Remarks on the American Lepidosiren and the 

scarcity of specimens in European collections. 

On a new American Cuckoo of the 
genus Neomorphus. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 59, 60, pl. v. 


Neomorphus salvini is described and figured, 

and a synopsis of the species of the genus Veo- 
morphus given. 

see also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 
[Remarks on some Monkeys received 
from St. Kitts, West Indies. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 79, 80. 

Remarks on the monkeys that inhabited St. 
Kitts, West Indies, which were undoubtedly 
referable to the common green monkey (Cerco- 
pithecus callitrichus, Geottr.) of West Africa, and 
had probably been introduced. 

(See also Natwre, X XI, p. 153, 1879; XLI, 
p. 368, 1890.) 

[Notice of recent additions to the So- 
ciety’s Menagerie. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 80. 

[Exhibition of a collection of Mammals 
and Birds from Japan. | 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 80, 81. 


On the Birds of the vicinity of Lima, 
Peru. With notes on their habits by 
Prof. W. Nation, of Lima, C. M. Z. S. 
Part I.* 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, pp. 96-100, 
pl. xi. 

An annotated list of 23 species, of which Geo- 
sitta crassirostris and Myiobius nationi are de- 
seribed as new. Myiobius nationi and M. pulcher 
(from Ecuador) are figured. 

*(For Part II see Proc.-Zool. Soc. London, 
1867, p. 340; Pt. III, 1869, p. 146; Pt. I'v, 
1871, p.496; Pt. V, 1881, p. 484.) 

[Notice of a Pudu Deer recently added 
to the Society’s Menagerie. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 104, 105. 

Notice of the addition to the Zoological Society’s 
Menagerie of a specimen of Cervus pudu which 
had been presented by Mr. Charles Bath. The 
head of the animal is figured in the text. 

Notes upon the American Caprimulgide. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 123-145, pls. 
xiii, xiv. 

General observations on the Caprimulgide, | 

with a synopsis of the American species of the 
family, of which 42 are enumerated. Gray’s 
genus Hleothreptus is emended to Heleothreptus 
and three new subgenera are created, viz, Podo- 
chetes, Diplopsalis and Macropsalis. 
rujicervix is described as anew species. A table 
showing the distribution of the species in Amer- 
icais appended. Figures are given of Stenopsis 
rujicerviz and Antrostomus parvulus. Ulustrations 
are given in the text. The genera treated of are: 
Nyetibius, Steatornis, Podager, Lurocalis, Chor- 
deiles, Antrostomus, Stenopsis, Hydropsalis, He- 
leothreptus, Nyctidromus and Siphonorhis. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 


Additional notes on the Anatide of the 
genera Dendrocygna and Tadorna. 
Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1866, pp. 148--150. 

Additional notes to previous communications 
on the genera Dendrocygna and Tadorna (ef. Proce. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 189, 299). 

Stenopsis | 



Catalogue of Birds collected by Mr. E. 
Bartlett on the River Ucayali, eastern 
Peru, with notes and descriptions of new 
species. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Sal- 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 175-201, pl. 

An annotated catalogue of 253 species. Two 
new genera, viz, Stigmatura and Metopothria, and 
the following new species are described : Sperimo- 
phila ocellata, Furnarius torridus, Synallaxis ter- 
ricolor, S. vulpecula, Hypocnemis melanura, H. 
hemileuca, Muscisaxicola fluviatilis. Serpophaga 
hypoleuca, Metopothrix uurantiacus, Leucippus 
chlorocercus, Gould MS.,and Thaumantias bart- 
lettit, Gould MS. Metopothrix aurantiacus is fig- 

(ee also Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 

[Notice of additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie, and of the transmission of a 
Manatee to the Society by Mr. G. W. Lat- 
imer, of Puerto Rico. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 201. 

[Remarks on recent additions to the 
Society’s Menagerie. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 203. 

Note on the genus Geobates of Swain- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 204,205, pl. 
p. 6.46 
Remarks on Geobates brevicauda of Swainson, 
which species is shown to have been described 
eight years previously by Maximilian, under the 
name of Anthus pecilopterus. Thenames Geobates 
pecilopterus must therefore be adopted. <A de- 
scription, listof synonyms, anda plate of the bird, 
are given. 

[Notice of several interesting species 
of Mammals and Birds living in the Gar- 
dens of the Société Zoologique d’Accli- 
matation of Paris. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 210. 
| 385 
On a new species of the genus Accipiter 
| from New Granada. 
Proce. Zool, Soc. London, 1866, pp. 302-304. 

Aecipiter ventralis is described, and a synopsis 
of the nine known American species of Accipiter 
is added. 

[Notice of a rare American Monkey 
(Pithecia leucocephala) lately added to the 
Society’s Menagerie. } 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 305. 
Note on a specimen of Pithecia leucocephala, 
which had been obtained in Demerara, and pre- 

sented to the Zoological Society by Mr. W. H. 

Descriptions of six new species of 
American Oscines. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 320-324. 

The genus Spodiornis (illustrated in text) and 
the following new species are described: Turdus 
subcinereus, Cinclocerthia macrorhyncha, Thryo- 

| thorus martinicensis, Hylophilus pectoralis, H. 
| brunneiceps and Spodiornis jardinit. 


[Notice of a specimen of the Califor- 
nian Vulture (Cathartes californianus) re- 
cently added to the Society’s collection. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 366. 

Note on, and illustration of, a specimen of Ca- 
thartes californianus presented to the Zoological 
Society's Menagerie by Dr. Colbert A. Canfield. 


Note on Chauna nigricollis. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 369, 370. 

Note pointing out that Chawna derbiana, Gray, 
and Chauna nigricollis, Sclater, are identical. 

(See paper No. 305.) 
[Exhibition of a young specimen of 
Chauna derbiana, forwarded by Dr. W. 
Huggins, of San Fernando, Trinidad, C. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, p. 417. 
On some additions to the Catalogue of 

Birds collected by Mr. E. Bartlett on the | 

River Ucayali. 
bert Salvin. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, pp. 566, 567. 

A list of, with remarks upon, 20 additional spe- 

cies to Mr. Bartlett's former list. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866,;p. 175.) 
Additional notes on the Caprimulgide. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 581-590, pls. 
xiv, xlvi. 

Anatomical observations on the genus Podar- 
gus, and additional notes on various species of 
American Caprimulgide.* Antrostomus ornatus 
is described as new and figured. Antrostomus 
maculicaudus is also figured. Illustrations are 
given in the text. 

*(For former paper, cf. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1866, p. 123.) 

Note on the species of the genus Mus- 

Ibis, 1866, pp. 56-59. 

Notes on the species of Muscisaxicola men- 
tioned in Messrs. Philippi and Landbeck’s article 
on this genus (Wiegymann’s Archiv, 1865, p. 75), 
and an arrangement of the nine known species. 

Note on “‘ Kittacincla auricularis,” Swin- 
Ibis, 1866, pp. 109, 110, pl. iv. 

It is here pointed out that the generic term 
Kittacinela, as applied by Mr. Swinhoe to his new 
species awricularis, is incorrect, and that the 
species should be referred to the genus Sibia. 
Sibia auricularis is figured, 

By P.L. Selater and Os- 

Note on the Distribution of the species 
of Chasmorhynchus, 
Ibis, 1866, pp. 406, 407. 

_Remarks on the range of the four known spe- 
cies of Chasmorhynchus, and observations on the 
note of C. nudicollis. : 


Report on the Extinct Birds of the 
Mascarene Islands. By acommittee con- 


sisting of Prof. A. Newton, Rev. H. B. 
Tristram, and Dr. Sclater. 

Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1866, pt.1, pp. 
401, 402. 

Report on the collections of extinct birds’ bones 
which had been sent home from Mauritius by Mr. 
George Clark, and from Rodriguez by Mr. George 


On the Systematic Position of the 
Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana). 

Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1866, pt. 2, pp. 77, 
78; Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser.3, XVILI, 
pp. 401-404 (1866). 

Note on the systematic position of Antilocapra 
americana, which, on account of its peculiarities 
in structure, is proposed to form the type of anew 
family, viz, Antilocapride, to be placed between 
Camelopardalide and Bovide in the natural sys- 
tem. <A table of the distribution of the Rumi- 
nants is appended. 

[Exhibition of Mexican Birds and char- 

| acters of anew species. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, pp. 1, 2, pl. i. 

Exhibition, to a meeting of the Zoological So- 
ciety of London, of some specimens of birds 
collected in Mexico by M. A. Boucard, and de- 
scription and figure of a new species, Zonotrichia 


[Extracts from letters received from 

Mr. E. Bartlett, from Xeberos, Peru. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, p. 2. 

[Notice of anew species of Ratel (el- 
livora leuconota). | 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, p. 98, pl. viii. 
Mellivora leuconota is described and figured. 

[Notices of additions to the Menagerie. } 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 179. 


Notes upon some Parrots living in the 
Society’s Menagerie. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, pp. 183-185, pl. 

Notes on various species of parrots living in 
the Zoological Society's Menagerie. Ara ambigua 
and A. militaris are diagnosed, the differences be- 
tween Cacatua ducorpsti and O. ophthalmica are 
pointed out, and a figureis given of Lorius chloro- 

[Notices of additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie and remarks upon Saiga tata- 
rica. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 240, pl. xvii. 
Remarks on Sus taivanus and Saiga tatarica, 
specimens of which had recently been added to 
the Zoological Society’s Menagerie, Saiga tata- 
rica is figured. 
List of Birds collected on the Blewfields 
River, Mosquito Coast, by Mr. Henry 
Wickham. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, pp. 278-280. 
A list of 39 species, with remarks upon them. 


[Remarks on specimens of Snakes (Boi- 
dw) in the Society’s Menagerie. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 315. 

Notice of the addition to the Zoological Society's 
collection of specimens of Morelia variegata and 
Boa eques. 

[Remarks on Gulls (Laride) living in 
the Society’s Menagerie. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, pp. 315, 316. 

Note pointing out the differences of the three 
species Larus argentatus, L. fuscescens, and L. 

Notes on the Birds of Chili. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, pp. 319-340. 
A résumé of the birds of Chili, of which 209 
species are enumerated. 

On the Birds of the vicinity of Lima, 
Peru. With notes on their habits by 
Prof. W. Nation. Part II.* 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, pp. 340-344, 
pls. xx, xxi. 
A list of 12 species, with remarks upon them. 

Poospiza bonapartit and Porzana erythrops, nn. 
spp., are described and figured. 

*(For part I, see Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1866, p. 96; Pt. III, 1869, p. 146; Pt. IV, 
1871, p. 496; Pt. V, 1881, p. 484.) 


[Announcement of the arrival of a 
Lyre-Bird (Menura superba) in the So- 
ciety’s Gardens. | 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 391. 

[Report of the birth of a young male 
Giraffe, and -list of Giraffes that have 
lived in the Society’s Gardens. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, pp. 391, 392. 

[Notices of additions to the Society’s 

Menagerie. | 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 473. 

[Exhibition of a skull of Tapirus bairdi 
from Nicaragua. } 

Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, p. 473. 


List of Birds collected by Mr. Wallace 
on the Lower Amazons and Rio Negro. 
By P. L. Selater and Osbert Salvin. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, pp. 566-596, 
pls. xxix, xxx. 

An annotated catalogue of 282 species, from the 
examination of which conclusions are drawnas to 
the general character and derivation of the avi- 
fauna of the Para District. The three species, 
Hylophilusrubrifrons, H. semicinereus and Heter- 
opelma wallacii, are described as new. — Figures 
are given of Hylophilus semicinereus, H. rubri- 
Frons, and Turdus pheeopygus (jr.). Gould’s MS. 
name Polytmus leucorrhous, is here published for 
the first time. 

[Notices of additions to the Society's 
Menagerie. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, pp. 686, 687. 


[Exhibition of a rare Snake (Siphlopis 
fitzingeri). | 
Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, p. 687. 


[Exhibition of the Nest and Eggs of 
the Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatac- 
tes). | 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 687. 


Catalogue of Birds collected by Mr. 
E. Bartlett on the River Hnallaga, east- 
ern Peru, with notes and descriptions of 
new species. By P. L. Selater and Os- 
bert Salvin. : 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, pp. 748, 749, 
pl. xxxiv. 

A tabular list of 205 species, showing the local 
ities whence they were obtained, with notes on 
the more remarkable ones and descriptions of the 
following: Dendrocolaptes radiolatus, Scl. MS.; 
Thamnophilus murinus, Natt. MS.; Dysithamnus 
ardesiacus, Myrmotherula cinereiventris, Scl. MS.; 
Leptopogon peruvianus, Chetura brachycerea, and 
Celeus eitreapy rine Bp.MS. Chetura brachycerca 
is figured. 

[Notices of additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, pp. 815-820, 
pls. Xxxvi, xxxvii. 

Attention is called to the more noticeable addi- 
tions to the Zoological Society’s Menagerie, of 
which Felis aurata and Gazella semmerringi are 
figured. Tribonyx mortieri and Ursus piscatorare 
figured in text. 

[Notice of the arrival of a collection of 
Animals from Calcutta. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, pp. 820, 821. 


[Notices of additions to the Menagerie. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, pp. 890, 891. 


[Notice of the Exhibition of a skin of 
Chionis minor. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 891. 


[Remarks on the breeding of the Eland 
in captivity. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, pp. 953, 954. 

An extract of a letter from Lord Hill, giving an 
account of the Elands which had bred while in 
his possession at Hawkstone, Shropshire. 


List of Birds collected at Pebas, Upper 
Amazons, by Mr. Jobn Hauxwell, with 
notes and descriptions of new species. 
By P. L. Selater and Osbert Salvin. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, pp. 977-981, pl. 

An annotated catalogue of 135 species and de- 
scriptions of the following new species: Oryzobo- 
rus melas, Percnostola fortis, Tyranniseus graci- 
lipes, Sel. MS., and Porzana fasciata. Perenosiola 
Sunebris is figured, ; 



On Peruvian Birds collected by Mr. H. 
Whitely. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 

Salvin. Part I.* 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, pp. 982-991, pl. 

A list of 58 species, with remarks upon them. 
Muscisaxicola rubricapilla is figured. 

*(For Part II see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1868, p.173; Pt. III, 1868, p.568; Pt. IV, 
1869, p. 151; Pt. V, 1869, p. 596; Pt. VI, 1873, 
p.184; Pt. VII, 1873, p. 779; Pt. VILI, 1874, 
p. 677; Pt. LX, 1876, p. 15.) 

Remarks on Dr. Léotaud’s ‘‘Birds of 
Ibis, 1867, pp. 104-108. 

A commentary on Dr. A. Léotaud’s ‘‘Oiseaux 
de l'ile de la Trinidad (Antilles).’’ Royal 8vo, 
Port d’ Espagne, 1866. 

On the Antilocapride. 
Ann. and Mag. Nat. Bist., ser. 3, XIX, p. 
58 (1867). 

A rejoinder to. Dr. J. E, Gray’s criticism* of a 
former paper on the Antilocapride.t 

*Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, XVIII, 
p. 468 (1866). 
t Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sct., 1866, pt. 2, p. 77. 


Note on the species of the genus Tribo- 
Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, XX, pp. 
122, 123 (1867). 

A diagnosis of the three species Tribonyx mor- 
tiert, T. gouldi and T. ventralis, of which T. gouldi 
is described as new. 

The Bellbirds of America. 

Intellectual Observer, X, pp. 401-408 (1867). 

Remarks upon the four known species of the 
genus Chasmorhynchus, and their distribution in 
America. Chasmorhynchus nudicollis is figured. 

Barbets, and their Distribution. 
The Intellectual Observer, XII, pp. 241-246 
Notes on the species of the family Capitonide, 

and their geographic range. Megalaima asiatica 
is figured. 


Exhibition of a drawing of a new spe- 
cies of Impeyan (Lophophorus Vhuysi).] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 1, pl. i. 
Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- 
ety of London of a drawing of Lophophorus Uhuysi. 

LI. refulgens and L.Uhuysi are diagnosed. The 
latter is figured. 


Descriptions of new species of Birds 
of the families Dendrocolaptide, Strigide, 
and Columbide. By P. L. Sclater and 
Osbert Salvin. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 53-60, pl. v. 

Dendrocincla ruficeps, Dendrocolaptes puncti- 
collis, Scops barbarus, Syrnium fulvescens, Leptop- 
tila plumbeiceps and IL. cerviniventris are de- 
scribed, and the American species of each genus 
enumerated. Dendrocolaptes pwneticollis ig fig- 
ured, The text is illustrated, 



[Remarks upon a Bear recently added 

to the Society’s Menagerie. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 71-73, pl. 

Remarks upon,and figure of, an apparently new 
species of bear recently added to the Zoological 
Society’s Menagerie, to which the name Ursus 
nasutus is applied. A list of the living species of 
bears in the society’s collection is given. 

[Exhibition of an Egg of the Guacharo 
(Steatornis caripensis). | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 73, 74. 

Exhibition to the Zoological Society of an egg 
of Steatornis caripensis which had been taken 
from a cave in the Island of Trinidad. A figure 
of the egg is given in the text. 


List of Birds collected at Conchitas, 
Argentine Republic, by Mr. William H. 
Hudson. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 137-146. 

A list of 96 species, with notes on them. The 
generic name Phacellodomus is emended to Pla- 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 
158, 631.) 

On Venezuelan Birds collected by Mr. 
A. Goering. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 
Salvin. Part I.* 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 165-173, 
pl. xiii. 

A tabular list of 126 species, showing the locali- 
ties in which they were collected, with notes upon 
the more remarkable ones. A new genus, Suble- 
gatus, is characterized; Baird’s preoccupied 
generic name Heterorhina 1s altered to Henico- 
rhina, and the following new species are de- 
scribed: Basileuterus griseiceps, Huscarthmus im- 
piger and Sublegatus glaber, the last two of which 
are figured. Illustrations are given in the text. 

*(For Part II see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1868, p. 626; Pt. III, 1869, p. 250; Pt. LV, 
1870, p, 779; Pt. V, 1875, p. 224.) 


On Peruvian Birds collected by Mr. H. 
Whitely. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 
Salvin. Part II.* 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 173-178. 

A. list of 28 species, with remarks upon them. 
The text is illustrated. 

*(For Part I see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1867, p. 982; Pt. III, 1868, p. 568; Pt. IV, 
1869, p. 151; Pt. V, 1869, p. 596; Pt. VI, 
1873, p. 184; Pt. VII, 1873, p. 779; Pt. VIII, 
1874, p. 677; Pt. LX, 1876, p. 15.) 

[Exhibition of a stuffed specimen of a 
Monkey (Cercocebus albigena) from Cab- 
inda, north of the River Congo. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 183. 

Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- 
ety of London of a stuffed specimen of Cerco- 
cebus albigena, which had been procured by Mr. 
J.J, Monteiro from Cabinda. 

On the Seals of the Falkland Islands, 
By Capt. C.C. Abbott. Communicated, 
with notes, by P. L. Sclater, 
Proce, Zool. Soc, London, 1868, pp. 189-192, 


Remarks on Morunga elephantina, Otaria ju- 
bata, O. falklandica and Stenorhynchus leptonyx. 

Notes on Baker’s Antelope ( Hippotra- 
gus bakeri). 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 214-218, 
pl. xvi. 

Description of and notes on the adultand young 
ot Hippotragus bakeri. The three known species 
ot Hippotragus are enumerated. A young male 
is figured. Illustrations are given in the text. 


[Remarks upon recent additions to the 
Society’s Menagerie. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 261, 262. 


Notes on the Pelicans living in the So- 
eliety’s Gardens. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 264-269, 
pls. xxv, xxvi. 

Notes on the 10 known species of Pelecanus, of 
which the following were represented in the 
Zoological Society’s collection: Pelecanus ono- 
crotalus, P. mitratus, P. crispus, P. rufescens, P. 
conspicillatus and P. fuscus. P. rufescens and P. 
fuscus are figured. The text is illustrated 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 
f 442, 

[Notice of the shipment from Austra- 
lia of two living examples of Owen’s 
Apteryx. | 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1868, p. 319. 


Descriptions of new or little-known 
American Birds of the families Fringil- 
lide, Oxyrhamphidaw, Bucconide, and Stri- 
gide. ByP.L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin, 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 322-329, 
pl. xxix. 

The following species are described: Peuccea 
notosticta, n. sp., Zonotrichia quinquestriata, n. sp., 
Pyrgisoma cabanisi, n. sp, P. kieneri, Bp., Oxy- 
rhamphus frater, n. sp., Monasa grandior, n. sp., 
and Gymnoglaux lawrencii, n. sp. The known 
species of the genera Peucea, Pyrgisoma and 
Gymnoglaux are enumerated. Gymnoglaux law- 
rencit is figured. Illustrations are given in the 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
skin of the Australian Cassowary. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 376, 377. 

Exhibition of, to a meeting of the Zoological 
Society of London, and remarks upon a skin of 
Casuarius australis. The points in which it differs 
from (0. galeatus are shown. 

Descriptions of four new species of 
Birds from Veragua. 
and Osbert Salvin. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 388-390. 
The following species are described: Pyranga 
testacea, Chlorospingus hypopheeus, Leptotriccus 
superciliaris and Eupherusa egregia. 
[Exhibition of Heads of the Spanish 
Ibex (Capra pyrenaica). 
Proc, Zool. Soc, London, 1868, pp. 403, 404, 

By P. L. Sclater | 


[Notices of recent additions to the 
Society’s Menagerie. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 404. 

Synopsis of the American Rails (Ral- 
lidw). By P.L.Selater and Osbert Sal- 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 442-470, pl. 

A synopsis of the American rails, of which 48 
species, belonging to 10 genera, are enumerated. 
The genus Thyrorhina and the subgenus Neocrex 
are created, and the species Porzana levraudi and 
P. castaneiceps described as new, the former being 
figured. A table showing the distribution of the 
Rallidew in America is added. Illustrations are 
given in the text. The following are the genera 
treated of: Rallus, Aramides, Porzana, Crex, 
Thyrorhina, Porphyrio, Porphyriops, Gallinula, 
Fulica and Heliornis. 


[On additions to the Society’s Menag- 
erie, and Report on Lecomte’s Expedition 
to the Falkland Islands. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 526-530. 

Remarks on the additions to the Zoological So- 
ciety’s Menagerie, with a figure of Ithinoceros 

bicornis; and report on Lecomte’s Expedition to 
the Falkland Islands. 

[Announcement of the arrival of askin 
and skeleton of Llaphurus davidianus. | 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1868, p. 531. 

[On additions to the Society's Menag- 
erie. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 566, 567. 

[Remarks on the Breeding of the Eleo- 
nora Falcon near Mogador. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 567. 

An account of that portion of the Island of 
Mogador where Falco eleonore was found breed- 


On Peruvian Birds collected by Mr. 
Whitely. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 
Salvin. Part III.* 

Proce. Zoot. Soe. London, 1868, pp. 568-570. 

Remarks upon 11 species, with a list of the 83 
species obtained by Mr. Whitely in western Peru. 

*(For Part I see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1867, p. 982; Pt. II, 1868, p.173; Pt. 1V, 1869, 
p.151; Pt. V, 1869, p.596; Pt. VI, 1873, p. 
184; Pt. VII, 1873, p. 779; Pt. VIII, 1874, p. 
677; Pt. LX, 1876, p. 15.) 


Descriptions of some new or little- 
known species of Formicarians. 

Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1868, pp. 571-575, pl. 

The new genus Neoctantes is created for the re- 
ception of Xenops niger, Natt. MS., Pelz., and the 
following species are described: Thamnophilus 
nigriceps, Cercomacra napensis, Hypocnemis hy- 
poxantha, Heteroenemis simplex, and Conopophaga 
gutturalis, of which Hypocnemis hypoxantha is 
figured. A list of the new species of Formicarit- 
de described since the publication of the ‘‘ Cata- 
logue of American Birds’’ in 1862 is appended, 
The genus Neoctantes is illustrated in the text, — 



[On additions to the Society’s Menag- 
erie. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 622. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon two 
specimens of Ampeliceps coronatus. | 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 622, 623. 
Exhibition of, to a meeting of the Zoological 
Society of London, and remarks upon two speci- 

mens of Ampeliceps coronatus from the northern 
part of Cochin-China. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
skin of amale Kaleege. | 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 623. 
Exhibition of, to a meeting of the Zoological 
Society of London, and remarks upon a male 
Euplocamus cuviert which had been received 
from Arracan. 
On the breeding of Mammals in the 
Gardens of the Zoological Society of Lon- 
don during the past twenty years. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 623-626. 

Two tables, the first giving a list of the differ- 
ent mammals that have bred in the Zoological 
Society’s Gardens from 1848 to the end of 1867, 
and the number of instances of the breeding of 
each species; the second table giving compara- 
tive lists of the numbers of species of mammals 
that have lived in the Gardens during that period, 
and of those that have bred, thus showing the 
proportion of breeding species to the total number 
of species exhibited. 

459 F 

On Venezuelan Birds collected by Mr. 
A. Goering. By P.L. Sclater and Osbert 
Salvin. Part II.* 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 626-632. 

A tabular list of 99 species, showing the locali- 
ties where they were collected, with notes on the 
more remarkable ones. Myiarchus erythrocercus, 
Scl.MS., and Heteropela stenorhynchum are 

* (For Part I see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 
p. 165; Pt. ITI, 1869, p. 250; Pt. IV, 1870, p. 
779; Pt. V, 1875, p. 234.) 

On a recently discovered Tanager of 
the genus Calliste. 
Ibis, 1868, pp. 71, 72, pl. iii. 

The characters and figure of Calliste cabanisi, 
originally described as C. sclateri (Cab. Journ. f. 
Ornithol., 1866, p. 163), are given. 

List* of Birds collected in the Straits of 
Magellan by Dr. Cunningham, with re- 
marks on the Patagonian Avifauna. By 
P. L. Selatert and Osbert Salvin. 
Ibis, 1868, pp. 183-189. 

Remarks on the general character and origin 
(as attested by a tabular list of the Passeres) of 
the Patagonian avifauna, and a list of 44 species 
collected in the Straits of Magellan by Dr. Cun- 
ningham, with notes upon them. 

~(For second list see Ibis, 1869, p. 283; third 
list, 1870, p. 499.) 

[Exhibition of a Skin of Spizaétus ni- 
palensis from Japan. | 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1869, p. 1, 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon some 

specimens of the Potto (Perodicticus 
potto). | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 1, 2. 

On a collection of Birds from the Solo- 
mon Islands. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 118-126, 
pls. ix, x. 

A list of 21 species, with notes on them. Gra- 
cula krefti, Hurystomus erassirostris, and Rallus 
intactus are described as new. the first and last 
of which are figured The previous works on the 
Solomon Islands birds are enumerated and re- 
marked upon. A list of the known species of 
birds of the Solomon Islands and their distribu- 
tion are given, and observations made with regard 
to the zoo-geographical position of the Solomon 


Notes on the species of the genus Astu- 

rina. By P. L. Selater and Osbert Salvin. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 129-134. 

A review of the genus Asturina. Sevenspecies 
are enumerated, of which A. ruficaudais described 
as new. 


[Exhibition of some Reptiles transmit- 
ted to the Society by Mr. G. Wilks, of 
Buenos Ayres, C. M.Z. S.] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 135. 
On the Birds of the vicinity of Lima, 
Peru. With notes on their habits by 
Prof. W. Nation, of Lima, C. M. Z. S. 
Part III.* 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 146-148, pl. 
A list of 13 species, with notes. Neorhynchusis 
proposed to take the place of Lesson’s preoccu- 

pied generic term Callirhynchus. Neorhynchus 
nasesus (on the plate maseus) is figured. 

*(For PartI see Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, 
p.96; Pt. II, 1867, p. 340; Pt. LV, 1871, p. 496; 
Pt. V, 1881, p. 484.) 

[Exhibition of some new Australian 
Birds lately described by Mr. EK. P. Ram- 
say. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 149. 
[Notices of additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie during the months of January 
and February, 1869. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 149. 
[Exhibition of a Hybrid Pheasant. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 149. 

A hybrid between Eupiocamus nycthemerus 
and Thawmalia picta. 

On Peruvian Birds collected by Mr. 
Whitely. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 
Salvin. Part IV.* 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 151-158, pl. 
An annotated list of 47 species, of which Salta- 

tor laticlavius, Poospiza cesar, Agriornis insolens, 
and Centrites oreas are describedasnew. Agrior- 


nis andicola (Scl., P. Z. S., 1860, p.78) is renamed 
A. pollens, the former name having been uwlready 
used by Lafresnaye and D’Orbigny. Poospiza 
cesar is figured. 

*(For Part Isee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, 
p.982; Pt. II, 1868, p. 1738; Pt. II, 1868, p. 
568; Pt. V, 1869, p.596; Pt. VI, 1873, p. 184; 
Pt. VII, 1873, p. 779; Pt. VIII, 1874, p. 677; 
Pt. IX, 1876, p. 15.) 


Second list of Birds collected at Con- 
chitas, Argentine Republic, by Mr. Wil- 
liam H. Hudson, together with some 
notes upon another collection from the 
same locality. By P.L.Sclater and Os- 
bert Salvin. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 158-162.* 

A list of 14 species not represented in Mr. Hud- 
son’s former collection, with remarks upon them; 
also a list, with notes, of 10 species collected by 
Mr. Haslehust, not represented in either of Mr. 
Hudson’s collections. 

*(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 
137; 1869, p. 631.) 

On Venezuelan Birds collected by Mr. 
A. Goering. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 
Salvin. Part III.* 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 250-254, pl. 

A list of 56 species, with the localities in which 
they were collected and notes upon the more 
remarkable ones. Brachygalba goeringi is de- 
scribed and figured. 

*(For Part I see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 
p. 165; Pt. IT, 1868, p. 626; Pt. [V,1870, p, 779; 
Pt. V, 1875, p. 234.) 

{Notice of additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie. | 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1869, pp. 276, 277, pl. 

A list of the more noticeable additions to the 
Zoological Society’s collection, of which Phaco- 
cherus eliani is figured. 
in the text. 


[Exhibition of drawings illustrative 
of Wart Hogs. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 277. 

Exhibition, to a meeting of the Zoological So- 
ciety of London, of drawings which showed the 
differences between Phacocherus cliani and P. 

(See also Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, 
VI, p. 404, 1870.) 

On a collection of Birds made by Mr. 
H. 8S. le Strange near the city of Mexico. 
By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1869, pp. 361-364. 
Remarks on the rarer species (15 in number) 
contained in Mr, le Strange’s collection of 262 
Notes on the species of the genus Mi- 
crastur. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 364-369. 

A review of the genus Micrastur, of which 
seven species are enumerated, 

Illustrations are given ! 


[Notices of recent additions to the Me- 
nagerie. | 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1869, pp. 407, 408. 
Ailurus fulgens is figured in the text. 
Descriptions of six new species of 
American Birds of the families Tanagrida, 
Dendrocolaptide, Formicartide, Tyranni- 
de, and Scolopacide. By P. L. Sclater and 
Osbert Salvin. 
Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 416-420, pl. 
The following species are described: Calliste 
florida, Synallaxis arequipe, Gymnocichla chiro- 

leuca, Grallaria princeps, Contopus ochraceus, and 
Gallinago wmperialis. Calliste florida is figured. 

[Notices of recent additions to the 
Menagerie. | 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1869, pp. 430-482. 
Orycteropus capensis is figured in the text. 
[Exhibition of Snakes from Buenos 
Ayres. } 
Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 432. 
[Exhibition of some drawings of Hip- 
pocampi (Hippecampus annulosus and H. 
brevirostris). | 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1869, p. 432. 
: 483 
On two new Birds collected by Mr. E. 
Bartlett in eastern Peru. By P. L. Scla- 
ter and Osbert Salvin. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 437-439, pl. 

Neopipo rubicunda, gen. et. sp. nov., and Hupho- 
nie SheROD aE, sp. nov., are described and fig- 

Descriptions of three new species of 
Tanagers from Veragua. By P. L. Scla- 
ter and Osbert Salvin. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 489, 440, pls. 
XXXi, XXXii. 

Buthraupis arcei, Tachyphonus chrysomelas and 
Chlorospingus punetulatus are described. Bu- 
thraupis arcei and Tachyphonus chrysomelas (both 
sexes) are figured. 

. 485 
[Notices of recent additions to the 
Menagerie. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 467, 469. 
Macacus andamanensis and Perodicticus potto 
are figured in the text. 
[Characters of a new species of Ocydro- 
mus. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 472, 473, 
pl. XXXV. 

Ocydromus sylvestris is described and figured. 
[Remarks on Animals observed in va- 

rious zoological gardens on the Conti- 
nent. | 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1869, pp. 527, 528, 


Remarks on the more interesting animals ob- 
served during a visit to the gardens of Rotterdam, 
Amsterdam, Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne and Ant- 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
Egg of a species of Megapode. } 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 528, 529. 

Exhibition, to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- 
ety of London, of the egg of an unknown species 
of Megapode, for which the name Megapodius 
braziert was suggested. 


Description of a new species of Mexi- 
can Wren. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 591, 592, pl. 
Thryothorus nisorius is described and figured. 


Remarks on two species of Mammals 
described from specimens recently living 
in the Society’s Gardens. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 592-596, 
pl. xlvi. 

Remarks on Dr. Gray’s recently described 
species, Mico sericeus and Cephatophus breviceps, 
the former of whichis pointed out to be referable 
to Hapale chrysoleucos, the latter to be a young 
example of Cephalophus dorsalis sive badius. 
Cephalophus dorsalis is figured. 


On Peruvian Birds collected by Mr. 
Whitely. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 
Salvin. Part V.* 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 596-601. 

Two collections, one from Cosnipata, the other 
from Tinto, the former consisting of 42 species, of 
which a list is given, and 4 species are remarked 
upon; the latter collection containing 57 species, 
of which notes are made on 13 of the more remark- 
able ones, and Ochthoeca polionota and Merganetta 
turnert are described as new. 

*(For Part I see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1867, p. 982; Pt. II, 1868, p. 173; Pt. IIT, 
1868, p. 568; Pt. IV, 1869, p. 151; Pt. VI, 
1873, p.184; Pt. VII, 1873, p.779; Pt. VIL, 
1874, p. 677; Pt. LX, 1876, p. 15. ) 

[Remarks on the recent additions to 
the Society’s Menagerie. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 602, 603. 
On the breeding of Birds in the Gar- 
dens of the Zoological Society of London 
during the past twenty years. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 626-629. 

Two tables, the first giving a list of the differ- 
ent birds that have bred in the Zoological Society’s 
Gardens from January, 1848, to December, 1868, 
and the number of instances of the breeding of* 
each species; the second giving comparative lists 
of the numbers of species of birds that have lived 
in the Gardens during that period, and of those 
that have bred, thus showing the proportion of 
breeding species to the total number of species. 


Third list of Birds collected at Con- 
chitas, Argentine Republic, by Mr. Wil- 
liam H. Hudson. By P. L. Sclater and 
Osbert Salvin. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 631-636.* 
415—No. 49 




This collection contained examples of 92species. 
A list of those not included in Mr. Hudson’s for- 
mer collection, or which require further remarks, 
is given. Salvadori’s MS. name Leptoptila chal- 
cauchenia is adopted. 

*(See Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 137; 
1869, p. 158.) 
On two new species of Synallaxine. 
or Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 636, 637, pl. 
Synallaxis curtata and Leptasthenura andicola 
are described and figured. 

Note on the species of the genus Hirun- 
dinea, belonging to the family Tyrannide. 
Ibis, 1869, pp. 195-198, pl. v. 

Remarks on the three species, Hirundinea belli- 
cosa, H. ferruginea and H. rupestris, which are 
diagnosed and figured. 

(See also Ibis, 1882, p. 162.) 

Second * list of Birds collected, during 
the survey of the Straits of Magellan, by 
Dr. Cunningham. By P. L. Sclater and 
Osbert Salvin. 
This, 1869, pp. 283-286. 

A list of 33 species, with their localities and 
dates of capture. Zonotrichia canicapilla and 
Phrygilus gayi are remarked upon, and the syno- 
nyms given of the latter species and P. aldunati, 

*(For first list see Ibis, 1868, p. 183; third 
list, 1870, p. 499.) 

Touracoes and their distribution. 

The Student and Intellectual Observer, II, 
pp. 1-6 (1869). 

Notes on the species of the famiiy Musophagi- 
de, with a table showing the distribution of the 
18 known species. Corythaix leucolopha is tig- 


[Notices of recent additions to the 

Menagerie. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 1, 2. 

[Remarks on the Hairy Tapir (Zapirus 
roulini) of the Colombian Andes. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 51, 52. 


On some new or little-known Birds 
from the Rio Parana. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 57, 58, pl. 

Notes on a small collection of birds obtained 
during the second American expedition to the 
Rio Paranda, under the command of Capt. T. J. 
Page, in 1859-60. Cnipolegus cinereusis described 
as new and illustrated in text. Ooryphistera 
alaudina is figured. 

[On additions to the Menagerie in Jan- 
uary, 1870. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 86, pl. v. 
Remarks on the more noticeable additions to 

| the Zoological Society’s Menagerie, with figures 

of Hylobates lar and H. hoolock. 


[Exhibition of a specimen of a newly 
described Lemur (Propithecus damanus). | 
Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 112. 
[Notice of a memoir on the Deer of the 
Old World. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 114. 
[Remarks on the Arrangement and Dis- 
tribution of the Cervide. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 114-116. 

A diagnosis and arrangement of the genera of 
the family Cervide, with a list of the 40 known 
species of the genus Cervus and their geograph- 
ical distribution. 

[On additions to the Menagerie in Feb-: 
ruary, 1870.] 
Ere. Zool. Soe. London, 1870, pp. 125-128, 

Notes on the more remarkable additions to the 
Zoological Society's collection, of which a Kan- 
garoo (Macropus erubescens) is described as new 
and figured. The head of I. erubescens and the 
adult and young of Cynonycteris collaris are fig- 
ured in the text. 

[Further remarks on the locality of 
Amherst’s Pheasant. | 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1870, pp. 128, 129. 
Note on the leeality of Thaumalea amherstic.* 

*(See also Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1870, p. 111.) 

[Exhibition of a coloured drawing of a 
remarkable Pigeon (Otidiphaps nobilis). | 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 157, 158. 

Notice of the arrival in the Society’s 
Gardens of living specimens of two newly 
described species of Phasianida. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 162-164, pls. 
Kiv, XV. 

Lophophorus sclateri and Ceriornis blythit are 
characterized and figured. 
cies of Oeriornis are enumerated. 

Further notes on the Cuckoos of the 
genus Coccyzus. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 165-170. 
An amended synopsis of the genus Ooceyzus. 
The eight known species are remarked upon. 
don, 1864, p. 119.) 

[On additions to the Society’s Menage- 
rie in March, 1870. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 219, 220. 

| thorities on the group, a synopsis 0 



Characters of new species of Birds 
collected by Dr. Habel in the Galapagos 
Islands. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 322-327. 

A tabular list of 37 species, giving the locality 
where each species was collected and the number 
of specimens obtained in each locality. The fol- 
lowing new species are described: Certhidea fusca, 
Camarhynchus variegatus, C. habeli, C. prosthe- 
melas, Cactornis abingdoni, C. pallida, and Nyctt- 
corax pauper. The text is illustrated. 


Notices of some new or little-known 

species of South American Birds. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1870, pp. 328-330. 

Thryothorus rufiventris, Natt. MS.; Philydor 
consobrinus and Melanerpes pulcher are described. 
Chetura brachycerca, Scl. et Salv., is referred to 
0. poliura, and its synonyms and those of 0. 
cinereicauda are given. 


[Report on the additions to the So- 
ciety’s Menagerie during the month of 
May, 1870, and description of Cervus al- 

Fredi. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 380-383, pl. 
Oervus alfredi is described and figured. The 
heads of Ibis bernieri and I. ethiopica are illus- 
trated in the text. 

Synopsis of the Cracida. 
Sclater and Osbert Salvin. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 504-544. 

A review of the family Cracide, embracing 
general observations on the Cracide, a chronolog- 
ical account of the writings of the pie au- 

the species, 
and their geographical distribution. Fifty-two 
species are enumerated, one of which—Ortalida 
ruficrissa—is described asnew. The genus Steg- 
nolema is created for the reception of Ortalida 
montagniit, Bp. The following genera are treated 
of: Crax, Nothocrax, Pauai, Mitua, Stegnolema, 

| Penelope, Penelopina, Pipile, Aburria, Chame- 

The five known spe- | petes, Ortalida and Oreophasis. 


On some recent additions to the Avi- 
fauna of Mexico. By P. L. Sclater and 
Osbert Salvin. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. zondon, 1870, pp. 550, 551. 

Remarks on five species not represented in 

| previous collections from Mexico. 
(For former paper see Proc. Zool, Soc. Lon- | 

[On additions to the Society’s Menage- | 

rie in April, 1870, 
Canis lateralis. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 279, 280, pl. 
Notes on the principal additions to the Zoolog- 
ical Society’s Menagerie, and description and fig- 
ure of Canis lateralis. 

and description of | 


[Reports on additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in June, July, August, and 
September, 1870, and description of Bu- 
ceros subcylindricus. | 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1870, pp. 663-671, pls. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological So- 
ciety’s Menagerie (which include a large collec- 
tion of Chilian animals sent from the Zoological 
Gardens of Santiago), with notes on the more re- 
markable specimens. Buceros subcylindricus is 
described as new and figured; figures are also 
given ot Macacus leoninus, Chunga burmerstert, 
Metopiana peposaca, and Dajila spinicauda. 
Orycteropus cethiopicus is figured in the text. 

By P. L. 




[Exhibition of a specimen of Ceratodus 
Forsteri. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 747. 


On Venezuelan Birds collected by Mr. 
A. Goering. By P.L.Sclater and Osbert 
Salvin. Part IV.* 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 779-788, pls. 
xlvi, xlvii. 

A list of 106 species, with remarks upon them 
and the localities where they were collected. The 
following 9 species are described as new: Seto- 
phaga albifrons, Diglossa gloriosa, Chlorospingus 
goeringi, Buarremon meride, Grallaria griseo- 
nucha, Ochthotca swpereiliosa, O. nigrita, Conurus 
rhodocephalus and Urochroma dilectissima. Uro- 
chroma dilectissima, Chlorospingus goeringi and 
Diglossa gloriosa are figured. 

*(For Part I see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1868, p. 165; Pt. IT, 18€8, p. 626; Pt. ITI, 1869, 
p. 250; Pt. V, 1875, p. 234.) 

[Reports on the additions to the So- 
ciety’s Menagerie in October and Novem- 
ber, 1870. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 796-798. 
Descriptions of three apparently new 

species of Tyrant Birds of the genus | 

Elainea, with remarks on other known 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 831-835. 

Elainea gigas, E. fallax and EL. pudica are Ge- 
scribed, and a list is given of,and remarks made 
upon, the species of Llainea (16 in number) rep- 
resented in Mr. Selater’s collection. The three 
species described are illustrated in the text. 


On Birds collected by Mr. George M. 
Whitely on the coast of Honduras. By 
P. L. Selater and Osbert Salvin. ; 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 835-839. 

A nominal list of 135 species, with notes on the 

more interesting species. 

Descriptions of five [six] new species 
of Birds from the United States of Co- 

lombia. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 840-844, 
pl. liii. 

The following species are described: Pheucticus 
uropygialis, Synallaxis wyatti, Tyranniseus leu- 
eogonys, T. improbus, T. griseiceps, and Trogon 
chionurus. The known species of the genera 
Pheucticus and Tyranniscusare enumerated. Fig- 

ures are given of Tyranniscus leucogonys, T. cin- | 

ereiceps and 7’. improbus. 


Note on the Systematic Position of In- 

Ibis, 1870, pp. 176-180. 

From the evidence derived from an examination 
of the internal structure of the bird,it is here 
suggested that Indicator should form the type of 
a new family, Indicatoride, and be placed in the 
natural system in the Coceygomorphe, next to the 
Capitonide. ‘The text is illustrated, 


Third* list of Birds collected, during 
the survey of the Straits of Magellan, by 
Dr. Cunningham. By P. L. Sclater and 
Osbert Salvin. With additional notes by 
the editor (A. Newton). 

Ibis, 1870, pp. 499-504. 

A list of 33 species, with the localities and dates 
of their collection. Phalacrocorax carunculatus, 
Chloephaga magellanica and Neectris amaurosoma 
are remarked upon. A list of Dr. Cunningham’s 
nests and eggs is given, and notes made on them 
by Prof. A. Newton. 

*(For first list see Ibis, 1868, p.183; second 
list, 1869, p. 283.) 

Note on A#lian’s Wart Hog. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, VI, pp. 
404, 405 (1870). 

Notes on Dr. Gray’s supposed new species, Pha- 
cocherus sclateri, which is shown to be only the 
femaleof P. eliani, and on the differences between 
P. eliani and P. ethiopicus. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 

Remarks on the Animals lately de- 
seribed by Dr. Gray as Testudo chilensis 
and Ateles bartletti. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, VI, p. 470 
(1870). * 

Remarks showing that the animals described ag 
new by Dr. Gray under the names of Testwdo chi- 
lensis and Ateles bartletti are not new. The for- 
mer had been incorrectly determined by D’Orbigny 
and referred to Testudo suleata, and the latter is 
pointed out to be referable to Ateles variegatus, 
It is proposed to change the name of Testude 
chilensis to Testudo argentina.t 

*(See also Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, 
VIL, p. 161, 1871.) 
t(See also Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, p. 


The new Australian Mud-fish. 
Nature, Il. pp. 106, 107 (1870). 
Remarks on and figure of Ceratodus forsteri. 


On certain principles to be observed in 
the establishment of a National Museum 
of Natural History. 

Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1870, Pt. II, pp. 
123-128; Nature, II, pp. 455-458 (1870). 

Propositions for the establishment, manage. 
ment and arrangement of a national museum of 
natural history, being remarks called forth by 
the oceasion of the proposed removal of the nat: 
ural-history objects in the British Museum at 
Bloomsbury, to a new institution at South Ken. 


African Rhinoceroses. 
Student and Intellectual Observer, IV, pp. 
321-326, pl. xi (1870). 

Notes on the different species of African rhi. 
noceroses, with the history and figure of the indi. 
vidual living in the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 
The text is illustrated. 

[Extracts from correspondence with 
Mr. G. W. des Voeux concerning the Rat- 
tailed Serpent of Santa Lucia (Trigono- 
cephalus lanceolatus). | 
Proce, Zool. Soc, London, 1871, pp. 2-4. 



[Exhibition of and remarks on a horn 
of the male Indian Rhinoceros ( Rhinoce- 
ros wnicornis). | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 8-11. 

Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- 
ety of London of a horn of a rhinoceros which 
had been torn off while in the Society’s Gardens, 
with remarks on the liability under such circum: 
stances of abnormal development in the repro- 
duced horn. Illustrations are given in the text. 

[Report on the additions to the Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie in December, 1870, and 
observations on the register of ‘arrivals 
and departures” kept at the superinten- 
dent’s office. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 36, 37. 
[Exhibition of a specimen of Ateles va- 
riegatus. | 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, p. 39. 
[Remarks on the so-called Axolotls in 
the Society’s Gardens. } 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 41, 42. 
Note on Siredon mexicanus and the supposed 
metamorphosis of the axolotl. 
Notes on the types of Tyrannula mexi- 
cana of Kaup, and Tyrannula barbirostris 
of Swainson. 
Proce. Zool. Sac. London, 1871, pp. 84, 85. 
Notes pointing out that Tyrannula mexicana, 
Kaup, and 7. barbirostris, Swainson, are referable 
to Myiarchus cooperi, Baird, and Blacicus tristis 
(Gosse), respectively. 
Remarks on some species of Dendro- 
colaptide in the collection of the Smith- 
sonian Institution. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 85, 86. 

temarks on Synallaxis candei, Anabates ochro- 
lemus, A. montanus and Dendrocolaptes chunco- 

[Report on additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in January, 1871. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 101, 102. 
[Announcement of the birth of a Hip- 
popotamus in the Society’s Gardens. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 145. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon a pair 
of corroded Tusks of the Indian Ele- 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 145, 146. 
These tusks had been eaten away at their bases 
by a parasite. 
Notes on the Monkeys of eastern Peru. 
By Edward Bartlett. (Communicated, 
with notes, by P. L. Sclater.) 
Pree. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp.'217-220, pl. 
Ten species of monkeys are enumerated and 
remarked upon. Midas devillii is figured. 


Notes on rare or little-known Animals 
now or lately living in the Society’s Gar- 
dens. Part I, Mammalia.* 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 221-240, 
pls. xiv-xvii. 

Notes on 25 species of little-known animals ex- 
hibited in the Zoological Seciety’s Menagerie. 
Figures are given of Ateles cucullatus, A.melano- 

chir, Lemur mongoz, and Oervus pudu. The text 
is illustrated. 

*(For Part II, Birds, see Proc. Zool. Soe. 
Ean, 1871, p.489; Pt. III, Reptiles, 1871, 
p. 748.) 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1871. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 258. 

(Exhibition of the skin of a species of 
Prinia from Ceylon. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, p. 258. 

The skin of Prinia socialis was exhibited toa 
meeting of the Zoological Society of London. 


On the Birds of the Island of Santa 
Lucia, West Indies. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 263-278, pl. 

General notes on the zoologicai-geographical 
position of the West Indian Islands, and a sum- 
mary of the previous works on the ornithology of 
the group. <A list of 25 species from the Island of 
Santa Lucia is given, and remarks made upon 
them. Jeterus laudabilis is described and figured. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1872, p. 
647; 1876, p. 13.) 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1871.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 298, 299, pl: 
Viverra civetta is figured. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
shell of a River Tortoise of the genus 
Pelomedusa. | 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, pp. 325, 326. 

The sternum of Pelomedusa is figured in the 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1871.] 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, pp. 478-480, pl- 

Remarks on the more noticeable additions to 
the Zoological Society’s Menagerie, of which 
Midas geofroti is figured. 


Notes on rare or little-known Animals 
now or lately living in the Society’s Gar- 
dens. Part II, Birds.* 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 489-496. 

Twelve species of birds are remarked upon, of 

which Cacatua gymnopis is described as new. 
The text is illustrated. 
*(For Part I, Mammals, see Proc. Zool. Soe: 
London, 1871, p. 221; Pt. 111, Reptiles, 1871, 
p. 743.) 



On the Birds of the vicinity of Lima, 
Peru. With notes on their habits by 
Prof. W. Nation, of Lima, C. M. Z. 8. 
Part. 1V.* 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 496-498. 

Notes on five species, of which Huscarthmus 

fulviceps is described as new and illustrated in 
the text. 

*(For Part I see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1866, p. 96; Pt. II, 1867, p. 340; Pt. II, 1869, 
p. 146; Pt. V, 1881, p. 484.) 


On two new or little-known Parrots 
living in the Society’s Gardens. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 499, 500, pls. 
zal odirh 
Description of Lorius tibialis, n. sp., and re- 
marks on Trichoglossus mitchelli. Both species are 

[Report on additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in May, 1871.] 

Proce. Zool. Soc, London, 1871, pp. 543-546, pl. 

Notes on the more remarkable animals added 
to the Zoological Society’s Menagerie (including 
a second collection from the Santiago Zoological 
Gardens), with figure of Tamandua tetradactyla. 


A revised list of the Neotropical Laride. 

By P.L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 564-580. 

A synopsis of the Neotropical Laride, of which 
32 species are enumerated. The name usually 
written Ohroicocephalus for the hooded gulls is 
emended to Chroocephalus. Illustrations are giv- 
en in the text. The following are the genera 
treated of: Rhynchops, Anous, Neenia, Phaethusa, 
Sterna, Gelochelidon, Onychoprion, Hydrochelidon, 
Larus, Leucopheus and Lestris. 


[Reports on additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie for June, July, August, and 
September, 1871.] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 623-627, 
leds : 

Reports on the additions to the Zoological So- 
ciety’s Menagerie, with remarks on the more 
noticeable specimens. Turtur aldabranus * is 
proposed as a temporary name for a supposed 
new dove, and the young of Vapirus bairdi is 

*(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 


[Notice of the existence in Queensland 
of an undescribed species of Mammal. ] 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 629, 630. 

Extract of a letter containing the description 
of a supposed new species of mammal. 


Additional remarks on certain species 
of Pelicans. 

ae Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 631-634,* 
pl. li. 

Remarks on Pelecanus onoerotalus, P. mitratus 
sive minor, P. rufescens, P. philippensis, and P. 
sharpii, with a list of the known species (10 in 
number) of the genus Pelecanus. P. sharpii is 
figured. Illustrations are given in the text. 

*(For former paper see Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1868, p. 264.) 


[Exhibition of and remarks on askin 
of Ateles variegatus. | 
Proe, Zool. Soc, London, 1871, pp. 651, 652. 

Description of a new species of Dove 
from the coral reef of Aldabra. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 692, 693, pl. 
The temporary name Turtur aldabranus, ap- 
plied to a supposed new dove (Proc. Zool. Soc. 

London, 1871, p. 623),is adopted, and the species 
described and figured. 


[Report on.the additions to the So- 
ciety’s Menagerie in October and Novem- 

| ber, 1871.] 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 699-701. 

Remarks on the more noticeable additions to 
the Zoological Society’s Menagerie (which include 
a third collection of animals from Chili), and no- 
tice of the changing of the name of the Pampas 
Cat from Felis pajeros to Felis passerum. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
skin of the Water Opossum (Chironectes 
variegatus). | 

Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 702. 


Notes on rare or little-known Animals 
now or lately living in the Society’s Gar- 
dens. Part III, Reptiles.* 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, pp. 743-749. 

Notes on five species of the Testudinata, with 
special reference to the genus Podoenemis. Tes- 
tudo argentina, suggested for the name of a new 
species (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, VI, p. 
471), is adopted. The text is illustrated. 

*(For Part I, Mammals, see Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1871, p.221; Pt, 11, Birds, 1871, p. 

Remarks on a collection of Birds from 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 749, 750. 

Ochthoéca murina and Heteropelma igniceps are 
described as new, and a list of the known species 
of Ochthoéca added. 


Remarks on the species of the genera 
Myiozetetes and Conopias, belonging to the 
family Tyrannide. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 751-756. 

An arrangement of and remarks upon the spe- 
cies of the genera Myiozetetes and Conopias: eight 
species of the former genus and three of the latter 
are enumerated. An amended description of My- 
tozetetes luteiventris (Elainea luteiventris, Scl., 
Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1858, p. 71) is given. 


A revision of the species of the Frin- 

gilline genus Spermophila. 
Ibis, 1871, pp. 1-28, pls. i, ii. 

A revision of the species (24 in number) of the 
genus Spermophila, with remarks on their distri- 
bution. <A list of 11 species unknown to the 
author is also given. The following species are 
figured: Spermophila nigro-rufa (3,2), S. pileata 
(ov), S. aurita (v), and S, ocellata (2). 


On the Land Birds of Juan Fernandez. 
Ibis, 1871, pp. 178-183, pl. vii. 
General remarks on the Juan Fernandez group 
of islands, with notes on six species of birds, of 
which Aneretes fernandezianus and Oxyurus mas- 

afuere are figured. 

Remarks on the Avifauna of the Sand- 
wich Islands. 

Ibis, 1871, pp. 356-362. 

A summary of the avifauna of the Sandwich 
Islands, with critical remarks on Mr.§S. B. Dole’s 
‘Synopsis of the Birds hitherto described from 
the Hawaiian Islands.” (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. 
Hist., XII, p. 294.) The new generic name Che- 
toptila is proposed. 


Index of the Ornithological Literature 
of 1870. By Osbert Salvin and P. L. 

Ibis, 1871, pp. 417-484. 

An alphabetical list of the ornithological pub- 
lications in 1870, with a précis of their contents. 


On certain species of Deer now or lately 
living in the Society’s Menagerie. 

Trans. Zool. Soc. London, VII, pp. 333-352, 
pls. xxviii-xxxix (1871). 

A history of the introduction into the Zoolog- 
ical Society’s Gardens of the following species of 
the genus Cervus, with their synonyms, distribu- 
tion and figures: C. davidianus, C. maral, O. eash- 
meerianus, O. mantchuricus, U. taévanus, OC. sika, 
CO. duvaucelli, C. eldi, and C. swinhoii. The distri- 
bution of the Elaphine deer (species allied to Cer- 
vus elaphus) is also given. Thetextisillustrated. 


Reply to Dr. Gray on Testudo chilensis, 
Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 
161-163 (1871). 

A reply to Dr. Gray’s commentary of Mr. Scla- 
ter’s criticisms on the species described by the 
former as Ateles bartletti and Testudo chilensis, 
and reference to the record of ‘‘occurrences”’ kept 
in the Zoological Society’s Gardens. 

(See Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, VI, 
p. 470, 1870.) 

ser. 4, VII, pp. 

Eared Seals and their Habits. 
Nature, III, pp. 148, 149 (1871). 

A short sketch of the characteristics an] hab- 
its of the eared seals, being a review of Messrs. 
J. A. Allen and C. Bryant’s memoir on the Otaria- 
de. (Bull. Mus, Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., 11 


On New Zealand Animals at the Zoo- | 

logical Gardens. 
Nature, III, pp. 190-192 (1871). 

An account of the chief peculiarities of the 
fauna of New Zealand, with illustrations. 

Captain Sladen’s Expedition. 
Nature, IV, p.405 (1871). 

_ Letter on the publication of the notes relating 
to Captain Sladen’s expedition to Yunan, and on 
the death of Dr. Thomas Anderson. 

The Birds of the Lesser Antilles. 
Nature, IV, pp. 473-475 (1871). 

A review of the state of knowledge of the or- 
nithology of the lesser West Indian Islands, 



Remarks on a favourable occasion for 
the establishment of zoological observa- 

Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci.,1871, Pt. II, p. 184. 

On the establishment of panlagicdl observa- 
tories on the occasion of the transit of Venus in 

; 576 ; 

A Naturalist’s Excursion in Wisconsin. 
Edited by H. W. Bates. 

Illustrated Travels, III, pp. 1-8 (1871 2). 

An illustrated account of an excursion in Wis- 
consin, with descriptions of some of the places 
visited and observations on natural history of the 


On the Quadrumana found in America 
north of Panama. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1872, pp 2-9, pls. i, 

Ten species of monkeys are enumerated and 
remarks made upon them. Two tables are sub- 
joined. The first shows which of the genera of 
South American monkeys are found in Central 
America, and how far they extend north; the sec- 
ond shows the range of the 10 species mentioned 
in the paper. Nyctipithecus rujipes is described as 
a new species and figured. Ateles vellerosus is 
also figured. The heads of Mycetes carayaand M. 
villosus are figured in the text. 

[Report on the additions to the Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie in December, 1871.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 23, 24. 

On Kaup’s Cassowary (Casuarius kaupi) 
and on the other known species of the 
Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1872 

Remarks on Oasuarius kawpi, with its syno- 
nyms and figure. A list of the known species of 
Casuarius, with their localities, is added. The 
text is illustrated. 

(See alse Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 247; 
1875, p. 84.) 

, pp. 147-150, pl. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1870. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 183-185. 

Notes on the more remarkable animals added to 
the Zoological Society’s collection, with alist of 
the specimens of giraffes that have lived in the 

[Announcement of the addition to the 
Society’s collection of a female Sumatran 
Rhinoceros. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 185. 
[Report on the additions to the Sosie- 

ty’s Menagerie in February, 1872. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, i872 
pls. xxiii-xxvi. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie, with notes on the more remarka- 
ble specimens. Macacus rheso-similisis proposed 
as a temporary name for a new monkey, and a de- 
seription given of the capture near Chittagong of 
a Sumatran rhinoceros. The following species 
are figured: Rhinoceros lasiotis, Macacus rufescens, 
M. rheso-similis, and Casuarius bicarunculatus, 

, pp. 493-496, 


[Exhibition of a skin of the Yellow- 
billed Cuckoo (Coecyzus americanus) from 
Buenos Ayres. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 496. 

On the Birds of the Rio Negro of Pat- 
agonia. By W.H. Hudson, C. M. Z. 5. 
With notes by P. L. Selater. 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 534-550, pl. 
Notes on 23 species, with an appendix contain- 
ing a list of the 48 species represented in Mr. 
Hudson's collection, and observations on the 
composition of the avifauna of the Rio Negro. 
Cnipolequs hudsoni is described as a new species 
and figured, and is also illustrated in the text. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1872. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 602-604. 

[Exhibition of the Skull of a Hairy 
Tapir (Tapirus roulini), and remarks on 
its differences from that of T. terrestris. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 604, 605. 

The nasal bones of Tapirus terrestris and T. 
roulini are figured in the text. 

On the habits of the Swallows of the 
genus Progne met with in the Argentine 
Republic. By W.H. Hudson, C.M.Z.S. 
With notes by P. L. Sclater. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 605-609. 

Remarks on the habits of Progne purpurea, P. 
chalubea and P. tapera, with notes by Mr. Sclater 
on the distribution of the four species of the 
genus Progne. 

{Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1872.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 635, 636, pls. 
Pteromys magnificus, Tapirus bairdi, juy., and 
T. terrestris, 9 adult, are figured. 

Observations on the Birds of St. Lucia. 
By the Rey. J. E. Semper, colonial chap- 
lain. With notes by P. L. Sclater. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 647-653. 

Notes on the species (831 in number) contained 
in Mr. Semper's two collections from St. Lucia. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 
263; 1876, p. 13.) 

On the species of Quadrumana collected 
by Mr. Buckley in Ecuador. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 663, 664, pl. , 


Note on the species of monkeys (6 in number) 
observed by Mr. Buckley in Ecuador, with figure 
of Ateles fusciceps. 

[Exhibition of a specimen of Coccyzus 
erythropthalmus killed in Ireland. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc, London, 1872, p. 681. 



Additional notes on rare or little-known 
Animals now or lately living in the So- 
ciety’s Gardens. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 688-690, pls. 

Notes on <Ateles rujiventris sp. nov., Saimaris 
usta, Galago garnetti, Capra picta, Cervus savan- 
narum, and Crax incommoda sp.nov. The fol- 
lowing are figured: Ateles rujiventris, Capra 
pieta and Cervus savannarum. The head of 
Saimaris usta is figured in the text. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 
221, 489, 743.) 
Report on additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in May, 1872.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 728, 729. 

(Exhibition, for Mr. Vincent Legge, of 
a pair of a new Ceylonese Bird, proposed 
to be called Prionochilus vincens. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 729, 730. 
Prionochilus vincens is described. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie during the months of June, 
July, August, and September, 1872.] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 789-795, pl. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie, of which the most noticeable are 
remarkedupon. The differences between the two 
rhinoceroses It. lasiotis and R. swmatrensis are 

pointed out and the latter figured. The text is 

[Announcement of the birth of a Hip- 
popotamus in the Society’s Gardens. } 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 795. 

[Remarks on a Mexican Spider Monkey 
(Ateles) in the Berlin Museum. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 798. 
Note on Afeles vellerosus. 

[Remarks on the two Livingstone Ex- 
peditions into Inner Africa. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc, London, 1872, p. 819. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in October and November, 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 860-862, pl. 
Cholopus hoffmanni and C. didactylus are fig- 
. 600 
[Exhibition of a nest of the Tijereta 
(Milvulus tyrannus) containing eggs of 
Molothrus bonariensis. } 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 862, 863. 
Exhibition, to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- 
ety of London, of a nest of Milvulustyrannus con- 
taining eggs of Molothrus bonariensis, with an 

extract of a letter from Mr. W. H. Hudson con- 
cerning it andthe parasitic habits of the Molotiri. 



A Revision of the species of the Frin- 
gilline genus Sycalis. 

A review of the species (10 in number) of the 
genus Sycalis. Sycalis pelzelni is described and 
the following species are figured: Sycalis chry- 
sops, S. lutea, and S. aureiventris (3,8). 

Observations on the systematic position 
of the genera Peltops, Eurylemus and 
Ibis, 1872, pp. 177-180. 

Each of the genera Peltops, Eurylemus and 
Todus is relegated to its proper position in the 
natural system. Peltops is referred to the family 
Muscicapide, Burylemus (the Durylemide) is 
placed in the order Passeres, and Todus is made 
the type of a new family, Todide, to be placed in 
the Coccygomorphe, next to the Momotide. 'The 
text is illustrated. 

On a new Parrakeet of the genus Lori- 
culus from the Philippine Islands. 

Tbis, 1872, pp. 323-225, pl. xi. 

Loriculus chrysonotus is described and figured. 


Index to the Ornithological Literature | 

of 1871. By Osbert Salvin and P. L. 
Ibis, 1872, pp. 413-468. 

An alphabetical list of the ornithological pub- | 
lications in 1871, with short abstracts of their | 

Notes on Propithecus bicolor and Ihinoc- 
eros lasiotis. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser.4, X, pp. 298, 
299 (1872). 

Notes on Propithecus bicolor, Gray, which is | 

shown to have been already deseribed by M. A. 
Frandidier as P. edwardsi, and on the distinctness 
of Rhinoceros lasiotis.* 
*(See also Nature, VI, p. 518, 1872; Rep. 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1872, Pt. II, p. 140.) 
The new Rhinoceros. 
Nature, V1, pp. 518, 519 (1872). 

An illustrated account of Rhinoceros lasiotis, | 

a new species received by the Zoological Society 
of London, with notes on the other species of Rhi- 
noceroses living in the Society’s Gardens. 

(See also Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1872, 
Pt. Il, p. 140, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 
ser. 4, X, p. 298, 1872.) 


Proceedings of Zoological Collectors. | 

Nature, VI1, p. 110 (1872). 

Note on the whereabouts and doings of zoolog- 
ical collectors in foreign countries. 

On a new Rhinoceros, with remarks on 
the recent species of this genus and their 
Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1872, Pt. II, p. 140. 

Note on Rhinoceros lasiotis, n. sp., and a list of 
the six known species of Rhinoceroses, with re- 

(See also Nature, VI, p. 518, 1872; Ann. 
and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, X, p. 298, 1872.) 



Notice of an apparently new Marine 
Animal from the Northern Pacific. 

Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sei., 1872, Pt. II, pp. 
_ 140, 141. 

Note ona remarkable animal from Washington 
Territory, North America, described by Dr. Gray 
as Osteocella septentrionalis, but supposed by Mr. 
Sclater to be the ossified notochord of some ear- 
tilaginous fish. 

(See also Nature, VII, p. 487.) 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1872. ] 
Proce. Zocl. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 1-3. 

The American Darter (Plotus anhinga) is illus- 
trated in the text. 


[Exhibition of some skins of Birds 
from New Britain and the neighbouring 
Islands. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 3. 

Exhibition to the Zoological Society of London 
of skins of seven species made up from specimens 
which had been received in spirit from Dr. Ben- 
nett, of Sydney. 


On Peruvian Birds collected by Mr. 
Whitely. By P.L. Sclater and Osbert 
Salvin. Part VI.* 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 184-187, pl. 

A list of 78 species, with notes on the more re- 
markable ones. Hapalocercus acutipennis is de- 
scribed as a new species, and Tanagra olivina is 

* (For Part I see Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 
1867, p. 982; Pt. II, 1868, p. 178; Pt. III, 
1868, p. 568; Pt. IV, 1869, p. 151; Pt. V, 
1869, p. 596; Pt. VIL, 1878, p. 779; Pt. 
VIII, 1874, p.677; Pt. 1X, 1876, p. 15.) 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1873. ] 

Proe. Zool, Soe. London, 1873, pp. 1938, 194, pl. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological So- 
ciety’s Menagerie, with notes on the most notice- 
able specimens. An apparently new species of 
fruit batis named Pteropus formosus, and a list 
of the species of fruit bats (13in number) living 
in the Menagerie is given. A figure is given in 
the text, of a female Tapir from Paraguay. 

On the Birds of eastern Peru. By P. 
L. Selater and Osbert Salvin. Withnotes 

on the habits of the Birds, by Edward 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1873, pp. 252-311, pls. 

An annotated catalogue of 473 species, with 
remarks onthe composition of the east Peruvian 
avifauna. The new generic name Cnipodectes 
is proposed for the reception of Cyclorhynchus 
subbrunneus, Scl., and the following species are 
described: Pithys lunulata, Rhynchoeyclus viri- 
diceps, and Orypturus bartletti. The first-men- 
tioned is figured. A map showing tbe localities 
in which the collections were made is given. The 
nest of Furnarius minor is figured in the text. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1873. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 311, 312, pl. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological So- 
ciety’s Menagerie, with notes on the more inter- 
esting specimens. Felis awrata is figured. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March and April, 1875. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1873, pp. 433, 434. 
[Remarks on the Liberian Hippopota- 
mus. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 434. 

Note on and exhibition to the Zoological So- 
ciety of London of photographs of a young spec- 
imen of Hippopotamus liberiensis. 


Notes on the Range of several Ameri- 
ean Limicole. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 453-457. 
Notes on the range of certain species of the 
enera Himantopus, Macrorhamphus, Tringa, | 
imosa and Numenius. The heads of Himan- 
topus nigricollis and H. brasiliensis are figured in 

the text. 


[Remarks on Animals seen in some of 
the Continental zoological gardens. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 473, 474. 

Remarks on the most interesting animals ob- 
served during visits to the zoological gardens of | 
Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Hamburg and 

: 620 

On some Venezuelan Birds collected by 
Mr. James M. Spence. By P. L. Sclater 
and Osbert Salvin. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 511, 512. 

Notes on eight species contained in collections 
from Venezuela. Lochmias sororiaand Crypturus 
cerviniventris are described as new. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1873. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1873, pp. 517, 518, pl. 
Olemmys unicolor is figured. 


[Exhibition of an Egg of the Spotted 
Bower-bird, a series of photographs, and 
a specimen of Casuarius bicarunculatus.] | 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 518, 519. 

Exhibition to the Zoological Society of London 
of an egg of Ohlamydodera maculata, a series of 
photographs of animals, and a skin of Casuarius 
bicarunculatus, with an extract from a letter from 
Dr. George Bennett concerning the habitat of C. 


_ [Notice of a new work on American 
Birds, and remarks on Turdus subcinereus | 
and on a supposed species of Cnipolegus. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 554, 555. | 
Notice of the ‘‘Nomenclator Avium Neotropi- 
calinm,” with a tabular list showing the proposed 
arrangement. It is pointed out that the intro- 
duction into the American avifauna, in the 
“Catalogue of American Birds,” of Turdus sub- 
cinereus, and Cnipolegus, sp, inc,, is an error. 

| thion. 



[Notice of a memoir on the Curassows 
now or lately living in the Society’s Gar- 
dens. | 

Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1873, p. 557. 


[Exhibition of some Birds collected in 
New Guinea by Signor d’Albertis, and de- 
scription of a new species of Paradise 
Bird. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 557-560, 
pl. xlvii. 

Exhibition to the Zoological Society of London 
of a series of skins, with notes respecting the 
more remarkable species. Paradisea raggiana, 
sp. nov., and Drepanornis* albertisi, gen. et sp. 
nov., are described. The latter is figured. 

*(See also Nature, VIII, pp. 192-305.) 
Note on the genus Ornithion of Hart- 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1873, pp. 576-578. 
A synopsis of the species of the genus Orni- 
Four species are enumerated. 
[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie during the months of June, 
July, August, and September, 1873. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 682-684. 
Characters of new species of Birds dis- 
covered in New Guinea by Signor d’A]- 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1873, pp. 690-698, 
pls. lii-lvii. 
The following new species are described: Pu- 
petes leucostictus, Monarcha frater, Leucophantes 
gen.nov.) brachyurus, Rectes bennetti, Pachyce- 
phala rujinucha, P. soror, Campephaga aurulenta, 
Olimacteris placens, Ptilotis cinerea, P. melano- 
phrys, Melidectes (gen.nov.) torquatus, Melipotes 
(gen. nov.) gymnops, Agotheles albertisi, and Ptilo- 
nopus bellus. Hupetes leucostictus, Leucophantes 
brachyurus, Owmpephaga aurulenta, Melidectes 
torquatus, Melipotes gymnops and Ptilonopus bellus, 
are figured. A list of Signor d’Albertis’s collec- 
tion (53 species), with the localities, is given. 
Each new genus is illustrated in the text. 

[Exhibition of Birds from Antioquia, 
Colombia, and descriptions of new spe- 
cies. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1873, pp. 728, 729. 

Exhibition of, to the Zoological Society of Lon- 
don, and descriptions of Chlorochrysa nitidissima 

| and Grallaria ruficeps, nn. spp. 

630 Z 
[Exhibition of a pair of horns of Alce- 
laphus tora. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 729. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie during the months of Oc- 
tober and November, 1873. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 761, 762. 
[Remarks on a fine head of Alcelaphus 
tora. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 762. 
The head is figured in the text. 



On Peruvian Birds collected by Mr. 
Whitely. Part VII.* 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 779-784. 

A list of 42 species, with their localities, and 
notes on the more interesting examples. ‘The fol- 
lowing species are described as new: Thryophilus 
Fulous, Todirostrum pulechellum, Tyranniseus viri- 
dissiinus, Myiobius awreiventris, and Grallaria 

*(For Part Isee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1867, p. 982; Pt. TI, 1868, p. 173; Pt. IU, 
1868, p. 568; Pt. IV, 1869, p. 151; Pt. V, 
1869, p. 596; Pt. VI, 1873, p.184; Pt. VIII, 
1874, p. 677; Pt. TX, 1876, p. 15.) 

Note on the Pyranga roseogularis of 
Tbis, 1873, pp. 125, 126, pl. iii. 

Pyranga roseogularis is remarked upon, charac- 
terized and figured. 


Additions to the List of Birds of Nicara- 
Ibis, 1873, pp. 372, 373. 

A nominal list of 17 species not represented in 
Mr. Thomas Belt’s former collection from Nicara- 

(See Salvin, Ibis, 1872, p. 311.) 


Notes on Birds observed at Para. By 
E. L. Layard. With descriptions of two 
new species by P. L. Sclater. 

Tbis, 1878, pp. 374-396, pls. xiv, xv. 

Field notes on 120 species by Mr. E. L. Layard, 
twoof which, Picolaptes layardiand Thamnophilus 
simplea, are described as new by Mr. Selater and 


Index to the Ornithological Literature 

of 1872. By P. L. Sclater and O. Finsch. 

This, 1873, pp. 431-493. 

An alphabetical record of the Ornithological | 
publications of 1872, with short abstracts of their | 


Remarks on Cervus chilensis and Cer- | 

wus antisiensis. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, XI, pp. 
213, 214 (1873). 

Remarks showing that the animals described 

by Dr. Gray as Huamela leucotis and Xenelaphus 
anomalocera are referable to Cervus chilensis and 
C. antisiensis, respectively. 
(See paper No. 679.) 
The Zoological Collections in the India 
Nature, VII, pp. 457, 458 (1873). 
Remarks on the inaccessibility of the zoologi- 

cal collections in the India House, and sugges- | 

tious for properly housing them. 

[Note on the generic term Drepanepho- 
rus. | 
Natwre, VIII, p. 192 (1873). 

The generic name Drepanephorus, given to a | 

new Bird of Paradise at a meeting of the Zoolog- 
ical Society of London, having been preoccupied, 
is changed to Drepanornis. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 
560; Natwre, VIII, p. 305.) 


The Huemul. 
Vature, VIII, p. 302 (1873). 
Letter on the Huemul (Cervus chilensis) of 
Chili and Patagonia. 
The new Bird of Paradise. 
Nature, VIII, pp. 305, 306 (1873). 
A description and figure of Drepanorns alber- 
tisi, with remarks. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 
560; Nature, VIII, p. 192.) 

The new Marine Animal from Wash- 
ington Territory. 
Nature, VIII, pp. 487, 488 (1873). 
Note on Vervillia blakei, Stearns, a new Polype 
from Barraud’s Inlet, Washington Territory, the 

ossitied remains of which had been described by 
Dr. Gray as Osteocella septentrionalis. 

(See Scl., Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1872, Pt. 
IT, p. 140.) 
[ Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in December, 1873. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 1, 2, pl.i. 
Ciconia boyciana is figured. 


On the species of the genus Synullaxis, 
of the family Dendrocolaptide. 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1874, pp. 2-28, pls. ii- 

A synopsis of the species of Synallawis, together 
with a chronological list of the literature on the 
genus and a table showing the distribution of the 
species. Fifty-eight valid and four doubtful spe- 
cies are enumerated, of which the following are 
described as new: S. hypospodia, S. subpudica, S. 
mustelina, Natt. MS., 8. suberistata and S. hud- 
soni. The following species are figured: S. sticto- 
thorax, S. seutata, S. kollari, S. candi, S. subcris- 
tata and S. hyposticta. 


[Exhibition of two skulls of Baird’s 
Tapir (Tapirus bairdi) from Mexico. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 89. 
[Exhibition of the horns of a male and 

| female Arkar Sheep (Ovis arkar).] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 89. 
[Exhibition of a specimen of the Wild 
Ibex of Crete. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 89, 90. 

Exhibition to the Zoological Seciety of London 
of a stuffed skin of the wild Ibex of Crete,:and 
remarks showing that the species is referable to 
Capra egagrus (Pallas) and not to Capra picta, 
Erhardt, as had previously been the case. ; 

[Reporton the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in January, 1874.] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 110. 
[Extract from a letter addressed to Mr. 
Selater by M. Luigi M. d’Albertis, C. M. 
Z. S., containing an account of a new 
species of Kangaroo (Halmaturus luctu- 
osus) from New Guinea. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 110. 




[Report on the additions to the Society’s | 

Menagerie in February, 1874. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 151, 152. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological So- 
ciety’s Menagerie, with notes on the more remark- 
able specimens. Cervus euopis, Swinhoe MS., is 
adopted as the name for a new species of Deer. 

On a small coliection of Birds from 
Barbados, West Indies. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 174, 175. 
Remarks on a small collection, consisting of 
specimens in spirit of nine species, transmitted 
from Barbados by Sir Graham Briggs. 

On Centropsar, an apparently new form 
of the family Icteride. 



[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in May, 1874. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 323,324, pl.l. 
Nyctereutes procynides is figured. 

[Remarks upon two species of Birds 
from New Guinea, lately described in the 
Society’s ‘‘ Proceedings.” ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 419. 
Remarks on Lectes bennetti and Campephaga 

| aurulenta, which had been pointed out by Dr. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 175,176, pl. | 


Centropsar mirus, gen. et spec. nov., is de- 
scribed and figured. T 
the head, wing and foot of the species. 

(See paper No. 691.) 
[Announcement of the arrival in the 
Society’s Menagerie of a Javan Rhinoce- 
ros. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 182, 183, pl. 
Note on and figure of Rhinoceros sondaicus, a 

specimen of which had been received by the Zoo- 
logical Society of London. 

{Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1874. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1874, p. 206, pl. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological Socie- 

he text is illustrated with | ys" and S. virgata, Jelski MS., are described, of 

ty’s Menagerie, of which, among others, Chry- | 

sotis finschi is remarked upon and figured. 


[Reporton the additions tothe Society’s | 

Menagerie in April, 1874.] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 247, pl. xlii. 
Halmaturus luctuosus is figured. 

{Remarks on a Cassowary in the Socie- 
ty’s Gardens, received from the Zoolog- 
ical Society of Amsterdam in 1871. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 247, 248. 

Remarks showing that the Cassowary described 
and figured (Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 147, 
pl.ix) under the name of Casuarius kaupi had 
been wrongly determined. The new name Casua- 
rius westermanni is proposed for it. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 
147; 1875, p. 84.) 

{Announcement of the appointment of 
a Naturalist to accompany the Astronom- 
ical Expedition to Kerguelen’s Land. } 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1874, p. 248. 

[Exhibition of a skin of Ciconia boyci- 
ana, and remarks upon its distribution. ] 
Proc. Zool, Soe, London, 1874, pp. 306, 307. 

Meyer, in a communication to Mr. Sclater, to be- 
long to &. nigrescens and C. sloetii, respectively. 
Mr. Selater doubts the identification of the former 

Descriptions of three new speciesof the 
genus Synallavis. 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 445-447, pl. 
Synallaxis pudibunda, S. graminicola, Jelski 

which the first two mentioned are figured. A 
list of the 10 species of Synallaxis inhabiting 
central Peru is given. 

[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menageriein June, July, August, and Sep- 
tember, 1874. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 494-496, pl. 
Felis servalina is figured. 
[Remarks on some visits recently made 
to several zoological gardens and muse- 
ums in France and Italy. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 496, 497. 

Remarks on the more interesting animals ob- 
served during visits to the Jardin des Plantes, 
Paris, and the Museo Civico at Genoa. 

[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in October, 1874. ] 
Proc. Zoot. Soc, London, 1874, p. 605. 
[Exhibition of an Egg of Pareudiastes 
pacificus. | 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1874, pp. 605, 606. 
On the Black Wolf of Thibet. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 654, 655, 
pl. Ixxvill. 

Remarks on the Black Wolf of Thibet, which 
had been previously referred to Lupus laniger and 
which is here proposed to be called Canis niger. 
The animal is figured. 

[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in November, 1874. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 664-666, pl. 
Dasyprocta antillensis is described and figured. 
Remarks upon a donation to the Socie- 
ty’s Library of a MS. work on the Birds 
of India, by Col. S. R. Tickell. 
Proce. Zool. Soc, London, 1874, pp. 667, 668, 


This work consists of seven small folio vol- | 

umes, with 261 plates of birds (illustrating 276 
species), descriptions of 448 species, and 5 plates 
of eggs, containing illustrations of those of 42 
species. : 


[List of Humming-Birds obtained by 
Mr. Whitely in High Peru. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 676, 677. 

A nominal list of the species (80 in number) of 
Humming-birds collected by Mr. Whitely in 
Peru, with references to his notes upon them in 
his former papers in the Proceedings. 

On Peruvian Birds collected by Mr. 
Whitely. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 
Salvin. Part VIII.* 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, pp. 677-680, pl. 

A list of 32 species and their localities, with 
notes on the more interesting species. Notho- 
procta taczanowskiiis described as anew species 
and figured. The six known species of Notho- 
procta are diagnosed. 

*(For Part I see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1867, p. 982; Pt. I, 1868, p. 173; Pt. IL, 
1868, p. 568; Pt. IV, 1869, p. 151: Pt. V. 
1869, p. 596; Pt. VI, 1873, p. 184; Pt. VII, 
1873, p.779; Pt. IX, 1876, p. 15.) 

On the Prionochili of British India. 
Ibis, 1874, pp. 1-3, pl. i. 

Notes on Prionochilus vincens (which is charac. | 

terized) and P. melanoxanthus. 

Both species are 

Notice of Pére David’s Travels in China. 
Ibis, 1874, pp. 167-172. , 
An abstract of a memoir published by Pére 
Armand David in the ‘‘ Nouvelles Archives du 

Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris,” Vol. 
VII, on his travels in China. 

On the Neotropical species of the fam- 
ily Pleroptochide. 
Ibis, 1874, pp. 189-206, pl. viii. 
A synopsis of the neotropical genera (8 -in 
number) and species (19 in number) of the fam- 

ily Pteroptochide, with a table of their distribu- 
tion. Rhinocrypta fusca is figured (Rf. fulva on 

plate). The head of Liosceles thoracicusis figured 
in the text. The genera treated of are: Seytalo- 

pus, Merulaxis, Rhinoerypta, Liosceles, Pteropto- 
chus, Hylactes, Acropternis and Triptorhinus. 

Dr. A. B. Meyer’s Ornithological Dis- 
coveries in New Guinea. 
Ibis, 1874, pp. 416-420. 

A summary of the contents of Dr. Meyer's 
several papers on the ornithological results of his 
expedition to New Guinea. 


The Geographical Distribution of Mam- 

Science Lectures for the People, No. 5, sixth 
series, Manchester, 1874, pp. 67-84. 

A popular lecture on the geographical distri- | 

bution of mammals delivered in the Hulme town 
hall, Manchester, on November 25, 1874. 
[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in December, 1874. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 1. 



Descriptions of some new species of 
South American Birds. By P. L. Selater 
and Osbert Salvin. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 37-89, pl. 

Microcereulus squamulatus, Automolus striati- 
ceps and Tigrisoma salmoni are described, of 
which the first namedis figured. A synopsis of 
the four known species of TYigrisoma is given. 

| The heads of TYigrisoma fasciatum and IT. sal- 

moni are figured in the text. 
[Exhibition of a skin and skull of a 

| female Huemul (Cervus chilensis) and re- 

marks on the Deer of Chili and western 
Peru. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 44-47. 

Exhibition, to a meeting of the Zoological So- 
ciety of London, of a skin and skull of a female, 
and a pair of horns of a male Cervus chilensis, 
with an extract of acommunication from Mr. E. 
C. Reed containing the synonymy of and remarks 
upon Cervus chilensis, OC. antisiensis, OC. whitelyt 
and OC. peruvianus. Thedeft horn of C, chilensis 
is figured in the text. 

(See paper No. 638.) 

On some rare Parrots living in the So- 
ciety’s Gardens. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1875, pp. 59-62, pls. 
The rarer species of parrots living in the Zoo- 
logical Society’s Menagerie are enumerated, and 
remarks made upon Chrysotis guatemale, C. 
bouqueti, and the species of the genus Cacatua. 
Cacatua gojint and Chrysotis bouqueti are figured. 
The feet of Cacatua sanguinea and C. gofini are 
figured in the text. 

[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in January, 1875, and remarks 
on Canis chama. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 81, 82, pl. 

Canis chama is remarked uponand figured, and 
attention directed to the other important additions 
to the Zoological Society's Menagerie in January, 


[Exhibition of a drawing of a supposed 
new Rhinoceros from the Terai of Bhoo- 
tan. | 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1875, p. 82. 
[Exhibition of a living specimen of the 
Peguan Tree-Shrew (Tupaia peguana) and 
a Squirrel (Sciurus blanfordt).] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 82. 

Further remarks on the Cassowaries 
living in the Society’s Gardens and on 
other species of the genus Casuarius. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 84-87, pls. 

Additional notes* on the Cassowaries ine in 
the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London 
Casuarius bennetti, CO. westermanni, and C. picti-— 
collis, sp. D., are diagnosed, C. becearii, sp. n., is 
described, and an ‘‘Index specierum generis Cas- 
uarii’’ appended.  . picticollis, C. westermanni 
and C. uniappendiculatus are figured. The head 
and wattles of C. beccarii are figured in the text. 

*(See also Proc. Zool, Soc, London, 1872, p. 
147; 1874, p, 247.) 


[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in February, 1875. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 156, 157, pl. 
Ohrysotis xantholora is figured. 


On Venezuelan Birds collected by Mr. 
A. Goering. By P. L. Selater and Osbert 
Salvin.. Part V.* 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 284-238, pl. 

A list of 42 species from Merida, not represented 
in Mr. Goering’s former collection from that local- 
ity, and notes on the more interesting species con- 
tained in both collections; also a list of 33 species 
(with notes) collected at San Cristoval. Chloro- 
spingus chrysophrys, Buarremon castaneifrons 
and Chloronerpes xanthochlorus are described as 
new species, and the name Buarremon mystacalis, 
Tacz., is changed to B. taczanowskii.. B. castanei- 

frons and B. taczanowskii are figured. 

*(For’ Part I see Proc. Zoot. Soc. London, 
1868, p. 165; Pt. II,1868, p. 626; Pt. ILI, 
1869, p. 250; Pt. LV, 1870, p. 779.) 

[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in March, 1875.] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 316. 

[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in April, 1875.] 
Pyoe. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 348, 349. 

[Exhibition of and remarks on the skin 
of a chick of a Cassowary. | 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1875, p. 349. 

Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological So- 
ciety of London, of a skin of a chick of a Casso- 
wary, supposed to be that of C. picticollis. 


[Remarks on animals seen during visits 
recently made to several zoological gar- 
dens in Rotterdam, the Hague, Amster- 
dam, Antwerp and Ghent. ] 

Proc. Zool, Soc, London, 1875, pp. 379, 380. 


[Exhibition of and remarks on the 
typical specimen of Centropsar mirus. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1875, p. 380. A 

Note showing that the skin of the typical speci- 

men of Centropsar mirus had been *‘made up,” 

and that the name must therefore be removed 
from the ornithological category. 

(See paper No. 653.) 


On several rare or little-known Mam- 
mals now or lately living in the Society’s 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 417-423, pls. 

Remarks on Macacus speciosus, M. rheso-similis, 
Ateles melanochir, Hapale melanura, Canis fame- 
licus, Procyon cancrivorus, and OCervulus mieru- 
rus, sp. n. Macacus speciosus, Ateles melanochir 
(2 plates), Hapale melanura, Cervulus micrurus, 
and ©. reevesi, wit., are figured. The species of 
the genus Cervulus are also remarked upon. 



[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in May, 1875. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 469. 

[Notice of a Memoir on the Rhinoce- 
roses now or lately living in the Society’s 
Menagerie. } 
Proc, Zool. Soe. London, 1875, p. 470. 

[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in June, July, August, and 
September, 1875. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 527-530, pls. 
Iviii, lix. 
Casuarius beccarii and Gazella granti are fig- 
Description of two new species of Birds 
from the State of Antioquia, U.S.C. By 
P. L. Selater and Osbert Salvin. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 541, 542. 
Catharus pheeopleurus and Automolus holostie- 
tus are described. 
[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in October, 1875. ] 
Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 565. 

[Exhibition of and remarks on the 
upper horn of a two-horned Rhinoceros 
from the valley of the Brahmapootra. | 
Proce, Zocl. Soc, London, 1875, p. 566. 

[Remarks on the female plumage of 
Pausxis galeata. | 
Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 566. 

[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in November, 1875. ] 
Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 633. 

[Exhibition of and remarks on a skin 
of Hypocolius ampelinus, Bp. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 633. 


Synopsis of the species of the subfamily 

Ibis, 1875, pp. 204-221, pls. iv, v. 

A synopsis of the 15 known species of the sub- 
family Diglossine, with a table showing their 
geographical distribution. Bonaparte’s name 
Agrilorhinus is emended to Ancylorhinus, and Di- 
glossa pectoralis and D. albilateralis(f and 9) are 
figured. The genera treated of are Diglossa and 

On Turdus javanicus of Horsfield and 
its allied form, Turdus schlegeli. 
Ibis, 1875, pp. 344-347, pl. viii. 

Remarks on Turdus javanicus and T. schlegeli, 
with their synonyms. The former species is 



Remarks on the species of the Tana- 
grine genus Chlorochrysa. 
Tbis, 1875, pp. 464-467, pl. x. 

A review of the three species of the genus Chlo- 
rochrysa, viz, C. calliparia, C. pheenicotis and C. 
nitidissima. The last-named species is figured. 


On the Curassows now or lately living 
in the Society’s Gardens. 

Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, pp. 273-288) 
pls. xiii (1875). 

A synopsis of the species of Curassows, and 
lists of the specimens now or lately living in the 
Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. The 
generic name Pauaxi is emended to Pauwis, and 
Crax viridirostris is described as a new species. 
The following species are figured: Craxz globicera 
(3,9), OG. daubentoni (3,9), CO. alector (¥,Q), 
CO. sclatert (3,9), O. globulosa (3,2), C. caruncu- 
lata (¢%,2), OC. alberti (¥,2), C. ineommoda (9), 
Nothocrax urumutum, Mitua tuberosa, M. tomen- 
tosa, Pauxi galeata, and P. galeata var. rubra. 

(See also Trans. Zool. Soc. London, X, p. 
543, 1879.) 

Nature, XTI, pp. 516, 517 (1875). 

A review of the genus Oasuarius. The nine 
known species are enumerated and remarked 


On the Distribution of the Species of 

Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1874, pt. 2, p. 138 

Abstract of a paper read before the Belfast 
meeting of the British Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Science, on the systematic position 
of Casuarius and on the characters and distribu- 
tion of the known species (seven in number) con- 
tained in the genus. 

, 708 
Fruit-eating Snakes. 
Zoologist, 1875, p. 4574. 

Note pointing out that the East Indian snake, 
Acrochordus javanicus,is commonly supposed to 
feed on fruit. 

Descriptive list of the Cassowaries. 
Zoologist, 1875, pp. 4685-4688. 
Description of and remarks on the nine known 
species of the genus Oasuarius. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1875.] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 1. 
On some additional species of Birds 
from St. Lucia, West India Islands. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1876, vp. 13, 14, pl. ii. 

A list of eight species not represented in the 
two previous collections* from St. Lucia, with 
theirlocalnames. Thryothorus mesoleucus, sp.n., 
and Leucopeza semperi, gen. et sp.n., are described. 
The latter is figured. 

* (See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 
263; 1872, p. 647.) 
On Peruvian Birds collected by Mr. 
Whitely. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert 
Salvin. Part IX.* 
Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 15-19, pl. iii. 

A list of 65 species, with their localities, and 
notes on the more interesting species. Thamno- 
philus meianchrous and Columba albipennis are 

- described as new. The former is figured. 

*(For Part I see Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1867, p. 982; Pt. II, 1868, p. 173; Pt. IIL, 
1868, p.568; Pt. IV, 1869, p. 151; Pt. V, 1869, 
p. 596; Pt. VI, 1873, p. 184; Pt. VII, 1873, 
p- 779; Pt. VIII, 1874, p, 677.) 

[Extract from a Report of the visit of 
H. M.S. Peterel to the Galapagos Islands. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 178, 179. 
[Exhibition of and remarks on an ant- 
ler of a Rusa Deer. ] 
Proe. Zool, Soc. London, 1876, py. 179, 180. 
Descriptions of new Birds obtained by 
Mr. C. Buckley in Bolivia. By P. L. Sela- 
ter and Osbert Salvin. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1876, pp. 253, 254. 
The following four species are described: Dig- 
lossa glauca, Buarremon melanops, Leptopogon- 
tristis and Hypoxanthus atriceps. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1876. ] 
Proc. Zoot. Soe. London, 1876, pp. 254, 255. 
[Exhibition of and remarks on a new 
Parrot (Conurus illigeri) belonging to the 
Museum of Neuchatel. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 255, 256. 

Ara couloni (Conurus illigeri, Tschudi) is de 
oe as anew species. The head is figured in 
the text. 

Notes on some of the Blue Crows of 
America. By P. L. Selater and Osbert 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 268-272. 

Notes on, and the synonymy of, the seven spe- 
cies of the genus Cyanocitta, of which OC. germana 
is described as new. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1876.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 278, 274. 
Lophotragus michianus, ¢, is figured in the 

[Exhibition of and remarks on the 
skin of a female of Anderson’s Pheasant. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 274. 

It is here pointed out that Phasianus crawfurd- 
wi, as described by Dr. Gray, is the female of 
Huplocamus andersoni, Elliot, and that the spe- 
cies should strictly be called Luplocamus craw- 



[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
series of skins of the Parrots of the Fiji 
Islands, obtained by Mr. E. L. Layard, 
EB. Zens 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 307, 308. 

Skins of Pyrrhulopsis atrigularis, P. taviunensis, 

P. splendens and P. personata were exhibited to a 

meeting of the Zoological Society of London, and 
remarked upon, 



[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1876. ] 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 332, 333, pl. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological So- 
ciety's Menagerie, with notes on the more inter- 
esting species. Polyborus tharus, var., is figured. 


On new species of Bolivian Birds. 
P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. 

Proce. Zcol. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 352-358, pls. 

The genus Malacothraupis and the following 
new species are described: Catharus mentalis, 
Basileuterus euophrys, Malacothraupis denta- 
ta, Calliste punctulata, C. fulvicervix, C. argy- 
rofenges, Chlorospingus calophrys, Cyanocorax 
nigriceps, Ochthodiceta fuscorufus, Ochtheeca pul- 
chella, Aneretes flavirostris, Lathria uropygialis, 
Grallaria erythrotis, Thamnophilus subfasciatus 
and Asturina saturata. Chirocylla is proposed as 
anew generic name tor Lathria uropygialis. Fig- 
ures are given of the following species: Calliste 
fulvicerviz, C. argyrofenges, Malacothraupis den- 
tata, Lathria uropygialis, and Thamnophilus sub- 
fasciatus (3,9). The head, wing and foot of 
Malacothraupis dentata,and the wing of Lathria 
uropygialis, are figured in the text. 




A Revision of the Neotropical Anatide. 
By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. 

Proe. Zool, Soc. London, 1876, pp. 358-412, pl. 

A revision of the neotropical Anatide, includ- 
ing general remarks on the family, a synopsis of 
the species (62 in number), and a table of their 
geographical distribution, with notes thereon. 
Querquedula andiwm is figured. The male and 
female of hybrids between Bernicla dispar and 
B. magellanica are figured in the text. ‘The fol- 
lowing are the genera treated of: Anser, Bernicla, 
Chenalopex, Cygnus, Dendrocygna, Sarcidiornis, 
Cairina, Anas, Heteronetta, Querquedula, Dajila, 
Mareca, Spatula, Aix, Metopiana, Fuligula, Clan- 
gula, Edemia, Tachyeres, Brismatura, Merganetta 
and Mergus. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1876, and remarks 
on the Cassowaries in the Society’s col- 
lection. | 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 413, 414, pl. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie, with special reference to a collec- 
tion from Angola brought home by Lieut. V. R. 
Cameron. Oolius castanonotus is figured. <A list 
of the Cassowaries living in the Society’s Gardens 
is given. 


[Extracts from several letters addressed 
to Mr. Sclater by Dr. G. Bennett, F. Z.S., 
referring to the proceedings of Mr. L. M. 
D’Albertis, C. M. Z. S.] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 414. 


[Exhibition of a rare Pacific Parrot, 
Coriphilus kuhli, and remarks on its hab- 
itat. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 421, 422. 



On the Birds collected by Dr. Comrie 
on the southeast coast of New Guinea 
during the survey of H. M. 8. Basilisk. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 459-461, pls. 
xii, xliii. 
A list of 11 species, with remarks upon them. 

Manucodia comrit is described as new and figured. 
Megapodius macgillivraii is also figured. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1876, and list of 
Indian animals deposited by H.R. H. the 
Prince of Wales. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 462-464. 


[Exhibition of Land Crabs from Ascen- 
sion Island, presented by Dr. 8. B. Drew. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 464, 465. 

Exhibition, to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- 
ety of London, of specimens of Geocarcinus lagos- 
toma, with an extract from a letter from Dr. 
Drew containing remarks upon them. 


[Exhibition of and remarks on the 
skins of a male and female Pheasant 
(Lobiophasis bulweri). | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 465, pl. xliv. 

Exhibition, to a meeting of the Zoological So- 
ciety of London, of the skins of the male and 
female of Lobiophasis bulweri, with the charac- 
ters of the female. Both male and female are 


[Exhibition of a drawing of a Fruit- 
Pigeon, apparently belonging to Carpo- 
phaga paulina, living in the Society’s 
Gardens. | 

Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1876, p. 519. 


[Exhibition of a collection of Birds 
received from Signor L. M. D’Albertis, 
and descriptions of two new Parrots. ] 

pene Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 519, 520, pl 

Trichoglossus subplacens and Cyclopsitta suav- 
issima are described. The latter is figured. 


[Report on the additions to the So- 
ciety’s Menagerie in June, July, August, 
and September, 1876.] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 693-696, pls. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological So- 
ciety's Menagerie, with remarks on the most 
noticeable species. Oorvus capellanus (described 
as a new species), Sarcidiornis melanonota and 
S. carunculata are figured. Cervulus micrurus 
(described in Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 422) 

| is pointed out to be referable to OC. reevesi. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in October, 1876. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 751. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon ‘a 
skin of a young Rhinoceros from the 
Sunderbunds. | 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 751. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1876. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 775, 776. 

Ornithological Notes from Constanti- 
nople. By P. L. Sclater and E. C. Taylor. 
Ibis, 1876, pp. 60-65. 
Notes on the birds observed during a short visit 
to Constantinople in September and October, 1875. 

On recent Ornithological Progress in 
New Guinea. 
Ibis, 1876, pp. 243-259. 
A résumé of the contributions to the ornitho- 
logical literature of New Guinea. 
(See also Ibis, 1876, p. 357.) 


Further Ornithological News from New 
Ibis, 1876, pp. 357-864. 
Additional notes on the contributions to the 
literature on the New Guinea avifauna. 
(See also Ibis, 1876, p. 243.) 


Description of a new Tanager of the 
genus Calliste, and remarks on other re- 
cently discovered species. 

Ibis, 1876, pp. 407-410, pl. xii. 
Calliste melanotis is described and figured and 

remarks made on some other species of the genus 
Calliste. CO. cyanotis is figured also. 


On the Rhinoceroses now or lately liv- 
ing in the Society’s Menagerie. 

Trans. Zool. Soc. London, TX, pp. 645-660, 
pls. xev-xcix (1876). 

The following species are remarked upon and 
figured: Rhinoceros unicornis, I. sondaicus, R. 
sumatrensis, R. lasiotis and R. bicornis. The ex- 
amples of Rhinoceroses living in the Zoological 
Society’s Menagerie from 1834-1875 are enume- 
rated. The text is illustrated. 


On the present state of our knowledge 
of Geographical Zoology. Address deliv- 
ered to the Biological Section of the Brit- 
ish Association, at Bristol, August 25, 

Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. ,1875, Pt. II, pp. 
85-133. [Also separately printed. ] 

The presidential address to the Biological 
Section of the British Association, at Bristol, 
1875, being a review of the distribution of the 
terrestrial members of the vertebrate subking- 
dom of animals over the earth’s surface, which 
is divided into seven divisions. Each division is 
remarked upon and the works relating thereto 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1876. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1877, pp. 1, 2. 
Descriptions of eight new species of 
South American Birds. By P. L. Sclater 
and Osbert Salvin. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 18-22, pl. i. 


The following species are described: Buphonia 

Jinschi, Pheucticus crissalis, Ochtheeca leucometopa, 

O. arenacea, Chloronerpes dignus, Celeus subflavus, 
Chamepelia buckleyi and Orax erythrognatha. 
Chloronerpes dignus is figured. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
collection of Mammals, Birds, and In- 
sects formed by the Rev. George Brown, 
C.M. Z.8., in Duke of York Island, New 
Britain, and New Ireland. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 28. 
(See also Proce. Zool. Soc. London. 1877, p. 96; 
1878, pp. 289, 670; 1879, p. 446; 1880, p. 65." 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January 1877. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 42. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
original and unique specimen of Manu- 
codia comrii.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 43. 
Notice of an apparently new species of 
Spur-winged Goose of the genus Plectrop- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 47, 48, pl. 
Description and figure of Plectropterus niger, 
with remarks. 

On the Birds collected by Mr. George 
Brown, C. M. Z. 8., on Duke of York 
Island, and on the adjoining parts of New 
Ireland and New Britain. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 96 -114, pls. 
Remarks on Mr. George Brown’s collection of 

- birds, with an annotated list of the 70 species con- 

tained in it. The following 10 species are de- 
seribed as new: Monarcha verticalis, Artaimus in- 
signis, Dicrurus lemo-stictus, Diceum eximium, 
Philemon cockerelli, Tanysiptera nigriceps, Lori- 
culus tener, Ninox odiosa, Macropygia brown, and 
Phlogenas johanne. Monarcha melanonotus is 
proposed as anew name for the New Guinea spe- 
cies of Monarcha, which is commonly assigned to 
M. chrysomelas. Monarcha verticalis, Diceeum ex- 
imium, Artamus insignis, and Phlogenas johanne 
are figured. A figure of the head of Gdirhinus 
insolitus, and an outline map of the Duke of York 
Island, New Britain and New Ireland, are given 
in the text. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 28; 
1878, pp. 289, 670; 1879, p. 446; 1880, p. 65.) 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1877. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 159, 160. 
[Remarks upon a two-horned Rhinoce- 
ros killed in 1876 near Comillah, in Tip- 
perah, and on a living specimen of Ihi- 
noceros sondaicus from the Sunderbans. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 269, 270. 


[Exhibition of a small living Ampbis- 
beenian (Llanus cinereus). ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 270. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1877. ] 
Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 303. 
[Exhibition of and remarks on young 
Anacondas, which had been produced 
dead in the Society’s Menagerie. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 303. 
[Remarks upon two large photographs 
of the young Gorilla now living in Ber- 
lin,sand on an example of the Gorilla for- 
merly living in England. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc, London, 1877, pp.303, 304, pl. 
Troglodytes gorilla is figured. 
[Report on the additions to the Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie in April, 1877. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 418, 419. 
[Remarks on the Zoological Gardens of 
Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Brus- | 
sels, and Ghent, lately visited by Mr. 
Sclater. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 419. 
Descriptions of six new species of 
South American Birds. By P. L. Sclater 
and Osbert Salvin. 
Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 521-523, pl. 
The following species are described: Basilew- 

terus castaneiceps, Buphonia insignis, Chlorospin- 
gus pheeocephalus, Todirostrum rujigene, Lathria 

cryptolopha, and Fuligula nationi.* Huphonia in- 

signis and Chlorospingus pheocephalus are figured. 
*(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1877. 
g y> 
ae Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 530-532, 
pl. ly. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological So- 
ciety’s collection, with remarks on the more 
noticeable species. Anapparently new species of 
Cheetah, to which the temporary name Felis 
lanea* is applied,is figured. Manis tricuspis is 
figured in the text. 

*(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. | 
655; 1884, p. 476.) 

Reports on the collections of Birds | 
made during the voyage of H. M. S. 
Challenger. No. I. General remarks on 
the collections. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 534, 535. 

General remarks on the collections of birds 
made during the voyage of the Challenger. | 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 

551; 1878, pp. 346, 431, 576, 650.) | 


Reports on the collections of Birds | 

made during the voyage of H. M. S. | 

Challenger. No. III. On the Birds of | 

the Admiralty Islands. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 551-557, 

415—No. 49 4 


An annotated list of 27 species, of which the 
following are described as new: Rhipidura semi- 
rubra, Monarcha infelix, Philemon albitorques, 
Myzomela pammelena, Carpophaga rhodinolema, 
Ptilopus johannis and Megapodius rubrifrons. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 
534; 1878, pp. 346, 431, 576, 650.) 


[Reports on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, and 
September, 1877. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London,1877, pp. 679-683, pls. 
Ibo boa 

Report on the additions to the Zoological So- 
ciety’s collection, with notes on the most inter- 
esting species, of which Hylobates leucogenys and 
Paradoxurus prehensilis are figured. The head 
of Cervus schomburgki is figured in the text. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in Octc ber, 1877. ] 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1877, p. 754. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1877. | 

Proce. Zool, Soc. London, 1877, pp. 805, 806, pl. 

Canis jubatus is figured. 


Note on the South American Song Spar- 

Ibis, 1877, pp. 46-48, pl. i. 

Notes on the species of the genus Zonotrichia, 
with their distribution. Z. canicapilla and Z. 
strigiceps are figured. 


On the Nesting of the Spoonbill in Hol- 

land. By P. L. Sclater and W. A. Forbes. 
I bis, 1877. pp. 412-416. 

An account of a visit to the nesting place of 

Platalea leucorodia in the Horster Meer, Holland. 

Description of two new Ant Birds of 

the genus Grallaria, with a list of the 

known species of the genus. 
Ibis, 1877, pp. 487-451, pls. viii, ix. 
Grallaria haplonota and G. flavotincta are de- 

| seribed, and a synopsis of the species (27 in num- 
_ ber) of the genus Grallaria is given. 

G. rujiceps 
and G. jlavotincta are figured. 
On a recent addition to the species of 
the genus Loriculus. 

Rowley's Ornithological Miscellany, II, pp. 
375-377, pl. [xxii (1877). 

Remarks on the differences between Loriculus 

tener and L. aurantiifrons. Both species are fig- 

| ured. . 

On the American Parrots of the genus 
Rowley’s Ornithological Miscellany, 111, pp. 
5-9, pls. lxxx, lxxxi (1877). 

An arrangement of the nine species of the 
genus Pionus, with remarks and a table showing 
their geographical distribution. Pionus coralli- 

| nus and P, tunvultuosus are figured. 



Remarks on the new Monotreme from 
New Guinea. 

Nature, XV, pp. 257, 258 (1877). 

Remarks on the new mammal described by 
Messrs. W. Peters and G. Doria as Tachyglossus 
bruijnii. The text is illustrated with the skulls 
of 7. bruijnit and one of the Australian species 
of Tachyglossus. 


The Development of Batrachians with- 
out Metamorphosis. 

Nature, XV, pp. 491, 492 (1877). 

Notes on the development of batrachians with- 
out metamorphosis, which is shown, in a commu- 
nication by Dr. Peters to the Royal Academy of 
Sciences, Berlin, to have taken place in Hylodes 
anartinicensis. The egg, young, and adult of Hylo- 
des martinicensis are figured in the text. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- | 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1877. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 1. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1878. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 115, 116. 

On the collection of Birds made by 
Professor Steere in South America. By 
P. L. Selater and Osbert Salvin. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, i878, pp. 135-142, pls. 

Remarks on 22 rare or little-known species con- 
tained in a collection of 362 species made by 
Professor Steere during a journey across South 
America. ‘The following new species are de- 
scribed: Oryzoborus atrirostris, Myiarchus semi- 
rufus, Furnarius pileatus, Oapito steerti, and 
Crypturus transfasciatus. Myiarchus semirufus, | 
Capito steertti and Crypturus transfasciatus are | 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
skin of a Cassowary in the collection of 
the British Museum. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soe, London, 1878, pp. 212-214. 
Remarks on Casuarius salvadorti, witha figure 
of its head in the text. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1878. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 289. 

[Exhibition of and remarks on a sec- | 
ond collection of Birds from Duke of 
York Island, New Britain, and New Ire- 
land, received from the Rey. G. Brown, 
C. M. Z.5S.] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 289, 290. 

Twenty-three species are enumerated and re- 
marks made upon some of them. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 
28, 96; 1878, p. 670; 1879, p. 446; 1880, p. 65.) 

{Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
typical specimen of Ninox solomonis, 
Sharpe. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, p. 290. 

| upon. 

| ing species. 


{Exhibition of a Coot, probably the 
typical specimen of Fulica gallinuloides. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 291. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
typical specimen of Dicrurus marginatus 
of Blyth. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, p-339. 

Reports on the collections of Birds 
made during the voyage of H. M.S. Chal- 
lenger. No. VIII. On the Birds of the 
Sandwich Islands. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 346-351, 

Thirteen species are enumerated and remarked 
Anas wyvilliana is described as new. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 
534, 555; 1878, pp. 431, 576, 650.) 
[Report on the additions to the Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie in March, 1878. ] 
Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 377-379. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological Soci- 
ety’s Gardens, with remarks on the more interest- 
A list of the Bears living in the 
Menagerie is given, and the breeding of the Ana- 
conda (Hunectes murinus) in the Society's reptile 
house is recorded. 

{Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
typical specimen of a new Fox (Vulpes 
cana, Blanford). } 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, p. 392. 

The differences between Vulpes cana and Canis 
famelicus are pointed out. The dimensions of the 
former animal are given. 

Reports on the collections of Birds made 
during the voyage of H. M. S. Chal- 
lenger. No. IX. On the Birds of Ant- 
arctic America. By P. L. Sclater and 
Osbert Salvin. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 431-438. 

A catalogue of 41 species, with notes upon 

(See also Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 
534,551; 1878, p. 346, 576, 650.) 

‘Descriptions of three new species of 
Birds from Ecuador. By P. L. Seclater 
and Osbert Salvin. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 438-440, pls. 
XXVii, xxviii. 

Buarremon leucopis, Neomorphus 
and Aramides calopterus are described. 
two mentioned are figured. 

. 787 

[Report on the additions to the So- 

ciety’s Menagerie in April, 1878. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 441. 
788 . 

Further remarks on Fuligula nationi. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 477-479, pl. 
Fuligula nationi is characterized and figured. 

The trachea of this duck is also figured in the 
text and remarked upon. 

(Seealso Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p.522.) 

The last 



Reports on the collections of Birds 
made during the voyage of H. M. S. 
Challenger. No. X. On the Birds of 
the Atlantic Islands and Kerguelen’s 
Land, and on the miscellaneous collec- 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 576-579. 

A résumé of the contents of several of the col- 
lections of the Challenger expedition. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 
534, 551; 1878, pp. 346, 431, 650.) 

[Report on the additions to the Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie in May, 1878, and remarks 
on Tapirus roulini. | 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, pp. 631, 632, pl. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological So- | 

ciety’s Gardens, with notes on the more remarka- 
ble specimens. TYapirus roulini is figured. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
young specimen of Temminck’s Manis 
(Manis temmincki) from Zanzibar. } 
Proc, Zool. Soc, London, 1878, pp. 632, 633. 

' . . 

[Remarks upon the living examples of 
Ciconia maguari and Ciconia episcopus 
now in the Society’s Gardens. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 633. 

Notes on the mimicry of the rectrices by the 
elongated upper tail-coverts in Ciconia maguari 
and C. episcopus. It is also shown that the ge- 
neric name Huxenura should give place to Dissura. 


Reports on the collections of Birds 
made during the voyage of H. M.S. Chal- 
lenger. No. XI. On the Steganopodes 
and Impennes. 
bert Salvin. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 650-655. 

Notes on nine species of Steganopodes and six 
species of Impennes. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1877, pp. 
534, 551; 1878. pp. 346, 431, 576.) 
; 794 

[Note on a second specimen of Felis 
lanea. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 655, 656. 

Extract from a letter from Mr. E. L. Layard in- | 

timating the existence of an example of Felis lanea 
in the South African Museum. 

(See also Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 530; 
1884, p. 476.) 


By P. L. Sclater and Os- | 

[Notice of a supplementary memoir on 

the Curassows (Cracida). | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 656. 

On a third collection of Birds made by 
the Rev. G. Brown, C. M. Z. S., in the 

Duke of York Group of Islands and its | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878. pp. 670-673, pl. 

A tabular list of 30 species, with their localities 
and remarks upon the more interesting species. 


Carpophaga melanochroa is described as new and 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 28, 
96; 1878, p. 289; 1879, p. 446: 1880, p. 65.) 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, 
September, and October, 1878. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 788-791. 

{Notice of some hybrid Monkeys lately 
born in the Society’s Menagerie. | 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, p. 791. 

Notes on hybrids between Macacus cynomolgus, 
od, and Cercocebus fuliginosus, 9, and Macacus 
cynomolgus, ¥, and Cynocephalus mormon, 9°, 
born in the Menagerie of the Zoological Society 
of London. 

{Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
specimen of Saxicola stapazina killed in 
Lancashire. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 881. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, p. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1878. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 975, 976, pl. 
Ara spixi is figured. 

[Further remarks on the occurrence of 
Saxicola stapazina in Lancashire. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 977. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 
[Notice of an error in the last part of 
the Society’s Proceedings. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 977. 

A correction of an error which had taken place 
in the ‘‘ Proceedings’ (1878, p. 637) with reference 
to a collection of butterflies from Billiton. 


Revision of the species of the Cotingine 
genus Pipreola. 

Ibis, 1878, pp. 164-173, pl. vi. 

Swainson’s name, Pipreola, for the green Cotin- 
gas is adopted, and synonyms of the genus 
given, together with « synopsis of the species, of 
which nine are enumerated. Pipreola frontalis 

| is figured. 


Preliminary remarks on the Neotrop- 
ical Pipits. 

Ibis, 1878, pp. 356-367, pl. x. 

A review of the American species of the genus 
Anthus. Six species are enumerated, of which 
A. nattereri is described as new and figured. The 
text is illustrated. 

Note on the Breeding of the Sacred 
Ibis in the Zoological Society’s Gardens. 
Ibis, 1878, pp. 449-451, pl. xii. 

Observations on the breeding of Ibis cethiopica 
in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of Lon- 
don, The young bird and egg are figured, 



Zoological Distribution and some of its 

Proce. Roy. Inst. Grt. Brit., VIII, pp. 511-513 

An abstract of a lecture delivered before the 
Royal Institution of Great Britain on zoological 
distribution. The characteristic species of each 
zoological area are treated of, and some of the spe- 
cies with abnormal distribution enumerated and 
remarked upon. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1878. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 2. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1879. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 108. 
[Remarks upon and diagnosis of Mitua 
salvini, the new Curassow. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, pp. 108, 109. 

Extract from a letter from Professor Reinharet 
containing remarks on Mitua salvini. The spe- 
cies is diagnosed by Mr. Sclater. 


On the Breeding of the Argus Pheas- 
ant and other Phasianide in the Society’s 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, pp. 114-118, pls. 
vii, viii. 

Report on the breeding of several species of 
Phasianide in the Zoological Society’s Gardens. 
Argus giganteus, J pull., and the eggs of the fol- 
lowing species are figured: Argus giganteus, 
Polyplectron chinquis, Ceriornis temmincekt, 
satyra, and Crossoptilon mantehuricum. 


[Exhibition and description of a new 
Humming-Bird, Thaumasius taczanowskii, 
from northern Peru. } 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, pp. 145, 146. 

Thaumasius taczanowskii is described. The 
generic name Thaumatius is emended to Thau- 

[Exhibition of a living Amphisbenian 
from Monte Video. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 146. 
A species apparently referable to Amphisbena 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
’ ty’s Menagerie in February, 1879. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 218. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon two 
rare Fruit Pigeons. | 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1879, p. 218. 

Carpophaga van-wicki and O, rhodinolema were 
exhibited to a meeting of the Zoological Society 
of London and remarked upon. 

{Remarks upon the Japanese Deer ( Cer- 
vus sika). ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1879, p. 294. 

On the Japanese deer (Cervus sika) breeding in 
captivity, with extracts from a letter from Lord 
Powerscourt containing remarks upon them. 




Remarks on some Parrots living in the 
Society’s Gardens. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, pp. 299-301, pl. 

Report on the collection of parrots in the Zoo- 
logical Society's Menagerie, with remarks on the 
following species: Brotogerys tuipara, B. chrysop- 
tera, Paleeorniscyanocephalus, P. rosa, P. fasciatus, 
and Caica xanthomera. The last-mentioned species 
is figured. : 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1879.] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 308. 

[Exhibition of the Eggs collected by 
the naturalists of the Challenger Expedi- 
tion. | 

Proce. Zoot. Soe, London, 1879, pp. 309-311. 

Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- 
ety of London of aseries of 250 eggs referable to 
about 50 species, which are enumerated, with their 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1879.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 384. 

[Report on the dimensions and weights 
of the Indian Elephants. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 385. 

The dimensions and weights of the four Indian 
elephants living in the Zoological Society’s Me- 
nagerie are given. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 
450; 1883, p. 465.) 

[Remarks on the Zoological Gardens of 
Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Cologne, Frank- 
furt, and Antwerp. } 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 438. 

Remarks on the interesting animals and other 
objects observed during a visit to the above- 
mentioned gardens. 


On a fourth collection of Birds made 
by the Rev. G. Brown, C. M. Z. S., on 
Duke of York Island and its vicinity. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, pp. 446-451, pls. 

A list of 41 species, with remarks on the more 
interesting ones. Graucalus sublineatus, Myzo- 
mela cineracea, Dondcicola (emend. ex Donacola, 
Gould) spectabilis, and Muwnia forbesi are described 
as new species and figured. 

(See also Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 
98, 96; 1878, pp. 289, 670; 1880, p. 65.) 
[Remarks on two volumes of original 
drawings of the Birds of India, by Brig. 
Gen. A. C. M’Master. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 460. 

The two volumes contain about 270 figures of 
the birds of India, and are deposited in the Zoo- 
logical Society’s library. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
collection of Birds from the Argentine 
Republic. } 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, pp. 460, 461. 


Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological So- 
ciety of London of a collection consisting of nine 
species of birds from Argentina. Doring’s MS. 
name, Phacellodomus stbilatrix, is adopted as the 
name of anew species. 


On the Birds collected by the late Mr. 
T. K. Salmon in the State of Antioquia, 
United States of Colombia. By P. L. 
Sclater and Osbert Salvin. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, pp. 486-550, pls. 

An account of Mr Salmon’s collections and the 
localities in which they were made, and a sum- 
mary of the previous literature on the avifauna 
of Colombia. The collections (eight in number) 
consisted of about 3,500 specimens, referable to 
468 species, which are enumerated and remarked 
upon. The following new species are described: 
Cyphorhinus dichrous, Buarremon eleoprorus, Au- 
tomolus ignobilis, Grallarva rufo-cinerea, and Bra- 
chygalba salmoni. Cyphorhinus dichrous and the 
eggs of several species are figured A map show- 
ing Mr. Salmon’s collecting stations is also given. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1879. ] 
pita Zool. Soc. London, 1879, pp. 550 551, pi. 
Nymphicus cornutus is figured. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
skin of dra glauca. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 551. 
On the Birds collected in Bolivia by 
Mr. C. Buckley. By P. L. Seclater and 
Osbert Salvin. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, pp. 588-645. 

A complete list of Mr. Buckley s two collece 
tions, consisting of 700 skins. referable to 501 
species, with an account of the previous authori- 
ties on the avifauna of Bolivia. Synallaxis ruji- 
pennis and Leptoptila megalura are described as 
new species. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, 
and September, 1879. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, pp. 668, 664. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 

ty’s Menagerie in October, 1879. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 713, 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 

ty’s Menagerie in November, 1879. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, pp. 763, 764. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
small collection of Birds from the island 
of Montserrat, West Indies. ] 

Proc. Zool. Sec. London, 1879, pp. 764, 765. 

A nominal list of 17 species, with their local 


Note on the American Crows of the 
subgenus Xanthura. 

Ibis, 1879, pp 87-89. 

Remarks on the synonymy and distribution of 

the species of Xanthura. 



On recent additions to our knowledge 
of the Avifauna of the Sandwich Islands. 
This, 1879, pp. 89-92, pl. ii. 

A summary of the contributions to the ornitho- 
logical literature of the Sandwich Islands. Loz- 
ioides baillew is figured, and a list is given of the 
23 known species peculiar to these islands. 


Note on the name of the Purple Water 
Hen of southwestern Europe. 
Ibis, 1879, pp. 195, 196. 

Remarks showing that the specific name ‘‘vet- 
erum,” used by authors for the Purple Water 
Hen, can not stand, and that this species should 
be called Porphyrio ceruleus. 


Remarks on the Nomenclature of the 
British Owls, and on the arrangement of 
the Order Striges. 

Ibis, 1879, pp. 346-352. 

An examination of the nomenclature of the 
British Strigide, with remarks on the principal 
divisions of the order Striges. 


The generic name Huchetes. 
Ibis, 1879, p. 3886 

The name Lucheetes, Scl., having been previous- 
ly used in entomology, it is here proposed to 
change it to Calochetes. 

= 838 

Descriptions of some new Tanagers of 
the genus Buarremon. By P. L. Selater 
and Osbert Salvin. 

Ibis, 1879, pp. 425-427, 

The following species are described: Buarre- 

mon melanolemus, B. spodionotus, B. comptus, 

and B. inornatus. B. latinuchus and B. melano- 
lemus are figured. 


Supplementary notes on the Curassows 
now or lately living in the Society’s Gar- 

Trans. Zool. Soc. London, X, p. 548-546, pls. 
lxxxix—xcv (1879). 

Supplementary notes to a former communica- 
tion on the Curassows (ef. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lon 
don, IX, p. 273, 1875). The following species 
are remarked upon and figured: Crax globicera, 
C. erythrognatha, CO. globulosa, C. viridirostris, CO. 
incommoda, Nothocrax urumutum and Mitua sal- 
vint. : 

The Exploration of Socotra. 
Nature, XXT, p. 153 (1879). 

An advertisement for a naturalist to visit So- 

Monkeys in the West Indies. 
Nature, X XI, p. 153 (1879). 

Letter on the existence of monkeys in the West 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, p. 79; 
Nature, X LI, p. 368 (1890.) 

[Report on the additions to the Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie in December, 1879, and 


remarks upon two rare species of Chrys- 
otis. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, pp. 22, 23, pl. ii. 
Ohrysotis bodini and C. erythrura are remarked 
upon. The latter is figured. 

[Exhibition of an Egg of the Mooruk 
(Casuarius bennetti). | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 27. 


Remarks on some species of the genus 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, pp 28-80, pl. iii. 

A commentary of Mr. Ridgway’s paper on the 
ous Tyrannus (Proce. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1, p. 166). 

yvrannus niveigularis is figured. The text is 


On a fifth collection of Birds made by 
the Rev. G. Brown, C. M. Z.5S., on the 
Duke of York Island and its vicinity. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, pp. 65-67, pls. 

A list of 13 species, of which the following are 
described as new: Megalurus interscapularis, 
Pecilodryas cthiops, Munia melena, and Rallus 
insignis. Also notes on a small collection in 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 
28, 96; 1878, pp. 289, 670; 1879, p. 446.) 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1880, and ex- 
hibition of a drawing of an undescribed 
Parrot of the genus Chrysotis living in 
the Society’s Gardens. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1880, pp. 67, 68, pl. ix. 

Chrysotis celigena* is described and figured. 
CO. dufresniana is also figured. 

*(ef. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 815.) 

[Remarks upon the probable identity 
of Colobus palliatus, Peters, with C. an- 
golensis, Sel. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 68. 


On new Birds collected by Mr. C. 
Buckley in eastern Ecuador. 
Sclater and Osbert Salvin. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, pp. 155-161, pls. 
Xvi, XVii. 

The following species are described: Hylophi- 
lus fuscicapillus, Nemosia-chrysopis, Platyrhyn- 
chus senex, Serpophaga albogrisea, Syristes atbo- 
cinereus, Myiochanes nigrescens, Heterocercus 
aurantiivertex, Ptilochloris buckleyi, Automolus 
dorsalis, Dysithamnus subplumbeus, Herpsiloch- 
mus frater, Myrmotherula spodionota, Terenura 
humeralis, Hypocnemis stellata, H. lepidonota, 
Pithys melanosticta, Grallaria dignissima, Celeus 
spectabilis, and Porzana cenops. Ptilochloris buck- 
leyi,ad. et pull., and Grallaria dignissima are fig- 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1880. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 186. 
[Report on the additions to the So- 
ciety’s Menagerie in March, 1880. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 288. 

By P. L. | 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1880. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 355. 
Phascolarctus cinereus is figured in the text. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon an 
Ibis (Geronticus comatus).] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 356. 

Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological So- 
ciety of London of a specimen of Geronticus co- 
matus obtained by Mr. Danford on the Euphrates, 
and notes on the distribution of the species. 

{Remarks on Animals observed in the 
Zoological Gardens of Berlin, Hamburg, 
Amsterdam, The Hague, and Antwerp. | 
Proe. Zool, Soc. London, 1880, p. 420. 

[Exhibition of a Spider of the genus 
Tegenaria, forwarded from Cape Town by 
J. H. Payne. |] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 421. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1880, and descrip- 
tion of anew Lemur (Lemur nigerrimus). | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, pp. 450-452. 

Lemur nigerrimus, sp. noy.,is described. The 
head and that of L. macaco are figured in the text. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon an 
apparently new species of Antelope. | 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1880, p. 442, pl. xliv. 

Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- 
ety of London of a skin of an antelope, which is 
deseribed as Tragelaphus gratus and figured. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, p. 34.) 


List of the certainly known species of 
Anatidaw, with notes on such as have been 

| introduced imto the zoological gardens of 

Europe, and remarks on their distribu- 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1888, pp. 496-536. 
One hundred and seventy-four species are enu- 
merated and remarked upon. The generic name 
Dendrocygna is emended to Dendrocyena. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, 
September, and October, 1880.] 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1880, pp. 537-539. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
skin of Numida ellioti.]  * 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 539. 
Numida ellioti. Bartlett, is shown to be refer- 
able to NV. pucherani, Hartlaub. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1880. } 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 648. 





[Exhibition of and remarks upon an 
example of Pauxis galeata. | ; 
Proc. Zool, Soc, London, 1880, p. 648. 
Notes upon some West-Indian Birds. 
Ibis, 1880, pp. 71-74, pl. i. 

Notes on seven species, of which Margarops 
sancte-lucie is described as new. A new generic 
name, Catharopeza, is proposed for the reception 
of Leucopeza bishopi, Lawr. Catharopeza bishopt 
is figured. The text is illustrated with the wing, 
bill and foot of Catharopeza. 

Note on the Rallus sulcirostris of Wal- 
lace and its allies. 
This, 1880, pp. 309-312, pl. vi. 

Reichenbach’s geueric name Hypotenidia is 
adopted for this Rail, and remarks made on the 
six other species comprising the genus. Salva- 
dori’s MS. name Hypotenidia saturata is pub- 
lished and the species characterized. H. sulei- 
rostris is figured. y 

Remarks on the present state of the 
Systema Avium. 
Ibis, 1880, pp. 340-350, 399-411. 
A scheme for thesclassification of birds. 
(See also Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1880, 
_P. 606, and Nature, XXII, p. 549, 1880.) 
Nature, X XII, pp. 295-298 (1880). 

An illustrated abstract of a lecture delivered 
before the Zoological Society of London on the 
introduction into, and the acclimatization of 
waterfowl in, the Society’s Gardens. 


On the classification of Birds. 

Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv, Sci., 1880, pp. 606-609, 
and Nature, X XII, p.549 (1880) (abstract). 

A scheme for the systematic arrangement of 
the class Aves, with approximate numbers of 
species belonging to each order. 

(See also Ibis, 1880, pp. 340, 399.) 

new or rare Animals 
Society’s Living Col- 

Illustrations of 
in the Zoological 

Nature, XXIII, pp. 35-38, 415-417, 487-490 
(1880-81) ; XXIV, pp. 534-536 (1881); XXV, 
pp. 295-298, 391-393, 608-610 (1882); XXVI. 
pp. 131-134, 603-606 (1882). 

Illustrated chapters on the most noticeable an- 
imals living in the Zoological Society’s Menag- 


{Exhibition of and remarks upon a 

skin of a Merganser (Mergus australis). | 
Proce. Zool. Soe, London, 1881, p.1. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1880. ] 
Proce. Zool, Soc, London, 1881, p. 165. 
On the Birds collected in Socotra by 

Prof. I. Bayley Balfour. By P. L. Sclater 
and Dr. G. Hartlaub. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 165-175, pls. 


A report on a collection consisting of 126 skins, 
referable to 36 species, which are enumerated and 
reinarked upon. The genus Rhynchostruthus and 
the following species are described as new: Cisti- 
colaincana, Drymeecahcesitata, Lanius uncinatus, 
Cinnyris balfouri, Passer insularis, Rhynchostru- 
thus socotranus, and Amydrus frater. Cisticola 
incana, Cinnyris balfourt, Passer insulavis, and 
Kthynchostruthus socotranus are figured. The text 
is illustrated with the head of Lanius uncinatus, 
and the head, wing and foot of Rhynchostruthus 


On some Birds collected by Mr. E. F. 
im Thurn in British Guiana. 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 212-214. 
Notes on six species of birds contained in a 
series of skins collected in British Guiana. <Age- 
leus imthurni is described as new, and the head of 
it is figured in the text. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1881. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 258, 259, pl. 
Pithecia albinasa is figured and its synonyms 
are given. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
Eges of Opisthocomus cristatus and Cotur- 
nix delegorgii. | 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 259. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
large Spider of the genus Mygale. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 325. 
This species, obtained at Bahia, is referred 
doubtfally to Mygale bistriata, Koch. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1881. 
Proe. Zool, Soc. London, 1881, p. 409. 

[Report on the additions to the So- 
ciety’s Menagerie in March, 1881. ] 
Proce. Zool, Soe. London, 1881, p. 450. 


[Note on the weights and measurements 
of the Indian Elephants in the Society’s 
Menagerie. | 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1881, pp. 450, 451. 

The dimensions and weights of the four Indian 
Elephants living in the Society’s Gardens, with 
figures to show the increase in size and weight of 
the animals since May, 1879. 

(See Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 385; 
1883, p. 465.) 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon some 
bird skins brought home by the Challen- 
ger Expedition. | 

Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1881, p. 451. 

Notes on four species of birds from the Island 
of Rotumeh. 

[Exhibition and descriptions of two new 
Birds from New Britain. | 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 451-453, pl. 

Trichoglossus rubrigularis, sp. nov., and Ortygo 
cichla rubiginosa, gen, et. sp. nov.,are described: 
The latter is figured. 


On the Birds of the vicinity of Lima, 
Peru. By P.L.Sclater. With notes on 
their habits by Prof. W. Nation. Part V.* 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 484-488, pl. 

Remarks ona collection consisting of 12 species, 
two of which—Buarremon nationi and Leptasthe- 
nura pileata—are described as new. The former 
species is figured. 

*(For Part I see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, 
p. 96; Pt. II, 1867, p. 340; Pt. ITI, 1869, p. 
146; pt. LV, 1871, p. 496.) 

[Report on the additions to the So- 
ciety’s Menagerie in April, 1881.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 626, 627, pl. 
The adult and young of Oryx beisa are figured. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
skin of a Chrysotis from Si. Lucia, West 
Indies. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 627, 628. 

Remarks on Chrysotis versicolor, with notes on 
the distribution of the species of Chrysotis in the 
Lesser Antilles. 

[Remarks upon the Insectarium lately 
opened in the Society’s Gardens. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. §51-656. 

Observations on the building and arrangement 
of the insectarium, together with a report by Mr. 
W. Watkins on the species exhibited therein 
during May, 1881. 

(See also Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1881, p. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1881. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1881, p. 734. 

On the generic divisions of the Buc- 
conide, together with the description of 
a new species of the genus Nonnula. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 775-778. 

A summary of the generic divisions of the 
Bucconide. Seven genera are enumerated, two of 
which, Micromonacha and Hapaloptila, are de- 
scribed as new and illustrated in the text. A 
new species, Nonnula cineracea, is also described. 
The genera recognized are: Bucco, Malacoptila, 
Micromonacha, Nonnula, Hapaloptila, Monacha 
and Chelidoptera. 


ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, 
September, and October, 1881. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 818, 819. 

[Exhibition of a specimen of the Glossy 
Ibis (Plegadis fulcinellus) shot at Dog- 
mersfield Park, Hampshire. } 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 827. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1881.] 
Proce, Zool, Soc. London, 1881, pp. 967, 968. 



[Exhibition of two skins of a Rail from 
Macquarie Island. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1881, p. 968. 

These skins apparently belonged to the species 
described by Captain Hutton as Rallus macqua- 


On an apparently new Parrot of the 
genus Conurus. 
Ibis, 1881, pp. 130, 131, pl. iv. 
Conurus egregius is described and figured. 


Descriptions of some new species of 
South American Birds of the families 
Tyrannide and Formicariide. By P. L. 
Sclater and Osbert Salvin. 

Ibis, 1881, pp. 267-271, pl. ix. 

The genus Tyranneutes and the following spe- 
cies are described as new: Todirostrwn signatum, 
Euscarthmus pelzelni, Tyranneutes brachyurus, 
Myiarchus apicalis, Myrmotherula gutturalis, and 
Terenura spodioptila. The last-mentioned species 
and Terenura humeralis (¢%, 2) are figured. 

On the genus Hylophilus. 
Ibis, 1881, pp. 293-312, pls. x, xi. 

A review of the genus Hylophilus, embracing 
the history of the genus, synopsis of the species 
(19 in number), list of species unknown to the 
author, list of species wrongly referred to the ge- 
nus, and remarks on the geographical distribu- 
tion. Hylophilus luteifrons is described as new, 
and. the following species are figured: H. musci- 
capinus, H. fuscicapillus, H. brunneiceps, and H. 



Remarks on the recently described Par- 

rots of the genus Chrysotis. 
Ibis, 1881, pp. 411-414. 

Remarks on Chrysotis lactifrons, C. campalliata, 
C.apophenica, C. panamensis, C. nichollsi, and 
C. ceeligena. 


On two apparently new Finches of the 
genus Hrythrura, with remarks on other 
known species of the group. 

Ibis, 1881, pp. 543-546, pl. xv. 

Erythrura regia and E. serena* are described 
and figured, and remarks made on the six other 
known species of the genus Lrythrura. 

*(These two species are described under the 

generic name Hrythrospiza, which, as will be 

be seen by the context, 1s a printer’s error.) 

On two new species of Birds discovered 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- | by Mr. E. W. White in the Argentine 
| Republic. 

Ibis, 1881, pp. 599, 600, pl. xvii. 
Poospiza erythrophrys and Synallaxis whitti are 
characterized and figured. 
Characters of a new Puff-bird of the 
genus Nonnula. 
Ibis, 1881, pp. 600, 601. 
Nonnula brunnea is described. 
On the Insect House in the Gardens of 
the Zoological Society of London. 
Rep. Brit, Assoc, Adv, Sci., 1881, pp. 668, 669. 


Notice of the addition to the Zoological Society's 
Gardens of an insectarium, and report on the in- 
sects exhibited therein during the year 1881. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1881. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soe London, 1882, p. 97. 

[Exhibition of (on behalf of Mr. Peter 
Inchbald, F. Z.S.) and remarks upon two 
curious Ducks shot near Darlington. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1882, p. 134. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1882. ] 
Proe. Zool, Soc. London, 1882, pp 283, 234, 
eee and young of Bos frontalis are fig- 
[Exhibition of living examples of Helix 
hamastoma. | 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 286. 
These specimens had been sent from Ceylon. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1882. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 311. 
[Remarks on the use of the term “ Lipo- 
type.” | 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 311, 312. 

Note on the coining of the word ‘‘lipotype ’’ for 
conveniently designating a type of animal life, 
the absence of which is characteristic of a pare 
ticular district or region. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon an 
adult male of Cyanomyitas calestis. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 342. 

The head of Cyanomyias ceelestis, 3, is figured 
in the text. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
skins of two specimens of the Subeylin- 
drical Hornbill ( Buceros subcylindricus). | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 343. 


ety’s Menagerie in March, 1882. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 358. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
drawing of a Tapir living in the Soci- 
ety’s Gardens. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 391, pl. xxiii. 

Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological So- 
ciety of London of a drawing of a Tapir, prob- 
ably referable to Tapirus dowii. T. dowii is tig- 


[Report on the additions to the Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie in April, 1882. ] 
Proe. Zool, Soc. London, 1882, p. 421. 

Lay J 


Note on an Australian Duck living in 
the Society’s Gardens. 
Proc, Zool. Soc, London, 1882, pp. 452-454, pl. 
Notes on, and synonyms and figure, of, Anas 
[Remarks upon the mode of feeding of 
the young Cormorants by the parent 
birds in the Society’s Gardens. ] 
Proce Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 458, 459. 
An illustration of Cormorants feeding their 
young 1s given in the text. ’ 

_ [Exhibition of some Lepidoptera bred 
in the insect house. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 459. 

. 912 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1882. ] y 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 546, 547, pl. 
Porcula salvanic is figured. 

(For figure of young see Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1883, pl. xliii, p. 388.) 

Exhibition of some Lepidoptera, etc., 
reared at the insect house in the Socie- 
ty’s Gardens. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 548. 
A list of the insects reared in the Zoological 
Society's insect house is given. 
Note on Riippell’s Parrot. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 577, 578, pl. 
The two sexes of Peocephalus riippelli are fig- 
ured and remarked upon. 
On two apparently new species of the 
genus Synallaxis. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 578, 579, pl. 
Synallaxis fusco-rufa and S. griseo-murina are 

described and figured. A list of the species of 
Synallaxis described since 1874 is appended. 


Notes on Birds collected in the Argen- 
tine Republic. By E. W. White. With 

[Report on the additions to the Soci- notes by P. L. Sclater. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 591-629. 

Two hundred and one species. accompanied by 
Mr. White's field notes and remarks by Mr. Scla. 
ter, are enumerated. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 37.) 

[Report on the additions to the So- 
ciety’s Menagerie in June, July, August, 

| September, and October, 1882. } 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 630,631, pls. 

xlvi, xlvii. 

Report on the additions to the Zoological So- 

ciety’s Menagerie, with notes on the more remark 

able species. A provisional name, Canis microtis, 

is given toa supposed new species of Dog, which 
is figured, as is also Cyanorhamphus saisseti. 



[Report on the Insects bred in the in- 
sect house in the Society’s Gardens. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 632, 633. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1882. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 719, 720. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon some 
photographs of a new Zebra (Equus 
grevyi). | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 721. 
Equus grevyt is figured in the text. 


Second note on the species of the Ty- 
rannine genus Hirundinea. 
Ibis, 1882, pp. 162-164. * 

Supplementary remarks to a previous commu- 
nication (cf. Ibis, 1869, p. 195) on the species of 
the genus Hirundinea. Amended diagnoses of 
the three species are given. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1882. } 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 1. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1883. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 32. 

Further notes on Tragelaphus gratus. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 34-87, pl. 

Additional remarks on and figures of the male 
and female of Tragelaphus gratus. The head is 
also figured in the text. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 

Supplementary notes on the Birds of 
the Argentine Republic. By E. W. White. 
With remarks by P. L. Sclater. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 37-43, pl. 
Field notes by Mr. White and remarks by Mr. 
Sclater on 384 species not represented in Mr. 
White's former collection. Poospiza whitii is de- 
scribed as new and figured. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 
On Birds collected in the Timor Laut 
or Tenimber group of islands, by Mr. 
Henry O. Forbes. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 48-58, pls. 

A list of 54 species and their localities, with de- 
scriptions of those that are new and notes on 
several others impertectly known. Fifteen new 
species are described, viz, Ninox forbesi, Strix sor- 
orcula, Tanygnathus subafinis, Monarcha castus, 
M. mundus, Rhipidura hamadryas, Myiagra ful- 
viventris, Micreect hemixantha, Graucalus unimo- 
dus, Lalage mosta, Pachycephala arctitorquis, 
Dicewmn fulgidum, Myzomela annabelle, Oalornis 
crassa, and Megapodius tenimberensis. The follow- 
ing species are figured: Ninox forbesi, Monarcha 
caslus, M. mundus, Pachycephala arctitorquis (¢, 
Q), and Oalornis crassa (¢', 2). Remarks on the 


general character of the avifauna of the Tenim- 
ber islands are added. The text is illustrated 
with the upper surface of the bills of Monarcha 
mundus and MM. castus. 

sri also Proe, Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1883. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, pp. 73, 74. 

[Remarks upon a specimen of Macropus 
erubescens in the Gardens of the Zoolog- 
ical and Acclimatization Society, Mel- 
bourne, Australia. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 131. 

[Remarks on a new list of British 
Birds. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 131, 132. 

A note on the B. 0. U. list of British birds, 
with a table showing the results of the exami- 
nation and cataloguing of the British species. 


[Exhibition of a skin of a Crow sent 
to Mr. Sclater for examination by Mr. 
Albert A. C. Le Souéf, C. M. Z. S.] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 144. 

This skin apparently belonged to a variety of 
Oorvus australis. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1883. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 178. 


Additional notes on Birds collected in 
Timor Laut or Tenimber group of islands 
by Mr. Henry O. Forbes. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 194-200, 
pls. xxvi-xxviii. 

A list of 40 species and their localities, with 
descriptions of those that are new and remarks 
on those of special interest. The following new 
species are described: Rhipidura fusco-rufa, R. 
opistherythra, Pachycephala fusco-flava, Zosterops 
griseiventris, Gerygone dorsalis, and Mimeta de- 
cipiens. Figures are given of Helectus riedeli (¢, 
2), Rhipidura fusco-rufa, and Pachycephala fusco- 

jlava(d%,2). A listof the 60 species known to in- 

habit the Tenimber group is appended. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 48.) 

[Exhibition of a skin of a rare Para- 
dise Bird (Rhipidornis gulielmi-tertii).] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 252. 

[Remarks on Radde’s ‘ Internationale 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 252. 
Remarks on and explanation of the use of 
Radde's work on the nomenclature of colours, a 
copy of which had been added to the Zoological 
Society’s library. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1883. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 346. 




; 936 ; 

[List of the species of Lepidopterous 
Insects bred in the Society’s insect 
house, and exhibition of living speci- 
mens of the West Indian Firefly. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, pp, 346, 347. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
selection of Birds from New Britain, New 
Treland, and the Solomon Islands sent to 
Mr. Sclater for examination by the Rey. 
George Brown, C.M.Z.8.] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 347, 348. 

Examples of twelve species of birds were ex- 
hibited to a meeting of the Zoological Society of 
London and remarked upon. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon two 
birds obtained near Lima, Peru, and 
transmitted by Prof. William Nation, 
C.M. Z.S.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 348, 349. 

Exhibition of,to a meeting of the Zoological 
Society of London, and remarks on Buteo abbrevi- 
atusand Polyonymus carol. Buarremon nationi, 
Sel., is pointed out to be identical with Pipilo 
mystacalis, Taez., but the specific name mystacalis 
had been previously used. Nationi is retained. 

{Remarks upon a Condor from Peru 
living in the Society’s Gardens. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 349, pl. xxxv. 

Remarks on and figure of Sarcorhamphus cequa- 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1883. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 388, pl. xliii. 
Poreula salvania, pull., is figured. 
(For figure of adult see Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1882, p. 546, pl. xxxvii.) 
[Report on the additions to the Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie during the months of 
June, July, August, September, and Oc- 
tober, 1883. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 463, 464, 
pls. xlvi, xlvii. 
Report on the additions to the Zoological Soci- 
ety’s collection, with notes on those of special 

interest and figures of Pelecanus trachyrhynchus 
and Babirussa alfurus, young. 


[Remarks upon the opening of the Socie- 
ty’s new reptile house. } 

Proc. Zool. So¢. London, 1883, p. 464. 

The opening of the Zoological Society’s new 
reptile house took place on August 4, 1883. 
The total number of specimens exhibited therein 
on October 1 was 211. 


[Note upon the increase in size and 
weight of the young male African Ele- 
phant purchased July, 1882. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p, 465. 

The weights and dimensions of a young Ele- 
phas africanus, taken in July, 1882, and again on 
October 8, 1883, are given. 

(See also Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 
385; 1881, p. 450.) 



(Exhibition, on behalf of Dr. G. Ben- 
nett, I’. Z. $., and remarks upon some 
skins of a species of Drepanornis from 
southern New Guinea. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 578. 

Mr. Selater here refers these skins to a new 
subspecies of Drepanornis albertisi, and calls it 
D. albertisi cervinicauda. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1883. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 598. 


Descriptions oi five apparently new 

species of South American Passeres. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, pp. 653, 654, 
pl. Lxi. 

The following species are described: Basileute- 
rus fraseri, Calliste cyanopygia, Cnipodectes minor, 
Automolus rubidus, and Anabazenops oleagineus. 
The first-mentioned species is figured. 


On the genera Microbates and Rham- 
phocenus of the family Formicariide. 
Ibis, 1883, pp. 92-96, pl. iii. 
A synopsis of the species of the genera Micro- 
bates and Rhamphocenus. Microbates collaris is 

figured and Rhamphocenus albiventris described 
as a new species. 


Review of the species of the family 

Icteride. Part 1*, Cassicine. 
Ibis, 1883, pp. 145-163, pls. vi, vii. 

dix genera, of which Hucorystes is described as 
new, and 27 species are enumerated. Two of the 
species, Ostinops salmoni and O. oleagineus, are 
described and figured. The text is illustrated. 
The genera treated in Part I are: Clypeicterus, 
Ocyalus, Eucorystes, Ostinops, Cassiculus and Cas- 

*(For Part II, Icterine, see Ibis, 1883, p. 352; 
Pt. III, Agele@ine, Ibis, 1884, p.1; Pt. IV, 
Quiscaline, Ibis, 1884, p. 149.) 

Review of the species of the family 
Icteride. Part II*, Icterine. 
Ibis, 1883, pp. 352-374, pl. xi. 

Thirty-seven species of the subfamily Icterine 
are enumerated, all referred to the single genus 
Icterus. Icterus grace-anne is figured. 

*(For Part I, Cassicine, see Ibis, 1883, p. 145; 
Pt. ITI, Agelewine. Ibis, 1884, p. 1: Pt. LV, 
Quiscalinc, Ibis, 1884, p. 149.) 

The High Springs of 1883. 

Nature, XXVIII, p. 529 (1883) 

Letter on the extraordinary rising of the springs 
in 1883, in several localities in North Hampshire, 
after the excessive rainfall of the winter of 1882. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1883. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1884, p.1. 

[Exhibition of a Night Heron (Nyctico- 
rax griseus) Shot in Plumstead Marshes. ] 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1884, p. 2. 



On the Lesser Koodoo, Strepsiceros im- | 

berbis, of Blyth. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, pp. 45-48, pl. 

Remarks on, synonyms, and figure of Strepsi- 
ceros imberbis, together with the comparative di- 
mensions of its horns and thoseof S. kudu. The 
horns of both species are figured in the text, 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1884. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1884, p.55. — 

[Remarks upon a copy of the lately 
issued ‘‘ Guide to the Calcutta Zoological 
Gardens” and on Rhinoceros lasiotis. } 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, pp. 55, 56. 

An extract from Dr. John Anderson's ‘‘Guideto | 
the Calcutta Zoological Gardens” respecting the 

capture of an example of Rhinoceros lasiotis liv- 
ing in those gardens. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- | 

ty’s Menagerie in February, 1884. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 176, pl. xiv. 
Cercopithecus martini is figured. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon 
specimens of the Eggs of two species of 

Testudinata laid in the Society’s Gar- 

dens. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 206. 

These eggs were laid by the species Testudo 
elephantopus and Chelys matamata. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- | 

ty’s Menagerie in April, 1884. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 251. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1884. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1884,p.389, pl. xxxiii. | 

Sphingurus spinosus is figured. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
Deciduous Knob of the Culmen of the 
Beak of the Rough-billed Pelican (Pele- 
canus trachyrhynchus). | 

Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 410. 


[Remarks upon a very singular habit 
of the Greater Vasa Parrot (Coracopsis 
vasa). | 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 410. 

Remarks on the habit of a specimen of Cora- 
copsis vasa producing from its cloaca a mass of 
dark flesh-coloured substance, and drawing it in 
again after exposing it for several minutes. This 
substance was supposed to be the membranous 
lining of the cloaca blown out during the period 
of sexual excitement. " 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 
562; 1893, p. 435.) 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
| ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, and 
| September, 1884. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, pp. 475, 476, pl. 
xlyv, figs. 2, 3. 
Colius erythromelon is figured. 

_ [Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
skin of a Woolly Cheetah (Felis lanea) 
from South Africa. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1884, p. 476. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 530, 
pl. lv; 1878, p. 655.) 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in October, 1884. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1884, p. 530, pl. xlv, 
fig. 1. 
Colius nigricollis is figured. 


| 965 

_ On some Mammals from Somaliland. 

| Proe. Zoot. Soc. London, 1884, pp. 538-542, pls. 

| xlix, 1. 

| Notes on five species of mammals. Equus asi- 
nus somalicus* is described as a new subspecies 

| and figured. Gazella wallerit and Equus asinus 

| africanus ave also figured. 

*(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, p. 
| 195.) 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
| ty’s Menagerie in November, 1884. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, pp. 561, 562. 

| 967 
[Remarks upon the death of a Greater 
Vasa Parrot (Coracopsis vasa) which had 
passed fifty-four years in the Society’s 
Menagerie. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 562. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, Dp. 
410; 1893, p. 435.) 

| 968 

A review of the species of the family 
Icterida. Part IlI*, Agelwine. 
Ibis, 1884, pp. 1-27, pl. i. 

Of the subfamily Ageleine 38 species are enu- 
merated and referred to 13 genera. Subspecific 
names are applied to 4 lecal varieties of Stwrnella 
ludoviciana, viz, Sturnella ludoviciana neglecta, 
S. ludov. hippocrepis, S. ludov. mexicana, and 
S. tudor. meridionalis. Ageleus cyanopus is fig- 
ured. The genera included in Part II are Doli- 
chonyx, Molothrus, Cyrtoles, Ageleus, Xanthoce- 
phalus, Xanthosomus, Amblyrhamphus, Gymno- 
mystax, Pseudoleistes, Curceus, Leistes, Trupialis 
and Sturnella. 

*(For Part I, Cassicine, see Ibis. 1883, p. 145; 
Pt. Il, Icterine, Ibis, 1883, p. 352; Pt. 1V, 
Quiscaline, Ibis, 1884, p. 149.) 

A review of the species of the family 
Icteride. Part 1V*, Quiscaline. 
This, 1884, pp. 149-167, pl. v. 

Eight genera, embracing 25 species, are referred 
| to the subfamil y Quiscaline. Quiscalus graysont 
' is described as new, and Q. tenuirostris figured. 



The genera treated of are: Lampropsar, Scole- 
cophagus, Dives, Quiscalus, Maerageleus, Hypo- 
pyrrhus, Aphobus and Cassidix. 

«(For Part I, Cassicine, see Ibis, 1883, p. 145: 
Pt. II, Ictertne, Zbis, 1883, p.352; Pt. IIT, 
Ageleine, Ibis, 1884, p.1.) 
Remarks on two rare American Oscines. 
Ibis, 1884, pp. 240, 241, pl. vil. 
Remarks on Idiopsar brachyurus and Acanthi 
dops bairdi. The former species is figured. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1884, and 
description of a new species of Cervulus.] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 1. 2, pli. 
Cervulus erinifrons is described and figured. 
The head is also figured in the text. 
[Remarks on the breeding of the Chi- 
nese Blue Magpie (Cyanopolius cyanus) in 
the Society’s Gardens in 1884. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 2, 3. 

[Exhibition of a rare South American 
Lizard (Heterodactylus imbricatus) pre- 
sented to the Society by Mr. G. Lennon 
Hunt. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 63. 

[Exhibition of a Beetle of the family 
Buprestide, transmitted to the Society 
by Mr. B. F. Ffinch.] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 63, 64. 

Julodis finchi is remarked upon and figured in 
the text. 

[Exhibition of Lepidopterous Insects 
bred in the insect house during the past 
season, and report on the insect house. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 65, 66. 

A list of the insects exhibited in the Zoological 
Suulety's insectarium,and remarks upon some of 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1885. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 168. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1885. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 245, 246. 
A list of the species of Pelicans living in the 
Zoological Society's Gardens is given. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
curious Duck shot in Yorkshire. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 246. 

This bird was apparently a variety of Fuligula 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menageriéin March, 1885.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 322. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
pair of Pheasants from northern Afghan- 
istan, belonging to H. R. H. the Prince 
of Wales. ] 
Proce, Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 322-324, pl. 
Phasianus principalis is characterized, figured, 
and remarked upon. 

fExhibition of and remarks upon some 
Eggs of Darwin’s Rhea. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 324-327. 
Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological So- 
ciety of London of some eggs of Rhea darwinii, 
and an extract of a letter from MG. Claraz con- 
cerning them. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1885. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 421. 

[Remarks upon the Colies nuw or 
lately living in the Society’s Gardens. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 542. 
A list of the species of Oolius represented in 
the Zoological Society's collection is given. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1885. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 609. 

Description of a new species of Icterus. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 671. 
Teterus hauvawwelli is described. 

Note on Lemur macaco and the way in 
which it carries its young. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1885, pp. 672, 673. 
An illustration of the female of Lemur macaco 
carrying its young, with remarks. 
[Report on the additions to the Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie in June, July, August, 
and September, 1885. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 717, 718. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
Skull ofan American Tapir. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 718. 
Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- 
ety of London of a skull of a Tapir, which had 
been described as Zapirus roulini, but which, as 
evidenced by an examination of the skull, was 
only a dark variety of 7. americanus. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in October, 1885. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 833. 

[Remarks upon a Newt (Molge vittata) 
and its distribution. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 834, 835. 

62 BULLETIN 49, 

Characters of an apparently new species 
of Tanager of the genus Calliste. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 849, 850. 
Calliste gouldi is characterized. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1885. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 851. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon an 
African Hornbill and other birds belong- 
ing to Mr. H. Whitely. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 851. 

Exhibition to the Zoological Society of London 
of several bird skins belonging to Mr. H. Whitely. 
and remarks on the species Buceros casuarinus, 
which is supposed to have been founded on a 
young specimen of B. cylindricus. 

On the Muscicapine genus Chasiempis. 
Ibis, 1885, pp. 17-19, pl. i. 
Remarks on, and figures of, the male and female 
of Chasiempis sandwichensis. 
On some little-known species of Tana- 
Tbis, 1885, pp. 271-275, pl. vi. 

Notes on nine species of Tanagers. Nesospin- 
gus is proposed as a new generic name for the 
reception of Chlorospingus speculiferus, Lawr., 
and Lanio lawrencii is described as a new species 
and figured. Tachyphonusnatterertis also tigured. 
Nesospingus speculiferus is illustrated in the text. 

“Furculum ” or ‘ Furcula.” 
Nature, XXXII, p. 466 (1885). 
Letter on the correct term to be employed as 
an equivalent of the os furculatorium ot birds, 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1885. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, pp. 1, 2. 
[Exhibition of Lepidopterous Insects 
bred in the insect house during the past 
season. } 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, pp. 2-4. 
Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological So- 
ciety of London, of a series of specimens of Lep- 
idoptera bred in the Society’s insect house, to- 
gether with a listof the species exhibited therein, 
with remarks. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1886. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, pp. 124, 125. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
specimen of a newly described Paradise 
Bird (Paradisornis rudolphi).} 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1886, p. 125. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1886. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 137. 


Note on the external characters of 
Rhinoceros simus. 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, pp. 143, 144, 
pl. xvi. 
The distinctive features of Rhinoceros simus 

and R. bicornis are pointed out. The heads of the 
two species are figured. 

*[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1886. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 176. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
heads and horns of two species of Ante- 
lopes from Lamoo, East Africa (Strepsi- 
ceros imberbis and Damalis senegalensis). ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 176. 

[Report on the additions to the Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie in April, 1886. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 266. 

Remarks on the various species of Wild 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, pp. 314-318, 
pls. XXxi, xxxii. 

Remarks on 10 species of the genus Capra. O. 
egagrus and C. sinaitica are figured. 
(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1886. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 318. 

{Remarks on interesting animals ob- 
served during a visit to the Zoological 
Gardens of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Co- 
logne, Antwerp, and Ghent. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 320. 


(Exhibition, on behalf of Mr. J. Bra- 
zier, C. M. Z. S., of a series of 55 eggs 
laid by a Pacific Porphyrio. ] 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 330. 

A specimen of this bird—Porphyrio vitiensis— 
was captured at Maré, Loyalty Islands, in 1873, 
and was kept in captivity till 1882, during which 
period she laid 491 eggs. 


List of a collection of Birds from the 
Province of Tarapaca, northern Chili. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1886, pp. 395-404, 
pl. xxxvi. 

Fifty-three species are enumerated and re- 
marked upon. Pheenicopterus jamesi is described 
as a new species and figured. A map, showing 
the localities where the collection was made, is 
given. The bills of P. jamesi and P. andinus are 
figured in the text. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p- 


[Report on the additions to the Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie in June, July, August, 
September, and October, 1886. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, pp. 417, 418. 


On two species of Antelopes from So- 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886. pp. 504, 505. 
pl. li. 
Remarks on Gazella naso, n. sp., and Neotragus 
kivki. The head of the former species is tigured. 
On an apparently new Parrot of the 
genus Conurus living in the Society’s 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, pp. 538, 539, 
pl. lvi. 
Conurus rubritorquis is described and figured 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1886. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 549. 

On the Claws and Spurs of Birds’ 
Tbis, 1886, pp. 147-151, 300-301. 

Remarks on and illustrations of the spurs and 
claws on the wings of Gypagus papa, Chauna 
derbiana, Plectropterus gambensis, and Parra 

Description of a new Ground Finch 
from western Peru. 
Ibis, 1886, pp. 258, 259, pl. viii. 
Hemophila pulchra is described and figured. 
[Report on the addition to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1886. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1887, pp. 1, 2. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
specimen of a rare Parrot. (Chrysotis 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 2. 

_ Characters of new species of Birds of 
the family Tyrannide. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, pp. 47-50, pl. 

The following species are characterized and 
remarked upon: Tenioptera holospodia, Buscarth- 
mus apicalis, Pogonotriccus qualaquize, Leptopo- 
gon godmani, L. oustaleti, Phyllomyias berlepsehi, 
Flainea hypospodia, E. flavivertex, Myiobius subo- 
chraceus, and Hmpidonaxz ridgwayt. Huscarthus 
apicalis and Leptopogon oustaleti are figured. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 

ty’s Menagerie in January, 1887. ] 

Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1887, pp. 138, 139. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1887. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 319. 


[Report on the additions to the Saci- 
ety’s Menagerie in March, 1887.] 

Proce, Zool, Soc. London, 1887, p. 340. 


[Extracts from a letter addressed to 
Mr. Sclater by Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, C. 
M. Z.S., respecting the killing and eat- 
ing, by a Mouse, of a young venomous 
Snake. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, pp. 340-342. 

The Mouse was a specimen of Dendromys mel- 
anotis, and the snake Sepedon heemachates. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a set 
of eleven photographs, representing ob- 
jects of Natural History, collected by 
General Prejevalski in Central Asia. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 362. 

These photographs represented objects of Gen- 
eral Prejevalski’s collection, as arranged for ex- 
hibition in the Museum of the Imperial Academy 
of St. Petersburg. They had been presented to 
the Library of the Zoological Society of London, 
where they are now located. « 

[Extract from a letter addressed to Mr. 
Selater by Mr. Albert A. C. Le Souef, C. 
M. Z.S8., containing remarks upon some 
living Duckbills (Ornithorhynchus para- 
doxus) in confinement at Melbourne. } 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 363. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1887. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1887, p. 396. 
[Extracts from a letter addressed to 
Mr. Sclater by Mr. Roland Trimen, F. Z. 
S., respecting the obtaining of a second 
example of Laniarius atrocroceus. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, pp. 396, 397. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1887. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 482. 


[Remarks upon specimens of two spe- 
cies of North American Foxes living in 
the Society’s Gardens. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 482. 

Remarks on specimens of Canis velox and OQ. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
Skin of a White-nosed Monkey ( Cercopi- 
thecus ascanias ?). | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 502. 

This monkey was obtained in eastern Equa- 
torial Africa and is here doubtfully referred to 
C. ascanias. 

f PAG 
{Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
specimen of a Pheasant from northern 
Afghanistan (Phasianus principalis). | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p, 602. 
Note on the Wild Goats of the Cauca- 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, pp. 552, 553. 


Remarks on Capra caucasica and C. pallasi, 
and an extract from a communication from Dr. 
G. Radde concerning them The two species are 
shown to be distinct, and the author points out 
that he was in error in uniting them in a former 
paper. (cf. Proc. Zool Soc, London, 1886, p. 314). 

{Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, 
September, and October, 1887. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, pp. 558, 559. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1887. } 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 638. 


[Extract of a letter from Dr. Burmeis- 
ter, F.M.Z.S8., and remarks on a sup- 
posed new Humming Bird (Chetocercus 
burmeisteri). | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, pp. 638, 639. 

Mr. Sclater proposes the name Oheetocercus bur- 
meisteri for the species characterized in Dr. Bur- 
meister’s letter. 

On Empidonaz brunneus and its allied 
Ibis, 1887, pp. 64-66. 

Observations on Empidonax brunneus (which 
is referred to E. bimaculatus, d’Orb. et Lafr.), 
E. oliva, Empidochanes fringillaris, EB. fuscatus, 
and #. oliva aut vireoninus (referred to E. aren- 


Remarks on the species of the genus 

Ibis, 1887, pp. 320-324, pl. x. 

An arrangement of the species (10 in number) 
of the genus OCyclorhis, with remarks upon them. 
Cyclorhis atrirostris is described as new and fig- 


[Report on the additions to the So- 
ciety’s Menagerie in December, 1887, and 
list of specimens of the genus Canis. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1888, pp. 1, 2. 

A list of the specimens (36 in number) of the 

enus Canis living in the Zoological Society’s 
Gardens is given. 


{Report on the additions to the Socie- 

ty’s Menagerie in January. 1888..] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1888, p. 87. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1888. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1888, p. 140. 

[Exhibition on behalf of Lieut. Col. 
H. M. Drummond-Hay, C. M. Z.S., of a 
specimen of the Desert Wheatear (Sazi- 
cola desert) killed in Scotland. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1888, p. 140. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1888. ] 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1888, p. 219, 


; 1043 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1888. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1888, p. 265. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1888 ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1888, p. 291. 

[Exhibition on the part of Mr. F. M. 
Campbell, F. Z. 8., of a pair of Pallas’s 
Sand Grouse, and remarks on the numer- 
ous recent occurrences of this bird in 
western Europe. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1888, p. 291. 

[Exhibition, on behalf of Prof. R. Col- 
lett, C. M. Z.S., of a nest, eggs, and two 
young ones in down of the Ivory Gull 
(Larus eburneus).] 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1888, pp. 291, 292. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, 
September, and October, 1888. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1888, p. 413. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 

ty’s Menagerie in November, 1888. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1888, p. 564. 

Notes on the Emperor Penguin (Apteno- 
dytes forsteri). 

Ibis, 1888, pp. 325-334. 

The history and synonymy of A ptenodytes for- 
steri. ‘The differences in coloration and structure 
between this species and A. pennanti are pointed 
out. The upper surface of the skull and the 
sterna of both species are figured in the text. 

Electric Fishes in the River Uruguay. 
Nature, XX XVIII, p. 148 (1888). 
Letter on the occurrence of an electric eel 
(Gymnotus) in the Rio Uruguay. 
The ‘‘Tamaron” of the Philippine 
Nature, XX XVIII, pp. 363, 364 (1888). 

Letter on the discovery in the Philippine 
Islands, by Prof. J. B. Steere, of a new species of 
Anoa—Anoa mindorensis. 

The Barbary Ape in Algeria. 
Nature, XX XIX, p. 30 (1888). 
Letter on bis having seen wild specimens of the 
Barbary ape in Algeria. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1888. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 1. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1889.] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 26. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
living specimen of the Thick-billed Lark 
(Rhamphocorys clot-beyi). | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, pp. 26, 27. 
On some new species and genera of 
Birds of the family Dendrocolaptide. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, pp. 32-34. 

Two new generic terms, Limnophyes and Hy- 
lexetastes, are proposed for the reception of Lim- 
nornis curvirostris and Dendrocolaptes perroti, 
respectively, and the following new species are 
described: Upucerthia bridgesi, Phacellodomus 
rujipennis, Thripophaga fusciceps, Philydor cer- 
vicalis, and Picolaptes parvirostris. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
series of specimens of the eggs and chicks 
of the Hoatzin ( Opisthocomus cristatus). | 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1889, p. 57. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon some 
heads and skins of a new Antelope ob- 
tained by Mr. H.C. V. Hunter, F. Z.8., in 
northeastern Africa. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, pp. 58, 59. 

The heads and skins of anew species of ante- 
lope, proposed to be called Damalis hunteri, were 
exhibited to a meeting of the Zoological Society 
of London, and remarked upon. ‘The head is fig- 
ured in the text. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1889. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 85. 
[Remarks upon the collections of Fishes 

made at Constantinople by Dr. E. D. - 

Dickson, C. M. Z. S.] 
Poe. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 135. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1889. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, pp. 160, 161. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon a pair 
ot Buprestine Beetles (Julodis ffinchi) ob- 
tained by Mr. B. T. Ftinch, near Karachi. ] 
Proc, Zool, Soc, London, 1889, p. 219. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
specimen of the Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpa 

vulgaris) found at Bagdad and trans- 
mitted by Mrs. Talbot. | 

Proe, Zool, Soc. London, 1889, p. 219. 

[Remarks on interesting animals ob- 
served during a visit to the Zoological 
Gardens of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and 
Antwerp. | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, pp. 219, 220. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1889. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 246. 

415—No, 49——5 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
living specimen of an albino variety of 
the Cape Mole Rat. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London,1889, pp. 246, 247. 
[Exhibition. of and remarks upon a 
mummy of a Falcon obtained at Thebes, 
in Egypt. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 262. 

Apparently a2 mummified specimen of Zinnun- 
culus alaugarius. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
series of Photographs taken at Antipodes 
Island. | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 262. 

These photographs represented groups of ma- 
rine birds and sea lions which frequent Antipodes 
Island for breeding purposes. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
Leaf Insect (Phyllium gelonus) living in 
the Society’s insect house. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 262. 

An illustration of Phylliwm gelonus (immature) 
is given. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1889. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 316. 

List of Birds collected by Mr. Ramage 
in Dominica, West Indies. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, pp. 326, 327. 

A list of 30 species, with general remarks on 
the avifauna of Dominica. 

Description of Hunter’s Antelope. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pp. 372-377, 
pl. xlii. 

Damaltis hunteri is characterized and figured, 
and remarks made on a series of horns and skins 
of this animal. The text is illustrated with fig- 
ures of the head, skull and horns, of the male 
and female. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, and 
September, 1889. ] 

Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1889, pp. 393, 394. 
List of Birds collected by Mr. Ramage 
in St. Lucia, West Indies. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pp. 394, 395. 

A list of 30 species, with general notes on the 
ornithology of St. Lucia. 

_ 1075 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in October, 1889. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, pp. 447, 448. 
[Exhibition of a Skin of an albino va- 
riety of the Cape Mole Rat (Georychus 
capensis). | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 449. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1889. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 586. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon an 
Egg of the Crested Screamer (Chauna 
chavaria). | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, pp. 586, 587. 

Notes on some recently descriked spe- 
cies of Dendrocolaptide. 

Ibis, 1889, pp. 350-354, pl. xi. 

Notes on Berlepschia rikeri, Phacellodomus 
inornatus, Dendrornis punctigula, Ridgw. MS., 
D lawrencii, D. lawr. costaricensis, Picolaptes 
gracilis, Dendrocinela rufo-olivacea, D. castanop- 
tera, Dendrocolaptes obsoletus, and Sclerurus cant- 
gularis. Berlepschia rikeri is figured. 


The Rabbit Pest. 

Nature, XX XIX, pp. 493, 494 (1889). 

Note on the plan advocated by Mr. W. Rodier, 
of New South Wales, for the extermination of 
rabbits in Australia. 

‘‘La Pietra Papale.” 
Nature, XLI, pp. 30,31 (1889). 

A description of an enormous granite boulder, 
near Stresa, in Italy. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1889. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 1. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
hybrid Duck. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, pp. 1, 2, pl. i. 

Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological So- 
ciety of London of a hybrid between Tadorna 
casarca and Querquedula falcata. The bird is 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1890. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 44. 

On a Guinea Fowl from the Zambesi, 
allied to Numida cristata. 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, pp. 86, 87, pl. 
Remarks on and figure of an undetermined 
species of Nwmida from the Zambesi. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1890. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 94. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon some 
Mammals obtained in the Upper Magda- 
lene Valley of Colombia by Mr. R. B. 
White, C.M. Z. 8.] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 98. 

Examples of four species of mammals, determ- | 

ined by Mr. Oldfield Thomas, were exhibited to 
a meeting of the Zoological Society of London 
and remarked upon. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1890. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 147, pl. xv. 
Hypocolius ampelinus is figured. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1890. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1890, p. 354. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
Head of an Antelope ( Damalis senegalensis) 
from East Africa. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, pp. 354-357. 
The head and skull of Damalis senegalensis are 
figured in the text, and remarks made upon the 
animal. <A list of its synonyms is given. 
On a new Toucan of the genus Piero- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 403. 
Pteroglossus didymus is characterized. 
[Report on the additions to the’ Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1890. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1890, pp. 411, 412. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon two 
young specimens of Darwin’s Rhea (hea 
darwini) from the Province of Tarapaca. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 412. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
Flat Skin of a Zebra received from Ber- 
bera, northern Somaliland. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1890, pp. 412-414. 

The skins of Equus grevyi and FE. burchglli are 
figured in the text. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
Mounted Head of a rare Antelope (py- 
ceros peterst). | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, pp. 460, 461. 
A figure of the head is given in the text. 
[Exhibition of a photograph of Gré- 
vy’s Zebra. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 461. 

This photograph of Equus grevyi was taken 
by Mr. Gambier Bolton from the type specimen 
in the Paris Museum. 


[Remarks upon a map transmitted by 
M. P. A. Pichot, C. M. Z. S., showing the 
exact locality in which the Beaver is now 
found in the Delta of the Rhone. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 463. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, 

| September, and October, 1890. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1890, pp. 589, 590, 
pls. xlvii, xlviii. 
Tragelaphus spekii and Colobus ferrugineus are 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1890. ] 
Proc Zool. Soc. London, 1890, pp. 646, 647. 

Remarks on the fifth cubital remex of 

the wing in the Carinate. 
Ibis, 1890, pp. 77-83 

Observations on the presence or absence of the 
fifth cubital remex in the wing of the various 
orders of the Carinate birds The distal cubital 
remiges, with t! eir attached tectrices majores, of 
Phasianus coichicus and Aquila chrysaetos are fig- 
ured in the text. 


On the Range of the Guachero (Steator- 

nis caripensis) in South America. 
Ibis, 1890, pp. 335-339. 

A history of the occurrences of Steatornis cari- 
pensis 1D various localities in South America, 
with a list of the principal references to this spe- 


On some Birds of the Argentine Re- 
public. By A. H. Holland. With notes 
by P. L. Sclater. 

Ibis, 1890, pp. 424-428. 
A nominal list of 65 species, accompanied by 

Mr. Holland's field notes and remarks by Mr. 
Sclater on some of the more interesting species. 

(See also Ibis, 1891, p. 16.) 
African Monkeys in the West Indies. 
Nviture XLI, pp. 368, 369 (1890). 

Letter on the occurrence of Cercopithecus calli- 
trichus in the West Indies. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 
79; Nature, X XI, p.153,1879.) . 
The White Rhinoceros. 
Nature, XLII, pp. 520, 521 (1890). 

Remarks on Rhinoceros simus, which is shown 
to differ in many respects from R. bicornis. The 
heads of the two species are figured. 

The New Australian Mammal. 
Nature, XLII, p. 645 (1890). 

Notes on the curious new mammal discovered 
in Central Australia by Dr. E. C. Stirling. 

(See also Nature, XLIV, p. 449,1891.) 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1890.]_ - 
Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1891, p. 1. 
{Exhibition of and remarks upon some 
sketches made by Lieut. W. E. Stairs, 
R. E., of the horns of a large Antelope 
apparently unknown to science. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, pp. 1-3. 
The horn is figured in the text. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon spec- 
imens of three species of Purple Water 
Hens (Porphyrio poliocephalus, P. ceru- 
leus, and P. smaragdonotus). | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, pp. 47, 48. 

{Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1891. 
Ae f=) Ys 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 121. 


On a second collection of Birds from 

the Province of Tarapaca, northern Chili. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, pp. 131-137, 
pl. xiii. 

An annotated list of 53 species, of which Phry- 
gilus coracimus is described as new and figured. 
A map of the vicinity of Tarapaca is given. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1891. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 179. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
specimen of Macgregor’s Paradise Bird 
(Cnemophilus macgregori). | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 179. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon two 
specimens of the Horns of an Antelope 
from Somaliland. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 197. 

These horns undoubtedly belonged to the spe- 
cies of antelope which had been recently de- 
scribed by Mr. Thomas as Cervicapra clarkei. 

1114 1 

[Exhibition of skins of the Ounce (Fe- 
lis uncia) and remarks upon its geo- 
graphical distribution. ] 

Proe Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 197. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1891.] 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1891, p. 212. 
{Remarks upon the breeding of Trage- 
laphus gratus in the Gardens of the Zoo- 
logical Society of Amsterdam. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 213. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1891. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 301. 
[General remarks upon the Fauna of 
British Central Africa. ] 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, pp. 301-305. 

A summary of the state of knowledge of the 
fauna of British Central Africa, and a list of the 
literature relating thereto. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1891.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 326. 
[Remarks on interesting animals ob- 
served during a visit to the Zoological 




Gardens of Paris, Ghent, Antwerp, Rot- 
terdam, Amsterdam, and The Hague. ] 

Proc Zool, Soc. London, 1891epp. 326, 327. 

[Remarks on the Sea Eagles, referred 
to Haliaétus pelagicus, living in the Ham- 
burg Zoological Gardens. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 374. 

One of these specimens having been incorrectly 
determined, as pointed out in a communication 
from Dr. Bolan, Mr. Sclater refers it to Haliaétus 
branickii, Tacz. 


{Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, and 
September, 1891.] 

Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1891, pp. 464, 465. 

é 1123 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in October, 1891. ] 
: Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 486. 

f 1124 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
specimen of a Shearwater (Puffinus ga- 
via) from Australia. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 627. 

Further notes on the Birds of the Ar- 
gentine Republic. By A. H. Holland. 
With remarks by P. L. Sclater. 
Ibis, 1891, pp. 16-20. 

A list of 46 species, accompanied b 
land’s field notes and remarks by Mr. 

(See also Ibis, 1890, p. 424.) 

Mr. Hol- 

The Spotted-billed Pelican (Pelecanus 
Tbis, 1891, pp. 151, 152. 
Note on the most likely locality in India to pro- 
cure specimens of Pelecanus manillensis. 
Remarks on Macgregor’s Paradise Bird 
(Cnemophilus macgregori). 
Ibis, 1891, pp. 414, 415, pl. x. 

Onemophilus macgregoriis figured and remarked 

On recent advances in our knowledge 
of the Geographical Distribution of Birds. 
Ibis, 1891, pp. 514-557. 
A reprint, with slight modifications, of an ad- 
dress delivered to the Second International Orni- 
thological Congress, at Budapest, in May. 1891, 

being a review of the principal additions to the 
literature of geographical ornithology since 1875. 

Porpoises in the Victoria Nyanza. 
Nature, XLIV, p. 124 (1891). 

Letter on the improbability of Porpoises oceur- 
by Dy n Lake Victoria Nyanza, as had been asserted 
r. Carl Peters. 

The new Australian Marsupial Mole, 
Notoryctes typhlops. 
Nature, XLIV, p. 449 (1891). 


Remarks on Notoryctes typhlops, with an ex- 
tract of a letter from Dr. E. C. Stirling, contain- 
ing notes on its habits and habitat. 

(See also Nature, XLII, p. 645, 1890.) 
; 1131 
The Bird collections in the Oxford Uni- 
versity Museum. 
Nature, XLIV, p.518 (1891). 

Letter on the condition of the collections of 
birds in the Oxford University Museum, and sug- 
gestions for their arrangement. 

(See also Ibis, 1892, p. 186; 1893, p. 156.) 

Opportunity for a Naturalist. 
Nature. XLV, pp. 174, 269 (1891-92). 

Letters on an opportunity for a naturalist to 
visit Argentina for the purpose of collecting 
bird skins. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November and Decem- 
ber, 1891.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, pp. 1, 2. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1892. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, p. 76. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
Egg and Young of the Partridge Bronze- 
wing Pigeon (Geophaps scripta). | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, pp. 76, 77. 
Critical remarks on Dr. Sharpe’s proposal to 
alter the systematic position of the Geophabes. 

On a small collection of Mammals 
brought by Mr. A. Sharpe from Nyassa- 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, pp. 97, 98. 

Notes on eight species of mammals. 


On a new Antelope from Somaliland 
and on some other specimens of Antelopes 
from the same country. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1892, pp. 98-102, pl. v. 

Bubalis swaynei is described and its head fig- 
ured. Ten other species of antelopes from Somali- 
land are enumerated and remarked upon. The 
head and neck of Lithocranius walleri, and the 
skull and horns of Bubalis swaynei, are figured in 
the text. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, pp. 
117, 257.) 

[Exhibition of, and remarks upon, some 
‘«Spinning ” or cd Japanese” Mice. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, p. 117. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
series of Mounted Heads of Antelopes be- 
longing to Captain Swayne, including one 
of Bubalis swaynei. } 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, pp. 117, 118. 

These heads belonged to eight different species. 
A list of the species of Somaliland antelopes (12 
in number), with their native names, is given. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, pp. 
98, 257.) 




[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1892. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc, London, 1892, p. 174. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
Skin of the Wild Ass of Somaliland 
(Equus asinus somalicus). | 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, p. 195. 
(Seealso Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, 0.538.) 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1892, and list of 
Giraffes that have lived in the Society’s 
Gardens. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, pp. 256, 257. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon two 
mounted heads of Swayne’s Antelope 
(Bubalis swaynet). ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, pp. 257, 258. 

(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, pp. 
98, 117.) 

* 1144 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1892. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, p. 299. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
nearly perfect Egg of pyornis medius. 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1892, p. 299. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1892. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, pp. 470, 471. 

The male and female of Hypocolius ampelinus 
are figured in the text. 

[Remarks on interesting animals ob- 

Gardens of Rotterdam, The Hague, Am- 
sterdam, and Antwerp. | 
Proc, Zool, Soc, London, 1892, pp. 471, 472. 


[Remarks upon the habits of a South | 

African Snake (Dasypeltis scabra).] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, p, 476. 
{Extracts from a letter from Mr. H. H. 
Johnston, announcing the dispatch of 
specimens from the Shiré Highlands. } 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1892, p. 477. 


On acollection of Birds from the Island 
of Anguilla, West Indies. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, pp. 498-500. 
A list of 16 species, with remarks upon them. 
{Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, and 
September, 1892. ] 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1892, p. 541. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in October, 1892, and de- 
scription of a new Monkey of the genus 
Cercopithecus. | 

Eyes: Zool. Soc. London, 1892, pp. 579-581, pl. 

Cercopithecus stairsi is described and figured. 


[Exhibition of, on behalf of Thomas 
Ground, and remarks upon a specimen of 
the Siberian Pectoral Sandpiper, shot on 
Breydon mudflats, Norfolk. } 

Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1892, p. 581. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1892. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, p. 594, 


The Bird Collections in the Oxford Uni- 
versity Museum. ] 

Ibis, 1892, pp. 186, 187, 
Remarks on the condition of the bird collec- 

| tions in the Oxford University Museum, and sug- 
gestions for properly arranging them. 

(See also Nature, XLIV, p. 518 (1891) ; bis, 
1893, p. 156.) 


On the Avifauna of the Lower Pilco- 
mayo. By J. Graham Kerr. With notes 
by the editor [P. L. Sclater]. 

Ibis, 1892, pp. 120-152, pl. iii. 

A list of 174 species, accompanied by Mr. Gra- 
ee Kerr's field notes and remarks by Mr. 

Note on Calliste margarethe. 
This, 1892, p. 351. 
Note on the probable identity of Mr. Allen’s 

| newly described Calliste margarethe and Vieil- 
| lot’s Tanagra formosa. 

served during a visit to the Zoological | 


Remarks on the correct generic name 
of the Linnets. 

Ibis, 1892, pp. 555-557. 

Remarks showing that Cannabina should be 
adopted as the generic name forthe Linnets. The 
synonyms of the genus are given. 

[Exhibition of, to a meeting of the 
British Ornithologists’ Club, and re- 
marks upon a specimen of Paramythia 
montium. | 
Bull. British Orn. Olub, I, pp. xvi, xvii 

The Antelopes of Somaliland. 

Natural Science, I, pp. 255-265 (1892). 

An illustrated résumé of the antelopes of 
Somaliland. Twelve species known to inhabit 
that country are enumerated. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1892.] 
Proce. Zool, Soc. London, 1893, p. 1. 


Remarks on a rare Argentine Bird, 
Xenopsaris albinucha. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 166-168, pl. 
Vil. FY 
Xenopsaris albinucha (Burm.) is characterized, 
figured, and remarked upon. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1893. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 168. 


[Exhibition of and remarks on behalf 
of Mr. R. M. Barrington upon an example 
of the Antarctic Sheathbill (Chionis alba) 
killed on the coast of Ireland. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 178. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1893. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 237. 

On anew African Monkey of the genus 
Cercopithecus, with a list of the known 



Additional notes on the Monkeys of 
the genus Cercopithecus. 

Proce. Zool, Soc. London, 1893, pp. 441-444, pl. 

Supplementary notes to a former communica- 
tion (cf. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 243), con- 
taining remarks on Cercopithecus bourtourlinii and 
C. brazze. The former species is figured in the 
text, the latter on a plate. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1893. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 505, pl. 

The femaleand young of Cobus ellipsiprymnus 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon some 
Skins of Mammals obtained in the Shiré 
Highlands, British Central African Pro- 
tectorate. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 506, 507. 

Remarks on the skins of eight species of mam- 
mals from the Shiré Highlands, which were ex- 
hibited to a meeting of the Zoological Society of 


On some Horns belonging, apparently, 

| are figured. 

_ to a new form of African Rhinoceros. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 243-258, pls. 

Xvi, Xvii. 

A review of the species of the genus Cerco- | 

pithecus. Thirty-one species known and 15 not 
known to the author are enumerated. Cerco- 
pithecus schmidti and C. moloneyi are figured. the 
latter of which is described 1s anew species. The 
head of C. brazze@ is figured in the text. 

(See also Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1893, p. 441). 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- | 

ty’s Menagerie in March, 1893. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1893, p. 525. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
Skin of a variety of the Pig-tailed Mon- 
key (Macucus nemestrinus. ) | 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 325. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1893. ] 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1893, p. 435 


Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 514-517. 

The dimensions and wood-cut illustrations are 
given of two remarkable horns of a species of 
Rhinoceros from Udulia, near Speke Gulf, East 
Africa, to which the provisional name Rhinoceros 
bicornis holnvwoodi is applied. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon two 
Eges of the Cape Coly (Colius capensis) 
laid in the Society’s Gardens. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 528, 529. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, and 

| September, 1893.] 

[Remarks on the protrusion of a fleshy | 

mass from the cloaca occasionally exhib- 
ited by the Greater Vasa Parrot. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 435. 

This habit of the female Coracopsis vasa, pre- 

sumably due to sexual excitement, had been | 

previously noticed on two occasions (ef. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1884, pp. 410, 562). 

[List of the dates of receipt from the 
printers of the sheets of the Society’s 
“Proceedings” from 1831 to 1859, inclu- 
Sive. | 
Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 485-440. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 612, 613. 
[Remarks on the Zoological Gardens 
of Stuttgart, Frankfort, and Cologne. } 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1893, p. 613. 


[Remarks upon the breeding of Mon- 
keys during the last ten years in the 
Society’s Gardens. | 

Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond on, 1893, pp. 615, 616. 

A list of the species of the genera Macacus and 
Cercopithecus that have bred during the last ten 
years in the Zoological Society’s Menagerie, with 
an illustration of a female Cercopithecus lalandit, 
and its young in the act of sucking its two teats 
at once. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in October, 1893.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 691. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 

mounted specimen of Cercopithecus albi- 
gularis from the Leyden Museum. ] 
Proce. Zool, Soc, London, 1893, p, 691. 


Note on the strange fact that Cercopithecus al- 
bigularis should inhabit both East and West 


On some specimens of Mammals from 
Lake Mweru, British Central Africa, 
transmitted by Vice-Consul Alfred 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 723-729. 

An extract from Mr. Sharpe’s letter containing 
an account of the animals met with by him dur- 
ing his journey from the north end of Lake Nyassa 
to Lake Mweru and the Luapula, with a list of 
and remarks upon 17 species of mammals, of 
which Cercopithecus opisthostictus and Cobus craw- 
shayi are described as new. The skull and horns 
of Cobus crawshay? are figured in the text. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1893. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 729, 730. 
Capra caucasica, 2, is figured in the text. 

List of Birds collected by Mr. Alexan- 
der Whyte, F. Z.8., in Nyassaland. By 
Capt. G. E. Shelley, F. Z. S. With a 
preface by the editor. 
This, 1893, pp. 1-6, pls. i-iii. 

Prefatory notes to Captain Shelley’s paper on 
Mr. Whyte’s collection of birds from Nyassaland. 

[The Bird Collections in the Oxford 
University Museum. | 
Ibis, 1893, pp. 156, 157. 

Note on the progress made in the arrangement 
of the bird collections in the the Oxford Univer- 
sity Museum. 

(See also Nature, XLIV, p.518 (1891); Ibis, 
1892, p. 186.) 


Birds of Antigua, West Indies. 
Ibis, 1893, p. 158. 

A correction with regard to a statement made | 

by the author that the ornis of Anguilla was 
entirely unknown. 

(See Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, p. 498.) 

On the occurrence of the Sharp-tailed | 

Sandpiper ( Tringa acuminata) in Norfolk. 
By Henry Seebohm. With an appendix 
by the editor. 

Ibis, 1893, pp. 181-1835, pl. v. 

The synonymy of Tringa acuminata is ap- 
pended to Mr.Seebohm’s remarks on this bird. 
A figure of the bird, and an illustration, in the 
text, of its tail, are alse given. 

Notes on Paramythia montium and Ama- 
locichla sclateriana. 
Ibis, 1893, pp. 243-246, pl. vii. 

Notes on the systematic positions of Paramy- 
thia montium and Amatocichla sclateriana, and 
reprints of Mr. De Vis’s original descriptions of 
them. The former species is figured, and its bill, 
head and foot are illustrated in the text. 


Note on the proper use of the generic 
terms Certhiola and Careba. 
Ibis, 1893, pp. 246, 247. 


Notes pointing out that the terms Certhiola 
and Cereba should be employed, respectively, for 
the Sugar Birds of the West Indies and the Blue 
Creepers of South America. 

[Note on the ‘‘Crocodile Bird” of the 
Nile. ] 
Ibis, 1893, p. 277. 

A postscript to Mr. Cook’s letter on the ‘‘ Croc- 
odile Bird” (Hoplopterus spinosus) of the Nile. © 

Great Bustards in the Zoological So- 
ciety’s Gardens. 
Ibis, 1893, pp. 476, 477. 

Note on the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) breed- 
ing in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of 


Field notes on the Birds of Estancia 
Sta. Elena, Argentine Republic. By A. 
H. Holland. With remarks by P, L. 

Ibis, 1893, pp. 483-488. 

Fifteen species are enumerated, accompanied by 
Mr. Holland's tield notes and remarks by Mr. 


The Jellyfish of Lake Urumiah. 

Nature, XLVIIL, p. 294 (1893). 

Letter on the occurrence of a ‘‘ Jellyfish” or 
Medusain Lake Urumiah, Persia. 

The ‘‘Zoological Record.” 
Nature, XLIX, pp. 123, 124 (1893). 

A reply to Messrs. Pocock and Bather’s letter 
(cf. Nature; XLIX, p. 53) on the desirability of 
including Palzozoology in the ‘‘ Zoological Ree- 
ord,” and a copy of the correspondence with the 
Geological Society on this subject. 

[Exhibition toa meeting of the British 
Ornithologists’ Club of a prepared wing 
and tail of the Martineta Tinamou. | 
Bull. British Orn. Club, I, p. xxiv (1893). 
[Extract from a letter from Dr. Hart- 
laub on the distinctness of Pennula ecau- 
data (King) and P, sandwichensis (Gm.).] 
Bull. British Orn. Club, I, p. xxiv (1893). 
[Aden suggested as a convenient place 
for an Ornithological Excursion] 
Bull. British Orn. Club, I, pp. xxxiii, xxxiv 
[Remarks on the series of mounted 
specimens of Italian Birds in the Flor- 

| ence Museum, and on the migratory 

birds which had visited the S, S. Oruba 

| between Gibraltar and Malta from March 

29 to April 1, 1893. ] 

Bull. British Orn. Club, I, p. xliii (1893). 

{Exhibition of, to a meeting of the 

British Ornithologists’ Club, and remarks 
upon a specimen of Phalaropus fulicar- 
ius from Chili. | 

Bull, British Orn, Club, I, p. lv (1893) 


[Exhibition of, to a meeting of the 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 

British Ornithologists’ Club, andremarks | stuffed specimen of the White-billed 

on a specimen of Geophaps plumifera. | 
Bull. British Orn. Club, I, pp. lv, lvi (1893). 


Chairman’s address on opening the sec- 
ond session of the British Ornithologists’ 
Club (October 18, 1893). 

Bull. British Orn. Club, 111, pp. 1-4 (1893). | 
A sketch of the recent events in the ornitho- | 

logical world. 
[Exhibition of, to a meeting of the 
British Ornithologists’ Club, and remarks 
upon a variety of Psittacus erithacus. ] 
Bull. British Orn. Club, III, p. vii (1893). 


[Exhibition to a meeting of the Brit- | 

ish Ornithologists’ Club of specimens of 
the eggs of Podager nacunda and Hydrop- 
salis furcifera. | 
Bull. British Orn. Club, III, p. vii (1893). 
The Mammals of Kilima-Njaro. 
Natural Science, II, p. 257 (1893). 

An illustrated account of the mammal fauna 
of Kilima-Njaro, with a list of literature on this 


The Nearctic Region and its Mammals. | 

Natural Science, III, pp. 288-292 (1893). 

Critical remarks on Messrs. J. A. Allen’s and | 

C. Hart Merriam’s papers on the geographical 
distribution of mammals in North America. 

On the typical forms of Vertebrated 
Life suitable for Exhibition in Local 

Rep. of Proc. of the Museums Assoc., pp. 95- 
99, July, 1893. 

An abstract of a paper, read before the Muse- 
ums Association at their London meeting in 
July, 1893, on the most desirable objects to be ex- 
hibited in alocal museum. A list of the existing 
orders of vertebrates, with the type of each order 
suitable for exhibition, is given. 

|Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1893. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, p. 1. 
[Exhibition ot and remarks upon a 
coloured drawing of the head of Cerco- 
pithecus erythrogaster. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, p. 1. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1894. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, p. 92. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
mounted specimen of the River Hog of 
Madagascar ( Potamocherus edwardsi), with 
notes on its habits by Mr. J.T. Last.] 
Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1894, pp. 92-94. 

Great Northern Diver (Colymbus adamsi) 
from Norway. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, p. 94. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in February, 1894. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, pp. 162-164. 
A figure of the young King Vulture in down 

| plumage is figured in the text. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 

| photograph of a young male Gaur or In- 
| dian Bison (Bos gaurus).] 

Proe, Zool. Soc. London, 1894, pp. 249, 250 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1894. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, p. 316. 

Remarks on the specimens of Protop- 

lerus annectens living in the Society’s 
reptile house. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, pp. 353, 354, 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1894. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, pp. 390, 391. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in May, 1894. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, p. 456. 

[Remarks upon animals observed in 
the Zoological Gardens of Rotterdam, 

| Amsterdam, Hanover, Berlin, and Ham- 

burg. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, pp. 456, 457. 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
Skin of an African Monkey (Cercopithecus 
diana iquitus).] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, p. 484. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
typical specimen of Cercopithecus grayi, 
Fraser. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, pp. 484, 485. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 

_ ty’s Menagerie in June, July, August, and 

September, 1894. ] 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1894, pp. 594-596. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in October, 1894.] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, p. 654. 


[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in November, 1894. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, pp. 693, 694, pl. 

Dendrolagus bennettianus is figured and char- 

Ornithology at Munich, Stuttgart, 
Darmstadt, Frankfort, and Cassel. 
This, 1894, pp. 106-108. 

Remarks upon the collections of birds in the 
museums of the above-mentioned cities. 

On the Birds of Uruguay. By O. V. 
Aplin. With an introduction and notes 
by P. L. Sclater. 
Ibis, 1894, pp. 149-215, pl. v. 

Observations on 139 species, with figures of the 
eggs of 7 species. : 

Remarks on the Birds of Antarctica. 
Ibis, 1894, pp. 494-501. 

Remarks on the present state of knowledge of 
the avifauna of the Antarctic Continent. 

[Exhibition toa meeting of the British 
Ornithologists’ Club of a needle used by 
the natives of North Queensland made 
from the stem of a feather. ] 
Bull. British Orn. Club, III, pp. xxii, xxiii 
[Exhibition to a meeting of the British 
Ornithologists’ Club of askin of a Rail 
(Amaurolimnas concolor) from Lima, 
Peru. ] 
Bull. British Orn. Club, II, p. xxiii (1894). 

[Exhibition to a meeting of the British 
Ornithologists’ Club of a skin of a Hemi- 
pode from Nyassaland. ] 
Bull. British Orn. Club, ILI, p. xxx (1894). 

[Remarks on the great inconvenience 
that would arise if the ‘‘ Scomber scom- 
ber” principle was adopted in ornitho- 
logical nomenclature. | 

Bull. British Orn, Club, III, p. xxxiii (1894). 


[Exhibition to a meeting of the Brit- 
ish Ornithologists’ Club of Skins of Ara 
auricollis, Pionus lacerus, and Chrysotis 
tucumana from Argentina. | 
Bull. British Orn, Club, II1 p. xlv (1894). 
: 1232 
[Exhibition to a meeting of the Brit- 
ish Ornithologists’ Club of twe Eggs of 
Phibalura flavirostris. | 
Bull. British Orn, Club, III, p. xlvi (1894) 
Chairman’s address on opening the 
third session of the British Ornitholo- 
gists’ Club, 1894. 
Bull. British Orn. Club, TV, pp. 1-6 (1894). 
[Exhibition to a meeting of the Brit- 
ish Ornithologists’ Club of the Eggs of 
two species of Macaw, Ara militaris and 
A. ararauna, which had been laid in cap- 
tivity. ] 
Bull. British Orn. Club, LV, p. vi (1894). 
[Exhibition to a meeting of the British 
Ornithologists’ Club of aSkin of Phalaro- 
pus wilsont from the Falkland Islands. ] 
Bull. British Orn. Club, LV, p. vi (1894). 
[Exhibition to a meeting of the British 
Ornithologists’ Club of a skin of Falco 
punicus which had been captured in the 
Mediterranean. | 
Bull. British Orn. Club, LV, p. xv (1894). 
[Remarks on Reiser’s work ‘ Materia- 
len zu einer Ornis Balkanica.”] 
Bull. British Orn. Club, lV, p. xv (1894). 
The new Cypress of Nyassaland. 
Nature, LI, pp. 85-87 (1894). 

Remarks upon and figure of the cypress ( Wid- 
dringtonia whytei) discovered on the plateau of 
Milanji in Nyassaland by Mr. Alexander Whyte. 

Animals not yet in the Zoo. 
Science Gossip, N.S., I, pp. 25-28 (1894). 

An illustrated account of certain animals that 
have never been exhibited in the Gardens of the 
Zoological Society of London, with suggestions 
for the best means of capturing them and send- 
ing them home. 

(For list of publications subsequent to December, 1894, see APPENDIX.) 

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Name. Type species. Place of description. Beas 
Agathopus ...---...--- Agathopus micropterus, Scl-.| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 69..-.- 116 
Ancistrops, Sel. MS....| Anabates lineaticeps, Scl....) Cat. American Birds, p. 157 (1862)... .. 8 
PAT WOK NUMIIS LM ON. [Pn 2 sinclnccieicis vince teens «ian aes Pbis; 1875, Pe 204 25 54.05clc sce cine gaanon 702 

emend. pro Agrilo- 
rhinus, Bp. 
Antilocapride.......-.- Antilocapra americana, Gray. Rep. Balt Assoc. Adv- Sci., 1866, pt. 2, 397 
p. 78. 
Crenotriccus ..-..-...-- Muscicapa (Todirostrum) | Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XIV, pp. 64, 86, 20 
ruficeps, Lafr. (1888). 
@Walochsstes:=-.-------+- Euchetes coccineus, Scl----- EBISSIS7Os WAR sats ascites se acn= aie 837 
Calodromas...--....... Eudromia elegans, d’Orb. et | Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 153, 156 13 
Geoffr. (1873). 
Calopitta (sect.)...---- Pitta maxima, Schleg. Cm Ee Brit. Mus., XIV, pp. 414, 419 20 
Camptostoma....-..--.- Camptostoma imberbe, Scl.-.-.| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 203. -.. 108 
Carenochrous (n, sect.)-| Arremon rufinucha, Tschudi-| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 87..... 86 
Catharopeza..-...-..-- Leucopeza bishopi, Lawr..---- WALDISSRSSOr tee DL Me seca anne lace soca 862 
Centropelma.......---- Podiceps micropterus, Gould.) Exotic Ornith., p. 189, pl. xev (1869) ... 12 
Centropsar --...-...--. Centropsar mirus, Scl.....--. gl Zool. Soe. London, 1874, p. 176, 653 
pl. xxvi. 
Cercomacra........---- bers cxrulescens, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 244. ... 122 
Chestoptilae---sin-=-1 E a tomyza angustipluma, | Ibis, 1871, p.358..--.-............-.--- 567 
Chameospiza -..-....- Pipilo torquatus, Du Bus.--.| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 304.... 126 
Ghirocyla cos ciecs ese Lathria uropygialis, Scl. et | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 357, 723 
Salv. pl. xxxii. 
WilorenpRoniay) NOM [Pes ose see ccamsespan secs Contr, to Ornithology, 1851, p. 94..... 37 
emend. pro Chloro- 
phonia, Bp. 
Chloruraesea--e-s ses Fringilla chlorura, Aud..---- Cat. American Birds, p.117 (1862)..... 8 
WHTGOCEHHAlUS.: MOM: Ile aceccaos sen eaec sence cRckigeoeee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 576. .-.. 554 
emend. pro Chroico- 
cephalus, Eyton. 
@libanormis::=-----.--- Anabates dendrocolaptoides, | Nomencl. Ay. Neotrop., pp. 61, 155 13 
Temm. MS. et Pelz. (1873). 
Cnipodectes ...--...-.. Cygtonhyacins subbrunneus, | Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 281.... 614 
Coracopitta............ Melampitta lugubris, Schleg.! Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XIV, pp. 412, 449 20 
Creurgops, Verr. MS..| Creurgops verticalis, Verr. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 73, 116 
MS. pl. exxxii, fig. 2. 
Warens.2 .o-<--s2e0=-2 - Turdus cureus, Molina.....- Cat. American Birds, p. 139 (1862) ..... 8 
Delothraupis ..--....-. Calliste castaneoventris, Sel..| Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XI, pp. 139, 142 19 
Mendinucy. cna ye ULOMMY. tense en. cag een meeencoeeeee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 508. - - - 857 
emend. pro Dendro- 
Dendromanes. ...-.---- Dendrocincla anabatina, Sel..| Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 382. - - - 153 
DIS TOSSODIS.s-sceanain -- Diglossopis cerulescens, Scl..| Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, 94 
XVII, p. 467 (1856). 
Diplopsalis ...-.-....-- Hydropealis climacocercus, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 141... . 378 
Dissodectes......-...-. Falco ardesiacus, Vieill.--...-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 248... . 317 
Aer oe Reece oa Tanagra(Euphone?) vassorii, | Tanagrarum Catalogus Specificus, 2 
Lafr. et Boiss. pp. 18, 16 (1854). 
a UG TATTOO, SAT || aco aoe ee ae eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 449. ... 822 
emend. pro Donacola, 
Gould. « 
Drepanornis...---....-. Drepanornis albertisi, Scl.--. FiO0: Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 560, 625 
. xivii. 
Empidochanes.....-.-.-. Muscicapa oliva, Bodd....--. Pi0G. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p.112..-. 255 
Eucheetes, Verr. MS...| Euchetes coccineus, Verr. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 73, pl. 116 
MS. exxxii, fig. 1. 
Eucometis......... ....| Tanagra penicillata, Spix....| Proc. salt Sock London, 1856, p.117.... 86a 




List of new families and genera described—Continued. 

: 7 : «gs No. of 
Name. Type species. Place of description. paper. 
Hucorystes .....------- Cacetene wagleri, ‘Gray ‘and”| Dbis, 1883, p. 147. --s2cacenesse-- + csee 948 
Bumomota....--.------ Prionites (Crypticus) super- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 257... 112 
ciliaris, Jard. and Selb. 
Buprepiste ...--.--.--- Tanagra brasiliensis, Linn-..| Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 95 ....-- 37 
Eupsilostoma.-...--...- Muscicapa eximia, Temm..-.| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 69... -- 163 
Hiaschemons--co-eeaeee Tanagra flava, Gm.......:--. Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 94....--- 37 
iutty gon nom-emend.s tp ssese- sere eeetes sae. se eee Journ. of Proc. of Linn. Soc. London 138 
pro. Trugon, Puch. (Zool.), II, p. 168 (1858). 
Gilossiptilae.cees--b-- Motacilla campestris, Linn--.-| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 269... 86b 
Grallaviculave-seoesa- Grallaria flavirostris, Sel----. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 283. - -. 123 
Gymnocichla ..-.....-- Myiothera nudiceps, Cass. --.} Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 274. - -- 123 
Gymnopelia ........-.- Columba _ erythrothorax, | Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 133, 156 13 
Meyen. (1873). 
Gymnostinops.......-- Cacicus montezuma, Less-.--.| Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XI, pp. 309, 312 19 
Hapaloptila..-s-4--e-—- Malacoptila castanea, Verr-..-| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p.777.--. 885 
Meleothroptus, 10 OMi | a ae ece eee ence bnew em deems Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p, 143.... 378 
emend. pro Eleoth- 
reptus, Gray. 
Helicura; non: emend. 2. -so4seoeee een e eee nee eee ee Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XTV, p. 311 (1888)... 20 
pro. LIlicura, Reich- 
enb., et Heilicura, 
HemMidacnises asses. ses ae Pipreidea albiventris, Scl----.| Cat. American Birds, p. 50 (1862)......-. 8 
Evema Gombe man OM eal ama ene ae ee a ee ee ae Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 170. .-- 435 
emend. pro Hetero- 
rhina, Baird. 
ELE herocenens Hartl. | Elenia linteata, Strickl....-. Cat. American Birds, p. 245 (1862) ..--.. 8 
Heterocnemis.....----- Sitta neevia,i\Gmels cee.) 6 come Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 146. ... T7 
Hirundinapus (n. sect.) | Hirundo caudacuta, Lath.-.-..| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 607.... 354 
LS hy Giese th ereseecosedese Cuculus pluvialis, Gm..-..-. Cat. American Birds, p. 321 (1862) ...--- 8 
Hylexetastes -..-.-.... Dendrocolaptes perroti, Lafr. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 34-.--- 1056 
Hylophorba ..-..-.....- Hylophorba ruticilla, Sel..-., aoe Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 326, 343 
pl. xiii. 
IM dicatoridee ys qp ec ecs| pee a caer eeeeeeoer oe see eraie This A8T7Ospds0-- eee ne aera amie 525 
TTPIGOTHIS: NOMNEMENC. || canes te ccmeeae ae eens cesee see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 227... 81 
pro Iridosornis, Less. 
Waletes|sa2co2sss-se252 = Laletes osburni, Scl--.-.-.---- Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1861, p. 72, pl. 212 
xiv, fig. 2. 
Lathriosoma, Bp. MS..| Lipaugus rufescens, Scel-..-.--- Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 354 (1888) .-. 20 
WGC ALUS esas sate Tyrannus albicollis, Vieill ...| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 46... - - 139 
Theucopeza. .-...------- Leucopeza semperi, Scl...---- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 14, pl. 711 
Leucophantes .....-.--- qT pneapben te brachyurus, ae Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 691, 628 
Sel. pl. liii. 
Limnophyes .....------ Limnornis curvirostris, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 34..-.-- 1056 
Liosceles*..-<-s.0-22<52 Pteroptochus thoracicus, Sel.| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 609, 328 
pl. xxxviii. 
Miacropsalis =. .-2---=-- Capi ma vede forcipatus, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 143. -.. 378 
| itzsch. 
Malacothraupis- --.---.| Malacothraupis dentata, Sel. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 353, 723 
et Salv. pl. xxxi. 
IMT aT ODS setae Turdus fuscatus, Vieill..---- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 335- - - - 149 
Mecocerculus.....----- BANE ah leucophrys, Lafr. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1862, p. 113. --- 256 
| et D’Orb. 
Melanocharis .-.-.----. | Dicweum nigrum, Less..------ Journ. of Proc. of Linn. Soc. London 138 
(Zool.), II, p. 157 (1858). 
Melanoptila ........... | ee nopaln glabrirostris, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 275- - -- 114 
Melidectes..........--- Melidectes torquatus, Scl...-. roe Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 694, 628 
pl. lv. 
Melipotes: jcc = 5 -mstn- | Melipotes gymnops, Scl....-- Eroo; Zook. Soc. London, 1873, p. 695, 628 
pl. lvi. 
Metopothrix........... Metopothrix aurantiacus, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 190, 380 
Scl. et Salv. pl. xviii. 
Microbates:.-..:......: Microbates torquatus, | Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 72, 155 13 
Saly. (1873). 
Microcerculus......... Turdus bambla, Bodd.....-.-. Cat. American Birds, p. 19 (1862) ...--. 8 
Microchelidon (chang- | Petrochelidon tibialis, Cass..| Cat. American Birds, p. 39 (1862)....-.. 8 
ed to Neochelidon). 
Micromonacha.......-- Bucco lanceolatus, Deville...| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 777.... 885 
Microrhopias .......--- Ne leage Sa quixensis, ‘| Cat. American Birds, p. 182 (1862)..... 8 
Mimocichla (n. sect.)..| Turdus rubripes, Temm..-.--- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 336. ... 149 
Mitrephorus......-..... Tyrannula, ? Selater, P. Z. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 44..... 139 
S., 1856, p. 296. 
Momotide, new family Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p, 248.... 112 

name instead of Pri- 


List of new families and genera described—Continued. 


Name. Type species. Place of description. athe: 
Morococcyxaeusse = =~. Piaya erythropygia, Less.--..| Cat. American Birds, p. 322 (1862) -.---. 8 
Mryiozetetes, MOM. |.<.2c. scene serene --35---=--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 46... -. 139 

emend. pro Myiozeta, 
me ielactes Buty. tet Myrmelastes plumbeus, Scl-- Fao: 2a. Soc. London, 1858, p. 274, 123 
pl. exliii. 
Myrmotherula..--..--. Muscicapa pygmea, Gmel..-| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 234. --. 122 
Neochelidon ......----- Petrochelidon tibialis, Cass..| Cat. American Birds, p. xvi (1862)... .- 8 
INGOChIOG 2.222 Sa=c anes Neochloe brevipennis, Sel----| Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1857, p. 213-.-. 109 
NGOCOTYSLLEee cso aces Alauda spraguli, Aud. .-...-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p.4..---- 98 
Weocrex -2o26------ -=- Porzana erythrops, Dpelsss27s= Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 457. -- . 448 
Neoctantes -....-..---- Xenops niger, Natt. MS. Pelz-| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 572. ... 454 
Neopelma (n. sect.)---.| Muscicapa aurifrons, Max-..-|} Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 467. - -. 197 
WeonipOess se =c4=e == Neopipo rubicunda, Scl. et | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 438, 483 
Salv. pl. xxx, fig. 3. 
Neorhynchus (to re- | Callirhynchus masesus, Bp-.| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 147, 467 
place Callirhynchus, pl. xii. 
Nepheecetes (n. sect.)-.| Hirundo nigra, Gm....-.----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 615. ... 354 
Nesoceleus ..----.-..-- Colaptes fernandinz, Vig---.!| Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 101, 155 13 
NGI OPSAR sscece cee ces Icterus nigerrimus, Osburn. -| Tbis, 1859, p.457-....-.-----.---..----- 160 
Nesospingus.......---- SiIsrORDvISUS specultferus,|) Lois; 18805. 278- < nen n ec cece~ ace scenes 995 
INOTIMO Veiner s eres clasts Bucco rubecula, Spix.-...----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1853, p. 124. --. 55 
Nothoprocta..-.--.---- Crypturus perdicarius, Kittl-| Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 153, 156 13 
QOchthornis -...-.------ Elainea littoralis, Pelz....--- Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XTV, pp. 3, 31 (1888) - 20 
Ommatornis, Sel. MS...) Merulaxis orthonyx, Lafr....| Cat. American Birds, p. 169 (1862)... .. 8 
@neostomaes 2. 55-55- Todirostrum cinereigulare, | Cat. American Birds, p. 208, pl. xviii, 8 
Sel. fig. 1 (1862). 
Opopsitta-./-=--225-5-- Psittacula diophthalma, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 227.-.. 174 
Hombr. et. Jacq. 
OTeEe0Manes: . 55-052. Oreomanes fraseri, Scl-.------ Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 75, pl. 164 
Oreothraupis --.----.--- Saltator arremonops, Jardine.| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 80. ---. 86 
Ortygocichla......-.-.-. Ortygocichla rubiginosa, Sel.-| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 452, pl. 879 
IPAITXIS eTLOM).  CMENd,. |ocaceradeaewesbueocwaas Suarces= Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 285 705 
pro. Pauxi, Temm. (1875). 
Se PPOMnIS see nie 2 Tzenioptera obscura, Cass--.-| Lbis, 1859, p.327..-..--------.e0-se-4 158 
Phainopepla = 2... 5-5. Ptilogonys nitens, Swains.-.-.| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 543.... 133 
ihlocopsis nom emend.|- i252 s.scssece os sciences acces Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 276. --. 123 
pro Phlegopsis, Reich. 
Phlogothraupis...-..--. Tanagra (Tachyphonus) san- | Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 21, 155 13 
guinolentus, Less. | _ (1873). 
Hiprideas moms Omends || aso. naesscsiceanacacees-sscasee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 265. - -. 86b 
pro Piprwidea, 
Placollodomusy Grr, pro) |;cessese ccs s-cen = hehe cen ceceee | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p.141--.-. 434 
Phacellodomus, | 
Podochetes.----..--... Caprimulgus leucopygius, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 135. --- 378 
Poliop lass. see s2~ 5 <= Motacilla czerulea, Linn-...--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 11-.-.. 68 
Poly chlorus)-cs<—(.-1-5- Psittacus polychlorus, Scop- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 226. --. 110 
oli, and Psittacodes wester- | 
manni, Bp. 
Porphyrospiza-.-...--.-- Cyanospiza cyanella, Pelz..-.! Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 30, 155 13 
Potamopsar...--..--.-- Icterus minor, Spix-.--.------ Cat. American Birds, p. 141 (1862) -..-.- 8 
Prionirhynchus -.-...-... M a m ey us platyrhynchus, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 256- --. 112 
Pseudodacnis-........- Dacnis hartlaubi, Sel.....-.-..-. Cat. B.Brit. Mus., XT, pp. 86, 138 (1886) 19 
Pseudoleistes.-...---..- Oriolus viridis, Gm.--......---| Cat. American Birds, p. 137 (1862) -..... 8 
Psilorhamphus ....-..- peptorhynches guttatus, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 90... -. 75 
yripuila ss. soe ne 2 Thamnophilus stellaris, Scl..| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 220. --. 121 
Rhynchostruthus. -.--. Rhynchostruthus socotranus, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 170, pl. | 870 
Sel. et Hartl. xvii. 
Semimerula (n. sect.)...| Turdus gigas, Fraser.....---- Proc. Zool. Soc: London, 1859, p. 332- - - .| 149 
Siphonorhis -.-.-........ | Ceprimplgas americanus, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p.77..--. | 212 
Sphenopsis;--s-4- eee Sphenopsis ignobilis, Sel... -. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 379... 229 
SPOdionmise sea sees Spodiornis jardinii, Sel..--..-. Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 322... 387 
Stegnolema -....--..-.. Ortalida montagnii, Bp-.-.---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 521. - - 516 
Stigmatura ...........- eta budytoides, Lafr. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 188. -.. 380 
et D’Orb. 
Sublegatus ......--..-. Sublegatus glaber, Scl. et | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 172, pl. 435 
Salv. xiii, fig. 2. 
Tabara, err. pro Tar- | Thamnophilus major, Vieill..; Cat. American Birds, p. 172 (1862)..... 8 

aba, Less, 


List of new families and genera described—Continued. 

. sede No. of 
Name. Type species. Place of description. paper. 
Thamnistes....-.....:- eT anabatinus, Sel. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 299- --. 182 
et Salv. 
Thamnocharis ..--.---- Grallaria dignissima, Scl.and | Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XV, pp. 306, 310 22 
Salv. (1890). 
TPRAUMASIAS, FI GID ssl 2G6 5 cteaet a vass ed oe gas eee Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1879, p. 146. --. 811 
emend. pro Thauma- 
tias, Gould. 
Thripadectes, Sel. MS..| Anabates flammulatus, Eyton | Cat. American Birds, p. 157 (1862)-..-... 8 
Thryomanes.........-.- Troglodytes bewickii, Aud. ..| Cat. American Birds, p. 22 (1862) ..---- 8 
SP hwrovhindes sock csescc Crex schomburgki, Cab-.-..--- Proc. Zool. Sec. London, 1868, p. 458. --. 448 
MOOI AB ys oss goed asa mal Itsmtede eet ace be b Shearer clejaya Ebis;, 1372) qp. 880A heen e ces see 602 
Tyranneutes ......-..- Gia i ec brachyurus, Sel.| Ibis, 1881, p. 268.00... e sneer ee rdecn 891 
et Salv. 
Wropsilavs-2- 46. sscc.. = Troglodytes leucogastra, | Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 7, 155 13 



PA BR ESny . 

in Brit, Mus, 

1878, p. 439, pl. xxviii. 

Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. ee 
Accipiter collaris | Colombia -.....-.-. IBTICG A Mitts 225-2 =~ =~ Ibis, 1860, p. 148, pl. vi----. 201 
(Kaup MS.). ; 
— haplochrons. --..- New Caledonia. .-.) Gurney Coll ---....--.. This, 1859, p. 275, pl. viii... 157 
=——~ VONUralis. -=--=-5- COlomMpiarsen =: -S24|o2 «c= (3 ko jieees ican IS Aa ae Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 385 
1866, p. 303. 
Agotheles albertisi.... Atam, Arfak | D’Albertis Coll....-.. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 628 
Mountains, New 1873, p. 696. 
Agathopus microp- | Rio Napo-......-.-. Seclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
terus. Mus. 1858, p. 69. 
Ageleus forbesi....-- Pernambuco -....-}....- OO so ante araicte saat oi Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 19 
345 (1886). 
— imthurni..-...... British Guiana --..|.-.-.-. QO thas Se eSeece eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 871 
1881, p. 213. 
Agriornis andicola....| Panza, Ecuador. ..|----- 00) ose s eense t= Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 164 
1860, p. 78. 
— insolens.....-...-. finta, Peru. is. =5-i|22-'-> GOp a set = aaron. a5 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 471 
1869, p. 153. 
——pollens, newname | Panza, Ecuador. ..|----- GG! oo seatincsonbecmec Ole settee season aae 471 
for A. andicola, pre- 
—— solitaria.........- Titiacun, Ecuador.|.--.-. Oh ee ae ie mes epee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 134 
1858, p. 553. 
Amydrus frater....-.. Socotra -....-..... Bitte Vises see lee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 870 
1881, p.171. 
—— Pristramil .--.=--- Palestine... 32... - Tristram Coll-.....--. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 136 
ser. 3, II, p. 465 (1858). 
Anabates cervinigu- | Cordova, S. Mex- | Sallé Coll..-..-.--..--.- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 92 
laris. ico 1856, p. 288. 
— erythropterus....| Bogota -.......... Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 84 
Mus. 1856, p. 27. 
— infuscatus .-.-..--- Hie Benen oenerh) sees G (hae eerie eee ae Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 94 
ser. 2, X VII, p. 468 (1856). 
— lineaticeps .......|---.- GEFs scircecccse|ssece OO os ceseaces neleais|| oes Git wo oeeeceeeeetenee 94 
— melanopezus..... IG IN Ova sive a8 ajo ie( iso dOece ces asmaescas Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
1858, p. 61. 
—  pulvericolor |..... (OG. soadecieciae 3 Lafresnaye Coll..--.--. Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
(Lafr. MS.). 1858, p. 62. 
—— rubiginosus ...-.. Cordova, S. Mex- | Sallé Coll. ......-..... Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 92 
ico 1856, p. 288. 
— striaticollis (Lafr.| Bogota.-..-......-. Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 99 
MS.). us. 1857, p. 17. 
— subalaris........- Pallatanga, Ecua- |..... OC ssa Seeeee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, — 148 
dor. 1859, p. 141. 
—— temporalis .......|..-.- GOr J 258 Sass sleaess C (OR eCR ECAR SEea Eres eee BOO Noa eae ee ater 143 
Anabazenops guttula- | Caracas, Venezu- | Paris Mus.-..--....-.-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 114 
tus. ela. 1857, p. 272, pl. cxxx. | 
—— oleagineus ....-..-. Catamarea, Ar- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 946 
gentine Repub- Mus. 1883, p. 654. 
ic. : 
— variegaticeps ....| Cordova, S. Mex- | Sallé Coll -.-----..---- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 92 
ico. 1856, p. 289. 
Aneretes flavirostris.| Tilotilo, Yungas, | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 723 
Bolivia. in Brit. Mus. 1876, p. 355. 
Anas melleri.........-. Madagascar ....-. Royal Inst., Woolwich.| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 326 
1864, p. 487, pl. xxxiv. 
—— wyvilliana ....... Sandwich Islands.| Challenger Coll. in | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 782 
Brit. Mus. 1878, p. 350. 
Anthus bogotensis.-..| Santa Fé di Bo- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 76 
gota. Mus. 1855, p. 109, pl. ci. 
—— nattereri-.......-. Sao Paulo, Brazil.|..-.-.. (i Ce aera Set ate Ibis, 1878, p. 366, pl. x------ 804 
Antrostomus ornatus.| Brazil ............ Brit. Masts tees sees Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 392 
1866, p. 586, pl. xlv. 
Ara couloni..-----...- Rertiig ede chs 4 - Neuchatel Mus....--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 717 
1876, p. 255. 
Aramides calopterus..| Sarayacu, Ecuador| Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 786 



List of New Species Described—Continued. 

Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. ae 
Arremon axillaris..-...| Colombia ..-.....-- Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Tanagrarum Catalogus 2,58 
Mus. . Specificus, pp.3,15(1854) ; 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
: 1854, p. 97. 
—- devillii,Bp. MS.-..| Goyaz, Brazil..... Paris, Mis ss-te<c2 =< - Pee ae Soc. London, 86 
‘ 1856, p. 81. 
— d’orbignii-.-....-. Yungas, Bolivia .|..... Gis sScd-cnandeoadl|aoaes CEB BRE CRORE oesecact 86 
— erythrorhynchus.| Bogota.......-.-.- Gould Coll.....-..-.--- Proc. Zool. Soc. Rondon, 74 
1855, p. 83, pl. Ixxxix. 
— mysticalis.-....-.. @olombiavieses-—= = Mus. d'Hist.Nat. Paris} Mag. de Zool.,1852, 49 
p. 8. 
——- nigrirostris ..-.--. Cosnipata, S. Peru} Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 19 
Mus. 276 (18865). 
— spectabilis ...-..-. Quijos, Ecuador..-.| Gould Coll........---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 59 
1854, p. 114, pl. xvii. 
—— wuchereri........ Bahia, Brazil...--- Salvin-Godman Coll. | Nomencl.Av.Neotrop.,pp. 13 
in Brit. Mus. 25,157 (1873). 
Artamus insignis..... New Ireland...... Tweeddale Coll. in | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 750 
Brit. Mus. 1877, p. 101, pl. xv. 
Asturina ruficauda..-.| (?).....- Sse Meets (2) ageewecsocsueteenee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 465 
1869, p. 133. 
—— saturata.......--.. Tilotilo and Apol- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 723 
lo, Yungas, Boli- in Brit. Mus. 1876, p. 357. 
Ateles rufiventris..... R. Atrato, Colum- | Zool. Soc. Menagerie..| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 592 
bia. 1872, p. 688, pl. Ivii. 
Attagis chimborazen- | Chimborazo, Ee- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 164 
sis. uador. Mus. 1860, p. 82. 
Attila citriniventris..| R. Ucayali......--|..... Gosek ceenccascenen Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 139 
1859, p. 40. 
— torridus..---...... Babahoyo, Ecua- |..... OO) eecucecccsemens Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
dor. 1860, p. 280. 
Automolus dorsalis...) Sarayacu,Ecuador | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
in Brit. Mus. 1880, p. 158. 
— holostictus....-... Antioquia,Colom- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 696 
bia. Mus. 1875, p. 542. 
—— ignobilis ..-.-..-.|..... Oye cae masaleecee dOfseeece sce oaaeee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 825 
1879, p. 522. 
—— rubidus .......... Beall (2) ieee cee |e GO sseecheesbe sass Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 946 
1883, p. 654. 
—— striaticeps -....-.-. Bogota, Colombia. .|....- COR tenes eee care Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 678 
1875, p. 37. 
Basileuterus castanei- | Jina, Ecuador. .... Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 759 
ceps. in Brit. Mus. 1877, p. 521. 
— cinereicollis ...-.. Colombia=-=-<--- Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 311 
: Mus. 1864, p. 166. 
—— euophrys......--- Tilotilo, Yungas, | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 723 
Bolivia. in Brit. Mus. 1876, p.352. 
— fraseri....-....-.. Pallatanga, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 946 
dor. Mus. 1883, p. 653, pl. Lxi. 
gTiseiceps .....-... Caripé, Venezuela |._..- doer ree oe sees Proc. Honk Bee. London, 435 
1868, p. 170. 
—— leucopygiils...... Costa Rica......-. | Sclater and Salvin- | Nomencl.Av.Neotrop.,pp. 13 
Godman Coll. in 10, 156 (1878). 
Brit. Mus. 
— mesochrysus ..-.. BOSotd cess eee Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 178 
Mus. 1860, p. 251. 
—— mesoleucus....... Demerara.-..----- Hartlaub Coll.....--.. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 341 
1865, p. 286, pl. ix, fig. 1. 
—— semicervinus..... Nanegal, Ecuador.| Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 165 
Mus. 1860, p. 84. 
—— uropygialis......- Brailes secs tees ae OG =a .ocse meee tenes Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 215 
1861, p. 128. 
Brachygalba fulviven- | Bogota..-..--.----|....- 0! <osreweeseeercee Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XIX, 24 
tris. p. 172 (1891). 
—— goeringi.......--. Lake of Valentia, |....- DO fos aac wle'smeeene Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 473 
Venezuela. 1869, p. 253, pl. xviii. 
— melanosterna ....) Goyaz, Brazil; Gu-| Professor Behn Coll., | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 69 
arayos. Bolivia. | _ Kiel. 1855, p. 15. 
— salmoni ...-.-.... Neche, Antioquia.| Sclater Coll. and Sal- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 825 
vin-Godman Coll. in 1879, p. 535. 
Brit. Mus. 
Brotogerys chryso- | Brazil ............ Bremen Mus......---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 320 
sema, Natt. MS. 1864, p. 298. 
Buarremon castanei- | Rio Napo, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 154 
ceps. dor. Mus. 1859, p. 441. 
— castaneifrons ....| Paramo de la Cu- |..... ( CS SH fs eee | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 686 
lata, Merida, | 1875, p. 235, pl. xxxv, 
Venezuela. fig. 1. 
— comptus ......... Maravina, Ecua- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Ibis, 1879, p. 427.........-- 838 


in Brit. Mus. 


List of new species described—Continued. 

c . Be ee % es | No. of 
; Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. | paper. 
Buarremonelzoprorus) Santa Elena, An- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 825 
tioquia. in Brit. Mus. 1879, p. 504. 
—— inornatus .-...-.. Pallatanga, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Ibis, 1879, p. 427.........-.| » 838 
iwiadox Mus. 
— leucopis..-----~.- | Yauayaca, Ecua- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 786 
dor. in Brit. Mus. 1878. p. 439. 
—— melanolemus .--.| Khachupata,Peru-}..... 4) Seonececceercee 1p) 1879, p. 425, pl. x, 838 
—— melanops -..--.---- Simacu, Bolivia. -..|..... (Nt) Sep eo nendepnosee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 715 
1876, p. 253. 
——mlerld ===. --.=-- Merida, Venezu- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 520 
ela. Mus. 1870, p. 785. 
DAN atin Cees Rima Perte sole: Grae eaeacizc ces css Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 880 
1881, p. 485, pl. xlvi. 
—— pheopleurus..-.--- | Caracas, Venezu-| Paris Mus..-.........- Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 86 
ela. 1856, p. 85. 
spodionotus -.--.- | eeu: Eecua- peleiee Coll. in Brit. | Ibis, 1879, p. 425.........-. 838 
or. Mus. : 
— taczanowskii..--. IEG SOS ME GGUl tame toe ee dOeecnesse acnames Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 686 
1875, p. 236, pl. xxxv, 
fig. 2. 
Bubalis swaynei. ----- Somaliland -.----- Brite MAUS) esse ile Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1137 
ee 1892, p. 100, pl. v. 
Bucco dysoni, Gray | Honduras ---.-----|.-... Gti oc eomacseaodead Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 78 
MS. * 1855, p. 193. 
—— leucocrissus. ----- | Babahoyo, Ecua- | Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
| dor. Mus. 1860, p. 284. 
—— napensis, Scl. MS.| Rio Napo..--..--.]..... C0) Fenn aaaniscesiar Cat. American Birds, p. 8 
269 (1862). 
—— picatus..--.------ Chamicuros....--- Gouldi@olleee-. -<=-.-7 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 78 
1855, p. 194. 
—— pulmentum (Bp. | Upper Amazon.-.-| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 78 
et Verr. MS.) Mus. 1855, p. 194, pl. evi. ‘ 
pT AdIatus) ss2--2---| Colombia) -: 225--- Brite Musesc2- 225 2.- 2: Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 55 
1853, p. 122, pl. 1. 
—— striatipectus -.-.-- 1S bE Scseassocis Derby Mus .....-.-...- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 55 
1853, p. 123. 
—— subtectus .-..--.- Esmeraldas,Ecua-| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 181 
dor. Mus. 1860, p. 296. 
Buceros subeylindri- | West Africa...... Iyer, IME Sao hos oo Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 518 
cus. 1870, p. 668, pl. xxxix. 
Buteo fuliginosus ...-| North Mexico....) Norwich Mus.......-- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 127 
1858, p. 356. 
= ZONOCELCHS)= <--isa. Guatemala....-.--|....- Oise ss-escacrescees Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 118 
1858, p. 130. 
Buthraupis arcei..... | Cordillera de Chu- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 484 
cu, Veragua. in Brit. Mus. 1369, p. 439, pl. xx xi. 
——— Ch LOrOnota. ..<-\4> Heuador= -2-.----- Selater Coll. in Brit. | Tanagrarum Catalogus | 2,58 
Mus. Specificus, pp. 10, 15 
(1854); Proce. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1854, p. 97, pl. 
Cacatua gymnopis--.-.| South Australia..| Zool. Soc. Menagerie..| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 550 
1871, p. 493. 
—— ophthalmica ..... Solomon Islands..| Brit. Mus.-.-...-..-..-. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, | = 315 
1864, p. 188. 
Cactornis abingdoni..| Abingdon Island, | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 513 
Galapagos. in Brit. Mus. 1870, p. 326. | 
—— pallida....-...--- Indefatigable |..... GO znceséss¢sqqnnee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 513 
Island. 1870, p. 327. | 
Calliste argyrofenges.| Tilotilo, Yungas, |....-. COwesenicte ties aioe Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 723 
Bolivia. 1876, p. 354, pl. xxx 
fig. 2. 
— cabanisi (C. scla- | Guatemala.....--.. Berlin Mus........... Ibis 1868, p. 71, pl. iii--.-- 460 
teri, Cab.). = | 
—— castaneoventris..| Bolivia ......----- Earl of Derby........ Contr. to Ornith.,1851,p. | + 35 
— castanonota.....- South Brazil: ....- Strickland Coll.......- Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. 35 
—— chrysonota....... Cayenne .......-.. Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Contr. to Ornith., 1850, p. 33 
Mus. 50. 
—— chrysophrys -.--. Colombia, Vene- |....- GO aa se isa Sectsis Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. 34 
zuela, Trinidad. 24, pl. lxix, fig. 2. 
== (GN COlara= saa WMOolOMpIa= sea ases|ocete OO washes eee Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. 35 
—— cyamescens....-.. Caracas, Venezu- | Brit. Mus.....--....-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 86b 
ela. 1856, p. 260. 
— cyanopygia -.-..- Esmeraldas,Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 946 
dor. Mus. 1883, p. 653. 
— cyanotis ......... Ones ase ee eek. 6 lee (1OY SSneasoes Rsecies Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 125 
1858, p, 294, 

415—No, 49-6 



List of new species described—Continued. 

Name. Locality. Location of type. Piace of description. Soe 
Calliste florida ......- Costa Rica... -.\.=- Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 479 
in Brit. Mus. 1869, p. 416, pl. xxvii. | 
= TTANCISGD, (OME, |S.cchac seeiwine eceie |e acinar ee eee nae eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 89 
emend. proC. fanny. 1856, p. 142. { 
—— fulvicervix..----- Tilotilo, Yungas, | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 723 
Bolivia. in Brit. Mus. 1876, p. 354, pl. xxx, 
fig. 1. 
—— gouldi........-... S. Brazil.......... BT ti VenSeeee eee eer ioe Zool. Soc. London, 991 
1885, p. 849. | 
—— lamprotis ........ IBolivdaien seers sac |ssan5 GO ersten ee a eerie Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. 35 
——— NOUCOUS asa eee = Mcnador -...o- eens Selater Coll. in Brit. | Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. 35 
us. 58. 
—— lunigera...---.-.. Rio Negro .....-... Edward Wilson. ...-.-- Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. 35 
65, pl. Ixx, fig. 2. 
—— melanotis ..-.-....- Rio Napo, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Ibis, 1876, p. 408, pl. xii, 741 
dor. Mus. fig. 1. 
—— punctulata .-..-.- Tilotilo, Yungas, | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 723 
Bolivia. in Brit. Mus. 1876, p. 353. 
— ruficapilla.....-.. BOP Ota. 2 ceo = Selater Coll. in Brit. | Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. 35 
us. 61. 
—— rufigenis .--....-- Venezuela... ---.|-=.- (ik) otoeaeen Spacode Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 93 
: 1856, p. 311. 
= VON Staee seas Colombia and Qui- |.--.- AO Sebecantesenene Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 61 
jos, Ecuador. 1854, p. 248. | 
2 ION Of ieee eee rinidad's. j= o—24 J|be cee GO sais228.4555e Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 86b 
1856, p. 257. 
virescens. ---.---- Cayenne! see sr aisle (Ween cheecsncosce- Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. | 34 
22, pl. lxix, fig. 1. | 
—— xanthogastra..... Rio Negro .....-.-: Edward Wilson..---.- Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. | 34 
Calornis crassa-.--..- Larat, Tenimber | Brit. Mus-.......-.... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 926 
Islands. 1883, p. 56, pl. xiv. 
Camarhynchus habeli.| Abingdon and | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 513 
Bindloes _is- in Brit. Mus. 1870, p. 325. 
lands, Galapa- 
—— prosthemelas..- - -- inde faticabletiise P+ 200 aaeesse- ene Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 513 
land. 1870, p. 325. 
— variegatus ..--.-. Abingdon sand! \5.-2.d0) secs: sa. <5 25-5" Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 513 
Bindloes is- 1870, p. 324, 
lands, Galapa- 
Campephaga auru- | Sorong, New Gui- | D’Albertis Coll ...... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 628 
lenta. nea. 1873, p. 692, pl. liv. 
Camptostoma  flavi- | Isthmus of Pan- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 322 
ventre. ama. in Brit. Mus. 1864, p. 358. 
== JM Perpee-\taaa- <= S. Andres Tuxtla, | Sallé Coll :............ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 108 
Mexico. 1857, p. 203. 
Campylorhynchus gu- | Mexico -....-...--. Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 197 
laris. Mus. 1860, p. 462. 
——— Jay ii ish SR seeee Mazatlan, Mexico.| Acad. of Nat. Sci. | Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 96 
Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1856, p. 263. 
—— jocosus.-.-..-.--- | Oaxaca, Mexico...| Sclater Coll. in Brit..| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 153 
Mus. 1859, p. 371. 
—— nigriceps.---..--. Vera Cruz, Mex- |..... C ieeeeeenee tosses Proc. Zool. Sdc. London, 197 
ico. 1860, p. 461. 
——— SD ALOUS eas esl 7 Santa Marta, Co- | G. N. Lawrence Coll ..| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 114 
lombia. 1857, p. 271. 
——— striaticollis ------ Colompbiai---.--..- Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 114 
Mus. 1857, p. 272. 
Canis lateralis...-....| Gaboon, W. Afri- | Zool.Soc.Menagerie...| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 512 
ca. 1870, p. 279, pl. xxiii. 
— microtis.-.....---. Amazons ...-.--.- Zovl. Soc. Menagerie | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 917 
(Now in Brit. Mus.) 1882, p. 631, p. xlvii. 
— niger ..-...----.- Lanak Pass, Thi- | Zool. Soc. Menagerie | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 667 
bet. (Now in Paris Mus.)| 1874, p. 655, pl. Ix xviii. 
Capito melanotis, | Rio Javari...--.-... Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Ibis, 1861, p.190-.-.-----..-. 236 
Hartl. MS. Mus. 
<—— steeril Moyobamba,Peru.| Steere Coll -..-.-.---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 775 
1878, p. 140, pl. xii. 
techies’, <1... 2 HOP ebtbe & seen een Bremen Mus....------ Tipis; 1861; p. 188.25. 2e5- = 236 
Carpophaga melano- | Duke of York | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 796 
chroa. Island. in Brit. Mus. 1878, p. 672, pl. xlii. 
—— rhodinolzema. -..-. Admiralty Is- | Challenger Coll-...-... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 762 
lands. 1877, p. 555. 
Casiornis fusca ..----- Bahia, Brazil --.-. Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Nomencl. Ay. Neotrop., 13 
Mus. pp. 57, 159 (1873). 
Cassiculus flavicris- | Babahoyo, Ecua- |....- do. aeeeececie ~ «5 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
sus. dor. 1860, p. 276. 
microrhynchus...| Isthmus of Pan- |.-..- GOYsaonnsnendas s8o5 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 322 


1864, p, 353. 


List of new species described—Continued, 


Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. eh of 
Casuarius beccarii-...| Wokan, Aroo Is- | Genoa Mus. (Museo | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 684 
lands. Civico). 1875, p. 87. 
—— bicarunculatus..-.| Moluccas (?)------ Zool.Soc.Menagerie. - . Rot. ty London, 177 
1860, p. 248. 
—— picticollis.......-. New Guinea...-.-.|....- Oar ee tains n= Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 684 
1875, p. 85, pl. xviii. 
—— westermanni..... Munsinan, N ew |...-.-- Go qcoc contenoe Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 657 
Guinea. 1874, p. 248. 
Catamenia homoch- | Matos, Ecuador ..| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 134 
roa. Mus. 1858, p. 552. 
Catharus mentalis....| Tilotilo, Yungas, | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. Londen, 723 
Bolivia. in Brit. Mus. 1876, p. 352. 
—— occidentalis ...... Oaxaca, W. Mex- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 149 
ico. Mus. 1859, p. 323. 
—— pheopleurus..... Antioquia, Colom- |. -.--- GS) cae Gocencedacosd Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 696 
bia. 1875, p. 541. 
Celeus citreopygius, | Yurimaguas, |..-.- Coens meen eesa= Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 417 
Bp. MS. Peru. 1867, p. 758. 
—— spectabilis -.-.--- Sarayacu, Ecua- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
dor. in Brit. Mus. 1880, p. 161. 
— subflavus ...-..--- Bahia, Brazil ..... Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 745 
Mus. 1877, p. 21. 
Centrites oreas --...--- Anta Rerw : 2. otacsee OlMS Saaspaeece cee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 471 
1869, p. 154. 
Centropsar mirus- --. - Western Mexico..]..-..- OS as SREB osoessce Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 653 
. 1874, p. 176, pl. xxvi. 
Cephalopterus pen- | Pallatanga, Ecua- |.--.- DO eee Se ceiea Ibis, 1859, p. 114, pl. iii; 143 
duliger. dor. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1859, p. 142. 
Cercomacra carbona- | Rio Brancho, Gui- |..-.- (0) Coane. IOOE A OOESe Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 13 
ria, Natt. MS. ana. pp. 73, 161 (1873). 
—— hypomeleena ...-. Cosnipata, S. W. | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Cat. B. Brit. Mus. XV, p. 22 
Peru. in Brit. Mus. 268 (1890). 
——- MAC WLOSHaerE ae Babahoyo, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
dor. Mus. 1860, p. 279. 
——napensis, Scl. | Rio Napo, Ecua- |....-. Opera arent aretey= Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 454 
MS. _ dor. 1868, p. 572. 
—— nigricans ..-.-.-.- Santa Marta, Co- |.-..- OGreR met cca cece es Proc. Zooi. Soe. London, | 122 
lombia. 1858, p. 245. 
Cercopithecus molo- | Lake Nyassa.....- WihisGdeeabeiSereqsoss. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 1166 
neyl. 1893, p. 252, pl. xvii. 
—— opisthostictus ...| Lake Mweru, |..... dOmeseeeess tease == Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1182 
British Central 1893, p. 725. 
— stairsi ...........| Zambezi River....| Zool. Soc. Menagerie | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1152 
(Now in Brit. Mus.). 1892, p. 580, pl. xl. 
Certhidea fusca--.....- Abingdon and | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 513 
Bindloes islands, in Brit. Mus. 1870, p. 324. 
Galapagos. | 
Certhiola mexicana. ..| South Mexico..... Sallei@ aurea enn Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 92 
1856, p. 286. 
Cervulus crinifrons...| Ningpo, China....| Zool.Soc.Menagerie(?)| Proc. Dest. sae London, | 971 
1885, p. 1, pl.i. | 
——micrurus......... Chingee eee sesde loses Oe aetna Be reTae Proce. Daal She. London, 692 
1875, p. 421, pl. li, fig.1. | 
Cervus alfredi .....-.. Malayan Penin- |..... OO pp scas-sscser 5s Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 515 
sula. 1870, p. 381, pl. xxviil. 
——euopis, Swinhoe | Northern China ..|..... Ge se Pais Seceromtelefel= Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 651 
MS. 1874, p. 151. | 
—— swinhoei....-....- MOVMGSHE = = Sasron'l eo Sele (ee Boorse ape. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 260 
1862, p. 152, pl. xvii. | 
Chetocerus burmeis- | Tucuman..--..--. Nat. Mus. Buenos | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 1035 
teri. Aires. 1887, p. 639. | 
Cheetura biscutata.-..| Ypanema, Brazil..| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 354 
us 1865, p. 609, pl. xxxiv. 
—— brachycerea....-. Xeberos, E. Peru..|.-...-. kis ses Sspodadeasoc Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 417 
1867, p. 758, pl. xxxiv. | 
-—— cassini.-.-----.... Gahoon-.-- 2255 Brite Minseene esos Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 287 
1863, p. 205, pl. xiv, fig. 2. | 
— cinereiventris, | Brazil .-........-. Selater Coll. in Brit. | Cat. American Birds, p. | 8 
Sel. MS. Mus. 283 (1862). | 
Chameepelia buckleyi-.| Santa Rita, Ecua- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 745 
dor. in Brit. Mus. 1877, p. 21. | 
Chameza mollissima .| Santa Fé di Bo- | Brit. Mus-..........-- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 75 
: gota. 1855, p. 89. pl. xev. 
Chauna nigricollis....| Rio Dekke, Co- | Zool. Soc. Menagerie..| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 305 
; lombia. 1864, p. 75, pl. xi. 
Chelidoptera_ brasil- | S.E. Brazil....... Selater Coll. in Brit. | Cat. American Birds, p. | 8 
iensis. Mus. 275 (1862). 
Chiroxiphia regina | Borba, Brazil .---. Vienna Mus........-. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 94 

(Natt. MS.) 

ser. 2, XVII, p. 469 (1856). | 



List of new species described—Continued. 

Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. | | ae 
Chloéphaga  rubidi- | Falkland Islands.| Brit. Mus....-......-- Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 189 
ceps. 1860, p. 387, pl. clxxili. \ 
Chlorochrysa nitidis- | Antioquia -.-....-.. Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soe. London, | 629 
sima. Mus. 1873, p. 728. 
Chloronerpes dignus. -|--..- hi) KeBsonbeoees|aadae GUYS Satdadensdeenae Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 745 
1877, p. 20, pl. i. 
——  malherbii.-....-.. IDGORY ie Seeene(seods GW ceccsnasconoséoc Cat. American Birds, p. 8 
338 (1862). 
—— xanthochlorus ..-| San Cristoval, |-.-.- QO :-cesvececes eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 686 
Venezuela. 1875, p. 238. 
Chlorophanes guate- | Guatemala .......|.-.-. Ole ereinet Seer Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 215 
malensis. 1861, p. 129. 
—— purpurascens -...| Caracas, Venezu- |.---- bt) Reason pcoeacodise Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 13 
ela. pp. 16, 157 (1873). 
Chlorophoniaflaviros- | Ecuador -.-..-.-.-.|----- Om See ceiedieoes Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 215 
tris. 1861, p. 129. 
Chloropipo holo- | Bogota...-......--|....- DO) eeo- bee see eOab. bp. wbrib, Muss oXelVenms 20 
chlora. 287 (1888). 
Chlorospingus calo- | Tilotilo, Yungas, | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zoo). Soc. London, 723 
phrys. Bolivia. in Brit. Mus. 1876. p. 354. 
— castaneicollis’--.-| Peru:--.-.--:-.--. Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 125 
Mus. 1858, p. 293. 
— chrysophrys -.-.- Merida, Venezu- |----- G\i) soosSdcasqoneas Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 686 
ela. 1875, p. 235. 
— flaviventris ....-.. Trinidad.e-ee ees: Jardine Coll .....-...-- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 86 
1856, p. 91. 
—— goeringi .-.-....-- Paramos of Meri- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 520 
da, Venezuela. Mus. 1870, p. 784, pl. xlvi, fig. 1. 
— hypopheus...... Calovevora, Ver- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 445 
agua. in Brit. Mus. 1868, p. 389. 
— lichtensteini..--. Bogotacec.---=---=| iBerlimneNtns seecenee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 84 
| | 1856, p. 30. 
—— melanotis ..-....- Colombia -.---.... jeSTMt. MES fens meio enim Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 60 
1854, p. 157, pl. xviii. 
—— oleagineus ..-...-|--.-- CO @eee samo eee Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 255 
| Mus. 1862, p. 110. 
—— pheocephalus.... Jina, Ecuador....; Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 759 
in Brit. Mus. 1877, p. 521, pl. lii. fig. 2. 
— punctulatus...-.- Cordillera de }-...- dOWeesecee sees Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 484 
| _Chucu, Veragua. 1869, p. 440. 
—— semifuscus.....-. | Quito, Ecuador...|..-.- Gases Hoe SHicde oe Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 13 
| pp. 24, 157 (1873). 
—— xanthophrys....- (Bogota s. o<c acess Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 84 
Mus. 1856, p. 30. 5 
Chrysomitris uropy- | Chili ...-.........|.-..- OW ess s5aGocshoS Cat. American Birds, p. 8 
gialis, Sel. MS. 125 (1862). 
Chrysotis cceligena, lin(3) eee oe eee Zool.Soc. Menagerie .-| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 846 
Lawyr. MS. 1879, p.815; 1880, p. 68, 
pl. ix, fig. 1. 
— finschi-..-.-.--... MexiComeeesscsen. Brit. Mussscce= cceeces Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 320 
1864, p. 298. 
—guatemale, | Honduras ........ Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Ibis, 1860, p.44.-.-.--..-.. 200 
Hartl. MS. | Mus. 
—— sallwi........--.- | San Domingo-.-.--. Paris cess. = Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 110 
1857, p. 224. 
Ciccaba nigrolineata..| Southern Mexico.| Norwich Mus..-...--. Ba ee aise London, 140 
1859, p. 131. 
Cinclocerthia macro- | St. Lucia, West | Paris Mus......-..--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 387 
rhyncha. Indies. 1866. p. 320. 
Cinclodes albidiven- | Chimborazo, Ec- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 164 
tris. uador. Mus. 1860, p. 77. 
— bifasciatus..-.-.- IBOLIGIa Sets eae ere Derby Mus.--.------: Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 130 
1858, p. 448. 
— excelsior....--.-. Chimborazo, Ec- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 164 
uador. Mus. 1860, p. 77. 
Cinclus leuconotus...| Bogota ...........|----- 0 Seen reese Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 114 
1857, p. 274. 
Cinnyris balfouri-.. --. Socotra s----s2scee Brit. Maseee.- ost Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 870 
1881, p. 169, pl. xv, fig. 2. 
Cisticola incana...... |heeenene 0:2 sah.c2oeee heer GO eee ecco sao Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 870 
1881, p. 166, pl. xv, figs 1. 
Cistothcruselegans..-| Dnefias, Guate- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Ibis, 1859, p.8.-.---.------- 156 
mala, in Brit. Mus. 
Climacteris placens...| Atam, Arfak | D’Albertis Coll-.------ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 628 
Mountains, New 1873, p. 693. 
Cnipodectes minor....) Chamicuros,Peru.| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 946 
Mus. 1883, p. 654. 
Cnipolegus cinereus..| Corumba, Para- | Smithsonian Institu- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 501 
guay. tion. 1870, p. 58. 
— hudsoni......... Rio Negro, Pata- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 584 



1872, p. 541, pl. xxxi. 



List of new species described—Continued. 



No. of 

Cnipolegus pusillus..- 

Cobus crawshayi.--.. 

Coccothraustes mac- 

Coceyzus bairdi...--. 

Coereba carneipes (?)- 

—— lucida.....-..---- 
Colobus angolensis. - - 

Columba albipennis. - - 
—— nigrirostris -.---- 
Conirostrum ferrugi- 
—— fraseri ..-.-.----- 
Conopophaga castan- 
— cucullata........-. 
— gutturalis........ 
—— torrida........-.- 
Contopus mesoleucus.- 
—— ochraceus....---- 
— sordidulus -.-.---- 
Conurus egregius.-. --. 
— holochlorus .----- 
—— ocularis.-....-..-- 
—— propinquus, Sel. 
—— rhodocephalus -.. 
—— rhodogaster, Natt. 
—— rubritorqius ..-.-. 
— xantholemus ...-. 
Copsychus snavis..----. 
Copurus fuscicapillus - 
Corethrura rubra...-. 
Corvus capellanus. --- 
Cotinga porphyrolx- 
Cotyle fulvipennis. --. 

Cracticus personatus, 
Temm. MS. 

Crax erythrognatha.. 

—— incommoda....... 

Creurgops verticalis, 
Verr. MS. 

Crypturus bartletti- .- 
—— cerviniventris. --- 

— transfasciatus.... 

Locality. Location of type. Place of description. paper. 
Lower Amazons.-| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 13 
Mus. pp. 48, 158 (1873). 
Lake Mweru, Brit- | Brit. Mus. (?).--.----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1182 
ish Central Af- 1893, p. 726. 
VIG Sonos mEeee Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 178 
Mus. 1860, p. 251, pl. eLxiii. 
Samad oss ewac lease Gk) sabecocdcseHadeee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 308 
1864, p. 120. 
Playa Vicente, |-...- At) ee Sea specoeS Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 153 
Mexico. 1859, p. 376. 
Guatemala. sacs estes GOpect esas cecocdsae TIS sSHO apts <n sete 156 
Angola ...--- SSeos|) ha pWiliGy Cont eansecce Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 176 
1860, p. 245. 
Pitumarea, Peru-.| Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 712 
in Brit. Mus. 1876, p. 18. 
Oaxaca, Mexico.-..| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 153 
Mus. 1859, p. 390. 
(Bolivia) oe. -=--=-~ WET Dyes cane cea Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 73 
1855, p. 74, pl. Ixxxv. 
Cuenca, Ecuador..| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 131 
Mus. 1858, p. 452. 
BOP Gtaeee ase see GI) soseceesoeSesenr Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 100 
1857, p. 47. 
aim are Gly Sons Saecocne Peso U ) casecceremoscnsel| Ueinien “An aastiyey Iba Con 84 
1856, p. 29, pl. exix. 
Colombians = ej. <a es - AI) eReeaoceareace oes Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 454 
1868, p. 574. 
io WNapos--s-cs--|-=--6 Oca at cate sae: Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
1858, p. 68. 
Oniaibase. ssseecte acc Cee Bec ERS See Proc. Zool. Soe. London, | 139 
1859, p. 43. 
Costa ‘Rica: -=-..-- Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 479 
in Brit. Mus. 1869, p. 419. 
Mel CON ae ail ainla aie Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 139 
Mus. 1859, p. 44. 
Demerara......--. Salvin-Godman Coll. | Ibis, 1881, p. 180, pl. iv-.--- 890 
in Brit. Mus. 
Jalapa, Mexico.-...| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 161 
Mus. ser. 3, LV,p. 224 (1859). 
Isthmus of Pana- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 322 
ma. in Brit. Mus. 1864, p. 367. 
S. E. Brazil.......| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Cat. American Birds, p. 8 
Mus. 346 (1862). | 
Merida, Venezuela). --.- (GUE Beene peas Gae Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 520 
1870, p. 787. 
Borba, Brazil ----- Bremen Mus...--.--..-- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 320 
1864, p. 298, pl. xxiv. 
South America(?).) Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1013 
Mus. 1886, p. 539, pl. lvi. 
St. Thomas, West | Newton Coll..-.------ Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 161 
Indies. ser. 3, IV, p. 225 (1859). 
S. Borneo...-.---.| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 216 
Mus. 1861, p. 185. | 
@olombiaier =. 54sec OO sestscsssss5 -....| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 229 
1861, p. 381. 
Vera Paz, Guate- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 182 
mala. in Brit. Mus. 1860, p. 300. 
Fao, Persian Gulf.| Zool.Soc.Menagerie ..| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 734 
1876, p. 694, pl. lxvi. 
Sarayacu, Ucayali.| Mus.d’Hist.Nat.Paris | Rey. et Mag. de Zool., 1852, 50 
p. 226. 
Jalapa, S. Mexico-| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 152 
Mus. 1859, p. 364. 
MODS = come arate Leyden Mus...--..---; Journ. of Proc. of Linn. 138 
Soc. London (Zool.), ser. 
3, II, p. 162 (1858). 
Bogota, Colombia.| Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 745 
in Brit. Mus. 1877, p, 22. 
(ieee ae soee ceases ewe GOVE. ste lasccanees Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 592 
1872, p. 690. 
(Q) Re twanepeeeeracsl ere GOve soos see. es cse Trans. Zool. Soc. London, | 705 
IX, p. 282 (1875). 
Rio; Napo..---..-. | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
Mus. 1858, p. 72, pl. cxxxii, 
fig. 2. 
He OLWeearotsc ce: Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 614 
in Brit. Mus. | 1878, p. 311. 
Venezuela ..-...-.. Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 620 
Mus. 1873, p. 512. 
Santa Rosa, Ecua- | Steere Coll............ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 775 
dor. | 1878, p, 141, pl. xiii. 



List of new species described—Continued. 

Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. ae 
Culicivora boliviana.-.| Bolivia ........--. Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 53 
Mus. 1852, p. 34, pl. xlvii. 
Cyanocitta’ germana..| Belize....-....---- Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 718 
in Brit. Mus. 1876, p. 270. 
Cyanoccrax nigriceps-| Tilotilo, Yungas, | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 723 
3olivia, in Brit. Mus. 1876, p. 354. 
Cyclopsitta suavissi- | Naiabui, New | D’Albertis Coll-.----.- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 733 
ma. Guinea. 1876, p. 520, pl. liv. 
Cyclorhis albiventris-| Bahia, Brazil--..-- Sclater Coll. and Sal- | Nomencl. Av. Neotrep., 13 
vin-Godman Coll. in pp. 18, 156 (1873). 
Brit. Mus. 
—— atrirostris..-...-.-. Heuador, ss 425523: Salvin-Godman Coll. | Ibis, 1887, p. 324, pl.x-...-- 1037 
in Brit. Mus. 
—— flavipectus -..--.- Trinidad, Vene- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 130 
zuela, Colombia. Mus. 1858, p. 448. 
—— virenticeps..-.--- Babahoyo, Ecua- |.-.-.- HO edoaceaeqoscee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
dor. 1860, p. 274, pl. elxiv. 
Cyclorhynchus equi- | Rio Napo..--..--.|..-.. GOnss setae eeaee see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
noctialis. 1858, p. 70. 
—— cinereiceps..----- Oaxaca, Mexico...|..... 00-2 oe cwateee mer: Tibis; S590 pWAds toe eee 159 
— fulvipectus .-..-.- Nanegal, Ecuador.}..... GOs ee ates eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 165 
1860, p. 92. 
— subbrunneus..-.. Babahoyo, Ecua- }.--.. OO: eehsseacscee eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
dor. 1860, p. 282. 
Cyphorinus albigu- | Isthmus of Pana- | Derby Mus...-..-.--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 73 
laris. ma. 1855, p. 76, pl. Ixx xviii. 
—— dichrous'--....--- Remedios, Antio- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 825 
quia. Mus. 1879, p. 492, pl. xli. 
— pheocephalus....| Esmeraldas, Ee- |..-... OO Faestssscee eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 181 
uador. 1860, p. 291. 
— pusillus.......... Oaxaca, Mexico...|.-..-. Oy Ss se cepactesse Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 153 
1859, p. 372. 
Cypselus infumatus.-| Banjermassing, | Wallace Coll....-..--. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 354 
Borneo. 1865, p. 602. 
Dacnis ceerebicolor- --.| Colombia (2) ------ Seclater Coll. in Brit. | Contr. to Ornith., 1851, | 40 
Mus. p. 106. 
—— egregia...-.--.--. Colombia ......... IBTIG NS ea -taee e Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 63 
1854, p. 251. 
— hartlaubi......--./..... Woe see beacon ase GO ek ee eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 63 
1854, p. 251. 
—— pulcherrima......|..-.. Covet eee ee Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 56 
Mus. 1853, p. 480. 
— salmoni.......... Remedios, Antio- |....- LT Petes ra sesehy ameee taRe | Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XT, p. 19 
quia. 27, pl. ii, fig. 2 (1886). 
Damalis hunteri-.----- Tana River, N.E. | H.C. V. Hunter Coll..| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1058 
Africa. 1889, pp. 58, 372, pl. xlii. 1072 
Dasyprocta antillen- | St. Lucia, West ; Zool. Soc. Menagerie..| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 668 
sis. Indies. | 1874, p. 666, pl. lxxxii. 
Dendrocinela ruficeps | Isthmus of Pan- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 431 
ama. Mus. 1868, p. 54. 
Dendrocolaptes ey- | Capim River, |....- CO"... =<. coemesoaee|) E roc: AZo0l. ‘Soc, wondon: 54 
toni. Para, Brazil. | 1853, p. 69, pl. lii. 
— puncticollis ...... Vera Paz, Guate- | Sclater Coll. and Sal- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 431 
mala. vin-Godman Coll. in 1868, p. 54, pl. v. 
Brit. Mus. 
— radiolatus, Scl. | Yurimaguas,Peru | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 417 
MS. Mus. 1867, p. 755. 
Dendrocygnadiscolor.| Venezuela, Gui- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 13 
ana, and Brazil. in Brit. Mus. pp. 129, 161 (1873). 
Dendreeca chrysopa- | Vera Paz, Guate- AUB Rane e ees ose Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 182 
Tia. mala. 1860, p. 298. 
Dendromanes homo- | Oaxaca, Mexico...) Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 153 
chrous. Mus. 1859, p. 382. 
Dendrorniserythropy-| Vera Cruz, S. |.--.- COkeee lo taestheee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 152 
gia. Mexico. 1859, p. 366. i 
Dicz#um eximium..... New Ireland...-..- | Wardlaw Ramsay | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 750 
[ Coll. 1877, p. 102, pl. xiv, fig. 2. | 
— fulgidum...._.... | Laratand Loetoe, | Brit. Mus-............- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 926 
Tenimber Is- 1883, p. 56. 
: | _ lands. 
Dicrurus lemo-stic- | New Britain......|....- G CREE e cere ocrsos Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 750 
tus. 1877, p. 101. 
Diglossa glauca....... Nairapi, Bolivia..) Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 715 
} in Brit. Mus. 1876, p. 253. 
— gloriosa.......... Paramo de la Cu- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 520 
lata, Venezuela. Mus. 1870, p. 784, pl. xlvi, 
fig. 2. 
—— indigotica, Verr. | Ecuador ---.......|..... QO eee ines ome Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 94 
MS. ser.2, X VII, p.467 (1856). 
Diglossopis cwrules- | Caracas, Vene- | Paris Mus..-.-..--.-.|---.. QOeanres SSCS 3 94 




List of new species described—Continued. 
Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. ee 
Diplopterus excellens.| 5. Mexico-.....--.- Salle} Collestecs. = sae Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 111 
1857, p. 229. 
Donacicola spectabi- | New Britain ...--. Itt? Mnisieae nok. 22 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 82 
lis. 1879, p. 449, pl. xxxvii, 
fig. 2. 
Drepanornis albert- | Mount Arfak, | D’Albertis Coll..--.-- Proc. Zool Soc. London, 625 
isi. New Guinea. 1873, p. 558, pl. xvii. 
. — —cervinicauda-| Port Moresby, | Dr.G. BennettColl.(?)| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 944 
New Guinea. 1883, p. 578. 
Drymeca hesitata...| Socotra.....-...-. Bethe WSs ems ona a oe enol: Soc. London, 870 
1881, p. 166. 
Dryocopus fuscipen- | Babahoyo, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
nis. dor. Mus. 1860, p. 286. 
Dubusia auricrissa---.-| Bogota ....-.-..--|----- Oe seeeacnes ee: Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 81 
1855, p. 227. 
Dysithamnus ardesia- | Rio Napo, Ecua- |.--.- COA 73t.5) 2b ae Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 417 
cus. or. 1867, p. 756. 
—— leucostictus ------ IRIGUN APOE ace sac,- =). 22 (eee Se ee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
1858, p. 66. 
—— semicinereus ....- Santa F'6 di Bo- | Brit. Mus..........--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 75 
gota. 1855, p. 90, pl. xevii. 
—— subplumbeus ....| Sarayacu, Ecua- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
dor. in Brit. Mus. 1880, p. 158. 
—=— UNICOLO2- - <<< Pallatanga, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 143 
dor. Mus. 1859, p. 141. 
Elainea fallax.......-. AMATO = seis ame cuits domtiesce: s2sseea Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 212, 522 
1861, p.76; 1870, p. 832. 
—— flavivertex ....... Upper Amazon...|....- GFE S58 Soctene poe Zool. Soe. London, | 1019 
1887, p. 49. 
— gigas............. Rio Napo, Ecua- |..... Do esses ahs. kt Proc. Zool. Soc. London. | 522 
or. 1870, p. 831. 
— griseigularis ---.. Riobamba, Ecua- |..--. WO Set ereacece ke Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 134 
dor. 1858, p. 554, pl. exlvi, 
fig. 1. 
— hypospodia ...--. Weneziela:. .-..-s.|25--. GOS 2). 22s asec se Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 1019 
1887, p. 49. | 
—— implacens.....-.- Esmeraldas, Ecua- |... .- Monel Phe 5... = EG Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 233 
dor. 1861, p. 408. 
—— luteiventris ..-..-.- RiowNapo's es. 44. oe doers. 2286s Fe: Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
1858, p. 71. 
—  pallatangew .-..-... Pallatanga, Ecua- |----- DO Serica aieice meet Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 233 
dor. 1861, p. 407, pl. xli. 
—— placens........-.- Cordova, Mexico..| Sallé Coll..-.......---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 139 
1859, p. 46. 
—- pudica ........--. Bogota, Colombia-.| Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 522 
Mus. 1870, p. 833. 
= — TsiPesse=2- See ~ = St. Thomas, West |.-.-.- OOssaesee ste Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 185 
Indies. 1860, p. 314. 
—— semipagana...-.-.- HIGUAGCOL) = sew w ales m aot oe EO. Rete hee Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 233 
1861, p. 406. 
—— stictoptera -..-...- Matos, Ecuador...|.---- LO abe = occ ok Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 134 
. pa p. 554, pl. exlvi, 
—— subpagana -.-.---- Duefias, Guate- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Ibis, 1860,p.36....-.-..---- 200 
mala. in Brit. Mus. 
— subplacens...-.-... Pallatanga, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 233 
or. Mus. 1861, p. 407. 
—— variegata.......-- Cordova, S. Mex- | Sallé Coll..-........... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 92 
ico. 1856, p. 297. 
—— vilissima ::-...:-. Central America. - Bolster Coll. in Brit. ae 1859, p. 122, pl. iv, 156a@ 
us. als 
Equus asinus somali- | Somaliland -.....- CRRA as 2). a Pra: Zool. Soc. London, 965 
cus. 1884, p. 542, pl. 1, fig. 1. 
Erythrura regia (Ery- | Api, New Hebri- | J. K. Howard Coll. | Ibis, 1881, p. 544, pl. xv, 894 
throspiza in text). des. (Now in Brit. Mus.). fig. 2. 
serena (Erythro- | Aneiteum, New | Brit. Mus-..........--- Ibis, 1881, p. 544, pl. xv. 894 
spiza in text). Hebrides. fig. 1. 
Embernagra chryso- | Babahoyo, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
ma. dor. Mus. 1860, p. 275. 
Empidochanes peci- | Colombia ......--.|---.- dowess celia 2 ee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 255 
lurus. ~ 1862, p. 112. | 
— salvini ........... Roraima, British | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XIV, 20 
‘ Guiana. in Brit. Mus. p. 218 (1888). 
Empidonax albigula- | Dueiias, Guate- |--... AG Ss Sates es bis (859 yprl22. so a: -|-< 156a 
ris. mala. 
— bairdi............ Oaxaca, S. Mexico.| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 126 
Mus. 1858, p. 301. 
—— brachytarsus..... Cordova, Mexico..|..... doses ee seek see This#1859; p. 441.....-----. 159 
~— ridgwayi......... Bogota, Colombia.|..... dO) s22335 8 eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1019 
1887, p. 50. 


List of new species described—Continued. 



Eubucco aurantiicol- 

Euchetes coccinens, 
Verr. MS. 

Euchlornis frontalis. - 

Eupetes leucostictus. - 
Eupherusa egregia. - -. 

Euphoniachalcopasta. | 

— chrysopasta..-.-.-- 

— concinna 

— crassirostris 

— finschi 

— frontalis 
— fulvicrissa 

— gouldi..--...---.-. 

—  hirundinacea, 
Bp. MS. 

— insignis........-- 

—— melanura 

— pyrrhophrys...--- 

— vittata 

Euplocamus nobilis. -. 

Eupsilostoma pusil- 


Enscarthmus agilis- -. 

— apicalis .....--..-. 
— fulviceps..-.---.-- 
— impiger ....------ 

— pelzelni 
—— wuchereri 

Falco dickinsoni 

Helisilanean -leenmce ae 

—— passerum, new 
name for F. pajeros, | 

Fluvicola atripennis. 

Formicarius monili- 

— trivittatus 

Formicivora boucardi- 
— callinota 

— caloptera 


Upper Amazon ..- 
Rio Napo 


Atam, Arfak 
Mountains, New 

Castello and Calo- 
vevora, Vera- 



River Ucayali, 


Santa Marta, Co- 

Central America. - 

Jina, Ecuador..... 

Barra do Rio Ne- 

Colombia (?)...--- 

Pallatanga, Ecua- 
Solomon Islands. . 

Bocotass- 5..2-2--= 

Lima, Peru 

Venezuela ...-.-.- 

| Cuyaba, Brazil. ... 

Bahia, Brazil. ---.: 

River Shiré, E. 
Cape Colony (?)--- 

Babahoyo, Ecua- 

Cordova, S. Mex- 

River Amazon...-- 

Acatepec, 5. Mex- 

Santa Fé di Bo- 

Pallatanga, Ecua- 

Location of type. 

Place of description. 

‘Brit; WMA y sete. ses <1 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Derby (Misses --e oe 
D'Albertis Coll 

Salvin Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Edward Wilson Coll.. 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 
Gould Coll 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Seclater Coll. in Brit. 

Brit. Mugs sact a feceees 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Brit. Mus. (2)2-2-<--.- 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Pariss Mis ese ae ease 


Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Sallé6 Colloce. eaeneen 

Brit. Mus 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Brit. Muse. sesee ses eo 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 


Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1857, p. 267. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 

London, | 


1858, p. 73, pl. exxvyii, 
fig 1 

Proc. Zool. Soe. 

1858, p. 446. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 



1873, p. 690, pl. lii. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. 

1868, p. 389. 


Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 
pp. 18, 157 (1873). 

Proce. Zool. Soe. 


1869, p. 438, pl. xxx, figs. 

Tanagrarum  Catalogus 

Specificus, pp. 

14, 16 

(1854); Proce. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1854, p. 98, pl. 

Ixy, fig. 2. 

Proce. Zool. Soe. 

1856, p. 277. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1877, p. 19. 

Contr. to Ornith. 

Proe. Zool. Soe. 
1856, p. 276. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. 



, tedL ps 



1857, p. 66, pl. exxiv. 
Tanagrarum Catalogus 

Specificus, pp. 

Proce. Zool. Soe. 

14, 16 


1877, p. 521, pl. lii, fig. 1. 

Contr. to Ornith. 


Contr. to Ornith. 

, 1851, p. 
, 1851; p. 

89, pl. Ixxv, fig. 2. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1861, p. 129. 

Proe. Zool. Soe. 



1863, p. 119, pl. xvi. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. 
1860, p. 68. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1869, p. 121. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. 



1856, p. 29, pl. exviii. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. 


1887, p. 47, pl. ix, fig. 1. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. 

1871, p. 497. 
Proe. Zool. Soe. 

1868, p. 171, pl. xiii, fig. 1. 
This, 188); p. 26800822 ee 



Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 
pp. 45, 158 (1873). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. 

1864, p. 248. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. 



1877, p. 532, pl. lv. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1871, p. 700. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1860, p. 280. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1856, p. 294. 
Proe. Zool. Soc. 

1857, p. 46. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. 
1858, p. 300. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 




1855, p. 89, pl. xevi. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1859, p, 142. 


A ie 


List of new species described—Continued. 



Formicivora caudata 
— cinerascens ..---- 
—— consobrina 

—— erythrocerca...-. 

— hematonota-.-.-- 

—— hauxwelli 

— urosticta 

Fuligula nationi 

Furnarius agnatus.-.. 
— pileatus-..-....---- 
— torridus.-......... 
Galbula chalcothorax - 
— fuscicapilla 

— inornata 

— maculicauda --.--. 
— melanogenia.....-. 
Gallinago imperialis. - 
— nobilis 

Gallinula nesiotis-.... 
Gazella naso..---.-.-. 
Geositta crassirostris.- 
Geothlypis semiflava- -. 
—— speciosa..-.-.-...- 

Geotrygon chiriquen- 

Gerygone dorsalis. --. 

Glaucidium californi- 

Glyphorhynchus ma- 

— pectoralis ......-. 

Gracula kreffti-..--.... 

Grallaria dignissima. - 

—— erythroleuca ..... 
—— erythrotis........ 
—— ferrugineipectus - 
—— flavirostris.--...-.- 
— flavotincta ---...- 
— fulviventris..-.-.-- 

— griseonucha...... 


Bebahoyo Ecua. 

IBTAZe(ie) rnin = 
Chamicuros, E. 

Santa Marta, Co- 




Quijos, Ecuador. -. 

South Brazil, Bo- 
South America. -.. 



Lima, Peru 

Babahoyo, Ecua- 

Larat, Loetoe and 
Moloe, Tenim- 
ber Islands. 
(2yieseaseewte ccs xe 

Choctun, Vera Paz 

Vera Paz, Guate- 

Solomon Islands. - 

Sarayacu, Ecuador 

Huasampilla, Peru 

Tilotilo, Yungas, 
Caracas, Venezu- 

tio Napo 

Paramo de la Cu- 
lata, Venezuela. 

Location of type. 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 
Brit, Miuskesseseiee acer 

Selater Coll. in 
Hyton Coll-.-.-.-...-- 

Brit. Mus 

Selater Coll. in 
Eyton Coll...........- 

Sclater Coll. in 

in Brit. Mus. 

Selater Coll. in 
Steere Coll---.--...--2 

Selater Coll. in 
Gonld! Colles. cos. 2 

Sclater Coll. in 

in Brit. Mus. 
Selater Coll. in 

EK. Lort Phillips Coll. - 

Sclater Coll. in 


Sclater Coll.........-- 
Brit. Mus 

Acad. of Nat. Sci., 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

IBV te MUS oss se oecen- 

Sclater Coll. and Sal- 
vin-Godman Coll. in 
Brit. Mus. 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Paris Mus 


Sate No. of 

Place of description. paper. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 64 
1854, p. 254, pl. Lxxiv. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 107 
1857, p- 131. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
1860, p. 279. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 122 
1858, p. 240, pl. exlii. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 100 
1857, p. 48. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 107 
1857, p.131, pl.cxxvi,fig.2. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 107 
1857, p. 130. 

Rey. et Mag. de Zool., 1853, 56 
p- 480. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 107 
1857, p.130, pl.cxxvi,fig.1. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, |759, 788 
1877, p. 522; 1878, p. 477, 
pl. xxxii. 

Nomencl. Ay. Neotrop., 13 
pp. 61, 159 (1873). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 775 
1878, p 139. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 380 
1866, p. 183. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 59 
1854, p. 110. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 69 
1855, p.13. 

Contr. to Ornith., 1852, p. 43 

Contr. to Ornith., 1852, p. 43 

Contr. to Ornith., 1852, p. 45 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 479 
1869, p. 419. 

Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 84 
1856, p. 31. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, |218, 221 
1861, pp. 209, 261, pl. xxx. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1012 
1886, p. 504, pl. li. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 376 
1866, p. 98. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
1860, p. 273. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 130 
1858, p. 447. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 89 
1856, p. 143. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 932 
1883, p. 199. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 98 
1857, p. 4. 

Cat. American Birds, p. 8 
161 (1862). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 182 
1860, p. 299. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 464 
1869, p. 120, pl. ix. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
1880, p. 160, pl. xvii. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 633 
1873, p. 783. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 723 
1876, p. 357. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 107 
1857, p. 129. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
1858, p. 68 

Ibis, 1877, p. 445, pl. ix.-.--- 768 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
1858, p. 68. 

Proce Zool. Soc. London, 520 

1870, p. 786. 


List of new species described—Continued. 


Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. ele 
Grallaria haplonota...| Venezuela ..-..-.. peter Coll. in Brit. | Ibis, 1877, p. 442 ......-.-.- 768 
— hypoleuca....-.--. Santa Fé di Bogo- | Jardin des Plantes | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 75 
ta. Mus. 1855, p. 88. 
—— loricata -.. 2. .2--- Caracas, Venezu- | Paris Mus..-........- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 107 
ela. 1857, p. 129. 
—— mexicana .......- Jalapa, Mexico.--.| Selater Coll in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 229 
fus. 1861, p. 381. 
—— modesta..-------- Santa Fé di Bo- | Brit. Mus-......-..... Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 75 
gota. 1855, p. 89, pl. xciv. 
— nuchalis ......--. Rio Napo, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 154 
dor. Mus. 1859, p. 441. 
—— princeps........- Veragna-...2..-5. Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 479 
in Brit. Mus. 1869, p. 418. 
— regulus ..-....---- Pallatanga, Eeua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 163 
dor. Mus. 1860, p. 66. 
—  ruficeps ..--.-.--- JATHAOQ UAL. .-. t=) c% S02 (ei OOS Docnee Hoeneer Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 629 
1873, p. 729. 
— rufo-cinerea..-..-.- Santa Elena, An- |.-...- (Oise st aaa sass es Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 825 
tioquia. 1879, p. 526. 
Granatellus pelzelni..| Rio Madeira, Bra- |..--.- QO le sins ce aoe eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 328 
zil. age p. 606, pl. xxxvii, 
Graucalus sublinea- ! New Ireland.-..... Brier Ms ees sess sees Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 822 
tus. 1879, p. 448, pl. xxxvi. 
—  unimodus......-.. Larat, Tenimber |.--.- G0 So ssasss 23sec Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 926 
Islands. 1883, p. 55. 
Gymnocichla chiro- | Costa Rica....---. Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 479 
euca. in Brit. Mus. 1869, p. 417. 
Gymnoglaux lawren- | Cuba ....---.----. Smithsonian Institu- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 443 
cii. tion. 1868, p. 327, pl. xxix. | 
Hemophilapulchra...| Rimac River, W. | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Ibis, 1886, p.259, pl. viii... 1016 
Peru. us. 
Halmaturus Inuctuo- | S. E. New Guinea-.| D’Albertis Coll....-.- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 650, 656 
sus, D’Albertis MS. 1874, pp. 110, 247, pl. xlii. 
Hapalocercus acuti- | Bogota..-..-.---.- Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 612 
pennis. Mus. 1873, p. 187. 
Haplospiza uniformis.| Jalapa, Mexico.--..| Salvin-Godman Coll. | Nomencl. Avy. Neotrop.. 13 
in Brit. Mus. pp. 29, 157 (1878). 
Harporhynchus ocel- | Oaxaca, Mexico-.--.| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 249 
latus. Mus. 1862, p. 18, pl. iii. 
Herpsilochmus frater.| Sarayacu, Ecuador} Sclater Coll. and Sal- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
vin-Godman Coll. in 1880, p. 159. 
Brit. Mus. 
— pectoralis.--..... (C3) ae ae toate oe Brit. Mis see sace eee Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 107 
1857, p. 132. 
Heterocereus auran- | Sarayacu,Ecuador| Sclater Coll. and Sal- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
tiivertex. vin-Godman Coll. in 1880, p. 157. 
Brit. Mus. 
Heterocnemis albigu- | Rio Napo...-.-.--. Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
laris. Mus. 1858, p. 67. 
— marginata-.-.-...... Santa Fé di Bo- |....- (i esaninteoe tecccist: Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 77 
gota. 1855, p. 145. | 
— simplex..-....-.-- R. Maroni, Suri- |--.-..-. GO se ese cece Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 454 
nam. 1868, p. 573. 
Heteropelma amazo- | Huallaga, Chami- |.--.. GO Ss sessed sieneee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 197 
num. curos, Peru. 1860, p. 466. 
—— flavicapillum...-. D339 Lee Cee ee opr Go’ sta esence-=5|ss=e2 OO 2-224 hiak Sees snas 197 
Igniceps.--=-.2e0 Oyapok, Cayenne.|.--.- Ci Paesaecaercs see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 563 
1871, p. 750. 
—— sténorhynchum ..| San Esteban, Ven-| Sclater Coll. and Sal- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 459 
ezuela. vin-Godman Coll. in 1868, p. 632. 
Brit. Mus. 
— verm®-pacis .--...- Vera Paz, Guate- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 182 
mala. in Brit. Mus. 1860, p. 300. 
— wallacii .......... Paras ss2co eres Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 413 
us. 1867, p. 579. 
Hylophilus brunnei- | Ypanema, Brazil.-|.--.- Go . 22 -22stseeeeeee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 387 
ceps. 1866, p. 322. 
—— cinereiceps .....- Vera Paz, Guate- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 182 
mala. in Brit. Mus. 1860, p. 299. 
—— ferrugineifrons ..) Colombia ......... Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 255 
Mus. 1862, p. 110. 
— fuscicapillus. --.- Sarayacu, Ecuador} Sclater Coll. and Sal- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
vin-Godman Coll. in 1880, p. 155. 
Brit. Mus. 
— imsularis ...-..-... MODREO o- 22220555 Sclater Coll-..---...-- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 215 
1861, p. 128. 
— luteifrons........ Bartica Grove, | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Ibis, 1881, p.308........... 892 

British Guiana, 

in Brit. Mus. 




List of new species described—Continued. 


Location of type. 

Hylophilus muscica- 
— ochraceiceps 

— pectoralis 

— rubrifrons ...-.-- 
—— semicinereus..--. 
Hylophorba ruticilla. - 
Hypocnemis elegans. - 
—— flavescens (Natt. 

—— hemileuca....-.--- 
— hypoxantha...-.-- 
—— lepidonota 

— melanolema 

—— melanopogon..-.-. 

— melanosticta 

— melanura 

— schistac6éa.--.----. 

— stellata 

Hypotenidia saturata, 
Salvad. MS. 
,Hypoxanthus atriceps 
Icterus hauxwelli .... 
— laudabilis--...--. 

— wagleri 

— xanthomus, Scl. 


— reinhardti 


Lalage meesta.-....---. 
Laletes osburni.....-- 
Lanio lawrencii....-... 
Lanius uncinatus..... 
Lathria eryptolopha. . 
— uropygialis ...-.-. 
Lemur nigerrimus.... 
Leptasthenura andi- 

cola. ‘ 

—— paranensis......-. 
— pileata........-.. 

— godmani 

— oustaleti 

— peruvianus 
— pecilotis......... 

—— tristis............ 

Oyapok, Cayenne. 
Oaxaca, Mexico -.- - 
Matto Grosso, 

River Amazon... - 

Marabitanas, Rio 

Lower Ucayali. -.- 

Upper Amazon ... 

Sarayacu, Ecuador 

Chamicuros, Peru. 

Chamicuros, Peru.|. .-. 

Chamicuros, Peru. 
Upper Ucayali.... 
Rio Javarri, Up- 
per Amazon. 
Sarayacu, Ecuador 
Salawatti Island, 
New Guinea. 
Husampilla, Peru. 
Chamicuros, Peru. 
St. Lucia, West 
WexiIGO! =----5--- 24 

BUCOUA oe 52452 

Mongi, Ecuador. . 

Tilotilo, Yungas, 

(i) ACB anneaeoee are 

Panza, Ecuador. - - 

Argentina ...-...: 

MoT CLM. ee sce 


Bogota, Colombia. 
Chyavetas, Peru.. 


Simacu, Bolivia... 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Stevens Coll....-.-.--. 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Brite Mus? 22-5 ss2--2- 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 
PariniMas: (ee sssso22 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Dero ite fy Cee ee pSRemoece 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Acad. of Nat. Sci. 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Berlin Wros=------.2-2 

Copenhagen Univer- 
sity Mus. 

a Brie VeUIn® 2 fens oe Soe 

Osburn: Colle--2-225- 
G.N. Lawrence Coll.- 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Zool. Soc. Menagerie. - 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 
IP RrIgy MUS]. satis aoece 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Place of description. 

I | 

Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 
pp. 12, 156 (1873). 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 
1859, p. 375. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1866, p. 322. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1867, p. 569, pl. xxx, fig. 2. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1867, p. 570. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1865, p. 326, pl. xiii. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1857, p. 47. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1864, p. 609. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1866. p. 186. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1868, p. 573, pl. xliii. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1880, p. 160. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1854. p. 254, pl. lxxii,fig.2. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1857, p. 130. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1854, p. 254, pl. xxiii. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1866, p. 186. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1858, p. 252. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1880, p. 160. 
EbIs} 1680 9p1310s22252 5.5 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1876, p. 254. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1885, p. 671. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1871, p.270, pl. xxi. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1857, p. 7. 

Cat. American Birds, p. 
131 (1862). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1855, p. 227, pl. cx. 
This, 1865, p. 495, pl. xi -.--- 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 

1883, p. 55. 
Proc. Zoo). Soc. London, 
1861, p. 72, pl. xiv, fig. 2. 
This, 1885, p. 272, pl. vi, 

fig. 2. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1881, p. 168. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1877, p. 522. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1876, p. 355, pl. xx xii. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1880, p. 451. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1869, p. 636, pl.xlix, fig. 2. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1861, p. 377. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1881, p. 487. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1862, p. 111. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1887, p. 48. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1§87, p. 48, pl. ix, fig. 2. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1867, p. 757. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1862, p. 111. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 

in Brit. Mus. 

1876, p, 204, 



List of new species described—Continued. 

Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. 
Leptoptila cervini- | Vera Paz, Guate- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
ventris. mala. in Brit. Mus. 1868, p. 59. 
= Chal CAUCE Maisie Ee) eesteeeemeee Salvadori Coll. (?)..... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
Salvad. MS. 1869, p. 633. 

—— megalura 

—— plumbeiceps 

—— rufinucha 

Leptotriccus superci- 

Leucippus chlorocer- 
cus, Gould MS. 

Leucopeza semperi-.-.- 

Leucophantes brachy- 

Leucopternis prin- 
Liosceles erithacus.- - - 

Lipaugus holerythrus.- 

— immundus 

——  rufescens ..-..--- 

— subalaris 

—— unirufus 

Lochmias sororia 

Lophostrix strick- 

Loriculus chrysono- 

Macacus rheso-similis 
Macropus erubescens. 
Macropygia browni.-.. 
Malacocichla macu- 

lata (Verr. MS.). 
Malacoptila aspersa- - 
—— frontalis -........ 
— fulvogularis 

—— nigrifusca ....-.- 
—— poliopis......---. 
— substriata.-...--- 
—— vere-pacis -.----- 
Malacothraupis den- 

Manucodia comrii.... 

Margarops sanctie- 

Margarornis brun- 

— stellata ...-.-..-- 

Masius coronulatus. .- 

Mecocerculus gratio- 



Tilotilo, Yungas, 

Vera Paz, Guate- 


Chitra, Veragua. .. 
Upper Ucayali... -. 

St. Lucia, West 

Actham), sAcr tak 
Mountains, New 

Costa Rica 

Sarayacu, Ecuador 

Vera Paz, Guate- 

Oyapok, French 

' Guiana. 

Coban, Guatemala. 

Rio Napo, Ecua- 

Oaxaca, Mexico. .. 

av enezuela 

Central America. - 

Zebu, Philippines - 
Duke of York 

Moluccea group(?)- 

(iat me eee 

Lake Hope, South 

Duke of York Is- 

Rio Napo 



Santa Fé di Bo- 

Esmeraldas, Eeu- 


Coban, Guatemala 

Tilotilo, Yungas, 

Huan Gulf, New 

St. Lucia, West 

Quito, Ecuador... 
Nanegal, Ecuador 

Kabakadai, New 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
pec Mus. 

Gould Coll 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

D’Albertis Coll 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 
Selater Coll. and Sal- 
vin-Godman Coll. in 
Brit. Mus. 
Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 
Seclater Coll. in Brit. 

Derby Mus 
Brit. Mus 

Seclater Coll. in Brit. 

Strickland Coll 
Brit. Mus.... 
Tweeddale Coll. 

Brit. Mus. 
Zool. Soc. Menagerie. - 


Zool. Soc. Menagerie - - 

Tweeddale Coll. 
Brit. Mus. 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 


Derby Mus 
Brit. Mus 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Lord Tweeddale Coll. 
Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1879, p. 640. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1868, p. 59. 

Nomencl. Ay. Neotrop., | 

pp. 134, 162 (1873). 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1868, p. 389. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1866, p. 194. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1876, p. 14, pl. ii. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1873, p. 691, pl. lili. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1865, p. 429, pl. xxiv. 

Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XV, p. 
345 (1890). 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1860, p. 300. 

Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 
pp. 57, 159 (1873). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1857, p. 276. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1861, p. 210. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1859, p. 385. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1873, p. 511. 

Ibis, 1859, p. 221 

Ibis, 1872, p. 324, pl. xi 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1877, p. 107. 

Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 
1871. p. 499, pl. xl. 

Proc. Zoo]. Soc. London, 
1872, p. 495, pl. xxv. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1870, p. 126, pl. x. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1877, p. 119. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1858, p. 64. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1853, p. 123. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 
ser. 2, XITI, p. 479 (1854). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1853, p. 123. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1855, p. 195. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1862, p. 86, pl. viii. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1858, p. 123, pl. li. 

This: 1860p. 40-22. 8-2-2-< 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1876, p. 353, pl. xxxi. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1876, p. 459, pl. xlii. 

MBIS ASSO pA Bcceseieneeee 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1856, p. 27, pl. exvi. 

Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 
pp. 67, 160 (1873). 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1860, p. 91. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1862, p. 113. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1880, p, 65, pl. vi. 


List of new species described—Continued. 

Name. Locality. Location of type. ° Place of description. ae 
Witerjenuiis lie” yal Boscesese¢oodeset6o5 ese Seeesecoscseceoesecs Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 488 
(this name was 1869, p. 529. : * 
founded on an egg 
trom Banks Island, 
New Hebrides). 
I TipriirOns: .-- ~~ Admiralty Islands} Challenger Coll-.-.---- mee ae Nae London, 762 
7, p. 556. 
—— tenimberensis.-..| Kirimoen and Loe-| Brit. Mus-..-----.----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 926 
toe, Tenimber 1883, p. 57. 
Megarhynchus chrys- | Babahoyo, Eeua- | Seclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
ogaster. dor. Mus. 1860, p. 281. 
Melanerpes pulcher..| Bogota, Colombia.).-... TO eae see ees Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 514 
1870, p. 330. 
= FODMe Waris. ase Trinity Valley, |.-.-- GOy eine oeeumcse Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 135 
Northern Cali- ser. 3, I, p. 127 (1858). 
Melanoptila glabri- | Omoa, Honduras..|.-..- Oba erent ceeere Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 114 
rostris. 1857, p. 275. 
Melidectes torquatus.| Atam, Arfak | D’Albertis Coll....... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 628 
Mountains, New 1873, p. 694, pl. lv. 
Melipotes gymnops. ..|----- GO) eebedecsecec |ocze: COR ees a= eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 628 
‘ 1873, p. 695, pl. lvi. 
Mellivora leuconota..| West Africa.....- Zool.Soc. Menagerie ..| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 400 
1867, p. 98, pl. viii. 
Merganetta turneri...| Tinta, Peru -..---- Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 491 
Mus. 1869, p. 600. 
Metopothrix aurantia-| Sarayacu, Ama- |---.. Ogee ene acon Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 380 
cus. zon. 1866, p. 190, pl. xviii. 
Microbates torquatus.| Oyapok, Cayenne.-|---.- dO) so-casaneceees Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 13 
pp. 72, 161 (1873). 
Microcereulus squa- | San Cristobal, |---.. (he he ateecas oF Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 678 
mulatus. Venezuela. 1875, p. 37, pl. vi. 
Micreca hemixantha.| Larat and Loetoe, | Brit. Mus..:----...... Proc. Zool. Soc.” London, 926 
Tenimber Is- 1883, p. 55. 
Mimeta decipiens..--. Larat, Tenimber |---.- Ove ss o-caeeece se. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 932 
Islands. 1883, p. 199. 
Miounectes assimilis...| Cordova, Mexico..| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 139 
Mus. 1859, p. 46. 
Mitrephorus pheocer. |. ---- GIO osseseccoss5|lssec= WIG} esc cadReaanee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 139 
cus. : 1859, p. 44. 
Momotus microsteph- | Colombia ..-.-...-.|----- OO) osecleanise scissciee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 112 
anus. 1857, p. 251. 

—— nattereri ......... Goyaz, Brazil. -.-.-.|----- sep am ecteGen Gem eeie GOss acs eene Soe ees 112 
—— semirufus........ Santa Marta, Rio |----- (ie BoSessEREaoene Rey. et Mag. de Zool.,1853, | 57 
Javarri. p. 489. 

— subrufescens..... Colombia ssecenacs|sose- GOT oe as Ses as, Sensi CC i Are Se ae eles ae 57 
—— swainsoni..-...-... Trinidad, Tobago.|----- (i ests Se a eg ee Cat. American Birds, p. 8 

261 (1862). 
Monarcha castus .....| Loetoe, Timor] Brit.Mus...........-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 926 
Laut. 1883, p. 53, pl. xii, fig. 1. 
Pest dees 1...| Atam, <Arfak | DAlbertis Coll.--..-. Proce. Zool. Soc. Lendon, 628 
Mountains, New 1873, p. 691. 
— infelix ........... Admiralty Is- | Challenger Coll....... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 762 
lands. 1877, p. 552. 
— melanonotus..... New Guinea...-.- ES si ce eae a Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 750 
1877, p. 100. 
—— mundus.......... Tenimber Islands.| Brit. Mus...-...-..... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 926 
1883, p. 54, pl. xii, fig. 2. 
—— verticalis -....... Duke of York Is- |.--.- DOres acco aye ee Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 750 
land. 1877, p. 99, pl. xiv, fig. 1. 
Monasa grandior...-.. Angostura, Costa | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 443 
Rica. in Brit. Mus. 1868, p. 327, 
—peruana, Bp. et | Chamicuros ...... Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 78 
Verr. MS. Mus. 1855, p. 194. 
Munia forbesi-.--.---. New Ireland.....- BTibsy MUS. sx eet oe Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 822 
1879, p. 449, pl. xxxvii, 
fig. 3. 
—— melena ........-.| Kabakadai, New |.--.- (+ iOS pete Wes ne apes Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 845 
Britain. 1880, p. 66, pl. vii, fig. 2. 
Muscisaxicola fluvia- | Lower Ucayali.--..| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 380 
tilis. Mus. 1866, p. 187. j 
Muscivora mexicana | Cordova, S. Mex- | Sallé Coll.......-..... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 92 
(Kp.), Bp. MS. ico. : 1856, p. 295. 
— occidentalis -...... Babahoyo, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
dor. Mus. 1860, p, 282. 



List of new species described—Continued. 


Myiadestes unicolor.. 

* F 
— venezuelensis .--- 

Myiagra fulviventris. 

Myiarchusapicalis. --. 

—— erythrocercus,Scl. 

—— nigriceps.-.------- 

—— pheocephalus...- 

—— semirufus..-....-. 

Myiobius aureiven- 


— crypterythrus-.-- 

eryptoxanthus - - - 

—— flavicans 


—— pulcher 

—— subochraceus .... 

— villosus 

Myiochanes nigres- 
Myiodynastes nobilis. 

Myrmeciza exsul 

— hemimelena 

— immaculata 

—— leucaspis........- 

—— margaritala 

Myrmelastes nigerri- 
—— plumbeus 

Myrmotherula cinere- 
iventris, Scl. MS. 
—— gutturalis........ 

—— multostriata 

——- pyrrhonota..----- 
—— spodionota..-..... 
Myzomela annabellie - 

—— cineracea 

—— pammelena 

Nasiterna pusio .-....- 
Nemosia albigularis -- 
—— auricollis......... 

— chrysopis 

Locality. Location of type. Place of description. | No. of 
Cordova, S. Mex- | Sallé Coll..-.......... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 92 
ico. 1856, p. 299. 
Caracas, Venezu- | Paris Mus..........-- Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 94 
ela. ser. 2, XVII, p. 468 
Garat, Tenimber |, Brit..Mus--..,-- <2... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 926 
Islands. 1883, p. 54. 
Bogota, Colombia. Selatan Coll. in Brit. | Ibis, 1881, p. 269........... 891 
Bahia, Brazil ..--.|.--.- TO ASAGsenaHeanoses Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 459 
1868, p. 631. 
Pallatanga, Ecua- |.-.... (Uy cosccipgeconcsoe: Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 163 
dor. 1860, p. 68. 
Babahoyo, Ecua- |.--.- Ghe) ccnSseaooceqsa5e Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
dor. 1860, p. 281. 
Pacasmayo, Peru.| Steere Coll. .........-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 775 
; 1878, p. 138, pl. xi. 
Cosnipata, Peru-...; Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, - 633 
f Mus. 1873, p. 782. 
Colombiayi=-c. --aleneee GO jetres BAe eens Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 255 
1862, p. 11]. 
LCE a eon eposced| scone GOVE asceee eee eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 197 
1860, p. 464. 
eae OO: coon se cccae cs -<-O0lesescreesciece ee) LOCs ZOOL SOG elOndens 197 
1860, p. 465. 
Pallatanga, Ecua- |.--.- GG... oaciosesescee ee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 197 
dor. 1860, p. 464. 
Wii aa OrUeenee | eae Gi. saccese seat Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 376 
1866, p. 99, pl. xi, fig. 1. 
1 OVE Ct) eee eee oc’ dos. -teteatenaae Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 197 
1860, p. 464. 
IMO NAT See seeeasa Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1019 
in Brit. Mus. 1887, p. 50. 
Nanegal, Ecuador.| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 165 
Mus. 1860, p. 93. 
Sarayacu,Ecuador| Selater Coll. and Sal- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
vin-Godman Coll. in 1880, p. 157. 
Santa Marta, Co- Brit. Mus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 139 
lombia. Saisie Coll. in Brit. 1859, p. 42. 
Isthmus of Pan- | Derby Mus..........- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 132 
ama. ; 1858, p. 540. 
IBS QUA Magee cia eee IBTIt Wiese ee ase Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 100 
1857, p. 48. 
Isthmus of Pan- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 322 
ama. in Brit. Mus. 1864, p. 357. 
Chamicuros, | Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 64 
Peru; Colom- Mus. 1854, p. 253, pl. xx. 
bia; Rio Negro. 
Chamicuros, Peru.|- ---- Ore qosecesadoese Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 64 
1854, p. 253, pl. lxxi. 
Upper Amazon ...| Brit. Mus............- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 123 
1858, p. 275. 
Rio Javarri, Up- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 123 
per Amazon. Mus. 1858, p. 274, pl. exliii. 
Cayenne. -:--.<-cleeee CIN -Bat capmoos ch: Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 417 
1867, p. 756. 
Bartica Grove, | Sclater Coll. and Sal- | Ibis, 1881, p, 269 ..--...-..- 891 
British Guiana. vin-Godman Coll. in 
Brit. Mus. 
Ucayali, Upper | Sclater Coll. in Brit. ; Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 122 
Amazon. Mus. 1858, p. 234, pl. exhi, figs. 
Rio Negro and Oy- |----- GWM Sopesapeencthecc'c Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 13 
apok, Guiana. pp. 72, 160 (1873). 
Sarayacu,Ecuador| Salvin-Godman Coll. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
in Brit. Mus. 1880, p. 159. 
Loetoe, Timor | Brit. Mus...........-: Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 926 
Laut. 1883, p. 56. 
New Britain......|----- OO.ceaaee nce ee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 822 
1879, p. 448, pl. xxxvii, 
fig. 1. 
Admiralty Is- | Challenger Coll-..---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 762 
lands. 1877, p. 553. 
Solomon Islands..| Brit. Mus..-...-------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 356 
1865, p. 620, pl. xxxy. 
Santa Fé di Bo- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 76 
gota. Mus. 1855, p. 109, pl. xcix. 
Cayenne and E. | Brit. Mus.........---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 86a 
Peru. 1856, p. 111. 
Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 848 

Sarayacu, Ecuador 

in Brit. Mus. 

1880, p, 155. 


List of new species described—Continued. 



Nemosia guirina 

—— insignis 
— ornata 

Neochle brevipennis. 


—— radiolosus 


—— rufipennis 

—— salvini 

Neopipo rubicunda .. - 
Nigrita bicolor.....-.. 

Ninox forbesi 

—— cineracea 


—— taczanowskil 

Nycticorax pauper. ... 
Nyctipithecus rufipes. 

Ochthodixta fuscoru- 
Ochtheca arenacea. . - 

=—CitMNItrOns: «.--=- = 

—— nigrita 

—— polionota.-......-. 
—— pulchella.--....-.. 

— superciliosa 

Ocydromus sylvestris. 

Odontophorus hypos- 
Oreas livingstonii 

Oreomanes fraseri..-. 
Ortalida ruficrissa.... 

Ortygocichla rubigi- 
Oryzoborus xthiops.. 

—— atrirostris..-....- 

—— funereus 

— melas 

— occidentalis -...... 
Ostinops oleagineus. . 
— salmoni 

Bogota and HE. 

South Brazil 

Pallatanga, Ecua- 

Orizaba, Mexico.. 


Intaj, Ecuador. - - . 



Chamicuros, Peru. 

Casamanza, W. 

Loetoe, Timor 

New Britain 

Sarayacu, Ecuador 

Calacaliand Puel- 
laro, Ecuador. 

| Maraynioc, Peru. . 

| Indefatigable Is- 

Tilotilo, Yungas, 
Bogota, Colombia. 


Oyapok, Cayenne. . 
Merida, Venezuela 
Pitumarca, Peru.. 
Tilotilo, Yungas, 
Paramos of Mer- 
ida, Venezuela. 
Lord Howe Island. 
Antioquia, Colom- 

Usagarak. Africa. 

Chimborazo, Ec- 

Valle Dupar, Co- 

New Britain 

Nanegal, Ecuador. | 
Moyobamba, Peru. 
Oaxaca, Mexico... 
Pebas, Peru 

Babahoyo, Ecua- 
Venezuela (?)..... 

Upper Amazon... 


Location of type. | Place of description 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Armytage Coll 

Salvin Godman Coll, 
in Brit. Mus. 

Armytage Coll 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Edward Wilson Coll. . 

Brits MEUAh cesses 

Sclater Coll. and Sal- 
vin-Godman Coll. in 
Brit. Mus. 

Brit. Mus 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus.; and 
Smithsonian Inst. 

Warsaw Mus(?)...... 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 
Zool.Soc. Menagerie... 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

in Brit. Mus. 
Selater Coll. in 

Gould Coll. in 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 
Speke Coll........--.- 
Sclater Coll. in Brit. 
Salvin-Godman Coll. 

in Brit. Mus. 
Mus. Godeftroy 

Sclater Coll. in 

Steere Coll 

Selater Coll. in 

Proe. Zool. Soe. 
1856, p. 110. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1859, p. 138. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1857, p. 213. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1864, p. 249. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 



1878, p. 489, pl. xxvii. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1864, p. 249. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. 

1866, p. 60, pl. v. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. 



1869, p. 438, pl. xxx, fig. 3. 
Contr. to Ornith., 1852, p. 

34, pl. lx xxiii. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 


1883, p. 52, pl. xi. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. 
1877, p. 108. 
Ibis, 1881, p. 600 . 

Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1881, p. 778. 



Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 
pp. 153, 162 (1873). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. 


1874, p. 679, pl..Ixxxiv. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1870, p. 327. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1872, p. 3, pl. i. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1876, p. 354. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1877, p. 20. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1862, p. 113. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 



1856, p. 28, pl. exvii. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. 
1877, p. 19. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1871, p. 749. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1870, p. 787. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1869, p. 599. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1876, p. 355. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1870, p. 786. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 



1869, p. 472, pl. xxxv. 
Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 
pp. 138, 162 (1873). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1864, p. 105. 


Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1860, p. 75, pl. clix. 

Pree. Zool. Soe. 
1870, p. 538. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 



1881, p. 452, pl. xxxix. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1860, p. 88. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1878, p. 136. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1859, p. 378. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. 
1867, p. 979. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1860, p. 276. 

This, 188%, p. 154, pl.vii 
Ibis, 1883, p. 153, 





List of new species described—Continued. 

Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. ee 
Otocorys peregrina----.| Bogota.....---.--- Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 16 
Mus. 1855, p. 110, pl. cii. 
Oxyrhamphus frater..| Veragua.-....---- Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 443 
in Brit. Mus. 1868, p. 326. 
Pachycephala arcti- | Larat, Tenimber | Brit. Mus.....---...-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 926 
torquis. ; Islands. 1883, p. 55, pl. xiii. ; 
— fusco-flava......-.|---.- HYD) 3 .ae SSS ea Deaee NS as Setebaasesa: Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 932 
1883, p. 198, pl. xxviii. 
———— TON CHS a-e=== = Atam, Arfak/| D’Albertis Coll....... Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 628 
Mountains, New 1873, p. 692. 
=== 8OLOLESea= 2 seeace| sores Ost es seco cce cll sine Olsoeee ee ae Seno | See OO sce eacssnans ose eoee 628 
Pachyrhamphus albo- | Bogota-...---.--.-.- Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 102 
griseus. Mus. 1857, p. 78. 
- cinereiventris,| Santa Marta......|..... MO%-escencssosce es Cat. American Birds, p. 8 
Scl. MS. 242 (1862). 
— dorsalis, Scl. MS.-.| Bogota (?) -.......|.-..- U0). hesScumoseee se Cat. American Birds, p. 8 
243 (1862). 
—— homochrous ..-...- Pallatanga, Ecua- |---.- (ity So saogebeCesases Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 143 
dor. 1859, p. 142. 
—— spodiurus ---...-- Babahoyo, Ecua- |..... G0 2 ssesce5eenteeee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
dor. 1860, p. 279. 
Paradisea raggiana...| Orangeisa Bay, | D’Albertis Coll..-.---. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 625 
New Guinea. 1873, p. 559. 
Paroaria cervicalis,| Bolivia ........... Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Cat. American Birds, p. 8 
Scl. MS. Mus. 108 (1862). 
Parra _ intermedia | Venezuela..-...-..|....- (Gh) pepooesscoberosc Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 91 
(Bp.) Verr. MS. 1856, p. 282. 
— melanopygia ...--. Santa Marta, Co- |..... OO) peer condeaosaHise Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 91 
lombia. 1856, p. 283. 
Parus meridionalis....| El Jacale, S. Mex- | Sallé Coll...---......- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 92 
ico. 1856, p. 293. 
Passer insularis ------ Socotrais--<es-s- 5 IBrib EUS Secon see ee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 870 
1881, p. 169, pl. xvi. 
Pavo nigripennis.- --: (2) oo eesciooeiesr | Zool. Soc. Menagerie--| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 173 
1860, p. 221. 
Percnostola fortis ..-.| Pebasand Chyay- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 423 
etas, Peru. Mus. 1867, p. 980. 
Petrochelidon; Swain-u\-scen seesees sees ee eee dOtecseseeerse ees Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 126 
soni, new name for 1858, p. 296. 
Hirundo melanogas- 
ter, Swains. 
Peucea notosticta-...| South Mexico..... Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 443 
in Brit. Mus. 1868, p. 322. 
Phacellodomus rufi- | Bolivia ...----.--. Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1056 
pennis. Mus. 1889, p. 33. 
— sibilatrix, Déring | Argentina..-..... Dorin Colles eee Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 824 
MS. 1879, p. 461. : 
Phaethornis adolphi | South Mexico.--.--. Gouldi@ollPese-ee-ee= Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 92 
(Sallé MS.). : 1856, p. 287. 
Phasianus principalis.| Murghab, central | Prince of Wales Coll..| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 980 
Asia. 1885, p. 324, pl. xxil. 
Pheucticus crissalis ..| Riobamba, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 745 
dor. Mus. 1877, p. 19. 
—— uropygialis......-. Colombia ...-...--.|----- HO) cocaosoncssosase Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 524 
1870, p. 840. 
Philemon albitorques.| Admiralty Islands| Challenger Coll...---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 762 
1877, p. 553. 
== ICOCKeLOLM sais eee New Britain...... Brit-eMlusieeseceets ce Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 750 
: 1877, p. 104. 
Philydor cervicalis ...| British Guiana ...} Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1056 
Mus. 1889, p. 33. 
—— consobrinus....-- (Colombiatese ses s—e| eee il eqsdaccscosassas Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 514 
1870, p. 328. 
--— erythronotus..--.. | Bogota, Colombia -}----- UO sss oSsescScas5¢ Nomenci. Av. Neotrop., 13 
pp. 66, 160 (1873). 
—— panerythrus ..... Golombia= =e 2=)-| cree G0) sdedscoessecn55 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 255 
. 1862, p. 110. 
——— Su bfulvus-...-=-- Gualaquiza, Ecua- |..--- OO. seca secn reenact Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 229 
dor. 1861, p. 378. 
Phlogeenas bartletti..| Philippines (?) -..| Brit. Mus-.....-.----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 294 
1863, p. 377, pl. Xxxiv. 
Phlogenas johanne..) Duke of York  Tweeddale Coll. in | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 750 
Island. Brit. Mus. 1877, p. 112, pl. xvi. 
Pheenicothraupis gut- | Colombia ......--. Brit. Museeess-eeree= Ant. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 65 
turalis. ser 2, XIII, p. 25 (1854). 
Pheenicoptérus jamesi| Tarapacd, Chili-..| H. B. James Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1010 
(Now in Brit. Mus.). 1886, p. 399, pl. xxxvi. 
Phrygilus coracinus -.|----- Goze saccnasee=|sceee QO wa secetecrececsc Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1110 

1891, p, 133, pl, xiii. 



List of new species described—Continued. 


Location of type. 

Phrygilus ocularis. - -. 

Phyllomyias berlep- | 

— griseocapilla 
(Lafr. MS.). 

— platyrhyncha .... 

—— semifusca....--.- | 

Piaya nigricrissa-- --- 
— thermophila... -.-- 

Picolaptes layardi- --. 
—— parvirostris.....- 

—— puncticeps -.-.... 

Pionus hematotis .... 

Pipilo albicollis....-.-- 

Pipilopsis flavigularis 
Pipra coracina...-.--. 
= OICLOSH) see 
—— flavicapilla....... 
c= HV ACOUIS) = «15 3.2< eis 
—— flavo-tincta....-.. 
—— heterocerca...... 
=—JSido0rel. ...------- 
— leucorrhoa ......- 
——  mentalis ......... 
—— nattereri.....-..-. 
— pyrocephala...... 

Pipreidia albiventris- 

Pipreola jucunda..... 

—— melanolema ..... 

Pipridea venezuelen- 

Pithys erythrophrys.. 

— lunulata ......... 

—— melanosticta ..-.-.. 

Platyrhynechus  albo- 

—— cancrominus ..... 

-— coronatus, Verr. 

— flavigularis -..... 

Plectropterus niger... 
—— riippellii......... 

Pevilodryas ethiops. . 

4152N 0. 

| : 
, Cuenca, Ecuador. - 

S? Bpravd ise. a= 

VS Barazileesenescins ss 

Goiaz, Brazil ..... 

Santa Marta, Co- 

Jalapa, S. Mexico. 

Para, Brazil ....--- 
8. E. Brazil ...-.--- 

Ee Giiiamar <2 sec 3-< 22 
Vera Paz, Guate- 
_ mala. 
San Miguel de las 
| Peras,S.Mexico. 
| Colombia ...... ah 
Bogota .....- Sosse 
Nanegal, Ecuador. 

Barra do Rio Negro 

Upper Amazon... 

Colombia .--~-...-- 

Cordova,S. Mexico 
Borba, Brazil... -. 
Colombia ...-:.-.-. 

Cachi-Llacta, Ec 

Caracas, Vene- 

Sarayacu, Peru ... 

Sarayacu, Ecuador 

Pallatanga, Ecua- 

Vera Paz, Guate- 

iow Napos/.~--— 

Colombia --.....-. 

Sarayacu, Ecuador 

S. E. Africa (?)... 

East Africa....-.. 

Kabakadai, New 


Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Mus. d’Hist. Nat. 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Mus. d’Hist. Nat. 


Mus. d'Hist. Nat. 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Sale Colle 22. a ocnssges 

Vienna Mus.......... 

Mus. dHist. Nat. 


Paris WMNUsioc= ose at<<1-- 
Selater Coll -...2226.. 
Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 
Selater Coll. in Brit. 
Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 
Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 
Zool. Soc. Menagerie - . 

Bris Muse sates tere 


oe fs No. of 
Place of description. paper. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 131 
1858, p. 454, pl. exlv. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1019 
1887, p. 49. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 229 
ge p. 382, pl. xxxvi, 

ig. 2. 

Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 13 
pp. 48, 159 (1873). 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 229 
1861, p. 383, pl. xxxvi, 
fig. 1. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
1860, p. 285. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 152 
1859, p. 368. 

Ibis, 1873, p. 386, pl. xiv. -.. 636 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1056 
1889, p. 34. 

Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 13 
pp. 69, 160 (1873). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 182 
1860, p. 300. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 126 
1858, p. 304. 

Rey. et Zool.,1852, 49 
p. 8. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 84 
1856, p. 29. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 165 
1860, p. 90. 

Rev. et Zool., 1852, 49 
p. 9. 

Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. 41 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 53 
1852, p. 34, pl. xlviii. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 184 
1860, p. 313. 

Rev. et Zool., 1852, 49 


Bie, Zool. Soe. London, 281 
1863 p. 63, pl. x. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 92 
1856, p. 299, pl. exxi. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 328 
1864, p. 611, pl. xxxix. 

Rey. et Zool.,1852, 49 

Rey, et Zool.,1852, 49 
p. 8. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 165 
1860, p. 89, pl. elx (Euch- 
lornisjucuuda on plate). 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 94 
ser. 2, X VII, p.469 (1856). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 86b 
1856, p. 265. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 64 
1854, p. 255, pl. Lxxii, fig.1. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 614 
1873, p. 276, pl. xxvi. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
1880, p. 160. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 163 
1860. p. 68. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 182 
1860, p. 299. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
1858, p. 71. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, | 229 
1861, p. 382. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
1880, p. 156. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 749 
1877, p. 28, pl. vii. | 

Proc. Zoql. Soc. London, 142 
1859, p. 132, pl. eliii, fig.1. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 845 
1880, p, 66, pl, vii, fig.1. | 



List of new species described—Continued. 


Pogonotriccus guala- 
quize, Scl. MS. 

Polioptila albiloris.. . 
== Pion asee eee 

Gould MS. 
Poospiza borapartii. -. 

—— erythrophrys .... 
—— oxyrhyncha(Natt. 

Witte: seer eeeaee 

Porzana castaneiceps.- 
—— erytkrops 

== AS CLAUA =e oe t= 
——— Nauxwellis a=. 
=—JOVLANGI =. esccems 
=— (NOS 2% 2245. 
Prionochilusvincens. . 
Procnias occidentalis - 

Psalidoprocne — albi- 

Psophia napensis.. - -- 
Pteroglossusdidymus . 

Pteroptochus thora. 

Pteropus formosus. - -. 
Ptilochloris buckleyi-. 

Ptilonopus bellus..... 

Ptilopus johannis -.... 

Ptilotis cinerea....-.- 

—— melanophrys..--. 
Pyranga testacea-.... 

Pyrgisomacabanisi. - -| 

Pyriglena ellisiana -. - 

——  maculicandis..... 

| Rio INSDO sone eee 

—— tyrannina........ 

Pyrocephalus me x1- 

Querquedula andium . 

Quiscalus — #quatori- 
alis, Sel. MS. 

—— assimilis, Sel. MS | 

—— graysoni 


Location of type. | 

Place of description. 

waists do 

W. Ecuador....--- 

River Motagua, 

Cobati, Rio Negro-| 

Lama, Peru. --=-.- 
Tinta, Perd--..--- 

Sierra de Totoral, 
Curytiba, Brazil. . 

Cosquin, Cordova, 
Argentine Re- 

Rio Napo, Ecuador 

TIT an OT Wee seerere 

Pebas, Peru....--. 

Ucayali, Pebas, 

Caracas, Venezu- 

Sarayacu, Ecuador) 

Coyloneas-- ss.) | 


Wwinza 22.2 ss-<- . = 

Rio Nape, Ecua- 

Upper Amazon... 

Rio Madeira, Bra- 

GRINGO S Asc Sa\-cicee 

Pindo, Eeuador... 

Atam, Arfak 

Mountains, New | 

Admiralty Is- 
Atam, Arfak 
Mountains, New 

Chitra and Calo- 
vevora, Vera- 

San José, Costa 

Santa Fé di Bo- 

CLINI Ogee see cee 

Santa Fé di Bo- 

Riobamba and 
Mocha, Ecuador. 

| Babahoyo......--. 

Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Preaek do 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. | 
Mus. | 

| Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit Mus. | 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 
Gould '\Colizteesccsemc=|| 


ial ya Gees sounsosaae 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

(Parise Mise ecres-— oe 

Salvin-Godman Coil. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Legge Coll..........-. 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Speke Coll.........-.. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 
Vienna, Muses = ves 5 

Zool. Soc. Menagerie. . 
Salvin-Godman Coll. 

in Brit. Mus. 
D’ Albertis Coll..-...- 

| Challenger Coll..----- 

| D’Albertis Coll...--- 

eee CO! So oeene chicleeceen 
Salvin-Godman Coil 
in Brit. Mus. 
Selater Coll. in Brit 
IBGb « IVCUS = ~~ te Ae mnerer 
Sclater Coll. in Brit 
eee (1 {1 ae Ses 
Bri. Mas: -- 2th eee 
Sclater Coll. in Brit. 
Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 
Sclater Coll. in Brit. 
Stee GO Es Sheree kame eee 
Salvin-Godman Coll. 

in Brit. Mus. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1887, p. 48 (see also 1885, 
p. 89). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1860, p. 298. 

_ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

| 1861, p. 127. 

| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

| 1867, p. 584. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1867, p. 341, pl. xx. 

| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1869, p. 152, pl. xiii. 

|. Dbis, 188i) ps699le- csac2- = 

Proc. Zoo]. Soc. London, 
1864, p. 608. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1883, p. 43, pl. ix. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1868, p. 453. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1867, p. 343, pl. xxi. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1867, p. 981. 

Exotic Ornith., p. 105, pl. 
liii (1868)... 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1868, p. 452, pl. xxxv. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1880, p. 161. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1872, p. 729. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1854, p. 249. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1864, p. 108, pl. xiv. 

Nomencl. Avy. Neotrop., 
pp.141, 162 (1873). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1890, p. 403. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1864, p. 609, pl. xxxviii. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1873, p. 193, pl. xxii. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 

1880, p. 158, pl. xvi. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1873, p. 696, pl. lvii. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1877, p. 556. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1873, p. 693. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1868, p. 388. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1868, p. 324. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1855, p. 109, pl. c. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1858, p. 247. 

| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1858, p. 66. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1855, p. 90, pl. xevill. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1859, p. 45. 

Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 
pp. 129, 162 (1873). 

Cat. American Birds, p. 
140 (1862). 

Cat. American Birds, p. 
141 (1862). 

Lbis, 1884 pp. Ws722. sees 


List of new species described—Continued, 



Rallus insignis 

— intactus 

— semiplumbeus ... 

Rectes bennetti 

Rhamphocenus albi- 
—-— cinereiventris. --. 

—— sancte marth -. 

Rhamphocelus dor- 
salis, Bp. MS. 

= 6phippialis. =. - - | 

——— UMicolor.--.....-. 

Rhea macrorhyncha.. 

Rhinoceros bicornis 

Rhinocrypta fusea. . -. 

Rhipidura fusco-rufa- 

— hamadryas 

—— opistherythra 

—— semirubra...----- | 

Rhynchocyelus virid- 

Rhynchostruthus so- 

Saltator atripennis..-| 


—— isthmicus 

— laticlavius ....-... 
Sayornis aquatica..... 
Sclerurus brunneus... 
—— mexicanus....... 

Scops barbarus 

—— usta..-..--..----.- 
Seytalopus prosthel- 
—— hypoleuca..-...-.. 

albogri- | 
—— peecilocerca 
—— subflava ......... | 
Setophaga albifrons.. 
Spermophila corvina..! 

— ocellata 

—— ophthalmica 

— pileata, Natt. MS. 

: Pgs sae No. of 
Locality. Location of type. Place of description. paper. 
Kabakadai, New | Brit. Mus..-.-...-.-.--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 845 
Britain. 1880, p. 66, pl. viii. 
Solomon Islands. .|----- CO entaasa ea sensese Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 464 
1869, p. 128, pl. x. 
Bogota -.-.------- Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 84 
Mus. 1856, p. 31. 
Atam, Arfak |} D'Albertis Coll....... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 628 
Mountains, New 1873, p. 692. 
San Esteban, | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Ibis, 1883, p.95.-.......... 947 
Venezuela. Mus. 
Pasto, Coiombia..| Derby Mus.--.-.-.-..- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 73 
1855, p. 76, pl. Ixxxvii. 
Santa Marta, Co- |! Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 229 
lombia Jus 1861, p. 380. 
1am y AE Bes qeaseber apace GND) eeptner BS aenSSe Tanagrarum Catalogus 2, 58 
Specificus, pp.9,15(1854) ; 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1854, p. 97. 
Upper Amazon...|..-.- dO! a2 Sete sacs Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 215 
1861, p. 130. 
BOSOtd senses Brit.Mus.,andSeclater | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 86a, Brit.Mus. | — 1856, p.128. | 
South America. ...) Zool. Soc. Menagerie..! Proc. Zool. Soc. London. | 172 
| 1860, p. 207. 
ZANZDAT = 02 <2 | Holmwood Coll.) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1175 
(horns only). | 1893, p. 517. 
Mendoza, Argen- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 13 
tina. Mus. pp. 76, 161 (1873). 
Larat, Moloe and | Brit. Mus...-.-.-....-.. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 932 
Loetoe, Tenim- 1883, p. 197, pl. xxvii. 
ber Islands. 
Larat, Tenimber |.--.- WUT cee ee cace | Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 926 
Islands. { 1883, p. 54. 
Larat and Maroe, |.--..- Se eceeense | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 932 
Tenimber Is - 1883, p. 197. 
Admiralty Is - | Challenger Coll....... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 762 
lands. 1877, p. 552. 
Upper Amazon...) Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 614 
Mus. 1873, p. 280. 
NOCcOtra pe ceiae cee ae rete WW Grislee ors oe -.---| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 870 
1881, p. 170, pl. xvii. 
Popayan, Colom- | Acad. of Nat. Sci. |; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 95 
bia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1856, p.261. | 
Babahoyo, Ecua- | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 180 
dor. Mus. 1860, p. 274. 
Isthmus of Pan- |.--..- dO) es ejaccessee ss Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 215 
ama. 1861, p. 1380. 
Pinta Peri. v.52: se QO es soulscecee ees Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 471 
1869, p. 151. 
Duenas, Guate- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Ibis, 1859, p.119...--...--. 156a 
mala, in Brit. Mus. 
BOS Olaae ea 42)-/55 Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 99 
Mus. 1857, p. 17. 
Cordova, S. Mex- | Sallé Coll...-....-.... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 92 
ico. 1856, p. 290. 
Vera Paz, Guate- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 431 
mala. in Brit. Mus. 1868, p. 56. 
Ega, Upper Ama- | Norwich Mus......-.. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 118 
zZon, 1858, p. 132. 
Cordova, S. Mex- | Sallé Coll...........-.. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, | 92 
ico. 1856, p. 290. 
Sarayacu, Ecuador) Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
in Brit. Mus. 1880, p. 156. 
Lower Ucayali.--.) Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 380 
Mus. 1866, p. 188. 
Ecuador and Co- |..--- CO ose os se ssae = Nomencl. Ay. Neotrop., | 13 
lombia. pp. 47, 158 (1873). | 
Paras vee Lk oS co. GS Ane BE iareper| beads CIO yi als DAAC sae 13 
Merida, Venezu- |....- OG Soe secs cps ssc see Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 520 
ela. 1870, p. 784. 
Oaxaca, Mexico. ..|.-... OO) Sareea cece Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 153 
1859, p. 379. |: 
Warta, SP ertmcscns.| soe. GO secon oa ececuas Proce. Zool. Soc. London, | 380 
1866, p. 181. 
Babahoyo, Ecua- }..... GOS co aetoesisese se Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 180 
dor. 1860, p. 276. 
Borda do Matto, |..... Gea ee See Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 328 


1864, p, 607. 



List of new species described—Continued. 

Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. ee 
Sphenacus pyenopy-| Damara Country, | Strickland Coll...---- Contr. to Ornith., 1852, p. 52 
gius. 5S. W. Africa. 148. 
Sphenopsis ignobilis..) Brazil ..-.-------- Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 229 
: Mus. 1861, p. 379. 
Spodiornis jardinii...) Ecuador .--..----.|---.. COMere eae ace Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 387 
| 1866, p. 322. 
Stenopsis ruficervix..| Colombia --.------|---.- Ob)e6sssbcssessaees | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 378 
| 1866, p. 140, pl. xiv. 
Sterna cassinii. ------ Falkland Islands-.| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 189 
: | Mus. (2). 1860, p. 391. 
Strix sororcula......- Larat, Tenimber | Brit. Mus.........-.-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 926 
Islands. | | 1883, p. 52. 
Sturnella ludoviciana | Cuba -......------ | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Ibis, 1884, p.25..-.......-. 968 
hippocrepis. | in Brit. Mus. 
— ——  meridionalis-| Venezuela ----..--. sola Coll. in Brit. | Mbis; 1884, ps26-2 222 s-ne aes 968 
us. | 
—— MEXICANA n= | Ok Oper a= mele aie WOyes ose eee eee sere O22 2s es eee eee 96% 
——- —— Neplecka=.-se NOLbaAINerIGAee=\= cn e= lO) sea caee abe cee Ibis, 1884, ps2b aaeeeee ee 968 
Sublegatus glaber-.--. Venezuela ....--.-|.-... Ope AR Sees sa sgee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 435 
1868, pp. 171, 172, pl. xiii, 
fig. 2. 
Sycalis chrysops. ----- Ss MeGxICOre es ses|o eens dO pene eeeseseci Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 228 
1861, p. 376. 
pelzelni .-...-- --| Buenos Aires .-...|....- ClPSS soecerroacsacs MIS; 1872, 90s a2on eee eee 601 
Synallaxis albigularis | Rio Napo-.-.------ Lafresnaye Coll--..---. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
(Lafr. MS.). 1858, p. 63. 
= AN bISIENSIS! = seen oe Cuenca, Ecuador...) Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 131 
us. | 1858, p. 457. 
—— arequipe ...-.-.- Arequipa, Perw..-.|.---- Or sdse scans eaneee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 479 
1869, p. 417. 
— brunneicaudalis | Rio Napo.....-.-- Lafresnaye Coll...--.-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
(Lafr. MS.). | _ 1858, p. 62. 
—— caniceps ..-..-.-- IBTAZU eoeee ae oe Eryjbon! OOllecsaeaoe sees | Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 88 
| 1856, p. 98. 
— castanea -..--.--. Caracas, Vien'e- |ebrit: Musee. coesenee ee Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 94 
. |. guela. ser. 2, XVII, p. 466(1856). 
— curtata ...---.--. Colombia, -=2.~---- Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 495 
| Mus. 1869, p. 636, pl. xlix, fig. 1. 
a CS uP Ey oases ce Bogota... seeeeccleneee COtee acdee hese Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 84 
| 1856, p. 25. 
——eleramtior,. nom. |ssj0--3ie-ne= 20a: eet er \-senenmecctceenee Cat. American Birds, p. 8 
ewe pro elegans, | 151 (1862). 
—— erythrops ....--..- | Pallatanga, Eeua- | Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 163° 
| dor. Mus. 1860, p. 66. 
—— erythrothorax.... Central America, | Derby Mus...-.....--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 73 
Coban, and Hon- | 1855, p. 75, pl. Ixxxvi. 
| duras. 
— fusco-rufa.-...---. San Sebastian, Co- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 915 
lombia. | in Brit. Mus. 1882, p. 578, pl.xliii, fig. 1. 
———. praminicola ---- -- Lenin Perwen- =. | Warsaw Mus......... Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 662 
1874, p. 446, pl. lviii, fig. 2. 
— griseo-murina.--..| San Lucas, Ecua- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 915 
| dor. in Brit. Mus. | 1882, p. 578, pl. xii, fig.2. 
— hudsoni....-.--...- Conchitas, Buenos} Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 645 
Ayres. Mus. 1874, p. 25. 
—— hypospodia ..-.-.. Bahia, Brazil.-.--.|...-.. Gb Se oaéchegresctase Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 645 
1874, p. 10. 
lemosticta ......- Colombia ......--. seer ey ee cee ida senoace Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 144 
1859, p. 192. 
— mesta ........--- PEG O Eon sass be cic COvescer ene sores Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 84 
| , 1856, p. 26. | 
—— multo-striata.---- Colombia 222 2s2e-- Paris (Mins 2 bese | Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 114 
| 1857, p. 273. 
—- mustelina, Natt. | Rio Madeira--.---- Vienna Mus. (?)-.---- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 645 
MS. -* 1874, p. 14. 
DUC DUNO Se aseee Obraillo, Peru....| Warsaw Mus.....-.-. Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 662 
| 1874, p. 445, pl. lvili, fig.1. 
—PUCICR saa mace Colombia =-2-e25-- Selater Coll. in Brit. Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 144 
Mus. 1859, p. 191. 
EO OMS >a. = = Tilotilo, Bolivia..| Salvin-Godman Coll. Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 828 
in Brit. Mus. 1879, p. 620, 
SCiltalaates ee = brazil. o22s-seeeee IB TU eVERS seeytee arate Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 144 
_ _ 1859, p. 191. 
SPUXL eee eee one en Oe sa-2tseccee Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 88 
Mus. | _ 1856, p. 98. 
—— stictothorax.....- Guayaquil, Ecua- | Brit. Mus.........--.. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 144 
dor. | 1859, p. 191. 
subcristata....--- Caracas, Vene- | Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 645 
auela. Mus. 1874, p. 20, pl. iv, fig. 1. 
—— subpudica......-. Bogota, Colombia.|....- O72 eres aoe es Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 645 

1874, p. 10. 

ae ae ee 



List of new species described—Continued. 


Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. eae 
Synallaxis terricolor.-| Ucayali.-...-..--. Brit. Mus., Sclater | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 380 
Coll., and Salvin- 1866, p. 183. 
Godman Coll. in 
Brit. Mus. 
— virgata....-.----- umn; Perm. === Warsaw Mus....---.. Brae Ee London, 662 
74, p. 446. 
= Vil pecmlse= see. Weayalie sess. Brit. Mus., and Sclater | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 380 
Coll. in Brit. Mus. 1866, p. 184. 
es WHI ae een a Oran, Salta, Ar- | Selater Coll. in Brit. | Ibis, 1881, p.600........... 895 
pouting Repub- Mus. 
— wyatti .........-. Paramo of Pam- |..-.- UO oaceetiestnsoqaee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 524 
plona, Colombia. 1870, p, 840. 
Syristes albocinereus-| Bogota, Colombia.|. ---- (tie Sak ee eee Proc. Zoo}. Soe. London, 848 
1880, p. 156. 
Syrnium fulvescens...| Guatemala. -.-..... Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proe. Zool. Soc. Londen, 431 
in Brit. Mus. 1868, p. 58. 
Tachyphonus chryso- | Cordillera de |..... G0) sdacaaeanEsooeen Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 484 
melas. Chucu, Veragua 1869, p. 440, pl. xxxii. 
— cristatellus, Sel. | New Granada..--. Selater Coll. in Brit. | Cat. American Birds, p. 8 
MS. Mus. 86 (1862).- 
—— xanthopygius..-.| Colombia -..-..-.... Brits Mans tetas Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 60 
1854, p. 158, pl. Ixix. 
Tenioptera erythro- | Ecuador .....-...- Edward Wilson Coll..; Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 42 
pygia. 1851, p. 193, pl. xli. 
holospodia ....--- ‘Boliwitahses- meee ose Brite Muss-- 20222255: ee erat. Soc. London, 1019 
1887, p. 47. 
—— striaticollis .....- Mecadonesesseose Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 42 
Mus. 1851, p. 193, pl. xlii. 
Tanagra olivina, Natt. | Cuyaba, Brazil....|.--.- CTR pEtese Pie eee Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 328 
MS. 1864. p. 607. 
——. subcinerea, .....-: IEWGNSAUC1A = 2-scm<.4| 5 425- (CONE ee at ie Se Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 215 
1861, p. 129. 
Tanygnathus subaf- | Larat, Tenimber | Brit. Mus.....-.-.-.-.- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 926 
finis. Islands. 1883, p. 53. 
Tanysipteranigriceps | Duke of York | Tweeddale Coll. in | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 750 
| Island. Brit. Mus. 1877, p. 105. 
Terenura humeralis..-| Sarayacu,Ecuador| Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 848 
| in Brit. Mus. 1880, p. 159. 
—— spodioptila ...-.-. Bartica Grove, |----- COMME see eee eee Ibis, 1881, p. 270, pl. ix, 891 
| British Guiana. fig. 1. 
Testudo argentina, | Argentina..-...-.. Zool. Soc. Menagerie ..| Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 528 
new name for T. ser. 4, VI, p. 471. 
chilensis, Gray. 
Tetragonops frantzii..| Costa Rica.-....-.-. Smithsonian Inst---.-- Ibis, 1864, p. 371, pl. x....-. 333 
Thamnistes eequatori- | Ecuador ....-..--. Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 229 
alis. Mus. 1861, p. 380. 
—— anabatinus..-..-.. Vera Paz, Guate- | Salvin-Godman Coll. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 182 
mala. in Brit. Mus. 1860, p. 299. 
Thamnophilus ethi- | Rio Napo.-....- ..-| Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 116 
ops. Mus. 1858, p. 65. 
— albinuchalis...... Guayaquil and | Brit. Mus......_...... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 70 
Puna Island, 1855, p. 18. 
—— amazonicus ....-- Upper Amazon...| Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 121 
Mus. 1858, p. 214, pl. exxxix. 
—— bridgesi... ....-. Chiniqnw.-254--- Sclater Coll......-.-.. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 89 
| 1856, p. 141. 
—cesius (Cuvy. | British Guiana.-.-.| Paris Mus. and Sela- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 70 
MS.). ter Coll. in Brit. 1855, p. 19, pl. lxxxii. 
—— capitalis -........ Rio Napo =5-: 2-25: Selater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 116 
Mus 1858, p. 65. 
— leuchauchen -.... Chamicuros, E. |.--.. Gh ohare ier ees Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 70 
Peru. 1855, p. 18, pl. xxix. 
— maculipennis ....| Pernvian Ama- |....- dO} s2ten- eset =| dinburch) News bade 82 
zZons. Journ.,n.s., I, p. 247. 
—  melanchrous -.--. Huiro, Peru ...-.-- Selater Coll. and Sal- | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 712 
vin-Godman Coll. in 1876, p. 18, pl. ii. 
Brit. Mus. 
—— melanocrissus..-..| Santecomapam, | Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 178 
. Mexico. Mus. 1860, p. 252. 
— melanonotus ..... Santa Marta, Co- |....- Comes ta oe Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 70 
lombia. 1855, p: 19, pl. ixxx. 
—— melanothorax ....| Central America..| Brit. Mus.........---- Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 107 
: 1857, p. 183. 
—murinus, Natt. | Xeberos, Peru...) Sclater Coll. in Brit. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 417 
S. . Mus. 1867, p. 756. 
—— nigriceps -....-.--. Colombiaoerresss sees CORR a Sooo: | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 454 
1868, p. 571. 
— nigrocinereus....| Para, Brazil ...... Brit. Mus. and Selater | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 70 

Coll. in Brit. Mus. 

1855, p, 19, pl. lxxxi, 




List of new species described—Continued. 


Thamnopbilus simplex 
—— strenuus, Scl. MS. 
— subfasciatus ..... 
— transandeanus -.. 
—— tristis..........-- 
—— ventralis...-..... 

Thaumantias bart- 
letti, Gould MS. 

Thaumasius tacza- 

Thaumastura fran- 
cesia, nom. emend. 
pro fanny, Less. 

—— henicura, nom. 
emend. pro enicu- 
rus, Vieill. 

Thlypopsis amazo- 

Thripophaga fusci- 

— guttuligera 

Thryophilus fulvus. -. 

Thryothorus euo- 

—— felix .....--.--.-: 

—— martinicensis.... 

—— mesoleucus 

—— mystacalis ....... 
—— nigricapillus -..-. 

—niisorius (Licht. 

—- pleurostictus..... 

—— rufiventris, Natt. 
Tigrisoma salmoni. -. . 

Tinamus _ 
Sallé MS. 
— castanecus ........ 


—— meserythrus ...-. 
— robustus ...-....- 
—  ruficeps-...---.-.- 
Todirostrum calopter- 

—— capitale 

— cinereigulare..... 

—— nigriceps, 9, 9 --..| 

— picatum..-...-.--- 
—— pulcheilum. -...-- 
—— rufigene.......--- 

— signatum......... 


Location of type. 

Para, Brazil 

Cayenne sea 

Tilotilo, Yungas, 

Guayaquil, Ecua- 

Oyapok, French 

South Brazil....-- 

Upper Ucayali. --. 
Guajungo, Caja- 

marea, Peru. 

Huasampilla, Peru - 
Lloa, Ecuador .- --. 
Oaxaca, Mexico -. 

Martinique, West 

St. Lucia, West 

Pallatanga, Eeua- 

Nanegal, Ecuador. 

teal Arriba, Mex- 

Vera Paz, Guate- 

Goyaz and Matto- 
Grosso, Brazil. 

Cauca, Colombia. - 

Oaxaca, Mexico. -- 
Bogota... -----=- 

Oaxaca, Mexico. -. 

S. Mexico. ...-.- sata 

Western Ecuador, 
Panama, and 

Rio Napo, Ecuador 
Colombia .---22- << 

Santa Fé di Bogota 

Santa Marta, Co- 

Rid. ANApPO--.. ccs 
Cosnipata, Peru- .- 
Mongi, Ecuador. -- 

Pebas and Yqui- 

tos, Peru. 

Place of description. 

No. of 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 
IBTIT, MIS seee soe eee 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Warsaw Mus...-...-.- 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 
BTUs WEIS ee oo = pereee acts 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

BSL ath Wishart eetee 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 
in Brit. Mus. 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

Salvin-Godman Coll. 

in Brit. Mus. 

Sir William Jardine 

Sallé Goll. 222 acess 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 
Brits Mus o-- a omeueeee 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

in Brit. Mus. 

Ibis, 1873, p. 387, pl. xv--.. 

Cat. American Birds, p. 
173 (1862). 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1876, p. 357, pl. xxxiii. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1855, p. 18. 

Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 
pp. 69, 160 (1873). 

Edinburgh New Phil. 
Journ., n.s., I, p. 244. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1866, p. 194. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1879, p. 146. 

Cat. American Birds, p. 
299 (1862). 

Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 
229 (1886). 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1889, p. 33. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1864, p. 167. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1873, p. 781. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1860, p. 74. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1859, p. 371. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1866, p. 321. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1876, p. 14. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1860, p. 64. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1860. p. 84. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1869, p. 592, pl. xlv. 
Tbis, 1860, p. 30.......----- 



Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1870, p. 328. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. 
1875, p. 38. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. 
1859, p. 392. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1857, p. 277. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. 
1859, p. 392. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1860, p. 253. 
Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 
pp. 152, 162 (1873). 



Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1857, p. 82, pl. exxv, fig.1. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1857, p. 83, pl. exxv, fig.2. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 
1856, p. 295. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1857, p. 83, pl. exxv,fig.3. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1855, p. 149. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1855, p. 66, pl. Ixxxiv, 


Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1858, p. 70. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1873, p. 781. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1877, p. 522. 

Ibis, 1881, p, 267..........- 




List of new species described—Continued. 



Tragelaphus gratus. .. 

Trichoglossus rubri- 

—— subplacens....... 

Troglodytes brunnei- 

—— hypaédon 

—— solstitialis ..-.... 
Trogon chionurus. - -.. 
Turdus ephippialis -.. 
Seen Vert, 

—. hortulorum 
—— ignobilis 

—— leucauchen 

—— pinicola 

—— subcinereus...-.. 
Turtur aldabranus.... 

Tyranneutes brachy- 

Tyranniscus gracili- 
pes, Sel. MS. 

—— griseiceps..--.--- 

—— improbus 

—— lencogonys...-.-.-- 
—— viridissimus ....- 
Tyrannula phenicura 

— sulphureipygia ..| 

Tyrannulus chrysops. 

—— cinereiceps......- 

— flavidifrons 
—— semiflavus ....... 

Tyrannus atrifrons. -.| 
— inca, Licht. MS... 
—— niveigularis..-.-... 
Upucerthia bridgesi . -| 
Urochroma  dilectis- 

—— stictoptera..-.... 

Urogalba amazonum. . 

Ursus japonicus 

—— nasutus.......... 
Vireo hypochryseus. . 

—— joseph 

— modestus 


Karagweh ...----. 
Tasmania.....:- ad 
New Britain 


Guinea, ; 
Parada, 8. Mexico. 
Sip MleRICOsee cone oe 
Matos and Pinipi, 


Bogota, Colombia- 

Macao, China 
Colombia =. ---.-- 

Guatemala. ..-.-.-- 
Jalapa, S. Mexico. 


Aldabra Island... 

Bartica Grove, 
British Guiana. | 
Pebas, Peru..-...-. 
Pallatanga and Ba-) 
bahoyo, Ecuador. 
Andes of Vene- 
zuelaand Colom- 

Cosnipata, Peru. - . 
Quijos, Ecuador... 
Gualaquiza and 

Zamora, Ecuador | 
Pallatanga, Ecua- 

| Selater Coll. in 


Location of type. 

Place of description 

(CRY es ee ere ical 
Speke Coll 

Zool. Soc. Menagerie. . 

Mus, Godeftroy 
D’Albertis Coll 

Sclater Coll. in 

in Brit. Mus. 
Selater Coll. in 

Swinhoe Coll 
Sclater Coll. in 

Cambridge Mus 

in Brit. Mus. 




Vera Paz, Guate- | 
mala. | 

Bollvidiecsectece os | 

Babahoyo, Ecua- 
Boliviahe= ese 

Merida, Vene- | 
Colombia .2---=- 
N. Brazil, Para, 
and R. Amazon. | 

South America(?). 


Selater Coll 


in Brit. Mus. 

Eyton Coll 

Selater Coll. in 

Brit; Wise. 2255250 2 or 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 


Zool. Soc. Menagerie. -| 


Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1880, p. 452, pl. xliv. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1864, p. 103, pl. xii. 

Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 
ser. 3, XX, p. 123 (1867). 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1881, p. 451. 

| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1876, p. 519. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1858, p. 297. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1861, p. 128. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1858, p. 550. 

Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 
1870, p. 843. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1862, p. 109. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1857, p. 273. 

MIS 1863; p. 196s. a2 = 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1857, p. 273. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1858, p. 447. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1859, p. 334. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 
1866, p. 320. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 

1871, pp.623, 692, pl.1lx xiii. 
Ibis, 1881, p. 269........... 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1867, p. 981. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1870, p. 842. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1870, p. 841, pl. liii, fig. 3. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1870, p. 841, pl. liii, fig. 1. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1873, p. 782. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1854, p.113, pl. xvi, fig.1. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1856, p. 296. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1858, p. 458. 

Proce. Zool. Soe. 



. London, 
1860, p. 300. 

Proce. Zool. Soe. 
1857, p. 274. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1861, p. 383. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. 
1860, p. 281. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1889, p. 32. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1870, p. 788, pl. xlvii. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1862, p. 112, pl. xi. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1855, p. 14. 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 
1862, pp. 



Proc. Zool. Soc. London, | 

1868, p. 73, pl. viii. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1862, p. 369, pl. xlvi. 

' Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 

1859, p. 137, pl. cliv. 
Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 
1860, p, 462. 

187, 261, pl. | 

No. of 










List of new species described—Continued. 


Vireolanius pulchellus 
Vireosylvia cobanen- 


Xiphorhynchus pusil- 


—— thoracicus ...-..- 
Zonotrichia botteri- -. 
= Poucaraueans-—— 
—— quinquestriata. - - 

Zosterops griseiven- 



Central America. . 

Esmeraldas, Ke- 

Cordova, 8. Mex- 

Central America. - 
Colombia ..--.-.--. 

| Babahoyo, Ecua- 


Orizaba, Mexico -- 
| we 
| South Mexico .... 


Larat, Loetoe and 
Moloe, Tenim- 
ber Islands. 

Location of type. 

Place of description. 

Dbighha Gi} enone ae 

Selater Coll. in Brit. 

pallé Collate teens ac 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Bother Colles. = se-hee 

Sclater Coll. in Brit. 

Ebis, Je59ipMigeas se. as = 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 

1860, p. 463. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1861, p. 379. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1856, p. 289. 

ibis; 1ep9 Np 8 oes eee eee 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1860, p. 278. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1860, p. 277. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1857, p. 214. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 

1867, p. 1, pl.i. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1868, p. 323. 

Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 

1883, p. 199. 

a .Al gl Be Ne. 


Name. Where figured. 
Accipiter bicolor, 7, and 9 jr-.---- MOH OrMbhecpelO ss pla ssakes sete eee hae = ae inn emlelala sieiet= 
CEISMI WITS) elon cciacae se our Be JONqoy MeO Vera ai evo OAN Oe Ql OR pe are eenroneoeec Sermo sc 
—— Chilensis, 6, 9 ---------------- OSCE Oem AT ON Tat Ole S. eel Beans oemooe cose eooace oe 
— chionogaster, 9.-.---.---...-. pda he Oram nS Tore, ahi 56 odeoreeeo soa e eb onebosseaseso- 
———collaris) g adult.and young---.|| Tbis, 1860; p: 148) pli vi... ----- <2. 5. 622s tonne ennnane 
-— erythrocnemis, ¢,9---- ------ IBpolp ted Oven H gq OSB It) OSM AeSeecae eeebaes secse be seoSceos 
ANCOR Mtoe ae micern che wie iatas ei LOATH FOSPRED TL Wahl oss. Co Sos he chee censor ee eoeees saoaee 
— pues Potbisséncerocncodanses JIA Oranpad ne pop Ms elk}: 6.91¢ Seeman ooege sarees oe seneee oe 
— haplochrous..-.....----.--.---. TAGS TIRE Tes ol Wwbllce odaon sooont ogee dene deqneselcsauer 
—— DECUORALIS 2 sae ans -mieme une TPISSSOl spo lassie emer en sa semi eieisinr nie cease anise aie 
-— poliocephalus, 9 adult and | Ibis, 1860, p. 322, pl. x....--....-..-.----------- +--+ eee as 
= VONUEALIS e ~ mianinimin siermicin neice nle'= i= ISRO ON wey CLL SCAB! Doe or oe on soe a aeRseSTececcre 
A gelzus cyanopus, co’, 2----------- Wonks) TERE Tonle, OG Se SERRE cosas sone goSee cogeecnos cpooee so } 
AloTIONIIG AUSOlONS-a5-226- = -a22 => Cate Basabnits VOSS Vip: 15 Pll emn seem a i eee 
=== WMI Nt Ses eo dnoeebe seaecaccs Cat BAS] Brite MUS, eNO, oily Pte ilat= ote eit eles-ieln tele 
==> SNES ee whe orsoode secede se see (Ohi, WIS sata Giees VEIN OE alse? ose eode seer srecboee 
Ampelion arcuatus, 0’, 9 ----------- Bxonc Ormith pale plebem kyle cose lesen ime cm cen 
ee NTU Si ite oh ertejeie iargeieln.s <inince ws Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 152, pl. civ. ....------------ 
Anabazenops guttulatus..-....-.-- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 272, pl. cxxx..-.-.--------- 
Suibalanis’® so --e ate o-oo ast Cai Amernicane bind si. lo9) plexi = seem sina nee ene iar 
Anveretes fernandezianus. .....---- MbISHHB 7a UO wpe wid uh ome ok ey se ageism ce mala e= 
AAS OAD HELIONSe c= sete =)=tilaie= = ! Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 453, pl. xxxili.-......------ 
Sal lane me ane Somer Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 487, pl. xxxiv....---------- 
— scutulata (Casarca leucoptera | Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xlix...-..----.-.------- 
on plate). 
Anthus bogotensis--......--.------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 109, pl. ci..-..-.-.--.------ 
aN AUUCROIL aterat- cise oe to's ne sois mins) Iisa Tao woe see Sep Soet poses houmeoSecDaoaScveDede 
Antilocapra americana, young...--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 60, pl. iii. --.--.-.-----.---- 
Antrostomus maculicaudus- --..--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 586, pl. xlvi.--..-------.--- 
BOTTI re wm cro ee Siar iele Saroeeinin eae ie Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 586, pl. xlv ......-...-..-.. 
Rs POT VUUNO Se a aoe sere ain = Seinnim- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 138, pl. xili.-....--.------- 
Apteryx mantelli -.-......----.-.-- Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xliv..-.-..---------..--- 
IAG MEW ito) 0 0 eee ee eee onenee Wolt's Zoological Sketches, IJ, pl. xxxi-.....-.-...-...-.- 
INT ESE 6 Re ee ee ae eee eae Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 976, pl. lxi--..-.-.--------- 
Aramides calopterus ..-.---------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 439, pl. xxvili..-...-..-.--- 
Arctictis binturong.-..-.--:-------- Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pl. x .---...-.-.-...--....- 
ArdethaimVvOlicrisy.----=---+--.-=- ArrentineOrnivh), Ul p. LOU, pl oeviil. 22 2c ome 0 loca eins 
Argus giganteus, f pull......-.--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 115, pl. vii. ..-.---..------- 
— giganteus, egg.....-----.----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 115, pl. viii, fig. 1.--.-.---- 
Arremon erythrorhyncbus. --.-.--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 83, pl. Ixxxix .....--------- 
—mysticalis -...-...-...----.-.. Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 131, pl. xcix....-..--.-...-.- 
Spectabiis) oc. ~<<--neno been cee ac Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 114, pl. Ixvii......-....:--- 
———, WUCHELCL]; Gls =m sieran = =)-10'< w/a Cats BdSe brit. Miuss, sok, Pacde: Dle RVINc- = omens ce cco ems 
PARAMUS OSTONIS Se re ayn sane aie ae Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 101, pl. xv --.-.-..-..------ 
iNstacus caldnvellic 2. <=... -1 a.226-2 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 469, pl. xvii....---.--.-.---- 
Asturina nattereri, adultand young} Exotic Ornith., p. 173, pl. lxxxvil...--....------..--------- 
— plagiata, adult and young ..--. ibaa Ormethilleyy Ie) |e ser Been see oom en nmr deeenccGeeeen 
——— pucherani, adult and young. .-| Exotic Ornith., p. 177, pl. lxxxix ...-...-.......-..---.---- 
—— ruficauda, adult and young. --.| Exotic Ornith., p. 175, pl. Ixxxvili..-.........-.-..---.---- 
INS REGGE ae See Se eee eee ee Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. 621, pl. 8 (1865)......-. 
CUCM EUR tote cca eae oe, crstad aes Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 223, pl..xiv -----.---------- 
= MIS CIGOP Sea oie Jee roaee < eed Proce: Zool. Soc. London, 1872) p. 664, pl: liw .22.2-..-.---.--- 
=a OO CHEE ie tats) ne meni =imcier aim Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 226, pl. xv_.-...-----.----.- 
—— —, (figures of four individ- | Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1875, p, 419, pls. xlviii, xlix -....--. 
uals showing variations in 3 
———— PUN VONELIS se iciey asic l.s1ai2 4 <i ieie ce Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1872, p. 688, pl. lvii ....-..--.------ 
—— vellerosus PTOCRZOO ll SOCHUONGOD Lane p io; Pla lle see = 6 = 3 nom = mnt = 
Attagis chimborazensis.---...----- Wxotic Ornith., p..U57, pl. Uxxix--.--.....---..------------- 
Auchenia pacos, o’, ¢ (group) -..--.} Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxvi..-...-------------- 
Aulacorhamphus calorhyncus -...--.| Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIX, p. 155, pl. vili..--...-------.---- 
—— cyanolemus......------------- Camb as nite VUlisege Neen LOO, Dy Keer, 29-50 «aie mini je(emin ae 
—— erythrognathus....--..-...-... Caimbase brite Mins. excl Ne pa Lod, pla Vile o-oo. eames 
— whitelyanus -.-...--.-.-.----- Cat, Bds:brit. Mus:, SUX, p. 156, pli ix 525-2... ses mene oe 
Automolus holostictus.....-.-..... Cai BOS epithe Wien Ne Vie a SOs DM VE am aioe tas aeeteie amines 
Sl oC bt aan eeseceenoscrt rene Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XV, p. 9, pl. vii..-... Ratti aie aia tsa 




List of species figured—Continued. 


—— —, young 
IBalLSNICEPSITEX «2. 2.5 sacees ten 
Basileuterus cinereicollis -.--..---- 
—— fraseri 

— uropypgialis....-.-.-----.<----- 
Bassaris astuta 
Berlepschia rikeri 
Bernicla magellanica (Chloephaga 
poliocephala in text) ¢,@. 
Bolborhynchus aymara 
Bos frontalis, 2 adult and young. -- 
—— —, young 
Botaurus pinnatus.........-....... 
Brachygalba albigularis....-....... 
geringi, 7,2 

Bradypus tridactylus 
Buarremon castaneifrons 
-—— comptus 
—— eleoprorus, egg.....---.---.--. 
— latinuchus 
—— leucopis 
— leucopterus 
— melanolzemus 
—— nationi 
—— taczanowskii 
—— tricolor 
Bubalis buselaphus 
—— caama 
-—— cokei 

—— swaynei 
—— ——, head. 
Bubo fasciolatus 
Bucco bicinetus. - -- 

— chacuru 
—— collaris, 2 
-— dysoni 
—— hyperrhynchus...-.-...-.-.-..-. 

— ordi 
—— pectoralis 
— pulmentum 

—— striatipectus 
— striolatus, 9 .- 
— subtectus, ¢ 
—— swainsoni 
— tamatia, ~ 
—— tectus .................- SOCqoE | 
iHBneeros DicoOrmis---2--.--2----s5ee | 
—— rhinoceros 
—— subcylindricus 
Buteo erythronotus (egg) 
—— fuliginosus 
—— swainsoni 
—— zonocercus 
Buthraupis arcei.....-....-....... 
— chloronota 
Cacatua ducorpsii 

— goffini 

Where figured. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 443, pl. Ixx xiii 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 463, pl. xlvii 
Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xliv.....-.-.--2---.---. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 285, pl. ix, fig. 2 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, p. 653, pl. lxi 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 286, pl. ix, fig. 1 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1865, p. 286, pl. x, fig. 1 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 286, pl. x, fig. 2 
Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xiv 
bis; 1889) p..850; pl sxio =o Set aes ceeeeee eee eee Eee 
Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xlix 

Argentine Ornith., II, p. 46, pl. xv 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 233, pl. x 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866; p. 1, pli i--.------------.2--a5 
Exotie Ornith., p. 181, pl. xei 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 45, pl. xiv 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 41, pl. xii 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 253, pl. xviii 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puit-birds, p. 39, pl. xi 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 47, pl. xv 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 43, pl. xiii 
Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxv 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 235, pl. xxxv, fig. 1 
Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 264, pl. xv 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 504, pl. xlii, fig. 7 
Ibis, 1879, p. 426, pl. x, fig. 1 
Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XT, p. 261, pl. xiv 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 214, pl. cix.....--.--..-..-- 
Ibis, 1879, p. 425, pl. x, fig. 2 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 485, pl. xlvi 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 236, pl. xxxv, fig. 2 
Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 269, pl. xvi 
The Book of Antelopes, I, p. 7, pl. i (1894) 
The Book of Antelopes, I, p. 33, pl. iv (1894) 
The Book of Antelopes, I, p. 27, pl. iii (1894) 
The Book of Antelopes, I, p. 45, pl. v (1894) 
The Book of Antelopes, I, p. 21, pl. ii (1894) 
Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1892, p.100, pl. v 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 376, pl. xxxiii 
Synopsis of the Bucconide, p. 11, pl. ii 
Monogr. of Jacamarsand Puff-birds, p. 91, pl. xxx-.---.-..-- 
Monogr. of Jacamarsand Puif-birds, p. 103, pl. xxxiv 
Monogr. of Jacamarsand Puff-birds, p. 61, pl. xix.---...... 
Monogr. of Jacamarsand Puff-birds, p. 67. pl. xxi 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 71, pl. xxii 
Proc. Zoo}. Soc. London, 1855, p. 193, pl. cv.-----..---------- 
Synopsis of the Bucconide, p. 13, pl. ili 

onogr. of Jacamarsand Puff-birds, p. 85, pl. xxviii 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 65, pl. xx 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 99, pl. xxxii 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 77, pl. xxv 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 75, pl. xxiv 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff: birds, p. 97, pl. xxxi, fig. 2 -- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 194, pl. evi 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 109, pl. xxxvi 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1853, p. 122, pl. 1 
Synopsis of the Bucconide, p. 10, pl. i....-.....--.--.-.--- 

onogr*of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 89, pl. xxix......-. 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puft-birds, p. 101, pl. xx xiii 
Exotic Ornith.,p. 153, pL. Ixxvii 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 107, pl. xxxv 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 83, pl. xxvii 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 73, pl. xxiii. .-.-.--- 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 93, pl. xxxi, fig. 1 -- 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 79, pl. xxvi 
Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxix.-..--.---.-.------- 
Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxx.-----.------------- 
Proc. Zool Soc. London, 1870, p. 668, pl. xxx1X..----.....--- 
Ibis, 1860. p. 25, pl. i, fig. 3 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, LV, p. 267, pl. 62 (1858) 
Argentine Ornith., IT, p. 59, pl. xvi 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, LV _p. 263, pl. 59 (1858) 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 439, pl. xxx1 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 97. pl. lxiv 
Proc Zool. Soc, London, 1862, p. 141. pl. xiv. ....-------.---- 
Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1864, p. 189, pl. xvii. 

figured 1862. pl. xiv, under this name is C. ophthalmica. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 61, pl. x 

The species 259, 315 


Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p.188. Figured in Proc. Zool. pe 315 

Soc. London, 1862, pl. xiv, as C. ducorpsii. 


List of species figured—Continued. 



Gaicg xanthomera.....-c-mecece: 
Gallistearrentea..-...25-- <b. sce =- 
Fens US Lie 5 <a: mnie ee late bine eeinels 
SS yh RS aye es Se eee sce a oe 
—— argyrofenges...-...---.------- 
—atricapilla, ¢, ? 
= UTC OSE TL O Sy ates ors eeraniiete arene ein 
——— I OUN YA Bee ee costar miata = 
=——— sPPASTIIEN SIS ne tos eee 

CA DAN IS ene sot soc ome cea pion 
(CA VAD Serie p eee eters cee == 
—— chrysophrys .-.--..-.--------- 
—— chrysotis....-..--------------- 
——COsIGOlO tesa. nae ane aes Sebeas 
UCI abase sana ooe pee es = 

—— cyanelcollis -.-.-------------.- 
—— cyaneiventris ...-.--.---.---- 

==) (OPTERON Sp ec ae Se odeoodenr oe 
—— cyanoptera.........---.------- 
= IOVAN ObIS reyes etsy) aie lsn alsa elee === 

— desmaresti.....- Soe rarer aie Sys 
1 OWilieah es omnes ticks maces 
= TAS TOU OS Ml st cena einer ania 
TESOL de ect ccisscweres cee sees 
SVS ge, Saacine sie nie ini = i 
a RV ON GGUS ie ee eam ste eae os 
et HOTT anes Se oe eh ee oe eee 
VR COM Val Ri-1-t< seiare seiatais ie yminiesnsiaie 
—— graminea 
—— guttata ...--.-.--------------- 
OAH NE ote scenes Seba separ 
—— gyroloides ....-.-.------.----- 
—— icterocephala ..-----.-..-.- 3s 

SSS OnE eer See oc oaoee ec ages 
Ja brad OLides! - <= <s-cfa-inimn cise = == 
== IR Rp eee pe cee acre ores 
—— lunigera .......--------.------ 
—— melanonota, of, 9 -------+------ 
———— MOAN OBIS js scic owls cielo ccicis anie= = 
—— nigricincta.......---------.---- 
——— Pat ZO BAD cet icis= sii =~ <icies I='= aie 
= PLOULOSS a == =< oe nese se Seen 
SONU cia afin alas aia) Van eto ie ie 
Sea PPT CURD oa reco wan cloule -toin isis == 
ee NL COD MSG arc cian sy ceinintero ness ai 
= HIPONISS aot t ete dalee! ease 
— rufigula(C. rufigularisin text) - 
SOD TAMICH 2 Aoi ieatalois)- (ae Sania 
= =A CLALOLD \aiciats ccs cia /tfo.wiare <iasicin(el=ie 

———=PNOTACIC Maas decierce nists ceo omes 
ti COLO ne ease ae een Ue ee ans 
———= MORI SU A ss Sanilac aa cin aig eee ie 
= WATOSCBDS) osc scale soamiscla sine cle 
DTI OMT rm a) ayateinaiclay oie ta ase safety 

== Gell | CUBR Sopoeecap ead oaeerec 
Callitghyixas Piss 2. si- 2-5 ssidsee nese 
WSlormmIslerassa, Cis 0 cseceasin'mic= = 
Campephaga aurulenta .......----- 
Camptostoma imberbe ---..-------- 
Campylorhyuchus jocosus......--- 
CHIE Eis Re aa Se ee SA Anne Speeecees 

aay LO Ale arate esi Sas craig nie eice/e 

—— niger, ¢, 2 
Capito maculicoronatus, 7, 9.-.--- 
E—— SLOOLIM st poco aces. cee See 
Capra egagrus, ¢ ..-- 
— jemlaica ....--..- 
=— MECZACELOS --.-- 2. newer een cine 
——— DiC tae? - <--- 2. eee eee cbs one 
sees AINAIVICA, Cl aco vac occ cnaeaaseans 

Where figured. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 301, pl. xxvili....-.---.---- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 75, pl. xxxiv..--------------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 35, pl. xvi.-...--.-.--------- 
BLOMOES: of Genus Calliste, p. 29, pl. xiv, fig. 2....-.- De ei 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 354, pl. xxx, fig. 2 ...-..---- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 78, pl. xxxili -.-.-....-.----- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 69, pl. xxxi...-.--.-..------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 67, pl. xxx...-..---.--------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 61, pl. xxviii -....--.-...---- 
is WIGS mpl ois roe  ome nonin =m nme piciaieieniee 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 41, pl. xix......-...--------- 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 24, pl. lxix, fig. 2...........-- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 97, peepee See ceceecee | 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 3, pl. i, fig. 2.....-.--.------. | 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 45, pl. xx......-.-....-------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 87, pl. xxxvili...---.--.-.---- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p.13, pl. vi...---.--.---------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 79, pl. XxxXv...-.------------ 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p.53, pl. Xxiv....--.-...-----. 
(Oi He Graver Kor net Sob CPG ak rhe hb eet tas See aeneecosaee abesD se 
DISA STG 4Ou iol ew ee eee ek encanta trmiceseectciatae 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 59, pl. xxvii 
JAE PIIE GRY Tp. Anil US a RAE Sen ppatie aor be seeneossee 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p.9, pl. iv-..-.-.-.------------ 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 11, pl. v...-...-.,--..------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 47, pl. xxi.....-------------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 63, pl. xxix...-.-.-----.---- | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 416, pl. xxviii ...-..-------- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 354, pl. xxx, fig. 1..--..----- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 25, pl. xii-.....-..---------.- 
Monoer. of Genus Calliste, p. 21, pl.x....-..-.------------ 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 55, pl. xxv...-...-..----- Se 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 57, pl. xxvi a 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 37, pl. xvii----.-.---------- 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 53, pl. xx, fig. 1---.----.----- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 103, pl. xlv..-.-.......------ 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 89, pl. xxxix....---.-----.-- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 81, pl. xxxvi--....-.--------- | 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 95, pl. xlii-.----.-.---------- 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 65, pl. lxx, fig. 2.........--.-- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p.51, pl. xxiil-........----.--- 
TATE eh Bot yn ito IB Ae Se eeroecececoneeosaeqood 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 85, pl. xxxvii-...----.------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p.93, pl. xli-.----.------------ 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 49, pl. xxii--..-.-.---------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 33, pl. xv..-.--------------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 19, pl. ix......-------------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 71, pl. xxxii-..-.-..--------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 91, pl. xl. .-...--------------| 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 27, pl. xiii.--.---.---------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 17, pl. viii-.-.--------------- | 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 31, pl. xiv, fig. 1---.------.--- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 1, pl. i, fig. 1--.----.-..------ 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p.15, pl. vil-.---.---.--------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 7, pl. iii....-.-..-.---------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 101, pl. xliv, fig. 2---.-------- 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 22, pl. 1xix, fig. 1...-..------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p.39, pl. xviii-.-.------------- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 498, p). xlii, fig. 2..--------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 99, pl. xliv, fig. 1---.----.--- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 23, pl. xi...-----.-.--------- 
Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 5, pl. ii. -.--------.---------- 
Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. 621, pl. 8 (1865) -------- 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, p. 56, pl. xiv..-.- Acne eine ealars 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 692. pl. liv....-.----.------- 
TSU LaDy) AAs PO) semoMiN GAL cle or ec) tm atnm iielel emia elim l= 
Cat American Birds; p. 17, Dll. --semeesa->- <== 
Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xvi...-.-..-..----------- 
Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl.iv...-.......-------.--- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 81, pl. xvii. ..--.----.------ 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877,.p. 806, pl. Ixxxi..--..--------- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 279, pl. xxiii...------------ 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 631, pl. xlvii .---------.---- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 655, pl. Ixxviil .------------ 
TD EMEC oh Rie 35886 ea sn Scone ae Sane ee Seeisers facecer es. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 140, pl. xii-...-...-.------- 
Proce. Zool. Soc. I.ondon, 1886, p. 315, pl. xxxi....----------- 
Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxv....----------------- 
Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xx.- 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, 689, pl. lviii-...--..-.---..--. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p, 316, pl, xxxii...........-.- | 






o a 


Cro o1ro1 oro Or Or OV OV Or Or GO 6 





List of species figured—Continued. 

Name. Where figured. 
Cardinalis pheeniceus, ¢, ¢-------- Exotic Ornith!sp.A2zsepl Uxili.2 <2 2222525 eee eee eee eee 
Carpophaga melanochroa..---.-.--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 672, pl. xlii.....-...------- 
oe eae x Tadornavulpanser, | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 442, pl. elviii.......---.... 
1y ri¢ ’ (oft) & o 

—— leucoptera (Anas scutulatain | Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xlix...............----- 

Casuarius becearii (head)........-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 527, pl. lviii......-..-...--- 
— bennettii, J, 9.---.----------- Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xliii-..............------ 
ni Phe Lainie e cements tees Trans. Zool. Soc. London, LV, p. 359, pl. lxxii (1862).......-- 
—— ——,, young.....-------.------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 518, pl. xlii...........-.--.. 
—— bicarunculatus.............--- Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 358; pl. xxiii (1862)........ 
pe Sate (Raa Bn, cea ene Oe Saleiele enlace Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 495; pl. xxvi.......-..-.--- 
——=—- oaleatus: 22522 ihseee-nese nce Trans. Zool. Soc. London, LV, p. 358, pl. Ixxi(1862)...-...--- 
RCA LE tone ha ote e ae ane eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 149, pl. ix..-......--.------ 
— picticollis (head) .-..-...---.--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 85, pl. xviii. ....--.-------- 
— uniappendiculatus......------ Trans. Zool. Soc. London, LV, p. 359, pl. Ixxiv (1862) .....--. 
SS cat Acie aneinc eae wae Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 85, pl. xx --...--.-.--.-.--- 
—— westermanni (head) ......----- Proc. Zool, Soc: london, 1875, p: 85, pl. kx s352s.55285-2eeess 
Catharopeza bishopi, 9 adult and | Ibis, 1880, p. 73, pl.i..--.----..-.-----.-2--cceeeeceeeee eee 

oS jr. 
Cathartes californianus (egg) ------ This, 1860; p: 278) plvithk esse. sos eeeeeeecaae ese nese eee 
—— —— (young) ..-....------------ Tbis; 1860, pr278; pli er. a,c cee eee eee eee nee 
Cebus epee aeeaeeee ce are e sees Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. 621, pl. 8 (1865) ......-- 
Celemsikerrijicin 2 Saco -eeaeeneee J1s;,1892p. 136; pli: 222- occa beosscee see cee oases eee 
GentritesOreas\c see -1-- seine Bxotic'Ornith., p. 191, plaxevist=s25e5-2 2 =-22sensseneeeeee 
Centropelma micropterum..--..--.- Exotic Ornith:, p. 189 pl. xe¢w.. 5-22-22 22s secteeee eee eeeee 
Centropsarmirus-.:-5--------62--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 176, pl. xxvi.......---.---- 
Cephalophus dorsalis..-....-.-.--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 595, pl. xlvi..-...-....----- 
Cephalopterus penduliger .--.-- --- Ebis, 1859.3p. VL plain ss e555 see ce ys cet eee eee eee eee 
Ceratopipra iracunda...-...----.-- Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XTV, p. 288; pl. xix +-222-----.ce---e se 
Cercoleptes caudivolvulus..--..---. Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, I, p. 621, pl. 8 (1865) -.---.--.. 
Cercopithecus. brazz@ ........----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 448, pl. xxxiii.....2.22..--- 
Siew Ae aeansesesebeeroeepeds Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 176, pl: xiv......--.----...- 
—— moloneyi......--...-.--------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 252, pl. xvii....--.--..----- 
—— pluto (C. stangeri on plate).-..| Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. ii-.--......-..---.-....-- 

Schmidt <== es -eeee casassesease Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 245, pl. xvi...----.--------- 

=——— SbAINSl.) Fs se ete Sete sie ee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, p. 580, pl. xl.-.--......---.--. 
—— stangeri (C. pluto in text)...-. Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. ii...........-.....---.-:- 
Ceriormis ply Gbiljenssss sees see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 163, pl.xv-.....2.-2.52----- 
— melanocephala.......-.-.----- List of Species of Phasianide, p. 10, pl.x..--.-.-..-..-.-- 
== BRUT Ah ie ats apes cee ens Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxxix.-.......-..-.:--- 
— NOOO palace so eae eae e Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 117, pl. viii, fig. 4....---.--- 
—— temmincki 2252..c552.222522 28 List of Species of Phasianide, p. 11, pl. xi ............-.-- 
ORE Sree emo cee sae eens Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 117, pl. viii, fig. 3..--.--.--. 
Certhiola dominicana.-.--......-.-. Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 44, pl. v, fig. 2 ...........2--..-- 
— martinicana (C. martinicensis | Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XJ, p. 46, pl. v, fig. 1 -.............---- 

on plate). 
Cervulus crinifrons...........-..-- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 1, pl. i scsss6-ssceeceneeces 
———= MICTUNUS 25-2 Ses oe eee eee eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 421, pl. li, fig. 1...----...--- 
—— reevesi, young .......-.----..- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 422, pl. li, fig. 2-.........--- 
Cenvusialtinedibsss-seeeeoes sense ee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 381, pl. xxvili......-..-..-. 
— canadensis, o, 9 .------------- Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xix--.-.....-........---- 
— cashmeerianus, ¢.------------ Trans. Zool. Soc. London, VII, p. 339, pl. xxx (1871) .....--- 
— davidianus, 0, 9.----....-.--. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, VII, p. 333, pl. xxviii (1871) .--.-- 
— duvaucelli, ¢, 2 in summer | Trans. Zool. Soc. London, VII, p. 346, pl. xxxvi (1871) ....-- 

— eldi, ¢ in summer dress......- 

———=4NMMUIS Sceocee sees eee eee 
— leucurus, ¢, 2 
— mantchuricus, ¢, ? 
,in summer and winter 

— maral (C. wallichii on plate), 
¢o, 9 and young. 
— —,,d, § in winter dress, and 
wus pudu, (of 2 
—rusa, ¢, 2 
—— savannarum, ¢ 
— sika, ¢, 2 
—— ——, in summer dress...-. 
—— swinhoii 

——— taéVanus loss. cere cake a aeces 

— —,, ¢@ in summer dress and 
and young. 

— wallichii (C. maral in text), ¢, 
2, young. 

| Wolf's Zoological Sketches, IT, pl, xii 

Trans. Zool. Soc. London, VII, p. 348, pls. xxxvii, xxxvili 

Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, IT, pl. xviii 

Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xx 

Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xiii 

Trans. Zool. Soc. London, VII, p. 344, pl. xxxi, in summer 
dress; pl. xxxii, in winter dress (1871). 

Wolf's Zoological Sketches, LI, pl. xii 

Trans. Zool. Soc. London, VII, p. 336, pl. xxix (1871).....--- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 238, pl. xvii 
Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xvi.......-....:-+------ 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 690, pl. lix ..............--. 
Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xv 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, VII, p. 346, pl. xxxv (1871) -.----. 
Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pl xvii-.---..--..-......-- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 152, pl. xvii..-............. 
Trans. Zool. Soe. London, VII, p. 349, pl. xxxix (1871) ...-.- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 152, pl. xvi...... Eonetw ooo. 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, VII, p. 345, pl. xxxiii, ¢ in sum- 
mer dress; xxxiv, @ and young (1871). 
Wolf's Zoological Sketches, IT, pl. xiv 



List of species jigured—Continued, 


Chezetocercus burmeisteri..-.-...-- 
Chetura biscutata..-......-....---- 
—— brachycerca......-.-.--------- 
Set babesonpene cep seccdos se 
—— cinereiventris .......-.-------- 
SE sarin Wits te lene Meo ronio conc omose 
—— semicollaris....... 

Chamzza mollissima 
Chasiempis sandwichensis, ¢, ? --- 
Chasmorhynchus nudicollis........ 
Chauna nigricollis....-...-.....--- 
Chelidoptera albipennis. --...-..--- 
—— brasiliensis -..--...---..-..... 
——— FEN CDLOSA) =... caso = = ee oe <= 
—— —— (€28) .-------------------- 
Chiromacheris manacus, egg.-.---- 
= Viele CP Pee see tene ai = 
Chiromys madagascariensis -.-.--- 
Chiroxiphia regina 
Chloephaga magellanica, 3, ? ----- 
— poliocephala, ¢, 2? (Bernicla 

magellanica on plate). 

Sir DiOiee PS ser = mien = ea een 
Chlorochrysa calliparwa-.....-..-- 
—— nitidissima.............--.---. 
—— phenicotis.....-..-.... means 
Chloronerpes dignus, ¢'----------- 
Chlorophanes purpurascens, ¢---- 
Chlorophonia calophrys, o, Q----- 
—— flavirostris, 9 
— frontalis ..-.--.- 

—— longipennis -..----...-.-..----- 
—— OCCIpitalis, of, Q---.<--------= 
Pe aR OE VENI GO St Snes eet aca ot os 
Chlorospingus castaneicollis-..-..-- 
—— flavipectus, egg...-..---.:----- 
Seen SOOEUN Go ae cna ital ain etapa © 
—— melanotis .....-.-.--.--.--..--. 
pheocephalus ..--.....--..----- 
Cholopus didactylus..-.-.-......-.. 

=e OF ATU Nios ictateye a emi=eioaieia 
Chrysotis bouqueti ---......-...--. 
eae OSS ONA Soin «6a cein<immie oe par em = 
—— dufresniana ...-.----..-.-.---- 
aa OL PMU ULE = <(n = m'=lni «isisie oie sls cia mate = 
SS Te Se sae pee ceecee eepase 
——— KANON OLONA: 2 < =< 26 = wi 3 = apie = oie 
Chunga burmeisteri ...-..--...---.- 
Ciccaba nigrolineata.......-..----. 
Cichlopsis leucogonys ......--..--. 
Ciconia boyciana.......<-- 5.0.5... 
— senegalensis (Mycteria sene- 
galensis on plate). 

Cinclocerthia gutturalis -..-..----. 
—— macrorhyncha .......-.....-.. 
aa PO CHUO 2 alesis cio atcina nimi sainsate 
Cinelus leuconotus -..-.-.-.-....., 
a= SONU ZL sos) aas Seon te lo nines =e 
Cinnyris balfouri, bird and nest... 
@ircussmaillardt, iQ -=s-5-cie ee s 
Clemmys unicolor.......-...-.----- 
ClathomasicOrmisie << _-45-s-20s=5c~ 
Cnemophilus macgregorii....--.--. 
Cnipodectes subbrunneus. -...--.---- 
Cnipolegus hudsoni, ¢.-----.----- 
Cobus ellipsiprymnus, ? and young. 
Coccothraustes maculipennis, ¢, 2 - 
Coceyzus'cinereus-. .<=-.-..-6.5--- 
Colius castanonotus ...-....-..---. 
—— erythromelon ..............-.. 
== MIPTICOMIS:: ss 42 seee om a aisle 5 
Colobus ferrugineus-.......-..-... 
Conirostrum ferrugineiventre 
—— FPASOLIy hve weno oina- tetas wee ates 
Conopophaga cucullata--..--- ay: 
Conurus efrepius.-< - << ac aenceeen 
—— hoffmanni................ Stet 
more TOL | oye ai a'mie aieiein's/« aiveinin eons 

Where figured. 

/Maeepayniae) imei AOC Neh Weak acon eecaencioe THOR EE ACE De 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 609, pl. xxxiv ------.---.--- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 758, pl. xxxiv ....---------. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 205, pl. xiv, fig. 2 ..--..----- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 101, pl. xiv, fig. 1---.----.-- 
THIS 1SE0; Dust sD edt amie es a rece a= online ninideeieminsin 
POLLC OLN iihies pee Oa Pls LE = hae nie Cadic ccm wncaccmoosare 
Proc..Zool. Soc. London, 1855; p. 89, pl. xev -.-...--.-..-.--- | 
ERIS gL SBS a pmlc Mle ser Jalota ccm nea te\clel a nas tele Soe eee | 
Intellectual Observer, X, p. 401, pl. xi. ---.-..............-- 
roe, A00l Soc uondon,. 1864; p.'70, Pls.Xi- <<. 522-552 ec5ee 
Synopsis of the Bucconide, p. 24, pl.iv.....--..---..-..--- 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 165, pl. ly, fig. 2 --. 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 161, pl. lv, fig. 1 -.. 
Monogr. of Jacamars and Putf-birds, p. 162, pl. lv ----..-... 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 517, pl. xlii, fig. 11--.......- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 517, pl. xlii, fig. 10........-. | 
Woolts!ZoologicalSketches; LI, pl. iii. -- =... 2. 2.cer--5-550 | 
Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, I, p. 216, pl. ii (1864) ...-....- 
Cat. American Birds: poco plese seek aconsi--sosee en seeee| 
Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xlvili .-....-.--..--.-.. 
Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xlix............---..... 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 387, pl. clxxiii ..-------.-.- 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 99, pl]. Ixxiii, fig. 1 ...----.--. 
ISLS tere 4 OO Diente een cia initia s eee A a hie 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 100, pl. Ixxiii, fig. 2..-.....-- 
EroesZOol Soe. LOndON SIO) ile de <n er = caine eee 
Cate Bday Brit. Mus, 20, past ple WWesce-= oe == cence enone 
IOS CHG Gham ns emdisby ole bah eoee A aememoceaae to aeoar aS 
Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 56, pl. vi, fig. 2 
Exotic Ornith.,, pl. xl higs toe one 

Hxotie Ornith,, ps82 ype wh Ne 2 oa kee oe = smsjes ms ses a 
HSOMGOLUThN a Duss sles ee —seenlsfete = = ome nie cieeioeeats 
Cate Base Brito Nias: exao sao, ple winter. We... sects cae cimne 
Cat American birds. DjgUs plik cnccieas so eneee = aeteeieel 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 503, pl. xlii, fig. 6..-..-..-... 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 784, pl. xlvi, fig. 1...--...-. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 157, pl. Ixviii.......-....-. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 521, pl. lii, fig. 2-.....--.--- 
Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, IT, p. 621, pl. 8 (1865) ..-..../ 2 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 861, pl. Lxxii, pl. 2..--....-. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 861, pl. bxxii, pl. 1--..-.----. 
ProceZ0ols50ce..wondons 1875; pi Glipls X12 as -<< amt = eae 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 68, pl. ix, fig. 1.....-.--..-- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 68, pl. ix, fig. 2.....---...-. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 23, pl. ii ....--.--.-.--.---. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 206, pl. xxxiv.....-.--...-. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London; 1875; p: 157, pl. xxvi--..-.-3-2.2=-. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 666, pl. xxxvi....-----..... 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 268, pl. 63 (1859) -.....-.--- 
POE Ori hd Ne Py Re ak are oie enaicletees aie a iets 2, Sects 
iBbroc:;200), Soc) bondoen) 1a74, p- 2; Pl. U-: 9. = ost aeecsecee-< 
Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xlili...........-.---.-.. 

Jip One Ola ovuil a Ra | Ol heal o yn sos CecInceoobe- SeBOCOnOD eRe ee 
JOO O TN gy OSC) beak. SoBe rr eee see aSroor tte Sore recs. 
TREO UKHO ELL Eee ek yd og Rectee cles Gra teil nim Site emia S aeinaiers asinee 
CateAmerican. birds, De LO; Platt 3 oC ue cows aeiddseciosicme nels 
AR CentineKOrninh gly Polls plain cee - ose eoi-meisieas/ se sels 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 169, pl. xv, fig. 2.--..---.--- 
HIS BG DADey LOOP le Lie somes cowie cisicie- mete coere aise seni 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 166, pl. xv, fig. 1--.-....---- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 517, pl. xliv.......----..-.- 
Wolfs) Zooloricali Sketches; Ul,pl. le a2... cence ee oes e ee 
Tis, L801: psalss pleasant os sac sae ane wna ck oe atest 
Cat; Bds; Brits Mus: 2eE Vipp. 197) Dl. RV1ln = Sn ~ ne een 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 541, pl. xxxi..........----- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 505, pl. xxxix..-...--.--.-.. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 251, pl. elxiii-.--------.---- 
ATFSHEING OLN hl, Dros nls ebl Ursa aie eile ees = <= =/=\2 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876p. 413, pl. xxxv---..--.------ 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 475, pl. xlv, figs. 2,3-.--..--- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 530, pl. xlv, fig. 1..-.---.--. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 590, pl. xlvili.-.---.--..--- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 74, pl. Ixxxy.-..------...--- 
Wi BOS sBrit MGs Pschapr lopli. aly fig. Uo - 5. cemeteone a 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 29, pl. cxix........-------- 
PIN ASL pe oC apie V as gio a2 no - wivinre sie win a piobine elas aesecte 
EOULG] @OTMUG Hs, De LON le MORN saa om =o = nom ele cial iia 
Argentine Ornith.; I, p..43, pl. xiv.......-.-.20.0-<--ce0s! 


No. of 






List of species figured—Continued. 


Conurus rhodogaster 
— rubritorquis 
Corvus capellanus......-..--.-.--- 
Coryphistera alaudina.--..-------- 
Corythaix leucolopha...------.---. 
Cosmetornis vexillarius.-..--.----- 
Cotinga porphyrolema...-.------- 
Crax alberti, eG eeten et seee oa ee 
— alector, o', Q....-------.------ 
— carunculata, co, 2 
—— daubentoni, (, 9.---.---....-- 
— erythrognatha, 0’, 2 
— globicera, 3, ? 

—incommoda, 9 

— sclateri, J, 9 
— viridirostris..........---.----- 
Creurgops verticalis.-..------..-.-- 
Crossoptilon auritum...----..----- 
— mantchuricum, egg------------ 
Crypturus boucardi, ¢', 9---.-.---- 
mMeserythrus.<--s-2-2=0o5-- 6s 
— sallei, J’, 2? 
— transfasciatus 
Culicivora boliviana............-.. 
Cyanocitta melanocyanea (egg). --- 
Cyanorhamphus saisseti--.--.-.-... 
Cyclopsitta suavissima, ¢, 9 --.--- 
Cyclorhis altirostris...-........--. 
——— HURITOSEISn sinc s acces eee eee ae 
— ochrocephala.-.-..-...-.--.----. 
—— virenticeps 
Cygnusnigricollis,adultand young 
Cyphorinus albigularis..-.......-- 
— dichrous...---.---.---.--.---- 
— lawrencii 
— pheeocephalus 
Cypselus squamatus, birdandnest- 
Dacnis analis (D. speciosa in text) - - 
—-ccerebicolor, #7, 9 ------------ i 

— egregia, J, 9? 
—— pulcherrima 
— salmoni, 9 
—— speciosa (D. analis on plate) - -- 
—— venusta, o',9---.--------.---- 
Datla splat a dae esc aen =o ee 
Damalis hunteri, 9 
Damaliscus hunteri-.-..-.... eee 
Dasyprocta antillensis......-...--- 
Dendrocolaptes eytoni--..--..-..-. 
+ — MUN CHCOMIS*. 2. -- ces - ee eee ee 
Dendrolagus bennettianus.-......-- 
Dendrornis polysticta.......--...-. 
DicwUuM SXIMIWM oe) eee ee 
Dicotyles torquatus, adult and 

Diglossa albilateralis, 7, 9 
POTIONS castles ewes ence se a 
<—— Indi gobica .--.s-secus ost etes=- 
—— mystacalis 
————NECLOLALIS . 225-5 oem ec oes 
—— personata, eg 
Donacicola spectabilis.....-...---- 
Drepanornis albertisi, 7, 9---.-.--- 
Dromzus irroratus.........-...--- 
—— nove hollandiw........--..... 
Drymornis bridgesi-..--.--......-. 
Dysithamnus leucostictus 
— semicinereus...---------.- . 

WUICOLOT OL Steere meee een es 
HEehidna hystrix...... seen cence 
Echinogale telfairi................. 
Eclectus riedeli, 7, 9 
Elainia griseigularis.............-. 
— olivina 

Where figured. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 298, pl. xxiv..........-.--- 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 539, pl. lvi.....--.--.-.---. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 694, pl. Ixvi-..-...--.-.-- 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 57, pl.iii-.---....---....-. 
Student and Intellectual Observer, LI, p. 4, pl. i (1869)-...--- 
Ebis, 1864, p. M4 pl Tiss eee eke soos see es oe See eee 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 130, pl. xevi-...-..--.-.----- 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 280, pl. xlviii (1875)-.--.-.--- 
- Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 277, pl. xliii (1875)..-.-.--. 
. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 279, pl. xlvii (1875). --..--. 
s. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 276, pl. xli, xlii (1875)...... 
. Zool. Soc. London, X, p. 543, pl. xe (1879) ...-.---.--- 
. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 274, pl. x] (1875)....-.-.--. 
. Zool. Soc. London, X, p. 543, pl. lxxxix (1879) ....--- 
. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 279, pl. xlvi (1875)..-.-.--. 
. Zool. Soc. London, X, p, 544, pl. xei (1879)..-.-.----- 
. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 281, pl. xlix (1875)....-.--. 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, X, p. 544, pl. xciii (1879)...-....-. 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, TX, p. 278, pl. xliv, xlv (1875). --. 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, X, p. 544, pl. xcii (1879) .-.---.--- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p, 72, pl. exxxii, fig. 2.....--- 
List of Species of Phasianide, p. 6, pl. v----.--.-----..--- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 118, pl. viii, fig.5.........-. 
List of Species of Phasianide, p. 6, pl.iv..----------..--. 
Exovie! Ornith:, p91, pli slvil ss teeecsccesee sseesee eee 
Hxotic Ornith:, p: 03; pli xlvil- s-= 2222 eseeeeecece see eee 
Hotie OmMiin p, 89) Pl. wVeea ss esa se cesta ne esas eee Rees 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 141, pl. xiii--....-...-..--- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1852, p. 34, pl. xlvii---.---.--.....- 
TDI 859s p 2 pl, dil. Ono sade ese ele nee oe eee eee 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 630, pl. xlvi...---...--.-.-- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 520, pl. liv. --..------------ 
Argentine Ornith., I, p. 24, pl. iii, fig:2:---=2-----2.-.--522 
Thiss 187 Mpre2d ple sae wesscess sae eee eee aee eee eee 
Argentine Ornith., I, p. 23, pl. iii, fig. 1..--. Boreae aco asi 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 274, pl. elxiv..-.-..--.---- 
Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xlviii---.-.-----...----- 
Argentine Ornith:; LI, p: 124, pl. xvill-s-2255 +> seer ene 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 76, pl. xxxvili--.---....-- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 492, pl. xli--.---..-----.... 
Hxotic Ornith., pal. pl: kxae- oss s2cece sees a 
Hxotic¢ Ornith:,; p45, pl, Seu. sses see ance Sees eeae eee eee 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 605, pl. xxxiii------..-..-- 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 101, pl. xcili, fig. 2......-..-- 
Cat. Bds. Brit. Ming: Xe pial, ploiicss 222 sissee sacs eee 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 102, pl. xciii, fig. 1.--.--..... 
Cat CAMeriCan Birds) pool, plavaitsscasens ashes nee eee 
Cat. American 'Birds\p: 51, pli Vilises2-sescsessc sles sneer 
Cat. Bda. Brit. Mins, Shp. 20, Pla, hee oeee saa eee eee 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 101, pl. xeiii, tig. 2....-...-.-- 
This; 1863; pi 315, pl. wiles. 2 -e skeet a. ane sate 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 666, pl. xxxviii 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 372, pl. xlii...--..-.---.... 
The Book of Antelopes, I, p. 53, pl. vi (1894) .......-..--.-- 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1874, p. 666, pl. lxxxii-.-....-.. Saeee 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1853, p. 69, pl. lii-.---.-.-..-.--..-. 
Proc: Zool; Soc. ondon, 1865,p..04; pl v.-ca-sa soe ee ee 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, p. 693, pl. xlvi.........--...-. 
Cat. BdsSbint. iis!) SV ldo splice heen eens tem eee 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 102, pl. xiv, fig. 2--.-.-...-. 
Wolf's Zoological Sketches, LI, pl. xxiii--..--............- 

Lbis, 1875, p.2tG pl. Viees-s2 cp oka cece ss ose oe es See see eee 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870. p. 784, pl. xlvi, fig. 2.-.---.--. 
Cat. American’ Birds, p:49: pli Vicctss: aeeses cee ee = eee eee 
Cat.-Bds: Brit? Mus. c8 pp: 6ypliizeecseseceeee oer reer ere 
THish875, p. 212s pl nyse tees sme eee ete 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 496, pl. xlii, fig. 1-..--..--. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1879, p. 449, pl. xxxviil, fig. 2..-..-- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 558, 560, pl. xlvii.--....--. 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 360, pl. lxxvi (1862) -....... 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 360, pl. Ixxv (1862).......-. 
Argentine 'Ornith. lypatoopikacse ens os ene eee 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 223, pl. cxl........-.---.... 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 90, pl. xevii.......-......-. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 525, pl. xliii, fig. 9..--....-. 
Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, IT, p. 19, pl. 5 (1865)-........ 
Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, I, p. 219, pl. ii (1864).....-.. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 195, pl. xxvi............-.- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 554, pl. exlvi, fig. 1.......-. 
Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 146; pl. sdi:.csss50c2..552.0-2- 


List of species figured—Continued. 


Elainia pallatangss 
= DIACeN ane nae=--ocsecnemniceeinm 
—— stictoptera 
—— vilissima 
Elephas africanus, 
Embernagra chrysoma. ...---.- ete 
- Equus asinus africanus..-.-....---- 
— — somalicus 

adults and 

—— serena 

Euchextes coccineus ...-.....-.---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 73, pl. cxxxii, fig. 1.-....-.. 
Eucometis cassinil..--.........-.-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 351, pl. xxx.-..--...------- } 
Eupetes leucostictus...-.---------. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 690, pl. lii ..--------------. 
Euphonia chrysopasta, <3, 2.-----. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 488, pl. xxx, figs. 1,2-....--. 
Ses CONCIN UA ne ieee eee sae CAG BOSE Lite MOIS er Nl ts GSP lec Vall ome wren cisacinte sieesteere= 
ee eR enero case unsecnedecce Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 98, pl. Ixv, fig. 2......-.---.- 
SER EC HI Ges wen < cee ties cue <i Cappbd sy bribe Wilms ose ys KO pp lewis ties doe patelats e)etat tery 
— pe Sip Ceseancecceaderseese Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 66, pl. cxxiv.---------..--. 
ae ITU CIN ACCOR = - nidoc a eviea cristal Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 98, pl. Ixy, fig. 1.-----..---- 
See SUOMI) = ona a - eleleinte mies cieis iene Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 521, pl. lii, fig. 1...---.--.-- 
——melanura, o, Yis---<-cccerecan= CateBas Brite Niuae key p.tGs Dletke cce <= ecieces caste an 
— nigricollis............-...-.--- Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 83, pl. lxxv, fig. 1-.---------- 
— pyrrhophrys .......---.------- Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 89, pl. xxv, fig. 2..-.-..--.-. 
—— saturata, ff ----..----.---.---- Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 70, pl. viii, fig. 2-.-...........-. 
— vittata, Sf ..---------.-.......- Cat, Bds. Brit, Mus: ky py G0n Plo Xe cece ae mene ee 
Cia erythrophthalmus, | Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxxiv ..-...-.----.---- 
———  —... ee eee eee List of Species of Phasianide, p. 7, pl. vili.--..--...-.---- 
— lineatus, J, ? Wolf's Zoological Sketches, IT, pl. xxxviii-- 
(a smo neneeoboasqunoe comers List of Species of Phasianide, p. 8, pl. ix ...-- 
SS THO WINE po Aoedanoendooecnsadeecr Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 119, pl. xvi .-..----.----... 
—— prelatus, J, 9 ---.---...--...- Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxxv -....-...--------- 
i 2B penaormaccncaocneaueeegn. List of Species of Phasianidea, p. 6, pl. vi..--..----------- 
=A WIMMOM Cis sisiccein aise mstowi= Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxxvii.....-----.-----. 
—— ieniou (Gallophasis vieilloti | Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxxvi-........--.----. 
on plate). 
Seem dain lo ain eiancime ain oew em Seiten List of Species of Phasianid, p. 6, pl. vii ..--.--.-------- 
Euscarthmus agilis........--.-.... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 28, pl. exvili-.-.---.------- 
och bhs) Sassi ceececessecesc oc Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 47, pl. ix, fig. 1------------- 
—— impiger....-.----.--.-.---.... Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 84, pl. ix, fig.2......----...... 
ee ees ai cals ec alae meeieiele Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 171, pl. xiii, fig. 1 ---------- 
—— russatus ....-..---.....---.-.- Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 82, pl. ix, fig. 1.--..-..----..-. 
Falco circumcinctus ..-.-..---.----- PNR EGe gine Sai Ohi See Soo: Gas Seeseoseyeorenseccosoeenceae 
=—— GiCkINSONI -----+-5--------- 55 Iereyslieee EBPs a b ayn! Gee oe SERS Re ee emepcer cose ssee see 
— groenlandicus..-.--..-.--...-. Woltf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxxiv...--.------------- 
SST Hy han eee eooee dose 44 sae Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxxv-...-...-.---------- 
ARCOM ry) lea cect eee cisa sien Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl, xxxiii ------------------ 
LOGE SOUINE A) GeesedoeseeaSreEcCooeas Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 816, pl. xxxvi......---.-.-- 
eas ta iala ee ain aia miaeieige ess =a Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 311, pl. xxvii --.------ ---- 
— canadensis (Lynx canadensis | Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xii...--.---------------- 
in text). 
— caracal (red and dark varieties)| Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pls. x, Xi ..-----...-----.--- 
ONE ee eine iccece mins sansa =mistaie Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl.ix .-.------------------- 
—— @YTA-.------ 2-0. - nee -- eee eee Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. vi ------------------.--- 
SSO elpseaocorcer.ciporosoneS Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xlii-.---..--.--.-------- 
= [hn yop SodeeSpeeroesconseacacs Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 532, pl. lv----.---.--------- 
— leo (? and young)...........-- Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. ili..-...--.....---.-----. 
—— leopardus (black and spotted | Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl.iv.-------..--.----.----- 
varieties). j 
— Wolf's Zoological Sketches, IT, pl. vi-..---.-..---.-------- 
— macroscelis Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. vii.-.-.-...--.---------- 
—— onca Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. 621, pl. 8 (1865).-....-. 
— picta Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. v.-..-.--------.-------- 
— serval --| Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. vili..-..----.---..-.---.- 
— servalina ' Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 495, pl. xiii. .-..--.-------- 
Ea VAVOL TAN eects creiereele eaccieiaeista's | Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. vil-..-..-----------.--- 
—— yaguarundi Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pl. v.--.--------.--.------ 
Formicivora boucardi, 4, 2.---.-.- Cate American Birds plea nla S Vie eel ciscineno <= -s =o 
— callinota .----.--.-----..--.-.- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p.89, pl. xevi.--..------------ 
— caudata, co, 2.---------.------ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 254, pl. lxxiv......---.----- 
—— erythrocera -..--.-.-..-------- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 240, pl. exlii....-.---.--.--- 
mm HATE WN aca caeecelesw maint cine Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 131, pl. exxvi, fig. 2---.---. 
— strigilata, J, 9.-------...-.-.- Exotic Ornith., p. 159, pl. xxx. -....--.---.-.2----------5- 
—— urosticta.........05-..c22.2 25. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 130, pl. cxxvi, fig. 1-.-.---- 
Faulica ardesiaca..........--....... Exotic Ornith., p. 113, pl. lvii -.-.-..-.-----++.--------+--- 
— armillata........-......-...... Mxotic Ornith., p. £15, pl. lvitl--..-.--.-------.-0+----5=- 
—— leucoptera .......-.--.-------- Exotic Ornith., p. 119, pl. Ix.--.-.-------------------+----- 
—— leucopyga........-----.------- Exotic Ornith., p.117, pl. lix .......---020--------seeeecee> 

-| Ibis, 1881, p. 544, pl. xv, fig. 1 

Where figured. 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 407, pl. xli--......--.-----. 
PND ISL SOs Dik aos Uy pL ome arias ac icine tals etecee eietentosit 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 554, pl. exlvi, fig. 2....._--. 
DIS Gods Pa oe Lavan slew ae coc oes cases scemaeeaieeses 
Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, IT, pl. xxiv...........-...----- 
Cat. American birds: pi ld7; pk xi. ..2-2<2-2hn5sse0 scene == 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 542, pl. 1, fig. 2....-.-......- 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 542, pl.1, fig. 1-...-..------ 

EpIswl Sst oda le MV Cee. i hey ne ween oeicee weteecicle 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 89, pl. elx. 
cunda in text. 

Pipreola ju- 



Saat AT tiesag ating 3 




List of species figured—Continued. 
Name. { Where figured. No. of 
: paper 
Fuligula nationi, 3, 2? ------------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 477, pl. xxxii.........-.--- 788 
Hornarius torridus--..-----.----.- Exotic Ormithiop is Pla ibes -= 26-2 20a meet eee eee 12 
a occ acne oh cis a taceteeacee Cat, BdsBrit; NS. eseViciDelo, led o- see eee eee meres 22 
(Galbra yale aS eacysocoreasaon = Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 375, pl. xxxii...-..--......- 294 
Parnetti. Voce 222 Asean ee aes Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 711, pl. xl...-.--.----.-..-. 329 
Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis, ¢, 9 --; Monogr. of Jacamars and Putf-birds, p.58, pl. xvii---...-- 15 
Galbula albirostris, 7, 9.--------- | Monogr. of Jacamars and Putt-birds, p. 27, pl. vii...-..---. 15) 
— chalcothorax, ¢'.:...-.=--<---- | Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 37, pl. x.--..-.---. 15 
—— cyaneicollis, ~.....-...--..-.- Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 31, pl. viii.......-. 15 
== fuscicapilla se. co. os-ceeeee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 13, pl. Ixxvii--..-....-..... 69 
—— leucogastra, ff’, 9.------.----. Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 33, pl. ix.......--. 15 
—— melanogenia, df, Q.--.---.---- Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p.19, pl. v.--.--..--. 15 
a ae OE mop ays ea sea Se ce eriae Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 98, pl. xc..-....------...:... 46 
—— ruficauda, of, 9.-------------: Monogr. of Jacamars and Puft-birds, p. 15, pl. iv-...-.---- 15 - 
— rufoviridis, df, 2 .--..--.----. Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p.11, pl.iii-----...-. 15 
—— tombacea, ¢, 9------..------- | Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 23, pl. vi.----.---. 15 
———— VATICIS, Gf’, Oo aa eaecee eae Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p.7, pl. ii--------.--- 15 
Galidictis vittata.-..-..-..---<-... Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, I, p. 219, pl. ii (1864).--....-. 335 
Gallinago imperialis--......--..-.-. HomclOrnith. ps9. plxCwlle et eas selec ee seeeeaeo cee 12 
nobilis. 22/2222.sccee ocr asre ee J OS CaCO OFAN Na |S aoe |e CSP phn Se see eae else aooeeseee 12 
Gallinula nesiotis. --..---.-2-.----- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 261, pl. xxx..--....-.-.-4.- 221 
Galloperdix lunulosa, ¢, ?-------- Wolf's Zoological Sketches, ue pllshs-. =e 5. eee 
Gallophasis horsfieldii-............ Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxxix............-.....- 7 
vieilloti (Euplocamus vieillotii | Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, LI, pl. xxxvi.----........----- 
in text). 
Gazellacerantiyc), Qisa:s2-2S4-0e 25 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p: 527, pl. lix..---------- ese 695 _ 
—— naso, head....-....-.-.--.----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 504, pl: li.....-.----.------ 1012 
—— semmerringi .........--.-.--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 817, pl. xxxvii--..---.---.- 418 
—— subgutturosa, ¢#, 9.----.-.---- | Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxii--....-...---.---2--- 7 
— walleri, skin and head....-..-.. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 539, pl. xlix.-..-...-----... 965 
Geobates pecilopterus.....--....-- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 205, pl. xxi--.-.........-.. 383 
Geositta crassirostris.......-...... Cat. Bas. Brit: Mars. exes. Di g0 lode nt mee tre ee ee 22 
Geotrygon albifacies (figured asG. | Exotic Ornith., p.77, pl. xxxix.--...- Boe a aris aaa 12 
—— bourcieri......-...-...-.-..... Hxotie Ornith:) p09; Pl. Sly aie cisen cases ee eee 12 
——chiriquensis (error for G. | Exotic Ornith., p.77, pl. xxxix.-..-...----.-----....----.- 12 
SSS ae paacesacr Sebcerotoone Exotic Ornith., p. 123, pl. lxii-.....-....- SerE IAB ecanaS 5 | 12 
Golunda pulchella.--..-..--....... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 100, pl. xiii-.--..-------.... 306 
Graculavcretiticn= eres sssee eee ae Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p.120, pl. ix........---.--.._. 464 
Grallaria dignissima...........-.-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 160, pl. xvii...---.-----.--. 848 
—— erythrotis........-.....-...... Cat. Bds. (Brit. Mus.) SCV, pal) pl: xvii e a. once eee 22 
—— flavotincta ..........-......-.. MbiS 1877, p.445 0D) Si wee cee essen e eee eee 768 
— fulviventris.............--.... Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XV, p. 323, pl. xx.--_--.--. toepectescr 22 
—— haplonota-.--..-2--.---.--.-.. Cat. Bds; Brit: Mus! OV, proto; plo Xvil-. 22s eemce se seeenee 22 
—— Modest. 5. - esa. ce oe eee: Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 89, pl. xciv.-.------ Se erases 75 
—— ruficapilla, egg...---....-----. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 527, pl. xliii, fig. 6......---. 825 
= BUN CODS anna sae ie eee epee bis; 1877... 444 pl wile ek bce so ae es ee eee 768 
—— —_, 02@.....-..-...------.--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 526, pl. xliii, fig. 5.......-.. 825 
——-"‘Tufo-Cinerea.--..6 53-80 sc--e = Cat. Bas: Brit, Mus.. 20 Vie poli. Dlexix = seo Scere e eee ~ 22 
Granatellus pelzelni-.......-...... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 606, pl. xxxvii, fig. 1-..--.- 328 
SAN PON 2 Rais aioe Semicon ee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 292, pl. cxx.-.-------.--... 92 
VENUStKS - Mees sao ae once ae Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 607, pl. xxxvii, fig. 2....-.- 328 
Graucalus sublineatus--........--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 448, pl. xxxvi-.---......-.. 822 
Grus japonensis (G. montignesia | Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xlvi...-...----.-....---- 7 
in text). 
—— montignesia (G. japonensis on |..-..- OO wn cas oa cdma aaa eee Ee wees cock aase ccenee eee nae tf 
Gymnoglaux lawrencii.....-...... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 327, pl. xxix...-.....-..--- 443 
Gypohierax angolensis (immature | Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxxvi---...-------..---- 7 
Hadrostomus homochrous, <, ? ---| Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 334, pl. xxiv.--.-....---.----- 20 
—— ——, O88 .- 0. - 2-2-2 ee seen, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 517, pl. xlii, fig. 12..---...-. 825 
Hemophila’ pulehra, ¢.---=--...-- This, 1886) p. 259 plivill ae succee eae eee eerie eeee eee eee 1016 
Halmaturus luctuosus...-...--.--- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 247, pl. xlii.--------------- 656 
Hapale melanura.-.-.-......-----. Proc. Zool. Soe: London, 1875; p.410s plese ene ce see = 692 
Hapaloptila castanea........-..-.. Monogr. of Jacamars and Pult-birds, p. 143, pl. xlvii-.--.--- 15 
Harporhynehus ocellatus.......--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p.-18, pl- Wii... -----2-22--22.. 249 
Heterocercus aurantiivertex.-...... Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XLV, -p.325, pl. xxili..-.........- 20 
Heteropelma flavicapillum.-....--. Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XLV; pie2l; plixexi-- 05-2 es ee te 20 
—— ignicepS......------..----...-- | Cat. Bds) Brit. Mus., XV. pices DSR sme ee ena 20 
—— wallacii-.......----...----.-.. Cat. Bas! Britis: 2xuaVie plop sek. «eee wien aa eee 20 
Hippopotamus amphibius. ......-... Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxvii.-.-..-------.----- 7 
Hippotragus bakeri, young ¢ .....| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 214, pl. xvi-..--..-.-..-.-- 439 
Hirundinea bellicosa.......--...-..| This; 1869/59) 196 ply nage sle cee sie ano eee ete eens 496 
——— LORD tee ieee arin) =n Tbis 1 869) oS LOG yal ava ate oe een wine ate wie 496 
—— rupestris.......--...-.--....-- This; 1869p 198 aaliyah toe oo arm we ieee eee 496 
Homorus lophotes-.--......:--:--. Argentine Oxnibh. aap on, plik: es ue aseceeer aM eee 21 
Hydrochcerus capybara..-.-....-..-- Quart. Journ. of Sei., London, II, p. 621, pl. 8 (1865) 367 — 
Hydropsalis furcifera.--....-...--. Argentine Ornith:, qaeiprlo, spl miss asee eee] Se emer 21 
Hylactes castaneus...-......--.... 12 

Bxoue Ornithipr py, Wel kee cee ane ieee eee ee eee A 


List of species figured—Continued. 


Name. Where figured. | No. of 
” Paper. 
Hylobates hoolock......----------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 86, pl. v, fig. 2--..------.--- 502 
BN ISS ora So wie soe ene oe Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 86, pl. v, fig. 1--------------| 502 
=—— [fUCOPENYS'...-.- =. <------as5~- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 679, pl. 1xx .--------------- 763 
Hylophilus brunneiceps. ....-----| Ibis, 1881, p. 305, pl. xi, fig. 1-....--..------------------+----- 892 
—— ferrugineifrons DISMISS DSU dail ele aera oe ascii econo cin genic cine aicee onal 892 
= — fIScicapillus..---<sair-- 892 
—— muscicapinus -..--.--- 892 
= OCUEACOICOPS = sa. sae =~ =e = 8 
SST A ie aeaneadderemoos 413 
——— SEMICINETeus.-....--5--------- 413 
Hypocnemis hypoxantha..----..-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 573, pl. xiii. ..-..-..---.--- 454 
—— lepidonota, o’, 9 -------------- Cat: Bas: Brit. Mug:, XV, Dp: 287, pl. XVI) <<< hs as ns2 2 nn nwa ne 22 
= Tinie) Sade ece -Sonnenee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 254, pl. lxxii, fig.2.-...---. 64 
——— Melanosticta, co, \Pi---= == -=== == Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 254, pl. Ixxiil.-....-.--.-.-- 64 
Hypocolius ampelinus, ¢.--------- Proc. Zool. Soc: London, 1890, p. 147, pl. xv-------.-------.. 1088 
Hypopyrrhus pyrrhogaster, egg---| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 510, pl. xliii, fig. 4..-..-.--- 825 
Hypotenidia sulcirostris. --.------ Ie BT aay SHUT hein Gage el cncepeaEooeercenEase—seosceroe 863 
Hypotriorchis castanonotus. .-.-.- Vejoiiey, Wet, ye BENG Toll scl Ce | So se eb desdeeeds see canbe snesssrese 239 
Hystrix malabarica..---...--------- Proc. Zoo]. Soc. London, 1865, p. 353, pl. Xvi ---.-.---------- 344 
Ibis xthiopica, young andegg..-.. ICE hae Co) GS atl == SARA Rese done sepcecdedece sonra. 805 
Icterus abeillzi, ¢', 9 ------------- Exotic! Onmitine, Wil iq Plex GLY cera = <cinaelo tecileeineisesiee © 12 
—— grace-anne®, 9 --.-------------- IOs WEB 0) BU aN bos A 5 eet e Spend seoueessor secs 949 
ae Hen pea Ses osean coon Cat Bas. Brit, Mids, pkol Dealt, Plc XVII ccic ne min oman sans 19 
———_jepirinsiss sano 8 see adesacacec Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 270, pl. xxi ........-.-..--- 546 
—— pustulatus, &, 9 --.----..----- Exotic Ornith., p. 47, pl. xxiv....--- Bede ieaslee nctcineis waco 12 
Idiopsar brachyurus. -..----------. TPIS GOA k0 ple Wie einai 12 oe ete mine minima mie = win mae | 970 
Todopleura leucopy gia-..---------- Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 393, pl. xxvi.---.-...-.---.--.| 20 
Iridornis porphyrocephala-......-. Proc: Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 227, pl. cx..----.-------.--- 81 
Lea giniGa neers Soop oeeaeooose Mion Sans ap lawl ee iem eae aa aati a eiefciay isin eee | 363 
Jacamaralcyon tridactyla, ¢------- Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 49, pl. xvi--------. | 15 
Jacamerops grandis, ¢', 9---.----- Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 57, pl. xvili---. 15 
Lagothrix humboldtii, adult and | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 874, pl. xxxi-.....--------. | 294 
Beton oabarls Reema sh ema s aire ia <i Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 72, pl. xiv, fig. 2..--.-.-.--. 212 
PenioauLanwwus; Gy Pe =------<= -- Lopate (OvermiA Ope Olli) hoe. ep sae bo bogene soe p ob Oneecere sec 12 
—— Jawrenci, young.------.....-. INE a here jolly lO ee oa semosaocesodsceacenercecdsc | 995 
Ee Jeucothorax, o., 9 --s- 2+ 2<5--- Hxotie Onrnithyp; Oe, Die SRR - cocci oa alsoen sen oe seiviceac er 12 
Lathria uropygialis.-...-..-..--..- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 355, pl. ¥xxii.......--..-..- | 723 / 
bain UT Cabs see Aa sata a el eeinlaria Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, I, p. 219, pl. ii (1864) ..-.-.--- 335 
=== Uke aN CUED Sreseonerar a oceec||sb ee CON era ene orm acoictan ec leiac alot wines cece aera etiate ciara 335 
== GAA, ety GIS eases coo see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 280, pl. xvi....-...--.----- 543 
—— nigrifrons (adult and young)..| Wolf's Zoological Sketches, LI, pl. i1.-.--.-.-.--------.-.. 7 
eS ANUS es ote caeeo eriodee oer oe pao Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, I, p. 219, pl. ii (1864) .-.--.-.- 335 
Se XAT IU LOTUS EAR wyale lela <teie aie etey—inial| icici LO ee ee ae noe oe Sa caciee eicto an eet einieiaeneas 335 
Leptasthenura andicola.-....-.---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 636, pl. xlix, fig. 2 -.-..-.--. 495 
Leptopogon erythrops........-.--- OateBdsbrina Mars: exon Vinny LL OUD Lk oe ogi ces ceemeion cal | 20 
ONES Tall GUN aaah aly aratal= [atari taiar ear Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 48, pl. ix, fig. 2---..-.-.----- 1019 
Leucopeza semperi.....-.........- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 14, pl.ji..-----......------| 711 
Leucophantes brachyurus.......-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 691, pl. liii. ....---..--..--- 628 
Leucopternis palliata............-- one Orniiie padi. plex txseee- oo deeeriecicenncese=aea= a= 12 
SAC EDS) oe ale eens emote ein l- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 429, pl. xxiv-..-----------.- 346 
—— semiplumbea.....-..-.-.------ Mine Osiihte, Tae eit bi bels ees eee See specs sceseeoceesee— 12 
=—— SUHpeLrcwianis =-----.--c-sc-—s- Loxtyto Oaiilele (onl 8 ke-9.0.q)1I Rep amen peeSoeeee- Seed Gee bee 12 
Lipaugus rufescens...........-.--- Tpconce Oram sgt) oh 9 0) Gitl S Se ee eee gc agoe Seno Se sees aseeese 12 
————= ATID ALATIS 2 oie ateleisie == ole ele lei=)mmin JOOS Olathe Tosehie Wabtsen 4 oops Ase SseD Seco oe ee aee Cease 12 
SS TINTS Aa bo oe ceooneooneoek Hos OWOnni Uh Ps ly Plea cick < nc ecis ese cee s.c soso cae ower 12 
Lobiophasis bulweri-...-..-.--------. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 465, pl. xliv .--.-.----.---- 731 
Lophophorus l’huysi---.--.---.---.- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 1, pl. i-.--.---------------- 430 
SOL ANON ooo a =e aie ee lee = = winiele el ='el= Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 163, pl. xiv.....-.------.-- 509 
Loriculus aurantiifrons, ? .---..---- Rowley’s Ornith. Miscell., 11, p. 376, pl. xxii, fig. 1 (1877) - - - 769 
— chrysonotus, o, 9.-----------. JOE RPE Sees Tole 8 oul ee Se See a topen aepepebeeaoscewess 603 
SIG OG TH ME eonpecooaniicoee cae Rowley’s Ornith. Miscell., IT, p. 376, pl. 1x xii, figs. 2, 3 (1877) 769 
Merias chlorocercus. =... .--0..-s-5 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 183, pl. xvi 402 
= NO aaeeepoce ceca see mer Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 499, pl. xl........---------- 552 
Loxioides bailleui..-......-.-.....-. MST ESTO MD: GOD le Wieser aoe mia ola maa am ale ceicinyoin 834 
Lynx ganiagausis (Felis canadensis | Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xii-.--..-.....----.------ 7 
on plate). 
Maccacus leoninus....-..----...--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 664, pl. xxxv.--------.----- 518 
——— OULGRUUS osm ssetemnwlaeeceeec-- Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. i..-...----------------. 7 
a errata aia asm mvaalafoventnye\eia eer otaio/='=\= Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 420, pl. Ixxxii.-----....---- 192 
= — THESO SIMUIS S 26 sms ciee os ew enc = 5 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 495, pl. xxv...--.---.-----. 582 
—— rufescens. .-.---.-....---..... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 495, pl. xxiv.-.------..---- 582 
—— speciosus --.---.------.-..---.. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 418, pl. xlvii.-------------- 692 
Malacoptila fulvigularis... .....-.. Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 127, pl. xlii--.----- 15 
—— fusca, of ----2-. -.0--- enee-- ee. Monogr. of Jacamars and Putt-birds, p. 111, pl. xxxvii ---. 15 
—— inornata, o’, 9 -------- -| Monogr. of Jacamars and Putt-birds, p. 125, pl. xli--.--.-. 15 
—— panamensis, co’, 9 Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 119, pl. xl--------- 15 
= poliopis -..---2------2.---..--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 86, pl. viii. ---.------------- 253 
Sn arecemor bod sue ge sgeocne. Monogr. of Jacamars and Puft-birds, p. 115, pl. xxxviii.--. 15 
——— SUDSPLIBUid, nom asin ane clot ed Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, v. 129, pl. xliii-...-.. 15 
See aren) ow Sayers, = am Sate ew owe win, eicial Proc, Zool, Soc, London, 1888, p, 123, ply li ..ccceceverensee-- 55 

415—No. 49-8 



List of species figured—Continued. 

Name. . Where figured. 

Malacoptila torquata ....-.----.---| Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 117, pl. xxxix....-. 
Malacothraupis dentata .-......--- Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1876, p. 353, pl. xxxi---.-......... 
Macropus erubescens, young .------ Proc. Zool. Soc. London; 1870, p. 126, pl. x'.-.---.-..-.------ 

TMP NPE Sos aoe oases Sens eas SS Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, ITI, p. 19, pl. 5(1865).--....... 
a TUS A Soe ae see ate alee ce eee Wolf's Zoological Sketches, IT, pl. xxvi.-.--.-.-.-------.. 
IManncodiacomrill: ----- 2-62. as. Proc. Zool Soc. London, 1876, p. 459, pl. xlii..------..-..... 
Margarornis brunnescens..-.-----. Proc. Zool, Soc: London, 1856;\p.. 27, pl: @xvien.-s sess eee 
Masius coronulatus....------------ Cat. American Birds)pj247, pl xix. 2c. 4-4. enon eee 
Megalaima asiatica.-----.-.------- Intellectual Observer, XII, p. 243, pl. vili.....--......-.--. 
Megalurus interscapularis.-...-.--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 65, pl. vi...--.-.---------<= 
Megapodiusmacgillivrayii-.-..-.--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 460, p]. xliii--..-.-.---.---. 
Melanerpes rubrigularis........--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 2, pl. exxxi----.-------..-- 
Melanotis hypoleucus, adult and | Exotic Ornith., p. 85, pl. xliii-..=....--...----...-.------.. 

Muleagtis ocellata, 3, 2 (heads) ---.| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 402, pl. xl,-----.-------.--- 
Melidectes torquatus..----.-...... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p.'694, pl. lv.---.----scceenees 
Melipotes gymnops..-...-.--------. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 695, pl. lvi.----..--.--.---- 
Mellivora capensis: =.= -+-<----s-=—- Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, If, pl. ix...--...--.----------- 
——— IN GLC Ae a ams eels element | eee LO een ae se ae eee ene es RB SRE Sm C ee emanion cit: 
== JGNCONOLA ne oae saeco eee ete Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 98, pl. viii ...---...--.-.-.. 
Mephitis humboldtii--..-.-.-...... Wolt's Zoolociealisketehes a; pli xv eee ae eee eee 
Merganetta turneri, 0, 9....-.---- Exotic /Ornith 7p: 199" pliiehs 2 eee eee eee eee 
Metopiana peposaca, cf, 9----..--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 666, pl. xxxvii.....-.--.-.- 
Metopothrix aurantiacus.......--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 190, pl. xviii....-.....-.-.- 
Microbatesicollaris =o 2 sees es 22.2 Ibis, 1883, p. 96, pl. iii (Rhamphoczenus collaris in text).... 
Microcerculus squamulatus ....--- Proc. Zool; Soc: London, 1875; p.8%, pl. Wi. scoae ose ee ee eee 
Micromonacha lanceolata. ......--- | Monogr. of Jacamars and Puti-birds, p. 131, pl. xliv.--..--. 
Midas dewalt cio eaeeleeine eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 220, pl. xili-.-...-.-.----.- 
OOM Olea nae eee eee ae Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 478, pl. xxxvili....-.-...-- 
Milvago australis (egg), 2 figures. .| Ibis, 1860, p. 25, pl.1, figs. 1, 2..-..---------------------.---- 
— carunculatus............- waters LL DIS; LSGL pp. Ol pleas Cee ale 2c) tases oale nce ecm ete 
INCRE A eI Se Seo See ROD dace ss Argentine Ornithe wy p..6, Diseases eee cee eee eee ee 
Mitrephorus pheeocercus ....-..--- ibis; 1859p: 442 ole os 2 ee aces ee eee ata eee 
Mitua Salvin Olsens seen see ase Trans. Zool. Soc. London, X, p. 545, pl. xev (1879)-..---..-.- 
= tOMON TOS Hts tee ete eee Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 284, pl. iii (1875) ....-..---. 
DOL OS Agee seats ee eee ee Trans. Zool. Soc. London, LX, p. 283, pl. li (1875) ....-.------ 
Molothris badins. or sse- eee Argentine Ornith., 1 psoon pl. Vintec a. oR eee eters 
SSS oiboreoliiteraiy My oe aa sos ee Argentine Ornibhs, 15 p80, Pl wel dil. 2. tn ee eee 
Monacha flavirostris.....--..-..... Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 149, pl. xlix..-.---- 
=== — PAM CIO, (ON. facies mtcta le a eee Monogr. of Jacaiars and Puft-birds, p. 155, pl. lii--.--.---- 
—— morpheus ...-...-......-....--- Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 151, pl.1..-.---.--- 
eae OM Deets teins suas ae ene Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 145, pl. xlviii--.---- 
—— nigrifrons, ¢---..-- acetone Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 159, pl. liv--.-..--- 
»— pallescens)-.-- 22 seni - ae snnet Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 157, pl. liii-..-...-. 
== NOLUANG 5-1 ahee a eee eek ore oe Monogr. of Jacamars and Puif-birds, p. 153, pl. li.--.-..--. 
Monarch a i CaStuss. -c.encseeeeeeeeee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 53, pl. xii, fig. 1-..--.----..- 
== MUNGUS, ces ee cetnces eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 54, pl. xii, fig. 2. -.---------- 
=——— VOMbiCalis |. 2/2.) fccse = eens Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 99, pl. xiv, fig. 1--.--..----. 
aMiamTastOLPESIoe2 ee eee eee | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 449, pl. xxxvii, fig. 3-....--. 
—— melena..-....-- FS aiteide rs veins | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 66, pl. vii, fig. 2....-.-.---.- 
Muscisaxicola rubricapilla..--..--. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 986, pl. xlvi...--..--.--.-.- 
Muscivora occidentalis, 7, 9 ------ Cat. Bass Brrt, ots? sel Vp Oe, (pl exam emesis ee nen eer 
Mycteria australis ....-...-....---: Wolf's Zoological Sketches, Eyplixlvil-- 225-552 seeeee en 
—— senegalensis (Ciconia senega- | Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xliii-.......-........-. 
lensis in text). 

Myiadestes elisabethe..-...--..--- Bxoiie Ornithh ps Oo) loka le en aieislelale tee eet 
———ODSCULUS eee erence FE ROGLG ORM TG Dy 4s yO lee Boks Viera micteto a stale atelel alate at t= teeta en 
—— Talloides, adult and young---| Hxotie Ornith., ip: oo; pl. xsval- see na ee ae oe eee eee 
= UNICO Len seo tae eee Wxotic Ornith’; ps displ skesevale eae tee ee ee 
Myiarchus semirufus.-.-...-...-.--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 138, pl. xi-...-------------- 
Myiobius flavicans.-.....-...-...... Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, p: 205,pl-xvil_.--..- coe e eene 
——— MATION ops ee a=\se oe ee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 99, pl. xi, fig. 1..----.------ 
=——— PULGHEL sot ee ota ase Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 100, pl. xi, fig. 2------------ 
———— TOLMAN as lan nee aoa nee eee Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., X1V, p, 208; pl. xvill- -5--=--2-.. 2. .5- 
Myiozetetes texensis (eg@).--....-- Tis; L859) 7p. LeBel ayy ae Ore te erste ate ete ee mage ats tee te 
Myrmecizaleucaspis-...---.--.---- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 253, pl. xx....-.--.---..--- 
—— margaritata, f’, 9 ----------.-- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 253, pl. Ixxi..-.--.-..------ 
Myrmecophaga jubata..-..--....-- Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl-xxx-..-----..----------- 
pa Eee eee ene Sane ce s Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, IT, p. 621, pl. 8 (1865).-...--. 
Myrmelastes plumbeus, ¢@, @------ Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1858, p. 275, pl. exliii--.-..--..----- 
Myrmotherula erythrura, ¢, 9-.--.| Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XV, p. 236, pl. xv.------.----------.-- 
—— multostriata, of, 9 -----..----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 284, pl. exli, figs. 2,3........ 
——— OTN AU, Cy QO aa----enecu------- Cat. AMericaneBingapel 19 le Xvic sae = amelie es lamer ater 
——— SUN INAMeNsISeseee a ree n oe Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1858, p. 234, pl. exli, fig. 1-..-..-..-. 
Myzomela cineracea ....-.--..----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 449, pl. xxxvii, fig. 1.--.---- 
Nasiterma pusi0..-.--..--..-------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 620, pl. XxXV-..--------.---- 
Nemosiaalbigularis, 7, 9.--------- Cat. BdsBritiMins) OSh p. 227, plexi aos eee ee eee ee 
pe I So eee een eee Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 109, pl. xcix.-..---.-------- 
Neomorphus radiolosus.-----.----- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 439, pl. xxvii-----..------- 

BalVvinl Goo ossncees- shares Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 60, pl.{v....------------+-- 
Neopipo rubicunda...............- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 438, pl. xxx, fig. 3.....----. 



List of species figured—Continued. 
Name. Where figured. eae 
Neorhynchus nasesus (maseus on | lroc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 147, pl. xii-.--------------- 467 
Nierita DIGOLON <3 52 54-baq-~ sean tee Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 34, pl. Ixxxiii.........--...--| 44 
NGO LOL DOSI=— ce een nae eg saaeinee Proc; Zool. Soc.London\l8s3, p.d2, Pl Xl. <.20 205 sodas 926 
Nothocrax urwumutum...----.----- Trans. Zool. Soe. London, LX, p. 282, pl IN GIGY 5) Sak cocecrionc 705 
Sai oee moe a aterde ae ee Trans. Zool. Soc. London, X, p. 545, pl. xciv (1879)-......--- 839 
Nonniwla, brUNNCA-<-4 cess yas Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 141, pl. xlvi, fig. 2-- 15 
CINE L AC OMe eo eio male cies aie Monogr. of Jacamars and Putf-birds, p. 135, pl. xlv, fig. 2-. 15 
=== TH DOGO Se soe oe (eae Monogr. of Jacamars and Putt-birds, p. 133, pl. xlv, fig. 1--- 15 
= Puheaplllanseere essa atest Monogr. of Jacamars and Puft-birds, p. 137, pl. xlvi, fig. 1-- 15 
Nothoprocta taczanowskii...-.---. Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 679, pl. lxxxiv....-.-.--.-- 671 
UNO tha red ar yy tes eerie AMPeMIMEIOLMIUH. lk, Pals, Plo Xk. Sos. ceccecnie a= Seca a=" 21 
Numida, sp., head and neck.-..-.-- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 86, pl. xii.......----------- 1085 
Nyctereutes procynides--.---.-.--- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 323, pl. 1------------------- 660 
Nyctibius bracteatus-...--.---.---- PDC OMNI yD NGO ep lee! Seen is me = on ee Sek toeemoee 12 
Nyctipithecusrufipes-.------------ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p.3, pl. i-..---..----.-------- 577 
Nymphicus cornutus--..-----.---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 550, pl. xliv.----.------.-.- 826 
Ochthodizta fusco-rufus-.-.-.------ CateBds Brite Vins sels LO plo vies socstelsseces-peneeeeee 20 
Ochtheeca citrinifrons.........-.--- Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 22, pl. vii, fig. 1 .-.--.-.--.-.-- 20 
ETAT COLORS pn = aia ss cme w chs ces Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 28, pl. cxvii---------.------ 84 
BEE (eNCOMOtOPA oos-s5se-<o-k ene = fy Oatabdar brite Mars + Xoll Vaan volecp lo van gis S-ceoe ee eed 20 
TIS NE Been cre nope | Cat. Bds; Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 22, pl. vii, fig. 2... -..-...--..- 20 
Ocyalus wagleri, egg-....-..---.--- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 508, pl. xliii, fig. 8-------.-- 825 
Ocydromus australis, ¢, 2 --------- W olf’s Zoological Sketches, LI, pl. xlii....-..---..---.....- 7 
—— sylvestris); ..----2..2-s--.--0-- ; Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 472, pl. xxxv---..----.----. 486 
(Edicnemus superciliaris..-.------ IDE CNKOM OFAN EA Te pUt hie) bp.o-o ce ene = Mee See em rem ss 12 
Oncostoma cinereigulare..--.-.---- Cat. American Birds, p. 208, pl. xviii, fig.1...-..--..-..---- 8 
Oreas canna (young)..-....--------- Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, {, pl.xxi._-..-------32.6---25- ui 
@reomaneés! fraseri--- = <<. -- ==. ---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, :p. 75, pl.clix..-.-.-..---.--+- 164 
Ortygocichla rubiginosa, bird and | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p, 452, pl. xxxix..-......----- 879 
egg. ; 
Oryx beisa, 9 adult and young. .-..; Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 626, pl. liv.--..--...-.----- 881 
EP IGUCOLY XS 7) fines eek a= sees Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxiii--.....-.---...----- i 
—— ——, young....--..-.....-.---- Wolf's Zoological Sketches, U1, pl. xix-.-........--.---.---- 7 
Ostinops atrocastaneus, egg. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 509, pl. xliii, figs. 1, 2..-.--- 825 
— oleagineus ...--.........-..... bIswl Saas los plewyiie ease nhs eos ee soe acinomae, eee 948 
==> CHILTON beep ete: Beer eee Sere NPP SISSo aps Loose p leave ssa esa a SS ee 948 
Miania booker. 5.7.2 tsses che mces as Wiolt’s Zoological Sketches, Il, pl. xi.....-2 2-05 .2s.ce0ct ce i 
UNS) VET Bison seamcisece soso Snoseceacc Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xlv.......-.------..---- 7 
Otocorys peregrina.......--..-...-. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 110, pl. cii....-.--.-.------ 76 
Ovis cycloceros (O. vignei on plate).| Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pi. xxiv.---..--.------------ {i 
es a a pee Brea cere i} Proce: Z00l. Soc london: 1860p: 128. mili xexcxs -5- 225 occ-0 se 167 
— tragelaphus, ¢, 2 and young.| Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxi....---.---.-------- 7 
— vignei (0. cycloceros in text), | Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl.xxiv.........----------- 7 
3, 9 and young. 
SS SS SR ee eocncor ss Raeaacen Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 127, pl. Ixxix....-.....-.--- | 167 
Oxyrhamphus frater, 9 adult and | Exotic Ornith., p. 131, pl. Ixvi....---------..--------+++----| 12 
Oxyurus masafuere.........---.-- Ibis, 1871, p. 180, pl. vii, fig. 2..... RO ApS HOC CAaR BE ee Cmte | 566 
Pachycephala arctitorquis, ¢, 9 --.| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p.55, pl. xili..-....-.-.-.---.- 926 
—— fusco-flava, ¢, Q.------------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 198, pl. xxviii........----- 932 
Pachyrhamphus spodiurus, <7, Cat. Bas-Britz Mus. XLVs ps4, plo xxv... ecole. 3. dees 20 
Paradoxurus prehensilis. -.....-.--| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 681, pl. lxxi..........22---- 763 
Paramythia montium.....-.--..--. DIN ASO pps2tdee Dlnvilliace = aioe mee aac sisom eee amen seve seuss 1188 
Passer insularis, 3, 9 -.-----------| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 169, pl. xvi.-.------...---- 870 
aie Pale ata. gence sal/io-\2 as soa Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 285, pl. liii, fig. 1 (1875). - - 705 
—— —— var. rubra.-........------. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, LX, p. 285, pl. liii, fig. 2 (1875). --. 705 
Pelecanus fuscus, two individuals | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p, 268, pl. xxvi....--..-...--. 441 
in different plumages. | | 
—— rufescens, two young birds in | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 267, pl. xxvi----------..--- 441 
different plumages. | | 
2 (1g 10 ee ere eine peg a an jebrocy4Zools soe, London ,1e11,.p. 652, pllis--2+52se-os.ce-0- lel 557 
—— trachyrhynchus......-.-...--. | Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 463, pl. xlvi-..---..-------. 941 
Percnostola funebris, ¢, 9-.------.-! Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 980, pl. xlv..-----.--------. 423 
PEOURUDUSMA Dr ama= oso to cc swale isiced ain | Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, U1, p. 19, pl.5 (1865).--...--. 366 
—— taguanoides..-.........--..----- Joces= GMD 22650 25 5e2 eo eon ge coneee ace Ee bp eemnc ene Soe RENDocot ome 366 
Phacelodomus rufipennis. .-.------ Cate Bas; Brit. Mus.,2keV,p:80,iplev. <2 ss sceses ase ce ee sa 22 
Phacocheerus eliani, 9........--- -| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 276, pl. xx.....-....------- 474 
Phascolarctos cinereus.....-...--. | Quart. Journ. of Sei., London, IT, p. 19, pl. 5 (1865).-.....-. 366 
Phascolomys lasiorhinus (P, lati- | Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, PUES esa cers cassie sis 7 
frons in text). | 
a a atiafeer sia Sema o alee sieicdie ea | Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, IT, p. 19, pl.5 (1865).--...--.) 366 
i oo (P. lasiorhinus on | Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxvii-.......---.------ 7 
— wombat adult and young...... Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxxii.......-.---------- 7 
Phasianus principalis, ¢.-...----. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 324, pl. xxii.......--.------ 980 
REOVES Tory gio e se ee eee Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxxiii......------..-.. 7 
— Beene enn eee eee ene eens List of Species of Phasianids, p.5, pl.i.....-------...--- 10 
— semmerringil, 7, 9.---------. Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxxii-..-.-.........-.. 7 
See eee gener eceee one List of Species of Phasianide, p. 5, pl. ii-....-.--........- 10 
— torquatus, do’, Q..........-.--- Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxxvii.......---.......- 7 



List of species figured—Continued. 


Where figured. 

Phasianus versicolor, ¢@, 9, and 
Philydor consobrinus 
—— erythronofus.....------------. 
Phlogeenas bartletti 
— johannx 
Phlogopsis macleannani.-.---..---. 
Pheenicopterus jamesi-.-..---.---- 
Phenicothraupis gutturalis, ¢---- 
See GRC toes ee Sa. 8e Renee oe 
Phrygilus coracinus.-.-...---------- 
ocularis, ¢, ¢ 
Phyllomyias griseocapilla......-.- 
—— semifusca.-.---------.----.--- 
Phytotoma rutila, 7, 2 
Picolaptes layardi...-..-.----..--. 
PionuscorallimUs: = s.seces meee 
— hematotis 
— tumultuosus 
Pipilopsis flavigularis.-.-....-.---. 
Pipradiavicapulaes-ss---2-- 52" -= 
— flavo-tincta 
—— isidorei 
—— leucorrhoa 
— mentalis, J, 2 
— nattereri, 3, 9 
—— pyrocephala. .....--..--------- 
Piprzidea albiventris 
Papreola dromtalisa:----s2--2-5 2-4 
——— JUCUNGS: = eciesces-eaeaee steers 

—— Teteril, QPP. >---=.s-s-cisacoe-c 
Pitangus derbianus (egg 
ithe Ganlp sacs 2s eees ee aes eee 
— albinasa 
—— satanas, young 
Pithys erythrophrys 
— lunulata, ? 
Pitylus humeralis 
Platyrhynchus albogularis 
COLON AUS epee ee 
—— flavigularis 
Plectropterus gambensis, ~ 
—— riippelli, ¢ 
Peecilodryas cethiops .-----.---.--- 
Pceocephalus rueppelli, #, 2 
Polyborus tharus, var-.--...--.--- 
Polychlorus westermanni 
Polyplectron bicalcaratum, 3, 9 -- 
— chinqius, egg.--..------------- 
Poospiza bonapartii, 7, 2 
—— cesar 
—— erythrophrys 
— whitii, J, 2 
Porcula salvania..------25------=--- 
— —, youn 
Porzana albigularis, <7, ? 
— castaneiceps 
— erythrops 
—- hauxwelli 
— leucopyrrha 
— levraudi 
— rubra 
Potamocherus africanus 
—— penicillatus........----------- 
—, 2? and young...-.---..--. 
Prionirhynecbus carinatus ..---.----. 
Prionochilus melanoxanthus --.--. 
vincens, 0, 9 
Psalidoprocne albiceps 
Psittospiza riefferi, egg 
Pteroglossns didymus ----.-----.-- 
Pteromys magniticus .....-.--...-. 
Pteroptochus thoracicus.-.--..----- 
Pteropus formosus 
Ptilochloris buckleyi, adult and 
Ptilogonys caudatus, 4, 2 
Ptilonopus bellus.—.....-..-- 22 <c-<-- 
Ptilonorhynchus holosericeus, ¢, 
2, and immature. 


Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxxViil.--..-....---.--- 

Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., X6V, p:.98, pl. ix... cco eomee esos 
Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. eV; p. 99, pl. vill.22-- ce seeeeeeeee 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p.377, pl. xxxiv 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 112, pl. xvi---..-.---..--.: 
Hi xotic' Oxrnith.;p.1t, ipliixs.<2- cette een Renee eee me 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 399, pl. xxxvi------.---.--- 
Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., ck po20l, pli xcs. cen et eee meee 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 502, pl. xlii, fig. 4......---. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 133, pl. xili.-----...-.--... 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 454, pl. exlv.-..--.-.-. FSshe 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 382, pl. xxxvi, fig.2..-...-. 
Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1861, p. 383, pl. xxxvi, fig. 1.....--- 
Argentine Ornith., I, p. 164, pl. vili-.--..-.----2-2.--.---<- 
DIS STS pPrsson DeVere one st ncn else ¢ ae csc ee eee 
Rowley’s Ornith. Miscell., II, p. 6, pl. xxx (1877).----.--. 
Dbis, Ws60fp a0lnpl sae ee so) = hacen sak oe ssciaereeeles 
Rowley’s Ornith. Miscell., ITI, p. 6, pl. lxxxi (1877) 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 181, pl. xeviii.----.--------- 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 132, pl. xevii, fig. 2...-...--. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1852, p. 34, pl. xlviil--.....-....--- 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 182, pl. c, fig. 1.-----..-.-..-. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 63, pl.x.------------.----- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 299, pl. cxxi..---.---.----- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 611, pl. xxxix....---.-.---- 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 132, pl. xevii, fig. 1 
Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 131, pl. c, fig. 2....---..--.--- 
Ibis, 1878, p. 169, pl. vi 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 89, pl. clx (Euchlornis ju- 
cunda on plate). 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 519, pl. xiii, fig. 8... ---- £58 
Ibis, 1859, p. 120, pl. v, fig. 3 
Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, I, p. 621, pl. 8 (1865) 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1881, p. 258, pl. xxix 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 712, pl. xli 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1854, p. 255, pl. Ixxii, fig.1...--..--. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 276, pl. xxvi 
Exotic Ornith., p. 167, pl. IxxXiv...---...2---scens-eccenn-- 
Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 67, pl. viii, fig.2..-.----.---.-. 
Cat. American Birds, p. 207, pl. xvii 
Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 65, pl. viii, fig. 1 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 182, pl. cliii, fig. 2 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 132, pl. clili, fig. 1-----..--. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 66, pl. vii, fig. 1 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 577, pl. xlii 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 333, pl. xxv---.------------ 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 226, pl. exxvii 
List of Species of Phasianide, p. 12, pl. xii----.----------- 
Proc. Zool]. Soc. London, 1879, p. 116, pl. viii, fig. 2.--.-..---. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, p. 341, pl. xx ...-------------- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 152, pl. xiii 
Tbis,.1881; p. 099; pl xvil fips: ooo 2. oes ee ease eee Seale 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 43, pl. ix..-..--.----------- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 546, pl. xxxvii 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 388, pl. xlili....---.-------- 
Axotie Ornith., praOOplokven wee eeinaea= = eae eee er 
Exotic Ornith.,-p. 155, pl. Ixxviii......--......------------- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 343, pl. xxi f 
Exotic. Ornith., p.10b, pl. Hal. 5. 2-2 enone ae een ee 
Exotic Ornith:, polly pllwaljae eae see ee eee se eed 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1868, p. 452, pl. xxxv--.--.---------- 
Exotic Ornith., p. 107, pl. liv 
Exotic Ornith., p. 31, pl. xvi 
Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxvili----.-------------- 
Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxix -..-..--.----------- 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 62, pl. xii 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1857, p. 257, pl. exxvili..--.-------- 
bis ALS Ta aps iy pub ah eo oe eee ee ons eee eee 
Tbis TSTA Pos spledy Os. eran ee ele see eee seem ireeem— 
Proc Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 108, pl. xiv 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 504, pl. xlii, fig. 8-.-..------ 
Oat. BdssBrithMiusy ck, p.147, plivi--.--- ose ee eeeaae 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1872, p. 635, pl. 1 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 609, pl. xxxviil-....---.---- 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 198, pl. xxii..-...---.------ 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 158, pl. xvi.....------------ 

Exotic Ornith., p. 11, pl. vi 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 696, pl. lvii....-.----------- 
Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxvili......-...--.----- 



List of species figured—Continued, 

No. of 
Name. Where figured. paper 
Pyranga roseogularis..........-.-- SUTRA Chy Pl Don PN cRAN ec araleip saicis/ajcic/= om mse ete toe wires cis lara'm 634 
Pyrgisoma biareuatum (egg Niemen ae This, 1859, p. 18, pl. Ngee sirens is ie anemia eee me 156a 
me CADAMISN sa 2 clas moe ob atainintela oie Exotic Ornith., p. 129, pl. ‘xv, (fs eens eee ae ee 12 
Sen AB TIOI So Soci daseieniet Sewe te Exotic Ornith., p. 130, pl. Lxy, fig. 3 Were 3 et te eet aaa | 12 
== IGUCOLGE a nen s = aetiane shee eee Exotic Ornith., p. 128, pl. Ixiv, fig. SaaS ann sie nies a0)- Bree | 12 
Pa RUD LLCHD UI se w= nln See aie tems Exotic Ornith., p.127, pl. Ixiv, fic. 4 Se ee ta tre SOE 12 
Pyriglena ellisiana ........-.-----. Proc. Zool. Soc. "London, Hess; lOO pl. Ces. a. an ccnieeeneeet 76 
—— tyrannina, co’, 9 .--.----------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 90, pl. MOVIL. 2 cei Sacre 75 
Pyroderus orenocensis, egg--..---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 520, Dis KU, teehee 825 
Querquedula andium ...-.......-.--. Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 387, eee eUhieessosa saves: 724 
—— falcata x Tadorna casarea.---.| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 1, pl. Mote Soper v2.aotore ieee 1083 
= PUD A oe ernie ceo tinleniesmineiye ccs | Exotie Ornith., p. 197, pl. Or le ee eatietia RE ain F's (i 12 
Quiscalus tenuirostris-..---..------ IRIS PLC Od iy MORALE Nye toe cas a ays) aim ow ieimyw cle we sinc win alain Sha 969 
Rallus antarcticus......-....-.--.- PxOnieOrmith ps tGo, pl IKE. 5 2 jee se ose eneememns 12 
INS O Miao aee elon = see eee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 66, pl. vili....-.--.....---. | 845 
a HN LACS eos ak seeks eee eaten Proe:Zool. Soe. London; 1869; p: 123, pl. x.-.-----2---es-=-n 464 
== naAculatusi-ce see eeeesae oe =|) Aegcentine Ornith=,dd, prl84, pl. RIK soo cc scmee asec a. | 21 
—— semiplumbeus -.-..-.---.------ Poi C1Orni ih, Ps.6o5 pe URC oe cients oe oes Sia eeeee 12 
Rhamphocnus cinereiventris- . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 76, pl. Ixxxvii--...---..---- 73 
Pee COM ALISR emi seek ce bclaiSc coc | Ibis, 1883, p. 96, pl. iii (Microbates collaris on plate) ---.---. 947 
Rhamphoceelus flammigerus, egg --| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 501, pl. xlii, fig. 3.......-..- 825 
Rhea americana Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 355, i ph Ixviii ( (1865). 276 
— (young) | Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, DEE eae Pee ete ae eos 7 
eee WAT ence oe cos oes Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 357, pl. Ixx (1862).....----- 276 
—— macrorhyneha ~-.--.--------=s | Trans. Zool. Soc. London, LV, p. 356, pl. xix (1862).......-. 276 
Rhinoceros bicornis, ¢ ---.-------- Trans. Zool. Soe. London, IX, p. 655, pl. xeix PO) Sareea 742 
i Ga Pee Satan eacceas cee Student and Intellectual Observ er, LV, p. 321, pl. xi ae 531 
—— —, young ..-----.....---.--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 529, pl. ‘xi Se a eee oye 449 
—— —,, head .........-.-----..--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 144, pl. xvi, fig. 2.-.-------. 1002 
= ASG) saat seas Proce. Zool. Soc. London, TSF pages pl. Se ao enema 582 
(SS Re ae Sees Trans. Zool. Soc. London, EX, DD: 652, Pix vail (1STGyeses.e 742 
—— simus, head............---.--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, e143) plbocya ties Wee eee ee 1002 
— sondaicus, ¢ Trans. Zool. Soc. London, x: p. 649, pl. xevi (1876) secieasferme 742 
a en coe ed een te acute sins Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p82) ph oxexvill osc ee eae 654 
—- sumatrensis, ? Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 790, pl. Ixvii....-.-.--.---. 595 
eS eee aa ee Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 650, pl. xevii (1876) .--..--. 742 
—— unicornis, ¢ Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 645, pl. xev (1876) -.-.----. 742 
Rhinochetus jubatus -......---.---- Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xlv....-..-..----------- 
Rhinocrypta fulva (fusca in text)..| Ibis, 1874, p. 198, PIVEN 6 ors oss assesses hse atee ees 674 
fusca (fulva on plate)-.-...-..|:.-.- do DPS Rise pias cel oh Sai eis alicia ates alate eis @ sial owle wig lacks winneemenc 674 
Rhipidura fusco-rufa ......-..----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p.197, pl. xxvii..--.-.------.. 932 
Rhynchocyclus fulvipectus. ....--. Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, Dp. 167, i) Be. Sth a ae ee ne 20 
Rhynchostruthus socotranus . ----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, Del ONpleavals Sasa leita tae iia 870 
Rupicola sanguinolenta.--..--...-. owe Orn then: con Dime aoe nlaae on maces aiainta/=o=/-e io ae 12 
Saiga tartarica, o', 9-------------- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 240, pl. xvii. -------------- 403 
Saltator albicollis, egg....-..-.---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 505, pl. xlii, fig. 9-..-------. 825 
—— arremonops ....---.----------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, P. BAS PEK Cl ee camyeiesse ria aete 74 
Saltatricula multicolor.........---- | Argentine Ornith., I, p. 61, pl. v SeoaSuias Hob ele donee ce aes ates 21 
Sarcidiornis carunculata, 7, 9-.---| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, D690) ple xvilis se oben 734 
—— melanonota, o, 9------------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 694, pl. xvii .....--.------- 734 
Sarcorhamphus equatorialis. ---.--- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 349, DIREXScVie eee eee 939 
Sclerurus mexicanus...-........... Gaty American) Birds) p. 149; pl. xil- 2265-2 2-5-s4sse—5—-n< === 8 
Scops barbarus (in normal and | Exotic Ornith., p.101, 12 
abnormal plumages). 
——— PAM MOOGn\- == Scise's Hase sien xotieOnnrth 599) pli scans techn see ceasncien mals 12 
SN Ge seams oe on ao eee nscs Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 265, pl. 61 (1858) ....------- 119 
Semioptera wallacii, 7, Q--------- IPOS EGU) Sen Za Op ee eee eer 199 
Sibiawuniowlanise 2 ese. Sashes Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, Dp. 109, pl. iv 394 
Siptornis subcristata (Synallaxis | Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., KY; TAGER Lan een costeasee nce eces Sstoe 22 
subcristata on plate). } 
Sirystes albocinereus..-.........--. Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XTV, Pele pled) ood ee ncn win seeete el 20 
Shits bPOOPOLl == —2c0)oce= eae aH | Ibis, 1866, p. 307, pl. vii -----.---------2---2--- 22 eee ene eee 362 
Spermophila aurita, f--...--------- Ibis, 1871, p. 14, pl. ML Sh Ik PF) BARS oe pocpnoseemcueeecotloes dae 565 
—— nigro-rufa, J, 9.---.-.--.---- Ibis, 1871, p. 6, pl. i figs. LF ONG SS RE GCA ey ce fos eee 565 
OGG. Ocean a= cece chs ws Sones This, 1871, p. 14, pl. ii, fig. 3 fie SOOO AR AOS Pee EEO preemie 565 
—— pileata, ¢.....-.--.-----.----- | Ibis, 1871, p. 5, pl. i, fig. hive 2 es k 20. Ub ok aes ie ora ee 565 
Sphingurus spinosus........-.---. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 389, pl. xxxili....-.-------- 959 
Stenopsis ICOM VIR oe on sien 2 cla Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 140, pl. xiv ---..----------- 378 
Stephanophorus leucocephalus. .--. AT eentine Omiths 1s PusS ipl WV se aos ose ee sees <= Fiano 21 
Strepsiceros imberbis-...-...--.-.--- Proe. Zool. Soc. London, PRS4s 1.40; DlelVin ans. sees aes -a\0 953 
Struthio camelus.........--..----- Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 355, pl. Ixviia (1862) ..---.-. 276 
—— — , young......-...--..-...-. Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, ip pl. Se eee 7 
Sublegatus @laberice s-se- nase Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 171, 172, pl. xiii, fig. 2 ----- 435 
Sus andamanensis....-...-----.... Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, cr, DEK ee arclats= cis a6 Rae ep = vi 
Sycalis aureiventris, 7, 9 --------- Ibis, 1872, p. 47, eee eae teeta ts Laniens d4sicen aid 601 
—— Chrysops....-...-.------.----- UPSET eBinge aha Rei: yin a a a io 601 
= IEREO Ale eloerere se ciate nee la eet gale ee BISA T OAT AD pO oe oe ooo pe ee rice cach asasshenins 601 
Synallaxig adusta..........--.----- OhisBese BriteMios., keV. do; Plo Ul. ov. ---nse- ese emeneacs 22 
cnt GRFC CONE eave sistem ieee crassa ial Saale Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1B74, De lo Dl, ii, fie ee eee aaeee 645 
—— castanea Cat. American Birds, p. 152, pl. Ses. acide ee ee 8 
CUT TATA ceccsecenenssceeesen Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 686, pl, xlix, fig, 1........-- 495 



List of species figured—Continued. . 

Name. Where figured. 
Synallaxis erythrothorax.......--. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 75, pl. Ixxxvi.......-...--- 
——— fusco-wrntai.= 2.222225. 22s 2c.ce-- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 578, pl. xliii, fig. 1 
=——- praminicola .--=22= sees Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 446, pl]. lviii, fig. 2.-........ 
—— griseo-murina ..-...---.------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 578, pl. xliii, fig. 2.-...... . 
—— hyposticta ..-......-....----.- Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 20, pl. iv, fig. 2.----.......- 
a KOMAT went aboe et ssctenn see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 15, pl. iii, fig. 1---..-......- 
——— pudibunda 2+. <22)-6- 25 -ess-6 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 445, pl. lviii, fig. 1.-.-..-.-. 
= BOUL oacc tee nea eee nee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 13, pl. ii, fig. 2-..-......-.-- 
——— Stichothorax: -2.5-/--522.5254-5 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 12, pl. ii, fig. 1..:--......... 
— subcristata.....-...--...-..--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 20, pl. iv, fig. 1........-.-.- 
Garner vant suberistata in’| Cat. Bds, Brit. Mus. XV; p.62; pl. tv. cess. see ceeee ene eee 
—— Wien. Saat ot ene eee ee eee | bis, 13815 p: 600, pl.acvil, figs 2) oo.s-- wees ee eee eee 
SyLnium/albitarse.--peeteeeeseeee es | Trans. Zool. Soc. London, LV, p. 263, pl. 60 (1858) ..---...--- 
Tachyphonus chrysomelas, ¢, 2 --| Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 440, pl. xxxii---..--.....-- 
———- delattrit; io, OQ) -222-s- see keene Exotic Orniths p..67) pl xe mlv.c ssc: oo. 2-22 5-se cee eee 
melalencus, 62 f-2--=--2es5-—" Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 503, pl. xlii, fig.5.........-. 
——- NALHOLELR, Gi s-2sace eee ae eee TPIS USSD Delos Vil MTC Sol soe aie esl oe saiatare ee 
—— pheeniceus, ¢, 9 :=----22------ Hxotic) Ornith> p65 ipl secxilice--eseesssce-seeo-2e Usaee se 
—— xanthopygius.-..-...-.--..--. | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 158, pl. Ixix...--..---...--. 
——=——= ine we cca etd sence ee ee Proc. Zool. soc; Gondon;, 1855: p: Say ply exCs- once eee eee 
Tadorna casarca X Querquedula | Proc. Zool, Soc. London, 1890, p.1, pl. i........-.....-.----- 
—— tadornoides, J, 9 .------------ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 191, pl. xviii.............-- | 
—— variegata, d', 2 --.------------ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p.191, pl. xix_--7.1-2-222-e-- 
— eal paneer X Casarcacana, hy- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 442, pl. clviii---.--.......-. 
brid, ¢, 2 
Tznioptera erythropygia-.--....-- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1851, p. 193, pl. xli..---...-.-..----! 
—— holospodia ....-------------=:- | (Gat. Bds: Brit. Mins) lV) ps4 pl piveesaeee- eee eee eee ee 
=———— Tubetra..-.2=sse-s05s5eee5e5525 | Argentine Ornith®, E p-d20) pl: Vil-me == eee ce eee eee ees 
== BULiaMCoOlisteesasseeeee es th | Proc: Zool. Soc. London, 18d; p: 198, pl) sive: a2 eee eee eee 
Talegalla lathami..--.-....-..---.- | Wolf's Zoological Sketehes, LU, pl.xl..--2. 22-2. enes-ueeee 
Tamandua tetradactyla-.----..-...- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 546, pl. xliii---. = 2.2222 sees a se soe eee | Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. 621, pl. 8 (1865) .-....... 
Tanagra notabilis.-.......--------:- | Proc.Zool. Soc wondon 8552.84, ple xCle- eed eeee eens 
OlLVINS Cee et eee ae ee te Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 186, pl. xxi..-...........--- 
—— vicarius (egg) -------..-------- This, 1859.-p. 16p) sve: We = oo eee eee eat eee 
Tanagrella calophrys--..--...-.----- | Contr., to Ornithology, 1851, p. 98, pl. Ixxiv .-.-..........-- 
antalis Wis cease eee ee -.| Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xlvi-..-----...-/..-..-- 
lencocephaluseeses-ee ee ee eee Wolf's Zoological Sketches, IL. pl. xlvii.......-..-.-..---= 
Tapirus americanus .-.--.---...--- | Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. 621, pl. 8 (1865)......-. 
—— bairdi, young..--........-.... | Proc; Zool. Soc: London, 1871, pi626, 1. leeeos=. eee ee eee 
oe ee eens -e- | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 635, pl. li........----.-.-:- 
a= OWA tals = enon So erate see | Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 391, pl. xxiii--............- 
=——— FOUN; ijl wee sana ae eee ee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 631, pl. xxxix....----.---- 
— terrestris, ?, adult.........--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 636, pl. lii...-...----...-.-- 
TarsipeOs, Sp. <sn\-0-- oe sone seems Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. 19, pl. 5 (1865) -......-. 
Terenura humeralis, 0, 9--------- Tbis; 1881 p.:27) ipls x tiPS.125 oer eee Reece 
spodioptilacs-c- -aoeer-ne eee Tbis;1881, pz270; pl ath oh osc a.c ane seeeaoee eee ese 
Tetragonops frantzii ...........--- bis, 18645123 Tae ipl pee = eae oe een te 
Tan pas hinuUs esse eae] eens This, 1861p. 184 sp svi Se see a ee eee eee 
Tetraogallus caspius .--..-..-..--- Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xl.......-..--.-..------- 
Thamnophilus ethiops, <7, 9 ------ Cat. Bids: Brit: Muss, 2oVasp: 190s pl meee ae ee aoe eee 
— albinuchalis, gf, 9 -.-.---.----- Cat. Bds; Brit. Mus:, XcVi,p..204. pl. scivi-- 2-2-2 cee eee 
—— amazonicus, 3, 2 -.------------ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 214, pl. cxxxix......--..--- 
——— | CHSLUS, Gis, PY vans ee cee dee cee Proce Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 19, pl. Ixxxii.....---..----. 
—— insignis, 0, 9.----- Re aeeeaeees Cat. Bds: Brit. Mius!, 0 Vep- 199) plo sie oe ee eee a eee 
— leuchauchen, <, 9 -.-..---.---- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 18, pl. Ixxix.........------ 
=——— MelanGhTOus+2<--2=-45- 78-2 e ee Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 18, pl. iii----.---.---.---- a 
— melanonotus ..--.....--- ee Proc. Zogl. Soc. London, 1855, p. 19, pl. Ixxx----- =. 525. 
——= NISTICEPS------/4-- te eee Cat: BdgBrit..Mius), XSVip2 194, pl alice. 22 --eceee eee 
—— nigrocinereus ....-- Nelo seeeeee Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 19, pl. Ixxxi-----.--.------ 
— simplex, #, 9 ----------------- [bis 1873) p/887 jpliwv: ode shee see nee ee ee asc 
— subfasciatus, 0, 2 .----------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 357, pl. xxxiii-.--.---.----- 
Thaumalea amherstiz ..........--- List of Species of Phasianide, p.5, pl. iii-------.-----..-- 
Thlypopsis inornata, f.--.-.-....-- Cat. Bds, Brit. Mus., XI, p. 230, pl. xiii, fig. 2.---.-2..2...2- 
——-OIMnata; fa 2- = -asee nee sees eese Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 230, pl. xiii, fig. 1.-..-..-..--..- 
Thripadectes flammulatus.-....... Exotic! Onnrtlivp. 185) pl piCilnsenn eee ee ee ee 
Thryothorus nisorius..........---. Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 592, pl. xlv.-..--..-----.--- 
—— pleurostictus...--............. Cat, American Birds ipaels plies: .-csmacte eases eee 
Thylacinus cynocephalus......._.- Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xxxi.....-..-...---..--- 
Thyrorhina schomburgki......-.--.. BxoticiOrnith.; pated: PLvavilee a -acle snc eee eee 
Tigrisoma cabanisi, adult and | Exotic Ornith., p. 95, pl. xlvili ............-.-.----..---00-- 
— fasciatum, immature.-.....--. Exotic Ornithy pilsopple kl 522) ceecepase eae eee 
Tinamus robustus --.......-.---.... Hxotie Orniths pusi ipl xu. 5... cose one se eee ieee ore 
Todirostrum calopterum..-.-..----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 82, pl. exxv, fig. 1...-----.. 
—— Capitale. jc. 225-c-neeerececce Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 83, pl. exxv, fig. 2.-.---- esse 
me lemmle!s . scsisen doen ee mie eine Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 83, pl. cxxv, fig. 3.-...----- 
—— nigriceps, co’, 2 -.-------.----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, P- 66;pl. Laxxiv fio ncemene 
— schistaceiceps......... daeanans Cat, American Birds, p. 208, pl. xvii, fig. 2............ aaa 



List of species figured—Continued. 


Name. Where figured. paper 

Todirostrum spiciferum ......----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 67, pl. Ixxxiv, fig. 2......-. 72 
Tolypeutes tricinctus.......-.----- Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, IT, p. 621, pl. 8 (1865)......-. 367 
Tragelaphus gratus, ¢, Q.-------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 34, pl. Vili--..-.-.-.------- 924 
—— spekii....-.--......------.---- Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1864, p. 103, pl. xii..--------------- 306 
Oe etree niece, rela ererat Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 590, pl. xlvii..-.--...--.--- 1098 
Trichecus rosmaruS.....----------- Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xviii.............-..-.-- 7 
Trichoglossus mitchelli-.-.......-- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 499, pl. xli...-..-..-------- 552 
Princ acuminata... --5--se5=5- = - Hye RIE TIGR Sal, os sok eer eee ese bb dss RecaoreceGE eased ac 1187 
‘Troglodytes brunneicollis. --..----- HxoticOriitheypracwpin ex, MO, 2-7 e Scns sere ccmenees 12 
——— OR keawea set sc aoe at Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 303, pl. xxxv.....---------- 756 
SMEG o ® a neem eee ace boda aAoeor Wolfs Zoological Sketches, I, pl.i-.-....-..-.----.---<<0- 7Z/ 
—— solstitialis..........-... .--| Exotie Ornith., p. 45, pl. xxiii, fig, 1 12 
Turdus albicollis ...-.--.---- exon Omitn,, pli: pl. Lexi os... 2 5cecs=- 12 
——— AI DIMONOLIS| 22 sos aets cicigamater Exotic Ornith.,-p. 147, pl. Ixxiv........:.-.-- 12 
CL Ol DOZNS\ ==> see saee eee Iai OCU Pol tog PL. Ee MM ts ciclo = wicin'a.cloie wine aetm=in'nine =< 12 
Bee FUL RL ONELIS eee hee aeons PIS TOSI De ATi De Wisma sooo cise cin clcjewe csitincsaenaices<~ 237 
SSS Rs eee heeodeceerecoes HOC Orniih peta. Pls ISM 8. soc mac esaec caaaccnecatens 12 
SS Py! (G22) cee ae sees ceseaeeee PASO MeO ple Vl shiet ac clare cis alone wetaeci cena nies sabercats 156a 
—— gymnophthalmus ..--.-.------ xo nleOrniule, pelo lle bxacyiee (ener cee ceases aa cette 12 
== JEW Sho Re eee apibae eneos ae EDISN STO oOuDle Vallone aan wen pete acen Sees eae naeer te 703 
Bey IeUCOMOlAS S222 <0 nae sl eecieeeeet Heo! Oumitines ps1 43; pls lsc een eee eae aera 12 
—— pheopygus, adult and young. -| Exotic Ornith., p. 149, pl. lxxv.............-...------------ 12 
eee Ves oe anie sce e se saw aes se Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 568, pl. xxix.......-.------ 413 
NICO ee anes e see oa Cat; Americanc Dinos; Ws Onpledonsnan terse. soo. eee ee saan 8 
Purtaraldabranus: .-222se.<=-==-- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 692, pl. Ixxiii....-.-------- 559 
Tyranniscus cinereiceps ----------- CatsBds) Brit..Mas., eV, p: lai; pl xi) fig, 1-2. ---.s---=06 20 
A ESOC Sno Sep ORB aRep ene Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 842, pl. lii, fig. 2..-.-.-.--- 524 
—— gracilipes .....------.--------- Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. XLV, p. 133, plxi, fie. 2.2.2... ..---.2. 20 
PTO DUS (oancaaa\ao sais smmaa = Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 841, pl. liii, fig. 3.....------ 524 
NON COP ONY Ss wine = a's ola ls, e los mrl= Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 841, pl. liii, fig. 1....---.--. 524 
Tyrannula ornata..-....--.-------- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 113, pl. Ixvi, fig. 2....-.--.. 59 
—— pheenicura ........-.----....-- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 113. pl. lxvi, fig. 1...----...- 59 
Tyrannus melancholicus (egg) -- - -- DDISelSoO plat plonva Hon A aera slate sialeiee saie]e shia: 156a@ 
— niveigularis..--.-..-.-.-.----- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 28, pl. iii-...-...------.---- 844 
Urochroma dilectissima -----.------ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 788, pl. xlvii-...-...--.---. 520 
——\StiClOPlelais aces sss--2-~--- ne Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1862, p. 112, pl. xi 255 
Urogalba amazonum..-..------.----- Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 5, pl. i, fig. 2.------ 15 
—— paradisea, 9 ..--.----..-.----- Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 1, pl. i, fig. 1------- 15 
irsus: japonicus)... 52.-s25---ssee= Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 261, pl. xxxii......-.....--. 269 
————= MASUUUS) © cen ceo - nae emia enema Proc. Zool.'Soc. London, 1868, p. 73, pl. viii-.-.-.----------- 432 
R= SVMACUS. isis. see Seco seseces Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xvii.............-------- 7 
Urubitinga schistacea ..........--. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 261, pl. 58 (1858) ..-.-.-.... 119 
Vireo hypochryseus ---------------. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 369, pl. xlvi.......--..----- 272 
——josephm, J, 9..----.-----.--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 137, pl. cliv...-....-.--.--- 143 
EMO MESTUS) sce sino swat ic wie == Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 72, pl. xiv, fig. 1...-...----- 212 
Vireolanius icterophrys -.-...----- Proce. Zool. Soc: London, 1855, p. 151, pl. ciii-.-...----...---. at 
——melitophrys-....--.------.--- re) EXOUCIOMNIGN.; Palo; PliVilios concicc sex ec oceans sass ceeecee 12 
— pulchellus, ¢, ? SiH <OpICLOLMIGnsp.ylocples Villiewe cise ac oa o8'- So cece soe eeeee ae 12 
Viverra civetta............. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 299, pl. xxix-.......--...-. 547 
Viverricula malaccensis Wolt’s Zoological Sketches, II, pl. viii-...-....--.-......-- i 
Xenopsaris albinucha -......-..-.--- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 166, pl. vii-----.....-.----- 1162 
Xiphocolaptes emigrans..-.....---- ROC MOTMMLE: woos Ls SMV os on Saat eee seas a aise mielae/a7H10 12 
=A ON essa es or ewecn Gs, HS OLC Ornib hes Pectilyy Place Vila nical asec ccs a dele an ce.<lel- 12 
Xipholena atropurpurea, 7, 2 ----- ROTC Ornith ep mon Dla Vo mamte ce nste aad ewer )s = scainic esis ciajae sic 12 
Xiphosoma caninum....--..------- Wolf’s Zoological Sketches, I, pl. 1..............---------- 7 
Zonotrichia boucardi ...........--- IRrocy Zool Soc uondon 1867, pil, pledencccts-ssceeuesmce ne 398 
ae COCA DU Saas ates nara nia ID ISPESIT ale Dele ae acti cic sala dwececice rencbsnademe 766 
= StI ICODS lc once Vinvesse<siocion ic’ PIS AOL he Div ly Leo aries connichiemeece cteeusues rect nisem 766 

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BY Ac FOE NM bs 



Abbott (©. C.), on the Seals of the Falkland 
Islands, 29. 

Accipiter, on the New Granadan species of the 
genus, 26; A. pectoralis, note on, 18. 

Accipitres in the Norwich Museum, notes on | 

some species of, 11. 

Admiralty Islands, on the birds collected during 
the voyage of the Challenger, in the, 49. 

Aipyceros petersi, exhibition of a head of, 66. 

Aipyornis medius, exhibition of an egg of, 69. 

Afghanistan, exhibition of a pair of Pheasants 
belonging to the Prince of Wales from, 61; ex- 
hibition of a skin of a Pheasant from, 63. 

Africa, list of Andersson’s collection of birds 
made in Damaraland, 6; report on birds col- 
lected at Windvogelberg, by Captain Bulger, 
25; onthe Rhinoceroses of, 35; remarks upon the 
Fauna of British Central, 67; on mammals col- 
lected and observed by J. H. Speke in East, 22; 
on the birds collected by J. H. Speke in East, 
22; on a new species of Spine-tailed Swift from 
Western, 21. 

Ageleine, review of the, 60. 

Alcelaphus tora, exhibition of a pair of horns of, 
41; remarks on a fine head of, 41. 

Aldabra, description of a new species of Dove 
from, 37. 

Algeria, on the occurrence of the Barbary Ape 
in, 64. 

Amatlocichla sclateriana, notes on, 71. 

Amaurolimnas concolor, exhibition of a skin of, 73. 

Amazons, on a collection of birds sent by H. W. 
Bates from the Upper, 10; list of birds collected 
by A. R. Wallace on the Lower, 28; list of birds 
collected by J. Hauxwell at Pebas, Upper, 28. 

America, catalogue of Mr. Sclater’s collection of 
birds of, 2; Exotic Ornithology, containing fig- 
ures and descriptions of birds of, 2; on the 
northern limit of the Quadrumana in, 18; notes 
on the Caprimulgide of, 26; notes on the Bell- 
birds of, 29; synopsis of the Rails of, 30; on the 
Quadrumana of north of Panama, 38; on the 
range of several species of Limicole of, 41; note 
on the Blue Crows of, 46; on the birds collected 
by Professor Steere in, 50; on the birds collected 
during the voyage of the Challenger in Ant- 
arctic, 50; on the ornithology of Central, 13; on 
the occurrence of Haliaétus albicilla in North, 
21,25; description of a new species of Cotinga 

from South, 6; descriptions of new species of ! 

birds from South, 6, 9, 44, 48, 49, 59; note on Falco 
circumcinctus from South, 20; the mammals of 

South, 25; on some new or little-known species | 

of birds from South, 34; noteon the Song Spar- 
rows of South, 49; on the range of the Guacharo 
in South, 67; descriptions of eleven new species 
of birds from Tropical, 10. 

Amoy, exhibition of a skin of an Otter sent from | 

Amoy by Mr. Swinhoe, 18. 
Ampeliceps coronatus, exhibition of two speci- 
mens of, 31. 

Amphisbena darwini, exhibition of a specimen of, 
from Monte Video, 52. 

Amsterdam Zoological Gardens, notes on animals 
in the, 21, 25, 32, 41, 45, 49, 52, 54, 62, 65, 68, 69, 72; 
on the birth of a young Hippopotamus at the, 
25; on the breeding of Tragelaphus gratus in 
the, 67. 

Anacondas, exhibition of, and remarks upon 
young, 49. 

Anas gibberifrons, note on a specimen of, living in 
the Zoological Society’s Menagerie, 57. 

Anatid@, a revision of the Neotropical, 47; list of 
the known species of, that have been introduced 
into the zoological gardens of Europe, 54. 

Andersson, C. I., list of acollection of birds made 
in Damaraland by, 6. 

Andes of Columbia, on the Hairy Tapir of the, 33. 

Angola, list of the mammalia collected by J. 
Monteiro in, 15. 

Anguilla, on a collection of birds from, 69, 71. 

Antarctica, on the birds of, 73. 

Antaretic America, on the birds collected during 
the voyage of the Challenger in, 50. 

Ant Birds, synopsis of American, 11; on two new 
species of, in the Derby Museum, 12; descrip- 
tions of two new species of the genus Grallaria, 

Antelopes, The Book of, 4; on two new species 
of, from Somaliland, 63; exhibition of some 
sketches of the horns of a large species of, 67; 
exhibition of some of Captain Swayne’s heads 
of, 68; on a new species of, from Somaliland, 68. 

Ant Thrushes, descriptions of some new species 
of, from Bogota,7; characters of some new 
species of, 9; synopsis of the American, 11. 

Anthus, on the Neotropical species of the genus, 
51; A. spinoletta, notes on a stuffed specimen 
of, 24. 

Antigua, on the birds of, 71. 

Antilles (Lesser), on the birds of the, 38. 

Antilocapride, note on the, 29. 

Antilocapra americana, on the addition to the 
Zoological Society's Menagerie of a specimen of, 
24; on the systematic position of, 27. 

Antioquia, exhibition of bird skins from, 41; on 
two new species of birds from, 45; on the birds 
collected by T. K. Salmon in, 53. 

Antipodes Island, on aseries of photographs taken 
at, 65, 

Antwerp, notes on the animals in the Zoological 
Gardens at, 21, 32, 41, 45, 49, 52, 54, 62, 65, 68, 69. 

Ant Wrens, synopsis of the American, 11. 

Ape, on the occurrence in Algeria of the Barbary, 

Aplin (C. V.), on the birds of Uruguay, 73. 

Aptenodytes forsteri, notes on thie, 64. 

Apteryx, on the genus, 18; notes on the shipment 
from Australia of two specimens of Owen’s, 30; 
A. mantelli, exhibition of an egg of, 13, 14. 

Ara ararauna, and A. militaris, exhibition of eggs 
of, laid in captivity, 73; A. awricollis, exhibition 
of a skin of, 73; A. glauea, exhibition of a skin 
of, 53. 



Arctic birds, exhibition of two species of, 13. 
Argentine Ornithology, 4. 

Argentine Republic, lists of birds collected by | 

W.H. Hudson at Conchitas, 29, 32, 33; exhibi- 
tion of and remarks upon a collection of birds 
from the, 52; on two new species of birds dis- 
covered by E. W. White in the, 56; on the birds 
collected by E. W. White in the, 57,58; notes on 
the birds collected by A. H. Holland in the, 67, 
68; on an opportunity for a naturalist to visit 

the, 68; note on Xenopsaris albinucha from the, | 

70; notes on the birds of the Estancia Sta. 
Elena, 71; exhibition of skins of Ara auricollis, 
Pionus lacerus, and Chrysotis tuewmana from 
the, 73. 

Argus giganteus, onthe breeding of, in the Zoologi- 
cal Society’s Gardens, 52. 

heer amphibius, exhibition of a black variety 
of, 19. 

Ascension Island, note on some birds from, 9; 
exhibition of Land Crabs from, 47. 

Asia, on the species of Turdus of Eastern, 21. 

Ass, exhibition of drawings of four species of 

wild, 19. 

Asturina, notes on the species of, 31. 

Ateles bartletti, remarks on, 35; A. variegatus, 
exhibition of specimens of, 36, 37; A. vellerosus, 
note on a specimen of, inthe Berlin Museum,39. 

Atlantic Islands, on the birds collected during 
the voyage of the Challenger in the, 51. 

Auk (Great), note on the, 23. 

Australia, addition to the Zoological Society’s 
Gardens of some rare Finches from, 17; the 
mammals of, 25; exhibition of some new species 
of birds from, described by E. P. Ramsay, 31; 
note on a new mud-fish from, 35; on the Rabbit 
pest in, 66; on a new mammal discovered in 
Central, 67, 68; exhibition of a specimen of 
Chelodina longicollis from South, 17. 

Axolotls, on the so-called, in the Zoological 
Society's Gardens, 36. 

Aye-Aye, exhibition of a cast of the skullof the, 
17; notice of a living specimen of the, in the 
Zoological Society’s Gardens, 20. 

Babahoyo, list of birds collected by Louis Fraser 
at, 15. 

Babirussa, note on the, in the Zoological Society’s 
Gardens, 16. 

Bagdad, exhibition of specimens of the Mole 
Cricket found at, 65. 

Bagnéres de Bigorre, on the Palombiére of the, 9. 

Bahia, remarks on some Snakes from, 19. 

Baleniceps rex, exhibition of an egg of, 13. 

Balfour (1. B.), on the birds collected in Socotra 
by, 55. 

vane, on a small collection of birds from, 43. 

Barbets, synopsis of the American, 18; additional , 

notes on the American, 20; distribution of the, 29. 

Barrackpore, exhibition of specimens of eggs col- 
lected by R. C. Beavan at, 23. 

Bartlett (E.), on the birds collected on the River 
Ucayali by, 26, 27: extracts from letters from 
Xeberos, Peru, 27; catalogue of birds collected 
on the River Huallaga by, 28; on two new birds 
collected in eastern Peru by, 32: notes on the 
monkeys of eastern Peru, 36; on the birds of 
eastern Peru, 40. 

Basileuterus, synopsis of the genus, 24. 

Basilisk, on the birds collected on the southeast 
coast of New Guinea during the survey of H. 
M.S., 47. 

Bates (H. W.), on a collection of Birds sent from 
the Upper Amazon by, 10. 

Batrachians, on the development of, without meta- 
morphosis, 50. 

Bear, notes on a species of, in the Zoological S. ci- 
ety’s Gardens, 29. 

Beavan (R.C.), exhibition of specimens of eggs col- | 

lected at Barrackpore by, 23. 

Beaver, exhibition of a map showing the habitat | 

in the Rhone delta of the, 66. 

Bellbirds of America, notes on the, 29. 

Bennett (G.), letters from, respecting some speci- 
mens of Kagus, 19; extracts from letters from, 
20; letters from, on the proceedings of d’Al- 
bertis, 47. 


Berlin, notes on animals in the Zoological Gardens 
at, 32, 41, 54, 72; note on a specimen of Ateles 
vellerosus in the Museum at, 39. 

Bhootan, on a supposed new species of Rhinoceros 
from the Terai of, 44. 

Birds of Prey of New Guinea, note on the, 16. 

Blanus cinereus, exhibition of a living specimen 

of, 48. 

Blewfields River, list of birds collected by H. 
Wickham on the, 27. 

Blue Crows, note on the American, 46. 

Bogota, on birds from, 7, 8, 9, 19. 

Boide, remarks on specimens of, in the Zoological 
Society’s Gardens, 28. 

Bolivia, on new species of birds from, 47: descrip- 
tions of new birds obtained by C. Buckley in, 46, 

Borneo, on new species of Oopsychus from, 17; 
uae by J. Mottley on the birds of southeast- 
ern, 21. 

Bos frontalis,on addition to the Zoological Society's 
Gardens of aspecimen of, 25; B. gawrus, exhibi- 
tion of a photograph of a young, 72; B. tawrus 
var. domesticus, exhibition of the hoof of aspeci- 
men of, from the Falkland Islands, 17. 

Botteri (M.), on birds collected in the vicinity of 
Orizaba, 10. 

Boucard (A.), list of birds collected in Oaxaca by, 
13; on birds collected in southern Mexico by, 19; 
list of a collection of birds from Vera Cruz, 24. 

Bourbon, on the Harrier of, 21. 

Bower-bird, exhibition of an egg of the Spotted, 41. 

Brahmapootra, exhibition of aad remarks upon the 
upper horn of atwo-horned Rhinoceros trom, 45. 

Branta rujina, exhibition of a specimen of, 19. 

Brazil, description of a new Manakin from north- 
ern, 15; descriptions of seven new species of 
birds discovered by Natterer in, 23. 

Bridges (T.), on collections of mammals and birds 
from the town of David, Chiriqui, made by, 9; 
notes on Californian birds, 10; list of birds col- 
lected in the valley of San José, California, by, 
10; ona new Woodpecker discovered in north- 
ern California by, 12. 

British Guiana, on birds collected by E. F. im 
Thurn in, 55. 

British Museum, catalogue of the birds in the, 
Vol. XI, 3; Vols. XIV, XV, XIX, 4; descrip- 
tions of new 'Tanagers in the, 7. 

British Ornithologists’ Club, chairman's ad- 
dresses, 72, 73. 

British Ornithologists’ Union’s list of British 
birds, remarks on the, 58. 

Brown (G.), on collections made in the Duke of 
York Island, New Britain and New Ireland, by, 
48, 50, 51, 52, 54. . 

Brussels, notes on the animals in the Zoological 
Gardens at, 49. 

Buarremon, description of a newly discovered 
species of, 8. 

Bubalis swaynei, exhibition of heads of, 68, 69. 

Bubo maximus, exhibition of a variety of, from 
Pangkong Lake, Thibet, 14. 

Bucconide, synopsis of the, 1,7; descriptions of 
new species of, 6, 8, 30; geographical table of the, 
8; on the generic divisions of the, 56. 

Buceros casuarinus, remarks on, 62; B. subeylin- 
dricus, exhibition and remarks upon the skins of 
two specimens of, 57. 

Buckley (C.),on the Quadrumana collected in 
Ecuador by, 39; on the birds collected in Bolivia 
by, 46, 53; on new birds collected in eastern 
Eeuador by, 54. 

Budapest, leeds to the Second International 
Ornithological Congress at, 4. 

Buenos Ayres, exhibition of snakes from, 32. 

Buglodytes albictlius, note on, 9. 

| Bulger (G. E.), report on birds collected at Wind- 

vogelberg by, 25. 

Burmeister (H.), notes on Heliomaster angele, 24; 
characters of a supposed new species of Hum- 
ming Bird, 64. 


Cabinda, exhibition of a specimen of Monkey 
from, 29. : 
Calacali, list of birds collected by Louis Fraser 

at, 14. 


Calcutta, remarks on the Guide to the Zoological 
Gardens of, 60. 

Caldwell (J.), on a collection of insects and shells 
from Madagascar, 20; on a collection of ani- 
mals sent from Madagascar by, 24. 

California, notes on Bridges’s birds from, 10; on a 
new Woodpecker discovered by Bridges in 
northern, 12. 

Calliste, monograph of the genus, 1; synopsis of 
the genus, 5; note on the geographical distribu- 
tion of the genus, 8; list of additions to the 
genus, 21; C. margarethe, note on, 69. 

Campylorhynchus, characters of an undescribed 
species of, with a list of species of the genus, 9. 

Canino’s (Prince of) paper on the Tanagers, re- 
marks on, 5. 

Canis, list of the specimens of the genus, living in 
the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 64; O. chama, 
remarks on, 44; C. niger, note on, 43: C. velow, re- 
marks on a specimen of, in the Zoological So- 
ciety’s Gardens, 63; C. virginianus, remarks on 
a specimen of, in the Zoological Society's Gar- 
dens, 63. 

Cape Mole Rat, exhibition of albino varieties of 
the, 65. 

Capitonide, synopsis of the American, 18; addi- 
tional notes on the American, 20; distribution 
of the, 29. 

Capra, on the various species of, 62; C. egagrus, 
exhibition of a specimen of, 42; C. pyrenaica, 
exhibition of heads of, 30. 

Caprimulgide, exhibition of a specimen of, 17; 
notes onthe American, 26, 27. 

Oarinate, on the fifth cubital remex in the wing 
in the, 67. 

Carpophaga microcera, remarks on, 20. 

Cassel, on ornitbology at, 73. 

Cassicine, review of the, 59. 

Casuarius, remarks on species of, 44; remarks on 
the species of, in the Zoological Society's Men- 
agerie, 44, 47; exhibition of and remarks upon 

the skin of a chick of, 145; a review of the spe- | 

cies of, 46; descriptive list of the species of, 46; 
C. australis, notes ona skin of, 30; OC. bennettii, 
exhibition of the egg of, 54; notes on the breed- 
ing of, in the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 21, 23 ; 
0. bicarunculatus, exhibition of a specimen of, 
41; C. kawpi, remarks on, 38; C. salvadorii, re- 

markson a skin of,50; C. westermanni, remarks | 

on, 43. 

Cathartes californianus, on the egg and nestling 
of, 16; onthe addition to the Zoological Society's 
Gardens of a specimen of, 27. 

Caucasus, on the Wild Goats of the, 63. 

Centropsar mirus, remarks on, 43, 45. 

Ceratodus forsteri, exhibition of a specimen of, 35. 

Oercocebus albigena, exhibition of a stuffed speci- 
men of, 29. 

Cercopithecus, on the genus, 69, 70; C. albigularis, 
exhibition of a specimen of, 70; C. ascanias, ex- 
hibition of and remarks upon a skin of, 63; C. 
erythrogaster, exhibition of a drawing of the 
head of, 72; C. grayi, exhibition of the typical 
skin of, 72; C.iquitus, exhibition of a skin of, 72. 

Certhiola, on the proper use of the generic term, 71. 

Oervicapra clarkei, exhibition of horns of, 67. 

Cervide, on the arrangement and distribution of 
the, 34. 

Cervus antisiensis, notes on, 42, 44; O. chilensis, 
notes on, 42,44; OC. hippelaphus, remarks on the 
antlers of, 46; O. sika, remarks upon, 15, 52. 

Ceylon, exhibition of a skin of Prinia socialis 
from, 36; exhibition of a specimen of Priono- 
chilus vincens from, 39. 

Ohcetura, synopsis of the American species of the 
genus, 21. 

Challenger, reports on the collections of birds 
made during the voyage of H. M.S., No. I, 49; 
No. III, 49; Nos. VIL, IX, 50; Nos. X, XI, 51; 
exhibition of the eggs collected during the voy- 
age of the, 52; exhibition of and remarks upon 
some bird skins brought home by the, 55. 

Chasiempis, remarks on the genus, 62. 

Chaeeionia tens: on the distribution of the genus, 

Ohauna, on the species of the genus, 22; OC. chava- 
ria, exhibition of an egg of, 66; QO. derbiana, 
exhibition of a young specimen of, from San 
Fernando, Trinidad, 27; 0. nigricollis, note on, 27. 

Chelodina longicollis, exhibition of a specimen of, 
from South Australia, 17. 

Chili, James’s New List of the Birds of, 4; notes 
on the birds of, 28; notes on the deer of, 44; on col- 
lections of birds from Tarapaca, 62, 67; exhibi- 
tion of askin of Phalaropus fulicarius from, 71. 

Chimborazo, list of birds collected by Louis Fraser 
during excursions to, 14. 

China, notes on certain species of birds from, 20; 
on Pére David's travels in, 44. 

Chionis alba, exhibition of, and remarks upon a 
specimen of, killed in Ireland, 70; C. minor, 
exhibition of a skin of, 28. 

Chiriqui, list of Mr. Bridges’s collections of mam- 
mals and birds from the town of David, 9. 

Chironectes variegatus, exhibition of, and remarks 
upon a skin of, 37. 

Chlamydodera maculata, exhibition ofan egg of, 41. 

Chleephaga magellanica, note on, 10, 11. 

Chlorochrysa, on the genus, 5, 46. 

Chrysotis, on two rare species of, 54; on the 
recently described species of, 56; C. bodini, 
remarks on, 63; CO. tuewmana, exhibition of a 
skin of, 73; O.-versicolor, exhibition of, and 
remarks upon a skin of, 56. 

Cichlopsis, note on the genus, 12. 

Ciconia boyciana, exhibition of a skin of, and re- 
marks upon its distribution, 43; O. episcopus and 
0. maguari, remarks on living examples of, in 
the Geological Society's Gardens, 51. 

Oireus maillardi, note on, 21. 

Classification of birds, on the, 55. 

Claws and spurs of birds’ wings, remarks on, 63. 

Cnemophilus macgregori, exhibition of aspecimen 
of, 67. 

Ooccyzus, on the genus, 22, 34; C. americanus, exhi- 
bition of askin of, 39; C. erythrophthalmus, exhi- 
bition of a specimen of, killed in Ireland, 39. 

Ocreba, on the proper use of the generic term, 71. 

Ocrebide, catalogue of the, in the British Mu- 
seum, 3. 

Jolius, remarks on the species of, living in the 
Zoological Society’s Gardens, 61; C. capensis, ex- 
hibition of two eggs of, laid in the Zoological 
Society's Gardens, 70. 

Collectors, proceedings of zoological, 40. 

Oolobus palliatus, on its probable identity with 
CO. angolensis, 54. 

Cologne, notes on animals in the Zoological Gar- 
dens at, 32, 52, 62, 70. 

Colombia, on an undescribed species of Hawk 
from, 16; on a new species of Pipra from, 20; 
descriptions of new species of birds from, 22, 
35; on the species of Accipiter from, 26; on the 
Hairy Tapir of the Andes of, 33; on the mam- 
mals obtained by R. B. White in the Upper 
Magdalene Valley, 66. 

Columbide, descriptions of new species of, 29. 

Oolymbus, remarks on two species of, 13; C. 
adamsi, exhibition of a specimen of, 72. 

Comoro Islands, on the birds of the, 238. 

Comrie (Dr.), on the birds collected on the south- 
east coast of New Guinea by, 47. 

Conchitas, lists of birds collected by W. H. Hud- 
son at, 29, 32, 33. 

Congo, exhibition of aspecimen of Monkey from 
Cabinda, 29. 

Conopias, on the species of, 37. 

Conopophagide, catalogue of the, in the British 
Museum, 4. 

Constantinople, ornithological notes from, 48; ona 
colleetion of fishes made by E. D. Dickson at, 65. 

Ooracopsis vasa, on a singular habit of, 60,70; re- 
marks on the death of a specimen of, which kad 
lived fifty-four years in the Zoological Society’s 
Gardens, 60. 

Coriphilus kuhli, remarks on, 47. 

Cormorants, remarks on the feeding of young by 
the parent birds in the Zoological Society's Gar- 
dens, 57. 

Corvus australis, exhibition of the skin of a ya- 
riety of, 58. 

Cosmetornis, note on the genus, 23. 

Costa Rica, description of a new accipitrine bird 
from, 24. 

Cotingiae, catalogue of the, in the British Mu- 
seum, 4. 

Ooturnix delegorgii, exhibition of and remarks 
upon the eggs of, 55. 


Crabs, exhibition of Ascension Island land, 47. 

Cracide. See Curassows. 

Crete, exhibition of a specimen of the Wild Ibex 
of, 42. 

Crocodile Bird of the Nile, note on the, 71. 

Crows, on the American species of the subgenus 
Xanthura, 53. 

Cuckoo, on a new species of the genus Neomor- 
phus, 25; on the genus Ooccyzus, 34. 

Cuenea, list of birds collected by Louis Fraser 
at, 12. ¥ 

Culicivora, on the genus, 7. 

Cunningham (Dr.), lists of birds collected in the 
Straits of Magellan by, with notes on the Pata- 
gonian avifauna, 31, 33, 35. 

Curassows, synopsis of the, 34; notice of a memoir 
on the, 41; remarks on those now or lately living 
in the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 46, 53; 
notice of a supplementary memoir on the, 51: 
remarks upon Mitua salvini, 52. 

Gyanocitta, note on the species of, 46. 

Cyanomyias celestis, remarks on the adult male 
of, 57. 

Oyanopolius cyanus, remarks on the breeding of 
in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 61. 

Cyclorhis, remarks on the species of the genus, 64. 

Cypselide, notes on the genera and species of, 24. 


Dacnis, on the genus, 5, 7, 21; on certain species 
of, 6. 

D’Albertis (L. M.), exhibition of some birds col- 
lected in New Guinea by, and description of a 
new Paradise Bird discovered by, 41; characters 
of new species of birds discovered in New 
Guinea by, 41; an account of a new species of 
Kangaroo from New Guinea, 42; letters from 
Dr. Bennett on the proceedings of, 47; exhibi- 
tion of a collection of birds received from, 47 

Damatlis hunteri, exhibition of, and remarks upon 
some heads and skins of, 65; description of, 65; 
D. senegalensis, exhibition of a head of, 66; ex- 
hibition of the head and horns of a specimen of, 
from Lamos, 62. 

Damaraland, list of Andersson’s collection of birds 
from, 6. 

Darlington, exhibition of two curious Ducks shot 
near, 57. 

Darmstadt, on ornithology at, 73. 

Dasypeltis scabra, on the habits of, 69. 

Danbeny (James), list of a collection of birds 
made on the coasts of the Red Sea by, 6. 

David, list of Mr. Bridges’s collections of mam- 
mals and birds from tie town of, 9. 

David (Pére), on the travels in China of, 44. 

Deer, note on the Japanese, in the Zoological 
Society’s Gardens, 15; note on the Formosan, 
19; notice of a specimen of the Mantchurian, 
received from Mr. Swinhoe, 24; on the addi- 
tion to the Zoological Society’s Menagerie of a 

Pudu, 26; notice of a memoir on the Old World, | 

34; on certain species now or lately living in 
the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 38; notes on 
the Chilian, 44; exhibition of an antler of the 
Rusa, 46. 

Dendrocolaptide, catalogue of the, in the British 
Museum, 4; descriptions of new species of, 18, 
29, 32, 65, 66; remarks on some species of, in 
the Smithsonian Institution, 36. 

Dendrocygna, the geographical distribution of the 
genus, 23; additional notes on the genus, 26. 
Derby Museum, on new or little-known species 
in the, 7; on two new species of Ant Birds in 

the, 12. 

Diardigallus crawfurdi, notes on, 20; D. prelatus, 
exhibition of askin of the female of, 20. 

Dickinson (D.), on a new species of Falco discov- 
ered on the river Shiré by, 22; on the rapa- 
cious birds collected in the Zambesi region by, 


Dickson (E. D.), on a collection of Fishes made at 
Constantinople by, 65. 

Dicrurus marginatus, exhibition of the typical 
specimens of, 50. 

Diduneulus, arrival at the Zoological Society’s 
Gardens of a living, 22. 

Diglossine, synopsis of the, 45. 

Divers, remarks on two species of, 13. 


Dogmersfield Park, exhibition of a specimen of the 
Glossy Ibis shot in, 56. 

Dominica, remarks on a rare Parrot from, 24; list 
of birds collected by Mr. Ramage in, 65. 

Drepanephorus, on the generic term, 42. 

Drepanornis albertisi, notes on, 42; D. albertisi 
cervinicauda, exhibition of and remarks upon 
skins of, 59. 

Drew (S. B.), exhibition of land crabs from Ascen- 
sion Island, 47. 

Duck, exhibition of two curious specimens of, shot 
near Darlington, 57; exhibition of a curious 
variety of, shot in Yorkshire, 61; exhibition of 
a hybrid, 66. 

Duke of York Island, on the Rey. G. Brown’s col- 
lections from, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54. 


Eastern Archipelago, distribution of the Psitta- 
cide in the, 15. 

Ecuador, list of a collection of birds from Quijos, 
6; notes on collections of birds from Rio Napo, 
10,13; list of birds collected by Louis Frazer at 
Cuenca, Zamora, and Gualaquiza, 12; at Rio- 
bamba, 12; at Pallatanga, 12, 14; at Quito, 14; 
at Pichincha and Chimborazo, 14; at Nanegal, 
Calacali, Perucho, and Puellaro, 14; at Baba- 
hoyo, 15; at Esmeraldas, 15; on two new Tyrant 
Birds from, 19; on a new species of Malacoptila 
from western, 19; on the Quadrumana collected 
by Buckley in, 39; descriptions of three new 
species of birds from, 50; on new birds collected 
by C. Buckley in eastern, 54. 

Elainee, index generis, 18. 

Hieperes davidianus, on the skin and skeleton 
of, 30. 

Elephant, arrival at the Zoological Society’s Gar- 
dens ofan African, 24; exhibition of and remarks 
upon a corroded tusk of an Indian, 36; on the 
dimensions and weights of the Indian,in the 
Zoological Society’s Gardens, 52, 55; on the in- 
crease in size and weight of a young African, in 
the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 59. 

Empidonax brunneus, remarks on, 64. 

Equus asinus somalicus, exhibition of a skin of, 69; 
4. grevyi, exhibition of and remarks upon some 
photographs of, 58. 

Erythrura, remarks on the species of, 56. 

eee list of birds collected by Louis Fraser 
at, 15. 

Eucheetes, on the name, 53. 

Euphonia, synopsis of the genus, 5; note on the 
geographical distribution of the genus, 8. 

ELuplocamus crawfurdi, on the female of, 46; EZ. 
cuvieri, exhibition of a skin of a male of, 31. 

Burylemide, catalogue of the, in the British Mu- 
seum, 4. 

Eurylemus, on the systematic position of, 40. 

Exotic Ornithology, 2. 

Extinct birds, report on those of the Mascarene 
Islands, 27. 


Faleo circumcinctus, note on, 20; F. eleonore, onthe 
breeding near Mogador of, 30; F. puniceus, ex- 
hibition of a skin of, captured in the Mediterra- 
nean, 73. 

Falcon, exhibition of a mummy of, 65. 

Falkland Islands, catalogue of the birds of the, 
15; on the eggs of two Raptorial Birds from the, 
16; exhibition of the hoof of a Bull from the, 17; 
additions to and corrections of the list of the 
birds of the, 17; on some additions to the list of 
the birds of the, 22; on the seals of the, by Cap- 
tain Abbott, 29; report on Lecomte’s expedition 
to the, 30; exhibition of a skin of Phalaropus 
wilsont trom the, 73. 

Feather, exhibition of a needle made from the 
stem of a, 73. 

Felis lanea, notes on specimens of, 49,51; exhibi- 
tion of and remarks upon a skin of, 60; F. wneia, 
exhibition of skins of, and remarks on its geo- 
graphical distribution, 67. 

F finch (B. T.), on beetles obtained by, 61, 65. 

Fiji Islands, on a collection of Parrots obtained 
by E. L. Layard in, 46. 

Firefly, exhibition of living specimens of the 
West Indian, 59. 


Fishes, occurrence in the river Uruguay of elec- 
tric, 64. 

Fisk (G. H. R.), letter on a mouse killing and 
eating a young venomous snake, 63. 

Florence Museum, on the mounted specimens of 
Italian birds in the, 71. 

Forbes (H. O.), on birds collected in Timor Laut or 
the Tenimber Islands by, 58. 

Formicariide, catalogue of the, in the British 
Museum, 4; descriptions of new species of, 7, 
10, 18, 22, 30, 56; synopsis of the, 11. 

Formicivorine, synopsis of the, 11. 

Formosa, exhibition of a skin of a Hare sent from 
the Island of, by Mr. Swinhoe, 18; note on the 
deer of, 19. 

Forster’s ‘‘Catalogue of the Animals of North 
America,” and “Animals of Hudson’s Bay”’ 
(reprints), 3. 

France, remarks on visits made to several zoolog- 
ical gardens and museums in, 43. 

Frankfort, notes on the animals in the zoological 
gardens at, 70; on ornithology at, 73. 

Fraser (L.), list of birds collected at Cuenca, 
Gualaquiza, and Zamora by, 12; at Riobamba, 
12; at Pallatanga, 12, 14; at Quito, Pichincha, 
and Chimborazo, 14; at Nanegal, Calacali, 
Perucho, and Puellaro, 14; at Babahoyo, 15; at 
Esmeraldas, 15. 

Fringillide, descriptions of new species of, 30. 

Fringiltiformes, catalogue of the, in the British 
Museum, 3. 

Fruit-Pigeons, exhibitions of a drawing of a spe- 
cies of, 47; exhibition of and remarks upon two 
rare, 52. 

Fulica gallinuloides, exhibition of the supposed 
typical specimen of, 50. 

Fuligula cristata, early appearance in Hampshire 
of, 5; F. nationi, remarks on, 50. 

“‘Purculum” or '' Furcula,”’ 62. 


Galago montaivi, remarks on and exhibition of 
the type specimens of, 24. 

Galapagos Islands, on new birds collected by Dr. 
Habel in the, 34; on the visit of H. M.S. Petrel 
to the, 46. 

Galbulide, synopsis of the, 1; further remarks on 
the, 6; on the arrangement of the, with descrip- 
tions of new species, 7. 

Galbula, synopsis of the genus, 6. 

Gallinula nesiotis, note on, 17. 

Gayals, exhibition of a photograph of a pair of, 24. 

Geobates, note on the genus, 26. 

Geographical distribution of birds, 4, 12, 68; of 
mammals, 44; of the Phasianide, 2, 21; of the 
Bucconide, 8; of the genera Calliste and Bupho- 
nia, 8; of the Psittacide in the Eastern Archi- 
pelago, 15; of the genus Turdus, 18; of the genus 
Dendrocygna, 23; of the genus Chasmorhynchus, 
27; of the Barbets, 29; of the Touracoes, 33; of 
the Cervide, 34; of Rhinoceroses, 40; of several 
American Limicole, 41; of Ciconia boyciana, 43; 
of the genus Zonotrichia, 49; of Molge vittata, 
61; of Felis wncia, 67. 

Geographical Zoology, on the state of our knowl- 
edge of, 48. 

Geophaps plumifera, exhibition of a specimen of, 

71; G. scripta, exhibition of the egg and young | 
| Huallaga River, catalogue of birds collected by 

of, 65. 
a capensis, exhibition of albino varieties 
of, 65. 

Geronticus comatus, exhibition of, and remarks | 

upon a specimen of, 54. 

Ghent, notes on the animals in the Zoological Gar- 
dens at, 45, 49, 62, 68. 

Giraffe, on the birth of a young male, in the Zoo- 

logical Society’s Gardens, 28; list of Giraffes that | 
have lived in the Zoological Society's Gardens, | 

28, 69. 

Giraud’s ‘‘Birds of Texas,’’ notes on, 7. 

Goats, on the various species of Wild, 62; on the 
Caucasian Wild, 63. 

Goering, on Venezuelan birds collected by, 29, 31, 
32, 35, 45. 

Goose, notes on the Upland, 10, 11; on the Spur- 
winged Geese in the Zoological Society’s Men- 
agerie, 12, 14. ‘ 


Gorilla, remarks on photographs of a young speci- 
men of, in Berlin, and on an example of, formerly 
living in England, 49. 

Grallaria, list of the known species of, 49. 

Grey (Sir G.), list of animals presented to the 
Zoological Society's Gardens by, 17. 

Grus cinerea, G. montignesia, and G. virgo, exhi- 
bition of eggs of, 12. 

Gryllotalpa vulgaris, exhibition of, and remarks 
upon specimens of, obtained at Bagdad, 65. 2 

Guacharo, exhibition of an egg of the, 29; on the 
range in South America of the, 67. 

Gualaquiza, list of birds collected by Louis Fraser 
at, 12. 

Guatemala, characters of eleven new species of 
birds coliected by O. Salvinin, 15; contributions 
to the ornithology of, 16. 

Guinea fowl, on the species of, from the Zambesi, 

Gyparchus papa, exhibition of the egg of, 14. 

Habel (Dr.), on new species of birds collected in 
the Galapagos Islands by, 34. 

Hague, notes on animals in the Zoological Gardens 
at the, 45, 54, 68, 69. 

Haliaétus albicilla, on the occurrence in North 
America of, 21, 25; H. branickti, remarks on a 
specimen of, in the Hamburg Gardens, 68. 

Halmaturus luctuosus, an account of, 42. 

Hamburg Zoological Gardens, notes on animals in 
the, 25, 32, 41, 54,72; on specimens of Haliaétus 
in the, 68. 

Hampshire, early appearance of the Tufted Duck 
in, 5; occurrence of Sabine’s Snipe in, 5; on the 
high springs of 1883 in, 59. 

Hannover, notes on the animals in the Zoological 
Gardens at, 72. 

Hartlaub (G.), on the distinctness of Pennula 
ecaudata and P. sandwichensis, 71. 

Hauxwell (J.), list of birds collected at Pebas by, 

Hawk, characters of a species of, from New Cale- 
donia, 13; on an undescribed species of, from’ 
New Granada, 16. 

Heliomaster angele, exhibition of specimens of 
and notes on, 24. 

Helix hemastoma, exhibition of living specimens 
of, 57. 

| Hemipode, exhibition of a skin of a, from Nyassa- 

land, 73. 

Heterodactylus imbricatus, exhibition of a speci- 
men of, 61. 

Hippocampi, exhibition of drawings of, 32. 

Hippopotamus, on the birth in the Zoological 
Society’s Gardens at Amsterdam of a, 25; on 
the birth at the London Zoological Society’s 
Gardens of a, 36,39; remarks on the Liberian, 41. 

Hippotragus bakeri, notes on, 30. 

Hirundinea, notes on the species of, 33, 58. 

Holland, on the nesting of the Spoonbill in, 49. 

Holland (A. H.), notes on the birds of the Argen- 

' tine Republic, 67, 68; notes on the birds of the 
Estancia Sta. Elena, 71. 

Honduras, list of birds collected by G. C. Taylor 
in, 12; note on the Ocellated eke of, 18; on 
beds collected by G. M. Whitely on the coast 
of, 35. 

Huaheine, list of a collection of birds from, 22. 

E. Bartlett on the, 28. 

Hudson (W. H.), lists of birds collected at Con- 
chitas by, 29, 32, 33; on the birds of the Rio 
Negro of Patagonia, 39. 

| Hudson’s Bay, exhibition of bird skins from Port 

Chorchill, 16. 

Huemul, notes on the, 42, 44. 

Hunter, (H. C. V.), on anew Antelope discovered 
by, 65. 

Humming Bird, on the habits and nest of the 
Pichincha, 18; list of species of, obtained by 
Whitely in high Peru, 44; exhibition and de- 
scription of a new species of, from northern 
Peru, 52; remarks on a supposed new species 
of, 64. 

Hybrid, exhibition of a Pheasant, 31; monkeys 
in the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 51; exhibi- 
tion of a Duck, 66. 


Hydropsalis furcifera, exhibition of a specimen 
of the egg of, 72. 

Hylophilus, review of the genus, 56. 

Hypocolius ampelinus, exhibition of and remarks 
on a skin of, 45. 

Hypotriorchis castanonotus, note on, 18. 


Ibex, exhibition of heads of the Spanish, 30; ex- 
hibition of a specimen of the Cretan Wild, 42. 

This, exhibition of a specimen of the Glossy, shot 
in Dogmersfield Park, 56. 

Ibis cethiopica, on the breeding in the Zoological 
Society's Gardens of, 51. 

Icteride, catalogue of the, in the British Museum, 
3; review of the family, 59, 60. 

Impennes, on those collected during the voyage 
of the Challenger, 51. 

Im Thurn (E. F.), on some birds collected in Brit- 
ish Guiana by, 55. 

Incubation of birds in the Zoological Society’s 
Gardens, on the number of days of, 13; of Python 
sebcee in the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 20; 
among birds in the order Struthiones, 21. 

India, on the Prionochili of British, 44; report on 
the Indian Pheasants bred in the Zoological 
Society's Gardens from 1858 to 1860, 16; arrival at 
the Zoological Society’s Gardens of a collection 
of Indian Pheasants, 21. 

India House, on the zoological collections in the, 

Indicator, on the systematic position of, 35. 

Insect House in the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 
opening of the, 56; notes on the, 56; exhibition 
of Lepidopterous Insects reared in the, 57, 59; 
report on the, 58, 61, 62. 

Ireland, exhibition of a specimen of Coccyzus 
erythrophthalmus killed in, 89; exhibition of a 
specimen of Chionis alba killed in, 70. 

Italy, remarks on visits made to several zoolog- 
ical gardens and museums in, 43. 


Jacamars, on the arrangement of the, with de- 
scriptions of new species, 7. 

Jalapa, list of Sallé’s birds from, 10; on a series of 
birds from the vicinity of, 13. 

Jamaica, list of a collection of birds made by W. 
Osburn in, 17. 

James’s ‘‘ New List of Chilian Birds,”’ 4. 

Japan, exhibition of bird skins collected by H. 
Whitely in, 25; exhibition of a collection of 
mammals and birds from, 26: exhibition of a 
skin of Spizaétus nipalensis from, 31. 

Japanese Pig, note on the so-called, 25. 

Jellyfish of Lake Urumiah, note on the, 71. 

Johnston (H.H.), on collections sent from the 
Shiré Highlands by, 69. 

Juan Fernandez, on the land birds of, 38. 

Julodis finchi, exhibition of, and remarks upon 
specimens of, 61, 65. 


Kagu, letters from Dr. G. Bennett respecting 
specimens of the, 19; arrival at the Zoological 
Society’s Gardens of a, 19. 

Kangaroo, exhibition of a picture of a Rock, 15. 

Kerguelen’s Land, on the birds collected during 
the voyage of the Challenger in, 51. 

Kerr (J. G.), on the avifauna of the Lower Pil- 
comayo, 69. 

Kilimanjaro, on the mammals of, 72. 

Kittacincla auricularis, note on, 27. 


Lamoo, exhibition of heads and horns of two 
species of Antelopes from, 62. 

Lamprey (Dr.), extracts from a letter from, on 
certain species of Chinese birds, 20. 

Laniarius atrocroceus, ona second example of, 63. 

Laride, remarks onthe, in the Zoological Society's 
Gardens, 28; arevised list of the Neotropical, 37. 

Larus eburneus, exhibition of a nest, eggs, and 
two young ones of, 64. 


Last (J. 'T.), notes on the habits of Potamocherus 
edwardsi, 72. y 

Layard (E. L.), notes on birds observed at Para 
by, 42; on a collection of Parrots obtained in 
the Fiji Islands by, 46. 

Lecomte’s expedition to the Falkland Islands, 
report on, 30. 

Legge (V.), exhibition of specimens of a new bird 
from Ceylon, 39. 

Legriocinelus, note on the genus, 8. 

Lemur, exhibition of a newly described species 
of, 34; DL. leucomystax, remarks on, 25; 
macaco, note on the way in which it carries its 
young, 61. 

Léotaud’s ‘‘ Birds of Trinidad,” remarks on, 29. 

Lepidosiren paradoxa, remarks on, 25. 

Leptosoma discolor, on the structure of, 25. 

Le Souef (A. A. C.), letter from, containing 
remarks upon some living Duckbills in confine- 
ment at Melbourne, 63. 

Le Strange (H.8.), on a collection of birds made 
near the City of Mexico by, 32. 

Lima, on the birds collected in the vicinity of, by 
W. Nation, 26, 28, 31,37, 56,59; exhibition of a 
skin of Amaurolimnas concolor from, 73. 

Limicole, on the range of several American, 41. 

Linnets, on the correct generic name of the, 69. 

Lipaugus, list of the species of the genus, 17. 

Lipotype, remarks on the use of the word, 57. 

Lagiesioue Expeditions into Africa, note on the 

wo, 39. 

Lobiophasis bulweri, exhibition of and remarks 
upon skins of, 47. 

Lophophorusl huysi, exhibition of a drawing of, 29. 

Loriculus, on an addition to the genus, 49. 


Macacus nemestrinus, exhibition of and remarks 
upon a skin of, 70. 

M’Master (A.C.), remarks on the MS. works on 
the birds of India by, 52. 

Macquarie Island, exhibition of two skins of a 
Rail from, 56. 

Macropus erubescens, remarks on a specimen of, 
in the Melbourne Gardens, 58. 

Madagascar, on J. Caldwell’s collection of insects 
and shells from, 20; onthe mammals and birds 
collected by C. Meller in, 21; description of a 
new species of Duck from, 23; the mammalsof, 
23; report on a collection of animals sent by J. 
Caldwell from, 24; description of anew Passer- 
ine Bird from, 24; on the River Hog of, 72. 

Magdalene Valley, on the mammals obtained by 
k. B. White in the Unper, 66. 

Magellan, lists of birds collected by Dr. Cunning- 
ham in the Straits of, 21, 33, 35. 

Manakin, on new species of, 6, 15. 

Manatee, on the transmission of a specimen of a, 
to the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 26. 

Mandible, on the variation in form of the upper, 
in a rapacious bird, 11. 

Manis temmincki, remarks on, 51. 

Marine animal, on a new species of, from the 
Northern Pacific, 40, 42. 

Marten killed in Wales, and near Odiham, 5. 

Mascarene Islands, report on the extinct birds 
trom the, 27. 

Mediterranean, exhibition of a skin of Falco 
puniceus captured in the, 73. 

Megapode, exhibition of the egg of a. species of, 33. 

Melbourne, remarks on a specimen of Macropus 
erubescens in the gardens at, 58; on living Duck- 
bills in confinement at, 63. 

Meleagris ocellata, note on, 18. 

Meller (C.), on the mammals and birds collected 
in Madagascar by, 21. 

Menura superba, arrival at the Zoological Soci- 
ety’s Menagerie of a specimen of, 28. 

Mergus australis, exhibition of and remarks upon 
a skin of, 55. 

Mexico, on collections of birds made by A. Sallé 
in southern, 9, 10, 11; on a collection of birds 
made by Botteri in the vicinity of Orizaba, 10; 
list of additional species of Sallé’s birds from 
Jalapa and 8. Andres Tuxtla, 10; notes on some 
birds from, 11; description of a new species of 
Buteo from, 11; on Sallé’s collection of birds 


from Oaxaca, 11: list of birds collected by A. 
Boucard in Oaxaca, 13; on a series of birds from 
the vicinity of Jalapa, 13; list of Tyrant Birds 
of, 14; notes on a collection of birds from Ori- 
zaba, 15; on a new species of Finch from, 18; on 
birds collected by A. Boucard in southern, 19; 
on additions to the avifauna of, 20, 34; list of 
birds procured by G. H. White in the City of, 
22; list of a collection of birds formed by A. 
Boucard at Vera Cruz, 24; exhibition and de- 
scriptions of new species of birds from, 27; on a 
collection of birds made by Mr. Le Strange near 
the City of, 32; description of a new species of 
Wren from, 33; exhibition of two skulls of 
Baird’s Tapir from, 42. 

Micrastur, notes on the species of, 32. 

Microbates, synopsis of the species of, 59. 

Milwvago carunculatus, note on, 18. 

Milvulus tyrannus, exhibition of a nest of, con- 
taining eggs of Molothrus bonariensis, 39. 

Mitua salvini, remarks upon, 52. 

Mogador, on the breeding of the Eleonora Falcon 
near, 30. , : 

Molge vittata, remarks upon the distribution of, 61. 

_Molothrus bonariensis, exhibition of the eggs of, 
in the nest of Milwulus tyrannus, 39. 

Momotide, review of the family, 10. 

Monkeys, ou the breeding of, during the last ten 
years in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 70. 
Monteiro (J.), list of the mammalia collected in 

Angola by, 15. 

Monte Video, exhibition of a living Amphisbe- 
nian from, 52. 

Montserrat, on a small collection of birds from 
the Island of, 53. 

Mooruk, exhibition of the egg of the, 54. 

Mosquito Coast, list of birds collected by H. Wick- 
ham on Blewfields River on the, 27. 

Mottley (J.), notes on the birds of southeastern 
Borneo by, 21. 

Mouse, the killing and eating of a young venom- 
ous snake by a, 63; exhibition of and remarks 
upon specimens of the ‘‘Spinning”’ or ‘‘ Japa- 
nese,”’ 68. 

Mud-fish, note on a new Australian, 35. 

Munich, on ornithology at, 73. 

Muscisaxicola, on the species of the genus, 27. 

Museum, on certain principles to be observed in 
the establishment of a National Natural His- 
tory, 35; on the most desirable objects to be ex- 
hibited in a Local, 72. 

Mweru (Lake), on some specimers of mammals 
sent by A. Sharpe from, 71. 

Mygale, exhibition of and remarks upon a spider 
of the genus, 55. 

Myiozetetes, on the species of, 37. 


Nanegal, list of birds collected by Louis Frazer 
at, 14. 

Nation (W.), on the birds collected in the vicinity 
of Lima by, 26, 28, 31, 37, 56, 59. 

Natterer (J.), descriptions of seven new species 
of birds discovered in Brazil by, 28. 

Nearctic region, on the mammals of the, 72. 

Neomorphus, on the species of the genus, 22. 

Neotropical region, ‘‘Nomenclator Avium Neo- 
tropicalium,” 3; a revised list of the Laride of 
the, 37; on the Pteroptochide of the, 44; a revi- 
sion of the Anatide of the, 47; on the species of 
Anthus of the, 51. 

Neuchatel, description of a new species of Parrot 
in the Museum at, 46. 

New Britain, exhibition of some bird skins from, 
40; on the Rey. G. Brown's collections from, 48, 
50, 51,52, 54,59; exhibition and description of 
two new birds from, 55. 

New Caledonia, characters of a species of Hawk 
from, 13. 

New Granada. See Colombia. 

New Guinea, on the zoology of, 12; on the birds 
of prey of, 16; exhibition of birds, including a 
new Bird of Paradise collected by d’ Albertis in, 
41; characters of new species of birds discov- 
ered by d’Albertis in, 41; on a new species of 
Kangaroo from, 42; remarks on two species of 
birds from, 43; on Dr. Meyer’s ornithological 

discoveries in, 44; on the birds collected by Dr. 


Comrie on the southeast coast of, 47; on orni- 
thological progress in, 48; further ornitholog- 
ical news from, 48; on a new species of Mono- 
treme from, 50. 

New Ireland, on the Rey. G. Brown’s collections 
from, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 59. 

Newton (A.), notes on the birds of the Straits of 
Magellan, 35. 

New Zealand, on the genus A pteryz of, 18; animals 
from, at the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 38. 
Nicaragua, exhibition of a skull of Tapirus bairdi 

from, 28; additions to the list of birds of, 42. 

Nile, note on the ‘Crocodile Bird” of the, 71. 

Ninoz solomonis, on the typical specimen of, 50. 

Nitzsch’s Pterylography (translation), 2. 

‘*Nomenclator Avium Neotropicalium,”’ 3, 41. 

Norfolk, on the occurrence of Tringa acuminata 
in, 69, 71. 

Norwich Museum, on some species of Accipitres 
in the, 11. 

Notoryctes typhlops, notes on, 67, 68. 

Nucifraga caryocatactes, exhibition of the nest and 
eggs of, 28. 

Numida ellioti, exhibition of and remarks upona 
skin of, 54. 

Nyassaland, on a collection of mammals made by 
A. Sharpe in, 68; list of birds collected by A. 
Whyte in, 71; exhibition of a skin of a Hemi- 
pode from, 73; on the new Cypress of, 73. 

Nyeticorax griseus, exhibition of a specimen of, 
shot in Plumstead Marshes, 59. 


Oaxaca, on Sallé’s collection of birds from, 11; list 
of birds collected by A. Boucard in, 13. 

Odiham, Marten killed near, 5; arrival of summer 
birds in 1845 near, 5; occurrence of aquatic birds 
near, 5; the nesting of the Water Rail near, 5. 

Ohio, exhibition of some variegated wool from, 21. 

Oligomyode, catalogue of the, in the British 
Museum, 4. 

Opisthocomus cristatus, ex hibition of and remarks 
upon the eggs of, 55; exhibition of and remarks 
upon specimens of the eggs and chicks of, 65. 

Opossum (water), exhibition of a skin of a, 37. 

Orde (J. W. P.), exhibition of a black variety of 
Arvicola amphibius, and a specimen of Branta 
rujina, 19. 

Oreas canna, on the breeding in captivity of, 28. 

Creare derbianus, exhibition of a specimen 
of, 14. 

Orizaba, on Botteri’s collection of birds from the 
vicinity of, 10; notes on a collection of birds 
from, 15. 

Ornithion, note on the genus, 41. 

Cea eee Congress at Budapest, address to 
the, 4. 

Ornithological Literature for 1870, 38; for 1871, 40; 
for 1872, 42. 

Ornithorhynchus paradoxus, on living specimens 
of, in confinement at Melbourne, 63. 

Oruba, on the migratory birds observed between 
Gibraltar and Malta on the 8. S.,71. 

Osburn (W.), list of a collection of birds made in 
Jamaica by, 17. 

Oscines, descriptions of new species of American, 
26, 61. 

Otidiphaps nobilis, exhibition of a drawing of, 34. 

Otis tarda, on the breeding of, in the Zoological 
Society’s Gardens, 71. 

Ovis cycloceros, exhibition of a drawing of, 18; 
O. polii, note on, 16; O. vignii, exhibition of a 
drawing of, 18. 

Owls, description of a new species of, 12; on the 
nomenclature of British, and on the arrange- 
ment of the Order Striges, 58. 

Oxford University Museum, on the bird collec- 
tions in the, 68, 69, 71. 

Oxyrhamphide, catalogue of the, in the British 
Museum, 4; descriptions of new species of, 30. 

Oyapok, remarks on a collection of birds from, 37. 

Pacific, on a new marine animal from the North- 
ern, 40, 42. 
Palestine, description of a new species of bird 
from, 12; exhibition of a collection of bird skins 
collected by H. B, Tristram in, 22. 


Pallatanga, list of birds collected by Louis Fraser 
at, 12, 14. 

Palombiére of Bagnéres de Bigorre, on the, 9. 

Panama, list of ‘I’. Bridges’s collections of mam- 
mals and birds from the town of David, 9; notes 
en acollection of birds from the Isthmus of, 23; 
on the Quadrumana of America north of, 38. 

Pangkéng Lake, exhibition of variety of Bubo 
maximus from, 14. 

Para, notes on birds observed by E. L. Layard at, 

Paradise Birds, arrival at the Zoological Society’s 
Gardens of two living, 19; exhibition of a draw- 
ing of Paradisea calva from the Island of Wai- 
giou, 24; description of a new species of, discoy- 
ered by d’Albertis, 41; note on Drepanornis 
albertisi, 42; exhibition of askin of Ihipidornis 
gulielmi-tertii, 58; exhibition of and remarks 
upon a specimen of Paradisornis rudolphi, 62; 
remarks on Macgregor’s, 67, 68; exhibition of 
and remarks upon a specimen of Paradisornis 
rudolphi, 62. 

Paramythia montium, exhibition of and remarks 
upon a specimen of, 69; notes on, 71. 

Pareudiastes pacijficus, exhibition of an egg of, 43. 

Paris, description of six new species of birds in 
the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle of, 6; on the 
interesting species of mammals and birds in the 
Société Zoologique d’ Acclimatation of, 26; notes 
on the animals in the Zoological Gardens at, 68. 

Parra, on the species of, 9. 

Parrakeet, on anewspecies of the genus Loriculus, 

Parrots, on new species of, 10, 14, 23, 25, 46, 47, 56, 
63; on arare species of, from Dominica, 24; on a 
new species of the genus Nasiterna, 25; on new 
or little-known species of, in the Zoological 
Society’s Gardens, 27, 37, 44, 52, 54, 63; exhibition 
of a series of skins of, obtained by E. L. Layard 
in the Fiji Islands, 46; description of a new 
species of, in the Museum at Neuchatel, 46; re- 
marks on a rare Pacific species of, 47; on the 
species of the genus Pionus, 49; exhibition of a 
skin of a species of, from St. Lucia, 56; on the 
recently described species of the genus Ohry- 
sotis, 56; on a new species of the genus Conwrus, 
56, 63; note on Ruppell’s Parrot, 57; on a singu- 

lar habit of the Greater Vasa Parrot, 60,70; re- | 

marks on the death of a specimen of the greater | 

Vasa Parrot which had lived fifty-four years in | 

the Zoological Society's Gardens, 60; remarks on 
aspecimen of a rare species of, 63; exhibition of 
a variety of the Grey Parrot, 72. 

Parus meridionalis, remarks on, 9. 

Patagonia, notes on the avifauna of,31; Hudson 
on the birds of the Rio Negro, 39. 

Pauxis galeata, on the female plumage of, 45; ex- 
hibition of and remarks upon an example of, 55. 

Pavo niaripennis, note on, 14. 

Pebas, list of birds collected by J. Hauxwell at, 

Pelecanus, notes on the species of, living in the 
Zoological Society’s Gardens, 30; additional re- 
marks on certain species of, 37; P. trachyrhyn- 
chus, onthe deciduous knob of the culmen of the 
beak of, 60; P. manillensis, note on, 68. 

Pelomedusa, exhibition of a shell of a species of, 

Peltops, on the systematic position of, 40. 
Penguin, notes on the Emperor, 64. 

wichensis and, 71. 

Pentacrinus caput-meduse, exhibition of an ex- 
ample of, 17. 

Perodictieus potto, exhibitiou of and remarks upon 
some specimens of, 31. 

Peru, on the birds collected by E. Bartlett on the 
River Ucayali in eastern, 26,27; on the birds 
collected in the vicinity of Lima by W. Nation, 
26, 28, 31, 37,56, 59; catalogue of birds collected by 
E. Bartlett on the Huallaga River in eastern, 
28; on the birds collected Dy H. Whitely in, 25, 

by E. Bartlett in eastern, 32; notes by E. Bart- 
lett on the monkeys of eastern, 36; on the birds 
collected by E. Bartlett in eastern, 40; list of 
Humming Birds obtained by H. W hitely in high, 
44; notes on the deer of western, 44; exhibition 
and description of a new species of Humming 


Bird from northern, 52; remarks upon a Condor 
in the Zoological Society’s Gardens from, 59; 
description of anew Ground Finch from western, 
63; exhibition of a skin of Amaurolimnas con- 
color from Lima, 73. 

Perucho, list of birds collected by Louis Fraser 
at, 14. 

| Petrel, report of the visit tothe Galapagos Islands 

of H. M.S., 46. 

Phacocherus cliani, addition of a specimen of, 

to the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 16; note 
on, 35. 

Phalaropus fulicarius, exhibition of a skin of, from 
Chili, 71; P. wilsoni, exhibition of a skin of, 
from the Falkland Islands, 73, 

Phasianide, list of the species of, 2, 21; remarks 
on the geographical distribution of the, 2i; on 
the arrival at the Zoological Society’s Gardens 
of two newly described species of, 34; arrival . 
of a collection of Indian, at the Zoological So- 
ciety’s Gardens, 21; on the species of Indian, 
bred in the Zoological Society’s Gardens from 
1858 to 1860, 16; exhibition of a hybrid species of, 
31; exhibition of a drawing of Lophophorus 
Uhuysi, 29; remarks on the locality of Thawmalia 
amhersti, 34; onthefemaleof Luplocamus craw-_ 
furdi, 46; on the breeding of Argus giganteus 
and other species of, in the Zoological Society’s - 
Gardens, 52; exhibition of a pair of Phastanus 
principalis from Afghanistan, belonging to the 
Prince of Wales, 61; exhibition of a skin of P. 
principalis, 63. 

Phibalura jlavirostris, exhibition of two eggs of, 

Philadelphia, notes on the birds in the Museum 
of the Academy of Sciences of, 9. 

Philepittide, catalogue ot the, in the British . 
Museum, 4. 

Philippine Islands, on a new species of Parrakeet, 
from the, 40; remarks on the ‘‘Tamaron” of 
the, 64. 3 

Phytotomide, catalogue of the, in the British 
Museum. 4. 

Phlogenas crinigera, on the breeding of, in the 
Zoological Society’s Menagerie, 24. 

Phyllium gelonus, exhibition of and remarks npon 
a specimen of, living in the Zoological Society’s 
Gardens, 65. 

Picuincia, list of birds collected by Louis Fraser 
during excursions to, 14. 

Pietra Papale, La, 66. 

Pig, note on the so-called ‘‘Japanese,”’ 25. 

Pigeon, exhibition of a drawing of a remarkable, 

Pileomayo, on the avifauna of the Lower, 69. 
Pionus, on the species of, 49; P. lacerus, exhibi- 
tion of a skin of, 73. 

Pipreola, revision of the species of, 51. 

| Pipride, catalogue of the, in British Museum, 4. 
Pithecia leucocephala, on the addition to the Zoo- 

logical Society’s Gardens of a specimen of, 26. 
Pittide, catalogue of the, in British Museum, 4. 
vi Sianeli lasiurus, exhibition of aspecimen 

of, 15. 

Plectropterus, notes on the species of, in the 
Zoological Society’s Gardens, 12, 14; P. niger, 
notes on, 48. 

Plegadis faleinellus, exhibition of a specimen of, 
shot in Dogmersfield Park, 56. 

ero | Plumstead Marshes, exhibition of a specimen of 
Pennula ecaudata, on the distinctness of P. sand- 

a Night Heron shot in, 59. 

Podager nacunda, exhibition of a specimen of the 
egg of, 72. 

Peocephalus riippelli, note on, 57. 

Porcupine, description of a new species of Indian, 

Porphyrio ceruleus, note on, 53; P. ceruleus, P. 
poliocephalus, and P. smaragdonotus, exhibition 
of and remarks upon specimens of, 67; P. 
aa exhibition of a series of fifty-five eggs 
of, 62. 

| Porpoises in the Victoria Nyanza, 68. 
30, 31, 33, 40, 42, 44, 46; on two new birds collected | 

Port Churchill, exhibition of bird skins from, 16. 

Potamocherus edwardsi, exhibition of amounted 
specimen of, 72; P. penicillatus, on the skull of, 
15; breeding of, in the Zoological Society's 
Gardens, 17. 

Potto, exhibition of and remarks upon some 
specimens of the, 31. 


Prejevalski (N. M.), exhibition of photographs of 
eure history objects collected in central Asia 
y, 63. 
mi pores: exhibition of a skin of, from Cey- 
on, 36. 
Prioniturus, on the genus, 15. 
Prionochili of British India, 44. 
Proceedings of the Zoological Society, the dates 
of issue of the early volumes of the, 70. 
Propithecus bicolor, notes on, 40; P. damanus, ex- 
hibition of a specimen of, 34. 
Protopterus annectens, remarks on specimens of, 
in the Society's Gardens, 72. 
Psaltria flaviceps, note on, 8. 
Psittacide, distribution of the, in the Eastern 
Archipelago, 15. 

Psittacus erithacus, exhibition of a variety of, 72. 
Pteroptochide, catalogue of the, in the British 
Museum, 4; on the neotropical species of, 44. 

Pterylography, translation of Nitzsch’s, 2. 

Ptilopus fasciatus, remarks on, 20. 

Publications, record of recent ornithological, 14. 

Puellaro, list of birds collected by Louis Fraser 
at, 14. 

Putf-bird, characters of anew species of the genus 
Nonnula, 56. 

Pufinus gavia, remarks upon a specimen of, from 
Australia, 68. 

Punjab Sheep in the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 
note on the, i4. 

Pyranga roseoyularis, note on, 42. 

Python sebce, incubation of, in the Zoological 
Society’s gardens, 20; on the temperature of, 
during incubation, 20, 


Quadrumana, notice of rare species of, in the 
Zoological Society’s Menagerie, 16, 23; on the 
northern limit in America of the,18; of America 
north of Panama, 38; collected by Buckley in 
Ecuador, 39. 

Queensland, on the existence of an undescribed 
species of mammal in, 37; exhibition of aneedle 
made from the stem of a feather from North, 73. 

Quijos, list of a collection of birds from, 6. 
Juiscaline, review of the, 60. 

Guita list of birds collected by Louis Fraser in 
the vicinity of, 14. rr ; 


Rabbit Pest in Australia, note on the, 66. 

Radde’s ‘‘ Internationale Farbenskala,”’ remarks 
on, 58. 

Rail, exhibition of two'skins of, from Macquarie 
Island, 56. 

Rallide, synopsis of the American, 30. 

Rallus aquaticus breeding near Odiham, 5; R. 
sulcirostris, note on, 5d. 

Ramage (Mr.), list of birds collected in Dominica 
by, 65; listof birds collected in St. Lucia by, 65. 

Ramsay (E. P.), exhibition of some new species of 
Australian birds described by, 31. 

Ratel, on a new species of, 27. 

Red Sea, list of acollection of birds made by James 
Daubeny on the coasts of the, 6. 

Reiser’s ‘‘Ornis Balkanica,”’ remarks on, 73. 

Remex, on the fifth cubital, of the wing in the 
Carimate, 67. 

Reptile House, remarks upon the opening of the 
Zoological Society's new, 59. 

Rhamphocenus, synopsis of the species of, 59. 

Rhamphocorys clot-beyi, exhibition of and remarks 
upon a specimen of, 65. 

Rhea, on the species of, in the Zoological Society's 
Menagerie, 14; R. darwini, exhibition of and 
remarks upon some eggs of, 61; exhibition of 
two young specimens of, from Tarapaca, 66. 

Rhinoceros, notes on the African species of, 35; 
geographical distribution of, 40; exhibition of a | 
supposed new species of, from the Terai of 
Bhootan, 44; exhibition of and remarks upon 
the upper horn of a two-horned species of, from 
Brahmapootra, 45; notice of amemoir on the, 45; 
exhibition of and remarks upon the skin of a | 
young species of, from the Sunderbunds, 47; on | 
the species of, now or lately living in the Zoologi- 
cal Society's Menagerie, 48; remarks upon atwo- 

415—No, 49-9 


horned species of, killed in Tipperah, 48; on 
some horns belonging to an apparently new spe- 
cies of, 70; &. lasiotis, notes on, 40,60; an illus- 
trated account of, 40; J. simus, on the external 
characters of, 62; remarks on, 67; I. sondaicus, 
arrival at the Zoological Society's Gardens of a 
specimen of, 43; on aspecimen from the Sunder- 
bunds of, 48; R. swmatranus, exhibition of a 
tracing of the skull of a male, 19; addition to 
the Zoological Society's Gardens of a female, 38; 
R. unicornis, on a horn of the male of, 36. 

big ee nat gulielmi-tertii, exhibition of a skin 
of, 58. 

Rhone, exhibition of a map of the delta of the, 
showing the habitat of the Beaver, 66. 

wepmabs, list of birds collected by Louis Fraser 

Rio Napo, notes on collections of birds from, 10, 13. 

Rio Negro, list of birds collected by Mr. Wallace 
on the, 28; Hudson on the birds of the, 39. 

Hie saat, on new or little known birds from 
the, 33. 

Rome, list of birds exposed for sale in the market 
in January, 1853, at, 7. 

Rotterdam, notes on the animals in the Zoological 
Gardens at, 21, 25, 32, 41, 45, 49, 52, 62, 65, 68, 69, 72. 

Ruminants, on the period of gestation of certain, 21, 


Saiga tatarica, remarks on, 27. 

8. Andres Tuxtla, list of Sallé’s birds from, 10. 

St. Domingo, notes on a Parrot from, 10. 

St. Elena, notes on the birds of the Estancia, 71. 

St. Kitts, remarks on some monkeys from, 26. 

St. Lucia, notes on the Rat-tailed Serpent of, 35; 
on the birds of, 36; on the birds observed by J. 
E. Semper in, 39; on additional species of birds 
from, 46; exhibition of a skin of a Parrot from, 
56; list of birds collected by Mr. Ramage in, 65. 

St. Vincent, description of a new Tyrant-bird 
from, 15. 

Sallé (A.), catalogue of birds collected in southern 
Mexico by, 9; notes on birds collected in south- 
ern Mexico by, 9; on a collection of birds re- 
ceived from southern Mexico by, 10; list of 
species ot birds collected at Jalapa and S. 
Andres Tuxtla by, 10; on a collection of birds 
from Oaxaca made by, 11. 

Salmon (T. K.), on the birds collected in Antio- 
quia by, 53. 

Salvin (O.), characters of eleven new species of 
birds collected in Guatemala by, 15. 

Sand-grouse, addition to the Zoological Society’s 
Gardens of some Three-toed, 17; notes on Pal- 
las’s, 22; exhibition of a pair of Pallas’s, and re- 
marks on its occurrences in western Europe, 64, 

Sandpiper, exhibition of a specimen of the Siber- 
ian Pectoral, shot on Breydon mudflats, 69. 

Sandwich Islands, on the avifauna of the, 38, 53; 
on the birds collected during the voyage of the 
Challenger in the, 50. 

San Fernando, Trinidad, exhibition of a young 
specimen of Chauna derbiana from, 27, 

San José, list of birds collected by Bridges in the 
Valley of, 10. 

Saxicola deserti, exhibition of a specimen of, killed 
in Scotland, 64; S. stapazina, exhibition of and 
remarks upon a specimen of, killed in Lanca- 
shire, 51; further remarks, 51. 

Scansores, catalogue of the, in the British Mu- 
seum, 4. 

Schomburgk (Sir R.), letter from, respecting Diar- 
digallus crawfurdi, 20; exhibition of a skin of 
the female of Diardigallus prelatus sent home 
by, 20. 

Sciurus blanfordi, exhibition of a specimen of, 44. 

Scolcpacide, on new species of, 82. 

Scolopaa sabini, occurrence in Hampshire of, 5. 

‘* Scomber scomber”’ principle, remarks on the, 73. 

Seals, of the Falkland Islands, 29; the habits of 
Fared, 38. 

Seebohm (H.), on the occurrence of Tringa acu- 
minata in Nortolk, 71. 

Semioptera wallacti, note on, 16. 

Semper (J. E.), on the birde of St. Lucia, 39. ’ 

Sharpe (A.), on a collection of mammals made in 
Nyassaland by, 68; on some specimens of mam- 
mals sent from Lake Mwern by, 71. 


Shelley (G._ E.), list of birds collected by A. 
Whyte in Nyassaland, 71. 

Johnston from the, 69; 
of mammals from the, 70. 

Shiré River, on a new species of Falco discovered 
by Dr. Dickinson on the, 22. 

Siphlopis fitzingeri, exhibition of a specimen of, 28. 

Sitta krueperi, note on, and remarks on the species | 

of the genus Sitta, 25. 

Sladen (Captain), expedition of, to Yunan, 38. 

Smithsonian Institution, remarks on some species 
of Dendrocolaptide in the, 36. 

Snakes, note on Fruit-eating, 46. 

Society Islands, list of a collection of birds from 
Huaheine, 22. 

Socotra, on the exploration of, 53; on the birds 
collected by I. B. Balfour in, 55. 

Solomon Islands, on a collection of birds from the, 
31; exhibition of specimens of birds collected by 
G. Brown in the, 59. 

Somaliland, on some mammals from, 60; on two 
new species of Antelopes from, 63; exhibition of 
a skin of a Zebra from, 66; exhibition of speci- 
mens of horns of an Antelope from, 67; exhibi- 
tion of askin of the Wild Ass of, 68; on a new 
Antelope, and list of other specimens of Ante- 
lopes from, 68; the Antelopes of, 69. 

Spain, anaturalist’s impressions of, 19. 

Speke (J. H.), report on specimens of.animals for- 
warded by, 17, 19; onthe mammals collected and 
observed in East Africa by, 22; on the birds col- 
lected in East Africa by, 22. 

Spence. (J. M.), ou some Venezuelan birds col- 
lected by, 41. 

Spermophila, revision of the species of the genus, 

Spizaétus nipalensis, exhibition of a skin of, from 
Japan, 31. 

Spoonbill, on the nesting in Holland of the, 49. 

Spurs of Birds’ Wings, remarks on, 63. 

Stairs (W.E.), exhibition of some sketches of the 
horns of a large Antelope made by, 67. 

Steatornis caripensis, exhibition of an egg of, 29; 
on the range in South America of, 67. 

Steere (Professor), on the birds collected in South 
America by, 50. 

Steganopodes, on the, collected during the voy- 
age of the Challenger, 51. 

Strepsiceros imberbis, remarks on, 60; exhibition 
of the head and horns of a specimen of, from 
Lamoo, 62. 

Striges, on the arrangement of the, 53. 

Strigide, descriptions of new species of, 29, 30. 

Struthious birds, remarks on the, 14; notes on 
two species of, in the Zoological Society’s Gar- 
dens, 15; remarks on, with a list of the known 
species, 19; incubation of, 21. 

Sturnella ludoviciana, exhibition of a specimen of, 
16; on the occurrence in England of, 18. 

Stuttgart, notes on the animals in the Zoological 
Gardens at, 70; on ornithology at, 73. 

Suide, note on the, in the Zoological Society’s 
Gardens, 16. 

Sunderbunds, exhibition of and remarks upon the 
skin of ayoung Rhinoceros from the, 47; remarks 
upon a Two-horned Rhinoceros from the, 48. 

Swayne(H. G. C.), exhibition of heads of Antelopes 
belonging to, 68. 

Swifts, on the American Spine-tailed, of the genus 
Ohetura, 21; on a new species of West African 
Spine-tailed, 21. 

Swinhoe (R.), exhibition of skins of an Otter from 
Amoy and a Hare from Formosa, sent by, 18; 
report on a collection of skins sent by, 18; no- 
tice of a Mantchurian Deer received from, 24. 

Sycalis, revision of the genus, 40. 

Synallaxine, on two new species of, 33. 

Synallaxis, on some new or imperfectly known 
species of, 9; on the geographical distribution 
of the genus, 13; on the species of the genus, 42. 

Systema avium, remarks on the present state of 
the, 55, 


Tachyglossus bruijnii, remarks on, 50. 

Tadorna, notes on the species of, in the Zoological 
Society's Gardens, 22, 26. 

Tamaron of the Philippine Islands, 64. 


Tanagrella, on the genus, 5. 

} } | Tanagride, Tanagrarum Catalogus Specificus ,1; 
Shiré Highlands, on collections sent by H. H. | j 
remarks on some skins | 

Spropsis Avium Tanagrinarum, 1,8; catalogue 

of the, inthe British Museum, 3; on new species 
of, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 25, 31, 32, 48, 53,62; on some little- 
known species of, 62. bd 

Tapirus, exhibition of a drawing of a species of, 
living in the Zoological Society's Menagerie, 57; 
exhibition of and remarks upon the skull of an 
American species of, 61; 7. bairdi, exhibition 
of a skull of, from Nicaragua, 28; exhibition of 
two skulls of, from Mexico, 42; T. roulini, re- 
marks on, 33, 39, 51. 

Tarapaca, on collections of birds from, 62, 67; exhi- 
bition of two young specimens of Darwin’s 
Rhea from, 66. 

Taylor ae C.), list of birds collected in Honduras 


Tegenaria, exhibition of a spider of the genus, 54. 

Tenimber Islands, on birds collected Ge HO: 
Forbes in the, 58. 

Testudinata, exhibition of eggs of two species of, 
laid in the Zoological Society’s Gardens, 60. 

Testudo chilensis, notes on, 35, 38. 

Texas, notes on Giraud’s work on the birds of, 7. 

Thamnophiline, synopsis of the, 11. 

Thamnophilus, an arrangement of the genus, 8. 

Thaumalea amherstic, on the locality of, 34. 

Thibet, exhibition of a variety of Bubo maximus 
trom Pingkéng Lake, Thibet, 14; notes on the 
Black Wolf of, 43. 

Thompson (J.), departure for India of, 21; arrival 
at Calcutta of, 22; return from Calcutta of, 23. 

Thrushes, synopsis of the American, 13. 

Tickell (R. S.), remarks upon the donation to the 
Zoological Society’s Library of a MS. work on 
the Birds of India by, 43. 

Tijereta, exhibition of a nest of the, containing 
eggs of Molothrus bonariensis, 39. 

Tumor Tat; on birds collected by H. O. Forbes 
in, 58. 

Tinamou, exhibition of a prepared wing and tail 
of the Martineta, 71. 

Tipperah, remarks upon a Two-horned Rhinoceros 
killed in, 48. 

Tityrine, review of the subfamily, 9. 

Todus, on the systematic position of, 40. 

Toucan, on a new species of the genus Pteroglos- 
sus, 66. 

Touracoes and their distribution, 33. 

Tracheophone, catalogue of the, in the British 
Museum, 4. 

Tragelaphus gratus, exhibition of and remarks 
upon a skin of, 54; further notes on, 58; on the 
breeding in the Zoological Society's Gardens of 
Amsterdam of, 67. 

Tribonyx, note on the species of the genus, 29. 

Trigonocephalus lanceolatus, notes on, 35. 

Trimen (R.), letter on asecond example of Lania- 
rius atrocroceus, 63. 

Tringa acuminata, exhibition of a specimen of, 
killed in Norfolk, 69; notes on the occurrence 
of, in Norfolk, 71. 

Trinidad, exhibition of a young specimen of 
Chauna derbiana trom San Fernando, 27. 

Tristan d’Acunha, on the Island-hen of, 17. 

Tristram (H. B.), exhibition of a collection of bird 
skins collected in Palestine by, 22. 

Tupaia peguana, exhibition of a specimen of, 44. 

Turdide, synopsis of the American, 13. 

Turdus, geographical distribution of the genus, 
18; on the Eastern-Asiatic species of, 21; 
javanicus, notes on, 45; 7. schlegeli, notes on, 45; 
T. swheinereus, remarks on, 41. 

Tyrannide, catalogue of the, in the British Mu- 
seum,4; descriptions of new species of, 12, 14, 
15, 18, 19, 32, 35, 56, 63. 

Tyrannula barbirostris and T. mexicana, on the 
types of, 36. 

Tyrannus, remarks on the species of the genus, 54. 


Ueayali River, on the birds collected by E. Bart- 
lett on the, 26, 27. 

United States, notes on collections of birds in the, 9. 

United States Naval Astronomical Expedition, 
note on the zoological appendix to the, 8. 

Ursus japonicus, note on, 20. 


Uruguay, occurrence of Electric Fishes in the 
river, 64; on the birds of, 73. 
Urumiah, note on the Jellyfish of Lake, 71. 


Vancouver's Island, on a collection of birds from, 

Venezuela, on the birds collected by A. Goering 
in, 29, 31, 32, 35,45; on some birds collected by 
J.M.Spence in, 41. 

Vera Cruz, list of a collection of birds formed by 
A. Boucard at, 24. 

Veragua, descriptions of four new species of birds 
from, 30; descriptions of three new species of 
Tanagers from, 32. 

Verreaux (M.), on some species of Tanagers 
from the collection of, 11. 

Victoria Nyanza, porpoises in the, 68. 

Veux (G. W.des), extracts of correspondence 
from, concerning Trigonocephalus lanceolatus,35. 

apes cand, exhibition of the typical specimen 
of, 50. 

‘ Ww. 

Wagler’s Six Ornithological Memoirs from the 
“Tsis’’ (reprint), 3. 

Waigiou, exhibition of a drawing of Paradisea 
calva from the Island of, 24. 

Wales, Marten killed in, 5. 

Wales (Prince of), list of Indian animals deposited 
in the Zoological Society's Menagerie by, 47; ex- 
hibition of apair of Pheasants belonging to the, 


Wallace (A. R.), list of birds collected on the 
Lower Amazon and Rio Negro by, 28. 

Wallace’s Standard-wing, note on, 16. 

wan Hogs, exhibition of drawings illustrative 
of, 32. 

Washington Territory, on a new marine animal 
from, 40, 42. 

Water fowl, notes on, 55. 

West Indies, description of a new Tyrant-bird 
from Saint Vincent, 15; remarks on some Monk- 
eys from St. Kitts, 26; on the birds of Santa 
Lucia, 36; on a small collection of birds from 
Barbados, 43; on additional species of birds 
trom the, 46; on monkeys in the, 53; on a small 
collection of birds from the Island of Montser- 
rat, 53; notes on the birds of the, 55; exhibition 
of askin of a Parrot from St. Lucia, 56; list of 
birds collected by Mr. Ramage in Dominica, 65; 
list of birds collected by Mr. Ramage in St. 
Lucia, 65; on African Monkeys in the, 67; on a 
collection of birds from Anguilla, 69,71; on the 
birds of Antigua, 71. 

White (E. W.), on two new species of birds dis- 
covered in the Argentine Republic by, 56; on 
the birds collected in the Argentine Republic 
by, 57, 58. 

White (G. H.), list of birds procured in the city of 
Mexico by, 22. 

White (R. B.), on the mammals obtained in the 
Upper tee aay Valley, Colombia, by, 66. 

Whitely (G. M.), on birds collected on the coast of 
Honduras by, 35. 

Whitely (H.), exhibition of bird skins collected 
in Japan by, 25; on Peruvian birds collected by, 
29, 30, 31, 83, 40, 42, 44, 46; list of Humming-Birds 
obtained in high Peru by, 44; remarks on an 
African Hornbilland other birds belonging to, 62. 

oe (A.), list of birds collected in Nyassaland 

Vist dale 

Wickham (H.), list of birds collected on the Blew- 
fields River by, 27. 

Wilks (G.), notes on some Reptiles transmitted to 
the Zoological Society’s Gardens by, 31. 

Windvogelberg, report on birds collected by Cap- 
tain Bulger at, 25. 

Wisconsin, excursion in, 38. 

Wolf's Zoological Sketches, 1. 

Wombats, note on the, living in the Zoological 
Society’s Gardens, 22. 

Woodpecker, on a new species of, discovered by 
Bridges in northern California, 12. 

Wool, exhibition of some variegated, from Ohio, 21. 

Works of. P. L. Sclater, list of, 3. 

Wren, description of anew species of Mexican, 33. 



Xanthura, on the species of the genus, 53. 
Xenicide, catalogue of the, inthe British Museum, 

Xenopsaris albinucha, note on, 70. 


Yorkshire, exhibition of a curious variety of Duck 
shot in, 61. 
Yunan, Captain Sladen’s expedition to, 38. 


Zambesi, on the rapacious birds collected by Dr. 
Dickinson in the region of the, 23; on the 
Guinea Fowl from the, 66. 

preety list of birds collected by Louis Fraser 
at, 12. 

Zebra, exhibition of a skin of, from Somaliland, 
66; exhibition of a photograph of Grevy’s, 66. 
Zonotrichia, note on the species of the genus, 49. 
Zoological Collections in the India House, remarks 

on the, 42. 

Zoological Distribution, some of the difficulties 
of, 52. 

Zoological Gardens, notes on animals in the Con- 
Hague, 21, 25, 32, 41, 48, 45, 49, 52, 54, 62, 65, 68, 69, 

0, 72. 

Zoological observatories, on a favorable occasion 
for establishing, 38. 

Zoological Record, remarks on the, 71. 

“ Zoological Sketches”? by Joseph Wolf, 1. 

Zoological Society’s Gardens, Guide to the, 1; 
list of Vertebrated Animals living in the, 2; 
notes on species of Parrots in the, 10, 27, 37, 52, 
54,63; note on the Spur-winged Geese in the, 12; 
on the number of days of incubation of birds 
which breed in the, 13; exhibition of an egg of 
Apteryx mantelli laid in the, 13; note on the 
Punjab Sheep in the, 14; additions to the, in 
1860, 14,15, 16,17; in 1861, 17,18,19; in 1862, 19, 
20; in 1863, 22; in 1864, 23; in 1865, 24,25; in 
1866, 26; in 1867, 27.28; im 1868, 30,31; in 1869, 
31, 32; in 1870, 33, 34, 35,36; in 1871, 36,37, 38; in 
1872, 38, 39,40; in 1873, 40, 41,42; im 1874, 42, 43, 
44; in 1875, 44, 45,46; in 1876, 46,47,48; in 1877, 
48, 49,50; in 1878, 50,51,52; in 1879, 52, 53; in 
1880, 54,55; im 1881, 55,56,57; in 1882, 57,58; in 
1883, 58,59; in 1884, 60,61; in 1885, 61,62; in 
1886, 62,63; in 1887, 63,64; in 1888, 64; in 1889, 
64, 65, 66; in 1890, 66, 67; in 1891, 67, 68; in 1892, 
68,69; in 1893, 70,71, 72; in 1894, 72,73; on the 
addition of specimens of Sieboldia maxima and 
Baleniceps vex to the, 14; on the Rheas in the, 
14; notes on two Struthious birds in the, 16; 
note on the Japanese Deer in the, 15; notice of 
rare species of Quadrumana in the, 16; on the 
Babirussa and other Swide in the, 16; on the spe- 
cies of Indian Pheasants bred in the, from 1858 to 
1860, 16; addition of a specimen of Phacocherus 
eliani to the, 16; on the breeding of the Red 
River Hog in the, 17; addition of some Three- 
toed Sand-grouse and some rare Australian 
Finckes to the, 17; list of animais presented by 
Sir George Grey to the, 17; arrival of two living 
Paradise Birds at the, 19; arrival of a Kagu at 
the, 19; notice of a living specimen of the Aye- 
Aye in the, 20; incubation of Python sebee in 
the, 20; on two rare Fruit Pigeons in the, 20; 
arrival of a collection of Indian Pheasants at 
the, 21; on the period of gestation of certain 
Ruminants which breed in the, 21; on the breed- 
ing of Bennett’s Cassowary in the, 21,23; note 
on the Wombats in the, 22; arrival of a living 
Diduneulus at the, 22; on a new species of 
White Cockatoo in the, 22; notes onthe species 
of Tadorna in the, 22; note on the Quadrumana 
living in the, 23; note on the Mantchurian Deer 
sent by Mr. Swinhoe to the, 24; on the addi- 
tion of a Prong-horned Antelope to the, 24; on 
the breeding of Phlogenas crinigera in the, 24; 
arrival of an African Elephant at the, 24; on 
the addition of a Gayal to the, 25; on the addi- 
tion of a Pudu Deer to the, 26; on the trans- 
mission of a Manatee to the, 26; on the addition 
of aspecimen of Pithecialeucocephala to the, 26; 


on the addition of a specimen of Cathartes cali- 
fornianus to the, 27; remarks on Saiga tatarica 
in the, 27; on specimens of Boide in the, 28; 
remarks on the Gulls in the, 28; arrival of a 
Lyre Bird at the, 28; on the birth of a male 
Giratte,and list of Giraffes that have lived 
in the, 28; notes on a species of Bear in the, 
29; notes on the Pelicans living in the, 30; 
on the breeding of mammals inthe, 31; on some 
Reptiles transmitted by G. Wilks to the, 31; 
remarks on two species of mammals described 
from specimens living in the, 33; on the breed- 
ing of birds in the, 33; arrival of two newly 
described species of Phasianide at the, 34; on 
the ‘register of animals”’ kept at the, 36; on the 
Axolotls in the, 36; on the birth of a Hippopot- 
amus in the, 36, 39; on rare or little-known 
species of mammalia in the, 36,45; on rare or 
little-known species of birds in the, 36; on rare 
or little-known species of reptiles in the, 37; 
on the Deer now or lately living in the, 38; 
New Zealand animals at the, 38; addition of 
a female Sumatran Rhinoceros to the, 38; ad- 
ditional notes on new or little-known animals 
in the, 39; arrival of a Javan Rhinoceros at 
the, 43; remarks on Casuarius westermanni in 
the, 43; further remarks on the Cassowaries 
in the, 44,47; on the Curassows now or lately 
living in the, 46; list of Indian animals de- 
posited by the Prince of Wales in the, 47; 
exhibition of a drawing ot a Fruit Pigeon in 
the, 47; onthe Rhinoceroses now or lately living 
in the, 48; on young Anacondas born in the, 49; 
remarks on living examples of Ciconiaepiscopus 
and OC. maguari in the, 51; notice of some Hy- 
brid Monkeys in the, 51; on the breeding of the 


Sacred Ibis in the, 51; on the breeding of the 
Argus and other species of Pheasant in the, 52; 
on the dimensions and weight of the Indian 
Elephants in the, 52,55; supplementary notes 
on the Curassows living in the, 51,53; descrip- 
tion of a new species of Lemur in the, 54; illus- 
trations of new or rare animals in the, 55; 
exhibition of a drawing of a Tapir in the, 57; 
note on a specimen of Anas gibberifrons in the, 
57; remarks on the feeding of young Cormo- 
rants by their parents in the, 57; opening of 
Insect House in the, 56; reports on the Insect 
House in the, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61,62; remarks upon 
a Condor from Peru in the, 59; remarks on the 
opening of the new Reptile House in the, 59; 
on the increase in size and weight of the young 
African Elephant in the, 59; on the eggs of two 
species of Yestudinata laid in the, 60; on the 
death of a greater Vasa Parrot which had lived 
fifty-four years in the, 61; on the breeding of 
OCyanopolius cyanus in the, 61; exhibition of a 
specimen of Heterodactylus imbricatus in the, 61; 
exhibition of a specimen of Julodis finchiin the, 
61; on thespecies of Colius in the, 61; remarkson 
two specimens of North American Foxes in . 
the, 63; on the species of the genus Canis liv- 
ing in the, 64; on a specimen of the Leaf Insect 
living in the, 65; list of the Giraffes that have 
lived in the, 69; exhibition of two eggs of Oolius 
capensis laid in the, 70; on the breeding of mon- 
keys in the, 70; on the breeding of Otis tarda 
in the, 71; on Protopterus annectens in the, 72; 
on animals that have never been exhibited in 
e, 73. 

Zoological Society’s Proceedings, the dates of 

issue of the early volumes of the, 70. 

YA) od Segal SD ib) DD) eb, Se 



Guide to the Gardens of the Zoological 
Society of London, 48th edition, 8vo, 
London, 1896. 


The Book of Antelopes. By P. L. 
Sclater, M. A., F. R. S., and Oldfield 
Thomas, F.Z.8.,F. R.G.S. Illustrated 
by Joseph Wolf, F. Z. S., and J. Smit. 
Parts II-IV, pp. 59-220, pls. vii-xxiv 
(1895), and Part V, pp. 1-92, pls. xxv-xxxi 
(1896), 4to, London, 1895-96. 

Part II contains figures and descriptions of 
Damaliseus korrigun, D. pygargus, D. albifrons, 
D. lunatus, Connocheetes taurinus, and C. gnu, and 
descriptions of Damaliscus tiang, D. jimela, and 
Connochetes albojubatus. The last mentioned 
species, previously recognized as a subspecies, is 
given specific rank. 

Part III contains figures and descriptions of 
Cephalophus sylvicultrix (2 figures), C. jentinki, 
C. natalensis, U. harveyi, OC. nigrifrons, C. dorsalis, 
C. ogilbyi, and C. rujilatus,.and descriptions of 
C. spadixz, CO. leucogaster, and C. caliipygus. 

Part IV contains figures and descriptions of 
Cephalophus dorie, CO. niger, C. maxwelli, C. mon- 
ticola, C. coronatus, C. abyssinicus, C. grimmi, and 
Tetraceros quadricornis, and descriptions of C. 
melanorheus, and OC. cequatorialis. This part con- 
cludes the first volume, and a temporary title- 
page and contents are issued with it. 

Part V contains descriptions of Oreotragus sal- 
tator, Ourebia scoparia, O. hastata, O.nigricaudata, 
O. montana, O. haggardi, Raphicerus melanotis, 
R. campestris, R.neumanni, Nesotragusmoschatus, 
N. livingstonianus, Neotragus pygmeus, Madoqua 
saltiana, M. swaynei, M. phillipsi, M. damarensis, 
M. kirki, and M. qguentheri. The following species 
are figured: Ovreotragus saltator, Ourebia nigri- 
caudata, Raphicerus melanotis, R. campestris, 
Nesotragus moschatus, Neotragus pygmeeus, Ma- 
doqua saltiana, M. phillipsi, and WM. guenthert. 

Each of the five parts is illustrated with several 
wood-cuts of the heads, horns, skulls, etc. 

[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in December, 1894. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1895, p. 1. 
[Remarks upon two Tapirs deposited 
in the Society’s Gardens by the Hon. W. 
Rothschild. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, p. 1. 

_ On the occurrence of the Barbary Sheep 
in Egypt. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, pp. 85, 86. 

Evidence is given of the occurrence in Egypt of 
Ovis tragelaphus. 

Note on the Breeding of the Surinam 
Water-Toad (Pipa surinamensis) in the 
Society’s Reptile House. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, pp. 86-88. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in January, 1895. ] ; 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, p. 89. 
[Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in April, 1895. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1865, pp. 337, 338. 
- 1248 
{Remarks on the Pacifie Rat (Mus exu- 
lans). | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, p. 338. 

Exhibition of and notes on specimens which 
had been obtained on Sunday Island, Kermadec 


[Remarks upon the Zoological Institu- 
tions which Mr. Sclater had recently 
visited in Egypt. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, pp. 400, 401. 

[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menagerie in May, 1895. ] 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, pp. 520, 521. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
head of a Barbary Sheep from Egypt. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, p. 521. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
skin of a Humming Bird (Anthocephala 
berlepschi) from Colombia. ] 

Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, p. 521. 



[Exhibition of and remarks upon the 
skin and skull of a Loder’s Gazelle (Ga- 
zella loderi) from Egypt. } 
Proc. Zool. Soe, London, 1895, pp. 522, 523. 
. 1254 
[On the additions to the Society’s Me- 
nagerie in June, July, August, and Sep- 
tember, 1895. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, pp. 686, 687. 
{Remarks on the Principal Animals 
noticed in the Jardin d’ Acclimatation 
and Jardin des Plantes, Paris, during a 
recent visit. | 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1895, p. 688. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon a 
Zebra from the Henga Country, British 
Central Africa. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1895, pp. 688-690. 
[Exhibition of and remarks upon a pair 
of Horus of « male Livingstone’s Eland 
offered to the Society by Sir Henry H. 
Johnston, Kk. C. B.] 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1895, pp. 690, 691. 
The skull and horns of the Antelope (Oreas 
canna livingstonii) are figured in the text. 
[Report on the additions to the Me- 
nagerie in October and November, 1895. ] 
Proce. Zool Soe. London, 1895, p. 827. 


[Exhibition of and remarks upon the | 

head of an Antelope from British East 
Arrica. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1895, pp. 868-870. 

Cobus thomasi is remarked upon and the head 
figured in the text. 

The ‘‘Scomber-scomber” Principle. 
Ibis, 1895, p. 168. 

Letter from a correspondent pointing out that 
the name of the so-called Scomber-scomber princi- 
ple probably originated in a printer’s error. 

The Bird Collection of Zurich. 
Ibis, 1895, pp. 168, 169. 

Observations on the collection of birds in the 

Polytechnicum of Zurich. 

Field Notes on the Birdsof the Estancia 
Sta. Elena, Argentine Republic. By A. H. 
Holland. With remarks by P. L. Selater. 

This, 1895, pp. 213-217. 
Remarks on 15 species of birds. 
On the Bower Bird recently described 

by Mr. C.W. De Vis as Cnemophilus marve. 

Ibis, 1895, pp. 348, 344, pl. vill. 
Remarks on and characters of the male and 
female of Cnemophilus marve; both sexes are 


[Exhibition of a pair of Darwin’s Tin- 
amou (Nothura darwin) from Patagonia. } 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, IV, p. xix (1895). 
[Extracts of letters received from Mr. 
Sclater on birds observed up the Nile, and 
on the mode of carriage of the legs in the 
Egyptian Kite. ] 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, IV, p. xxv (1895). 


[Abstract of an account of a tour up 
oe from Cairo to Wadi Halfeh and 

Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, IV, p. xxxi (1895). 


{Exhibition of skins of Falco richard- 
soni obtained in Larimer County, Colo.] 

Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, IV, p. xlii (1895). 

[Exhibition of a Nest and two Eggs of 
Ptyonoprogne obsoleta taken from the 
sinaller rock-temple of Abu Simbel, Up- 

| per Egypt. ] 

Bull. Brit. Orn. Olub, IV, p. xii (1895). 


(Chairman’s address on opening the 
fourth session of the British Ornitholo- 
gists’ Club, 1895. ] 

Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, V, pp. 1-4 (1895). 


{Remarks on aspecimen of the Spotted 
Redshank (Totanus fuscus) living in the 
Zoological Society’s Gardens. 

Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, V, p. v (1895). 

{Remarks on the death of Mr. Henry 

| Seebohm. ] 

Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, V, p.ix (1895). 

“« Dendrexetastes capitoides.” 
Nature, LIII, pp. 102, 103 (1895). 

Letter in reply to Dr. H. O. Forbes, respecting 
the typical specimen of Dendrexetastes capitoides 
in the Derby Museum. 


The ‘‘ Exposition de Madagascar” at 
the Jardin des Plantes. 

Natural Science, VII, pp. 251, 252. 

Note on a representative collection of the Mal- 
agasy fauna in the Musée d Histoire Naturelle, 


[Report on the additions to the So- 

ciety’s Menagerie in December, 1895. ] 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1896, p. 1. 


[Report on the additions to the §So- 
ciety’s Menagerie in January, 1896. ] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1896, p. 212. 

OE  ————— 



[Report on the additions to the Society’s 
Menaverie in February, 1896. ] 
Proc. Zool. S c. London. 1896, pp. 303, 304. 


Remarks on the Divergencies between 
the ‘‘ Rules for Naming Animals ” of the 

German Zoological Society and the Strick- | 

landian Code of Nomenclature. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1896, pp. 306-322. 

[Remarks on the Prospectus of the new 
German Work, ‘‘ Das Thierreich.” 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1896, pp. 400, 401. 

{Report on the additions to the Socie- 
ty’s Menagerie in March, 1896. | 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1896, pp. 505, 506. 

Among the additions, special attention is drawn 
to a specimen of a young female gorilla. 
head and shoulders at the animal are figured in 
the text. 


The | 

[Exhibition of and remarks upon Nat- | 

ural-History specimens trom Myasaland 
sent home by Sir H. H. Johnston, K.C. B.] 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1896, p. 506. 

(Exhibition of and remarks upona pair 

of horns of the so-called Antelope trian- | 
| Africa. 

gularis. } 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1896, p. 506. 

These horns were supposed to be an abnormal 
pair of a female Eland. Oreas canna. 


On a collection of Birds from Mount 
Chiradzulu, in the Shiré Highlands, My- 
asaland. By Capt. G. E. Shelley, F. Z.S. 
With prefatory remarks by P. L. Sclater. 

Ibis, 1896, pp. 177, 184. 

Field Notes on the Birds of the Estan- 
cia Sta. Elena, Argentine Kepublic, Part 
Ill. By A. H. Holland. With remarks 

| by P. L. Selater. 

Ibis, 1896, pp. 315-318 

Remarks on 11 species of birds. Hapatocercus 

| hollandi is described as new, and its head, wing, 

and fout figured in the text. 
[Outlines of a scheme for a new general 
work on birds. ] 

Bull. Brit. Orn. 

Club, V, pp. xvii, xviii, 

[Exhibition of some bird skins sent 
from British Guiana by Mr. J. J. Quelch. | 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, V, p. xxiii (1896). 

{Remarks on the completion of the first 
volume of Captain Shelley’s ‘‘ Birds of 


Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, V, pp. xxiii, xxiv, 

Count von Géotzen’s Journey across 
Natural Science, 1X, pp. 58-60. 

A review of Count G. A. von Gétzen’s ‘‘ Durch 
Afrika von Ost nach West.’’ 


Ir Polat 
